* So eee! ON > v i Sie, b » ~~ wy ' * ‘ant ta: Sei Wh J \ r Li W Paty ‘ ara \ { 4 a i€ 2) ) my) Ae , Lene " weet sh , ; (iy vw Lh es , ed, y ; , Jf . } : View ‘ y q hie’ ; ‘ 7 \ ; hie ; 3 Way) ¢ t ty * i. hig “i Ae / / in i : a : ! ¢ [iy hy 1 i f 0 w ’ 4 1 ( ’ | va) { uy or J et fs A Ea <> é Sos i; C42 ee = as < Ewe a eas ea H Se eee A Tuhh Po Be a Mk ey ee m5 rer ret f aca 7, oY Ly alts: QUE) SS ISAC | (CiOheie le Ibs OR EVANGELION DA-MEPHARRESHE Digitized by the Internet Archive - in 2019 with funding from Princeton Theological Seminary Library https://archive.org/details/oldsyriacgospelsOOunse | _Dible : \ =e THE GLOGIUAL SENS mep) SYRIAC GOSPELS EVANGELION DA-MEPHARRESHE; ey Ge Wren OF TIE SINAT OR SYRO-ANTIOCHENE PALIMPSEST, PNOLUDINGS Hie LALEST ADDITIONS AND EMENDATIONS, WITH Berean AN I SPOOLS OE COKETONAN TEXT, CORROLORKATIONS PROMAIUIANYSOTHER’ MSS, "AND A LIST OF QUOTATIONS FROM ANCIENT AUTHORS. LICE y leaky IMG ON Tehs) SoMBT Is! AABN AS. Hon. D.D. (HEIDELBERG), LL.D. (ST. ANDREW’s), PH.D. (HALLE-WITTEMBERG). WITH FOUR FACSIMILES. COND ON: VV elele alee on, AN. Do NOR: GeAv ie 14, HENRIETTA STREET, COVENT GARDEN, MCMX, LONDON: NTED BY WILLIAM CLOWES AND SONS, LIMITED, DUKE STREET, STAMFORD STREET, S.E, PRI . 7 > OFS ape PREFACE INTRODUCTION CONTENTS. NOTES ON REMARKABLE PASSAGES BIBLIOGRAPHY a ApPENDIX [II.—List oF IMPORTANT OMISSIONS APPENDIX [I.—-LIST OF QUOTATIONS FROM SyRIAC FATHERS ... SoME AGREEMENTS APPENDIX ].—ADDENDA AND CORRIGENDA SM AUS G, Bil>, Ga BS aie: ABBREVIATIONS USED IN THE SIMILIA ERRATA APPENDIX IV.—CHANGES IN THE ENGLISH TRANSLATION APPENDIX V.—INDEX TO THE ARABIC DIATESSARON PACS IM ULES. SINAI PALIMPSEST: MATTHEW 1. I-17@_ ... ff ) ” MATTHEW xvVill. 9-21 CURETONIAN GOSPELS: LUKE xxi. 120-26a one ) 9? JOHN xiv, 21-23, 260-28 X1V XXXVIi xlvil 301 331 os 271 I—268, ssmyi—~ eee In pocket bP) , mole al _ ¥ eae = ey PREFACE. AFTER the publication of Dr. Burkitt’s valuable book, the Evangelzon da-Mepharreshe, in two volumes, it might seem as if a new edition of the Sinai Palimpsest text were not required. Dr. Burkitt's book is essentially an edition of the Curetonian. As such, it is very accurate, leaving little to be desired. But it can never supply the want of an edition of the Sinai text. The total absence in it of any enumeration of the Palimpsest folios shows that it was not compiled with such a purpose. The Sinai text deserves a better fate than to remain for any time in a position of subordination to the Cure- tonian, which, however interesting, is nevertheless its inferior both in antiquity and in purity. Many a little point in the older text has been lost sight of through its being either omitted or crowded too closely among the quotations from Aphraates, &c., quotations which sometimes resemble the Peshitta rather than the Old Syriac, and some- times vary considerably from both versions. In a few passages, more- over, Dr. Burkitt has declined to accept words which are distinctly apparent in the manuscript, preferring his own conjecture to my actual reading. I may instance Matt. xxvii. 43, Luke i. 15. My sixth visit to the Convent in 1906 gave me the opportunity of verifying these passages, and also of abolishing in many places the word “illegible,” which has been used oftener than is necessary. Dr. Burkitt has not seen the manuscript since he transcribed about a third of its Gospel text in 1893. Many of his emendations, extracted from my photographs, are excellent, and his studies in the Syrian Fathers are beyond all praise. But, as I have said elsewhere, no amount of learning, skill, and conscientious care, can quite replace a study of the manuscript itself. dD il PREFACE To supply this need is the object of the present book. It may not say the final word, but I trust that by its help Syriac scholars who visit the lonely Monastery, either by camel or by aeroplane, may be enabled to find the place of every word they wish to verify without difficulty or delay. With this object I have placed a heavy black stroke at the end of every page, and two thin strokes at the end of every alternate column; also (and this is important) a small stroke at the end of every line. All conjectures about doubtful readings will have to conform to these limitations; for the lines, throughout the manuscript, are almost of equal length. I have to thank my dear twin sister, Dr. Margaret Gibson, for revis- ing all the proof-sheets of this work, a service which her ever-increasing acquaintance with the Syriac language has enabled her to render more efficiently than she could do in 189s, when I made my transcript from the Palimpsest under the title of Some Pages of the Four Gospels Retranscribed from the Sinaitic Palimpsest. 1 can never forget the kindness with which, in 1892, she turned from her own study of Greek MSS. to help me in the work of photographing the Palimpsest, and in overcoming the mechanical difficulties with which I had then to struggle. I have likewise to thank Dr. Nestle, of Maulbronn, for assistance in proof-correcting, and for several valuable suggestions. Also the Reader and Printers of Messrs. Gilbert and Rivington (now Messrs. William Clowes and Sons), for their careful attention to a work whose printing has lasted for nearly six years. INTRODUCTION. Discovery and Transcription of the Gospel Text. THE story of how I discovered the Syriac Palimpsest of the Four Gospels in the Convent of St. Catherine on Mount Sinai in February, 1892, how its text was recognized as being “the Curetonian”’ by the late Professor Bensly and Dr. Burkitt when I submitted more than a dozen of my 400 photographs of it to the latter on July 15th of the same year, and how four-fifths of it were tran- scribed by these two gentlemen and by Dr. Rendel Harris from the manuscript itself in 1893, has been already told in my Introduction to the edttio princeps published by the Syndics of the Cambridge University Press in 1894. There is therefore no necessity for me to recapitulate it, especially as the said Introduc- tion was submitted for approval to Mrs. Bensly, Dr. Harris, and Dr. Burkitt, and is consequently a reliable and final statement of the facts. To the text, as copied from the MS., Dr. Burkitt added some gleanings from my photographs. But these were not sufficient to prevent the appearance of many gaps, varying in size from a whole or a half page to the space of a single word in passages which had baffled the sight or the ingenuity of the transcribers, In a subsequent visit to the Monastery in 1895, accompanied, as on the first occasion, by my twin sister, Mrs. Gibson, I was enabled, with the help of the same re-agent which had been used in 1893, to fill up most of these dacunae, and thus bind together large portions of the already deciphered text, discovering at the same time several of those peculiar readings which make the Sinai Palimpsest unique among Biblical MSS. I published my transcription in a volume of 98 pages, entitled Some Pages of the Four Gospels Retranscribed from the Sinaitic Palimpsest. My own contribution to it was printed in blue ink, to distinguish it from the work of the original transcribers, which was in black. I had my fourth opportunity of examining the manuscript in 1897, when my sister and I went to Sinai chiefly in the interests of the Palestinian Syriac Lectionaries and of the dated Arabic MSS. I then made a few emendations and additions to the text, which I published in the Lfosztor (Fifth Series), vol. vi. pp. 111-119. By turning my photographs into lantern-slides, I have verified many passages in them with the aid of the electric lamp. vi INTRODUCTION III. Why has the Sinai Palimpsest, with the Codex Bobiensis (k), according to Dr. Burkitt (vol. ii. p. 261), an earlier text than Tatian in Matt. i. 25 ? The chief merit of the Sinai version, as of the Peshitta, is that it holds nearly the same relation to the Greek of the Gospels as the Septuagint does to the Hebrew of the Old Testament. It may not rival the authority of the oldest Greek codices, but_in not a few instances, such as Matt. ii. 2, John xiv. 1, it may make their meaning clearer ; and in others it may enshrine the record of an actual fact, preserved in the memory of some early disciple. Witness the “standing and speaking” of John iv. 27, which has come down to us also in the Armenian version of Ephraim’s Commentary on the Diatessaron. Peculiarities of the Text. Dr. Rendel Harris, in his article in the Contemporary Review for November, 1894, called attention to the fact that the text of the Sinai Palimpsest is “rich in omissions.” These include all passages which the textual critics of the nineteenth century have considered as doubtful, and all which the Revisers of the English New Testament have placed in brackets, or have omitted altogether.* It strengthens our reliance on the judgment of modern scholars when we find a translator of the second century in such close agreement with them. ‘The last twelve verses of St. Mark’s Gospel, which are certainly by a later hand, and the story of the woman taken in adultery (which, as the Ferrar group of Greek cursive MSS. has taught us, may possibly belong to the end of Luke xxi. instead of to John vii. 53-vili. 11), are, as might have been expected, absent. We find no mention of an angel at Gethsemane, nor of one at Bethesda ; for though the leaf which might have contained the latter is among the seventeen missing ones, considerations of space make us judge that there never was room for him. But this is not all. The number of short phrases which occur twice in other MSS. of the Gospels, but in the Sinai Palimpsest only once, led Dr. Frederick Blass to say that its text is almost a touchstone to determine what really belongs to each of the four Evangelists. Great as is the amount of matter common to the three Synoptists, scribes have, during their fourteen centuries of copying, done much to increase the mutual inter-dependence of these on each other. When a man was employed by some church or by some family to provide a copy of one Gospel for them, say of the Gospel according to Mark, and he knew that the people who were employing him could afford to pay for one only of our Lord’s biographies, he was greatly tempted to add to the narrative some picturesque detail from St. Matthew, from St. Luke, or from another page of St. * The only exceptions to this which I have noticed are e/kj in Matt. v. 22 and ioxupdv in Matt. xiv, 30, INTRODUCTION vil Mark himself. He was right from his point of view, for it was all Gospel, and all tended to edification ; but judged by our way of looking at things, he was quite wrong. We have an entirely different standard of literary taste ; we want to know exactly what each of the Evangelists wrote, preserved for us, so far as is possible, in his own words. I have therefore compiled a list of the chief phrases omitted, showing also the other places in which the Sinai text has them; and lastly, those other MSS. which agree with each particular omission. | The absence of one of our Lord’s characteristic sayings, “Father, forgive them, for they know not what they do,” cannot be explained in the same manner. It is found in Tatian’s Diatessaron; and there is much cogency in Dr. Hjelt’s contention that its non-existence in the Sinai text is a proof of the antiquity of that version ; because, he says, if it had been produced after the Diatessaron, the Syriac-speaking Church would never have submitted to the loss of so beautiful a passage, with which they were already familiar. We can account for its absence only on the supposition that it was quite unknown to the second-century Syrian translators. I shall be disappointed if, after a careful study of my list of omitted phrases, some readers are not struck by the fact, that the literary aA of the several Evangelists is really improved by their absence. This, I submit, is also the case in those transpositions which occur in Mark xvi. 3, 4, Luke i. 63, 64 and John xviii. 12-25. I have drawn attention to these in my Notes. The cause of their occurrence is, to those who are accustomed to handle ancient MSS., extremely simple. It is only that a copyist, having overlooked a phrase, on perceiving his error, wrote it on the margin, with a small asterisk or other sign near it, and another small sign in the text, to show where it ought to be ; and that the next copyist of his works did not understand the asterisks, and so inserted the phrase in the text, but in the wrong place. In the case of ancient Greek MSS. of the Bible, which were written in three or four columns, like the Vaticanus and the Sinaiticus, the margin was simply the space between the columns. John xviii. 24, has thus been transferred from its true place after v. 13 or v. 14 to the right hand instead of to the left. We can hardly blame those scribes of the second and third centuries, when we remember the great disadvan- tages under which they sometimes worked, perhaps wandering about in sheep- skins and goatskins, eluding all that the ingenuity of men and of devils could do to suppress them. Of the Old Latin MSS. whose agreements with the Sinai text I have cited, under the title of “Similia,’ there are fortunately good and trustworthy editions, with the exceptions of the Codex Vindobensis (i) and the Codex Aureus (aur.), A collation of the former was made for me in Vienna on Belsheim’s somewhat faulty edition by Dr, E. Kadlec, and the latter was thoroughly examined by my Vill INTRODUCTION sister, Mrs. Gibson, and myself during our visit to Stockholm in August 1908. I had already printed the text with its “Similia” down to Luke xi. 48, when I discovered to my consternation that Belsheim’s editions of Old Latin texts are not reliable. I therefore revised my work with the texts of Tischendorf, Sabatier, Buchanan, and others; and to avoid the awkwardness of a long list of errata, I have printed at the foot of all pages before p. 160, these cases in which another editor has read something different from Belsheim. In the Arabic Diatessaron I have often followed Ciasca’s Arabic text, rather than his Latin translation: and have thus brought it into perfect agreement with the Peshitta. I cannot pretend that I may not have made mistakes myself, or that I have not overlooked some variants for which a corroboration could have been found ; but I trust that my faults may be chiefly those of omission, and that I have stated nothing without doing my best to be sure of its absolute truth. Colophons of the Upper Script. The only materials we have for learning anything about the history of the manuscript are the colophons of the upper script, the Select Narratives of Holy Women, which were written above the Gospel text in the seventh or the eighth century. ‘These are four in number. I. The first is on f. 2” and is fairly legible, being written in red ink. Dots : Maar: war: ota: mls : Ls tz stakes Ca Da Sete a 2 oles > epahanws : pxete : to dusa : rune : pvc pheno : tza : Aan : wha: Whiach > mwloh : htm: dursals : Soha burton. : OLE sir : misal : tale: walaar mbsscalh ras By the strength of our Lord Jesus the Christ, the Son of the Living God, I begin, I the sinner, John the Recluse of Beth-Mari Kaddisha, to write select narratives about the holy women; first, the book of the Blessed Lady Thecla, disciple of Paul, the Blessed Apostle. My brethren, pray for me. Il. The second is on f. 165” between the Apology concerning the Faith, and the Book of Susan. I have been familiar with it from my photographs ever since 1892, and I believe that Professor Bensly copied it in 1893. Yet strangely INTRODUCTION 1X enough, I overlooked it when I published the Select Narratives as No. IX of Studia Sinattica in 1900, perhaps because it contains only one new thing, the name of Ma‘arrath Mesrin, and perhaps because I did not publish the Book of Susan, which follows it. II. >ezsasr : Swatla: Mtpala: tod: Susan > gle : rzlva : ted >oonast : taxa: dann Done ais : Sathaul © Wao: Whaoia : shaa mpi tor: ais: dana: Kata : maura 7 OCH : hota wks SIDS ae de. tL TIN >mhamiets : tan: Wn: or : ee: madurs > iad 2 Cams : De | Motor 2 at: ists Dann: Whams: Low: mhauics : Stax je 6 Re OSs Eine = Shes 6 REY 5 Renae) 2 oh BE) RR) 2 Ge eee 1 SEF ra lioal > eal Ais Din ee Ee SATS SITS whodbtea: Whim « * «x SKIS & cat15 ol > PALI Warm Drala : rco\.357 Drrnsarla : Modwnr ete TO) 2 ST: whalus > mists Dt) HP INA : Ama : WAM_wAa SPeEUIRCONipetede Os ere + ore); al “Praise be to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Ghost; who hath strengthened and helped His mean and feeble servant John; and he has written this book, for the profit of himself, and of his brethren, Andrew, and of every one who reads in it; that our Lord Jesus the Christ, the Holy Son, He who was with the Father without beginning in His Godhead, but (Who) in the latter times hath willed to become subject to a beginning in His manhood, took the likeness of a servant, and in everything was made like unto us, except in sin. Now may He, our Lord Jesus the Christ, God over all, give to the sinner, John the Recluse of Beth-Mari Qandin Kaddisha, of Ma‘arrath Mesrin the city, and to his brethren, and to » » +» + +» » »* »* a part and an inheritance in c ae INTRODUCTION the world that passeth not away; with all the saints who do His good pleasure; making them meet, God the Christ, for the sanctifying of faults, and the remission of sins, and the life everlasting, by the prayers of the prophets, and of the apostles, and of the martyrs, and the confessors, and the Lady Mary, the mother of God, yea, and Amen, and Amen.” III. The third is simply a list of the titles to the Select Narratives. IV. The final colophon, which is the most important, as containing the date of the upper script. Nine of its lines are at the foot of f. 181a@, and six at the top of f. 1815. The latter six were read by me in 1892, exactly as they are here printed ; except that at the end of the first line on f. 1816 I copied wan = nine, and concluded that the upper script of the MS. must belong to the seventh century A.D. Dr. Rendel Harris, reading it in 1893, pointed out that a hole occurs after - sas, and Dr. Burkitt read it as : Yaa, maintaining in the Expository Times and in my Appendix, that the word had only three letters, with a blank space between the third and fourth. The matter was finally settled when I examined the manuscript itself, on my fifth visit to Sinai, in 1902. It will be seen from the accompanying tracings by Dr. Gregory that the Alafs in XGa5. and in = Ssré: at the end of the fifth line in this colophon, are furnished with an extra stroke at the foot. This stroke was the chief cause of my reading a .3 in my photograph of the page, the wrinkle having caused the Alaf, already shorn of its horn, to lie partly on its side. The whole colophon is in black ink. INTRODUCTION hie dia : whaizh > im: wohas : mle 1193 MALS 2 aT : rloh : Mduisals : durtcoro Ria x WALLET: spin: wattan : Aids > @aMaAN : wary: SMeomeds shen: Suwapacs D Later R ton toon: seh : Yotet ised Da AMR : TMAH © aS 2 EAR wt rélarvwhs : tesssins : minds : imadldaa > Pos hes : pans : tmarciny : hasan das Ass wWhss : Wtimsasans : flwassa Mitaaon Oy 0 ie an ee ee So) Rut > dupa: ata wr : was : calwa : Rings | iin’ oso ain »t2 - aysa 2 maples o Chef, Sees maadin’s > Cates > elisa Spares 2 Oia 2 raqhals Ay > SR >: Gam > azsan : sas : Wen : Aw : ol = pe eS. Ader > eas Spies Dale : Jamal e *¥ * * We 2 Maas « « & tbat a a Geen 8 ene: DeaNan : tice 2 tle Sey oe hal. rahe « « « ihr ewe ee x srha : ale : hizs : Soha: er > older’ 6. 1816 wares > wacla : t> : asa : watsimales > TAN I rh: Oe At : qa: aio fie aU [ec | « *« *« « wp: arse: WON: pas : amma bf mah e & L WegpawO 2 NA 2 ok BON SOROS SoM Lm a « * * * Wi tM: Soda : han > rtalel aac 2 EAI: paca Se PS Feat IN ema “0: :O: 10: 10: ‘O: :O: 10: ‘Oo: 1O: Rim esha yamaha a pee en LON Gee a ao oe - f, 181a, 1. 4. f. 181b. xii INTRODUCTION III. Here endeth this book of the Select Narratives: first, of the blessed Thecla ; second, of Eugenia; third, of Pelagia; fourth, of Marinus; fifth, of Euphrosyne ; sixth, of Onesima; seventh, of Drusis; eighth, of Barbara; ninth, of Mary; tenth, of Irene ; eleventh, of Euphemia; twelfth, of Sophia; thirteenth, of Theodosia ; fourteenth, of Theodota; concerning the Faith; fifteenth, of Susan; sixteenth, of Cyprian and Justa ; seventeenth, verses about Paradise. IV. -& I, the mean one, and the sinner, John the Stylite, of Beth-Mari Qantn, the monastery of Ma‘arrath Mesrén, the city, (in) the district of Antioch,* by the mercy of God, I have written this book for the profit of myself, of my brethren, and of those who are neighbours to it; but because of (the love) of the Christ, I would persuade all those who (read) in it to pray for me the more (earnestly)... . . But whenever thou meetest with this book . . . concerning the sinner thy prayer. This book was finished in the year a thousand and nine[ty] of Alexander of Macedon, the son of Philip, in the month of Tammuz: on the third day of the week, at the . . hour of the day of the Baptism of our Lord Jesus the Christ. May .. . for the sinner who wrote this book . . . the multitude on the Right Hand. Amen, and Amen, and Amen. This is the Book of the Select Narratives about the Holy Women. With the decipherment of the fourth colophon, every probability that the ancient Gospel text was produced at Mount Sinai has for ever vanished. True, it may have been brought to an Antiochene monastery, from Egypt, from Mesopo- tamia, or from elsewhere, but old vellum was not likely to be a profitable export from the Arabian desert ; and it would be passing strange if the finished palim- psest was really returned to the very monastery whence its first-written pages had been carried at some period before the eighth century. The earliest of Syriac ver- sions was likely to be copied only where there was a native Syrian Church, and a seat of Syriac learning, such as was found at Antioch on the Orontes, or at Edessa. Rabbula, Bishop of Edessa, in the fifth century, issued a decree that a copy of the Separate Gospels should be read in every church instead of Tatian’s Diatessaron. This copy was probably the Peshitta, perhaps as revised by him- self.t for had it been the Old Syriac surely more than two specimens of the latter would have come down to the present day. The multiplication of copies of the Peshitta probably caused those of the Old Syriac to become obsolete, and fit only for the use of men like John the Stylite. The Diatessaron was perhaps written at Edessa, and there the Peshitta was revised. Now the Tales of Holy Women, which overlie the Gospels of our palimpsest, were certainly written near * I am sorry that Dr. C. R. Gregory has repeated my mistake in vol. iii. of his Texthritih. I corrected it first by requesting Dr. Burkitt to write part of Appendix viii. to Studia Sinaitica, no. ix., and afterwards by explaining it in the Exfository Times. 1 repeat that the word “Kaukab” was never read, even from the photograph; and it is curious that. Dr. Gregory himself traced ‘‘ Kura” for me, instead of it, from the MS. So hard is it for a mistake to die. 7 See Dr. William Wright on ‘Syriac Literature,’ in the Excyclopedia Britannica, p. 825. INTRODUCTION Xilt Antioch, and the last of them, Cyprian and Justa, has a distinctly Antiochene flavour, for there (as a reviewer in the Scotsman lately observed) its demon boasts of having ‘shaken the whole city, and overturned walls,’ alluding, doubtless, to the terrible earthquakes with which Antioch was visited in the first two centuries of our era. I may perhaps be mistaken, but I do not find it difficult to imagine that as the Peshitta was highly appreciated in Edessa, so the Old Syriac version may have been cherished in the older seat of Aramaic learning, in the town where the disciples were first called Christians. To those who believe, with Baethgen, Nestle, and Burkitt, that the Peshitta is the revision of the Old Syriac version.made by Bishop Rabbula of Edessa in the early part of the fifth century, it will be interesting to observe, that Rabbula speaks of his own teaching as “our simple word,” chara - rin (ed. Overbeck, p. 243). The question as to why God has allowed variants to creep into the early texts and versions of these sacred books must be a puzzling one to many minds. The answer may be that His work is not mechanical, like ours. Is it not possible that we have ourselves confounded the idea of inspiration with that of dictation? The latter would have meant the production of a text whose every letter might have been worshipped ; the former means that God put into the hearts of chosen men the desire to write what they knew for a certainty about His dealings with them, but that He left them at perfect liberty both to express and to transmit His meaning in their own way. NOTES ON REMARKABLE PASSAGES. Matt. i, 2. ,;a@aassea. My photograph of f. 824 shows the tail of a NG belonging to the upper script which might possibly hide a A of the under script beneath it. But a glance at the manuscript removes this suspicion. The first two letters nearly touch each other at two points; they are yellow, and are thus easily distinguished from the black w. There is no room for a stroke between them. No chemical has been required for this page. Matt. i. 16. “Joseph, to whom was betrothed Mary the Virgin, begat Jesus, who is called the Christ.” This remarkable reading is in flagrant contradiction to the statements in v. 18, “she was found with child of the Holy Ghost,” and in v. 20, “that which is begotten from her is of the Holy Ghost.” It may possibly have resulted, as Professor Burkitt thinks, from a mis-reading of the Ferrar text :— laxwB Sé éyévuncev Tov Iwond, @ myvnotevbetoa trapGevos Mapiap éyévynoev "Inooby Tov Neyomevovy Xpiotov. But even if it did so, it does not destroy the effect of the story told in vv. 18-24. On the first publication of this text, and even before it, several critics of the highest rank, including Dr. Rendel Harris, declared that this passage (Matt. 1. 16) must be the work of a heretic. I agree with Mr. Conybeare in thinking that such an one, had he made a change in the Ebionistic sense, would have gone further, and made a clean sweep of vv. 19, 20.* The genealogy is a purely official one, compiled for the purpose of showing forth our Lord’s claim to be a lineal descendant of David, through Joseph. This is clearly seen from the statement that Jehoram begat his own great-great- grandson Uzziah (Ozias) ; and the childless Jechonia his successor Shealtiel. It must not be forgotten that among Semitic people the habit prevails of reckoning the young children of a woman’s first husband to her second one. Joseph was the foster-father of our Lord, and it was therefore no suppression of the truth when the Virgin Mary said to her Son: “Thy father and I have sought Thee serrowing.” This mode of speech is quite in harmony with the habits of Eastern nations. We can see this from Dr. Robertson Smith’s Kinship and Marriage in Early Arabia :-— “I now proceed to show that the Arab idea of paternity is strictly correlated * Academy, Noy. 17th, 1894. ; i REMARKABLE PASSAGES XV to the conception just developed of the nature of the contract in marriage by purchase. A man is father of all the children of the woman by whom he has purchased the right to have offspring that shall be reckoned to be his own kin. This, as is well known, is the fundamental doctrine of Mohammedan law—e/- walad lt ’l-firash—the son is reckoned to the bed on which he is born,” p. 109. Again: “Ultimately, if a child is born in the tribe, of a woman brought in by contract of marriage, it was reckoned to the tribal stock as a matter of course, without inquiry as to its natural procreator,” p. 120. Again: “As there was no difference between an adopted and a real son before Islam, emancipated slaves appear in the genealogical lists without any note of explanation, just as if they had been pure Arabs,” p. 45. The same custom was not unknown to the Hindus. Sir Henry Maine says (Early Law and Customs, p. 90): “Next to the legitimate sons, as proper vehicles for spiritual blessing, the greater number of the ancient Hindu law- writers place the son of the wife, born during her marriage, but not necessarily of her husband.” Again, p. 98: “There are a number of fictitious affiliations which were of at least equal antiquity with Adoption. “These fictitious sons are called by Gautama (xxviii. 32) ‘the son born secretly, ‘the son of an unmarried damsel,’ ‘the son of a pregnant bride,’ and the son of a ‘twice married woman.’ It is sufficient to say of them that none of them are necessarily the sons of the father whom they are permitted to worship after his death, while some of them cannot possibly be his children. They are all, to use modern words, illegitimate or. adulterine offspring, but then they are all the offspring of women who are under the shelter of the household, or who are brought under it. These women are under the protection of its head; they belong to him, and the status of their children is settled by the well-known rule, which, in Roman law, would settle the status of a slave. “ Paternal power and protective power are inextricably blended together.” I am not quite satisfied, however, that this reading of Matt. i. 16 does depend on the Ferrar text. Verse 18 begins with Tov dé ’Incod (or Xpictod) 1) yéveots ovtws mv in all extant Greek MSS., and in our text with its Syriac equivalent PAM MAAM Maar et orto, and this ought surely to be rendered into English, “u¢ the birth of the Christ was on this wise.” The word “ But” points back to the very reading of our palimpsest in v. 16, or to something like it. If not, what can it mean? Our English translators seem to have felt its incongruity with the amended form of v. 16, when they represented the 6¢ by “Now.” “But” serves as a connecting link between the two sections vv. 1-16 and 18-25, and shows that though the genealogy may not have been actually composed by St. Matthew, he had it in his mind when he began to write his Gospel. “But of the Messiah the generation was as follows.” This, says Mr. XVI REMARKABLE PASSAGES Skipwith (Academy, Feb. 2nd, 1895), is contrasting it with that of His ancestors '¢ of the House of David. He was, according to the Comment, their heir, but not their progeny. Sé is translated “But” by our English Revisers in Matt. i. 20: “But when he thought on these things,” Matt. ii. 19, 22; ili. 7, 11, 12; iv. 4; v. 13, 19, 22, 28, 32, 33, 34, 37, 39, 44; also in. 148 other passages of the same Gospel.* How could Joseph have gratified his wish, “not to expose Mary,” unless our Lord had passed in common estimation for the son of Joseph? Some say that Joseph adopted the Child by naming Him. Matt. i. 18. Iam sorry to abolish Professor Burkitt’s e\ xx, but as it is neither in the Sinai manuscript nor the Curetonian, it does not belong to the Evangelion da-Mepharreshe. Matt. i. 20. Isho‘dad (ed. Gibson, p. 13 trans., or p. 20 text) says that the heretics made the expression “that which is born zz her” a ground for their attack on St. Matthew’s accuracy, alleging that he ought to have said, “that which is born from her.’’ These people would have been satisfied, had they known the text of the Old Syriac. Was the phrase altered to “in her” in the interests of orthodoxy ? or to “from her” to confound the heretics ? Matt. i. 20. The Sinat Codex here agrees with the majority of Greek mianuscripts in saying, “‘ Joseph, son of David, fear not to take Mary thy w7fe,” instead of “thy betrothed ” with the Curetonian. Dr. Baethgen, writing in 1885, considers that “thy betrothed” is a correction of the translator’s, and that it was not in the Greek original. The Sinai text shows it to be a change made after the translator’s time; probably by those who favoured the doctrine of the perpetual virginity of Mary.t Dr. Baethgen notices this tendency of the Cure- tonian in other places; specially in Luke ii. 48, where “we” is substituted for “ thy father and I” [have sought thee sorrowing]. Matt. i. 21. The words “She shall bear Zo thee a son,” taken in connection with v. 16, have been supposed to confirm the theory that this version is the work of a heretic. But the very same phrase is found in a sixth century MS. of the Protevangeltum Jacobt, now in my own possession, whose text I have published in Studia Sinaitica, No. xi. The chief object of that document is to support and illustrate the story of the perpetual virginity of our Lord’s mother. “ The whole cultus of Mary in the popish Church rests on this book,” says Professor Ewald. It is therefore evident that the word ea\ was used in its loose Semitic sense, and not in a logical Aryan one. he This was written before I had observed Dr. Burkitt's remarkable quotation from Bar- Salibi, (See Ev. da-Mepharreshe, vol. ii., p. 266; also my own letters in the Acadcmy for Dec. 29th 1894, p. 557, and the List of Quotations in this volume.) t Baethgen, Evangelienfragmente, pp. 31, 93. REMARKABLE PASSAGES XVil Matt. 11. 2 contains one of those readings which give to the Sinai text its great interest and value. “We have seen his star from the east” suggests to us that the star was in the west when the Magi saw it; and that the Greek text really means, “ We, being in the east, have seen his star.” Had the star been to the east of their home, it could hardly have guided them to Bethlehem. Matt. ii. 15. ww3AAXDS = da otowatos (Haatov tod mpodrrov) is certainly better than the xa>, dva yespos, of the Curetonian. Matt. ii. 16. Dr. Burkitt’s introduction of a & before ea\ would have been a real blot on the text, and I am glad to report that it is only a reflection from the upper script shining through a very thin leaf, Matt. iii. 16. Dr. Blass thinks that the omission of ev@ds before avé8n in this verse is a decided improvement; for in Mark i. Io the evdus really belongs to efdev, The word SamticOjva after tote adinoevy avrov in v.15 is also an improvement (7. B. J, p. 8). Matt. iv. 10. Dr. Merx points out that the expression widhmal An, imaye owicw cov, is a Syriac idiom, which has been corrupted in some Greek MSS. (CDL) into traye omiow pov, and was then re-translated, as in the Curetonian, into »weeaa\ Sy (Merx, Die vier kanonischen Evangelien, Part IL, Ist half, pp. 54-56). Matt. xvi. 23, where this idiom ought again to occur, is unfortunately on a lost leaf. . Matt. v. 24. éwi tod @vaiactnpiov does not seem so good a phrase as €umpoabev Tov Ovovaatyptov. I have found no corroboration of it elsewhere. Matt. v. 30 was in the Diatessaron (Moes., p. 66), yet it is omitted in this text. Matt. vi. 7. Dr. Blass points out (Zertkritesche Bemerkungen zu Matthaeus, p. 16, 17) that we have in this Sinai text a clear explanation of the word Sarta- Aoyjente. It is a hybrid word, such as often arises in the common speech of bilingual countries. Its first component part is the adjective A\s, which means “useless,” and is derived from a verb cognate to the Hebrew 202, aC sever, to leave off work, or cease.” It is most familiar to us in its Arabic form, Ji, applied at the present day to rubbish of all kinds. The second part of the word is from the Greek Aoyos. The Palestinian Syriac Lectionary divides the word in the same manner. The compound gives us a vivid idea as to the value of prayers unaccompanied by thought or feeling. It must have originally been spelt with two I’s at the end of the second syllable. Matt. ix. 6, x. 23, xi. 19, xii. 8, 32, 40, xili. 37, 41, xvi. 13, segg. An opinion is widely held, especially since the publication of Lietzmann’s Der Menschensohn, that the phrase 0 vids tod avOpwmoy, “ the Son of Man,” as applied by our Lord to Himself in the Gospels, arose out of a misunderstanding by the Evangelists of the Syriac word ezito, “man.” Isho‘dad (ed. Gibson, p. 43") says that our ad XVili REMARKABLE PASSAGES Lord called Himself zien tz, and not Mz3ta. is the common Aramaic word for “man,” and it is the word used in Daniel vil. 13, but, so far as we know, it is never applied to our Lord asa title in any of the Syriac versions. Yet I have heard a Unitarian lecturer telling his audience that Mz1t2> is the phrase translated by 6 vids tod dvOpwrov. I should like to ask Dr. Estlin Carpenter, and all others who hold this view, a very simple question. If rzx3t>, and not the more stately Mz3ecN oMt>, stood in an Aramaic text, or was heard by the disciples from the lips of Jesus, and the disciples were so ignorant of Aramaic as to translate it by 4 vios tov avOpwrov, what was the Syriac word which they rendered by dv@pw7os? ‘Till that question is answered, their speculations appear, to me at least, to be entirely devoid of a foundation. Matt. ix. 24. masaxn am 329 is curious grammar, but it is corrobo- rated by my photograph of the page. Matt. xviii. 17. “But if he will not hear them, say it to the synagogue, and if he will not hear the synagogue,” etc. Our Lord’s recommendation to carry quarrels for settlement to the synagogue was quite natural and quite in accord- ance with the habits of the Jews in His day. It was equally natural that the word should have been changed at an early period to “church,” an assembly organized on the model of, and exercising some of the same functions as, the old Synagogue. Professor Burkitt draws attention to a case where “church” is used incorrectly for “synagogue,” the “church in the wilderness” of Acts vii. 38 (Ev, da-Meph., vol. ii., pp. 274, 275). Matt. xviil. 20 gives us the same reading as Codex Bezae: “For there are not two or three gathered together in my name, and I not amongst them.” Matt. xviii. 22, Perhaps our Lord meant by sax sar pasar ANS, “until seventy seven seven,” until an unlimited number of times, more than thou canst count. Matt. xx. 13. Here we have a reading which our Codex shares with L. Instead of ovyt dnrapiov auvepovnods po, “didst thou not agree with me for a penny?” it is ovyt dnvaptov cuvepovnca aot, “did I not agree with thee for a penny?” The difference is slight, but I submit that the latter reading is in harmony with the clause in verse 2, cuudavicas dé wera TOV épyaTav (or per’ avTov) €x Snrapiov THY Huépav, “and when he had agreed with the labourers for a penny a day.” The initiative in stating terms appears to have come from the householder. Matt. xx. 15. “Is it not lawful to do what I will in my house?” instead of with mine own. This reading was first observed by me when at Sinai in 1906; and it is that of Tatian’s Diatessaron, if we may judge from the quotation in REMARKABLE PASSAGES X1X Aucher's Latin translation of St. Ephraim’s Commentary, edited by Moesinger, p. 177, “ Aut non habeo potestatem, tn domo mea faciendi, quae volo?” * Matt. xx. 28. The interpolation which occurs here in the Cureton MS., and also in Codex Bezae, does not appear to be a valuable one, for it is evidently borrowed from Luke xiv. 8-11. It does not follow Matt. xx. 27, 28 in the Arabic Diatessaron. Matt. xx. 33. The Curetonian has here a remarkable variant. In answer to the question which our Lord put to the two blind men, ri @éXere Towjow byiv ; “What will ye that I shall do unto you?” they reply, xvpse, va dvoryOacuv ot opOarpoi nusyv cai Brérwpev oe, “ Lord, that our eyes may be opened, and that we may see Thee.” Something like this beautiful and suggestive reading is found also in the Arabic Diatessaron, in a passage from Mark x. 51, occurring just before Matt. xx. 34%. Possibly the accounts in Matthew and in Mark relate to the same incident, in spite of the discrepancy between the two blind men and the one. However that may be, if these sufferers really expressed a wish to look on our Lord’s face, we feel that they were not altogether unworthy of being healed, and we are grateful to the Syriac translator for preserving a record of the fact, and for the spiritual lesson which may be derived from {t.f Matt. xxi. 31. It seems strange to us to be told that “the last” did the will of his father. But the difficulty disappears when we see the arrange- ment of this parable preserved for us in the Ferrar group of Greek cursive MSS., which has been adopted by Dr. Nestle in the Bible Society’s Greek text. There the son who replied, “I go, Lord,’ and went not, takes pre- cedence of the son who said, “I will not,” but afterwards repented, and went. The Old Syriac version does not support this arrangement, but it preserves a relic of it in “the last.” The disturbing element of clerical carelessness must have crept into the Gospels at a very early period. I cannot help suspecting that the word éya, in v. 30 ($C DL fam") is a corruption of the Ferrar word t7dyw (in v. 29), also found in v. 30 of D. The first syllable of trdyw may have been contracted in a way which was not intelligible to a later scribe, and he may have tried to make sense of it by turning ayw into éyo. Matt. xxiii. 13. Prof. Burkitt remarks (Ev. da-M,, vol. i, p. 137), “in Syriac the same word, xsr<, is used for ‘to shut’ and to ‘hold.’” This is so also in Palestinian Syriac. As applied to a key, however, it evidently means “to hold.” If “the key” dropped out of the text, we can easily see how the verb would become “shut.” The verse presents us with a graphic description of the attitude of ambitious, unspiritual priests in all ages, holding the keys of the kingdom Y * Cf, Luke ii. 49: €v Trois Tov maTpds pov, t The leaf which should have contained this passage is missing from the Sinai Palimpsest. Boe REMARKABLE PASSAGES of heaven. Aphraates (Wright, p. 24s) has evidently quoted directly from the text of our palimpsest, and has been influenced by its reading of Matt. xvi. 19, to use the word sth, “doors.” “Hearken again, ye holders of the keys of the doors of heaven” (see p. 281). Matt. xxiv. 36. The phrase “neither the Son” is not found here, but in Mark xiii. 32. The Peshitta agrees in the omission, and so does Isho‘dad, who says (p. 160, ll. 5, 6), t5 laws «tor Tas) WADtIA LAIN BIIO ’) tmaw A oho aa. wes “It is right for us to know that Mark only says, ‘neither the Son knoweth,’ whilst Matthew does not say it.” Matt. xxiv. 43. dus et occurs also in the Curetonian in Matt. xx. 11. Matt. xxvii. 9. To the MSS. which omit ’Iepeuéov we must add the Greek Lectionary of the Gospels in Christ’s College, Cambridge, which is numbered 185 by Gregory, 222 by Scrivener, and 59 by Westcott-Hort. The lesson is twice repeated in that MS. On p. 649, 1.1, the word "Iepeuiou is inserted ; on page 702, |. 14, it is omitted. Matt. xxvii. 16,17. The reading of*the: Sinai\M3S.) Jesusebarme soos appears to Professor Burkitt to be the original one. For the reasons which have led him to this conclusion, sce Evangelion da-Mepharreshe, vol. ii., Da hee o Matt. xxvii. 56. ‘Mary the daughter of James,” is in agreement with Mark xv. 40, 47, xvi. 1, of this text, and with Mark xv. 47, xvi. 1, of the Pales- tinian Syriac Lectionary. As the Greek says only 7 tov "IaxwBou, it is much more likely that she was James’ daughter than his mother. His mother would, according to Oriental usage, have been designated as belonging to her husband, not to her son. Thus in Greece at the present day a man’s name is in the genitive case, so long as his father lives. When the father dies, the son’s name passes into the nominative case. A woman’s name is always in the genitive, first of her father’s name, then of her husband’s; never of her son’s. I therefore agree with the Old Syriac version of this passage, for the English one it cannot be. Matt. xxvii. 66. It is worthy of notice that in the Peshitta covatrwoia is translated by < 3-3 also, and in the Sinai text it is a3 a\son. Mark i. 21, 23, 28, 29, 30. In all these verses we find the word evOds occurring quite inappropriately. The Sinai MS. has it only ina suitable place, viz., in the last clause of v. 31, Kal evOus adjxev avtiv 6 muperds. It almost looks as if an early scribe had left it out at the right place, and would-be rectifiers had afterwards tried in a blundering way to restore it. Mark i. 29. The reading of the word was taro is doubtful. Dr. Rendel Harris read it in 1893 waryaeaa. It maybe so, but in that case a thick stroke of the upper writing cuts off the top of the xv, as may be clearly seen in my REMARKABLE PASSAGES XXI photograph. The surface of the page is damaged just where the first half of the word occurs, and in 1906 I read it wastarnxa or waIIAKNa. As I do not feel certain about this spelling, due in any case to a /apsus calami on the part of the fourth-century scribe, I have given to the word the benefit of two doubts. Dr. Rendel Harris may have seen something above the stroke of the upper script which crosses his wuz. In Mark iii. 18 (wastsare\a) we have an explanation of the mis-spelling. It is evident that the mum in wWastawx0 has simply been dropped; and Dr. Burkitt’s insertion of it near the end only makes it worse. Mark ii. 26. The omission of eri "ASiafap apysepéws removes an alleged difficulty. We have no ground for believing that Abiathar was high priest when he permitted David to eat the shew-bread. Mark iv. 1. Here dass is a better word than sails ; for our Lord must have gone down the bank from a village to enter the boat. Mark v.4. “And no man could bind him with chains, because he had broken many fetters and chains, and escaped, and no man could tame him.” This has twenty-four words, as against forty-seven of the English Revised Version. Mark viii. 25. I do not feel inclined to accept Prof. Burkitt's suggestion of m2 to fill the /acuna in this verse: first, because I saw asams in the MS. during my visit to Sinai in 1902; and secondly, because the repetition of tsa after an interval of only one word, though justified by the Greek text, is quite out of keeping with the general character of the Sinai Palimpsest. Mark viii. 31. Dr. Burkitt has drawn attention to a remarkable variant in this verse, “ And they will kill him, and the third day he will rise, and openly speak the word.’ It is supported by a similar reading in Codex Bobbiensis (k), “ez occtdt, et post tertium diem resurgere, et cum fiducta sermonem loguz,”’ and also in the Arabic version of the Diatessaron. This would imply a prophecy that our Lord would Himself preach publicly after His resurrection, a prophecy which has been fulfilled only through the agency of His disciples. But I think that the reading of the Greek MSS., “and He spake the word openly,” is a much better one. The imperfect tense of the verb, éXuXe, which they use, signifies that our Lord spoke publicly of His crucifixion and resurrection, not once, but several times. The variant might easily arise from a mistake on the part of some Syriac or Latin translator, who, finding no punctuation, no accents, and no separation of words in an uncial Greek MS, divided the sentence wrongly, and, wishing to make sense, added one letter, or even two, to éAaXe, so-as to make it into the infinitive é«AaAdety, which Dr. Burkitt has suggested as being probably the original form.* * Ev, da Mepharreshe, vol. ii., p. 240. XXil REMARKABLE PASSAGES Mark x. 50. “And he” (Timai Bar-Timai) “rose, and took up his garment, and came to Jesus.” This was at first supposed to arise from a misreading of azo\aBwv for aTvoBPakwov. But Dr. Burkitt has found émeBadov in the Ethiopic version and in the Greek minuscule 565 (Ev. da-Mepharreshe, vol. it., p. 250). It is much more in accordance with the habits of Orientals, so far as I have observed them, to put on their upper garment (like Simon Peter in John xxi. 7) than to take it off when they are summoned into the presence of a superior. I have myself been made painfully aware of this when trying to photograph a picturesque group of Bedawin squatting on the sand. Whilst my sister and I were mounting our camera on its tripod, they occupied themselves in putting on their large goat’s-hair cloaks, and becoming respectably prosaic. Mark xiii. 2. J regret that I neglected to examine the word wt 1hzdh in the MS. on my sixth visit to Mount Sinai. But as the corresponding verse in Matt. xxiv. 2 has undoubtedly X+d&2d, and as the Greek is xatadvO7, I have judged it well to print the ¥ without a dot. Mark xiii. 20. eg aim ims, Tas Hyuépas exeivas, is in the direction of clearness. Mark xiii. 25, 27. I included the corrections of meals to whalis and of xt to oxy in Appendix I., having observed them in the MS. before I was aware that Prof. Burkitt had called attention to them in vol. ii., p. 284, having doubtless detected them in one of my photographs. Mark xiv. 9. Dr. Burkitt, following Dr. Merx, reads wan instead of 3-Ax with Dr. Harris in this verse. I failed to find a dot anywhere about the 4, so I have left it indeterminate. In Mark xiv. 14, Professor Burkitt has read an w at the end of waslns in my photograph; and I distinctly see an \ near its beginning. Mark xiv. 68. The words céut> watal, “to the outer court,” are more appropriate to the construction of an Eastern house than the Peshitta reading, is better grammar, I do not insist on it. Luke iii. 1. I think that the first reading of dhaiszaX\on is right, because I cannot see that there is space between the = and the ew for the four letters that are in SdharasaQ\ on. * Dr. Merx translates mata by “Bergflecken.” (Die vier kanonischen Evangeliens, last volume, p. 167.) XXIV REMARKABLE PASSAGES Luke iii. 5,6. “And the glory of the Lord shall be revealed, and all flesh shall see it together,’ almost with the Curetonian, but without its addition of “because the mouth of the Lord hath spoken,” both being nearer to Isa. xl. 5 than other manuscripts are. This is a very good instance for those who judge the Curetonian text to be an amplification of the Sinai one. In Luke iii. 9, the first word of f. 60a is probably reAs. There is room for a %, because the \ stands above the a of rane the word beneath it. The x has probably been rubbed away. Luke iii. 14. “Do violence to no man, and do injury to no man, \et your wages suffice for you” (with the Curetonian). This seems to me a better rendering than “be content with your wages.” Soldiers are not forbidden to ask higher wages from the Government; but they are exhorted not to supplement their wages by living at the expense of the people on whom they are quartered. I know from personal observation that this habit prevails in the Sultan’s army ; and no doubt it was equally common in the better paid Roman one. Luke iv. 29. The word w4a\ puzzled me greatly when I transcribed it The best explanation is given by Wellhausen, in the G. G. A. 1895, p. 4, that WA represents the Greek word d¢pvs, “brow.” The word eaaaldusa, “that they might hang him,” is said to have arisen from the Syrian translator mistaking xpnuvioas, “throw over a cliff,’ for xpeuacas, “hang.” This is, as Dr, Hjelt suggests, an indication that the version may be older than Tatian’s. Luke v. 26, 27. For my reading of tha am isa, it will be seen from my photograph of this page in the University Library, Cambridge, that th> is not at the beginning of a line. rdstat is Dr. Nestle’s suggestion. misma. isa contraction for “10 tssal sna. being so much better. Puke ix, 37. The reading Ma. amoa, e im ilia die is very important, and is supported by six Old Latin MSS.* It indicates that the episode of the boy possessed by an evil spirit may have taken place on the very day of the Transfiguration, in agreement with the scene depicted in Raphael’s celebrated picture of the Transfiguration. In Luke x. 1 and x. 17 the Curetonian text shows signs of an incomplete revision ; for the seventy-two disciples of v. 1 have dwindled to seventy in v. 17. Luke xi. 14 may possibly be the beginning of a fresh paragraph, as it is in the Curetonian MS. r 5 In Luke xi. 19, I think that I read an A at the end of JSasylaas. But as the form -pasylss appears twice elsewhere on the same page, I have not ventured to adopt it in the text. Of the letters in that verse which are not in brackets I feel certain. PumsiKkee X11.,2 3° AN is suggested by Prof. Burkitt in his edition of the Evangelion da-Mepharreshe. Vhere is certainly a word filling the space at the beginning of a line; and as N* L, boh. aeth. have we or wos, I think myself justified in adopting it. In Luke xi. 38, I read atsaadhe on my photograph. Luke xii. 27. “How they spin not, and weave not,” instead of “they toil not, neither do they spin” (with Codd. Bezae and Vercellensis, and the Cure- tonian). Here we detect in other MSS. the hand of a harmonizer, who has obviously tried to make the text of St. Luke agree with that of St. Matthew, and if we assume that this reading be the true one, he has, in so doing, obscured a very appropriate allusion to the sequence of those processes by which our clothes come into existence. I val mikeexiie t,o 0r, Burkitt reads Aaasa as the second word in this verse. But Dr. Gregory’s tracing shows ALSO There is absolutely no mistake about it. Luke xii. 46. Dr. Arnold Meyerf has pointed out that the verb used here and in Matt. xxiv. §1 in all the Syriac versions, pa/leg, has the primary meaning of “cut in pieces,” and the secondary one of “appoint to some one his portion.” = —— — * The Vulgate has “‘factum est autem in sequenti die.” Raphael and his disciples must have known this, yet they evidently preferred the “ Western reading.” T Jesu Muttersprache, p. 115. AS) XXVI1 REMARKABLE PASSAGES If we suppose that our Lord used it in the primary sense, the difficulty as. to how the man survived so trying a process becomes insoluble. But if we take it in the secondary one, we must assume that the evangelist, whilst investigating about all these things, and writing them down carefully in Greek. for the benefit of Theophilus, misunderstood a Syriac idiom by taking it too literally. The translation would then be: “and shall allot his portion, and shall place him [or it] with the unfaithful,” etc. In Luke xiii. 32, I read Mimas. instead of Dr. Harris’s and Prof. Burkitt's mamas. This word is in my photograph remarkably small; but I am certain that the almost perpendicular stroke before the final fis a zn, and is no Dalteolsthes—o. Luke xiv. 12. It is supposed that perhaps behind the Greek of this passage there lies a Semitic idiom, by which in the first limb of a sentence the negative is made stronger than the speaker really intended it to be, in order to make more positive the statement in the second limb. Thus the true translation would be, “When thou makest a supper, call not only thy friends,” etc. Our Lord, who attended so many social gatherings, did not surely intend to forbid hospitality to our equals as well as to our poorer neighbours. For examples of this idiom, which is very frequent in Arabic, see Jer. vii. 22, John xii. 44, and Dr. Hommel’s papers in The Expository Times for July and August 1900 (vol. xi., pp. 429, 439). Luke xvi. 6. Instead of “Take thy bond, and sit down quickly, and write fifty,’ we have, “And he” (z.e. the steward) “sat down quickly, and wrote them fifty.’ Also in v. 8, “and he sat down immediately [and] wrote them fourscore.” At a period of the world’s history when ordinary folk could not read, it seems more natural that the steward should do the writing himself. Luke xvi. 20. Lazarus is “a certain poor man,” instead of “a certain beggar.” And as such he seems more entitled to our respect. We begin to entertain a faint hope that the Charity Organization Society would not have improved him away. It is the same inv. 22. The Greek mrwyos may mean a beggar, but I have heard the Arabic equivalent of the Syriac meskin (Fr. mesquin) applied to a person who was simply unhappy. The Peshitta, the Palestinian Syriac, and the Coptic have the equivalent of pamper, the Curetonian being deficient. Some Old Latin MSS. have pauper and some mendicus. Luke xvi. 25. “Son” is omitted in the reply of Abraham. This may perhaps be significant. Luke xvii. 10. ‘So likewise ye, when ye shall have done all these things which are commanded you, say ye, ‘We are servants, what was our duty to do, we have done.’” The word “unprofitable” is here omitted. Dr. Blass has suggested that it crept into the Greek MSS. through the excessive humility of some ancient scribe. Good servants are never quite unprofitable, and this 5 7 * — = REMARKABLE PASSAGES XXVIII omission is full of hope for those who desire to be fellow-workers with Christ in the coming of His kingdom. eUKCe xXVily IT, mea linh, “to Galilee,” seems a better reading than alinia, walide toe Galilee?’ Luke xix. 22. “faithless servant,” instead of “thou wicked servant.” Luke xx. 28. There is in the MS., as shown by the photograph, so much space between dAhdur and »wase that I think Iam quite justified in assuming ano after Adu. Probably a touch of the re-agent would show it. iucce=< <3) Lhe little change which |] made, misc instead of mist, during my study of the MS. in 1902, I found confirmed after my return home by a quotation in Aphraates (Wright, p. 167, |. 13). Luke xxi. 38. aam amano is better translated by prazventebant or praeveniebal than by Mr. Gwilliam’s mane ventebant. Luke xxii. 17. The reading in f. 840, secundum consuetudinem, is the result, Dr. Nestle thinks, of a confusion either between xat étos and kar €é0os, or between <%ad, “a custom,’ and Warts as,-“a feast.” Luke xxiii. 30. Dr. Nestle has drawn my attention to the fact that the word for dpfovtae in this verse is equivalent to ap&eoGe—masculine in the Curetonian, but feminine in the Sinai text. As our Lord was addressing women, the latter is decidedly better. Luke xxiii. 39. The beautiful correspondence between the word rétas=, “saviour,” Ae by me in 1906, and ea mse, “save thyself,” is at once apparent. ads, “to-day,” is a suggestion of Dr. Rendel Harris’s, three only of its letters having been seen by me. I have been disappointed at finding no corroboration of this word in any other manuscript, but it is sufficient to observe that our Lord may have taken the word from the penitent thief’s own lips when He said (v. 43): “ To-day ”—r1ma.—“ thou shalt be with me in Paradise.” Luke xxiii. 39. o@cov ceavTov onmepov, A reading something like this is found in Codex Climaci of the Palestinian Syriac, in the parallel passage of Matthew xxvii. 40, WTA, AWA eV, THCOY ViV CEavUTOV. Luke xxiii. 43. Here there is a distinct difference between the Sinai text and the Curetonian one in the matter of punctuation. The Sinai text has: aunv got Aéyw, oruepov pet’ ew 0 éon. The Curetonian has: apiy cou Aeyw onwepov" jer’ €uod on. ‘The former agrces with Nestle’s text ; the latter is probably unique. Luke xxiv. 17. “ He said unto them, What are these words which ye talk of whilst ye are sad?” Here we have sixteen words instead of the twenty-four of the Revised Version (with the Curetonian and some Old Latin MSS.). John i. 13. The reading of the Curetonian in this verse appears to hover between gui nati sunt and gui natus est, gui being translated as plural and XXVIII REMARKABLE PASSAGES natus est as singular. Qui natus est, found in b and in several of the Fathers, has been rightly considered by Dr. Blass as a testimony to the Virgin-birth. “Out natus est” will be found in: Irenaeus, Coztra Haer., Book iii., cap. 19, Sec. 25 chiidem, capalonsccre: Augustine, Cozfess., Book vit., c. 9. Ambrose in Psalm xxxvil., p. 817. Tertullian, De Carne Christ1, xix. John i. 28. The Sinai MS. and the Curetonian both have here Beth‘abara, whilst the majority of Greek MSS. have Bethany; but they all appear to indicate the same place. Bethany, if spelt with an %, means “the house of a boat,” Beth‘abara “the house of a ford or ferry.” When the Jordan was full, after heavy rain, people crossed in a ferry-boat, and named the place Bethany ; when its water was low in summer, and they waded across, they named it Beth‘abara. , Patwin. 1895. Expository Times, January, pp. 157-161. Rev. G. H. Gwilliam. Lablet, Jan. 5. The Newly-Found Old Syriac Version of the Gospels. — Pelee f0Siio7 stheoeties, voli, pp. 1-10. Academy, Jan. 5, pp. 13-15. Sanday, Charles, Badham, Lewis, Farrar. idem, Jan. 12, pp. 34, 35. Conybeare. idem, Jan. 19, pp. 58, 59. Conybeare, Skipwith. _ icin mane 20,.) 62,6 oanday., badham, White, Rahlis. idem, Feb. 2, pp. 103-106.. Charles, Conybeare, Skipwith. idem, Feb. 16, pp. 149-151. Conybeare, Skipwith, Badham. iene coe 2p.al'72..) Cheyne. Toei) pill. 13) pp. 315, 360. Lewis. femme Diile27-6).350.) Lurner, .C. E. idem, May 18, p. 426. Lewis. idem, June 8, pp. 485-487. Badham. ideme|Uunewls 0.500, and: |une 20, p.547.. Conybeare. Church Times, Jan. 11. Review of Translation. Bible Society Reporter, Jan. 18. First Chapter of St. Matthew's Gospel. (Nottingham Tracts, Ill.) ‘Guy Hubert Skipwith. Theologisch Tudscrift, pp. 258-263. Die Oorspronkliche Lezing van Mt. i. 16. W.C. van Manen. Syrische Evangelienpalimpsest vom Sinai, von J. Wellhausen. Aus den Nachrichten der K. Gesellschaft der Wissenschaften zu Gottingen. pp. I-12. Texts and Studies, vol. iii., no. 3, pp. 75, 82. Euthaliania. J. Armitage Robinson. Theologisches Literaturblatt, Jan. 4, no. 1, pp. 1-5. Die syrische Evangelien- iibersetzung vom Sinai. Th. Zahn. idem es) anall, DO.2, pp. 17-21. fae alailo, 00. 3, Pp. 25-30. La Version Syriaque des Evangiles trouvée au Sinai. Le Pere A. Durand, S.J. (Paris: Victor Bétenoi.) Also “Ltudes Réligieuses, Jan. 15, tome Ixiv. xl BIBLIOGRAPHY Theologische Literaturzeitung, Feb. 16, no. 4, pp. 104, 105. Review of Translation. Nestle. Record, March 1. Review of Translation. idem, June 7, slettersirome@ne > lecwis: Cambridge Independent Press, April 3. Letter from Mrs. Gibson. Datly Chronicle, March 15, April 12, 18, May 16. The Romance of a Convent. | Revie Biblique, April, pp. 287, 288. Matt. i. 16. Church Quarterly Review, January, pp. 512-514. idem, April, pp. 102-132. The Text of the Syriac Gospels. Sunday School Times, p. 283. The New Syriac Gospel Text. Independent (381, 382), pp. 17, 18. Guardian, May 29. idem, Dec. 18. Tatian’s Diatessaron. Expository Limes, June, vi. a, p. 389. : Bulletin Critique, June 15, pp. 321-320. Review of Translation. A. L. (Loisy ?) Literarische Rundschau, July 1, 21st Year, no. 7, pp. 193-200. Der neuent- deckte syrische Evangelientext. Barbenhewer. Revue Biblique, July 1, pp. 401-411. Le Nouveau Manuscrit syriaque du Silla ba Meme ota ee: De Gids, Derda Deel, pp. 88-104. Een oudsyrische Vertaling. W. C. van Manen, Juli. New York Tribune, July 15. Review of Translation. lhe Church Review, p. 507. Reply. KCCOVd, A) UDCe7 an) UV AOC eile New York Indefendent, March 21. id€M; AUC 151s etic sl! Oni Vee mee wise Lhe Central Presbyterian, Nov. 20. Flournoy. Die Christliche Welt, pp. 607-610. Neue Funde aus alter Zeit. E. Prcuschen. Deutsche Lvangelische Kirchenzeitung, Dec. 28, pp. 477, 478. Matt i. 16, 1806. Lheologisches Literaturblatt, Jan. 3, no. 1; Jan. 10, no. 2. Neue Quellen- forschungen zur Diatessaron. Th. Zahn. Lhe Irish Ecclesiastical Record, January. A Codex of the Gospels lately found in Sinai. Very Rev. M. O. Riordan, D.D. Lhe Record, Jan. 14. Academy, Feb. 1: | Létter from |. Gs Gonybeare: idem, Feb. 8. Reply from Agnes S. Lewis. —_ BIBLIOGRAPHY xli Some Pages of the Four Gospels, Re-transcribed from the Sinaitic Palimpsest, with a Translation of the whole text, by Agnes Smith Lewis.* (eee Clady cceoons?) Athenaeum, pp. 94, 95. Review of “Some Pages.” Collatio Codicis Lewtstani Rescripti cum Codice Curetoniano. Albert Bonus, A.M. (Clarendon Press.) Clergyman’s Magazine, Third Series, vol. xi., pp. 355-363. The New Syriac Gospels. Rev. G. H. Gwilliam, B.D. Rivista Bibliografica Italiana, pp. 82-84. Glasgow Herald, April 2. Der neuentdeckte Codex Syrus-Sinatticus. Dr. Carl Holzhey. (Miinchen: Lentner.) Cambridge Review, May 28. Lheologische Literaturzeitung, June 6, pp. 316-318. Nestle. CCI eines, spA00, Kevyiew of “Some Pages.4,- F.-P. Badham, Christian World, July 2. Wochenschrift fiir Klassische Philologie, July 22, pp. 820-822. Hilgenfeld. Record, July 24. Melels NUS. 27, Revue Biblique, pp. 405-412. Review of “Some Pages” and of “ Collatio Codicis Lewisiani.” A. Durand, S.J. Church Review, Aug. 6. Review of “Some Pages.” ome loa Cmmen eply arom. >. lewis, Our fourney to Sinai, by Mrs. R. L. Bensly. (Religious Tract Society.) Cambridge Independent Press, Oct. 21. Mrs. Bensly’s “Our Journey to pinata Cambridge Review, pp. 348, 349. The Sinaitic Palimpsest. Academy, Oct. 24, p. 311. Matt. v. 14-16. W.|Taylor Smith. The Century Magazine, December, vol. liii., pp. 307-211. What Language did Christ speak? Agnes Smith Lewis. Cambridge Chronicle. Mrs. Bensly’s “ Our Journey to Sinai.” Cambridge Independent Press. idem. 1807. Die vier kanontschen Evangelien nach threm daltesten bekannten Texte, Ueber- setzung der syrischen im Sinaikloster gefundenen Palimpsesthandschrift. Von Adalbert Merx. (Berlin: Reimer.) * The Introductory Notes to this book were wrongly attributed to Mrs. Gibson by a writer in the Cambridge Review for May 28. Her signature to pages 143, 144 refers only to the column of ‘ Non-Corrigenda,” 1.e. to those words which she veritied for me after I was myself certain of them. Oo o xlit BIBLIOGRAPHY M’pharr’shi and Mphorash, by Dr. Charles Cutler Torrey. (American Oriental Scciety, vol. xviii. first half, pp. 176-182. January.) Berliner Philologische Wochenschrift, March 13, pp. 331-337. A. Hilgenfeld. Christliche Welt, Heft 51, pp. 1216-1220. Eine altkirchliche Evangelien- iibersetzung. E. Preuschen. Expositor, 5th series, vol. vi.. pp. 111-119. Theologische Literaturzeitung, Nov. 27, no. 24, p. 644. Berichtigung uber Merx’s “ Die vier kanonischen Evangelien.” Lewis. Light and Leading, January, vol. ii, no. 17, pp. 4-6. A. S. Lewis. 1898. In the Shadow of Sinat: A Story of Travel and Research from 1895 to 1897. By Agnes Smith Lewis. (Cambridge: Macmillan and Bowes.) Protestantische Monatshefte, pp. 354-300. Text und Auslegung von Johannes xxi. 15-17. Dr. Adalbert Merx. Preussische Jahrbicher, May 16, Band xcii., pp. 196, 197. Ueber die jiing- sten Entdeckungen auf dem Gebiete der altesten Kirchengeschichte. Adolf Harnack. Deutsche Literaturseitung, Sept. 24, no. 38, pp. 1452-1454. Review of Merx’s “ Die vier kanonischen Evangelien.” H. Hilgenfeld. Literarisches Zentralblatt fiir Deutschland, December 10, no. 49, pp. 1938- 1940. Idem. ? Protestantische Monatshefte, pp. 308-315. Der Alteste bekannte Text unserer vier Evangelien. Bernhard Schenkel. Or. Christ., iii., pp. 490-492. RK. Graffon. 1899. Revue Critique, 29. Lheologische Literaturzeitung, March 16, no. 6, pp. 176, 177. “In the Shadow of Sinai.” Nestle. Review of 1900. Expository Times, vol. xii, pp. 56-62, 115-119. What have we gained in the Sinaitic Palimpsest ? Expositor, 6th series, vol. i, pp. 415-421. Lextkritische Bemerkungen su Matthius, von D,. Dr. F. Blass. Beitrige zur Forderung christlicher Theologie. Heft 4. Vierter Jahrgang. (Giiters- loh: Druck yon C. Bertelsmann.) idem su Markus. BIBLIOGRAPHY x lilt American Journal of Semitic Languages and Literature, January, vol. xvi., pp. 110-123. A Collation of the Gospel Text of Aphraates with the Sinaitic, Curetonian, and Peshitta Text, by Dr. Julius A. Bewer. wousia. of Lhkeological Studies, vol. i., pp: 569-571... ‘Matt. xxi. 3. Pe Burkitt. I9OI, Journal of Theological Studies, vol. ii, pp. 111-113. Mark viii. 32. ee Creburkitt Literary Guide, January. The Readings in Luke iii. 23 and Matt. i. 16. Expository Limes, vol. Xil., pp. 200-209, 268-271, 359-361, 417-420, 445, 480, 518-520, 550, 551. idem, August. John viii. 57 in the Codex Vaticanus. Die altsyrische Evangelieniibersetzung und Tatians Diatessaron, untersucht von Pinu te bije|tee( leeipzio = |eichert.) Salz und Licht, pp. 22-25. Notwendigkeit und Wert der Textkritik des Neuen Testamentes. Vortrag von D. Dr. Friedrich Blass. (Barmen: Verlag der Wuppertaler Traktat-Gesellschaft.) Evangelium secundum Matthaeum, edidit Fridericus Blass, Praefatio. (Lipsiae: Teubner.) S. Ephrem’s Quotations from the Gospels. Burkitt. Texts and Studies, vol. vii., no. 2. London Quarterly Review, April, no. cxc., pp. 219-225. The Lower Criticism of the New Testament. Prof. Thomas Nicol, D.D. Athenaeum, May 25, p. 658. Review of Burkitt's “Two Lectures on the Gospels.” 1902. Die vier Kanonischen Evangelien nach threm dltesten bekannten Texte, von Adalbert Merx. Zweiter Teil, erste Halfte, Erlauterung. Das Evan- gelium Matthaeus. Theologische Literaturzettung, Jan. 4, no. 1, pp. 19-22. Review of Burkitt's “S, Ephrem’s Quotations from the Gospels,” von Dobschiitz. Expository Times, June, vol. xiii, pp. 405, 406. Lost Leaf. idem, February, pp. 236, 238, 334, 335. “Our Lord” in the Lewis Palim- psest. Albert Bonus. idem, pp. 283, 284, 382. J. Rendel Harris. Scotsman, June 2. Theologische Literatursettung, Sept. 13, no. 19, pp. 519-521. Review of Merx’s “Die vier kanonischen Evangelien mach ihrem Aaltesten be- kannten Texte.” Nestle. BIBLIOGRAPHY 1903. Theologische Literatursettung, Jan. 17, no. 2, pp. 45, 46. Review of Hjelt’s “Die altsyrische Evangelieniibersetzung und Tatians Diatessaron.” Nestle. Theologische Rundschau, p. 211. Joh. Weiss. idem, pp. 472-476. W. Bousset. idem, p. 606. Church Quarterly Review, April, no. iii., vol. lvi, pp. 143-171. The Earliest Versions of the Gospels in Syriac. Journal of Theological Studies, vol. iv., pp. 436-438. John i. 3,4. F.C. Burkitt. idem, p. 606. Reply by G. H. Gwilliam. re) Annales de Bibliographie Théologique, pp. 125 seq. Review of Merx, “Matthaeus.” G. Baldensperger. | 1904. Expository Times, vol. xvi. pp. 249-253. Review of the “Evangelion da-Mepharreshe.” Lewis. idem, p. 253. M. D. Gibson. idem, pp. 304-306. Reply by F. C. Burkitt. idenePPSA2 7420 mee a Om eewis: Ueber die Textkritik tm Neuen Testament. Ein Vortrag von D. Dr. Friedrich Blass” pp427,°28,939;140.0 (| belpzig- a ee ciclicr) Sunday School Times, Jan. 23, p. 48. idemmeleD 113 D102 aaa Gottingische Gelehrte Anzeigen, July, no. 7, pp. 527-546. Review of Merx’s Ss DIEAVICT eh Van Sellen eel eeiemeeloee erCuscicis Theologischer Literaturbericht, November, pp. 369-371. idem, iiber Matthaeus. J. Kogel. idem, pp. 254-265. Zwei Wege zum Fortschritt der neutestamentlichen Forschung. Paul Fiebig. T7mes, NCC.e20 a2 Yee) © MLL AOU 1905. Evangelion da-Mepharreshe. The Curetonian Version of the Four Gospels, with the readings of the Sinai Palimpsest and the early Syriac Patristic evidence, edited, collected, and arranged by F. Crawford Burkitt, M.A., University Lecturer in Palaeography. Two vols. (Cambridge: at the University Press.) i BIBLIOGRAPHY xlv Journal Astatique, Jan.—Feb., 183-190. Die vier kanonischen Evangelien, nach threm , ev ITvevpate ‘ A Kal TNPELTE A Fe b aA T@ OAKTUAW AUTOV Ov Kar (olay Tov eOr av € \ bd , € ESTOS EV TOTO AylW \ , nw nw aA Kal Koovtat Tacat at dural THs YAS oveé 6 Yids b aA e If laid eV Tals NMEPALS Tals paAAOV 6 Bac.ireds IMPORTANT OMISSIONS Omitted by fam.) e. Omitted by & Pesh. Diat. ar. Omitted by RX. @iiutteds pve Weleabectdiet titi / t iit Found in Luke x. 25. Gh ILD oh UNG @, r, aur, Diat. ar. “ Found in Mark xiii. 3. Omittedmbya@ 7a77. HOU MIHEICU MN 7. Omitted by L fam..g, Pesh. Found tn Mark xiii. 32. Omitted by Pesh. Found in Luke xvii. 26. Omitted by Pesh. Diat. ar. Omitted by a ff. found tn Matt. xxv. 34, Eévos Hunv Kalb ov cuInyayeTe be TOU AEyOMEVOU padynt av 0 Tids Tod avOparov 1 / EKELVNS Py A EXEL / Tani \ LooU ’ U > autos €oTLy evdéws ” apTt ol C€ apytepets yrevdo TAnV Uv found in John xi, 49 of the Sinai text. 0 avOpwiros éxetvos Omitted by Pesh. Diat. ar. Omitted by Pesh. Diat. ar. Omitted by A faz." a. Found in Mark xiv. 42. Found in Mark xiv. 44. Omitted by f. Found in Mark xiv. 55. Omitted by Pesh. Omitted by Pesh. XXVII. 8 0 aypos éxetvas Onuttedeby. belvan7.d: Found in Mark xiv. 21. Found wn Mark xiv. 39. Found in Matt. xxvi. 60. liv MatTT. XAVITI, XXVIII. Ik, 2H ai 23 2/ 28 28 29 30 31 32 32 34 APPENDIX SIE 9 “Iepewiov Omitted by Pesh. Diat. ar. Pal. Syr. 33,157 ab. Found tn Matin N17. 21 amo tav dv0 Omitted by c. 28 éxdvcavtes avtovy Omitted by B Dacd ff, q. 37 Tv aitiav avtov yeypapmevny Cf. Mark xv. 26. 37 obtés eatw Found in Luke xxiii. 38 of thenSiantern 50 maddy Omitted by L. SI ws xatw eis dv0 Found in Mark xv. 38. 56 ev als my 58 ToTE 2 mpoce\Owv 3 dAevxov Omitted by c ff, g, aur. Found in Mark xvi. 5. 4 éyevnOnoav 7 anTo Tov vexpav Omitted by Dabde ff, g,. Found in Matt. XKVU. O45 Cf. Malt XVil nO, Call 2 Oye eee eres ST VAR Ke Kai eiomopevovtat eis Kadhapvaovp' Cf. Luke iv. 31. evOvs Omitted by c. evdus ~Omittedaby A Gib bicdieisit, qutwaureuean cuventetv *evus Omitted by N fam. bce ffzqr. Hound in Mark i. 31 in the Sinat text. mavtaxoov Omitted by 8 A D fam." 565 cd ff, r, Pesh. *evOvs Omitted by Dcde ff, aur. Pesh.. Hound in Mark i. 31 in the Sinai text. | *evdvs Omitted by bc ff, qr, Pesh. Found in Mark i. 31 in the Stat text. Ths yeipos Omitted by Ddq Cf Matt. ix.25; Mark v. 41. "Owias b€ yevouevns Omitted by beq. Found in Matt. viii. 16. Kat Tovs datmoul wéevovs Found in Matt. viii. 16. Kaxas €yovtas totkirats vooos. Cf Matt. viii. 16; Luke iv. 40. * The word ev6vs occurs more appropriately in verse 31 in the Sinai Palimpsest ; see p. xx. MarkK iE Ink pil; IV. 38 42 43 23 23 26 27 COM COME ae \ane rk II 16 IMPORTANT OMISSIONS lv addkayod §=Omitted by A D fam! abcde f ff, q r, aur. Pesh. Diat. ar. am \Oev an’ adtod » Aérpa Found in Luke v. 13. evdus Omitted by Pesh. Diat.ar. Mound in Luke v. 13. np—uvto Omitted by Pesh. Found in Matt. xii. 1. odov movetv Omitted by Dbcde ff, it aur. emt ABialap apytepews Omitted by Dabde ffir, t. Kut ovy 0 avOpwios bia TO oaBBatov’ Omitted by Dacde ff, i. n xelp avtov Found in Luke vi. 10 (?). Kat avtov Omitted by be. nkonovlncev Omitted by Dacdeffjiqny. Found in Matt. iv. ONS kat ato THS “[dovupaias Omitted by & fam.) c. mAnGos motu Omitted by abc. Found in Mark iii. 7; Cie 2 One uke Vin 7: dTav avtov éGewpouy Kal émoujcev Tors dwdexa Omitted by ACD L fam. famB abc Gresisiiestciry ct aur..tesh, » found in Mark iii. -14. Gvectn 20.1.) Kat kat at Bracdynuiar Found in Matt. xii. 31. Kai ai aderXdai cov Omitted by 8 BC L fam.! 565 r, Pesh. xvkk@ Omitted by Pesh. wate Found in Matt. xiii. 2. | éyevero Omitted by Dbcde f ff, qr, aur. Pesh. OTrou OvK Elyev HV TOANY 8 avaBaivovta Kai Omouv omeipetas 0 AOyos Omitted by abcfqn. evGvs Omitted by fam.’ ouoiws Omitted by D fam.abcecd ff.iqr Pesh. ometpopevoe ound in Mark iv. 18. evOvs Omitted by Ded ff, iq. evdvs Omitted by B bc ei Pesh. éx tov pynuetwv Lound in Matt. viii. 28. Tas advoes Kal Tas Tédas Omitted by fam’ cqn,. ouvtetpipOat Omitted by cr. VI. APPENDIX: III. mo\Aa@ Omitted by Le. kata tov Kpnuvoo found in Matt. Vill. 32 59 -uenvillaee te Tov €axnxota Tov reyi@ra Omitted by Dbcdcef fhiqn. év T@ TAOiw Omitted by D fam. wadtw Omitted by Diat. ar. cai Hv Omitted by Dbcde f ff. moAAa Omitted by Dbcd ff, i q. pe, (Oyriineal yy Ilse a ein, iw iva cw0n Omitted by ce. Dicedrestinicd: iq aur. tauiveiecol: np—ato, Omitted by Dabcde ffy i. Kal éXeyev avrots roros Omitted by A.C D fama Tov uToxatw Omitted by Dabc eUKaipou 22 0 éav Gédns Kal MUOTEV AUTH OTL Edy we aiTnons dwcw oor Omitted by fam. ry. GE INGE EY GS SUMO SG, PE, brerd ifs i derautenesin df tigi q raur. © peta amovdns Omitted by Dabcd ff,iqr, aur. ntjnaato Omitted by D fam.'ab d ff, i qr, Pesh. Diat. ar. evOvs Omitted by c ff, i aur. o Baowwevs Omitted by D fam abcd f ff, iq aur. bJ A EXEL Kat mpondOev avtovs Omitted by D famiabe d ff, i. moka Omitted by c. Found in aypous Kat Found in Luke ix. 12. Mark iive2 > fiat sitios 0 6€ atroxp:Oeis Omitted by c Pesh. kat yvovtes Omitted by c. OULTOCLa CULTOCLA 39 xXAwpe@ Tous aptovs Omitted by & D fam. ets TO TEpavy Omitted by fam. q. Tept TeTapTHY hurakyny THS vUKTOS Atav Omitted by D fam. maebedstiostiquaecue Found in Matt. xiv. 22. Found in Matt. xiv. 25. €x Teptocov Omitted by N BL aur. Pesh. Diat. ar. Alav €k Tepiccov Omitted by af. a" IMPORTANT OMISSIONS vil MARK | VI. 55 eéxewnv Omitted by i. 55 npéavto 55 O7Ov KOVOY OTL éoTlr. Niet tives tay Omitted by Pesh. Diat. ar. 2 Kowvais 2 Tour’ éoty 2 mvyen w 4 adrgra 4 Kal yaXKiwv ] ’ , \ > a A A a \ f a y , 8 adevtes tHv €vto\nv TOU Ocod Kpateite THY Tapadiow TaV avOpaTrwV Wound in Mark vii, 9; cf. Matt, xv. 3. ; Q Kal Ereyev avtots II avOpwrros II 06 €otw Awpov Omitted by Pesh. Diat. ar. be 13 7) Taped@xarte’ PAeemakwe Omitted by A fuzz! cf Pesh. Diat. ar. 14 pov Omitted by &. 18 é€&wGev ound in Mark vii. 15. 19 es tov adespava Found in Matt. xv. 17. | 20 édeyev d6€ Omitted by Pesh. 21 gcwbev Found in Mark vii. 2 a 21 tav avfowrwry Omitted by fam. | 24 ‘“Exei@ev Omitted by abcin. Found in Mark x. i. | 25 «arr evdvs Omitted by A fam,’ n q. 25 mept avTov 25 mpos tovs todas Omitted by fam." b. | 26 T@ yevee Omitted by Pesh. Diat. ar. Zoe Nate emitted by D bcd fi,1. Pound 7m Matt. xv. 27. 28 amexpi0n Kal 28 Umoxutw THs TpaTegns 33 Kat tdotav 34 0 €atty AtavoiyOyte Omitted by Pesh. Diat. ar. 36 paddov 37 adadous i | M1il, 10 cvbvs Omitted by D bcd ff,1 k.r,. 14 et pn 15 ‘Opaie Omitted by D fam’abd fhikqn. 24 avaBrcyas Cf. Luke xviit. 41, 43. DASLOTE 24 oc Omitted by D fam.’ 565 abcd f ff,ikqr, Pesh. Diat. ar. 25 Kai ovéBreyev Omitted by Pesh. Diat. ar. 29 anokpiOeis Found in Matt. xvi. 10. Iviti MARK VIII. 35 WS APPENDIX IIL. éuod cab Omitted by Dabdikn. Found in Matt. x. 39, xvi. 25 ; LURE Ne 2A cia yvahers emi THS yhs ov dvvatat ovTws AevKavar Omitted by n. mas o Oydos Cf. Matt. xii. 23; Mark xi. 18 (dydos found in Mark ix. 14). adNaXov 23 durn t@® akaldptm Omitted by fam.’ Found in Luke ix. 42. kat aveatn Omitted by k Pesh. Diat. ar. éy tT) 00@ «=©9©O mitted by ADabdfig. Found in Mark ix. 33. év Omitted by D fam.’ bcd ff, iq Pesh. Found in Matt. xviii. 5. Kal 0s av éue déyntrar Omitted by k. Fount zn Luke ix. 48; of. AGGIES, OS, TS [Os ov« axoArovGet nutv] Omitted by 8 B C L f aur. Pesh. ‘Inaods Omitted by D fam.) ab d ff, 1k. padrxov Omitted by a Pesh. ets THY yeevvav Omitted by fam. Found in Matt. v. 30. Kat mpocedOovtes Pupicaion Omitted by Dabdk. Found in Witte, SObe Sb Pupicaio. Omitted by ffy. Kkticews Omitted by Dbd ff, k q Pesh. ém’ aviv? Omitted by fam.’ f Pesh. 4) amootepnans Omitted by Bt? fam.) depo Omitted by Pesh. Found in Matt. xix. 21; Luke xviii. 22 VO GPA SUES Sy vou Omitted by Dak q. mand Omitted by be Pesh. Diat. ar. pe Omittediby © fam /am7.. cl 1, Galt sLesnaviateam eis (67s) Omitted by fam. Found in Matt. xx. 21. 0 éym Bumtifouar Found in Mark x. 39. 0 ’Inoots ound in Matt. xx. 25. SoKOULTES \ ig / ’ le Ls ’ an Kal ol meyarot avt@y Kate~ovalagovow auT@v. mpocaitns Omitted by A © D jaga) avb erd ita q aur. Pesh Digtear SS XT. IMPORTANT OMISSIONS lix ‘Incod §=60Omitted by Lfikq aur. Pesh. ound in Luke xviii. 38. kat 0°Incods Found in Luke xviii. 42. Tl Toetre TOUTO; Omitted by fam} mahw Omitted by A C fam. fam.* abc f ff, 1k q aur. Pesh. éEw 6 Kat adjxav adtovs. andor S€ atiBadas, Koavtes ex Tav aypwv Omitted by i. Ch Matt, xxi. 8, yap Katéatpepev Omitted by Dk. Found in Matt. xxi. 12. avtois Omitted by B b. (0€ 24 Kab aiteicGe wa tavta woins Omitted by ab ffhikr, aur. Ch Luke xx. 2. mpos €avtovs Omitted by c Ch Matt. xxi. 25. kat atroxpievtes TO Incod Found tn Matt. xxi. 27. Kakelvov éxehartwoav kai ntimacay Cf. Luke xx. 11. Kal aNNOV amréaTELAEV” érs Omitted by 565 c aur. éoyatov Omitted by A. H uy) Somev Omitted by Dabcd ff, ir, aur. yuvaixa Omitted by ck Pesh. Sound in Luke xx. 33. Ove Omitted by a.cikr,. mpooeN wy avt@v avfntovvtwy, ecws Omitted by k Diat. ar. mwavtoy; Omitted by D famiabced ffgikq Diar. ar. aTroxp.lets autos found in Luke xx. 42. tov Bardrdovtwv Omitted by fam..abc ff, 1q aur. éx THS VaTepjaews avTns ound in Luke xxi. 4. drXov tov Biov avtAs Omitted by aur. Diar. ar. found in Luke xxi. 4. TOTATOL mavta; Omitted by k. npgato Omitted by Ddk n. Brérere O€ vets Eavtovs. Omitted by D fam.’ a d ff, in. XIV. XV. APPENDIX III. nyenovey Kal Found tn Matt. x. 18. Kugeos 18n Omitted by U al. Pesh. Sound in Matt. xxiv. 32. Bérerte Tov pupov Omitted by fam. ac. To pupov Omitted by ck Pesh. Found in John xii. 5. eravwa Omitted by ck. ev 8 éovev 21 0 avOpwros éxeivos AaBov ound in Matt. xxvi. 26; Luke xxii. 19. mavtes Cf. Matt, xxvi. 27. aXXG 29 adn 33. pet’ avtov pelvaTe @de Kal ypnyopette. Found in Matt. xxvi. 38. to Aowtrov §=@ Found in Matt. xxvi. 45. aTrEX EL evdus Omitted by D fam. acd ff, k q aur. Pesh. éeAC@y Omitted by D fam.’ 565 ac d ff, q Pesh. eri yuurov Omitted by fam.'ck. éow Omitted by D fam.ad g, k. Teos TO S@s Omitted by fam? Found in Like xxii. 56. eyrevdopaptupouv Mound in Mark xiv. 56. zoutov Omitted by D ff,. Found in John ii, 20 (obTos). Kal TepixadurTev Omitted by Dadf. Cf Luke xxii. 64. QUTOU TO TpOTwTrOV avty Omitted by fam. ff, Pesh, npEato Found in Matt. xxvi. 74. evOug Omitted by A C fam’ Found in John xviii. 27. evdvs; Omitted by ac aur. peta TOV OTacLacTaY Sedeuévos oitives ev TH oTAcEL ava Bas 8 xabas ol apxiepets Omitted by B fam.’ k. TapayovTa tomos Omitted by Pesh. Found in Matt, xxvii. 33. Tis Ti &pn Omitted by Dd ff, kn. Boy I. II. IMPORTANT OMISSIONS Ixi 29 ol Tapamropevomeror Lound in Matt. xxvii. 30. 33. ef’ OAnY tTHv ynv Found in Luke xxiii. 44; cf. Matt. xxvii. 45. 34 0 *Inaovs Omitted by Ddik. Found in Matt. xxvii. 46. 35 “Ide Omitted by C D d ff, k Pesh. 39 ©6e& évaytias 39 6 advOpwros Cf. Luke xxiii. 47. g 40 év als Kai Omitted by Pesh. Found in Matt. xxvii. 56. 42 Kai 7dn ovias yevouévns, Found in Matt. xxvii. 57. 42 €é7rel Hv TapacKeuy, 6 éotev TpocuBBatorv, Cf. Matt. xxvii. 62. 44 marae 2 Atay Omitted by Dedkn Pesh. 2 mpowt Omitted by c. 3 THs Ovpas Cf. Matt. xxvii. 60; Mark xv. 46. 8 amo TOU pINLELoU 8 Kal éxotacts 9-20 Omitted by 8&8 Bk. Says ioliky Q tov Kupiov 10 é& Omitted by beg. 12 Zayapias 16-38 MS. deficit. 48 idov’ 64 avedyOn d€ 10 oTOMa avTOv 65 wavta Ta 66 of axovaa pyuata Omitted by Pesh. Diat. ar. vres Omitted by e. 68 Kvpios Omitted by abc ff. ry. 7 éy T@ KaTadvpate 8 Hs vucros Cf. Matt. xiv. 25. 15 TO pha 17 toovtes Omitted by bce ff, r, aur. 18 vumT0 TOV TrOLWEVwY Ig ta pyuata Lound in Luke ii. §1. 20 Kal alvovvTes 20 mado. 25 toov Omitted by Dd Pesh. Diat. ar. € \ ” 25 Kal 0 avOpwros Le APPENDIX IIL jTept avtov Omitted by a Pesh. Diat. ar. éws Omitted by Dabcde ff, q r, aur. ey ™ Kapdia avtns Found in Like i. 19. ™MOev found in Mark i. 14, 39. év éavtois Omitted by abc ff, r, aur. Found in Matt. iii. 9. AtddaKare apyopevos Omitted by 124 ef Pesh. Diat.ar. Cf Matt. iv. 17.* tov Apvet Omitted by A Dabcdf ff. qr, aur. Pesh. 6 8ui8or0s Omitted by bfaur. Found in Luke iv. 3. katw Omitted by ac. Found in Matt. iv. 6. mote Lound in Matt. iv. 6. tov moda cov found in Matt. iv. 6. 6te Eipnrae 13 TavtTa 20 ot opOarmoi ev TH cvVaywy7 Natpav 29 avactavTes "Ea Omitted by Dabcdef ff, qr, aur. Kal NPWTNTAY GVTOV TeEpl avitns 39 Kal emiatas éTarw avTis OTL €1l TOUTO aTETTAaANV i8o) Omitted by Pesh. Diat.ar. Sound in Matt. viii. 2. kal énAncOncav doBov 3 avaotas found in Mark ii. 14. 0 0xXos isov Omitted by Dd Pesh. oval Upiv, Ol eutreTANTMEVOL VUV, OTL TELVATETE mavtes Qmitted by D Ld Pesh. Diat. ar. ol TatTépes avt@v Omitted by B. ound in Luke vi. 23. Kai yap Ol duapTwrol Tos ayaTraVTas avTOv; ayanoow Cf. Luke Vi. 33. metrtegjcevov Omitted by c Pesh. cecarevcvoyv Omitted by r, Diat. ar. KaTnptiopéevo; d€ TAS Egtat W; 0 diducKAadOS AUTO makw Qmitted by AC Dacdeif if, aur. Pesh, yap Omitted by Dabce ff, q aur. * Cf, Heer, Bibl Sid xvabandel 2a licens. t See Blass’ “ Philology of the Gospels,” pp. 207, 208. ———————S—S—— VIII. IX. IMPORTANT OMISSIONS Ixiii Omoies eottv = Cf. v. 47. 61a TO KAADS oixodoujncbat adtivy Omitted by f ff, aur. 6v0 ovdé euauTov HElwoa TpIs ae €\Oiv' Omitted by Dabcde nr. els Tov olkov Omitted by q. Kat eyévero Omitted by D d e Diat. ar. els tTnv éonuov found in Matt. xi. 7. aptov Omitted by D fam bcdedq. olvov Omitted by D fami bcdeq. isov Omitted by Pesh. Diat. ar. éX\al@ THY Keharyv pov 47 oot Knpvocwy kat Cf. Matt. iv. 23. Tov omopov avtod Omitted by c. Tov ovpavod Omitted by Dabde ff, q Pesh. Diat.ar. Ch Luke xiii. 10. auvpvetcas ai axavOar Cf. Matt. xiii. 7; Mark iv. 7. kat avnxy@noav Omitted by e Pesh. Diat. ar. Kal émavaarTo ot toovtes §=© Found in Matt. viii. 34. THs Teprywpou Omitted by Pesh. Diat. ar. meryarep fooumme@mitted by lcd Pesh, Diatvar. Tmapayphua ound in Mark v. 29 (ev0vs). Ort Moe ev Epijum ToT éeonev Found in Matt. xiv.15; Mark vi. 35. moet Omitted by ff, q. Found in Matt. xiv. 21; cf. John vi. 10. S00 Lound in Matt. xiv.19; Mark vi. 41. mpocevyouevoyv Omitted by Dacde. addrAa be OTe TpodynTns Tis TOY apxaiwy aveatn Cf. Mark viii. 28, tov Oeov Omitted by a. TpoS WavTa; xa’ nuéepay Omitted by C Dabcde ff, qn. isov Omitted by Pesh. Diat.ar, i¢cov Omitted by 8 D de Pesh. Diat. ar. év TAaTW 55 oatpadeis dé elt XII. APPENDIX. IIL ex THS TOAEWS UU@V Il vp cka@nuevoe Omitted by eq r, Pesh. ewe abetet* o 6€ éué aGetav abetet (homeeoteleuton) Omitted by Dabdein,. Tov atrootetAavtTa pe Omitted by D di. TAT AV pov Omitted by Dacd. Found in Matt. xi. 27. tis €otw (bis) Omitted by b. - kat totav Omitted by Dabecde ff, i-aur. idsov ~=Omitted by Dde. uToAaBwv Omitted by Pesh. Diat. ar. moAAnv Omitted by b ff 1. peptuvas Kal GopuvBaln wept woAXa Omitted by Dabde fhhin. orltywy o€ éativ yxpela 7) Evos. Omitted by Dabce ff, ir,. yap 8 dvactas. «Omitted by a1, Pesh; éxee Omitted by Daa, bde ff, iq. Mevotv Omitted by a a,b f ff, i qr, Pesh. Diat. ar. Tav avopav Omitted by C. ovdse uo Tov podvoy Omitted by L fam. Found in Matt. v. 15; Mark iv. 21, gov Omitted by fam.’ "Ev 6€ T@ AaHoat Omitted by D d. 0 6€ Pupicaios isov Omitted by Dabcde ff, i qr, aur. Niv Omitted by i. ws Omitted by Dabcd.eff,igr,. tots doptios Omitted by Dbddq. mpatov Omitted by be aur, Diat. ar. avd” wv 4 Weptaoortepov masa, ound in Matt. x. 30. o O€ dprnodpmevos me evoTioy Tav avOpwrwv anapynOicerat evwortov Tov ayyékov tou Ocov Omitted by e. Ch Mark viii. 38. mos 7 Omitted by r,. Omitted also in Matt. x. 19. ) peptatnvy Omitted by Ded. XIII. DLV. XV. IMPORTANT OMISSIONS cal duidsoesGe Omitted by Pesh. Diat. ar. Kal eiwev’ Totto Troujow Kat Ta aya8a pou Omitted by 8Dabcdefhiqn. Hiv eeecmitted) by,a\b cel 1. év Also in Matt. vi. 29. OUTWS o dpovipos Hound in Matt. xxiv. 45. 0 S0vA0s_ = Found in Matt. xxiv. 46. exetvos Omitted by Pesh. Diat. ar. Tomoas Omitted by L bce ff, i qr, Pesh. Diat. ar. diapueptaOijoovtat mas Omitted by Dede ff, o «pitns Omitted also tn Matt. v. 25. mavtes Omitted by ff,i Diat.ar. Found in Luke xiii. 3. isov Omitted by Pesh. Diat. ar. agGevelas 28 wuas bé éxBardopévous &&w. etaiv) Omitted by e. ob écovTae ®) vutvy §=Lound in Matt, xxiii. 38. isov Omitted by sah. Diat. ar. \ uo Twos Omitted by Dede ff, i aur. ut avrov Omitted by 8 DLabcd ff,iqr, Pesh. Diat. ar. ap—n Omitted by D e Pesh. Diat. ar. GplaToV 4) tau7a Omitted by Nef. TAVTES 24 pov 7» ov; Omitted by A. 5 evlews 7 €MEXOV TAS Ixv oe > / \ \ e A \ oo» >* 2 ; daTts ov Baactatfes TOV Gravpov EavTOD Kal EpYXETaL OTLTW Lov, Ov duvatat civai wou pabntyns. Omitted by M+R Tal. Cf Matt. x. 38. ap~wvrat Omitted by abc ff, iq Pesh. Diat. ar. xabicas Omitted by Pesh. Diat. ar. mavtes Omitted by bcq aur. Pesh, Diat. ar, avOpwmos XVil: XVII. 28 Br XVIIL. 4 XIX. 25 34 APPENDIX III. dpayunv Omitted by Dabcde ff,i qr, Pesh. Diat. ar. If[advep Omitted by N°. toyup2 Omitted by b ff, i. els Tovs Todas Omitted by e Pesh. 7A Oev EXATTOV ato avdpos Omitted by D d Pesh. AALTPAS 20 €lAK@MLEVOS els o€ Found in Matt. xviii. 15 of the Old Syriac; also in Dao cde f ff, ff, g,n qr, aur. Pesh. Diat. ar. o Kupios Omitted by Dabcde ff, iq Pesh. Diat. ar. ovyt Omitted by Diab c dicate iq sehechim iw itatsar qwavia Omitted by Nabde ffi,in, s. ax petot amnvrnoav Omitted by abce ff,iqs. Ovy ~ Omitted by Diab ctd’eitis 1d s;- eupeOnoav Omitted by bce ff, iq Pesh. Diat. ar. "Avaortas uldou™ Cf Matt, xxivee?: EpuTEevoV, wKodduour ouoiws Omitted by Pesh. Diat. ar. emt YpoOvov 15 cdovTes 21 TavTa elcehGeiv Omitted by ae ff, i Pesh. Touro Omitted by D famtabcdeffhiqr,. Found in Luke ix. 45. isov Omitted by Pesh. Diat. ar. eauty Omitted by Dabdeiqns. éyevero Omitted by Pesh. Diat. ar. AaBovta tTHhv Bacirelay Kat dedpo Found in Matt. xix. 21, in Greek MSS. Kat eimav avt® Kupie, éyer deca vas. Omitted by D 69 bde fry. eumpootev Omitted by Dacde ffir, s. éyevero Omitted by Pesh. Diat. ar. TO KaXovmevov Omitted by e. ound in Luke xxi. 37. LUKE OLX OX: XXI. XXII. 35 IMPORTANT OMISSIONS Ixvit ol Kuptou avtod §©@. Omitted _ by e. 33, 34 Tt Avere Tov TadoOY; of Sé cimay Omitted by D 063 de aur. 37 37 43 II 18 Cf. Mark xi. 5. non Omitted by Dade Pesh. Diat. ar. Suvaewv 39 Ttav Papicaiwv 42 vov oé éml oé kal tapeuBarodow Omitted by Pesh. Diat. ar. xapaxa Omitted by Pesh. Diat. ar. Eirov jyiv Omitted by NC. mpos éavtovs Cf. Matt. xxi. 25. yewpyot Omitted by Dacdeaur. Found in Matt. xxi. 35. Kat atyuadcavres Omitted by H a. mTpocéVero Omitted by Dde. Found in Luke xx. 11. mpos addAnrdovs Omitted by aeth. Ch Mark xii. 7. édevoetar kai Found in Mark xii. 9. ertav’ M1 yévorto. 28 éywv yuvaixa votepov Omitted by acei. Sound in Matt. xxii. 27. » yuvn obv Omitted by Nee ff,inry. yun; Omitted by fam fqaur. Pesh. Found in Matt. xxii. 28 ; Mark xii. 23. . ovTe yauotow Omitted by e. Mound in Matt. xxii. 30; Mark xii. 25. Kal viol ecoww Oecov Omitted by ace fhriny. yncav Omitted by ir,. Found in Mark xii. 42. exee Omitted by Dacde ff,ir, s aur. Pesh. Tore éXeyev avtois Omitted by Dade ff, ir, Pesh. ) avtemety Omitted by Dac ff, iq sr, Pesh. Diat. ar. tore Cf. Matt. xxiv. 16; Mark xiii. 14. émt THs ys Found in Luke xxi. 25. Kal mpocvokias Omitted by Pesh. Diat.ar. Brérovtes ad éavto@v Omitted by Dabcde f ff, iq r, aur. Pesh. Kadnp€. ous 30 Tavta kat eEwporoynoev Omitted by N Cabc ff, iq. Come iitted sby,2-c q Pesh: Ths apmédov Found in Matt, xxvi. 29; Mark xiv. 25. Ixviil LUKE O,G Oh Ze) 20 23 24 36 36 APPENDIX III. Kal TO TOTHPLOV WIAVTWS To Umép buov éxyvvvounevoyv Omitted by 063 abe. Cf Matt, xxvi. Ney MTA Sine, ile é€ a’tav Omitted by Dabde ff, iq. doxee Omitted by Dadfq Pesh. "Adr’a ~=Omitted by er, Pesh. Diat. ar. opoiws Kat Omitted by q. 43,44. @60n dé avT@ ayyedos aT’ olpavod évicxyiwv avTor. Kal ‘yevo- 52 52 €o 64 69 pevos ev aywvia éxtevéstepov TpoonviyeTo’ Kat éyéveTo 0 (Opas avtov cel OpouSor aiwatos KataBaivortes emt tTHv yHv. Omitted by A B fam. fam.” f. Incovs Omitted by D fam dei. Found in Matt. xxvi. 55 ; Mark xiv. 48. TOU lepov éTt Aadovvtos avtov Cf. Matt. xxvi. 47. exnp@tav Omitted by Dbdq Pesh. 7Hs Ovvapews Found in Matt. xxvi. 64; Mark xiv. 62. XXIII. 10-12 elotijKercav Fé of apxrepeEis Kai 01 ypamuatets EVTOVWS KaTNYOPOUVTES o7, 40 autov. efovevicas dé avtov 0 ‘Hpwddns ody tots otpatevuacwy avTov Kal é€uTatéas, meptPadrwv éoijTa awmpav avéeTeurpey avToV Tw ITethatw. éeyévovto d€ gidou 6 te ‘Hpwdns kat o Ieuatos év avthn tH Epa MET UAANAWY* TpovTHpKoVv yap ev EyOpa dvTEs TPOS aUTOUS. tov Omitted by Dd Diat. ar. ‘ aitiov Omitted by fam. a Found in Like xxiii. 4; cf John Vili kat t6ov «Omitted by Dd Diat.ar. 7 LV twa Omitted by L Pesh. Found in Mark xv. 21. eTéeOnKay avT@ toou . Omitted by Da bd e fiz ry Diat. ar. e. Omitted by L. 0 d€ “Inoovs EdXeyev' TaTep, Ades atTois' ov yap oldacww TI ToLovoLDY. Omitted by B Dabd., of0s mpoadéporvtes avt@ Cf. Matt. xxvii. 48; Mark xv. 36; John abe, Oley (2) atroxpieis Omitted by Pesh. Diat. ar. ag LUKE XXIII. 46 48 50 51 20 IMPORTANT OMISSIONS Ix1ix todTo O¢ eim@v Omitted by a. UTéegTpEepov tsov Omitted by Pesh. Diat. ar. Kal TH pater apopata Omitted by Dabcd ff, ound in Mark xvi. 1. Kvupiov Omitted by Dd f Pesh. Diat. ar. macw Omitted by X Pesh., Diat. ar. isod) «Omitted by Dde. eyevero Omitted by Pesh Diat. ar. autos Omitted by Dacde Diat.ar. Teptmatovvtas; Omitted by abce ff, r. kat éota@noav Omitted by A D fam. d ff, r, Pesh. €v TAiS NMEpAaLs TaAVTALS ; adda ye Kai ov Tao TobToLs Omitted by abc ff, aur. Pesh, Diat. ar. ajAa Omitted by abc ffo. e€éaTncayv nuas Omitted by Diat. ar. op8pwat Omitted by Pesh. Diat. ar. omtagiav 29 Kal KéxAiKev 6n 1) Hpméepa eyevero Omitted by Diat. ar. pet avt@v Omitted by Dde. @s éAader nuiv Omitted by abce ff, rj. [xai rovTo erry edeEev avdtois Tas yeipas Kal Tovs Todas.]| Omitted Dymo eet tina) ae GC). / 0/170 XX. 20, pov Omitted by & fam.'abcef ff. q aur. Pesh. Diat.ar. Found in Mark xiii. 31. | isov Omitted by 8 DLabcde ff, r, aur. Pesh. Diat. ar. éyéevero Omitted by Diat.ar. [xai avedépeto eis tov ovpavov.| Omitted by 8NDabdefh. Cf valk Teh, 1s [wpooxurycavtes avtov]| Omitted by Dabde ff. Des LOrLN: Kal @poroynaev Omitted by Ne. \ ’ ’ I Kal OVK pV1,0aTO Ixx JOHN Ik. IT. NODE. LY: 21 APPENDIX III. Ti ovv; Omitted by r,. od ‘HyXelas ei; Kab rAéyer OvK elmi. Kat np@Tyaav avtov Omitted by Nae. 6.a TOUTO év voatt. Found in Matt. iii. 11; Luke iti. 16. madkwv Omitted by er, Diat. ar. dvo 38 Ocacduevos avTovs axoXoovvtas év T® vouw Omitted by er. atrexptOnaav ovv Cf. Matt. xii. 38. Ps aA / ex TOV Papicaiwv tovtov Omitted also in Mark xiv. 58. Found in John ii. 20 (0070s). ovuv ot “Lovéatos a& ov tovets Omitted by faz.! avwHev Omitted by a. Found in John iii. 3. els Tov Koopov Omitted by e. 70n 18 tov Ocov Kal THY papTuplay avToD ovdels AapwBarer *Incovs Omitted by Pesh. Diat. ar. Kat Bamwriver \ X on U4 / 24 dua TO avtov YLU@MOKELY TAVTAS Gf Soni ites ovTws Omitted by fam.' abe ff, r; aur. Pesh. Diat. ar. yurakos Rapapeitioos ovans ; Kupte amexpiOn 9 yurn kat Omitted by r, Pesh. Diat. ar. YyuLn 25 ékelvos 28 tols avOpwrTrous IIvetpa 6 Ocos, cat tovs mpooKkuvovyvtas Omitted by G. 69, 131, 229. Ex THS TOAEWS 30 Kat ipxovto ot paOntar ound in John iv. 31. 0 “Inaovs moAA@ Omitted by q Pesh. Diat. ar. eis THY Tudstratav Found tn John iv. ‘43. TavTa fov Omitted by D fam.’ b de ff, r, Pesh. muritv Omitted by e Pesh. Diat. ar. mpoPatixn Omitted by ab ff, r, Pesh. Diat. ar, 31 bd A \ Ev 7@ petagu a IMPORTANT OMISSIONS Lal JOHN V. *7 6 aobevav 10 SaSB8atov éotw, Kat 12 npwrncav ator? Tis éativ 0 avIpwros 0 eimay cou Gaov Kal TEepiTateL; Omitted by IT b. 18 padrdXgov Omitted by e f. 20 épya Omitted by qo Ch John x. 32. 21 ovs Oénreu 25 ot akovaavtes Omitted by e. 28 épxetar wpa epyetas omitted by A. ound in John v. 25. 45 mpos tov Ilatépa VI. 10 o “Inaod; II Kat ék TaV OWapiwy dcov OeXov 13 & émepiccevoay Tots LeLpwoxdaw Cf. Matt. xv. 37; Luke ix. 17. 15 madty Omitted by E F G &c., Pesh. Diat. ar. IQ €lKoot 21 70crov ovv 22 0 €otnkas Tépav THs Oaradcons Cf. John vi. 25. 23 eyyvs | 23 €vxaptoTnoartos ToD Kupiov Omitted by Dade. 30. th épyatny; 31 dayetv 32 elmev otv avtois 6 “Inaots 35 0 Inaods 36 we Omitted by NAabeq. Found in John xX, 20. RymeceOum Omitted) by ND a b é: 39 Oe éotly TO OéXnwa Tod Téuryavtos we Omitted by C. Found in John vi. 38. 40 Oewpav 41 mept avrov Omitted by 69. 42 Kal thv pntépa Omitted by N b. 43 atexpiOn ’Inoovs Kai 47 aloviov found in John vi. 40. 51 tovrov Omitted by aer,. Found in John vi. 58. 60 axovoavtes Omitted by be. 61 éy éavT@ 61 epi Tovtov Omitted by e ff, aur. 64 Tlves eloly of wn TlaoTevortes Kab Omitted by e. * Vy. iv. 38-v. 5 are on a lost leaf. Vv. 30, 4 are absent from the Cureton MS., and the - Sinai one cannot have had space for them. VITIL. IX. APPENDIX III. els TA OTTLoW 67. ovv o ’Inavis 70 0 ‘Inaods ToUvs dwoeKa 71 = wwvos ‘ e/ vg Kal UTraye 6 €Tolmos mept avtod Found in John vi. 4l. tavta Omitted by D fam..abcde ff, aur. ol apxlepets Kat ot Papicatoe Omitted by be. Zntynoeté we Hound in John xiii. 33. , a U if eEoXUTH 40 TOV NOYwY TOUTwWY 40, 41 mpodyntns’ adrot EXeyov’ Odtds éotw Cf. Matt. xxi. 11; Mark 44 5O 51 51 52 14 20 29 34 35 39 44 AT oe 52 53 53 56 i) NN vi. 15; /ohn vi. 14. €& avTov 49 €maparot etow. cis ov €€ avtoy Omitted by e. NLOV mp@tov Omitted by ery. b) if \ atrexplOnoav Kat oloaTe didacxwy Omitted by 8. Found in John vii, 28. povov Omitted by e. Found in John viii. 16. Ths awaptias Omitted by D bd. peeves aTrexplOnaay Kat 39 6 ‘Inaods TOV TATPOS éx tov Geov) Found in John viii. 47 supra. Kat ot teopytar Hound in John viii. 53. els Tov aiava Omitted by Dbcd ff. Found in John viii. 51. Tov matpos Muay Omitted by Dabcde ff. Cf Johw iv. 12. datis améGavov Omitted by e. o tatnp vuov Lound in John viii. 39. *"Inaovs av@pwrov Omitted by b. A€eyovtes> Omitted by D dr, aur. Diat. ar. ‘PaBBet* annrGev otv Cf. John ix. 11. IMPORTANT OMISSIONS are IX. 8 70 mpotepov 8S KaOijwevos Kal 9 Ovyi, ad\rAa Omitted by ADacdeffi,q. Gf John vii. 12. Il éoinoev cat Omitted by a. Found -in John ix. 6. — | ome tous odGaruovs Omitted by bce ff, ry. 17 wadkw Omitted by Dabcd ff, aur. Found in John ix. 15. 17 Ott jvéewkév Gov Tovs ofGarpmous; ound in John ix. 26. 18 wept avtod Omitted by a. 18 xat aveBrever Omitted by Dbd. Cf. John ix. 15. 18 Tov avaBréartos Omitted by fam.abce ff, q r, aur. 1Q Kat npwTnaay avTous 21 avtov épwraate Omitted by Xb. Found in John ix. 23. 22mejoee Oinitted by Peshs Diat-ar. 23 “HXNuxtav éyee Found in John ix. 21. SyenouceseOmittedeby bic ¢ fi, aur. C7. \/ok2 vu 47. 30 yap Omitted byabc ff, q. 32 odOarpovs 34 atrexpiOncav Kai AI 0 “Inaovs : X. 6 tia tw @ édrdaXet adtots 8 «po ésov Omitted by Nabce f ff, q r, aur. Pesh. Diat. ar. Fi 12 Kat ovK ov Toueny Omitted by e. 18 kai é€ovctav éyw Found in John x. 18 supra. | 19 wdé\wv Omitted by D ff, Diat.ar. Cf John x. 31. | 21 6dbarous 22 tore Omitted by 8 A.D fam. abcde f ff.r, aur. Pesh. Diat. ar. 23 év tw tep@ = Cf. John viii. 20. 29 pov Omitted by Nabce ff, Diat. ar. 31 wattvy Omitted by Dabcde ff, r, aur. Diat.ar. Cf John x. 30. Btenoieiovcaro.. Cf. Join x. 24. Soeekana. omittedaby. 220 A \ a b} 3 , ti éuTpocbev avtTav dua TOUTO OVK HOWVAVTO TLaTEVELY ye 7 ‘“Hoaias 43 yap 50 ovTws éx Tov OeltVvou dots Omitted by ber. 6btt Ovyi mavies xafapot éote. Omitted by Dd. Cf. Jokn xiii. to. AAG Omitted by Pesh. Diat. ar. Kal Aeyes avUT® Omitted by A D fam.* der, Pesh. Diat. ar. ovtws Omitted by NA D fam.’ ade f ff, q r, Pesh. ATOKLUET AL AapBaver kat Omitted by 8 A D famiabcecde f ff, q r, aur. Pesh. Diat. ar. rote Omitted by 8 DLabcde ff, r, Diat. ar. Tav avaxewev@v Omitted by e. Cf Jokn xii. 2. @v ypelav Evomuev evOvs Omitted by e. (va Kal vpeis ayamate adAHAOUs. Omitted by ce. Sound vn Joh xiii. 34a. Kvpie Omitted by ® aur. torov Omitted by ae. Found in John xiv. 2. Ta pijpata & eyo NEYO Viv an’ EuavTOD GU aAO 6 6€ Ilatip év €“ol pévov Toll TA Epya avToU mioteveTée por OTL eym ev TO ITatpi xai o ITatnp ev evo Cf. John XIV. 10, XV. XVI. XVIT. ARE IGN DEX ALT, et 66 ur), Ota Ta Epya avta wertevete, Hound in John x. 38. cup TL AlTHTNTE WE eV T@ OvOMAaTL Mov, eyo Tomnsw. Omitted by Jai bit, Palo Syr.- found aie] Ohne xivenLs: ovy 0 Icxapiwtns Ela pos, st Cf a) O/( a Viilanl Onto mex AC TOy AYO! CO) 0) Oa eee vuiv ~=69Omitted by abce ff, r, aur. TONGA poov Omitted by Pesh. Diat. ar. Tov Aoyou 21 adda Kal TAVIa ToMjcovaw Ott ovK eyvwoav tov Ilarépa ovde ene. akrta Omitted by Dacde f ff, Pesh. Diat.ar, avray Qmitted by 8 D jaz sa cdi. arr Omitted by A Pesh. Diat. ar. olite exetvos Omitted by a Pesh. Diat.ar. Found in John xvi. 14. npiv éXeyov oty Omitted by Dabden. ovK oldapev TL AAAE Bom. Té WANS eT GAANAWY ért Omitted by q aur. Pesh. Diat. ar. ovdev OUKETL EV Trapotmiats NaAnow vyiv, Cf John xvi. 25 supra. €&yXOov é€x tov Ilatpos Omitted by Dbd ffir. Ch John xvi. 27. apinul TOV KOoLOV 33 Ui Tapa got Omitted by f aur. @ dédwxds gol, tra wow év Kabas hucis Omitted by abce ff, ry. Found in John xvii. 22, 24. @O §ide0«as ot Omitted by N. Found in John xvii. 24. Kat epvriaka Ka%ws €ya OvK ei ex TOD KGopov Omitted by Dbcder,. Found in John xvit. 16. ets eué Found in John xii. 44, 46, xiv. 1, 12. TH” €uiv Omitted by Dd. IMPORTANT OMISSIONS Ixxvil XVIII. 3) xat 67Awv 5 0 mapatidovs avtov found in John xviii. 2. 8 TovTous Q . ovdéva 10 éywv 12. ovvéd\aBov tov FE eet Cf. Luke xxii. 54. 15 Hxorovder d€ ta *Lnood 15 0 6€ pabnrns éxetvos rv 15 Tov upytepews Omitted by Pesh. Diat.ar. Found in Luke xxii. 54. 17 éxetros Omitted by c ff, Pesh. Found in John xviii. 25. 23 Et xax@s .. . . paptupnooy Tmept TOD Kakov et Oé€ 29 é€& Omitted by Aq. found in HEED oS Oe XIX. 41 dou éstavpx6n Omitted by 106. Found in John xix. 20. 42 éxet ovv dia thy Hlapackevny tov Iovéaiwy Cf. John xix. 31. 42 OT eyyvs NV TO pYNpeEtov MX. 2 addroy found in John xviii. 15. 4 OL0v 4 addrkgos Omitted by Na Pesh. Diat.ar. Found in John xviii. 15. 4 tTayiov Omitted by Pesh. Diat. ar. Mea pUTosemaiiitted= by C2) C7." /oln xx. 8: 6 axorovlayv avtw Omitted by a Diat.ar. 6 els To pynuetcov Found in John xx. 3, 4. 6 xKelueva Sound in John xx. 5. 7 éni THS Keparts avTov, ov peta T@V OFwviwv Omitted by a. Vegun Gee Omitted by a. 7 €i¢ Eva TOTOV 8 dddcs Omitted by ab ff, aur. Pesh. Diat.ar. found in John xviil. 15. S 6 €\@wv wpwros Cf. John xx. 4. 10 wadkw 11 é& Omitted by NAabce ff, r, Pesh. Diat. ar. 12 To capa Omitted by a. Cf. Jokn xix. 40. 15 Inaots Found in John xx. 16. 16 ‘EBpristt Omitted by A fam.’ a fq aur. 17. “Inrt0vs Found in John xx. 16. 18 7 Maydarnrvn Lound in John xx. \. 19 Ovsns ods Olas Ixxviil APPENDIX III. JOHN XK 2 col jcous = Omitted by NED ile ae diccaiaeaur 21 add 25 ol adrot padnrat 250 twv HAwy Omitted by Pesh. Diat.ar. found tn John xx. 25a. 26 ésw Omitted by ce. 27 woe Omitted by e. 27 adrdr\Aa TlaTOS. XXI. 1 wad Omitted by Pal. Syr. and Chrys., vol. viii., p. 593 (ed. Bb: de 3M on tfaucon) eC /2ey 0//72e xexeneO 5 “Inoovs Omitted by a. 6 ert Omitted by, a b cle fq Pesh, Wiatear, 7 WV yap yunvos 8 adda ws aro THxYaV Stakoolwy 8 Tap tyOvwr 3 €pxyetar Omitted by c. 14. 767 Omitted by Pesh. IS mAéov tovrwy Omitted by fam..abce ff, r, aur. | 15 ov oidas 6tt pido ce Omitted by aer,. Found in John xxi. 17. 16 devtepov Omitted by Nabd f ff, r, aur. Diat.ar. Cf. John iv. 54. 16 av oidas OTe firm se Omitted by a. Found in John xxi. 17. 17 Kupte 17 ‘Inoots Omitted by & D fam abcde ff,r, aur. Cf. John xxi. 22. 19 onuatiov Cf. John xii. 33, xviii. 32. 23 ti mpos cé; Omitted by 8 famtae. Found in John xxi. 22. ay SeaaS = 25 autTov otsat jor eS EIN IBIS IAS CHANGES IN THE ENGLISH TRANSLATION* WHICH HAVE BEEN MADE NECESSARY BY THE LATEST EMENDATIONS IN THE SYRIAC TEXT. ST. MATTHEW. Il. 2 and they say Tf 9 But they, when they had received the commandment of the king, departed. Di ee see Lhis.fs hess V. 20 Delete of heaven t VIII. 4. as Moses commanded, that it may be a testimony unto them. 16. for aword read His word f 21 Now another of the disciples said to Him, My Lord tf 24 And there was a great storm in the lake, and it was near to be covered with the waves (vv was almost covered). 26 And Jesus said unto them, Why are ye fearful ? 29 Art Thou come hither to make us ashamed? Anda herd was feed- ing together beyond them. [X. 1,2, 3 And He went up to the boat, and passing over, He went to His city ; and they came to Him and brought near a paralytic lying on a bed. And when our Lord saw their faith He said to that paralytic, Fear not, My son, thy sins are forgiven thee. 3 But some of the scribes said, This one blasphemeth. 4 When our Lord saw their thoughts, He said unto them, Why think ye evil in your heart ? whether is it easier to say, 10 And when they were sitting @¢ seat in the house, many sinners and publicans came, and while they ate, they sat at meat beside our Lord and beside His disciples. * This will be found in Dr. Burkitt’s translation of the Curetonian text in his Avan- gelion da-Mepharreshe, with the foot-notes ; also in my “Some Pages of the Four Gospels Re-transcribed from the Sinaitic Palimpsest”; or published separately by Messrs. C. J. Clay and Sons, Cambridge University Press, Ave Maria Lane, London. + As in Cureton, t Asin my translation, to NO eae a. wm ob 23 XII, ee XIV. 8 12 CHANGES INSITE ENGLISH TRANSLATION Wherefore with publicans and sinners are ye eating and drinking ? § Fear not, My daughter. And our Lord answered and said unto them, and the lepers are cleansed. And thou, Capernaum, which art exalted to heaven, shalt go down unto Sheol; for if in Sodom the mighty works had been seen that have been seen in you, it would have been standing until this day. And take up My yoke upon you, and learn of Me, for I am meek, I am lowly in My heart.t what David did when he was hungry.t how he entered into the house of God and . . . the shew-bread. what is, Mercy I seek and not sacrifice, Then they brought near unto Him a certain man in whom was a blind and deaf demon, and He healed him. Now she, because she had been taught by her mother, And it grieved the king; but because of the oath, and because of them that sat at meat,t and his disciples took up his corpse and buried it, and came and told Jesus. jee ial Now Jesus, when He heard, He departed thence to a desert 15 16 place alone. And when the crowds who were from the cities heard [it], they went their way after Him on foot. 14 And when many were gathered together, He had compassion on them, and healed their sick ones. And when it was evening, His disciples say unto Him, The place is desert: dismiss the multitudes, that they may go to the villages and buy themselves food. He said unto them, It is not required for them to go; give ye them to eat. 17,18 ‘They say unto Him, [We] have nothing here, [but] five [loaves] 20 and two fishes. 18 He saith unto them, and they took up what was over of the fragments from before them twelve baskets full.t + As in Cureton. t.As in my translation. § As conjectured in Dr. Burkitt’s text. MATT. CHANGES IN THE ENGLISH TRANSLATION lil XIV. 21, 23 And those that ate [were] five thousand, besides children and Dal 2G XVIIL. 19 XXII. 30 30 44 45 66 women. And He commanded His disciples that they should sit in the boat and go before Him to the other side of the lake, until He should dismiss those multitudes. 23 And when He had dismissed them, But in the fourth watch of the night Jesus came unto them walk- ing on the water. for they wash not their hands and eat bread. and the five thousand who ate of them, If two of you shall agree upon earth about everything, what they shall ask shall be theirs from My Father which is in heaven. For amongst the dead, but [they are] as the angels of God in heaven.t Sit Thou on My right hand, till I set Thine enemies beneath Thy fect. And if David call Him my Lord, how is He his son? There shall not be left here a stone upon a stone, that shail not be destroyed (xatadv@jcetar). But at the last those virgins came, saying, Our Lord, our Lord, open to us, Ye know [that] after two days [is] the Passover. Then assembled together the chief priests and the elders of the people to the palace of Caiapha the high priest, They said, Not on the feast [day] and not on the Passover, lest there be a tumult among the people. she hath wrought a beautiful and a good work on Me. and all the assembly sought witness[es] against Him [even] against Jesus, so as to put Him to death, and found [them] not.$ And many false witnesses came, and they were not able to speak the truth. At the last came two other false witnesses, saying, What will ye more (Zz. yet) ? XXVII. 37. While they were sitting, t As in Cureton. t Asin my translation, § As in Dr. Burkitt’s translation. IV. Wel VIII. GGL XV. XVI. 12 25 20 CHANGES IN THE ENGLISH TRANSLATION ST. MARK. Beelzebub is in Him, and by the chief of the demons this one casteth out demons, and calleth them. And He called them, and spake unto them in parables, and said, Verily, verily, [ say unto you, But whosoever shall blaspheme against the Spirit, he shall not be forgiven, but he shall be guilty of sin[s] for ever. And when His brothers and His mother came, they were standing without, and they sent to Him to call Him; the crowd was sitting around Him. and He went down and sat in a ship by the lake and because there was no depth of earth below its root, and it sprouted in the sun that was on it, and it withered. And when He had gone up, He sat in the boat; the man in whom the demon [had been] (/¢. he of the demon) besought Him that he might be with Him. he made a supper to his lords, and to his chiliarchs, to the chiefs of Galilee they ran to the whole region} and there is nothing that they may eat. He was troubled in His spirit, and said, and again He put His hand on the eyes of the blind man, that when a man’s brother died, and he had a wife, and left no seed, his brother shall take her, that he may raise up seed unto his brother. and the first took a wife, and died, and left no seed; and the second took her, and died, and neither did he leave seed. 21, 22 and the third likewise, and the seven had her. 27 5 6 and behold, God is not the God of the dead. But Jesus gave them no answer, [so] that Pilate wondered. and at the feast he released unto them one prisoner, whomsoever they asked at the feast. But those [people] cried out, Crucify Him, crucify Him. and they went, and saw that this stone was rolled [away]. | es weesris Roe. 69 : | { As in my translation. | I. Ly ie Vel VII. VIII. a7 18 49 CHANGES IN THE ENGLISH TRANSLATION Vv Seo U Es as He spake by the mouth of His holy prophets,f which have been from everlasting. and he fled into the desert until the day of his shewing unto Israel. Now shepherds were there in that place, and they were awake and were keeping watch over their ewes. An angel of the Lord appeared unto them, standing, and the glory of the Lord shone upon them. Behold, I give you a sign. Shut thy mouth, and come out of him. , V. 1 And Hewas preaching in the synagogues of Judaea and in the crowd which was crushing that it might hear from Him the word of God. and while they came out of every village of Galilee, of Judaea, and of Jerusalem ; and behold, people brought a certain man in a bed, sick of the palsy. they went up to the house-top, and the scribes and the Pharisees were reasoning and saying, But Jesus, knowing their thoughts, Why reason ye in your hearts? and he went to his house, glorifying God. And astonishment took hold of them, and they were all glorifying God, and saying, We have seen glorious great |things| to-day. And if ye do good to him who doeth what is good by you, what is your kindness ? there hath not arisen among those that are born of women a prophet sreater than John, but the least in the kingdom of God is greater than he. And His mother and His brothers came to Him, and could not see, and were waiting because of the crowd. And while He was speaking, there came from the house of the ruler of the synagogue some who were saying unto Him, + As in Cureton. + As in my translation, V1 LUKE CHANGES IN THE ENGLISH TRANSLATION IX. 17, 18,19,20 And they did all eat. And they took up of what remained 25 26 xo eae? T Xela a2 Vent? over twelve baskets full. And while He was praying alone, and His disciples with Him, He asked them, saying, What do the crowds say about Me, that I am? And they say unto Him, Some say, He is John the Baptist; others say, He is Elias. He saith unto them, What say ye that I am? and in three days He shall rise.t if he gain the whole world, and lose and destroy himself (07 his life) ? Whoso shall be ashamed of Me and My words before men, the Son of a man shall be ashamed of him when He cometh in glory with the holy angels. and they went,t and entered into a village of the Samaritans, that they might make ready for Him. Go, behold I send you as lambs among wolves. Take not for yourselves purses, nor scrip, nor shoes,f and salute no man by the way. if there be not, it shall return upon you. that Thou hast hid these things from the wise and from the prudent,f Now He, when He knew their meditation, said unto them,T And if by Beelzebub I cast out unclean spirits from your children, your children—by what do they cast them out ? Then goeth it [and] leadeth seven others that are worse than itself ; 38 and He entered avd sat down ¢o meat, and they marvelled why He had not washed before His breakfast. Ye, therefore, seek the kingdom of God.* tf and he came seeking fruit in it, and found none. and it grew up and became a tree; and the fowls of the heaven nested in its branches.t Go ye and tell that fox,|| I cast out demons, And he divided unto them all his property.§ * The Syriac word which means “therefore” (= ovv) has been traced on the MS, by Dr. Gregory. + As in Cureton. t As in my translation. § As in Dr. Burkitt’s translation, } Or “ vixen,” CHANGHESSIN THE ENGLISH TRANSLATION Vil LUKE XVI. 16 since then the kingdom of God is preached, and all men press into it. 23 And being cast into Sheol, he lifted up his eyes. XVII. 17 Jesus answered and said, These were ten that have been cleansed. XIX. 1 And when He had entered and passed through Jericho, 4 because thus Jesus was passing by.t 7 And when they saw [it] they murmured, saying,t 12 A certain man, who was the son of a great family, 28 And when He had said these things, they went out from there.t t XX. 12 And he sent another, a third, and that one also they cast out with stripes. 33 In the resurrection, to which of them shall she belong? XXI. 31 know ye that the kingdom of heaven is nigh at hand. AolieA 5 eendelie rose trom [His prayer, and caine unto His disciples,t { XXIII. 18 Take away this one, and release Bar-Abbat 39 Art Thou not the Saviour? Save Thyself to-day, and also us. 53,54 And he took it down, and wrapped it in a shroud, and laid it in a hewn tomb, in which no man hitherto had been laid. 54 And that same day was Friday.t XXIV. 39, 41 For a spirit hath not flesh and bones, as*ye see that I have. 41 And while until that time they had not believed from their joy and from their fear, and they were astonished, He said again unto them, 46 Thus it behoved the Christ that He should suffer, and should rise from among the dead in three days ; Sia) OHN: I. 29 and the next day he saw our Lord coming unto him, and he said, 32 I saw the Holy Spirit [Who] descended from heaven, and abode upon Him. 36 and he looked upon our Lord as He walked, and said, Behold the Christ, the Lamb of God. 41 And Andrew saw Simon his brother at the dawn of day, and saith unto him, My brother, we have found the Messiah. 42 Our Lord beheld him, and said + As in Cureton. t As in my translation, Vill JOHN GR jes AS ah y @ Vel eer I CHANGES IN THE ENGLISH TRANSLATION And as Moses lifted up the serpent in the wilderness, even so is the Son of Man to be lifted up. and he that doeth good cometh near to the light, that his work|s] may be seen, that they are wrought in God. And he that cometh from heaven is above them all. and that which he heareth or seeth he beareth witness of. But he who hath received his witness hath sealed that God is true.t but He loveth His Son, but the wrath of God shall be upon him. Now when our Lord knew that the Pharisees had often heard that He made many more disciples than John, because it was not only our Lord who baptized, but His disciples, Woman, believe me.f and He was comparing Himself with God.t The Son can do nothing of Himself, which He doth not also see the Father do; and he doeth [nothing] except what the Father hath done. The Son also doeth likewise. and more than these He sheweth Him, that ye may wonder. For as the Father quickeneth the dead, and raiseth them,t that every man may honour the Son, as he honoureth the Father. He who honoureth not the Son, neither doth he honour the Father Who hath sent Him|]|| The hour cometh f and He gazed up at heaven, and blessed upon it, and brake them, and distributed ¢rem to His disciples, that they might set them before the sitters. and when they were filled, our Lord said unto His disciples, And when they had brought z¢ about five stadia or thirty, and they saw Jesus, Who came walking on the water,and He wished to pass by them; and when He drew near to their ship, they became pale with their fear. immediately the ship was at the land whither they were going. t As in Cureton. t As in my translation. || Almost as in Cureton, JOHN Vito NL eel I 48, Weel 22 33 TX 22 29 CHANGES-IN THE ENGLISH TRANSLATION is And the next day there was a crowd; and it saw that there was a certain doat in which His disciples had crossed; and our Lord Himself was not with them; and no other ship was beside them save the one into which the disciples had ascended. Now when they had found Him, they said unto Him, Our Lord, when camest Thou hither ? and he who eateth of My bread shall live for ever. And we ourselves have believed and known that Thou art the Christ, the Son of God. Where is He, He?” And those officers returned, and came unto those multitudes and unto the Pharisees,t 49 For who of the chief men or of the Pharisees hath believed on Him, only the mob which knoweth not the law? The Jews say among themselves, Will He perhaps kill Himself, that He saith, I said unto you, that ye will die in your sins. They say unto Him, We be Abraham's seed, and never hath bond- service been done by us. His disciples say unto Him, Of whom was the sin, this one, or his kinsfolk, when he was born blind ? some say that this is he. He said unto them, He painted clay upon them, and opened them, and I washed, and they were opened. And they were disputing one with the other about this terrible(?) thing. But his parents answered, saying, and each of his own followeth him, because the sheep know his voice. And the Jews clamoured* round about Him, saying unto Him, Till when dost Thou keep us in doubt [or take up our breath]? because the Father, Which gave the to Me, is greater than all. * I adopt the late Dr. Merx’s clever emendation of asa for the illegible word which I read .. Xa in 1895. The same word is used in Mark xv. 8. ¢ As in my translation. X15 92 GN, 220) CHANGES IN THE ENGLISH TRANSLATION and ye shall know that I am in the Father, and My Father is in Me. and again after these things they sought to take Him. and went His way beyond Jordan to the place where John had baptized of old there. And many came unto Him; and they said, John showed no sign, but he spake all these things truly about this man. Now Mary is she who washed the feet of Jesus, her brother (the brother of this one) was that Lazar who was sick. Now Bethany was distant from Jerusalem fifteen stadia, which are two miles. And Martha saith unto Jesus, and the people who were standing there and heard z¢ wondered, and for all the miracles and great signs w/zch He did, they believed not in Him. 39, 40 And again he saith, They have blinded their eye. 43 4A 45 46 48 xslt eo? 23 29 32 DON aed 28 They loved the glory of men more than that of God. But Jesus cried out and said, He who is not like unto Me is not like unto Him that sent Me. And he who believeth in Me, believeth not in Me, but in Him that sent Me. And he who seeth Me seeth Him that sent Me. I have come a light into the world. Now he that asketh* Me, and receiveth not My words, Now His disciples looked one on another, wondering of whom He perhaps spake (He might be speaking). One of the disciples of Jesus, the one whom our Lord loved, For they thought, that because Judah had the bag (the bag was with Judah) And it is God who glorifieth Him in Himself; and He will straight- way glorify Him. He who loveth Me not keepeth not My words and this word that ye hear ; and that word is not Mine, but His that sent Me. Ye have heard that I said, I go away, and I come beside you. * The Syriac word was traced on the MS. by Dr. Gregory. CHANGES IN THE ENGLISH TRANSLATION “i, 0) 2 ee VI 420-43 . VII AWW 2 ie VI LUKE V. VI. Wek VIII. IX. INDEX TO THE ARABIC DIATESSARON Vv CHAP. i/o el hie ve. 70th V pee eet en es VI 12, 150-16. Oi 17-21, 256, 26a, 260, 27-360, 386-39:. . VII 6-9 5 a A aS i 12—1 3a,130-17, 186-109, 20a, 22a, 24-27a VIII 306-31, 320-36 . . Ix 375-38, 39-42, 44, AWS > ie Nestea Le, ean X 45a. wee ee XLV, iy SLY ee ge VS x 2—3a, 46-5, 8-Qa, 10-17 XI Lom 27 Sy aime 29-30, 310-35, 36-39. XIV Ap COME une apeiron XV. I-3, 50, 7, 8a, 8c, 130, DylOd Ove ee sn XVI 220, 22¢, 23, 240, 250- 1 le 0 OU 200; 290, 30-334, 34-36 . xe 370, 38-398, 406-414, 450-474, 476-48, 49- 50, 53, 554, 550-56 : XII To Ue sae er ei LL 7b, 7¢-8a, 8b, 9. = RA Wig ena et. XXIE 110, 130. we VILE 230, 25 -. 5 OGUH! 29a, 290, 310-332, ath 346, 36a, 360, 38a, 380-39a, 390, 436, 44a, 440, 45. LV 46, 47a, 48a, 48¢, 49, SOge eee 2 OX XV 51-56 . X XXVIII SSS EDs: Ao iia LUKE XS XI. et le GNI XIV. XV. XVI, CHAP. I-12, 16-22 RIO) 9A DURE fae ee A ots XVI 250, 280-37 SOx LV 38-42 XIII TEE a ey ee LX 5-7, 86-13. Soa: x 14, 16, 180, 21-23. XIV 24-26, 27-28, 30, 31 XVI 3030" eee ass IX 202 Ales een eee XX 43, 45-46, 474, 520 sdb Ded tae XLI eh ie a a 30-4a, 5a, f : XIII Lite ee eee LD 13-21 XXVIII 2082000 eee eee are Xx POSS Pe ioe IX 35-38, 41-424, 44a, 456, ACCES pet Per te ertas X LITE 47-50 . OO VIR S15 3a XIII 54-55 - XIV COUR ao ae come VILE I-17 SOA 18d, 19a, 200 XVII 22-30 5 OE 31-33 eX LV LOW en rie ogee ee OX 7-15, 160-17, 18-20, 21a, 210-234, 230-24 XXX oes te ee ae XV 340-35 . XXV 1-4, 50-6, 7-32 XXVI I-I2 XXVI I4-I5 . Le LO zee. XIV 19-31 a Oo. bi vi LUKE XVIT. ON AHBE. XIX. XX. XXI,. John I. ARPENDIXa a. (OLUAI 3-4. Diat. XXVIII 5-10 KON LLL II-I9 . XXX 20-21 xi 226 a) 2 AGU) 25,0203 7a DIELL I-8. XXXII Q-14 > SOME 230-244 SOGisa 2030 ee LX 310, 33-34. XXX 35a, 350, 36-37, 38- 39a, 420-43. YOO! I-10, 110-27 OO 28-294, 300, 31a, 320, 33-344, 37, 380, 39- HULSE a He XXXIX 43a, 445 XLI 47-48 XXXIV I-2a, 66, 9), 13, 146, 7G, XX XIII 20), 26, 290-31, 340- 36, 38, 39 XXXIV cyt. Se ey GeO 56, 76, 8b, 8c, 9d, II, 12-13, 14-15, 16, 18— 19 : XLI 20-22, 23-24, Sti 28, 34-36 XLII 37-38 . NG, Sih CHAP I-5. Diat. I 7-17 III 18-28, 29-31, en ; Papi mom ee GY LUKE CHAP. XXII. 20-4a, 6, 7--10a, 100- Ila, I10-12a, 14- Lon Didi ey 19c . XLV 21, 23, 27-300. XLIV 31-32, 330, 346 XLV 35-38, 39 XLVI XXITI. XXIV. . JOHN. II. 40a, 400, 41, 426, 43- 45a, 46a, 484, 40, 510, 52a, 53%, 554, 57am) ee: 58a, 594, 606-614, 62, 630, 65, 66, 665-68, XLVIII 7 Oneal X LIX 20 ght ee ee GIA 4-16, 18a, 19, 20-23, 25002 ee ne L 266-334, 330 15 I 34a. LII 35a, 350, 30- 39, 39 -43, AAC, Al Ga. ee ae et 46a, 47), 48, 492-0, 49¢, 50, 51, 550-56a, 5600 ros 18K IQ, Los2 ae. ; LII 4-7, 8, 9, 10, I1a@, ie ayo at ELLE 36a, 36¢-43, 44-49a LIV 490, 50-51, 52-53 . LV CHAP. I-II Diat. V 14a, 140-15, 16, 17- 22 wae Beau 230-25. XV JOHN Pile IV. VIL. VLU: Ob . 10, 20-52, INDEX TO THE ARABIC DIATESSARON I-21 22-30. eatin Ny 4-45@ . 450. 46-54 . laee: 1-47 50-9, 12-13, 14-18 19a, 21, 22-61. 62-72 I cg 2—-10a, 100-31 . 31-36 37-52 12-50 . 51-60 . . 1-38 39-41 . I-42 » I-16 17-50 GHAP; IDLE OSU VI VI XXI 5 DO AEH VI XXX XXII 10, XVIII MI XX » XXVII XXVIII XXXIV POG" ok Vi XXXVI XXXVI XXXVI] XXXVII XXXVII XXXVIII I-2, 3a, 30-6, 7-82, Q-II, 12-13, 16, 17— 18 19-30a . 360-41, 42-50. XXXIX XL XLI JOHN XIII. XIV. XV, PW XVII. XVIII. XIX. XX, OAL. 1-204 21a)-226. 23-29, 30-32, B73 Oe. I-20 21-314, 31¢ 1-27 I-15 16-33 I-26 vil CHAP. Diate xt 30; XLV XLV XLVI XLVI XLVI meN LV EE » XLVII I-2, 4a, 40-9, 10-11, I2, 13-17, 18a, 180 . XLVIIL 19-254, 26a, 26¢, 28a, 280, 29-30, 31-38a@ . XLIX 5 Ome mee L 2, 3c-12 a L 13-15, 16a, 160, 174, 17c, 19-22, 23-24, 25-27 LI 28-29a, 30a, 300, 31- 37, 380, 380-42 . LII 2-17, 18 LIII 19, 200-31 . LIV 210. LV I-24 LIV ys LV Rigney { Mat APPENDIX II. 334 MARK XIT. 22. Kat éXaBov avtny nai of Exta. 23. ’Ev tH ody d:actace 29. “O d€ “Incots cimev av’toe* Tavtwv tpwtn axove “Iapain, 30. avTn TpwTH 31. Aevtéepa SE Opolia avTy’ XIII. 2. ob pn adeOp Ode ALOos ert AH, 6. moANOL yap édEVcoVTAaL \ 8. Kai Awol Kal Tapayal 22. “EyepOncovrar yap wWevddyptatoe \ ’ - , 22. K@L Tous eKAEKTOUS. 23. S00, mpocipnka vbyiv Tavta, 27. Kai 7 > A , A a TOTE UTOGTENEL TOUS ayyédous AUTOD. 33. aypuTVvEetTe Kai TpoOG- evyeode: 34. “Domwep yap avOpwros arodnuor. XIV. 22. &dmxev adtois Kat cimev aAUTOTS’ 27. OTL Tavres oKardaXtaOnaer be €v €@Ol EY TH VUKTL TAUTY. Al. améyes TO TENOS' 43. om. evOvs. 67. Kal loovaa auUTor, XV. 8. Kat avaBonaas o dyXos 12. ti ov OéXETE ToMmaw Ov REyETE Baotrtéa tov Iovdaiwy; 35. om. “Ide. 39. te epadéEas e&érvevcer, XVI. 7. 611 (SoU Tpoayer Vuas The agreements of 565 with the text of the Sinai .Palimpsest in Matthew, Luke, and John cannot be given, because no reliable edition of these Gospels from that valuable MS. has yet been published. Agreements seem to exist, however, .in Matt. vii. 14; xx. 30 with Cureton, and with the Sinai text in ee ees exo 3) ex Vi. 12) XxX.07 °° XXXVI, 30; XXVil-4I 3 XXVill. 7; Pei evils ohn 1.23 ; Vili, I-11 (Om.); 1x. 185 Xi. 143 xil. 3,13, 15 ; mentee et 7 exXiV 814 (Ol.). XVill. 3; XX. 1; Xxi. 15 (Om. aA¢cov Tovtwp ;), 23 (om. / r TL TCs Oe 3). 333 SOME AGREEMENTS SOME PASSAGES IN WHICH THE PESHITTA AND THE SINAI PALIM- PSEST AGREE WITH THE CODEX THEODORAE IMPERATRICIS PETROPOLITANUS (= 565) AGAINST NESTLE’S TEXT, ST eVARK: J. 13. Kai nv éxet emi aépas tercapaxovta $16. audiadrdrovtes TAS OiKTUAS ety THY OurXacoay? 21. om. eicehOw@y 23. om. evOds. 38. om. dAXaYOD 39. Kab Hv Knptocov 41. ‘O d€ “Inaovs aomrayxuabets \ e 3 a ¢ ’ bf] a II. 22. nai o olvos ExyettTat Kat of doko. aTONODYTAaL 22. BrAHTEoOD. II]. 5. éxrevov thy yeipa cov. 27 OU NN 33. Kal of aderpot pou. 35.°Os yap av tomon 10 Ocdknua ToD Oeod IV. 12. cat adbeOnoettat (sic) avtTois TA ApapTHpmaTa. 15. «at \ / A , a alpet Tov Aoyov Tov éoTappévoy €v Tats Kapdtals aUTO@D. , ‘ a A V. 12. Kal mapexddouy avrov Tavta Ta Satmovia 14. Kat €EArXOov toetv 4 / 7 , VI. 8. pn Te THhpav, pn TE apTov 11, om. Toros 20. Kal axovaas avTOU TOANG €TOLEL 25. OM. ArnTaTO 38. Kal yvovTEes NEyouTW ATE. , TEVTE APTOVUS. 53. OM. Kab TpotwpmtaOicav VII. 4. éav pn Baarticwrvras. 16. ef Tes yet wTa aKoverD AKOUVETW. 27.°O d6€ “Inaovs eimwev avtn 30. etpev tnv Ovya- (4 b) a ~ K \ — Q / O / b an e€ b] \ Tépa autTHns 35. Kal evOéws dinvolyncay avtod at akoat, VIII. 3. amo paxpddev HAeaceyv. 9. "Haoav 5€ of hayovTes 3 TeTpa- KIT tALOL 17. Kat yvous 0 “Inaods eimev avrois’ \ \ \ IX. 3. ws ylwv 14. Kai éXN@@v pos tovs mantras 19. Kat aroxpi Beis 3 A ¢ 79. a Ss A Nie , ‘ , >) A © 9 an avtois o -Inaods eimev’ 21. Kai érnpwtnzev tov tatépa avtov 0 Inaods Aéyou" 24. TlaTEVU) KUPLE’ 29. lun €v TMpocevyn Kal vHOTELa nA td ’ \ 42. TOV WiTTEVOVTMY ELS Eme’ X. 5. Kai adroxpibeis o “Inaods 6. apsev Kai OU énoinoevy adtovs 6 Geos. 13. of b€ wa@ntat avdrod éretiuwy Tots TpoaTphéepovery. 19. Tyua TOY Tatépa cov Kal THY unTépa gov. 20. O d€ atokpibeis ELEY ALT 24. Téexva, TS OvoKONOY €oTL’, TOUS TWETOLO@TAS ETI Tots Ypymactv els THY Bacire‘ay TOV Beod eloedOeiv. 29. Kai a7vro- kptOets o Inaovs cimev* 36. 0m. pe 46. om. mpvcaitns 46. éxaOnro Tapa Tv Odov ETALTOD, NEL Fh eet, Ge Gh iD Q. expafov NEyorTes' 31. eped nutty’ cia Tl ovK y > cy EGIC FCUIUTE AUTO) == Ol BOUL é ° X1. Xill. XIV. XV. XVI. 18. SOME AGREEMENTS 332 ¢ N ’ A 5 A O d€ ‘Inaods atoxpiOels elev avtois € . A O d¢ érmiBarwv 70 ipatioy avtod ’ ¥ / a El éyete iat Oeod om. wa tadra Tous ; ‘O &€ “Inaots atoxptOeis ettev On \ ’ a ’ \ , > a Kat 0 “Incots amoxptdeis r€yet avtots: Oi dé édOovres Ernpwotwyv avrov év S0rXw ’ \ A Amoxpwdeis o€ elev avtois’ ? € a > A AmoxptOeis d€ 6 “Inaovs eitev adtots' / 5) ’ \ , , TOA €oTW evTOAn TPwTH ; (OM. TavTwY) oe ’ \ € \ 6tt els eotiy 6 Beds ite) “ Kai 0 “Inaods idov (om. avtov) Kai éot@s o “Inaois (4 , A aA OTav MEAXN TaUTAa ouVTErEtcOaL ; (OM. TavTa) \ ’ 9 A A Kat azroxpiGeis ’Incovs eirev avtois’ (om. np£ato) A \ , def yap yevécbar \ \ \ xy Kat Awol Kut Tapayal (om. écovTat) om. Brézrete d¢ dpets Eavtous* ' \ e SN a , N If ’ iN ’ 4 b) A Kat 0 emt TOU dwpuaTtos un KaTaSadTw els THY OlKLaV avToD ie a cy a ‘O b€ ‘Incods etmev adTots e/ La) > \ ’ A iva tjapade avtov (om. avrtois). ‘O d¢ Ilétpos aGroxpiOeis éyes avT@ ‘O é6€ Ilétpos wepicaas éréyev \ \ \ Vv ’ \ , 9 \ \ A Kai mpoced\Oav puxpov érecev Emr Tpocwme@ enh thy yhp. ‘O 6€ KataXitav thy oiwddva yupvos Epvyev aT’? aUTav. \ , eo» \ ’ , SEEN 5) ’ , Kal Wadw 6 apyLepeds ENnpwTnaev avTov ex SeuTépov REéywr" ‘O 6€ "Inaois atroxptOeis reyes avT@ > \ ‘ > \ b] U autos O€ ovdév aTEekptivaTto ¢/ Ss > bY4 ” Oitwes Kat Tov dyNov ETELCaD?, A 4 A 4, la Tis nuty amroxuAlcer Tov ALGov éx THs Oupas Tod pynpelov; HY yap / \ , méyas ohodpa. *xal Epyovtat Kal evplioxovaw amroKexvAropévor Tov dLGov. (Cur. only) Kai év rats xepoiv odes apotow" SOME AGREEMENTS OF THE GREEK CURSIVE 565 = CODEX THEODORAE IMPERATRICIS PURPUREUS, ED. BELSHEIM (AS REVISED BY CRONIN*), WITH THE SINAI PALIMPSEST AGAINST THE PESHITTA. ST. MARK. 23: "EENNGev b€ 7) Axor avTod (om. EvOUs.) 29. Kat evOus é« THS cuvaywyns €EeNO@v jim ds Tl TWolovow ot wadnrat cov Tos caSPacw, iV RLO: erTnpwTwy avTov ot wabntat avTou V1. kal TApPEKAAOVY aAUvTOV TOAAA 21 kal Svatrepacavtos tov “Incov (om. év T@ Tow) Vie eT Kai mpockarecapevos tovs dwdexa, amrectedde (sic) (om. HpEaTo) autous ava &vo vo. Tels extudacea0e Tov Your T@V TOd@Y Luo. (OM. TOY UTOKAT) Bua ‘ANAa edvbéws atrocteikas (om. 6 Bacireds) orexovAaTopa émérakev Be om. Kai mpondOov avtovs AA. Kail Hoav of payovtes (OM. TOUS ApToUs) Ws TEVTAKISYIALOL vii. 25. “Axovoaca yap yur Tepi avtov (om. AAD’ evus) 28. ‘H 6€ amexpiOn A€youoa, KUpte’ (OM. val) viii. 10. Kat AOE ets Ta péepn Maryeda. 15. om. ‘Opare ix. 12. ‘O 6€ adtroxptOeis eimev adtois 39. ‘O &€ (om. Incots) azroxpibeis eitrev ey 1b "Iémy 5€ 6 “Incots nyavaxtncey Kai @TLUTLpHNaaS ElTEV avTots * Cf. Texts and Studies, vol. v. APPENDIX II. aad LUKE Xxiil. 38. :am reales mam: ms wam —sshaa (sic) ZohA wam 2101 Jacob of Serug, Bedj, vol. ii., p. 581, 1. 7. 43. i wharssml Ray wma wmas La cb iden, jb lgee ey IE OTs. 48. — —E IY mis 0 -ptara oma As aam prada Pisteofslobn ape aye. 7. 48. seamaX miso pla. ,300 wis pba ACS OleL Mp ycG ms Wiisht, py Wao. 3; Sites) OH Ne IX, 32; xX. 21. (om. weata) . asam wdhaa Hist. of John, p. w, 1. 9. Borex. 1. asa wh moos pm? maa Lamy, vol. i., p. 507, 1. 17. mail. 4,°5. WdhXars Minis mish pie . IMA DS MIATH . too Cus Kido Did. Apost., f. 552, note. mill. 5. rein Sinks cam pmine eiarm lox Jacob of Serug, Homilies, Bedj., vol. ii., p. 458, 1. ro. QUOTATION OMITTED. Matt. i. 16. ‘O lovdatos elrev éorw pév odv, xal év tH madala yeveadoyia, Kai év TH véa dé > b a \ id » \ , ‘ i > ‘ wg \ > \ X €oTw ev TO kata parOaia, ovrws Sé mepieyet’ Ott iaxwB eyévvynoev Tov iwand, TOV » 4 > e > 4 — e , gears \ b) \ > , \ _ Q avopa papiass é€& ns éyevyynOn is 6 Aeyouevos xs, Kat iwonh eyevvycev TOV Ww, TOV Aeyopevov XV, epi ov viv 6 Adyos, pyow, eyevvnce ék THs papias. The Dialogue of Timothy and Aquila (Anecdota Oxoniensia, Classical Deries shalt Vill,, P70, cus k 0. @onypeare), The importance of this quotation is much weakened by the fact that it is put into the mouth of a controversial Jew. 329 MATT, Kaus no ee AI. OLN, PROy Xxilient 22 XXV1. 22. XXvll. 46. Kileaee aig, OEP. ie Pay PA, hin ee oBbee Xa Celbhy Sh3h Se ris Rey «a4 te waa oe AQaawdd els oe ananh nla (Cur. only) eam Wha iw ana@ rasa, DrAARso1T Manay tsa Asal w QUOTATIONS FROM SYRIAC FATHERS STS. ter Wh ania wint pete pm wint at tame Wim Did. Apost., f. 690. 9M eae pO ELwae’ mehstacaam Bar-Salibi,C.S.C.O., p. 148, ll. 16,17. weska wolue paw cla Aph., p. vmo, 1. rs, treotsa ml wea seas (om. Lane) — & Bar-Salibi,C.S.C.O.,p. 64, ll. 3, 4. (not Cur.) . yastada mxaa eae Nas idéml, p.-100;siyece wreagalwa clas miso ads p20 Aph.,.p. +x.) lesa srwhaaal, mioe whaser emit ple ati pa Leese ado cine sols Did. Apost., f. 63a. » wats rad DIK rasa AMR (also Mark xv. 33, 37.) idem, ll. 5, 6. idem. ~asos> Wot malas eso Ws am Hist. of John, p. ass, ll. 8, a: ST. MARK. : cath Maiasae wsX das dimiewa bdews Did. Apost., f. 52a. reehlosa Lea ema\ mo emiom ming Jacob of Serug, Bedj., vol. i1., p. 580, 1. 4. STECUKE .mpawl egy dda : piashan ..c ml bows poor Bar-Salibi, C:S.C_O3-p, 14251 ao me idém 7). 4§102s. tangs = wStpasal ARIA LLITA peo Ae .Menao8 mpay miss ta rant idém,; Dol 7 igilme 2 eae Did. Apost., f. 398. »oo) paassdhema saa wove eiwotls aw pa aim Pimenen (om, wlazusala) Hist: of John, p. \\, llesee: »RTASIN EAI memaca idem, p. A, 1. 8. ; pina TARE whiwme mca. eya\ waums imaih wta\ borwa idem, p. ag, ll. 18, 19. ; rth eben whot wat od bal bdto maw Lint tac idem; Pp. v-a;lle zee Aph., p- —s=, 1, A: rwag@ Tos Jacob of Serug, Bedj., vol. ii., p. 575, 1. 18. 20. vi. 8. xi, 43, 44. Kiv. 209. XVlil. 2. TO. 22. APPENDIX -IE. 328 VteeD Mitoaa prion psa ww weer (om. Liam) coat (om. La) Barsalibin Cas 7O. =p. T4081) 6 S-EetATA w1ADT Em oe AdSHAnsN1 rthohh wl owt Didar Dost. ules Oa: swale tsa wha Tw. wows noasdidhh psaha idem, f. 43a. (not Cur.) . Waal mashes cis omIalerd cles BADD p i). 3300, lel 7, ° ple e Ahsam FAA FT Aph., p. nay. 1, 5. . TZ vere CNIS Wits, want Did. Apost., f. 44a. ar has em MmAst SMisamwW wcmul .\ sm Jacob of serus; Homilies; CodsBedj:, vol.1.; p. 218, 1.13: : waliwh cl 2 ans rwpats Dida 0st od: wel wax el lt em toh maw l\ ae smasw.\ moss Las idem, f. 590. aMamam 54 WMatans Whaalms wl wiaars Bar oanbinG@:s GC. Oe 58130 alse 40. whtao.s nisas pliara msl canals phal ahs Did ApOste tt S ae 5070087 20. matrahona Nie .mzits ra) H-0-A15 Wa wharalh ciwas wcams hals{ masat whaithes idem, f. 74. ~hoedaay ease pm phil ij rlir’ -aaadre Iden ela 5c mahal wan waa vyiaat Eliseo) OniepeeN, Vy lea: < on PARIS Ve’ AN amsat ANA -tAoE ec aL ee Ss TACOULOLM elle, sl Omics, bed}: VOldin Dados nieal 7. (Cur. only) wias, pala em tise -rames camsh wl ay AD pads O27 Did. Apost., f. 22a. wrmelss La pach pram whiha weih paalr Aph., p. wet, 1. 6. (Cur. only). igaasa wera Ais wer “i wavs * was Did. Apost., f. 37. (not Cur.) + nasars $a wams RAS CatDhT SORDIN idem, f, 172. t22H1 pisos Was mA .tauls >. wi a oA aw . axe ox Aph., p. el, ll. 17, 18. * Corpus Scriptorum Christianorum Orientalium, Series I1., tom. xcviii., Dionysius Bar- Salibi, ed. Sedlacek and Chabct. + Codex Sangerman, hol, t Pesh. has w&ress, B27 QUOTATIONS FROM SYRIAC FATHERS JoHN XViii, TI, .@¢vhmol 1% AR Judas Thomas, p. as4, l. 5. 11. Converte* gladium ¢uum denuo in locum suum. Moes., po232 kh, 5; paz30,lla Ae 11, Put up again thy sword into his place. H:-H., Eph:, GCommyepaii0. ae XX eee wears aot wall is Ish., £21500; lee 2. (mals ad wasel wae caw ela Aph., p. wax,]. 20. 12, ANS pea twa RS pm to .whilttal aorwhes eincla: 5 ee Ish. (Acts, Cod: Harris), f. 15a, lla eel, yp. eo aszaz\ mi hota ISh sts 5c a leeuae 21. etidicitee7) “Ht hics Womine, quide = Moes. "p27 ,1eee oie and saith wzxzto him, Lord, etc. H.-H.,-Ephy Comm sips ticaiee 20. wecaml wam pad WA wlan Bus), HES pas 7 eos SUPPLEMENT al@) LIST OF OUOTATIONS FROM: GEHE*S YRIA Ga aal Lie St. MATTHEW. Mae De RaAMiaasS aam pteasr boresst le eamlaa® mahal ahr : mi\s Hist. of John, Cod. B, Apoc. Acts of the Apostles. Wright, -p. AA, ll. 7, 8. 24. : ~_amlal raf IO idem, p. AA, 1. 9. VeaeLLs (Cur. only) s\=n ~aal wrmuma canal praris i saarsalhs sheen. Didascalia Apostolorum (ed. Gibson), f. 59é. 12: Arata ate Est oe ahr idem, fr 7a I2. omahsl | aasmorc’ aam PLATT BAA ead idem. 18. omar pa teh wl wre Chad A505 idemyleyae * Pesh., for “Repone” read “ Pone.” This is the only mistake I have found in Mr. Gwilliam’s edition. The quotation must be from John, because both the Peshitta and the Old Syriac omit “tuum” in Matt, xxvi. 52. Tt Cf. R. H. Conolly, in Journ. of Theol. Studies, vol. viil., pp. 249-261. 22. 22. 22. aye So. KVi-? 2. ile ToL: TT, 16. 24. XVill. 5. 5. APPENDIX II. B26 (x adie ttt220. 2a aca ‘5)) woa wn les ml asmsma Marutha, Bedj., vol. ii., p. 119, ll. rs, 16. ermodar wis dies wrnatndl AUCals te 2Od. tT. oro has WhATARS Care te ART Aph., pp. ala, Ad (GE. John Xl. 26.) .e_aamh « aha ware mies TART Aph., p. aah, 1. 11; p. wd, ll. 18, 19; p. Nas, |. rz. “Wo Sra Mow > jet oraz Judas Thomas, p. as¢, 1. 21. (Cur, only) . aaaaxn pro to eorls hl Ymawh Wiams al ir Ust eh leslie pe 53, Lar. (Cur, only) . etoule mach Mram.y -mamaia Judas Thomas, title. (Cur. only) . dew hal SMmawh Raams Kam ix Addai, f. 4a, 1. 9. ~72N3 mhoal maawa paw pobre mhal ..) ses sl im Eph., Sermo de Domino Nostro, c. 57. pts Aram aohin pawarm ci reer, US Gee Ain 3} .2Masaxt sali M22 Faada) It > hal eam ta Tt eo aNt Maratha, Bedj.). voli, p. 194; 11-152: ata assax shies w wa Aph., p. tah, ll. 9, ro. old rol\wls ama .canlalars poo dat whae whehs Dingle lide. je) bisGy 607 wt mig ealary mIaat~s wi miss Las imen Olea Onieecds evOlet pies 7a ec asl wams ma clare ramlast Eusel heopnsev 300 lie: Da mihi gloriam, a te ex ea, quam dedis¢i mihi, antequam mundus factus esset, Moesespe227.ile1s ard: give me glory from thyself, of that which ¢how gavest me before the world was. Hier phe Comm... p. 215, 7-0; Sa? Sa LO cn Cyrillona, p. 582, ll. 9, ro. Z, DMG Vol. xx vl, ° aur t\, -2- p26 Eph. (Rom. ed:); vol. iii.} p. 122 °c, mi hoam cl mins Svea rs Aph., py tad, I) 12% p. toh, |. i22. before that the world came to be. Arm. Vers. Euthaliana, p. 81. Dum adhuc Judas (om. proditor) cum eis stabat, Moes., p. 236, ll. 4, 5. While Judas (om. which betrayed him) was standing with them, Per ee Dl COMM Dahl ss 127) Xi eeee TAKS QUOTATIONS FROM SYRIAC FATHERS »maawme sodn) Aph., p. wa; a3) wpnase wi maAnI5 Eph. (Overbeck), p. 134, 1. 14. em ew wht ol Kime Aph., p. ra; yee wwhemshs ham cats whi 1 Eph., Sermo de Domino Nostro, c. 47 (Lamy, vol. 1.). (Cf. John xiv. 3.) .e_aamh sabi ware meaet THAW Aph., p. tes, Il. 19, 20. Nunc judicium est (om. hujus) mundi, Moes., p. 208, |. 18. Now is the judgment of ¢e world. H.-H., Eph., Comm, p..11 tyes (not Cur.) wealwel uoheew Asasa was Addai, f. 13a, |. 11; * Cod. t&a2a + Sinai text, w+3\t. —— a APPENDIX IT. 324 JOHN vill, 56. Abraham (om. your father) desired to see my day ; Hein lp, Conn 10o, 58. Antequam Abraham erat, ego jam fuwz. Moes., p. 197, ll. 15, 16. 58. Before Abraham was, I was. H:-H- Eph., Comm., p. 1038; Il. 6, 7. i S. temlet WRAS me Carhart ele Ish., f. 1324, 1. 3. FE Vade, ait, lava factem tuam Moes., p. 199, ll. 12, 13. 7: Go, wash ¢hy face ie ieee pie @OMni nD 10a Le Lo: “Re ~wials whaas ml bows Eph. (Overbeck), p. 114, ll. 19, 20. 9. sols\ rus . Laas .57 Em Nagy orcas eth eae mans ADE Dae nll 45: 9. ewan dhe AGS <5 SS ASRS eee Aph., p. Mo, Oe; 9. ~Misas wath plo maw mic Tohiveteet 2 305 lars oF soon part As mzar om, real, canta Aph., p. mea, |. 4. IT. sma pa Ss meas mor eal edi Judas Thomas, p. \ys, ll. 8, 9. IZ. wasn mls ham «ls Ape psa vellere2: 12, Misi m\ ox idem te ers. lay al ti 320 rlosi waatsca Eus., Theoph., iii. 43, iv. 24,1. 1. 16. ois ph harks Aph., p. mes, |. 5. 16. SATS 2 pm anm wis Vlie Eus,, [heoph., iv. 24,1, ro: 18. .mancowy mallax -) bow -saha ‘mmsons mec! ri dora Eus., Theoph., ill. 43. met 7: Venite, eamus (om. rursus) in Iudaeam. Mocs 9p, 200, Liz: 1p Come, let us go (om. again) into Judea. H.-H.,Eph.,Comm., p. 109, ll. 7, 8. 8. Judaei (om. nunc) te quaerunt occidere, Moes.7 p 200 laaseo 4: 8. The Jews (om. of late) seek to kill thee, H.-H., Eph., Comm., p. rog, Il. 8, 9. 18, - SO: eth 27 .¢othzmw whathorw Ish., f. 1350, ll. 22, 23. 18. Aula ter ester wilimn . silziacl por whos has Ex Tela eet lee: _ a ——EEE * The Sinai text has ploy pa raatahma piss +i ata + The Curetonian is here deficient ; and rl hor seems to have dropped out of the Sinai text. The Peshitta has tar ahnkhe t See also Ish., f. 1114, 1. 8, and Ish., f. 158d, 1. 9 (on Acts). 323 JOHN iVoeo vill, 56. QUOTATIONS FROM SYRIAC FATHERS (not Cur.) silzgaes wha wial, cams ely Eus.,Theoph., iv. 23,1. 6. OTL KIEL WFaXoT (OM. shor) . Moho euma whaD Cohes enor idem, ll. 7, 8. (Cur. only) .md Cas\ims was pla Baws WA Kor AR idem, l. 8. (not Cur.) #cce Christus venit, et si vemerit, omnia nobis dabit Moes., p. 141, ll. 32-34. Behold, Christ cometh; and, when he shall come, he will give us all things. H.-H., Eph: Comnt.,sp. 96; te22sea (not Cur.) They ‘marvelled, that he was standing and speaking with the woman. idem, lly 25)326: The disciples were beseeching him, and saying Rabbi, eat bread Arm. Version Euthaliana, p. 80. (Cur. only) et vade iz domum tuam. Moes*p, 140; au (Cur. only) ¢ntasato poo iss 2A XQ iss mA Ish., f. 1254, 1. 9. (Cur. only) quod Iesus erat ille, qui me sanavit. Moes., p. 147, 1. 16. (Cur. only) It was Jesus, which made me whole. H.-H., Eph., Comm., paodsilie2 Pater meus usque hodie opus operatur, zdeo et ego operor. Moés;, p.2147, 7H. 15,000. on account of this 1 also work. H.-H., Epb:, Comms p10. tee quia Patrem suum @icebat Deum, Moes.; D: 147; lle21 eee but also because he called God his Father, H.-H., Eph., Comni-; p..08;iedsas warn 25 AM Aw IaAt »snasorrcs rewt noo da Eus., ELE p30 7ilaee teen tO 7125500; Arm. Version Euthaliana, p. 80. opal cass [mia] milan wile ©. a7 wl wow Sos Aphiip.7Neoo ys 808 60 Cs. val ele : smasianus (Cur. only) . ezaet mist mls .aamz whim As Aph., p. 0-29, 1°33 poems, ie (Cur. only) (om. pasasaxna waiaa) . sania Aph., p. e-s0; |e: (not Cur.) Dominus autem ascenxdit inmontem, Moes., p. 134, ll. 30, 31. And our Lord... went up into the mountain, H.-H, Eph., Comm."p. 035 llm26Gma as (Cur. only) that a man should eat of it and dZe. H.-H., Eph., Comm., p. 94, ll. 20, 21. Cod, Aof Diat.arm. (Cf. Moes., p. 137, note.) Abraham (om, pater vester) desideravit videre diem meum, Moes., p.107) lesser lil. JoHN car 4. 14, 14. 18. 18. 18. 20. 20. 2 6s 29. 46. 46. eae) ine I2. I2. 34. 34. 34- 34. 35: 35+ TL Ls 16. APPENDIX II. 322 a HrX wa cnam IX wrisna [rehteas] | sa Wel ety) tp wes]. 4; p. wma, |. 8. a NES heala moans em hhe rows mhisa Eph., Hymni de Resurrectione, xviii., v. 7 (Lamy, vol. ii., p. 743). e WtAA ~zaly wort: CLP IMADNWTI MDA» tt i» Lisi Judas Thomas, p. —msaq, |. 14. J Wale. fer Cee NE ey oe Genitus est ex sinu Patris sui. Moes., p. 3, 1. 25. He was begotten from the bosom of his Father. Eee ph Comms: p..oo, note. Ille confessus est, dicens: (om. et non negavit, et confessus est) WieeSaepat7.l.1 7; He confessed (om. and denied not) and saith, I am not the Christ, ieee Dir COM pecoy lle 4.15, weasr Vlada cale wl MSiaya, A Thimeysec dh eer -relay obit» dort 2 Wo owalet aime wm Piusme Licopla les mlgel tec: Ex Nazareth fieri ne potest, ut aliquid boni exeat? MOoess Da Soni 015-17: Can it be, that any good thing should come out of Nazareth? Jel Aeh Mjelay COrayriarl, jepata Nh Pe Os. (not Cur.) .rwalwr ohaalsal Nasir waren el Ish.,f 12a, ll. 13,14. mehr maser 0 hin -A1> clr ama ishe her2rosileromrt: Rare mason go hic a nls ° idem, 1. 18. wane mason NaVien mlaw ox95 zw eX el idem, |. 27. : as uF ers, ale gE BUT Fe NENT Ml yi ite 2a Cimah ae lay rasaL> ¥ aol AS aaah FS a Miao idem, Us1g, 20, (Cur. only) non enim, ait, dat in mensura 2/70 suo Moes.,p. 105, Il. 30, 31. (Cur. only) And not by measure gave he ¢o his Son. Pyetieeliphes Gomme o2 le 17% wmway mace mi sms Pohlsaas wam cl ma Yn PpbaClamve ta eeO te lel Tan): (* Cur. only) . coynl? wor exvay ome Whlias wam ls Aph., p. Xena, Il. 3, 4. mM. t Mann cle idem, ll. 1, 2. mm.sw2t Kin idem, li 4, 900 rasms wins Eph.,Hymniin Fest. Epiph.,vil.20 (Lamy, vol.i., p. 73). Vade, voca ad me yirum tuum, MOoes.; Dp. I4r, 118. 321 QUOTATIONS FROM SYRIAC FATHERS LUKE O6lly Te eh SRY v\gn a0 P89 ea oe amms. Saas srt hQ Ata C@yrillona,*Z:1D:M.G.) volaxxvitsp.05 7-8) ee To. mpaatl wrasa caohsoam wl iam Aph., p. rag, ll. 22, 23: 30. . Abstr Hast prix wimahih Aph., p. -ala, Il. 8, 9. 42. (Cur. only) Riss d2s0 we oe . tera Aphi, p. -\-2esy) lamas 42. .mama ws mle mde el wile Ish3" p21 79,. lost: Oaths Zhe rola SES, Eph., Hymni de Crucifixione, iv. 6 (Lamy, vol.i., p. 667). 43. (Cur. only) Lord, remember me in Thy Kingdom ... to-day H.-H., Ephs-Commeipess 17.0 eos ie OW, ihe) ae SE vast wt dara Eph.(Lamy,i., p. 669, 1. 8). 43. «Asa wha remad ee nl rarsat idém, ps 6672 Asmeee( Cliraonly) a diXs ramh »;sas3 ml rss Aph., p. vlad, 1. 17. 43. in the garden of Eden HeHs Eph, Comins, ptr 7 alles soc AS: Va fill, Uae [ute 7007S, mE lilicmcimerateiic: Moes., pp. 245, 246. 48. Woe was tt, woe was it fo us: this was the Son of God. H.-H, Eph, Comm.jsp.e1t3jsllesgese AO eC. C mt 10 = 30 Aph., p. rx4,.l) 225 Marutha, Bedjsvoleu pasoesos a Mam cis : = Toh Marutha, Bedj., vol. i1., p. 124, 1. 18. 51. quia *calumniatoribus (* Diat. ar. = perditorum) in consilio et operibus eorum non consenserat. Mocs, p.1200;5\ a emar XXIV. 47. masa ~amlas Soc EE Min s.aALA chasash amr > veadia Eus., Theoph., iv. 9, 1. 7. spletae ps (Om. .wams) eojaza 51. .rmaswe hal mith} Addai, p. 5a, 1. 18. Sita LUNG ae .wam m3 stmla Eus., Theoph., 1,24, yaa 3. 2am m5 pim jar Eph. (Rom; ed); volta), perom 3, my) easy AS Eus;, Ho Bip ol aos 3, 4. (Cur. only) and without him was not anything made. And that which was was made, by him was life, H.-H; Eph. Comm. p570s ara 4. Quodcunque factum est, per ipsum vita erat, Moes., p. 5, ll. 24,25: 5, JOM mim caarws wimait Aph., p. XNo,1. 13; p. Le, 1. 14. * John i, 1-25 is on a lost leaf of the Sinai Palimpsest. XX. XX1. LUKE XVIll, 21. eyay 24. APPENDIX IL 320 san cll ps vo Aph., p. ae, ll. 8, 9. (not Cur.) = dum Asasa plals eis gshhan cmls ema Judas Thomas, p. s»a9, Il. 20, 21. SIS REA MADINS Ty hela Alas icleeteeLOAg amor ~MADIND tw PrArTA hiss Naa Apbe p: ee, lees: wwhasios mm dies Aph., p. sa, 1. 20. (Cur. only) Si cognovisses tu saltem hunc diem pacis tuae, sed abscondita est pax a facie tua (om. nunc) Moes., p. 207, ll. 11-13. If thou hadst known at least this day of thy peace! du? peace is hid from thine eyes. eH Eph, Comm, prt, l1—3. weasais em (Codd. Aja, mi) wel make wih Picteetieli.. Daroo, Smmhasit wa. baw vis ADEE paeo on, Lal, (Sntmouly eee tcl 23% oe ti ham oa MaruthaeDedj..vOleilep eorselarS, -»MAsnwerh smala Lah sar Lan Aph., p. res, 1. 9. (also Matt. xxi. 44.) it shall crush and grind him to powder. Ie tdohey Wye) al, (Oejaaliniy yen ivelh), Wk Gy PG, (not Cur.) .rwamh ~amisa waswl Aph., D. once ,ecamlas ham whiuw wos 2) Die peetaoeellel 2003) whic had pmt whmis sorta .aax mala ans plan's ADA spp, Sone lie sez. aaa pam Ta cA Aph., p. vmo, |. 17, am poo exami wale tans idem, 1. 20. aim 422 mxoasal cereto cto taa Aph., p. “>; lsomro: whit wam el wmle wa Aph., p. samo, |. 2, (not Cur.) non remanebit 77 eo lapis super lapidem MoeshaD. dae lee 7a. . Waa a) whista (eG Oliver fer 1o, lro: .M>tax 5407 aat (OM. 2m) Eus., Theoph., iv. 20, 1. 1. whashr (om. pelo) Laie wheados Moe italiane ae eye (Cur, only) .-tmnss ~_aca.\ AAD s«archria idem, |. 6. * Two MSS. collated by Mr. M‘Lean read mA, thus bringing it into closer agreement with the Old Syriac. @ is considered by Dr. Merx to be the earliest MS, of the Armenian version from the Syriac, made at the beginning of the fifth century. See Preface, p. vil, 319 LUKE Xilleode XiV meee #4 Wo oie QUOTATIONS FROM SYRIAC FATHERS mhoahrs has en 3-\-9 Tod (Cur. only) . dvasaso aheXica dh Judas Thomas, p. ms, |. 6. idem, p. max, ll. 17, 18. ney ol on mia .mtsax MALSe —AI (OM, Raome pot) IRA Marutha, Bedj., vol. i1., p. 64, Il. 16, 17. rohnal J-s6D xr5ew UM pos H4X\_e_aam Eus., [heoph., iv. 12:05: (Cur. only) .am¢s As wow (om. 3\_) Klahra MITAA ram sroarca idem, 1. 6. Eph. (Rom, ed:); voli159p.4320. By lene dimala rhdur damit weal eaths danl xrhadns (See Matt. xxii. 38.) Isha f.95 0) lanes Ish.3p2i27 sll sre eee ram Sro att IMaAsatTBa Manos Aaa ta A sshor Ishs,f:°96a, Ue 15,998 : sath) aa Ana Aph:, p, -A; 25s pa sole wrssdncl aw Ae ton wl Aph., p. sax, ll. 14,15. Wrst rth vA (not Cur. ) Ishi f7 96am lace trhasazy (OM. aw whatz) dame taan nsat Ish. (Harris); f, 173@, 11 S380: (not Cur.) .whassh ALS prt-Hh-2-2.00 mls Aph., p. -msae, |. ro. (not Cur.) am wezhr> (OM. 57) Kaan waM Ish -f7 98a; ieee (not Cur.) Gaudere, ait, oportebat, (om. nos) Moes., p. 163. (not Cur.) « melons (Om. ram) mRaasusa psa | Ish. (Cod. Margoliouth), p. 1314, 1. 8. (CiaMattervis2 45) 2 on thee etn slas\ wohwaze wl wl Marutha, Bedj., ii., p.66, Il. 15-17. .e_anmh eatwrela.amwih ral SA ram Jags PII ¢--I mH ta mist XKrwhma am -aonsa ADD eg ate Doel 2 Oo) ees ee ere Stoked AGT MIAhA por Mosixrhs wam RSA .tacheo th Oe am gusta rant Aph., Peco, Ll oimo: we into haa vl vend) apr) 8) -P eo, 1, 20. aM seta casazl pmdiare Qopit cl awa | Ish., f. 1030, Il. 4, 5. (Cur. only) «rtasaxd pogo pos wam wpm wit cemams t\_am Ish., f299a, lean wan steic cl rash amiml smaaian mbhios A\na Eph, (Overbeck)) p. 23; Ili rayaaes APPENDI Xe I, 318 LUKE Pore, pow ganar Ais ADU a msoaol, 1 12, 62. warn whaalmal are cama Eph. (Overbeck), p. 127, ll. 18, 19. Bie . tt > patna peaana wtot pmavile yorxth Judas Thomas, p. asxs, ll. 17, 18. he Mysterium est septuaginta dworum discipulorum Meese D450; 22523. co He chose seventy and two Per phy Comm. p. 00.12 2. 1s Et ideo statim septuaginta dwos elegit NOCSs Del OO Tomer 7. it Eiht ra tdha Pree vie eamotanl armita Tsheeie o OU alge. Te Speatcha elit praaxr haala idem, |. 17. i perercere Ges pida ADEE pr tw wa PMahIwT aad | INGKGEN Sts, Zip NE ile, Tae 39. (not Cur.) Venit Maria et sedit ad pedes Jesu. NIGES ee OOslar os | 39. (not Cur.) Mary came and sat at Jesus’ feet. FLL Dime COmUy paso elles. 40. Non est tibi cura de me; NOESHED AOS a2 7. 4o. carest thou not for me? CU Ee Di COmmM=rprocw Ace | a0 ee a <-) ci mm Milamw wemwl swoon maul (aa SF ner | Eph., Sermones Rogationum IV. (Lamy, iii., p.°53, ll. 9, 10). Be mast Milas cmwl el sma Judas Thomas, oe Le, 4. (See Matt. vi. 11.) Ley : ae Mths ml sem ar 7.\e)seam oat 2 Aaey Ae, mohair wahin prmvit.... mmitala WyTAM\) won —sm tar rrxndains. Apne ps coy olay a2: 2. Vae vobis, Legisperitis, qui absconditis claves WMOGSH i Darz Lieerce moa Woe unto you, lawyers, for ye Ade the key. H.-H., Eph., Comm., p. rrz, ll. r2, 13. Ripert. miles proa. ealils pron MAS pro Waal pasion phosen ; ~ allrar mica iss pto pm waathh wl owls pre | Aph., p. asd, Il. 3-5, 19. whrato wheal wl cor -mrail imnn Aph., p. wax, 1. 13. | 19. (not Cur.) nord pal pada 03 mheiivo while eas A\ 2, a et) Eph., Burkitt, Ev. da-Mepharreshe, vol. ii., p. 133, 1. a Yok (Cur. only) wall wams cm Aph.; p.neoox, ll) rs, 76. at. idem. Eph., Ev. da-Mepharreshe, vol. ii., p. 133, 1. 8. 21, .tehro el wmlmsca whsarm ml sreot pss (OM. AM) eaams Aphre pica» Let: 317 OUOTATIONS=FROM@SY RIACSEATHERS LUKE We Gy pragma 54 hams clasor Mazo bast amsa Ish.) p.49; leo: 2c Multae viduae erant.... in domo Israel. Moeés: spat cOellee eo: 253 There were many widows in the ouse of Israel. T-Fy Eph.) Comm p20 ya) ae mee ey Oe arbre Aiea (om. jasa) sstzala poy crus Ish. (Acts; Codtlarris) iti 5ocsmes eas Viewer A: LpMeDl pl Prwaca -sen.00 Ish. (Cod® Harris) irs dale oe a8 Blessed are ¢ey that weep; for ¢Aey shall laugh H-I&; Eph., Comm, p63, lat yeeros: 24. : - aahass eohiast wisha canal var AD et: ee Aer Sh 321 pwanhasilh om Wim Aph., p. wl, 1. 2. ayey lp me BS SO a Aste Seniesa t = Yt wahare tsa oka sw anhassl, om idem, ll. 4-6. Bo i whaasl TAA La -aw wim idem, [isyo. vii. 4x. (not Cur.) .rtaarass tad aaa bow edie al Gih Eph., Sermo de Domino Nostro (Lamy, vol. ii., p. xxii, ll. 25, 26). 42. rmarrazast samism tual dual aa idem) pa xxii. ecwo? 43. a GUN ol toa idem, 1. 8. 44. (not Cur.) spar hase Miamts eI wim Eph., Sermo de Domino Nostro, cap. 20 (Lamy, vol. i., p. 187, 1. 12). 47. cream» ol worms mio A\ = idem,.pa186nlee Villaee2: (Cur. only) ex qua septem daemones efecerat, Moes., Pal 2oyll Mey & on out of whom e had cast seven devils, H.-H., Eph.,Comm., Pp. 91, 92. (Cur. only) ‘Terra autem bona et opima Mocs" (pal 25-tlemeas 8. and other fell on fer¢:7e and good ground H.-H., Eph., Comm., p. 92, la 16. (Cur. only) inno thes ol sem ar Aphsp. 32,)1eG¢ 50. (Cur. only) “¢rmiter crede et vivet fi/ia tua, Moes., p. 89, ll. 1, 2. 50. believe, and ¢Ay daughter shall live. H.-H., Eph.,Comm., p. 86, ll. 20, 21. 50. (Cur. only) pea Aimomm tanls ADI Ds realm 50. (Cur.only) taxls pom aimsnm ele Judas Thomas, p. sa, Il. 19, 20. 50. (Cur. only) .aasea Aim. tauls ele. idem, p. max», ll. 5, 6. 1X: aes! (See Matt. x. 14.) | 58. (not Cur.) e¢ filio hominis non est locus, Moes, p. 74, ll. 20, 27. 58. and the Son of Man hath no place H.-H., Eph., Comm., p. 85, ll. 26, 27. dee APPENDIX IL. 316 LUKE l. 9. sam> Naw s tot 9M Es Mar Abba (Rendel Harris), Ephrem, p. 93, I. 8. 48. Ex hoc beatam me dicent omnes generationes. (om. idov) Moes., p. 17. 48. mhawt MAASAI woe Api peesoml 52. ce ambhawiasn em earth how Eus., H.E., p. 395, 1.1. 76. ibis ante Dominum. (om. enim) NMGeSeap aryl nls: 76. (om. for) thou shalt go before the face of the Lord inoclells jae ACeyriea. (ak vii Ne Wis ore 80. eS torslsy pot max Vohemy Ol mite Daal sos i 4 quod dictum est de Maria, et Joseph, guza ambo de domo David erant,; Ephrem’s Commentary on the Epistles of St. Paul, p. 260. 4. * eat mhas em og Ac .Mhtsam DotA -Awasd EXD ae mecne eLle2 Ome te a wtrumgue, losephum e¢ AZariam, esse ex domo David. Moes., p. 16. 4. 290) whsesraX Toart mhis emt [Shea VOlaite pO lees: | 4. max dial mias toot 45 -amas Eph. (Rom. ed.), i1., p. 601 E. 14. ~em> lal emls weaie baa eoiml SMyasarz | Eph., Hymni de Beata Maria, xv. 4 (Lamy, vol. ii., p. 583). 35- Drwmat Cletaanh sol PALAIS Wotan rt : US AOR Mh gh, Crit, es oh. Bae Pertransibis gladium (d7s, Cod. B) Moes., pp. 28 (note), 29. 35. thou shalt cause a sword to pass away.f H.-H., Eph.,Comm., p. 78, ll. 27, 28. | 36. 2 EBL BX ham hag . paras sl waned | Eph., Hymni de Abraham Kidunaia, v.17 (Lamy, vol. ili., p. 813, 1. ro). | a118 16, Mat Oto LA da Aph., p. rele, 1.1. | 22. (also Matt. ii, 17.) . baal, or M>¥ yMaresa rt> wl am WIATUtRA OCC jas VOlelim Orel 2 olor Teen 2: iv. 1,2. .reaXoo psa emabasy way ohonAw perma Aph., p. ae Ebley. 2. Et postquam quadraginta dies jepunavit, esuriit. Moes., p. 44, 1. 8. 2; And after forty days, that he fasted, he hungered. Ere ple Omit past. leas, 9. (also Matt. iv. 5.) .deam prea ta ito -y La. Lim Eph., Hymni de Mysteriis Domini Nostri, xxxil. 5 (Lamy, vol. ii., p. 815). * Dr. Rendel Harris has called attention to the following passage in the History of the Venerable Bede, p. 287 : “ De utrogue potest intelligi, quod dicitur de domo David.” (Lphrem on the Gospel, p. 98.) t The “away” seems doubtful. 315 MARK Vileeo oe Vill. XIV. 4. 2s 69. ro. QUOTATIONS AR ROMES Viki h Cera Ini .40 Kriwt wmMaxic> Twa MAS e> sA AY Eph., Sermo de Domino Nostro, cap. 11 (Lamy, i., p. 171). Whence canst ¢ow satisfy these men? Armenian Version, Euthaliana, (ed. Robinson), Texts and Studies, vol. 111., p. 79, |. 20. Meats WLW 1m Ishi at. at 3 OG, ecw Compatiens, sicuti quando dixerat, ‘“ Absit hoc a te,” _Moes., p. 156.* Et verbum apertum /oguetur_(Jyi2) Diatharsix xis Daas resurgere et cum fiducia sermonem /ogwzz Cod. Bobiensis (k). -ham WAR TIT culass ver Rabbula, p. 178, 1. 19. vein’ lis ps wo paw haan plo Aph.,p.-s—x, ll. 8,9. KioSaaciiss saz m> iw ae | idem, Il. 9, 10. .tho wha wats Nanza idem, |. 12. (oce mMaliaxx limes) (SCem\latteexiy aes) vada Cash im wamia Aph., p. nob, 1. 2. Vigilate et orate, quia nescitis ¢empus (om. videte, om. quando sit.) Moes., p.. 210 watch and pray; for ye know not fhe time. HH? Eph. Gomi pt taal Potuit venumdari unguentum istud trecentis denariis et dari pauperibus. (om. pluris quam.) Moes., p. 205. This ointment might have been sold for three hundred pence, and given to the poor. H.-H., Eph., Comm., p. r1o, ll. 15-17. whats wadtsl asa " pamact ~a.3ca\ gawht botza (om. am) whosls ody» -saha idem, ll-26; 275 Huss Dheoph: v.40 sear » hain reality Awt A\\ = idem, l= Osa athe JLo In omni regione (vel habitation?) sua. Moes.\p..7,,n0tceas They were blameless in all their habitations H.-H., Eph., Comme! po 7 Olan »MITLAN wtrrsa roalso wam xy tA pot wan Mar Abba (Rendel Harris), Ephrem, p. 93, ll. 6, 7. | * See Burkitt, Ev. da-Meph., vol. ii., p. 283. MATT. Savile 10, 17; pad p-AMWA .Kow t> KaM wam Winks NOx» 69 Kor ¥5 nya 7* Port]. 28. 46. 50. sue 52, 64. BeVvAll< 3. iin 2 0; ves. 5. 7; 8. vee TO, Wi. IT. 49. vit. II 20. 28. APPENDIX IL. 314 smMetamy . asld\sas ada Bar Bahlul (Duval), col. 423.* (Cf. Burkitt, vol. ii., p. 178.) Jesus was his Name, who is here called Barabba; for so it is written in the Gospel of the separated; Bar Salibi(Loftus’ transl.), pt. ii., p. 13. -AAyw cam NAYs wt Kor i> Ishesp elo sale ; MIAK INA rmeIAX A\ = Det whotant aamla wea HA wrod He fos TIL ken ae emer) ee uateetie Gereliquistl : MGS. 0 Sibel, phe 62a hoc dala Habib (Cureton), p. sa, 1. 16. : -rozd -XuaT pa Kotamot mlasmr math par waa rea ok EW OKGEND 17. tere, WN, Ge Be PISO TNA mata aam ammshe ACdale ley Os lomo .Staes pian (om. Liam) tans Aph., p. rok, |. 18. eVAh eG? (om. ram ya») mrasia [shpaise SOC Bre tS. STaVPARR: Erit reus peccatorum in aeternum. NLOCSia Da eel ero tees 5) ‘ x 1 t-O-. Oussdh eae oman wam hilt A\ ma Busse bhneophslys 3c aLe5e roax Aa Nass Kawa Iden aA roan his Nas niaca idem, II. 5) 6. what, weaics Lais hana idem, 1. 6. Et daemones coeperunt precari, ne eos ex hoc loco expellerat NLOCS PAD mares ne lena 2.0: (See Matt..x. 14.) (also Matt. xiv. 26.) smahew WARN BAX ataow Bar Salibi on Matt. xiv. 26. (Cf. Burkitt, vol. 1., p. 192.) oe MKimnhns wim +5700 Dolio DaelOS allel Omn nt RAR pr Mim PAST SIs mle ADs Daewal. o. EIFS ER MAM DAT PIs wl ANAM 8) Re MEY, aaa patos rats TARA tT rehahta ta a_Ain Law hy Bohra CamyevGlet.e). 10s), TLS), * This reference is misprinted by Dr. Burkitt as col, 243. 15 MATT. xxii. 8. 13. one eae XXIV. 22. Doves 4. QUOTATIONS. FROM SYRIAC FATHERS oe otoh cA eaAiK> K5TT Eph. (Rom. ed.), vol. ti., p. 497, |. 13. (Cf. Matt. xvi. 19.) (not Cur.) year’ satu ~aw -pah an me Aph., p. resas, Il. s, 6. Sree ere eee pt weohare pata MAWATA Kmart mis caml Aph., p. vx, ll. 2, 3. pe Taw eal pmt -wians bial Wahie pimta idem, |. 4. wanhzdsas . aastih wamima ¢ adoiha salloh Wamin Eus., Fheoph., 1v..L7.0 .RKow washam> Pacny wm Addai, f. 18a, 1. 4. - >t ~oahir AawAL DT Eus., Theoph., 1.27; 1v. 18,lke25$30.035.elvezo mes 3 eX) ~oahin ArwzalAL wm idem, iv. 18, |. 9. (not Cur.) res wsm whaats wana As wanca -xraah wla idem, iii. 27. (* caradvOjoerar) . Tw F 2S thd ols wtore wana Sa vaca craim ashzh wls (Cf. Mark xii, 2.) idem, 1Vel ool eage Whii tals wom hs ta idem, iv. 35, 1. x. cals Cts idem, 1Ve 20 ele J"otot Kamna 2wt .,>MATMNI-D MISA >to Tada idem, ly fa. 30. mhiat Shas D Asp la idem, |. 22. xix. II. .l pam ala cam «ls Aph., p. asx, 1. 12. 5 sam \ ost pad’ cle Eus., Theoph., iv. 32, lL. 4. 12. Ju2-1.02.) Far1MIF warmt pm idem, |. 7. | : : | 16,17. wt cn_\ tw .wlals cin NIST Teac cast | Aph., p. >—%; Wea (o- | 19. (not Cur.) a Ne wvial a3 30 idem, la 20. (Alsou Kem lite In) mere) Ce, vl\a ta —™; 1x16 24. (wales = Pesh.) mhanisal (om. dasat) wih ae idem, 1) 17. 28, . Astor hiss prey tas hih —asathes Aph., p. ala, Il. 8, 9. XXeI5y (not Cur.) Aut non habeo potestatem, in domo mea faciendi, quae volo? MOo6S:,-D: 77 ytl el yet 15. Or have I not power ¢7z mine own house to do what | will ? H-H.; Eph., Gomm., p. 163y ilove eee Ze (Cur.) perches amiss * Eph. (Roman ed.), vol. 1., pp. 108, 109, 1.1 at, mam wal Watmeh Aph., p. ¥e-%, 1. 9 gir (not Cur.) Quis ex his fecit (om. $vo) voluntatem patris sui? Moes.,p. 191 BI Which of them did the will of his father? H.-H.,Eph.,Comm., p. 106, ll. 3, 4 31. (not Cur.) | Secundus Moés., D191 luge oye The second H.-H., Eph,, Comm:-p..106;) lige B23. -rrna eulal naira Eus., Theoph., iv. 13;uue. 34. earost eiala hal ,maran tte wiead was, Dt PT idem, ll. 6, 7. .wina (Cur. om. psa) ol 36. .rmesam waml ataaa idem, 1. 9. 37. PSAwa wie 11x idem, 1. 9. 38. otal omar. 33 (*-* Cur. only) *nejata ete Aim™ idem, |. ro, 38. »rmananwa ,maARwMWA.... . . MAT. arto idem, |. rr. * See Pohlmann, Eph, Syri, p. 54, and Burkitt, Ev. da-Meph., vol. ii., pp. 121, 122. mye 13. 19. XVI. 20. vill, 3, APPENDIX II. 310 to choose the best (lit. good good) H.-H., Eph., Comm., p. 93, ll. 6,7. »aostiy Kia ps cris Lariaia PisemeliicOpieg ve 2Cyl: tease hal hisak MAb KAY KATIT MNATI idem, |. 12. aa Mspata whaalsar mas oe Ait pealon mo\, mo T1A 1G Cte eel 2a 2" rst Mdi5 | AI a manclsa WIAD ad malay malax »mahorw WI Kwa idem sll arAwnas wwiars prlara missy pat oldcas diam weaase idem, |. 15. Mundabit domum regni sui Moeés;, Du2ityuemes he will cleanse ¢he house of his kingdom. H.-H., Eph., Comm., p. 93,1. 2. (not Cur.) wigs ania mhasisa ba a A aQia Bus.,, Vheoph.1V..345leng » melas pa waima | idem. (not Cur.) clameasws mhaalas aim coosiy tr mA Wakstaey sb, oft. (Om. rx sax yer) ut donum ad donum colligant Moe€s., Dar28 si gaa * The Sinai MS. is here illegible. t+ This word is found in Mark iil. 29 of the Peshitta. APPENDIX II. 308 MatTrT, eel] ae AMALALIASD ~~ AAIATQLIA Bus. Eheoph?, wvi27, li x, 2: 18, . eas ta ~amlos ~_ ambarcnco\ idem, ll. 2, 3. TQ. MAIC Sto ~aal peDEoIT phsaws Aph., p. moh, 1. 3. aye et si ab hac perseguentur vos, fugite denuo in aliam civitatem, Moes., p. 94. 23. and uf from that they persecute you, flee into another city, H.-H., Eph., Comm., p. 87, Il. 9, 10. 25. .m>F eS rwamay wtasralhi ml ara Eus., Theoph., iv. 31, ll. 1, 2. I ~wtXew Ls otaw 2 Anat - ahi’ PESTLE jtma idem, iv. 7, l. 46. 29. Duo passeres asse veneunt (om. Nonne) IM OCSTe Ding 7 ale 0: 29. Two sparrows are sold for a farthing; H.-H., Eph.,Comm., p. 87,1. 19. 33. (Cur. only) »smdanlsa »x20 Rahmani, Acts of Guria and Shamona, p. 7, 1.17. (Cf. Burkitt, Ev. da-Meph., vol. ii., p. 271.) 34. (not Cur.) wel .ageis eimines dQodhe Miars caiaoh cl Eus., Theoph., iv. 12, ll. 1,2. ° Qa rele ocak mies hohe 34. Saw wmiwa Qalacs whe wl air idem, 1. 17. 39. (not Cur.) :ahrt\sa mzas yoars Alas Marutha, Tedj., vol. ii, p. 193, 1. 19. 40 oy (not Cur.) om. et pauperes evangelizantur Moes., p. 100. 9. mons ps Gehry Waal weaw ime = Ish. (Cod. Harris), f. 1194, ll. 7, 8. TQ. pode waar moat Em Eph. (Lamy, 11.; p: 747, |. 6). P19. .MatD pm whmoaw homes ep USth Je, eed re 25. .wrdal tHunc halya (om. mahidaama) eS praia hamas Eby, fey Ca EF iy Ca’ wowla Sg 3h Pama ey 4. odo wtmoet amaimart AW sas) wx wl A Rabbula (Overbeck), p. 234, ll. 7, 8. A 2 ZAK So sAx wioha La siumhhma Tshye Decry lard 4. SA coal pm mote mmta Mia ria ls Rabbula, p. 234, ll. 12, 13. 4. 2 EIS pat KATAM> WAS row i \ IMAsAAMAIT pK CAADI aisa Idem Dees stl Lost te 22; Sanavit eum, et dedit ei audztum, loquelam, et visum, NOES SDs C19. eso: 22; and he healed him, and caused him ¢o hear, to speak, and to see. H.-H., Eph., Comm., p. 89, ll. 16, 17. 2, 3. QUOTATIONS FROM SYRIAC FATHERS Vidit Dominus fidem eorum Moes., p. 59. Our Zord saw their faith. H.-H., Eph., Comm., p. 32; liza 242 Asa wl wl Eph., Sermo de Dom. Nost., cap. 21 (Lamy,vol.i., p.189). .epazoh mahal ton magol pant harwhe Eus., Dheoph.)-i..40,,e4 7a , mal toa mizo hanila idem, 1. 48. ADS am aes mle Aph., p. Asoo, |. 3. OT eango Mitt pm daam aas Eus., Theophi, 1v.033, \ea1yeeee WT eT Ct-23 ps AnD idem, ll. 46, 47. KARA ~« aim Judas Thomas, p. —mao, Il. 455: RATA Oh aM ~~ osm Mao Eus., Theoph., v. 38. . Rept Sip pPtwaca -sandca... . meaiam pot saim\ors Ish. (Acts, Cod. Harris); f. 159@, lem Maracsa (om. ath prahews pala)... Ret pl prwaca -sanaca Cod. Sachau 311, Berlin, Goussen, Apocalypsis Versio wp2Qmx. 3.2 Sahidica. (Cf. Harris’s Ephrem, p. 101.) AES. ID Wtacm. - Ka115 Wasmera pal» $5 sanasa Judas Thomas, p. sas; ll GR, pwWismles amr am mA dspam wTamoa Cod. Sachau 311 (Harris), p. roz. we chieh cl Sam; wewtansy = Ish. (Cod. Harris), f. 13842, ll. 8, 9. eRotrax hist wapal mlarca Eph., Hymni de Ecclesia et Virginitate, xvii., v. 11 (Lamy, vol. iv.). wenalieh cl Seas; ewtacst Eus., Theoph, iv. 16, ll. 11, 44. BAW 2 t--7 hap psa seathy whéas La bowls ari al, wir idem, li 12yame aytar e ahilin TAT Ishs5*p. O5eelenae »perrohan phth mela MAMA wom7 _aroh wls Eus., H.E., p. 296; ll. 1. 3e14ee (also Mark vi. 11; Lukeix.5.) «paler wamamy © ama FA risa Habib, p. aa, 1. 6. rN nls Addai, f. 19d, 1. 13. Pe amalvia cls Ish., p. 76, 1. 6. e_amals is ris »malos ro Eph. (Overbeck), pp. 51, 52. Discutite pulverem pedum vestrorum Moés., D.s0ne shake off the dust of your feet. H.-H., Eph., Comm., p. 87, 11. Vlll. ERS a 22. 29, APPENDIX II. 306 »Whaimem 5» Fads» cal A\5 da ES Aaac mwas Judas ‘Thomas, p. 7.8, |) aoa ° Aus olsy tum amy \\=n idemuslls 175153 (* Cur. only) Meassthh* Cahaw pesett east amo7 AGO Ohe [85 oe Me GO, Sey . Wiewe Sto WrwLX 350 wanih cla Mar Abba, Rendel Harris’s Ephrem, p. 94. oisee eto What X to emis ela Habib, p. a, Il. 15, 16. Nolite projicere margaritam (om. vestram) ante porcos: Eph., Comm. on St. Paul’s Epistles, 1 Cor. (ed. Patr. Mekithar), p. 52. (* Cur. Laamwha) .GQama*® alezs Aph., p. mak, |. 3. a Ohamiag aw coblers Eph., Sermo IV. Rogationum, c. 8 (Lamy, vol. iv., p. 447, ll. 12, 13). Aph., p. 4x9, ll. 3, 4. : retina Misi .ot Maetad asam Apli, p. 349, ll 16, 17. miwt ota M aoe wins wal walows Lm. w55I5 (a uh la MWe} Poy CREE DE Gy, 10 To wal, wine wal cealow da eiam Eus., Theoph., iv. 30, 1. 3. . >Ms ae wins weal cables Aph., p. aap, |. 18. The leprosy was cleansed from him. Trans. Armenian Version (ed. Robinson), Euthaliana, Texts and Studies, vol. iii., no. 3, p. 79. *(not Cur.) - Ma tala am raXyhamlipra Eus., Th., iv. 2, Il. 9, 10. Le (not Cur.) mbsore wi» wis al wams mazslal Hymn., Studia Sinaitica, xi, p. Yas. (not Cur.) ytdeapxe Clementine Homilies, ix. 21. ater te eon Tout CIS tow ataala = Eus., Th,, iv. 2, il. ric Hh we (not Cur.) ¢¢ fillo hominis non est locus Mocesawpigd ll: 90,27. .mxny Wasa the al wam dil Aph., p. so, Il. 9, 10. rehas panna [sinepar eel Go (om, ax.) semlet mts wie ti wea Eus., Theoph., v. 18, 1. 21. Vi. 10. 16. 19. 19. 20. 21. Zi. ZA. QUOTATIONS FROM SYRIAC FATHERS (not Cur.) . eossasrisaal amt Aph., p. xi, Il. 21,22. (not Cur.) - a aal nus pal oe Aash avs Aph,, p. wl, ll. 1, 2. sth tauncia Miah) dass Ish., p: 60, leeae . War WAD moor rel ea Aph., p. sa, |. 22. . armMAsd wcoel rol os Aph:, Dp. sao, lL 25°3345 (@not Cur.) .oataletzd? else ar ac —asaces Aph., p. sae, ll. 16, 17. are. EB | hWowttss Ar Mais wanes Jacob of Serug, Burkitt, Ev. da~-Mepharreshe, vol. i1., p. 269. WZ2T1-2-5 3 PAN ~VwISS Se a_aacisa Judas Thomas, p. Yu», Il. 5, 6. (Cur. only) rtssest Risso mwsanl i saa idem. It rec Mm Kiam cmwl . coat amul eta | Eph., Sermones in Rogationem VII. (Lamy, vol. iii., p. 53, Il. 9-11). MAS hus ~2 Kret Misa rsa) nA > mM Jacob of Serug, Burkitt, Ev., vol. i1., p. 269. »peeiwl paaysd piv -sro Aph., p. s\, ll. 55-6, ro. ppeinl pany) pw -ans Aph., p. ma, 1. 17. poet pans) pr» arcs Judas Thomas, p. Nw, ll. 7, 8. . esas patra rela idem, 1. 8. : ~_ acdialas mezisoa\ Waoarh cl ows Ish. 0. OOnleanae w prlamsat ~ ambhalio mxsisnal Jaoazh wl calie or sh oholy, (oh ml, Il, 11-13. Tor pao. ~aorl ml aw. a oa> Fe OCIA pa PATIA - Ans padi mths cla Aphe po sellers wAsiasa Room lars theo Aph., p. \ax, Il. 15, 16. . peeiiia mai paxian the idem, loss: pA ssc me cls thw idem, loa7 weaasl ae Rams pah » amh —asahsint theo idem, |. 18. -easal aw pmh Wadhoies Then Ish®, p. 68 51eee oa diss PATA sx \Q rexi¢> waz wax_welo Aph., p. was, Il. 10, 11. | * Sinai text not extant from Matt. vi. 10 to viil. 2. 39: 39: APPENDIX IL. 304 -mareda wemles smcias a AIHA cols staal a amsasal 7 PWT jee Ca ik Geta Gok Coe Pal ies ey woe (not Cur. ) ~maah add ADD Dae es le LT: .Stoan hmam Saws ols Aph., p. Yedy, Il. 5, 6. -wameh el | aamaiosnn Aph., p. aad, 1. 3. sremlies SIR meamiaat easrs tawh ela Aph.,p. \ed,]. 17. Qui percutit maxillam tuam (om. dexteram), porrige ei et alteram partem.* WiEOCcme Ds 055° 007 Ounn( la p2223,, le 2o:) Si quis te percusserit in maxillam (om. dexteram), praebe ei et alteram. Moes SDiala tect2: he that smiteth thy cheek, offer to him the other side also. H.-H., Eph., Comm., p. 84, Il. 19, 20. mage ml 40 APRS ALN “i marco¥ eray* Aph., p. ao, |. 17. (not Cur.) Woyics are ml sm ‘Vy ts hon AMT KH67 Ee idemsle7 3. trad F-39 r< wih mss Ay. dan mas Aiwhs wl tuzmd maa idem, ll. rz, 12. * The sequence of this in Aphraates and in Ephraim’s Commentary shows that the quotation is from Matthew. TO: 18. 18. 19. ‘ 19-21. pileez2. QUOTATIONS FROM SYRIAC FATHERS (not Cur.) Dic Japidibus istis, ut panis fant Moes., p. 44, |. 18. (also Luke iv. 9.) (Cur. only) boom pee ta M9to oy Ls Eph. (Lamy, i., p. S153) Ives e5 aes se ita Ls mesos Las (not Cur.) rasa wl Nas Eph., Hymni de Ecclesia et Virginitate, xiii., v. 11. Lamy, VOladvVic D5 uagaeel ee Pe Azad aam pazmarma Kani chuis AD. D: OnS ej ulec eee (not Cur.) pawas sochdie’s wl -seox tar Eus., H.E., p. 153, 1.5. *e¢ (*not Cur.) transitus Jordanis fuvzi Moes., p. 6, 1.211. (Cf. H-H., Eph., Comm.; prs2,lergs) (not Cur.) .whasat mil\ sa Wahiacds trrhoa Aph., p. Xead, ll. 15, 16. (not Cur.) .relalys whoo mit Ls cram wom tas Hhus?, Cheophve0ssee (Cur. only) waca o> aa Criw pie it~ a O37 wa -pansal padre Poth wow pooh peso pre taa mhs alinwa aADdt>—s0 Eus., Theoph., iv. 6, ll. 5-7. dwtaaseo rmauw piwasla .r221 +5 (Cur. only) edhass gap waima™ . aire wena Camas p15) RO iG en leay aoe BAMAD RS PTD) TA his aco\ aasain celV Sk mamiaas Judas Thomas, p. Aq, Il. 3, 2. (not Cur.) et coepit dicere: Moeés., prow, 12 20; and began to say Hi -H:; Eph.) Commi no seaao ae AMwatD caimal ~amssals : ADoeai: ss l.sr5 p. wiawll aac ~e_AMwats cramml eoal ms Aph., p. résa, ll. 8, 9. Blessed are the poor ¢a their spirits. F=H; Eph., Commi. 0.103; ler ome (not Cur.) . xte ahtes waims Ish. p.a5a elena: DMI Phe waiantd Tstiep.5 4 oe in Cur. only is next v, 3 and before v,. 4. Aph., p. rsa, ll. 8-11. (Cf. H.-H., Eph., Comm., p. 83, note 4.) APPENDIX. II, . 302 Marr. eT 0, star paths pmiaa euszal alas ime -amas hal whe tao roAtZ wopl aly .@ .Wam eaam eure rams wl ors Bar-Salibi, Comm. on 3 .ms\aset rei am whtw cle .thhe ees Matt. 1.18. (Cf. Burkitt, Ev. da-Mepharreshe, vol. ii., p. 266, ll. 5-7.) 18. T-s9 dal Ts9 ~~ A>toh cl tara Eusebius, H.E.-(ed. M‘Lean), p. 60, 1, 12. i$). cogitavit, ut faczfe eam dimitteret Nieesinger pete. lest, PIs: ~ pas eale Ja) 0iy 90, Ge ae WE Aas. 25% (Cur, only) Sazcte habitabat cum ea Moes Dezsgriletaara: is Ln sanctitate habitabat cum ea NOCS Decora Aj 25. He dwelt with her zz purity, Hamlyn-Hill, Eph., Comm., p. 78, 1. 8. WS pa and presented unto him az offering Teles any Ose) aes ea 18, twhiim hatha c Cur. only) Qaxscal? malts mzar ang prass plan’ wal ahiss Aph., p. aah, Il. 16-18. lll. 4. rata ilsaQy Was st wiam@ em werhan... ml dtaa a wwlsay ors Jad wine Wass .Was> wis tanls moiar Isho‘dad (ed. Gibson), p. 38, ll. 1, 2, 3. 4. (ROuG@ur os Tal 3 1270 presao ham mhladima Pal. Syr. Lectionary, p. 261. ne (not Cur.) ciala moalea czo1 si [shiva 320ml ace | 0. (not Cur.) dome cores (om. ~aarars).pimrea phy caamh els | Aph., p. rie, ll. 6, 7. -pmicrw el : 10. (also Luke iii. 9.) Ecce, securis fervent? usque ad radicem arboris | Noe sappeso,4onle 30,1. (CietH.-H Eph; Camm: p. go, ll'r1,:12.) 10. (Cur. only) smahsa . wine tos els (om. Asam) elie Aas Julian (ed. Hoffmann), p. 29, 1. 8. BAY aint lo rs (not Cur.) . tar MeatTa WidaiDA| | Ephraim, Hymni in Festum Epiphania, v., v. 4 (Lamy, vol. i.). | te é band ov mot ymanysa rt> al am Marutha, Bedj., vol. 1i., p. 120, ll. 11, 12 “—- en, Et postquam quadraginta dies (om. et quadraginta noctes) jejunavit, esuriit, Mocs d4yio, (CloH.-Helph.,Comm,, p. 81, 1.22.) APPENDIX IL. LIST OF QUOTATIONS BPROM@syY Rit Gai siete WHICH AGREE MORE WITH JHE OD SY RIACB ETHAN Fit (DEL E Hes EAS THESE quotations are chiefly the result of my own independent investigations ; but, to make the list more complete, I have included in it several examples to which I have been guided by Dr. Rendel Harris’s Ephrem on the Gospels, and by Dr. Burkitt’s Evangelion da-Mepharreshe. Some of those from St. Ephraim were found by Dr. Burkitt to agree with variants read by meat Sinai in 1900, but suppressed in “Some Pages of the Four Gospels” (see Appendix [.). I have rigidly excluded all passages which agree with the Peshitta, and all those where a word which appears distinctively to agree with the Old Syriac is found in a parallel passage of the rival Version. Agreement of quotation with the Peshitta is always to be expected after the middle of the fifth century; the surprising thing is, that any later writers should be found who were acquainted with the older text. Especially do we wonder at Bar-Salibi, of the twelfth century, and at Isho‘dad, from whose Commentary on the Gospels, written in the ninth century, I have gathered more than seventy cases for my list. I have had the advantage of being able to consult the two MSS. of this Commentary which belong respectively to Dr. Rendel Harris and to Professor D. S. Margoliouth, of Oxford, from which my sister, Mrs. Gibson, is preparing her edition of this work. I have found two fresh quotations in Rabbula, and three in Marutha. The words which form the agreement are printed in larger type or in italics. Where the agreement consists in the relative position of words to each other, this could not of course be done. I hope that the method which I have followed will enable scholars to verify the agreements easily. Those from Mboesinger’s translation of Ephraim’s Commentary on the Gospels, from Hamlyn-Hill’s, and probably those from other works of Mar Ephraim, must have agreed with Tatian’s Diatessaron. ST. MATTHEW. eG seasl slaw isa wie rabae cares yma Aphraates, p. nmh, |. 22. 8. (not Cure) gees azar rhaias htlahna Aph., p. waa, 1. 12. 8. (Cur. only) . 3yacr.s ei\woal u\ora Idenisaleaes 8. (Cur. only) . ator’ t> eras whahal helahea idem, |. 16. _ APPENDIX I. 300 THE following readings were in the transcription which I made from the manuscript in 1895, but were not adopted in my book, “Some Pages of the Four Gospels Retranscribed from the Sinaitic Palimpsest,’ because they were considered at the time to be impossibilities. Professor Burkitt has restored most of them in his edition of the Evangelion da-Mepharreshe. Matt xxvi. 1: AA rama Mark xii. 23: s.amis | ay amon im dik Oe SEONG - Amsdhvsaz Xi. 29: »IR-0 Luke vi. 24: se aaha xs Mi Ae RGSS 2 « x.6: Ane & xii, 55: MAYtaaAN John vii. Io: . pax Xi, 38, xiv. 1: oar | pea +> yagaah eax This was omitted by an oversight. Corroborations of some of my latest readings will be found amongst Bremeeootations, amin, Matt. xi.5 ; xii) 4; “Xk. 15; xxiv.2; Luke xx. 33; wOnmay, 273 xii. 44, Words about which I am doubtful are in— Luke iii. 23: wtp tohem or mt> tohmwm iv] 20° aN mw or ls TT. 299 ADDENDA AND CORRIGENDA JouHN eh: for rsd read (sic) wsxa3 * 24. < yates» % e »>TIATTI9 asXa saith, eth oy FAAAA :, (sic) tas ch* (with Dr. Harris) le AAC: , RAGS ¥ >A RIL J Viner 5 nes 33s Fr HIN = (verified in 1906) t ry a Ad[tor pot] . aster ? ID 3 dw “ae is maa dic mit Teva MITA Tiss | re mimioa is mMiasa\ aa* wisa i: probably resis 39 wow tal a TO MIAAIRC Ara. AMAL ,, pela eas NG 1 Se GliN: ciao hal read caw Iimsas : cniceisa % »pmasazdhl trr (so also S) ham waz) read masa (20 3 I-00 FAS Tw » am] (om. S) e sTAIA Hse IN (57) » mins . Ac ” dir’ xo2.s22 39 md 3 o2_M2s3 Ye MIS NS Fe 8 » wvatayz3 9 ein 9 aS rab, 23h f A\ = (pr. a, S ed.) (the a does not show in the photograph) veaa A\=m 8. . CAA ALS cass read AAS aw” 38. x Ta Ih} - Oth * CI odds < x >d3* xii. 3 4 WAR a oad * 16. “i Reo SIDA. eanmhal am read Rw tay. XxXill.4. for WAiw ss ies Mis AL rane SO 7, yo | (yee NCU mG MIS save xiii 14. Mor rhazs xg ch.sas> 20 po Scan one a ed.) "9 whasloan 20 eae MI Las ; Mis A» 32. . lien «Va, Ws ze Mis A. xiv. 19; John vii. 33. For aw Mica, ealina athe i, ffure MAIR JX . MO rowW 1 Oaaene Mids wan ; micdyz. § 20 ee maw ula Ce OL Vee rt ees ay a MASI 3 3 fae es mith : ac dhs 10. $3 gash i pean XVIl. 4. x Mid ods - Miodahs 14. * phir’ tAQ (om. a, Sed.) ,, phir’ RAQ SV ile eee MIS WIAs 7 MITA APPENDIX I. 296 ST. MARK. i 29. For wastiwsa read WOASIAWSAA vi. 49. 5) 9 VAI AF 5» ATI ADS 99 cio. |, ne kta ae suye Silis 2 i Carus % »A-D Re ISS e< cw TES J 5» MOBLs ie 2. < Alofinega “ alodaca (with Syndic’s edition, and with Peshitta) xi, 22 » Rale’s 59 Dee UGE. jes. for WLR-DN read NAD * jiuer.3: - am Nic x « Aun cs wam dic oohiixs 3 (Only the space of one letter after hasasa; cf Merx) 9. ~ = Seine a read aro AA (no letter lost) Vv. 21 Pie |fexe3--s0) | Paps 5 TAWA 26. » wrsta - me See m2 724s, estan tho Mima, read plan th> am | Mamas vi 23. - ‘arata reads NT wise, 44." For c2.2an ,, Cn.X.2 V7 Millu2O Fix, 355XiV.10,10. for MIM Ma2-" rtad- Wiss 49. for pe tara read eh mex* (with Dr. Harris) 295 ADDENDA AND CORRIGENDA Matt. XIX, 920. 8 wLi07, ponls read peonlas (also Lukerxin 130,)xxivesiy) Sh YP e amis . e_amlas (also Luke xiii. 4, xxi. 3, xxili. 49) TeuKe XxXitieto.eeec07 ~_amisa read ~_amlasa X Vil. 62 72a ~ acmial ~_amlaal a OP For Kaw tow read Satyam (also v. 28, 32, 39, viii. IT, Xll. 31, X1X. 23, 24, Xxte27)'43csslluke (x11 22 ee XVIll. 14, 17, X1X. 40, XX1i037, scxklli94 359) ONDEVias) Luke xii. 27. For Kar tora read Mstmwa 4. 4g) = SAGO read Ard Yor (also xi. 51, xviii. 8, xx. 8) Vv. 39. For Asaal Bs Aso\ A2. PT...-ACe. », seaalad viii. 4. 5 Rarcam\ 5 eharcas* 8. ye ntti tats: 5, IAL (also John i. 27) isco: 55 BQ (MLSprint ?) » maa dh MG) » CIS Ihxs 5 méitnxzsa (also Luke x. 3) 29. 9 ate Ae VN ae XV. 24. 4, Aer $oaar<’ (lat B2I yy iy Moe By Mine (also xx. 14, XXI. 29) xvii. 20. 4, oe QAIAMw 5 ee AAI Sa * XViii, 29. 5, MIR TA ye NU N11 a, ret CTD » SR 27]. aes Mc sas 5 Teh SOigty. FOR og whim duns » Warsm dus xxiii, 17. , Star » Swana™ Orie Oy. os rsals - mrsals* rc 7 r it 6. ,, racasa\ loo pair’ e rads | read pica lamas . whe 22 ss [ ~ og Mric t> (also xix. 6) sate. pitey a wzital > wie gal " 3Re - Soke “ Sal (also Luke xix. 4, xxi. 17) ane ~, Salm Mp A\=a {eis SVs 2 eX 1 Xe KC Viiv mixees oe x X116 20 ce Onn 1. 30, ttl O) XVill. 6. i? Naaa read Asa (alsOrxxiec 2h lukerxxel 6) Weuke-x!. 34.007 calas e ols xxii. 37. For ocala » daa (also Luke xi. 34, xix. 37) Luke xiii. 21. For calaas iy calax v. 18. For Sax Ay Naas (AISOuy 22 Xe eV) 19. eee) Wee NAS (a sOmrxil SO; xvilim ole xis Sxil) 10>) Luke ix. 43, xiv. 33, xviil. 23 7 John tv. 20, vi. 37) is 7: +, Nas vad As (also xiii.9, xv. 13; Luke xiv. 17; John iv. 13) Luke xv. 13. For jancala = read mam Aas (also xv. 14) 31. 4, wasalaa ,, yam dasa fs a Rtn fs: ~ amliala rf ~amlaala 293 ADDENDA AND CORRIGENDA eacait 28 rlisns otal 27 (= 26 risa Azata oe ACTA paca 30 Ats ic 29 DIDI AMsIra Anh Obstet wade TAAM.) 21 mzmes ir VI. aam als 8 4 am WhaN MIM tor 29 dade, 25 rhaxs Nee cy? WAQUE. mz2t 48 IX 28 mADAA 19 VII. AM Wa—~sr 4 sMALIS 2 msamrx 1 IX. Mitmre 58 Ay ou 5 retoINs 9 Mam twee 8 mmisson 5 ea calsx Mardis Bans 4 ahassa 3 rls Cae hama 18 CAN3 1 XI. stars 28 win omaha ; WIIG 21 away 20 matcara daa 19 Whar wr TRIN NS aa dsam alew wwaral whim re5atAt 37 XII. MIS IW 25 om. Wale \ di eiza cas 5 »,marrsaild\ 3 XXI. pazats 26 XX. wh rexml 24 XVI. APPENDIX I. 292 et 24 %88Q20 araxa ig XXVI. petaa 20 XXV. risamn 4 INA aw = ,sanaald\ om0 taa 866 aM} 26 MINA 25 edlo surcdhonn 28 aku tara .omsa,mals .amia 27 pmdshums remal whew Mt 29 reals cinsazl 2 ecala atmahml = tza 37 alin 30 ,Anan = wha Sx ask cal eaATHT 42 oe ARAL 40 tae 38 eat 38 XXVII. eSe 66 Whe 43 ams = tasaa rico eos ST. MARK. eriwl 6 etme paral 5 as 3 VIII. eco 13 Vz MTADA KDA 30 BES 2 OS »marisaldh ro »narasai hi Aiadu 23 Worle 1 22 wha 13 ~amslalisa Toes le smansaihl ,toow slim’ 7 XVI. Armin’ 46 worth 43 XIV. ie lUKE: acivan as’ 15 warcima rlis 3) UE pada tw 5enls alisa Kid 33 toot 25 IX. SE ey WANL. MALIA 43 hats 38 CRE ey — Ate) 33 XI. RG ey sia. ark 210 43 »>NIADA 41 gan Mix t 40 ris mis 39 O° 44 oars wmlza Whraias tom coham . abun oto 46 WALA 45 palo zim pte . aasdur’s cor 27 XI ners yg) Ye 8 NC aah 47 mec 11) 3 @) NAG mhasizas 28 Mhoaz> 14 XIII, peala 31 XVIII. eeN NNN rr ess 2 XVII: Vans 24 paiasat 23 XXI. MLIa 47 at dhdw 15 mar 8 = aam 7 XIX. Mimmsa mxrayrD p2acaia 25 ole amlhezas moms. 24 291 ADDENDA AND CORRIGENDA BRACKETS HAVE BEEN REMOVED FROM THE FOLLOWING WORDS, OR SEVYAME POINTS ADDED TO THEM. ST. MATTHEW. Awahwue’ ty w\ aa NAS ns» Is S 1 18 L retara sats ram Mae TMAss3 21 AT Ard re ms tool Noth WZ saan ~RAaD I II. mA Thsa3 SL. whlahs Tacs 23 réalsa am ral pte 2 miziard euinso 9 zak cma realins MALT TAMA wamla .ziaa 4 ra hcs paarraiy ater’ Alb\ pwd’ 73 rcjaswa II sywdr 7 alah 20 V. peDIN~A asain 2 IV. mlox mas 14 ino 28 pcaarasal dy 24 rts 15 VIII. Tawa sa 21 pmarasaid 14 hash ealel oo tors chswsr 13 IX. A haisas an rAd’ 22 SGA ig ae mzstaa aac 23 XII. ANI 23 X. ponamaR 3700 Wasa wywa 23 peta 36 XIV. eth Nyon 24 part team 1a Caml 23 pAwArsI 22 Oca 3 XXII »maracaih 16 XXII. mesial 33 XXI. APPENDIX I. 290 JOHN | oes on-. Lok oA Nas AAD An) a7.) »2 | ash et ot sohr ama asl wam Iexml)] ade [ween | ota eirtato [irtar cov read et ow 7 a aas isa CL aash = a6 dan ti Jaa alr m\ Adin AN waal rams 3& MK sphx sn 8 Weim IS — odd 24. For »IA0ts read 3yRAN Ate ith Gay eae oat ~ otha Sil Py ay Ka ON a ri Ngo The edge of the leaf is broken off. eT Ose 3.) (Asm Amz 5, CA DAaN Aiea *I5, ,, cndrsAss 5 «6 MARATAAsT 16 5» «69m ATAw 6) 6m NASA me I ap [eNasos | S appears to have edulsaizo read mAsX\oan (Professor Bensly alsXza, but with a mark of uncertainty.) 289 JOHN xii. 44-46. For ram] <\ pac [+53 a tara mas| ps Laz *48. Teh PA, 23: 29. XlV. 12. read ADDENDA AND CORRIGENDA 4 ~ too [ IVAN as | winc [ pascaza i | [cal] dude [tomar taX_] wae” [,st2-23] sal walsh Lee N oat AZ.» 44 Le ae tN Toma wo wl aA I wAx r | A a ot p30 ~ITT-L 7 ak ma bs | ram wi (722 ca > 2% wAc » cn po pd F Yun 7 eee a tr $29 >A ta 45 MIS bee DTT LT 46 peer nr’ WIMA.__) roals\ For loss or possibly \\ azo (p.555) vead \zs3 Taw »AamMm en Ass veal YAS Ad | en Ass The a has completely vanished. cet »mmazasal dh cate read ALN »manarald | (=a Ts Salm [taX_] aam petam read WX. aac | pe Taw Salma Wass read WAsDO eine ak Mic on\ Ad ear. | cdhima read w a0 | rvhloaa on\ ti 7a-L P| [a ash a\ ley codaee Aaa ts o ie Ss = | wie [ caxas i read rei ac bo eITA A pat X1. X11. 40, 41. Aq Tos 21. For For APPENDIX I. 288 mina read RIA Mowt.. ,, rtora! WV > wsokt2 »D2~O [eorsrésal msrams aac te pio} ths wah pation IHD epacha cn ts r_N aag ah [abla] read abo"! ean ales A.D eek & & & « « Cog Ward . % % cis het Ad cS etarc|a | AAD ptura wad 337 pan ty. eh] eR ry Min cepoX As [eotssom dsaxa -Laxs1| In 1905 I thought there was an illegible line here. I might be grateful to Dr. Burkitt for filling it up; but the fact is, there is none. Possibly e>AxX2t may have been written between the lines; but the surface of the page is much injured, and I have failed to find it. etd pamwmtA pant read pith lisa pacar Atma » BIO mhkos The photograph might be read Whsass (Prof. Burkitt). 1 read it so in the MS. Mrisa read (p. 554). read ilo JOHN aN ap, 1 182 Spi Pate Villweloe . 22. ” read 22 FOF 23. ” 24. 9 33: ” i . 2. * Q. ” 15. 93 16. % read 16. For ree Bod - 73.0 al read x xo\ Imo 84,0 dkammm crn. 3 A\oss [raha] am esl earam. eta peta e_AMZLALID ~aca\ <2 TAC. mas \\os »a ecal ? 3 on wi read heh [yosec\crz.\ | ae eeu ahah ,, ~ ahamas Sd; ? gaiezirtla pei’ read ~Aa! psi piw.im’ is wedged in between two lines at their beginning. Nothing follows it. The next line begins a pad mz read ¢a Iw Som eX eat 7 So AIM +s tI, aim acox pets si pe OUICA viene oad read | aN hXarwa at j sh diva sea ole’ oo wWtAK .. pe TINA + 1s @ AMI oe 23th 60 oc = a StAX rse0 TINT A\ = —Rauee wi mond x Wee ams read lox! S33 cr- LS MASS 3°) Vl. 19. 19. 22. ABPENDIX I. For Shaslworw Wrsasa are AIT 320 read wharlor | Wess as O%-D23 | VAAQ lor Amal S preceded by an illegible line read acs wee: 3A WaT} AL JAW CAM MeO amals for axa read Ota dee SS III ON ae ee as\) read— aa Ud Wwoma_sNha | ie 7 te | Wtwa am r..x--1-45 at—a-—s1 ham a Aye, cot aes walla wad | qoardoan 6. For Soca Wiz [ar ssas Saas] read cam A) »STIy 8. , 20% Asan » 2acn plan The ¢ is distinct with the re-agent. Xiseel 3: 4th i 8Op 20. 24. *26. *26. Dy fe 20% Xi. *25. age 28. VEO: LO? ADDENDA AND CORRIGENDA Wis read <7 Min wins ,, eam TIATRI as | ods Gree oeun cr\ | For [alo | read Mss » Ina) 4 tare era eZ @ Aoals wWams Meme. . Cammtos hinh read »@A32X cals. Cams | Wrstirw> M820 to. | dris.so ch There is no room for the e_9 of these two plurals. for io] read DIM ct at a se 5 » radars or ‘azar (a word of five letters). . PS See » [Wace] ,, arts » rearssaih fanlo yaa| read wodu alo! saa ms eewWa read ex3\ The \ of this word is on a line witn the \ above it and the > below it. atx (seen in a hole) read ao ws with Dr. Merx and Dr. Rendel Harris. The first letter of this word resembles both s and x; the second letter has disappeared in the hole; and of the © only the /ower horizontal stroke can be seen. 9 “wABYSY: 66. XXVII. *20, oy, 43. * For read For read ADDENDA AND CORRIGENDA eahedh read WIAA (catadvOjoerar) apc >| Ue Ota ha [a atsam] camila} read eadsam wama [-s ass] read +S aim [Waar | Miss read WRAAN CRW n=) read pe WA tm iG 4 tetra ys 2 tas ca [ ass | 99 7 VSI 5 7 pLIAhISM ,, »Liahtsra@ [tat eran | Iw RAY.) [who] as, 20th [eins] ,, a7 | rams [mAs MALT | rela [ean aac | peta rac | ws rs eAs cia | SAR w\ aaa peta erate cal, read cala (there is room for Q). [par rear we air’| read [px] ae [air] [rh hi] » ad Adheal «adic > Ue OS Nasal mithhzon read a \ &x-0 0 ©6There is a hole before this word. On turning back a tiny flap, I saw the 3%. MISA vead MICA Chit ro sal (p. 544) read Wa RIL tors Lara freon) piDe « « Mis “f ree IAN isd [ocala | 29 amis C.00.2. 2 AM2.2 ra waa bh Fo r 4 mac Muadia AM et (p. 544) ;, cam Aaah! co MatTrT. Rives 16. 17 L7. io. 20. Mi 22. 22. XVlil. I5. IQ. mikaeel Le Te Moree: Boel Os. 17. 0.4 RC tee Rite O; 30. For 93 APPENDIX I. 4 S wllegible read ~_aca\ asm S illegible ,, patra S illegible ,, eae S illegible ,, Law pas pth S illegible ,, Withah 274 rt & a S dlegible, but ver, 21 begins with aam read ¢aX AOC | pac S illegible read \0 | ale’ wri» alaws | Aico a5 | le St] wales | a ands »masasalal | anda. xia! meal) fa = The words 2% aam, in ver. 21, if there, are under a fragment of non-transparent leather binding firmly glued to the page. Prof. Burkitt must have read am asaam Cf. Luke xvit..17. S illegible read 3m | Shomer ast | MIAMI AIA eo OW WIE tAQ! Calm zal <“tZ S wdlegible read Ax» tar | om. S read WX Delete dot after EG For ~_aica\ S@ read eg anim 99 99 99 3) 99 duas Between these two verses there is a space of a blank line. For cokts (p.544) read hat »Liads» (seen ina hole), page 544 read taro, Tee ee ONS 7200 (ae ronal <3 S illegible read Fassown Sqllezible ,, wh ra 37) re >t ~ aids , Adus 273 ADDENDA AND CORRIGENDA MATT. be, 1 For [pita] atu plan [rskjwa eisodon max | read para Adu pla | ralwva rsa sos. 22. For +++ vead plot wl ata: read g_Ato) 2s, DAS ay eee, xi: , S illegible , es eo ES) HIAAR pang rmowa , oa 5 iS we ines 5 ia 033) oY DEARTYO Spasttan dura aC. ,, vest illegible read AR ‘eazax\ ac. oS) MEQ i Os tas died mam | ales xii. *3. 5 oS Bee - cad 3 * 4. SS illegible =, ~~ oaNrx i eodual wan As isu’ Wawa rosla he de. 8 WEBeNIE ., ain 22 , S illegible jaanas+ Sd read warn WA e235 T-ss eLIWA cna! WaMmM 42. 5) PONT read mwwAAss X1lls a5: » Manin (p. 543), maar (the dot ofsecond 5 is distinct). _ xiv. 8 ,» « thegiole - reals . 9. , S illegible ,ortalsal eal dutaa 9 » 5 tlegible , Maman 12. ee) GLORIA: n ‘ona Bp, ,» 9 tllegible 5, Te 13. sw ellegt ble 5» asSsaxnw Aa ite paeoucieetple 5 Waist T a ey ay 8) VION E 5 et R-A0 | AN ts mis ~_acal tr = ps r 7 B r = » SOW Amc tala | ~_amals asta | wWrctaX 15 » © tlegible read | smanazai chy cal ian esi am Aa Ratanl o alins ezial jin Sotas Ia ai 5) Se illezible ead hen aN APPENDIX I. oye Matt lie 2: For ata read pstzara (as in Cureton). 10. Delete point after e&>% in Syndics’ edition. URPY, For cai read bal 16. » ola (page 542) read o\ The eal is small and yellow, the S large and black; it came into my photograph by shining through from the verso of the leaf. Lita » Mim read am v. *19 RS lea 20! , whaalso (page 542) read whhaalsa\ 207 Delete rsasaznn (page 542). i 3G, Jan RANE pa SES *o1, ,, S illegible ,, sa cal ¥o4. 4, thamiasto whiuawa Woariclares wama (p. 542) read eraca | aston hss wot! lars camo #25, For [Mhaisasen »tasay sam] toa read sam po | tan oS AZs ¥29,,, hDT oust «nicks int pro cal] dude [ ator read Rs. w Pie en | ~ hAmarzn\ matcal | hah ieee = Lor [aloa | read Ac, (room for three letters only). ee es to) 7707. ‘acl alina | mdussal whe taxa antoa me. » texx[ Ard] ol Relea [acal] tar read ae ox | eet Ie Asad | wh — tz acl tow me EE) ENR ENE 300 | aime wtLAw = | gat Mean tan ~ amharum rte TA 4. For [pax-asda] (misprint) read pazedoa ATO; », Malwa remiss aam adic cduas aam Asm] ta0 ~ tm [hal aam asambhorw nrxuXo read radon rmmasa | rales adr whaas | peaasim AAA ~ tr! hal aamhor ala! asa ATAREONG DONGLE Chi non falla non fa. The following list shows more than 300 passages where my reading of the Sinai MS. differs from that of Professor Burkitt. The reason for this is that he has edited the text under a great disadvantage. He has studied my photo- graphs most carefully, and has perused the transcript which I made of the more difficult passages in 1895, in its unedited condition. He has also displayed great learning and ingenuity in his reconstruction of verses which were sup- posed to be illegible. But nothing can replace a study of the manuscript itself. This best of all witnesses has not been seen by Professor Burkitt since 1893, when he transcribed about a third of its text, and assisted in revising about a sixth more, the work of the late Professor Bensly. The remaining half, about one-third copied by Dr. Rendel Harris, and a sixth by myself, he has only had the opportunity of knowing, as it were, at second hand. Photographs may be thoroughly satisfactory when there is only one writing on the page to be dealt with; but when there are two, they are apt to play tricks, to dazzle the reader’s eyes with images from the reverse side of some thin leaf, to lead him into holes, and to trip him up in other ways. They flatly refuse to give any help where the surface of the vellum has been injured; and the difference of colour between the upper script and the under, which is so vivid in the manuscript, is quite lost in the photographs. Those passages marked with an asterisk have been read during my visit to Sinai in 1902, and re-verified in 1go6. ADDENDA AND CORRIGENDA TO THE TEXT OF THE SINAT MS: IN | PROBESSORSBURK hia EDITION OF THE EVANGELION DA-:MEPHAR REST re ST. MATTHEW. Tee For ,;maawr\a read ,mavsca 18, Fe wih an hes ws tllegible in S read WZ\ aa ew Fe Ceu APPENDICES S205 pivdet oe Aslan’ JOHN XXI. 25 wi rsals | saAqpD pphadsa | p21 Wits ts | als ee CLs te FOr On. Ono . oak rac | mAso coalel i ranan . aide | asin’ Seta | J alNiae nls tasa thta! ssaza ctor Jaa | whzst5 mvatla | mwaxsaia i »mamalis cn\ Paay.s | MATL ID onl eX | aan mMaliss Ve | are) Ca—awa gta | roals ~ AM THD 268 10 17 io USE 18 19 20 23 24 f.139b 25 JOHN OX Leese p-bso Chat +203 I plasn mts e_asmar! die J asmezl wazs | toa ams\ saa’? lL. tor oN pte ml | tm? stm tre mi | jw? y\ duc p-Ch | dur’ | sat Has7 MID |. Asm dur ware? ml tar sah! | pad? jhhaas >A\ 1 Ste’ ml tar! 54m ew coal tsar | at aa od deta |. od bie at | YES Gah) GSES | etn coal tow lod tow haam | was. oo) tor | pais dda Ax | ~_asc.z\ Kans | x2. \faw | sai dic v3. | oa Nas oe ASSL daaa oli | SAN MOTI * a 18) eyog DN tw al tora mma! hic Maen waa | haa Re snEa I Woes haa | tor | awa Res | ~ Taw) 2. twa | SA moth | hoon sons | Cham iaction toe | ar warm’? . di 5 wis ihew\ seths whl J asmsl tar alan | tra aaa wold) | eo ASTI.2 | waz. cal am | win eaazaldl | aml Kwa asm | rade 2° whasizees | Lares’ more | (Ss dais am || wmihs wae 3.4 iad ahs BA | oal2t , a mlz | aim 5329 om. 2 wam | tmrca > ol tow 22 wan! tm <3ma ol | toe eet he | Asyax — aa ws aR Id | aR MORN Can) | MIMS MLD ww | ~ AZ. © 6 0 o 4thd |! Wa hd Mums’ | detsa th eaazaldh | ams waaalh dus | Whi wa * haan 2? Mise asi le am tae | dt ls AS | Wom wh pet Lax. J ->haa pion As | casos Waataldh arcs 24 |? aden aw | Caan | hada eK wa 2) 1.» adharcamM ,09 MADMAD AwsALK | zai anol x07 1 ,e0 ds. 2 eva Jaa. FA | rasa eo Acals | Sy RA KALA | WTA ITOK Mino . ohter | iar. aim ya fo aduw saz. a Ge Gea lasarwa wala aa] wxaual dias cal | MAND eg Axmy | sigma! l todas Samsa | wdhiha peXrawa | ric Stat | Mai m> aam lah wars sami! taw! bath ow wl i yen Corser las mhaldzmal | cam wimm |! \ ymanacalh | pa Rw ATH IX 3 roasa\ Sagar Aare Yar : A2AMX AAG | ¢i-t-2s Cr2-279.3 A\=a | AIYDIRX waldha ' Mam | 3m !4 -_acn\ wpeasa | 7. acmals EN EGY I aaa Irvdusm dus po on! ths jmoassmalhl || sazs spodies | ata SIMILIA IN ALIIS CODD. Gees, Diat.ar.—abcdefqr, aur. ef ascenderunt 57a om. ‘Inoots pee Pesh, idem = Dicun¢ Diat.ar.=d Dixerunt 62 Pesh. idem: Diat.ar.=i7ee a b retiam cq. retia Cece t cetesh, Diat. ar. om. ere 6 3 Pesh. idem = guos continebat 7% Pesh, om. ovv m4 Pesh, Diat.ar. om. Derpos 4 3Pesh.idem. -Diat. ar. = accepit iZec Om: EP ETAL mavens 1) EVXAPLE THO AT df et denedicens r, et benedixit 14 7 Pesh. om. 7dy 266 f. 36b IO reel 3 14 24 25 f. 35b 29 27 28 ey YOM, I D f. 36a JoHn XX. 24—XXI. 3 pod-s9 Cot cr2-20 F | mn ram To lean CAN am th | en LO wma 24 atl wae ol tt 7 1 sass samhal | wad aa tor elon Was | haana jane’ |! Sites ic ~_acal | FS yon-sitstwa sats | star’ x x « \ Arama I? hasan ASD mid | Azama Oo er | asco t t am amr | MAsoy »MATIw | pi» hal sorcal | Ga ese? I warn hal tame’! aA mine ot re oe 24 | ham mt MIm,s 14 Wyma Dt ten son | Slax Sandoul waco | an aca waazad hh | 0 Fd ASS et SS te ore As hava stedtal wazs |x ds pow IWS | laa Aw aad) | ~_aclas? —anmhisa = | wataew duns coals | pascaIA < ~ atdas le AIM Ars “Ae Mildew | Rw @ Aas -_acal\ | Roe. +) Asc.8 lam eesaL Wi 2” 2 HezAX_! e aac pts dima | Lammas Cac Sim 791. ass plains esx Ne a Aw | hawmwa »thole | dhaws Sols | sain asl WAG | AS IS thes | ide + homes | ans 7* haa cow | whaeera oo) hoor |’ Scan cake ea OadIT | sas . aam >was A lia | arta poe? mls || amar m5 i Lhssawa? . pada | has Axa alma | wee pat ai AMD | ac) -shaweWr lam MD Aet eM | Naa Wei A BOIS 0. Or g ACID wWaMN | Mid aca | dlxin cpasl" | ,moaracald ew | pasa Laz. A\\ =n pion? lam Tom Asa | WhAXK ham hows | thee *. ial, .atsos Iehaas ;m\ ol Ram | sa isles get | rtQc2. 7 . manszalaa | ;moracaih XN | Saxe pan mam xi | wx re Ngo peDIN AN =a l3m24 »>F p20 | wAwW Monts tor’ | cisilen pat \ | hoor am Wana! MIS iAas \ homa | am 2 ae al pad hd spar | »A .>00 | tals 3 vA hoor | zie sani re) dilva° T als wams bhase wizma? atlas | whisa sain ham, ! »la aam wea homes | s\ homan isos | Nhe a\e5 hal 2 | »\ homer coalas dhnas EE | ha tste ALR2d | pL ple * alasa | ams A wlal Wray a omade Ms po tara? wading hans | asrsa.ma a Alw ed | »\ homes e103 An i we wmls Ard | Aw Rass .AC9 »-lat 2am | RK sonzaa .am | wlas am »loas pas! Nasa! ralss eiooa Irésalss haam wi! daama! ea AMD Mam | saxyma o_ Ain tA, was | Vzoto poe .Ahal sl Made IK | a Aid a aml dsam | thi anc calss'! dsam samms yal? |? y> I pldsas eanses | mis ow we sa! amin win wha |? Mars iea~lss walls | ant ma ahd whal i wzm!® mashasx Sm | salsa alse a aml | hams win 4 sdranas | = elza aac N | air Sanzhs wan | At * cm aam w\s | A\aa Cain rin bwhlS wears ea wai | talas Sie wis! wisas wala — 3017 | cam duam WA Ww Mata als | (9 oaisa taX* aaa SIMILIA IN ALIIS CODD. Xvll. 1 7 Pesh. idem. Diat.ar. = Pater mi 5 *faur. om. rapa cot 8 ta lla biaiiinesed Il‘abceff,r, om. ¢ dddwxds por, va dow &v Kaba; Hecs. 12 “Pesin idem. A év 76 kéopw af za hoc mundo Diat.ar. = q in mundo 12: Neon d€wKds [pot 14* Dbecder, om. xaGas eyed ob« ipl ck Tod Kdcpov. 16 * Pesh: idem = enim S23 ~ aluarc JouHn XVI. 20—XVII. 1 a Od | rad oalua | eo asidda — alrvha | sascha saal ea who 221. wamh whan |. ashata iw | AL ew mma ltoslams “ma.” elms | Lim oN 40 ota fo eslox zie | to wads Whass | Ain cat alard Wams I? w\ to dals Peaster oh eo asl | ota zm .ahim! awa”? miss mal PO NS) Ren pe BEd wl | a Ad har.sa ~_aaai RAIA ac30 ~aal | pad a a ao Aletnh w\ | rm xa, mz | Yoon 24 ~ aa\ Ada | wzass pot J alemzhs | tee Naas — shares | vamhs .anwhal alee pars | Woahinzs wl Whar pen | adie’ woetlas | J asm alla Glen 1. culnuzm -1z.5 | a aAlrznk mma, ann2? | yor An a ALA | wiXauss mA ?7 1) asad As pon oo! sow wins Waal | atime la | hal ax w_adusasmaa | pttadhsaet . obies | aamoet | son aa Irow hal wa! Nie -saha? wmls\ | hod '2% hes wml gir | \\easa dor oavd | Sua AS WOO | smagamal on cn\ atm 22 . Nasa | plein pane em? | aM dime aw | Claw whelaa paizasces | cas Neve exams | bar aaro lal dic x2. am ho rm | ars aml pow thinker wool | paT plains’ e_otaahan | hho whan She J wo? iN a odin | paizascasa corn ,rauls | dbsam Wo .ssanls!.p»rsasarha mothe | rac welssa i cris +5 eo aal lL rvaman dtm eacoiag faeel | pe odast | taXQ. ai’ * oe alord ISA whe rd lard | eal rac sara | astaxl ,maus Tsim | Nags plan tm | aaa! . mls SIMILIA. IN ALIIS CODD. 21 '~-! Pesh. Diat. ar. idem = dies partus ejus D n nuepa avtyo abcde ff,r, des elus 21 2q aur. Pesh. Diat. ar. om. ere 28 *Dbd ff, om. égmrAOov éx rod ratpos aeT, OM. a he, Z so Ten Lees Tae eeae ee ey Wee éé9Oov 28 2 Pesh. = e ed tlerum Beer Decline yerprer Se lat, aya== cents 62S 93 *-! Diat, ar. = «go enim ae fr, guia ego cff,q aur. guoniam ego 258 Zt f.112a 24 I XVII. 14 15 16 17 18 1g 20 Joun XVI. 5-20 pod-s9 Cok +34 Ax eo AAI | zi w\ pataexrs | 3 hal waliecs cet | msc ° | dda? elon aX! asl dteows LA?) baw Siew ward: ot be ash eats wits | tan ie? 2 ashaal | dla whats predloga malin hl tam wows Ah Siew) ans J asl snas | lore ~_aa\ MITT | pos Kins | eo anhal ae wi mdhanan | dna »eacen\ 335 I vsals\ ,masmar | am bat wads wa | gar hans Asa?!) x2 ais. wiz | maki Nana? . tex) Ana As AN. odie’ | pete woah xl Lassa FP cahie sox" habs poorcal A daw) Xml? am gat rico | raalay manic pat | aan hoes wml? | ama, alazml\ wad! rere w\ wie! waal Alsoh wha | LA wits mlas | Lastoah .o tins | wat * er wo As Nk) toawh am wrt | San WARK oxas | pat (22 > | awh mae eat A\mn | pLoncv cn »ma l4 o AdtaMmh | Saws lator ito Le lam pba por) dures | erm! © aatamha \ Teal | oka stated ela! Lilo’? . astamha | -amh pbx or J aal’ | smanazalah ptaea *! | Pes dal wae! Nimes? prsaredka Nils Asls | -saha pasareh lo | Milos tows Kam 1 0 Wim asl as rio sn | ait 8 yw? hal Nowa Sims tonal | sriarscha | mhalezsal aan | pie pattern OA ey ct T saws? g2aec5 | Mais | Milos AN dicaws | ?! pa A SILLA | wat | gan pica? a ot.am | sas jst or | Wad tm . adic | omdrais a tXT! J assanas? 2 alyahh | cis J aams dlln I loo™* sla eoalets | jams . aslaleai | por whan dha’ aaah dtsor’s | arms ? whan hdewn | er aan ila dsam se aazsa! Salm eso oa || asl dtm wis) las SIMILIA IN ALIIS Copp. 16 * Pesh. idem=a Patre meo Diat. ar. = Patrem meum To-Peshidem. Diat. ar, — Yes 1007/6 Ol, be 19 3e et ego 24%Pesh. idem. Diat.ar.= coram ets 26* ADL /fam.' d abcff,r, ergo Pesh. Diat.ar.=dfq aur. autem 26 * Pesh, idem. D rov zpo pov Diat.ar.=acd ff, patre meo 263D warpoo pov Pesh. Mist ate— a cul, parre yico xvi. 2 7 Pesh. idem. Diat.ar.= enim W& yap 22Pesh. idem. Diat.ar. = e¢ veniet Any Dra. Odie fitareshs iat. ane om, giv 4?7N D/fam.'acd ff, om. atrov 256 20 2I 22 f.119a PQA a f.117b IO II 12 13 14 f. 119b 15 16 Joun XV. 1-16 p-Lsat cra) ¥ wha, Js? tela am sora | ie CHAK! iW a) am SORE eee enn | adits PAE) adept Al as +N adi | at we adie ara | a? x « « Xm | I whsha Misa |. aaa ina +5! aast . ass bliss! dln Lm eso | clam aa wie | Shdst ewne cl hea gal —adur | asarca tl) ons! Jobin law iam | whaAXS MIR Aw am | sot pa whdar |. aduma idsaX ina? | p19 mac zsion | Lm Wi Xkm WIS | Sms am IM wam | ms gal rahe | +5 Wann eha rss Nas | wasn p\s0a ~aash ey I et ea! aod isa or wohesos | A\mn® Waal means |! aleeml . adic | fase’? spasalh || . aamda sabi ads | ream WIS ath | oo ?? jheawts | aan . ashauw [an Wor pines lyon ,»mainoad | dthan rasa | spams .aach | »s2aa rama | ,hharer oe AAT. | gilisa pa tont mMmDAw5D | MIkX Canta tah 1a es Qavhs p37008 | arc? | ashars | lahzha ~ aan tor dil | cam pra tn | pas? Casha | tins Ria’ ber Cadi scant | Cad 4 jmasint | dhe cards soams | xa | asl ato danse P who 2 al wore | nna wm J onash Pear Eo) Ghia) | Qe ee Se wA | sass A\sa wsas ram | lal. ashsaar | por oo hhssara | dan Lm. aaduis ~camdas |. anh=ama .asdusd | an whe -ptadusy |. adie ee aa ea a adi | inns PADS | C AaLTRA 2 AADI0 WI. | pasa phir’ SIMILIA IN ALIIS CODD. xv. 2 'Pesh. idem = redait 2.7 Desh, idem e=eaars 4 7 Pesh. idem = edere 62 Peshy Diatarsomanoe i) tn IX STddSOD NVINOLAYND TAT a _ altar JOHN XIV. 21-31 aA TN | I AKA pO | rl aethi am | Ara \ matt? p30 moran? | arm?’ oo tm Sach Fol tow 2? yxvas | “ymaauca XS | bar Cassa? esals\ | am! wha TRS Aol asascal dur -sQasant | sora ths diss | Mt ln? a) es EA Sa mast ls | aoe mahal* | aca Pets’ padi? | ohala IN whisa? ,a | ml pesca yes I vdisna”® +3 wi) \so iN Iwashal as Jaazas | dlls aloo wrgazs | par ie pba ham Iso ptax> por’! * aal qazan lots | pat rwat »09 79 inc Cee pcan | Peta Nas J aarmsdh | yo? . sons Sas saaalh ioe J asl ism.” las iwols sash wroaze?! emir?” | ~_aaal omidicos | \ -_aal isms! | wsals oman ida ES mada? aliens Php ies? 1. ahssar 7% Mas wha win soe | hal Srealies Waduae | -\ Wadsam pret! ale l ams sax wan Vi as sash htm’? Wo" | ima”? 120° | anIAnte TX acn | whew’ J aasan Aso | wl) diam © ara.oh Imasts cals sat) LY whew oon! ol dul p50 eoalan Mies | ama .wigas | hasam@ yD” 337085 | Cider pow! KIN DISSIMILIA IN COD. CURETON. —yMAQZdU ARO MOAI KIS AR oR PMAsmwe at” 2 (fF. 52b) dur caus — © wag — ° r—°o whe is? wan.» + * 22 24 *—26* deest sey A Ae Pas SY miugs* 23 mane oax* 27 Hlanl eatews mim dan Wantmah om —°” 26 man wehwa? anal demas 28 man some? wam+°5 man ms? 29 *desunt ad finem eee Mme Saws Cahsvam ptw! ..anhal’ SIMILIA IN ALIIS Copp. 22™NABDLabcdef ff,r, aur. Pesh. Diat.ar. om. xai 222) rt eorw -Pesh. = d guid est Orem C LCI Ss ga 7>iPesh. Diatwar, = 2 servmo hte 24? Diat. ar. = sermo 26 * Pesh. idem. Do zarnp pov Diat.ar.= d Pater meus 20:72 DC eff, r, aur. om. dpiv 28 Pesh. idem. Diat.ar.= Patrem meum fam.” rov warépa prov 20u* Fresh. idem = ecce 31 ' Pesh. idem. Diat.ar. =f patrem meum. 31 ?Pesh.idem, Diat.ar. = Pater meus t. 254 22 23 24 f.117a 25 26 27 28 29 39 at IO LZ f. 3b 13 r5 10 17 18 1g 20 21 Joun XIV. 6-21 elder Ant | isa WIL Metal | Ma Ma Sars cal | toa’? a Wr a OKA A ow 71 y5 wa cle ceo’ | hal Wad uw wl -soaaiadhatea cal | o_ ahi ene za | p90 anak ore Lees Ce | wazs cal tow? eX AIAA Wow - Ay» | a waaala ol | toa Lis miso s\n c-—2 | pidhsae cia oe AaAzis. Lan coats WIXI pa dsiscos ” OA oA Ae» Ri | Gare wiauwa pow pear | pacar 2 Ty ee ee Sete ee bo Secu > (pti ee | in paler’ wias as pe AA IT | ~ aah citar hal mans ANso pf sass? wads | aloo oo pisdusa | asi am sohzis saal'| saan Nees a alrtzrds | paca? in Mc por incall? . atl 133009 No ._adurd | asco oot ota re ore oe AATIN. ee ern | slot? Ey | a aal t3zI71°7 -or* = | Vso BX A 1 whalansal sasca el i ooo * ites earl 1. sais\ ~ ashals? | .cad satin’ pane | et? g abun cosas | la ants le? | sah Jasna? | wlals =? wamh Washala? | wis be adurma oh ets cl toalsa oto? Aibo2? 1 PLaahal whe Ash oad Awa | IM pw pLiatwod (Sco Cos cra Cho | Ce W485 Mina! Cade os Sadia | Maw porta is | Casnh I A Jas} am am! . ami ~3\30 ~3z0aa | mabal ducks ais im \>4 DISSIMILIA IN COD. CURETON. Tor am +53 pow Klee a 02a malisaso posi hase tra waa + * IO (f. 52a) tan dur tee 1S ml rad awa +4 > foe Pyare pila it aS A dus? 16 12 °—15 * deest Ar + * 12 ,aasea wtaat —ambilos a anconxe* 18 “00 250 Wtas a aahala? aba aly c\ tora? Ig *—21 * deest wo +71 aahal whe cle —?” e.> SIMILIA IN ALIIS CODD. 6*Pesh.idem. Diat.ar. = Patrem meum 10 * Pesh; idem: Diat, ar. = averiee 1 Sbesh idem —.20c1s 13 2:/am.eD PAOMad aia 16 *Peshsidem:"= Diatvars=. a Patre meo q patrem meum 16°? Diaty ara seii7er 17 *A,D:L fam? de Peshi Diateule——c det ily eau ania 17 2-7 fam.' kat ovv tutv éotw Dc th, ef vobiscum est 253 1% a ala’ Joun XII. 31—XIV. 5 : ate Nt lemt> sohuw Naaman i Yo ways toe 7 91/1 naa?! | sav <“TsD0 cn\ | MAY MD woalea 22 l.mpa sph | rol WAG | FDISN 45) SALTS al l= = | Aare a . AMIS. | OTA 40 Wam t= | waka 29 AN dir’ pads | nara _asahia | a Assazia wamaitass | wate eis samal sepals. | Asse cossax | ete tWorase rss! tear’ paca a ~_ am A\=a Wit | sazas aim rea Xm | Got rt 3 Ara * amet 4 | J air sats: in| ms cam pram CA) rata toa so || wn yee pall A tadhs zim | por esa <\ smn son | 0 r ITIL cal er iN A toon ews — PeeN tery AG Say) hi ee | mine .saamm +5! kan > | peas pmo esalsl | bode Cima | uw ts tes rin | gol thi elo plo) ssoes pat? ima! ls Waa Wl Am | tsalsl jasares | bode aX. ot ol | toe wos wl dur’ sion | Mnom wha et pA | Netizen poo t8 etzals\ | ol case's WmAaD Pern areeee sm moms. | hilns chin en ooN | ex ISAT ia J satan tom lew! alles wh whee pe 2X! awn” ator as | maiynaar Missa? | yoann wa Also | i p20 am A\sasa iam »35-0.45 an | arm Alsen INA | sol s\5 a AIX . | | o Fount i looksax ol hdhews | Saxe Cam 3 | et tas sors. ot 1 “im.o7” oAsaA ow | smasr* gnal rons | Mion 7d LVI | rwhasizer hama® . ain | aur Whatoc\ | worsa Prmls miastam . asme | ts Wram.1 mals | am min ih wa' | ORS Nass rAd | woes A\=a ESAS ama? . sonasalys5 | ‘Sal SIMILIA IN ALIIS Copp. Xili. 1 7 Pesh. Diat. ar. = Patrem suum 1 2-7 Peshwidem. (Diat. ars==\agb eee aur. 2” hoc mundo c tn hune mundum 2 *Pesh. mea\ecl ml = ad ipso Satana 3*Pesh. idem. A/am.'6"Inoots Diat.ar. = bf qr, zesus K K 249 9F eo wloar Joun XII. 24-37 am | matdels exits | hase lar le | whhwon whrtan CALA Fosety | 7) ada Wr X we | WIA aa | las ean : mls\s mas | cast) wails “ims | o2-¥-2-3 i We | pa | metal AW ams | aah ins taro | Wars jth -x x) | AR fa Wo yr 9) | rm 2! Mok ,mostor) | xr rAX p20 |. le sox 9 | A\\=n whe whaew | wna (2 ple | caw toa ima | a EOS | Shae esa’ lene Sow 28 whan! Wami bub Kam | Me wars aha! dwar wows? imax | os * milo? ssh ALT patra | ammadh Asmxra ph | cam sant * ria? aml? tow 29) mon Ais wales | tome itera | am — asdhii= elim i lo Sim smher | rril=a ram ac wal | ars MMs +57 a0 | anthro? + dam dus | a so’s | wares aimso wate | sls 2X. mobi). msalleas | rad waren eézisal dur tall wdea | 281 tun emala’? | alow 23 salytacl | Ward azar assan | 38. aanaal aam odes | PANLAM patra’ aac | pasna . mugaow\ | andia lors “Adam Mam -aAt pt | sax ** Aujoaws ale | Stim mass chews At> palsotch ICA reas otatot! eaadvas were Ry | Ske. Lae to ls As cnsata . alt) wae paaloa wom | a et | Aso na wl | »oanatad ch axa. | “Hl -2t-0 —=3 erica oe | al arose plana | ymalx jam pais dha | pslons aRIARS I oswDAL | StON ida aa | pe anzss roam mss | Siw’ am 'dzisaal? almt |. ain zinc Sasa ?§ | dus a aoa | tao syaih pa Tare | gat rixstS 19 gnu | eee was Asmizs | \\mn muta ror | prs e_ ahi pathas | tis. ahinw pass | tox 3.29 Qacd | | oaths ml die! miaa!? wmls Juss tXamlaam | anlor amin’ | oo Kam bua” at | eins at TN dup | 31 ac waaalial | atura* adbra 2! mast’ | tan Sie waaslhaa 2? , rissa pissin | cok arzal dae | sass aml tow 231. sazl ata samath | adhewa | aah Mata | tia pI 24 Weies | oto sohzis | wha SIMILIA IN ALIIS Copp. »2Ddom.v.8..-9*Dbdeom. povoy 13 * Pesh. idem=acdicebant “NS A Diya Aéyovres Diat. ar. = ad ff, dicentes 147) Ti 2m projera “153 Pesh.= cen 16 *bce Pesh. Diat. ar. om. tore 17 *' Pesh. Diat. ar. om. ovv 19... DL jagee é\os Pesh. idem =ace universus bomnts Diat.ar.= dfr, aur. fotus 20 * Pesh. reasaer Diat.ar. wet) faur. Gentiles 21 * Lae Pesh. om. oty 247 any — alae Joun XI. 52—XIL. 7 ) AS wha®? wean de |] As deal Wom | wake ccazan ee a aziadhs | pias Wales | Mis es WA! sanls won A ° cal. ozal gam | Asanti ws et aco | ea asi i Ale ay asi | amis wam | Alam 3T 222047 san | Warateo whadd | taK_ Mims 3483 | Mim aam ptara peisasmm | ki eamlaa | ino ml piwin’ | poar . wat? et eamisa | a4? pasa shir! lor Mamami | ehra ma qa whiz | yon ~ ocala mio | 5% J ramscosae | fir Sas ia? 7b a.) | adic peta Ts wl - ahi MArt.5 aM | ~ amd mess 2d. ds | hase We tAK Aw | a * nas odin’ | asthe bere whl gan io?! sorta was malas lal. mlas lyon Cam MMA ! ->tK A\ = wir | NETS WLAN F hase SIMILIA IN ALIIS CODD. 39 *bceff, aur. om. 7 adeAdi) rod TeTeAevTHKdTOS 42 *~* Pesh, idem = furbam hanc Diat. ar. = hance turbam 43 *br, dicens 44°**D xa edo f Lt (exit) statim pr, et confestim aur. ef statim 44 ?~? Pesh, idem.= manus ejus et pedes e7us 443 ary aur. OM. avTots Aveun esi wom soup 47 * Pesh. Diat. ar. om. ovv 49 27>" Pesci Mawr =cujus nomen fam.’ dvonatrt Diat.ar.=abcefr, nomine 5907 Peshiidenn A fam.' jypiv Diat.ar. = cfr, nobds SI *€ OM, Tod E€viavToU exelvou 245 3% ~ alan Joun XI. 24-39 lrdsasy Iw ane! Whim ol dpm’ | paar ean)! Lars eta | hs aw ew | Sars cool pw? | oto mass mis\ .5 1 pasa wen pra | ta dete par || -> Samm 21 eS | wat oN

tam 1. AaIma axe wam | tar manval® | ml duss tsk | durouxd craze! cami tar! sah! Miwa aales | wine ea hsam | tls J asrmmdhs | ~ashlin Ae ah | racalh smatzasl | wach ac.) * saw 16 | mohal ears | danl? sass ' Whew! saat? mms hams! Ws psi | gant hama ee pss | MxDtet ,mamnzs | Aa wall ,ataos | ware’ 2c | qwrhras * harlow | mizian’ (| nswt ais dus a alsasy | tas dual anas! stam. oo wrtaXKwa?? | ath rian? 0° waste | whims mals lead Naren Chto | WAmx 7A02 I rvaton cal ? wisiwoa2! | danas ha asta | “oes tacl daar? a | Nw pre Ram! det Ww ham! wal alw xraz.l coal yoo 23 a wom. Wall |) Ades worms | Miss “xm SIMILIA IN ALIIS CopD. Omeresh Wiatearemcuieecy 6 2 Pesh, Diat.ar. om. tore 7 > Diatuarecoues Tad 9g? Peshv idem =) rare1s a Wiate aie et ers 12 *b Diat. ar. om. odv 127A om. of padnrat 13 'Ce€ OM. THs Kolunoews 14 * Aa Pesh. Diat. ar. om. otv 17 *aep om. ov 17 2-2 Pesh. idem. A D fam.” eis ByOaviev Diat.ar.=d in bethaniam 18 *Dd Diat. ar. om. os 18 ? Isho‘dad Cod. Harris, f. 1356, Cod. Margoliouth, f. 1814, plas wih 20 *~* Pesh. idem. Diat. ar. = extvit in occursum ejus 21 * Pesh. om. otv 22*Pesh.idem. ADL ddd cat Diat.ar.=bd ff, pr, sed cefaur,. sed e¢ 22 2 Pesh. Diat. ar. om. 6 Geos. 24 oS) 17 ~ alsaar Joun X: 32—XI. 5 INAS 6 WC ami | Mia A\=a a adsay | os 7? Wrxas | Xoo beens Vs wh anders ol teow 88) NL adi pasaXi | dar’ exae YD bi! aan A\=n wl? ~ | plain pa PAL ram ii sare Caml paw! mld | re dir’ ransa > as\on | Aa | adic woles | iso Mars -saha etwas sac’ meio town | Rise 36 “eoles | Chis ee i eetnte on aaah? soos | As baw anXoon | Wadi etm esals\ | minza plaisaon |! C\ pos wads | onan WAR 8? wales | tor a aca | a adun’ paisa | ed A kw aro nas | ot aa %8 lam +> sara Mid | Mots Mews. Aastha ! ais rsas\ |ha> ml 2230! masrsal aaa lass may ths sata ?? | ram smssax thr | ntass taal ol Niet? © amor laam patra chal | reste adhea 4? ea i Saene a.) pias tar || son PSX Ae pat ers Mass pal ah = piss er oo map! Alita Wreeaiwa*? | pian pecs AIG | stsIT ded | ais dus poo! Wal castar cama? at am | WIM WAM MaAwv~ | SANG dXare’ 1 cada’ X10 | cat mat” A r i 3 : ) etm waz?! mbar poshth* | cal pet sie? ham | stan tws\ r Si rat G =] 2 1 IMIAA Wie tI | waxes -csaz sat due! wt aM cats | ‘as | woke Wolds | mhwanazad le Mid! whanl Kam <\ sk | —amsdth paAcr\ | am awd Ars | pat am? * mts SIMILIA IN ALIIS CODD. 32 2b om. xaAa 323 *Pesh.idem = Dicunt Diat.ar. = Dixerunt an.e°4 Rech: dare -asXecat AN ele = Diat. ar. = sed propterea quod blasphemas : 34.* Pesh. idem = Drctt Diat.ar. = Dixit BA icsimideilese eat yar. == 7/0 34 3NDbcd ff, r, aur. OM. vpov 36 ‘Pesh. idem. Diat. ar. = vodis 38 *Dabcde om. xat yudaKnte 39 ‘BD d Pesh. Diat. ar. om. otv 40 *e Pesh. Diat. ar. om. wadw 42 *bcef ff, r, aur, Pesh. Diat.ar. om. éxet xi. 1 ' Pesh. Diat. ar. om. tis édeAdijs airns 3 * Pesh. idem = améae 37D xpoo rov uv Pesh. Diat. ar. = bcder, aur. ad Lesum 4 * ff, om. rod Geod oS 34 35 f. 105b 30 40 XI. 26 27 28 39 40 AI JOHN IX. 26-41 poi-s9 Chat AAs oh ad 26 Iw seh plex | ptina .am |. tax am aml CLAD ee I aymnxsa cam Noss | ah wile wor! wl Masam | shades aaa | tl ols wom | wma. os ma? Lrvam | wale 2 CV ale! hie’! pascn= dir ao? | TTIW WAY» MwALM ! FAQ coal tsar’ 37 om | pecans st ais | Pym des ac” cal por 36 aac | tsa 38 asam os | Meany ama .;,cshates | waz o ° on\ IX Nasa | td Iw padars I hshhed] MoT | Elwin pada | peta MATIN gat | ALS 20 mtecal | ol os aim law nom te pat | riders 7? wdc sae mit! .Wam ,»mairiyes | [ac | AWS wm". ped ij ta te wi pelea LONE, sMamow~ | ay paticn 22 Samal lo aduc eet 2) FIN pT | ree tAa WwIAmF TaX | anma’ * eatams ~o3 aaa mAt | »mMamoM ALIS Mim | sey EpSGERO Gre) fp pai: wold | wax ol eta | pods cep ap) Poa as 2 saw *?29 | am ras CtAA_ | Mims plea pst | wo planir’ pat? [aw oars A am | rales ws cov hr’a | am acA SIMILIA IN ALIIS CODD. 16% Pesh. idem. Diat.ar.=ff, Zoc aur. haec 17 *q Pesh. Diat. ar. om. oty 72) abcd ff, aur. om. waAw tae mesheidems Diatvar.= es Tro Dabdeti.r Diat. ar. om. ody 18 7a OM. wept avrov 183D bdom. kat aveBreev 18 * fam.) abceff,qr,aur. om. tod dvaBrAépavtos 21 'Nb om. avrov epwrycate oo esi Diat.ar.om.7dy 22?Pesh.idem. Diat.ar.=statuerant a constituerunt. c ff, 1, decre- werant 22 3-3e farisaets et scribis yr, farisaet et scribae g40Ar PeshsDiat. ar. om. ow 24? Pesh, idem = enim ger aadit bioe fi q.1, aun, Lied 25 * fam.) ae Pesh. Diat.ar. om. ovv 25 3Pesh. idem. N dé c ¢antum | 233 f. 128b 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 ag f. 69b oe) IO 1 EYE Joun ViIlIesy2=EX. Tt pivot be 3 F-3 TO ° gnsacn | wi ae 2 rtf | tT. mM IAM.» oA [s pe tae 57 2 ram | \ssa wash atm | aa ta cack por Fo 1 wre mo wazsal | acta “alox 23200 99 hsaam bur | Kear aMtow oo oO rilasan ta | cal mais ons rz. TF) NLaAL20 “nas Mts | 7? am ws aw» | rcimm * ys tas saat BAN ,cazIeS lar’ ram hw aise | san’ sanssa\ hh cal | eta 7 marin | lad rie a wl | Seam: swt? glided | Sm Waas anssal i la Natt wales | nS es a _ Ayers I Ae me xa mor! wall pat” Sade am | Sra BN pITTLS | pat maw | mimas Ta No ame .am | wealsor oa? anaml | warm I mmnay «= meal RING.) iene As 2 pico | toaw aa® wonlasn | Qn’ Ay cad | gearca™ Meas am | padi An Erste Anza | whader maar? | Nar aaa”. mealies || Wdaramsams Waa? FIT | <_acal adm tor | plana sdanay | »madte. r0% ,maras pa FIA | fart? Cam Iwt lam Mim wam wl! pe tae ram aca ~ ack | toa .oal Son Sams [* gatas dura | sai ams gw waaias | whe’ ? iaards | ol! po tear 1 ear | tar’ raza Towa a erne | pecnals ? £aN, T waz. | MTLS ao NG aa | -_ac\ | Xv 4 lira | rwealzs astatsss | Na Narr 1 Ay ey SIMILIA IN ALIIS CODD. 57 eResh Oia atom-nouy 57 2N sah. édpaxéy ce B ewpaxes 59 *-* D rote npav d unc tulerunt 1X. I 'b om. aOpw7ov I 2-2 Pesh. saw ora ext Diat. ar. = ab utero matris suae 2*Ddr, aur. Diat. ar. om. A€yortes 3st RéshaDiatar = Dixit (Pesh. Dictt) ets Teshua 3 2? fam.' airots a ills b exs 4 ™ Pesh. idem. AC fam. éué Diat.ar.=abcef ff, qr,aur. me 4?benim f autem 6:4 Diateag = caeci tllius AC rot tuddod Pesh. =b alius cae ef caea 7 *c eff, oculos tuos 7 ?Pesh. Diat.ar. om. (6 €punvevetar amectad\pévos) 7 3¢e oculos 9*A Dacdé f ff, q om. ovyxt, dAAG 10 *ar, Pesh. Diat. ar. om. ovv 107A Bfam*bcefar, om. ovv 11 7a om. éroiycev kat It ?bce fi, r, om. rovs d6pbarpovs IL 3c iy oculos tuos Ir ¢abcefff,qr, aur. Pesh. Diat. ar. om. ovv 237 x al; — alia Joun VIII. 44-56 et a ahi “4 | on\ PETE 2 AdIS | pas Arca TX wl | a adur 44 rascal |. adn De a AAdSwA lam mba «adic | Sza5s CMI msal,mahal Kitzsa |! Mam zie A\o pervs. y at ac lam rlyas A\sa 1 Meas ols al dlX a Means w\ 1 aw | GUESSES ri al’! sol claw aha mae wir | la mlasmsa®) . wtX dus Ain phen ?? 1] es adhsam -o ophkax | ham hd wis A\=n | rac peliasoha i. gd wal Nie Mae | waz.’ eam * $29 sah"! ML Ladue | tam Mie wars | idrtla sassmiss |. ahamha Pe OCnLAtS ~ ack Metacns |' pe Taw 22 ee aral dS A researc awl whresal ade’ | pasarca a tos | za Mor pa sal ae ORI Mahoh | em a Oda sare?! Caml paw wilins lama woals hin’ | rien 7 adn | ware reals =a | ara a wc assmlws |. ohamhs wash * dtm 741. mim duam Xl a drsmiess | ahah ad is | wood psimamm | lh A\isoes zi) saz. cam tw | baw oo hie ml | tae a arena | assis. Ahsan) oN hr’ -Xin?? 2 aams | ur waalss wallsas | miss hans placa lac tte -3taL7 || 22 ww | o Caml toa | Wow Ass anne! wha?2? I ries | otal »,miazmsih aa i sax. sami? tar sah'?8 ragas. a aD (| AAI PS aS - anrh pote | pITIL yaa 7° ir | Aisasa hasan? Wow | tales Misa’ | ARN ‘a ‘By DISSIMILIA IN CoD. CURETON. 19 °Cureton deest ad cap. xiv. v. 9. *-Qasn* 19 powa* 18 SIMILIA IN ALIIS Copp. 19 * Pesh. Diat. ar. om. otv 20 'N om. divddoKkwv 21 ‘ae Pesh. Diat. ar. om. ovv 21 ?Pesh. idem. A fam.' 5’Inoots Diat.ar. =acf ff, qr, aur. Lesus 22 * Pesh. Diat. ar. om. ovv aa taf Jesus 24 *Nae Pesh. Diat. ar. om. otv 250 Ni kesh, Diat. ar. om. otv 28 %-* Pesh, wraxe ah aml tear = Dicit eis rursus Leshua Diat. ar. = Dixit etiam eis Tesus & etrev obv atrois 6 “Iycods wadkw D eurev ovv avtow makwo ma d adixil ergo illis tlerum ths Qh2 A obroise brews ect fod aur, es »8 3Pesh.idem. Noovrws asic Diat. ar. =e tza 234 18 Ig 20 23 24 25 260 27 28 29 VIII. 48 49 50 51 52 ioe IZ 13 14 15 17 Joun VIL 47—VIILI. 17 pbs ot are ress poo TX 1 casa? 48 Hash ads ere Sa Se eee wena Ad | tard’ alho®* ow cde’ 1 ms pam zat | an Lohald mam Saws? ac | warns? ~ aml qaw 9? 1 whataw’ won las | zacto? aan Mrtsals | hata {nol ?>) ?7mils? | daly a ui’ A | mal” cal*® tow | yas iam -w a0 | cam J -o- -o- sD wi mliln po | PIT sta reD dic alas | Mima Kid Maw!) sar. ~ aml * tw? sah’? wima: Fol | wars? Sw Maazas | Milam wl wae | iho i WA dacams’ | wmzaa An barn? | wakames*? mi ' pe ta 13 | Saison -114 | MIS Aw ® | eS Cas acs Iw a Wtstz | ham Min 37° A\=n |. schanmm 300 wets |. ped SS ORR | rom? masa | feth oC adumat oan | dime calrcla® dad | asin! h?tXals? om cet |e adi 7° wilin wall? 1 la . dude * een elo 8 eri’ Seen re cee eae, eee lam ta | mI wl . Tasks | aKasacn wis A\\=a CLClI a Jus F-X pL. 3 alah | SYeID BIAK Td | Wharcmws -asha | Wasdhstax’na DTA DISSIMILIA IN Cob. CURETON. ma\jan* 4Q (Berl. f.3b) assomo mint? pea 48 peta fee pea nt? “whojae proal cols 51 Aves” wanton * 50 ee Tg pais +? haw” ezeta* 13 ram + * 12 viil. msalt> ml —* 52 mxizol? raomla® ta + e Tae’ udto7° Dee syncs? oat I4 hare FNL © i mana? mez gals? 15 mas & pa wl Cahin PAD nl tT aabuin eae Aahosjars sAwa*® 17 . man + 7 16 SIMILIA IN ALIIS Copp. 50*Pesh. idem. aam + * 39 (Berl. f.3a) § 37 mage? 4I o .rtenr am! howwizr® omalss +? *rrawa*4oO 8 %. Laas morexsa -} ° muixss —* 42 QAM Pot MAM . Kir aM mig aaa + > aa 59 phica 45 mie! mel wle® materi? Jamis’ 44 Al\sasat” srahsa poa* 46 semarohohore? oS rteeta cam? > ertaa mols? Jara exwrl —*47 SIMILIA IN ALIIS CoDD, . 39 * Pesh. idem = datus erat Spiritus B qv mvedpa aywov dedouevov Diat.ar. =acff,r, aur. erat Spiritus datus b erat datus Spiritus e€ sps erat sanctus datus q datus erat sps SéS 40*Pesh. idem. cdefff,r, autem 46 *~* Pesh. idem = Dicunt eis Diat. ar. = Drxerunt 47 *-* Pesh. idem. Diat. ar. = Dexerunt eis Pharisaes e Dixerunt et fartsaet 232 28 29 . f.16a 30 31 Be 55 34 5) 36 Joun VII. 27-36 pois iat wy a a ae xi | wi wads ,noc | Morr AM MASI | (73 °o- am | MASI sara | *rilasms wam also aA | Taxes lo? Wam mata 28 hase | Od padine | ir’ mASar psa | gad past XK pane li. aduna® psines Stam | tin wie dude | Wd pz as |. daa? aochrals A\so? ocak | ar’ cate nt in’ 7? | ol . adi 30 Ja ly ama SMALLS pI | cri rela morwocsal ji *?*axs50 Qisascs | pet rah 3! oohae | ham hd’ hs Lh! conte’ Deven | Wa WD saz? 1 aam eisima Mata lam 2 m= © 8+ Wass | Im ;det® hades 1° 2 dus Le a 3 ayawa |? SrIw pat is’ Hoe sth0° 1 MSHIA yD? asta 3? Cl tr’ | Malo ars sam? |? ta 233 2a ATT © | rizr 4 (ot mela! sriassha®* ,stnza | co hal AN talimad! tie J ass Woahresal | J adunm pasarc AP) wali was thevla? | rLAwAL ch saa Nie i 8 der) M acxasl | Jamis? Saracas IX ata °° I Maw aspies | At pA eal ml! plwin prewar || eis szas wales | yo Wwisa? 2? ml plwwin | paw Ars wis als DISSIMILIA IN Cop. CURETON. A\ma—*29) 0) wahiews wtaewam” * ale (fF 5tb) ta elasas milo raze § 28 a-,M.2> AAG Aiysasd mwxrIA EM aX Ha 31 aag + * 30 mitten maw? mina pot —* 32 “son nam sear? palato Mmsals wire whet en? toara® 33 .Msuatencss® mizmtaa rami 21! roals ashi rezeta? ae SOc aahaw +> ghiwa* 34 man Aiewat macy +°° aml —? eta +? wasa aw 36 SIMILIA IN ALIIS CODD. 28 *- Pesh. aloe -sazs sogea= Diat. ar. Lt sustulit Leshua vocem ejus 29 * Pesh. ew1=NAD fam de Diat.ar.=bedf fir, autem 30 * Pesh. Diat. ar. om. otv 30° Pesh. idem. fam.’ tas yetpas abcefff,q aur. manus 32~*a.b Sacerdotespet Pharisaet e pontifices et farisaet 32? Dfamabcde ff, aur. om. tatra 32 3be OM. ot dpxrepets Kal of Papicator 33 * Pesh. Diat. ar. om. oty 35:7) Peshiiateam Om. ovv ie) ioe) — Ay — alwarr Joun VII, 15-27 Sao te: Te LAS tM. | petmara Mstams | aam * pe tarasa 15 | kam -alma Seecass || tara sare 7 Can 746) ol, wis wtaw | KIM | RAST Moe (3777 | pstazt Qn wim slur! wam wl prala. = a | ara asl i sms czasm wam i wl chal mals’! wlasa am masa | s\ *cauabaa a ahi | eras amAN a Adis | Awa® whstat cs iy eae Eee pats 7° rl ozal le adhd paso Apa | NAN Tw Laz | amd Toc “> \jarah | sD ent Irtzas rsa LNm??1 . adue eters 9 saslda aausl? WA | wran (a 9» calsat | Amn rac wl | ata ~aal - (Ms a OI tPA | Shara massa! 50 .aasmonw’! par Lin ANmne i hWhars mass? | WAXdh Mie to ow Sits qo milan | a adi rey er pot} Mramn Swarms! thes ws cer paden | —agmh lt . Shars | mas dali’ | ord 15 16 23 24 | pi pa MEI | AM patra ator | arta ctor wl | pear 25 miNaus | oa? WNosl || aam asst am Sic! rac \ mlzian 26 ida tee pasts * Jaa | ol tow SA pas | ezina Asama i aco cal pisin’* gaan | vo esol Aw 27 | Serax aims? ae ae a DISSIMILIA IN CoD. CURETON. eaX_+ 718 eeean® mama” pmatI7 sare aml gnaw 16 § 14 a martoaa +3 waninm raw ela’ Ig “ens hal = main? (fF, 51a) A\ = — © ee hezs? EID awa” 23 ce anrisl? 21 aisa* 20 am wamt) tee bowwer® 26 me eags milalr att wit tie 27 SIMILIA IN ALIIS Copp. 15 * A faur. Pesh. Diat. ar. om. ody 16°A DL /fam.iacde ff, r, aur. Pesh, Diat, ar, om, otv 17 *"f de doctrina hac 18 * Pesh. Diat. ar. idem = 7” corde ejus 230 27 13 14 Joun VII. 2-14 pris hat \at ei\=on MNT WALA Cam | *.asto Mint amsa=? | ol \aza\ sacasl > asa | mais *ml atmaera | carl ,maer | asta? maxx || rar’ teX. dul*t dun! Zasn WxaL werssala | Abesan IAS | erica ww «< 3 | Samar am?” TIO | mazals* yb a) | yopasr’ ela’ “panscal | taX rtcoan 7 rtsalsl | wzar vas dur moa cl rte | tors * axe aml | tar ® ms aac ais Irtsals swarm! la? am FAS Aas | a AA1D1 pat e_aals one smaLS. MIM | roms A\=n roils 47) Yim at \ ~ asimsn\ A ad oe aa sal? anw a adm F | ymaran 2 Ain | pax psi! sale | eto sons tha | Ade tim? easaal? | cinlo® smdur’ | Manler wh Tay | wlalXs cal wa * alan | trae aa? | aoe w\nh malXs° j wl eaaansl! Pam aX | alo cots cr I alr 4 gam ptsana | esas nsc® ah? ol | aam pSD Mtacasa*** nriaiso ac! | oMxias ohlim’® wam?! »Xm* ealial? am? am dura am! abr? patos aam | dura Sesansl wan | when et xan Flam esas rah= | a Ate al! am wl | ean aaa Tetras pa aac | plerav® Lhe ,mals | wa Absa wl) elXans mélasol | saz. alo *el\oor | sana? whmas* aXla | saa 14 DISSIMILIA IN CoD. CURETON. am—” ,»r.2xah>*4 Asa t? *emase ml aam ayarca® 3 a szoa § 2 weam +? ewxanal? 8 oa ith wpahiean +o pasr—” p25 + 7 (fF. 506) 6 aaa* 10 “gare pia’ 9g eelot assy! mam—* .esatal? maw alo® bo pet motam@e* IT wpe zal s? melvispra® “loam an? *anle Clerc amalsa bow ft? | eraX* 12 am—° asow’ .eratas’ whier 13 A oy wraral wam whwt wea am — © — 6 9g RetTamMmoet SIMILIA IN ALIIS CODD. vil. 5 *-* Diat. ar. = Litenim ad hoc usque tempus 6 ™*N8 De Pesh. Diat. ar. om. otv 8*NDoti« Diat.ar.=abcde ff, aur. non 10 'ADL fam. cis thy Eoptyv ain die Sesto bdr, 2m diem festum. cef ff, aur. ad diem festum gq in diem sollemnem 14 *Pesh. idem. Diat.ar.=diebus abdqr,des cef ff, aur. de 14 ?-? Diat.ar.= fest¢ Tabernaculorum 229 ga05 — alan’ Joun VI. 62—VIL. 1 Lget wore CL aah etizasa i vnc Caml tan 1° mansaldh ? aac* as30 | a am ,madurs | thr aly aE | manyh, Gnen a Ath * [ead pata eas {| sabi iva Mascat | am? vay? pain’ msat! . asc dilsas 4 ris | oMicasa tl yh oa a NO MA | am was patos | tis * 2 aa bum Se © oie «J dtm im A\=s ~aca\’ | toa © cal malrsax pa |" Jaen po Naz. Iron yo oak wnscas |? eA shal ediedis | ssarsa xan wis J aal P aml alin | sonag-acal hh a Wire QH | eho? am AAs" 66 Ara | als oben tal 2! ysaw 87 | ams aam paaicam I ela be assax cal gow 1 aal Mieeld adi! Te oe Odi praia? ©) | WL dire’ aleds | ies dios Sires | oo hal jt arta tte? 7 bP ewvole’s mts | saz? am dics | EX 320 ~l>aaM Hg AA | Ara? ~_aalal a asduat | Mid cam wl ? ~_acml Hams eps | mi astam ? Anam. | An et mam tad 1 am rilico LoooWdyma th! | (2 iss ohasilzal | Mam ads Ie wis A\=a? | vislXs ars cam | wAlam phon th> =e OAC pasD | MatAcIs4 Bee XTACIaD | mInaais° aslosal | aa DIsSIMILIA IN Cob. CURETON. ret eatin wea —° »* 63 smsraryh* 62 wim ba t+? aam —? 61 paw ts adaiin maet? So. ssmow ptm el wea awe wabie wie — raz» * 67 ~mhral pat? whisa —* 66 aw + (Ff. 50a) 65 prow +* 64 6522. to 71 are waa?” -unaxs +*70 muazsa—" perua* 69 fener yee —* SI Vii. Dele tanith? aX cam. ow Nain, mixisars—o PM readlan al wam jor SIMILIA IN ALIIS Copp. 61 2e ff, aur. Om. wept Tovrov 63 * Diat. ar. = corpus 64 *e OM. Tives eiow oF py} TLTTEVOVTES KAL 65 *Pesh.idem. Diat. ar. = ees 66 7-* Pesh. idem = Propter hunc sermonem Diat.ar.= Propter autem hoc verbam 67 a Pesh. om. ovp 68 * D : Eurev d dixit 69 '~* Pesh. = Christus Filius Det viventis A fam.’ 6 Xpwords 6 vids rod Geod roo Cavtos ( fam.’ om. rod favros) acfeaur. Christus Filius Det b Milius Det Diat. ar. = ff, qr, Xps (Christus) filius Det vivi "o* Pesh,idem, Diat. ar. = Dixzié 228 — 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 f.124a 79 Wail. 50 ne) 52 0 34 55 56 avi f.125b 58 59 60 61 Joun VI. 50-61 got at VAN aman | dein wos 2 arm | .ahama *Wstaws | Miia? Mas owl | Id an ot Phases | wla®’ mas wan! Saas casa | vals\ sad sas? i | Naar pa * arin | = dst pia” | alas jedan pare | Ana am SN Naw || acs uw Adan | Sam ware iad [P wtoara Waws* aN aw | Matdc.s aac Matra? | ator pata wars! wal * twa? 9? Martel | mia’ A le abeha exins tor! mtXa? oalacwh ol) | wows Waal mALA IXA™® | gsr” Asam poo? 4 Cas | tis ~ asl dl . mms l Matar’ das | oan wira | alsa Raw ol due! comn! om | rhys durin | casa am whl\aadtm?* | duct 7 War | ade 7 -caa Ima lam? »5 scan whea ! »tXa" Nas a2 58 hare NO Nasaeway? ee) Yn A\m wo PICO | as Mot ITIL ram W\ amy | em sad 5 esas am | im 8 rrlina® +9 Wad) Asa? easel | ic car eae aduma | « AAsmaX alarx am | w I=hWaa aloo aA | Whraias PawitAas? | tow pace vals \ 1 ras waa? om | wawor? aam peta 12? ,anacalh aay WriaXa % 61 | pare a 5 [7 ws RA cet - AZ.» 2 os sa\ MALT | 3 d om disa DISSIMILIA IN COD. CURETON. mam wow” pst? 51 hasara? «wot +*50 “wWeotms cawl* 49 pa® 54 omeler mats (f.49b) trae” tare * 53 aam +? aw? § 52 waom? arsa® 56 whiansm* 55 mMasmsow® .emt® Nae pot—” -Wwhzara>® 59 Naas? arma? 58 ‘ rrlalena’ Narr? Stow? 57 asst So. wia whim’ mars” .aamx ta + * 60 ~,Sawazaas ales ta SIMILIA IN ALIIS CODD. 51 ™™N ek Tod euod dprov aer, ex (e de) meo pane 51 ? Pesh. Diat. ar. = a corpus meum. 52 * Pesh. Diat. ar.=a corpus suum 53 ‘aefaur. Pesh. Diat. ar. om. otv 53 ? Pesh, Diat. ar. =a corpus 54 ' Pesh. = de corpore meo Diat. ar. = ex corpore meo 55. Pesh. Diatcar. "="q ecorpus 55 ? be ff, Diat. ar. om. yap 56 * Pesh. Diat. ar. = q corpus meum 60 * Pesh. Diat. ar. om. oty 60 ?be om. dkovoavres 61* Dd om. éy éavta | bo to “l AAT — alan JoHN VI. 36-49 pa-dciscas cla |! a othsper? o asl dtm | whew 2F lslo woes 36 snals 220 | woes shal wow?! \ csman = Nan ?27 1 2 abu 37 naan | am SA came ~ | dd 2? joao | AN XM 35 eax” 27 arm? ITF | pos?” C7211 eo sands? | Ac whe 39 | auto WAR | sons law? asa! WA oN son Pret Ma dur | tas amr” | made “arcs ANiso? 29 | ature ais 40_ edt | pet tam. 4! Return | dS »mamiowaS | mals\a as ol 41 etre | wWazan — Qostn | awl a Mews | toons As? aan 42 I’ as © pate plain | Damas to? was *Wan | A Ra” ath wi 4 am | goa #8 hha? asa | ot TIN ide 43 WNIT ar’ le | shal wdetan wars | an *@ wt lh4t aw es i ae 44 eaahha ®t? Satur | Smdip ,»maasow Fo Mew IE MOSK! ml ee P Ssaw3y a * | Mas wole’s wala | e_acals e AOMIF aria | TANG win eiea | La am wh 46 shal | whe . cm walsa | wow 2 46 Worle l?? 1 te * aca sadam | ole halls oo ie | tol | eoalet\* pascazia a3? | Bayan tor pasar’ | aman 87 Oo 47 alam o aasmar * 17. ant asl a | tan 48 eta al dure 48 49 DISSIMILIA IN COD. CURETON. rowt* 38 mmasnanw’ pow? Aa* 37 whine porwt® 36 Spahsasa © 35 4S asma~* 40 enssa © a> “fa Aad? rT prat mMiLse bot +? 39 mals? 4I rMasrsow cawae msds p72 C30 wind wet wie Lat pore? bo eam wam mA aam* 42 (fF. 49a) to SAN . pawn + $ b- aA masN MED ee eee anc Ps ass * 45 iNeed 4 warm +*43 hha’ : ao A agi TAS slsis +. b ta Aas? 47 bes mel? am + * 46 e , SIMILIA IN ALIIS CODD. 26*NAabegq om. pe a8 -sbesheidem. Diat.ar.=— ut facerem 38 2-2D rou repwavtTia me: Tatpor: a de ff, r, edus gui me mistt patris.(e pater) b Latris qui me misit 39 *C om. 6€ torw 70 OéAynpa Tod TEmarTos je. 39? Ddeom. é€ atrod 39 3-3 D pybev ad ff, nihil br, aur. guicguam fq aliquid 42 *Nbom. kal rijv pytépa 45 * Pesh. — abef ff, r, aur. enim 46 ™*ND tov Ocov abd dewm 47 * fam." eis tov Ocdv 226 27 28 29 30 f.123b gue 32 53 Ort 30) Joun VI. 22-35 pei ot AAT ans mata an eae aw An f hac | wi a AMR Ta | eee Pada? 24 sash alana |? adr wats? al aw reama 223 kenl || Pseadssawer’ * aaa? & cal | aaco eT.) omWdsaar | pal ons yaa\ |? war Lars ~_acal | tra 26 eal dude | phew — cal eta | Loayeeth whadre | oe ANspa07 A\ = waco | fl\sz a _aal IDI ~ anlad 1 h?7 CL ohsawa wml i wohlaws La * rweharam\ ~ am \ advwwsa avala® rehilaam?* 27 pediahas>” essa + * 26 -Whmot winas +? Ware arise bt 46b) Se eon -,caal sms exis misr whxmasy © am — ° Tote aes ae aml tow Aaenl +? 31 wim wesw 34 “—smohma am »wa hua ° IMahow — * 33 ava wdars + * 35 SIMILIA IN ALIIS Copp. 23’ Dadeom. edyapitatycarvtos Tod Kuptov 28 * A Pesh. Diat. ar. om. oy 30 .ehig Pesh. Diat. ar. om. otv 30 ?N L fam.' Pesh. om. oty 34 * Pesh. Diat. ar. om. otv Gr to 25 RAY — ala *Joun VI. 13-22 rc a pr ade | mio reassh t= | aaags alas ae cot | aam aam peta | an 1m? Wa | ate AA za pat | 2 arent Stes Laam Qa pada?’ 21 | wsals\ eads ans | har tate aim? "a Ain para? “sg | says eat aca? als | > ondarasys cnr ad\ionit ates e wet?! Wwam ss0726 ,maxasls am? | cial tol plwa ie a ix vptasl\ aac pe aira I Wham ashsal? Saal | © maracalh | ~amahal am? whe | ee wWhot | vata’ whos e amas | Kx\ iz wa?t® cays Ata | edi aw “Whar wr’ | pws wT ats | saa?l? ham | | Pass Sam DEO nes Liz “7 worms RA WaT Aree | ran? sazaN rq [Scambler 2 atavded | gambiae? hal | oto saa“ acmils naa?! =~ aluad Lh? Ra I’ ~_acal | JmcW way..' et am 20 ote ws hal | ham jm Wad | Wh”? wham |! *,manms cal aaa | linen 9 e r on | le a ‘i | AIA -ham xor | Spwa Cam xia? | Sito rwmala 22 Taal Taaet I dusama® . acs! | wam A ot ama®”! ,@arasalh mo DISSIMILIA IN CoD. CURETON. wim* 14 rs. pale mam nsas\ ta aaa alans RESBX Taam aam — 4 13 mao 7 aaa paasor? RAZ WAM a toa + * 15 am mam bore mex. aam? e 4 sah ml nina aw pax! Tats raz reram—*o Pmirarnaia Dharwa jamigaat” whast+*17 “ymataralWa am hui wert? s.716 ham junxs whot ewaia—”— _, hora al ham hemo ewaia + 7 18 ram —° As wilerss ta? Ae mwa imi what\harw whiasraml aam aatsra* 19 a alboth nl —* 20 t- olos ehsram “~ amals FIAT wag Koea° Oe es ham hot wham om whax> Misa” ~mroalsoin (f, 48a) aam rhea 2T aqg= ram hal whew whist wee oho wam KERADST ra am § 22 raa° rmatasalh mx! c— Axa werazret +2 * way ate wl trah “Raa .whisams SIMILIA IN ALIIS Copp. 15 * Pesh. Diat. ar. om. zadw 19 *bdr, Pesh, Diat. ar. om. ody 20 * Pesh. idem = Leshua 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 22 fal232 1O f.62a AGL 12 13 Joun VI. 3-13 poi-99 Cat | AAT ram | ods pada cial 1 non alwa? | went AS wan |. anAcney 2 XS. Aas | Wana acm waatna%*4 | ,masasaldh jw mahal wan? | ra Xo mia wena |. t20* »maias * mina? T. alarcas zi || eat crates wal pH) | asia wmadslial | toa’ | jah Wit Cam! wwe TaX_ aap cal rez | onl mno.153 ww | cot acm & sa | cl asl ah Sy | pray ,wadalia | Teal psa 77 .xnssal | paracalh po ae cl | goa ® | alas? Alo: Lilo aa 2 aml Tso | reall As #9 | ars | e_ASTILA »MAsW | *wastsIieS crt cloal? ithe. aiar ihe | Gams. FKL) xsae had dure 6 Pusnas | tam . amildaa Mam Xo | pat reins 4 iz’? |? ass’ *aml™ toon 2 10 wotas As | wdc asmorw ali! —_acal tar! M20 WDA «aim aaMisa athe Kae a AIT —*13 sons goats .Athot Stee? Ct —* 12 -, alas aM ps athet Sots OF MX - + Kea” SIMILIA IN ALIIS CODD. vi. 5 ' Pesh. Diat. ar, ‘om. ovv 7 §-) Pesh; id6i = D777 eee 721, manducet io. Pésh: .Diatvar, ='e25 11 * Pesh. fam.’ om. ovv 11 ?D wevre 13 * Dad Pesh. Diat. ar. om. od 13 2-2? Diat. ar. = e¢ duobus piscibus 223 Af | a alan Joun V. 28—VI. 2 maura wales mis Casmrs cau winiist Phe Camla wor . wins pray palowa. as whmsel Waam Caw whd\ otead hewn canain” a | hase te pts wan wars wh oars whool adams wan whris mas dX el cam Wie pita eae Cet eae wasn ean cle’ staan As rear remss eae Cw J aaites pt mais. eae mas cle jpaisy man mahiaw pratoa’ .»lLa imp am tow? .wiote ham ml sharmm .»ras tena .erwas hal soahgte wadhaw®? La amows mhaimm 1 WHF meio mile .wharmm mae om erie t> pm wam el on ant . wiz * mohtse PT Wohin imine toot swam KLEE am ,. awh «ahmed man tar 2 ewoet em isi whatmm wt eh bow .m@imais whazs Caimohehs PPT Kae aA CISA .aim ,. air sleet sow’ pl mor HX ween cohase jah pm mio cl bs snp am prales cowa prute cows ba $42 ams resorcon A\ema .aas meansa' mhin cla »eohore mare cla eavht ade PERO .amst mea hal ago? eohin pLimomon DAN a ahi —am_s3 ah PEROT Caim™” .pwimm am pla mish aAima » isl sobwht ature pie mA shala®? .Ls wimm Caim oes Canl bor aoshanm wile? . maw nm el erie 225 em ewsan!! mas Waal J aamis wotuw placm cla wt mars bobe maw. ans bal wmled csows ew obarm pruarms mano 4 sc alash aml mras srs whe Pe ara. won ie TY poat Tw a.14 2 Obie prison FO -D2 Ty KwSALiI » Qisasmsal am hmxasa sa05,t0 daw am mawt Calum * wiaw eal” cabie was xl e_ahoaa chiasma rmaAT> waX_ alr 16 ohn petamm NI am O24 -Ts Vo a vat? sha 1? ds TrX_ aM . ahsam | prizasamm +5 A? plisto | plsas? rsa ahi | peimiscas rl ams | »MADBANAD | © 0 ©. Ahi palms |oostatr® ells | dos wiasl W320"! ol* Sie ala dhs! lana Wank aam | pe bet een Wiad | exis oaths Nica? DISSIMILIA IN Cob. CURETON. waaxre? ml—*I § vi. mlost—° plsal® wot 4+°47 am+? .anwa* 46 : : Masta) 7 S 30'Pesh. idem. Diat.ar.=fq sed 327™ND otdare adeqaur. scttis 36 * Pesh. idem = Pater meus 38 * Pesh. Diat. ar. om. éxere 39 **ab fh, 7x guibus putatts uos uttam habere : SIMILIA IN ALIIS CODD. tb me ) to 29 30 44 [*f. 47a] ES Vie 17 18 f. 109b Ay 20 PALA 22 23 24 25 JoHN V. 17-28 gob at MAT 17 Mpa. | weml Sar por | Peal 9 Lp sty ee) bet aco A\=n | gan Matacma to ow | aa I Aw? SIEM | A\= Ir ah & on A\= I aslo j wi ol osa\ aac | pate w gis * waa Ca ama?’ Mam ! ANS ® Fas fa ies =] I? ca Wasnt ° pian bee teahatat (ool Wass sansa! ort Naaa® i oil Lie’ 7 { aah Tooeat tes | Lr 7 mune dum || ar ows HA ide 7t SO temrdes Jadu’ | Wow 7? cas peiziscn=ox | plored Met | AS risa | SLT aN paar °F | etal has | oo ol Mae AeA wa SA asta Be at mza@ -Ana [| CURETON | I haw she's o aah | Mota ae BAX aa sawia temier mist mis asmers whose and . mobo ol doe e_AAMLIF weal eAWw oom» Kiam .Mmators wisn bor monly a atathh mila 28 SLIT AM NZDT ris Aus ale wa? Mmartn> raw DIssIMILIA IN CoD. CURETON. suama? * ,5~0 waAcis 18 mee awa”, ees re am + * 20 am—! cawae san vla—? hase + ° tacaw + ° 2 Axe * 19 tisawt carathh wlaf werent? ptehotat .aean amt1t+° Psarmlaa” (ee ee goes el weals toaa”” MA * 23 (fF. 46a) anal eT A\ = 24 SIMILIA IN ALIIS CODD. 17:°*>* Pesh. idem. iat fate eee 18*N Dabdef Pesh. Diat. ar. om. otv 19 **N eXeyey ovv airots 19 2a bce ff, Diat. ar. om. odv 1938 om. apy 19 #Pesh. tows=guae pater Diat.ar.=quod...pater e quae enim pater 20 * Pesh, idem. Diat.ar.=jlium suum 20 7 q om. épya 25 7e€ OM. ot dkovoartes 221 aN — alan JoHN V. 3-16 “Weta y WeXQam walors aam pamtia® .walmwre mz M> bora «tm» weasaha rohlha Ty WEBA_ prah wam bomwa? 2 Te ENA Eta Tasawa | matXasa? BS Re J MKraiT dare rmopw taae .wam Mota pe Btw | camhr duc SIS | mA. pra ies | ol bur wrctako | pdasat” Rasa asst? | oon ame yl kil! jt ml tar? As .D3.0 Ae ted MAS Mw ORS | Ace? wiusamsal a- - 2-39 b ee 8 haz | toa Von Weis | dane pan . tm al | ime Powpts Lor i soa’ am tat | wnlisdk’ AM ama | ies 1 hep \ Pia Matam.s |! ,maats rsat 2?! ham | whan MA, sales dies ln co ~_acal\ gacatll | als Naazdhs | ~ RWACS wi I nee | a Sans Li tw am prmlbor's | om am SR eas Laas wom wae MA! WeaK? ama? pla | th5 ce ay rN gents ea mhiasl haan —. mA | Sam a ahor\ aon wan nly sats o Motay pra N> AisaeM wealo IM whi itya poaa 39 »walat ao is Ans Tyna? ..N gear btaasd setss dan ham ermes . whbunw 1m7 Ghatmm@ A\=a wambhal wama .eambhal wamst mace aam pta> . Kota aim mhal abe whourl aam wimmwa® ,mbiss lala ms arson * wesXtoa*! , pimds WIth Peay PA pluie .m>* pLwin ~Lizsmmn rahtsa A\ = mam ci dias om 0000 roalay miss asam howiotest tatoo . Misa eX am! ,elilv\ wnxars' poh pm mar. params PTth wcia tho em * wmalily saalsas whe saa .¢achss el mhises mast wam Imm —rar etatal aam abe 2X. aD Awa . WIATAD sirziacs InA7 PIs aw ta ooo im mM mass wan tas the .elilys weahol’ sah wan whoa wm ta owam mote otsy yw eials toa pauszaas wam bora remsia hawis masa wam masa. mahal whe .samal mlily peso whe rand rhaika mmis aw . ar ol * grow 48 wheal wam —aoto7 A\ =n .opzal mA dbreise melas haw oto male tan ml gre? carob wl cash wl MEAX_ OM ~SaoGa . ww beater wa wrsal Ay .onarwm aml tae eee 23 ml atmrea .smapsaooa pmatea amaaiwe Aiw tad! -saxs3' mhima wrxhs lobe al? Gime as wom wha etest Caw? dea? . cas nint erazm ml teat whax 1053 :MADK ! 08 . who mhooe bates TA - odor taat podrtht whe tam wim! .mhis miaaa am paoma . iw © 0 meLilv\ TAM» —>a wae wtalegacl wsazs wam olen . cotadiey PEAT WAM wa pria tho*! has bowtan cotchmnt whotamamt ' wry whaat slriacis wam boa? DISSIMILIA IN Cop. CURETON. am +? petura® 37 : SIMILIA IN ALIIS CoDD. 40 *q Pesh. Diat. ar. om. ody 41 *q Pesh. Diat. ar. om. roAA@ 42 ™ Pesh. idem. Diat.ar.=7neum bet 431 Pesh. idem. Diat.ar,=/esus fi, 745 46 * Pesh. idem. Diat.ar.=Qatna 48 *r, Pesh. Diat.ar.om.otv 49! D fam.'b de ff, r, Pesh. om. pLou 50 *N 70d ingod 52 * Pesh. Diat. ar. om. otv 52?NADabcdefff,q aur. Pesh. Diat. ar. om. odv 53 * Pesh. Diat. ar. om. ctv 54 *e Pesh. Diat.ar. om. wadAw v.2*abd ff,r, Pesh. Diat. ar. om. rpoBaruy 219 S227 a alan’ JoHN IV. 23-36 I CRAXGI Tada’ | Sema haw | Sade wo? Aw Lan io TR Mod! Awa . itmsa | Swato owl | o_O7-\02) WiLL eIXO Witzsa | waton paler? 224) ets wrANm Cairn’ ’ | alo Waa 0 hie tee woo? | dar’ 500 * ta 251. ool mfalbsason? | tar tar’ . t® oak | tear’ 2% “Aha a! daa pe tarnsa | smagaalh ah | I- prticaca Habe) GE te PRES cal atmw wl | pat roo a Meassa | ero? hour wan i aam I Whdaw ,m028 ml | ham tk Wa! ak’ aS ei omcot MHAK_ | ate ah © esa | whisrsal bYaia? |. whlas hoar* Nasa? 2° | esrazsa aaacm sol’) daaan eam Sas?! +) tows Naareas | *canssalh aan | passa 31 @ephal Mam ! ads -scaz3 Naas | Whlasce + baw! aml tow 8 teal | 2 ams tao e_aicn | pets 32 cal J adic? | aan Sh Caden || wa 2 acl | toa ** : Martel once old sda czar’ pa | cal sul | ycaasalera® p343.23 (AI | mise aa Taw | plex sriaarsn? paste eM | Sts 2 abi ® toa | wad pT HFou wheter! fanaa ptt —” edhe * 35 “rerasl pmarmlera SIMILIA IN ALIIS Copp. 25 ' Pesh. Diat. ar. om. 6 Aeydpevos Xpioros 27 ** Pesh. + A\sasa taa = L¢ dum loqueretur Diat.ar. = Lt dum ipse loqueretur rx, et in hoc sermone 218 23 35 30 Il I2 13 14: 15 f.131b 16 17 18 a) 20 21 22 Joun 1V.:10—-22 godso Cot +7 nan | ews MIM Aisa | wonler rhsman’ | »rsaas? ey ale was a | Kad ~9CMNs24 on\ | »raacn ? wide Ode’ wand sah >-— CD ass. | t=O “~ baw las || law? ol tow |. tie <= 38 iP 19 i S| b gar wot har |! sala? was ac | dur easur | ma” sa ee : r Be ie lois am Arca! Sam oni me Mais * ac! a whzasx Aaa! | PC cod Dah ma aac onal | war é eo2et® g Aig | wasn wie sols \ | re gl wl fen? oa ae ee peNN® | ras Stas | mo lhaam cin cas | patcn ra cha? ,\ 1 ism on ae? hid Nst5ce\1 a tn7 1 ool pea 6 tame po! als Kodrvo a go mN | qr wisas pA dN oh! tow 17 .waiml jha!.>alsal patic *xtzs107 | AN? 18 wiss rA duls | disor’ tae . 30% Wam .»rlsas i wam CA Sum all down Sima .>al | aam ha beasties? sto tal io? . hte | whe PaaS hy p22 Fae I? aha » OF-A M0 cial, | Am pmo HY Le paisascn? eddure’ ota?! ol toa’ 7) what | dus am miziacss laste salztartis || lat wial, ams | tls whan cadens adi ganas | tls rtzal* © ada’ | pando sabi’ ool IAC» 7 | r<2.59 5 pwn tam tet | ronal? pissin po FN | piso DISSIMILIA IN Cop. CURETON. ta — ote we rwhhaw oa + * II (Ff. 43a) heoam*t mhamame’ heam” 10 wah +? wise +714 Aan?’ wsrxaxzs* 13 a SOO ge Oe eke wdaxs* 16 whue—? Am whhaw 15 wert —o maw —t Abed’ eames ean core? owhhiw og + * IQ gan rez 18 waz * 17 sal” =a~\* ars c b a a st 2 T 22 (f. 43b) mila hw p12 ‘ed axre” 21 tet + * 20 SIMILIA IN ALIIS Copp. 12*Pesh.idem. fam." rotro Diat.ar.=aef ff, qr, aur. hunc 17 7r, Pesh, Diat. ar. om. arexpiOn 7) yuvy Kat Be 2h Ast a alan Joun IIT, 36—IV. 10 | ascama? tla’ ettara? i mls\at win? ml due! tas! ya. caz3 * | posal racai® | Coles CHIN OF ww i | Mass port wi rps [as | fi massolda® || -Xmo ez.ta assann? | tm saa Gor? aall r 4 food ee, mom | ths Vet? pisas® eat du 2 am sant | Wrtady ! 3 ymommald | tin? Wan scam | sawls® . 3m? am! ith > Wam tax | sa 74 Ail pad? | ol? Nieva aams\ I nnazwa 8 Siok! | Sates Pas Magadh? | adm?) Wawa? Osta (mal? | sanss! Mam sca!) 5! dota Aanal? | soaas.! pam’ Wdrvat | saassy casa’? | Sissc! pan 2 pam! | barat? mts ae im a isan | pa saardus® ese | aascaa mate? A\4 1? shia 1 a OIDs Orfaga | aml? . aml? aag | als’ ,mansalhat® | eiarcs acak dhe sk {! 5am duc dh, T° lam xA0 worse +*IO | “RAN oTame® wan whotime maw waTt” hiaw—*Q m° SIMILIA IN ALIIS CODD. iv. 1 ' Pesh. idem = autem 1 ? Pesh. Diat. ar. om. "Iycods SBesh: Diatrar om. ovv 6 *Pesh. idem = aguarum Diat.ar. = aguae 6 2 fam.'abe ff, r, aur. Pesh. Diat.ar. om. otrws 8 *Pesh. Diat.ar. = znugressi erant 7*Nas br, guaedam 7 ?Pesh. idem = aguas Diat. ar. = (aguam) : 216 NN Oo f. 98b IO 25 26 27 28 29 f. 98a Joun III. 25-36 pois Cot Crs We = TAS pleaser | smagaca\ ch aie aaa | Wahss wt cham ham AM ~>T cal | pr FIA place dal | Bye aee rues Tove Asi enero lam af co ,mals | hamm hia | VTA ee rac | er rtd paaas sacl | tea 27 Gah mhal || wrctaXgwa™* sams m\ | isd? oo AR or lak camel | rie i> warm bhsace eth aes | hts? +) anmm ex | aad 7s . cums on dura san? LAmn*?9 1 jamie at? ei | ssaly CAS . oer drnn [moon am! Midhes mtasta | ides asam wala 1° cal mon? shares Ioram geass | ets aca? rthsae | ole? Woodend | Metases V4 amt owl Wolw ttt) ost whlias | taX! wan! wise Lins peop | oma | le Py pa | b= »>MARa” Diatvar. ener 29)=Pesh. idem. .Diat. ar. = magno 29°? Pesh-Diatvanm=—ere 31°" te rawien 2 Pesners q entm 24 7 AC Dio Geos Diatran=a Car ee ens 7 ALY ~ 35 3-27 a ala’ Joun III. 15-24 mass cal | eam) bw sors ATP | mo pas C29 i | Naan 35 conssss* || cogala? ease salah | wold a WA | asco? mls\s aS Press mei aor (sk? ce pecan? geo | aan? ax” msls\ ,maranis® 1? opal?! wale tae | BX whl? foal dunt i? els p30 perdi wi | mo pts caaR — 18 | snd cas alas | SAK lara? *9 rtasam ton | camara paca A a te can” (sms |= tahhs Aare | Tat © colsa walsh | owima When? iss Iwas taX. duios | 2 Naa??? agar eae A= wimails! IPymanas sarod? 1 tls imal wae! la Cimarl in i aii of, a te dut | Siamas chal jon | ehiqae > saan at | | OO; 0 pstaae ronlreor nacas\ © | maxszalha * tm ml i whew? loo tho pa?” | Rass pias Ara® 79 |. ace sas tsa’ .wam | tras" ada | rac! Oar © rtasan | ssa spelt Sept = 6 ONE as ac Irom Aas wis ORE aad pI zi aac | awa hriXw® can | #0 +O leds tw | dus zm woo DISSIMILIA IN CoD. CURETON. WZ © Aas? a >ms cians’ 16 ciw toms cel —?” wzsw * (f.41b) 15 maaan? mmlsal+? mes*17 m\ bow —! Sel Laama® praomms? tot am mam* IQ , Tedd eales oest Lam saaum wi+* 18 Naat + 20 aam + ° eee cee Ny jdortebrs +5 eho wima.31” wim hal whe .whzan? pt am* 2I lyomataeal wharmas wamh? sTamoy meagre ® Psa mar? pma—* § 22 “yomareaor earwhis aam! wreatio +5 was? an’ 23 “RAM Tradma ~_ammnx” WSs” 6.6. weary his piwas wam Lar crm emotes YX cl? 24 wat —° SIMILIA IN ALIIS CODD. 15 *-*Pesh. idem. A fam.” wh droAnra ddd’ Diat. ar. = bce ff, qr, aur. non dereat sed 16 ' Pesh. Diat. ar. =AL fam.' rov vidv airod abcdefff,r, qaur. lium suum 16 7 eff, aur. matleret 177A roy viov airod Pesh. Diat.ar. =abcdefff, qr, aur. fliwm suum 17 7e om. eis Tov Kdopov 20 7e mantfestetur gq manifestentur 20, *at. igtear, oy Cae? = tn Aennon 214 16 Ly 18 £9 20 f. 93b Joun IT. -3-14 poi iat ; Sot | ohaslss epis | warca Sl ts oo | ald Ww) ic oa | wl Ta | Ne ai. dua APTI | MAAS” WaT, | cal tw wenlrs laglehksal wziscma Nasal | cases campal coh! asco coals islodso WA aw OKs 1 AW IRN pam | ama . 1 ol quar > sot? | iwi ohaalsal® | @Assal massa | ML oma eat = Aq | Meat wat A Tale | mITA Zam << ym> | te tect t= salen 7 Po ash?) dhtcaes teshh la? fis am sat | Soles (hn? 13 L4 Ye e r ae dur’ wcan |? *mloa waz | PAS eo Ghd rwar | EAR. ans dal betdie’ rtalart? etha | dar’ csns hdr’ | taser’ po tlh | le G =) Jal toa? “rtwatas | asa poet “pemabea | pala’ Wain’ ® iam tal oak tea 2? opal | vam wars | Miter ~wameroa [paar a . Kir oS F-2 cA | palooa Nore tcoar’n? | caraisa ac cd | gata FAATIA plain | pilsax plete pater | jansoA store * 2 eu eae A eee OO ES pinanm hie harnwa piaairs | petonsa charts’ | adi psizascaz | ma wash dtr | aic’ exintss | pala rs’ Aw I. »lIAIza.aa dh" a aal Taw | paw ADA plan Pace Pd a nee te Mzics Mts | cas eo hasan ac elm misazl | alo aw iaris w2am wam? | 2 TT mraswalt | Odea ae MAR sR | aco Ey oe | owas | amnithasal onl ¢ cam? | MIAM . 3IawiD | ay * Cod. + ag DissIMILIA IN Cop. CURETON. _ Jade? . tals wime pst IXY +76 whanlsal? (41a) 5 *deest ad Lawl »~Asi a4 a asi am mlar +? Alt7 tlodaw wondln pra +o row — © . way Ema" al ohkeee czar Naa spmahow mao rel? sauls am +? 8 md goowa wsare ear 10 eal geara mamta can g mi —° nla? waa —* 14 b- ass wad? nl 4 13 cesar + 7 IT SIMILIA IN ALIIS CODD. 6 **a guia Deus spiritus est, et ex Deo natus est er, guoniam ds sps est [f, aur. guia ads Sps est. 8 '-'N ék Tov vdatos Kal TOD TvEevpatos a(T, ?) de agua, et Spiritu be ff, aur. ex agua, et Spiritu rr Le omreuny 12? Pesh. idem = credetis mihi ? 212 - a a aaltsar’ Joun f. 46—III. 2 cal tare | marl lx man | warss Ai! a! Lamwida ml tw 49 B scastwat? hywha wh! waarlia (John I. 47—ITL. 15 és on a lost leaf.) méssio i ga paleo alanz | wad. pipizay |e aiml wam tural ts alas sat? | hIKH bus pos | obup pmataganh | la tcl * etme milan’ | mAduss Mula shar! ,mancalh atarhe dur | san pions at ic | a wim tn?! panda? 9 Pmths Caml | alin” Ie ac\ goa 29 dur am | val!’ p> ca peta | oe Ahi ee Iohala ams Walaw? 1 areal maths ah | a Ama eg atwha ah 40 i ea 1* Ss90 : re F020.” msy, | at ,aq Kora lam MMO. aam | sMQww . am msi | MASTITIS pLwden | »magacadd o ain? COTA ah ?? | pase * . aasaxl ete"! wastsanm amat? °. assazs | mqsna 22 4 oaavoal | poate arr’ swe ol | toca &. San | eassaz dur ol <1) qorva a t=1* mS 43 4c fa hal whoa | dora. wX thot! Cats toh | wWamh ~>o cadai\ | waalaa er ant .jho li wh Wm ol tara | waalian 4 a AS21507] WO.3tIS dhisrs | pa am TA smalls. | ohkax am Aoradual | waalsa ol Towa | Asrfsdul SLATS 1, Ate (IT AMAT | MID AM -Lazst | sOMaLwBALM’ . asta I'am DISSIMILIA IN COD. CURETON. mmatasalh? aamx* 37 eoa+P Jsazis* 36 wraxze” map? § 35 ar meevat? csazs am? 38 o AZ F ape Alsass ra —° wast a amisa + 7 40 ema? aw * 39 raaoe? gare’ oihs whet (Jis).meaze* 42 mur —° remast otagl—"” sana? qi .nanat® pila” “deest ad lite5+- tan SIMILIA IN ALIIS CODD. aol 6 Tesh Diatuane OM aToAy 37 *A fam.’ cf aur. om. avrod Cy Ree Pa 3 sec\uti sunt eum 38 * Pesh. Diat.ar. om. (0 A€yerau pebeppyvevdmevov diddcKar«,) 39 *fam.' cf ff, q aur. Diat. ar. om. oty 41 *Peshidem. Diat. ar.=vzdz¢ Al? rem mane = mput 41 3 Nonnus + ovyyove 41 4 Pesh, Diat. ar. om. (0 éorw pebeppnvevd- pevov Xpuotds) 44 ' Pesh, idem. ~ Diat. ar. = e¢ Shemun 45 *er, om. &v 76 vopw » 211 27 oa aw Joun I. 20-34 mans ? eolat ml potmwa ears hoam cl iw gama | ptawa™ . bu momXy ha dhis > A tae? ohare ema ml? wim” wel Caml tmaew burw ists wior els maw iw . ee As barr tare wan Cattz Caml ima’ aang witzma" . coms eae tat Mia . otal mvtaw aish real rv’ Mla 1s eae *duac Aw | bie xmas liam miss .nl Maman Wid | pass ti * twas | cacal tron 28 iar eA) ara? cal a add | pam Be wl a Adis | Mise Ag Joo pn | eo AadshiuSD saws | Moth. Stes | ian? Sin am jihs | was ac 27 I scans wale? |? PATAeT ,mayass | ryan dust ANsn | pian 25 | | pis Coe afata.s) ro tora | mahal when”? 2 tanh? 1 wie Mater mala”? disacs ai2° | sala eodialss eacseyt a a oles | ot A\eo? ..sann || ml cama . tho | Whew WtaKa smalls | bam? A\=n | wie oad K2aM 2 | el ara 3! § aso aml. ptoton | plwds acama?? ass | asian Mam dude *| Afar wads? smalls | daasa mz (2 | dn dvsad Spars Synaral: l eosagh cater? Fora am l?ansssal .393-23 i Ad . ml dbsam wa) AN IW 2? Aye scoals. | sansa 90% | osit hae tes | ian yi pa Bae. daonwra hts | ico ®t Seraolr | Sweats yA | am | | [oo woalrs caam\ * DISSIMILIA IN CoD. CURETON. mao? wins + * 28 Raw won* 27 Peete? hur + * 25 1. nt 03 A\ n+ * 31 (f. 40b) Aalmn? hoaa — * 30 mhe za? cxarrl? § 29 , rasaS + * 33 KIA. raise + ° wen tacy — P do wv 2 32 SIMILIA IN ALIIS CODD. 20 *NeE om. kal opoddgyyoev 21 *r, mumquid 21 ?r, om. i ovv POSEN MW ed = ff, Pesh. Diat. ar. om. ovy 22 2-2ar, dic ergo bcff, adic ergo nobis eaur. adic nobis 25 *Nae om. kal jpwrysav avrov 26 * fam. e om, A€éywv 28°" fam.’ fam” & ByPaBapa 29*abcff,r, aur. ecce 31 * Pesh. idem = wt ‘nnotesceret 34 7N & éxdentos a electus Filius Dei b Dei Filius electus eff, electus di 210 29 30 55 o4 tn — 9 6 z. 8 [*f. 39b] Io II 122 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 {*f. 40a] é edes a culisar hal wam saahow whiss ama .whie wam smahew kaxis! [CURETON.] hol hazts cam smahow mam? ,whin am wam saahew walwa. wale raat sim pt am. bam wie cl caw smatalsa . ag n> sstmias . wale RAAnM> WMA: AGMA? . wz pA5T IMAI a Oe how EWA o_O wie “eno 4 Coo. MATIN ml maazwa . wag ois whatenml whe mam? , paws wan amn. wale pm heed mezyo wams mle. rimar am wam cl® . mmr as ML LE Aassa* ° IMAL Als team whee wir go lal gmised . tens ima pot rMAhew). KIMAIT aM WIML 5 vmisl whe alosl mass wel wmibsaa. eam as wala ama. weam walsas? massa mallaz Caml sms smalaot wot he”? rmalas wl mlsra Sera h ta nla mssts cls prlo rw 18 eo thie Mss Moar Tt pelo we caams worl wa wit whlmalt wrbobw wake poo ele . zie t57 ease em ela. itr nis 32.7 OW pt Veet FDO. NS CAMS AK preva . -—-> hat wa ham : : ita whan ware sthot hoam hteeet am RIM wea waoa amals Imorw Erwarsa 15 ‘peems plana Et ahasrlsa pzaa 16 oes AM) psator A\an wpa al acre whansla..omehe wras tas eeasid! | whanrl ale whasska. isi Whew) . Imo nA WEI swahsa toa ead rel 18 , (WAG aa Are Tip Ita TA .prwast ahatewo sa wimald A? p,rshuew am .»smases moar Emit “Kt > ta dew el plea. coala mada p5ia motdms* .plriae tn mhal attr SIMILIA IN ALIIS CODD. 1. 3,4 °7C... d8€y: 6 yeyover ev atta lon qv. bef factum est nihil. Quod autem (ef om. autem) factum est, in eo (etllo. f£ tpso.) vita est (Cf. Westcott and Hort.) 13 *b natus est (Cf. Aug. Iren. Amb. Tertull.) 18 ™ A fam.’ 6 povoyerns vids a unicus filius solus beef ff,q aur. unzgentius filius 18 2c nobis EE 209 397 ~_ ala’ Luke XXIV. 41-52 Tor ci r 3 r * ammaasa | —amdlsot 0 | —amaars (2 Alzasco* | wi zm wdareal® | sa cin a asl! dur Seka gm wah? | aam -nm1 | xaa% *@ waals iar! oo whim mi asm. ! . aima” 42 43 tdrsac Alsam? * wis | pais a amd pow #4 15S acaatash? * Mar 44 cdutars sls -ashas | onsa Jaa miheas | J aadhal aa J aac ala dics) | AMS §F ss | po tacna *° Miamimasa | Amina MLAs || paAmINA Meaaxs | “zaaix ela am | inca -_ace\ parva? | pods haasd | scars iadhiat! | asa. Wri | wham bas = mlejaw | ta Matara mss | e_amiaas Worl sn | Minzaza’* mislass | a asils gare | ira’ tH pilosa adam |. air . adura*® =3 miss | a azalhs rings | whissrms oad lado »9W5R MARS | sta KMaAN dusk | cs a Ai nara? | at I area °7 7. acaisa sasthe’ |W air’ Wi> waath 1 2 ain Nee >I | Aas aam peAtama | Shot wharss | miviawl asam’ 6: 6 | wale class ~ asrlwar’ ly oo woals o 0o© oO Oo pisces ~ asltiaw DISSIMILIA IN Cop. CURETON. smateal® soh—? * Wmmbmo wamhaty ema wambios ps pLimommn 4I pba) Aoza + ° ~eamriasl? wam + * 43 SERDIT whopaa traa + * 42 44 * Cureton deficit ad finem. weamli sms thor SIMILIA IN ALIIS Copp. A4*N fam. abcef ff, q aur. Pesh. Diat. ar. om. prov 47 *ACDL fam: kai édeow adfff,qr,aur. e¢ vemtssionem bce et remissa 49°78 D Lab.cde ff, r, aur. Pesh. Diat. ar. om. idod 51 * Diat. ar. om. éyévero 51?N Dabde ff, om. kai dvehépero els TOY ot'pavov 52 *Dabdeff, om. zpooxuvyjcavtes adtov - 208 45 46 26 Ff. 22b 27 28 f. 22a Luxe XXIV. 26-41 coals eS) | acs N76 . retusa | alloos palard’ pecala | paloa® «os aimsmzl | al waz? | mhsardl? Jasaza sn Fads | am waAS plea | mavama ass e_ amis | IA LA -_am.\ | §oaral ram | 00 whstal asians | ohS camila | xa As J aml cam I Mie oot aaa | w = _aca\ spo ter’ | acna .cal aam lina aac) —amals | ae ona aac pao ! ain astza 7? . Sad a amdals | war’ samms jaa | yuri ham easton! Lim +2072-20 | Wed $50 Saw) | ams SEIN | saa *?? . ams lama .,;maxnahzrca | eo AMatan 7 a9 dna dee | pS asama’ 3? -_aca\ eel ram lh insl as aac pstorrca2 | | amin ~m\ \ohuw”? Ihara a> amsa®? || Sha a azas | SA Setads 7 wam | tans’ | euis ‘\a peel TA 1 tooxgelh Asawa | mizianc\ AAATA lope ira eg 32 eo | Oar tete too 3a °* | stediwa® . amma stars ,acoN | paler eam ander’ |g aim ara2 2 assarl oo rz) | Meo 3A we tad’ | ids lpeara samdus | ato washer | aam pills . aim sa0% | etama asmihjea | asstde . aimee? |g asms emis . aml 8 |* potas Mwai aam pani is meisa sl «jw wwe * -_ aca Sa poten ° Ate | von? 39 ¢c ashaal As | whazecn pals wasala? | oe ahi PY Y.22_25 re OTN . I MIRC Ata? | ALAA A LA Fa ptr’ moss | snot? .\ dura a adie | poten ana ol dul J résivtia DISSIMILIA IN Cop. CURETON. sam + * 3F (f. 87a) - 2 amhal ramay* 29 swhvanez hi? 26 palas —° 25 mans” arw* 39 mass Axa? 38 .aag + 37 § 36 rewhea—* 33 SIMILIA, IN. -ALIIS ODD: 30 * Diat. ar. om. éyéreto 30? Ddeom. per’ airav 31 * Peshridemi=se ge ce Diat. ar. = Et statim 31 7-7 Pesh idem = aA/aiws ear 32 - Pesh. idem sete = grave 32 ?abce ff, r, om. ds éAaAee Hulv 38 * Peshadem. | Diatwar =azarar 29 *b ff, ecce 39°? D.abx)-e fr, omer: 207 at — alwsar LUKE XXIV. 14-25 lg evgis pada rd’ peonlas * palan | As ay wN ay aaa | anon a AIw | pena” sas? che | eee ee ate re \\saza | dim Ache: ISAT 9003 patawd’ 8 1 a acaatasa 16 amms § cam wimma etlvason ; prion | tls pales tis eam | far 37 jmsaaladms? mazars |. acaisa’ ae ol doo 8 1 7 adam jotamaa 3a? 1 adr ac | ADIN mle tan = I? RSezaas a am dur | Maalo Aaa § Asaa® Ith? S ediace dus i aw edu pass | tim wta\_ am emi am 3n.° | pends A\sas A | patos. cal mo | Cid Sata *2 am Aohas | wer ram tara’ | milvs IO Tet 12 T3 sandra? jan) | casas “rida | all uia mvs Mazi i -in® »Ieca isa Cun toa? |< Tanao dup a | aa? erica clsal | cu I psasa mdulsXso | jastso lo. aasalds |’ evatca? qoos assh | pico maaale\ | sac9 Iw pica | oars atza |! ans, At" pata Iw IP amhatsah ema | mM? 2 amalass 40M | mtwhsoal Pog Spel ec ee eecas aac | pizascas wia | ere.) wisn er tanhma | mahal Siea sasls | ada Miwa marca |. tao Ajanta | | o- Sams sr | CaM Irs tal aam lic | A RAID cad |. Amis idl sta ceva 113 eRt | whaslow piziaw’ | a Soutaa |. warms mL DISSIMILIA IN CoD. CURETON. misa—* 7 ta” am wol-? 6 Sw — ° ren * 4 aa9,-+ * 2 Xxiv. sam + ° ag + ? Ap EI epela + ° Kat x-Na ? tome * Q (f. 86b) atsa>* § 12 SIMILIA IN ALIIS CODD. XX1V. I *7? Pesh. . wehartine wks ems sam bewa = ef evant cum els mulieres aliae. A D fam." kai twes ov adrats dq et guidam cum illis (q tpsts) f{ et aliae simul cum ets 3 * Ddf Pesh. Diat. ar. om. xupéov 4 *-* ff, contristarentur g * Pesh. Diat. ar. om. Tacw 10 * Pal. Syr. Lectionary (Codd. B, C) @vyarnp 12 * Pesh. idem = Shemun 13*Ddeom. idod A ~ altuar Luke XXIII. 44-56 ea 2AM dara t* | moantas® wKamh “pms | giasirs | Ae Wan dion? wlad cet mics | pe FAS eo F-D a iF 2AM prALT ww fsa pdetandhe’ | too? sara’ goat? | ml suas ims | wa a Matson > | pasa axe cal zor 43 | were hades 2 DISSIMILIA IN COD. CURETON. -petam ism ~12.% aX vl cam LOL pow tora ware wana + * 34 ar + * 38 ware —? 37 mio pastchss® ara’ 36 vara + 7 35 ~AW Pred pep warm’ mli—? .maa +t § 39 asa? dam whet * 42 »a_am + * (f.85b) 4I “paw ms ew odin Aiwa’ am+?40 min tore ~ 43 SItMILIA IN ALIIS CODD. 34? Dabdom. 6 8€"Inaots eXeyev ratep, des adtots: ov yap oldacw Ti rovodaw. == 355.7 A fam.’ civ aitots f aur. cum ets 27 7" D yatpe o Buotleva cd Ave rex 37»? 4 Drnene tTevtes avTw Kat axavOivov atepavov Cc Lmposuerunt autem illt et spinum coronam. d inpo- nentes illt et de spinis coronam 38 ' Pesh. -pohas = guae scripia A D fam. exiyeypappevn C fam." fam.” yeypaypen ace ff, aur. scripta bqinscripta d superscripta fr, scriblus 39 *Pesh.idem. NAC fam! dAdyov Diat.ar. =abcf fi, qr, aur aicens 40 * Pesh. Diat. ar. om. daroxpifets 42 * Pesh. idem. AC fam.’ re “Incotd Diat. ar. =abceffi, qr, aur. ad Jesum 427 Pesh.idem. A C fom Snipe Diatiaw — ees ff, r, aur. domine 423Pesh.idem. RAC fam.’ év ry Bacrela gov Diat.ar.=abq zx regnotua 43*Pesh.idem. ACD fam) 6"Incovs Diat.ar.=abedet i) q1.aurmee me 203 7 — aalar LuKE XXIII. 20-32 | the Sa - az | se LLIN? Kam Mae | MMSE : ~_acal bj,at es 21 c- . sMAAOY i** aac paso ET gam | aaa CULT oad (Fa wy | WX aim aml tw! wis dbdhs Gon ac?? | casa’ Months Mim] was? Wl whaznl | Waxt BAT pI! . Mac ras mat clas iaam wash arma? | manaruca® isco | jcasrie? “e Am=as. mMimsa | »oya 7 ~dmls rad) | psMawa -An7y* cal | piace acl |. aml! ya 2 Pe Ocalsd & | eacaaa? walla eam? | saxa74 ANS 23 oS | Maw bap wam ! wt? WezvaDa? | wile A\ean IT. Assazh ary’ | ml wlsam rsa” | 2 amis ul mize | swazila wha? § casot Janzin | Whto pa am | CaN Radatio aati Xam maths! am Kio?! *, sagan | ath>* 4 piesa sais. ,aco | oe IDEN za lcs pas YA | miztaw dS pecrad | tora * wars »1ddhrea 78 Iranla als is! Choewala whyoasl | poaasal, a tarh | Camas pace alas | vial gor re ae | peta 2° ,Amtare’ cls nen a pardon ast | YVeeanoy 2! - ebaman | whsaniia 32 phe rizas | ra 3 Eatn mms. | aagw rear ARES | meh DISSIMILIA IN Cop. CURETON. pote +* 21 aoa weet eau pice prals—* sMmaspzsy? Aalss* 20 PHawonneas mMQsTIw” *M> wawarm” 22 .omenaoy® smsraan, ° amIima® 25 ms ambien wamhs? wan —* 24 paisa” , angui9? 23 ath * 30 (f. 85a) pe ahal + ? 28 a usar tr>” § 26 craic — b peatwme + “ 32 mama * 31 SIMILIA IN ALIIS Copp. 21 *Ddom. dAéyortes 22 *fam.' yap beq enim 23 ** AD fam.’ kat rav rev (A fam.’ om. tov) apxiepewy Cf e¢ Sacerdotum Pesh. Diat. ar. = d ef vox principum Sacerdotum (Pesh. d om. vox) 25 *Pesh. idem, fam.’ atrois Dhiat.ar.= bce ff, aur. z/lis_ f ess 26 * I. Pesh. om. riva 26 * Diat. ar. = ef ventrer Zon) anp de ff, r, Diat. ar. om. idod 30 * Pesh. = zncepretis 31 **cr, guid factunt 202 21 22 23 24 25 26 frac 27 28 29 f. 84b LuKE XXIII. 8-20 woals ~ % =k | ss >No imasal | rts 3A > wxrato® 1°. whoas -_ aIm>p rag | .AS saw; AY » Wr | idl a »Crde taaa\* | 2 FON rwacd Me risasa® | sam coisa tas | whe’ IAN am | tawa . mals wi M~AK AS | FANT Eon wast! imi wam Inez! Choa aws wsaslat | aasicila ama soa | to pet walla? 1? mash’ le adtmara® tac StaX\_! +d. ahsto waml | tara) “ola mA sonsaa ff e_assiasl® ahaos | imo? ? ¢ assan’ * spoon wr5a!! , homualen pmaeto peiawa aam piso RIaai«wa poT ema ams maa!” .watitia hal mttza .ewans wepak writs mzralea .pmantiaa ,aam@ wim sy lass A\ =m . wa\tlial wTAIM siana whaath hag rma clawa? mbit? 15 waardl manweiewma? *maosies pl —ohtsanws® 14 =i + 2 at, a - on Nas nm \o-* 18 (f. 84b) Maroy ea? IMAI * 16 RAED Iw tw? 17 mai” whatilm® Ig SIMILIA IN ALIIS CopDD, 9 * Peshvidem. .- Diato ar, et zesus 13 ** D kot wavta tov Aaov d et omnem plebem c ef omni populo 14*Pesh. idem. Diat.ar.= populum vestrum 14 2D dtbiatean om. idov 14 3D fam." év attra. d in eo r, in hoc 14 + fam.’ a om. airiov 15 *Pesh. Diat.ar.=xam mist eum ad tllum 15? D Diat.ar. om. idov 17 jawhesie = (Consuetudo enim erat dimittere ets unum in festo) S® B fam. avaykny bé etyev drodvew aitots Kata. éoptyy eva D avaykn de ecxev kata eoptnv amoAvow avrow eva b Wecesse autem habuit dimtttere tllis, secundum consuetudinem, unum cef ff, aur. JVecesse autem habebat adimittere eis per diem festum unum (c+ vinctum) dq necessa (q necessitatem) autem habebat per diem festum dimittere illis unum (q + vinctum) Dep zO!I q a alia Luxe XXII. 6s—XXIII. 7 |. scala? ptsaea aan || pastso® dura | whuitur’ aha |. tama Mama | pmia . sang erars | ariaded’ . dda aaa’? | résaezsa ac din «X87 | atsora wambhzais | dual ,manwa be rwa® paisamdh* | eh asl toa’ ok! Caml tow ob tar eetz clara?! . dha ol? Wade | pesos ch . aside pelea oueaees rire sect ol ce Oca aN tec ga 7, rl eo ahi Irvoale’s cots sax am! dur Jamis pts 71. woalea * ria, 8 taco peta 2 ar tans * toon | wah J aml tar Qzana* caad | =o pssar plwie TA! oo Wharme oh | xohs : 10 TO lar | Astra 2 walla cal BE smdsthiura * zis | cia Mzyz |! AMAR tt milaa ca | car ical pRaLe |? patra saw 2 1 warm alse asams | mzas As teal. Nda wl) tool cad | ptaae Wan? Ranacmear | Salsa tax? am | duc’ walla cal mzialo | rica s53\ malla | toot oan canst | htm bur aim? mica | meiay_ is isarm? i CA whian DI | Mir am sacas mias® |! also aA sas | mast petra aac? | caso ** pat ce TOS Scar A | GN walla? tata | soa mally 4 (a | stra wmrxaims am | allaz dush oan || sax aaa7 °. am? a can iran jalziarts | wraim am ars! Lm *wnaia hal? | mise DIsSIMILIA IN Cob. CURETON. mliva + * 69 es atzasmh* 67 moana — ° 66 (f. 83b) eeatiicaa® 65 db saxn—* 3 .aam + °* 2 XXill. wah + °7I —abire + * 70 mianas® aam—” panarrna’®5 Kin waxsa® 4 mame maces — 9 gsm’ ~mhal 7 (Ff. 84a) om mld, power dee to am—? selily*6 mlilsy ¢ ret” ei. = SIMILIA IN ALIIS CODD. 65 *Pesh. idem. Diat.ar.:= contra eum 68 *Pesh.idem. A D//am.' wo Diat.ar.= bedef ff,iqr, aur. mzhi 68 2-2 Pesh, Diat. ar. = aut dimittetis me A D % drodvonre a sed nec dimittetis me bcefth,iqr,aur. neque dimittetis (1+ mihi) da aut dimittetis 69 ‘cr, enim XX111. I? € om avréy 5 *Pesh. peaoesa Diat. ar. = clamabant 200 65 66 67 68 69 70 ak PPA Lite f. 32a Z; D5 34 ay) 56 57 58 f. 32b 59 60 61 62 63 64 LuKE XXII. 52-64 oats \< Inilausa Mama |. ls? a ohnas meoaX | das Ww .rzaxoa rls. ahsam | wlras <\ rlasoas | daa . asssa mada? Hers Choksss Tape Cl aza || asks ,o wa ce! oni’ | lr Rama ts wodual | ,masdura ,marwea 4 Mum | tain”? .Sasat |! o mths wam | wae Man Ara Marts | to0 . aol | orm ana tera | wax. wis 5! | altihmae ica | ot mals adhewan? 2 aml 7? tawa”? DISSIMILIA IN Cop. CURETON. mos aliwa* § 39 Aves aman +4 wanl—o Prmeaim el dow? in? 38 wow* 42 DA ama®* 4I .maasms: hanl* 40 —~»mastasalh (f.82b) Awa wama.m\ ins ra ancl ml mwheo8 +o Ce! ply —* Prwewarn” mlaia.nsosa whl vee mrrat hama*! ,wam rel oo bora swa . moe euItS ELV Sry] al.a? tomar * 46 wax mea* 45 erent La ham smalls abes—° awa+*52 a> F ele * 49 ~, etaX3 ompail-* 48 (f. 83a) wlasa@s mar twa © SIMILIA IN ALIIS CODD. 38 * Ni om. xvpte 39 *Pesh, idem. ODiat.aromabceff,ir, aur. discipuld etus 42 *A fam.’ fam.® f om. vv. 43, 44. 47 ™* D oyAoo mrodAva d turba multa 49 * Diat.ar.=dtsctpult etus 49?Pesh.idem. A fam. aire ail beef fiir, aur. e7 52 °'D fam.’ d ei om. ‘Inaots 198 39 40 41 42 45 46 47 f. 39a 48 49 50 Rit 52 31 32 55 34 f. 39b B5 36 37 38 Luke XXII. 27-38 coals Ved Ar | am wesams ot BA! aim?! 3 dizsarsa Wer’ lam <2 aad 78 1. ands © izsars | ww tin > mwas | am Xl? ARN aaah * wradhes | aa”? . rqumis pmax || aadhithas pet j AS yeas sw adhzha |. alanwhs 3° whasina | sor’ o\ prahers a AMIAS | THA Tdh* As J ashtha | *+haalms pba wtaha? © 0 + Mito? | buna he tosh | a Atarha ~ | ~ aslopass® Mss ilo lwo . asm Jase? 9h Aca | Nee qmuh | ls Ace dass pt | an 27 lls neiee = gare 3 wi | ttza mdr * | oy dur J Aietsal | has ac ota | hal ae? tin! ails Crtisaas | Nath tos dans | canta? Wl eat [2a tua 34 oo yN dir’! want? yp Yaaah a dN dy mina rlsth | isa eos is) Casdhiae sa Caml tar 35 goa 88 sons | lar ool too’ | Cash tow orm wala | ime yaa | Janz lath a7! rman cal dara * eso | so" | aml BWA | —aal Mats 237 warm | ml cea an disa3 | PH > ol duly wlds. | as pp wimdhds ! waahan? Sashar! Sam AW? | oa pe aa 2 asqma oA i asalzsal® aa sisa | sama pishhw DISSIMILIA IN Cop. CURETON. shor + ° wo vel +? war am mel —* 27 mas wor mle + * 26 edogmowe 2 mM whaalsas ryaha 30 (fF. 82a) mia > mum + 2 29 am +7 33, pa ahew* 32 aaa papas © aambhorw whaz ham? | xa0!4 fe ania | aml tras NAGS | Sanwa * 2 WAH? Ata! aml tae) cas | ,masalha? am tr Asasos ER! a al aps) over’ | aw TsveS - Ass Irrass\ amsat!? woles | Mwhaala nlhehs? | oa jmalaw Ans | TAS aimx? youre | »-_aa\ M7220 Wena |. ,malx ,rarKa I tho jaa? 7° itaan | pmax e_aduam iam | ism.” . aude’ aXla lc anmD tara | mala sTawWa ems | ons? 17 A Qsavaer’sy BX? aaah apa 18 1) Pewhaw odes wor | asa? 2°? 2 aachus beshecha ons | tac WIA? pa) he A Sem | eon 1 AS yeas ypasalysor | mtr’ taat | = | SE aa eaios | . saaiallos® Misa! | MTADMA LIMA | p> | rh a.tam* toh | CW1ams> milo I pak rac An 3) esos ams | pot wx Albeo Simo*t | tox ths us oo! Kam »madur’s e albus 1? AsRAML RA Astwa? | ~_acal massalzss | wc tama! aac | podazalesy Miser’ wala! mi *aam pemmra?*6 Deamon cal oo o wz? Pre wasdy Weed | am dor mas | sr AN WHA.» = ra! 8 oth | anal, ali aac tawa | ervaila woawal ins 8 + ID toa 20. aahan | dur se able? * ool | etzare ® coslss rosa Mia e_aas | sXe Whours wade! alas eso oo | wal JAptes | tard’ dual mits | alin? tas MotX! liors eopzm | dus am ale? gor pot wduss | otal atara?! DISSIMILIA IN COD. CURETON. miaa* 38 hrees> whalulsa* § 37 “mean La peshor 35 cam stahzreat? aam+*5 se ostamne® § 3 weaal\ or? 2 § I (f 81a) XXil. atmare* II aly* 10 moose? ~ ara +*9 § 7 pat? *wam casa 6 = 2 SIMILIA IN ALIIS CODD. 35 7 * Pesh. = A C fam.’ os rayis yap éreXevoerae BD os rayis émiAevoerat (B éeioedev- getat) yap a ¢anguam laqueus intrabit enim b ff, tamquam laqueus superuenient (b super- ventet) enim d sicut laqueus intro bit autem f{qr,aur. tamguam laqueus enim superuentet 38 *Pesh. idem. Diat.ar. = praeveniebat Distsar. said cients 180 eer 507025 rr.) dsq, Reshs onece: XX1l. 4 °C Kal Tots ypapparetow Pesh. 6*NCLabcffiq om. kat emporoynoev 195 Teo | ala LuKE XXI. 24-34 mam | miztarae othe Nal | a A>hr30 Motder* | SaaS mass. | ist azalhyss mss | sass. a acs | = mzarhoo miularwa | maasana Wimmna | xmas whodS | amia*®”? Ir@satia .rtsoen® whoo | Cooma URKoterw Neate’! | Sri I diresal ass concen ewhlon oo zie’ | piss wheres padia® opal csarssy® | peta 77 acorn elas | e_ anata? <“xste As Iter m7 esnarma || critco lind | iss whew aA | zis m\ | 5¢03 AN wast | amie Aor | peamst ealoo pan | | +O . QaloTad ~amisala whol i ape “sm “lho | aml cam tora?” clade | Te AEs THA papcasa | pe TO * aspen? esos 29) cali a Adut937 tox I? add MItSOW paso’ 8? | asons whaalss ,oo | Mastet ANN psacn | elon ceca. scald | elon war Sam! whois gash Ws | e_aal og tass el! piso eo AtaASs Maia | asar?? a asddal | J ators wads? is fo asdhrais os ata *4 ee mania wsalas | AA uD Wires | whaaiza cimonr! whlassas DISSIMILIA IN Cop. CURETON. Weaaa” wet peramsa® 25 sleiwoe “.remcan wamial? .ncsews* 24 § 29 pmrerarrmas ~ 27 ew Odaorhia” (f£.80b) mAs * 26 wrasth msots® spahksa — * 34 § 32 tar tacra* 30 SIMILIA IN ALIIS CODD. 24**Pesh. idem. Diat.ar.= 7 omnem locum 25 3? Pesh. eotse wrana = et complosto manuum Diat.ar. = et frictio manuum 260 Pesttiwidiatyane Ole Ka ™ poo ooklas 30 ** D rpoBadrwow tov kaprov avtwy bc ff, q aur. producunt (b pro- ducant) jam ex se fructum d produxerint fructum suum e coeperint mittere fructus suos f incipient ostendere fructum 1 producunt tam fructus 20.2 Diabodie Bilsid Tr aur Pesh. om. BAérovres ad’ éavtadv 32 **Pesh. idem. D/am.” tavra ravta dd haec omnia f{ haec... omnia 194 25 26 27 28 f. 86b f,121b 10 yet I2 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 f. 85a 23 24 Luke XXI. 9-24 moals A\<¢* ItaX pai a toh a Aloth | tl cazatza Soto | sadn mans? .whte | d&isot dass ch he! camel pla ws-5ah aars waiat! wxata!. aalss As | aalssa wean As was! BA? 2 | whlios pe acata midaa | aay caars? tay wakma+” .eaat rants — “II v.18 — 8-89 18 A\ 2°17 anew iiaeanazine? py —*16 nisani? weenie + FL pwhseas aims” 23 masa” 22 ewanras® oa? IQ mismy + © SIMILIA IN ALIIS Copp. 9 *Pesh.idem. Diat.ar. = advenit Io *Dade ff,ir, Pesh. om. tore é\eyev airois 10° Péesh. =D yop ad eryaulsen7yzc eve 15? Dacdfi,1qr, Pesh, Diatean Om. 7) dvTeumety L9 2 'C.e77171 areca nner 23 *Pesh.idem. NAC fam.’ be f autem 23 *.Pesh, Diathate-ecast per ene 193 ee: | cst ~care, ares Ny ee wre 2 ye e 6 at ¢ . ‘ , RG 4 m try a 4% ME “ ne, ’ } Pa Pl CURETONIAN GOSPELS British Museum Add. 14,451 [Fou. 80a] LUKE XX, 120-26a en ~ adlwuar LukE XX. 44—XXI. 9 mi to | tt a201 Lana | eater a huuwdh’ | Sesaa® 44 2000 4M MID § mide £1218 atom 4 | ymasgasalal toa wos | mila wom mx 3.0045 4 Irdars mls | pease ta walwrts | aalonsal e2eI | AMD = placa 47 | Wossare ro? Camm | ata Whtaias ! “tas Fan” aaa +*§$7 maim” cack —*6 waml—*$5 rmext> wam+*4 SIMILIA IN ALIIS ConpD. 431% Dvmroxarw Pesh.=acdeff,iqr, sud. Ade Peso icenimec Gil, (see XX1. 2 Te om. xypav 2? Dacdeff,ir,s aur. Pesh. om. ékeé 5 7 Pesh.idem=ers 6* Peshi idem = diruatur. acdef ff,iqr,saur. destruatur. Wale sda. aod et tt ror aun Pesh. om. otv Se bPesnidem = es c Onrbus 192 Sel f. 29a oe oes 85 36 Sv AI 43 LUKE XX. 31-43 coals Wen ENN prey | wis fase am! awa? *,a0 hdd? 1! ee tns* eA sa ahkusma | manms ~amedhsar | Miama” .mam. | worlds ial? fo dss’ 33? whdure 509! AS thd! 3? Rais | anaz mis 2784 | ham . amshiazl | wd? BAK wa! wamh ~ amiss | amma arama ct. 2 1 eam wlan ,wdis ! toma az. | seala * aaz esals | amis cen plan 85 pw GaNA | tz paca zs | tla 36 weal Gam | tes Pel wham! bus ar Whmis | Mis * aa T ariss | on Ta -_acal asadhzrd | ee ee dzaza\ TAT] pam mam Aw? 1. amanis or chu | As 87 . phason mamtse a | cool et twa | aim a Poon | ole? An ram C1 wale wa sansa5 | mmieca astars || amiea eta 91. oak J air pate TeX | wamls asa le | dics wl 1 saha® . dtm? quran! wralm . “Tam c—79 | wir? ol oo o aa! mhalezml astm lroec As wea! | estar ldo | ami Kam torratt toes | pmayamimsa?® Saha | tw Wa AMa* | RaaRXT AM MIDX ee | jason’ sa resonant? |. pastas (= a as | wal ain DISSIMILIA IN CoD. CURETON. whhiuw —? maser® 33 earwa? am aw? 31 ware? saan * 30 miawa . cis eam: wisn, +? also +? 35 a, AES ani toa” 34 qaxaiw* § 39 Dwele casa” (£798) awa* 37 wremlert means + * 36 » easaisay* 42 § 41 dure tan?” SIMILIA IN ALIIS CopD. 30' fam.'acfiqaur. Pesh. om. xat 6 rpiros 20? A fam.’ rhv yuvatka 30 3-3 A fam! Kal ovTos amwéGavey atexvos a e¢ tpse decessit sine fidiis Pesh. Diat.ar.=cf ff,iqr, aur. et ipse (Diat. ar. ff, om. psec q e¢ tlle) mortuus est (r, defunctus est) sine filtts. (c ff, q lio) 32 *Aacei om. vartepov 33 ‘'Ncefir, om. 7 yn ow A Dfam.. dig aur Pesh. om. 4 yvv7 34 * A fam.’ Kai aroxpiHeis gq Respondens 34 7? D yevrwvrat Kat yervwow ace generant e¢ generantur d pariuntur et pariunt ff,1q generantur et generat, Y, nascuntur et generant 36 *Dacde ff,ir, om. kat viol ciaw @eod 37 **e guando dixertt et dns 41 *Pesh. idem = sceribae fam.” oi ypappares I9I of a asldaa a LuKE XX. 18-30 pmals. | Sadia —.) Naao i wihdu? waa? ja!) As Noss BX Lid Lam £ : ? : I»mals sastis | RS YAma ims | x>T' aam assa!? | smansrh! 19 ina =F | AIRY edptnsa*° rsas. | 5s aam? alesa |? rehae »m> mp Mare 20 miazizia! rims casa 3K | Moastts a ADMAAIT ary mals ol | eimra ,maldza™ | retimvos callazia® | Miah? 21 | mscos Ma due! alsa dure Asan | Dra rdiens TT ciwird * j pits f 29b due 1 also wales whi! Wheaos Se] zis Max bw Ashiow |ama?? . WZ aw! pmol zy ama! Shoal a Ate ar Misqcas se A Odes pamisa | is” -_ace\ Jawa | Lambharaa 24 petra | smasawa smalls. dur! Passes whashan” | résa\. Fis 7 Imi) wale’sa | tool teat | asm sam tow’? | ymnn ml 25 1 As atmshewo ! Soon I-50 “gyrtcal | mhiso?® asage la? 26 | 2 © © © eam | ashra may ha ehsoin | gals ets | ain madam | oo zinc a>toa2! =—s_- 27 chaz oo <5 | = wha wzam ! cialsa mi pe taara 78 | paleza 28 ohare | ams hdr’ | paazia Wain! mi dilo® acs | jmaurw 29 laam har peaesore I? Wasaz* mame | NT Maojy | »pmAvse 29 oma °9 . 22s | eit hasta hd | ams Simro . hal’? 30 DISSIMILIA IN CoD. CURETON, BAX anm arts + * IQ spmasourh? Nana®e ..raaghs? cana’ 18 risa, oy ea l\azla — ton ee mtasay ni? 20 aam — > geome wa 9 -“ohiss tuncsal 26 (Ff. 78b) Dest whaskaa? premwan® 24 prw* 21 wal —° ran’ 29 hal ra * 28 paxine® § 27 SrMILIA IN ALIIS Copp. 19 *~* Pesh. idem. ® D ox apxtepero kat or ypappates a Pontif~ices, et Scribae cdf ff,igq r, aur. principes sacerdotum et scribae 23 *-* Pesh. idem. ACD gi pe wewpadere acdfff,iqr,aur. guid me tempiatis . 29*Dadeiq om, oty 29?D zap nuew cq apud nos Al, aput nos I90 5 1900 rasan AN Poors | oa tava © anm | pared Jaina 15 16 17 18 LUKE XX. 5-18 reoals as a5 Jz pid par toads | w wa® ,caatadiuizasc | wyama Mima | »5t ,mals amsa? | am riam° wil so. aim aw die! san pion alla? | Murs 72 ol | also? Casleter in | ae Caml tama? ast? | oillar lexi p15 6 aM yn" | Savas QO pled | odhsxazasst y\ atime DISSIMILIA IN CoD. CURETON. wWsaas* 42 whriotol* 41 wria +! man tae’ ga” can —* 40 + * 46 § 45 coorahantt” paraaumin® 44 maiz +? tat prot mzera° yx ear t+” asan* $I Xx. (f.77b) pot t+? .ntzasad ~amial ewhilea—o te” can—*3 “mam weailax® plan? lime + *2 ham * 4 SIMILIA IN ALIIS Copp. 40 ‘A D fam.’ airots Pesh.=as es cfhhiqry, aur. Quibus Diat.ar.=def cls 42 ‘aeiom. viv dé 43 ' Pesh. Diat. ar. om. ewé ce cat rapeuParotow Om. yapaka 4s *AD é& atrg Pesh.=acfff,iqr,aur. 7 tllo d in eo 46 "cer, Om. aivrois 48 *Pesh. idem. Davrw dr, e Diat. ar-— cet f,1q aur. wz re, OW ORs Ho a] Pesh. Diat. ar, om. A€éyovtes 2*NC om. Elmov npiv 138 44 f. 59a OG 28 29 30 aa f. 9Ca 22 33 34 BO 36 Vi 38 39 Luke XIX. 28-29 wnals pAs lie a | Sam silo TAQ | cad ¢—73 anas* ean | tw raa 28 AIO |e Ai aah* hal -\ma . ats | duala Xa dual | »\waa *29 ralrtarc\ whojal alt a acd? | tara Smash | oo? pth? tae . dui ms thas 2 ade | paarca eo? 2 adn | pls. 3AQ parece | ,o9 Pal r a be wat etal’ smnadare? i ate ,»mals maz) \ zis tor tol atm Siam? ol | adi pe t-% cacsal | ~_aat Nem nic aides «aim? | tram awarc’® aliea? J sok otal | acl ? ats elisl ol | pte? saa bo acl tows | Mor aamina | saz. hal wlash?! asda? wash *miml maz! saa®® ,mals? sail! ,manaina sambalim | mals ya 7°97 | etpirtin® g amalalis | aam psotaa? | cdwa* cam | ,mparazalas? ein milaa®’! astz whit tals bY whdszal? “asia ptzara?? | ates maT As As wnt clas wml\W\ | pesaazs0 © pers Macmizs | wile cots mms! waies Sala am | %> aam pias | so an* a zie || ol ator 9. tmatms | wsana® a A+0) | wis EN lomtan pear’ waala? | wera am DISSIMILIA IN Cop. CURETON. meol—° smawhew” .-loanis’ 30 wothl” hast wich wral* § 29 a aml Taw woatthuet warm —" awaxznea® 32 ram — * 31 smmala—” smashowa® 35 “pals wav hs war abe Lar ales 33 mia’ asa mwah 7° (f.77a) taa* 37 sRegars® pamea? whoa — * 36 rear —o por? mezsza* 39 rhvanaszha® 38 aam+° smatasalhs —4 wams® SIMILIA IN ALIIS CODD. 28 * Dacdeff,ir,s om. éumpoobev 29 * Pesh, Diat. ar. om. éyévero 20. .Croune TO KANOVILEVOV 29 3-3 A D fam." tav pabynrav airod Pesh.=adf discipulis suis c ff, 1 aur. dscipulos suos 30 tsbeshidetir—wens 20= Peshisidenie——ee 34 7e€om ot KUPLOL AUTOD 34? Ddeaur. om. Ti Avere Tov THAOV; of Oe elrav 35° D tov wwdov de pullum 37 ** D eyy:Govtwy be avtwv d adpropiantibus autem illts 37 2? ia ae Pesh. Diat. ar. om. 43y “Y any AAS — alsa LukE XIX. 14-27 | pls ee ce cal | peta mins WIXKew | ataza m\ aac pate | »p~araN eaic” cal | a tat Ana aks | rion tee Rem, warwal? || atyhar’ its saan | aos -_am.\ am Scan coal tow )7 1. tha cei tos | ee Tt tra | Masso AVAES ramh | =asmm hesahen ' | A lass Jeol ivan ax’ ® Alt cal M4wa | Mater 8 whew JS | pata? yoos | Vs aN mama | dur * arn col? | a ol tor}? yas | im zm Levon yt50” foara | ter ac* cdo? | Lagat tesoe | ds wa aX des 2) | Kuarm> jam aa ,hal |! wam dues am dar | teva dhsaw Sis ies daw Lows | acu Ce no ONG j Waa A EYRE | alee oN prow 22 Wadi i win pam Imam Neva cin | IR meta yA daam | wae *. pais c= wAlgt beth sal??? &sGr 1 whs sam PCT oes % | fms cls jam jl Ake EN eat ge oaths, (| Mie ee Shee eS) Gane] cene T eee (aon e_aseal | tara 4 ee AE aah eats 26 | [7 palo rv yoo. chal | burs aml ,wasma lam .are oA dls | pana . col amadhdu® 12 coal is ZI | Aas aioe | ato abu ea | pis?? cam amid | ol duns a’ alloa rials | a Oca dS wame’s | a> de cls prin | paariss DISSIMILIA IN Cop. CURETON. gia pothy* 18 aoe * 17 woral?® whaals ams tan + 7 15 raw Tewae czas t+? mem + 7 22 stza — ” am — * 20 a awa am i- I eamro camahhaa” ml smoha + * 26 (fF. 766) anor * 23 SIMILIA IN ALIIS Copp. 15 * Pesh. Diat.ar. om. éyevero 17*Pesh.idem. Diat.ar.=zaventus es 17.2-Pesh. idem. Diat. ar. = pagos 18 *Docrepoo ader,sauus Diat.ar.=—becfff, qr, aur. aller iotseeshaidem, Diat.ar.. = pages 22%" Diat.ar. = ac fi,iqr, rxfidelts 2A DD.G6.f, Om, v. 25. 26* AD yap bceeftff,iqaur. awtem d enim 186 20 ppt 24 26 <7 KIX el NI f. 18b 12 13 14 Luke XIX, 1-14 coals mAs b aaa eA’ WAM | MLA Aes RAEN Gy = | Aaseatoa Jaua Ax? saat ae “saz cs toaDa\ rad ea” l AM BANA Mam ! MwA DIO Waxy | mdmanss A\= eS | A= ram warts! wla aim? yo Cs panda |] Whcaaa ehh alwa ,masrol? 1 Laiat © cam Meal? | son senate? ana® cass | wam gas hasan! | Salim? lames »\ Kha vAhias | TaX WALA» -At Has | DMTPwrK I path t cam? ates aaa! |. dartanw laoa +417! diss aminwra twa | a1 moa® Wezaa | An rales Wta\_! dhals etme” aqam dvldia | Asa 7. etiamsal asm? | psa hacia 4201 pel | yw eam .5ms0 | masa sy oe ~500- MAM Tapa KI sys Io a ara" g Mristen® I4 mim whe? f.76a) wimal* 13 t>* 12 who SIMILIA IN ALIIS CopD. xix. 2 ‘ Pesh. Diat.ar. om. ised A Pesh. Diateara= era Ct pesteidene A cidey aitov D edev Diat.ar.=abefff,qr,aur. wait lum d vidit s vidit eum 8 *Pesh.idem= Leshuae fam." [arpos| tov Inooty Diat.ar.=e ad Lesum 8 2 Pech. Diat. ar. om. i Tae Diateabaee ers 12? Dabdeigqry;s om. éaure BB 185 IAD a alwar’ LUKE XVIII. 30-43 Mass Ais! | Sua Why ? wonls.sa Misi | aims Wz D> 3-3 | | misis maiz iacl | plaaicd * palo leon ~ aca tara | mado gh to102! Mrics | mts AA Mais | pensar padre’ 2 072. a | prald.xsa fe “| ea rc ml a O-5330 | MIAts wa m5 |. Avtata wass\ taX_! plhzm? " a G = a. ae manos || whids aam persa | wary’ is aT r zB 40 NS athe | saan mts tara? lI? a3mQaq0 .~.azs am | sna 5e wis mA | saarwat*! mids mal | -st.5 380 ' mada? SL 4 waxes? cal | tow Sporn? sto) ol tom wl saan | bir 42 loaoths Kam WdKWo! wha | .amzs who V1 ramha . iacesa\ Irvts sa 24. ah? A! Wom the . ah cal | dita aia can 3A | - acd dacs plant i mls Missed toe |. ol dotan? -wazs wimasvA ENS | 9~@ wlals2> wole’s | Whaalsal mo MS mA) Toles | mhaalsal & weak aw | mss a + * 24 a\, —* 23 pate) nit — * 30 os3 pee saal Mar tram ~ 29 An * 28 pam — ” SIMILIA IN ALTIS -‘CopD. 20 '-* Pesh. idem = LVon occides, Nec committes adulterium, a Lon homicidium facies: Von adulterabis: b cf, qr, Von occides: Non adulterium admittes (c ff, 1, committes:) i aur. non occides non moechaueris 24** Pesh. idem. Diat.ar.=¢ristetiam ejus A D repidvmov yevopevov ae contristatum bedf ff,iqaur. éristem factum r, tristem 25 a etie Pesh. om. cioeAOety 27 ta bc en hispaucecis 28°" Pesh,— cr Diatears—2ee 28? A fam.’ ravta acq omnibus Pesh. Diat.ar. = ef aur. omnia 29 * Pesh. idem = Leshua 29 ?-* Pesh.idem. AD fam." 7) yovets 7) ddeApovs (D + 9 adeAdas) } yuvaixa Pesh. =abcdef ffhiqr, aur. aut parentes aut fratres (d + aut sorores) aut uxorem 183 -240 ~ alyar’ Luxe XVIII. 7-18 away | ti0 * wl 30 | SMmmsX> on\ pe ToOT | maa \\ Shs>oh #233 RID | Axes ~amakssh f sxasin ~ aa\ ied | yw 88 Lamas taawae |) Siew As Chaim | war Szacs mis! +A CaS peaetiT? |. amxas Aw plas dia | xa Anal? Kam | Sida cam | rlascal anlo psi | ih? wrest (Ls aam | amsa sain yon Aias | sara Sxstd am? | ema itera | reid TH as\ sal MALL ac | dhuam “An nic | a mairam® ¢ rls ©! ow ar Mac | war ela eta a | wodls aw! Saale | zis rancala rin’ | tsa hare | pth MX Se | Aw tt? ema Ila nvat 1 cam mio ma | Rost amt? (tan | tion am | at) wie .tasorl | ests sais | laws? wan co." ~aa\ | Mayo 214 ales ris | eth Wale toca |. cay As stat XQ | zac’ La am ca | tad wats Petwall | eae Pads ari ml aam astoal> | . sth! oxas | Tain ean | cr2.z-A3 baie sata aA ch o_Am.> Aaa | a acaais tor | yaam3y * cra. | alah wia shal | pairs” all; aAnasnz | *.xvaay. aml tow 2 16 whaala ym | e_amlas o_Aliw padon | Nar TX prlar’a® 2 AW Dae) pooh | ASS a eae | bon whaals | \anxn o-oo Sass i th ald due | acars’ | isa a waaisa | ol Yoaa * wzG | (32 se am calrtza 18 DISSIMILIA IN Cop. CURETON. ama* II (f. 74a) mast” Aasal*$Q maria? “mags 8 wa" 7 wt * 13 — wtaXia mlasnat Kare wiam® .wam-+4 priaa +° wam-+? ocoo°o o Re2thha! Na Asnae maa mhoal- man tow“ 14 Ree milan? ama~* 16 A. ami> aam porta rmatasalh ave taa car CASES Cats woles® Aso” mae toe? 17 pelo? cahrmar? *zaml ime raz cretar +* §$ 18 miso: + ¢ SIMILIA IN ALIIS CODD. 12 *Pesh.idem. Diat. ar. = Sed 16% Pesh. =abc caelorum T&2 f. 83a 16S) 3 AY 13 14 15 Luxe XVII. 32—XVIII. 7 eoals was 2 Lagardra?? . oihieal | tie ° (30 | aw dor wl cal | 273 ~t oaxdis | tw; esths* 5 wd mrdisa | ancon? hile | ama? car swadho | losin’ 61% sass tow 7% Psy wh | Mae tw? min | masse 7 | dura’ WA Mane | wolew7 . Nand Man | Tw wim asm We DISSIMILIA IN CoD. CURETON. mascl* 37 (f. 73b) etwTaar + ~ 35 wt + 34 + CL ee wt» + * 3 m5 owt + * 2 ep EON 5 Sia. a ariahs” ~i1ot am + ° EaATADA* 4 2 aX weQa + ° ham ? oman? = tsa tearwa 6 DN wim moh wamh poelas? porlas’5 ee 88 SIMILIA IN ALIIS CopD. 31 ? Pesh. Diat. ar. om. 6potws 33 7 Pesh. idem. D OeAnoy Diat.ar.=d voluerit 33?Pesh.idem. Diat.ar.=animam suam fam. fam.” thy Woyjv abrod 34 *cdetunus 35*bcefl,iqetuna 361 Pesh. ,oshxa waqera goths tw elows Waams wih = Duo erunt in agro: unus accipietur et aller relinquetur Diat.ar.=et duo erunt in eodem agro, unus assumetur, et alter relinquetur D dvo eypw ao rapadrnpOynoetar Kat o eTepoe apeOnoerar fam." dvo écovtat év TO aypa. cis TapalynpOyjcerat, 7 dé Erépa apeOnoetan abc deffhiqr, aur. duo in agro unus adsumetur acdr, aur. ef alius (bc ff, i e¢ unus f q et alter) relinguetur (d dimittetur) Xvill. 2 ' D fam.'d Pesh. Diat. ar. om. Aéeywv 7“ Pesh. idem'= pots: sDiatwars—wacs 18k -Ab adltaar Luke XVII. 19-31 r ae vdlp call @a)-3 2 ae a eee pat | resco ( | o RAE ete ae Sea petwa | ret smaieza 2° i woolen mbhasica i adhe LL aml | Mtmwa win? Wales (.ewwo 4 phi Saw! ,am atm ? eh ine irmia2! - whialis »marasalanl | cam tara? ve Gadhia | wales odhaala Ta 3 Lomesoas” ~oo aw? 2 atwda | 2 aAXKtTAhdA Whoa, | Wad cn * eerceas |. Atm) econ eo ter Ila zis mtor cra meaner 224) | alin tla Calih | lh ? aio wma | am paaicn MAA a om zl @ | ops S aces | sma 2 PLD | Saw Tee ( wean acm aahs | an onpal 6°25 | teams motos ma, | oc (ams iaaca? | orm whote jo | Adissa wares X os irézirs mts | whgaas? wams Miriam | *nvain “dmas>® {waxy ial = pascl.a | med aac pe ameta | PALA aac plans a (asm Lava’ ciaal | deo oxvhaanl? || war daa mal aaa plans | Aas odsaaus? | Wann misewa*?® © amlaal® I anc pa Lal | nary aise” 1° aisima cam pisia | shza ~_ocnl al © GURY QhSrinots) See Tee) Casta aes ya sla eat | 25 31 Ye Ics MLD | mid dusas Mmo150 | Wams iam 2 3 »>TIAIM TD | Nay ~a\ hase | X\ am mE | Assy = wear’ DISSIMILIA IN CoD. CURETON. whssoe” z0\* § 22 wa+° wa +? azsara* 21 Agra § 20 ~~ a re mx? miisaw * 24 a ansaahs s am + ? (f 73a) war* 23 aam + * 27 mhaais” *,x2as pais 26 pe — * 25 »mrrxcoal ! cape gfe ee 5 Doe Aol pais? reanow mram® 28 ~ amial e welonal\3 Aooxss* 31 rhoazaaa — * 29 etbara aagm SIMILIA IN ALIIS CODD. Ce ese iGem, co 267 SP 27 ™N jpev a1 'abcfi,ir, aur. hora. 150 1g 24 25 f. 88b Cif if 13 14 15 16 17 18 Luke XVII. 7-18 woals Aso Reo tas | waar! al yaw) wml? wos’ r= | Awan? | »davsax “2 eas | YAMA SaYecMAaAN As | Nasal » wool TA Yoo! Sars in? )7 Mam | Sat * 3M ama! al Kam r | a 2 bP etsedh oa alae? | aaarhes aaa pam | tes pad co Aw wmiw\ | whwaazd Shoal ee 1? wh - a _ acai tao 18 DISSIMILIA IN CoD. CURETON. -axss + * IO TAAT* OQ -arwa*® 8 mhozeo! ,whoto® Aas’ 7 427 14 “asa * 12 Lomswerl to oo \.? (Berl. #.2b) wan + * § II Mah ars tear’? 17 Mot LO wam—° pot +? tw* 15 ae soahume” pot +718 ae Oe Rak SIMILIA IN ALIIS CODD. 72D) uy dr,s numguid e non 8*Dabcdetfi,iqs Pesh.Diat- ar. ome oom 10 *’Nabdeff,ir,s om. ravra 11 * Diat. ar. om. éyévero 11 2? Pesh. idem = in Gelilam 12*Dabcdeff,iqsom. dryvrycov abc ff,iqs ef ecce 14 *Peshs Diat. ar. om. éyeveto 15 *Pesh.idem. Diat.ar.= se mundatum D exabapicbn bd fr, aur. mundatus est 16, sReshmidem am loiateame—escss 17 * Dab caedia qs; om. Odx 18 '-? Diat.ar. = unus eorum D «€ avtwv ovdeea d ex his nemo € nemo ex ets 18 ?bce ff,iq Pesh. Diat. ar. om. eipéOnoav B72 sXo — ala Lukr XVI. 26—XVII. 7 ea Awaxt wi ~ ashal ie Toh ESE ret | palar’a GE ws wee ey a) fa — hal o_OTSDA} | ah psa wlara 27 ie \ dua CE AS rss 2? ,ow han | SMAILAT -orw 28 (eam whan. | a ORS) LAM LA | ws\x a AIM Jeas237 a Asmar | ania ram Caml | duc moto | toa 29 asurda 29 pea oe See ator | poe? cl ol | teow 8? © air 30 manila | rzazal xs cal pow 3! | paaadh eammhal Sins | hiss i ooo ol paimiscas. | Nima? diaz | p22 LIS a wlan | pas7aL wi -wilazass ahs iw\a rarca <\ 1 smamsalhl am tara! I xVil, (tant Ale cal | pac snd? * 2 adds | comertor aml ja | mis’ 2 eaicn | = nod Nixa? aw | wep Waza? CIA a> | walh tower boas rta” War | ihor® 2 Kw 2 aazais | atm? tas 3 picaa? |? ethan Mamas | plot sar xa |cal pan .Dh asd at ef! coo oom)! paar Miawha! i Sqaria Mahal iad | pict b was. .Whaizo !-\ ama’ * saz | mass * ol pata? 5 Wi whaimm ~ aan ° dow | ale? aml tara? | caa*® 6 tos devs | im? whadl’ |. adsam _adtaw | lates what aima*7 | 2 asl wam amber! | .tzus SD eldra Peancxanen co ee 7 Moa Ms | A a 14 15 16 17 19 23 24 25 26 LukE XVI. 14-26 woals ea) los aag 2-12-29 | pecals pica ys TA | AsT2.y~% SA rama '* r a a AI a ohn | e_am.\ ton To AMAA | CAM pT wIA A\~ ~ ashaal ota | pot Worle rime | sila ytats a Ao2Ad | pon $A | ego ee efe am | Sees, Ey sono | izin sis dus sett | eas | oaks mdiasisa | Lasso piwasl | ss Kaata cman’? asa | chi Gis) EEGs | ene dies ol war! Sasa toh Sas l® gandhi | warms oo was | had aw ._otas) | Sato } casesx ama WX TX!) Whiter mia) ohdum Wt28t | zi IMA! Ite * Whosar MAAKIM wom! sald Wan baw) dA ae Sta\)? | dar’ ase maces? | wam mosh |! paslaa tal 1 who rac | A\sXadma?? msih | hal cam cia ravi comzs am WwAS | amr Maha 2 | Sam Aoais sam e279 | cagA? isa la | 22 ,marsax | pnslos aac pa Ord | wala Awa am hasma | cama Le PG lee « am hama | amtocs moasi | “acim ,malsoca | Mam oasies 3A ,mausn | cate’ JSaags | ta? pando] Mt | erwa we toa 24 emmass | tslla assay 2 | on tar\ Wad WtLoa CSD e | X37 Ded wall | gaza opis meth | pats sox’! Wan!) 2 WNT | oad psa 25 sihzon | dura suid || Sato xzma mhzas | Wl aX haama petas | isis Shot | cham poalas | RAY. mS pmmsa"s | did DISSIMILIA IN Cop. CURETON. (deest ab) asa \exvis oad ameenenin SIMILIA IN ALIIS CopDD. 17 * Pesh. idem = praetereant a excedere 18 * Dd Pesh. om. a6 avdpos 21* Peshe idem. Diat.ar. = ventrem suum Ave CSN eg ic hear. 24 7 Pesh. idem = quia ecce Diat.ar. = ego enim ecce AA 177 Ass — altar Luke XVI. 3-13 toawrtae | PRhadus hot! pas? ml Noe jt | aaakw dur’ aay || saa dura Stored | tore thse?” | pazsos Ww Cha | Wr hua? She | tana ci ol | tar lamas dursasdgs | wlass dus | ot tm waza \* partisac | “kam —amhst25" l*W3mM eenalan |! ,mais a US pardaawa ® | ess AtAS. ~aal lags Maw Awa®? | Stmain »mais ~ ~assataos | Toe NGT wis class?! w1ammn 7 22.39 rXM> | A’ ~am Ja NS | Ailass ae sols\s | ~amsi\sas’ Tose se .am das rXM3 | AN Nas Alas; | 0 * pum | prascams aims als | arsascama J adhsam? el | lass amms* + sisascasa | ahah @ me\* Casals | rekss wo? ~ aah slosal | sarcon Waa | t2X dul?? © asl Mba) am? © asks tosses? | asl ar’ mts | aturctla eviiss | awl Shs ate! pith botlasal wai) o adic | pamazoa pa’ 7 ~ seha Anas sha Wes avo ml ime? 6 hw? HA 9ma15~* 8 -totan + cr = oa agate Ass ml yaw .reeal? .am + * IO mia + a ama * Q Laue passaw mim emia; c b nwlassas® II § 13 ta” a abr primomm™ 12 wT Paha tiisas ms SIMILIA IN ALIIS Copp. 8 *-* Pesh. idem = i” sua hac generatione ain gente hac beff,qr, tm hac generatione e in saeculum tstut 9 *Pesh. idem. b ¢adbernacula sua 12 '-t Pesh. idem = non tnventt estis Diat.ar. = non tnventi futstis 13 *bom. yap Ta-taib qr patietur = avéeerat 176 f.13b f. 81a 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 Sy 32 LuKE XV. 23—XVI. 3 coals Mm. Ashura??? | Sim ,maiweca |. mass Who | Asawa" Idan std w3m72* | pmsdua Sass | rahar aa <\\a | alalo ama2> | atamsdal astza! wahuea Mam ! Moko . awa am | ssaz wdas hal! sto Wak aA0 1 Wam Cdotos | wears MID 1? 309 ais caleza | ali = tai yoo? | ruIAd wa rer As lsan ctzalan > wi\s | Mase’ Loa whe! REIS cal par 227 | ase nasd . Asal i ~wam Me wa | ENSIOS ,minok © saalss pale | rtsan ce sas" | ol poora? eas??? | mim cam essa | mahsama snbaa i ds dtas wha || whasas wih Lami? * tan aed 2 | aN ralwon wom’: ,\ sm". »smasre\ » | tant am* awn ua MMS SANS yas Sper | cetiio mia ~ aml i Xiaa aha | ost the Sieva | onshsor ame San? 1 jas ais trAX_saatt |) oda) as burdtwta | Wad ass huss "| miais t34> sor hie jam Mids Ot aaa | Cama ool dors | ea Jas? Sisto aps | wdutal misna | Sidhe am? »i5 2 | nsxi cal | rthto warm pa? wom! Aghia?! hal Khe sa 2 17 | on\ CAM Ms zi | cela “mmta wisi |eaml thes por | bus em bu | RX msas toi | xa) I Mie mraow wll? |] 2 ysas a sto | Mas? Mira wras\ msaz? wia!? | IE BEL masars | dale son ml | tara ee Ball | muna”? .wWetrXh 2! A» NE pletas | todd wtor | \aan mwIhCO | >MASM ymote | Bantam tral, mas hal Kd fyow' o> ml | ta?! mazia CTO ) As Nes Ajanta | »oals l Stone Aa lar’ wan wars! os Ath’ macal | wia Wz Fat an Avo | alr’ p15 smalls | whes amd 32 oe Aain | iW San? Sano ?? | .toale As mim | “ssa MAN bars’ 33 Te qaae 34 | amor wars WA! jsasalh minio miaa | war “lx 34 DISSIMILIA IN Cob. CURETON,. wise + * (f.71b) 23 am — * 22 malasala—° pan? aw —* 21 ere” pram —* § 25 soharazwee? pce — oS tm? ei tew® 24 witamlh tho whoa mol. lor ols pma2?t 4 N45 pepesalh” ane? 26 ° mi t\s + * 30 saams * 29 homer amar 28 wed wamay wars wl in 33 -™Moro hid em + * 32 SIMILIA IN ALIIS CODD. 26 '- Pesh. idem = ef /ratres suos et sorores suas, et uxorem suam et filios suos. Diat. ar, = et fratres et sorores, et uxorem et filtos 20 Maepic. at derosht Diate ar Om, apéuvTae 31 ' Pesh. Diat.ar. om. xa@ioas 34 *ADfamitabcdef ff, i qQry Pesh. om. ovv Tet 12 16 17 18 Lounge XV 10-21 r_o als Maso wamhat) As\ had peat | TS Wisin Sc! am sada | ozs M4aX maton! Lath oc? Waa »ss | whwarh! Courier tl | ae wWam towo!? |. ath czas | wzas jaa’ lara | masa? toh | A dus > baw | duit? anan ti Ow walane | wth! sav\ i 2? ah Wx | a Oar 35 peapaat | ~_aicn\ Whoto lasso ml tw | alewheml ' wram aam ! atza’® pile um iss’ || jasper? saans sre M71* Q aim! pmara—° wis! wi—* Asewh +? psotsser® 8 wht” “i —*10 SIMILIA IN ALIS Copp. 34'aatte r,ate bcedefff,iq aur. ad te 34 ? Pesh. idem = guae congregat xiv. 1 ' Diat. ar. om. éyévero 1 2-2 Diat. ar. = ut viderent, quid esset facturus 2 * Diat. ar. om. ido 3 * Dadefr, Pesh. Diat.ar. om. A€yov eee Cid aur. Pesh. Diat.ar. om. 4 ov 5 *-* NL fam.’ ovos H Bots abcfi,ir, aur. asinus aut bos 8 * Dcde ff,ir, aur. om. tro twos & 2. PesheidemessDiat. ar. = 268 NL airov e illo 83N DLabcd ff,iqr, Pesh. Diat.ar. om. tm’ adrot 97 De Pesh. Diat. ar. om. apéy aS I XIV. 1O 25 26 27 28 f. 6b 33 oF Luke XIII. 24-34 renals \so5 }easas prado | XQ sal oto | ule’ Maths | Assal lento? wanay taX? | daw po? 2 asar | rela os? Asai Matha | zona’ gal praus | Caamha sth | raerdtia rSduss asseo i el cs aal totia | tisia .) wha 4. to! Ptao Ree | weortsal Lated pessc 26 1 Lada’ asi | yoo! ~aal ata | paar’ > gratia? 27 hale? | psodzsa paherwa | . -sos\ ao _aal anata | 2 adin asin | a" ~_aal masa | ts ~_aal Cams | ah .toars Lia! Waadur BAX a aalsa | 1m panssla | nuatasrela mamtocl | = Aten NA MLL | StAwa KuAD rosin poo! Wadia? © woale’s | ohaalas? ins | wamlaala* mahaslsas | — cardsmore Misish” m0 | MDt\? Sa Mota! oa Masar50 | asso 2 00cm | ater thar oma? 2? | oles 1 Oo Motor | peta ret (oo | I ais 30 | rShdus J amaa *** | tar °? SN aes Mss? 1 wratoa L\= as | ~ Mie? saa ol lan OW as | ARAM ym wails dl? | onl poy aly ~ acl mide | wads mala | tema Mama. SW | ales ,haswra Siw? | tom thsa tema! Massaro) am? Ska! pts? Kur oo milziaw | tad soc) | asin Soars | wis \\=a eral | sheadia Mtns il ion® | plziaw miziaw *4 DISSIMILIA IN COD. CURETON. pee oi AS Cte to pazoia® Pwhis wim” wX—*25 ms —* 24 ~amliala* 28 cma —* easlt+? tees Pw? 27 wala? 26 aS” mimoh* 29 zal (f 70a) prmasa Laamh Cabuwat® whaslas? ete? = =—.am—? 33 -wa cam clahi- 32 AROS Si hora 30 metal dN or 34 SIMILIA IN ALIIS CODD. 31 ™? Pesh. wsaas ams m== Jn ¢ ipso die B &v airy rh "Opa aa, eadem die befr, 2 ipsa autem die Diat.ar. = c ff, iq aur. Zz ipsa die 31?7D Gyre Diat.ar. = guaerit d quaeret Z 169 31..02_5 — alwar LuKE XIII. 14-24 mia | ae OMDT prs . AW | whe via \ ioara | whsaz>* MAAsD | cla porchsa rear |e adsam * . ams | sa osa lh Tao | tw MARS ms ml | twa saz’ Mas) | whoars? mors | Mica? Sata | nize aw atiah | vt Xl aeceai=n ralico? | mteon’a potors 74m | mhta? 16 oewhars | waa”? ol MTawrM | im oo thrds | am wia wh pix | << tMmsimdh co b pe hons oie Wesle sexs pion am |! tow * saa)! ,aM | Peacn hc | poalas wad | iasala womles | Whasalss Kas! wal) wan tow?) MAINS | uamtc Stak. -ams5 | Anton whatal | tact? cama | *®emuaams wators | whet duoc | wile hama | dst | wasnt | wales whasala masse | wosl tar sah? MSS risasan | par dibs | dgmalha whdur | hams cts alma li iehussasa K 2m | Rama am MITAAN la Ohi re wi Ti mhadnda “1m wip) | Qam.isa\ a ahi | pa Te whrao' a Adin | padat wi re (SOTENY f|O7 masa 7 o_acidha? Maetaro? las eiaain hal || wuslso ms due * die i a7 58 | Met TOD as? | sala cass wiadda | cozas’® ad .se@ | dure rls a | eaqmaw 99 yaw | dus Ree maXa | maX\ a | | ator Miatan | wth? ea pan | = Baan FeaeleleNe As oad | Matmm Sw? ahd | Misi ams msa! are’? as?) 2 acasst as eammar! Vie wallas i . ara ths aac | pals ealln® ploss! adic ptaw ” a aml | tara eal Bet veda mre circe tc Ocs, lirica allx° ~ amiaa 4 | DISSIMILIA IN Cop. CURETON. mhaxris—? tanwa*® § 54 whhae? Xlahs + 7 53 tans * 51 Aver moa 58 a anhraiasa*® 57 pm canl Lamhr —? t<>* 56 -rataht* 59 wale mata" os13209* (f. 68b) “wowtars hae ms” —ars +” -rOr» —* 2 wmalale > Matsa parse § 1 xiii. a am ops rc Ys ~amla d calily S SIMILIA IN ALIIS CODD. 56'Dcde ff, om, mas 57 ' Pesh. idem = veritatem 58*D xataxpewn bd ff, iqr, condemnet xiii, 2 'Pesh.idem. Divo fam.’ 6‘Inoots Diat.ar. = cf tesus d ff, q chs 22-2 Pesh. idem = gua stc factum est ets? Diat.ar. = ut hoc acciderit tllis ? 166 52 f. 65a ae a 39 39 Dextiis 40 AI f. 65b 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 Luke XII. 39-51 coals on.02_5 lpam? Wad Chan | waar Khas! tm Kam own | ales le adsam Wadun ara??? | sodas -zladas cam | sax xl moi\ lta 4) otras te | Wars Wadi passe | ia whaxos wala Ar lan mam lhe! ol due paw ami ts carta? ol | > pasa. craso c\ als fam Mur creme cal | toa 42 © view Nal? | mista mya ~_aca\ | Mdus oo hain? Ax | tm ,marmaanis 43 MIAM FIST! »MArawaAv Mt WAM! TA ? amA IMIADA. aL wt coal dura | dae As jobbers?) asl atm* | darwin P| le euia Wael | twam TIN mals |i Wrasn am tac | pat I watmla whzemila! wsalmila whamcla i? eaash c | sh) Xm .Xo ma ais | mins hod’ taX lam wtas*? .miassd? Raw pA | hard’ Whar asasm* ©? | thaw ana — ale | Dea" Miset a ahie | tam ®! oll ddhae | coors soil? | saa DISSIMILIA IN CoD. CURETON. mesava+? _ ysa7 42 be sn \ Dra l arn? 40 waa — * 39 >Marsra14834 mun tow * 44 wtmar + * 43 mates .reia\a ~mhisa jaamia.spmasitara’ Lars* 46 aim + * 45 “massa milan whetamasma* 50 ran 56°49 9 pmaraashi” amla* 48 (fF. 68a) pelo ° sel\aro omar ain? SIMILIA IN ALIIS CODD. 42*Pesh.idem. fam." [6] ‘Iycots Diat.ar. = b Jesus 42 2 fam. oixerias abce f ff,iqr, aur. familiam 47 * Pesh. Diat. ar. om. éxetvos AT ? Abeta Pesh. Diat. ar. om. 7 zoujoas 48 * Pesh. idem = JA/agis 48 ? Pesh. idem = enim Aes * a deficit 3-02.59 — ala LuKE XII. 27-39 muatcrra® | 2 tot ria aes Ano) asa * Sarais | ansdhr 2? eohasm | zanl? mhsaardh | mlas . asuls wh) acs J aal Aare tarmna | tals »;madum | ima. & tums? | eR) Rs Irhaisa.c ,tams Waal! ductds oso | ala wale! Miarhs misma .ahrh i ima ~ams\h wim! J assh lism | aascal pemazso’ | tl mam ater -MMYD | aunts ol AVAES | A\jon th> cat | aa alsx PSI tA | tAAS -zsaw® Asacal io xm pan waal Sime S71 Sole pan ash MN) mis Wawa tw | iho? | ~ alorh Manono? wi 14 cam palm a AALS | EAN 2 NG mim a asl aime 8 | —_adun’ FF tN MX a9 | TLe” a A\ =? WTO eis | tS 8M. ee | 5 sore wp Waar! Mas taX? mts ds | whiso teoran Anal? 1S ewmlew sa? pmakdin | sao mS wk AIAN | LAAT rway | Jas 73 m\ ashe J zis maint wro | wheal sx cash! wotemd ta ml | ashes Misa lad .riwat . anak | fim? ® a AXerdh el 1 tlhilia® IPsonse hae yo25 | a asaldh réztasr at?) twat)? © atmwds | © © ©. atm~Ma poe) toow | wials Sw zia am (9 | tas T4471 masa? +o setreti”? pot’? 8 nla -+ 2 NL I2 -_ allmad° rans” weadulia* IGE wn ler SIMILIA IN ALIIS Copp, 2*Dyap adenim 3 7 Pesh. idem = mussttastis 4°D dvvapevov d possunt me Pesh. idem: NA D fam.’ ov ce ttague dfqr,aur. ergo 7 4Pesh. ¥ = nam D yap denim §4-¢0m. v7, 9: II 'r, om. més 7 162 N 49 50 51 gale IE LuKkE XI. 48—XII. 1 roads mm.9 - Osamows | ads Jobim | Erahkzma ahi | am mio | \\mt? abun pis |. aduma . ar alls | . aims * amis | rssalea mac | SO Ca it ttt ie Kyaw | Woale’s ds Rerwhewa | i pamlan esos! ssdun2 J aasta! ~ ala | cr2IX Jak PShstz | aml Ss! | wails ,todhes | 2 wo ireoss ptis L\odes' | am ° otain onsan\ | sass? Aisens Irhstw ° 13 a | wos 4 ma Ta | toa © a mlascal OS SAAT? | wala? —athuzis 7 | wyALD ~aalsa 52 eam . lon ram | toe ssa??? ~ adula | piss plata ~adls 1 alan Awa e_oras. das I am ela? pion I oles esas Jxo J -o- o pas drs © wi Whraias | tom sham Wade’ | asawia z7a* - aal ,a% pets iv? | tan? 2 assdurns | J asl \a4t wsazs | wmaiza pats | la “eal ey AS\e praloam mMzin’ »i5a | * adic | palion sa. eaalsa ol | tora tA C2 ty | masat® . adic’ a aal?i sa caal am ol | toa 4? dud ren | ad an ® din tor Sadia Io vhtao, —Aeyacs yen tele anid | pisla? rc FAD CN! pecra\” | adr potohmn® | wit —adhsde | 2 Wass Aras 48 An | allic a AAsMmorw 5 | Wasi3 <<“ ta0 ahi | pais DISSIMILIA IN COD. CURETON. at * 39 pra + (f.65a) mat tae am erstAa wam rtxza®* 38 § 37 wer? ortiz taa wpaw* 42 whom? 4I -Arwa* 40 wi Y—? mls —* 44 mxmiaa wrim*® § 43 wohoan® Mor elaa —ohtar a aal — * 46 warwa*® 45 wore —5 wanim”™ ~ahiw pow wre ptst whaka Ls cahaw psimwat to exe seal —* lord? worm? wl—f welaw + SIMILIA IN ALIIS CODD. 37 * Ddom. év d€ rd AaAjoa 38 *Dabcde ff,iqr, aur. om. idor 39 * Peshi Diat. ar. idem =.e Jesus 39 71 om. vor 44*Dabcdeffhiqr, om. ds 46'aea Dbdq om. Tots doprtiots 160 37 38 39 40 41 42 f. 66a 435 44 45 28 29 RQ 30 apt 32 66b 53 34 om. aS 36 LuKE XI. 27-26 coals 10 - cal | dts et les! ris aX ol ae whdue | loo tor ? saz. | ol? toa’ 78§ manus | nhla wdlozs | wil causal, 29 | ool wthia woles || oodles assorn?! abrl J amsal > WaStZ | am Chote | tol tz min? 34 Eo coe waml fra SIMILIA IN ALIIS CODD. 28 * PesiX idem =c e Diat.ar.=a'7// 28? aazb¥ tri qr, Pesh. Diat: arom. prevorv 29 *Pesh. idem. AC fam.' rot zpodyrov eq, profetae f prophetae 31 * Com. trav avdpav 337% L fam.' om. ob6€ i765 Tov podtiov 34 *e enim 34? fam.’ om. wou 34 3 Pesh. idem = zgvtur AC fam. oiv 24 4aq oculus tuus 2 0eaaL st enim corpus quod tn te est lucernam non habuerit lucentem tibi tenebrosa est. quanto magis autem lucerna tua fulgens lucebit tibt q st ergo corpus tuum lucernam non habens luctdam obscurum est. quanto magts cum lucerna luceat inluminat te 159 S15 ~ alan LukE XI. 14-27 Winx * 993 | 380 ete ol arts dam | nas 3A ama! | rested so paxieva ?? > exis | aam atmrhewo nis! am Als get | ton 18 pas | Warn? Wasrt zt! sasylsas atm am?! *réasay | a che ol | cam pints? eal aaa | pcos 3A Aladhds aster! das? J aml tw! Lamdusth as aa | pos oA Nos | Aladin wrap Ass Il rwhas Nasa ‘epee cra ZA) | AK mhasisa | pach Mise’ Alahs?s mzar ds rT Ode EROS | ~ wal? Wins me | aas sastlsass! J adie Gta a assis Seas i> lo ~wharl 0% | a Aas wasylsas* is = asl le Gams . AIM ca hotin etm | whorl way whey Sesen aoesea | sae psoas? dul | ams Chath * ale | a? ratadsa ic erin Ain ARMM | Std hese | in 0 waa ol | wards | home joasasy | dresser” hoes i?2> | hears asa |° dual mo"! . tase psa ci | rast iter’ Psar | i539 Nie petecn? 26 ssa’ ?7 | eodusns_o pa xa | rin > ams | motu csama DISSIMILIA IN Cob. CURETON. esx po whew 16 wit mam pam” 15 wam+? am+7§ 14 wasrlass rin tei IQ (f. 64a) Atak? 18 Asa? 17 a mi aagm eins mally pr —* § 24 wi —* 23 mhaaisa* 20 WAKE Kit OAs pevas +> ptom — * 26 huaerea” rmeisaa® 25 ae RS § 27 “rezsgs SIMILIA IN ALIIS CODD. 15 '-'b ff,1 ex Phartsaets ee ab pi 26.‘ Daa, bde ff,1q om. exe?’ Diat. ar. = in ea 27 * Pesh, Diat.ar. om. éyévero d¢ 158 18 1g 20 21 22 23 f. 63b 24 25 26 27 Luke XI. :2-13 coals pio 2 e adsam . adn’! picasa shor’ s aml | tarva*? ,maramlal CO IO I2 I3 f. 63a aN oma? | w~haala Kcdhewha | zwrohs wow? | estar’ | pmay pissin’? Awa | pecalyss - gaara | saaalas use | Aint 12 ba sm, IrRSmam . adi | pean sadn’ xaos | ~ abu éSeonr | Mdaa rfasozsn? | torr the? oa! J aarral Shel whal aly arena elena DISSIMILIA IN Cob. CURETON. eee ee ele to pases paw? nanza*4 Masarst acne” taw*2 “mwania? 7 Pahal whe ssawir? Nala? 6 mamas? 5 .exa> MARS ow © Soo. + ” eae wow * 8 (Ff. 63b) “rea sa“ A\ =? am msl .reswl 11 > vast Nana? lato a owarnha ars —*9 moan miaa ales mols .smarkeizs mas at aw + Te A\-rasa TAA wheeto mway dhe wisn pm? bore’? 13 wwa* 12 .ml sms SIMILIA IN ALIS Copp. x1. 5 'c Lesus 7 * Pesh.=guéa fam.® dn yop aur. stguidem $1 Tesi Om. dvactas 13° D ayaGov dopa fam.' fam.” dopata dyaba a, data bona bed ff ir, donum datum f aur. bona data Ais — altoar Dunes ete Se |. mhhdrs0 Pes | ->t.007 34 ,mals | wa M2243 on had cadurva | mtsas As mastic | Atma er | pecaals.’ ICA ->723 0 * ge Tea | peTH BAW —MAs5 | mia ala? mamta |. Sohaal 4 AAIT | wa -pah” haam~s | <0 yonsoth tara | réanhaal | tshwa* 34 oa tat ® 39 (f. 63a) § 38 mosto * 36 »mmala—* sah +° sah —°? tae? rar ean —* 4I sersanmet” shat + * 40 .»malsa” asohss Tam Wty + * 42 ote had Aus pahal dow bls msjalarha. 4¢ Alec ower fe ES I Bb ody SIMILIA IN ALIIS CODD. eteeeesDAlccln — 77 cas 36 '~* Pesh. idem = 72 manus grassatorum 3d) Pesh. idem. Diat.ar. =i wa BOsicsn eidetlmariatval. =n Verte 204A «B.C Jam: rod “Inood’ bd Lesu 40 'b ff, i om. woAAnv Aoe Peshsidernes Liat. ance et venit 40 3 Pesh. Diat.ar. om. ovv Ate esu MOcT me iat. ate Ae GC fam. fam.’ Inoots beef qr, Lesus 41 ?Dabdeff,ir, om. pepmvas kai GopyBaly (D d servant OopvBaty) rept moda. 6ACyov O€ éotW xXpela 7) EvOs. 41 3c om. 6ALywy d€ €oTw xpela 7 EvOS 156 42 XI. LUKE X. 22-33 coals mio Mis | oe pala Wis | Oo ie CF Wowl | ns armas ow 23 | pecmsal, ~acal srarca |? ,manssaihh hal »1ah0 2? | Wal wi\on 24 | raN Sa BAe al | eatson’ 2 *adur peter | too pater asal lars ria a ORI | pstwet jot 2 abs | A=. alsa ead 25 wor’ aa2t25 game | tho Pascoe J adur’a® | oa wsarsala (cal tow yon a02.143 | Cam won te | waz) ls ota?! 7. RAY.) 26 | waxes? md grow 2% | pe lahs aw Hie ’s | BAA im casalsa 27 || in en acm? 27 @ hain | to? Risera was | Mia Swami calas | To \ miaa’ i .) EN Ratrl | wwths ml tara? ee on | wus Nea cals f | (30° ae cla | (30 * Nes 28 dir’ Wawa | os pala Aya? | dra rena th wt A.2_2 * oA | tod as d : : 29 29 »asatD Ala | azal fm mz) | aomsal Kam eis | gat ac 30 Asetertd | ledar’ poo wom | hd ae TRA * ol | toa 79° Kas | dus >TMANRALA | »sMaAAsTIA »masizrca | BE en alasa’? 31 9m | RMowtarts * hd awe | ama raXa% Lami | alicia ph 32 | WeAaR ,c0 cin sa | taal *.aw SMiama? | mtasa »moter f. 5a ; F " 33 | ea? maetarcs* Wan | wat ta aw et | eatsar’? mtasa ,maty DISSIMILIA IN Cop. CURETON. peacany? wX — 424 2 ahorwt sts 23 wow aise ela’ 22 misao gae? mae pt am —* 27 2, hota 26 maa? 25 Pm abun tore > + ° Aasa? overs + * 30 (f. 62b) nlaa! sy = aay win! riya? ew yarts a>? 33 a anwa-* 32 mam + * 31 S'IMILIA IN ALIIS Copp. 22 3-3 q et guts novit patrem 23*Dabcde ff,i aur. om. kar’ idiay 25 "tert ae flaec co dicente cfir, Et haec co dicente 25 ?Ddeom. idov 26-* Pesh. idem. fam." [6 de] “Incois 27? A C fam." wat é& Pesh. =c f aur. ef ex 27 ee Jam. wai e& Pesh. =a e f aur. e¢ ex 273A Cam.” Kat ¢€ ~“Pesh, =e f aure efex 23 * Pesh. idem.'."e £ zesss” fi, Gary aureacZs 28? Pesh. idem. Diat.ar. ="aixis# 30 * Pesh. Diat. ar. om. iroAaBov 30 *-# Pesh. mtaXmal saals alasa Diat. ar. = ef irruerunt 1n eum latrones 3-10 ~~ ala’ LuKE X. 12-22 beo\ asst’ spdus | ward Rams arm\s | GEN ae i ales err gus »alisa pitas al ,a23 1.409 whasscmals? 2 | mn.m> tet tas | *aam peao7* mlis | aam at e50 Tae> Mmaras* sara | cams a s-ela Ta ul pat oee Cod) =a ooo masarh | rs S\N mspan” | dura? 15 praia (2 wdu | “am? am ,\ | Be al Se eeRp pedwh Saszk rms | asuthh for AR caI0 * vA | ines 7 a ENG e_aals | a ams at ath pesman™? 1. aim aam asama’’ | * sme p32 zal ch | eaasdem Warts aco) Cie Gta? whores | tes I" Cert | -_damas mallaz | ma ON miso.s* | col? casas el | ~ anton wl DITIA | masalsss mila Awa? | Motsxa whdas poeask pease | Waren” | areh | <“\ wams rei? mt? Whsazs msa7! | casars asahahe a *? ASS 4 wit Mocs! plas CIIIW aw | ~ aah 334 z MISS | wom Rule rolrsa | wWimsa la einih! la mia . aal! . al 5 i ramao Mout wurla®! J alretzh QA Setads | rie »iox? 6. W288? hand || wooly a Ts ~ adhsam | cal adn eins Dhar els ee eae ~_aasaly smalls | sardy resale qo | pan dur 7 ea | pa Ka patos \ —_ah.am Irhsas moa! AX cn23 | - aaals l ouD —) eo and la | mI? wisa taX? am | waz —_acal.s 8 tases\ 1. ash plans 1? adele plas hors | sarla® otal - "1 f =z! 90 cas | hors st ama? | Laas wamh=s | eam jas 10 wart? | eWonle’s cohasisa | J asals hotor | ator’ .adsama |anas m> .assalans | cla ml . ada! plas * whosm TI | gages els eons | ths ae woos) Paqsawa ~ amoazs? £.122a | oaks Whaalso? ol § hotex axa ram | pt IS cal panics DISSIMILIA IN Cop. CURETON. mapertcl wae? smatamlh pm —* $1 x. mwhaaisal’ soh + * 62 (fF. 61a) mam +75 — wae 4 Craw tixm° exeo t+? ali*3 Anam +42 cert *ro (6th) mal+*8 .ohteam? py—2*7 Me Towa? VW wa*6 mhaaler” waa II - maedz> atmarca? SIMILIA IN ALIIS Copp. x. 17" Pesh. idem. Diat. ar. = ex discipulis suis 17? B eBodouynxorta dvo D - of. ade Ixxil. c aur. septwaginta duo (c duos) 1 3-3 Pesh. idem. Diat. ar. = regvonem et civitatem D torov wat roAwW abcde qr, locum et civitatem 2*D om. otv —I e . . 5 '~* D zpwtov oiav ac primam (a primum) domum b domum primum Liss 6 écee X Is Oo ein — altar LuKE IX. 49-62 TWO pleads | wasn? 49 Mam wt wm! asl walla tasia | WX? t he 49 ws | A= 4 »cnatalaa ear | Wars mnam7 as ° pis | ee cal Ff. 104b ram mix —alad w\ sax. sacl?! pow oo as whee 50 oo AM | bo aasalas ~ aalanl? | TaX_ a1 5l COLO 3-27 pode | ciate sns chmas. | aam primo TA0 a alipa | maar sao aclsa! wam inna’? mizitacl 1° Myan? 52 A\=n? | malas? wla®? . ml | a Aioduy tor |* whstol alsa 53 smarazalh ats pen nna 54 Niptsal ani | sam salztac | CAAA TAT 54 hada | toactis hin Me ~ ie lad? ats piwasa | d.0-s. ~_oca\ | alia : a Ams wrvag??5 | Ain Aimcdha cry | (3 RIA 55 Lhe wzar? al poor it stars alin saa%7 || whiwr’ whetal 57 lsh oon? 1 aes ol tow ®® haw! dies thee Wiha 58 mies | ootala® cao? casos | ehetala J aml har’ | so | Sh 7 a REA a ee A A20-00.35 thre i md dul go Am\ gow © oy o\ tanow! MX saoa\ rl 1 aw > ol tr bo rvoale’s | mhaalsa jam My | dura samsdus | wins his | paar at, 2.2 at | mroa\ 7. e—.) Ne Lend St we | oA! saw 8! 6 oir Wl. ass | oN tow 8? who?) dup uc Wann?! Aire 62 — DISSIMILIA IN CoD. CURETON. trot — "> rmerna* 4Q 57 am cal) maim Wer aos HA war13* 48 bLaams eaalasal”’? mli* 50 swihe + ° As4 (f.60b) weet +° Free Cand Fe alas? 53 mts» + * 52 mi +° Ayriay> an wana?’ § 51 iowt eohin pram el .caml imea t+? psahew ama+ 755 Aan? caamsah mle . whites atoamnl whe cel cies FAX_ MTD . wat eahirc propel’ .eliin” o~1— 758 ew — 2 wy wtaQX._ whe + *§ 57 enaxzs + * 60 wwhewa to lotsa t+ > wht 59 SIMILIA IN ALIIS Copp. 51 * Diat. ar. om. eyérero 51?N ACD 76 zpcowmov atrod Pesh.=abefqr, faciem suam A uultum suum Bismivesiteiatrars— 62 or * Pesh. iat arsidem — Cz 61 ?abeqr, xuntiare 61 3 Pesh. idem = ef ventam Diat.ar. = et revertar 152 39 f.44a | 40 AI 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 Luxe IX. 39-48 coals rin esatat 29 1) Naa nase’ sto | ys? ade? mis | iss? Cold eossae ol | asta??? wale hinh i = om rsam oa | FQXassa?? opdioswes | mit op | phos cala Ata waz: eis?4! | mhoisssal? awaze wia | mianais? auc shoal | as RMimamm’® ln? | whlosm choi a_Ow | toca iasat? Sagal walt) ,aasto . astarowa! .ashal wamr loos ead ol Kam | wsama?? am Wats | mamic’ mi stam pmasc\ | msalema c mianarx — * 40 (fF. 60a) AUR, Perens 7a) prnaa* 42 ~ eial mint wi? casasm © wim + * 46 Hwhiss wim pnasalrnexis? mamasay® 45 asasto* 44 mhal® azn +? *,_amMhaxiis™ 47 SIMILIA IN ALIIS CODD. 38 ? Pesh. pradew = converte te 38 3 Pesh. = ad me 297° ID dieweeshsiaiat sane om. idov 20 2a ef concidil Wd uciradHatiame Cl ecOU arta ane 7 e777 A2eareshe idem = dejecit eum 42% Pesh. masaa = ef frendere fectt eum. AS Hee esis ham ramasat MNisea = guia occultus erat Diat.ar. = guia erat velatum 48*Dab oie, Cut eOlleaurols 151 er ~ alae LuKE IX. 27-38 Mato 27 wrano | otal arses whsaarhs | wan ax lana? ram tow! Mas wom we Wal aw alla . Way plas | erionl Ats AQ | a _dcaals drliiia mis | hac RAY.) Iw MaaX] t> aroon” A. taas | oe essaher’ loa? | ales eaiss leaima ,marauls | sare sahew | ls wan 180°° | asa ol 6-o wha, | Laim> ° ayer | aa ata wl | xi pala 2 ashy Mzia | sams”? s\a cial a! pd aa * Saya, Ere! mals tara | sn am Mra oo ow | ta XQa orm DISSIMILIA IN CoD. CURETON. anlma* § 28 900 KMDAXrD KMohwt + * 27 A ymaanclsata »masws 26 RATA .« atc-ra®* 32 swhwannhs” asprwhews’ ZI eX Ad ost 29 (f. 59b) tant om + * 35 ei ag +> 451° 33 wheat + ° atos” ms? ah + * 37 aam + ” ~ ami + * 36 maanawae aim” SIMILIA IN ALIIS CODD. 28 *-! Pesh.idem. DL kai iaxwBov kat iwavyyv dr, et tacobum et tohanen 35 ~ 6.6m, Aéeyovwa 37°! D dta tno npepan abde autem per diem fin illadie r, autem eo die a4 2 Pesh. idem = a aur. z//zs 38 * Pesh. Diat.ar. om. idov I50 Y 27 f. 44b 28 29 30 gal 32 33 34 35 36 Sy) 38 15 16 f.108b 17 18 Ig 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 Luxe IX. 14-26 reoals =o iP = r ‘ 4 | wan ° paxcis paxcaw | eo ain a adie? asso | »maracaAcn\ ay bija 15 ~ amias® i? aam.wra haam | at-axa |laa@w ..m.30 18 MAI %.> r a Le A | WDA Casa | two pedal . aima” | pacvasal rizsow . Aica\? La r =T ie at smalls ° (F a alaral? wysal? poo azamis ,marmaldl | sma ena pean 8 ge ial Perth | ols B® athans | rm pa? alaza I? ama prada A.9 ee trara*)® | hur’s yds eta? | toon’ isa | tara «air Awz fa as d | casas. »magamA ha | smaATAsAD twaam rl usa* IAA] males eta | ato Ree | Gar phat pater bee al Mis | ,da’s ston OU ae tye ey ~_aca\ tame 2? | am I rn02 71 8 eyes | Zam dur? ol toma | WAwA Os oe tedhwr para 2? | a ots: WA ezarntl waos | Jain a040 . ams | rMamaa* rraxo || = Srey Sees | rXOT MBIT corah aN 0 Gye ro4 | | and * asa. cdihsa | L\oduna wiama MxAiID AAAI | Thera? WAI Metaet | ea Nat Ram twa 23 Joax 3 mstx tai | Moet = 24 sho | Wordia ©? maaoy® | Nazia to The | AQ tim” maw | alba mzai | spain jaa mrzas eat =? FDOs0t | ts ore 30) ind mila rool ALi REY b = WtAA | Gta m5 dAmaie eéizy | p15 2.9 pilosa »5 1 kaa DISSIMILIA IN Cop. CURETON. witha” ~arm* 16 woamilal? care +715 retaYS wahiw —° 14 a AM»ho Ka tise mel i-° Koco” armma-+* 17 oTLIA Tio 2 ew amals° mia po whom pale mrms wor .am mow pm alawr la crew aam + 7 20 peter * 19 mre xin pla? (Ff. 59a) a —*§ 18 ooo.mal\a -KuamMaa wEAma® 22 wea ama* 21 Latur wim” sabia am troaia —* 25 sprastas+° mal.” rtha* § 23 A whibs werarla Lhohia oe Uw rloas taionmsa+° BAX” Esn® 26 SIMILIA IN ALIIS CODD. 20* *cfff,qr, aur. simon petrus 20 2-2 f Zu es 203a Om. Tov Geod 2943-1 Pesh, KIT pe = Qui vult 23°C Dabcdeff, qr, om. kal’ ypepar 149 : x19 a aalrtaar’ LuKE IX. 5-14 |e ash? Ramdas | oe aam « ohic ® 1 > asilnia tle”? aaa* pata ds” | pmaseale? aan?! anas zaa® % wharen.w o aan! Saas pwrmaaam | pe tama > Whurmsza | Tan” am toaadh=a | jamz alo plas?! at\al wratas sara’ Sek mater *9 | duce dus a mo | piwasn > aan etsarns | Men Masaro | ad oy AT pata | itera” spodie’ wales | peta Mim | aim ham TICAaha0it | KAM Saige salsa | assay? plana’ le amsrasia Aw JDI0 | aya yo i.) Nas? ml! arhewa Suule MriA Axa. sAq1! | PS Ta gus todos | Chass Ma? Mika lrvoale sn ehhaalss | AS * Kam Alsasa Le AiIw Nasa? mths ltalic eaatoa?}? | aml see) caren Pewee ace pansion palarcia Misamis’ al | tsa Shima ih’ | asia *sismal ema.” || vac I rfsataala pe T4907 | palon mjanl a aliras | pica mezis! ,4z | piss’ am * am.) tac)? Whtauw am.) | AEE) Ginsu Gh Sah rmxsis | to chs a dual cal | pe ta cos \sal a abun | ~_acml A> a Irvhtaam “awn pou | Mian’ —~? mlm ids | tha pa zaas\ oi 4 pe alr revi. * vi Ne rac 14 | Colas wxviat acral DISSIMILIA IN CoD. CURETON. (is) aam —* § 6 {S000 whatmml ~ ami Aea° aac —atuw —?5 rage? Meagwwa 8 seaman ypme +> pamia’7 taatahma?” oan wield j\a* § IO Tin ton” wam+*Q mhiasa har em + © nots taa* § 12 Ast? Cammsnate Angst? Caml +? 11 (fF. 58b) wos + ® mexisl! KRoyaus® sMaqeaw + 4 soatasalh® “lretsaas toaroal-? t- exin mia! “poe pwn Ay a rents a aml a >a ahi es a Pe aam + * 14 SIMILIA IN ALIIS CODD, 52-2. D tov kovioprov twv modwy vpwv Cdaur. pulverem pedum uestrorum 6.7 Pesh; coils = Apostoli 6 2-2 Pesh. idem = fer pagos et per civitates beq per(c om. fer) castella et civitates ff, civitates et castella 9° Pesh. idem, D.Leraura Diat.ar. = d haec etsta 14 ‘ff, q om. woe 148 f. 108a IO Il IZ 13 T4> 49 50 Luxe VIII. 49—IX. 5 coals ym b cal peta? | whznais ? stn mds? | — ade A\saso? a0.0 42 wh) GLEE gS 50 pf waalml Ashi cli udhts mi! hha awa” | —s1-2c Paaula Sonh i w\ ml twa’? was? fees Ceres Aw! Sasin warctl sar <\! ek taX\_ams mdual | whew saa! Lee voralls mmcia |! masala Fereasla | pansrlat waa? d b tar amat!. mals prota ° aa | pads zinc ~amlasa® waren 3 fon rtasor® | dda MX ref .. asnd | th & | acl’ | CORss rw ama? 4 cal | dhdusar cam pxaterl. »mals. aaa eadorX | gat mhariza |.myxat daama®> | san dull * tna | mise mms lama .caamae aam | amma? Nasal | ml J aldus xn90 1 domo | = Cam oo ators | el wrarcis iret As madlaza | als? ~_acn\ epoasa | mayan zh! at ace tom ayqasal? | a A qrwa? .auwrdsal | oataa owas | ~amlaa® —alozrh | wl 3-7 ~_acal taaca? | aaumdsala cmies | mhaala mila i rsasl la. wlmaih : hass Al =? 49 ~amiaa* 52 manual? 51 : ee mwa ° Qiswemsa + ¢ ‘raw © am Waste fr \ taX_ whalt arar+® ama—*% aams mialara+t? ALA mle? oF 58a) Sa CLS) Pew OS rey OL 1X6 eal + * 54 a ee mi — * 4 ma? pees © 3 a_Artait® 2 witna ciway earwa® 5 SIMILIA IN ALIIS Copp. 49 *D epyertat c venerunt d ventunt 49 ?D Xeyovtea cd dicentes AQis A (ae fam. abcde fff, qr, aur. Pesh. Diat. ar. om! xere S07 N cine ACD dgyov d dicens 51 ™? Pesh. idem = et Jakubo et Luchanan SAL kat idxwBov Kat iwévyny 5oese 7/095 ix. 1 * Pesh. idem = duodecim suos 5 * Pesh.idem. 9 \) Kdt eebreseed Tr, aur. eZiam 147 am5 ~ alwuar Luke VIII. 40-48 Ta coal | ew rea X 90 wxziat milan | ms eel Neo pEYayor |) aera an AAC gs ts ram hea | xata ? momen weatas* ) ty WCtAK Wwdiwo*t watt? adual | Sasay ! Ram Rs50 ! Nar »mal\ 5 Asc; Masa pale | wD Be dhham | madara .ol ham | dard’ hats | Te | roc eas zis I? Aye ana Theaml | ham Sastnat | Seed la Ftwtwshih pede | omar wan Wats | Wa whduira® ol ldaweva thos | oo hoto0%* 2 wid pl owhds Awe saa? | oosanx Woaateanr® | asm? densa | .mxnanls? arias marca cal | tor’ aam tas | wamis saa.) 540 || aim az.” > NOs Any Cy? See TRS pened ele reset | are ese AX we | A to ezine tml | twa ars was? 46 AM 3M AW? 1 CHIRK 5M rat Ayo | wat? oye os laws | asl disarca wool | haXm? dha WaT | aa de’ . oh | Mel lds to Misawa | A>to rwhase® >-d 1 DISSIMILIA IN Cop. CURETON. wr ars + * 42 mast? sano wam t+? fT xiwar® § 4I oe Ax»* 40 par mira mxsis haathewa t+? what As hoaw marin miaaa + * 43 ~mhoit* 44 Pai eamewho eae eit mae cline erat pmahinil A pega kare — bo pears prshwa + * 45 whottma® marian —? whohza clint” e149 rlanws-* 47 (f. 57b) a sax ol gear 46 — pwoara tare” can —* 48 vhotawe exrame La sts + ‘ a>.° SIMILIA IN ALIIS CODD. 40 *~? Pesh. idem, Dhiat.ar. = furba mulla 41* Dcd Pesh. Diat.ar. om. idod 42 %*-* Pesh. idem = ef prope erat, ut moreretur. AS ye besh idemue A.C cau Aeves, ris (C ri) & dwapevos pov; D kot Acyerr tie prov nWaro a ef dicts: Outs tetigit me? Diat. ar. = bcd f ff, qr, aur. e¢ (Diat.ar. + /u) dicts (ff, dicit) guis (q gut) me tetigit? 47*Pesh. idem. Dhiat. ar. = adoravit 146 f. 7a 40 4I 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 gue Si of oh 30 57 38 39 Luxe VIII. 31-39 coals m5 pasa?! 7 cap | plein AriaX oon aN Fe ARS Grek x dir’ 22 > ewramh\ Siwnl | eam nanos? wis |?mim aam IPaoc pasta MX | gst aca 88 7 amhal | a? Stevo’ dasaml 1? ale or am sain 5 andy | sonata rams mhals | mis cam Wa5! Warts. cis | at RALN plac’ >was herka 2 oe | aac ?? 4 Imwa oN ay..! cal een oI | hist miass titasa | wam Mica wale’ DISSIMILIA IN Cop. CURETON. be ee Ste” par cla miamyA Ss wiz WIerE - aim + * ZI torea* 30 m* 33 ““Swieris wins ems daml 4 mam to opm t+? egw + 2 32 paar erah arnt priowat 37 -xao\? worst * 35 “wens mia mia, + * 38 acai! mi + ° whoy + 4 ASaimn° am wraan mila eami +? Was haola + 7 39 -ml +4 Lara +° aam-+ ” (57a) ram + : i SIMILIA IN ALIIS Copp. 30?-*b guia multi sumus 22 “a seeshian cc eee etorucoy Diat.ar. = 7 porcos ingredt. 32?D ao trove yopova cdr, 7% porcos 33 77! Pesh. ala om wens = grex tlle universus 33 ? Pesh. idem = e¢ corruerunt 33.3.8 els tHv Oddaccav Pesh. idem=a ix mare c in mari 357 D xabyuevov Pesh.=d ac sedentem (d om. ac) 37 * Pesh. Diat.ar. om. ris weprymipov 37 7 Pesh, 1deme—-ae vers 20 Sak Goue lem. AC 6 ‘Inoots Diatvarn=at/esus. organs u 145 31D rs aslNiar’ Luxe VIII. 22-30 smaracaNdha am | Whi aAms Ths © alow Po wha, 3 A> Ff A eent tA0729 |? eho Stas aml [?4aa3 Caml tora! mmx IS. ambhiudm? dulmdawa | Chua wait isis | hana! ? ate Ree on\ peta * | smataa a>to0 “4 | Seen Taam paaet.oa ® | Woan'S Wlharemsa | Meats cada! wna. plain pro | 7ST | - aim -e Ashaisam | OO ida rd’ ~ aml | tamara"? cals Sama Mim +A | ais asl as ps tara | aam patrarnss | padason TA gat oO: cn\ psmhzsa | ala’? arty Mea | Acs tas | Lasal ,mahses am || meinds widrl * aria” ye | 3s reatent Ng m.> eX | wis at ala? eA the wlilvs Masa | Rw Mit oe) Wats smalls ram | dawns orWhaa Co rians bus) WAX Wom tas | WA Whuasa wom! zal wl lta vot clasa! ml aX Nasa i xo wrazal ets | 10728 1 wl Atay Miss? | wat wales mts! waz. “ia rj cin t-> | ta n.ava\ marl | sat ac\ 75 ca\ | am 30279 . i nivh whizars? | am twehma ml | am Aan) 4151 | TAX XO zinc I toxhhmaa © pmasma | ,maiawe am |! joa-2a Ards | melaasa ‘iS aL | AE) Ey NESS oltre 29 Motasl | was om min Kam DISSIMILIA IN CoD. CURETON. ras> aam + * 23 eh fo eta + 5 cam +? (F56a) wan +? § 22 ar ea ioe Pe t-warra® 24 “ham mimo tca ° ely to + ° mi +” whi» tsa ta —? nas * 27 aam + * § 26 ago msasla 25 , asa’ taa* 28 THAAD MYA WAM wowssA LAM KAD Aa Nasa + ° mam +° mehizis” (fF. 56b) tX_+ * 29 iain eas” SIMILIA IN ALIIS CopD. 22 '-' Pesh. -phe erare ole = ascendens Jeshua sedit Diat.ar. = ascendit Tesus ... ef sedit’ Yr, ths ascenadit 22 ?e Pesh. Diat.ar. om. kat dvnyOnoav 227 Pesheiden meres FSi Pre igtdt.— Doli, q aur “awicu/a Peshi ir, nauss 24;* Pesh, =f maris 25 Pesh; idem. -Diat. ar. = bcf fi, qr, aur, e¢ mart.” 200 iC Lub, Neyo dfr, aur. dicens 144 Bat OcOmieer] t29a 23 24 260 f. 9b 3) 14 15 16 17 Luxe VIII. 12-22 coals Avin 4 r ie =a CG all 2 | Matar’ a. Ass a (Verte I Wondles tobi Sait | smadurw’ fa a Le ea fa 7 m\ low | tossias? whev’o * whi! pascors Jair pa-Lc et iF a ete at msaz! dss amal? © asata |. arzascnas minx . amal | 7 whic | wiaos whats > USS | wahiss paedeny® resort | sain alos a] a a | PIAA. ~DHDA | pals ~»DpDA spi} ff aca\ dul taxa oi EF “3 lie a Pe WA uD 2 pa eo a palcn M>aAA dad | Nass ama !4 pale acho’ la a ha 7 Le al wWIcaAa poisdsa | pasrze nr ima | whabamasa ! Wthassa tS aa [sr <1! Ialss aA - alc | vhal, MLics P| eat am? 15 2c. | wi : Iwhattaumas Wis | ppc AIe= Bs) 2 NG dal?7 . ima! ir Awan eerie | Casa atel® , matvl I ora wah | ws > LON DI AG AX | cr\ duals 10k = cn\ | pms hn) Tad on\ | Kat ele miss |}? Nokes ml dus |° tam onl waren? aac | asarca ela © smdura | amr? ahal * aha? za\ ere) eke saw ml | aqara2? f Sea A\m= | pana? roma | pa * Caml tora | Mas ot am7? wopecl | pas ed | ama 7? °, sansa woalea | whi? assans ale | ear ple DISSIMILIA IN CoD. CURETON. pation caiw + 7 14 (Ff. 55b) asm * 13 ewolews + 712 2m + 711 +7*§ 16 Nass +2 * ama? I5 walayx +! SIS SE rehiss +? clara? 77 rire ASI raz oa wihesae t+? .wam tare mater clhen eramt+” aam+7$ 19 mi +4 waat > ama .m\ camohia + 218 paiom- 21 wees tho pasa —& wma! eal aam trsasca + © Soto ON mbhisa ” a eI pa a Uh SIMILIA IN ALIIS CopDD. 12 * Pesh. idem = sermonem b uerbum det cer, uerbum 12 2 Pesh. idem = ¢nzmicus Bs sree eee rs 5 6 137 Pesh. idem = scandalzantur. 16 ' Pesh. idem = w¢ omnts a ut omnes 143 2710 e_ aalwar Luxe VII. so—VIII. 11 BA alin so sm hd) twa”? | nay wale cs | SIM ose aly RAN | pd Grass rx’ Irvhistsmasa Matan2r wWam | wtaha pa-lon tho ~a*? | paloan mzia? *Wwales | mhaals fama J mms mbimatha® Mion | sts .Imias | a Whms> 807 | (20M ,oM dws Khir | pasa? .muisa * aM anadr® | PAS L SALI yc | vdalatsa pears | aX w Wdualtera | fraza wrzatos | maaan Wiaa pla .rtaXoo | inia iad? | raa* psoas’ 2 | aml jam Asien aol! | -ysarceml tn? whal | aam ead hist | ob Ne oss dur cam: STi tA0 |? .ntpml Maat 2a | wm! As Maa | atmo? 3? hota | mhblacwa .zanhedo | Setar 3. Nas Raturo27 | asa 2 whl, | * daca duls A\=na | Mraz masa” oho | lpi Bes, Gees? | pees PD EGe tee 4 é “4 - im aa! 4 | te tsar a DISSIMILIA IN CoD. CURETON. wis tui 4I ->3° 40 ris aw 9m Es” “ag mx2t2* 39 tohot* 43 (fF. 54b) how mel? 42 re a, pO “Mutt MpAmoa . hace Nee aca” ham wen 44 mi oshew tare * 48 am -+ ° p>huw? “i + * 47 a Mn 5 hx sa 46 wwhdurm ani + ° SIMILIA IN ALIIs Copp. 39> Peshoidem se Diatar.—-oer/ara7 39 2? Diat. ar. = Pesh. whalw1 cal wma mi hstotom whhaw om = ef guae fama ejus: quia peccatrix est mulier illa quae tetigit eum. 40 *f om. azoxpibeis AI *—*-Peshy idem.) Diat. aro) 74 1pecee eee D o de armey be adixit ergo Lesus dad ille dixit e Et ths ait f{ adtxit autem tesus ff, Ht att x, cut ths dixit 42 *e Diat. ar. om. ow A3 7 ReshsidemeDigtrare. LOSS ahh ans 141 oe — alae Luke VII. 25-38 I rvalss dus eo Omadur | blame Seuarsy | wxdalss Aim wo leaal itm. pers | tana epecal Jahns | isa wie? 2 air | paris stars eons | aah j~alss aim27 | waa 3 ac Johor brea woasl Mate 2%) Mase | Setar | pada esi 19 jae al feat cot WIAs} tis Cle | = DWT Waa | wx) sala 72.9 tart ant | Assar7 wMmama wes | miaa2? mais am wt | wmlks Le | ir ey | Ww haal=.s | | gaat FAK °° pen | ohstmsss arms | wal \ -_902-xA3 mis arma dd | ls wales Made | - AM-xAis TRON Ls TAQ pan 82 etisala | nog hotter zie | Lain Soa disc | Sa aal o_O tah pssiza | Moar t= dat alii | ¢—9 | aaal . to | -eashal wX whew 3 1 Laduas ela waal ula | cadhasi ela Mads wade | atom Oh who |’ daw* ol inmas | piwas Od ato | whra Naw CIaQKa | ats Wha ** aD | bur’? || hoaniewa®> Milonga | wimasar meta | ata laa KIA! oD | | oc mai> { ~_acala . ae dzAs |oodunald Asa moms?! wsliy mim Ms] aw Mets Caw’ ham | dar’ .wdules cae | hb 1?! acai Il sa° aco xe tan hams | 21% x2t-8 amr! mdunsr Han tA0° 1! Whtsr ym> MAING hal | thems = dheas0*? | amas wr | whasly (ek 8 Mav | MzrsItt* MISMDA AsSe! | pmal\ 4 Mas TDIIDA ham | “aAasa DISSIMILIA IN COD. CURETON. ae 37 aaa? .mbhal?* § 36 wamla — * 35 bow —? (f.54a) * 33 mxyt* 38 SIMILIA IN ALIIS CODD. 27 * Pesh. Diat.ar. om. cov 281 Pesh. idem. AD zpodyrns d profefa fqaur. propheta Y, profetes Bae a7 cd eq om. dprov 337 D fam.‘ bcde'g om. vivo 367% Pesh. pot whee = Veniens autem Diat.ar. = Post haec venti 34 7 Pesh. Diat ar om. idod 38 *D «Bpege airrigabat bff,q rigabat c lavit d inplewit e lababat Dabcde ff, gq om. jp£ato 140 * Buchanan + ff, bis 35) 34 35 36 of 38 f. 103b cL IZ 20 Pan 23 25 | Luke VII. 11-25 moals \\s alin | ths Sn soalss s4 1am A 48 Sd ie aur, om. dua TO KAAS oikodopna Oa QUuTYV 49 * Pesh. ahlarsa = TTWOLS AUTOU vii. 1' Dabcdegqr, Pesh, om, arrov 7'Dabcder, om. 60d otd€ €uavrov 7Ewoa mpos ae eAGeiv 138 * Buchanan + ff. 46 47 48 49 N NI ) Co VII. f.103a Og 4 O 41 42 43 44 45 f 47a LuKE VI. 35-45 coals io a as:asriial | ArswW con DTD Be) a AL BAds7 t-2-ALA= | ra\ool wien | “tam a I la .adiara _ace.\ | anita lam Moin ,mais | ew aamdha wasaxrs® +X] 2 AStXr waman primis 1.2 aaa 7 | *Whaasl TARA Nsa i xan As”? asam5 AM a arrddh | ths Wasath fh 27 Lac | imaetom .asaols | iaard omahma | asa 38 Lathzha | ate ¢ assshh is | Cash Xl 1? sms ea AALDASSD | ~ GUS Ss whsarsna |" vial, rhlias | Secak le aml am twa? |. aal Liahen a ahin | plaacan wohlias | wacsth la ajoscal | asim asm sarc | wal win clin Irvhaslas mst! Mer task wsazaldh | d)4? . alas WeIaANS | wasscs eWdutoa | die eis Wars | tassr MIX Gt tint} warm Wdewl | tows due | wars Misa 21 Wl Kowhoa cl lraam | wtava wha, SA Jel. mals chal, 3 wmaa Aisa | TaN wal ,thah | = Cheats 2am! malsox? SIMILIA IN ALIS CODD. 35 ‘A & Tots otpavots atu cae/o cr, aur. in caells 35 7? Pesh. idem = erga malos ef erga ingratos Diat.ar. = super malos et ingrittos fam.' rods Tovypods Kat dxaptorous 38 * Pesh.ceom. wemteopévoy Diat.ar.r, om. ceca \evopévov 38 ?ab ff, qr, aur. om. yap 42 * Pesh. was = guum ecce D xa tdov n doxoo ev Tw cw ofbadpw vroketac abce fhy q aur. e¢ ecce in oculo tuo trabes subjacet? (e est) d etecce trabts in tuo oculo est 437ACD acdef ff, r, aur. Pesh. om. wadw 44°) abcd 6ff7g raur. om:.yap 44 ?ab ff, dT, aur. om. yap 45 * Pesh. Diat. ar. = thesauris AC @ycavpod bcefaqr, aur. thesauro 45 ?Pesh.idem. Diat.ar. = gut sunt in corde suo AC ris xapdias abtod cefqr, cordis sui 45 3Cer, aur. Pesh. Diat.ar. om. avrod T 137 als — alan Luke VI. 20-34 | ;marasalh AS jmaias | ie ama? wan | wor ~ amlala 20 Toca O: +O Pasar? | whaala »% ~_acmlsa3? | Zrace~l\ - dcasal, Oe ge QN39397 ad | alas ah ~amizal, ae 21 Or eg AAw\at im | pao ~ amasal, : e_aal per tasa 1 a TR etl) _aal | pador 9 ~ adrssal, se 22 l zics mts A\ = | a5 Cw easily P podma peAMwA £1078 4 e: > a AStA WS 7! AAT aLaT WAAL |! ym At» rot ad ge 23 o 0 o Maal | amino AQcm | pws 2 FONG Miagm | All» Io TAN s2d dsstal? wasaleyss Cam | amx am rk sta. Il WRAM.A Doo, mvXawa ,marazalds | tizisaa am moa! whsanal ~ amas i\mia pa miziar || ea sams milan oa! ads oss xian | I- -I . ~_acals = a Amv hia | miasmrin adres | a OTs (IA TO. 0 Axa dial | Meat ~=a aac | peihrsia 18 amasmMita m3 ~waAm md) eR ros cal A> to dhsal | wam Me mia 19 SIMILIA IN ALIIS CODD. 27 * Pesh. idem, (7am. o Incous Diatears== 0 celesusmmia Ui s Vig1 2 bec idem 77/70, Diatear=—7iroue 17 *-*d ab omne 135 slo es Aw LUKE V. 10-28 minma?? | anue’s 2-10 | anoles Cats uO | wha. a As paso she? .sazs? alwa! ham .asmrs amin | asa —Amdrs as alsa | ram whsa wasals; Silo samiaa | ptmrhaa camila || ol aaa peromma*? |. aaaains mim coda mia | aam petra -MAAA | =I »,aAM pAAan i wows rissa aaa wih! »\ — OtaIwh taal. aca\ tar 23 .amasa | ata am Xl TAwIPAsS | haat Ser ois | pals wa a MON | awd MIM SIMILIA IN ALIIS CODD. 9 *acom. xdrw 13 *Pesh. idem = ¢enfationes suas 16 * fam.’ om. Kat dveory AVAYVOVAL 17 ** fam." cat aviary avayvovat 23 * Pesh. Diat.ar. idem = a Sorsitan io As — alan’ Luxe III. 22—IV. 6 | »+Ramawa yt59 am dic | Mrz ) wmbhuw | visa M2007 memaLaX_ dual or Ne e o Is 7m e | ~MYD to hws wad | eal parc. 9 =) aw |l'am 3A et ~& AZ.» 23 x % o 45 mis | 4 * * 35 hdl=a I> 24 | ~\a AD AMAR AM ° e e e ie e e D> x x * 1 YD! plMs Yo O32) Se) | oa » S—) wrk | qt 2° za TD pws | to 2! MWrams I> AMA: |! Io »AML ID AS: (ees TA~aAD TD | yar t> pales 12% ,ta to | Lewalex Yo ANastar | Yo 29 gas to! wanls Yo hah | i> ATs ID Taal | I> ax. ID Tusnale’ 1 5 AIA. 1> Awa, | I> TAM, YD a Geers | Se yal oe T> saw to77 | aan YD eh > | chlo I> pia to | wales y2! =a] fe =. oh ia 5 eo) TaIrv | qa °? aw AL. a T> - awe Jo! aa. Yo? Warams | ID et t> OTe lolly t> tar {| Ais TS ANI t | Xai wD"? tam) 19 | wth tt r 4 | slrahs 327 ee t> | wa) t> Jax WD / wxAdiw to mls Ww 7 ouz fo .airw 23 38 proo lio lirllam ini ap nes I> o 0 o wal! YD SI t> MAIDIA™ | IITAs «DD WAM | SrIAo7 wats | rls 3a pet Axe > : malo’ po | risosdiiy? reas | taulo mals | cin am Ton\ | teara® owas Nalor!) Sxtds Wwhaalm pecala | msawa SIMILIA IN ALIIS Copp. 23 ‘ef Pesh. Diat.ar. om. dpydpevos 33 *ADabcdf ff, qr, aur. Pesh. om. rod “Apvet iv. I '~* Pesh. idem=e¢ duxit eum spiritus a ferebatur a spiritu c ff, agebatur a (ff, 2) spirite 2*Doarava de satana 5 ' Pesh. idem = Satana beep t aur. om, du BoAos ah Sy eS IO ipat 12 13 14 15 10 17 18 1g 20 f. 6Ob Luke lt) 10-22 wioaln ac gow tte yay | am eézaa ml | aam plrtzcaa 1° , Aas | Faisa ol duals eal @rvae Mh psashaa | hid ol duns (| - eam Mmsam Awl adbwal? .rnsy iam | Swhtasm ol dhar’s | p20 Secu wl | ach toe 13 oyna | am cal pe toara® |. soasza\ Ar laam ,malcza!4 asl | Mix02AR TORS Ae ose ob a) wired | Cac) tro aie’ | ar sass ise Pataca ehLalshw* | a aal acs ® aco! le att daa wl irntst! Janek ol "OQ pad thz | m\ aaa peSTALy | zina 15. aadhwamarw Jira ya Asam | sais? peta Mele de MESS | - amzais | gcse eo? a) aml tama? *zaw Aah || tis 716 rian eis am! *. dhhis p12501 ites | pat wah ® . asap eA MsAtsa | WTA1DS . AATTISI aM! .,MAILMmT Mow | Stuns | ria ina MIS | MARIA Cte | AT tame ’s am?! | eras Irhsttow aw 1S wasn) wit Stas t00am! Misha. mi warc\ | ata pt wat | mmasl jammy wom | Arad aa. warKXKm sMAMSS | hdc stato | Salm nay oi | am wars Aen am | AMaw 29 Mam sas | pela rs’ whz.D> ponds Sn toraaets o.0 OR mw | ha pis cal Mmrasa | olan An Ram | AR wIAtIE | rho SAQ JUIN | Nazs AW wos J mila am ass aaa?! | Ramas Szraor |! Swat mals dhhusia2? | mn awhadhe Kam DISSIMILIA IN Cob. CURETON. = 6-2 Nh 13 totem * 12 wm + * II .muuia + *SI0 pasar ts —? 15 teams —S ~poamat xinsa’® mi +> mia * 14 ©“ Cod. Gur. deést*adivii, 33. teawe? wx As\ eon —* 16 D-asam pa resal- SIMILIA IN ALIIS CODD. 10 ~Dibedietq Diatwersommour Il 'e om. azoxpileis IS ™r, om. 7avrwv 16 *Dabd ff, om. 6 "Iwavys 16 ?.Péshi idem:—eze 16 3 Diat. ar. = post me 19 * Pesh. idem = a Juchanan Diat.ar. = a Loanne + S 129 AD a aaldaa w Luke III. 1-9 To | wastada 8 Whattorms tl wtmsarmes hiss! | Masast® méizet? aA RW aQcCD | walla waliar | WhaisXy ms” Midd | asst Meet! mane | wadsliaa Mlilys? | oration Ih | asad wrt! aamala | miaaths TaazDa | matalan’s wales whic | ham .pImi> Wam 1tATI0? | MatAl to give | As misane* | womlos t pet reall 4° | aac pedir’ ix das | smaziwat smalls | ham bun wales ims hih | iz t> ram | sA0*%7 eaH plat | wasas5 milviaw\ rho. 1 asnls s40% wasas\ badga paTATOT reba | anls Imlziacs a Ac21S | cal .xX ral ot AZ2 0 | ~_acal aaaan | aS |y8q 983 .amdsal | cana TX) cam ptaw*t | asa Xl ,mazina wis hal wwazil! mi aam passa WA. | Aen SAI Adhw Ir aaa® Caml wasn a | hala a ambhaxir’ hala | Wamhal ya™4® Jl aam | aso enha sleiarcd | ~_aca\ Qaaca »masALrd’ mialsn as lode aa Wlasms | »maAmane pa acs carlh | ths r 4 aQagm | pcaasada *7 ~ ami kam | Inxs — acl ram || sna masasss | aan pstmrhme |. col aaa ree oh padard’ -_acls loa eosarwa .amsmh | maze ;masarew 30048 | sMmBaATAHADA |* vagal s” Miwa WarwW * 1 Wom MiAM ah dsax | wasal to maw — ahsam* pas> | rin Bera ca nt orca MI “eam aso? Ww ra\a ames | sd ram! ela pon?) hast eg adsam? pasns | ch pt | donta ®t Caml tars | whiml massahew |! wl cat eOlcdee et omc | sami wam taxhza | Ab hra . amas mrhmaas |! Kam 2% pat om Ors 92 1° ham “ths wisn | ecalas* pics | hala walk hal | mhansloa manmAass cam? | mXwa 1 $$ 6 $ ew DISSIMILIA IN Cop. CURETON. (Incipit Cod. Curet. v. 48, Axa) meow o wake? fw ahi? 49 “raygalroa wheas primi 48 (f. 53a) waa — * 52 MAL zD + ° prin po mntia* 51 ram — ? SIMILIA IN ALIIS Cobb. 44 * Pesh. =a enim 46 * Pesh. Diat.ar. om. éyévero 43*—-' PeshvidenlsaDiatem = cum anxtetate multa 48 2-2 A CD fam. eyrotuey Pesh. Diat.ar. =abcdff, k qr, aur. guaerebamus e quaesivimus 1274 aso — altoar’ Luke IIT. 25-39 InMhzsno oata | Latour: WhasS Wom | Manoa esata am | pad IPSaixato dio | ast pst Awa. ”? | Salztars miniad cam | tammy wae Sasa whatar.s | mshax wai Jaa Wtaas Ais | ilasms amis aa 0 0 Oo ge amahisss | hi uth MANS | aaa alo. | SIMILIA IN ALIIS Copp. ant Pesh. smaalv Diat.ar.= pro co a de illo 27? Pesh. = mandatum [est | 27 3a Pesh. Diat.ar. om. zepi atvrov 20m esn dem == e764 20-7 Pesh aiden r . . . ’ ao DEY : > — “2 fo ar | ‘ gratiam tuam Diat.ar.= muisericordiam twam 25> Peshwidem = “aurea an | ath cdeff, qr, aur. om. ews 38 TA fam.' 7d Kept Pesh. Diat.ar.=b cf ff, q aur. domino e ad dominum 126 T3 14 24 i) U1 LuKE ITI. 13-25 wioals mAo | tale pant? Kotarts | ama Ww IaTS= | RES aa mall, . odin | oale\ passarse | riXeo izans | aria lis | aodhal aspasdie | MWNISM5D rwmlxa | wCmajtmz2 fw oa wi | wowsasz?t para oo Frtriw | pani? whaxrixa’ rwacaz\ acer jrtarcio sam hal —=a-lalins tho = 3m pata asl | dial sishy ahi asl as what aaa | peta ldhoromtmm aliwa!? | pa Css arlsa | Maa’ Cams wm Candia) | tacts Joram | RA wlasla sasjrla | awaal Pr a | scans pax exar’ (ats) ?rmilh As smalls | Lammas Ades | am | ANTAMA Atos paler’ | As aam pad hz my | whasg od) rac 9 ham | rium orm da pet | jastca*? .stcarhma | aam pmasnh 20 on-Las 3D cam | Asn AT0 mals |S 2 Aim Whart | aaama | AAs ASTILA Atos | palar’ us pilsama | Calm pea-Sd-.2 7] cot oe aml tama Ars oozin | todo call wae | pas walsh alsa 3402! laralza” rojas | ods a2 era | artes a Saw hew's | tard” pete | LATA ocs\ | aot MA Nadas 77 | phsiaw’ (29 | rtsndt so eS FSM) Laman | a ales TIATAVIN | e | mhataa . taan I thts ma ph | aam dum pan hast? | haar . aml ham ~ acd spvdew? | | amdha.n. As wrtia | pata QAM patara ham | wan SIMILIA 'IN ALIIS CODD, - I l 44 4 ed ol ID - AY ‘ 11 - I A e's ey ae “aye RAS a BY 71> Jam. TY)S Cwys 70 MAtsaAl aol). yap Il. 5 LA TH Evy TTEvLE! 1) QUTW YUVALKL - “7 0% . becaur. wxore sua ff, desponsata stbiuxore q uxore su adesponsata et, 107 Pesh) Diat. ar. = mundo ea * Buchanan sz ho IO Luke I. 54-74 woals SS) | Aa tow ARAN A\\a ha *4 pros TM ISA eS wASw aigeie | maal, mOMIDw | AS poor jas | Moon tana’ > oriis | tandea . mts ae T saa le halt nitm | ex duan’? wals\ | mai a -° mthun\ haama | wR Sot asmra®s | Mio dsls warale1! mrlamsa Mist wiz aan? QAM | patwa Sambal otis | watz me QV mrmnal, | y.150Q maaay AAG patna | altos mtNoal Ladd eaahs | was Wama”? . mi heya | Ant mw hia © | ata »mase’s | Sars ol joka | pAhstze ww dal | mi pe tara oF J pleae | toh Ww De MAS | sMADW\ LAS aam | ataca 2 . pleads ic | cmz> | re o>a°&t! mmx am | piset o> wohhsa | Wdhanid Aza & | ow eod3 amamaAa* || wniw\ na Poors | tA thee | Chars rial mlasa! WLoamany Jamia | ds whlor hama® | Te amlas 5 patina | - amals ‘ aam peczaama®? | ,ac9 dish : plas | TACs rlmadrva 87 | cata TIN CITY) MADS< WotAl 69 | panwa® .istaa | ml sansa .camsl | tums Nac toes | ool wmaas | Nis Sia 7 oaas | sats mduas | Mies “45 = War’ | on masa eh eiastay | Jes SAT Met | MALIA tATNWO | amo a Miles | rasa es psic05 Nasa?! Jpmorlsss Sdan 7 Jase | emits) wear J whan? whrsro | ,wasdual © fee kawmals hye slags | peasrtass tar | a) PAH! Ate | wlia3 os DIM CLIACING ATIIS Copp. 56*~-* Pesh. Diat.ar. idem = apud Elishabam 60'-' Pesh. waa wl = Non sic Diat.ar.= Non tla aur. neguaquam 63*Dabdom. kat €Ga’jpacay rates oe Wake 15, kat eOavyparav mavres ad e¢ mirati sunt omnes b + ef omnes mirati sunt 65. WPeshe Diat.ar. om. ravra ta pypata NLr,om. ravra 66 *€ om. of dxovaarres 66 7. Diatar om. dpa 66 3 A fam.’ aur. Pesh. om. yap 68 ‘abc ff r, om. Ki'ptos MIP eer xepoo d de mann 91 OM) dtonecs XE'pos 122 x : =A a aaltaar’ LUKE I. 12-53 rX hema | oricos Mastay | lass eto | A TN m\ tow }3 | mals dlas whlora | .mtarisal j,oste | aa x10 ; whale Nas | wale sax Ta rot tar doth A) wari Lplwds | own warale | dulsndeco mmtas | elas on as 3.93 lan fe 7 ris hasts | jo jie wetml' | dhtmacwa has wi! wien? 43 | yp ampasr: MIA am! WALA mmr i win »>\ tas aim | ,iarts weleas: mei.o | Jas aa ToX wen 44 hal | CaS sta casas | nrc manala*° | ike) lan on | thes whats * awa te ae hal | (a sas. Weahes | palarcl wolaz | cams Riswo wniecs | vat dusvat? atl | -xa3 Moiam matm “a Si ‘ T “34 ite i 48 DOs -20c2 | woah wXK zm | ohms mdhassams | twa e way | Cid am ow kstat! jal sas14? wrote | cata wey ( al gasa®t| ol alors whois | Axa Win aN cites ©° | oan wxaas0 thrstirae Re qahest | Chass whasth i450] Mins Mra ca races | ima’? Maram petra | ~amhamias a MAinh SIMILIA IN ALIIS Copp. 13 ‘ach, qr, ecce 15 *Pesh. emtas=—e iz ventre Diat.ar.= cr, aur. 22 utero 42 *Pesh. idem = ad Marjam: Diat.ar. = Martae 44 %>* Peéshs Diat.ar, idem = gaudio magno 122 13 T4 185) 16 f.92a 39 Te IO ie mano Zoaly aulaar | alae had. As | aanhizsmla ‘.han\? | AD e Te A\=1 = | pecals pins isa | wi am od stad? |] Whins Sizmezma | wlaawh ras oN j sphasal pe c2i=a Wis | is. wna WMA. | oa Xwm eamsiha .dham | watox paral s A\=n e 9° © aam OF-9 P pala oe Et LIAM T (f. 39a) [CuRETON | mehr whamt mimo pis wwe Camere Jalen whadv)® alls 18 © ~arlvhia a AM» Ta . A511 waota Ja aw rai cl 19 19 whoa? J eiamxzl -lahe smatasaldl roar tho Em ram wt Wim Se wom mote ta .aat danas artawa anas treet aim. wonlewr misses ta ° a : 0.00 “aam potaat” whahe> wam tr —amrkina . Aas ° ° —orlroar . siz OAD YA F SIMILIA IN ALIIS CODD. 8 ™* Pesh. idem = 27 guum audivisseiit 8 ?N om. vv. 9-20 k has a shorter ending. L has both endings. Wye iat-dl— 772. 72 18 **CL fam.' Kai év tats yepotv 20m igesii. iden), | Diatear, = guae faceebant _ to 1@) 41 44 45 & WwW Ou Mark XV. 40—XVI. 7 WAT Aso Ts t0 woulrXon | Justo * pater owat | cd aot MEd | 5AM mrs ,»ars | pric ** malza .Amass | mod MIAN pans, | KID sam lori ml ,am yxsazms || What Wdiuttura | daly i.) ee, e | pa Awa. wam ! Whwo* Chaxs cama mizviax\ | mms ) i Whaslsal cam ins |am ara Lalas | Storm tak wh I. waza morale Sdza | wallao hal Nxa! wtmca . was miothiol mols) | GREZG\ GRES ee) Crees) | walla cam marsha 44 ama male | om, M3at Lio 3 | earls gaa® dum Pins a} mirena | Waasy | MATA »dura iar | ~=1a7° tu5D | wtaArsa? tana dhasn | Za a ANS crt | po pam ZAis ac | ~ tamrwa? »a9 cham | vlivscas 90 slirwa | ae ham sts | SS Onassis | oo ods rsuls | twa Mtiano dual | pls)? warca Aral plas dia wl | ps crah tana ® slona | Whias ello | Asalsra i rwam rela mi Mao | .rWAM 2ArzDnit ag | 2 TU a) aT eal am isto sim Siew? || cam wim the’ | mhaar om eid | raiated pan wiv | ~aal TaIaD WoT | varala ,marssalal SIMILIA IN ALIIS CopD. 40 ™ Pesh. om. év ais 47 ** Pal. Syr. Lectionary (Codd. B, C) = Ovyaryp “Taxw Sou xvi. 1 * Pal. Syr. Lectionary (Codd. B, C) = Ovydrnp 4 *-* Pal. Syr. Lectionary (Codd. A, B, C) Diat.ar. = D nv yap peyar odhodpa cd ff, n aur, erat enim magnus ualde 4? Pal. Syr. Lectionary (Codd. A, B, C) Dcd ff, naur. om. fv yap péyas ofodpa (Cf. the Gospel of Pseudo- Peter.) 7 * Pesh. idem. ~D “oristods fam. cai téod ff, n ecce 119 faa — ala w Mark XV. 21-40 Naozin | wadaiza wotssmale’s | smase Whoto | a wa maa thas | mvalvay, mtohmr | whaasl ,masdura 2? |. mds01 Ml amal.wmmas meas! time ml asmsa”?? |' whaActo a doals amine! Cambhiss ,mathas | aXlaa ,madoia”4 |. ams ma shan’? | ,maania Ald ie | er 0c pamsdiawa? 17. ems || easaxn aac paabia®? |. q wios roarsa Ash | 7 etal Class | Cath -ar era ssa .cohal I'am sarton am! tsathio waa te 30991. hod barat? .wales lam mts buciete | So toe male | wan? SIMILIA IN ALIIS Copp. 22 ' Pesh. om. rozos 24*Ddff,kn om. tis ri dpy 26 *Pesh. idem. D ovtoc eotw dr, aur. Hic est 31 *Decd ff, kn om. dpotws 32 *L om. viv 34 *D dik om. 6 ‘Incots a5 °C Dcdf, k Pesh, om. ide 36 * Pesh. atsawa = Lt dixerunt fam.’ déyovres 39 * Dfam..ding Pesh. om. é§& évavrias 39 ?Pesh. idem. D xpagavra A C fam." kpagas cff, k q aur. clamans d eum exclamasse in exclamans k exclamauit 118 Pie 23 24 ay 26 =] 8, se 31 R2 f. 143a f. 67b 21 Mark XV. 4-21 WADTA 40 walla | al tar -saha* | * aml am om: ll rtm ha ama” al | patonsesa AN dhpy wl | may Ad ~ aml dur’ J -asdho wl eu ir iat Ue ay Le =U tosh eam -sm. | f\ Qh pa! sare p21 am? se e r iam 6 | Mia Aw CtawnW | acai Wwam WEL | Waassa walla rac ie at ne ray ENS | A LEIN aae Jawa! | MRawARAD AAG pads A\oa hrs | saan WTA wan | dara Soc t>! Ktodhoms Ces oe ~_ac\ sasix \czml | tra ems <2 NSOnie | lis | ~amalsal ~aal CTLs | adr emmy aml | toa walla 2 mamilure | wm» rat walla? taX_ | Wag 3.079 reatacaen wom | tran Mesa Sore | gala esl amar’! Mima s5tal bead pane” Assco as | aml tara walla || -sah was?? ra TIAA AADY ASO | ¢-23 = Gye Lr a UF = MstTAc22% | ~_am.alsa\ 2? o@\ yaa Nas | LaDy BX mis aca | Taw walla rat ac /4 | canes iecn | De pan walla © | yoaaXani aam paso | ducts ~ arma ~ amd | mizra row tal | ~_ acl MELA xia | MaDe IASI aXlh | cron earc marth wrrat? | gomas staha i aa az.l MIAKIC | smazalwal7 frame! mial atsa etal is | cnadiars’a CAI | ale clzs | Aneel astzal® | cl amwa Saar! lila alsXa J pota Mains ort | As el aam pasema'? | anacaes s amalsa maa7° . al aac | aaXwa eamustjas ds | alaia . mada aam MIZWAIZ | » ona v3.3 snanat ra | >TIAIALN I< ;MAswAL RY |. Ast Wars | tetan WtaX e_assarl | atera?! . magoys | manawa SIMILIA IN ALIIS CODD. 3 ™* fam. avtos b€ otdéy amexpivato ac Lpse autem nihil respondebat AAC auras 8 * Pesh. Diat.ar.= £¢clamavit A C fam. kai avaBojoas TO? Resh1dém —sae/aree 10? Bfam.' k om. ot apxeepets 11 *Dereaoay c ff, k aur. persuaserunt dr, suaserunt 127 AD 6éderat Pesh. =acdf ff, k-aun vzias 12:7 A Difam> ac dil ka eau om, ov A€yere 19 7 Pesh, idem = ix faciem ejus Tg TT Aap — alwar { RAAQ mlasos ee S|] r= assy Mzics | oval cna tas cn Nuasna MarK XIV, 62—XV. 3 (. mhzaal Te p22 * lama wae . Sasa |) Mi ARE wad TeX wo" fF srmm 7 asl esshm?! diss im ima ~_amlaa eek iphm | Sin CA-A TAQ - ahs | o arias 65 whasal | am -sun1 m\ aaw pada t Tra > pts) | a AMI Asta aaa | rete wersr0 Sic ys cr Wels eae ; tara | Aadcosala codes! | rica sin dias | ara com a0 % | aeesy Ake Al dur’ aca lol Mtmca Mums | 2ts caw Wholly | eee, BE betisss etl toma Ta | ar am % ate dsam | saz. as" aha”? whats | whit) nara dtm | Mim iw maw la mic | Ara paciaot a aical lgeorml hutna whmuils | odie |e ara Silo tho | Saha .4aa ah Gr 1am? .am amin lilns Ls || 2 da Wacis durin .artal ots’ psaon potas xia | tail ol diss. is | saa wan iw 7 | hur whiss | Wawa ama esi | edhtha clvath wtsa' 1) 2 abu past | pahth elNaih ctor ici pan sazs mill am tans o MASIT am | ,tra +> Tadsadh | 51 gid calasa | ohne) es FONG Ans | aww a aca tara! wars. wis 4 na .mtlasmo ean . ashal | marla* srianecha | tassa lo amiss A\= wliwi.s\ a ARsAc pete | K“\ caw als roaslsa 5 Anta | »magaza\ cn? —amlas aaa | »manara 9 waha wie alina i’ t a amlasa | mmx aam daa Mims | win adual? Saas | ths Monat 2 | ram “aw zis miaaa | pet mics 995°? wan | para zara hal | cam | AAG pawAron cla | paral lass harms | saz. ds aam | po lean mla whiXs | wharcam ,mals aac | petonsesa Wi rtaX wa °° SEE NARI re eetata) || KanKee fete) hp ae ~ ambaarcaw 0c Iota tama? las | pothow cus FIN [es Cas eee lara? conse li aaa Mn Kote | Moras pre waldla Cos oS | Mama wt moa | —amdharca 2003 p2dx | iad <8 WALKS dane wasas! SL ml tara raza | mixza J enadhh | SN sonsa Cam | she pet aca °* plan | ee peTonsa sa am | dir ml iarca pam | pa HTAT Mims 21t!1 mime aha beam Mw ml twa | wax. Wis! 8 Matas: | mito ww SIMILIA IN ALIIS CODD. 50 * fam.” ot padytat Pesh. = caur. discipuld etus 51 *fam..ck om. ért yupvod 52 *A Dfam.' am aitav adfff, qr, ad ets 54° Dsfam.acdkom. éow 54? fam." OM. pds TO das 581? D ff, k om. totrov 61 * fam.” éx deuTEepou 62 * D fam. 13 > . Jam.” éroxpibeis_ ad ff, q vespondens k respondtt + IIs wD — cultaar Mark XIV. 30-44 psy ALS | pst arth lath Ievtor Wiss am! walls ama, hase’s | +\ Sams aN Void | tds ooo ew assara’3! | 145 qasah ada? | ate ~amilas ac | iama RE yaaaw | wil Sona azh | ,marssaldl ina | MimesrQ Matodoonr | sae haan fe fis 7 21-20 | ply alr aYa) (eyouieeney |) ee Ce eal | aS wAaia »zar\ | ml ja ata a aml | tara2* -anshhhnla | atmahcal | Irtsame ds tymaaw Ant) Nara Ails sta025 | whamnl woman lor tawo*® .Whaw | mim Jasds wears | ows am aT CV wie Mam | wma NS Sei ee lm j sNetV3 AN Nasa pe At | . AIM wArwa waa 27 | Las WAR ams plot | pla eo etashdvs | ae way hear | wl has Casmyr | “Waal tara WIA | AX WA reat | eras —~ alah wis | alia Ata Aw 28 sara | wheat? Faw while! yo 3m rb oak | \ia®? . sta ria i whiz? . amsias VES) Gekee) ESOS ECR RES | ery Fst ltrarvo gator dbdha | wheat wl 2 atm? | im ana pass ioldzes wo Whe | hoot whan hae | asada cams Jamil am 2t5 wm! kits amant? alas | a Acar. A LIST NID Tsosth || oo ae sams whe | Mba am sn0°* »\ | calzson dal | = rtjasa rw tMAM | plioz SES 7 iat) eR Gye) 44 mailzsax am Saw - ac | ~2OMs0 Mrsx50 | CLAWMA MIMA D4 | dart ,marwe | asam ml iors | am ~_am.\ tes oA SIMILIA IN ALIIS Copp. 31 ' Diat.ar.= At Cephas AC fam.’ fam." 'O be Mérpos q pelrus autem QaemmreL) Limie Jam. éxi rpoowrov acd ff,ikqry, im faciem 40'dqasomno 407 Pesh: idem = dicerent 41%? Pesh. idem. Diat.ar. = appropinguavit finis D frm. améxe 16 Tédos (D + Katy wpa) a Consummatus est finis Aq sufficit fints et ora (q hora) fi, adest enim consummatio fr,adestfinis 43'Dfam.'‘acdff,kqaur. Pesh.om. eis 43. ?~? Pesh. = populus multus ACD fam, oxXos rots cd turba multa k turba magna L14 SE AI 44 1g 20 z 1 22 f. 19b Mark XIV. 14-30 WA.OVN Xo lesliWa Maa ,tzm | has am 1 | Naas 7 sna iwi pprlas pat ied | ~ acl —oras da Jadu | pasrarso odd con | »3¢nosls Wi dsasn was BX! am? . ashal dsam tohwas | tan Waal castor | pasar? ssaraXy dams | dhazsa daas oO ARAL I | MIM Mtaan cal | ams -D a aalwaar Mark XIII. 8-22 | SET MLAKLA’ | Ida’ AAR WAaaD | LI edamia .whaala mr00 1? rhzais hiala! wmal e aaiazizia’® | Walaon tain g rharcml | rrlal=a Miamya | pro eaxtadhha | Camanh wal Ilex Watam wahh | Fa saoal Saas | a _aciala 1° — acl min wath | ~\ . assamisss | ces et pastas ct .alla iam whaz jms ~_aal | pmahmaa am lk | oot I yalea? owhzsso wad! Ame alles Ladin! XQ wom eh | AS ris Samana | mial tora whasal | auc) Ree HK! A\\=n warn \s | aaah iim mamia’? |. aim . adusia whoo a osteo | sot tas am hte | sons tormis laa |» tor am | num ws the soon | Stan “wha | de MtX ron | aa wtall © acts: | samisa eaim eam | dado 7018 eodus | oo ea Nanzin | Sasa ha wdual® hows Xl am | 0 0 o mzanl Sanzix athmal | mamd “ham! whstasn pet al. 8 | ATIAS g AIm>D pols | plana coal al es el een CONE OI Oa ra chard | taX. ams? yop es 1) RS wis Moana | wmals\ wold ctor! . ma, 3 mhaaw | wan wis I Ras * gam ests | wi alea2? rams WAN! -saha? Mimail Irefads dy dhs ele ims Na) Wom wow ol “aim lam mato cor! asl pret) i WW! rsma"! .whmas pita TANS ROGERS SONS EE miaizasah wl | adic WO Max SIMILIA IN ALIIS CODD. 8*Dabcdff, kn aur. om. évo: rut 8 2 Pesh. idem=e¢ fumultus q et turbele A fam? Kal Tapaxat 9*D/fam.' ad ff,in om. Brézere O€ tpets EavTOUs 9 7k om. dapyoecGe 10 **c hoc evangelium Atay.) Oe abeshs = fei g ry aur. autem TApSe Pech! mharh, whe = sienum immundum 15 ‘AD fam. eis tiv oixkiav anin domo cd fli qaur.7adomum 19% *Pesh.idem. abkn(r,) 2m diebus itis Aqdiebusillis 19% c post hoc ff, q aur. post haec 20%? Pesh. idem. fam.' fam.” tas jpépas éxeivas Diat. ar. me CritlCS 11/05 22*ABDLfam.' yip Pesh.=abcdfhhikqr, aur. eam 110 IO f. 48a IL TZ 13 14 18 BY 40 41 f. 486 42 43 44 Bolle my f@y Se eS OS Mark XII, 38—XIII. 8 WATT 2 | p299 TO walwreis | ~ aaloass eee | TAL (2 e_AAxA) | atl, | hatred WATIm oz ta | MhLaiaS Soham | nia®? bars wails -_ AIaa —omrhal . | aatams whlss | wahlsins whS placa 2? O00 Wwe Mist | ~_ alana Wrataol wom! wy tX_ dus dal! saz? am jrto* 32047 IX Gad Dis | eS Eo wr XWa | EX a ATAS | aot |e Qersdiars lacan pith | dustin wchiams | wae whimic haca*? MItIW per ~_acal | taarea ,magazaldl | sav.) wto% wMs5at ? wir Sas oo fads | basic whine | whlsic warms | e_aal nih | ol am poder jar | east ai SRY ALE MiX | has ram | 2a) x80) . dbase Tham Matcr ox | Nas ret waco 2 sya | oo +Dt »maracadhi | rh at ol tow |! las a Sar. ICN Maas Kam sto | Nazs ol too? 57 | eA AKA oo Wthedh | Sin awa AN 1 waa ato’ askzrh DADL20 CAA | sales. wlasam \anl | Worst tals wd 3Aa? react | pain saw ot sar * | a Amst1asls WASITINA | piwasa loys sare es aml tow’? It asalhess alas an || dw cama - AImMAs< OAM.) | KAT watt aor | wlio ham Mad | cams Mamsrna | aam haw Veal eg 7 in at (pa r i or Walhdhaa | Wx oor am! waka hama mam) | estate 2 5 a he. amakssasz\ | hamat?? hasan 22 | Mat-we WAT A.0-2.z | ~ia 23 amon wm Aun | When? WA (ae acm | Mia mls mss | aam pea ~_arca\ | Ma~aX AA ~_am\ SIMILIA IN ALIIS CODD. 17 *AD fam.' aroxpbeis_ abd ff,iq aur. respondens 22 ™* Pesh. Camoshanza manms = ef sepiem ili acceperunt eam D kat woavtws eAaPov avtnv or € kat a acceperunt eam Vil et bi seplem enim eorum (i om. eorum) illam habuerunt uxorem. ff,ir, ef similiter acceperunt eam Vil et k omnes enim septem illam habuerunt q et acceperunt eam septem aur. similiter deinde omnes septem acceperunt eam 23 * Peshvidems AD jaz Jam.* ov ad ff,ir, aur. ergo c autem 23 ?ck Pesh. om. yuvatka 24 7 AD Jam. fam. amoxpiheis abcdiqr,aur. respondens ff, k respondit 24 240 ikem om. ov 27 * fam."* beds 277 Pesh.=zerur A Dow —“Diat-aryv= abd gage ergo Cc ff, uero 28 *k Diat. ar. om. atrav ovvlytovvtwv, «ides — 107 oe — alae Mark XII. 1-16 MAM MTOM | ITA De! * |] JAwva 3 oA | a ATT.ZIT mras\ wala i dal Rotre-At alot | Ira" te Et /AstM BA | ;MATALA ,MArwwA | »>TMARUS ama? | matt WIA sats [oad wa Mote | “ras ~amahal Www | waka? ta law? calls Jamisma | awe . amis iter | ereaXwa | Saha gaa tora | Camdhal tax ol cam | dun Sasae ah | mht mts aims |. amzis atm wala | et a aim’ ,t> »>MIANDASA | »mallo ars va ® = phan wiahtas ol | Samia »mallos RDAI Ba) | Mim Stas mt |) whew wm? ota | 3 sah Moha | cam lawl? .witerl | amial ,madldia | wslal War pa | Shar wet ham lym Sain alors | Macar 2 aduto loac passat? *atiss | madumc whtsaha wim | ham to dal ac | ~amalss TaX_ aam | aladhww . was c | aleaa . mores Ize mbhal atszal? | aliea ,manazra X1m ! whom’ tae lastzat!* whisas | miastect31 wratm | dust pd zeta Em bla dim tun | plain’ paste wal |. wilais? ol “atoms Dthe aes Wards | bie cams TX | wl xants wi Lils wis | wams Ahol RWACS loam ala Mts | ole Satan aca lta ~_acalas ran! x2. amal> Sha WA | ard 3 4.00.0) PRICE artsy pA | dur A 6 Or | emis as cal pe Tare | hrashaa . ric | rival am ~2an ~ acl | tr .ol SIMILIA IN ALIIS Copp. xii. I 'C OM. adrots 1 2 Pesh. idem = 7” ea 1 3 Pesh. idem = 7” ea 6 * Pesh. idem = Fortasse ab ff, Forsitan 12 tt Pesh.=ab ff, parabolam hance \k stmilt- _ 1 13 \ae & , ¥ s tudinem tstam aur. hanc parabolam 14 '~' fam.’ fam.” Kat €Movres npSuvro 14 2 fam.' fam.” ev 8ddr\y_ b ff, 1g 1, suddole T421 Da bro dit, hreaur om. 7 2 BOLE 5 106 *-om..a E XIV; i) 3 14 T5 16 f. €4b 27 28 29 30 Sl ae MARK Xl 2Oee] wa.otI on.o e e e Oo fae eke | po hMxyAs RA ,o | wah Ass Wed | aaa t2 ta naa? eas? | hea, AYMs pc Wha! 37 cal Fm MAMA | wand 3807} lolx “haim.n | oe AA> MIRE nie ~_ac.\ | JIA NAz. Ashura cam | wiah\ W atm os | Waal Sate aoa”? Sous oases | ae AR mnt | Nladu cla ma.s | Naa ped aman ance Jaan Waal war | toa ico M4? Rada | ams mma? . ash wana | Wadi pamis Wadi | pizasmsa . adic a asl | dues orm nas | J aduam . al ea odin’ | pasaon a aa.cais aan oe | asIZSt SON AS eS Notts AS Lada Qas thea 2h | yk Ot iz 215 | So aS oo asar poo! plas —adasasca | th Sasa’ ? to) | ioe At Tors | oT at ara .am | aay A\=n pivaal | mi aam peta | TaN ~_amlas | wamd toa raze | tis? ple pads | wf onal? peta °° palon MIS Aw | wah Clie aal | MatIw Siw wiaw SIMILIA “IN EALITIS: GoDD: 22 Na ceva, Ge Tos, 22h aNens 23 *?beff,ik om. attra 28a Dia kr, aur, om. iva Tatra ros ; 29 *A D fam." aroxpibeis_ ab df ff,i qr, aur. respondens C responait 2977 RAD fam! céyo fam.” wat eyo abcd f ff,iqr,aur. ef ego 29 33 Pesh. idem = wt dicatts mihi 31 *C OM. mpds Eavrods 31 * Pesh: idem, Jam. fam.” jp abedfiqrn, aur. nobis 21e2 Ap loeasbec d‘ik q Pesh. om. otv 32 * Pesh. idem. ADL fam.' rv dav ac f fh, k populum bdiqr, aur. plebem 33 * Diat.ar. = ef (om. 76 “Iqaod) 332? A D/fam.' fam.” aroxpGets bdiqaur. ve- spondens ff, et respondtt P 105 * Buchanan ff, 2zodbzs + Buchanan + ff, .0 a altaar Mark XI. 5-19 ebro | adn eras isa! poh pao zim | on toa ® ol |e amA\ TINCT WC | ~_acn\ AtmIw -_ aima® are - Ohi —amlalion |] aasaiea wars hal | lash j,masduea? wwaz.s * stars | ~amalal toa AAC -sAax= | wraimwa > pmalxs | saainca piara’ | aam paso mth | dra »mamID aac | lina plea? chasis jo | Mast)? Sts mize! MaRS am Wats | Misznar | Asa saletaw) | alsa! mates | Seale aaz a ASW | aS dual | am 183 Joxth | we was Misa? Sa | ats has ¢oo “nas | ant Rote emadal? wy | mhal! who . Mas, | ms Duy no Sa | pa wah | wi maz, iS Wie! warm Mla? deo! ea mS AE ear’ yaisia i daass ol Gua was! fo Saha 151 wan cam Mevhe | raat) ,manscalh aam | assarna Naas wl pasta —.) parton \ | mA3x ,t20 2 eWoahe’s | wiasm\” waa Ana sale iar\ palar’s l ejlahAa MiApass | SWtadhAa mlason.c | ped palpit AX5 | Mints tasin wal i am oar lal? 3 Sias painisay [das ,duass .caaha | aaa wam At twa | alsa!” wlan I eSota »maiadhszas | pot odin rsams. | ~ amla\ wW~jonz whal . j MAST OAC ssa | WIAMA IMA »DT 1 AAM Asmara’? aI | oaalass amnmh TaX_| was mia mim TaX_| aam pelos miarzai | dis 30 —.) za\ oj || ram nda wxmt | am wWams cma! SIMILIA IN ALIIS CopD. 5 *b om. atrots 8 Ti om, dAXou b€ ori Bddas, KoWavtes ek TOY aypoV 9 * Pesh. idem. A Dfam.' Néyovres abd fiqr, aur. dicentes 12*-*Pesh.idem. D e€eAfovra be ff, qr, cum extisset Diat.ar. = rediret 137Pesh.idem. fam.” eis airyy Diat.ar. = ad tllam 13 *Dabd ff, k Pesh. Diat.ar. om. én’ airy Uae eD ire aur, ements igee=* Pesh; idem = templum Dei 15 3Dk om, xareorpevev 17* Bb om. avrois 104 IO Bias 12 13 16 17 18 1g 43 44 45 “49 Mark X. 42—XI. 4 wOA.Dt-I3 Ao SOU a OCI. tee at a Acar | - adr trade Te weacas eo 43 | Wamait . AAD MeN (= | wc a Aah acs | iad i | Wamix raha »WeaQw | wxisda | wsosl TL. Mate lam NWaxz.x stan saa 7 | Iw? Swtawd | nahzay Wreaye% m5 | awsat® y\sn Tetard | want My>D tarcanila toa | waz. muna? is | athe saant ats | xo Awan wsaha | A to | a5 Nosh t ol | pe ta~a 9ID1 yAD plwdsa | A. mhal astzoa 2° pee | im ~ acral sw 26 a inanch wietizas Aas | pie Ede | Ne tee sOUme it concalst=ore * Saal yaaa 2 oduce ta te wl aca (Siete) Seta ae ay eS az2 winw 30 * mos | akeh J adie pwdrcat . adum alte win! sah | cal peta ah K-20 t a4 | pets whosamsm aw). Midna wher cma J wohrhs wars saml | tw ploic amar Mine azna | cdasamsam o ors da e ahi td S-2-—7 | Mit Maco >ji>am | ca ar pdasas | et ew pads *° 2 adn | sarc rc imen | asta saa tt rail cot petal’ Neal let | cham wi | tran 2 OW Wtn0%7 | twas Asa pans. As | pet Ca tx SIMILIA IN ALIIS CODD. 29 ?Pesh.idem. Diat.ar.= Lvangelium meum 30* Dakqom. viv a20n IO Resi: Diat. ar. om. wadw 34 '* Pesh, idem. Diat.ar. = et flagellabunt eum, et conspuent in factem ejus A fam.’ kat pactrywcovoew adrov, Kat éumtvcovew abra, nO Ciome Jam." c f ff, q aur. Pesh. Diat. ar. om. pe 37 ‘fam.’ om. ets (bis) 38 * D fam." fam."8 amoxpieis_ abd ff, k q respondens 40'*CDaddgos abdff, k aliis I02 30 ak 32 36) 34 3) 36 37 38 39 f, 58a 1g 20 21 22 23 24 Mark X. 18-29 WA.OFN ro I Coal ass iat ww | oe dal wal, rl | dain Sto Wim azo jth wath wl i tagh wl dalod | mAN © ce pe ranaa *? lta Wis? wala? | eae tos 7 dK | Charme ammh Ts | Bene! MI ellis | awe pic AtaAN? | RAY.) wialsa onal | oR As r>\ Ay V1 pC patss © nx col toma | Bed ace ms Naara’ | Mars whew wl! camhoa wiammal |! ma w\ burs na | Siea t whl wae | As m\ hos? yths | whewo ” Nees edz | t2022 cal aam dum | ato mmdis || Sales ol ta a _AM21MA) | As prlan da pale wl ihe MAA tua | ,mancalhs As cam | wish ,masssalha*t | .mles mhaalsal |. alsis iis <7 ~_amnA\ tomo | wars Min wah! ,malma Peet Ney ener fh Clty lll: ahh ae | lems wiateas Jamal) cleat) wx am oixa” wAmxa1> cam | atmrhs dumps | at aim? mans | whaalsal maa". aml | toa wLazs . ams | jw?7 .eral sarc >A | aim ole hal | mole hal oo ie | tear wl zie iis hal pOAL | plwiw Wo Aca cal | tra 28 , ss aren 17 i Nas rot | AGI pasa twa | wax, in??? Ne | parvo asala aw Whoa lad Maw aw Whos | paaxin oxime lan GN .matzia ol Nha? pet * hharto | oo? im einocaa | Waal mar 2 asal | haszs ae a a os EY HAAR | “iM A\=a 7 > eoal ed | Ain’ max”? Whaaoia! “tA5 aaa wi Nua |. ¥mD tw a Amath | -_aam.i0 8 =a | smasd\ ar > Nor! basco Woolen ea? | tmp Cai ae A! ih As | ,masamlh ,malez | sah whaal As sal?) wrazar wl raama miss | Mons Kh Waa | Becca: tri 1 ae lensia mdb | pars tad | Sewa oK tie || ) wom wh? laom Mé\s i AN jmamulaa ? a | arte namn qe ! pts DI mi tora Itai. dul ,mualah wl | a aml tow * er am? | 2s ahs war ws eye SSR) pls PIII wAvta | -tizD DI WAAN IN Mass | tms TX 2 aanzin Jatt acm pos pizanl taX_| ram noaw in ~_aal | Lad toa pia -_adurw | MoeaaZIIT (yes Wn x 909 | Ass RAR Ta? ane OX aa CRs cass | Ad reéizasn eh | peoaid bor sai la. wwmies whaalsal ) Sash | -amiyai mila mehasa! wamsiakh wily ide 4 | amv died a rls joo | ae ©? wl wtais | wX zane Saat? aan Lauda a rsalon aah l ama mars ims | wad Sul | pat patass +OaAx | rilsass wis WAL tw Wreatm atamwat! whim A RAMA mim | ASIA »X9 mowxra mira I" maaca jar 5 MRww | Nave cat acs 27 oak | da sax | cala e_OcCRalas »aRazal dh | saz dual Ls 3a0 23 | smart e 29 ~ = mic ~acn.\ tow 79 | mhaooasal piwirds | pasar el wasals I— ee ° hal usa eT Towle | nar QF C\irzics mto As wnsha | Siac . pod ni o> lasasa Wa wales | -_aal Mids tow ww) | ali uia | panama hal whew? aa )4 1 pmals cashhan Wiser | Q5e5 ARN |osal? | amas pae> | TA TAMA WriaXM | MxIA ~amhal Ats9 A\czmal® malss | alwz al ania amakh | ,madais tA Whazs 2d a | wrsal? amas. adun | pada miso ~ aml | “am sha l8 | eat ol dures to WMhal | boda Waals | toca’ Szia acoa! | x0 Main. asta dkstma ol Kamit! al Aina ~ acl lta oars? cas 19 | Aware la ,ciandis | sara ai a ashal Mame hoot) || esos Wisc | ls who oar | sonatas BAG mhal | mosdsrva2? wral x) 1 sadam 2 aatmona Iam omsshoa Maw! As Nara Whar | ms Swat mduminc rn leon wisi m\ Sean | »masw\ Sars! Wam ! \eWzo2! Rats 3A iain »Xmwa 7 | mahal i, Ey tary oA | Yaw Mam MLA —.) SIMILIA IN ALIIS CODD. 8*ckom. pe’ éavtov 10 *~? Diat.ar.= hoc verbum, quod dixtt nobis: 12'*A D fam." aroxpileis Cf ff,iqr, aur. vespondens k respondit 14* ACD fam." eGov Pesh. =acqaur.wuenisset bd f ff,ir, ueniens 17 * Pesh. idem = e# dixit “A C ciweveyame elrev aitm Cir, dcens f aur. dixtt 19 *Pesh.idem. fam. 6 ‘Inoots c /esus r, aur. ths 21*Pesh.idem. fam.':6 Incots acfJlesus 1, ths 21 ? Pesh. idem = ae : vi AS — alan Mark VIII. 32—FX. 7 | cast cal toa’? ymals | orton caus MARA | pT . Ams A\sas? TWA MAMAS! RAO. manatalnhs | ts AS ietins saa °? aaa Sis) oe 6.0 xi stn) AR olen bare’ 2t | ws rii\ 0 srccon\ | My ew eX gt! ~_acm.\ tama ,moaracalh | wn Sxial ~tsa 4 34 Nan?) wha | moro. JSanzia |! mxdis yaaa tho | aM 35 i stam? * \\ =n czas | spain Maa. morzas | zd) Kein MI eN evi mia weslssx | am tet RABY aS | rtxanhs taX_ xs °F oaasaa 36 oizais | WXalwah zim to Abo! Wasa 27 tm ozaia | dies 37 J ATA ayes Shotz | »ra5 ,\lsasa yO | ~> hoax da 328 38 leasparns wher mi o> had taka! ots AX oWhalwa £97 | A3mw aa ~_ acl lL Mam tow! Serta | warclna »>TADYR I IX. whas ~azs\; i wis pamaaon RAY.) a | nam ph duns ~_aal ths p07) lias codes woolen | mhaalo wots | mrs 2 a Alin nwa I. pivasla epansila | rwarcal LADY. JD1 | para dz. | Cam wma . amas3.0 | alediea - amstawls rat | cial\ am | Qustiss dura ** et NNh sw? 1 ram jassm'mxzania? 3 eS xad | toama Ads wan)! . tas? pllsass nai *rtilea Sram’ 5 ai KC | wiliess gdh NALI0 | aM) MAIMA Cam ! trax >.>4 ltr? am cam || nt la? ova walelal caw rama 6 | cham vl\=n odin! | eal, than CE Sea A\=a ram 7 | AS sz cal eras % ID lam Mig MiinN a l Wa? risa smals, SIMILIA IN ALIIS Copp, 321 Diat.ar. J9825=e¢ Jocuturus est” 327-2abn dicens: Domine, propitius esto; nam hoc non erit. 35 *Dabdkin om. euod kat 35 ?Pesh.idem. Diat.ar.= Auvangelium meum 1x. 3 ‘fim.’ \k Pesh. om. ori Porta apne Pesh. idem. A D fam.” ds x:ov an ¢anqguam nix bef ff,iqr,aur. welut nix 4 nom. ola yadeds ext rhs yhs ob Svvarat ovrws AEevKavat An?-4Diat-ar, = c aur. Moyses e¢ Helias 4 3c cum tllo ff, cum eo 6'com. yap 2 Peshsidem. AD fam.” NodAjoe acfi,nq logueretur d loguebatur bfir,aur, diceret 7* AD fam. prov abdfingr, uenit 96 * loguetur t+a 18 1g 20 28 29 30 31 32 Mark VIII. 17-32 wWADTN , CH es ie | l= 7) paste | wx oma fy SO wi aal | dal rawN5 - adi | paz ho | anal jase *rteml | ton? Cadum pladoos | la Wade la wash dur | tiaa Cade pte | tla waal dum ciusa’® pemas\ | xcs . aim’? . adn | arms ria a Odi’ | pesca paiva | 38 Ra eOT pladan | saad . acim ala | pale’ MrT F . r 7 Jrésax aaa “sami | tw??? pmath cal | peta a _odlox iP AGL Z i =| UE C C cl | ts mln fal dlox a aot | trots FAM rw waa | alr’ was bead paladin | uml cos eh) amd tow?! wear | ASI AAT -rSDa | hMasaH mA asdura | ere dual | MAwwWa 2? on\ eDAToOIT la A] [ae | I ted dun asa ol | taaca mirza mr | TAMA »MAIAD | NIA. mam waka 2° | penioasan eli rs Ita ptal date toca? | dar tocrd OO t-=9 Aw | aa an pana’ | Rng 979 ALasn. \ | Maw o Nasdhi wdatol lacs cal J tora mdual mtaza 26 | Amezsna wadalias | rtmor yank | ,masstalha wax. nasa 2? po Ta miss | acm Towa Setads | smasasal al ~_ace\ ram A cr tri-s2 Clot | pe Tay dard x oA | er tao’ 25 e >No AL | LIS ae re kU Miwa |. aler ay Td MIpeMea |. SIRT BIW 6 er’ | CdS estar’ isa! w_adura eeecaas toa * 79 wl 1 wireis eam. wrtsa 29 | aes am had | arta ol lmtsa am wn Ain aalsal AM »ILA oa mals a OVI) | AA AMA >> 0 | Mzazo ym Wihmina |. Xm exon zis Ives iXausa®? || sans wdaF wala | miallaia Jam SIMILIA IN ALIIS CODD. 17 2-? Pesh. Auaxs = Quousgue A éu Diat.ar.=f q aur. adhuc 20 77: Peshuiders — Dit @is- Diatratee 7 cicaeee 25 ' Pesh. Diat.ar. om. kat dveBAevev 25 Lest. Jam." k om. déyovres 29 '~* Pesh. eraze amd gerae= Dicit eis Teshua A fam. fam. Acye aitois bfir, aur. func dicit (biaur. + esr, + als ths) 5 Te a altaar Mark VIII. 2-17 shal | jan re Taw wolh | os 3m wea | AS eum metho? 2 tite TA | a aml eaten am 2 wa? i. alas wm hula 3 ALAT | ta amin dina | eta . aam pedad. | e_do2s hal Iraton dir’ sarc | Masa ,maraclh “ol | peta ** adhe 4 ~_ acl tara le AI Amza® stass | xsl a Aw amd 5 mrisl yoa0% | easan ol pata | ~_aal hac pascal | t=as, 6 Nate | atanl wssaz a UM | amia MIN Ax 1 2 aamhicoss mao | amma amass || J azamis ,masisaldhl | ssa rena JI | AID AA a amals | arma Sials maar aam | dura? ria 7 Ms nON MITKAS | alaza ASAWA alara 8 be ATUDAD gg ADUMIT § Masitw | Maw Malas zac | aam paca” p-2 S¥-a F-A00 | WAL g lms Chirams | ml sh. alwa'l? 2 air’! wtxa ee ale’ = zeta | anasal a RENE RY vial le aml abra ,massmlh 11 | cad pei AA | Cass ~ wae | cal piri cima | pas Asta | ama . whore ! 02% . mamas i?hlar hae hail, I wat adhyal ham miss ham | Massa 7 eaiads | TdeN MD Asth — ham | wala manali»sane saz.’ ml ta ?? | mbt oo Swot! naan lasstsla ators esol | amsml\ qiar wl! aid asm) Jeo pala mala | am ste hdr io ool psa 7% calal exco V\so cal | pea’ otdasn Taha | oo thar whahta codual || dhin sa0% . pahto poo! Warts nar wo lin! whl aha?! | reise esata arcs. | miss mudia® cohts\ | cqodueaer dus | lls whsal cde | Bloxec TO ot msds | oa nA aS Moats te! ets ol dsduma | hiss himsrt | rcoawh | ama rxia | so ca\ia”? conta | pals. yaam33 misa | aam@ passa [theo easors | qwaet oizl\ opca | jccaises pin maha Theva IIS | wha Thar mat? IT whade ol tara sareds | oC air’ sana? , durtouxa | am Ma mizks | ctame darted o ain | ~_acal mam sn ama! essa... Atm) wi soasalas | parca aam ptrardkhs | ths 0%? cal aac | rei tase lex eamsa? . allsaa J ._assazin ans erievla | sas Tar dar’ rtla mam | duc’ creat ezia aa! sah .aim chmais ~_aca\ | tora ;marasalhl <+.5 | ~~ alas ri -_am\ | Sam [* Cod. masa f Cod. &rmad] SIMILIA IN ALIIS Copp. 24*abcin om. ’ExetOey 25 * A fam.'nq om. aAX’ edfis 25 ?fam..bc om. zpos TOUS TOOas 26 * Pesh. Diat. ar. om. 7@ yévet 27*Pesh.idem. A fam.’ 6 8é Inoots fzesus qths 200 Di Dic Cake toriey a 30 *A D fam.' rh Ovyatéepa Pesh. Diat. ar. =affhngq filiam suam da filiam 34 ' Pesh. Diat. ar. om. 6 éotw AcavolyOyre 35 **Pesh.idem. A fam.! kai eOéus cfaur. ef Sfatim Diat.ar. = £¢ lla hora 93 ’ = — a Alwar’ Mark VII. 9 23 penart | . adi paras Tar? | trie’ p15n easdaar | xaalas wsas 1° ILenarrcla ,masc\ E a9 I (0 oo Aais | ea ww? 20 2 erst * Mri »153 1. hm Charen | pea TaX_ acm |* eval a go whan. mwilar | wheus Whasalas | Reems cat Nea clio what Waza pcnlas 29 l.rhalam whaitmar | MaraQK Whras | Mas SIMILIA IN ALIIS CODD. Geol. 0 9?Pesh. idem. D oryontat fam.’ ornonte abcf ff,1q statuatis 11 ' Pesh. Diat. ar. om. 6 éotw Adpov 14 7A fam.'cf Pesh. Diat.ar. om. wédAw 14 2A fam.’ révra, Pesh. Diat. ar. = f omnem TOmrureshmcems 2 1 fate tis éyer Gra dxovew dxovérw Diat. ar. =abcdf fhiknqr,aur. (c+ £4) s¢ quis habet aures audiendt (itad diaudiendum) audiat 18 *N Kowot (om. dvvarar) 20 * Pesh. om. eheyev d€ 21 * fam.’ om. tov avOparwv 217-7 A potxetar ropretar povor KkAorat f adulteria fornicationes homicidia furta Q2 9 oe _ AL2IFOAA | Ama’ cmle’s | -13 | 1-99 F ct mals ° aa SIMILIA IN ALIIS CODD. 31 78 B Laur. Pesh. Diat. ar. om. (iq + esse?) ék mepicood D fam.’ om. diav eB: Jam.'abcd ff,iqr, aur. Pesh. om. kat tpoowppia Oynoav 64,707 .C Lf Co7essus- te Oi aur, Lt (ff, Htcum iqr, cumgue) egressus: [esse] 55 710m. éxeivyy Vil. 12 Pech: Diat.ar.om.twestv = 2 *~* Pesh.=bc aur. mon lotis manibus(Pesh.+suts) 3 %-* Pesh. Diat.ar.=1 Ommnes. enim Iehudaei et Perishae 3?Doaprov abd ff,i panem c panem suum 4**Pesh. idem. ADL /fam.' Barticwvra bcedf ff,iqr, aur. daptizentur a baplizats fuerint 57 tA"Erera f deinde 5 7-7 Pesh: idems | Diat-ar, = cue scribae et Pharisaet 53D fam.” Néyovres ad ff,ir, aur. dicentes c dixerunt 67 Pesh. idem=Propheta 67? Dracvemev fam. sere abguidixit cff,dicens diaur. ef dixit a gI SS — altiar’ Mark VI. 35-50 i os | rac | zt te Aa 2. air | aalsal waa ,tz0 | «amt 35 TAL Mynna am |! SMSiayw Sidhe ml | peta sMARaTA | ADSto etter * | aloo sian a ahirdts Lo ia xa’ 2 air | ,tz % 26 ~ aml asa a aml | psa? 37 - Naweals ws | a amd ~ arsyia 37 ros pe Flat | rims p> Nya | ol peta » Marsal | adic dar’ pcan | maa ate ali waml | tow 38 esash . aml | hus 38 39 ee oe 2- ee Lo fT ° | aml AOAa cia pina | pe casa\ eX139 ca ce ta | PGES 39 eo) r = "patzam acim | aashowa * + tame As 1 Lamas ~aamhmss yo ag Fe UP® mt ira fs at pas Goo Y 71-39 ~_aic\ very [) ave yay eaeZTIWA Were | wer 41 ip a a hu ta | san | oma asl en | SAt=o Marz ta | pstar tha £532 ie ae a fal \ le amlaal o_ Aid avis | gala path - aima ~_acal le AwasM.15 Pe ze Pak ie Sd ray \ 43 Ta? \ Ay 42 42 $a : es TNO. J 2 oD le Ama mIAO pa alana | Axsama . amla alawa 43 Pal etn! a Alara | ae BAL ~Z71.99 elona | Ita plo TA | paidao rT (Po: alr | rizms samim’ alaws | a O30 Taam pam “* | parar 44 ; © : ° Ri r = Cast me | a alinas rdrisrcol | o_ 00.92.35 smatasa\ al | WAN ww Hav pa aD 45 Mtns 3A0 4 mis lam \ cam win hee Wise a saa3.0 46 eee | ech) tefeVeel RE! dal cal I Ia wam oe | oe _ AI 47 Ax | kam ,marauls ama || chess ham made ! whisawa Sales! Wilxa wd ca |. pamihhzms 2 IW | tw tsa * xt 48 |. rac As cna A |e omhal whe . hac | -_amianl MwATT 9 Se? a | ASE sTAALS A * Ain | JasIs wam MIKA AQ cza .rls | asm. ~amlaa ,maarw | 24059 cam Warner | atam 50 [* Cod, potttst | SIMILIA IN ALIIS CODD. 34 *com. zo\Xa 37*c Pesh. om. droxpwleis 38 *c OM. Kat yvovres 26,23 Pesh; paso wexeaw =acf ff,iq aur. Quingue panes D-+€-aprova d-u: panes 43° dvo ame jo. a bd ff, 1g rf, aur. Om. Tous aprovs 45 *fam.'q om. els 7rd mépav 49 '-* Pesh. idem = super aguas 9 O 2I 22 23 24 25 26 ous 32 35 34 Mark VI, 21-34 A.V a dupa | Saas” eLIN O 21 onl an | ssa darttaamoa | Sam | mas zalala ,maistatl | hase’ cam ans | wraion mal. mi htaza || dizo10 esraims mdts |! dlsa ”? Jilys wet Worl | walss ol toa | mss passim plirtla | wration\ mA | rsasa ,hasloaxs wAlal | torn 78 pal Shea | pam pice wisn mds | nalmare rehall sm | wn asal24* whmams Ieaes hlsa® | ans | pd-wet oot ol Stk | olde’ Irae wamo »\ 1 Shas Kaw’ TaD cal | ima 2. wala hal! wotalsal -Xm 1 ml dutaa?? .tarsas | issu plwQet oat I? 4aza 27 . Wacaia | ware WA Case | Salma wADIAD | A\mna lyme dus ory ama | Mima ort wha | pamais vptiloasor chal ma if whsl\\ oA M922 |! MAL: ADS * »MAshisca ae cale | alax abe ,manmalh | assar 34029 . mad | mblsaw? | aandhera . wars hal | Ssule adhevo 2? .K tans | bus mamma | | imo aman Naa cal | Sales assasdhea | praslo tons | Mets ah aml toa 31 lewthe’ Caml wam | dulat .mdhal para | aam ealir’ WrvtiaX oo Whisdams | ata Mth alin‘ 22 | Nawal wml wlaw | Aiea Waid’ assahuea | ido aI area 2? 1. amstaulo [rein iva ?t adhe | yA0™ Miia pa cals l Smths aAAd | paw-ZIA aac “Sok, GARE Gea mi am washes | Ala wnaia waza !4 ion Moe Irom has co ao | MARTA AcD pis | Ima petra en | ater ac ales | atm ex eaten | lis sXe Mic tow | WAAQTO wet NTL 3A MS) Gareety (Ey n¥e ai lam Mans rw wr | wratm@ tX_ am?! mo | ort GaawMAT am | plwdas madara | Hd aNAata en f Spuwew dua MtwKXa | piscsl poi-s Cs | ENS m\ cam * 1 tow 18 1am mam): | »TA.39 mtatco | paxacn 7? BAS doin’ | eamol wi \als | wks wraith wKhac | say wia mld osal | ham aD eo ol | had weal ostiT | WAC) Nat . pledes | = mind am Asa | orate taX_am*° sas mim | am mins ar Xwa | mi ram t\iima |. diasa! | re ia5 LSP) Awa | Whisam5 Ata Oot | ami aac ELTA a _ AIMa Mt I ewazse hal aha | ams wm wield J anaia’ Satans F = | Asia wanla some FA | WAS E cll’ am ! Aas acn\ >MAALIA aca acm | MiAs RX Atort a _ A109 | -_acal Qasr da lo al.sxra ; lie ach cr2.1.279 cD | AAM AstLA 17 PY Yo bss uc | AWA WaSML OD! WAS fa Maal vhisams wd alo! aaal® ~ ammanh —! al Nirtsa Le Sy cr al Ime mons lal?) wams mhals Water lam mim cam | wi xaas mA . AIW | Wawa Za hal | wmdual Ay ol tore 20 | I Weasase dtsess | aizazal jiza Sica Ws metho atc dam | math .amiaa || az. m\ 3aN5 3350 Siva exis | mals waa tan | aml?’ xsazs tas aaa? Mam msn; | whrais +57 poo ae | Soro eos -21X\ | ASS gro .olim |! vam Sasa 22 smalX 4 | Ax Nas jenspa 3a | irae weshha t. Anew | als ya.as Wh 3? xa5 1] zap qos” ,ht> |. cal peeana | rao RELA mins | wan waa oss | Aiea 74 pat csaq | am wats hac | bard’ Wa pans 2 ail al a asada! retzals 2 aladhms ch | warm peSvLE TAQ | oats pa Te wl a amd | tora 13 Ac.» ca a97 eam i. ansdzia — asada | lho amis Siaaca i tim “Nha ml |. adic | aim 7 Setaw x. Ang | pan aml 2441 Wehles waa! oo € o> SIMILIA IN ALIIS CODD. RLS SOIT Gy) elo? Whe apie ere 33 ?NRACL fam.’ ot ddeApoi pov abcdef ff, q aur. Pesh.= fratres met 34 * Pesh. om. kxro By esheideiny —er ecce 25) icesne BA _tassarem NACDLfam.'is yap dfff, q aur. gui enim iv. 1 '~? Pesh. idem. c staret fff, aur. stabat 47 Dbcdef ff, qr, aur. Pesh. om. eyevero 10 SU 07 ot padyrat adrod Diat.ar.= bed ff,iqr, disctpuli etus a adiscipull’ sut 1 Ze eae idem. AD ra éuaprypara cdf ff,iqr,aur. peccata a delicta 15 4a b cl Germs oe / e 4 OTOV OTELpETAl O AOYOS 85 py — alan Mark III. 15-32 l WIS ae ; Wie . aAnaIa “Rota | — dena” eliza |e aacasral® ytac | pA pivala | az1 ta epansalal7 | ara asm wy007!? praiah sala | waalala wastrimia 18 | rE T ei D « AIW “TLS im ay Maio | — aszaria srdla ale to 1 pansila wmawhla ! ,dmala LASS aa Win} ah mahal Wirwa2?! “dual Cam wha laam ands ,manW'! assawx xn07 Nawal | aam pasazca wash cat | plan me pama 2? pail maam pat tai_aac | peta tas ral e ° aa Wares | mztoca ma dar! pastas aam petra | ada milviak fi “7 =I ia wid=ms | Ams wam Mera 75 | ald 1nd WAS | MIM nas As | whaalsa . wa 24 anasal | rt ool msl oo sav! cl taewa ous |e wa® yo whaalma | moam\ Swarm! <\ dlahh raz A3 ls. rs\co ears O'ae sonal lam Sodus sas wl | wlio ds coxa As W127 | ac camlan Am | oom warm Xl | Xia die ? onzay dn r a iwle ITIAIST A ads | pALs02.595 co duan\ Nissal | sxarcn wan i al Ci paw ASF yee Val hn mel rations | gatecna Fanos | mitacosad mana Hint ee ea ° jpaal J anshes wastoar || cools Naas wash | Matar po lrvacs Ac ' ol | esha A nko pt | vat Asay San?? Yzaw dar whorl | Swatr aam pats 30; pAS\ weal essere -O- (@ @ yt } bea | é t pear | Ta |e | | ea hay | ie ail 3] oA 1 AIR-LTWA FAIA AAG pa 72.0 | Maw A »MmAnS and Aa °* 4 ie a Vee ee - ace hon peta | FAQ CMLZAA MATA CaM | Te 32 pMaIAFOIN —————— SIMILIA IN ALIIS CODD. 15 1-1 Pesh. idem. INTE: D fam." Gepamrevew TOS yOoous Kal bcd We gl; t curandi uale- tudines a curandt languores e curandi omnem ualetudinem 1 curandt valetudinem Diat. ar. = f aur. cuvandi infirmitates (6*ACDL famiabcdeif,iqr,t aur. Pesh. om. kat érolnoev Tovs dvdeKa 21! Pesh. smasasee = cognall ejus 26*Dab cdeff,iq om. avert 26?N Dabcdeff,iq aur. om. kat a7. Desh. abcdefff,iqr,aur. om. dX’ 272 e vasa elus 29 'fam.'abeqr,om. eis Tov atova 84 sae) 17 28 29 30 gts LEB iSo ae IO Il IZ 13 14 Mark II. 26—III. 14 WAI oe i= ay Via 7 a _ A3ce\ | AS mMsAa son. ats | AV Nadel rad | = = A | %> ee rw hia_y3 zs | re ace—\ WAM toma ai 4 QaAC “all Sass AM Mts | witiaw7 Nts im | ee dn.2 te} ZA rd’ | looo MzrI«3 Kam xanesy | ro ean rad dara ! chnaral pad Ms! {pr a | ea : 2 a alarcis Iehazs ml wows | Ie om\ aaa petia | MRsrX Le aL th ean ai r a gee ° . 3 ° | os 15 MAD GAaWw | ira teA WPAA aml | yaar’? yma V0 Lie ot Le 7 2X2} AW Soy | wmstal whass aAWArs | ~_ acs cA pal tar * f& ais 5 | x x % x as arpamA aw Conran | ww. fee oe MiaX | aml tara Jamal | hotiuss As ml eats fe) loohkax toae® *adhta.s | Sag dasha Leda | wasn’ azo peared? .miarmain |’ aslmdea wraio | dasa AN MxetS anes % SANG cet | Wr Qo Mxiaa esol | sO Raz > cad | Nic (Baa TW. | aa ANTAAN Wtas | =o * miziak caa © | 3am» 0 ram | tara? ohal abe | sana sacals aac | pay * ow be + AIA a.95) ls zis A\nn | pdisAm cal a ADS aI | smanazalal r le Q>toI; aam pecans | ria a oom iti | ta Ww rcaXe 1° whorl msaia | harass samals |aam dur’s palara ca au lige ; coals miz am! dur pimaca aag | pSna »MamIAo aac | elas : | roaxaadhza wis .ams! wan cra Xe || aca’? Soomaali alica | DoT plored ram | “700 iia niwa is x oa . 114 acl | faz amas ohal | a AO02.35 Tor th a_Oc2i1S3 | maya SIMILIA IN ALIIS CODD. 27* Dacdeff,i om. 76 oaBBarov da tov dvOpwrov éyévero, Kal ody 6 avOpwros 51a. 76 GAB Bartov: lili. 5 *Pesh.idem. NACDL fam ri xeipd cov fam.” cov tiv xetpa Diat. ar. = abcdef ff,iqr,aur. manum tuam 5 7? L tbyujs ds t (sic) GAAy. a secut et alia b sicut ala c sicut et altera 6*bcom., kar’ adrod 7*Dacdeff,iqr, om. AKoAovOnoav 8 * 8 fam.’ c Om. Kal aro Tis “ldovpatas 8 2abc om. wzAnGos odd. 14 * Pesh. idem =LHielegt Diat.ar.= £7... elegit 83 a a arluar’ Marx I. 38—II. 26 gow 28 ol aam | os tra X00 rie | ol pata SMIARALS pan Ard | pa» To7 whassmia | wataal * Nina aalan | a aces pea aac? hia | vasa 8 hah tad aa | waml 11a Mat\_|.ahal Whwo*? Cats. | wom nama iss 3) evhzaia lode oe ws ol ta | »mal\ ¥ As Sasa cas | am Wasa aw |. enals? asthe waz! | OY -ls pidehaaasczal | duc warm duc mira 4? . anh | MLD mi tava .m\! 54500 Mod A <.0 a coals sta0 tara ** Si amp wetsaa® oy anh | Chas (Mark I. 44—T/. 21 ts on a lost leaf.) {= Ri ne at ft = tig 7 tevhswt mhaslima i wis Kale wien!) AS Wha Chany 2! i wla2 eusato (4 tap | orm ama thers eskiallwcts een Iwas tres “Ani duals “ors hae | Cte Mt oxi pat” Ae | * a DSI ENG awh | pms ama’. eri roca | .wWhdas bia Whas | “tome placa’? Pwn31 | bas am wicaza | Whans Smaas ama 2 stataihht asal | TMARsSAN A | aac maha wh | aml yor 25 Ne ly iwis vam whazs | petaN ihe = | is a | sasra am | -AAa sido tA | away TALN Wo! 2 aduto i aa fant (ie ela sarc Sak | cms Mola’ wole's | mdual As marae 26 SIMILIA IN ALIIS CODD. 28° AD jam. abcdef fi, qr, aur. Pesh. Diat.ar. om. dAAayod okay fot Ped CADE 77 Kal nv knptoowv ~=abcdef ff, qr, aur. ef erat praedicans Pesh. idem. 20) Pech. idem. e272” omnibus 39 3bq om. dAnv AI * ACL fam. "Incots Pesh. idem. Miapeat— c t./esws' -q aur. 2/5 Ajeet lec dCi me iat«dl,—= Ol dune cris 43 * Pesh. Diat. ar. om. cifds ii. 21 7 Pesh.idem. bc zouz Diat. ar. = ff, mouwm | 22 Far CL fam.! kat 6 otvos éxxetrat Kat of doKol drodotvrau (Lom. érodotvra) cf qaur. ef uinum effundetur. et utres pertbunt, Pesh. Diat.ar. = ef utres pereant, et vinum effundatur: 22 ?Pesh. idem. ACL fam.’ Bdyréov ef mittunt gq mittendum est Diat.ar.=c aur, mittt debet 23* Dbcde ff, it aur. om. éd0y toetvy ~Pesh. om. npgavro 23 7a et edere ce ff, vellere.. . ef manducare 247% D fam. fam.” ot paytat cov Diat.ar,.=abc df ff,ir, t discipult tud 26' Dabdeff,ir, t om, émt “ABiibap apytepews , 82 38 39 40 23 24 33 34 50 36 ay) Mark I. 23-37 A.D 323 wd rhail I vwat ma ham duns | wIDY, e amhzraias mp |* cam ~ wansazl | dedi rated Oz | Vo A ia tara ** | am sna WAYe i ma wrvtAa~? oles | dire mszsxon hic = | a IS. Ns lym wat madara 79 | mam pada *wmaa | waam” hol poawa* Ram | jase moazhha 27 casa | hoes at Milos! hso ssa Wwharl irda wala, wim | ac eam asl as aam | peta ~_acmlal I para 28 . ml psadzs70 | chal, meagyl sna | eatlaz cal dura .mtas aam phir’ | OS Ta) olin TAA | miaas mal, rac 21 29 MASA | asxcy3 mhaald adbeoa | whiwa.s ro AA ee *' — Pye 71 ont mthcmsa 29 aam | mmx pivQed m>a MIS y.1D3 tee 18 9 | pivaila 321 TD pans.) | ts Au\s | .sah | wien naa’? . mths 19 | OM ATs 7 piodhme | hudms psd || 345 aml ae * mas mS « AMADIS | Tet A.1.2.2a AI leto owas masa 2? 20 o 0° MInD | alira mehiaAMms | ae TON 21 ~ mialass aan | paca sada 22 whyaias |' ~hazrs eam alma 2! dara 22 2 acast.Am* | a mila eam! alo taX. ism | Re 23 SIMILIA IN ALIIS CopD. 1. 13 '* fam.' éxet Pesh. idem = 207 Is 'NC om, Adyov 16 * Pesh. idem. D rov adeAdfov avrov bed f ff, t aur. fratrem ejus (t fratre) 16? A dpdiBAnotpov fam- appiBryotpa D fam.” ra dikrva ad retias Pesh. = b’cfr,aur. vefia ff, t retiam 17 * fam.' fam.” br, Pesh. om. yevéor Gat 21*NCLPesh. om. [ eueA Oar | 22' Pesh, idem = C ot ypapparets abrov cf scribae eorum 80 * Bianchint b retzam 63 64 65 66 AAV ITIL DN Er Se W Mart, XXVIL 63—XXVIII. 7 »>n7 =a Ahi) Gite | sity walla hal | xatda ica p57! azide’ Ia Ghsa pe aM aA | Cam tw aasla lama tarde Old cots | Stans ptosis 328 | wl ot tin corto pas | WP atmIMIA mania malls? | ;manrssalh’ a 0a) As | » cae | What paral, ras | wamha whim tas | pa oak yt = | woas\ Oo WhasID ) maz atm! alt ral mo ~_aal ar’ | walla ~_acal tw & || wt-aoas aimiiw alin % | "ae ORI pdt saw | tioca iss | Caso ears °° ol | ama wale Whe | aS Wie) Anda | pt cat ther | Rahs msat®! mat! hhalwa wat “las! wan * pen MIS | Wastdhewo «oxy Ass | pa eos dusty | Mth pA WIAA WreadGal Stans has anhadewo ? | warts thera th> ae I | AT.wWA MDAAR wala | x solv petra |.,cms>a aag pv baa | pTIATIND AMAA TAD 30 A on\ | aaa pAwr-—I0 Main | alaz.a MAAS" | apIa » aA % 31 IoehWam waals a aim” i Wht ,masnlzew m5! A»t> 3A0 Cr2.Z.2 F 32 madaral | alica ,matora |! ;mahks ,mazalea eat | smi sAQ .masot | Sanria ,;mateaza | a ASML CTL aleto | SR AMAL I vezcal ml asmsa “4 | mwhlaX x ee | cia masa > Ipam warm W\ i! oe) oor Ise hhsats, seh Wael | Coan iw mlaa | AS Aare am | Ne 3 o-",3hoay | wasal Ae de | tooo eft ies | Sas rsX\ pst SIMILIA IN ALIIS CODD. 20 * Pesh. MAALEAS =I faci cjus Diat.ar.=abr, m facwem gus 21 * 2 Diateae = guo erat indutus 41 *'D ka dapicawy abcd ff, et pharisaeis Diat.ar.= et seniores et Phartsaet qr, et fariseds Pesh. mtsgaa muzt_xzoa = f ef Sentoribus et Pharisaets >) 3 = -) bd nw 42, *.Pesh.idem =.S7 “A fam..ei ea Dicsteti inom e eaea 46 * Pesh. om. rotr’ oy t / 7] , 3 , cot’ Mee pov Oce pov, wa Ti pe eyxarédwrEs ; Te aN — alae Mart, XXVII. 15-29 IresataXeD Wan 3829 pat | masa jast Miamvio | ram tah 00M pede eT | Mow te tao | asl te Wamsn ee AX | WAd mnt Mast | aw Toe ~_ acai ram | tara 1° Mam | aasn whras Wb | Sew bus wom | emi? oor 35 ~ ack | tow 2aAt* « * a—~sA | wiht mi wham ~<\ ma ~ MIS pA! FCA MAA calla pal | spmaARIw ati wa wa Mims mtr | aR a ORS miaa | Wana 2 pate ORI | rio iN 3as | INIA Maw sah acl | ye ee tac BG pais | Ana pis [Nasal tor pete 27 | ontia aml mmlera | waza ZN sais P fe\ SoReal pialpal a Qza\ | smalls mid ATa-\ on x melils | alava pee toe ONS rT On ae Se ete ee ONG ia mec ea ees SIMILIA IN ALIIS CODD. 16 *~? Pal. Syr. Lectionary idem = fam.' "Insotv BapaSBav 16 2? fam.” batis dua dovov nv BeBAnpevos eis pudakyv. 17 %-? Pal. Syr. Lectionary idem = fam.’ TIycotv rov BapaBBav 21'com.droroydv0 241° Pesh. Laarth=cognoscetis 28° BD acd fied om. ékdvcavrTes abrov 28 2-2 D) expatiov moppvpovy Kat yAapvoay koxxuny abcd ft ff, tunicam purpuream, et chlamydem cocctneam q clamidem coccineam*. . et purpurem 70 / * 4b 16 17 18 nS f. 46a 23 24 74 45) AXVII. Sr 2 IO aed 14 NEY OO bre OTN TE >HI ons. St3Ne mam os | him Camim duct | ~_aszaz\ atmN~a T4 Mam > °F salsa | ancora? esas a Aw Fo asaan A\=n Misias | dus mio A\=s 5 | palmar’s Wtano | buss tA datan ! mis aipia 9 Samal | San ex datas om | dtutodhe mim | lade pac | mam wAmasy pe rh di | Aas Cam toes | Manis 7 paw datanl pairs fkocmsa?? | Soe toans eeEQca i | = Ajtosy Wyos7 ° ah oe) a | FoaAX aw PS Fw d \ 5 \ we lam AIS cal toa | Minmra Mam | eID AD A LAr. plan nasal? | dg hae wwaxzs ol | tow Xora als som. |< PAAA wi am | xstAa KIMA +57 | 110 1-0 aam Wasa RS wow | aN walla cn\ tuw | ets a ~ acai wads saya m\ | pm. WL mK ha ex || ac ** ss p2s1072.02.59 | pstcnso | SIMILIA INSALIIS-C ODN. 73**Domoage. Diat.ar.=abc fi,nr, similis est (ff,+ él) XXVil. 4° L dtkatov Diat.ar. —abcdf ff, ff, g,qaur. tustum 4 7.Pesheidem as) id td beaenee 4 3-3 Pesh. har eate haw = /u noveris 9 * 33.157 ab Pesh. Diat.ar. om. ‘Lepeutou 6s * Sabatier +c 5 — alan’ MatTT. XXVI. 60-73 lat Wtoax | rw Wrist adrwo | Assur wa ® joaatahasas roads pater | ath? adh Wdatwers | Whtete toca | aware’ isscal* | ,masthors Misarcs | tae Sia toca ®) |? toaxs |cal toawa Ram@A 254! 50 8 yas pas || wdhlala ‘cam et raz. » wails | peTonse.2 pico aim | aha bir .m. io pera S87 ham |am waist atzrma! Wamlas ais . adun et MI tor j ae piss tna cal aaqg | pcos SpryaCyoaes aA.21a LA Ald | ree a mad | patra 68 \maaa! aam | panrs WW tw wohsasls |? dkstoa Whias tal | am Te et eo ASTIL Se pt | am 7° Para daam ways |) mn hk Arka ol! wtmRKa lw Awa? jay | Mi Minds wl Ima | a amis ash TANS ima wate | mdieew wWotat wath | was gaa7! assay la rsasa | 3a waka 7? Rated | OM Ars AS ic | aml? » aman i Alc a> Io aay | thD (30 73 HI ae Aas | aasas wack tea | »mancalh hal whe | ats ota | si dhzm rier otsa! chan hot5 Joc | Yo Asada | salen am cal aN | asst Sita aman 4 | mahson a AMststo | a awe ma” | cal \\ IAW TIA Asrw~* | Amara ooh Find Arar | me AL.2% soaracal dh | mv waz, ol | tow gna tea cs mutitc | mlsxza Mama .D43 Warm5 Asm | alors crate ES | a amis mahaarl * dam nom pl sows im wars | ts bun tam aw 1 2 arses | anar’ ww §t Sawing | prcurh Sims hth | whe’ ri | Sdua | One tow Whaz | jms Wamml la! wisams Soha —alzadu w tlassa | MXtoos pla? ~ 9%.0.93 ee eoors Nw Ass ae zal lai thsam alma bsam | wh Slams wasla | sur0csl o Masia | Woda —alsrdus | sams pola et I peice ell O AT rw a AIC | MARV Wa ?! .astnwa ~acala | »omazazal ch »>MAnRAL 24273 | za TAM paxatAtd | Ta Mims .DT MAso | hal ,walsaca loots Saas Wawat | (a oaths wan | Mw eh) EE ee) e fy e I At MS hsaadt x7 | TS WAM ha A. Vi daa Mama sn i al Leet | Aes Wio2.m * says | a mals aaag | paete=3 rAwaia mina oo SIMILIA IN ALTIS Copp. = I Les : : "| j 45° B fam." yop 46 * a hinc AS Deshridem: “Diatcar——s/eunan 51 Peshe om. avrod 52 * Pesh. Diat.ar. om. gov 53 *A Dam. bdtq om. épre ee ore ad me Dhiat.ar. = contra me 59 * Pesh. om. wWevdo L 73 eo — ala Marr. XXVI. 29-44 IRAQ 5 TIA EO ee | oe wher’ ds KL! Waal Mitr” pars | mhasalms maha | a AA71-s.. sSNA s | email Cais Az. . aml tor | praca 8h whit cial) | alir’ .awaz 30 2° MLW ator x | FaX_ am -aadha All | ams > ~alzs dnch | ~ aala 6 NN) Waal eisros bso | 08? .miss Kime | ainda ~alzahs | womlsa . twa | AMA GEES GA po | wars ml tow? wo! walzahos w\ wll | ww “a peiai | KA mlrath “por ) iss Kall sms: | \ Mate deazal y\ wom |) ow MARA Casco ol | tn 3 145 Gaaah Ota | ano esasalh Jamia | Ara Wo Tada el | Was | ptsamMaAX toh | idl sar. .ammms”* | wh Esc wassaz\ yo10 77 | lor T Mie as ata | ash ,mamsalhl tae ¢2 2 cD pat ae -rezala atmadhsal | “am 2RLA tL >I1>D | ~_acaatala Mato | aan whasal Soas | zal ml, SIA | Xo ~_aca\ Tw ml usa | made As Nar |] Like © acais p1ra 99) pean atasdeT cal Atma | pla | NARs . AI 3OAR | ida spmaracaih | asaxna?l? .szasalh | sw IT oodvscon. th hal am | was zt wan | 340 2° PXis9 oD asala tot { o aal apa pa’ se aml | tor . pasos aim saa 7! to ae ' toormal | astza ee a aml dutaa 2? | pasalea © asim | Yeamr am sami tare 9 tea ac wa esals | amis | rasan Mie zis | mica .,rsalz3 am | AXIS pas Comer’ .MIiw midzsar | Ms DN af Se acA | pat ad »MaALS om. dan isso | exams wisa™ -slawi wd ale ml Kam! aoa r20 78 dtm bie i .ml tar opt am Sin || ais taka M220 Wena | smalls wisa rsasl | waxes 1am, pasos \ | ~ aim Tara | sas sama??? 4yXa aim | alas anw tara! ,marssalh\ aia 28 | ~_aalas misa adie’ | aaw waa ~_acn\ | .3CnsA mals rondao7 | ansaz\ WreaQm | dle ards Shaw | odaa’ p22 SIMILIA IN ALIIS CopD. 20* BD fam. d om. pabyrav 22' Dabcecdf ff, fh 9,07, aur. omeatta wee ye eam idem. Diat.ar.= bg, accipite et 28™* ACD fam." ris xawis diabykys acd f ff, ff, g,qr, aur. nour testament? Pesh. wht» eoahort = festamenti novi Diat.ar. = novum testamentum b nout et aeternt testament! fod ra = — ala Marr. XXV. 4o—XXV1. 12 NG STAN pr RAY.) c= | saa\ e_odsan5 aN | ~_aal MII —asl aly calmer aml tors | peta“? | ahsas am | ;maarcinla veto | Aarwl eWashos 9c | mals\s war evil | >i Ida ham weg | Lard Lohse | lo GX dasa” daam emota | pahzale cla dam | mali\isat »rraduarn rLIAKTLM | wla dhaam Mtsawre | hapa Am |e Ais) petscn * IRN ar dur’ ,Aa aa | webs asd 2 to || . atarcia ~ aim Ds ae: Msts ac mle Law Rim aimarw | A aw hic rN'CT eo cra | aca JmIHI \, x x * ~ | pee * x oe S| bax x x x * | * “ Ps % x % See ee * % x Ciel te ee’ * x * x | wo € * | x ¥ ¥ ¥ ¥* | * % % ¥ * | x x % % x % ¥ x * | * * * ¥ * | * % * % * | x * * | x x * * se dw a KX) »t | JIA are h ras tT 27139 * x | KN x * * Bene eG * % % x | KAY * x x * * ‘% * | x * % % ¥ | peBa-a x * ¥ *¥ | * * * SIMILIA IN ALIIS CODD. 3 *Pesh. om. yap 67Pesh.idem. fam.’ épyerar Diat.ar.=becfff, ff, q r; aur. uenzrz o, est uenit (sic) 6?Pesh. idem. ADL fam. eis dravryow attod C eis owvavtyow avTO ate Cot tie te o, cir,aur. odwiam. ef. 9* Pesh,idem. ii, sed 0" Peskh. Diat. ar. om. paddAov 18 * Pesh. idem. AD fam.' fam.’ & tH yA dr, tx lerra Diat. ar. =abcfg,q aur. 7x terram 20 *r, Pesh. Diat. ar. om. taAavra 68 COO NT OO ayy 38 44 45 RAV L Matr. XXIV. 37——XXV. 2 >A +90 “y,2Aa2* JsX_!| ann i 37 gasls | Caw Aw) ar | arcin att AL! apa’ 88 zis mito | mMhahh Wamh iam ! was Ass roa. | pe TATA po tama | eaza aaa lar | masa, 3-0 Nava i risal wdhws ems | ass. cla? chanol || sas I eth pas *? ez | mtor mduhsa’? wamh | 1am e_amia\ | petal, p2cica.s edina Peeftey sean Gaga) as wialp= e_oac) es a wis es acm”? | oshem wWaea | Wtordh Wie ant a ohsam rama*® |. astm Wad Wha | aorta” 2 ahi wae | vhiln Waars dus lta am sas als | ee mous | xladausa wam oar! la Wom tarhhs | Mai, ram | etam wis Whazod | wails ~aduam aod | ar cia bn Wann Mur | modu pa aim eins | mis whew 0dr’ Lime q e ami \dun |. mhaia As wiss | memos MoAwa | immm . ue q r = ; § My Was | Pah ac cszas\ j »manal, 46 ~.misjo | “aorta AKO soallyess eS MAPS | aes i meta cB Bee 9 C2a33.23 lytzan cals esp | nan Goes 5 ow 48 Jal | bun’n wm daa whza dare! wamia mhaal easel | vizia!? whesal! iwam ehsesa | gas is wa am | san mt Ww ©? | Gat mx pana Arcs | >a) px his | yasoasa ,masiiasa | wre ré\s | lO RMAx NDTAwsA Maan ! Wams) pecasaazal Any | ahs yoo \ Masany! whaala Soahh person? TIA 30 a ae niaa! dns. rarc\ - 2c | AM —¢sCAi=D pat ZT99° | WOLAQ MIG TO | para SIMILIA IN ALIIS CoDD. 367 L fam.’ g, Pesh. om. od8 & vids. 37>— ab ced fio. taut. DiaG aie geae ee ff, diebus 38 * Pesh. om. éy rats [juépats] exetvats tats 297 BDab diffeqr Rest. Diat. ar. om. xal 42*-* Pesh. idem. Lokjax ” € ova hora aul guavdiems laeaie abcth g,qaur. gua hora ff, gua die 1, g[ua die] uel hora 48 Péshvidemeus Gums eMbeiy fam.’ pxecbar. Diat.ar.= bcdeft ff, ff 2, q 1; aur. wenire XXVsl Dees idem. D fam.' cai tis wudys Diat.ar. =abcdt fi, fh oe, qaur. Vulg. e¢ sponsae + 67 a wlar’ Matr. XXIV. 21-36 rams 21 | ehars Wla Wodhms |W aassatT am) w\s | pen 2A) a walls | tmas a haar | meAn ript ra lard [eres Sos. Cd ve QA pats pam | th alwa?? wams clawa | imal Sora 22 a aradu et | etaX Mss teas dan | Wan raw Cain i ha, I rato won asl Jars | i 2 OW em 23 aim | dima, 23 Po ameans * . aisa.md | ~\ am Tahio | won wars am 24 IraAStat whahed | waldia ida wadia | iXar ears LX Idzaro wos?) as\s | aX) ar’ ears || os Wino whizaaha 25 In\ .am stass | wo Waal Jats own © al dtr 26 Moir ase 27). armumh am iahs |? eo ax? WC andh 27 I ramh Sasa Sotssal | oon ciwdhma | Saino a AWD | Ta Oo SUE ~azishi | pads SINAN aa FF | za’ Misr mdudhs 28 MWrme WAral | das alms a claw | THD (a wt Wawm 7° 29 | Anata easaxy | (oo mmaas ~ alasa | jos WA toms | MImaia [acars MIRA tS | zat pod patsca °° | asa wWhalis 30 Mot | lis TAS. Masin | >is. AS War's | zac otal a atecha f. 10)b 31 Rasaza 31 »maa\\ J ovissa Wdh>t |! Mito AN smaaArisa | T3xI0 whh oo? | Wias\ Sos Camrs |) IAS OO wat) sie oo 32 st RS c2-2.9 4A, ALPAQ mrardw | aati mss Wdewla | aal a e ONstor <7 ~ add | Aw iam 33 clas am | Aston -_ adun 55 Mt paca %* | Msthl hotter Wahine | sss pola prion 3t reac pcalas | plans Wars cam | whsotx wand Wis | EN <-2 EES ae laa = O%as3 Mt | rasaw 2° 35 wlawa wr. | wi weir sm Whar | Ana gat MDI Ax 36 36 SIMILIA IN ALIIS CopD. 23‘ 'acg,r,aur. aut ecce illic beqecce thc 26 *N om. ovv 90.79 Pesh. = b ff, vel ecce ff, aut ecce 66 fatiSb Matr. XXIV. 1-20 »n5 cra. :? mart-aca.\ on | te 3.00 : \imecal clasan ta om AZ. M2) FAA - pbs: | aca Ima Six | ot am? rilasmsr isis | mi pe Asr ashrah | is ~_aal MIMI | Iw MASS peoals | RAY... adr oo Wthed | An Wawa As | wan Satan tue onal peta | smaracah acto | what tals oh. saa? mmlaznjaa | AER wae ,o | oscar p23 crn prowl | a | | walas WrvaX fo = a asushs xan’ lx ate | ~ acl Jourca wax. cais4 | rSaQ 0 sna Ma | MT Catia ssazr> | 2 add) TX Motor Caza Veeere cazeal rt | o ahi tote anv & ay eas w\ wie | phon acca ~ hs | ~alord wasals rot | eee irvhhaalss Ls whaalma || eos As wes | UX an? malar ponds pet | es” eth watts | xata KAA 2 aamia —assallioaia | ria clare a _aassazailzs | petscna ° melas | cain ae |e aleadu petsca 1° sav | Sale “an daa™ waal | im cama Maal Wreiaywa 11 | aaah aos o_ A1M30 | - asalzs sai 390 tw raX i wlan drarsX.s0 A\=na el rca Xm ~ ashia Aaa) | WALI bac dtl sors | taamsor a we 18 | rtaX on oa» Aaa I charcoal esals mias | whaalns whtaw | wim™® wahhalt wus aa dstr et mm 15 | etmlan hws | p2tena eas alas tor lam ean Iicurs | tachewnw «x whasils | aw [0 | za\ ean Per’ efzane wal . adie’ pte tal pa adie’ | an iam 7 | | wWharaira wlan piso | al pA Most Mian adie | stor Ars pam | eta wTam . aala 79 30 letra aes Staao | has J adi patho eta | aI | wam pan wahahzsn | <\ pea »S9AsD | AM alex hud 31 Rasy SMIAD aim .adunm i aisr J abi pram! dias oe Assman | heram calmh! Ladue ana? adil | alles Mont | en oo woth aaa’ nas mals | hades 3% r o 34 MaaAwO Mat.) | ~ ashal MAIR | > Metain comal | sssa asm Sasoa pedo padirtin | asl atm woe | esr lam p15 eaaa ,riios | salviaw salntaw 27 .wam Chote As | pa caan LIAS du « | paiai isan rahal™ | aam pasaler plorl | »dvaX\ ta odin | hawdhs cual exiar | whlatath cas paaaal |. ain [rds taX waa dito 9) asadus sany wm 38 | —odus. wha lonvara WaT AM | Ni Otway ots | rm 6 pLiatoh MatDIX SIMILIA IN) ALIIS..CODD, 26 1-! Pesh. idem. c’Phariset e¢ cest Diat.ar. = Pharisaet caecit 28 ' Pesh. idem. e guast Diat.ar. = damguam on Dimpog ces ea D.C die liiwgis oy Aur. Gave O4 * Sabatier c Pharisad caect 26 27 f. 135b 37 38 39 f.135a 16 24 Matt. XXIII. 13-25 RIF XY pa OL A ssn\ | pa ew A pads wi cia | aie es odin 5 EN wi | art: adi’ a Od | ATA MAS + AM) | rsTAA WIAD ~_aal XV Odd FP eran ams roa | mw tasX_ Aw Caran ds | za. os ‘O- a asals MIL | MIRA mits ol rot | pt? ead pats | ucamw wrdda . aalsa 7? wilds 17 les sant Wiss mor MIMAD | 28 p=a0 (TAD) | wi wa, cons roon.\ onl | Srna AM rlasan law Maomr .2Dt Wim | Cw BANA? Ass | Mastans Sos aa | rasa WA Seozmis? | Sear 30 Be lama Msp AaX~ | Mi>tas .5t Twi Kpar!?? | mas M254. [lop Mis Malt |! Aaacn W127 3 20 | rMisianl mL 3-02.53 papa | ma Was wlasms | W155 p30 — mals | harx we Nasa 22 cas YI pasa | wales MamMjaaS | Was Catixs ws | cI0 | pe TOAST MARS yams | pad) | Staa Wtam 2 aala? | whaar\ Ana ead als | ley aX\ pA ALATA | roa nts DISSIMILIA IN Cop. CURETON. -whrimins whs odin prlans TAKS pam rrtia CTA ~aal va + °13 moot w.atash wim A\ana sandal. (f.38b) sah pratanrt whias Twp tsa> — 718 Wwwwas* 17 ’ tra * § 16 § 15 ©ocoCo°o oo ee Mwhe 25 * deest Cureton ad finem. Mhpens” mearar’ § 23 ram cl SIMILIA IN ALIIS CODD. 13° N BD Liam. ad cttosaursonmec miss 16 9 9 FI ean OAM CoO tasalaall pexial oars tor’ petacn * —od2acn | ~_aal sass) Sixea | Ana? 3 RSeataa <“tAw | anda cla | Tose pe tare = arash i wi pet oe AMstAS. | ee ptas” ee is q ee ee e siy7 | ~haAdA ce pa0200 | Watans wisan | pa tora * pias 5 pcal pots wi | ie ie o_ AI IA a mn SES UENCE Ana? |eatama ~amilahs | wots ehama | za’ ial . apsdiis Whimizecsc® | Asam wot ruta? | WC amslalisn’ whlah a 0caIT | De Miars wmlna7 | whnaas cian | wohdma a atonh wi 3 a OKI SS Ge >t pate sir 5151 aca pe0 c b WC Sowa? 1° Sw a aalsé ania | e aaralsn AM ts | >> lara?! | eisazaa wanda | XLaM aw MX I to: Jasta® | ox.) mean Asa? | ey c2.x-A) peteawe © | Aro pam” zeta | <5.2.00 et eas ae [rie sis no brass | whaalms wailow ts) 2 aban DISSIMILIA IN Cop. CURETON. spetana params” *“srala“* 3 Selex X11. mlawa® same exam? 46 ow hasaryea* 6 Aaan*5 weir” aambhase em wits + * 4 (f 38a) we ature + ° a aais —! J TLE g@ AI>7° wzX+° rer +°*8 Kass to > 000 Rethhi’® ay ee “SE HA_eruw* 12 out praa* II mia* I0 Hemlet whaalea! to hut © ams” eIi—*$ 13 SIMILIA IN ALIIS CODD. 46*D fam.' dpae adq hora XXill. 3 'N om. Kat typetre 5 * Pesh. idem = rév ipatioy attav L rév ypatioy f ff, q uwestimentorum suorum, Diat.ar. = velamentorum suorum. 7%-*D fam.” : paBBe paBBel: d magister magister 10 * /am.-ader,; om, eis tl *'a Qui vult yr, gui uerv vult Tgeeb Cshidetnia van 62 f. 45b 46 I XXIII. ig) a 3 ue Matt. XXII. 29-45 >HI 7 <0 | tha? eoha a adie | pane wa abu’ pad, | Xo ~_aca\ [rth oe rtxd panne ”| eh XQ. whic | dun? * eae, elle waszs! | wales’? Sawin c ine i wiw Ww taX\ c-2 C13 wz.) | saxcas - AAst0 Ww 1 Phas hss Fe cot | Whomao jx? 3 | psesres mela | AMT meade 12 tans 8? ole tows Ciwst Cw) wha wam SA Koa! mo aos mola Il rtd 24 caralass aan | etn) Alas rria sas nee Anza??® mdhal? | azide’ Sadar | ai ohrsa ate’ tA pat aa | salsa 2? cal tear‘a? ol || ois aa? L_amim aw | am Irvotml methy wars’ | ml pow 87 whatacts |? .5t <33-008 Nae olan? | pA ae clas > e310 ° i. wal mlaa? i Na Tavita cal | oor am? miasra2? | nia? wot Meaxoaa | aim? 38 hata? | ald pedo path | padoas 4° Aer ard | st-o\ 41 Ties Bains | aca wam Iz | 223d aam? peyala | FAQT puna letmir aim to waz | is * asl todo? | im tara” cr 3 tae sta | ol to ° aan eiaswa* |] waml tr 4 aan t= ml | ato 7 SIN pasos (2 | \ coda? jtoal Sat | tas “4 TX Wises ml | tn jt 20% peda” ae vs drissa ch en sD DISSIMILIA IN Cop. CURETON. Aly oye vases? Caw Ow te t+ > ha? 30 mlaw* 29 wea +> milmwza* 35 § 33 mar’ + * 32 (f. 37b) sStsza— oS re hasar? am — * 39 .Masrtaa? am cam* 38 mia?’ (dis) nla? 37 poatca + * 36 Aang ease * 43 a ANIM pote 42 edam —? aam — * 4I Aaam ene” OS e>h* 44 —RuIaot cevars + ” SIMILIA IN ALIIS CODD. 30 ' Pesh. idem = 70d beod NL Geod ff, g, ded aur. dé 34 * Diat.ar. = © widissené 34?Deravrov bcdef ff, ad eum 25 (aie CAOlns vopiuxds 35? D fam. kai A€éyov d et dicet dicens *c f ff, q et dicens 37 %Pesh.idem. fam.’ 6 de Incots Dins defi, g,q AUT StS 0D. C latin /esis gue beshvidenime tealiay 37 3 Pesh- idem. Diatiare et efex 37 4Pesh.idem, Diat.ar. = c virtuce dua 40 * Pesh. Diat.ar, & om. oAos O1 erp © — alae Matr. XXII. 16-29 chrany | rene 3 maejara®e | hic To t-L3 phair ? | pace Ts waalss ~ArMo! | daw ams TaX_ wi | wis wl A\s rela! due als sams | * Nd a cia? a Twal = eet a a oe YN) Tar * J. amharas? | wns tA* gas craze’ oth | ar tol x3 = aa 7 prsaras* 91 .,\ 2 adam amin || Sim “adic .5ms | ~acn\ |. maze’ © aml tow 2? ota | cal aera? zi] Amar sal TIS perc | teo1 ol ptr 7) arma? | whashaa rim rial. Jassax saa7? sole) | wole’so tool ¢m577 1 asm ami o alira | ,manaza ata dios Kal’ | old pica asant ?| ‘asto Saas am sa*” al tow | wzam caaln “starve 74 | cal aac pirtzma | oa Di ?ymaAsS\ cohdim | Camb tain ol dala! det war ee ois gas? la | *kasmas bama .aam |! bur ques Cenk YC eArwa | KaAAM Mita Awa? 76 | sess ew madi hama | ris hha * amar | whaterto?27 | amshkaasl | ema Walda LO Rar ~_amlas es” aga 0 ey PAS ee Si I s~ tara wars | in?? “maam Jamia ei) aX eo whdue “amh DISSIMILIA IN CoD. CURETON. rere 17 Cwewhos eam ime emer eats! mwTawa’ piv” 16 arma” riawcaws»* 19 tora“ a AMh aris” ra —* 18 ~Naal Presa lt Masato + ams * S 23 tat ® 20 (f. 37a) Ato eis ml bal ta wear hasan am ste 24 ens wimarca smalrza _AMimtS . we KAS ~ dal tet aam how 25 semaurcl mead Saunia + ” the hotwewa™ 27 ear * 26 eas pao” ~~ husma whhure eam wamehadrl Damas” a~Niam whos 28 eal +? a amia — ham am SIMILIA IN ALIIS CODD. se Dabde iti CiGenOln. €i7rOV OUV np.ev 20 ' Pesh. idem. Jam.” 0 “Tyaots D 0 ae Peo en, cow, aur. 745 Diat.ar. ab cit, Jesus eau Dabied etter. Diat ar om. oty 23 *N om. atro CA esl aideiieeeiat. at, = GCs lec 2d. Ol. yo 3 , , A 2s A > A KOL UVAOTYOEL OTEPLGA TH O Ado avTou 60 IO 100 12 f. 27b 13 14 16 Marr. XXII. 3-16 >A I7 a\ei suza? mtal | Whohkem sana | . als tah rwasars | whaaln AD ¢ | wha whahzml aam | eh? arcal -_ tax | ,»marxas* |e aroa\ Atm tore | Sites tas ten | waht wan Trhaheza | dual abo! am .salm | pam Nat > ko paton* IL WA Meer dura .codatal?! Siesa dura ams | ss J aim? Dyce Scogece es cule A @a smanas\ | arse ashen’ ay || ~watwa? ® Beeches cr) wl a\.o\ laxsawa ,malis taza! wales am? rYXI0 7 hake | ,moards\ tar | essa ® jas *annar | ~amhiuama ana | Nasn 9 : on\ OAT paz | wi pe to7 * a AMA »cD | masala dual ,maato® |. adic Frere So Nasla* | Whetaw haal Naa* | azasa ehetaw dual | J aim wads angial? | .whahra ssa? | asaw haber | bus plndecwa cala | MZaD AwpALs wool wis MIBK | Ih wt’ asso | psc l? wale ede dis | Masa scat? oh gow 2 | whohems Staal | Kam! petaca *? | cal phy. “eat aca S| \ dal Whadzrms | Whois atm l BALL F50 >MARe5 | Manes? Maxsral | wala tow MAL DIA» | GaAs am) cman Mota | wAazoah IMANDACA PSB | TALIA Reto TX 2 Ain | partaiy 14 Innis CRIANA gad | eedAars’ a wala ang? | wx. alin patent? on.\ ta | wIAIMA WAAS ws | ,masamih? mhal aizza ! DISSIMILIA IN Cop, CURETON. phasmzwuw + 200M pricarat® § 4 D paisassat? rmataal* 3 wwhotel* 5 whahzsalah Naa’ ee OW priilo rata rtaha. mol oa solswl tna am mala 7 aloo ae” razz * 6 : whiay hi? aac (f.36b) prrisarsar® § 8 “roar eamhiastala wala cla\al Uw toara d ram — rena © hT ees oT TO ato” usa Aaa? 9 eames tasad h? 16 aamia®* § 15 mMatwaw * 13 “amae hohe? agaw* I2 SIMILIA IN ALIIS Copp. Xxll.13'C Dopare bedef ff, ff, qr, Zoliite 59 ve) — alan Mart. XXI. 34—XXII. 2 hal ,mosas | an iwaR W151 Peat I Wam? an234 Niwa wslal | sanas\ ? gla * area 25 1 IA i enh SEONET ITE GLA: eran 36 IATA TS | Kiara »mat\on ! | Raa ;maassx dura’ ia =| eam larasa rusars 2 || tte Xwor Pater ans? | ia tant tara! oral ~ambal ine et | dato * 87 . haam®* etc? | otal ,maarw 3A | Teh) (pan ae 2 |e adh. | anseca? 39 I Woetan Sane jhe? | »mallioa ats | a tal ,manar? x22 cal pa Oe ae salon aim? Jas) | Mim SAI wt SISA pasar Pl rater’ rtslal Vda? | sotaa Wain a5ai! -xan > Arar WohaS | - Odst5 2 Naz | acai tow * a AMIDS}> cam ham | cata hal a Shay erat’ ham 5m Mid! alors | Moheds Waal wate * | tic M\mt? uss 40 | whiamasha? Mae cae nares casa cal a, | cchaalss = AAs -_amalss Ax | mdr la* assax 3A |] Sxstda pet rica 7° p54 ene Iw | aw reaarls AWE mois. 2270 alssza | oral? 7 axs>za ‘0+ cal aaa | peta dashes? | whetlas sam tora! sax. Win .sah! DISSIMILIA IN CoD. CURETON. hero wsasm+° sare + * 35 tra — ° a taa* 34 a aia* 38 Whopw>* 37 stew smatarx* 36 amallor® Mar\T1° »mManawa® s®Matwea* 39 m\+¢ mbtso Camhissapmae? “wuld pos spahsasa + * 42 eel) sales Ar ao mola memtlal - ami-* 4o ruin tan” 43 Cewhiamth mohowa® wheat xe (f 36a) >a +? mcrowzh pmals Saha Lan. gohdo cacao As Nass way ia +° gens? § I XXil. Salm + ° miate cay” aam + * 46 ewhrela* 45 [* Cod. haam| SIMILIA IN ALIIS CODD. 34 '-* Pesh, idem. Diat.ar. = ut muitterent et 37 } Pesh.idem/= fortasse bce fi, Jorsitan 43 ' Pesh. Diat.ar. ff, om. airjs Age bide tlare omnes. 58 * Buchanan + ff, eos mMidhtas 19 Rama . smalls adh | wha. aim ~ 42 f. 27a oD Matr. XXI. 27-33 >HI +.) [frie res -_aal Map | ae Slaw am aw |? aml Iam > tah a aal | rstsscho pet Mido 78 | paiaa maaan” Myewn seas © to Nw? 1] asso l foe. pais | ca TH m\ aam dur! 3 achat | chstercsa?? © “13 “AA eal sr 29 Santas | Wyn 30 2- era isa . haan | iter) toca weal | Nica ozas I. spmdQnWs Miase! sant? plan Sy ee Mie wla jtm pars apo fo po sare aml toa! stent am ml eta woe 32 | oles whaalsal | a asiamsoi® 5> aAisaom? “MF tyra“ re ; whis wisra® § 33 aay) SIMILIA IN ALIIS CODD; 29 1~' Pesh. wae Ko. cA NCDL fam. ob 0é\u0 a Non Diat.ar.=bedef ff, ff, g, q aur. Volo 29 2? Pesh. Miwa sahhe wot whtews NCL fam.) vorepov (fam. + be) petrapednfels armdOe D tarepov de petapednPeo arnOev evo Tov aptedwra. abe ff, ¢(be om. £4) postea, paenitentia motus (ff, ductus) abiitin vineam. cd ff, r, postea autem (ff, wero) poenitentia ductus (c ff, motus) it (c ff,r, abit) in uineam fg, qr, aur. Postea (f post) autem (aur. wero) paenttentia motus abitt, Diat.ar.= Zandem vero poenituit, ef abitt. 30 ™? Pesh.. dime mila stee weawe NCL fam.’ eyo, kipte, xat od an7jOe D eyw Ke trayw Kat ovk amn\Oev a co domine et non... cit d ego dme eo et non ut. bceff, g,qr, aur. eo domine et non abit (beg, q ttt) f e0, domine, et non tbit. ff, eo dome et non habitt Diat.ar.= Ungue, Domine; et non ivit. 21)" DD fii 0 acxatos Bé torepos abde ff, ff, g,r, aur. mourssimus 22*-]) ed e iat Om. ovd¢ I JX bag | ay ~ alwar Marr. XXI. 16-27 b2t wahots gohan wl. rR «paar waml gare -pala pine cam bur ta tal mi nara wor oaarnall wheaneh taaw wsalsra calls wemaa ewhisteal wam gon TA oT wines’ wprah wamay masa baal .whistm mlw .yts fs wane mila mhal when wewiar> wie whh weal? .pan mrhazs moa .misal ps5 Laams wl wei esah ml twa taouls wail —K aww taa” 299m whh heaeo mo Shh hhyas | mdhszq Miaw ? petra Latah wassalh? Irvamh oon Waal atm | pars wal tara waz. | cis 7} “hh? eam w~irtasls wl ~arlaha | la Whaisasm . aas | Maa Ashuws bE | vial Own ow whe | a ora dh whalus be alezdhs *rm daa??? | .wtam ° wamia® mus oo te anmdh . aim.mha Mm—ALT | Mrazoa MImA »>7" cal | a> to relascal whe maa 3 arma’ a goaw P| bow saw plan pivaz | Miao * pstoora cara?! aml tara wan Mas) tim eillaz | ->ens AY tua . >A | atch aw” warls | ~~ asietzr Mic MATa | SI plvder marsrazss 2° | pion MAAS. eeicws | Mists aac || paaxsdza* pan Wim | zine pis an Ratan | oa ham a Ee ot? | Gea, SR) Ea) Coe ERE) Roce costing ete: Soni sae | SS oe) RE yee 1 te pris Sow thew * ar soa” ,45077 MED Wt pela swith .potsara amie amin por wim al wpime® wanl taawd Wahie tie Kam bowa .. ain risa Mota .wamarisl ws¢50 camils puihwa*t Qoetne pared puhahit ooo Mths aliwa ary whazs hoy hast rial, rN As aN hal whea eptlxrracl ->t7o taal era whopol ali? .caml twa a matasalh pat wih am te PLM efoaX. As wlana . wire ta wt wim eobim prwarm wm KASZAr .potmca aam p2ac .msata pMamte aam prlint aim mriaa? Q2230 . imams MAA La oe otmt mmr whet aa A= teats mpal ooo ews wo An Ls -emincl TRV EIA aAM twa .weAYLD mxjacl peta aa ais poimmea. whist ala hashe .gilzgancl Ls yan? miasmi raz Laa?? welilys dies pat mans daz aim wala mzid ~aml wd Ors -Auma .eaisesaa maas, samlal emailer clasm em nara .wniws’ emoha Caml garwal .merdis tttoimt 2 0imt samhamitana , LAT Sat wana pmurahtar pot wahiw -mimsan a wish whal. had shant am taal . ain pra mintwa eiasam miasms*® ml aston? culms whiam we lasm ©X5 aamM ~sardct ral \ia -Taand whtsath “Rama pata weaw! are eamnx cl pte’ Caml werishe .to07t meal maazae aam poiana SIMILIA IN ALIIS CODD. 30ND fam.’ bc de ff, ff,n om. xtpre 31 7? Pesh. Lamia amsinw hows Laima = Aft illi magis elevarunt vocem suam XX1. 1 ** fam.” Ov pabytaév airod Pesh. idem. r, Diat.ar.=ex discipulis suis (r, om. suis) 21~' Pesh.idem=wi//am istam —_7 * Diat.ar. Péshi= Jesus 275 12*Pesh.idem. C D/fam.’ rov Geov Diat.ar.=acdef ff, ff,g,q “a aur, Det 15 *-* fam.” ot ypappartets kat ot apxrepets 16.7 Diat.ar. om. atid L 5 rst 3-3 — ala MEAT T) X08 22-20 whesl |. adic paarc es odie | alin cis sabi | pate too 8 te pars etn ohm ahs | ans > tims 20° pumas pa Pat CS ashds Padi! eho * on * sazs™ aml ~aalmn° | ell wl ~_aa\3 | Maen -\4 ham SL 1 waco plan E aon eK) a-CY.-) AS a1? Wie. ass 14724) . so ' J aml woman tt wohiw poate caml tmea raze, Caw wisa® [CuRETON] wonhirs® gamals Caw whale camiisiaia Caw Camsim wamis wazara waal wams oy wamsT ~aas moet poo lw .caam wams cl ws Reet MoT enw wera J aal wan . masts wamsy sans K5_T pa’? wade) weet wal masiaa mrar Vhita . ress ele .emhest whe ol ooo em atath whast ps ela. casieh whaiaar emt aac Lt whaats paamhom wahoam wl whimzwe hanl Wabie primtind ca toh whim im “i Foocsa SS ghast® es whe welt owhthin pe wha . whiee> whaats aR tet ah .marsam p1255 dasha - hod ramha ELT misheoa sich whimrzur Kin wi Toacia ORE wet 0000+. Mame pisras whthim whwaarh “i DISSIMILIA IN CoD. CURETON. pea twat ot + 2 Mabie mara Kim wma .ohrhr* 23 maa + > 22 ax\7” taa* 24 ehal pa ti waaXbes® 37 ; SIMILIA IN ALIIS CoDD. 22?D dom. aire Zon aw. wom lncousees at. Cd etteft, mir, Jesus 220 Desh. om. pev 2283-AiDCe falter g,n aur. uwodbis 28 *D + tyueur de Cnrecter ex petxpou avénoat Kal EK pelovoa eXatrov eva. Eroepyopevor de kat mopaxAnbevtes Seemvnoae. 7) c avakAeverOGar eo Tove eLeyovTar TOTOVO [LY] TOTE evooSotepoa gov eteAOn Kar tpoceAOwy o O€LTVOKANTWP ELTN TOL ETL KATW YUpEL* Kal KaTaisxvr Ono Eav d€ avarecna* ea Tov NTTOVA TOTOV KQ@l ereAOn OOvV YTTUV ENEel GOL O detmvOKANTWp" OVVaye €TL AVW KL EDOTAL DOL TOVTO_ xpnoov abcdeff, ff, g, g,naur.+os autem (e enim) quaeritis de pusillo (d aur. ménimo) crescere et de matore (d magno_ b ff, g, minore) minores esse (ff, fert c minor esse d minut e minorart b aur. matores esse &, matores fiert.) g, deficit abcdeff, fL g,naur. + Intrantes (d introeuntes g, cum autem introteritis aur. cum introveritts) autem et (e ff, om. ef) rogati ad cenam (d cenare ff, g, aur. ad cenam rogati, g, aur. vocal) nolile recum- bere (ff, discumbere a ne discubueritis) in (ff, om.) loces eminentioribus (e tf, eminentioribus Jocis d eminentibus locis ff, g, supertoribus locis) ne forte clarior (a g, dignior e aur. honoratior) te superveniat et accedens (go+725) gui (de om.) ad cenam vocavit te (e te vocavit ff, ‘nvitavit te g, le invitavit ff, Ze ad cenam vocavit dA cenae invitator, aur. vocavit fe) dicat tibi Adhuc (e om.) deorsum (g, infertus) accede (e accede deorsum) et confundarts (ff, exit tibi confusto.) St autem in loco infertori (eff, infertore) recubueris (ft, discubuerts g, aur. recubueris tn inferiort loco c recubuerts tn loco infertort d discubuerts in minimum locum) et supervenerit (g, advenertt d superveniat ff, superveniet) humilior (@ minor aur. inferior) te (e + tunc) adicet (c dicat Aff, dicit) tibt gui te ad cenam vocavit (b ad cenam vocavit te: ff, te vocavitad cenam g, qui teinvitavit A tnvitator cenae): Accede (d collige) adhuc (e om.) superius (b ff, sursum) et (e + tunc) ertt hoc (ce om. hoc) debi (d ff, g, aur. tibi hoc) utilius (Ad utile e gloriam coram discumbentibus). p 54 5 [* f. 33b] I2 f. 80b 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 ZO 21 22 MATT. XX. 12-22 > an x AS) ee tO | Soto RX... os pe tan 12 | whastsa! ine pal ts | a Be Atss |. ZAR MIO. dors | as ar duane! |) asia waz am° 13 goasa? OW) pat | = Ac21s9 nod Yrora | AN pt am” . maw Cra) cee Aleck i PAs | den! ters? am Xl | Tee Ain \als eh? | ae a mater’ mam | Ades Pr ise or? [rans Rn Wud Par’ | win Sen Or sass | dual aw ated | tasasca Masaso Mater | Caan. iam’? Kam al | omic iN piasia was gee Cl cc perio" ae al mhtos ih | oman *? ton lzta\ | sass wa Palo asat!? haere ie a ‘ ps | plonird * palo cms boala | eamaius? J aml twa | Seta’ wo mla | ios pT OMe ots! wldhzia? miziaw\ Steet caar\ua || cas - Aupaia mésas\* | miazizial? ehazal | mianiasa | lt spans Waldhsa Maaala |. madara dlasa maina 5091. .%51 +155 2 amma | oi? h5t.0 hence) wis mi tow | A) GKGe) = o Sen Hee mi | ham wikcza . oi dhaXwo ais | aw vin wih? alo! JCasdus jt ml | naira? mmial wai | tina se mas ay aw? ali ~_ace\ yeeaing piilna? | Moass pasoison* MI tor des sah narae i? asl Ade Soms eat!) etal — adr ia? pare | SMA aud praia ® || sax chhaama * weds | pet mato! Jadu pass is! . amd to’ ® pecan? | ter Sor 2 3A Mea | tl? old eto” feta, | mlaa? ul\sa® xt | r* am naa8 © slant? | wth Caduc anc ali | Jacl team\? sma wis Shi . ain’ to mh sths Pee tak Le arm? adie s802° | inn) WIS Riv | (3 tLA® CaM” LOW cee | 2 Tam Wasp Adw~ ! FAQ Gilet Glen alas | pad WIMAX JarD7 gen 2tl Aga Zasz | a AIM Ac AAM10 | Ada tad ~_acmly aaa DISSIMILIA IN Cop. CURETON. g3 A sos! Pe\sy +c wwhdurw aw +? Sty Le) - Acgmow® 28 wwhas wim? pot +” Sel XX. te1* 30 O Wems ehey realasa rms awa? twa® 4 stata sa? pascap ta* 3 we lSa sia + 3 2 spams Ta? warcwa® 6 SEMA eh eodiwat? oma SS tsaa° aw N xe 7 - milan wcmast patiahsa° rai — zsawa’ ~Mhis wil wmta t+? pot —*8 canal Adw 1317 weat?®) yl,” CH gat we ttot” (f. 32b) vole eEP Re a winae trelaa . arm taa* II “SET weit” IG SIMILIA IN ALIIS CODD. cor Meproal, 0m: 7) TAaTEepa ee re Pesh. idem. WC fam.' éxatoitar\actova D exarovrariaowv bedef ff, ff,g,qaur. centuplum n centuplo xxv pe7-D pov abdef ff, g,naur. meam 8 ' Pesh. idem. BD fam airots devs Diat.ar. = abcef ff, ff,g,nqaur. ¢s 8 2 Diat.ar. Pesh. idem. f mercedem suam mi} \ a 30 fu oy Ut Ge) If 19 20 fait 22 23 24 25 26 27 f. 80a Mart. XIX. 19-28 > AIF rcs ee qos)? | tnasrs wharmw | rammoh la? iach wi? reals iam ml tar? “ne | cane eS maidha® | eg load qsar 2} beta ehh | oo oo pair dtd! mliaa*® ula 2 bars yon | San? pos Ss tesaQl! Wamds dus.* or Sars ths Wasa! [oo ramrs who. | ramha A ris | WId= pedir DI ralams stho ! .abhsder sabas wasl | atm um ~anhh | .mesazrs imias? As | ean’s mts shar wo! haw ams hth? fo ararha wamiaa tasth | ds Ladue? an’ DISSIMILIA IN Cop. CURETON. mass + ? pomia ? 20 e2weeva®* IQ (f. 31b) ast h mlaot+> rela*18 wha? wails wagon -+ © a hire Ke" PAE -Itamw woah rise ta —* 23 “Serato rasan ml wam bows Pam wmals” raa* 22 taaiy? TI tow * 24 asx haalsai-! KI tow © ror +? aam + P ae ak alsta aaa to Masah rmMatascalh aamx tA tot epah* 25 wasath? (f.32a) eami* 28 An” .a0 wm" 27 has* 26 wemsral! airs wimrahth Areva © SIMILIA IN ALIIS Copp. 20) seebesh, rhasl\ too = Diat.ar. a puerttia mea C ék vedrytés pov D ex VEOTYHTOT da tuuentute abcef ff,nq a cuuentute mea 22 * Peshoidem}” B:rotrov) sab. teen Diat. ar. hoc 24 *fam.'abcef ff, ff, g,nqr, aur. caeclorum 28*Davrw de 28 ?Pesh.idem. BCipes Diatvar,=abedetin a, g,N qr, aur. wos —— I cn aa ~ aaltsar Mart. XIX. 6-18 fame is a Ord ae ic’ w\ Odea to? | Aor? en I | YM> | tzIT Maen a3 F308 | rams aim? ml pate eee) A\ea wzam sam i tae? wasn ht | cal Shr mdb cde AAa zr) aia | ~_aal AW aM =~ aaals | Whaszo* | IZIN? —DOT par aaah | ats? & tia Kam et | darts cal petra 2° 8 GSN Wen hte’ cama | wTaXl? hs addr’ m\ || whoa) wta\. dus?) walss bur isa oe! maralh nace win ds wom i wl? aml tat whore | msl son BrQ haw 21? Lo aml cascaan alae’ | de wr whimal | ol Misa. | hw? isan aam |! . ammaNWs OTA | pat Misi.ms | hWatiscasa . Amara aras. | Wala dara sO ana | erie 157 6: Jaim) Jasmin | lina ! ean Naa] amzs whaala Lin? al beta | a amals Mts Fas0.35 | wah mi ast.o tots cr oy brtall ananx waz. | eam tow. »oasazaldh | © ams arsa air’ plan | a taX, lar’ * cai’! J alah ela shal pedir 6: * Miea . amals ma mma) Kasaxs whaalsa | yan e_doalss a | rasa mal? aales ml | toca ae WtAK -stoa' 16 eA dar’ Anzso fo ras tol tow?” walsds | wie his ee rssh | wha 4! ot dus. racine Saat, Ta Aq Rs» cal, mak, | Lalod wi o> AY... onl | tow plane’ onl saw 18 | Saxdaa +\2° DISSIMILIA IN Cop. CURETON. haszo* § — wrarm taa ling caml"*7 a ao Aina +76 piss * IO (f. 31a) eal +° wiaXt whiss? oor? 9 maa + ° a. aanl mere psa Nee harwn* 12 seme hal pet?) eaaxs +} 411 a\1—* $16 e000: Ed pm t* 15 phad J ohms + * 14 § 13 pa Naahs! du Kae" rel +? eras +*17 SIMILIA IN ALIIS ConD. 9 ' d ff, adulterit Pesh. idem = adulterium 16 * Pesh. om. idov 16 ?C dyabé bef ff, g, aur. done q bonae (sic) Pesh. idem. 16 3N L «Anpovopyow 50 R IO aeT — 2 I3 34 aye) XIX f. 14b Marr. XVIII. 29—XIX. 6 »na3 ae mi ram wat?) mba wam* dasa2? 1 J) hor et eA |] gx cc 20 tas gad tam’ | Ara rivat els WR 1° $wa MOI? MeN | Stewed bus maim ft wk .m@hass Aas 31 -_acn\ Kats | 03 pabars’ maaan | cet Ate AA era.993 | Dw ; : : é b 9o2atO | patscn 32 ekWamnx ora! Naad amps asawhur ? | aha! ——— leone’ 3sat™ 25 ml wam +o sel? tam wrar para 28 eae’ mga t+? sauthwa® 27 tse pieraza SIMILIA IN ALIIS CODD. 20'D Ovk eow d non enim sunt 20 2-2 D wap ovo ovk exper d aput guos non ero g, v. 20, Ubi enim sunt duo uel tres congregatt in nomine meo tht sum et ego tn medto eorum Non enim sunt congregatt . . . in nomine meo inter quos ego non sum, 22st Onl. 6 ‘Incovs 22 2-2 Pesh. idem = sepéem septem Diat.ar. = septies septtes GOT TN ee, om. 6 KvpLtos 26 * Pesh. om. ovv 26 2-2 a ad pedes domint sut, 263 cet dominum suum 264D bde ff, om. cou 28*Peésh.idem. Diat.ar. = ef mihi 28 2abcdef ff, ff, g, aur. Pesh. Diat.ar. om. ef 48 * Buchanan + ff2 sn 20 Piss h Pipe f. 17a 23 24 25 26 27 28 f.17b IO I2 13 14 16 17 18 Marr. XVIII. 8-18 > RADI 2 7 “path aw | peta pentn dar’ a eS may | CastX. cs as? | e rlvas *wusr arene 4 ar mis\y dur’ aa la as | ae WL daw aa oectawl | Sashes A eiais | amX\ dieha® 4 ATH | aaah | itso * jas plo oi ams Camsh wsals ats 2° °C pasaz51 porn | maar 4 pe be ppriaan® Ba T. amaartioon TaX_ Jets? ertsa GaNN | paces? Cow cash wydise 1? aaa 2 I Miea Wiaks axho® | wsth oar rial “ scnisa was calha®? asl | ayaa pa’ mwa A’ | rma re “asl a sad? reas ml tinaa 14 s\t els 1° seha? sth plao* (2) tad cap Rae Oo STAN RAY... (2 Fs | RIK . Masaryk 77 | Me sere ge »m\a | Walaa ,caamMaARW . War | t Nass? RE we | wean ton mazar | ed et? 228 Maur | hide? Wasax | Mas wash parame! wdhha wih waa Ass | wth ae as wah a wa | whearal? tor’ wai |! smzs cl pan facet ager | mass Eades PZ Ars | were \ payed’ | wssasea MN whzaral? Moms | exits saterchs mam! asl atm psa 18 DISSIMILIA IN Cop. CURETON. mA —* ow” — ¥aM era’ Q “ wiaas mam\Y> Aah? —pwhiha’ 8 porias® rasaxr> + » BD ELIMao M37 prow +710 Aieh® peas + ° rot +*§ 12 000 MAM Tass SIs aM easy ITT NED wheta’ +° MAA tA" mazha® wli “Lamas te malia® postat(t29p) ezael® caams? a Anasw* 14 cash? gabe to warha® Carm*I3 b-, ea\a ani wht? 17 were > a rwa* 16 KAT © -tanuls +? Anmww*§ 15 moa Jaat*® 18 Dury mam ® whrtal? SIMILIA IN ALIIS CopD. 9 ef ff, enzm 10* C fam.’ e aur. Pesh. Diat.ar. om. év otpavots 137 Diateae Pesh, om. yévyntat 14 7-* Diat.ar. = Sze non vult Pater vester 14 ? B r0v rarpos prov 15*Pesh. idem. Deooe abecdeifi, fi,o, nar, aur iateareseers 47 SINAI PALIMPSEST ‘[For. 174] Script sup.: THEKLA Script inf.: MATTHEW XVIII. 9-21 Mined ares Bee Oe PLAT NGS ieee a ee MPR an — ala Mart. XVII. 25—XVIII. 8 Mates coals | co asmz wl ral n° lis mi toca are -TAQI | SI aM Jamis oo red] Amaa . mace aX | oo Le OS rs 215 ato! ax ol tw miaay | 7 cal zor 26 aro) ATI. mesine Mw? 2. aw) Meas — ms 27 . pais Miho | ah? wardha .mmaa i whaa ww alos! amano Miata IS ;panasalh ? asta Mas’! ama?! , Lexa pals | acl 2a? Wio7? .wasaes | Whaalsas ot Rams! yA ais .m\’ pian ° I Matsa | asa tora? © amdhus | myuorwa ww wall?! sare wl Mal |] oc Mer eaamh? © asamhh | ien* saath malh.? | rm mx) WA! a he ca amansa z.> | all plan ta ts amt’ Samhs | ml eam sod .>5 | paisascasa1 oe Cae | pias 6: rimiet | amass! wsa\—a | MIA WtriwT | ast BWA Fei pensar? . aden ldzram ! rsals\ ml ja7 awe sd ads comrton wtaXh |) sa lew wldsasd | wads ou enA .WAiI msrAZ | DAMA wivasa | NG Ow Taw rot lo mate? ta a! dud tte wwe ae awl | deh BA DISSIMILIA IN Cop. CURETON. manm® whire cmiwa mol | 27 a cams + * 26 vw hse © 25 wzoa* 2 petara a—aarmtt+° aam+" amsa* § 1 XVill. “masaa premea ta 4.{(0228) via toa ww + © —aamha? el ower’ 3 mal \? >Manswarpn" malh pow +? Aanaa* 6 rama — ° real\ nam? dar mara” Cow —*8 wmlaramn +2 % 907 Rosie 7 SIMILIA IN ALIIS CODD, 27* Dexa dilic abcg,n 2h 27 ? ff, om, éxetvov AaBdv XVill. 1 * fam.’ rH penn abceffrg,knq,r, aur. de Tetet//f amas iat, al, Ch a= Pesh. iden): Domo deff,g,nqr,aur. 7s abcf ff, Lesus 4*C yap g, enim 8 * Pesh. idem: Diat.ar,=—ef fi, exzm 46 * Buchanan + ff2 26 27 XVIII. 14 15 16 17 18 1g 20 Paps 23 24 f. 71b 25 Marr. XVII. 14-25 >HI mn. ee AE tao TAK Whe exis! hal wars whe s40'!4 b smal | eau meXia war? st5 | pls jaw the’? > aaa” .,maatas paint rss | Aas Rtas PFs! pint Msaaa aaa | ariar.00 | on haste aA Csr AL red * wa | staal nl mn stoa 16 | Sass Qisam ina! whihan chow lav? 2? tara wax win’! \ 9 Cra Os | a ASTI. Ra ~ aahal | Camw show | ws34.s. (30 Ar | mim nAIa Lares | ma wean? ls waim® | sa\ b ymanssalh |? asta prem? Peal | am? ordre hse | 30 ‘on dvascorésal! isi’ paren’ © li! asal pia’ ola |. acai" Mato |X. at * hasan |. aal dala? Mea Wacal | ta”? ie a cr 7 r 7 is ator ANIA Var whan | aac “ham bur | alan” 2 asl iA pasa .Saxta! Mahews! wim Wiall | our waht im |enazs cami gor | lites psaamhs | Jain saa 7 * anisms” [Le “J i ry ri jonallaia 23 erie | wip sweets wldeos | zany ts fA am wh UF Lis 7 lade asa 24 a) 1 Caml dutaa mani | Masa. wdlh iho 0% e Lie al Tom Le aU rm Pr assaxl | wteamo™? iar? ats | sam ah mas taal mio -mdaal Ax” gaa! pew gw 225 jsepardt © pm. | XA a DISSIMILIA IN CoD. CURETON. ml dow wet to? pte +715 wal gearnwa mam wam easa® = lLara* 14 wae? canml+717 ware * 16 Pe pess HA wma .taamm whzisa ol bw tearwa + 2 wax hal +719 am mal > Fara * 18 meal’ *~ anharmom hazaas 20 mhonamalf “pune prwt? pimea—* eoom cmiamur® mamma pr east ® “atmawh (f.28b) rwamht am ww” ee cacn hal” pords DIh PIN § 24 ~ehlha emarla* 23 ret +7 § 22 Meheel als” ~asme trea’ 25 eihto Pel Wisma SIMILIA IN ALIIS Copp. 14*D Kot e\Owv net ueniens abcdef ff, g, aur. Et cum uentsset 15 * Nom. xvpee 19 * aur. Om. 7 “Incod 19 ? Pesh. idem = sanare eum? 217 ed. Nestle omegeai fx \ > > 3 \ 9 a \ _ TovTO d€ TO yévos OvK exropeveTat ei My eV TPOTEYXH Kal VyoTEla 24° *D kau erav tw metpw di et dixerunt petro 45 17 — alae Marr. XVI. 22—XVII. 13 “i My tama’ Acta eg aamsr wis” .paas whihr mmarla .smasralloia tara . aamz> m5 wrtian ah dar? wt am .erm? wamh wl .rtm rele wmles baw eaghes cls lh baw whlooh malo rhmal “i Ay smi Tasas othe what moet En »»matasalhl waar tae Wm" emi ph -Mstoa2 MEA, wot FX TH eT pa oaths whreia mas, ANaaza -mrars momls Cw weirs mimha HaX_ ream smears phialea mzar t5017 pa am toha? ,mzariy maaleh mimes Nha mass ae .tmms mraia eins milan a atar ptsma emanation wa pMaSKT wWhvanzhs wheat EIT MES LAA cede poo me bows Saal maim pm 8* semen Yer aur xain\ whe ta oreaes otal Joist mts wha Camals els .caim pisos ©0 OO Oo . MMI AZD=A ahaaisas pavarsia wransila . cancia a aasazrl eSOX2 TOT .premeis whe tho! rmaatt wars alobrezea? a ametauls DI wialA aU DOW .I Man we XA wor Atay IMahwmia , ers wer MAAGA Tawa »eamrisl marta -ainz ime’? samara linn ta mualea mzam wand spwhwat3 seetdica AA waio taar dar Mle a .wama aims ti am yam . rari Re a eon anssnacae sal ere reelela sy rzaslal. ms al pRERA PED AM KAM .twT OM wars pS eamhaw eloa’t camals bliin As atar ..s\ abort smarravalh asme tan? ,armz al shade mor arasina calorh cA seam Pwo COIS aorwa wdaym isa! .. amaaw ToAs9 wil, toa poh tan? Sematants wraamlh cle aw cla oom tas Krak .oarw ae ahin pine exancl cols cami FAWwA dar» a aml rad ooo Whiss had Em KEINT ME> SAAT males eA tetar nmssa\ » tetoarea rmatasalh ml aam plein a 10 * As pohat whe male waml gow! sssroal whe Ar mange | Wa eS OS RT| pat a aal atm! oa |. AC2I= -Z9I5° AC | ta Kw Mz 7 amt=za? GS ws Aw o> | ARAN. oP aml tor’ * am pls ds Avs) swamsalh alahow petac 7° DISSIMILIA IN Cop. CURETON. weaam +” ratmsam + 713 $oam3° MF> AR KAaAM” reales 12 xvii. SIMILIA IN ALIIS CopD. 22° Bom. npgaro 227abeff, ff, om. cot 22 the /esus XVil. 3 ' Pesh. om. idud ‘ff om. droxpwlets - t Pesh. Diat.ar. om. idov + I f 44 to iS) exe Valle 2 - OW O11 [*f, 28a] 10 Te f. 71a JE I3 Io Il ACPA 13 14 15 16 i7 18 [*f.27a ] 19 20 21 MatTr. XVI. 9-21 »>naI a) o_AM.a3-0 | 3 oe oha.m3° pele Ado | maa . amnion alar’s alas! | alr Massie . arian? | pabasal sav —_Arcal | law? 10 o.- ~ a asl | dime cml Ls cam | wis wadume wtlahms | wi irm\s alahorw p2t2 cn 12 | RAnarirta xstAr crs | 9 atm@xrit * iene “h g 1 urtete Adar’ Oma mIo | adiases © patstam {1° saa ._amimn e_amisla.s 3 | WAY atonal! © teow 1° tacos ya * am di? A wh nD | zest | MstMoF Maas om Axe 1° Wa AA 2 MaDAIITA La FAR AH pia mis | tora sarah waa | Ines waaalian potas hard’ |* ca\ peti | Szins | ia rim mal aia | orziw Mite lam Malet pata | tw osc am | pleases Loco amd pro AweN | peta wr 200 | asie’s” Eston’ I wadur’* ~ aml tar? am hur .tsarca mara .aace ein? hows Wahine Pim cam [CURETON | I027 MED - Odme Sey arars ol trae)? saw enier mis muir N ream tea mere earn 8 wtasazsd now mele wi rely mel mista wimss mA Naver waczha .shtal morse ean wim daa seancia am hin qatwhs Satz laa ams whaalar eaiist* wrlow Mhe wis . e020 Pen” jamz ER aM RAIS WEL AT Im. ar OR wams KAIKS © © © MaRS 42079 »mala A OT eA exuincls »Matasalhoa aIAM> Wea am thay smatacalhl Caiuw asauml’ cram wam rte WI LM pr? 2EADA MaMa poTa mrsyo po exrwia .»X. © tarmia ~plriacl Aya DISSIMILIA IN CoD. CURETON. wert? alae? wastes’ carmy—° wliawa*io ~ohlas® Q (F 26b) ALLS: 59) aramwt® II a Amamte pa —? sabia? wer tmer’ whl? weit *§ 13 .aTM Mw! ani +° wapatisa rexzetax +” aahira® 15 tuo ortasstee > =. pmatacalh +714 phos phe rexee SIMILIA IN ALIIS CODD. 12*8 Dabd ff, om, rév dptwv 13'Pesh.»la...aasa Diat.ar.=de me DL fam. fam.” twa pe Crva...pe abdef ff, ff, g,qaur. guem me 14 * Peshvideme 251 Diat.ar. = dicunt 19 *C fam.” ris Ovpas 21*CDfam.'abcdefff, ff, g, qr aur, Pesh., Diat.ar. om. Xpiords 43 — a alan Marr. XV. 34—XVI. 9 e ptr a asuls | har parasal Wsasa | NOx, ams tow °4 AN | 2 aasohooys exsal soaq 2) Lilo! rasa a er WE! a2? | Wena an | amlas* alawa?? weal | am? ,marmalha | ,massaladhl sma | petatam! say oaks’ | thadh? J amare | a alaza .axama g alee | masiw alas © tzin | per? aan pam . paisa TA mA wh. alo i wxasl wiz saa? ormilla | tz’ a t\~ on BBY raankh\ ml Whoa | Wham = wad | ol piriza cal paaizaa * J asama SVx2IA aptoa ! 2, e a AW Wawds | easan Wihms | Chow t 1 4s AN | pet aco mad | ook ie’ wl sok | tl Wao ass | wae WhtK bask, wtash ade’* saa! ol Siea Wai sara! ean’ paar os AX. acl | too? nwl—*g aortas ? (F, 26b) SIMILIA IN ALIIS Copp. Xvi. 2'N B fam.” om. vv. 24, 3. 4* Pesh. idem, C fam.' fam.” rot rpodyjrov abcfff, Diat.ar. Prophetae eq profetae 5*Pesh.idem. ff, secum Ova befh on, Opare Kal 7*Drore abcdefi; g, func 8*CL fam. \GBere f accepistis Pesh, oho = accepestis aur. accepimus g tab ff, q et guingue 42 ot 3B WIA . MIAIa | a ee HAL sa.z. eloal AOE un Se 5 ay; 29 30 sil 33 < MatTT. XV. 27-33 » HN wa t rah | ,ams\ wla wi on\ | Joa a AMI BN | ciaka ? ae alan an | wala? ac y350 | ee ca Ipdhhaisascd »9 ot! Sadun a ° toawa Medan | penscn? 7% . passa” dutch | KAN WAM pa | Rader ww sh Rac iaet As mil wdewo | waz? pan en mA? | para 2? taht | wa ca aAD>tnA 5Om "rials oA ons | niwa elilvs winss | met Niwas MIasmA? | CPadXw 7? Cams | bsra* WrvaXm eDOALL GT Kawh® | aid anzal ator’ 1° raXwa Xéztva! pllsazas | ete peter? * xis | aam ~toaahma?t aa | 00 wale | aam C2 SR--Z-IA path. | awa priors | YS TaXwa" we Aap toa < Aw) aw math? tea! pmanasladl tas. “toa? 2 ~ aml dula shal || pans’ ema. wilh | or im’ zis |, Pt wi pee © AA | gai ate atts) t. alartas | wood a sanssalh | cal pata’ 2? otetarts | waml J aaasi: eis Mim? | S~ria ola\ -~ams\=a\ | M5tAs5* raw = | Masmiswd DISSIMILIA IN COD. CURETON. “waxa* 28 pe patart whahta t+? gsX_ +727 asrmnisala* 26 (f. 25b) erars* § 29 “veh am em Mhis hamwhrwa® whi Kad et nl +? eTHMakaat two | acamar = aam how 12° 30 eBay, S eram—?” wloimewt® aam wre ta” farm +7 31 hal® asmiwa’ meowcai+? hal-* 2 alas masa! ava ° wamli +? “WED RAs oT am 32 “ax omnl emul eojan thea” 33 “mean me el Lar SIMILIA IN ALIIS CODD. 27 * Ber Pesh. om. yap 27 ? Pesh. wrtwa = Diat. ar. e¢ vivunt 29 *k om, éxet 30 ** & D Xwdrots tupdrots kvAdovs kwhors (D om. kwdhots) ab ff, q clodos, caecos, debiles, mutos (q om. mutos) 4 clodos* caecos* sideratos 31 7 N jams bce thi, o, Kaureonm KvAXovs vyvets 32 ™ Pesh. idem. D tovrov d hance bcffi, kute Diatiarn= istius 33 'e ff, k Pesh. Diat. ar. om. tocotrot 33 Pesh. idem? “Diatvars—7 ae b @stae G AI ma a alan’ Matt. XV. 13-26 Ramzy dans. whe! As? * gsaea as | ax am) .alzsde’ asamorFt | | air waaXy sami | asaazr 4 gor hh C25 ed | wi et | rvfantd | Noy WeaaAXS loan tors ctamls | cot 1% law ml tan !8 | eam? wlho dara ml | ta “Wars paste | AIT 2 aha plahom ph? erm wos | abu’ ca Ae am | meal wash Aas | Dh a) Naaz? ahi mad =a! ods wal por era * 8 | wduanhs wahem | ah TaX_ aM wal Sy aa | sai¢ ol waamm ? ama’! *nar am Mhaaiiaa | whauaita ciaksa lions | whee wharem .2a) | tah? cal pmasosar * pie’ | aloo 2? ataXa “RK toax | harmmsra® iw PTMATS XE | w\ aa wowl Saas | TaX_ ied aA PO RSI irmasdkl cal Sica | ah aa eS ars mdia®t | orMzinc i ‘ensdo7 Id eamasa has | vdarsin * Whdu | oa 8 I TOE B200% t-2 | to vs wowt® tora | hasta J aim? Smash cn\ sme el | vet am* 23 Marx 4 2 | Aa “ama” 23 moe 4+ Saw thew © ham manoa. wcla”® oA? “yo 2 tao * 25 wie? tr>" 24 A oA aag -+ © SIMILIA IN ALIIS CODD. 13 ‘ff, om pov 15 '-* Diat.ar. Pesh. = a Simon Cepha 15 ?CDL fam. radvrnv acdef ff, ff, g,q aur. Diat.ar. zstam Pesh. idem. 17 '~! Pesh. idem = e¢ inde 18 ' Pesh. asama= er tl/ud Diat. ar. = et hoc 40 17 18 1g 23 36 Vom f. 24b Matt. XIV. 36—-XV. 12 »hos AA 36 d mara? | = ADOT mia AAG | pas 7a QAM” petals. -X15 | -Xa3I o oOo AA | arewre. aa cr pS tor | plan’ Aaa Tasls> | mia\, tran ptmMa * rxstaa | Aw” mina | 2 ol! ast.o bata * BX wl i panes wascaa As | wesamlh tas ctisl?! .cl ~_aml TIA MAN | pon am? resass\ plara* | @ AMseter paQarsg wales || ascaa Ls Ladue! ptas wadue .an* imi ue RES Ete Ey Gen walt) ¢ assszcaa > A\ =a et a adam? | > hasa hoa” murcla? | asc Riss cat | 20 ae patané | mmwla ,masrd\ | trary? 37 * du’ ie pe ta i> teas owl la! mance? wl Sima2® .p1250 1 Mambhh Wats | yams”? < aassroaa ° Wise I wales his —adriisa iim san? am tos | ani’? ase Casals | pad ear | palass tet darn. tm ? ba etl) fast malsa c ~\ | tos) A cr mhadims Petes’ pier? ptaa~ camlos wan mial” SIMILIA IN ALIIS CODD. emecesn-icem=/esiva Diat.ar.—abcf/esus eff, t45 25 ? Pesh. idem = aguas Diat. ar, = aguam 200 N/am..a bce, fl, 2 Letrus 30 * Pesh. rtaxox = vehementem BCDL fam.’ ioyypov Diat.ar.=abcde f ff, ff, g, q aur. walidum 33* DLeOortes fam.” rpoced\Oovres Pesh. = d wententes Diat. ar. =abcef ff, g, q aur. wenerunt q aur. om. pabyrat 282 fi Stir 38 24 f. 24a 20 21 23 Matt. XIV. 11-23 >A vA omv\ | mdhisaw ” ,ma coli | al? .ponsiira MAIASD | plas an tal cr 7 SS Azal asayo | aka ,matpa.sa mriz |” ,manscalh alaza’ 2 in am | sMARAwIS? | Mojan MIh~A\ an | a sae scan AA | Gt Naz. 13 4 cr mal i : ANts mins ~_ac\ adic | © hia pp AEN EY | forks, Ls ba 7 e ail r zal ie a: I. pfor’ S amscatala |. amals mastdied | ram aad’ * aaa’ *4 7 ee is | | mt Fa l sYeee etd. MIS | ,mogsalh oi petra? | rst eam asa 15 fs 1 TF al saw 716 | yaa ~ acl A apps | sian a alia ezirl r i cat 7 at b cs \sa\ a OHI | ~_aca\ asm Jircsal ~_ace\ i wsasha wl ~aca\ ts S a ra 2 1 pa Tda | LP * x xP esas | 2x + pad * dul cal | peiaw : Live ea ~ aasodos? | eézal xnaal? NL aim adur Caml | tar *8 pada e eo ) e b THA | pia path ae tA! 1-35 psioal ° Aaxa | Wows wes smarazaihat ,marxacaldl | sma tesa | etl oo the! pale ems alana! Lai {aoe Lm . at WP 7 ax | Ordway task | miamaoia’? walds | a asdus snanacal al e ° r a) e | pmaxdasals cial i? poo Pat ing = aS SE ace” wxal tpa* 12 whail\ ae Pe iG: ria wesw” Iq (f. 23b) »21A-B ~psaa + “ cs amstanls° ol + 2 13 EID Ey . FRA ITAA aM eo>TaN KAR onl te tara »matasalh asyzo" § 15 vel 17 wares? tama* 16 ae A> 30 rotaol a olin 030 pala . am? aamnhmal* 19 ea EAD Awe Ne . ph aam poam alawi mize sama? waa — * 21 mmatasalh w arma? IMA To wos esa 22 ae malta Qe ay pecs +\,00 oN parade fe WE) mi + * 23 PA ee mem iga SIMILIA IN ALIIS Copp. xiv. 12 'k om. zpoceOovres 14tabom. éedOov Tae D fam.' a bd ff, g, q aur. Diat.ar. om. 3e 22 *NCff, om. edbews 22 >i, zllos AG * Buchanan + ff, t+6¢c a\ — aalrrarr’ Matt. XIII. 54—XIV. 11 ae 5 m is Sy : Whmas? am!) Sim ml asa | pe ta ae "2 acnmads | vers” cs \ | mara? Awmas’ to |) Mim wam WN! wlawa | Mila? Fea masa 8 | sama @ Asmara! Amasa Dans, | maura Tat | plea dioaa 57 acl poals | pales cal eaAsun ear 1? =e drak? mala r bw Ws geAN | ram dul = acl Sis as) Sar > ca aac a A\=a | Writs Qo lass an janx. a5 aduasa | mhis jee ae amhaizasa | hatams L a lant eS ALet cosvan 9 Po rAsasy Set? wrato | wssaru red mists 71 le =| ir 71 P adss Cs Aimee smaras\ | Ica 2 dus dus | (mo Wisma pivaal | Wam Misw ARS wrata?? .alaiss »X% | ria A\=s ieee CRS ES ea An wWiawr | das musica a 5 Soames? | ~ Aaly wis pews | taX_ mi cam ture 4 po Taw as | aT A\\mn mas = | cam Assxa cal\ nzal | wag 6 ja leoohkts &a.04 dis | wxatms msds has Ram 3.40 mA aam ee oa! Max Chmasms | mi jra0huwa?? wxatmi | ° dkeaAxna * Sarat f= = Lia | maw = ham | reals A\ = ax yo 8 | mi Nd smal aT w= e \s male i) i Ka 2 a} Ire ou dsqaa ? | MIR TASS ALwAst ML! MAMIAD MAIS aN om | AtIw c ical somadux aad || Sasa A\ma wham i L\ma calsal ol rat Le ag | mt AQaharol | wtawed has ae pelsedet | 224 A\ny* Yara 1° DISSIMILIA IN Cop. CURETON. .maa + ! mia —° “wim ehass peta a ama’ mins” 54 at? Sears por am 57 pa ep aaee + * 56 WN + 7°55 am” 3 (f. 23a) am + ? maa * 2 iat 2 A ee ke “nasy pot amo $I xiv, owhduirn \ wamhs * 4 waacrlin ® .M era + ” “wraya Fe\ rrahue mam dalm*7 mA +? smarmo hres +*§ 6 go 6 eivorl-} * = th amn* 10 SIMILIA IN ALIIS Copp. 47?D waca ny cohea d omnis sapientia csapiencita tanta aur. tanta saplentia 5s ‘aff, g, Loseph fabri b Losephi fabri 56 * ff, om. otyé fod s re; oa by * Sabatier c sapientia tanta Le BI 43 44 f. 76b 53 54 Matt. XIII. 43-54 >HI ok patacna* 2 ie | piawa ado pep | pa tain Miah aan cal dur’s od . amass | whaslras! © Lato? | ert TLE TOL IN ~ yar? hatas | sams wohl | wasanr whaalma cams “4 pia® | oA des Aa’ >I Sip |. mbhasssa? .mazd | *msares - 300 eohatol® oi Mam sot | WIAA) easazs | whaalsa cams sah* mazar | dtansa hal wae? | dutK to warm saa * |? outK 1 fot mk misia © ol duns | om As ale Mw hiass | whsi hss sal PR ee eee) ee ey a $a00\" CHAIN —5 | madam 3a °4% beans oa | As AQ ma | a ORL | plazaa? aa eas | IAI? QaaX ADddsa | “rss lwazrqaia anion ~ anes i rralss madame eam | iam 4 zak iain | Mads a A ~ ania © | Miett His rzan\ pecals | eatoo es ahishow? ®t | wae staua acy I ae can | yraldsan? wae ja | eter A\=a — ach tow °F | pe cra peta ond saaso > | mans hast? tal | rr dass haalel — cal »t2 | pation wits wwaz. | lz aaa 5? Ree | esi a ambndias |? Caml wam alma !.ohuasal! al whew © | ah DISSIMILIA IN CoD. CURETON. taa~ § 44 eramznal® mhanisast wermazn wort Caiman” wm" 43 erehd\ +7845 wheto® masia® sts lan mhatepema *Wia\ aware mantor his pot taa* 48 § 47 wheato sore da psia® wre — *46 »matasaldl\ rar a aml tame + *§ 51 ae ee pelea? (f. 22b) ygae As wm axrs + * 54 § 53 swhas wt? * east whaalal ralhhoar® 52 SIMILIA IN ALIIS CoDD. 43'*CDL fam. éxovew Diat.ar.=cd f ff, ff, g,qaur.audiendi Pesh.idem. 441D 16 d guidam ane. k gud 48 ** Pesh. idem, Diat.ar. jad) Jobe MN = ad lilus maris 48 2a b pisces 54° Pesh.idem. Diat.ar. = 2x civilatem suam 2 1S) x\ ~ alwyan Marr. XII. s1-a2 a-ha whasia Si Stews ~lds ~ aml “ac taxa’ * cajana**? mdute> J msii* Misra * ars | dass Kodo Kaw “aca rranis bem? tassel) K~aters whoasls Kets? otew wl ™ 2 mlas fSoms “sas SS owe ASS duzi << ° whiw iMlsotwardlas 31 — ezil whirls 5*§34 ae _\.~ wy beaks ~ ee ge = > se { j —2 ae rmasas-+ * § 36 Al ora‘ —— becewhnt whim Amite 35 worn § eas ° msxat1a° 39 ee ee .am* 33 (f 22a i bs) | = & Al se pin — wlazss = emia = 3 -I@Moaa 4 SIMILIA IN ALIIS CopD. _ ae - ae al cael -AemMm a bef a. iu. f, k 3 aur®©. 31* Diya Aclycw abcdeffi,k loutusest 32 Peshidem, 25cCtu, 4, 8,89 omnibus 33 ?>Ddkom. &adyoe aires - — ~ Matt. XIII. 21-30 »na3% aS m2? tas ol | dala Lm??? ml As.om |? wharssa “dima a darto | aw ma lar’ pet amt! Mm mz prts® TAA! E> psmana | ain? Sasa dus jain | ama 2? drake AAs | whi \\m ploa® Jthasnt | »eahoa? im’ walss am! waitza whims whal | xis Nass ama 2? | + kam etre 4 clsa ol | arene tee Mita ketey MLSKar iy eh exaryes |) Gee) Anhooma whim | saz am am ealda | Rara pdinn dara | rar bur’ nana? aso | titer lho saml | taka Awa wna? 74 tag? modetos ital cad tia tad | acorn whaal= Sima || cies dus taps Wwe | asalss Whew zie | aac ast 7 Say | Aste 7 CIMA AAS] Mame MA Aa 76 ral, lena? wl 1 oJ | patra ject 5 hal | Wsan eS PAXK_ aca paw 278 | tage cas I asa po |] Mdatas dst [Aim bur pe 2. XW! masa oi petra | waa 3aS asrzls> a adun gaol i aa resols ol Caml | tw’ J ain Jaols? pT lacanz ww 2? , ae AMTS | Khe AN a Aton | Ad pst ia usl | Mad tow a | Misd\ acaza ra onk | MDAN Wasa’ | was XS astm | ai ataera <3ia1 | wrsal a\al oo. iach | pairs Azan lisa DISSIMILIA IN Cop. CURETON. raaatin ? rw» aos © mo — A\ ma? PA horsmMtimsa + ” 20 Tarxa—" * smsa* 23 wima® “porw parma® »rrxalsa” am maar 22 a>toa* 27 te tem + * 26 —z aml twa aman wlan pot war § 24 wet am + * 28 how + ¢ ta —* rac + “whos tat mata Slo oils Te Onte iG Aol? SIMILIA IN ALIIS Copp. a ‘ 1 , c ° . ° ° . 22" C fam." coitov Pesh. idem=bfq aur. Aujus Diat.ar.=c ff, sstius 23° D tore abd ff, k q tune 23*Dabcdf ff, ff, g, k q aur. Pesh. om. ds 87 F Ay 4 x Oo * c (e Abbott) func ie. -a\ — aalraan MatTrT. XIII. 10-20 wohdlass® | am? Sim? al petra | »maxaslh aston? | Salm? ~_acal Fda | aN eat am? 11 "- amsas. | dur’ Alan wl et | = _aical ctwvhaslay Vie | acl .asms am a _aals oA dls pa » mal | onsda TX? burs | we PY ae eggs cdrlas ic | A\wa 18 caiss each | ol dur’n jaa am | .Arca° paS—aLda | AIA e_Ats3 wk cobs | RIT . AMD Mai | Masa ‘1Te aah pods | ths? 2 alshos cla || sasmz wl moc | tas ‘ean eases | mhasss eamils” wiles? 4 la .aoreh | wpwmat 2 alahmwh wha! J asmzh ame’ ator | Camuarta ico oan! mal pK ol pas dew Pate oe OMawtas5 a Osa) | mls a a OMatara | o_As1-2.) wis To one e_ama\= | ~ alahmia oe _AMaIT KD |e AS=ZIA a asaiarch | pscaaal® ‘pater e asus | ousal os .aals 1° Jrtoetta ress creado | wash ator TX! aso)? scars esazscala ats | fla ares BOOUC I Tie | pas tec? AX TATION assay | disco? © abun’! assar | lo “usm sabia ® | mam la whaslmsr 1 while omen xa Nas?? i Sxoins “lhom LU aim? | mal 7 ay cal | -alwa zo whe | Isham [esscae1 aim? sieha*I4 “abu ptm” Dabur wwe? a_opniy* 17 ala * S 16 am ram * 20 am raa* IQ (f. 21a) eatalo SIMILIA IN ALIIS CODD. 11 ‘abe ff, g, k om. ray otpavav 13%? D fam. py mote emiotpepwow bed ff, g, ne guando convertantur \k ne forte convertantur 14°b Prophetae(om.’Evalov) 15 Mk om, A Bik ’ , Kal lag Opat QUTOUS * Abbott e ze guando convertant se +t Abbott e IO giat I2 I3 14 15 16 17 18 Ig f. 116b 20 46 48 ape) 50 AOU Marr. XII. 45—XIII. 9 ra 3 wl cal | Cac MAM mdusre | rl fxs © WIKI | mdtum sama whas | wr whol gal ° pos || ,»masca am wo? | evaal * \isasa ac aaa 4 .ol | Bie i * acl qooma Mas | at aco 48 ‘oosas allsasa\ | peeae | matacalh hal | ora Azaa 49 or | ew AIS ar’ ® par sim? a 50 para? ys | Fe AA prico® Twa UN Qh} Sa Naa & saa »hawra | pwr’ Asam? isr on | > =Iw CLAD « Cots gee! AS wohl o Usa wam? | nas Mma. ams?! Whisams | mi wha nloa!l Sado xia mahal | aziadea? | ~ amas. A\sazna? 3 | hetsas 3407 As | am Mo Mz | miasa? eo steal | fat 2a wo cam?! toama wdrtlas +Xm Waris hase? | hha .wtaw aa! ds Joss bum ost! aaa4 Chula lo wam wnor ASaTey | lrexaw An * Naas harwa?® odo 6 hams | zsns esesa*® J Tear mdse ts"! wrako tas | Nos iteecat! was? 19 SyoN stn’ wis A\=na | sav? cass Ney? pot Mitema?® | ,manisae man M508 | axssa? wW5aa dus per | awa Wrisar hor’ | o WIA wmsa° Whal | “xis © -scaxsa |? tate’ ol due’n 4n729 1 whlds dura DISSIMILIA IN Cop. CURETON. pra + * 48 aam praca’ aam -++ ° waa? mam + * § 46 (Ff. 20a) am-+ ° 45 am tam? Aken 6) omen mma? wo” 49 pra’ 9M En” “.rwhsas mat mi wshoa! owhes ent waa —? amoa* § I xiii. —mblawa tamznt wha 4 mais —o wam—”’ Alena? 3 miaa* 2 rhazrs moa" maa + © rag root7 A\ na —? a-Nay Pet eaten” 5 duusatie © -row? AQ CPAAT momar hols A\n +76 - hwar -Manirwna © aalmaa? Klay when 7 dx © rout > + ¢ waazsza\ +> Aan’ .AQ>M2a a>ya+ 4 homosa hilar? whpvwa* 8 SIMILIA IN ALIIS CODD. 46° NBLff,kom.v.47. xiii. 1? Dabde ffg,k om. ris oikias == 2 7" Pesh. rtzas tam =lilus maris Diat.ar.=7nu litore maris 3* bff, semen suum 5 * ff,om. 6.4.70 py exer Babos ys ~ 21 Co * Buchanan + ff, At ~ alae Mart. -XII. 36-45 a ash apm | Meas | wheas malar? Chias | Khouw Taalds esa hae) ezine sis Walls? || whl\s* los dani us & .nanshh | walsa aa sami | taX alsa fa, pehonh | R= os mial=y te rs FAQ rv YAM 3 | wei rw cn peta * t2 te es: Oo CO a aml tora | ais eet 00 99 OS | ona Wad htt | _daaies’ 39 cal | sohh eh Oa War | asc? wht Whrasl* whoie See Case OCU veer iAete Oo me CSN | coi “iw 40 rac! | wine ow Whdlila! eA ea 3035 | MMtaAs | a wala pa | warlh xis mals 1° Szics wis | ceaIdaawd? Sa WADI | aN iets J aAmaa | Wa) p15 WIaK* MAIO 30. 1 od DIN Wma . pds7 | mdtataAs” ash «aso Smanasdha ff am Whote ws | MirS paodh Wisada | whalsn 4? 42 ena | woarzules mihmas | smarda Sins eda! | pa des . mata ~ Geral 2 I I rasadea lie’ zie | to oo hoa | whaails® vat * Irs mat wa ol | wards Cams hal | asa hatha JAI | The rl praodi Siw | adc pw tt PP Phar petac 4° | howe asawae | Ppato ta° mdhssrre | hh’ 2 Ka .on2* | at 50 psa ose | mica mMweay? saw ? wtD3 lin’ DISSIMILIA IN Cop. CURETON. asto* § 38 mia AA mats calhs® Cotmnris? wl\s* 36 FaX_ eaaonw * 40 hia ees whew” wa + * 39 (fF. 19b) sd potsarva +” rams + ° war? te fax feat las whiwa t2-aa— wrlh-~ rams — ” mit > mwhark por § 43 Mopar" 42 mhayatas” .msanswia® 4I peti prwar = mma + * 45 weasaa® ott? ystems + * 44 'jisa ~xasy SIMILIA IN ALIIS CODD. 35 2 L ris Kkapdias avrov 45'Pesh.idem. aqinea beff,ineo g,ineum oe, 4I f. 34a 43 44. 45 f. 34b 3) oy ee) Matt. XII. 25-35 » AI 7 a Le Ry aa | | Xladhas asl As | ~ acai tame -amdusa th? | wet tes 197° Wasns * * | * x % * x Ala dus MistTIA x heal —>Yscv coxa) AS * x 2 26 | maAoh d- *% % x¢ { Ais dx cra. Z.Ad ARS | x * * iy x x x ait eo x % % x% | % ¥% x %* -| x x x x % ab ae % * * * | * % x % % | x * % x x b ta =n 29 aie a-— | x % x % se | x % % x eet 98 SST) eee % * x ee x x * a ae * x % % | x % wa x x | Se % *% x x i 7 rico | Sasa tna Pyar 1 Ae ke cL we x l.rézirn ,ial . aashs | patava pcs | Naan? GE ry til grams \aa®? | ml ashes wl andy | pat riwat Any 7° Ay LAAT | pat msay Ass ja m\ | ashes zis mis! ls whia neh | esalss la wails | Mums KAN iol ashes! wh AIN3 Milw ams? awl. pak, ,maitaa cal | alin ras? aw 33 vals 24 wale | saad! Tal »>MAISA | EW para> »MAIMAA | rad | eis. allisasa\ chal le adi EE BALTI MLAs | haan? Mia\a | oman nan’ als wX_| Pam wihah? = 2 aduc Mza> | taka chal, aa | oalosx : chal, WAAL | a eset DISSIMILIA IN COD. CURETON. “pass ealol wealio wwa™ .pans cl mzar bat s5dna? ~amraray?* 25 WIE Cae pan scasplaas craw awa”! .mhaaisa* 26 WNiam waa! ~ aol aAAM3 « AIM eIM A\ = -eami peoaAsc Micma> e AALI> .g AALIdS =_ —onals hots loam cere maw nam wailed ewats maw eI” . cas rasmus (f.19a) mhoal Nasat aw 29 Mead mano sealer mhlaan -Mho> 1003 poIoMa .jamms masmul ml syoa0l Cw ele wma sa yansa Min tran * 31 attasa +> rls? 30 b saa cam plasal psan wan mls p80 eStohm® posto atan’ arar?* 33 mxztact +4 po —c Ans? —ymathan? » Matar ® 34 SIMILIA IN ALIIS CODD. 31 ** b gui autem in Spiritum sanctum blasphemaberit non remittetur tlli peccatum. £6, gui autem in Spiritum Dei blasphemiavertt non remittitur et. 34° k emittt 35 * Lfam.' THS Kapdlas attod f cords aur. cordts sut ae ~ ala Matt. XII. 10-24 | hhaw cans Milas | Maas Aw StAX wma! | L amhzasal le alaws a AMSZIT Pike AM g WS pe haa | oad anen pimizca Mots. ml duns | a AA TaN ALS | ~_aca\ tow 110 To wmsl2 | ml aman sa cla! whass rg pm, free Buy Tae | aaasal s am Ale pave) Mats zinc | I> tb dks Aasco | conan? Axaa wr | Sara am wtadl | war potac > WALI i ralsa ,mals anms | wr.3d ana 34024 | mhian ae duo ha 15 loins alia an | = are Ba, rot es As sTAIARDAI? Liss a aims? Lams | Wam* wrviaal? Low | Camlala? weit nin | aserts® grades | anc elodaal? Lats: Jo od writin eer ee) x dal on lx o« « * wor? l | Ram tows Seal loss) ass tain | wats Tard swat! ** « moa « ¥* Mss = ain 2? eamilo sso aw * II ccroral what eaasn > \aiss* ae) > ymasalia mA xan omy? waa —* 16 “yy amlal poora”? onl +* 15 ms hwamt -aanva.m> hil os (f.18b) toa wo * 18 Karur waas* 17 Seo ec atnms eaten? mmzla*2I .tohha*20 «oars +*IQ 9 *.prar ama swat twa Pana WINK mmals» wam hows? smasato® S 22 pas ci“ 24 mami? aam+° .merad —amia +? wtrmthmaa® 23 Se TK SIMILIA IN ALIIS CODD. /13'Pesh. idem. abe ff, g, manum suam 13 *abcfi, ff. g, Pesh. om. byiys : 25 2 10 EE 26 Marr. XI. 25—XII. 9 >HI 7 eS Ca \ Ware NOM two | Nas Mid Misi 27 ams ?> | gard’ dulra rasAss (= | poo aMay VAI sa | Mami WIT mide worm \a??7) ware Made Mac | AMT XT! ine © aali\ word wla? | Yow aw wie pal | xa au wa row .D | s\ ah 228 | al vlNan ate ae" | aa RAS) Ie wre) oss wie balanza?? ~ aasuin ira i rdisam plore wand | aasla shal ba asardia sails ein | Waam® tar’ sate oid | aalsa . aaals jt po .elils slsama lam yams XQ! »1°° ~ as hzail mra3 das | Oo ehhaen Maat? Lars | cam whos mMis1 ams"! 3a 2 ee 4) wiay esdisa IY op, GUL ae seh) bh cane eee masal? | ol po tae MrstA |e AIM At» LeWeR) PERS Res | ohio A Caml tow? | ee Ais wis rowala? wales | dual eam? As prazaa + 4 mam@ol oe cle mas bord wlaw dawnl wane Pmls cake pul pn ml pales carm wlasms mamas .whotas wahoo wel aw? (F182) ssanuls whrea* § g — 43470 eg maton sain boca i clita .whazl SIMILIA IN ALIIS CODD. 26 * Pesh. idem =Vater mi k Later mihi xi. 2 ' ff, k om. év caBBuro 6*D yap d ff, k enim $ ys — a arlrar’ Matt. XI. 12-24 I realy revo sow? | Sansa? pleds -sad. | 0% isa am DT TaX_ Se 13 | ol pal sazs C2» « ala | wamaznnr whaaln .m 1alaasal . a abin pre aKa 14) Qasr pial | sass * ram o Scars * tate’ | ol duns o> wart | aahas ale asam pedis | eal \\ Mam .wam | Whotn? matic cet pa —odr04 la | aah ahs x amstas\ | ulna mMoar> AP pawas al? tat P whew !8 . 2 absoin la! wash plea Maries mts | Chwal? mo Wate 14 twa whe wlac) Jaw Masta | wahna laa’ WtaAY_| won * stra whxa! Law © mais* ~22 | wrhmas hormica | alsa ri. 493 »QaoX plac’ lrvhars ansowml | wars) Kam tz eo teocr 7° sal 5a paITAS | wal ya toamwat2t ash?! la Wad Zhen | psca> Jas pAD aacmx | las aam o 330 | toe ales Wise | dus yes pal Mita | | odin RT TIAaD | saad aM.) 5303-903 Lea la® ata 2 24 oo ahs t DISSIMILIA IN Cop. CURETON. whorl? § 16 earral+*15 whotana +? 13 (fF. 17a) meatra? po3+*12 ~asurne + ° mlawa® ao-+? —aahal* 18 -petmarra + 717 rats cl harwa* 23 yaa? a ela* 22 >h* § 20 adr + * 19 rest» ham” (f.17b) (as aams palo rw! aaa ° Dele, perawthh rasax\ mac A\=n + ° 24 SIMILIA IN ALIIS Copp. 19*'CDL fam." réxvww airys ac df ff, g,qaur. filits suis k omnibus filis suis 20* Pesh. idem. g; Ths Diat. ar. = fam.’ fam." 6 ‘Tycois 20? D Diat. ar. d g, om. avrod 1! Pesh. cam wawa= er dicebat Diat.ar. = et dixit 23 *Ferr.9 .. . bWwOns 23? Pesh.=ea quae Dhiat. ar. = fe, q quae fam. fg, q Pesh. Diat. ar. om, jay 26 f. 96a 20 21 22 24 IO TT Matt. X. 41—XI. 11 >A cn Asam e290 | Asam? rary ah NO | ra3 mx> A) tai? | Anam mioziy | = Aso 4? . 90d Roots | Sh ONS Mast) jz | mo.s5 Imchanalhs sas’? Tas | RAY... = toi RS Fato | asN eon | 6 mith sors ls) Waal ato aoa pix ,maxacalh fF tesih\ aroasl | tm” mix aan? ama! TAL AA gst | plwas? .amhpasm | aitasala aalsal ah a | cal gure’ | coal wlza? ,mamsmaldbh?? i jaz a ta1* ,manras. | Wiawr dus tora |. 1° Manat pLosirs’ | panos * AN and | waecs am am J estar Ima J aduN | tet was piwaal | aas ali . aml | panda 55k | polos rr udwa phy | asad TaX_ co ° —odur Avady tls | cal »manala® "ama | rouse * assi We twa piss Cs As | pezsal goorsal ao Io tx pasion > ahs yaa?! 2 I rsstho! esotss® | aro eissal wotanl | Wahoos is Woo waal meacad | hes aX eres | ohne aim pm2§7 “wl we 6 -petamoimes miamsaa+ 75 waz 4 enorat* 10 meaty P whet *Q cetephhon! ray tat © eran? wam+° ae Oe Kine Ere? — mals SIMILIA IN ALIIS CODD. 42*Dbdom. }Lovov xi. 2' befk discipulos suos : 5*kom., kat rrwyol evayyeAiCovrat 9 *-* Pesh.idem. CD L fam.) AX ci e€n\Ourte idetv; mpodytnv; abcd fi, g,k q aur. Sed quid existis vidire? prophetam ? FE * pe e 2 o> “ Bianchini b ¢azéz72 3A a ala Matt, X. 25-41 pastas ato | dass ootsal Wa mt | rapes! cansia . m3 dul Oca | ~alorh Nasco wh 261 Loto Miss dus | pial eaaha i cis . -xhmar ial. mlx dus rths toons | enc taX Iman J ahin | mature Maares Jaal | atuees mam?” las wit 1 AS ata oe AAI | ani pascans | jamma : A\vaz\ i. whale w\ Sza10 | WwW piilos palors’ (| ~ alorh Qaim | R! eto ma BAX | dade 2 aim? the’ 1 tae Sains babe |) eh ONS As whilaa maw As | Whisa ;masew As | wt" Xalanws? 36 ohms et jantt «927 | .mdu> vis WiaXa || ,maaortasa TasstT | 0 eh Wan “Nam! sds (2 dhs marcela? | ,masc\ Noy | wis Ana 38 WN war! XN am >An 2 whe |. Mam aS MID Jom d3 TX Pazay | La 259 JN wan Xl sth | Whe maint * | Aa ass —) 40 | ssa axs | dni al~s mvs} gpaix Aaa? mozcas (2 eee yITILN al | \so-? Asan Pon | aa be Naas am a\ ~ aal DISSIMILIA IN COD. CURETON. mune stot+? iam +* 32 (f. 16a) (vill. 23—xX. 21 e_ahare deest Cureton.) earamh wl —* 34 maanclsa toa + * 33 ror ° raw + ¢ Hawa’ SEAM CATT whata ° .eages +? ict S reaiwy hob Raa pena? “yaxey psa 39 mast .* 38 coarcl aw * S 37 laws oak Naor piney pal“ go SIMILIA IN ALIIS CopD. 35 Din becdff, g, k aur. plum 24 26 27 28 f. 37a 40 41 14 15 f. 37b 16 17 18 Ig 20 PHC 22 23 24 25 MatTT. X. 14-25 >HI AS pO-AIt | rm ~ aris woz ia | ~_aal Asom hs ae t2eSt 2 _ah.ac | sca Whist mad am! whan oo ead parses | tsintls waal ean | tow poral | asddia | hes .am | adqals ro.) gehts fo arn Mda> waxd | Ram) WiaTIANA 000 . SRT ptas | too See asl ar | ins cud co 1? I Ids Wer arama | whade ver asais | diam jetuax haal cask salem) zim pis em ‘atom! s amanh'! SaamXtiona alsa jaarsa 38 | wamhraias .asias\uita Jantant1 wa 19 esas ja | ocala sambharmmia!* sax L\en? sas tX 1 e_ash soho atm | fim’ Ader mi saal Ary . pallsasa J adie’ | XK wan Wh? 2 atsahs | to who fa >A aor BX! salzs 22 RGSS) me\isasa | SC asaar’s om wat s ammsod\ | ais - Azania chanl | opal wara cham war Jala Sze .15! Jal pais g_aacmia . ain! « adusiia || -o: +o ter ac Watel | ors faamay Bt Sid misma! asl asat. . ata! ims ._aal eearta* ecca 7 I> rater) Wash asa ! Waal want eaters | ea” <3 tard a aclaa? | Ain’ ~azalzh elx aaah | ars’ tow BX pourra dil 24 (Sis moto WaT ) oo . datos’ | dun ATA I nar Wacmix aac | ml asa?) 5. mat A | shan raacalh DISSIMILIA IN CoD. CURETON. (viii, 23—x. 31 deest Cureton.) SIMILIA IN ALIIS CODD. 17 *Dacdg, om. dé 18! Dorabycecba abd ff, g,q stabitis c*adstabitis k stabttin 18 29, propler nomen meumt 19 *abk Diat.ar. om. w@s 7 23 * Diat.ar. om. dé 237? L fam. wav é« tavrys éxdiudEovew (fam.' dudxwowv) tyas, pevyere eis THY Erepay (fam." aAXdnv). D eav de ev tn adAn dwxovow vas. evyete ets THY aAAnV. dd St autem in alia persecuntur uos' fugite in altera.e abq Quod st in alteram' persequentur vos, fugite in aliam. k st autem et in alteram persecuti vos fuerit, fugite in alteram ff, gy quod si in altam perseguentur vos, fugite in alteram (g, aliam). 23 3 Pesh, pala Diat. ar. = omnes 24 *q OM, ovdé dotdAos brép TOV KUpLov avTOD. 23 * Sabatier c stabetis Tt (b aliam) an. eo alyiar Marr. IX. 35—X. 13 e ram .a\sna | Metdosa Whiszm5 | tm wan wicama he am | oma .whaals | whine am tama! 2 amhzaias a cals sosthee’ E18 | pet rte wa 28 2 mtaa | Maa worta Jas 37 TIT tea | aN ~_aca\ duly is | es PIL aac pris Mt | at Asso ass 38 petant | elsaa YO WT ew | sana did ~_acal |. oma mdash | toa! cat «aaah miia | oars ST aaa I's optaa’ ora das | aimetmala whdll eat | anaml wallaz MASA |. Assn amo (pms th | mamsalhs comms pica? Wa | wadalaga? yy>1 435 | plwasa spanssa ;mau | Wasitica |e asmazat ‘,aly t5 1 anssa mam sha | maha smalah I Wam* amx <\astam | Waamsa Spans. | t> WNamea Radin 5 Sasison a OI sada! ,manssalh yorth plas RE) CRRA matata —alincd | wk mss Setats | sami tora dus | —) ds\n meis\ me EN ali wiwé alah WN) otras lrasansa whaalo hots | atm ata Cadlin’s | tsa” Aaja | Neo ana Wartza | aan M5tK_ azo | Wham amd Wot © ACMA MAMAA | MIMS aaah a Aink wi 2 | asa X= = adams earth | la estar isath | lal? © aasamias xs | wl mdhtase | <1sa t@Qlam Wan! wthay cla dims! la ahaa raz |aism ples .adsam ! «abun esa mata | tare} | onal a ahi’ wiss rina }2 adi pat Moats | aam pada am dus | wana wa? “am wdualt! wails asm wdual | pad a asals - ascailsz |? WArwa smalls wams" | — dasaly DISSIMILIA IN CoD, CURETON. (vill, 23—x. 31 deest Cureton.) SIMILIA IN ALIIS CODD. x.1'Pesh.om.macov 3'abg,qom.xai@addatos 4*beff, g,k qaur. Pesh. om, cat 12% ?k domum Pesh, whess 13*Deore deri 13°Ddom., 7 agia op) ht he 35 Ub Ute 18 Ig 20 21. 22 23 f.115a 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 SD Mart, IX. 18-33 » R35 rs il rma .wamms wom | dim or am a1). thihes ireum ,rnIDa Yura on | TNL reac Nas wa | te a am aALAIS lam cas Mie . 40! p50? . Kaha SACHIN lam Sw dda lL aX | ham t amr lenzarca rile dds | MA tat dull, Sool i ain aml tan 4 ITADAM —sat AS on . mals aagm pas! et 2 Aig MAMI ad naia 2 dks | mbar t>0 ome | oto wae tal am! rial pata | »mansrt «t= JAX Aa 27 | soo NIRS las wag ial, wae raa2? g.a11 mt | pis musth? wt! las psn hraw adn pai 22c2-S2 | ~_ace\ TI acim |. aim m\ asta dual cr 74 pa-L-Sascn-23 | = ew oak po Ta | WIM RANCH Wiw | Aron { aU UE a |e adhimsanr Misa | tora a am.atash DID | ete 79 Asin CSCS CC crass kes Se whroadhd MrWhazvs | moat? ~aal rad.) | eta irc esals ae | om ~acal Tora 2 15)! ~ ams [résints os aah i ean dal ana an art waim® . adic leas ml waAty ae | ete mi acto’! ana tho 30 32 on | WZAA aam pe rataz0 | .aq@ ak oe eC) \\=n | WASZL min pai Aa 33 76 Autor | bus aam@ stad | woh X<\2 pe taa DISSIMILIA IN Cop. CURETON. (viil, 23X93 1pdeest Gureton:} SIMILIA IN ALIIS CODD. 22*NDabcdkq om. Iyaods 27% Lakom, xat Aéyovtes 307" a Diat. ar.=statim Pesh, wimg, confestim 327Pesh, Diat.ar.om. ido 33*Dadk Diat.ar. om. v. 34. 21 \y — altaar Marr, IX. 7-17 cays. | lox jana 7 “dual | Siwa ois Sanz | pas txt acl | SWoalre\ aaa CALETA | Alea ezaa ate taal mhsal Sieo Oo: ried p15) | calla Mia . Mt fap dua | ts WtaK te e329! tar ssa enh os piza? mins | dic moa jtho =i pen Keygen GNSS Gane Pen I aaa ira Xoo *Womoasia | readies” Odd? eduas | pacasim 3A 7° pets AA petsco i peencens Aplls a raya poses AlQe. lar | alu W243 SOX. asa | pparacalal pte | xste resales pe-1-2-1.09 w\ | trae wae aA et am eg edna a dur aal, | pet alin 38 pewAS a5 | ral pila’ Ae . amr j AS IrfooaW tors bode | HX SA) when lal ass Mis aim par | smarssadh adr param 4 | Whasshl’ calel iw |. Qrartadadas® pdisnted’ | EL eMee MEESTAQ pLande’T | AISI pata »MAID pasArsd | wi a ~_acal gow > | ATs wi wensalha cot | 9h sams iden | wos lor val | Moai | oo .a704! | pesca ihe «amis | lsdus cha, ia als) wher As whtaw |) Whsasie wt xe wil lot rama eainor? | mhalsem <“dhim whraws | wham chills i. abe wT pat ZS 1 awa l? Maman pr -kaD Maia rach r Sts ama “Was | pcr Wie te AC A | a amatha | Wadiae ois whae | tow at ie). tow DISSIMILIA IN Cop. CURETON. (viii. 23—x. 31 deest Cureton.) SIMILIA IN ALIIS CODD. 9 § 10 ' Pesh, om. idov 10 2-2 C dpaptwAol kat TeAGvat Ir? k om. 6 diSdoxados Dav 13‘ Leis perdvowv. g, ad paenitentiam. clin paenitenctam. TA earane moka abcfff,g,qaur. freguenter d multa k Pesh.=multum 16 * Pesh. idem. d nobi 16 2c q vestimento vetert 17 ™1 D pyocet o owos 0 veos Tovs acKous d rumpit uinum nouellum utres gy k rumpit uinum utres 20 * +a + Sabatier c 7 poenttentiam IO Il I2 f. 75b I3 14 15 ro 17 IX. 28 55 ot Cie ime ea CO Matt, VIII]. 26—IX. 6 > RIN a ~_aca\ me} toa 7° twin eto | won A\so per’ 2 350 | cal Meats | rcAa so t2%2c | odd padlass wisl | saz.’ | Qac pcmasih ein | et 2 aM 27 ety ale | ama a oo cal | pacar MeATA May | Mic Aim’ tora | eataX pth mas ALLA | MaTTAT StS waS aaa 28 A aam »andia | aN AAM Mxraza WIAs | oe amals a _ Acad’ sr asca'29 | wataw j»m> tas .kWwoam! warm wie “\n!] Stas lhe oles ts | unio \ Ma pstoaca | ot wins Nol ham rant | ! am Anles DISSIMILIA IN Cop. CURETON, (vill, 23—x. 31 deest Cureton.) SIMILIA IN ALIIS CoDD. 26*beff, Zesus aur. 75 Pesh. idem. 29 ‘abcfg,aur. Pesh. om. idov 92 Pesim om. tov 33 *-* Pesh. fere idem = ravta Ta yevopeva 34 * Pesh, om, idov ix, 5 “abc, g-aursom: yup ee a alan Matt. VIII. 13-25 haxrs osa | wi rams hisasms | Mrsaw M1 am’? wazalal? " cal \, | salssdie ° mhsisl | twa eas . assirs | mhial SE bint Io dszs moa? mad\ | toa i whew ol) Maaco Main mMrmyz » yam !6 | <_aca\’ hac xmxma | dhasa wher’ mhoaar AAwa | Caiczw ~ aca ram dus | lar —acls cal? apto | pot an’ »wor |? pawns -FaD ZA patura | ovkimns ~~ GSS las. ama Cam tows | Maser? toowhews pas! isd 27 era No | ttn tT? . to0* pat ete tA TP | Gicotas Nanzsa pt” t\_ two 8 SON wena Wire \ ria Mih> aam poh? wial, t= Wena? . ahasatsal haw” warm hic Ke ot .atca ml tawa . ml TX Lo SIMILIA IN ALIIS Copp. 12 ?Lcff, Diat. ar. om. otras 14*CLfam'Ti bef ff,qaur. Pesh. Diat.ar.= Quam k guae. 18*NCroev abcf ff, g,kqaur. Pesh. facere 18 ?Broev abc f ff, g, k q aur. Diat. ar. Pesh. = facere 19 *Low bcg, exgo f enim 21 '" a ipse intravit in vregno caelorum. bc ff, k q aur. tpse tntrabit in regnum caelorum. g, ipst intrabunt in regnum caelorum. 24 *ak om. ow 29 ''k fartsael et scribae eorum. b Scribae et Pharisaet eorum. 29 ?Pesh.idem. C kal of Papiscator. ac ff, ¢, qaur. Diat. ar. e/ (ff, aw?) Phartsaet. 16 (*f.10b ] 21 22 23 24 BS WH Vil. wy AS pS Mart. VJv23—sV lige > ATS Cte amy > . am any >a wimar Asam aw .am azn» mia FWA Av oe iNew a a ee Die ot ar .saeg magemle cams twl els cots ih wala ware ow vl % waammla wlasnl walel wechie prmazs cA . ax rsgercla ¢asms tol Tl alawch mam caazarl aaderh ceAy wcanl maw tae mam Ibn eA when pm whos HX eras Caralhk mam Caniial clarwa p trim wla toto mda peads ela . amend whwias azan% .mmani ps -e OMA Pwhs eaduirKc Asana! wl eam Tophs Casax >t e anapwa memaranlh Ninn owt whare ohmas Ls aamaml mazm’ anim YI aim?” ~pord rmla ples wehs . pasthe waar wiser weamail aw .. alice Pde" -peMhaaw ,peahe Gheanrh fnlaas a amasls wlaws a aal Kips pLsona 29 wiaths Laie Nalhes tuma wrmahow pmact wistt Kiemal (os ow”? ceil whasmom ogame ol AN sha a assis* Siam wma wala wale pelo oremahs mama .ewhes mama Jaacs eam ccemeha a oderwh Aisa eAl* « Qaag>~ F4\_ aM ~At . pom pads KART am rasan pomia F2Q »mhaastia wales’ mhaalos steal ass por a ohiw? » alo pashes carl MX tant INan .iwns mOdewh Asaa wel . anal pamahhs pomia pela taX_ams® .. assthh els Carath wl! .mbheas email mi nam. See clot Ausahsa wehie plianmr whliasa caoluie pttothes a chir pttott mist nl ees howt whotsa . hin wow Wo nt) coe mln pot ars? cal ce IN paw pane Hnaoorl imeml har wars manew aw? . haw PUD whoo stsal naw wats am? oma whois wiles ae ooo Woes mins po ely ananl “i twohi poroaa Naa ra) mAs . wot eto whaaXion Camih wha walsh extas calhh vl? aasca ~anmha alex? oe A2I10Ab23 . arama »eamaly i> thine ae arat Rast pra ..am Anczs BX pm An? .Lanl whahia azas samantha Me> smashneizs7 a OAtr XQ aim? .ml whahm*® -roit Ema . mara mean mal smalezs maar ow awl .al Neam cava cml . emul who@am watuwe poam cahaw wrist cahaw dann —K~!! .ml A\jzasa whdd, Nhat. rciszst Casas borioho mma . candi A\Val eral, SIMILIA IN ALIIS CODD. 23*Pesh.idem. a Diat.ar.=senebraetuae 25'*Nabff,kom.[#riminre] 26'k ergo 27*abkom. peptmvev 28 *'abk om. ré 32 *abcff, g, k aur. om. 6 ovpanos 33 *Lrcot Oecot abcf ff, g, aur. Pesh. Diat. ar. = Ded I C1 ait Ta — altiar Marr. VI. 7-23 I> eh etiam -aamdh? | At. adie’ ph esas waa*7 | wet pomhsss | .WrtaXym am wilsasass i! pe TAwT “WAI Mpa © )aS? ganas TX am! wns. Caml Jamardhh? | dasa wl8 aah? 9 io. asl Sasha wim! ’msalwzrh wl a ahi’ 0+ ph uma a ahsam > eanoo *Aaaco I warwha? !° aeoel LAO) Mamix57 . Aow praawlall .meisazst wor cain writs, a aamuia -whaales [CurETOon ] Pose. prime aes wane .paodes el sanza’ oN .sm meimast Cume »~ wea AN .rezes pm wt ee eraimal ior lal »usinl ooo mr pmlsa slal .whwanczha whaales Rasarst wanas~ aw scamhalim meme sl Wonazh HX WH}! camholim’ mee el —asarh wl wahie wt ww) .Laal sanm ooo anhalim waal sane’ wow clawa cama pirat. cars pam eT waamh el wate prsaeet rhoanalé wwameire alact Casal mime pimra sees ett meme -2Sl ~arwhis eowhh ely 38 oes waxsra “ak ote wba pret phew ot baw! Reet Trtowa .eamas JA y2T wach mle due pee pert emi -r45l mmo \ais ghee oes whom waal Camioh «ll? ‘Wa Har eamas wrasrs whem waal amp ele” arta easy przlat thea. tauma wanhsamr® HX the? ain pazla edad wlawa lawn emp cls ihe VES a 9 metas WHAT HAN MYX EE” J ewams err caanl caw wamh ors wamh RES SH aw iam wams nia wi ean .m\axa wamh DISSIMILIA IN CoD. CURETON. am—°* eet - — ract> »-=ams ws D- wonasa ~ahoam” shsarca® § 7 amasalexnhr mips t+ ° mankmexnh el cohiwe ra —? (fF 8b) ~anrh* 8 wher * 10 wert? Asam aot —*9 SIMILIA IN ALIIS CopD. 7 1-1 Pal, Syr. Lectionary pits win (Cod. A Laimrh) Vise nA Tie oiaierate om. onepov 13 7? Pesh. whwaomnxnha mlina whaaisna om wba A\ = pals sls\ Diat.ar. idem. L "Or cot éoriv 7 Bacircta kai 1 dvvapis Kat 7 d0ga eis Tovs alavas. dunv f2,q guoniam tuum est regnum (q tuum) et virtus et gloria in saecula [fqamen] k quoniam est tibi virtus in Saecula saeculorum. 15 ' Bra rapartépata aditav b peccata {£q peccata eorum I5*Ncf om. tuov 17 '-* Pesh, Dat, ar. idem.=/ava faciem tuam, et unge caput tuum 18 *N om, gov 22 *Nac ff, q aur, om. ow 14 “I UH 12 f. 89b MatTrT. V. 43-—VI. 6 »>HnDIN oe : wmasrlsal mimdas | wasital thy? | * poacher a adhsmy * As alua | c assasalsal azanta* 1 Wash ard qa aa | or |. ASASAWA »MALD |! LC aamMAs WrAaw 1 «_aal | pa ANIA paler’ hema Teas | La wa AS coxsan | wanmn am «aman? prsmwtl .wact> pam a Aig RAEN +? shear? 6 sami alast asl mata ree al. ards snow * 2 Mane ® «aahomam am — ° SIMILIA IN ALIIS CODD. 45 * *acfff,g, aur. Diat. ar. donos et malos Pesh. idem. 46 *Nom. ovyé 46 2k om. Vv. 47. vi. 4'* Lev ro davepd abcg,in palam. fq in manifesto. Pesh. idem, Diatear = palam. 67a b ciiak Diatearomcou 6 2-2 D tw matpt cov ev Tw KpuTTa abcedf ff, q aur. Diat.ar. patrem tuum in absconso (c Diat.ar, abscondito a occulto) k patrem uestrum in absconsodtto 13 ems a aaltaan Matt. V. 31-42 mlanx> WATS loa Ads mdhduw aazs? ah two «3 Itrarche ls ohh! Sins eax eaal ats’? | neh) ny Place NTN dn ex Ova. fe SON 30 cal who | Asac TAX cals \9Rtnan hoa! Saw i An Of waRws Ses oe | aah Maps pan am 4 | wham’? cuiml Shh wie oalr’s a air? || caamiaan asazs WLC owh Wl e AATIALON lmlziaws wha! mal 5 | Gawd ® yop esaan?|) Sra a2 . Ww Webs" | Wha? 386 (ty alsin mh A\ = ° Wisw~t wae | whim mo’ aaoaml | haw wars Wl | AO rela | ee eX ~asdia wach | Ae 87 owhias aw | whmaaw “Oo: C cr W215 (3 Zoos | plas eat ot ° wi wran wohe | ana otis wales | aaan trodes ahs %8 levees Nao \? — aAmaah | wis eo ast par 2 | gat i 39 Moet One LCMItod | cal to” RES AS | mS 32.505 a wih | swnyalics Aw Pom sanz! wudhas cama? CAC are | _OR-3 pth oad o | oman Siw”? Aasn mas! Sieh ni yes ee) Airs l* MeN | pa . oA ->w wi Axes | (79a 42 rere aa fo o 6 Si caaa oe wi Ae DISSIMILIA IN COD. CURETON. sont) 33 Aor? min tearm * 32 wre Llars » wezns* 31 ml cara® 35 (f. 7b) -whsasa® O- wepany whmam mi .rastalh + » wei” rlawa* 36 ASaln° cl wana! havdhs © A\mn +? Naw t+? SAanzra*4o Ascoli tm? 39 § 38 ws +°37 soaslah? = aircas® 42 erah —° Av? * $23 pra 4I SIMILIA IN ALIIS CopD. 31' Ddom.v. 30. 331k om. rots dpyaiots 35' Pesh. hawks Diat. ar, es = sud 36 * Pesh, idem. = 77 ¢0 39 *Ddk om. dektav 39 7abcf ff, g, aur. praede* 41 *Dabcdg,k ér, adhuc Dhiat.ar.=e¢ 41 ?Dabcd ff, g,k aur, Diat.ar, d\Aa, alia * Diat, ar, 4 = kal orpdpov 12 ya 33 34 37 38 39 40 23 24 25 26 f. 89a 27 28 29 Matt. V. 20-29 > | Ma thrh WA sr | teQ Cal ato 29) Samer whaalms Io ev hhaalsal — alah CA | Sz tAa PAM ca 71 e asdhansm exo dasa | Salon wi? easaral || toarde's ahs 7! = Nasa? Sash) at? en Wad? . Siend | awh Na\ass | Nasa® Siasro! wna | Mam Mao! ,manr | Aw EN GRE TISIT pA! | oWahzaias® am? waawm') Sot »mauw\ toss iain imX\ jam! assum * caly | sea dssec\ ? aha | sasrs Ake. RENEE peee opine) hey ito an visias paar 74 | wha vele Taser | a roc wh pete | oA Chae ce TaN AAT ax.0a\ Mia *rssam | \s? mas tS. Axss Ress > - nw warn | hsam 7 wisatas | toa? fas | Maha ? asd cals. | wuriss slr Setads | hic I t20 ° (fF. 7a) a Kms tat mamta 24 RAGES Liu Sots! Mar tow * 28 mlx? masatal +*§ 27 -meant\ woales asta +*§ 25 wl saa swiss Motz pama mizass massast wre awa +? row * 29 -mam\l Ayres SAS mia nla Ra erect ke pa tw WSF FAX SIMILIA IN ALIIS CODD. ; 22*DL fam.'abcdf ff, g, k q etxy, sine causa Pesh, Diat. ar. idem. 22 ? fam.’ fam. TW dApa avrov Diat.ar. ef KN / nee yf > — aalarr’ Matt. V. 11-19 b Benangter tet i OSL im jams aA? 2 aaisal velar ® prox Salen! 7° 2.53! a acces | oO tsore’s retaa~ 2 aal lam? ,\@ a OSTA | as am= arata ars | ax eatin’? 6° rani | Ameena *? QOM wAAT! WA iam amar oma ah | cision © es ERIN | musta? ain = Ns tad wnhedst | wet Siw wh pasl ss wlmhh ~imsd [| MITA © AIX o ahi 141 eam 215 ol pert | eg aAacIA mxbaha | ats’ tal das whic | asm cla .cmiss | they Wdreico* haw | al wxtiwa MXte | imi xin lal — Joma woans | hows Nala® wats | es tL ea so <0 a AastAS | J apwein zie 515 | myol? . aatmas toi | iam? Feat | AA aswi o Asazria |. cma gad MN asia warms wtzml? | dudes a atawh whl’ Pear Store Nr Pe Gama Ae PP tes gash WA? ea | Code cas MN IWO | ame potasin ors? PITBAA —mO | we ? tray 30779 aca) | Jaan’ mas maz | chasalas Ae vhin.w wam | 1tAm~A Sea rou Colao I wam alma ALA wossifl cg mian® Asa rtowtat) ba Cam Sorta | w~haalms 24 | alo Masztrh> cam | panier jr0! 3 ovmimarns whaalss!,c9 . acalers — AMwatD | miasosal e Aca oe : 4 0. a orMasa?” e AIMS | wow? -_amsal, 4 5 Pets te matadhins? ~ arn | asasal*® . amasal > 6 »e ASIAN | AIM wchaial* eee | pias a pla cna cues 7 WALT — aam.s oe omals 3 | ass tal ee ocn ce 8S oo worl es | m2 04221 °* ea _ AICI ~amals | pada palarcd e_amasal, § Q og Ot-DA) | Walesa ;main a A053 | woaly risk ~amisal, ° IO »cH a _acalsrs ioe chanel A\=n peBoTTT | patanet\ ~_ GER OG MY 6 rasaxzs || whaale DISSIMILIA IN COD. CURETON. edmmhumwa + * 24 .KmaAS! tIDTITar © pansre h ! ~Wwhmarsa’ 23 ptdorna * tas 2x2 > x1 57 padorw amin m\ ashewa” . Kotam milas an, AAM pssst mXles wrat Oa . mars roasrarhsa. el\ 5 MAMFIASD pOMsgat » Tams toa? ~miho alywa* 25 DNs ama . SIAL toT0a »eamals whe tan—° wials® .nho tS erie —? wert itv. oe § 3 “6. trarwa aml wom alsa mmaa whaa® 2 smatasalh® asta! “e-oomaracha”? nmelasnel? § 5 6 mage caahgea? masasal® § 4 if €a) § Io § Q ymasarma® § 8 a7 whantl* § 6 SIMILIA INsALIIS; CODD. V. 1 'b multam 9 wx a alwuar Marr. IV. 12-23 LAAN | ol “p12 ahh | pies Con an es Tees ETS Oe As coh 212 | paswitrad cal? wha | dial aaa}? Wyss § whl Slahdr? 4) > \haisa Calasis® Sms! * aK YY beAdoan aia e_aloin? | tsa © goon rans | Mrs Car | ANG Mimd EINTAsy | »matasa” moar Mwtac Irduards pndura | ys toch tT Sts mlsshat 14 be A hasta alas reaawho~? Dat wimas aw” mam + * 16 mata” ~olasst* 15 wram + ° seearcmla?® = wam—*$17 motto Sl whasat el 5 aam pastes how “of melilys rhras to a+ + b “wl waat is ora ea aawm prsata—! aam ~aser’ Hmosgwamla .waca wichmt —asrmrl waa § 21 alimwa? ~~ a3ma* 20 oom axs + * IQ macaay — © (f. 5b) eax +4 aam + ° .)%>y pes pmauew +? sore pa he» oprah po pik rans —” TS ee ama* 23 SH ambhrseo'® wharsemst+ > * aima* 22 SIMILIA IN ALUS Copp. a ; * é : 17 *k om. peravoetre, 18 'D wapaywr. d transtens. abcg, transiret. k praetertret a * oe ° 22 ‘abg, k om. evéus. 23'N D/fam.' 6 tnoods abcfi, Zesus. dg, aur. Zhs. Pesh. idem. 8 2 ae 12 3 f. 49b 15 16 17 18 ne 20 IV. IO Jest Matt. IV. 1-11 >nDN ‘ Aare? a | rtmadas ioral 7? wat | a tothe Lars pac? Irorten * 2 abil wastmwa* | asoas passin’ iho | a: peairvens Bia Gah be) |) is rw ol toca waumimn?! mhal pts 3 (Aa . wam | wars’ was * .sanl | peacnax © MASA ealoal ? tae | Soles Oe foo et? i ganls emwls ? isi am wash ol tora Aare mtss | tots cr 5 Sat maa | a ASIN DA AD Aas 1 AR alas | ara? As sora | zras dusrcal cadura | eto RS ees) Se Aa*@ i eomles bur’ mts! ew .ol tara ® a OOS TF Anat | moti ae mele mnai | ,maacisals TaX aca” | waz, ood tow?7? wadcas | wis Nod? & wis | waters miko* optor! ahs ©. Acale eeteal® || cork ls am -a.dha | eoalas 4 sav | Ot Ain ame i tal ® PAS mzuor | ama? | paca saDaALa whaalsa | RAY.) cal toaa? | am? wala whaalss Tow pram *l srs *raXwh Soh oo | pairs Naw nv ds ts wcaled | toa’ TiN ena hs | rah oo meee) Avi wazs ool | acchhal Se eee eee | walah ,maraswls i mia rsatwh | coal aaa pr az IA | bwawisn a> toa? leftist §3N *Siamisns ey. u ary DissIMILIA IN Cop. CURETON. mint am* 3 oll pasinwa—*2 pate Noo ae .wxraoy+* I iv. mato 5 eaten Soe ria? wam + *4 roam © priors? spahsasa + ° Ass! mata —° ama —? ~ hob eRe moat 6 piora— ” veto Aaw?8 weal wa minal” ( (f. 5a) eran + °7 Abe : wala 9 ° we MnwDpa-za © oe wiatl° Alc. SD wisals : am + ? ites wit Bere Aaht am oe ~aA>to Sea waa? “Weta Aaw mone II SIMILIA IN ALIIS CODD. iv. 4’ Dias dg,ihs bef Jesus 6%a ut custodiant te 6 ? Pesh. om. wore 10*C DL omow pou ac ff, g,aur. retro d post me b retro me 7 5 — ala Mart. III. 7-17 wat | a nissal a AS2O9 Also! nA Wal ams | tow la® whaasdl | pant mina diam anas 81 owhetl whan’ PTX Waal Pan gaa? | mmiaw SM bu eons | Maimawh mma? samtodl | ais amaml waa’ eran | ca Sole warsos twine 1° wale Sasa? wales | eWacas to ssaee iss SAT ool | \~ asl | ansossa* Gr ame) lar wiaisa® amahsa i gas wl I. etsaam wt” ths || was Cur re am | rhasshl ams ~— Osnm03 lam dSornl\ ,marime! Mran®? what Mian’ MAw5 eA! tawe’s aml? fezrxaor | ewatsca iar’! ~TAlD 30 | mista MI eAre a * | Asay iva MII | Sarma o Wasa | ris 2CIA2TTALIT | pL. hal * Lily | (2 Are KAR tam? | hairs Misr? ud ml | tmeco plwsas? ,calaa 24 | PATAsD ” “lpanaz ml twa! wars wan?) hah i hal? jica sanmah ptem hairs | lan’ etlsais Loe? | taams Lima cums A»hadd leona Kam —.) alleys | Mame poy Sy) crsees daaca Pras | Chamas? dds | Moles wat iva | asa sta am dur'tiol tus amy | = ember cisal’ | mals °° gual or Ree | -~sraaxsa DISSIMILIA IN Cop. CURETON. -_aMzor* IO marra° “meager a oarais +79 “whet 7 man trass wo* II Maw wiarla~ ealh +7 diam +° Aaa? wiarsa extant twats moun evox ° mla® mie — ° mw ” rine wuev* 14 Ptas> — b pital -+ ? § I3 (f. 4b) MAT .aK> * To tora“ 16 tras? min° mla® > axare ml gee 15 hal? at aT ees sam olor ehazs M5 tea taa waar Kam SIMILIA IN ALIIS CODD. gc om. ev éavrots 14*Pesh. prwas pram CL fam.’ 6 de"Iwavwns bedf fi, g,q Diat. ar. = “ohannes a aur. cohannts 16 7a om. 6 Ingots 17* Dove. ad tues 6 * Bianchini a Jesz IO 16 f. 49a ne) 20 21 22 23 ite f. 42b Marr. Il. 19—III. 7 » A 5 roe) | ardtisa pts | amas stad ? alsa! wratas pei dus aa 7? cmrcla aii | Nan” p-Taus) rwmiss2?i ol tora 2? 2 a FIN bl plan’? | ~_aca\ adhasn A\=n | Aap gnaws? weal | Siewas Dehra carla lil mlar mo || ama* felis azar! aam ram | wactlain’s mas et | Soon 3S 22 Nw tous | Nil | twa ‘° pad Nisa?) Nas pane wnat | haars 2? wala Jmwa aah | wor 23 elias WthS\ i ol Nican oR les tases | hiss dulssdrva hte | otodsan * whuases | am | pleads whe whoas | Wams*t .toha cotein | aac Cam toca? | .wsamsr”? Storms! wWam 1\tAma Missa pashan? arm? |. amr whaaly | mi Meeee A\ na | apada Petaqoal | tata’ anlar’? oc | tows Rant Mase s | mals Tawa elsavs I pWassx Szanl wam oan | pice pat ac * mzora* | <0 © ohklarwma? M*whote 9G conga. * | ram misa? slziaw’!+is mhal aam rae | pare ® ~ wialsz? ~_acal lram ssaasma?® Wim. | PATast? tos oilaa | kh xac. (3a7 .,mam\wo ein | ir’ aam” prac aA | Im pitas Panama zeta | oo? mdusasazal ey | Mer pat te DISSIMILIA IN Cop. CURETON. aac © .Abimorws 4 iac t>1° calus —* 20 malus +19 »Tamss + * § 22 . Asem © mi +>? wt am* 21 ,ootasal +! aw aamoa* § I iii. wt» + * 23 Serre ce pee Ayres? avarha + ° aah ° wwistms wiot elo +? HBX +°3 tama? oho + © ob aarntsaa? “90a 30> whats 4 a mlees (f. 4a) smal ram? wtase* 6 CATTA> 97407 b a game miaa@ 5 west! haa KEOAIA KEIIA po — 2 ~wWapatya extAa remoase-* 7 SIMILIA IN ALIIS CODD. 19 * Pesh. Diat. ar. idem.=7rod Baorréws 19 ? Pesh. Diat. ar. om. ido 22°) iat ar.=widtt autem in somno 111-013" Dsbitio, Gs00l aoe 3 *k om. edOetas rovetre Tas Tp(Bovs avtov. 4 *~* Pal. Syr. fere idem. = pert rod aypod 5 x ealXaa w Matt. IT. 9-18 Tare * wo? Was i ors amass wom | dic owas hans | rasaal ,maatw sa || pax warm? .tal\ wa! pads more | mets ws Mall | jmaatea wdual alral | are hot I <éastan mi astoa ! wamdmuim ashaa .mi | asXwa* alasa in i wopess caml swedrea? | oevhaanla tama? “om PaMIw hte | etats eaimal.wnaia hal .asams [rtstsan arin Amal | pede’ Camths pal) 2 amidnl etecal | patna ourcia | wali Sanz cao | m\ tara . malas |wratia am ash Skee | \ otmcs SN | a0 pacha olor? so | pet -Amaa 4 sastmaiy | Lda al\\ casasal roas. * pe bas TX pw | slsdess Ra\ | ama bain | sana JAMA IMA! Dt ‘~acals * eisa*t mms | alziaw misa bas al i tsa ® .ptearss aldo foals? J aml twa dus | dim wo? ® wh 1 ewes sat. hipah) = ye Weel whaaien’ rphoam” aan * 6 moo? ~amial*4 semi hae ® § 3 moles 22° 9 (f. 3a) . aran? wdordhray + *8 es KwiwLitoas 72204 SIMILIA IN ALIIS Copp. 22*D nowov dfqaur.esatam ab Esetam c Ysaiam 23% PeshAidem. ia ar. = Deus noster. 25 ™*k om. otk éytvwoKev aitny éws od 11, § * Diat. ar. om. de 6*Dabcdfg,k q Pesh. Diat. ar. om. yn 8*Pesh. idem. Diat. ar. = venite —) alan Matt. I. 12-21 Aswhiewzl | slaw wasraa, Anse | pa whalX ths ae [taupe Yasuo) alaw! Aastor!® Nasgarl slaw awhlewx panel slaw i tars 24 . tors) alae | anil mamiwl slaw Iadaw sadlw?) + gadel? slaw caw earl nian | DON spans: 16 sqaes.\ | slaw os -_ o-an\ Ialaw tule *uialxi maw? 1. ehlahs stm ol ham! yams Ama. t? ama! slaw 'o. co’ Rar | toh. Lami hott © sank | Saw? amine’ mai vhsiz plo* pools!” In Foassie whois dass! chalyh coor? war po | x tossin .Simssiw hots | warm woos | dass WwhalX =a met ham | Wtsam AA Wam Siam | Marcon” gan canis 18 cals ldoshem av hal ay! a astody w\ aa cAmail | mm c\ eam paar? | A\= cals 3 pet -AWMAs 19 | pen Aot wat ) Omer seo rc \ecaoy © os tho | Sostcal caMtAIn am | ae tara PP rors ett ais i? ol yo rut | ea plas | am wddurs 4 sas tral | -asosa\° fast) cdl cece ies Exe call et nv tinh 221 oetznaon am eat a! mis’ sudeas Tae pat casasl” ,mases trXK am! Sax. mr vtoha*?* |! “ts DISSIMILIA IN Cop. CURETON. mrohsat — © halsor om? am* 16 gaslw? 15 rash l\* 14 (fF. 20) rwam weaQI”” mlas—* 1g § 18 pam+o mrataatis? Niam*§17 Vi potml © mails +? ~acoar\ + * 20 rama + ° Dear roalal? wrohia® 21 py t+ ° SIMILIA IN ALIIS CODD. oA 1-1 fam, é pvnoreveioa mapJévos Mapiop eyevvnoev "Tnootv tov Aeyopevov Xpiorov dd cuz desponsata virgo Maria peperit xpm thm ag,k cut desponsata virgo Maria genuit Lesum gui dicitur Christus (g, vocatur kk om. gut dicitur) q cut desponsata Maria genuit thin, gui uocatur xps. cui desponsata virgo Maria; Maria autem genuit Lesum, gut dicitur Christus 18 ‘abcdfff, g,k qaur. om. ‘Iyood 20 * a Pesh. Diat.ar. om. idod 202 atb cf g; ex ea * Bianchini a 77 ea 17 f. 56b 18 ee. 20 21 f. 82b 10 hi v9 th ig warlQaare’ pan oe alaar’ SiaSWA MID! BAIN MID wars! Lazer whaldds® coh .? 1 mAmS.s . ans: sla’ | PrLorKa.sd 33.00.37) slaw | major ” tah sta | eal shar aac? | mama? exam slac epausas\ ala | xin 4 wird ala | Ate dieu mar’ | et slaw i ciz® wei sad | o_ A292) a xsi) slaw | pads. inlaw’ toax® hast? | oe tasi? slaw pss! ast 3 yal | = ~_anisz 2 slaw i asan alsa aaarl i alaw pzuw? peu slaw | w@sast waaetl slaw). asis?7 Satan mbdur’ | Mara.” \araal? show | foe’ ® oto) slaw | aoe asl wmhaald slaw | sian® watash © ala | tas? pial’ slaw tia | acts? .teopel slaw i por tact alae || wha. I paras! eavaal nia le AW ~ aml whan | xis cxisal "Oo: Aass whalt= | smdurcia arsaal sac DIssIMILIA IN Cop. CURETON (British Museum, Add. 14,451). Fran © haan? zoaal? 5 maura 2 mbtlaha? I (fF. 1b) spiamal ¢ Apanams? ,Naxamsl* 8 a osulsr* 7 a asaslz\* 6 Ka easnl thaw wumas .-zwasrl wae core oor +° saiam 4! anlar Ke Asa SIMILIA IN ALIIS CopD, 61% Pesh. = + uwxore B I i meena ies Beers ate) sotto Ps =p nas math Sy a WP mee i ‘ Gectlancstd ad J Wy Sioa seanac os ek. DR pee) ln Ma De ae ce Ste, SP Bt acta ae ES eet, SINAI PALIMPSEST [Fot. 826] Script sup.: EUPHROSYNE Script inf: MATTHEW 1. I-I7¢ LIST OF ABBREVIATIONS ® ONS Gia ieee ® Codex Sinaiticus, found by Tischendorf on Mount Sinai, now in St. Petersburg, ed. slischendorl ws @cnta WV sores A Codex Alexandrinus in the British Museum, ed. Woide-Cowper. Cent. V. B Codex Vaticanus, in Rome, ed. Angelus Maius. Cent. IV. or V. C Codex Ephraemi Rescriptus, ed. Tischendorf, in the Bibliotheque Nationale, Paris. @ontaye. D Codex Bezae, in the University Library, Cambridge, ed. Scrivener. Cent. VI. L Codex Regius, in the Bibliotheque Nationale, Paris, ed. Tischendorf. Cent. VIII. jam Codex 1 of the Gospels and its allies (118, 131, 209), ed. Kirsopp Lake. Codex 1 is in the University Library, Basle. Cent. X. Jam.3 The Ferrar Group. 13 Codex Regius (50) of the Bibliotheque Nationale, Paris ; 69 Codex Leicestrensis; 124 at the Imperial Library, Vienna; 346 in the Ambrosian Library at Milan, and others. Collated by W. H. Ferrar; ed. T. K. Abbott. Cent. XII—XV. a Codex Vercellensis, in the Cathedral, Vercelli, ed. Bianchini. Cent. IV. b Codex Veronensis, in Verona, ed. Bianchini. Cent. IV or V. c Codex Colbertinus, in Paris, ed. Sabatier. d Codex Bezae Cantabrigiensis, ed. Scrivener. Cent. VI. e Codex Palatinus Vindobonensis, ed. Tischendorf. Cent. IV or V. f Codex Brixianus, in Brescia, edd. Bianchini and Wordsworth-White. Cent. VI. ff, Codex Corbeiensis I, in St. Petersburg, ed. Bianchini. . Cent. X. ff, Codex Corbeiensis II, in the Bibliotheque Nationale, Paris (Lat. 17,225), ed. Buchanan. Centaviil g Codex Sangermanensis I, in the Bibliothtque Nationale, Paris, ed. Wordsworth. Ceniay Lis 1 Codex Vindonensis, in Vienna, ed. Belsheim. Cent. V or VI. k Codex Bobbiensis, in the National Library, Turin (G. VII, 15), edd. J. Wordsworth, W. Sanday, and H. J. White. Cent. V. n 59 795 81, Similia, 37, 96, O7 Meola: [Olea 108, : 128, . 99 9) 129, Dissimilia, 136, Similia, 142, Dissimilia, 184, “6 195, Similia, 228, Dissimilia, 220 elias y] ) 253, Dissimilia, deb kG ancrae IE sah: hne +3. “For vai read widere Pe 4h = egy eine dtie” ee! ~ COGE 5, Aae quae LO » dome CINE Lema » 13. 4 BAN wWaMa ,, TA wWaMa » 3. Delete aur. before om. etOis* i 7 8. Lor wartxusa read minx 9 lines 15, 16. Remove ® to before al ubwa eer aie elit — iazitel Veerahy Wesel yy IT > IAT » I. 4, fam.' fam.” etrev atta read Pesh.idem. fam. fam." €tmrev avT@ lineS "455-55 Lelete 0 Dre aur eomaouy line 2. For ~pomamat vead ~-papw! e S i = Siz at » 14. 4 FZaAtIe 4, eaair 5 tT 5 BAN 5 NG aie oy Rape Sen eel » 4. Delete —anl—?” yee LIST ee eed A OGY » 3. fOr mxrazs* 607 7d —sazs + 67 to ee POM Ae Ak » 4 For dv read ov » 3. gg) Anat [zotth Curetont| read +xxsx [with Burkitt] * This is due to a variation between the Codex Aureus and Belsheim’s edition of it. T The Cureton MS, is here defaced by a deep brown stain, and at first sight it appears to have hast ; but on examining the word with a magnifying glass, one can see the & of ¥%RI7. THE PALESTINIAN SYRIAC LECTIONARY Ole ithe GOSEEi;s Re-edited from two Sinai MSS. and from P. de Lagarde’s edition of the “ Evangeliarium Hierosolymitanum ” BY AGNES SMITH LEWIS, D.D., LL.D., PH.D. AND MARGARET DUNLOP GIBSON, D.D., LL.D. London: Kegan Paul, Trench, Triibner & Co., Ltd. Paternoster House, Charing Cross Road. ; yy ij a FACULTN MR 22" Date Due Bi a Ai php oak MTwiter C5) WEG at eRAMahee SA eO eter a apspeh 8 Ma! 1 830 27h Rel wea rh ete Coed BOF eh MOWER EVES rey Pek pb REM CH oh oss 4 Meh A ee AY DY Hah es ge HpHIRET Mirheweyrey Ber MEO NES Meh ra lhags Ae rape Redo RBM sae ey wh th $ dbilet Ob4 ele fh ohh vt : Han deead wh eRAb et rperse ‘erates Wide! ovepene t Hep igor of Y shotiad edi HR eh et eh Mtn Bei Ed eye lb eH aE rb st hehat H se - ‘a eae 4 ‘4 ¥ roy 4 he ol ah He HDAN Ls AMA NDIA gd ede iod Kt ai, bcs 2d Hil eH OE dyed MD ot peas her pen MASH V OM Nak cheese gan icy dee ae ee ad MiaNEGeY Biase bil oecs, te pae one eh idiot 1 sR TE Poked cdehes + ever et Te prateos biteheb phturg enced: Arhehleh tint paedeneta =k yeh o¥ $2 H, ata Le eh teeny PMA YG DH reyes ya Hebe shen Pn iedre tee adie baer ol mel Wiad ot Sa PR yRet othe pity ek uke Poh pehrucsotinpsey Ga 5 eh ad ree fistremaharstigni fonee thee that weet oe 4 UM Dete Loney HSH sist ori aM ot ethted - , * + a ° Lahyy a 8 (ah ese arias aa 3 ' ; Pete’ Subgpet A Pal } ‘ ehstnbs P| ire tid i oh ie A rns 4 siege edits Z : Rulnd i ; * rua F » fF » ; ; F ih ; 4 : . > t = . * . *y ‘ bd rab: 4 f ‘ soi a we a 4 3 b sd > ‘ { z : Wee : $ r . % ‘ . ¥ PORE y ce BP i ie \Moweh ok * 4 ‘ ; Pee ere} : : HAeQ “ . ha - z ‘ ere etre) tite . hee ‘ R liae bet 2G : aves heb ty 43 1 Phen ‘ t ; i : " Fees . Hib shies ; ‘ Aibewlit 4 vi arey Tie i £64 Gh omens thee « 4 . , : ‘ Th eee } ‘ " ‘ hen ‘ ‘ M ‘ ‘ ‘ eal} ; ‘ Pas hiya ly eet AS teas ; ‘ 4 ‘ ' +4 ‘ ‘ Areth dabe tel ey f t i a y 4 + . . « y ‘ OB eR Mie ia 8 cite eR aes # Wi oti h er oh oitg be Hed rieHre CSE aH abet HALE ENE te SECutUEN oe a F BoA Cb POLLE BMA ME Pl CORK ates 1 ie oat oe Nea END ten nie Sheed: e PLLNeN et Cw fiat Ld an cd } e+ pt hed 43h wile ae TMK AG is ‘a piperys 8 tr Fh pnaDaw ce esi ; BePet ree Lane? itt i dean ce gst Uebod bai vie fe Olen th th whi eeg OMEN KET Ppp yup lh adten et yt f Saleh ee Si gh wit Hyp ent a casdiehon od 4 Pain he bie dca eo4 's ; yee B Mint hoi ¢ ie i , n 4 ; 4. BS112.5 1910 ee ‘ rabbit et rea) 4 ae ve ¥ eet , 4 ; ; ' Is: or, Evangelion n Theolog ical Seminary—Speer Library i ret ‘ re ae y He ) f i ’ , ' ‘ + § $ f he ¥ \ ‘ nl ‘ ‘ } 4 U ber , Hoa 1 er { ‘ aa \ 4 } r ‘ , | 4a bry ¥ tote net Mh ‘ 7 i ee oe se \, 1 1012 00050 2494 LCA cant ie i ‘ Lats 4 a 4 t+ bul f 1 t , y pobis } py iet Mi ‘ } 4 i f i y ; a: ) bef : Car) i : } yi i 4 4 4 f i fl a 4