SACRED SONGS A MAY 9A 1934 & Oncn Kflfcttit SACRED SONGS, SCHOOL AT TEIGNRACE. // THE LADY JANE WILHELMINA ST. MAUR. ^©t wwiB&E&m'mw) a LONDON JOHN F. SHAW, SOUTHAMPTON ROW, RUSSELL SQUARE. M DCCC XXXVI, LONDON : WALTON AND MITCHELL, PRINTERS, WARDOUR STREET. Now to Jehovah-Jesus raise A joyful song of ceaseless praise ; And tell to all the nations round, How grace and mercy still abound ! Sing how Jehovah-Jesus came, To this dark world of sin and woe ; How He, the Lord of Life, became A houseless wand'rer here below ! How from the manger to the grave, The thorny paths of earth He trod ; Hung on the cross our souls to save, And kiss'd His Father's chast'ning rod. How from the tomb again He rose, Broke all the bands of Death and Hell ; How boundless grace unceasing flows, To sinners doom'd in chains to dwell. II. Sound the loud timbrel, strike the lyre, Our theme the Lord of life and love ; And mingling with th' angelic choir, Our grateful strain shall soar above. Ill In Judea's favour'd land, See the watchful shepherds stand ; Angels joyful tidings bring, Glorious tidings of a King. Fear ye not, the angels say, For to you in this glad day, Christ the Saviour Lord is born, Honor 'd now is David's horn. In a lowly manger laid, You shall find the Holy Babe ; This to you shall be the sign, Christ is come of David's line. Glory in the highest heav'n, Peace on earth to man be giv'n ; Angels thus proclaim His birth, To the waiting sons of earth. IV. Let us go by faith with them, To the town of Bethlehem ; With the thankful shepherds tell, Christ descends on earth to dwell. Holy, holy, holy, Lord, Ever be Thy name ador'd ; Seated on th' Eternal Throne, Thou art God and Christ in One. V Glory to God ! ye children sing, To God our Prophet, Priest, and King ; Join all th' angelic choir above. To celebrate this God of Love. For us He left His glorious throne, And trod the winepress all alone ; For us He in the manger lay, That we might reign in endless da v. When once He to the temple came, Young children follow 'd in His train ; Children their loud hosannas sung, With His blest name the temple rung. Shall children then forget Him now, Nor to His name, or precepts bow ? Shall they unmindful be of Him, Who died to save them from their sin ? VI. Glory to God ! we'll shout again, Our God descends on earth to reign ; Children, hosannas ever sing, To God our Prophet, Priest, and King VI 1 It is my Saviour's voice 1 hear, How sweetly does it sooth my breast ; It calms my mind, stills every fear, And lulls each anxious care to rest. It is a deep and silent voice, That speaks in whispers to my heart ; It bids my soul in Him rejoice, And fear no more from Him to part. It is a latent fire within, Unseen by the tumultuous world ; It burns thro' all the floods of sin, And Hell's black waters o'er it hurl'd. It is a bright effulgent beam, That shines thro' dark temptation's night, And flows in one pure radiant stream, On my obscure and blinded sight. VIII. Look round the earth, survey the sky, The sea and air our God proclaim ; His Throne Eternal is so high, To know Him none can e'er attain. Himself to us He has reveaPd, A God of Holiness and Love; His blood the covenant has seal'd, And we His cov'nant-mercy prove. Sinners who dare our God despise, And from His free salvation turn ; However high their works may rise, His day of fire their works will burn. Can sinners righteous deeds perforin, Or one ^ood work for Christ achieve ? " The best is sharper than a thorn," " Tis but a spider's web they weave." IX. Christ is our sure foundation stone, On Him the Church securely stands; Salvation is of Christ alone, Honor ye Him! 'tis God commands. Worship, honor, glory, blessing, Unto Jesus without ceasing ; At Thy dear feet Thy servants fall, Be Thou to us, our all in all. X. Risen Saviour, holy Lord! Let me find Thee in Thy Word ; " Twas of Thee, that Moses wrote, " 'Twas of Thee, the Prophets spoke. " David sung Thy blessed name, "The Apostles preach'd the same ;" And Thy servants in this day, Point to Jesus Christ, the way. Let us see Thee and admire ! " Of all nations the desire/' Thou the Everlasting Word ! Light divine to us afford. XI Hail with joy the Sabbath morn ! Hail with joy the Lord's return ! Welcome to your Father's Home, Give the praise to Christ alone. Christ the Lord of matchless fame, We His grace and povv'r proclaim ; Jesus is a God of Love ! Rise to dwell with Him above ! XII. Say, child, what is it charms thine eye, What is it that allures thy heart ? Is this vain world so dear a tie, Thou could'st not, would'st not with it part ? What is thy lot, my child, below ? Is it in humble cot to dwell ? And wilt thou nothing seek or know, Beyond thy cot and flow'ry dell ? Hast thou not oft the churchyard trod, And careless pass'd o'er many a tomb; Nor thought beneath the verdant sod, Thou too shalt find a peaceful home. But whither shall thy spirit flee, When in the grave thy body sleeps ? This world will nothing be to thee, Nor e'en the friend that o'er thee weeps. XIII Child, did'st thou know a Father's love, The world and thee could not accord ! Impatient thou to soar above, And dwell for ever with the Lord! Farewell, thou vain and fleeting world, Thy passing shadows please no more ; With joy I see the sails unfurl'd, To waft me to yon blissful shore. b 2 XIV O Thou ! who didst in love our sorrows bear, Listen with pity to thy children's pray'r ; Thv ever tender, ever bleeding heart, Shall claim in all our w r oes the larger part. Before Thy throne, oh God ! thy suppliants fall. On Thee our hopes depend, on Thee our all; The cup of trembling in the Eternal's hand, Shall satisfy a holy law's demand. XV When sinks the sun in western skies, And eventide to you draws near ; When freed from discipline's strict ties, You wander, children, without fear. Think then of that all-seeing eye, Who knows each secret thought and deed ; Who is to you for ever nigh, Tho' Him perchance you do not heed. But know, dear children, there's an hour, When He must be your all in all, Either you'll feel His dreadful pow'r, Or He in love to you will call. And since to you, dear children, still, The day of mercy is not past ; May He reveal His holy will, And be to you the first and last. -XV J Hark ! the angelic choirs above, In chorus sing redeeming love ! Loud and yet louder swells the strain, His triumphs now, and now His reign. Inspired by their celestial song, Join ev'ry heart and ev'ry tongue ! Jesus the Lord Jehovah sing, Creator, God, Redeemer, King. He passed th' angelic nature by, And manhood took to bleed and die, Such wond'rous love and matchless pow'r Demand our praise for evermore. Eternal honor, glory bring, To Jesus Christ our God and King ; With angels fall before the throne, And sing the glorious Three in One. XVII. To those who know the pow'r of prayer, How sweet in Jesus to draw near ; And pour out supplication there, In His attentive tender ear. Should we of earthly friends require, The smallest gift of worldly good ; How soon does friendship's warmth expire, Pride was but clok'd in friendship's hood. But not so with our heav'nly Friend, Before we ask, His answer's giv'n ; Blessings on blessings downward tend, On all the praying sons of heav'n. And would we know the pow'r of pray'r, To Calvary we'll turn our eyes ; " Father, forgive them," echoes there, Around, beneath, and thro' the skies. XV1I1 O wond'rous Fall ! whence upwards sprung, That glorious plan by angels sung, Ere vast creation's work began, Or time's unceasing tide flow'd on. See yonder sacred flames arise, To God in rightful sacrifice ; In the slain Lamb ; a ransom given, Christ's blood our price, His free gift heaven. Abel, his firstlings offers there, By faith in Christ, with fervent pray'r : Th' eternal Spirit, God of Love, The covenant seals to him, above. XIX. Children, know ye a Saviour's love, Do ye divine compassion prove ; Can you behold a Saviour slain, And as your own that Saviour claim ! You know, how on the cross He hung, How from the cross salvation sprung ; How Jesus as our surety bled, How much He suffer 'd in our stead. But knowledge, children, won't avail, When all the springs of life shall fail ; When on a dying bed you lie, Knowledge won't bring a Saviour nigh. " Tis with the heart, the heart alone, " We claim the Saviour all our own ; " 'Tis with the lips that we confess, " Jesus the Lord our Righteousness. " XX This is to know a Saviour's love, This is almighty grace to prove; Knowledge like this has wond'rous pow'r To cheer us in a dying hour. Knowledge exceeding, high, divine, To know that Christ the Lord is mine ; To Him I live, in Him I die, Dear Saviour, be Thou ever nigh. XXI What overflowing sorrows here, What anguish reigns in every heart ; An hour of grief is pending near, When Jesus and His friends must part. See His disciples round Him stand, Their souls oppress'd with deepest woe They scarcely heed His high command, Or gracious words that from Him flow. Hear Him assert His power divine, The promise of the Spirit give, With glorious grace on them to shine, And shew them how in Christ to live. Jesus, Almighty God ! and Lord, May we thy blessed promise claim ; Grace upon grace to us afford, And let us sing Thy wond'rous name. XXII. Mine eyes behold ! a crimson morn Rises on Salem's lofty towers ; The sun of his bright beams is shorn, The sky in thickest darkness lours. See yonder fierce and hellish throng, Around the Lord of Glory press ; Reviling Him, whom angels' song Had hail'd to honor and to bless. On Him they lay their murd'rous hands, With bitter taunt and ruffian blow ; He pants exhausted as He stands, Bearing His cross and weight of woe. And can Jerusalem, unmov'd, Behold Him pass her outer gate ; Does she not know the Wcll-belov'd, Nor yet foresee impending fate ? XX11I Onwards towards Calvary they press, There is He crucify 'd and slain ; But Him the waking dead confess, The temple veil is rent in twain. Earth from her inmost centre shakes, The rocks with crashing ruin fall ; AppalPd the sinner sin forsakes, Owns the slain Lamb is Lord of all. XXIV Spirit Divine ! Creating Povv t ! Who first upon the waters mov'd ; Descend again in this dark hour, Pour down the light of the belov'd ! Display before our wond'ring eyes, Gethsemane's tremendous scene ; On the cold ground Immanuel lies, Prostrate the Lord of life is seen. As one at strife He now appears, With Satan, the arch-fiend and foe; His vesture dyed with crimson tears, His bosom heaves opprest with w 7 oe ! Hear Him from Bozrah loud proclaim, " The year of my redeem'd is come ; " Salvation is the work I claim, " And of the people there were none." XXV See Him by Judas kiss'd, betray 'd, Then to the hall of Pilate borne ; There in mock royalty array'd, And prickly thorns His head adorn. To Golgotha now hurried forth, While loud revilings rend the air; On Him the vials of fierce wrath Are empty'd out and finish'd there. Spirit Divine ! Creating Power ! Who first upon the waters mov'd ; Descend again in this dark hour, Pour down the light of the belov'd ! XXVI. Amazing sight ! my soul adore ! The Lord of Glory on the cross; Such wondrous love to thee He bore ! Count all things else for Him but loss ! Yes, dearest Lord ! my soul for Thee Would part with all that Thou hast giv'n ; And weep, while on th' accursed tree Expires the Well-belov'd of Heav'n. WVII. I hear a deep sepulchral tone ! Who comes at midnight all alone ; Slowly the sacred mount ascends, And from the holy cross descends, The body of our Saviour Lord ! No fun'ral they to Him afford ; But with the rich, as prophets say, Christ in the silent tomb shall lay ; In vestments white His limbs enfold, With spice, a Jewish rite of old ; In a new sepulchre He sleeps, O'er Him the guard strict vigil keeps; The stone, the seal, shall Him secure, And tranquil sleep to Him ensure ; The stone, the seal, the watch, shall prove The resurrection's pow'r and love. XXVI 1 1 Children, a song triumphant bring. Our risen Lord and Saviour sing ; Angels attend Him at His tomb, Impatient they to hail Him home. Jesus has broke the bands of death, And sav'd us from eternal wrath : Jesus has shut the gates of hell, His triumphs over satan tell ! Jehovah- Jesus overcame, That we in heav'n might sing His name ; To Thee Jehovah still we bow, The life and resurrection Thou ! \\l\. See Jehovah God ascending 1 See th' angelic host attending* ! Behold Him veil'd in yonder cloud ; Eternal glory is His shroud : Your hallelujahs sing aloud ! Why, believers, stand ye gazing ? True it is a sight amazing, Jesus, late our curse and sin, Did for us the vict'ry win, To Him your hallelujahs sing ! The heav'n of heav'ns shall wide unfold, Her gates of pearl and streets of gold ; One tide of praise towards Him shall flow, Before Him saints and angels bow, And earth shall swell the strain below I \\\ Let angels sound the trump of God Jehovah-Jesus comes to reign ; Ye that are wash'd in Jesus' blood, Join yonder shining, glorious train. Put on your robes of spotless white, The radiance of the sun outshine ; The Godhead is divinely bright, The manhood now appears divine. Admiring, worship and adore ; Among the thousands, see Him stand ; He is Jehovah evermore, Resign the kingdoms to His hand. Ye, who a season suffer here, Throughout a dark and cloudy day ; Shall with the Lord of Hosts appear, And reign in one eternal day. XXXI. Children, behold yon radiant band, Ten thousand times ten thousand stand ! Around the throne of Christ the Lamb, And ceaseless sing the Great I Am. Come, join in their immortal song, With hallelujahs loud and long ; Worthy the Lamb ! the angels cry, Worthy the Lamb ! again reply. The Lamb of God for us was slain, That we with Him might ever reign ; For us He shed His precious blood, That we through Him might walk with God. Worthy the Lamb, a joyful song, From every nation, every tongue : Redemption's glorious work is done ; Praise ye the Holy Three in One. XXXII Children, wheresoever you roam, Thwart the land or briny wave ; Jesus Christ shall be your home, And His arm of love shall save. Should you hear the battle roar, Jesus then shall shield your head ; Wreck 'd upon a foreign shore, He shall be your living bread. Should you traverse scorching climes, Jesus there will lead you still ; To assuage your thirst betimes, Shall with living waters fill. Should you towards the freezing pole, Bend your ever varied course ; And the ice-bergs towards you roll, Christ will be a sure resource. XXX111. Jesus, the all-powerful Lord, Holds the world within His hand ; Will His gracious aid afford, 'Till on Zion's Hill we stand. XXXIV. M\ hope and confidence are fled, My peace and joy for ever gone ; Would I were number'd with the dead, And in the silent grave laid down. There freed from the dread Tempter's pow'r, My slumb'ring head would be at rest ; The pangs of sin's remorseful hour, Would heave no more my tranquil breast. My spirit then should soar on high, And leave this earthly clod behind ; On wings of love to Jesus fly ; And at His feet a home should find. XXXV Divine Instructor of the chosen seed, Teach us on Christ the living bread to feed : In every heart with sweet affection move, And each to each unite in kindred love. Give us to know the first eternal cause, From whom alone the Church her being draws; Teach us to know the Father, Son, and Thee, Jehovah-God, to be but One in Three. XXX VI Holy Jesus, God of pow'r ! Shield and Refuge, Rock and Tow'r; Hide us 'till life's storm is o'er, Moor us safe on Canaan's shore. When the winds around us blow, And the tides against us flow ; When we hear the breakers roar, Moor us safe on Canaan's shore. When thick darkness veils the sky, And the vivid lightnings fly ; Now we sink and now we soar, — Moor us safe on Canaan's shore. When the swelling billows roll, And the gulfs overwhelm our soul ; When in death we hope no more, Moor us safe on Canaan's shore. XXXVJ I. Have ye heard of the valley where darkness still reigns, Where Lucifer rules o'er his ample domains ; Where Sin and pale Death unceasingly dwell, Tis the Valley of Hinnom, the Empire of Hell. Tis the dark vale of hopeless and comfortless woe, Where God speaks in wrath to lost sinners below ; Where never is heard Time's wide sounding knell, Tis the Valley of Hinnom, the Empire of Hell. 'Tis the region of endless and reckless despair, Where no tear is e'er shed, nor is utter'd a pray'r ; But shrieks of wild anguish more hopelessly tell, 'Tis the Valley of Hinnom, the Empire of Hell. May we hope ne'er to enter this fearful abode, Tho' so wide is the gate, and so broad is the road, To Jesus we look ! and in safety may dwell, He has conquered the pow'rs of Death and of Hell. XXXVI II. Children, aloud your Saviour sing, Your sweetest notes to Jesus bring ; Behold He comes on earth to dwell, With all the saints His triumphs tell. Sorrow and sighing flee away, In that triumphant holy-day ; Blind ignorance and sin no more, Shall veil our sun's enlight'ning pow'r. Knowledge in purest streams shall flow, On every nation here below ; His praise resound from shore to shore, Responsive to old ocean's roar. Each whisp'ring breeze His name shall bear, And waft it through th' etherial air ; All, all shall know the Saviour then, Jesus the yea and the amen. XXXIX. Lo ! I beheld an angel bright. Rob'd in a cloud of sable night, Descending with all pow'r and might. A rainbow on His head He bore, His face a shining radiance wore, As rising sun that gilds the shore, His feet as burnish 'd columns stood, This pressed the earth and that the flood, Was this the man once bath'd in blood 1 With an all-pow'rful voice he cried, And seven loud thunders echo'd wide, To Him who on this earth did ride. He rais'd his hand in that last hour, And swore by the eternal pow'r, Time's ceaseless tide should roll no more. XL. I saw a throne of radiant white, And one there sat in purest light ; Before Him fled the earth away, And heaven's bright firmament of day. For them no nether place was found, Thro' heaven or hell's eternal bound ; They pass'd and melted from the sight, The sun and stars were quench'd in night. I saw the dead at His command, Before the Lord Jehovah stand ; They rose from sea, and earth, and Hell, Their works their final doom foretell. These were the sons of endless wrath, The children of the second death ; In life's fair page they were not found, With sin and darkness ever bound. XL1. CHRIST CELEBRATING THE PASSOVER WITH HIS DISCIPLES. THE HOLY SUPPER IS INSTITUTED. Luke xxii. and John xiv. The sun no longer glows on Salem's walls, In softer hues the shade of twilight falls; The Paschal Lamb in sacrifice is slain, Due rites are paid as Moses did ordain, When Israel's sons were from Egyptia led, And flaming altars with their firstlings bled : But now no more of Judah's glorious boast, And all the wonders done in Pharaoh's coast ! Jesus, our Paschal Lamb and Saviour, see, Our hope, our trust, our boast alone in Thee ! Salem! at thy lov'd gates in vain we call, Thy temple now and stately domes shall fall ; Thy sons shall wander far from Judah's strand, A scorn and bye-word they in ev'ry land ; XL1I. The blood of Him, the Lord of Life, shall rest A stain for ever upon Judah's breast. The hour draws near, ye wheels of time roll on, Until the conflict's o'er, the battle won ! Yet ere the Saviour is with vict'ry crown'd, See Him the feast partake, the twelve around ! The paschal lamb and the unleaven'd bread Shall point to Him who suffers in our stead ; The bitter herbs with these behold He shares, And thus a part He claims in all our cares ! The Man of Sorrows He ! well school'd in grief, Who still to all our sufferings brings relief, In all our trials for our frailty feels, And with His grace our soul's affliction heals ! And now the scene shall close : the feast is done ; And lo ! a richer banquet is begun ! Hear Him (our sacrifice ordain'd of old) To us the glorious covenant unfold ; XI. Ill Hear Him redemption's wondrous plan reveal, The bread and wine the mystery seal ; These sacred emblems of His cov'nant love To them He gives, and thanks to Him above. " Eat, O belov'd ! eat and remember me, " When you no more on earth my face shall see ; u Drink ye this cup, it is your Saviour's blood, " A living stream of mercy sprung from God !" He spake, and boundless grace to us displayed ! In this same hour He cries " I am betray'd ! " Against me here, is fram'd a dark design, " The traitor's hand is on the board with mine;" A thrilling coldness runs thro' ev'ry breast, Among them let the traitor be confest. Perdition's son ! may such as thou be found Beneath this roof, within this hallow'd bound ? With desp'rate step, and wild and frenzied air, He rushes tow'rds the goal of fierce despair ! D XL1V. The veil of night o'erspreads the darken'd sky, And human guilt conceals from mortal eye. Oh how with love the Saviour's heart o'erflows, To all around, ere from the board He goes ; Again assures them of their promis'd rest, In the eternal mansions of the blest ; Foretells to them His second advent near, When He with might and glory shall appear; Himself proclaims the Life, the Truth, the Way, Thro' whom alone we reach eternal day; Gives them the promise of the light divine, On them with grace for evermore to shine, Thro' life's sad pilgrimage, thro' death's dark vale, When earth shall melt, when sun and stars shall fail, Thro' worlds unseen, by radiant seraphs trod, Where dwells the holy, the all-seeing God ! How sweet His accents fall upon their ear, O what a sacred festival is here ! XLV. He breathes His peace on them, on all below, His parting blessing on this world of woe ; Tells of the love to erring man He bear ; " Such love," He says, " may each with other share, " For by this blessed bond of love divine " Shall all men know that ye indeed are mine ! " Tho' widely scatter'd thro' the nations round, " Still shall this sacred pledge be with you found ; " And scoffing heathens shall with wonder prove, " Jesus the Lord of Life, and God of Love !" FINIS.