■ftiMMm 8 -mu>jniii»ijimMUt'*'!i w i[« iii iiianm « B.. i WU.>KUJ*!y,. -.r L I B R J^ R Y fiL CHRISTIANITY AND MOHAMMEDANISM THE BIBLE AND THE KORAN LONDON : PRINTED BY SPOTTISVVOODE AND CO., NEW-STREET SQUARE AND PARLIAMENT STREET CHRISTIANITY AND ISLAM The Bible and The Koran FOUR LECTURES BY THE REV. W. R. W. STEPHENS PREBENDARY OF CHICHESTER : AUTHOR OF ' THE LIFE OF S. JOHN CHRVSOSTOM ' ' MEMORIALS OF THE SOUTH SAXON SEE ' ETC. LONDON RICHARD BENTLEY & SON, NEW BURLINGTON STREET ||ublisljcvs in (Orbinan) lo ^er ^ajestg \\t (Qiucn 1877 PREFACE. The following Lectures were in substance delivered during Advent, last year, in the Cathedral Church of Chichester. They have been prepared, with some alterations and additions, for publication, in compliance with the wish of some who heard them, and in the hope that they may prove a contribution, however humble, to an intelligent appreciation of the great subject with which they deal. The annual delivery of a set of lectures in the Cathedral is one of the conditions on which my Prebendal Stall has been held since its foundation in the thirteenth century, and VI PREFACE. I selected Christianity and Islam for my subject last autumn, believing the considera- tion of such a subject to be especially salutary and opportune at the present time. If the Eastern Question has its roots to a large extent in religious differences between Mussulmans and Christians, it behoves us all, and more particularly the theological student, to ascertain as exactly as possible what those differences really are ; how far they are deep and vital, how far superficial and incidental, what practical difficulties they place in the way of Christian and Mussul- man living together on terms of amity ; how far, and in w^hat way, these difficulties may be surmounted. To the great prophet of Arabia, and to the marvellous work which he accomplished, I have endeavoured to do justice, in oppo- sition to the false and calumnious estimate which in a past age condemned Mahomet PREFACE. Vll himself as a kind of malicious fiend, and his religion as a diabolical invention. On the other hand, I have sought to show that Christianity and Islam are radically diverse in the nature of their origin, in the character of their sacred books, and in their practical effects upon mankind ; that the difference between them is one not of degree but of kind, according to the wise saying of Dr. Arnold, that while other religions showed us ' man seeking after God,' Christianity showed us ' God seeking after man ; ' a maxim which students of the crude science of com- parative religion are too apt to forget. I have endeavoured, lastly, to point out that if there be these real and vital distinctions be- tween the two religions, it is worse than folly to try and ignore them ; that while there ought to be, and might be, peace and good- will between the believers in rival creeds, it should not be placed on a rotten foundation ; VIU PREFACE, the rotten foundation which would be laid by those who see imaginary resemblances, and are blind to real distinctions ; for if indis- criminate antagonism is mischievous, indis- criminate concession is mischievous also, and can only lead to confusion and disaster. I subjoin a list of the principal authorities which I have consulted : — •■The Koran, translated by Sale, with introduction and notes. >. Gibbon, ' Decline and Fall,' ch. 1., li., lii. ; written in his most brilliant and masterly style, only too much coloured by the sarcasms in which he indulges in the treatment of any religious subject. Milnian, ' Latin Christianity,' Book IV. ch. i. Dr. White, ' Bampton Lectures ; ' fairly represents the narrow estimate of Mahomet prevalent in the last century. xSir W. Muir, 'Life of Mahomet' (four vols.); learned and impartial, as well as reverent and Christian in tone. Weil, ' Mohammed der Prophet ; ' full and learned, and more readable than PREFACE. IX Sprcngcr, ' Life of Mohammed ; ' which is equal 1)-, if not more learned, but less impartial and more theorising — ' more Germanico.' f-Bosivorth SmitJi, ' Mohammed and Mohamme- danism ;' able and ingenious, but the partiality of the author for Mohammedanism seriously detracts from the accuracy and value of the work. y. H. Nezvvian, Lectures on the Turks, in * His- torical Sketches.' E. A. Freeman, 'Lectures on the History and Conquest of the Saracens.' G. F inlay, ' History of Greece under Foreign Domination,' vol i. (2nd edition) ; a most in- valuable work. W. G. Palgravc, ' Central and Eastern Arabia.' Sedillot, ' Histoire Generale des Arabes' (2nd edi- tion) ; this did not come into my hands soon enough to be of much use to me, but it seems full of most interesting matter, put together in a very pleasant way. Articles in the ' Christian Remembrancer,' for June 185 5 ; in the ' North British Review,' for August >