w n^ ^ii^ tJ- . ct?>^ Mj^n ^ f . <:^a^i h)i<'^fnjl9v'^ ^/mx. i/^^-^ /ir^^^ -^ 62^^ /^>^ ^ (<^-^^ ^^^1 '^^^ ir; ;^^ ^^ ^j*'^:*^ ^^ L>^^> .^Tce ^^^^ ^^"^^ * A BRIEF ACCOUNT Of M A N Y of the PROSECUTIONS Of the People call'd QUAKERS IN THE Exchequer J Ecclefiaftical, And Other Courts, FOR Demands Recoverable by the ABs made in the yth and 8th Years of the Reign of King Williajii the Third, for the more Eafie Recovery ^Tithes, Church-Rates, &c, Hmnhl'j fnhnitted to /^^ Confideration of the Members of both Houses 0/ P a r l i a m e n t. L N D O N: Printed and Sold by the Affigns of J. Sov/le, at the Bible m George^ Tard, Lomhard-flrcet. J736. Ill THE PREFAC THAT the People called fakers do profefs a conjcientious Scruple agalnfl the Payment of T'ifhes, and all forced Contri- bution for Maintenance of MinijierSy and other religious Ufes, is well known. This their Scruple, we conceive, will ap- pear not ill grounded, to fuch as Hiall duly coniider the * Nature of Go/pel Liberty^ the -^ Precept of Christ, j| the PraBke of his Apoftles^ the Ufage of the Chriftian Church in the * Gal. V. I. f Mai. x. 8. II Jtfs XX. 34. I Car. iv. 12. i ^^^. ii. 9, 2 ?2?(?/5. iii. 7, 8. iv The Preface. the firft three Centuries,** and the'XeftinK)- nies of feveral Proteftant Martyrs,* and early Reformers from Popery, concurring to acquit them either of Novelty or Singularity herein. And the many Projecutions, Excommunica- tions, Imprijbnments, Sequejirations^ Seizures, and Spoili?7gs of Goods, which they, for Con- fcienceSake, have undergone, are convincing Proofs of their Sincerity. The Profecutors of this People, for m.any Years, might cover the Spoil and Havock they then made, under the plaufible Guife of Ne- ceffity, and a pretence, that their Claims were not other wife recoverable, than by Suits at- tended \Nith. great Expence. But, -%% >cj-j^ impcffibk^ faith Irenasus, to enumerate the free Gifts, which the Church all the World over re- ceiving from God, in the Name of Jefus Chrifl, cruci- fied under PonUus Pilate, daily difpenfes for the Benefit of the Nations, neither feducing any Man, nor taking Money from him, for as fhe hath received freely, fije minifters freely. Irenai, lib. 2. cap. SJ- Oxonics Edit. p. 1S9. Epiphanius joyns Tithes -with Legal Ceremonies, achwidedged by all to he abrogated. See Epiphanius. p. ic), 20. Paris. Edit. 1622, * John Wickliff, Walter Brute, William Thorp^ ai:d Gthcrs. See Fox's Atfs and Monuments, The Treface. But, 'fince the Ads made in the 7th and 8th Years of the Reign of King William the Third, for the more eajie Recovery of T'ithes, Cburch-Rafes, Sec. Thofe that have made the former expenfive Ways of Proceeding their Choice J feem to be left without Excule, and to ad: upon other, lefs juftifiable. Motives, than the meer Recovery of their pretended Dues. Profecutions of this kind, do fo nearly re- femble Ferfecutions^ that he, who fuifers by them, can fcarce difcern wherein they differ. 'Tis to be lamented, that the great BlelUng of Liberty of Confcience, enjoyed under the Lenity of the prefent Adminijiration, fhould be frequently interrupted by fuch Proceedings : And indeed. That Men profeffing Chrijiianity^ and fome of 'em to be Mi?iifters of the Gojpel of Peace, fhould, by unnecefFary and expenfive Law- Suits, facrifice their own Qiiiet and Intereft, to the Oppreffion and Ruin of their Neigh- bours, has been matter of Surprize to generous Minds : Infomuch A 4 That vi The Vreface. That, when the Cafe of the People called ^lakers, prefented to the Parliament, did fei forth, " that there have been profecuted " in the Exchequer^ Ecckfiajtical _ and other " Courts, in England and Wales, for Detnands " recoverable by the faid Adts, above Eleven " Hundred of that People, of w^hom near " Three Hundred were committed to Prifon, *' and feveral of them died Prifoners, " Some Perfons, of eminent Stations, feemed to re- gard that i?^/rf/{^7z/^//o;; as a thing fcarce cre- dible, " a bare Surmife of the fakers,'' and requiring " a Specification of Facts' to fup- port it. For the Satisfadion of Jiich, the following Sheets are published, containing, not only an Account of a greater Number of Profecutions, than the faid Cafe made mention of, but alfo giving '* a particular Specification of the *' Caujes, Perjbns, Places and Tiniest Some Cafes are inferted, wherein it may be objedled, T^hat the Yearly Demand ivas not re- coverable by thoje A&s-, but Care has been taken The Preface. vii taken to diftinguifli them, by fpecifying the particular Sums ; and fuch Cafes, being but few, the Surplufage of our Number will more than admit of their Deduction. Nor do we know of any Cafe, of that kind, which is not fo diftinguifhed. In many of the Cafes, the Sums demanded are not mentioned, for want of particular Ac- counts of them ; but that Defeat is generally fupplied by mentioning jhiall tithes and Church-Rates^ for the Recovery of which thofe A(5ls were made: And 'tis obfervable, that fome of the Profecutors, after a needlefs Ex- pence at Law, have at length dropt their vexatious Suits, and taken their Demands by yiijiices Warrants. The ruinous Seizures for 1'rebk Damages^ and by Sequejiration^ for * twenty or thirty times the Original Demand, which appear in fome of the following Accounts, will doubtlefs be fhocking * See the fevered Cafes o/" Williiim Pearfon, p. 2. John Townlend, p. 6. Thomas Ellwood, p. 8. Barber, Olliffc, and Lnrcum, p. 9. Jonathan Peafl- y, p.>'-5€). and Others. viii The Preface. fliocklng to moft Readers ; whilil the Expence attending the neceflary Defence of almoft every Profecution is not included ; though in fome Cafes, even where nothing hath been re- covered, the ^laker hath been obhged to ex- pend Ten, Twenty or Thirty Pounds, to keep himfelf out of Prifon. Nor are thofe Profecutions only ruinous to private Families, but nearly affed: the publick Good ; for how fliall the induftrious Farmer be capable of paying either Kent to his Land- lord^ 'J'axes to the Government, or his jiiji Debts to his Creditors^ when the whole Profit of his Produce, and fometimes all his Eftate, both Real and Perfonal, is fwept away by a K^equejlrafion for the T'ithe only ? Or how fhall an honeft T'radefman keep his Family from becoming a publick Charge, while he is clofe iockt up in Prifon, for conjcientioujly refufing to pay a Gr&at for EaJier-0fferi?2gSj or Sixpence toward repairing the PariJJj Church ?' Certainly, thofe Wardens are no good Ste- wards of the Parochial Purfe, who fpend many The Vreface. ix many Pounds to Excommunicate and Imprifon Men for fuch trivial Demands as they might have taken w^ithout Charge to the Paiiili. Nor does it beget any Reverence to the DiJ^ cipline of the Church, to fee her heaviefl Cen- fures difcharged on fuch light Occafions. Would not a Go/pel-Spirit be more vifible in her Reproofs, if they were feafonably applied to check the Foment ers of fuch JJnchriJiian Suits, for their manifeft Breach of the great Rule of Morality enjoy ned by Chriji himfelf ; Whatsoever ye would that Men should DO TO You, DO YE EVEN SO TO ThEM ? Thefe, and many other, Remarks, do na- turally arife from the following Cafes, which we recommend to a ferious Pemfal : And. how far thefe fever e Profecutions^ 'Excommunications^ SequeftrationSj and Imprijbnments^ attended with excejjive Cojis and Charges^ are adequate to xhtfrnall Dejnands from whence they arife, we humbly fubmit to the Confideration of our Superiors, who are able to redrefs thefe GrievaficeSy, The Vrefacf. Grievances, and relieve the Injured and Onpreff- edfrom Proceedings fo ruinous and deftru^ive They, who fuggeft, that in fome of thefe Profecutions, the T'itle to the Tithe, or other Claim, has been brought in Queftion, may confider, that fuch Queftioning of the Title was not the Caufe, but the Effed: of thofe Pro- fecutions 5 for, when the poor ^aker is pro- fecuted in the Ecclejiaftiail Court, to avoid 'Excommunicafioii, the Confequence of which to him may be Imprifonmeiit for Lije, he is obhged to apply for a Prohibition, which in fome Cafes he cannot obtain, without difpu- ting his Adveriary's Right to what he claims : So that fuch Conteil of the Profecutor's Title is generally owing to his own Severity ; for . 'tis well known to thofe moderate Titbe-ckim-- errand Wardens, who havechofen to take their Demands by the more eafie Method, that the ^mkers have not ufually oppofed the Juftice's Deciiion, by difputing their I'itk. If any Perfon (hall take Offence at the Mention of his Name in this Colke^ion, let him The Preface. xi Mm confider, that the fakers, who chofe not this Method, but fought Redrefs without it, are not to be blamed ; for, when the Veracity of a People is call'd in Queftion, no Man con- cerned, can reafonabiy exped, that they ihould be more tender of his Reputation, than their own. There is fubjoined to this Preface^ an Al- phabetical Index of the Counties, with the Numbers profecuted and imprifon'd in each County, as mentioned in the following Sheets : But the intire Number of Suits, which on thefe Occalions have been commenced, is unknown j this Collcdiion being generally of Cafes wherein the Sufferers applied to their Friends at London for Advice. Many Others, we have reafon to believe, were begun and ended in the Country, without fuch Appli- cation. At the End of the Book is placed An Appen- dix^ containing an Account of feveral Profe- cutions commenced this prefent Tear 1736, by which it appears, that the Claimers of Titlic xii The Preface. Tithe flill continue to ufe the rigorous Me^ thods complain'd of; and that 'tis not reafon- able to exped:, that the i)olu?itary Amendmei2t of their Condud: will ever make the dcfired ReJiriSlion unneceiTary. In that Appendiy. is alfo a Lifi of fome tedious Lnprijbnments, and the Caufes of them, pointing to the Pages where they are menti- oned, which may be of fomc Ufe to the Perufer& of the Book. An ^« I N D E X of the Nmnber of Pr ose cut r on s. Counties III the Excheq. Ik the Ec. Courts. lit Other Courts, In all. Itxprifoned Bi'ed~ Vrifovers Bedfordjhire 6 7 I 14 2 Berk/hire 6 13 I 20 3 Buckingh. II 3 2 16 8 Cainhridgjh. 12 5 I 18 9 Chejbire I II 12 2 Cornwal 12 9 I 2 2 6 Cumberland 37 10 II 58 27 3 Derbyfiire 3 5 I 9 3 o Devonjhire 15 ^ 18 33- 8 Dorfet/Jjire 2 4 4 10 2 I>urham 6 9 2 17 10 Effex 42 6 9 57 9 Glocefterjh. 20 3 2 25 ■-> Hampjhire 19 2 I 22 6 i Hertfordjh. 4 8 6 18 3 Herefordjh. 4 2 6 Huntington. 4 I I 6 2 Kent 16 1 1 27 4 Lancajfjire 2 3 16 20 II b Lekejlerjh. 6 II 17 6 I Lincoln/hire 16 5 4 25 4 London 23 19 42 1 Middle/ex 74 6 6 86 9 Norfolk 20 7 2 29 8 Northa7npt. 8 13 4 25 10 Nottingha. 6 5 I 12 Oxford/hire 17 I 4 22 4 RutlandJJj. I 2 3 2 Sornerfet/lj. 76 22 9 107 30 I Staffordpo. 9 I 10 4 Suffolk 24 7 I 32 5 Surry 34 21 21 76 13 Suffex 36 3 4 43 II I JVarwickJh. 8 18 3 29 6 I Wejlmorl. 5 2 2 9 4 Wiltjhire 12 - 18 4 Worcefterjh 4 10 8 9 -^ ;') 2'hrkjhire 55 61 20 136 46 2 Wales 12 10 5 27 9 ^59 3^7 154 1180 I 302 ^ A BRIEF ACCOUNT Of Many of the PROSECUTIONS Of the People call'd QUAKERS. f 1. Bedford/hire. [ A ] YOSEPH CLARK was profecu- 1696, B ted in the Ecclefiajlical Court ^ at ^ the Suit of IVilliam King and WaU ter P^^//, Wardens of the V^'i^hoi Co?nbworthj for a Church-Rate (fj called.) Joseph Clark aforefaid was profecuted at Common Law for Tithes, at the ^uit o^ yobn Robertjbn Parfon of Combworth. Robert Impey was profecuted in the Ex- \no±. chequer for Tithes, at the Suit of Arthur Hum- phreys Parfon of Barton in the Clay. B William [ A ] Jofeph Clark was committed to Bed- ford Goal by a Writ de Excommunicato capiendo^ on the gift of the Month call'd Auguft^ 1696, f^i" a Demand of Six Shillings and Eight Pence. % ' Bedford/hire. 1707. [ B ] William Francis of Luton was profecuted in th.Q Ecclefiajiical Courts at the Suit of Chriftopher Raton Vicar. 17 10. Thomas Evans, Robert Impey, John Myos, and * William Pearson, were pro- fecuted in the Exchequer for Tithes, at the Suit of Arthur Humphreys aforefaid of Barton. 17 14. [ C ] Robert Impey was profecuted in the Exchequer^ at the Suit of the faid Arthur Humphreys. John [ B ] William Francis was a poor Journeyman Shoemaker : The Parfon profecuted his Demand of One Groat for Eafter-Olferings fo warmly, that the Charsres of Prorecution came to Eie;hc Pounds : The poor Man was Excommunicated, andlny clofe confin'd in Bedford Goal above Nineteen Months, till an A£f of Grace came out, and fet him at Liberty. * The Parfon's Demand on William Pearfon was Thirteen Shillings for two Years Small Tithes, for which, after five Years vexatious Prosecution, he had taken from him, by Sequeftration, on the 19 th of 0^7o^i?r, 1 7 15, Goods worth Five Pounds: And on the i8th of the Month call'd June^ 17 16, for Charges of the Profecution, Goods worth Fourteen Pounds Six Shillings. In all^ to the F^- /«(? o/Nineteen Pounds Sixteen Shillings, for Thir- teen ^\\\\\\r\%^ demanded. [ C ] Robert Impey for a D 'mand of Three Pounds for fmall Tithes, had his Corn, Sacks, and Hay, carried away, to the Value of Twenty Pounds Five Shillings. His Houfhold Goods alfo were feized, and his Barns kept lockt up by the Profecuror for fix Montlis together, to his very great Detriment. Bedfordjhir'e. o John Jenkins oi Eaton Bray was profe- 1717. cuted in the Ecclefiafiical Courts for two Years Eafter-OfFerings for himfelf and Wife, at Eight Pence per Annum^ at the Suit of Edmund. Stubbs Vicar of Eaton Bray, [ D ] James Marks of A?npthill was 172 1. profecuted in the Ecckpajiical Court, at the Suit of Ezekiel Rou/e Red:or of Ampthill. [ E ] John HoRNE was profecuted in the 1724. Ecclefiafiical Court, at the Suit of Beter Bricket and Richard Mayor Wardens of Dun- Jlable. [ F ] Henry Smith of A/pley-GuiJe w3.s 1727. profecuted in the Ecclefiafiical Court, for a Church-Rate ( fo called.) B 2 John [ D ] James Marks was profecuted for a De- mand of Four Pence ^n7 1 70 1, and continu- ed Prifoner till the 23d of December 1709, being above Eight Tdars and Eight Months^ and was then dilcharged by an Ad of General Pardon. Camhridgejhire, &c. 1 1 [ S ] William Wright Son of the 1703. aforefaid, was profecuted in the Exchequer^ at the Suit of the faid Miles Mufgrave. [ T ] John Tydd of Chatteris was profecuted in the Exchequer, at the Suit of Wil- liam I'urkingtofi Parfon of Chatteris. [ U ] John Warth of Chatteris was profecuted in the Exchequer , at the Suit of the iaid Willia77i Turkington. [ W ] William Claxon was profecuted in the Exchequer, at the Suit of the fame Willi- am T'urkington. John MoRDEN of Wilburton in the I fie of 17 15. Ely was profecuted in the Exchequer, for Tithes of about three Pounds Value, at the Suit of 'Jacob Malabar Impropriator. C2 Isaac [ S ] IVilliam Wright his Son, was profecuted for Tithe of the fame Land, for v/hich his Father was then Prifoner, altho' he was at that Time un- der Age, and as a Servant to his Father. [ T ] John Tydd ior a Demand of thirty four Shillings for two Years fmall Tithes, was commit- ted to Ca7nhridge CaftJe on the 14th of the Month called Augtifi 1703, and continued Prifoner above fix Years and two Monchs, till dilcharg'd by aa A(fl ofGraceon the i^th of Ocfober 1709. [ U ] 7o/j;z/;F^r/^for a Demand of One Pound two Shillings and nine Pence for Tithe, was com- mitted to Cambridge Caflle in the Month called Ju- gujiiyos. [ W ] W. Claxon, for about twenty Shillings Tithes, was committed to Cambridge Caftle the aoth o{ Oclober 1703. • N.B. While thefe three lafl continued Prifoners, the Parfon took his Tithe oil their Land in Kind. 1 2 Camhridgejhire^ &c. lyig. [ X ] Isaac French and John French were profecuted in the Ecclefiajiical Courts for Tithes, at the Suit of Parfon Rujfell^ of the Pariih of Waplett. 1722. [ Y ] Mary Ash of Chatteris Widow was profecuted in the 'Ecclefiajiical Courts for a Church-Rate (fo called) at the Suit of William Whinn Warden. Samuel Poole y was profecuted in the Ec- clefiafiical Courts for a Marriage Fee, at the Suit of Parfon Fleetwood. ■jy2C. Thomas Wright of Fenn Drayton^ was profecuted in the Ecclefiajiical Courts for about Five Shillings for Clerk's Wages, at the Suit of 'Benjamin ^ohnjbn. 1224. [ ^ ] Alice Clark Widow, Amey Ro- binson Widow, and Thomas Laundey, of Swavejea, were profecuted in the Exchequer ar the Suit of John Warha?n Vicar. 5. Chejhire., [ X ] Ifaac French and John French were ex- communicated and committed to Prifon for a De- mand of Tithes for two Acres of Oats. [ Y ] Mary AJh was committed to Lincoln Caltle on a Writ de Excommtinicaio capiendo y on the J 8th Day of November 1703. [ Z ] The Vicar*s Demand on Alice Clarke and Latmdej, joint Executor with her to her late Huf- band'sWill, was three Shillings and fix- Pence for Tithes, and ten Shillings for a Mortuary on the Death of her Hufband : His Demand on the other Widow was ten Shillings for a Mortuary: Altho' no Mortuaries were ufually paid there before this Vicar's Time. Tliis Profecution was depending and carrying on withyigourin Trinity Term 173P, 13 5. Che/hire. [ A ] QAMUEL TRAFFORD of r^r- 5^ ^J perky was profecuted in the Ec- defiafiical Court for Titlies, at the Suit of Fe- ter Lancafter Parfon of Torperky. [ B ] John Roswell, Joseph Endon, and John Plant, all of Bofsley^ were profe- cuted in the Ecclefiajiical Court, and alfo in one of the County Courts, at the Suit of Simon yohnjhn and Charles Hubbart, Tithe- farmers under yobz Leigh Impropriator. [ C ] Elizabeth Crimes Widow was 170S, profecuted in the Ecclejiajiical Court, at the Suit ^ of [ A ] Samuel 'Trafford was committed to Chefter Caftle on the ift of the Month call'd May^ 1706, by a Writ de Excommunicato capiendo^ and continued Prifoner about four Months. [ B ] Rofwell^ Endon and Platit, were fir ft profecuted in the Ecclefiajiical Court: Afterward, in the Court of Macclesfield for the fame Demand, till a Warrant was ilTued for the Seizing of their ^^ffedls, by Virtue of which were taken From Rofivell tor 4/ demanded L. S. D. Six Heifers worth 11 10 o From Endon for 2/. 55 demanded Three Cows worth 8 10 o From Plant ior i/. demanded A Cow and Fleifer worth 400 [ C ] Elizabeth Crimes, for a Demand of Four Shillings and Eight Pence, was excommunicated, taken 14 Chejhire. of yobz Bancroft and Ifaiah Sadler Wardens of the Parilli of Waverham. 17 10. [ D ] Jeffery Alcock was profecuted in the Exchequer^ at the Suit of Matthew Wood Vicar of Boden. 1720. [ E ] Nathaniel Ashbrook of the Pa- riili of John Baptiji in the City of Chejier was profecuted in the Ecclejiaftical Court, at the Suit of yohji Witter Tithe-farmer of Great Broiighton in the Parifh call'd St. O/walds, 172 1. [ F ] William Ashton of Hale was profecuted in the Ecclejiajiical Courts for Tithes, Eafler- taken up by a Writ de Excommimicato capiendo^ and commitced to Chejier Caftle the 12th of the Month call'd July 1706, and kept there a clofe Prifoner above fix Weeks, till difcharg'd at the AfTizes. [ D ] The Vicar's Demand on Alcock was but Seven Pence for fmall Tithes : After the Man had fpent about as many Pounds, the Vicar dropt his Suit. [ E ] N. AJhhrookyNz.% profecuted for Tithes, for Agiftment or depafturing of barren Cattle ; After much Expence, the Court difallow'd the Bill and gave the Defendant Cofts ; whereupon the Plaintiff appeal'd to the ArchUJhop's Court, but was return'd again to the Chancellor's Court at Chejier for a Rehearing ; where the former Sentence was confirmed : NevertheJefs the Defendant never re- cover'd a Penny, tho' the Charge he had been at was about Sixteen Pounds. [ F ] The Parfon's Demand on AJhton was but Five Shillings, for which he was put to Five Pounds Charge. Chejhire. 1 1 Eafter-Offerings and Smoke-penny, at the Suit of Peter La?icafter Vicar of Bode?i. John Lamb of Great Broughton^ in the Pa- 1726. rifh call'd St. OJwald'% was profecuted in the Ecclefiajiical Courts for Eight Pence halfpenny- demanded, by Jaffies Wright and William Normanton Wardens of the Parifh. [ G ] Joseph Walkek of the Parifh of 1732, Wimjlow was profecuted in the Ecckjiajiical Courts at the Suit of I'homas Bclton Tithe-far- mer. [ H ] Hugh Burgis of Witnjlow was profecuted in the 'Ecclefiajiical Courts at the Suit of the aforefaid T'homas Bolton. [ I ] Peter Beckett was profecuted in I735' the Ecclefiajiical Courts at the Suit of T'homas Derbyjhire Redlor of Davenham. 6. Cornwal. [ G ] The Profecutor's Demand from Jofepb Walker, was for Tithes of Calves, Geefe, Bees, ^c. and for Eafter- Offering s. [ H ] Burgis was"alIo profecuted for Tithe of Calves, Lambs, Geefe, Bees, i^c. but after much Trouble and Expence, was relieved by a Prohi- bition out of the King's Bench. [ I ] Beckett was excommunicated for Tithes of Hay, Geefe, Dacks, Hens, Chickens, Tur- keys, Pigs, ^c. i6 6. Cornmal. i6p-. JOHN PETERS was profecuted in the J Exchequer for Tithes, at the Suit of ^jin Cornijl: Widow of the late Parfon of the Pa- rifli of Mi?7iver, 1698. John ScowNE of Rojorow was profecuted in the Exchequer, for about Four Shillings for Tithe, at the Suit of Francis Lewellhi. [ K ] Peter Rogers of the Pariili of Deidoe was profecuted for Tithes, at the Suit of Parfon Fincher. 1600. [ -^ ] Laurence Groudon was profe- cuted in the Ecclefiajiical Cou7't, for a Church- Rate (fo called) at the Suit of Gregory Peters Warden of the Parifh of Merrieji. lyo'y^ Richard Richards of Salt-^JJj, in the Pa- rifh call'd St. Stephens, was profecuted in the Exchequer, at the Suit of James Butler Im- propriator, for a Demand of 7/. for Tithes. 1704. [ M ] Richard Hitchins was profecu- ted in the Exchequer for Tithes, at the Suit of Stephen [ K ] i?o^^^^;;2/o;z 1702. was profecuted in the Ecclejiajiical Courts at the Suit of T^homas Story aforefaid. Mable Henderson was again profecuted in the Ecclejiajiical Court for fmall Tithes, at the Suit of the fame Thomas Story. [ D ] John Brown of Oughterby was profecuted in the Ecclejiajiical Court for a Church-Rate (fo called.) And alfo for fmall Tithes, at the Suit of I'homas Story aforefaid. [ E ] Robert Atkinson of Laurence- 1708. Holm in Wigton Parifh, was profecuted in the Exchequer for Tithes, at the Suit of Henry Fletcher Impropriator. Robert [ C ] Mable Henderfon was committed Pri- foner to Carlijle Goal on the 7th of September, 1702, and died a Prifoner. [ D ] John Brown was committed to Carlijle GozX on ihtjxhoi September, 1702, and continued Prifoner till Novernber 1703, when he was dif- charg'd by a Superfedeas granted upon a Defed in the Proceeding. [ E J R. Atkinfon was committed to Carlijle Goal in the Month call'd May, 1708 ; and dif- charg'd in the Month call'd July, 1709, by an Aft of General Pardon. In 17 10, the laid //^;zrj Fletcher Subpasna'd him again into the Exchequer ; but that Suit ended foon after by the Death of the Profecutor. He had during the Proccfs againfl him, his Corn and Cattle feized at one time to the Value of Fifty Eight Pounds One Shilling and Nine Pence 24 CumherUnd. 17 10. Robert Atkinson was again profecuted in the Exchequer^ at the Suit of the faid Fletcher. [ F ] John Henderson, William Hen- derson and Isaac Crookdalk, were profe- cuted in the Exchequer^ at the Suit of Thomas Story Parfon of Ba?ito?i, John Stordy of BroughwsiS profecuted in the Exchequer, for Ten Shillings demanded for a Mortuary, at the Suit of the faid Thomas Story. Margaret Hodgson of Brough was pro- fecuted in the Exchequer for fmall Tithes, at the Suit of the faid Tho7nai Story, ijic. [ ^ ] Thomas Wilkinson, William Caddy, Anthony Skelton, Richard Kirkbride, John Drape fen. and John Drape jun. of Hohn-Ctiltrumy were profecu- ted for Tithes, at the Suit of Jofepjo Johnjon and yohjt Barnes Tithe-farmers. 1720. [ ^ ] Mary Beeby Widow was pro- fecuted in the Exchequer, for Tithes of a Tene- ment at Bowfcob^ at the Suit of John Pattinjbn of Pence, at another time Goods worth Fifteen Pounds, and at a third time to the Value of Three Pounds. [ F ] Joh7i Henderfon and Ifaac Crookdalk were committed to Prifon, and continued there above five Months : The Demand on them was 5J. 4^. in lieu of Tithes, and ioj. for a Mortuary. f G ] They were committed to Prifon at Car- l[[Ie : Skelton and Caddy died Prifoners, and the others continued Four Years. [ H ] This Suit dropt by the Death of the Profecutor. Cumherland. 25 of Penrith J for a yiodxis oi los. per Tea?-, for Six Years. Isaac Huntington of Carlijle was profe- 1728, cuted in the Ecclefiajlical Court, at the Suit of Edward Brown and Bernard Sewell Wardens, for IS. Sd, demanded for a Church-Rate (fo called) Thomas MiTCHiNsoN o£ Carlijle was pro- fecuted in the Ecclefiajlical Court, at the Suit of Edward Brown and 'T'ho?nas Slack Wardens of the Parifli, for Five Pence demanded for a Church-Rate (fo called.) John Huntington o£ Carlijle, Apothecary, was profecuted in the Ecclejiajlical Court, at the Suit oi Edward Brown and Bernard Sewell Wardens, for Six Pence demanded for a Church-Rate (fo called.) John Huntington aforefaid was profecu- jj^ i, ted in the Ecclefiajlical Court, for a Demand of Two Pence. John Huntington aforefaid was again pro- fecuted for Two Shillings and Eight Pence, Church-Sefs (fo called) at the Suit of Richard Scott, John Dixon, William Bacon and "John Sewell Wardens. John Huntington was a fourth time 1733. profecuted for One Shilling and Nine Pence halfpenny Church-Sefs (fo called) at the Suit of Anthony Nixon, John Simpjbn^ John Strong and John Dixon Wardens. John Huntington was the fifth time pro- 1735. fecuted for One Shilling and an lialfpenny Church-Sefs (fo called) at the Suit of John E Cai^life, 26 Cumberland. Carlijley I'homas Hartnefs^ 'Thomas Olivant and Cuthbert Sewell Wardens. [ I ] Edward Tyson of Birkertbwait was. profecuted in the Exchequer^ at the Suit of William Hudlejlon Efqj of Millom Cajile Tithe- farmer. DANIEL Tyson Weaver, was profecuted in the Exchequer, at the Suit of the aforeiaid Hudlejlon. S. Derhy/hire. 171 1. [ K ] TOHN FREETH and Joseph J Freeth both of C6^^r/?<^/^, were profecuted for Tithes, at the Suit of Richard Milner and Joh?! Woodward Tithe-farmers. [ L ] William Hancock of Cutthorpe was profecuted in the Exchequer, at the Suit of Richard [ I ] The Demand on the two 'ityfons was for about Four Shillings each for fmall Tithes : But upon Reprefentation of their Cafe to the faid Willi- am Hudlejlon, they being both very poor, he ge- neroufly ftopt the Proceedings againft them, and paid the Cofts himfelf. [ K ] John and Jofeph Freeth were taken up by an Attachment^ and committed to the common Goal at Chejlerfield, on the 13th of O^ober 171 1. [ L ] JVillia?n Hancock was taken up by an Attachment out of the Exchequer, and committed to the Derhy/hire. 27 Richard Mtlncr and 'John Woodward Tithe- farmers. William Hancock aforefaid was profecu- 17 12. ted in the Common Pleas^ at the Suit of the fame Tithe-farmers. [ M ] Stephen Arnold and Samuel 1723, BoLsovER of Whittington were profecuted in the Ecdefiajiical Court for Clerk's Wages, at the Suit of Simon Gloffop. George Turpin was profecuted in the £^- 1725* clefiajiical Court for Clerk's Wages, at the Suit of William Crain Parifh Clerk of North Wing- field [ N ] Stephen Arnold and Samuel i?^?- Bolsover oi Whittingtoji were profecuted in the Ecdefiajiical Court for Clerk's Wages, at the Suit of George Hewett Pari(h Clerk. E 2 9. Devo7i- the common Goal at Chefier field on the i3ch of OEloher 171 1, and continued Prifoner rill the 25th of the Month call'd March 17 12, and was then fet at Liberty by the Profecutor's Order, who dropt his Suit in the Exchequer \ and foon after proceeded againft him in the Co;«wz<9« P//?<3J for treble Dama- ges, got an Execution^ and for an original Demand of i6j. 9 J. for Six Years, made a Seizure of his Houfhold Goods, and a Cow, to the Value of Twenty Pounds, leaving him. nothing of Value for the Ufe of his Wife and Children. [ M ] The Clerk's Wages demanded of both of them, did not amount to above is. 2d. [ N ] Stephen Arnold was proceeded againll to an Excojnmunicationy the Demand on him was Two Shillings, an-d on Bolfover Eight Pence. 28 9. Devonjhire. 1696. [ C) ] JOHN C6LESW0RTHY of Top^ J J}:am was profecuted in the Ecckft- afiical Court for fmall Tithes and Eafter-Offe^ rings, at the Suit of Chrifiopher Bdle. * 1697. Robert Ford of Hi^/^cr^ow was profecuted in the Ecclefiajiical Court for Four ShilHngs and Six Pence for a Church-Rate (fo called) and Excommunicated. Thomas Fry and Thomas Stamper were profecuted in the Ecclefiajiical Courts for Eighteen Pence each. J70I. [ P ] Jane Splatt was profecuted in the Exchequer for Tithes, at the Suit of Fran- cis Stoake Parfon of the Parifh of Bovi-tracy. Jane [ O ] The Libel prcferr'd againft John Colef- ^orthy in the Ecclefiajiical Courts made Demand ef fmall Tithes and Offerings fornine Years, viz, 4.4 ^er Annum Sacrament Money, ' jd per Annum Gd.rden-ptnnY, . I ^ ^^ryf«;;//;« Hearth- penny, &c. He was committed to Exon Go3i\ about the 15th of the Month call'd January 1697, but upon pleading the Errors of his Commitnient, was dif- charged at the ^ffizes following, about three Months after. / [ P ] J^f^e Splatt^ about Seventy Years of Age, was profecuted fpr Two Years Tithe, which ' accord- Devon/hire. 29 i. QJ\ Ja^'e Small was profecuted in the 1703 Ecckfiafiical Courts at the Suit of William Rif- den Parfon of the Parilh oi Ilfington. Jacob Phillips oiWefi Ahington was pro- fecuted to an Excommunication. Isaac Brooking of 5o/<^^rrjy was profecu- ted in the Exchequer for fmall Tithes, at the Suit of Aaron Baker Vicar. Andrew Stone was profecuted in the Ex- chequer^ at the Suit of the aforefaid Parfon Aaron Baker. Joshua Weymouth of Marlborough was profecuted in the Exchequer, at the Suit of the laid Aaron Baker, Roger Garvis of South^Hewifi was profe^ cutedat the Suit of the faid Aaron Baker. N. B. The Projecutions in /i^i? Exchequer, on thoje four Perjbns laji above mentioned, were dropt, and DiJireJ's made by Juftices Warrants. James Taylor o^ Holcomb Regis was pro- '^J^Z* fecutcd in the Exchequer, Andrew according to Cuftom was but yd. per Annum., tho* the Parfon demanded Twenty four Shillings . She was committed to the Sheriff's Prilon near Exon, about the Month called July 1702, and remained Prifbner above Two Years and One Month, when fhe was difcharg'd by Superfedeas granted upon the Death of the Profecutor. [ Q^] Jane Small was alfo a poor Woman, and imprifqn'd in the County Goal feveral Years. ^o Devonjhire. 1704. [ R ] Andrew Goss of Bijhop-Nympfon was profecuted in the Ecclejiajiical Coi^^ for a Church-Rate (fo called.) [ S ] Hilary Macey, John Frayne, and William Yelland, all of Oakhampton, were profecuted in the Ecclefiajiical Court ^ at the Suit of Francis Richards Warden, for a Church-Rate (fo called.) 1707. Thomas Saunders was profecuted in the Exchequer for Tithes, at the Suit of Nathaniel hangley Impropriator. [ T ] Joshua Weymouth was profecu- ted in the Exchequer for fmall Tithes, at the Suit of Aaron Baker Vicar of Marlborough^ Weji-Alvington^ South-Huijhy and Milton. Mar- [ R ] Andrew Gofs for a Demand of 45. was excommunicated, and committed to Prifon on or before the i6th of the Month call'd July 1704, and remained a Prifoner till the 3d of the Month call'd April 1706, being about Twenty One Months. [ S ] The Demands, for which thefe Three were profecuted, were very fmall, viz. S. D. Of Hilary Macey i 3 Of John Frayne o 5 Of Prudence I'elland o 5 • [ T ] Jojhua Weymouth was thrice imprifon'd in the Courfe of this Profecution ; being committed on the 23d of Decejnber 1707 : And again, on an Attachment, the 5th of the Month call'd May 1708, and a third Time on the 1 8 th of the Month call'd April 1709 ; but the Writ on which he was laft committed, bearing Date on the Day call'd Sunday^ upon pleading that Error, he was dif- charged. Devonjhire o i [ U ] Margaret Lee of Bridge-'To'w7i 1709. near T^otnejl Widow was profecuted in the Exchequer, at the Suit of 'Thomas Curtis Gen- tleman. Jo H N Col e s wor t h y of Wejiwood near Cre- 1 7 1 2 . dito?i was profecuted in the Exchequer, for Tithes. John CoLEswoRTHY aforefaid was profe- 1713. cuted in the Ecclefiaftical Court. [ W ] James Tucket was profecuted in 17 16. the Ecclefiafiical Court for Thirty Two Shil- lings demanded for a Church-Rate (fo called) at the Suit of Samuel Bickjord Warden of the Parifh of Comlyntynhed. [ X ] Susanna HiNsoN was profecuted 17 19. in the Ecclefiafiical Court for Tithes, at the Suit of 'Johri Spiring Vicar of Burlefcomb. \ Ann Pengelly of Exeter was profecuted 172 1, in the Ecclefiafiical Court, at the Suit of Willi- am Barter Parfon, for Four Shillings demand- ed for his Maintenance. Ann [ U ] Margaret Lee was profecuted for Tithe of a new planted Orchard, which produced but about two Quarters and an half of Barley. [ W ] James Tucket on a Writ de Excommu- nicato capiendo was committed to the Sheriff's Ward in Exon, in the beginning of the Month called July 1716, and remained Prifoner till the 2d of the Month called February 1 7 17- [ X ] Snfanna Henfon was committed Prifoner to the Sheriffs Ward in Exon on a Writ de Excom- municato capiendo, but after three Monchs Impri- fonment dilcharged by a Superfedsas, ^2 Devon/hire: 1722. Ann Pengelly aforefaid was profeciited ia the Ecdejiaftical Court for a Church-Rate (fo called) at the Suit of William Ciitcliff' Warden of the Parifh call'd St. Edmund's on the Bridge. ?72 5. Sarah Ford Widow was profecuted in the Ecclefiajiical Courts at the Suit of Parfon Ack- land ofWellandj for Tithe. 1729. [ Y ] James Tucket was profecuted in the Exchequer, at the Suit of John Doidge Par- fon of Sfoke-Climjland, for Tithes. 1730. [ 2^ ] James Tucket aforefaid was a- gain profecuted in the Exchequer ^ at the Suit of yohn Doidge aforefaid. [ A ] El IAS Tucket, James Tucket his Brother, and their Sifter, were profecuted in the Exchequer, at the Suit of the aforefaid Par- fon Doidge, Peter [ Y ] James Tucket was committed to Prifon in the Month called M2)! 1730? i^or a Demand of Four Pounds Ten Shillings Tithe, being then a- bove Seventy Years of Age, and had been Blind tor Twenty Years before. ] Z ] He was again profecuted afrefh for the laft Year's Tithe, tho' in Prifon, where he conti- nued about Six Years, being difcharged this pre- fent Year 1736. [ A ] Thefe were the Sons and Daughters of the aforefaid James Tucket, and the Parfon filM a Bill againft them for the fame Demand for which he imprifon'd their Father ; but finding after^ wards that they had no Concern in the Affair, he proceeded no farther. Devonjhire] 9^ [ B ] Peter Mace Y of O^^/'^w/j/tj;; was 1732* prolecuted in the Ecckjiaftical Courts at the Suit v of Timothy Ed'wards Parfon of the Parifh. Archelaus HolwoRthy was profecuted 1735. in the Ecclefiajlical Court, for Four Shillings demanded for a Church-Rate (fo called) at the Suit of Richard Maypenddr Warden of the Pa- rifli call'd St. T'homas near Exon. 1 o. Dorfetjhire. [ C ] XT 7ILLIAM MOCKET of Broad^ 1696. VV way was profecuted at Commori Law for Tithes, at the Suit of yohn Page Redtor oi Broadway . James Haviland of Corf-Cajile, in the 7/7^ of Purbeck, was profcoited in the Ecclefiajiical Court for a Church-Rate (fo called.) F James [ B ] The Suit againft Macey was put a Stop to by the InterceiTion of fome neighbouring Gentle- men, who prevail'd with the Parfon to fufpend his Proceedings. [ C ] Willidm Mocket was profecuted for Six Years Tithe ; the Value of which, as proved upon the Trial, was 9/. lOJ. The Jury gave in a Ver- dict for Treble Damages : Execution was there- upon awarded, and in the Beginning of the Year 1697, he had Eight Cows taken away, worth Thirty Two Pounds. ^^ Tyorfetjhire. [ D ] James Haviland aforefaid was profecuted in the Common Fleas, at the Suit of George King Redlor of Langton Matt'avers. 1699. [ E ] James Haviland aforefaid was profecuted on the Statute for 'Treble Damages y at the Suit of George Khig Rector of Langton- Matr avers, and alfo at the Suit of James Far- kins Redior of Corf-Cajlle. 1706. The Widow How was profecuted in the Ecdefiajlical Court for Four ShiUings and Six Pence demanded for a Church-Rate (fo called.) 1699. [ F ] Thomas Strong was profecuted at Common Law for Tithes, at the Suit of 'James Far kins Parfon of the ParilTi oiCorJe. Tho- [ D ] James Haviland for a Demand of 4/. Tithes, had taken from him by an Execution, L. S. D Milch Cows, K Steers and one Bull 7 Valued by a moderate Computation at 3^ ' [ E ] Upon Trial, the Jury gave a Verdid for each of the Parfons to the Value of 40s. for which Judgment and Execution was ajvarded for each of them 17/. And on the 3d, 4th and 5th Days of the Month called ^j)ril 170c, he had Two Bibles, his Houfliold Goods, Bedding, Linen, Wearing Apparel, &c. taken away to the Value of Fifty Pounds. [ F ] Tbojnas Strong i'or d. Demand of il. los. 6d. Tithes and Cofts of Suit, had Judgment a- warded againft him at Z)^rr/j£y?fr Affizes in 1699, for Fifteen Pounds Eleven Shillings and Six Pence. Dorfetjhire. q^ [ G ] Thomas Strong aforefaid was profecuted in the Exchequer^ at the Suit of Matthew Bowles Parfon. [ H ] George Harris of 7^rr^«/7?///Z>- 1706. ton was profecuted in the Ecdefiajiical Courts at the Suit of Frampton Roges, for Tithe. [ I ] Ann Seymour Widow, of Mz/r;?/'^//, 1709, was profecuted in the Ecdefiajiical Courts at the Suit of Matthew Hunt and "John Moore Wardens. F 2 Tho- [ G ] The faid T. Strong for a Demand of 4/. Tithe, had taken from him by Seq^nejtration, L. S. D. An Eflate, being Chattel-Leafe, worth 50 o o His Goods and Corn on the Ground 20 o o 70 o o [ H ] George Harris was committed to Dor- cheftcr Godi\ by Warrant from two Juftices, ground- ed on the Statute of 27 Hen. 8. for los. demanded for Tithes, and 3/. 8j. 1 id. for Cofts ol Suit : The Tithe claimed was for Sheep, Barley, Apples, ^c. After about feven Months Imprifonment, he was remov'd by Habeas Corpus to the Queen's Bench Bar, and difcharged upon pleading the Er- rors in the Warrant of his Commitment. [ I ] Ann Seymour, after nine Months Profe- cution for 45, 5^. -i, was committed to the County Goal at Dorchejler on the 1 7th of the Month called July I 'joy, on a Writ de Excojnmunicato capiendo, and continued Prifoner near T\vo Years, till dif- charg'd by an A61 of Grace. 3^ Dorfetjhire. 1720. [ K ] Thomas Hart of Beanmlier'^ Bakery was profecuted in the Exchequer^ at the Suit of Peter Br ice Parfon of an adjacent Parifh call'd Netherbury in T'errd, 1 1 • Durham. ^^97' [ L ] "T^HOMAS HUNTER was profe- JL cuted in the Ecclejiaftical Court for Tithes. 1698. James Wood of Stockton, was profecuted in the Exchequer y at the Suit of the Parfon of the Parifh. 1700. [ M ] John Wilkinson of M?;zX'-J/^/^/- 4e?i was profecuted in the Ecclefiajlical Court for [ K "] Thomas Hart was profecuted for five Years fmall Tithes of an Orchard and Cottage ufually valued at e^s. -per Annum. The poor Man, to avoid apparent Ruin, and prevent the Lofs of his Creditors by this Profecution, fold what little he had, and paid his juft Debts ; After which, the Parlon dropt his Suit. [ L ] Thomas Hunter was imprifon'd in Jjur- ham Goal on a Writ de Excommunicato capiendo.^ but was difcharged fome time after by the Judge at the AfTizes, upon pleading the Errors in the War- rant of his Commitment. [ M ] John Wilkinfon was committed to Prifon on the 19th of 05foher 1700, on a Writ de Exco?n- mumcat(i capiendo. Durham. 37 for Tithes, at the Suit of the Dean and Chap- ter oi Durham. [ N ] John Hall and John Wilkin- 1703. SON of Monk Hajelden^ were profecuted in the Chancery Court at Durham^ at the Suit oi Ci- cely Moorcraft Widow and Executrix to the deceafed Parfon. Joseph Maud of Sunderland^ was profecu- ted in the Exchequer for Tithes of four Acres of Hay, at the Suit of yohn Smith Red:or of Bifiop Warmouth. [ O ] Thomas Hunter of Tinkerhill 17 10. was profecuted in the Exchequer ^ at the Suit of 'John Cooke Tithe-farmer under William Wi^ therington Impropriator. John [ N ] Hall and Wilkinfon were both commit- ted to Durham Goal on the 19th of the Month call'd Augujl 1703 : The Profccutor's Demand was for Tithe of Hay, Wool, Lambs, Geefe, &c. and for Eafter-Offcrings •, On Hall ill. and on M-^dkinfon 61. with Cofts of Suit 15/. for which were taken by Sequejlralion, From Job?t Hall, L. S. D. 13 Cows 8f Oxen, one Mare& 18 Sheep, 62 10 o From John Wilkinfon , Three Horfes and three Cows, 18 o o 80 10 o [ O ] 'Thomas Hunter was fued for three Years Tithe, and by a falfe Return of Non eft inventus.^ a Sequejiration was obtain'd, by which was taken from him on the 22d of September 17 10, Seven Cows, Two Oxen, Two Mares, One Steer, and One 98 Durham. D 1714.' [ P ] John Walton of Shildon, Tho- mas Lackeney of Bijhop Aiikland^ Ralph Dixon of Woodhoufe Clofehoufe^ Love -God MuRWAiTE of Bifiop Aukland Widow, and John Dalton of the fame, were profecuted in the Ecckfiajiical Courts at the Suit of 'Tho- mas Sayer and William Slater Wardens, for a Church-Rate (fo called.) ^7^S' [ Q ] Thomas Kipling was profecuted in the Ecclejiajiical Court for a Marriage Fee, at the Suit of John Hall Parfon of Darlington. Tho- One Heifer, worth Forty Pounds. After that Djflrefs, Hunter put in an AppeaTance, and obhg'd the Proiecutor to prove his Demand ; and he proved 2/. i ys. 6d, for 3 Years Tithe, for which and Cofls of Suit, he procur'd an Order to fell all the faid Cattle' ; and alfo a farther Order, under pretence that they did not amount to fo much as the fuid 2/. lys. 6d. and Cofts, which latterOrder would probably h'ave'beien put in Execution, but was pre- vented by tHe Death of the faid Thomas Hunter. [ P ] The Demands were, on Walton Two ShilHngs and Six Pence, Lackenbj Two Pence half- penny, Dixon One Farthing, on the Widow Mur- wait Four Pence, and on Balton^One Farthing ; they were all committed to Durham Goal on a Writ de Excommunicato capiendo ; but feveral of their Neighbours, troubled at their Impriibnment for fuch Trifles, paid the Demands of the Court, and got them difcharged. [ Q^ J Thomai Kipling was committed to Dur- ham QtoA about the Month call'd Auguft 17 15, by Juftices Warrant grounded on the Statute of 2yHen, 8. He continued Prifoner about two Years, and Durham. c^p Thomas Kipling was again profecuted in 1717, the Ecckjiapical Court for the fame Cauie, by the fame Parfon. [ R ] William King, John Horse- man and John Robinson, were profecuted in the Exchequer by Johji Proud Steward to the Lord Barnard. 1 2. Ejffex. [ S ] TORN BAILEY of Kekedon was 1696, J profecuted in the Exchequer for about Eight ShilUngs for Tithes, at the Suit of Johi T'abor Parfon. Ann Green was profecuted in the Exche- 1697. quer for Tithes, at the Suit of Zachary Par- tridge Impropriator. Michael and was difcharg'd by Judge Dormer at Durham Aflizes, in the Month call'd Auguft 171 7, upon pleading the Errors in the Warrant of his Commit- ment. But foon after his Difcharge, the Parfon profecuted him again in the Eccleftafikal Court for the fame Caufe. [ R ] The Demand on King was is. Sd. on. Horfeinan \l. 5;. and on Robinfon 12s. but the Pro» fecution was put a Stop to, through an Application made to the Lord Barnard, and, as was fuppos'd, by his Diredlion. [ S ] John Bailey was committed to Chehnf- ford Goal on the 27th of the Month call'd AprU 1699, '40 Effex. 1698. [ T ] Michael Pettit of Great Sam- ford was profecuted in the 'Exchequer^ for Tithes, at the Suit of Edward Hayujdrd Par- fon of Winkfield. Andrew Hixl and Richard ^ddy of Peering were profecuted in the Exchequer^ at the Suit of Henry Abbott Tithe-farmer. 1699. [ ^ ] Thomas Pettit oi Layer-Marney was profecuted in the Exchequer^ at the Suit of the faid Henry Abbott. [ W ] Thomas Hutchinson oiOfith- JJland was profecuted at the Suit of John Waits Impropriator. [ X ] Henry Starr was profecuted in the Exchequer for Tithes, at the Suit of John Stuben Parfon oi Littlebury. John [ T ] Michael Pettit was profecuted for thirty Years fmall Tithes. [ U ] Thomas Pettit for Tithes of il. i^s. as formerly valued, and 12/. i8j. Coll, was brought up to the Exchequer Bar, and committed to the Fleet Prifon on the 24th of the Month called January i6gg^ anO continued Prifoner rill about the Month calPd Augujl 1703, being above three Years and an half. [ W J Thomas Hutchinfon was corrimitted to Chelmsford Goal on the 7th of the Month call'd May 1699, for a Demand of 3/. loj. for one Years Tithe, and continued a Prifoner there about Six Years. [ X ] Henry Starr^ on a Demand of about 30;. Tithe, was committed to CZ?^/;«j/or^ Goal on the 23d of the Month call'd April 1700, and con- tinued a Prifoner feveral Years. Effex. 41 John ti AIL E was profecuted m the Exche- 1700, guer, at the Suit of Obadiah Paid Parfon of Eaft-thorp. [ Y ] Susannah Cutting of Bradford was profecuted in the Exchequer for Tithes, at the Suit of T^bomas Hicke?'inghill Impropriator. William Bramh am and John Hawkins, 170 1. both of Oakle)\ were profecuted in the Exche- quer for Eight ShiUings Tithe, at the Suit of * Henry Cole Parfon of that Parifli. William Lobdy of Oakley was profecuted at the Suit of Tho. Hickeringhill Impropriator. Mary Cooke of Haljied Widow was pro- fecuted in the Exchequer for fmall Tithes, at the Suit of Johii Mordick Parfon of Haljied. Richard Addy of Feering was profecuted In the Exchequer^ at the Suit of Henry Abbot Tithe-farmer under "John Cotton Impropriator. The Widow King of S>ible Heningham was profecuted in the Exchequer for Tithe, at the Suit of the Parfon of that Parifh. Francis Waldegrave oi Haljied \Y2i^^ro- fecuted in the Exchequer for Tithe, at the Suit of the Parfon of Clare in Suffolk, for Lands there. G Robert [ Y ] Sujannah Cuttings on a Demand of ioj". Tithe, was committed to Chelmsford Goal in De~ cemher 1701. The Baylih'of the Hundred after- ward made Diftrefson her Goods in the Impropria- tor's Name, and took away to the Value of Eight Pounds. * Application being made to the then Biiliop o^ London ; he, by a Letter to Ci;/(. ly 02. [ Z ] Robert Havens of Ci?/t ebbing vj2.% profecuted in the Exchequer for Tithes, at the Suit of Robert Skingjley Parfon pf that Parifh. ijiy. [ H ] Daniel Aylett was profecuted in the Exchequer for Tithes, at the Suit of Elias Smith Parfon of Gosjield. 17 19. [ I ] Robert Levitt, Joan Forsteh and William Giver, all of Stebbing^ were profecuted in the Exchequer^ at the Suit of ^itus Wendy Vicar. 1720. [ K ] Thomas Cobham of Stratford was profecuted for Tithes, at the Suit of Wil- liam Bcnjon Efq; Impropriator. Daniel [ F ] Samuel Farmentor was committed to Chelmsford Goal on the 29th of November 1712, and lay there about a Year. [ G ] After fome time the Parfon dropt his Profccution in the Excher^uer, and took his Tithe by Juftices Warrant. [ H ] The Profecutor dropt his Suit at the Interpofition of a Neighbouring Gentleman. [ I ] The Parfon's Demand on Levitt was for cjne Year's Tithe, 2/. 165. 6d. His Demand on Forfter was firfb 13J. 6d. and in a few Days after 1/. I J. for a Marriage Fee •, for which he alfo pro- fecuted him at Common Law^ and afterward in the Ecdcfiajlical Courts till the Charges in all came to Ten Pounds Five Shillings. [ K ] The Demand on Co/;/:?^;;; was for Seven Years Tithe of only Three Acres of Land at Four phillings^^r Annuin per Acre, J Epx. 4.5 [ L ] Daniel Aylett of Gosfield was 172 1, profecuted in the Exchequer^ at the Suit of W^illiam Beavor Dean of Backing. [ M ] David Chapman, RichardChap- MAN, [ L ] The Bean's Demand on A'jlett was but Four Shillings for Two Years Tithe of Herbage. After a large Expence, a Neighbouring Gentle- man paid the Deane, and took away Aylett^s Corn in Harveft to repay himfelf. [ M "I David Chapman and James Rawlins were imprifon'd in Chelmsford Goal, and Rawlins con- tinued there Twenty Nine Weeks. The Decree of the Court againft David ChapJ7ian for his Tithes for the Year 1721, was as follows, L. S. D. Hops 213 Apples 010 Peafe and Beans 070^ Parfnips and Carrats 001 Calves 060 Milk I I o Wool o I 8 Pigs 026 Eggs 003 Agiftment 016 Lambs o 14 o Eafter-OfFerings 010 4 17 3 T Charges of the Profecution 29 8 o And the Decree on Rawlins was as follows. Apples o I 7 i Beans in an Orchard 004 Pigs 026 Agiftment for a Saddle Horfe 016 Eafter-Offerings 006 ^ ^ 5 -: Chargesof the Profecution 24 9 o 4<5 Epx. MAN, David Chapman jun. and James Rawlins, were profeciited in the Exchequer for Tithes, at the Suit of 'Titus Wendy Vicar of SfebbtJig. [ N ] Robert Pettit was profecuted in the Exchequer, at the Suit of An?i Harky Widow, Farmer of the Great Tithes oiTotham. 1724. Sarah Wheat Widow of Richard Wheat of Hornchurchy was profecuted in the Exchequer \ for fmall Tithes, at the Suit of Henry Levitt Prieft. 1728. [^] John Evans, John Fryatt, Daniel King and John Stagey, all of Cog- gefiall, were profecuted in the Ecclefiajiical Courts at the Suit of Peter Livermore Warden. [ P ] John Raven was profecuted in the Exchequer for One Pound Fifteen Shillings for Tithe, at the Suit of Richard Trijiram Vicar of Feeri?ig. John [ N ] After feme Trouble and Expence in the Exchequer, the Widow dropt her Suit againft Pettit there ; and took her Demand of 5/. by Ju- Hices Warrant. [ O ] The Demand of the Warden was for a Church-Rate, (fo called) from Evans ^s. Fryatt gs. 6d. King 25. 6d. and Stacey is. They appear'd at the Ecclefiajiical Courts feveral times ; till at iength the Profecutor dropt his Suit, having pro- ceeded illegally. [ P ] This Suit ceafed by the Death of the Profecutor. m ex. Ay [ Q^] Matthew Pitchford of Col- 1720. chejier was profecuted in the Ecclejicijiical Court for Four Pence for Eafler-Offerings, at the Suit of Francis PowelKe3ior of the Parifh call'd All-Samts in Colckcjier. [ R ] John Warner, John Bennet, 173 i. Joseph Tabraham and Benjamin Larks, of W alth am- Abbey ^ were profecuted in Chan- cery^ at the Suit of John Caput Parfon of that Parifh. [ S ] John Jasper, Robert Levitt and 1735* Joseph Smith, were profecuted in the Ex- chequer for Tithes, at the Suit of Titus We?idey Vicar of Stebbing. 13. Glocejlerjhire, [ Q_] Upon Application made to the Parfon, he put a Srop to the Proceedings. [ R ] The Parfon's Demand was for Eafler- Olferings, from Warner, Bennet and Tabrahatn^ One Shilling each •, and from Larks Eight Pence : After a great deal of Trouble and Expence, the Profecucor dropt his Suit. [ S ] The Parfon's Demands were, L. S. D: On Jafper for four Years Tithe, 660 On Levitt for four Years Tithe 11 17 o On Smith for three Years Tithe 026 48 15. Glocefterjhire. j6q6. [ ^ ] \AriLLIAM BALL of French-haj ^ ' ' V Y was profecuted in the Common Pleas for Treble Damages, at the Suit of JVil- liam Player Efq; Impropriator. 1698. [ ^ J Thomas Long, Francis Fen- nel, Richard Adams, Christopher Young and Ann Haines, were profecuted in the Ex- chequer for Tithe, at the Suit of William WaU ter Executor to Farfon Hearne deceafed. 1699. John Webb of Gloucejier was profecuted in the Ecclejiajiical Court, and Excommunicated for not paying a Church-Rate (fo called.) [ X ] Thomas Loveday of Painjivick was prolecuted in the Exchequer for about Fourteen Shillings for three Years Tithes, at the Suit of George JVilks Impropriator, WiL- [ T ] William 5^// for four Years Tithe de- manded, worth in all about 17/. 14J. was caftfor Fifty Three Pounds Two Shillings. [ U ] Thefe Five had Attachments ilTued out againft them, upon Return of the Writ Non efi in- ventus, though they were all daily to be found in their ufual Occupations. [ X ] The Profecutor died, and the Suit dropt. Glocejierjhire ^9 [ Y ] William Ball o£ Dowm?7g near 1703- Bnflol^ was profecuted at Common Law for Treble Damages, at the Suit of William Flayer Efq; Renter of the Impropriation. William Pumphrey of I'ewkjhiiry was profecuted in the Exchequer for Tithes of about Five Pounds Value, at the Suit of John Mat^ thews Vicar. [ Z ] Robert Ogborne of SaSiiry was profecuted in the EiCclefiafiical Courts at the Suit of the Wardens, for a Church-Rate (fo called.) H JoNA- [ Y ] The Profecutor in his Declaration claim'd 33/. 6;. %d. for five Years Tithe of Hay and Ccrn, the' the real Value was not above Twenty Five Pounds. TheDeclaration alfo fet forth Ninety Acres of Meadow, and Eighty Acres of Corn each Year ; v/hereas W. Ball hud not in Pof- feffion the 6th Part of that Quantity : Yet the Pro- fecutor got an Execution for One Hundred Pounds on account of Treble Damages ; by virtue of which, were taken away on the 25th of the Month called May 1704, L. S. Dj 4 CoAvs, a Calf, 40xen & a Gelding, worlh 40 o o Andontheiith of the Month call'd June following, 9 Cows and 2 Oxen, worth above 40 o o For Tithes of 25/. Value Taken 80 o o [ Z ] Ogborne, to avoid a Contempt of the Court, was oblig'd to take Six feveral Journeys ot Forty four Miles each to attend their Sittings : The Demand was but for Three Shillings and Nine Pence. ^o Glocejierjhire. iyi6, [ A ] Jonathan Peasley late of yuji in the Parifh of Olvejlon, was profecuted in the Exchequer ^ at the Suit of Bejijamin Bayly Vicar of Olvefton. [ B ] Jonathan Blanch, Christo- pher Young, Joseph Storge and Thomas Long, [ A ] ThtVicar^DtmsLn^^ on Jonathan Peaf- kyw2LS for three and an half, or four Years, fmall Tithes of about Seven Pounds Value. He was committed to Glocejler Goal, and the next ^erm brought up by Habeas Corpus to the Exchequer^ and kt at Liberty : But the Vicar foon after renew- ing his Suit, Peajley was brought to the Exchequer again in 17 17, and committed to the Fleet -, ?nd proceeded againft to a Sequejlration^ by which was leized and taken from him in December 171 7, L. S, D, 14 Cows, 6 Heifers & 3 Yearlings, val. at 77 o o A Wheat Mow, a Bean Mow, and about') 20 Bufliels of Beans, J " 2 Beds, 2 Bedfteads and Bedding, 600 2 Sides of Bacon, 10 Hund. of Cheefe 1350 All the Reft of the Goods in and about*} the Houfe, J ^ Three Ricks of Hay, 1200 yi.per. Annum htt Land during his Life 70 o o For about 7/. Value Taken 237 5 o N. B. The faid Vicar did threaten to ruin the fiid Jonathan Peajley of his Stock and Eft ate, and all that he had : And executed it in a great Mea- fure *, for by this Seizure the poor Man was left not worth Ten Pounds, yet had a Wife and three fmall Children. [ B ] In the courfe of this Profecution Jona- than Blanch was committed to Prifon. Glocefierjhire. ^ r Long, were profecuted in the Exchequer for Tithes, at the Suit of the faid Benjamin Bayly Vicar of Ohejion. Jonathan Blanch and Thomas Long 172 1. were profecuted in the Exchequer for Tithes, at the Suit of Hugh Waterman Vicar of OheJlon. [ C ] Jacob Young was profecuted in 1724. the Exchequer for Tithe, at the Suit of the aforefaid Hugh Waterman. Christopher Moore of the Out-Parifh of 1725. Philip and yacob near Briftol^ was profecuted in the Exchequer^ at the Suit of one Willis a Tithe- farmer, for about Five ShilHngs de- manded for Tithes. * Israel Roper n.t2iV Kingroad in the Pa- 1728. rifh of Henbury, not far from Brijiol^ was profecuted in the Exchequer for Tithes, at the Suit of "Thomas Fane Efq; Richard Wilkins of Thornbury was pro- 1730. fecuted in the Exchequer for Tithes, at the Suit of Thomas Willis Prieft of Thornbury, William Gregory and Jacob Young 1732. were profecuted in the Exchequer for Tithes, at the Suit of Hugh Waterman Redor of Al- mondjhury, Richard { C ] The Value of Tithe demanded of Jacob Youngs as it had been ufually paid, was 4/. ^s. which Sum a neighbouring Gentleman tendred the Pa rfon to have prevented the Profecution, but he refus*d it. "^ IJrael Roper was committed to Glocejier Goal on the 6th of Novenrber 1728, 5 2 Glocejier/hire. 1734* [ D ] Richard Wilkins oiT'hombiiry was profecuted in the Eccle/iafiical Courts at the Suit oi yohn Somers Parfon of Nympsfield. 14. Hampjhtre^ and the IJle of PFight. 1698. [ E ] A LEXANDER MOOREofFon/- jfj^ ingbridge was profecuted in the B^xcheqiier for Tithes, at the Suit of yohn Hall Clerk. Nicholas Gates'?//. Nicholas Gates jun. and Joane Sly, were profecuted in the Exchequer for Tithes, at the Suit of William Parker Renter of the Vicaridp'e of Alton. 170 1. . William Guillam and Thomas Russel of Holiboiirne were profecuted in the Exchequer for Tithes, at the Suit of 'Thomas Matthews Parfon of that Place. 1705. George Jenkins and Robert Hopkins were profecuted in the Exchequer for fmall Tithes, [ D ] R. Wilkins was profecuted for Eleven Years Tithes at 5J. fer Annum^ for Land which had been in the Occupation of his Brother deceafed. The Demand was afterward taken by Juftices Warrant. [ E ] The Profecutor feiz'd and fold the Goods of the faid Alexander Moore to the Value of Eighty Seven Pounds Sixteen Shillings and Eleven Pence, for an original Demand of 6/. 155. i \d. for Tithes. Hampjhire^ Sec. 50 Tithes, at the Suit of Coll. Parks Impropri- ator. [ F ] William Reeves of Tafely was 1707. prolecuted at the Suit of Williafji ^ylor Im- propriator. ' [ G ] Francis Swain e of Everjly was profecuted in the Exchequer^ at the Suit of PJchard Staffh'to?i Parfon of the Parifli. [ H ] William Herbert and Daniel 1708. HoLLis, of Cowes in the IJJe of Wight ^ were profecuted in the Ecclejiajlical Court for a Church-Rate (fo called) at the Suit of the War- dens. [ I ] John Fly the Elder, of Odiham^ was profecuted in the Exchequer for Tithe, at the Suit of T^homafin Parkes Widow and Ex- ecutrix to her late Hufband, Parfon of Odiharn. John [ F ] i?(?(?^'(?jwas taken up on the3odi of the Month caird 7zt/}' 1707, by Warrant from Ellis Mew Judge of the Court at Stoke^ for Tithes, and commirted to Wlnchefter Goal •, but after about two Weeks Imprifonment the Profecutor order'd his Difcharge. [ G ] This Profecution was put a Stop to by the Profecu tor's Death foon after. [ H ] The Demand from Herbert was is. ^d. and from Holl'is js. they were both committed to JVinchefier Gg2.\ on the loth of the Month call'd May 1709, and continued till the 7th of the Month call'd 7?/;/^ following, when they were difcharg'd by an Aft of Grace. [ I ] The Demand on Fh v^ as, ^l.;per Annum for Twenty Years back, tho' the Tithe was really worth but 13;. ^d. j.'er Annum. 54 Hampjhire. &c. 1711. [ K ] John Forder the Elder, Samuel TuLLY, John Cager, Thomas Heath the Ytninger, William Hack and Thomas Warner, were profecuted in th^ Exchequer y at the Suit of John Baker Vicar of Frayle, for fmall Tithes. 1724. [ L ] George Wigg oi Bafmg was pro- fecuted in the Exchequer for Tithes, at the Suit of Thomas May Tithe-farmer. Mary Waldron and Martha Waldron of Andover, Executrixes to their Father Ed- ward Waldron deceafed, were profecuted in the Exchequer . for Tithes, at the Suit of Parfon Fentofi. 15. Hertfordjhire, [ K ] After feme time, the Profecution a- gainft four of them, viz. Hack, Forder^ Cager 2Xi6i Heathy was dropt, the Demands on them being very fmall •, but carried on againft Samuel Tully and Thomas Warner^ who for a Demand of One Year and an half fmall Tithes, value 3/. 2j. %d. were taken by an Attachment^ and imprifon'd at Winchejler ; and afterward remov'd by Habeas Cor- pus to the Fleet Prifon ; and had taken from them for the faid Tithes and Cods of Suit, at feveral Times, Goods to the Value of Seventy Five Pounds Sixteen Shillings. [ L ] George Wigg^ for a Demand of about 3/. ^s. was committed to IVincheJler Goal on the 3d of the Month call'd Ma'^ 17 12, and remov'd by Haheas Corpus to London on the 28th of Novemher follow- ing, and committed to the Fleety where he conti- nued Prifoner above a Year, 1 5. Hertfordshire, was [ M ] John Miles for a Demand of 18/. had taken from him in 1 699, L. S. D. ^i Quarters and I Bufhel of Barley 7 ^ at 1 95. 6d. per Quarter, J ^^ * 65 Buihels of Peafe at 2j. Cd.perBufh, 826 57 19 5t And for a Demand of 25/. 105. he had taken from him in 1700, 80 Quarters & 4 Bufhels of Malt af) ^ 195. 6 J. ^(fr Quarter, J''' 9 9 Taken in all 136 9 2 ~ Being above three times the Sums demanded. [ N ] The Demand made on the Widow Plu?njled^ was for Tithes of a fmall Orchard pre- tended to be due, L. S. D. From, her deceafed Husband for i /; 7 > 2 c o Years, ^x. i,s. per Annum^ J ^ For her felf 8 Years, at 2s, 6d. 100 And for Eafler-Offerings, From her deceafed Flusband i j Years For her felf 8 Years, In all 15 8 4 8 55 [ M ] JOHN MILES, o{ Herfin^ford Bury j^ • J near Hertford, was profecuted for Treble Damages for Tithe, at the Suit of I'ho- mas Daniel Red:or of the Pariili of Andrews in Hertford. [ N ] Elizabeth Plumsted Widow jyoo. ^6 ^ Hertfordjhire. was profecuted in the Exchequer for Tithes, at the Suit of the aforefaid T'homas Da7iieL [ O ] Alice Hayes of Watford V^\<^ov7 was profecuted at Coinmon Law for Tithes, at the Suit of Nehemiah Knowlton and Matthew yo?2es Tithe-farmers. 170 1. [ P ] Edward Hal SEY of X/^z/r^;zf^ ^0^/ was profecuted in the Exchequer for Tithes, at the Suit of Ralph T^hrael and other Tithe- farmers. James [ O ] Alice Hayes was arretted for a Demand of 27/. for Two Years Tithe, and committed to Goal at St Alban's (fo calledj on the 2 Q,diOi No- vember 1700, and kept Prifoner till the 5th of the Month culled February after. The Proiecutor ob- tained Judgm-nc againft her for the faid Demand, and 18/, Charges, and took PoiTeffion of her HoLife •, but, fhe being well belov'd in the Neigh- bourhood, they could get no body to appraifeher Houfliold Goods -, whereupon they took away 0^6 fatting Sheep, which they fold for Fifty Pounds, and return'd 5/. [ P ] Edward Halfe'j for Nine Years Tithe of about 4/. per Annum, was committed to Albany's. Goal on the 21ft ot November 1701, and afterward by Habeas Corpus removed to the Fleets and conti- nued Prifoner till the 14th of the Month called May 1703. He had alfo taken from him by Seq^uejlra- tion on the i8th of Dece7nher 1702, Corn, Cattle and Utenfils of Husbandry, worth One Hundred Pounos, tho' apprais'd but at G'^l. N. B. Edzaard Halfey was continued Prifoner^ notwithflanding the Seizure of his Goods •, and a frefh Bill preferred ag linfl liim during his Imprifon- ment, for 10/. jos. more for ten Years Tithes. Hertfordjhire. 57 [ Q-^] James Laurence of Chcjldimt was 1702* profecutcd in the Exchequer^ at the Suit of Richard Chapman Parfon of Chejlmnt. Edward Halsey was again profecutcd at 1703. the Suit of Ralph 'T'hrael aforefaid. [ R ] Alice Hayes of ^i-z/^r^ was pro- 1704. fecuted on tjie Statute for Treble Damages, for a Demand of Thirty Nine Pounds for Tithes. Thom-xs Skegg of iJ//r,6/;z was profecutcd 1706. in the Ecckfwjlical Courts at the Suit of the Wardens, for a Church-Rate (fo called.) [ S ] Alice Hayes aforefaid was pro- fecuted at Common Law for Tithes, at the Suit of John Butler and Charles Eve Tithe- farmers. [ T ] John Kilby of Iccleford was pro- 17 10. fecuted in the Ecdefiaftical Courts at the Suit of George Lea Parifh Clerk. I John [ Q^] Laurence was a poor Day-Labourer ; and the Parfon's Demand but Eight Pence per Annwn for 4 or 5 Years Tithe. [ R ] Alice Hays had all her Goods feized by an Execution^ on the 6i\-\ of the Month call'd April 1704, to the Value of Fifty Five Pounds Fourteen Shillings and Six Pence. [ S ] For a Dv^mand of 26/. for Two Years Tithe, fhe had Corn and Straw taken away to the Value of Thirty Four Pounds Seventeen Shillings. And again in the Year 1707, for a Demand of 13/. ihe had taken away to the Value of Forty Three Pounds Ten Shillings, [ T ] John Ki.'by was fued for Clerk's V/ages for Thirty Five Years, at ^d. per Arinum^ and Excommu- $8 Hertfordjhire. ^7^3' John Foster was profecuted in the Ecclefi- aftical Court to an Excommunication, for a Church-Rate (fo called) at the Suit of the Wardens of Tring. lyiy. Timothy Squire, Samuel Rudd, John Pryor and Benjamin Fairman, all of Hertford, were profeaited in the Ecclefiajlical Court, at the Suit o^ Henry Gew Warden. 1722. Henry Stevens of Albans vi2iS profecuted for fmall Tithes for Seven Years, at 4/. per Annum, at the Suit of Robert Rumley Parfon of Peters Parilh in that Town. 1724- Andrew Warner the Elder, of Waltham Crofs, was profecuted in the Ecckjiaftical Court for rcfufing to pay to the Repairs of the Parilh Worfliip-Houfe, at the Suit of the Wardens of Chejhu?it. ^73^' [ U ] Benjamin Batt of Ware was profecuted in the Exchequer, at the Suit of John Fmrla?id Tithe-farmer. 16. Herefordjhire. Excommunicated in 17 10: But his Imprifonment was prevented by a Prohibition out of the Queen's Bench. [ U ] Benjamin Batt was imprifon'd three Months for a Demand of 40;. for fmali 1 irhe. 59 1 6. Hereford/hire. JAMES WHETH AM oiBromyardv.^2.^ pro- 170 1. fecuted in the Exchequer for great Tithes under 10/. Value, at the Suit of Chrijiopher Caper Farmer of the Tithes there. James Whetham aforefaid was profecuted 1706. in the Exchequer for fmall Tithes and Eafter- OfFerings for 1 5 or 1 6 Years, at the Suit of nomas Fox Clerk. William Osborn of Eye was profecuted 1725. in the Exchequer for Tithes and Eafter-Offer- ings, at the Suit of Edward Giers Redlor of Btfiops-Froom^ where he had formerly liv'd. William Osborn aforefaid was profecuted in the Ecclefiafiical Court for a Church-Rate (fo called) at the Suit of William Tories War- den of Tarpole. William Griffiths of Canonpyon was profecuted in the Ecclefiaftical Court for about Fourteen Shillings demanded for Eafter-OfFer- ings, Tithes, and a Marriage Fee, at the Suit of T'homas Hujhands Vicar. [ W ] JohnPugh of the Parifliof i^/wg-j- land was profecuted in the Exchequer^ for {tvtn Pounds demanded, at the Suit oi 'Thomas Wat- kins Tithe-farmer. I 2 17. Hunting- [ W ] This Profecution was afterward ftopt, and the Demand taken by Juftices Warrant. 6o 1 7, Himtingtonfmre. J 697. [ X ] T7LEANOR EARLE was profecu- Y^^^ ted in the ExcJjeqiier for Tithes^ at the Suit ot yt'/;2 ^/Zr/z Vicar of He?7iin^fordi 1702. Fr A.N CIS Ellington of Wcrboyce wa$: profecuted in the Exchequer^ for a Demand of Three Pounds Ten Shillings for 4 or 5 Years Tithes, at the Suit of John Warburton Prieft of^ that Parifh. [ Y ] John Goads of ^<^r/^»5)T^ was pro- fecuted for Tithes, and committed to ii/^2^;2//;zg-- ton Goal, at the Suit of the aforefaid 'John Warhiirton. VIOL. Thomas Emerson was profecuted in the Exchequer^ at the Suit of John Harknefs Exe- cutor to John Knight Dr. of Divinify (fo cal- led.) J709. Stephex Blades of //^^r^ojcf' was profecu- ted in the Exchequer for Tithes, at the Suit of Joh?2 Coal Tithe-farmer. Richard [ X ] Eleanor Enrle was committed to •Hunt- ington Goal on the 31(1 of the Month calPd Af^^; ibcjj. [ Y ] Jchn Goads was a very poor Man, and had a \Vife and Five Imall Children : After he had been Friloner about Fourteen Weeks, ilie Parfon his Profecutor, having taken into Confide- ration the P'overty of the Sufferer, and the Cir- curr^flances of his Family, paid his Fees, and dil- charg'd him from his Imprilbnmcnr, / Huntington fhire. 6 1 Richard Emerson o£ Needwortb wixs pvo- 17-71, fecuted in the Ecclefiaftical Court for fmall Tithes, at the Suit of "Jonathan Gray Impro- priator. 18. Kent. [ Z ] /^EORGE WHITE, Elizabeth i5q-,, ^J Tyles and Susanna Essex, were profecuted in the Exchequer for Tithes, at the Suit of Robert Dence of Allingtofi Im- propriator. James Collins, Richard Brooks, and i5n8. others of Deptford, were profecuted in the Ecclejiajiical Court for refufing to pay toward the Repairs of the Parifli Worfliip-Houfe. [ A ] John Love the Younger, of Can- terbury^ was profecuted in the Exchequer for Tithes [ Z ] The Demand on George WhiteyN-ixs about 5/. and on the other Two 30 or 40 Shillings each. White was committed Prifoner to the Fleet. The Court of Exchequer decreed 6/. 45 6d. for three Years Tithe, for which were taken from him by Sequejlration in the Month call'd February 1699, Eight Bullocks worth Thirty Tv/o Pounds : And in the Month call'd February 1700, on pretence that the former Seizure did not fuffice to anfwer the Demand and Charges, Four Kine worth Twenty Three Pounds. r A ] John Love was a poor Man, and had a Wife and Four Children •, the Demand for Tithe was / 62 Kent. Tithes, at the Suit of Humphry Braihford Parfbn of the Parilli call'd All-Saints in Can- terbury. 1698. Stephen Girdler was profecuted in the 'Exchequer^ for a Demand of Eight Pounds for fmall Tithes, at the Suit of 'Jonathan Maud Parfon of T'enterden. Elizabeth Baker of Beakhurn Widow- was profecuted in the Exchequer iov Tithes, at the Suit of Humphry Braihford Parfon in Canterbury. [ B ] Jeremy Vine, John Colvill, and James Allay, were profecuted in the Exchequer^ was 2/. I2J. for about five Years, (tho' his Rent was but 5/. per Annum.) He was committed to Canterbury Go2i\ on tlie 27th of the Month call*d February 169-?., and continued Prifoner about Fourteen Months : After which the Parfon re]eas*d him. [ B ] After about Six Months Profccution in the Exchequer^ the faid Sufanna. Tilden, with an Attorney^ and another Perfon, on the 13th of Sep- tember 1699, came upon the Ground of the faid Vine, and took away, without any legal Autho- rity, Two Oxen worth about Eight Pounds Ten Shillings, for a Demand of yl. for Three Years Tithe : And on the 1 6th of October 1 699, for a Demand of 3/. for Six Years Tithe of Corn and Hay, they took away, in like manner. One Cow and Three Sheep worth about Five Pounds Ten Shillings. And being confcious of the Illegality of their Proceedings, threatned the faid ^/«^, that if he did not quietly fubmit, they would renew the Profecution in the Exchequer : Urging the Terror of that Proceeding to defend themfelves in another, which tho' illegal, was lefs deflrudive. Kent. (5^ Exchequer for Tithes, at the Suit of Sujhn7ia T'ilden Widow and Executrix to her Hufband an Impropriator of the Tithes of Cr^;7/^rc(5/^. Nathaniel Owen jthe Elder was profecu- ted in the Exchequer for Tithes, at the Suit of Hugh Owen Parfon of Sevenoak. Jeremy Vine, George Courthrop, Ri- 1706. CHARD Price and John Colvill, wereprofe- cuted in the Exchequer^ at the Suit of * Charles Buck Vicar of Cranbrook. [ C ] Daniel Perry of Chartham x\^2x 17 16. Canterbury was profecuted in the Ecclefiaftical Court for Clerk's Wages, at the Suit of T^ho- mas IVolley. Jonathan Cornish oi Deptford w^^ pro- fecuted in the Ecclefiafiical Courts at the Suit of the Wardens, for not paying to the Repairs of their Parifh Worfhip-Houfe. John Love the Younger, of Canterbury^ i?!?* was profecuted in the Exchequer for Tithes, at the Suit of Elizabeth Koberts Impropriatrix. [ D ] John Pennel and Thomas Hf- 17 18. MINGS of Chatham were profecuted in the Eccle- fiafiical * The Vicar died during the Profecution, and by his Death the Suit ceafed. [ C ] The Proceedings againft Daniel Perry were put a Stop to by a Prohibition granted out of the Temporal Court. [ D ] Pennel and Hemings for a Demand of Four Shillings and Six Pence each, had a Writ de Excommunicato capiendo iflued againft them : And in the Month call'd February 17 18, they were both taken up and committed to Maidjlone Goal, and continued Prifoners about Six Months. 64 Kent. Jiajiical Court for a Church-Rate (fo called) at the Suit of the Wardens of the Parifli. Susanna Sp ncer of Chatham was profe- cuted in the Ecclefiajiical Court for a Church- Rate (fo called) at the Suit of the Wardens of the Parifli. Anthony Neatby was profecuted in the 'Ecclefiajiical Court ^ at the Suit of the War- dens of Lu/am^ for Sixteen Shillings demanded for a Church-Rate (fo called) for a Mill he occupied there. lyig. [ E ] Henry Sims of Canterbury was profecuted in the Ecclefiajiical Court for Church- Rates (fo called) at the Suit of the Wardens of the Parifh. [ F ] Amos Bickham of the Ifleof jT^^- net was profecuted in the Ecclefiajiical Court, at the Suit of John Swain Clerk. 1727. [ ^ ] William Skreen of Canterbury was profecuted in the Ecclefiafiical Court for Nonpayment [ E ] Henr'^ Sims was fued for a Demand of 1 45. for One Years Rate, and 35. 6d. for another : But after a confiderable Expence, the Wardens dropc their Suit in the Ecclefiajiical Court^ and took their Demand by Juftices Warrant. [ F ] Bickham was fued for a Demand of 75. jf)^r yf^;?z/;« for one Farm, and i;. 6J,. for another. He conftantly attending their Courts prevented Excommunication for Contempt in not appearing ; And his Adverfary at Jaft making Default in his own Appearance, the Suit was difmifs'd. [ G ] William Skreen^ after a confiderable time, and an Expence of about Seventy Three Pounds, obtained a Prohibition, and thereby put a Stop to the Ecclefiajiical Proceedings. Kent. 6^ Nonpayment of Three Shillings and Four Pence halfpenny for a Church-Rate (fo called) at the Suit of William Crocernut and James T'o?igiie Wardens. John Woodland oi McrjJmm was profecu- 1734. ted in the Exchequer^ at the Suit of Henry Archer Vicar of Merjham. 19. Lancajhire. [ H ] ]n OBERT HUBBERSTY, Wil- 1696, j]\^ LiAM Waithman, Robert Waithman and James Waithman, were profecuted for Tithes, at the Suit of the Dea?i and Chapter of Worcefter. [ I ] Robert Hubbersty, Robert 1698. Waithman and James Waithman, were again profecuted, at the Suit of the faid Dean and Chapter of JVorcefier. K Wil- [ H ] Huhherfty and two of the Waith7nans^ William and Robert^ were committed to Prifon in the Month call'd June 1697, but fet at liberty by a Superfedeas at the Summer Afllzes following. [^I j At the Aflizes in the Month call'd Ju- guji 1698, an Execution was obtain'd againft Hub- berjly^ for 61. \os. Tithes, and 14/. Cofts, and in 1699, he was committed to Prifon, and there con- tinued about Tv/o Years and Eight Months. James Waith?nan alio for a Demand and Charges of about 14/. had his Goods taken to the Value of Seven Pounds, and was committed to Prifon, where he lay about Fifteen Months. 66 Lancajhire. [ K ] William Waithman of LzWiJohnRuftittVx\^^, [ E ] John Bishop of Fr^;z^;' was again I7^7* profecuted in the Exchequer^ for a Demand of 3/. lOi. for Tithes, at the Suit of "John Booth aforefaid. L Sam- [ D ] The Profecucor's Demands on Kinjldy and Bi/Ioop amounted in the whole to about Eleven Pounds. He came fome Time after, without Warrant or Authority, and took from Bijhop^ L. S. D, 6 Sheep, which he fold for x 610 And from Kin/ley, 12 Sheep, which yielded him 11 29 17 3 9 [ E ] The Profccutor proceeded againft Bi- Jhop in the Exchequer^ notwithftanding the afore- faid Seizure of his Sheep ; bur this Profecution, and the following againft Samuel Wreffdi ceaf^d by the Prorecutor's Death, 74 Lincolnjhire. lyij' Samuel Wressel oiWainjleet was profecu- ted in the Exchequer for Tithes of about Ten ShilUngs Value, at the Suit of the faid Johji Booth Tithe-farmer. 172 1. [ F ] Stephen Marshal of E/^^/^rw/V/^ was profecuted in the Exchequer^ at the Suit of 'John Kirton of Kelfield Tithe-farmer. Thomas Chantry was profecuted in the 'Exchequer^ at the Suit of T^hoinas Shaw, 1725. [ G ] John Fotheringham and Samuel Hewet were profecuted in the Exchequer for Tithes, at the Suit of Henry Hankin and others. Mary Ash of Holbeech^ but late of Dud- dington in Cafnbridgfiire, was profecuted in the Exchequer for Tithes, at the Suit of Vyner Snell Recftor of Duddington in the IJle of Ely. The Court decreed 18/. ys. for Tithe, and 69/. los. Coils. lyix. [ -^ ] Benjamin Cox of Miimby was profecuted in the Court of Common Pleas for Impro- [ F ] The Demand on Marjljol was 75. for Tithe of a Crop of Flax worth about forty Shil- lings. After five Pounds Charges, a Partner of Marjhafs in the Crop, without his Cqnfent, paid the Demand and Coils. f G ] The Proceedings were foon put a Stop to by the Death of John Fothertngha?n^ but in a fhort Time after reviv'd againft his Widow and the faid Hewett. [ H ] Benjatnin Cox was a poor Man, and the Demand about fifty Shillings, for four or five Years Tithes. Lincolnjhire. 7 5 Impropriate Tithes, at the Suit bf T'homas Williamjhn. [ I ] John Burnet andLEvi Pockling- 1736. TON of Frijkney were profecuted in the Ex- chequer ^ at the Suit of Robert Cobb and Ri- chard Cuthbert Tithe-farmers. 22. London. JAMES FODEY of Leadenhall-ftreet Sadler 1696. was profecuted in the Exchequer for Tithes, at the Suit of Gabriel I'owerjon Parfon of the Parifh call'd St. Mary- Ax. Edward Penington and Willi am Hooke were profecuted in the Ecclefiafiical Courts on account of the Pews in the Parifh of Alhalhws Lombard-Jlreet. Francis Grice and John Baker were '^^97' profecuted in the Exchequer ^ at the Suit of William Freeman Impropriator, for Tithes of the Old Buildings in Bifiopfgate-fireet. John Perry of Houndfditch was profecuted in the Exchequer for Tithes, at the Suit of Samuel Brewjier Impropriator of the Pariili call'd Buttolph's Aldgate. L 2 George [ I ] The Demand on Bwnet and PockUngton was for about Fourteen Shillings each, and the Suit is yet depending. "]6 London, 1698. George Metcalf of T'o'werhill Mariner was profecuted in the Exchequer for Tithes, at the Suit of an Impropriator. [ K ] Samuel Burg is of Hound/ditck Cabinet-maker was profecuted in the Exche- quer for Tithes, at the Suit of Samuel Brewfter Impropriator. Thomas Burbank of the Minories was profecuted in the Exchequer for Tithes, at the Suit of Samuel Brewfter aforefaid. '1699. Mary Sandon of the Minories Widow was profecuted in the Exchequer^ at the Suit of the fiid Samuel Br ewjler. 1702. John Edge was profecuted in the Ecclefi- aftical Court for a Church-Rate (fo called) at the Suit of the Wardens of the Parifli call'd St. Andrews Holborn. John Newton of Laurefue-lane was Sub- poena'd into the Exchequer, at the Suit of yohn Say er o£ Harwell m BerkJJjire J for about two Years Tithe. 1704. [ L ] John Martindale and Katha- rine Woodward of Giles's Cripplegate were profecuted in the Ecckjiajlical Court, for a Church-Rate (fo called.) William Ellwood of Shoe-lane in the Parifh of St. Brides (fo called) was profecuted in [ K ] Samuel Burgis was imprifon'd in Wood- Jlreet Counter. [ L ] TheDemandon JV/^r//;7(:/rt/ call'd St. Giles Cripplegate was profecuted in the Confifiory Court of the Dean of Pauls, at the Suit of the Pariflu Clerk, for a Demand of 4^/. per Annum for Four Years Clerk's Wages. Benjamin Clark of Grace-church fireet 1715- was profecuted in the Eccleftafiical Court, at the Suit of Ralph Bloomer Parfon of Alhallows Lombard- [ M ] Richard Bocket obtain*d a Prohibition, out of one of the Courts at Wejfininfter, 78 London. Lombard-Jlreef, for Marriage and Burjang Fees, and other pretended Dues. Benjamin Hinton oi Ball-Alley homhard- Jlreet Barber, was profecuted in the Ecclejiafti- cal Court, at the Suit of the faid Ralph Bloomer for a Mortuary. 17 16. John Elderkin, Edward Woods and Thomas Crawley, of the united Parifhes call'd St. Andrew Hubbards and St. Mary at hilly were profecuted in the Ecclefiajiical Court for a Church-Rate (fo called) at the Suit of the Wardens of thofe Parifhes. 1717. Caleb Beck of Laurence-lane w^ls profecu- ted in the Exchequer for Tithes, at the Suit of yohn Sayer Impropriator. 17 19. James Lambert of Hound/ditch Mercer was profecuted in the Exchequer for Tithes, at the Suit of Samuel Brewfter Impropriator. [ N ] Michael Treppass, Richard Bocket and Nicholas Witchel, of the Parifh calFd St. Gileis Cripplegafe, (and 115 others, not ^takers) were fubpoena'd into the Exchequer y at the Suit of T^homas Bennett Vicar of the faid Parifh. Francis [ N j Treppafs, Bocket and Witchel, were pro- iecuted on a Claim of 2s. 9^. in the Pound for Tithes, according to the Yearly Rent of their re- Tpcftive Houfes, by virtue of the Statute and De- cree of .^7 Hen. 8. though it did not appear that iiich Demand was ever made by any former Vicar of the laid Parifh. The Demand on thefe three Peribns was 13/. 15J, per Annurn^ but upon full London. 7p Francis Davis and James Lambert were 172 1. profccuted in the Exchequer for Tithes, at the Suit of Samuel Brewjter Impropriator of Aid- gate Parifh. John Butcher of Barthohmew-clofe was 1720. profecuted in the Ecclejiajiical Courts at the Suit of the Wardens of the Parilhi call'd St. Bartholomew the Great, for a Church-Rate (fo called.) [ O ] Michael Treppass of theParifli 1724. call'd St. Giles s Cripplegate was profecuted in the Ecclejiajiical Court for Clerk's Wages. Martha Hall, Katharine Woodward 1726, and Robert Boultwood, were profecuted in the Exchequer for Tithes, at the Suit of l^ho- 7nas Bennett Vicar of the Parifh call'd St. Giles s Cripplegate. John Halsey of the Parifli call'd St. A?2- 1730, drews Holborn, was profecuted in the Eccleji- ajiical Court for a Church-Rate (fo called) at the Suit of the Wardens of the faid Parifh. Ann full Proof it appear'd, that there never had been paid more than i/. 43-. fer Annum for cheir three Houfes. The Caufe was depending about Six Years, du- ring which Time, there were Teveral Hearings in the Court of Exchequer^ and one Plearing in the Houje of Lords ^ and an KTue at Law by a fpecial Jury. The Expence to the faid three ^va^^ri a- mounted to near Four Hundred Pounds, befides One Hundred and Sixteen Pounds Cofls, which they recovered of the faid Bennsi. [ O ] A Prohibition was obtain'd out of the Court of Common Pleas, 8o London] ^1735. Ann Freame and Hannah Freame were profecuted in the Ecclejiajiical Court for ^ Church-Rate (fo called) at the Suit of John Giles and James Rhodes Wardens of the Parifh call'd St. Buttolphs Aider/gate. 25. Middlefex. 1698. [ P ] T^AVID LLOYD of Newington \_J was profecuted in the Exchequer for Tithes, at the Suit of Elizabeth Bell Im- propriatrix. Francis Holderness was profecuted in the Exchequer for Tithes, at the Suit of Tho- mas Child and others, Tithe-farmers of A5lon. 170 1. William Jackson and John Stokes of Spittlejields^ and John Mosely, were profe- cuted in the Exchequer^ at the Suit of yohn Wright Vicar of Stepney. Thomas Cox and Zachary Burroughs of Whitechappel were profecuted in the Exche- quer^ at the Suit of Richard Welton Prieft of Whitechappel. j^Q^^ Richard Marsh of He?idon W2i^ profecu- ted in the Exchequer for Tithes, at " the Suit of Parfon Smith oi Hendon, Benja- [ P ] David Llo)d had a Decree of Court iiTuedae^ainft him for the Tithe, and 16/. Cods of Suir. ^ Middle/ex. 8 1 Benjamin Page, John West, William 1703. Ford, Joseph Shewin, Nathaniel Welch, ThomasWard, John Wells, Joseph Tench, Samuel Brooks, Thomas Cockitt, Edmund Pinder, Adam Bullock, Thomas Brown, Samuel Rutter and William Pargiter, were profecuted in the Excbeguer for Tithes, at the Suit of Jobn Wicks Parfon of SLwreditch. [ Q ] William Jackson, Robert Chalk- ley, Arnold Frowd, John Beale, Jona- than Wood, John Constantine and John Marshall^ were profecuted in xho. Exchequer for Eafter-Oiferings and fmall Tithes, at the Suit of yolm Wright Vicar of Stepney. M Andrew [ Q_] The Races fet upon Eafter- Offerings, and Titiics claimed by the fiid John Wright^ in his Bill ot Complaint againft rhem preferred in die Exchcqui^r^ were as folioweth, S. D. For Eafter-OfFerings upon 7 every Perfon, j* ^ A Cock, o 2 A Hen, o i A Goofe, o 4 A Duck, o 4 A Sow, I 8 A Cow, o 6 Turnips for every Acre^ fowed in the Field, J* ^ The faid Vicar alfo made claim upon Garden*;, Orchards, Calves, l/ambs, Wool and Milk, in his hk\ Bill of Complaint. Whereas 'tis known, that the Perlbns aforefiid, being mofl of them In- habitants in and near SpittlrfiehU (and John Co/iJInn- tine in Ratcliff) their Places of Flabitation allow not the keeping fuch Things, tliey notuhng Lands ; fome 82 Middle/ex. [ R ] Andrew Warner of Walthant Croj's wasprofeciited in the Three Weeks Court for Tithes, at the Suit of Daniel Babbs Im- propriator. i^QA Thomas Hart was profecuted in the Ec- clefmfiicalCourt for a Church-Rate (lo called) at the Suit of the Wardens of 'Enfield. [ S ] Thomas Witherington of Nor- 'wood in the Parirti of Hayes was profecuted in tlie Exchequer, at the Suit of Fra?icis Stokes and John Short Tithe-farmers. Abraham fome of them being mean Shopkeepers, and others fuch as labour'd honeftly for their own and Fa- milies Subfiftence, therefore not capable of being {locked or polTefTed with fuch Goods, as were mentioned in the Bill. The atbreiaid Profecution was carried on to the Imprifonment of Four of the faid Perfons, viz. Robert Chalkk'j^ John Coyijlantine^ William Jack- fon and John Beale, who v/ere committed to Nezo- gate on the SthD,\y of Nove?nher 1703, upon At- taehments, at the Suit of John Wright Vicar of the laid Parilh of Stepney. The faid John Conftantine was difcharg'd from his Imprifonment in the Year 1708, being about five Years after. [ R ] The Demand on Andrew Warner was for five Shillings Tithe, for which his Goods were taken to the Value of One Pound Six Shillings and Five Pence. [ S ] Thomas Witherington was taken up on an Attachment, and committed to I was profecu*^ ted in the Exchequer for Tithes, at the Suit of Job Kirk Prieft, 1699. [ P ] Timothy BuRBERow of ^'«o was profecuted in the Exchequer for Tithes, at the Suit of Matthew Hutton Prieft. IJOQ. [ Q^] Thomas Cock and his Son were profecuted in the Exchequer for Tithes, at the Suit of Hejiry Goade Paifon of Weldon. lyoi. William Binyon of Holcut w^s profecuted in the Exchequer for Tithes, at the Suit of Edward Hall Pricfl. Elizabeth V/rtght of Holcut Widow was profecuted in the Exchequer for Tithes, at the Suit of the aforefaid Parfon HalL Xyo2. [ ^ ] Thomas Bin yon Jejiior oi HoJcut Yeoman, was profecuted in the Exchequer for Tithes, at the Suit of the faid Parfon Hall. Thomas [ O ] 7(j/:?;? Gi// was committed to Northamp' ton Goal on the 9th of the Month called Jidy 1701, for about 3J. demanded for three Years Tithes ; but feme time after Sir Francis Cave, his Land- Igrd, procur'd his Difcharge. [ P ] Timoth'j BurberowyN'^i^ committed to Pri- fon on the i6th of Quvhcr 1702. L Q^] The Prieft's Demand on 'Thoinas Cock and his Son was about 5J. per Annmu for each of them, for about Ten Years fmajl Tithe?. [ R ] 'thomas BiH'jon, aged about 91 Years, blind and deaf, for a Demand of ^p^l. for Eleven Years Tithes, was takctn up by an Aitoch7nent, and eommitted to Northampton Goal on the 22d of No- vember I "02, where he was clolc confin'd : When he Northampton/hire] p o [ S 3 T^oHAS Page, John Ellington, William Somerfield and Francis Elling- ton, of JVellingborotigh, were profecuted in the Ecckfiajiical Court for a Church-Rate (lb called) at the Suit of Edward Hall and Edward Smith Wardens. [ T ] William Binyon of Holcuf was 1708, profecuted he was brought firft into the Prilbn, he f-iinted a- way thro' Age and Weakneis, by his being re- moved five Miles from home, fo that they had much ado to recover him to Life. Yer, notwith- ftanding his weak Condition, the Parfon^s Attor- ney brought a "Writ of Habeas Corpus and a War- rant to the Goaler, to remove him up to London, to appear the firft Day of the Ter?n. But the Goaler, knowing the Weaknefs and Incapacity ot the poor Old Man, refufed to carry him up on that Writ, and made Return of his languifliing Condition. Neverthelefs, the Profecutor again mov'd the Court, and obtained a fecond Wric of Habeas Corpus, returnable before the laft Day of the Terfn, for removing the faid languifhing aged Man to the faid Court, upon a Penalty againft the Sheriff, if not obeyed. After which three Depo- fitions were fent up of the Prifoner's being about 91 Years of Age, and both bHnd and deaf -, for the moft part keeping his Bed, and not able to walk the Length of his Room. [ S ] John Ellington, Page and Somerfield^ the firit for a Demand of is. Sd. and the other Two of lod. each, were committed to Northampton Goal on a Writ de Excommunicato capiendo, in December 1702. [ T ] William Bin\on was fued for Six Years Tithes, tour of which were on the Account of his Father deceafed. 94- Northamptonjhire^ profecuted at Common Law for Tithes, at the Suit of Edward Hall Prieft. 1710. [ U ] John Aire and Thomas Gallo- way of Kettermg, were profecuted in the Ecclejia/lical Court for ^hout five Shillings de- manded of each for a Church-Rate (fc called) at the Suit of the Warders of the Parifli. 17 17. [ ^ 3 Henry Smith of jp/Wi?« was pro- fecuted at Common Law for Tithes, at the Suit of Humphry Wallis Tithe-farmer under Sir Gilbert Dolben Impropriator. 1710. 'joiin Asn^Y junior of Biigb7'Gok vf2iS profe- cuted in the Ecclejiajlical Court for a Demand of Seventeen Shillings and Ten Pence halfpenny for a Church-Rate (fo called) at the Suit of Ri- chard Fickcring and Edward FurlandW2ivA.tns, 172 1. [ X ] Joseph Wright of Holcut was profecuted in the Ecclefiaftical Court^ at the Suit of William Clements Parifli Clerk. William Gill was profecuted in the jEa:- clefiafiical Court for a Demand of 25. 6^, for a Marriage [ U ] John Aire was committed to Prifon on a Writ de Excomunicato capiendo, in the Month called March 17 10. [ W j Henry Smith, for a Demand of about il. I2J. tor Tithe, was imprifon'd thirteen Weeks in Northampton Goal, and had his Goods taken by an Execution, for treble Damages, to the Value of Thirty Pounds. [ X ] The Demand on Jofeph TVright was for Clerk's Wages 8 J. and a Sheaf of Rye for two Years •, the Proceedings were put a Stop to by a Prohibition from one of the Courts at JVefiminfier, [ Z ] John Knighton for this Years Tithe va- lued at 17/. lOJ. 6d. had taken from him, L. S. D. 23 Quarters of Malt at 245. ^y the Jury to be worth 14/. los. 6d. hadfeized and taken away the Cattle and Goods following, viz. L. S. D. Ten Cows and Nine Hogs, appraifed at 27 12 6 Two Horfes and One Cart, ^5 ^5 ^ Three Harrows and Three Ploughs, 250 45 12 6 96 2(J. Nottinghamjhire. ^1706. TOFIN PARKER of Layiiham was J profecuted in the Ecckfmjiical Court for a Church-Rate (fo called.) [ A ] John Garland, John Hopewell and John Swan, all of Mansfield^ were pro- fecuted in the Exchequer for Tithes, at the Suit of William Green and John Mace Tithe-far- mers. 1707. John Parker of Laynham^ and John Gray and Richard Gray of Eaft-Draytony were profecuted in the Exchequer for a De- niand of about loi. each for Tithes, at the Suit of Henry Clark Parfon of Eaji-Drayfon. 1712, [ ^ ] Matthew St ATHAM was profe- cuted at Common Law for Tithes, at the Suit of "John Mace and William Green Tithe-far- mers. Richard [ A ] The Sum of the Demands on thefe Three did not amount to Forty Shillings. [ B ] Matthew Statham was fucd for treble Damages : The Profecutor in his Declaration claimed 5/. tho' the real Value of the Tithes, if they had been taken in Kind, would not have been Six Shillings. Statham was committed to Not- iingham Goal in September 17 12, and continued Prifoner nine Months ; the Lofs fuftained by his Imprifonment, and the Expences he was put to in the Law, were computed at Forty Pounds. Nottinghamjhire. 97 [ C ] Richard Alcock of V/efion was 1719- profecuted in the Ecclefiajiical Court for i/. 45. for Tithes, at the Suit of F aul'J enkinfon Parfon. [ D ] Joshua Storrs of Mtfterton was 1720. profecuted in the Ecclefiafikal Court at Tork for Tithes, at the Suit of Richard Kellitt fen. [ E ] William Marshall of Sutto?i 1729. upon T'rerit was profecuted in the Ecclefiafikal Court for fmall Tithes of about 4/. lOi. Value, at the Suit of WilUam Etnerjon Vicar. [ F ] Samuel Johnson of the Parifli ^11^- caird St. Nicholas in the Town of Nottingham^ wab profecuted in the Ecclefiajiical Courts for a Church-Rate (fo called) at the Suit of Robert Summers, y ohm Harris, George hangjord NeviU and Zachary Lee, Wardens of the faidParifh. O 27. Oxford- [ C ] The Parfon being reprov'd by a neigh- bouring Gentleman, at that Time Member of Parhament, for taking fuch a fevere Courfe with AlcocK let his Suit drop. [ D ] Storrs was fued for four Years Tithes of Apples, i^c. at 15. A,d. per Anmm'. but after fome time the Suit ended by the Death of the Profecutor. [ E ] /Fi7/7rt»? M/zr/?)rz//v/as Excommunicated, and taken up by a Writ de Excommunicato capiendo. [ F ] Samuel Tobnfon, for a Demand of Six Pence toward the Repairs of the Parilli Worfhip- houfe, was committed to Noltingham Goal on a Writ de Excommuracato capiendo^ on the 17th of Nove7nher 1732, and continued Prifoner till the 4th of December 1733, being One Year and 17 Days. 98 27. Oxfordjhire^ 1696. [ G jT^HOMAS Q\\.Vm junior of 5i«7- j Ungfordy and Thomas Beasly, were profecuted in the "Exchequer^ at the Suit of William Harford of Warborough Impropriator. 1697. Thomas Harris of Limham was profecu- ted in the Exchequer for 7/. demanded for Tithes, at the Suit of yohi Palmer Parfon of Shiptoj2. 1698. William Harris and Mary Taylor Widow, Q^ Swacliff] were profecuted in the Exchequer for Tithes, at the Suit of Sarah Loggim Impropriatrix, 1699. [ H ] Francis Dring was profecuted in the Court of Common Pleas for about 61. demanded for Tithe, at the Suit of Gervas Alhivorth Tithe-farmer. 1700. William Harris of Sibford Ferries was profecuted in the Exchequer for Tithes, atf the Suit of Sarah Loggi?is Impropriatrix. Richard Meaks and Thomas Meaks of Sibford were profecuted in the Exchequer for Tithes, at the Suit of the aforefaid Sarah hoggins, Edward [ G ] The Demand on Gilpin was 9/. and on Beafly 61. for Tithe. The Profecutor dying, his Widow renew'd the Suit in 1697, and Gilpin was eommitted by an Attachment to Oxford Goal. [ H ] Francis Dring was committed to Prifon on this Profecution in September 1699. Oxfordjhire. 99 [ I ] Edward Lord of Milion was pro- fecuted in the Exchequer for fmall Tithes, at tlie Suit oi John ¥ aimer Vicar of the Parifliof Shipton. Thomas Harris was profecuted in tlie Exchequer for Irnall Tithes, at the Suit of the aforefaid John Palmer Vicar, [ K ] Elizabeth Hughes of Clements, i/^^- near Oxford Widow was profecuted in the Exchequer^ at the Suit of yohii Sayer Paribn of HarweUm BerkJInre, O 2 WlL^ [ I ] Edward Lord, for g/. demanded for a- bout Twenty Years fmall Tithes, as Apples, Eggs, Garden penny and Eafter- Offerings, v^as commit- ted to Oxford Goal on the 27th of the Month calPd January 1 700, upon an Attacbjneni^ and continued Prifoner about four Years and an half, being for the moil part clofe confin'd ; and when at a cer- tain Time he had a little Liberty granted him, the Vicar's Attorney was fo offended at it, that he threatned toprofecute the Goaler [ K ] Elizabeib Hughes, being ieft a Widow with Six Fatherlefs Children, was fubposna'd into the Exchequer m Hilary Term 1701, for Twenty Years fmall Tithes pretended to be due from J-^J- liafft Haynes of Harwell deceafed, who left his Wife Executrix ; and fhe dying inteftate, the Right of Adminiftration was in her Daughter the faid Eli- zabeth Hughes, And in or about the Month call'd June 1702, fhe was committed to 0;9^ri.'f Goal on an Attachment out of the Exchequer, and continued Prifoner till Oi^fj^t-r 1703, being about One Tear and four Months. I oo Oxfordjhire. [ L ] William Hughes, Son of the faid Eli-zabcth Hughes, was alfo profecuted in the Exchequer, at the Suit of th.e fame Parfon. J704. [ M ] William Tredwell of South- Ncwington was profecuted in the Exchequer, at the Suit of Robert Fenn Tithe-farmer under Exeter Colledge, 1705. [ N ] John Bagnell, John French and William French, were alfo profecuted in the Exchequer, at the Suit of the aforcfaid Robert Penn. Joseph Sowder was profecuted for Tithes by John Langjion Steward under the Lady HoJlh. Richard Hickman and Joseph Hick- man were alfo profecuted by the aforefaid 'John Langjion^ lyzi, [ O ] Edward Thomas was profecuted in the Exchequer for EaflerrOiferings, at the Suit of Jhomas Arvijoji Parfon of Bijjiter. Thomas [ L ] ^7//i<:<;A//i//26'^J V. as an Apprentice, and under One and Twenty Years of Age ; the Suit againft him dropt by reafon of his Minority. [ M ] The Suit againft 'Tredwell- was for a Demand of about 3/. for thirty Years fmall Tithes. [ N ] The Profecution ag.iiiift John Freiicb was for i/. 2 J. and againil PFiliiam French for l/. los. for fmall 1 ithes. [ O ] The Parfon's DemAnd on Edward Tho- mas was for fix Years Eatter-Ofieiings for himfelf and Wife, at id. per Annum zxzh, and id. per Jn- mim for his Garden. Oxjordjhire. loi Thomas Nichols q£ Oxford was profecu- 1728. ted in the Eccleftaftical Court for a Church- Rate (fo called) at the Suit of the Wardens of the Parilh. 28. Rutland/hire. [ P ] A USTIN ACTON and John j-^ J^\^ PiLKiNGTON were profecuted in the Ecckfiaftical Court, at the Suit of John St even fan Parilli Clerk. [ Q^] George Robinson of Oj^/'rt;;; was 1721. fubpoena'd into the Exchequer^ at the Suit of "John Warhurton Vicar. 29. So?nerJetJ}:ire^ [ P ] Acfon and Pilkington, for a Demand of Two Shillings for Clerk's Wages, were commit- ted to Prifon on a Writ de Excommunicato capiendo^ and continued Prifoners about five Weeks ; at the End of which, they were fet at Liberty by an Order from the High Sheriff, upon the Difcovery of fome great Error in the Proceeding. [ Q^] This Profecution being but for \l. $s: 6d. for four Ycar^ fmall Tithes, the Parfon, up- on farther Deliberation, dropt his Proceedings in the Exchequer, and applying to the Juflices, got a Warrant {or Diflrefs. I02 29* Somerfetjhire. g 1696, [ R ] yiTlLLIAM REEVE of Wivelf V ▼ comb' was profecnted m the iSc- clejiafiical Court for fmall T'ithes. [ S ] W1LI.IAM Lyddon of the P^rifh of ^ Witbil was proieciited in the Exchequer for i Tithes^ at the Suit of William Pratt m the 1 Behalf of iome Children of an Impropriator. [ T ] Joi^N CoATE and Henry Coate his Son were profecated in the "Exchequer for Tithes, at the Suit of Jojeph Uorfiy Parfbn of Kijigpury, George Priest of l^aunton Dean was pro- iecnted in the Exchequer for Tithes, at the Suit of Smart GQQde?tougb Impropriator of Piimtrs- Jler. Edward [ R ] William Reeve procor'd a Prc/hibition out of one of the Temporal Courts, and ftopt the Proceedings. [ S ] Lyddon was committed to Taunton Goal in the Month call'd April 1697, and was continued Prifoner many Years, till he died. [ T ] The Parfon fir ft fummon'd John and i/^^rv Co(2/^ before the Juftices, but they judging his Demand unreafonable, being z6L for twelve Years Tithe, would have redact the fame to 14/. which he difliking, refolv'd to proceed another Way : But the faid John Coate dying in a fliort Time after, the Suit dropt. S'omerfetjhire. 105 [ U ] EDWa\RD Atwood of Saiford was profecuted in the Cooit of Common Flem^ at tlie Suit of IVilliam Keate Parfon, for Tithes. [ W ] Robert Ban ton of Long-Sutton was profecuted at Cmnmon Laia for Tithes, at the Suit of Henry Lockyer Tithe-farmer under the Earl of Northampton. [ X ] Edward Atwood albrefaidj and 1699, his Son, were prolecuted in the Ecckjiajlical Court for Eailer-Offerings, and Tithes of Hens, Eggs, &€. at the Suit of the faid fV, Keate, [ Y ] James Hull was profecuted in the EiXcheqiier [] U ] Edward Atwood was arrefted by a pre- tended or falfe Writ, in the Month cali'd February 169S, and committed to Prifon ; and on the i9tli of the Month xidXYdJuly i6gg^ had Six Cows, Two Horfes and a Mow of Hay feized : But upon a Difcovery made of its being a falfe Profecution, he was difcharg'd by a Superjedeas^ and his Goods or- der'd to be reftor'd, [ W ] Robert Banton^^ for great Tithes of Seven or Eight Pounds Value, had a Verdidl given againfl him at Taunton AfTizes in the Month call'd March 1698, for 15/. which at Treble Damages amounted to 45/. lor which he had taken from him, 12 Plow Bullocks and 5 Cows worth Of which they returned 2 Bullocks For an Original Demand of 7/. or 8/. [ X ] They were both Excommunicated a- bout the 6th of the Month czWd Augufi 1699. [ Y ] James Hull, for a Demand of about 0,1. per Annum for Tithe, was committed to Prifon in November i6c)^. :. s D. 80 10 70 104 Somerfetjhire. 1699. Exchequer for Tithes, at the Suit of Edmund Caiijh^ yohn Pattin and Roger Saints Tithe- farmers under Andrew Walner Efq; Impro- priator. [ Z ] Robert Wills of Chifelhoroiigh was prolecuted in the Exchequer for Tithes, at the Suit of Henry Lockyer of hong-^utton Tithe-farmer. [ A ] Jeremiah Bewsey was profecu- ted in the Ecclejiafiical Court for Tithes, at the Suit of John Boiler Vicar of Burnham. [ B ] George Besgrove of Miichelney was prolecuted in the Ecclejiafiical Court for a Demand of 45. \d. for a Church-Rate (fo cal- led) at the Suit of 'John Pridle Warden. John Pedle olMuchelney was profecuted in the Ecclejiajiical Court for a Demand of 3^. \od. for a Church-Rate (fo called) at the Suit of John Pridle Warden. Edward Atwood of Salford was profecu- ted in the Court of Common Pleas^ at the Suit of William Keate Parfon. Abra- [ Z ] JVills was Exchequer'd for a Demand of Eight Shillings Tithe of Two Acres of Flax. [ A ] ^c-zay^jv was committed to ///^^^r Goal on aWrit de Excommunicato capiendo^ on the 19th of the Month called Januar'j i6(^(^^ and remained a Prifoner feveral Years. [ B ] George Befgrove and John Pedle were committed to Prifon on a Writ de Excommunicato capiendo^ and Pedle continued a Prifoner feveral Years. * Somerjetjhire* 105 Abraham Lyddall of Wivelfcomh was profecuted in the Exchequer for a Demand of about Twenty Shillings for Tithes, at the Suit oi William Pri chard Parfon. [ C ] John Banks of Long-Sutton was profecuted in the Court of the Himdred of Glajionhury for a Church-Rate (fo called.) Mary Gundry was profecuted in the Ex- inoOi chequer for Tithes, at the Suit of Henry Lam- bert Parfon of Mudford. [ D ] William Tilly and his Wife were profecuted in the Exchequer for Tithes, at the Suit of Henry Lambert aforefaid Parfon. [ E ] James Clothier of Street was profecuted at Common Law for Tithes, at the P Suit [ C ] The demand on John Banks was 9;. A^d. for which he had taken from him a Gelding and Saddle worth Ten Pounds, but fold by thofe who made the Diftrefs for 4/. loj. [ D ] W. Tilly and his Wife were profecuted for a Demand of 25J. for 8 Years Tithes : And were both imprifoned. [ E ] James Clothier, upon a Judgment of 62/. loj. for Treble Damages, had Goods taken from him on an Execudon, by Richard Trow and Two other Bay] iffs, on the i^ih of December 1701, being the very Day appointed by the Government for a general Faft, as followeth, viz. Four Fat Oxen worth Four Plough Oxen worth Two Cows worth Two Yearlings worth L, S. D. 23 22 8 2 55 And 1 06 Somerfetjhire. Suit of T'imothy Redman Parfon of Street and Walton. [ F ] Gabriel Ballett was profecuted in the Exchequer for Eafler-Offerings, at the Suit of Richard Tiownton Parfon of Wenmore, 170 1. [ G ] Eleanor Pedle was profecuted in the Exchequer for fmall Tithes, at the Suit of Jojeph Wren Parfon of Somerton. [ H ] Matthew Bend all was profe- cuted in the Exchequer for fmall Tithes and Offerings, at the Suit of William Kidky Parfon of ^ee?i-Camel. [ I ] John Cowling of Stantoji-Drew was And on the loth of September 1702, he had taken from him on a Demand for Arrears upon the faid Execution^ five Cows and 80 Sheep, valued by the Neighbours at Thirty Six Pounds. So that for an Original Demand of about 1 8/. for Tithes, they took to the Value of Ninety One Pounds. [ F ] Gabriel Ballett, tho a poor Man, was fent to Goal at this Parfon's Suit for a Demand of ^d. per Annum, for Ten Years Eafter Offerings. [ G ] Eleanor Pedle -wsiscommitttdzollcbejler Goal on 2in Attachment, the 30th of the Month call'd January 1701, and continued a Prifoner above Tvfo Years for a Demand of about Twenty Shillings for Tithes, which the Parfon afterwards took by Juftices Warrant. [ H ] Matthew Bendall was committed to luhejler Goal for a Demand of about Five Shillings for Tithes, Eggs and Eafter Offerings. [ 1 ] John Cowling wa.s committed to Ilchejler Goal on the 14th of the Month call'd April 1702, and retnov'd by Habeas Corpus to the Exchequer Bar Somerfetflnre. 1 07 was profecuted in the Exchequer for Tithes, at the Suit of yohn Sellick Impropriator. Marmadure Coate of Hambridge was 1702. profecuted in the Exchequer for Tithes, at the Suit of Robert Banbury Impropriator. Edith Place of Hambridge was profecu- ted in the Exchequer^ at the Suit of the laid Robert Banbury Impropriator. JoANE Scott oi Hambridge was profecuted In the Exchequer for Tithes. [ K ] William Coate of Grinton was profecuted in the Exchequer for Tithes, at the Suit of Parfon Beavan. [ L ] William Coate was again profe- '^J'^l- cuted in the Exchequer, at the Suit of the afore- fiid Parfon Beavan, [ M ] Giles Ithell of Brijlington was profecuted in the Exchequer for Tithes, at the Suit of Alexander Popham Impropriator. P 2 WiL- Bar the i8th o^ Novfmher following, and commit- ted to the Fleet : He was difcharged thence on the 6th o\ February i/o-f, the Court taking the Bill againft \\\mpro confejfo. The Tithes were prov'd by one Witnefs on a CommifTion of Enquiry to be 9/. 9^. 3^. and the Plaintiff's Bill of Cofls was taxed at '^c^l. los. [ K ] JVilliam Coate was committed to Prifon, but difcharged fome Time after by an Ad: of Grace. [ L ] JV. Coate was returned Non eft Inventus^ altho' publickly at Home. The Falfliood of which return being difcovered, the Profecution was dropt. [ M ] TheTithes decreed by the Court againft Jtbell came to S/. i^j. 3 J. o8 Somerfetjhire. 1703. [ N ] William Tilly oi Mudford^^^ profecuted in the Exchequer for Tithes, at the Suit of Robert S?nith Impropriator. [ O ] Richard Broom was profecuted in [ N ] M'^illiam 'Tilly was fued for a Demand of about 2/. Ss.per Annum for Two Years, altho' i/. 4J. per Annum had been the cuftomary Payment, On the 17th o\05loher 1702, he was ferv*d with an Attachment out of the Exchequer^ as he was at Sherhum Market in the County of Dorfet^ and kept Prifoner at the Goaler'sHoufe there threeWeeks and fix Days, and afterwards committed to Dor// Goal, about the 14th Day of No'vember 1702, and on the tgih of the fame was difcharg'd. After which, upon an Attachment in TrinityTeym^ he was taken up and carried toward llchejler Prifon, but the Bailiffs difmift him by the Way, and went Home to his Houfe, and took a Yoke of Oxen which coft him Ten Pounds, threatning to come and take more, On the 2d Day of the Month call'd Fehriiary 1704, he was again taken up on an Attachment^ and committed \.q llchejler Goal, where he remained Pri^ foner about two Years, and had taken from him by Sequejiration Twelve Bullocks and Eight Weaned Calves worth Forty Five Pounds. They alfo feiz- cd his pafturc Land, to fttd. theaforefaid Bullocks and Calves, and an Horfe, orl^lorfes, many Weeks, in the beft Part of the Year for Grafs, which was worth Five Pounds, belide the Yoke of Oxen afore- mentioned -, the whole amounting to Sixty Pound.?, whereas the Tithes demanded by the Profecutor were not above the Value of 7/. 45. for Six Years, [ O ] The Demand on Broorri was lefs than Three Pounds for Tithes : He was Imprifon'd in JUheJlcr Goal. Somerfetjhire. 1 09 In the Exchequer for Tithes, at the Suit of 'John "Jeans Tithe-farmer under the Parfon of Creech. Edward Pole junior of Wivclfco?nb was profecuted in the Exchequer for yl. 2s. 6d. for Tithes, at the Suit of Edward ColUiigs Parfon of the faid Parifli. [ P ] William Ball, o£ Dmv?2i?jg near Brijiol^ was profecuted at Cojnmon Law for Tithes, at the Suit of William Player Renter of the Impropriation. [ Q ] Samuf.l Clothier of Shipton- 1704. Mallett was profecuted in the Exchequer for Tithes [ P ] William Ball was arreftcd in September 1703, in an Allien at common Law for Forty Pounds : The Plaintiff declar'd for '^2^. 6s. Sd. alcho' the real Value was nor above 25/. for five Years Tithes of Hay and Corn. The Declaration fet forth Ninety Acres of Meadow and Eighty Acres of Corn each Year, when the C:\\d William Ball had not in PoiTefiion the Sixth Part of that Quantity: Yet an Execution wasobtain'd for 100/. on Account of Treble Damages. By Virtue of which, on the 25th of the Month call'd Ma^ 1704, the Plaintiff's Lawyer and a Baylifi^ came and feiz* ed, and drove away, four Cows and a Calf, four Oxen and one Gelding, worth Forty Pounds. And on the nth of the Month called June following, came the Bayliff and drove away nine Cows and two Oxen more, worth upwards of Forty Pounds : In all to the Value of Eighty Pounds. [ Q^] After fome time the Parfon dropt his Suit in the Exchequer, and proceeded by Juftices AY.irrant, before whom he proved Five Shillings for 7'ithes. no Somer/etjhire. Tithes, at the Suit pf John Whiteha7td Parfon of that Parifli. [ R ] Robert Makers of Shipton-Mal- lett was profecuted in the Exchequer, at the Suit of the aforefaid Parfon John Whitehand. John Hopkins of Uchejier was profecuted in the Ecckjiajiical Court for Three Pence de- manded for a Church-Rate (fo called.) [ S ] William Co ate of Grinton was profecuted in the Exchequer for Tithe, at the Suit of Barbara Beavan Widow of the late Redor of that Parifh. John Hearn of Creech was profecuted in the Exchequer for Tithes, at the Suit oi Robert Bobbett and Regi?iald T'aylor Tithe-farmers ; and committed to Prifon. William Tilly of Mudford was profecu- ted in the Exchequer for Tithes of about 2/. 8j. Value, at the Suit of Robert Alford, 1705. [ T ] Richard HiPSLEY of Church-hill was profecuted in the Exchequer for Tithes, at the Suit of John Cobb Tithe-farmer under the T)ean and Chapter of Brijiol. James [ R ] The Parfon, after feme time, let fall his Suit in the Exchequer^ being but foi; Eight Shil- lings Tithe, and got a Warrant from the Juftices, by which he took an Heifer worth Two Pounds Ten Shillings. [ S ] The Demand on William Coate was for fixceen Years Tithe of 15 Acres of Land^ at i2d. per Acre. He was committed to Ilchejier Goal in Septernher 1705. [ T ] The Demand on HipJIey was afterward taken by Jiiltices Warrant. Somerfetjhire] in James Wear was profecuted and imprl- 1705. fon'd for Tithes, at the Suit of Richard Davis Renter of the Impropriation of Clevedon. [ U ] Peter Priest of Tr^/// was profe- cuted in the Exchequer for Tithes, at the Suit of Smart Goode7iot(gh Impvoiprntor o^ Pitminjler and I'ridL [ W ] Arthur Thomas, William WiLMOT, Thomas Davis, John Whiting and James Webb, all of the Parifli of Teaton, were profecuted in the Exchequer for Tithes, at the Suit of Arthur Mattock of JVells Impro- priator. Edward [ U ] Peter Priejl^ Carrier from Taunton to London, was fued for four Years Tithe, valued at about ^l.per idnnum, upon a Commiffion of En- quiry ; and profecuted to a Decree ; for not pay- ing the fame with Cofts, was proceeded againft to a Sequeftration \ by which he had fourteen Horfes feized at their Inn in Stanes, worth One Hundred and Forty Pounds, and the Innkeeper was obliged for their forth coming, before they were fuflered to proceed on their Journey. [ W ] The Value of the Tithes claimed wa?, of Thomas about 3/. 14J. o^WilmoU about 5/. 8i. o^ Davis about iSs. of JVhiting about 3 J. 4^. and o^ fVebb '2iho\JLt 9/. los. The faid Arthur Thomas was committed to Pri- fon at Ilchefter on the 2 ift of the Month call'd July 1705, and yet the CommifTion was fome time after return*d Non eft inventus, in order to proceed to a Sequeftration. Upon which, a Motion being made againft the faid falfe Return, to itop Pro- ceedings 112 Somerjetjhire. 17 06. [ -^ ] Edv/ard Pole oi Wivelfcomb was profecuted in the Exchequer for Tithes, at the Suit of Edward Burton Prielft. [ Y ] Francis Brain oiWi'velfcomb was profecuted in the Exchequer for Tithes, at the Suit of the aforefaid Edward Burton Prieft. [ Z ] William Tilly of Mudford wa« profecuted in the Common Pleas for Tithes, at the Suit of yacoh Gafcoin Tithe-farmer at Beerhacket in Devonfiire, Edwar d ceedjngs, it was not allow*d of •, fo that the faid Arthur ^2iS, oblig*d to pay Cods of Suit, to be ad- mitted to anfwer. And when he had fet forth in his Anfwer, That there were no Tithes demanda- ble from him by the faid Mattock, the Plaintiff would not abide by the faid Anfwer, but took out a CommifTionof Enquiry in order to proceed fur- ther, but did not execute it. Neverthelefs, in the Month called July 1708, he revived his Bill a- gainft the faid Arthur 'Thomas, 'Thomas Davis, John Whiting and IViUiam JViltnott, and added Lydia Thomas Widow, Mother of the faid Arthur Tho- mas, who was not in the former Bill, and pro- ceeded afrefh againft them. [ X ] Edward Pole, was arrefted on an Attach- ment, but, a fev/ Hours after, the Bayliffdifcharg'd him, and diflrainM Two Fat Beafts of his, worth about Fifteen Pounds. [ Y ] Francis Brain for a Demand of 4^. 55. gd. for Tithes had taken from him 21 Sheep worth Eleven Pounds, and was a long time Prifoner. [ Z ] William Tilly, for one Years Tithes of of an Eitatc of 10/. j)er Annum, Pafture Land, valued by the Profecutor at 20s, (tho' the ufual Rate Somerfetfhire. 1 1 3 [ A ] Edward Watts of Taunton was ijo/* profecuted in the Ecclejiaftical Court for Tithes, at the Suit of T^homai Hajel Impropriator, or Tithe-farmer. [ B ] Arthur GuNDRY, Thomas Mar- NARD, John Stower and Alice Gundry, were profecuted in the Exchequer for Tithes, at the Suit of Timothy Redmafi Parfon of Street. [ C ] Robert Banton, John Bull and ijool Robert Gee, o^ Long-Sutto?i^ were profecuted in the Exchequer for Tithes, at the Suit of Chriftopher Wejierdal. •■' i' Q^ Edward -Hi :t:; Rateformerly paid was but lox. -per Annum) was arrefted and committed to the County Goal on the 14th of the Month call'd February 1706: The Profecutor obtain'd an Execution^ by which the faid Tilly\\2id taken from him in tiie beginning of the Year 1708, Seven Milch Kine worth Twenty Six Pounds, for no more than i/. Original Demand. [ A ] Edward Watts^ for a Demand of about 3/. for two Years Tithes, was Excommunicated ; but his Imprifonment was prevented by the Death of the Profecutor. [ B ] Attachments were ifTued againft thefe Four, and the faid Alice Gundry was taken up and committed to Ilchefter Goal in OSloher 1708, but was difcharg'd by an Ad of Grace in 1709, by which Ad the Procefs againft the other Three was alfo made void. [ C ] Thefe Three were fued in t\\tExcheq^uery notwithftanding the Profecutor Yearly proceeded againft chcm by Juftices Warrant alfo. 1 1 4 Somerjetjhire. 1709. [ E) ] Edward Perris of Long-Sutton was profecuted in the Exchequer for Tithes, at the Suit of the faid Chrijiopher WeJierdaL John Gillett and Gabriel Richards, of Long-Sutton^ were profecuted in the Ex- chequer. [ E ] Arthur Gun DRY, Thomas Mar- NAKD, John Stower, Alice Gundry Wi- dow, James Clothier, Edward Stower and Jonathan Tucker, were profecuted in , the Exchequer, at the Suit of Tiimothy Redman Parfon of Street, [ F ] Arthur Thomas and William WiLMOTT, of the Parifhof Teaton^ were profe- cuted in the £<7r^/z^/V^7/C?:^r/, at the Suit of Arthur Mattocks Prieft and Impropriator. 1710. Marmaduke Coat, Edith Place and Samuel Brookman, were profecuted in the EtKchequer [ D ] Edward Perm was imprifon*d on an Attachment, [ E ] John Stower and Edward Stower died foon after the Profecution began : Attachments were ilTiied againft the other Five, three of whom, name- ly, Arthur Gundry^ James Clothier and 'Thomas Marnardf were taken up and committed to Prifon : The Demand on Clothier was 20/. 6s. %d. for twenty five Years Tithes, and on Arthur Gundry 3/. 13J, 'j7,d. for Ten Years Tithe, and los, for a Mortu- ary on the Death of his Aunt. [ F ] William JVilmott was Excommunicated, and committed to Ikhejler Goal on a Writ de Ex- communicato capiendo^ and continued a Prifoner till I he Month called June lyi^-. Somerfetjhire. 1 1 ^ Exchequer, at the Suit of Parfon French of Ilmtnjier, Edward Hopkins was profecuted in the Exchequer for Tithes, at the Suit of Samuel Broadmead Parfon of Pawlett near Bridg- water. [ G ] John Peddle of Miichehiy was profecuted in the Exchequer for Tithes of about 4/. Value, at the Suit of "Jofeph Browning Tithe-farmer. [ H ] Francis Braine of Wivelfcomb lyn. was profecuted in the Exchequer for a Demand of about 5/. for fmall Tithes, at the Suit of Edward Burton Priell:. Edward Pole of Wivelfcomb was profe- cuted in the Exchequer for Tithes, at the Suit of the faid Parfon Burton. [ I ] William Co ate of Grinton was ^7^^* profecuted in the Exchequer^ at the Suit of Barbara Beavan, Executrix to the Redlor of Grinton. [ K ] Charles Bewsey and his Wife Q^ 2 were [ G ] John Piddle was Prifoner a confidcrable Time. [ H ] Francis Braine was committed to 11- chejler Goal on the 20ch of the Month called April 1712, and dicid a Prifoner feme Years after. [ I ] William Coats was committed to Ilchefter Goal in December 1 7 1 3. [ K ] Charles Beivfey^ for a Demand of 7/. loj. was firfl taken up on an Attachment in November 1712. In September 17 13, he and his Wife were com- 1 1 6 Somerfetjhire. were profecutcd in the Exchequer^ at the Suit oi Hugh Lambert Virion oi Mudford, William Tilly was profecuted in the Ex^ chequer for a Demand of 3/. per Annum for Eight Years Tithes, at the Suit of the faid Hugh Lambert Vicar of Mudford. 17 1'?. [ -^ 3 George Besgrove of Muchelny was profecuted in the Ecckfiafiical Court for fmall Tithes, at the Suit of T'homa^ Cookjleyy Tithe-farmer. Katharine committed to Prifon, and kept clofe Prifoners from their Family of Seven Children ; and in the Month call'd Januar-j following, were brought up to Lon- don, and then had Liberty given them till the next ^efm. On the 15th of the Month call'd June 1714, they were again brought up to the Exchequer Bar, and committed to x.\\t Fleet Prifon. In the Month call'd April 1717, his Goods were feized to the Value of Nine Pounds Fifteen Shillings, alfo his Freehold Eftate worth about Thirty Pounds ;per Annum^ which with the Fruit the firfl Year was worth Thirty Six Pounds : Alfo another Eftate of upwards of Twenty Pounds per Annum kept two Years, Forty Pounds. So that he had taken from him in all to the Value of Eighty Five Pounds Fifteen Shillings, (befide his fuffering Imprifon- ment above Five Years) for an Original Demand of 7/. lOJ. [ L ] The Demand on Befgrove was il. 25, 6d. per Annum, for 4 or 5 Years fmall Tithes : He was committed to Ilchefier Goal, by a Writ de Excommunicato capiendo^ in December lyi^j but, upon a Motion at the ^iec/i's Bench Bar, was difcharg'd in the Month call'd June 1 7 14. Somerjetjhire. 1 1 7 Katharine Jewell of G/aflonlfury Widow wasprofecuted in the Ecckjiajiical Court for a Church-Rate (fo called.) [M 3 Samuel Bownas of Llmington 171 a, was profecuted in the Ecclefiajiical Coiii't for Tithes, at the Suit oi William Ray Clerk. Thomas Browning oi Li77jingto7i was pror fecuted in the Exchequer for Tithes, at the Suit of William Ray aforcfaid. [ N ] William Tilly was profecuted 17 15. in the Exchequer for Tithes, at the Suit of Hugh Lambert Parfon of Mudford. [ O ] Philip Watts, William Co ate, 1717. John Clark, and Richard Cooper, of Grifiton, were profecuted in the Ecckjiajiical Court for a Church-Rate (fo called) at the Suit of Daniel Pople Warden. [ P ] James Clothier of Street near 1725. Glajlonhiiry^ was profecuted in the Ecclejiajli- cal Courts for a Demand of 251. for Tithes, in the Narne of Councellor Pratt. John [ M ] Samuel Bownas was committed to Ilche- Jler Goal on the 15th pf the Month caird Jz/Zy 1714. [ N ] Willia?n Tilly was brought up to Lon- dm, and committed to the Fleet Prifon on the 24rh of the Month calPd y^nV 17 16, and continued till the 1 2th of Ooiober foi lowing. [ O ] Philip JVatts and John Clark were com- mitted to Prifon, by a "Writ de Excommunicato ca- piendo^ on or about the 19th o^Ouiober 17 19. [ P ] The Proceedings againft Clothier were put a Stop to by the Councellor*s Order, upoji Ap- plication to Wfin, 1 1 8 Somerfetjhire. 1726. [ Q^] John Hucker was profccutcd in the Ecclejiajiical Court for Tithes, in the Name of the faid Councellor Pratt. 1728. William Squire was profecuted in the EccleftaJiicalCourt for a Church-Rate (fo called) at the Suit of Sihejier Penny and yobi Down of Glaftonhury Wardens. 1730, [ ^ ] Samuel Tully and Mary his Wife, Hannah Pincker, John Hipsley and John Corbin, were profecuted in thefe- chequer for fmall Tithes, at the Suit oiJVilliam Arts Vicar of Kainjham. r S ] James Player of Portujheady and William Perris of K?towie in the Parifli of Long'Sutton, with Jane his Wife, late Jane JlfJjfordy were profecuted in the Exchequer for Tithes [ Q^] The Proceeding againft Hucker was ftopt in the fame manner, by Application to the Councellor, and the Demand of 25;. taken by Jufiices Warrant. [ R ] The Eftates, which thefe Perfons occu- pied, being made appear to be Tithe-free, the Vicar, after feme Trouble and Charge to himfelf and them, dropt the Profecution. [ S ] The Redor's Demand on Player and Perris was for great and fmall Tithes, Eafter-Dues and Offerings, for the Years 1728, 1729, and 1730, valued by him at 25/, 12/. lot/. but upon the Report of the Deputy Remembrancer, to whofc Enquiry the Cafe was committed, the Court de- creed James Player to pay, L. S. D. For Eailer Dues and Offerings, 1728, 018 For Tithe of Wheat, Beans, Peafe,p Oats, Barley, Hay, Sheep, Lambs, ^416 17 Calves and Cyder, 1729, j For Somerfetjhire. 1 1 p Tithes, at th&Smioi John Lovell'^t^Xox of 1730, Portufiead, WiL- L. S. D. For Eaftef Dues and Offerings, 1729, 018 For Tithe of Wheat, Barley, Beans, J) Peafe, Hay, Sheep, Lambs, Galve3S>5 15 8 and Cycler, 1730, J For Eafter Dues and Offerings, 1730, o i g And William Perns to pay. For Eafter-Offerings, 1729, o i 8 For Tithe of Wheat, Barley, Beans, J> Peafe, Hay, Sheep, Lambs, Calves, S»4 14 9 and Cyder, 1730, J For Eafler Dues and Offerings, 1730, 018 4 iii~ ' Total 15 14 I of The Plaintiff's firft Bill of) ^ "^ ' Cofts was taxed at joo o o The fubfequent Bill of^ Coftsonthe^(?j«44 19 9 Taxed at 3 104 19 9 The Defendant's Clerks Bill was 28 19 o They took from James Player in the Month cal?d Juw 1735, 33 Wt.ofWooll each Wt. ^ilb. j 23^^Sh^ep"' [sold for X20/, worth 141 15 o 73 Lambs and j 3 Fat Sheep, j 170 14 o Sa 1 2 o Somerfetjhire. 173 1. [ T ] William Squire was profecutcd in the Ecclefiajlical Court for Tithes, by Fran-- as Blake^ in the Name of Councellor Pratt. [ U 1 William WiLMOTT, of Claver- ham in tnc Parifh of Teaton^ was profecutcd in the Kings Bench for Tithes, at the Suit of Rumney Peyiroj'e Parfon and Impropriator. i^ 32. [ W ] William pRAMPTONof-^^v^n^^ WiiS profecutcd in the Ecclefiajlical Court for a Demand of Eight Shillings for a Church- Rate (fo called) at the Suit of Richard Martin and James Hall Wardens. Grace So that for a Demand of 25/. 125. lod. fetled at 15/. 14J. 9^. t the Defendants fuftained 170/. 14J. Damages, befides other incident Charges, and the Trouble and Expence of all three of them tra- velling above 200 Miles on account of putting in their Anfwers at London. N. B. Jane Perris was Mother of James Player 9 and theirAffairs fomewhat intermixt on the Eftate, when the Tithe was claimed. [ T ] The Profecution againfl IVilliam Squire was dropt upon Application made tp the Coun- cellor. [ U ] The Profecution againfl ^/;;?*// was on the Statute for Treble Damages : The Demand was 61. 13J. 4^. for five Years Tithes. This Suit continued till the Death of the Defendant, which happen'd in OBober ly^S. [ W ] One of the Profecutors dying, this Suit dropt. Somerfetjhire] 121 [ X ] Grace Pole and Eeward Pole ^734^ of Wrcelfcomb were profecuted in the Ex- cbequer for Tithes, at the Suit oiEdivard Bur-' ton Vicar oiWivelJcomb. 5a Staffordpnre. [ Y ] 'T^HOMAS SHIPLEY of Lexley 1700; \ was profecuted in the Ecckjiajii- cal Court for Tithes, at the Suit of Starling Wood Tithe-farmer. Hugh Ford oi Ford Green in the Parifh of 1702^ Norton was profecuted in the Ecclefiq/lical Court for a Church-Rate (fo called) and Excommu- nicated. [ Z ] John Gratton, WidowBoTHAM 1703^ and John Blower oiLeek, were profecuted in the Ecclefiajiical Court for Eafter-Reckonings^ at the Suit of Thomas IValthall Vicar of Leek. R Thomas [ X ] The Suit agalnfl Grace Pole and Ed- ward Pole is yet depending. [ Y ] Thomas Shipley, for a Demand of about 15J. for Tithe of Oats, was imprifon'd at Stafford, on a Significavit out of the Ec cleft aftical Court. [ Z ] The Vicar, in his Libel againft Gratton, Botham and Blower, made aClaim of Smoke- penny, mz. For every Mefluage of 20/. or upwards, iL For every Unmarried Perfon putting up Smoke, below 122 Stafford/hire. 1704. [ ^ ] Thomas James was profecuted in the Ecclefiaflical Court for Tithes, at the Suit piT^homas White Y'lc^iV of Langdoji, lyoy. [ B ] JoH H Blower of X^^/^wasprofecuted || in the Ecclefiajlicnl Court for Eafler-Reckonings, at the Suit of 'T'hotnas Walthall Vicar of Leek. 17 16. [ C ] William Ball of Chejlerjield -vjOi^ profecuted in the Ecclejiajlical Court for Tithes, at the Suit of Robert Grace Vicar of Shenjlon. 1728. Moses Morris was profecuted in the £<:(:/(^- I fiafiical Court for a Marriage Fee. I 1732. Allen England of T'am'worth was profe- cuted in the Com?non Pleas for Tithes, at the Suit of T'homas Malin. ^ I. Suffolk. below Stairs or above, yd. For every Married Perfon putting up Smoke, ^d. And if two or three different Perfonsor Families, under the fame Roof, put up each of them a feveral diftinft Smoke, yd. a piece. And for every Boarder or Tabler with- in the faid Parifli, id. a piece to be paid to the Par- fon. But the Proceedings of the Ecclefuifikal Court were put a Stop to by a Prohibition granted out of one of the Courts at Weftminfter. [ A 3 'Thomas James was committed to Prifon ■ by Warrrant from two Juflices, grounded on a Certificate out of the Bifhop's Court at Litchfield, [ B ] Jo/?;z5/o'K;^r was committed to Stafford , Goal by a Writ de Excommunicato capiendo, on the 25th of the Month call'd Augufi: 1707, and, after about nine Months Imprifonment, was difcharg'd , by a Superfedeas in the Month call'd May 1 708. [ C ] William Ball was committed to Prifon by a Warrant from two Juftices, grounded on a Certificate out of the Ecclefiafiical Court, 123 51. Suffolk^ JOHN LAWRENCE o{ Bouch was profe- 1696: cuted in the Exchequer for Tithes, at the Suit of T'homas Echard Parfon of Bradford. [ D ] Thomas Humphreys of Sudbury was profecuted in the Ecclefiajiical Court for a Church-Rate (fo called) at the Suit oi Buckfione Underwood and 'T'homas Danjdye Wardens. [ E ] Jonathan Seaman was profecuted r697. in the Exchequer for Tithes, at the Suit of Ed- ivard Broome Parfon oiWoodbridge. John Coe was profecuted in the Exchequer at the Suit of the faid Edward Broome. [ F ] John Parker oiT'rimly was pro- 1698. fecuted in the Ecclefiajiical Court for Tithes, at the Suit of Richard Howard Prieft. R 2 Richard [ D ] 'Thomas Humphre'js was Excommunica- ted : The Demand on him was about Three Shil- lings. [ E ] Jonathan Seaman^ for a Demand of 3/. 135. 6d. for Tithes, was committed to Ipfwicb Goal about the 8th of November 1698. [ F ] The Parfon's Demand on John Parker was Twelve Shillings for three Years Tithe. He was committed to Ipjixjich Goal by a Writ de Ex- communicato capiendo on the 14th ot the Month eall'd 7://)j 1698, but difcharged by a Super fedeas about five Weeks after. 1 24 Suffolk. J 699. Richard White was profecuted In the Exchequer for fmall Tithes, at the Suit of Charles Gibjbn Parfon oiMendlefiam. Samuel Kemble of Woodbridge Hajkiton was profecuted in the Exchequer^ for a Demand of about 35:^. per Annum for Three Years Tithes, at the Suit of John Punchard Prieft. Isaac Lawrence oi Sudbury was profecut- ed in the Ecclcfiajiical Court. ■1701. Samuel ParxMitor and Robert Salmon were profecuted in the Exchequer^ at the Suit of John Raymond an Infant of the Parilh of Belchamp'Water in Ej[ex. [ G ] Thomas Belsted of T'r'vnly was profecuted in the Exchequer^ at the Suit of Hichard Howard Parfon of T^rimly. John Parker was profecuted in the Ex- chequer^ at the Suit of jEi/'Zi/'^r^i^/^ Parfon of Walton. 1702. John Piggott of P/^y^r^ was profecuted in the Exchequer for Four Pounds demanded for Tithes of Herbage^ at the Suit of George Clark Parfon oi^udenham. 1704. The Widow Kenifield was profecuted in the Exchequer for Tithes, at the Suit of "John Jeffery Clerk. -J705. [ -H ] Elizabeth Chapman Widow, and P>.obert Brightwell Miller .were pro- fecuted [ G ] Thomas Bdjlcd was committed to Ipf- %uich Goal in the Month call'd June 1702. [ H ] The Parfon's Demand of Brigbizvcll y/o.s^s.^er Jnuiani^v three Years, for the Hill on whici) Suffolk. 125 fecuted in the Exchequer for fmall Tithes, at the Suit of Edward Broome Parfon of JVood- hridge. Sarah Smith, Dionysius Smith her Son, 1708. and JohnHawes oiJViverJhji^vfcvQ profecut- ed in the Exchequer, for about Four Pounds demanded for Tithes, at the Suit of Francis Cookfedge Priefl of Backton. [ I ] Jonathan Seaman oiWoodbridge 1709. was profecuted in the Exchequer for Tithes, at the Suit of Edward Ruji Parfon of Walton. [ K ] Hannah Pearson was profecuted 17 ^2. in the Exchequer for Tithes, at the Suit of Par- fon Hood of Haven'ngham. John Clark of Mildcnhall was profecuted in the Ecclefiajiical Court for a Demand of Five ShiUings for Marriage Fees, at the Suit of ^ohn Brinkley Reader of Bury^ and Excom- municated. Thomas which his Mill flood: His Demand on the Widow Chapman was iSs.per Anm(m for two Years Tithe of her Garden. 5n^/?/a' Isaac Lawrence, were profccuted in the Ex- cheqicer for a Mortuary and fmall Tithes, at the Suit of Edward Broome Parfon of Wood- bridge. 3724. [ M ] Nathaniel French of Mi /for d was profecuted in the Exchequer for Tithes at the Suit of James Johifon Priefl. [ N ] Jonathan Seaman was profecu- ted for Tithes, on the Statute for Treble Da- mages. [ O ] Thomas Galloway of Hadhy was profecuted in the Ecclejiajlical Coiwt for a Church [ L ] Thomas Free was committed to Melton Goal on the 21ft of the Month call'd April 17 14, and from thence remov'd by Habeas Corpus to London^ and committed to the Fleet Prifon about the Month call'd May iJiS-> and died in 1722, having been a Prifoner to the Fleet above 7 Years. [ M ] Nathaniel French had nothing Tithe- able, but a fmall Piece of feeding Ground of about q/. per Annum \ yet the Parfon threatned to impri- fon him, if he would not pay him a Demand of 3 7 J. 6 J. per Annum. [ N ] Jonathan Seaman^ for Tithe worth but 4/. 4.f. had taken from him Cattle to the Value of Twenty Eight Pounds. [ O ] Thomas G allow a\ was a poor Man and had five Children, and the Demand for which he was profecuted but is, 6d. Suffolk. 127 Church-Rate (fo called) at the Suit of the War- dens of Madley. [ P ] William Groom was profecuted 1726. in the Exchequer for Tithes, at the Suit of William Hunt Parfon of Alderton. [ Q^] John Scales and Caleb Clark 173 i. of Kij'kley were profecuted in the Ecclefmjlical Court for fmall Tithes and Eafter-OfFerings. 52. Surry. [ R ] TOSEPPI PEARCE of Croydo?i was 1696. J profecuted in the Exchequer for Tithes, at the Suit ofyolm Harly Impropriator. John [ P ] The Profecution of^/^///f^w Groowceafed in a fhorc Time by the Death of the Prolccutor, [ Q^ ] The Demand on Scales was for a Year's Tithe of a Pightle, the Yearly Rent v/hereof was but Ten Shillings, and Two Pence for One Year's Eafter-OfFcrings. And the Demand on Clark was for Eleven Years Eafter- Offerings, at id. per An*- rtuniy for which, Sentence was decreed againll him in the Ecclefiaflical Court -, but on a Motion in the Court of Common Pleas^ a Prohibition was obtain'd. [ R ] Jofeph Pearce was committed to the MarPoalfea Prifon in Southwark^ on the 2 6rh of December 1696, and remained Prifoner till the 27th of the Month caird April i6(^y ^ when he was remov'd by Habeas Corpus to the Excheiuer Bar, and ki at liberty, 128 Surry. 1697. John Terry and Thomas Clark, of the Parifh call'd St. Olaves Southwark^ were profe- cuted in the Ecclefiajlical Court for a Church- Rate (fo called) at the Suit of the Wardens of the faid Parifh. 1698. [ S ] Nathaniel Owen of Gz^^fc was profecuted in the Exchequer for Tithes, at the Suit oiliimothy burner Parfon of the Parifli. [ T ] Robert Belson of Frinley was profecuted in the Ecclefiaflical Court for a Church-Rate (fo called) at the Suit of Bernard Brown Warden. [ U ] John Gopsill the Elder, and Wil- liam TowNSEND, of the Parifh call'd St. Olaves Soiithwarky were profecuted in the Ec- defiajlical [ S ] Nathaniel Owen^ for three Years Tithe of about 61 per Anniim^ had taken from him by Sequeflration on the 23d of the Month called Ma^j 1699, C. (ir. lb. L. S. D. 10 o 14 of Hops, worth 43 2 o Befides detaining of Moneys due to him, 346 46 6 6 [ T ] R. Bel/on was committed to the Mar- Jhalfea'm the Month call'd June i6g6^ on a Writ de ExcointJiunicato capiendo, for a Demand of 9;. 4J. and difcharg'd thence by Superfedeas about Novem- ber 1698. [ U ] John Gopfill and WilVuim 'Townjend were committed to the Marjhalfea Prifon, by a Writ de Excom??iunicato capiendo, on the 7th of the Month caird June 1699, and continued Prifoners about two Years. Surry. 129 tlefiajlkal Court for a Church-Rate (fo called) at the Suit of the Wardens of the Parifh. James Smith oi Martin \n2.'s> profecuted in 1699. the Exchequer for Tithes of Land in Wijjibkton^ at the Suit oi George Evans Tithe-farmer. Samuel West was profecuted in the Eccle- Jiajlical Cou?~t ioY 2i Demand of 15^. 8^. for 'Tithes, at the Suit of yoh?i IVhittington Farmer of the Tithes of the Pariili call'd St. Ola'-oes Soiithwark. [ W ] John Cole of the Parilhi of Mit- cham was profecuted for Tithes, at the Suit of Mattheix) Coohnan Impropriator. [ X ] Thomas Wright of Capel was 1700. profecuted in the Exchequer for Tithes. John Green oi Ki?2gftGn upon l'ha?nes was profecuted in the Exchequer for about Six Years Tithes at \os. per Annum ^ at the Suit of Gideon Harding Priefl of Kingfion. William Bingley was profecuted by Charles Moore Parfon of Warpledon for Tithes of Land there. S John [ W ] John Cole was imprifon'd in the Mar- palfea^ tor a Demand of 4/. 19J. for Tithes. [ X ] Tho^nas Wright^ for a Demand of o^os. for three Years Tithe tor the Years 1689, 1690, and 1691, the laft of them Nine Years pa ft, was committed to the ikr^r_/^^//^^ Prilbn on an Altach- fiient^ on the 22d of Gaoler 1700, and continued feveral Years. 1 30 Surry. 170 1. [ Y ] John Dodson of the Parifh call'd St. Mary Magdalms Bcrmondfey Soiithwarky wasprofecutedin the Exchequer for Tithes, at at the Suit of Stephen Heath Parfon of the Parifli. John Saunders and William Hopkins, of George's Parifh in Southwark^ were profccut- ed in the Exchequer for Tithes, at the Suit of Richard Hooke Parfon of that Parifh. 1702. [ Z ] Thomas Beck, Abel Cole and John Lamb, of Croydofjy were profecuted in the EcckftafticalCourty at the Suit of the Wardens of the Parifli for a Church-Rate (fo called.) John Wilkin s of Sutton was profecuted in th^ Ecclejia/lical Court for 3^. 4 J. demanded for a Church-Rate (fo called) at the Suit of the Wardens of the Parifh. Ambrose Rigg of i^^^^^^f was profecuted in tht Exchequer for 10 s. per Annum for five Years Tithes, at the Suit of Andrew Cranfione Vicar of Ry gate. 1703. James Braithwait wasprofecutedin the Exchequer for a Pound-Rate in Lieu of Tithes, at the Suit of John Hazlewood Parfon of the Parifli of St. Olaves in Southwark. Edward Box of Oakley was profecuted in the Exchequer for Tithes of about Five Pounds Value, [ Y ] 7. Dodfon was committed to the Fleets and was Prifoner about fix Months. S. D. [ Z ] The Demand on Cole was o 6 On Lambf i o On Becky 6 3 Thev were Excommunicated. Surry. IQI 3 Value, at the Suit of William Butler and Con- Jlabk Tithe-farmers. [ A ] Resta Patching, Thomas 1704. Slarkes and Henry Snelling, oi Darking^ were profecuted in the Ecclefiajlical Court for a Church-Rate (fo called.) [ B ] Robert Pate and John Sanders were profecuted in the Exchequer for Tithes, at the Suit of Richard Hooke Parfon of George's Paiilh in Soutbwark. Ambrose Rigg of Ryegatewzs profecuted in xkvt Ecclejiajiical Court iox ys. ^d. demanded for a Church-Rate (fo called) at the Suit of Thomas Cud/den Warden. [ C ] Thomas Life, John Curle and James Hayley, of the Parifli of Mary Mag- dalen Ber??iondfey in Southwark^ were profecuted in the Exchequer for Tithes, at the Suit of Stephen Heath Parfon of the Parifli. [ D ] Stephen Chamberlain of Z^/;/- ^']^S' betb was profecuted in the Ecclefiajlical Courts for a Church-Rate (fo called.) S 2 Tho- [ A ] The Demand on Slarkes was five Shil- lings, and on Patching feven Shillings : They were all three profecuted to an Excommunication. [ B ] They were imprifon'd on an Attachment in zhe Mar/halfea, and Robert Pate continued Pri- foner till 1708. [ C ] Life, Curie and Hayley were profecuted for Tithe of their dwelling Houfes : They were Prifoners about three Months, and were put to above One Hundred Pounds Charge. [ D ] Stephen Chamberlain was Excomnuini- cated for a Demand of Four Pence. 132 Surry. 1^06. Thomas Johnson and Elizabeth Har-^ RisoN Widow, of George s Parifli in Soutlrivarky v/ere profecuted in the Exchequer for Tithes, at the Suit of Richard Hooke Parfon of the faid Parifli. 1708. [ E ] Francis HoLDERN ESS of P^'c/^/?^;?? was profecuted in the Exchequer for Tithes^ at the Suit 0^ Anthony Bowyer Efq; 17 1 1. [ F ] Resta Patching of Z)^r/^z>2^was profecuied in the Exchequer for Tithes, at the Suit of Henry Lodge Parfon of that Paridi. IJ12, Joseph Gilby oiFrenfom was profecuted in the Ecckjlajiical Court for Two ShilHngs de- manded for a Church-Rate (fo called) at the Suit of the Wardens of the Parifli of Frenjbm. ^I'^-Z' [ G ] Isaac Thompson of Ryegate was profecuted in the Ecclefiafiical Court^ at the Suit of John Bird Parfon of the Parifh, for Marriage Fees. John Stroud of Ryegate was profecuted in the Ecclefiajiical Courts at the Suit of the faid '^fokn Bird Parfon of the Parilh, for a Marriage Fee. Henry [ E ] Francis Holdernefs was imprifon'd for about two Shillings demanded tor Tithe of Turnips, [ F ] After the Parfon had wearied himfelf with four Years Profeciition in iht Exchequer, he dropt his Suit there, and took his Tithe by Julli- ces Warrant. [ G ] The Parfon's Demand on Tbo/npfon and Stroud was ten Shillings for a Marriage Fee, but aftf^r a confiderable Charge, and two Hearings at Doiion Conmon^j he dropt his Suit. Surry. lo^ Henry Parker of Chi ding fould was prole- 17 14. cuted in the Court of Kings Be?ich for Tithes, at the Suit of Richaj'd Harris Parfon of Chi- dingjould. [ H ] Thomas Life of the Parifli of Mary Magdalen Bcrmondfey in Southwark was profecuted in the Exchequer for Tithes, at the Suit o^ Stephen Heath Re(5lor of the faid Parifli. Thomas Greenfield of the Parifli of il^<:zr//« was profecuted in iho. Ecckjia/iical Cottr^ for a Church-Rate (fo called) at the Suit of the Wardens of the Parifli. Richard WiNsoN of fFanJa^orth Gardener 17 16- was profecuted in the Exchequer for Seven Shil- lings demanded for Tithes, at the Suit of Tho- mas Crofs Tithe-farmer. Joseph Stokes of //^^;?/u'cr/^ was profecut- 17 17. cd in Chancery^ by the Name of Jonathan Stokes, for Tithes, at the Suit oi Samuel Edgley Parfon of Wanjworth. [I] Joseph Johns of the Parifli call'd St. 1718. Saviours in Southwark was profecuted in the Ecclefiaftical Court for Burying Fees, at the Suit of William Cap, 'John Watts, Samuel Rujlj '3ii\d Roger Peck Wardens of the Parifli. WiL- [ H ] 'Thomas Life was profecuted for a De- mand of five Shillings for Tithe of his dwelhng Houfe. [ I ] Jofeph Johns was profecuted for a De* mand of 6s. 4^. for Burial Fees for his Wife who died in that Parifli, bur was not buried there: After feveral Times of Appearance at the Ecclejl- ajiicd 134 Surry. .1720, William Armitstead, Lascels Metcalf, George Oldner, Joseph Stokes, William Wright, Edward Powell and Thomas Lat- TiMORE were profecuted in the Court of Cha?i- cery for Tithes, at the Suit of Samuel Edgley Vicar of Waiifworth, [ K 3 William TiDMARSH oftheParifh call'd St. Olaves in Southwark was profecuted in the Exchequer for Tithes, at the Suit of Abra- ham Pocock Tithe-farmer. jy2'J, Lascels Metcale, George Oldner, Gra- VET Philips, Richard Vincent, Alexan- der Forbes, William Wright, William Armitstead, Thomas Lattimore, Ed- I ward Powell, and the Widow Stokes, were * profecuted in C/?^;?^^^^ for Tithes, at the Suit oi Samuel Edgley Vicar oiWanjwortb. John aflical Courts to prevent an Excommunication, a Motion was made in one of the King's Courts at Wcftm'injier for a Prohibition, which, tho' firenu- oufly oppos'd by the Warden's Council, was granted. The Warden's Council then mov'd, that the faid Johns might be oblig'd to declare under the Prohibition, for that they were minded to try the Caufe at Common Law^ which v/as granted. In the iollowin:^ Term a Declaration was deliver'd, but the Wardens did not think fit to put in any Plea, whereupon the Judgment went againfl them, and they paid the faid Johns his Bill of Cofts, being 29/. 5J, 3^. [ K ] The Demand on W. T'ldmarjh was about Three Pounds, for which he was put to above Se- venty Pounds Charge. Surry. I 35 [ L ] John Gleed, John Kuweidt, Da- 1^20 NiEL Oakley, HuLDAH Oldner Widow, John Hopes, Elizabeth Taylor Widow, Susan Ellard Widow, Martha Chamberlain Wi- dow, Alexander Forbes and Lascels Met- CALF were profecuted in the ExcJoequer, at the Suit of Samuel Edgley Vicar of Wanjworth, [ M ] William Deane was profecuted 1730 in the Exchequer at the Suit of William Ban- nijier Red:or of Guilford. Thomas Hyam was profecuted in thtEccle- 17 Jiafiical Court for Tithes, at the Suit of Robert Aylmer Parfon of CamberwelL 33. Stiffcx\ [ L ] The Vicar's Demand on thefe Perfons was for very trivial Matters, as fome of them for Eafter-Offerings only, and from one poor Man was demanded by the Vicar's Bill, ys. 6d. for the MiJkofaCow, and a Calf fallen therefrom, for one Year, tho' by the ancient Cuftom of the Place, there had been but four Pence ufually paid for a Cow •, and the Vicar acknowledg'd, that he had formerly received no more, and that he believ'd his PredecefTors had not. The Vicar went on with the Profecution till he died, and then the Suit dropc. [ M ] William Deane was profecuted for a Demand of lis. ^d. for Tithe of two Houfes, and 105. for a Marriage Fee. i'^6 55. Si/ffex. 1696. TfpLIAS ELLIS and Jeremiah Ellis were Jj^ profecuted in the Exchequer for TwO Years Tithes, at the Suit of Anthony Nether- cott Parfon of Warbleton. 1697. [ N ] Richard Hayler of 5^^;z;z/;7g- was profecuted at Common haw for Tithes, at the Suit oiyames Santiman Impropriator. 1698. William Parker of Stenning was profe- ted in the Exchequer for Tithes, at the Suit of Jojeph Frond Parfon of Stenning. [ O ] John Shaw of Weft-Hiltmgton was profecuted in the Exchequer for Tithes, at the Suit of William Jordan Parfon of the Parifh. 1701. [ P ] Jeremiah Ellis of /F^r^^tow was profecuted in the Exchequer for Tithes, at the Suit of Roger Callow Parfon of Warbleton. Elias [ N 1 Richard Hayler was committed to the County Goal at Horjham. [ O ] The Parfon by his Bill claim'd 50/. per Annum o^ Shaw ^ for two Years Tithe, tho' he had ufually paid but 5/. los. -per Annum^ before he was 2.^iaker. He furrender'd himfeii Prifoner to the Sheriff, on an Attachment^ in the Beginning of the Year 1698. [ P ] Jeremiah Ellis^ for 20/ demanded for- two Years Tithe, had Six Oxen taken away by Sequejlration, worth Forty four Pounds. Sujfex. i(^y [ Q_] El I AS Ellis o^P^drbleton was pro- fecuted in the Exchequer for Tithes, at the Suit of the faid Roger Callow. [ R ] Moses French of Warbleton was profecuted in the Exchequer for Tithes, at the Suit of the fame Roger Callow. [ S ] John Shaw, Susan Deane, John LiNFiELDand Thomas Sn ash all, all o^ Ship- ley, and Edward Barker of Ste?inlng, were profecuted in the Exchequer for Tithes, at the Suit of yohn Hargreaves Impropriator. Thomas Humphrey of Charlewood, and ijof, Henry Mills of Ifield, the former for a De- mand of Four Pound for Four Years Tithes, and the latter for 40J. were profecuted in the Exchequer, at the Suit of George Mills of Rufper, Thomas Snashall, Richard SnashAll and John Shaw the Younger, were profecu- ted in the Exchequer for Tithes. T Andrev/ [ Q ] Elias Ellis, for 7/. demanded for rwo Years Tithe, which was Firty Shillings more than had been formerly paid, had taken trorri him by Sequejlration, Four Cows and Heifers and a Calf, worth Sixteen Pounds Ten Shillings. [ R ] Mcfes French, for 8/. demanded for two Years Tithe, had Cattle taken from him by 6"^- queftration^ worth Sixteen Pounds Ten Shillings. [ S ] Shaw, Barber and Linjield, were com- mitted to the Fleet on the 25th ot November 1701, Vin<^ Sn a/hall about the f me Time to the County Goal. Sha'iv died a Prifoner about five Months after. Snajhall had afterward feiz'd by an Execu- tion^ Seven Cows, One Bull, Tv/enty Sheep, and 50J. in Money, In all to the Value of Forty Eighr Pounds. 1 38 Sujfexl 1702. [ T ] Anderw Sheppard of Stenning was profecuted in the Exchequer for Tithes, at the Suit of Henry Mount ague Priefl of Weji- tninflo?!, [ U ] Andrew Sheppard aforefaid was again profecuted in the Exchequer, for a Demand of 5/. per Annum for Two Years Tithes, at the Suit of Thomas Starkey. 1704. Daniel Beard of Rotting Jean was profe- cuted in the Exchequer for Tithes, at the Suit of yofiah Povey Prieft. [ W ] James Baker of Wartling near Hertfmounceiix, was profecuted in the Ex- chequer for Tithes, at the Suit of an Impro- priator.. '^7^S' Elias Ellis, Jeremy Ellis, John Ellis and Moses French, were profecuted in the £;c- chequer for Tithes, at the Suit of Roger Callow Parfon of JVarbleton. ly 00. [ X 3 Joseph Rickman of Hillingley was profecuted in the Exchequer for Tithes, at the Suit of William Dobjon Vicar. John > ■ — ^— — ^— .^^p— .— i^ [ T ] ^ndniv Sheppard W2is a, Fni^ontr to the K^ct about fix Years, being difcharg'd in 1708, by ;^the Death of his Profecutor. [ U ] This Profecution was comrnenced, and he ferved with a Subpcena, notwithftanding his be- ing a Prifoner on the former Suit againft him. [ W ] James Baker was committed to Horjham Goal on an Attachment^ the nth of the Month call'd April 1705. [ X ] Jofeph Rickman was profecuted for two Years and a half Tithes of 4/. per Annumy accord- ing Suffex. 139 John Chantler of Charkwood was profe- cuted in the Exchequer^ for a Demand of Six Pounds for Two Years Tithes, at the Suit of yohn Priaulx Parfon of Rtijper, * Thomas Snashall andBENEDicTMAR- 1707' TIN, wereprofecutedin the £A;<:"/?^^z^^r for Tithes, at the Suit oijohn Hargreaves Impropriator. [ Y ] Richard Hayler of AS/f/z^zVig- was profecuted in the Exchequer for fmall Tithes, at the Suit of 'John Matthews Vicar of St e fining, T 2 Richard ing ro the ufual Modus, altho' the fiiid Vicar had before profecuted him in the Bifhop's Court for one ofthefaid Years, and imprifon'd him on a Writ de Excommunicato capiendo at Horjham, until on Caufe fhewn, he was legally difcharged. Yet afterward the Vicar imprifon'd him again in the faid County on an ExcheqiierVxozt^'?,, and brought him to the Exchequer Bar in 1 706, from whence he was committed to the Fleet '■> but upon putting in an Anfwer he was difcharg'd ; which the Vicar being uneafy at, took out a Commiflion of En- quiry, and purfued the fame in Perfon two or three Days at the Sitting of the CommilTioners, in- tending, as was fuppofed, the Ruin of the faid poor Sufferer, according to his Threatning at divers Times, but was prevented by Sudden Death with- in three Days. ^ The Demand on Martin was afterward taken by Juftices Warrant. [ Y ] Richard Hayler was committed to Hor- /ham Goal on the 3d of the Month calTd March lyoj-, and on t\\t2yx.\\o^ November 1708, was re- mo v'd by Habeas Corpus to the Exchequer Bar, and thence committed to the Fleet, where he continued Prifoner till difcharg'd by an A6t of Grace about the Month call'd Ma'j 1709. 140 Sujfex, 1709. [ Z ] Richard Hayler aforefaid was again profecuted in the Exchequer for fmall Tithes, at the Suit of the aforefaid Jobn Mat- thews Vicar. 1710. [ A ] Isaac Parsons of Billinghurji was profecuted in the Exchequer^ at the Suit of John Rutter Parfon of the Parifh. 17 1 1. [ B ] Andrew Russell was profecuted for Tithes, at the Suit oi John Reynolds Fsirfon. 17 17. [ C ] John MuNNERY was profecuted in the Ecc/e/iffjlicai Court for a Church-Rate (fo called) at the Suit of T^homas Duke Warden of the Parifh of Little Hamptofi, Thomas [ Z ] The fiid Richard Haykr \\idhctnc\Q2iv''d of his former Imprifonment but about two Months, before he was again profecuted by the flime Parfon, and committed to Horjham Goal on the 12th of the Month callM /f/Zy 1709. He was afterward re- rnov'd by Habeas Corpus to the Exchequer Bar, and pgain committed to the Fleet on the 23d of the Month call'd January 1709. [ A ] Ifaac Parfonsj for a Demand of Forty ^ve Shillings for Tithes, had taken from him by Sequejt ration^ in the Month call'd Jidy 1710, Two Oxen and a Mare, worth Twenty four Pounds. [ B ] Andrew Riijfell was committed to Hor- [bam Goal, for a Demand of Seven Years and an half Tithe, at 40J per Annum. [ C ] John Alunnery., for a Demand of Six Shillings, was committed to Horfaam Goal on a Writ de Excommunicato capiendo : But upon Ap- pliciition to one of the King's Courts at fFeJlminJler^ he was fet at liberty. Suffex. 14,1 Thomas Beard was profecuted In the Ex- 1725. chequer fbr Tithes, at the Suit of Richard Da- njis late Vicar of the Parifh cali'd St. Jobi the Baptift nea.r Lewis, [ D ] Joseph Rickman the Younger of 1726. Hillingley was profecuted in the Court of Kings Be?ich for Tithes, atthcSuit of William T'omkim Tithe-farmer. [ E ] Joseph Rickman. aforefaid was 1727. again profecuted in the Kings Bench at the Suit of the faid Williatn T'omkins Tithe- farmer. f F ] Francis Chairman of Rufper 17-^0. was profecuted in the Exchequer for Tithes, at the Suit of William Martin Redtor of Rujper. Francis [ D ] 7oyf/)/5» -RzV^^^;?, for a Demand of about 28/. for Tithe of Corn in tlie Year 1725, which according to Cuftom amounted but to about 10/. 7 J. 6ci. had taken from him in the Month cali'd June 1727, L. S. D. Six Oxen and One Cow, worth 5550 [ E ] The fame 7^y^<^« for about 28/. demanded for Tithe of Corn in 1726, wnich ac- cording to Cuftom amounted but to 15/. 8j. had on the like Procefs taken from him on the 8th of the Month cali'd 7z//jy 1727, L. S. D. Ten young Beafts, worth ^^ o o Befides which, he fuiier'd divers other Years on the like Account. [ F ] The Redlor's Demand on Chairman was upwards of 10/. for Tithes: But a Gentleman of the Neighbourhood made Application to the Bench of Juftices at Horjham^ who confidering that the Farm had been let in two Farts, and to keep the faid Chairman from going to Prifon, granted two Warrants for 8/. each. 1^2 Sujfex. 173^' [ ^ ] Francis Chairman aforefaid was again profecuted in the Exchequer, at the Suit of the aforefaid Redtor William Martin. 1733' Susanna HoRNE of ^rz/«^(?/ Widow, and her Son Robert Horne, were profecuted in the Ecckfiajiical Courts for about Eight Pence de- manded of each of them for Two Years Clerks Wages. '^^734* [ ^ ] Thomas Parsons was profecuted in the E:v^^^^z/fr for about i/. i8j. demanded for Three Years Tithes, at the Suit of Benjamin 'Richardjon Parfo noiCofold, 34. Warwick- [ G ] In 1 73 1, the Parfon applied himfelf to the Juilices, and made a Demand of 29/. defiring them to grant three Warrants for that Sum, be- caufe the Land had formerly been let in three Parts j but the Juftices on Enquiry, finding that the whole Farm was but about jil.per Annum, and that the former Occupiers had ufually paid but 7/. 165, -per Annum for Tithe, refus'd to meddle in the Affair, unlefs the Parfon v/ould fix his De- mand by their Award ; which he would not ; but in November lysi, fubpoena'd Chairman again into the Exchequer, and took from him in 1734, for the faid 7/. 1 6s. Tithe, L. S. D. 7 Beafbs, fold for g^ 5 o 53 Sheep and Lambs, 16 17 o A Load of Wheat, 7 18 o 58 o o The Parfon fmce has taken his Demands by Jufti- ces Warrants. [ H ] The Demand on Thomas Parfens was fince taken by Juftices Warrant. 43 54. Warwick/hire. i I ] JOHN HAWKSFORD and Samuel 1697.; J Harper, were profecuted in the Ecclefiaftical Court for Four Pence per Annum for three Years Tithes, at the Suit of JVil^ Ham Dagget Parfon of Birmingham. [ K ] Richard Bromley of Stratford upon Avon was profecuted in the Ecckfiajiicdl Court, at the Suit of Bur man of Shot- tery. Renter of Offering Money and Smoke Money. John Bush oi Little Harhorough was profe- 1700. cuted for Tithes, at the Suit of Henry Walker Parfon. Richard Bromley of Stratford upon Avon was profecuted in the Exchequer, for Five Pence demanded for Three Years Smoke Money, Offering Money and Garden Penny, at the Suit of the aforefaid Burman Tithe- farmer. John [ I ] 'John Hawksjord was committed to Pri- fon by a Warrant from Juflices of the Peace, grounded on a Certifcate out of the Ecdefiajlkal Court. [ K ] Richard Bromley was profecuted for about Twelve Pence demanded for Offering Mo- ney and Smoke Money, till the Charges came to about Fourteen Pounds : But his Excommunica- tion and Imprifgnment were prevented by a Pro- hibition. 144 tVar'wichJhire. 1707. 170 1« [ L ] John Astley of T^an^worih was prciecuied in the EccleJiaJlicalCourt at the Suit oi William Malins Clerk. 1704. Robert Arpe was profecuted in the Ex- cbequer for a Demand of about 23^. for Tithes, at the Suit of Charles Wainwright Prieft. [ M ] William King was profecuted in the Common Fleas for Tithes, at the Suit of an Impropriator. 170C. [ N ] Jane Robinson of Aujlrey Wi- dow, was profecuted in the Exchequer for Tithes, at the Suit of Charles Wainwright Par- fon of Aujlrey, Stephen Scotten, Moses Merry, Wil- liam TowNSEND, Richard Mallett, John Trustance, Samuel Nutt, John Brabins, Charles Higginson, John Wicks and Susan King the Younger, of Coventry^ were profecu- ted in xht Ecckjiajiical Court for a Church-Rate (fo called) at the Suit of the Wardens, and Excommunicated. Joseph [ L ] John AJlley was committed to Warwick Goal by Warrant from the Juftices, grounded on a Certificate out of the Ecclefiafiical Court. [ M ] William King was committed to Prifon on the lyth of O^ober 17041 and continued there above Nineteen Months, till the 23d of the Month called May 1706, for a Demand of Twenty three Shillings for Tithes. [ N ] The Parfon*s Demand was for Tithes of Apples, &c. 2s. Sd. and of Bees, Eight Pence: The poor Widow was committed to Warwick Goal, and lay there about Nine Months. J{V('Vf'wic\fhire. 1 4 n; Joseph Palmer o^ Radway was profecuted 1707. foi- 9/. 4^. 4^. demanded for Two Years Tithes, and put to about Twenty Pounds Charges, but died, the Suit depending. [ O ] Sarah Moore and MaryStranKj 17 14. Servant Maids, were profecuted in xh^ Ecclc- fmftical Court for Eailcr-Offerii.'gs, at tlie Suit of the Parfon of the Pariili of Heir bury. [ P ] John Bissell of FuJforth - hccdh ^7^3^ . was profecuted in the Exchequer for Tithes, at the Suit of Andrew Archer Parfon of Soly- bull [ Q. ] Tobias Edwards was profecuted ^J^J- in the Exchequer^ at the Suit of Samuel Cart Tithe-farmer. [ R ] William Proud was profecuted in 1724. the Ecclefiaftical Court for Tithes, at the Suit of Edward ^xickjbn Parfon of the Parilh of FeIlJJ.nlL U Francis [ O ] Thefe poor Servants were oblig'd to take a Journey of near Thirty Milts to nppear at Litchfield according to their Citations : The Par- fon's Proclor, feeing them there, made no Return of the Procefs. [ P J John B'ljjcll was profecuted for a Demand of about 2 i/. for Two Years Great, and Ten Years Small Tithes : Pie was committed to Prifon on the2Schofthe Month called January lyi^^ and lay there about twenty Weeks. [ Q^] Tobias Ed-wards was committed to IVcir- wick Goal on the 17th of the Month called May 1718, and died during his Imprifonment. [ R ] IVdUam Proud was Excommunicated on or about the 27th of D'cccmber 1724. I ^(5 W^arwickjhire* iyz6. Francis Bradford of Kingfiiiry was pro- fecuted in the Exchequer for Tithes, at the Suit of yames Sherman Parfon of Higham in the County of Leicefler. 1727. Samuel Overton was profecuted in the Exchequer for Tithes, at the Suit of George Hammond Rector oi Hampton Liccey. Elizabeth Lucas Widow was profecuted in the Exchequer for a Demand of about 40J. per Annum for Tithes, at the Suit of the faid George Hammond Rector oi Hampton Lucey. ^735- [ ^ ] John Bradford oi Kingjhury -^2.% profecuted in the Ecclefiafiical Court for Church-Rates (fo called) at the Suit of 'T'ifjiothy Orton and William MarfiaU Wardens. 35. Wefimorland [ S ] The Demand of the Wardens from John Bradford was for Nine Years Church-Rates, vix, from 1726 to 1734 inckifive, the whole of which amounted to 2/. 135. 9^.^: After they hadharraffed him a confiderable Time in the Ecclefiafiical Courts and oblig'd him to take feveral Journeys ro Litcb- fields to appear at the Confiflory Court held there, they at laft made Application to the Juftices of the Peace, and took from him an Heifer and Two Calves worth about Five Pounds. 147 55. Weftmorland^ THOMAS PRATT of Sunbiggen m the 1696. Parifli of Orton^ was profecuted in the 'Exchequer for fmall Tithes, at the Suit of Roger Ke?yo?i Vicar of Orto?i. Robert Chambers was profecuted in the 1607. Exchequer 2X th^^mX. of Miles 'Tow?t fend ^ Fanner of fmall Tithes under the Parfon of Kever- Jham. [ T ] Thomas Moore of iV^'Z£;^/]^^£'/2 was 1698, profecuted in the Exchequer for Tithes, at the Suit of Thomas Shepherd in the Name of Robert Da/ton Impropriator. [ U ] Hannah Wakefield and Agnes ijoo, Cou PL AND were profecuted in the Ecclefia/iical Court for Mortuaries, at the Suit of William Crojhy Vicar of Kendall. U 2 Thomas [ T 3 The Profecutor Tho?nas Shepherd^ fome- time after without due Courfe of Law, took a Mare out of the Fields of the faid 'Thomas Moore worth 3/. 105. and dropt his Suit. [ U ] Hannah JVakefield and Agnes Coupland were committed to Appleby Goal by a Writ de Ex- cojnmiinkato capiendo^ the faid Agnes being then but about Eighteen Years of Age. They lay Eleven Months in Goal, and then upon Application made to the Judges who came that Circuit, they fcnt for the Profecutor, and perfwaded him to rcleafe them. 1 4-H Wejimorland. J70I. [ W ] Thomas Savage of Clifton w2.s. profecuteci for Tithes, at the Suit of Rowland Burroiigh Clerk of Browham and Clifton. 171 1. [ X ] John Moor E of Guile was profe- cuted for White Rent of Tithes in kind, at the Suit of John Barrett Inipropriator. 1718, Henry Laycock and Nathan Laycock were profecuted in the Excbeqiier for Tithes, at the Suit of IVllliam Wilkin fon Parfon of Morcland. 36. Wlltfljlre, [ W ] 2l>(?;«dj^^'C^^i?\y:ls'arrefted, and com- mitted to Prifon in the Month call'd January ijoi , and continued Prifoner till Novemher 1702, for a Demand of 3^. 4 J. for Tithes. .Upon Application to the Judge who went that Circuit, he was di- yedied to move the Court of Kin^s Bench, which Motion being afterward made, he was difcharg'd. [ X ] John Moore was committed to Appleby Goal on the 3d of the Month call'd June 1 7 1 1 , for refufing to pay 3J. ^d. per Annum White Rent of Tithe in Kind, and continued Prifoner between three and four Months. ' 49 36. IViltJInre. [ Y ] JOHN FLOWER was profecuted 1696. I in ths Exdxqmr for Tithes, at the Suit of Francis Green Parfon of Corfiam. [ Z ] Francis Eroom was profecuted in 1700. the Exchequer for Tithes, at the Suit of jfohi Horton Parfon of Coldhorne. Charles ."Barrett of T'itherton was profe- 170 1. cuted in th.e Exchequer for Tithes, at the Suit of jfohn Wiifon Parfon of Brimhill. Roger Cooke near Cahic was profecuted in the Exchequer for Tithes, at the Suit of 'JoJIdiia Shepherd ofCahze Impropriator. John Somner oiScend-Row near MelkJJmju 170^. was profecuted in the Exchequer for about i^os, demanded for about Four Years Tithes, at the Suit Q>1Bohun Fox Parfon of Melk/ham. Wi! LiAM Player of Gr///^/«?/(?;z was pro- 1704. fecuted in the Exchequer for Tithes, at the Suit of I'homas T'ett erjl: all V-Sivfon of the Pariili. Henry [ Y ] John Flower was imprifon'd in Fijherton Goal above a Year, and difcharg'd by an A6t of Grace. [ Z ] Francis Broom was a poor Man, and hid a great Family : The Demand, for which the Paribn iued him in the Exchequer^ was about 8j. ■per Annum for two Years Tithe of two Acres of Wheat. i^o Wtltjhire. ijoj, HfcNRY Sanger oiWarminJler was profe^ cuted in the Exchequer for Two Years Tithes* of about ^s.per Annum. 1709. [^ ] JosiAH Wakeham, Charles Barrett and Jonathan Scott were profe- cuted in the Exchequer for Tithes, at the Suit oi John Wilfon Farfon of Br imhi/i. 1717. [ B ] William Price, WalterPrice and George Hillier^sW of Chri/izan Mal/or^^ were profecuted in the Ecclefiaflical Court for aChurch-Rate (fo called.) 1719^ [ C ] John Rutty of Melk/Jjam was profecuted in the Exchequer for Tithes, at the Suit of Bohun Fox F^vfon of MelkJJjam. John [ A ] T he P AY fon* s T>Qrmnd on PFake ham v/2is for Arrears of Eight Years Tithe for a Farm he formerly held of 7/. iqs. per Annum Rent, and which he was gone Qut of •, for the Tithe of which, the prefent Occupier paid \ is. fer Annum.* The "Demand on Barret was for an Eftate he formerly rented, and had been our of Four Years. They were both committed to the County Goal at Fi- JhcTim^ and remained in Prifon, the former thirty two, and the latter thirty Weeks. [ B ] The Demand on William Price was 9^. ' on Walter Price 4s. and on Hillier 4.S. 2d. They attended their Summons at l\\t Ecclefiajlical Court feveral Times, and an Order of Court was made for their Excommunication. [ C ] John Rutty was committed to F'ljherton Goal on rhe 12th of the Month called May 1724, for not paying a Demand of 41/. 12^. lor twQ Years Tithe, and 137/. for Cofts of Suit. Wtltjhire. 151 [ D ] John Moore of the City oi New Sarum was profccuted in the Ecclefiajiical Court, at the Suit of Richard Glajs for a Church-Rate (fo called.) James Hobbs o£ Laycock, a poor LabxDurer, JyS.Zi was profecuted in the Ecckftd/iical Court, for a Demand of Four Pence, foi Sweeping the Pa- rifh Worlhip-houfe, at the Suit o^ Richard Griji Parifh Clerk. Joseph Hull of Frankley near Bradford ^7^h was profecuted in the Eccle/lajiical Court for a Demand of 2/. 4^. for Tithes, at the Suit of William Sartai?ie Impropriator. John Jefferies was profecuted in the Ex- U^^ chequer for Tithes, at the Suit of Aime IVil- "^1 fon Widow of 'John Wilfon, late Parfon ©f Brimhill. 5 7 . Worcejterjhire. [ E ] lATlLLIAM BANBURY, John » ▼ Fowler and Robert Grimes, were profecuted in the Ecclefiafiical Court for Tithes lb [ D ] The Wardens Demand on John MGom was Six Shillings •, but the faid Warden dying, during the Profecution, the Suit dropr. [ E ] Banbury^ Fowler and Gri?nes were Ex- communicated, and by Writs de Excommunicato capiendo committed to Priion, in the Month call'd Jpril 1699. L. S. D. The Demand on Fow/ being above five Years after. [ P ] Thomas Appleton was committed to Tork Caftle by a Writ de Excom?nuntcato capiendo^ on the 8th of the Month call'd January 1706, and dif- charg'd after about three Months Imprifonmcnt. [ Q ] Anne Green^ for fmall Tithes, and a Demand of 6;. ^d. for a Mortuary, was committed to Tork Caftle, by Juftices Warrant grounded on z Ceriific ale out of \ht Ecclefiajlkal Courts on the I ith of September 1707, and difcharg'd by an Adt of Grace in the Month call'd Augufl 1 709. 1 64. Torkjhire. I jog. [ ^ ] BoswELL MiDDLETONof jB//rr£;//^// Bridge was profecuted in the E>:chequer for fmall Tithes, at the Suit of Edward Morris Vicar of Oldburgh. ij'lo. [ S ] Samuel Marshal, John Grimshaw, < John Hird, Jonas Butterfield, Josiah ^ Grimshaw and Caleb Verity, ot Rawdon, / Abraham Milner, John Hustler, Jere- V M I A h Wh a L l E Y and Sarah Coop e r, of Yeadon^ and Jeremy Gkimshaw oWuifeley, were profe- \ i;uted in the Exchequer for Tithes, at the Suit of William Wiljon Re(ftor of Giiijeley, xyii,^ [ T ] Thomas Richardson of Hull was profecuted in the Ecclefiajiical CQm:t for Eight Shilhngs demanded for a Church-Rate (fo called) at the Suit of Field Dun Parfon, ind Samuel Stevenfo?i and Joh?i Bell Wardens. [ U ] Edward Richardson of Ow//> i 6 S Arrears il. is. Ad. j Of Mary Barker for 5 Years at 3 j. 6d. 7 f. ■per Annum, j ' The faid William Greenwood, William Sutcliffe and Jojhua Fielden-j were committed to Rothzvell Goal on the 2 1 ft of September 17 1 6, and were difcharg'd thence on the 5th of Oufober ijiy- [ Z ] Jofeph Fryer was committed to HalUfax Goal on the loth of the Month call'd Augujl lyis, and continued Prifoner till 1720, for a Demand of IS. o^d. per Annum for three Years. Torkjhire. i 6j f A ] John Kendall, Robert Hall, 1718. Elizabelh Tatham and her Son James, Alice Lancaster and her Son John, Isaac Lanca- ster, Abraham Chapman and Thomas Wildman, were profecuted in the Exchequer for Tithes, at the Suit of 'T'homas Liipton Par- fon of the Pari£h of Bentham. [ B ] Jonathan Hick of Stit?iam, In >I7T9» the Parifh of Sheriff-Hutto?i, was profecuted • in the Ecclefiajiical Court for Tithes, at the Suit of Francis JLangley of Grimjion near Mal- ton Impropriator. [ C ] Samuel Swaine of Alley-ton was profecuted for Tithe, at the Suit of William jR^i^yi?;^ Tithe- farmer. John [ A ] The Parfon's Demands from thefe Nine, were as follow, John Kendall for 11 Yezrs, a.t 11 d.-^ per Ammn^ Robert Hall 11 Years, at 35. 2d. per Annum, Elizabeth 'Talham and her Son 1 1 Years, at \s. \d.^ per Annum, Alice Lane afier and her Son 11 Years, at is.od.'-^ per Annum, Ifaac Lancafier 1 1 Years, at 8 J. per Annum., Archelam Chapman 22 Years, at 6d. per Annum^ l!homa$ Wildman 30 Years, at u. ^d, per Annum, They were all taken up on an Attachment, but fome of their Neighbours, without their Confent, made up the Matter with the Parfon, and fo pre- vented their being carried to Goal [ B ] Jonathan Hick, for a Demand of 205. /;^r Annum for two Years Tithe, was committed to York Caftle on the i ith of the Month call'd Maj 1719. [ C ] Samuel Swaine, for a Demand of 21J. for Tithe, was committed to Rothwell Goal on the 26th of the Month call'd M<;2r<:/j> 1720. 168 Torkjhlrs: . [ D ] John Denton and SAMtJEL BA-* STAw were profecuted for Tithes, at the Salt o^fVilliam Kaivjbn aforefald. 1720. [ E ] Timothy TowsE of Gri-r/i^w in the Woulds was profecuted in the Ecckfiajlical Court, at the Suit of yolm T>ohfo7i Parfon of Kirby. [ F ] Joseph Simpson of HardiJiy-HiH in the Parifh of Fewjion, in the Foreft of Knareporoughy was profecuted in the Exche- quer for fmall Tithes, at the Suit of Samuel Smithlon Tithe-farmer under William Car- mult Parfon. 1722. Godfrey Newbold, John Haslam, Mr- CHAEL MiLNER and Joseph Gratton, were profecuted in the Eccleftaftical Courts at the Suit of Fra?tcis Lockier Parfon of Hanjhjoorthy for Demands of not above 12^. per Annum each for Oblations and fmall Tithes. [ G ] George Dawson of Marton in the [ D ] Denton and Baftaw were commicted to Rothwell Goal on the 26ch of the Month calFd March 1720. [ E ] 'Timothy Towfe was profecuted for Ten Years Tithe of Apples, Hens, ^c. but after feme Time the Parfon dropt his Profecution in the Ec- clefiafiical Court, and took his Demand by Juftices "Warrant. [ F ] Jofepb Simp/on was committed to Tork Caftle on the 6th of November 1720, and difcharg*d thence on the 3d of the Month call'd May 1722, having been a Prifoner above Eighteen Months. [ G ] George Dawfon was committed to Prifon on the ill: of the Month call'd May 1724, by War- rant Torkjhirel i6g tlie //''f/? Riding was prolecuted in the 'Eccleft^ ajiical Court iov T'liht^^ at the Suit of yamci AUijbii Vicar of Thornton. Thomas Holmes of Denton was profecuted 1723* in the Exchequer^ at the Suit of 'John AJh Cu- rate of Dcjiton. Timothy Hudson of 2or/^ was profecuted I'jib^ in the Eccle/iajiical Courts for Tithes of Land in Clifton, at the Suit of John Knight Priell of Belfreys in the City of Tork. William Lister of Bingley, mtheWe/i lyi^i Ridi/igy was profecuted in the Ecclejiaftical Courts and Excommunicated, at the Suit of Benjami?i FerrandWMden^ for a Church-Rate (fo called) and for Obventions or Oblations demanded by 'Thomas Per rand Priefl of Bingley, [ H ] William Stockton of Earndale was profecuted in the Exchequer for Tithes, at the Suit of Luke Smelt Parfon of hejlingham. ^- [ I ] Thomas Benson, John Thack- '\ f RAH the Elder and John Thack rah the \ "Younger, of Guilder fome in the Pariili of Bat ley , ^. -"-^.-. .«.. 2; were rant from Juftices of the Peace, grounded on a Certificate from the Ec cl eft ajl teal Courts and conti- nued Prifoner above a Year, for a Demand of 1 3 J. 4^. [ H ] The Parfon's Demand on Stockton was 5/. for Tithes for above Eighteen Years pall, and a Mortuary j but afterward he dropt his Suir, and took his Demand by Juftices Warrant. [ I ] The Demand on Thomas Benfon and John Thackrah the Elder was 4^. per Annum each tor 29 Years 170 Torhjhire. ^ were profecuted in the Ecclefiajlical Court for T i Clerks Wages, at the Suit of William Sunyer \ \cierkof theParifh. ^ 1729. John Battersbee and Leonard Bat- ter see e of .S/i^/V^i/r;? were profecuted in the Ecclefiajlical Court for Tithes, at the Suit of "John Parker Tithe-farmer, under Edmund '\toiv7tley Redtor of Slaitburn. 1731- [ K. ] William Gott of Scarborough was profecuted in the Ecclefiajlical Courts by Richard Boddy, Agent for T'homas Whitehead and William Do?ica?i Tithe-farmers deceafed. J732. [ ■'^ ] Thomas Smith, Joshua Pinder and Matthew Maire, of Owjlivick^ were profecuted in the Ecclefiajlical Court for Clerk's Wages, at the Suit of Chrijlopher Poullin Parifk Clerk of Garton. Thomas Smith and Matthew Maire, aforefaid, were again profecuted in the Ecclefia- Jlical Court for Marriage Fees, at the Suit of the faid Chrijlopher Foullin. Anne Years, and on John 'Thackrah the Younger 4 J. per Annum for four Years, for which they were all Excommunicated. [ K 3 This Profecution was carried on to the Excommunication of the faid Williajn Goit. After which the Profecutor appHed for a Juftices War- rant, and took by Diftrefs his Demand, being for feven Perfons for ten Years Eafter-Offerings at 2d. per Annum each, and 6d. for a Malt-Kiln. [ L ] The Sums demanded for Clerk's Wa- ges, were L. S. D. O^ Thomas S?nilh, 018 And of Jojhua Finder^ 050 Torkjhire. 171 Anne Day of Knarejborough Widow, ^ Ancient Woman, was piofecuted in the Ecclc-. /ia ft teal Court at Richmo77d, Twenty Four Miles from the Place of her abode, for a Demand of One Shilling and Six Pence for a Church-Rate (fo called) at the Suit of Fnmcis Shepherd and yohn hawfon Wardens of Knarejborough, William Foster was profecuted in the Common Fleas for about 5/. \os. demanded for Tithes, at the Suit of Francis Robinfon Tithe- farmer. Timothy Clark of the Haugh was profe- cuted in the Ecclejiajiical Court for a Demand of One Shilling for a Church-Sefs (fo called) at the Suit oil'homas Hurjl olGreafeboroiigh. John Leppington the Elder, of Oufiam, 1733, was profecuted in the Ecclejiajiical Court for about Ten Shillings demanded for Tithes, at the Suit of Thwickett Tithe- farmer of the Chapelry of Bradjield. [ M ] Ambrose Stickney of Rijbyy in 1734. \ theParifh of Rowley, was profecuted in the Eccle- l Jiajiical Court lorune Penny demanded for a , ) Church-Rate (fo called) at the Suit of Samuel ) \ Green and 'Thoinas Eaton Wardens in the Parilli ) ''\ of Cottingham. Thomas Knowles of Knarejborough was profecuted in thtEcclefiajiical Court at Richmond for a Church-Rate (fo called) at the Suit of Z 2 Aaron [ M ] This Profecution of Amhrofs Stickney was put a Stop to by the kind Incerpofition of Elliker Br adjh aw Ei\-> Member of Parliament for Bevsrh. ^ 72 Torkjhire. j4aron'Maimby and Philip D/Vow Wardtns, and Excommunicated. P35' [ ^ ] Thomas Brady of ^horne was proiecuted at the Vifitation at Doncajhr, by Richa7'd Ainjley of Staijiforth, for a Demand of Five Pence for a Church-Rate (fo called.) Benjamin Burn and Richard Ward, of Hilhun, and William Boocock of Melkley near Pontef'raB^ were profecuted in the Ex- chequei' for fmall Sums for Tithes feveral Years paft, at the Suit of Robert Robinfon oi Monk- Frsjion, Tithe-farmer under the Prebend of We [ion. This Suit is yet depending. [ O ] Abiah Wells Widow was profe^ cuted in the Eccleftajliccil Court for a Mortuary for her Hufband deceafed, at the Suit of Jolm Bumc Parfon of the Parities oiCaJlle Gate an4 Spunier Gate^ in the City of Tork. -vToA [ P ] Jeremiah Towse oi Kelfield near ' ^ ^ ' Selby was profecuted in the Common Pleas for Tithes, at the Suit of Mark Hicks Tithe- farmer, Thomas [ N ] This Profecution ceafed, the Profecu- tor i^. Ainjlcj being fince deceafed. [ b J T^e Widow Wells died feme Time after, and fo the Profecution ended. [ P ] The Tithe-farmer's Demand on Jere- miah Tozvfe was 3/. 6s. Sd. for Tithe of about half an Acre, the whole Crop pf which was about half a Cart-load, and that fo damag'd, that a Neigh- bour who viewed the fame, declared, that he did not think the Tithe to be worth Six Pence, Thf Profecution is depending. Torkjhire] ly^ [ Qj Thomas Staniland of T!horne iix^* was profecuted in the Exchequer for Tithes, of about Seven Shillings Value, at the Suit of Paler "Jackjon Tithe-farmer. [ R ] Th OM AS Hammond of 2or/C' Book- ; feller, and Henry Frankl and of the lame ''* 1 Place Grocer, were profecuted in the Ecclejia- \ftical Court for a Church-Rate (fo called) at the , iSuit of Richard Corney and Richard Neljirop ) [Wardens of Caftle-Gate Pariih. ^ Note, T^he follow'mg Ca/es ivere tranfmitted from Yorkfliire, thd the Perjons dwelt in Cou?ities adjoyning. [ S ] John Moore of Over-Gayle, m the Parifli of T'ujiji all 2.n& Coxxnty of Laiicajier^ was profecuted at Commo7i Laiv for a Demand of 8 J. 4^, per Annum for Tithes, at the Suit of fohn Barritt Impropriator. [ T ] Joshua Storrs of Stockivith was 17 ig. profecuted in the Ecclejiaftical Court at Tork for Tithe, at the Suit of Richard Kellet Tithe- farmer. Anne [ Q. ] The Suit againft 1'homas Staniland is alfo yet depending. [ R ] The Demand on 'Thomas Hammond was One Shilling, and on Henry Fra^iklajid is. 6d. [ S ] John Moore was arrcfted at Kirby Londf- dale in JVeJlynorland., and committed to the Com- mon Goal at Appleby in that County. [ T ] The Suit againft Slorrs, after near two Years vexatious Profecution, was dropt, upon the Death of the Profecutor. 1 74 Torkjhire. 1729. x^N N E Wat s on Widow, of Sivmhope-ftreet, in the Pariih of Allendale in Northumberland y was profecuted in the Ecclefiajiical Court at Tork^ and Excommunicated, at the Suit of Francis Graham Warden, tor a Demand of One ShilUng for a Church-Rate (fo called.) 173 3- Philip Harrop of Nettle-hill, in the Pa- rifli of Allendale aforefaid, was profecuted in the EcclefMftical Court, at the Suit of Jofepb Roddajji of Woolley. Henry Pears oi Burnfoot, and Anthony Watson of Swinhope-ftreet in the Parifli of Allendale, were profecuted in the Ecclejiajlical Court at Tork, for a Demand of los. for Mar- riage Fees, at the Suit of yoh?i Topham Parfon. Joseph Jackson of Bufi-hill in Allendale was profecuted in the Ecclefialiical Court, for a Demand of is. 2d. for a Church-Sefs (fo cal- led) at the Suit of John Stobart Warden, and ^Excommunicated, WALES. 175 WALES. [ U ] "Q ICHARD DAVIS and William 1697, J^Y. Grice were profecuted in the Ecclefiajiical Court for a Church-Rate (fo cal- led.) [ X ] Roger Jenkins and Thomas 1704. Jenkins of haworechva^ in the County of Monmouthy were profecuted in the Exchequer for [ U ] Richard Davis and PVtlliam Grice were committed to the Common Goal at Ruthen^ by a Writ de Excommunicato capiendo^ in the Month call'd April 1697, and D^T'ii continued above two Years Prifoner. [ X ] Roger and Thomas Jenkins were profe- cuted for a Demand of c^l.per Annum from each of them, ahho' upon a CommifTion of Enquiry they proved againft Thomas but 4/. ^s. for fix Years. The Tithes due from Roger were but for two Years, of about 50J. Value. The fliid Thofnas Jenkins'wsLS committed to Abergavenny Goal on the I ith of the Month call'd April 1698, and the faid Roger Jenkins was committed to the fame Prifon on the 24th of the Month call'd June 1701, where they remained till the 31ft of the Month call'd March 1703, and then were removed to Monmouth Goal ; and on the 15th of the Month call'd May 1704, they were brought up by Habeas Corpus to IVeJljjiinJler^ and by the Barons of the Excheajier committed to the Fleet Piifon on the 26th of the fame Month. They were both proceeded againfl to 1^6 Wales. 1704. for Tithes, at the Suit of Samuel Hodges Im-- propriator. Joshua to a Decree. The Decree againft Roger was for 4/. 145. 6cL for two Years Tithes, and _c,^l, for Coils of Suir, and for not paying it, he was again taken up and committed to Monmouth Goal on the iSrh o{ Novemher 1707. The Decree againft &- vias was for 25J. jfor Tithes for four Years, and 64/. 6j. 8^. for Cofts of Suit (altho* his Eftate was but 3/. iQS.per Annum) and for not paying, he was alfo committed to Monmouth Goal on the 20th of the Month called April 1708. They had taken trom them by a Sequejlration in 1 7 10, as follows, iHz. From Roger, L. S. D. Houfhold Goods and Corn, worth 7 10 6 A Tenement, valued by the SequeJlra-'\ tors at 8/. per Annum, yet let out by them at about 3/, los. which they kept ! till his Death, being in November 1728, 1 ^^ ^ vi-z. Eighteen Years, the faid Tene- | ment is fmce let at 4/. per Annum, j 15 Loads of Wheat, 500 For a Demand of about ^os. Value, 84 10 6 From 'Thomas, L. S. D. Corn, worth 600 Two Tenements valued by them at 2/. -v 155. but really worth 7/, los. per An- A num, which they kept till Michaehnasy>(^2 jo o Term 171 8, (after his Death j aboveC Seven Years, J Befides Oats worth q o o For about ^\, c^s. demanded, Taken 67 10 o IV ales. 177 [ Y ] Joshua Williams of the Parifh 1705. of Ctimcarvan, in MonmouthJlAre^ was profe- cuted in the Exchequer for Tithes, at the Suit of William Ketchmey Parfon of the faid Pariili. SiLVANus Eevan oi owaiifea v/as profecuted in the Exchequer for Tithe Corn, at the Suit oi Anthony Williams. John Be van of Lantrijfaiit in Glamorgan^ JlAre was profecuted in the Ecclefiajiical Court for Tithes, at the Suit of James Harris Parfon of the Parifli. Thomas Merchant was profecuted in the 1708. Exchequer for fmall Tithes, at the Suit of Re- ginald E'uans Vicar oiMarabar. Robert Owen of the Parifli o? Lafiegrm 17 u, near Dologelthy in Merioiiethjljire was profecu- ted in the Exchequer^ for about Six Shillinp-s fer Annum for Eleven Years Tithe of Corn, at the Suit of Efqj Herbert of Bro?nJield in Shrop- (hire. A a David [ Y ] The Parfon's Demand on Jo/Ioua WiU Hams was Forty Shillings, for which, on che I'^xh of the Month call'd Augiift 1705, was taken by a Sequejlration what Corn he had, viz. Twenty Covers of Wheat, worth Six Covers of Peafe, Four Covers of Oats, Two Milch Kine, And on the ift of Septeifiher 1705, 7 Horfe-loads of Hay and Straw, For 40J. demanded. Taken 30 o o Befide his Wife's gleaned Corn. L. 6'. D. 20 4 I 10 4 10 Wales. 171^. David Price of the P/:?;;/, in the County oiMottmoiithy was profecuted in the Exchcque?\ to a Sequejlration, ibr Tithes, at the Suit of Roger 'T'homas Prieft. 17 1 8. [ Z ] V/iLLiAM Osborne was profecu- ted in the Ecclefiafiical Court for Tithes, at the Suit of T'homai Cooper Parfon of Haberl)\ and George LewelUn Parfon of Condover, John [ Z ] M^iUiajnOJhorne W2LS committed to Salop Goal by a Wric de Excommunicato capiendo^ about the Month of December 1719, tho' fome Time after difcharged by a Superfedeas. The two Par- fons were very warm in this Profecutioa : One of them, Cooper^ having read the Excommiinicaticn againft JVilliam OJhonie, publifhed among the Neighbours, that the laid JVilliam could have no Benefit of the Law ; that any Man might refufe to pay him a jufl: Debt ; that they might lawfully fet fire to any Houfe that fhould entertain him, and even knock him on the Head as they would a mad Dog. "When Workmen were employ 'd to cut down the faid WiUiam^s Grafs, the Parfon fo terrified them with Threats of Excommunication, that they durft not proceed in their Work, till they thought themfelves prote6led by the Autho- rity of a neighbouring Jullice of the Peace. The other Parfon, Lewellin, came to the Goal, not in Charity to vifit the Prifoner, bur to charge the Goaler to keep him clofe, and Ihev/ him no favour. The Tithe claimtd by one of thofe Farfons, was valued at but 65. Sd. being for Tenths of Herbage. whales. 179 [ A ] John Bevan of Lantri[fant in 1720- Glamorgan/hire was profecuted in the Eccle/i- afiical Court for fmall Tithes, at the Suit of James Harris Parfon. [ B ] Daniel Williams of hanghornc lyzi, in South JVales was profecuted in the Chancery Court of the Grand SeJ/ions at Carmarthen for Tithes, at the Suit of Thomas Philips Vicar. A a 2 Jane [ A ] John Bevan was committed to Cardiff GoaI on a Writ de Excommunicato capiendo in the Month call'd Auguft 1720, but was difcharged at the Afli7.es about a Month after, and the Parfon afterward took his Demand by Juftices Warrant. [ B ] The Vicar's Demand on Daniel Williams was about \s. 6d. and his Son, not a ^taker^ tcn- drcd the Vicar Five Shillings, before any Profe- cution began, bidding him take hia Due for his Father's Tithe •, but the Vicar refufed it, and re- plied, Daniel mufi fuffer. He was committed to C ar?nar then GodA on the i6th of the Month cali'd Angujl 1 72 1. On the 22d of the fame Monch he was brought into Court, and recommitted to Pri- fon, where he continued about fifteen Months. On the 25th of the fame Month, an Order of Court was iffued for Entring upon and Sequeftring all his Eftate Real and Perfbnal ; which was afterward executed : His Goods, worth about 20/. were feized, and difpos'd of without Appraifment. His Freehold Eflate, worth about 80/. was alfo feized : The Perfons who made the Seizure, would not permit the faid Daniel's. Daughter, then in the Houfe, to take her own Wearing Apparel, till perfwaded to it, with much ado, by one of their own Company : They tarn'd her out of Doors, lockt up the Houfe, and took the Key with them. On i8o Wales] 1726. [ C ] Jane Lloyd, of the Parifh of Lanvareth in the County of Radnor^ Widow, was profecuted in the FjCcJefiafiical Court for Tithes, at the Suit of T^bomas TVilliams Re(!?tor. 1727. Thomas WilliAxMs, Thomas Evans and GwEN George Widow, were profecuted in the Exchequer for Tithes, at the Suit of I'ho- mas Davis Tithe-farmer. George On the i2thofSeple??iber lyi^y the fa id Daniel^ by his Council, moved the Court, that the faid Sequeftration might be difcharged ; whereupon it was referr'd to the Regifter to examine, and certify, whether the fame did regularly iffue out, or not : Upon his Report in the Affirmative, the Sequeftra- tion was confirm'd ; and an Order of Court was made, requiring the faid Daniel to pay the PlaintiP/ his Cofts of the faid Reference, which were taxed at 3/. c)S. 2^. His faid Freehold, fo far as we underftand, con- tinues fubject to the Sequeftration ; and although fome Years fince he entred his Dwelling-houfe again, finding the Door unlockt, yet it doth not appear, that he is in the legal Pofieffion of it, or has any Power to difpofe of, or fell it, how pref- fing foever his Neceffities may be, but is liable to be turn'd out at his Adverfary's Plcafure. [ C ] This poor Widow was fummon'd to the Bifhop's Court held at Bram: But it being Winter, awetSeafon, and the Floods dangerous, /lie was prevented from going thither; and upon Failure of Appearance, pronounced Contumacious, In the Month caJl'd 7kf^)? 1726, fhe was committed to the County Goal at Prefieign by Warrant from two Juftices of the Peace, grounded on a Certifi- cate from the Ecdefiajlkal Court, and continued Prifoner about Six Months. Wales. i8i [ D ] George Brawne and Richard Edwards were profecuted in the Ecclefiajfical Court for a Church-Rate (fo called) at the Suit of Jofeph Muggkjlon and George Walker War- dens of Chadds Parifh in Shrc'wjhiiry. Elizabeth Sherburne ot ^waiizy was profecuted in the Ecclefio/iical Court for not paying to the Repairs of the Parifli Worfliip- houfe. Thomas Evans and Gwen George Wi- 1728. dow, were profecuted at the Great Seffions held for the Counties of Carmarthen^ Cardi- gan and Pembroke^ in Wales, for Tithes, at the Suit of Thomas Da-vis, Mary Davis Wi- dow, Evan Davis and William T'homas, Tithe- farmers. [ E ] John Richards and James Lewis, 1730. were profecuted in the Exchequer for Tithes, at the Suit of Jofiah ProJJer Prieft. John Simpson was profecuted in i\\Q Eccle- 1734. fiajiical Court for Nine Shillings demanded for a Church-Rate (fo called) at the Suit of Edward Fearfe and WilUani Futrell Wardens Oi J ulia?i*s Pariili in Shrewjbury. John [ D ] The Demand made on ^r^w;?*? was but 15. 6d. and on Eckvards but 9^. The Profecution was carried on till the Charges came to above 61. [ E ] The Parfon's Demand was, on Richards about 40J. per Annum, and on Le^cvis, about 5^. -per Annum, for two Years each : They were both committed to Monmouth Goal about the Month call'd Jidy 173 i, and continued there above a Year, being difcharged about the 3d of the Month call'd Augufi 1732, by the Profc^cutor's Diredions. 1 82 Wales. ^735* [ F ] JohnPIughes and Joshua Hughes oi Llandegley in Kadnorfhire^ were prol'ccuced for Tithes, in the Chancery Court of the great Seiiions for the Counties of Glamorgan^ Brecon and Radnor^ at the Suit of Gabriel PoweL [ F ] The Profecutor, Gabriel PoweU died during the Profecution : After his Death, Jchn Powel, his Son, renew'd the Suit in the faid Court ; their Demand for 4 Years Tithes, was L. S. D. From John Hughes 163 And from Jojhua Hughes 419 In all 580 For which the faid John Hughes had taken from him by a S.^quejlralion on the 14th of Ooiober 1736, His Bed, Bed-clothes, and other 1 ^ ^ Houfhold Stuff, worth J ^ ^ And the fiid Jojhua Hughes had taken from him about the fame time. Seven Cows, a Bull, Two Oxen, 7 ^f, _ One Horle, and OneMare, valued at 3 "' Befide which he had Two Mows of Corn feized worth [600 For 5/. 8i. od. demanded •, feized 40 5 6 The faid Jchn Hughes is an Honeft Induftrious Man, and Rents a fmall Farm rated but at lo^lper Annum ; out of which he had a large Family to maintain, a fickly Wife, and five Children : In thefe Circumflances, fuch a Lofs muft be not only a very great Grievance to the Sufferer, but an In- dication of much Severity in the Profecutor. In the Cafe of John Hughes, the Plaintiff's Agent took all he could find ; but, the honeit poor Man, having firfb taken Care to pay his jufl Debts, left the lefi of his Subftance for a Prey 10 the Profe- cutor. An A N APPENDIX, Containing I. An Account of Several Prosecutions commenced this prefent Year 1736. ] CHESHIRE. OHN WALKER r,^d Jofeph Stretch profecuted in the Ecclefiaflical Court at Macclesfield for 4s. 9d. demanded of each of them for a Church- Rate-i were exco?nmiinicated. ESSEX. Robert Levitt and John Jafper profecuted in the Ex- chequer, at the Suit 0/ Titus "Wendy Vicar of Stebbing, for a Demand of about yl. Tithes from both of them. John Jafper aforefaid, profecuted in the Exchequer, at the Suit of David Fearn Tithe farmer^ for Tithes efabout2c^%. value, LINCOLNSHIRE. John Burnet ^«(i Levi Pocklington o/Friskney/ro- fecuted in the Exchequer, at the Suit of Robert Cobb and Adlard Cuthbert Tit he -farmer ^^^as^^ mentioned in pag. y S f^^^^'^^^S' ^^' LON- 183 184 An Appendix. LONDON. Philip Gwillim and Benjamin Bafham profecuted tn Chancery /or 'Tithes of lloufes, at the Suit of Thomas Kynafton Vicar and Impropriator, of the Parifh s