06ICAL StN BX5133.L52 S46 1880 v.2 Liddon, Henry Pany, 1829-1890. Sermons preached before the University oi Oxford : second series, 1868=1879 / Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2015 https://archive.org/details/sermonspreachedbOOIidd ©Qorfes tip ttt same author. Second Edition. Crown 2>vo. $s. SOME ELEMENTS OF RELIGION. Lent Lectures. CONTENTS. The Idea of Religion— God, the Object of Religion— The Subject of Religion, the Soul— The Obstacle to Religion, Sin— Prayer, the Characteristic Action of Religion — The Mediator, the Guarantee of Religious Life. Sixth Edition, Revised. Crown Zvo. 5 J 1 . SERMONS PREACHED BEFORE THE UNIVERSITY OF OXFORD. First Series, 1859-1868. CONTENTS. God and the Soul — The Law of Progress — The Honour of Humanity — The Freedom of the Spirit — Immortality — Humility and Action — The Conflict of Faith with undue exaltation of Intellect — Lessons of the Holy Manger — The Divine Victim — The Risen Life — Our Lord's Ascension the Church's Gain — Faith in a Holy Ghost — The Divine Indwelling a Motive to Holiness. Eighth Edition. Crown 8vo. $s. THE DIVINITY OF OUR LORD AND SAVIOUR JESUS CHRIST: Eight Lectures preached before the University of Oxford, in the Year 1866, on the Foundation of the late Rev. John Bampton, M.A., Canon of Salisbury. CONTENTS. I. — The Question before us — Enduring Interest of the Question thus raised even for Non-Believers — Three Answers to it are possible — The Catholic Answer — Position taken in these Lectures stated. II. — Anticipations of Christ's Divinity in the Old Testament — Foreshado wings — Predictions and Announcements. III. — Our Lord's Work in the World a Witness to His Divinity— Our Lord's " Plan " (caution as to the use of the expression)— Success of Our Lord's " Plan " — How to account for the Success of Our Lord's " Plan." IV. — Our Lord's Divinity as Witnessed by His Consciousness — First Stage of His Teaching chiefly Ethical — Second Stage : Increasing Self-assertion — Christ's Self-assertion viewed in its bearing upon His Human Character. V. — The Doctrine of Christ's Divinity in the Writings of S. John — Ancient and Modern Objections to its Claims — It is a Life of the Eternal Word made Flesh — It is in Doctrinal and Moral Unison with the Epistles of S. John and the Apocalypse — Its Christology is in Essential Unison with that of the Synophists — It incurs the objection that a God-Man is Philosophically Incredible — S. John's Writings oppose an insurmountable barrier to the Theory of a Deification by Enthusiasm. VI. — Our Lord's Divinity as 'taught by S. James, S. Peter, and S. Paul— S. John's Christology not an Intellectual Idiosyncrasy — The Apostles present One Doctrine under various forms — S. James's, S. Peter's, S. Jude's, and S. Paul's Epistles — Contrasts between the Apostles do but enhance the force of their common Faith in a Divine Christ. VII. — -The Homoousion— The Ante-Xicene Church adored Christ— The Ante- Nicene Church spoke of Christ as Divine— The Homoousion. VIII. — Some Consequences of the Doctrine of our Lord's Divinity — Conserva- tive Force of the Doctrine— Illuminative Force of the Doctrine— Ethical Fruitfulness of the Doctrine— Conclusion. EtoirtGtotuj: Horrtion, 2Djcfort), ant) eiambritiee WORKS BY THE REV. DR. LIDDON— Continued. Second Edition. &vo. is. 6d. WALTER KERR HAMILTON, BISHOP OF SALISBURY. A Sketch. Crown Zvo. ^s. 6d. REPORT OF PROCEEDINGS AT THE RE- UNION CONFERENCE, held at Bonn, September 1874. With a Preface by H. P. Liddon. Crown Zvo. 6d. REPORT OF PROCEEDINGS AT THE RE- UNION CONFERENCE OF 1875, with Preface by H. P. Liddon. [London : B. M. Pickering.] Third Edition. With Portrait. Large Type. i^mo. is. 6d. A MANUAL FOR THE SICK; with other Devotions. By Lancelot Andrewes, D.D., sometime Lord Bishop of Winchester. Phcebe in London : A Sermon preached at the Parish Church of Kensington on the Second Sunday after Trinity, June 10, 1877, for the Parochial Mission Women Associa- tion. 8vo. is. Bishop Wilberforce : A Sermon preached at the Parish Church of Graffham, Sussex, on its Reopening after Restoration, Nov. 2, 1875. 8vo. is. Love and Knowledge : A Sermon preached in King's College Chapel, at its Inauguration on the Twenty- second Sunday after Trinity, 1873. 8vo. is. The One Salvation : A Sermon preached in St. Paul's Cathedral on the Fifth Sunday after Easter, 1873, at the Anniversary Service of the Bishop of London's Fund. 8vo. is. The Moral Groundwork of Clerical Training: A Sermon preached at the Anniversary Festival of Cuddesden College on Tuesday, June 10, 1873. 8vo. is. St. Paul's and London : A Ser- mon preached at St. Paul's Cathe- dral on the Fourth Sunday after Epiphany, 1871. 8vo. 6d. The Day of Work : A Sermon preached in St. Paul's Cathedral on Sunday, August 6, 1871, being the Morrow of the Funeral of the very Rev. H. L. Mansel, D.D., Dean of St. Paul's. 8vo. is. The Purchas Judgment : A Letter of Acknowledgment to the Right Hon. Sir J. U. Coleridge, one of the Lords of Her Majesty's Most Honourable Privy Council ; together with a Letter to the Writer by the Rev. E. B. Pusey, D.D., Eastertide, 1871. 8vo. is. The Purchas Judgment : A Letter to the Right Hon. and Right Rev. the Lord Bishop of London by the two Senior Canons of St. Paul's Cathedral, June 1, 1871. 8vo. is. Pauperism and the Love of God : A Sermon preached at St. Paul's, Knightsbridge, on the Second Sunday after Trinity, 1870, for the Convalescent Hospital at Ascot. 8vo. is. The Model of our New Life : A Sermon preached at the Special Evening Service in St. Paul's Cathe- dral on Easter Day, 1870. 8vo. 3d. The Work and Prospects of Theological Colleges : A Ser- mon preached at the Cuddesden Anniversary Festival, on June 10, 1868. 8vo. is. The Moral Value of a Mission from Christ: A Sermon preached in Christ Church Cathedral, at the General Ordination of the Lord Bishop of Oxford on the Fourth Sunday in Advent, December 22, 1867. 8vo. is. Rtometorw: Hormon, SDjcforU, anti CambrttjQe SERMONS PREACHED BEFORE C&e (Htnticrsttg of ©rforD (SECOND SERIES) 1868—1880 RIVINGTONS JUltDOtt Waterloo Place SD^forH Magdalen Street CamfcrtOgc Trinity Street [c-442] SERMONS PREACHED BEFORE e ^ntbersutg of ©xfortr SECOND SERIES 1868—1880 H. P. LIDDON, D.D. CANON RESIDENTIARY OF ST. PAUL'S, AND IRELAND PROFESSOR SECOND EDITION RIVINGTONS WATERLOO PLACE, LONDON SDjcforD ann Cambridge MDCCCLXXX " Per voler esser certo Di quella fede eke vince ogni errore." — Inf. iv. 47. TO JOHN ARCHIBALD SHAW STEWART, ESQ. M.A. BURSAR OF KEBLE COLLEGE, IN WHOSE LIFE OF PRACTICAL BENEVOLENCE HIS OXFORD CONTEMPORARIES HAVE BEEN WONT TO TRACE THE POWER AND BEAUTY . OF A CLEAR AND CONSISTENT FAITH. atJticrttsement Of the Sermons contained in this volume nine 1 were preached by the appointment of successive Yice-Chan- cellors, and the remainder in the author's turns as Select Preacher. Two of the Sermons 2 have been published singly, and they differ somewhat in complexion from the rest. Recent discussions in Convocation have seemed to make it a duty to reprint that on " The Life of Faith and the Athanasian Creed." 3 And the Sermon on " Christ and Human Law" 4 will possess an interest, at least for a great many persons, distinct in degree and kind from that which any others in the volume could command. It was preached at the suggestion of Dr. Hamilton, the late Bishop of Salisbury, who was at the time lying on what proved to be his deathbed, and in whose hopes and fears respecting subjects that lay nearest to his heart the writer was permitted to share. The opinions which are embodied in the Sermon are substantially those of this revered and lamented prelate, while the author is alone responsible for any faults of treatment or expression. 1 Sermons n., v., vi., xi., xn., xm., xiv., xv., xvi. 2 Sermons vn. , xti. 3 Sermon vn. 4 Sermon xvi. 3 Amen Court, E.C.. Michaelmas 1879. Preface to tfje ©econo