BR 170 .07 1899
Orr, James, 1844-1913.
Neglected factors in the
study of the early progress
Neglected Factors in the
Study of the Early Pro-
gress of Christianity. By
the Rev. James Orr, d.d., Professor of
Church History in the United Presbyterian 'Theo-
logical College, Edinburgh * * * * *
Logical 8**5^
The Ritschlian Theology
and the Evangelical Faith.
A Volume of "The Theological Educator."
Fcap 8vo, cloth, 2s. 6d., Second Edition.
"This masterly exposition and criticism of
the great German theologian. . . . Dr. Orr has
done a work which will enhance his reputa-
tion and make all his brethren grateful to
him." — Aberdeen Free Press.
" His volume is not a large one, but it is
packed with matter, and it embodies the well-
considered results of careful and extensive
reading. It is the best English book we have
on the subject. Nothing is left unnoticed
that is necessary to a proper appreciation of
this influential school of theology." — Critical
Through the liberality of Mr. Henry A. Morgan, N.Y.S.
The three Lectures in this volume were
originally prepared for the Mansfield Summer
School, Oxford, 1894. They were delivered
as the Morgan Lecture Course, in October,
1897, in the Theological Seminary of Auburn,
in the State of New York. They are now
published by request of the Faculty.
New spirit in Early Church studies — Baur and
his successors — Influence of Pagan environ-
ment on Christianity — Less attention given
to the action outward of Christianity on
Paganism — The spread of Christianity late-
rally , i.e., in respect of mere n umbe rs, greater
than ordinarily recognised — Estimates on
this subject — Difficulties arising from frag-
mentariness of sources and unequal distribu-
tion of Christianity — The Catacombs a new
factor — Results from Catacomb discoveries
— Comparison with New Testament and
other data — Early progress of the Church —
Christianity in Asia Minor — The Apologists,
&c. — Carthage — Alexandria — Antioch —
Gibbon's objections — Gaul and Spain — The
final struggle — General result . . .13
Influence of Christianity on the higher ranks of
society under-estimated — New Testament
evidence — Witness of the Catacombs —
Pomponia Grascina — Flavius Clemens and
Domitilla — Acilius Glabrio — Notices in
Second Century — The wealth of the Church
of Rome — The witness of the persecutions
— Tertullian and Clement on luxury of
Christians — Relations of Christianity with
the Imperial Court in the Third Century —
The Decian persecution and its effects —
The Church before and under Diocletian —
Social status of Church teachers — Result:
membership of the Early Church not drawn
mainly from the lowest, but from the inter-
mediate classes, and embraced many of the
wealthier and higher orders . . . -95
The instreaming of Pagan influences on Chris-
tianity has for its counterpart the out-
streaming of Christian influences on Pagan
society — These also ordinarily under-esti-
mated — Silence of Pagan writers : what it
means — Christianity and culture in the First
Century — New Testament Epistles — Seneca
and the Gospel — Rise and character of
Apology in the Second Century — The literary
attack on Christianity : Celsus — Significance
and spread of Gnosticism — The Pagan
ethical revival in Second Century — Pagan
preaching — Influence of Christianity on
these — The Mysteries — The old Catholic
Fathers — Rise of Neo-Platonism— Effects of
Christianity on morals and legislation — Con-
clusion 163
Appendix 227
Index 231
New spirit in Early Church studies — Baur and his
successors — Influence of Pagan environment on
Christianity — Less attention given to the action
outward of Christianity on Paganism — The
spread of Christianity laterally, i.e., in respect of
mere numbers, greater than ordinarily recog-
nised — Estimates on this subject — Difficulties
arising from fragmentariness of sources and
unequal distribution of Christianity — The Cata-
combs a new factor — Results from Catacomb
discoveries — Comparison with New Testament
and other data — Early progress of the Church —
Christianity in Asia Minor — The Apologists, &c.
— Carthage — Alexandria — Antioch — Gibbon's
objections — Gaul and Spain — The final struggle
— General result.
IT is unnecessary at the commencement
of these lectures to do more than refer
to the changes which, within the last few
decades, have taken place in the spirit and
methods of the treatment of Church History.
If there was a time within living memory
when the charge could justly be brought
against this branch of study of being the
dreariest in the theological curriculum — a
collection of dry bones and dead contro-
versies — that time may confidently be said
to have passed away ; and with it has disap-
peared the idea that Church History must
of necessity be an u?iprogressive science — the
repetition of the old, unchanging story —
seeing that the facts on which it is based
must always remain precisely what they are.
The changes referred to have come about not
so much from the discovery of new materials
— though of these also unremitting research
has yielded an abundant supply — as from
the new historical temper in which scholars
have approached their task ; from the fresh
power acquired of reading aright the mean-
ing of the data already possessed, and of
setting them in new lights and relations ;
from increased skill in colligating them, and
in interpreting the significance of unnoticed
details in their bearing on an entire situation
— in which lies so much of the higher art of
the historian. Just as the naturalist is re-
puted to be able from a single bone to re-
construct the form of some creature of the
past, so our modern scholars aim at showing
that the minutest fact is not isolated, but
stands in organic relation with the all-per-
vading life of the time ; and from comparison
of the facts they seek to re-create for us a
picture whose justification is its verisimili-
tude, and its power of interpreting the sum-
total of the phenomena.
These gains which have accrued to Church
History from the combined philosophical,
historical, and critical movement of the last
half century, have been reaped nowhere more
largely than in the study of the earliest age
of Christianity. The initial impulse here
belongs indisputably to the school of Baur,
which, however ruled by false presupposi-
tions, and open to challenge in its con-
clusions, has left on this whole field of
investigation its deep and abiding impress.
If Baur's own criticism has gradually had to
retract itself within comparatively narrow
limits, it may claim, like the Nile waters, to
have fertilised in the height of its overflow
even the plains from which subsequently it
had to retreat. From Baur's day a new life
entered into Early Church History studies.
Ritschl, at first a disciple, then an opponent,
undertook an independent investigation into
' the origin of the Old Catholic Church ; Light-
foot, not without aid from Ritschl, re-dis-
cussed the question of the Ministry, and
cognate problems of the Apostolic age, but
revealed also the unrivalled strength of his
own scholarship in his handling of the litera-
' ture of the age next succeeding ; Hatch,
freshest of English minds in this department,
sought to show how Church ideas and usages
took shape under the action of forces in the
_, Gentile world ; Harnack and the later Ritsch-
Hans have carried out more systematically
the idea of the rise of ecclesiastical dogma
through the importation of the ideas and
methods of Greek philosophy ; Neumann and
Ramsay discuss the relations of the Chris-
tians to the Roman State, and the latter
scholar has instituted a series of researches
of his own, which mark a new era in the
discussion of Apostolic and sub-Apostolic
history. Other names, as Weizsacker's, will
readily occur. From this re-digging of the
soil in all directions and microscopic scrutiny
of every fibre and detail of the relevant
material, it is impossible to doubt that
enormous advantage will result.
There is, however, one aspect of this note-
worthy revival of interest in Early Church
History which the purpose of these lectures
requires that I should now more particularly
notice. It must strike the observant student
—at least can hardly fail to do so when
attention is called to it — that all this move-
ment of mind in the direction of a better
comprehension of the early development of
the Church — of the manner in which it
gradually shaped itself in policy, in doctrine,
and in usages — is governed mainly by the
idea of tracing the influence on Christianity of
its Pagan environment — of that intellectual,
moral, political, and religious environment,
which constituted the world into which
Christianity entered, and which could not
from its very nature but powerfully act upon
and modify the new faith ; but that the same
attention has not been given to a phenomenon
which is the counterpart of this, viz., the action
outwards of Christianity on that Pagan en-
vironment, altering, re-shaping, modifying it.
I am, of course, well aware that the action of
Christianity on Pagan society — on its ideas,
laws, institutions, morals — has in many of its
aspects formed the subject of learned inves-
tigation. 1 But I do not find that it has been
taken much account of in this most recent
phase of the study of Early Church History
which I have specially in view. There has
been much investigation into the modes and
the results of the inflow of Pagan ideas and
associations into Christianity, but there has
not been the same carefulness in inquiring
whether the flow was all on one side, whether,
as is antecedently probable, there was not a
current outward corresponding to the current
inward — to borrow a term from science, an
exosmose corresponding to the endosmose —
and what the strength of this outward current
might be. It has not been sufficiently per-
ceived — at least so I venture to think — that
precisely in the proportion that the progress
of investigation requires us to postulate a
1 Such books may be referred to as Troplong's
De Vinfluence du Christianisme sur le droit civil dcs
Romains, Schmidt's Social Results of Early Christianity,
Lecky's European Morals, Brace's Gesta Christi, &c.
greater influence of Paganism on Christian
ideas and institutions than has formerly been
assumed, there arises the probability, nay, the
certainty, that Christianity likewise was a
factor of greater importance in the world of
Paganism than had previously been imagined,
and that traces of this influence are also to be
discovered, if they are as diligently looked
for. Action and reaction, in this as in other
spheres, may be presumed to be equal ; and
if the action is proved to be greater than
former representations allowed, it may be
anticipated that the reaction, in the case of a
force of such undoubted magnitude, will
prove to be greater as well.
I am now in a position to explain with
some definiteness the character of the thesis
I propose to defend in these lectures. I
think facts do exist — and many of them — to
show that there really was this current out-
wards of which I speak, and that Christianity
was actually a much more prominent factor
in Pagan society than the ordinary repre-
sentations would lead us to believe ; in other
words, that just as the trend of investigation
has been to show that there was a much
greater influence of its Pagan environment
upon the Church than has generally been
conceded ; so, correspondingly, the direction
of recent evidence has been to establish that
the effects of Christianity on Pagan society,
both extensively and intensively, were like-
wise greater than has been admitted. I am
fully conscious that in treating this subject
I can say nothing that is new to scholars —
little, perhaps, that is new to any one. The
facts to which I am to refer are, most of
them, sufficiently familiar — are, at the least,
readily accessible ; but we have hourly evi-
dence that it is possible for a fact to be
familiar, and yet not to receive its due weight
in the study of a subject. It may help to
disarm criticism if I say that, in what I
advance, I desire to disclaim anything like
dogmatism. I put forth these ideas tenta-
tively, and rather with the view of their
being canvassed and checked by others, than
as definitive conclusions of my own mind.
Their end will be gained if they are in any
degree provocative of reflection in those
who may honour them with their attention.
My treatment, which I should wish to be
taken in its entirety, will be directed to
show : —
I. That Christianity had a larger exten-
sion laterally, i.e., in point of mere numbers,
in the Roman Empire, than the ordinary
representations allow.
II. That it had a much larger extension
vertically, i.e., as respects the different strata
of society, than is commonly believed ;
and —
III. That it had a much greater influence
intensively or penetratively, i.e., in its effects
on the thought and life of the age, than is
generally acknowledged.
The remaining part of this lecture will
be devoted to the first of these topics.
The extension of Christianity laterally
or numerically in the Roman Empire.
The attitude of mind of most historians
on this question of the numerical extension
of Christianity in the Roman world may
be described as highly conservative. It is
difficult to understand why this should be
so, except that a prepossession in favour of
a very moderate rate of increase having
been engendered by the authority of certain
great names, the feeling has established
itself that this traditionally-received opinion
ought not to be lightly disturbed. Whatever •
changes are assumed to be necessary in our
conceptions of the relations of Christianity
to Paganism in other respects, it is taken
for granted with wonderful unanimity that
there is neither room nor call for any revision
of opinion here. Every one is familiar with
Gibbon's estimate that the Christians in the
time of Constantine constituted at most one-
twentieth part of the population of Rome,
and a like proportion of the whole subjects
of the Empire. 1 Friedlander accepts and
endorses this computation. 2 Chastel, a
French writer, without, however, giving data,
1 Decline and Fall, ch. xv. Gibbon estimates the
population of Rome at about 1,000,000, and gives the
Christians one-twentieth of these, or about 50,000.
The population of the Empire he takes (ch. ii.) to be
about 120,000,000, which would give about 6,000,000
Christians for the whole Empire. For other estimates
of the population of Rome and the Empire, see
V. Schultze's work referred to below, Unlergang des
Heidenthums, I. p. 9. Scb.ultze computes 100,000,000
for the Empire, and, "with greatest probability,"
600-810,000 for the Capital.
2 Sittengeschichte Roms, III. p. 531.
reckons the Christians at about one-twelfth
of the population, 1 and this, or one-tenth,
perhaps, represents the average opinion.
Victor Schultze, one of the best informed
of recent investigators, estimates the pro-
portion at one-tenth, but with important
qualifications which practically nullify his
verdict. " This reckoning," he says, " remains
at all events far behind the actual number.
. . . The investigator assuredly gains from
the testing of the sources in detail the clear
impression that, in the beginning of the
fourth century, the Church on the great
world-theatre of over 103,000 geographical
square miles numbered more than 10,000,000.
It is hardly credible that the number of Jews
at that time should have exceeded that of
1 One-fifteenth in the West, and one-tenth in the
East. — Hist, de la destruct. du Paganisme, pp. 35-6.
Chastel rejects Gibbon's computation as too low, and
those of Staudlin (one-half) and of Matter (one-fifth)
as too high.
the Christians." * Others wisely decline to
commit themselves to a precise estimate,
still, however, usually with the presumption
that the proportion was exceedingly small.
Thus Uhlhorn scouts what he represents as
Tertullian's statement that the Christians in
a single province were more numerous than
the whole Roman army, which, he says, as
if it were an idea not for a moment to be
entertained, would make about 9,000,000
Christians in the Empire ! 2
In face of so weighty a consensus of
authorities, I feel that it requires some
courage to defend a different opinion. I
am emboldened, however, by the considera-
1 Untergangdes Griesch.-Rom. Heidenthums, I. p. 23.
Schultze is professor at Greifswald.
2 Conflict of Christianity (E.T.), p. 264. Tertullian,
however, does not quite put the matter in the way
stated (Apol. 37). Uhlhorn says elsewhere : " It is
generally assumed that they formed about one-
twelfth of the whole population in the East, and
in the West about one-fifteenth " (p. 402).
tion that in pleading for a much larger
influence of Christianity numerically than
these estimates allow, I do not stand abso-
lutely alone. A few of the older writers, as
Matter, put in a plea for one-fifth, or even
a higher proportion, but their voices have
scarcely been heard in the general chorus
for a more moderate view. Still a tendency
is beginning to manifest itself to a revision
of the traditional estimate. Canon Robert-
son, among recent historians, apparently
leans to a proportion between one-tenth and
one-fifth. 1 And Keim, in his posthumous
work, Rom und das Christenthum, expresses
the belief that even at the close of the second
century, the Christians were one-sixth of
the population of the Empire. 2 G. Boissier,
in his spirited book, La Fin du Paganisme,
1 Hist, of Churchy bk. 1, ch. viii.
2 P. 419. " It is not saying too much," he writes,
"to name a sixth part of the Roman Empire
speaks even more strongly on the arbitrari-
ness of modern scholars, and their unwarrant-
able rejection of evidence on this subject.
After quoting the well-known passages from
Tertullian, Pliny, and Tacitus on the wide
diffusion of Christianity, he says : " This is
precisely what they (the objectors) refuse to
admit. In the first place, they will take no
account of the affirmations of Tertullian. He
was, they say, a rhetorician and a sectary,
facts which ought to render him doubly
suspected. It would be ridiculous to take
seriously his fine phrases, and give his
rhetorical amplifications the force of argu-
ment. As for the letter of Pliny, and the
passage in Tacitus, we have seen above that
some do not believe them to be authentic,
and the statements which they contain on
the subject of the numbers of the Christians
are one of the chief reasons alleged for
rejecting them. There is found in them an
exaggeration which betrays the forger, and
appears altogether incredible. ... It is pro-
claimed, finally, as a principle which needs
no demonstration, that it is impossible that
a religion should make such progress in so
short a time. I confess that this confidence
confounds me. Is it reasonable to settle in
a word questions so obscure, so little under-
stood ? " * Even V. Schultze, as we saw
above, is not very sure of his ground, and
declares that the reckoning he gives remains
far behind the actual numbers. Elsewhere,
indeed, he uses language which would imply
that the Christians, at the beginning of the
fourth century, might be one-fifth, or even
more, of the population. 2
1 I- PP- 445-4 6 -
2 Thus he speaks of the heathenism of the time as
" over two-thirds of the population of the Empire " .
again " as sixty or eighty millions out of one hundred
millions " ; and again of the Christians soon after the
Edict of Toleration as "at most one-fifth of the
population of the Empire" (I. pp. 39, 59).
Two things specially make it difficult to
arrive at exact conclusions as to the number
of Christians in the Roman Empire in this
early period. One is the exceeding paucity
and fragmentariness of our sources of inform-
ation ; the other is that the rate of progress
in the different parts of the Empire was very
unequal — much higher, e.g. t in the East than
in the West ; in Italy and North Africa than
in a province like Gaul. " The imperfection
of the record," as geologists would say, must
ever be remembered. We shall find as we
proceed abundant illustration of the danger
of drawing wide inferences from isolated
data, or of supposing that because nothing
happens to be said of the progress of Chris-
tianity in a particular district, therefore pro-
gress was not being made. The second
century, for instance, is already approaching
its close before we get even a glimpse of the
large and flourishing Church of Carthage,
which, with the Church of Alexandria, then
suddenly starts into visibility. 1 On the other
hand, the rate of progress was undoubtedly
very unequal, and even more instructive than
the inequality of progress is the fact which
furnishes the principal explanation of it. It
is characteristic of the advance of Chris-
tianity that all through it struck at the great •
centres, and followed the great lines of inter-
communication in the Roman world ; that its
chief victories were won where Greek and <^
Roman culture had prepared the way for it ;
and that its posts of strength and influence
were chiefly in the wealthy and populous <^
1 " Of the African Church before the close of the
second century, when a flood of light is suddenly
thrown up by the writings of Tertullian, we know
absolutely nothing" (Lightfoot, Philippians, p. 224).
Another example is Cyrene, where the size and
adornment of the graves show the existence of a
numerous and well-to-do community, of which we
do not hear otherwise (Cf. V. Schultze, I. p. 21).
In the troubles of the times this church afterwards
fell into decay.
cities — Rome, Corinth, Antioch, Alexandria,
Carthage, Lyons, and the like — from which it
could spread into, and best dominate, the sur-
rounding districts. 1 Its method — the same fol-
lowed by Paul in his missionary work — was to
seize and occupy the leading vantage-points,
with a view to an ultimate wider diffusion.
Numbers, then, in a case of this kind, are
assuredly not everything. As important as
numbers was the way in which the numbers
were distributed, and the spirit that animated
them. It is not overlooked by the writers
from whose opinions we shall have to dissent,
that, though numerically so feeble, — as they
regard the matter, — Christianity had yet,
through its inherent spiritual energy, and
ever-strengthening organisation, early made
itself a factor of the first importance in the
Roman Empire, — that, as Merivale says,
1 Cf. V. Schultze, I. p. 15 ; Ramsay, Church in
Roman Empire, p. 147 (1st edit.), &c.
" The active and growing strength of the
Roman world was truly theirs — theirs was
the future of all civilised society." * But the
question is pertinent whether this acknow-
ledged power of Christianity could have been
exerted by the mere fraction of the popula-
tion which they suppose the Christian Church
to have been ; or whether the immense moral
energy which, at the end of three centuries,
and on the back of a prolonged and deadly
persecution, raised the Church to a place
of undisputed political supremacy in the
Empire, does not of itself point to some
fault in the numerical estimate. I cannot, of
course, in a brief lecture, go into all the
evidence. I can only take test cases, which
fairly represent large areas, and may serve to
illustrate principles. __
Now that there is need for some revisal
of currently received notions on the rate
1 Epochs of Early Church History, p. 2.
of progress of early Christianity is shown, I
think, very convincingly by one branch of
evidence, the full bearings of which on our
subject seem as yet to be very imperfectly
appreciated. I refer to the remarkable Cata-
comb explorations of De Rossi and others in
the present century. It is customary to dis-
count the glowing testimonies of the second
century Apologists, and of early Christian
writers generally, on the score of rhetorical
exaggeration ; but here, opened to us within
recent years, is another book of surpassing
interest, the pages of which are constantly
being more clearly deciphered by skilled in-
terpreters, and which promises to throw a
flood of reliable light on just such problems
as we are dealing with. It is surprising that
these discoveries have not been made more
use of by Church historians. 1 Their effect, I
1 Dr. Schaff speaks of the importance of these dis-
coveries, and notes the neglect of them by Church
take it, must be largely to modify our ideas
of the numbers of the Christians, and to
compel the acknowledgment that they formed
a much larger proportion of the population of
the Empire than has hitherto been sus-
pected. It will be convenient to take this
new evidence first, then to ask how far it is
corroborated or contradicted by the other
evidence at our command.
The Catacombs, as most are now aware
are immense subterranean burial-places, ex-
cavated in the soft volcanic tufa, near the
great roads, within a radius of about three
miles around Rome. There are certain
facts regarding them which may now be
regarded as definitely ascertained. 1 They
historians. He himself gives a good account of
them, but makes little use of their testimony in the
body of his work. He mentions their witness to
the numbers of the Christians, but does not well
know what to make of it. — History of Church (Ante-
Nic), Preface, and pp. 288, 295.
1 The name, of doubtful derivation, was originally
are allowed to be Christian, and purely
Christian cemeteries 1 ; they are of enormous
extent ; the number of the dead buried in
them mounts up to millions ; the time
allowed for this burial is about three cen-
turies — in reality, little more than two
centuries and a half, for the excavations
had hardly begun before the second century
and the numbers interred after the middle
of the fourth century were small in propor-
tion to those in the preceding period. After
the sack of Rome by the Goths in A.D. 410,
interment within them ceased. The excava-
that of a territory adjacent to the cemetery of St.
Sebastian/ and only subsequently was extended
to all the cemeteries. Over forty catacombs are
enumerated — twenty - five or twenty-six greater,
the rest smaller. For particulars see the works (in
English) of Northcote and Brownlow, Lanciani,
Withrow, Art. in Dictionary of Christian Antiquities,
Black's Handbook to Christ, and Ecc. Rome, &c.
1 Northcote and Brownlow, I. p. 376 ; Diet, of
Christ. Antiquities, I. p. 296; Northcote's Epitaphs,
pp. 22 ff.
tions consist of galleries and chambers, some-
times in descending levels of from three to
five stories, and throughout their entire area
are literally packed with graves, the dead
being sometimes buried in the floors, as well
as in the walls and rooms. ( What is not so
certain is the precise figure to be put on their
extent, or on the number of the dead interred
in them. On these points estimates widely
vary. The most careful and reliable calcula-
tions are those of Michele Stefano de Rossi,
brother and coadjutor of the famous explorer,
who, on the basis of the exact measurement
of six different catacombs, reckons the total
length of the passages at 587 geographical
miles. 1 As respects the numbers entombed,
1 See the details of measurements in Lanciani's
Pagan and Christian Rome, p. 319. Northcote and
Brownlow, Roma Soft. I.
Gibbon's well-known words, the new sect
was " almost entirely composed of the dregs
of the populace — of peasants and mechanics,
of boys and women, of beggars and slaves." 2
To say that Christianity began with the
1 Church in Roman Empire, p. 57.
2 Gibbon gives this as " the charge of malice and
infidelity," which he proceeds in part to qualify.
lowest classes, and gradually worked up to
the higher, is at best a half-truth. It is not
less true that the gospel often laid hold
first of persons in better social position, and
from them worked around and down. Its
Divine power drew to it men of all classes
of society from the beginning, and often
the persons in higher station were the first
to come, and, through their example, brought
others. The evidence on this, as on the
other branches of our subject, has been
gradually accumulating, and in recent years
has come to be much better appreciated.
Still, as respects the ordinary treatment of
Church History, it may justly be said that
not a little of it is " a neglected factor."
In supporting this thesis, which will seem
to many paradoxical, I do not wish to be
misunderstood. It is not disputed that in
the days of the Apostles, and so long as
Christianity was a proscribed religion, the
numbers of the wealthy, and learned, and
powerful, belonging to it were still compara-
tively few, and that the body of the mem-
bership of the Church consisted of persons
of the humbler and middle ranks of society. 1
The wealthy and noble must always be few
in comparison with others in the Church, for
this, if for no other reason, that there are
fewer of them. This is Origen's reply to
Celsus as respects the intelligence of the
Christians, that " among the multitude of
converts to Christianity, the simple and igno-
rant necessarily outnumbered the more in-
telligent, as the former class always does the
latter r 2 Even yet the greater part of our
1 The rude, misspelt scrawls and execrable Latinity
of many of the Catacomb inscriptions are sufficient
evidence of this. The contrast has often been drawn
between the finely executed Pagan epitaphs on one
side of the Lapidarian Gallery in the Vatican, and
the hasty, illiterate scribbles of the Catacomb series
opposite. (Cf. Hasenclever in Jahr. f. Prot. TheoL,
VIII. pp. 34~5-) 2 Contra Celsum, i. 27.
Christian congregations does not consist of
nobles and millionaires, but of persons
drawn from the intermediate and humbler
classes of society — tradespeople, artisans,
peasants, and the best part of these — and
still more must this have been the case when
there was far less of a middle class than there
is now, 1 and trade and industry were left
chiefly in the hands of freedmen, foreigners,
and slaves. But this inferior social rank of
the earlier converts to Christianity has been
greatly exaggerated. The sneer of Celsus 2
which Origen refutes has been repeated as
if it were a true description of Christian
society, instead of a caricature. We shall
see that if, as Paul says, " not many wise
after the flesh, not many mighty, not many
noble " were called,3 there were still, all
1 Some would say no middle class at all, but this
is an exaggeration. Cf. the sentence from Schultze,
on p. 112.
2 Contra Celsum, iii. 55. 3 1 Cor. i. 26.
things considered, a surprising number from
these very classes and from the intermediate
ranks — and as time went on still more — who
adorned by their faith the doctrine of God
their Saviour. I am far, indeed, from sug-
gesting that Christianity derives a lustre
from the mere social rank of its converts,
which would not be lent to it by the virtues
of the humblest. 1 The flow of rank and
wealth into the Church, far from proving
a source of blessing to it, has proved often
a cause of backsliding and corruption. But
it may fairly be contended that just in pro-
portion to the obstacles which lay in the
way of persons of rank and wealth becoming
members of an obscure and uninfluential
sect, the more signally was the power of the
gospel magnified in overcoming these ob-
stacles, and bringing them to the feet of
the Crucified. Neither must we under-esti-
1 Cf. James ii. 5.
mate the effects on the progress of Chris-
tianity of the influence and example of
persons of this class. That influence was
great, and in the providential order had
much to do with the commending of
the gospel in the circles in which it
An instructive fore-glimpse of what is
afterwards to be illustrated in the history
of the Church is already furnished in the
personal ministry of its Founder. The
wealthy and official classes, we know, as a
body rejected Christ, while " the common
people heard Him gladly." * The question
could be asked, " Have any of the rulers
believed on Him, or of the Pharisees ? " 2
Yet if we look a little more carefully into
the list of Christ's personal disciples and
followers, we shall find, I think, that they
are drawn neither from the highest, nor
1 Mark xii. 37. - John vii. 48.
preponderatingly from the lowest, ranks of
society, but from what we should now call
' the middle classes ; while instances are not
{wanting to show the power of the gospel
on persons of higher social position. Thus,
among the friends and followers of Jesus
we have mention made of certain women
who had been healed by Him and attended
Him, including — with Mary Magdalene —
"Joanna, the wife of Chuza, Herod's steward,
and Susanna, and many others, who minis-
tered to Him of their substance " r ; we have
the family of Bethany — Lazarus and his
sisters — evidently of good social position ;
we have, in the band of the Apostles, the pairs
of brothers, Simon and Andrew, and James
and John, who, though fishermen, were at
least in comfortable circumstances — Zebedee
with his sons owning boats and hired ser-
vants, and carrying on a fishery business in
1 Luke viii. 2.
partnership with Simon r ; we have the pub-
licans, Matthew and Zacchaeus, the one able
to make "a great feast in his house" on
occasion of his Call, 2 the other " a chief pub-
lican," and " rich " 3 ; we have the Roman
centurion, who had built the Jews a synagogue
— no mean personage therefore 4 — and Jairus,
one of the rulers of the synagogue 5 ; we have
Nicodemus, a ruler of the Jews, and Joseph
of Arimathea, " a councillor of honourable
estate," and " rich " 6 ; we have the testimony
in John, " Nevertheless even of the rulers
many believed on Him, but because of the
Pharisees, they did not confess it " 7 ; we
have such instances as that of the rich young
1 Mark i. 20 ; Luke v. 10. Nathanael (= Bar-
tholomew ?) also seems to have been a man of good
social standing (Cf. John i. 45-51). It is noticeable
that members of this group are found at a distance
from their homes in Judea, waiting as disciples on
the Baptist (John i.). 2 Luke v. 29.
3 Ibid. xix. 2. 4 Ibid. vii. 5. 5 Mark v. 22.
6 Mark xv. 43 ; Matt, xxvii. 57. 7 John xh. 42.
ruler attracted to Christ, 1 of the candid scribe
who was "not far from the kingdom of God," 2
of the other scribe who impulsively offered
his service.3 All this, when, to use the
words of the Evangelist, "the Spirit was
not yet given, because Jesus was not yet
glorified." 4
Passing from the Gospels to the Church
in the Apostolic age, we have a new
series of examples which look in the same
direction. The mother church at Jerusalem
had among its members possessors of lands
and houses, apparently not a few, who sold
them and laid the proceeds, in whole or
part, at the Apostles' feet.5 We have specific
instances in Barnabas of Cyprus, who, having
land, sold it 6 ; in Ananias and Sapphira,
who sold a possession and deceitfully kept
back part of the price 7 ; in the mother of
1 Luke xviii. 18, 23. - Mark xii. 34.
3 Matt. viii. 19. 4 John vii. 39. 5 Acts iv. 34, 35.
6 Ibid. iv. 37. 7 Ibid. v. r. 2.
John Mark, who had a house of her own in
Jerusalem. 1 Many of the converts at Pente-
cost were persons who had come long and
expensive journeys to the feast - ; and at an
early stage in the history it is testified, " A
great company of the priests were obedient
to the faith." 3 The eighth chapter of the
Acts records how the eunuch of Ethiopia,
described as "of great authority under
Candace, queen of the Ethiopians, who
was over all her treasure," 4 was brought
to faith by the Evangelist Philip ; the ninth
chapter relates the conversion of the great
Apostle of the Gentiles, Saul of Tarsus,
pupil of Gamaliel, who, as a Roman citizen,
may be assumed to have been of a good
family 5 ; the eleventh chapter tells of
Peter's successful mission to the devout
centurion Cornelius — a man noted for his
1 Acts xii. 12. 2 Ibid. ii. 5.
3 Ibid. vi. 7. 4 Ibid. viii. 27.
Cf. Ramsay's St. Paul the Traveller, ch. ii.
alms. 1 A new beginning in the Christian
propaganda is made in the Gentile Church
at Antioch, and here, among the prophets
and teachers who designate Saul and
Barnabas to their work, we find Manaen,
the foster-brother of Herod the Tetrarch. 2
Following the Apostle in his missionary
journeyings, we have continual examples of
how the word took root in the hearts of
persons of the higher ranks, even more
readily, often, than in the minds of the
multitude. Thus the visit to Cyprus issued
in the confusion of Elymas the Magian and
the conversion of the Proconsul Sergius
Paulus.3 The first convert in Philippi
was Lydia, the well-to-do seller of purple.4
In Thessalonica a great multitude of devout
Greeks (proselytes) believed, and it is ex-
pressly recorded, " of the chief women not
1 Acts x. 2, 31. 2 Ibid. xiii. 1.
3 Ibid. xiii. 12. 4 Ibid. xvi. 14.
a few." * Jason, who received the preachers
into his house and shielded them from
violence, was evidently a man of substance. 2
In the neighbouring city of Bercea it is
attested that many believed, " also of the
Greek women of honourable estate, and of
men, not a few." 3 Athens gave but few
converts, but one of them was Dionysius
the Areopagite.4 There is nothing in all^
this of the gospel working its way gradually
up from below. It goes straight to the
hearts of these people of honourable estate
from the lips of the preacher, or from the
Scriptures " searched daily." 5 At Corinth,
besides the tent-makers Aquila and Priscilla,
who cannot be described as poor, we have
Crispus, the chief ruler of the synagogue,
" believing in the Lord with all his house " 6 ;
1 Acts xvii. 4. 2 Ibid. xvii. 9.
3 Ibid. xvii. 12. 4 Ibid. xvii. 34.
Ibid. xvii. 11. 6 Ibid, xviii. 8.
at Ephesus we have the conversion of the
dealers in magic arts and the burning of
the great pile of their books of sorcery z ; at
the island of Malta we have the cure — if not
the conversion — of the governor Publius, 2 with
many other indications of a similar kind.
Moving through the history of the " Acts,"
in fact, and gleaning the impressions which
| its pictures of the life and work and trials
of these early Christian brotherhoods make
upon us, we never feel ourselves in contact
with Gibbon's "dregs of the populace," but
are consciously at every point in touch with
intelligent, well-ordered, and socially reput-
able communities. These notices in the
Book of Acts receive confirmation and
amplification from the Epistles, if there
also, in many of the Churches, darker
shades appear. The Church at Corinth,
to which Paul wrote that "not many
Acts xix. 19. - Ibid, xxviii. 8.
wise, not many mighty, not many noble "
are called, embraced in its membership,
besides Crispus, the chief ruler of the
synagogue, Erastus, the chamberlain of the
city * ; while the disorders at the Agape and
many other indications — the taste of the
Church, for instance, for rhetoric and
Alexandrian wisdom, its conceit of know-
ledge, its lawsuits of the brethren one
with another, 2 its heresies on the resurrec-
tion — show that it was not a church
composed exclusively, or even predominat-
ingly, of the poorer classes, but a church,
rather, intellectually disposed, and containing
in it a good many people of better social
position. To this church belonged the
much-praised "household of Stephanas." 3
I need only allude — for I cannot delay long
on this part of the subject — to such other
characters in the Epistles as Philemon of
1 Rom. xvi. 23. ~ i Cor. vi. 6. 3 Ibid. xvi. 15.
Colosse, the master of Onesimus, 1 the
hospitable Onesiphorus, 2 the well-beloved
Gaius,3 and the most excellent Theophilus,
to whom the Evangelist Luke,4 himself a
physician,s writes his "treatises." The Epistles
bear witness in our favour in other and less
direct ways. If the Apostolic Churches had
slaves in their membership, they had also
masters, to whom exhortations are ad-
dressed. 6 Specially instructive in this con-
nection are the passages directed against
the dangers and abuses of wealth, as, e.g.,
where Paul exhorts, " Charge them that are
rich in this present world, that they be not
high-minded, nor have their hope set on the
uncertainty of riches, but on God " 7 ; or
where James cautions against partiality to
the man with the gold ring and fine
1 Ep. to Phil. 2 2 Tim. i. 16.
3 3 John. 4 Luke i. 3 ; Acts i. 1.
5 Col. iv. 14. 6 Eph. vi. 9 ; Col. iv. 1.
' 1 Tim. vi. 17 ; cf. vers. 9, 10.
clothing, and denounces the rich men who
rob the labourers of their hire. 1 Finally,
we have the picture of the Church of
Laodicea in the Book of Revelation, which
boasts of being rich and increased with
goods — if this is to be taken literally — and
is all the while in deep spiritual poverty. 2
We have, on the other hand, the testimony
of the Apostle to " the deep poverty " of the
Churches of Macedonia — connected, however,
with a special season of tribulation — but also
his witness to their abundant liberality in the
collection made for the poor saints in Judea.3
I do not think it is an unreasonable con-
clusion to draw from these data that, while
there were doubtless poor churches, and
many poor people in all the churches, the
general membership of the congregations
1 James ii. 2, 5 ; v. 4. The latter passage need not
refer to Christians.
2 Rev. iii. 17. s 2 Cor. viii. 2 ; ix.
was, contrary to the usual view, composed
of fairly well-to-do and intelligent people
and commonly had among them also
persons of highly respectable, and some-
times quite conspicuous positions. I am glad
in this view to find myself supported by the
writer already frequently quoted — V. fechultze. }
" It was not the base elements," he says, s | y
" which came into the Church ; but, on the
contrary, the better strata of the Roman
population, the artificers, the shopkeepers,
and the small landed proprietors, therefore
preponderatingly the under and middle
portion of the citizen class, who, in the
general moral and religious dissolution of
heathenism, still proved themselves the
soundest classes in the community." x I
1 Untergang, I. p. 25. I may quote here also Dean
Merivale's judgment. "I have shown in another
place," he says, " that the gospel was not embraced,
on its first promulgation in Judea, by the despair of
the most wretched outcasts of humanity, but rather
propose, in the remainder of the lecture,
to adduce some of the evidence furnished
by early ecclesiastical history, which, I
think, makes clear the justice of this
Here, again, I can have no hesitation in
placing in the forefront of my argument the
comparatively recent and singularly impres-
sive testimony of the Catacombs. The evi- ~
dence which has come to us from this quarter
is partly elucidatory and corroborative of
what had formerly been conjectured ; but
by the hopeful enthusiasm which urges those en-
joying a portion of the goods of life to improve
and fortify their position. And so again at Rome
we have no reason to suppose that Christianity
was only the refuge of the afflicted and miserable ;
rather, if we may lay any stress on the monuments
above referred to, it was first embraced by persons
in a certain grade of comfort and respectability ; by
persons approaching to what we should call the
middle classes in their condition, their education,
and their moral views." — The Romans under the
Empire, ch. liv. See further Dean Milman's judg-
ment cited below, p. 142.
much of it, also, is entirely new, and to it
chiefly, perhaps, is due the revived interest
which of late years has been shown in this
subject of the social rank of the early
o\ Christians. The very existence of these
Catacombs, it may be remarked at the outset,
taken in connection with the circumstances
of their origin, is a proof that the Church
of Rome must from the earliest period have
had among its members persons of wealth
and distinction. The oldest of the Catacombs
go back to the first century — one or two
perhaps to Apostolic days. In nearly all
cases they seem to have been begun as
private burial-places in the gardens or vine-
yards of persons of the wealthier class, 1 while
the elegance and refinement of their con-
struction, and the elaboration of their decora-
tions, point to lavish outlay by their owners. 2
1 Cf. Northcote and Brownlow, I. pp. 101, 114 ff.
- This artistic elegance and finish is characteristic
In some cases spots of ground were directly
gifted to the Church for the burial of the
brethren. 1 But it is chiefly in the inscrip-
tions, enabling us positively to identify par-
ticular crypts with individuals and families,
that the interest of this class of discoveries
culminates. The amount of light thrown in
this way on the extent to which Christianity
had penetrated into the higher Roman circles
is really very surprising. I shall notice a
few of the best known cases, combining with
the light furnished by the Catacombs such
knowledge of the facts as comes to us from
other sources.
An early case of great interest is that of
Pomponia Graecina in the reign of Nero. The
New Testament acquaints us with the fact
of all the cemeteries which on other grounds are
shown to go back to first century. Cf. Northcote
and Brownlow, as above; Did. of Christ. Antiq., I.
P- 303.
1 Cf. Lanciani, Pagan and Christ. Rome, p. 336.
that Christianity had early obtained a foot-
ing in that immense establishment known
as " Caesar's Household." i Prof. Ramsay
quotes from Mommsen the observation
that nowhere had Christianity a stronger
hold than in the household and at the
court of the Emperors. 2 But that, beyond
this household, Christianity had found its
way into the highest circles, had long been
1 Phil. iv. 22. See the description of this gigantic
establishment in Lightfoot's Philippians, pp. 171 ff ;
also Friedlander, Sittengeschichte Roms, I. pp. 71-210.
Withrow states : 1" In remarkable confirmation of
this fact is the discovery in the recent explorations
of the ruins of the Imperial Palace [Nero's " Golden
House"], of several Christian memorials, including
one of those lamps adorned with evangelical symbols
so common in the Catacombs " (p. 56).
2 Church in Roman Empire, p. 57. Harnack says :
" We are able to-day, on the basis of fully authenti-
cated records, to declare, with satisfactory certainty,
that even in the time of the Apostles the palace of
the Emperor was one of the chief seats of the
growing Christian Church in Rome." Art. on " Chris-
tianity and Christians at the Court of the Emperors,"
in Princeton Review, July, 1878, p. 257.
surmised from an obscure notice in Tacitus,
which relates how in A.D. 57, a lady of
illustrious birth, Pomponia Graecina, wife of
Aulus Plautius, the conqueror of Britain, was
accused before the Senate, and was tried and
acquitted before a domestic tribunal on a
charge of " foreign superstition " {supersti-
tionis externa), and how her life was there-
after spent in deep gloom. 1 The peculiarity
of the charge in this case led to the con-
jecture that the "foreign superstition" in
question was none other than Christianity.
So long as it depended solely on this passage,
the inference was felt to be precarious, and
we cannot feel surprised that while the
majority of scholars acquiesced in it, others,
equally learned, took an opposite view. Now,
however, the conjecture has practically been
converted into certainty by the discovery by
De Rossi in the crypt of Lucina — one of
1 Tac. Annals, xiii. 32.
the very oldest parts of the Catacombs — of
several inscriptions unmistakably showing
a connection of the vault with members
of the Pomponian gens — one descendant
bearing this very family name : Pomponius
Graecinus. 1 It is an ingenious conjecture
of De Rossi that probably the Lucina who
gives her name to the crypt is Pomponia
Graecina herself. Lucina would then be the
name assumed by this lady at baptism. 2
This same distinguished person, it should
1 Cf. Northcote and Brownlow for details, I. pp.
277-281. Lightfoot says, "It is clear therefore that
this burial-place was constructed by some Christian
lady of rank, probably before the close of the first
century, for her fellow-religionists, and that within
a generation or two a descendant or near kinsman
of Pomponia Graecina was buried." {Clement, I. p.
31. Cf. Harnack, Princeton Review, July, 1878, p. 263.)
2 Hasencleveiy n his interesting articles on " Christian
Proselytes of the Higher Rank in the First Century,"
in Jahr. f. Prot. Theol. viii., seeks to minimise the
evidence in the above and later cases, but in view of
the Catacomb testimony, his arguments need scarcely
be discussed. Cf. Lightfoot, Clement, pp. 30, 32, &c.
be said, is connected by many scholars with
the gospel in another way, though much
weight, I fear, cannot be allowed to their
speculations. Specious grounds have been
alleged for the identification of the Pudens
and Claudia named in 2 Tim. iv. 21 as
prominent members of the Church of Rome
with a Pudens and Claudia repeatedly men-
tioned in the epigrams of Martial, 1 the former
a Roman centurion of distinction, the latter
a British princess whom Pudens wedded.
Last century (1722) there was discovered at
Chichester an inscription which tells how a
site was presented by one Pudens to the
British king, Claudius Cogidubnus — the same
with whom, as we learn from Tacitus, Aulus
Plautius had friendly relations in his cam-
paigns. The presumption is strong that the
1 See the passages quoted in Alford's Excursus on
Pudens and Claudia, in Proleg. to 2 Timothy, Greek
Test., iii. p. 104.
Pudens of Martial is an officer who served
under Plautius in Britain, and that the princess
he married was the daughter of this King
Claudius Cogidubnus. If so, we have a link
connecting her with Pomponia Graecina, under
whose protection it may be presumed that
she journeyed to Rome, and whose connection
with the family of the Rufi furnishes a reason
for the assumption by her of the second
name she bears — Claudia Rufina. The same
link connects Claudia with Christianity, and
gives plausibility to the suggestion that
through Pomponia she may have been intro-
duced into Christian circles, and with her,
Pudens. 1 The weak point in this train of
reasoning, otherwise so seductive, is the
absence of any evidence that Claudia Rufina
was brought under Christian influences, for
1 The Pudens and Claudia of Martial were not
married at the date of the epistle ; neither apparently
were the pair in the text, since the name of Linus
the mere occurrence of two names so common
as Pudens and Claudia in 2 Tim. iv. 21 does
not prove it. The identification with the
members of the Roman Church is favoured,
however, by writers like Alford, Conybeare
and Howson, Lewin, and Plumptre ; while
Lightfoot and others, on chronological and
moral grounds, decidedly — possibly too de-
cidedly — reject it. 1 The utmost that can be
said for it at present is that the coincidences
are unquestionably striking.
Pomponia Graecina lived on into the reign
of Domitian, and her influence, as Lightfoot
suggests, 2 may not have been without its
share in bringing about the next outstand-
ing cases of conversion we have to record
1 See in favour of the identification, Alford ut supra
and against, Lightfoot, Clement, I. pp. 76-79. Light-
foot gives the references to the others. Farrar, who
scouts the identification in his St. Paul (ch. 56), uses
it to garnish his picture in his Darkness and Dawn.
2 Pp. 32-3.
— those of Flavius Clemens, the consul, and
Domitilla, his wife — the former the cousin,
the latter the niece, of the Emperor Domi-
tian. The basis here again is the statement
of a heathen writer. Dion Cassius (or his
epitomiser Xiphilinus) informs us that these
two persons were accused of " atheism," and
"going astray after the customs of the Jews"
(afleorrjroc . •.• . iff to lovcatwv Wt] e^OKtX-
Xovreg), for which offence Clement was put
to death, and Domitilla was banished to the
island of Pandatereia in the ^Egean. 1 The
peculiar wording of the charge long ago
suggested that, as in the previous case, it
was really the offence of Christianity for
which Clement and his wife suffered 2 ; and
1 Dion Cassius, lxvii. 44 : Suet. Dom. 15. See
on these passages Lightfoot, Philippians, pp. 21-23 :
Clement, I. pp. 33-35 : Ignat. I. pp. 12, 13.
2 Thus already Gibbon (ch. xvi.) : " A singular
association of ideas, which cannot with any propriety
be applied except to the Christians." Most modern
scholars agree.
this conjecture was strengthened by a notice
in Eusebius, derived from the Roman his-
torian Bruttius, that Flavia Domitilla, whom
by a confusion he calls the niece (not the
wife) of Flavius Clemens, was banished for
confessing Christ. 1 It has been reserved for
Catacomb exploration to clear up the am-
biguity attaching to this case also, and to
establish beyond doubt the Christianity of
the illustrious pair. The cemetery of Domi-
tilla has been discovered by the labours of
De Rossi, with inscriptions abundantly at-
testing her ownership of the ground, and
its use for Christian burial 2 ; while the
1 Eus. Ecc. Hist. iii. 18 : cf. Chronicle under a.d.
95. On the discrepancies with Dion Cassius, &c,
see Lightfoot, Phil., pp. 22, 23, and Clement, I. pp.
44-51 ; and Harnack, Princeton Review, July, 1878,
pp. 266-69. Harnack favours the theory of two
2 Cf. for details, Northcote and Brownlow, Rom.
Sott. I. pp. 120-6 : Lanciani, Pag. and Christ. Rome,
PP. 3 l6 > 335-34° : Lightfoot, Clement, I. pp. 35-37 ;
further discovery of an elegantly-constructed
crypt of the Flavians shows that, in the
words of Harnack, " an entire branch of
the Flavian family embraced the Christian
faith." J It will not be denied that these
facts furnish startling illustration of the
extent to which, by the close of the first
century, Christianity had pushed its con-
quests. Next to the Emperor himself, these
two personages held the highest rank in
the Empire ; they stood nearest to the throne ;
their two sons had even been designated by
Domitian as his heirs to the purple. 2 It
Harnack, Princeton Review, July, 1878, pp. 268-9.
The cemetery is that of Domitilla, who alone is
mentioned by Eusebius, but the charge was the
same against both husband and wife.
1 Harnack {ut supra) says, "What a change ! Be-
tween fifty and sixty years after Christianity reached
\ Rome, a daughter of the Emperor (Vespasian) em-
braces the faith, and thirty years after the fearful
persecutions of Nero, the presumptive heirs to the
throne were brought up in a Christian house "
(p. 269). 2 Suet. Dom. 15.
seemed almost as if, ere the last Apostle had
quitted the scene of his labours, Christianity
were about to mount the seat of empire !
There is, however, yet another case, belong-
ing to this period, quite as striking in its
elements of surprise as that of Clemens and
Flavia Domitilla. Dion informs us in the
passage already cited that besides these two,
" many others " (aXXoi 7roAXoQ were arraigned
on the same charges — among them Glabrio
who had been consul with Trajan, who also
was condemned, and put to death. The full
name of this victim of Domitian's persecuting
zeal was Manius Acilius Glabrio, and his
family was conspicuous as one of the very
wealthiest and most illustrious in the State.
" Towards the end of the republic," says
Lanciani, "we find them (the Acilii) estab-
lished on the Pincian Hill, where they had
built a palace, and laid out gardens which
extended at least from the convent of the
Trinita dei Monti to the Villa Borghese.
The family had grown so rapidly to honour,
splendour, and wealth, that Pertinax in the
Senate in which he was elected emperor,
proclaimed them the noblest race in the
world." 1 Doubt was still entertained by
many, however, whether the terms of the
passage in Dion necessarily included Chris-
tianity among the charges on which Glabrio
was condemned, and Lightfoot, in reviewing
the evidence, declared that the case seemed
to him to break down altogether. 2 It is
permissible to think that were this eminent
scholar writing now, his opinion would be
somewhat modified. For here, again, Cata-
comb discovery has come to our help. In
the year 1888, a crypt was laid bare by the
indefatigable De Rossi, which proved to be
that of the Acilii Glabriones. A fragment of
1 Pagan and Christ. Rome, p. 5.
2 Clement, I. p. 82.
a marble coffin was found, inscribed with the
words Acilio Glabrioni Filio? and additional
inscriptions have since confirmed the identifi-
cation. 2 As this crypt forms the centre of a
large group of galleries, its Christian character
can hardly be doubted. Thus again we see
Christianity penetrating into one of the
wealthiest and most renowned families of
the Flavian age.3
The individual instances I have cited are
1 Probably son of Manius Acilius Glabrio, Consul,
124 a.d. On the Acilian inscriptions, see Frontis-
piece and Note in Appendix.
3 Lanciani, pp. 4-8. "His end helped, no doubt,"
this writer says, "the propagation of the gospel
among his relatives and descendants, as well as
among the servants and freedmen of the house, as
shown by the noble sarcophagi and the humble
loculi found in such numbers in the crypt of the
Catacombs of Priscilla" (p. 7. Cf. Ramsay, Church
in Roman Empire, pp. 262-3).
3 A Catacomb inscription furnishes good reason
also for believing that Bruttius, the historian on
whom Eusebius depends for his information about
Domitilla, was, or became, a Christian. Thus Light-
foot and Lanciani.
far from exhausting the evidence supplied
by the Catacombs to the acceptance of the
gospel by persons of the upper ranks in
society in the first century, but they may
suffice. As an interesting indication from
the literary side, I may refer to the apocry-
phal Acts of Paul and Thecla, which most
scholars now believe to have at least a basis
of historical truth. Thecla was the daughter
of a noble and wealthy family in Iconium,
and Queen Tryphaena, of Pontus, who is
shown by recent discovery to be a real
historical personage, is related to have been
converted by her. Prof. Ramsay accepts
these facts as probably historical 1 ; Harnack
also regards the book as "without doubt
resting upon historical accounts." 2 It there-
fore adds its grain of testimony to our
general contention.
1 Church in Roman Empire, p. 414.
2 Princeton Review, July, 1878, p. 263.
When we pass to the second century we
are not so entirely dependent upon Catacomb
witness as in the first, though here also, as
we shall see, the Catacombs have important
aid to offer us. The river of Church History
still flows, indeed, so much underground as
to be for long periods almost entirely out of
sight. Yet numerous illustrations are not
wanting to show us that the gospel was
drawing its converts on every side from the
higher as well as the lower orders of society.
Pliny^it will be remembered, bears emphatic
testimony to this in Bithynia and Pontus.
Persons of all ages, of all ranks, and of both
sexes, he reports to Trajan, had accepted
Christianity, and the number was daily in-
creasing. 1 The Epistle of Ignatius to the
Romans, about the same time, presupposes,
as Dr. Lightfoot points out, that there were
persons in high quarters in Rome so in-
1 Ep., 96.
fluential that the writer fears their inter-
cession may deprive him of the crown of
Martyrdom. 1 Hernias, in his Shepherd —
that Pilgrim's Progress of the Early Church
— has numerous references to the wealthy in
the Church of Rome — possessors of lands
and houses — whom he rebukes for worldli-
ness and luxury. 2 The wealth of the Church
is witnessed to us in a more pleasing way
by its reputation for an abundant liberality.
Dionysius, the Bishop of Corinth, about
170 A.D., extols the Church of Rome for
this grace. " For this," he says, " is your
practice from the beginning, to do good to
all the brethren in various ways, and to send
1 Ep. to Rom., 1,2 ; cf. Lightfoot, I gnat. I. p. 356.
To the same effect Harnack : " Before what other
person than the Emperor could this intercession be
made. . . . We must conclude that there were per-
sons at that time among the Roman Christians who
possessed great influence at the Court" {Princeton
Review, July, 1878, p. 278).
2 Hermas, Sim. i. ; ii. ; viii. 9 ; ix. 20, &c. His
own mistress was a rich lady.
contributions to many churches in every
city, thus refreshing the poverty of those in
need, and furnishing supplies to the brethren
in the mines. By these gifts, which ye send
from the beginning, as Romans, ye maintain
the ancestral custom of the Romans, which
your blessed Bishop Soter has not only
observed, but also increased, providing great
abundance for distribution to the saints,
and with blessed words encouraging the
brethren from abroad, as a loving father
his children." * When we reflect that the
bulk of the Roman mob was practically idle
— clamouring for bread and games, or
dangling as clients in attendance on the
rich — and that slaves had little, we see that
a considerable portion of the membership
of the Church must have been composed
of persons in higher social station, or at
least of the sections which possessed wealth.
1 Euseb., Ecc. Hist., iv. 23.
Justin's picture of the Christian worship
bears out this idea. "The wealthy among
us," he says, " help the needy. . . . They
who are well to do, and willing, give what
each thinks fit ; and what is collected is
deposited with the president, who succours
the orphans and widows, and those who,
through sickness or any other cause, are in
want, and those who are in bonds, and the
strangers sojourning among us." *
This brings us again to the corroborative
testimony of the Catacombs, and to the
interesting additional information which they
supply. I can only draw attention to the
costly crypts and tombs of the cemetery of
Praetextatus — a Catacomb of the second
century — which are constructed in the finest
style of art. 2 In a tomb cased with marble,
1 ist Apol., 67.
2 See the remarkable descriptions of the archi-
tecture, paintings, and rich tombs in Northcote and
Brownlow, I. pp. 133-44.
in one of the chambers of this cemetery,
lie two bodies, one wrapped in cloth of
gold, the other in purple, while on a
grave in the wall is an inscription marking
the resting-place of " Urania, daughter of
Herod." x It is hardly possible to avoid
connecting this Urania with the daughter
of the same name of the famous Herod
Atticus, 2 whose villa and mausoleum are in
the immediate neighbourhood. If so, the
identification is one of the most remarkable
we have yet met with. Herod Atticus is
known to history as a celebrated rhetorician,
and the tutor of Marcus Aurelius, but also,
1 Northcote and Brownlow, I. p. 134.
a " Daughter of Herod Atticus by his second wife,
Vibullia Alcia" (Lanciani, Pagan and Christ. Rome,
p. 9). For a full account of Herod Atticus and his
extraordinary wealth, see the same work, pp. 287 ff.
Herod's father, through the discovery of a treasure,
"suddenly became the richest man in Greece, and
probably in the world." Cf. also Merivale, Romans
under the Empire, ch. lxvi.
through the inheritance of an immense
treasure, as probably the wealthiest man of
his time. And here we have apparent evi-
dence that iiis daughter had embraced the
Christian faith. We have, besides, inscrip-
tions attesting the Christianity of members
of consular families, and many of equestrian
rank. 1 A special interest attaches to the
discovery by De Rossi, in the cemetery of
Callistus, of the crypt of Caecilia, the virgin-
martyr round whom so many legends of
the Roman Church subsequently gathered.
Some obscurity rests on the date of Csecilia's
martyrdom, but it was probably in the reign
of Marcus Aurelius. 2 De Rossi's account of
this lady, which Lightfoot in the main
accepts, is briefly as follows : That Caecilia
was a lady of noble birth ; that the land
1 Pagan and Christian Rome, p. 10.
2 See the questions fully discussed in Lightfoot,
Ignatius, I. pp. 503-4.
in this place belonged to her gens ; that
some members of the family were converted
to Christianity in the second century, so that
Caecilia was a Christian from her cradle ;
that these Christian Csecilii made over the
subterranean vaults for the purposes of
Christian burial, and subsequently were them-
selves laid here ; and that this was the origin
of the cemetery of Callistus, or of parts of
it. 1 There is no question in view of the
inscriptions found that the crypt discovered
by De Rossi is that in which the body of
the martyr was originally laid, and from
which it is related to have been removed
with honour by Pope Paschal in the ninth
century. 2 The spread of Christianity in the
1 Lightfoot, ut supra.
2 The body was placed in the Church of St. Cascilia
in Trastevere. In 1599, in the course of excavations,
the marble sarcophagus, with the body enclosed,
clothed in blood-stained robes of golden tissue, was
brought to light. Cf. Northcote and Brownlow, I.
pp. 320-1.
gens is abundantly attested by the numbers
of epitaphs of these Christian Csecilii and
other noble families connected with them
by blood and marriage in adjoining parts
of the Catacomb, and these not mere de-
pendents, but, as their titles, C/arzsszmus,
Clarissima, and the like, show, illustrious
members of their houses. 1
All this speaks with great distinctness to
the highly influential position of the Church
at Rome, and if we cannot pronounce with
the same definiteness of other places, it is
only because, till near the end of the
century, light almost wholly fails us. When
we do get a glimpse, as in the beauti-
ful Epistle of the Churches of Vienne and
Lyons, giving an account of the martyr-
1 Northcote and Brownlow, I. pp. 278,327. Twelve
or thirteen of these epitaphs, all of Caecilii or
Casciliani, are found in the crypt of Lucina. There
seems further to have been some connection between
this family and that of Pomponia Graecina.
doms in these places in 177 A.D., the same
mixture of classes is forced on our atten-
tion. If we have Blandina, the slave-girl,
a " noble athlete " in confessing Christ, we
have also among the sufferers the mistress of
Blandina; we have one prominent confessor,
noted as " a man of distinction " {iTcidrjfjioq) ;
we have a number of Roman citizens ; we
have heads of households, whose domestics
are seized to give evidence against them ; we
have a well-known physician ; and generally
the martyrs seem to be of the middle or
better class. 1 Another remarkable instance —
again from Rome — is that of the senator
Apollonius, a man " renowned for learning
and philosophy," who, on being denounced
by an informer, made an eloquent defence of
his religion before the Senate, and was sen-
tenced to decapitation. 2 When, however, we
1 See the Epistle in Eusebius, v. 1.
2 Eus. v. 21. The Acts of Apollonius have re-
approach the close of the century, full light
returns to us ; and we see in the Churches
of Carthage and Alexandria, and elsewhere,
how completely Christianity had succeeded
in penetrating the wealthiest classes in the
chief centres of population.
The fatal edict (or, as Neumann will have
it, rescript *) of Septimus Severus, in 202 A.D.,
which initiated the persecution connected
with his name, came as a great revealing
blow to the Churches affected by it. It made
manifest, not only how many of the wealthier
and dignified classes had, nominally at least,
embraced Christianity, but also how unfit
much of their profession was to endure the
fire of trial. Here it may be noted as
singular that the brunt of the persecution
cently been recovered. Cf. Conybeare, The Armenian
Apology and Acts of Apollonius (1896) ; then, after the
discovery of the Greek Acts, Klette, Der Process und
Die Acta S. Apollonius (1897).
1 Der Rom. Staat, p. 161.
was borne, not by the Church of Rome, but
by the comparatively remote Churches of
North Africa and Egypt. The same thing
may be observed in other persecutions.
Why was this? Was it that the Roman
Christian community was socially obscure
and insignificant ? Or was it for the opposite
reason, which Tertullian suggests, that Chris-
tianity had struck its roots so deeply into the
State, and had drawn to itself in Rome so
many illustrious men and women — people in
the highest positions l — that even an emperor
might shrink from the upturning of society
which a general proscription would involve?
Septimus Severus himself, as we know, for
a time looked favourably on Christianity,
having been healed, it is said, of some dis-
order by a Christian slave. 2 Whatever the
explanation, the blow did fall pre-eminently,
not on the capital, but on Carthage and
1 Ad Scapulam, 4. 2 Ibid.
Alexandria, and its effect in both places was
to discover at once the hold which the new
religion had on the people of rank and wealth.
Tertullian is an unexceptionable witness for
Carthage. In his address to the proconsul
Scapula, pleading his cause with that digni-
tary, he pictures the Christians presenting
themselves in a body before his tribunal,
and asks, " What will you make of so many
thousands, of such a multitude of men and
women, persons of every sex, and every age,
and every rank, when they present themselves
before you? How many fires, how many
swords will be required ? What will be the
anguish of Carthage itself, which you will have
to decimate, as each one recognises there his
relatives and companions, as he sees there, it
may be, men of your own order, and noble
ladies, and all the leading persons of the city,
and either kinsmen or friends of those of your
own circle? Spare thyself, if not us poor
Christians ! Spare Carthage, if not thyself ! " *
When the storm burst, it was naturally those
classes which had to make the greatest
worldly sacrifices which showed the largest
number of defections. If they did not deny
Christ, they sought by expedients of bribery
to secure exemption from trouble. "Whole
churches," says Tertullian, in this way "im-
posed tribute en masse on themselves." 2
Clearest of all among the proofs, how-
ever, of the extent to which the wealth
and fashion of these luxurious cities had
found their way into the Churches, are
the satirical descriptions and denunciations
of Tertullian and Clement of Alexandria
in picturing a state of Christian society
deeply infected with the vices and follies of
the age. The rules of living in Clement's
Pcedagogue, with their "caustic sketches,"
to use Farrar's words, "of the glutton, and
1 Ad Scap. 5. 8 De Fuga, 13.
the dandy, and the painted, perfumed, be-
wigged, and bejewelled lady of fashion," *
would have no application at all to a Church
composed wholly or mainly of " dregs of the
populace " ; and the same may be said of
Tertullian's denunciation of the luxury and
extravagance of the women of his time in his
tract on The Attire of Women? Dean Milman
takes what seems the only just view of the
matter! "It appears unquestionable," he
says, " that the strength of Christianity lay in
the middle, perhaps the mercantile, classes.
The last two books of the Pcedagogue of
Clement of Alexandria, the most copious
authority for Christian manners at that time,
1 The Fathers, I. p. 375.
" Cf ., e.g., the picture of extravagance in the close of
bk. i., and the denunciations of cosmetics, dyeing the
hair, elaborate hair-attire, splendid and excessive
dress, in bk. ii., with the concession to those "whom
the exigencies of riches, or birth, or past dignities,
compel to appear in public so gorgeously arrayed as
not to appear to have attained wisdom " (ii. 9).
inveigh against the vices of an opulent
and luxurious community ; splendid dresses,
jewels, gold and silver vessels, rich banquets,
gilded litters and chariots, and private baths.
The ladies kept Indian birds, Median pea-
cocks, monkeys, and Maltese dogs, instead of
maintaining widows and orphans, the men
had multitudes of slaves. The sixth chapter
of the third book (that the Christian alone
is rich) would have been unmeaning if
addressed to a poor community." J
But if many were vain and foolish, and
fell in the stress of the persecutions, there
were honourable exceptions. The gem of
the martyrology of this period is the un-
doubtedly genuine narrative 2 of the martyr-
dom of Perpetua and her companions.
Perpetua, a young married lady, of noble
birth, was, with her brother, a catechumen
1 Hist, of Christ, ii., ch. ix. (note).
2 Cf. Acts, written partly by Perpetua herself.
of the Church at Carthage. 1 Thrown into
prison, and tried in the sorest way a woman
can be, through the entreaties of her aged
father, and the tenderest appeals to her
motherhood, she yet, through all, remained
constant. With her perished four others,
one of them, Felicitas, a slave. Here, again,
high-born and humble receive together the
baptism of blood. In the life of Origen, to
name other instances, we remember grate-
fully that " certain lady, of great wealth and
distinction," in Alexandria, who showed him
kindness after his father's martyrdom 2 ; that
other wealthy lady Juliana, in whose house
he was sheltered in Cappadocia3 ; and his
friend, Ambrose, himself afterwards a martyr
for Christ, who, out of his abundance, fur-
nished him with books, scribes, shorthand
1 Or Tuburbium. 2 Eus. vi. 2.
3 Ibid., vi. 17. Palladius supplements this notice
on the authority of an entry in a book by Origen
writers, and every facility for pursuing his
Biblical studies. 1
The name of Origen recalls attention to
another series of facts intimately bearing on
our present subject. I refer to the relations
subsisting between Christianity and the
Imperial Court. These, probably, had never
quite ceased from the days of the Flavians,
but we find them renewed towards the close
of the second century, and perpetuating
themselves during nearly the whole of the
third. A commencement is made in the
reign of Commodus, the unworthy son of
Marcus Aurelius. Marcia, the favourite
mistress of this emperor, was the foster-
daughter of a Christian presbyter, and, even
in her equivocal position, seems to have re-
tained her interest in Christianity. On one
occasion we know of, she was instrumental
in procuring by her intercession the release
1 Eus. vi. 18, 23.
of certain Christian confessors from the
Sardinian mines. 1 There would seem, in
fact, to have been in this reign a general move-
ment in the upper classes towards the new
faith. Eusebius records that " many of those
highly distinguished in wealth and family,
with their whole house and kindred, turned
to their salvation" 2 ; and Irenaeus speaks
freely of the faithful in the Imperial palace.3
Septimus Severus, the next important em-
peror, was, as we saw, at first not unfavour-
ably affected to the Christian religion. His
Syrian wife, Julia Domna, cultured and
syncretistic in spirit, seems also to have
been friendly.4 Their son, Caracalla, had a
1 Hippolytus, Phil. ix. 12.
2 Eus. v. 21. To this reign belongs the martyr-
dom of the senator Apollonius referred to above.
3 Adv. Hcer. iv. 30.
4 Cf . Uhlhorn's Conflict of Christ, p. 333 (E.T.) ;
Baur's History of Church, II. p. 207 (E.T.) ; Bigg's
Christian Platonists of Alexandria, p. 244. See next
Christian nurse — was fed, as was said, on
Christian milk. 1 Julia's influence may be
regarded as propagating itself in the reigns
of the succeeding emperors. We find
Hippolytus addressing a treatise to Julia
Aquila, the second wife of the infamous
Elagabulus. 2 Julia Mammaea, niece of Julia
Domna, mother of the next emperor, Alex-
ander Severus, who exercised a large control
in the government, was deeply interested in
Christianity, and sent for Origen to Antioch
to confer with her. 3 Alexander himself
honoured Christ by placing His statue in his
private chapel along with those of other
sages, and had His Golden Rule inscribed on
the walls of his palace and public monu-
ments. 4 A succeeding emperor, Philip the
1 Tert, Ad Scap. 4.
2 See Moeller, Church History, I. pp. 191, 201,
(E.T.). 3 Eus. vi. 21.
4 Lampridius, Sev. Alex. Cf. in Gieseler (I. p. 192,
E.T.) and Neander, I. p. 173 (Bohn).
Arabian, was so favourable to Christianity
that he was publicly reputed to be a
Christian. 1 Origen is related to have had
correspondence with him and with his wife
Severa. 2 Dionysius of Alexandria could
write of the early years of Valerian, even
after the Church had passed through the
fiery trial of the Decian persecution, that
none of the emperors before him had been
so favourably and kindly disposed to the
Christians, " not even those who were openly
said to be Christians" (Philip) ; and that" his
house was filled with pious persons, and was,
indeed, a Church (IkkXWg) of the Lord."3
A new spirit, in fact, began to manifest itself
in this period towards Christianity, in con-
1 Eus. vi. 34. Cf. in Gieseler, I. p. 192. Some
modern writers, as Aube, Moeller, favour this view.
Cf. Moeller, Church History, I. p. 192 (E.T.).
2 Eus. vi. 36.
3 Ibid. vii. 10. Valerian subsequently became a
trast with the spirit of contempt which had
formerly prevailed, the spirit of eclecticism
and toleration — the intellectual counterpart
of which is seen in Neo-Platonism. 1 Under
these circumstances, Origen could boast that
some addition was made to the numbers of
the Christians every day, and that in the
multitude of believers were numbered "not
only rich men, but persons of rank and delicate
and high-born ladies." 2 Eusebius also speaks
of " the wealthy and opulent " in the Church
of Rome at the time of the Novatian schism 3
in the middle of the century.
It was clearly enough perceived, however,
by thoughtful men like Origen, that the final
victory would not come without a terrible
closing struggle. This time of testing soon
arrived. The Decian persecution broke over
the Church, discovering, as before, the
1 See Lect. III. 2 Contra Celsum, vii. 26; III. 9.
3 Eus. vi. 43.
numbers of persons of wealth and rank
within its pale, but proving also the frailty
of their profession. The well-known passage
of Dionysius of Alexandria gives us a vivid
picture of the behaviour of these apostates.
When brought to the altar, after the edict
had actually been promulgated, "all were
greatly alarmed," he says, " and many of the
more eminent came immediately forward in
their fear ; others, holding public offices, were
drawn on by their duties ; others were urged
on by those about them. When called by
name, they approached the impure and
unholy sacrifices, some pale and trembling,
not as sacrificers, but as if they were them-
selves to be sacrifices and victims to the
idols, so that they were jeered at by the
large multitude that stood around, as it was
plain to all that they were afraid either to
die or to sacrifice ; but some advanced more
readily to the altars, stoutly asserting that
they had never before been Christians." J
More eloquent than any statement of Church
historians, however, is the language of the
persecuting edicts themselves. That of
Valerian, after he had assumed the role of
a persecutor (A.D. 258), is specially directed
against office-bearers and persons of high
rank in the Church. 2 It ordains " that
bishops, presbyters, and deacons be imme-
diately put to death ; that senators and men
of rank and knights be first of all deprived
of their rank and property, and then, their
means being taken away, if they still continue
to be Christians, be also punished with death ;
that matrons, after forfeiting their property
be banished ; that those in Caesar's house-
hold who have formerly made profession of
Christianity, or now profess it, be treated as
Caesar's property, and, being put in chains,
1 Eus. vi. 41.
2 It is given in Cyprian's Epistle to Successus
(Ep. 80).
be distributed among the Imperial estates."
We are, accordingly, not surprised to learn
from Dionysius that amongst the victims
of this persecution were " men and women,
young and old, young virgins and aged
matrons, soldiers and private persons of
every kind and every age." He himself was
an example of one who had repeatedly had
experience of "confiscations, proscriptions,
plunderings of goods, loss of dignities." *
The forty years' peace which elapsed
between this persecution and the last decisive
struggle in the Diocletian persecution fur-
nishes us with few details, yet with sugges-
tive general notices of the continued growth
of the churches in numbers, splendour, and
influence, one marked outward token of this
prosperity being the number of splendid
1 Eus. vii. II. As respects the order of knights,
Lanciani mentions that hundreds of inscriptions of
persons of equestrian rank are found in the Cata-
combs (p. 10).
ecclesiastical edifices which now began to
be erected. We read of Christian governors
of provinces, and of the freedom to profess
Christianity granted to the members of the
Imperial household — "wives, and children,
and servants." 1 Mention is made of the
multitudes crowding in every city to the
houses of worship — " on whose account,"
says the historian, " not being content with
the ancient buildings, they erected spacious
churches from the foundation in all the
cities." 2 That this is not an exaggeration
is shown by the great church in Nicomedia,
which appears to have been one of the
architectural ornaments of this city — the seat
of the Court at the time — and by the later
edicts for the demolition of the churches
generally.3 Yet instances exist to show that
Christians were not entirely safe even during
1 Eus. viii. 1. Instances are given. 2 Ibid.
3 Lactantius, De Morte Per. 12 ; Eus., Ecc. Hist. viii. 2.
this interval of peace. We know at least of
one illustrious Roman officer at Caesarea who
suffered death for his faith ; and we read
also of how one Astyrius, a Roman of
senatorial rank, in high favour with the
Emperor, and well known to all for his
noble birth and wealth, took the body of
the martyred man, and, covering it with a
splendid and costly dress, gave it becoming
burial. 1
The great accession of members and out-
wardly prosperous condition of the Church
at this time is beyond dispute, and the
incidents of the last and most dreadful of
the persecutions only furnish new corrobora-
tions of it. During the first nineteen years
of his reign, Diocletian had Christians every-
where about his person. Some of the officers
of highest rank in his palace were Christians 2 ;
1 Eus. vii. 15, 16.
5 Ibid. viii. 6. Such was Lucianus. the chief cham-
his own wife and daughter, Prisca and
Valeria, were believed to be Christians. 1
The first persecuting edict was directed
against the church buildings and the Scrip-
tures rather than against persons ; but it
ordains also that those holding honourable
positions were to be degraded, and servants
in the household, if they persisted in their
Christianity, were to be made slaves. 2 What
one notices with satisfaction in this per-
secution is the superior steadfastness of
believers in the higher orders, as con-
trasted with the frailty of this class on
previous occasions. Many of the most
illustrious martyrs of Diocletian's reign are
persons of exalted rank. Such were some
of the great officers of the palace, of whose
sufferings and constancy a special account
berlain, to whom Theonas, Bishop of Alexandria,
wrote a letter of advice. See the account in
Neander, I. pp. 197-9 (Bohn).
1 Lact. 15. - Eus. viii. 2.
is given. 1 Such were the martyrs of the
Thebais, many of them, as Eusebius tells,
"distinguished for wealth, and noble birth
and honour, and excelling in philosophy and
learning " 2 ; such was Adanetus, of Phrygia,
a man of noble Italian family, "who had
been advanced through every honour by the
emperors," and had reputably filled the
highest offices 3 ; such were certain ladies
of Antioch, "illustrious above all for wealth,
for family, for reputation "4 — and many more
of whom these are but examples. A striking
instance, referred to in the previous lecture,
is that of a town in Phrygia which was
burned with all its inhabitants because its
whole population, including the governors
and magistrates, with all the men of rank,
had confessed themselves Christians, and
refused to sacrifice.5 It may be remem-
1 Eus. viii. 6. 2 Ibid. viii. 9. 3 Ibid. viii. 11.
4 Ibid. viii. 12. s Ibid. viii. 11.
bered also how the Council of Elvira, in
Spain, in 306, shows us great landowners
and persons in the highest magistracies in
the membership of the Church.
There is only one other line of evidence to
which, in closing, I would advert for a moment,
as bearing on this question of the penetration
by the gospel of the higher ranks of society.
It is that furnished by the social station of
the grea t^ teachers o f the Church. That
these, like the earlier Apologists, were men
of education and refinement is a fact which
of itself implies a standing sufficiently high
to secure for them the advantages of a liberal
training. But we have only to recall the facts
of their lives to be reminded that many of
them in reality sprang from families of wealth
and distinction. Tertullian was the son of
a proconsular centurion — no very high rank
perhaps — but enough to obtain for him the
benefits of a legal and rhetorical education.
We are probably right in saying that Cle-
ment of Alexandria was the son of wealthy
parents. His culture and extensive travels
would seem to imply as much. Cyprian, we
know, was of patrician descent, and inherited
large possessions. Two other distinguished
teachers of the third century — both pupils
of Origen — Dionysius of Alexandria and
Gregory Thaumaturgus, were of wealthy
and honourable families. So was Pam-
philus of Caesarea, the friend of Eusebius,
and founder of the famous library in that
city. It is going beyond our present limits
to extend our view to the fourth century, but
if we do so we have such conspicuous in-
stances as Basil the Great of Caesarea and
his brother Gregory of Nyssa, as Ambrose
of Milan, as Chrysostom of Antioch, and
many others that might be named. I trust,
however, I have already said enough to show
the baselessness of the theory that the bulk
of the adherents of early Christianity were
drawn from " the dregs of the populace,"
and to demonstrate that the gospel from
its earliest beginnings in no slight degree
affected the higher as well as the humbler
classes of society.
1 1
The instreaming of Pagan influences on Christianity
has for its counterpart the outstreaming of
Christian influences on Pagan society — These
also ordinarily under-estimated — Silence of
Pagan writers : what it means — Christianity and
culture in the First Century — New Testament
Epistles — Seneca and the Gospel — Rise and
character of Apology in the Second Century —
The literary attack on Christianity : Celsus —
Significance and spread of Gnosticism — The
Pagan ethical revival in Second Century —
Pagan preaching — Influence of Christianity on
these — The Mysteries — The old Catholic Fathers
— Rise of Neo-Platonism — Effects of Christianity
on morals and legislation — Conclusion.
" The Catholic Church is that form
of Christianity in which every element of
the ancient world has been successively
assimilated which Christianity could in any
way take up into itself without utterly losing
itself in the world. . . . Christianity has
throughout sucked the marrow of the
ancient world, and assimilated it." l If
x Art. on " Research in Early Church History "
in Cont. Rev., Aug. i886 ; p. 234.
this dictum of Harnack's is correct, the
counter thesis must hold good, that Chris-
tianity must have penetrated deeply into
the thought and life' of the ancient world
before such assimilation was possible. Be-
fore, for instance, Christianity could suck
the marrow out of Greek philosophy, as
Harnack supposes it did, it must have
penetrated into minds possessed with* the
spirit and ideas of that philosophy — must
have entered deeply into the circles and
schools of culture. I am to ask in the
present lecture how far this penetrative
process went, and what traces it has left
of itself in history.
\ Our previous inquiries have an important
bearing on the subject now to be investi-
gated. If it were the case that Christianity
had only an insignificant fraction of the
population in its following, — if its adherents
were collected chiefly from the base and
servile classes, — if it was practically unheeded
and well-nigh totally despised by persons of
higher station and better culture for at least
the first two centuries, it would be natural
to conclude that traces of its influence on
society would be scarcely perceptible, and
that what look like such traces must be ex-
plained in some other way. We must hold
witk Friedlander that "it is scarcely think-
able that in the heathen world before the
time of Severus, the world -historical impor-
tance of the new religion, so little regarded
and so contemptuously judged of, was even
so much as suspected." * But if, as I have
endeavoured to show, the case was far dif-
ferent, — if Christianity had both a larger
following, and was drawing its adherents
from the higher and educated classes to a
much greater extent than is commonly as-
sumed, — then we are prepared to entertain the
1 Sittengeschichte Roms, III. p. 536.
expectation that the traces of its action on
the Pagan world will be neither few nor
v slight.
There is a point of considerable moment
in this connection to which it is desirable that
attention should be directed at the outset.
Much stress is often laid {e.g. by Friedlander 1 ),
in disproof of any considerable influence of
Christianity on the thought and life of, the
time, on the silence of Pagan writers respect-
ing the new religion. How, it is asked, if
Christianity was so powerful a factor as we
hold it to have been in the second century,
should a philosophic writer like Marcus
Aurelius, for example, pass it by with only
one contemptuous reference? This silence
1 See his argument, Ibid., p. 533. " Christians and
Christianity," he says, " till near the end of the second
century, are, in the classic literature, only very seldom
and incidentally, indifferently and contemptuously
mentioned." Similarly Addis, in Christianity and the
Roman Empire, p. 51, " Epictetus and M. Aurelius
dismiss it with a scornful phrase," &c.
of heathen writers is not quite so great as is
assumed — Pliny was not silent, nor Fronto,
nor Celsus — but even if the fact were as
stated, there is one important consideration
which greatly takes away the point from the
argument. Nothing is better ascertained
than that it was the fashion of heathen
writers, even of those who were best ac-
quainted with Christianity, to show_._their
contempt _for it, by deliberately dissembling
their knowledge of it, and refraining from any
mention of it in their works. Prof. Ramsay
has noticed this in regard to Dion Cassius,
who wrote in the third century, when it will
not be denied that Christianity was a grow-
ing and formidable force, but who seems
studiously to have refrained from referring to
the Christians in his history ; and to ^lius
Aristides, the famous rhetorician, a contem-
porary of Polycarp under the Antonines,
who likewise makes a point of not mention-
ing the Christians (testified to be so numerous
and influential in Asia Minor by Pliny), but
speaks of them generally as " those in Pales-
tine." " It was apparently a fashion and an
affectation," Prof. Ramsay says, "among a
certain class of Greek men of letters about
160-240 to ignore the existence of the Chris-
tians, and to pretend to confuse them with
the Jews." l It was not, however, I would
observe, a fashion confined to this period, and
to Greek writers ; and did not apply only to
the Christians, though in their case it was
specially noticeable. Boissier warns us against
being deceived by the grand airs of disdain
and ignorance which the Romans affected for
everything which was removed from their
habits and traditions. 2 " The conspiracy of
1 The Church in the Roman Empire, p. 264. Fried-
lander also has no doubt that the passage in Aristides
refers to the Christians (III. p. 533).
2 La Religion Romaine, II. p. 59, 4th edit. (bk. ii.
c h. 5).
silence," as this writer names it, was main-
tained, astonishing to say, quite as effectively
in the fourth and fifth centuries — long after
Christianity had decisively triumphed in the
State — as in the second. " Paganism," says
Dean Merivale, " abstained studiously from
any allusion to the place which Christianity
now actually held in public life. It made an
effort, a laborious effort, to pass over the
phenomenon in complete silence. Through-
out the few remains of popular literature of
the age of Constantine we can trace, it seems,
no single reference to the existence of the
Christian Church or Creed. Even at the end
of the century, the poet Claudian, in versi-
fying, as is his wont, all the chief events of
contemporary history, has not one word to
say of the new religion, which in his day had
effected a complete revolution both in Church
and State." T And Claudian here was no
1 Epochs of Early Church Hist., p. 6.
exception. Speaking of Macrobius, by whom
"the name of Christianity is not even once
pronounced," Boissier remarks, " Our surprise
is redoubled when we find the same silence
preserved by nearly all the Pagan writers of
this time (fourth and fifth centuries), by
grammarians, orators, poets, and even his-
torians, though it appears singular that they
should omit, in a narrative of the past, such
an event as the triumph of the Church.
Neither Aurelius Victor nor Eutropius men-
tions the conversion of Constantine, and it
would seem, to read them, that all the princes
of the fourth century persevered in the prac-
tice of the ancient worship. It is certainly
not chance which leads them all to avoid
mentioning the name of a religion which they
hate ; it is a plot, a party move, the meaning
of which can deceive nobody." x These un-
1 La Fin du Paganisme, II. p. 243. Cf. also Light-
foot, Philifrpians, pp. 28-29.
questionable facts do away, I think, in great
part with the relevancy of any argument
derived from the mere silence or contempt of
Pagan writers. If M. Aurelius did not men-
tion the Christians, it is not, as we shall
immediately see, because he did not know
enough about them, but because he did not
desire to mention them, or willed to ignore
That even in the Apostolic Age *
Christianity had entered as a ferment ,
into minds possessed of some degree of*
literary and philosophical culture is evi-'
dent from the phenomena met with in «
several of the Apostolic Churches, as well ■
as from the cast and character of the'
New Testament writings themselves. In
Corinth, and Ephesus, and Colosse, e.g. t the
earlier danger to which the Churches had
been exposed, and to which the Churches
in Galatia succumbed, of being drawn
back into the web of legal bondage,
had evidently given place to a new and
subtler peril — that of the gospel being
brought into dependence on a philosophy-
foreign to its nature, and spoiled by being
mixed up with human speculations, and
set forth in the trickery of an artificial
rhetoric. It is easy, if we recall the scenes
of agitation and disputation amidst which
the gospel was introduced into some of
these Churches — the conflicts, for instance,
around the judgment seat of Gallio, 1 or
the two years daily disputation in the
school of one Tyrannus at Ephesus, 2 with
its sequel in the burning of the magic books
— to realise how this should be so. In
Corinth it was the alliance with Greek
wisdom and heathen rhetoric that was
sought ; in Colosse it was amalgamation
with Essenian and incipient Gnostic ele-
1 Acts xviii. 12-17. 2 Ibid. xix. 9, 10, 19.
ments that was attempted * ; but in either
case the result was the same — a departure
from the purity and simplicity of the gospel
— an exaltation of knowledge over piety —
and a straying into various paths of intel-
lectual heresy. It is interesting to observe
also how the Apostle deals with these
aberrations — not by denying the value of
knowledge, or the legitimacy of the claim
of the mind for satisfaction in the sphere
of intelligence, but by affirming the power
of Christianity to develop a aocj>la of its
own, and by setting in their right rela-
tions knowledge and love. 2 It is not
wisdom as such, but " the wisdom of the
world " against which the Apostle's polemic
is directed. But the New Testament
writings themselves, in their very form and
structure, in many instances bear witness to
1 Cf. Lightfoot's Colosslans.
- 1 Cor. ii. 6, 7 ; viii. 1.
the intellectual atmosphere in which they
were produced. The Pauline Epistles, with
their deep thought, their closely-knit reason-
ing, and their views of truth reaching out
into the eternities before and after, were, on
the face of them, not intended for illiterates
or weaklings ; the Epistles to the Ephesians
and Colossians, with their developments of
the cosmological aspects of redemption and
their implied references to Gnostic specula-
tions, discover that they are written in view
of active heretical tendencies ; an unmistak-
able Alexandrian stamp rests on the Epistle
to the Hebrews ; and the Fourth Gospel,
however profoundly separated in substance
from Philonism, yet shows, I cannot but
think, in the shape in which its prologue
is cast, a desire to create a bridge between
the current Logos speculations and the truth
as it is in Jesus.
Accepting these facts as indications of
the subtle yet energetic manner in which
Christianity was engaging" the interest, and
penetrating the thought, of intelligent circles
in the greater heathen communities, I go on
to inquire whether evidences of this can be
discovered outside the New Testament in
the general Pagan world of the first century.
There is no a priori reason why they should
not be, for, as Boissier remarks, "If De
Rossi is right, it is necessary to assume
that Christianity was less unknown to the
rich and lettered in the first century than
is supposed." l This inquiry has commonly
been associated with the name of Seneca,
in the reign of Nero — and not unnaturally,
* for in Seneca's writings we have at once the
1 best specimens of the ethical thought of that
'time, and the most singular approximations
' in sentiment and expression to the new
•ideas introduced by Christianity. Whether,
1 La Rel. Romaine, II. p. 62 (4th edit.).
or how far, these resemblances are due to
any measure of acquaintance with the new
religion — to any direct or indirect influence
of the gospel spirit — or, again, are an
independent development from Stoicism, is
a question on which opinions are, and pro-
bably will always be, widely divided, and
which will tend to be determined according
to the presuppositions with, which the in-
quirer sets out. 1 We would not depreciate
the splendid services which Stoicism, with
its stern and elevated, yet haughty and im-
passive, doctrine of virtue, its notion of a
unity of mankind based on reason, and its
cosmopolitan ideals, rendered as a prepara-
tion for Christianity ; and we must not
overlook the fact that, notwithstanding
1 Among others the question is discussed by
Fleury, Troplong, Aubertin, Lightfoot, Hasenclever,
Schmidt, Friedlander, Boissier, and Farrar. The
fullest discussion in recent writers is by Boissier
and Lightfoot.
apparent coincidences with Christian ideas
and phrases, Seneca's thinking is still, at
bottom, unchangeably and even crudely
Stoical. 1 At first, too, it must be granted,
the presumption is strongly against" any
contact of Seneca with Christianity. The
fictitious correspondence of the philoso-
pher with St. Paul is long since given
up ; there is no evidence that Seneca ever
saw or heard of the Apostle, though the
possibility of such knowledge cannot be
denied 2 ; the fact that it was his brother j
Gallio before whom Paul appeared in I
Corinth affords but a slender ground for
supposing that the details of this incident '
may have reached Seneca ; while the cir-
cumstance 3 that Seneca, when Paul reached
1 See the convincing evidence of this, e.g., in
Lightfoot's dissertation on St. Paul and Seneca in
his Philippians.
2 The possibility is allowed by Friedlander, &c,
3 Urged by Hasenclever.
Rome, was already a man of sixty years of
age, whose philosophical " Weltanschauung "
may be presumed to have been completed,
and whose death fell some four years later
(a.d. 65), is certainly of considerable weight.
It is not contended, however, except by a
few, that Seneca's philosophical view ever
was fundamentally changed. But against
these negative considerations there are
others of a more positive character which
may fairly be placed. Paul was not the
only channel through which Seneca may
have derived some knowledge of the
ethics of the gospel. The Christians, as
we saw in the first lecture, were by no
means in his day an obscure party in
Rome x ; numbers of them were found in
the palace, and among the domestics of
the great households, including probably
Seneca's own ; the sage was in the habit
1 Cf. Lightfoot, pp. 25, 33.
of familiar converse with his slaves x ; the
recent case of Pomponia Graecina must
have been the subject of much conversa-
tion in the highest circles 2 ; the bonds,
and no doubt the preaching of the
Apostle were bruited throughout the
Prsetorium and widely elsewhere, and, in
Lightfoot's words, " a marvellous activity "
was awakened " among the disciples of
the new faith." 3 The Apostle Paul under-
went a public trial, at which Seneca may
have been present 4 ; it is not impossible
that even the incident of Gallio may have
come to the philosopher's ears, if not
otherwise, yet through the mention of it
in the tales told of this remarkable
1 Ep. 47. Cf. Lightfoot, p. 300.
2 See last lecture.
3 Lightfoot, p. 32. Not only " throughout the
Praetorium," but " to all the rest." " In every way
Christ is preached" (Phil. i. 13, 18).
4 Thus De Rossi. Friedlander questions his
argument, III. p. 535.
I prisoner. Dr. Lightfoot also mentions, 1
I what his quotations bear out, that it is
| in the later writings of Seneca that these
I approximations to Christian ideas are
! most apparent. 2
All this, however, does not amount to
positive proof, and it is on the internal evi-
dence of Seneca's writings that the deter-
mination of the probabilities of this question
must mainly rest. And here, though on
1 Pp. 291, 298.
3 There is a passage in Seneca's Epistles in which
he describes some striking influence which had
produced a marked change in him. " I perceive,
Lucilius," he says, " that I am not only amended,
but transformed. ... I would desire to share with
you my change so suddenly experienced." (" In-
telligo, Lucili, non amendari me tantum, sed trans-
figurari . . . cuperem tecum communicare tarn
subitam mei mutationem," i. 6.) He sends his friend
the books which had wrought this change in him,
with the passages marked. There is nothing, cer-
tainly, to connect these books with Christian writings,
but the words are remarkable. The Epistles to
Lucilius belong to the last years of his life.
academic grounds it will always be possiblh
to say about as much against as for any |
Christian influence on Seneca, I think the
reasons for presuming some degree of such
influence are exceedingly strong. It remains
the fact, account for it as we may, that about
the middle of this century a warmer and
more tender breath begins to enter into
Stoicism, which, thereafter, continuously
animates it ; a purer conception of God's
Fatherly goodness and beneficent Provi-
dence ; a kindlier and gentler tone towards
slaves and dependents ; something like a
religious trust and resignation ; a more
merciful and gracious spirit generally. This
is first perceptible, as far as I know, in the
writings of Seneca, and it is specially per-
ceptible in his later years. * We know of one
1 Troplong remarks, after De Maistre, that Seneca
has written a fine book on Providence, for which
there was not even a name at Rome in the time of
Cicero, and he speaks of the new Stoicism as
^ause which would produce this change,
while it does not seem to follow naturally
from the Stoicism of the remaining parts of
Seneca's system, with which it stands rather
in striking inconsistency. We are driven
back, therefore, on an analysis of the sup-
posed resemblances, and here, after making
every reasonable deduction, it is difficult not
to agree with Dr. Lightfoot, as the result of
his singularly impartial survey, that " a class
of coincidences still remains . . . which can
hardly be considered accidental," 1 and of
which some measure of acquaintance with
Christianity — at least contact with its spirit
and teaching in some oral form — affords the
" enveloped, as it were, in the atmosphere of Chris-
tianity."— L Influence du Christ., I. ch. 4. Cf. Meri-
vale's Romans under the Empire, ch. liv.
1 P. 298. Prof. Ramsay, in his Church in the Roman
Empire, said, " that Seneca had some slight acquaint-
ance with Christian teaching appears to be plain
from his writings " (p. 273). His statement in St.
Paul the Traveller is less positive (ch. xv.).
most natural explanation. I do not attach
much importance to the fact, but it is worth
mentioning, that a tomb was discovered at
Ostia bearing the inscription, " Annseus
Paulus Petrus," showing that at a later period
(third century) persons belonging to the family
of Seneca, possibly descendants of freedmen,
were Christians. 1 At a later period, the
evidence of the influence of Christianity on
this transformed Stoicism is clearer. Epictetus,
the lame slave, and noblest representative
of second-century Stoicism, refers, indeed,
but once to the Christians under the con-
temptuous name of " Galileans," yet his
discourses breathe a remarkable spirit of
elevated piety, and Dr. Lightfoot finds in
them parallels with the Gospels and writings
1 The exact words are, " Ann^o. Paulo. Petro.
Annseus. Paulus."— De iRossi in Bull, di Archeol.
crist, 1867. Cf. Harnack in Princeton Review, July,
1878, p. 261 ; Friedlander, III. p. 535. Boissier,
Lightfoot, Renan, &c, refer to the inscription.
of Paul, which he can hardly believe to be
accidental. On one such coincidence he
remarks that, " combined with the numerous
parallels in Seneca's writings collected above,
it favours the supposition that our Lord's
discourses, in some form or another, were
early known to heathen writers." 1
In this second century, to which we now
come, we reach a period in which the in-
fluence of Christianity on general contem-
porary thought is no longer a matter of
precarious inference, but is attested by a
wide range of interesting facts. The prin-
cipal of these within the Church are the rise
of a vigorous and learned Christian Apology,
and the development in every form and
variety of the heterogeneous systems which
we group under the name of Gnosticism ;
while, in the Empire itself, phenomena pre-
sent themselves, which, as I believe, are inex-
' P. 316.
plicable save through the powerful and still
under-estimated penetration by Christianity
of the Pagan world of religion and culture.
The second century is peculiarly the age
of the Christian Apology. It was an age
intensely literary, and, as we shall see, was
marked by a powerful religious and ethical
revival. The rhetorician, the philosopher, the
preacher, the teacher, the declaimer, were
everywhere. Under the arrangements in-
stituted by Vespasian for the support of
lecturers throughout the provinces and cities,
literature took on a new refinement, schools
and universities flourished, and thought and
speech ran naturally into the forms of
rhetorical and philosophical discourse and
argument. 1 " In harmony with this spirit,
1 See the sketches of this age in Merivale's Romans
under the Empire, chs. lx., lxvi.; and in Renan's Marc-
Aurele, ch. iii., "The Reign of the Philosophers."
Cf. also Hatch's Hibbert Lectures, Lects. II., IV.,
" Greek Education," " Greek and Christian Rhetoric."
fostered by the patronage of Hadrian and
the Antonines, there now began what may
be succinctly described as tlie set literary
defence of Christianity. I do not concern
myself here with the theology of the Apo-
logists, which, in my view, has had scant
enough justice done to it by Engelhardt,
Harnack, and their followers, 1 but confine
myself to what is implied in the very exis-
tence of such an Apology. It needs no
elaborate proof to show that the character
of the age, as I have just described it, power-
fully affected the form of the Apology.
It is conceded that Justin and the rest
who represent this phase of Christian litera-
ture treat Christianity predominatingly as
a " new philosophy " 2 — a fact which goes
1 To this school the Apologists have lost the real
meaning of Christianity, and reduced it to a Moral-
ismus, or rational natural theology — a very unfair
2 Cf. e.g., Justin, Dialogue, 8.
with the other, that most of these writers
were philosophers or rhetoricians by train-
ing and profession. The literary and rhe-
torical stamp is, therefore, on all they
write ; the learning, the arts, the dialectic
of the schools, the skill of the forensic
pleader, are brought into play by them
without stint or disguise. This is the side
of the Apology commonly dwelt on, but
there is another. The very appearance of
such an Apology marks a great step in
advance. It shows not only that the spirit
of the age had affected Christianity, but also
that Christianity had pushed its way into
literary circles, and was attracting their
attention. It makes clear that the Christians
were beginning to have confidence in them-
selves, felt their growing power, were no
longer content to be " a dumb folk, mutter-
ing in corners," 1 as their enemies scornfully
1 Min. Felix, 8, 31.
described them, but were emboldened to
present their case in the open court of public
opinion, and to challenge a verdict in their
favour on the ground of its inherent reason-
ableness. There is a high tone in the writers
of these Apologies which the reader cannot
mistake. " They are always more or less
conscious," as Baur says, " that they are the
soul of the world, the substantial centre hold-
ing everything together, the pivot on which
the world's history revolved, and those who
alone have a future to look to. . . . When
there are men," he adds, " who feel them-
selves in this way to be the soul of the world,
the time is indisputably approaching when
the reins of the government of the world will
fall unasked into their hands." 2 The point
of special interest to us in this connection is
that, as I have already said, these writers —
one and all — were men of liberal culture,
History of Church, II. pp. 129, 131 (E.T.).
of wide and varied learning, several of
them philosophers by profession ; and they
appear at a great variety of points scattered
over the surface of the Church. Aristides,
the author of the earliest complete Apology
we possess — only the other year recovered —
was a philosopher of Athens ; Athenagoras,
in the reign of M. Aurelius, was also a
philosopher of Athens ; from Athens, too,
is said (though this is doubtful) to have
come the oldest of all the Apologies —
that of Quadratus. Justin Martyr passed
through the Platonic and other schools of
philosophy in his search for the truth,
and after his conversion, continued to wear
his philosopher's mantle, and to dispute
in public places in Ephesus and Rome
with any who would hear him. A man of
learning like himself, though of widely diffe-
rent spirit, was his disciple Tatian — the
author of the recentlv discovered Diatessaron.
TheojDhihiS of Antioch, Melito of Sardis,
Apo linarius of Hierapolis, were bishops, but
men of culture and philosophic training, well
acquainted with heathen systems. Minucius
Felix, author of what Renan calls "the pearl
of the apologetic literature of the reign of
M. Aurelius," 1 was a Roman advocate. Ter-
tullian's learning, and legal and rhetorical
gifts, I need not speak of. All this implies
that Christianity had penetrated in no slight
degree into the schools, and was exercising a
powerful attraction on minds athirst for
truth and certainty on the great questions
of existence, as well as drawing into its
service not a few of the gifted and earnest
men of culture of the time.
With this rise of a literary Apology for
Christianity must be connected a yet more
significant phenomenon in the Pagan world
— the rise of a formal literary attack on
1 Marc-Aurele, ch. xxii,
Christianity. It_ may be taken for granted
that a religion must already have attracted
considerable attention before the ablest lite-
rary men jof the .time sit down to write
elaborate refutations of it I remarked before
that if M. Aurelius kept silence about the
Christians it was not because he did not
know enough regarding them. He was sur-
rounded with people who knew them well.
Frqnto of Cirta, the celebrated rhetorician,
one of his tutors, and an intimate correspon-
dent and friend, wrote a bitter attack on the
Christians, which Renan thinks is repro-
duced in the Octavius of Minucius Felix. 1
Diognetus, another of the tutors of Marcus,
is probably the same to whom the beautiful
Epistle to Diognetus is addressed. Herodes
Atticus, yet another of his tutors, the
wealthiest man and most famous orator of
his time, had, as on the ground of a Cata-
1 Marc-Aurele, ch. xxii.
comb inscription we have seen reason to
believe, a daughter who was a Christian.
Rusticus, the prefect of Marcus, presided
at the trial of Justin and his companions.
The policy of silence was, besides, no
longer observed. I have just mentioned
Fronto's written attack. Lucian satirised
the Christians in his witty Peregrinus
Proteus, which is in truth an honourable
tribute to their charity. Celsus wrote his
True Word (Aoyoe a\r)6i]g) in refutation of
their opinions. 1 It is this work of Celsus
which, above all, shows how important
a phenomenon Christianity was now felt
to be, and how carefully the writings of
the Christians were being studied by some
of their opponents. Here is a man of
undeniable acuteness, of wide reading, of
1 Celsus' book has been largely reconstructed by
Keim on the basis of the extracts and notices in
Origen. There is a good sketch of it in Pressense's
Martyrs and Apologists, bk. iii.
philosophic culture, of exceptional literary
ability, who of deliberate purpose sets him-
self down to assail, undermine, and over-
throw Christianity by all the resources of
knowledge, argument, and raillery, at his
command. He sets about his work in no
light spirit, but as one who feels that he must
bend all his powers to attain his end. To
fit himself for this task he makes a minute
study of the Christian writings, keenly notes
every assailable point, makes himself ac-
quainted with the Christian beliefs, then,
passing to the synagogue, gathers up all the
slanders which Jewish malice could invent.
It is fair to say that, like Pliny, he acquits
the Christians of the grosser calumnies which
were urged against them, but, short of this,
he spares no pains to damage and discredit
the sect And we may be sure that in this
desire to know something about the Chris-
tians and their literature Celsus did not
stand alone. But even this clever opponent
of Christianity cannot close his volume with-
out giving us involuntarily a glimpse of the
real situation. Having exhausted his artil-
lery of argument and mockery, he betakes
himself to something nearly approaching
entreaty. " The conclusion of The True
Word" says Dr. Bigg, " is creditable both to
the sagacity and to the temper of its author.
But when the persecutor thus found his
weapons breaking in his grasp, and stooped
to appeal to the generosity of his victim, it is
evident that the battle was already lost." J
In yet another form, the same lesson of
the powerful influence which Christianity
was exercising on the thought and religion
of the age is taught by those extraordinary
and bewildering manifestations of religious
phantasy which we ordinarily name Gnosti-
1 Platonists of Alex., p. 267. Cf. Uhlhorn's Conflict
of Christianity, p. 279.
cism. Gnosticism is peculiarly the heresy of
the second century. We can best judge of
the scale of its influence, and the acuteness of
the crisis it evoked, by observing the extent
to which it bulks in the existing literature of
the period. The whole of Irenaeus, a great
part of Tertullian, the whole of Hippolytus
nearly, and not a little of Clement of Alex-
andria, are devoted to its refutation. This
does not take account of lost treatises. But
we have only to consider the nature of this
singular appearance to see that it is one of
the most convincing testimonies we possess
to the power with which Christianity was
penetrating the innermost regions of thought
and speculation in the second century. This
is the side of the subject to which, as it seems
to me, justice has not always been done.
Harnack, e.g., properly lays stress on Gnosti-
cism as a phenomenon of the first importance
in the early Church. He hits off its charac-
teristic by describing it as an acute stage of
that Hellenising of Christianity which after-
wards was accomplished more gradually in
the development of the Catholic dogma. 1
But, without discussing at present the justice
of this view, it is surely obvious that if Gnos-
ticism was on the one side an acute Hellen-
ising — I should prefer to say Orientalising —
of Christianity, it was not less on the other an
acute Christianising of Hellenic and Oriental
speculations. Gnosticism has this peculiarity,
that it is the result of a blending of Christian
ideas with the floating religious and theosophi-
cal speculations of the time, especially those
derived from an Oriental, or a mixed Greek
and Oriental, source. It was a product which
did not spring up spontaneously in the minds
of the mechanics and slaves and women and
children, whom most, like Celsus, suppose
to have^jbrjmed_„the _bulk of the Christian
1 Cf. his Hist, of Dogma, I. p. 223 ff. (E.T.).
communities, but could only have taken its
rise in minds of a more cultured and specula-
tive cast This, indeed, was its claim — to be
a religion of " Gnosis," or knowledge, for the
more highly trained or elite. It could only
exist at all, therefore, as the result of a
Christian ferment which had entered these
speculative circles, and was there powerfully
at work. Baur rightly appreciates the situa-
tion when he says : — " Gnosticism gives
the clearest proof that Christianity had now
come to be one of the most important factors
in the history of the time, and it shows
especially what a mighty power of attraction
the new Christian principles possessed for the
highest intellectual life then to be found
either in the Pagan or in the Jewish world." x
Above all, these systems are a striking
witness to the impression produced on the
heathen mind by the great Christian idea
1 Hist, of Church, II. p. 1 (E.T.).
of Redemption. "When the Gnostic sys-
tems," says Neander, " describe the move-
ment which was produced in the kingdom
of the Demiurge by the appearance of
Christ as the manifestation of a new and
mighty principle which had entered the
precincts of this lower world, the)' give us to
understand how powerful was the impression
which the contemplation of the life of Christ,
and of His influence on humanity, had left
on the minds of the founders of these sys-
tems, making all earlier institutions seem to
them as nothing in comparison with Chris-
tianity." 1 We must beware, therefore, of
underestimating either the extent or the in-
tensity of this great intellectual ferment set
up by the gospel in the heart of heathenism.
The Gnostic sects multiplied with extraordi-
nary rapidity, and the influence exercised by
their most renowned teachers, as Basilides
1 Hist, of Church, II. p. 8 (Bohn).
and Valentinus, was exceptionally great.
The Church of the Marcionites — only, how-
ever, partially Gnostic — long maintained its
ground as an independent ecclesiastical
organisation. x
From the phenomena just considered in the
sphere of the Church, we turn now to survey
briefly certain scarcely less striking facts
which meet us on the ground of Paganism.
It is well understood that the second century
was an age of ethical and religious revival;!
but it is not always realised how powerful
this current of revival was, and how remark-
able were some of the forms which it as-
sumed. I have said that this age of the
Antonines was an age of lecturing, preach-
ing, teaching, and declaiming, beyond all
precedent. From the time of Vespasian the
Empire had been provided with a hierarchy of
rhetoricans and grammarians, whose business
1 Cf. Did. of Christ. Biog., III. p. 819.
it was to instruct the people in all liberal
arts ; and society was overrun with profes-
sional talkers, debaters, moralists, ready to
supply oratory on any subject to whoever
cared to pay for it. There was little in this
sophistic declamation to make the world
wiser and better ; yet it is undeniable that
towards the end of the first, and during the
course of the second century, a certain glow
of moral enthusiasm began to spread itself
through the Empire, accompanied by a
manifest revival of religious faith and earnest-
ness. 1 In some of its representatives this
fervour rose almost to a kind of Apostolic
zeal. " It is too often forgotten," says Renan,
" that the second century had a veritable Pagan
preaching similar to that of Christianity, and
in many respects in accord with the latter." 2
1 On this religious revival in the second century,
see Friedlander, Sittengeschichte, III. pp. 430-33 ;
Bigg's Christian Platonists of Alex., pp. 23 ff.
2 Marc-Aurele, chap. iii. p. 45. Cf. Lightfoot,
Ignatius, p. 449.
An early type of this species of "itinerant
homilists," as Merivale names them, " who
began from the Flavian period to go about
proclaiming moral truths, collecting groups
of hearers, and sowing the seeds of spiritual
wisdom and knowledge on every soil that
could receive it," 1 was Apollonius of Tyana,
to whose gifts of teaching was added the
repute of miraculous powers. 2 Other and
loftier types of this Pagan ministry are the
celebrated Dion Chrysostom,3 in the reigns
of Nerva and Trajan, and Maximus of Tyre
1 Romans under the Empire, chap. lxvi.
2 His life, with romantic embellishments, was
written by Philostratus at the request of the Empress
Julia Domna, a.d. 217. See Newman's sketch of it in
his Life of Apollonius Tyancvus, and Bigg's Christian
Platonists, pp. 243-247.
3 On Dion, eighty of whose orations remain to us,
see the interesting sketch in Merivale, Romans under
the Empire, chap. lxvi. " The name of Chrysostom,"
he says, " may have already reminded us of the most
illustrious of the ancient Christian orators, and his
speeches, of which large numbers are preserved,
under the Antonines. l Epictetus, the greatest
name in the history of Stoicism after Seneca,
is the noblest representative of the movement
on its earnest philosophic side. With all this
went on, as the accompaniment and counter-
part of these better features, a vast develop-
ment of superstition, an inrush of Oriental
cults, a craving for theurgy and mysteries, a
general susceptibility to dupery, giving rise
to such characters as Alexander of Abono-
tichus, the most stupendous example, per-
haps, of successful charlatanry in history. 2
may be compared, with little disadvantage, with the
sermons of the Bishop of Constantinople, for their
warm appeals both to the heart and the conscience
of their hearers."
1 Forty-one orations of Maximus are preserved.
On him and the others see Hatch, Hibbert Lectures,
pp. 6-242, &c. The sketch of ^Elius in Friedlander,
III. p. 440, may also be consulted.
2 Cf. Froude's " A Cagliostro of the Second Century"
in Short Studies, vol. iv. In this and other sketches
in vols. iii. and iv., Froude gives admirable charac-
terisations of the period.
What, now, are we to say of this remark-
able revival movement in second century-
heathenism, and, in particular, can it be \
affirmed that Christianity had anything to j
do with it ? The majority of writers would
probably answer — No. I cannot, however,
share this view. It seems to me primti facie
unreasonable that, in summing up the forces
which helped to give the age its character,
we should take account of every stray in-
fluence from East to West — of Epicureanism,
of Stoicism, of Pythagoreanism, of Isis- and
Mithras- worship, of an Apollonius of Tyana,
of a Dion Chrysostom, of charlatans even
like Alexander of Abonotichus; but that no
influence whatever should be attributed, or
allowed, to this constantly present and in-
tensely active force of the Christian religion.
It is true that Christianity was persecuted,
was regarded with contempt and scorn, but
we must not be deceived by this into sup-
posing that its influence was not telling
silently and secretly on multitudes in the
Empire, and that it was not affecting Pagan-
ism in many indirect ways, even where the
obligation to it was not openly acknowledged.
We saw before that Epictetus alludes to it
but once, and with contempt, but there is
good reason for believing that he was not
unacquainted with its Scriptures or unin-
fluenced by its teaching.
I believe that we profoundly err in assum-
ing that the borrowing of ideas and moulding
of institutions in this age was all on the
part of the Christian Church, and that a very
considerable influence was not going out also
from the Christian Church on the religion
and life of Paganism. Dr. Hatch, for in-
stance, would see in the lecturing and de-
claiming of this rhetorical age the origin of the
Christian sermon. 1 But might we not, with
1 Hibbcrt Lectures, p. 113.
equal reason, reverse the supposition ? Is it
not, at least, as likely that the example of the
Christian Church, its unceasing and intensely
zealous propaganda, extending now over
more than a century, and presenting so
splendid an example of success, had some-
thing to do with kindling the enthusiasm
and quickening the Apostolic zeal of such
itinerant preachers as Dion and Maximus ?
Take the picture of that Christian propa-
ganda as furnished by so sober a pen as
Friedlander's. "The example of the first
Apostles," he says, " unceasingly stirred up
imitators in constantly increasing number,
who, according to the doctrine of the gospel,
shared their possessions with the poor, and
grasped the travelling-staff in order to carry
the Word of God from people to people,
and whose zeal neither wearied nor grew
cold under the greatest difficulties and
dangers. The Christians were zealous (says
Origen) to sow the seed of the Word in the
whole world. The messengers of the new
doctrine visited not only cities, but also
villages and farms ; nay, did not shun to
force themselves into the interior of families,
and to place themselves between those re-
lated by blood." * The success which
attended this zealous gospel preaching in
Rome, in Bithynia, in Carthage, in Antioch,
everywhere, we have already seen, and it was
a constant object-lesson to the Pagans, who
felt their own faith crumbling, and were
looking round for means with which to
combat the victorious progress of the new
religion which emptied their temples, and
made even the purchase of sacrifices to
cease. Can we believe, then, that it had
nothing to do with awakening their emula-
tion, and inciting them to a similar propa-
1 Sittengeschichte, III. p. 517.
gandism ? l Their silence and contempt go
for nothing. When Maximin 2 and Julian
conceived the idea of re-modelling the Pagan
priesthood as a set-off to the Christian
hierarchy, they did not proclaim in so many
words that it was this hated sect they were
imitating, any more than the Anglican
Church, when the Evangelical Revival was
pouring new life into its veins, made public
acknowledgment of its indebtedness to
Wesley and Whitefield. In a similar way,
it is no disproof of the manifold influences
with which Christianity was bathing the
Paganism of the second century, that the
recipients of the benefit do not acknowledge
1 Merivale points out that Dion Chrysostom had
probably a connection with Flavius Clemens, the
consul, who suffered for his faith under Domitian.
2 Cf. Euseb. ix. 4. " Maximin perceived the
power that existed in the Catholic Church with its
wonderful organisation, and conceived the stupendous
idea of rejuvenating Paganism by creating a Pagan
Catholic Church " (McGiffert's note).
the source from which it comes. We see the
change that is in process ; we mark the new
spirit and the energetic propaganda ; we
know that this has come into existence with
the example of the Christian Church before
it, and the influences of the Christian faith
permeating every pore of the old system ;
and we think it not unreasonable to suppose
that there is a connection between the facts.
This influence of Christianity which we
indicate is probable in itself, and the pre-
sumption in its favour is strengthened when
we consider certain other features in the
religious condition of the age, which it is
difficult to avoid tracing in some measure
to Christian influence. It has been hinted
above that the second century was an age
not only of ethical, but of religious revival.
It was an age characterised by a new sense
of sin and weakness, by a longing for re-
demption from these evils, by a yearning for
immediate communion with the Deity, by
the craving for the assurance of a blessed
life hereafter. Outwardly, it was marked by
a great influx of foreign cults, and specially
by the introduction of new forms of heathen
mysteries, and the extraordinary develop-
ment and rapid spread of the latter. The
chief were those of the Phrygian Cybele, of
the Egyptian Isis and Osiris, and of the
Persian Mithras — the types which promised
most satisfaction to the cravings referred
to. 1 The effects of these mysteries on
the ideas and usages of the Christian
Church have been traced by Dr. Hatch and
others, not without some exaggeration, 2 but
1 Cf. on this subject of the mysteries, Boissier's La
Religion Romaine, bk. ii., chap. ii. ; Anrich's Die
Antike Mysterienwesen ; Hatch's Hibbert Lectures, x. ;
Cheetham's Mysteries : Pagan and Christian ; Bigg's
Christian Platonists. The older and newer literature
may be seen in Cheetham.
2 Cheetham's book deals with some instances of
the counter-question of a possible influence
of Christianity on the mysteries has received
but scant attention. Yet I believe there is
an important field to be worked here also.
The mysteries, especially those which sprang
up in the time of the Empire, deserve the
closest study we can give them. They
represent, as Renan has said, the most
serious phase of Pagan religion — are, in a
sense, the underground Church of Heathen-
ism. But it is necessary also to study them
with discrimination, and to distinguish
carefully times and seasons, and the suc-
cessive stages of development. When we
do this, we discover that the special period
of growth of these new cults is from the
second century onwards x ; that there are
1 " This new development of the mysteries,' 5 says
Anrich, " is conditioned by the re-awakening of the
religious life which exhibits its slight beginnings in
the first century, in order from that steadily to in-
crease, till in the third century this new type of
certain ground-features in which they all
agree ; but that their distinctive forms
rites, and terminology are often a later
formation, and are strongly affected by the
conditions of the age. Among these con-
ditions we do not think it unreasonable that
the Christian Church — the most formidable
rival of the mysteries in the Empire — should
be included. It is certain that the Fathers
of the Church held the mysteries in abhor-
rence, and that whatever borrowing took
place from these on the Christian side was
unconscious, and in a sense involuntary. 1
religious tendency, essentially different from the piety
of earlier times, has become the all-controlling power
of the age " (p. 35). He observes how the Isis-cult had
a rapid development after the middle of the second
century, and in the third century " was perhaps most
widely spread, and at all events the most important
religion of the Roman Empire," and how the Mithras-
cult, which begins to spread in the first century
" reached, however, first in the age of Diocletian and
Constantine its highest bloom " (pp. 43-45).
1 Anrich, p. 235 ; Cheetham, p. 78.
But it is not so unlikely that the patrons
of the mysteries should adopt terms and
features from the language and worship of
the Christian Church. And that they
actually did so seems the simplest expla-
nation of various striking facts. I may
refer to the prominence given in the later
mysteries to the idea of the ow/jp, and the
description of the promised blessing as
(jujTiipia x — for though these terms are not
new in Paganism, they are brought into new
connections, and acquire a deeper significance
in the age we are speaking of. So again,
we have the use of such terms as renatus, or
\renatusintterHun*? to designate the initiated
\ person ; we have new expiatory rites, cul-
minating in the hideous Taurobolium 3 ; we
1 Cf. Anrich, pp. 47, 49. Mithras came to be
called (Tiorrip. On the older usage, see Cheetham,
P- IS-
2 See passages in Anrich, pp. 47, 53, &c.
3 Ibid. pp. 51-2 ; cf. Bigg, pp. 258.
have curious resemblances to the Christian j
Sacraments, 1 which the early Christian /
writers could only explain by supposing that/
the demons had invented a caricature o:
Christian ordinances with the view of
throwing discredit on the latter 2 ; we have
the further developments of the initiation
of very young children — a sort of infant
baptism 3 — and, in general, the growth of
something like a Church idea in these secret
celebrations.4 When we remember the hold
taken on Gnostic minds by the ideas of the
Gwriip and of redemption, and reflect on
the half-pagan character and wide diffusion
of many of the Gnostic sects, we may
1 Cf. Harnack, as below. These resemblances
were chiefly in the Mithras-cult.
2 Cf . Justin, Apol. i. 66 ; Tert. De Press. Hevr., 40 ;
and see Harnack, Hist, of Dogma, I. p. 118 (E.T.).
s Anrich, p. 55.
4 Ibid., p. 56. " The worship of Mithras in the
third century," says Dr. Harnack, " became the most
powerful rival of Christianity " (I. p. 118, E.T.).
perhaps — even apart from the direct influence
of the Church — see a channel through which
the ideas of Christianity might filter into
purely Pagan circles. Dr. Bigg, in his
lectures on The Christian Platonists of Alex-
andria has some suggestive remarks on this
point, which are, I think, in the main correct.
" The disciples of Mithra," he says, " formed
an organised hierarchy. They possessed
the ideas of mediation, atonement, and a
Saviour, who is human and yet divine, and
not only the idea, but a doctrine of the
future life. They had a Eucharist and a
baptism, and other curious analogies might
be pointed out between their system and
the Church of Christ. Most of these con-
ceptions, no doubt, are integral parts of a
religion much older than Christianity [some
of them on the other hand do not seem to go
beyond the second or third century]. But
when we consider how strange they are to
the older polytheism of Greece and Rome,
and when we observe further that Mithra-
ism did not come into vogue till the time
of Hadrian, that is to say, till the age of
Gnosticism, we shall hardly be wrong in
judging that resemblances were pushed
forward, exaggerated, modified with a special
view to the necessities of the conflict
with the new faith, and that differences,
such as the barbarous superstitions of the
Avesta, were kept sedulously in the back-
ground with the same object. Paganism
was copying Christianity, and by that very
act was lowering her arms." z
Fully to estimate the force of these con-
siderations, it is necessary to bear in mind
the evidence which has already been adduced
as to the extent to which Christianity had
penetrated literary circles, and had become
known to learned opponents, who employed
1 P. 240 ; cf. Cheetham, pp. 77, 146.
their best abilities to discredit and destroy it
— in vain.
Much might be said of the writings of the
old Catholic Fathers, and especially of the
famed Alexandrian school, in illustration of
the subject we are considering. For how
clear is the evidence in the writings of these
Fathers of the hold that Christianity had
taken of men of the most powerful intelli-
gence and widest learning ; how plain the
indications that it had become a subject of
the profoundest theological reflection ; how
complete its victory over the brilliant Auf-
kldrung of Gnosticism ; how evident the
alliance which had been effected between it
and the best elements of the Greek wisdom —
that revelation in reason which the Alex-
andrian Fathers, with Justin, traced to the
illumination of the pre-incarnate Logos ! If
the school of Harnack sees in the theological
movement of this period an amalgamation of
Greek intellectualism with Christianity, it
must in consistency recognise that the pre-
vailing Greek spirit had been seized and was
being led captive by the new faith. And
that of itself speaks to a mighty internal force
of assimilation. Without, however, dwelling
on this, I hasten to speak of what is, after all,
perhaps the most striking proof of the influ-
ence of these Fathers of the Early Church on
contemporary religious thought — I mean the
rise of Neo-Platonism in the third century.
In this century, as we previously saw, the
river whose course we have been tracing flows
no longer underground, but comes to the
light of open day. The fact of a Christian
influence on the intellectual currents of the
age is all too patent to be further denied. I
referred in the previous lecture to the eclectic
temper of this age, and to its characteristic
embodiments in Julia Domna, the talented
wife of the Emperor Septimus Severus, and
in Alexander Severus, a succeeding emperor.
Julia Domna gathered round her at her court
a brilliant literary circle. It was at her com-
mand that Philostratus wrote the " Life of
Apollonius " * — partly, there is reason to
believe, as a parallel to the representation of
the life of Jesus in the Gospels. Alexander
Severus went further, and, as formerly nar-
rated, placed the statue of Christ along with
those of Abraham, Pythagoras, and others in
his lararium, besides inscribing the Golden
Rule on his walls and monuments. "Men
sought," says Dr. Bigg, " to distil an elixir
from all religions, from all, that is, except
Christianity, which they never name " — a
statement which needs to be slightly quali-
fied. " Yet," he goes on, " the church from
which they avert their eyes as from the angel
1 Cf. Classical Dictionary, Art. "Philostratus";
Newman's Apollonius Tyanccus ; Bigg's Christian
Platonists, p. 246.
of doom, is really the prompter and guide of
all their efforts." 1 Under these intellectual
and spiritual conditions, arose the new form
of opposition to Christianity which we de-
nominate Neo-Platonism. The founder of
this school, Ammonius Saccas — whose lec-
tures Origen for a time attended at Alex-
andria — was born of Christian parents, and,
indeed, for a time himself professed Chris-
tianity. 2 Here is proof, if such were needed,
of a strain of Christian influence entering
into Neo-Platonism at the commencement.
Ammonius, it should be remarked, had an
important precursor in the second century,
Numenius, who likewise was moulded by
Jewish and Christian influences.3 The ideas
of the founder were developed by his more
1 Christian Platonists, p. 242.
2 Eusebius, Ecc. Hist. vi. 19. Eusebius will not
admit that he ever apostatised, but this is evidently
a mistake.
3 Cf. Bigg, pp. 251-3.
famous pupil Plotinus, and carried still
further by the third great teacher Porphyry.
The Neo-Platonic system thus developed,
while bitterly hostile to Christianity, is really
the strongest testimony to its power. It not
only shows upon itself the distinct mark of
Christian ideas — e.g. in its doctrine of the
Trinity, respecting which Bigg truly remarks
— " It may be confidently affirmed that no
Trinity is to be found in any Pagan philo-
sopher who was not well acquainted with
Christianity " J ; it was not only, as Schaff
has observed, " a direct attempt of the more
intelligent and earnest heathenism to rally all
its nobler energies, especially the forces of
Hellenic and Oriental Mysticism, and to
found a universal religion, a Pagan counter-
part to the Christian " 2 ; but it testifies to the
changed attitude towards Christianity in the
1 Cf. Bigg, p. 250.
= Church Hist. (Ante-Nic), p. 99.
fact that it no longer poured unqualified
ridicule on the new religion as Celsus had
done, but dealt with it rather in the philoso-
phical eclectic spirit characteristic of the time,
condemning only its exclusive claims. It
reckoned Christ among the sages ; professed
respect for His personal teaching, as con-
trasted with the corrupted doctrines of His
Apostles, and sought to appropriate its
spiritual elements to itself. " The Neo-
Platonists," says Augustine, "praised Christ,
while they disparaged Christianity." " We
must not," said Porphyry himself, "calum-
niate Christ, but only those who worship
Him as God." z But the battle was a hope-
less one. " Under the banner of Neo-
Platonism," says Dr. Lightfoot, "and with
weapons forged in the armoury of Chris-
tianity itself, the contest is renewed. But
the day of heathenism is past. This new
1 Augustine, City of God, xix. 23.
champion retires from the field of conflict in
confusion, and the gospel remains in posses-
sion of the field." x
Here I must close. Other parts of the
field I am compelled to leave well-nigh
untouched, especially that relating to the
influence of Christianity on social life and
legislation. This, at the same time, is the
part of the subject which has been least
neglected. It has often been shown with
abundance of illustration how revolutionary
were the ideas and principles of the holy and
spiritual religion which had its birth in Judaea
when introduced into the unspeakably corrupt
society of the Graeco-Roman Empire. 2 To
the profligacy of that effete heathen world,
Christianity opposed its own fresh, young
life, and glowing spiritual ideals ; to its pride,
1 Philippians, p. 319.
2 Cf. the works of Troplong, Schmidt, Uhlhorn,
Lecky, Loring Brace, with the histories of Milman,
Pressense, Schaff, &c.
the proclamation of a common fall and a
common salvation ; to its selfish egoism, the
demand for a universal charity ; to its denial
of the rights of humanity, the doctrine of the
love of God, and of the spiritual dignity of
man as made in the image of God ; to its
degradation of woman, the assertion that
in Christ Jesus there is neither Jew nor
Greek, male nor female, bond nor free * ;
to its contempt for labour, the recollection
of the Carpenter, and the injunction " Take
thought for things honourable in the sight
of all men." 2 Opposed at nearly every
point to the existing Pagan order, it yet
gave to the world of that time exactly
what it needed, implanted within it the
seeds of emancipation and renewal. If it
could not save the old Roman Empire, it at
least laid within it the foundations on which
the rearing of a new order could proceed —
Gal. iii. 28. - Rom. xii. 17.
rendered possible the rise of a rejuvenated
and progressive Europe. The pure morals
and blameless, self-denying lives of the Chris-
tians, were the strongest points the Apologists
for the new religion could urge in its favour.
Thus Tertullian powerfully contrasts the
private virtues and public morality of his
fellow-believers with the foul conduct of the
Pagans, and challenges his opponents to
produce instances of Christians in the long
list of those committed to prison for their
crimes. 1 If there were exceptions, it was
only as it must happen to the healthiest and
purest body, that a mole should grow, or a
wart arise on it, or freckles disfigure it. 2 The
heathen themselves bore involuntary testi-
mony to the superior excellence of the
Christian character by appealing to it in
rebuke of the lack of virtue in one another.3
1 ApoL, 42-46 ; Ad Nat. i. 4. 2 Ad Nat. i. 5.
3 " You are accustomed in conversation yourselves
As respects legislation, naturally little could
be done till the Empire had become publicly
Christian, but with Constantine we have
already numerous enactments which show
the new spirit that had entered society, 1 and
under the succeeding emperors these evi-
dences of Christian influence are multiplied. 2
The Theodosian code is little more than a
compilation of the decisions of the Christian
emperors. Even in the earlier period, it
is not wholly unreasonable to see in the
gradual ameliorations introduced into many
of the laws under the influence of the newer
Stoicism an indirect result, at least in part,
to say, why is so-and-so so deceitful, when the Chris-
tians are so self-denying ? why merciless, when they
are so merciful ? " &c. — Ad Nat. i. 5.
1 Julian termed Constantine, "Novator turbatorque
priscarum legum et moris antiquitus recepti " (Amm.
Marc. xxi. 10). See a sketch of his reforms in the
laws relating to women, children, slaves, &c, in Diet,
of Christ. Biog. I. pp. 636-7.
2 See Loring Brace's Gesta Cliristi, passim.
of that atmosphere of mercy with which
the Christian Church was already bathing
Paganism. 1
In leaving the subject, I can only express
the hope that these lectures, however im-
perfect, may have done something to intensify
our sense of the mighty power which, as
the Divine Leaven introduced into humanity,
Christianity from its first entrance into the
world exercised on everything it touched,
and to guard against the tendency, still too
prevalent, unduly to minimise its influence.
1 Cf, Troplong, L Influence du Christ., p. 83, &c.
(in Frontispiece).
FOR the drawings of these inscriptions, I am
indebted to the Rev. Archibald Paterson,
B.D., Rosslyn, who from his first-hand researches
kindly furnished me with information regarding
them. They should, he thinks, probably be
restored and identified as follows : —
Acilio Glabrioni Acilio Glabrioni
Filio or Filio
M' Acilii Glabrionis M' Acilius Glabrio
Cos. Pater.
Deceased may have been the son of Manius
Acilius Glabrio, consul in a.d. 124, the latter
probably being the son of the consul of a.d.
91, who suffered under Domitian, in a.d. 95.
Manius Acilius Verus
Clarissimus Vir,
et (?) Priscilla Clarissima
Femina (?)
May be the children of Manius Acilius Glabrio,
consul in a.d. 152 [son of the consul of a.d.
124], and Vera Priscilla, who is known from an
inscription to have been the wife of a Manius
Acilius Glabrio. The Manius Acilius Glabrio
who was her husband may, however, have been
the consul of this name in a.d. 186 [son of
the consul of a.d. 152]. In this case the children
will be their offspring.
A fragment probably of —
M[arci] Acilii,
belonging to the family of Marcus Acilius Vibius
Faustinus, who was one of the Salii before a.d.
170; or to the family of Marcus Acilius Priscus
Egrilius Plarianus, who lived at the same time.
KXavSiov AksiXiov OvaXepiov [Xctfnrp oTa.Tov~\ veavicncov.
It is known that Claudius Acilius Cleoboles
(grandson of the consul of a.d. 186) derived
his name Claudius from adoption by Tiberius
Claudius Cleoboles, consul suffectus (year un-
certain). The name Valerius is from the mother's
side. The inscription cannot be earlier than the
third century.
Abercius, of Hieropolis, 54
Acilius Glabrio, consul, 125
ff. ; inscriptions of Acilii,
frontispiece, and appen-
dix, 227
zElius Aristides, 167, 202
Alexandria, Church of, 31,
60 ; mixed state of, 66-7 ;
school in, 68, 216 ; wealth
of, 140 ff.
Alexander Severus, emperor,
147, 218
Alexander of Abonotichus,
51, 202-3
Ambrose, of Milan, 158
Ammonius Saccas, 219
Anrich, on Mysteries, 209-
13, passim
Antioch, Church of, its num-
bers, 73-83
Apollonius, senator, 137,
Apology, of 2nd century, 34,
58 ; its significance, 185-
90; 224
Aristides, apology of, 45
Armenia, conversion of, 88
Baur, 15 ; on apologists,
188 ; on Gnosticism, 197
Bigg, C, 146, 194-5, 209-
20, passim
Bithynia - Pontus, Pliny's
testimony, 48 ff. ; 129,
Blandina, martyr, 137
Boissier, G., on spread of
Christianity, 27ff.; ignoring
of Christianity by pagans,
168, 170 ; influence of
Christianity, 175, 183
Brace, Loring, on influence
of Christianity, 19, 225
Cecilia, St., see Cata-
Catacombs, character and
extent of, 35 flf. ; testi-
mony to numbers of
Christians, 33-5, 39-41 ;
inscriptions, 98 ; testimony
to wealth of Christians,
113 ff., 132 ff. ; cemeteries
of Lucina, 118; of Domi-
tilla, 123 ; of the Acilii,
126 (with frontispiece
and appendix) ; of Prse-
textatus, 132 ; of Caecilia,
134 ff.
Cappadocia, Church in, 56
Caracalla, emperor, 146
Carthage, Church of, 30 ;
numbers, 61 ff. ; rank and
wealth, 139-43 ; martyr-
dom of Perpetua, 143-4 ;
Celsus, his True Word, 59,
71, 99, 167, 192-4 ; 196,
Chastel, on nos. of Chris-
tians, 24
Cheetham, on Mysteries,
Christianity, influence of
paganism on, 18, 163,
204, 209 ; effects of
Christianity on paganism,
20 ff. ; on pagan preach-
ing, 204 ff. ; on Mysteries,
210 ff. ; on morals and
legislation, 222 ff.
Chrysostom, on Church of
Antioch, 75 ff.; 158
Churches in Rome, Corinth,
Ephesus, Galatia, An-
tioch, Bithynia, Pontus,
Cyrene, Alexandria, Car-
thage, Gaul, Spain, &c. —
See under these heads.
Claudius, emperor, his edict,
Clement, of Rome, 43
Clement, of Alexandria,
on luxury of Christians,
1 41-2 ; Gnosticism, 195 ;
Commodus, emperor, 145
Corinth, Church of, 32, 107,
108-9, I 3°> 1 7 1-2
Cyprian, of Carthage, 86,
Cyrene, Church in, 31
Decian Persecution, 86,
149 ff.
De Rossi, G. B., on Cata-
combs, 34, 117, 123, 135,
175, 179, 183
De Rossi, Michele, measure-
ments of, 37 ff.
Diocletian, emperor, perse-
cution of, 87 ff. ; 152 ff.
Dion Chrysostom, 201, 205
DionysiuSi of Alexandria,
148, 150, 158
Domitilla, Flavia, 122 ff. ;
cemetery of, 123
Domitian, emperor, perse-
cution of, 121 ff.
Elagabulus, emperor, 147
Elvira, Council of, 86, 157
Emperors, see under names.
Ephesus, Church of, 44, 108,
1 7 1-2
Epictetus, 183, 204
Eusebius, references to, 48,
51, 54, 56, 59, 73-4, 78,
82, 87-90, 123, 130, 137,
145-6, 148, 152-3, 154-6,
Farrar, F. W., 141, 177
Flavius Clemens, consul,
his martyrdom, 122 ff.
Friedlander, on numbers of
Christians, 24, 116 ; on
obscurity of Church, 165—
6 ; 177, 179, 183, 200,
202 ; on the Christian
propaganda, 205
Froude, J. A. 202
Galatia, Church in, 55,
57, 171
Gaul, Christianity in, 30,
81 ff.
Gibbon, on numbers of Chris-
tians, 24, 39, 68, 78 ff. ;
47, 5i, 122
Gnosticism, 58, 184, 194 ff.,
213, 215-16
Greek Spirit and Christianity,
17, 164, 187, 196
Gregory Thaumaturgus, 52,
Hadrian, emperor, 66-8
Harnack, quoted, 116, 124,
J 33, l6 3, 2I 3 J referred to,
118, 123, 128, 164, 195,
Hasenclever, on rank of
Christians, 64, 118; 177
Hatch, E., 16, 1S5, 202,
204, 209
Hefele, on Councils, 84, 86
Hennas, on Roman Church,
Herod Atticus, 133, 191-2
Ignatius, 59, 73, 129
Imperial Court, Christianity
in the, 116, 124, 145 ff.
Irenasus, of Lyons, 59, 64,
82, 146, 195
Julia Domna, her influence,
146, 217
Julian, emperor, 74, 77,
207, 225
Justin Martyr, on spread of
Christianity, 47 ; on wealth
of Church, 132 ; as apolo-
gist, 186-9 J x 92, 213, 216
Keim, on progress of Chris-
tianity, 27
Lanciani, on Catacombs,
36 ff., 115, 123, 133,
134, 152 ; on Hadrian, 68
Lightfoot, Bishop, referred
to or quoted, 16, 43, 45,
48, 50, 54, 55, 58, 67,
116, 118, 121-3, 126-7,
129, 130, 134-5, 173,
177-80, 182, 221
Lucian, of Antioch, martyr,
on diffusion of Christianity,
Lucian, on Pontus, 51 ; his
Peregrinus Proteus, 192
Lyons, its importance, 82-3 ;
martyrdoms, 82, 136
Marcus Aurelius, em-
peror, 133, 189 ; relations
to Christianity, 166, 17 1,
Martyrdoms, of Ignatius,
Polycarp, Justin, at
Vienne and Lyons, Per-
petua, Sec, see under
Maximin, emperor, his per-
secution and letter, 89, 207
Maximus, of Tyre, 201-2,
Merivale, referred to or
quoted, 32, 1 12-13, 133,
169, 185, 201
Milmati, 82, 90, 142
Mithras-cult, 209, 211-13,
Mommsen, 50, 55, 85, 116
Mosheim, 47
Mysteries, in Roman Empire,
209 ; possible influence of
Christianity on, 210 ff.
Neander, 155, 198
Neo-Platonism, 149, 217 ff.
Nero, emperor, persecution
of, 43 ; his palace, 116,
Neumann, 17, 42, 64, 138
Northcote and Brownlow,
on Catacombs, 36 ff.,
114 ff., 132 ff.
ORiGEN,on numbers of Chris-
tians, 68 ff. ; intelligence
of, 98-9, 144 ; relations
with Court, 145-9, 158,
Paganism, ethical revival
in, 199 ff . ; pagan preach-
ing, 200-2 ; religious re-
vival, 208 ff.
Pamphilus, of Csesarea, 158
Paul and Thecla, Acts of, 128
Perpetua and her com-
panions, 143 ff.
Persecutions under Nero,
Domitian, Trajan, Mar-
cus Aurelius, Severus,
Decius, Valerian, Diocle-
tian, Maximin, see these
Phrygia, Christianity in, 53,
Pliny, correspondence with
Trajan, 28, 48 ff., 129,
167-8, 193
Pomponia Gnecina, 117, 136,
Pontus, 51
Porphyry, 220- 1
Pudens and Claudia, 11 9-21
Ramsay, W. M., referred to
or quoted, 17, 31, 42, 48,
53-5> 96, 105, 116, 128,
167-8, 182
Renan, 53, 83, 191, 200, 210
Ritschl, 16
Robertson, Canon, 27
Roman Empire, population
of, 24-5, 29
Rome, Church of, 41-44,
78-9, 129-36, 137, 139,
206. See Catacombs.
Schaff, Philip, 34, 38, 220
Schultze, Vict., 31, 32 ; on
numbers of Christians,
24-5, 43> 51*56-7, 65, 75,
83-6 ; on rank of Chris-
tians, 99, 112
Seneca, relation to Chris-
tianity, 175 ff. ; Epistle to
Lucilius, 180
Septimus Severus, emperor,
persecution of, 138 ff. ; 146
Silence of Pagan writers
on Christianity : how ac-
counted for, 166 ff.
Social rank of Christ's per-
sonal disciples, 100 ff. ; of
early converts, 104 ff.
Spain, Church in, 85 ff., 157
Tacitus, 28, 43, 117
Tertullian, on numbers of
Christians, 28, 6 iff.; rank of,
139,141-2 ; on Gnosticism,
195 ; the Mysteries, 213,
31, 48, 84, 86, 147, 224
Trajan, emperor, persecution
under, 48, 129
Tryphaena, Queen, 128
Uhlhorn, 26, 59, 146, 194
Urania, daughter of Herod
Atticus, 133, 192
Valerian, emperor, perse-
cution of, 148, 151
Vienne and Lyons, martyr-
doms, 82, 136
Withrow, 38, 116
Date Due
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