LIBRARY OF THE THEOLOGICAL SEMINARY PRINCETON, N. J. PRESENTED BY MR, EDWARD L. HOWE BV 255 .J3 1820 Jay, William, 1769- 1853. Prayers for the use of families P R A Y E R^^'J- i-f-^sj> THE USE OF FAMILIES? DOMESTIC MINISTER'S ASSISTANT. BY WILLIAM JAY, Author of Sermons, Discourses, &c. &.c. The principal part of family roligion is prayer, every morning uni evening, and reading some portion of Scripture : and this is so neces sarj' to keep alive a sense of God and religion in the minds of men- thai where it is neglected, I do not see how any family can, in reason be esteemed a family of Christians, or, indeed, have any religion at i.'I Archbis'iop Tillofson NEW YORK: LEAVITT & ALLEN. No. 379 BROADWAY. PREFACE. It, in the title of this volume, the author has used the word **minister," in rather an unusual latitude, its adjec- tive will serve to explain, and restrict it. The **domestic^ minister, intends, not the pastor, or preaclier; not the ser- vant of the Most High God, who officially shows unto men the way of salvation — but he, who adopts the resolution of Joshua — "As for me and my house, we will serve the Lord.** The preservation and spread of relig-ion should not de- pend, exclusively, on a particular order of men, however important tlieir functions may be. ^//christians, in their respective stations, ought to co-operate with those, who are, by designation, workers together with God. It ought to be a matter of thankfulness, that the number of ministers, properly so called, who enter into the spirit of their office, and preach the truth as it is in Jesus, is exceed- ingly increased. But compared with the field, and the vast- ness of the work, the labourers are yet few. And few they would be found, if multiplied a thousand fold; and we should still need, the property, the talents, the influence, the ex- ample, the exertions, and the prayers, of a// the subjects of divine grace. And can their services be dispensed with — now? God is not the God of confusion, but of peace: and He has said, "Let every thing be done decently and in order." It is his providence that determines the bounds of our habita- tion, and furnishes the several stations we occupy; and into these we are to look for our duties and opportunities. Men are often led out of their own proper sphere of action, in order to be useful; but it is ignorance, if not discontent, and pride, that tempts them astray. As the stream of a river is most lovely and beneficial, when it patiently steals along its own channel, though it makes not so much noise, and excites not so much notice, as when it breaks over its banks, and roars and rolls as a flood; so good men are most acceptable, and useful in their appointed course. Wisdom will estimate every man, by what he is, not out of his place and calling, but in them. Tliere we naturally look after him; there we unavoidably compare him with his obligations; there we see him habit. ually — and there he gains a character, or goes without one 6 PREFACE. In a day like the present, there will be many occasional cslIU of prblic dufy; but it will be a sad exclamation to make at a dying hour, "My own vineyard have I not kept." In the spiritual, still more than the temporal neg-lect, "He that provideth not for his own, especially those of his own house^ hath denied the faith, and is worse than an infidel." "You wish to serve your generation?" It is well that it is in your heart; but let it be according to the will of God. And how does this require you to proceed? From public relation into private, or from private into public? Does it order you to waste time and strength, to go to a distance; and begin labouring, where difficulties will be too great, and means too few, to allow of your improving the waste, back to your own door? Or, to begin near,- to cultivate on- ward; to clear and fertilize the ground as you advance; so as to feel every acquisition already made, converted into a re- source to encourage, support, and assist you, in your future toil? "You long to be useful?" And why are you not? Can you want either opportunity, or materials — you, who are placed at the head of families; you, who are required to rule well your own households; to dwell with your wives according to knowledge; to train up your children in the nurture and admonition of the Lord; to behave towards your servants, as remembering that you also have a master in heaven. — Be- hold, O man of God, a congregation, endeared and attentive, committed to thy trust. Behold, a flock whom you may feed with knowledge and understanding; and before whom you walk as an example in word, in conversation, in charity, in faith, in purity. Behold a church in thy house. Behold an altar on which to offer the morning and evening sacrifice of prayer and of praise. Here, observe these things without preferring one before another; here teach and exhort, and reprove with all long suffering and patience; here officiate — and '*ye shall be na- med the PRIESTS of the Lord; men shall call you the min- isters of our God." The remark of Baxter is worthy our regard — "If family religion was duly attended to, and properly discharged, I think the preaching of the word, would not be the common instrument of conversion." And Gurnal says — "The family IS the nursery of the church. If the nursery be neglected. PREFACE. 7 ten upon this subject: and what he, himself, could oflTer in support of tlie practice, is already before the public* It is futile to allege, as some have done, that there is no positive and express command lor it in thr Scriptures; when noth-ng- would be more eisy, than to prove the will of God— - from the simp!.;bt deiuction, from the fairest reasonings, and from the most generally acknowledged principles. The examples of the faithful; the commendations whic!i God has bestowed upon them in his word; his promises and Jireatenings; the obvious and numberless ad\antages re- sulting from domestic devotion, as to personal religion, and relative government: — with regard to thfT. If? occurrences, and was desig-ned to improve them. Here is a difficulty which there is only one way of removing-. It is by adding some short addresses, applicable to certain events and circumstances; and which the reader may insert, in their proper j)lace, in the prayer; or use at the end of it. Many of these, thert:fore, tl»e author has supplied in the close of the volume. Many more might have been added, had the prayers been designed for personal and private use. In seventy forms of the same kind, it was not easy to maintain so much diversity as some would wish. Family devotion in itself, admits of less variety, than either private or public woi ship. But thougli similiarity will be some- times found, sameness, he believes, with a few very trifling exceptions, has been avoided. Tliis does not extend how- ever to the repetition of the same Scripture sentences. The autlior has felt what a difference tliere is between ofTering and writing a prayer: but he endeavoured,- as much as possible, when he retired to compose, to place himself by thought, in the situation of performance: and followed the same mode m writing, which he has always found the best, in praying, to exclude formality, and to gain variety, viz. to yield to the present feeling of the' mind, whether it leads to indulge principally in coi.fession, or in thanksgiv- ing, petition, or intercession. Some things must he. always expressed; others can be ad- mitted only occasionally. Yet these should not be for2:otten. Cases of affliction; the state of public affairs; the nation; the cause of God in the world; these and other things, though not particularize d in every exercise, must be noticed so fre- quently, as to keep the mind alive to them. With regard to the prayers for particular occasions— such as pertain todays of mourning, fasting or thanksgiving; and those which respect the beginning and end of tl.e year, will draw forth no objection. But as to those which regard re- \\^\ons festivals, some will probably condemn the author on the ground of consistency. On that ground he is willing to be tried. Consistency refers tc professed principles; and he avows principles, which raise liim above any particular body of christian.s, while yet he deems it his honour to be- long to one of them in preference to all others. But his attachment to his r<-giment, does not make him an enemy to the army of which it is a part. Let every one of us, says the Apostle, please his neighbour, for his good to edification. Why should not the author wish to be ser B 14 ADVERTISEMENT. viceable to members of other communions, as well as to those of his own? Dr. Watts, thoug-h a firm Pedobaptist, has yet composed and inserted in his excellent book, several hymns, adapted to the convictions of those, who practise adult Saptism, by immersion only. And the late Mr. Newton, though an Episcopalian, made no scruple, when desired, to draw up a plan for a dissenting academy. Let us stand in the liberty wherewith Christ has made us free. Let not him that eateth, despise him tliat eateth not; and let not him that eateth not, judge him that eateth, for God hath received him. Who art thou that judgest another man's servant? to his own master he standetli or falleth. One man esteemeth one day above another, another esteemeth every day ahke. Let every man be fully persuaded in his own mind. He that regardeth the day, regardeth it unto the Lord; and he that regardeth not the day to the Lord, he doth not regard it. . Here everything non-essential is left, where it ought to be left, to individual conviction and can dour. Upon these principles, the author thinks, a dissenter, without superstition, may use these forms, on these very days: especially as lie is under no compulsion, and he has nothing to do with the day, but as a season of leisure, and aa reminding him of some important truth A christian, although he disregards the seasons, must love the subjects connected with them: and at some time or other, he may wish more expressly to noti .e them; and this he can do, by means of these forms, with the omission of a few words It is comparatively easy to be long and diffuse, but to be select and yet full, brief, and yet comprehensive — this is the trial. The author could have composed a single prayer, far su- perior to any of these; but the difficulty lay in the number;, and the work must be judged of as a whole. It is hardly necess«ry to observe, that with a slight alter ation, and the substitution of the singular number for the plural, most of these prayers will serve for the closet, a^ well as the family. FAMILY PRAYERS, riRST WEEK. SUNDAY MORNING. O COME let us worship and fall down, let U8 kneel before the Lord our Maker, for he is our God, and we are the people of his pasture and the sheep of his hand. Yes, O Lord, we are thine; and Thee we are bound to serve. We grieve to think, hov/ many af our fellow-creatures live without Thee in the world; and confess with shame, that other lords have had dominion over us: but henceforth, by Thee only, will we make mention of thy name. We hope Thou hast subdued the insensibility and indifference towards Thyself, so awfully natural to us; and awakened in us the inquiry, *'Where is God my Maker that giveth songs in the night?" We hope we are disposed to acknowledge Thee in all our ways; but we feel our need of the exercises of devotion. We trust we hold communion with Thee every day; liut we find we-ek days, to be worldly days; and our allowed intercourse with secular concerns, tends to reduce our heavenly im- pressions, and to make us forgetful of our work, and our rest. We therefore bless Thee for there- turn of a day, sacred to our souls and eternity; a time of refreshing from the presence of the Lord; in which, by waiting upon Thee, our hearts are enlarged, and our strength is renewed; so that we can mount up with wmgs as angels, run and not be weary, and walk and not faint. This is the day which the Lord hath made, we 15 FIRST WEEK. will rejoice and be glad in it. O let our minds be withdrawn from the world, as well as our bodies. Let our retirement be devout. Let our meditation he sweet. Let our conversation be edifying. Let our reading be pious. Let our hearing be profit- able; and on Thee may we wait all the day. Afford us the supply of the spirit of Jesus Christ. None can need thy succours more than we. Thou knowest our infirmities: let thy strength be made perfect in our weakness. Our duties are far above our own power: let thy grace be sufficient for us. Our dangers are numberless, and we are utterly unable to keep ourselves from falling; hold Thou us up, and we shall be safe. The burdens we feel would press our lives vlown to the ground; lay un- derp'^ath us thine everlasting arms. Fears alarm us; cares corrode us; losses impoverish us; our very affections are the sources of our afflictions — surely man walketh in a vain show — surely we are disquieted in vain; all, all is vanity and vexation ot spirit. While in the world we have tribulation; in Thee may we have peace: and in the multitude of our thoughts within us, may thy comforts de- light our souls. Yet, O Lord, we would remember, that grati- tude becomes us much more than complaint. Our afflictions have been ligh% compared with our guilt; and few, compared with the sufferings of others. They have all been attended with num- berless alleviations: they have all been needful: all founded in a regard to our welfare: all designed to work to,i-^ ever be the instruments in thy hands of good 22 FUST WEEK. to others; and from us may the word of the Lord sound out into every land. Now, unto Him that is able to do exceeding abundantly above all that we ask or think, accord ing to the power that worketh in us, unto Him be glory in the church, by Christ Jesus, throughout all ages, world without end. Amen. MONDAY MORNING. O THOU God of all grace; the Father of mer- cies, the hope of Israel, the Saviour thereof in the time of trouble: why hast Thou revealed Thysell in such lovely characters, and endearing relations, but to meet our dejections, to remove our fears, and induce us to say, it is good for me to draw nigh to God. We come to Thee as criminals to be pardoned, as beggars to obtain relief, and as friends to enjoy communion with the God of love. We bow with submission and gratitude, to the method which Thou hast appointed and made known for all in- tercourse between Thee and us. We approach Thee, through him in whom Thou hast proclaim- ed Thyself well pleased, pleading the propitiation of his blood, and making mention of his righteous- ness, and of his only. But we can have access to Thee through him only — by one Spirit — that Spirit, the residue of which is with Thee, and which has actuated the souls of thy people, in all ages. O give thy Ho- ly Spirit to them that now ask Thee. May He open the eyes of our understanding, and convince us of sin. May He humble the pride of our self-righte- ous hearts, and expel us from every refuse of lies. May He glorify Christ in our wants, desires, de^ pendence, and application, and take of the things VIRST WEEK 93 of Christ and show them to us. May we be ena- bled to receive the Lord Jesus in all his blessings and treasures^ and though now we see Him not, yet beliving, may we rejoice with joy unspeakable and full of glory. In all the distresses of consci- ence, in all the afflictions of life, and in all the dis- satisfactions necessarily experienced in creature- enjoyments, may we i-epair, weary and heavy laden to Him^ who has promised to give us rest, ivlay the vanity of the world wean us from its pursuits; and may the tribulation of the world endear the peace which no storm can prevent or destroy. May we arise and depart hence; may we confess Durselves to be only strangers and pilgrims upon earth; and declare plainly, too plainly to be mis- understood, that we seek a better country, even an heavenly. Prepare us for all the allotments of this short, and changing, and uncertain life. May we have a safe passage out of it, and a comfortable passage through it; and be useful while we are in it. May we continually illustrate in our character and conduct, the representations Thou hast given of thy people, as the dew of heaven, the salt of the earth, the light of the world. May we never deem it enough to be blameless and harmless; but may our light so shine before men, that they may see our good works, and glorify our Father which is in heaven. May we never be ashamed of Jesus or of his words; never be deterred from the prosecu- tion of a known duty by the fear of man; and never be discouraged from attempting it, by a consci- ousness of our own weakness. Having thy sanc- tion and presence, may we be strong and courage- ous; and be steadfast and unmoveable; always abounding in the work of the Lord. What we know not, teach Thou us. Lead us into all truth. May we see divine things in a di 24 FIRST WEEK vj^e light, that while they inform our judgment they niay sanctify the heart, and consecrate the whole life to the service and glory of God. Who can understand his errors? Cleanse Thou us from secret faults Search us, () God, and know our hearts, try us and know our thoughts, and see if there be any wicked way in us, and lead us in the way everlasting^. Accept of our united thanksgiving for the pre scrvation and refreshment of the past night; and take us under thy guiding and guardian care this day; and whether we eat or drink, or whatever we do, may we do all to the glory of God, through our Lord and Saviour. Amen MONDAY EVENING. We have heard that to the Lord our God belong mercies and forgiveness, though we have rebelled against him. Hence, we are encouraged to ap- proach Thee. For we are verily guilty, we are deeply guilty. If our depravity has not always broken forth into action, our hearts have been de- ceitful above all things, and desperately wicked; and if our transgressions have not been so gross as those of many of our fellow-creatures, they have been more aggravated, because committed against goodness the most astonishing, light the most clear, and advantages the most distinguishing And Thou hast seen all, and abhorred all, and couldst easily and righteously have punished us for all. But Thou hast not executed upon us the fierceness of thine anger, because Thou art God and not man. Neither hast Thou treated us with neglect; but Thou hast remembered us in our low estate; and not only without our desert, but, with- out our desire, Thou wast pleased to devise means FIRST WEEK 95 for our restoration to thy favour, at d imaj^e, and presence. We bless 'I'hee for a purpose of i^rcce given us in (Christ Jesus before the world began. We re- joice that in the fulness of time he assumed our na- ture, and became obedient unto death, even the death of the ci oss; and that as he was delivered for our offences, so he was raised again for our justi- fication, and ascending up on high, entered into the holy place, as a proof of the sufficiency and acceptance of.the sacrifice he offered. We rejoice that he has received the whole dispensation of the Spirit, and that in Him all fulness dwells And we bless Thee for the proclamations of the gospel, . which hold him forth to our view in all his grace and glory, and unsearchable riches, that we through patience and comfort of the Scripture might have hope. O Thou God of hope, fill us with all joy and peace, in believing thy promises and invitations, that we may abound in hope through the power of the Holy Ghost. Mav we esteem all things but loss for the excellency of the knowledge of Christ Jesus our Lord; and may we supremely desire to win Christ, knowing that he who hath the Son of God hath life, and shall never come into condem- nation May we prove that we are joined to the Lord, by being one spirit with him, may our sen- timents, tempers, and conduct, be formed after the example which he left us; and may we never con- sider ourselves Christians, but as we long to be like him, and the life also of Jesus is made mani- fest in our mortal body. May we never love a world that crucified the Lord of glory; nor suffer those sins to live that caused him to die. May his grace, in becoming poor, that we through his pov- erty might be rich, make us ashamed of our sel- C 26 FIRST WEEK. fiishness,* ard may his unexampled love, in giving his life a ransom for us, so constrain us, as to render any services or sacrifices, for his sake, our delight May He never be wounded in the house of his professed friends^ may we rather die than bring a reproach upon his cause. May all his followers be dear to us. May we recommend him to those that know him not, that they may seek him, with lis. Let the number of those who love his salva- tion, daily increase^ and let the accessions include every m.ember of our household, apd all our ab- sent friends. And hasten, O Lord, the blessed hour, when all kings shall fall down before him, and all nations shall serve him — and blessed be his glorious name for ever! And l*^t the v/hole earth be filled with his glory. We praise Thee as the lengtli of our days and the God of our mercy. In the morning we com- mitted ourselves to thy care, and Thou hast been with us in our going out and our coming in: and hast kept us in all our ways. Pardon whatever Thou hast seen amiss in Ub through another period of our time. Accept the charge of us through the approaching night; and grant us the sleep which Thou givest thy beloved; as we hope we desire it, not only as creatures, but as Christians; not only to gratify our feelings, but to renew our strength for thy service, and to fit us to glorify Thee ir our bodies as well as in our spirits, through our adorable Redeemer. Amen. TUESDAY MORNING. O Thou omnipresent and omniscient Jehovah, Thou art about our path, and our lying down; and Thou art acquainted with all our ways. There is not a V ord in our tongue bi •. lo! O Lord, Thou FIRST WEEK 27 knowest it altogether. Thou understandest our ve- ry thoughts afar off". Vea, the darkness hideth not from Thee, but the night shineth as the day: the darkness and the light are both alike to Thee. Known, therefore, to Thee are our sins with ev- ery aggravation; and our necessities with all their circumstances; and, yet, Thou requirest us to con- fess our guilt, and to spread our wants before Thee, in order that we ourselves may be suitably affected with them, and be prepar'xl for the pro- mised displays of thy goodness. Every view we take of ourselves, convinces us that we lie entirely at thy mercy, and that it is only because thy com- passions fail not, we are not consumed. We know not the evil there is in one sin, and our ini- quities are more in numbe>- than the hairs upon our head. Thou art our Creator; but of the rock that begat us we are unmindful, and have forgot- ten the God that formed us. Thou hast nourish- ed and brought up children; but we have rebelled against Thee. Thou hast given us laws, founded in a regard to our welfare as well as thine own glo- ry; but we have said with our lives, if not with our lips. Who is the Lord that we should obey his voice.'* Thou art the perfection of beauty, the cen- tre of excellency, the source of all blessedness; and Thee we ought to have loved supremely; but we have loved and served the creature more than the Creator; we have loved idols, and after them we have gone. Instead of praying, Lord, lift Thou up the light of thy countenance upon us, we have asked with the multitude, Who will show us any good.^ Departing from Thee, we have made fit sh our arm. We have leaned on broken reeds, and though they have disappointed our hopes, and pierced us through with many sorrows, we have often returned to the same wretched dej-endence. 38 FIRST WEEK. Thou hast raised up for us a Saviour; and the gospel has presented to our view a plan of redemp- tion and renovation, which the angels desire to look into. But we have crowned all our guilt, by neg-iecting- so great salvation, and turning away from Him that speaketh from heaven; and we de- serve to be for ever excluded from all the bless- ings of the cross. O deal not with us after our desert, but accoid- ing to our necessity; and where sin has abounded, may grace much more abound. Over all our un- worthiness may grace reign through righteousness unto eternal life by Jesus Christ our Lord. It is thy pleasure that we seek Thee. The desires we feel are of thy own producing. We are willing to be saved in thy own way. We love thy salvation — we love it as it is free, and secures to thyself the undivided glory; and wc love it as it is holy, and designed to save us from the power as well as the jjenaltyof sin. O visit us with thy salvation. Shine into our hearts, and give us the light of the know- ledge of thy glory in the face of Jesus Christ. En- able us by faith to eir brace thy unspeakable gift. May vve sit at his feet. May we glory in his cross. May we imbibe his spirit. May we follow his ex- ample; and whatever we do, in word or deed, may we do all in the name of the Lord Jesus. We extend our wishes beyond the little circle now kneeling in thy presence. We have various absent coisnexions endeared to our hearts; ( ) place them under thy agency, as the God of grace; and keep them under thy care as the God of providence. We would remember them that are in bonds, as bound with them, and those that suffer adversity as being ourselves also in the body. Address to the hearts of the afflicted the promise, I will be wif h thee in trouble; thy shoes shall be iron and FIKST WEEK. |9 brass, and as thy days, so shall tny strength he Let gl.^ry dwell in our land, and upon all the calory may there be a defence. I3o good in thy good pleasure unto Zion; build thou the walls of Jeru salem. Make bare thine arm in the sight of all the nations; and let all the ends of the earth see, the salvation of our God. May the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ, and the love of God, and the communion of the Holy Ghost, be with us all, now and for evermore. £men. TUESDAY EVENING. O THOU who wast, and art, and art to come, the Almighty. With Thee is the fountain of life. In thy presence there is fullness of joy, and at thy right-hand there are pleasures for evermore. It is our privilege as well as our fluty, to draw near to Thee. It is the prerogative of our nature, that of all creatures in this lower world, we alone are made capable of knowing, resembling, serving, and enjoymg Thee. All our degradanons and misery have been produced by our alienation and absence from Thee; and all our happiness and perfection depend upon our re-union and inter- course with Thee. We, therefore, bless Thee for the revelation Thou hast given us, and by which we learn, that thy thoughts towards us are thoughts of peace, and not of evil . We rejoice in a new and living way into the holiest, by the blood of Jesus, who has once suffered for sins, the just for the un- just, that he might bring us unto God. We pray that the grand design of this sacrifice may be ac- complished in each of us. May we feel that we are brought back from the dreadful distance to which sin hac conveyed us, and that we are one c 2 50 FIRST WEEK. with God again; and henceforth, may the life that we lead in the flesh, be a life of communion with the Father of our spirits, and of devotedness to him. May thy service be the employment of our days, and the enjoyment of our hearts. May we love thy commands, and acquiesce in thy dispensa- tions; and then we are at the gate of heaven. We lament that this has been so little the case with us, since we have known Thee, or rather have been known of Thee. We ought to be asham- ed to think, tliat after all the instructions of thy word, the c.dinances of thy house, and the disci- pline of thy family, our ears are still so dull o* hearing, and our hearts so slow to believe; that oui souls so cleave unto the dust; that we live so much under the influence of things seen and lemporalj and feel so little of the powers of a world to come. How obscure is our knowledge; how weak our faith; how low our hope; how wavering our obe- dience; how lifeless our worship. O Lord, clothe us with humility; and in this attire help us to pre- sent Thee the sacrifice of a broken heart and a con- trite spirit, which Thou wilt not despise. And since Thou art the God of all grace, and hast commanded us to ask and receive, that our joy may be full; — afl*ord us more of the supply of the spirit of Jesus Christ, to give more decision to our character, and more earnestness to our zeal; — that with enlarged hearts in the way of thy com.- mandments we may run, and not be weary, and wj'k and not faint. May we always realize thy preser, c; and may the thought, that thine eye is upon us, o .'^rate as a check to sin, an excitement to dutv, and a source of consolation. May we bear with firmness an 1 submission the various trials of life and religion, and derive from them all the ad- vantage which they are designed to afford. May FIRST WEEK. 31 we glorify the Lord in the fires, and may every day of trouble afford us an opportunity to prove the truth of thy promise, the tenderness of thy care, and the supports of thy grace. May tribula- tion work patience, and patience experience, and cxper ence hope. But how few, how limited, and how light are the afflictions with which we are exercised. How much more reason have we to be thankful than to complain. Bless the Lord, O our souls, and all that is within us bless his holy name. Bless the Lord, O our souls, and forget not all his benefits; who for- giveth all our iniquities; who healeth all our dis- eases; who redeemeth our lives from destruction; who crowneth us with loving kindness and tender mercies. We praise Thee for the protection, the supplies and the comforts of another day. Take us under thy care for the night on which we have entered. May no evil befall us, nor any plague come nigh our dwelling. Refresh our bodies, and renew our strength, by needful repose; and when we awake, may we be still with God, and rise to love Thee more, and serve Thee better, than we ever have done; through our Lord and Saviour, to whom be glory for ever and ever. Amen. WEDNESDAY MORNING. Again we lift up our eyes unto the hills from whence cometh our help: our help is in the name of the Lord God, who made heaven and earth. Thou art the Author of all existence, and the source of all blessedness. We adore Thee for making us capable of knowing Thee; for possess- ing us with reason, and conscience; and for lead- ing us to inquire where is Gad my Maker thai 12 FIRST WEEK. giveth songs in the night. We praise Thee toi all the information with which we are favoured, to bring us to thyself; especially the revelation oi the gospel. Here we look into thy very heart, and see that it is the dwelling place of pity. Here v. e see thy thoughts towards us, and find that they are thoughts of peace and not of evil. Here we see Thee waiting to be gracious, and exalted to have mercy. Here Thou hast told our consciences how the guilty can be pardoned, the unholy can be sanctified, and the poor furnished with un- searchable riches. May we be found in the number of those who not only hear, but know the joyful sound, that we may walk in the light of thy countenance, in thy name rejoice all the day, and in thy righteousness be exalted. May we take Thee, the God of truth, at thy word; and believe the record, that Thou hast given to us eternal life, and that this life is in thy Son. And since it is not only a faithful say- ing but worthy of all acceptance, that He came into the world to save sinners, to Him may we look alone for salvation, and with all the earnest- ness, the infinite importance of the case requires. And to Him may we immediately repair, remem- bering how short and uncertain our time is; and filled with holy horror at the thought of closing a life of precious, but neglected privileges, with the exclamation, The harvest is past, the summer is ended, and we are not saved. We long for the ex- perience of a present salvation, not only in the comforts, but in the renewings of the Holy Ghost. We desire to have nothing more to do with sin; ^nd pray as sincerely to be restored to thy image, as to be re-instated in thy favour. We implore spiritual graces, as well as spiritual blessings; and pray that we may always value religious duties. FIRST WEEK. 33 as reli,^ ous privile.^es. Deliver us from the dis- position of i.he slave, and uphold us, in all our go- ings, by thy free Spirit; and enable us to run in the way of thy commandments with freedom and delit^ht. May we cherish simplicity and j^odly sincerity of character; may we be in reality before God, what we are in appearance before men; — Israelites in- deed, in whom is no guile May we be religious liefore we ^ro/es5 religion, and leave the world, be- fore we enter the church; that we may not be look- ing back after its forbidden follies and vanities, but, with our affection set on things that are above, walk worthy of Him who has called us to His kingdom and glory. And while we are the partakers of thy grace, may we be also the dispensers too. Freely having received may we freely give. May we feel it to be the sublimest of all satisfactions, and count it the greatest of all rewards, to save a soul from death, and to hide a multitude of sins. And while endeavouring to do good, may we be prepared to bear evil. May we consider Him who endured the contradiction of sinners against himself; and if reviled, reviled not again; or if oppressed or slight- ed, never grew weary in well doing. But, we bless Thee, that the lines are fallen to us in pleasant places: we are strangers to the suf- ferings of those who have gone before us; and can, not only sit ourselves, but call every man his neighbour, under the vine and under the fig-tree. May we avail ourselves of our opportunitiea and invite those around us to taste and see that the Lord is good, while it is called to-day, knowing how soon the night cometh therein no man can work. O God count us worthy of this calling, and ful- 34 FIRST WEEK. fil all the good p easure o«f thy goodness, and t^je work of faith with power: that the name of our Lord Jesus Christ may be glorified in us, and we in Him, according to the grace of our God, and the Lord Jesus Christ. Amen. WEDNESDAY EVENING. O THOU that hearest prayer — -Through him who is the great Intercessor, let our prayer come be- fore Thee as incense, and the lifting up of our hands as the evening sacrifice. We bless Thee as our Creator, the framer of our bodies, and the former of our souls within us. We praise Thee for the blessings of thy providence, which encom- pass us on every side, and are continued to us not- withstanding our unworthiness. Thou hast not only given us life and favour, but thy visitation hath preserved our spirit, and secured our person al and relative comforts. But above all, we thank Thee for thine unspeak- able gift. Herein is love, not that we loved God, but that he loved us, and sent his Son to be the propitiation for our sins. Here our hopes find an' chorage; here believing we enter into rest; here all our woes and wants find redress and supplies. O may our souls be united to this Saviour by a di- vine faith; he the head and we the members; he the vine and we the oranches. May we be his disciples and learn of him; his soldiers, and war under his banner; his beneficiaries, and live upon his fullness. When Ave think of our transgres- sions of thy law, may we remember him who is the end of the law for righteousness. When we feel our sin, may we think of him whose blood cleans- cth from all sin; and when, viewing our trials and duties, our weakness makes us despond, may we FIRST WEEK So liear llie voice that cries My grace Is sufficient for thee. May we be followers of him who was meek and lowly in heart, who pleased not himself, who went about doing good, who said my meat is to do the will of him that sent me, and to finish his work. Subdue in us the selfishness that is so common to our depraved hearts, and excite in us a disposition to seek after the welfare of others. May senti- ments of benevolence and kindness, mingle with all our thoughts, words and actions^ may they be- come more natural, more powerful, more impar- tial; may we be good to the unthankful and the unworthy, that we may be the children of our Father who is in heaven, for hemak th his sun to shine on the evil and on the good, and sendeth rain on the just and the unjust. Yet may we especially do good unto them that are of the household of faith. IVIay all who do the will of our heavenly Father, be dear to our hearts. May we prefer Jerusalem above our chief joy. Peace be within her walls, and prosperity withir. her palaces. Let her become a praise in the whole earth. And from the rising of the sun -'to the going down of the same, may thy name be great among the Gentiles, and in every place may incense be offered unto Thee, and a pure offering in righteousness. The harvest truly is great, but the labourers are few; command their increase; and abundantly bless those who are already em- ployed. And may the sincerity of our prayers appear in our exerdons and sacrifices. May we honour the Lord wnth our substance. In our respective sta- tions may we adore the doctrine of God our Savi- our in all things. By every kind of consistent co-operation with our ministers, may we becoipe 56 i-IRST WEEK. helpers to the truth; and carrying the effects o! the sermons we hear, and dispensing them among those who refuse to hear, win them without the word. May we never hide it in a napkin, because we have only one talent; but use what we have, that more may be given; and be concerned to ob- tain from the Judge of all, the approving sentence^ of our having done what we could. And may we never despise the day of small thin^^s; never grow weary in well doing; but cherish with patience, as well as with diligence, every serious conviction, every pious tendency, every godly impression. And let us not labour in vain, nor spend our strength lor nought. May we be the honoured in- struments Of savinir some soul from death; and of producing joy, in the presence of the angels of God, over one sinner that repenteth. Above all, render us successful among those who are more fully under our instruction, influence and authority. May we rule well our own house; and have the pleasure to see all the members of our family, fellow citizens with the saints, and pf the household of God. Of whom, and through whom, and to whom, are all things. To whonr be glory for ever and ever. Amen. THURSDAY MORNING. O Lord, Thou art good, and Thou doest good, Thou hast revealed thvself as nigh unto all that call upon Thee, to all that call upon Thee, in truth. May we who now address Thee, be found the heirs of this promise; nor suffer us, to incur the reproach of drawing n^ar to Thee, with the mouth, and honouring Thee with our lips, while our he.irts are far from Thee. Unite our hearts to fear thy name; and grant th ' we may worship TIRST WEEK 37 Thee, in the s|iirit, and rejoice in Christ Jtsus, and have no confidence in the flesh. We remem- ber that we are sinners, and acknowledge the mul- titude and a;^s^ravations of our offences. Con- kcious not only of the reality, bui: the greatness of our guilt, we could indulge no hope, hadst not Thou exhibited thy infinite Ijenevolence, and re- vealed a Mediator, in whom Thou art reconciling the world unto thyseli, not imputing their trespas- ses unto them. Thou hast not left thyself without witness, in that Thou hast been doing us good, and giving us rain from heaven, and fruitful seasons, filling our heai ts with food and gladness. But herein is love, not that we loved God, but that he loved us, and sent his Son to be the propitiation for our sins.. Blessed be thy name, we have all the certainty we could desire, that with Thee there is mercy. That mercy the publican sought, and found; thai mercy — has never aisappoinled any that trusted in it; that mercy — at this very moment, cries to us — Ask and it shall t>e given you^ seek and ye shall find. O Lord, we avail ourselves of thy invitation^ and plead thy promise. According ta the mul- titude of thy tender mercies, blot out our trans- gressions. Create \n us, also, a clean heart. ar>'' renew a right spiri* within us. We hope we are convinced, that while maii> things are desirable, and some useful, one thing is needful; and that instead of the inquiry, what shall I eat, and what shall I drink, and wherewithal shall 1 be clothed, the suprennKi anxiousness of the soul is, what must I do to be saved? O visit us with thy salvation; m the iMumination of the mind, and the sanctification of the life; in all the com- forts of the Holy Ghost,, and in all fruits of the spirit. May we willingly obey all thy commands, D 38 yiRST WEEK. and cheerfully submit to all thy appointments In the annihilation of self-will, and in the temper oi implicit devotcdness, may we, as to every duly, say. Lord what wilt thou have me to do? And as to every event, here I am, let Him do what seemetli Him good. Grant us piety and wisdom to ac commodate ourselves to the allotments^ of life; and enable us to maintain a christain temper and be- haviour in all the changing scenes of providence, that all things may work together, if not for oui ^.ratification, yet for our good. May we disengage ourselves from the present evil world, and be received and acknowledged as the sons and daughters of the Lord Almighty. May the righteous be our attraction and delightj and though few in number, and despised by the foolish and wicked, may we go with thein^ because God is with them: and like Closes may we choose rather to suffer affliction with the people of God, than enjoy the pleasures of sin for a season. May we walk by faith and not by sight. May we weiu,h both worlds, and may the future and eternal, preponderate; and may this be our grow ing experience as well as profession — as for me I will behold thyiface in righteousness, I shall be satisfied when I awake with thy likeness By thy mercies we renew this morning the con- secration of ourselves to thy service. Go forth with us into the concerns of the day. Keep us in all our ways. Innumerable are our dangers; i ut the greatest of all is sin. Uphold our goi'!,!S therefore in thy word, and let no iniquity have do- minion over us. May we abstain from all appear- ance of evil; and the very God of peace sanctify us wholly; and may our whole spirit, and soul, and body^ be preserved blameless unto the coming o« our Lord Jesus Chrisc. FIRGT WEEK. 39 And 10 God only wise, the Father, the Son, and ihe Holy Ghost, be ascribed all honour and praise, for ever and ever. Amen. THURSDAY EVENING. O God, thy greatness is unsearchable. Thy name is most excellent in all the earth. Thou hast set thy g^lory above the heavens. Thousands minister unto Thee, and ten thousand times ten thousand stand before Thee. We feel ourselves n thine awful presence to be nothing, less than nothing anil vanity; nor do we presume to ap- proach Thee because we are deserving of thy no- tice — for we have sinned — we have incurred thy righteous displeasure; we acknowledge, that Thou art justified when Thou speakest, and clear when Thou judgest. But our necessities compel us; and thy pro- mises encourage us. Thou art nigh unto them that are of a broken heart, and savest such as be of a contrite spirit. Thou hast provided and re- vealed a Mediator, who has not only obeyed, but magnified the law, and made it honourable: and Thou hast made us accepted in the beloved And we behold an innumerable multitude return- ing from thy throne, successful, rejoicing, and encouraging us to go forward. They were not, though all guilt and indigence, refused, or up- braided; but freely obtained pardon, and holiness, and righteousness, and strength, and were blessed with all spiritual blessings in heavenly places in Christ O look Thou upon us, and be merciuil unto us, as thou usest to do unto those that love thy name Convince us of sin in its penalty, and in its pollu tion; and may we mourn over it with a godly sor 40 FIRST WEKR. row. Give us that faith by which we shall be en- abled t > believe on the Lord Jesus Christ: and be- lieving, have life through his name. And may we not only have life, but have it more abundantly. We often question the reality of our grace; but the imperfections of our religion are too obvious, not to be acknowledged, and too great, Tiot to be deplored. Our souls cleave unto the dust; quicken Thou us according to thy word. Strengthen in us the things that are ready to die. May we not only live in the spirit, but walk in the spirit. By holy resemblances, may we put on the Lord Jesus Christ; may the same mind be in us which was also in Him; and may we feel it to be our dignity and delight to go about doing good. And as He suffered for us, leaving us an exam- ple, that we should tread in his steps, may we learn to suffer like Him. When reviled, may we revile not again, but commit ourselves to Him that judg- eth righteously. Whoever may be the instrument of our grief, may we never lose sight of an over- ruling agency, in preparing and presenting it; but be abl^. to say, 1 ne cup which my Father giveth me shall I not drink it.^ In cur patience may we possess our souls, that we may be calm to inquire, wherefore Thou contendest with us; that weeping may not hinder sowing, nor sorrow duty. We live in a world of changes, and have here no continuing city; may we seek one to come, and have our minds kept in perfect peace, being staid upon God. Be with us to the end of our journeyj and after honouring Thee, by the life we have lived, may we glorify Thee, by the death we shall die. When heart and flesh fail, be Thou the strength of our heart, and oui* portion for ever; at dea'.h may we fail asleep in Jesus, and in the morn- •ng o' ihe resurrectioi may He change our vile FIRST WEEK body, that it may be fashioned like his own t^loiioux body, and so may we be for ever with the Lord. Who can understand his errors? Forgive, O God, the sins of the past day, in thought, word and deed, against thy divine majesty. We bless Thee for our preservation, in our going out and our coming in, and in all our ways — and we bless Thee for all the supplies and indulgences, which thy good providence has afforded us. And now, O Ihou keeper of Israel, we commit our souls and our bodies to thy all-sufficient care. Suffer no evil to befall our persons, and no plague to come nigh our dwelling May our sleep be sweet — O'- if Thou boldest our eyes waking, may we remember Thee, upon our bed, and meditate on Thee, in the night watches. And with the innumerable company, who never slumber nor sleep, and who rest not day and night, we would join in ascribing blessing, and honour, and glory, and power, unto Him that sitteth upon the throne, and unto the Lamb, for ever and ever FRIDAY MORNING. O THOU, whose name alone is Jehovah, tlv most high over all the earth. When we conside*- thy majesty and thy purity, and reflect upon our meanness and guilt, how shall we come before the Lord, or bow before the high God.^ We are un- worthy of thy notice, and have rendered ourselve? justly obnoxious to the curse of thy holy law — and wert Thou to judge us according to our deseit — the most innocent periods of our life, and the de- voutest services in which we have ever been en- gaged, would make us shrink back with dread and despair from thy presence. But we are en D 2 42 FIRST WEEK. couraged to approach Thee, by the revelation Thou hast given us of thyself, as the Lord God gracious and merciful, the invitations and pro- mises of thy word, and the meditation of thy dear Son. We rejoice that He put away sin, by tie sacrifice of Himself, and being raisea from the dead entered into the holy place, there to appear in the presence of God for us. We rejoice that we have now an Advocate with the Father to plead our cause, and a great High Priest over the house of God, to introduce our persons and our services. May we therefore draw near in full assurance ol faith believing that all things are now ready; that we are as welcome, as we are needy; and that tne blessings we implore, are as gracious, as they are great. Yea, Thou delightest in mercy, and hast not only permitted, but commanded us to ask, and receive, that our joy may be full. O let us not re- fuse to be comforted; let us not reject the counsel of God against ourselves. Suffer us not after pro- voking Thee, by our rebellion, to offend Thee, still more by our unbelief. May we honour thy good- ness, by our confidence in thy veracity, and come and take of the water of life freely. May we wait for no qualifications, to entitle us to those provi sions, which must be bought without money, and without price; but may we come as we are — guilty to be justified, unholy to be renewed, blind fo he en- lightened, weak to be strengthened, and indigent to be relieved and enriched. As Thou art pre* senting to us, in the offers of the gospel, thy un- speakable gift, may we receive Christ Jesus the Lord. May we receive Him inimediatelv without delay, cordially without reluctance, and impar- tially without exception — feeling our need of, and acquiescing in all his offices, relations, influences, and Irles sings. FIRST WEEK. 43 As Thou art well pleased in thy beloved Son, may it appear that we are well pleased wifh Him; may we love his salvation, an. I i^Iory in his cross; may we admire his character utid pant after his likeness. May we judge of our union with Him, by our being new creatures, and of our freedom from all condemnation, by our walking not after the flesh, but after the Spirit. May we try our principles by our practice, and our faith by our works. May the origin and certainty of our hope, appear in its tendency — may it purify us from sia, wean us from the world, and cause us to live with our conversation in heaven. And blessed with a well founded persuasion, that when He, who is our life, shall appear, we shall also appear with him in glory; may we bear with patience, the trials attached to this present time; and weep as if we wept not. And knowing our obligations to thy grace, which has delivered our souls from the lowest hell, and is infallibly conducting us to such a vastness of felicity, may we be principally concerned to walk before the Lord in the land of the living, and to show forth all His praise. Whether therefore we eat or drink, or whatever v/e do, may we do all to the glory of God. But we cannot trust in our own hearts; we dare not rely upon our convictions and purposes — thev have often betrayed us. We can only serve Thee in thy own strength. We can walk no farthei than Thou leadest us; we can stand no longer than Thou boldest us. We therefore renounce self- dependence; and dcsirtr to be strong in the Lord, and in the power of his might. Let thy grace be sufficient for us in the duties and events of the day, into vdiich we have entered. May we abide with Gfd 'n oir respective callings. Whether 44 FIxiST VTEfiK. we are alone, or in company, may we be anxious to gain good, and to do good. May we be sei-iou" without gloom, and cheerful without levity. And, now unto Him that is able to keep us from falling, and to present us faultless before the pre- sence of his glory with exceeding joy; to the only wise God our Saviour, be glory and majesty, do- \ninion and power, both now and ever. Amen. FRIDAY EVENING. O God, the day is thine, the night also is thine. Thou makest the outgoings of the morning and evening to rejoice. The heavens declare thy glory — the earth is full of thy riches, and so is the great and wide sea. Thou art the maker, and sustainer, and proprietor of all things. We are the creatures of thy power, and the beneficiaries of thy bounty. But we have sinned against heav- en and before Thee, and not worthy of the least of all the mercies, and of all the truth which Thou hast showed us. We are of those that rebel against the light; for we have resisted the dictates of our consciences, the demands of thy law. the admonitions of thy providence, and the calls oftht gospel of peace. We have made light of those things which angels desire to look into; we have neglected thy great salvation, and we deserve that thy wrath should come upon us, as the children of disobedience. But we are in the land of the living, and under a dispensation of hope. We flee for refuge to that dear Saviour, who said, deliver him from going down into the pit, I have found a ransom, and who himself bore our sin in his own body on the tree. O that we may be found in him, and know the power of his resurrection, and the fellowship of FIRST WEEK 45 nis sufl^rings, being made confonnable unto bin death. May we not only be justified by bis blood, and saved from wratl through Him; but may we derive from Him an influence, that shall subdue our iniquities, and change us into his own image, from J^lory to glory, as by the Spirit of the Lord. IJeliver us we pray Thee, from the views and dispositions, of men of the world, who have their portion in this life. May \a ^ never look for thai on earth, which can only be found in heaven. Born from above, and bound for glory, may we feel the heart of a stranger, and pass the time of our sojourning here in fear. Reminded — and, O, how often are we reminded.^ that here we have no continuing city, may we seek one to come; and in all the changing scenes of time, know in ourselves, that in heaven, we have a better and an enduring substance. In our journeyings through a vale of tears, cast us not away from thy presence, and take not thy Holy Spirit from us. Be Thou always within sight, or within call; for how often shall we have to address Thee? To thy wisdom we must repair for direction, or we shall every moment go astray. Thy power is our only safety. O I'hou that savest by thy right-hand, them that put their trust in Thee, from those that rise up against them, keep us as the apple of the eye, and hide us under the shadow of thy wing. Be Thou our strength in weakness, and our victory in conflict. We dare not say, we never t^tV/ deny Thee; butO grant that we never may. Establish our hearts with grace, and deliver our feet from falling; and may we be sincere and without offence, until the day of Christ. These are great blessings for us to ask; but we are undone for ever without them, and Thou hast encou-iged us to hope. We plead thy command 46 FIRST *VEEK. and thy promises. Ask and it sliall oe given you seek and ye shall find, knock and it shall be open- ed unto you. No suppliant, however unworthy, or guilty, was ever rejected, or insulted at thy footstool^ and we come in the name of Him who made intercession for the transgression. Him, Thou hearest always, and to Him, with the Fa- ther, and the Holy Spirit, be praises for ever and ever. Amen. SATURDAY MORNING. O God, Thou art great, and greatly to be feared And Thou art, also, merciful and gracious, long- suffering and abundant in goodness and in truth. May we so feel our sinfulness, as to be humbled in the dust before Thee, and filled with self-con- demnation and self-despair; but let us not shrink back from thy presence, and be afraid to place our faith and hope in God. Help us to remember, that if we have no claim, on the footing of desert, we can plead thy promise, and invitation; and that if the blessings we want are infinitely great, they are dispensed as gifts, where freeness delights in the unworthiness of the receiver. We therefore, would neither deny, nor palliate our guilt. We know there is evil enough in one sin to plunge us into perdition; but our offences are more in number than the sand; and they have been attended with every aggravation, derivable from light and love, means and mercies. Thou hast called, and we have refused; Thou hast stretched out thy hand and we have not regarded. How often hast Thou wooed and awed, blessed and chastised us; and yet we refused to return. O Lord, pardon our iniquity, for it is great. Let the free gift be of many offences unto justification FIRST WEEK. 47 of life,* and were sin has abounded, may grace much more abound. And as wc canno/. serve or enjoy Thee, unless our nature be chantj^ed, as well as our state, O save us by the washin,^; of regeneration, and by the renewing oi the Holy Ghost. Deliver us from the dominion, as well as the course of sin; and from the love of it, as well as the dominion. May we reckon ourselves to be dead indeed unto sin, but alive unto God through Jesus Christ our Lord. May we view holiness as the beauty and the dig- nity of the soul, and long after greater degrees of conformity to the will and the image of God. May our hope purify us, and our religious com- forts stimulate, as well as relieve. May we never slumber, and lose our roll; never sleep, and like Saul be robbed of our spear and our cruse. May we wutch and pray, lest we enter into temptation. When we grow indolent and careless, awaken us by lively apprehensions of thy presence, and of the eternal world, on the borders of which we per- petually move; may we feel the infinite importance of improvin;.;- the few transient periods, interven- ing between us and death; may we daily and hour- ly answer some of the grand purposes of life and religion. May every place and every company be the better for us. May we diffuse kno^vledge and happiness by our conversation, example, and in- fluence; and like our Lord and Saviour go about doing good. Whatever advantages we possess, may we never forget, that this is not our rest. May we arise and depart hence, not by quitting our stations, or undervaluing the duties attached to them, but by rising above the world, as our portion, seting our affections on things above, and having our con- versation in heaven. Expecting a succession of 48 FIRST WEEK. encounters in passing through an enemy's land, may we take lo us the whole armour of God; a-.ia looking for thorns and briars in our marchings through a wild'^rness, may our feet be shod witn the preparation of the gospel of peace. Fit us for every changing scenej and in all the events that would alarm or perplex us, may our minds be stayed upon God, and our thoughts be established. May we remember that trials from thy hand are blessings in disguise, and that when they come to be unveiled, and we can view them in their designs and effects, they will draw forth our gratitude and praise. Till we can walk by sight, enable us to walk by faith, and may nothing weaken our persuasion, that all thy ways are mer- cy and truth to thy people; and that all things work together for good to them that love Thee. We would not forget those who are in afflic- tion — Do not Thou, O God forget them. What- ever be their losses or distress, help them to say. Yet the Lord thinketh upon me: and may they know, that thy thoughts towards them are thoughts of peace, and not of evil, to bring them to an ex- pected end, though it may be by a painful passage. Comfort those who are on beds of languishing. Enter the house of mourning. Be the father of the fatherless, and the husband of the widow, and the friend, and helper of the poor and needy— and have mercy upon all men. Our Father, See. SATURDAY EVENING O Gon — Thou art glorious in holiness, fearful in praises, continually doing wonders. And it. in not one of the least of thy wonderful works, that we are yet on this side an awful eternity, and no< FIRST WEEK. 49 reaping the due reward of our deeds. We look on each otlier this evening with astonishment, and exclaim, it is the Lord's mercies that we are not consumed. Our whole life has been a scene of provocation against thy divine majesty; and if we with all our ignorance and self-love, can see so much depravity in ourselves, Avhat must have pre- sented itself to ///?/ view. — () 'Ihou who knowest all things, in whose sight the very heavens are not clean, and who seest more pollution, even in our duties, than we ever found in our sins! There is no health in us. We have no works or worthiness to excite thy regard; and if ever we are saved, it must be according to thy own purpose and grace, given us in Christ Jesus, before the world began. We come to Thee in the dear name of Him who loved us, and gave himself for us; who magnified the law and made it honourable; who put away sin by the sacrifice of Himself; and now ever liveth to make intercession for us. This foundation. Thou thyself hast laid in Zion, and thy word assures us, that whosoever believeth on Him, shall not be confounded. We hope our dependence upon Him is not a vain reliance, because we love his service as well as his sacrifice, and long to wear his image, as well as to be justified by his blood. We hope we are willing to deny ourselves, and take up our cross and follow Him — in the regeneration — and withersoever He goeth. O make us partakers of that salvation which i designed to deliver us from our sins, and to bring us into the glorious liberty of the children of God. Put thy laws into our minds, and write them in our hearts, and render our obedience to thy will holily natural, and delightful to us. Rectify all our principles, and give us clear and consistent, and influential views of divine truth. May w«> E 50 'fIRST WEEK. never undervalue or neglect any part of thy reveal ed will; but regard the practice the gospel enjoins as well as the doctrine it exhibits: prize its coni- mands as well as its promises; and cultivate such a disposition, as will render every religious duty a spiritual privilege. Sanctify us in every relation, office, transaction, and condition in life. Keep us, if we prosper, from being exalted above measure; and if exer- cised with adversity, suffer us not to be swallowed up of over-much sorrow. May divine grace pre- serve the balance of the mind in all our varying circumstances, and teach us, in whatsoever state sve are, not only to be content, but to glorify God, and be an edifying example to those around us. May we always be principally concerned for soul-prosperity, and be willing to submit to any means, however trying, that thy wisdom shall judge necessary, to promote and secure it May we so pass through things temporal, as not to miss those that are eternal, at last, or to lose sight of them, for a moment, now. Too long have our feet and our hands been in the mire; O disengage us, purify us, elevate us; our souls cleave unto the dust, quicken Thou us according to thy word. May none of our mercies be lost upon us; but may they prove the means of exciting our gratitude, warming our devotion, and encouraging: our con- fidence. May none ot our trials oe unimproved — may they all embitter sin, wean us from the world, and endear to us the Scriptures, the throne of grace, and the sympathy of that Almighty friend who is touched with the feeling of our in- firmities. May none of our religious opportunities be un- sanctified. May we be thankful for the frequency of their recurnnce; may wo gladly avail ourselves SECOND WEEK. 51 »i them; and instead of resting in the mere out- ward performance, may we be concerned to worship Thee, in spirit and in truth, and to obtain from thy word, all the benefits it is intended and adapted to afford. For this purpose, we implore thy blessing on the solemnities of the Sabbath, which is so soon to open upon us. May we in the morning awake with Thee, and begin, go through, and end the day in thy faith, fear, and love. May we have satisfactory evidence in our own minds, that we do not wait upon Thee in vain; and may our profiting appear unto all men. And thus by all the discipline of thy family, and the ordinances of thy house, may we grow in grace, and in our meetness for the inheritance of the saints in light. And when the evening of life itself shall arrive, and we are called to retreat from every mortal care, may we close the period of toil and trouble, by falling asleep in Jesus — and open our eyes upon the rest that remains for the people of God, and enter the temple above, to go no more out. And may the grace of. Sec. Amen. SECOND IVEmZ. SUNDAY MORNING. O Thou King eternal, and immortal, invisible, dwelling in the light which no man can approach unto, and whom no man hath seen, or can see. Thou art incom.prehensible, and the highest arch- angel cannot find Thee out unto perfection. Yet Thou hast been pleased to reveal thyself: and by means of thy v/ord, we behold Thee in eve ry char 52 SECOND A/EEK. acter and relation that can suit our necessities, c encourage our hope. Thy thront; is in the hea k^ens, and thy kingdom ruleth over all; and all na- tions before Thee are as nothing; yet thou conde- scendest to regard the things that are done in the earth; and despisest not the prayer even of the destitute. Thou art exalted above all blessing and praise: our goodness extendeth not to Thee — but unless thine be extended to us, we are undone for ever. Without Thee we can do nothing; we are nothing. In Thee we live, and move, and have our being. The way of man is not in him- self; it is not in man that walketh to direct hi? steps. We are universally indigent and depend- ent; but as Thou art able, so thou art willing, to take the charge of us; and here we are, the living to praise Thee; and to acknowledge that good- ness and mercy have followed us all the days of our lives. We bless Thee, that Thou hast regarded our souls, as well as our bodies; and no less provided for our future interests, than our present. When there was no eye to pity us, Thou didst remem- ber us in our low estate; and when there was no arm to rescue. Thou wast pleased to lay help on one that is mighty; and thou hast sent thy own Son into the world, not to condemn the world, but that the world through Him might be saved. To Him may we turn our believing regards, and find in Him the wisdom, righteousness, sanctincation, and redemption, which, as perishing sinners, we need. In all our approaches to Thee, may we have boldness, and access, with confidence, by the faith of Him. May we know that He has borne our grief, and carried our sorrow; and be able to rejoice in him as our sacrifice, our sympathising friend, our almighty helper, and our lovely exam- SECOND WEEK. 55 pie May wc drink into his spirit. Ma/ we tran- scribe the excellencies of his character into oui own. May we place our feet in the very print of his steps; and follow Him in the regeneration, till we shall be perfectly like Him, and see Him as He is. We desire to acknowledge Thee in che dispen sations of thy providence; and to own thy agency in all the events that befall us, whether pleasing or painful. Thou hast a right to govern us; and Thou knowest what will best advance our welfare. May we commit our way unto the Lord, and be able to say at thy footstool, in unfeigned submis- sion, Here I am, let Him do what seemeth Him good. If darkness veils thy dealings with us, may we trust and not be afraid; believing, that what we know not now, we shall know hereafier; and that the developement of thy conduct will issue in perfect satisfaction and praise. We bless Thee for the institutions of religion, in the use of which Thou hast promised to draw near to those that draw near to Thee. We re- joice in another of the days of the Son of man; may we call oft' our minds from the cares of the world, and attend upon the Lord without distrac- tion. Quicken and elevate our souls, that rising above the formality of devotion, we may come even to thy seat, and enjoy a little of the blessed- ness of those that have entered thy temple above, and are singing the song of Moses and the Lamb. We are going to assemble in the house of prayer — pour upon us the spirit of grace and of supplica- tion; and rank us in the number of those who hunger and thirst after righteousness. We are going to the house of praise — awaken in us every grateful and cheerful emotion, and may we speak to ourselves in psalms, and hymns, and spiritual E 2 54 SECOND WEEK songfs, si!ig:ing and making melody in our hearts unto the L^rd. We are repairing to the house of instruction — enable us to receive the kingdom of God as a little child. Teach us of thy ways. Lead us into all truth. And let us be neither bar- ren nor unfruitful in the knowledge of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ. For this purpose, let thy presence go with^usj and let thy word come to us; not in word only, but in power, and in the Holy Ghost, and in much assurance. Bless all the churches of the faithful; and the ministers of the everlasting gospel, of ev- ery name, and of every nation. Clothe the priests with salvation; and let thy saints shout aloud for joy. May our country prosper in all her lawful interests both domestic and foreign. Bless the chief magistrate of our nation, and all that are in authority; may they rule in thy fear, and be guid- ed by thy counsel; and may the people lead quiet and peaceable lives in all godliness and honesty. Make us glad according to the days wherein Thou hast afflicted us, and the years wherein we have seen evil. Let thy work appear unto thy ser- vants, and thy glory unto their children, and let the beauty of the Lord our Gi>d be upon us; estab- lish Thou the work of our hand upon us, yea, the work of our hand, establish Thou it. Our Father, Sec. SUNDAY EVENING. When we consider the heavens,the work of thy fingers, and the moon and the stars which Thou hast ordained, Lord, what is man, that Thou art mindful of him, or the son of man that Thou vis- itest him. In thy sigh' the heavens are not cleans SECOND WEEK. 55 and Thou chargest thine angels witli folly — With what truth therefore may we, and with what hu- miliation ought we tc exclaim, behold we are vile' And yet, we believe — help Thou our unbelief, that Thou waitestto be gracious unto us,* and art exalted to have mercy upon us. And Christ alsc has once suffered for sins, the just for the unjust, that He might bring us unto God. Through his obedience unto death, even the death of the cross, it is honourable in Thee, to save all that come un- to Thee by Him, and Thou art faithful and just, as well as gracious and merciful, in forgiving us our sins, and in cleansing us from all unrighteous- ness. We bless thy holy name, for a foundation on which the guilty, the depraved and the helpless, can build, a hope that maketh not ashamedj for a refuge from the curse of a broken lawj for a foun- tain opened for sin, and uncleanness; and for a fulness, from which we can receive, and grace for grace. We want to appropriate and realize, all the representations given of the Saviour in thy word; and to find it to be, in our own experience, what thy people have found him to be, in all ages of the world. May our persons and our services be accepted in the beloved. May we be justified freely by thy grace, through the redemption that is in Christ Jesus. May we be saved by the washing of regeneration, and the renewing of the Holy Ghost. We are weary and heavy laden, give us rest. We are depraved in all our pow- ers—work in us to will and to do of thy good pleasure. We are ignorant — fill us with knowl- edge of thy will, in all wisdom and spiritual un- derstanding, that we may approve things that are excellent, and be sincere and without offence, till the day of Christ. 56 SECOND WEEK. Many eyes are upon us — lead us in a plain path because of our enemies. Many watch for our halting-; but, may we put to silence the ignorance of foolish men, and constrain them by our good works, which they behold, to glorify God, in the day of visitation. Some did run well, but are hindered: they be- gan in the spirit, but are now walking in the flesh. We tremble for them — and we tremble for our- selves: we pray for them, and we pray for our- selves. Recover and restore them, and keep us, by thy power, through faith unto salvation. May we never draw back; never turn aside to the right hand or to the left; never stand still; never look back; never seem to corr.e short through unbelief, but be always abounding in the work of the Lord —and so much the more as we see the day ap- proaching. Though we are ignorant of the future, and know not what a day may bring forth, keep us from being of a doubtful mind. May we be careful for nothing. May we go on our way re- joicing, persuaded that all thy dispensations are designed and adapted to prove, that Thou carest for us. We can even now, see much of thy wisdom, righteousness, and kindness, in events, that once perplexed us, and alarmed; and what we know not now, we shall know hereafter. Soon the mys- tery of providence will be completed and explain- ed. Soon shall we have passed these dark and mournful regions; and then our sun shall no more go down, nor our moon withdraw herself; for God shall be our everlasting light, and the days of our mourning shall be ended. And till we arrive at heaven, our home, may we gratefully avail ourselves of all the advantage! SECOND WEEK. 57 aflTordecT js in our journey. We bless Thee for wilderness privileges; for the manna; the streams of the smitten rock; the fiery cloudy pillar; the tabernacle and the ark. We bless Thee for the sabbath, the sanctuary, and the ministry of the word. We bless Thee for the opportunities we have, this day, enjoyed in waiting upon Thee. Many who love thy salvation, have passed the sa- cred hours, in solitude. Many have had !io means of grace to invite their attendance. And many who have been assembled together, have not heard the gospel of the grace of God, in truth. O, let not our privileges increase our guilt, and aggra- vate our condemnation, so that it shall be more tolerable for Sodom and Gomorrah, in the day of judgment, than for us. Let not the truths we have been hearing, visit us only as weekly guests; but may they be residents in our hearts. May the word of Christ dwell in us richly, in all wis- dom. And though the exercises in which we have been engaged are transient, may the effects produced by them be deep and durable; may the sabbath pervade the week, and the spirit of de- votion actuate us in the absence of its forms, whether we eat, or drink, or whatever we do, may we do all to the glory of God. Bless, O bless the rising generation, the sources of future families and communities. When the clods of the valley shall be sweet about us, may *hey be found a seed to serve Thee. Many oi them have had the advantage of religious educa- tion; they have seen pious examples; they early kneeled at the domestic altar; from infancy they knew the holy Scriptures, and have often been alarmed, often melted under the word preached; and frequently have they been ready to subscribe with their own hand, and surname themselves by ^8 SECOND WEEK. Ihe name of Israel. O let not these promising appearances and beginnings be cestroyed. O, let not the wild beast out of the wood, carry off the lambs of the flock; but may the Shepherd of Isra- el gather them with his arm, and carry them in his bosom. Regard all thy professing churches. Bless them with soundness of doctrine; purity and liberality of discipline; and sanctity and amiableness of character in their members: and the Lord add to his people, how many soever they be, an hundred fold. Yea, let a little one become a thousand, and a small one a strong nation; and all the families of the earth be blessed in Him — who is all our salva- tion, and all our desire — to whom be glory and dominion, for ever and ever. Amen. MONDAY MORNING. O Thou King eternal, immortal, and invisible —we would adore Thee, and take shame to our- selves: and though allowed to approach thy di- vine majesty, we would never forget the sentiments of humiliation and contrition, which become such creatures as we are. Father! we have sinned against heaven and in thy sight, and are not wor- thy to be called thy children: we are not worthy of the least of all thy mercies. Yea, we have me- rited thy displeasure; and thy rigteousness would be completely acquitted in our destruction. O, for hearts of flesh! Lord, produce in us that sensibility of soul, which will lead us to feel our vileness, to deplore our guilt, and to cast ourselves at thy feet, abhorring ourselves, and repenting in dust and ashes. And impart to us that faith, which will enable us, to hope, in thy word, and derive strong consolation from the invitations and pro* SECOND WEEK. 59 mises of the gospel. We are come to implore the greatest blessings the God of love cjin give; but our application is not presumption: w^ are come to call Thee, Abba Father, to enter thy house, to sit clown at thy table, to lean on thy arm, to walk with God; but we are not come unbidden or uncalled: Thou hast called us by thy grace; and it is thy commandment that we should believe on the name of thy Son, Jesus Christ. Lord, we assent, we submit, we depend, we apply. Since He came into the world to save sinners, we take Him as our Saviour; and glory in Him, as made of Thee, to us wisdom and righteousness, sancti- fication and redemption. And (), may our minds be fixed and filled with admiring thoughts of his person and offices; may our hearts be inflamed with a sense of his bound- less compassion and love. By the new and living way which he has not only revealed but conse- crated for us, may we come to Thee; and enjoy all the advantages of a state of reconciliation and friendship with God. May the most open and familiar intercourse, be maintained, between Thee and our souls. To Thee may we commit our way and our works; and in every thing by prayer and supplication make known our requests unto God; and be Thou always near, to guide us and to de- fend; to relieve us in trouble, and to help us in duty. And may we walk humbly with our God; wondering at the condescension, that designs to regard our mean affair":^; *^f^ ^atience- that bears witn our manners; and the kindness, that employs so many means to advance our everlasting wel- fare. We grieve to think, that a world so full of thy bounty, should be so empty of thy praise. O, that men would praise the Lord for his goodness, 60 SECOND WEEK. and for his wonderful works to the children of men. Bless the Lord, all his works, in all places of his dominion, bless the Lord, O my soul. Again thy visitation hath preserved our spirits Through the dark and silent watches of the night, Thou hast suffered no evil to befall us, nor any plague to come nigh our dwellinir. And we are not only the livins^ to praise Thee, this morning, but the distinguished, and the indulged. Many who have seen the light of the day, as well as our- selves, are encompassed with wa!it, and pain, and wretchedness; but we have all things richly to enjoy. Thou takest pleasure in the prosperity of thy servants; may we always take pleasure in the ad- vancement of thy glory. Thou art never weary in doing us good; may we never grow weary in well doing. Thy mercies are new every morn- ing; every morning, by thy mercies, may we pre- sent our bodies a living sacrifice, holy, and ac- ceptable, which is our reasonable service. And to the God of our salvation, the feather, the Son, and the Holy Spirit, be ascribed, the kingdom, the power, and the glory, for ever and ever. Jlmen. MONDAY EVENING. O Thou, in whose presence angels bow, and arch-angels veil their faces, enable us to serve Thee, with reverence and godly fear. O Thou, who art a Spirit, and requirest truth in the inward parts, help us to worship Thee in spirit and in truth. O righteous Father, we would not come to Thee harbouring the love of any sin in our bosoms: for thou hast assured us, that if we regard inquity in our hearts, Thou wilt not hear uc We must ad* SEOOSD \?"EEK. 6' dress thee as sinners; but we acknowledge our transgression, and our sin is ever before us; we de- sire to have nothing more to do with idols; we hate every false way; and long to be Israelites in deed, in whom is no guile. Nor would we, O God, appear in thy presence indulging a worldly temper, and seeking afier an abundance of those things, that afford no satisfac- tion in the possession, and perish in the using. After all these things do the Gentiles seek, and our heavenly Father, knoweth what things we have need of, before we ask him; and will ad- minister them as our wants and welfare may re- quire. We are hastening towards an hour, which will show us the vanity of all earthly pursuits and possessions. When a few more suns have rolled over us, it will be a matter of indifference, whethei we have been rich or poor; successful in our en- terprises, or disappointed; admired of our fellow- creatures, or despised: but it will be of eternal mo- ment to us, that we have mourned for sin; tha> we have hungered and thirsted after righteous ness; that we have loved the Lord Jesus Christ ih sincerity, and gloried in his cross. May these objects, therefore, however despises of men, engross our chief solicitude. May we la- bour for that meat, which endurethunto everlast- ing life; may we lay up treasure in heaven; may we seek the honour that cometh from God only. O, remember us with the favour thou bearest ui> to thy people, and visit us with thy salvation. De liver us from the condemnation of the law, and the bondage of corruption, and bring us into the glorious liberty of the children of God. Justify ua freely from all things, and renew us in the spirit of our minds. Produce in us those principles and dispositions, which will render thy service perfect F 6i SECOND WEEK. freedom; and make it our meat to do the will of our heavenly Father, and to finish his work. Expel from our minds all sinful fear and shame, and with firmness and courage may we confess the i^edeemer before men, and go forth to Him with- out the camp, bearing his reproach. And may our zeal be according to knowledge. Fill us with all wisdom and spiritual understanding. May we walk circumspectly. May we never take a wrong course, or a wrong step. May we venture on nothing, without asking counsel of God. Without prejudice, may we repair to the Scriptures, and kneeling, before the divine oracles, ask, Lord, what wilt Thou have me to do.^ May we faithfully study our conditions and connexions in life, and observe every dispensation cf thy providence, that we may see how we can honour Thee in our body and spirit, and serve our generation according to the will of God. Thou hast commanded us to be pitiful, and to pray for all men. We would remember, that eve- ry moment of pleasure to us, is a moment of an- guish to some; and that while our health and our relative comforts are continued, many arc confined to beds of languishing, or sighing. Lover and friend hast thou put from me, and mine acquaint- ance into darkness. In the multitude of their thoughts within them, may thy comforts delight their souls; and if not in the suffering, yet in the review of their trials, may they be able to say, "It is good for me that I have been afflicted." Let not the prosperity of the successful destroy them' or the table of the indulged, prove a snare, Ii every state may the voice be heard and obeyed arise and depart hence, for this is not your rest. We know not what a day may bring forth; yet we would not be anxious in prospect o* the future, SECOND WfiliiK. 63 nor perplex ourselves wilh that care about events, which, it is our duty and privilege, to cast upon Him who careth for us. We would keep our minds in perfect peace, being stayed upon Thee. Assure us, that nothing can befall us without thy permission, appointment, and administration; as- sure us that Thou hast engaged to make all things work together for our good — say to our hearts, I will never leave thee nor forsake thee. Grant us thy counsels for our guide; And then receive us to thy bliss; All our desires and hopes beside, Are faint and cold compared with this. Amen. TUESDAY MORNING. O Thou God of Abraham, of Isaac, and of Ja- cob; the God of all the righteous, and of all that hunger and thirst after righteousness: blessed are the people that are in such a case, yea, happy is the people whose God is the Lord. May we be fellow heirs, and of the same body, and partakers of thy promise, in Christ, by the gospel. We hope in thy word. There we see thee, not on a throne of judgment, whose term would make us afraid, but on a throne of grace, waiting to be gracious, and exalted to have mercy There we hear Thee saying, not — "depart ye cursed into everlasting fire, prepared for the devil and his an- gels," but — "look unto me and be ye saved, all the ends of the earth, for I am God and there is none else." They that know thy name, will put iheir trust in thee, for thou I^ord liast not forsaken them that seek thee. How many glorified in heaven, and what numbers now living on earth, are thy witnesses, O God, exemplifying in their recovery 64 SECOND WEEK. from the ruins of the fall, the freeness, and riches, and efficacy, of thy grace. All that were ever saved, were saved by thee, and will throus^h eterni- ty, exclaim. Not unto us, O Lord, not unto us, but to thy name give glory, for thy mercy and for thy truth's sake. And after all thy communica- tions, thou art the same Lord, over all, and rich unto all, that call upon thee. Thou hast the same ear to hear, the same heart to pity, the same hand to deliver. But thou hast chosen to transact all thy con- cerns with us through a Mediator. In Him, it hath pleased thee, that all fulness should dwell. Him thou hast exalted at thy own right hand, to be a Prince and a Saviour, to give repentance un- to Israel and remission of sins To Him therefore may we look; on Him may we entirely depend; and in Him, vvith all the seed of Israel, may we be justified and glorified. May we know how to derive relief from his sufferings, without losing any of our abhorrence of sin, or longing after holiness. May we feel the double efficiency of his blood, in tranquillizing our con- sciences and cleansing them: may we delight in his service as well as h's sacrifice; and under the constrainings of a love that passeih knowledge; may we live, not to ourselves, but to Him that died for us and rose again. In all our appioaches to thee, may wc have boldness and access, with confidence, by the faith of Him. Give us much of the spirit of grace and of supplication. By a constant readiness for the duty, and a frequent performance of it, may we pray without ceasing; and by guarding against every discouragement, may we pray, and not faint. May we cherish a grateful and cheerful dispo- sition; not murmuring and repining^ because all SECOND WEEK. 65 oiir wishes are not indultj^ed, or because some tn- als are blended v/ith our enjoyments; but sensible of our desert, and imi)ressed wiih the number and g-reatness of thy benefits, may we bless the Lord at all times, and may his praise continually be in ;ur mouth. And may our gratitude be real and practical, and increasing- with our obligations. Enal:)le us to inquiie, Lord what wilt thou have me to do? Enable us to resolve, I will walk before the Lord in the latid of the living; enable us to p ray- Make me to walk in thy commands, 'Tis a delightful road; Nor let my head, or heart, or hands, Offend against my God. We commend to thy pity, and thy power, all those who are any way afflicted in mind, body, or estate. May the young find it good to bear the yoke in their youth; may they that know thee not, be chosen in the furnace of affliction: and may thy own people find thee a very present help in trouble. Smile upon our country. Enlighten the under- standings of those who are at the head of public affairs, and enable them to instruct the people what to do. May our magistrates be men fear- ing God and hating covetoasness; make our of- ficers peace, and our exactors righteousness. Let not oppression be ever seen on the side of judg- ment, nor a perverse spirit be mingled in the midst of the people. Let glory dwell in our land, and upon all the glory may there be a defence. May the grace of, 8cc. Amen. TUESDAY EVENING. O Thou, that hearest prayer, unto Thee shall all flesh come. Lord teach us to pray. We have reason to fear, that the language of our lips, F 2 SECOND WEEK. and the feelings of our hearts, in our religious exercises, have not always agreed. We have fre- quently taken carelessly upon our tongues, a name never pronounced above, without the deepest re- verence and humility. We have often desired things Avhich would have proved our injury,* and we have deprecated things which have proved some of our chief mercies. We have erred, both on the side of our hopes and fearsj we are unfit to choose for ourselves: we are convinced, that the way of man is not in himself, it is not in man that walketh to direct his steps. We know not what to pray for as we ought. Let thy Spirit help our infirmities; and produce in us those views and dis- positions which will lead us to ask according to thy will, and then we know Thou hearest us. With regard to temporal blessings, may wp never be importunate; may we always refer them to thy fatherly goodness; for Tliou knowest that we have need of these things before we ask Thee; but may we seek first in time and attention, thy kingdom and righteousness. May we value things by their relation to eternity. May we never think we prosper, unless our souls prosper; tliat we arc rich, unless we are rich towards God; that we are wise, unless we are made wise unto salvation. May our spiritual and everlasting welfare be our chief solicitude, and may we be conscious to our- selves, that we would rather be poor, and afflict- ed, and despised, if blessed with much of the life of God in our souls, than to be admired by our fellow men, and be successful in our enterprises, and have more than heart can wish — if these things should prove the means of our forgetfulness of God. Having found this world to be dreams and lies, vanity and vexatio*! of spirit, may we arise and SECOND WEEK. 67 depart from it, and seek our happiness in thy fa ▼our and imaj^e, and presence, and service. And tliough we are unworthy to be regarded by Thee, especially after we have so often refused Thee, receive us graciously; justify our persons, and re novate our nature; and put thy laws into our minds and write them in our hearts; and be Thou to us a God, and may we be to Thee a people. Endear to us that Saviour, whose unexampled love led Him to suffer,the just for the unjust, that He might bring us unto God. May we never dare to think of coming to Thee in any other way; but may we always havc^ boldness and access, with confidence, l)y the faith of Ilim: yea, may we joy in God, through our Lord Jesus Christ, by whom we have now received the atonement; and not on- ly so, but may we glory in tribulation also, know- ing that tribulation worketh patience, and patience experience, and experience hope. For blessed be thy name, we live not in a fatherless world; nor are our minutest affairs for- gotten before God. The hairs of our head are all numbered; our losses and trials are not the effects of chance, but (ivents, in which thy wisdom and mercy are now concerned, and will be, hereafter, displayed. We know that all things work togeth- er for good, to them that love Thee; may our cha- racter, therefore, and not our condition, be the object of our anxiety. May we ascertain that our heart is right with Thee, and be careful for noth- ing Having given ourselves unto the Lord, may we remember that we have a right, from thy holy word, to depend upon Thee, to provide for us, and to manage all our concerns, even to the end. Discharged from the toil and the torment of care, may we feel ourselves at liberty to enjoy the ad- vantages and comforts of our condition in life, and 68 SECCND WEEK. above all to pursue our work as christians. Ma\ we be attentive to duty; may v/e vnqulre, how we can best serve our generation, and glorify Thee in our body and spirit. May holiness to the Lord be inscribed upon all our time, and talents, and sub- stance; and may the inquiry of our grateful hearts every moment be, What shall I render unto the Lord for all his benefits towards me? Thou hast made the outgoings of another morn- ing and evening to rejoice. Thou hast crowned the day with thy goodness. Let the night witness thy care and kindness; and may we enter on anoth- er portion of our time, not only under fresh obli- gations, but with new desires and resolutions to be forever thine. Our Father, Sec. WEDNESDAY MORNING. O Thou Most High! enable us to feel and to express, becoming regards towards Thee, as the Creator of the ends of the earth, the Preserver of men, the Governour of the universe, the Judge of all, the Saviour of sinners. Thy greatness is un- searchable, but thy goodness is infinite. It is be- cause thy compassions fail not, that we are not consumed. Thou hast not only prolonged our un- worthy lives under numberless provocations, but Thou hast afforded us every needful supply and indulgence. Thy mercies have been new every morning and every moment. Through thy good hand upon us, we have been rescued from the pe- rils of another night; our repose has been unterri- fied and undisturbed; sleep has refreshed our bo- dies and renewed our strength; and we find our selves surrounded at the commencement of anoth« er day, with all our accustomed privileges. But O God, we can never be sufficiently thank iECO;Ni> WEEK. 09 fill, that we have our existence in a christian coun- try, and where we can hear words, by which we may be saved. O, how important, how suitable, howencouraijingare the discoveries, tlie doctrines, the promises, the invitations of the y^ospel of peace. We are lost; but here is presented to us a free, full, and everlasting salvation. We are left without strength; but here we learn, that help is laid on one that is mighty. We are poor and reedy; but here we behold the unsearchable riches of Clirist. We are blind and ignorant; but in Him are hid all the treasures of wisdom and knowledge. We thank Thee O God for thine unspeakable gift, and we cordially accept of thy mercy extended to us through the mediation of thy dear Son. ^Ve re joice that he has been delivered for our offences, and raised again for our justification; and that He is now exalted at thy right hand to be a Prince and a Saviour. We abandon every other refuge to hide in, and every other foundation to build upon, and make him our only hope, and our only confi- dence. And while we depend on his death, and make mention of his righteousness only, we ad- mire his example, and desire to be conformed to his image. May we put on the Lord Jesus Christ, and increasingly resemble Him, whose life was beneficence; whose soul was meekness and humil- ity; who pleased not himself; and who, of obedi- ence the most trying and difficult, could say, I de- light to do thy will, O my God, yea thy lav/ i^ within my heart. May his glory fill our minds, may his love reign in our affections; and at his cross, and at his tomb, may we burn with ardour to live, not to ourselves, but to Him that died for us and rose again. Let the number of his followers daily increase; •4nd may none of ouv friends be found among his rO SECOND WEEK. enemies. Pour thy Spirit upon our seed, and thy bl'^ssing- upon our offspring. Let our sons be as plants grownup in their youth, and our daughters as corner stones, polished after the sinulitude of a palace. May our domestics be the servants of God; may they do his will from the heart; and be prepared for that world, where those who serve, will be as those who are served, and all the dis- tinctions now necessary, will be done away, and none remain, but those which arise from char- acter. And whatever be our conditions in life, may we fill them as christians; may we escape the snares to which they expose us; discharge the du- ties that grow out of their circumstances; enjoy with moderation and gratitude their advantages; and improve with decision and diHgence, their op- portunities and resources of usefulness. May every place and every company, in which we are found, be benefited by us. And whatever may be the opinion of our fellow creatures concerning us, may we be satisfied and happy, in having the testimony that we please God. We are now going forth into the concerns of another day. Take us under thy protection and influence. Guide us in all our steps. Enable us to i-ealize thy presence and thy providence. Suc- ceed us, in all our lawful endeavours, or prepare us for disappointment; and assure us that we are in the number of those to whom all things are working together for good; and who will for ever acknowledge — marvellous are thy works, Lord God Almighty, just and true are all thy ways, O •-hou King of saints. Amen. ' WEDNESDAY EVENING. GOD over all, blessed for evermore. We de SECOND WEEK. 7] sire to acknowledge thy Being and agency; to adore thy perfections, and to admire the works of thy hands. Thou hast made summer and winter. Thou hast appointed the moon for seasons, and the sun knoweth his going down. The day is thine; the night also is thine: and thoumakcst the outgoings of the morning and the evening to re- joice. To that throne, from which none were ever repulsed or sent away empty, we again ap- proach for mercy and grace to help in time of need. Let our prayer come befoje Thee as in- cense, and the lifting up of our hands as the even- ing sacrifice. Preserve us from formality, in those exercises in which we so daily engage; and alarm our fears, lest we should provoke Thee to say, in vain do they worship me. For chis purpose, enable us to realize thine all seeing eye, to remember with ivhom we have to do and what we have to do with Him: may we deep- ly feel the guilt of the sins we confess, and hunger and thirst after the blessings we implore. And while we review the numberless blessings we have received from thy hands, may we be more than ever sensible of our unworthiness, that our hearts may be unfeignedly thankful, and that we may be disposed to show forth thy praise, not only with our lips, but in our lives, by giving up ourselves to thy service, and walking before Thee in holi- ness and righteousness all our days. He that is our God is the God of salvation, and unto God the Lord belong the issues from death. We bless Thee this evening, as the Preserver of men. Another day has been added, by thy good providence, to the season of thy long suffering, and the time of our preparation for eternity. We la- ment that the design of our being placed and con- tinued here, has been so imperfectly subserved; 72 SECOND WEEK. that in so many things we have offended, and in all, come short of the glory of God. If, where much is given, much will be required, and the servatit who k'lew his Lord's will, and did it not, shall be beaten with many stripes — if Thou, Lord should mark our iniquities, O Lord, who shall stand? We cannot answer Thee for one of a thou- sand of our transgressions: the review of a single day is enough to plunge us into despair — our only relief is, that there is forgiveness with Theej and that with Thee there is plenteous redemption. But while we hope in thy mercy, we would not abuse it. We would not sin that grace may abound; or be evil, because Thou art good. But since Thou art good, and ready to forgive, we would the more sincerely grieve, that ever we have offended a Being, so worthy of our devoted ness; and be the more concerned in future, to walk so as to please Thee. Create in us a clean heart, and renew a right spirit within us. Set a watch, () God, upon our mouth; keep the door of our lips. And in sim- plicity and godly sincerity, not with fleshly wis- dom, but by thy grace, may we have our conver- sation in the world, and in the church, and in the family. We again commend ourselves to thy care. As Thou hast been through the day, our sun and oui shield, be Thou through the night, our shade and our defence. Undisturbed by anxieties, unalarm- ed by fears, undistressed by pain, or indisposition, may we retire and enjoy repose. Remind us, by putting off our garments, and lying down to sleep, of putting off the body, and sleeping in the grave, the house appointed for all living. Prepare u? for the night of death, the mornmg of the resur rection, and the day of judgment. SECOND WEEK. 73 And all we implore, is through lAe Mediation of Him, who bore the sins oi'many, and made in- tercession for the transgressors, to whom, with the Father, and tlie Holy Spirit, be endless prais- es. Amen. THURSDAY MORNING. We wi)uld address Thee, O God, in the lan- guage of the publican, which so well becomes us, and say, from our hearts, God be merciful to me a sinner. Sinners we are by nature and practice; sinners ihy word proclaims us to be; sinners, we hope we feel ourselves to be; and acknowledge that Thou art justified when Thou speakest, and clear when Thoujudgest. Yet Thou hast not left us to despair; nor have we a mere peradvenlure to encourage us — who can tell if God will return and repent, and leave a blessing behind him that we perish not.^ We have all the assurance we could desire, that with the Lord there is mercy, and with Him, plenteous^ redemption. Conscious of the number and hein^ ousness of our offences, we could not have apr proached Thee with confidence, without a pre- vious token for good. But thou hast stretched forth the golden scei>tre, and said — ^"touch and live; I will be merciful to thy unrighteousness, and thy sins and iniquities will I remember no more.** May we encourage ourselves, by a sense of thy all-sufficiency, by faith in thy promises, and by views of the experience of others, and ask and receive, that our joy may be full. To that dear refuge, in which so many have been shelter- ed from every storm, may we repair;;and in thai fountain for sin, always open, and free for ally may we be cleansed from all our defilements. G / SECOND WEEK. Lord, we believe — help thou our unbelief; that sin is exceeding sinful; it is the abominable thinr which thy soul hateth; and this, and this alone, separates between thee and us. Thou canst not contradict the essential perfections of thy nature; and thou canst not make us happy with thyself, till thou hast made us holy, like thyself. () thou holy God, deliver us from all our iniquities, and make us such creatures as thou canst take plea- sure in, and such creatures as can take pleasure in thee. Wiiile many are asking, Who will show us any good.^ may the cry of our heart be. Lord, lift thou up the light of thy countenance upon U'j. May we consent to the law of God, that it is goo^Jl; may we delight in thy law, after the inner n\7L\i. May we never complain of the strictness of thy demands, but mourn over our want of conformity to them. May we esteem all thy commandments, concerning all things to be right, a!id hate every false way. Put thy Spirit within us, that oui ])ractice may spring from principle, and our dis positions be congenial with duty, so that we may resemble him who could say, 'Mny meat is to do the will of Him that sent me, and to finish his work." We live in a world of changes: but with thee there is no variableness, nor shadow of turning. May we know that Thou, the eternal God, art our refuge, and that underneath us are thine ever- lasting arms. Creatures die; friends and relations die; the fathers, where are they.'^ And the pru- phets, do they live for ever? But the Lordliveth, and blessed be our rock, and let the God of our salvation be exalted. May we never forget that we are mortal our- selves. May we never put the evil day far off. May we frei^uentl) and seriously think of a dying SECOND WEEK. 75 hour; may we faithfully inquire, Wnat will lie its issue with regard to us, and wsJiat preparation we have for it. And may we never rest satisfied, till we are enabled to view it, as the period of our re- lease, and the end of our conflict; till we can say with Paul, Thanks, be unto God wlio has given us the victory, through our Lord Jesus Christ. Take us, this day, under thy protection; and make use of us for thy glory. Let thy presence go with us; and do thou give us rest. Let thy love sweeten our comforts, and thy grace sanctify all our trials. We consecrate ourselves to Thee, body, soul, and spirit. Accept of our persons and services, and enable us to ascribe, blessing, and honour, and glory, and power, unto Him that sitteth upon the throne, and unto the lamb, for ever and ever. Amen. THURSDAY EVENING. O God, all thy works praise Thee, and thy saints bless Thee. By thy mercies, we again sur- round this family altar, and engage in the exer- cises of devotion. May we be concerned to wor- ship Thee, a holy God, in the beauty of holiness; and to worship Thee, who art a Spirit, in spirit and in truth. Such worship alone thy word re- quires; but such worship, thy grace alone can enable us to render. For we know from thy word, and from our own experience we know, that with- out Thee, we can do nothing. All oursulHcien- cy is of Thee: do Thou work in us to will, and to do, of thy good pleasure. We would call to remembrance our true cha- racter and condition before Thee. We would not go about to establish our own righteousness, or seek to den} or extenuate our guilt. We are no; 76 SECOND WEEK. only unprofitable servants, but condemned crimi- nals. We confess the number and offensiveness of our transgressions, and acknowledge that we deserve to perish. But we bless Thee for tha everlasting consolation and good hope, through grace, which the gospel affords; for the news of a Mediator between Thee and us; of a High Priest who has put away sin by the sacrifice of himself; of an Advocate with the Father, who ever lives to make intercession for us, and of a Saviour, in wh')m it has pleased Thee, that all fulness should dwell. Produce in us, all the feelings of those who are !)lessed with repentance unto life. Give us that faiLn by which we can be justified from all things, and have peace with God, through our Lord Je- sus Christ. To the shadow of the Redeemer's cross may we retreat, and there find security and relief, refreshment and delight. Assure us of an inlerestin thy favour, which is life; and clothe us with thine image, which is the beauty and digsiity of the soul. We bless Thee for thy word, which we have Ijeen reading. May it dwell in us richly in all wisdom. May we yield a suitable attention to its various parts. May we make it, not only our song in the house of our pilgrimage, but the man of our counsel, a light unto our feet, and a lamp unto our paths. May we take it along with us, into all the concerns of life; and whether we are rich or poor, whether we are parents or children, whether we are appointed to govern or serve, may we walk by this rule, that mercy and peace may i)e upon us. May we ever be willing that the Lord should choose our inheritance for us, and readily and pi- ously acrommodate ourselves, to the dispensa- SECOND WEEK. 7/ tions of thy providence. May we i ever ican tu our own understanding: may we never take a siep without asking counsel of the Lord, nor be unwil- ling to take one, at the intimation of thy pleasure. May we never think that Thou art less wise, and righteous, and good, in a cloudy and dark day, than in a shining one; when we cannot trace Thee, may we trust; and walking by faith, and not by sight, l)e fully persuaded, that just and right are all thy ways, O Thou King of saints. Regard those, who, under the pressure of afflic- tion, are saying, Brethren pray for us Be wiih them in trouble. Thou knowest the anxieties of thy people, lest by any of their temper or carriage in the evil day, they should injure the religion they profess: let thy grace be sufficient for them: let faith and patience have their perfect work: le: them glorify Thee in all their trials. Bless all in authority over us, and so rule their hearts and strengthen their hands, that they may punish wickedness and vice, and maintain true re- ligion and virtue. May all those who are placed above others in condition, go before them in the profession of truth and the practice of holiness, and be examples to all inferior ranks in society. And may the grace of, 8cc. Amen. FRIDAY MORNING. O Thou eternal God! with Thee is the fountain of life. Thou art the Father of men and angels. Thou art the Governor of the universe, and tht Judge of all. Thou dost from thy throne behold all the dwellers upon earth: and there is not a word on our tongue, or a thought in our heart, but lo ! O Lord, Thou knowest it altogether. And G 2 78 SECOND WEEK. Thou art not a God that hast pleagure in wicked ness, neither can evil dwell with Thee. How then can we presume to enter thy pre- sence, who have rendered ourselves guilty beiore Thee, and have provoked thy righteous displea- sure. O wretched creatures that we are! We have wearied thy patience, we have abused th) goodness, we have trampled on thy authority, and we have said unto God, Depart from us, we desire not the knowledge of thy ways. We lie at thy mercy. If Thou pity us not, we are undone. But Thou art long suffering, not willing that any should perish. Hast Thou not sworn by th)self, that Thou hast no pleasure in the death of him that dieth.'* Hast Thou not delivered up thine own Son for us all? And wilt Thou not with Him, also freely give us all things? Through Him as the way, the truth, and the life, may we return to Thee; and find Thee, wait- ing to be gracious, and exalted to have mercy up- on us. Awaken our consciences. Enlighten us in the knowledge of sin and of ourselves. May we feel our personal depravity, misery, and help- lessness; and from self-despair, may we be led to value the discoveries of the gospel, and to flee for refuge to lay hold upon the hope set before us. May we rejoice in the suitableness, the all suf- ficiency, and the perfect willinp-ness of the Sa- vior; and find in Him, for ourselves, individually, wisdom, and righteousness, and s-anctification, and redemption. As our Prophet, may we receive his instructions. As our High Priest, may we rely on his sacrifice and intercession. As our Prince may W2 obey Him. As our example may we follow Him! and whatsoever we do, in word, or deed, may we do all in the name of the Lord Jesus. SECOND ■WEEK. 7S May intesj^rit} and uprightness preserve us. May we be Israelites indeed, in whom is no guile; and herein exercise ourselves, to have always a conscience void of offence, towards God, and to- wards man. May the same mind govern us, and the same spirit actuate us, in prosperity and ad- versity; alone, and in public; in thy house, and in our own: may we fulfil our course with diligence and perseverance; and at last, finish it with joy: When we have passed the v/ilderness, and ou: eyes behold the swellings of Jordan, bid our anx- ious fears subside; and give us an abundant en- trance into the everlasting kingdom of our Lord and Saviour. But O Lord, we would not reach that felicity alone. May we awaken the attention of others, and induce them to join us in the path of life; ever remembering, that if we convert a sinner from the error of his way, we shall save a soul from death, and shall hide a rrultitude of sins. May we there- fore seek every opportunity of usefulness; may we walk in wisdom towards them that are without; holding forth the word of life, and adorning the doctrine of God our Saviour in all things — To whom, be glory and majesty, dominion and power, both now and for ever. Amtn. FRIDAY EVENING. O God, thou art greatly to be feared in the as- sembly of the saints, and to be had in reverence of all them that are about Thee. Thou art King of kings and Lord of lords : Thou art the blessed ind only Potentate; Thou only hast immortality — thy greatness is unsearchable. But thy name is love. Thy compassions never fail. Thy mer- cies are cvei a ' th\ works and Thou hast dis- 80 SECOND WEEK. played the exceeding riches of thy grare, in thy kindness towards us, by Christ Jesus. We are not only allowed, but even enjoined tc seek thy face; and assured, that they who seek the Lord, shall not want any good thing. We acknowledge that we have forfeited all claim to thy regard, and are not only unworthy, but guilty. We are convinced, that if ever we are saved, it must be according to thy mercy, for there is nothing in us, from which our recovery can arise, or on which our hope can fix. But Thou hast commended thy love towards us, in that while we were yet sinners, Christ died for us — died for the ungodly. And Thou hast sent the gospel to announce the intelligence, and to certify, that whosoever believeth on Him shall not perish, but have everlasting life. O Thou God of all grace, as Thou hast given us a Saviour, produce in us that faith by which we shall be enabled to receive Hin., and make Him all our desire, all our hope, and all our glory. May we enter Him as our refuge; build on Him as our foundation; walk in Him as our way; follow Him as our guide; and conform to Him as our example. May we never be ashamed of Jesus or of his words; but J»[0 forth to Him without the camp, bearing his reproach. May we never draw upon ourselves reflections by unholy or imprudent con- duct, but count it a glory, when buffeted for a fault, to take it patiently; but if we suffer for truth and righteousness' sake, may we rejoice that we are partakers of Christ's sufferings knowings that when his elory shall be revealed, we also shall re- joice with exceeding joy. May we never make the multitude our model; nor wait for the company and countenance of SECOVD WEEK. 81 others, when conviction, derived from thy word, excites us to advance. Like Caleb, may we have another spirit, and follow the Lord fully: and with Joshua, say to all around us, *'C^oose you, whom yo I will serve — ^but as for me and my house, we will serve the Lord." Preserve us from the present evil world. May its smiles never allure, nor its frowns terrify us from the path of duty: may its vices never defile, nor its errors delude us. May we not live look- incj at the thmg^s which are Seen and temporal; but as heirs of immortality, may we feel that we are strang-ers and pilgrims on earth, and declare plainly that we seek a country. And may our title to it daily become more clear; and our meek- ness for it more perfect; and our foretastes of it more abundant. May our house be the tabernacle of the right- eous; and let it be ever filled with the voice of re- joicing and of salvation. May those who are sta- tioned at the head of the family, know their duty towards those who are placed under their care; and may they know their duty to us: and in our several relations «iiay we walk by the rule of thy word, that mercy and peace may be upon us; and that observers may exclaim, Behold, how good and how pleasant a thing it is for brethren to dwell together in unity. Bless the religious denomination to which we belong; and let every christian church flourish. Wherever we see the grace of God, may we be glad; and willingly leave, to the Author of all good, the choice of his own instruments. Bless the Government of our country. Regard in mer- cy, all its lawful interests, domestic and foreign. Sanctify, anJ perpetuate, and extend, our religious advantages Let thy word have free course, and 82 SECCSD WEEK. be glorified. Let thy way be knovvn Dn eai th, and thy saving health among all nc^tions. And now, unto Him that is able to do exceed- ing abundantly, above all that we ask or think, ac- cording to the power that worketh in us, unto him be glory in the church, by Christ Jesus, throughout all ages, world without end. Amen. SATURDAY MORNING. O God, Thou art glorious in holiness, fearful in praises doing Wonders. And it is not one o\ the least of thy wonderful doings towards the children of men, that we are on this side an awful eternity, and not reaping the due reward of our deeds. Our whole life has been a series of pro- vocations against thy divine majesty. Our of- fences have not only been countless, but aggra- vated. Conscience has rebuked us; friends have admonished us; the examples of the wise and good have reproached and encouraged us. Thou hast often called us to reflection and repentance, by the smart of the rod; and invited and allured us, by a profusion of kindnesses. Our iniquities are increased over our head and our trespass is gone up into the very heaven. And Thou hast seen all our sins^ and Thou hast abhorred all; and Thou couldst have easily and justly punished us; yet Thou hast spared us; and instead of finding ourselves, this morning, in the place where even God has forgotcen to be gracious, and lifting up our eyes in hopeless torment, we can lift up our eyes unto the hills, from whence cometh our help. In ourselves we are poor, and wretched, and miserable; but Thou, whom we have offended, even Thou, hast provided every supply for our souls; and with the announcement, we have the invitation, Come, for all things are now ready SECONU WKKK. 8^ O Lord, we thankfully obey thy call; we accept of thy goodness: we acquiesce in all the appoint- ments of the i^ospel. We believe the record Thou hast given of thy dear Son — that there is salvation in none other, but that in Him there is plenteous redemption; and apply to Him for all th*? benefits resulting from every ofBce he sustains in the church. We give up our minds implicitly to his instruction; in the sacrifice he once offered, we trust and glory; we revere, we love his author- ity; and pray that his grace may reign in us, through righteousness unto eternal life. We would not — we will not — love a world that cruci- fied Him. We will not cherish, or endure, the sins that put Him to grief, or suffer Him to be wounded in the house of his friends. At the same cross, which relieves our consciences from a burden too heavy for us to bear, we would learn lessons of self-denial, forgiveness, and submission: we would feel motives to obedience; and find re- sources for all the exigencies of the divine life. For we rejoice to think, that by his being^ made a curse for us, the blessing of Abraham comes upon the Gentiles, and that we can receive the promise of the Spirit, by faith. For his sake, give thy Holy Spirit to them that now ask Thee as a Spirit of grace and of supplication, of truth and of holiness, of peace and of consolation: and may we not only possess — but be filled with the Spirit. May we never consider ourselves, as detached individuals. May we look, not every man on his own things only, but also on the things of others. Never may we ask with Cain, when reproved for unkindness or urged to beneficence, Am I my brother's keeper.^ But may we love our neighbour a> ourselves. May we do good even to the un- 84 SECOND WEEK. thankful and the unworthy^ may we teach trans* gressof s thy ways, and be the means of convert- ing- sinners unto Thee: and may none of our ef forts be rendered fruitless, by inconsistency of character, and reproachfulness of conduct. May we be what we profess; and do<, as well as teach. May all our connexions see, as well as hear our re- ligion; and be constrained to acknowledge, that we are the seed which the Lord hath blessed. We bless Thee, that again we have laid us down in peace, and slept, because Thou, Lord, only makest us dwell in safety. Into thy hands we commit our bodies and spirits, for our going out and comin-:^ in, this day. We are more exposed by day than by night; more surrounded with evil; and more liable to the seductions of sin. May we ever re:-;ard sin as our greatest foe, and holiness as our noblest attainment. And whether we are in solitude or socieiy, lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil; for thine is the kingdom, and the power, and the glory, for ever and ever. jimen. SATURDAY EVENING. O God, Thou hast made, and Thou upholdest all things by the word of thy power. Darkness 13 thy pavilion. Thou walkest upon the wings of the wind. All nations before Thee are as nothing. One generation pusseth away, and another comethj and we are hastening back to the dust from whence we were taken. The heavens we behold will van- ish away like the cloud that covers them; and the earth we tread will dissolve like a morning dream;, but Thou, incapable of change, independent of the vicissitudes of time, and the perishing of worlds, art, from everlasting to everlasting, God over all, blessed for evermore SECOND UEEK. 85 Infinitely great and glorious as Thou art, we are thy offspring and thy care. Thy hands have made us and fashioned us. Thou hast watched over us with more than parental, more than maternal tenderness. Thou hast holden our soul in life, and not suffered our feet to be moved. Thy di- vine power has given us all things, not only ne- cessary for life, but godliness. Bless the Lord, O our souls, and forget not all his benefits; who for- giveth all our iniquities; who healeth all our dis- eases; who redeemeth our lives from destruction; who crowneth us with loving-kindness and tender mercies; who satisfieth our mouth with good things so that our youth is renewed like the eagles. We raise this evening a fresh memorial, and in- scribe it to the God of our salvation. Hitherto hath the Lord helped us. We have passed, not only through another day, but through another week. The sun has not smitten us by day, nor the moon by night. We have been preserved in our going out, and coming in. But thine has been the vigilance, that turned aside the evils which threatened us. Thine have been the sup- plies that have nourished us. Thine the comforts that have indulged us. Thine the relations and friends that have delighted us. Thine have been the means of grace which have edified us; and thine the book, which, amidst all our enjoyments, has told us, that this is not our rest; and in all our successes, that one thing is yet needful. Nothing can equal the number of thy mercies, but our imperfections and sins. These O God, wf. would not conceal, or palliate; but confess them, with a broken heart and a contrite spirit. In what a condition would our closet-reviews leave us, this evening, were it not for the assurance that there is forgiveness with thee, that thou may- H '^O SECOND WEEK. est be feared, and with thee plenteous redemption. Yet, while we hope for pardon through the blood of the cross, we pray to be clothed with humility; to be quickened in thy way; and to be more devot- ed to the things that belong to our everlasting peace. How soon has the week rolled away I Its days have fled like a dream, a vapour, a shadow. So will all our days flee; so will they all appear when the end arrives. O, help us to keep that end in re- membrance; and endeavour to view things nov/, as they will appear, from the borders of the grave. May we know how frail we are, that we may be cured of the folly of delay and indecision; and so number our days, that we may apply our hearts unto wisdom. May we call the approaching sabbath a delight, the holy of the Lord, honourable; and may we honour thee, in not doing our own ways, nor find- ing our own pleasures, nor speaking our own words. May the private moments of the day, be sacred; and the social — innocent and edifying. And may we keep our foot, when we go to the house of God, and ofl'er not the sacrifice of fools. Let us not go as they go, and sit as they sit, and hear thy words, but do them not. Preserve us from trifling with the things of the soul and eternity, or trusting in those privileges, which, unimproved, will only augment our guilt and our misery. Thy people, the Jews, were distinguished by thy favours, above all the families of the earth; but wrath came upon them to the uttermost- The churches of Asia, provoked thee to remove ihe candlestick out of its place; and they were left in darkness. We have awful examples still nearer. How many, who once heard and professed the THIRD n^EEK. 87 q^ospel, have leen turned by the abuse oi it, into apostates a'nd infidels, blasphemers and persecut- ors; ten fold more the children of hell than before; while numbers who yet maintain the form of god liness, are too hardened to feel the power of it. While, therefore, we go to thy house, in the multitude of thy mercies, may we in thy fear wor- ship towards thy holy temple; for thou art great- ly to be feared in the assembly of the saints. O, let us not perish under means designed to save us. O, let not the savour of life unto life, prove to us only the savour of death unto death. Make the place of thy feet glorious. Bring us to thy holy mountain, and if we are not made joy- ful in thy house of prayer convince us, alarm us, humble us, banish the spirit of the world from our hearts, and fill us with all the fulness of God. So we thy people and the sheep of thy pasture, will give thee thanks for ever, we will show forth thy praise throughout all generations. Amen. THIRD vrrzsi. SUNDAY MORNING. O God, we desire with all reverence and humi- lity to approach thee, a? a Being infinitely great and glorious. Thou art the perfection of all ex- cellency, the fountain of all life, and the source of all blessedness. How immense is the family of creatures, produced by thy word, and depend- ing on thy care. Millions are visible; and myri- ads of myriads, in the air, the earth, and the sea, are invisible: and all these have their wants and 88 THIRD WEEK. their appetites, and are capable of receiving re- lief and pleasure. And the eyes of all wait upon thee, and thou givest them their meat in due sea- son; thou openest thine hand and satisfiest the de- sire of every li^ in£^ thing. But they never forfeited the care of their Crea- tor, nor swerved from the end of their being; while we have joined in alliance with thy foes, and deserve, as children of disobedience, that the wrath of God should come upon us. And yet, such is the excellency of thy loving kindness, O Lord, that the children of men , unworthy and guil- ty as they are, are allowed to come and put their trust under the shadow of thy wings. We bless thee for the Scriptures of truth, which make known thy designs concerning us, and as- sure us, that they are thoughts of peace, and not evil. We rejoice in thy word, as one that findeth great spoil. We love to peruse its doctrines, pro- mises, and invitations; to contemplate the great mystery of godliness, God manifest in the Aesh; and to dwell on the history and experience of those who have obtained mercy. For all who have ever been saved, have been saved by thy grace, and have been thy workmanship. And thou art the same, yesterday, to-day, and for ever; thy hand is not shortened that it cannot save, nor thine ear heavy, that it cannot hear. Bow down thy ear, and hearken to the voice of our supplication: employ thy hand for our de- liverance and relief. We are already the creat- ures of thy power — O, make us the subjects of thy grace. We are already the beneficiaries of thy providence — O, bless us with all spiritual bles- sings — blessings for our souls, and for eternity. Though In' nature far off, may we be made nigh by t'le blood of Christ: no longer strangers and THIRD WEEK. 89 foreiij-ners, but fellow-citizens with the saint*, and of the house-hold of God. Bless us, we pray Thee with a present salvation — that being justified by faith, we may have peace with God; that the love and power of sin may be subdued in our hearts; that we may be dead to the world; alive to the glory of God; and concerned to serve our gene- ration according to thy will. May we never be blots, or mere blanks, in life. May we never cause the ways of truth to be evil spoken of; may our liberty never prove an occa- sion to the flesh, but by love may we serve one another. May every one of us please his neigh- bour, for his good to edification. May we attend, not only to what is essential in our religious char- acter, but what is ornamental. May we pursue whatsoever things are lovely and of good report; and render our professions of the gospel, not only impressive, but amiable and inviting. May we hold forth the word of life, with our tempers as well as our tongues; with our lives as well as our lips; and thus be continually saying to those we meet — We are journeying towards a place, of which the Lord said, I will give it you; come with us, and we will do you good, for the Lord hath spoken good concerning Israel. Send out thy light and thy truth; let them lead us, let them guide us to the holy hill, and to thy tabernacles. Bless, this day, the dispensation ol ihy gospel by means of preaching. While Paul plants and Apollos waters — it is all that they can do; give Thou the increase. May thy ministers be wise to win souls, and help those much who aave believed through grace. Especially bless thy dear servant, on whose la- bours Ave are this day to attend. Let him come forth from his sacred retirement in the fulness of h2 90 THIRD V/EER. the blessing of the gospel of peace: and may he enter the sanctuary, as Aaron entered the taber- nacle of the congregation, when the holy oil was poured upon his head, and the fragrance filled the place — and O, let him not prove the savour of death unto death to any that shall hear him. Open our ear to discipline^ may we hear for ourselves; hear for our souls; so hear, as that our souls may live. And may great grace rest upon all the as- semblies of thy people. Despise not the prisoners of Thy providence. Follow those who are unable to follow Thee; and while forbidden to hear the preaching of i.he word, may they hear the voice of the rod, and have rea- son to say. It is good for us that we have been af- flicted. Make them thankful, that to will is pre- sent with them; and that in their hearts, are the ways of them who repair to Zion. Prove thyself, a very present help in trouble, and render the bed of languishing, the chamber of sickness, the house of mourning — the house of God, and the gate of heaven. And by all the discipline of thy Providence, and the ordinances of religion, may we be increasing- ly prepared for the remaining duties of life, the solemnities of a dying hour, and the services and joys that are beyond the grave. We implore it through tlie intercession of Him who has encouraged us to address Thee — as Our Father, See. SUNDAY EVENING. It is a good thing to give thanks unto the Lord, and to sing praises unto thy name, (), Most High, to show forth thy loving-kindness in the morning, and thy faithfulness every night. We have this evening to acknowledg»:2 thebles- THIRD VEEK. 91 sings, not only of another day, but of anothei sahbath. We bless Thee that the sabbath was made for man, and that Thou hast hallowed such a portion of our time, for purposes more impor tant, but which, alas, we are prone to neglect. Thus Thou art affording us opportunities to re- tire and compare the objects which court our at- tention: to learn, among all the cares of life, that one thing is needful; and to hear the inquiry, what is a man profited, if he should gain the whole world and lose his own soul. Thus we have mo- ments of abstraction and leisure, in which we can more fully investigate our character; examine our condition; and ask, for what purpose we entered this mortal stage, and what will become of us when the scenes close. We thank Thee that the lines are fallen to us in pleasant places, and that we have a goodly her- tage: so that we can add to private meditation and devotion, the public ordinances of religion; and can sit under our own vine and fig-tree, none daring to make us afi-aid. We bless Thee, that we have not only the Scriptures, but t'ne ministry of the gospel; and have this day not only read, but heard the words of eternal life. We hope we have seen thy power and thy glory in the sanc- tuary, and have found the house of God to be the gate of heaven. But, O God, the effects we experience while waiting upon Thee, though delightful, are as often transitory, and prove like the morning cloud, and early dew. Before the lapse of a single day, we jire compelled to complain, My soul cleaveth unto the dust; and to pray, quicken Thou me accord* ing to thy word. Render therefore the impres- sions made upon us, deep and durable: keep these 'bings fcr ever in the imagination of the 92 THIRD WEEt. hearts of thy people; and let thy word dwell in us richly, in all wisdom. May the instructions we receive, attend us in every part of our ordinary life, and regulate, and excite us in the discharge of all our relative duties, so that v/hether we are husbands or wives, parents or children, masters or servants, we may adore the doctrine of God our Saviour in all things. May we be satisfied with no knowledge, no be- lief, no professions, no feelings in religion — while our hearts are void of thy love, and we are stran- gers to that grace which bringetli salvation, and teacheth us to deny ungodliness and worldly lusts, and to live soberly, righteously, and godly in the present world. We take shame to ourselves, not only for our open violations of thy law; but for our secret faults, our omissions of duty, our unprofitable at- tendance on the means of grace, our carnality in worshi()ping Thee; and all the sins of our holy things. Our iniquities are increased over our head, and our trespass is gone up into the very heavens — and there, He is gone also, who is our Advocate with the Father, and the Propitiation for our sins. Behold his hands and his feet: and hear, O, hear the voice of the blood of sprinkling, that speaketh better things than that of Abel. Pity those who have this day been deprived of the public means of grace by sickness or infirmi- ty. Let them know that Thou art not confined to temples made with hands: be with them in trouble; and give them their vineyards from thence, and the valley of Achor for a door of hope. And remember the millions who were never fa- voured with the advantages we enjoy, and would be grateful for the crumbs that fall from our table But they never smiled when a sabbath appeared THIRD WEEK. 93 They never heard the name of Jesus. They feel ^uilt but know nothing of the blood that cleanseth from all sin; they feel depravity, but know nothin.e; of the renewing of the Holy Ghost. They are bleeding to death of their spiritual wounds, but no one proclaims among them the balm of Gilead; and the physician there. O, send out thy light and thy truth. Let thy way be known on earth; thy saving among all nations We now commit ourselves, with all our con- nexions into thy hands. Guard us through the defenceless hours of sleep, from every evil to which we are exposed. If, as life is always un- certain, it should please Thee to call us hence this night — may we awaken in glory, and be for ever with the Lord: or if Thou shouldst continue us in being — may we rise in health and comfort, to pay Thee the homage of a grateful heart, in a course of cheerful obedience. In thy favour is life — Do Thou bless us, and we shall be blessed — salefrom every evil, and sure ot every good. And prepare us at length for the rest that re- mains for thy people; in which we shall join the general assembly and church of the first-born, in ascribing — blessing and h(>nour, and glory, and power, to Him that sitteth upon the throne, and to the Lamb, for ever and ever. Amen. MONDAY MORNING. O Thou, who hast characterised thyself as the hearer of prayer, unto Thee shall all flesh come: and that we may come with acceptance and suc- cess, we come in the name of the great Interces- sor, Jesus Christ, the righteous — and thou Eternal Spirit of grace and supplication, do 'Ihou make intercession for us, by making intercession in us, ^rroidinpf to the will of God. 94, THIRD WEEK. All they that are far from Thee s. all perish; bv.t t is good for us to draw near to Thee. We have ^ound the duty our delight. Devotion has open- ed a resource, when all other comforts have fail- ed: and in every perplexity, every alarm, every distress, a glorious high throne, from the begin- ning, has been the place of our sanctuary. We praise tiiy name, that ordinances have not been un- profitable observances to our souls; but channels, through which the God of all grace has replen- ished us; and means, by which we have enjoyed fellowship with the Father, and his Son Jesus Christ. Bless the services in which we were engaged on the past day. Let a savour of divine ihings be left on our spirits; and be diffused in our conver- sation. And as the face of Moses, when he de- scended from communion with Thee, shone, so that the Israelites could not steadfastly behold him for the glory of his countenance; so may it be with us. Let those around us take knowledge of us, that we have been with Jesus; and may our profit- ing appear unto all men. May our light shine be- fore men. May we be manifestly the disciples of Christ. Instead of confounding our neighbours and friends to determine, whether we are settlers, or strangers, and pilgrims on the earth; may we decisive plainli/ that we seek a country. May we put on, as the elect of God, holy and beloved, bowels of mercies, kindness, humbleness of mind, meekness, long suffering, forgiving one another, May we be followers of God, as dear children: may we be perfect, as our Father, who is n hea- ven, is perfect. At present, it is a day of small things with us. We have only light enough — to see our darkness^ sensibility enough — to feel the hardness of oar th:rd week. 95 heart; spirituality enoug-h — to mourn our want of heavenly mindedness. But we mig'ht have had more; we ouf^ht to have had more. We have never been straightened in Thee: Thou hast al- ways placed before us an infinite fulness, accom- j)anied with the commatid and the promise, Open thy mouth wide; I will fill it. We confess and bewail, not only our deficien- cies, but our backslidings also. It is not with us as in months past: O, recall us to thyself; enable us to feel our first love, and to do our first works. Yea, may we forget the things that are behind, and reach forth unto those that are before. May we not only have life, but may we have it more abundantly; and not only be fruitful, but bear much fruit. May our improvements correspond with our privileges: and cur practice with our knowledge May our wills always bow to the decisions of our judgments; may we choose what we approve^ and never condemn ourselves in the things that we allow. May we never want the threatenings of thy law, and the terrors of hell, to keep us from every evil way. May thy goodness lead us to repentance; and thy love constrain us to holy obedience. May all our churches continue steadfastly in the apostle's doctrine, and in fellowship, and in break- ing of bread, and in prayer; and may the Lord add daily to their number, such as shall be saved. May the dead hear the voice of the Son of God, and live. May those who are asking the way to Zion, with their faces thitherward, find a teacher that will say to them. This is the way, walk ye in it, when they turn to the right hand, and when they turn to the left. Let the rich be poor in spi- rit; and the poor be ir.ade rich in faith, and heirs 96 THIRD WEEK. of the kingdom which Thou "last promised to them that love Thee. Let the ignorant be en- lightened; and let those that are wise, become fools, that they may be wise. We bless Thee, for all th) former loving-kind- nesses to this family, and pray that they may be continued to us, and sanctified to us. May the outgoings of the morning and evening of another day be made to rejoice. May we continually live under the shadow of thy wing, and the influence 3f thy grace; and let the words of our mouth, and the meditations of our hearts, be acceptable in thy sight, O Lord, our strength and our Redeemer. And unto Him that is able to do for us exceeding abundantly above all that we ask or think, accord- mg to the power that worketh in us, unto Him be ^lory in the church, by Christ Jesus, throughout ail ages, world without end. Amen, MONDAY EVENING. Who in tiie heavens can be compared unto the uord? \Vno among the sons of the mighty can be iiKenea unto ihe Lord.^ Thy wisdom, no difficulty can perplex: thy powei, no exertion can weaken; chy bounty, no communication can exhaust or di- minish. Thy gooaness waits to be gracious, and ^s exalted to nave mercy. Thou hearest prayer; and to assure our heaits ocfore Thee, Thou hast not only commanded us to seek Thee, but Thou nast furnished us with the petitions we are to offer. Thou, ever. Thou hast told us, to ♦^ake with you words and turn to the Lord; and say unto Him — Fake away all iniquity, receive us graciously, so will we ofier the sacrifice of praise to God continually, that is the fruit of our lips, giving thanks to his name. We feel the truth of our character, as drawn in THIRD ^KF.K. 97 the Scriptures; and we acknowledge our desert — and our helpnesness too. Thy mercy is our only refuge and resource. O, be merciful unto us, and bless us, and cause thy face to shine upon us, that we may be saved. O, visit us with that salvation, which is present as well as future; which changes, not only our state, but our nature; and which, not only admits us into ihy fan ily, but makes us new creatures. As Thou didst in the original creation, com- mand light to shine out of darkness, so do Thou shine in our hearts. Give us the light of the knowledge of thy glory, in the face of Jesus Christ; and may we so know Thy glory, in the face of Je- sus Christ; and may we so know Thee, as to love Thee supremely; serve Thee, as our only Lord; and cleave to Thee, as our portion for ever. Sub- due the rebellion of our wills, that we may sub- mit to thy commands, and acquiesce in thy dis- pensations, without murmurings and disputings Unite our hearts to fear thy name; and may we be in the fear of the Lord all the day long. Make us Israelites indeed, in whom there is no guile. Enable us to maintain a conscience, void of of- fence, towards God, and towards man: may we be the same, when no eye sees us, as we arc in the public walks of life: may we enter the closet as well as the temple: and attend to our principles and motives, as well as our actions and pursuits. We mourn over our numberless failures and backslidings; our incorrigibleness under rebukes; our want of profiting under ordinances; the mis- iraprovement of our talents; and our neglect of op- portunities of usefulness. Whatever view wetak^ of ourselves, compels us to exclaim. Behold I am vile. Yet while we are humble, may we be grate- ful: and never be backward to acknowledge what '8 THIRD WEEK. Thou hast done for our souls. If we are not like some of thy people, we bless Thee, that we are not like the rest of the world; if we are not what we ou^ht to be, we are not \^ hat we once were: and Thou hast made us to differ, and we have nothing which we did not receive from Thee. And if our religion be imperfect, may it appear to be real, and vital, ^y its activity, and its tend- ing to growth. May it awaken in us an uncon- querable desire, to go from strength to strength, and to be renewed day by day. May our religion always attend us, and dignify us in the ordinary scenes of life. May we remem- ber, that greatness consists, not in doing great things, but in doing little things with a great mind. As the events of providence occur, may they always find in us, those dispositions which will keep them from injuring us, and which will con- vert them all into advantages. In a vale of tears, may we look for a succession of trials: and may we also look for the accomplish- ment of the promise — I will be with thee in trou- ble. May the joy ot tn- Lord be our strength; may it keep us from lusimg after the vanities of the world; bear up the heart and mind in the loss of every creature-comfort, and enliven us in the val- ley of the shadow of death. And before we reach heaven, may we bear the image of the heavenly; possess the earnests of our inheritance; and enjoy the first fruits of the glorious 'larvest. And to God, the Father, the Son, and the Holy Ghost, be all honour and glory for ever and evei* imcTU THIRD WEER 99 TUESDAY MORNING. O God, Thou art the Creator, the Upholclei-, and the Proprietor of all thinc^s. Thy dominion is everlasting and universal. Thou dost accord- ing- to thine own will in the armies of heaven, and amon;^ the inhabitants of the earth; none can stay thy hand, or say unto Thee, What dost Thou? We cannot escape from thy presence, or control: nui do we desire it. It is our privilege, that we are under the agency, not only of Omnipotence, but righteousness, wisdom, patience, mercy, and grace. Thou art love. Thou hast loved us with more than parental affection; thou hast commend- ed thy love towards us, in that while we were sin- ners, Christ died for us. He that spared not his own Son, but delivered Him up for us all — how shall he not with him also, freely give us all tilings? Here may all our fears drop off from our minds; here may we be filled with everlasting consolation, and good hope through grace. Thou hast not only allowed, but commanded us to believe on the name of thy dear Son O, let us not refuse to be comforted: let us not reject the counsel of God against ourselves; but, remember ing, that we are as welcome as we are guilty, may we drink of the fountain of the water of life freely. But while we know that we may come io the Re- deemer, and ought to come — may we never think ourselves interested in the blessings of his salvation unless we hahe come. May there be a real and living union between our souls and Him; that be- ing quickened together with Christ, we may be raised up, and made to sit with him in heavenly places. May we live a life of faith in thy promi- ses, mingled with no doubt of thy truth, or suspi- cion of thy pov/er. May we live a life of hope; ex pecting that Thou wilt be our sun and our shield 100 THIRD WEEK. that Thou wilt give grace and glory; and withhold no good thing from us, while we walk uprightly. And may we live a life of love; for he that dwell- eth in love, dwelleth in God, and God in him. O, shed abroad thy love in our hearts, the animating and delightful principle, of all obedience. May we love our neighbour as ourselves; and consider every one as our neighbour, who falls within the reach of our knowledge and assistance. We feel, that the work to which we are called, is far above our strength. We have tried our pur- poses and resolutions; and have found them vain. The least temptation, has been too powerful for us, when we have gone forth in our own strength. O, teach us how to be strong in the Lord, and in the power of his might And at every movement in our journey, and our warfare, say to our heart, Fear not, for I am with thee; be not dismayed, for I am thy God; I will strengthen thee; yea, I wil uphold thee with the right hand of my righteous ness. And may we never depart from Thee, by mak ing flesh our arm, or the creature our portion With regard to the world, may our soul be even as a weaned child; but may we draw near to Thee as our exceeding joy; and contemplate, with appro- priation, the period when we shall behold thy face in righteousness, awake up after thy likeness, and be satisfied with thy favour. All which we implore through the mediation of Him, who ever liveth to make intercession for us; and to whom, with the Father, and the Holy Spi- rit, be endless praises. An.en. TUESDAY EVENING. May we appi >ach Thee, with all the encourage- ment der-'vabl^ from a conviction that Thou art THIRD WEEK. |0I the olessed God — Happy in thyself, and the source of happiness to thy creatures. The eyes of all wait upon Thee, and Thou givest them their meat in due season: Thou openest thine hand, awdsatis- fiest the desire of every living thing. Thou as't our maker and benefactor. Thou hast not only produced us, but sustained us: not only supported us, but indulged us: yea, Thou hast giv^'n us all things richly to enjoy. Thou hast provided for the welfare of our souls, as well as our bodies: Thou hast answered the awful question, How shall I come before the Lord, and bow before the High God.^ Thou hast told us what we must do to be saved. May we follow the light of life which Thou hast given us, till it brings us to Him who appears in every attribute, and in every attitude of power ana pity, to meet all our wants and miseries. And as we draw near, may we hear his gracious voice saying, him that cometh unto me, I will in no wise cast out. May we commit our eternal all into His hands; and being reconciled by his death, may we be saved by His life. May we live by Him; live to Him; live like Him. While we be- hold Him as rich, for our sakes becoming poor, and dying that we may live, may his unexampled love constrain us into all holy obedience and zeal: and render our duty, our delight. May we never wait for the company of others or feel their approbation necessary to induce us to follow Hirn^ who is all our salvation, and ought to be all our desire. May we go forth to Him with- out the camp, bearing his reproach. And if our i^ith is deemed folly, our hope delusion, our meek- ness, meanness, our zeal madness; may we rejoice that we are counted worthy to suffer shame for his name; and binding it as a garland arc und our brow, say, If this be to be vile, I will ye? be more vile I 2 102 THIRD WEEK. Thus, blessed Redeemer, wast Thou treated ir the days of thy flesh; thus, was thy name cast out as evil, thy actions misrepresented, and thy Spirit O, let the servants be willing to be as the Master, and the disciples as the Lord. We hope in thy word; but it is because it assures us, that Thou waitest to be gracious; and dost not break the bruised reed, or quench the smoking flax. How poor and pitiable, how maimed and dying a thing, has our religion been, under every advantage to promote it. Lord, hide pride from us; enable us to walk humbly with our God; and ask and receive that our joy may be full. Hast Thou not promised to supply all our need, from thy riches, in glory, by Christ Jesus.^ Thou know- est all our warfare, all our work, all our trials; and Thou knowest the degree and extent of our weak- ness and yet Thou hast said. My grace is suf- ficient for thee — Lord we believe — help Thou our unbelief. While we rejoice in our privileges, we would re- member the way in which they become ours. We have nothing to glory in before Thee. We our- selves also, were once foolish and disobedient; and we would ever look to the rock whence we were hewn, and to the hole of the pit whence we were digged. Thou hast made us to differ and we have nothing but what we have received. And this encourages us with regard to others. What Thou hast done for us, Thou art able to do for them. And Thou art willing. Thou hast therefore commanded us to pray for all men. O, et none of those perish, \vhom we love as our own souls. Keep them as the apple of the eye; hide hem under the shadow of thy wing. Let grace and peace be multiplied to all them, who have obtained like precious faith \» Itl- us; and THIRD WEEK. 103 if Thou art pleased to try that faith, may the trial be fourd unto praise, and glory, and honour, at the appearing- of Jesus Christ. But we would not forget even the ignorant and proiligate. Teach transgressors thy ways, and let sinners be converted unto Thee. Dethrone the god of this world. Destroy the works of the devil. And may our globe which has so long groaned beneath the curse, be as the smell of a field which the Lord hath blessed. Send out thy light and thy truth; thy servants and thy labourers; and for them may the wilderness and the solitary place be made glad, and the de sent rejoice and blossom as the rose. Blessing and glory, and power, and might, be unto our God for ever and ever. Amen. WEDNESDAY MORNING. O Thou, with whom we have to do— suffer us not to live without Thee in the world. Thou art Dur Creator; our Preserver; our Governor; and we believe that Thou wilt be our Judge. It is well for us, that we can view Thee in another character — the Saviour of sinners; and that be- fore we are called to appear before thy awful tri- bunal, we are invited, and commanded to come boldly to the throne of grace, there to obtain mer- cy, and find grace to help in time of need. May we readily and thankfully avail ourselves of every opportunity to draw nigh to God, in the temple, in the retirement of the closet, and at the domestic altar; and let not our devotion be bodily exercise only. Quicken our souls to call upon thy name. Detach us from the influence of flesh and sense. Impress us with the power of faith; and product! in us that spirituality of mind which will render our services acceptable to Thee and delightful and profitable to ourselves. 10^ THIRD WEEK. Though Thou art Most High for evermore, Thou regardest the man that is poor and of a con- trite spirit, and that trembleth at thy word. Thou fillest the hungry with good things, while ihe rich are sent empty away. O, bring us, how- ever humbling and [Gainful the process may be; (), bring us, into that state which attracts thine eye, and prepares for the proofs of thy love. Show us our danger, that we may flee for refuge to the hope set before us. Make us sensible of our disease, and of the eternal death to which it is so rapidly tending. That we may value the physician, and cry — heal me and I shall be healed, save me and I shall be saved, for Thou art my praise. Our deliverance must come entirely from thy- self And Thou hast not forgotten to be gracious. We bless Thee for the purpose of salvation; for the engagements of the everlasting covenant; and far the gift of thy dear Son, the proof and the pledge, that Thou wilt also freely give us all things. We thank Thee for the word of truth, which pro- claims peace by the blood of the cross; and be- seeches us in Christ's stead to be reconciled unto God. O, let the message prevail. Let it slay the enmity of our hearts, and lead us to throw down every weapon of rebellion, and mourn over them. With weeping and supplication, may we return to Thee, from whom we have so deeply re- volted. And while with shame and self-abhor- rence, we confess that other lords beside Thee have had dominion over us, henceforth may we re- solve, that by Thee only will we make mention of thy name. With zeal, may we er gage in that service which is perfect freedom; and with entire- ness, devote ourselves to that work which is hon- ourable and glorious. May we employ every fac rW RD WEEK. 105 tilty, and use every blessing, as those, who know, that they are not their own, but bought with a price, and bound to glorify God, in their body, and in their spirit, which are God's. Work in us to will and to do of thy good plea- sure. Uphold us by thy free Spirit; and let the joy of the Lord be our strength. May we be watchful over our ways, may we be jealous over our tempers; and may we keep our hearts with all diligence, knowing, that out of them are the issues of life. Divest us of pride, and clothe us with humbleness of mind. Eradi- cate every root of bitterness, and let the peace of God rule in our hearts. When we droop, revive us; when we loiter, quicken us; restore us, when we go astray; and lead us in the paths of righteousness for thy name's sake. Yea, though we walk through the valley of the shadow of death, may we fear no evil, knowing that Thou art with us, and that thy rod and staff will comfort us The Lord bless us and keep us. The Lord make his face to shine upon us, and be gracious unto us. The Lord lift up his countenance upon us and give us peace. Amen. WEDNESDAY EVENING. O God, Thou art greatly to be feared in the assembly of the saints, and to be had in reverence of all that are about Thee. Those glorious be ings that never fell, veil their faces and sink into nothing before the Eternal all; and exclaim. Holy, holy, holy, is the Lord of hosts, the whole earth is full of his glory. With what emotion should we enter thy presence, whose foundation is in the dust; aud who have contemned thy goodness ■Je- 10(3 THIRD WKE-t. fied thy power, trampled upon thy laws, and rend* ered ourselves worthy of eternal death. Our ini- quities are increased over our head: and our tres- pass has gone up to the very heavens. Enter not into judgment with thy servants: our consciences assure us, that if Thou, Lord, shouldst mark ini- c[uity, we could not stand. But there is mercy with Thee, and with The there is plenteous redemption; and tlierefore, while a sense of our vileness depresses us, we en- courage ourselves in thy word. We know that our recovery can never spring from any cause in us. We have destroyed ourselves, but we can- not save. Yet our condition is not helpless. Help is laid on One that is mighty; and infinitely qualified for His work; and who has shown us, in His resurrection from the dead, and ascension in- to heaven, the all sufficiency and acceptance of His sacrifice on the cross, and proved, that by the one offering of Himself, He hath perfected for ever them that are sanctified. Informed of this compassionate scheme, may we gratefully fall in with the design; may we un- feignedly believe the record that Thou hast given us of thy Son; embrace Him as our only hope; re- joice in Him as our highest glory; and henceforth, may the life that we live in the flesh, be by the faith of Him who loved us, and gave Himself for us. And while we live by Him, may we live to Him, and may we live like Him. May we never con* sider ourselves christians, but as we resemble Christ. May our conformity to His principles, temper, and conduct, be hourly growing, and be- come more apparent, not only to ourselves but to others. And may we continue in his word, that ;ve may be his disciples indeed; rooted and built THIRD WEEK. 107 up in Him, and (established in the truth as we have been taught, and aboundiig therein with thankv g-ivin^. May no lenp^th of watching, or length of waiting cool our love and zeal; whatever discouragements we meet with, may we never grow weary in well doing — yea, may we not only persevere, while many draw back — but fear God above many who go forward; and hear the Saviour Judge saying, 1 know thy works, and the last to be more than the first. May we not only be blessed; but prove blessings. May w<; often look closely at our talents, relations, and circumstances in life, to see how we can be serviceable to the bodies and souls of our fellow- creatures, and esjiecially how we may do good to them that are of the household of faith. We are continually meeting with wants and miseries which we are utterly unable to remove or release; but wc rejoice that in our contracted agency, prayer opens a resource to our benevo- lence; we can pray; and prayer has power with God, and can prevail. Let the leisure and affluence of the rich, afford them means and opportunities of beneficence; and may they be ready to communicate; and be rich in good works. Let the afflictions of the afflicted render sin hateful, wean the'm from a vain world, endear tc •[hem the word of grace, the throne of grace, and the spirit of grace; and work out for them, a fai more exceeding and eternal weight of glory. Let our ignorance of futurity, keep us in a state of constant dependence upon thy providential r.are; and lead us earnestly to seek large supplies »f the Spirit of Jesus (Christ, to fit us for all events Thou hast retlcemed us^ O Lord God of Truth; 108 THIPD WEEK. and therefore, into thin- hands we commit our selves, and our interests, beseeching Thee to ^t for us, exceedin£> abunc^antly, above all we arr able to ask or think thro i»h our only Lord anc Saviour. Amen. THURSDAY MORNING. O God, help us to approach Thee, under ? very lively conviction of thy abundant mercy, and the exceeding^ riches of thy g'-Ace We oup-ht tc admire thy wisdom, to stand io awe of thy power and to abase ourselves before thv spotless purity. But it is the discovery of thy go-^dness alone, that can banish our fear, and allure us with humble confidence into thy presence, there tc divulge our sorrows, and confess our sins. And, O, how encouraging is it, undf^r a review of our past guilt, and a consciousness of present unworthiness, to know, that we have to do with a Being who waits to be gracious, and is exalted to have mercy. We therefore bless Thee, that an attribute so essential to our happiness and hope, is not founded on conjecture, or obscurely reveal- ed. Thou hast not left Thyself without witness in the seasons of the year, and the bounties ol nature, and Providence. But Thou hast given us thy word, which Thou hast magnified above all thy name. There we see Thee, not sparing thine own Son, but delivering Him up for us all; there wc behold the provisions of thy house; there we hear the proclamations of thy servants— Come, for all things are now ready. Lord make us willing to be saved, and to be saved in thine own way. Condemned by the law which we have so often transgressed, may we turn for all our relief tc the gospel; and perceir- ing nothing in ourselves, rnay we find in the hope THIRD WE£K. 109 of Israel, wisdom, righteousness, sanctificatiorii and redemption. May the message which con- cerns a dying, rising, interceding Saviour, be re- ceived inlo ou?- very hearts, and become there a well of water, springing up into everlasting life. And may we not only receive Christ Jesus the Lord, but also walk in Him; in a state of depe'ul- cnce upon Him, communion with Him, and con- formity to Him. May we be followers of Him as dear children; imperfect, but still pressing for- ward; not complaining of K- many soever they be, a hundred-fold; and may grace and peace be multiplied unto them. And forget not, we beseech Thee, those to whom we are politically allied. May all who are in places of public trust, be faithful to the public in- terest. Teach our senators wisdom. May all our magistrates be men fearing God and hating covetousness, terrors to evildoers, and a praise to them that do well; and may all ranks in the com- munity, pursue that righteousness which exalteth a nation; that, bemg a holy, we may be a happy people, whose God is the Lord. So we thy people, and the sheep of thy pasture, will give Thee thanks for ever; we will show forth thy p'-aise throughout all generations. Amen. THURSDAY EVENING. W HEN we enter Thy presence, O God, we see Thee in all the glory of thy perfections, seated ot .1 throne of universal and everlasting empire, iicusands ministering unto Thee, and ten thou- sand times ten thousand standing before Thee. Impress our minds with a consciousness of thy .greatness: not to drive us back from Thee, hvf to mspire us with reverence and godly fear, in ap- proaching Thee; not to diminish our confidence in Thee, but to lead us to admire the vastness of thy condescension, in deigning to open commu- nications with creatures so mean and vile as we are. Lord, what is man, that Thou art mindlVjI of him; or the son of man, that Thou visitest him. And yet Thou hast been mindful of us; Thou hast visited us. We have been thy charge from the womb; and Thou hast, in all conditions, cared for us. We have been constantly fed at thy table, and clothed frc^m thy wardrobe. How often hast IHIRD WEEK. • I Ihou drawn the curtain of night around us, and ordered creation to be quiet, while thy children have slumbered and slept. Thy mercies have Deen new every morning. Thy goodness has in- spired our relations and friends wiih all the sen- :iments of tenderness and respect, thty have ever expressed towards us. And we would not over- look the blessings of the life that novv is. But, O Lord, suffer us not to forget that we want better blessings than these. We want a hope beyond the grave. We are guilty, depraved, dy- ing creatures. We need pardon and holiness, and wisdom, and strength, and peace and joy; we want the earnests and foretastes of immortality. And blessed be thy name, what we so much need, and hope we can say, so much desire, Thou hast provided. We thank Thee for thy unspeakable gift. We rejoice, that we have our existence in a land of gospel [privileges; and where one of the first sounds that entered our infant ears, from the lips of maternal piet), was the name of Jesus. We rejoice that we have been led to view Him, not only as a teacher, and an example, but as the Lamb of God, that taketh away the sins of the world; and that now in Christ Jesus, we, who sometimes were far off, are made nigh by the blood of Christ; and have boldness and access with con- fidence, by the faith of Him. May we look after actual and personal benefit from Him, and never be satisfied, till we can say, I know whom I have believed, and am persuaded, that He is able to keep that which I have com- mitted to Him against that day. Possess us with more of that faith, which is the principle and me dium of all vital godliness; may we be rich in faith; may we be strong in faith. By faith may we liv*^ ; and by faith may we walk. May we feel U2 THIRD WEEK. the joy of faith; and do the work of faith. Maj we abound in hope; may the charity of every one of us, towards each other, increase; and may we be filled with all the fruits of righteousness, which are, by Jesus Christ, to the glory and praise of God. We oup^ht to feel a broken heart, and a contrite spirit. We grieve to think, how insensible we have been to the claims of thy authority, and the endearments of thy love; how little we have cre- dited thy truth, trusted thy promises, feared thy threatenings, obeyed thy commands, or improved any of our advantages. We have had line upon line, and precept upon precept. How numberless have been our admonitions, and warnings; ana Thou hast said — He that being often reproved, hardeneth his neck, shall suddenly be destroyed, and without remedy. We thank Thee, that notwithstanding our de sert, tkis is not, at present, our doom. As yet we are in the number of those, for whom Thou art waiting to be gracious. We are yet in the land of the living. Through another day Thou hast spared us, and blessed us. May thy goodness lead us to repentance, and thy long-suffering prove our salvation. Let no evil befall us, and no plague com« nigh our dwelling, this night; and in the morning may we rise to walk, before the Lord, in the land of the living, and to show forth all his praise. We implore it in the name of Him who died for our sins, rose again for our justification, and ever liveth to make intercession for us; and to whom, with the Father, and Holy Spirit, be ascribed everlasting p/aises. Amen. THIRD WEEK. 1 | 3 FRIDAY MORNING. Our voice shalt Thou hear in the mornin.i^, (^ Lord: in the morning, alone; and in our family. will we direct our prayer unlo Thee, and will look uj). How well dues it become us to be thankful I Many, during the past night, have had no place where to lay their head. Many, the victims o disease, have been full of tossing to and fro, until the dawning of the day; so that their bed has not comforted them, nor their couch eased their com- plaint. Many have been deprived of rest while watchmg over their connexions in pain and sor- row. How many have slept the sleep of death, and will not awake till the heavens are no morel Others, whose lives are prolonged, have risen to be surrounded wiih want and wo: and thousands, who have all things richly to enjoy, have risen on- ly to live another day, without God in the world. And why is not this the case with us.*^ Thou, C) God, hast remembered, and distinguished, and in- dulged us. Bless the Lord, O my soul, and all that is within mc, bless his holy name. O mag- nify the Lord with me, and let us exalt his namt. together. And thy mercies have been new every morning, yea, every moment. All our desires have not been gratified; but it was love that denied us, when th? accomplishment of our wishes would have proved our ruin or our injury: we have had our trials, but they have been few compared with our sins; they have been attended with number^'ess allevia- tions; and when we have kissed the rod, it has fallen out of thy hand. Thou hast often wiped away our tears; and re- stored peace to thy mourners. Thou hast never chastened us but for Dur profit; we already &ee the design of many of our griefs, and can say, It k2 1 1 4 THIRD WEKK. is good for me that I have been atflicted, and in all cthtM' cases where darkness yet clouds the dis- pensation, we desire to walk by faith. We be- lieve that Thou hast done all thing-s well, and that thy work is perfect. But, O, what do we owe Thee for the word ot thy truth — the throne of thy grace — the Son of thy love — thy unspeakable giftj what do we owe Thee, if we have any reason to hope that we are in Christ, and free from all condemnation; and that when He, who is our life, shall appear, we shall also appear with Him in glory, and be for ever with the Lord! Surely, a gratitude becomes us thai will not evap- orate in a morning acknowledgment with the lip, but such as will keep us in the fear of the Lord all the day long, and lead us to ask, What shall I render unto the Lord for all his benefits towards me? We therefore, by the mercies of God, present our bodies a living sacrifice, holy and acceptable unto Thee, which is our reason- able service. And now, O Thou Author of all good, we come to Thee for the grace another day will require — the grace its duties will require — the grace its events will require; for we know not when we leave our apartments in the morning, what a day will bring forth. But we know that we are step- ping into a wicked world, and that we carry about us an evil heart: we know that without Tliee we can do nothing: and weknov/ that there is nothing with which we shall have any concern in the day, however harmless in itself, but may prove an oc- casion of sinning and falling, unless we are kept by the power of God. We, therefore, desire to pray ourselves out of our own keeping into thy keeping Ho'd Th^u us up, and we shall be safe« THIRD WEEK. 115 Preserve our understandings from the subtlety of error; our affections from the love of idols; our senses from the ungovernable impressions of out- ward objects; our character from every stain of vice, and our profession from every appearance of evil: and may the God of peace sanctify us wholly; and may our whole spirit, soul, and body, be pre- served blameless unto the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ. INIay we engage in nothing on which we cannot implore thy blessing, and to which we cannot wel- come thy inspection. Prosper us in o .r lawful undertakings, or prepare us for disappointment. Give us neither poverty nor riches. Feed us with food convenient for us, lest we be full and deny Thee, and say, Who is the Lord? or, lest we be poor, and steal, and take the name of our God in vain. May every creature be good to us, being sanc- tified by the word of God and prayer. Teach us how to use the world as not abusing it. Enable us to improve our talents, and to redeem our time. May we walk in wisdom towards them that are without, and in kindness towards them that are v/ithin; and do good, as we have opportunity unto all men, especially unto them that are of the house- hold of faith. And unto Him that is able to keep us from fall- ing, and to present us faultless before the presence of His glory with exceeding joy: to the only wise God, our Saviour, be glory, and majesty, domi nion, and power, both now and ever. Amen. FRIDAY EVENING. O Thou incomprehensibly great and glorious Jehovah! the King of kings, and Lord of lords, «'hc onl) hast immortality We adore Thee and I 16 THIRD WEEK. abase ourselves. Though we are allowed to ap- proach Thee, we would not be mindless of the views and feelings which so well become those, who, as creatures, are less than nothing, and, as sinners, are worse than nothing before Thee. For, if we say, we have no sin, we deceive our- selves, and the truth is not in us; the heavens would reveal our iniquity, and the earth would rise up against us. And why should we endea- vour to deny our guilt, since even our thoughts have not been screened from thy sight, and Tliou hast set our most secret sins in the light of thy countenance? and why should we desire it, since we know, that if we confess our sins. Thou art faithful and just to forgive us our sins, and to cleajise us from all unrighteousness? From a view, therefore, of their exceeding sinfulness, we would confess them with a broken heart, and a contrite spirit, earnestly longing to be delivered from them, and be led in the way everlasting. Enable us to remember that blood which cleans- eth from all sin; to believe in that grace which can subdue all our iniquities; and to resign our- selves to that agency which can deliver us from the bondage of corruption, into the glorious liber- ty of the sons of God. While many envy tiie men of the world, who have their portion in this life, may we, with Moses, choose rather to suffer afflic- tion with the people of God, than enjoy the pleas- ures of sin for a season. While many seek great things for themselves on earth; things which per- ish in the using, and afford no satisfaction in the possessing — may the prayer of David become ours. Remember me, O Lord, with the favoui Thou bearest unto thy people. O visit me with thy salvation, that I may see the good of thy chos en, that I may rejoice in the gladness of thy nation and glory with thine inheritance. THIRD WEEK. 117 We sometimes hope that Thou hast ah-eady begun a good work in usj and to whom should ve go lor the continuance, the progress, and the completion, but to Thee, the God of all grace, and who art not only the Author, but Finisher of our faith? we rejoice in what Thou hast done for othersj in their deliverance and elevation we see what Thou art able and willing to do for us. We bless Thee fur the promises upon which Thou hast caused us to hope, and in which Thou hast engaged to perfect that which concerneth us: we thank Thee for the means of grace, in the humble and diligent use of which, Thou art pleased to draw near to those who draw near to Thee. May we love the closet as well as the temple; and sanctify to us, not only the preaching of the gospel, but also the reading of thy word. Believ- ing v/ith ataith unfeigned, that it is given by inspi- ration of God, may we find it profitable for doc- trine, for reproof, for correction, and for instruc- tion in righteousness. In every perplexity, may it be the man of our counsel; may we repair to it in every distress, and in the multitude of our thoughts within us, may thy comforts delight our souls. May we have an increasing conviction of our liableness to err, and our exposure to sin, that we may place ourselves under thy guiding and guar- dian care. As we see ihe vanity of the world, and meet with trials and disappointments, may we take a firmer hold of that covenant which is order- ed in all things, and sure; and may this be all our salvation, and all our desire, when our house is not so with God, and Thou makest it not to grow. May we rejoice in hope; be patient in tribulation; and continue constant in prayer. May we feel more of the purifying, more of the 1 18 THiRD WEEK dignifying, more of the softening influence of the religion we profess. May we have compassion one of another: love as brethren — be pitiful — be coumejus. May we never render railing for rail- ing, but contrawise, blessing: may we not be over- come of evil, but overcome evil with good. May we never incur the curse of the angel of the covenant, for not coming to the help of the Lord. May we deem it an honour to be employ- ed by Tnee, and loiig to be instruments in thy hands. Ready to seize every opportunity of use- fulness; and willing to use all our talents in thy blessed service, may we daily ask. Lord, what wilt Thou have me to do? Bless our country. May we be for a name and a praise unto Thee in the whole earth Largely have we been the recipients of thy goodness; and freely may we give. Sanction the institutions and efforts by which we are endeavouring to spread the benefits of the gospel. God be merciful unto us, and bless its, that His way may be known on earth, His saving health among all nations. O remember the number called, in various ways, to suffer. Bless their daily rod, as well as their daily bread. May they feel impressions which shall never wear off; may they learn such lessons as shall never be forgotten; may they en- joy such consolations, as shall enable them to say, t is good for me that I have been afflicted. And to God, only wise, be glory and dominion, for ever and ever. Amen. SATURDAY MORNIXG. O Thou everlasting God, the Creator of all the ends of the earth, and the Father of the spirits of all flesh. We have destroyed ourselves, but in Thee v ♦ur help. Our nature is defiled; all the THIRD WEEK. 119 powers of our souls are degraded; we are vile, we are miseralile; we are without strength. We con- demn ourselves, and co.ifess that we deserve to perish. If ever we are saved, it must be by good- ness the most undeserved and astonishing; not on- ly by mercy, but abundant mercy; not only by grace, but the exceeding riches of thy grace. And such mercy and grace Thou hast been pleased to reveal, and to promise, and to exempli- fy. Thou hast told us thy designs, and unlike the forebodings of our guilty minds, they are thoughts of peace, and not of evil, We bless Thee for devising means to rescue us from the perdition of sin, and restore us to a state of happiness, and honour, and safety, superior to our original condition. We bless Thee for the provisions of the everlasting covenant, and for the constitution of a Mediator between Thee arjd us. We rejoice that He failed not, nor was discour aged, but accomplished the work that was given Him to do, and said on the cross, It is finished. We rejoice that now thy justice is satisfied, thy truth established, thy law magnified, and a foun- dation laid, even in thy own glory, for our hope May we look after present and personal intei • est in Christ, and never rest, till we can say, Sure- ly, He hath borne our grief, and carried our sor- row; the chastisement of our peace was upon Him, and by His stripes we are healed. May we know, that in Him we have righteousness, and strength, and are blessed with all spiritual blessings. While we are justified by His blood, may we be saved by His life. While we glory in His cross, may we bow to His sceptre, and long to have the same mind in us whiclyvvas also in Him; knowing, that if we have not the Spirit of Christ, we are none of His. 120 THIRD WEEK. We are convinced, that it is our happiness, aa well as duty, to walk in thy ways, to keep thy statutes, and to submit to thy appointments; but we are equally convinced, that thy grace alone is sufficient tor us, and that without Thee we can do nothing. We cannot even stand, but as we are upheld by thy free Spirit. Bu with Thee is the residue of the Spirit; and Thou hast engaged to give thy Holy Spirit to them thai ask Thee. Yea, Thou hast said, Open thy mouth wide, and I will fill it. Bless u£, therefore, with constant and in- creasing supplies of grace and strength; work in us to will and to do of thy good pleasure, and ful- fil all the good pleasure of thy goodness, and the work of faith with power. May our religion, instead of being an occasion- al and partial thing, be universal and invariable in its inliuence and effects. May we be in the fear of the Lord every day, and all ihe day long. May we hold communion with Thee in thy works, as svell as thy word, and in the dispensations of thy providence, as well as in the ordinances of thy house. May we always distinguish between the form of godliness, and the power thereof; and between life, and a name to live. What is the hope of the hypocrite, though he hath gained, when Thou takest away his soul? O, make us Israelites in- deed, in whom is no guile. Often may we exam- ine ourselves, and inquire whether our religion will bear the eye of God. If we are not right, set us right, and keep us right. Search us, O God, and know our heart; try us, and know our thoughts, and sec if there be any wicked way in us, and lead us in ti^e way everlasting. Imi)ress us with a conviction of the vanity ot the world, and the brevity and uncertainty of the THIRD WEEK. li. time of our continuance here, that we may keep the end of life in view, and apply our hearts unto wisdom We are i<]fnorant, and liable to a thousand delu- sions, but Thou knowest what is good for us; to Thee, therefore, we commit our works, atid our way; and to Thee we refer the choice of our in- heritance. Only be with us, and keep us in the way that we go, and give us bread to eat, and raiment to put on, so that we come to our Father's house in peace; and the Lord shall be our God. And may the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ, and the love of God, and the communion of the Holy Ghost, be with us all, now and forever. Amen. SATURDAY EVENTVG. O God, Thou hast been the refuge and the dwelling place of thy people in all generations. To Thee, the poor and the needy have always re- paired for succour; and they that know thy name, will put their trust in Thee. And to whom should we go, but unto Thee? Thou hast the words ol eternal life. There is no blessing we can implore, but Thou art able to give, and hdiSl promised to give, and hast already given to a countless multitude, all unworthy and guilty like ourselves. Yea, Thoii hast not spared thine own Son, but delivered Hirg up for us all; and wilt Thou not with Him, also freely give us all things? O make us more willing to receive, the supply of all our need, from thy riches, in glory, by Chrisi Jesus. And for this purpose, convince us of sin. Show us. our true character and condition in thy sight. Take away the stone out of our hearts and give us hearts of flesh. May we feel and bewail L »22 THIRD WEEK. our folly and ingratitude, our pride and unbelief; the rebeilion of our lives, and the corruption of our nature. May we sorrow after a godly sort, and abhor ourselves, repenting in dust and ashes. Through th'j law, may we die unto the law, and despair of obtaining life, but from thy own sov- ereign mercy. May we look with wonder, and submission, and gratitude, and delight, to the pro- vision which Thou hast made for the glory of thine own name, in the salvation of sinners. May we believe in Him, whom Thou hast set forth as a propitiation for sin, and as the end of the law for righteousness — may we know Him in tlie power of his resurrection and the fellowship of his suffer- ings, and be made conformable unto his death. Give us that hope which maketh not ashamed. Inspire us with that love which excites to all holy obedience. Pour into our hearts that joy of the Lord which is the strength of thy people; and en- able us to say with Paul, The li^e that I now live in the flesh, I live by the faith of the Son of God, who loved me, and gave himself for me. And when we cannot pronounce on our own in- terest in divine things, may we still persevere in duty,* may w^e wait on the Lord, and keep his way; and be humble and earnest suppliants at thy foot- stool, assured, that they who hunger and thirst al- ter righteousness, are blessed — and shall be filled. Preserve us from that levity and indifference which are so unbecoming creatures, who live con- mually under the eye of God, and are alwayf* on he brink of an eternal world. May we discover nothing like selfishness and un- cindness, while professing to be the followers of tfim, who pleased not himself; who, when rich, tor our sakes became poor; and went about doing good THIRD WEEK. 123 May \vc hold ourselves at thy disposal, not only with regard to the duties, buteventsof life. What- ever preferences we feel, may we sulimit them all to thy infinite wisdom, and say. Nevertheless, not my svill, hut thine be done. If we are called tc resign any of our enjoyments, may we remember that it is the absolute proprietor, and our best friend who requires themj and yield, in the spirit of Him, who, when stripped of all, could say. The Lord gave, and the Lord hath taken away; blessed be the name of the Lord. But make us thankful for the continuance of our comforts; and that in a world of such changes and misery, our indulgences have been so many, and our trials so few. Especially, would we be grateful for the means of grace, and the ordinances of religion, which still await us, notwithstanding all our un worthi- ness and provocations. O Lord, teach us to profit by them more than we have done; and as to-mor- row is the rest of the holy sabbath unto the Lord our God, may we be in the spirit on thy own day; and enter it in a state of mind suited to its solem- nities, duties, and privileges. May we leave every thing worldly at the foot of the mount, while we go to worship God above. May we experience the blessedness of the man, whose strength is in Thee, and in whose heart are the ways of them. May we go from strength to strength; and at last may every one of us in Zion appear before God. O Lord God of hosts, hear our prayer, give eai O God of Jacob. Behold, O God, our shield, and look upon the face of thine Anointed. Jlmeru 1 24 FOURTH WEEK. FOURTH VTISEK. SUNDAY MORNING. O Thou most high. Thine eyes are in every place, beholding the evil and the goodj thine eyes behold, and thine eye-lids try the children of men. We hope we can appeal to thy Omniscience, and say, In the way of thy appointments, we are now waiting for Thee, while our desirr is to thy name, and to the remembrance of Thee. We are sinners, but not insensible of our state. Our iniquities are great and numberless; but with a broken heart and a contrite spirit, we pray to be delivered from them, and led in the way everlast- ing. Our case is desperate in itself, but there is hope in Israel concerning this thing. The com- bined help of men and angels could not reach our misery; but Thou art adequate to our relief. Thou art rich in mercy. The blood of Jesus Christ, thy Son, cleanseth from all sin. The agen- cy of thy Holy Spirit can subdue the most power- ful corruptions. Heal us, and we shall be healed; save us, and we shall be saved; for Thou art our praise. Hide thy face from our sin, and blot out all our iniquity. Create in us also, O God, a clean heart, and renew a right spirit within us. Illumi- nate our understandings with the light of life. May we know the truth, and may the truth make us free. Give us tender and wakeful consciences; and may they always smite and torment us when we sin against God. May we be consistent and uniform in the whole of our conversation and con- duct; the sume alone and in company; in prosper! ty and adversity; esteeming all thy commandments concerning all things to be right, and hating everv false wiy — Israelites indeed, in whom there is nc euMe. FOURTH A\EEK. May we never be satisfied with any present j^o gression in the divine life; but this one thinsi^ may we do, forgetting the things that are beliind, and reaching forth unto those that are before, press towards the mark, for the prize of our higli call- ing of God in Christ Jesus. May we add to our faith virtue; and to virtue knowledge; and to know- ledge temperance; and to temperance godliness; and to godliness brotherly kindness; and to bro- therly kindness charity; and may all these things, not only be in us, but abound. And while we never forget what is necessary tc constitute the Christian cliaracter, may we never neglect what is needful to complete it. May we be concerned to adorn the doctrine of God out Saviour; to recommend the religion of Jesus to all around us, ai-id to induce observers to say. We will go with you, for we have heard that God is with you. Enable us to acommodate ourselves to the dis- pensations of thy providence, with the views and feelings of Christains. May we know how to be abased, and how to abound; may we learn in what- soever state we are, therewith to be content; yea, in every thing, may we give thanks; knowing that all the ways of the Lord, are mercy and truth, to those that trust in Him. May we feel the ties that unite us to our fellow- creatures, especially to our fellow-christians. By sympathy, and praise and prayer, may we make their mercies and miseries our own; rejoicing with them that rejoice, and weeping with them that weep. Regard the sons and daughters of distress; and as afflictions are not immutable dispensations, and we are allowed to pray for temporal blessings con- ditionally, if it be thy pleasure, command deliver- l2 126 FOURTH WEEK. aiice for them; or Jhould thy wisdom continue the t-rial, keep them from sinkin.q; or sinning in the evil day; let thy strength be made peifect in their weakness; and in the multitude of their thoughts within them, may thy comforts delight their souls. Be with those Avho will pass the day in absence from thy dear abode. Though Thou art with thy people in trouble, yet Thou hast taught them, by experience, to value thy ordinances, and to esteem a day in thy courts, better than a thousand. O, let them not pass an unprofitable, though a silent sabbath: let their meditation of Thee be sweet; and though not in thy house, may they be in thy Spirit, on thy own day. And make those thankful, who are exempted from spiritual privations; and have liberty, and health, and strength, to go into thy house, in the multitude of thy mercies. We bless Thee tnat this is our privilege. May we know the day of our visitation; and embrace the things that belong to our peace. May we hear with solemnity of mind, knowing that for all these things, God will bring us unto judgment. May we hear with prayer, remembering that who- ever may plant or water. Thou alone canst give the increase. May we be doers of the word, and not hearers only; and may we keep in memory what is preached unto us, that we may not believe in vain. May we carry into ordinary life the various por- tions of divine truth, which successively engage our attention, and use them as seasons and cricum- stances render them suitable; may its doctrines in- form, its warnings caution, its rules guide, and its promises comfort us, till we have received the end of our faith, the salvation of our souls. Rlcss the congregation in whose devotions we FOURTH WKEK. 127 are to mingle. Let ihy minister be clothed with salvation, and let thy saints shout aloud for joy. O, Thou holy and beautiful house, where our fath- ers praised Thee, peace be within thy walls — For our brethren and companions' sakes we will now say, peace be within Thee. And bless, we beseech Thee, all thy churches, and all thy servants of every name. Plead thy own cause. Build upZion Establish and make Jerusalem a praise in the whole earth. May many run to and fro, and knowledge be increased^ and may all know Thee from the least even to the greatest. Our Father, 8cc. Ameru SUNDAY EVENING- QuiCKEN our souls to call upon thy namej pour upon us the spirit of grace and supplication; and in our enlivened and enlarged experience, may we know that Thou art not only the gracious reward- er, but the Almighty helper of them that diligent- ly seek Thee. For such O God, is the ignorance of our minds, the vagrancy of our thoughts, the earthiness of our affections, and the unbelief of our hearts, that with- out Thee we can do nothing. But the preparation of the heart, and the answer of the tongue are from Thee; thy Spirit helps our infirmities; thy grace is sufficient for us. Unite our hearts to fear thy name; enable us to come even to thy seat; and may our fellowship be with the God of love. May we approach Thee, not as the Eternal Je- hovah, but as our Father and our Friend, our ex- ceeding joy, the strength of our heart, and oui portion for ever. May we not only exercise that faith, by which we understand the worlds were made by the word of God. May we not only be- lieve ii Thee as the God o 'nature and providence, ii8 FOURTH WEEK. but in Jesus Christ, whom Thou hast sent, and sent to put away sin by the sacrifice of Himself. We feel discouragements resulting from our guilty fears, anc find it hard to believe, that on our re- turn Thou wilt meet us in peace. We therefore bless Thee, for the displaying of the exceeding riches of thy grace, in thy kindness towards us by Christ Jesus: and we rejoice in the blessed intelli- gence, that God was in Christ reconciling the world unto Himself, not imputing their iniquities unto them These glad tidings we have this day been hear- ings and O Lord, Thou knowest how often we have heard the joyful sound; and Thou knowest the man- ner in which we have received it. We have reason to fear, that many have received it in vain; that their hearing has only added to their guilt; and that their sabbaths have been only employed in treasuring up wrath against the day of wrath. O, what would the spirits in prison, give for one of our opportunities, one of our offers of mercy. How many now sitting in darkness, and in the re- gions of the shadow of death, would exult at the entrance of that light, against which we shut our eyes, or which we behold with indifference. Awaken, O Lord, in our consciences, the in quiry,how shall we escape, if we neglect so great salvation? May we believe the report we have this day heard; keep in memory what has jeen preached unto us, lest we believe in vain. May we hide thy word in our hearts, that we may not sin against Thee; and may the truth, as it is in Jesus, illumi- nate in us all that is dark, sanctify in us all that is unholy, establish all that is wavering, comfort all that is wretched, and accomplish in us all the good pleasure of thy goodness, and the work of faith lOURTH WEEK. ISf with power, that the name of our Lord Jesus Christ may be glorified in us, and that we may be glorified in Him. We sometimes hope, Thou hast commenced a good work in us; we hope that we have begun to see the evil of sin, to hunger and thirst after righ- teousness; that we asking the way to Zion, with our faces thitherward; and are praying, remem!)erme, O, Lord, with the favour Thou bearest unto thy people. Command and enable us to go forward. Take us by the hand, and lead us on from strength to strength. Let the dawn break into the perfect day; and the blade become the full corn ir» the ear. We live in a world of changes, but Thou art the same: may we know that Thou hast made with us an everlasting covenant, ordered in all things and sure. We are pressing through a vale of tears; but we bless Thee for the opening glory at the end. Enable us to realize, as our own, a better, even a heavenly country. Prepare us for every part of our pilgrimage; uphold our goings in thy word; and let no iniquity have dominion over us. May we rejoice as though we rejoiced not; and weep as though we wept not; and buy as though we possessed not; and use this world as not abu- sing it. We would sympathize with those that are in distress. Give to them that mourn in Zion, beau- ty for ashes, the oil of joy for mourning, and the garment of praise for the spirit of heaviness. Bless all the institutions which are established to diffuse the Scriptures, and to send forth mission- aries. Remember those who have gone forth to preach among the Gentiles, the unsearchable riches of Christ. Preserve their health, their morals, their spi»'ituality, their zeal; let them be examples iSO FOURTH WEEK. Df all they teach; and be Thou a liitle san tuary to them among the heathen. May all the events that take place, in the nations of the earth, subserve the spread of the Redeemer's empire; and may we ex- ult in the period, when the earth shall be filled with the knowledge of the Lord, as the waters cover the sea. And to God the Father, the Son, and Hoi) Ghost, be praises for ever and ever. Jlmen. MONDAY MORNING. The heavens declare thy glory, O God, and the firmament showeth thy handy work. Day unto day uttert^th speech, and night unto to ni£||"it show- eth knowledge, and there is no speech nor lan- guage, wiiere their voice is not heard. We be- hold displays of thy wisdom, power and goodness. in all thy works, from the largest to the least. But Thou hast magnified thy word, above all thy name; and v/e can never be sufficiently thank- ful, for the revelation of thy will in the Scriptures of truth. We bless Thee that this sacred volume has been preserved, and translated, and published, and multiplied, so that we all have it in our pos- session, andean read, in our own tongue, the won- derful vv^orks of God. Here we see not only thy greatness, but thy grace; and not only thy pity, but thy rectitude; we see mercy and truth meeting to- gether, righteousness and peace kissing each other. Here Thou hast shined in our hearts, to give us the light of the knowledge of thy glory, in the face of Jesus Christ. For in Him Thou hast reconciled the world un- to thyself, not imputing their trespasses unto them. Thou hast made him to be sin for us, who knew no sin, that we might be made the righteousness of God in Him. And Thou has raised Him up FOURTH WEEK. 131 from the dead, and given Him glory, that our faith and hope may be in God May the hearts thus tenderly wooed, be effectually won. x^t the view of this infinite kindness, may we resign all our unworthy and suspicious thoughts; and pUrt^ingour confidence in Thee, return and say — Lord, I am thine, save me. Look Thou upon me, and be merciful unto me, as Thou uscst to do unto those that love thy name. We ask not to be enrolled among the rich and the great of this world, but to be numbered with those who are blessed with all spiritual blessings, in heavenly places in Christ. The graves are ready for us; and we shall soon be in a state, that will ren- der it a matter of indifference to us, whether we have filled a cottage or a palace — but it will be eter- nally important to us, that we have been justified by thy grace, and sanctified by thy spirit, and adopted into thy family. May we, therefore, be wise unto salvation: and make it our present, our supreme, our persevering concern, to obtain those blessings which are spiritual in their nature; eternal in their continuance; satisfying in their posses- sion; and v»i;)ch unerringly indicate, that we are the friends of God. Preserve us from a false estimate of the whole of our character, or of any part of it. May we re- gard our principles, as v/ell as our conduct; our motives as well as our actions. May we never mistake the excitement of our passions, for the re- newing of the Holy Ghost. May we never judge of our religion, by occasional impressions and im- pulses; but by our constant and prevailing disposi- tion. May our heart be right with God, and our life such as becometh the gospel. May we maintain a supreme regard to another and a better world, and feel, and confess ourselves 132 FOURTH WEEK. *o be only strangers and pilgrims in this. How of- ten by bodily infirnnities and pains, by relative af- flictions, and by dissatisfactions growing out of every enjoyment — how often have we been told — O, when shall we be taught, that this is not our rest? O God, not only command, but enable us, to arise and depart hence. Afford us all the direc- tion, all the defence, all the support, all the con- solation our journey will require. Give us, in large abundance, the supply of the spirit of Jesus Christ, that we may be prepared for every duty: that we may love Thee in all our mercies; that we may submit to Thee in every trial. May we trust Thee when we walk in darkness, and have no light; and amidst all the changes of the present, and the uncertainties of the future, may our minds be kept in perfect peace, being stayed upon God. Hast Thou not made with us an everlasting cov- enant, ordered in all things and sure? The very hairs of our liead — are they not all numbered? Are not all thy ways mercy and truth? Lord, we believe, help Thou our unbelief. And now unto Him that is able to keep us from falling, and to present us faultless, before the presence of His glory, with ex- ceeding joy. To the only wise God our Saviour, be glory and majesty, dominion and power, both now and for ever. Amen. MONDAY EVENING. O Lord, Thou art over all by thy providential agency, and rich unto all that call upon Thee, in the exercise of thy mercy and grace. With Thee is the fountain of life, and in thy light shall we see light. Help us to consider the way, the new and living way, in which a fallen creature can approach Thee with acceptance. May we behold the Lamb of FOURTH WEEK. 133 God, that taketh away the sin of the world. May we contemplate the dignity of His person, the per- fection of His sacrifice, and the prevalency of His intercession, who is the great High Priest over the house of God. And may we feel the distance between Thee and us done away, and rejoice that now, in Christ Jesus, we, who sometimes were afar off, are made nigh by the blood of Christ. A glorious high throne, from the beginning, has been the place of thy people's sanctuary; and we have foundjit good to be there. O, what a source is devotion! When under all the toils that weary us, the cares that corrode us, the infirmities that press us down, the fears that disturb us — in every thing, by prayer and supplication, with thanks- giving, we can make known our supplication unto God, and feel a peace which passeth all understand- ing, keeping our hearts and minds through Christ Jesus. We were as sheep going astray, but are now re- turned unto the Shepherd and Bishop of our souls. Yet, we feel the same grace that restored us, to be necessary to preserve us, and to supply. And hast not Thou promised to lead us, to guard us, to suffer us to want no good thing, to make all grace to abound towards us? And art not Thou a faithful God, and able also to perform? Lord, we take Thee at thy word. Do as Thou hast said. We have tasted that Thou art gracious, and the relish has provoked our desires after more, and they who hunger and thirst after righteousness ar« blessed, and shall be filled. Make us to lie down m green pastures, and feed us beside the still wa- ters, where we shall often exclaim, O, how great is His goodness, and how great is His beauty! We often meet with those who have far more grace than we ourselves have; but this encourages M 134 FOURTH WEEK. our hope, since they were once poor, and He who supplied them is as rich as ever- — and as accessible — and as free. We are continually meeting with duties and trials, which call for more grace than we have in ourselves, but not more than we have in our divine treasury, in whom it hath pleased Thee that all fuUness should dwell. To Him, therefore, may we continually repair, and from His fullness receive, and grace for grace, till every void made by sin, be replenished, and we ourselves filled with all the fulness of God. We bless Thee that Thou dost not despise the day of small things; but we aspire after a day of great ones. We are not straightened in Thee: may we never be con- tracted in ourselves; may our desires be enlarged; and our hopes emboldened; may we honour Thee by the entireness of our dependence, and the great- ness of our expectation; and living and walking in the Spirit, may we go from strength to strength^ and be changed from glory into glory, till we ap- pear oerfect before Thee in Zion. We know not what a day may bring forth; nor would we, if it were in our power, draw back the veil that hides the future, and learn the times and the seasons which the Father hath put into His own power. But, O be Thou with us in all, and pre- pare us for all. Prepare us for the smiles of pros- perity; prepare us for the frowns of adversity; pre- pare us for those losses in substance, and those bereavements in friends — so possible, so probable in a world like this; prepare us for the days of darkless, for they may be many; prepare us for the change, and when heart and flesh fail us, and we have no more a portion in all that is done un- der the sun, be Thou the strength of our heart, and our portion for ever. INIay our very memory be blessed. May those FOURTH WEEK. loS who follow US, praise God that we have ever lived; and may we leave behind us those instrucUonp, ex- amples, and effects, which shall glorify our God on earth, while our spirits have joined the spirits of just men, made perfect in heaven. And may the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ, and the love of God, and the fellowship of the Hoh Ghost, be with us all evermore. Amm. TUESDAY MORNING. O Thou, whose name also is Jehovah, the Most High over all the earth, we desire to adore the perfections of thy natuie, and to admire the works of thy hands. May the united displays of thy greatness, and thy goodness, impress our minds, and influence our thoughts and affections, while we approach Thee, Heaven is thy throne, and the earth is thy foot- stool. The universe, with all its myriads of crea- tures, was made by thy word, and is upholden by thy power; and Thou dost according to thine own will in the army of heaven, and among the inhabi- tants of the earth; none can stay thy hand, or say unto Thee, what doest Thou.^ But Thou art the Father of mercies, the God of all grace, and the God of all comfort. Even we, poor, mean, dying creatures, are not beneath thy care. Thou hast been mindful of us; Thou hast visited us; and thy visitation hath preserved our spirits. The line3 are fallen to us in pleasant pla- ces; yea, we have a goodly heritage; we live in a land of vision; we have the Scriptures in our hands, and our ears hear the joyful sound of the gospel. We know that Thou hast not spared thine own Son, but delivered Him up for us all. We know that He has borne our grief, and carried our sor- row; that his blood cleanseth from all sin, and that (36 FOURTH WEEK. whosoever believeth on Him, shall not perish, but have everlasting lif^. We come in His name, and make mention of His righteousness only. We plead the obedience and suffcring-s of Him who magnified the law, both in its precept and penalty, and made it honourable. May we be justified by His blood; and may we be saved by His life. May we be joined to the Lord, and of one spirit with Him. May we deny our- selves, and take up our cross, and follow Him. May the agency of thy peace prepare us for all the dispensations of thy providence. May we be wil- ling that the Lord should choose our inheritance for us, and determine what we shall retain or lose; what we shall suffer or enjoy. If indulged with prosperity, may we be secured from its snares, and use its advantages as not abus- ing them. And may we patiently and cheerfully submit to those afflictions, which are necessary to hedge up our way when we are tempted to wander, to excite an abhorrence of sin, to wean us from the present evil world, and to make us partakers of thy holiness. Only assure us, and we shall learn in whatsoever state we are, therewith to be content — only assure us, that Thou wilt be with us in trouble, and, that at the end of the vale of tears, we shall enter Emmanuel's land, where the inhabi- tants no more say, I am sick; where our sun shall no more go down, nor our moon withdraw itself, but God shall be our everlasting light, and the days of our mourning shall be ended. May our friends and relations be fellow-heirs with us of the grace of life. Let our house be the tabernacle of the righteous: let our children and servants be a seed to serve Thee: and among none of those who surround this family altar, may there be Meeting ai d wailing, and gnashing of teeth. FOURTH WEEK. 137 when they shall see Abraham, and Isaac, and Ja- cob, in the kingdom of God, and they themselves shut out. Lord, help us all to view our religious opportu- nities as talents, for which we are accountable: to remember, that our gi-eatest danger results from oar highest privileges; and to fear, lest a promise being left us of entering into thy rest, any of us should seem to come short of it. Ihou hast determined the bounds of our habita- tion; and by the events of thy providence, many of those in whose society we delight, are separated from us. When we are absent in body, may we be often present in spirit. We commend our ab- sent friends and kindred to thy covenant care May no evil tidings concerning them, wound our hearts; spare them in mercy: may we often em- brace each other in circumstances of health and comfort: or if we have had our last interview on earth, may we all meet in our heavenly Father's house, and be for ever with each other, and for ever with the Lord. In hope of which, with every other blessing, we devoutly ascribe to the only wise God, our Saviour, praise and glory everlasting. Amen. TUESDAY EVENING. O Thou King of Glory, we desire to approach ihy divine Majesty with reverence and godly fear, and to worship Thee in the beauty of holiness. Every perfection adorns thy nature, and sustains thy throne. The heavens are thine; the earth also is thine: the world is thine; and the fulness there- of. Thy power drew the universe from nothing Thy wisdom has managed all its multiplied con ccrns, presiding over nations, families, and indi ■BJduals, and numbering the very hairs of our head M 2 138 FOURTH WEEK. Thy goodness is boundless; the eyes of all wait up- on Thee, and Thou givest them their meat in due season. Thou openest thine hand, and satisfiest the desire of every living- thin:^. How precious are the thoughts of thy mercy and grace — and so excellent is thy loving kindness, that even the chil- dren of men, put their trus* under the shadow of thy wing. Thou art the blessed and happy God. O, teach us to place our happiness in thyself. May we nev- er seek the living among the dead, nor ask with the deluded many, Who will show us any good.'' But, may we prize the light of thy countenance; implore the joy of thy salvation; and passing by the attractions of creatures, be able to say, Whom have I in heaven but Thee, and there is none upon earth that I desire beside Thee. Thou hast been infinitely more attentive to our happiness than we ever have been, or ever can be. Thou madest man upright, and when, by volunta- ry transgression, we lell away from Thee, Thou didst not treat us with the severity, or the neglect we deserved. In thy love and pity Thou wast pleased to provide for us a Saviour, who bore our grief and carried our sorrows, and put away sin by the sacrifice of Himself. Apply this redemption to our hearts, by the jus- tification of our persons, and the satisfaction of our natures. We confess our transgression — Have mercy upon us. We are heavy laden — Give us rest. We are ignorant — make us wise unto salva- tion. We are helpless — Let thy strength be made perfect in our weakness. We are poor and needy. Bless us with all the unsearchable riches of Christ Having beji;un a religious course, may we run and not be weary, and walk and not faint. And though perplexities, and trials, and dangers await us, yet FOURTH WEEK. 139 inav wc travel on, unchecked and undismayed, knowing-, Thou hast said, I will never leave Thee, n )i" forsake ihee. Thus far, blessed be thy name, Thou hast led us on, and we have found Thee faithful to thy pro- mises. We have had our sorrows; but Thou iiast been a very present help in every time of trouble. We have had our fears; but Thou hast not suffer- ed the enemy to triumph over us. We have some- times been on the verg;e of despair, and have said, I am cast out of thy sight: but we have been ena- bled to look again towards thy holy temple; and the shadow of death has been turned in the morn- ing. Hitherto hath the Lord helped us. Thy vows are upon us, O God: we will render praises unto Thee, for Thou hast delivered our souls from death: wilt not Tlioti deliver our feet from falling, that we may walk before God in the light of the living? We would feel the connexions which unite us to others, and by sympathy, and prayer, and praise, make their miseries and mercies our own. We would rejoice with those that rejoice, and weep with those that weep. Provide support and em- ployment for the poor, and may their hands be suf- ficient for them. Make the widow's heart to sing for joy: and in Thee, may the fatherless find mer- cy. Visit those who are on beds of sickness, and prepare them for thy pleasure; that if they live, it may be to serve Thee. Bless our nation. May ev- ery department of our government be under the control of infinite wisdom and goodness; and let righteousness and peace be the stability of our tioies. Do good, in thy goo 1 pleasure unto Zion; build Thou the walls of Jerusalem: and may all our churches, like the original disciples, continue steadfastly in the apostle's doctrine, and in fellow ship, and in breaking of bread, and in prayers. 140 FOURTH WEEK. Protect and reffosh us through the night season and then cause us to hear thy Icving-kindness in the morning; ior in Thee do we trust; cause us to know the way wherein we should go, for we lift up our souls unto Thee. We implore it through the intercession of thy dear Son, and our Saviour. And blessing, and honour, and glory, and pow- er, be unto Him that sitteth upon the throne, and unto the Lamb, for ever and ever. Amen. WEDNESDAY MORNING. O God, Thou art incomprehensible, and in none of thy works and ways, can any of thy creatures find Thee out, unto perfection. Yet Thou hast not left thyself without witness, nor called us to wor- ship an unknown God. Thou hast been pleased to reveal thyself to us, as far as our wants and wel- fare require; and, among other endearing charac- ters, we can discern Thee as a God hearin^i; prayer. Thou never saidst to the seed of Jacob, Seek ye me in vain. A glorious high throne, from the be- ginning, has been the place of thy people's sanc- tuary. And thither would we repair, in all our dif- ficulties, necessities, and distresses, and find it good to draw near to God. Possess us with the spirit of grace, which is always a spirit of suppli- cation. May we live in a prayerful frame of mind, that will always allow of our immediate and pleas- ing intercourse with Thee: in the ordinary con- cerns of life, may our thoughts and desires often ascend the skies; and in habitual devotion, may we find a resource, that will sooth our sorrows, sanctify our successes, and qualify us for all our dealings with our fellow-creatures. We bless Thee that Thou hast made us capable of knowing Thee, the Author of all being; of re- sembling Thee the perfection of all excellency; FOURTH WEEK. 141 and of enjoying Thee, the source of all happiness Though we are unworthy to share in thy loving kindness, it is thy pleasure that we seek after it; and Thou hast said, their hearts shall live that seek God. Therefore, look Thou upon us, and be merciful unto us, as Thou usest to do unto those that love thy name. May we be accepted in the beloved, and know that in Him, we have redemp- tion through his blood, even the forgiveness of our sins. May we view him as the end of the law for righteousness to every one that believeth; and as the source of all that grace, by which we are re- newed in the spirit of our minds. May we always contemplate our duties in connexion with those promises, which insure ability for the performance of them; and while weak in ourselves, may we be strong in the Lord, and in the power of his might. Attend us, O God, in every part of our arduous and trying pilgrimage. We need the same coun- sel, the same defence, the same comfort, we im- plored as at the moment of our setting out — Cast us not away from thy presence, and take not thy Holy Spirit from us. May we live in the Spirit, and may we walk in the Spirit. And may our path be as the shining light, that shineth more and more unto the perfect day. Let our religion be more and more obvious to our consciences; and more perceptible to the eye of those around us. May all that see and hear us, take knowledge of us, that we have been wiih Je- sus. While He is representing us in heaven, may we represent Him on earth; while He pleads our cause, may we plead His; and be concerned in all things to show forth //w praise, who is making all things work together for our good. Arise, O God, and plead thine own cause. Give the word and let the company of those that l42 FOURTH WEEK. publish llie glad tidins^s of thy kingdom, be great May thy house be filled with inhabitants, and thy able furnished with guests; and let all that love thy salvation say continually, the Lord be magnified. Be gracious to our absent connexions — our heart's desire and prayer to God for them is that they may be saved. Continue the gentleness of thy goodness to this household. To the care which has watched over us through another night, we give up ourselves in prospect of the duties and events of the day. Let tliy pre- sence go with us; and thy blessing attend us; and whether we wake or sleep, may we live together with Christ. In whose vvords we address Thee, as Our Fa- ther, Sec. Amen. WEDNESDAY EVENING. O, Thou ever blessed God, we desire to ap- proach Thee, adoring thy perfections, and admir- ing thy works, which are sought out of all them that have pleasure therein. May we feel becoming regards towards Thee as our Creator, the Pre- server of men, and the Saviour of sinners. Thy name is most excellent in all the earth, and Thou hast set thy glory above the heavens. Thy compassions fail not, and therefore we are not con- sumed. We are filled with wonder, at thy con- descension in noticing creatures so poor and worth- less; and at thy mercy and grace, in providing for the deliverance and happiness of creatures so miserable and guilty. We can never sufficiently bless Thee, that we were born in a christian coun- try, u^here the true light shineth, and we can hear words whereby we may be saved. How suitable and encouraging are the discoveries, the invita FOURTH WEEK. 143 tions^ and the promises o! the gospel of j)eace. Here are announced, pardon for rebels, liberly for captives, health for the sicK, and a free, full, and evei'lasting salvation for them that are lost. Ileie we are informed, that Thou hast not spared thine own Son, but delivered Him up for us all: that He has fulfilled and magnified the law; that His blood cleanseth from all sin| that in Him all fulness dwells; and that whosoever believeth on Him shall not be confounded. In His beloved name we come, and avail our- selves of the plea, which Thou thyself hast afford- ed us. For His sake be merciful unto us, and bless us, and cause thy face to shine upon us, that we may be saved. May we be justified by his blood, and have access into that grace, wherein we shall stand, and rejoice in the hope of the glory of God. May thy image be re-impressed upon our souls, in knowledge, righteousness, and true holiness. May thy Holy Spirit take full possession of our hearts, and lead us into all truth, and enable as to walk in all thy commandmentb and ordinances blameless; may we be fruitful in every good word and work to do thy will. Raise us above the world; where duty is concern- ed, may we feel neither its frowns nor its smiles. May it ever be a light thing with us, to be judged of man's judgment. May thy apj^robation be our only aim; and thy word our only rule; and with ILnoch may we all enjoy the testimony that we I lease God. Keep us from, or preserve us in, the hour of temptation. May we abhor and avoid whatever would grieve thy Holy Spirit, and cause Thee to hide thy face from us. May we walk in the fear of the Lord, that we may walk in the com- forts of the Holy Ghost; and may we always sus pect the confidence and consolation, which can be 144 FOURTH WEEK. enjoyed along with a worldly temper, and a care- less conversation. May we have no fellov/ship with the unfruitful works of darkness^ but rather reprove thein^ yet may we in meekness instruct those who oppose themselves, and be gentle and patient towards all men. And may we — do, as well ab teach. May we be not only professors of the gospel — but ex- amples, displaying, in every relation, and office, and condition of life, its excellency, loveliness, and advantages^ that we may put to silence the igno- rance of foolish men, and even constrain them to glorify God in the day of visitation. How well does it become us to be humble. How little have we illustrated our principles, or improved our advantages. How often have wt injured, instead of recommending the cause of our Redeemer! How little have we served our gene- ration; and how few are those to whom we have been a blessing! In many things we have offended; and in all, come short of thy glory. Pardon our inquity, for it is great. Forgive the imperfections, omissions and sins, of another day; and make us thankful for the con tinuance of its numberless blessino-g. Shelter us through the night; and in the morn- ing, with renewed strength and grateful hearts, may we rise to love Thee more, and serve Thee better, than we have done this day — through our Lord and Saviour. Amen. THURSDAY MORNING. O Lord our God, blessed is the man whom Thou choDsest, and causest to approach unto Thee. In thy presence there is fulness of joy, and at thy right hand there are pleasures for evermore. With Thee is the fountain of life, and in thv light '^--'v «an we see light. FOURTH WEEK. 45 We therefore entreat thy favour, »vith oui whole heart. We acknowledge that we have forfeited all claims to it; and if we had no better ground of Iiope, than our deservings, we must sink into des- {•air. P'or against Thee, Thee only have we sin tjed, and done evil in thy sight, that Ihou might est be justified when Thou speakest, and cleai when Thou judgest. But with Thee there is mercy, and with Thee is plenteous redemption. We bless Thee foi- the assurance, that Thou hast sent thy own Son into the world, not to condemn the world, but that the world, through Him, might be saved. We rejoice, that neither the number nor heinous- ness of our transgressions, is a bar to that forgive- ness, which is founded on the sufferings and sac- rifice of the cross. The blood of Jesus Christ, thy Son, cleanseth from all sin. By the blood of that covenant which He has ratified, sen' forth thy j)risoners out of the pit wherein there is no water Graciously absolve us from our guilt; and pro- nounce our discharge from all condemnation, not only in the court of heaven, but in the court of con- science, that being justified by faith, we may have peace with God, and enjoy the glorious liberty ol ins children. But, O, save us from the hope of the hypocrite, which shall perish. Never suffer us to impose up- on ourselves, in any thing that relates to our eter- nal state. May we never suppose that we are in Christ, unless we are new creatures; or that we are born of the Spirit, unless we mind the things of the Spirit. May we never rest satisfied with any professions of belief, or any outward forms or services, while the heart is not right with God. May we judge of our sincerity in religion, by our fear to offend Thee; by our concern to know v/hat N 146 FOURTH WEEK. Thou wilt have us to do; and by out willingness to deny ourselves, and take up our cr jss and follow the Lamb, whithersoever he goeth. May nothing render us forgetful of thy glory; may noihing turn us aside from thy commands; may nothing shake ourc nfidence in thy promises. Take from us the evil heart of unbelief; the cause. of all our waveringf: and wanderings; may we be- lieve, that we may be established in our goings: and be always abounding in the work of the Lord. Prepare us for whatever we have to meet with, between this morning, and the grave. We know ^c who have done us evil, and enable us to forgive them. Bless those who are near and dear to us; ma> they be near and dear to Thee. Bless them in their outward comforts; but above all, t ay theii- souls p ospe •. FOURTH WEEK. \47 Be gracious to our native land. Be n indful ol our rulers. Teach our senators visdom; and so control the minds and hearts of those, who are en trusted with the public welfare, as that they nnay g;loriry Thee, and secure the best good of the people. Bless the gates of Zion, and all the dwellings of Jacob. Let thy secret reside in the families of them that fear Thee; and may those that have neglected to caU upon thy name, imme- diately adopt the resolution of Joshua, As for me and my house, we will serve the Lord. This morning sacrifice, we offer in the all pre- vailing name of our adorable Redeemer — And un- to Him that loved us, and washed us from our sins in his own blood, and hath made us kings and priests unto God, and to his Father, to Him be glory and dominion, for ever and ever. Amen. THURSDAY EVENING. O God, by the return of this hour of devotion, Thou hast again said. Seek ye my face; and our hearts nave answered. Thy face Lord will we seek. We value every opportunity of approaching Thee, not only as our duty, but as our unspeaka- ble privilege. We rejoice, that there is opened a new and living way into the holiest of all; and that as we enter, we can see Jesus the Mediator of the new covenant, and hear the voice of the blood of sprinkling, that speaketh better things than that of Abel. We are unprofitable servants. Qui- obedience, instead of meriting recompense, de- serves condemnation for its numerous defects. We ui-e ashamed even of our devotions: and often ques- ilon, n-hether any part of our religion will bear ;he eye of God. But it is our encouragement, that if v/e cannot :ome to Thee as saints, we may come as sinners 148 FOURTH VVKEK. with the assurance, that Thou wilt in nowise cast us out. We therefore come as sinners; yet siiJiers who hate themselves for their abominations, and long for deliverance. Hear the groanini^ of the prisoners, and loose those who are appointed unto tieath. Heal us, and we shall be healed; save us, and we shall be saved, for Thou art our praise. vSuve us from the curse of the law which we have violated; save us from the power and love of every sin; save us from an evil heart of unbelief in de- parting from the living God; save us from the pre- sent evil world; save us from our adversary the devJ, who goeth about as a roaring lion, seeking whom he may devour; that being delivered out of the hand of our enemies, we may serve Thee with- out fear, in holiness and righteousness before Thee, all the days of our lives. We sometimes hope Thou hast begun a good work in us, and we take comfort from the as- surance, that Thou wilt perform it until the day of Jesus Christ. We ought to be humble, but we would not be ungrateful, nor refuse to acknowledge what Thou hast done for our souls; for by thy grace alone, we are what we are. Thou hast shown us the evil of sin, and the beauty there is in holiness: Thou hast led us to hunger and thirst af- ter righteousness; we glory in the cross of our Lord Jesus Christ; we long to be conformed to his example; and we have taken hold of the skirt of him that is a Jew, and have said. We will go with you, for we have heard that God is with you. O Thou, who despisest not the day of small things, perfect that which concerneth us. May we not only have hope, but abound in hope; may we not only have faith, but be rich in faitl>; may we not only be fruitful, but be fi ed with all the fruits of righteousness, which are :>y Jesus Christ, unto the glo^y and pra-^^e of God. FO'JRFH WEEK t9 Let us not be of the number of tliDse who are always learning, and never able to come to the knowledge of the truth. May we have clear and consistent views of divine truthj and may every doctrine we admii into our judgments, have i: powerful influence over our hearts. May it bring, as well as reveal, salvation — and teach us to deny jngodliness and worldly lusts, and to live soberly, righteously, and godly, in the present world. May the love of God subdue the lust of the flesh, the lust of the eye, and the pride of life, and whatever s not of the Father, but is of the world. May we love our neighbour as ourselves, and I. ever hide ourselves from our own flesh. May we look, not every man on his own things, but every man also on the things of others, and es- pecially the things that are Jesus Christ's. May we never crucify Him afi^sh, and put Him to an open 'shame. May we rather die than cause His worthy name to be blasphemed. May our de- voted hearts be hourly asking, What shall Idofoi Him, who, when rich, for our sakes became poor and died that we might live. May He obtain the purchase of his blood in our revolted world; and see of the travail of his soul, and be satisfied. L et all kings fall down before Him, and all nations serve Him. And blessed be His glorious name for ever, and let the whole earth be filled with Hi^ glory. Amen and Amen. FRIDAY MORNING. O Thou ever blessed God! It is good for us lo draw near to Thee; and if we had no other privi- lege to be thankful for, we ought continually Ut praise Thee, for permission and encouragemenf to approach tiie throne of thy grace, there to spread before Thee all our wants and all our de- sires. N 2 ' ^O FOURTH WEEK, We are not worthy of the blessing; we are not worthy of the least of all thy mercies. We are far gone from the original righteousness in which we were created; and the depravity of our nature has appeared in the disobedience and rebellion cl our lives. How early did we discover tendencies to discontent, and pride, and envy, and revenge. O, remember not against us the sitis of our youth; nor the multiplied transgressions of riper years — our mis-improved time and talents, our abused mer- cies and means, our wasted and perverted Sab- baths and seasons of grace, our neglect of thy K'reat salvation, and our disregard of the Friend of sinners, who loved us so as to die for us. Our iniquity is increased over our head, and our trespass is gone up into the very heaven. While we confess our guilt, may we individually and deeply feel it, and be filled with self-abhorrence and self-despair. But help us to remember, that there is hope in Israel concerning this thing. Enable us to hear Lhe voice that proclaims. Behold the Lamb of God, that taketh away the sin of the world. Through Him may we return to Thee, and find Thee a God i-eady to pardon sin, and able to subdue it. Through Him may we give up ourselves to Thee, as our portion to enjoy, and our master to serve, foi' ever. At thy footstool, in the spirit of sub- mission, may we ever say, Speck, Lord, for ihy servant heareth. May we not only obey, but de- light to do thy will, yea, may thy law be within our heart. Conscious of our danger, may we watch; and sensible of our inability to keep ourselves, may we pray, lest we enter into temptation. Hold Thou us up, and we shall be safe. Preserve our under- standings Vom eiror, our affections from the love FOURTH WEEK. 15 • of idols, our lips from speaking guile, our life from every stain of vice, and our character from the very appearance of evil. And may we not only be harmless and blame.« less, the sons of God without rebuke, but may we be exemplary and useful, holding forth the word af life, and adorning the doctrine of God our Saviour in all things. If the Saviour has manifested himself to us, as he does not unto the world, may we declare that which we have seen and licard unto others, that they also may have fellowship with us; and having tasted that the Lord is gracious ourselves, may we ever be saying to those around us, O, taste and see that the Lord is good, blessed is the man that trusteth in Him. And may we walk in wdsdom towards them that are without. May our efforts be guided by prudence as well as animated by zeal. May we distinguish things that differ; and — not by a sacrifice of principle, but by a judicious use of circumstances and opportunities, may we become all thini^s to all men, if by any means we may gain some. And, O, let our endeavours be successful,* for he that convertetha sinner from the error of his way, shall save a soul from death, and shall hide a multitude of sins. Especially, may our solicitude and exertion be available with regard to our connexions and rela- tions. Let those, who are dear to us in the bonds of nature or friendship, become fellow-heirs with us of the grace of life, and fellow-labourers with us in the Lord's vineyard. Let the rising generation be a seed to serve Thee. Excite them by the command — Remember now thy Creator in th:: days of thy youth, and en- courage them by th(! promise — I love them that love ire, and they tha seek me early shall find me. 152 FOLATH ,VEEK. Regard the aged. Alarm the okl ir si.i: :on- viiice them that it is high time, and tiiat it will shortly be too late, tc seek the things that belong to their everlasting peace. Support those who have long known Thee, and whose gray hairs, as a crown of glory, are found in the way of right- eousness. Cast them not off in the time of old age, and forsake them not ivhen their strength faileth. Now, the God of peace, who brouuht again from the dead, our Lord Jesus, that great Shepherd of the sheep, ihrough the blood of the everlasting covenant, make us perfect in every good work, to do his will, working in us that which is well pleas- ing in his sight, through Jesus Christ; to whom be glory for ever and ever. Amen. FRIDAY EVENING. O God, thy command and thy promise, our du- ty and our privilege, induce us to avail ourselves of every opportunity of approaching the throne of thy grace. We are all indiii;ence and inability. It is not in the power of men and angels to reach our cause; and afford us the blessings we so much need, and so much desire. Our only hope is in the name of the Lord God, who made heaven and earth. But Thou art over all; and rich unto all that call upon Thee; and Thou Lord hast not forsaken them that seek Thee. We love to reflec upon the dis- plays of thy perfections; and to contemplate, what Thou hast done for others as poor and destitute, as sinful and guilty, as we are: a'ld to remember that thy hand is not shortened that it cannot save, nor thy ear heavy that it cannot hear. Behold a company of suppliants at thy footstool, in all the effects of the fall, and let our ruined con- dition be under thy agency O, Thou God of all FOLRTH WEEK. 153 »race, vvork Tliou in us to will and to do of thy good pleasure; and vile as we are in ourselves, make us an eternal excellency, the joy of many generations. Our understandings are darkened. Our hearts are hearts of stone. Our very con- science also is defiled. Our aifections are earthly and sensual. Open Thou the eyes of our under- standing. Give us hearts of flesh. Purify our consciences from dead works to serve the living God. Set our affections on things that are above: and as He who has called us is holy, so may we a'rso be holy in all manner of conversation and godliness. Deliver us from the bondage of corruption, and bring us into the glorious liberty of thy children: that being made free from sin, and become ser- vants unto God, we may have our fruit unto holi- ness, and our end everlasting life. Preserve us from all self-delusion, especially where our souls are concerned. May we never be flattered by the good opinion of our fellow-crea- tures, against the convictions of our own con- sciences; but remember, that if our hearts condemn us, God is greater than ouk hearts, and knoweth all things. May we never substitute mere opini- ons, and outward forms and ceremonies, in the room of that grace, which renews the soul and sanctifies the life. Ever keep alive in our minds the belief, that in Christ Jesus, neither circumci- sion availeth any thing, nor uncircumcision, but a new creature: and in the examinations of our re- ligious siaie and character, may we look after that kingdom, which is not meat and drink, but right- eousness, and peace, and joy in the Holy Ghost. Inspire us with a well grounded hope of being, one day, presented before the presence of thy glo- rv; whPn we shall see Thee without obscurity, an- 154 FOURTH \EEK. proach Thee without sin, lerve Thee without im perfection, and enjoy Tliee without sorrow. How "emote now do we often feel from this exalted state? And how improbable does it frequently seem that we should ever attain it? We have ne- ver yet been better than a bruised reed, and a smoking flax: and thy patience alone could have borne with our imperfections and perverseness. ^et we trust the root of the matter is found in us; and we bless Thee, if thy grace — by which alone we are what we are, has caused us to loathe sin, and abhor ourselves, and to hunger and thirst af- ter righteousness, and to place our happiness in serving and enjoying Thee. And we pray, that our path may be as a shining light, that shineth more and more unto the per- fect day. Complete that which is lacking in our faith. Lead us into all truth: and establish our hearts with grace. Fill our minds with the sub- lime and elevatini^ objects of revelation, that worldly things may find no room in our minds: and keep near us, all the affecting and awful mo- tives of the gospel, that we may not be able to sin, but in the view of thine all-seeing eye, a burning world, a judgment to come, and the cross of our Lord Jesus Christ. And the Lord make us, also, to increase and abound in love, one towards another, and towards all men. Let all bitterness, and wrath, and anger, and calmour, and evil speaking, be put away from us, with all malice; and may we be kind, one to- wards another, tender hearted; forgiving also, one another, even as a God, for Christ's sake, hath forgiven us. Prepare us for all the duties and trials that lie before us. We bless Thee for thy promises, which provide against every want we feel; and for every FOURTH WEEK. 155 condition in which we can he found. In God will we praise his word. In God hav» we put our trust. VV e will not fear what flesh can do unto us. Thou tellest our wanderings. Put Thou our tears into thy hottle. Are they not in ihy book? We commend ourselves with all our relations and friends, this evening-, to ihy forgiving mercy, and providential care. O Thou, that givest thy beloved sleep, indulge us with refreshing repose; or if Thou boldest our eyes waking in the night, may thy song be with us, and our prayer unto the God of our life. Guide us by thy counsel through life, and afterward receive us to glory. And to the only wise God, our Saviour be glory^ and majesty, dominion and power, for ever anc ever. Amen. SATURDAY MORNING. O Thou who hast said, I will be sanctified ii them that come niL;h me, and before all the people will I be glorJQed; may we have grace, whereb) we shall serve Thee acceptably, with reverence and godly fear. Thou inhabitest eternityj but our age is as nothing before Thee. Thy under- standing is infinite, but we know nothing. Thou art Almighty, but we are crushed before the moth. Thou art of purer eyes than to be behold iniquity, b«t we are vile; what shall we answei Thee.^ We cannot answer Tl\ee for one of a thous- and of our transgressions: and had we followed the i';i-cbodings of our consciences, we could not have approached Thee. But Thou hast proclaimed thy name, the Lord God, merciful and gracious; Thou hast caused all thy goodness to pass before us; Thou hast opened a new and living way into the holiest of all, by the blood of Jesui; and we have boldness, and access 156 FOURTH WEEK. with confidence, by the faith of Him.— We blesa Thee thai ir Him all fulness dwells, and that ignorant, and guilty, and depraved, and miserable, as we are in ourselves, from Him we can derive wisdom, righteousness, sanctification and redemp- tion. And we rejoice, that tnese blessings are at- tainable, without money and without price; and that we may know they are our's by every title God himself can give; and shall be our's for ever. O, let such undeserved, such infinite goodness melt our hearts, and lead us to throw down the weapons of rebellion, and weep over them. May we sorrow after a godly sort, that ever we offended a Being so worthy of all our love and our obedience; and while compelled to acknowledge, with a broken heart and a contrite spirit, O Lord, other lords, beside Thee, have had dominion over us: enable us to say. But henceforth, by Thee only will we make mention of thy name. As our reasonable service, to Thee may we dedicate ourselves im- mediately without delay, and fully without reserve^ To Thee may we yield our unders.tanding and our intellectual powers; our wills and our active pow- ers; our senses and our bodily powers; our time, our substance, and all our relative powers — may our words, and our actions, and our callings in life, be all holiness unto the Lord. May we come out from the world, and touch not the unclean thing, and be received and acknowl- edge^ as the sons and daughters of the Lord Al- mighty. And though they are few in number, and the world knoweth them not, may we choose thy people as our companions, and delight in them as the excellent of the earth. With them, at thy gates, may we daily watch, and wait at the posts of thy doors; with them, may we courageously fight the good fight of faith: with them, may we patiently labour in thy vineyard. FOURTH WEEK. 157 May we love them all; and as we have oppor- tunity, may we unite with them all in holy com- munion, and co-operate with them all in schemes of civil and sacred beneficence. We bless Thee for the country and the a.sje in which we live. We bless Thee for the spirit which has been awakened, and the efforts that now are making, to promote the temporal, and above all, the spiritual welfare of mankind, by individuals and communities, and combinations of communities. () let them not la- bour in vain; let the pleasures of the Lord prosper in their havid; let thy work appear unto thy ser- vants, and thy glory unto their children; and let the beauty of the Lord our God be upon us, and establish Thou the woi'kof our hands upon us; yea, the work of our hand, establish Thou it. And prepare us for suffering thy will, as well a? doing- it. May we never look for unmingled felici- ty here, but expect to find life, as all who have gone before us have found it, light and darkness, pain and pleasure, good and evil When we meet with trials, may we never think them strange things; nor murmur and repine under them. Rathtr may we be thankful, that they are so few and alleviated; rather may we rejoice, that they are all founded in love to our souls, and designed to make us partak- ers of thy holiness. Sustain us under them; im- prove us by them; and assure us in due time of our deliverance from them; and of our entering the rest that remains for the people of God, where all sorrow and sighing shall cease, and all tears shall be wiped from our eyes. And may the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ, and the lovecf God, and the communion of the Holy Ghost, be with us all, now and for ever. Ameru O /58 FOURTH WEEK. SATURDAY EVENING. O God — Thou art the God of all the families oi the earth; for they are formed by thy will, and supported by thy providence. But Thou art, in a peculiar manner, the God of those families, in which thy name is known, and loved, and honoured. Thy curse is in the house of the wicked, but Thou blessest the habitation of the just. Whatever be the dispositions of others, we desire to say, with increasing- resolution and zeal, As for us, and our house, we will serve the Lord. Thy yoke is easy, thy burden is light; thy work is honourable and glorious; and in keeping thy commandments, there is great reward. Thou art the best of all masters; Thou hast promised to bear with our infirmities, and to suffer us to want no good thing. Already Thou hast laid us under infinite obliga- tions, as the God of providence and of grace; Thou hast dealt well with thy servants, O Lord. Bless the Lord, O our souls, and all that is within us, bless his holy name. Bless the Lord, O our souls, and forget not all his benefits. By thy good hand upon us, we have been con- ducted through the perils, not only of another day, but another week; a period, during which, many have been carried down to their graves, and we have been brought so much nearer to our own. Impress us with the lapse of our time, and so teach us to number our days, that we may apply our hearts unto wisdom. Many have been involved in perplexities, and exposed to want; many have been confined to the house of mourning, or the bed of sickness; but we have been indulged with liberty, and ease, and healt i and strength; we have seen thy loving-kindness e>ery morning, and thy faithful- ness every night; and have had all things richly ^3 ei joy. VOURIH WEEK. Si But, O, how little have wc beer aff'ected by the instances of thy undeserved goodness; how im- perfect'y have we improved our religious privileges; how negligent have we been in seizing opportuni- ties of doing good to the bodies and souls of our fellow-creatures —and how well does it become each of us to exclaim, Behold, I am vile; what shall I answer Thee? wherefore I abhor myself, repent ing in dust and ashes. We stand before Thee this evening in our tres- pass; enter not into judgment with thy servants, O Lord. Our only hope is, that to the Lord our God belong mercies and forgiveness, though we have rebelled against Him. Have mercy upon us, O God, according to thy loving kindness, accord- ing to the multitude of thy tender mercies, blot out our transgressions. And may a confidence in thy goodness, instead of encouraging us to sin, that grace may abound, inspire us with that godly sorrow which worketh repentance unto life. May we hate and forsake every false v/ay. May we be attentive to our con- dition, and study our character; may we bridle our tongue, and keep our heart with all diligence. May we often look back and see, how at any time, we have been ensnared or overcome; and watch and pray in future, lest we enter into temp- tation. And do Thou keep us by thy power; up- hold us by thy free Spirit; and not only restrain us from sin, but mortify us to it. May sleep refresh our bodies, and fit them for thy service on the ensuing day; and may thy grace prepare our minds. May we leave all the cares ol the world for a while, behind; that we may attend on the Lord without distraction. May we repair to the hallowed exercises of devotion, as the heart panteth after the water brooks. May we call the 160 sabbath a delight, and be glad when they say to us, Let us go into the house of the Lord. And, O Thou God of all grace, do as Thou hast said; fulfil thy word unto thy servants, upon wnich Thou hast caused them to hope. Bless abundant- ly the provisions of thy house, and satisfy thy poor with bread. Clothe thy priests with salvation and let thy saints shout aloud for joy. And to the God of all grace, the P'ather, the Word, and tlie Holy Ghost, be all honour and glo- ry, now and for ever. Amtn* TITTH 'WHEK. SUNDAY MORNING. O God, Thou art very great. Thou art clothea with honour and majesty; and it becomes us to ap- proach Thee, with reverence and godly fear. We can also come before Thee, with humble confidence, for thy condescension equals thy grandeur, and thy goodness is thy glory. If we are unworthy, we rejoice that we are not unwelcome. If we are guilty, Thou art gracious; if we are miserable. Thou art merciful; if we are all indigence, thy riches are unsearchable. By not sparing thine own Son, but delivering Him np for us all. Thou hast shown thy boundless com- passion towards a perishing world, and proved, that with Him, I'hou wilt also freely give us all things. Thus a foundation is laid for our hope; a refuge is opened for our safety; and a new and living way is conse crated li to the holiest of all, for our approach to Tine. FIFTH WEEK. 61 O, bless us with that conviction of sin, that brokenness of heart, that self-despair, which will endear to us the gospel message, as a faithful say- ing, and worthy of all acceptation^ and induce us to say with the apostle, that I may win Christ, and be found in Him; that I may know Him and the power of His resurrection, and the lellowship of His sufferings, being made conformable unto His death. How happy are they that are found inter- ested in Him! 'I'hey are delivered from the wrath to come; they are justified from all things; they have peace with God; they are heirs of the glory that is to be revealed. May we feel a holy and increasing concern, to know whether these exalted privileges are claim- able by us. For this purpose, may we frequently and faithfully examine ourselves. May we search after — that deadness to the world, that love to the Saviour, that attachment to his house, that devo- tedness to His service, which characterise the sub- jects of His salvation. And may these things not only be in us, but abound. It is an unspeakable blessing if we have life: but it is our duty and privilege to have it more abundantly. It becomes us to be thankful, if Thou hast begun a good work in us; but we are allowed to pray, that Thou wilt perfect that which concerneth us. According to the riches of thy glory, therefore, stengthen us with might by thy Spirit in the inner man; that Christ may dwell in our hearts by faith; that we being rooted and grounded in love, may be able to comprehend with all saints, what is the height, and depth, and breadth, and length, and to know the love of Christ, that passeth knowledge, tha! we may be filled wiih all the fulness of God. May every part of out character and conduct, o 2 162 FIFTH WEEK. be adapted to make, not only a serious, but an amiable impression, on the minds of those around us; that they may say, I will go with you, for I have heard that God is with you. May all that we meet within our passage thiough life, whether pleasing or painful, instead of injur- ing the prosperity of our souls, turn to our salva- tion, through prayer, and the continual supply of the Spirit of Jesus Christ. Send us help this day from the sanctuary, and strengthen us out of Zion. We know that thine own appointments, were never intended to make us independent of thy agency; without thy super- aded blessing, the best means will prove -in vain. But Thou hast promised to bless the provisions of thy house, and to fill thy poor with bread. Thou hast said, in all places where I record my name, I will come unto thee, and I will bless thee. And all have found Thee to be faithful to thy word. We have known Thee in thy palaces for a refuge: we have seen thy power and thy glory in the sanc- tuary; and have often praised Thee with joyful lips. We therefore bless Thee for the return of these precious advantages: we- pity those who are de nied them; sanctify their privations; and compen- sate the want of ordinances, by thine own presence and communications. Enter, as an instructer and comforter, all the abodes of sorrow. Be the fathei of the fatherless, and the husband of the widow. Guide those who Are perplexed; guard those thai are tempted: and let all that love Thee, be as the sun when he goeth forth in his might. We ask it through the intercession of Kim, who has taught us when we p ay, to say. Our Father See. I FIFTH WEEK. 163 SUNDAY EVENING. O God, the heavens declare thy glory; the earth is full of thy richer; the universe is thy temple: thy presence fills immensity. It is thy pleasure to produce life, and to communicate happiness. From Thee we have derived all we are, and all we own; and in Thee we live, and move, and have our being continued. Thy good providence has determined the bounds of our habitation, and wisely administered all our affairs. But above all we bless Thee for the exceeding riches of thy grace, in thy kindness towards us, by Christ Jesus. Thanks be unto God for his un- speakable gift; and for the unclouded revelation of Him, in the word of truth. There we behold His person and character; His grace and glory. There we see Him, when rich, for our sakes be- coming poor; and dying thai we may live: deliver- ed for our offences, and raised again for our justi- fication. May we deeply feel our need of this dis- pensation, in all its parts, and in all its influences: and with Peter exclaim, Lord, save — I perish; and with the publican — God be merciful to me a sinner. Convince us of the pollution of sin, as well as of its guilt, that we may not only have our fear ex- cited, but our aversion; that with Job we may see, that we are vile; and abhor ourselves, repenting in dust and ashes. May we feel the necessity of re- novation, as well as forgiveness, in order to oui serving and enjoying Thee, in time and eternity. O, Thou Holy God, who hast no fellowship with iniquity, subdue in us the love of sin: create in us a clean heai-t; and renew in us a right spirit. May we not l)e in the number of those who are always learning, and never able to come to the knowledge of the truth; but nay our hearts be es* tablished with ^vslzq Maj we never rest in 9 system of doctrine, however scriptural, that does notbring salvation, or teach us to deny ungod- liness, and worldly lusts; and to live soberly, right- eously, and godly, in the present world; looking fcr that blessed hope, and the glorious appearing of the great God, and our Saviour Jesus Christ. May we live in the spirit; and may we walk in the spirit: and instead of relying on our own convic- tions and resolutions, may we be strong in the Lord, and in the power of His might. In all our duties, conflicts, and trials, may his grace be sufficient for us. To Him who gives rest to the weary and heavy laden, may we repair in all our spiritual distresses, in all our outward troubles, and in all the dissatisfactions experienced in creature-enjoyments. From a world, where all is vanity and vexation of spirit, may we retreat to Him, who is full of grace and truth; a friend that loveth at all times; who is touched with the feel- ing of our infirmities; and who is able to do for us exceeding abundantly, above all we can ask or think. Prepare us for our final hour, and for all the scenes through which we have to pass in the re- mainder of our pilgrimage. May we know how to be abased, and how to abound. May we learn in whatsoever state we are, therewith tc be con- tent. May we stand complete in all the will of God. Do us good by all thy dispensations; and espe- cially sanctify to us all the means of grace. We bless Thee that we have been favoured with another sabbath; and have had opportunities oi repairing to the sanctuary, to mingle our j^rayers and praises with the devotions of thy people, and to hear the words of eternal life. We grieve to think, that so much of the precious seed, sown by FIFTH WEEK. 16S rhy servants, should fall by the way sidej so much upon stony places; and so much amonj^ thorns; and that so little fruit is broui^ht forth to perfec- tion. May it appear that we have not received the grace of God in vainj but that thy word in us, is like ^ood seed sown in good ground, which springeth up and bringeth forth, in some an hund- red fold, in some sixty, and in some thirty. And suffer us not to confine our reiig on to ex- traordinary occasions; but help us to acknowledge Thee in all our ways. May we never limit our devotion to particular seasons; but be in the fear of the Lord all the day long. May we be godly, not only on the sabbath, but in the week; not only in the house of God, but in our own. May our piety be, not a dress, but a habit; not only a habit, but a nature, a life; the life of God in the soul of man. And at last, by thy grace and guidance, may we enter that world, where there is no tem- ple, but the glory of God and of the Lamb are the temple thereof. But, O, how can we endure to see the destruc- tion of our kindred.^ O Lord, let those that are united to us by so many tender ties, be precious in thy sight, and devoted to thy praise. Sanctify and succeed domestic devotion and instruction, discipline, and example; and may our houses be nurseries for heaven, from which our churches, as the gardens of the Lord, shall be enriched with trees of righteousness, the planting of the Lord, that He may be glorified. O, let none of those who are amiable, and moral, and possess so many attractions, like the hcoeful youth in the gospel, fall short of heaven a* last. Where the conscience is tender, and the heart i so^'t, and the word alarms or delights, let ncy l06 FIFIH AVEEK. these promising appearances be blastedj but bring forth judgment unto victory. Bless all who are connected with us by religious ties. Save thy people and bless thine inheritance^ feed them also, and lift them up forever. Regard us as a nation. Inspire all ranks and degrees of men among us, with a love to that righteousness, which exalteth a nationj and deliver us from that sin; which is a reproach to any people. And as all mankind, of whatever country or con- dition, are our brethren, bless thrm with the same civil and religious privileges, which this highly favoured land enjoys. Let thy v/ay be known on earth, thy saving health among all nations. And may the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ, and the love of God, and the communion of the Holy Ghost, be with us all, now and for ever Amen MONDAY MORNING. O God, thy greatness is unsearchable; but we rejoice to think, that thy love passeth knowledge. We have sinned against Thee, but Thou art ready to forgive. We have gone far astray from Thee; but Thou art more tha.n willing to admit our re- turn. Thou hast even provided the way to ac- complish it. Thou hast appointed and made known a Mediator, who has once suffered for sin, the just for the unjus:, that He might bring us un- to God. In Him we behold Thee reconciling the world unto thyself, not imputing their trespasses unto them. And in Him a multitude which no man can number, redeemed, justified, and renew- ed are exulting. My soul shall be joyful in my God, for he hath clothed me with the garments of salva- tion, He hath covered me with the robe of right- eousness, as a bridegroom deckelh himself with FIFTH WEEK. 167 ornaments, and as a bride adorneth herself whV her jewels. O, that it were thus with us! O that we could ascertain our spiritual condition, and read our ti- tle clear to the inheritance of the saints in light. Praise waiteth for Thee, O God in Zion; and we are longing to be able to adore Thee, as the strength of our souls, and our everlasting portion. Say to them that are of a fearful heart. Be strong, fear not. Him that cometh unto me, I will in no wise cast out; whosoever will, let him come and take of the water of life, freely: O, say unto oui souls, I am thy salvaiion. And, O Lord, we hope that we are not concern- ed for our safety only; we trust we not only wish to Know that we have the grace of God in truth, but to feel a progression in the divine life; to increase with all the increase of God. We wish to be qualified for our work; to stand complete in the will of our heavenly Father; and to adorn the doct- rine of God our Saviour in all things. Grant us, therefore, we pray Thee, more of the supply o! the Spirit of Jesus Christ; to give more decision to our character; more vigour to our pur- poses; more elevation; more constancy to our zeal, so that we may run and not be weary, and walk and not faint. Thou dost not despise the day of small things, nor refuse to encourage a little strength; but Thou hast commanded us to grow in grace, and in the knowledge of our Lord and Saviour; and Thou hast said. To him that hath, shall be given; and hast promised, that the feeble among them shall be as David. Be it unto us according to thy v'ord. Fulfil all the good pleasure of thy good- ness, and the work of faith with power, that the name of our Lord Jesus Christ may be glorified .68 FirrH week. in us, and we in Him. May we be examples o{ the reliction we profess, the most impressive and attractin:^; may we have a testimony in the bo soms of those who observe us, that we are the seed which the Lord hath blessed; and may every thing around us say to them, Come with us, anc' we will do you good. To Thee we desire to submit all our desires, and to Thee would we commit all our concerns, casting all our care upon Thee, conscious that Thou carest for us. And Who so fit tc choose our lot, Or regulate cur ways — as a Being who loved us, so as not to spare his own Son, who knows what is best for us in every circumstance, and is able to make all things work together for our good. In every difficulty with which we are called to struggle, may we not only think of thy promises, but also call to remembrance, the years of the right hand of the Most High. We have often been brought low, and Thou hast helped us; and when we have been looking for nothing but dark ness, at evening time it has been light. O, how does it betray our depravity, that after all thy kindness and care, after all the proofs of thy patience, power, and fidelity, we are yet so little capable of trusting in Thee. We would cry out with tears, Lord, we believe, help Thou our un- belief. Do us good by all the dispensations of thy provi- dence, especially those of an afflictive kind. And why should we consider them strange things, since Tliou hast told us, that in the world we shall have tribulation, and that the same afflictions have been accomplished in all our bretnren? And why should we desire exemption from them? Seeing ihev are founded in love, and intended for our TIFTH WEEK 159 profit. May we ever realize th) design by them, and see thine hand in them; may we believe that Thou wilt be with us in trouble: and look forward with joy to that state, where it will be safe for us to be without sorrow, and God shall wipe away all tears from our eyes. And if we have a portion in this world, keep us from makint? this world our portion. May we never look for that in the creature, which can on- ly be found in the Creator; nor for that on earth, which is only to be found in heaven. Among our caresses and indulgences, may we never lose the heart of a stranger, or forget that this is not our rest. Miy the streams of comfort lead us to the fountain of all good: and may we love and serve our Benefactor in all his benefits. And thus may we know how to be abased, and how to abound; and in every varying condition, display the principles and dispositions of those, who are born from above, and bound for glory. And to the Father, the Word, and Holy Ghost, be ascribed all honour and praise, world without end. Amen. MONDAY EVENING. O Thou, whose name alone is Jehovah. Thou art the Most High over all the earth; and Thou hast set thy glory above the heavens. All thy works praise Thee, O Lord, and thy saints bless Thee. Thou art our fathers' God, and we will exalt Thee; Thou art our own God, and early will we seek Thee, for in thy favour is life. Open Thou our lips, and our mouth shall show forth thy praise. Thou hast made us, and not we ourselves. Thine eye die' see our substance, yet being imperfect, and in thy book all our members were written, which in continuance were fashion P ^70 FIFTH WEEK. 2d, when as yet there were none of them. Thou hast taught us more than the beasts of the field, and made us wiser than the fowls of the air. There is a spirit in man, and the inspiration of the Al- mighty giveth understanding. Thy providence has watched over us from the womb, supplied all our wants, arranged all our affairs, and determin- ed the bounds of our habitation. And, O, what reason have we to exclaim, the -ines have fallen to us in pleasant places, yea, we nave a g^oodly heritage. We live in a land of vis- ion. How superior are our advantages to those of thine ancient people, the Jews. The sun of righteousness, which was below the horizon to them, has risen upon us, with healing in his wings; and we are all the children of the day. Let us not therefore, sleep, as do others; but while we have the light, may we walk in the light, lest darkness come upon us. May we ever be impressed with the conviction, that where much is given, much will be required: and that our greatest danger results from our dis- tinguishing advantages — our sabbaths; our sanc- tuaries; the Scriptures of truth: the preaching of the gospel; and all the events, which have urged our attention to it. What more could have been done for us, than Thou hast done? And yet how little fruit have we brought forth. How well do we deserve to be cut down as cumberers of the ground, and cast into the fire.^ Yet, O Lord spare, at the interces- sion of thy Son, our Saviour; for his sake, renew our season of trial: and employ fresh means for our improvement; and accompany them with a di- vine power. Convince us of our sin and danger. Awaken in us the solemn inquiry, what must I do to be saved? And 'et not our concern, when FIFTH WEEK. 17 i awakened, lead us into any refuge of lies, or in- duce us to build on any false foundation; but may we believe on the Lord Jesus Christ, and find his rest to be lylorious. Produce in us that brokenness of heart, and that self-despair, which will render the faithful saying — worthy of all acceptation; and make the Saviour precious to us— as He is to all them that believe. May Hebe delightful to us in all His offices; may we love Him in His commands, as well as in His promises; may we wear His yoke^^ and carry His burden; and find His yoke easy, and His burden light. Make us in our views, principles, and dis- positions, new creatures, may we shine in all the beauties of holiness; and reflect the praises of Him who hath called us out of darkness into His mar- vellous light. Explain to us thy secret which is with them that fear Thee; and show us thy cove- nant in its provisions and stability; and in every distress, may this be all our salvation, and all our desire. With affections weaned from the world, and with evidences bright for heaven, all the days of our appointed time may we wait till our change comes: may we die, supported by the consolations of the gospel, and surrounded with the glory of God; and have an entrance ministered unto us abundantly, into the everlasting kingdom of our Lord and Saviour. Prepare us for our passage, as well as for our end. While we are 1 ere, may we fulfil the duties an I bear with firmness, the trials of our respective stations; may we glorify our Father, who is in heaven; and serve our generation according to His will. Continue thy goodness to us as a family. Re- member our absent friends. Let thy ministers 172 FIFTH WEEK, enjoy thy presence; and thy church&s be filled with thy glory. Let this nation be under thy care, and ever prove the seat of learning and science; of civil and religious freedom; of social blessed- ness; and of gospel privileges; and be the source of usefulness to the ends of the earth. May princes come out of Egypt. May Ethiopia stretch forth her hands unto God. And may all nations whom Thou hast made, come and wor- ship before Thee. For thine, O God, is the power; and thine shall be the glory, through our Lord and Saviour. Amen, TUESDAY MORNING. O Lord God of hosts, hear our prayer; give ear, O God of Jacob; behold, O God our shield^ and look upon the face of thine Anointed. It is in his dear and all-prevailing name we come. We have nothing of our own to plead; no works, no worthiness, no promises. We have all, like sheep, gone astray. We have been trans- gressors from the womb. We have knowingly opposed thine authority, and abused thy good- ness. We have been ungrateful under thy indul- gences; incorrigible under thy rebukes; and have improved none of our religious advantages. We stand before Thee condemned by our own con- sciences, as well as by thy word. Yet, in the way of thine appointment, Thou art wailing to be gracious; and hast said, that whatsoever we ask, believing in his name, we shall receive. Through Him, display thyself, in our experi- ence, as a God, pardoning iniquity, and subduing it. Justify us freely from all things; and sanctify us wholly, body, soul, and spirit. May we be thy workmanship, created \n Christ Jesus, and pre- FIFTH WEEK. 173 pared unto evei y good work. We groan within ourselves, longing, not only for deliverance from the wrath to come, but from the sin that dwelleih in us: and praying, not only for an interest in thy favour, but a participation of thy image. If Thou hast be;un the good work in us, carry it on unto the perfect day. Assure us of present assistance and final success, whatever difficulties or oppositions we meet with; that we may go on our way rejoicing, and be strong in the grace that is in Christ Jesus. If we feel little, — and, C),how little do we feel of the joys of thy salvation; uphold us by thy free Spirit; and enable us to persevere in the path of obedience, and in the use of the means which Thou hast appointed, assured that none of those shall be ever ashamed that wait for Thee. And should we walk in darkness and have no light, may Ave trust in the Lord, and stay upon our God — Yet suffer us to implore, that Thou wilt make thy face to shine upon us, and give us the full assurance of hope. — which hope may we have, as an anchor of the soul, both sure and stead- fast, in all the storms of life. We bless Thee for all that is past. Unless the Lord had been our help, our souls had almost dwelt in silence: but when we said, My foot slip- peth, thy mercy, O Lord, held us up. But we aie still in the body, and in the wilderness; we need thine aid as much as eve'; we have a grow ing sense of our ignorance, weakness, and danger — O, withdraw not thy presence, and take not thy Holy Spirit from us. Whether we are called to do thy will, or to bear it, may we feel that our help is in the name of the Lord, who made heaven and earth. If our course conducts us through rough and trying scenes, say to us. Thy shoes shall be iron ai:d br3 worship. We g^rieve to think how many there *re who cast off fear, and restrain prayer before Thee. 13ui, whatever be the determination of others, our purpose, by thy i^race, is taken: and as for us and our house, we will serve tl,e Lord. We would not live a day, or an hour, without Thee in the world, careless of thy favour, or re- gardless of thy glory. Impress us, individually and deeply, with a sense of thy omniscience; that Thou art about our path, and our lying down, and acquainted with all our ways. Especially may we feel it, when we enter thy more immediate presence, and engage in the exercises of devotion. Then may we remember, that thine eyes are up- on us; that Thou requirest truth in the inward parts: and that nothing can screen, even our mo- tives and principles, from thy penetration. Too little, we acknowledge, has this been our experience in former engagements: w« have often been careless, where we should have been full of reverence; we have been strangers to the power of godliness, while familiar with its forms. Thou hast been nigh in our mouths, but far from our reins. Much of our guilt has originated from our religious means and privileges; from the low es- timation in which we have holden them; the little advantage they have contributed to our growth in grace, and in the knowledge of our Lord and Saviour. Over all this may we sorrow after a godly sort, and may the sincerity of our repentance, be seen in our future alarm, and endeavours; and especial ly in our self-renunciation, and dependence upon another — for when we are weak, then, and then alone, we are strong. May we every moment 176 FIFTH WEEK. feel, how necessary it is to be more intimate with Him who came, not only that we might have life, but that we might have it more abundantly; whose grace is sufficient for us; whose spirit helps our infirmities, and can strengthen in us the things that remain, that are ready to die. We bless Thee for an Advocate with the Father; for a propitiation of infinite value; for a fulness that filleth all in all. In Him, believing, mav we rejoice with joy unspeakable, and full of glory. And may we know how to obtain relief for a burdened conscience, without feeling reconciled to our imperfections. May we abhor the thought of turning the grace of our God into lasciviousness, or sinning, that grace may abound. Because we are not under the law, but under grace, may we reckon ourselves to be dead indeed unto sin, but alive unto God through Jesus Christ our Lord; by thy mercies, presenting our bodies a living sa- crifice, and asking. What shall I render unto the Lord for all his benefits towards rne? Through sanctification of the Spirit, and belief of the truth, may our affections be set on things that are above, and may this be the growing desire of our souls: (), that my feet were directed to keep thy precepts. We would not seek great things for ourselves; but be content with such things as we have. De- liver us, O Lord from the love of money, which s the root of all evil. May we value our sub- stance, not as the medium of pride and luxury, but as affording us the means of support and use- fulness; and may we guide our affairs with dis- cretion, that we may owe no man any thing, and be able to give to him that needeth. Establish in us the royal law; may we love our neighbour as ourselves; and feel it not only our duty, but our pleasure, as we have opportunity, to do good unto FIFTH WEEK. 177 dll men; especially unto them that are of the house- hold of faith. Bless all the churches of the faithful. Thou h-ast given them rest; may they walk in the fear of the Lord, and in the comforts of the Holy Ghost, and be edified and multiplied. Display thy power and thy glory in the sanctu- ary. Be with thy servants, who show unto men the way of salvation. Make them wise to win souls; may they speak the things only that become sound doctrine; may they never expect success, as the result of their eloquence an I reasonings, but from the excellency of the power that is of God. May our highly favoured country be safe and flourishing, under the shadow of the Almighty. Regard our friends and relations. Those that are absent from us, we commend to the care and direction of an ever present God. Let those that know Thee not, be made wise unto salvation; let not those, who are endeared by so many ties, be separated from us for ever— How can we endure to see the destruction of our kindred? Keep us in all places and circumstances. Hide us this night in the secret of thy pavilion, and in the morning encompass us with songs of deliv- erance. And now, blessed be the Lord God of Israel, who only dceth wondrous things; and blessed be his glorious name for ever: and let the whole earth be filled v^ith his glory. Amen and Amen. WEDNESDAY MORNING. O Thou, that hearest prayer, and inhabitest the praises of Israel; with Moses and Aaron among thy priests, and Samuel among them that call up- on thy namr , we would; this morning exalt the iT8 FIFTH WEEK. Lord our God, ai il worship at his footstool, for He is holy. We thank Thee, O Father, Lord of heaven and earth, for all thy inexpressible and inconceivable goodness to the children of men, and of which, our own history and experience afford such number- less proofs. In thy works of creation, we read thy name, the Lord God Almighty; in the dispensa tions of thy providence, we acknowledge Thee as the only wise God^ but in the gospel of thy grace, we behold Thee as the God of love; and so loving the world, as to give thine only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth on Him should not perish, but have everlasting life. In Him 1 hou hast pro- vided for our deliverance, from all the effects of sin; for the justification of our persons, the sanc- tification of our natures, and our perseverance in the path of life, till we receive the end of our faith, the salvation of our souls. We bless Thee, that, exposed as we are to the terrors of thy law, which we have so often trans- gressed, here we have a refuge from the storm; and learn, that there is no condemnation to them that are in Christ Jesus. We bless Thee, that while we are compelled to exclaim. Unclean, un- clean, here is an open fountain, the efficacy of which cleanseth from all sin. We bless Thee, that while in us dwelleth no good thing, there is a fulness accessible to all, and incapable of reduc- tion, from which we can receive, and grace for grace. O Lord, we ask not for worldly riches or hon- ours, but pray, that we may be blessed with all spiritual blessings, in heavenly places in Christ. We envy not those whom the multitude admire; they will be cut down as the grass, and wither as the green herbs: but remember us O Lord, with FIFTH WEEK. 179 the favour Thou hearesi unto ihy people: look Thou upon us, and be merciful to us, as Thou usest to do unto those that fear thy name. They are happy — now: and are inviting and encourag- ing us, to taste and see, that the Lord is good. May a vital union be immediately established be tween Him and us — He the head, and we the members — He the vine, and we the branches — He the shepherd, and we the sheep of his pasture — He the chief corner stone, and we also as lively stones, built up a spiritual house, an habitation of God through the Spirit. Let us not walk as other Gentiles, in the vanity of our minds, and having our understandings dark- ened; but may we estimate things according to the testimony of thy word, and feel a persuasion, that to obtain salvation by our Lord Jesus Christ, is a concern, in comparison with which, every other interest is a shadow, and a dream. And, O Lord, save us from presumption. Keep us from suspending our attention to the things of eternity, ana on a more convenient season, or any future period, which may never arrive; but re- flecting upon the shortness and uncertainty of life, and knowing how frail we are, may we seek the Lord while He may be found, and call upon Him while He is near. May we immediately begin to live the life of the righteous, that we may die the death of the righteous, and that our last end may be like his. And O, save us from the delusion of those who go far, but not far enough, in religion; who are convinced, but not converted; who have another heart, but not a nevv one; and who, with all their llf>ht, and zeal, and confidence, have not the spirit of Christ, and therefore are none of his. May we judge of c ir christiatlty, not only by our de- 180 FIFTH WEEK. pendence upon Christ, but our love to Christ, and our conformity to Christ: and know that He dwell- eth in us and we m Him, because He hath given us of his spirit May our religion not only be real, but progres- sivej may we not only hold on our way, but wax stronger and stronger. May we live, and may we walk, in the spirit. May we profit by every cor- rection, and be injured by no indulgence. Accept of our personal and combined acknow- ledgments, that Thou hast been our salvation in the night watches; and that we are not only living to praise Thee this morning, but have all things richly to enjoy. Bless the word which we have been reading. Let not the cares of this life, or the deceitfulness of sin, render it unfruitful. May thy word abide in us, and operate. May it attend us in all the businesses of the day, that we may not sin against Thee; and that whether we eat or drink, or what- ever we do, we may do all to the glory of God- To whom be glory in the church, by Christ Jesus, throughout all ages, world without end. Amen. WEDNESDAY EVENING. O Thou, that inhabitest eternity, and with whom a thousand years are as one day. If we were angels, we should veil our faces as we ap- proach Thee, and exclaim, holy, holy, holy, is the Lord of Hosts, the whole earth is full of His glory. With what emotions then should we enter thy pre- sence, who are but sinful dust and ashes. Give us grace, whereby we may serve Thee acceptably, with reverence and godly fear. May we always combine thy majesty with thy mercy, that we may no*, trifle before Thee, or in- FIFTH WEEK. 181 cue the reproach of the hypocrite, c.nd the fv/rmal* ist, who draw nit^h unto Thee with their mouth, and honour Tlice with their lips, while their heart is far from Thee. And may we always connect thy goodness with thy greatness, that we may draw near in full assurance of faith. May our consciences, at this moment, believe that Thou art good, and ready to forgive, and plenteous in mer- cy to all that call upon Thee. And do Tnou have mercy upon us, O God, ac- cording to thy loving kindness, according to the multitude of thy tender mercies. Thou art under no obligation to save us; we lie, as guilty, at thy sovereign disposal. Thou hast a right to exercise thy mercy in thy own way; and Thou hast sent thy own Son inlo ihe world, not to condemn the world, but that the world through Him, might be saved: Tho'i liast made Him to be sin for us, who knew no sin, that wemightbe madethe righteousnessofGod in Him. We l)ow O, God, to thine appointment; and gratefully comply with thy command, for this is thy commandment, that we believe on the name ol thy Son Jesus Christ our Lord. We would flee to no other refuge; we would wash in no other fountain; we would build on no other foundation; we would receive from no other fulness. May the life that we henceforth shall live in the flesh, be by the faith of him, who loved us, and gave Himself for us. In His name may we rejoice all the day, and in His righteousness be exalted. May we feel a growing conformity to the image of thy son, and like Him learn obedience by the things we suffer. May the law of the spirit of life m Christ Jesus, make us free from the law of sin and death. In all our dealings with all our fellow-creatures may wc do justly; in all cases requiring: reli«"f anc* Q 182 FIFTH WEEK. compassion, may we show that we love mercy: and with regard to all the dispensations of thy providence and grace, may we walk humbly with our God. May we be strong-, and of good courage, to fol- low our convicti )ns, regardless of the opinions of othersj and to obey God, rather than man. Hav- ing obtained the knowledge of thy will, from thy word may we go forth and be steadfast, unmove- able, always abounding in the work of the Lord. And let us not be slothful, but followers of them, who through faith and patience inherit the pro- mises, O, how great is the goodness, which in thy pro- mises and in thy kingdom. Thou hast laid up for them that fear Thee! Number us with thevii; and enable us to say. Thou hast given me the heritage of them that fear thy name This assurance, O God, we want, to animate us in duty; to support us in our trials — for they are many; and to raise us above the fear of death and the dread of eter- nity. For we know that we are not to live here always, nor to live here Ion.,. Dangers surrounc' us; within us are sown the seeds of disease; oui breath is in our nostrils; and there is but a step between us and the grave. How soon is another day gone! and how solemnly does it remind ua That all our days are as a shadow 1 Great God, so teach us to number our days, that we may apply our hearts unto wisdom. Amidst all the uncer- tainties of time, may we know in ourselves.,that is heaveh we have a better and an enduring sub- stance: when the earthly house of this tabernacle is dissolving, may we see prepared to recieve us a building of God, an house not made with hands, eternal in the heavens. We feel our weakness, and our wants. We de- ^ FIFTH WEEK. 183 pend on all the elemeius for our subsistirce, and there is no creature, but can be our help or our hurt. We need day by day, our supplies of food. We labour for a few hours, and we feel ourselves exhausted. We would not say to Him, that made us, why hast Thou made me thus; but bless Thee for the promise we have, that when we lie down, Thou wilt make us dwell in safety; and for a state, where we shall feel no langour, need no rest; where there shall be no nii^ht; and they need no candle, neither light of the sun; for the Lord God giveth them light, and they shall reign for ever and ever. We ask it in the name, and for the sake of our adorable Redeemer. Amen. THURSDAY MORNING. O Thou, who wast, and art, and art to come, the almighty. Thou art the Creator of all the ends of the earth. Thou art our Maker, and not only the framer of our bodies, but the former of our souls. May we remember that Thou madest us upright, but that we have sought out many in- ventions. Let us not forget what we now are — what we deserve — and what we want. Nor let us be ignorant of the provisions of thy mercy and grace; nor of Him, in whom it hath pleased Thee, that all fulness should dwell. In all our outward troubles, and in all our spiritual distress, He is the hope and the consolation of Is- rael. May we receive the record, that Thou hast given to us eternal life, and that this life is in thy Son. To Him may we always look for relief, and to Him only; persuaded that 'here is none othei name given under heaven and among men, where- by we must be saved. May we be equally con vinced of the guilt and the pollution of sin; may we alike feel our need of the Prince and the Sa- 184 FIFTH WEKK. vioup, and impliiie of Him repentance, as well as forti;ivencss. May we l.jve holiness, and be pure m heart. O, that oui- feet were directed to keep thy statutes. O, that we had the same mind in us, which was also in Christ Jesus; and were en- abled to tread in His steps, who has gone before us in every path of duty and trial. As long- as we are in the world, keep us from the evil; and may we be always alive and awake to discharge every obligation, resulting from our condition in life, and the par'.icular events of thy providence. We would not be at our own disposal; but re- joice to think, we are under the care of one, who is too wise to err, and too kind to injure. How ever ignorant of the future, we will trust and not be afiaid; and begin even in this vale of tears, the song we hope for ever to sing; Marvellous are thy works, Lord God Almighty, just and true are all thy ways, (3 Thou King of saints. Thou hast been pleased again to renew our time, and our strength, and comforts; help us to renew our purposes and resolutions, to obey and serve Thee. In all our ways, may we this day acknow- ledge Thee, and do Thou direct our paths. Let thy presence go with us, and thy free spirit up- hold us. May we prove a stumbling block to none, by our temper or conduct; but recommend and en- dear the religion we profess to all around us. May we decline no opportunity of usefulness, that our {/ircumstances may present; may we not withhold gocrJ, from him to whom it is due when it is in the power of our hand to do it. May we dread the sentence, Whoso stoppeth his ears at the cry of the poor, be also shall cry himself, and not be ht^at i May we therefore be merciful; ready to FIFTH WEEK. .115 communicate; feeling the grace of our L ^rd Jesui Christ, who when rich, for our sakes became poor, hat we through his poverty, might be rich. Let those who are advanced in years, be anxious to bring forth fruit in old age. Let those wh ) are in the midst of life, abide with God in their calling; and while they are not slothful in busi- ness: may they be fervent in spirit serving the Lord. And O, preserve the young from the snares and temptations of youth. May they be sober- minded. If sinners entice them let them not con- sent. With the infidel, and the vicious, and the dispiser of the sabbath, may they not go, lest they learn of their ways, and get a snare to their souls. Let them say, I am a companion of ah tiiem that fear Thee; and choose that good part, which shall not be taken away from them. Bless us as a nation, in all the dependencies, and interests of the country; in all its civil and sa- cred institutions: let glory dwell in our land, and upon all the glory, may there be a defence We rejoice that Thou wilt have all men to be saved, and come to the knowledge of the truth,* and that Jesus Christ gave himself a ransom for all, to be testified in due time. Call in the Jews with the fulness of theGentiles Say to the north give up, and to the south keep not back; bring my sons from far, and my daugh- ters from the ends of the earth. Bless all those who by their exertions and sacrifices, are proving the sincerity of their prayers for the spread of the Redeemer's cause; and lei many run to and fro, and knowledge be increased, till all shall know Thee, from the least even to the greatest. Our Father^ 8cc. Amen. q2 186 FIFTH WEEK. THURSDAY EVENING. G;vE ear to our words, O Lord^ consider our meditation, and enable us to approach Thee, with becoming conceptions of thy nature, rela- tions, and designs. Thou inhabitcst eternity; but our age is nothing before Thee. Thou dwellest in the heaven of heavens, and this cannot contain Thee; but we dwell in houses of clay, whose foundation is in the dust. Thy power is Almighty, but we are crush- ed before the moth. Thy understanding is infinite but we know nothing, as we ought to know. Thou art of purer eyes than to behold e\ il, and canst not look upon iniquity: but we are vile — What shall we answer Thee.^ We cannot answer Thee for one of a thousand of our iniquities. And had we listened to the language of our guilty consciences alo!ie, we could not have entered thy sacred pre- sence. But Thou hast called us to thy footstool; Thou hast shown us a new and living way into the holiest, by the blood of Jesus; and we have boldness, and access with confidence, by the faith of Him. We, therefore, draw nigh, in full assu- rance of faith: believing that v/e are as welcome as we are unworthy; and that the blessings we are come to implore, are as free, as they are great and numberless. O, receive us graciously. Be mer- ciful to our unrighteousness. Adopt us into the house-hold of faith; and say to our souls, I am thy salvation. We have often feared that we have no part nor lot in the matter; and that our heart is not right in the sight of God. We have often questioned whether we know any thing of the new creature; whether we have ever exercised repentance to- wards G)i, a*^d faith tov/ards our Lord Jesus FIFTH WEEK. 187 Christ. And what, if after all our advantages, we should perisli; and after all our p^rofession, have a name only that we live, while we are dead. C> I^ord, decide the doubtful pointj and bear witness with our spirit that we are the children of G(k!. We would not deceive ourselves in a business of everlasting moment: but if we are in a state u{ i^race, enable us to know it, for our own comfort and the glory of thy great name. And, O Lord, we pray that we may grow in grace. If we have the reality of religion, how far are our works from being found perfect before God. Strengthen in us the things that remain, that be ready to die; and help us to reach after the higher attainments and privileges of the '^livine life, and not always live at this poor dying rate May we be followers of God as dear children, and feel it the joy of our lives, to be holy, as Thou art holy; and merciful, as Thou art merciful. May thine eye be more to us, than the inspection of all fellow-creatures; and thy approbation, be dearer, than the applause of a thousand worlds. May no grace of the spirit be wanting in us; may no duty of our calling be neglected, or care- lessly performed. May our faith, be a strong faith; our hope, a lively hope; our charity, a fer- vent charity; our conversation, a conversation be- coming the gospel of Christ. May we stand com- plete in all the will of God; and may our light so shine before men, that they may see our good works, and glorify our Father, who is in heaven. May we long to serve our generation according to thy will: may wisdom select and regulate our means; and a blameless and a lovely consistency of character, give weight to our endeavours; and may all our works begin, continue, and end in Thee. On Thee mi,y we depend for light tc 1 88 FIFTH WKEK. know, and disposition to choose, and strength to perform, and submission to suffer, and patience to wait. And when we have done all, may we acknowl- edge ihat we are unprofitable servants, and confess that we deserve condemnation for the defects of our obedience, rather than a reward for its excel- lency. And looking off from our duties, as well as our sins, to find a foundation for our hope, may we rejoice in Christ Jesus, and have no confidence in the flesh. And may our persons and services, be accepted in the Beloved —To whom be glory and dominion, for ever and ever. Amen. FRIDAY MORNING. We would lift up our hearts, with our hands, anto God in the heavens. Behold, before Thee, a company of highly indulged, but sinful beings: for if we say, we have no sin, we deceive ourselves, and the truth is not in us. None of our fellow- creatures know half so much of our depravity, as weourselvesknow: and our knowledge is ignorance compared with thy wisdom. Thou readest the heart. Thou viewest actions in their principles and motives. Thou seest more defilement in our duties, than we ever saw in any of our sins; in thy sight the heavens are not clean; and Thou chargest thine angels with folly. And if we hate ourselves, and are ready to flee from our- selves, because of our abominations, how wonder- ful is it that thou dost not abhor us, and swear in thy wrath, that we shall not enter into thy rest. But be astonished, O, heavens, and wonder, O earth! instead of such a deserved exclusion, Thou hast even devised means, that they who are ban- ished be not finally expelled from Thee; means the most astonishing and glorious, and which the FIFTH WEEK. 1^9 (in!:>;els desire to look into. For Thou hast so lov- L'd the world, as to give thine only begotten Son, that whosoever helieveth on him, should not per- ish, l)uthave everlasting life. In Him mercy and cruth meet together; righteousness and peace kiss ','ach other; and thy honour is not only secured, t)ut prominently displayed, even in our escape from thine own threatenings. In Him the ensla- ved can find redemption; the guilty pardon; the unholy renovation. In Him is everlasting strength for the weak, and unsearchable riches for the needy; in Him we find all the treasures of wisdom and knowledge for the ignorant — in Him all fulness dwells. We bless Thee for the provision, which thy in- finite goodness has made for our everlasting wel- fare; and for the gospel of our salvation, which makes it known; and which not o-nly reveals it to our view, but proposes it to our hope, and presses it upon our acceptance* C) Lord, at thy gracious call, we heai ; we look; we come; we apply; we receive. We no! only submit to the scheme of mercy, but we acquiesce in it: we glory in the cross of our Lord Jesus Christ; we joy in God through our Lord Jesus Christ, by wliom we have now received the atone- ment. We bless Thee, that in this grace we itand: Thou hast rendered the blessings as secure as they are glorious; and we are persuaded, that neithei* death, nor life, nor angels, nor principal- ities, nor powers, northings present, nor things to come, nor height, nor depth, nor any other crea- ture, shall be able to separate us from the love of God, which is in Christ Jesus our Lord. Yea, for ever blessed be thy name, Thou hast not only provided for our safety, but our prosperi- ty Thou hast no' Mily promised that the right 190 FIFJ .i. WEEK. eous shall hold on their way, but wax stronger and stronger. Thou cost not despise the day of small things; but Thou givest more grace; and hast commanded us to ask and receive, that our joy may be full. And now, O Lord, what shall we render for all thy benefits towards us.^ We can never discharge the obligations we are under — but we pray that we may be sensible of them; and though we can make no adequate returns, may we make suitable ones: and ever ask from the heart, as well as with the lip. Lord what wilt Thou have me to do.'' And may we show forth thy praise. May we speak well of thy name. May we be concerned to bring others to love and serve Thee; and to share with us, in all the good which Thou hast spoken concerning Israel. O, let our cliildren be thy children; our friends thy friends; our servants thy servants. May our neighbours, and our enemies too, be visited with thy salvation. Dwell in our families. Let thy goings be seen in our sanctuaries. Let the people praise Thee O God, yea let all the people praise Thee. Let the whole earth be filled with thy glory. Bless the Lord, ye His angles, that excel in strength, that do His commandments, hearkening unto the voice of His wc*d. Bless ye the Lord, all ye His hosts, ye ministers of His that do His plea- sure. Bless the Lord all His works, in all places of His dominion. Bless the Lord, O my soul. Mmen and Amen. FRIDAY EVENING. Again, O Lord of all, we desire to bow in thy presence. May we approach Thee with all the encouragements that can be derived from thy char FIFTH WEEK. 19 i acter, as the God of love. We are not left to feel after Tiiee in the darkness of nature; or to wor- ship Thee as the unknown God. We cannot find Thee out unto perfection; but we know that Thou a -t jjood and ready to forg'ive, and plenteous in I'Tcrcy unto all them that call upon Thee. For Tnou hast given us thy word, which Thou iv i^t magnified above all thy name: and Thou hast favoured us with the gospel, so that on us who were sitting in darkness, and the shadow of death, has risen a great light, the light of life. But wc acknowledge, how ungratefully we have received ihe benefit, and how little we have im- proved Our privileges, to the purposes for which they have been given. We have made light of these things, though c;ngels desire to look into them; we tiave neglected the great salvation: we have turned away from Flim that speaketh from heaven. Atid all that Thou hast kindly employed, to enforce the messages of thy word, we have dis- regarded: for we have contemned the examples of the good, the admonitions of friendship, the re- proaches of conscience, the rebukes of thy provi- dence, and the strivings of thy Holy Spirit, and well do we deserve, that the kingdom of God should be taken away from us. O, let us not con- fess our sins without feeling and lamenting them; but with a broken heart and contrite spirit, with self-abhorence, self-condemnation, and self-despair And under a deep impression of our guilt, may w^ seek, alone, from Him who is the hope and the consolation ot Israel. Viewing Him as dying for the ungodly, may we believe in His name. May we know that He bore our sins in His body on {he tree, and that by His stripes we are healed. And may we find in Him, not only righteousness but strength May He impart to us, not only for 192 FIFTH ,VEEK. giveness of sins, but repentance unto life. Ma) we never separate in our regards what He has joined together in the Scriptures; or suppose tha^ we are justified by His blood, unless we are sancti fied by His Spirit. We believe we can never be happy in sin,, and we do not desire it: Lord, deliver us from it, and lead us in the way everlasting. Make us holy like thyself, that we may be made happy in thyself. We are naturally disqualified for all communion with a holy God; work in us to will and to do of thy good pleasure; produce in us those principles and dispositions, which will attach us to thyself as our exceeding joy; and enable us to say, whom have I in heaven but Thee, and there is none upon earth that I desire beside Thee. Under all our ignorance, weakness, fears, and depressions, may thy Spirit help our infirmities, with supplies of wisdom, strength, and comfort. May we faithfully study our character, and be always willing to come to the light, that if evil our deeds may be proved. May we peculiarly observe ourselves, under the operation of those events which are designed to tj y us; that we may judge of the reality and degree of our grace. May we often review life, and see how we have at any time been ensnared, or overcome, that we may in future, become more wise and circumspect. And while we watch, may we also pray, lest we enter into temptation May we never trust in our own hearts, or depend upon any past experience, or present resolution; but be strong in the grace that is in Christ Jesus. Thus far Thou hast helped us. Hitherto our enemies have not triumphed over us. And though we have seen many decline from their ')rofession,we hope if Thou wert to ask, Will ye also go away.^ We should be able to say. Firm WEEK. 193 •vith more conviction and affection than ever, Lord .0 whom should we go hut unto Thee, Thou liast the words of eternal life. Thou hast been with us in trouble; and many a shadow of death hast Thou turned into the morning-. We can now dis- cern thy wisdom and kindness, in dispensations, which once perplexed and dismayed us: and what »ve know not now, we shall know hereafter. Never leave us nor forsake us, but suppoi-t and lead us through all these dark and sorrowful re- gions: and enable us with confidence to hail t!ie hour, when our sun shall no more go down, nor our moon withdraw herself; for God shall be our everlasting light, and the days of our mourning shall be ended. We implore it through the intercession of Him who gave himself for our sins, that he might de- liver us from this present evil world, according to the will of God and our Father; to whom be glory for ever and ever. Amen. SATURDAY MORNING. Let not the Lord be angry, while we who are but dust and ashes, take upon us to speak unto the living God. Pardon our unworthiness; help oui infirmities; and hearken unto the voice of our cry, our King and our^od, for unto Thee will we pray. Thou art good to all; and we have largely shared with thy creatures, the bounties of thy pro- vidence: but O, remember us with the favour Thou bearest unto thy people. We bless Thee for characterizing them; and we bless Thee that Thou hast placed the distinction in no high and discouraging attainments: for Thou takest plea- sure in them thai /ear Thee; in them that hopt in thy mercy. May we dread thine anger, revere thy perfections, stand in awe of thy majesty, and trem R 194 FIFTH WEEK. ble at thy word. And hide not thy mercy irorr us: enable us to trust in it, and to plead itj and, vvith a broken heart and a contrite spirit, may we earnestly cry, God be merciful to me a sinner. In how many ways do we need the exercise of it; but Thou art rich in mercyj and abundant in mercyi and delightestin mercy. We are all so many proofs of it: because thy compassions fail not — we are not consumed Our forfeited lives have not only been continued, but crowned with thy goodness. Thou hast provided for our souls as well as for our bodiesj and we hear athousand voices inviting us to the feast, and saying, Come, for all things are now ready. Thanks be unto God, for his unspeakable gifts, we bless Thee for a Saviour, who died for our sins, and rose again for our justification, and is now ascend- ed far above all heavens that He might fill all things. May we be made the partakers of Christ, and not only of his righteousness — but of his spirit; that we may be — not only pardoned but renewed^ and not only have a title to heaven, but a meet- ness for it. No longer alienated from the life of God, may our meditations of Thee be sweet, and may we draw near to Thee as to our exceeding joy. May we confide in thy promise, and rely on thy constant protection and care. May we be de- voted to th> service, and find it perfect freedom. May we love obedience; may thy law be within our heart. May thy cause be dear to our souis. We pray that thy word may have free course and be glorified. Let thy church not only be multiplied in number, but increased in knowledge, and sanc- tity, and peace, and concord, and joy; so that it may be a praise in the whole earth. Let the light of the moon be as the light of the sun, and the light of the sun be sev '.n fold, as the 'ight of seven days. FIFTH WEEK. 193 For brass, brin.^ gold; and foi- iron, sjvcr, and wood, brass; and lor stones, iron. Thou dost not stand in need of us: but in thy condescension and wisdom, Thou art pleased to make use of means; and wc desire the honour and happip.'jss of being instruments in thy hand. Lord what wilt Thou have us to do? We would value every day afforded us as a new period of useful- ness. May we be anxious to accomplish all we can, to alleviate human wo, and to advance the temporal and spiritual welfare of all around us. And may we be not only zealous, but persever- ing. May we never be discouraged. May we never grow weary in well-doing. While many go back after following the Saviour may we cleave to Him with purpose of heart; and at last, hear Him say. Ye are they who have con- tinued with me in my temptation, and I appoint unto you a kingdom, as my Father also hath ap- pointed unto me. We would not forget the afflicted. Hear the sighing of the needy; cause the widow's heart to sing for joy; and in Thee may the fatherless find mercy. Remove indisposition and disease from those who are exercised thereby; or assure them of that world where the inhabitant no more says, I am sick. Be with us all through the changing s.'.enes of life, and at the hour of dissolution; when heart and flesh fail — and fail they soon will — be Thou the strength of our heart, and our portion for ev- er, li^ death should be sudden, let it not find us un- prepared; if it should be awful m the apprehension, let it be safe in the result; and if we cannot depart in triumph, may we expire in humble hope: say mg with numbers before us, i96 FIFTH WEEK. A g:uilty weak and helpless worm, On thy kind arm I fall; Be thou my strength and righteousness. My Jesus and my all. And through eternal aijes, may it be our privi- lege to unite with those, who are singing, Unto Him that loved us, and washed us from our sins in his own blood, and hath made us kin;^s and priests unto God, and to his Father, be glory and domini- on for ever and ever. Jimen. SATURDAY EVENING. O LORD G3d of Hosts, Thou hast established thy throne in the heavens, and thy kingdom ruleth over all. It is a source of joy to our minds, and of encouragement to our hopes, that the Lord God Omnipotent reigneth. In thy greatness, v/e see thy all-sufficiency to accomplish all that 1 hou hast promisedj to confer upon us all we need; and to do for us exceeding abundantly, above all we can ask or think. It is therefore good for us to draw near to Thee, and it is our mercy to know, that we ca!i approach Thee with confidence of acceptance and success, founded not on any worthiness or works of our own, but on thy own grace, in the appointment of a Mediator, who has put away sin by the sacrifice of Himself, and opened a new and living way, into the holiest of all, by his own blood. We have no other name to plead; and we need no other. Behold, O God our shield, and look upon the face of thine Anointed: and for his sake, who groaned in the garden and died upon the cross, and now appears in thy presence for us, pardon our iniquity for it is great; cleanse us from all un- righteousness; deliver us from the power of dark- ness; and translate us into the kingdom jf thy dear Son F'.FTH WEEK. 197 May we no longer be strangers and foreigners, but fellow-citizens with the saints, and of the household of God; and because we are sons, send forth the s])irit of thy Son into our hearts, crying Abba, Father. May our intercourse with Thee, be free, and delightful, and constant; and not on peculiar occasions only, but in every thing, by prayer and supplication, with thanksgiving may we make known our requests iinto Thee. May we live in thy presence. May we walk with God — and walk humbly with God; sensible of our deficiencies and desert; ad- miring thy condescension and patience; and bow- ing to all thy dispensatious, without murmuring or repining. May we walk circumspectly, not as fools, but as wise, redeeming the time. May we be zealous in the discharge of all those duties, the perform- ance of which, depends on a season so fleeting and precarious. May we consider one another, and provoke one another to love and to good works; not forsaking the assembling of ourselves together, as the manner of some is; but exhorting one another, and so much the more — as we seethe day approaching. Enable us to realize the universality and per- fection of thy agency, in all our affairs; and since all thy ways are mercy and truth, may we learn in v/hatsoever state we are therewith to be con- tent; yea in every thing may we give thanks. May we not only submit to our trials, but be grateful for them. They are designed for our profit, that we may be partakers of thy holiness. They evince a care of which we are unworthy and which we have never properly repaid. Lord, what is man, that Thou shouldst magnify him? that Thou shoulds . set thy heart upon him? tha* b2 198 FIFTH WEEK Thou shouldst visit him every nnorning, and chas ten him every moment? So impatient, and wayward and foolish, have we been under thy hand, that we have forfeited all claim to the rod, and deserve lo be stricken no more. It would be just in Thee to say, They are joined to idols, let them alone. But O Lord, abandon us not to ourselves; treat us not with neglect. Employ whatever means are ne- cessary to save and sanctify our souls. Try us as Thou pleasest; only, while wc are chastened of the Lord, let us not be condemned with the wicked. Humble us under a review of our depravity, through another day, and another week, which is now hastening to join the days and weeks before the flood. Who can understand his errors? In many things we all offend. Hide thy face from our sins Heal our backslidings and receieve us graciously. On the coming day, let thy good Spirit lead us to thy holy h II, and to thy tabernacle. May we go unto the altar of God as to our exceeding joy, and taste the blessedness of those that dwell in thy house, and are still praising Thee. Teach us to value properly, the means of grace, and be con- cerned to derive from them, the benefit they are designed to afford. May we remember our ac- counlableness for them. May we remember, that they never leave us as they find us; but always prove the savour of life unto life, or of death unto death. Let not our attendance add to our sin and con- demnation. Let us not sing without devotion, pray without desire, and hear in vain; but be found in the number of those, who know the joy- ful sound, and walk in the fear of the Lord, and in the comforts of the Holy Ghost. FIFTH WEKK. 199 And may those who will not be able to hear the word, hear the rod, and hear it saying, As jnany as I love, I rebuke and chasten. Let meditation, and reading-, and pious conversation, and above all, thy special presence, be substitutes for public or- dinances. Thus send portions to those lor whom nothinor is prepared, and let them that tarry at home, divide the spoil. And have mercy upon all men, as we implore it through the mediation of the ever blessed Redeemer, in whose words we address Thee — Our Father, who art in heaven, hallowed be thy name, thy kingdom come, thy will be done on earth, as it is in heaven, give us this day our daily bread, and forgive us our tres- passes as we forgive those that trespass against us, and lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil, for thine is the kingdom, the p-owei and the glcry, f;>r *ver. Amen, FORMS OF PRAYER, &c. CHRISTMAS DAY. MOKXING. O God, Thou art worthy of universal and everlasting" aa. oration. Thy nature is incomprehensible; thy perfections are infinite: and thy ways are past finding- out Thou art the Creator and upholder ot all thin.^s And all thy works i)raise Thee, O Lord, and thy saints bless Tliee. All our lives have been full of thy undeserved goodness. But we are called this morning-, to behold the exceeding riches of thy grace, in thy kindness towards us, by Christ Jesus. Herein is love; not that we loved God, but that He loved us, and sent his Son to be a propitiation for our sins. May we contemplate this matchless event, with all those views and affections which its importance demands. May those who observe the day, observe it unto the Lord. May our festivity, becoming the occasion, be harmless and holy. Let us not disgrace the season, by reviving those works of *he devil, which the Son of God was manifested to destroy, nor rest satisfied with the mere remembrance of his advent, as founded in truth, and attended witli wonders; but in- quire, for what end He was born, and for what cause He came into the world. And since we are informed, that He came to seek and to save that which was lost, and suffered, the just for the unjust, that He might bring us unto God; may we deem the report not only a faithful saying, but wor- thy of all acceptation: and may it be in us as a well of water, springing up into everlasting life. May none of us disregard Him, from ignorance, worldly- mindedness, presumption, self-righteousness, or desponden- cy. As our Prophet, may we repair to his feet for instruc- tion May we look to his sacrifice, and find relief for our burdened consciences. May we acknowledge his authority, and obey his commands. In all our approaches to Thee, may we make mention of his righteousness only, and in his strength, go forth into all the duties and trials of life. May we never feel miserable, even in a vale of tears, while we think of the consolation of Israel: but rejoice in Him, with joy unspeakable and full cf glory. Reflecting upon his grace in becoming poor, that we through his poverty might be rich; may all selfishness, and 200 CHRISTMAS DAY EVENING. 201 uucharitableness, be extirpated from our hearts; may we love one another, as he has loved us; and may we delight to go about doing- good. M:iy no coldness, no indifference, ever approach our spi- rits, whenever we are engaged in serving a master who has all the claims of a benefactor; yea, who died tor us, and rose again To Him may we consecrate all our faculties and posses- sions; and, on our time and our substance, our souls and our bodies, may there be inscribed holiness unto the Lord. May we grieve to hear his name blasphemed, and weep lo see his lava's transgressed. May his cause lie near our hearts; and may we long for the time, when He shall be known and adored, from the ris- ing of the sun to the going down of the same; when to Him shall every knee bow, and every tongue confess; and the glad tidings of great joy shall be to all people — Unto jfouis born a Saviour, which is Christ the Lord. Through his mediation we address Thee; and in his words we conclude our imperfect supplications. Our Father, &c. CHRISTMAS DAY. EVENING. TaouGH Thou art exalted above all blessing and praise; yet, O God, we love to explore thy ways, to admire thy works, and to adore thy perfections. Thy understanding is infinite, thy power is Almighty, thy mercy endureth for ever. Tliy goodness transcends all our conceptions, as far as the heavens are higher than the eartii. We call on our souls, and each other, this evening, to praise and magnify tliy holy name. We bless Thee fbr our creation, and the degree we hold in the rank of being. We bless Thee for our pveservatioa and for all the supplies which have rendered life supportable; and all the indulg- ences, wliicli have rendered it comfortable. But above ail, we thank Thee for thine unspeakable gift For Tliou hast surpassed all thy works, and crowned all thy benefits, by remembering us in our low estate, and laying help on one that is mighty. And we have again heard the intelligence, that God so loved the world, tliat He gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth on Him, should not perish, but have everlastmg life. Convir :e us of ou? need of this dispensation 202 CHRISTMAS DA ^ — KTENING. of mercy and grace; and may we acquiesce In it, not with coldness of assent, but with gladness of heart. May we ex- claim with the ang-els — Glory to God in the highest, on earth peace, good will towards men; and tlie multitude of disci- ples, shout — Hosanna, blessed is He that cometh in the name of the Lord. Though the world knew him not, and his own received Him not, and He is still despised and rejected of men; may we receive Him as all our salvation, and all our desire. May we rejoice to view Him, in a nature, which leadj Him to call us brethren; in which, as our example. He can go before us, in the duties of obedience and submission; in which, He can sympathize with us, in all our wo — and in which, He has suffered for sins, the just for the unjust, that He might bring us unto God. May we look to Him for all we want, and live a life of faith upon his fulness In Him may we know tliat we have redemption through his blood; that we have righteousness and strength; that we have all the treasures of wisdom and knowledge. May we connect with his work for us in the flesh, his work in us by the Spirit. While we are reconciled by his death, may we be saved by his life; and remember tliat his name is Jesus, because he saves his people from their sins. And as He came not only that we might have life, but have it more abundantly, may our expectations be laige, and our desires importunate; may He dwell in our hearts by faith, that we being rooted and grounded in love, may be able to comprehend wiih all saints, what is the height, and deptli, and breadth, and length, and know the love of Christ, which passeth knowledge, and be filled with all the fulness of God Once in the end of the world hath He appeared, to put away sin by the sacrifice of Himself; and unto them that look for Him will He appear a second tune, witJiout s n un- to salvation. O, prepare us for that solemn day. May we believe in Him as a Saviour, before we meet Him as a Judge: that when the tribes of the earth shall wail because of Him, we may lift up our heads with joy, knowing that our redemption draweth nigh; and say with the church, Lo! this is our God, we have waited for Him, He will save us: this is the Lord, we waited for Him, we will rejoice and be glad in his salvation. Make thy ministers wise, and zealous, and successful, in LAST EVENING OF THE OLD YEAR. 203 the disi)ensation of thy word; and let sig-ns ami wonders be done, in ilic name of tliyholy cliild Jesus. We are a sinful people, but I'hou hast not dealt with us after our desert; and 'I'hou hast not left us without witness; 'i'hou hast, in the midst of us, a people for thy name; and we pray, that our beloved country, may be a g-rowing part of the empire of the Prince of Peace. May the root of Jesse stand for an ensign to the people; to it may the Gentiles seek, and let his rest be glorious. May he corne down lii:e rain upon the mown grass, as showers tliat water the earth. In hib days may the rig-Jiteous flourish, and abundance of peace, so long as the moon endureth. Let all nations be blessed in him; all generations call him bles- sed. And blessed be his glorious name for ever, and let the whole earth be filled with his glory. Amen. LAST EVENING OF THE OLD YEAR. Gon, Thou hast been our refuge and dwelling place in all generations; before the mountains were brought forth, or ever Thou hadst formed the eartl\ and the world, even from everlasting to everlasting, Thou art God. And a thous- and years in thy sight, are but as yesterday when it is past, and as a watch in the night, l^ut as for man, his days are as grass; as a flower of the field so he flouris',)eth; for the wind passeth over it, and it is gone, and the place thereof knoweth it no more. We appear before Thee, to close in thy presence, another of the revolutions of our fleeting existence; earnestly pray- ing, that the season may not pass away, without suitable and serious reflections. O, let us not imagine — in spite of Scripture, and observation, and reason, and feeling, that we have many of these periods left to notice; but say with Job, when a few years are come, I shall go the way whence 1 jhall not return. — It may be only a few months, or weeks, or days, — or hours, — for we know not at what hour the Son of man cometh. But we know that our life is a vapour, that appeareth for a little time, and then vanisheth away; we know the frailty of our frame: and the numberless diseases and disasters to which we are exposed — so teach us to num- ber our da\ s, that we may apply our hearts unto wisdom. Whit numbers of our fellow-creatures, and many of them much more likely to have continued than their survivors^ 204 LAST EVENING OF THE OLD YEaA. have, during" the past year, been carried down to their long home — but we have been preserved; and are hving- to praise Thee tliis day. Blessed be the God orf salvation, to whom belong- the issues from death, that we are yet in thereg-ions of hope, that we have yet an accepted time, and a day oi salvation; and that our opportunity of doing- good, as well as of g-aining good, are still prolong-ed. Yet are they all di- minished by another irreparable loss; and the reduced re- mr'inder, with every trembling- uncertainty aitached to it, calls upon us to say with growing- seriou^nes? and zeal, I must work the works of Him that sent me while it is day, the night cometh, wherein no man can work. Thou hast commanded us to remember all the way, which thou hast led us in the wilderness. The scene of our jour neying has indeed been a wilderness; but tlie hand that has conducted us is divine; and a thousand privilege?, not de- rivable from our condition, have been experienced in it. Thou hast corrected us, but is of the Lord's mercies we are not consumed. We have had our afflictions, but how few have they been in number; how short in continuance; how alleviated in de- gree; how merciful in design; how instructive and useful in their results. With regard to our severest exercises, we are compelled to acknowledge. Thou hast not dealt with us after our sins, neither hast Thou rewarded us according to our iniquities. It is good for me that I have been afflicted. But O, what a series of bounties and blessings, present themselves to our minds, when we look back upon the year through which we have passed: and to what, but to thine unmerited goodness in the Son of thy love, are we indebted for all. Health, strength, food, raiment, residence, friends, relations, comfort, pleasure, hope, usefulness, — all our be- nefits have dropped from thy gracious hand: and there has not been a day, or an hour, or a moment, but has published Ihy kindness and thy care. Especially would we acknowledge thy goodness, in con- tinuing to us the means of grace. Whatever has been de- nied us, we have had the provisions of thy house. The toils and trials of the week, have been refreshed and relieved by the delights of the Sabbath. Our eyes have seen our teach- ers. Our ears have heard the joyful sound of the gospel; and our hearts have often s lid. Lord, it is good for us to be here. And O, that every moment of the past year could, if call- FlftST MORNING THE NEW YEAR. 205 ed upon — and it will be called upon, bear witness to our gratitude, love and obedience. O, that it was not in its pow er to convict us, of the most unworthy requitals of lliy good- ness. To Thee, O Lord, belong- glory and honour, but to U3 shame and confusion of face. (), who can understand his er- rors. (), how many duties have we neglected or improperly performed How little have we redeemed our time; or im- proved our talents. How little have we been alive to thy glory, or sought, or even seized, when presented, oppor- tunities of serving our generation. How unprofited have we been imder the richest means of religious prosperity — and, when for the time we ought to be able to teach oth- ers, we have need to be again taught ourselves, what are the first principles of the oracles of God. God be merciful to us siimers Pardon our iniquity, for it is great Cleanse us from all unrighteousness: and work in us to will and to do of thy good pleasure. Let us not carry one of our old sins with us into the new year— unforgiven — unrepented of — unbewailed — imabhorred. With a new por- tion of time, may we have new hearts; and become new- creatures. If this year we sliould die — and in the midst of life we are in death, may death prove our eternal gain: and if our days are prolonged, may we walk before the Lord in the land of the living, and show forth all thy praise. The num- ber of our months is with Thee. In thy liand our breath is, and thine are all our ways Prepare us for all: and be with us iu all. and bring us safely through all, into tlie rest that remains for tiiy people; for the sake of our Lord and Savi- our; in whose words we call Thee, Our Fatlier, &c. Jimtn. FIRST MORNING OF THE NEW YEAR Op old hast Thou laid the foundation of the earth; and the heavens are the work of thy hands. They shall perish but thou shalt endure; yea, all of them 'hall wrx old like a garment; as a vesture shalt Thou change them, and they shall be changed; but Thou art the same, and thy years shall have no end. Through all the successions of time, v/hich with us constitute the past, the present, and the future, 1 AM is thy name, and this is thy memorial in all generations. W^e desire, O God, with the profoundest reverence to con- template the eternity of thy nature. May our minds be fill ed with elevation and grandeur, at the thought of a Being, o $06 FIRST MORNING OF THE NEW-YEAR. with whom one day is as a thousand years, and a thousand years as one day; a Being', who amidst all the revolutions of empire, and the lapse of worlds, feels ao variableness nor shadow of turning How glorious, with immortality attach- ed to them, are ail thy attributes- and how secure are the hopes and happiness of all those, who know thy name and put their trust in Thee May we rejoice, that while men die, the Lord liveth; that while all creatures are found broken reeds and broken cis- terns. He is the Rock of ages, and the Fountain of living waters O, that we m:iy turn away our hearts from vanity; and among all the dissatisfactions and uncertainties of the present state, look afier an interest in that everlasting cov- enant, which is ordered in all things and sure. May we seek after a union with thyself, as the strength of our heart, and our portion for ever, and be partakers ourselves of the immutability we adore; for Thou hast assured us, that while the world passeth away, and the lusts thereof, he that doeth the will of God, abideth for ever. We thank Thee, that Thou hast revealed to us the way in which a fallen, and perishing sinner can be eternally united to thyself; and that Jesus is the way, the truth, and the life. In His name we come; O, receive us graciously? justify us freely from all things; renew us in the spirit of our minds; and bless us with all spiritual blessings in heavenly places in Christ. By the lapse of our days, and weeks, and years, which we are called upon so often to remark, may we be reminded hov/ short our life is, and how soon we shall close our eyes on every prospect below the sun; and, O, suffer us not to neglect the claims of eternity, in the pursuit of the trifles of time; but knowing how frail we are, may we be wise enough to choose that good part which shall not be taken away from us; and before we leave the piesent evil world, may we se- cure an inheritance in another and a better. May thoughts of death and eternity so impress our minds, as to put seri- ousness into our prayers, and vigour into our resolutions; may they loosen us from an undue attachment to things seen and temporal; so that we may weep as though we wept not; and rejoice as if we rejoiced not. And remembering tiiat the present life, so short, so un- certain — and so much of which is already vanished, is the only opportunity we shall ever have for usefulness, may we be concerned, with holy avarice to redeem the time. May FIRST MORNING OF THE NEW-YEAR. 207 we be alive and awake, at every call of charity and piety May we feed the luing-iy, and clothe tlie naked; may we in. struct the ig-norant; reclaim the vicious; forijive the otlend- ing-; diffuse the gospel; and consider one another, to pro- voke one another unto love and good works, not forsaking '.he assembling ourselves tog-ether, as the manner of some IS, but exhorting one another, and so much the more as we see the day approaching-. As we have entered on a new period of life, may we faith- fully examine ourselves, to see what has beer, amiss, in our former temper or conduct; and in thy strength, may we re- solve to correct it. And may we inquire for the future — with a full determination to reduce our knowledge to prac- tice. Lord, what wilt Thou have me to do'' Prepare us for all the duties of the ensuing year. All the wisdom and streng-th, necessary for the performance of them, must come from thyself; may we, therefore, live a life of self-distrust, of divine dependence, and of prayer; may we ask and receive, tiiat our joy may be full; may we live in the spirit, and walk in the spirit. If we are indulged with prosperity, O, let not our pros- perity destroy us, or injure us If we are exercised with adversity, suffer us not to sink in the Iiour of trouble, or sin against God. May we know how to be abased, without despondence; and to abound without pride. If oui relative comforis are continued to us, may we love them without idolatry, and hold them at thy disposal; and if they are re- called from us, may we be enabled to say, the Lord gave, and the Lord hath taken away; and blessed be the name of the Lord. Fit us for all events We know not what a day may bring forth; but we encourage ourselves in the Lord our God, and go forward. Nothing can befall us by chance. Tliou hast been thus far our helper; Thou iiast promised to be with as in every condition; Thou hast engaged to make all things work together for good; all thy ways are mercy and truth. May we, therefore, be careful for nothing, but in every thing, by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving, may we make known our requests unto God; and may the peace of God that passcth all understanding, keep our hearts and minds, through Christ Jesus. Bless, O, IJless the young; may each of them, this day, hear Thee, saying, my son give me thy heart; and, from this time, may they cry unto Thee, as the guide of their youth ^08 GOOD FRIDAY MORNING. Regard those who have reached the years, wherein tli^y say, we have no pleasure in them If old in sin, may they be urg-ed to embrace, befjre it be for ever too late, tne things that belong to their peace; and if old in grace, up- hold them with thy free Spirit, and help them to remember, that now is their salva'ion nearer than when they believed. Bless all the dear connexions attached to us by nature, friendship or religion. Grace be to them; and peace be multiphed. Let our country share thy protection and smiles. Bless all our rulers and magistrates. niess all our churches and congregations. Bless all thy muiisters; may thine ordinances in their hand be enUven- ing and refreshing, and thy word effectual, to wound and to heal. May this be a year remarkable for the conversion of souls, and ifie extension of the gospel. Bless all missionary societies; and let the circling months see the banners of the Redeemer carried forward; till all nations are subbued to the obedience of faith. Our Father, which art in heaven, hallowed be thy name; thy kingdom come; thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven; give us this day our daily bread; and forgive us our trespasses as 've forgive those that tres- pass against us; and lead us not into temptation; but deliver us from evil: for thine is the kingdom, the power, and the glory, for ever. Amen. GOOD FRIDAY.* 3I0RKING. O, TaoTj King eternal, immortal, and invisible. Though Thou art past finding out unto perfection, we rejoice, that we are not called to worship an unknown God. Thou hast not left thyself without witness. We bless Thee for the revelation which Thou hast given us; and that in thy word we can view Thee, as the Father of mercies, and the God of ail grace. All thy works and ways correspond with the names Thou hast assumed, and demand and justify our confidence in Thee. We praise Thee for the displays of thy goodness in the productions of nature, and the bounties of thy providence, but above all, for thine inestimable love, in * A day set apart bj the church to commemorate our S'»viour'i eufferiigs aud death. GOOD FR DAY MC.=INING. 209 the redemption of the world, by our Lord Jesus Christ; for the means of grace, and for the hope of g-lory. Herein Thou hast commended tliy love, towards us; in that while we were yet sinners, Christ died for us. VVe find ourselves tins morning- at the foot of His cross, wliere ans^els are desiring- to look into these thing-s — And if they wlioneed no repentance, study the suffering's of Christ, and tlie g'ory that should follow, O, how much more should we, to whom they are not only true, and wonderful, and sublime, but all important, and infinitely interesting. Help us, O Lord, to turn aside ami see this great sight; and not suffer a dying Saviour to address us in vain — Is it nothing to you, all ye that pass by? Behold and see, if ever there was sorrow like unto my sorrow. Here, may we see the value of our souls, in the price paid for their deliverance: and instead of neglecting them, or exposing them, for the vanities of tinie and sense: may we regard tliem, according to the estimation in which they were holden by Him, who gave His life a ransom for many. Here, may we contemplate the evil of sin, and abhor it here, look upon Him whom we have pierced, and mourn for Him Yet remembering that He was not only slain by us, but for us: may we rejoice in our tears; and by believing enter into rest. With humble and holy confidence may we be enabled to say, surely, He hath borne our griefs, and carried our sor- rows: the cliastisement of our peace was upon Him, and by His stripes we are healed. May we never degrade His death by fearingthat it will not be available for guilt, so great and asi;-gravated as ours, even if we depend upon it, and plead it before God: but be fully persuaded, that His blood cleansetli from all sin: and that by the one off'ering up of Himself, He hath perfected for ever them that are sanctified. Yet O God, never suffer us to sin that grace may abound. May we never crucify the Saviour afi-esh and put Him to an open shame. May He never be wounded in the house ot His professing friends. Rather may we live only and whol- ly for Him, who died for us; and adorn the doctrine of God our Saviour, in all things May our old man be crucified with Him: and the body of sin be destroyed, that henceforth we may not serve sin. May we be planted together in the likeness of His death. As He suflTered for us, leaving us an example, that we s 2 210 GOOD FRIDAY EVENING. should follow His steps; may we learn of Him, submission, and meekness, and forgiveness of injuries; when reviled, may we revile not attain; when suffering, may we threaten not, but commit ourselves to Him that judgeth righteously. Like Him in all the afflictions of life, may we look to tlie hand that prepares and presents them; and say, tlie cup which my Father iKith given me, shall I not drink it? Whatever be the cross we are required to bear, may we look before us, and see flim ciu-rying a much heavier; car- rying it for US: and carrying it witliout a murmur — Then let our pains be all forgot, Our hearts no more repine — Our sufferings are not worth a thought, When, Lord, compared with Thine. Convert and pardon all tiiose, who by their lives or doct- rine, are the enemies of the cross of Christ. Have mercy upon the descendants of ihose who shed His blood: and let His dying prayer be answered. Father, foigive them, for they know not what they do. As Thou hast made His soul an offering for sin, may He see His seed, and prolong His days, and the pleasure of the Lord prosper in His hand. May He see of the travail of His soul and be satisfied: and by His knowledge may He justify many, having borne their iniquities. Yea, having been lifted up from the earth, may He draw all men unto Him; may all kings fall down before Him, and all nations serve Him; and in all the earth which He has purcht«ed with His own blood, may there be one Lord, and His name one. And when He, who made Himself of no reputation, took ipon Him the form of a servant, and became obedient unto death, even the death of the cross, shall come in His glory, with all the holy angels, may we be enabled to say, even so, come Lord Jesus; and unite with those, who will be eternally employed in saying — Unto Him that loved us, and washed us from our sins in His own blood, and hath made us kings and priests unto God, and to His Father, be glory and dominion for ever and ever. Amen. GOOD FRIDAY. EVKNIXG. O Thou^ whose name alone is Jehovah, the Most High over all tli.e earth We desire to adore thy perfections, and GOOD KUIDAY -EVENING. 211 to admire thy works, which are sought out of all them that have pleasure therein. Thou art tl;e only wise God. Thy power is Almig-hty. Whither can we g-o from thy presence, or whither cun we flee from thy Spirit? Tiiou art holy in all thy ways And such is thy purity, that even the heavens are not clean in thy sight. How shall we come before the Lord, or bow before the high God? we have no offering of our own to bring. No man can redeem his brother, or give to God aransom for him. The blood of bulls and of goats could not take away sin. The law itself made nothing perfect— but the bringing in of a better hope did, by the which we draw nigh to God. Yes, blessed be thy name. Thou liast shown us what is good; and we behold the Lamb of God, who is the pro- pitiation for our sins, and not for ours only, but also for the sins of the whole world. Here a foundation is laid for our hope, in connexion with thehighest glory of all thy perfections; and we rejoice to think, that while pleading' for salvation by the blood of the cross, we ask Thee not to deny thyself, or to trample on thy holy law; for here, thy law is magnified and made honour- able; here, all thy attributes are developed and harmonized; mercy and truth meet together; righteousness and peace kiss each other. Here, weary and heavy laden, may we come for relief, and find rest unto our souls May we take fresh views of this adorable sacrifice, under a sense of our constant im- worthiness and desert; and in all our approaches to Thee, may we have boldness and access with confidence, by the faith of Him. May we not only rely upon His cross, but glory in it. Yea, may we joy in God through our Lord Jesus Christ, by whom we have now received the atonement. And may we be able, individually, to say, I am crucified with Christ; nevertheless I live, yet not I, but Christ liveth in me; and the life that I now live in the flesh, 1 hve by tne faitli of the Son of God, who loved me, and gave Himself for me. We are thankful, that as He atoned for our guilt, so He procured for us the grace of life, that the blessing of Abra- }i;im might come on the Gemiles, and that he might receive the promise of the Spirit, through faith. May we never se- parate the pare' on and sanctification which Thou hast join- ed together May we prove, that He gave Himself— -not 212 EASTER SUNDAY MORNING. only for our sins, but that He mig-ht deliver us from the prC' sent evil world; yea, that He might redeem us from all ini« quity, and purify unto Himself a peculiar people, zealous of good works. And, O, that in every future moment of our existence, we may be constrained to live, not to ourselves, but to Him liiat died for us, and rose again. As He so loved us, may we also love one another: and never deem any thing too great to do, or to suffer, while endeavouring to seek and to save, that which is lost. May the hearts wliich are too hard to be broken by ter- ror, be melted by love, and gained by confidence May none of those who are desirous of returning to Thee, be discouraged by a fear of rejection: but calling to remem- orance and belief, the infinite proof which Thou hast al- ready exhibited of thy benevolence, thus judge — He that spared not his own Son, but delivered Him up for us all, how sliall He not, with Him, freely give us all things. Smile upon our country. Let all the churches of the faithful, be edified and multiplied. Bless all the ministers of the everlasting gospel; and may they increasnigly de- termine to know nothing, save Jesus Christ, and Him cru- cified. Increase the number of these who love His salvation; and as He gave himself a ransom for all, may it be testified in due time, that he may have the heathen for his inheritance, and the uttermost parts of the earth for his possession; and reign King of kings, and Lord of lords. In his words we conclude our devotions. Our Father, &c. Amen. EASTER SUNDAY.* MORKING. When we consider the heavens, the work of thy fingers, the moon and the stars which Thou hast ordained; Lord, what is man, that Thou art mindful of him, or the son of man that Thou visitest him. We are not worthy of an au- dience at thy footstool — we are not vorthy of the least of all thy mercies — our sins have even called aloud for ven- g-eance. * A day set apart it commemoration of >ur Saviour's resur rection. EASTER aUNDAY MORNING. 213 But Thou hast not executed upon us tlie fierceness of thy aug"er — because Thou art g'ood as well as great; and thy goodness constitutes thy greatness. Tlicu hast turned our very fall into an occasion of improving our condition, by advancing us to the possession of more and greater bles- sings than we originally enjoyed; so that we not only have life, but have it more abundantly. For this purpose the Son of thy love was manifested; and in the fulness of time, we behold Him assuming our nature, and coming into our world, not to be ministered unto, but to minister, and to give his life a ransom for many. We re- joice to see, in his release from the prison of the grave, the evidence of the all-sufti'ciency and acceptation of the sacri- fice He offered on the cross. O, help us to consider Him as a risen Saviour; and may we feel the power of his resur- rection, in establishing our faith, enlivening our hope, and securing our sunctification. May we not only believe his resurrection, but partake of it, and resemble it, that like as Christ was raised from the dead by the glory of the Father, even so, we also might walk in newness of life; reckoning ourselves to be dead indeed unto sin, but alive unto God, through Jesus Christ our Lord. And if risen with Ciirist, may we give evidence of it, and act becoming it, in seeking those things that are above May we never leave our spiritual and everlasting con- dition, undecided and unknown; may we never be satisfied, till we are able to say. Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord JesusChrist, who, according to his abundant mtr- cy, hath begotten us again unto a lively hope, by the resur- rection of Jesus Christ from the dead; to an inheritance in- corruptible, undefiled, and that fadeth not away, reserved in heaven for us. In all our difficulties and dangers, may we rejoice that He who was dead, is alive again, to plead for us, to defend us, and to supply, and has the keys of hell and of death. In all the afflictions of life, in the decay of nature, and when looking into the horrors of the grave, may we with humble and holy confidence be able to say, I know that my Redeemer liveth, and shall stand at the latter day upon the earth: and though, after my skin, worms destroy this body, yet in my flesh siiall I see God. Are we called to mourn over the loss of our dear., nd pious connexions? Let us not sorrow as those who have no hope; but comf'^rt one another with these words — That Jesus ^14 EASTER SUNDAY — 'EVENING. died and rose ag-ain, and them that sleep in Jesus will God bring with Him. We glory in the victory which our ristji Saviour has ob- tained, not only over death and the grave, but the poweru of darkness; we rejoice that he has set judgment in the earth, and that the isles are waiting for his law; that his word is translating into every language, and his servants entering every clime. We hail wliat he has done as a pledge of his universal triumph. And though we yet see not all things actually put under him, we see him, for the suffering of death, crowned with glory and honour; and in possession of all the resources, necessary to accomplish the benevolent designs of his heart; and he must reign till alt his enemies are made his footstool. Tlirough him, as the once suffering but now exalted Sa- viour, we address Thee, as our Father, &c Amen. EASTER SUNDAY. EVENING. O, Thou ever blessed God. we rejoice to think, Thou hast determined to get thyself honour, in this apostate part of thy empire; not by the merited infliction of thy justice, but the displays of thy goodness. For thou hast said, mer- cy shall be built up for ever, a monument higher than the heavens, more durable than eternity, and inscribed to the praise of the glory of thy grace, wherein Thou hast made us accepted in the beloved. We bless Thee, for the appointment and revelation of the one only Mediator between Thee and us; by whose death sinners are reconciled, and by whose life they are saved. Thou hast laid on Him the iniquity of us all. Surely He hath borne our griefs, and carried our sorrows; the chas- tisement of our peace was upon Him, and witli his stripes we are healed. Establish in our minds a full persuasion, that he was de- vered for our offences, and raised again for our justifica- tion; and may we, above all things, be concerned to know not only that He is risen again, but that we are quickened to- gether with Christ, and raised up, and made to sit with Him in the heavenly places. May we hold communion with Him, as a living and reigning Saviour; able to carry on c\ur cause, and save unto the uttermost, all that come unto God by Him. Is He not head over all things unti:» his body the church/ EASTER SUNDAY KVENING. 215 Is lie not exalted to be a Prince anrl a Saviour? Has lie not assured us, that because He lives, we shall live also^ May we view Him as the first fruits of them that sleep; and be- lieve, that as in Adam all died, even so in Christ sliall all be made alire. May we view his resurrection, not only as tlie pledge, but tlie model of our own; knowing that he shall not only cliange our vile body, but fiishion it like Hit own glorious body, according lo the working, whereby He is able to subdue u'l things unto Himself. Thou hast appointed a day in wliicli Thou wilt judge the world in righteousness, by that man whom Thou hast or- dained: and Tliou hast given assurance of it unto all men, in that Thou hast raised Him from the dead. O, save us from the wrath of the Lamb. May we tremble at the thought of appearing before Him, if we neglected his salvation, de- spised bis precious blood, and resisted his Holy Spirit. Let not tlie head stone of the corner, be a stone of stum- bling and a rock of offence; but as He is chosen of God, and precious, may He be precious to us. And while He is liv- ing for us in heaven, may we be living for Him on earth. — May we esteem it our highest honom- to be like Him; and feel it our greatest pleasure to serve Him. And let all the house of Israel know assuredly, that Thou hast made that same Jesus whom their fathers crucified, both Lord and Christ. May the veil be taken from their heart: and may they behold, as in a glass, his glory. As a nation be merciful unto us, and bless us. May this christian country, be a country of christians: and let all who name the name of Christ, depart from iniquity. lUess all those who preach Jesus and the resurrection.— May they preach with the Holy Ghost sent down from hea- ven. May their sound go into all the earth; and their words unto the ends of the world. As yet, after all we have read, and heard, and experienc- ed, we know but little of the value of the gospel; but we know enough to induce us to be thankful for our religious advantages; to sympathize with those who are without Christ; and to pray, that in Him all the famihes of the earth m;i\' be blessed, and all the generations call Him blessed. Now the God of peace, that brought again from the dead o ir Lord Jesus, th^t great Shepherd of the sheep, througi the blood of the everlasting covenant, make us perfect ii every good work to do his will, working in us that which is well pleasing in his sight through Jesus Gh.'-ist; to whom be glory for ever and evat Amen 216 WHITSUNDAY MORNING. WITS UN DAY.* MOKMNG. O God, Thou hast established thy throne in the icavtns, and thy kingdom ruletli overall; and all nations before Thfc are as nothing. Yet, blessed be tiiy name, it is only in com- parison with thy infinite greatness, that they are nothing- net in reference to thy condescension, and kindness, and care. Kven as individuals we have been the charge of tliy providence; goodness and mercy have always attended us; and having obtained help of Tliee, we continue to this day. Thou hast been mindful of our souh as well as our bodies; yea, Thou wast pleased to form a purpose of grace in our favour; and devise means the most glorious, to deliver us from the degradation, and misery, and perdition of sin; and to make us partakers of the hope of eternal life. We bless Thee for the dispensation of religion, under which it is our exalted privilege to live. How superior are our advantages, to those enjoyed by many of thy people in earlier ages The law was given by Moses, but grace and truth cume by Jesus Christ. Prophets arid righteous men desired to see the things which we see, and did not see them; and to hear the things which we hear, and did not hear them; but blessed are our eyes for they see, and our ears for they hear. Instead of a portion of revelation, we have the sacred Scriptures complete. Instead of tlie black- ness, and darkness, and tempest of Sinai, we have the mild- er glories, and the small still voice of Zioii. We have not received the spirit of bondage again to fear; but the spirit of adoption, whereby we cry, Abba Father. We praise Thee for the establishment of the glorious gospel, which at the first began to be spoken by the Lord, and was confirmed unto us by them that heard Him; God also bearing them witness, with signs and wonders, and with divers miracles and gifts of the Kcly Ghost, according to His own will. We rejoice, that though His supernatural agency has ceased, with its necessity, the ministry of the Spirit continue.s, and that His saving influences are confin- ed to no period of the church. All that have been en- lightened and renewed since the fall, have been the sub- jects of His operation; and with Thee is the residue of the . Spirit. We rejoice, that as there is no blessing we so much need, * A festival observed in remembrance of the descent of the Ho ly Ghost upon the — Acts ii 3. WHITSUNDAY MORNING. 217 SO there is no blessing we are so much encourag-ecl to im- plore: for thy truth hussaid, if ye, being e\il, know how to give good gifts unto your children, how much more shall your Futh^-r which is in heaven, give his Holy Spirit ujito them that ask Him. O Thou God of all grace, fulfil the word unto thy ser- vants, upon which Thou hast caused us to hope. Impart unto ustiiy Holy Spirit, to open the eyes of our understan- ding, to sanctify our affections, to comfort our hearts, to glorify Christ, by taking of the things of Christ, and show- ing them to us May we never commit the sin against the Holy Ghost. — Never quench tl\e Spirit Never resist the Holy Ghost Ne- ver grieve the Holy Spirit. But may we pray in the Holy Gliost^ and worship God in the Spirit; and be lead by the Spirit; and be filled with the Spirit. May we always view the commands in connexion with thy promises; our duties and trials, in connexion with our resources. Great is our work; great is oiu' warfare; and far greater than we ever yet felt it to be, is our weakness But our sufficieney^is of God; and Thou hast said, I will never leave thee, nor forsake thee — not by might nor by power, but by my Spirit saith tlie Lord Let the goings of our God and our King, be seen in the sanctuary; and when thy truth is dispensed, let it come to, those who hear it, not in word only, but in power, and in the Holy Ghost, and with much assurance. And bless, not only the gates of Zion, but all the dwell- ing places of Jacob May every family contain a church in the house. Pour thy blessing upon our seed, and thy Spirit upon our offspring; and may the rising race grow up, the ornaments, examples, and benefactors, of their day and ge- neration. To Thee we commend all who have the rule over us; we implore thy favourable regards to the privileged country in which we live. Humble us before Thee for our sins, espe- cially our neglect and abuse of our religious advantages. Withdraw not from us the blessings we have forfeited; and inflict not upon us the judgments we have deserved. But spare us according to the greatness of thy iT.ercy. And from our land of vision, may the light break forth upon all those who are in darkness, and the region of the shadow of death. Bless all missionary exertions. Let the various societies T 218 WHITSUNDAY EVENING. employed in tliis work of faith, and labour of love view each otlier with pleasure, and rejoice in each other's suc- Cessi and if not in immediate and personal co-operation, yet in accordance, and tendency, and desig-n, may tliey stand fast in one spirit, with one mind, striving- tog-ether for the fiiith of the g-ospel. Let those v/ho re-main at home, hold forth tlie word of life in their own circles, and be concern- ed to evang-elize the districts in whicli they reside. But O, let there not be a deficiency of those, who offer themselves to the help of the Lord, among the heathen, and say. Lord send me. Let it be said, as it was in tlie beginning- of the gospel — The Lord gave the word, great was the company of them that published it. And be with those that are already engaged. We know tliat Paul can only plant, and Apollos wat""- but Thou canst give the increase. Pour thy Spirit from on high, and the wilderness sliall be- come a fruitful field. Our Father, &c. Jmen. VVITSUNDAY. EVEXIXG. O, Thou Author of peace, and lover of concord, in know- •ledge of whom standeth our eternal life; and whose service IS perfect freedom; cleanse the thoughts of our hearts, by the inspiration of thv Holy Spirit; and give us grace, where- oy we may serve Thee acceptably, with reverence, and with godly fear. We adore Thee as the Creator of all things, visible and invisible. Thou art the Maker of our earth; and Thou art the Maker of man upon it: and Thou madest man upright, in the possession of tuy image, and the enjoyment of thy presence. Hut man being in honour, abode not. Our first father sinned; and we have borne his iniquity. We have g-one astray from the womb; and in numberless instances, have evinced ourselves to be the degenerate offspring of a fallen original — and there is no health in us. As transgres- sors of thy law, we are under the curse; and did our deliv eranc depend upon ourselves, we must lie down in end less de.-jpair. We admit, in all its extent, the testimony of thy word against us; but admire with gratitude, the deve- lopement of a plan of mercy and grace, divinely appropri- ate to all our wants and woes, and uniting the highest dis- play of thy glory, with the salvation of sinners. Adored b ;the benevolence that led the Son of thy love WHITSUNDAf'-EVENING 219 before the foundation of the workl, to say, ].o! I come U. do thy will, () Goil; thy law is within n\y heart. Blessed be the day when the ang'els saw Him who was ricli, lor our sakes hecomiiig- poor, that wc throiig-Ji His poverty, mig-lu be rich. Blessed be the hour, when the Prince of Life bore our sins in His own body on the tree; and having" obtainod eternal redemption for us, ascended up on high, leading captivity captive, and receiving gifts for men, even the re- bellious also, that tile Lord God might dwell among them. We rejoice, that Christianity was originally preaciied, vvitli the Holy Gliostsent down from heaven: and in the demon- stration of the Spirit, was so firmly established, tliat the gates of hell can never jjrevail against it. We praise Thee, that the sun of righteousness, in the knowledge of tlie gos- pel, has arisen with healing under his wings, upon this dis- tinguished land; and said, arise, sliine, for thy liglit is come, and the glory of the Lord is I'isen upon thee. And, O. what reason have we to be thankful, if this gospel has come to us, not in word only, but in power, and in tiie Holy Ghost, and in much assurance For we bless Thee, that though miracles have ceased, yet thy Spirit is insured to thy people to the end of the world, as the source of liglit and life, and peace and joy, giving testimony to the word of thy grace; and workiivgiT the souls of men, to will and to do of thy good pleasure. O, Thou Author of all good, save us, we beseech Thee, by the washing of regeneration, and the renewing of the Holy Ghost. May we be found in the number of tiiose, who are born of the Spirit; and give evidence of il, by our walk- ing after the Spirit, and our minding the things of the Spi- rit. Instead of judging ourselves by dreams, fiincies, and impressions, may we prove what is acceptable the Lord; and remember, that the fruit of the Spirit, is in ali goodness, and righteousness, and truth. We desire O God, to acknowledge our entire depend- ance upon Thee. Whatever time we have engaged in thy service, we are still in the body, and feel our need of the continuance of those counsels, supports, and consolations, which have ever been afforded us. Cast us not away from thy presence, and take not thy Holy Spirit from us. In all the dangers to which we are exposed, uphold us by thy free Spirit; and may we not think it enough to be pre- served from faHii\g; but may we go forward, and be always abounding in the work of the Lord. Strengthen us with 220 WHirSUNDAY FVENING. might by thy Spirit in the inner man, for every purpose ol the Christian hfe; and may we be satisfied with no attain- ment, till we are filled with all the fulness of God. Awaken the careless; convince of their error and guilt, all those who deny, or vilify the work of thy grace? and plant in their consciences the conviction, that if any man rave not tlie S-pirit of Christ, he is none of His. Pour the spirit of grace and of supphcation upon all ouf c ngregations. Bless the ministry of the gospel, and make it the ministration of the Spirit, and the power of God to salvation to every one that believeth. But how can they believe in Him of whom they have not heard? And how can they hear without a preacher? How many are there, who, by the wretchedness of their condi- tion, if not by their actual desire, are saying, Come over and help us. Hast Thou not commanded us to pray, that thy kingdom may come? Hast not thou promised, that the earth shall be full of the knowledge of the Lord, as the waters Cover the seas May we encourage our expectation, by reviewing what Thou hast already accomplished; and remembering, that Thou art a God of truth, and — the Almighty. May we, therefore, realize in our minds, the delightful period, when the heathen shall cast their idols to the moles and to the bats; when Mahometanism and anti-christ shall perish; when the Jews shall look upon Him whom they have pierced, and mourn; and among protestants, every plant which our heavenly Father hath not planted, shall be rooted up. But why are thy chariot wheels so long in coming? Why does the whole creation groan and travail in pain together until now? How many would say. Lord, now lettest Thou thy servant depart in peace, according to thy word — could their eyes see thy salvation, which Thou hast prepared be- fore the face of all peoj)le; a light to lighten the Gentiles, aid the glory of thy people Israel. While using the means, may we trust in thy wisdom, as tt'ell as thy faithfulness; and hear the voice saying, I the l,ord will hasten it — in his time. And to God, the Father, the Word, and the Holy Ghost, lie ascribed tlie kingdom, power, and glory, both now and ••"or e> er Amer\, THEEVIi.Nl>,G AFIEK A FUNfiUAL. 221 THE KVE.MNG AFTER A rUNKRAL. O Thou Father of mercies, and God of all comfort. Thou liast often invited us to tliyself, by a profusion of kindness es; and it manifests our depravity, tiiat we tliinkof Thee so little in the hour of ease and prosperity. But we are now before Thee, in affliction and distress. Yet we rejoice to know, that Thou art a very present, and an all-sufficient help in trouble Thou takest away and who can hinder Thee, or sny unto Thee, What doest Thou? Thou bust a rig-ht to do what thou wilt with tliine own. Thou art a sovereign, and the reasons of tby conduct are often far above, out of our sight-, but tliy work is perfect, thy ways are judgment. All thy dispensations are wise, and righteous, and kind — kind, even when they seem to be severe. May we hear thy voice in thy rod, as well as in thy wordi and gathermg- from the corrections with which we are ex ercised, the peaceable fruit of rig-liteousness, be able to ac- knowledge, with all our suRering- brethren betore us, It is good for me tbat 1 have been afflicted. It is not the Scripture only, that reminds us of our living In a dying world, but all observation, and experience. Man is continually going to his long home, and the mourners daily go about the streets. And we are all accomplishing as an hireling, our day, and in a little time our neighbours, friends and relations, will seek us — and we shall noi be. Owf days are swifter than a weaver's shuttle, and are spent without hope. Thou hast made our days as an hand's breadth, and our age is as nothing before Thee: verily ev- ery man at his best state is altogether vanity. For our days are not only few, but full of evil. Anxieties perplex us; dangers alarm u-^; infirmities oppress us; disappointments afflict US; losses impoverish us — we are consumed by thine anger, and by thy wrath are we troubled — O, shut not thy merciful ear to our prayers; but spare us, O Lord, most ho- ly: O God, most mighty: O holy and most merciful Saviour: Thou most worthy Judge eternal, suffer us not, at our last hour, for any bitter pains of death, to fall from Thee. We acknowledge, O God, with shame and sorrow, that the state of degradation and mortality, in which we groan, was not our original condition Thou madest man upright; but he sought out many inventions. Our first father sinned, and we have borne his iniquity. I?y ane man, sin entered into the world, and death by sin; and so death hath passed upon all men, for that all have sinned, T 2 222 THE EVEMNG AFIEK A FUNERAI« And we bless Tliee. tliat this is not our final state, u^ 'he disccverles of faith, we see new heavens, and a new ?arfh, wherein dwelleth righteousness. We see the spi- res of just men made perfev^t. We see our vile bodies chang-ed, and fashioned like the Saviour's own g-lorious bodyi and man, the sinner, raised above the ang-els, who never sinned. We bless Thee for this purpose of grace, formed before the world began, anc' accomplished in the fulness of ti.iie, by the Son of thy love, who hath abolished death, and brought life andimmorti^lity to light by the gospel: and who among the ravages of the grave, says, I am the resurrection, and the life; lie that believeth in me, though he were dead, yet shall he live; and whosoever liveth and believetli in me shall never die. May it be our immediate and supreme concern to win Christ, and be found in Him: knowing that there is no con- demnation to them that are in Christ Jesus; and that blessed are the dead that die in tlie Lord. So teach us to nuaiber our d;\ysthat we may apply our hearts unto wisdom — that wisdom which will lead us to pre- fer the soul to the body, and eternity to time; tliat wisdom which will le:id us to secure an interest in a better world before we are removed from this. O, let not the trifles of time induce us to neglect the thing needful While eac-h of us is compelled to say, I know Thou wilt bring me to death, and to the house i*|>pointed for all living, may we be enabled also to say, I know whom I have believed, and am persuaded that He is able to keep that which I have committed to Him, against that day. ^ And, O, let not the solemnities we have this day witness- ed, be ever forgotten; for often, our most serious impressions have worn off, and our goodness has been as the morning cloud and early dew, that soon passeth away. Thou hast permitted death to invade our circle, and hast turned our dwelling into a house of mourning. May we find that it is better to be in the house of mourning, than in Ihe house of mirth By the siidness of the countenance may the heart be made better, more serious to reHect, and more softened to take impression With the feelings of the creature, may we blend the views and the hopes of the christian. May we remember that Thou hast berjavrd us, not as an aggressor, but as a FAST DAY MORNING. 223 proprietor; resuming- w'nat was lent us for a season, but nev- er ceased to be tliine own. May we, tlierefore, be dumb, und open not our mouth, because Thou bast done it; or if we speak, may it be to acknowledge and pray — 1 know, O [.ord, that tl>y judgments are right, and tliat lliou in faith- ulness hast afflicted me; let thy loving-kindness be for my comfort, according to thy word unto^thy servant. We bless Thee tor thy goodness to tlie deceased, and that we are not called to sorrow, as tliose wlio have no liope. We ascribe wluitever excellency was found in them to thy grace; and desire to be followers of them, as far as they also were of (Mu-ist. Forgive us in whatever instances we failed in our duly towards them. Let the prayers they offered for us wbile on earth be answered; may we hold communion with them in our living Iledeemer; and look forwt, d to a period of re- newed and improved intercourse, in which we shall be for ever with each other, and for ever with the Lord. Now unto him that is able to keep us from falling, and to present us faultless before the presence of his glory, with exceeding joy. To the only wise God our Saviour, be glory and majesty, dominion and power, both now and ever. FAST DAY.* MORNING. Holy, holy, holy, is the Lord of hosts, the whole earth is full of thy glory. O, for such an impression of thy holmess as Isaiah had, when, penetrated with a sense of his own sin, and the sin of the nation, he exclaimed, Wo is me, for I am a man of unclean lips, and I dwell among a people of un clean lips. Hanish all insensibility and indifference fron our minds, and unite our hearts to fear thy name. We lament that the world in which we live, formed to show forth thy praise, was so early defiled by sin; that all flesh corrupted its way before God, and every imagination of the thoughts of the heart, was only evil continually. We .adore i.hy awful but righteous displeasure, in bringing the flood upon the world of the ungodly, and taking then all a way Ytt even this tremendous desolation, d'd not hinder the renewed human race from rebelling against Thee; and a *The two following prayers are particularly adapted to a fast ippointed ou accou it of some great calSmiitv but with slight altera- tious may be u.«ed ou ordinary fast days. 224 FAST DAY MdkniNG. long" succession of private and public, proclains the desperate depravity of our nature, and the evW of sin. Our world is the empire of death, a vale of tears; and temp- ests and earthquakes, and war, and pestilence, and famine, scatter the tokens of thy wrath, for Thou distributest sor- rows in thine anger. Thy judgments are now abroad in the earth — may the in- habitants thereof learn righteousness. They have reached and invaded us — may we lay them to heart, and be suitably impressed, with the afHicted circumstances of the country to which we belong. We have been equally distinguished by privileges and guilt, and it is impossible for us to review the one, without being reminded of the other. An innumerable multitude of natural, providential, and religious benefits, has distingulsii- ed our portion. The lines have fallen to us in pleasant places, yea, we have a goodly heritage. At an early period the gospel visited our shores, and has continued in the midst of us to tliis hour. We have lived under the adminis- tration of laws, just, mild and beneficient. We have en- ioyed civil and religious freedom. The Scriptures have not been witholden from us, nor have our teachers been removed into a corner — but our eyes have seen our teachers; and sitting under our own vine and fig-tree, none have dared to make us afraid. In our dangers, Thou hast appointed salvation for walls and bulwarks; the earth hi»s yielded to us her increase: and God, even our own God, has blessed us. It is imposible for us to express or conceive the obliga- tions we are under to love and serve Thee. But we know— and, O help us to feel, how unworthily and ungratefully we have behaved ourselves, towards our adorable benefactor. We are a sinful nation, a seed of evil-doers; children that are corrupters. The whole head is sick, and the whole heart is faint: from tlie crown of the nead even to the sole of the foot, there is no soundness, but wounds, and bruises, and putrifying sores. O Lord, right- eousness belongeth unto Thee, but unto us confusion of faces, as at this day, to our rulers. But thou art the almigh'./. Thou hast all hearts in thy hand, and all events at thy disposal. And we have heard, that to the Lord our God belong mercies and forgiveness, though we have rebelled against Him. We are proofs ourselves, that thy compassions fail not — hence though corrected, we are not consumed; and FAST DAY — KVENING. 2'-i5 thoug-h giilty, we are yet allowed and invited to enter tliy presence. With (lee[) humiliation, not unnriing-led with hope, mav we. approach the throne of thy grace, at thi.s time of need. O, be merciful un*o us, and bless us, and cause tliy face to shine upon us, that we may be saved. For the sake of thv dear Son, who died, the just for the unjust, by whose name we are called — bel..)ld a country prostrate at thy footstool, and liear the voice, which will issue to-day, from so many temples and closets, .saying, Spare thy people, O Lord, and give not thine heritage to reproach Remove, if it please Thee, the blow of thy heavy hand, in tl)e calamity which we are deploring; and after giving such a deliverance as this, may we no more break tliy com- mandments. Or if Thou hast determined to continue the correction; O, corr.ct us, but with judgment, not in thine anger, lest Thou bring us to nothing. Aid thy people in the private and p'» 229 God is the Lord who halh showed us light; bind the sac- rifice with cords, even to the horns of the altar. May w© never convert our blessings into instruments of pr<" ■ocatloii, by making them the means of nourisiiing pride and pre sumption, wantonness and intemperance; and compel Thee to complain — Do ye thus requite the Lord, O foolisli people, and unwise? Is not He thy Father, that hath bought thee? Hath He not made thee, and established thee? For this purpose meet with us in thy house; and may the goings of our God and our King be seen in the sanctuary Be with the preacher, and with the hearers; and let the words of his mouth, and the meditation of their hearts be acceptable in thy sight, O Lord, our strength, and out Re- deemer. May public instruction awaken the ardour of our feelings: may our gratitude not only be lively, but practical and permanent. And by all thy mercies, may we present our bodies a living sacrifice, holy and acceptable unto Thee, which is our reasonable service. Bless the Lord, ye His angels, that excel in strength, that do His commandments, hearkening unto the voice of His word. Bless ye the Lord, all ye His liosts: ye ministers of His, that do His pleasure. Bless the Lord, all His works, in all places of His dominion; bless the Lord, O my soul. Jimtn. FOR A DAY OF THANKSGIVING. EVENING. O GoT), Thou art good, and doest good. Thou ait good to all, and thy tender mercies are over all thy works. We have thought of thy loving kindness this day, in the midst of tiiy temple; and are again surrounding this domestic altar, to exclaim, O that men would praise the Lord for His goodness, and for His wonderful works to the children of men. We lament to think, that a world so filled with thy bounty, should be so alienated from thy service and glory. We mourn over the vileness of our ingratitude, and abhor our- selves, repenting in dust and ashes. O Thou God of all grace, make us more thankful. In order that we may be more thankful, may we be more hum- ble; impress us with a deep sense of our unworthiness, aris- ing from the depravity of our nature, and countless instances of unimproved advantages, omitted duties, and violated com- mands May we compare our condition with our desert, and with the far less indulged circumstances of others. Mav we never be inattentive to any of thy interpositions on ^ U 23(1 THANKSGIVING DAY EVENING. our behalf: but be wise, and observe these things, that we may understand the loving- kindness of the I>ord. How many blessings, temporal and spiritual, piablic and private, hast Thou conferred upon us. Thy mercies have been new every morning, and every moment. Our afilictions have been few and alleviated, often short in their continuance, and always founded in a regard to our profit. Tliy secret has been upon our tabernacle; and we have known Thee in thy palaces for a refuge. The lines have indeed fallen to us in pleasant places, yea, -we have a goodly heritage. Thou hast not dealt so with any people. It is a good land, which the Lord our God has given us — a land distinguished by knowledg"e; dignified as the abode of civil and religious freedom; endeared by the patriot's zeal, and the ashes of our forefathers; a land the Lord careth for, and upon which His eye has been from the beginning even to the end of the year. Thou hast been a wall of fire round about us, by thy provi- dential protection, and the glory in the midst of us, by the gospel of our salvation, the ordinances of religion, and the presence of thy Holy Spirit. WJiat shall we render unto the Lord, for all His benefits towards us? Because Thou hast been our help, therefore under the shadow of thy wing may we rejoice. Because Thou hast heard our voice and our supplication, tlierefore may we call upon Thee as long as we live; and in every fu- ture difficulty and distress, make Thee our refuge and our portion. Enable us to bless Thee at all times; may thy praise con- tinually be in our mouth; and may we show forth thy praise, not only with our lips, but in our lives. Being delivered from the peril and calamity (o f ■ ■■) with which we have been exercised, may we serve Thee without fear, in holiness and righteousness all the days of our lives. We dare not trust our own hearts. We have often resem- bled thy people of old, who, in the hour of deliverance and indulgence, sang thy praise, and said — All that the Lord commandeth us, will we do, but soon forgot His works and the wonders which He had showed them. Keep these things for ever in the imagination of our hearts; and not only draw us, but bind us to thyself, with the cords of love, and the bonds of a man. And with all our calls to gratitude and joy, may we re- THANKSGIVING DAY EVENING. 231 member that we have also reason for sot row aivJ 1 amiUa tion. O, give us that repentance which is unto hfe. He. form, as well as indulge us; and pard(>n, as well as spare. Let not our prosperity destroy us, nor our table become a snare. Let us not by our perverse returns, provoke Thee to visit us with heavier afflictions; and turn the rcid into a scorpion. May our ways please the Lord, tiiat we may hope for continuance of ihy favour, and know that all tiling's shall work together for our good. Do good in thy good pleasure unto Zion. Build Thou the walls of Jerusalem. And as the churches have rest, may they walk in the fear of the Lord, and in the comforts of the Holy Giiost, and be multiplied. Preside over our national councils; impart wisdom to those who conduct our public affairs; and may all the various clas- ses in the community, pursue that righteousnes which ex- altetli a nation, and forsake that sin which is a reproach to any people. Regard the services in which we have been engaged with the thousands of our Israel; accept of the poor and im- perfect thanksgivings we have offered; and let thy word, which has been dispensed, in aid of the devotion of the day, accomplish all the good pleasure of thy goodness— through Jesus the Lord, our righteousness and strength; and in whose w ords we address Thee as Our Father which art in heaven, hallowed be tliy name; thy kingdom come; thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven; give us this day our daily bread; and forgive us our trespasses as we forgive those that trespass against us, and lead us not into temptation; but deliver us from evil; for thine is the kingdom, the pov/er, and the eflory, for ever drnen. PETITIONS PARTICULAR OCCASIONS. FOR RAIN. aks there any of the vanities of the Gentiles that can caiiseruin? Oi' can the heavens g'ive showers^ Art noi Thou he, O Lord, our God? Therefore will we wait upon Thee, for Thou hast made all these things. Thou visitesl the earth, and waterest it: Thou greatly en- richest it, with the river of God, which is full of water. Thoumakestit soft with showers; I'hou blessest tlie springs thereof. Thy paths drop fatness. They drop upon the pastures of the wilderness; and the little hills rejoice on every side. We have been made to feel the worth of this blessing, by the want of it: and it would be easy for Thee to continue the privation, till the heavens over us were brass, and the earth under us iron; and the husbandman be ashamed for the wheat, and for the barley, because the harvest of the field is perished, and because joy is withered away from the sons of men. But O deal not with us after our desert. Turn not a fruit- ful land into barrenness. Command thy rain to descend; cause the grass to grow for the cattle, and herbs for the ser- vice of man; that he may bring forth food out of *Jie earth. FOR FAIR WEATHER. How numberless are our wants and dangers! Our hopes are destroyed, not only by the deficiency, but the excess of our supplies. Stop, we pr.ay Thee, the bottles of heaven, which have so long been pouring down water upon us; and cause thy sun not only to rise, but to shine — give us the clear shining after rain, that the earth may yield her increase, in maturity; and opportunity be afforded for the wholesome ingathermg of grass for the cattle, and grain for the use of man: that there may be no complaining in our streets; but that we may eat in plenty, and be satisfied, and praise the Lord. 232 IN VIEW OF JOURNEYING, JcC. 233 And O let us not forg-et our souls in oi:r tm'm Ir'ult.ess of the body; nor expend all our concern upon tlie rneut that perlslietli— but be above a'l thing's, anxious to secure that meal which endureth unto everlasting' lite, and which the Son of man will give; for him hath God the Father sealed. IN VIEW OF JOTJUNKYING. O Gon, Thou hast called thyself the Preserver of men, And the length of our days. We are therefore encourag-ed to commit ourselves to thy g"uardian care, in the journey before us Many have parted with their friends, with the hope of soon embracing- each other ag-ain, but instead of returning- to their own dwelling-, have been conveyed to the house ap- pointed for all livi.ig-. We pray, with submission to thy pleasure, that this may not be our experience. Give thine ang-els charg-e concerning- us, to keep us in all our ways Let no evil befall our persons, and no plague come nigh our dwelling-. May we know also that our tabernacle is in peace, and visit our habitation, and not sin. Yet uncertain what a day may bring- forth, may we be prepared for every event of thy providence; and wlierever, in dying-, we g-o from, may it be our liappincss to know v/here we are g-oing ^y — and rejoice in the prospect, that when all our wanderings and partings are ended, we shall unite in our heavenly Father's house, and be for ever with the Lord. FOR A NEW MAURIEn PARTY. Bless those who have just entered a state honourable in all. May they remember the vows they ha\ e left at the altar; and in the discharge of their personal and relative du- ty, may they make thy word their rule, that mercy and peace may be upon them. May the husband love his wife even as himself; and may the wife see that she reverence her husband; and both walk together, as heirs of the grace of life, that their prayers be not hmdered. Preserve them from the evils which destroy or diminish the welfare and comfort of the condition in which Thou hast placed them; and may they enjoy all the happiness deriva- ble from prudence, temper, accommodation, rea godliness, and the divine blessing. May they expect to discern infirmities in one another; but may they be always most deeply conscious of their own- V 2 234 FOR ONE UNDER SICKNESS, 8cC. And let them not look for unattainable, by looking for uiv mingled bliss on earth: but remember that this is not our rest; and be prepared for difficulties, trials, changes, and final separation. FOR A WOMAN APPROACHING THE TIME OF TRAVAIL. Regard thine handmaid who is looking forward to an im portant hour. Be not Thou Air from her when trouble is near. May her mind be kept in perfect peace, being stay- ed upon the God of her salvation. Bring to the birth, and give strength to bring forth. Soften the pains of labour, as well as command deliverance; and in due time, may she re- member no more her anguish, for joy Ihat a child is born into the world. And may the root and the branch, abide under the shade of the Almighty. FOR ONE UNDER SICKNESS. Think, O God, for good upon the afflicted; especially him for her J whom wc now commend to thy compassion- ate regard. Comfort W\m upon the bed of languishing, and make all his bed in his sickness. If the sickness be unto death, prepare him for the solemn event, and be with him in it. But we are allowed to im- plore deliverance, with submission; nothing is too hard for the Lord; Thou canst heal as well as wound — we therefore pray, if it be thy good pleasure, that Thou wilt put efficacy into the means; rebuke the disorder; renew the strength; and prolong the days of thy servant. Above all, let the dispensation be sanctified to the suffe- rer and his connexions; and may all have reason to acknow- ledge, in the review, It is good for me that I have been af- flicted. FOR A YOUTH GOING FROM HOME. flf with a view io Business. J O Gon, Thou appointest the bounds of our habitation; and arrangest all our individual concerns; and it is thy pleasure not only that we should part at death, but often separate in life. When absent from each other in body, may we be pre- sent in spirit; and may our natural afffction be strengthened and sanctified by inquiry, and corre:RISON. that may render them the blessings and ornaments of soci»ity. Keep them from evil company. If sinners entice them, may they never consent; but early may they take hold of the skirt of him that is a Jew, sayiiig-, 1 will go with you, for I have heard that God is with you. We seek not great things for them as to this world — but (), let them live in thy siglU; let them be numbered with thy saints in glory everlasting; let them be blessed with all spi- ritual blessings, in heavenly places in Christ. Instead of multiplying riches, and leaving them incentives to pride, and vanity, and idleness, and sensuality; and aug- menting a thousand fold all the difficulties of their salvation — May we lay up for them treasure in heaven; may we be concerned to leave behind us, a large inheritance of pray- ers, and instructions, and examples -with the blessing of God, that maketh rich, and addeih no sorrow with it. If their parents should be taken away from them, when father and motiier forsake them, may the Lord take them up. If they should be deprived of their father — be Thou the Father of the fiitherless; or, should they be deprived of their mother — as one whom his mother comforteth, so dc Thou comfort them. Should they be removed from us, in early life, may the heavenly shepherd gather the lambs with His arm, and car- ry them in His bosom; and may we be prepared to resign them. And, if, as we submissively implore, then* lives should be prolonged — may tliey grow up, and prove our comfort and honour; serve thy generation according to thy will, and walk before Thee in the land of the living. FOR CRIMINALS IN PRISON. Behold, in the greatness of thy mercy, those who are bound in affliction and iron, because they rebelled against the word of God. May they be led to reflect upon tlie evil of sin, in the degradation and misery to which it has reduc- ed them. Give them repentance unto life, that they may acknowledge that Thou art just in all that is brought upon them, and be more concerned to obtain deliverance from the wrath to come, than exemption from the hand of civil jus'dce. If, after lengthened confinement, they siiould be released, let them be rescued from the bondage of corrup- tion, and partake of the glorious liberty of the sons of God; and if appointed unto death, O, hear the sighing of the pri- soner, and though the flesh be destroyed, let the spirit be saved in the day of the Lo?d Jesus. SPRING. 237 While we feel an abhorrence of sin, may we always dis- play compassion for sinners; and be thankful that we have been exempted, by the favourableness of our convlition in life, by pious relations, by education, by th)- restrainingand thy sanclifyingf grace, from so many temptations by which we mig"!u have been conquered- Who made us to differ from another: and what have we that we did not receive.' ADDRESSES FOR PARTICULAR SEASONS. SPRING. Thott art the fountain of life; in Thee we live, move, and have our being — and the prerogative of that being is, that we are able to contemplate thy perfections, and rise from thy works — to thyself. Thou sendest forth thy Spirit; and renewest the face of the earth; and, from apparent death, all nature starts into re-animated vigour and joy. In what myriads of productions art Thou displaying afresh, the wonders of thy wisdom, pow- er, and goodness — the whole earth is fidl of thy riches. While we partake of tlie general sympathy and delight, may we join with all thy works to praise Tliee. And, O Thou God of all grace, bless us with tlie renewing of the Holy Ghost, in all the powers of our souls. May old things pass away, and all become new in Christ: may the beauty of the Lord be upon us; and. the joy of the Lord be our strength. May the young remember, that they are now in the sjiring of life; and that M/* spring, once gone, returns no more May they therefore, eagerly seize, and zealousl}' improve, the short, but all important season, for the cultivation of tlieir minds, the formation of their habits, the correction of their tempers, their preparation for future usefuhiess, and their gaining that good part which shall not be taken away from tUenu 238 SUMMER. SUMMER. We hail Thee in the varying aspects c f tlic year, anf* bless Thee for all their appropriate influences and advan tages. (), let us not view them and enjoy the;Ti as men on- ly, but as christians also; and ever connect with them, the better blessings of thy grace. How wise, and useful, and necessary, are these inter- mingled rains and sunbeams — may Jesus, as the Sun ot righteousness, arise upon us, with healing under his wings; and may he come down as ruin upon the mown grass, and as showers tiiat water the earth. When we walk by the cooling brook — may we think of that river, the streams whereof make glad the city of God. When we retire from the scorching warmth of the day, into the inviting shade — may we be thankful for a rest at noon, a shelter from the heat, the shadow of a great rockin u weary land. May thy servants behold the moral fields, that are al- ready white unto harvest, and be all anxiety to save the mul- titudes, that are perishing for lack of knowledge. The harvest truly is great, but the labourers are few; we therefore pray, that 'I'houwilt send forth labourers into thy harvest. He that gathereth in summer, is a wise son; hethatsleep- eth in harvest, is a son that causeth shame. Now is our ac- cepted time, now is our day of salvation O, let us not waste our precious privi'leges, and in a dying hour exclaim — The harvest is past, the summer is ended, and we are not saved. AUTUMN. How fleeting as well as varying, are the seasons of the year How insensibly have the months of spring and sum- mer vanished; and nature has no sooner attained. its matu- rities, than we behold its declension and decay. The fields are now shorn of their produce; the beauties of the garden are whithered; the woods are changing their verdure, and the trees shedding their foliage — we also never continue in one stay. Many of our connexions and comforts have al- ready dropped away from us; and the remaining are holden b} a slei'der tenure; wlule we ourselves, do all fade as a leaf, and in a little time, our places will know us no more. Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, for the announcement of an inheritance that fadeth not away. A TIME OF THUNDER AND LIGHTNING. *239 O for a hope full of immortality; for a possession ofthat good part, which shall not be taken away from us. WINTER. () Thou Gofl of nature and providence; manifold are thy works; in wisdom Thou hast made them all; and all are full of thy goodness. The welfare of thy creatures, requires the severity of winter as well as the pleasures of spring-. We adore thy hand in all. Thou givest snow like wool: thou scatterest the hoar frost like ashes. Thou sendest abroad thine ice like morsels, who can stand before thy cold? But we bless Thee, for a house to shelter u*: for raiment to cover us; for fuel to warm us; and all tlie prieve; that the sentence which dooms us to tlie dust is only suspended; and, that at most, when a few years are come, we shall go the way whence we shall not return. May we therefore secure the one thing needful; and live with eternity In view. FOR SAFE DELIVERY IN CHILD BIRTH. We bless Thee on the behalf of tlfine handmaid, who is now saying, I love the Lord, because he hath heard my voice, and my supplication. Thou hast been with her in the hour of pain and peril, and made her tlie joyful mother of a living and well formed infant. Complete thy goodness PARTICULAR EVENTS. 243 by the renewal of her strene-lh, and lier abUity 1^ appeal again in all the duties ofher important station. Let the impressions produced by recent ii;ercies, be rendered as durable as they are lively: may slie remember, and pay Thee the vows, which her soul made when in trouble. May the life spared, and the life given, be dear in thy sight, aud devoted to thy glory; and may every addition made to the world of creature?, be found an accession to the church of the living God. TO BE USED AS SOON AS CONVENIENT AFTER SAFE DELIVERY. 1 LOVE the Lord, tit;cause He hath heard my voice, and my supplication. Consider, O my soul, how greatly thou art indebted to the divine goodness. Look back, and re- tiect on thy former fears and anxieties; look up and bless God that they are gone, and that their cause is removed. I found trouble and sorrow. Then called I upon tlie name of the Lord, and said, O Lord, I beseech Thee, deliver my soul. Gracious is the Lord and righteous ; yea our God is merciful I was brought low, and He helped me. Return unto thy rest, O my soul, for the Lord hath dealt bountifully with thee. O, my God, I sincerely thank thee for tliy great goodness to me and mine. By supporting me in the hour of pain, by granting me proper assistance, by blessing the means which thy providence afforded me, by making me the living mother of a living child, by strengthening me thus far, and by giving me the prospect of a speedy recovery and confirmed health. Thou hast dissipated our fears, calmed owr minds, gladdened our hearts, and made a family happy. Thou hast exchanged our face of care for a bosom full of joy, turned our earnest cries, into hymns of ardent praise. Bless the Lord, O my soul, and forget not all His benefits. Who forgiveth all thine iniquities; who healeth all thy diseases. Who redeemeth thy liie from destruction; w^ho crownelh thee with loving kindness and tender mercies. What shall I render unto the Lord for all His benefits towards me? I will take the cup of salvation, and call upon the name of the Lord. I will cheerfully devote myself, and all I have, unto the God of my life. Oh! never may I forget the mercies I have received. Never may I be unthankful fo> them May a lively sense >f them dwell on my mind, and be ever visible in my actions may it be my daily care to pay unti 244 AFTER SAFE DELIVERY. God Jnose vows which I made when my soul was in trouble I hope my g-oodness will not be as a morning cloud, and go away as the early dew. But, by t!ie grace of God, I trust I shall continue in faith and charity, and holiness with sobrie- ty. Because he hath inclined His ear unto me, therefore will I cull upon Him as long as I hve, I will walk before the Lord in the land of the living. O Tliou whose goodness to them that fear Thee knows no bounds, with my whole heart I praise Thee for thy lov- ing-kindness unto me, thine unwortliy creature. Thou hast delivered my soul from death, mine eyes from tears, and my feet from falling. To Thee I owe myself, and every blessing I possess To thee I dedicate this inf mt. Lord take it for thine own. On tlie soul of this dear child draw thine holy image, and keep it for ever from the pollutions of this wicked world. Give me and its father grace to set it a con- stant, good example, and may we bring it uj) in the nurture and admonition of the Lord. While we pray that its life may be spared, we also pray for entire resignation to thy blessed will; but, shouldest Thou, as we hope, be pleased to allot to it tlie years of man, we earnestly beseech Tlee to make it a pillar in thy cliurch, a blessing to the wcild, and a lasting comfort to its parents. Give them, O God, a heart to love and fear Thee at all times, and may all their future days be spent with the greatest sincerity and faithful- ness in thy service, and to thine honour, through faith in Jesus Christ, for whom may tlieir souls most ardently thank Thee. To Him with thy blessed self, O Father, and the Holy Spirit, 1 desire to ascribe everlasting praises. Jmen, This prayer supposes all things to succeed well; but in differ- tnt circumstances, different expressions will naturally be adopt- ed. Should it please God to bless this little piece to'tiie goodol Bouls, aivd should the favour of the public call for a new editioDi possibly amed talion or two for particular cases mav be added. FOR SCHOOLS MORNING. 245 A MORNING PRAYER TO BE PUBLICIA lU AD IN SCHOOLS. O Lonn, Thou who liust suf'ely brouglit us to the beg-in- ning" of this day! defend us in tl»e same by thy niig-hty pow- er, and grant that Uiis day we fall into no sin, neither run into any kind of danger; but that all our doings may be or- dered by thy governance, to do always that whi:>li is righ- teous in thy sight. Particularly we beg thy blessing upon our ])resent under- takings. Prevent us, 6 Lord, in all our doings with thj most gracious favour, and further us with thy continual lielp; that in these and all our works begun, continued, and end- ed in Thee, we may glorify thy holy name, and finally, by thy mercy, obtain everlasting life. We humbly acknowledge, O Lord, our errors and mis- deeds; that we are unable to keep ourselves, and unworthy of thy assistance; but we beseech Thee, through thy great goodness, to pardon our offences, to enlighten our under- standings, to sti engtiien our memories, to sanctify our hearts and to guide our lives. Help us, we pray Thee, to iearn and to practise those things which are good, that we may be- come serious cliristians, and useful in the world; to the glory of thy great name, and our present and future well-being. These prayers, both for them and ourselves, we humbly offer up in tlie name of thy Son Jesus Christ our Redeemer; concluding in His perfect form of words: Our Father wiiich art in heaven, hallowed be thy name? thy kingdom come; thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread; and forgive us our trespasses, as we forgive them that trespass against us. And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil, for thine is the kingdom, the power and the glory, for evei and ever. Jimen. AN EVENING PRAYER TO BE PUBLICLY REAr IN SCHOOLS. Accept, beseech Thee, O Lord, our evening sacrifice of praise and thanksgiving, for all thy goodness and loving- kindness to us, particulaiiy for the blessings of ihis day; for thy gracious 7Totection and preservation; for tlie opportuni- ties we have enjoyed, for the instruction and improvement of our minds; for all tlie comfprts of this life; and the hope of life everlasting, as declared unto us by Jesus Christ out Redeemer. X 2 ;46 FOR SCHOOLS EVENING. Forg-ive, most merciful Father, we humbly pray Thee, all the errors and transgressions which Thou hast beheld in us the day past; and help us to express our unfeigned sorrow for what has been amiss, by our care to amend it. What we know not, do Thou teach us; instruct us in all the particulars of our duty; both towards Tliee and towards men; and give us grace always to do those things which are good and well-pleasing in thy sight. Whatsoever good instructions have been here given this day, grant that they may be carefully remembered, and duly followed. And whatsoever good desires Tnou hast put into our hearts, grant that by the assistance of thy grace, they may be brought to good effect: that thy name may have the honour; and we with those who are assistant to us in this our work, of instruction, may have comfort at the day of ac- count. Lighten our darkness, we beseech Thee, O Lord, and by thy great mercy defend us from all perils and dangers of this night. Continue to us the blessings we enjoy; and help us to testify our thankfulness for them, by a due use and im- provement of them. Bless all those in authority, together with all our friends and benefactors, particularly the conductors of this school, for whom we are bound in an especial manner to pray. Bless this and all other seminaries for religious and truly christian education; and direct and prosper all pious en- deavours tor making mankind good and holy. These praises and prayers we humbly offer up to thy di- vine Majesty, in the name, and as the disciple of thy Son Je- sus Christ our Lord; in whose words we sum up all our de- sires. Our Father, &c. A MORNING PRAYER TO RE USED BY A CHILD AT IIOxME. Glort to Thee, O Lord, who hast preserved me from the perils of the night past, who hast refreshed me with sleep, and raised me u]) again to praise thy holy name Incline my heart to all that is good; that 1 may be modest and humble, true and just, temperate and diligent, respect- ful and obedient to my superiors; that I may fear and love I'hee above all things; tliat I may love m^ neighbour as my- self, and do t ) every one as I would they should do unto me. Bless me, I pray Thee, in my learning; and help me daily to increase in knowledge, and wisdom, and all virtue. FOR A CHILD AT HOME, 8cC. 247 I humbly beg- thy blessing upon ull our spirittial pastors and masters, all my relations and friends, [purticularly my father and n,olhtr, my brothers and sisters, and every one in this house.] Grant them whatsoever may be g-ood for them in this life, ind g-uide them to life everlasting. I humbl} commit myself to Thee, O Lord, in the name of Jesujs Christ my Saviour, and in the words which He Him- self hath tauglit me: Our Father, &c. \N EVENING PUAYER TO BE USED BY A CHILD AT HOME. Glory be to Thee, O Lord, who hast preserved me the lay past, who hast defended me from all tlie evils to which I am constantly exposed in this uncertain life, who hast con- •inued my health, who hast bestowed upon me all things necessary for life and g-odliness. I humbly beseech Tiiee, O heavenly Father! to pardon whatsoever Thou hast seen amiss in me this day, in my thoug-hts, words or actions. Bless to me, I pray Thee, whatsoever g-ood instructions have been given me this day; help me carefully to remember them, and duly to improve them; that I may be ever growing in knowledge, and wis- dom, and goodness. I humbly beg thy blessing also upon all our spiritual pas- tors and masters, all my relations and friends, [particularly my father and mother, my brothers and sisters, and eve -y one in this house.'] Let it please Thee to guide us all in this life present, and to conduct us to thy heavenly kingdom. I humbly commit my soul and body to thy care this night; begging thy gracious protection and blessing, through Jesus Christ our only Lord and Saviour; in whose words I con- clude my prayer. Our Father, &c. A SHORT PRAYER ON FIRST GOING INTO THE SEAT AT CHURCH Lord, I am now in thy house: assist, I pray Thee, and ac- cept of my services. Let thy Holy Spirit help my infirmi- ties; disposing my heart to seriousness, attention, and de- votion; to the honour of thy holy name, and the benefit of my soul, through Jesus Christ our Saviour. Jmen. BEFORE LEAVING THE SEAT. Blessed be tVy name, O Lord! for this opportunity of at- 24S BEFORE MEAT. tending Thee in thy house and service. Make me, I pra> Thee, a doer of tliy word, not a hearer only. Accept both us and our services, tlu'ough our only Mediator, Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen. PRAYERS AT TABLE. BEFORE MEAT. Almighty God! the eyes of all wait upon Thee, and Thou givest them their meat in due season. Bless, we be- seech Thee, the provisions of thine earthly bouncy, which are now before us; — and let them nourish and strengthen our frail bodies, that we may the better serve Thee, through Jesus Christ. Jlmen. or thus: Bountiful giver of every good and perfect gift! Thou art never weary of supplying our returning wants — Grant, we pray Thee, that the food of which v/e are about to par- take, may contribute to the comfort and support of our bo- dies, — and enable us to engage with more zeal in thy service; vrhich we ask for Jesus Christ's sake. Amen, or thus: Let thy blessing. Almighty God, descend on this portion of thy bounty, and on us, thy unworthy servants, through Jesus Christ our Lord. or thus: Almighty God, we beseech Thee to pardon our sins, to bless the refreshment now before us, to our use, and us to thy service, through Jesus Christ. or thus: Fathek ot Lights, from whom cometh down eveiy good and perfect gift, enable us to receive these fruits of thy bounty with humility and gratitude, and give us grace, that, whether we eat or drink or whatever we do, we may do all to thy glory, and be accepted to the great Redeemer. or thus: ^ Bounteous God, we acknowledge our dependence on Thee, and our unworthiness of thy benefits. We pray Thee to forgive our sins; to bless us in the reception of this food, and enable us to improve the strength we may derive from it to thy glory, for Christ's sake. or thus: Sasctiiy, O Lord, we beseech Thee, theas thy proauc. ArrER MEAT. 24f« tioK3 to our use, and us to thy service»throuj^h Jesus Christ, our Lord. Amen. A FT K II MKAT. We thank Thee, O God, our heavenly P'ather! for the in' numerable good g'ifts of thy providence. Especially do we thank Thee for tlie rich provision Thou ha-.t made for cur souls — Accept our grateful acknowledgments for the focxJ we have now received: and enable us to prove onr sinceri- ty by the holiness and obedience of our lives, fur tlie sake of our Lord and Saviour, Jesus Christ. Amen, or ihus: What shall we render to Thee, O God for all thy benefits.' Every day of our lives we are receiving fresli tokens of thv favour. O, let thy goodness lead us to repentance. And .f we can do no more than express our gratitude— help us to do that in the sincerity of our souls — and thine shall be the glory, for ever, through Jesus Christ. Amen, or thus: Accept, heavenly Father, our humble thanks for this, and for all thy blessings, through Jesus Christ. or thus: We thank Thee, our heavenly Father, for the rich pro- vision Thou hast made for our temporal and eternal welfare; especially for the food we have now received. May thy goodness lead us to repentance, and thy grace prepare us for heavenly entertainments, through Jesus Christ our Lord. or thus: We praise Thee, O Lord, for the provisions of thy provi- dence and grace, and in particular for this renewed token of thy favour. May we feel our increased obligations to be thine, and be fitted at length, to eat bread in tiiy heavenly kingdom, through our Lord Jesus Christ. or thus: We bless Thee, O Lord, for this kind refreshment. Ue p eased to continue thy favours and feed us with the bread of life. Supply the wants of the needy, and us. ivhilf we live on thy bounty, to live to thy glory, for Christ's sake Amen or thus: Blessed and praised be thy holy name, O Lord, for thif and all thy other blessings bestowed upon us through Je- sus Christ our Lord. Amen. THE END. DATE DUE lU'^jALIji ^jjlfi'itl^-- ?eo7 'm>tMimm0 0- HIGHSMITH #45115 w