jk yyUM c fa*** nd' to us. - St. Aug. Honfcon: PRINTED AND PUBLISHED BY KEATING, BROWN,. AND CO. 38, Duke-street, Grosvenor-square. WfkJ: 5C5 *tlVi? TABLE OF FEASTS, &e. throughout the Year. N. B. Those of Obligation are in Capital*. -January. 1 CIRCUMCISI- ON. 6 EPIPHANY. February. 2 Purification. 24 St. Matthias, 25 In Leap Years. March. 19 St. Joseph. 25 ANNUNTIA- TION. April. 23 St. George.. 1 SS. Philip and James. 3 Finding of the Holy Cross. June. 24 Nativity of St. John Baptist. 29 SS. PETER and PAUL. July. 25 St. James. 26 St. Ann. August. 10 St. Laurence. 15 ASSUMPTI- ON. 24 St. Bartholomew September. 8 Nativity B.V.M. 21 St. Matthew. - 29 St. MichaeL October. 28 SS. Simon and Jude. November. 1 ALL SAINTS. 30 St. Andrew. ember. 8 Concept. B.V.M. 21 St. Thomas. 25 CftRISTMAS- DAY. 26 St. Stephen. 27 St. John. 28 H. Innocents. 29 St. Thomas of Canterbury. A2 V MOVEABLE FEASTS. EASTER-MGNDAY and TUESDAY, ASCENSION-DAY, WHITSUN-MON- DAY and Tuesday, CORPUS-CHRISTI- DAY. FASTING DAYS. 1. The Forty Days of Lent. 2. The Ember-days, being the Wednesday, Friday and Saturday of the first week in Lent ; of Whitsun-week ; of the third week in September, and of the third week in Advent. 3. The Wednesdays and Fridays of the four weeks of Advent. 4. The Vigils or Eves of Whitsuntide, of the feast of SS. Peter and Paul, of the Assumption of the B. V. M. of All Saints, and of Christmas-day, N. B. When any fasting* day falls upon a Sunday, it is observed on the Saturday before. DAYS OF ABSTINENCE. 1. The Sundays in Lent, 2. The three Rogation- days, being the Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday, before Ascension-day. 3. St. Mark, April 25, unless it falls in Easter- week. 4. The Fridays and Saturdays out of Lent, and the Ember-weeks* or such as happen to be Vigils : but should Christ- mas-day fall upon a Friday or Saturday, it is not abstinence. Lay Baptism, 5 JV. B. The Catholic Church commands all her children upon Sundays and Holidays to be present at the great Eu. charistic Sacrifice, which we call the Mass, and to rest from servile work on these days, and to keep them holy. adly» She commands them to' abstain from rlesh, on all days of fasting and abstinence : and on fasting days to eat but one meal. 3dly, She commands them to contess their 3ins to their pastor at least once a year. 4thly,She com- mands them to receive the blessed sacrament at least once a year, and that at Easter, viz. between Palmoun* day and Low-Sunday, as may be seen from the following Extract. The 4th Council of Lateran, Can. 21. ordains, «' That every one of the faithful of both sexes, <; after they come to the years of discretion, shall *' in private faithfully confess all their sins, at " least once a year, to their own pastor ; and n take care to fulfil, to the best of their power, €< the penance enjoined them; receiving reve- " rently, at least at Easter, the Sacrament of 4C the eucharist, unless perhaps, by the counsel of M their pastor, for some reasonable cause, they M judge proper to abstain from it for a time ; '« otherwise, let them be excluded out of the " church whilst living, and when they die, be ** deprived of christian burial," The Marnier of Lay Persons baptizing an Infant in Danger of Death. TAKE common water, pour it on the head or face of the child, and whilst pouring it, sat/ the following words : " I baptize thee, in the Name of the " Father, and of the Sox, -and of the ** Holy Ghost. Amen." Note, Any person, whether man, wotnan, or child, may baptize an infant in case of danger of death* A3 A TABLE OF MOVEABLE FEASTS. gear Septua- Ash- Easter- Whit- Sun. 1st bun of our Lord gesbtia Sunday ice dries day. Sunday Sunday after Pent of Advent 1819 Feb 7 Feb 24 Apr 11 Mav30 25 Nov 28 > 1620 Jan 30 Feb 16 Apr 2 May 21 27 Dec 3 1821 Feb 18 Mar 7 Apr 22 Jun 10 24 Dec 2 1822 Feb 3 Feb 20 Apr 7 May26 26 Dec 1 1823Uan 26 Feb 12 Mar 30 May 18 27 Nov SO 18*24 l Feb 15 Mar 3 Apr 13 June 6 24 Nov 28 1825 Jan 30 Feb 16 Apr 3 May 2 2 26 Nov 27 1826 Jan 22 Feb 8 Mar 26 May 14 28 Dec 3 1827 Feb .11 Feb 28 Apr lo June 3 25 Dec 5 1828 Feb 3 Feb 20 Apr 6 May 25 26 Nov 30 1829 Feb ^5 Mar 4 Apr 19 June 7 21 Nov 29 .1830 Feb 7 Feb 24 Apr 11 MaySO 25 Nov 23 1831 Jan 30 Feb 16 Apr 8 May22 26 Nov 27 1832 Feb 19 Mar 7 Apr 22Jun 10 24 Dec 2 1833 Feb S Feb 20 Apr 7 May 26 26 Dec 1 183 4 Fan 26 Feb 12 Mar 30 May 18 27 Nov 30 1835 Feb 15 Mar 1 Apr 19 June 7 24 Nov 29 1836 Jan 31 Feb 17 Apr 3 Mav22 26 Nov 27 1837 Jan 22 Feb 8 Mar 26 ?■ lay 14 28 Dec 3 Feb 11 Feb 28 Apr 15 June 3 25 Dec 2 Jan 27 Feb 13 Mar 31 May 19 27 Dec 1 1840;i'eb 14 Mar 4 Apr 19 June 7 24 Nov 29 184lFeb 7 Feb 24 Apr llMa\30 25 Nov 20 1812'Jan 23 Feb 9 Mar 27 May 15 27 Dec 27 1 8 43: Feb 12 Mar 1 Apr 16 June 4 25 Dec 3 1844 Feb 4 Feb 21 Apr 7 May 26 26 Dec 1 1845! Jan 19 Feb 5 Mar 23 May 11 Nov 3C 1846jFeb 8 Feb 25 Apr 12MaySl 25 Nov 29 PLENARY + INDULGENCES Granted to the Faithful in the four Districts of England. AN Indulgence is not a leave to corimit a sin, nor a pardon or future sins, nor in- deed, properly speaking, any pardon of at 91 at all j but it is only a remission of the whole or a part of the temporal punishment that often, remains to be suffered for sins, which, as to their guilt and eternal punishment, have been already remitted. For the validity and effect of an Indulgence, . it is not only necessary that there be a compe- tent authority in him who grants it, and a just ground or motive for the grant; but it is also ne- cessary, on the part of him who obtains it, that he renounce and be s/ncerely sorry for all his sins, that he be in the state of grace, and thac he duly perform all the conditions prescribed. Hence Indulgences, so far from withdraw- ing sinners from performing good works, serve to excite and encourage them to greater fer- vour in the practice of them. They must ap- ply for the benefit of Indulgences with a pe- nitential spirit, with a sense of the great debt of punishment nd the glory of ■' his people lsrrf. St. Placid, disciple of St. Benedict, and his brothers Eutychius andVictorin, and their virgin lister Flavia; also Donatus - and Firmatus, deacons; Faustus, and thirty others, all monks and martyrs at Messina, in Sicily, who were murdered for the faith Festivals expounded. 27 of Christ, by Manachas the pirate, anno 541. 18 Oct. St. Luke, Evangelist, who, filled with the Holy Ghost, after he had endured many afflictions for the name of Christ, died in Bithynia, anno 74. His sacred bones were brought to Constantinople, and from thence translated to Padua. 28 Oct. SS. Simon the Canaan, and Jude, otherwise called Thaddeu-s. The first preached the gospel in Egypt, the latter in. Mesopotamia; and afterwards going toge- ther into Persia, after having converted an infinite number of that nation to the faith, they accomplished their martyrdom, an. 68. 1 Nov. Ail-Saints, a solemnity in me- mory of all the saints \ since the whole year is too short to afford a separate feast for each of them. 2 Nov. All-Souls 7 a day appointed by the Church for the living to offer up their prayers and suffrages tor the repose of the •souls of the faithful departed. 2yNov. The Presentation of our B. Lady in the templcof Jerusalem at three years of age ; a feast commanded to be observed by Pope Paul II. anno 1464. . 30 Nov. St. Andrew, Apostle, after having preached the gospel in Thrace and Scytbia, being apprehended by Egeas the procon^- sul, he wafc first imprisoned, then most cru- elly beaten, and lastly fastened to across, whereon he lived two days preaching to the people. Having besought our Lord not to permit him to be taken down, enconi- B2 23 Festivals expounded. passed with great light from heaven, lie gave up his blessed soul at Patras, m Achaia r anno 69. The tfour Sundays in Advent, preceding Christmas, were instituted by the Church with particular offices, commemorative of the benefits of our Saviour's coming to re- deem the world by his happy birth. 8 Dec. Conception of the glorious and ever B. V. Mary, Mother of God ; a feast first instituted by St. Anselm, Archbishop of Canterbury, anno 1070, and commanded afterwards by Six t us IV. to be generally observed, anno 1476. c l\ Dec. St. Thomas, Apostle: having preached the gospel to the Parthians, Medes, Persians, and Hyrcans, went into India, where he instructed the people in the Christian faith, for which, by the king's command, he was pierced through the body with lances, and gave up his blessed soul at Calamina, anno 44. 25 Dec. Christ's Nativity, a solemn feV tival, celebrated annually by the Cathoric Church from the time of the apostles, in commemoration of our Saviour's birth at Uethlehem, called Christmas, from the then celebrated in honour of his ftbly l Dec. St. Stephen, the first martyr Christ's ascension, was stoned tedeal the Jews, anno 34. .i 27 Dec. St. John, Apostle and Evan? after writing his gospel in his banishment, and receiving hisltevelations, lived to the time of Trajan the emperor, and both found- Explanation of Colours. 29 ed and governed the church of Asia. Fi- nally, worn out with old age, he died at Ephesus, aged 93, anno 68, and was buried near tiie same city. 29 Dec. Holy Innocents, a feast in com- memoration of the infants barbarously slaughtered by Herod, when he sought to take away the lite of our blessed Saviour. It is also called Ciuldt r-^Uass-Day, from the particular commemoration of those mar- tyred children in the Mass of that day. 29 Dec. St. Thomas, Archbishop ot 'Can- terbury, and patron of the English ckrgy, for maintaining the privileges oi the Church of God, was martyred at Vespers in his own cathedral, anno 1J70. The several festivals of other saints are instituted by the Church, to honour G his saints, and to teach us to imitate their virtues, and honour their martyrdom and sufferings for the faith of Christ. An Explanation of the Cohurs nsedby the Church at divine Service. TjyHITE is used on the Feasts of our ** Lord, of the blessed Virgin, and of all such Saints as are not Mar Red is used at Whitsuntide, en the In- vention and Exaltation of the Cross, and on the. Feasts of the Apostles and J taj tyH. Purple or Violet, the penitential colour^ is u^don all the Sundays and Fc-rias of Ad- vent, the penitential time from S< gesuna till Easter; and on Vigils, Ember and Koga when the Office i b of B3 CO Impediments to Matrimony, rias* from Trinity Sunday to Advent, ex- clusively, and from the Octave of the Epi- phany to Septuagesima, exclusively, when- ever the Office is of the Sunday; but in the Paschal time White is used. The Black is used on Good Friday, and in Masses for the Dead, which may be said on any day which is not a Sunday or a Double, except from Palm-Sunday to Low- Sunday, and during the. Octaves of the Epiphany, or of Pentecost, and of Corpus Christi. The Impediments to Matrimony are of tzco Kinds, THOSE which render it null and void in the sight of God and his Church, are, 1. Vows of chastity, such as religious per- sons take when they consecrate themselves to the service of Almighty God, and those who are entered into Hoiy Orders. 2. Consanguinity ; or a contract within the four prohibited decrees of kindred; of which the first is brothers and sis- ters. 2. Their children, or ccusm-germans. 3. The children of cousin-germans. 4. And lastly, the children of those which are of the fourth degree or remove of kindred; likewise where such affinity is contracted by lawful marriage. Also in cases of adultery and fornication, which create an affinity to the second degree, and in the sacraments of * Feria is a day for which no Saint's OlSce is appointed. Rules J or a Christian. 31 baptism and confirmation, whereby the god -father and god-mother are prohibited marriage with the parents or tr.e child. 3. When married persons commit adul- tery, and make promises of" future marriage at the deatii of the innocent party, in which case che marriage is not only null and void, but highly censured by the Church as pro- ductive of many evils. The second kind is what doth net annul or prevent the sacrament from being true and valid, yet makes it a very great crime to transgress in. 1. Such as where mutual pro- mises have been made by either of the par- ties to any other person. 2. When the sim- ple vow of chastity has been made by either contracting party. 3. When the marriage is solemnized within the forbidden times; viz. from the first Sunday of Advent to Twelfth-day; and from Ash-Wednesday t» Low-Sunday, including these mentioned days. See the Sincere Christian, by Bp. Kay. Necessary Rules for a Christian. /^vFTEN examine your thoughts, words, ^ and actions, especially after much business, conversation, 6cc. that you may discern and amend ycur faults. Hold your peace in such things as relate not to you, and where your speech is noc for the honour of God, and good of your neighbour. Often call to mind your life past, and what our Saviour sutfered for you in every moment of- his life. B4 Tilda for a Christian. . Live as if you Lad nothing, and yet pos- (1 all things; and remember, that meat, drink, and tloaths, are the riches of a C.tirisl Oiler yourself entirely to God, and though you have nothing to return for his favours !f, you will he comforted when or, that he gives all uho gives himstlf. The apostles quitted their poor and nets, and received for them a le reward. The poor widow gave two mites, and her offering was,pre- e those of the richest. lie easily parts with all things, who con- that he must die, and be separated from them. Use no extravagant or unusual gesture^ in i iblies, but on all occasions ob- oming modesty and discretion'' ncurrences of life, prefer that Lh most to the service and .1 : as to comfort the afflicted — eh as are at variance — visit the : prisoned — and relieve the poor. j to rest at night with any dis- able on your mind, but endea- ur conscience by ah act of . or by confession if necessary. ,:ifess your sins, and make fre- of contrition, aspirations or tja- prayers, that so you may prevent of the devii— conquer tenipta- \ —•..-. i id sin — and live under the conti- I protection of Gc . S3 The Beginning of the Gospel according tot St. John. ►J- Glory be to thee, Lord. TN the beginning was the Word, and the 1 ^ \Yord was with God, and God was the Word. The same was in the beginning with God. All things were made by him, and without him was made nothing that was made. In him was Life, and the Life was the light of men : and the light shineth. in darkness, and the darkness did not comprehend it. There was a man sent from God, whose name was John. This man came for a witness, to bear testimony of the Light, that all men might believe through him. He was not the Light, but was to bear testimony of the Light. That was the true Light, which enlighteneth every man that cometh into this world He was in the world, and the world was made by him, and the world knew him not. He came unto his own, and his own received him not. But as many as received him, to them he gave power to be made the sons of God, to them that believe in his name. Who are born not of blood, nor of the will of ther flesh, nor of the will of man, but of God. And the Word was made fl^h y and dwelt among us. And we saw his glory, the %lory as of the only begotten of the Father r Jull of grace and truth. R. Thanks be- to God. Bd CHRISTIAN DOCTRINE. The Lord's Prayer. i UK Father, who art in heaven, hallow- ed be thy name; thy kingdom come; thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven : give ns this day cur daily bread: and torsive us our trespasses as we forgive the^, that trespass against us : and lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil. Amen, The Angelical Salutation. HAIL Mary, full of grace, our Lord is with thee : blessed art thou amongst women : and blessed is the- fruit of thy womb, Jesus. Holy Mary, Mother of God, pray for us sinners, now, and at the hour of our death. Amen. The A pontics' Creed. T Believe in God. the Lather Almighty, •*• Creator of heaven and earth; and iu Jesus Christ, his only Son our Lord ; who was conceived by the Holy Ghost, born of the Virgin Mary ; suffered under Pontius Pilate, was crucified, dead, and buried : he descended into hell, the third day he rose again from the dead : he ascended into heaven, sitieih at the right-hand of God the Father Almighty : from thence he shall come to judge the living and the dead. I believe in the Holy Ghost; the holy Ca- tholic Church ; the communion of >: the forgivene.-s cr sins; the resurrection or the body ; and liie everlasting. Amen. The Ten Commandments. T Am the Lord thy God, who brought ■** thee out of the land of Egypt, and out of the house of bondage. Christian Doctrine. 35 I. Thou shalt not have strange gods be- fore me : Thou shalt hot make to thyself a graven thing, aur any similitude of what is in heaven above, or in the earth below, or of things that are in the water under the earth : thou shalt not adore nor worship them. I am the Lord thy God, strong and jealous, visiting the sins of the lathers up- on the children to the third and fourth ge- neration of them. that hate me, and shew- ing mercy to thousands ot them that love me, and Keep my commandments. II. Tiiou shalt not take the name of the Lord thy God. in vain ; fur the Lord will not hold him guiltless that taketfa the name of the Lord ins God in vain. ill. Kemember thou keep holy the sab- bath-day. Six days shak thou labour do ali tny work : but the seventh is the Sabbath of the Lord thy God ; < shalt do no work, neither thou, n nor thy daughter, nor thy man-servant, nor th rvant, nor thy catiae, nor the st. -t is within thy gates. For in six days tne Lord made hcavtvu an-d earth, ana the sea, and all things that are in them, and rested on the seventh day, therefore the Lord biased the seventh day, aictmed it. IV. Honour thy fattier and mother, that aay be long in the land which the Lord thy God will give thee. V. Thou shalt not kill. Tnou shalt not commit adulter VII. Thou shalt not steal, BO £6 Christian Doctrine. VIII. Thou shalt not bear false witness against thy neighbour. IX. Thou shalt not covet thy neighbour's wife. X. Thou shalt not covet thy neighbour's goods, nor his man-servant, nor his maid- servant, nor his ox, nor his ass, nor any thing that is his. The seven Sacraments. 1. Baptism. Matt, xxviii. 19. J. Confirmation. Actsvhi. 17. 3. Eucharist. Matt. xxvi. 26. *. Penance. John xx. 23. 5. Extreme Unction. James v. 14. 6. Holy Order. Luke xxii. Johnxx. 20. 7. Matrimony. Matt. xix. 6. The three Theological Virtues. 1. Faith. 2. Hope. 3. Charity. The four Cardinal Virtues. 1. Prudence. 3. Fortitude. 2. Justice. 4. Temperance. The seven Gifts of the Holy Ghost. 1. Wisdom. 5. Knowledge. £. Understanding. 6. Godliness. 3. Counsel. 7. The fear of 4. Fortitude. the Lord. The twetve Fruits of the Holy Ghost, 1. Chanty 2. Joy. 3. Peace 4. Pa- tience. 5. Benignity. 6. Goodness. 7. Longanimity. 8 Mildness. P Faith. 10. Modesty. 11 Continent/. iQ Chastity. The tLo i rccepts of C/?'/< THOU shall love the Lord Lhy God with thv whole heart, with thy whole soul, with all thy strength, and with ail thy mind. 2. And thy neighbour as-ihysel£ Christian Doctrine. 37 The Precepts of the Church. 1. r I T keep certain appointed days holy; JL which obligation chiefly consists in hearingMass,and resting from servile works. 2. To observe the commanded days of fasting and abstinence. 3. To pay tithes to your pastor. 4. To confess your sins to your pastor at least once a year. 5. To receive the blessed sacrament at least once a year, and that about Easter, viz. between Palm and Low Sundays. f). Not to solemnize marriage ar certain times, nor within certain degrees of kindred, nor privately without witnesses. The corporal Works of Mercy. 1. r | ""O feed the hungry. e 2. X To give drink to the thirsty. 3. To clothe the naked. 4. To visit and ransom captives. 5. To harbour the harbourless. 6. To visit the sick. 7. To bury the dead. The spiritual Works of Mercy, 1. npo correct the sinner, 2. X To instruct the ignorant. ■3. To counsel t lie doubtful. 4 To comfort the sorrowful. 5. To bear wrongs patiently. 6. To forgive all injuries. 7. To pray for the living and the dead. r lhe Eight Beatitudes. X. T3 Lessed are the poor in spirit : ?> r their* is the kingdom of heav 38 Christian Doctrine. Q. Blessed are the meek : for they shall possess the land. 3. Blessed are they that mourn: for they ihali be comforted. 4 Blessed are they that hunger and thirst after righteousness: for they shall be filled. 5. Blessed are the merciful: tor they shall lind mercy. 0\ Blessed are the clean of heart: for they shall see God. 7. Blessed are the peace-makers : for they shall be called the sons of God. 8. Blessed are they that suffer persecu- tion fur righteousness sake : for theirs is the kingdom of heaven. Of Sin. SIN is twofold : original and actual : actual is divided into mortal and vanial. The] seven capital Sins, commonly called mor- tal or deadly Sins. Pride, 2 Humility, Covetousness, •£ Liberality, Lust, iH Chastity, Wrath, ^ Meekness, Gluttony, g Temperance, Envy, s Brotherly-love, Siotti. ;j Diligence. The six Sins against the Holy Ghost. 1. Despair of salvation. ^.Presump- tion in God's mercy. 3. Impugning the known truth. 4. Envy at another's spiritual A Profession, 4'C- 39 good. 6. Obstinacy in sin. 6. Final im- penitence. Things necessary for a Penitent Sinner. •Contrition of heart. Entire confession to an approved priest. Satisfaction by- works. Contrition consists in a hearty displea- sure at sins past, for the love of God, and a firm resolution not to sin any more. Four Sins crying to Heat en for Vengeance. 1. Wilful Murder. — 2. Sodomy.— 3. Op- pression of the poor. — 4. Defrauding la- bourers of their wages. Nine Ways of being cccessary to ctnother Persons Sins. 1. By counsel. — 2. By command. — 3. By consent. — 4. By provocation. — 5. By praise or flattery. — 6. By concealment. — 7. By partaking. — 8. By silence. — 9. By de- fence of the ill done. The three eminent good Works. 1. Alms-deeds, or works of mercy. — 2. Prayers. —3. Fasting. The three evangelical Counsels. 1. Voluntary poverty. — 2. Perpetual chastity — 3. Entire obedience. The four last Things to be remembered. 1. Death.— -2. Judgment. — 3. Hell.— 4. Heaven. A Profession of Catholic Faith, extracted out of the Council of Trent, by Pope Pius IV. , believe and profess with a firm JL faith all and every one of the things which are contained in the symbol of faith 40 A Profession of which is used in the Holy Roman Churcl^ viz. I believe in one God the Father Almighty, Maker of heaven and earth, and of all things visible and invisible ; and in one Lord Jesus Christ, the only begotten Son of God, and born of the Father before all ages; God of God ; Light of Light ; true God of true God. Begotten, not made, consubstantial to the Father,, by whom all things were made ; who for us men, and for our salvation, came down from heaven, and was incarnate by the Holy Ghost of the Virgin Mary, a.*d was made man. Was crucified also for us under Pontius Pilate, suffered, and was buried ; and rose again the third day according to the scrip- ture, and ascended into heaven, sits at the right hand of the Father, and from whence he will come again with glory to judge the living and the dead, of whose kingdom there will be no end. And in the holy Ghost, the Lord and life-giver, who pro* ceeds from the Father and the Son ; who together with the Father and Son, is adored and glorified, who spoke by the prophets. And one holy Catholic and Apostolic Church. I confess one baptism for the re- mission of sins. And I expect the resurrec- tion of the body. And the life of the world to come. Amen. I most firmly admit and embrace apos- tolical and ecclesiastical traditions, and all other constitutions and observances of the same Church. Catholic Faith, 41 I also admit the sacred scriptures accord- iug to the sense in which our holy Mother the Church has held and does hold them, to whom it belongs to judge of" the true sense and interpretation of the holy scrip- tures, nor will I ever take and interpret them otherwise than according to the una- nimous consent of the Fathers. I profess also, that there are truly and properly seven sacraments of the new law, instituted by Jesus Christ our Lord, for the salvation of mankind, though all are not necessary for every one, viz. Baptism: Con- firmation: Eucharist: Penance: Extreme Unction: Holy Order: and Matrimony: and that they confer grace ; and that of these, Baptism, Confirmation, and Holy Order, cannot be reiterated without sacri- lege. I also receive and admit the ceremonies which the Catholic Church has received and approved of in the solemn administra- tion of the above said sacraments. I receive and embrace all and every one of the things which have been denned and declared in the Holy Council of Trent, con- cerning original sin and justification. I profess likewise, that in the Mass is offered to God a true, proper, and pro- pi tiaUry sacrifice for the living and the dead : and that in the sacrament of the Eu- charist there is truly, really, and substan- tially present the body and biood, together with the soul and divinity of our Lord Jotus Christ, and that there is made a con- 42 A Profession, SfC. version of the whole substance of the bread info the body, and of the whole substance of the wine into the blood; which'conversi- onthe Catholic Church calls Transubstan- tiaiion. I confess also, that under either kind alone Christ whole and entire, and a true sacrament, is received. I constantly hold that there is a purgato- ry, and that the souls therein detained are helped by the suffrages ot the faithful. Likewise that the saints reigning toge- ther with Christ, are to be honoured and invocated; that they offer prayers to God for us ; and that their relics are to be vene- rated. I most firmly assert that the images of Christ, and of the Mother of God, ever a Virgin, and also of the other saints, are to be had and retained, and that due honour and veneration is to be given to them. I also affirm that the power of Indul- gences was left by Christ to the Church, and that the use of them is most whole- some to Christian people. I acknowledge the holy Catholic and Apostolic Romau Church to be the mother and mistress of all churches ; and I pro- mise and swear true obedience to the Bi- shop of Rome, ttie successor of St. Peter, Prince of the Apostles, and Vicar of Jesus Christ on earth. I also profess and undoubtedly receive all other things delivered, denned and declared by the sacred Canons and General Coun- An Instruction, $e. 43 cils, and particularly by the holy Council of Trent; and likewise I also condemn, re- ject, and anathematize all things contrary thereto, and all heresies whatsoever con- demned, rejected, and anathematized by the Church. This true Catholic Faith, out of which none can be saved, which I now freely pro- fess and truly bold, I N. promise, vow, and swear most constantly to hold and profess the same whole and entire, with God's as- sistance, to the end of my life. Amen. An Instruction for the Morning. 1st TT7HEN thou awakest bless thyself W with the sign of the Cross, and pray that God would so enlighten thee with the light of his holy Spirit, as not to consent to sin. 2cl!y, When thou hast put on thy cloaths, give not way to idle words or vain fancies, but, lift up thy heart to God in silence, and prepare thyself to pray as hereafter follows. 3dly, After prayers, purpose firmly and constantly within thyself not to commit wilfully, that day, any thin^ whereby God or thy neighbour may be offended. Lastb . call to mind thy affairs with composure or spirit, and resolve to spend the day iu come, as if it were the last of thy hte. P?uyers to be said when we azcuke m the Morning OG'd the Father, who saidst in the beginning, Let there be light, Lnd it was made: enlighten my. eyes that I may 44 Prayers when we awake, Sc. never sleep in sin, lest at any time the de- ceits of the enemy, or my own corruption, should prevail against -me. OGod the Son, most beautiful and true light, shining in darkness, and enlightening every one that comes into this world : expel away from me all clouds of ignorance, and give me understanding, that in thee, and through thee, I may see and know the Father ; whom to know, is to live ; and to serve, is to reign for ever. OGod the Holy Ghost, whoiniiamest the wills of ail tho^e in whom thou vouchsafest to dwell with heavenly affec- tion, pour into my mind the gifts of holy dbarity, that, despising all vain and transi- tory things, I may with a continual desire long for the true and everlasting joys of thy heavenly kingdom. OHoly Trinity, one God, defend me this day from the deceits and tempta- tions of the devil, keep me from ali % sin, and preserve me' from sudden and unprovid- ed death, liaise up, O God, my body from sleep and drowsiness, and my soul from sin, that I may praise and glorify thy holy name, 10 whom belongs all benediction, and honour, and wisdom, aiict thanksgiving, now and for ever. Amen. At your Up -rising. IN the name of our Lord Jesus Christ crucified, I arise; bless me, O Lord, govern me, protect me, and confirm me in ail good works this day and for ever; and Prayers at Up-rising. 45 after -this short and miserable pilgrimage bring me to everlasting happiness. Amen. OMost sweet Saviour Jesus Christ, open thou my heart and lips, to praise and glorify thy holy name, which is blessed above all names. Purify my soul from all evil and perverse thoughts, that my lips may continually bless thee, my mind me- ditate on thee, and my life glorify thee. And because, through thy only goodness, I have been created to the praise and glory of thy holy name, grant, I beseech thee, that in the sight of thy divine Majesty I may faithfully serve thee here, and eternally rejoice with thee hereafter,whowith theFa- ther and Holy Ghost, liveth and reigneth, one God, world without end. Amen. When you get out of 'Bed. ODear Jesus, the everlasting repose of thy elect, when will the hour come that my poor soul shall enter into those happy regions of peace and rest prepared for us in thy celestial glory ? Putting on your Clothes. O Sweet Jesus, that the shame of my sinful soul may not be seen, cloath it with the robe of thy justice, and fiover it with the ornaments of ail manner of grace and virtue. Amen. n you have put on your Clothes. 'f\ ^ ost ar ™ aD * e J 6 " 5118 ? tQe true^Sppusc V-/ of my soul, give me the wedding gar- ment of divine love and perpetual, charity. Amen. •46* Prayers at Up-rising, Washing your Hands, say, OMy Lord God, who so lovest us as to wash our souls in thy precious biood : purify, I beseech thee, my heart and my hands from every spot of tilth and sin. Amen. Washing your Mouth. O Divine Wisdom, the eternal Word of thy heavenly Father, I humbly be- seech thee by thy grace to purge my lips from all wicked and unprofitable words, that my mouth may never open but to thy praise and honour, and to the benefit of others. Washing your Eyes, OTrue and indeftcient Light, who en- lightenest every one that cometh into the World, enlighten the eyes of my soul, that, in atl things, I may perfectly see and perform thy blessed will and pleasure. Amen. The Blessing, f^i OD the Father bless me, Jesus Christ \J defend and keep me, the virtue of the Holy Ghost enlighten and direct me, now, and for ever. Amen. An Exercise for the ^turning. IN tfie name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost. Amen. Blessed be the holy and undivided Trini- ty, now and for ever. Amen. £f* For Our Father, Hail Mary, I be- lieve in God, see p. 34. Tracers for Morning. 4? ALmighty God ! who though dwelling in 'the highest heaven, vet vouch- safest to regard the lowest creature upon earth, I humbly adore thy sacred Majesty, and with all the force and powers of my soul exalt and praise thine holy name for • the infinite blessings thou hast so freely bestowed -on me, for electing me in thy love, and creating me to thy own image • for redeeming me by thy Son, and sanctify- ing me with thy Holy Spirit; for preserv- ing me in all the chances and encounters ofthis life, and raising up my thoughts to the hope of a better ; and particularly for thy gracious protection from the dangers of the past ni^ht, and bringing me safely to the beginning of this day. Continue, O Lord, thy mercy to me, and as thou hast awakened my body from sleep, so raise my soul from sin, that I may walk soberly and chastely as in the day, in ail holy obedi- ence before thy face. Deliver me, O merciful God, from the evils of this day, and guide my teet in the ways of peace. Strengthen my resolutions to embrace with gladness the opportunities of doing good, and carefully to avoid all oc- casions of sin, especially those which I have found by experience to be most dangerous to my soul; and when through frailty I forget thee, do thou in thy mercy remember me; that asl often fall by the €\-]l inclina- tion of my nature, I may instantly rise again by the assistance of thy grace. .Make me diligent in the duties of my calling and 48 Prayers for Morning. state of life, and not too solicitous for the success of my affairs; but in all the mis- carriages and crosses of this world, abso- lutely submit to thy divine pleasure, and wholly rely on thy merciful providence. Let thy blessing be upon my actions, and thy grace direct my intentions ; that the whole course of my life, and the principal design of my heart, may always tend to the advancement of thy glory, the good of Others, and the eternal salvation of my own soul, through Jesus Christ our Lord and only Saviour, who with thee a'nd the Holy Ghost, liveth and reigneth, one God, world without end. Amen. Give me grace, O Lord, to do what thou comrqandest, and command what thou pleasest.- Give me grace to suffer what thou per- mittest, and permit what thou pleasest. The blessing of God Almighty, Father, Son, and Holy Ghost, descend upon me, and dwell in my heart for ever. Amen. A devout Recommendation, zchich may be used every Morning , or any other Thie. T Adore and glorify thee, O blessed Trinity, A God Almighty/ Father, Son, and Holy Ghost. I offer myself to thy divine Majesty, humbly beseeching thee to take from me, and from all thy faithful, whatever dis- pleases thee, and to give us that which is grateful in thy sight : grant that we may here do what thou commandest, and here- after receive what thou promisest. Prayers for the Morning-. 4S* To thee, O Lord, I commend my soul and body, (my wife and children, my father andmother,my brothers arid sisters) my kins- folks and benefactors, my friends and fami- liars, all my nearest and dearest relations, and all those for whom I am any ways bound to offer up my prayers. To thee I commend the holy Catholic Church. To thee I commend this kingdom and our gracious Sovereign. Grant, O Lord, that ail may know thee, all may' honour and reverence thee, all may love thee, and be ioved by thee. Reduce those that err, and bring them again into the way of truth ; abolish here- sies, and convert all to the true faith, wha as yet do not know thee. Grant us, O Lord, thy grace, and preserve us in thy peace ; may thy holy will be done, and not ours. Comfort all those that lead their lives in sorrow, misery, or temptation, and merci- fully relieve every one in their afihetions, whether spiritual or corporal. Lastly, loom- mend all universally to thy holy protection, beseeching thee, that thou wouldst vouch- safe to grant the living forgiveness of their sins, and to the souls departed everlasting test. Amen, Another. TNTO the hands of thy unspeakabk •* mercy, O Lord, I commend my soul and body, my senses, my words, my thoughts, and all my actions, with all the necessities of my body and soul ; my going forth and coming in; my faith and con- versation ; the course and end of my life : C 50 Prayers for the Morning. the day and hour of my death; my rest and resurrection with the saints and the eject Amen. A Vraytr for Perseverance in Goodness. CMtANT, O my Lord Jesus Christ, that W 1 may persevere in good purposes, and in thy holy service, to my death ; and that I may this day perfectly begin, lor all I have hitherto done is nothing. , Amen. A Prayer to your AngiL Guardian. O Angel of God, to whose care J am committed by. the supreme clemency, illuminate: defend, and govern me this day in all my thoughts, words, and actions. Amen. Bless us, O Lord, and preserve us from all evil, and bring us to eternal life : and may the souls of the faithful departed, through the mercy of God, rest in peace: Amen. The Blessing. THE peace of our Lord Jesus Christ; — the virtue of his sacred passion; — the sie^i of the holy ^ cross ; — the purity and humility of the blessed Virgin Mary ; — the protection of the angels ; and the inter- cession of all the saints and elect of God, be with me, and defend me now, and at the hour of my death, sweet Jesus. Amen. When ttt Morning, Noon, or Evening, the Siii/i of the Salutation is given, say, r TPil£ angel of the Lord declared to Mary, X aud she conceived by the Holy Ghost. liu.l Mary, fcc. Behold the handmaid of t^ie Lord : be it done unto me according to ihy word. Hail Mafy,&c. And *he Word , Prayers for the Morning. 51 was made flesh, and dwelt amongst us. Hail Mary, &c. The Prayer. POUR forth, we beseech thee, O Lord, tny grace into our hearts, that we, to whom the incarnation of Christ thy Son was made known by the message ot an angel, may, by his passion and cross, be brought to the glory of his resurrection, through the same Christ our Lord. Amen. May the souls of the faitntul departed, thro' the mercy of God, rest in peace. Amen. At going jvrth out oj your House, say, SHEW me, O Lord, thj ways, and teach me thy paths. Direct my steps ac- cording to thy word, that no injustice may ruj^e over me. Make per tea my walking in thy paths., that my steps niay not be moved* Grace bejore Meat. BLESS us, O Lord, and these thy gifts, which of thy bounty we are about to receive, through Christ our Lord. R. Amen. Crace alter Muit. T 71/ E give thee thanks, Almighty God, VV for all thy benefits, wholivest and reiguest, world without eud. R. Amen. Vuuchsate, O Lord, for thy name's sake, to render to all our benefactors lire everlast- ing. R. Amen. V. May the bonis of the faitntul departed* through the mercy of God, rest in peace. R. Amen. A Pra$ erfor Scholars before Study. O incomprehensible Creator, the true fountain of Jigut, and only authoT of CQ V3 Prayers for Right. a,ll knowledge ; who out of the treasure of thy wisdom hast with wonderful harmony disposed and ordered all the parts of the universe: vouchsafe, I beseech thee, to en- lighten my understanding with the rays of thy wisdom, and to expel from it all dark- ness of sin and ignorance. Thou who makesi eloquent the tougues of those that want utterance, instruct my tongue, and pour on my lips the grace of thy blessing Give me a diligent and obedient spirit, quickness of apprehending, capacity of re- taining, and the continual assistance of thy holy grace, that I may apply all my studies to thy honour and the everlasting salvation of my own soul, through Christ our Lord. Amen. The Blessing, THE blessing of God the Father, the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ, and the comfort of the Holy Ghost, be with us* and dwell in our hearts for ever. Amen K I Prayers at Night before going to Bed. ■F N the name of the Father, &c. Amen. 'Blessed be the holy and undivided Tri- nity, now, and for ever. Amen* r ¥&- For Ohr Father, Hail Mary, end I telieve in God, see p. 34. Q Eternal, infinite, and Almighty God* whose glory the heaven of heavens cannot contain, look down on thry un T worthy servant, prostrate at \he llvi of th> ynercy, and . tiubh zpftfeVsing t< thee, in Prayerstfbr Nigh t. 55 thfe %ight of all thy holy angels and blessed saints, the sinfulness and vanity of my life, but especially the transgressions of this day, by which I have so grievously wounded my own soul. I confess to Almighty God ? to blessed Mary, ever a Virgin, to blessed Michael the archangel, to blessed John Baptist, to the holy apostles Peter and Paul, and to all the saints, that I have grievously sinned iii thought, word, and deed, through my fault, through my fault, through my exceeding great fault. Here examine diligently what sins you may have fallen bx&o this day, by thought, word, deed, or omission, and humbly confessing them, prdeced thus : Of these, and ail my other sins, I most ear- nestly repent, and am heartily sorry for eve- ry thought, word, and deed, by which I have displeased the eyes of thy glory, and provok- ed thy wrath and indignation against me ; •especially for my disobedience to so holy a law, and extreme ingratitude to so gracious and bountiful a God. I acknowledge, Q Lord, that I have not merited the liu thy mercies, bu t rather deserve the grt of thy judgments : but as thou hast rc\ < I I self to be a God of pity and com pa- -n ., to [ ving the iniquities of such a^ . - pent, arid absolving all those Uw il ^mntheraselves, wherefore .* ' « :.ent and contrite heart, 1 frei \\ ... guiltiness of my own conscience, ~ C3 54 Prayers for Night. humbly offer these prayers, &q. to thee for my penance. Say some Prayers, or pious Acts for your Penance, then proceed thus : But since my unworthiness and nany im- perfections most justly discourage me from presuming on my. own performances, and the riches of thy mercy has provided for us a multitude of acceptable intercessors ; there- fore I beseech blessed Mary, ever a Virgin, blessed Michael the archangel, the blessed John Baptist, the holy apostles Peter and Paul, and all the saints, to pray to the Lord our God for me. May Almighty God have mercy on me, and forgiving me my sins, bring me to ever- lasting life. A)nen. »J* May the almighty and merciful Lord grant me pardon, absolution, and remission of all my s.ns. Amen. And now, O most gracious and liberal be- nefactor, I pr ise and magnify thy holy name U,r thy gredt and ia.aimeraHe bene- fits proceed, g purely from rhy bounty, and ftHeuded wholly for aiy l, *od ; particularly tor reserving me this day in the midst of so ; v dangers incident to my condition, <*nd .delivering me from so in aiy caiamiti s and miseries as are due to my sins. Thou art my Create r, O my God, and kind F^qtector; thou art tne ultimate end of my being, and supreme perfection or my* Under the shadow of tbywiqgs ^ r pc tuiil repose, and from the, light of wy Prayers for Night. 5S . countenance flows eternal joy and felicity. To thee be glory and honour, to thee adora* tion and obedience, from all thy creatures for ever. Amen. And since thou hast ordained the day to labour, and the night to take our resj;, as I praise thee for the blessings of this day past, so I implore thy protection this night to come. Let the eyes of thy providence watch over me, and thy holy angels pitch their tents about me : that toeing safely delivered from all dangers, and comfortably refreshed with moderate sleep, I may the better be enabled to perform the employments of my calling and state of life, and faithfully persevere in the discharge of the duties of thy service ; and so daily advance to new- victories over my passions, and to a more perfect observance of thy commandments : till having passed my days in thy fear, I may end them in thy favour, and rejoice with thee lor ever in thy heavenly kingdom, ;•' through Jesus Christ our Lord and only Saviour: who with tiiee and the Holy Ghost . liveth and reigneth, one God, world withoux end. Amen. Here say the prayer, I adore and glorify, &c. as in p. 43. . ' An Act of Contrition. f\ Dreadful Lord, and most ;n l : ■ v. ^ Father of mercies! Iawre^c! -1 ■> have sinned against heaven, and b >\ e - and am no more worthy to be sei /ant, much less to be aecou, < ahild, having repaid so much bounty \ -> C4 55 Prayers for Night. contempt, and so many benefits with in- ■gratitude. Where shall" I find punishment -enough to be revenged on my sins, or tear* enough to wash out my iniquities ? Alas ! I grieve not at those pains which I have de- served for my rebellion, it only pierces my •very heart thai L have offended a God who -ought to be beloved and honoured above all tilings. What shall I say, dear Lord, in de- testation of the crimes 1 have committed ? What shall I do to prevent my future relap- ses ? Father, from henceforth the face of sin shall be more hideous to me than hell, and the least temptation to it more frightful than -death. Forgive, 1) Almighty Love, forgive, aiul have not the sins of my past life in remembrance. Why should the mighty Lord oi heaven and earth be incensed against so poor, so contemptible an object ? fiehold me, O God, not hi thy auger, but accord ng to the tender bowels of thy in fi- ddle mercy : for thou art our Father, and we are thy children ; thou art our Maker, and we are as clay in thy bands; thou canst with those waters, drawn from the fountain of our blessed Saviour, clearly our poih>- Uons; and with the mixture of' one drop of his most precious blood mould us* again mro vessels ot honour. Of thee only,C"merciful Father, 1 beg aiid "hope for pardon : upon thee only do I call, and depend for assist- ance ; that J may hereafter constantly serve thee with a true and faithful dbedienco, . inseparably adiiere to thee with a pUre . i < ferfect love for ever. Prayers for Night. 57 A Prayer for the Dtad. OGod, the Creator and Redeemer of all the faithful, give to the souls of thy servants departed, full remission of all their offences, that through the help of pious supplications, they may obtain the pardon of wnich they have heen always desirous : who livest and reignest, world without end. Amen. V. Give them, O Lord, eternal rest. R. And let perpetual light shine unto them-. V. May they, rest in peace. R, Amen. The Hymn. Te lucia ante termiuum. BEFORE the closing of the day, • Creator, we thee humbly pray, That for thy wonted mercy's sake, Thou us into protection take. May nothing in our minds excite Vain dreams and phantoms of the night : Keep off our enemy, that so Our bodies no uncleanuess know. To Jesus, from a Virgin sprung^ Be glory given, and praises sung; The like to God the Father be, Aud-Hoty Ghost eternally. Amen. Antiphon. SAVE us, O Lord, waking, arA ircep u r sleeping, that we may w... fritfe Christ, and rest in peace. Preserve us as the apple ot'tufu i 10 pro ect us under the shadow of : .-in :Jisafe, O Lord, to keep us ..,;., . jut sio. v> 5 68 Prayers for Night. Have mercy on us, O Lord, have mercy on us. May thy mercy be upon us, O Lord, as we have put our trust in thee. O Lord, hear my prayer, and let my sup- plication come unto ti^ee. lite Prayer* VISIT, we beseech thee, O Lord, this habitation, and repel from it all snares of the enemy. Let thy ho]^ r angels dwell therein to preserve us in peace/and may thy blessing be upon us tor ever, through Christ our Lord. Amen. To the B. Virgin Mary. O Glorious Virgin Mary, I commit my soul and body to thy blessed trust this night and for ever, but more especially at the hour of my death. I recommend to thy merciful charity all my hopes, my consola- tion, my distress and misery, my life, and the end thereof: that thro' thy most holy intercession, all my works may be directed according to the will of thy blessed Son. J wen. A Prayer to your Guardian Angel. OAnuel.of God, to whose holy care I am committed by the supreme cle- mency, illuminate, defend, and protect me tli*! i ight from all sin and clanger. Amen. •%* The Blessing. G( )D the Father bless me : Jesus .Christ defend and keep me: the virtue of the Holy Ghost enlighten and sanctify me ti i tight and for ever. Amen. Into thy hands, O Lord, I commend my spirit. Lord Jesus receive my soul Prayers. for yight. 59 When you go to Bed, say, IN the name of our Lord Jesus Christ cru- cifiedy I lay me down rarest ! bless me, O Lord, defend and gover i me, and, after this short and miserable pilgrimage, bring me to everlasting happiness. Amen, A Prayer at settling to Sleep. OLord Jesus Christ, whose unwearied eye neither slumbers nor sleeps, but continually \yetcbes in defence of thy ser- vants* take me and mine, I beseech thee, into thy protection, and grant, that whilst my body is asleep, my soul may he awake to thee, and that I may hereafter behold thee in that blessed and heavenly country, where thou, with the Father and the Hofy Ghost, art eternally governor, and all the angels, with the blessed saints, are citizens tor ever. t Amen. N. B. When thou art in bed, and afki sleep, employ thy thoughts in some spiritual exercise, or in saying the beads, or so/nr other prayers ; or in meditating on some passu our Saviour's life and passion ; partka how he spent that night wherein he in the garden. Or else thou mayest trim those uneasy beds which the souts huve in or purgatory. If thou chance to awaken in ti the night, forthwith imagine with thyu[ thou art present among the choirs of • and angels, and icith sudden acclamati out with them in the words of the hymn, v . i '• incessantly sing, saying, ■ * ftyly, holy, holy, Lord Go& : o< c b*oi . "GO 60 The seven Penitential Psalms. heaven and earth are full of the majesty of thy glory. Or, Glory >be to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Ghost. As it was in the beginning, is now, and ever shall be, world without end. Amen. Live, Jesus, live, and let it be, AJy life to die for love of thee. , The seven Penitential Psalms. Anih. Remember not, O Lord, our of- fences ; cor those of our parents; neither Jake thou vengeance of our sins. Psalm vi. OLord, rebuke me not in thy indi^na- iion, nor chastise me in-thy wrath. Have mercy on me, O Lord, tor I am weak : heal me, O Lord, for my bones are troubled. And my soul is troubled exceedingly; but thou, O LoH, how long ? Turn to me, (J Lord', and deliver my sou,U save me tor thy mercy's sake,. For there is no one m death that is mind- ful of thee : and who shall confess to tnee in hell? I have laboured in my gmanings, every night will I wash my bed: J will water my couch .with my tears. My eye is troubled through indignation: 1 have grown old amongst all my enemies. Depart from me all ye worker* of imqui- * _• : for the Lord hath heard the voice of my weeping. The Lord hath heard my supplication the Lord hath received my prayer. The seven Penitential Psalms, 61 Let all my enemies be ashamed, and be very much troubled : let them be turned back and be ashamed very speedily. Glory be to the Father, &c. Psalm xxxi. BLESSED are they whose iniquities are forgiven, and whose sins are covered. Blessed is the man to whom, the Lord hath not imputed sin, and in whose spirit there is no guile. Because I wassilent, my bones grew old ; whilst I cried out all the day long For day and night thy hand was heavy upon me: I am turned in my anguish, whilst the thorn is fastened. I have acknowledged my sins to thee, and my injustice I have not concealed I said I will confess against myself my injustice to the Lord; and that thou hast forgiven the wickedness of my sins. For this shall every oae that is holy pray to tl e, in a ^easoiuhle time. Ai.«l yet in a flood of ,n my waters', they shall v)icome nigh unto him, 1 liou art ige from the t rouble - winch hath enecio a* ut I, as a deaf man, heard not: and was as a dumb man not opening his mouth..- And I became as a man that heareth not: and that hath no reproofs in his mouth. For in thee, () Lord, have I hoped : thou wilt hear me, Lord my God, Fori said, lest at any time my enemies rejoice over rue, and whilst my feet are moved, they speak great things against me. For I am ready for scourges, and my sor- row is continually before me. For I will declare my iniquity : and I will think for my sin. But my enemies live, and are stronger than I : and they that hate me wrongfully are multiplied. They that render evil for good, have de- tracted me, because I followed goodness. Forsake me not, O Lord my God : do not thou depart from me. Attend unto my help, O Lord, the God of my salvation. Glory be to the Father, &c. JPsalm 1. HAVE mercy on me, O God, according to thy great mercy. And according to the multitude of thy tender mercies blot out my iniquity. Wash me yet more from my iniqfcity; and cleanse me from my sin. For I know my iniquity, and my sifl h always before me. 64 The seven Penitential Psalms. To thee only have 1 sinned, and have done evil before thee : that thou mayest be justified in thy words, and mayesL over- come when thou art judged. For behold I was conceived in iniquities : and in sins did my mother conceive me. For behold thou hasi loved truth : the uncertain and hidden things of thy wisdom thou hast made manifest to me. Thou shalt sprinkle me with hyssop, and I shall be cleansed : thou shalt wash me, and I shall be made whiter than snow. To my hearing thou shalt give joy and gladness : and the bones that have been humbled shall rejoice. Turn away thy face from my sins, and blot out all my iniquities. Create a clean heart in me, O God : and renew a right spirit within my bowels. Cast me not away from thy face : and take not thy holy Spirit from me. Kestore unto me the joy of thy salvation, and strengtnen me with a perfect spirit I will teach the unjust thy ways : and the wicked shall be converted to thee. Deliver me from blood, O God, thou God of my salvation : and my tongue shall extol thy justice. OLord, thou wilt open my lips: and my mouth shall declare thy praise. For it thou hadst desired sacrifice, I would indeed have given it : with burnt-offerings thou wilt notice delighted. A sacrifice to God is an afflicted spirit; a_ contrite and humbled heart, O God, tboo wilt not despise. The seven Penitential Psalms. 65 Deal favourably, O Lord, in thy good-will with Sion : that the walls of Jerusalem may be built up. Then shalt thou accept the sacrifice of justice, oblation-3 and whole burnt-oftenngs ; then shall they lay calves upon thy altars* Glory be to the Father, &c. Psalm ci. T TEAR, O Lord, my prayer, and let X JL niy cry come to thee. Turn not away thy face from me; in 'the day when I am in trouble, incline thy ear to me. In what day soever I shall call upon thee, hear me speedily. For my days arc vanished like smoke : and my bones are grown dry like fuel for the fire. I am smitten as grass, and my heart is withered : because I forgot to eat my bread. Through the voice of my groaning, my bone hath cleaved to my flesh. I am become like to a pelican of the wil- derness : I am like a night raven in the house. I have watched, and am become as a sparrow, all alone on the house top. -All the day long my enemies reproached me; and they that praised me did swear against me. For I did eat ashes like bread, and ming- led my drink with weeping. Because of thy anger and indignation : for having lifted me up, thou hast threwa irre down. 66 The seven Penitential Psalms. My clays have declined like a shadow, and I am withered like grass. But thou, O Lord, endurest for ever : and thy memorial to all generations. Thou shalt arise and have mercy on Sion, for it is time to havo mercy on it, for the time is come. For the stones thereof have pleased thy servants : and they shall have pity on the earth thereof. And the Gentiles shall fear thy name, O Lord : and all the kins;s of the earth thy glory. For the Lord hath built up Sion : and he shall be seen in his glory. He hath had regard to the prayer of the humble : and he hath not despised their petition. Let these things be written unto another generation : and the people that shall be created shall praise the Lord. Because he hath looked forth from his high sanctuary; from heaven the Lord hath* looked upon the earth. That he might hear the groans of them that are in fetters : that he might release the children of the slain. That they may declare the name of the Lord in Sion; and his praise in Jerusalem. When the people assembled together, and "kings to serve the Lord. He answered him in the way of his strength : declare unto me the fewness of my days. Call me not away in the midst of my The seren Penitential Psalms, 6T days : thy years are unto generation and generation. In the beginning, O Lord, thou foundedst the earth: "and the heavens are the work of thy hands. They shall perish, but thou remainest : and all of them shall grow old, like a gar- ment : And as a vesture thou shalt change them, and they shall be changed : but thou art always the self-same, and thy years shall not fail The children of thy servants shall con- tinue ; and their seed shall be directed for even Glory be to the Father, &c. Psalm exxix. OUT of the depths I have cried to thee, O Lord : Lord hear my voice. Let thy ears be attentive to the voice of my supplication. If thou, Lord, wilt mark iniquities, who shuh stand to it. For with thee there is merciful forgive- ness : and by reason of thy law, I have waned lot thee, O Lord My suui hath relied on his word : my soul hath hoped in the Lord. From the morning watch even until night, let [srael hope in the Lo. Because with the Lord there is mercy, and with him plentiful redemption. And he shall redeem Israel from all his iniquities. Glory be. to the Father, &c, (S3 Thz seven Penitential Psalm. Psalm cxlii. HEAR, O Lord, my prayer : give Tar to my supplication in thy truth : hear me in thy justice. And enter not into judgment with thy servant : for in thy sight no man living shall be justified. For the enemy hath persecuted my soul : he hath brought down my lite to the earth. He hath made me to dwell in darkness, as those that have been dead of old : aud my spirit is in anguish within me : my heart within me is troubled. I remembered the days of old, I medi- tated en all thy works : I mused upon the works of thy hands. I stretched forth my hands to thee : my soul is as earth without water unto thee. Hear me speedily, O Lord f my spirit hath fainted away. Turn not away thy face from me, lest I be like unto them that go down into the pit. Cause me to hear thy mercy in the morn- ing, for in thee have I hoped. Make thy way known to me wherein I should walk : for 1 have lifted up my soul to thee. Deliver me from my enemies, O Lord, lo thee have I fled : teach me to do thy will, for thou art my God. i Thy good spirit shall lead me into the right land : for thy name's sake, O Lord, thou wilt quicken me, in thy justice. \ Thou wilt bring my soul out of trouble t The Litany. 63 a*d in thy mercy thou wilt destroy my ene- mies. And thou wilt cut off all them that afflict my soul : for I am thy servant. ' Glory be to the Father, &c. Anth. Remember not, O Lord, our of- fences: nor those of our parents: neither take thou vengeance of our sins. The Litany and Prayers recommended to be- said in Catholic Families every Evening. LORD, have mercy upon us. Christ, have mercy upon us. Lord, have mercy upon us. Christ, hear us. Christ, graciously hear us. God the Father of heaven, Have mercy upon- us. God the Son, Redeemer of the world, Have mercy upon us. God the Holy Ghost, Have mercy upon us. Holy Trinity one God, Have mercy upon us. Holy Mary, Pray for us. Holy Mother of God, St. Peter, Holy Virgin of Vir- St. Paul, gins, St. Andrew, St. Michael, St. James, St. Gabriel, St. John, St. Raphael, St. Thomas, hj All ye holy Angels St. James, J and Archangels, St. Philip, Cj- All ye holy Orders of St. Bartholomew, l3 blessed Spirits, St. Matthew, § St. John Baptist, St. Simon, St. Joseph, St. Thaddec, * All ye holy Patri- St. Matthias, archs and Pro- St. Barnaby, phets, St. Luke, 7G The Litany. St. Mark, St. Martin, All ye holy Apostles St. Nicholas, and Evangelists, All ye holy Bi- All ye holy disciples, shops and Con- ot our Lord, fessors, All ye holy Innocents, All ye holy Doc- St. Stephen, tors, St. Lawrence, St. Anthony, St. Vincent, St. Bennet, ^ SS. Fabian and Se- St. Bernard, bastian, St. Dominic, {5 SS. John and Paul, St. Francis, $^ SS. Cosmas and Da- All ye holy Priests** mian, and Levites, • SS.Gervaseand Pro- All ye holy Monks tase, and Hermits, All ye holy Mar- St. Mary Magdalen, tyrs, St. Agathy, St. Silvester, St Lucy, St. Gregory, St. Agnes, St. Ambrose, St. Cecily, St. Augustin, St. Catharine, St. Jerom, St. Anastasia, All ye holy Virgins and Widows, Fray for us. All je Men and Women, saints of God,~ Make intercession for us. Be merciful unto us, Spare us, O Lard, Be merciful unto jus, Graciously hear us, Lord. From all evil, O From all sin, „ H From thy wrath, § From sudden and unprovided death, ^ From the deceits of the devil, The Litany. ■ 71 From anger, hatred, and all ill-will. From the spirit of fornication, From lightning and tempest, From everlasting death, O Throlhe mystery of thy holy incarnation, H Thro* thy coming, ^ Thro' thy nativity, * Thro* thy baptism and holy fasting, s Thro* thy cross and passion, §* Thro* thy death and burial, Thro* thy holy resurrection, 5 Thro' thy admirable ascension, Thro' the coming of the Holy Ghost the Comforter, In the day of judgment, We sinners beseech thee, hear us. That thou spare us, We beseech thee, 4'C That thou pardon us, We beseech thee, 4-c. That thou vouchsafe to bring us to true penance, That thou vouchsafe to govern and pre- serve thy holy Church, That thou vouchsafe to preserve our^ Apostolic Prelate, and all ecclesiastical .«? orders in holy religion. ^That thou vouchsafe to humble the ene- § mies of thy holy Church, S* That thou vouchsafe to give peace and g. true concord to Christian Kings andj* Princes, s* That thou vouchsafe to grant peace and § unity to all Christian people, g That thou vouchsafe to comfort and keep- us in thy holy service, ?S The Litany. That thpu lift up our minds to heavenly desires, — , That thou render eternal good things to^ our benefactors, 5* That thou deliver our souls and those 5 ' of our brethren, kinsfolks, and bene- 3* factors, from eternal damnation, 2: That thou vouchsafe to give and preserve 3 the fruits of the earth, ^ That thou vouchsafe to give eternal rest a to all the faithful departed, ^ That thou vouchsafe graciously to hear ? us, Son of God, We beseech thee, hear us. Lamb of God, that takest away the sins of the world, Spare v.$, O Lord. Lamb of God, that takest away the sins of the world, Hear us, O Lord. Lamb of God, that takest away the sins of t-hc world, Have mercy upon us. Christ, hear us. Christ, graciously hear us. Lord, h,ave mercy upon us. Christ have mercy upon us, Lord, have mer- cy upon us. Our Father, &c. V. And lead us not into temptation. - R. But deliver us from evil. Ami*. Psalm Ixix. OGod, come to my assistance: OLord, make haste to help me. Let them he confounded and ashamed that seek my soul. Let them be turned backward, and blush r s name, that desire evHs to me. • Let tfcem presently be turned away blush- Tht Litany. TS ing for shame that say to me : *Tis well, 'tis well. Let all that seek thee rejoice and be glad in thee ; and let such as love thy salvation say always : The Lord be magnified. But I am needy and poor : O God, help me. Thtm art my helper and deliverer: O Lord, make no delay. Glory be.to the Father, &c. V. Save thy servants. R. Trusting in thee, O my God V. Be unto us, O Lord, a tower of strength. R. From the face of the enemy. V. Let not the ene- mv prevail against us. R. Nor the son of iniquity have power to hurt us. V. O Lorq* 4 deal not with us according to our sins. R. Nor reward us according to our iniqui- ties. V. Let us pray for our chief Bishop N. R, May the Lord preserve him, and give him life, and make him blessed on earth : and deliver him not to the will of his enemies. V, Let us pray for our benefactors. R. O Lord, for thy name's sake, vouch- safe to render eternal life to all those by whom we have received good. V. Let us pray for the faithful departed. R. Eternal rest give to them, O Lord ; and let perpetual light shine upon them. V. May they rest in peace. R. Amen. V. For our absent brethren R. O my God. I thy servants trusting in thee. I) T4 The Lilajiy. * • V. Send them help, O Lord, from thy holy place. K. And from Sion protect them. ' V. O Lord, hear my prayer. K. And let my supplication come to thee. Let us pray. OGOD, whose property it is always to have mercy, and to spare, receive our petitions, that we and all thy servants, who are hound by the chain of sin, may, by the ccm passion of thy goodness, mercifully be absolved. HEAR, we beseech thee, O Lord, the prayer of thy suppliants, and pardon the sins of them that confess, to thee, that, of thy bounty, thou may est grant us par- don and peace. OUT of thy clemency, O Lord, shew thy unspeakable mercy to us, that so thou mayest both acquit us of our sins, and deliver us from the punishment we deserve for them. OGOD, who by sin art offended, and by penance pacified, mercifully regard tfce prayers of thy people, who make sup- lion to thee, and turn away the [res of thy anger, which we deserve for ins. f^\ ALMIGHTY and eternal God-, have .A^ mercy on thy servant N. our chief Jfoshop, and direct him, according to thy clemency, in the way of everlasting salva- tiutu ; that by thy grace he may desire such things as are agreeable to thy will, and per> with all his strength. The Litany. f5 O GOD, from whom are all holy desires^ righteous counsels, and just works ;, give to thy servants that peace which the world cannot give ; that our hearts being disposed to keep thy commandments, and the fear of enemies taken away, the time's, through thy protection, may be peaceable. INFLAME, O Lord, our reins and hearts with the fare of thy holy spirit; that we may serve thee with a chaste body, and please thee with a clean heart. OGOD, the Creator and Redeemer of all the faithful, give to the souls of thy servants departed, the remission of all their sins; that through the help of pious supplications they may obtain that pardon which they have always desired. PKEVENT, we beseech thee, Q Lord, our actions, by thy holy inspiration s, and carry ihem on by thy gracious assist- ance, that every praryer and work of ours may aiways begin from thee, and -by thee be happily ended. O Almighty and eternal God, who hast dominion over the living and the dead, and art merciful to all those whom thou forekno^est shall be thine by faith and good works ; we humbly beseech thee, thai they for whom we have purposed to otter our prayers, whether this present world stili retain them in tiie rlesh, or the next hatli already received them divested of their bodies, may, by the intercession of thy samts, and the clemency of thy goodness, obtain pardon and full remission oi all their, sins : thro'. 11. Amen. D 2 76* Devout Prayers V. O Lord, hear my prayer. R. And let my supplication come unto thee. V. May the almigftty and most merciful Lord, graciously hear us. R. Amen. V. May the souls of the faithful departed, through the mercy of God, rest in peace. R. Amen. ■ ■ ■ i ■ i ■ ■ ■■■.■■ ■ ■ *. m mmm Devout Prayers which may be said after the Litanies, according to the diversity of Times and Occasions. A Prayer for God's holy Church. O Almighty and everlasting God, who hast revealed thy glory to all nations in Christ ; preserve the works of thy mercy, that thy Church spread throughout the world may persevere with steadfast faith in the confession of thy name : thro', &c. For the Chief Bishop. OGod, the Pastor and Governor of all the faithful, mercifully regard thy ser- vant N. whom thou hast placed as chief Pastor over thy Church ; grant, we beseech thee, that both by word and example he may edify all those who are under his charge, that, together with the flock com* mitted to his care, he may arrive at life everlasting : thro' our Lord, &c. For all Degrees of the Church. ALmighty and everlasting God, by whose spirit the whole body of the Church is sanctified and governed : hear, we beseech thee, our humble supplications for all de- grees thereof; that by the assistance of thy. grace they may faithfully serve thee: tbroV&c. on different Occasions. 7 7 A Prayer in any Necessity, OGod, our refuge and strength, the fountain of all goodness, mercifully hear the fervent prayers of thy Church, and grant that what we ask with faith, we may effectually obtain : thro*, &c. Against the Persecutors of the Church. O ECEIVE, we beseech thee, O Lord, the XV prayers of thy Church, and mercifully appease thy wrath against us ; that all ad- versities and errors being removed, we may serve thee in secure liberty : thro', &c. For help against Infidels. MOST merciful God ! who remember- est not the iniquities of those that are converted to thee, but mercifully regard- est their tears : behold with pity thy holy temples profaned by the hands of infidels, and the affliction of thy beloved nock: re- member thy inheritance which thou hast purchased with the effusion of the most precious blood of thy only begotten Son. Visit the vineyard which thou hast planted, and defend ifcYrom the wild boar, who has broken into it, and endeavours to destroy it: strengthen such as labour in it by thy power; and giving them the victory over their enemies here, make them possessors of thy kingdom hereafter : thro' the same Lord, &c. A Prayer for the King. O Almighty Lord, by whom kings reign and from whom they derive their power: we humbly beseech thee to pre- serve thy servant N. the King and supreme D3 78 Devout Prayers governor, confirming him in the right un- derstanding of his weighty office, as also in courage and prudence for the due execu- tion thereof: that the sword of justice in his hand may secure us in peace and plenty, to our free progress in true virtue, and the increase of his own eternal reward : thro* our Lord, &c. A Prayer for the Afflicted. C\ Almighty and everlasting God, the ^^ Comforter of the sorrowful, and the support of those who are afflicted : give ear to the prayers of such as call on thee in their tribulation ; that finding thy mercy present with them in their necessities, their mourning may he turned into joy : thro', &c. For Heretics and Schismatics. r\ Almighty and everlasting God, who ^ savest all, and wouldst not that any should perish : favourably look down upon those souls which are seduced by the deceit of Satan; that all heretical impiety beiug removed, ihe hearts of such as err may re- pent, and return to the unity of thy truth : thro', &c. For the unfaithful Jeus. (\ Almighty and everlasting God, who repeilest not from thy mercy even the perfidious Jews : hear the prayer, which we offer for the blindness of that people ; that the light of thy truth, Christ our Lord, being known to them, they may be deliver- ed from their darkness : thro*, &c. For Pagans. r\ Almighty and everlasting God, whode- ^ sirest net the death, but the lhe of siu> on different Occasions. 70 fier^: mercifully accept our prayers, and delivering pagans from the worship of idols, unite them to thy Church, to the praise and honour of thy glorious name : thro', &c. In Time of War. f~\ God, who puttest an end to wars, and, by the power of thy protection, van- quishest the opposers of such as trust in thee : help thy servants, who earnestly crave thy mercy, that the evil designs of our enemies being defeated, we may praise thee with incessant gratittrle : thro', &c. Against Pagan* and Turks. f\ Almighty and everlasting God, in whose ^ hands are the powers of all persons, and the rights of kingdoms, favourably grant thy aid to Christians, that the Pagan and ]\Iahometau people, who.trust in their own cruelty, may be crushed by the power of thy right-hand: thro', &c. A Trailer for Peace. O God, from whom are all, &c. as p. 75. In Time of Famine and Pestilence. /TJRANT us, we beseech thee, () Lord, ^* the effect of our prayer, and merci- fully turn away from thy servants all pesti- lence and famine : that the hearts of men may know that such scourges proceed from thy indignation, and cease by thy mercy : thro', &c. Against, or in Time of an Earthquake. r\ Almighty and eternal God, who look- v ^ est on the earth, and makest it tremble, spare those that fear thee; be merciful to those who supplicate thee; that we f wha D 4 •0 Devout Prayers have dreaded thy wrath in shaking the foundations of the earth, may continually experience thy clemency, by healing its breaches: thro', &c. A Prayer for Rain. f\ God, in whom we live, and move, ^ and have our being : grant us, we beseech thee, competent rain; that partak- ing of thy temporal blessings, we may the more confidently desire those which are eternal : thro*^ &c. For Fair Weather. TJEAR our supplications, O Lord, and A -* vouchsafe to thy servants the blessing of fair weather; that we who are justly af- flicted for our sins, may find relief in thy clemency : thro', &c. In any Tribulation. S~\ Almighty God, despise not thy people ^ who call upon thee in their afflictions; but for the glory of thy name forgive them their sins, and deliver them from all sor- row : thro', &c. For Remission of Sins. £\ God, who rejectest none, but art pacified " by penance even towards tne greatest offenders: mercifully regard the prayers of thy servants, that thro' thy mercy we may obtain the pardon of our sins, and be enabled to fulfil thy commandments : thro', &c. Against Temptations, f\ God, who justifies the' wicked that re- ^ pent, and desirest not the death of a tinner ; we humbly beseech thy majesty to defend thy servants with thy heavenly grace, on different Occasions. 81 •who trust in thy mercy, and preserve them by thy continual protection, that they may persevere in thy service, and by no tempta- tions be ever separated from thee : thro',&c. For such as are on a Journey. HEarken to- our supplications, O Lord, and render the way of thy servants prosperous and safe : grant that amidst all the varieties of this journey, and their whole life, they may always be protected \)y thy assistance : thro', ike. A Prayer for the Sick. O Almighty and eternal God, the perpe- tual'salvation of them that believe; hear us for thy sick servants, for whom we hum- bly crave the help of thy mercy; that their heahh'being restored to them, they may ren- der thanks to thee in' thy Church : thro',&c. In Tribulqtionfor Sin. Out of thy clemency, &c. as in p. 74. A Prayer for Sinners, Hear, we beseech thee, &c. as in p. 74. A Prayer for the Living. EXTEND unto thy faithful, O Lord, the right hand of thy heavenly succour, that they may seek thee with all their heart, and obtain of thy mercy whatever is neces- sary to their condition : thro', &*c. For the Living and the Dead. O Almighty and eternal God,&c. asp. 75 . V. O Lord, hear my prayer. It. And let my supplication come to thee. V. Ma3 r the Lord graciously hear us. R. And keep us for ever. 32 Prayers to beg the Grace of the Holy Ghost* The Hymn, Veni Sancte Spiritas. COME, HoJy Ghost, send down those beams Which sweetly flow in silent streams, From thy bright throne above : O come, thou Father of the poor, Thou bounteous source of all our store, - Come, fire our hearts with love. Come thou of comforters the best, Come thou the soul's delicious guest, The pilgrim's sweet relief; Thou art our rest, in toil and sweat f> Refreshment in excessive heat, And comfort in our grief*. O sacred light, shoot home thy darts, O pierce the centre of those hearts, Whose faith aspires to thee: Without thy God-head, nothing can Have any worth, or price in man, Nothing can harmless be. Lord wash our sinful stains away ; Water from heaven our barren clay; Our wounds and bruises heal : To thy sweet yoke, our stiff necks bow ; Warm with thy fire, our hearts of snow ; Our wandering feet repeal. O grant thy faithful, dearest Lord, Whose only hope is thy sure word, The seven gifts of thy spirit: Grant us in life t'obey thy grace; Grant us in death to see thy face ; And endless joys inherit. Amen. V. Sejid forth thy spirit, and they shall Devout Prayers to the Holy Ghost. 83 be created. R. And thou shalt renew the face of the earth. V. O Lord, hear my prayer. R. And let my supplication come to thee. Let us pray. f^t God, who by the light of the Holy ^ Ghost, hast instructed the hearts of the faithful : grant, that by the same spirit, we may have a right understanding in all things, and evermore rejoice in his holy consolation : thro/ &c. Amen. /"\ God, to whom every heart is open, ^ every will declares itself, and from whom no secret lies concealed, purify, by the in- spiration of the Holy Ghost, the thoughts of our hearts ; that we may perfectly love thee, and worthily praise thee : thro', &c. A Prayer far our Friends. r\ God, who hast poured the gift of cha- *^ rity, by the grace of the Holy Ghost, into the hearts of the faithful: grant to thy servants, ( here name those you pray for) for whom we implore thy mercy, health of mind and body ; that loving thee with all their strength, they may accomplish those things which are pleasing to thee : thro',&c. For our Enemies. r\ God, the lover or 1 peace, and preserver ^ of charity, give peace and true charity to all our enemies : grant them remission of their sins, and deliver us from their deceits : thro', &c. Against wicked Thoughts. f\ Almighty and most gracious God, ^ mercifully regard our prayers, and D6 o 64 The Te Bevm. deliver our hearts from the temptations of -evil thoughts ; that our souls may he made worthy habitations for the IJoly Ghost : thro', &c. For Charity. God, who makest all things beneficial to them that love thee, infuse into our hearts an inviolable love of thy charity: that such desires as we conceive by thy holy inspiration, may by no temptation be ever •changed : thro', kc. For Patience. .f\ God, who by the humility of thy only ^ begotten Son hast confounded the ; pride of the old enemy : grant, we beseech .thee, that we may often. call to mind what he meekly suffered for us and by his example patiently endure all adversities: thro', &c. For the holy Catholic Church. DEFEND, 6 Lord, thy servants, we humbly beseech thee, from all dan- gers of body and soul : and by the prayers ot the glorious Virgin Mary, of the holy apostles Peter and Paul, of blessed N. and all thy saints, grant us. the mercies of peace and safely, that all adversities and errors being removed, thy Church may serve thee in secure liberty : thro', &c. A Prayer 'for Contingency. Inflame, O Lord., our reins, &c. as p. 75. Te Deum, or the Thanksgiving Hymn. r|^hEE, sov 'reign God, our grateful ac- JL cents praise; We own ithee Lord, and bless ibywond'r- cus ways* Te Deum. 85 To thee, Eternal Father, earth's whole frame, With loudest trumpet soundsimmortal fame. Lord God of Hosts ! to thee the heav'nly pow'rs ftow'rs. With sounding anthems, fill thy vaulted The cheruhim thrice Holy, Holy, Holy, cry, Thrice Holy all the seraphim reply, ..And thrice returning echoes endless songs supply. Both heav'n and earth thy majesty display, They owe their beauty to thy glorious ray. Thy praises fiil the, loud apostle's choir : The train ofkprophets in the song conspire. Xegions of martyrs in the chorus shine, And vocal blood, with vocal music join. By these thy Church, inspir'd with heav'nly art, Around the world maintains a second part: And tunes her sweetest notes, O God to thee, .The Father of unbounded majesty ; The Son, ador'd copartner of thy seat, And equal everlasting Paraclete. Thou King of Glorv, Christ ; of the Most High, Thou co eternal filial Deity; Thou, who to save the world's impending doom. [womb : Vouchsaf'dst to dwell within a virgin's Old tyrant Death disarin'd: before thee flew The bolts of heav'n, and back the foldings drew, To give access, and make the faithful way; From God's right hand, i\\y .filial bean: display. $X i Tbcu art to judge the iiving.atod the dead: *o\ Devout Prayers. Then spare those souls for whom thy veins have bled. O take us up among the blest above, To share with them thy everlasting love. Preserve, O Lord, thy people, and enhance Thy blessing on thine own inheritance. For ever raise their hearts, and rule their ways : [praise* Each day we bless thee, and proclaim thy No age shall fail to celebrate thy name; Nor hour neglect thy everlasting fame. Preserve our souls, O Lord ! this day from ill : Have mercy on us, Lord! have mercy stilL As we have hop'd,do thou reward our pain ; We've hop'd in thee, let not our* hope be vain. V. Let us bless the Father and the Son, with the Holy Ghost. It. Let us praise and extol him for ever. V. O 'Lord, hear my prayer. R. And let my supplication come unto thee. Let us pray. God, of whose mercies there is no number, and of whose goodness the treasure is infinite : we humbly thank thy divine ^Majesty for the gifts thou hast be- stowed bn \is;; always beseeching thy cle- mency, that thou\who grantest the request of those who ask with humility, wouldst not forsake^us, bqt dispose us for the reward to come : thro', &c. A Prayer for special Friends. "O Reserve, O Lord, thy servants, N. N. for JL whose health, happiness, and prospe- rity, we humbly offer up these our petitions For a Friend, AfC. $c. 87 to thy sacred Majesty; beseeching thee to grant thcni a persevering constancy in the Catholic faith, a safe passage through this life's dangerous pilgrimage: that no worldly, carnal, or diabolical temptation may have the power to separate them from thee, their prime and only good. Give them grace to correspond to that state and condition of life wherein thou hast placed them; direct them in all their ways, defend them against all their enemies, and grant them finally a happy death and departure out of this world, and a speedy passage after death to the frui- tion of thy eternal felicity. For a Friend in Tribulation. Vouchsafe, O merciful Creator! to af- ford the sweetness of thy comforts to thy afflicted servant N. and to remove, ac- cording to thy accustomed mercy, the heavy burthen of his calamities. Give him, we humbly beseech thee, patience in his suf- ferings, resignation to thy good pleasure, perseverance in thy service, and a happy translation from this afflicting life to thy eternal felicity. A Prayer jor Servants or Hirelings. TO thee, O God, I orfer myself 1 , with all my labours of this day, and most humbly beg thy blessing* to accompany me in all my undertakings, that whatever I do or suffer, may be with the patience of an humble, penitent, and sincere desire of faithfully discharging my duty to thee, whom I serve, in every thing belonging to my charge without loss of time, neglect, omission, or •"-•aefce of what is committed to me. ■ 88 Devout Prayers. I beseech thee likewise to grant me the spirit of obedience, humility, and meekness^ that I may cheerfully comply with all law- fuL commands, without gainsaying, mur- muring, or disrespect. May I never offend in word or action, or connive with others in what is evil : may I never give bad ex- ample, nor yield to others in whatever is injurious to my superiors, or displeasing to thee : may I live in peace with every one, give no provoking language, .make no par- ties, carry no false or exaggerated stories ; and if provocations are offered, may I sup- press all passion, be moderate in. my an- swers, and return good for evil. In these and all my other duties assist me,0 God, and help me to overcome all my usual weaknesses. May I ever continue un+ der thy protection, and zealously walk in the paths of thy commandments,, by avoiding evil, anddomg. good. To thee I consecrate all my labours, and beg thy blessing to attend me in, all I shall do this day and evermore. For the Master and Mistress of a Family.' O Merciful God, I implore thy grace for my direction and help, in the execu-*- tion of every thing thou hast committed to my cliarge. Grant me discretion, that I may discover in all things what is best to be done, that I may manage them according to the obligations thou hast laid upon me. Make me faithful in taking care of what, under thee, I nave in charge, that nothing :.i >uifer through my neglect, idleness). Tor Masters and Parents. &J prodigality, or ill management. Let not passion have any influence on my words or actions, that I may reprove without anger, command without imperiousness, require service without cruelty, have compassion on such failings as proceed rather from weakness than neglect, and shew a tender- ness towards all under my charge, as know- ing that both they and I serve one master in heaven, who, without respect to persons, will call us all to an equal account. O Lord, let me never want thy grace to suppress every inclination that leads me from my duty. Let no kind of extravagance, excess, or disorder, find encouragement in my house. Make me a zealous observer of good discipline, and watchful against all undue liberties. Suffer me not to be unjust to any one, nor connive at what ought to be reproved. Take from me all immode- rate solicitude, and let no excess of worldly care withdraw my heart from the important concern of eternity. May my chiei solicit tude be, how to regulate all my concerns to thy honour and glory. I crave thy blessing this day and for ever, on all I am to do or suffer, and humbly offer myself, and all I possess, to thy glory. Help me, O my God, according to my necessities, now, and for ever. Amen. For Parents. ASSIST me, O heavenly Father, in dis- charging my duty to my children. Endue me with true Christian discretion, to discern what to grant, and what to decy. 30 Devout Prayers. Xet neither passion, ill-humour, or fondness make me yield to them in any thing that may he prejudicial to either soul or body. Enable me always to give them good ex- ample; to preserve them from bad com- pany, or from hearing or doing what may induce them to commit evil ; and when- ever they do amiss, to give them timefy correction, more out of love than from pas- sion. Deliver me from all manner of pro- digality — intemperance- — idleness — vanity — neglect, or ill management, that may pre- vent me from providing for their comfort- able subsistence in this life, as also from preparing them for happiness hereafter, by being over solicitous to make them great in this world. Direct me, O God, in every particular that can contribute to their Christian edu- cation, and enable me to_ remove from them whatever may do them hurt. Deliver me from all indiscreet partialities — from dis- couraging them — or shewing any unreason- able uneasiness, which may force them upon rash methods for the remedy of the troubles they find at home. Be thou a father to them, r.nd supply, by thy goodness, whatever is wanting in me. Preserve them against the corruption of the world, from sin, and all evil, and excite them to all good. Deliver t^jem from the effects of a vain and incon- stant mind, and make them thy faithful •servants here, that they may come at length /to that happiness which Christ has pur- chased for them. Amen* 91 For Children under their* Parents' Care. O Heavenly Father, who cominandest us to Jove, obey, respect, and honour our parents, grant that T may always comply 'with this thy command, by being ever faith- ful in the performance of all it enjoins, and in never doing any thing contrary thereunto. May I ever deny myself, in all lawful things, to -please my parents; and obey them in whatever they can justly require or expect from me. Let me never contradict them, nor so dispute against their proposals as to make them uneasy. May I always consult them in all that concerns them or myself. May I ever be deaf to those who suggest the despising ^or neglecting of my parents' advice. May I -never afflict them by following bad counsel, wicked company, or any evil ways. May I always study to be their comfort, in recompense for all the care, trouble, and love they have had for me. May I never shew impatience at their infirmities, much less mock at any weak- ness to which they are subject. Direct me, O my God, in every thing re- lating to my duty, and suffer no change of circumstances to withdraw me from it. May . I in no lawful concern whatever offend my parents on earth, nor displease thee, my Father, who art in heaven. For a Husband or Wife. O.God, who hast ordained the holy state of matrimony, wherein lam engaged, grant me grace to "comply with all its obli- gations, aad to perform them iajsuch a maiii. &8 Devout Prayers. tier as is becoming a Christian, not an un- believer. Preserve my love undefiled, according to thy divine command, and let the duty of love help to conduet me with comfort thro' all the obligations and difficulties of my state. Grant me discretion to manage all circumstances for the best, a true love for peace, and such a discreet compliance as to resign my own thoughts and inclinations for preserving it. Inspire me with true humi- lity and patience, that I may submit to, and bear with all crosses in the manner thy apos- tle requires. Furnish me with all other helps, that whatever difficulties may occur,* I may persevere with cheerfulness in dis- charging the duties of my state, and never yield so far to any weakness, ill humour, or impatience, as to weaken, much less .to break the bond which thou hast sanctified, and which cannot be dissolved but by death. May I always be faithful and indefatigable in the discharge of the duties of my state, doing and suffering whatever falls to my lot, Avith such absolute submission to thy will, that both in peace and trouble, in prosperity and adversity, I may ever remember to re- . sign myself cheerfully, O God, to thy plea- sure or permission; and under all difficiuV ties, still labour to work out my salvation. For Widows. OGod, the disposer of all things, who bast been pleased to bring me into this state, grant me the grace to bear all its troubles with patience, and make use of all its advantages with Christian prudence; to For those who lead a single Life. 93 be a widow indeed ; to despise all earthly comforts : to place my whole trust in thee, and to improve the opportunity offered for securing to myself a happy eternity. Teach me, O Lord, to make the best use of the liberty thou hast given me, and as long as I shall abide here in this pilgrimage, give me grace to employ my time in such exercises of piety, charity, and solid devo- tion, as may secure thy mercy to me, and effectually conduct me to the possession of that happiness which I desire. May 1 ever despise the vanities of the world, and make some recompense for my past sins, follies, and extravagances. May I now spend as many hours in prayer and good works as I have mispent in vanity, idleness, or dangerous entertainments. May I endeavour by charity to make amends for all that I have sinfully, idly, or prodigally mispent, and thus recover whatever preju- dice my soul has suffered through my fault. May I ever study to improve my present circumstances in order to eternal life. May my less turn to my advantage, and under thy protection, O God, mdfy I find greater comforts than what the world can afford. Assist me, O my God, and let thy grace support me under all my weaknesses. For those who lead a single Life. O Blessed Redeemer, who both by tky. self and thy apostle hast recommend- ed a single life as the most proper state to serve the,e in, without distraction, assist me by thy holy grace, that I may duly consider 94 Devout Prayers. t the advantages of it, and make a right use of them, so as to find the good effects in my. soul, tor which the apostle gives it the pre- ference to all other states. May I always rejoice under thy blessings, and being at liberty from those engage- ments which are attended with endless so- licitudes, and enslave the minds of men to the earth, may' I avail myself of this my privilege in seeking and serving thee with greater freedom of spirit, having thee now Tor my spouse, . May I not be like one of the foolish virgins, but with the wise wait in readiness for thy coming. May I leave all for thee. May I love thee with my whole heart, desire thee with all my soul, adore thee with all my mind, and serve thee with all my strength : that I may thus become holy both in body and spirit. Support me under all my weaknesses; and defend me against all the snares, both of the devii, of the world, and of my own corruption. Take from me all affection for whatever flatters the senses, and let me admire nothing that is vain and empty. Inspire me with a dread of all that is-craqgerpus, and let the great and prevailing object of my Jove, affections, and desires, centre in thee alone : that, hav- ing finished my life here, in imitation of thee, I may wait on thee for ever, in the joys of thy kingdom. Amen. Fo? the Rich. MO§T bountitui Lord, I return thee thanks for whatever 1 possess, and beg thy grace to make good use of what- For the Rick. 95 ever plenty, through thy mercy, I enjoy. May I always so govern myself, as to spend nothing in favour of any vicious or sinful inclination. May I be deaf to all expensive demands of vanity, gaming, appetite, and idleness, and put a stop to alt those ways by which I have hitherto mispent what thou hast entrusted me with, and thereby often most ungratefully offended thy divine goodness. I confess my past ingratitude, injustice, and impiety, in the abuse of thy favours and gifts, and earnestly beg pardon ol thee, O Lord, for the same, and grace henceror* ward to manage all thou requirest. To feed the hungry, to clothe the naked, &c. with the overplus of the decent support of myself and of those under me ; to lay up for myself a treasure in heaven, lest, like the rich man in the gospel, I suffer eternally in heli, for having so much indulged my passions, and applied thy favours to the service of idltiiess, vanity, and sin. It is through thy great mercy, O my God, that I yet live, when thou mightest have cast me into endless flames. Thou sparest me, that I may make some amends tor all the abuses of the goods thou hast so liberally bestowed on me. May I neither hereafter hoard up riches unnecessarily, nor spend them unprofitably. May I only make use of them for promoting thy honour and giory here, the relief of the poor, and providing such necessaries as thou allowest. May I fay no regard to what the world applauds S$ De*mt Prayers. or censures^but only endeavour to please thee in a just disposal of what thou hast committed to my care, as being not the master, but the steward thereof, and ac- countable to thee, O my God, the giver of whatever I possess. Assist me herein, O GoJ, and let not riches, nor the evils they lead to, but thyself alone, be the desire of my heart. For those who live by Gain. OGod, who in punishment of sin hast commanded us to labour for an ho- nest livelihood, grant a blessing to my en- deavours, that what I undertake this day may be attended with success, and may thy. grace so direct me, as to do nothing unlaw- ful, though the prospect of gain thereby be never so great. May I be faithful in what- ever I undertake in "behalf of my neighbour; perform exactly all contracts and covenants with him ; and never contrive ways to in- crease his charges, or become a gainer by his loss. May I never defraud, nor seek to over-reach or do wrong to any one, nor use any means whatever which may lead to de- ceit, I know the unjust shall never possess the kingdom of God. I know that Ue that doth wrong shall be accountable for the wrong lie. has done, and that with thee / there is no respect of persons. Ah ! what will it avail me, to gain the whole world, and lose my soul ? Let me do to others as I would be done by. Let neither example, authority, custom, or a general practice, prevail with me to vi6 tl For Morning and Jfoening. 97 thy law, O God, for nothing can make that lawful which thou hast forbid : they are only pretexts, to serve the turn of those whu are willing to be deceived. May I forego all worldly advantages, rather than seek them by unjust ways. May I l«e content with a moderate gain, a strait fortune and narrow circumstances, nay, with bankruptcy itself, rather than strive to better my con- dition by unlawful means, for securing my- self against^ these inconveniences. Deliver me, therefore, I beseech thee,, O God, from all ways of injustice, and suffer me never to proceed further in any worldly- concern than thy law permits. Xet not the most favourable opportunities of injustice tempt me to violate, my duty, but rather let me always hunger and thirst after justice, in order to obtain thy blessing in this life, and that everlasting crown of glory which will be its unquestionable reward in the next. Ah Oblation which may be made to Almighty God, every Morning and Evening, MOST merciful Lord, and ever living God ! behold I, . a wretched and un- grateful sinner, prostrate, adore and wor- ship thee, offering up in all humility, im- mortal praise and thanksgiving for all thy blessings, especially for that unspeakable charity which induced thee to send down thy only begotten Son into this vaie of tears, for the work of our redemption. O Eternal Lord of heaven and earth I I praise and magnify thy ever glorious name, for thy Son's most holy incarnation and na- E 98 An Oblation far ever^ tivity ; for his poverty, innocent life and conversation ; for his heavenly doctrine and miracles ; lor his death and passion ; his resurrection and ascension. I yield thee all possible thanks for the di- vine mystery of his precious body and blood in the venerable sacrament of the eucharist, wherewith we are nouri>hed, cleansed, and sanctified, and our souls made partakers of ail heavenly graces and spiritual benedic- tions. 1 give thee most humble and hearty thanks, that out of a handful of dust thou wert pleased to make me according to thy , own image and likeness, rendering me ca- J pable of eternal glory, for the obtaining of which thou didst vouchsafe first to wash me with the laver of baptism, for the remission of that original corruption, which w r as con- icted by m\ first parents; and afterwards bring me to the profession and practice of atholic faith, not ceasing daily to in- crease the same in me, by the doctrine and " instruction of thy Church. I most humbly thank thee also, that thou aourisbed and clothed me from my cradle, supplying me with all necessaries for the relief and maintenance of my frail body. I evermore, extol and magnify thy hoiy name, tor : living in thy great mercy hitherto ;1, and patiently expected me, till by thy grace I might be awakened from the ^eep of sin, and reclaimed from my vani- ties arid wicked courses. For hadst thou ill with me according to my demerit? : oppressed witl i lerablesim Morning and Evening. 99 had long since been plunged into eternal perdition. Jn consideration of all these thy mercies and blessings, 1 most humbly desire that my heart may every day enlarge itself, that it may still render thee a more ample tribute of praise and thanksgiving than it has hi- therto paid thee. O my Lord God ! and most merciful Fa- ther ! never abandon me to myself, but let thy holyjear be ever present in my thoughts, to curb and restrain me within the bounds of pbedience to thy law, that 1 may dread no- thing so much in this world as, by a violation of the least of thy precepts, to orlend thee. Let thy holy love temper all the trials and temptations which may belal me, in such a manner, that none of them may at any time overcome me : tor thou knowesl that of my- self I have not strength to resist them . I moreover beseech thee, most merciful. Father, by the profound humility of thy only Son Jesus Christ, that thou wouldst preserve me from all pride, self-love, vain- glory, obstinacy, and disobedience. * Cast out of my heart, I bc^eech thee, the spirit of gluttony and uncleanness : the spirit of sloth and indevotion: the spirit of malice and envy: the spirit of hatred and disdain; that 1 may never despise the meanest of thy creatures, nor proudly prefer myself before others, but always seem hale in my own eyes ; inclining to think the best of others, and judge the worst of myself. Clothe mc, O most holy Father) w^th E2 100 An Oblation, $c. the wedding garment of thy beloved Son, the supernatural virtue of heavenly charity, that I may love thee, my Lord God, with my whole heart, my whole soul, and with ' all my strength, that neither life nor death, prosperity nor adversity, nor any thing else, may ever separate me from thv love. Grant, that all inordinate affections to the transi- tory things of this world may daily decrease in me,- that thou only mayest be the enter- tainment and delight of my soul. O most gracious God, grant thy servant an humble, contrite, and obedient heart 3 an understanding always employed in ho- nest and pious thoughts ; a will tractable, and ever inclined to do good ; affections calm and moderate; a watchful custody over my senses, that through those windows no sin may enter into my soul ; a perfect go* vernment of my tongue, that no corrupt or unseemly language may proceed from my lips : may I never slander, or speak ill of any one, nor busy myself about the faults and imperfections of others, but wholly atteud to the amendment of my own life. O most loving Lord, as long as I am de» tained in this prison of my^ body, let this be my comfort : that being free from all dis- tractions, both of the cares and pleasures of this life, I may wholly devote myself to thy service, attending always to thy heavenly • doctrine, and the salutary motions of thy holy Spirit. In these sweet exercises let me pass the solitary hours of my tedious pilgri- mage with patience^ expecting the closusg A devout Jet of Contrition. 10$ up of my days, and a happy period to this my miserable life. And finally grant, O blessed Redeemer of mankind, my Lord and God, that when this my earthly tabernacle shall be dissolved, (being found free from all pollution of sin, through a sincere contrition, and in virtue of the sacraments of thy holy Churcii,) I may be included in the number of those blessed souls, wno through the merits of thy passion and death, are deemed worthy to reign with thee, and to enjoy the glorious presence of the adorable Trinity, Father, Son, and,Holy Ghost : to whom, by all creatures in heaven and earth, be rendered praise and thanks-, giving, world without end. Awen. O Lord, my God ! O Lord, my God ! possess my soul, possess my soul, for ever and ever. Amen, Amen, A most devout Act of Contrition. OMy God ! the God of my heart ! my soul ! my life ! and ail that is within me ! whom I have so much offended, that neither the sands on the sea-shore, the stars in the heavens, the flowers of the fields, nor the leaves of the trees, can equal the infinite number and unspeakable variety of my sins ; I have sinned, I have- offended thee, and done evil before the face of hea- ven and earth! I have departed from thy law ; turned my back on thy grace ; adored what offended thee ; made an idol of my guilt, and run on without fear or shame in the ways of deceit, vanity, and perdition. ;Ah ! ray God, how much am I grievW fat * £3 102 A devout Act of Contrition. having offended thee ! I am pierced with sorrow for grieving so little, when the inju- ries I have done thee are so great. I am more troubled at the greatness of my ingra- titude for having offended thee, than at the greatness of the torments which I have de- served for my sins. But, O Lord, what do I say ! My grief is no grief. A grief, which puts not an end to my lite, is no grief : a sorrow, which tears not from me this soul of mine, is no sorrow: a contrition, which breaks not my heart in pieces, is not worthy to be accounted contrition. I would have the sorrow for my sins to be as great as the sins themselves : I would have my regret for having displeased thee proportioned to the injuries committed against thee : I would have a grief equal to thy mercy: I would willingly bewail the enormity of my sins with tears of blood : more for the offence and insult offered thy divine Majesty, than for the injury and perdition they bring upon myself. I wish, () Lord, that as in offending thee the guilt was infinite, so in repenting thereof the grief were also infinite. But when- shall I find so deep a sense of sorrow, save only in the fountain of thy grace ? "Where shall I find such a grief, save only in the contemplation of thy immense goodness and infinite majesty? Whence are those tears to flow, save only from the ocean of thy mercy ? Here J cast myself at • hy teet : con- sider not in what manner, at what time, or how late: consider only that 1 come. But ah ! Lord, in how miserable a condition ! how filthy! how abominable J Clad with the A devout Act of Contrition. 10# deformity of my sins, covered with the nl- thiness of my offences, and defiled with the abominations of a vicious life ! But in approaching thee, O my God, I come with the confidence of finding in thy mercy a se- cure haven ; in thy compassion, protec- tion; in thy clemency, a refuge; and in thy goodness, a remedy. Wherefore, O Lord, under the dread of thy justice, I seek no other remedy, save that of thy mercy, nor fly to any other shelter, but that of thy cle- mency. In thee 1 place my trust, O my God : for tho' by sin I have lost the nature and privilege of a son ; yet thou, O Lord, infinitely good, dost not lose the nature and condition thou hast of a father. Let then, O Lord, thy infinite grace complete that work in me which thy infinite mercy has begun. Let thy clemency come to the succour of thy miserable creature : take pity and compassion on my poor soul. I am firmly resolved, with the aid of thy grace, to amend my life, coufess my sins, and persevere in thy service; to pardon injuries, avoid the occasions of evil, and abhor my vices : to make such restitution as I am able, and to observe, as in duty bound, all thy commandments. I trust, O Lord, in thy infinite goodness, that thou wilt pardoi?. ail my sins, through the death and passion of my Lord Jesus Christ : for though in his wounds there is justice to punish me, yet in the same wounds there is likewise me.:/ to forgive me. Mercy ! mercy ! mercy ! dear Jesus, have mercy on me. 104 Tit* Prayer Ante oculos, ccmpottd by SU Austin, Kecornmended to the Devotion of the faith- fit] by Pope Urban VIII. BEFORE thy holy eyes, O Lord, we humbly lay open our guilty lives. If we compare the faults we have com- jn it ted, with the stripes we have received t We must confess the evils we have done, are far greater than those which we suffer. The crimes that burthen our consciences are heavy; but the chastisements which thou sendest us arc light. We feel the punishment of sin, and still obstinately persevere in sinning. Our frail nature faints under thy scourges; and yet our perverse will grows stronger in their vices. Our restless minds find no content in the 1 'berty of the world ; yet we bend not our >iff necks to thy sweet yoke. We pine away our days in grief; yet all rur sorrow works not the least amendment^ rti our lives. If thou tarriest for our repentance, we I abuse thy mercy; if thou takest vengeance on our ingratitude, we cannot bear thy justice.. Whilst under the rod we bewail ow of- fences; as soon as the smart ceases, we forget our tears. It thou stretchest out thy hand, we pro- jrttfcfc duty; if thou withholdest thy sword, wc cease to pay our vow*. Sir Thomas More's Prayer. 105 If thou strikest, we cry out for par Jon; and when thou hast pardoned, we again provoke thee to strike. Thus we confess our guilt, and freely ac- knowledge, that unless thou be merciful, we must be miserable. Let then thy goodness, O Lord, (whose power, without any merit of our own, cre- ated us from nothing) grant our petitions, that we may be able to pray: through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen. Anth. We wait in expectation of our Sa- viour's coming, who will reform our fra : l bodies, according to the pattern of his glorious body. V. Behold the God nf heaven is our Re* deemer. ft. In him we put our confidence, and will not fear. ALmighty God, who for the redemption of mankind didst send thy only begot- ten Sou to assume our flesh and suffer death upon the cross; we humbly pray, that as our Saviour hath left us here the example I of his patience, he would vouchsafe to make us hereafter partakers of his glory : who with thee and the Holy Ghost liveth and reigneth, one God, world without end. Amen. A Prayer, composed by Sir Thomas More whilst a Prisoner in the Tower. GRANT me, O Lord, thy grace, in all my fear and agony, to have recourse to that great fear, and wonderful agony, which thou, my sweet Saviour, suffered st on E5 106 A Traycr ccwpostd mount Olivet, before thy most bitter pas- sion; and, in the meditation thereof, to conceive such spiritual comfort as may be v profitable to my soul. Take from me, O my God, all vain glo- rious thoughts : all desire of my own praise ; all envy, covetousness, gluttony, sloth, and lirxury; all frovvard affections; all desires of revenge, and of doing harm to others ; all pleasure in provoking another person to an- ger : all delight in reproaches and insults against any in their affliction or calamity. Grant me, O Lord, an humble, quiet, • peaceable, patient, tender, and charitable mind ; and in all my thoughts, words, and ckeds, to have a taste of thy holy Spirit. Give me, O Lord, a lively faith, a firm hope, and a fervent charity ; a love of thee?, incomparably above the love of myself; that I may love nothing to thy displeasure, but every thing in order to thy satisfaction. Give me, O Lord, a longing to be with thee; not for avoiding the calamities of this wretched world, nor so much tor escaping the pains of purgatory, or those of hell, nor for the attaining the joys of heaven, with respect to my own advantage, as pure-^ ly for thy love alone. Retain for me, O Lord, thy love and fa- vour, which my love to thee, were it ever so great, could never without thy infinite goodness deserve. rardon,0 Lprd, my boldness, in making »uch high petitions, being so vile and sinful a wretch, and so unworthy to obtain the by Sir Thomas More. 107 lowest favour ; yet, O Lord, they are such things as I am bound to wish for, and should be near the effectual obtaining of therrt, if my manifold sins were not the impedi- ments; from which, sweet Saviour Christ, vouchsafe of thy goodness to wash me with that blessed blood that issued from thy ten- der body, in the divers torments of thy most bitter passion. Take away from me, O Lord, this luke- warm, or rather stark cold manner of me- ditation, this dullness in prayer, aiid grant me fervour and delight in thinking ou thee, with grace earnestly to desire thy holy sa- craments, and especially to rejoice in the presence of thy blessed body, sweet Saviour Jesus Christ, in the holy sacrament of the altar; let me return thee due thanks for thy gracious visitation therein, and at that august memorial, with tender compassion, to remember and consider thy most blessed death upon the cross. Make us all,. (J Lord, every day virtually partakers of that holy sacrament ; make us all lively members, s-weet Saviour Christ, of thy holy mystical body, the Catholic Church. Amen. Lord, give me patience in tribulation, and grace in every thing, to conform my will to> thine ; that I may truly say, " Thy will be done on earth, as it is in heaven." The things, good Lord, that I pray for,, give me thy grace to labour for. Amen. £6 103 An universal Prayer for all Things necessary to Salvation. OMy God, I believe in thee, do thou strengthen my faith. All my hopes are in thee, do thou secure them. I love theQ with my whole heart : teach me to love thee daily more and more. I am sorry that I have offended thee, do thou increase my sorrow. I adore thee as my first beginning. I aspire after thee as my last end. I give thee thanks as my constant benefactor. I call upon thee as my sovereign protector. Vouchsafe, O my God, to conduct me by thy wisdom, to restrain me by thy justice, to comfort me by thy mercy, to defend me by thy power. To thee I desire to consecrate all my thoughts, words, actions, and sufferings ; that henceforward I may think only of thee, speak of thee, and willingly refer all my ac- tions .to thy greater glory; and suffer wjl- iingly whatever tkou shalt appoint. Lord, I desire that in all things thy will may be done, because it is thy will, and in the manner that thou wiliest. I beg of thee to enlighten my understand- ing; to inflame my will ; to punry my body; and to sanctify my soul. Give me strength, O my God, to expiate my offences ; to overcome my temptations ; to subdue my passions; and to acquire the virtues proper for my state. Fill my heart with tender affections for tV goocbess; a hatred' of my fault*; a A Paraphrase on the Lord's Prayer. 109 loveibr my neighbour; and a contempt of the world. Let me always remember to be submis- sive to my superiors, condescending to my inferiors, faithful to my friends, aud cha- ritable to my enemies. Assist me to overcome sensuality by mortification; avarice by alms-deeds; anger by meekness ; and tepidity by devotion. O my God, make me prudent in my un- dertakings; courageous in dangers; patient in affliction; and humble in prosperity. Grant that I may be ever attentive at my prayers; temperate at my meals ; diligent in my employments; and constant in my resolutions Let my conscience be ever upright and pure ; my exterior modest ; my conversation edifying; and my comportment regular. Assist me, that I may continually labour to overcome nature ; correspond with thy grace ; keep thy commandments ; and work out my salvation. Discover to me, O my God, the not! iug- nessof this world; the greatness of heaven; the shortness of time ; and the length of eternity. Grant that I may prepare for death ; fear thy judgments; escape hell; and, in the end, obtain. heaven : thro' Jesus Christ. Amen. o A Paraphrase on the Lord's F'rayer. Our Father, who art in Heaxeiu Almighty Lord, Maker of heaven and earth, mfiaite in majesty, is iz 1 10 A Paraphrase pw possible that thy love and goodness for u* should be so great, as to suffer such poor worms as we are to call thee Father ! O make us ever dutiful children to such a pa- rent ! O my soul, ever remember the digni- ty to which thou art raised, of being a child of God; and see thou never degenerate, by making thyself a slave to sin and the devil. O most holy Father, who dwellest in hea- ven, and heavenly souls, raise my heart to thee, and teach me by ihy interior grace, to pray to thee this day with due attention, de- votion, humility, and faith. HaUo7otd be thy Natne. THE first thing I beg of thec,0 heavenly Father, is the greater honour and glory of thy name. I rejoice, with my whole soul, that, in thyself, thou . art infinitely happy and glorious, and eternally adored, praised, and glorified by all thy angels and saints. But, alas ! O Lord, how little art thou known, how little loved, how little served in this miserable world ! How much is thy name blasphemed, even by those that call themselves Christians ! How many millions of souls in all parts of the world,, though made to thine own image and like- ness, and redeemed by the precious blood of thine only Son, live and die in infidelity, er- ror, and vice, to the great dishonour of thy holy name. O when shall so great an evil be remedied ! O that I could do any thing ta prevent it J O that I could worthily promote the honour and glory of thy sacred name,, by making it known to all nations ! O that like the Lore thee is infinite, ano^, m the Lord's Praytr. 1 IS being poor and miserable, we are unable of ourselves to discharge the smallest part of it, or make satisfaction for the least of our sins. But prostrate in spirit before thee, we humbly implore thy mercy. We desire to offer thee the sacrifice of a contrite and humble heart. We offer thee the death and passion of thy only Son, which he has made over to us for the discharge of our debts. And as he has promised forgiveness only to those who forgive, we here from our hearts forgive all that have offended us and hope, through him, to find forgiveness from thee. Lead us not into Temptation. ALAS! O Lord, the life of man upon earth is a continual temptation. We arc encompassed on all sides by mortal ene- mies: the world, the flesh, and the devil, are ever attacking us with their united force. Our only hope in all these dangers and con- flicts centre in thy strength and protection. O stand thou rbr us, and we care not who rise up against us. We believe that thou art faithful, and wilt not suffer us to be tempted above our strength. O never suffer *us to forsake thee, and we know thou wilt never forsake us. Let not the devil cir- cumvent us by his frauds and deceits, nor ever glory in having prevailed over us. Arm us not only against the terrors and flatteries of the world, but likewise against the dan- gers of our passions and concupiscences. And whatever trial thou mayest be pleased to send us, let thy supporting grace ever 1 H The Creed of St. Athanasius. conduct us through them with advantage to our souls: that by thy favour and mercy we may be faithful unto death, and so receive the crown of life. But deliver us from evil. Amen. £\ Sovereign God, the fountain of all ^ good, deliver us from all evil : from our sins, as well as the punishment we de- serve for them. From wars, plagues, famine, and such like scourges of thy just ice, which we have reason to apprehend hang over our heads or* account of our impenitence : from heresy and schism, and that spiritual blind- ness which self-conceit and pride expose us to. In fine, from hardness of heart, from ■ final impenitence, and everlasting damna- tion : from all these evils may thy infinite goodness, O God, deliver us, through Jesus Christ thy Son our Lord. Amen. The Creed of St. Athanasius. WHosoever would be saved, before all things it is necessary that he hold the Catholic faith. Which faith, except every one do keep eutireand inviolate, without doubt he shall perish everlastingly. Now the Catholic faith is this : that we worship one God in Trinity, and Trinity in Unity. Neither confounding the persons, nor di- viding the substance. For one is the person of the Father, another of the Son, another of the HoJy GhofcU The Creed of St. Athcnasision : hide your- self in spirit m his wounds, and embrace his feet with the utmost affection of your soul." 8 " Endeavour, as much as possible, to acquire a peniteutial spirit during your sick- ness ; call otten on God for mercy, and make frequent acts of contrition tor your sins. St. Augustin used to say, that no- Christian, however nniocent his ife mjght have been, ought to venture (o die in any *tbcr state than that of a penitent, Derations for the Sick. A daily Prayer in Time of' Sickness. LORD Jesus Christ, behold I receive this sickness, with which thou art pleased? to visit me, as coming from thy fatherly kand. Tt is thy will it should bethus with me, and therefore I submit : thy will be dune on earthy as it is iji heaven. May this sickness he to the honour of thy holy name, and the good of my soul. For this end I here offer myself with an entire submission to thy appointments; to suffer whatever thou pieasest, as long, and in what manner thou pleasest. For I, thy creature, O Lord, have most ungratefully offended thee ; and as my sins have long since cried aloud to heaven for justice, how can I now complain of thy chastisements ? No, my Qod, thou, art just in all thy ways; I have truly de- served thy punishment, and therefore can.; have no reason to complain of thee, but lather of my own wickedness. Rebuke we not, Lord, in thy fury, nur chastise me in' thy wrath; but have colli- gation on my weakness. Thou knowest my frailty, and that I am nothing but dust and a^hes. Deal not with me therefore ac- cording to xny sins, nor punjsjr.me accord- ing to "my iniquities ; but according lo the- multitude of thy tender mercies have cont- usion on me. May thy justice, O Lord, be tempered with mercy; and let thy heay- venly grace come to my assistance, to sup- port me under tills illness.' Enable me with . !>th from above \o bear all the un- Devotions for the Sick, 123 easinesses, pains and difficulties, of my sickness, with Christian patience, and to accept of them with cheerfulness in just punishment of my offences. Preserve me from all temptations, and be thou to me a tower of strength against the assaults of the enemy, that, in this illness, I may no ways offend thee. And should it be my last, I beg of thee so to direct me by thy grace, that I may neither neglect nor be deprived of those helps which thou hast, in thy mer- cy, ordained for the safe conduct of my soul in its passage to eternity ; that being per- fectly cleansed from all my sins, I may believe in thee, hope in thee, love thee above all things, and, through the merits of thy death and passion/ be admitted into the company of the blessed, where I may praise thee for ever. Amen. Acts of the most neceisary Virtues to be made in the Time of Sickness. LORD, I accept tins sickness from thy hands, and resign myself entirely* to thy blessed will, whether it be for lite or death. Not my will, but thine be done : thy will be done on earth, as it is in hea- ven. I offer up to thee, O Lord, all that I now surfer, or may hereafter suffer, to be united to the sufferings of my Redeemer, and sanc- tified by his passion. I adore thee, O my God and my All, as my first beginning and last end; and bow- ing down all the powers of my soul in thv F2 124 Devotions for the Sick. presence, desire to pay thee the best he- mage I am able. I desire to praise thee, O Lord, without ceasing, in sickness as well as in health : and to join my heart and voice with the whole Church in heaven and earth in bles- sing thee for ever. I give thee thanks from the bottom of my heart for all the mercies and blessings bestowed upon me and thy whole Church, through Jesus Christ thy^Son: and, above all, fox thy having loved me from all eter- nity, and redeemed me with thy precious blood. O let not that blood be shed for me in vain ! Lord, I believe all those heavenly truths which thou hast revealed, and which thy holy Catholic Church believes and teaches : thou art the sovereign Truth, who neither canst deceive nor be deceived: and thou hast promised the spirit of Truth, to guide thy Church into all truth. I believe in God tltc Father Almighty, fyc. In this faith I resolve, through thy grace, both to live and die : O Lord, strengthen and increase my faith, O my God, all my hopes are centered in thee, from whom I hope for mercy, grace, and salvation, through the passion and death of my blessed Redeemer. In thee, O Lord have I put my trust : O let me never be confounded. O sweet Jesus, receive me into thy arm9 in this day of my distress : hide me within thy wounds, bathe my soul in thy precious blood. Devotions for the Sick. 125 I Jove thee, O my God, with my whole heart aud soul, above all thing? : at least I desire so to love thee, O ! come now, and take full possession of my soul, and teach me to love thee for ever. I desire to be dissolved, and to be with Christ. ' When, O Lord, will thy kingdom come? W'hen wiltthou perfectly reign in all hearts? When shall sin be no more ? I desire to embrace every neighbour in the arms of perfect charity, for the love of thee. 1 forgive, from my heart, all that have any ways offended or injured me, and ask pardon of ail whom 1 have any ways offended. Have mercy on me, O God, according to thy great mercy ; and according to the mul- titude of thy tender mercies, blot out my iniquities. O ! who will give water to my head, and fountains of tears to my eyes, that night And day I may bewail all my sins ! I that I had never offended so good a God ! O that I had never sinned ! Happy those souls that have preserved their bap- tismal innocence. Lord, be merciful to me a sinner; sweet Jesus, Son of the living God, have mercy onvme. 1 recommend my soul to God my Crea- tor, who made me out of nothing; to Jesus Christ my Saviour, who redeemed e received into the regions of light and peace, and be numbered amongst the olesscd : thro', ckc. For a Woman deceased. 1X7E beseech thee, O Lord, according to thy great goodness, to shew mercy on the soul of thy servant; that being now delivered from the corruption of this mortal life, she maybe received into the in- heritance of eternal bliss: thro', &c/ For many deceased. /A God, whose property it is always to ^ have mercy and to spare, be propitious to the souls of thy servants, and grant them the remission of all their sins ; that being delivered from the bonds of this mortal life, they may be admitted to lite everlasting. A Prayer ukich mav be daily said by a Woman with Child. f\ Lord God Almi-hry, Creator of hea- ^ ven and earth r whft has made us all cut of nothing, and redeemed us by the precious blood of tby gnly Son : look . A Prayer for a Woman with Child. 131 down upon thy poor handmaid bere pros- trate before thee, humbly imploring thy mercy, and begging thy blessing for herself and her child, which thou hast given her to conceive. Preserve, I beseech fchee, the work of thy hands, and defend both me and the tender fruit of my womb from all perils and all evils; grant me in due time a happy delivery, and bring my child *afe to the font of baptism, that it "may be there happi- ly dedicated to thee, to love and serve thee faithfully for ever. But, O my God, I have too much reason to fear lest my great and manifold sins bhould hinder thee from hear- ing my prayers, and draw down thy judg- ments on me and mine, instead of thy mer- cies which I sue for. And therefore I am sensible the first thing I ought to do is, to repent from the bottom of my heart for all my offences, humbly confessing them, and continually to cry to thee for mercy. 1 de- test then all my sins with my whole heart, and desire to lay them down here at thy feet, to be effaced and destroyed for ever. I renounce and abhor tnem with my whole soul, because they are infinitely odious to thee, and wish I could expiate them with tears of blood: I humbly beg thy 'pardon for them ail, and wish with all my heart 1 had never committed them : I here offer myself to make what satisfaction for them I am able ; and most willingly accept of whatever I may have to suffer m child-bear- ing, and offer it up now before-hand to thee far jjiy sins, firmly resolving by thy grace F i 332 Instructions for hearing Mass. never wilfully to offend tliee more. Behold here rtiy poor heart, O Lord, and if it is not, at least 1 desire it should he, that con- trite and humhle heart which thou never despisest. Jn this disposition of soul, and with a lively confidence in thy mercies, and jii the merits of the death and passion of Jesus Christ thy Son, I renew the petition I made before, and once more beg, for my- self, thy grace, protection, and a happy de- livery ; and for my child, that thou wouldst be pleased to preserve it for baptism, sanc- tify it for thyself, and make it thine for ( ver : thro', &c f . Amen. INSTRUCTIONS FOR HEARING MASS. i 1. WHEN you hear the hell, direct your intention to hear Mass in remembrance of the nth and passion of our BUssed Saviour , and imagine that you see the Blessed Virgin, St. Mary Magdalen and the other Maries, going to Mount Calvary, to behold Christ crucified ; n d tar our to stir up in your mind such thoughts as you may suppose these holy per- sons to have had in this sacred pilgrimage, as' ou are going to behold the same crucifixion 1 7tddch they saw, mystically performed by the hands of. the priest. 2. Think, that were this blessed sacrifice Utred only in one place, and consecrated but i€ priest in the world, with how great a in people would run to that place, and . t priest, to hear and see him celebrate tvenly inystenes.- Implore then the ur Lord, that you may come zcith the Frayers before 2{ass. 133 like attention and devotion, as these holy mys- teries do not require a less reverence for being celebrated hi so many places, and so often re- peated. 3. Call to mind what you stand most in need of, beicoil your offences, and offer up this holy sacrifice for the Universal Church, his Holiness the Pope, and all ecclesiastical persons ; for unity among all Christian kings and princes; for the conversion of infidels . and heretics; for his majesty, the royal family, and these kingdoms; and finally f for both the living and the dead. PRAYEKS BEFORE MASS. An Oblation of the Mass, according to the four Ends (four Christian Sacrifice, OMOST merciful Father, and gracious God, who hast so loved the world, as not to spare thy only beloved Son, but de- liveredst him up to Suffer the cruel death of the cross for the redemption of us poor sin- ners ; and wiliest, moreover, have the same oblation daily renewed in the mass, that we may apply the fruit of his sacred passion for the benefit of our souls; grant, we humbly beseech thee, that we may assist with all due respect, attention, and devotion, at these adorable mysteries of thy infinite wisdom and singular goodness, to the end we may be made partakers of the fruit and virtue uf the bloody sacrifice of the cross, by this un- bloody oblation at the altar. And a- , 9 our Christian sacrifice contains all the virtue and perfection of those of the old law, >.u we 1M Prayers at Mans. offer it up to thee in manner of the four- fold oblation of the ancient sacrifices. First, then, we offer it up, O Lord, in humble and sincere profession of the supreme power and dominion thou hast over us and alt creatures, to which we willingly submit; ami earnestly. beg that we and all others may have the grace constantly to do the same. Secondly, we offer it up in satisfac- tion and atonement for all the sins and crimes we have ever committed ; or how- soever thy infinite majesty has any ways been displeased or offended. 'Hardly^ we offer up this holy mass as a thanks- giving and grateful acknowledgment of all favours and blessings bestowed upon us in general or particular. Lastly, we offer up % mir present sacrifice* that we may merci- fully obtain of thy divine goodness what thou knowest we stand most in need of, ei- ther for soul or 'body, temporal or spiritual. \ftere may be added, in particular, zchat each most uants, for himself, or others I iv- i* . '.] With these dispositions and :10ns, wc approach, O God, this day to relying on thy power and m< y y ir petitions, ami fo supply us with * ■ : • : (forming of our duty, thro' i e divine merits of the sacred cleat! md : ' • ' pi i; only Son, our Lord and "&* vioui Jesus Christ. Am&u 135 A DEVOUT METHOD OF HEARING MASS. Making the sign of the Cross xcith the Priest, IN the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost. Amen, T will draw near to thy altar, O my God, there to gain new strength and vigour to* my soul ; separate me by thy grace from those unbelievers who have no trust in thee. That grace which comforts me when the remembrance of my sins afflict and cast me down. That grace which lets me know there is an everlasting refuge in thy goodness, and that thou art ready to forgive even our greatest sins upon a sincere repentance. The Priest bowing down, says the Conhteor before he gees up to the altar : say it with him as follows : I Confess to Almighty God, to the blessed • Virgin Mary, to the blessed Michael ti;e Archangel, to the blessed John Baptb I holy apostles Peter and Paul, to all the, saints., and to you, Father, that I have very much sinned in thought, word, arid deed, I igfx my fault, through my few it, th r< mv must grievous fault. Therefore , . - d Virgin Mary, b d u I rthangel, the blessed Jo .' »i\ apostles Peter and Paul, .r . .< - ' you, Father, to pi i ,?:. l<- 1 ( " ie, , . . , 4> t > > Judica me, the G: . i^'.e^e^ri ■ $n4 Creed are omitted in y. Lord Jesus Chri>t, the- ; ou. Lord God,. Jvuiub of : . ^ . - Father, who take^t away- d, have mercy upon £= * Prayers at Mass. 13T who takest away the sins of the world, receive our prayers : w ho sittest at the right hand of the Father, have mercy on us* For thou only art holy, thou only art our Lord, thou only,0 Jesus Chrrst, together with 'he^ Holy Ghost, art most high, in the glory of God the Father. Amen. When the Priest turns to the People, andsays y Dominus vobi*cum, say r T> E thou always with us, O my God, and JD let thy grace never depart from us. Whilst he reads the Collects, say, ALmighty and eternal God, we iiumhly beseech ihee, mercifully to give ear to the prayers of thy servant, which he offers thee in the name of thy Church, and in he- half of us thy people : accept them to the honour of thy name, and good of our bonis; and grant us ah those blessings which may any ways contribute to our salvation. Thro' our Lord Jesus Christ. Amtn. Jit the Epistle, say, BE thou, O Lord, eternally praised and blessed, for having communicated, to \ the holy prophets and apostles thy spirit, disclosing to them admirable secret dou^ding to thy glory and our great i We firmly believe their wnrd, heca ■ Uiine. Give us, we .beseech the ss to understand from ■ their instructions, what is grace to practise the same .■ / When he reach thcGx .\. \. OW wonderful, O Lon through the whole e*u . . ' i . . • 13fl Prayers at Ifass. our Lord at all times : his praise shatl be ever in my month. Be thou my God and my Protector: in thee alone will I put my trust, let me not be confounded for ever. At the. Gospel, when the People rise up, say, MAYEST thou be ever adored and praised, () Lord, who not content to instruct and inform us by thy prophets and apostles, hast even vouchsafed to speak to us by thy only Son our Saviour Jesus Christ, commanding us by a voice from heaven to hear him: grant us, O merciful God, the grace to profit by his divine and heavenly doctrine. All that is written of thee, dread Jesus, in thy gospel, is truth itself; nothing but wisdom in thy actions; power and good- ness in thy miracles; light and instruction in thy words. With thee, sacred Redeemer, are the words of eternal life : to whom shall we go, but to thee, eternal Fountain of Truth ? Give me, O God, grace to practise^ what thou commandest, and command what thou pleasest. At the Credo or Nicene Creed, sai/ t I Believe, O Lord, all thou hast taught nie by thy holy Church: in this faith, by the assistance of thy grace, I desire to live and die : by thy divine grace, I am convinced of the sincerity and wisdom of those who hato delivered these sacred truths to me. Their miraculous success is a sufficient proof. Where ..shall I go, my Lord? Thou hast the iv • pj i • rial life. Of thy truth thus tft . .< re I, my reason and will shall m \ i &mbt, though my senses and vain ijtia^inur u Prayers at Mass. ISO tions should. I believe, O Lord, help my unbelief. When at the Offertory he uncovers the Cha- lice, .«/;/, ACCEPT, O holy Father, almighty and eternal God, this unspotted Host which I, thy unworthy servant, offer thee, my living and true God, for my innumerable sins, offences, and negligences, and for all here present, and for all faithful Christians, living and dead, that it may avail me and them to life everlasting. Amen At the Offering of the Chalice, sat/, WE offer thee, O Lord, the chalice of salvation, beseeching thy clemency, that it may ascend before thy divine Ma- jesty, as a sweet perfume, for our salvation, and for that of the whole world. Accept us, O Lord, in tho spirit of hu- mility and a contrite heart: and grant that the sacrifice which we offer this day in thy sight, may be pleasing to thee, O Lord God. When he washes his Fingers at the Corner of the Altar, say, THOU, Lord, who once vouchsafedst to wash thy disciples' feet before" their invitation to thy holy table, wash ns we beseech thee, O Lord, and wash Hot only our feet and hands, but < our desires, our soul?, tha wholly innocent and pure. Go jw, and pr Reive, O holy Trinity, we make thee, in \yx\ •^O Prayers at Mass. passion, resurrection, and ascension of our -Lord Jesus Christ, and in honour of tlie ever blessed Virgin Mary; of blessed John liaptist; of the holy apostles Peter and i aui; or these, and of aU the saints; that it may be available to their honour and our salvation. And may they vouchsafe to in- tercede tor us in heaven, whose memory we celebrate on earth. Thro' the same Chnsi our Lord. Amen. MAt the Orate Fratres, say, Alt our Lord receive tins sacrifice from thy hands, to the praise and glory of his name, tor our good, and the benefit ot his whole Church. Or, whilst he reads the secret Prayers proper . -m _/ or tne ^ a y* *» « tow voice say, TV/T Ercitully hear our prayers, O Lord, >. ? * a»d graciously accept this oblation, • which we thy servants are making to thee; that as we offer it to the honour of thy name, so it may be to us here a means of obtain- ing thy grace, and in the next life everlast- ing happiucss. Amen. When the Priest suys in a loud voice, Per 1 omnia specula saeculoruni, say, 1 is truly meet and just, right and avail- ble to solvation, that we always, and in s, give thanks to thee, holy Lnrd, j eighty, elernal God, thrJ'Ciirist y whom the angels praise thy v S --C dominations adore it, ti*e ' ; mbie before it, the heaveiis and *'• ; v i- , and biessed seraphim swftti JirMIef glorify it; together wtfh Prayers at Mass. 141 whom we beseech thee, that we may be admitted to join our voices, saying in an humble manner : Holy, holy, holy, Lord God of Sabaoth, heaven and earth are full of thy glory. Hosanna in the highest. Blessed is he that cometh in the name of the Lord. Ho- sanna in the highest. What follows is called the Canon of the Mass : say then, "V/TOST merciful Father, who hast given ^*- us thy only Son to be our daily sacri- fice, incline thy ears to our prayers, and favour our desires ; protect, unite, and go- vern thy whole Church throughout the world, pour forth thy blessing on his pre- sent Holiness, that Prelate who has a parti- cular charge over us, our King, and all true professors of the Catholic faith. Whiht he makes his Memento, or Comme- moration of the Living, make yours also, praying in particular for yourself and Friends, &c. T Offer thee, O eternal Father, wkh this ■*• thy minister at the altar, this oblation of the body and blood of thy only Son, to thy honour and glory : in remembrance of my Saviour's passion, in thauksgivii nil thy benefits, in satisfaction • tor ai 'sins, and for the obtaining thy gra< - by I may he enabled to five vnl. 1 die liappilw I desire the** liktw cept it, O God. for my p'treuts, ^ i fciorfe, friends, and fceriefaepe •> G' 142 Prayers at Mass. them all blessings, spiritual and temporal. I offer it up also [nante the particular inten- tion you offer it upjor ; as, for obtaining thrs virtue, overcoming that vice ; for bles- sings, such as health, &c] Likewise for 24I that are m misery ; tor those I have any ways injured in word or deed : tor all my enemies: tor the conversion of sinners, and enlightening all that sit in darkness. Pour forth thy blessings on all, according to their different necessities, through the merits of thy only Son our Lord. Proceed and say y IVE ear, we beseech thee, to the prayers of thy servant, who is here ap- pointed to make this oblation in our behalf, and grant it may be effectual for the obtain* ingail those blessings which he asks for us. Behold, O Lord, we all here present to thee in this bread and wine the symbols of our perfect union. Grant, O Lord, that they may be made for us the true body and blood of thy dear Sou; that being conse- crated to thee by this holy Victim, we may v in thy service, and depart this lite in : i ;. gra 1 i :.; t lifting up of the Sacred m Memory of Christ being, lifted Q\ oss, say, . ible body, I adore thee wifch ; ■ \.- > of my suiii. Lor \ . >eif entire to us, _ am Lou ent rely thine. I beii< vt, . iv unbelief |^| M. r Prayers at .Mass. 143 Most merciful Saviour, be thou my pro- tector; strengthen and defend me by thy. heavenly grace, now, and especially at the I hour of my death, sweet Jesus. Amen* . At the Elevation of the Chalice, say > | TV /f OST adorable blood, that washes ! -LVA away all our sins, I adore thee : happy we, if we can return our life and blood for thine. O Jesus, do thou cleanse, sanctify, and preserve our souls to eternal life. Live, Je- sus, in us, and we in thee. Amen, After the Elevation, sai/ y T is now, O Lord, with grateful hearts we call to mind the sacred mysteries of thy passion and death, thy resurrection and as* cension. Here is thy body trret was broken : jherc is thy blood that was shed for us, of j w r hich these exterior signs are but the ti- Igures, and yet in reality contain the sub* stance, Jt is now we truly offer thee, O Lord, that pure and holy victim, which thou-, hast been pleased to give us; of which all the other sacrifices are but so many types and figures. Whilst he fttaJ^es J: is Memento, in $iUncc, f,r the Dead, make }.ours also, thu T Oiler thee again, O Lord, tiu» h« ftee of the body and blood of ti . Son, lu.bt LihofUie rajinfuLrigpai I, ..< I Hi pari , .; t\ji the SOuls 01 [L '-JTlb ,. . ■ tttjjjgtprapQi&e to prayji'i i;>; .■,.)«'..■. ?/ '•'■ /"J, legations, beneia wui : l . Likewise of such as L . 1 • • 144 Prayers at Mast. ways injured, or been the occasion of their sins ; of such as have injured me, and beeu iny enemies; of such as die in war, or ha?e none to pray for them, &c. To-these, O Lord, and to all that rest in Christ, grant, we beseech thee, a place of re fresh meat, ^ light, and peace : thro' the same Christ our ) Lord. Amen. When he strikes his Breast, and says aloud, Notes quoque peccatoribus, sat/ y Vouchsafe to grant the same to ws^ poor and miserable sinners: judge us not according to our demerits; but through the infinite multitude of thy mercies, in which we hope, liberally extend to us thy grace and pardon. We ask it of thee, in the name of thy clear Son, who liveth and reigneth eternally with thee, and in that form of prayer which* he himself hath taught us. At the Pater Noster, say with him, OUR Father, who art in heaven, hal- lowed he thy name; thy kingdom come ; thy will be done on earth, as it is in heavn; give us this day our daily bread; .and forgive us our trespasses as we forgive them that trespass against us; and lead temptation : but deliver us from ■• . us from those evils, which we t present; from past m, ■riling hut our manifold* .,- : vils to come, whicb will be • men t of our offences, >. : Prayers at Mass. 145 prayers, and those more powerful ones of thy saints, who intercede for us, intercept not thy justice, or excite not thy bounty. At his breaking and putting a Particle of the Host into the Chalice , say, THY body was broken, and thy blood shed for us : grant that the comme- moration of this holy Mystery may obtain us peace : and that those who receive it may find everlasting rest. At the Agnus Dei, say with the Priest, LAMB of God, who takest away the sins of the world, have mercy upon us. Lamb of God, who takest away the sins I of the world, have mercy upon us. Lamb of God, who takest away the sins of the world, grant us peace. At the Prayer before Communion, s-n/ y IN saying to thyApostles,my peace I leave you, my peace I give you: thou bast promised, O Lord, to all thy Church. peace which the world cannot give;, peace with thee, and peace with o Let nothing, O Lord, ever iuu holy peace •► let nothing sei thee to whom we heartily -de ed, through the blessed sbci and reconciliation. Let thl- strengthen us in every chr >.< nevermore to yield under fall into our common weak; G 146 Prayers at Mass. At the Domine non sum digntis, striking your Breast thrice, with Humility arid Cvn- irition, say, LORD, I am not worthy thou shouldst enter under my roof; say only the word, and my soul shall be healed. Such as are iiot prepared to communicate really, may communicate spiritually, by saying as Jbllous : TV I ^ loving Jesus, I adore thee with a xtl lively faith, who art present in this sacrament by virtue of thy infinite power, wisdom and goodness. But conscious of my infirmities and sins, I dare not now re- ceive thee sacramentally. All my hope is in thee ! I love thee, O Lord, with all my heart, who hast so loved me: and there* fore I desire to receive thee now spiritually: come therefore, O Lord, to me in spirit, and heal my sinful soul. Feed me that am- hungry ,* comfort me that am weak, enlivea and sanctify me with thy sacred body and blooci -. deliver me from all sin, and make me ah\ ays obedient" to thy commands ; and me never be separated from thee, my who with the Father and the ? v ifetj livest and reignest one God, er. Amen. .iution and Wiping of the Chalice, say, f ' ■« its, Lord, a part in the fruits of \ '' death and passion : the sacred : v ch we have commemorated Prayers at Mass, 147 in our present sacrifice and communion* Happy those who sit at thy table to partake of the bread of life. O Jesus, my soul sighs after thee ! - I long with thy apostle to be dissolved, and be with thee. My heart, and my whole body, with transports of joy, seek the living God. My soul languishes with the ardent desire of entering into the house of our Lord. I" love thee, O my God, with all my heart ! O that 1 could always enjoy the presence of thy adorable body, which is the pledge of our eternal happiness. I adore thy good- ness, and return thee infinite thanks, O gra»- cious Lord, for thy inestimable favour and mercy, in admitting me to be present this day at the dread sacrifice, where thou art both Priest and Victim. Make me,0 God, always sensible of this great blessing, and let not my unworthiness put a stop to the effect of thy mercy and goodness. Whilst he reads the Communion, say, L*ET it be now, O Lord, the effect of 1 thy mercy, that we who have been present at this holy mystery, may find the Denefit of it in our souls. At the Post-Communion, sa . WE give thee thanks, O Gu . i thy mercy, in admitting part in offering this sacrifice .in in\ name: accept it now to thy g],or\ ; iJ be ever mindful of our weakness Proceed asj'oliu^ MOST gracious God, IV r oi mercy, grant I beseech thee, that thi: .... GZ 148 Prayers after Mass. able sacrifice of the blessed body and blood of thy Son, our Lord Jesus Christ, may ob- tain for us at thy hands, mercy, and the remission of all our sins. Amen. When he turns to the People and gives them his Blessing, make you also the sign of the Cross, and say, THE Blessing of God Almighty, »|« Fa- ther, Son, and Holy Ghost, descend | upon us, and dwell in our hearts for ever. Amen. Whilst he concludes with the last Gospel, say. O Eternal Word, speak to my soul f which adores thee in a profound si- lence ; thou art the great Creator of all things : abandon not, I beseech thee, thy own creature : be thou my life, my light, I and my all. O Light eternal ! enlighten me as to this present life, and'in the life to come. Reign in me as in thine own inheritance t .for thou, O Lord, hast made me : thou hast redeemed me ! May I be ever thine. ' I have sinned too much against heaven, and before thee, and am not worthy to bS y Son. i vd Incarnate, have pity on rrij , . aortal flesh, and grant it may on$ nat it here adores below. Amen, I * Pruycrs after Mass. • | 1 : ei the&afl possible praiseand thanks, jj[ reign Creator, for the favour I ' ■ ! received of thy bounty, an4 r vvl iwany "better deserving Christians i:> { rived; *' Receive, O Lord,- my un- At sprinkling the Holy Water, &$c. 140 worthy prayers, supply all my defects, par- don all my distractions and indevotions, and grant, that by the strength and virtue of those divine mysteries, I may go on cheer- fully in the path of thy commandments, love and service, amidst all the tempta- tions, troubles, and dangers of my life's pilgrimage, till I shall one day happily ar- rive at thy heavenly kingdom, where, with' the blessed angels and saints, I shall more clearly contemplate thee, more perfectly enjoy thee, and more understanding^ cele- brate thy in6nite goodness and mercy, with uninterrupted canticles of eternal praise, ad- miration and gratituue. Happy are they who dwell in thy house, O Lord ; for ever and ever they will praise thee. Thou art worthy, O Lord, to receive ho- nour, glory, and power. Praise the Lord, for he is good, for his mercy is everlasting. Who shall relate the wonders of the* Lord ? who shall publish his praises ? faAt sprinkling the Holy Water, 'b&fdre I ,on Sunday, is sung the following A^U: ASperges me, Do- OiYmkk 9 mine, Hyssopo, O L01& w|tU J$ys- et lnundabor: favabis sop, and I me, et super nivem clean-en 1 . dealbabor. am) -l whiter- tfcnrti sr.> G3 r 150 . The Prayer, Exaudi. Ps. Miserere mei, Ps. Jiave mercy on Deus,secundum mag- me, O God, according nam misericordiam ' to thy great mercy, tuara. V. Gloria Patri, &c. V. Glory be to, &c. Ant. Asperges me. Anth. Sprinkle me. The Priest, being returned to the Foot of the Altar, says, V: Ostende nobis, V. Shew us, O Dotniue, misericor- Lord, thy mercy.* diam tuam. K. Et salutare tu- R. And grant us um da nobis. thy salvation. V. Domine, exaudi V. O Lord, hear orationem meam. my prayer. R. Et clamor me- R. And let my cry us ad te veniat. come unto thee. V. Dominus vobis- V. May the Lord cum. be with you. R. Et cum Spiritu R. And with thy tuo. Spirit. The Prayer, Exaudi HEAR us, O holy Lord, Almighty Fa- ther, eternal God ! and vouchsafe to .scud thy holy angel from heaven, to guard, cherish, protect, visit and defend all that are assembled in this place, through Christ oaf Lord, Amen, Preparatory Prayer, $c, 151 From Easter to* Whit Sunday, inclusively, in- stead of t he foregoing Anthem, the follow" ing is sung, and to the V.^Ostende nobis), and its R. Et salutare, are added Alle- luias. Anthem. VIDI aquam egre- T Saw water flowing dientem de tern- X. from the right sid£ plo a latere dextro, ai- of the temple, alle- leluia: et omnes ad luia : and all to whom (pios pervenit aqua that water came, were ista, salvi facti sunt saved, and they shall et dicent, Alleluia. say, Alleluia. Ps. Confitemini Do- Ps. Praise the Lord, mino, quoniam bo- because he is good: nus : quoniam in sae- because his mercy en- culum misericordia dureth for ever. Glo- ejus. Gloria. ry, &c. Preparatory Prayer before Mass. PROSTRATE in spirit at the foot of thy holy altar, 1 adore thee, Almighty God*! and firmly believe that the Mass, at which I am going to assist, is the sacririce of the body and blood of thy Son, Christ Jesus. O! grant 1 may assist thereat-with the at- tention, respect, and awe due to such august mysteries: and that by the merits of. trie Victim there offered for me, 1 myself may become an agreeable sacririce to thee, who- livesc and reignest with the same Son and Holy Ghost, one God, world without end* Amen t G4 152 THE ORDINARY OF THE MASS. The Priest at the Foot of the Altar, beginning, saith, IN Nomine Patris, IN the Name of the et Filii, et Spiritus * Father, and of the Sancti. Amen. Son, &c. Amen, Ant. Introibo ad Anth. I will go un- altare Dei. to the altar of God. R. Ad Deum, qui R. To God, who ketirlcat juventutem rejoiceth my youth, meam. Psalm xlii. JUDICA me, De- JUDGE me, O us, et discerne tJ God, and dislin- causam meam de guish my cause from gente non sancta: ab the nation that is noc homine inicjuo et do- holy: from the unjust eriie me. and deceitful man de- liver me. R. Quiatucs,Deus, R. Since thou, O fortitudo iriea, quare God, art my strength, me repulisti? et quare why hast thou reject- ■ tristis inccdo dum af- ed me ? and why do tiigit me inimicus? I go sorrowful whilst the enemy afflicteth me ? P. Emitte lucem P. Send forth thy tuam et veritatem tu- Light and thy Truth : am: ipsa me dedux- they have conducted eruut, et adduxerunt and brought me unto in Montem sanctum thy holy Mount, and' tuuni, et in Taberna- into thyTabcrus alia lua. The Ordinary of the Mass. 156 R. Et introibo ad R. And I will go altare Dei: ad Deum unto the altar of God 5 qui laetificat juventu- to God who rejoiceth tern meam. my youth. P. Confitebor tibi, P.I will praise thee in cithara, Deus, De-on the harp, O God, usmeus: quare tristis my God: why art' es, anima mea ? et thou sorrow fid, O my quare conturbas me ? soul ! and why dost thou disturb me ? R. Spera in Deo, R. Hope in God, Guoniam adhuc con- for him will I still fitebor illi : salutare praise : he is my God, ■vultus mei, et Deus and the Saviour I look meus. for. P. Gloria Patri, et P. Glory be to the Filio,etSpiritui Sane- Father, and to the to. Son, cScCc R. Sicut erat in R. As it was in the principio, et nunc, et beginning, is now, , semper, et in specula and ever shall be, saxuiorum. Amen, world without end. Amen. P. Introibo ad al- P. I will go unto tare Dei. the altar of God. R. Ad Deum qwi R. To God who leetirkat juventutem rejoiceth my youth, meam. P. Adjutorium nos- P. Our help, is in trum in nomine Do- the name of the Lord. mini. R. Qui fecit ccelum R. Who made hea- «t terram. ven and earth. P. Confiteor Deo P. I confess to Al* emnipotenti, &c. mighty God, &c. G5 16 i The Ordinary of the Mass. l\. Misereatur tui R. May Almighty titanipotens Deus, et God be merciful to dimissis peccatis tuis, thee, and, forgiving perducat te ad vitam thee thy sins, brini a?temam. P. Amtn. thee to everlasting life. Amen. It. Confiteor Deo R. I confess to Al- omnipotent], beatau mighty God, to the Maria* semper Virgi- Messed Mary, ever a ni, Lcato Michaeli Virgin, blessed Mi- Archangelo, beato Jo- chael the Archangel, anni Baptistae, sane- blessedJohn Baptist, tis Apostolis Petro the holy Apostles Pe- et Paulo, omnibus ter and Paul, to all Sanctis, et tibi Pa- the saints, and to you, ter, quia peccavi ni- Father, that I have mis cogitatione, ver- sinned exceedingly in bo et opere, mea cul- thought, word, and pa, mea culpa, mea deed, thro' my fault, maxima culpa. Ideo thro* my fault, thro* precor beatam Mari- my most grievous am semper Virginem, fault. Therefore I be- beatum Michaelem seech the blessed Ma- Archangelum, bea- ry, ever a virgin, bles- mm Joannem Bap- sed Michael Arcban- tistam, sanctos Apos- gel, blessed John Bap- tolos Petium et Pau- tist,the holy Apostlei ]um, omnes Sanctos, Peter and Paul, and rt te, Pater, orare pro all the saints, and me ad Dominum De- you, O Father, to cm nostrum. pray to the Lord our Gcd for me. P. Miserealur ves- P. May Almighty tri on.nipotens Deus, God be merciful unto et dinassis peccatis you,arid,forgivingyou C vos your sins, bring you The Ordinary cf I h e Mass. 1 3 > ad vitam ceternam. to life everlasting. It. Amen. It. Amen. P. Indulgentiani, It. May tug Al- abso!utio:iem, et re- mighty and mustmer- missionem peccato- citui Lord, grant ua rum nostrpruni, tri- pardon, absolution, buit nobis ornnipo- ahd remission of our tens et misericors Do- sins. It. A men. minus. It. Amen. v P. Deus, tu con- P. O God, thou versus viviricabis nos. being turned towards us, wilt enliven u.^. It. Et plebs tua II. And thy people lcetabitur in te. will rejoice in thee. P. Osteade nobis, P. Snew us, O Lord,* I>omine, misericor- thy mercy, diam tuarh. It. Et salutare tu- 11. And grant us um da nobis. thy salvation. P. Domine, exaudi P. O Lord, hear orationem me am. my prayer. It. Et clamor metis It. And let my ad te vemat. cry come unto thee. * P. Dommas vobis- P. Toe Lord be cum. with you. It. Et cum spiritu It. *A;a.1 with thy tuo. spirit. The Priest, going to the Altar, says, Aufer a nobis quae- Take away from tunaus, Domine, mi- us our iniquities, we quitates nostras, ut beseech thee, O Lord, ad Sancta Sanctorum that we may be wor- puns mereamur men- thy to enter with pure ubus mtroire : per minds into the Holy Christuro "t>ominum oHIolies : thro', $t N.. and N« The Canon of the Mass. i He pruys awhile in secret, for such as he intends to pray for. Et omnium circum- And of all here stantium, quorum tibi present, whose Faith fides cognita est, et and Devotion is nota devotio, pro known unto thee, quibus tibi offerimus, for whom we offer, vel qui tibi offcrunt or who offer up to hoc sacrificium lau- thee this sacrifice of dis, pro se, suisque praise for themselves omnibus : pro re- and^riends, for the demptione anima- redemption of their rum suarum, pro spe souls, for the health salutis, et incolumi- and salvation they tatis suae : tibique hope for, and for reddunt vota sua which they now pay pterao Deo, vivo et their vows to thee, vero. the eternal, living, and true God. CoMMUNICANTES, COMMUNICATING et memonam vene- with, and honour- rentes, imprimis glo- ing m the first place, riosae semper Virgmis the memory of the Marise, Genitricis ever-gloriuus Virgin Dei et Domini nostri Mary, Mother of our Jesu Chnsti ; sed et Lord and God Jesus beatorum Apostolo- Christ ; as also of rum ac . Marty rum the blessed Apostles tuorum, Petri et Pan- and Martyrs, Peter lr, Andreae, Jacobi, and Paul, Andrew, Joannis, Thomas, James, John, Tho- Jacobi, Phihppi, Bar- mas, James, Philip, thoiomavi Matthaei, Bartholomew, Mat- Simonis ei Thadsei, thew, Sjmon and Lini, Cleti, Clemen- 1'hadeus, LmuSj Cle- II % The Canon of the Mass. , Xysti, Corneal, ins, Clement, Xystus, priani, Laurentii, C melius, Cyprian, Chrysogoni, Joanm*- Laurence, Chrysogo- et Pauli, Cosmae et nus, John and Paul, Damiani, et omnium Cosmas and Damian, SaiKtorum tuorum ; and of aH thy Saints; quorum mentis pre- by wtiose merits and cibu^que concedas, prayers, grant that ut in omnibus pro- we may be always tectionis tuae munia- defended by the help raur auxilio. Per of thy protection, eumdem Christum Ihro'the^ame Christ Dom inum nostrum, our Lord. Amen* Amen. Spreading his H^us in omnibus, thou, O God, vouch- quaesumus, benedic- safe in all respects to tam, adhcriptam, ra- bles-, approve, ratify, tarn, rationabilem, and aciepi; that it acceptabilemque fa- may be, made for us The Canon of the Mass. 17 $ cere digneris; ut no the body and Mood bis Corpus et Sanguis of thy most, beloved fiat diiectis>imi Fiin Son je his Christ our tui Domini nostn Lord. Jesu f. hnsti. Qui pndie cpiam Who the day he- pateretur, arcepit pa tore tie suffered,* took nem in sanctas ac ve- bread into h;s holy nerabiles mantis su«s, and venerable hands, et elevatis ecuits in and with his eyes ccekim, », For KOC LbT CNIBfCORFU-J THIS IS MY BODY. IfEUlf. lit? e kneel down with the Priest, to adore the Sa< red Host, and soy, Most adorahie body, I adore thee with all the powers of my soul O Lord, who hast given thyself eutire to us, grant we may become entirety thine. I believe, O*- Lord, help m> unbelief. Most merciful Saviour, be thou my pro- . strengthen and defend me by thy ; beavenly grace, now, and especially at the hovir oi my death, sweet Je«us. Amen. •Simili undo post- In like m inner, af- quart) ccenatum est, ter he had supped, accipiens et hunc taking also this ex- praeclarum calicem cedent chalice into II 3 174 The Canon cf the Mats, i in sanctas ac venera* his holy and venerable biles manusnias, item hands, giving thee tibi gratias ugens be- also thanks, he bless- nedixit,deditque disci- ed it and gave it to pulissuis,dicens: Ac- his disciples, saying: CIPITE ET BTBITE EX TaKE AND DRINK YE EO OMNES, IlJC EST E~ ALL OF THIS, FOR THIS MMCAI.IX SANGUINIS IS THE CHALICE OF MLI Kdvi LT JETERNI MY BLOOD OF THE NEW TESTAMENTI: MYSTE- AND ETERNAL TESTA- EIUMFIDEi: QUI PRO MENT: THE MYSTERY VOBIS FT PRO MULTIS OF FAITH : WHICH EFFINDETUR IN RE- SHALL BE SHED FOR MISSIONEM PECCATO- YOU, AND FOR MANY, RUM. TO THE REMISSION OF SINS. Hare quotiescura- As often as ye do que feceritis in mei these things, ye shall memoriain facieiis. ;lu them i" remem- brance of me. Here also, kneel and adore, when he eletatet the Chalice, and say, Most adorable blood ! that washeth away all our sins, I adore thee : happy we, if we could return our life and blood for thine. Cleanse, O Jesus ! sanctify and preserve our souls to eternal life. Amen Unde et memores, Wherefore, O Lord, Domine, nosservi tul, we thy servants, as sed et plebs tua sane- also thy holy people, ta ejusdem Christi calling to mind the Filii tui Domini nos- blessed passion of the tri tarn beatac pas same Christ ihy S"Ei"g instructed ribus moniti, et Jj by thy saving divma institutione precepts, and follow- formati, audemus di- ins: thy divine direo- cere : tions, wc presume to say : Pater noster, qui es Our Father,who art in ccelis; sanctificetur in heaven, hallowed nomen tuum : adve- be thy name : thy niat regnum tuum : kingdom come : thy fat voluntas tua sicut will be done on earth, in ccelo, et in terra, as it is in heaven. Panem nostrum quo- Gi. II G 180 The' Canon of the Mass. Agnus Dei, qui tol- Lamb of God, who lis peccata mundi, takest away the sins dona nobis pacem. of the world, give us peace. .In Masses for the Drjvn fie says twice, Give them rest ; and lastly, Eternal rest. The j'ollozcing Fra^cr is also omitted. Uomine Jesu Chris- Lord Jesus Christ, te, qui dixisti aposto- who saidst to thy lis tuii, paccm relim apostles, I leave you quo vobis, pacem peace, I give you my meam do vob*s, ne peace, regard not my ; respicias peceatamea, sins, but the faith m scd fidem Kcclesire thy Church ; and ^ttue; eamquc secun- grant her that peace cum vcluulatcm tti- and unity which is am racificare et co- agreeable to thy will: ■ adunare digneris ;• who livest. Amen* qui vivis. Amen. Dominc Jesu Chris- Lord Jesus Christ, re, Fiii Dei vivi, qui Son of the living God, ex vchintatc Patris, who, according to- the coepcrante Spiritti will of thy Father, BStictO, per mortem thro' 1 he co-operation fniam immdum vivili- of the Holy Ghost, /castj : libera me per hast, by thy death, hoc fcacro - sanctum piven life to the corpus ct sanguinem world : deliver me by iV.um abemmhus iui- lias thy most sacred miitatibiis fintis, ct bedy and blood from uhivcrsis m'-tlis : et fac all my iniquities, .me mis, semper in- and from' all evils: . rtvaudaiis-, et a. make me always ad- ' te Hun qw am ' r a m i : h e re t o t h y com m and- The Canon cf the Ms*. .*£ | permiUa, i 0«i «» ^$!S3S ^lem Deo Patre ^£ r ™ e tl , ee: %v ho hvest ssculoram. Amen. l » c * . 4«>«.. . • i »V not the parti- - Perceptio corporis L t ^ ^ tui, Domme Jesu «patw chfl9tf Christe, quod ego io-U^ If though u*- .digaus sumere pr»-^ 1 presume to ,umo,nonimhi pro- ^orth> P to ^ venial in judicium et recw .> aud con CO ndemnationem;seu uufe but turu pro tua pietate prosit to*^<> it be ■; mentis et corporis et a .£ b of i a ^uedelam .percipi- we Q >, h lU ftu ,^,,; v ; v ^ e t ana noa>. endani. i*m ... _ ^.^ regnas cum Deo Pa- God the "Father, in tre,in imitate Spiritus the unity of the Holy Sancti, Dens, per om- Ghost, livest and »nia sxcula saeculc- request God for ever rum. Amen. and ever. Amen. Taking the Host in his Hands, he says, Pancm ccelestem I will take the- j accijiam, et nomen bread of heaven, and Domini invocabo. call upon the name of the Lord. Striking his breast , he says thrice, Domine, non sum Lord, I am notwor- . dignus ut intres sub thy that thou sbouldst tectum lueum ; sed enter under my roof; tantum die verbo. et say but the word, sa n abitur anuria mea. and my soul shall be healed. r ~ The Canon of the tfa* giving both Pars oft A i Corpus^ DomZ\ J x, heHoSt > hes ^, nos f" Je SU Chriwi „ r ay , tile ^''y of Cus£ °diat am ^ °«f Lord J esus cjj t?'' rld »s iiiv< ir Z ca " "PO'i the *'.»«»™.eSr * th'e Lor, ero> «»« ^ivusupo,, .ileLord ,^/ *^1 he saved' »- J ^^ |HV m^mwv .iu tiiies. ~m^eivirfg the Blood of our Saviour , te soys, Sarins Domini May the blood of no^tn Jesu Christi our Lord Jesus Ciirist cuHodia*. -animam preserve my soul to- mcmi in vitam aeter- everlasting life. nam Amen Amen. Taking the jirst Ablwion, he $ai : s } Quod ore sumpsi- Grant, o Lord, that mus, D: mine, pura what we have taken mente capuraib: et with our mouth, we de munere temporali, may receive with a frai aonis remedium ^uremmd: that oi a sempnemum. temporal gift it may become to us an eter- nal remedy. Taking the second Ablution^ he says, Corpus tuom Do- May thy body, O The Canon of the Mass. 183 mine, cfuod sumpsi, Lord, which I have et sanguis quern po- received, and thy tavi, adhaereat visce- blood which I have ribu> meis: et praesta, drank, cleave to my ut n. me non rema- bowels : and grant, neat scelerum macu that no stain of sin ]a, quem puraet re passum immo- \\ hich truly suffered Jatum, in cruce pro and was sacrificed honiine. on the cross for mankind. Cujus latus pcrfora- From whose side be- turn, unda fiuxit et ing pierced, issued sanguine. water and blood. Esto nobis praegusta- Be to us a comfort at turn mortis in exa- the hour of death, mine. 188 At the Benediction after the Mass, O. clemens, O pie ! O merciful, O good ! O Jesu, fill Mariae ! O Jesus, Son of Mary! Amen. Amen, On the Nativity of our Lord to the Octave of the Epiphany. ADESTE Fideles, iaeti triumphantes; Venite, venite in Bethlehem : Saturn videte regem angelorum ; Venite adoremus, venite adoremus, Venite 'adoremus Dominnm. Deum de Deu, lumen de lumine, GeMau' puellae viscera: Deum verum, genitum non factum: Venite adoiemus, venite adoremus, Venite adonmus Dominnm. Cantet nimc fo, chorus angelorura, Cantet nunc aula i eelestium : Gloria in excelsis Deo : Venite adoremus, venite adoremus, Venite adoremus Dominnm. Er^o, qui natus die hodierna, Jesu tibi sit gloria, Patris aeterni vert -urn caro factum : Venue adoremus, venite adoremus, Venite adoremus Dominium. The Words of Blosius : O Pelagus sancttt Delectionis. O Ocean of sweetness and divine love, my God, make haste, and give thyself to me, that I may worthily give myself back again to thee. Let me never rest here, but be ever soaring up to thee, that in thee I may rest, and breathe forth my soul with an entire heart, a full desire, and a most flam- ing affection. Let me ever prefer thee, nay Thanksgiving after Mass. 189 God, to all the creatures of the world; and for the love of thee, let me renounce all things of a transitory delight, O thou only and true joy of my soul ! Feed me, O Lord, at the sacred table ot thy divinity : this only thing I beg; I desire that a most ardent and vehement love may penetrate my soul, and so replenish it, that it may be totally chang- ed into thee O most sweet Redeemer ! grant that I may be inflamed with the love of thee : and may the fire of divine love totally consume me, that I may live onh in the sweet fruition of thee, my God Let me net feel, or know any o her object than thee alone. O overflowing sea of the mosi sacred divinity ! draw me to thyself, and drown me there; take from me all the af- fections of my heart, and so apply them to thyself that I may be perfectly dead to all other objects but thee, O my God ! A Thanksgiving after Mass-. Antk. Let us sing tne Hymn of the three children, which was sung by those saints in the fiery furnace, blessing the Lord, and in* viting all creatures to praise Almighty God, (Dan in.) ALL ye works of the Lord, bless the Lord, praise and extol him for ever. Biess the Lord, ye angels of the Lord ; ye heavens of the Lord : All the waters that are above the heavens, bless the Lord : bless the Lord, all ye pow- ers of the Lord Sun and moon, bless ye the Lord : stars of heavens, bless the Lord. 190 Thanksgiving after Mass. Showers aud dew, bless ye the Lord : alt ye spirits of God, bless the Lord. Fire and heat, bless ye the Lord : cold and summer, bless the Lord. « Dews and hoary trust, bless ye the Lord : frost and cold, bless ye the Lord. Ice and snow, bless ye the Lord : nights and days, bless the Lord. Light and darkness, bless ye the Lord: lightnings and clouds, bless the Lord. Let the earth bless the Lord: let it praise and extol him for ever. Mountains and little hills, bless ye the Lord : all things that spring up in the earthy » bless the Lord. Bless the Lord, ye fountains : seas and rivers, bless the Lord. Whales, and all that move in the waters, bless the Lord : bless the Lord, all ye fowls of the air. All beasts and cattle, bless the Lord: sons of men, bless ye the Lord. Let Israel bless the Lord : let it praise and extol him Thou mighty, formidable King ! Thou mercy's unexhausted Spring ! Some comfortable pity bring. Forget not w"hat my ransom cost, Nor let my dear-bought soul be lost In storms of guilty terrors tost. Thou, who for me didst feel such pain, Whose precious blood the cross did stain, Let not those agonies be vain. Thou, whom avenging pow'rs obey, Cancel my debts (too great to pay) before the sad accounting day. The Common Mass for the Dead. 195 Surrounded with amazing tears ; Whose load my soul with anguish bears : I sigh, I weep ; accept my tears. Thou, who wast mov'd with Mary's grief) And by absolving of the thief, Hast given me hope, now give relief. Reject not my unworthy pray'r, Preserve me from the dang'rous snare r Which death and gaping hell prepare. Give my exalted soul a place Amongst the cnosen right-hand race, The sons of God, and heirs of grace. Irom that insatiate abys, Where flames devour, and serpents hiss, Promote me to toy seat of bliss. Prostrate, my contrite heart I rend, My God, my Father, and my trieudl Do not forsake me in my end. Well may they curse their second birth, Who rise to a surviving death. Thou great Creator of mankind, Let guilty man compassion find. Amen. The Gospel, Johnvi. 51. IN those days Jesus said to the multitude- of the Jews : I am the bread of lite that came down from heaven. If any man eat of this bread, he shall live lor ever. And the bread which I will give him is my nesh, for the life of the world. The jews there- fore strove among themselves, saying, How cart this man give us his flesh to eat? Jesus therefore said unto them : Amen, Amen I say to vou ; unless you eat the flesh of tfe^ I? r 196 The Common Mass for the Dead. Son of Man, and drink his blood, you shall, not have life in you. He that eateth my flesh and drinketh my blood, hath life ever- lasting : and I will raise him up at the last day. The Offertory. LORD Jesus Christ, King of Glory, de- liver the souls of all the faithful de- parted, from the pains of hell, and from the deep pit. Deliver them from the mouth of the lion, lest hell swallow them up, lest they fall into darkness. But let the bearer of thy standard, St. Michael, bring them into that holy light, which thou ha*t promised of old, to Abraham and to his seed. V. We offer unto thee, O Lord, sacrifices of praise and prayer : vouchsafe to accept* them for those souls which we commemo- rate this day. Make them pass, O Lord, from death to that life which thou hastj promised of old, to Abraham and to hist seed. Secret. For Bishops and Priests. ACCEPT, O Lord, we beseech thee, the hosts which we offer for the souls of thy servants, bishops or priests : that having bestowed on them in this world, the dignity of bishops or priests, thou wilt also join, them in fellowship with thy saints in thy heavenly kingdom. Thro', &c. For Brethren, Relations, and Benefactors. OGod, whose mercy knows no limits, graciously receive the prayers we offer to thee in the spirit of humility; and by these sacraments ot our salvation, grant to the The Common Mass for the "Dead. 197 seuls of our brethren, kindred, and bene- factors, to whom thou hast given the grace to confess thy name, remission of all their sins. Thro', &c. Amen. For all the Dead. WE beseech thee, O Lord, look fa- vourably upon these hosts, which we offer to thee for the souls of thy servants ; that as thou hast conferred upon them the merit of faith, so thou wilt also grant them the reward. Thro',&c. Amen. The Communion. LET perpetual light shine upon them, O Lord, with thy saints for ever. V. Eternal rest grant them, O Lord, and may perpetual light shine on them, with thy saints for ever. The Post-Communion* For Bishops or Priests. GRANT, we beseech thoe, O Lord, by thy merciful clemency, which we have implored for the souls of thy servants, bi- shops or priests, that they may be eternally united to him, in whom thev have believed and hoped. Thro', kc. For Brethren, Relations, and Benefactors. CMIANT, we beseech thee, Almighty f and most merciful God, that the souls of our brethren, relations, and benefactors, for whom we have offered to thy divine Majesty this sacritice of praise, being puri- fied of all their sins by the virtue of this sa- crament, may receive, thro* thy mercy, the bliss yfetemallife. 13 108 Collects, #c. for Festivals. For all the Dead. jT^i RANT, we beseech thee, O Lord, that VJT the humble prayers we address to thee.,. I for the souls of thy servants, men and wo- men, may obtain of thy goodness to free them from all their sins, and to make them partakers of thy redemption : who livest and reignest with God the Father, &c. V. Let them rest in peace. R. Amen The following general Collects, Secrets* and Post-Communions, may be occasionally referred to from the Ordinary of the Mass, according to the Festival of the day, by such as have not the Missal at hand, in which are contained those proper to each particular Festival. Collect. On Festivals of our B Redeemer* OGod, by whose merry and goodness we are here met to celebrate this mystery of our ble^ed Redeemer-, grant, by the me- rits of his passion, we may hero faithfully serve him on earth, and enjoy him here- after in heaven. Thro', &c. Secret. ACCEPT, O Lord, we beseech thee, the oblation of this present solemnity, that ti. rough thy grace, and the effect of these holy mysteries, w* may truly live in him, who was {leased, for this end, to take on him our nature : who livest, &c. Post- Communion. GRANT, O Lord, that we, who cela- brate this festival of our Lord Jesus Collects, $c. for Festivals. 199 Christ, in the oblation of this holy victim, may, through the effect of thy grace, daily increase in virtue, and come at length 'to the possession of that happiness which he ha* purchased by his blood : who livest, &c. Collect. On Festivals of the B. V. Mary. STrengthen us, O God of mercy, against all our weaknesses; and grant that we who celebrate the memory of the blessed Virgin Mary, Mother of our Lord, may, by the assistance of her prayers, forsake all our iniquities : thro', &c. Secret, ]\ TAY this holy oblation, O Lord, by the Jlt'J effect of thy mercy, and the interces- sion of the blessed Mary, ever a Virgin, ob- tain for us the blessings of peace and pros- perity, both now and for ever: thro*, &c. Post-Communion. INFUSE, O Lord, we beseech thee, thy ■*■ grace into our hearts; that we, who, by the message of the angel, have known the incarnation of Christ thy Son, may, by his passion and cross, be partakers in the glory of his resurrection : thro* the same, &c. Collect. On Festivals of the Apostles. ALmighty and everlasting God, wh* •** hast called us here this day to celebrate with joy the festival of thy holy apostle N. grant this blessing to thy Church, that we may ever love what he believed, and believe what he taught: thro', &c. Secret. RANT, we beseech thee, O Lord, that in the solemnity of thy holy apostle Jf . 14 G r VOQ Collect*, $c. for Festivals. we may, by his assistance, partake of thy blessings, in memory of whose victories we ■aake this oblation to thee : thro', &c. I*ost-CommUnion. MAY this holy sacrifice, O Lord, which has been here offered, be to us a de- fence in this present life, and by the inter- cession of thy blessed apostle N. a means of securing to us the next : thro', &c. Collect. Of one Martyr. HAVE regard to our weakness, almighty God; and, because we sink under the weight of our offences, may the power- ful intercession of .thy holy martyr N. be ujr support and protection : thro', &c. Secret. SAnctify these gifts, O Lord, which are offered to the honour of thy name, and hy the intercession of thy martyr N. may this be the means of obtaining us thy mer- cy : thro, &c. Post-Communion . MAY this holy victim, O Lord, which has been here offered, be an effectual means of purifying us from all sin, and of bringing us to everlasting happiness: thro'. Collect. Of many Martyrs. OOod, who com for test us by the yearly solemnity of these thy martyrs N. and N. mercifully grant, that as we rejoice in their virtues, we may be encouraged by their example : thro', &c. Secret* C^ I VE ear, O Lord, to these our pra\ i , y wbicb *ve pour forth iu this sqleBij • Collects, fyc.for Festivals. 201 of thy holy martyrs : that we, how unwor- thy soever, may fiud help in the sufferings and prayers of those who have been well- pleasing to thee : thro', &c. Post-Communion. WE beseech thee, O Lord, that we who have assisted at these holy mysteries, may find help in their prayers, whose me- mory we honour in this solemnity : thro'. Collect* Of a Bishop', /^RANT, OLord, we beseech thee, that **■* this solemnity of thy holy bishop N r may be to us an increase of devotion, and a help to secure our eternal happiness. Secret. TV/f AY the festival of this thy servant be ^^ to us a spiritual comfort : that beiug here met in thanksgiving for his virtues, we may be sensible of the effects of his prayers, Post-Communion. f\ God, the bountiful rewarder of all that ^ faithfully serve thee, grant that, by the prayers of this holy prelate, we may obtain of thee pardon of all our sins : thro', &c. Collect. Of a Confessor. f\ God, who wast pleased to refresh our ^ souls on the yearly solemnity of thy holy servant N. grant in thy mercy, that as we keep his festival, we may likewise imi- tate his virtues: thro', &c. Secret, TyE offer thee, O Lord, a sacrifice of VY praise in memory of thy saints, and we hope, by this holy victim, to be delivered from all evils both present and to come, 1-5 202 Collects, fa/or Festivals. Post- Commu n ion. tTfE beseech thee, Almighty God, that we, who have here offered to thee the holy sacrifice of thy only Son, may, by the intercession of thy blessed servant N. be delivered from all adversities : thro', &c. Collect. Of a Virgin or Widow. T1JEAR us. O Lord, our salvation, and as -*- we celebrate the festival of thy holy servant N. so we may find benefit in the exercise of our devotion : thro*, &c. Secret. A CCEPT, O Lord, this oblation we ^ make to thee on the solemnity of thy faithful servant N. in whose prayers we hope to find assistance : thro', &c. Post- Commit n ion. THOU hast blest thy people, O Lord, in the acceptance of this holy victim : grant we may now be assisted by her pray- ers, whose memory and virtues we this day honour : thro', &c* Collect. On the Day of Decease. f\ God, whose property it is always to ^^ have mercy and to spare, we humbly beseech thee, in behalf of thy servant N. whom thou hast now called out of this world, that thou wouldst please to secure (hisj soul from the hands of the enemy, and not forget it for ever; but command thy angels to receive and conduct it to pa- radise, that for his hope and faith in thee he may escape the pains of hell, and cnUC into everlasting joys: thro', &c. . H' G f Collects, <$*c. on an Anniversary. 2us AVE mercy, O Lord, we beseech thee, on the soul of thy servant X. for whi/m we offer thee this sacrifice of praise ; and we most humbly pray thy divine majesty ? that being reconciled by this peace-offering he may come to everlasting rest. > Post-Communion. RANT, we beseech thee, Almighty God, that the soul of thy servant 2\. being purified by this oblation, and dis- charged from his sins, may obtain thy par- don, and be admitted to eternal re^t; thro\ Collect. On an Anmversury Day. T OHD God of mercy, grant to toe soul " whose anniversary we now keep, a place of refreshment, the happiness of rest, and the light of thy glory : tiiro', &c, Secret. li^Ercifully hear our prayers, O Lord, ** A which we pour lorth in behalf ot this thy servant's sou!, for whom we offer thee this sacrifice of praise on this his anni- versary day, and beseech thee to receive it into the number of the blessed : thro', &c. Post-Communion . ItANT, O Lord, we beseech thee, that the soul of thy servant, whose anniver- sary we keep this day, being purified by thi? oblation, may obtain thy pardon, and be admitted to everlasting rest : thro',&c. Another Collect, for a soul departed. TLJ AVE mercy, O Lord, we beseech thee, A on the soul of this thy servant : and having delivered it from the miseries of this la i G l M' 204 The Golden Litany. life, receive it now into thy eternal happi- ness : thro', &c. Secret. TAY the acceptance of this holy obla- tion effectually move thee, Lord, to release the soul of thy servant from all its sins, from which none have heen wholly free ; that by means of this sacri6ce, it may partake of thy everlasting mercy : thro'. Post- Comma n ion . A BSOLVE. O Lord, we beseech thee, **** the soul of this thy servant from all its sins, that it may rise at the last day in the glory of thy resurrection, among thy cho* sen servants: thro', cxc. THE GOLDEN LITANY. Commemorating the chief Articles 6f our B. Rt