mriviNSN? mza " y/!\ / ' ' \ \ \, -HP "mwi (offipiled toWm.PH!LL!PS Mh &Rev. JWlLBUR CH/VPMiN I)D- KditorofmiwcW'S'WEff'^.X' • H.\LLMACKCO-Pi;i:hl:;i;- '02O ARCH .ST PHILA- rno;T|if«l 554^ HaKwf Cj .^•'ftc; • ~«■.■v^ • r*-* • MM jf^~r~. ^S?poffh)*f^.^ C^'^ JUM j:.)21 Bivisiori Section 6V Christian Hymns, No. I. ,,^«.KTx^of^^''''V^ JUN SO 1921 A KOR USE IN Church Services, Sunday-Schools, Young People's Societies, Etc. . . COMPILED BY WILLIAM PHILLIPS HALL AND REV. J. WILBUR CHAPMAN, D. D. EDITOR OP MUSIC : W. S. WBEDEN. HALL-N/CACK CO., 1020 Arch Street, Philadelphia, Pa. PREFACE. THIS Hymn Book has been prepared after the most careful and prayerful thought. For a number of years as Evangelists and Christian workers we have been brought in contact with the different Churches and feel that we know their need, and it is to help meet this in common with other Hymn Books that this collection of Christian Hymns is sent forth. We have designed it for use in the Church, and with this fact in mind many of the old Standard hymns, together with very many new ones, have been chosen. We have had in our minds the special work of the Sunday-school, and believe we have some of the best Sunday-school hymns published, in our collection. We have not forgotten the Young People's Societies of the Churches, and have at considerable expense secured some of the most inspiring hymns we know. In addition to all this we feel perfectly confident that Evangelists and Pastors engaged in special meetings will find just such hymns as would be an inspiration in their work, and in addition to all this such Responsive Readings have been chosen as make the book useful in any service of any character, in all the work of the Church. With a prayer that the Hymn Book may be a blessing, we send it forth on its mission of song. New York City, N. Y., October, 1899. CHRISTIAN HYMNS, No. i. JESUS ALL THE WAY. Flora Kirkland. Isaiah 41 : 10. W. S. Weeden, lUayecirVillr LnllnUd lo 107 maud, V!m. Plillllpa II>II, Grarnwirb, Coos. 1. I am walking thro' this earth-life, Oft- en wea-ry, oft - en sad; 2. I am trav'ling to a cit - y Wliere the light is nev - er dim, 3. I am looking for re - demption Thro' the mer- its of my King ; T^. i •-'-^ ' p ^ t: ^=t It: -"^^^4 y I ■4 1- 1 tf 3E? jl — I — |— — I — ^ ' — i ^rm ^ 5 t 5 But my Saviour walketh with me, And his presence makes me glad. And ray Saviour leads so gent - ly, It is sweet to walk with him. Bless- ed beams of free sal - va - tion Shine a- bout me as I sing. E 4 z:-z2z 1±£ P Chorus. rr u w^=i^ ^ T r Je - sus knoweth ev-'ry sor-row, Je - sus knoweth ev-'ry fear; m ■«— n §r ^=J ±± ■V-Lf _(2. 9-n- V pi^^^^ And he whimpers thro' life's shadows, "Do not tremble, I am near!" £-f= ^ m. £: 3r rrrrPFPf 1 Oafgrrlght, 188t, b/ W B. VmimL, M BnnUi An., Stm To* No. 4. THE INNER CIRCLE. D<^dlc*ted U R«T. J. Wilbur Chapman, S. T>., and Brst sung la the Unioa Meetings at Mount Ternon In Noranbet I8SI; Flora Kirkland. W. S. Weeden. ^±1 m i: -4-d tJ 9 — tI— ^•- • • »— ^ ^ • :1==1^ ^^r 1. Have you heard the voice of Je - sus Whisper, "I have chosen you?" 2. As the first dis - ci- pies followed, As they went where'er he sent; 3. Or, if he shall choose to send us On some er - rand in his name, 4. Master, at thy foot-stool kneeling, We, thy children, humbly wait ; m^^^ IziizffEtz =Pf^f=r"H^ -?EEl ^ :t f- ^ i^^^m Does he tell you in commun - ion "What he wish - es you to do? So to - day we, too, may fol - low, On his lead - ing still in - tent. "We can serve him as dis - ci - pies, For our place is just the same. Lead us, send us, bless us, use us. Till we en - ter heaven's gate. t^- Qe f-^rr'f^f =t^ =5f -\r ^, p— p ^- ;f!f#§^4fS#|B Are you in the in- ner cir-cle? Have you heard the Master's call? Are you in the in- ner cir-cle? Haveyouheard the Master's call ? rr; rf-P-*-f-^f-r*^ •iX—-^ 1»— p— ^— p!— p— F- 4= — H -• — »- U U 1^ lit ^m Have you giv'n your life to Je-sus? Is he now your All in all? Have you giv'n your ^ m P-pJ^ ^tn ^ fc?: V_L^ F- :p=ffir ^=1 ^-^ t -V- f 1 Copyright, 1898, bj W. & TVeodon. No. 5. 'SAVED TO SAVE OTHERS.' Floua Kikklano. CuAs. H. (Iahkiel. 1. "Saved to save others," rejoicing, I sing ; Lord be my Teacher to- day ! 2. Life's little motuent is hast' ning away, Come to tlie Master, O come! 3. Sin is al - luring ; but how will it end? Powers of e- vil are strong? 4. Miu^ter, thy mercy has reached even me, Help me show others the way ; ^7-^.-^ — 77— #— #— # — ' 0- »-r#— »— #— T^W^— *— a — f—m —^-rsr^a—n 'Vf^=Trvvvi N N N ^ -v-:V-l ._^__^— ^— >^h'^— N- U~. Help me lead someone to heaven's pure spring. Help me show someone the way. Come to him now, while 'tis yet called "to-day," Co.Hie, heavy-laden one, come ! Come to the sinners' unchangeable Friend, He giveth vict'ry and song. L"p to the fountain of mercy so free Help me lead someone to - day. Ill ■^ M- -»- -m- -m. -m- J -#-«- — — — *-=— #—- g— r*— •— s — •-^-rt — r — t — 'III- — 1 Chorus "Saved to save others" to - day ! Saved to show others the way ! to save others ! to show others ! .. .. .. l^i^l ^- ■-^-<7- \/ — v—v — y- to-day r:^ ^-N- U i/ ^ ^-' -^-^- — j — I — I— iij Lord, keep me faithful, and fdl me with po w' r, Fill mo, and use me, I pray. -• . - ^ - '^^^^^=m Co|>7rigbt. le99. by W. S Wt»<1rn. No. 6. COUNT YOUR BLESSINGS. Rev. Johnson Oatman, Jr. E. 0. EXCELL. 1. When up ■ on life's billows you are tempest toss'd.Wheu you are discouraged, 2. Are you ev - er burdened with a load of care? Does the cross seem heavy 3. When you look atothers with their lauds and gold,ThinkthatChristhasprcmised 4. So a- mid the conflict, whethergreat or small, Do not be discouraged, tL ■*! "fl t^t r-^ f=^\ =F=tq -5i— E:rfe; thinking all is lost, Count your ma-ny blessings,name them one by one, you are called to bear? Count your nia-uy blessings, ev - 'ry doubt will fly, you his wealth un-toldiCwunt your ma-ny blessings, money can- not buy God is o- ver all; Count your ma-ny blessings, an- gels will at- tend, -jg- -•- -#- ^:^\t. r =ti=|i= =^: Chorus. l^giliiS&^^ r-^r- J=S Anditwill surprise you, what the Lord hath done. And you will l)esinging as the days go by. Your reward in heavem, nor your home on high. Help and comfort give you toyour journey 's end. Countyour blessings, Name them Count your many blessings. V V V V '^ _ r one by one, Count your blessings,See what God hath done: Count your Name them one by one, Count your inauy blessings, See what God hath done; Countyour many ;rtd=t=l^Efe^ #-^-»-* ^ I u 1/ 1/ 1/ • I bles.^inga, Name them one by one. Count your many blessings. See what God hath done. -f: -fL^";. f: ij: :•- rt ^- f: if: f: :•- if: :f: -*- -^ J ^ Cufirlgbt, 1897. bi E O Excel). IJied by per. No. 7. THE SCARLET LINE. Flora Kirk land. W. S. Weeden. 1 I, I I -•-•. 1^ I 1. The paschal lambs in silence pointed To Christ, the cm - ci - fied, 2. The i)rophet's tliirty sil - ver piec - cs Point on to that dark night 3. The tvpes are siiining out their meaning, They point us to the Larab; The lirst one, long be - fore his birth-night, The lasl^ be - fore he died. j ^Vhen, as a slave, for thir- ty piec - es Was sold tlie Lord of light. The bush that burned and vet consumed not Foretold the great "I Am." =p SS53^2 rid Si ^lEE^Ei^Eg The blood was sprinkled o'er the door- ways Above, on eitli - er side, The tlirilliug words that David uttered 'Ere Bethl' hem's Babe was bom We fol- low out, in wondrous de - tail, His sorrow, shame and ^i^-^ =^=^- :=1: ri^t^ iEEg Fitie. A~^- ^ ^ Tlie shadow of Tell 6 - ven of We find on all -Jl the cross on Cal- v'ry, Whence flowed the healing tide, the parted garments On Calv'ry's day of scorn, the sa- cred pag - es The shadow of the cross. :f=r: -\ w- ^^Ste ^ ^-^Jh. ^ m * B^ Z?.5'.-Connecting proph- e - cy with Je - sus ; It proves the Book di - vine. E^: ^ -^. — ah m^^ msmfm ■r-' A scarlet line thro' iScripturc runneth, A wondrous scar - let line, m CojTilfhl, 18«», b/ W. s. WM<]eD. No. 8. Fannie J. Crosby PERFECT TRUST IN THEE. Alvin S. Claek, 1. I ask O Lord, thatthouwill lead, My err - iiig 2. I do not ask a cloud- less sky Noryet a 3. I would not seek in i - die mirth To still one 4. Ociothemein thy righteousness, Hold thou my 1. I ask Lord, that thon wilt lead, idl. -^.i=|_§: -^-*-i-*-». ±4: ■I — ^—\ — w'— J — 5-tr_P 4=- i — I — — I — I — -^- v-k- &-E3E steps path throb hand UJ p p ---A-^ =&-/ — ^ ^ ^:^::^- y u 5 1/ I s a - right, Task for grace that I may of rest, But strength to climb the rugged of care, , For what are all the joys of in thine, And teach my heart in faith to I ask for grace, my err- lug steps, my err-ing steps a-riglit, -~N- F^=^ '^>-f •walk By faith, and not by sight. steep, Thy wea - - ry feet have pressed earth, With-out thy presence there? say, Thy will, O Lord, not mine that I may walk. By faith, and not by sight, By faith, and not by eight. H-H irr-fc'-P — b— • — -^f^— Fb — ^^-b — '^j—\ ~ ^•r^~ -•-—»- i^^^l Chorus. X=:^ - — ^-«i- i 4- :^- -N- ^^kq r-'-tl f-^si-^- m let thelanguageof my heart, In each pe-tition be. ■■■ ■■_^' Take what thou wilt, but grant me this,. ........ A perfect trust in thee." "Taku what thou wilt, but grant mo this, fe^3^=l *- X:- C«>pyi1gbi, 1899, 1>; Wnt. J. Kirk|>atrlck. No. 9. LEANING ON THE EVERLASTING ARMS. Rev. IC. A. Hkifman A. J. Showai.ter. =ii=^ 35 =3-— J-^.t:-^»-=' 1. What a fel- lowship, wliat a joy di-vine, I.ean-ing on the ev - er - 2. Oh, how sweet to walk in this pil-grini way, I^ean-ing on the ev - er - 3. What have I to dread, what have 1 to fear, Leuii-ing on the ev - er - !=• # — =5— -^— :H— I— , ^ ,-^-, — {=11 last - ing arms; Wliat a bless - ed-ness, what a peace last - ing arms; Oh, how bright the path grows from day last - ing arms? I have bless - ed peace with my Lord IS mine, to day, so near, -^—^-7 — N- — (— fm^m Lean - ing Lean - ing Lean - ing -&- on the ev - er - last - ing arms, on the ev - er - last - ing arms, on the ev - er - last - ing arms. Lean Lean - ing I ^ -<9- - i»g, OU Jo - SU8, m^^i^mm^^^h r J iii j-^-i- — 1 N s 1 1—1 1 —I — — I ^_? — — ^ 1 — — I 1 1 — —m 1-_ — ^ — • •— '— • • s- — lean - - - ing. Safe and se - curs from all a- larms ; Lean - ing on Jv - bus, ^S-» i- I^ean - ing, lean - ing. Leaning on the ev-er- last- ing arms. Lean-itig on Je - buh, lean-ing on Je - bus. Cop^rlfbt, by A. J. SbowftlMr. B^ p^r. r No. 10. IT DOTH NOT YET APPEAR. Rev. Wm. Stone. C. Austin Milks. 1. All ddubtlias left 2. Is this a fore 3. I'll liast-en on P — W \> \> my troubled soul, Sweet peace, now reigns with-in ; taste of that bliss; "Pis heav'n be- gun be- low, to meet him then ; I long to see his face : ,« ^,-H ?^ — ^ — ^^— I H — I , , I have no fear, that conflict's o'er, My heart is cleansed from sin. O! rapturous joy, that thrills my heart, A Sav-iourthus to know. To hear him say, " well done my child, A tri- umph of my grace." Bless - ed peace, doth fill me now, My soul is thrilled with cheer; j=tt=f ^W=-t± 4 1 U & i^«f 1 ^ ill But what I shall be when he comes It doth not yet ap - pear. :f=rqit: -» — »- -V- =ffi*q =t: "m 4 What will it be to meet him there, Whose blood hath set me free, To look upon those wounded hands, He bore on Calvary. Copyright, 189», bj W. 8. Wee4eB. 5 0! Saviour dear, I come, I come. To spend eternity; With thee, who didst my ransom pay. In bitterest agony, No. 11. MY SAVIOUR FIRST OF ALL. Fanny J. Crosby. J NO. R. SWENEY. 1. "When my life-work is end-cil.and I cross the swell-iiig tide, When tlie 2. 01), the soul-tiirilliiig rai)tiire wiien I view his ijlcss- ed face. Ami the 3. Oh, the dear ones in gii) - ry, how they beck-oii me to cotne, Ami our 4. Thro' the gates to the cit-y in a robe of spot -less white, He will bright and glorienis morning I shall see; I shall know my Re-deem-er when I lustre of his kindly beaming eye; JIow my full heart will praise him for (he parting at the riv-or I re-call; To the sweet vales of E- den they will lead me where no tears will ever fall; In the glad song of a-ges I shall £- |± — F^ ^ £— [^ — £"— H reach the otli - er side, Atid his smile will be the first to welcome me. mer - cy, love, and grace, Tiiatjireparcs for me a mansion in the sky. sing my wel-come home; But I long to meet my Saviour first of all. niin-glewith de-light; But I long to meet my Saviour first of all. I shall know him, Ishall know him, Andredeem'dbyhissidelshallstand, I shall know him, _ ..0. ^ .0. .^ .^ u. -|9-* '&^t:^^M^MS^^M I shall know him, I shall know him By the print of the nails in his hand. Idhall knuw liiin, » j^ j^ ^ •-•-» • •— #1-9 • 0—0-r-0 0—0—M — — -L^ f— j,_^^-Ih i^-w-i — CopTrigbt, 1891. br Jqo R. Swenei-. I'ted by per. No. 12. E. A. H. COUNT THY MERCIES. Sbt. Eusha a. Hoffhav, -I rf r'-r 1. Ev'ry day new mercies greet thee;Ev'ry day new joys are thine: 2. O how man - i - fold God's blessings I More than thou canst number o'er ; 3. Not a good his hand with- hold - eth j Not a joy his love de - nies ; 4. Shall we not be grateful to him For his mercies man - i - fold, ^^M ^^ m ^ J-4. n-fl i J— J— ^ =f^ S=i= i Gifts of heaven's lov • Yet in kindness he Each new blessing he And in each new gift '-w=^-- ing - kind - ness ; Tokens of the love di-vine. be - stow - eth Dai- ly mercies more and more. un - fold - eth Fills our hearts with new surprise. he sends us All hi j wondrous grace be- hold 1 _-fl— fl-? :t=t: 11 ^^ Chorus. ^^^ ^^^m ^^ Count thy mercies, count them o - ver. Count the blessings God has giv'n ; -/5. .^ hIL ^ ^ H«. ^ #- ^- ^- f-_^ -f°- r-^ -I — t- ^^^i^^S^^HP And for all his lov - ing- kind - ness Grateful be to God in heav'n. Uo),7Tlght, l«99, bj W. 8. We«4eB. No. 13. E. RiCKMAN. SALVATION. W. S. Weeden. ^ii^iP -*- Hark ! the gracious proc- la - mation Sounding o - ver earth and sea ; Ilenr his lov- ing in - vi - ta- tion, "Heavy hid - en, come to nie;" Linijer not I for nif,'ht is fall- ing ; "Tarry not in all the plain ; '' ]Iigiicr than tiie hcav'ns above thee Is the mcr-cy of the Lord. Hear the gos - pel in - vi - ta- tion Sounding o - ver earth and sea : ^^M :t= :t=S=F? S=fP^ :t=: il^^PJ ^^^P^ :a=:^- =[: =1: Burdened one, 'tis offered thee; For he bled and died for thee : 'lis the Saviour's in- vi - ta- tion : Still he of-fers free sal -va- tion, Linger not ! for Christ is call- ing ; Shall he plead with thee in vain? Ivonely heart, there's One to love thee Par- don, rec - on - cil - i - a - tion 1 -One by an - gel - host a- dored. Full sal - va - tion — full and free. .^d^i Life is drear - y, Thou art wea - ry ; Hear his message, "Come to me ; " Sin con- fess- ing, Claim the blessing. Take his gift and happy be I Oft re-ject- ed, Long neglect - ed, Yet he calls thee once a - gain ; He will take thee, Ne'er forsake thee Till the lost one is restored; Je- sus bought it, Have vou sought it? Take this gift and hap- py be I fel z -V — i/- -1^— #=i I mm^ ^ ?# m Life is drear - y. Thou art wea - ry ; Hear Ins message, "Come to me." Sin con- fess- ing, Claim the blessing, Take his gift and happy be 1 Oft re-jcct- ed, Long neglect - ed. Yet he calls tiiee once a - gain. He will take thee, Ne'er forsake thee Till the lost one is restored. Je- sus bought it, Have you sought it ? Take this gift and hap- py be I js ^ -0 ^0-^0-ri f ^ i -t=^^=t^ i^ g--: ft^'Ff — •— ^ -I i^-4^- PF^ UoTJiltbt, 18M, t>T W. B. W« No. 14. HIGHER GROUND. Rev. Johnson Oatman, Jr. N-r-1 ^ Chas. H. Gabriel. 'm^i 1. I'm pressing on the upward way, New heights I'm gaining ev'ry day ; 2. My heart has no de-sire to stay Where doubts arise and fears dismay ; 3. I want to live above the world, Tho' Satan's darts at mearehurl'd; 4. I want to scale the utmost height, And catch a gleam of glo - ry bright ; Still pray -ing as I onward bound, "Lord, plant my feet on higher ground." Tho' some may dwell where these al)ouud. My pray'r,my aim ishigher ground." For faith has caught the joyful sound, The song of .saints on higher ground." But still I'll pray till heav'n I've found, "Lord, lead me on to higher ground." ppf^^P^^4^^^=^f5 Chorus. 1/ Lord, lift me up and let me stand, By faith, on heav- en's ta-ble-land ; -J— 4- -^=i-- A high-er plane than I havefound, Lord, plantmyfeeton higher ground- ^ii^^ppmii^^ 0op7ti|bt, 1898, b7 J. Howard Entwlile. Br ttt- No. 15. R. 0. Smith. KEEP ON PRAYING. J. Lincoln Hall. pi#S^ t^=^ ^^ 1. Soldier, is the battle long? Keep on praying ; Right will surely conquer wrong. 2. Pilgrim, have you weary grown ? Keep on praying ; Christ ffon't leaTe you all alone, 3. Christian has your faith grown weak ? Keep on praying ; Do the tears roll down your chef k? 4. O the joys we' 11 soon receive, Keep on praying ; If in Christ our hearts believe, -75*- uMi^d^^m kk^. i^PliillS Keep on praying. Do not heed the cannon's roar,"\Var3 shall cease and be no more. Keep on praying. God will hear your eager pray' r. Soon a starry crown you'll wear, Keep on praying. Soon you never more will sigh, Tears no more will dim your eye, Keep on praying. If to Jesus we belong. Soon we' 11 join the ransom' d throng, ^^- m ^ • P g— ^- M—m- £ ji_ii-^ ? PP^rf Chorus. ^ And our Captain's on be -fore, Keep on praying. And the joys of heav' n you' 11 share, Keep on praying. You will conquer by and by. Keep on praying. And we' 11 suig redemption's song, Keep on praving. 'Nil -^^^^.^^l Keep on praying, :£: t: :£ ^=t s Ji=P= 4S^ ^ Keep on praying ; You will conquer by and by, Keep on praying. ^^^gE£E^^ ^ torTrfcbt, I8W, bj lUU-MMk Ok No. 16. C. A. M. HALLELUJAH JESUS LIVES! C. Austin Mileb. 1. Tho' the tomb essayed to hold liim in its dark embrace, Hallelujah ! Je - sus 2. Jesus ChrLst, the Saviour, liveth in my heart to-day, Halle- lu- jah I Je - sus 3.- Ev'ry one who seeks salvation will this grace receive, Halle- lu-jah 1 Je - sus 4. By and by we' 11 meet this Jesus, when he claims his own, Hallelujah ! Je - sus W^^^^^^FP^ lives ! In the morning, in the garden, Mary met him face to face, Halle- lives ! Since his pard'niDg pow'r has reached me, I' ve been singing all the way, Halle- lives ! If on Christ, the risen Saviour, in their hearts they will believe, Halle- lives ! y\-nd our crowns of rict'ry wearing, we will singaround the throne,Halle- ^ ^=F -I - r f- - ^-f- -r -f^-f^ ff^f=F=r=!J^B C—— « — *^ -f — f — r — F— »~-F — • — F- f ^ b i/ 1/ 1/ t l/ V f-^ E Chorus. J=j JL h tjL ^ Jhr- 5^^^^ -5^ 5 ^RT lujah I Je - BUS lives 1 Fh^^-f— f= F Halle - lu - jah I hal- le - lu Hallelujah 1 » m -jah! rrrr hallelujah ! ^ 4 -p '^-V- ^ ^^ ^ We will tell the bless- ed tid-ingso'er and o'er; o'er and Hal - le- F^ — p — P b' — !/■ — b^ — F— i^* — u* — 1/ — l>^h-F — P— I*— P- ^^f t^^ i -^ 3^E 3^^l -A- *^: S^ is lu - jah 1 hal - le Hallelujah 1 J-^ mf ^ -#-1* « t/_l^-t;-U-« lu - jah I Je- siis lives for ev - er - more hallelujah ! tt'l'tl V I I gqgfllljbV 1889, l)y n»IH»«c> Ok No. 17, 8a LI IE M/.r.TIN. VICTORY THROUGH GRACE. J NO, R. SWENEY 4 m 0>nquerii)^ now aixi siill to conquer, Rideth a Kiiif; in liis niiglit, Conquerins; "ow :"i(l still to conquer, Who is this woii-der - ful King? CJonquering now and still to conquer, Je-sus, thou Rul-er of z:^^zi=^=f3:SzS±z=tz=:fzztit: ^^- rf^re^- Ijeadingtlie host of all the faith-ful In -to the midst of the fight; Whence are the armies which he lead-eth, While of his glo- ry they sing? Thrones and their sceptres all shall per-ish, Crowns aud their splendor shall fall, t u 'i/ See them with cour-age ad - vanc-ing, Clad in tlieir brilliant ar - He is our Lord and Re - deem-er, Saviour and monarch di - Yet shall the arm -ies thou lead -est. Faithful and true to the ray, vine, last, .. -»- . ^. . ^ ^. ^. :r: • -^ • -#-: JTJ . Siiouting They are Find in Si 4^. -i/-- — i/ the name of the stars that thy mansions Fine. §|=t§^ their Leader, n(?ar them exult - ing - ly say. for - ev - er Bright in his kin<:dom will shine, e - ter-nal Rest, when their warfare is past. ^-^^ I) S.—Yet to the true and the Choeus. :!^ r — s:— > faith-ful Vict'ry is promised through grace. I , D.S. Copjright, 1890, bj Jno. (l. Swenej. Bj par. No. 18. SCATTER SUNSHINE. Lanta Wilson Smith. E. 0. EXCELL. 1. Ill a world where sorrow Ev - er will be known Where are found the 2. Slit,Hit-est ac-tions ofl- en ISfeet the sor - est needs, F(jr the world wants 3. When the dajs are gloomy, Sing some happy song, Meet the world's re. r ^i±iD- , ^— J ^r-^^-i 1 ^ — I N-J \—, need- y, And the sad and lone; dai - ly, Lit - tie. kind - ly deeds; pin - ing, With a cour-age stronjj How much joy and com - fort Oh, what care and sor - row. Go with faith un-daunt -ed, ^^=;=i=i -^ — ^ — w — ^pt= — t — te — t — 1= — t-Ut-^t==H y 1/ You can all be - stow, If you scat-ter sunshine Ev-'ry where yon go. You may help re - move, With your songs and courage, Sympathy and love. Tliro' the ills of life. Scatter smiles and sunshine, O'er its toil and strife, m^^^^^m^^^ Chorus. r r I -0- -»- S-' -#-• -•--•-• f ^ f f ' m m m Scat - - ter sun-shine all a-longyour way, Cheer and bless and Scatter tlie smiles and o-ver the way. —I H :t=|i=tt: Ji :-« 1— M-i^-- 1— N-|-,-^J ' I -N-l > 1^1 bright - en Ev - 'ry passing dav, Ev - 'ry pass-ing day. CopTright, van, bj E. 0. Rxoell. Uied bj per- No. 19. SOME DAY. J. W. VanDeVenter. Di:et. W. 8. Wef.deh. -1^33 ^' ^ ^ ^=4 -=ii- --y-zi^t=^? ^: 1. Some day, when time shall be no more, AVhen we ap - pear be - fore the 2. Someday onr teara v.iil cease to flow, And we shall live and ne'er grow 3. Someday, a- mongtlie ransom' d throng. Arrayed in robes of spot- less 4. Some day we'll l..v our burdens down, vVnd cease our toil to be at _^ ^ ^ .^ J. J' J^^ J- IJ^lA-^Ij: ^ -P= r m *^=J=?: 3Z^E3 ^ :a=K ^^^- d-^ throne, Then all our tri - als will be o'er, And we shall know as we are known. old ; We'll leave the changing scenes below To view the cit - y built of gold, white, ^Ve'll rise to sing the glad new song Above the gloomy shades of night. rest ; We' 11 leave the cross to wear the crown And dwell forev- er with the blest. THil I -^- i Chorus, I N- -1^— N i^^U'=^=^^^^^^^^=^ .-I- Some day, we can- not tell just when, But O the joy when Christ shall come I § -/— V- -tr- II i* :t= m Ftv-Ct The saints shall rise to meet him then, And we shall all be gath - ered home. shall all be gathered home. -t^r^^ *:* r 1 / [/ u 't :£ '^M. 'W^ :£=Ff i/— 1»^ I 0PV/Tt(h», 18W, tj Wwdta * Vu>0>Vvt« No. 20. F. C. B. MY SINS ARE ALL TAKEN AWAY. p. C. BlLDKW. 1. He -will mention them no more for - ev - er, 2. Since I came by faith to Calv'ry's fount-ain, 3. On tlie hot - torn of tlie sea they're ly - ing, 4. Once the "car-nal mind" was all my pleas - ure, 5. Doubt can nev - er stay where faith is sing - ing, My My My My My sma are sins are sins are sins are sins are all all all all all tak- en tak- en tak- en tak- en tak- en way; For his roy - al promise chang-es nev - er, way ; Thro' the cleansing pow'r of that blest fount-ain, way ; Now the pow'rs of sin and self de - ny - ing, way ; God's e - ter - nal word is now my treas - ure, way ; "Praise the Lord " within my heart is ring - ing, E — 1^ — H 1- 1 1 — j ^ ^ ^ ^ — yi 1^ — I ( <^--M~ — V- My sins are all taken a - way, They are all tak-eu a - way, 1— s, _ a- way. They are all igi:gj^piiEj^ tak-en a -way; He will mention them no more forever, a- way ; -(2- fee V— U'— b'- u tzt I J^-^^-J- "H -=^-^ =^ ^ ^^3 I ! sing it to-day, {Omit ) ) Hal-le-lu-jah I My sins are all tak-en a - way. mi ^-J^-J If: i -ft— .ft. y tz=tz±t :tr -yi-y^-. rf i, 1899, if Wn. J. EUtvMctak. No. 21. L. E. J. HIS LOVE CAN SATISFY. ( Duet, or Quautkt and Ciiouus. ) L. E. Jones. U^A^^ ^^M^^^^^^i ^ 1. O troubled heart, nolong-cr sigh, Tlie love of 2. O fear- fill heart, there' s peace for tiiee, Tiie i)loo(l ap- 3. O burdened lieart, find rest from care, The Mas- ter I. O troubled heart, no longer sigh, f :g:f :p f-f-f- Christ can sat- is - fy ; O come in faith, and lowly plied will set you free ; To Calv'ry's mount forcleansing waits your load to bear ; Let ev-'ry grief. to him bo The love of Christ can sat- is- fy ; O come in faith. #^^ " #f #^*= ^^g^^^^^^^i^ ^ -M -b-^-F—^^^- d.=±=:^=3^ 33 ^Trf i bow, TheLordis here, receive him now. go, And wash your robes as white as snow giv'n, And trust his love for joy in heav'n and low- ly bow, The Lord is here, receive him now. Chorus. ^H ^ N h ^ W i^ 33^1 ^ n His love can satis -fy, His love can satis- His love can fuUv sat-is- fv, his love can satisfy, His love can fully sat- is- fy, his * ;4_ H _|_^ ^ -j=^ J g*^ g I ^g=^ fy ; IIespeaketlipeace,andsorrowscease,nislovecan satisfy love can satisfy ; His love can fully satis- fv, can satisfy, ^^ «-r-# # rw - wTT Ifht, I8M, bj B. L admovk m No. 22. IS THY HEART RIGHT WITH GOD? E. A. H. Rev. Elisha A. Hoffman. ^S^^^^g 1. Have thy affections been nailed to the cross? Is thy heart right with 2. Hast thou do- minion o'er self and o'er sin? Is thy heart right with 3. Is there no more condem- nation for sin ? Is thy heart right with 4. Are all thy pow'rs under Je- sus' control? Is thy heart right with 5. Art thou now walking in heaven's pure light? Is thy heart right with -tz#— I K — » — • — — •- -I God? God? God? God? God? =F-T -^ — ^ — ^ ^ --^ -■^— -•— » — J^L«_jC lL^ ^^ri^i i^ ^^^^EiE±L Dost thou count all things for Jesus but loss ? Is thy heart right with God ? O- ver all e - vil without and within ? Is thy heart right with God ? Does Je- sus rule in the temple within ? Is thy heart right with God ? Does he each moment a- bide in thy soul? Is thy heart right with God? Is thy soul wearing the garment of white ? Is thy heart right with God ? -# — ^ • — # — » — * — »- ^—W—W — w- ■y—v- -x^ :f=P: y—t ^ V- :P± 1/ y Chorus. N N ^ ^ \ 1 1^-.:^=^=^-^ -f- =t^-^- 1=/— d=i i- 1 — — m— =^Sj^: Is thy heart right with T^.-T-—^ ^ ^ ^ P— fey^ \~ r 1 — F — H God, W r-^^^^^e 1 1 — r-1 ashed in the crim - ■ son — 1 flood, y \t \> rl ^H=J — V 1 \ -f»^-N- ^EEt S ?=gE iz=t « •-=1- -H 1 1- N N — Ps f^ — \ 3^3 *5; Cleansed and made holy, humble and lowly, Right in the sight of God?.. of God ? rc7 d?. )f G I. Used by per. of E. A. Hoffman, No. 23. Rev. J. B. Atohinson. LET HIM IN. E. 0. EXCELI* 1. There'3 a stranger 0-pen now to liim your heart, Hear you now his lov- ing voice? Now ad- mit the heavenly Guest, A: Let Let Let Let hira him him him -0—0- fc^-f U Let the Saviour in, in, in, let the Saviour in, v-4^i^-v--t— ' i^igatp: mr s^^^s ^ \ ^r- gf ^ VJ ^ S He haa been there oft be - fore, If you wait he will de-part, Now, O now make Iiim your choice, lie will make for you a, M- -0, Jt. JL AT^ I — 0—r\ \ 1 U — I 'S'- Let hira Let him Let him Let him Let the Saviour in. m; in ; m 1 in; let the Saviour in ; A- np r r r i^ :p=e -b^— V- tfnt • - U - / ^ ^ Let him in ere ho is gone, Let him in tlie IIo - ly One, Let hira in, lie is your Friend, He your soul will sure de - fend, He is standing at the door, Joy to you he will re - store. He will speak your sins for - giv'n. And when earth ties all are riven. ^ -^ 1?=f: f=^^ m ^m i n ^r^Pirfff Jesus Christ, the Father's Son, He will keep you to the end, And his name you will a - dore, He will take vou home to heav'n, i=E jVfL Let I^t Let Let Let the Saviour in him hira him him in. in. in. in. let the Saviour in, m ^ -y— V- 4=t OopTTltht, 1881, ej Jotm J. flood. Owd b/ per. of E. a KioeU, owbml No. 24. LOYALTY TO CHRIST. Dr. E. T. Cassel. ^Ti ^- -fc-^ h-N ^— ,\ — fv-|— I h"F?"~j^~~!- Flora H. Cassel, -0- -0- --l=i 3-^? 1. Up - on the western plain There comes the signal strain, 'Tis loy - al-ty, 2. O hear ye brave the sound That moves the earth around 'Tis loy - al-ty, 3. Come, join our loy - al throng We'll rout the giant vrroni;, 'Tis loy - al-ty, 4. The strength of youth we lay At Je - sus' feet to-day, 'Tis loy - al-ty. loy - al - ty, loy - al - ty, loy - al - ty, loy - al - ty, .^ . ^. ^ loy - al-ty loy - al-ty loy - al - ty loy - al-ty to Christ ; Its to Christ; A to Christ; Where Sa to Christ ; His gos mu - sic rolls a - long, The rise to dare and do. Ring tan's banners float, We'll pel we'll proclaim, Thro'- It —V r — M-t^ — -^-^ — b^H-i — M hills take up the song. Of out the watch- word true, Of send the bu- gle note. Of out the world 'sdomain,Of loy - al- ty, loy - al-ty, Yes, loy- al-ty to Christ, loy - al- ty, loy - al-ty. Yes, loy- al-ty to Christ, loy - al- ty, loy - al-ty. Yes, loy- al-ty to Christ, loy - al- ty, loy - al-tv. Yes, loy- al-ty to Christ. -th- -0- -0- -h- H 1 *- -0 - • •f--0 - p ^_ -t^^ 1»- -0---0 —0 — I — ^ ■ i — ^ — !l ~Fl ~~ to Christ. vie - to - ry ! On 0- r vie - to - ry ! " Cries our great Commander ; ^-— -F^ — ,~m—-—~ — ^ — 1-^— r-i r :^4 ^-i v=r .1—0 — — — — I D.S. "On !" We'll move at His command. We'll soon possess the land, great Commander; "On!" ' -1-MA ^^.-,-,-^,-^^^;^^- Copyright. 1898, by E. 0. Exeell No. 25. ANYWHERE WITH JESUS. "I will trust and not bo afraid." — Isaiah 12: 2. Jbssie II. Brown. D. B. Townbr. i ^ Mj -f r? fe ^ ^ 1 can 1. j:\ji-ywherewithJe-8us I can safe - ly 2. An - y where with Je - sua I am not a 3. An -y where with Je - SUB I can go to mt& m m go, An -y where he lone, Other friends may sleep. When the darkling f=i=^ f nV - ^ T: i^m = ^^-h-¥ leads me in this world be - low ; An - ywhere without him, dearest fail me, he is still my own ; Tho' his hand may lead me o - ver shadows round a- bout me creep ; Knowing I shall wak- en, nev - er Of: h^i^Mm^ m^^mm^ rt t^-'i — t^— t- ^pe^^^s I IH^ tr — »• • - — ' ■» • *; -f-^f joys would fade. An- ywhere with Je - sua I am not a - fraid. drear - est ways, An- ywhere with Je - sus is a house of praise, more to roam, An- ywhere with Je - sus will be home, sweet home. '^■f- - - -^ f- -^ -i^f- « J . I m^^ £ =t ^ — '^r^ — n m -^ CUORUJ S ^ J #^ ^EH^ i An - y - where I an - y - where ! Fear I can - not know ; S ^ i ^ i £ T=r rr I^^Me Mee^ i s J ly go. An - y - where with Je W ^E^^ I ^ can safe J- 4 ^m Copfrtf'''. 18^7. t>7 I>- B. Tawiut. Uaei t^fai No. 26. Anon. HOW LOVE I THY LAW. 'The fear of the Lord is cleau, ciiduiiug forever." — Ps. 19 : 9. W. S. Weeden. 1. Un - spot-ted is the fear of God, And ev 2. Tliey more than gold, yea, much fine gold, To be 3. More - o - ver they, tliy serv- ant warn, How he 4. Who can his er - rors un - der-stand? From se- cret 5. And do not suf - fer them to have Do - niin - ion de his doth en - dure; ■ sir- - ed are ; life should frame; faults me cleanse; o - ver me; iM=|E|^ The judgments of Than hon - ey, hon A great re- ward Tiiy serv - ant al the - ey pro - so Lord are truth, And righteous-ness most pure. from tiie comb That droppeth, sweet- er far. • vid - ed is For them that keep the same. keep thou back From all pre-sumptuous sins. I shall be right- eous, then, and from The great trans-gres-sion free. — N--^— N— I — r-I ! — I i— : m—Mm—0 — « ^__ " how love I thy law, M. jS- -^. J^. how love thy law ; 1/ U It is my med - i 1i=|i=)5=q love I thy law; It is my med - i - ta-tionall the day." |=;t=zt=t=ip|:zf:qifi:|ni Copjright, 1899, by W. 3. Weedeo- No. 27. Wm. KiTCHiNO, alt. THE VEIL UPLIFTED. CiiAs. II. Gabriel. ^=x £^^:f£^^p^ S *=*: JoEEr 1. When the veil shall be up - lift - ed, Hiding from our mortal sight, 2. When the Saviour iiome sliall call me, There to ta.ste e - ter- nal joy, 3. 1 shall tune my harp willi gladness, While in robes of gio- ry dressed, 4. There, 'midst angels gathered round iiim. Strains of lieav'nlv mu- sic How ; T '-W=^- -X-^ ^i^3^^^^ g J- . All that scene of wondrous glo - ry, Where the saints are robed in white. AVa.'^iied in his all-cleansing fountain, Praise shall be my glad em - Jiloy. Kound the throne with angels worsliip, Sinless and for-ev-er blest. 1 siiall join th'angcl-ic cho - rus, Such as none on earth may know. m m Choucs. ■v-v- 7^—^ ^ • -J — j ^ 1 rr-t- d > '^ > I l^ 1 I shall see what now I I shall see what now, shall see see V not, ■hat now I see -p- -0- -0- Hear what not, -#- /mV' 1 ' I* * ^ 'III . &—r-r l- 'r r f> '» 'p 'p p -L— ^? ' t^p— tr 1/ i i ^- — ) -h- 1- t-T— t/ • w' v/ -i • 4^— I- — I- -/- -rrt- u r^trtTrU '^ ^ ]/ y none on earth may hear; Walk in ev - cr- lasting Hear what none on earth ,hcar what none on earth may hear; Walk in everlast - ing. ^^?E^E^ i m P § t 3qc -w—^—n- M—^-K W-^ -^—l—li- — H- — H — h — h h- k/ • • ]/ ^ ^ • • ;' m *=i- ':-tx~'^-x-*--^c~^-rrftH'r sun - shine, With ray Sav - lour ev - er near, ev - er- l;isting sunshine. With my Saviour near, my Saviour ever near. ^^ H 1 1 H V— t/-- >■— V U ' u - mimm^^ C«|7Tl(bt,IMt,lnrCliU'lkD miaao. Ftcd by p«. No. 28. "WHAT ARE THEY AMONG SO MANY?" Flora Kirkland. John 6 : 9. Soprano and Alto Duet. Wm. W. Coe. m^^^^ ^s^^ 5; 1. Crowds around the Master gathered, E-ven-tide was drawing nigh ; 2. Crowds to- day are fainting, starving, Hung' ring for the Living Bread ; 3. Take to him your loaves and fish-es, E- ven tho' the/ re small and few ; 4. Take your tal - ents and your ef- forts, Take your money, thought and time ; pffii ^ ^ r f ) g PS \t—\ ii- ^ ^-tH N NT \ Five small loaves and two small fish - es Must their need Who will spread the feast be - fore them Tliat they may He is wait - ing to dis - trib - ute. Waiting now He will, from your hum-ble off'r - ing, Make a feast sup - ply. be fed? for you. sub - lime. Chorus. :gzz=:=:Szj=j-:fc--: ^^ " What are they a- mong so ma - ny?" Ah, but Christ, the -^ l^Jf- J- -«. H^SS^^g fi -*--f Lord, is near ^Sl ^ :^ i He will mul - ti - ply, if need be ; Thou needst nev - er fear. Copyright, 1800, bj W. S. yf—am No. 29. IN A LITTLE WHILE WE'RE GOING HOME. E. E. II. E. E. Hewitt. in^k^mmm^^^ ^ -4- U ... Let us sing a song that will cheer us by the way, In a little while we're We will do tlie work that our hands may find to do, In a little while we're We will smooth the path fi)rsonie weary, wayworn feet, In a little while we're There's a rest beyond, there's relief from ev'ry care, In a little while we're 1=-^=^ f =^^ t/— fc^ b'— ^=i= ttl: ^1 i^&=J^# ^^=^y^^-JEE^ For the night will end in the ev - er- lasting day. In a And the grace of God will our daily strength renew, In a O may loving hearts sjjread around an inlluencc sweet I In a And no tears shall fall in that cit- y bright and fair. In a go - ing home go - ing home go - ing home go - ing home ^ 4i^— ■ ^^ ClIOKUS. - ^^^— 4 ^ «i -— - In a lit -tie while, In a In a. lit- tic while, lit- tie while we're go - ing home. -m — ^ — ^ — m — 0- =r^-FFf=F ig- -^ ^_/_J^^ t l/~U~f^ 1 s^^ N— ^ iizit- - 4—*—^ . i tfT-f fc*=£ i -^ lEfc -9 — r- t lit- tie while, "VVeshallcrossthebillow'sfoam ; "'•Ve shall meet at last, In a lit- tie whue, (sJ- -#- -*- -#-: -#--#--#- -id-' -*-- -J- -J- ^ 333"3"="E£g ^^S^fe l^ ^ ^4- >> hen the stormy winds are past, In a lit- tie while we're go- ing home. r r r - f-f=Sp — f-lf-r— r— f-r — r 1 1 1 1 =H^^^ t-— tr-tr-tr-; X Oe|iTil(ht, 18M, \tj Wm. J. Klrk[Mtl«k. No. 30. W, L. T. FOB YOU AND FOR ME. Will. L. Thomp80H. Very slow. J|jJiJJ;iriJ J * ^-jy-i ^ J - ^-J-t KW-^ 1. Soft - ly and ten- der - ly Je-sns is calling, — Calling for you and for 2. Whyshould wetar-ry when Je-Bus is pleading, — Pleading for you and for 3. Time is now fleeting, the moments are passing, — Passing from you and from 4. O, for the wonder- ful love he has promised, — Promised for you and for fefi C L [ ; ^ te V V V w p TT m tn^" ' '''u ^m ^ ^m -Ps-=^ ^ l i i i i =3= me. Ree on uie pc me? Why should we lin - ger and heed not his mercies, - me. Shad - ows are gath - er - ing, death-beds are com - ing,- me. Though we have sinned he haa mer - cy and par - don,- Pt=t=^f ^m -^- i\i^' t=f Refrain. Watching for you and for me. Come home,... come home, Mercies tor you and for me? ^ Com- ing for you and for me. Come home come homt Par- don for you and for me. ^ J^'^yT^ . cres. 4>+ IV lit. p 1 -5^—^ -es. ^==. 1-it. ^ p . pp Ye who are wea- ry, come home, Ear- nest- ly, ten- der -ly W mm I3l rrt ^=i f?j=^ =9=^ J^'T^ w Je-BUS is call -ing, — Call- ing, O sin-ner, come home I m pp^ OepTrlght, 1880, b; WUL L. Thompaoo t Co.. Eaot Unrposl, Ohio. Died b; peniil«!«ft No. 31. HAPPY IN THE LOVE OF JESUS. Jenxib Wilson. J. LiNxoLN Hall. Zi - on we are bound, Hap-py in the love of Je - sns, we will for- ward go, Ilap-py in tiie love of Je - sus, 3. We will sing sal - va-tion'ssonjr, Hap-py in the love of Je - bus, Hap-py in the love of Je - sus, 1. Home to 2. Trust-ing 4- Soon we'll rea«h the home-land f;iir, ItZI -'5>- zi==tz: :ti=t — 2±i m :5=i= * — * — *~ i~^ Si=S=»=:y mm Peace a - bid-ing we hare found, Hap-py in the love of Je - Tread-ing changeful paths be - low, Hap-py in the love of Je - All our earth -ly way a - long, Hap-py in the love of Je - And shall dwell for - ev • er there, Hap-py in the love of Je - i — ^ #" >^ - --?— i i i i — l-l -J- l ' 1^ — ^- sns. sus. sus. sns. -- I I — r^-i — -r Hap - py, hap py, Sing-ing all the waj', Hap-py all the day; Hr.p - py, hap • py, Hap - py in the love of Je - sus. Jz; :!==]=: :ii=*: ^- i 1 ! m Cop7rlght, 1W7, bj Hall Mack C«. No. 32. MY MOTHER'S BIBLE. M. B. Williams DUKT. C. D. Tillman. 1. There's a dear and pre-cious book, Tho' it's worn and faded now, "Wliich re- 2. There she read of Je-sns'Iove, Ashe blest the chil-dren dear, How he 3. Well, those days are past and gone, But their mem'ry lin-gers still, And the -4 calls the hap-py days of long a- go; When I stood at mother's knee, suf-fered, bled and died up - on the tree ; Of his heavy load of care, dear old Book each day has been my guide ; And I seek to do his will. With her hand up-on my brow. And I heard her voice in gentle tones and low. Then she dried ray flowing tear With her kisses as she said it was for me. As mv mother taught me then. And ev - er in ray heart his words abide. ii^: P :t: j),S. As I -walk the narrow way That leads at last to that bright home above. fc^ s ^ [> [^ \ ^ ^ f J r Blessed book precious book, On thy dear old tear-stained Bless-i'fi book, precious book, • • • *_^«^t._^_^_ _ z--\z- : -0 • b:^ 1 --— t^ — t^— h^: — ^- F— p« 1 F 1 -I- ?=d=£j=«=?=lz 1/ ^ --1 -A ^ /).S'. -I — ^ — i-^-,-H^ — I 1 1 1 — . leaves I love to look ;. love to look ; Thou art sweet-er day by day, 'f^ Copyright, 1893, by C. D. Tillman. Uy per. No. 33. SHOWERS OF BLESSING. "And I will cause the shower to cuine down iu liiij seasuu." — Ezekiel 34 : 26. Jennie Garnett. Jno. 11. Sweney. N — ^ — N-r-l''^- 1. Herein tliy name we are gathered, Coraeaud re- vive us, O Lord; 2. () that tlic sliovvcrs of bless - ing Now on our .souls may descend, 3. There shall be showers of bless - inj:, — Promise that nev-er can fail ; 4. Showers of blessing, — we need them, Showersof bless-ing from thee; i^it f h h h 1 tEEE :l:=n N [\ [^ ,n_h'^. "Thereshall beshowersof bless-ing" Thou hast declared in thy word. While at the footstool of mer - cy Pleading thy promise we bend ! Thou wilt re-gard our pe - ti - tion ; Sure - ly our faith will pre- vail. Showers of bless-ing, — oh, grant them ; Thineall the glory shall be. —ULU-J.^- ^1^1 , / 7 1 .Jj^ ht ! 1 1 1 1 1 ~ 1 1- -H 1-. • 1 — ^ — — s— -t / i/-V- -f ]/ \^ ^ Chorus. ^ ^ ^ ». s n i^^ i Oh ! gracious-ly hear us, Gracious-ly hear us, we pray ; gniciou8-ly hear us, iii#i -j-^^te?^- • -0-'-0- Pour from thy windows np-on us Showers of blessing to-day. ^ Liinl, pinir up - on iis ^^ Oopjrifbt, 18M, bj Ji.0. B. Smtatj. B7 p«r, ~~P~~p IIpIlt^ fr No. 34. WILT THOU BE MADE WHOLE? W. J. K. Wm. J. KiRKPATRICK. ^ efe4=s=S N — J^ ^ =3=^ ^z^ t-J-t ^ — I— — w w — V T^ ^ 1. Hear the footsteps of Je- sus, lie is now passing by, Bearing balm for tlie 2. 'Tis the voice of tliat Saviour, Whose nier-ci- ful call Freely of- fers sal- 8. Are you halting and struggling, O'erpow'red by your sin, While the waters are 4. Blessed Saviour, as- sist us To rest on thy Word ; Let the soul-healing ^S f=f=t fe^E 4» — P- r- V 9 A 1- ^ fct=t=i^ t 5— -^ -it V wounded, Healing all who ap - ply ; As he spake to the suff'rer Who va-tion To one and to all; He is now beck' ning to him Each troubled, Can you not en - ter in ? Lo, the Saviour stands waiting To pow - er On us now be outpoured : Wash a- way ev - 'ry sin- spot, Take ^ r f f f fegj=:^ ^^-^ Fine. -d 9-^9- 3^3^ 3t lay at the pool, He is say-ing this moment, "Wilt thou be made "whole ?" sin- taint- ed soul, And lov- ing - ly asking, "Wilt thou be made whole?" strengthen your soul, He is earn- est- ly pleading, "Wilt thou be made whole ?" per -feet con- trol. Say to each trusting spirit, "Thy faith makes thee whole." teiii f±t m — 1«_ > r L^ T^ P ^5=e ^(Z- r-f- D. S. — cleansing waves roll : Step in - to the cur- rent and thou shalt be whole. Chorus. t S fe^ S 3^ -» w—m — —^ r Wilt thou be made Avhole? Wilt thou be made whole? O come, wea Pf^^ £: £ -4^- 2 fcd: i D.S. ream is flow- ing, See, the ii=i^ -^- suf-f 'rer, O come, sin-sick soul ; See, the life-stream is flow- ing. See, i ^ ^-^^ fzzit i ^ |2S p :::^ l»88,Oo|7it(U,«f Wiii./,Hrkji*ttlA. Pm4I>7*» No. 35. THE STORY THAT NEVER GROWS OLD. JouK H. Yates. 5 ^ M. L. McPiiAiL. •5 ' ^ 1. How deiir to my lieart is tlie sto - ry 2. It came to my heart when, all fet-tered 3. It comes lo my .suiil wlien the tempter 4. When .sorrow is mine, ami on pil-lows 5. When down in tlio '"vul- ley and sliad-ow of old, sin, nigh of stone of Diatli, J The sto - ry tliat I sat in tiic With snares for my My ach - iiig head I en - ter the '^ V ^ ' ' ■*- -0- cv - er 13 pris - on of way-wea -ry seeks for re gloom of the The mes-saj;e tliat saints of all a- gos liave told, Like an - gel of old, the glad stt, 18K, b; W. W, Coc TV, S, Wteilca, gno, No. 38. HAVE FAITH IN GOD. Geo. P\ Rosche. ' ^- • M- -m- ^- -m- . " -9- -^■ Gud," tlie Saviour said ; lie saw tlie path that we must tread ; God tho' clouds a-rise And o-ver-spread tlie glowing skies ; God : A father's heart Would to his child all good im-part ; Have faith in God: liis word di-vine By day and night shall hrightly shine, m :|=5==;£ -=!-; =1^=1: — ^— :^jjt 0—^ — ii- M--- -A— The frequent thorn, the fading flow'r, The joy or pain of ev -'rj' hour. Tho' sun and stars grow dim and pale, His boundless love shall never fail. Much more will he re-gard the pray'r Of tliose who cast on him their care. Un - til we pass the gates of light And faith shall yield to bliss-ful sight. -^r-N-l- ivd- f^ r -si-*- ^ Chorus cheer faith ! Its son O faith ! of cheer The Shep-herd's staff, The Shepherd's rod, (Omit the staff, the rod, f:-.^^— :^:-*— •-r:-r-J- -r—0 " Re-vives our Zf-- I ±: fi-. -V 1^- \ — m -^—v—^- H— -I— -^ ril. 'mmP^^^m hope, dispels our fear ; our hope, our fear ; •"" 7 1 1 .) Still leads us on ; liave faith in God. in God. ^ Copyright, 1898, hy G«o. F. Rosobe. By per. No. 39. E. S HOLY SPIRIT DWELL IN ME. Respectfully Dodicutod to Wiuona Bible Coufercnce. ^-:^^- f^-r-l- E. S. Black. ?5(- -^d-^'^i --K=K ^; ^i^^—^-^ir 1 1. IIo - ly Spir-it dwell in me, Teach mine err - inj? feet the way; 2. Ho- ly Spir-it dwell in me, Fill my soul with thy rich grace ; 3. IIo- ly Spir-it dwell in mc, Till life's night has passed a - way; J :t=C: *^— I — H — I — F=i — ^~r~t^ --1— i^- As I jour - ney liere be - low, Guide me ev - 'ry day. Let me all the beau - ty see. In my Sav - iour's face. When with rap - ture I shall wake In e - ter - nal day. m Show me what I Till at last his to do, shall be ^=^=r- ought life Help me slum Mir - rored in the wrong, mine own. I shall dwell with Clirist my Lord In our heav'n - ly home, W^ ZIF- r—r— r- :t=t f-r 'r=t' f- • • • -#- ^ -(&- *•- • -♦- -•- -7^ . II In this va - ried chain of life Make the weak link strong. And the like - ness God can see. To his own dear Son. And he will pre - sent me then, Fault- less at the throne. -# — •- =^^=I^ = 3-zr:^£Eg=E! I 1 I 1 — r Cvp^righl, 18M, bT J. Wilbur Cbspmaq. ^^ It- r m Rp. 40. SAY! WILL YOU MEET ME THERE? Mat Mattrico!. Wm. J. Kjbkpatrick. i^ m rt 1. When my wea - ry 2. When I sweet - ly 3. When I stand at feet reach the sliin - ing goal, And the Master's rest on tliat peace- ful shore, Where the blight of last with the white-robed throng, To a- dore my ^^ p 4 IT ^-fF — \ V u ^ \\ \ I — V — Mi h ^ * • g -w m r A — I- I £@=* I ^ voice greets my raptured soul ; Where the waves of joy shall around me roll, sin shall be felt no more ; When I find the loved ones who' ve gone before, King, and his praise prolong ; When my voice shall join in the glad, new song, i^grf ^ Chorus. ^ ^M t= ^. O say, will you meet me there ? ^ ^^ Say, will you O say, MM m ¥¥^ t fei^ ^ ^ ^ i J '> ^ ^ meet me there ? Say, will you meet me there ? In the home a- O say, ^ i ^ u=mt ^ ^ ^— ^ f w^^^^ I fc-R- i^E^EE^EEgE bqve, in the land of love, O say, will you meet me there ? %=^=^ r f • f r r- m r r r '-r\~^ ^ Ocmil(li(, 1897, tj Wm. J. Elikpttilo^ No. 41. p. K. ABIDE IN ME. QrjMIA KZIUC&AMS. ^^^aip^i^li 1. O, to what "wondrous one - ness" Callcth the Lord to - day! 2. On - ly by rep - e - tl - tion Lit - tie ones learn to read ; 3. List- ening, Lord, to hear thee, Thinking of what we hear ; 4. Seeking to know thee ful - ly, Giv- ing the need - ful time ; l±M? S^ frm- r Quicken our com - pre- hen - sion, Help us "a-bide," we pray- O - ver the same slow path - way, Je - sus his own would lead. Praying in full sur - ren - der. Grasping thy meaning clear. Yielding our be - ings zahol - ly, Waiting thy touch di - vine. Refrain. t s \ ^— ^- -A- FV V 1 V V 1 1 L2 (^ V h^ 1 1 1 Day aft- er day spell o - ver Simply, "A-bide in me;" to=fc -V jr )/' ■p • •- ■• — • — m- -tz — ^ — -t I- 1 » — • — • — • • — '• -u ^ m i-^-^— ' F 1 ' U . ' ^ !»: ^^^P^^^^ rT-y Day aft - er day dis - cov - er "What Je- sua meant for thee. I I I -It — »- P^ » 1 1- X V U- V I --U^i> i 1/ u '^ CtTTlfllt. J69», by W. 8. Werfta. No. 42. J. B. M. IN THY NAME WE GATHER. J. B. Mackat. |r M t 4- fcn ==^- ii:NJU ^r-fr J J J.t -7^ 1. In thy name we gather, gracious Lord divine, May thy love most tender 2. Bod - y, soul and spirit, Lord, we give to thee, Thine, yea, thine alone for- 3. Fit us for thy service, teach us all thy will, Ev - 'ry precious promise 4. Je - 8US, blessed Saviour, when we meet at last In the land where partings ^ .uu/.j;. ^ ,;.MJ4 I 3=H=ljj y ir^=i-fp^ nfci: 6JE 4.— N- * M -•—& [ 'round our hearts entwine ; Guide us by thy Spir - it, lead us in thy way, ev-ermore to be; Heaven's rich- est blessing now on us be- stow I now in us ful- fill ; Help us tell the sto - ry of thy wondrous namt are for- ev - er past, Saved by grace di- vine to all e - ter - ni - ty, t-' -f- -^- ^ w -JUMUU- ^ F--=f -f^^^ | g: I V- V l A S r^ rj r^ i u Chorus. ^li *: ^ f "TT Meet with us, dear Meet with us dear Sav- iour, ■ J J 1 ^1. ^ - Meet, O meet with us to - day. Till our hearts shall o - vcr - flow. Till it set the world a ' flame. We will give the praise to thee. ^^=t = ^ % ^ J J J- J J- i x. ^ i d ■ S- i W^- f^=^n rT=f g Sav - ibur, Meet with us we pray; meet with us to-dav, O meet, pray, with us we pray; J. }1 . n ■> . > • f f; f . ^^•f-^•^^f- S^ S^P S3^H ^ ? 1 f 9 — V i=^=^ U-=Z^ ?v— *^ 1 1=3: s±=J==4 3 ^^^w^^^m In thy ho - ly name we gath - er, O meet.... with us to - day. Saviour, meet to-day, V ^ A^'-^ UJ f=^ m I :t- » :&fe£ i ^2_! f^ V — P'-V — ^ h(,ia»»,i>7akU-UMkgo« No. 43. MY MOTHER'S PRAYER. J. W. Van De Venter. W. S. Weeden. I nev - er can for- get the day I heard my mother kind- ly say. o I nev - er can for- get the voice Tiiat always made my lieart rejoice ; 3 Tiio' vears have gone, I can't forget Tiiose words of love- I hear them yet; 4 I nev -er can for- get the hour I felt theSaviour's cleansing pow'r, " You're leaving now mv tender care; Remember, child, your mother's pray'r." The' I have wandered God knows where.Still I remember mother's pray'r. I see her by the old arm chair.My mother dear, in humble pray'r. My sin and guilt he canceled there.'T was there he answered mother's pray'r. Chorus. 1 2&3 Whene'er I think of her so dear, I feel her an - gel spir - it near ; ' ' 4. Oh, praise the Lord for sav- ing grace! We'll meet up yonder face to face mm^^^P^ A voice comes floating on the air, Reminding me The home a-bove to-geth-er share, In answer to of mother's pray'r. my mother's pray'r. -_-i=f-f4i.f4^ m^M^i C«p7ri|bt, l»J, b' W S. Wtedeo »nd J. W. V«n De Vent«r. No. 44. I MUST TELL JESUS. E. A. II. Rev. Elisha A. Hoffman. A f- -0 ff^_^_L -^-.^-^^- S3 1. I tell Je - sus 2. I must tell Je - sus 3. Tempted and tried I 4. O how the world to als ; I can-not bear these ||EE?=J 1^ u all of my tri all of mytroub-les; He is a kind, com need a great Sav - ior, One who can help my e- vil al- lures me! O how my heart is burdens a - lone ; In my dis-tress he kiud-ly will help me ; He ev - er passionate Friend ; If I but ask him, he will de- liv - er, Make of my burdens to bear; I must tell Je - sus, I must tell Je - sus; He all my tempted to sin ! I must tell Je - sus, And he will help me O - ver the Chorits. -\~ S-r 1 « ^— M't^-I V* » W-t-*— = •— =-— I 1 1 loves and cares for his own. troub - les quick-ly an end. cares and sor-rows will share, world the vic-t'ry to win. I must tell Je - sus! I must tell -•- -#- -•- -I 1 ^ — s — s-i «-r — •-- — • oi i-H — I --"'. — • i T-# can-not bear my bur-dens a - lone ; I must tell ^=t _i_i/ 1 1 — L 0-^0-^~m «, -U^= Bit. Je - sus ! .Te-sns can help me, Je-sus a - lone. I 1 h; h h— '-F^ 1 ^ h 1 I 1 ^ 1; 1/ I '^ Je - sus! I must tell Je - sus ! .Te-sns can help me, Je-sus a - lone. I y' V 'f^ \ ^^ V V \^ Copyright. 1893, by The Hotfrpan Mnsio Co. By per. Henry Date, owner. THERE IS POWER IN THE BLOOD. L. £. Jones. ^^^^^^^^^m 1. Would you be free 2. Would you be free 3. Would you be wliit 4. Would you do scrv from your bur- den of pin ? There's pow'r in the blood, from your pa'vsion :ind pride? There's pow'r in the blood, - cr, ruueh whiter than snow ? There's pow' r 'n the Ijlood, - ice for Jesus your King? Tliere's pow'r in the blood, f ^ [ f f f f -I 9 P-^.fr^0 ES SJ =F=rf r? :t :i^!= 3^ m^ 1 N ■J-. =i=i=i: pow r pow' r pow'r pow' r the Uood the blood the blood tlie blood -(2. =g — r-i_ ff=jg=Ei>=r— P^ ; Would you o'er e - vil a vie - to - ry win? ; Come for a cleans- ing to Cal - va- ry's tide, ; iSin stains are lost in its life - giv- ing flow, ; Would you live dai - ly his prais - es to sing? M « • ^ « ^— rf f f P =r=p= :^l Cnora's. EE^ 3^ :^-•i- ?=E3 ^ i 3= There's won- dcr- ful pow'r in the blood. There is pow'r, pow'r, There is pow'r, N N m M m m m O -• »-= •- ■0 1 i 1 -— 1 * F 1— «■ :t= % m^ -=5t- ^ ■wonder-working pow'r In the blood of the Lamb ; There is In the blood of the Limb ; a. « c c , m' m • . /*_l_#_« — ^ pow'r, pow'r, wonder-working pow'r In the precious blood of the Lamb There is pow'r, —m #_«_;d — , » y— #_# — :]*'• p ,# • "f " # — # : # I g f=^ :p.^ i -t>— i^ — yt — -^ No. 46. THE BETTER LAND. "A better country, tliat is an heavenly." — Heb. 11 : 16. GuRDON Robins, arr. Daniel B. Towneb. 1. There is a land mine eye hath seen In visions of enraptured thought, 2. A land up - ou whose blissful shore There rests no shad-ow, falls no stain ; 3. Its skies are not like earth-ly skies, With va-ryiug hues of shade and light ; 4. There sweeps no des-o - la -ting wind Across the calm, se-reue a- bode. i^ I^IS :=1: ^^J tt: ^^ --^ =1: :it -h^- So bright, that all which spreads between Is with its ra-diant glo - ries fraught. There those who meetshall part no more, And those long parted meet a - gain. Ithathnoneed of suns, to rise To dis-si-pate the gloom of night. The wand' rer there a home may find "Within the par - a - dise of God. Oh, land of love, of joy and light, Thy glo-ries Oh, land of love, of joy and light, -«- -P- -^ -^ mm ip: :t=^; ±: ±: gild earth's darkest night; Thy tranquil shore,... Thy glories gild earth's darkest night ( earth's darkest uight ; ) Thy tranquil shore, ^ -P- -^- J I J we, too, shall see....... When day shall break.... and shadows flee. ( we, too, shall see,) When day shall break -jb-l^J^^iJ- . .-_-J-.-^-.i=J.f. ?$==--rzr=r ^ps=^pif=f^fi Ov/rlfbt, Un, by D, B, Tqitow. DMd bj fW. No. 47. W. H. B. SINGING ON THE WAY. W. n. Brovn. 1. On the good old road that our fathers trod, Singing on the way, halle- 2. The' temptations come 1 will trust the Lord, Singing on the way, halle- 3. I will meet the friends who liave gone before, Singhig on the way, halle- 4. it will not be long if my faith be strong, Singing on the way, halle- :f=^ » 4 * ^ 4 ^ 54; rff-f r irr -rr fefes f^ii-^^^^^PP m. lu - jah I To a cit - y whose build - cr and male - er is God, lu - jah I "Be of cheer," Je - sus said, and 1 trust in his word, lu - jail I In that bright, summer land wliere we'll part nev - ermore, lu - jah I "When 1' 11 join in the song of the heav - en - ly throng, -^- -^ •-=— •— r#- #-! — • • ^ ^-r# 9-^—0 — ^ -t±^fz 3 Chorus. Singing on the way, hal - le - lu - jali I Praise the Lord, what a w rrrm-^ z?: ^^=h im\ ^ *« 5^^ ^.^ N— V hij: ^ ^ J J. J IJ J TT^ [ joy is mino ' Ilal - le - lu-jah, Fvea peace di- vine I 'Round my I*: t '^- %—i fc=tj t ■m^^m^i^^^m heart doth his love entwine, Singing on the way, hal - le - lu - jah I -litid fe^ ^ ^=rf: I r^ •ipr*i(kt, 11*9, k7 BtO-MaikOh No. 48. SCATTER SUNSHINE BY THE wAY. Eben E. Rexfoed. CiiAs. 11. Gabriel. 1. Do you know a lieart tluit liungers For a Avord of love and cheer? 2. It may be that some one fal-ters On the brink of sin and wrong, 3. Nev - er think kind deeds are wasted, Bread up - on the waves are they, ^^^^^^^^m -N — :V i^S: ^^ ■pAjr^— ^ — ^z: m ^ :i:i^,«- There are ma-ny, you may find them In the byways far and near; And to Just a word from you might save him, Make the fait' ring brother strong; Then be And the tides of God may bring them Back to us, some coming day, Back to i?5^f9^grfcS=J=j^fc^J=j^ weak,discourag' d comrades Speak the word that's needed so, And your own heart will be earnest 1 look about you I What a sin is yours and mine, If we see that help is us when sorely needed. In a time of sharp distress. So let' s do them gladly, ^ •tqf qtif #— »- .^. .!> i. .15 ^ hi L » fcfc ad!^^5Ea^ i^- CnoEus. strengthen' d By the help that you bestow. "I Would you doub - - Ic all the needed, And we give no friendly sign. >■ knowing Gift and giver God will bless. J Would you doub - le, S ^r-L 3 ^-i^-^■ mkkk^^. '^^ i e bless - ings. As they come from day to day ? Go and double all the blessings, As they come from day to day ? V — v—v V — V- ■^-y- ii -drntifbtfUS!), i>7 V. e. Wccdob SCATTER SUNSHINE BY THE WAY.-Concluded. share them with anotli - er, Go and share them, share them with another, 1/ ^ Scatter sunshine by the way. No. 49. WILL JESUS FIND US WATCHING? Fanny J. Crosby. W. H. Doane. N->-, ! I ^— r ^ d-r-^—l Wlien Jesus comes to reward his servants, Whether it be noon or night, If at the dawn of the ear- ly morning, lie shall call us one by one, Have we been true to tlie triLst he left us? Do we seek to do our best? Blessed are those wlioni the Lord linds watching. In his glory they shall share ; _« — p • p 9 — m—m-^m — • — «_ • — ^^ — P—P—P—P- p p^?-^ — Faitliful to liim will he find us watching, With our lamps all trimm'd and bright. When to the Lord we restore our talents, Will he answer thee — Well done? If in our hearts there is naught condemns us, We shall have a glorious rest. If he sliall come at the dawn or midnight. Will he find us watching there? -m — t-^p—p — * ^ , ^ — « — •— • — ^p—»—p m — »—,-(z^ 5=t=t=t Y— r- -<>• i^ r- i=^ r^i^^i O, can we say we are ready, brother? Ready for the soul's bright home? Say, will he find you and me still watching, Waiting, waiting when the Lordshall come? -M—M-^^-P •_• r*— # ft — •- % ^-| — r-r-r n jp—p-si- ^— ^^-S— S-f— 't-*— •— f^^^-n Coyjrifht, 16;S, b; W. B. Dnnk Vtei bj fct. No. 50. 1 WANT TO GO THERE. Words and Melody by D. Sullins. Harmony by Prof. Riggs. C. F. College. ::]: hJT^ -#- 1. They tell of a 2. Its gates are all 3. When the old ship of 4. When Je - sus is cit - y far up in the sky, I want to go pearl, itsstreetsareall gold, I want to go Zi-on shall make her last trip, I want to be crowned the King ofallkiuyis, I want to be there, there, there, there, do; do; do; do; 'Tis built in the laud of " the sweet by and by," The Lamb is the light of that cit - y we're told, With heads all un - cov - ered to greet the old ship. With shout-ing and clap- ping till all heav - en rings, I want to go there, dou't you? There Je - sus has gone to pre- I want to go there, don't you? Death robs us all here, there I want to be there, don't you? When all the ship'scom - pany I want to be there, don't you? Hal- le - lu -jah ! we'll shout a - ^.-—if— • — r* — m P *-■ — • — |— •-' • — |-f • — ? * »^~^* — I pare us all homes, I want to go there, I do; Where sick-ness nor none ev - er die, I want to go there, I do; There loved ones will meet on the strand, I want to be there, I do; With songs on their gain and a- gaiu, I want to be there, I do: And close with the -• • #— 1-#— • — • — a^ • •— 1-» • •- t=t= ~Nl — ^ N : 1— N — ^ — ip — j— Nt -1 ■#— «— S * C d #— I — I # ^ M — i-T— » .%. ^. ^ • • * ^. -*-• sor - row nor death ev - er comes, I want to go there, don tyou? nev - er a - gain say good-bye, 1 want to go there, don't you? lips and with harps in their hands, I want to be there, don't you? cho - rns, A ■ men and A - men, I want to be there, don't you? Ooprrtght, 1899, b]r Cbarlie D. TUlmmn. B7 p«r. i»CHOEITS I WANT TO GO THERE, -toncluded. Hy-I ^^,--1 , -0- ■0-^0- -0- -0-^0- '^ 1. 2. I want to fio there, I want to j;o there, 1 want to go there, I do; 3. 4. I want to be tliere, 1 mean to be there, I ex-pect to be there, I do ; I want to go there, I want to ijo there, I I want to be tliere, I mean to be tliere, I m-J^-e: want to ex -poet to 0- go there, (h)n'tyou? be tliere, don't yon? M. NEARER, STILL NEARER. Mrs. C. II. MoRUis. 1. Near- er, still near - er, close to thy heart, Draw nie, my Sav-ionr, so 2. Near - er, .still near - er, noth-in*^ I brinj;, Nanj^hta-s an oft'-'ring to 3. Near- er, still near - er. Lord, to he thine Sin, with it.s I'ol - lie.s, I 4. Near- er, still near - er, while life shall last, Till all its strug-glesand precious thon art ; Fold me, O fold me to thy breast, Shelter me Je-sns my King; On - ly my sin - fiil, now contrite heart. (Jrantmcthe glad-ly re-sign; All of its pleasures, jionip and it.s pride. Give me but tri - als are past ; Then thro' e - ternity, ev - er I'll be Near er, my E&f^ggp -(2- .(S. I.I ''- -^ safe in that " Haven of Rest," Shelter me .safe I'n that "Ifaven of K'est." cleansingthy blood doth impart, Grant me the cleansing thy blood doth iiiii>art. Je-sns, my I^ord cruci - fied, Give me hut Je-sns. my I.ord crnii - tied. Sa\'iour, still nearer to thee,, my Sav-iour, still nearer so thee. -(22- Oop;rl(bt, U»8, rrWf^r^ , L. QUmoar. Bj p«r. fpi No. 52. Geo. I. RuNiON. THE MASTER'S CALL. CiiAs. H. Gabriel. ^ — ^ — fi, — N- 1. Ilark I 1 hear the Saviour call- ing from a - cross the rag- ing flood, 2. Hark ! I hear the Saviour call- ing, "will you not go forth to - day, 3. Hark I I hear the Saviour cail-ing, let your light shine bright and clear ; "Child of mine, go forth to rescue those I've purcliased with ray blood ; Time is Help some weary, sin-sick wand'rer find the bright and narrow way ? Tell him In a world of sin and sorrow scatter gladness far and near ; Tell to ±^ _^N ^ N-N-f, ^ 4 J— J— J J J j:j. ..L V J- *-i^ ^ N ^ — ^— I- -^fME^ 3^ I •• • — — 0- flying, souls are dying, hasten then to bring them in ; Do not rest while struggling there is peace and comfort,happiness and joy complete, Ifhe'llcome, his sin con- sinners all about you Christ has died to set them free, Tell them Je- sus lives to q£=t£=f^ 1 — I — lb ^ CUORUS. r-p-rc- H -J Pi — N-, — ►i^ — Sr — H — N — I — , 0^ — V| I - — ^ 1 S *— l-*— •— •— ,i-T-j— < — ^— •-[? f—' h • — •—•—•—' 1/ 1/ 1/ 1/ I I brothers sink beneath the weight of sin." "i Brother, heed the urgent fessing, kneeling at the mercy seat." >■ save them from their sins and misery." J Brother, heed tlic urgent call, O -#--#--#- -•--#- ^ 4- +- ^ -#- -#- 3ZE£ =£: m as V f r-f- &^ =fe=fe=fc: r gii -V— tM-^-?=h— t^^ t=b -A— N HEs -J^-- N-^ > '-^^^W^ E?=J J call, Thercis work for one and all ; Do not heed the urgent call, There is work for one and all, there is work for one and all ; ;-ir--f -i'-t-f- P-F^ OaVjriflil, 1809, b/ W. 8. VrwdaB. THE MASTER'S CALL.-Concluded. lay the armor down ' Till yoaVe won the golden crown, ' Till yoaVe won the golden crown. R^^^?=E -#- ^ ^ ^-•^-^-=^-y -^->-;^- * > u i>' — *»'— i — y— y-*-! — *- - g — t I ^- No. 53. SINCE I FOUND MY SAVIOUR. E. E. Hewitt. (May ue vhed as a Solo and Chouus.) J.NO. R. SWEN'EY. Life wears a dif-ferent face to me, He sought me in his wondrous love, Tlie pass-ing clouds may in - ter-vene, A strong hand kindly holds my own, Since I found mj' Sav-iour; So I found my Sav-iour, Since I found my Sav-iour, Since 1 found my Sav-iour, gg^a ^^ r^ «—■-•-- • d # ' ^ 3 S 0-z •- B ^ Richmer-cy at the cross I see, My dy - ing, liv - ing Sav-iour. He brought salva-tion from a- hove, ^[y dear, almight - y Sav-iour. But he is with me, though unseen, My ev - er-pres-ent Sav-iour. It leads me on -ward to the throne, 6 there I'll see my Sav-iour. #-=— # — •- ££ :?=t:i :^-^~ -Un4- --^:fi= 0—0-0 i ^g - Je - sus tunismy night to dav, EE^m f^mm Since I found my Sav - iour. ^ppp|=gjM:p^igt^ Copjrigbt, 1B92 bT .'no. R. Sweoty. t'ned bj permlialoa. No. J. 54. W. H. Solo, ob Duett. Tenderly. THE SAVIOUR CALLS. Dedicated to W. 8. Weeden. J. WksLKY Hughes. ±3l 4s IS-— A t=^- 7=^ ^ 1. The Saviour calls, He calls for 2. He calls thee from Geth-sem - a 3. He calls a - gain from Cal - va ■^ • ■•- f-* ■•- i ee; List' to His lov - ing accents ne, In lone-ly sor - row bend-ing ry. Oh, hath He died for thee in sweet. O hear Him say "come un - to me," And thou shalt find a joy com low ; O see Him there vain ; He bore thy sins m rifc m ag • o - ny ! For thee the bloody sweat-drops up - on the tree, And wilt thou nail Him there a- ■^ - ♦ - • f- f- ♦ ^fe V— fc J^z^/. r- r Solo. r* 1^ -N iy- 1^ m L. r r plete. O tar - ry not while Je - sus waits! All thy transgressions He'll for- flow. He calls thee by His pier- ced brow, He calls thee by His wounded gain. He calls thee by His dy - ing love ! He calls thee to thy heav'nly Duett, -V-N K m :l^=rf^ *-r-T#- i^zizijz 3t=J: . And an-gels near the golden gates Now bid thee turn to Christ and How canst thou slight His mercy now, For thee, for thee the Saviour .He calls in mer - cy from a-bove,This way, my child, no long-er -^■ y— r^- I hve. died. ifcife!: Cho. or Quar. I ^—^ =f? 33: The Say - iour calls, O sin -ner, come home I. k=A.^=L^ m =f=Hg g- 1= The Sav - iour calls, O st Copyright, 1897, by W. 3. Weedeu, Hall-Mack Co., owners. THE SAVIOUR CALLS.-Concluded. The Sav - iour calls, Ion - ger roam ? Rail. —\— ^ - — - I — j-J-fc-j-^ — I \ * m * — '^— ^*^^*M1 sweet. No. 55. REST FOR THE WEARY. G. Haemer. Rev. W. McDonald. f In the Christian's home in glo - rj', There re-mains ■ (Thereniv Saviour's troiie be- fore me, (Omit. a land of rest : Thereniy Saviour's gone be-fore me, (Omit ) „ f Pain nor sickness ne'er shall en - ter, Grief nor woe my lot shall share ; \ But in that ce-les-tial cen - tre, {Omit ) o I Sing, oh, sing, ye heirs of glo - ry; Shout your tri-umphs as you go; ( Zi - en's gates "will o - pen for j'ou, (Omit ) To ful - fill my soul's request. 1 I a crown of life shall You shall find an entrance luest. I ,Th. 'r'^'-l On thro. J ^ -0- -f- -0- -^- Tliere is rest for the wea-ry, There is the oth-erside of Jor-dan, In the -0- -0- -0- -0- -I — I— —I — F-i rest for the wea-ry.Thereis rest for the weary, There is rest sweet fields of Eden, Where tlie treeof lifeis blooming.TLereis rest for you- for von. No. 56. EVERYTHING, J. W. Van De Venter. i 4- YES, EVERYTHING. W. S. Weeden. -^ N 1 , S^ ^^ « A-^ m — I H P -• J . # 1. All my sins I bring to 2. All my heart I bring to 3. All my life I bring to 4. All my plans I bring to 5. All I have I bring to m 5SE M^^m ife^r Je - sus, Ev • 'ry bur • den of my soul. Je - sus, Ev - 'ry tal - ent I pes - sess. Je - sus, Ev - 'ry mo - ment, ev - 'ry hour. Je - sus, All cm • bi - tions I re • sign. Je - sus, All I am, and hope to be; ■^* -^ ^ *■ -. ^ jg- ^^^^^E^ =^£ m^: m ^ -N-< T ^ I am stand- ing on the prom-ise, And I know, He makes me Trust-ing on - ly in His mer • it, *♦ Je - sus|blood and righteous All I have is on the al • tar. And He fills me with His Emp tied for the Ho • ly Spir • it, " I am His, and He is Ev - 'ry thing is His for - ev • er. His for all e - ter • ni • whole. - ness. pow'r. mine. ty. jf-'f-.r-pf- r ^=^ -Xr- ^iTiT r Chorus. s -♦-S- 1 tr-^ Ev-'ry- thing, yes, ev - 'ry - thing. All I lay at Je • sus' feet. S ^^i:-i'--r :r± u bi~ ' 1 1 \j % r ^ , I . E?. 4S-^- ^ ^ ^ ^i=t=i- 5=^ ■^F Ev-'ry -thing, yes, ev - 'ry • thing, "For the Master's use made meet." ^^- H f ^-— p-"— I ^ ^-' if=r- — y^- Copyright, 1897, bj Weeden t Van Do Venter. HallMacS Co., owners. No. 57. CONSECRATION. CtiAS. A. Font). J. A. BlTlKHOLZ. m^^^ 1. Set a - part for spe-cial du - ty, From the world and self and sin, 2. Yielding up, with joy and gladness, Worldly plea.siires that of- fend 3. This tlien bo my con- se - era- tion ; This my sep - a - ration be : EElE i m Iz^^ j=:~l ^ r I I ^ N N rri 1/ I*' To the serv - ice of our mas - ter, "With the bat - tie- field within ; Tliose wiio are our weak- cr breth- ren, Making less their heav'nly trend ; That thy will be my will ev - er, Fill' d my life with on- ly thee ; i Ei ^m --A- ' Tis no Will- ing Tills mv m form - al sop - a - ra that for Christ, my Sav peace now, as a riv tion That with joy and peace doth fill, - iour, To be naught or less, if need, er, Flowing broad - ly on and deep. 1/ 1/ But the If he Till my will - ing sub - ju - ga may be all and in Lord, who is the giv . . . « "r tion Of our own un all. And be giv'n his ■ er, Giv-eth his be - F]=i — r fettered roy - al lov- ed will, meed, sleep. - r- F I g — 1 5SE -^ y— 1=5= D.S. — serv - ice of our Mas - ter, Helping him the Cnonis. ^-L > N I , ^. world to ^ ^ i^ wm. D.S. ==r^^^ i f-rrrr^ ft To the Con- se- era- ted, sep - a - ra - ted F rom our love of self and sin To t± :^ ^- m Co|i7tl(bl, I8W, bj J. A. BUkboli. Uwd bj per. No. 58. WHEN YOU HAVE FOUND THE SAVIOUR. Ida L. Reed. Duet. Lewis S. Chafer. i¥ i 1 ijJt=?.-i?=E 1. When you have found the Sav - iour, And peace thro' him have known, 2. Lead oth - er souls to Je - sus, He who your sins for - gave, 3 Go, bear the bless - ed ti - dings, Of his sal - va- tion free, 4. Go, tell when you have found him, How gra- cious and how kind ^^ i 4-^ ^ ^^ ^ r ^^^^ J^s 23 1^ --^i~i-- m Then straightway seek your broth- er, And lead liiiu to tlie throne. Whose love you' ve found so pre- cious, And tell th'im he Avill save. To all who may not know him. That they redeemed may be. Is Je - sus your Re- deem - er. And help them him to find. I i ^ -f— i ^ F=] r Chorus. i=Ei I 'r_ -0- =d When you have found the Sav- iour, Go forth and glad - ly tell ^#^1 1^ *: 4:=t: t ?53: i^^E -N- m^^^m, in ^ "^j"'^ r * The joy - ful news to oth - ers, That they his praise may swell. ^PPl*|^P^^*P B Cojiyrlght. 1800, by W. 8. 'WoedCTi. No. 59. LEAD ME GENTLY HOME, FATHER. W. L. T. Use aa Solo or Duett. W. L. Thompson. mM^^^^^^^^ 1. Lead me gen-tly home, Father, Lead me gently home, When life's toils are 2. Lead megeu-tly home, Father, Lead me gently home, In life'sdarkest -- 9—9 — ill ^ Sqz— f — •*^^-rl-fT if=^^= S: ^ :^iz^=ii-q: ^=1- -I — -i 1-= P 1 — H J- :^=1: i«^i±i¥J=|4=*=<: end- ed, And part- ingdayshavecome. Sin no more shall tempt rae, hours, Fa-ther, When life's troublescome, Keep my feet from wand 'ring, -0 , — _:|- |J- _^_» «.i_*_# — ^-.-Ufs- -^ -m — I • — =M— ^R^ — Ff l^^y J— f-J— I- ig^jS:^^ -«=J 1- ^iAh— i H S — aj- -H-#-# nV. « =^r=q i— *- ii I — t^-'T" Ne'erfromtheeI'llroam,Ifthou'ltonly lead me, Father,Leadraegently home. Lest from thee I roam, Lest I fall up-on the wayside, Lead me gently home. rluSl^-t-i f tV*— n-^ — n-#*3— 1 Lead me gen-tly home, Fa-ther, Lead me gen- tly, — 9 -f- m-^uTz w -f- -y- ^^=t -^ - 4=: r-1 — ^ — . . Lead me gen - tly homo, Fa - tber, Lead me gen • tly homo, Fa • tber, A N-+ r^^iH^ Lest I fall up - on the way-side. Lead me geu- tly home, Lead me gen - tlv, gen-tly home. B/ parmluloa vf WIU L. Tbompion 4 Co., owoera of tbe CopTrlght, Eut LlTerpool, O., and Cbloafo, III. No. 60. BEAUTIFUL ROBES. E. E. Hkwitt. ^ Not too fast, Wm. J. KlEKPATRICK. --N- 1. We shall walk with him in white, In that coun - try pure and bright, 2. We shall walk with him in white.Wliere faith yields "to bliss - fnl sight, 3. We shall walk with him in white, By the fount-ains of de- light, WME^^^^FBET—'^ E^=kziz^d=ti: ^izztezzti=^ U ^ P — L—\—m— — • — »~ — • — -I- fe . r ■ — I fc^ i- y — -to --3 ^- -?V' r-^:-^: -^-^— ^ -^^-^-, -#- y AVliere shall enter naught that may de-file ; Where tlie day-beam ne'er declines, When the beau - ty of the King we see; Hold-ing converse full and sweet. Where the Lamb his ransomed ones shall lead ; For his blood shall wash each stain. - - V For the bless-ed light that shines Is the glo - ry of the Saviour's smile. In a fel - low-ship complete ; Waking songs of lio - ly mel - o - dy. Till no spot of sin re-main. And the sonl for-ev - er-more is freed. — »---»— pi*--'-* — » . \ - I 1— ■'■ Copyright, 1890, by Wm. J. EIrkpatrlok. By per BEAUTIFUL ROBES.-Concluded. Gar - - nieiitsof light, Love - ly and bright, Garments of liglit, gurnicutsof light, Lovc-ly and bright, luve-ly and bright. jEESi Tfff t^ # »— »- V-t/-y-|— «» >■ ^p^^p^iiil^^fel Walk-ing with Je-sus in wliite, Bcau-ti- fnl robes we shall wear. No. 61. THOU THINKEST, LORD, OF ME. "The Lord tbinkest upon nio." — I's. 11 : 17. E. D. MuxD. E. S. LoREXZ. i ,M _ ^-«-< 1 1 1 1 ■ -N— I ^-^^zxzi 1: ■ir-ir^r—^ ^^*— •— :J-»-'rir I I 1/ 1. A- mid the tri - als which I meet, Amid the thorns that pierce my feet, 2. The cares of life come thronging fast, Up - on my soul their shad-ow cast; 3. Let shadows come, let shadows go, Let life be bright or dark with woe, ihhii.._ _. ^^■ I M' I I ^=^-=v:=E^ iT ^_,__H L_-tl One thought remains su-preme-ly sweet, Thou thinkest, T>ord, of me Their gloom re-minds my lieart at last. Thou tiiinkest. Lord, of me! I am con-tent for tliis I know, Thou thinkest. Lord, of me! Ft=t:=t:: M—it -\ — r -# — •- -I 1— -V — b'- i>.5. — What need I fear since thou art near. And thinkest, Lord, of me ! CuoKi-s. I ^ „ J— I- ^^~ kk ■^- Thou think-est, Lord, of i — ^=J mc. Thou thinkest, Lord, of me! of mo, of mp ^ -m- -m- M. ^ ^ M. ^ -m. -I — -•— i Copyriibt of E. S. Lorcoi. Uj per. No. 62. w. s. w. Smoothly. JESUS SAVES ME ALL THE TIME. J. Mountain. =1= ^ f 5^E2 iS ?5(- Je - sus saves me ev - 'ry day, Je - sua saves me ev - 'ry night, Je - sus saves, can I re- pine? Je - sus saves when I re- joice ; Je - sus saves when sorrows come, Je - sus saves when death appears ; Je - sus saves me, he is mine ; Je - sus saves me, I am his ; ^ — t — fi- iS f SEJ i?^ -^ light, voice, fears. Je - sus saves me all the way. Thro' the dark- ness, thro' the Je - sus saves when hopes de- cline — Faith can al - ways hear his Je - sus saves and leads me home. How he saves from doubts and Je - sus saves as I re - cline On his pre - cious prom- is ^^^^m f=rT— f ?E^EE5EEE§ ^ ^^^m u^^k^^ W- rr-'r^rr^-rtf^ Je- sus saves, O mighty pow'r! Jesus saves, O bliss sublime I Je- sus saves, O mighty pow'r i Je - sus saves, O bliss sublime I ffifceizii: t^E^ fTf ^m p H ^ - rrr r Jesus saves me hour by hour, Je- sus saves me all the time, Jesus saves me hour by hour, saves me all the time. fTf^F r^--±-r-±z=. \ I I I I- I 1 ^ H FtoiB ■■IlTBua ot Caaiwntim," No. 63. THE UNSEEN COUNTRY. Ada Blenehobn. H. H. MoObanaean. Whom shall I meet in the unseen country, Whom shall I meet in that land so fairl What shall I hear in the unseen country, What shall 1 hear in that land so fair? What shall I see in the unseen country, What shall I see in that land so fair? What shall I do in the unseen country, What shall I do in that land so fair ? ^-^-^-*-f £ fe^ fzif: 1 — t/— I — ' F p ^— ^-^_a-:i«— ^— it— ^ :t=t: -V — ^ — V- "iT-t V • i ^M- m A=A=lA=^ H=S^ 4 =r=^ Friends who have entered the upper glory. Leaving behind all their grief and care : Voices of angels the Lamb ador- ing Fall without ceasing upon the air : Wo!iderful thrones in that holy cit- y. Visions of glo- ry beyond compare I Praise without ceasuig my precious Saviour, Who for my soul doth a place prepare : f • * — ^— #- ^^ t- * U^MiM fete^ H-*>- 'W=-W- -V — >• — ^- m i N N d' - P — p — P-al 1 P--H — li ^ i -^rrr - Robed in pure garments of heav'nly brightness, Crowns of c - ter - nal life they wear ; Songs of the ransomed in praise to Jesus, In the glad music I, too, shall share ; Tree of Life for the nations' healing, Life's pure river that lloweth there ; This be my joy thro' e- ter- nal a- ges, All of his good- ness to declare ; -#a*_#_#_^_*_ fif: V^~U~P~~t~T* :*=r~it: r->-> 'i — I f^^r-. — i/— -I P— - u • t>^ p 1/ u r *^ ^~-i-!'^-" Th^ I shall meet in the unseen country. These I shall meet in that land so fair. This I shall hear in the unseen country. This I shall hear in that land so fair. This I shall see in the unseen country. This I shall see in that land so fair. This I shall do in the unseen countiy, This I shall do in that land so fair. l ^ffiT^ M^ ^^^s OopTTlf hi, 1899, h] lUU-MMk 0» No. 64. LOOKING THIS WAY. J. W. V. Duet. % -^^v— A J— •- -g o* 1 -g— # — «^ J. W. VanDeVentek. 4^ ii: '-ijt :tft 1. 0-ver tlie riv- er fa-ces I see, Fair as tlie morning, looking for me ; 2. Fatlier and mother, safe in the vale, Watch for the boatman, wait for the sail, 3. Brotlier and sister, gone to that clime, Wait for the others, coming sometime; 4. Sweet little darling, light of the home. Looking for someone, beckoning come; 5. Jesus the Saviour, briglit morning star, Looking for lost ones, straying afar; S!F :8: rr w ?—* : "^ — |--o*-'-l Fr Free from their sorrow, grief and despair. Waiting and watching, patiently there. Bearing the loved ones o-ver the tide In- to the harbor, near to their side. Safe with the angels, wliiter tlian snow, Watching for dear ones waiting below. Bright as a sunbeam, pure as the dew. Anxiously looking, mother, for you. Hear the glad message; why will you roam ? Jesus is calling, "Sinner,come home.'* J^J-j.J.i ^J-i- i-JJjJ.J.J^J I J_._ f^ -^^^~ I -* — m M Chorus. =3^ Looking this way, yes, looking this way; Loved ones are waiting, looking this way; m=l ^iE^=&-I :E -t/— t/— b^ :^—^. Fair as the morning, briglit as the day. Dear ones in glory looking this way. -f-$»- - F-m. m.-f- f- -^--f^-f-'t 0«p/Tl(ht, 1B9S, \>j J. W. TanDeVoDlu. No. 65. CALVARY. '■ The place wnich is called Calvary, there they crucified Wm." — Ltike 23 : 33. W. MK. Darwood. J no. R. Sweney. Moderato. v 1. On Calv'r3''s brow my Sav-iour died, 'Twasthereniy 2. 'Midiendin^ rocks and dark'uing skies MySav-ioiir 3. O Je-su3, Lord liow cau it be That thou shouldst -^- ^ ^ 1 • u - Jizti- -J? — 1/ k' 4^-^ (^ — 1-^ — j^i «-| ^ t^l Lord wascru - ci - fied ; 'Twasouthe cross Hebledfor bows Hishead and dies ; Theopeninj^ vail revealsthe give Thy life for me, To bear the cross and ag - o - --.fz2 -Mj^M-P- ---T-h-h-f- > '/ N \7-^r- j y ^ m me, And purchased there my par - don free. way To heav-en's joys and end - less day. uy In thatdread hour on Cal - va - ry? ^=^ A-]i^ i^ -0—0- V — I — :?.tt F Choris. ^ffc^E^-^l O Cal- va-ry! dark Cal- va-ry ! Where Je-sns shed His blood for rae,forme: Cal - va- ry ! blest Cal - va- ry ! 'Twastheremv Savionrdied for me. V tL M. CopTright. 1S88, bj Jno. B. Sweney. Bj per. No. 66. SOME SWEET DAY. Arthur W. French. Moierato. D. B. TOWNEK. iN--::^^ 1. We shall reach the riv - er side 2. We shall pass in- side the gate 3. We shall meet our loved and own ■#- -•- ^_4,_tr — 5— Up- -V — ^- —9- ::^; 3=1 -^^ Some sweet daj', some sweet day ; Some sweet day, some sweet day; Some sweet day, some sweet day ; :tr— ^= M -V- 42. =^=^---^5= We shall cross the storm - y tide Some sweet day, some sweet day ; Peace and plen - ty for us wait Some sweet day, some sweet day ; Gath'ring round the great white throne Some sweet day, some sweet day -W — .•-4— «— -1 ^ — )^ We shall press the sands of gold. While be We shall hear the wondrous strain, Glo - ry By the tree of life so fair, Joy and • fore our eyes un - fold to the Ijamb that's slain, rap - ture ev - 'ry- where, - — ^ — ^-P^ — ^— ^ — ^- F^= ^ — ^-V\ ir~l~ — '^-Fj r= Lp ? ^jL_,=]-a 0JI^a-~^^ 1^— -*- Heav- en's splen- dors, yet un - told. Some sweet day, sOme sweet day. Christ was dead, but lives a - gain. Some sweet day, some sweet day. the bliss of o - ver there! Some sweet day, some sweet day. i2_ =Eq Cud bj per. of D. B. Towner, owoer of Copjrlgbt. No. 67. OH, IT IS WONDERFUL E. G. Obeen. Rewritten. i t=6 Rev. Elisha a HOFFMAW. 3=^=4 ^=■5 S^ 1. Can it bo that Jesus booght me, And on the hallowed cross atoned for me, 2. Praise His name, lie sought aad found me, Saved me from ffandoriop and bronphtmo near; 3. It was months He had been waiting, Waiting the dawniDg of the precious hour; 4. From that hour He has been seeking,How He may fill me with flis precious lo?e; ^ ^ i-4 ^- -0 — #- -^^ 3=ff: :D&k -^—* . '7-4^ = 9= 1=^ n"^ rTT -^— ^ ^^pt n *=t u i i^^ rrnm: ^ =i: Loved me, chose me ere I knew Him ? Oh,wbat a precious,precious Friend is He ? Free - ly now His grace bestowing, Jesus is growing unto me more dear. When I should at last be yielding. Yielding to Jesus ev'ry ransomed pow'r. How He may thro' grace transform me, Meet for the fellowship of saints abire. -#- -#- I -♦- I ^ ^ ' 3F i?'— V- £ 1 a ±2: -^— F- H— t- i Chorus. Mi 1 N- ^==^- :^=^ f W^ . m d d } ,^ ! — aj 9 S d 7 Oh, it is won- der - ful, ve - ry, ve - ry wonderful, ^^ ^^^ %'^ ±2: "^^^^rti t-t-t- 5*: g-M^[=;=g m All His grace so rich and free! [Omit 3li=it: . ] All His love and grace to me! I I I r r r r— r -^— r 1 6 So I cry, with love o'erflowing: '• Unto the Savior be eternal praise," Who redeemed me, soul and body. Filling with gladneea ail my I earthly days. 5 As I think of all, I marvel Why in such patience He my good has sought, And bestowed His grace upon me. And in my spirit such a change has wrought. Oonrrbbt, UM, b; Tlit DoITiud Miuli- Co Ucorr Dttt, No. 68. 'TIS A GREAT SALVATION. C. H. M. (Hebrew 2:3.) Mrs. C. II. Morris. How hopeless was the sinner's lot, How sad his ".ost con- di - tion, Should justice reign, we naught but death And endless hell could mer-it ; Not on - \y from the guilt of sin. But from its power he frees us ; He o - pens wide tlie prison doors. And breaks the chains that bind us His blood a- lone will cleanse from sin. And save from condemna-tion • l2h: ^T t t , f-^ - d?=f: ^^ #— O f=f ^giN^^^^^^^^g "^ Un - til the news came down to earth. For sin there is re- mis - sion. But bleed-ing Mer-cy speaks, and we E - ter - nal life in- her - it. ' Tis wondrous grace when we be-come New creatures in Christ Je - sus. And bids us on- ward press, and leave The world and sin behind us. Then ' 'how shall we es- cape, if we Neglect so great sal - va - tion ? ' ' I -W— t^EE^ =F=f Chorus. -^H ^ ^ > r*- 'Tis a great sal -va- tion that Je- sus brings, 'Tis a great sal-vation that -^— * ^E^ .t/_fc/- i^*J^*^ *=&: ■1= — i/ I f J: ^ f=r. iE^ 4 i Jesus brings ; To great sinners this great Saviour A great salvation brings, To all great sinners this loving Saviour, U$^ m rf" ^ f=^ Oopjrlgbt. 1S99. by B. L. Ollmonr, Wenouah. N. J. By per. No. 69. WONDERFUL FULLNESS OF JOY. J. B. M. J. B. Maokat. 1. There is joy in the ser- vice of Je-sus the I^)rd, No i)lea.sure of 2. One brief day in his ser- vice ia bet- ter, by far, Tlian years of de- 3. Ohlthisjov like a deep, crys- tal stream floweth on, Kefr«sh- ing our 4. There is nothing shall tempt us from Je-sus a - way, His love all with- ■tr-^- t «ii''_Jl_ 1^ ^ ^1=5 m earth can be - stow; Ilegiv-eth to all who are faithful to him, vo- tion to sin; The joy of the Lord is e- ter-nal and sure, souls here be - low; It's source is the won- der - ful fountain of life, in us con - trols ; We know if to him we are faith- ful and true, ^^^m^m^m D.S. — ser- vice of love for the Sav- lour a-bove i # Fine. Chorus. ^ w- A joy that the world can - not And rich - ly a - bid - eth with "Whose wa - ters for - ev - er shall His joy will a - bound in our ^ ^ ^ know. V - in. I flow, j Joy, won- der - ful ^ -P- ^-l-l Wonderful, wonder - ful --r -r-f- V^ T-r—r ^f=^ With joy makes our hearts o - ver - flow. > "v N k/ ^ ^ ^ ^d D.S. ^ ^^- Sc jat full - ness of joy, Joy that the world can - not know The ^"£ 1« •—- r. CopTTlthl, 1899, bj BkU-MMk 0» No. 70. COUNTLESS MERCIES. -± "According to the multitude of his mercies." — Lam, 8 J 82> Flora Kirkland. Chas. H. Gabhieu \ — fts h^ — IV ElE^|^=-i^^^±Et 1. Are you lieavy-laden and with sorrow tried? Stop and look to Jesus, Helper, 2. Think of hidden dangers he liath bro't you thro' ; Think of all the burdens he hath 3. Does your pathway darken ' neath a cloud of fear ? Count your many mercies ; dry each 4. As he looks from heaven now on you and me, Don' t you know he chooseth what each F— b;- V— v"— t^ — 5-— b'— 5*— f— 5' n 11 , 1 1 ■ y **■ 1 1 — 1 t^ — i— J— ^ -iv — N — ^ -^-^-. ^ -H . d" ^— ^ 1 -A Friend and Guide ; Think of all his mercies ; such a boundless store I borne for you ; Count his words of comfort in your deep - est need ; bit - ter tear. E-ven'mid the shadows trust him with- out fear; day shall be? Trust his lov - ingwis-dom, though the hot tears start, 1 1 r -V — ^ — ^ i^—'/ 1'— k* — 5— H 1 \- Chorus. -\ ^ ,N ^-^ -^-^ Xl e: Itfit =^: n -^rV. 1/ > l^ Count - less mercies I Tears will change to praises as you count them o'er. Count the times when Jesus proved a Friend indeed. "Home will be the sweeter for the dark down here." Give to liim the incense of a grate - ful heart. \!Mir& — I ^ — I V — I V — I V 1 n 1^ 1- f ' ff -l*---ff Countless mercies ! such a :^ . r? such a boundless store I Countless mercies ! pressed and running o'er 1 Countless boundless store ! Countless mercies! pressed and run - nin g o'er ! Countless mercies ! v-^ -.C1^ -* — f^ -\^—v^ m^ ^.=^ -t- :J 3=J= r=Q-f mercies I try to count them o'er Till you gaze in woncfer at your boundless store. try to count them o'er -12- =^ f g-L| 1 P^" No. 71. WHEN JESUS COMES IN HIS GLORY. E. E. IIkwitt. Moderalo. Wm. J. KiBKPATBICK. m^^^^^ fM^ Time liur-ries on-ward with fast-fly- ing feet, Shall we be read - y the ]}iiss bevond tell- ing to tliose whoshall rise, Meet- ing the King and his Toil on", he-liev - er, tliero's blessed re- ward, Cheer up, sad heart -ed, there's Car - ing for tliose who still wander a - way, O let us gath - er them -• - ig: ^g - -•- ^ ^ ^ * -*- -J- V— I- ^=fe^ r- "f-f- I '-t-^- S-—-^ N 1 J--R T-Jr - — r^=r — p — p^^— i^— I — j^ — j^ J Mas - ter to host in the joy in the in while we meet When he de-scends from the bright, gold-en street? skies, See - ing his beau - ty with love's ravished eyes, Lord, Some day you'll sing to re- demp-tion's full chord, may, to be watch- ing when dawns the great day. N- r~c- iiirtl m Choeus. ^-jfc:;::ft=f.=Sri=ib:q When Je - sus comes in his glo - ry. Will we haste to meet him, ^ — J — ^-r a: - g= 7- I -j And re-joice to greet him, When Je - sus comes in his glo - ry ? And re-joice to greet him. When Je - sus comes in his glo :E: If: -/: * it if: ^ :^=jt- ^ tr Copjriibt, 18(9, bj Wm. J. Klrkpttrtok. f;p^-r- No. 72. R. 0. Smith. HEART YEARNINGS. W. S. Weeden. s ^^ 4 -, ^ i=i=^=j i^=5= ^ ^ My soul is pant - ing to be free From all its car - nal load, I walk when I should swift- ly run, And run when I should fly ; quick- ly break each curs- ed chain That keeps my soul a - way Help mc to scale the ho - ly height Of pure and per- feet love, I h -/- ~-^'=^'- rJ-^l =& V — \^ — h 4S- :^ L-J— J- 3^ ^- And fath- om the ira - men - si - ty Of all the love O Christ, my Lord, thou mighty One, Come, help me, lest From all the heights of ec - sta - sy It yearns to find And dwelling ev - cr in thy light I'll reign with thee of God I I die I in thee, a - bove. &: J-^^-J-J-J^-J-J-J- :■£: Jrq 3E^3^ 5 ■f-^—r Chorus. h^ u=u^j=^^m m ^ SEE Lord, fill my soul I O fill my soul With power from -^ -#- - - -f- -^ H^ -^ -g- ^ Ht=P= on high I -J 1 Pi S 1- I I g M- ^d=^ I J 3: ^ q: I hun- ger af - ter righteousness ; Lord, fiU me, or ^-^-^rJ- I die. IeI 33 t ^ CopTrijtil, 1899, by W. a Woedeo. No. 73. HEART ECHOES. M188 Cabbie Butcher. Charlie D. Tillman. ^mm^iU^^uM^. i=t5=tbt. I'm the child of a King, And with rajjture I sing, Not a care can my (Gal. 4: 5-7) ^ (Isa. 12:5.) 2. True, there once was a time When no answering chime Sweetly thrilled to the comfort destroy ; (I Peter 5: 7.) dis- cord without, O I'm glad all the day, And I shout on my way, (Ps. 16:8, 9.) ^ (Is. 12:6.) But since Je - sus came in, Now he qui - ets the din, jRev. 3:20.) _ (John 16^3.) ^m ^ ?3 ^- +5^- r-rx Chorus. ^EE^ |j=^H=EZ33^_=^ While my heart's brimming over with joy. •» (Ps. 16: II.) > When he reigns in the heart, Ev'ry He alone brought these wonders about. grief must depart; Where he dwelLs, not a shadow is found ; If for him you make ^L. i=£ £ ±=2 :iE=p: P=P= -fB— ^ i T W p - -U U—'r 1/ ^ I 1 '^ ^ I k/ i/ M^ i^ =e room, He will banish the gloom, Spreading gladness and sunshine around. 1; r £ -t- ■p— p= :t=t 3 If we let him abide, (Ps. S2: S.) O how smoothly we glide; (Isa. 32: 17.) Now, safe anchored, no tempest can move, What though riches take wing, He extracts every sting. And his banner around ns is lore. (Cant. 2:4.) > — ' * b- 42- 4 Thus we speed on our ways, ri:id in giirments of praise. (Isa. 61 : 3.) With our lord's Gospel sandals we're shod. ( Epb. 6: 15.) Tn his might, O how svrong, (ProT. 18: 10.) We can never go wrong. While abidins: and hiding in God. (John 15: 10.) CojiTTlfbt, 189f,l>j Charlie D. Ttllniu). Vtihift. No. 74. EVERYTHING FOR JESUS. FtORA KiRELAND. W. I. SOTITHEETON. W: ,=j=^u- \ n i\i^ ^^ -^ 1 — }-, m ■^--t=j^ 5 a^jE 1. Ev'ry thing for Je - sus I this my joyous song ; All I am and all I 2. Ev'rytliing for Je - sus I Lord, I pray to-day, Cleanse me for thy service, 3. An - ything thou sendest, be it joy or pain ; Anything thou choosest, -:,-!> n-- ^1 rrFTT-r ^f=^ v—v — V — F^ -P W f- :t=t: have to him be- long ; All my heav- y bur- dens at his feet I place ; purge my faults a- way ; Let me hold earth's treasures with a loosened clasp, be it loss or gain, Help me whisper al-ways, "Not my will, but thine;'' Ji f—r-f -f-f-f tz=t T-vr-v rrrc-r- ^^=n f—f— \- D.S. — Praying thee to help me live each day and hour. Fine. Chorus. 4 tN— l^-J- ^- -IV— ^- t=i^^ \—*^7^ S 3^^ Ijiv-ing in the sunshine of his blessed face. \ Help me yield my weakness to thy miglity grasp. > Ev'rytliing I Ev'rything I Fit me, Lord, for service by thy touch divine, j V— !^— U^— p — ^f—f — P — ^ V - - W=k t=t: t f-Tj-rr Shining out mywit-ness to thy saving pow' r, -- N- still my gift i.s small ; Je- sus, my Ke- deemer, at thy feet I fall ; P P P f — ^-r-#— #— #— ^-f— f f f I- P- I -^2- CopjTight, 1899, by W. 8. Wee4ei», No. 75. FACE TO FACE. Mrs. Frank A. Breck. Moderato. Grant Colfax Tullar. ^^ 0-^ r^^iP 1. Face to face witli Christ my Sav-ionr, Face to face — what will it be? 2. On - ly faint- ly now, I see him, With the darkling veil be-tween, 3. What re- jo.c-ing in his pres- ence, When are banished grief and pain ; "" to face ! ! blissful rao-raent! Face to face — to see and know ; When with rapture I be - hold hira, Je- sus Christ who died for me. But a bless-ed day is com - ing, When liis glo - ry shall be seen. When the crooked ways are straightened.And the dark things shall be plain. Face to face with my Re- deem - er, Je- sus Christ who loves me so. Face to face shall I be - hold him, Far beyond the starry sky; h m-v—0 — • — m — -^ — ^H-d — -• — «— •--i(— * — ^-T h— I- Face to face in all his glo - ry, I shall see him by and by! ^iSH Copjrlght, 18>9, b; TuUar-Meredlth C«. B; per. No. 76. SUNLIGHT. J. W. Van De Ventke. IS: =¥=S -^— ^ -A— N- V •- -Pt fv — I— ^ — I- W. S. Weeden. ^^M I wan-dered in the shades of night, Till Je - suscarae to me, Though clouds may gather in the sky, And bil-losvs round me roll, While walk -ing in the light of God, I, sweet com-niun -ion find ; I cross the wide ex-tend - ed fields, I jour - ne3' o'er the plains. Soon I shall see him as he is. The Light that came to me ; -•- • -•--•-• -#- -#- • ■ ^^ ^ ■ ^-tv^: — iJ — tr: — 5 ^£E43 '^-J^- -v—^ — ;<— V- And with the sun -light of his love Bid all my dark-ness flee. How - ev - er dark the world may be I've sun-light in my soul. I press with ho - ly vig - or on And leave the world be -hind. And in the sun -light of his love I reap the gold - en grain. Be - hold the brightness of his face, Throughout e - ter - ni - tv. If: : If: ,. . f: -t=— t= •-i-*-f-*-5»H- Copyright, 1897, hr Weeden k Van De Venter. No. 77. HAVE YOU FOUND THE SAVIOUR PRECIOUS? Ida L. Reed. J. Lincoln Halu 1. Have you found the Sav-iour 2. Have you found the Sav-iour 3. Have you found the Sav-iour 4. Have you found the Sav-iour pre- cious? More than all on earth be -side, pre- cious ? Who for you passed thro' the grave, pre- cious? Do you know the peace and rest, pre- cious? Seek Him then with-out de - lay. &r'- 7=f -■M :^ *= ■-i^ i .4 — ■ gave Broke the bonds That doth fill Taste the sweet- His life to save you,\^'^10 for your transgress-ions died? of death a - sun- der, Have you "proved His pow'r to save?" each soul that trusts Him ; Who in His deep love is blest? ness of His par - don, He will take our sins a - way. 1^2: :tc=fc -Gt- :^ -N- Q the Sav - iour pre - cious? Can you you found, found this friend? Can you Have you found Have -ft • l^ --N— -I&- r-j-f ^ ■CT U 1/ ■■ - 1/ slight such love as this, Sure-ly there can be no slight, you slight, such love as this, Sure-ly there can be no -# n » ^ ^ jri?=i--? ?=^ :5=7-=5--=U: -<9- V — ^ ■f—r—r ^ - ^ U if -^^-^l-j: mi ^rn great - er. Would you give your life for His? great - er love. Would you, give your life for His? (for His?) iE S $ > : 11^^^^ m — • — • — * — » , ^ — J- — 4 * — » — » — # — — • -* — #■ r — r — r i (>|i7rl(ht, 18»%bjBjai-ll* I 1 H F w^^m -*— #^ ■^- The Lord will then make kno\vn the record there ; Our names will all be read. And when I've been with him ten thousand years, I'll have no less to live. We' 11 lay our burdens down at Je - sus' feet, And rest for- ev - er more. m^- ±J=IM m tX3=a I'll be present when the roll is called. Pure and spotless thro' the crimson flood ; ^irj-izc: \ 1 Li 1 1 • i-^. ^'^ N- ^JE^E^ -(V rg: — ^ — ■ » ^--23- I will an-swer wlien they call my name ; Saved thro' Je - sus blood. f- -f- -(5!- ^^ i OaiTiif kl, IBM. by BUl-Muk 0» No. 80. A. A. Patn. ^ *=^ ^m MY SAVIOUR. C. Austin Miles. 5l==J: ^ St 1. He will hear me when I call, He will help me when I fall, My Saviour, my 2. I will la- bor, I will pray, I will trust liim ev'ry day. My Saviour, my 3. When I'm weary and distressed, I will go to him for rest, My Saviour, my 4. May I nev- er, never stray From thy precious side away. My Saviour, my fir f y m^ £rt ^^rtff^^ p ffi^ pn^ fcrrt -5>— V 1/ 1 t/ i Saviour ; He will give me strength to bear Ev'ry grief that may appear ; My Sav - iour ; I will look to him in faith, I will trust him un-til death ; My Sav - iour ; To his loving arms I' 11 fly, Ev-' ry need he will supply. My Sav - iour ; Naught of e- vil will I fear, While I have my Saviour near ; My f f r ^ f^' m r r n. =E^ g4g^^=g^3T~'C'^E^ ^eE u—M Chorus. «11 in all is he. Yes, a sat - is - fy- ing portion is my Saviour, My ' f^ C f f ^ r — F m. r i \ r i — i 42S^ S^ j0^-m—0^ V-T^r-^-V 22: Saviour, my Saviour ; My rock, my stay, bv night and day My all in all is he. ^ ^ a £ P I #-^- r-Tfm ^22- Hf CspTTlf ht, 18S9, by H*U-M»ok Ok No. 81. WONDERFUL PEACE. Rev. W. D. CoRNEM.. Alt. IN hs ^ ^ rL K Rev. W. G. Cooper. k. ^ -y-L/h(\ ^'i^ J _> , , ^ ^ — ) — —h- 1. — ^ — N— Sf^-ni-^-^ -4-^ — ■! ^ — f— 1 1 1 ^ — ( — =3t: — i^ 1 — - —d :^ — =i(-^H W — ^ ^^ ^0 0—0-^ — -*-^ 1. Far a -way in the depths of my 2. What a treaa - are I have in this 3. I am rest- ing to-night in this ^ 4. And me thinks when I rise to that 5. Ah! sonl, are you here with -oat spir won (von- Cit com -*- - it -der- der- - V -fort to-night ful peace, ful peace, of peace, or rest, 1 -# — =5— =1 -^ — # — ' Rolls a Bur-ied Rest- ing Where the Marching — 4=f— ''-^-/h-^ — '— -•— ' — P— -V— "r-«= — ^ ^ — mel - o - dy sweet-er than psalm ; In ce - les - tial like strains it un - deep in the heart of my soul; So se- cure that no pow - er can sweet -ly in Je - sus' con - trol ; For I'm kept from all dan-ger by An - thor of peace I shall see, That one strain of the song which the down the rough pathway of time ! Make Je- sus your friend ere the ^g J ^-^^A ^ ^ A -!^ > -J^^^ ^ ii-Ut =ic ^=^ -^. — *-. 1/ t^ U ^ ^ ^§ ^ ■^ — ■ — ^- -#- • -4h ceas-ing-ly falls O'er my soul like an in - fi - nite calm, mine it a - way, While the years of e - ter - ni - ty roll, night and by day. And his glo - ry is flood -ing my soul, ransomed will sing, In that heav - en - ly king-dom will be, shadows grow dark; O ac - cept of this peace so sub - lime. ^HEE* I ^^: =^5= ^ Chorus. Peace! Peace! Wonderful peace, Coming down from the Father a-bove; Sweep m %?s=^^ -5— ^- ir-t v' — >^ fc^c -V— V- -h — ^, — h ni-^ ^=1^fe^=^^^^ ^ ^ 'J '^ o-vermv spirit for-ev-er, I prav, In fathomless billows of love. —I sy h 1 1 1— V > V-t/ V V - ■* g-T- ■5'-V-v-^ ra^ OpTrifbl ovoeJ b; D B. Tons. CMd br pv- No. 82. CALVARY. Rev. R. Carradine, D. D. Jno. R. Bryani. 1. There'sa hill lone and gray, In a land far a -way, In a country be- 2. Behold! faint on the road, 'Neath a world's heavy load. Comes a thorn-crowned 3. Hark! I hear theduU blow Of the hammer swung low; They are nailing my 4. How they mock him in death To his last lab'riug breath, While his friends sadly yond the bluesea,Where beneath that fairsky Went a man forth lo die, niau on the way, With a cross he is bow'd, But still on thro' the crowd Lord to the tree! And the cross they upraise. While the innl-ti-tude gaze weep o'er the way! Buttho' lone-lv and faint, Still no word of complaint iiiilg^: :t: 1^ t: D.S. — For 'twas there on its side Je-sus suf-fered and died, Fine. Refkaix. 1t^=t= •H -ji- v^^^^t^^^^A For the world, and for you, and for me. He's as- ceud-ing that hill lone and gray On the blest Lamb of dark Cal - va - ry. Fell from him on the hill lone and gray redeem a poor sin - ner like me. b 5 -A O, it bows down my heart, f-^-t -N- j J J I ^1 J D.-S. And the tear-drops will start. When in mem'ry that gray hill I see ; -^-2__P^^_Ih p — p_l 1—^ ^J=p — I ^-l-i c — L 5 Then darkness came down, And the rocks rent around. And a cry pierced the grief-laden air! 'Twas the voice of our King, Who received deatli's dark sting, All to sa"*^ as from endless despair! 6 Let the sun hide its face, Let the earth reel apace, Over men who their Saviour have But, behold! from the sod, [slain! Comes the blest Lamb of God, Who was slain, but is risen again ! Oopjright, 1893, bj The R. M. Mcintosh Co. By per. No. 83. WILL THERE BE ANY STARS? K. K. Hewitt -,»L-S,. Jno. R. Swbney. 1. I am tliiiikiiv-' to-day of that hcaiiti - ful land 1 sliall reach wiiun the 2. In the sircnufli ofllic Lord let ine la- l)or and pray, Let me watch as a 3. ()1), wliat joy will it be w lien his lace I be-hoUl Living gems at hia Lz5z^izZ*Zll - y —0—0 r-»- -54- t. •^^*| ;gnir« *r«^- *~'''""^~'^ snn jioeth down ; When thro' wonderfnl grace by my Savionr I stand, Will there wii\nerot'sonls; That bright stars may beniinein tlie glorions day, When his feet to lay down ; It would sweeten my bliss in thecily of gold,yhould there -^- *— i 1 ^ > ^ -i-s<-^-^ -i>- F J — *-» - # ~T0-^-0'\-0—*-'=f—];-:fE^ -0-^ Chorus. be an-y stars in my crown ? praise like theseabillow rolls. [■ Will there be any stars, any stars in my crown, be an y stars iu my crown. J "When at evening the sun go-eth down? When I wake with the blest RD-Cth liilWIl ? P^=p=j| [^^=^£ i'^-^- -V— t/- Lfz:{?.Tr-:t=t?iit=tt:ziz=*=*^l .S4- if* ^ ' r t' 1/ In the man-sionsof rest, Will there be an-y stars in my crown?., ail - y stars in my crown? ; / ^;^ at — # — — r» — • — •— I 0—0—1-9 1 ■ •— «— a— r* — 0—^ — '— n . bT Jno R- S»ra«T Haol l> i>« No. 84. JESUS SWEETLY SAVES. Mrs, C. H. M. 4th verse by H. h. G. Mrs. C. H. Morris. 1^- n -tr— N- =8=1 a I had heard the gos- pel call, of-fering par-don free for all, And I Now the load of sin is gone, and by faith I trav - el on, And I From the mire and from the clay, Je-sns took my leet a-way And He When I reach the gold-en street, and the loved ones gladly meet, The re - E. hearkened to the bless-ed in - vi - ta - tion ; Laid my sins at Je - sua' rest no long-er un - dercon-dem - na - tion; For the blood has been ap - placed them on the Rock, the sure Founda-tion ; Whether now I live or deemed which came out of great tribu-la - tion. Having washed their garments »=t m fcf=*^= UlJ— I 1- JN— «- ? ^==^=^^ ^ — ^■ 5=q^-=:S 4^ f feet, tast - ed there re- demp-tion sweet. And He saved me with an plied, and my soul ia sat - is - fied With this full, and free, this die, this shall be my con-stant cry Je - sus saves me with an •white, prais - ing God both day and niglit For this full, and free, this ^ 1^ ^- 5= Chorus, -^HV =^:5J J- --41- m --^r^-f -at-riit K-«+- -sJ-T- ut - ter-most sal - va - tion. Je-sus saves, sweetly saves, Je-su3 Je - Bua Baves, sweetly sayes, saves me with an ut - termost sal - va - tion ; Tho' I can - not tell you how. Gop/rigbt, 1898, b; B. L. QUlMai, JESUS SWEETLY SAVES.-Concluded. Je-8U3 sweetly saves me now, With a full, and free, an uttermost salva- tion. mi^-4i:ium^mmfm No. 85. WHOSOEVER WILL MAY COME. Fannt J. Crosby. Stephen C. Fostbb. " ^i-.i i i 'l m i T~t~* X t '^ " ' ' ' f 1. O ye thirst- 7 ones that Ian - guish, On life's drifting sand, 2. From the riv - er gent- ly flow - ing Drink a full sup - ply ; 3. O the bliss of life e - ter - nal I You may al - so share ; 4. Lo, the summer days are end- ing, They will soon be o'er; m ji 'i rff. , i i |" I ii f f ,ir ' ■8: Fine. ^ ^ m £ -z^ *Tis the Saviour bending o'er Free to all its blessed wa - Come to Je - sus, and be - liev - While the Spir - it still is plead- ^^^ «=* r you, Reaching out his toil worn hand, tors, "Wherefore will ye faint and die ? ing. En- ter thro' the gate of prayer, ing, Grieve your dearest Friend no more. I r r r i ^-i-iL '^' f 'f 'f ' f ' t '* \ [ I m r=f=TTTrrf i?. S. — To the lov- ing arms of mer Chorus. ^ i m cy AVho- 30 - ev - er will may come. D.S. 4- i ^^ ^^ "Why will ye wan - der, *5L £ Far a - way from home? f r r \ r n\ r r ' i Cirirtf kS 1***, bj Wa. J. Xbki»lrla«. No. 86. IS YOUR LAMP BURNING? Mrs. Jos. F. Knapp. J-i - '•■ T^- -MT -jr i—- ^^ ^^= ^-i-^ I Say, is your lamp burning? O Christian, I pray you look quickly and Ke- member how ma - ny a- round you Will fol- low wherev- er you Tliere's many a lamp that is lighted, We see them from near and from But if they were trimmed niglit and morning They'd never burn down nor go see, For if it were burning, then surely Some beams would fall brightly on go; The tho' t that they walk' d in your shadow Would make your lamp brighter I far, But few in their lustre and beau - ty Shine stead- i - ly on like a out, Tho' from the four quarters of heav- en The winds were all blowing a- u V Chorus. ^^ =i=S- me, Some beams would fall brightly on me. know, Would make your lamp brighter I know. I t t^ ^ i • i. t t^ i star. Shine steadi-ly on like a ' star. l" Lift your lamp higher, Lift your lamp bout, The winds were all bloAving: about. -*-' ^• -^-# ■w . m — : — I — ■ ^^ ^ te 1 — t- -w—p^ \^ V V ^^EJjEJEg -^— fv- ^- =i-==H^ HV— I \- :^=^ higher, higher, still r=t :P=^ i higher ; Then lift your lamp higher, O Christian, ■f=f^ f= H» ^ --^^^irii '^m^^M Lest some should make fatal delav. 5 If once all the lamps that are lighted Should steadily blaze in a line. Wide over the land and the ocean II : A girdle of* glory would shine. :|| G How all the dark places would brighten I Tlie mists would roll up and away ! Tiie earth would laugh out in her gladness II : To hail the millennial day ! :|| CopjHght, 1 89S, hj Mrs. Jos. F. Enapp. Cbc4 bj per. No. 87. TRUTH TRIUMPHANT. " God shall send forth liin mercy and his Irutli." — Ps. 57 : 3. Grace Reed Oliver -t>-i r-i— : r 1. Mv ^M= FF=j=rF^-=^ pg^Sl^ soul lias seen a vis- ion of thecon-quest of the world, When 2. No more shall strife and ha - tredbrinj? dis-hon - or to our God, For 3. The des - ort place shall bins- sum; and the wil - derness re-joice, The 4. My soul has heard the tri-unij)!! song that ris - es from the plain, It Sa - tan and his fore - es from their bat- tle-ments are hurled, And right- eous-ness, whose work is peace, shall spread her wings a- broad. Anil lame shall leap, the blind shall see, the dumb lift up their voice; The ech - oes and re - ech - oes from the mountain-tops a- gain; In — ^ / ^ > ^ ^—^ /'-— 1— I ^ 1 y i 1 — ■— « ^: o er they floods grand the land the Bi - hie. like a sig - nal flag unfurled, Speaks who win the con- quest are the bear - ers of the word, In shall clap their hands. the earth shall make a joy - ful noise. In and might- y cho - rus let us swell the loft - y strain Of 1 z 1 1 1 1 h-^ h — I— >^-: — ^ ^T-—. — t h • 1 u' 1^ U tP u iJ i Chori's -A-k — I — I — I — 1-, — I — I — — ^ ^^^__,^_l__ — ^^-N_Hy.JN. tr — ^:J — d — I— ^-^ — ^^l- j i- . J — t^ip— I — ' I d . ' ^ - • . S •T'>tS-#-T ^ •^ ^-* r^. '-S-v ^-^-y-g-^n^-' ' • r-^0 ■ * ^ ^ loy-al - ty toChrist. We shall seethe truth so glorious Over all the eartli vic- y ^ r. to - rious, For the standard lifted o - ver us Is loy- al- ty to Christ. 1/ U 'J 'J 'J C«p.Trlght, lti9), t<.r W. H. Draae. No. 88. WHEN OUR SHIPS COME SAILING HOME. Rev. Johnson Oatman, Jr. J^— ^- Jno. R. Sweney. m a=i=3: -3- • :3=* -i.— * ^=3==i=tt* -m --% — ^^- i!: When our ships have crossed the o-cean, and been all a- round the world, Bnt if there is such re-joic-ing to see ves- sels here get home, Oh, methinks I hear the an- gels shout, " here coraesan earthly bark, So with Je-sus as our Cap-tain we ex - pect to gain that shore, ii XT. ^- E^==E3 m When they safe - ly gain the ha- ven, and their sails a- gain are When we know that in a lit - tie while these ships a - gain will She has found her way to heav- en, tho' the way was rough and We ex - pect to cast our an-chor there,and stay for - ev - er furled ; roam ; dark ; more: is^ -■S: m - — h P-l — I H A — 1-^ 1 1 1 — m m m N p 1 1 We re-joice to see them en • ter, and to know the an-chor's cast. Oh, what must it be in heav- en when a soul comes sail - iug in. But she had a star to guide her, called the bright and morn-ing star. And we know the an -gels will be there to greet us when we come, W^ X-- -It- —\- — \ — \^ — 1- pw UtzzW: -:Jr H 1 h Rais-ing joy - ful shoutsof wel-come, for our ships are home at last. To go out no more for - ev - er sail- iug on the sea of sin? It has guid-ed mill-ions o- ver from that dis-tant land a - far." They will join in songs of rap- ture," welcome home,oh, wel-come home." . ^_ P^ :t: m Chorus, s -S—t 0- \ -» — i^ — 1 — ^ — * — *— f — ^ Oh,what sing-iug, oh, what shouting, when ourshipscome sail - ing home ; w=^=r- g r=^?=tni =v=t^::r— p — r— r— l== u L-i^ — -U- — V — -t»' Copirlght, 189i, bj Joo. B. Sweoe;. By par. WHEN OUR SHIPS COME SAILING HOME.-Concluded. !}=^rH!}=^z::i=«=-=J==3=i5 s— A — ^ — s — i^ — N — Nt — 1^ 1^ — ^ — ^^^ — 4 — 1 i They liave stood themighty tempesU,they have crossed the o - cean's foam ; ^ y y y ^ r; ^ They have piissedo'erstorniy bil-loves, but they now have gained the shore, ^1=^=^ iggzer - .;— f -0-\—0 • •- -K~i-r, !, r- :^='?=t=l'=k -•- -#- ._y: :!;rz=t7|^^— tr-iE£zij z=^ The au-chor'scast, they're homeat last, the voyage is safe - ly o'er. No. 89. GOD CALLING YET. Tr. Jane Borthwick. John E. Gould. ^- t -0 ' * a > * \ — t — I — ' — -r -z?- 1 — 1-t 1. God call-ingyetl sliall I not hear? Earth's pleasures shall I still hold dear? 2. God call-ingyetl shall I not rise? Can I His lov-ing voice de-spise. 3. God call-ingyet! and shall He knock, And I my hearttbe clos - er lock? 4. God call-ingyet! I can-not stay ; My heart I yield without de - lay : fei^ri^^ .2.-:f: ^ ^ -f2- yz — pzl s. ^^ ^ Shall life'sswiftpassingyearsall fly. And still my soul in slumbers lie? And basely His kind care re - pay? He calls nie still ; can I de - lay? HastUlis wait-ing to re - ceive, And shall I dare His Spir-it grieve? Vain world.farewell I from thee 1 part ; The voice of God hath reached ray heart. No. 90. PLEADING WITH THEE. Elish.v a. Hoffman. E.. M. McIntosh. r^--fi=^ N N- ^^8=i ji^iii 1. There is 1/ u a voice of the 3^^ 1/ 1/ ten - der- est love 2. Long lie lias stood at the door of thy heart, Wait- ing on thee Do yon not hear him as gen- tly he plead how he yearns o'er thy sin-burdened-heart, Whisp'ring to thee, -* — ^- 1^^ -^=Xr- X f E|-.1v:=Hs-:|vz=^ Plead-ing with thee. s, Call- ing to thee, -fri N ^— -N V jT— I pT- K ^ — -^ -I u b '^ ' It is the voice of the Lord from a - bove, Eead - y his grace and his peace to im - part. See with what fer - vor the Lord in - ter- cedes, Earn - est- Ij' longs his sweet love to im - part, plead-ing with thee ; wait- ing on thee; call- ing to thee? whisp'ring to thee; ec^=>=:^i:zE=zPEzz:-^z= ^z=ji= feiz=^=:g=:^=g=:^i=fei=: Chorus. i?i=d= ^E3=i^E3EEi Say-ing, " come un - to me." Come un - to me, " Cunie un - to nie, tE Se '-W-^-f-^- \ '^ ^ y r come un - to me, i... Come un - to f^ ^ ^ Je - sus is ten - der - ly me," tfc 5^^- • » K * ^ I U V u call - ins; to thee. "Come un - to me, come iin-to ' Come nil - to me, Sitrte £33E»; — 1-^— ^ I By per. Uarbee& Smith, Agents, Publiahiog House M. E. Cburcb, Soutb. PLEADING WITH THEE -Concluded. »i3d- ^EE i-i ^^^^ r m me, come iin - to iiif," ^ t^ t: f- Je - siis is ten - der - !y call-ing to thee. ±r. No. 91. WHILE JESUS WHISPERS. " Cuaie uiitu uio." — Mutt. 11 : 28. Will. E. Witter. H. R. P.\LMER. i. While Je - sus wliis-pers to you, Come, sin-ner, come! Wliile we are 2. Are you too heav - y la- den? Come, sin-ner, come! Je - sus will 3. Oh, hear his ten -der pleading, Come, sin-ner, cornel Come an^lre- ^8zt: =t: t==t I ^ I r — r -ti. ji^ pray-ing for j'ou, Come, sin-ner, come! Now is the time to own Him, bear your burden. Come, sin-ner, come! Je - sus will not de-ceive you, ceive his bless-ing. Come, sin-ner, come ! While Je - sus whispers to you. -T —t=il -f— r i- i — u^ ^-i xz:qI _jfc^-_^| _j=Il ^ | J.. j=n:{^:^g;t:j^=:}=:A |_,— ^-A fi— i^H I Come, sin-ner, come! Now is the time to know him, Come, sinner, come! Com.e, sin-ner, come! Je - sus can now redeem you. Come, sinner, come! Come, sinner, come! While we are pray-ing for you. Come, sinner, come! ?i=£^-i^=£: m^^m Oo|>/rl«lit, is;;, bj U. H l>.lm.'r. U«d bj pu. No. 92. NEVER ALONE. E. E. Hewitt. J. C. a. and V. A. Whtti. 1. "Fear not, I am with thee ;" Bless-^d gold-en ray, Like a star of 2. Ros - es fade a-round me, Lil - iea bloom a ad die. Earth-Iy sunbeams 3. Stepfi un-seen be- fore me, Hid-den dangers near; Near - er still my #pNrij ^ glo - ry. Light- ing up my way! Throu ^h the clouds of mid- night, van- ish — Ra- diant still the sky! Je • sus, Roseof Shar - on, Sav - lour, Whisp'ring,"be of cheer," Joy like birds of spring-time. This bright promise shone, Bloom-ing for His own. To my heart have flown. il^^^ -; — I V '. F nev-er leave tbee, Nev - er will Je - sus,Heaven'ssun- shin^, Nev-er will Sing- ing all so sweet - ly, "He will not it r CHORua m r=r m ^ i:zri=4 -A K ^=t •r-- leave thee a - lone." "l No, leave me a - lone. > leave me a - lone."j Ner - er a. lone, nev - er a - lone, . nev- er a- lone, ^^^^Wp^H wz^ f iEfefea f ^^ ^^==1=S^ 3=M: srEiEj r^=^ «= No, nev-er a - lone. He prom- ised nev - er to leave me, m^^m^ u=t^. p-^ 0»Wl»>«i UM, k| Wa. J. Uikjouuk. UmA I>/ p«. tt 0. D. BUwUlk NEVER ALONE -Concluded. r 2 :=F::a: ^^i --K— i-^ — (^ — I- Nev- er to leave me a Nev-er to leave nie a - lone. f=Ff-i-^ No. 93. J.\MES L. Bl.\ck. -J — I- ON THE VICTORY SIDE. Jko, R. Swexet. -4 — « — r=: m^t 1. Our souls cry out, hal- le - lu - jah ! And our faith en - raptured sings. • 2. Our souls cry out, hal- le - lu - jah! For the Lord him-self comes near, 3. Oursoulscry out, lial-le-lu -jah! For the tempter flies a - pace, 4. Oursoulscry out, hal- le - lu - jah ! And our hearts b^t high with praise, L-t4: i£ -^/—^ -a- -N N— f ^ -\ V —I ^ o^ — \ 1- H^ J^ r— I — r 1 -^ ^i^ While we throw to the breeze the standard Of themight-y King of kings. And the shout of a roy - al ar - my On the bat - tie field we hear. And the chains he has forged are breaking, Thro' thepow'r of redeeming grace. Un - to hira, in whosenarae we'llconquer,And oursongof triumph raise. r£-f2 ^^.-r^ S^-^- f± -p=r lUt S Chorus. 'ry side, on the vie- fry side. In the On the vic-t'ry side, on the vie- fry side. In the ranks of the Lord are we 1^=: -f-1^ ^^i it^: On the vie - fry side we will bold- Iv stand, Till the glo- rv land we see. £r> -0-' -p- -»- J /^ _ _ I f — •. ^ :i=*=zfc=^3zfc -Xr- ru». .H.hi. 18M, bj Jno. R. Sweney. Bj per. iMo. 94. WONDERFUL SAVIOUR. Fanny J. Crosbt. Mrs. Jos. F. Knapp. -»— — • — : t d — ^~- 9- 5& "^r^ I=ftitz: 1. Won- der- ful Sav - iour, bless - ed Kedeem - er, Ev - er in glo - ry, 2. Sing of liis greatness, in - fi- nite greatness, Sing of his goodness 3. He is ourref-uge, he is our safe-guard, Peace to the youthful b > , r • -f- f - f- f- f-' » ■ -:^ ^ :p=?e: ^. i ♦ 9 •- V— b'- f^ dwelling a - hove; Yet inhismer-cy tender- ly smiling, Over the day aft- er day ; Guarding from e - vil, shielding from danger, Leading uS kindly he brings ; Sweet is the promise he will protect us, He w ill de- — — ^ TT i — p— ^- ^ ^ 'V^-^- Choet's. s^ 33 a CT -3- * -•- -#• children bending in love. '\ onward, cheering the way. > We will adore him, gather and praise him, fend us under his wings, j 1 1 Lm — w — w i- !^— U — ^h- p^-^=^ - ^ < ^ 1— . . / M II — r r Vv f Fine. ^^^giglP^^^gP Sinners from their sleep are wak - ing. Come and join the day -break song. Ligliting up the healing fount - ain. Come and join tlie day-break song. Hark I the sons of God are clieer - ing. Come and join the day-break song. And with those who have as- ccnd - ed. Come and join the day-break song. &~&— t~p-i — I— Y — r--"^ '^=^^--^ IS 'l^' I I I I y . . . Z?.5".-Tell the world redemption's sto - ry, Come and join the day-break song. Chorcs. \y- ? S — N ^ N j -0~0^i^-0- -m—Mz J-fJ^M_4 D.S. See, the earth i> full of glo - ry, Kight .shall triumph o - ver wrong; CopTTifhl. laCiu, l>j Qc«. F. Boech*. Usfd bj per No. 96. C. A. M. I WILL BEAR THE CROSS. C. Austin Miles. feS Duet. Alto and Tenor. tn 4=g- ^m 1. Je - 8US, my Saviour, when I stand and view thy cross, Lov - ing thee 2. Je - BUS, my Saviour, thou didst bear the cros for me In tears and 3. Hear me, O Je - sus, as be- fore thy throne I kneel ; While I am IS t5 ^ m ^ ^ — • — zs) r^ on - ly, all of self is dross ; Shall T, O guiltless Saviour, in dis- anguish that I might be free, And I, in sinful blindness. Have r©. waiting, thy dear self re - veal ; And I. the answer waiting, Looking ^S J=j=MJ=J=Fi* ■■ J j- ^-J^ J'J J JJ fti ^ ^ ^ ^m fznt dain thy sufF' rings see? Can I forget, O Jesus, thou didst bear the cross forme? fused thee as my Guide, Nor felt thro' years of wand' ring,' twas for me that thou hast died. up thro' toil and pain To thee, my coming Saviour, who hath died, but lives again. i mM Chorus. J J llJ-J'.J^ l^- JiJ-^'-ij c^^r^ ^i=i=t 3^5^S3 I will bear the cross for Jesus, I will bear the cross for Jesus, I will bear tlie cross, I will bear the cross, « — P f l >- f , f — »■ * VWVUVl s :AJ^ ^^^^^^^^ T will bear the cross for Je- sus ; He bore the cross for me. I will bear the cross, for me. avjri(hi, ISM, hr w. B. w« No. 97. HAPPY DAY. A. W. S. A. W. SPOONEtt S5 ^d ^ ^m WE± i \--m- S^ ^^^ r T tr 1. Yes, the time is drawing nearer, happy day, When the clouds that hide our 2. Yes, the time is drawing nearer, blessed dawn. When our arras shall clasp the 3. Yes, tlie time is drawing nearer, O how blest. When our weary hearts shall 4. Yes, tlie time is drawing nearer ; one by one To e-ter-ni-ty the path shall roll a - way ; We shall know as we are known, When we loved ones from us torn ; In that home beyond the tomb Partings gatli - cr home to rest ; We shall walk the gold - en street, And our moments swift- ly run ; Soon the trura - pet will resound, All the f r=f stand be- fore the throne. Stand complete in Christ a- lone ; Happy day. j nev - er, ncv-cr come. And we ne'er shall walk a- lone ; Happy day. loved ones there shall meet. Life witli Je- sus Mill be sweet ; Happy day. dead shall hear the sound. Loving hearts with joy shall bound ; Happy day. P — • : ,— r« — f — p^—e — « — # • .r?- i /^\. . i m m ^ ^ r ^ ^~ ^ * » r+^ — i— ■ p^)-:-^- — ^ ■ £ — s — u — I » — — hi 1 lEzzzfcz* ^ — •"=" -4^'— ^-1 ■(7 tr Chorus. P* :^- H^ ^ > bi: — I — #-= -»- ■0 • «• 0^-J-^£^^ m Happy day ; Sins all washed away ; We'll be home at last, home to stay ; glad day; > > > ■•±^l_gi-^ .0, ^ ^ ^ lzit==b: -i»— ^— F- It y r r • • • 1 ^t-^-rt -I 1 1 1^— t>^Fh— 1 y---^-=^ r- ti* -#— r sni -A — ^ .0 — — — 0. ^t:=^ ^&^S -r-' '-m -St At the Saviour's feet. It will be so sweet ; O what joy the King to greet; Happy day. ^m t- tH 1 1 1— -t/— t/- 0»r7Tl(tit, 18V», l>7 B»U-lU«k Ol> No. 98. Hattie E. Buell. THE CHILD OF A KING. Rev. John B. Sumner, aiT. -4- =i: — I- 1/ 1. My Fa - ther is rich in hous - es and 2. My Fa-ther'sown Son, the Sav-iour of 3. I once was au out - cast stran - {^er on 4. A tent or a cot - tage, whyslioukll w ,-(Z- — r-f-=^&» — •- ^1 -4:dzt==fc=|i: -(^ — lands, He hohl-eth the men, Once wander'd o'er earth, A. sin - ner hy care? They're l)uildin"; a wealth of the world in his hands! Of ru- hies and dia-monds of earth as the poor - est of men, F>ut now he is reiT lUII'MtckCt. No. 100. IS IT NOT WONDERFUL? E. A. H. ilfi- -0- • -•- 1. Wondrous it seem - eth to me, 2. Heart of mine nev - er could know 3. Ouce I was full of all sin, 4. Long I re - sist - ed his grace, 5. He doth my new lieart con- trol, Rev. Elisha A. Hoffman lil I' Je - sua so grac - ious should be, Je - Hus such peace could be-stow, Now, thro' the blood, I am clean; In my heart gave him no place, Cleansing and keep-ing me whole. ■^- i^£=: ^=^ -*ezaz H- Mer-cy re-veal-ing, comfort-ing, healing. Blessing a sin - ner like me. Till the dear Saviour showed me his favor, Cleansed my heart whiter than snow. Willing to save me, par-don he gave me, And I am hap- py with-in. But Jesus sought me till he had brought me. Pen - i-tent, seeking his face. Banishing sadness, with joy and gladness Fill-ing and thrilling my soul. —la — Ib la 1 ^ — ^ ~ P ^ V — I fe— r-U— U— -1-=' — ^ CHORI'S. ^ ^ -t-^ K — 1^ — fy i< 1 — s Is it not won - der- ful, is it not won-der-ful Je - sus so Yes, it is won - der- ful, strange and so won-der-ful [Omit.) gracious should be ? loving and gracious should be ? ^ I That he should save e - ven I That he should par-don and save even me ! nted by per. of E. A. Hoffman, owner of Copjrifbt. No. 101. HE'LL NEVER FORSAKE. Fbank H. Mashaw. J. Lincoln Hall. ^^i^^ iB: ^fflS^ ^:B '-i:^ 1. "I will fail thee never;" blessed words of cheer, Like a blaze of glo- ry, 2. "I will fail tiiee never;" tho' the night be long ; Soon the morning cometh 3. "1 will fail thee never;" brightest flow'rs will fade, But my trust in Jesus 4. "1 will fail thee never;" fails the earth and sky, But his bow of promise ££=£ ?=?= ^ :8-T- =t gS5 h^^ t^^ 1 — t- 1 — r a^ r shining far and near ; Tho' the storm and tempest all around may shake, with its light and song ; Precious words of comfort to my heart 1 take ; ne'er shall be betrayed ; Midnight all around me, soon his light will break, shineth still on high ; Earthly sunbeams vanish, and my heart may quake, J^ =^ f: 1^ 1^ -P- f- f- -» — ^— » — Wl 1 rV- ±A :p=p: =P=#= 1 — I- r=t —i 1 1 1 9i. _ 4^ i i^5 Je- sus, my Saviour, has promised that he will nev- er for - sake. ^ -^J^* ^ ^ ^ t -^t ^^^ p 2^=S T-r -t/ — b/— ' ClIORCS. 4 — ^-.^ ied: ;3 g ^=i=t asrisia F=^^ i ?=F: 1^-^ No, he'll never for - sake, No, he'll never for- sake ;.... Dangers a- Never forsake, Never forsake ; ^-#^- - . ^ ^ ^ -_ i fff ^ round me may threaten, Jesus will never forsake. :]! Jesus will never forsake. OopTrif bt, 16W, bj HaU-MMk Ot. No. 102. L. L. P. SPEAK TO MY SOUL. Adapted by L. L. Pickett. 1. Speak to my soul, dear Je- sus,Speak now in tend'rest tone; Whisper in 2. Speak to thy children ev - er, Lead in the ho - ly way; Fill them with 3. Speak now as in the old time Thou didst reveal thy will; Let me know lov-ingkinduess: "Thou art not left a - lone." 0-pen my heart to hear thee, joy and gladness, Teach them to watch and pray. May they in consecra-tion all my du - ty, Let me thy law ful-fiU. Lead me to glo- li - fy thee, --tr-E--=t=t=lit=:E^I :d?=i^ S^eS Quickly to hear thy v /ice, Fill thou my soul with praises. Letmein thee rejoice. Yield their whole lives tf £hee,Hastenthycoraingking(iom,Tillourdear Lord wesee. Helpmetoshowthy praise,Gladly to do thy bid-ding, Honor theeall my days. ^^ u u 1/ I y I I '^ '^ :t: Ohokus. r^ v-r =1i: ■=i=q # :S=± J Speak thou in soft ■ eat whis - pers, Whis-pers of love to t Speak thou to me i ach day. Lord, Al- ways in ten-d'rest me; tone ; ^^ ^ ^- t= ^ #-— S al — « — S — « — j|-h«-T-*— -r|-«( i-' T^''. ' li ' Thou shalt be al- ways conq'ror, Thou shalt be al -ways free." Let menowhear thy whisper, "Thouartnotleft {Omit ) a W~i/- =P-— P=^: lone."} Copyright, 181)7, b7 L. L. Fiokett. Uetd bj p«r. No. 103. JESUS OF NAZARETH PASSETH BY. Miss Etta Campbell. Mark 10: 47. Theo. E. Perkins. 1. What lupans this eager, anxious tlirong, Which moves with busy liaste along — 2. Who is this Jesus? Why slioukl he The cit - y move so miglit- i - ly'i 3. J sus ! 'Tis he who once below Man's pathway trod, 'mid pain and woe ; 4. Again he cumes I From place to place His ho- ly footprints we can trace. m^ -V- m ^ • ^5^5^ ^ -A- ^=^^ ^^^ -0^ These wondrous gath'rings day by day? ^\ hat means tliis strange commotion ])ray? A pass - ing stranger, lias he skill To move tlie mul - ti- tude at will? And burdened ones, wiiere'er lie came, Brougiit out tiieir sick and deaf and lame. Jle pauseth at our thresiibold — nay, lie en- ters — condescends to stay. In accents hu«>'az ' ' Je - sus of Naz "Je - sus of 2s az aretli aretli areth areth passeth passeth Iiasseth passeth bv," bV," bV," bV," In accents hushe9 — i7-| hr-l -V ^—^ ^— t^ — y- h^ 1 Be - lov-ed, be- lov- ed, Now are we the sons of God, And it doth not - f b.-H 0—-W,- - -k-1 3 yet ap-pear what we shall be; But we know that when he shall appear, ^^ . we know d-- — ^ — I 1 ^ — '- '9- — y — I — U- -0 1 ,-F— F-"-F F — m — it s-T ]/ ^ \ V V \^ V V V V -N-N — ^ — N — \^ 1 H -\- Pv-l know that when he shall ap- pear, We shall be like him, We shall be we know ^ {rOfjrigM, 1896, b^ Wqj. J. k'irkiiatrick. Used by perwissloa- BLESSED HOPE. Concluded. jiocd rititrtl. like liiui; For we shall see liiinas he is, tH "^^-r — "^ — 1-7 — ''►r- I *-g~^-g—r^-0—^~m-*-\ We shall see liiiu as V We N-fe _ 3 " "^ ^^ — y 3 ' " 3 kuow that when he shall appear, We kuow that when he shall appear, wekuow we know A— 1-11 We shall be like him. We shall be like him ; For weshall see him as he is. 3N J 3 ^ M. .,.. :^ -(2- -5— t— ^' No. 105. BY COOL SILOAM'S SHADY RILL. 1. By cool Si - lo- am's sha - (ly rill Howsweetthe lil - y grows! 2. Lo! such a child wliose earl-y feet The patlis of peace have trod, 3. By cool Si - lo- ain's slia - dy rill The lil - y must de-cay; 4. 0" thou who giv - est life and breath, Wc ask thy grace a • lone, ^^^^^^^ How sweet the breath, be - noath the hill, Of Shar- on's dew - y rose. Whose sa - cred heart, with iiithunce sweet, Is up- wanl drawn to God. The rose that blooms be- neath tlie hill Must short-ly fade a - way. In childhood, man- hood, age and death. To keep us still thineown. ipz:^ m\ No. 106. TRUST AND OBEY. Rev. J. H. Sammis. D. B. Towner. 4- 1. When we walk with the Lord In the light of his word, What a glo- ry he 2. Not a shad-ow can rise, Not a cloud in the skies, But liissinile quickly 3. Not a bur- den we bear, Not a sor- row we share, But our toil he doth ■ ■ s \:-&. ^-^ V— u- 4:: itezizte: r—v- ^■^ 'V—\/- :t=: sheds on our w'ay! While we do his good will. He a- bides with drives it a - way; Not a doubt nor a fear. Not a sigh nor rich - ly re - pay ; Not a grief nor a loss, Not a frown nor -f- -#- - .g- _•-»--•-• _ _ -•- -P- h: — » ^^% — »— I— !— - :l Ld= J2- ^=f: CfTOKUS. -^- 1^ still, And with all who will trustand o - bey."j tear Can a- bide while we trustand o - bey. >■ Trustand o-bey. For there's cross, But is blest if we trustand o-bey. J no oth- er way To be hap -py in Je-sus But to trustand o- bey. 4 But we never can prove The delights of his love Until all on the altar we lay. For the favor he shows, And the joy he bestows, ^re for all who will trust and obey. 5 Then in fellowship sweet We will sit at his feet, Or we'll walk by his side in the way; What he says we will do, Where he sends we will go. Never fear, only trust and obey. Copjrigbt, I8g7. t>y D- B. Towoer. U»e . , . , ,, ^1 , ^ He waits, lie waits, witli outstretched hands, And mourn with those that weep. 1 "« He waits, he waits. He gent- ly bids you come. J- q ^^^^^ O come, no more withstand Ocome, Ocomc, Will you reject him, too gjg^gij To give, to give you pardon free ; :|I His gentle voice, his earnest plea. ToErive, to give Cop7Tl(bt,lgW, by W. 8. Wc«de5, ^m ^^^ No. 108. I NEED THEE, LORD. J^LisHA A. Hoffman. CnAs. Edw. Prioh. — n — 1_«^ — ^ — j^_ — ^^i_^_^ 1. When cherished joys have 2. When sin dis-turbs my 3. Wlien lonjis my soul for 4. Wlien strDiii; tempta-tions 5. I need thee, dear - est tak - en wing, And sor- row wounds rae ho - deep ly peace, er rest. And leaves mv soul in To he with all thy me as - sail, And o'er my will al - Lord just now While at thy throne of -•- 7-s-.n i — •— !-• — • — •—^ — •— r-#- ,5£^t^:4zt:ibtzizt=:t:=t7-dzt: C_j^_l_, P— I b/---| f- — I— I # — -•-- — •- H^-- j-al— j Izf^H — I j ^-T «!—--] si fl 1 ■with its sting, Then to thy cross for help I cling, For sore dis- tress. To be re - stored to hap - pi - ness. I full - ness blest. To be of per - feet peace pos - sessed. Oh, most pre -vail. Lest faith and cour - age then should fail, I grace I bow ; To help me pay to thee my vow, I -I 1 1 1— ^ 1 h — ' 1 F F — -^— ! — F — F — ! — i-r — f^ — f -- — r ~l~f — * — I 1^~ ^t^=t: ,^^^-t^=fe:^^zz=^izi=fe^d I 1- -|- CHORT'S. ;EizzJ:i=J-;i=*ElziiiirS3: -0- ^^^■^—. =fr3=^ I need thee, precious Lord! I have no then I need thee, Lord I need thee, pre-cious Lord, then I need thee, Lord, need thee, gra-cious Lord, need thee, my dear Lord. / -J--: « — • a — I 1 — #—1—1 1 •— •— |-H 1 1— t— ^r=S=g=i=&^=t:=t:=t==itd=E=:t^-£: •_-#- --»- help be - side ; \\\ ev - 'ry time of need. Dear Christ, with me a- bide ! ^--— •— 1-» - — » - » — #- — I — i-i — h -1 — I — f— '-I — ^-i — i- Copvrigbt, l»98, by Henry Pate- By per. No. 109. LET JESUS COME INTO YOUR HEART. C. H. M. Mrs. C. II. Morris. S -v-A ^^ -¥=s: it ^^^^^ ^ti=5J^: 1. If you are tired of llic load of your sin, Let Jesus come 2. If 'tis for pur- i- ty now that you sigh, Let Jesus come 3. If there's a tempest your voice cannot still. Let Jesus come 4. If friend.s,once trusted, have proven untrue, Let Jesus come 5. If you would join the glad songs of the blest, Let Jesus come in-to your in-to your in-to your in-to your in-to vour heart; heart; heart; heart ; lieart ; Tfvr^rvTtT^^ —is, !^ N N . > ^ d - I If you desire a new life to be- gin. Let Fountains for cleansing are flowing near by, Let If there's a void this world never can fill, Let Find what a Friend he will be unto you, Let If you would enter the mansions of rest, Let Je-sas come in-to your heart. Je-sus come in-to your heart. Je-sus come in-to your heart. Je-sus come in-to your heart. Je-sus come in-to your heart. ?^=t= -r-r~r~j -f: :f=f: I i rfrrrtttf^ \i ^ 'i> V Chorus. r^—^- ^^^^^^m 9=^ ^1^ m now, re-ject him no more; now, re - ject - ing no more ; Just now, your doubtings give o'er ; Just Just now, my doubtings are o'er; Just mk ^r' y ^& gEg O '^'Z X ^ [,[, [r 1 1 r [, ^ ^ ^ J=^ ^3 ^ -:N-J— d Vn^— ^-V-^ ^^ m Jast now, throw o-pen the door ; Let Je- sus come in -to ydur heart. Just now, I o-pen the door ^ And Jesus comes into my heart. — V — I8M. Iv a. L HUM* * ' No. iiO. HE SAVES ME. J. W. Van De Venter. N-,-4 AV. S. Weeden. 1. The dear lov - ing Sav-iour hath found me, And shattered the fet- ters that 2. He sought rae so long ere I knew }iiiu, But fi - ual - ly win-uingme 3. I nev - er, no, nev - er will leave him, Grow wea-ry of serv - ice and m « -#- -f- -^ -^ -^ — 1 Ll. y L. L. (, 1, 1 -«— J-; — -^ -— h- ,.^ .^ — -^—^—^ — € •--— d i— F-^^^ — =P ^^^ bound me, Tho' all was con-fu-sion a -round me. He came and spake to him, I 5'ield-ed my all to pur - sue him, And asked to be grieve him, I'll con-staut-ly trust and be-lievehim, Ke-main in his peace to my soul; The bless- ed Re-deera-er that bought me, In filled with his grace ; Al - thoimh a vile sin - iier be - fore him, Thro' pres-eiice di - vine ; A - bid- ing in love ev - er flow - ing, In 1/ V ten- der- ness con-stant- ly sought me,The way of sal-va-tion He fiiith I was led to im - plore him, And now I re-joiceand a - knowledge and grace ev - er grow -ing, Con- lid ing in^-plic-it- ly, y '^ y 1^ c^ 1/ — ' — I 1 ' # !• 1» — 4 Chorus ■\ri-t tauglit me, And made my heart per- feet - ly dore him, Re- stored to his lov- ing era know- ing. That Je - sus the Sav-ionr is whole brace lole. I ace. >■ ine. J He saves me, he :it^=f=i5*=t=C ~f-^-\-V-^ i^ M: :54 0«P7rt(bl 180f bf Woad'O k ^%a 0% TiGMr. t? HE SAVES ME.-Concluded. saves nie, His love fills my soul, halle-lu - jali ! Oh, glo — ij— I— ij ry, oh, glo - ry, -5^ lip — I — ^ ' 1 ^^ I — i/-^]^^-[ — ■ Hisspir-it a bid - etli within ; :|| His blood cleanseth me from all sin. a bid - etli with -in liis blood cleanseth me from all sin. ^ ^ If: .*. .0. No. 111. I NEED THEE EVERY HOUR. Mrs. Anxie S. Hawks. Rev. R. LowRY. 1. I need theeev-'ry hour. Most tira- ciousLord; No ten -der voice like thine 2. I need theeev-'ry hour; Stay thou near by ; Temptations lose their pow'r 3. I need theeev-'ry hour.Teach me thy will ; And thy ricti promis ■ es 4. I need theeev-'ry hour, Most Ho- ly One; O make me thine indeed, s^s B-Ei -]M^ =t=S=^*: -4- rj r Refrain. tVbt-KAKN. N S 1 I 4^-A- Can peace af - ford AVhen thou art niul In me ful - till. Thou bless- ed Son I need thee, O, I need thee; Ev-'ryhourl need thee; O bless lue now, my Sav-iour! come to thee. .-•J-C 1 1 1— I ; 1 1 1 1 1 "-i*; 5 ' I C«p7ri(bt, 1872, bj B. Uwr/, )>' p«r. No. 112. WOULD YOU SHINE FOR JESUS? G. M. Bills. M. L. McPhail. ^ I N__| 1. Let liis love im-part Ardor to yonrac-tions, 2. Would you shine for Je-sus 'Mid the careless tlirong ? Im- i- tate liisfjrac - es 3. Would you shine for Je-sus As a mir-ror true? Imai^e forth hisgooduess w V j— » — w — w — m •-,-#-- t: H-Ti: H 1 1 1- — ^TT—'-r — I — n — ~ — nH — I d-r--J — m — M—hm-l—i — -^- -A-J- Comfort to your heart; With yoursoul illumined By theSpir-it's glow, As you pass a - long ; Make no weak surren- der To the coarse and vile ; As revealed in you. If you thus re-flect him Till thislife is o'er, |^=tz:t=t:_, X I I It: u ••«•• _jvj s J J ^ I J FINE. -"--^'^- You will be a beacon In this world of woe. Keep you r tongue from evil, And your lips from guile. You willin his kingdom Shine for ev- er - more. Shin - U k* i> ing for Shilling for Je-sus, Yes, -tz-v-bL-^-u- D.S.- I U I ^ I "I -To the sad and err-ing,Thusfor Je- sua shine. _i 1 [ |==iH i-g 1— -H Ki 1 1 1 f . Pi ^ Je - sus, Bringin shiu-ing for Je- sus. : light di- vine To the sad and err- ing, Thus for ^ 4- 3ir»±ezz k' k* i/* D.S. I — I — i-i — 1^=^-1 — 1 :^i= — Je-sus 3hine; Shin - ing for Je - sus, Bringing lightdivine Shining for Je-siis,Yes, sliining for Je - sus. -^-' -#--•--#- -t— -I— -#- m m m m -,^* f Oopjright, 1898, br Henry Date. By per. No. 113. J. B. M. ^ ^^ WHISP'RING IN MY HEART. J. B. Mackat. -4:-i#— ^ g^^^^^^^ 1. Jesas found me wand' rinp, I "ar from liim astray, Tender- ly lie led rae 2. I can hear him wliispcr, When my soul is tried, "Fear not, I am with thee ; 3. "WouUl you hear the Saviour's (ientle voice within '? Now, while he is calling, To the shining way ; "Words of peace he whispered, Bade my fears depart ; I am at thy side." When the foe as -sails me, Je- sus takes my part ; Leave the path of sin. Peace that passetli knowledge Freely he'll im- part ; -f- r -?- • » *— ^ -f- ^ ^ . ^^>-f- f- -^ f=F=F I I rv 1?=f: I I Chorus. ^^ ^^^^^^ ^E g^^feE^E^^i^ Oh, 'twas sweet to hear him Whisp'ring in my heart. I rejoice to hear him AVhLsp' ring in my heart. You to-day may hear him Wliisp' ring in your heart. ),, hisp' ring, whisp' ring. m -00 - ^ -0- -f- - #- i: I f^- ->— y- -4 , 1_^^^_^,_^_ J l —al — * J J 1^ J - H^^-^>- ^t— »(- Oh,whatjoy ismine; Whisp' ring, wliisp' ring, Wordsoflovedivine. Xo strain of earthly g -g t -^ --^-1-* S -f^:^- 2^^ }?^^f=^ -^ ::f=e=f: y— >■—;•- -h — h — h — h t/^h/— fe^— y— >>- >< • t' »^ ^ music Such rapture can impart; I'm glad lever heard himWhisp'ringinmy heart. -^- -#- -*-• •#- -J^ -# - -^ -^ -# — •- :P=1?: ■^u- f pV i m v-v- y— 5/ ••—!/- U-y-*- ■)*—)*— it_jt: Cef^rljbt, 1808, b; UtUMack Co. t— !-'' • 1/ 1/ 1/ No .114. Jessie H. Brown, SEEDS OF PROMISE. Fred. A. Fillmore 1. Ob, scat-terseeda of lov-ingdeeds A- long the fer - tile field; 2. Tlio' sown ill tears tliro' wea- ry years, The seed will sure -ly live; 3. The harvest-home of God will come, And af- ter toil and care, .4 - - - -• - - • ^-- - For grain will grow from what you sow, And fruit-ful har- vest yiel riio' great tiie cost, it is not lost, For God will fruit-age give " thei t=c:- Tho- g With joy un-told your sheaves of gold, Will all be garnered there. :t=^t:=t=t: nf^=rMz:^z=pz:^.-=t:. =r=:tt: _^_«- '-^—"W- Chorus. s ^ Then day by day a-long your way Theseedsof TLen day by day a- long your way ''^- — . •_• •_• — =■— t?-r-^ -=i— S- — V — I 1 1 1 1 1-| — ' p p ■^ — I — I — I — I -n-^- 4^ prom - - ise cast, Thatripened grain, fromhilland The seeds of promise cast, the seeds of promise cast, That ripenod grain, I ^ I ^ ■ ^_^_«_^_^-«_^-#-#-#- -0 , 0-0- lS3=3^^^:S' _) -J , — I — I- plain Be gathered home from hill and plaiu, ^ I 0-0-0-^0— 0-f~f- at last. fe=4fl|^i?3^L8||0 Be gathered homo at last, be gathered home at last. Be cathered home at Bjr per. of Killmore Bros. last. No 115. ETERNITY IS NEAR. J W VanDeVenteb. D'KT. W. S. Weedex. m^ i=3^ ^^E^i^^Pi^l 1. I see the days glide down the West, The seasons come and go ; The 2. I leave this sad and lone- ly place, But leave it all in vain, J^or 3. I see the fair- est flow- ers fade, The ros - v clieek grow pale ; The i^i^a//^--^,^- J,J-"il-J J.^--J i ^a fcfc ^jv^rrT=r=^=^ 1 -1 ^H ^- ! W'^ J- J g.— J ^- * dear ones laid a - way to when I see the furrowed aw - ful wreck dis- ease has i rest face nade, J. 1 — — •— ' Be-r I The f . eath the win - ter lear the voice a - strongest mor- tals IJ- J 1 snow. I gain Re- fail. They 77 - '^ -■ ^^¥r=^ — © 1t=lfr=:fr ^ :fc=i: =i): ^ hear, wliile standing near their bed So lone - ly, cold and drear, A I ech - o from beneath the sod, "Why waste your moments here? Pre- al - so speak to me of deafh In language strong and clear ; Thy j. j^^^ J. i J. J ±lAAA. J- J ^^ I Qlautet. il^i voice resounding from the dead, "Eter- ni-ty is near, e-ter-ni-ty is near." pare, prepare to meet thy (Jod I "Eter- ni-ty is near, e- ter- ni-ty is near." life is going with each breath Eter- ni-ty Ls near, e-ter-ni-ty is near. ^ ^ •-Hn . I I I jg- -■ 1 h II I t PPTf^ I 4 WMdam nrmi*' No. ii6. JESUS LIVES. Rev. John R. Colgan. A. F. Myers. ^ i 1^^ t ^i^. -•- ' -0- 4=--it=iJ|: HE3E3 -^ ^___j_ :^=i 1. Miglit - y ar - my of the young. Lift the voice in cheer-ful song, 2. Tongues of chil - dren light and free, Tongues of youtli all full of glee, 3. Je - sus lives, O bless - ed words ! King of kings, and Lord of lords! s N ^ ^ I — — — • — . -^ ^ m h hr 1 h h hr ^ ]/- ^-^ •=5: i -0- -^ -^ ' ' -&- - - » » -JL Send the welcome word a-long, Je- sus lives ! Once he died for you and me, Sing to all on land and sea, Je- sus lives I Light for you and all mankind, Lift the cross and sheathe the swords, Je- sus lives ! See, he breaks the pris-on wall, ^ ^ t^ ■J^-^ \i \> I j— S— 3 -^— -H— •— • — 4—0 L-3=3 -S — ^ Bore our sins up - on the tree, Now he lives to make us free, Je- sus Sight for all by sin made blind. Life in Je - sus all may find, Je- sus Throws a- side the dreadful pall. Conquers death at once for all, Je- sus ^ • > ^ ► • F ■ 1 1 h -b' ^ ^— -J- ii^ lives ! lives! lives ! Choeus. =1= ^Ezzizi:j--i--i--i--i=ij--i=li3=zi=i=ri=i=b:jE3E3=£ ait not till the shac ait not J J S?S: Wait not till the shadows lengthen, till you old- er grow, Ral-lynowand Wait not Sing, -0 • • • (^- ^3ij= £ Wait not. vait, not, Sing ing for Je - sus, ev - 'ry where you go, Lift your joy - ful voices high, sing. Ooprrlgbt. 1891, by 1. F. Mreri. Bj per. JESUS LIVES.-Concluded Repeat Chorus pp ^^^^^ Ring-ing clear thro' earth and sky, Let the blessed tidings fly, Jesus lives! m^^^ No. 117. 9—i 1 1- ta- Etii I AM THINE, LORD. ' Let us draw iieur with a true heart." — Heb. 10 : 22. Fanny J. Crosby W. H. DOANE. 1. I am thine, Lord, I have heard tliy voice. And it told thy love to me ; 2. Con-se-crate me now to thy service, Lord, By the pow'r of grace divine ; 3. O thepure de-ligiit of a" sin-gle liour That before thy throne I spend 4. Tiiere are depths of love that I cannot know Till I cross the narrow sea, -^ — » — # . * ' ^ V J-" But I long to rise in the arms of faith. And be clos-er drawn to thee. Let my soul look up with a steadfast hope,And ray will be lost in thine. When I kneel in pray'r, and with thee my God, I commune as friend with friend. There are heights of jov that I uiav not reach Till I rest in peace \vnh thee. _1_J — 0—0 — 0-i-iS> 1 Draw me near - er, near - er, near nearer, blessed Lord, To the cross where thou hast died ; 1 ^ , ^ -ny— s^ -4 — -A- ^ | ! I ! ^r -^ — xi Draw me near-er, nearer nearer blessed Lord, To thy precious, bleeding side. fct ^ ^'-f- -#- -0- ^ ■0- — I — hrl — F — fc- Cop/rif bt, 1876, b/ BIf low A Mala Co. Vied *>j p«r. of W. U. D«ka«L No .118. J. B. M. HE'S THE ONE. J. B. Mackat. A— ^— 1. Is there an - y -one can help us, one who understands our hearts, When the 2. Is there an- y -one can help us when the load is hard to hear, And we 3. Is there an - y - one can help us who can give a sinner peace, When hia 4. Is there an- v -one can help us, when the end is draw-ing near, Who will ^ ^' J. ^ ^ m. ^ ^ thorns of life have pierced them till they bleed ; One who sympathizes with us, who in faint and fall beneath it in a- larni ; Who in tenderness will lift us, and the heart is burdened down with pain and woe ; Who can speak the word of pardon that af- go thro' death's dark waters by our side ; Who will light the way before us, and dis- wondrous love imparts Just the ver-y, ver - y blessing that we need? heav-y bur-den share. And sup-port us with an ev-er- last - ing arm? fords a sweet re-lease, And whose blood can wash and make us white as snow ? pel all doubt and fear, And will bear our spir-its safe-ly o'er the tide? V P m^ptjjr^ Yes, there's One, on- ly One, The blessed, blessed Jesus, he's the One ; When af- Yes, there's One, only One, flictions press the soul, when waves of trouble roll, And you need a friend to help yon, he's the One. CtprrUbt) 18W, \>j HAll'Mkck Co, No. 119. BRIGHTEN THE WAY WITH A SMILE. \V. C Maktix. J. Lincoln Hall. 'Mr, 1. There are hearts that are droop- ing in sor - row to- day ; Tliereare 2. There are bur - dens mo>tfirievous and heav - y to hear ; There are 3. When the sonl is in (hirk-ncss and wea - ry with care Conies tlie 4. O, the beau - ti - lul dawn- ing of day is not lar, And the \ii^*i. — T-B •— I-* f • — ■'^— — f f-l-* * • a • — ^^^ ±^^-4-!;r-t d zt:i=:;zi=tr=r r^T =^~g^=^=^^=t^ i^^^ souls un - der shad -ow, the while. O, the com - fort from God you can souls whom tiiesiu - ful re - vile ; You can lov - ing- ly whis-per God's temp-ter al - lur - ing with guile. You should shine in that life like the gloaming will Ijn-ger a while. Let us glow like the glit - ter- ing, ^ — * — * ^ ~;^ -A-l. :i?^i!: — *—~0' -• T E3: — «- Chokis. PiUg gen - tly con-vey, And brigliteu the way with a smile, prom - is - es rare, And brighten tlie way with a smile sunbeams so fair, bright morning star ■;] ■'-. — ' A'nd brighten the way with a smiie! [ ^' brighten the , And brighten the way with a smile. ^-,-«— ^«->^ — !- .> SI :q: way with a smile. Yes, brighten the way with a smile. Some witli a smile, with a smile. j^^lBil^^i^ifi r one's drearast days yoo can gently beguile, And brighten the way with a smile. ^-t: af=5: -• 0—0—0 v— V Copyright, 1893 b; HallMMsk Ca ^ • No. 120. HE IS THE SAVIOUR FOR ME. E. E. Hewitt. # Howard E. Smith. 1. One who will freely for-give all my sin, He is the Saviour for me; 2. One who can turn bitter waters to sweet, lie is the Saviour for me; 3. One who is lov-ing and tender and true,He is the Saviour for me; " " If: -#- if^ -#rr4». -• — # I # — I — I — -I— • — i»— • — 0—0—m- i-^ IX I/ — 1^— y— t^*' fe^^^^^^^^gj^il Bringing His precious salvation within, He is the Saviour for me. Peace,"perfectpeace,"asl waitatHisfeet, He is the Saviour for me. Able my courage and strength to renew, He is the Saviour for me. ^. ^ ^. ^ -^-]^- -LV VJ IV \- 1 ■ 1 1 1 :^=^. ^5^=Sr M- -jtzziL ! — ^ — *i--4- 3=^S=gS3 ^ 1/ ^^ u* ^ Spread-ing His mer- cy, like sunshine, a-round,Wonder-ful grace that will Cleans-ing me, keep- ing me, day af-ter day, Helping me walk in His Lift-ing me up as His cross I shall bear, Calling me ev - er to ^ .0. ^ ^ ^ fL j»- ^ -^ ^. ^- ^ ^ if: it :^ ^: -#— • -t/ — b* — V- ^ ^ ^ r :P^ ^m 1^^ i^ ^ "much more a - bound; " Just such a Sav-iour in Je - sus I've found, roy - al high - way, Hear-ing and answ'ring as hum-bly I pray, heights pure and fair. In His great har- vest-ing, let -ting me share. S iPi: ■ ■ t I Chorus. 1/ He is He is He is the Sav-iour for the Sav-iour for the Sav-iour for me. me. me. He is the Sav-iour for for mo ; 0—1- --0- Oopf right, 1898, b; Uall-MftCk tio, HE IS THE SAVIOUR FOR ME -Concluded. fe^ ^ ^ ^ y ^'^sr :^^ ^Ei^ me; (forme;) Glo - ry to liim ev - er be; Just such a -^ -P-f- t t f f f ^^^^^^ f: :?:: fcfc^ i :5=t ^1/ u , /, I Saviour in Je - sus I've found, Ue is the Saviour for me. (forme.) f -r- t^ m Lu m ^=i^^B 'tef? *i: No. 121. J.\.MEs Montgomery. IN THE HOUR OF TRIAL. ^ i Spencee Lane. ^ -^- 2? — • — m — • — r 1. In the hour of tri - al, Jesus, plead for me ; Lest by base de-ni - al 2. Willi forbidden pleasures Would this vain world charm; Or its .sordid treasures 3. Should tliy mercy send me Sorrow, toil and woe ; Or should pain attend me 4. When my last hour cometh. Fraught Avith strife and pain, When my dust returneth I depart from Spread to work me On my path be - To the dust a ■ thee, When thou sec'st me war - er. With a look re- harm ; Bring to my re- membrance Sad (iethsem-a- low : Grant that 1 may nev - er Fail thy hand to gain ; On thy truth re - ly - ing. Thro' that mortal -M- ^. 42- -m- "f^ -•- ^ ^^ Ib|=t ^^*^^=T=f !S=i ;^E ?s i ^ ^ 1 — r— 1— for fear nor in dark - er that I may sus, take me, - ^t- call, ne, see ; strife. Nor Or, Grant Je- fa - vor Suf- fer me to fall, semblance, Cross-crown' d C'alva- ry. ev - er Cast my care on thee, dy - ing. To e - ter - nal life. -^ ^ ^ jt- 1!^ ^.. No. 122. MY LORD, TO THEE. Fluea Kirkland. W. C. >VEEDEN. zfci 1. From the country of sor- row and sin Comes tlie prod - i - gal, 2. AVhile lie wandered and suffered and sinned, For his coming that 3. In the sor- row - ful country of sin, 'Mid its husks and its 4. O re- turn to thy Father to - day, For he loves thee with f — • — ft — ■ t==t: tt=t: :t= mourning tlie past, And the love of the father shines forth. And the father had yearned; And the robe and tiie ring and the feast Are pre- vain, fleeting show. Precious souls in their wilfulness stray From the love all un - told, And a robe and a crown thou shalt wear At the M: -# — ^e— ^ f: f: Sa n^ i ::^t=± :t=:b ■I | V ' " i"— §#— i^ Chorus. ._N )y , , r-5 N-J N — I— I N ^ ! I ^ ! ^ - son finds 3 refuge at last. pared, for the son hath returned I Father who loveth them so. feast in the cit - y of gold. Coming to thee, com- ing, Coming, my m ^: U^ f-^^n fV^ -t^^ -^- • '-srv v-J- N-4- ^^ 4M- ^==3=5 -^-z^ -N— N- S35*: i -3^. Lord, to thee ; Coming to thee, com - ing, Coming, my Lord, to thee. •oBTrighl, 1899, lij W. 8. We«dn. No. 123. FOOTSTEPS OF JESUS. Maky B. C. Slade. A. B. Everett. --^- 1. Sweet- ly, Lord, have we heard tlu'c calling, Come, fol- low nie ! 2. Tho' they lead o'er the cold, dark inomitains, Keek - ing his sheep; 3. If they lead through the tem-ple bo - ly, Preach-iug the word ; ^^z::)i=:6=)i=t3d:p=t=t=B==i^=ti=if^g= ^EE^z4:i=t:==t:=E^-|-»=p=p=t:3=fz===l:=zrEbp.-- And we see where thy footprints fall - ing, Lead ns to thee. Or a - long by Si - lo - am's fountains, Help - ing the -weak. Or in homes of the poor and low - ly, Serv - ing the Lord. r — r Choutts. 1 1 \ 1 ^ 1 1 ^-T— — - — s?- sus, that make the path - way glow ; n I Z bt:=t:= l E f We will fol- low the steps of Je - sus wher - e'er they go. 5-1: I I — t^-la=rii— £E^ r 4 Tho', dear Lord, in thy pathway keeping, We follow thee ; Thro' the gloom of that place of weeping, Gethsemane ! 5 If thy way and its sorrows bearing, We go again, Up the slope of the hillside, bearing Oar cross of paiu. — (2 g I U- *2 5^ 0- W^ 6 By and by, through the skiniug portals, Turning our feet, We shall walk with the glad immortals. Heaven's golden streets. 7 Then at last, when on high he .sees us, Our journoy done. We will rest where the steps of Jesus End at his throne. Ooprrifbi of U. M. Mclatoih. Bj per. No. 124. IN THE PALACE OF THE KING. C. A. M. C. Austin Miles. A-^^^=^^ 1. There's a mansion that is waiting o - ver there, 'Tis a mansion which my 2. Soon as ransomed we'll be gathered on the shore, From our loved ones we'll be 3. Though temptations oft assail me, I'll not fear. For I feel that my trans- over there, -#-• -#- -• m SB-tU! : ^5 ^^ ^=t^^-^=^=n-^^ PrnTt ^^^t^ i=^^j^^.^^ d-Mry:^x^^ ii=i=^i:i=^'^ E^^-^^-U^-T-'T~rj=^ Saviour will pre - pare ; part - ed nev - er - more la- tion must be near : And though dark the way, and dreary, I'll press We will shout the glad "Hosanna ! " And march Just a few more years of waiting, Then I' 11 will prepare ; P=«^ f^-^-f^f-~ f^ ^-r-w i i^-r=^^ -V— B^ V 1=^^^^^^^ HV^ ^= t=^ D.S. — Of the precious blood of Je-sus, Our re Fine. Chorus. 4 ^F^ pB3-£3ffi ^^^i m #— #^ onward, while I sing Of the palace of the King. "| upward, while we sing, To the palace of the King. >• We will shout, we will sing, fly on "Joyful Wing" To the palace of the King. J m 4 is/— h- ^ S ^ 1±± £: it -v"— U- ^=E^^r^F=^ 5L_|t. demption purchasing. In the palace of the King. ^^^^ »— K i i4:d D.S. I ^W^ How our voic- es will ring. As we tell the blessed sto- ry ev - er new ; ever new; m Mi — f -fff i Mm mr^ «=?=tw=« Cup/right, 1899, bj HtU-Muk C«. No. 125. THE WONDERFUL STORY. C. II. G. :J (HAS. H. fiABRIEr. 1 ^ s ^ N N m^^^m 1. O sweet is the story of Je - sus, Tlie won - derful Saviour of 2. He came from tlie briglitest of glo- ry ; I lis blood as a ransom he 3. His mer - cy Hows on like a riv - er, Ills love is unmeasured and jt . .^rrj. .^. .^. ^ .«. J*. . [»^. - N i—^—y—^—)/- men, Who suf-fered and died for the sin- ner — I'll tell it a- gave, To pur- chase e - ternal redemption, And oh, he ia free; His grace is for-ev-er suf - li- cient, It reacii-esand :-^:^ ^fc fc '-^:^ - I I I rRTTTF -i r ("IIORIS. -f> i^^rN N N N ^ ^^^^^± -_^^« in ^ bfut-^^f gain and a - gain 1 1 O won mighty to save I >■ pu- ri- lies me. j O wonderful sto derful, wonderful sto • ry, The -0—^ --^-r 9—^—^ W^. I f O wonderful story, The £ 11 I I r~rn — i V--i^— ^--l — b'-l ' ,s > I -^— ^ ^^ WVFFT'F^^ i tftr — r T ^ ^T ^ f=^rf dear - est that ev- er was told; I'll repeat it in glo - ry, The dearest that ev - er^ that ever was told; I'll repeat it in -^^ — ^-.- r r r » . i i i — i — #- ^ ;/ ^ > I I V wonderful sto - ry, Where I shall his beauty he - hold. glorv, The wonderful storv, Where I shall his beau - tv, his bcautv behold. trij ti h-f-f-r: -g «^ 1- Copjriibl, 18V7. by E. 0. EiwU. UKd by pn. 1^11 ~V^-V' No. 126. CHniST IS THE CONQUEROR. Irvin H. Mack. J. LiNCOi,N Hall. y ' 1. The Sav - iour leads His faith- ful on To bat - tie for the right; 2. r>j - fore them ii the ])rec-ious cross; They 5;!o - ly in its fame; 3. Their tongues the name of Je - sus sounds; The name they love so well. - - -^- -#- -/- -k* L^tlZ*! :ti=to -^ -j-y— r- -y — Y -\- -I — I — I fe f :q=J- -V ==1: ■»- Their mot- to is "Thy will be done," The hosts It liftsthcirthoughtsfromcarth-ly dross, To think With - in their hearts His love abounds; For- ev - m. ^'7- :1 of sin they'll smite, cf Ja - sus' name, er there to dwell. jtU* i ::^:=t: ■V— h- -^zid- ^ =ii= --N- g No fears a- larm, no ter - rors stop, They go From con - quest un - to vie - to - ry, Press forth O who will join this bright ar-ray. This arm ?=t ^- 4r_ r ^ with stead - y tread; the mif^ht -y throng; - y of the Lord? :^^ m ^%-v- -V- ^-l 4 — ->-4- i :i!-4 T s*-- And none shall by the way- side drop. For Christ is at the head. The hosts of Sa - tan all must flee, Be - fore the vie - tor's song. O who willnow the call o - bey. Be gov- erned by his word? ?:^=^ i .d=t: Chorus. ^-p-j— at— ^ ^- -v-v \=^^ u Christ is the con - quer - or, r T Christ the con - quer- or, -S— 2- : -8=:— Sii=l=gi=-g=r-q=S=:g =p=iq tio|i;rigbt. lbS)6, b; Uall-Mack Co. CHRIST IS THE CONCIUEROR. Concluded. No. 127 J. w . VanDeVenter. Solo. I SURRENDER ALL. W. S. Weedkn. !i^ ^^ itr=J: :^: All to Je - sus I I will ev - er love All to Je - sus I ^Vorldly pleasures all All to Je - sus I Let me feel the IIo sur- ren- dor, All to him I and trust him, In his presence sur- ren- der, Humbly at his for-sak - en, Take me, Je - sus, sur- ren- der, Make me, Saviour, ly Spir - it, Tru - ly know that J- / ^ J i J. J J J I I . J -^J-J-i free - ly give ; \ dai - ly live. J feet I bow ; \ take me now. J whol- ly thine ; \ thou art mine. J m rrr^rrrrrrr=f CnORTTS. :*zzf=hi: Id— mm ^^ I sur-ren-der all, I surrender all, I sur-ren-der all ; I surrender ali ; ^ u—*-^ V—i/- All to thee, my bless - ed Sav- iour, sur - ren - der all. i- 4 All to .Jesus I surrender, Lord, I give myself to thee ; Fill me with thy love and power. Let thy blessmg fall on me. OoSjil(hi, i8W, b/ ^ndn 4 Tuii«VM«a> 5 All to Jesus T surrender, Now I feel the sacred flame ; O the joy of full salvation ! (J lory, glory to his name I No. 128. I'LL GO WHERE YOU WANT ME TO GO. Maky Brown. Andante, CONSECRATION. Cakkie E. Rounsefell. — n — \i— I \ — I \— \i — I — t^ — ^-J^- ^j^S It may not be on themountain'sliei<:ht, Or o - ver thestonuy sea ; Perhaps to-day therearelov- in<^ wordsWhicli Jesus would have mespeak — There'ssure-l}' somewhere a low - ly place. In earth's harvest fields so wide — -•- -0- _ -0- -0- -^ -#- ^ ^ =r-. -•- -•- -•- -0^^-0- It n^ay There may Where I not be be now may la - at the bat - tie's front My Lord will have need of me ; in the paths of sin Some wand' rerwlnnn I should seek — bor thro' life's short day For Je- sus thecru - ci -lied — But if by a still, small voice he calls To paths that I do not know, O Sav-iour, if thou wilt be my guide, Tho' dark and rug-ged the way, So trust-ingmy all to thy ten-der care, And knowing thou lov-est me, ^ ^^ I , M I'll answer, dear Lord, with ray hand in thine, I'll go where you want me to go. My voice shall ech-o the messagesweet.I'Usay whatyou wantme tosay. I'll do thy will with a heart sincere, I'll be what you want me to be. 'i^ 1^ i/- i/ '^ ^ Z). S. — I'll say what you want me to say, dear Lord, I'll be whatyou want me to be. Refrain. v ^ ». -Nr-A- DS. =•1/1/ w ^ I'll go where yon want me«to go, dear Lord, Over mountain, or plain, or sea ; -•- -•- -0- -0- . . mm tfi --• -0^^0- Copyright, 1894, by C. E. Rouneefell. By per. No. 129. BRING YE ALL THE TITHES." Hklen E. Rasmussicn. MuL3: 10. II. L. GiLMODll. :^z=*?: -^Kzzzg a * . ^ — a(-T- —J—_ — N- - — -N — t- B- -'—*—* . J^ . -r ■# .-r Hear the words of scripture from the a - pes past, "P.ringyeall tho Do you seek to know the Ho- ly Spir-it's power? "Bring ye all the Is there aught that stands between you and your Lord ? "Bring ye all the Lift yourheart this moment :claimhimLord and King, As ye bring the Let the anthems roll in grandeur thro' the skies, Having brought the --^ -y— V- S r ^^-^- ?i-^ tithes into the storehouse," Make a con - se-cra-tion that will ev - er last, tithes into the storehouse." Liveinsweetcommuuion with him hour by hour, tithes into the storehouse. "Bring them on cou-ditions promised in his word, tithes into the storehouse. Trust the blessed, and your praise shall ring, tithes into the storehouse; Jov - ous hal - le-lu-jah's from our hearts a-rise Chorus. ■ustinir for the promised bless -ins. '^ V -V-*.— »- Trusting for the promised bless -ing. ^ While he gives the promised bless -ing. "Bring ye all And he'll pour you out a bless-ing. From the heart he is pos - sess - ing. For we have the promised bless-ing. r-« -4—^ • ^ ^ n-uT-rr— t ?^ -I— I— I ^ 1 — |-^ — ^ the tithes in-to the :2Z3!C ^ - storehouse, And prove me now saith the Lord of hosts; And I will pour yoa ^ ^ ^ ^\ / J I -0-fL -r- '^ ^ - :^- Z2t ^:^:q: -^ out a bless - ing, There shall not^ be room enough ^ ^ — 7-^ 1 ^ . ^ — ^ ^ to re - ceive it. Wi -j^ '^ m C«P7ftfb*> W», by a Ifc GU»«ar, W»8»a«b< V« /. No. 130. THE LORD IS MY SHEPHERD. T. KOSCHAT. Lento, m r^i --J ^ ^ Tt t=^ 1 1. Tlie Lord is my Sliep-lierd, no want sliall 1 know, I 2. Tliro' the val - ley and sliad-ow of death tho' I stray, Since 3. In the midst of af - flic-tion my ta - ble is spread; With 4. Let good - n ess and mer - cy, my boun- ti - ful God, Still ^~i=^'-''-' "* — ^ -J— J-^4= — i^i — I 1 — ^-| — 1=^-1 =J=^ feed in green pas-tnres, safe fold - ed I rest ; lie lead- eth thou art my Guardian, no e - vil I fear; Thy rod shall bless-ings un - meas-urcd my cup run-neth o'er; With per-fume fol - low my steps till I meet thee a - hove. I seek by 3e] mv de- and the tini^ll^ 1- 1 — I H W^— I — -t [-- —T- :U t--ir- 1^ / ^^^- —m—\ soul wliere the still wa - ters fend me, tiiy statF be my oil tliou a - noint-est my path which my fore - fu-tliers _ .•. -•- jm. -0- -& — I flow, stay ; head trod, J N- — N- Re No Oh, -I \-- stores me when wand'ring, re liarm can be - fall, with my what sliall I ask of thy Thro' the land of their so-journ, thy t:=t=f==-t i :^J :l=j==:^r=:1: •■ — ^ // I I r- g — * — 0- I deems when oppress'd. Re - stores nie when wand'ring, redeems when oppressed. Comfort -er near, No harm can be - fall, with my Com-fort-er near, prov - i- dence more? Oh, what shall I ask of tliy i)rov-i-dence more, king-dom of love. Thro' the land of their so-journ, thy kingdom of love. No. 131. HIDING, SAFELY HIDING. E. 0. E. and A. B. « Bi3§= V — N — ^- ::=i| — H^ 1 m- E. 0. ExcELU --1- i»— * m 1. 'Noath tlie shad-ow of tli' Aliiii^'lity, In t)ie presence of my King; 2. Wlien tlie storms of life arc rug-iii';, Clos-cr to his side I cling: 3. Ail my life, my love, my service, All I have to him I bring; -.-i—i s p—r^ ^ • • •—m-:—^ •- -•= ! 1- • i 1 ^ y V ■^ ^ y I am hid - ing. U U k ^ ^ 1/ hid - I am hilling, Biifely hiding, JiiilinR.safely liiding, -#- -•-#- -0-0-0-0- -0 — — -■ m - ^ Hiding in theshadow of his wing. |-^=tiiM7iiiirti;iii|i=_g: H 1 1 « « -I — I — I — I — F-* V->-^-;^=5i^^ -P ^ 1 1 ^-t- 0—0\-fi'--\ W 1/ i . 00-1—0 ^ — _^_^j — s — I ^-e — 1 =:]: «- In the se-cret place a- hid-ing, In con-tentment I can sing. In his love I'm safe - ly sheltered, Peace and qui- et he doth hrinj; He will hide me, safe - ly hideme Till in heav'n this song I sing: __ , — I , , ^ , 2 _ — {^^P->>— I 1 1— I I ■ ^ — •- 1- ^7 Fixe. 1/ b*" 1/ y I am hid I am liiiling, safolvliitling, liliiiti;;, Bafulv liiiling, .0. '-0-0- -0-0-0-0- ■ -I— H \- ■ ■ -^ =fczSiibii!i=^i^=iiti:>.. ii:^itiitniiji:^ ^-^cV-k'-V- _f •_ 5=t^ v-v-v- ^^ 1/ y y -■5'..: II \/ t^ y Kefrain. i)..s I — I — i — I — . — \ '-0-0-0 - *-#-#-T-#— ^-'-arT' L '. r Hid - ing, hid - ing, Hiding in the shadow of his wing. Hiding, softly hiding, hiding, safely hiding, I'm hiding, hiding -0-0- #-• 1- <• -*- ^-'-i — I r-F— «— f — ^ — h-+ ^ V ^ ^ N , ,. , -x~M-M-g-^ — '■ — I-- — I-—-'—' r^-— -I — I — i-H^v-*-&«-|-*^ —*—l -' . ' . I . I I . ... ' . ' . , — — K--i— >'^P-? -y — 6^-y H ^-- *-¥-^-^-0'- V— »*- I C«prrt|bt, 1896, b; E. 0. Exeell. B/ p«r. No. 132. COME TO ME. Rev. Johnson Oatman, Jr. Geo. F. Rosche. soul, why art thou so distressed? Come where there is thy heav - y load of sin, On the cross I tho' all is dark as night; I will make thy me me; hear him call- ing " Come, Come to me, O -A-i =t--S per-fect peace and rest, Lean up - on died thy soul to win. Come to me, pathway clear and bright, Come to me, child no lon-ger roam. Leave the path . - - - ^<^-^- -ft- . thy lov- ing Saviour's breast ; and I will take thee in." and I will be thy light, of dan - ger,death and gloom, M^=^=*= X- :t= ij Chorus. In his love thou shalt be ful - ly blest. .. Ho - ly Spir - it, now the work be - gin. ' Walk with me Come to me, ue - giu. i in faith, and not by sight." f and I will lead thee home." -^ "Come to me," O X-A — !• hear the Saviour call to thee," I'll sus-tain, tho' trials of life may fall to thee." "Come to me," O hear the Saviour call, "Come to me, I will be all in all." -V.-r • # •- Copjrlgbt, 1895, by Geo. P. Eosche. By per, No. 133. Alfket) a. ITotT. Duet. I WOULD KNOW THEE. Stdlctted to Trlnltj DiplUt Church, Camdea, N. J. W. S. Weedkn. j i ^^ t ^^U££ ^^ =j==J^ N=J=^tJ^J 1. Precious Saviour, I would know thee, Wilt tliou not thyself re- veal? 2. Tho' the cross be heav - y. Saviour, Thou didst bear the cross for me ; 3. All to thee I now sur - ren- der, Take my heart, my life, my all ; 4. May the bless- ed IIo - ly Spir - it Fill this longing heart of mine; ±± $ 4 \- ^^1 ^=i=i= :J-:* Fill my soul this ver - y mo- ment, Let Thou hast saved me, yes, and kept me. Let O ac- cept me, tho' unwortii - y, As Fill it now to o - ver- flow - ing. And me now tliy presence feel, me bear the cross for thee, be -fore thee now I fall, the glo - ry shall be thine. m ^ / i J J^ J^i I ^^\i i -J J J 1 Chorus. ^^^m^mmi : d— h— I ^-tsz=l ^ I would know thee, blessed Sav - iour, Ev g g .g t ^ — *— g . ^ r —" F^ er trust thee, and o - bey ; 1?=P: :p=f= £=£ ±z rrr^r ^ ^s m V ^^rS 33: ■A- -• -TSII ^ i -9- -^ - ' - - -af- Lead, O lead me ; I will fol - low, Fol- low close - ly all the way. f- - ^ ^ ^ -#- _ - ^ • -f^ :^=l-|£=f dlE=P r=rT-rT^ f^^ OofJTlf bt, 16M, bj W. S. Weedea No. 134. 0. A. M. JESUS FOREVER FOR ME. C. Austin Miles ■A — ^ — ^--J- — ^— I -I — )^ — I — ij- j^: — |, 'Mt* 1. Trust-iiig iti Je - sns from day to day, Brifz:lit-ens each step of the 2. Coni-fort in snf-fer-ing and dis-tress, Lead - er and Guide in the 3. Knowiiii? that Je-sus is at my side, I will not fal - ter what- 4. Pass-ing thro" Jor- dan to Glo - ry Land, Join - ing in songs with tlje -•— •^t=:t:=r-|=t=it=t=ri=tizz=toi-_z^: l^E^tiii}-^^- -»-— ■^ — W ¥- -r-- drear - y way; When in the dark-ness no light I see — wil - der-ness; Ev- - er re - main - ing when oth - ers flee, e'er be - tide; Iii\' - ing or dy - ing my song shall l)e, an - gel band; This be my mot - to e - ter - nal - Iv, -ft. Jt. . Jt. ^. ^ M. 4- • -t-' -^—^- -b^— '-1-- Chorus. -t Je - sus for - ev - er for :t=t=: Je - - sus for - Je - sus for - ev - or, jps, :f;zzf.-fz=fr=:t=tzr| V — v — v—^ Je - sus for - ev - er for me Je - BUS for - ev - er for me, for me. I'm sing-ing, I'm siii^- iiig, .•. ^ •i' ^. . A -^ -#- : -^- f: ^ / ! . — jj — u — t/— ' • OopyTlght, 1?W, bj H»lI-MMk Oik -r-.- No. 135. FOR ME. Floka K IKK land. 'Uecaretli fMiyuii." — 1 Poter 5 : 7. W. S. Weeden. ^m I I ^ I ^ 1. For nic, for me, tliis ho- ly cairn! For inc, for mc, tliis precious balm! 2. ril cast my bur-dens on the Lord, I'll rest up - on his gracious word; 3 My Saviour cares, my Saviour cares, My wounds he heals, my home prepares, r^ [^ ^ .«-. ^"^— JT- p ; \t^ ^ — »T-^^^^^^m^ — m . =^f — I — to~~brl"*~"^r — r- — ' r I ' x^ i — h — h — i — i-U- -la 1 — 1 — ^~r~r^ — F^fc'-i — i^^—\ — i^-\ — ^ rtf 3 This pcr-fect free - dom from despair, This blessed truth, -"my Lord doth care." I'll cast my ev - 'ry care on him, And find a joy, ni) tears can dim. My strength restores, my burden bears,Oh,blesse — ^— ^^ — f — F — r~H — ^~1 — ^ "h" — "^ 1 — 1^-| — j^ -)-- Cop7rl|ht, 18», by W. 8. Ww— = — » — # — •— £-?Et-£Ei Chorus. 4= 1— :, — \ A r I I One more day's work for Je - sus, One more day's work for =ff.~«=t~=e =zzzt=:tz=tzi3 fe ±; of life for me. Je-sns, One more day's work for Jesus, One less of life for me. .^0. 137. THE PLACE CALLED CALVARY. B. E. Hewitt. Howard E. Smitb. M *-=i=^ 1. O thou bleeding Lamb of God, Thou the path of death hast trod, 2. Flowing here the crimson tide, Fount of bless - ing deep and wide, 3. O the cru - el pain he bore, "When the crown of thorns he wore ; 4 Come, oh, come, for he'll re-ceive All who on his namebe-lieve; £ . . ^ « ±1 - ^ 'f):ff-) V f. m 4^ ^p ^ p m- St-+ i^ t^^ Pouring out thy life for me. Saviour, wash a - way my sin. Sin- ner, come ; for you and me Find sal- va - tion full and free. At the place called Cal - va - ry. Bring thy cleansing power with- in. Jc - 8U3 died on Cal - va - ry. At the place called Cal - va - ry. nH ^-\ iA ^ r Chorus. n'iv J i-^^^i44-lM\^ Wonderful place called Cal- va - ry, called Cal - va- ry, i £^^ Wonderful place called Cal- va - ry ; called Cal - va - ry ; -(2- i hU: 1 3^3 33 3ESE *=^ m Love, redeem - ing love, I see. At the place called Cal - va - ry. jt — « — f- « .1^ — £- ± ^ Tf-f-4; i ^^ Kf^fJTlgbt, 1897, b^ H»ll-MKk C9, No. i38. WE SHALL SHINE AS THE STARS. J. W. V. J. W. Van De Venter. Duet. Alto & Tkkor. ij: -5- -•- ' ' -»- ij: -^ 1. We may tar - ry a-while liere as stran - gers, Uii - no - ticed by 2. We may nev - or be rich in earth's treas - ure, Nor rise on the 3. We may live in a tent or a cot - tage, And die in se - 4. We may sleep 'neath the clods of the val - ley, Our bod - ies may N - ■ ^ those who pass by ; But the Sav-iour will crown ns in glo - ry, lad - der of fame; But the saints will at last be re - ward - ed, clu-sion nn - known, But the Fa-ther who seeth in se - cret, crum-ble to dust, But the Sav-iour will raise ns im - mor - tal, .0 1 0—J.-M- "t)-- ^-~^ ij: Ij: ^X ■!^^3i To shine as the stars of the Made rich in Em-man Re - mem - bers each one To reap the re - ward of the j nst, 4 -I —.-J -^^- u - el's name. I ^y j ^ ^. ^^^^ of his own. j f^f ti-.Q iust. -U=^-l — , — ^ — = — I—*— ^ — • — • — -1^^ j^ N I^,_J stars of the morn- ing, With Je - sus the cru - ci - fied one ; We shall m^=i=j Ir-e-- ^ j n u ^ k ^ 1^ t^ ^ j^ rise to belikehim for- ev - er, E - ter - nally shine as the sun. Copyright, 1839, by UallMaolt Co. No. 139. HOW CAN I SERVE THEE BEST? Floka Kirkland. CuAS. n. Gabhtel. ^^^^^m 1. "Whore shall I go, Ix)rd, where shall I go ? Wisdom to guide nie thou wilt bestow ; 2. W hat sliall I sa v, I^ord, what sliall say ? Thou art my Teaclier, teac/i me to-day ; 3! Wliat shall I read, Lord, what shall I read ; Here thy protection ev- er 1 need ; 4. rurciuLs' d by tiiee, Lord, now 1 am thine, Time, thought and efibrt nevermore mine; ^K I lelp me to go. Lord, where thou dost lead, Trusting thy promise, " Grace for all need. " On-lyand ev - er help me to be Sjjeaking for thee, Lord,speaking for thee. Led by thy Spir- it sent from a- bove, E'en thro' temptation safely I'll move. Thou hast redeem' d me, help me to be Shining for thee, Lord, on- ly for thee. if f -^ -*■ "^ '^' -^ ^ -f^ — ( f- F— - -^~F- Chokus -4^ T' -f- »- ±=± ^ 1 — t — ir-^^-^ -f-' Tf-f- -V— u— b>- -»2- SEES • \- What shall it be, Lord, what shall it What shall it be, be? what shall ^=^=^ be? m 3Ep3: 4= h^- 2=3=fte=: IIow can I serve thee, serve thee best? Speak un - to How can I serve thee, serve thee best? -• — • — * — L— I y— \ U-4- m me, Lord, speak un- to _-f-- -f-- -r ^- ' ^ -t — ^ Help me to shrink from no test. CofTTtfht.lSStt b; W. 8. Wftdtg. No. 140. HOLY, HOLY! LORD GOD ALMIGHTY 1 " Thoj' rest not day uor night, saying. Holy, Holy, Holy, Lord God Almighty, which was, and is, aud is to come." — llov. 4 : 8, Reginald Heber, D.D. llev. J. B. Dykes. SE^ 4=q=q-: =^^ :5: p -0-P qEZLfT 1. Ho-ly, ho-]y, ho- ly ! Lord God Almight - y ! Ear-ly in the 2. Ho-ly, ho-ly, ho - ly ! all the saiutsa-dore thee, Casting down (heir 3. Ho-ly, ho-ly, ho - ly ! tho' the darkness hide thee, Tho' the eye of 4. Ho-ly, ho-ly, ho- ly! Lord God Almight - y ! All thy worksshall ^-fe=ii -• % — 1 h :^ bg SS=iEg=:3^-g3 morn-ing our song shall rise to thee; Ho-ly, ho- ly, ho - ly ! gold-en crowns around the glass-y sea; Cher- u - bim and ser-a-phim sin-ful man thyglo-ry may not see; On - ly thou art ho - ly, praise thy name in earth, and sky, and sea ; Ho - ly, ho- ly, ho - ly, tt ^^fe= -^_^,-^_# ±Z t -^. t=t: ^ S Mer-ci-ful and Mighty, God in three persons, blessed Trini - ty ! falling down before thee, Which -wert, and art, and evermore shall be. there is none beside thee, Per-fect in pow'r, in love, and puri - ty. Mer-ci-ful and Mightj*, God in three persons, blessed Trini - ty ! A - men. U^j^ -n a.^ —12?- I Ml III THE GRACE OF OUR LORD JESUS CHRIST. ' Tlie grace of our Lord Jesus Christ." — Rom. 16: 24. W. F. Sherwin. The grace of our I^ord Je-sns Christ he with you all. m^^^^^^^^^m No. 141. Lizzie DeAbmond. UlTET. A SONG OF PEACE. CuA3. II. Gabriel. 1. O soul, be glad, and joyful sing Loud hal- le - lujahs to your King ; 2. O praise his name wlio turned thy night Of sorrows in- to day so bright ; 3. Abounding grace in him 1 see ; My life with blessings full and free -*• 1 *^- He paid the price on Calva - ry, To him all glo- ry doth be- long ; He daily crowns; by night, by day, The debt of love to set you free llejoice, my soul, and swell the song.. Joy in the Lord, praise him alway.. i/ '• u ^ b 1/ 1^ I I ' ' b U I I O God, our hearts to thee we raise In songs of hearts to thee we raise, our hearts to thee we raise In U^ H O God, our hearts to thee -Ms raise In songs of - - iti ratitude, of l c c rc" ^ -^S-i u ^ ^ 'i>'v V V\ t-Mi grat - - itude and praise; Thy voice hath .spok - - en, "Peace, be songs of gratitude, of gratitude and praise; Thy voice hath spoken, "Peace, be still," hath ££ u :tF m^- -h f^ ji=^ ^t._i«-U-l^-U- grat - i- tudc, of gratitude and praise; Thy voice hath spoken, "Peace, be ^ w „*;ii ft ' ' ' J ^Et r i=r: (=rt=Ff=r. f •--^^ still, "...T..... '..... 7. And earth and sea o - bey thy will spoken," still," And earth and sea o - bey thy will, o - bey thy will. DOken,Peace,be still. And earth and sea o - Dey tnv will, o - oey > . — f^^^ l i l j. ^ ? ^ X m ftiU, be still," And earth and sea • bey thy wUL No. 142. 11 MY TIMES ARE IN THY HAND.' Flora Kiukland. W. S. Weedek. To my daughter, Mm. F. M-Wcedcn-DeiikM. i i / -T ^^ =f ■^r =1tzf- '^m 1. Thou knowest all a - bout me, I need not un - der - stand ; 2. I do not need to tell tlieo, I nev - er need ex - plain ; 8. O place of per- feet bless- ing ! O hand once pierced for me I -^ ;4 f ' f-^-g-^ U ^It :^^r!; :^t=f: -b*—- u -f^ « i ^3^^S =a=p 5EEJ Thou knowest all a - bout me, "My times are in thy hand." Tliou knowest all my mo - tives, Thou knowest all my pain. Sweet peace my soul pos - sess - ing, My life is hid in thee. fefefe^ ^—^H^^ F=«= t=: :*=$: CnoKus. "My times are m thy hand," Lord, Thou plannest all for me; p^ r f f^ :t=: -fi- rt f=e=^ -t=^- i -J ■^=Fi=^ e^i^^a -3 ' n -al 1^ 1 1 p^^^ I would not choose my path - way, I leave it all to thee. #^g# i^ -e ^ f^ ^ ^ p — F- fcF^ ?=:& ^^ i-' — k •«plfkt,l«M,ti/W.Si w* No. 143. HAVE YE RECEIVED THE HOLY GHOST? C. II. M. Mrs. C. H. Morris. ^-J \ ^ m^ms^^m^^ ^ 1. Ye are the tern- pies, Je- sus liath spoken, Temples of Clod's ho - ly 2. He who ha^ pardoned surely will thee, All of the dross of thy 3. Showers of mer-ey, ful- ness of hlessing, Ev- cr the Spir- it's in- 4. Wea-ry of wand' ring, eome in- to Canaan, Fea.stonthe ful- ness and fcztt ^ FTt ^=rt v-if-ti-l m ^--ps-^ ^p^^ ^ ^^^^^^^^m fcfci Spir- it di - vine; Have ye received liim, bidden him en - ter, ^lake his a - nature re - line; Cleansed from all .sin, hi.s Spirit will en - ter, Fill you and dwelling at- tend; 'Tis this enduement, pow- er of service, Fruit;, for your fat of the land; Feed on the man- na, dwell in the sunshine, Led by his bode in that poor heart of tliinc ? thrill you with power di - vine. la - bor he surely will send. Spir - it and kept by his hand. Uave ye received,. Have ye received, have ye leceived, te ^^ ^ m n ^^a V ^^^^ -itSr, ve be - licved, The bless - ed Ho- ly Ghost? since ve believed, since vc believed, blessed, blessed Holy, blessed Holy Ghost? He who has promised, gift of the Father, Have ye received the Holy Ghast ? N N IS received "fl m .WTT^. ^fff#^# P if^mp i 1/ i^ 0ifnl(bt, IWJ, bf B. L OOSMft ^n No. 144. AS PANTETH THE HAftT. RoBT. L. Fletcher. Moderato I. H. MerediM. 1. As pantetli the hart in the sultry glade, When chased from the brook and the 2. My tears are my sustenance night and day, And where is thy God ? they of- 3. Why art thou disqui - et - ed, O my soul ? My life shall the mercies of 4. My soul, O my God, have my foes cast down. Yet once were thy people held 5. Yet kindness and love will the Lord command, And songs in the night in an 6. Tlie sword of my foes seeks my soul to slay, And where is thy God ? hear the -^— ^ W ^ ^^t=^ l_ ■A- ^— #— »H— J d ^ cooling shade ; So, far from thy courts in captiv - i - ty. My soul is a- fending say ; Then well I remember the for- mer days, With multitud&s God control ; Yet him will I praise, while my years jirolong, The help of wliose in renown ; Deep answers, too deep when the thunders roar. So billows their alien land ; Then why do I cry, hath my God forgot ? Why mourn that op- scoffers say ; Yet him will I praise, while my years prolong. The help of whose # — ^ X-^O- l^i f=H=rf V- -F F- Refrain. thirst, O my God, for thee, thronging the house of praise, coun - te-nance is my song, torrents up - on me pour, pression is now my lot? coun - te-nance is my song. -f- f- f rf— f--^ :f= r— r-pp — \\ As panteth the hart for wa- ter brooks, so -^ ^ -#- JtZ. -^ -#--#- -#- i i:t^=E ^ -W—W- izizit t m V "^ \^ pant - eth my soul for 4ftz=ttit thee ; i -r — ^ My soul is i thirst, Olfyilf M, 1890, 19 Tunw-MeraUtb 0». Vmlktff^ AS PANTETH THE HART.-Concluded. rit. -+- 1 1— ^m^m^ Mv — p — l' — ^' )iil is a - thii-st, Thy lov - ing face to ^ No. 145. BETTER FARTHER ON. Flora Kirklaxd. iv-. \ Arr. by W. S. Wekden ^\'hen tlie clouds of trouble gath- er In tlie sun - ny times of blessing, In tlie bit - ter night of sor- row, Tlirough the valley of the shadow, *_# Pi- r.'=B^ Round the pilgrim's homeward way, When the days pass glad - ly on. When the liglit of joy seems gone, Where the Master's feet have gone, M-. Jl- M- -m- -f2- :p==p: :t=L-^^- ^f^ fe r Fine. il^i Through the darkness Faitli keeps singing Of Faith points upward — "'tis a foretaste Of Faitli will whisper, "No more sorrow In Faith will sing with heav'nly rapture, "It a bet- ter, brighter day. the glo - ry far - ther on." the cit - y far - ther on." is bet- ter far - ther on." gl qt=tr- 5— '■ t Zt 42— 1 V Z'.^.-Je - sus will for - sake you nev - er ! It is bet- ter far - tiier on." CiioRrs D.S. Farther on there's bliss for- cv - er I Count the milestones one by one. -f- -^ -P- -p- -^- -«-• J -^ -0- ^ :tr=t=t: iA -^ -fS- Cor7Ti(bt, lew, bj W. 8. WMdM. No. 146. S. M. I. Henrt, MY FATHER KNOWS. E. 0. EXCELL, ES ^. i^BPH^an mi 1. I know my lieav'nly Father 2. I know my lieav'nly Father 3. I know my lieav'nly Father 4. I know my lieav'nly Father knows, knows, knows, knows. The storms that would my The balm I need to IJow frail 1 am to The hour my journey Si^^iH^ ^--^ v-^ tr^ m ^-r=T===r i tefefc -^^ 5^3 way op soothe my meet my here will pose, woes, foes, . close, But And But And he witli he may can drive the clouds a- his touch of love di- my cause will e' er de- that hour, O faithful way, And turn my darkness in - to vine, He heals this wounded soul of fend, Uphold and keep me to the Gui de, Find me safe sheltered by thy day, And mine, He end, Up- side, Find turn my darkness in heals this wounded soul hold and keep me to me safe sheltered by to of the tliy day. mine, end. side. knows, he My Father knows, t?*: t- ^: U Tn Vt^- ? ^ :?±tz±: L k; mm^m zi^EH 7^ ^ knows The storms that would my way op - pose, I'm sure he knows. That woiikl mv way op - pose,_ 1 ij— He MY FATHER KNOWS.-Concluded. HTt f J. 1-^ 1 -*- -#- -^- knows, he knows, And tempers ev'ry wind tbat blows. My Father knows, The wind that bl(;\vs. a» _ _ _ r=^- ^ tut -jrrr qiizpi: ffffTtirt No. 147. THE HIGHER LEVEL. Floua Kirkland. I. n. Meredith. 1. Pilgrims, trav'ling to yon cit - y, Turn to Christ your weary eyes; 2. Hath he saved you, doth he keep you? Let him have his blessed will; 3. Do you fal - ter 'neath tiie pressure Of some heav- y weight of care? 4. Joy is high, but peace is higlier, Hope is bright, but faith is grand ; '-0'. V A\ alk no long - er in the lowlands; To a high- er lev - el rise. Trust his goodness ; trust hi.s wisdom; Storm or sunshine, trust him still. Climb to-day to faith's high lev- el. You will fmd the Master there. We may reach these higher lev - els, Ciuid-ed by the Master's liand. Z?.5'.-Kise to high - er heights of ser- vice ; In the Master's im- age grow. Chokits. Qimb by faith to high- er lev- els, Leave the val -ley far he -low; #s^sEg-ir-^r pp ^EO£ggEfe 70Z3-W- ]] (■(ji1(ht, IIM, b; v. » W* No. 148. A. A. Patn. 'TWAS LOVE. Austin Miles. 1. On the cross ray Saviour died, Yes, for me was cru-ci- fiod, Hal- le 2. From his glorious realm of liglit; To a world of sin-curst night, Ilalle jah ! hal- le jah ! hal- le lujah ! lu - jah I He endured the sin and shame, Hallelujah ! Praise his III - jail I Jesus came my soul to save From the terrors of the hallelujah ! m name That he should die for me. I > ^rave ; Ilalle- lu- jah ! Praise his name. J Praise his name. f: ^m ; O twas love that passeth under- : O 'twas love, 'twas love that -f:—t t— W—^- -(2- ^-*- stand - inff, Hal - le - lu rJ- f-^ -^-^ -» — #- • / rr passeth understanding, Hal « jah I hal - Ic - lu - jah! : i| - le - lu- jah ! hal- le - lu -jah ! : || 3E2 =^— f-f-^- -^— ft- ^ -)»—#- b S ^ b b^ ^ b "Xrlrl;^ :^=j= d: -#-^ That Christ should die for me, Was such love as this e'er known? AVas such love to mortals .shown / Hallelujah I hallelujah ! Tliat my Lord his life would give That my sinful soul might live ! Hallelujah ! Praise his name. This my daily song shall be, Jesus Christ has died for me ; Hallelujah ! hallelujah ! Though the waves about me roll, They shall not o'erv helm my soul j ' Uallf^luiuh I Praise his nano'» OvpTright, 1899, b} HiU'Uuk 0»i for me. m No. 149. JESUS, MY SAVIOR. J. w. Van Db Vkntbr. 1. Je 2. Com 3. Down ?ua, my fort ill in tlie m -«>- Jfi-Ttz Sav - ior, Keep me ev - er near Thy side, sor - row, In af - flic - tion be my friend; val - ley Leave me not a - lone to die, -•- l^f^^g^ i- i- r- 't—i Help me to trust Tiiee, In Tiiy love a - bide; When tlie storms as • iJraw me still near -er. Lead me to tlie end; Wiien the world for- When time is fleet- ing, Je-sus, draw me nigh. Just a lit - tie sail me, sakes me, clos - er, a^ 1^ ^ And the l)il-low3 'round me roll. In Thy bo - som fold me. And its friendship jiroves untrue, In Thy ten - der nicr- ry Near-er to Thy lov-ing breast, When we cross the riv - er V — ^- -W M-J M- ^^^^^E^^^ ^^s t^t Refrain. Hide my troubled soul. Gent-ly lead me through. To the kind of rest. Je - 8U3, my Sav-ior, I/".ave, oh, leave me f=tr m M: not a -lone, Ev - er, for > ■>^^F- ^^ Copjrtght, 1698, bj H. L. Gllmoui. t-T^^ No. 151. THERE IS A GREEN KILL FAR AWAY. Cecil F. Alexandeb. Moderato. Geo. C. Stedbins. By per. 1. There is a green hill far a- way, Without a cit - y wall ; 2. We may not know, we can- not tell. What pains he had to bear ; 3. lie died that we might be forgiv'n, lie died to make us good, 4. Tlierc was no otli - er good enough To pay the price of sin ; A f=H^ w^ --A- r ■x=^- --pf- Where the dear Lord But we believe That we might go lie on - ly could fe|=ir was cru ci - fied, AVlio died to save us all. it was for us lie hung and suffered there. at to heav'n, Sav'd by his j)recious blood, un- lock the gate Of heav'n and let us in. F=F? Pf f^ -I 1- Chorus. 4^-4- y-^J_JiiJ -^-1- 5^ ly has he loved. And we must love him, too; Oh, dear - ly, dear gs t* ££ r M ^ tf=p=F — ^ M g -W Hi. ;=ij^f^3^ iv— f ^ 7=i^ ^ife :q=2 re- deeming blood, And trv his works to m And trust in his # — ^ m •_ do. No. 152. F. J. Crosby. BLESSED ASSURANCE. "He is faithful that hath promised." — llEn. 10 : 28. Mrs. Joseph F. Knapp. 1. Bless-ed as- sur- ance, Je - sus is mine! 0, what a fore- taste of 2. Per- feet sub- mis- sioii, per- feet de - light, Vis- ions of rap-turenow 3. Per- feet sub- mis- sion, all is at rest, I in my Sav - iour am -V — ^ — r^fV--;— # # #— p»_l_» -\---^^^ 1 1 1 \+- 1 V- H 1 y h> 14 — Ll U glo - ry di - vine! Heir of sal - va - tion, purchase of God, burst on my sight. An - gels de - scend- ing bring from a - bove, hap-py and blest, Watching and wait - ing, look- ing a - bove, Chobus. ■f-r'""^-*-^-r Born of liis Spir - it, wash'd in his blood. Ech - oes of mer - cy, whis-pers of love. Fill'd with his good- ness, lost in his love. This is my sto - ry, this is my song, Praising my Sav-iour all the day long; This is my ^^. ^i^=|zt=t=t=t=^=di--i=E=^^L--pf:i^ -^—^—^- -^—^—^- sto - ry, this is my song, Praising my Sav-iour all the day long. i=^.-rJz=fr|:f-_z=J.=^.-^-r,*.: W 1^ ' #■ • — •-■^ * g— *— L| j_ U ^'"X-' Copyright, 1873, by Joseph V. KDapp. B/ per. No. 153. BLESSED HOUR OF PRAYER. " — went into the temple at the hour of prayer." — Acts 3: 1. Fassy J. CnosBV. W. II. DOANl. ±n Me^S^^^. U^ m ^-=^^ 1. 'Tis 2. 'Tis 3. 'Ti.s 4. 'Tis the the the tlie i blessed hour of prayer, when our hearts lowly bend, And we l)k>sse(l iiour of prayer, when the Saviour draws near. With a blessed lionr of [traycr, when tlie tempted and tried To tlie blessed liour of prayer; trusting Jiim, we be- lieve That the ^m ££ rS?^ r; P — ^— p — i 5— S-r* — f — •— PTv f- :U=t: =r path - er to Je - sus, our Saviour and friend; If we come to him in ten- der com - pa.ssion his children to hear; When he tells us we may Saviour who loves them their sorrow con- tide; With a sym- pathiz - ing blessing we're needing we'll sure - ly receive; In the fullness of this 4 P faith, his pro- tec- tion cast at his feet ev - heart he removes ev - ' trust we shall lose ev - ' to share, What a balm for care, AVhat a balm for care; What a balm for care; What a balm for 1/ ^ the wca - rv ! O how the wea - ry ! O how the wea - rv ! O how the wea - rv ! O how — r— r- -(2- -a— ^-rf— I • D.S. — What a balm for the wea - ry ! O how Fine. Kefraix. -A-,-- 1- > I I D.S. J- i^iSiii 03S sweet to be there ! Bles.s-ed hotir of prav'r, Blessed hour of prav'r; ra , I ■ ki I ■ iri^: t: m ^ -*-t -«2- fel^ -tr— ^ f 5r3iil Copjrigbt, 1880, b; W. H. Do»ne. Used bj per. No. 154. THE BOLTED DOOR. Rev. John Parker. Wm. J. KiRKPATRICK. 4ij^g]z::ii:g=^L=Si=;4=jz:j.zEgbiz=iJT=jfE g-^-^-g- :g:- Do you know the blessed Saviour's at the door? That he lin-gers there to Do not keep him longer wait-ing at the door ; Hear him knocking.calling Will you close your heart against him at the door? Will he not be all you Oh, to think that Je-sus waits out-side the door, He may leave you, to re 1^ ^ V ble^s you more and more? Will you not in - vite him in, loud - er than be - fore. Bid him wel-come now with - in, need for- ev - er- more? He will take a -way j'our pride, tie your turn, no, nev - er - more ; Soon his Spir - it may be gone. Leave you I U p 1/ > 1/ > -9-W- \- \ — 1-^ N-al 1 fQ \- — « d-T— S «-r ^ P fel - lowship be-gin. He is wait-ing, knocking, calling at the door, way from ev- 'ry sin, He will en - ter, and the feast be ev - er-more. nev- er-fail-ing guide. To the mansions where the blessed ones a- dore. help-less and a-lone, Haste to hear hira now and o - pen wide the door. Chorus. He is wait Waitinj;, ho He is wait-ing, is knocking at the door, He is Knocking at tlifi door, A- -^- -•- ■»- zf!zrt=t=it=t:==r-=- I — »^-^^ — t^- wait - - ing. He is knocking at the door, He is wait - - ing, He is Waiting, he is waiting. Knocking at tlie dnor, AVaiting, he is waiting, Oopyrlght, 1831, by Wm. J. Kirkpatrlok. By per, THE BOLTED DOOR.-Concluded. r-Q~h—m — 1^— '"M^— I — ^-H^i ^ ^ ^ 1^ j^ k — — 1^ I n knockinfr at tlie door, lie is waiting, he is knocking at the door. ^-..0...0. -^ -#-'-#- -#- -#-•-•-•-•- -0- Ho w knocking at tlie door. -1^ =Ff No. 155. MINE EYES SHALL BEHOLD HIM. Ckoshy. WiM. J. KinKPATRICK. 1. I know not tlie hour of his cnm-inp. Nor how he will speak to my heart; 2. I know not the bliss that awaits me, At rest with my Saviour a- hove; 3. Per - haps in the midst of my la - bor, A voice from the Lord I shall hear; 4. I know not, but oh, I am" watching, My lamp ever burning and bright ; s ^ ^ Or I wheth -er at morning or mid-day, My know not how soon I shall en-ter, And Per - liaps I know in the slumber of midnight. Its not if Je-sus will call me At spir - it to liim will de-part, bathe in the o-ccan of love, mes - sage may fall on my ear. morn - ing, at noon, or at night. r Chorus. But i know I shall wake in the likeness "Of him I am longing to see; I know of him :=!= ^m-^- I 1/ 1 I know that mine eyes shall behold him. And that is enough for me. I know is onoH-rU ^^^iifei^fc^ipi OopTTlftat, 1891, bj Wm. J. Kirkpktrtok. tj p«r HO. 158. ON TO VICTORY I Dedicated to Eev. B. C. Lippincott, D. D, J. W. Van De Ventee, 1. There are foea that must be conquered, There are bat • ties we must win ; 2. There are hosts of siu be -fore us, That ex- tend from sea to sea; 3. There are ma - ny dear oues dy - ing, They are fall - iiig ev- ' ry-where; There are land a that must be tak - en, That are go - iug down in sin, There are ma - ny gtill in bond-age, There are slaves that must be free; Let us brave -ly go andhelp them, They are lost and need our care* -0-^. »- M ^5^^ ^-?-^ E^ Let us en - ter in the strug-gle, Ev - er march up - on our way, Let ti3 all be up and do - ing, Ev - er found with-in the fray, Fall in line pre-pare for bat - tie, Let \i3 fight as well as pray, 1^ ^^=^ ISEET I^Efe^fe^^ - J: _R — t — -»- !^ 5^r We must take the world for God and win the day. Chorus. -• •-= — • — » . 9—9: On tovic-to-ry! on tovic-to-ry! On to vie - to-ry ! the ^rL^ foe must die ! 3fe=^ ^-JS ^— N- -^ — \ :S==t =S=i=«— ^ OD to vie - to-ry we'll con-quer by and by. T^^W^^LJ^^ "^^ H^ t Copjrlgbt, 18118, by Uall-Muk Co. No. 159. IS IT WELL WITH THY SOUL? " li it Will with tlue?"— 2 Kings 4 : 2G. Annie L. James. W. D. Howard. fee^ P^: TE^ Tho' joys like 2. Say, whore in 3. Wlieii storms of 4. If he, thy tlie sun-shine il - hi-niinetlie way. And light- ly thy tliy ref- line for ycarsthatshall come? And wliat of thy af - tile - tion around tliee may fall, And bil- lows like lie - deeiu-er, is pre-cious to thee, And makes thee in ^iWr mm- -i — r -lA -f: -r- |=f: care may dis - pel, faith canst thou tell ? mountains may roll, safe - ty to dwell Is Je- sns thy hope and thy an-chor to- day? O where is thy treas-ure, thy heart and thy home? O hast thou a trust that is great - er than all? "What-ev - er thy cares or temp-ta-tions mav be, t=^=t:r|rgzi=gzz^:g=zf,TZ^ilz===r=r=|=|- Chorus. I --- — ^ r I I Is it well with thy soul, Is it well with thy soul, Is it well with thy soul, Praise the Lord! with thy soul well?. With thy soul Is it well. Is it well with thy soul? Witli thy Boul, if: -#- -(2. ^. -•- ^- . .«- ^- .#- if: ^2-^^2- t=qzt=t=tqiS=?=liir:^-=t:=t=|=|=l=n C«p;rlgl>t, 1895 \tj W. II. Doaoe. Bj per. No. 160. JESUS WILL SAVE YOU NOW. M. LonisE Smith. Howard E. SmitB. ^Si ^-^ fc-^- — -1 1 1 1 f-^ r- rf^ 1. Brother, give heed to the Master's call, Je- sud will save you no^v 2. Whattlio' your life has been stained by sin, Je- sus will save you now • 3. No one knows more of your pain than he, Je- sus will save you now ; 4. Brother, de- for not — this joy receive, Je - sus will save you now; just now; N I ^ j- ±z=± ^U=Mr-^, *-r ^^ b ^ b > -'-rr-Tf ±t: r^ -V-A- ^ mmmm -=]: ^4^ -^ -0- -0- -«- -0- -0- ' ^ m '-<)me and confess — he'll forgive you all,' Je- sus will save you now. Just such as you can be cleansed by him, Je- sus will save you now. See I now he pleads to give help so free, Je - sus will save you now. New life you' 11 find if you but believe, Je - sus will save you now. just now, g=F : — r^ ' i s: g g -g— ^-t -^^ J i i I =ji ±=± rrrr'-TT^rr r^g [-1 ^ f^ i ** Chorus. ^::st= :^= tuMz i Hfe a3=g; I I r =ti: m^ i-H ^ Yes, he will save ! O yes, he will save ! Je- sus wil i save you now ; just now; • 0—0 — -P p , p • — • 0- -' - - :f=:f: _LJ L m ^ V - ■ _ _ r u r It was for you that his life he gave, Je- sus will s . ve you now. ^ -• — •- -rr^tt-t just now. n^ 1 Copyri;l.l, 1800, bj Hlll-Maok C«. No. 161. W. A. S. I SHALL BE LIKE HIM. Rf.v. W. a. Spenoee, D. D. ^EEm^^=^ .0 m jj — 1. When I sliall reach the more ex - eel- lent glo - ry, And all my 2. We shall not wait till tiie glo - ri - ous dawning Breaks on the 3. More and more like him, re - peat the blest sto - rv, () - ver aiul "^r—r-r^ n — t — ^- ^m d -w — tri- als are px'^sed, I shall be- hold him, O won-der-fiil sto-ry! vis- ion so fair. Now we may welcome the heav- on- ly morning, o - ver a - gain. Changed by his spir - it from glo - ly to glo- ry. g rrrc-f-- Chorus. 'z — ^- -#-= — — •- s — ^ N Sc — . — I 1 — if jT — i- — \ — I — I N ^1 — ^ — — M J w 9 — L«— =— * — ■--•-: — m — m — m — m — ' I shall be like him at last. "| Now we his im- jige may bear. }■ I I shall be sat - is - tied then. J shall be like him, I shall be i?=t ^^ tzzii — I r r -I \ p - -^^F*^— I*— ^— ^ — ^ — f^-c-^r — r , _ — N— ^-. •-— F g — -»-^#— J — jz— g_^^-- g„p^— ^ — — g — g — N N- like him. And in his bean- ty shall shine ; I shall be like him, J_^^^^^^^ -^ — ^v — ^ U ' — . W ^ — ^—V won-drous-ly like Ijim, Je - sus, my Sav-iour di - vine. ^ > y / / • No. 162. S. W. M. THE GOSPEL BELLS. . J — I — r^N I S. Weslkt Mabtik. -za- -#. -#. .#. -•- , 1. The Gos-pel bells are ring - ing O - ver land from sea to 2. The Gos-pel bells in - vite us To a feast pre -pared for 3. The Gos-pel bells are joy - ful, As they ecb - o far and sea; all; wide, ■•G- lESE P ^ -?5t- ■7^ =&t 5 I — '—•- • ed news of free sal - va - tion " Do they of - fer yon not slight the in - vi - ta - tion, Nor re - ject the gra ■ ing notes of per - feet par - don. Thro' a Sav - lor cm — 9— and cious - ci - I Bless Do Bear • me. call, fied. l^^t^i- '^ -'O- ■O- 1 — r- 1 — r i g s M. -^ ^. V -irt :=X "For God so loved the world That His on - ly Son He gave, "I . am the bread of life; Eat of Me, thou bun - gry soul, "Good ti-dings of great joy To all peo - pie I do bring, ^H -'5'-r- r-f^r m s t=t: -^^ -s(- ■s^- Who-so-e'er be-liev-etb in Him Ev - er - last -ing life shall have.'* Tho' your sins be red as crini- son, They shall be as white as wool." Un - to you is born a Sav - ior. Which is Christ the Lord and King." ■f^-^- ■•5'-r- :t: ^r=f= 1 — v-i—\ 1 — t — r Chorus. :§- ^ !V4 — I- m Sziiziifc:^ ■-^ Gos-pel bells, Gos ^- ^^ ^ |^ =? how they ring, O-ver land from sea to sea; ■pel bells, how they ring, ?&=1^ :S^£EIE^:?^'=f Used by permlsiloo. THE GOSPEL BELLS.-Concluded. -25^ -*^r^ ^ — rrn - m rP ._j._. -n^ Gospel bells' freely bring Blessed news to you and me. Gos-pel bells free-ly bringj . -f- -*--■*- -"- -*- -**- -''^ — ^- No. 163. ONWARD, CHRISTIAN SOLDIERSI Sabink Babino-Gould Tune, "Onward." 6,5. 1. On-ward, Christian sol - diers! Marching as to war, ^Vith the cross of 2. Like a might-y ar - my Moves the Church of God; Brothers, we are 3. Crownsan- 4i_ -JS: , -- --^ $ m mm Leads a -gainst the foe; For-ward in - to bat -tie, See, His ban-nersgo! All one bod-y we; One in hope and doctrine, Oneinchar-i - ty. 'Gainst that Church prevail ;We have Christ'sown promise, And that cannot fail. Un -to Christ the King, This thro' countless a - ges Men and an-gelssing. i^^i Jnwai'd, Christian soldiers! Marching as to war. With the cross of Jesus Going on be - fore. No. 164. JESUS, THOU ART STANDING. Wm. W. How. tJe (St. Hilda. 7s, 6s. D. ) Justin H. Knecht, ^/. a/. ■^ -*^- -#- I "*- I -•- -251- • 1. O Je - sus, thou art standing 2. O Je - sus, thou art knocking ; 3. O Je - sus, thou art pleading — »2- Out - side the fast-closed door, And lo ! that hand is scarred, In ac- cents meek and low, -*■ ^- - _ ; ; ■ ^- -■'- r r . In low - ly patience wait - ing To pass the threshold o'er : And thorns thy brow en - cir - cle. And tears thy face have marred : "I died for you, my cliil - dren, And will ye treat me so?" -• — 1« — ^- -(2- iPJ 'f= i Es^ J-W^- We bear the name of Chris- tians, His name and sign Oh, love that pass- eth knowl - edge, So pa- tient - ly O Lord, with shame and sor - row We o - pen now we bear : to wait I the door : Wfi- Oh, shame, thrice shame up-on Oh, sin that hath no e Dear Sav- iour, en - ter, en us I To keep him stand- ing there. qual. So fast to bar the gate I ter. And leave us nev - er - more I ^- flUH i=ii ^S^ r-r No. 165. HE'LL NEVER FORSAKE HIS OWN. C. H. ft. CuAs. II. Gabriel. mu^^^^^^ ^^^^^ AVhile tliro' tliis world of .sin T go, Tho' I'rifiuls may tail and comforts tiee, Kor me he trod (ietiisem- a - ne, Tho' kindred ties of hope decay, When in the .solemn hour of deatli. And when I reacli my liome on higli, center center center center center my faith my faitli my faith my faith mv faith center my faitii in Je Je Je Je Je Je sus; .sus; su.s; sus; sus; ^m^^^^^^m^^ I'll trust in him, for well I know. Ills promise siiall my comfort be. For me lie died on Cal-va-ry, Tho' heav'n and earth should jia-ss away, And say with my ex - piring breath, And sing while endless vears go bv, Hell Hell Hell Hell He'll Jle'll never forsake his never forsake hLs never forsake his never forsake his never forsake liLs never forsake his own. own. own. own. own. own. ^SEz^ rr^ r f^ L ^ , l | . . ^ -p— I*- I -Ul Ji—^ fee tr=^ ^ ^ 1/ With him I'll go, for well I know, He'll never forsake his own. '^-^^ ^H^ ^- ^^^^^^ C[>fjTl(ht, IBM, bj Ctau. n. OtbrteL' Catd Vj pai No. 166. THERE'S A WIDENESS. Frederick W. Faber TOURJEB. 1. There's a wideness in 2. There is welcome for 3. For the love of God 4. If our love were but God's mer-cy, Like the wideness of the sea: the sin- ner, And more gra- ces for the good; is broad-er Than the meas-ure of man's mind; moresim-ple, We should take Him at His word; ^ -& — s>- g^S -^- -&~ ^- zg=jigz=g.-zFJz:gq-f— ^— 1 — 1- ^2. n There's a kind- ness in There is mer - cy with And the heart of the And our lives would be His jus-tice, Which is more than lib- er - ty. the Saviour; There is heal- ing in His blood. E - ter- nal Is most won- der - ful-ly kind, all sunshine In the sweetness of our Lord. feft* ^ £il ■^ -^ JZ- w ■^^. r— ^ -P2- -P2- p No. 167. HOLY GHOST, WITH LIGHT DIVINE. Louis Moreau Gottschai.k. 1. Ho - ly Ghost, with light di-vine, Shine up - on this heart of 2. Ho - ly Ghost, with pow'r divine, Cleanse this guilt-y heart of 3. Ho - ly Ghost, with joy di-vine, Cheer this saddened heart of Ho - ly Spir- it, all di-vine. Dwell with-in this heart of mme; mine ; mine ; mine ; Chase the shades of night Long hath sin, with-out Bid my ma - ny woes Cast down ev - 'ry i - a - way, con - trol, de - part, dol-throne. 9^- -^ Turn my darkness in - to day. Held do - min-ion o'er my soul. Heal my wounded, bleeding heart. Reign supreme — and reign a-lone. * T t — E*-»-*- +4 a i No. 168. E. E. Hewitt. LOYALTY TO THE MASTER. Wm. J. KiRKPATBICK. 1. Loy-al- ty to the Mas-ter, loy-al-ty to IheKinp; Ix)y-al- ty uow and 2. Ix>y-al- ty to the Mas-ter; letting liim lead the way; (ilo-ri-oua is his 3. Loy-al-ty to the Mas-ter; looking to him a- lone, Turning a- way from ^=U£.^=^g^dd^.d^ikrH^ ev - er, cheer- i - ly let U3 sing; Wholly at his command - men t, ban-ner, fol- low it ev - 'ry day; In -to the 'midst of bat - tie, e- "vil, Je- SOS will keep his own; Onward, still .on- ward press - ing, ^^^^^^ let ev-'ry soldier be, Joyful-ly serving Jc-sug, serving with loy - al- ty. conquering as we go, Vic-to-ry he has promised o - ver the deadly foe. seeing the star-ry prize Waiting for all the faithful, meeting beyond the skies. I Chorus. 3SiE ^^ Loy - al sol-diers, let ns joy-ful- ly march a- long, For ^3t= ward, Joy- ful - Iv march, ^ I ^^ ^mw ^^^^^t^^^ for - - ward, with a triumphant song; On - ward, on - ward, a rtead- i - ly march, Joy- fill - ly march, stead- i - ly march, rr^^T-^' happy and loy - al throng, Loy-al to our Saviour and our King. to our Saviour aad oar King. i^ '^ Oofjn$hi, 18>«, b; Wb. i. Kirkjwirkk. No. 169. SOME DAY I AM GOING THERE. " 0. H. M. Mrs, C. H; M^eis. 1. I haveheard of a beauti- fill cit - y, A city where cometh no night, 2. A city where death never eu - ters, Nor sickness, nor sorrow, nor pain, 3. Some day the great King in his beau- ty, My wondering eyes shall be-hold, ^^•-^- ^ '^ ^ -.-^-T-.-^ — ^S=p?:i=»=?=ii*-=:-^=!-'— t^^J- ri — I , ■ 1 3 — I — I I Tho' a ray from the sun never shin- eth, For Je- sus the Lamb is the light ; And ties which on earth have been broken Shall be re- u - nit- ed a - gain; Some day and my feet shall be treading Those beautiful pavements of gold ; =l»=^: -r- =t— P: I have heard how its walls are of jasper, How the streetsare all golden and fair ; No mansion on earth I am shar-ing, My heart and my treasure are there ; Not worthy the least of his no- tice, Not worthy one moment of care; ;3£g==g -gIC gz - iH^ — ii>'— I — li — -^^-r-"-! — i — r- =«=Sr P — \~ 1 — I 1 1 — SI 1 — I — I 1 — I — I r— 1 1 D — •- r A home for the blood-wash'd and ransom'd, And some day I'm go - ing there. And Je - sus my place is pre - par - ing, Andsomeday I'mgo- ing there. Bat Je - sus has bid-den me wel-come, Andsomeday I'mgo -ing there. iirgz Chorus. Some day, some day I am go ^S^gi ing To that home so bright and fair; ^^^^M ^=q= :2i: 55Et With my heart with love o'er- flow - ing, Someday I am go - ing there, -l-i \ :g - -P -- ro ^ I I , »,- l-H i—— rfLJ ■ I. I ■ I I II fopT^^t, 18»U, k; B. L. GUs^yr, No. 170. EVERY WORD I BELIEVE. Rev. Johnson Oatman, Jr. Moderato. WM. J. KiRKPATRICK. m^:^^m 1. If you ask me why I'm hap- py as I jour- ney down life's road, 2. We are not al-lowed to wan- der thro' this world with-out a Guide, 3. He in-forms U3 for our com- fort that thro' life he'll l)e our Piriend, 4. He has told ua of a cit - y where the streets are paved with gold, w^^^^^m Why it is I do not car - ry on the way a neav - y load. For, to keep our feet from stray- ing his own word has been ap- plied, That if we will on - ly trust him he'll go with us to the end, Where the faithful shall be gath-ered and their Saviour's face be- hold, =ff=it =S==)» ?r^-^ .^^ IS K K. '^S=sr- ^^^ It's because my Sav- iour tells me that my bur -den he'll re- ceive. And we read there that the sentence of a siu - ner he'll re-prieve. That his Spir - it will be with us while we do not slight nor grieve, He has promised at its por- tals that our souls he will re- ceive, ^ ■<- -«- ■* -^ ■*- ~ And I believe it, ev- 'ry word I believe. I believe it, ev'ry , And I I J^ ^ won I believe, I receive it, ev'ry word I receive; Je- sua tells me my * 1 :: ■1 ^Aj^m_^ M. .«. . :ff: js. :*?: • j». I re - ceivo. ^^ ^ i^g^i^ i=t m wants he will relieve, And I believe it, ev- 'ry word I believe. I And I g I \= e f'z ■■ " • [^ ■ Irf ■ ' X \M W > v: ^^;^^3, -^-^t- ^ j^ -i jS i» • I * ->- ■^ ^m 0«pxH)ht, ISSV, b7 Wm. i. Kirkpktrlok. No. 171. PASS ME NOT. Fanny J. Crosby. 3 W. H. DoANB. J-, — I. ^^l ^ » ^ ^ 1. Pass me not, O gen -tie Sav - iour, Hear my hum-ble cry; While on 2. Let me at a throneof mer - cy Find a sweet re - lief; Kneel-ing 3. Trust-ing on- ly in Thy nier - it, Would I seek Thy face; Heal my 4. Thou the Spring of all my com - fort, More than life to me, Whom have iP^_^p^i oth - ers Thou art smil - ing, Do not pass me by. ^ there in deep con - tri - tion, Help ray un- be -lief. I wounded, bro - ken spir - it, Save me by Thy grace, j I on earth beside Thee? Whominheav'nbutThee?"^ Sav- lour, Sav-iour, q ppg=r g=^=g=Fg -•^:- £: :ti Efefc =t:=:^U=t l^^ili ^^^iim^ Hear my humble cry, While on others Thou art calling, Do not pass me by Copyright, 1870, by W. H. Doane, Used by permisaion, No. i72. MAKE ME A BLESSING TO-DAY. Rev. H. J. ZELI.EY. H. L. GiLMOUR. ife^ :}5=|; -m ^ "I 1 — 1— "1 al ■m- -m- -»- -m- • u pE5EE=3=2^ * — * 1. I do not ask to choose my path, Lord, lead me in Thy way; 2. A - round me. Lord, are sin- ful men. Who scorn and dis - o - bey; 3. To those who once Thy love have known, But now are far a - stray; 4. Some saints of Thine are in dis-tress. And for de- liverance pray ; 5. What-ev - er er - rand Thou hast, Lord, Send me, and I'll o - bey; ^^^|^^,ie ^^^ Inspireeachtho't and prompt each word. And make me a bless-ing to - day. ing to - day. ing to - day. ing to - day. Use me Help me O let Use me to win them from their sins,And make me a bless to lead them back to Tliew, And make me a bless me go and helpthem Lord,And make me a bless in an - y 3H— ■( = way Thou wilt. And make me a bless-ing to - day. t«=fc Copyrlfbt, 18M, b/ H. L. 0UlB9l»> =^t=tz MAKE ME A BLESSING TO-DAY.- Chorus. -m m z Ml Concluded. Bless me, Lord, and inakemea blessing, I'll glad-ly Tliy message con -vey ; ^^ ^ -t^-— t- g-r— f-^-r=:g-r ter Use me to help some poor, needy soul, And make me a blessing to No. 173 THOUGH YOUR SINS BE AS SCARLET. Fanny J. Crosby Duet. Gently. W. H. DOANE. 1. "Tho' your sins be as scar - let, They shall be as white as snow; as snow; 2. Hear the voice that entreats you, O re - turn ye uu - to God I to God ! 3. He'll f'or-give vo nr tra nsgressions. And remember them no more; no more; --T— -g-----r , • - • -r • — fr-SL^jf--^ *^*==|c=fz=4 Tho' they be red like crim-son, They shall be as wool;" He is of great com-pas- sion, And of wondrous love; " Look un - to me, ye peo - pie," Saith the Lord your God; iUEEk :*zi Tho' they be red m QUAKTET. / "Tho' your sins be as scar - let. Tho' your sins be as scar -let. Hear tlie voice that en - treats you, Hear the voice that en-treats you, He'll for -give yo ur tr ans-gres-sions. He'll for -give your transgressions. They shall be as white as snow. They shall be at white as snow." O re- turn j'e un - to God! O ' re - turn ye un - to God! And re- mem -ber them no more, And re - mem-ber them no more. Cop7ri(tat, 1687, bj W. H. Dotoe. Vied bj penBiiiloQ. No. 174. ALMOST PERSUADED. p. p. Btiss. E, P- Bliss. -I 1*-^^- 1. '■ Al - most per-suad - ed," Now to be - lieve; " Al - most per-siiad - ed, 2. " Al - most per-suad - ed," Come, cometo - day ; " Al - most por-suad - ed, 3. " Al - must per-suad - ed," Har- vest is past! " Al - most per-suad - ed, I I N I It=t!= :=ti J I N kmh m ■ttSiS^:^ Clirist to re Turn not a Doom comes at way ; last! Seems now some soul to say, "Go, Spir -it, Je - sus in - vites you here. An - gels are "Al- most" can not a-Yail;"Al- most" is i^izzisr f^e=s riziii?r=r=t= go thy way, Some more con - ven - lent day On thee I'll call." lingering near, Pray'rs rise from hearts so dear : wan-d'rer come, but to fail! Sail, sad, that bit- ter wail — " Al-most— 6m< lost!^^ ^^.Itii^E =ta^:^t:= :/_ r:ffi±r I By permission The John Church Co., owners of the Copyright. ^m r^i No. 175. F. J. Crosby. RESCUE THE PERISHING. W. H. DOANE. --I ^-^'^ -^ — • — m — 5—1 1. Res -cue the per-ish-ing. Care for the dy - ing. Snatch them in pit - y frora 2 Tho' they are slighting Him, Still He is wait- ing, Wait- ing the pen - i - tent 3. Down in the human heart, Crush'd by the tempter. Feel - ings lie bur - ied that^ 4. Ees - cue the per-ish-ing, Du - ty demands it ; Strength for thy la - bor the sin and the grave; Weep o'er the err- ing one, Lift up the fal - len, child to re - ceive. Plead with them earnest - ly. Plead with them gent-ly : grace can re-store ; Touched by a lov-ing heart, Wak- ened by kind-ness, Lord will pro- vide: Back to the narrow way Pa-tient-ly win them; ^ E^ Hi I W> U* l« ^ > I C«PTrlKbt. 1870, br W. B. DaBQ«. V«ed br p«riiiiBBioa. m RESCUE THE PERISHING.-Concluded. ^^^^^^^ CUOKUS. __,_^ m Tell thera of Je - sns the might - y to save He will for -give if they on - ly be-1 Chords that were bro - ken will vi-brate once ni Tell the poor wand'rer a Sav - ionr has died ieve. I niore. \ ill Res- cue the pcr-ish-ing, No. 176. SAFE IN THE ARMS OF JESUS. Fanny J. Crosbv. W. H. Doane. rj " 3= ?*^^^ 1. Safe 2. Safe the arms the arms of of Je - sus, Je - sus, Safe on His gen - tie breast- Safe from cor -rod- ing care; Je - sus has died for me; There by His love o'er - shad - ed, Sweet-ly my soul shall rest. Safe fro'm the world's temp-ta - tions, Sin can not harm me there. Firm on the Rock of A - ges, Ev - er my trust shall be. ^ ' I 1 » — ft ! I -I — I g» ' — F iw= ^ — ^ ^^^m Hark ! 'tis the voice of Free from the blight of Here let me wait with an - gels, Borne in a song to me, sor - row. Free from my doubts and fears; pa - tience. Wait till the night is o'er; ^ _ J 3?;; ;?: -i- _^ ^^ n. C. Chorus first four lines. - ver the fields of glo - ry, - ver On - ly a few more tri - als. On - ly Wait till I see the morn - ing. Break on ti-=-. 0«r7ti«*tli U10, by W. H. I>«M«. UmA kr »w« a few more the gold - en No. 177. I SHAU BE NO STRANGER THERE. E. E. Hewitt, F. Bourne. 1. When the pearl - y gates are o - pened To a sin-uer " sav'd by grace," 2. Thro' time' sev - er-changiug sea -sons, I ara pressing t' ward the goal ; 3. There my dear Ee-deem-er liv - eth, Bless -ed Lamb np- on the throne; When thro' ev - er-last-ing mer - cy, I be- hold my Saviour's face, 'Tis my heart's sweet na-tivecoun- try, 'Tis the home- land of my soul; By the crim-sonmarksup-on them, He will sure- ly claim His own. -.- ^ .. m I m ^*-' -im- m .. -^ -0- . > When I en - ter in the man-sions Of the cit - y bright and fair, Ma - ny lov'd ones, cloth'd with beauty. In those wondrous glo- ries share ; So, when-ev - er sad or lone- ly, Look be-yond theearth-ly care; I shall have a roy - al wel-come, For I'll be When I rise, redeemed, for - giv - en, I shall be Wea-ry child of God, re-mem-ber, You will be 5 no stranger there, no stranger there, no stranger there. ^m itf=Ui Chorus. ]5TE JL-J^A - ?rr=3 m -9=?'9-T* 8 %g : 3 ^=^^^=i=3 i J^^ I shall be no stranger there, Je- bus will my place pre-pare ; I ehall ho noBtran-ger there, Je - sus will my place pre-pare; He will meet me. He will greet me, I shall be no stranger ther& H» will meet me, He will greet me, I shall be Copyright, IHi'S, b^ Vi'ta. J. Kirkpaliick. No. 178. ALL IN THY HANDS. Ida L. Reed. DUKTT FOR Soprano and Tenor or Alto. J. Lincoln HAtt. 1. All ill Thy lianils I leavo, dear Lord, All of life's dai- ly fret and stinR, All of my Kriffs wliat- 2. All ill Thy hands each hour, each day, Whether cares may lie great or Bmall, Jesus, dear Lord, I 3. All ill Thy hands my Lonl and Kinj;, All of life's sorrow, toil and pain, All of my cares I 4. All iu Thy hands O rich reward, IVace and joy it doth bring to me, Uai-ly I rest in e'er they are. This to my soul sweet peace doth bring, lean on Thee, Thou art my ref- uge ami my all. bring to Tliee, Thy love my soul will e'er bus - tain. Thee, dear L—i—mm-=- ^ \~m — m — m — * PE*EHE5S^^ Lord, I'm coming home. 5 My only hope, my only plea, 6 I need His cleansing blood I know, Now I'm coming home, Now I'm cominy Wu. J. KJrkpttrtcfc No. 180. WHEN THE ROLL IS CALLED UP YONDER. J. M. B. J. M. Black. -*=S =J4^= 1. When the tnipi-pet of the Lord shall sound, and time shall be no more, 2. On that bright and cloudless morning, when the dead in Christ shall rise, 3. Let us la- bor for the Mas- ter from the dawn till set -ting sun, And the morning breaks, eternal, bright and fair; When the saved of earth shall And the glo - ry of His res - ur-rec-tion share; When His chosen onesshall Let us talk of all His wondrous love and care. Then, when all of life is i^ :e--'-: lE^i ze--^--=f^^- -r^ p > p =a:i=gr -r^ '-^^r=r^r= =n^"F=S=£=^ ^^t^^^^m^ Ji--^- gath - er o - ver on the oth - er shore. And the roll is called up gath - er to their home be-youd the skies, And the roll is called up o - ver, and our work on eartli is done, And the roll is called up ^r=c Ci m CHoRtrs ?=» -Jf-ii^^pe yon-der, I'll be ther<^. When the rfill iscuUedup yon - - der, Wlien Uie roll is called up yon -der, I'll be theie, qfc-.* *;^ rr;:^ ig: ; ig: qg: ; g: :ft S-rnRri 33^r ^§^ f=ff: .-4^.. When the roll.." is called up yon When the roll is called u^ yon - der, I'l" bo there. — ^ — p>—j der, Whet the 5=*= E*EE 1=E il»:=l«:^:::iS?i=t»i i^=rca— -5i:=t:i ^a^^i^i^ii^^^^ roll is called up yon-der. When the roll is called up yonder, I'll be there. Wlieii tlie roll Copyright. 1833, b; Cbas. U. Gabriel. Used b; per. of J. M. Plac'' owa«r No. 181. THE HOMELAND. Rev. H. R. Haweis mf Arthur S. Sullivan. -I — u 1. The Homeland! the Homeland! Tlielandofthe free-born, There's no night in the 2. My Lord is in the Homeland, ^Vithani;elsbright and fair, — There's no sin in the I I i^^H^^HISiiPP -) — u. Homeland,But aye the fadeless morn; I'm sighing for the Homeland, My lieart is Homeland, And uotempta-tion there; The voic-es of the Homeland Arering-iug \ \ ""^ -^ si- -ei- ach-ing here. There's no pain in the Homelaud,To which I'm drawing near, in my ears, And wheulthinkofthe Homeland, My eyesgushoutwith tears. -«^«-l— «^il ^IgEpEj-^S ^^g-gi ^i --J — I- i=rsz=g: I ( ^ggl 'M'^^^^i Homeland, And the life beyond de - cay. For there's no death in the Homeland, There's no ^ — ^— I — i" f ^-^- :fe=f =*=* J ' 3—- ! i -^ dim. -I L ai»= sorrow a-bove: Christ,bringnsall to the Homeland Of His e-ter- nal love From " HjmDi of CoDieenUoo." m^^^^-^^m No. 182. SAVE THE FALLEN. Mrs. LouLA K. Rogers. W. G. Aleshine. 1. Save the fall -en, save the fall -en, Canst thou care-less pass thetn by ; 2. Raise the fall - en, raisethe fall - en, Snatch them quickly from the grave, a. Save theftiU-en, save the fail - en, (Uoudsare fjath'ring o'er the sky; 4. Lift the fall - en, lift the fall - en, In their hearts lie bur- iod deep; Wilt thou leave thine erring neighbor, Leavehim all a-lone to die? Tell them Je - sus will for- give them, That lie died their souls to save. He will per-ish in the dark-ness. Leave, oh, leave him not to die! Feel-ings that the touch of kind-ness. May • a- wake from deatlily sleep. i iiii Then, Chris- tian speak the mes-sage. Speak it, speak it while you may; Gen - tly breathe his name so pre-cious, Humbly call - ing ere too late; Let thy mer - cy beam dear Sav-iour, O'er the poor be-night-ed soul; Of his love, O Christians tell them, — Christ hast promised un- to all— -e- :ff-_.j*_-!»-(?--J ,' ■■^—Sr fEE::E?E=g£fil-XLEfHri?^jr^^ i hedg - es and the highways, Save their 'rora tlio hedges Savi . ^ I ^f ^$ ^=^ l-g— !•-»—,•-,*— rTpF— I — -T^--n=:li!! I I From the hedg - es and the highways. Save their souls from death and sin. From tlio hedges Save tlieir bouIs Cop;rtgbt, 1899, bj OharUe B. TlllmtD. Uaed b; p«r. No. 183. VOLUNTEERS, TO THE FRONT Mrs. E. E. Wn.LiAMB. Martial style. M. Palline Qilmocb. j^-i';fe^^ ^EhS — • — ^r. — • — 9—- — m — 1. Vol - unteers are want- ed ! hear the stir- ring call, (3 be swift to 2. Vol - unteers are want- ed ! 3. Vol - unteers are want- ed ! 4. Vol - unteers are want- ed ! 5. Vol - unteers are want- ed ! val - iaut men and true, for on land and sea on the bat - tie-plain let the ranks be tilled, In the ranks, my Satan's starving Soldiers brave are Soon the din of an - broth bond - fall - bat - swer, - er, men i"g, tie "*" Be comrades, one there is room or to to fight in peace clam ne'er will and all; for you ; be free ; a - gain ; be stilled ; ^^-- ^=f^=dt=^ Gird - ing on your ar - mor, Christ is the Command - er, Hast - en to their res - cue, Who will take their plac - es See ! the clouds are lift - ing, eS^S m pm t± i f ^;:m -5J m-^ haste to march a- waj', For the Lord is calling, "to the front to - day ! " let U3 all o - bey. When he gives the or- der," to the front to-day!" if you still delay Blood-boughtsoulsmustperish, to the front to-day! in the dead- ly fray? Who will march with Jesus to the front to-day? soon they'll clear away, Glo- ry gilds tlie heights along the front to - day. :£:• -£: iff:' --ff--^^_i m Chorus. A - way to the bat- tie-field, a- way, a- way ! The King calls for A - way, a - way to the bat - tie-field, a - way, -I ' — .^ J^^j Lur. ^^=&^^^ ^w=^ -j -H ^ — "*" 80l- BOI diers in his ranks to-day; Hear the diei-8 iu his rauks to - day ; f_ — i-g • !* g==g sg—f=m ■ m- bu - gle call - ing, -ff-^=ff=| '*"^^»'^ -=^--^-5-r=|-'--'=5^^- =s=s- -1 i 1 jtj =js=: in - to line be fall- ing. Forth to the bat- tie field, a - way, a - way! • g^ ■• ^- r ^^E^ I OtprrUbt, 18W, \>j » L. QUmour, Waaouk, H. t. No. 184. Charles Wesley. DEPTH OF MERCY. From Stevenson. / Depth of mer - cy ! can there be 1 Can my God His wrath for - bear? f I have long wlth-stood His grace, ( Would not hearken to His calls ; I Now in- cline me to re- pent; \ Now my foul re - volt de - plore, Mer - cy still re - served for me ? Me, Long provoked Him to His tace: Grieved Him by a thousand falls, j Let me now my sins la-ment;i Weep, bc-lieve, and sin no more. J 1. Like a riv - er, glo - rious Is God's per- feet peace, O - ver all vic- 2. Hid-den In the hoi - low Of His bless-ed hand, Nev - er foe can 3 Ev-'ry joy or tri - al Fall -eth from a - bove, Traced up - on our i^^Mll JTu ' 1 — 1 1 i 1 * I 1 J 1 >l H =^- 1 I -, •J "^ to fol di - rious - low, - al 1| Ir Ne B 1 its bright in- V - er trait - or y the Sun of J 1 J-1 crease ; stand ; Love. Per - feet, yet it Not a surge of We may trust Him — s — s — * — -"F"— 1 -==< — flow - wor - ful - 1 1-^ eth ry, ly ^rf ^ =^ 5 3 ^ — —B ? p --\ \ ^ ' 1 U -^ CAo.— Stayed up - on Full-er ev-'ry dav,— Per-fect, yet it grow- eth Deep-er all the way. Not a shade of care, Not a blast of hur - ry Touch the spir - it there. All for us to do; They who trust Him wholly Find Him whol-ly true. -g - -g- -• - -r . -'^ „^*-_-gi_-*— Sinners, whose love can ne'er forget The wormwood and (he gall. Go, spread vour trophies at His feet, y^o(i crown Him tord of all. 6 I/Ct every kindred, every tribe, On this torrestrial ball. To Him all malesty ascribe. And crown Hlin liOrd of all. 7 (> that with yonder sacred throng We at His feet may fall ; We'll Join the everlasting fong, ;Vu4 erpWA tilm Ivora of »li, No. 188. WHAT ARE YOU DOING FOR JESUS? Emii,y p. MiIvI^ER. 4-^ .. — 1< — A J. LlNCOI^N HaLI,. _ij_ — .^_ — -g- — ._-^,_^_ — jTT-' — « — *-;;;;•• — *~' S- 1. What are yon do - ing for Je - sus, A3 you jour- ney thro' life? 2. What are you do - iug for Je - sus? Are you striv-ing each day, 3. What are you do - iug for Je - sus As the days go by ? 4. What are you do -ing for Je - sus? Soon comes set- ting of sun; -0 • — •^^^^^ — ^- Sow -ing the grain for the har - vest, Or scat-ter-ing seeds of strife? By lit- tie acts of kind - ness, To bright - en someone's way? Tell - ing the lone and the wea - ry, Of rest be-yondthe sky? Hast- en and tell the glad tid - ings, Lest you leave some work un - done. ■«.-«■■•- ~i -m- -S-%^ '-m- ■•- »- • -m- -m- -m- ^ -m- -m- W Whatareyou do-ing for Je- sus your friend? What are you doing for Jesus to-day? you do - - ing, ^ t U U > U • As the days go by ? J ^ IV, — I ^ > ^ Z. "5 C -J- u" T T" ' ' "^ ' ^ ^ ^ What are you do-ing for Je-susyour friend, As the days go by,daysgo by ^^%=E=!=P= What you do ing? Do ^--^^^ for Je T-r, t -f irTMr-^ tf' u '- ^ ^ ^ ^ 1- t. u I What are you do- ing for Je-susyourfriend? Whatareyou doiugfor Jesusto-day? -•- -•- -•- -<»-■*--•- ••• -^- ■*- _ . -• — « — • — ^ ' W I* I I ~r I ^ ^ Whatareyou do-ing for Je-susyourfriend, As the daysgo by, daysgoby? —m — r^ 1 ' "- 1^ - 'j — l u Copyright, IS'JS, by IlallMack Co. -^ No. 189. I WILL SHOUT HIS PRAISE IN GLORY. r. II. DiNGMAN. Jn'o. R. Sweney. =!>-«i i^lM^^^^^^^r^^a^^ilii^ 1. You ask what makes nie liappy, my heart so free from care, It is because my 2. I was a friuiitlless waiid'rer till Je-sus took me in, My life was full of 3. I wish that ev'ry simier hefore his throne would how; lie waits to bid them 4. 1 mean to live for Jesus while here on earth I stay, And when his voicesiiall ^It^ ^^m^i: Sav-iour in mercy lieard my pray'r; He brouglit me out of dark-ness and sor - row, my heart was full of sin ; But when the blood so pre-cious spoke welcome, lie lon>,'s to bless them now ; If they but knew the rap - tnre that call me to realms of end-less day ; As one by one we gath - er, re - now the light I see : blessed, loving Saviour ! to him the praise shall be. par-don to my soul ; blissful, blissful moment ! 'twas joy beyond control, in his love I see, They'd come and shout salvation, and sing his praise with me. joic-ing on the shore, We'll shout his praise in glory, and sing for ev-ermore. Chorus. ^ n s all sing lial-le - lu-jah in heav-en by and by; I will shout his praise in j^ ji. .0. -^ — t^ — ^ — t^ — ^- , ^ I ^ ^ ^ N ■,. 1 Sii will I. go will I, And we'll all singhalle-lu-jah in heaven by and by. \^h:$=^- ^ — 1» ^ ^ - —t- '' -**-*->» — t^ — w — >* — 1» — I " "—- • ►-— t Cop/rlgbt, 1889, bj Jdo. R. 3wttt«j. Uted b/ permiulOB. No. 190. W. J. K. SAVED TO THE UTTERMOST. Wm. J. KiRKPATRICK. 1. Saved to the ut - ter-most: 2. Saved to the ut - ter-most: 3. Saved to the ut - ter-most: 4. Saved to the ut - ter-most: I am the Lord's; Je - sus, my Je - sus is near; Keeping me this I can say, "Once all was cheer- ful - ly sing Loud hal - le - m Sav - iour, sal - va - tion af - fords ; Gives me His Spir - it a safe - ly, He cast - eth out fear; Trust -ing His prom - is - es, dark - ness, but now it is day; Beau - ti - fu-1 vis - ions of lu - ias to Je - sus, my King! Ran-somed and par-doned, re ■ Efe^-fe $=^ ^M^i#Nsg^^^^^p^B^ wit - ness with - in, Whisp'ring of par - don, and sav - ing from sin. how I am blest; Lean- ing up - on Him, how sweet is my rest. glo - ry I see, Je - sus in bright-ness re-vealedun - to me. deemed by His blood, Cleans'd from un - right -eous-ness, glo- ry to God. ^^ -t= ^^^ tr-tr i^^i^ :r^ ^ Saved, saved, saved to the ut - termost: Saved, saved, by pow-er dl-vine-. i^ — p — g=i — i ' Saved, saved, saved to the ut - ter-most: Je - sus, the Sav-iour, is mine. -g— -g— -g--^--g-a ,r- t- f- -r -r =e= =1= ra-" No. 191. Copyright, 1875, by Wm. J. Kirkpatrick. THE COMFORTER HAS COME Rev. F. BOTTOME, D. D. Wm. J. Kirkpatrick. Oh, The Lo, O Sing, -^- sprcad the ti - dings round, wher long, long night is past, the the great King of kings, with bound-less Ijove di - vine! how till the ech-oes fly - ev - er man is founU morn - ing breaks at last; heal - ing in His wings, shall this tongue of mine bove the vault-ed sky, W'her- And To To And :;7;czz:zj C«P7ri(b(, 18W, (7 ^' i- Mrli;ial-i(.'ll, THE COMFORTER HAS COMEI-Concluded. ev - er lui-miin liearts hushed the dreiulliil wall ev - 'ry cup -live soul woud'riiiK luor- tuls tell all thesaiiils a - bovo and hu- man woes a - bound; Let ev- 'ry Christian and fu - ry oi the blast, As o'er the gold en a full do - liv ranee brings; And thro' the va-cant the matchless grace di - vine— That I, a cliildof to all be - low re - ply, In strains of endless 9 — 9 — 9-^\ F- f — ^ — ^ — '^^ r — r" ' ^ w — »-^ Z;.5.-Ho - ly Ghost from heav'n, The Fa- ther's promise giv'n; Oh,«pread the tidings I ^.FlNB. 2^ia_= tongue pro -claim the joy - ful sound: The Com - fort - hills the dav ad- vane -es fast! The Com - fort - cells the soiig of tri-umph rings: The Com- fort - hell, should in His im-age shine! The Com - fort - love, tlie song that ne'er will die: The Com - fort - has has haa has has 1^ m, Ez -\^ t=i F=fe round, Wher-ev - er man is found— The Com - fort - er has come! come! come! come! come! come! ^m Chorus. ^ =K D^. 3=S The Com - fort- er has come, The Com - fort - er has come! The No. 192. HOLY SPIRIT, FAITHFUL GUIDE. M. M. W. M. M. Wells Fine. f Ho - ly Spir - it, tOen-tly lead us faith-ful Guide, Ev - er near the by the hand, Pil-grims in a D.C— Whlsp'ringsoft-ly, wand'rer, come! Fol- low me, I'll guide thee home j^-J- — (— I 1 J — I (-:=:-» — I— t 1 — t ^ DC. E^^^J *i-Ug- Wea-ry souls for- e'er re- joloe. While they hear that sweet- est voice, 2 Ever present, truest Friend. Ever near. Thine aid to lena. Leave us not to doubt and fear, d, Pleading naught but .Jesus' blood, Whisper softly, wand'rer. come ! VoWovi me, I'l) *,'uiae ibw Ijyaie, No. 193. MY FAITH LOOKS UP TO THEE. Ray PaIvMer. (OLIVET. 6s, 48.) LOWEI^I, Masow. L My faith looks up to Thee.Tliou Lamb of Cal-va-ry, Saviour divine; Now hear me 2. May Thy rich grace impart Strength to my fainting heart. My i^eal inspire ! As Thou hasi while I pray. Take all my guilt a- way, O let me from thisday Be whol - ly thine! died for me, O may my love to Thee Pure, warm, and changeless be. A living fire I m^^^m 3 While life's dark maze I tread, And griefs around me spread. Be Thou my Guide ; Bid darkness turn to day. Wipe sorrow's tears away, Nor let me ever stray From Thee aside. When ends life's transient dream, When death's cold, sullen stream Shall o'er me roll ; Blest Saviour, then, in love, Fear and distrust remove; O bear me safe above, A ransomed soul ! No. 194. MY COUNTRY! 'TIS OF THEE. S. F. Smith. (AMERICA. 68,48.) Ad. Henry Carby. ^^^m^^^m^^^^^ ^ ^ -m- ' -^ - I 1 My country! 'tis of thee. Sweet land of lib - er- ty. Of thee I sing: Land where my 2 My na-tive country, thee, Land of the no- ble. free. Thy name Hove; I love thy 3 Let music swell the breeze. And ring from all the trees Sweet freedom's song ; Let mortal 4. Our Father's God, to Thee, Au- thor of lib-er-ty. To Thee we sing; Long may our -f- f- f- .T- p -^-,^m^m M ■ < s •■ ■ "g" y ^pl father's died I Land of the Pilgrim's pride! From ev'ry mountain side. Let freedom ring. rocks and rills. Thy woods and templed hills ; My heart with rapture tii rills. Like that above. tonguesaw.ike.Let'all that breathe partake. Let rocks their silence break. The sound prolong. land be bright With freedom's holy light; Pro tect us by Thy might.Great God, our King! rg- -p- -r- .-^gi— -g-- -->-(-- :^^i|i :^^- No. 195. COME, THOU ALMIGHTY KING. C. Wesley. (ITALIAN HYMN. 6s, 4.) FEUCE GlARDlNI. 2-3 m-^-»-m Come.Thou al-mlght- y King. Help us Thv name to sing, Help us to praise ; Father all- Coine,Thou incarnate Word, Gird on Thy mighty sword. Our pray'r attend ; Come and Thy Come, ho- Iv Com - fort- er. Thy sacred wit- ness bear In this glad liour: Thou who al- To the ?reat One and Three E - ter- nal prais - es be Hence-evermore ! His sov reiga COME, THOU ALKIGHTY KING. Concluded. a^ J=t=3 i. ^U*^— iH^^^I ^ m'-m- glo - rl-ous. O'er all vie - to ri-oiis, Come, and reipn o- ver us. Ancient of Days. people bless.And give Tliy word success : Spir-it of ho - lliiess, On us de-scend! niiiilu y art, Now rule in ev- 'rylieart. And ne'er fronius depart, Spir- it oi pow'r! niaj es-ty May we in glo - ry see. And to e - ter - ni- ty L — ,—m fm m m . » s m -F — r-^- immmmB _ :S: * ♦ I sus, myLord, migiity to save. Points to his wounded side, i ipjjg deaDsing stream I heart made*pure,and garments white. And Christ enthrond within. [• q pj^jgg jjj| ^ord it Je- sus, on Je-susknow,Mv Je-sus cru - ci - tied. -0 J^,- sec, I see, I plunge, and 0, it cleanse th me! cleaiisethme, It {Omit ) cleansethme, yes.cleanseth me I _* -^ Sl 'Jt. ^- ^ - - - ^^^ff^ ir-g u I Copjrlgbt, 1872, bf Joseph Knapp. Bt per. JUST AS I AM. WOODWORTH. L. M. Wm. Brvdbcry. _i — I — , 1-^ — ^J=i Just as J ust as Just as Just as Just as I ami with-out one plea, But I am! and waiting not, To I am! tho' tosseil a- bout.With I am! poor, wretched, blind. Sight, riches, heal-ing I am! thou wilt re-ceive, Wilt welcome, pardon, cleanse, relieve, 3rE r^^Ji - & iTTlgrrfc — ! b )■- ziXTL i r- -^^!r- js i* s=z j =^=t-1 ^ ! I'g' !» 1- ! I i»=fP 1 H I that thy blood was shed for me, rid my soul of one dark blot; many a con-flict, many a doubt, of the mind. And that thou bid'st me come to thee. Lamb of '^'^'^ ' T ooiue. To thee, whose blood can cleanse each spot.O Lamb of God! i come, Fightingsand fear<5 within, with-out, O Lambof God! I come. Yea, all I need, in thee to find, O Lamb of God ! I come, Be-cause thy promise I be- lieve:0 Lambof God! I come. ^ come ! come I come! come I evme ! No. 203. HEAVEN IS MY HOME. Thos. R. Taylor. Scotch Air. 1. I'm but a stran - ger here, Heaven is 2. What though the tern - pest rage, Heaven is 3. There at my Sav - iour'sside, Heaven is my home; Earth is a my horae;yhort is my my home; I shall be -^^ U I des - ert drear, Heaven is pil- griniage, Heaven is glo - ri- tied. Heaven is my home. Danger and sorrow stand.Round me on my home. Time'scoldand wintry blaat.Soon will be my home. There are the good and blest.Those I loved ev - 'ry hand,Heav'n is my fa- ther-land,Heav'n is my home. o - ver- past, I shall reach home at last, Heav'n is my home. most and taest,There, too, 1 soon shall rest, Heav'n is my home. No. 204. Isaac Watts. I'LL BE THERE. Adapted by Wm. J. KiRKPATRiCK, of pure de-light. Where saints im-mor- tal reign ; I ex - eludes tlie nifjlit, And pleas -ures ban - ish pain. X n 1 j.iicict3v - ci -i«.-v,- ing spring a-bideR,And nov - or - with'ringflow'rs; ) •(Death, like a nar - row sea, di-videsThis heav'nly land from ours. / I'll be there, I'll be there. When the first trumpetsounds I'll be there, I'Ubethere, I'llbethere, I'Ubethere, '3^^^^^^^^m^^^^ be there, I'll I'llbPthP"- be there, When theflrst trumpetsounds I'll be there. I'llbethere, Copyright, 1887, by Wm. J. Kirkpatrick. 8 Sweet fields beyond the swelling flood Stand dressed in living green ; Bb to the Jews old Canaan stood, Wblld Jordan rolled between. 4 Could we but climb where Moses stood, And view the landscape o'er. Not .lordan's stream, nor death's cold Should fright us from the shore, i flood No. 205. HE SHIELDS FROM THE STORMS OF LIFE. I f The Saviour's arraa are \V. S. Wkkdkn. o-pened wide, He shields froin the storms of life ; \ \ We fear no ill when by his side, He shields from the storms of life. ) ( No mat- ter where his liand may lead. He shields from the storms of life; ) care sup-plies our need, Jie shields from the storms of life. J iVr ^=^r- — r^ He shields from the storms of life, I le shields from the storms of lift- ; We'll praise bim with end :ff:_ less song, He shields from the storms of life. Copyright, 1897, by Hall-Mack Co. "J Though oft our steps have gone astray, 4 He is our loving Guide and Friend, He shields from the storn-.s of life; He shields from the storms of life ; He brought us to the narrow way. He shields from the storms of life. He'll safely keep us to the end. He shields from the storms of life. No. 206. Charles Wesley. JESUS, LOVER OF MY SOUL. S. B. Marsh. Fixe. ±1 E^EZfE I^^EEgE^ I f Je - sus, lov -er of my soul. Let me to thy \ While the near-er wa-tersroll, While the tempest still bo till som is D.C. — Safe in - to the ha-ven guide, Oh, re- ceive my soul at I ^ high last. } D.C. ^^m Hide me, O mySav-ionr, hide. past ; :--- c:i:zt=:-T_r— l-gg « > - I t ^ T^- £^^^ Other refuge have I none, Hangs my helpless soul on thee Leave, oh leave me not alone, Still support and comfort me. All my trust on thee is stayed. All my helvv from thee I bring ; Cover my defenseless head. With the shadow of thy wiug. I I Thou, O Christ, art all I want; More than all in thee I find ; Raise the fallen! cheer the faint! Heal the sick ! and lead the blind! Just and holy is thy name, I am all unrighteousness: Vile and full of sin I am. Thou art full of truth and grace. No. 207. Anna B. Wilt. WE WOULD SEE JESUS. Fewx Mendelssohn. -bis— ^-^T'T^.- A-cro88 this lit - 1. We would sea Je - bus — for the shadows lengthen A-cross this lit - tie landscape of our life 2. We would see Je-sus — thegreatKockFoundatiou.Whereouourfeet were set with sovereign grace 3. We would see Je - sus — otii-er li^htsaro pal. ing. Which for long years we have rejoiced to see 4. Wo would see Jesus — this is all we're needing, Strength, joy, and williuguess come with the sight We would gee Je - sus our weak faith to strengthen, For the last wea - ri - ness — the final strife. Not life, nor death, with all tlieirag-i - ta - tion, Can thence remove us, if we see His face. The hlessingB of our pilgrimage are fail - ing. We would not mourn them, for we go to Thee. We would Be« Je-sus, dy-ing, ris-en, plcad-iug. Then welcome day, and farewell mortal night I 35f: =«=jt Hz: =t No. 208. JESUS, THE VERY THOUGHT. Tr. Edward Caswall. John B. Dykes. J— n-J 1 ^-r— 1- 1. Je - SUB, the ver - y thought of Thee, With sweetness fills my breast; But sweeter far Thy 2. Nor voicecan sing, nor heart can frame, Nor can the mem'ry find A sweeter sound than 3. Hcpe of ev - 'ry con-trite heart ! O Joy of all the meek ! To those who fall, how face to see And in Thy presence rest. Thy blest name, Saviour of man-kind I kirid Thou art 1 How good to those who seek I 4 But what to those who find ? Ah 1 Nor tongue nor pen can show ; The love of Jesus, w hat it is. None but His loved ones know. 5 Jesus, our only joy be Thou, As Thou our prize w ilt be ; Jesus, be Thou our glory now, And through eternity. I I This, No. 209. JESUS CALLS US. Cecil F. Alexander. —I 1 u W. H. JUDE. — (- tjaz=h 1. Je-sus calls us: o'er the tu - mult Of our life's wild, rest- less sea, 2. Je-sus calls us from the wor - ship Of the vain world's gcjld - en Btore; 3. la '/iir joys and in our sor - rows. Days of toil and hours of ease, 4. Js - sus calls us : by Thy mer - cies, Sav - iour, make us hear Thy call, - - -' _d m—^~-r-^ «=-n-« '-l-^- * m ^ I g — Day by day From each i - Still He calls. Give our hearts Hia dol Bweet voice sound that would keep cares and pleas 2?- - eth. Say - ing, "Chris- tian, fol • us. Say - ing, "Chris- tian, love • ures, "That we love Him more dience. Serve and love Thee best low me. Me more." than these.' of all. No. 210. ! WAS A WANDERING SHEEP. HORATIUS BONAR. JOHX ZONDEt. 1. I was a wand'riDg sheep, I did not love the fold, I did not lore my Shepherd's Toice^ FlNE. 1 would not be con-trolled : *»^M5 ^ . ->n — ^ ^ , I loved a -fur to roam. 2 The Shepherd sought His sheep, The Feather sought His child ; He followed me o'er vale and hill, O'er deserts waste and wild: He found me nigh to death, Famished, and faint, and lone ; He bound me with the bands of love, He saved the wandering one. D.8.—1 did not love my Father's voice, a way-ward child, I did not love my home. 3 Jesus my Shepherd is; 'Twas He that loved my soul, 'Twas He that washed me in His blood, 'Twas He that made me whole: 'Twas He that sought the lost. That found the wandering sheep; 'Twas He that brought me to the fold, 'Tis He that still doth keep. No. 211. I DO BELIEVE. Rev. Charles Wesley. il^^M^^^j — • n 1 1 1 *- Unknown. J- 1. A - las! and did my Sav- lour bleed? and did my Sov -'reign die? 2. Was it for crimes that 1 had done, He groan'd up-on the tree? 3. But drops of grief can ne'er rg_-P§y th£ de^t of love I owe: Would He de-vote that sa - cred head. For such a worm as I? TT " maz-ing pit - y! grace un-known!And love be-yond de - gree I Here, Lord, I give my - self to Thee, 'Tis all that I can do. thro' His blood. His precious blood, shall from sin free. No. 212. GLORY BE TO THE FATHER. Gloria Patri. Henry W. Greatorex. Glo - ry be to the Fa-ther, and to the Son, and to the Ho - ly Ghost ; As it ^ r > ? Bg> — rfi . „ 1 ^g^^^gE ind ever shall be, was in the beginning,isnow,and ever shall be, world without end; ^- men.A -men. 4- ■ ■ ^ rTTTT No. 213. WHAT A FRIEND WE HAVE IN JESUS. Joseph Scriven. Charles Co Converse, 1. What a friend we have in Je - sus, All our sins and griefs to bear ; 2. Have we tri - als and temp- ta - tions? Is there trouble an -y where? 3. Are we weak and heav-y - la - den, Cumbered with a load of care? ■B m-^a ■ ,»-i—m • — .-ff--^-^ What a priv - i - lege to car - ry Ev - 'rything to God in prayer. We should nev- er be dis - couraged, Take it to the Lord in prayer. Pre- cious Saviour, still our ref - uge, — Take it to the Lord in prayer. -<=fe=^ ^^E -r- ESE*E5 -r ii»=t»= D.S.-A\l because we do not car - ry Ev - 'rything to God in prayer. Z)./S.-Je - sus knows our ev- 'ry weakness, Take it to the Lord in prayer. Z)./S.-In his arms he'll take and shield thee, Thou wilt find a sol -ace there. I).8. W=l ^3^^ -^^^ Bi^*=«£ rrjsr «ElE^ 4^ Oh, what peace we oft - en for - feit, Oh, what needless pain we bear — Can we find a Friend so faith - ful, Who will all our sorrows share? Do thy friends despise, for- sake thee? Take it to the Lord in prayer; No. 214. A. M. TOPLADY. '^^^m^m Used by permissioD. ROCK OF AGES. TOPLADY. 7s, 6' Thos. Hastings. 1. Rock of A - ges, 2. Could my tears 3. While I draw :^=i e3=^-^ cleft for me, Let me hide my- self in thee ; for - ev - er flow, Could my zeal no languor fcoow, this fleet- ing breath, When my eyes shall close in death, _: S 5 ^— "-3? :gr. — *— "^^ ' Let the These for When I wa - ter and the blood, From thy wound- ed side that flow'd, sin could not a - tone ; Thou must save, and thou a - lone ; rise to worlds unknown. And be - hold thee on thy throne, Be of sin In my hand Rock of A - -«-j — ^ the ges, doub - le cure, Save from wrath and make me pure, price I bring, Sim - ply to thy cross I cling, cleft for me, Let me hide my - self in thee. -m-r-^ •-: fH-r-f^-f — A — 4 — 4- No. 215. BEHOLD A STRANGER'S AT THE DOOR. Henry K. Oliver. i^^p^fe^^ll^^E^iiSI 1. Be-hold a Stnin-Rpr's at thedoor! He gently knocks.hasknock'd before i 2. Oh, lovo-ly at - ti - tude, He stands With melting heart and load -ed hands! 3. But will He prove a friend in-deed? He will; the ver - y friend you need' ^m 7^ Has wait-od lone— is wait-in? still; You treat no oth - er friend so 111. Oh, matohless kindness! and He shows This matchless kindness to His foes; The friend of sin-ners— yes, 'tis He, With garments dyed on Cal - va - ry ^eE 4 Rise, touched with gratitude divine ; Turn out His enemy and thine, That soul-destroying monster, sin, And let the heavenly Stranger in. wmm 5 Admit Him, ere His anger burn— His feet departed, ne'er return: Admit Him, or the hour's at hand You'll at His door rejected stand. No. 216. JESUS, THY NAME I LOVE. James G. Deck. Joseph P. Holbrook. 1. Je-sus,Thy namellove, All other names above, 2. Thou, blessed Son of God, Hast l>i>i ' ~ 3. When unto Thee I flee, T 4. Soon Thou wilt come agal sus,my Lord ! Oh.Thou art Hast l>i>ii),'lit me with Thy Mood,Je-sus, my Lord! Oh, how great 'hou will my refuge be, Je-sus,my Lord! What need I n! I shall be happy then, Jesus,my Lord! Then Thine own *^'Li*^I"^' ^'^othlngtopleasel see Nothing apart from Thee, Je-sus,nrv Lord ' IS lhylove,_ All other loves above. Love that I dai-Iv prove, Je-sus, myLord ' u„* .,,„-_=„, c= . -- Lord! • Lord ! ic> xu.Y iu>t-, r\.n oiii-eriovesaoove, ix)ve iiiai 1 aai-iy prove, Je-sus, my now to fear ?Whatearthly grief or care^ince Thou art ever near? Je-sus, mv face I 11 see, Then I shall like Thee be. Then evermore with Thee,Je-sus my r«cd b7 permission. No. 217. ART THOU WEARY? Tr. John M. Neale. Henry W. Bakfr. 4-J I,. I I ^If 1. Art thou weary? art thou languid? "ComctoMe," saith One,"andcomiDp. Art thou Boredistreat? Bo at rest I'' 2 Hath He marks to lead me to Him, If He be my guide? — " In His feet and hands are wound-prints. And His side." 3 If I find Him, if I follow, What His guerdon here?— *' Many a sorrow, many a labor. Many a tear." 4 If I still hold closelv to Him, What hath Heat last? "Sornnv vanquished, labor ended, Jordan passed." 5 If I ask Him to receive me. Will He .say me nav? " Not till earth, and not till heavea Pass away." No. 218. THE LOVE OF THE SPIRIT. Rev. P. H. Brooks, D. D. Francois H. Barthei.Emoi^. 1. Praise the "Love of God" "our Fa- ther," Praise the love of God His Son ; 2. E - qual love from e-qual per- sons, Father's shines in all He gives j 3. Let the soul from sin re - turn -ing, Trust the Spir- it's love no less Praise the love of God the Spir - it "Showing" Three such Loves 6y One. Je - sus shone in aU He su/-/ered, And the Third «n— J=-.+ -| 1 C=| ^ fS^ l—m -j^ tjf- With Thy bless - ed in - ward light. Lost, un - til by Thee re - stored, Things of Clirist un - fold - ing still, Seal of im - mor - tal - i - ty 1^ \ Com- fort - er Com- fort - er Com- fort - er Com- fort - er Di - vine! Di - vine! Di - vine I Di - vine f l^-^^A ^lJg ^ ^^^ r^^ No. 220. MASTER, I HAVE HEARD THEE PLEADING. E. H. J. J. Mountain. 1. Master, I have heard thee pleading With my inmost soul to-night! Now thy solemn 2. Spir- it, soul, and body yielding Will-ing-ly to thee, my Lord I What I give thou 3. Now, henceforth, Lord, and forever, 1 am tiiine, yes, all for thee; Thine in service, -I --I |=t=^ _, ^ g *-*-* -a r-g- =s^=P i^ Cho. — Jesus, Master, search me, prove me ! With thy fire try my heart ; All I am and Fine, p ^iE^=F^ ^^^=^ mes-sage heeding, I would end the fight: Vain-ly hath my soul been struggling now art tak-ing: I be- lieve thyword! Yes! I trust thee as my Keep-er, or in sulTring — Chose my path forme. Peace and joy my heart are fill - ing ; jis- — ____ — _ — .■ — « ■ g ■ ■■ -r- • -r- — :g-. •!*- -I*-- Chorus. D.C With the tyrant on its throne; Now.dear Lord, the kingdom taking, Claim me thine alone. 'Mid temptations day by day.Trusttheeas my Guide and Leader In the narrow way. Rest beyond all pow'r to tell, This my ever-deep'ning portion While in thee I dwell. :^S=!mz -v-t-; -1 — t- No. 221. NOW THE DAY IS OVER. Sabine Baring-Gould. Joseph Barnby. 1. Now the day is o • ver, 2. Je - sus, give the wea - ry 3. Grant to lit - tie chil - dren 4. Thro' the long night-watch - es, 5. When the morning wak - ens, J Night is draw - ing Calm and sweet re Vis - ions bright of May thine an - gels Then may I a nigh, pose; thee; spread rise, i;^ "I N I I F^ Shad - ows of the even With thy tend- 'rest bless Guard the sail - ors toss Their white wings a - bove Pure and fresh and sin -■3-- X=z^ — HI ' lull ing Steal a - cross the sky, ing May our eye - liiis close, ing On the deep blue sea. me, Watch - ing round my bed. less In thy ho - ly eyes. No. 222. I NEED THEE, PRECIOUS JESUS. Frederick Whitfiei »H-l- 1 1 P — i-i 1 — M- 4 "The God of glory, down to men, Removes his blest abode ; Men, the dear objects of his grace. And he their loving God : — 5 " His own soft hand shall wipe the tears From every weeping eye ; [fears, And pains, and groans, and grief, and And death itself shall die ! " 6 How long, dear Saviour ! O ! how long Shall this bright hour delay? Fly swifter round, ye wheels of time ! And bring the welcome day. No. 241. LIGHT OF THE LONELY. 1 Light of the lonely pilgrim's heart! Star of the coming day ! Arise, and with thy morning beams Chase all our griefs away. 2 Come, blessed Lord ! let every shore And answering island sing The praises of thy royal name, And own thee as their king. 3 Hope of our hearts, O Lord, appear. Thou glorious Star of day ! Shine forth and chase the dreary night, With all our tears away. 4 No resting-place we seek on earth. No loveliness we see ; Our eye is on the royal crown, Prepared for us — and thee ! 5 But, dearest Lord, however bright, That crown of joy above, What is it to the brighter hope Of dwelling iu thy love? Edward Denny. No. 242. BRIDE OF THE LAMB. 1 Bride of the Lamb, awake, awake ! Why sleep for sorrow now? The hope of glory, Christ, is thine, A child of glory, thou. 2 Thy spirit, through the lonely night. From earthly joy apart, Hath sighed for one that's far away, — The Bridegroom of thy heart. 3 But see! the night is waning fast, The breaking morn is near; And Jesus comes with voice of love, Thy drooping heart to cheer. 4 Then weep no more ; 'tis all thine own, His crown, his joy divine ; And, sweeter far than all beside, Ue, he himself is thine ! Edward Denny.! No. 243. MY SHEPHERD IS THE LORD MOST HIGH. LOUVAN. L.M. Anon. Ps. 23. Virgil C. Taylor. m^miS -l=^^— U- j^^ — , — I— • My Shepherd is the Lord Most High, And all my wants shall be supplied: J: * ^ I J. ^ u, r ig m — 'f%— ^^ -(5'-# ^EjttS=JiE3in In pastures green he makes me lie, And leads by streams which gently gl ide. -•- -<2- mm. r t: ^fe^ -# \. • :^ -^ r? -pz- r— ^ :^=^: =t=: r 2 He in his mercy doth restore My soul when sinking in distress ; For his name's sake he evermore Leads me in paths of righteousness. 3 Yea, tho' I walk thro' death's dark vale, E'en there no evil will I fear, Because thy presence shall not fail, Thy rod and staff my soul shall cheer. 4 For me a table thou hast spread, Prepared before the face of foes ; With oil thou dost anoint my head; My cup is filled and overflows. No. 244. COMPLETE IN THEE. 1 Complete in thee, no work of mine May take, dear Lord, the place of thine ; Thy blood has pardon bought for me, And I am now complete in thee. 2 Complete in thee — no more shall sin Thy grace has conquered, reign within ; Thy voice will bid the tempter flee. And I shall stand complete in thee. 3 Complete in thee — each want supplied, And no good thing to me denied, Since thou my portion, Lord, wilt be, I ask no more — complete in thee. 4 Complete in thee, for ever blest. Of all thy fullness, Lord, possessed, Thy praise throughout eternity — Thy love I'll sing complete in thee. Awon R. Wolfe. No. 245. MY SOUL COMPLETE. 1 My soul complete in Jesus stands ! It fears no more the law's demands ; The smile of God is sweet within, Where all before was guilt and sin. 2 My soul at rest in Jesus lives ; Accepts the peace his pardon gives ; Keceives the grace his death secured, And pleads the anguish he endured. 3 My soul its every foe defies, And cries — 'Tis God that justifies ! Who charges God's elect with sin? Shall Christ,whodied their peace to win? 4 A song of praise my soul shall sing, To our eternal, glorious King ! Shall worship humbly at his feet. In whom alone it stands complete. Grace W. Hinsdale. No. 246. LET ME HEAR. 1 Let me hear my Saviour say, "Strength shall be equal to thy day ;" Then I rejoice in deep distress, Leaning on all-sufficient grace. 2 I can do all things — or can bear All suffering, if my Lord be there ; Sweet pleasures mingle with the pains, While he my sinking head sustains. 3 I glory in infirmity, That Christ's own power may rest on me; When I am weak, then am I strong ; Grace is my shield, and Christ my song. Isaac Watts. No. 247. Charles Wesley, alt. LO! HE COMES. ZION. 8b, 7s, 4. Thomas Hastings. • K* P t/ iJ 1. Lo, becomes, with cloudsdescending, Once for favored siunersslain ; Tliousand ^. ^. ^. ^ M. ^. -i#_J_ - •^-« #- :jLiiB_f__f: fcdiirnW g^iS :5=t: thousand saints at-tend-ing Swell the triumph of his train ; Hal - le - lu-jah ! . ^ ^. ^. . - . - I J\ J^ J J :g.T=gz7i!zqijirzt:q=g:ziS- |-ll-j=gzirq qg-_ |j ^-_^ -ST — p-i-pqifi: — •H-h — t/- rb — ^-t — ' — V^ — \-^ — :^^: •^-fnir U l^ ^z ^ I f God appears on earth to reign ; Hal-le - lu-jah ! God appears on earth to reign. ^ ^ r — -*— • — ^ 2 Every eye shall now behold him, Kobed in dreadful majesty ; Those who set at naught and sold him, Pierced, and nailed him to the tree, Deeply wailing, Shall the true Messiah see. 3 Yea, Amen ; let all adore thee, High on thine eternal throne: Saviour, take the power and glory; Claim the kingdom for thine own. Oh, come quickly, Hallelujah ! Come, Lord, come. No. 248, HE COMETH! Tune.— "Old HIack Joe." Key of D. 1 Bright breaks the morn. The night is almost o'er; Fair glows the dawn On Canaan's blissful shore. Faith, lost in sight Shall reap her full reward ; O, trim your lamps, and wait the coming Of the Lord! Refkain. He's coming ! He's coming ! Are you ready for that day? O, trim your lamps and set them burning ! Watch and pray ! Not as of old. In poor and lowly guise; Cometh the king In glory from the skies; Angels and saints In countless hosts attend When Jesus from his throne in heaveo Shall descend. E'en a.s he rose, In clouds that veiled his light So shall he come, To end the world's dark night: ''Coming in clouds!" • The angel's promise rings; The Sun of Kighteousness with healing In his wii^^! Flora KirkUud. No. 249. Albert Midlans. DENNIS. S. M. H. G. NAGBtt 1. Re - Vive thy work, 2. Re - Vive thy work, 3. Re - Vive thy work. I O Lord, Thy might - y arm make bare; O Lord, Cre;- ate soul -thirst for Thee; O Lord, Ex - alt Thy pre - clous name; Speak with the voice that wakes the dead. And make thy peo - pie hear. And hung'r-lng for tiie Bread of Life, O may our spir -its bel And by the Ho - ly Ghost, our love For Thee and Thine in-flame. 1 r No. 250. BLEST BE THE TIE S.M. No. 251. A CHARGE TO KEEP. S. M. 1 Blest be the tie that binds Our liearts in Christian love: The followship of kindred minds Is like to that above. 2 Before our Father's throne We pour our ardent prayers; , Our fears, our hopes, our aims are one, / Our comforts and our cares, 8 We share our mutual woes. Our mutual burdens bear; And often for each otlier flows The sympathizing tear. 4 When we asunder part, It gives us inward pain ; \ But we shall still be joined in heart,' \^ And liope to meet again. JOHN FAWCKTT. 1 A change to keep I have, A God to glorify ; A never-dying soul to save. And fit it for the sky. 2 To serve the present age. My calling to fulfill, O may it all my powers engage. To do my Master's will I 3 Arm me with Jealous care. As in Thy sight to live ; And O, thy servant, Lord, prepars A strict account to give! 4 Help me to watch and pray. And on thyself rely. Assured, if I my trust betray, I shall forever die. CHAS. WKSLKT. BOYLSTON. S. M. Iiovrexx, Mason. No. 252. And Can I Yet Delay. S.M. 1 And can I yet delay My little all to give? " To tear my soul from earth away For Jesus to receive? a Nay, but I yield, I yield! I can hold out no more: I sink, by dying love compelled. And own Thee conqueror ! 35 Though late, I all forsake; My friends, ray all resign: Gracious Redeemer, take, O take, And seal me ever Thine. 4 Come, and possess me whole. Nor hence again remove: Settle and fix my wav'ring soul Witli all thy weight of love. CHASi WBSUT. . 253. Evils of Intemperance. Mourn for the thousands slain. The youthful and the strong; Mourn for tlie wine cup's fearful reign And the deluded throng. Mourn for the ruined soul — Eternal life and liglit Lost by tiie Hcry, maddening bowl, And turned to hopeless night. Mourn for the lost;— but call. Call to the strong, the free; Rouse them to shun that dreadful fall, And to the refuge flee. Mourn for the lost;— but pray. Pray to our God above, To break the fell destroyer's sway. And show His saving love. No. 254. GOD BE WITH YOU I "Th« grace of our Lord Jesus Christ bo with yuu." — Romans 16 : 20. Jeremiah E. Rankin. William G. Tomer. 1. God be witli you till we meet 2. God be witb 3'ou till we meet 3. God be with you till we meet 4. God be with you till we meet iEjEE^Et t^ a - gain a - gaiu a - gain a - gain ! — By his counsels guide, up- — 'Neath his wings protecting I — When life's perils thick con- Keep love's banner floating ±.—fzi^ t^. ^ ^ JL ^i^^=iSifSi^f m hold you, hide you, found yon, o'er you. With his sheep se-cure-ly fold yon Dai - ly man-na still di - vide you Put his arms un-fail-ing round you; Smite death's threat'ning wave before you ; jfA-*- -^ -*- ^ ^ -^ God God God God be be be be ■^- t^T —V — ? — w t- Choris. -rmms^f^m :^—^. with you till we meet a- gain! with you till we meet a - gain ! I ^j^ ^^ ^^^^^ , with you till we meet a - gain ! ' with you till we meet a - gain ! Till we Till we meet ! Till we ~^^mM meet ! Till we meet meet a - gain ! -P- A -«- sus' feet ; Till we Till we meet ! -P-A-«--^*-f--^- Jt. JL \ [ \ I f ^*^ k' u ' i meet! Till we meet! God be with you till we meet a - gain Till we meet I Till we meet a-gnin ! -*- ^ . .m. M- M. M- ^ M- .#- • • L -3f-»=i= ■v-v- Mj per. J. B. Rankin, owner of CopjricbC THE TEN COMMANDMENTS. 1. Thon shaTt have no other gods before me. 2. Thou shalt not make nuto thee any graven image, or any likeness of afif (hiiig that is in heaven above, or that is in the earth beneath, or that is in the water under the earth t thou shalt not bow doven thyself to them, nor serve them : for I the Lord thy God am a jealous God, visiting the iniquity of the fathers upon the children unto the third and foirth generation of them that hate me ; and showing mercy unto thousands of them that love me, and keep my commandments. 3. Thou shalt not take the name of the Lord thy God in vain : for the Lord will not hold him guiltless that taketh his name in vain. 4. Remember the Sabbath day, to keep it holy. Six days shalt thou labor, and do all thy work : but the seventh day is the Sabbath of the Lord thy God : in it thou shalt not do any work, thou, nor thy son, nor thy daughter, thy manservant, nor thy maidservant, nor thy cattle, nor thy stranger that is within thy gates : for in six days the Lord made heaven and earth, the sea, and all that in them is, and rested the seventh day: wherefore the Lord blessed the Sabbath day, and hallowed it. 5. Honor thy father and thy mother ; that thy days may be long upon the land ■which the Lord thy God giveth thee. 6. Thou shalt not kill. 7. Thou shalt not commit adultery. 8. Thou shalt not steal. 9. Thou shalt not bear false witness against thy neighbor. 10. Thou shalt not covet thy neighbor's house, thou shalt not covet thy neigh- bor's wife, nor his manservant, nor his maidservant, nor his ox, nor his ass, nor anything that is thy neighbor's. — Ex. 20: 3-17. THE APOSTLES' CREED. I believe in God the Father Almighty, Maker of heaven and earth. And in Jesus Christ his only begotten Son our Lord: who was conceived by the Holy Ghost, born of the Virgin Mary ; suflfered under Pontius Pilate, was crucified, dead and buried; he descended into hades; the third day he rose from the dead ; he ascended into heaven ; and sitteth at the right hand of God the Father Almighty ; from thence he shall come to judge the quick and the dead. I believe in the Holy Ghost ; the holy catholic Church, the communion of saints, the forgiveness of sins; the resurrection of the body, and the life everlasting. Amen. No. 255. Thomas Ken. $ OLD HUNDRED. L. M. -4- GuiLLAUME Franc. ^m =3: =l=zpzzp 33 s ^ ^ ^ r '^ — *- ^ Praise God, from whom all blessings flow, Praise him, all creatures here below; ' ^— F^ — r I I I — #^-1 — 1 i ' n — f—\ — ' ^ ^— r * J «( — *— ^g — d J 11 Praise him a- bove, ye heavenly host; Praise Father, Son, and Ho - ly Ghost I -p- .#- -fr •#• -0-^ * -I j^. 20b ^m m RESPONSIVE SCRIPTURE READINGS. SELECTION 1. Psalm 1. 1 Blessed is the man that walketh not in the counsel of the ungodly, nor Rtandeth in the way oi" sinners, nor sit- teth in the seat of the scornful. 2 But his delight is in the law of the Lord; and in his law doth he medi- tate day and night. 3 And he shall be like a tree planted by the rivers of water, that bringeth forth his fruit in his season; his leaf also shall not wither; and whatsoever ha doeth shall prosper. •i The ungodly are not so: but are like the chaff which the wind driveth away. 5 Therefore the ungodly shall not stand in the judgment, nor sinners in the congregation of the righteous. 6 For the Lord knoweth the way of the righteous: but the way of the un- godly shall perish. TSALM 2. 1 Why do the heathen rage, and the people imagine a vain thing? 2 The kings of the earth set them- selves, and the rulers take counsel to- gether, against the Lord, and against his Anointed, saying, 3 Let us break their bands asunder, and cast away their cords from us. 4 He that sitteth in the heavens shall laugh: the Lord shall have them in derision. 5 Then shall he speak unto them in his wrath, and vex them in his sore displeasure. 6 Yet have T set my king upon my holy hill of Zion. V I "will declare the decree: the Lord hath said unto me, Thou art my Son; this day have I begotten thee. 8 Ask of me, and I shall give thee the heathen for thine inheritance, and the uttermost parts of the earth for thy possession. 9 Thou shalt break them with a rod of iron; thou shalt dash them in pieces like a potter's vessel. 10 Be wise now therefore, yo kings: be instructed, ye judges of the earth. 11 Serve the Lord with fear, and rejoice with trembling. 12 Kiss the Son, lest he be angry, and ye perish from the way, when his wrath is kindled but a little. Blessed are all they that put their trust in him. Psalm 3. 1 Lord, how are they increased that trouble me! Many are they that rise up against me. 2 Many there be which say of my soul. There is no help for him in God. 3 But thou, Lord, art a shield for me; my glory, and the lifter up of mine head. 4 I cried unto the Lord with my voice, and he heard me out of his holv hill. 5 I laid me down and slept; I awaked; for the Lord sustained me. 6 I will not be afraid of ten thou- sands of people, that have set them- selves against me round about. 7 Arise, Lord; save me, my God: for thou hast smitten all mine enemies upon the cheek bone; thou hast broken the teeth of the ungodly. 8 Salvation bclongeth unto the Lord: thy blessing is upon thy peoplGr 209 RESPONSIVE SCRIPTURE READINGS. SELECTION" 2 Psalm 32. 1 Blessed is he whose transgres- sion is forgiven, whose sin is covered. 2 Blessed is the man unto whom the Lord imputeth not iniquity, and in whose spirit there is no guile. 3 When I kept silence, my bones waxed old through my roaring all the day long, 4 For day and night thy hand was heavy upon me: my moisture is turned into the drought of summer. Selah. 5 I acknowledged my sin unto thee, and mine iniquity have I not hid. I said, I will confess my transgressions unto the Lord; and thou forgavest the iniquity of my sin. Selah. 6 For this shall every one that is godly pray unto thee in a time when thou mayest be found: surely in the floods of great waters they shall not come nigh unto him. 7 Thou art my hiding place; thou shalt preserve me from trouble; thou shalt compass me about with songs of deliverance. Selah. 8 I will instruct thee and teach thee in the way which thou shalt go: I will guide thee with mine eye. 9 Be ye not as the horse, or as the mule, which have no understanding: whose mouth must be held in with bit and bridle, lest they come near unto thee. 10 ]\rany sorrows shall be to the wicked, but he that trusteth in the Lord, mercy shall compass him about. 11 Be glad in the Lord, and rejoice, ye righteous: and shout for joy, all ye that are upright in heart. SELECTION 3. Psalm 34. 1 I will bless the Lord at all times: his praise shall continually be in my mouth. 2 My soul shall make her boast in the Lord: the humble shall hear thereof, and be glad. 3 magnify the Lord with me, and let us exalt his name together. 4 I sought the Lord, and he heard me, and delivered me from all my fears. 5 They looked unto him, and were lightened: and their faces were not ashamed. 6 This poor man cried, and the Lord heard him, and saved him out of all his troubles. 7 The angel of the Lord encampeth round about them that fear him, and delivereth them. 8 taste and see that the Lord is good: blessed is the man that trusteth in him. 9 fear the Lord, ye his saints: for there is no want to them that fear him. 10 The 3^oung lions do lack, and suffer hunger: but they that seek the Lord shall not want any good thing. 11 Come, ye children, hearken unto me: I will teach you the fear of the I;ord. 12 What man is he that desireth life, and loveth many days, that he may see good? 13 Keep thy tongue from evil, and thy lips from speaking guile. 14 Depart from evil, and do good; seek peace, and pursue it. 15 The eyes of the Lord are upon the righteous, and his ears are open unto their cry, lO RESPONSIVE SCRIPTURE READINGS. IG The iace uJ! the Lord is against them that do evil, to eut oil" the le- ineiiibrance of ihem from the earth. 17 Tiie righteous cry, and the Lord heareth, and deliveroth them out of all tlwir troubles. 18 The Lord is nigh unto them that are of a broken heart; and saveth such as be of a contrite spirit. 19 ;Many are the afflictions of the righteous: but the Lord delivereth him out of them all. 20 He keepeth all his hones: not one of them is broken. 21 I^vil shall slay the wicked: and they that hate the righteous shall bo desolate. Psalm 46. 1 God is our refuge and strength, a very present help in trouble. 2 Therefore will not we fear, though the earth be removed, and though tiie mountains be carried into the midsi of the sea; 3 Though the waters thereof roar and be troubled, though the moun- tains shake with the swelling thereof. 4 There is a river, the streams whereof shall make glad the city of God, the holy place of the tabernacles of the Most iligh. 5 God is in the midst of her; she shall not be moved: God shall help her, and that right early. G The heathen raged, the kingdoms were moved: ho uttered his voice, the earth melted. 7 The Lord of hosts is with us; tho God of Jacob is our refuge. 8 Come, behold the works of the Lord, what desolations he hath made in the earth. 9 lie maketh wars to cease unto the end of the earth; he breaketh the bow and cutteth the spear in sunder; he burnetii the chariot in the fire. 10 Be still, and know that I am (Jod: I will be exalted among the heathen, I will be exalted in the earth. 1 1 The Lord of hosts is with us; the God of Jacob is our refuge. SELECTIOX 4. TSALM 47. 1 clap your hands, all ye people; shout unto God with the voice of tri- umph. 2 For the Lord most high is terri- ble; he is a great King over all the earth. 3 lie shall subdue the people under us, and the nations under our feet. 4 He shall choose our inheritance for us, the excellency of Jacob whom he loved. 5 God is gone up with a shout, the Lord with the sound of a trumpet. 6 Sing praises to God, sing praises: sing praises unto our King, sing praises. 7 For God is the King of all the earth: sing ye praises with under- standing. 8 God reigneth over the heathen: God sittcth upon the throne of his holiness. 9 The princes of the people are gathered together, even the people of the God of Abraham: for the shields of the earth belong unto God: he is greatly e.xalted. Psalm 48. 1 Great is the Lord, and greatly to be praised in the city of our God, in the mountain of his holiness. 311 RESPONSIVE SCRIPTURE READINGS. 2 Beautiful for situation, the joy of the whole earth, is mount Zion, on the sides of the north, the city of the great King. 3 God is known in her palaces for a refuge. 4 For, lo, the kings were assembled, they passed by together. 5 They saw it, and so they mar- velled; they Avere troubled, and hasted away. 6 Fear took hold upon them there, and pain, as of a w^oman in travail. 7 Thou breakest the ships of Tar- shish with an east wind. 8 As we have heard, so have we seen in the city of the Lord of hosts, in the city of our God: God will estab- lish it for ever. 9 We have thought of thy loving- kindness, God, in the midst of thy temple. 10 According to thy name, God, so is thy praise unto the ends of the earth: thy right hand is full of right- eousness. 11 Let mount Zion rejoice, let the daughters of Judah be glad, because of thy judgments. 13 Walk about Zion, and go round about her: tell the towers thereof. 13 Mark ye well her bulwarks, con- sider her palaces; that ye may tell it to the generation following. 14: For this God is our God for ever and ever: he will be our guide even unto death. SELECTION 5. Psalm 51. 1 Have mercy upon me, God, according to thy lovingkindness: ac- cording unto the multitude of thy ten- der mercies blot out my transgressions. 2 Wash me throughly from mine iniquity, and cleanse me from my sin. 3 For I acknowledge my transgres- sions: and my sin is ever before me. 4 Against thee, thee only, have I sinned, and done this evil in thy sight: that thou mightest be justified when thou speakest, and be clear when thou judgest. 5 Behold, I was shapen in iniquity; and in sin did my mother conceive me. 6 Behold, thou desirest truth in the inw^ard parts: and in the hidden part thou shalt make me to know wisdom. 7 Purge me with hyssop, and I shall be clean: wash me, and I shall be whiter than snow. 8 Make me to hear joy and glad- ness; that the bones which thou hast broken may rejoice. 9 Hide thy face from my sins, and blot out all mine iniquities. 10 Create in me a clean heart, God; and renew a right spirit within me. 11 Cast me not away from thy pres- ence; and take not thy Holy Spirit from me. 13 Restore unto me the joy of thy salvation; and uphold me with thy free Spirit. 13 Then will I teach transgressors thy ways; and sinners shall be con- verted unto thee. 14 Deliver me frombloodguiltiness, God, thou God of my salvation: and my tongue shall sing aloud of thy righteousness. 15 Lord, open thou my lips; and my mouth shall shew forth thy praise. 16 For thou desirest not sacrifice; else would I give it: thou delightest not in burnt offering. 17 The, sacrifices of God are ft 212 RESPONSIVE SCRIPTURE READINGS. broken spirit: a broken and a contrite heart, God, thou wilt not despise. 18 Do good in thy good pleasure unto Zion: build thou the walls of Jerusalem. 19 Then shalt thou be pleased with the sacrifices of righteousness, with burnt offering and whole burnt offer- ing: then shall they offer bullocks upon thine altar. SELECTION 7. Isaiah 42: 1-12. 1 Behold my servant, whom I up- hold; mine elect, in whom my soul delighteth; I have put my Spirit upon him: he shall bring forth judgment to the Gentiles. 2 He shall not cry, nor lift up, nor cause his voice to be heard in the street. 3 A bruised reed shall he not break, and the smoking flax shall he not quench: he shall bring forth judgment unto truth. 4 He shall not fail nor be discour- aged, till he have set judgment in the earth: and the isles shall wait for his law. 5 Thus saith God the Lord, he that created the heavens, and stretched them out; he that spread forth the earth, and that which cometh out of it; he that giveth breath unto the peo- ple upon it, and spirit to them that walk therein: 6 I the Lord have called thee in righteousness, and will hold thine hand, and will keep thee, and give thee for a covenant of the people, for a light of the Gentiles; 7 To open the blind eyes, to bring out the prisoners from the prison, and them that sit in darkness out of the prison house. 8 1 am the Lord; that is my name; and my glory will 1 uot^ive to another, neither my praise to graven images. \) Behold, the former things are come to pass, and new things do I de- clare: before they spring forth I tell you of them. 10 Sing unto the Lord a new song, and his praise from the end of the narth, ye that go down to the sea, and all that is therein; the isles, and the inhabitants thereof. 11 Let the wilderness and the cities thereof lift up their voice;*the villages that Kedar doth inhabit: let the in- habitants of the rock sing, let them shout from the top of- the mountains. 12 Let them give glory unto the Lord, and declare his praise in the islands. Isaiah 53. 1 Who hath believed our report? and to whom is the arm of the Lord revealed ? 2 For he shall grow up before him as a tender plant, and as a root out of a dry ground: he hath no form nor comeliness; and when we shall see him, there is no beauty that we should desire him. 3 He is despised and rejected of men; a man of sorrows, and acquainted with grief: and we hid as it were our faces from him; he was despised, and we esteemed him not. 4 Surely he hath borne our griefs, and carried our sorrows: yet we did esteem him stricken, smitten of God, and afflicted. 5 But he was wounded for our transgressions, he was bruised for our 213 RESPONSIVE SCRIPTURE READINGS. iniquities: the chastisement of our peace was upon him; and with his stripes we are healed. G All we like sheep have gone as- tray; we have turned every one to his own way; and the Lord hath laid on him the iniquity of us all. 7 He was oppressed, and he was af- flicted, yet he opened not his mouth: he is brought as a lamb to the slaugh- ter, and as a sheep before her shearers is dumb, so he openeth not his mouth. 8 He was taken from prison and from judgment: and who shall declare his generation? for he was cut o£E out of the land of the living: for the trans- gression of my people was he stricken. 9 And he made his grave with the wicked, and with the rich in his death; because he had done no violence, neither was any deceit in his mouth. 10 Yet is pleased the Lord to bruise him; he hath put him to grief: when thou shalt make his soul an offering for sin, he shall see his seed, he shall prolong his days, and the pleasure of the Lord shall prosper in his hand. 11 He shall see the travail of his soul, and shall be satisfied: by his knowledge shall my righteous servant justify many; for he shall bear their iniquities. 12 Therefore will I divide him a portion with the great, and he shall divide the spoil with the strong; be- cause he hath poured out his soul unto death: and he was numbered with the transgressors; and he bare the sin of many, and made intercession for the transgressors. SELECTION 8. Isaiah 55. 1 Ho, every one that thirsteth, come ye to the waters, and he that hath no money; come ye, buy, and eat; yea, come, buy wine and milk without money and without price. 2 Wherefore de ye spend money for that which is not bread? and your labor for that which satisfieth not? Hearken diligently unto me, and cat 30 that which is good, and let your soul delight itself in fatness. 3 Incline your ear, and come unto me: hear, and your soul shall live; and I will make an everlasting covenant with you, even the sure mercies of David. 4 Behold, I have given him for a witness to the people, a leader and commander to the people. 5 Behold, thou shalt call a nation that thou knowest not, and nations that knew not thee shall run unto thee, because of the Lord thy God, and for the Holy One of Israel; for he hath glorified thee. 6 Seek ye the Lord while he may be found, call ye upon him while he is near: 7 Let the wicked forsake his way, and the unrighteous man his thoughts: and let him return unto the Lord, and he will have mercy upon him; and to ourGod,for he will abundantly pardon. 8 For my thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways my ways, saith the Lord. 9 For as the heavens are higher than the earth, so are my ways higher than your ways, and my thoughts than your thoughts. 10 For as the rain cometh down, and the snow from heaven, and re- turneth not thither, but watereth the earth, and maketh it bring forth and 214 RESPONSIVE SCRIPTURE READINGS. bud, that it may give seed to the sower, and bread to tlie eater: 11 So shall my word be that goeth forth out of my mouth: it shall not re- turn unto me void, but it shall accom- plish that which I please, and it shall prosper in the thing whereto I sent it. 12 For ye shall go out with joy, and be led forth with peace: the mountains and the hills shall break forth before you into singing, and all the trees of the field shall clap their hands. 13 Instead of the thorn shall come lip the fir tree, and instead of the brier shall come up the myrtle tree: and it shall be to the Lord for a name, for an everlasting sign that shall not be cut off. SELECTION 9. Isaiah 60: 1-20. 1 Arise, shine; for thy light is come, and the glory of the Lord is risen upon thee. 2 For, behold, the darkness shall cover the earth, and gross darkness the people: but the Lord shall arise upon thee, and his glory shall be seen upon thee. 3 And the Gentiles shall come to thy light, and kings to the brightness of thy rising. 4 Lift up thine eyes round about, and see: all they gather themselves to- gether, they come to thee: thy sons shall come from far, and thy daugh- ters shall be nursed at thy side. 5 Then thou shalt see, and flow to- gether, and thine heart shall fear, and be enlarged: because the abundance of the sea shall be converted unto thee, the forces of the Gentiles shall come unto thee. 6 The multitude of camels shall cover thee, the dromedaries of Midian and Ephah; all they from Sheba shall come: they shall bring gold and in- cense; and they shall shew forth the praises of the Lord. 7 All the flocks of Kedar shall be gathered together unto thee, the rams of Nebaioth shall minister unto thee: they shall come up with acceptance on mine altar, and I will glorify the house of my glory. 8 Who are these that fly as a cloud, and as the doves to their windows? 9 Surely the isles shall wait for me, and the ships of Tarshish first, to bring thy sons from far, their silver and their gold with them, unto the name of the Lord thy God, and to the Holy One of Israel, because he hath glorified thee. 10 And the sons of strangers shall build up thy walls, and their kings shall minister unto thee: for in my wrath I smote thee, but in my favor have I had mercy on thee. 11 Therefore thy gates shall be open continually; they shall not be shut day nor night; that men may bring unto thee the forces of the Gentiles, and that their kings may be brought. 12 For the nation and kingdom that will not serve thee shall perish; yea, those nations shall be utterly wasted. 13 The glory of Lebanon shall come unto thee, the fir tree, the pine tree, and the box together, to beautify the place of my sanctuary: and I will make the place of my feet glorious. 14 The sons also of them that af- flicted thee shall come bending unto thee: and all they that despised thee shall bow themselves down at the soles of thy feet; and they shall call thee, 2IS RESPONSIVE SCRIPTURE READINGS. The city of the Lord, The Zion of the Holy One of Israel. 15 Whereas thou hast been forsaken and hated, so that no man went through thee, I will make thee an eternal excel- lence, a joy of many generations. 16 Thou shalt also suck the milk of the Gentiles, and shalt suck the breast of kings: and thou shalt know that I the Lord am thy Saviour and thy Redeemer, the ]\Iighty One of Jacob. 17 For brass I will bring gold, and for iron I will bring silver, and for Vood brass, and for stones iron: I will also make thy officers peace, and thine exactors righteousness. 18 Violence shall no more be heard in thy land, wasting nor destruction within thy borders; but thou shalt call thy walls Salvation, and thy gates Praise. 19 The sun shall be no more thy light by day; neither for brightness shall the moon give light unto thee- but the Lord shall be unto thee an everlasting light, and thy God thy glory. 20 Thy sun shall no more go down; neither shall thy moon withdraw itself: for the Lord shall be thine everlast- ing light, and the days of thy mourn- , ing shall be ended. Isaiah 61: 1-7. 1 The Spirit of the Lord God \f. upon me; because the Lord hath anointed me to preach good tidings unto the meek; he hath sent me to bind up the brokenhearted, to pro- claim liberty to the captives, and the opening of the prison to them that are bound; 2 To proclaim the acceptable year of the Lord, and the day of vengeance of our God; to comfort all that mourn; 3 To appointunto them that mourn in Zion, to give unto them beauty for ashes, the oil of joy for mourning, the garment of praise for the spirit of heaviness; that they might be called trees of righteousness, the planting of the Lord, that he might be glorified. 4 And they shall build the old wastes, they shall raise up the former desolations, and they shall repair the waste cities, the desolations of many generations. 5 And strangers shall stand and feed your flocks, and the sons of the alien shall be your ploughmen and your vinedressers. 6 But ye shall be named the Priests of the Lord: men shall call you the Ministers of our God: ye shall eat the riches of the Gentiles, and in their glory shall ye boast yourselves. 7 For your shame ye shall have double; and for confusion they shall rejoice in their portion: therefore in theirland they shall possess the double: everlasting joy shall be unto them. SELECTION 10. Matthew 5: 1-16. 1 And seeing the multitudes, he went up iato a mountain: and when he was set, his disciples came unto him: 2 And he opened his mouth, and taught them, saying, 3 Blessed are the poor in spirit: for their's is the kingdom of heaven. 4 Blessed are they that mourn: for they shall be comforted. 5 Blessed are the meek: for the> shall inherit the earth. 6 Blessed are they which do hunger and thirst after righteousness: for they shall be filled. 2l6 RESPONSIVE SCRIPTURE READINGS. 7 Blessed are the merciful: for they ehall obtain mercy. 8 Blessed are the pure iu heart: for they shall see God. 9 Blessed are the peacemakers: for they shall be called tlie children of God. 10 Blessed are they which are per- secuted for righteousness' sake: for theirs is the kirgdom of heaven. 11 Blessed are ye, when men shall revile you, and persecute you, and shall say all manner of evil against 30U falsely, for my sake. 13 Rejoice, and be exceeding glad: for great is your reward in heaven: for so persecuted they the prophets which were before you. 13 Ye are the salt of the earth: but if the salt have lost his savour, where- with shall it be salted? it is thence- forth good for nothing, but to be cast out, and to be trodden under foot of men. 14 Ye are the light of the world. A city that is set on a hill cannot be hid. 15 Neither do men light a candle, and put it under a bushel, but on a candlestick; and it giveth light unto all that are in the house. 16 Let your light so shine before men, that they may see your good works, and glorify your Father whicli is in heaven. Mattheav 7: 1-20. 1 Judge not, that ye be not judged. 2 For withwliat judgment ye judge, ye shall be judged: and with what measure ye mete, it sliall be measured to you again. 3 And why beholdest thou the mote that is in thy brother's eye, but con- siderest not the beam that is in thine own eye? 4 Or how wilt thou say to thy brother. Let me pull out the mote out of thine eye; and, behold, a beam is in thine own eye? 5 Thou hypocrite, first cast out the beam out of thine own eye; and then shalt thou see clearly to cast out the mote out of thy brother's eye. G Give not that which is holy unlo the dogs, neither cast ye your pearls before swine, lest they trample them under their feet, and turn again and rend you. 7 Ask, and it shall be given you; seek, and ye isliall find; knock, and it shall be opened unto you: 8 For every one that asketh receiv- eth; and he that seeketh findeth; and tohimthatknocketh it shall be opened. y Or what man is there of you, whom if his son ask bread, will he give him a stone? 10 Or if he ask a fish, will he give him a serpent? 11 If ye, then, being evil, know how to give good gifts unto your children, how much more shall your Father which is in heaven give good things to them that ask him? 12 Tlicrcfore all things whatsoever ye would that men should do to you, de ye even so to them: for this is the law and the prophets. 13 Enter ye in at the strait gate: for wide is the gate, and broad is the way, tliat leadeth to destruction, and many tiiere be which go in thereat: 14 Because strait is the gate, and narrow is the way, which leadeth unto life, and few there be that find it. 1 5 Beware of false prophets, which .^JUJ RESPONSIVE SCRIPTURE READINGS. come to you in sheep's clothing, but inwardly they are ravening wolves. 16 Ye shall know them by their fruits. Do men gather grapes of thorns, or figs of thistles? 17 Even so every good tree bringeth forth good fruit; but a corrupt tree bringeth forth evil fruit. ISA good tree cannot bring forth evil fruit, neither can a corrupt tree bring forth good fruit. 19 Every tree that bringeth not forth good fruit is hewn down, and cast into the fire. 20 Wherefore by their fruits ye shall know them. SELECTION 11. John 15: 1-17. 1 I am the true vine, and my Father is the husbandman. 2 Every branch in me that beareth not fruit he taketh away: and every branch that beareth fruit, he purgeth it, that it may bring forth more fruit. 3 Now ye are clean through the word which I have spoken unto you. 4 Abide in me, and I in you. As the branch cannot bear fruit of itself, except it abide in the vine; no more can ye, except ye abide in me. 5 I am the vine, ye are thebranches. He that abideth in me, and I in him, the same bringeth forth much fruit; for without me ye can do nothing. 6 If a man abide not in me, he is cast forth as a branch, and is withered; and men gather them, and cast them into the fire, and they are burned. 7 If ye abide in me, and my words abide in you, ye shall ask what ye will, and it shall be done unto you. 8 Herein is my Father glorified. that ye bear much fruit; so shall ye bo my disciples. 9 As the Father hath loved me, so have 1 loved you: continue ye in my love. 10 If ye keep my commandments, ye shall abide in my love; even as I have kept my Father's command- ments, and abide in His love. 11 These things have I spoken unto you, that my joy might remain in you, and that your joy might be full. 13 This is my commandment. That ye love one another, as I have loved you. 13 Greater love hath no man than this, that a man lay down his life for his friends, 14 Ye are my friends, if ye do what- soever I command you. 15 Henceforth I call you not ser- vants; for the servant knoweth not what his lord doeth: but I have called you friends; for all things that I have heard of my Father I have made known unto you. IG Ye have not chosen me, but I have chosen you, and ordained you, that ye should go and bring forth fruit, and that your fruit should re- main ; that whatsoever ye shall ask of the Father in my name, he may give it you. 17 These things I command you, that ye love one another. SELECTION 12. Revelation 21: 1-14, 21-27. 1 And I saw a new heaven and a new earth: for the first heaven and the first earth were passed away; and there was no more sea. 2 And I John saw the holy city, new Jerusalem, coming down from 2i8 RESPONSIVE SCRIPTURE READINGS. God out of heaven, prepared as a bride adorned for her husband. 3 And 1 heard a great voice out of heaven saying, Behold, tlie tabernacle of God is with men, and he will dwell with them, and they shall be his peo- ple, and God himself shall be with them, and be their God. •i And God shall wipe away all tears from their eyes; and there shall be no more death, neither sorrow, nor cry- ing, neither shall there be any more pain: for the former things are passed away. 5 And he that sat upon the throne said, Behold, I make all things new. And he said unto me. Write: for these words are true and faithful. G And he said unto me. It is done. I am Alpha and Omega, the beginning and the end. I will give unto him that is athirst of the fountain of the water of life freely. 7 He that overcometh shall inherit all things; and I will be his God, and he shall be my son. 8 But the fearful, and unbelieving, and the abomina])le, and murderers, and whoremongers, and sorcerers, and idolaters, and all liars, shall have their part in the lake which burnetii with fireand brimstone: which is the second death. 9 And there came unto me one of the seven angels which had the seven vials full of the seven last plagues, and talked with me, saying. Come hither, T will shew ihee tlie bride, the I^imb's wife. 10 And he carried me away in the spirit to a great and high mountain, and shewed me that great city, the holy Jerusalem, descending out of heaven from God, 11 Having the glory of God: and her light was like unto a stone most precious, even like a jasper stone, clear as crystal; 12 And had a wall great and high, and had twelve gates, and at the gates twelve angels, and names written thereon, which are the names of the twelve tribes of the children of Israel: 13 On the east three gates; on the north three gates; on the south three gates; and on the west three gates. 14 And the wall of the city had twelve foundations, and in them the names of the twelve apostles of the Lamb. ***** 21 And the twelve gates were twelve pearls; every several gate was of one pearl: and the street of the city was pure gold, as it were transparent glass. 22 And I saw no temple therein: for the Lord God Almighty and the Lamb are the temple of it. 23 And the city had no need of the sun, neither of the moon, to shine ij it: for the glory of God did lighten it, and the Lamb is the light thereof 24 And the nations of them whicl are saved shall walk in the light of it: and the kings of the earth do bring their glor\^ and honor into it. 25 And the gates of it shall not be shut at all by day: for there shall be no night there. 2G And they shall bring the glory and honor of the nations into it. 27 And there shall in no wise enter into it any thing that defileth, neither whatsoever worketh abomination, or maketh a lie: but they which are writ- ten in the Lamb's book of life. 219 RESPONSIVE SCRIPTURE READINGS. Kevelation 23. 1 And he shewed me a pure river of water of life, clear as crystal, proceed- ing out of the throne of God and of the Lamb. 2 In the midst of the street of it, and on either side of the river, was there the tree of life, which bare twelve manner of fruits, and yielded her fruit every month: and the leaves of the tree were for the healing of the nations. 3 And there shall be no more curse : but the throne of God and of the Lamb shall be in it; and his servants shall serve him: 4 And they shall see his face; and his name shall be in their foreheads. 5 And there shall be no night there; and they need no candle, neither light of the sun; for the Lord God giveth them light: and they shall reign for ever and ever. 6 And he said unto me, These say- ings are faithful and true: and the Lord God of the holy prophets sent his angel to shew unto his servants the things which must shortly be done. 7 Behold, I come quickly: blessed is he that keepeth the sayings of the prophecy of this book. 8 And I John saw these things, and heard them. And when I had heard and seen, I fell down to worship before the feet of the angel which shewed me these things. 9 Then saith he unto me, See thou do it not: for I am thy fellow servant, and of thy brethren the prophets, and of them which keep the sayings of this book: worship God. 10 And he saith unto me, Seal not the sayings of the prophecy of this book: for the time is at hand. 11 He that is unjust, let him be un- just still: and he which is filthy, let him be filthy still: and he that is right- eous, let him be righteous still: and he that is holy, let him be holy still. 12 And, behold, I come quickly; and my reward is with me, to give every man according as his work shall be. 13 I am Alpha and Omega, the be- ginning and the end, the first and the last. 14 Blessed are they that do his com- mandments, that they may have right to the tree of life, and may enter in through the gates into the city. 15 For without are dogs, and sor- cerers, and whoremongers, and mur- derers, and idolaters, and whosoever loveth and maketh a lie. 16 I Jesus have sent mine angel to testify unto you these things in the churches. I am the root and the off- spring of David, and the bright and morning star. 17 And the Spirit and the bride say, Come. And let him that heareth say, Come. And let him that is athirst come. And whosoever will, let him take the water of life freely. 18 For I testify unto every man that heareth the words of the prophecy of this book, If any man shall add unto these things, God shall add unto liim the plagues that are written in this book: 19 And if any man shall take away from the words of the book of this prophecy, God shall take away his part out of the book of life, and out of the holy city, and from the things which are written in this book. 20 He which testifieth these things saith, Surely I come quickly: Amen. Even so, come, Lord Jesus. 21 The grace of our Lord Jesus Christ be with you all. Amen. INDEX. Titles in Small Capttals ; First lines in Roman ; Choruses in Italics. Abide in Me, 41 AjiiDE WITH Me 223 A Charge TO Keep, 251 Alas, antl did my Saviour bleed, . .211 All doubt Ims left my troubled soul, . 10 Ajx Hailtuk I'owKR of Jesus' Name 187 All in Thy Hands, 178 All my sins 1 bring to Jesus, .... 56 All to Jesus I surrender, 127 Almost Persuaded 174 Am 1 a Soldier of the Cross? . . . 2;il Amid the trials which I meet, . . 61 And can I yet Delay? 252 Anywhere with Jesus, 25 Are you heavy laden and with sorrow 70 Are you in the inner circle f ... 4 Art Thou Weary? 217 A scarlet line thro'' scripture, . . 7 A SoNO OF Peace 141 As Panteth the Heart, 144 Away to the battlefield away, . . 183 Beautiful Robes, 60 Behold, the Stranger's at the Door 215 Beloved now are we the sons of 104 Better Farther On, 145 Beyond the winter's storm and blight 36 Blessed Assurance, 152 Blessed book, 32 Blessed Hour of Prayer, 153 Blessed peace doth fill jne, .... 10 Bless me, Lord, and make me a 172 Blest be the Tie, 250 Bride of the Lamb, 242 Brighten the Way With a Smile, . 119 Bring ye all the tithes, 129 Brother, give heed to the Master's 160 Brother, heed the urgent call, . . 52 But / know / shall wake , . . . .155 By Cool Si loam's Shady Rill, . . . 105 Can it be that Jesus bought me ? , . 67 Calvary, f Bryant) 82 Calvary, (Sweney) 65 Christ is the conqueror, . . .126 Climb by faith to higher levels, . 147 Come and See 99 Come home 30 Complete in Thee, 244 Come TO Me, , . 132 Come, Thou Alhioutt Kino, . , . 195 Come unto me, 90 Coming home, 179 Consecrated, Separated , 57 Consecration, 57 Conquering now and still to conq 17 Countless Mercies, 70 Count Thy Mercies 12 Count Your Blessings, 6 Crowds around the Master gathered, 28 Day after day spell over, .... 41 Deith of Mercy 184 Doing His Will 150 Do you know a heart that hungers, . 48 Do you know the blessed Saviour's at 154 Draw me nearer 117 Eternity IS Near, 115 Every day new mercies greet thee, . 12 Everything for Jesus 74 Everything! Yes! Everything, . . 56 Every Word I Believe 170 Evils of Intemperance, 253 Face to Face, . . 75 Far away in the depths of my spirit 81 Farther on there' s bliss, 145 Father of .Mer(up.s 236 Fear not, I am with thee 92 Forever Here my Rest Shall Be . 232 For me, 135 For You and For Me, 30 For you sinner, for you, 107 From all That Dwell, 224 Footsteps of Jesus, 123 Glory be to the Father, ..... 212 God be With You 254 God Calling Yet, 89 God is love ; I know, I feel, . . , 184 Golden sunbeams round me play, . 53 Glorying in the Cross, 226 Hallelujah ! Jesus Litks, .... 16 Halleh'.iah ! Praise Jehovah, . .156 Hallelujah I Thine the Glory, . . 197 Happy Day, 97 Happy Day, 196 Happy in THE Love of Jesus, ... 31 Hark I 1 hear the Saviour calling, . 52 He Cometh . 248 221 fiark I the gradons proclamation, . . D Hatb Faith in God S8 Have Ye Received the Holt Ghost 143 Have You Found the Saviouk Pre 77 Have you heard the voice of Jesus t . 4 Have thy affections been nailed to the 22 Heart Echoes, 73 Heart Yearnings, 72 Hear the footsteps of Jesus, . ... 34 Hear the words of Scripture, ... 129 Heaven is my Home, 203 He is the Saviour for Me, , . . , 120 He is waiting, 154 He'll Never Forsake, 101 He'll Never Forsake His Own, , , 165 Here in Thy Name we are gathered, S3 He Saves Me, 110 He shields from the storms of life, . 205 He's the One, 118 He will hear me when I call, .... 80 He will mention them no more, ... 20 He Waits with Outstretched Hands 107 HiDiNQ, Safely Hiding, 131 Higher Ground 14 Higher Level, 147 His Lovb can Satisfy, 21 HolyI Holy! Holy I 140 Holy Ghost 219 Holy Ghost, with Light Divine, . 167 Home to Zion we are bound, .... 31 Holy Spirit, Dwell on Me, .... 39 Holy Spirit, Faithful Guide, . . . 192 How dear to my heart is the story of 35 How can I Serve Thee Best, . . . 139 How Precious is the Book Divine, 234 How sweet the name of Jesus, . . . 233 I AM Thine, Lord, 117 I am thinking to-day of that beautiful 83 I ask, O Lord, that Thou wilt lead 8 / believe it every word, 170 I DO Believe 211 I do not ask to choose my path; . . 172 If o'er thy way dark clouds are cast, 161 If you ask me why I'm happy, . . .170 If you are tired of the load of your 109 I have heard of a beautiful city, , .169 I had heard the gospel call, .... 84 I know my heavenly Father knows, . 146 I know not the hour of Ilis coming, . 155 ril be present zvhen the roll is call 79 I'll be There, 204 I'llGoWherk You Want MetoGo, 128 I'm but a stranger here, 203 I'm pressing on the upward way, . . 14 I must tell Jesus, 44 In a Little While we're Going Ho 29 In a world where sorrow, 18 INeed Thee EvEivY Hour I . . . .111 I Need Thee, Lord, 108 I Need Thee, Precious Jesus, . . . 222 I never can forget the day, ..... 43 In the Christian's home in glory, . . 55 Ik the Hotm of Trial, 121 IN the Palace of the Kino, .... 124 In Thy Name We Gather, 42 I see the days glide down the west, . 115 I Shall be Like Him, 161 I shall be no Stranger There, , . 177 I shall know Hint, 11 I shall see what now I see not, . . 27 Is it not Wonderful? 100 Is it Well with Thy Soul? . . . .159 Is there any one can help us? . ^ . 118 Is Thy Heart Right with God, . , 22 I Surrender All, 127 Is Your Lamp Trimmed and Burning ? 86 It doth not yet Appear, 10 I've wandered far away 17fl I wandered in the shades of night, . 76 I Want to go There, Too 50 I Was a Wandering Sheep, .... 210 I Will Bear the Cross, 96 I will fail thee never ,....,.. 101 I WILL Shout His Praise in Glory, . 189 I Would Know Thee, 133 Jesus All the Way 3 Jesus, and shall it ever be, .... 228 Jesus Calls Us, 209 Jesus Forever for Me, 134 Jesus found me wand'ring, .... 113 Jesus Saves Me Now 186 Jestes knoweth ev''ry sorrow, ... 3 Jesus Lives, 116 Jesus, Lover of My Soul 206 Jesus, My Saviour, 149 Jesus, my Saviour ! when I stand and 96 Jesus of Nazareth Passeth by . . . 103 Jesus Saves Me all the Time, ... 62 Jesus Shall Reign, 225 Jesus Sweetly Saves, 84 Jesus the very thought of Thee . . 208 Jesus Thy Name I Love, 216 Jesus Will Save You Now, , . . ,160 Just as I am 202 Just Because He LOved Me So, . . 99 Just now your doublings give o^er, 109 Just to say what he wants me to 150 Keep on Praying, 15 Lead Kindly Light, ....... 238 Lead Me Gently Home, 59 Leaning on the Everlasting Arms, 9 Let Him In, 23 Let Jesus Come Into Your Heart, . 109 Let Me Hear 246 Let the web and the woof, .... 128 Let us sing a song that will cheer us 29 Life wears a different face to me, . . 53 Lift Your Lamp Higher, 86 Lift your eyes the day is breaking, . 95 Light of the Lonely 241 Like a river glorious, . . , . . . 185 Lo 1 He Comes, 247 Lo ! What a Glorious Sight, . . . 240 Looking this Wat, 64 222 Lord fill my soul, 72 Lord, 1 am Thine 227 Lord, I'm Comiso Home, 179 Lord Jesus, I long to be perfectly wh 87 Lord lift me up and let me stand . U Lost, but not I-orsaken, 199 Loyalty to Christ, 24 Loyalty to the Master 168 Loyal soldiers let us boldly march 1G8 Make me a Blessing To-Day, . . . 172 Master, I have heard Thee Pleadi 220 Master, Master, Blessed Master, . 99 Meet with us, dear Saviour. ... 42 Mighty army of the young, .... 116 Mine Eyes Shall Beiiolu Him, . . 155 More About J Esrs, ...... .157 Mourn for the thousands slain, . . 253 My Country, 'Tis of Thee, .... 194 My Faith Looks up to Thee, . . . 193 My Father Knows 146 My father is rich in houses and lands, 98 My Jesus, as Thou Wilt 237 My Lord, to Thee, 122 My Mother's Bible, 32 My Mother's Prayer, 43 80 135 11 , 243 , 20 . 245 . 106 . 72 142 Never Alone, 92 Nearer, still Nearer, 51 Neath the shadow of the Almighty, . 131 1^0 never alone, 92 Not Ashamed of Jesus, 228 Not to the strong is the battle, . . 17 Now the day is over, 221 O blessed faith, 38 O Blessed Hope, 104 O can you say we are ready ? . . 49 O dearly, dearly has he loved, . . 151 FOR A Faith, 230 O FOR A HE.4RT TO PrAISE MY GOD, . 229 O God, our hearts to Thee, .... 141 O graciously hear us, 33 happy day, 196 ! How love I Thy Law, .... 26 IT is Wonderful, 67 O it bows down my heart 82 O Jesus Thou ART Standing, . . . .164 Ojoy that lie th for words too deep, 78 O land of love 46 Old Hundred, 255 O let the language of my heart, . 8 On Calvary's brow, 65 My Saviour, My Saviour cares, .... My Saviour, First of All, , My Shepherd is the Lord, . My Slns are all taken away. My Soul Complete, My soul has seen a vision, . My soul is panting to be free. My Times are in Tuy Hand, . One More Day's Work for Jesus, . 136 One who will freely forgive all my sin 120 NOW I SEE THE CRIMSON WaVE, . . 201 On the cross my Saviour died, . . . 148 On the good old road that our fathers 47 On to Victory 158 Onward, Christian Soldiers, . , . 163 Onward ! Forward ! 37 scatter seeds of loving deeds, . . 114 soul be glad and joyful sing, . . .141 spread the tidings round 191 O summer land 36 O Sweet is the Story, ..... 125 O thou bleeding lamb of God, . . .137 troubled heart 21 'TwAS Love, 148 to what wondrous oneness, ... 41 Our souls cry out hallelujah 93 Out Into the Light, 78 Over the river faces I see 64 O what singing, O what shouting, 88 O wonderful, wonderful story, . . 125 ye thirsty ones that languish, . . 86 Pass Me Not, 171 Peace, peace, wonderful peace, . , 81 Peefkct Peace 185 Perfect Trust IN Thee, 8 Pilgrims traveling to yon city, . .147 Pleading with Thee . 90 Praise the Lord what a joy, ... 47 Praise the love cf God, 218 Precious Saviour, I would know 133 Rescue the Perishing, 175 Rest for the Weary 55 Revive Thy Work 249 Revive Us Again 197 Rock of Agj-s, 214 Safe in the Arms of Jesus 176 Salvation, 13 Say is your lamp burning, Christian 86 Say Will You Meet Me There? . . 40 Save the Fallen, 182 Saved Through Jesus' Blood, ... 79 Saved to the Uttermost, 190 Saved to Save Others, 5 Scatter Sunshine, 18 Scatter Sunshine by the Wat, , . 48 Seeds of Promise, 114 See the earth is full of glory, . . 95 Set apart for special duty 57 Shining for fesus, 112 Showers of Blessing, 33 Since I Found My Saviour 53 Sing happy song in my heart, ... 78 SiNoiNG on the Way, 47 Softly and tenderly fesus is calling 30 Soldier is the battle long 15 Some Day, 19 Some Sweet Day, 66 Some Day I am Going There, . . . 169 Some time we'll stand before the judg- 79 223 Speak to My Soul, . .102 Sunlight 76 Sun of My Soul, . . .200 Take My Life and Let 198 The Better Land, . . 46 The Bolted Door, . 15-4 The Child of a King . 98 The Comforter Has Co 191 The Day-Break Song . 95 The Dearest Name, , 233 The dear loving Saviou 110 The Gospel Bells, . . 162 The Heavenly Summer, 36 The Higher Level, . 147 The Homeland, , . 181 The Inner Circle, . . 4 The Lord is My Sheph 130 The Love of the Spirit 218 The Master's Call, . 62 The paschal lamb in sile 7 The Place Called Cal 137 The Saviour Calls, . . 54 The Saviour leads his . 126 The Saviour's arms are 205 The Scarlet Line, . . 7 The Spirit Breathes, . 235 The Story that Never 35 The Unseen Country, . 63 The Veil Uplifted, . , 27 The Wonderful Story, 125 Then day by day, . .114 Then do not fear the 161 There are hearts that 119 There is a Green Hill 151 There is a land mine eye 46 There is a land of pure 204 There is a voice, ... 90 There is Power in the 45 There is rest for the 55 There^s a dear and pr 32 There's a hill lone and 82 There's a love that is 128 There's a mansion that 124 There' s a stranger at the 23 There's a Wideness in 166 They are all taken aw 20 They tell of a city far up 50 This is my story, . . 152 Tho' a sinner, sick and 199 Tho joys like the sunsh 159 Tho' the tomb essayed to 1 6 Though Your Sins be 173 Thou knowest all about 142 Thou Thinkest, Lord, 61 Time hurries onward wi 71 'Tis a Great Salva- . 68 'Tis the blessed hour of 153 Trusting in Jesus from 134 Trust and Obey, . . . 106 Truth Tiuumphant,. . 87 Thy Word, Lord, . 239 Unspotted is the fear of 26 Upon the Western plain, 24 Victory Through Gra 17 Volunteers are wanted, 183 Volunteers to the Fr 183 U^ait not till the shad 116 Walking by the River J 99 Weary soul, why art th 132 We praise Thee, God, 197 We shall reach the river 66 We shall see the truth 87 We Shall Shine as the 138 We shall walk with him 60 We will adore him . 94 We will shout, we wi 124 We Would See Jesus, 207 What a fellowship, . . 59 What a Friend We Ha 213 What are They Among 28 What means this eager 103 What shall it be f . . 139 What arIc You Doing 1S8 Whene'er I think of 43 When Jesus Comes in 71 When Jesus comes to re 49 Whejt He reigns in 73 When I survey the won 226 When my life-work is 11 When my weary feet rea 40 When Our Ships, ... 88 When the clouds of trou 145 When the pearly gates 177 When the Roll is Call 180 When the trumpet of 180 When the veil shall be 27 When Upon Life's Bil 6 When You Have Found 58 Where shall I go. Lord ? 139 While Jesus whispers, . 91 While through this worl 165 Whispering in My Hea 113 Whom shall I meet in the 63 Whosoever Will May 85 Will Jesus Find Us Wa 49 Will There Be Any St 83 Wilt Thou Be Made W 34 Why stay from Christ 69 Why will ye wander ? 85 Wonderful Fullness, 69 AVonderful Peace, . . 81 Wonderful place call 137 Wonderful Saviour, . 94 Wondrous it seemeth to 100 Would you be free from 45 Would You Shine for 112 Ye are the temples, . . 143 Yes, a satisfying por 80 Yes, He will save, , .160 Yes, there' s one, . . .118 Yes, the time is drawing 97 You ask what makes me 189 INDEX TO RESPONSIVE SCRIPTURE READINGS. Selection 1, 209 Psalm 1, 209 Psalm 2 209 Psalm 3 209 Selection 2, 210 Psalm 32 210 Selection 3, 210 Psalm 34 210 Psalm 46, 211 Selection 4, 211 Psalm 47 and 48, 211 Selection 5, 212 Psalm 51, 212 Selection 7, . . 213 Isaiah 42 : 1-12 213 Isaiah 5 3, 213 Selection 8, 214 Isaiah 55, 214 Selection 9, 215 Isaiah 60: 1-20, Isaiah 61 : 1-7, . Selection 10, . . . . Matthew 5 : 1-16 Matthew 7 : 1-20, 215 216 216 216 217 Selection 11, 218 John 15 : 1-17 218 Selection 12, 218 Revelation 21 : 1.14; 21-27, 218 Revelation 22, . . ... 220 Apostles' Creed, 208 Ten Commandments 208 224 Date Due «^^*^ 7* ! ^ =- "^