THE BENSON LIBRARY OP HYMNOLOGY Endowed by the Reverend Louis Fitzgerald Benson, d.d. % LIBRARY OF THE THEOLOGICAL SEMINARY PRINCETON, NEW JERSEY dyi) y THE HYMN S^'"" Pli! DEC 22 1958 Revised and Enlarged ^> BEIXG THE REPORT OF THE COJLVISSIOX OX THE HYMXAL, A PRO IX TED BY THE GEXERAE COXVEXTIOX OF i88g Printed fgr thk General Convention 1S92 THE GENERAL CONVENTION. KeSOLUTIOX ADOPTKD liY THE lIoi'SK OF DePUTIKS AXD CONCURRED IX BY THE HOLTSE OF BiSHOPS, THE FIFTEEXTH DAY OF THE SeSSIOX, OcTOBEK 18th, 1889. Resolved, The House of Bishops concurring, that the Commission on the Hymnal be instructed to print their hiial lieport at least three months before the next General Convention ; that the Committee furnish to the Secretary of the Convention a sufficient number of copies for tlie Bishops and Deputies elect ; and that the Secretary mail the same to them without delay. The ex]iense of carrying out this order shall be paid by the Treasurer of the Con- vention, on the a[)proval of the Chairman of the Committee on Expenses. Attest: CHARLES L. HUTCHIXS, Sccrcttrry. Mill*. Kmioht It Co.. P .*., l)o.Tu<.. PREFACE. The Joint Commission to which was referred the ITymnal reported to the fieneral Con- vention of 1889, begs leave to report : — First, That it recommends the omission of certain hymns in the said ITymnal, as will he noted by the Report, which the Commission herewith presents to the Convention. Second, That it recommends the addition of certain hymns from the present Ilymual, such addition being contained also in the Report. Third, That it recommends the addition of several hymns from other sources, which will be found as well in the Report. The lines laid clown by the previous Committee have in general been followed, both as to principles and as to matters of detail. The following statements of that Committee are repeated here, as marking the course of the present Commission. Its aim has been 1. To provide for the present needs and demands of the Church in her public M-orship and her increased activities, as the conditions have changed within the last twenty years. 2. To provide so fully for hymns in the various departments of Church life and work as to make unnecessary the purchase of additional books for special occasions. o. To meet the necessities not merely of the larger City Parishes, but to include hymns which would satisfy the wants of smaller Parishes and remote Missions and the needs of individual souls for the deepening, cultivation and expression of their personal devotion. 4. To include, as far as possible, the expression of the varying schools of theological thought and phases of religious feeling in the Church. 5. To place as many as possible of the hymns for the various seasons under the heading of "General," where they can readilj^ be found by means of the first-line references, and Avhere yet they will naturally come into use throughout the j^ear. As to details, the Commission has been careful to conform its action to the instruction of the resolution under which it was appointed. The original versions of hymns have been carefully sought out and adopted, except when the general consensus of the leading Hymnals has shown that the "best existing text of such hymns " varied from the original. It has made a distinction, as in the Report of 1881), between hymns for common, and hynms for special use, placing the latter in an Appendix, yet Avith continuous numbering, so that they may be available at any and all times. It has grouped together, as far as possible, according to their thought, the hymns placed under the heading of "General," and has arranged them generally after the main plan of the Report. It has provided an Index of Subjects — which, it is hoiked, will be of use to the Clergy — as well as a Table of References by tirst lines. The Commission has not thought best to compile a list of hymns for the different Sundays, fearing that such a Table would result in the i)racti('al disuse of the hymns not represented upon it. It leaves the preparation of such a Table, if it be desired, to private undertaking. iii PKEFACE. Xor does the Commission advise the piintin;^ of tlie names of authors — thoup:h a list of such names is in liand, and at tlie disimsal of the Convention — because, in its jud«inicnr, ihe hymns havin«4 become the property of the Church, and beini:: in some instances altered fr(»m the original, need not, and ought not to be, associated ^vitll the names of those who wrote them. Every effort has been made to obtain the consent of living authors for the use of their hynuis, and of t'.ie eor of love, both of whom also belonged to the preceding Committee : The Rt. liev. Dr. Paddock of 3Iassachusetts was among the most earnest and enthusiastic members of the Commission. No one gave more, perhai)s none as much, thorough and unsparing tliought and pains to the examination and selection of hymns. His habits of systeinatic exactness, his whole-souled devotion to every duty, his spiritual rlevation — all marked features of his character — came out in striking ways in the hearty service which he gave to this work. The venerable Dr. Benedict, of Ohio, all his life a student in hymnology, is remembered by his fellows, all these six years, with affectionate respect for the faithful interest and large experience which he brought to this work, for the consistent courage of his own opinions, and for his liberal consideration of needs and feelings of which he had no consciousness himself. To the one, with the suddenness of a translation ; to the other, through the peaceful patience of long aniicipation, the summons came. But the faithful servant is always ready for his Lord's call ; and those who enter upon the labor of such servants of God as these, are cheered and comforted not only by the memory of pleasant companionship, and by the example of devoted lives, but by the blessed sense that where they are, and where we arc, the service and the worship of the Mat:.ter are one. William Cuoswell Doaxk, D.I)., LL.D., (lidlruKta. Thomas Uxi)K1!w«)OI) Di dlkv, D.I)., D.C.L. J. S. B. HoiKiKs, D.D. E. A. Bradley, D.D. J. S. BiDDLE. Hknky Coppee. F. E. Oliver. II. W. Xelsox, .Til, D.D., Sicreiary. CONTEXTS. HYMXS I. DAILY PRAYER MORXTXG 1- G Evening T- 22 TuE Loed"s Day 23-32 11. THE CHRISTIAX YEAR. Advext. 33- 48 Christmas 40- 58 Epiphany 59-68 Septuagesima, etc 69- 73 Lext 74- 85 Holy Week 86-102 Easter Evex 103-105 Eastertide 106-121 Ascexsioxtide 122-127 Whitsuxtide 128-131 Trixity 132-136 St. Axdrett 137 St. Thomas 138 St. Stephex 139, 140 St. Johx the Evaxgelist. . . 141,142 The Holy Ixxocexts 143, 144 The Circumcisiox 145, 146 TheCoxversiox of St. Paul. 147 The Plrificatiox 148-151 St. Matthias 152 The Axxuxciatiox 153-155 St. Mark 156 St. Philip axd St. James . . . 157 St. Barxabas 158, 159 The Nativity of St. John- Baptist 160 St. Peter 161, 162 St. James 163 HYMNS The Traxsfiguratiox lO-J-166 St. Bartholomew 167 St. Matthew 168 St. Michael axd All Ax- gels 169, 170 St. Luke 171 St. Simox axd St. Jude 172 Gexeral for Saixts' Days.. 173-180 Ember Days 181-186 RoGATiox Days 187-190 TiiAXKSGivixG Day 191-195 Xatioxal Days 196-203 The Old Year 204. 205 The Xew Year 20(_W208 The Seasons 209-212 THE CHURCH. Holy Baptism 213-218 Coxfirmatiox 219-225 Holy Commuxion 226-243 Holy Matrimony 244-246 Burial of the Dead 247-2.54 Missions 255-271 Almsgivixg 272-274 Charities 275-279 Orphans 280, 281 Temperaxce 282, 283 Divixity Schools 284 IV. THE HOLY SCRIPTURES.... 285-288 III. Y. SPECIAL OCCASIONS. Ordination Institution of Minister; V 289-293 294 CONTEXTS. HYMNS Lavino of a Cohxer-Stoxe. 295-298 CoNsix iiATiox OF CiintcnKs. 290-302 Restoration of a Ciiihcii.. 303 Dedication of Hotses, Places and Tnixos 304-308 TlIAVELLERS BY SeA OR LaXD 309-314 YI. GEXEKAL 3ir)-:)02 Til. PROCESSIOXALS. 503-513 HYMN< VIII. LITAXIES 514-52ii IX. APPEXDIX. Foil ClITLDREX 523-508 Lay Helpers 5G9-5T'.> Teachers 57s Guilds or Fijiexdly Sot ie- TIES 579 Parochial Missions 580-()15 For the Sick axd Afflicted 61(>-(i29 Home axd Personal Use... G30-073 HYMNS I. IDailij ?3rauci\ MORNING. 1 L. M. "VTEW every luoniini;' is the love jJN Our wakeniug and uprising prove; Through sleep anil darkness safely brought, Restored to life, and power, and thought. 2 Xew mercies, each returning day. Hover around us while we pray; Xew perils i)ast, new sins forgiven, New thoughts of God, new hopes of heaven. 3 If on our daily course our mind Be set to hallow all we find, Xew treasures still, of countless price, God will provide for sacrifice. 4 Old friends, old scenes, will lovelier be. As more of heaven in each we see; Some softening gleam of love and prayer Shall dawn on every cross and care. ') The trivial round, the common task, Will furnish all we need to ask; Room to deny ourselves, a road To bring us daily nearer God. 6 Only, O Lord, in Thy dear love. Fit us for perfect rest above; And help us, this and every day. To live more nearly as we pray. Part I. L.M. AWAKE, my soul, and with the sun Thy daily stage of duty run ; Shake off dull sloth, and early rise To pay thy morning sacrilice. -I Redeem thy misspent time that's past. And live this day as if thy last; Improve thy talent with due care; For the great day thyself prepare. 3 Wake, and lift up thyself, my heart, And with the angels bear thy part. Who all niglit long, unwearied, sing High praise to the eternal King. 1 Fart II. 4 .Vll praise to Thee, Who safe hast kept, And hast refreshed me while I slei)t; Grant, Lord, when I from death shall wake, I may of endless light partake. 5 Lord, I my vows to Thee renew; Scatter my sins as morning dew; Guard my lirst springs of thought and will, And with Thyself my spirit lill. (5 Direct, control, suggest, this day, All I design, or do, or say; That all my powers, with all their might. In Thy sole glory may unite. 7 Praise God, from Whom all blessings flow; Praise Him, all creatures here below; Praise Him above, angelic host; Praise Father, Son, and Holy Ghost. The Doxology may be sung also at the eml of Part I. 3 L.M. OJESU, Lord of heavenly grace. Thou brightness of Thy Father's face, Thou fountain of eternal light, AVhose beams disperse the shades of night, 2 Come, holy Sun of heavenly love, Shower down Thy radiance from above; And to our inward hearts convey The Holy Spirit's cloudless ray. 3 May faith, deep-rooted in the soul. Subdue our Hesh, our minds control; May guile dei)art, and discord cease. And all within be joy and peace. 4 Oh, hallowed be the approaching day; Let meekness be our morning ray ; And faithful love our noonday light; And hope our sunset, calm and bright. 5 O Christ, with each returning morn. Thine image to our hearts be borne; Oh, may we ever clearly see Our Saviour and our God in Thee. DAILY riiAYEK— EVENING. P. M. C10ME, my soul, tliou must be \vakin< '' Now is breaking O'er the earth aiiotlier (hiy: Come, to Ilim who made this si)leii(loi' JSee thou render All thy feeble streug:th can i)ay. 2 Pray that lie may i)rosi)er ever Eaeh endeavor, AVhen thine aim is (jood and true; But that He may ever thwart thee, And convert thee, When thou evil would' st pursue. 3 Think that He thy ways beholdeth ; He unfoldeth Every fault that lurks within; He the hidden shame glossed c>ver Can discover. And discern each deed of sin. Mayest thou on life's last morrow, Eree from sorrt)w, Pass away in slumber sweet; And, released from death's dark sadness. Pise in jiladness, That far brighter Sun to greet. C)nly God's free gifts abuse not, Ligijt refuse not, But His Spirit's voice obey; Thou with Him shalt dwell, beholding Light enfolding All things in unclouded day. 3 Let our i)rayers each morn prevail, That these gifts may never fail; And, as we confess the sin And the temi)ter's jiower within, Eeed us with the Bread of Life; Fit us for our daily strife. 4 As the morning light returns, As the sun with splendor burns, Teach us still to turn to Thee, Ever blessed Trinity, With our hands our hearts to raise In unfailing praver and praise. 6 [fi:ii)Av.] L. M. Vs. 17^ VERY morning mercies new Li Fall as fresh as morning dew; Eveiy morning let us ]»ay Tiibute with the early day: For Thy nu^rcies. Lord, are sure; Thy comjiassion doth endure. Still the greatness of Thy h)ve Daily dotJi our sins remove: Daily, far as east fr(»in west. Lifts tjie burden from the breast; (iives uiibought, to thctsi* who l>ray. Strength to stand in evil day. 2 JESUS, crucified for man, O Lamb, all glorious on Thy thritne, Teach Thou our wondering souls to scan The mystery of Thy love unknown. 2 "\Ve pray Thee, grant us strength to take Our daily cross, whate'er it l)e, And gladly for Thine own dear sake In paths of pain to follow Thee. 3 As on our daily way we go, Through light or shade, in calm or strife, Oh! may we bear Thy marks below In conquered sin and chastened life. 4 And week by week this day we ask That holy memories of Thy cross May sanctify each common task, And turn to gain each earthly loss. 5 Grant us, dear Lord, our cross to bear Till at Thy feet we lay it down, "Win through Thy blood our i)ardon there, And through the cross attain the crown. Also the following: 310 Christ, Whose glory tills the skies. 3S3 Holy, Holy, Holy, j.ord (iod almighty. 031 My Father, for another night. 032 When the bright morn I see. EVENING. io.(;.io.r). BRIGHTNESS of the immortal Father's face. Most holy, heavenly, blest. Lord .Jesus Christ, in Whom His initli and grace Are visibly expressed: DAILY PKAVEll— EVKMX(;. ■J. TliL' sun is sinking- now, and one by one The lamps of eveuin<;- shine: We hymn the eternal Father, and the Son, And Holy Ghost divine. ;; Worthy art Thou at all times to receive Our hallowed i)raises. Lord: O Son of God, be Thou, in Whom we live, Through all the world adored. 8 L. M. ALL praise to Thee, my God, this night, For all the blessings of the light; Keep me, oh, keep me. King of kings, Beneath Thine own almighty wings. 2 Forgive me, Lord, for Thy dear Son, The ill that I this day have done; That with the \vorld, myself, and Thee, I, ere I sleep, at peace may be. o Teach me to live, that I may dread The grave as little as my bed; Teach me to die, that so I may Kise glorious at the awful day. 4 Oh, may my soul on Thee repose. And may sweet sleep mine eyelids close; sleep that shall me more vigorous make To serve my God wdien I awake. 5 When in the night I sleepless lie, My soul with heavenly thoughts supply; Let no ill dreams disturb my rest, Xo powers of darkness me molest. Oh, when shall I, in endless daj-. Forever chase dark sleep away. And hymns divine with angels sing. All praise to Thee, eternal King '^ 7 Praise God, from Whom all blessings flow; Praise Him, all creatures here below; Praise Him above, angelic host: Praise Father, Son, and Holy Ghost. HOLY Father, cheer our way With Thy love's perpetual ray: Grant us every closing day Light at evening-time. 2 Holy Saviour, calm our fears When earth's brightness disappears: Grant us in our later years Light at evening-time. 3 3 Holy Spirit, be Thou nigii AVhen in mc^rtal pains we lie; Grant us, as we come to tlie, Light at evening-time. 4 Holy, blessed Trinity, Darkness is not dark to Thee: Those Thou keejiest always see Light at evening-time. 10 ri^HE radiant morn hath passed away, Jl_ And si)ent too soon her golden store; The shadows of dei>arting day Creep on once more. 2 Our life is but an autumn sun. Its glorious noon, how quickly past; Lead us, O Christ, our life-work done. Safe home at last. :j Oh, by Thy soul-inspiring grace Uplift our hearts to realms on high ; Help us to look to that bright place Beyond the skj^; 4 Where light, and life, and joy, and peace In undivided empire reign. And thronging angels never cease Their deathless strain; 5 Where saints are clothed in spotless white. And evening shadows never fall. Where Thou, eternal Light of Light. Art Lord of all. 11 L. M. SUX of my soul, Thou Saviour dear, It is not night if Thou be near; Oh, may no earth-born cloud arise To hide Thee from Thy servant's eyes. 2 When the soft dews of kindly sleep My weary eyelids gently steep. Be my last thought, how sweet to rest Forever on my Saviour's breast. 3 Abide with me from morn till eve. For without Thee I cannot live; Abide with me when night is nigh. For without Thee I dare not die. 4 If some poor wandering child of Thine Have spurned to-day the voice divine, Xow, Lord, the gracious work begin; Let him no more lie down in sin. DAILY IMLVYEK— EVEXIXG. \Vatrli l»y the sirk; enrich tlu* ittmr \\"aU Mt*.ssiu<;s from Thy b«niiiilh'ss store; 13e every numruers sleep to-ni;rht. Like infant's slumbers, luue ami light. Come near and bless us when we wake, Ere through the W(»rhl our way we take, Till in the ocean of Thy love We lose ourselves in heaven above. 3 O Saviour Christ, our woes dispel; For some are sick, antl some are sad. And some have never loved Thee well. And some have lost the love they had; 4 And some have found the world is vain, Yet from the world they break not free; And some have friends who give them pain, Y'et have not sought a friend in Thee. 12 IMS. i BIDE wiih me: fast falls the eventide: .iTX The darkness deepens; Lord, with me abide : When other helpers fail, and comforts flee. Help of the helpless, oh, al)ide with me. ■J Swift to its close ebbs out life's little day: Earth's jt»ys grow dim. its glories pass away. Change and decay in all around I see: O Thou Who changest not, abide with me. , I need Thy i)resence every passing hour; Wliat but Thy grace can toil the tempter's l>ower ? Who, like Thyself, my guide and stay can be? Through cloud and sunshine. Lord, abide with me. 4 I fear no f(»e. with Thee at hand to bless: Ills have no weight, and tears no V»itterness. ^Vhere is death's sting? where, grave, thy victory ? I triumph still, if Thou abide with me. 5 H<»ld Thou Thy cross before my closing eyes: Shine through the gloom, and point me to the skies; Heaven's morning breaks, and earth's vain shadows lice; In life, in deatli, O Lord, abide with me. 13 L. M. i T even, ore the sun was set, xV The sick, () L(»rd, around Thee lay; Oh, in what divers jtains they nu't I Oh, with what joy they went away I ') And none, O Lord, have perfect rest, For none are wholly free from sin; And they who fain would love Thee hest I Are cousci(»us most of wrong within. (i O Saviour Christ, Thou to<) art man: Thou hast been troubled, tempted. trit< I Thy kind but searching glance can scan The very wounds that shame would hid. 7 Thy touch has still its ancient power: S'o word from Thee can fruitless fall: Hear, in this solemn evening hour. And in Thy mercy heal us all. 14 C. M. THE shadows of the evening hours Fall from the darkening sky; L'pon the fragrance of the ri«>wers The dews of evening lie. 2 Before Thy throne, O L<»rd of heaven, We kneel at close of day; Look on Thy children from on hi^h. And hear us while we i»ray. :i The sorrows nL 15 16 iS. O WEET Saviour, bless us ere we go: 1^ Thy word into our minds instill; And make our lukewarm hearts to glow With lowly love and fervent will. Tlirough life's long day and death's dark night, O gentle Jcsu, be our light. The day is gone, its hours have run, And Thou hast taken count of all. The scanty triumphs grace hath won. The broken vow, the frequent fall. Through life's long day and death's dark night, O gentle Jesu, be our light. Grant us, dear Lord, from evil ways True absolution and release ; And bless us, more than in past days. With purity and inward peace. Through life's long day and death's dark night, O gentle .Jesu, be our light. 4 For all we love, the poor, the sad, The sinful, unto Thee we call; Oh, let Thy mercy make us glad; Thou art our Saviour, and our all. Through life's long day and death's dark night, O gentle Jesu, be our lioht. Sweet Saviour, bless us; night is come; Through night and darkness near us be ; Good angels watch about our home. And we are one day nearer Thee. Through life's long day and death's dark night, O gentle Jesu, be our light. 5 O OFTLY now the light of day O Fades upon my sight away; Free from care, froui labor free. Lord, 1 would couimune with Thee. 2 Thou, Whose all-pervading eye Naught escapes, without, within, Pardon each infirmity. Open fault, and secret sin. 3 Soon, for me, the light of day Shall forever pass away; Then, from sin and sorrow free, Take me. Lord, to dwell with Thee. 4 Thou Who, sinless, yet hast known All of man's iuhrmity; Then, from Thine eternal throne, Jesus, look with pitying eye. 17 8.7. SAYIOL^R, breathe an evening blessing, Ere repose our spirits seal; Sin and want we come confessing; Thou canst save and Thou canst heal. 2 Though the night be dark and dreary, Darkness cannot hide from Thee; Thou art He who, never weary, Watchest wiiere Thy people be. 3 Though destruction walk around us, Though the arrows past us fly, Angel-guards from Thee surround us; We are safe, if Thou art nigh. 4 Be Thou nigh, should death o'ertake usj Jesus then our refuge be. And in Paradise awake us. There to rest in peace with Thee. 5 Father, to Thy holy keeping Humbly we ourselves resign; Saviour, Who hast slept our sleeping", Make our slumbers pure as Thine; 6 Blessed Spirit, brooding o'er us. Chase the darkness of our night, Till the perfect day before us Breaks in everlasting light. DAILY I'UAYEl:— liVKXlNT,. 18 G.4.G.O. 19 rniiK su ± The ;iiii IS siiikinii" fast, dayli«ilit dios: Let love awake, and jiay ller evening saeiiliee. 2 As Christ upon the cross His head iiieliued, And to His Father's hands llis parting soul resigned; 3 So now herself my soul ^Vould wlK>lly give Into His saered charge, In \Vlioni all spirits live; 4 8o now beneath His eye Would calmly rest, Without a wish or thought Abiding in the breast; 5 Save that His will be done, Whate'er betide; Dead to herself, and dead In Him to all beside. G Thus would I live: yet now Not I, but He, In all His power and love, Henceforth alive in me. 7 One sacred Trinity, One Lord divine, May I be ever His, And He forever mine. rpHE day is past and over: X All thanks, () Lord, to Thee! 1 i)ray 'I'hee that olfenceless 'IMie hours of dark may be. O Jesu, keep me in Thy sight. And save me througli the coming ni< The joys of day are over: I lift my heart to Thee; And call ()in may be. O .Icsu, make their darkness liglit, And save me through the coming ui< 6 P. IL :ht :3 The toils (»f day arc over; 1 raise the hymn to Thee. And ask that free from jteril The liours of fear may be: O Jesu, keep me in Thy sight. And guard me tlirough the coming niglit. 4 Lighten mine eyes, O Saviour, Or sleep in death shall 1. And he, my wakeful tempter, Triumphantly shall cry ' He couhl not make their darkness light, Nor guard them through the hours of night.' o Be Thou my soul's preserver. () God! for Thou dost know How many are the perils Through which I have to go. Lover of men, oh, hear my call, And uuard and save mc from them all I 20 GOD, that madest earth and heaven, Darkness and light : Who the day for toil hast given. For rest tlie night: May Thine angel-guards defend us, Slumber sweet Thy mercy send us, Holy dreams and hopes attend us. This livelong night. 2 Guard us waking, guard us sleei)ing, And, when we die. May we in Thy mighty keeping, All i)eaceful lie: When the last dread call shall wake us, Do not Thou, our (iod, forsake us. But to reign in glory take us With Thee on hi 'Tis Thine each soul to calm, Each wayward thought reclaim, And make our life a daily psalm Of glory to Thy Name. A little while, and then .Shall come the glorious end; And songs of angels and of men In perfect praise shall blend. 22 lOs. THE day is gently sinking to a close. Fainter and yet more faint the sun- light glows: O brightness of Thy Father's glory, Thou Eternal Light of Light, be with us now : Where Thou art present darkness cannot be; Midnight is glorious noon, O Lord, with Thee. 2 Our changeful lives are ebbing to an end : Onward to darkness and to death we tend : O conqueror of the grave, be Thou our guide, Be Thou our light in death's dark eventide; Then in our mortal hour will be no gloom, Xo sting in death, no terror in the tomb. 3 Thou, Who in darkness walking didst appear Upon the waves, and Thy disciples cheer. Come, Lord, in lonesome days, when storms assail. And earthly hopes and human succors fail : When all is dark may we behold Thee nigh. And hear Thy voice — " Fear not, for it is I." 4 The weary world is mouldering to decay, Its glories wane, its pageants fade away ; In that last sunset when the stars shall fall. May we arise awakened by Thy call. With Thee, O Lord, forever to abide In that blest day wliich has no eventide. 7 Also the following: ;>S0 Three in One, and One in Three. 408 The roseate hues of early dawn. 527 Now the day is over. (385 Tarry with me, O my Saviour. 03(3 Inspirer and hearer of prayer. 037 Great God, to Thee, my evening song. 038 Through the day Thy love lias spared us. ()30 Hear our prayer, O Heavenly Father. GOO One sweetly solemn thought. 23 €\}t %oxV^ ©ag. 7.6. ODAY of rest and gladness, O day of joy and light, O balm of care and sadness. Most beautiful, most bright; On thee, the high and lowly. Through ages joined in tune, Sing, Holy, Holy, Holy, To the great God Triune. 2 On thee, at the creation. The light first had its birth; On thee for our salvation Christ rose from depths of earth-. On thee our Lord victorious The Spirit sent from heaven ; And thus on thee most glorious A triple light was given. 3 Thou art a port protected From storms that round us rise ; A garden intersected With streams of Paradise; Thou art a cooling foimtain In life's dry, dreary sand; From thee, like Pisgah's mountain, W"e view our promised land. 4 To-day on weary nations The heavenly manna falls: To holy convocations The silver trumpet calls ; Where gospel light is glowing With pure and radiant beams: And living water flowing With soul-refreshing streams. THE LORD-JS DAY. New oiaces ever gaiuinu: From this our day of rest. We reach the Kest remaining To spirits of the blest. To Holy Ghost be praises, To Father, and to ISon: The Church her voice ui)raises To Thee, blest Three in One. 24 HAIL ! sacred day of earthly rest, From toil and trouble free; Hail I day of light, that bringest light And joy to me. 2 A holy stillness, breathing calm On all the Avorld around. Uplifts my soul, O God, to Thee, Where rest is found. 3 On all I think, or say, or do, A ray of light divine Is shed, O God, this day by Thee, For it is Thine. 4 Accept, O God, my hymn of praise, That Thou this day hast given, S^veet foretaste of that endless day Of rest in heaven. 25 8.8.6. C10ME, let us all with one accord / Adore and magnify the Lord, And festal service pay; 2 On this the day that God hath blest. The day of peace and heavenly rest, The Lord's own holy day; 3 That saw primajval darkness break, And that more glorious life awake That lasteth evermore; 4 That saw helPs legions prostrate fall, And C'Inist, triumphant over all. His (»\vn to lieaven restore. T) This day tlie jicace that Hows from lieaven W as unto the Ai)ostles given, When doors were closed at night; 8 This day the Holy Spirit's flame Upon the Churcirs teachers eame, And filled their souls with light. 7 Still on this day with trumpet sound The Gospel notes are ringing round. To call the world to pray: 8 Then on this day let us adore Our God, and supplication pour. That, when worlds pass away, 9 Through Christ's dear grace our souls may rest In peace and joy, forever blest. Till the great Judo;meut Da v. 26 S.M. rillllS is the day of light: -L Let there be light to-day ; O Day-spring, rise upon our night, And chase its gloom away. 2 This is the day of rest: Our failing strength renew: On weary brain and troubled breast Shed Thou Thy freshening dew. 3 This is the day of peace: Thy peace our spirits fill: Bid Thou the blasts of discord cease. The waves of strife be still. 4 This is the day of prayer: Let earth to heaven draw near: Lift up our hearts to seek Thee there; Come down to meet us here. 5 This is the first of days: Send forth Thy (]uickening breath. And wake dead souls to love and praise, O vanquisher of death ! 27 CM. WITH joy we hail the sacred dav. Which God hath called His own; With joy the summons we obey, To worship at His throne. 2 Thy chosen temi)le. Lord, how fair! As here Thy servants throng To breathe the humble, fervent prayc:, And pour the grateful song. THE LOKL)"fS DAY 3 Spirit of urace, oh, deiun to dwell Witliin 'IMiy C'liurcli l)i'](>\vl Make her in holiness excel, With pure devotion glow. 4 Let peace within her walls be found; Let all her sons unite To spread with holy zeal around Her clear and shining light. 5 Great God, we hail the sacred day Which Thou hast called Thine own: With joy the summons we obey To worship at Thy throne. 28 c. M. BLEST day of God I most calm, most bright. The lirst, the best of days; The laborers rest, the saint's delight, The day of prayer and praise. 2 3Iy Saviour's face made thee to shine; His rising thee did raise, And made thee heavenly and divine Beyond all other days. 3 The first-fruits oft a blessing i)rove To all the sheaves behind ; And they the day of Christ who love, A happy week shall find. 4 This day I must with God appear; For, Lord, the day is Thine; Help me to spend it in Thy fear, And thus to make it mine. 29 C. M. , ^V'^^^^ ^^^^^ ^^^^ wants are told, that brought ! 1> Thy children to Thy knee; Here lingering still, we ask for naught. But simply worship Thee. 2 The hope of heaven's eternal days I Absorbs not all the heart I That gives Thee glory, love, and praise, j For being what Thou art. j^ For Thou art God, the one, the same, I O'er all things high and bright; And round us, when we speak Thy name. There spreads a heaven of light. {4 O wondrous peace, in thought to dwell On excellence divine; j To know that naught in man can tell ! How fair Thy beauties shine. 9 5 O Thou, above all blessing blest, (^'er thanks exalted far. Thy very greatness is a rest To mortals as we are; G For when we feel the praise of Thee A task beyond our powers. We say, "A perfect God is He, And He is fully ours." 30 los. SAVIOUR, again to Thy dear Name we raise With one accord our parting hymn of praise; Once more we bless Thee ere our worship cease, Then, lowly kneeling, wait Thy word of peace. 2 Grant us Thy peace upon our homeward way ; With Thee began, with Thee shall end the day; Guard Thou the lips from sin, the hearts from shame, That in this house have called upon Thy Xame. 3 Grant us Thy peace through this approach- ing night, Turn Thou for us its darkness into light; From harm and danger keep Thy children free, For dark and light are both alike to Thee. 4 Grant us Thy peace throughout our earthly life, Our balm in sorrow, and our stay in strife: Then, when Thy voice shall bid our contlict cease, Call us, O Lord, to Thine eternal peace. 31 L. M. ALMIGHTY Father, bless the word Which through Thy grace we now have heard ; Oh, may the precious seed take root, Spring up, and bear abundant fruit. 2 We praise Thee for the means of grace, Thus in Thy courts to seek Thy face: Grant, Lord, that we who worshij) here May all, at last, in heaven ai)pear. THE CIIUISTIAX YEAR— ADVENT. 32 LOUD, dismiss us Avitli Thy blessinj]:; Fill our hearts with joy aud peace; Let us each. Thy love jjossessiug, Triumph in re(itemin<;- grace: Oh, refresh us, Travelling through this wilderness. 2 Thanks we give and adoration For Thy Gospel's joyful sound: May the fruits of Thy salvation In our hearts and lives abound : May Thy presence With us evermore be found; :3 So that when Thy love shall call us, Saviour, from the world away, Fear of death shall not appal us, Glad Thy summons to obey. May we ever Reign with Thee in endless day. II. Z]}t ffi{)n5tian gear. 33 ADVENT. 6.5. HARK I the voice eternal, Robed in majesty, Calling into being Earth and sea and sky; Hark! in countless numbers All the angel-throng Hail creation's morning With one Ijurst of song. High in regal glory, "Mid eternal light, Reign, () King immortal, Holy, inlinite. Brig-ht the world and glorious, Calm both earth anil sea, Noble in its grandeur Stood man's i)urity; Came the great transgression, Came the saddening fall. Death and desolation Breathing over all. Still in regal glory, 'Mid eternal liglit, Reigned the King immortal, Holy, inlinite. 10 3 Long the nations waited, Through the troubled night, LcK>king, longing, yearning fFor the i)romised light. Proi)hets saw the morning ^'* Breaking far away. Minstrels sang the splendor Of that opening day. Whilst in regal glory, "Mid eternal light', Reigned the King immortal. Holy, inlinite. Brightly dawned the Advent Of the new-born King, Joyously the w ateliers Heard the angels sing. Sadlv closed the evening Of His hallowed life. As the noontide darkness Veiled the last dread strife. Lol again in gl(»ry, 'Mid eternal light, Reigns the King immortal, Holy, infinite. Lo! again He cometh, Robed in clouds of light. As the Judge eternal, Armed with i)ower and might. Nations to His fot)tstool (fathered then shall be; Earth shall yield her treasures. And her dead, the sea. Till the trumpet soundeth, 'Mid eternal light Reign, Thou King immortal, Holy, inlinite. G Jesus! Lord and Master, Prophet, Priest and King, To Thy feet triumphant Hallowed ])raise we bring. Thine the jiain and weeping. Thine the victory; Power, and i)raise, and honor, Be, O Lord, to Thee. Hiuh in regal glory, 'Mid eternal light, Reign, O King immortal, liidy, inlinite. [This hymn may be sunjj with or without the refrain, as a Proc'essionalor not, as desired.] THE CHRISTIAN YEAR— ADVENT. 34 Ss DAY of wratli! oh, day of monrninu! See fultilled tlie propliets' waiuinu-, Heaven and earth in ashes burning! 2 Oh, what fear man's bosom rendeth, When from heaven the Judge descendeth, On Wliose sentence all dependeth. o Wondrous sound the trumpet rtingeth ; Through earth's sepulchres it ringeth; All before the throne it bringeth. 4 Death is struck, and nature quaking, All creation is awaking. To its Judge an answer making. 5 Lo ! the Book exactly worded, Wherein all hath been recorded: Thence shall judgment be awarded. When the Judge His seat attaineth, And each liidden deed arraigneth, Xothing unavenged remaineth. 7 What shall I, frail man, be pleading ? Who for me be interceding, When the just are mercy needing? 8 King of majesty tremendous. Who dost free salvation send us, Fount of pity, then befriend us! 9 Think, good Jesu, mj-- salvation Cost Thy wondrous Incarnation ; Leave me not to reprobation ! 10 Faint and weary Thou hast sought me. On the cross of suffering bought me. Shall such grace be vainly brought me ? 11 Righteous Judge! for sin's pollution Grant Thy gift of absolution, Ere that day of retribution. 12 Guilty, now I pour my moaning. All my shame with anguish owning; Spare, O God, Thy suppliant groaning! 13 Thou the sinful woman saved' st; Thou the dying thief forgavest; And to me a hope vouchsafest. 11 14 Worthless are my prayers and sighing, Yet, good Lord, in grace complying, Rescue me from lires undying! 15 With Thy favored sheep oh, i)lace me! Xor among the goats abase me; But to Thy right hand upraise me. 10 While the wicked are confounded. Doomed to llames of woe unbounded, Call me, with Thy saints surrounded. 17 Low I kneel, with heart-submission. See, like ashes, my contrition; Help me in my last condition. 18 Ah! that day of tears and mourning! From the dust of earth returning Man for judgment must prepare him; Spare, O God, in mercy spare him! 10 Lord, all pitying, Jesu blest. Grant us Thine eternal rest. 35 GREAT God, what do I see and hear! The end of things created! The Judge of mankind doth appear On clouds of glory seated ! The trumpet sounds; the graves restore The dead which they contained before; Prepare, my soul, to meet Him ! 2 The dead in Christ shall first arise At the last trumpet's sounding. Caught up to meet Him in the skies. With joy their Lwrd surrounding: Xo gloomy fears their souls dismay, His presence sheds eternal day On those prepared to meet Him. o But sinners, filled with guilty fears, Behold His wrath prevailing; For they shall rise, and find their tears And sighs are unavailing: The day of grace is past and gone; Trembling, they stand before the throne, All unprepared to meet Him. 4 Great God, to Tliee my spirit clings, Thy boundless love declaring, One wondrous sight my comfort brings, Tlie Judge my nature wearing. Beneath His cross I view the day When heaven and earth shall pass away, And thus prepare to meet Him. THE CHRISTIAX YEAH— ADVEXT. 36 R C. M. ONCE more, O Lord, Thy sion shall be Upon the heavens tlisplayed, And earth and its inhabitants Be terribly atraitl: For, not in weakness clad, Thou com'st. Our woes, our sins to bear, But «>irt with all Thy Father's might. His judgment to deelare. The terrors of that awful day Oh, who ean understand ? Or who abide, when Thou in wrath Shalt lift Thy holy hand ? The earth shall (^uake, the sea shall roar, The sun in heaven grow pale; But Thou hast sworn, and wilt not change. Thy faithful shall not fail. 3 Then grant us, Saviour, so to pass Our time in trembling here, That when upon the clouds of heaven Thy glory shall api)ear, Ui)lifting high our joyful heads, In triumph we may rise. And enter, with Thine angel train, Thy palace in the skies. 37 LO, He comes with clouds descending, Once for our salvation slain; Thousand angel-hosts attending Swell the triumph of His train: Alleluia! Clirist, the Lord, returns to reign. Every eye shall now behold Him, Robed in dreadful majesty; Those who set at naught and sold Him, Pierced, and nailed Him to tlie tree, I)eei)ly wailing, Sliall the true Messiah see. 3 Xow redemption, long expected, See in solemn i)omp appear: All His saints, by men rt'jected, Xow shall meet Him in the air Alleluia! See the day of (iod ai»pear. 12 Yea, Amen: let all adore Thee, High on Thine eternal throne: Saviour, take the power and glory: Claim the kinudoms for Thine own: Alleluia! Thou shalt reign, and Thou alone. 38 V. :sL WAKE, awake, for night is ilying: The watchmen on the heights are crying. Awake, Jerusalem, arise! Midnight's solemn hour is tolling. His chariot wheels are nearer rolling; He comes; prepare, ye Virgins wise. Rise up; with willing feet (jo forth, the Bridegroom meet: Alleluia! Bear through the night your well-trimmed light, Speed forth to join the marriage rite. 2 Sion hears the watchmen singing, Her heart with deep delight is si)ringing. She wakes, she rises from her gloom: Forth her Bridegroom comes, all-glorious. In grace arrayed, by truth victorious; Her Star is risen, her Light is come! All hail, Incarnate Lord, Our crown, and our reward! Alleluia! We haste along, in pomp of song. And gladsome join the marriage throng. ■i Lamb of (Jod, the heavens adore Thee, And men and angels sing before Thee, With harp and cymi)ars clearest tone. By the pearly gates in wonder We stand, and swell the voice of thunder, That echoes rcuuid Thy dazzling throne. Xo vision ever brought. Xo ear hath ever caught. Such bliss and joy: We raise the song, we swell the throng, Tt» praise Thee ages all along. 39 HARK! ye faithful, rouse from sleeping! Strikes the Advent bell again: With the (Jhurch yht. Alleluia, Jesus come in Thine own might. 4 Join their cry who've gone before us. Waiting for their final home: Theirs and ours redemption's chorus, Come, Lord Jesus, quicklv come. Alleluia, Even so. Lord Jesus, come. 40 8 HARK! a thrilling voice is sounding; "Christ is nigh," it seems to say; j *'Cast away the works of darkness, i O ye children of the day!" ! 2 Wakened by the solemn warning, \ Let the earth-bound soul arise; Christ, her Sun, all sloth dispelling. Shines upon the morning skies. jo Lo! the Lamb, so long expected, , Comes with pardon down from heaven; Let us haste, with tears of sorrow. One and all to be forgiven; 4 So when next He comes with glory, Wrapping all the world in fear. May He with His mercy shield us. And with words of love draw^ near. 141 0"' 8s. quickly come, dread Judge of all; For, awful though Thine Advent be, All shadows from the truth will fall. And falsehood die, in sight of Thee: Oh, quickly come: for doubt and fear Like clouds dissolve when Thou art near. 13 Oh, (|ui(kly come, great King of all: Keign all around us, and within; Let sin no more our souls enthral. Let i)ain and sorrow die with sin; Oh, (juickly come: for Thou alone Caust make Thy scattered people one. Oh, quickly come, true Life of all; For death is mighty all around; On every home his shadows fall. On every heart his mark is found: Oh, (piickiy come: for grief and i)ain Can never cloud Thy glorious reign. Oh, quickly come, sure Light of all. For gloomy night broods o'er our way; And fainting souls begin to fall AVith weary watching for the day: Come, quickly come: for round Thy throne No eye is blind, no night is known. 42 REJOICE, rejoice, believers! And let your lights api>ear; The evening is advancing, And darker night is near. The Bridegroom is arising. And soon He will draw nigh : Up! pray, and watch, and wrestle! At midniiiht comes the crv. See that your lamps are burning; Replenish them with oil; Look now for your salvation. The end of sin and toil. The watchers on the mountain Proclaim the Bridegroom near, Go meet Him as He cometh, With alleluias clear. O wise and holy virgins. Now raise your voices higher, Till, in your jubilations Ye meet the angel choir. The marriage-feast is waiting. The gates wide open stand; Up, up, ye heirs of glory! The Bridegroom is at hand. THE CHRISTIAX YEAK— ADVENT. Our hope and expectation, () Jesu, now appear; Arise, Thou Sun so h)nse the path to misery. Kejoice! Rejoice! Emmanuel Shall come to thee, O Israel ! Oh come, oh come, Thou Lord of might! Who to Thy tribes, on Sinai's height. In ancient times didst give the law, In cloud, and majesty, and awe. Kejoice! Kejoice! Emmanuel Shall come to thee, O Israel ! 45 G.G. rpiIE Church has waited long X Her absent Lord to see ; And still in loneliness she waits; A friendless stranger she. Age after age has gone. Sun after sun has set, And still in garb of widowhood She weeps, a mourner yet. Come, then. Lord Jesus, come! Saint after saint on earth Has lived, and loved, and died; And as they left us one by one, We laid them side by side; We laid them down to sleep, But not in hoi)e forlorn; We laid them but to rest, and wake L'pon the glorious morn. Come, then, Lord Jesus, come! We long to hear Thy voice, To see Thee face to face, To share Thy crown and glory then, As now we share Thy grace. Shituld not the loving Bride The absent Bridegroom mourn? Should she not wear the signs of grief. Until her L(U(l return? Come, then, Lord Jesus, comel THE CHiasTIAX YEAK— CHRISTMAS. The wliole creation oioans. And waits to hear that voice. That shall restore her comeliness, And make her wastes rejoice. Come, Lord, and wipe away The curse, the sin, the stain. And make tliis blighted world of ours Thine own fair world again. Come, then, Lord Jesus, comel 3 He comes from thickest films of vice To clear the mental ray. And on the eyes oppressed with night To pour celestial day. 4 He comes the broken heart to bind, The bleeding soul to cure: And with the treasures of His grace To enrich the humble poor. 46 O'ER the distant mountains breaking Comes the reddening dawn of day Kise, my soul, from sleep awaking. Rise, and sing, and watch, and pray; 'Tis thy Saviour. On His bright returning wav. 2 O Thou long-expected I weary Waits my anxious soul for Thee, Life is dark, and earth is dreary, Where Thy light I do not see; O my Saviour, When wilt Thou return to me ? S Xearer is my soul's salvation. Spent the night, the day at hand; Keep me in my lowly station, AVatchiug foV Thee, till I stand, O my Saviour, lu Thy bright, Thy promised laud. 4 With my lamp well trimmed and burnin< Swift to hear and slow to roam. Watching for Thy glad returning To restore me to my home. Come my Saviour, Thou hast promised: quickly come. 47 CM. HARK I the glad sound I the Saviour comes. The Saviour promised long: Let every heart prepare a throne. And every voice a song. 2 He comes the prisoners to release In Satan's bondage held: The gates of brass before Him burst. The iron fetters yield. 15 5 Our glad hosannas. Prince of Peace, Thy welcome shall proclaim: And heaven's eternal arches ring With Thv beloved Name. 48 COME, Thou long-expected Jesus, Born to set Thy people free; From our fears and sins release us; Let us find our rest in Thee. 2 Israel's strength and consolation, Hope of all the earth Thou art; Dear desire of every nation, Joy of every longing heart. 3 Born Thy people to deliver. Born a chikl, and yet a King, Born to reign in us forever. Now Thy gracious kingdom bring. 4 By Thine own eternal Spirit. Rule in all our hearts alone: By Thine all-sutficieut merit. Raise us to Thy glorious throne. Also the following: 321 Thou art coming, O my Saviour. 322 Jesus came, the heavens adoring. 404 The world is very evil. 405 Brief life is here our portion. 522 Jesus, Life of those who die. 49 CHRISTMAS. P. M. OH come, all ye faithful. Joyful and triumphant; Oh come ye, oh come ye, to Bethlehem ; Come and behold Him Born, the King of angels: Oh come, let us a(h)re Him, Oh come, let us adore Him, Oh come, let us adore Him, Christ the Lord. THE CHIilSTIAX YEAK— ClIKISTMAS. God of God, Li«;lit oi Lioht, Lo! He abluns not the A'iiLcin's womb; VtMy (iod, Begotten, not created : Oh come, let us adore Jlim, etc. Siu.u", choirs, of an Mortals, your homage be gratefully bring- ing", Alid sweet let the gladsome hosanna arise : Ye angels, the full alleluia be singing; One cliorus resound through the earth and the skies: Shout the glad tidings, etc. 53 c. M. WHILE shepherds watched their tiocks by night. All seated on the ground. The angel of the Lord came down. And glory shone around. 2 "Fear not,"' said he, for mighty dread Had seized their troubled mind; Glad tidings of great joy I bring To you and all mankind. 3 "To you, in David's town, this day Ls born of David's line. The Saviour, Who is Christ the Lord; And this shall be the sign; 4 " The heavenly Babe you there shall find To human view displayed, All meanly wrapt in swathing bands. And in a manger laid."' 5 Thus spake the seraph ; and forthwith Appeared a shining throng Of angels praising God, who thus Addressed their joyful song: 6 " All glory be to God on high. And to the earth be peace; Good-will henceforth from heaven to men Beo'in and never cease."' •1 (iod of God, and Light (»f Light, Comes witli mercies inlinite, Joining in a wondrous i)lan Heaven to eartli, and (iod to man. Sing, <»li, sing, etc. ?i God with us, Emmanuel, Deigns forever now to dwell; He on Adam's fallen race Sheds the fullness of His grace. Sing, oh, sing, etc. 4 (rod comes down that man may rise, Lifted by Him to the skies; Christ is Son of Man tliat we Sons of (rod in Him may be. Sing, oh, sing, etc. 5 Oh, renew us. Lord, we pray, AVith Thy Spirit day by day. That we ever one may be With the Father and with Thee. Sing, oh, sing, etc. 55 P.M. 54 w, for glad and golden hours Come swiftly on the wing: Oh, rest l)eside the weary road, And hear the angels sing. 4 For lo, tlie days are hastening on, liy proi)liets seen of old, When with the ever-circling years, Shall come the time foretold. When the new heaven and earth shall own Tlic Prince of Peace theii' King, And tlie whole world send back the song Whi(di now the angels sing. 57 AXCtP^jS, from the realms of glory. Wing your lliglit o'er all the earth; \i' who sang creation's story. Now ]»roclaim Messiah's birth: T'omc and worsjiip, Worship Christ, the new-born King. 18 2 Shei)herds in the field abiding. Watching o'er yt)ur tlocks by night; God with man is now residing. Yonder shines the infant-liglit: Come and worship, Worship Christ, the new-born King. 3 Sages, leave your contemplations; Brighter visions beam afar: Seek the great Desire of nations. Ye have seen His natal star: Come and worship, Worship Christ, the new-born King. 4 Saints before the altar bending, AVatching long in hope and fear, Suddenly the Lord, descending. In His temple shall appear: Come and worship, Worship Christ, the new-born King. 58 8.7 HARK! what mean those holy voices Sweetly sounding through the skies Lo! the angelic host rejoices, Heavenly alleluias rise. 2 Listen to the wondrous story. Which they chant in hymns of joy — " (rlory in the highest, glory I Glory be to God most high! 3 " Peace on earth, good-will from heaven, Keaching far as man is found: Souls redeemed and sins forgiven. Loud our golden harps shall sound. 4 "Christ is born; the great Anointed! ■ Heaven and earth His praises sing! Oh, receive Whom God appointed For your Prophet, Priest, and King! 5 "Hasten, mortals, to adore Him; Learn His name to magnify. Till in heaven ye sing l)etore Him, Glory be to God most high!'' Also the following; 323 Thou didst leave Thy thioiu kingly crown. 324 All i)raisc to Thee, eternal Lord. 'h)0 All my heart this night rejoices. .■)31 .loy liils our inmost hearts to-day. .■)32 Once in roval David's citv. and Thv THE CIIUIr>TlAX YEAK— EPiPilAXV. EPIPHAXY FROM the eastern mountains I*iessing on they come, Wise men in their wis(h)ni To His humble home: Stirred ])y deep devotion, Hasting from afar, Ever journeyinj; onward. Guided by a star. Light of Light that shineth Ere tlie worhls began. Draw Thou near, and lighten Every heart of man. There their Lord and Saviour Meek and lowly lay. Wondrous IJght that led them Onward on their way. Ever now to lighten Nations from afar, As they journey homeward By that guiding Star. Light of Light, ete. Thou Who in a manger Once hast lowly lain. Who dost now in glory O'er all kingdoms reign. Gather in the heathen, AVho in lands afar Xe"er have seen the brightness Of Thy guiding Star. Light of Light, etc. Gather in the outcasts, All Avho've gone astray, Throw Thy radiance o'er them. Guide them on their way. Those who never knew Thee. Those who've Avandered far. Lead them bv the brightness Of Thy guiding Star. Light of Light, etc. Onward through the darkness Of the lonely night. Shining still before them With Thy kindly light. Guide them. Jew and Gentile. Homeward from afar. Young and old together, By Thy guiding Star: — Light of Light, etc. 10 G.e"5 G Until every nation. Whether bond or free. 'Neath Thy starlit banner, Jesu, follows Thee O'er the distant mountains To that heavenly home, * Where nor sin nor sorrow Evermore shall come. Light of Light that shineth Ere the worlds began. Draw Thou near, and lighten Every heart of man. This hymn may be sung, either with or without the j retrain . as a Processional, or not, as desired. 60 EARTH has many a noble city; Bethlehem, thou dost all excel : Out of thee the Lord from heaven Came to rule His Israel. 2 Fairer than the sun at morning Was the star that told His birth, To the world its God announcing Seen in fleshly form on earth. 3 Eastern sages at His cradle Make oblations rich and rare: See them give, in deep devotion. Gold, and frankincense, and myrrh. 4 Sacred gifts of mystic meaning: Incense doth their God disclose. Gold the King of kings proclaimeth. Myrrh His sepulchre foreshows. 5 Jesu, Whom the Gentiles worshipped At Thy glad Epiphany. L'nto Thee, with God the Father And the Spirit, glory be. 61 LM. TTTHEN from the East the wise men VV came. Led by the Star of Bethlehem, The gifts they brought to Jesus -vxere Of gold and frankincense and myrrh. 2 Bright gold of Ophir. passing fine. Proclaims a King of royal line: For David's son in David's town. Is born the heir of David's crown. THE CIIKlbTlAX YEAi:— EPIl'IIANY. 3 The incense-clouds, witli fra<::rance rare The i)resenee of a God rayers to Thee, as incense, rise; Accept as myrrh our tears and si<']is: O King, O God, O Sacrifice ! 62 AS with gladness men of old Did the guiding star behold; As with joy they hailed its light. Leading onward, beaming bright; So, most gracious Lord, may we Evermore be led to Thee. 2 As with joyful steps they sped To that lowly manger-bed; There to bend the knee before lliin Whom heaven and earth adore; So may we with willing feet Ever seek the mercy-seat. 3 As they offered gifts most rare At that manger rude and bare; So may we with holy joy, IMire and free from sin's alloy, All our costliest treasures bring, Christ! to Thee our heavenly King. 4 Holy Jesus I every day Keep us in the narrow way; And, when eartldy things are ])ast, Hiing our ransomed souls at last Where they need no star to guide, Where no chuuis Tliy glory hide. ht art Tliou. 7 Till we hehold Thy face. And know, as we are known, Thee, Father, Son and Holy (ihost, ("o-e(]ir.d Three in < )n('. 2 Yet, Lord, we see but darkly: O heavenly Lij;ht, arise! Dispel these mists that shroud us, And hide Thee from our eyes! "We long to track the footprints That Thou Thyself hast trod: We long to see the pathway That leads to Thee our God. 3 O Jesu, shine around us "With radiance of Thy grace; O Jesu, turn ui)on us The brightness of Thy face. "We need no star to guide us, As on our way we press. If Thou Thy light vouchsafest, O JSun of liigliteousness. 66 S. M. 65 S. M. WITHIN the Father's house The Son hath found His home And to His temple suddenly The Lord of Life hath come. 2 The doctors of the law^ Gaze on the wondrous child, And marvel at His gracious words Of wisdom undefiled. o Y'et not to them is given The mighty truth to know, To lift the earthly veil which hides Incarnate God below. 4 The secret of the Lord Escapes each human eye, And faithful i)ondering hearts await The full Epiphany. 5 Lord, visit Thou our souls And teach us by Thy grace. Each dim revealing of Thyself AVitli loving awe to trace; () Till from our darkened sight The cloud shall j^ass away. And on tlie cleansed soul shall burst The everlasting day; 21 ALL praise to Thee, O Lord, Who l)y Thy mighty power Didst manifest Thy glory forth In Cana's marriage hour. 2 Thou spakest: it was done: Obedient to Thy word, The water reddening into wine Proclaimed the present Lord. 3 Blest were the eyes which saw That wondrous mystery. The great beginning of Thy works. That kindled faith in Thee. 4 And blessed they who know Thine unseen presence true. When in the kingdom of Thy grace Thou makest all things new. 5 For by Thy loving hand Thy people still are fed; Thine is the Gup of blessing, Lord, And Thine the heavenly Bread. 6 Oh, may that grace be ours, Ever in Thee to live. And drink of those refreshing streanu Which Thou alone canst give : 7 So, led from strength to strength, Grant us, O Lord, to see The marriage supper of the Lamb, The great Epiphany. 67 s. >r. FIERCE was the storm of wind. The surging waves ran high, Failed the disciples' hearts with fear. Though Thou, their Lord, wast nigh. But at the stern rebuke Of Thy almighty word, The wind was hushed, the billows ceased. And ow^ned Thee God and Lord. THE CHRISTIAN YEAR— SEPTUAGESIMA. So, now, ^vlien (lei)tlis of sin Our souls with tenors lill. Arise, and be our heli)er. Lord. And speak Thy "Peace, be still.' When death's dark sea we cross, lie with us in Thy i)ower. Nor let the water-Hoods i)revail In that dread trial-hour. And, when amid the sither. All thy children sing with thee; But by Babylon's sad waters Mourning exiles now are we. 3 Alleluia cannot always Be our song while here below; Alleluia our transgressions Make us for a while forego: For the solemn time is coming When our tears for sin must flow. 4 Therefore in our hymns we pray Thee, (xrant us blessed Trinity, At the last to keej) Thine Easter In our home beyond the sky; There to Thee forever singing Alleluia jovfullv. 8.7. 70 .G. i^ N exile here we wandei" In heaven is our alxxle, — The city of the angels. The city of our (iod. And here we toil, and strive, and tight, With sin and woe oi)i)rest; There God will give tlie sons of light Eternal joy and rest. Through many sore temptations, By many sorrows torn. We strive to win the glory; Our many falls we mourn. But faith holds out the vision bright Of our eternal homi': And hope assures that realm of light, When we have overcome. THE CIIIilJSTIAX YEAR— .SEPTUA(iEJ5lMA. Jesu, our joy and gladnt'ss, To Thee tor aid we tlee: Give tears of true contrition; Our souls from guilt set free: — And we shall see that gl.idsome day, Where, bathed in joy divine, Among- Thy saints, and bright as they. We shall forever shine. There we, as children dwelling. Who here as exiles groan, God's praises shall be telling Before His glorious throne: There in our endless home shall rest. From strife and sorrow free, And join the anthem of the blest, Forever, Lord, to Thee. 71 S. M. LORD of the hearts of men, Thou hast vouchsafed to bless, From age to age, Thy chosen saints With fruits of holiness. Here faith, and hope and love Reign in sweet bond allied ; There, when this little day is o'er, JShall love alone abide. :3 Here, bearing the good seed, "Mid cares and tears we come; There, with rejoicing hearts, we bring Our harvest-treasures home. Oh, give us, mightv Lord, The fruits Thyself dost love; Soon shalt Thou from Thy judgment seat Crown Thine own i-ifts above. 72 i.i.O. GRACIOUS Spirit, Holy Ghost, Taught by Thee we covet most Of Thy gifts at'Pentecost, Holy, heavenly love. 23 2 Love is kind, and suffers long, Love is meek, and thinks no wrong. Love than death itself more strong; Therefore, give us love. 3 Prophecy will fade away, Melting in the light of day; Love will ever with us stay; Therefore, give us love. 4 Faith will vanish into sight; Hope be emptied in delight; Love in heaven will shine more bright;. Therefore, give us love. 5 Faith and hope and love we see. Joining hand in hand, agree. But the greatest of the tliree. And the best, is love. From the overshadowing Of Thy gold and silver wing, Shed on us, who to Thee sing, Holy, heavenly love. 73 ).0. THOL^, Who on that wondrous journey Sett' St Thy face to die, By Thy holy, meek example Teach us charity! 2 Thou, Who that dread cup of suffering Didst not put from Thee; O most loving of the loving. Give us charity ! 3 Thou, Who reignest, bright in glory. On God's throne on high. Oh, that we may share Thy triumph. Grant us charity ! 4 Send us faith, that trusts Thy promise;. Hope, with upward eye; But more blest than both, and greater, Send us charity! Also the following : 583 Jesus Christ is passing by. THE Clllilrs'iTAX YEAK— LENT. LEXT. 74 c. ^i. 76 L.M. LOIiD! Who thnm^diout these forty (hi vs. For us tlidst fast and pray. Teaoh us ^vith Thee to mourn our sins, And close by Tliee to stay. 'J As Tliou witli Satan didst contend, And didst the victory win. Oh. uive us stren^tli in Thee to hi;ht, In Thee to conquer sin. o As Thou didst hunner bear and thirst, So teach us, gracimis Lord, To die to self, and chieMy live By Thy most holy Word. 4 And throujih these days of i)enitence. And through Thy Passion-tide, Yea, evermore, in life and death, Jesus I with us abide. •5 xVbide with us, that so. this life Of sutterinii- overpast. An Easter of unendinji' joy We mav attain at last I 75 T 1 look at heaven aud lonu' to enter in, lint there no evil thin<;- may lind a home: And vet I hear a voice that bids me " Come." O Jesu, full of pardoninn uract-. More full (»f ^race than I «»f sin: Yot once a^ain I seek Thy face: Open Thine arms and take mc i And freely my baekslidin^s heal, Aud love the faithless siuuer still. 2 So vile I am, how dare I hope to stand In the pure glory of that holy land ? Before the whiteness of that throne aj^pear "? Yet there are hands stretched out to draw me near. 3 The while I fain would tread the heavenlv Thou know'st the way to bring me bac My fallen spirit to restore: Oh, for Thy truth and mercy's sake. Forgive, and bid me sin no more: The ruins of my soul repair. And make my heart a house of prayer, Evil is ever with me day by day: Yet on mine ears the gracious tidings fall, •• Repent, confess, thou shalt be loosed from all." 4 it is the voice of Jesus that I hear, His are the hands stretched out to draw me near. And His the blood that can for all atone. And set me faultless there before the throne. o "Twas He Who found me on the deathlv wild, And made me heir of heaven, the Father's child, And day by day, whereby my soul may live. Gives me His grace of pardon, and will give. C O great Absolver, grant my soul may wear The lowliest garb of penitence and prayer, That in the Father's courts my glorious dress May be the garment of Thy righteousness. 7 Y'ea. Thou wilt answer for me, righteous ! Lord : 1 Tliine all the merits, mine the great reward; Thine the sharp thorns, and mine the golden crown: Mine the life won, and Thine the life laid down. 80 8.8.S.G. OTHOU, the contrite sinners' friend. Who, loving, lov'st them to the end. On this alone my hopes depend. That Thou wilt plead for me. 2 When, weary in the Christian race, Far off appears my resting place. And, fainting, I mistrust Thy grace, Then, .Saviour, plead for me. o When I have erred and gone astray Afar from Thine and wisdom's way. And see no glimmering, guiding ray, Still, Saviour, plead for me. 4 When Satan, by my sins made bold. Strives from Thy cross to loose my hold, Then with Thy pitying arms enfold. And plead, oh, plead for me I o And when my dying hour draws near, Darkened with sorrovr, i»ain, and fear, Then to my fainting sight appear. Pleading in heaven for me. 81 c. ^r. 79 8s. TT7EAKY of wandering from my God, T T And now made willing to return. I hear and bow me to the rod: For Thee, not without hope, I mourn: I have an Advocate above, A Friend before the throne of love. 25 JESUS, Saviour of the lost, My rock aud hiding-place, By storms of sin aud sorrow tossed, I seek Thy sheltering grace. 2 Guilty, forgive me. Lord. I cry; Pursued l)y foes. I come: A sinner, save me. ov I die; An outcast, take me home. THE CHRISTIAN YEAR— LENT. 3 Once safe iu Thine almi<^lity arms, Let storms come on amain: There (h\nardoning grace is rich and free: O Y WEEK. .6. ALL glory, laud, and honf>r. To Thee, Kedeemer, King! To Whom the lips of children Made sweet hosannas ring. 2 Thou art the King of Israel, Thou David's royal t5on. Who in the Lord's name comest, The King and blessed One. All glory, etc. 3 The company of angels Are praising Thee on high ; And mortal men, and all things Created, make reply. All glory, etc. 4 The people of the Hebrews With palms before Thee Avent: Our praise and prayer and anthems Before Thee we present. All glory, etc. 5 To Thee before Thy Passion They sang their hymns of praise: To Thee, now high exalted Our melody we raise. All glory, etc. 6 Thou didst accept their praises; Accept the prayers we bring, Who in all good delightest, Thou good and gracious Kine;. All glory, etc. 87 L. M. I>IDE on! ride on in majesty! V Hark! all the tribes hosanna cry; O Saviour meek, pursue Thy road With palms and scattered garments strowed. 2 Ride on! ride on in majesty! In lowly pomp ride (.)n to die: O Christ, Thy triumphs now begin O'er captive death and conquered sin. 3 Ride on ! ride on in majesty ! The angel armies of the sky Look down with sad and wondering eyes To see the approaching sacrilice. THE ClIlil^TIAX YEAH— HOLY WEEK. 4 IJidt' on I ride on in majesty! Thy last and liereest strit'e'is nifjli; The Father on His sa])i>hire throne Expects His t)\vu anointed Son. 5 Eide on! ride on in majesty! In lowly i)omp ride on to die; ]>ow Thy meek head to mortal i)ain, Then take, () God, Thy i)ower, and reign. 88 CM. OTHOr, Who throuo-h this holy week Didst Slitter for us all; The sick to heal, the lost to seek, To raise up them that fall : 2 "We cannot understand the woe 'JMiy love was pleased to bear: O Lamb of God, we only know That all our hopes are there. 3 Thy feet the path of suffering trod, Thy hand the victory w'on: What shall we render to our God For all that He hath done ? 4 To God, the blessed Three in One, All praise and glory be:, Lord, Thy servants who have won The victory through Thee. 89 L.M. rilHE royal banners forward go, JL The cross shines forth in mystic glow; Where He in flesh Our sentence bore our tlesh Who made, our ransom ])aid. 2 There whilst He hung. His sacred side By soldier's spear was opened wide. To cleanse us in the precious flood Of water mingled with His blood. 3 Fulfdled is now what David told Jn true i)roi)heti(r song of old, How (iod the licathen's King should be; For (iod is reigning from the tree. 4 O tree of glory, tree most fair, Ordained th()se holy liml)s to l)ear, How bright in j)ur])le robe it stood, Tlie ])nii)le of a Saviour's blood! 2S 5 Upon its arms, like balance true. He weighed the price for sinners due. The price which none but He could i)ay, And spoiled the spoiler of his prey. 6 To Thee, eternal Three in One, Let homage meet by all be done: As by the cross Thou dost restore, So rule and guide us evermore. 90 L. M. LOPiD Jesus! when we stand afar. And gaze upon Thy holy cross. In love of Thee, and scorn of self. Oh, may we count the world as loss! 2 When we behold Thy bleeding wounds. And the rough way that Thou hast trod, Make us to hate the load of sin That lay so heavy on our Ciod. 3 O holy Lord, uplifted high, With outstretched arms, in mortal woe Embracing in Thy wondrous love The sinful world that lies below; 4 Give us an ever-living faith 'J'o gaze beyond the things we see; And in the mystery of Thy death Draw us and all men unto Thee. 91 P.M. BEHOLD the Lamb of God! O Thou for sinners slain, Let it not l)e in vain That Thou hast died: Thee for my Saviour let me take, My only refuge let me make Thy pierced side. 2 Behold the Lamb of God ! Into the sacred flood Of Thy most i)rccious blood My soul I cast: Wash me and make nu' clean within, And kee]) me pure from every sin, Till life be past. 3 Behold the Lambof (iod! All hail, incarnate Word, Thou everlasting Lt»rd, Saviour most blest : Fill us with love that never faints. Grant us with all Thy blessed saints. Eternal rest. THE CIIRISTIAX YEAR— HOLY WEEK. Behold the Lamb of God! Worthy is He ah)iie, That sitteth on the throne Of God above; One with the Ancient of all days, One Nvith the Comforter in praise, All light and love. 92 r the sins which we dei)lore. By His livid strii)es He heals us, Kaising us to fall no more; All our bruises gently soothing, Uinding up the bleeding sore. :3 See! His hands and feet are fastened; So He makes His people free; Not a wt>und whence blood is liowiug But a fount of grace shall be; Yea the very nails which nail Him Nail us also to the tree. 4 Through His heart the spear is piercing. Though His foes have seen Him die; Blood and water thence are streaming In a tide of mystery; Water from our guilt to cleanse us. Blood to win us crowns on high. •> Jesu, may those precious fountains Drink to thirsting soids afford: Let them be our i)resent healing, And at length our great reward; So a ransomed world shall ever Praise Thee, its redeeming Lord. 95 L. M. WE sing the praise of Him Who died, Of Him Who died ujion tlie cross: The sinner's Jiope let men deride: For this we count the world but loss. 2 Inscribed ui)on the cross we see In shining letters, (to(1 is love: He bears our sins upon the tree: He Ijrings us mercy from above. 3 'I'lie cross — it takes our guilt away; it holds the fainting sjjirit u\>; It cheers with hope tlie gloomy day, And sweetens every bitter cup. 30 4 It makes the coward spirit brave. And nerves the feeble arm for tight; It takes its terror from the grave. And gilds the bed of death with light. ."> The balm of life, the cure of woe. The measure and the pledge of love, The sinner's refuge here below, The angels' theme in heaven above. 96 L M ^TTHEX I survey the wondrous cross V V On which the Prince of glory died, My richest gain I count but loss. And pour contemi)t on all my i)ridc. 2 Forbid it, Lord, that I should boast. Save in the cross of Christ, my Gtxl: All the vain things that charm me most, I sacrifice them to His blood. o See, from His head. His hands. His feet, Sorrow and love How mingled down I Did e'er such love and sorrow meet '.' Or thorns compose so rich a crown ? 4 Were the whole realm of nature mine. That were a tribute far too small; Love so amazing, so divine. Demands my sold, my life, my all. 97 .G. SACRED head surrounded By crown of i)iercing thorn! O bleeding head, so wounded, Reviled and put to scorn! Deatli's pallid hue comes o'er thee, The glow of life decays, Yet angel-hosts adore tliee. And tremble as they gaze. I see Thy strength and vigor, All fading in the strife, And death with cruel rigor, Bereaving Tliee of life; O agony and dying! O love to sinners free! Jesu, all grace sui)i)lying, Oh, turn Thy face on mo. THE CHRISTIAX YEAR— HOLY WEEK lu this, Thy bitter passion, Good Shepherd, thiuk of me With Thy most sweet compassion. Unworthy tliough 1 be: Beneath Thy cross abiding Forever would 1 rest. In Thy dear h)ve confiding. And with Thy presence blest. Be near when I am dying; Oh, show Thy cross to me: And to my succor flying, Come, Lord, and set me free. These eyes, new faith receiving, From Jesus shall not move; For he, who dies believing, Dies safely through Thy love. • 99 8.7 98 S. AT the cross her station keeping Stood the mournful mother weeping, Where He hung, the dying Lord; For her soul of joy bereaved, Bowed with anguish deeply grieved. Felt the sharp and piercing sword. 2 Oh, how sad and sore distressed Xow was she, that mother blessed Of the sole-begotten One; Deep the woe of her affliction, When she saw the crucifixion Of her ever-glorious Son. 3 Who, on Christ's dear mother gazing, Pierced by anguish so amazing. Born of woman, would not weep ? Who, on Christ's dear mother thinking, Such a cup of sorrow drinking, AVould not share her sorrows deep ? 4 For His people's sins chastised, She beheld her Son despised, Scourged, and crowned with thorns en- twined; Saw Him then from judgment taken, And in death by all forsaken, Till His Spirit He resigned. 5 Jesu, may her deep devotion Stir in me the same emotion. Fount of love. Redeemer kind : That my heart fresh ardor gaining, And a i)urer love attaining. May with Thee acceptance find. 31 SWEET the moments, ricli in l)lessing, AVhich before the cross 1 spend: Life and healtli and i)eace possessinu" Through the sinner's dying friend. 2 Here I kneel in wonder, viewing Mercy poured in streams of blood; Precious drops, for pardon suing, Make and plead my peace with God. 3 Truly blessed is the station. Low before His cross to lie. While I see divine compassion Pleading in His dying eye. 4 Here I find my hope of heaven. While upon the Laml) I gaze; Loving much, and much forgiven, Let my heart o'erflow witli praise. 5 Lord, in loving contemplation Fix my heart and eyes on Thee, Till I taste Thy full salvation. And Thine unveiled glories see. 6 For Thy sorrows I adore Thee, For the griefs that wrought our peace; Gracious Saviour, I implore Thee. In mv heart Thv love increase. 100 L M OH come and mourn with me awhile ; And tarry here the cross beside ; Oh come, together let us uK^urn; Jesus, our Lord, is crucified. 2 Have we no tears to shed for Him, While soldiers scoff and Jews deride '? Ah ! look how patiently He hangs ; Jesus, our Lord, is crucified. 3 Seven times He spake, seven words of love; And all three hours His silence cried For mercy on the souls of men; Jesus, our Lord, is crucified. 4 O love of God ! O sin of man ! In this dread act your strength is tried; And victory remains with love ; For Thou, our Lord, art crucified! THE CHKI:5TIAX YEAR— UGLY WEEK. THE STOKY OF THE CROSS. 11 Xo pillow under Tliee 101 G.4.6.3. /. — The Question. T\ His ciwn raiment clad — 1 With His bh.od dyc-d; To rest Thy head — Onlv the splintered cross Is Thy bed. 12 [Xails i>ierced Thy hands and feet, WoiiKu walk sorrowing- Thy side the spear; By liis side. Xo voice is nigh to say Helj) is near. • ) [Heavy tliat cross to Him, Weary the weight — 13 Shadows of midnight fall. One who will help Him waits Though it is day — At the gate. Thy friends and kinsfolk stand Far away. 3 Seel tliey are travellini; On the same road — 14 L(»ud is Thy bitter cry; .Simon is sharing with Sunk on Thy breast IHm the load.] Hangeth Thy bleeding head Without rest. 4 Oh. whither wandering Bear they that tree / 15 Loud scotfs the dying thief, He \\\\i) first carries it — Who mocks at Thee — Who is He ? Can it, my Saviour, be All for me ? 11. — lite Answer. 5 Follow to Calvary — Tread where He trod — He Who forever was Sou of God. 10 (iazing, afar from Thee, Silent and lone. Stand those few weepers, Thou Callest Thine own. [Y<»u who would love Him stand, Gaze at His face: Tarry awhile on your Earthly race. 17 I see Thy title. Lord, Inscribed above — ".Jesus of Xazareth,'' King of Love I ] 7 As the swift moments fly Through the hlest week, Bead the great story the Cross will teacli.] IS AVhat, O my Saviour! Here didst Thou see, Which made Thee suffer and Die for me ? 8 Is there no beauty to [/!". — The Appeal from the Cross. You who i)ass by, In that lone figure which Marks that sky '? 11) Child of My grief and pain — Watched by My love — I came to call thee to Realms above. ///. — TJie Storij of the Cross. On the cross lifted 20 I saw thee wandering Thy face we scan — Far oft from iMe: Bearing that cross for us, In love I seek for thee — Son of Man. D(» not llee. 10 Tliorns form Thy diadem, 21 For thee My bh)od I shed — Rough wood Thy thr«»ne — For thee alone; P'or us Thy blood is shed — I came to purchase thee — I's alone. For Mine own. THE CHRISTIAN" YEAH— EASTER EVEN. 22 Weep thou iu)t for Mv grief Child of My l.)ve — Strive to be \vith 3Ie in Heaven above.] Our Cry to Jesus. •i:\ oil, I will follow Thee, Star of my soul, Through the deep shades of life To the goal. 24 Yea, let Thy cross be borne Each day by nie — Mind not how heavy, if But with Thee. 25 Lord, if Thou only wilt, Make us Thine own, Give no companion, save Thee alone. 2t) Grant through each day of life To stand by Tliee; "With Thee, w hen morning breaks Ever to be. The hymn can be shortened by omitting the brcacketeJ verses. " 102 p. :\r. make to tliv God answer MY people come true : What have I done to thee ? Wherein wearied you ? I Because I- safe led thee through Egypt's Red Sea, Thou hast fashioned a cross for thv Saviour, for Me I Refi:aix. Xow spare Thy poor servant, O most holy Godl O holy and mighty, come strengthen my heart! Thou holy Immortal, oh suffer me not, For any sharp death-pangs, from Thee to depart. 2 Because in the desert, for forty long years, I fed thee with manna and wiped dry thy tears. And brought thee in safety the good land to see, Thou hast fashioned a cross for thy Saviour, for Me ! Xow spare, etc. 33 3 What more could I do that I did not t«. thee ? The vine which I chose has grown bitter to Me; With acid and gall thou Mv thirst would'st allay. And the side of tliy Saviour thou piereedst to-day. Now spare, etc. 4 Behold, all ye sinners, the wood of tlie cross. On which the world's Ransom saved all men from loss I Oh, come let us worsliip! come let us adore I Both delivered from hell and given life ever- more. 5 O Lord, at Thy cross we with reverence bow : Thy glorious Easter we praise and laud now. Behold, all ye nations, Christ's banner un- furled ! By the cross joy has come, joy has come to the world. Also the following: 360 There is a green hill far away. 301 O Jesu, Lord most merciful. 302 Christ, the life of all the living. 303 Glory be to Jesus. 305 O Jesu, we adore Thee. 300 Hail, Thou once despised Jesus. 521 Jesu, in Thy dying woes. EASTER EVEX, 103