FROM THE LIBRARY OF REV. LOUIS FITZGERALD BENSON, D. D. BEQUEATHED BY HIM TO THE LIBRARY OF PRINCETON THEOLOGICAL SEMINARY Blrfdou SC 6 »\* V $>.^.(, >.' % .> SERM(fM# ON ^^ ; _ Various Subjeffs\ VIZ. I* II, III. The Inward Witnefs of Chriftianity. IV. Fle/li and Spirit } Sin and Holinefs. V Drawing nigh toGoD in Prayer. VFSins and Sorrows fpread before God. V I. VIII. A Lovely Youth perifhing in Sin. IX. X. The Hidden-Life of a Chriflian. L Nearnefs to God the Felicity of Creatures. ."I.The Scale of Bleffednefs 5 or, Bleffed Saints, Bleffed Saviour, and Blefled Trinity. II. XIV. Appearing before God. W H E R E I N Many Things relating to Ghriftian Expe* /rience, and che Future State y are fet in a fair and eafy Light. Together with ; A Sacred Hymn annexed to each Subjeft. By I. Watt & BMsvaaiBsanBaa hibiiiij . LONDON: Primed /or JohnClark, at the Bible and Crown in tie Poultry, near Cheapfide ? Em. Matthews, at the Bible in Pater-nofter- row; and Richard Ford, at the Angel in the Poultry, M. dcc.xxk 6*y (iii) e? «& & ■& <%> 8» ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ t <% & & c& & & t o The Church of Christ Affembling in "Berry-Street^ London* Chriflian Friends, Dearly Belcvedin our Lord 5 IS in the Service of your Soul* that I have /pent the be ft Period of my Life, mini firing the Gofpel among you. Two and twenty Years are now expired, fince you fir ft called me to this delightful Work ; and from that T'ime my Cares and Labours, my Studies and Prayers, have been imployed in your Behalf. I truft they have been accepted 'with God, and, thro his almighty Bkffmg, have obtained fome Succefs. As to their Accep- tance with you, 1 have too many and plain Evidences 10 admit a Doubt of it ; which I have often thankfully acknowledged to God and you. Tour forward Kindnefs hath always for- bid my Requefts ; nor do I remember that you ever gave me leave to ask any thing for myfeff at your Hands, by your conftant Anticipation of all that I could reasonably dejire. While I was thus walking among you in tht Fellowfloip of the Gofpel with mutual Delight, God was pleafed to weaken my Strength in the Way, and thereby has given you a fairer Opportunity to /how the Vigour of your Affec- 1 A.. 2l tion iv DEDICATION. tion under my long Weaknefs and Confinement. Tour Diligence and Zeal in maintaining Pub- lick JVorfioip in the Church, under the Paftoral Care of my Dear Brother and Collegue*, your fpecial^Days and Hours of Prayer for my Recovery, your conftant and fervent Ad- drefles to the Throne of Grace on my Ac- count in your weekly folemn AfTemblies, and your cheaful Supply of my Neceffities under fo tedious-