FROM THE LIBRARY OF REV. LOUIS FITZGERALD BENSON, D. D. BEQUEATHED BY HIM TO THE LIBRARY OF PRINCETON THEOLOGICAL SEMINARY /^ ^tv ^. A <2f 10 1930 A New Verlki^/^nALSf^^ THE PSALMS O F D ^ F I D ; Fitted to th^Tunes ufed in the Churches : Vvith fcvcral 11 Y M N S, Oct of the j Oi'Jy and New^ Testameht. By JOHN BARNARD, Tailor of a Church in Marbkhead. B O S r O N: N.E. Printed by J. Draper, for T. Leverett, in CorKbili. 1752. PSALMS. li PSALM VIII. OLord, our Lord, in all the Earth, How excellent's thy Name 1 Who haft the Heav'ns far above, Eftablifhed thy Fame. 2. From Mouths of Babes and Sucklings, thou Ordained haft thy Praife •, Which puts to filence impious Tongues, The Self Avenger ftays. 3. Wlien I furvey the vaft Expance, Form'd by thy Finger's Might. Or view the Moon, and glitt'ring Stars, Ordain'd to rule the Night : 4. Lord ! What is feeble Man 1 that thou Do'ft bear him flill in Mind ? And what the Son of Man, v/hom thou To vifit art fo kind ? 5. Thoiij-himbut little lower'ft. Than Angels round thy Throne •, With Glory thou did'ft him adorn, And with high Honours crown. 6. Thou gav*ft him, o'er thy handy Works, Dominion's regal Seat ^ And all Things in Subjedion put, Beneath his royal Feet : 7. All Flocks, and Herds, and Beafts of Pref^, And Birds that beat the Air •, The Fifh that cleave the briny Sea, And all that pafleth there. 9. O Lord, our Lord, who may compare With thine unrival'd Fame ? Thro' all the Earth, from Pole to Pole, How excellent's thy Name. - - - PSALM 12 PSALM 9. P S A L M IX. With all my Heart, eternal God, ril celebrate thy Praife ; I'll Ihew forth all thy wondrous Works, Of Judgment, and of Grace. 2. V/ich Gladnefs I will tune my Song \ In Thee I v/ill rejoice -, O thou Moil-high ! Praife to thy Name, Pil fing with chearful Voice. 3. When thou Ihalc rout my haughty Foes, And put their Troops to flight ; AVith Terror, at thy Prefence flruck I'hcy fall, and perifli quite. 4. For thou my ilight had ftill malntain'd, And made rny Caufejthiqc own j In Righteoufnefs thou judged haft, From thine imperiall'hrone. 5. I'he Headien thou haft fjre rebuk'd, And luii the Wicked waCte ; Thou haft caft out their Name as vile. Them evermare difgrac'd. 6. O thou proud Fee, thy wafting Pow'r . To utter End is brought ! Their Cities thou haft overthrown, I'heir Name is quite forgot. 7. But God, the Lord, for evermore, Remains the living One j Who, from of Old, for Judgnr>ent hath Prepar'd his royal Throne. ., 8. And4ie, the Nations of the Earth, Shall judge in Rightequfncfs j Unbias'd Judgment he (hall give To greatefj and the Icfs* 9. The P S A L M 9- - 13 9* The Lord will prove a fure Defence* To them that are oppreft ; And when diftrefling Times prevaii. His Refuge yields them Reft. 10. Therefore, all they that know thy Name, Their Triift in Thee will place : For thou, Lord, ne'er forfakefl thofe. Who humbly feek thy Face. Sudnd PART. 11. SingPraifes to the Lord, who dwells In Z/!?;?, his chief Care; The many Wonders he hath done. To -all the World declare. 12. When he, for Blood, Enquiry makes, His Vengeance fpeedy flys ; The Meek opprels*d he'll not forget, But hear their humble Cryes, 13. Have Mercy on me. Lord, and weigh The Troubles which I bear. From envious Foes •, O thou who do'ft From Gates of Death me rear. 14. That I, amidil aflembled Crowds, May fliew forth ajl thy Praife, In Zjon'?. Gates ; and Shouts of Joy, In tliy -Salvation raife. 15. Down in the Pit the Heathen ffnk. Which they themfelves have made -, Their own Foot's taken in the Net, Which guilefully they laid. 16. Thus, by the Judgments ke deals forth, Jehovah is made known ! While impioi^s Men are juftly fnar'd. In Works that, are their own. I *7. I lie 14 ' P S A L M g, lo. 17. Tffe Wicked fliall, at length, betum'd Down to a painful Hell \ - There all the Nations of the Earth, That God forget, fliall dwell. 18. The hamble fliall not be forgot. And fruitlefsly complain ; Nor fliall the poor opprefs'd Man's Hope Forever be in vain. 10. Rife, Lord, and let not wicked Men Prevail againft: my Right j O, let the Heathen World be judg'd. In thine all-piercing Sight. 20. O Lord, with Terrors fl:riktf their Minds, Fill them with Dread of Thee ; That they're but feeble, mortal, Men, The Nations all may fee. PSALM X. O Wherefore, Lord, as unconcern'dj Do'il thou fo far remove ? Why lays conceal'd thy Pow'r, and Grace, When Times difl:refling prove ? 2. The Wicked perfecutes the Poor, In his abounding Pride. Caught in the Snares, which they devis'd. May their own Foot abide. 3. The Wicked boafts his Heart's Defirc Is crown'd with f^ir Succefs j He impioufly the Lord abhors, But does the Worldling blefs. 4. The Wicked, thro' his daring Pride, To feek the Lord difdains j No ferious Thought of God, . within Plis haughty Heart, remains. / 5. He i PREFACE. 7 H 0' the New-England Verfwn oj li-'i Pfalms of David, in Meelre, is generAhy very good, and few of the fame Age may he compar'dwitb it ; yet the Flux of Lan- ?mzes has rendered fever d Pbrafes tn tt objO- lete,and the Mode of Exprejfion in various Places lefs acceptable : for which Reafons an Amendment, or Netv Verfim, has been long, and greatly, defired, by the raofi judmcus among us. After long waiting for the Performance cf fome more mafterly Pen, and upon repeat eaD> fires I have ventured to employ all the jpare ' 'Time of near upon the laji ^ree Tears of my advanced Age, ( this Day, thro' the Forbear- ance of God, compleating my feventieth Tear,) in compoftng a New Verfion, fuited to the Tunes ufedin our Churches, 'which, by Dtvme AJJiftance is now finiJJjed. ^ A4 ^^ P R E F A C E. My gnal Care has Icen to keep as clofe t9 the Original as I could^ "joithcnt a literal Tran^ Jlation \ to freferve the Sentiments of the fweet Singer of Ifrael ; and to make^ what feemed difficulty plain and eafy : And all in a Stile he- coming the Majefiy of the [acred Writings^ and cdapied to the Capacity of cur Chriftian Affem- hlies j neither in fuch Flights cf Pee try asfoar ahcvc them^ ner yet Jo Icw^ I iruft^ as to he QPtitemptihle, 1 have made free to horrcw feme E>:preJHcnSy cr.d fometimes a Line cr tisfo^ frcm any Authors J have met zvith^ ivho have gone lefcre me in this Work : and thankfully acknowledge tht great Obligations 1 am under to the Reverend Mr, Mather, and Mr. By Irs, for the jujl Cor- re^icns^ a^id r-CfJy Approbation, they have lejlcv^ed upon this rerjicn. If I hrve fo far fucc ceded in my Attempt^ as to render the Ffalmody any thing more delight- full to a devout Singer^ and edifying to the Church of God, the great End of all my Care cud hduftry is anfivered •, and let Gcd have all ibe Praife. Mavblehend, l To flay the Innocent* a. As Lyons couching in their Dens, He waits to catch the Poor ; And thofe he draws within his Net, Doth eagerly devour. 1 ta n. 10. D^wn doth he crouch, down to the Dult, In humble Poftures all ; That, in his ftrong devouring Jaws, The Poor may heedlcfs fall. 11. He thinks, that God forgets his Deeds, Or turns away his Sight •, And never will beliold his Rage, His Violence, and Spite. Second P J RT, 12. But now arife, O mighty God, O Lord, lift up thy Hand -, Forget not thy poor fuff*ring Saints, Defence for them command. iq. For i6 P S A L M 10, ir. 13. For wherefore fliould the wicked Man, With Infult, God contemn ? And proudly fay, " Thou wilt not Care, " Or, what they do condemn ? 14. But thou doll mark their Wrong and Spite, With ilrong Hand to reward ; The Poor commits himfelf to Thee, Thou art the Orphan's Guard. 15. Break thou the Arm of wicked Men, Their evil Arts confound ; Search our, and punifh, their vile Deeds, Till there no more be found. 1 6. The Lord is univerfal King, Whole Kingdom ever (lands ; The Heathen Tribes are rooted out. And perifli'd, from thy Lands. 17. Thou, Lord, the humble Man's Defirct Haft ftill been wont to hear ; Thou wilt prepare their Heact, and then Vouchfale a gracious Ear. 18. To judge theCaufe, and plead the Right, Of poor and fatherlefs ; ; That fo the Man of Earth no more, With Terrors may opprefs. P S A L M XL I Firmly on the Lord rely ; How can you thus my Soul advife ? To feme U^t Place for Refuge Piy. As tim'rous Bird to Mountain fives. Z» For lo i the W'icked bend their Bow, And fix their Arrows on the String, To flioot, and with a fecret Blov/, The innocent to Ruin bring 5 ^. If PSALM II, 11. 17 3. If the Foundations of the State, Juftice, and Truth, are overthrown, The Juft can find no fafe Retreat, What fhall by righteous Men be done ? 4. The Lord is in his holy Place, The Lord in Heav'n has fix'd his Throne ; From thence with piercing Eyes furveys Men's Sons, and trys them ev'ry one. 5. The Lord the righteous Man does prove, Afflift, and try his gracious State ; But thofe who Vice, and Rapine, love. He from his very Soul does hate. 6. Snares, Fire, and Brimftone, (dreadful Rain !) On guilty Heads heMl fwiftly lliow'r And burning Tempeft's raging Pain, Into their Cup of Vengeance pour, 7. The righteous Lord to righteous Souls, His tender Love will free impart ; With Beams of Favour he beholds The Man, who is upright in Heart. PSALM XII. HElp Lord s the godly Man decays. And quits the hated Ground ; And faithful Men, in thefe our Days, Are very rarely found. 2. For each one ads a treach'rous Part, Deceives his Friend with Lyes ♦, With flatt'ring Lips, and double Heart, They fpeak in cjofe Difguife. 3. Jehovah furcly will, e'er long, The flatt'ring Lips cut off ; "^ With the proud, threat'ning, boadingTono-ue, V/hich doch profanely IcoIF, ^ B 4. Wh3 1$ P S A L M 12, 13. 4. Who fay, " our artful Tongues alone, " Prevailing Force afford •, " What fure ; are not our Lips our own ? *' Who over us is Lord ? 5. " For Sighing of the Poor opprefs'd, " Now ( faith the Lord, ) Pll rife : " From his Oppreffors give him Reft, " But all his Foes defpife. 6. Thy Word, O Lord, Ihall firmly lafV, And pure from Fraud abide ; As Silver thro' the Furnace pad, And fev'n Times purify 'd. 7. O Lord, thy promis'd Help, and Grace, Thou flriflly wilt oblerve ; And ever, from this faithlefs Race, Them carefully preferve. 8. The Wicked walk on ev'ry Side. And greatly multiply •, ^When vileft Men of Fraud, and Pride, Are raifed up on high. PSALM XIII. HOw long wilt thou forget me, Lord ? Forever Ihall thy Promife fail : How long before thy Face afford One Beam of Light, thro' this dark Vail ? 2. How long fhalll in Soul confult. And daily Sorrows wound my Heart ? How long fhall my proud Foes infuk. And o'er me ad the Tyrant's Part ? 3. Confider, Lord, my piteous Cafe, Hear, O my God, the Cries I make •, Mine Eyes, enlighten with thy Grace, Left Death's deep Sleep me overtake. 4. Lefl PSALM 13, 14. 19 4. Left my proud Foe, with boafting Voice, Should fay, againft him Iv'e prevaird ; And thofe that troublenie rejoice. To fee my ftedfaft Hopes have fail'd. 5. But underneath thy faving Wings, My Truft is ever firmly ftay'd ; Therefore my Heart with Gladnefs fprings. In Profpefb of thy promised Aid. 6. With grateful Heart, my Songs of Praife, I'll humbly to the Lord addrefs j For he, according to his Grace, Dealt well with me in my Diftrefs. PSALM XIV. THe Fool, in'sHeart, faith, there's no God; They fo corrupt are grown : •Abominable Works they do. That doth Good there is none. 2. The Lord on Sons of Men, look'ddown. From Heav'n, his high Abode j To fee if Reafon bore the Sway, And led them up to God. 3. But lo ! they all were gone afide, ^ They filthy were, and bafe ; Not one, the Paths of Virtue trod, Of all that finfuIRace. 4. Do wicked Fools fo blind their Eyes, And far from Reafon dray. That they my People eat as Bread, And God no Homage pay ? 5. Then confcious Guilt ihall them furprife. With mod amazing Fear -, When God, to plead thejuft Man's Caufc, i'ii Vengeance [hall appear. B 2, 6. The 20 P S A L M 14, 15, 16. 6. The pious Counfel of the Poor, Reproaching ye defpife ; Becaufe the Lord his Refuge is, Where he for Shelter flies. 7. Would God, from Zion Safety fend, And back his Captives bring ; Jacol? Ihould, with loud Peals, rejoice. Thy Praife glad Ifr'el fing. PSALM XV. WHo, Lord, fhall to thy Courts repair. And find a gracious Welcome there ? Who, in thy holy Hill above, Shall dwell forever in thy Love ? 2. He who uprightly guides his Ways, From Rules of Juftice never ftiays •, Whofe ev'ry Word doth Truth impart. And fpeaks the Meaning of his Heart. 3. Who with his Tongue backbiteth not, Nor feeks his Neighbours Fame to blot j Who entertains no ill Report, Nor fp reads it to his Neighbour's hurt ; 4. Whofe Eyes, the vile, tho' great, defpife, . But all that fear the Lord doth prize •, Whofe Oath, and Promife, firmly bind. Nor Hopes, nor Fears, fliall change his Mind : 5. No Gains by griping Ufury makes. Nor Bribes againft the harmlefs takes : The Man does thus, by God approv'd. Stands firm, and never fhall be mov*d. PSALM, X\7. O Mighty God, preferve thou me. From all my reftlefs Foes ; For Succour, to thine Arms, i fke, My Truft in Thee repofe. 2. Thou, P S A L M i6. 21 2. Thou, O my Soul, to God hail fakl^ Thou art my Lord alone •, No Benefit's to Thee convey'd. By all the Good IVe done. 3. But to the Saints on Earth, upright^. My Goodnels may extend \ Thofe excellent, with great Delight, I'll fuccour, and befriend. 4. Who warmly foreign Gods adore, Their Sorrows fhall abound ; Their Blood Drink-OfF rings I'll not pour» Nor Names my Lips fhall founds 5. The Lord's the Portion of my Soul, He doth my Part ordain •, He richly fills my flowing Bowl, And doth my Lot maintain. 6. The Lines have meafur'd out my Share, In a mod pleafant Seat ; My FTeritage is fallen, where All Bleflings jointly meet. 7. In Thanks to God, my Heart TU ralTe, Whofe Counfel guides me right ; Sweetly my inmoft Thoughts he fways. In each revolving Night. 8. My Faith has ever ktn the Lord, As prefent, in his Love ; Ac my Right-hand he'll Strength afford. That nought fhall me remove. 9. Therefore my Heart's with Joy polTeft, My Tongue a chearful Strain ; My dying Flefh fecure fliall red, In Hope to rife again. B s 10. For %z PSALM 16, 17. 10 For thou wilt not abandon me. Nor leave me in the Grave ; But, from the lead Corruption free, Thy holy One wilt fave. n. Thou wilt to me, Life's Path expand ', Joys in Perfedion glow Before thy Face, at thy Right-hand, Immortal Pleafures flow. PSALM. XVIT. THe Rights of JuAice hear, O Lord, Attend unto my Cry ; A gracious Ear my Pray'r afford. From Lips which do not lie. 2. O let my Sentence from thy Face Impartially proceed •, The Rights, and Jullice, of my Cafe, Let thine Eyes clofely heed. 3. My Heart, and Reins, thou Lord haft try'd. In the dill Night's Reccfs ; And nothing found 5 I fix'd abide My Mouth fhall not tranfgrefs, 4. However v/icked Men decoy, Yet, taught by thy pure Word, The Paths of them that would deftroy, I ever have abhor'd. 5. Thro' all my Walk uphold thou me. In thy mod righteous Way •, So fhall my Steps unmoved be. And from thy Paths ne'er flray. 6. On Thee I call, for thou wilt hear ; O God, I Thee befeech. To my Requefl incline thy Ear, And hear my humble Speech. Second PSALM 17. «a Second PART, 7. O thon, who fav'ft, with thy Right-hand, Who Trull in Thee repofe, From all that up againft them ftand ; Thy wondrous Love difclofe. 8. Keep, as the Apple of the Eye ; Hide me beneath thy Wing : 9. From raging Foes, who round me ly. And me to Death would bring. 10. Enclos'd in Fat, they proudly boaft. What Malice doth devife. , , ^r n. 11. They noNV' furround me with their Holt, And couch with watchful Eyes ; 12. As hungry Lyons raging fret, When greedy for their Prey \ Or a young Lyon lurking fets, In fome clofe covert Way. 13. Arife, his fecret Plots controul, And caft him down, O Lord •, At liberty, O, fet my Soul, From wicked Men, thy Sword. 14. From mortal Man, thy Hand, O Lord, From worldly Men me fave ; Who in this prefent Life, and World, Their fading Portion have With thy hid Treafures, thou doft fill, Their Bellies : and their Race, Num'rous and pampcr'd, Heir by Will The Bulk of their Encreafe. 15. But as for me, in Righteoufnefs, Thy fmiling Face I'll fee ; And waking, with thine Image blelt. Shall fatisfied be.^ ^ p^^LM 24 PSALM ifi. PSALM XVIIL THee, Lord, my Strength, I'll dearly love. 2. The Lord's my Rock, to which 1 fly ; My Fortrefs flrong, where fafe I prove j My Saviour from mine Enemy : My God, my pow'rful Aid, from whence My fleady Truft feciirely flows -, My guarding Shield, my fure Defence, My Tow'r, above the Reach of Foes. 3. Depending on thy wonted Grace, O Lord, my Pray'r I'll make to Thee ; (Who worthy art of all our Praife^ ) So, from my Foes, I fav'd fhall be. 4. Amazing Sorrows feiz'd my Soul, While Death it's Terrors round me fprcad 5 As when impetuous Torrents row], Ungodly Men made me afrakl 5. The Cords of Hell, a dreadful Net, Entangling me encompafs'd round ; Death's Snares, about me clofe befet. And how to 'fcape no Way I found. 6. In my Difl:refs, to God my Pray'r, \Vith mournful Voice, I then prcfer'd ; Who, from his Throne, bow'd down his Ear, And my Requefl:, in Mercy, heard. Second PARr. 7. The folid Earth then fliook with Fear, And dreadful Trembling on it feiz'd : The Hills Foundations moved were. And Ihook, for God was fore difpleas'd. 8. From his enraged Nofl:rils rofe Thick Clouds of fmoke •, His Mouth out-threw Devouring Fire •, in midfl: of thofe. Hot Thunder-Bolts around him flew. Q.He P S A L M i8. ' 25 9. Hebow'dthe Heavens, and came down. In folemn Pomp march'd from his Seat •, Darknefs, from his imperial Throne, Was fpread beneath his royal Feet, 10. He on a fiery Cherub rode, That clave with fpeed the yielding Air ; The Winds, obfequious to their God, Him, fwifr, on ftrongeft Pinions, bear. 11. His Glory, Darknefs hid from View j For his Pavilion, Mills arife •, He, for a Cov'ring, round him threw. His thick Clouds from the nether Skies. 12. Before him, Brightnefs he fent out. His thick Clouds, then, in hade retire •, They fell, diflbly'd, a difmal Rout, In Show'rs of Hail, and Storms of Fire. 13. The Lord, with roaring Thunder 'sNoife, From Heav'n, the En' my ftruck with Dread ♦, Th' Almighty fpoke with angry Voice, And Hail, and Fire, the Terrors fpread. 14. He caft his Arrows from the Sky, Which broke the Forces of the Foe j His pointed Light' nings fwiftly fly, And foon compleat their Overthrow. 15. Then did the Floods new Channels wear, Tht torn World it's Foundations fhow'd j For, Lord, thy Vengeance did appear, Fierce Blafts from thy hot Noftrils flow'd. J bird PART, 1 6. From high he fent, he feiz'd on me. He drew me from the Waters great. 17. From my flrong Foe he fet me free •, Too (Irong for m?, who me did hate. B 5 J 8. In f5 PSALM 18. 18. In my dark Day they had o'crcome. But God fuftam'd me by his Might. 1 9. Chang'd my clofe Siege for larger Room, Sav'd me, in whom he took Delight. 20. The Lord did my clean Hands repay 5 And recompence my upright Heart. 21. I did not leave thy righteous Way •, Nor wickedly from God depart. 22. His Judgments all were in my Sight ; None of his Laws my Soul difdain'd. 23. My Heart before him was upright ; And from my darling Sin refrain'd. 24. Therefore the Lord rewarded me. According to my Righteoufnefs ; And as he faw my Hands were free From Wrong, my Griefs did foon redrefs. 25. " Kind to theKind thou. Lord, wilt prove ; *' And juft to them that Jullice love. 26. " The Pure thy Purity fhall fee •, *' To Froward juft Returns fhall be. 27. " Thou wilt the meek afHifled raife ; *' But haughty Looks in Duft debafe. 28 "TheLord will makemyLamp fliine bright; •' And turn my Darknefs into Light. 29. Thus aided, I have broken through. My nuni'rous Foes, an armed Hod : Thus, guarded by my God, I flew, And fcal'd their Walls, their greateft Boaft. 30. O God, thy Ways arc perfe In him I trufted, and am fav*d : Therefore my Heart with Joy abounds. And Songs of Praife I'll to him fing, 8. The Lord's his Peoples Strength \ & crowns, With Safety, his anointed King. 9. Save, Lord, thy Church, and theni cncreafe. Thine Heritage, with Favour, blefs •, With Plenty feed them, grant them Peace, Still may ihey triumph with Succefs. . Common o PSALM 28, 29. 47 Common Meeire, 5. QAve, Lord, thy People, greatly blefs ij> Thine own Inheritance •, Them rule, and feed, and o*er their Foes, Them evermore advance. As \/^%th Meet re. 9. f^ Ix)rd, in Mercy, lave ' V^ The People that are thine, Thy Heritage let have The BielTing that's divine : And all their Store In Seafon fend, and them defend, Till Time's no more. PSALM XXIX. All ye Monarchs of the Earth, Unto Jehovah give, Glory, and PowV, to God afcribe. From whom ye yours receive. 2. Give to the Lord, the Honours due Unto his glorious Name ; Within his facred Courts bow down. And . celebrate his Fame. 3. God's Voice afunder burfts the Clouds^ And down the Waters (how'r •, The God of Glory thunders loud ; Great Waters own his Pow'r. 4. Refiftlefs Pow'r attends his Voice ; Wi^h Majefty he fpeaks : 5. Jehovah'% Voice the Cedars rends, Proud LeFnon's Cedars breaks. 6. He tears them from their Roots, and makes Them, like aCalf, to fkip ; Like a young Unicorn, the Mounts, ,. Lebanon, and Syrion, leap. C 4 7. Je- 48 PSALM 29, 30, 7. *Jehovah*% Voice ftrikcs Flames of Fire j And Light'ning? blaze around. 8. The Defert trembles at the Roar ; Ev'n Kadejh^ with the Sound. 9. The fright'ned Hinds then caft their Young 5 He lays the Foreft bare : Kis Glory in his Houfc: they praife. Which Storms themfelves declare. JO.- The Lord fits fov'rain o'er the Floods ; And reigns forever King. 1 1 . The Lord will give his People Strength ; Them blefTed Peace will bring. PSALM XXX. I'LL Thee extol, O Lord, on high. Who rais'd me, when diftrefs'd -, Who check'd my Foes infulting Joy, And all their Hopes fupprefs'd. 2. O Lord, my God, I cry'd to Thee ; And thou did'il heal, and fave. 3. Thou from the Pit my Soul haft freed. And kept me from the Grave. 4. Sing to the Lord, O ye his Saints, Your grateful Thanks exprefs •, W^hile you, with me, commemorate His red'ral Holinefs. 5. His Anger but a Moment lafts, I^fe from his Favour fprings -, If Night be fill'd with Grief, and Tears, With Joy the Morning fings. 6. Flufh'd with Succefs, I fondly faid, " I ihall unmov'd abide. 7. Thy Favour, Lord, confirm'd my State, Thou hid'ft, and Comforts dy'd. 8. Then, P S A L M 3^- ' 49 8. Then, Lord, to Thee I cry'd •, to Thee My earned Suit I made. 9. " What Profit is there in my Blood, " When in the Grave Pm laid ? " Shall there my Dud thy Praife proclaim ? " Or glorious Truths declare ? 10. Hear, Lord, and on me Mercy have. And for my Help appear. 11. Thou heard'ft ; and to o'erflowing Joy, My former Mourning turn'd ; With Gladnefs thou haft girt me round. Who late in Sackcloth mourn'd. i2> To this Intent, my Tongue may fing, IncelTantly thy Praife ; O Lord, my God, my Thanks to Thee, Pll render all my Days. o PSALM XXX. id Meetre. Lord, Pll Thee extol with Praife, Who me above my Foes did'ft raife y And their infuking Joy reftrain. 2. O Lord, my God, in my Diftrefs, - My Pray'r to Thee I did addrefs ; And thou haft healMV^fty Grief, and Paln^ 3. Thou, Lord, di,d*tt from the Grave revive^ And' keep my fainting Soul alive •, Loft to the Pit' I fiiould go down. 4. O ye' his Saints, fing to the Lord. With thankfull Hearts •, while ye record The Truth, and'Gocdnefs, he has lliownV 5. Pie Anger but a Moment keep?. His Favour's Life ; if Ev'ning weeps^ C 5 The 50 PSALM 30, 31. The rifing Sun returns with Joy. 6. When with Succefs I profperedj My fooJifh Heart grew vain, and laid, " No Change fhall e'er my State annoy. 7. Bur, Lord, I was convinc'd e'er long. Thy Favour made my Mountain ftrong ;' Thou hid'ft thy Face, and Comforts dy'd. 8. Then, Lord, I humbly Thee addrefs'd. My Pride, and Folly, I confefs'd ; And thus with Supplication cry'd. 9. What profit is there in my Blood, If to the Grave defcend I ihou'd ? Can there my Mouth thy Praifcs Sin<^ > Or can my Dufl thy Truth declare ? *^ * 30. Have Mercy on me, Lord, and hear. And timely Succours to me bring. 11. Then, to a Dance, my Mourning, half Thou uirn'd, and ofF my Sackcloth cad j And round with Gladnefs girded me ; ' 12. To th* End, my Tongue may fmg thy And not be filent ; all my Days, [Praife, My God, I will give Thanks to Thee. PSALM XXXI. IN Thee, O Lord, I place my Truir^ O put me net to Shame °, Deliver me from threatening liis, As righteous is thy NanK. 2. Bow down rl^y gracioua l^'ar, let me DdliyVance fptedy gain \ l\ my ^iong Reck, and Tovr^ .^. Fc. PSA L M 31. 5j 3. For thou my Rock, and Fortrefs, art j For thy Name's Sake me guide. 4. O puli me from their private Snares ; Thou do'ft my Strength abide. 5. Into thine Hands, almighty God, My Spirit I commit ; Lord God of Truth, who to redeem Haft never fail'd me yet. 6. Who lying Vanities regard, I always have abhor' d ; But ever, in my greateft Straights, Have trufted in the Lord. 7. With Joy, and Gladnefs, I'll record The Mercies thou haft Ihown ; For thou haft mine AfRiclion feen, My Soul in Trouble known. 8. Thou haft not ftiut me in the Pow^r Of a falfe treach'rous Race -, But fct my Feet at Liberty In an enlarged Place. Second PART. 9. O Lord, have Mercy upon me. My Trouble on me preys ; Mine Eyes confume, my Spirits fall, My Strength with Grief decays. 10. My Life is fpentwith Grief, my Years Confume in Sighs, and Groans •, My Sins have rob'd me of my Strength, And wafted all my Bones. 1 1. By all my Foes, and Neighbours too, I in Reproach was had ; I was a 1 error to my Friends, When I drew near, they fled, C 6 :^''. ' 52 PSALM 31. 12. I am forgot, like one that's dead,, Whofe Name, and Memory's loft ; Like earthen Vefiels that are broke, Away, as ufelefs, toft. 13. Their many Slanders I have heard ; Juft Fears about me fpread. While they took Counfel, and devis*d. My guiltlefs Blood to flied. 14. I faid, thou art my God, ray Truft, " I in Thee, Lord repofe •, 15. " My Times are in thine Hand> defend " Me from purfuing Foes. 1 6. The Brightnefs of thy Face to ihine On me, thy Servant, make ♦, And thy Salvation to me grant. For thy free Mercy's Sake. 17. Let me not be afliam'd, O Lord,^ Whofe Pity ftill I crave ; But let the Wicked be alham'd, and filent in the Grave. x8. Silence their falfe reviling Tongues^. Which grievous Slanders vent -, In Arrogance, .^.nd high Contempt, Agaiaft the Innocent. Third. P ARr. 19. How wondrous great's thy Goodness,. Refprvedfor the Jufc •, [Lord, Which thou haft wrouglit, before the. World, For all in Thee, who truft. 20. Thou in thy Prefence flialt them fkreen. From all the Sons of Pride ; /.rd covei'd from the Strife of Tongues,. iilthy Pavilion hide.. . ' zi. Forcvcrr &3 PSALM sir 32. XI. Forever blefled be the Lord, For wondrous Kindnefs fliown ; When threatening Dangers me enclos*dy Within a fenced Town. 22. For then in Haft, I rafhly faid, " I'm banifh'd from thine Eyes -, Yet thou haft heard my groaning Voice, And anfwered all my Cries. 23. O love the Lord, all ye his Saints, Who doth the Faithful guard -, But on proud Doers juftly heaps A. plentifull Reward. 24. Then let your Courage firm remain,- In his ne'er failing Word ; Confirm your Hearts, all ye whofe Hope Is fixed on the Lord. P S A L M XXXII. THrice blefs'd the Man, whomGod forgives ^ Whofe Sin is eover'd with a Smile : 2. To whom the Lord imputes no Guilt ^ Whofe Heart is truly purg'd from Guile. 3. While filent I conceai'd my Crime, Thro' Anguifh of my troubled Breaft, My Bones grew dry, and waxed old j I roar'd all Day, and found no Reft. 4. Thy Hand did heavy on me fall. And Day and Night it's Strokes repeat ; My vital Moifture dried up. As Ground is parch'd with Summer's Heat> 5. I then refolv'd no more to hide, But own, my Sin, before the Lord \ Whofe pard'ning Mercy foon ftept in, And. Comfort, to my Soul reftoT'd.. ■' 6v Foil- 54 PSALM 32. • 6. For this each godly Man will pray. In Times whercm thou may 'ft be found , In mighty Waters raging Floods, His ftedfaft Hopes fhall ne'er be drown'd 7. Thou art my only hiding Place, Where I from Trouble, fafe abide j W^ith Songs of thy Deliv'rance, thou Shalt compafs me on ev'ry Side. Second PART. S. ril wholfome Counlel to thee give. And teach thee how thou may'ft be wife. Aright to order all thy Walk, I'll guide thee with my watchful Eyes. 9. O be not like the Horfc, or Mule, Which PafTions, and not Reafon, fway ; Whole Mouth, with Bit, and Reins, compei'd. Our Wills are forced to obey. 10. They that encreafe in W^ickednefs, Their Sorrows greatly fliall abound ; But him that on the Lord relies. Unnumber'd Mercies fliall furround. 1 1. Let them be glad, in God rejoice, Who, in his Laws, their Life employ , Let all, who arc upright in Heart, With ficred 7'riumph fliout for Joy. PSALM XXXII. 2d Afeeire. OBlelTed Man, whom God forgives. And covers all his Sin ; 2. To whom the Lord no Guilt, Who's free from Guile wichin. 3. While I refused to own my Crime, The Horror in my BreaPr, Ery'd^ip my Bones j I roar'd all Day, And found no quiet R,(l, 4. For PSALM 32. ^.^ 4. For Day, and Night, thine awful Hand, Heavy upon me beat ; MyMoiilure dry*d, as Ground that*s parch*d, Wkh Summer's fcorehing Heat, 5. I then refolv'd no more to hide, My Sin, but freely own My Fault to God ; and thou fongav'fl: The Guilt of what I'd done. 6. The Godily hence, in Seafon, Ihall To Thee pour out his Soul -, Then tho' great Watei-Fioods Ihould rage. None over him fhall rowl. 7. Thou arc my hiding Place, where I, Fron) Harm, (hali Iheltcr'd be •, With Songs of thy Deliv'rance, thou Shalt round ercOmpafs me. Second PARr. 8. I'll thee inftrud, and teach the Way, How thou may'it wifely live : And fafe Diredion, in thy Walk, My watchful Eye fhall give. 9. Be n't like theHorfe, or Mule, which ne'er Submit to Rcafon's fway •, Whofe Mouths with Bitt, and Reins, we rule. And force them to obey. 10. The Wicked, by their Wickedncfs, Their Sorrows multiply *, But Mercy fliall encompafs them. Who on the Lord rely. 1 1 . Let then tlie righteous ones be glad, And in the Lord rejoice •, I.ft ail, that are upright in Heart, Triumph with jovlul Voice. PSALM S6 PSALM ^p' PSALM XXXIII. REjoice ye righteous, in the Lord, 'Tis yours his Fame to raife. 2. Take Pfalt'ry,Harp, andTcn-ftring'd Lute, And join in Songs of Praifc. 3. Take a new Song, play fkillfully ; Loud let the Mufick found. 4. For wife, and juft^ the Lord'is Words are. His Works with Truth abound. 5. Juftice, and Truth, he loves ; the Earth Is with his Goodnefs fill'd, 6. One Word from God the Heav'ns made,. Their Hod his Spirit will'd. 7. He gather' d the vaft rowling Seas, Into a folid Heap ; In Store-houfes referves the Depths j Which flated Li!n:jits keep. 8. Let all the Earth, and all the Worlds In Fear, before him, (land. 9. The Lord but fpake, and it was made ;. 'Twas fix'd at his Command. 10. The Lord the Heathen's Counfels baulks ; He makes their Purpofe vain. 11. But firm hisCounfel flands j his Thoughts Thro' ev'ry Age remain. Second P AR'T, 12. ThatNation'sbkfs'dvvhofeGod's theLord^ Whom he hathichofe his ov;n. 13. The Lord, to view the Sons of Men,, From Heaven looketh down. 14. He, all the Earth's Inhabitant?, From's dwelling Place furveys. 15. Their Heaits he falliioneth alike j And all. their Works he 'wei<^hs.. * 16. No^ PSALM 33, 34- 57 1 6. No King is fav'd by nunnVous Hofls •, By Strength the Strong's not freed. I y. 'Tis vain to look for Safety, from The Horfes Strength, or Speed. 1 8. God*s Eye's on them that do him fear i Whofe Hopes in's Grace (mvWe : 1 9. In War to lave their Soul from Death ; In Famine keep alive. 20. Our longing Soul waits for the Lord •, He is our Help and Shield. 21. Since in his holy Name we truft. Our Hearts with Joy are fiU'd. 22. O let thy tender Mercy, Lord, On us abiding be ; As thou do'ft know our fteadfaft Truft Is plac'd alone in Thee. PSALM XXXIV. THro' all my Days, I'll blefs the Lord •, My Tongue fhall dwell upon his Praife. 2. My Soul Ihall glory in the Lord, Th' opprefs'd fhall hear, and Comfort raife. 3. O magnify the Lord with me ; Come, let us joyn, t' exalt his Name. 4. I fought the Lord, who heard -, and me. From all my Fears to refcue came. 5. On me they look, they gather'd round ; And Gladnefs fhone in ev'ry Face. 6. " This poor Man cry'd, andFavour found, " God heard, and fav'd him from Diftrefs. 7. The mighty Angels of the Lord, Encampt, as Guards, around them ly i And fafe Deliv'rance them afford. Who to his Arms for Shelter fiy. 8. O 58 P S A L M 34- 8. O try how good Jehovah is : They're blefs'd who in his Strength confide. 9. O fear the Lord, ye Saints of his ; And all your Wants fhall be fupply'd. 10. Tho' the young Lyons range the Plain, And hungry, roar for Lack of Food j Yet none fhall feek the Lord in vain, Nor want fupplies of real Good. S^econd P ART, IT. " O come, ye Children, hear my Word v ** ril teach you how to fear the Lord. 11. " What Man, long Life, defires to fee, " That all his Days may profp*rous be ! 1 3. " Thy Tongue keep pure from Language *^ Preferve thyLips from fpeaking Guile: [vile; 1 4. " All Vice forfake -, be good, and kind \ *' Seek Peace, prefer ve a friendly Mind. 15. The Lord the Jlifi:, with Favour, views -, His Ears are open to their Cry. 16. But Wrath the wicked Man purfues -, To rafe his Name beneath the Sky. I 7. When juft Men cry, the Lord doth hear •, From all their Troubles fets them free. I S. To broken-hearted he is near •, The contrite Spirit fave will he. 1 9. The Righteous many Griefs endure ; But God delivers out of all. 2^. He keepeth all his Bones fecure •, Not one of them be broken fhall. 21. Evil the Wicked flays ; and them. Their Guilt confiimes, who hate the Jufl. 22. His Servant's Soul, God will redeem ; And none fhah fail who in hrm Trufl. PSALM PSALM 35. 59 PSALM XXXV. With them that drive, ;»nd fight with me, Fight Lord -, my Caufe defend. 2. Seife Shield, and Buckler, and arife. Me, with thine Aid, befriend. 5. Advance thy pointed Spear, and flop My Perfecutor's Way -, In Mercy, to my trembling Soul, Pm thy Salvation, fay. 4. Confounded, and afham'd, be they Who would my Soul furprife •, Turn back, and to Confunon bring, AU that my Hurt devife. 5. Drive them, as ChaflF before the Wind ; Let them thine Angel chafe. 6. Both dark, and (lip'ry, make their Way > And with fwift Vengeance trace. * 7. For, unprovok'd, they, for my Soul, Have dig'd, and fpread their Net. 8. With fudden Ruin, plunge him down. Into the Toyls he fet, 9. Then, to the Lord, my grateful Soul Shall lliout her Thankfulncfs ; In his Salvation PU rejoice. And my DelivVer blefs. 10. My Bones, preferv'd, fliall fiy, OLord; Who may with Thee compare ? Who frees the helplefs from the ftrong, And Poor from Spoiler's Snare. Second P ART. 11. Falfe Witnefs rofe, and charged me. With Crimes I never knew. 12. They me reward with 111, for Good j » My very Life purfue. 13. But ^o PSALM 35. 13. But I, when they were Tick, myfelf With Sack-cloth did inveft ; With Fads I mourned, and my Pray'r Return*d into my Bread. 14. Had he, my Friend, or Brother, been, So were my A(5lions turn'd ; I bow'd down heavily, as one That for his Mother mourn'd. 15. But my leafl: (lip was their Delight, When they afTembled were -, Abjeds, unknown, together get, My Fame inccflant tear. 16. Vile Parafites, who cringe for Bread, Admitted to their Feafts, Atmehavefnarl*d, and gnafli'd their Teeth, And flung their impious Jefts. 17. How long, O Lord, wUt thou look on ? Me refcuefrom theirPow'r; My Darling from the Lyon keep, That threatens to devour. 18. So, in the Congregation great. With Thanks Til Thee confefs ; And, in the Face of all the World, To Thee my Praife addrefs. mrd P ART. 19. Let not, with Joy, infult o'er me. My treach'rous Enemies 5 Nor them that hate me, without Caufe, Deride, with winking Eyes. 20. Their Words are not the Words of Peac « But foul malicious Lies, Againft the quiet in the Land, They craftily derife. 21. Y"'^. PSALM 35, 36. 61 ti. Yea, with Infult, they laugh'd, and faid, " Ha, ha, our Eye it faw. 22. Thou, Lord, haft feen, nor Silence keep. Nor far from mc withdraw. 23. Roufe, Lord, and to my Judgment wake ; My God, my Caufe decree. 24. Judge me, O Lord, as thou art juft, Lelf> they triumph o'er me. 25. O let them never, in their Heart, Have Caufe to boaft, and fay, " Ah ! ah ! 'tis as our Heart could wifli, " He's now become our Prey. 26. To Shame, and to Confufion, bring Who at my Hurt, are glad ; Let them, who magnify themfelves. Be with Difhonour clad. 27. Letthofe be glad, and fliout for Joy, Who my juft Caufe confefs ; " And fay. The Lord be magnify'd, " Who loves his Servant's Peace. 28. So fhall my Tongue aloud proclaim Ti-e Juftice of thy Ways ; rii ipend my Days in facred Hymns, To celebrate thy Praife. PSALM XXXVI. WHcn Man, I fee, grows bold in Sin, My Heart may well advife. That there's no true religious Fear Of God, before his Eyes. 2. Himfelf he flatters, with Deceit^ And thinks himfelf approved ; ITntil, at length, he's fadly forc'd * To hate the Crimes, h? iov'cl. :?. The 6i PSALM 36. 3. The Words are Mifchicf, and Deceit, Which from his Mouth proceed ; Wifdom is banifh'd from his Heart, And Goodnefs from his Deed. 4. In bad Defigns, while on liis Bed, He waftes his waking Time \ Himfelf he hardens in his Sins, Nor fticks at any Crime. 5. Thy Mercy, Lord, from Heav*n ihines, And fpares the guiky Blood ; Thy Faichfulnefs above the Clouds, And makes thy Promife good. 6. Thy Juftice, like the Mounts of God, Stands firm, and ne'er decreaft ; Thy Judgments are unfathom'd Depths, Thou, Lord fav'ft Man, and Bead. Second P A Rr. 7. O God, how excellent' s thy Grace j How unconfin'd it flows ! Therefore, in Shadow of thy Wings, Men's Son's their Truft repofe. 8. They, with the Fatnefs of thy Houfe, Shall fully be Aipply'd ; And drink immortal Joys, at Streams Which from thy Favour glide. 9. Thou art the Fountain of our Life, All richly flows from Thee ; We in thy Face's gracious Light, An heav'nly Light fliall fee. 10. The Wonders of thy Love to them That know Thee, fl:ill impart j And let thy Faithfulnefs extend, To all, upright in Heait. II. LeC P S A L M 3^- ^3 1 1 . Let not the Foot of haughty Foes, Againft me fatal prove ; Nor all the Force of wicked Hands» Me, from my Hopes, remove. 12. Lo ! there the Workers of Deceit Are fall'n before our Eyes ; Down are they thrufl:, depriv'd of Pow'r, For ever more, to rife. PSALM XXXVI. 2d Meetn. MY Heart concludes, the bold in Sin, No fear of God has lodg*d within. 2. He blinds his Eyes with fond felf Love ; Until his Crimes mod hateful prove. 3. Falfe, and mifchievous, Words he fpeaks *, Wifdom, and Goodnefs, he forfakes. 4. In Bed, he plotts fome vile Intent, His hardened Heart's on Mifchief bent. 5. Thy Mercy, Lord, from Heav'n (bines ; And fpares the Sinner, in his Sins : Thy Faithfulnefs unto thy Word, And Saints, above the Sky has foar'd. 6. Thy Juftice, like great Mounts, remains. Thy Judgment mighty Depths contains ; Lord, by thy providential Care, Both Man, and Bead, preferved are. Second PART. 7. How wondrous excel] :rnt*& thy Love! O thou who dweirfl the Heav'ns above ! Therefore Men's Sons, when they're diftrefl, Fly to thy (helt'ring Wings for Reft. 8. With Fatnefs of thy Houfe fupply'd. Their joyful Souls are fatisfy'd ; PVom Thee Pleaflires rill, Wiiere tliou fliajt make chciu driak their fill. ■9. Life's 64 P S A L M 3^, 37. 9. Life's Fountain is alone with Thee ^ Light, in thy glorious Light, we fee. 10. To them that know Thee, Love impart i Thy Juftice to th' upright in Heart. 1 1. Let no proud Foot de(lru6live prove j Nor wicked Hand my Hopes remove. 12. The Wicked fallen are, by Surprife ; They are thrufl down, no more to rife. PSALM XXXVII. FRet not thyfelf, tho' wicked Men Grow opulent, and great -, Let not their profp'rous Vices raife Thine Envy, at their State. 2. For, like the Grafs that's flourilhing, They fhall be foon cut down ; They wither, as the verdent Herb, Before the fcorching Sun. 3. But in the Lord repofe thy Trufl:, And pradice all that's good ; So in the Land thou fafc fliall dwell. And fure fhall be thy Food. 4. Delight thyfelf in God ; and he Will thy Defires fulfill. 5. To God commit thy Way ; truft him, And he'll perform all well. 6. Thy wronged Innocence he'll clear. As from the Clouds the Sun ; He'll make thy Juftice forth to fnine. Bright as tlie Day at Noon. 7. Be filent, wait thou on the Lord, Let no Impatience rife, At their Succefs ; who bring to pafs. The Mifchiefs they devife. 8. Enkindling PSALM i^\ 65 3. Enkindling Anger quench betimes, Wrath utterly forfake ; Left, Thee, Partaker in their Crimes, Ungovern*d PaQions, make. 9. For wicked Men fhall be cut off, B7 a mod righteous Hand ; But thofe that wait upon the Lord, Inherit fliall the Land. 10. The Wicked foon are gone ; nor fhall. On ftricfleft Search, be found ; 11. Whereas the Meek pofTefs the Earth *, With Peace, and Joy, are crown'd, Second PART, 12. The Wicked plot againft the Juft ; They gnafh, and rage, and foam. 13. But God derides their Schemes ; he fees Their Day is near to come. 1 4. They ' ve drawn theS word,and bent the Bow, To make the Poor their Prey •, To caft the Needy to the Ground, The upright Man to flay. 15. Their Sword fhall pierce thro' their own Their Bow be broke in twain. [ Hearts ; 16. The juft Man's little Stores excells, What many Wicked gain. 17. The Wicked's Arms fhall broken be ; But God the Juft fuftains. 1 8. Th'Upright he guides thro' all their Days, Their Portion fafe remains. 19. When fad diftrefTing Times approach. They ^T^t from Shame abide •, Tho' Days ofragifjg Famine come. They ftiali be fatisfied. D 20. But C6 P S A L M 37. 20. But wicked Men fhall be cut oft. Who dare the Lord provoke ; Like Fat of Lambs, they mek away^ And vanifh into Smoak. -mrd P ARr. -2 1, The "Wicked borrows, where he can^ And takes no Care to pay •, But rigliteous Men will Mercy fhow. And freely give away. 22. For thofe the Lord vouchfafes to blefs, The promised Land enjoy ; ^Vhile fucli as fall beneath his Curfe, Hc'Ilfrom the Earth deftroy. 23. The Lord directs the good Man's Steps, Who loves his juft Command : 54. Tho' he fhoiild fall, yet fhall he rife, Supported by thine Hand. 25. Thro' Youth, and Age, I never faw. But righteous Men were fed -, Nor have their Seed forfaken been. When afking for their Bread. 26. He's ever merciful, and lends : And blefled is his Race. 27. Depart from Evil, and do Good ; And fo prolong thy Days. 28. For God loves Judgment, he his Saints Prefer ves, and ne'er forfakes ; But the vile Seed of v/icked Men, Deftruftion overtakes. ft^. The Righteous Ihall pofifefs the Land ; There dwell as feded Heirs. ^o. His Mouth of facred Wifdom fpeaks ; Right Things his Tongue declares. 31. The PSALM p. ^ 3 1. The Law of God is in his Heart % None of his Steps Ihall ftray. 32. The Wicked watch, and feek by Crafts,' The righteous Man to flay. '^I' But God ne'er leaves, in wicked Hand s^ His Saints, without Defence \ Nor their rafh Judgment e*er approves^ But clears their Innocence. I^ourth PART, 34. Wait on the Lord, and keep his Way, And thine fliall be the Right To heir the Land ; when wicked Men Shall perifli in thy Sight. 35. Pve feen the Wicked rife, andfpread. As Trees in native Ground. 36. But lo ! he vanifh'd, Root, and Branchy When fought, could not be found. $y. Mark well the truly per fed Man, And carefully attend The upright Liver ; and you'l find A bleffed Peace his End. 2'i. But bold TranfgreiTors furely fiiall One common Ruin fhare : Vengeance, at lad, will cut them ofF, Nor any Wicked fpare. 39. Whereas, the Safety ofthejufl, Is wholly from the Lord •, V/ho, when the Times mod dangVous provc^ Will Strength to them afFord, 40. The Lord will hdp, and refcue them. He'll free them from th* Unjuft ; Them from their Rage, and PowV, he'll favc, Becaufe in him they tnad. X^ 2 PSALM ^^ P S A L M o5. PSALM XXXVJIL f^ Lord, rebuke me not in Wrath ; V/' Nor, in thy Rage, chaftife. 2. Thine Arrows (lick in me ; thy Hand Sore prefiing on me lies. 3. Thine Anger's Heat confumes my Flefh, And leaves no Soundnefs there ; My Bones are pain'd, and find no Refl:, While all my Sins appear. 4. For o'er my Head, my Sins have rowl'd. They're a vafl Burden grown ; I Cannot bear their Punifhment, Nor their leaft Guilt atone. 5. My Fooliflinefs hath made my Wounds, Stench, and Corruption, grow. 6. Diftrefs'd in Mind, and much bow'd down, I all Day m.ourning go. 7. A violent Heat has feis'd my Loins ; And fpread thro' ev'ry Part. ^. I'm feeble, broken fore, and roar. Thro' Anguifh of my Heart. .£). All my Defire, and Groans, O Lord, To Thee are fully known. JO. My Heart's perplex'd, my Strength doth Mine Eye-Sight's from me gone, [faii^j Second F 'ART. 2 1. Friend?, and Companions, (land aloof. To fee my v/rerched Plight j ly Kinfrnen (land far off, and gaze. At fuch a difmal Sight. 11. Then they, who hunted for my Life, Their Snares for me did lay ^ \tA they, that fought my Hurt, fpreacTLics., Av^ ^'-r'\ D^cd: fill Day. j^. Bur, PSALM 39, 39. 09 13. But, as one deaf, I did not hear •, As dumb, my Tongue v/as ty*d : 14. Thus, as if quite bereft of Senfe, I never once reply'd. 15. For in the Lord I trufl j my God Will anfwer when I call. 16. Hear me, ( I faid, ) left they infutr. And triumph when I fall. 1 7. For I am prone to halt •, whilft Grief Thus conftant preys within. tS. To Thee, Lord, Til confefs my Fault ; With Sorrow for my Sin. 1 9. Mean while my Foes are lively grown,. Encreas'd in Strength and Pride ; They, that injuriouily me h:ite, Are greatly muitiply'd. 20. And they that 111 for Good reward, A bafe ingratefull Crew, Are now my Adverfaries turn'd -, Becaufe I Good purfue. 21. Forfake me not, O Lord v nor far. My God, from me depart. 22. Make haft to refcue me -, for thou. Lord, my Salvation art. PSALM XXXIX. I Thought to guard my Ways with Care, And left my Tongue grow vain. To clap the Bridle to my Mouth j While I'm with the Profane. 2. I filent fat, as one that's dumb, A while, I held my Peace, From good Difcourfe ; but this I found. Did inward Pain increafe. D 3 3. My 70 PSALM g9, 3. My Heart, with Indignation, glow'd^ While I was mufing long •, The Fire within more fiercely burnt. Then fpake I with my Tongue. 4. Teach me, O Lord, to know mine End^ And Meafure of my Days, How fhort they are ; Ch, may I know. How fwift my Time decays. 2- Lo ! but a Span thou mad'il my Days,^ Mine Age is Nought with Thee \ At's bed Eilate, furc ev'ry Man Is wholly Vanity : 6. Surely, a Shadow's all his Show, His mighty Stir is vain •, He heaps up Wealth, but knows not who. Shall heir his mighty Gain. Second- PART. 7. W'hat', Lord, can I expedl on Earth ? My Hope is fix'd in Thee. 8. Forgive rny many Sins -, left I, The Scorn of Fools, fhould be. 9. I filent was,, and ne'er complain'd. Eecauie i.t was thy Will. 10. But left thy Hand con fume me quite^ Remove the Strokes! fee). I J . If thou but fpeak an angry Word, And Man, for Sin,, chaftife ; So vain is he, as eat by Moths, His Beauty fades, and dies. 1 2. Lord, hear myPray'r, mov'd by my Tears,. To my Requeli: give Ear ; for here I fojourn^ Stranger-like, As all my Fathers were. 13. Q P S A L M j^. 71 13. Ofpareme, Lord, my wafted Strength, In Mercy, now, reftore -, E*er at thy Summons, I go hence. And fliall be here no more. PSALM XXXIX. id Mestre. I Did relolve to guard my Ways, And left .my Tongue grow loofe, and vain^; To put the Bridle to my Mouth •, When e'er I mix'd with the Profane. 2. Profoundly filent, for a while, I heard their Talk, and held my Peace, Nor utterM my devoutcr Thoughts •, But this did inward Pain increafe. 3. My Heart, with Indignation, glow'd. And, while I mus'd, the mighty Force Of Zeal, which burnVd within my Breaft, Broke forth in this divine Difcourfe. 4. Teach me, O Lord, to know mine End» And what's the Meafure of my Days, Hov/ they will ifTue •, may I fee « How fwift my fleeting Time decays. 5. Behold thou mad'ft my Days a Span,- My greatcft Age is nought with Thee -, Sure ev'ry Man, at his beft State, Is altogether Vanity, 6. Man, like an empty Shadow, ftalks ; Lo ! with what Noiie, and Toil, and Cares, He heaps up Wealth, but all in vain : He knows not who (hall be his Heirs. Second P ART. y. What then, O Lord, can I exped. From fuch a fading World as this ? My Hopes are plac'd on Thee alone. The Source, and Centre, of my Blifs. 8v 72 P S A L M 59> 40. 8. From all my Guilt, and Punifhment, In Mercy, Lord, my Soul redeem ; -And make me not the Scorn of Fools, Who me reproach, and Thee blafpheme. 9. But, Lord, becaufe 'tis thou correds't ; I would be dumb, and not complain. 10. Yet, left thine Hand confume me quite> Thy heavy Strokes from me reftrain. 11. For if thou fpeak'ft an angry Word, When ever Man offendeth Thee ; His Beauty blafrs, as eat by Moths, Sure ev'ry Man is Vanity. 12. O hear miy Pray'r, attend my Cry, Witli Pity Lord my Tears behcid ; I, as a Stranger fojourn here, As, all my Fathers did of old. 13. O Spare me, Lord, in Mercy fpsrc,. My. wafted Strength to me reftore •, E*er by thy final Summons call'd, I hence fliall go, and be no more. F S A L M XU With unmov'd Patience, for the Lord, I waited hopefully •, He bow'd to me a gracious Ear, And heard m.y humble Cry. 2. He brought me from the roaring Pit,, Vv here plung'd in Mire, I lay j He fet my Feet upon a Rock, And firm he made my Way. 3. With a new Song he fill'd my Mouth •, Praife to our God moft high ; Many fhall fee, and learn to fear. And on the Lord rely. 4. That PSALM 40. 7. 4. That Man is bled, who on the Lord, . ' With Confidence, relies ; Who difregards the Proud, and fuch As turn afide to Lies. 5. O Lord, my God, thy wondrous Works, Which thou haft wrought of old ; And Thoughts of Kindnefs towards us. Are more than can be told. 6. Rich Sacrifice, and Ofi'ering, Thou did'ft no more defire ; Nor burnt, nor Sin OfF'ring, but ftricc Obedience did require. 7. " Then faid I, Lo, I come, of me " Thy facred Rolls declare ; 8. " My God, Thy Will is my Delight, " Thy Laws in my Heart are. 9. " I, in the Congregation great, " Have preached Righteoufnefs ; " Lo, Lord, thou know'ft, IVc not refrain'd " From publifliing thy Grace. 10. " I have not hid within my Heart " Nor from the World conceai'd, ' " Thy Faithfulnefs, and faving Health • " But Grace, and Truth reveal'd. Second PART. 11. Thofe tender Mercies I proclaim Withhold nor, Lord, from me; ' Butkt thy Kindnefs and thy Truth My conftant Keepers be. * 12. Numberlefs Evils me furround. My Sins have feiz'd me faft ; Tliey blind me, they exceed my lUr^ ' Therefore my Heart's lay'd v/aft. ' ^5 13.IJC j^ FS A L M 40,. 41. 13. Bepleas'd, O Lord, in this Diftrcft^ To come, and fet me free •, O gracious God, make no Delays, But haft to fuccour me. 14. Shame, and Confufion, be their Lot,. Who at my Ruin aim ; May they who wifh, and feek,. my Hurt, Be driven back with Shame. 15. With Dcfolation them reward. Who lliamefully me treat \ That fport themfelves, and Triumph make, At mine afHided State. 16. Let all that feek thy Face rejoice. In Thee be fatisfy'd -, Who thy Salvation love, ftill fay, " The Lord be magnify'd. 37, Tho' I am poor, diftrcfs'd, the Lord Yet thinks on me alway : For thou my Help, and Saviour, art. My God, make no Delay. P S A L M. XLI. THrice blefs'd t\\Q Man, whofe thoughtful. The Needy doth regard y [Mind. With Safety in the evil Day,. The Lord will him reward. 2. From Dangers he'll preferve his Life,, On Earth he blefs'd fhall be ; And none of all his fpiteful Foes,.. On him, their Will Ihall fee. 3. Upon his Bed of Languilhing, The Lord will Strength fupply v lY) Sicknefs kindly turn his Bed, Ihoithe may eafy Ij',, /> PS A L M 4r, 75 4. *« O-Lord^ be merciful to mcj- ( I thus myfdF exprefs'd ) " Andheaflmy wounded Soul, fori " Againft Thee have tranfgrefs'd. 5. Mine Enemies, malicioufly. With Slanders me defame ; In Wrath, they fay, '' When Ihall he die, *■' And perifh Ihall his Name ? €. If e'er he comes to vifit me. His Speech is cloiith'd with Fraud , He gathers Evil to his Heart, Then fprcads it all abroad. Second PART, 7. Who hate me whifper evil Things, And do my Hurt devife. 8. ** HisCrimes have caught him fafl:,(fay they): " He's fall'n, no more to rife. 9. Yea, my familiar Friend, from whom I nothing could conceal •, Who ate my Bread, yet bafely has Againft me lift his Heel. ic. But thou, OLord, be merciful. To me, I humbly pray ; And raife me up, that I their Crimes, With Juftice, may repay. 1 1. That me thou favour'ft^ as thou faid'fb^ By this I furely know ; Bccaufe to triumph over mc. Thou fufi'er^ft not my Foe. 12. For, as for me, thou doft uphold Me, in mine Innocence ; Thou fetteft me before thy Face^ Ar^ ev^r. my Defence. D. 6. jq. The *j6 PSALM 41, 42^. 13. The Lord, the God of Ifr^el's Houfcj^ Be blefs'd by Sons of Men, From Age to Age, till Time's no more. Amen ! O Lord, Amen ! PSALM XLII. Second Book. AS pants the chafed, thirfty. Hart, After the cooling Brook ; So pants my Soul for Thee> O God, For Thee I longing look. 2. My Soul for God, the living God, \ Third?, while I'm exil'd here •, When fhall I come, and in thy Courts,. Before my God appear ? 3. My mourning Tears, by Day, and Nighty Have been my conftant Food' •, While, with continual Infult, they Have cry'd, " Where is thy God ? 4. My Soul I pour out, when I think. How to thy Houfe I went. With Multitudes •, in Joy, and Praife^ Thy facred Day v;e fpent. 5. Why fo deje6led, O m.y Soul ?" - Why arc thou reftlefs grown ? Trua God ; I yet fhall fmg his Praife, For his Salvation fliown. 6. Tho' O my God, my Soul's caft down ; Remember Thee I will. From Jcrdcns Banks, ^x\^ Hertnon's Mounr,. And Mifar's lowly Hill: Suond PAR T: 7-. Deep calls to Deep ; thy Thunders roar'd. And pour\i the Waters down ; Sq o'er me have, with Force, and Noife, Tby Waves and Billows gone. 8. Thy PSALM 42, 43. 7.7 ^. Thy Loving-kindnefs yer, O Lord, Shall brighten up the Day ; Each Night I'll Anthems fing ; to Thee, God pf my Life, I'll pray. 9. I'll humbly fay to God, my Rock, " Why do'ft forget me fo ? " Why go I mourning, for the great " OpprefTion of the Foe? -^^^i^i 10. It picrc'd my Bones, as with -a-Sword^ To hear my Foes upbraid ^ While daily they with impious Scoffs, ** Where is thy God ? have faid. 11. Why troubled ^ why caft down } my Soul] Truft God : Thou yet ihall fmg Loud Songs to him, who is thy God, And Health's unfailing Spring. PSALM XLIII. TlJdge me, O Lord, who only can J My Caufe from cruel Men, defend ; From the deceitful, unjuft Man, O do thou me Deli v' ranee fend. 2. On Thee, O God, my Strength relies i, \yhy do'fl thou caft me far away ? Opprefs'd by cruel Enemies, Why go I mourning, all the Day ? 3. O, let thy Light, and Truth, appear y ConJucl my Steps, and be my Guide, Unto thy holy Hill, and where Thou, in thy Glory, do'ft refidc; 4. Then to thine Altars I'll repair. To God, my moft exceeding Joy ; To Thee> O God, my God, Til there,. In Songs of Praife,. my Harp employ. ..Why ;8 F S A L M 4j, 44. 5. Why fo caft down, my Soul, and why ■ So reftlefs, in thy frail Abode ^ Truft God ; for praife him yet fhall I, Who's my Deliv'rer, and my God. PSALM XLIV. OLord, our Ears have often heard. Our Fathers have us told Thy mighty Works, wrought in their Days, And in the Times of old. 2. How thou did*ft punifh, and ejedl. With thine avenging Hand, The heathen Nations ; and did' ft place Thy People in their Land. 3. For they, PofiefTion of the Land, Gain'd not, by their own Sword, Neither could their own Arm them fave ; But thy Right-hand, O Lord, Thine Arm, and Prefence, with their Hofts, And thy peculiar Grace. 4. Thou art my King ; O God, command Safety for Jacob's Race. 5. Then, in thy Strength, we'll flill go on,. To pufli down all our Foes ; And, thro' thy Name, tread under Foot, Such as fliall us oppofe. 5. For I'll not truft my Bow,, ncr Sword, The Viflory to gain. 7. But thou haft fav'd us from our Foes, And made their Hopes in vain. S. Therefore,, in Thee, we make our Boaft,> And glory all Day long -, Forever will we praife thy Name,. In our triumphant Song,. PSALM 44, ?9 Second P AR/t, ^. iJlit, now, thou haft rejedled us. With Shame, haft caft us down -, Our Armies thou no m<5re doft lead, Nor us. with Vidl'ry crown; 10. Therefore, before our Enemies, Which fpoil us^ we have fled. 1 1. Thou, fome, haft giv'n, as Sheep for Meat, And others captive led. 12. Thy People thou haft fold for nought -, Nor art the richer found. 1,3. We're to our Neighbours a Reproach i. A Scorn to all around. 14. Thou us among the Heathen, haft, A taunting Proverb, made ; By foolifh People we're contemn'd. They at us Ihake the Head. 15. Therefore,, from Morn, to Night, our Eyes See nothing but Difgrace •, And, cover'd with confounding Shame, I'm forc'd to hide my Face. 16. Becaufe I daily hear the Voice Of- our infulcing Foe -, Who us reproach, and Thee blafpheme, And all their Malice ftiow. rhird P ART, 17. Yet, we have not forgotten Thee % Nor falfe in Covenant provM. ^ . : 2.8. Our Heart's not turned back, nor Step?>^ From thy juft Ways, remov'd. 1.9. Tho' thou haft iorely broken us,.. Where cruel Dragons roar -, And with the g^idly Shades oF Death,. Thx People cover'd o'er,. 2X). Had go PSALM 44, 45, 20. Had we, our God's great Name, forgot. Or to ftrange Gods bow'd down ; * u 2 1 . Would'ft thou not this have fearched out ? To Thee all Hearts arc known. 22. Yea, we're as Sheep for Slaughter mark'd ; For thy Sake, kill'd all Day. 23. Awake, why Qecp'ft thou, Lord, arife j And caft us not away. .24. O wherefore do'ft thou hide thy Face, Unmindful of our Thrall ^ 25. Our Soul is bow'd to Duft, on Earth Our Bodies proftrate fall. 26. Arife, and for our Help appear. The heathen Powers fhake 5 Redeem us from our Enemies Hand, For thy great Mercy's Sake. PSALM XLV. SUblimer Thoughts infpire my Breaft ; My Tongue, in foftefl Notes, to fing,. Kuns like a ready Writer's Pen, A Poem facred to the King. 2. There's none of all the Sons of Men Can with thy matchlefs Form compare •,. Ail Grace into thy Lips is pour'd. Thee ever blefs'd, doth God declare.. 3. Gird then, O thou viclorious Prince, Thy conqu'ring Sword upon thy Thigh -, Appear, in all thy glorious State, Adorn'd wich royal Majefty. 4. In all thy Pomp, ride profp'rcus on. The Truth, Meeknefs, and Rightcoufnefsj^. Strongly alTtrf, and thy Right-hand Shall teach Tliee Wonders to e:q^>refs. 5- ^^y P S A L M 45- . 8i 5. Thy pointed Arrows wing their Way. And peirce the (lubborn Hearts of thofe That fee themfelves againft the King •, They fall, fubdu'd, who were thy Foes. 6. Thy Throne, O God, thro' ev'ry Age, Forever unremov'd fhall (land •, Thy righteous Laws, and righteous Worksy, Confirm the Scepter in thy Hand. 7. Thou Juftice lov'il, and hated Sin. ; God, therefore, thine own God, hath Ihed, Above what all thy Fellows claim. The Oyl of Gladnefs on thy Head. 8. Myrrh, Aloes, and Caflia, Their Perfumes to thy Robes impart. As thou from th' Iv'ry Palace cam'ft v- Wihofe fragrant Smell rejoice thy Heart. 9. The Qiieen, in well-wrought Op/^/V'sGold,. Fair Bride, is plac'd at thy Right-hand •, Kings Daughters, in her fplendid Train, As Maids of Honour, waiting, ftaad. Second P A R T. 10. O Daughter hearken, and attend. And to my Words encline thine Ear ; Thy native Land, and Friends, forget, Thy Father's Houfe, and Kindred dear. 1 1 . So ihall the King, with thy frefh Charms^ But have his Love enflam'd the more j For he is now thy Head, thy Lord, Him therefore worfliip, and adore. 12. The l^yrian Daughters fhall approach. And lay their OfT rings at thy Feet ; The wealthy Nations, with their Gifts 5 Thy Royal Favour fhall entreat. 13. The ^2 PSALM 45. 13. The King's feir Daughter's glorious. In all Accomplifhments Divine •, Her Garments wrought with Phrygian Skiij, With purcft Gold, ilJuftrious fhine. 14. Thus, to the King, in nuptial Robes». By th' artful Needle curious wrought. With Fellow- Virgins foil' wing her, She fhall, in royal Pomp, be brought. 15. Thro' fhouting Crowds, and Peals of Joy, In State moves on the glitt'ring Train, Till the King's Palace them receive •, And nought but endlefs Joys remain. 16. From thee, a num'rous royal Race^ Shall, in thy Fathers Stead, defcend ; Whofe Fame, as mighty Princes, fhall I'hro' univerfal Earth extend. 17. This Song fhall fpread thy great Renown,. Thro' ev'ry Age, O glorious King ; And Nations fhall, while Time does lad. In Confortjoyn, thy Paifeto fing. PSALM XLV. id Meetre. MY Bread is infpir'd With Thoughts more fubiime ^ My Tongue, in foft Notes, Is ready to fing ; No Pen of fwift Writer Can with it keep Time •, A Poem mod facred To Jfraers great King. 2. Among all the Sons Of Men, there is none That can with thy Form, So matchlefs, compare-. All. P S A L M 45- ^d All heavenly Grace, in Thy Lips, is pour'd down ; Thy God Thee forever Doth blefled declare. 3. Thy Sword, on thy Thigh, Gird, O mighty Prince •, With Glory adorn'd. And Majefty crown'd. 4. Of Truth, Peace, and Juftice^ - Ride on the Defence •, Thy Right-hand fuall teach Thee Thy I'oes to confound. 5. Thy lli-arp Arrows pierce Their Hearts, with great Pain^ VVhoVe Foes to the King •, They fall at thy Feet. 6. Thy Throne, O God ever Secure fhall remain; Thy Kingdom's juil Laws arc Thy Scepter of State. 7. Thou Wickedncfs hat'd. But Juftice dort love ; GoJ, therefore, thy God, ^ttointed hath Thee, WWrichOyl ofGladnefs, In Meafure above All Thofe that efteemed Thy Fellows may be. S. Thy Garments perfura'd. Their Fragrance out fend. From th' Iv'ry Palace, With which they are glad. For 84 PSALM 45. 9. For Maidens of Honour, Kings Daughters attend The Queen, at thy Right-hand, In Ophir's Gold clad. Second ? A RT. io» O Daughter, attend. And hear thou my Word ; Thy Kindred, and Land, Forget thou mufi: quite, 11. Him rev'rence, and worfhip^ Who now is thy Lord ; ^o the King in thy Beauty, Shall greatly delight. 12. The Daughters of 7)7V, Their Prefents fhall bring \ The Rich, with their Gifts, Thy Favour entreat 13. Within thou'rt all glorious. Who fprang from a King % Thv Garments embroidered With Gold, are moil neat 14. She's led to the King, In Needle Work Robes j With Virgins, her Mates, That on her attend. ^dfj^ 15. They move on thro' Shoutings That ring thro' the Globes ; And enter the Palace, With Joys that ne'er end. 16. In thy Fathers Stead, From Thee, there fhall fpring A Race, thro' the Earth, Great Princes in Fame. 17. »rhy PSALM 45, 46. Ss 17. Thy Name, in this Poem, All Ages ihall fing j And Nations, forever, Thy Praifes proclaim. PSALM XL VI. GOD is our Refuge, where we're fafe. Our Strength by whom we ftand •, He is a very prefent Help, When Troubles are at Hand. 2. Therefore, we will not be afraid, Tho' th' Earth fhould be difplac'd ; Tho' Mountains, torn from their deep Roots, Were in the Mid- Sea call. 3. Should Storms ferment, and roufe the Deep, And make the Waters roar ; And the fwol'n Billows Mountains fliake. With Dafhings on the Shore. 4. A River's gentle Streams makes glad The City of our God ; There the Moft-High, his facred Tent, Has fix'd, for his Abode. 5. God, in the Midil of her prefidcs. She unremov'd is fbay'd ; From early Dawn of fitteft Time, God will afford her Aid. 6. The Heathen rag'd,Kiagdoms were mov'd, In Tumults were envolv'd •, But God gave forth his pow'rfuU Word, And all the Earxh diiTolv'd. 7. The Lord of HoUs is on our Side, And will our Caufe defend •, The mighty God of Jacob is - Our Ref-i^?, and our Friend. 8. Come, S6 ^ PSALM 46. 8. Come, fee what wondrous Works, the Lord, For us, hath newly wrought 1 What dreadful Defolations, he, Upon the Earth, hath brought ! 9. He maketl* Wars to ceafe, our Foes, No more, our Hurt confpire ; He breaks the Bow, and Spear, and burns The Chariot in the Fire. 10. Be flill, and know that I am God ; I will exalt my Name, In heathen Lands, and thro' the Earth, ExtoIPd fhall be my Fame. 1 1 . The Lord of Hods is on our Side, He will our Caufe defend ; The mighty God QVJacob is Our Refuge, and our Friend. PSALM XLVI. 2d. Meelre. OUR Refuge is in God, In him our Strength is found •, He is a very prefent Help, When Dangers us furround. 2. No Fears fhall us difmay, The' th' Earth's convuls'd, and torn •, Th / Mountains, rent from their fix'd Root.s Were to the Mid-Sea torn. 3. Should Storms enrage the Deep, And make the Waters roar •, Should fwelling Billows Mountains fhake. That border on the Shore : 4. A River's gentle Streams, Arc to God's City fent -, W^hich glads the Place, where the Moft-Hlgh Has fixVi his facred Tent. p.. The PSALM 4^, 47. S7 5. The Lord, in Ziouy dwells. She fhall unmov'd abide j In fitteft Seafbny God^ for her. Will Tpeedy Help provide. 6. The heathen Nations rag'd. Kingdoms, in Wrath, combine ; But God, in hot Refentments, /pake. And melted their Defign. *j. Jehovah^ with his Hods, Engages on our Side ; Our Refuge is in Jacoh\ God, In whom we fafe abide. 8. Come, fee the wondrous Works, Which God, for us hath wrought ! What fearful Defolations, he. Upon the Earth, hath brought I 9. Thro'out the jarring World, Wars into Peace he turns ; He breaks the Bow, and cuts the Spear, In Fire the Chariot burns. 10. Be ftill, and know I'm God ; I will exalt my Name, In heathen Lands, and thro' the Earth, ril be extoll'd in Fame. 11. Jehovah^ with his Hods, Engages on our Side \ And JacoFs God our Refuge is, In whom we fafe abide. PSALM XLVII. CLap Hands, ail People, fliouJt to God -, With Voice of Triumph to him fing. 2. For God, mod high, is terrible •, O'er all the Earth, he's a great King. 3. He 88 P S A L M 47» 4^. 3. He makes 'the People to fubmit -, And Nations at our Feet couch down 4. Our Heritage, for us, he chofe ^ His loved Jacob'^s glorious Crown. 5. God is afcended with a Shout -, Jehovah with the Trumpet's Layes, 6. Sing Praifes to our God, Praife fing j Sing Praifes to our King, fing Praife. 7. For God, of all the Earth, is King ; Your deepcft Skill in Praife be Ihown. 8. God reigneth over heathen Lands j God fits upon his holy Throne. 9. Princes of Nations freely join. To ferve the God of Abraham ; For Shields of th' Earth to God belong-^ Exalted greatly is his Name. PSALM XLVIII. GREAT is the Lord, immenfely great •, Greatly let them his Praife confefs. In City of our God who dwell. That Mountain of his Holinefs. 2. Mount Zion^ Joy of all the Earth, Mod beautifully fcituate , There the great King, on her North Side, His City built in royal State. 3. God in her Palaces is known To be a Refuge (Irong, and high. 4. For, lo ! when Kings againil her came. They only pafs'd together By. 5. They came, they faw, they were amaz'd j With Terror fili'd, confus'dly ficd. 6. As Women in their Trav'Iing Hour?, There ^^^re they feiz'd with Pain and Dread. PSALM 4S. 85 7. So the fierce boiil'rous eaftern Winds, The Mid-land Sea to Fury wrought ; And the proud Fleets, from Tar/hiJ}j Coaft, Were into fuddcn Ruin brought. 8. In City of the Lord of Hod, We've feen, what us our Fathers told j God, his lov'd City, ftill preferves, And will, thro' future Times uphold. Second PART. 9. Therefore, in ev'ry new Diftrefs, We, to thy Temple, will repair -, Think on thy wondrous Grace, O God, And wait for our Deliv'rance there. 10. O God, thy Praife, thro' all the Earth, Extends, far as thy Name is known ; Thy Right-hand's full of Righteoufnefs, As thou haft faid, fo thou haft done. 11. O let Mount^Zy^« Ihout for Joy, And Judah's Daughters loud repeat. In chearful Songs, thy Judgments, Lord ; Which our Deliv'rance did compleat. 12. Thro' Zion walk, go round her Walls, Her lofty Towers number well \ 13. Her Forts, and Palaces obferve. And to your Sons this Wonder tell. 14. This God, who our Salvation wrought. Thro' ev'ry Age, will be our God -, He'll guide us thro' the Vale of Death, lo Realms where none but Saints have trod. PSALM XLVIII. 2d Meetre, GReat is the Lord, lupreamly great. And greatly to be prais'd j In Ziofi^ in that holy Mount, Let high his Fame be rais'd* E 2. Mount 90 PSALM 48. 2. Mount Zion^ Joy of all the Earth, Seated in beauteous wife ; Th' imperial Seat of the great King, On her North Quarter lies. 3. God, in her Palaces is known, To be a Refuge high. 4. Confederate Kings againft her came. But haftily pafs'd by. 5. For when they faw, they were amaz'd And in Confufion fled. 6. Sudden, as Women with their Pains, There, were they feiz'd with Dread. 7. So the tempeftuous Eaftern Winds, When thou the Word do'ft fpeak, Roufe up the Mid -land Seas to Rage, And Ships of l^arfhifl:> break. 8. In City of the Lord of Hod, We've feen, what we had heard •, God, his lov'd City, ftill preferves. And is her conftant Guard. Second P A Rr. 9. Therefore we, in thy Temple, bow. Whenever we're afraid ; Think on thy former Ads of Grace, And filent wait thine Aid. 10. ThyPraife, OGod, thro' Earth extends. Far as thy Name is known ; Thy Right-hand's full of Righteoufnefs, Thou faithfully haft done. 11. Zion^ and Judah^s Towns, rejoice, Becaufe thy Works are true. 12. Thro' Zion walk, go round her Walls, And all her Towers view ; 13. Mark PSALM 48, 49- 91 rj. Mark well her Forts, and Palaces ; Nor from your Sons it hide. 14. This God, forever, is our God ; To Death will be our Guide. PSALM XLIX. HEar this, all People, and give Ear, All ye that dwtU on Earth ; 2. You're all concerned, both high, and low. Of bafe, or noble Birth. 3. My Mouth fhall fpeak of weighty Things, Which Wifdom will impart \ Of facred Underftanding ar-e The Mufings of my Heart. 4. To fearch out fecret Parables, I will incline mine Ear : And with foft Touches of my Harp, Myfterious Truths declare. 5. Wherefore fhould I, in evil Days, Be overwhelmed with Fears •, When the TranfgrefTions of my Heels Encompafs me with Snares ? 6. There's none of thoie who truft in Wealth, And in their Riches boaft, 7. Their Brother can redeem ; or give To God fufBcient Coft -, 8. (Life's of too great a Price for Wealth, No Sum can equal be ; ) 9. That he fhould ftill forever live. And no Corruption fee. 10. 'Tis daily fcen, that Wife, and Fools, Alike go to the Grave -, And all their Wealth, tho' ne'er fo loth, To their Succeffcrs leave. E 2 Second 92 P S A L M 49? 5<^- Second PART, 11. Man vainly thinks, his Houfe fhall (land. Forever fix'din Fame ; And therefore calls his dwelling Place, And Lands, by his own Name. 12. But Man, in Honour, foon decays; And, like the Beafts, he dies. 13. Their Folly's great ; and yet their Sons Still think their Mayings wife. 14. Like Sheep, they're crowded in the Grave, Death's Prey ; o'er them the Juft Rtign in theMorn •, their Strength's confum'd, VVhofe Dwelling's in the Duft. 1 5. But God will, in that glorious Day, Me from the Grave 'retrieve -, Redeem me trom the Pow'r of Death, And to himfelf receive. 16. Then be'nt concerned if Men grow rich ; Their Houfe in Glory rife. 17. Death drips them of the4r former Pomp, Their Glory, v.'iththem, dies. iS. Tho' while he liv'd, heiDlcfs'd himfelf; And Men his Skill fhall praife, 19. He Ihall go to his Father's Race ; And ne'er fee happy Days. 20. Man, that to Honour is advanc'd. And is not truly wife ; As void of Underftanding lives. So like a Beaft he dies. P S A L M L. rp^HE mighty God, Jehoz-ah fpake, L To the whole Earth did call ; From early'ftRifingofthe Sun, Uiito it's latea Fall. 2. From PSALM 50. 93 2. From Zlon^ famous in Renown, Whole Beauty is compleat ; The mighty God hath clearly fhui'd. In all his royal State. 3. Silent no more -, our God fhall come. Before him Flames devour ; And Troops of raging Tempefts, round About him, fiercely pour. 4. Thro' Heav'n above, and Earth beneath, PIis Summons he fhall fend *, That all his People, ev'ry where. Before their Judge attend. 5. «' Gather together, unto m.e, " My Saints, { Jehovah faid, ) " Thofe that, with me, a Cov'nant firm, *' By Sacrifice, have made. 6. T'he heav'nly HofV, his Righteoufnefs, Shall clearly fee, and own •, His fpotlefs Juftice Ihall appear ^ For God is Judge alone. Second P art:, 7. ." Hear, O my People, and FU fpeak •, '' Fll fwiftly teftify *' Againft Thee, O my Ifrael •, " God, ev'n thy God, am I. 8. " Fll not reprove thee with Negleds " Of legal Sacrifice ; '' Or Burnt Off 'rings ; the Smoke of thefe, '<• Before me, daily rife. 9 « No Bullocks from thy Stall, or Goats « From Fold, will I accept. 10. " TheForrcll Beads are mine, and Herds '• On Thoufand Hills are kept. E3 IX. I 94 P S A L M 5o* 11. " I know the Mountain Fowl ; I claim " The wild Beads of the Fields. 12. " If hungry, need I beg? The World " Is mine, and all it yields. 13. " Or eat the Flelh of Bulls, or drink « The Blood of Goats, will I ? 14. " Give Thanks to God, and daily pay " Your Vows to the Mod-high. 15. " In thy Diftrels, thy Heart tome, *' In Prayer, devoutly raife ; " Then I'll deliver from thy Fears, " And thou my Name (hall praife. Third P ART. 36. " But to the Wicked, God doth fay, " How dar'ft thou to proclaim " My Statutes } or, with thy vile Mouth, •* My facred Covenant name ? 17. " Seeing thou do'ft Inftrudion hate ; ** And caft my Word behind. 1 8. " When Thieves thou faw'ft ; thou did'ft " And with Adult* rers join. [confent ; 19. " Thy Mouth, in Slander, is employ'd; " Thy Tongue doth Falfhood frame. 20. " Thou'rt pleas'd thy Brother to reproach, " Thy Mother's Son defame. 21. " This thou haft done •, I filence kept ; ** Thou did'ft of me furmife, " I'm like thyfelf \ I'lJ thee reprove, " And rank them in thine Eyes. 22. " Now then, confider this, ye Fools, " Who God forgotten have ; *' Left I in Pieces fhould your tear, ** And there be none to fave. 23. *' The P S A L M 50' 95 23. " The Man, that offers hearty Praife, " Bed glorifieth me ; « And him that ordVeth right his Ways, «^ Shall God's Salvation ke. PSALM L. id Meetre. THE mighty God, Jehovah fpake. Did thro' theEarth his Summons make. From rifing to the fetting Sun, 2. From Zion^ his peculiar Seat, Whofe Beauty's perfea: and compleat, God fliines in glorious Renown. 3. Our God fhall come, filent no more •, Devouring Fire lliall march before, And raging Tempefts round him fly. 4. His folemn Judgment to attend, Thro'out all Heav'n, and Earth, he'll fend His awful Summons, from on high. 5. " Let all my Saints alTembled be, " That Cov'nant have confirm'd with me, " By Sacrifice ; with Hopes t' atcone. 5. The heav'nly Hods, who prefent ar^, His fpotlefs Juftice (hall declare ; For God himfelf is Judge alone. Second PART. 7. " Attend my People, 7/r'^/ hear ; « While I againft thee Witnefs bear •, " Pm God, thy Cov'nant God am I. 8. " Of Sacrifice, and Burnt-Off'ring, « Pll no Complaint againft thee bring ; " Thefe daily fmoak before mine Eye. 9. " Thefe Off' rings noAmends can make : " No Bullock from thy Stall Pll take, " Nor any Hc-Goat from thy Fold. E4 10.*' The 96 P S A L M 5c>- 10. " The Beads in Forrefts more confin'd, " And Herds on thoufand Hills combia'd, " They all belong to me of old. 11. I number all the Mountain-Fowl -, ** Wild Beafts that in the Defart prowl, " All fubject (land my Face before. 12. " If I be pinch'd with Hunger cou'd, " I need not afk of thee my Food -, *' The World is mine, with all it's Store. 13. That I the Flefh of Bulls, do'fl think. Could eat ? or Blood of Goats fliould drink ? 14. Thy Heart in Thanks to God up raife; Thy Vows nnto the Highefl pay. 15. Devoutly in thy Troubles pray ; ril fjive s and thou my Nan^ie rrmk pr?. And he my Voice will hear. 18. The Battle was againil mef&im'd. But he hath (tx. me free •, My Soul in Peace, and Safety, dwells. For many join'd with me. 19. God, who abides of old, fhall hear> And fmite them with his Rod \ Btcaufe they have no Changes felt. Therefore they fear not God. ao. Againft P S A L M 55» 5^ 103 20. Againft the Man at Peace with him. His Hands he did extend. In Wrath ; and moft profanely broke His Cov'nant, with his Friend. 21. Smoother than Butter was his Speech, But War in's Heart was found ; His Words were fofter than the Oyl, Yet, hke drawn Swords, they wound. 22. Thy Burden caft upon the Lord, Who will fuftain his own ; He'll never fuflfer righteous Men, Tho' fhook, to be o'er thrown. 23. God, to Deftrudion's Pit, Ihall bring Men of Deceit, and Blood ♦, They fcarce fhall live out half their Days -^ But I will truft: in God. PSALM LVI. HAVE Pity, upon me, O God, For Men would me devour ; He daily driving for my Hurt, Oppreffcs me with Pow'r. 2. My watchful Foes do, ev'ry Day,. To fwallow me, devife. For they are many, O Moft-high, That up againft me rife. 3. When Pm afraid, PU truft in Thee. 4. In God Pll praife his Word ; Nor fear what Flefh can do to me. For I truft in the Lord. 5, Each Day, they wreft mf Words to fpeak^ A Senfe 1 never meant •, And, m,y Deftru^5tion to contrive. Their Thoughts are wboily bcnt^ ^.Tkey I04 PSALM ^6, 57. 6. They meet together, and confult. And fecretly debate -, They ftri<5lly all my Anions watch. While for my Soul they wait. 7. Shall they, by all their Wickednefs, Efcape thy dreadful Frown -, O God, in thy juft Anger, cafl:. This wicked People down. 8. Thou number'fl all the wandring Steps, From Place, to Place, I've took •, Are not my Tears all fafe preferv'd, And entred in thy Book ? 9. When'er I cry,- my Foes fhali flee, I know J for God's mine Aid. 10. In God, the Lord, I'Upraife his Word, On which my Hopes are ftay'd. 1 1 . In God I truft ; and will not fear What Man can do to me. 12. Thy Vows are upon me, O God, I'll render Praifc to Thee. 1 3. Thou, who haft fav'd my Soul fromDeath, My Feet from Falls defend -, That I may live, and all my Days In thy blefs'd Service fpend. PSALM LVII. .VE Mercy, Lord, Mercy I crave j ri Ic call: my Soul on lliee Till thefc Calamity's are paft, To thy Wings Shade 1 flee. 2. To God, who over all prefides. Til make my fervent Cry ♦, T he God that well for me performs. And v/ill not me deny. 3. From PSALM si'> 5S. 1^5 3. From Heav'n he'll fend, and me protea, Shanie who would on me prey -, God will his Mercy, and his Truth, On my Behalf difplay. 4. Fierce Lions, Men inflam'd with Rage, My Soul doth dwell among •, Whofe Teeth are Spears, and Arrows keen. And as Iharp Swords their Tongue. 5. Let thy great Name be high extoll'd. Above the Heav'us, O God \ And let thy Glory be difplay'd Thro' all the Earth abroad. ^ 6. They, tor my Steps, had fprcad their Net, My Soul al mod difpair'd ; But they ai^ fall'n into the Fir, Which r-cy f^r mc preoar'd. 7. O God, my Heart's prepar'd, and fix'd, I'll fmg •, and give Thee Praife. 8. Awake my Glory, Pfak'ry, Harp, Myfelf I'll early raife. 9. Among the Tribes, and Nations, Lord, Thy Praifes fing will I. 10. Thy Mercy,Heav'nshighArch,tranfcends, Thy Truth, the ftarry Sky. 11. Be thou, above the Heav'nly Spheres, Exalted high, O God ; And let thy Glory be difplay'd Thro' all the Earth abroad. PSALM LVIII. DO ye fpeak Righteoufnefs, indeed. While ye confederate fit ? Or is, ye Sons of earthly Men, Your Judgment juft, and fit ? 2. Yea 10^ PSALM 58. 2. Yea, rather foul, malicious Deeds, Your wicked Heart intends •, Thus fway'd, you openly weigh out The Violence of your Hands. 3. Degen'rate Race ! that, from the Womb, Strangers to Virtue, rife -, As foon as born, they go aftray. And give themfelves to Lies. 4. Their Words, like Serpent's Poifon,v/ound •, Deaf Afps, they flop their Ear ; 5. The Charmer's wifeft Charms are vain, They'l no Inilrudion hear. 6. O God, their Mouth, fo us'd to Blood, Of their fharp Teeth difarm •, Break the young Lyon's T eerh, O "Lord, Nor leave them Pow'r to harm. 7. Let them dilTolve, as Mounts of Snow, Away whofe Waters foak •, May all his Arrows, when he brings Them to his Bow, be broke. 8. As (limy Snails, which melt awav. So may they wade each one •, Like an untimely Birth, that dies. And never fees the Sun. 9. Quicker than Thorns can feeth the Pot, He'll fcize on them alive ; In his hot Wrath away them chafe, And with a Whirlwind drive. 10. Such righteous Vengeance will excite, The Triumphs of the Good ; Who, Vidlors o'er fuch wicked Men, Shall wafh their Feet in Blood. II. Then P S A L M 58> 59- , , ^91 1 1. Then Men fliall fay, " fure for the Juft, *' There is a kind Reward \ « Sure, there's a God, who judgeth right, « And doth the Earth regard. PSALM LIX. SAVE me, my God, from all my Foes % Thy high Defence I crave, 2. From evil Workers fet me free ; From bloody Men me fave. 3. Lo ! for my Soul they lye in wait, And mighty Men combine Againft my Life •, not for my Fault, Lord, nor Offence of mine. 4. They run upon me unprovok'd, And all their Force prepare •, See, Lord, my Danger, ftir thyfelf. And for mine Aid appear. 5. Wake, Lord of Hpfts, thou Ifr'eV% God, None of the Heathen fpare •, No longer let thy Patience, with Such bold Traafgrelfors, bear. 6. When Ev'ning comes, they frefh return. Their Rage admits no Change •, They bark, and fnarle, and growl, like Dogs, And round the City range. 7. Their Mouth impetouQy pours out Words bitter, hard to bear ; Between their Lips are pointed Swords *, *' For who (fay they,) doth hear ? 8. But thou, O Lord, fhall laugh at them \ And all the Heathen fcorn. 9. O thou my Strength, V\\ on Thee wait-. For God's my Safety's Horn. Second io8 P S A L M 59. Second PART, 10. The God of all my Mercy will. To help me, interpofe -, He Ihall, with Pleafure, let me fee Kis Juftice on my Foes. 11. Led we too foon forget thy Works, Them (lay not with one Blow ; Bur,^ Lord, our Shield, by thy great Pow'r, Difperfe, and bring them low. 12. Becaufe their Mouth, and Lips, abound With grievous Sin ^furprile. And take them in their Pride, who fpeak Such hideous Oaths, and Lies. 13. Confume, and wafle them, in thy Wrath ^ And all their Pow'r retrain ; ' ' 1 hat rhcy ir.iy know, in J^cdr, God, And thro' the Earth doth reign. 14. AtEv'ning, then, let them, like Bogs, Return, and meet, and howl ; And, tir'd with Ramblings, may they flill Around the City growl/ 15- With Hunger, let them flrole about. To get their Wants fupply'd ; And fpend whole Nights mfruitlefs Search, ' And not be fatisfy'd. 16. But I, each Morn, will flngthy Pow'r, And loud thy Grace confefs ; Thou haftmy Tow'r, and Refuge, been, In Day of my Diftrefs. 17. Therefore to Thee, O thou my Strength, V\\ never ceafe to fing -, For God is my Defence, the God Whence all my Mercies fpring. PSALM PSALM 60. 109 P S J L M 1.x. THOU haft caft off, and fcatter'd ys, O God, thou waft difpleas'd ; Oh, turn thyfelf to us again. And Ihew thyfelf appeas'd. 2. To tremble thou haft made our Earth, With fore Divifions rent -, Ch, heal the Breaches thou haft made ; It ftiakes, to Ruin bent. 3. Thou hard^ and grievous Things to bear, Thy People did'ft afTign ; And of Aftonifhment has made Us drink the deadly Wine. 4. But now, to them that fear thy Name, A Banner thou haft rear'd -, And it in Triumph is difplay'd, So hath thy Truth appeared. 5. That thy Belov'd, as heretofore. May ftill Deliv'rance have : O hear the fervent Pray'rs we make. And let thy Right-hand fave. 6. God, in his Holinefs, hath fpoke. My Joy it cannot fail ; ril portion out fair Sicbem's Soil, And meet out Succctb's Vale. 7. Fam'd Gilead, and Manafah, both. Already own my Caufe •, The gallant £/)/^r'/w's Tribe's niy Strength, And Judab gives forth Laws. 8. Moal^ (hall fcrve to waih my Feet, O-er Edom 1 v/ill tread -, The proud Pbilijlian Lords fliall ftoop. And to my Triumphs add. 9. But no P S A L M 60, 6 J. 9. But who (hall their ftrong City take. And bring to our Command ? Who Ihall to Vidl'ry lead our Arms, Thro' Edom^s rocky Land ? 10. Tho' thou, O God, haft caft us off, Refus'd our Arms to blefs -, Wik thou not, now, our Armies head. And crown them with Succels ? 1 1 . From all our Troubles give us Help ; Man's Help is vain we own. 12. Tnro' God we fhall do valiant A • To (bed mv Blood would care : 5. Then PSALM 69. 123 5. Then, what I took not, I reftor'd. For Peace gave up my Right. O God, thou know'ft my Foolifhnefs, My Sins are in thy Sight. 6. Lord, God of Hoft, let none, that wait On Thee, be put to fhame. For my fake ; nor, O Ifr^ePs God, Defpair, that feek thy Name. 7. For thy fake, I have borne Reproach ; My Face with Shame is fpread. 8. My Brethren, of my Mother born. Of me a Stranger made. Second PART. 9. Zeal, for the Honour of thy Houfe, Hath quite confumed me ; On me hath fallen the Reproach, Which they have aim'd at Thee. 10. When I, with Fafts, my Soul chaflis'd. Before Thee wept, and' mourn'd j My many Tears, and Abftinence, To my Reproach they turn'd. 11. I Sackcloth made my Robes ; for this I was their Proverb long. 12. The Judges me revil'd, and I Was made the Drunkard's Song, 13. But, Lord, in an accepted Time, To Thee, 1 made my Pray'r *, O God, in thy Salvation's Truth, And many Mercies hear, 14. Deliver me out of the Mire, Let it not prove my Grave ; From all my Haters refcue me. And from deep Waters fave. F 6 15. Nor J24 PSALM 6g. 15. Nor Floods to overflow, nor Deeps To fwallow me, permit ; Nor let the Mouth, upon me clofe. Of the voracious Pit. 16. Thy Loving- kindnefs doth excel. Hear then, O Lord, my Pray'r ; O turn to me, as manifold Thy tender Mercies are. J 7. Hide not thy Face, for Tm didrefs'd -, But fpeedily me hear. 18. And to redeem me from my Foes, Unto my Soul draw near. Third PART, 19. All my Reproach is known to Thee, My Shame, and my Difgrace ; My Adverfaries, and their Plots, Are all before thy Face. 20. Reproach hath broke my heavy Heart v And when I look'd around. For fome to pity, there was none. No Comforter I found. 21. Thirfty, they Vinegar to drink. And Gall, gave me, for Food. 22. Their Table fhall become their Snare % Their Trap, what fhould be good. 23. Their Eyes be dark, left they fhould fee i Their Loins be made to fhake. 24. Thy Fury fhall on them be poured. Thy Wrath hold on them take. 25. Their Pahce, ?.r\6 their Ten t3, be wafce \ *That they m.ay none receive., 2,6. Th^ey perfecute v;hom thou had fmote ; - \Ylrh Words thy wounded grieve. PSALM 69, 70. 125 27. They Sin to Sin ihall add, till they No Part in Mercy claim. 28. Thou, from the Book of Life, fhaltblot, And from the Juft, their Name. Fourth PART, 29. I'm poor, diftrefs'd, Salvation grant 5 Set me, O God, on high. 30. rU praife the Name of God, with Songs> With Thanks, him magnify. 31. This (hall be pleafing to the Lord, And better in his Eyes, Than any Ox, or Bullock young. That's ripe for Sacrifice. 32. The Meek, with Gladnefs, fhall behold The Safety I obtain ^ Your Heart, who truly feek tlte Lord, Shall Life, and Comfort gain. 22' Becaufe the Lord will hear the Poor, And fet his Prif'ners free : 34. Let Hcav'n, Earth, Seas, and all therein^ To praife his Name agree. 35. For God will Judah\ Cities builcj^ And his lov'd S'ton fave ; His People there (hall fafely dwell, And fure Poflefilon have. 36. His Servant's '^tt^ inherit fliall What falleth to their Share •, And they chat love his Name Ihall dwells In Peace, and Safety there. P S A L M LXX. .Ellver me, O God % To help me. Lord, make had. Shame, and Confjfion, be their Lot, Who fcek my Soul to wade. De* ,46 PSALM 70, 71. Defeat, and put to Rout, All tliat dcfire my Hurt. 3. Be Difappoiiitment their Reward, Who make my Grief their Sport. 4. Who feek Thee, let rejoice,, In Thee be fatisfy'd ; W^ho thy Salvation love, ftill fay, " The Lord be magnify*d. 5. I'm poor, diftrels'd, O God, Make hade to me, I pray -, My Help, and my Deliv'rer, thou, O Lord, make no Delay. PSALM LXXI. IN Thee, O Lord, I place my Truft ^ Me never put to Shame. 2. Hear, fave, and caufe me to efcape. For righteous is thy Name. 3. Be thou my dwelling Place mod ftrong. Where 1 may ftill refort •, Thy promised Safety, Lord, I plead. Thou art my Rock, and Fort. 4. Save me, O God, from wicked Hands, The cruel, and unjuft. 5. For thou, Lord, God, haft been m.y Hope, And, from my Youth, my Trull. 6. By Thee, Vvt always been fu(lain*d. From my mod early Days -, Thou took' ft me from my Mother's Womb 1 ril ever fing thy Praife. 7. To many, I'm a Wonder grown ; But on tliy Strength I ftay. 8. Let, with thy Praife, my Mouth be fill'd. And Honour all the Day. Sacnd. PSALM 71. ,27 Second P A RT, 9. Caft m€ not off, now, in the Time, Old Age doth me aflail •, O do not thou forfake me. Lord, When Strength, and Vigour, fail. 10. For my malicious Enemies Againft me falQy fpeak ; And they, who for my Life lay wait. Together Counfel take. 11. " Now God, (fay tliey,) has him forlook, " Purfue, and or^ him feize •, " There's none to favc him from our Pow'r> " He'll fall our Prey with Eafe. 12. But thou, O God, be not far off From me, opprefs'd with Grief 5 O thou, my God, with timely Speed, Appear for my Relief. 13. Confound, and bring toNought, my Foes^ Who, for my Life, combine -, Reproach, and Infamy, be heap'd. On thofe my Hurt defign. 14. My ftedfaft Hope ihall ftill remain^ On Thee, fix'd all my Days ; To fpread thy Glory, more and more, rU add new Songs of Praife. 15. Thy Truth, and thy Salvation, Lord, My Mouth fhall daily (bow 5 Whofc growing Numbers far furmount The utmoft I can know. 16. Impending on thy Strength, O God^ Til chearfuliy go on 5 Thv Righteoufnefs Pll celebrate, rii nieaiion thiiie aloacx 12S PSALM 71, 72. Third PART. 17. Thou, O my God, haft from my Youth, Unto this Day, me taught ; And I have openly declar'd. The Wonders thou haft wrought 18. And now, O God, forfake me not. When old, and gray, I'm grown \ Till this, and to the future Age, Thy Strength, and Fow'r, I've ftiovvn. 19. Thy Juftice, Lord, in Height tranfcends All that we can declare. Who mighty Works haft done % O God, Who may with Thee compare ; 20. Thou, Troubles great, and fore, haft made Me, by Experience, know ; Yet ftialt thou me revive, and bring Up from the Depth of Woe. 21. Thou ftialt my Greatnefs far increafe j And to me Comfort bring. 22. Thy Truth, O Jacob's God, on Harp, And Pfakery, I'll fing. 23. Then ftiall my Lips, with Joy, abound^ While I chant forth thy Praife i My grateful Soul, by Thee, redeem'd. Shall joyn thy Fame to raife. 24. My chearful Tongue, thy Rrghteoufnefs, Shall ev'ry Day proclaim -, For they're difgrac'd, that (ought my Hurt, An-i broi^ght to endlefs Shuiie. F S J L M LXXII. Give, Lord, ihe King, thy clcareft Light i Thy Rightecufnefs give to his Son, 2. That he may judge thy People right, /iOQ to t'':c Poorj fee Tufdce done. 3. Then^ PSALM 72. 129 3. Then, from the lofty Mounts, fliall flow Sweet Peace, and all thy People blefs j The little Hills ihall like them grow. In happy Fruits of Righteoufnefs. 4. He'll vindicate the injur'd Poor, And fave the Off-fpring of the Juft ; But, the Oppreflbr's haughty PowV, Shall break, and crumble into Dud. 5. They fliall Thee fear, while Sun and Moon, Perform their Courfe, thro* Ages all, 6. He'll come, as Rain on Grafs new mown, As wat'ring Show'rs on dry Land fail. 7. The Jufl: fliall flourifli, in his Day ; And Peace abound, 'till there's no Moon. 8. From Sea to Sea, fliall reach his Sway, From River, to the fetting Sun. 9. They who in Deferts, have their Seat, In Homage, bow before him mufl: ; His Foes fliall, couching at his Feet, In low Proflrations, lick the Dufl:. 10. The Kings of TarJIji/h^ and the Ifles, Shall cofl:ly Prefent? to him bring ; Sheha\ high Lords fliall offer Spoils, And rich Gifts Saha^% wealthy King. 11. Before him, all the Kings on Earth Shall fall, and Homage to him pay ; All Nations, from the South, to North, As fov'reign Lord, fliall him obey. Second P A RT, 11. For, fuch as want, and helplefs are. He'll free \ when they his Help implore. 1 3. The defl:itute, in Pity, fpare •, And fave the Souk fliall of the Poor. 14. From ijo PSALM 72, 73. 14. From Fraud, and Violence, he will Redeem their Soul, by his great Might i Their Blood, unjuftly fought to fpill. Shall very dear be in his Sight. 15. And he fhali live y and Sbeba^s Gold, To Him as Tribute fhall be paid ; Daily his Name fhall be extol'd, While conftant Pray*rs are for him made. l'6. Corn, fprinkled on the Mountains Top, Like Lebanon^ fliall fliake, and found, So full the Ears, fo thick the Crop v In Cities Men, hke Grafs, abound. 17. His Name forever fhall endure. And be tranfmitted with the Sun ♦, All Nations Blifs, from him, procure. And him proclaim the bleded One. i8. Blefs'd be '^ehciah^ God mofl High, The God of fav'rite 7/r'f/'s Seed -, From him alone, in Earth, and Sky, 1 he l^mgs that wond'rous are proceed. 59. And bleffed be his glorious Name Forever •, let the whole Earth then Be filled with his glorious Fame. To which we fhout. Amen \ Amen. PSALM LXXIIl. Third Book. YE T truly God to Ifr'eVs good, To all the clean in Heart. 2. Altho' my Feet did nigh decline. My Steps almoft depart. 3. My Envy at the Foolilh rofe. To fee the Wicked's Peace. 4. Becaufe their Strength is firm, no Bands, In Death, does on them feife, 5. With PSALM 73. 131 §. With Troubles they arc not diftrefs'd •, Nor plagu'd hke other Men. 6. They're cloath'd with Violence •, and Pride Hangs round them like a Chain. 7. Their Eyes ftand out with Fatnefs ; they Have more than Heart could feek. 8. They are corrupt, their Crimes defend ; And loftily they fpeak. 9. Againft theHeav'ns they fet their Mouth; Their Tongue walks thro' the Earth. 10. Thy People, here, return, and joyn In their full Cups, and Mirth. II." How doth God know ? in the mod High, " ( They fay, ) is Knowledge found ? 12. Lo ! thefe, th' Ungodly, profper here. In Riches they abound. 13. Sure then, (faid I,)rve cleans'd my Heart, And wafh'd my Hands, in vain. 14. For, all Day long, I plagu'd have been j Each Morn renew'd my Pain. 15. But if I openly afifert. What thus 1 ralhly fay, Lo ', then th' Experience of thy Saints, Each Age, I fhould betray. Second PART. 16. When this I fought to underftand. It was too deep for me : ly. Till to the Houfe of God I went. Then I their End did fee. 18. Sure them thou*ft fet on Qipp'ry Ground^ And down to Ruin cad. 19. How, in a Moment, are they fall'n ! With Terrors they're laid wafte 1 20. As 1^2 PSALM ^i^ y^ 20. As a vaia Dream, when one awakes. Away their Glory flies •, So, Lord, when thou do'ft rife to judge. Their Show thou wilt defpife. 21. Thus did my Heart in Ferment glow •, Pain in my Reins encreas'd. 2 2. I was fo foolifh, ignorant. Before Thee, like a Bead. tS' Yet, flill Pm with Thee; thou Support By my Right-hand didft give. 24. By Counfel thou fhalt guide me, then To Glory me receive. 25.1n Heav*n, whom have I ? What,on Earth, Can I defire, but Thee ? 26.Tho' Flel"h, and Heart,fhould fail, God will My Strength, and Portion be. 27. Lo -, they that far from Thee depart. Shall into Ruin fall ; Thofe who apoftatife from Thee, Thou wilt deftroy them alL 25. But, as for me, it's good I fhould. Still, near to God, repair ; I in Jehovah truft, that I May all thy Works declare. PSALM LXXIV. WH Y haft forever caft us off, O God ? againft thy Flock, In thy delightful Failures fed, Why does thine Anger fmoke ? 2. Thine ancient purchased Flock remind, The Lot thou did'ft polTefs, And haft redcem'd •, this Sion^s Mount, Thy famous dwelling Place. 3. Come PSALM 74. 133 3. Come, fee, and fpeedily requite. The lafling Ruins wrought ; All that thy Foes, with impious Rage, Have on thy Temple brought. 4. Thine En'mies roar, where once thy Tribes For facred Worfhip met ; In Token of their Vidory, Their Banners high they've fet. ,5. The Man that hew'd the Mountain Oak, Was had in great Renown. 6. But now they Ax, and Hammer, join. To break it*s carv'd Works down. 7. Thy holy Temple they have cafl Into devouring Flame ; And, kvd with the Ground, defii'd The Dwelling of thy Name, 8. At once, our holy Rites, and us. To r(55t out, they prefum'd ; The Synagogues of God, with Fire, All, thro' the Land, confum'd. 9. We fee no more our hopeful Signs, No Prophet calms our Woes ; How long our ruin'd State fiiall laflr, There's none among us knows. Sec fid PART, 10. How long Ihall our infulcing Foes, O mighty God, defame ? Forever (hall the Enemy , Blafpheme thy holy Name ? 11. Why is thy Hand with-held ? Stretch, from Thy Bofom, thy Right-hand. 12. For God's my Rock of old ; who works Solvation thro' the Land. I?. By d* 134 PSALM 74. By thy refiftlefs Strength, thou dld'ft The raging Sea divide ; And crufli'd the furious Dragon's Heacl^ Beneath the refluent Tide. 14. The Heads of the Leviathan, Are broken, by thine Arm ; And to the People giv'n for Meat, That in the Dcfarcs fwarm. 15. Thou clav'ft the Fountain, and the Flood ; Thou dry'ft up Rivers Might. 16. Thine is the Day, the Night is thine •, Thou form'ft the Sun, and Light. 17. Earth's Limits, with her various Climes, Are fix'd by thy ftrong Hand •, The Summer's Heat, and Winter's Cold, Obey thy wife Command. Third PART, 18. Mmd, O Jehovah^ how the Foe Has loaded us with Shame •, And how the foolifh People have Blafphem'd thy facred Name. 19. The Soul of thy poor Turtle-Dove, To Herds of Prey give not ; Nor let th' AfTembly of the Poor Be evermore forgot. fto. Thy faithful Covenant, Lord, regard ; For the dark Parts, we fee, Of th' Earth, are fill'd with rueful Seats Of monftrous Cruelty. 21. O let not the OpprefsM return. Unheard, and fiUM with Sham e But let the Poor, and Needy, iVill Have Caufc to praife thy Name. 22. /jrif^t PSALM 74, 75. 13^ 22. Arife, O God, plead thine own Caufe ; And bear in Memory, "With what Contempt, the foolilh Man, Daily, reproacheth Thee. 23. Forget not. Lord, the fcornful Voice Of thine infuking Foes ; Their Tumult conftantly alcends. And more blafphemous grows. PSALM LXXV. WE thank, and praife Thee, God ; For that thy Name is near. Thy Pow'r, and Grace, which fuccours us. Thy wondrous Works declare. 2. When I receive the Tribes, Strid Juftice Til maintain. 3. Our Land, and People, are diiTolv'd ; It's Pillars I fudain. 4. Let Fools from Folly ceafe ; And wicked curb their Pride. 5. I faid, lift not your Horn on high ; Lay your proud Talk afide. 6. For from Eaft, Weft, or South, Promotion never fprings. 7. But God is Judge, who lifts up one, And down another flings. 8. For in Jehovah* % Hand, There is a dreadful Cup ; The Wine is red, v/ith bitter Drugs *Tis fully mixed up : 9. From thence he poureth out. To each as he doth picafe ; But th* Impious al! fli:ill wring the Dregs, And drink the very .Lees. 9. rii 136 PSALM ^^^ 7(5. 9. ril ever fpeak, and fing. The God of Jacob's Praife. 10. Til cut off all the Wicked's Horns, The Jiift to Honour raife. PSALM LXXVI. IN Judab^ God's mod clearly known ; In 7/rV/, great is his Renown. 2. His facrcd Tent's in Salem plac'd ; And SioH^s with his Dwelling grac'd. 3. Thou break'ft the Arrow, Bow, and Shield, The Sword, and Battle in the Field. 4. Thy Glory fhines with brighter Ray, Excelling far the Mounts of Prey. 5. The ftout of Heart are wholly fpoil'd -, Death, in their Sleep, has them beguil'd ; And none of all their braved Bands, Could find the Vigour of their Hands. €. When Jacob's God, in Anger, frown'd. Chariot, and Horfe, in Heap were drown'd. 7. Thou, thou alone, demand'ft our Fear y Who can thine angry Prefence bear ? 8. Thou mad'ft, from Heav'n, thy Judgments TheEarth flood ftill, and greatly fear'd. [heard; 9. When God, to fave the Meek arofe. And fcatter'd Judgments on his Foes. 10. Man's Wrath fhall Praifes to Thee gain -, The Refidue thou flialt reftrain. 11. Vow then, and pay, to God, your King ; Let all fear him, and Prefents bring. 12. From Princes he cuts off their Breath, By an avenging Stroke of Death ; He, to the mighty Kings on Earth, Difpenfeth Terrors, in his Wrath. PSALM PSALM 77: 137 PSALM LXXVII. With mournful Voice, and ardent Cries, To God, I made my Pray'r j I oft to God my Suit renew'd, And he to me gave Ear. 2. In my fad Day, I fought the Lord, My Hands ftretch'd forth by Night, And ceafed not •, my burden'd Soul No Comfort could admit. 3. I thought on God, the great and good^ But yet I found no Reft ; I pour'd out my Complaint, and ftill My Mind remain'd opprefs'd. 4. Thou hold'ft mineEyes awake 5 my Grief's So great 1 cannot fpeak. 5. From former Days, and ancient Times, I then Relief did feek. 6. I calPd to Mind my Songs, by Night I commun'd with my Heart \ My Spirit fearch'd the hidden Caufe, And End, with all her Art. 7. *^ Forever, will the Lord caft off ^ " Will he no more be kind ? 8. " Is Mercy wholly fpent ; his Word " Forever out of Mind ^ 9. *' Has God forgot to fhew his Grace ? '• Doth Wrath his Love reftrain ? 10. "I faid, theChange in God*s Right-hand, " 'Tis this that gives me Pain. 11. But ril v^tmi^AJehc^valfs Works, Thy Wonders wrought of old : 12. On all thy Works I'll meditate. Thy Doings fnall be told. G 6Vi:^;'J 13^ PSALM 77, 78. Second P ART. 15. Thy Way, O God, is in the Height ; Great as our God, there's none. 14 1 houGod do'ftWondersithoUjthy Strength, Hafl to the People lliown. 15. Thy People, by thy mighty Arm, Thou haft from Bondage freed 5 The Offspring of thy Favorites, Jacob'^s and JcJepFs Seed. 16. The Waters faw Thee, mighty God, Thee did the Waters fee \ They fled for Fear, the Depths retir'd. Struck with the Awe of Thee. 17. The Clouds abundant Waters pour'd, The Sky fenc forth a Sound •, Thy pointed Arrows arm'd with Wrath, In Vengeance flew around. 18. Thy awful Voice, from Heav'n above, In roaring Thunders, broke ; The lower World v/ith Light'nings bUz'd, The Earth was mov'd and fliook. 19. Thy Way is in the rowling Sea ; ( A wondrous Way we own ! ) Thy Path thro' mighty Waters lyes. Thy Footfteps are unknown. 20. Thou led'ft thy People, like a Flock, By Mofes\ fl;ilful Hand, And A'roti'is^ thro' the W^ildernefs, Safe to the promis'd Land. PSALM LXXVIII. My People chk Attention give. And my Infl:ru(flion willly hear ; To wholfome Words, Vv?hich I fhall fpeak, B©w an obedient^ Jifi'ning Ear. 2. My PSALM 78. i3<5 2. My Mouth (hall Parables relate ; And ancient Myftcries unfold ; 3. Which we our fclves have heard jand known 5 And what our Fathers have us told 4. We'll not conceal them from their Sons. But to the future Race make known, Jehovah's Praife, his mighty Strength, And wondrous Works which he hath done* 5. A Witnefs he, in Jacobs fix'd. In 7/rV/ his good Laws ordain'd ; And charg'd our Fathers, all their Seed, In Knowledge of them, fhould be train'd. 6. That Generations yet to come, PiouQy taught, thefe Things might know •» Their Children, yet unborn, might rife. And them to their Defendants (how. y. That they their Hope, on God alone. Thro' ev'ry Age, might firmly (lay ♦, The W^orks of God might not forget. But learn his Precepts to obey. 8. And might not, like our Fathers, proyc A ftubborn, and rebellious, Race : Whofe Heart was not fincere v/ith God, ■Nor Spirit fledfafl in his Grace. 9. The armed Sons of Ephraim^ Train'd to the Ufe of Dart, and Bow, In Day of Battle tura'd their Backs, And meanly fled before the Foe. ID. They broke the Cov'nant of their God, And did his facred Laws defpife : II. Forgat his Work?, and Miracles, Which lie had wrou2;hc before their Eves. G 2 SecC'ui 140 PSALM 78. Second P J R T. 11. He Wonders to their Father's flicw'd. In Zoan's Field, in Egypt's Land. 13. He clave the Sea, thro' which theypafs'd. And made, in Head's, the Waters (land. 14. He led them with a Cloud, by Day, And Fire, by Night \ their Way to keep. 15. He in the Defeit, clave the Rocks, And gave them Drink, as from the Deep. 16. He fetch'd out Streams, from flintyRocks, They ran, like Rivers, by their Path. 1 7. Yet, in the Defert, more they finn'd ; And the Mod-High provok'd to Wrath. 18. For God they tempted in their Heart, By afking Meat, as Lull them. led. 7 9. Yea, againft God they fpake, and faid, " Can God, in Deferts, 1 ables fpread ? 20. " 'Tistrue •, hefmote theRock, and thence *' The Waters gufh'd, and Streams o'erflo\y 5 " But can he give Supplys of Bread ? ^' Or Fieili, on all this HolV, bellow ? 21. J eh ov ah h^2ixdiy was very wroth. And flaming Fire on Jacob fell ; His burning Anger fiercely rofe, Againft unthankful Ifrael. 22. Becaufe they God would not believe •, Nor in his Care, and Help, confide. 23. Tho' his Command, the Clouds above, And Doors of Hcav'n, had open'd wide. 24. He rain'd down Manna^ for their Bread •, And gave them Corn, from Heav'n, to eat. 25. Thus Man v/as fed with Angel's Food ! /ind to th: Full he gave them Meat. 26. In P S A L M 78- . Ht 26. In Heav'n he made the Eaft Wind blow^ And rais'd the South, by his Command. 27. On them he rain'd down Flefh, like Dud*, Wing'd Fowl, as Seas unnumber'd Sand. 28. He ]ct it fall within their Camp ; And with it fpread their Tents around. 29. So they did eat, and were well fiird ; For thus their own Defire he crown'd. 30. Their Lulling flill remained uncur'd •, But while the Meat was in their Throat, 3 [. God's Wrath arofe, and Hew theirChiefs 5 Down 7/rV/'s chofen young Men fmote. Third p A ar, 32. Yet, for all this, they fmned full 5 His wondrous Works gain'd no Belief. 33. Thence hs their Days confum'd in vain. Their Years in terrifying Grief. 34.When fome he flew, they fought him then ; And turn'd to God, with early Cry. 35. They call'd to Mind he was their Rock, And their Redeemer, God Mofl- High. ^6, But him they flatter'd with their Mouth; And with their Tongues they bafely ly'd. 37. For ftill their Heart was not fincere ; Nor in his Cov'nant did abide. 38. Yet full of Mercy, he forgave ; Nor brought them to'Deftrudion quite : Yea, oft he turn'd his Anger by ; Nor once did all his Wrath excite. 39. For he remember'd, they were frail. Weak Flelh, whofe greateft Strength is vain ; A Puff of Wind, which flyes away. And never jnore returns again. G ^ 40. How H^ PSALM 78. 40. How oft they God provok'd,andgriev'd. In Deferrs, where his Pow'r was fliown ? 41. They turned back, and tempted God, Did limit i/rV/'s hojy One. Fourib PART, 42. They thought not on the Hand,nor Day, Which from their Foes Deliv'rance brought. 43. How God his Signs, in Egypt's Land, In ZGan's Field, his Wonders, wrought, 44- He turn'd their Rivers,and their Streams, To Blood ; they could not drink the Gore. 45- Huge Swarms of divers Flies, and Froo-s, He fent to plague, and to devour. ° 4^. To Caterpillars, he, their Store, And^abcurs to the Locuft, doom'd. 4;. ^ 1 heir chcaring Vines, he kiil'd with Hail ; J heir Sycomores with Frofl: confum'd. 48. He givc their Cattle to the Hail \ Iheir Flocks hoc Thunder-Bolts dcvcur'd. 49- ^9^ them he cail his fiercefl Wrath, And 1 Foops of evil Angels pour'd. 50. He weigh'd his Angei's Path, nrr ll-)ai'd l^rom Death ; the Plague upon them cam.e. 51. Egypt's Firii-born he fmote, the chief^ And Strength, of all the Land of Ham. 52. But forth, like Sheep, he led his Tribes; 1 hro' Deferts his own Flock did guide. 53. Fie led them fafely, without Fear, Where, on their Foes, he rowl'd the Tide. 54' He them conduced, till they reach'd Tht Borders of his holy Land -, Till to this Mountain they arriv'd, Uiie Puicuafe of his own Right-hand. 55. The PSALM 78. 143 ^^, The heathen Tribes, he did expel. Before their Face -, to them divide Their Lots by Line ^ and made the Tribes Of 7/rV/ in their Tents refide. Fifth PART. 56. They tempted ftill, and God Mofl-high Provok'd ; nor did his Laws obey. 57. They, hke their Fathers, falfly dealt ; Like a falfe Bow, they turn'd away. 58. His Anger their high Places ftir'd ♦, Their Idols mov'd his Jealoiify. 59. When God heard this, then he was wroth» And loathed Ifr'el vehemently. 60. Then Sbiloh's Tent he quite forfook ; Where he was wont with Men to dwell : 61. Th* Ark of his Strength he captive foW •, In Hands of Foes his Glory fell. 62. He gave his People to the Sword ^ Agiinft his Heritage he flam'd. 63. Their youngMen were with Fireconlum'd •, The Nuptial Songs were rarely nam'd. 64. Their guilty Priefts fell by the Sword •, Nor did their Widows fcarce repine. 65. Jehovah rous'd, as one from Sleep ; As (Irong Men fhout, enilam'd with Wine. ^(i. Then, in the hinder Parts, he fmote. And puc to endlefs Shame, their Foes. 6^. Yet did he Jojeph^s Tent refufe ; Nor more the Tribe of Ephraim chofe, 6%. But he feleifled Judahh Tribe ; The Mountain Sion^ which he lov'd. 69. Th re rais'd his Temple up on high ^ And fix'd it, like the Earth, unmov'd. G 4 70. He 144 PSALM 78, 79. 70. He chofe his Servant Davidy whom He from the Sheepfold did advance ♦, 71. From tending Ewes, Jacoi^ to feed, And I/r'ely his Inheritarxe. 72. So he the Tribes di Ifr'el led. With great Integrity of Heart •, And guided all their State- Affairs, With Ikilfull Hands, and prudent Art. PSALM LXXIX. THE Heathen, Lord, thy Heritage, Did furioufly invade •, Defii'd thy Temple, and in Heaps, Jerufakm have laid. ■2. The Bodies of thy Servants flain. For Meat to Fowls of Heav'n •, ^\nd thy Saints Flefh, to favag^ Beafts» They cruelly have giv'n. 3. They round about Jerufalern^ Their Blood, like Water, died ; And none was found to pay the lad Kind Office to the Dead. 4. Our Neighbours load us with Reproach, Our Fame they deeply wound •, We're made the very Scorn, and Mock Of all the Nations round. 5. How long, "Jehovah ! Shall thy Wrath /kga'inft us ne'er expire ? $hall thy inflamed Jealoufy, Burn like devouring Fire ? 6. On heathen TYibes, who know not Thee, Thy wrathful Vengeance pour -, On impious Kingdoms, which thy Name jfHc'cr rcv'rence^ and adore. 7. For PSALM 79, 80. 145 ^ 7. For they have greedily devour'd Thy Fav'rite Jacob's Race ; Their Rage has utterly laid wafte His ancient dwelling Place. Second PART. 8. Mind not againft us former Sins, Let tender Mercy flow ^ Our Ruin fpeedily prevent, We'^^ brought exceeding low. 9. Help us, O our Salvation's God, Forth' Honour of^.thy Name •, ^ For thy Name's Sake, deliver us, And purge our Souls from Blame. lo.Why fay theHeathen, " Where's theirGod ? Among the Nations fpread Thy Fame, in Vengeance, in our Siglit, For Blood of Saints they've (lied. 11. O Jet, before thy Face, afcend The fighing Prif'ner's Cry ^ By thy great Pow'r, preferre the Sons Of Death, condemn'd to die. 12. Into their Bofom feven-fold. Our Neighbour's Spite reward. And the Reproach, wherewith they have Reproached Thee, O Lord. 13. Then we thy Flock, thy Failure's Sheep,, Will give thee Thanks always ; From Age to Age, we will fhew forth Our great Redeemer's Praife. PSALM LXXX. nr HOU, who led'fl Jofeph, \^^ ^ ^^^^^ I O Ifr'ePs Shepherd h .,ar - Who dwcll'it between the CI .erubims Shine forth in Glory there. " ' * ^5 Q.. Before .146 F S A L M Bo. 2. Before Manaffeh^ Benjamin^ With Ephraim^ thy Rearward ; Stir up thy Strength, and fpeedy comfj Our Saviour, and our Guard. 5. Turn us again, O God, and caufe Thy Face, fo us'd to fave. To fhine forth upon us, then we Deliverance fhall have. 4. How long, Jehovah^ God of Holls, Wilt thou, in Anger, fmoke Againft thy People's mournful Pray'r, And they in vain invoke. 5. Thou do'ft abundant flowing Tears, For Meat, and Drink, impole. 6. A Strife we're to our Neighbours made i;. A Laughter to our Fots. 7. Turn us, O God of Hods, and caufe Thy Face, fo us*d to fave. To fhine forth upon us, then v/e Deliverance fhall have. Second P A Rr. 3. From Egyp^ thou did'ft bring a Vine^, Under Opprefllon bred ; The Heathen, noxious Weeds,, call out^. And plant it in their Stead. ^. Before it thou prepared'ft Room, Where it was meant to (land •, There thou did'^ft make it take deep Root,. It grew, and fili'd the Land. 10. It's Sh^e did Mountains over-cad. And Boughs God's Cedars hide. If... Her Arms ftretch'd to the WeflernSea,. tkr Branch Euphrates ^ide. 12. Qk! PSALM go. 147 12. Oh ! why then haft thou broken down Her Hedge, and laid her bare ? That all the PaiTengers that Way, Do her in Pieces tear. 13. The Boar, out of the Wood, doth root. And fadly lay it waftc ; The v/ild Beafts of the Field do make Her Clufters their Repaft. rbird P ART. 14. Return, O God of Hofts, we pray. And let thine Heart incline. To look from Heav'n, aiid behold. And vifit foon this Vine. 15. The Vineyard, which thine ownRight-hatvl Did plant, and guard fo long -, The Branch, which for thy felf alone. Thou mad^ft fo very ftrong. 16. Behold, thy Vine is burnt with Fire, It's Branches are cut down j They perilh do at thy Rebuke, Becaufe thy Face doth frown. 17. Upon the Man of thy Right-hand, Let thy Hand be difplay'd •, Upon the Son of Man, whom thou Strong, for thy felf, haft made. 18. So we will not from Thee rev^olt. Nor more incur thy Blame ; Oh, do thou us revive, and we VvHlI call upon thy Name. 19. Lord, God of Hofts, turn us, and caufc Thy Face, fo us*d to fave, To ftiine forth upon us, then we Deliverance iliali have. G 6 FSALM 14^ V S A L M 81. PSALM LXXXL With raifed Voice, to God, our Strength,^ Aloud his Praifes fing ; With Shouting, make a joyful Noifc, 1 o Jacobus God, and King. 2. Strike up a Pfalm, the Timbrel bring, And with your Voices join j The pleafant Harp, and Pfakery> In Confort fweet combine. 3. The Trumpet blow, in the New-Moon \ When our Feaft-Days arrive. 4. To 7/r'^/, for a Statute Law, This JficoFs God did give. 3. This Witnefs he, in Jofeph^ fet, When thorough Egypt\ Land He went ; where we a Language heard, We could not underftand. 6. Then, from his Shoulders, I remov'd> The Burden on him lay •, His Hands then ceafed from the Pots, And working in the Clay. 7. In thy Diftrefs, thou call'dft on me,. And I thy Griefs removM \ In Thunders fecret Place reply'd. At Majj'ah's Stream thee prov'd. Second PART. g. " Hear, O my People, my Proteft %, " O Ifr'el hear my Word. 9,, " No (Irange God fhall in thee be found 'j. *' No foreign Lord ndorM. io. ^' J eh or ah ^ I thy God, thee brought '* From Egypi's miry Clays •, ^^ Thy Mouth vv'ide open, Til it fill, *'' With Plenty, and with Praife, ii^ PSALM 8i, 82. 149 11. " But Ifr^el would not hear my Voice -, " Nor me their Choice would make. 12. " So I them left to their Heart's Lufts> " Their own Advice to take. 13. Oh, that my People me had heard. And walkM in my Command. 14. I would have foon fubdu'd their Foes, And on them turn'd my Hand. 15. From them that hate the Lord, I would A forc'd Submiflion gain ; But as for them, their happy Times Forever fhould remain. 16. I would have fed them with the bed, And fineft of the Wheat ; Of Honey, from the Rock diftiird. They, to their Fill, fhould eat. PSALM LXXXIL GOD, in the Congregation, ftands. Among the Men of Might •, The earthly Gods he ftrid furveys. Their Adlions judges right. 2. " How long, ( faid he ) then, will you dare *' Falfe Judgment to award ; *' The Wicked's Perfon to accept, " And partially regard ?, 3. " Defend the Poor, and Fatherlefs, " And right the Weak diftrefs'd. 4. " From wicked Hands, deliver thofej, " With Tyranny, opprefs*d. 5. They know not, nor will under ftand> But walk perverfly blind ; The Earth's Foundations all are mov'd. And greatly undermin'd. €. '^ I 150 PSALM g2. 6. :" I fcid; Ye' re Gods ; all of you Sons " Of the Mod-High did call. ; 7..*'- But ye Ihall die, like common Men, " Like other Princ^es fall. 8. Afife, O God, and judge the Earth, Reftore loft Righteoufnefs : For thou, the Nations of the World, As Sov'rcign (halt poflefs. • PSALM LXXXII. 2d Mtetre. AMidft th' AiTemblies of the Great, The World's great Ruler takes his Seat* And earthly Gods doth judge •, (and fays) 2. " How long will ye pervert the Laws, *' Accept the Perfon, plead the Caufe, " Of fuch as walk in wicked Ways. 3. " Defend the Poor, and Fatherlcfs \ '•' To fuch as are in deep Diflrefs " Impartial Juftice let be done. 4. " Loofe the Opprefied's heav^y Bands \ *' And, from the Wicked's griping Hands^ " Deliver ye the needy one. 5. They know not, nor will underftand, lliey v/alk in Darknefs \ thro' the Land» The Earth's Supports are ovcrthrov/n. . 6. " You I have'honour'd with my Name, *' And ftyl'd you Gods ; yc all, in Fame, " For Sons of the Moft-High have fhone. 7. " But ye fhall die, like common Men, " Like other Princes fall •, and then "^ Account to me, for all your Wrongs* 8. Arife, O God, to judge the Earth 5 Forev'ry Nation from it's Birth, To Tl^e^ by fov'reign Right belongs. FSALM PSALM 83. 15k PSALM LXXXIII. OGOD, to ot^^\repeated Cries, No longc'-'^jilence keep \ Hold not thy Peace, as tinconcern*da Nor let thy Vengeance deep. 2. For lo, thine Enemies, O God, Have a fierce Tumult made -, And thofe^ that impioufly Thee hatc> In Pride lift up the Head. 3. Again (t thy People they confult. And all their Craft employ ; Their chief Defign's thy hidden ones Intirely to deftroy. 4. " Come, faid they, let us wholly root " The Nation from the Ground ; " That Ifr'ePs hated Name, no more " Be in Remembrance found. 5. Together they, with one Confent, In Counfel, have combin'd ; Thefe differing Nations, clofe in League, ' Againft Thee, Lord, arejoin'd. 6. There's Efau's Sons, v/ho dwell in TentSa, Iflom^ers rejected Line, Moahy of Inceft eldeft Broody With Hagar's Arabs joyn. 7. Strong Gehaly Ammoriy Moab*s K\n^ With Amalek confpire •, The Lords of Palejline's Sea Coaft,, And v/ith them wealthy "^yre. 8. "^xoudAflmr^s pow*rtullTroops, theLeague^, And common Caufe, efpoufe ; Thffe prove the ftrongeft Arm of Strength,, To Lot's apellate Houfe* Sacnd 152 PSALM S^, 84. Secofid P ART. q. But let fuch Vengeance on them fall. As Midi an overtook -j... <: As Sifera^ and Jabin^ felt, At Kijkvn's fatal Brook. 10. Where all their mighty num'rous Hoft> Were put to Rout, and flain ; Who left their Carcafles for Dung, On Endor^s fertile Plain. 11. As Zeb^ zuAOreb^ make their Chiefs? Like Vengeance ieife them all : As Zeba^ and Zalmunna^ fell. May all their Princes fall. 12.. Vvho boafling, faid, " Let's feife for ours " Each Houfe of God we find. 13. My God, to Ruin whirl them round. As ChafF before the Wind. 14. As raging Fire confumes the W^cods^ W^ith Flames the Mountains blaze. 15. So with thy Tempefl them purfue. And with thy Storm amaze. 16. Their Faces fill with Shame, that they May feek Jehovah's Name. 17. Or them confound, and terrify. Until they dye in Shame. 18. The Nations then fhall know, that thoin To whom alone pertains The Name Jehovah, art Mofl-high, O'er Earth's extended Plains. PSALM LXXXIV. HOW amiable. Lord of Hofts, How pleafant is the Place, W^here thou, on Earth, art wont to Ihew The Glories of thy Face I 2. My PSALM 84. 153 2. My Soul doth long, yea, faint to fee Jehovah* 5 chofen Seat ; My Heart, and Flefh, fpring up for Joy, The Uving God to meet. 3. The Birds, near to thine Altars, build Their Nefts, for their Abode ; There hatch their Young -, O Lord of Hods, My Sov'reign, and my GoJ. 4. O happy Men, who in thy Houfc Abide •, ftill they'll Thee praife : 5. Whofe Strength's inThee,and Hearts are bent To travel SiorC^ Ways. 6. Who, pafTing Baca\ thirfty Vale, Provide themfelvcs with Wells, And Ciderns ; which the Rain from Heav*n, For their Refrelliment, fills. 7. Strengthened they go, till they, with God^ In SiorC^ Mount appear. 8. Lord, God of Hofbs, my Pray'r regard;, O Jacob* ^ God give Ear. Second P ART. 9. O God, who art our only vShield, Look gracioufly on me -, And, with thy wanted Smiles, the Face Of thine anointed fee. 10. For in thy facred Courts, a Day, A Thoufand does excell -, My God's Houfe Doors Pd rather keep. In wicked Tents, than dwell, 11. Jif^^i^^i^ is our Sun, and Shield, Will Grace, and Glory, give ; And, no Good Thing, will he deny, Thpfe who uprightly live, 12. O 154 PSALM 84, S5. 12. O thou, the fov'reign Lord of all TheHofis in Heav'n, Earth, Sea •, That Man is truly bkfs'd, who puts His Truft alone in Thee. PSALM LXXXV. 7"^HCU, Lord,thyLand haft Favour fliown i And back thy captiv'd Jacob led. 2.. Thy People's Guilt haft lifted oft •, And all their Sin haft covered. 3. Thou all thine Anger haft remov'd ; Thy flaming Wrath thou do*ft appeafe. 4. Turn us, O our Salvation's God , Ana let tnine Anger wholly ceafe. 5. Wilt, thou, with us, be angry ftill ? Thro* Ages fliall thy Wrath remain ? 6. Wikthou not us again revive ; That we may Joy in Thee regain ? y. jfehovciy^, gracipufiy appear^ Aiid tender Picy to us fl-.ow ; Alltlie Salvation which we needj U|:on l;s bountccufiy btftcv/. ^^ecdKcl PART. ^. I'll wait to hear what God will fay^ For to his People he'll fpeak Peace, And to his Saint? -, buc Itt not' them Return again to Foolilliners. 9. To thtm chat fear his facred NaiTie, Sure, liis Salvation's near at Hand •, That th' ancient Glory may return. And firnnly fettle in our Land. 10. Mercy, and Truth, (hall friendly meet--, Juftice, and, kindly embrace [oufnefs 1 1. 1 ruth fprings irom th'Earth, while Righte- From Heav'n looks down with fmiling Face, PSALM 25, 86. 155 12. Yea, what is Good the Lord will give j Our Land it's yearly Fruits difplay. 13. Before him, Righteoudiefs (hall march j And guide our >^teps in his juft Way. PSALM LXXXVI. BOW down, O Lord, thine Ear, hear me y Opprefs'd, and Poor, am I. 2. Keep thou my righteous Soul, which doth On Thee, my God, rely. 3. To Thee, I daily make my Pray'r -, PJave Mercy, Lord, on me, 4. Joy, to thy Servant's Soul, reftore -, Who lifts his Heart to Thee. 5. For thou, O Lord, art good and kind, Ready to pardon all ; Plenteous in Mercy unto them. In Truth, that on Thee call. 6. Lord, hear my Pray'r, and to the Voice of my Requeft attend. 7. In Straits, Til call on Thee, who wlk A gracious Anfwer lend. 8. Among the Gods there's none like Thee^ Nor any Works like thine. 9. The Nations all, whom thou haft made. Shall in fweet Confort join ; Themfelves fhall bow before thy Face, And glorify thy Name. 10. For thou art great •, thy wondrous Works Thee, God alone, proclaim. Second PART. 11. Teach me thy Way, O Lord, and I In Truth will perfcvere ; Unite, arnd fix, my wand'ring Heart, Thy facred N^me to fear. .- 12. With JS6 PSALM 85, 87. 1 2. With all my Heart, I'll praife Thee, Lord, Thy Glories evef tell. 15. For thy great Mercy has my Soul, Freed from the loweft Hell. 14. O God, the Proud againft me rife, And pow'rfull Troops have fought To take my Life •, who ne'er employ, On 1 hee, one ferious Thought. 15. But thou, O Lord, a mercifull, And gracious God, art found : Thine An^^er is not foon provok'd, Thy Grace, and Truth, abound. 16. "O turn to me thy placid Face, Let rity now be fliovvn ; Thy Strength, unto thy Servant, gire, And fave thine Hand-Maid's Son. 17. Such Marks of Favour to melhow. As all my Foes may fee, Opprefs'd v/ith Shame ; bccaufe. Lord, thou Dofl help, and comfort me. PSALM LXXXVIL JEhovab^ in the holy Mounts, Has his Foundation laid. 2. His Love's, to Sion^s Gates, more than All Jacob's Tents, difplay'd. 3. Mod glorious Things arefpoke of thee, And fpread thy Fame abroad, O thou Jerujakm 5 which art The City of our God. 4. Eygpty and Babylon^ I'll name, (They fomcwhat have me known, ) Pbilijlia, Tyre^ and Cujh ; lo there Sprang fome of great Renowa. But PSALM 87, 88. 157 5. But this of Sion fhall be faid, There many fuch were born ; And the Molt- High hirnfelf Ihall her Eftablifh, and adorn. 6. The Lord, when he makes up the Roll^ Shall note, There born was he. 7. There Singers, and fweet Harpers, join *, My Springs are all in Thee. PSALM LXXXVII. 2d Meetre. JEhovah his Foundations laid, On the renowned facred Hills ; 2. To SMs Gates, his Love's difplay'd. More than the Tents were Jacob dwells. 3. Moft glorious Things are fpoke abroad, Of thee, O City of our God. 4. ril Rahah name, and Babylon^ ( Which know me, ) with Philijlia^ And "Tyre^ and Cufif \ perhaps there's one, Sprang from them, famous in their Day. 5. But Sion''% fam'd for bringing forth Many renowned Men of Worth : The Higheft fliall cftablifli her. With future Worthies her adorn. 6. When God fhall the grand Roll prefc^r. He'll note. There fuch an one was born. 7. Singers, and Harpers, there abound ; And all my Springs in thee are found. PSALM LXXXVIII. IORD, God of my Salvation, I ^ To Thee, by Day, and Nig'^it, do cry. 2. Before Th?e, kt my Pray'r a;.^pear-, And to twy Cry cncliae thine Ear. 3. Troubles 158 P S A L M 88. 3. Troubles, my Soul, fo filled have-. My Life draws nigh unto the Grave. 4. Vm number'd with the Dead -, as one Whofe Strength is loft, and Spirit gone. 5. As free among the dead am I, Like flainMen, in their Graves that ly. Whom thou in Mind no more do'ft bear ; Who by thy Hand confumed arc. 6. Thou'ft plung'd me in the Pit moft low. In Darknefs in the Depth of Woe. 7. On me thy Wrath has heavy lain ? And all thy Waves cncreas'd my Pain. 8. Yea, thofe that mine Acquaintance were. From me thou haft removed far -, A loathfome Spedacle I'm made •, Shut up, to walk abroad afraid. 9. Mine Eye, the Marks of Sorrow, wears. And fpends itfelf in flowing Tears •, To Thee Jebovab^ I havepray'd, And daily ftretch'd my Hands, for Aid. Second P A RT. 10. Wik thoufhew Wonders to the Dead ? Shall dead Men rife, thy Praife to fpread ? 1 1 . Shall thy great Love the Grave confefs ? Deftru^tion fpeak thy Faithfulnefs ? 12. In Darknefs fhines thy mighty Hand ? Thy Juftice in Oblivion's Land ? 1 3. Tho', Lord, I've cry'd in vain, each Day, Before Thee \ ftill I'll early pray. 14. Why,Lord,caft'ft thou mySoulfromThee ? Why hid'ft thy gracious Face from me ? I p,. Diftrefs'd from Youtli, brought nigli the Thy Terrors me Amazement gave. * [ Grave, 16. Thv PSALM gg, 89. 159 16. Thy fierce Wrath over me hath paft j Thy Terrors held, and bound me fad. 17. Daily, around me, like the Tide, They flow, and compafs ev'ry Side. 1 8. Lover, and Friend, I dearly lov'd. Thou from my Sight haft far remov'd i And thofe that my Acquaintance were. In Darknefs hide themfelves, for Fear. PSALM LXXXIX. ^"pHE Mercies of the Lord, I'll fing, X And never ceafe the Song ; From Age to Age, thy Faithfulnefs I'll publifh with my Tongue. 2. For 1 have faid, that Mercy fhall Forever built remain ; Thy Faithfulnefs, thou, in the Heav'ns^ And like them, wilt maintain. 3. " With mine Elect, I form'd a League, " An Oath to David fwore •, 4. " ril fix thy Seed, and build thy Throne, " Secure forevermore. 5. TheHeav'ns, for thy great Wonder, Lord, Shall with thy Praifes ring •, While thine alTembled Saints, on Earth, Thy Faithfulnefs fnall fing. 6. But who of all the heav'nly Hofts, May with the Lord compare ? 'What Sons of all the earthly Gods, Vie with Jehovah^ dare ? 7. God's Terror ftrikes his Saints below. With a religious Fear ; And awful Rev'rence guards the Minds, That round his Throne appear. Second iSo PSALM 89. Second P J R T, ^ 8. Lord,,GodofHofts,who'sarm'd withPow'r, Or girt with Truth, like Thee ? 9. Proud Waves arife, are dill, and calm. As thou do'ft rule the Sea. 10. Thou,£^^^/'s Pow'r,with deadly Wounds, Haft into Pieces broke ; Thine Arm of Strength difpers'd thy Foes, With an avenging Stroke. 1 1. Thine are theHeav'ns, the Earth is thine. Which thou alone haft made ; As for the World, with all it's Stores, God it's Foundation laid. 12. The northern, and the fouthern Poles, Thou, by thy Povv'r, did'ft frame -, 'Tahory and Hermofj, famous Mounts, Rejoice fhall in thy Name. 1 3. Thy Arm is mighty, ftrong thy Hand, Thy Right-hand's fam'd in Deed. 14. Juftice And Judgment, found thy Throne, While Grace and 7>uth, precede. 15. Bleft Men ! who know the joyful Sound ; They in thy Favour walk. 16. All Day, they in thy Name, rejoice -, Juftice ftiall them exalt. 17. Thou, Glory of their Strength, fhalt raifc Our Horn, thro' Favour fhov/n. i8. Jehovah" % our Defence ; our King Is liters holy One. Third PART. 1 9. " In Vifion, to thine holy One. " Thou lliid'ft, I'll Help impofe ^' On one that's mighty •, whom I've rais'd, " And from the People cliofc:. 20. PSALM 89. 161 20. " I've found my Servant David ; him " With holy Oil anoint. 21 . " Him (hall my Hand confirm; mine Arm " Support whom I appoint. 22. " No En'mies Arts (hall him deceive ; " Nor wicked Men controuL 23* " ril crulh his Foes, before his Face, " And plague the fpiteful Soul. 24. " My Truth, & Grace, with him, fhall ralfe " His Horn high, in my Name : 25. " His Left-Hand Bounds, I'll fix the Sea -, " His Right, Euphrates Stream. 26. " To me my Father, God, and Rock « Of Safety, he Ihall cry. 27. " ril place him my Firft-born, above " All earthly Kings, mod high. 28. " ril ever Mercy for him keep i " My Cov'nant ftandeth faft. 29. " His Seed (hall never fail, his Throne, " As Days of Heav'n, (hail laft. Fourth P A RT, 30. " But if his Sons foiiake my Law, " And from my Judgments (tray ; 31. " If they my Statutes break, and dare " My Precepts difobey : 32. '^ Their Sin Til vi fit with a Rod ^ " With Stripes, as Crimes prevail. 33. '* But from him Til not take my Love, *^ My Truth IhiU never fail. 34. *• My Cov'nant I will never break ^ ^' Nor, what I've faid, deny. '^^. " Once, by my Holinefs, I've fworn ; " Til not to David lye. H ;6, Hi^ i6i PSALM 89. ^6. '' His Race fliall never fail -, his Throne • " Shall, as the Sun, endure : 37. " Fix'd ever, as the Moon ; inHeav'n, " Which, Witnefles, are fure. 38. But thine Anointed, thou, in Scorn, And Anger, off haft caft. 2g» Thou mad'ft thy Servant's Cov'nant void. In Duft his Crov/n debas'd. . 40. Thou, all his Hedges, haft broke down •, His Forts in Ruin laid. 41. He's fpoil'd by all that by him pafs > His Neighbour's Scorn he's made. 42. His Foes thou caufeft to rejoice; Confirming their Right-Hand. 43. His Sword was blunted, nor could he In Dav of Battle ft and. 44. His Throne thou level'ft with the Ground ; And haft eclips'd his Fame. 45. His Youth, and Reign,thou ftiort haft cut; And cover'd him with Shame. Fifth PART. '46. How long, O Lord, wilt thou abfcond. And we thy Abfence mourn ? Forever ? Shall thy Wrath, like Fire, A gain ft thy People burn ? 47. Oh, call to Mind, what is the Age Thou doft for Man ordain ? Wherefore haft thou created all The Sons of Men in vain. 48. What Man that lives, can Death efcapc ? What Skill, or Pow'r, can fave% His Soul from his ftrong griping Iftnds ? Or refcue from the Grave ? ■ - - 49. ^^here'is PSALM 89, 90. i6j 49. Where's Lord,thy former Love, thou didft. In Truth, to David^ fwear ? 50. Remember, Lord, with what Contempt, Thy Servants treated are : I've, in my Bofom, the Reproach Of mighty People borne ; 51. Wherewith thine Enemies, O Lord, Have poured out their Scorn 5 They thine Anointed's Steps traduc'd. And thus reproached Thee. 52. Blefs'd be the Lord forevermorc j Amen ; Amen ; fay we. PSALM XC. Fourth Book.' THro' all the changing Scenes, have paft Over thy chofcn Race ; Thou, Lord, alone, from Age to Age, Haft been our dwelling Place. 2. Before the Mountains, Earth, or World, Were formed by thy Nod ; Thou Lord, from everlafting art, To everlafting, God. 3. 'Tis thou, to Rottennefs, and Duft, Doft turn weak mortal Man ; For thou haft faid, " Ye Adam's Sons, " Return to Earth again. 4. And ftiould he reach a Thoufand Years., It would be, in thy Sight, But as a Day, that's paft, and gone ; Or a ftiort Watch by Night. 5. As with a Flood's moft rapid Stream, Thou doft them fweep away'-; Like Dreams they vanifti ; in the Morn, As Grafs, look fair, and gav : H 2 ' ^. But 1(54 PSALM 90. 6. But howloe'er it looks, away It's Morning Beauty fiies ; When Ev'ning comes, 'tis all cut down, It withereth up, and dies. 7. We, by thine Anger, are confum'd ; Thy Wrath does us afright. 8. Thou fet'ft our Crimes, and fecret Sins, All plain before thy Sight. 9. Thence, all our Days, in thy hot Wrath, To fpeedy End are brought ; We fpend our Years, as quick as Speech, Swift as a Breath, or Thought. 10. Our Days are Threefcore Years and Ten ; If Strength to Fourfcore ftay, *Tis Grief, and Pain •, we're foon cut off. And hence we fly away. SecorJ PART. 1 1 . Oh ! Who doth know thine Anger's Force f Wrath, as thy Fear, is great 1 12. Teach us to number io our Days, Thar we may Wifdom get. 13. Return, Jehovah^ O return ; How long lliall be the Space ? And let thy yearning Bowels move. To fnew thy Servants Grace. 14. Oh, let thy Mercy early fill Our Souls, and Spirits raife 5^ That we may triumph, and rejoice. Thro' all our future Days. 15. May our fucceeding Days, and Years, Abundant Comfort yield : As all our former Ones have been, With greit Affliflion fiU'd. 16. Let PSALM 90, 91. 1^5 1 6. Let this thy fpec'ial Work of Love, Be to thy Servants Ihown *, The Glory of thy promised Grace, To all their Offspring known. 1 7. The Beauty of the Lord, our God, Let on us ever fhine •, Guide, and confirm, cur handy Work, And profper our Defign. PSALM XCI. HE that, the Higheft's fecret Place, His fure Retreat, has made. Secure fhal! reft, from threat'ning Ills, Beneath th' Almighty's Shade. 2. Of this Jehovah^ I will fay, " He is my Refuge high, '' My ftrong Munition, and my God •, ** On him I will rely. 3. Surely ; he fhall deliver thee, Out of the Fowler's Snare •, And fave thee, when the noifome Plague Infeds the vital Air. 4. His Feathers fhall thee cover o'er. His Wings Prote(ftion yield j His never-failing Truth fhall be Thy Buckler, and thy Shield. 5. Thou fhait no nightly Terrors fear ; Nor Shafts that fly by Day : 6. No fatal Plague, that darkly walks j Nor Noon's malignant Ray. 7. Thoufands (hall fall around thee flain j Yet ihall it not touch thee. 8. Thine Eyes fhall only this behold, And Sinners Portion fee. H 2 Second i66 PSALM 91, 92. Second PART, 9. Becaufe my Refuge, God, Moft-high^ Thy Dwelling thou haft made ; 10. Therefore, no III fhall thee befall, Nor Plague thy Houfe invade. 11. He*li charge his Angels, thee to keep, In all thy Ways, from Harms, 12. They, left a Stone offend thy Feet, Shall bear thee in their Arms. 13. On th* Afp, and Lyon, thou (halt tread, Fearlefs, when e'er ye meet; The Lyon young, and Dragons fierce, Shalt trample under Feet. 14. '* Becaufe his Love is fix'd on me, ^' His Freedom I proclaim •, ** 1*11 fet him high, from Dangers fafe, " For he hath known my Name. 15. " Whene'er he calls, Pll anfwerhim •, ^^ In Troubles Til be nigh, •' To rtfcue him from ev*ry III ; *^ And raife his Honour high. 16. ^« With Length of Days, as beft fhall be^ '♦ I'll fati§fy his Soul ; '^ Then my Salvation to him fhew, *' Where endlefs Plcafures rowl. PSALM XCII. ? Tn I S good, andlweet, to thank the Lord \ A Praife to thy Name to fing, Moft-high. 2. Each Morn, thy Kindnefs, to record j And ev'ry Night, thy Verity. g. Upon a Ten-ftring'd Inftrument, With Pfakery, in fweet Compound ; On fprightly Harp, in one Confent, With fecred Songs, and fokmn Sound. 4. PSALM 92. 367 4. Thou, thro* thy Work of Povv'r,and Grace, Lord, haft made my Heart rejoice •, The Works thine Hand hath wro't, fhall raifc My Ihout to Thee, with thankful Voice. 5. How wondrous great thy Works are. Lord 1 And how profoundly deep thy Thought 1 6. A brutifli Man knows not thy Word 5 Nor Fools perceive what thou haft wrought. 7. When, like the Grafs, the Wicked fpring. And fiouriiliing, look frefti, and fair ; It is, that thou may*ft on them bring- An endlefs Ruin, and Defpair. 8. But thou. Lord, ever art Moft-high. 9. For lo, thy Foes fliall quite decay •, And all that work Iniquity, In Wrath, fliali be difpers'd away. 10. But thou, mine Horn, on highfhalt raife, Fix'd as the Unicorn's, fecure ; Thy fredi anointing Oyl conveys New Joys to me, uniiiix'd, and pure. 11. Mine Eyes ftiall fee th* expefted Doom, Mine Ears the difmal End fhall hear. That on my fecret Foes fhall come j And thofe me open Malice b^ar. 12. Thejuft, like fruitful Palms, fhall thrive^ Like Lebanon^ tall Cedars grow. 1 :^. They in the Lord's Houfe planted, hve. And flourifh, in his Courts below. 14. They ftill bear Fruit, when aged grown; With Vigour fill'd, and Verdure crown'd. 1 5. The Lord, my Rock,thus upright's known ^ In him there's no Injuftice found. H JL PSALM i6S PSALM 92. PSALM XCII. 2d Meetre, 5 np I S good to thank the Lord, A And fing thy Praife, Moft-high i 2. Each Morn, thy Kindnefs to record. Each Night, thy Verity. 3. On Ten-ftring'd Inftrument, With Pfak'ry's tuneful Wind ; On fprightly Harps, in one Confent, With folemn Voices joyn'd. 4. Thy Work of PowV, and Grace, Lord, makes my Heart rejoice ; I, in thy handy- Works, will raife. With. Shouts of Praife, my Voice. 5. How great thy Works are. Lord 1 Hov/ very deep thy Thought ! 6. A brutifli Man knows not thy Word i Nor Fools what thou hafb wrought. 7. When wicked Men do fpring. Like Grafs, look frt?n^ and fair, -Tis that to Ruin thou may HI them bring. And cover with Defpair. 8. Thou'rt ever. Lord, Moft-high, 9. For lo, thy Foes fhall fall j And they that work Iniquity, Shall be difperfed all. 10. But thou mine Horn fhalt raife,, As Unicorn's, on high •, And with frefh Oyl, thro' all my Days, Anointed be fhall I. 1 1. Mine Eye (hall fee the Doom, Mine Ear the End Ihall hear. That on my Spies, and Foes, fhall come j And fuch £6 Malice bear. 12. The PSALM 92, 93. 169 12, The Juil:, like Palms, ihall thrive, LAkc'Leynon's Cedars grow : i^. Thofe m the Lord's Houfe planted, live, In's Courts they glorious fhow. 14. In Age, their Fruit is bright. With Strength, and Verdure, crown'd. 15. To (hew the Lord, my Rock, 's upright •, In him no Falfhood's found. PSALM XCIII. JEbovah reigns with Strength begirt. And Majefty array 'd, The World immovably he lix'd, On fure Foundations laid. 2. Thy Throne is founded thence, thou art From all Eternity. 3. The Floods, O Lord, lift up their Voice j They tofs their Waves on high. 4. Tlie Lord, who dwells above, tranfcends^ In Strength, the roaring Voice Of many Waters, or the Seas Mod fiercely raging Noife. 5. Jehovah's Teftimonies are Moft fure, they cannot lye ; And everlafting Holintfs Thy Houfe Hiould beautify. PSALM XCIII. id Meetrr. Ehcvah ever reigns. With Majefty arrayed ; And Strength bcgirts his Reins. The World unmov'd is ftay'd. 2. Thy Throne on high Hath firmly ftood. For thmi art God, Eternally. ' H 5 3. Th, J 170 PSALM 9^, 94. 3. The Floods lift up their Voice, The Sea in Tumult fwells : 4. The Lord the fierceft Noife Of raging Waves excells. 5. Moll fure's thy Word : Str'id: Holinefs Will ever grace Thy Houfe, O Lord. PSALM XCIV. JEbovab, God of Vengeance, Ihinc Forth, in thy Juftice, bright, 2. Arife, thou Judge of all the Earth ; Thy haughty Foes requite. 3. How long, O Lord, fliall wicked Men, How long, triumph, fhall they ? 4. How long throw out,andhardThingsfpeak^ And glory in their Way ? 5. Thy People, Lord, they grind to Dud ^ Thy Heritage opprefs -, 6. The Widow, and the Stranger, flay ; And murder, Fatherlefs. Yet fay they, God doth not behold ^ NorJ^f^^'s God difcern. 5. Ye bruitifh People think •, ye Fools, When will ye Wifdom learn. 9. Shall he, who plants the Ear, not hear f Nor fee, who form'd Man's Eyes ? 10. He that whole Nations doth rebuke^ Foois fhall not he chaflife ? Shall not he know, who teacheth Men ' The Knowledge they attain ? 3 1. Jebcrah knows the Tho'ts of Man,. That they are . very yain» Seccnd PSALM 94, gs^ 3^71 Second PART. 12. Bleft is the Man ! the Lord correds^ And in his Law has taught. 1 5. In eyii Days he refts •, till Pits Are tor the Wicked wrought. 14. The Lord will not call off his Flock 5, Nor Heritage quite leave. 15. Judgment to Juftice fhall return j To it the Good fhall cleave. 16. Againft the Wicked and Unjufl:, Who'll on my Side appear ? 17. My Soul had foon, in Silence, dwelt. Had not the Lord, been near. 1 8. When e'er I cry'd, my Foot (lips ^ Lord, Thy Mercy held mc right. 19. Amidil my many troubled Thoughts, Thy Comforts me delight. 20. Shall unjufl: Thrones have Part with ThcCy Which Mifchief frame by Law ? 21. They meet, and join, the guiltkfs Blood Of righteous Men to draw. 22. But thou, Jehovah, flill haft been. To me, a P^efuge high ; My God, who art my only Rock, Where I for Shelter fly. 23. He fhall, their own Iniquity, Upon their Heads, repay ; The Lord, our God, in their own Guilt,. Them utterly fhall flay. P S A L M XCV. OCom^, let us, in Confort, join In Songs to great Jehovah'' s Name. The Praife of our Salvation's Rock,. With jo vfuli Hearts, aloud proclaim. H 6 2. Let 172 P-S A L M 95. 2. Let us, with Thanks, approach his Face j And our loud Anthems to him fmg. 3. Bccaufe Jehovah's a great God ; Above all Gods he's a great King. 4. the Earth's deep Caverns, with the Strength Of lofty Hills, are in his Hand. 5. His is the Ocean, which he made ; His Hands have form'd the firmer Land. 6. Come, let us worfhip, and bow down ; Our Knees to our Creator bend. 7. For he's our God, and we the Flock, His Failures feed, and Hands defend. 8. To Day, if ye will hear his Voice, Then harden not your Hearts ; as they In Time of Provocation, did. On Meribah^ and Maffo's^ Day. 9. Your Fathers did me tempt, and prove,, While my great W^rks fhone in their Face. 10. For Forty Years, I patient bore, Tho' weary^i, with that ftubborn^ Race. II.'' This People err in Heart, T faid, " My Ways they know not,, tho' the befl: v *' Therefore I fware to them,^ in Wrath, *^ They ne'er fliould come into mv Reft. PSALM XCV. 2d Meetre. OCome, let us unite, and fing Unto JehovaJfs Name •, The Praife of our Salv^ation's Rock, With Joy, aloud proclaim. 2. \Virh gratdul, before him come -^ And joyful Hymns loud fmg. ^. Becaufc Jebo-vaFs a great God -, O'er all Gods a ereac King. . Tl-'- PSALM gs, 96. 173 .4. The Earth's deep Caverns, lofty Hills, Are in his fov'reign Hand. 5. His is the Sea, which he hath made. His Hands fo"rm'd the dry Land. 6. Come, let us worfhip, and bow down. Before our Maker kneel. 7. For he*s our God, and we his Sheep,, He doth us feed, and heal. 8. To Day, if ye will hear his Voice, O grow not hard, as they In Defert did, on Merii^ab'sy And Majfa's woful Day. 9. Your Fathers did me tempt, and prove ;, My Works fhone in their Face. 10. I, forty Years, was grieved with That ftubborn, faithlefs Race. 1 1 . I faid, this People err in Hearty My Ways they will not know -, To them I Iware, in Wrath j if they Into my Reft fhould go. PSALM XCVI. S>ING to Jehovah a new Song ; ^ In this agree let ev'ry Tongue. 2. Sing to the Lord, and blefs his Name ^ Daily -his faving Health proclaim. ^. His Glory to the Heathen fliow ; Make all their Tribes las Wonders know. 4.. God's great, and greatly to be prais'd -, In Fear, above all Gods, he's rais'd, 5. For Heathen Gods are but a Name ; But Heav'n's wide Arch the Lord did frame» 6. Majeftick Honours on him wait : Beautv, and Strength, adorn his Sear. 7,0 174 PSALM 96, 97. 7. O all ye Kingdoms, ev'ry Tribe, Glory, and Pow'r, to God afcribe. 8. Give him the Glory, to him due •, With Off'rings to his Courts come you. 9. To worfiiip, in his Houfe, repair. Let all the Earth him rcv'rence there. I o. To all the Nations this rchearfe, Jehovah reigns thro' th' Univcrfe •, The World unmov'd ihall ftabliih'd be. The People juflly judge fhall he. 11. Let Heav'n, and Earth, thereat rejoice. Seas, and their Stores, with roaring Voice. 12. Let fertile Fields, and all Things there. Their Joy, in chearful Shouts declare ^ Then all the Trees fhall leap and fing. And Joy, thro' all the Woods, fhall ring. T 3. Before the Lord, who comes to blefs The World, with Truth, and Righteoufnefs -, With Truth, and Juftice, he fhall come, To pafs on all their final Doom. PSALM XCVIL JEbovah reigns, let all the Earth, Triumphantly rejoice •, And let the Multitude of IQes Unite their chearful Voice. 2. Thick Clouds and Darknefs him furround. His Counfels are unknown j But Righteoufnefs, and Judgment, are The Bafis of his Throne. 3. Fire march'd before ; his Foes around Sink in the burning Flood. 4. His Lighc'nings bl iz'd thro'out theW^orld ; Earth faw, and trembling flood. . " , ^. The PSALM 97, 98. 175 5. The folid Mountains melt, like Wax, Before Jehovah\ Face \ Before that Lord, whofe fov'reign Rule, O'er all the Earth, takes Place. 6. Th' extended Heav'ns, his Righteoufncfs, Have publifh'd all abroad *, And all the World have clearly feen^ The Glories of our God. 7. May all that graven Idols ferve> And boaft in earthly Clods, Of all their Folly be alham'd ; Him worfhip all ye Gods. 8. Sion^ and Judab^s Daughters, heard. With Joy, thy Judgments, own'd. 9. For o'er the Earth, thou. Lord, art high» Above all Gods enthron'd. 10. O ye that love, and fear, the Lord, All Evil difefteem ; The holy Souls he'll guard, and them From wicked Hands redeem, 11. For juft, and upright Men, are Town,. Immortal Light, and Blifs. 12. Rejoice, ye Jufl, in God j with Thank^j^, Record, his Holinefs. PSALM XCVIIL Sing, to Jehovah^ a new Song, For Wonders he hath wrought \ His Right-hand, and his holy Arm, The Vi<5tory have got. 2. His great Salvation, to the World, Jehovah hath made known ♦, He, all the Nations, openly. His Righteoufiiefs, hath fliown. 3. His 176 PSALM 98, 99. 3. His Grace, and Truth, to Ifr'ers Houfe, . Fully perform'd have been ; The utmoft Bounds of all the Earth, Have God's Salvation feen. 4. Let all the Earth, their Voice, to God, In Songs of Triumph, raife ; Make the Air ring, swith their loud Shouts, And jointly fmg his Praife. 5. Sweet Harps, and tuneful Voices join ; In Pfalms, the Lord's Praife fing. 6. Trumpet, and Cornet, take, and fhout Before the Lord, the King. 7. Let Seas loud roar, the Earth and all In them, in Shouts combine, 8. Let Floods clap Hands, and all the Hills In joyful Confort joyn. 9. Before the Lord •, to judge the Earth, He comes, in Majefty •, The World with Juftice, and it's Tribes, To judge, with Equity. F S A L M XCIX. JEhcvah fov'reign King doth reign. Let guilty Sinners quake ; He fits between the Cherubims, The Earth let reel, and iliake. 2. The Lord, in Sion^ great appears, High o'er all People rais'd. 3. By them, thy great, and dreadful Name, Vv'"hich holy is, be prais'd. 4. The King, in all his Strength, delights In Judgment ♦, he ordains What's right ♦, in Jaiob, Jullice he, And Equity, n^uitains-. 5. yehovahy PSALM 99, 100. 177 ^» Jehovah^ our great God, exalt. And worlhiping bow down •, Proftrate, before his Foot ftool, fall. For he's the holy One. 6. Mofes^ and AWon, with his Friefts, Sam'eU with thofe addreft His facred Name, call'd on the Lord ; Who anfwer'd their Requeft. 7. God, from the Pillar of a Cloud, Declar'd to them his Will •, Then they his Teftimonies kept, And Statutes did fuUtilL 8. Thou anrvver'dft them, O Lord, our God ^, Thy People for their Sake, Forgaveft oft, yet on their Works, Did'ft juH: Revenges take. 9. Therefore exalt the Lord, our God> And in his Courts adore ;^ Becaufe Jehovah, our great God Is Holy evermore. PSALM C SHout to Jehovah all the Earth ; 2. Serve him with chearful,HeartandVo\ce; Approach his Houfe with facred Mirth, Before him triumph, and rejoice. 3. Know that Jehovah's God alone. Who us and all did Being give •, , We are his People, not our own. The Sheep that on his Pafture's live. 4. Enter his Gates with thankful Joy, And, in his Courts, his Praife proclaim ; Your grateful Songs, in Thanks employ, And ever blefs his holy Name. 5. Becaufe 178 PSALM 106, loi. 5. Becaufe Jehovah he is good. His Mercy is forever fure ; His Truth, thro' Ages pafl", has ftood, And ihall, thro' ev'ry Age, endure. PSALM C. 2d Meetre, as the old ill. TO God, let all the Earth Agree, with facrcd Mirth, In Shouts, to raife their chearful Voice. 2. With Gladnefs ferve the Lord, And come, with one Accord, Before his Prefence, and rejoice. 3. For this you can't but own, Jehovah's God alone ; He Life and Breath, to all did give ; His People us he chofe. The Flock his Folds enclofe. And we on his fat Failures live. 4. Enter his Gates with Joy, In Thanks your Hearts employ, And make his Courts refound his Fame 1 Strike up a grateful Song, From cv'ry Heart, and Tongue, To blefs his great, and holy Name. 5. Becaufe the Lord is kind. His Mercy, you fhall find. Is everlaftingly fecure •, His Truth, thro' Ages pafl:, Has ftood unfliaken faft, And (hall, thro' ev'ry Age, endure. PSALM CI. MErcy, and Judgment, claim my Song, From Thee alone they fpring : Therefore, O Lord, my thankful! Heart Thy Fraifc fliall ever fing. 2. I'll PSALM lor, 102. 179 2. rU wifely adb, by perfedb Rules, When I the Crown receive -, The Pattern of an honed Heart, To all my Court, Pll give. 3. No perveife Thing will I intend j I hate their ill Defign, "Who turn afide from facred Laws ; Their Works fhall not be mine. 4. The froward, refradlory Heart, Shall from my Prefence go ; With bad Men 1*11 no Friendfhip make. Nor Favour to them fhow. 5. The private Sland'rer, Pll cut off. Who feeks his Neighbour's Hurt 5 The haughty Look, and proud in Hearty Pll baniih from my Court. 6. Pll fearch the Land for faithful Men^ That they m.ay dwell with me °, And he that walks in perfed Ways, My Favourite ihall be. 7. But artful Men of Fraud, and Guile* ^ In my Houfe fhall not dwell \ Thofe that addid themfelves to Lies, Pll from my Sight repel. 8. My early Care (hall be, to root The Wicked from the Land i That from thy City, Lord, I may- Cut off that impious Band. PSALM CII. JEhovah to my Pray'r attend ; Before Thee let my Cry afcend. 2. Hide not thy Face from me, while I, Daily opprefs'd, in Trouble ly : Enclinc i8o PSALM 102. Encline thine Ear to me, with Speed, And Anfwer give, in Time of Need. 3'. My Days, like Smoke, confume away ♦, Like the burnt Hearth my Bones decay. 4.. MyHeart, likeGrafs, that's Imit with Heat, Withers ; that I forget to eat. 5. By Reafon oi" my conftant Groans, I am reduc'd to Skin, and Bones. 6. Tm like the Pelican, and Owl, That lonely, in the Deferts, ftrole. 7. As mournful Sparrow, percht alone On the Houfe Top, I watch, and moan. 8. My Foes, me daily, treat with Scorn j Againft me madly they have fworn. 9. I've eaten Alhes v^ith my Bread •, And mix'd my Drink with Tears I flied, 10. For thou haft thy hot Anger fliown, In Wrath thou do' (I upon me frown ; Thou firft did'ft lift me up on high. Then down moft low haft ipade me ly. Seco}7d PART. If. My Davs decline, like th'Ev'ning Shade 5 Like v/ither'd Grafs, my Strength's decay'd. 12. But thou. Lord, ever fhalt endure •, Thy Mem'ry thro' all Ages furc. I 3. Rife, Lord, for Sicn's Help appear j Th' appointed Time of Favour's near. 14. Thy Servants in her Stones delight •, Her Duft is precious in their Sight. 1 5. The Gentiles^ Lord, thy Name fhall fear ; Earth's Kings thy Glory Ihall revere. 1 6. When God fhall Sion's State repair. He'll Ihine moft bright in Glory there. I*?. The PSALM 102, 103. 181 17. The Poor's Requeft he'll then regard. And their Petition (hall be heard. iS. To future Ages this record ; That th' unborn Race may praife the Lord. 19. For helook'd down,from'sThroneonhigh ; The Lord from Heav'n the Earth did fpy •, 20. To hear the Pris'ners Groans; and give Leave to the poor condemn'd to live : 2 1. In Siorty to declare his Name, His Praife thro' Salem to proclaim ; 22. When Ifr^el there, with one Accord, And Kingdoms meet, to ferve the Lord. Third PART. 23. My Strength he weaken'd in the Way ; And of my Life cut lliort the Day. 24. I faid, my God, let not my Sun. In Darknefs, fet, while yet 'tis Noon -, Thy Years, no run of Time can waite. Which thro' all endlefs Ages laft. 25. Thou firft the Earth's Foundations laid ; TheHeav'ns areWorks thine Hands have made. 26. They perifh fhall, but thou fhalt laft ; They all, like Robes, decay, and wafte ; Thou as a Veft fhalt change them all ; And, at thy Word, be chang'd they fhall. 27. But thou the fame do' ft ftill remain j No Bounds thy endlefs Years reftrain. 28. Thy Servants Race fliall yet refide ; Their Seed, before Thee, fix'd abide. PSALM cm. Join all thy Powers, O my Soul, God's holy Name to blefs. 2. The Lord blefs, O my Soul -, forget None of his Ads of Grace, 3. *J\^ i82 PSALM 103. 3. *Tis he doth all thy Sins forgive ; And Sickneffcs remove. 4. He from the Grave redeems thy Life ; And crowns thee with his Lore. 5. He fills thy Mouth with Good ; thy Youth, As th' Eagle's, he renews. 6» Judgment, and Juftice, for th' Opprefs'd, The Lord himfelf purfues. 7. His Ways, to Mofes^ he made known 5 His Ads to Ifr'ePs Race. 8. The Lord is good, and kind \ he's flow To Wrath, but full uf Grace. 9. He will not always chide ; nor mark Forever, when we fwerve. 10. He chaftens not for ev'ry Crime ; For none as we deferve. 11. The Height of Heav'n's extended Arch, Above this earthly Frame, Is far exceeded by his Grace, To them that fear his Name. 12. Far as the Eafl: is from the Weft ; So far, his pard'ning Love Doth, our TranfgrefTions manifold, Diftant, from us, remove. Second PARI'. 13. A Father pities his young Son ; So doth the Lord the Juft. 14. He knows how feeble is our Frame, Remembers we are Dufl:. 15. Man's Days like Grafs ; he flourilheth. As a Field-Flow*r new blown. 16. The Wind fweeps o'er, it difappears ; It's Place no more is known.. 17. But PSALM 105, 104.' 185 17. Biit^ Lord, thy Mercy ever was. And ever will endure. To them that fear Thee i and thy Truth To Children's Children's furc : 1 3. To fuch as keep his Covenant, And his Commands obey. 19. The Lord, in Heav'n prepared hisThrone j O'er all extends his Sway. 20. Ye holy Angels, mighty Pow'rs, Blefs ye Jehovah ftill : Who hear his Voice attentively. And conftant do his Will. 21. Blefs God, his Hods, and Mlniflcrs, That do his Pleafure whole. 22. Thro' his wide Empire, blefs the Lord \ The Lord blefs, O my Soul. PSALM CIV. MY Soul, Jehovah blefs ; my God, Thy Greatnefs knows no Bounds ; Unrivall'd Honours compafs Thee, Thee Majefty furrounds. 2. Who haft array 'd thyfelf, with Light, As with a fplendid Robe ; The beauteous Hcav'ns, thy royal Tent, Haft ftretch'd beyond the Globes. 3. His Palace Beams in fluid Air, Who lays, and firmly binds ; The Clouds his Chariot form'd \ and walks On Wings of rapid Winds. 4. Spirits his Angels, Flames of Fire His Minifters, he makes. 5. The Earth he founded on it's Bafe, Whic^ from it's Place ne'er fhakes. 6. Thou, j84 PSALM 104. 6. Thou, as a Garment, o'er the Earth, Did' ft fpread the mighty Flood ; Above the Mountains ioftieft Heads, The rowling Waters ftood. 7. At thy Rebuke, thy Thunder's Voice, They hafted, and they fled 5 8. The Mountains rofe, the Valleys funk •, To their appointed Bed. 9. Thou there, to Bounds unpafiable, Confin'ft the wat'ry Main ; That it fhould never more return. To cover Earth again. • Second PART. 10. He fendeth Springs into the Vales ; "Which trom the Mountains burfl. 11. There ev'ry rield-Bcaft drinks his Fill, Wild Afles quench their Thirft. 12. The Birds dwell there -, among the Sprigs, They tune their chearful Voice. 13. The Hills he watereth from his Clouds ; Thy Fruits the Earth rejoice. 14. He makes the Grafs to grow for Beads, And Herbs for Humane Ufe ; That he, abundant Food for all. May from the Earth produce. 1 5.Thence fprings the gen'rousWine,rich Juice, The Heart ot Man, that chcars ; The Oy), which makes his Face to fhinc, And Bread, which Strength repairs. 16. God*s Trees abound with Sap •, he fet Thy Cedars, LeFncn, there : 1 7. WhereBirds do build theirNtfts •, herHoufe The Stork makes in the Fir. 18. The PSALM 104. 18J 18. The wild Goats climb the craggy Hills, And thefb their Refuge make: ' While Rabbets, with the feebler Kind, The Rocks for Shelter take. Third PART. '9- P^ ""<^f the Moon for dated Times, Ihe Sun knows his fix'd Rout. 20. He Darknefs makes, and it is Night ; Then Foreft Beafts crawl out 21. Young Lyons roar, and hunt their Prey ; i-rom God tliey feek their Meat. 22- The Sun arifeth, they unite. And clofe in Dens retreat. '^t^'.^.'^tt'^^^^'"''^' ^"d Culture, goes. Till th' Ev'ning gives him Reft. ° 'Vh°Frp°"''-^t°'"^ ■ J^"^ wife thy Workt T^u c ' Wth thy Riches bleft. '^NSlbeSr'""' ^:'^°'i^ide Arms contain ■^x^u .■ "eepmg Things ; With Animals both fmall and great, That fwim by unknown Springs. 26 There pals the gallant Ships, which cut. Thro- tracklefs Paths, their Way 5 ' There huge Leviathan, thou mad'ft Diverts himfelf with Play 27- All wait on Thee, thou in due Time Doft give to each their Food • * .8. They gather from thine open'd Hand And all are fill'd ^vith Good. ' 29.Ifthyenliv'ningFacethouhid'ft, In deep Uiftrefs they mourn ; Thoutakft away their Breath, they di^ And to their Ear:h return. ^ ' ^ 30. Thy iS5 PSALM 104, 105. 30. Thy qulck'ning Spirit thou fend'il forth^ And a new Life takes Place ; The Earth renew'd, with Vigour bloom?, And Beauty in her Face. Fcurth P ARr, 31. Jehovah' % Glory ft^all endure, Forevermore moll bright. When God reviews his various Works, He's pleafed with the Sight. 32. If he, upon this folid Earth, But caft an angry Look, It trembk? ; if he touch the Mounts, They vanilh into Smoke. ^.V Unto Jehovah I will fing. As long as I Ihall live ; While I my Breath, and Being, have, ' Praife to my God Til give. 34. This Hiall be grateful to the Lord, To hear my thankful Voice •, While in Jehovah^ and his Works, I greatly will rejoice. 35 Let Sinners fail from off the Earth, And th' Impious ceafe to be : My Soul, blefs thou the Lord, kt all To praife the Lord agree. PSALM CV. GIVE Thanks to God, call on his ^ame ; And make his Deeds toNations known : 2. Sing ye, in facred Hymns, his Praife-. Let alfhis wondrous Works be Oiown. 3. Praife in his holy Name •, and let Your Hearts rejoice, that feek the l.ord. 4. Seek ye the Lord, his Strength, and t ace ; Thus ever be the Lord ador'd. 5- ^^' PSALM 105. 187 5. Remember what great Works he wrought i What Judgments from his Mouth proceed ; 6. O ye his Servants, Abr'am^ Race, And ye his chofen Jacob^s> StQf^, 7. He's 'fpecially the Lord, our God ; His Judgments thro' the Earth extend. 8. His Cov'nant firm has ever ftood ; Nor fhall a Thoufand Ages End. 9. Which Cov'nant he with Abr'am made ; And with an Oath to Ifaac fwore : 10. With Jacob fix'd it for a Law, And with his Heirs forevermorc. 11. " Canaan-, faid he, to thee I'll give, *' The Lot your Children fliall command : 12. When they, in Number, were but few. Yea, few, and Strangers in the Land. 13. W^hen they among the Nations went. And ftill from Realm to Realm remov'd •, 14. He fuffer'd none to do them wrong ; Yea, Monarchs, for their Sakes, reprov'd. 15. Touch not, faid he, my Servants dear, Whom I've anointed by mine Arm ; And, at your Peril, fee that ye. Not, in the leaR', my Prophets harm. Second PART. 16. At length, a Famine thro' the Land, He fent ; which brake the Staff of Bread. 17. He firft a Man, ev'n Jcfepb^ fent; \Vho, fold .-a Slave, to Ham was hd. 18. His l-Qtt they hurt \Yich heavy Chains ; It piercM his Soul to wound his Name, 19. Until the Time his Word took Place ; God's Word, wh'ch try'd, and cleared his Fame." I 2 20. Tlie- iS8 PSALM 105. to. The King his royal Edidl gave. To fet him-free from all his Bands. 2 1 . He made him Lord of all his Houfe j And Ruler over all his Lands. t2. Princes at Pleafure to controul ; Wifely his Senators to guide. ^3. Then 7/rV/ down to Egy pi c The dreadful Plague among them fpread. 30. Then Phineas rofe, and Judgment wro'c ; The Plague was flay'd, the guilty flain. 31. This Juftice was in him efteem'd •, His Race the high Rewards did gain. 32. They anger'd him, at Merihah -y That Mofes fuffer'd for their Sake. 33. For they his Spirit fo provok'd^ "With unadvifed Lips he fpake. 34. The Nations they did not deftroy 5 As God had given them Command. 35. But mingled with the Heathen were. And learnt the Manners of their Land. 36. Ye?, their vain Idol Gods they ferv*d j Which them, in wcful Miichief, fnar'd. 37. In Sacrifice to Daemons, they. Their Offspring, cruelly prepar*d. 38. xAnd guiltiefs Blood they ihed -, the Blood Of their own Sons, and Daughters, (lain li\ Sacrifice to Canaan^s^ Gods ; The Gore did the whole Land ^jiftain. 39. Thus greatly were their Souls defird. While they on their own Works v/ere bent j After their own Inventions, they,' With luilful Hearts, a whoring went. Pourth PART, 40. For this, againfl his People, flam'd. The Indignation of the Lord •, That thofe who, his Inheritance, Before had been, he now abhor'd. 41. Hq PSALM io6, 107. 193 41. He gave thern up to heathen Pow'rs v Their Haters rul'd with Rods of Steel. 42. Their Foes then greatly them opprefs'd y And made them fubjed: to their Will. ' 43. He fav'd them oft, but they as oft. Thro' their bad Counfels, did rebel). And mov'd his Wrath ; until, beneath The Weight of their own Crimes, they felk 44. Yetj * in the Time of their Diftrefs, His kind Regards to them were fhown ; His Bowels with Companion mov'd. When e'er he heard their piteous Moan, 45. His Cov'nant he recall'd to Mind •> In his great Goodnefs did relent. 46. He made them pitied be of all, Wiiere they, as Captives had been fent. 47. Now fave thou us, O Lord, our God,, And from among the fieathen bring •, That we may thank tliine holy Name, And Songs of Praifes to Thee fing. 48. mdVA be Jebovab, Ifr^el'sGody, Eternally ; with one Accord, Let all. the People hearty join, And fay. Amen. Praife ye the Lord. PSALM CVII. Fifth Book. To Traveller Si GIVE Thanks to God, for he is good His Mercy ever flows, 2. So let the Lord's Redeemed fay^ Wliom he releaft from Foes v 3. And gathered them from foreign Lands^ From North, South, Eail, and Weft. 4. They ftrol'd thro' Defert's untrod V/ays ^: Andfound no Place of RelL- I 5 S' ^iungcr. 194 PSALM 107. 5. Hunger, and Third, their fainting Souls Did grievouQy opprefs. 6. To God, in Trouble, then they cry'd, Who freed them from Diflrefs. 7. He led them forth in a right Way, And was their faithful Guide •, Till they arriv'd at Cities, where Their Wants were all fupply'd. 8. Let all with Thanks, Jehovah praife. And make his Goodnefs known -, For he among the Sons of Men, Works wonderful hath done. 9. The ItrongDefire of longing Souls He kindly fatisfies ; ^With Fruits of his Benignity, The hungry Soul fupplies. Second PART, To Tri [oners. 30. Who {\\. in Darknefs, and Death's Shade, With Grief, and Chains, bow*d down : J I . Becaufe God's Word, and Council they Difpis'd, and would not own : 12. He humbled their proudHearts with Toil, They fell, and none could fave. 33. To God, in Trouble, then they cry'd. And he Deliv'rance gave. i4.TheirDarknefs, &Death'sShade, he chang'd To Light, by his kind Word ; He broke their gauling Bands in Twain, And Liberty reftor'd. 15. Let all, with Thanks Jehovah }^xi\{^ And make h"s Gcodnefs known 5 For he, among the Sons of Men, Works wonderful hath done. 16. For PSALM 107: 195 16. For by his Strength, the Gates of Brafs Are into Pieces broke ; The mafly Bars of Iron are cut, Afunder by his Stroke. rhird P ART, To the Sick. 1 7. Fools radily break thro* facred Laws, To gratify their Senfe •, Till with Difeafes they're chaftis*d. To punifh their Offence. 1 8. Their Soul a painful Loathing feels To ev'ry Kind of Meat •, And they, their near Approaches makc^ To Djath's unfriendly Gate. 19. To God, in Trouble, then they cry-. Who their Diftrefs relieves. 20. His fov'reign Word their Sicknefs heals, And them from Death reprieves. 21. Let all, with Thanks, Jebovab prsiifQ^ And make his Goodnefs known •, For he among the Sons of Men, Works wonderful hath done. 22. To him, let all their -Sacrifice, With thankful Hearts, be brought ; Declare with Joy, to all the World, What God, for them, hath wrought. Fourth PART. To Mariners. 23. Who fail in Ships o'er mighty Seas, And hope great Gain to reap : . 24. Thcfe do behold JehovaFs Works *, His Wonders in the Deep. 25. He fpeaks ; and fbormy Winds arife •, Like Mounts, the Billows rear. 26. ToHeav'n they climb,then fink inGulphs ^ Their Soul diflblves with Fear. I 6 27. Thej J 9^" PSALM 107. ^7.. They reel, and dagger, Drunkard like 1 Terrors their Minds opprefs. 28. To God in Trouble, then they cry. Who frees them from Diftrefs. 29.. He Hills the Winds, and ealms the Seas^ And quells their rougher Sport. JO. They're glad of Reft j he brings them faf(^ To their defired Port. 51. Let all, with Thanks, Jehoz-ab praife,. And make his Goodnefs known ^ For he, among the Sons of Men,. Works wonderful hath done. 32. Let them, in private Companies^ His Honour highly raife ; And where th' alTsmbled Elders meet, Unite to fpread his Praife. Fifth P ART. "To Planter:. 33. Rivers he turns to Defert Sands^i And dries the Fountains Pleads. ^4. Provok'd by daring Crimes, with Saltj, 'The fruitful Soil he fpreads. 35. He turns the Defert into Pools ; Dry Ground, a fpringing Well. 36. The Hungry there lie feats, who build, A City where they dwell, 37. They fow their Fields,. andVineyards plant^^ Which bring encreafed Stocks. 3S. His BlefTing multiplies their I^ce ; Nor, leiTens he their Flocks. 39, But \'>i^':ttx\ they fm, they're greatly thina'dj^ And &on brought low again \ By foreign, and domeftick Ills,. Opprcfs'd, and fiil'd with Paiav. 40- O.^^ PSALM 107, 108. i9,7> 40. On Princes, who provoke his Wrath,. He pours Contempt, and Scorn ; He makes them traverfe tracklefs Wades, Unpity'd, and forlorn. 41. The humble Poor he feats oahigh^ And doth from Trouble keep ; He makes his Families encreafe. Like fruitful Flocks of Sheep. 42. The Juft fhall fee, and fhall rejoice i But th' Impious filent grow. 43. The Wife will thefe Events obferve ^ And God's great Goodnefs know. P S A L M CVIIL OGOD, my Heart is fix'd ; My Tongue Ihall fing thy Praiie, 2. Awake both Pfaltery, and Harp ^ Myfclf PU early raife. 3. Among the People, Lord, I'fl praife thy glorious Name ; And to the Nations round about, Pll fingi and fpread thy Fame. 4. Thy Mercy, Lord, the Heav'ns^, Thy Truth, the Clouds, tranfcend,, 5. let thy Glory,. Heav'ns above^. And o'er the Earth, extend. 6. That.thy Beloved, ftiU, Deliverance may have \ O hear the fervent Pray'rs I make^^ And let thy Right-Hand fave. 7. God fpake in's Holinefs, My Joy's it cannot fail •, fair Shechem^s Soil, I will divide,. And. meet o.qt. SMfCplb's. Vale. 198 PSALM 108, 109. 8. Gikad is on my Side, Manajfah owns my Caufe ; Epbr^im's large Tribe's my chicfeft Strength, And Judah gives forth Laws. 9. Moab fhall walh my Feet, O'er Edom I will tread ; The proud Philijlian Lords fhall floop. And to my Triumphs add. 10. Who to the City ftrong. And Edom's Tow'rs fhall lead ? if. Lord, wilt not thou, who cafl us ofF, Our Armies now fucceed ^ 12. From Trouble give us Help, Man's Help is vain we own. 13. Thro' God, we fhall do valiant Ads ; ^Tis he, our Foes treads down. PSALM CIX. GOD of my Praife, hold not thy Peace. 2. For open'd, to my Wrong, Are wicked, and deceitful, Mouths ; Which fpeak with lying Tongue. 3. Words full of Hatred they throw round ; Caufelefs my Life enfnare. 4. They, for my Love, my Foes, become 5 But I refort to Pray'r. 5. They have rewarded me with 111, For all the Good I've done \ And for my undifguifed Love, Haye cruel Hatred fhown. 6. Some wicked one fliall o'er him rule ; And clofe at his Right-hand, To undermine his dang'rous Plots, The Adverfary fland. 7. When PSALM 109. 199 7. When judg'd, he fhall be guilty found. His very Pray'r difpleafe. 8. His Days be few, and on his Charge, Shall then another feize. 9. His Children Orphans, and his Wife A Widow (hall be made. 10. His Offspring fhall from Ruins creep. And ftrole, and beg their Bread. Second P A RT, I r. Gripers fhall feize on all was his ^ Strangers his Labours rend. 12. None (hall their Pity to him (how. Nor to his Seed extend. 13. His Race fhall ceafe, and the next Age, Their Names be quite forgot. 14. The Lord (hall mind his Father's Crimes % Nor out his Mother's blot. 15. They (hall continually appear Before Jehovah'' s Face ; 'Till he, from off the burden'd Earth, Their Memory erace. 16. Becaufe it ne'er came in his Mind^ Companion to impart ; The Poor, and Needy, he purfu'd. To flay the broken Heart. 17. As he lov'd Curfing, it (hall come^^ And fall on his own Head \ The Ble(ring, he defpis'd, (hall far Away from him be fled. 18. Since Curfing, as a Robe, he wore. It fliall, like Water, flow Thro' all his Bowels •, and in his Bones, Like piercing Oil^ fiiali go. 19. As 200 PSALM 109. 19. As Garments, it fliall cover him ; As Girdles him controuJ. 20- Thus will the Lord reward my Foes ;: Who fpeak againft my Soul. Third PART, 21. But thou, O God, the Lord, deal well^ For thy Name's Sake,, with me j Becaufe thy Mercy's very great,. Appear, and fet me free. 22. For I am poor, and deftitute ;. My Heart, with Grief, doth fwoon. 23. I pafs, like Ev'hing-Shades •, I'm toft» Like Locufts, up and down. 24. My Knees, with FaRing, v/eakare grown v Fat from my Flefh is fled. 25. I'm their Reproach -, and when they look On me, they lliake the Head. 26. Help me, OLord, my Gcd, fave me ; And make thy Mercy known. 27- That all may fee, this is thy Hand ; Thou, Lord, this Thing haft done. 28. Let them curfe on -, bur. Lord, blefs thou-^ And when they raife their Voice With Infult, let them be afham'd j Thy Servant let rejoice. 29. May all my Foes be cloath'd.with Shame,.. To fee their Meafures broke •, And, in their own Co.nfuljon, v/rapt: Around, as with a Cloak. 30. So will I greatly praife the Lordj, And with my Mouth aloud •, My grateful Thanks Til to him fing,. Among the Mulcltude.o. 3^1. Becaufe o PSALM 109, no. 201 3T. Becaufe the Lord, at their Right-hand, Will (land, to help the Poor ; To lave him from th' unrighteous Judge, Who would his Soul devour. PSALM ex. JEhovah faid unto my Lord, " Sit thou enthron'd at my Right-hand ; " Till Ithy Foes thy Foot-dool make, *' And them fubjed to thy Command. 2. The Lord, from facred Sion's Seat, The Scepter of thy Strength, fhall fend y Thence, in tlie Midil of all thy Foes, Thy conquering Pow*r Ihail wide extend. 3, Thy People, that viiflorlous Day, To glorious Liberties are led \ Adorn'd with Holinefs thy See^2i\(^ \ With private Friends, and the whole Choir, Who tread his righteous Ways. 2. God's Works are great ; fought out by all Who Pleifure in them tafle. 3. They glorious fnine -, his Righteoufnefs Forew^r more fhall lafl:. 4. His Wonder's fix'd Memorial fhows The Lord is Good, and kind. 5. To them that fear him, he gave Food j His Cov'>t keeps in Mind. 6. He fhev/'d his People, by his W^orks, The Pow'r of his Right-hand j To give them, for an Heritage, 1 he Heathen's promis'd Land. 7. His W^orks are all mofl: true, and jud. Ail his Commands fhali laft. 8. They're done in Truth, and Righteoufnefs, And Hand forever faft. 9. His People he Redemption fent •, His Cov'nant with the fame. He fix'd forever -, reverend, And holy is his Name. 10. Jehovah\ Fear true Wifdom is ; They heav'nly Skill procure, W^ho his Commands oblerve j his Praif>: Forever fn all endure. PSALM CXII. Hallelujah, A'pHAT Man isblefi.'d, who fears theLord, A And in his Law takes great delight. 2. His Seed, on Earth, lliail mighty be ; Blefs'd ihall theRace be of th'Upright. 3.1iis PSALM 112. 203 3. His Houfe, with Plenty, fhall abound •, His Juftice no Decays fhall find. 4. His Light, in Darknefs, fhall arife ; He's ju(V, companionate, and kind. 5. A good Man Favour fhows, and lends ; And his Affairs, with Prudence, guides. 6. Surely, he never fhall be mov'd •, Forever fvveet his Name abides. 7. Fearlefs, he evil Tidings hears ; His Heart is fix'd, on God relies. 8. Secur'd from Fear, he waits to fee, Juft Vengeance, oa his Enemies. 9. His lib' ral Hand difpers'd his Alms, And gave the Poor a meet Supply •, His Juftice ever fhall be prais'd. His Horn, in Glory, rais'd on high. 10. The Wicked this fhall f-e, and grieve^ Gnafh with his Teeth, and melt away •, While their Unjuft:, and bafe Defigns, Blafted, fhall utterly decay. PSALM CXII. 2J Meetre, Ome, let us praife the Lord : He's blefs'd the Lord that fears i Whofe Heart the greateft Love, To his Commandments bears. 2. His Seed renown'd. On Earth, fhall be •, His Progeny With BlefTings crow^n'd. 3. His Houfcf with Wealth fhall How v His Juftice never fails. 4. The Light fhall on him fhine. When Darknefs moft prevails. His c ^04 PSALM 112, 113. His gentle Mind The Poor's Grief feels, He juftjy deals With all Mankind. 5. A good Man Favour fhows. And lends, nor hopes for Gain ; His Bufinefs wifely guides ; 6» He fhalj unrnov'd remain : Thejuft Man's Name, With Fragrance, IhalJ, Thro' Ages all, Sti]l live in Fame. 7. No evil Tidings Ihall, His Mind, with Fear, furprize, His Heart is firmly fix'd. And on the Lord relies ; B. With fweet Repofe, Fearlefs, to fee T he high Decree, Seize on his Foes. 9, He wide difpers'd his Alms, And gave the Poor Supplies ; His Righteoufnefs Ihall lad. His Horn, in Glory, rife. ID. Sinners fhall fee. Grieve, gnafh, and pine. But their Defign Shall blafled be. PSALM CXIII. YE Servants of th' Ahnighty King, Your joyful Hallelujalf% fnig. With Praife his glorious Name confefs. 2. Now PSALM 115. tQS 2, Now raifc your Hearts, as heretofore, Till Time itfelf Ihall be no more, Jebcvab's facred Name to bkfs. J. From the firlt Rifing of the Sun, Unto it's latefl going dov/n, yebovab^sl<3imc is to be prais'd. 4. For o'er all Nations is his Sway; Above the Realms of endlcfs Day, Jehovah's Glory's highly rais'd. 5. Who, like the Lord, our God, excells ? He in the higheft Heav'n dwells : 6. Who condefcends, when he furvcys The Heav'n, and Earth, with all their Hoft ; 7. He Hfts the Poor out of the Duft. From Dunghills doth the Needy raile. 8. That him, with Princes, he might feat 5 With his own People's Princes great. To equal Dignity might bring. 9. The Barren he confines at Home^ A joyful Mother to become, O therefore Flallehijah fing. PSALM CXIII. 2d Meetre. PRaife ye the Lord -, his Servants, praifc. His facred Name adore. 2. Oh 1 blcfTed be Jehovah' % Name, Both now, and evermore. 3. From the Sun's Rifing, to it's Fill, The Lord':i Name's to be prais'd. 4. The Lord all Nations rules, above The Heav'ns his Glory's rais'd, 5. Who's like the Lord, our God, who fits Enthron'd above the Sky ? 6. He condefcends, on Things in Heav'n, And Earth, to cad his Eye. 7. Th^ 2o6 PSALM 113, 114, 7. The Poor he raifeth from the Duft. From Dunghills Needy brings : 8. Ranks them with Princes, o'er his Tribes, Seats them on Thrones of Kings. 9. The Barren he confines at Home, Her Offspring to afford A joyful Mother's tender Care. Sing Praifes to the Lord. PSALM CXIV. WHEN Ifr'el was from Egypt freed. And from ftrangeLanguageJ^r^j^'sSecd; 2. Then Judab bore his facred Name, And King in Ifr'el he became. 3. The Sea faw this ; amazed fied ; Jordan drove backward to it''s Head. 4. The Mountains lldpt about, like Rams ; The little Hills, like frighted Lambs. 5. What all'd thee, O thou roaring Sea, That thou, in fuch a Fright, did'ft flee ? Wherefore old Jordan^ did thy Tide, Rowl back, and to it's Fountain glide .^ 6. What Terrors, ye fixt Mountains, ftruck ; That ye, like Rams, fo flcip't and fhook ? Why leap't ye little Hills, like Lambs, That fly for Shelter to their Dams ? 7. Well may the Mounts, and ev'ry Flood, Bow, and retire, before their C^c^, Tremble, O all the Earth, with Fear ; Jehovah^ Jaccb^s God, is here. 8. Who, by his Pow'r, the Rocks can brake. And turn them to a watry Lake ; From flinty dry Recks, by a Word, Fountains of Waters can afford. PSALM PSALM 115. ao; PSALM CXV. NOT unto us. Lord ; not to us. But Glory to thy Name We render •, for thy matchlefs Grace, . And Truth, this Homage claim. 2. Why fhould the Heathen fcornful fay, " Where is their God now gone ? 3. Our God, in Heaven, fits enthron'd. And what he pleas'd . hath done. 4. Their Idols Silver are, and Gold -, ^y humane Hands defign'd. 5. They're form'd with Shapes of Mouth and But fpecchlefs are, and blind. [ Eyes ; 6. Their Ears, and Nofe, hear not, nor fmell : Nor feel they with their Hands. 7. Tho' they have Feet, they cannot walk ; Nor Speech. their Throat commands. S. Thofe Men that make fuch Idol Gods>^ And trufting to them pray ; Like them are blind, and fenfelefs grown. And ftupid too as they. Second P ART. 9. O 7/r'ars. 9. rU walk before:' 7^^?^"^^^*^ Face, Thro' all my coming Years. 10. I did believe, and therefore fpake ; Tho' I was greatly griev'd. 11. And, in my X^onfternation, faid, I am by all deceiv'd. . Second PART. 12. What fhali I render* to the Lord^ Whence all my Mercies came ? 13. Salvation's Cup I'll take, and call Upon Jehovah's Name. 14. My Vows to God, before his Saints, ril pay with great Delight. 15. The Death of all his holy ones. Is precious in his Sight. 16. I am thy Servant, Lord, I'm thine. Devoted to thy Ufe ; Thine humble Hand- maids Son, my Bonds Thou kindly did'ft unloofe. 17. Off 'rings of Praife I'ii Sring to Thee, And on the Lord's Name call. 18. My Vows I'll pay Jehovah, now, Before his People all. 19. Within his facred Courts, where they Their grateful Voices raife j In Midll of Tht^, Jerufalem, Let all Jehovah praiie. PSALM CXVII. T ET all the Nations, thro' tht Earth. J-./ To praife the Lord combine ; Let ev'. y Tribe, and ev'ry Tongue In Hymns of PraiOs, jjiu. Y 2IO PSALM 117, .11^. 2. Becaufe his Grace to us abounds, And runs forever free ; Jehovah^ Truth fliall ne'er decay : Therefore the Lord praife ye. P S A L M CXVII. 2d Meetre. £ Nations ev'ry where. Of Jew^ or <^entile^ Line, To praife Jehovah^^ Name, With Hearts, and Voices join ; With facred Mirth, His Praife be fung, . By ev'ry Tongue, Thro'out the Earth. 2. Becaufe his matchlefs Grace, In Pity to us, flows •, The inexhaufled Store No narrow Limits knows ; JehovaF% Word Shall ftill endure Forever fure. Praife ye the Lord. PSALM CXVIII. GIVE Thanks to God, for he is good ; His Mercy's ever fure. 2. Let Ifrael's Tribes now fay, his Grace Forever fhall endure. 3. His-Clemency forever latls, Let A'ron's Houfe now fay. 4. Let them that fear the Lord declare His Mercy '11 ne'er decay. 5. In my Diftrefs I call'd on God, Whofe AriTwer fet me free. 6. The Lord's with me, and Pll not fear. What Man can do to me. 7- The PSALM ii8. 2rt 7. The Lord himfelf doth take my Part, With thofe my Caufe efpoufe 5 And I fhall fee a juft Reward O'ertake my envious Foes. Second PART. 8. 'Tis better far to truft in God, Than upon Man rely. 9. 'Tis fafer trufting in the Lord, Than Princes, e'er fo high. !0. Ail Nations compafs me about : II. Yea oft befet me round ; But in Jehovah's Name, 'and Help, I fmote them to the Ground. 12. Like Swarms of Bees, they buz'd about 5 And rag'd, like crackling Fire Of Thorns ; but aided by my God, They're quench'd, and foon expire. 13. They prefs'd me hard, to caufe my Fall -, But God did Succour brino-. '\^\'''^.?3'^'^'^ Strength,''^ Safety, flow>; And .I'll his Praifes fing. 15. The juft Man's Tent is fill'd with Toy And fate in God's Right-hand. '^'a ^W--:^!^^' Right-hand on high is rais'd. And Vict ry doth command. 1 7. I (hall not die, but live to praifj • God's Wonders, with my Breath. 18. Ihe Lord hath forely chaften'd me. But gave me not to Death. Third PART. 19. Open the Gates of Righteoufnefs, And 1 will enter in ; That 1 may fm^ Jehovah'^ Praise Who hith my Saviour been. ' 1 ^2 20. Tiai5 112 P S A L M, iiS, 119. 20. This Gate's the Lord's ; whither the Juft Shall enter, on fet Days. 21. Since thou hail: heard, and kt me fafe, I'll give to thee the Fraife. 22. That Stone which Builders did rejefl. Chief Corner-Stone now lyes. 23. This Work is from the Lord alone ; *Tis wondrous in our Eyes. 24 This is the Day the Lord hath made ^ We'll it with Joy attend. 25. Save now, O Lord, I Thee befeech Profperity now fend. 26. Hofannah ! blefs'd is he that comes. In great Jehovah's Nam.e -, A Blefiing, from God's holy Houfe, To you, we loud proclaim. 27. God is Jehovah •, who to us, Light gracioufly affords •, Bind to the facred Altar's Horns, The Sacrifice with Cords. ^8. Thou art my God, and Pll thee praife v My God, Pll fpread thy Fame. 29. O blefs the Lord, for he is good ; His Mercy's ft ill the fame. P S J L M CXIX. Alepk. THrice blefs'd are th' undefird in Way ; Who walk as God's Commands require. 2. Bjefled are they that keep his Lavvs ; Who leek him with their whole Defire. 5. For they work no Iniquity •, Who in his Ways clofe Walkers are. 4. Thou had commanded us to keep Thv Precepts, witli our utmoft Care. 5. Oh! PSALM 119. 2ig 5. Oh I that to keep thy Statutes, Lord, Thou all my Ways would' il wt-ll direcrl: ! 6. Then'iliall I have no Cauie of Shame •, When I all thy Commands rerpe6l. 7. With Heart's Uprightnefs, I'll thee praife ; When I fliall learn thy Judgments right, ^ 8. I'll keep thy Statutes with great Care : Oh ! do not thou forfake me quite ! Second PART. Beth. 9. How fliall a young Man cleanfe his Way ? Let him, thy Word, with Care, obferve. 10. With my whole Heart, I Thee have fought .j From thy Commands let me not fwerve. 11. I've hid thy Word within my Heart j Lefl: I (hould give Offence to Thee. 12. For ever blefs'd art thou, O Lord, Thy righteous Statutes teach thou me. 13. I all the Judgments of thy Mouth Have, with my Lips, declar'd aright. 14- Ij in thy Teftimonies Way, More than all Riches, take Delight. 15. Thy Precepts I will bear in Mind ; And have Refped unto thy Ways. 16. Thy Statutes, my Delight, flull be ; I'll not forget what thy Word fays. Third P ART, GiMiL. 17. In Kindnefs, with thy Servant deal^ j That I may live, and keep thy Word. 1 8. Open mine Eyes ; that I may fee. The Wonders which thy Laws afford. 19. Pm but a Stranger, on the Earth ; Hide not thy wife Commands from me. 20. My Soul doth faint, with ftrong Defire, Srill with thy Judgments 'to agree. K 3 21. The 014 PSALM 11^. 21. The Proud thou haft rebuk'd ; they're Who from thy Precepts boldly fwerv'd. [curs'd, 22. Shame, and Contempt, remove from me > Thy Teftimonies I obferv'd. 23. Tho' Princes met, and me defam'd ^ TJiy Statutes I my Study make. ^.4. Thy Records are my chief Delight : Them for my Counfellors 1 take. Fcurth P A R T, Daletr. 2.5. My Soul cleaves fafi: unto the Dud ; Raife me, according to thy Word. 26. I Ihesv'd my Ways, thou anfsver'dft me j. Thy righteous Statutes teacK me, Lord. 27. Make me to know thy Precept's Way i. Thy Wonders then I will declare. a8< My Soul with melting Grief diffolyes y O l£C thy Word my Stfengtli repai^r. zg. Remove from me each lying Way •, Grant me thy Laws diviner Aid. 30. For I have chofe the Way of Truth, i Thy Judgments I've before me laid. 31. I to thy Teftimonies cleave •, Me from all Shame,. O Lord,, difcharge. 32. I'll run the: Way of thy Commands y When tliou my Heart ftialt free enlarge. ^ Fifth PAR r. He, 2"^' Teach me,, O Lord, thy Statutes Way ; And I fhall from it ne'er depart. 34. Inftrucl me, and Pli keep thy Law ^, I'll it oblerve with all. my Heart. 35. Me in the Path of thy Commands ; Conducft, for I delight therein. 2,6. My Heart unto thy juft Records ;. And not to Avarice enclinc. 37. From PSALM 119. 115 37. From all vain Objects turn mine Eyes ; Me in thy Way revive, and chear. 38. Confirm thy Word thy Servant to ; Who is devoted to thy Fear. 39. The fear'd Reproach from me remove > Good are the Judgments thou do'ft give ; 40. I.o ! how I long for thy Commands f Me in thy- Ri2;hteournels revive. Sh^ih PART' Va¥. 41. Let Mercies and Salvation, come To me ; as tliou had fpoken. Lord. 42. So fhall I anfwer his Reproach ; For I rely upon thy Word. 43. Take not thy Word quite from my Mouth % For on thy Judgments I depend. 44. So I will ever keep thy Law ; With Conflancy, unto the End. ■45. Freed from Redraints, FlI walk at large \ For thy Commands I clofely fcek. 46. Boldly, before the greateft Kings, ril of thy Teftimonies fpeak. 47. In thy Commands, which! have lov'd ; Myfelf, with Joy, I'll recreate. 48. To thy lov'd Laws I'll (Iretch my Hands j And on thy Statutes meditate. Seventh PART, Zain. 49. The Word, Unto thy Servant -, mind \ On which thou'ft kept my Hope alive. 50. This is my Comfort in Diftrefs -, Becaufe thy Word doth me revive. 51. The Proud did greatly me deride ; Yet from thy Law Pve not declin'd. 52. Thy ancient Judgments I recall ; O Lord i and folid Comfort find. K 4 53. r^B- ai6 PSALM 119. 53. I'mftruck with Horror, to behold. How iQipious Men thy Law forfake, 54. I, in my Hoiife of Pilgrimage, My chearfuil thy Statutes rnake. S^. I've kept thy Law •, for I recalW, Thy Name, O Lord, to Mind by Night. 56. This, by Experience taught, I had •, Becaufe 1 kept thy Precepts right. Eighth P A R'T, Cheth. 57. My Portion thou, Jehcvah^ art •, I faid, that I will keep thy Vv^crd. 58. Vv'ith all my Pleart I fought thy Face •, Tliy promised Mercy me afford. 59. I view'd my.Ways •, and turn'd my Feet Unto thy Tefdmonies Way. 60. I hafted, and deferred not. All thy Commandments to obey. 61. By wicked Troops'! haye been rob'd v I'hy Laws I think on with Delight. 62. I'il-rife at Mid- night Thee to praife \ Becaufe thy Judgments all are right, (ii^, Con:panion to tliem all .o. Sound in thy Statutes make my Heart i That Shame may not me overthrow. Eleventh PART, Caph, 8t. My Soul, for thy Salvation, faints •, Thy Word fullfill'd, I hope to fee. 82. My longing Eyes for thy Word fail ^ ■ Saying, when wilt thou comfort me I ■ 83. I'm like a Bottle in the Smoke -,. . Yet do not I thy Laws forget. 84. What are my Days ? when wilt thou judge^" Thofe that in Malice me btf^^t, K 5 8j. Ths. 2i8 PSALM 119. 85. The Proud for me have digged Pits j Who with thy Law do not agree. 86. Faithful are all of thy Commands ; They rage unjuftly, help thou me. 87. On Earth they almoft me confum^d : But thy Commands I ne'er forfook. 88. In Mercy me revive •, that I May keep the Laws thy Mouth has fpoke. Twelfth P A Rr, Lamed. 89. Thy Word, O Lord, in Heav'n is fix'd, Unchang'd forever to endure. 90. Thy Truth thro'out ail Ages lads ; Thou found' 11 the Earth, and it ftands fure. 91. They flill remain as thou ordain'ft •, For all thy ready Servants are. 92. Had not thy Law been my Delight ; I'd long fince periih'd in Difpair. 93. Thy Precepts I will ne'er forget ; Thou me new Life, by them, had; brought. 94. I am entirely thine, fave me ♦, For I've thy Precepts daily fought. 95. The Wicked watch me to deflroy ; But ril thy Teilimonies mind. 96. Of all Perfection th' End I ke •, Exceeding broad thy Law I find. Thirteenth PAR 1\ Mem. 97. Oh ! how I love thy facred Law 1 It daily my fweet Study grows. 98. By thy Word, ever with me, thou Hail made m.e wifer than my Foes. 99. More tlian my Teachers all I know j For 1 thy Statutes clofely weigh'd. 100. lb. an ancient Sages more I fee j Becaufe thy Precepts i obey'd. loi. From PSALM 119. 219 10 1. From all ill Paths I have refram'd My Feet ; that I might keep thy Word. 102. I have not from thy Judgments ftray'd ; Becaufe 'tis thou haft taught me Lord. T03. How fwcet thy Words are to my Tafte! Than Honey fweeter to my Mouth 1 104. I, by thy Precepts, Wifdom gain ; And hate the Ways that fwerve from Truth. Fourteenth PART, Nun. 105. Thy Word's a Lamp unto my Feet •, And fhining Light unto my Way. 106. Pve fworn, and will the Oath perform \ Thy righteous Judgments Fll obey. 107. I am exceedingly diftrefs'd ; Revive me. Lord, after thy Word: 108. My Mouth's free Offerings pray accept •, Skill in thy Judgments me afford. T09. My Life is always m my Hand •, Yet I thy Law do not forget. 1 10. Nor have I from thy Precepts err'd ^ Tho' Sftares, for me, the Wicked let. 111. Thy Laws, my lafting Heritage, Fve chofe ; for my Heart's Joy they are. J 1 2. My Heart ftands Ijent to thyCommands ; As long as thou my Life fhak fpare. Fifteenth PART. Samech. 113. Vain flu(5luating Thoughts I hate j But fix my Love upon thy Law. 1 1 4. Thou art iny hiding Place, and Shield j My Hopes, from thy pure Word, I draw, 1 1 5. Depart from nie ye wicked Men •, To keep my God's Commands I aim. 116. As thou haft laid, fupport my Life ; Let not my Hope be turn'd to Shame. K 6 ii7. Up^ t20 ^ PSALM 119. 1 1 7. Uphold me, then I fhall be fiife ; rjl to thy Laws {lill turn mine Eyes. 118. Tranfgreirors thou haft trodden down ^ For they deceiv'd themfelves with Lies. 1 19. Thou doft ill Men, like Drofs, rejecfl 5 • To' love thy Laws, I'm therefore led. 120. l^or Fear of Thee myFlerti doth quake ^ And I thy awful Judgments dread. Sixteenth P J R T, Ais. 121. Judgment, and Juftice, I have done ; Let no OppreiTors me diftrefs. 122. Thy Servant's Surety be for good ; Left haughty Foes Iliould me opprefs. 123. My Eyes have fail'd, v/ith longingLooks, To fee thy Help, and promis'd Word. J24. In Mercy with thy Servant deal ; Thy righteous Statutes teach me. Lord.. 125. Give me, thy Servant Skill ; and then- I Hiall thy Teftimonies know. 12.6. 'TisTi-me, O Lord, for Thee to work^ For Men thy Law do over throv/. 127. Therefore I love thy Statutes more Than Gold ; the Bneft, and the beft. 128. I all thy Precepts highly prize :. As right ; but all falfe Ways detcft. Seventeenth P A R 'T. Ps. 129. Thy Tetiimonies wondrous are ♦, Therefore my Soul: dcth keep thy Ways. 130. The Entrance of thy Word gives Eighty, Aad VVifdom to- the weak conveys. 131. ] gape,, and parit, ^ot thy Commands ^ For after them, my Hearth's la Fkn^. 132. Behold, and pity me, as thou Act vYoat to them, that love thy Name-. PSALM 119. 22:1 1^3. Dired my Walk in thy pure Word ^ And kt no Sin, in me, bear Sway. 134. From Man's OpprefTion fet me free v So I thy Precepts will obey. 155. O make thy Face, on me, to fliine 5 And me to know thy Statutes caufe. 1 36. The Fears, like Floods, ftream from mii'je To fee Men violate thy Laws. [ Eyes ^ Eighteenth PART, Tsaddi. 1^7. Righteous art thou, O Lord ; and all I'hy Judgments upright are we find. ^ 133. Thy Tellimonies righteous are, And faithful which thou haft enjoin'd. 139. Thy Zeal confumed me y becaufe Mine Enemies thy Law forget. 140. Thy Word is thoroughly refin'd ;, Therefore my Heart on it is fet. 141. Tho* I am little, and defpis'd. My Mind thy Precepts yet retains. 142. Thy Rightc-oufnefs forever lafts ; Thy Law eternal Truth remains. 143. Trouble, and Anguifh, on me feiz'd j Yet great Delight thy Precepts give. 144. Thy Laws are ju(i forevermore •, Oh. ! teacii me them, and I fhall live. Nineteenth PART. Koph. 145. With my v/hole Heart I cry'd, hear me 3, O Lord ; thy Statutes Fll obey. 146. To Th.'e I cry'd, fave me ; that I May keep thy Teltimoay's Way. 147. Before the dawning Light 1 cry'd ;. Thy Promile did me Hope aiFord. 148. Mine Eyes prevent the Watch that f. May meditate upcn thy \YQi\i. 149. Mf 222 PSALM 119: 149. My Voice, in Loying-kindnefs, hear ^ Lord, in thy Word revive my Heart. 150. Who follow Mifchief near approach 5 They from thy Laws far off depart. 151. But, O Jehovah^ thou art near ; All thy Commands, as Truths endure. 152. As for thy Word, I know of old. Thou haft it fix'd forever fure. Twentieth PART, Resch. 153. View my Diftrefs, and refcue me 5 For I thy Law ftill bear in Mind. 1 54. Plead thou my Caufe, and me redeem- 5 May I, thy Word, me quick'hing, find. 155. Salvation's far from wicked Men j For they to keep thy Lav/ ne'er ftrive. 156. Great are thy tender Mercies, Lord % Oh ! in thy Judgments me revive. 157. Many confpire to feek my Hurt ; But from thy Truth Pve not declin'd. 158. With Grief TranfgrelTors 1 beheld ; For they've not kept thy Word in Mind. 159. Behold, how thy Commands 1 love 1 Lord, in thy Mercy quicken me. 1 60. Thy Word, frooi th' early*ft Time is true •, And lafts 'till Time no more fhall be. Tzvenly-firn PART. Schin. 161. Princes me, caufelefs, perfecute ^ My Heart, in Awe of thy Word, ftands. 162. I in thy Word rejoice -, as one lliat mighty Spoils of War commands. 163. Airpallhood hate I, and deteft ^ But thy juft Law, finccrely love. 164. Scv*n Times a D. y I Thee will praife ; Becaufc thy judgments rightious prove. 165. Great PSALM 119, 120. 223 165. Great Peace have they that love thy Law ^ No ftumbl'ing Stone fhall them offend. 166. For thy Salvation, Lord, I hope j And thy Commands with Care attend. 167. My Soul thy Teftimonies kept ; And them I love with great Delight. 168. Thy Law, and Word, I have obferv'd •, For all my Ways are in thy Sight. Twenty-Jecond PART, Tau. 169. Lord, let my Cry approach my Face-, As thou haft Ipoke, me prudent make. 1 70. Let my Requeft, before Thee, come ; Deliver me, for thy Word's Sake. 171. Then fhall myLips pour forth thy Praife ; When me, thy Statutes, thou flialt teach. 1 72.* All thy Commands are Righteoufnefs •, Therefore my 1 ongue thy Word fhall preach. 173. Let thine almighty Hand me help ^ For I, thy Precepts, made my Choice. 1 74. Lord, I for thy Salvation long ; And greatly in thy Law rejoice. 175. Prolong my Life, and Pll Thee praife \ Let me thy promis'd Succour find. I y6. Thy Servant feek, like loft Sheep ftray'd % Tor 1 thy Precepts bear in Mind. PSALM CXX. IN my Diftrefs, to God, I cry'd. And he redrefs'd my Wrongs. 2. Save, Lord, my Soul from lying Lips, And from deceitful Tono;ues. 3. What fhall a falfe Tongue give to Tlise ? What Benefits confer ? 4. What ? but fliarp Arrows of the ftrong. And Coals of Juniper. 5. Wo's 224 PSALM 120, 121, 122. 5. Wo's me ! I am a Sojourner, In Mejhecb^s barren Plain ; And yet, among the lawlefs Tents Of Kedar^ I remain. 6. Long Time, my Soul has dwelt with them,. That Charms of Peace abhoF. 7. I am for Peace ; but when, I fpeak. They all declare for War. PSALM CXXI. IF to the Hills I lift mine Eyes, From whence Ihould come mine Aid I 2. My Help doth from Jehovah come •, Who Heav'n, and Earth, hath made. 3. He'll keep thy Feet from dang'rous Falls ; Thy Guardian never fl-eps. 4. Nor Sleep, nor Slumber, touch the Eye?, Of him that IJr^el keeps. 5. The Lord's thy Keeper, he, thy Shade, Stands by thee on thy Right •, 6. Left fcorching Sun offend by Day ; Or Moon's cold Damps by Night. 7. The Lord fhall keep thee from ail Harms \ Preferve thy Soul from IlL S. Thy going out ; and coming in, Keef^s now, and ever will. ' PSALM CXXII. *! ¥ 7 ITH Joy, I heard the People fay, V V Let's to thcLord'sHoufe go and pray. 2. Cur Feet, henceforth, with Pieafure wait^^ Jettifrilem^ within thy Gate. 3. Jerufalem^s a City fair, Compadl, with beauteous Order there. 4. Thither the Tribes devoutly throng j The Tribes which to the Lord belong. To P S A L M 122. 225 To Ifr'er^ Witqefs we repair, To honour God, with Praife, and PrayV. 5. The Seats of Juftice there have Place y And Thrones of Z)^i;/W';s,. royal Race. 6. Pray Sale;n*s Peace may lafting be ; For they fliall profper that love thee. 7. May Peace within thy Walls abound | ' Thy Palaces with Joy be crown'd. ., ^ 8. For Friends, and Brctliren's Sake, I pray May happy Peace, within thee (lay. g. Becaufe Jehovab\ Houfe is there, Thy Good (hall be mv conflant Care. F S A L M CXXII. zd Meetre. My Heart rejoic'd to hear TlVe' People this declare, We'll to JehovahH Houfe- afcend. 2. Our Feet (liall henceforth waic Within fair Sdle-n'^ G.aite, And'fa'cred Worfhip tjiere ati^ehd. 3. 7^^'^y^^^/^ is built ■ A City, richly gilt, '. - Compact, and great lliall be in Fame. 4. God's Cov'nant Ark is there, Thither his Tribes repair. To thank, and Praife, Jebovah's'H^imQ. 5. Juftice has ;t here it's Place, With -Throne^ of David's Race. 6. O pray for Salem'' s happy Peace ; They profper that love thee. 7. Within thy Walls Peace be. Thy Palaces, with Joy increafe. 8. For Friends, and Brethren's Sake, Whofe Good my own I make, Thj 2^6 P SAL M 122, 123, 124. Thy Peace fliall be my conftant Pray V. 9. Becaufe the Lord, our God, His Houfe- rtrakes his' Abode, Thy Weal Ih ail ever be my Care. PS 4-,t.,M CXXIIL. TO Thee, for' Succour, in Diftrefs, I lift my longing Eyes ^ Oh ! thou Omnipotent, Supream 1 Who dweirrt above the Skies. 2. As Servants, eye their Mailer's Hand,' Tlieir MiftrefTes; the Maids •, Soto the Lord, our God, we look,. . ' For his reviving Aid.s. ' 3. Have Mercy upon us, O Lcrdj Oh 1 Pity to ua (how •, For loaded .with moft bafe Contempt, , We feel the Depth of Woe. 4. From thofe that live at Eafe, our Soul . Is greatly Eird with Scorn. •, And the vile Infult of the Proud, We heavily have borne. P S A L M CXXIV. HAD not the. Lord, ma)? IJr^d fay,, Appear-ed on our Side..; -1- c ri ./p 2. Had not the Lord u? lielp'd^' wnen Meri; Rofe, like the fv/elling Tide : i 3. They foon had f\vallo^^*d us' alive •,, ' So fierce their Wrath did rowl- ; 4. The Waters had oVrwhelmed us, The Stream p;one o*£^ ou^r Sot?!. 5. Proud Waters then had p er us teat,.' And fwept us qliite away. ' ' " ^/- '/ 6. Blefs'd \x the L^otd' •, ^h6 -gave us not. To their Iharp Teeth, a Prey. 7. Our PSALM 124, 125, 126. 227 7. Our Soul's efcap'd the broken Snare, As Birds, from Fowler's, fled. 8. Oiir Help is in Jehovah's Name \ , Who Heav'n, and Ei^rth, hath madev: PSALM CXXV. ' THey, like to Sion's dKred Mount, Who in the Lord confide. Shall Hand unmov'd, in midft of Storms,; And ever fafe abide. 2. Lo! how the Mountains, compafling,, Jerufalem^ afcend •, The Lord, his People,, fo furrounds, And ever will defend. /3. The Rod of Wickednefs fhall not Onjuft Men's Lot remain 5 LeH: righteous Men put forth their Hands^, And'^them with Evil fVatn. 4. To all that are fincerely good. Thy Go,odnef3, Lord, impart \ i O may it freely flow to all That are upright in Heart. 5. They thai to crooked Ways decline^. The Lord fnali force them down. Where wicked Men are doom'd to.go •,. But Peace fhall ^rV/ crown. PSALM CXXVI. WHen Sion's Captives God return'd. Such an illuftrious Theme, Struck us with Wonder and Surprife v We were like them that dream. 2. Then was our Mouth with Laughter fill'd. Our Tongue for Joy did fhj^ut •, The Heathen faid, the Lord, for them. Great Things hath brought about. ^ 3. With 228 PSALM 125, 127, 128. 3. With Joy, we own, great Things for us. Are wrought. Lord, by thy Hand. 4. Return the Remnant •, and 'twill be Like Streams to South parch'd Land. 5. Who fow in Tears, in Joy lliall reap. 6. They that go forth, and mourn, Bearing choice Seed, fhall fure with Joy, Laden with Sheaves, return. PSALM CXXVII. Except the Lord do build the Houfe, ' 7'he Builders labour all in vain : Unlefs the Lord the City keep, ^ " In vain the Guards their Watch maintain. 2. To rife betimes, and fit up late, And eat thy Bread with Grief oppretl, Is vain •, without fuchcarking Cares, The Lord gives his Beloved Refr. 3. Lo •, Children are God's Heritage ; The fruitful W^omb is his Reward. 4. As Arrows in a flfrong Man's Hand, So Sons of Youth are Parents Guard. 5. Happy the Man, whofe Quiver's fill'd With Shafts, that on him ready wait i He iliall not be afliam'd tofpeak With th' Adverfaryin theGate. . PSALM CXXVIII. THrice blefs'd are all that fear the Lord \ And walk in his pure Ways. 2. Thy Labour fhall fupply thy Wants ; And profper all thy Days. 3. Thy Wife, a lovely fruitful Vine, Ey thy Houfe Sides, l"hall grow •, Thy Children, round thy Table fet, Like Olive Plants lliall fhow. 4. Behold PSALM 12S, 129, 1^0. 229 4. Behold ; thus fhall the Man be bleft, That doth Jehovah fear! ^. The Lord, who dwells on Sion Hill, Shall blefs thee ev'ry where ; Thou, all thy Days, with joy, Ihallfee Jerupiem'% happy State : 6. Beiiuld thy Children's Children rife, And Peace on Ifrael wait. PSALM CXXIX. FROM my Youth up, may Jfr'el fay, They ofc have me alTail'd ; 2. They oft, from Youth, my Ruin fought, But have not quite prevaird. 3. The Flowers long their Furrows plow'd •, And put my Back to Pain. 4. The Lord is righteous he hath cut. The Wicked's Cords in Twain. 5. Let all that *S7^;>/. hate, with Shame, And in Confufion, fly. 6. May they, as Grain, on Houfcs Tops, But juft fpring up and die. ,7. With v/hich no Reaper fills his Hand, Nor Arms that binds the Sheave, 8. No Paffenger, God blefs you, lays ; We, you our Blefllng, leave. PSALM CXXX. LORD from the Heart, and Depth of Woe, My Cry, to Thee, I fend. 2. Hear, Lord, my Voice, and to my Pray'r, O ht thine Ear attend. 3. Should'ft thou, O Lord, obferve ourCrinies, Who could the Tryal bear ? 4. Hut there Forgiveneis is with Thee, That thou may'il be our Fear. 5. My 2J0 PSALM 130, 13U 132= 5. My Soul doth for Jehovah wait ; And I hope in his Word. 6. No Watch- men Jong for dawning Light, As my Soul for the Lord. - 7. Let Ifr'el truft in God, the Source Of all redeeming Grace ; 8. Who will compleat Redemption grant. And all their Sins efface. PSALM CXXXI. Ol^ord, my Heart's not haughty grown. Nor lofty are my Eyes ; In Things too great, and high^ for me. Is not mine Exercife. 2. Surely, I have composed my Mind^ And carry 'd it as mild. As Children weaned from the Breaft \ My Soul's a wej^ned Child. ^3. Let Ifr'el learn, in God alone. The God whom they adore, To place their fteadfaft Hope, and Truft^ Both now, and evermore. P S J L M CXXXII. THY Promife, LorJ^ to David, mind. And ;/, with Accord, Who dwelleth in Jerufakm, Sing Praifes to xht Lord. Yr.T.JJ ^ ^ ^ CXXXVI. OUR Thanks, to God,moft ^ood repeat; His Mercy ftilJ prevails. 2. Praife him, the God of Gods, mod ereat ; His Mercy never fails. 3. Give Thanks unto the King of Kings • His Mercy lafts always. ' 4. Who only doth moft wondrous Things ; His Mercy ne'er decays. 5. WhofeWifdomgave theHeav*ns theirBirth 1 His Mercy fhall endure. 6. Above the Waters rais'd the Earth ; His Mercy's ever fure. ^' J"" r!"!""' ^^"^ ^'^ great Lights difplay ; His Mercy ftill prevails. 8. He form'd the Sun to rule the Day 1 His Mercy never fails. ^' ^^^^''''''' ^"^ ^^^^^' t^ i*u^e the Night i His Mercy lafts always. '''^?^^^/'^-^'^^' ^''^^''^^^' Firft-born, fmite 5 His Mercy ne'er decays. 1 1. Who 7/rV/led from Havifli Land ; His Mercy lliall endure. i2^.Vith (Iretch'd out .\rm,and mightyHand; His Mercy's ever fure. L 2 4S^f„ Left ra'fhly I offend. 4. Bow not my Heart to 111 j Nor let me ever fhare, With wicked Nkn,. in their bad Deed%, Nor, on their Danties. fare. 5-. let juft Men"^ kind Reproof Smite me,., it fhall not break My Head, one heallike Balm -, my PrayX 1)1 their Pillrcfs, FU mak^. PSALM 14 1» 142V 243 5. When caft into the Rock, Their Chiefs lay at my Feet, Within my Pow'r ; they heard my Wordsj But, Oh, how foft ! how fweet 1 7. Our. Bones about the Graves, Ly fcatter'd all arcund •, As when one ploweth up the Earth,. And teareth up the Ground. 8. But, Lord, my God, to Thee, Direded are mine Eyes -, Let not my Soul be naked- left ; My TrOft on Thee relies. 9. O keep me from the Snares, Which they have laid for me ; And from the Nets which they have fpread,- Who work Iniquity. 10. But let the Wicked fall. Together,, in their Net •, While I, o'er all, in Safety pafs. And out of Danger get. PSALM CXLIL ICry'd aloud, unto the Lord, And fervently I pray'd. 2. To him I pour'd out my Complaint %■ My Griefs before him laid. 3. When Sorrows overwhelm*d my Soul» Th-en thou my Path didll know : They laid their private Snares for me,. Wherever I fhould go. 4. On my Right-hand I look'd, and faw, That not one Friend was there -, All Refuge fail'd, ev'n Flight was fled, None for mv Soul did care. ' L 6 5- Ta ji44 PSALM 142, 143. 5. To Thee, O Lord, I cry'd, and faid,. " Thou art my Hope alone ; ** My Portion, while on Earth I lire, " And when from hence I'm gone. 6i I, to the laft Extreamsj am brought,, O hear my earneft Cry ; Me from my Perfecutors fave,. Who ilronger are than I. 7. From this dark Prifon bring my Soul",. That I thy Name may praife •, The Jull fball me furround, for thou Shalt me reward with Grace. PSALM CXLIII. HEAR, Lord, my Pray'r,.to my Requtft,, Let thy kind Ear attend ; And in t!)y Truth, and Righteoufpefs, A gracious ATifwer fend. I. Let not thy Servant, by {Irid Rules, Of Juftice, Lord, be try'd ; For in thy Sight, no Man alive,.. " Coukifpbejuftify'd.= , :?. The Fee purfu'd my Soul, my Life- Down to the Ground did tread , In Darknefs made to dwell, as thofe That Ages have been dead. 4. Therefore my Spirit finks in me ;- My Heart is defolate* 5. Paft Times I call to Mind, and on Thy, Works I meditate., 6. With mitft>etch'dHand«,thineAid I crave % For 1 hee my Soul doth pant, Asthirfty Lands, in Summer's Heat,, Thvit.cooling^Show^sf s waate. PSALM 143, 144. 245 Second P A RT. 7. Hear me with Speed,/ hide not thy Face,. My finking Spirit fave ; Left I fhould foon become like them,. That lye down in the Grave. 8. Let me thy Kindnefs early hear. For I in Thee confide -y Shew me the Way where I fliould go i: I look to Thee, my Guide.. 9. From all my threat' ning Enemies,. O Lord deliver me ♦, Fcr Shelter, from their Rage, I fly. To hiSe myfelf with Thee. 10. Thou art my God,, teach me thy Will^ Forever to obey j Let thy good Spirit me condu(5l,. In thy moft righteous Way. 11. Revive me, Lord, and fpare my Life^. That all thy Name may fing •,. For th' Honour of thy faithful Word, My Soul from Trouble bring. 12. In Mercy to me, rout my Foes,, Thy. gracious Aids afford^ Deftroy all that afHia: my Soul ; For Fm thy Servant Lord. PSALM CXLIV, IT^Orever bleflfed be the Lord, . My Rock ; who doth inftru6i: me rights To guiJe the War.; and Strength affords My Hands,, v/hen I engage in Fight. 2. My Goodnefs he,. Safe-guard, and Tow'r^. My great Deliv"rer> and my. Shield,., In whom I trufl* •, who, to my Pow'r, Makes Tribc^s fubaiir, and Narions yield.' 3, Lord V 2^6 PSALM 144: 3. Lord ! what is Man ! or his frail Race ! That thy Concern thou him haft made ! 4. Man is but Vanity,- his Days Fly fwiftly, as a paQing Shade. 5. Lord bow thine Heavens, and Come down,. But touch the Mountains, Smoke lli-all rife. ^ 6. Caft Light'nings, rout, and them confound With pointed Arrows from the Skies. 7. From Heav'n, fend forth thy mighty Hand, Refcue, . and fave me, from the Pow'r Of Aliens -, who like Waters ftand, Wide gaping, ready to devour. 8.WhofeMouchs,with their vainBoalts,abound,- And utter Speeches full of Lies •, Their Right-hand's plighted Faith is founds. But broken Leagues, and Perjuries. Second PAR T\ g. New Songs to Thee, O God, I'll Ting $ My Voice, and Ffakery, agree. The Ten (tring'd Inftrument Fll bring. And join in Hymns of Praife to Thee. 10. God, with Salvation, Kings befriends,^ And Vid'ry to their Anns affords ;. His Servant David, he defends. From the keen Edge of hurtful Swords.. IT. Still {ivt from. Sons of foreign Land^. Whofe Mouths fpeak Vanity, and Lies -, The plighted Faith of whole Right-hand, Is nought hut F/aud, and Perjuries. 1 2. 1 hen fhall the Fruits of Peace abound •,. Our Son?, like thriving Plants fliail grow -, As polifn'd Pillars '"ourt^. fjrround. Our blooming Daughters beauteous fliow. 13. Our P S A L M 144, 145. 247 13. Our Magazines be fill'd with Store, Of ev'ry Kind of pleafant Grains •, Our num'rous Flocks encreafing more. In Thoufands fpread the neighboring Plains. 14. Our Oxen fat, and flrong, lliall grow ^ And no invading Foe be fear'd. No Marchings out we fadly know, Nor Murm'rings in our Streets be heard. 1 5. O happy are that People, who Flourifh in fuch a State as. this ; Thrice happy People, that can fhcw,. Their God, the great Jehovah is. PSALM CXLV. I'LL Thee extol, .my God, and King, And ever blefs thy Name. 2. ril blefs Thee ev'ry Day, and fing. With endlefs Songs, thy Fame, g. The Lord is great, all Praife his due. His Greatnefs Thought exceeds. 4. One Age the next, thy Works, fhall ihew 1- And fing thy migfity Deeds. 5. I'll fpeak. the Glories of thy State, And Wonders thou haft done. 6. While Men thy Terrors fhall relate \ Thy Greatnefs PIl make known. 7. Thy.matchlefs Goodnefs, they fhall praife With chcarful Heart, and Tongue •,. Thy Righteoufnefs,. in all thy Ways, Shall be their conftant. Song. 8. God's good, and kind, and rich in Grace a, But unto Anger fiow. cy He's good to all ^ in ev'ry Place, I:Ii§ tender Mercies flow*. la, Thes.. 248 PSALM 145: 10. Thee, all thy Works, O Lordr A^all praifc; And Thee thy Saints fhall blefs : 11. Abroad thy Kingdom's Glory blaze y Thy mighty Pow'r confefs. 12. To make all Nations know his Pow'r t And Kingdom's glorious State. 13. Thy Kingdom ever fhall endure ; Thy Reign's of endlefs Date. Second FJRT. 14. The Lord preferveth all that fall ; And raifeth up the low. i£. All look to Thee j Thou Food to all. In Seafon, doft beftow. 16. Thine open Hand to ^11 conveys. According to their Needs. 17. Thou, Lord, art juft inall thy Ways, And bountiful in Deed^. 18. The Lord is nigh, to help them all That his kind Aid implore ; Ht'W none rejed that on him call^ And him in Truth adore. 19. But he'll their juft Defires fulfil], That his great Name revere i To their Requeft attend he will. And fave them from their Fear. 20. All, who the Lord fmcerely lovr». Prote^lion fiiall enjoy ; But who perverdy v/icked prove. He'll utterly deflroy. zi. Raptures divine njy Tongue infpire,. To fing Jeboz'flJys Fame -, Let all Flelli join the facred Quire, And ever blefs hisNairx,- PSJLM PSALM 146. 249 PSALM CXLVI. PRalfe God 5 my Soul praife thou the Lord. 2. ril praife my God, and King, Thro* all my Life ; whilft that I am, Praife to my God I'll fing. 3. On Princes, who no Help can give. Nor on Man's Son, rely. 4. His Breath departs, he turns to Earth, His Thoughts then with him die. 5. O happy Man ; who hath the God O^ Jacob for his Aid; Whofe Hope upon the Lord, his God, Alone, is firmly flay'd. 6. Who made the Heavens, the Earth, and Sea^ With all that they contain ; Who keeps the Truth forever fare His Promifes remain. 7. Who righteous Judgment executes, For thofe opprefs'd that be ; He gives the Hungry Food, the Lord Doth fet the Prif 'ner free. 8. The Lord ilkiminates the blind ; From burden'd Souls removes Their heavy Loads, and lifts them up ; The Lord the righteous loves. 9. The Lord faves Strangers, he fupports Widows, and Fatherlefs ; But up-fide down he turns their Ways, Who wickedly tranfgrefs. 10. Jehovah fhall forever reign 5 Thy God, O Sion^ fways. The Scepter, while all Ages laft ^ give Jehovah praife. . PSALM ^50 PSALM 147. PSALM CXLVII. PRaife ye the Lord •, 'tis good to fing 7^he Praiit:s of our God, and King ; Praife is the mod delightful Theme, And nothing more becomes our Frame. 2. 1 he Lord Jeruplem doth repair *, And bring his fcatter'd Exiles there. 3. He kindly heals the broken Heart ; Binds up their Wounds, allays their Smart. 4. He numbers all the ftarry Flames \ And calls them by their various Names. 5. Great is our Lord, of boundiefs Might ; His Underftanding's infinite. 6. TheLord the Meek hach rals*d,and crown'd \ But cad the Wicked to the Ground. 7. To Gcd your thankful rraifes ling ; And join the Harps melodious String. 8. W^ho clouds the Sky, prepares the Rains ; Makes Grais to srovv on Mounts, and Plains, 9. His Treaflires, Beads with Food, iupply ; And the young Ravens, when they cry. 10. He, in the Strength, or nimble Flight, Of Horfe, or Man, takes no Delight. 1 1. The Lord takes Pleafure in the Juft \ And thofe that in his Mercy tiuft. Second PART. 12. Jerufalem^ Jehovah^ praife •, Sion^ thy God, with facred Lays. 13. He, thyGatcsBars with Strength pofTefs't 5 In thee thy Children he hath bled. 14. He gives thy Borders Peace mod fweet ♦, And fills thee with the fined Wheat. 15. On Earth he fends forth his Decrees ; His Word, like Light'ning, fwiftly flees. 16. PSALM 147, 148. 251 16. Like Wool, he cloaths the Ground, with His hoary Froft, as Afhcs, throws : [Snows-, 1 7. Fragments of Ice cafts from his Hand •, And who before his Cold can (land ? 18. He fendeth forth his high Commands, The Glebe is loofen'd from ic*s Bands •, He bids the warmer Breezes blow •, ' The Ice diflblves, the Waters flow. 19. His Word, and Will, by A(51: of Grace, He hath reveal'd to Jacobs Race ; To Ifr\l^ whom he chofe his own. His Laws, and Judgments, are made known. 20. There's none of all the Nations round. With him, fuch Favour, e'er have found •, To them, he never did afford, His Judgments. Therefore praife the Lord. PSALM CXLVIII. IOUD Hallelujah's fing : ^J From Heav'ns Jehovah praife 5 His Fame th' F.mpyrial ring. In the fublimeft Lays. 2. Angels begin The lofty Song *, His Hofts great Throng, To praife ftrike in. 3. Praife him, ye Sun, and Moon, Which rule the Day, and Night •, His Praife be all your Tune, Ye glitt'ring Stars of Light. 4. Heav'n's Heav'ns vaft Frame, Waters that rife Above the Skies, His Praife proclaim, 5. Let 2S^ PSALM 148. 5. Let them in this Accord, To praife Jebovab's Name ♦, For he but fpakc the Word, And they from Nothing camo. 6. He fix'd them faft, P>om Changes free, By his Decree -, Which firm fhall laft. 7. Praife God from Earth below ; Ye Dragons, and each Deep *, 8. Fire, Mail, and Mid, and Snow, And Storms, his Word which keep. 9. Hills, Mountains high. Trees bearing Fruit j Cedars that fhoot So near the Sky. 10. Beafls v/ild, and tame, and Things That creep, or vving the Air •, 11. All Subjed:?, and all Kings, Princes, and Judges here : 12. His Pra'.fe be fung. By hoary Heads, Young Men, and Maids, And th* Infant's Tongue. 13. Let all addrefs his Throne, In Praife, with one Conferit -, Jehovah's Name alone. Is wondrous excellent : His Glories far Above Earth rife, Tranfcend the Skies, And ev'ry Star. 14- His PSALM 14?, 149. 253 14. His People's Horn he rais'd. And high advanced their Fame -, By all his Saints is prais'd ^ His ever glorious Name : By Jfr'ers Race, A People near, And to him dear. Jehovah praife. PSALM CXLIX. PRAISE ye the Lord ; fing unto God» A new melodious Song ; Shew forth the Honour of his Name, Aflembled Saints among. 2. Let Ifr'el's Heart, with holy Joy, ^ In him that made him, fpring j And Sion's Sons their Triumph make. In their illuftrious King. 3. Let them the founding Pipe employ. To praife his holy Name ; The Harp, and Timbrel, join, and fing, , And loud his Praife proclaim. 4.. The Lord takes Pleafure in his Saints, Whom Sinners treat with Scorn ^ With his Salvation, humble Souls, He'll glorioully adorn. f . Becaufe fuch Glory he beftows. Let all his Saints rejoice ; And thus fecur'd, upon their Beds, In Singing, raife their Voice. 6. Their Mouth be fill'd with the high Praife Of their almighty Lord ; While their Right-hand does grafp, and wield. The 'vengeful! Two-edg'd Sword, 7. Oil o 254 PSALM 149. 7. On Heathen juil Revenge to take. And punifli thofe defign'd ; 8. To chain their Kings, and noble Peers In Iron Fetters bind. 9. Judgment on them to exccate. Which facred Rolls record •, This Honour all his Saints fhall have. . Sing Praifes to the Lord. PSALM CXLIX. 2d Meetre. Mtfii IS '■'•ate and Brady\ Verlion. Praife ye the Lord, Prepare your glad Voice. His Praife in the great Affembly to fing. 2. In our great Creator, Let Ifr'el rejoice \ And Children of Sion Be glad in their King.- 3. Let them his great Name Extol in the Dance \ With Timbrel, and Harp, His Praifes exprefs : 4. Who always takes Pleafure His Saints to advance : And with his Salvation The humble to blefs. 5. With Glory adorn'd. His People (hall fing To God, who their Etds With Safety does fliield. 6.- Their Mouth^ fill'd with Praifes Of him their o^reat Kin^j t W^hilft a two-edj^ed Sword t>^ Their liishc-han'd does v/ield. •o 7. Tuft PSALM 149, 150. 255 7. Juft Vengeance to take For Injuries pad •, And punifh thofe Lands For Ruin defign'd. 8. With Chains, as their Captives, To tie their. Kings fall •, With Fetters of Iron Their Nobles to bind. 9. Thus Ihall they make good. When them they deilroy. The dreadful Decree Which God does proclaim ; Such Honour, and Triumph, His Saints (hall enjoy. O therefore forever Exalt his great Name. PSALM CL. PRaife God : praife him in's Houfe belov/ : Praife him yeHeav'ns, hisPow'r which fhovv. 2. Praife him for all his mighty Deeds •, Praife him whofe Majelly exceeds. 3. Praife him with Trumpet's piercing Noife ; Praife him with Pfak'ries, Harps foft Voice. 4. Praife him with Timbrel fhrill, and Flute ; Praife him with Organ, and fweet Lute. 5. Praife him with Cymbals ringing Veins ; Praife him in Cymbals lofty'ft Strains. 6. Praife him let ev'ry breathing Thing ; Praifes eternal to him fing. The End of the PSALMS. The 256 E X O D U S 15. The Song of MOSES. EXODUS XV. 1*LL fing the Triumphs of the Lord, Who's glorious in Renown ; The Horfe, and him that rode thereon. He in the Sea hath thrown. 2. The Lord's myStrength, my SongjDefence, My God ; for him I'll raife A Manfion ; he my Father's God, ril celebrate his Praife. 3. The Lord is the great God of War ; Jehovah is his Name. 4. Proud Pharoah^s glit'ring Cars, and Hofl, That to the Ravage came, In the Red Sea he caft ; there were His chofen Captains drown'd. 5. TheDepthso'er whelm'd them j like aStone, They fank in the Profound. 6. The mighty Pow'r of thy Right-hand, O Lord, mod glorious fhows •, Thy Right-hand, Lord, in Pieces dafh'd The proud infulting Foes. 7. Excelling Greatnefs thofe o'er throw A9;ain{l Thee who prefum'd -, Thou fendeft forth thy flaming Wrath, Which them, as Chaff, conlum'd. 8. Thy NoHril's Blaft the Waters drove Together in an Heap ; They flood upright, in the Mid-fea Congealed was the Deep. 9. The E X O D U S 15. 257 9. The En'my cry'd, Purfue, o'ertake, I will the Spoil divide ; I'll draw my Sword, and them deftroy. Till Luft is fatisfy'd. 10. But thou, with thy ftrong Wind,did{l blow. The deep Sea o'er them fpread ; In mighty Waters down they fank. As if they had been Lead. 11. WhOjLord, 's like Thee,among the Gods I Thy Holinefs exceeds In Glory ; fearful is thy Praife, And wonderful thy Deeds. 1 2. Thou ftretched'ft out thy ItrongRight-hand, The Earth them fwallow'd quite. 13. In Mercy thou led'd forth thy Flock, . Which thou redeem'dfl with Migl^ : And thou did'ft guide them, in thy Strength, Unto thine holy Hill. 14. Nations fhall hear, and fear, and Dread Seize Pakjiina will. 15. Then Edom*s Dukes fhall be amaz'd, MoaFs mighty Men be flruck With Terror : Canaan's Hearts (liall melt. As the diiTolved Brook. 16. Thro* Fear, and Dread, of thy great Pow'r, Still, as a Stone, they'll ly : Until thy People, Lord, which thou Haft purchas'd, fhall pafs by. 1 7.Thou fhalt condu6l, and plant them, where Thy Mountain rears it's Head ; The Place, for thy fix'd Refidence, Which thou, O Lord, haft made : M ITie ^5S EXOD. 15. DEUT. 32. The chofen holy Place thine Hand, O Lord, hath fettled faft. 18. Thy Reign, O thou eternal King ! Forevermore fhall laft. 19. For Pharaoh's Chariots, Horfe, and Men, Thro' Seas audacious went ^ And the returning Waves in Rage, The Lord upon them fent : But 7/rV/'s Race, a num'rous Hod, Under divine Command, Walk'd thro' the Midft of dang'rous Seas, Securely on dry Land. M I R I A M's Answer. 21.QING ye the Triumphs of the Lord, O Who's glorious in Renown ; The Horfe, and him that rode thereon. He in the Sea hath thrown. MOSES'S Prophetick SonG. DEUT. XXXII. LET Heav'n's wide Arch, while I fhall fpeak, Give an attentive Ear : And hear, O Earth ! th' important Truths My Mouth fhall now declare. a. As Rain from Heav'n, my Dodrine drops, My Speech, as Dew, diftills ; As gentle Rains on tender Herbs, And Show'rs on grafly Hills. 3. While I, Jehovah's glorious Name, Shall publifh all abroad -, With awful Reverence, afcribe Ye Greatnefs to our God. 4. A Rock, whofe Work Perfc(flion claims, His Ways all Judgment are -, A D E U T. 32. 255 A God of Truth, unfpotted pure, And juft beyond compare. 5. But they themfelves corrupted have. Their Spot's, they're not his Sons •, They're a perverfe, and crooked Race, A Race of wicked Ones. 6. Oh ! foolifh People, and unwife ! Do'ye thus the Lord requite ? Thy Father is he not, who bought. Thee made, and girt with Might ? 7. Remember ancient Times, review The Ages paft and gone ; Thy Father afl<, and Elders, they Will tell what God hath done. 8. When God the Nation's Lots affign'd. To Jdam's Sons their Place ; He let their Bounds with fpecial Eye To Ifr'el's num'rous Race. 9. Jehovah^ for his Portion, doth His People high advance ; Jacob he chofe the Ipecial Lot Of his Inheritance. 10. In Sinat\ Defert howling Wafle, There found him the Mod-High ; He led, and taught, and kept him fafe. As th' Apple of his Eye. 11. As th' Eagle flutters o'er her Young, And chears the feeble Things ; Her Pinions fpreads, and takes them up. And bears them on her Wings. 12. So did the Lord alone fuftain, Aad lead them in his Care •, M 2 And 26o D E U T. 32. And to afllft him there wss none, K'o foreign God was there. X ■ On Earth's high Places made him ride ^■kh, Fields fupply his Want ; !ck fweet Honey from the Rock, i-inc Cyl from th' Adamant : 14. Butter ot Kine, and Milk of Sheep, Fat Lan:ibs o( B^Jb an' s Brood , With Goats, and fined Wheat, to eat 5 And drink the Grapes pure Blood. 15. But Jejh'run waxed fat and kick'd ; High pamper'd, and adorn'd. His Maker he forfook -, the Rock Of his Salvation fcorn'd. 16. His Jealoufy provok'd they with Strange Gods, their fond Delights j And kindled up his burning Wrath, With their detefted Rites. 1 7. To Idols, Devils, not to God, They Altars ir^adly rear*d ; To unknown,^ new and upftart Gods, Their Fathers never fear'd. 18. The Rock of Ages thee begat. Sure thou remember'ft not ; The God that form'd, and nourilli'd thee. Thou vilely haft forgot. 19. When this Jebovab faw, their Deeds His juft Abhorrence mov'd ; Becaufe a Provocation great His Sons, and Daughters, prov'd. 20. Therefore he faid. Til mark their End, From them FU hide my Face ; For D E U T. 32. 261 For they are froward Children grown, A very faithlefs Race. 21. Since they, with that which is not God, Have mov'd my Jealoufy ; My Anger greatly have provok'd With lying Vanity -, Their Rage Til with a People mov9. Who' re only fo in Name v And with a foolifh Nation I Their Anger will enBame. 22- A Fire is kindled in my Wrath, Which down to Hell (hall burn ; The Earth's Encreafe, and Mountains Baf:?, Shall into Afhes turn. 23. I'll Loads of Mifchiefon them heap \ My pointed Arrows fpend. 24. Hunger to burn, and Heat devour. With bitter Deaths I'll fend : I'll order Teeth of favage Beads Their viral Blood to fpill ; The crawling Serpent of the Duft Shall them with Poifon kill. 25. The Sword without. Terror within. Shall feize young Men, and Maids, And Qay them, with the fucking Child, And Men of hoary Heads. 26. I faid, that I would fcatter them. In ev'ry diftant Coaft -, Make their Remembrance among Men To be entirely loll. 27. But that I fear'd the Pride of Foes, Left infolently they M 2 Behave 5 262 D E U T. 32. Behave ; and our high Hand, not God, Hath done all this Ihould fay. 28. For they're a Nation void of Senfe, Nor Wifdom's Rules attend. 29. Oh ! were they wife, this underflood, And thought on their lad End. 30. How Ihould One chace aThoufand ? Tw« Ten Thoufand put to Flight .? Except their Rock had fold them Slaves, The Lord reftrain'd their Might .? 31. For their weak Rock can ne'er with our Almighty Rock compare -, Our Enemies themfelves muft own, If they the Judges were. 32. Their Vine's of Sodom's vicious Stock, And from Gomorrah's Fields ; Which brings forth nought but Grapes of Gall, And bitter Clufters yields. 22' There Wine's the Dragon's Poifon, fell Venom of Afps congeal'd. 34. Is not this kept in Store with me ; And with my Treafures feal'd. 35- Vengeance, and Recompence, are mine, They'll fall the Time decreed ; Their wofui Day is near at Hand, Their Mif'ry comes with Speed. 2^. Yet God his People's Caufe will plead, For's Servant Sake repent ; When none ihut up, and left, he kts^ And all their Strength is fpent. 37. Then will he fay, " Where are yourGods, *' You look'd to for Defence ? " Where's DEUT. 32. JUDG. 5. 26^ « Where's nowyourRock of Strength,mwhom «• Ye plac'd your Confidence ? 38. " Which on fat Sacrifices fed, " And crown'd with Wine the Board ? « Now let them rife, Proteaion give, " And needed Help afford. 39. Know ye, that I, ev'n I am he, " No God with me I have ; *' I kill, revive, I wound, and heal, " None from my Hands can fave. 40. " For I to Heav'n, my Throne above, " Lift up my Hand on high ♦, « And folemnly I fware, as flire " As ever live do I. 41. " If I fhall whet my glit'ring Sword, " And hold on Judgment lay •, *' ril render Veng'ance to my Foes, *' My Haters I'll repay. 42. "I'll make my Sword devour their Flefli, " Mine Arrows drunk with Blood « Of llain, and Captives •, on their Chiefs " Revenges I'll make good. 43. Ye Nations join his People's Joy •, For he will on their Foe Revenge their Blood •, but to his Land And People, Mercy fhow. The Song of Deborah. JUDGES V. 2.T)Raife ye the Lord, who hath aveng'd Jr His IJr' el, on their haughty Foes V When the brave People freely did Their Lives, for Liberty, expofe. M 4 3- Hear 2^4 JUDGES 5. 3. Hear, O ye Kings, Princes give Ear, Whilft I to great Jehovah fing ; In facred Numbers fhour the Praife Of Jfr'ers God, th' almighty King. 4. When God from Mount.S^/> march' d in State, And turn'd from Edom's lofty Tow'rs, Th'Earth fhook,theHeav'ns inThunders dropt. The Clouds pour'd down their rapid Show'rs. 5. The Mountains fiam'd, and melting flow'd, Nor could Jehovah^s Prefence bear j So Sinai unknown Terrors felt, When JJr'el's God was prefent there. 6. In Shavgdr's Anath'% valiant Son,, And famous Jael'% former Days, The Roads, by Trav'lers were untrod \ Who fearful, walk'd thro' fecret Ways. 7. The Villages were broken up, '1 heir Lands uncultivate were lay'di Until] I Deborah was rais'd And Mother in God's J^el made. F. New Gods their fickly Fancies chcfe. Fierce Wars their Gates invaded then ; Was Shield, or Spear, in Jjr'eW Tents Seen among Forty Thoufand Men ? 9. My Heart is fet on Ijr'eV% Chiefs^ Who ofFer'd of their own Accord, Bravely to join, and head the Troops In Battle : BlefTed be the Lord. iQ. Sing ye that on white AfTes ride^ And now fecure in Judgment fit. Ye Trav'lers join the facred Song, Who fafely go where ye think fit. XI. Yc JUDGES. 5. 2^5 11" Ye that from th' Archer's Noife ar^ frecd> Lurking at ev'ry watering Place, JehovaFs righteous Doings, now May there rehearfe, in Songs of Praife : The truely gracious Anions he To Ifr'ers Villages hath fhown ; That now the People of the i^ord/ Safe to their Borders, may go down. 12 Wake Deborah, wake, exdite thy Pow rs. His Fame, in facred Plymns, to fpread •, Rife, Barak, thou Abinoam's Son, Thy captiv'd Foes, in Triumph, lead. I q Thus Carman's Nobles he reduc'd. And put beneath his Remnant's Feet •, The Lord, to my Dominion, fore d Their mighty Captains to fubmit. 14. From£;)^r^/VsMount there came aRoot,, Which with fierce Amakk ehgag'd. Benjamin follow'd clofe, and join'd His Forces, where the Battle rag d. From Machir\ Stock, renown'd of old. There come great Captains,, famous Men 5. And Zebulun fent fuch as knew To weild the Sword, and ufe the Pen, 15. The noble Lords of IJ uhar To Deborah their Forces led -, On Foot they march'd down to the \ ale^ With gallant Barak at their Head. But Reuben feperate remained, Diftant in Mind, much more than Parts v The Condufl of which potent Tribe Made great ImprcfTions on cur Hearts. M 5 i6._Did{l 266 JUDGES 5. 1 6. Did'ft fear the lofing of thy Sheep, That thou among the Sheepfolds ftay'd ? v Thee, has the Bleating of thy Flocks, To bafe Neutrality betray 'd ? Truly thy Condudl, Reuben^ who So wholly feperate remained ; And would not join fo good aCaufe, Our Hearts has griev'd, thy Glory ftain*d» 17. So beyond 7 and come to Me^ Hear, and your Souls fhall live j I'll, the fure Mercies of my Son, By endlefs Cov'nant, give. 4. Him, Witnefs to my Flock, I've glv'n. And fet him on a Throne. 5. The Gentile Nations thou fhalt call. And they to Thee fliall run : Becaufe thy God, the holy One, Hath glorified Thee. 6. Seek ye the Lord, in finding Time ^ And while he's near, call ye. 7. Let Wicked Men fcrfake thtir Ways, And turn unto the Lord •, Cur God, in his great Ml rcy, will,. ■ With Pardon, them reward. LUKE L U K E I. 273 LU K E I. The Song of Mary. ^6. ]\ /fY Soul, to magnify the Lord, IVl Unites her Pow'rs, and Voice. 47. In God, my Saviour, whom I truft. My Spirit fhall rejoice. 48. For to his humble Hand-Maid, he Hath graciouQy exprefs'd Himfdf : and lo, all Ages fhall From hence forth call me blefs'd. 49. The Great, forme, great Things hath done, ■ And holy is his Name. 50. To them that fear him, Mercy flows. From Race to Race, the fame. 51. Almighty Strength He clearly fnew d. By what his Arm hath wrought ; The Proud he fcatter'd, and thar vain Defigns to nothing brought. 52. He drew the Mighty from their Seats v And raifed up the Low . , o- ? 53. With good the Hungry fiird •, the Ricli In Want were forc'd to go : 54. His Servant Ifr'el help'd, as he. In Mercv, had decreed •, ^^. And to our Fathers Promife made. To Ahr'am^ and his Seed. LU K El, The Song ^/'Zacharias. 68. 'OLefsM be the Lord, ev'n i/rV/'s God, J3 Praife be our conftant Theme s Who came to vifit his poor Flock, And them with Price redeem. 69. He our Salvation's Horn hath rais'd. His Servant David's Heir : 70. As, by his holy Prophets Mouth, He did from firft declare. 7 ^ -Tha^ 274 LUKE I. 2. 71. That we fhould, from our Enemies, Compleat Salvation gain ♦, And from the Hand of all us hate Deliverance obtain. 72. The Mercy promised to perform, And's holy Cov'nant mind •, 'JZ' The Oath, by which, Himfelf, he did, To Father Ahr*am^ bind. 74- That us, from Foes Hands freed, he would, Fearlefs, to ferve him, give •, "JS- In Holinefs, and Righteoufnefs, Before him, whilfl we'^live. 76. Thou Child, the Prophet of the Lord, Shalt go before his Face, The Herald of the Higheft ftyl'd, Sent to prepare his Ways. "]"]> By Pardon of his People's Sins, To make Salvation known. 78. The rifing Sun, thro' boundlefs Grace, From high hath on us fhone : 79. T' enlighten thofe in Darknefs fit, And in Death's Shade abide ; The Way to Peace, and Happinefs, Our wand'ring Feet to guide. LUKE II. The Angel'j^ and Song, 8. 1 li 7 Hilft Shepherds, in the open Field, V V Watch'd o'er theirFlocks,byNight ; 9. God's Angel Ihone in Glory round, And all their Minds affright : 10. But the kind Angel to them faid. Let Nought diflurb your Mind -, Good News I bring you, which fhall be Great Joy to all Mankind. II. For LUKE 2. REV. i: 275 11. For unto you, in David's Town, ( As facred Rolls record, ) This very Day a Saviour's born. The promised Christ, the Lord. 12. And this Ihall be your certain Sign -, You'll find ( the Seraph faid, ) The Babe enwrap'd in fwadUng Cloths, And in a Manger laid. 1 3. Then (Irait, there with the Angel join'd> A num'rous fhining Throng Of heav'nly Spirits, praiHng God •, And thus unite their Song. 14. Glory to God, who dwells on high, By Angels round his Throne ; Blefs'd Peace hath vifited the t.arthir^ Good Will to Man is Ihown. LUKE II. i. 20. ATOW Lord, as thou haft faid, difmifs, IN In Peace, thy Servant, to his Rett : 30. Becaufe my longing Eyes, with oight Of thy Salvation, have been bleft. 31. Which thou haft wondroufty prepar d. Open, before all People's Face -, A Light to Gentiles, ftiining clear. And Glory to thine Ifr^el's Race. REVELATION I. The Song of John the Divine. ..Ik TOW unto him, whofeLove was ftiown iN To us, in dying Strains •, Who, by his own moft precious Blood, Hath wafti'd away our Stains •, ^ a ^j a;^ REV. i. 4. 5. 6. And made us Kings, and Priefts, to God, His Father, we adore. Be Glory, and Dominion, now. And henceforth evermore. REV. IV. ^he Song of the Four Living Creatures. 8./^ Holy, holy, holy Lord, V^ Almighty God*s thy Name •, Who was, and is, and art to come. Eternally the fame. REV, IV. The Song of the Elders. I i«T" Hou,Lord^^l:ieGlory,Honour, Pow'r, _^^,JL^-^^i.trworthy to receive -, Torthou mad'il all, thy fov'reign Will To all does Beins; 2-ive. R E V. V. ^he Song of the Church. 9. '■y~ HOU worthy art to take the Book, J And open ev'ry Seal ; For thou wad flain, and, by thy Blood, Redeem'd us from all 111, To God ; from ev'ry Nation, Tongue, And Tribe of humane Birth •, 10. And made us Kings, and Priefts, to God, And we fhall reign on Earth. REV, V. ^he Song of the Angels, and Church. I2.T^HE Lamb is worthy that was flain ; A Riches, and Pow'r, to him belong, Wifdom, and Strength, and Honour high. Glory, and Praife, from ev'ry Tongue. REV. REV. 5. GLORIA PATRI. £77 REV. V. '^be Song of all the Creatures. 13.T ET Heaven, and Earth, unite, to pay 1 ji All BlefTing, Honour, Glory, Pow'r, To him that fitteth on the Throne, And to the Lamb, forevermore. GLORIA PATRL Long Meetre. TO Father, Son, and Holy Ghofl:, Be Glory, as in Ages paft From the Beginning was, is now. And fhall thro* all Duration lad. Common Meetre. TO Father, Son, and Holy Ghoft, The ever bleffed One, Be Glory, as it was, is now. And ever fhall be done. Short Meetre. ^O God the Father, Son And Spirit, we adore. Be Glory, as it was, is now. And fhall be evermore. As Pfalm 50^'. id. Meetre. TO Father, Son, and Holy Ghoft, The God, whom all the heav'nly Hofb, And humble Saints on Earth, adore. Be Glory, as in Ages paft. Is now, and fhall forever laft. When Time itfelf fliall be no more. As f-p( 278 G L O R I A P A T R L As Pfalm 148*''. TO God the Father, Son, And Spirit, God of Love, Be Glory here below, And in the Heav'ns above. As heretofore It was, is now. And ihall be fo, Forevermore. As Pfalm 45'^. 2d Meeire^ and 149^' O Father mofl high. And Son of his Love, With Spirit Divine, The God we adore. All Glory be given, As't ever did prove. Is now, and fhall be ^o^ When Time is no more. T F I N I S. ERRATA. The Author* s Biftance from the Prefs has ad- mitted the following Errata. Pfal.V. L. 2. 9-3- \f^ Meet. r. (iajh. I: 7- lO. 14. 31- 32- 34- 3S 7. 3. f. andy r. ^T^*? 3. 4. r. £'r^ 12. 3. r. glitCring 4. I. {.daring^x. glaring 5. I. LTbeti, r. TM'r 6. 3. r. Straits. 9. 3. r. Mouths 4. I. f. ;V2^, r. ic. I. r. Slip. Pfal, 68 74 75 76 92 [04 [05 37. 16. 2. f. What,r. Which 118^^ 39- 45 3. ly? Meet. r. Ere\ V. L. 4. 3. f. //^& I . r. Servant and dele Comma, r. compafsd. 3- I: 10. I 11. I 2<^Mr. r, correSfJl 119 1 39. i . f. T^j?, r. My 46. 2. 4 46. 56. 60. r. Ere 1136 2.'/Meet. f. they' 1 37 are, r. thou art 2^ Meet. Ltorn, r. borne. 17? Meet. r. ^'To learn to Hu^, obferve thefe KULE8. ?' s»"f§H # /.'a^i^rtf/ /Van', /i'//(r/' />nu/i/iiu /n/o na/u/a/ JCei/j, ^/?er Act/, a//// Mi. u //ivfi accf^m //u Mtyt/mim; c/' //u'^ne. /r/fiW/ ) un //i/o' ^/ic /r/2o/<' 7u/7^,i//i Ic/J n'/iCf\' ii c^nirari/ ///ni/ r^r-'/^^/y u p/aci>(/. i /Ufii/ f/u'Mi. C^fi/e/re, ///c Ar// ^ij/i- ^'///w^/inu^ /.* //trA'ci/. A '//'t'a^<'/7'A i fjf /nv /i'/i^/r^i'c''/c'.) aAiTc^ ^ieA?e/if aj7h2r/> /.ly: a le/JcrT/i/n/ fiyne.y\irti' an*/ A.<:/Ou/>in'i' //it' Kce/, u a //aff^Ae//. L)al(//i^ir/f Act/jJ/ii'/ialf^\eic' Mtm' .C/Mi. Zn aUj^ati A'/t/J, /Ac' /r/icr/i' .. Vi^fc aA^r^fi' /AeJie// u Mi. or /'/leu. B ) (li) (F 1 (F B^K \Ae/Aalt,'^]xi\iin\K\Auti/^^:^\:, ■Vv/Aar/'Mii/mlC BK/A.J • IbJ J ^C:fGJ' [G ante i/jur^hrtcj rii^i/. AlLAirtcj oAtnn- Mi ^i/cemAn^ are fa, (bl, la. Al/ Mow Mi ({c'/cetulin^ a/^ la. lol , fa. ZJrcr^ Ei^/uA /./ ffte/ame. jFro?nMxeo£^, a/u/ ia. to fa, are tiaJ/^.A'efe-^. A('^)rai/?J a y\/9le Aii/f a .A/fr/c Ai^Ae r; afAJjinkj- it kalA'a ^AJtc /(7n/eK /J.. Rce/^Time. Cjmnnni Time /./ fAu* markecA,^, TJ'i/:f/e Vime //luf 3, er/Aenwr ^. TAw Pra^&rliiJ/i (f^Ti/jie ij, i/tw, <> SemiArere •- //inifn ♦ Ov/ehei ♦ ♦ ^Quaver One SeniiArere ij /A I tiTenduAum lyBeaAiofa fd A , H^'/i/m ^ Crcfrkel ^i Qudv^r ^J APtick cm fAe n<>.ar <><}^.Jh <>iJ ♦ f. ^ f f t- ^• 5. (Ah/en^e y.mKmrh\^qm re i}i}f^^^^ D'.^af? q^ The .Ht'4/iiyj fj uAioii/^ rwn' /^rick^^^ /Ae Qfjolre uf c7i^? x^t/irecAj A> iA^ m\rtAi'te. .'i^. te/feaA/AePart. ^.JAar/f.Aj'"/aiA.,^-^^^J/t/rrJ. 16! . tfiiAe ^cn/r/c^A ^A/^rAAer ^f iAij plain Son^f ^//i: Ac' V. i ->^' ^'^--.^4--^i.^-^.i^^^4 o <^ AS>' <^ {^^^./of' o.^ 'C M *>jo aV<>vv^^ lUh'nled'fJfiJ/n/ fames a'T" ^^^^^' war i/ie^rfn mufe ^ ^- ^/in^tiJ. ( W/i///('. in g^^PS#¥^^ fgPw!^wi //cWllA^ ^^ amtt'MWW^M j^a/ft^'^ ^ r, \ itrti..ftl ¥?3 ^ I 'ks i iMri ii H'i-Wi-i> r^zriA (y>iijerraf/^'n ^v/p>?ni. E5E A^jy.^il-^tytlt^^'Vft^^lok^liU^ .//^y. ;7^^iTft^ | ttHii'fTit l iti.'^tfi ^ .,//iV. ;izt^^j^kM41'Vfifri-rqf]tfrT>fi>|ff4J : -^ lBL'ii i,'iivv..L%rtMffi^ I Ck ^^^ffiffiffl . //.^^. T/iK^:^-; ^feJtjS w gpsaB p^jgiait^^ JiOSTOIf YJ3-1 A 2. Can^ Sf^fames's. m^mim^m M'^. ;t^fHotf|LLa ^K^: (ant. J^etc ItimtoFs. LI. ^fii^ ?i^'h%ffry w^j^^jWhj ^ . luj. 'r^^mm^m^iAMW.m r ^%ffil>^Wntty |frff l +f'1r^'>ii ) Can/-. Oxford. 3,i JA' \\t i^ \Ai\ fKULoltl^ ^W^ JM. FrtlrlnN' ^B ,3« l <> <>l <^yr -»PW»- ^W^ 0-¥^ jS^ ^^■ nl-MiJr^ l 1fl-)i^lJTWiir A3 ^...J^. ru ■ wj iM ium i .ia ss ra/7t. SouthwelL ^ //.;/. pgjfejigfe^. gl^^ t '^JHpii .^ i^^^^^^^gtf^fe ^ <^/>///. ^ Standl/h ,//v ^f?t|t7f^fl^ Si ^ ^-c^;^'tr|fArf|.>Kji tf f | titfH,rf|yy^ <^///: FSALM XVUI. ^-44l^h ^ ??y l ,< hi ff^^l^^ l ifrf4oll^7^ 25z: fe.f#ri | T'tiif^.oh ^^ I f f tilt y<^k ^ IM. m^'^m.A^vh-mi^mx ^ ^ ,^.4 | M4ALr f 4^^Trf ti | ?YX- i^^ka[i>ijJttft^ f;4di;f%f^ A4. f (^i7ir. Wiiidlbr. . /A/. gf-gfjB^ SrFl^TN^tTiww i ^ '-^. ^Sg ps ^^^^ ";////. Exeter. pf:agW gg?#nHfefe^ //.v/ ^A-^^t l Ai iff^i^m aa^^ktniitibiP /in/: ^ ^^/7^/. Gloceiter. P^ AfrPR%^"t^ f i?tf //c./. Ba/: ^%hm^\nHh\Wi\K p- London new /^///T -L^WXXV^WX,^ XXV.VV. w ^=^ ^^^. if^--hi^hAX-n\ \ A\^mm^hAhp 'S^^%\i^\'^^\i^ \ '<'W\\^'i\\^^^ »-_ _-9B;;^ ."f -mk "--"^ ■■■I I mil I II (7;///-. Mear. sggPHg J9a/: ^^^SS^ *ji?e^ 3t^^g^|fe <^/// Namur ^r Portfniouth. gii ffrlHirki^ i^=irf^ pxr^rhi^i. ftrpg^joKiLgp » ytio-rntl^^NoM->|t|>- ?ii ^^l.1» /;?///. Norwich. ^ ^tJypj^fteCTfwfl^^ /A/ >fe-.y,a Rif FffW^rh^^^ fl^ffi tp i ^i//" isg^a^g g^a <^///. Southwell new: r^ /^/. i:^^- ' >^J<^-m^'>^cN44< ^ ^IJ< - ?^ ^^: T^^tfit^^^i^niffiF^if^t'i^ft^ i ^ i kT- /-f«/. Psalm lxxxi I^TflffTltftWhPI^ ±3ts ^.^rr?ti4yi|4|i.M 4!^ i Mtt;fc . //v/. ■gtKiL A' ? l 4"^^tlt"4i4>tL T -ff * E^:xi2: PttTWyRtbW-^httJ E ^ ^ ^ | j|M|fKi|r'|.|t|M|oi|j | .|fH|f" | ^ ^^1-- l i e f l#4^4M7lfo-^"tt^ Ctint: Psalm lxxxv ^l^H^S M saittsr ^\=- ,g ^^?tok'Wftt fe j fe^yiB ^/kf^. i^^S^^^^S p23^^S^g^3l^S //^r > ^^^pssaiss u'c^ Pt^ - w ...:.«L, r iii»»p leiMyy '?'?t«! SS^f^litS3J^§ii Pjgj^ g^'roiw i?^: 7^.^: QWW A^v Hunipbrey's. S: '> .vl" .^^y. ^ J ii.-JjT l ^>Tkli l TB ^^s ^gfMfffl^ti, mM ' ^ ^,4AXA4^W t%MM^ Can I: Psalm cxiii. i^- 4^^^^ ffi^M ai-#^hM^ g^$ »^p»ag tfa P ?fflg Jie^. g^^: M^H ^^>tif^W'Siii?jiffi§ii Venl C^rcatty)^. f^^,ittt?njYi?i^-^ftftt>f?t^itf ^^\^ ^,rfii^ ' >rii].>n l J>i^i>?Y|t^^^ri-^^T^1 Med. ¥MV\mMV^\>mim\n y::^^ ^ i/<>^'ku.ilJ-hlY^1-^ ' >to#W^f^ wm^mHn\'H<^h\\\^\\\)^^ ^fru rnerfc . 1^. ^^^ Cant. ^{?m&// rrld. lO ^Hed. tetettia^4 e 4\iA m i\\i^ 3ai: ^ ij ^^ fcpT^ia^ Cant Uan^/7c/tcr, ^¥f^mi'wum\u^ yM-ed. '-^ MAAWkm^^^ff\Ul.\^ J5af. ss^/^^/ o/^/^-^. i^^yA|^UjJi-'>-^luJL^^Ifff-'-l^h ' ^ijB J^'.r/; ?^^i4-nfLr't7itf^rYyifff|i.i-^'>^ii>yH»' t .y/i}^/^i. ?^oi]itl°'ntlT'Tf}|li|h1frf'?rynt?t^J $oTtyrHf#t]itkioh Mi W'^ ^ So/: r\ ^ B^. u ■it- CatUr. Pfaim 14^. imi^^lr i N^lititrfW 43^ f^ ;^'>lfrf|?P?t?l1IJ^^?lrilTW : Med. s^^^^^s S^M^tf^^g^P^JH ^ ^ ^ftw# ^ ^ ^:^ ^^^^^^^1 ^^^i^ Beiia ./%y. .^'?^l?f^W^fWh^f 1^^iJ^ Saf. f\ A Communion Hymn IIl^^ftf^lltFi#fr#ylJl^lr^F ^w. ^^ Ba>g!j^^B^ ■Baf WV^iWM^^B B3. Cant. S^David's. 12 ^ ■f'lftffkion i ft^ j ^^JWf^^j^ Jled. ^ "r-?tRs4|of7iKT<^?teyk Hackney or S!^ Mary's. Ma/ . 1 •-^■>.<>t!l^'>^^^|'')f'h1^ ' >yJ"ft l ?'|'-hi4v'{'j 9S Humphrey's. Cant. i ^ ^ ^ ,:^^fiift;iitij)ijffrft;}im ,ii-t ^iij}^ ,» ^t?h-uiinif^^i^yyf^^^[j^-ukij' i ^^lyf|1of]EaP#^1T?^'I^V-'' AUd. Sfft fE^ % ^g ^- ^ gtpipi B4 V Cant. G^4la)ii/?-:f. j^^ N LJ-ifl^^fit1i?l^ ' Kiji^tti > Md. HAA^mi^^MMWlAy n Baf ^■K o^ riTK I olimlol^ l ofl.AMouL^i Cant. L^^h>lm''l//e ^>f^UuJlc/l. m^m'mAm^ ^^mm ^4ied. \ UMWwwi^nmuii^ j^- B^: t\\\>m'u\Mn4Wivm m::^^ Cant. ^^uekrij^J A^UMfmiH^'JM^ JUed. "A'JMXkH'i^^o i^k^liilo iB P Baf. ?LPr'[T>lfi>^'hi^^gB Ctnt. ( ^Ja0a//? //^//n/i. WBt HiiAmPVfW^i^ ^ m (ant. ^ J)euJ7i. 14 .iJjJif^^fr?l?>Haitf4l4M :p^;^ l^^^^ "^^^^^^^^^ Cint. ^HeJ. TFe/lmlrJter. >fe ^^W ff^r f M't f l^^^^di ii ^ ^oi4i^im#.JL^<4lr f^^ Ll^'>ijJ ^ Cant. Ibrk. #^lf ? ?I4 >? y | H1 ^ttf M£^3!^ Med. ..i^gmlPfg^mB^^ ^ ^ ^s^^ ^giaaij : 15 ;i--;ife st3^G g^iife^Mt^ Ca/nt. Fs^iLM cxix. szi ^■ ffftnf- | .f,i,A,|.f,- i i§ gai ^Med, .u^\miA'\A\i\M^nA^^ ^^ /^ulifu y h^kuj ij^^^th^ :Baf '•'^"?^l^itilJ[>tihrKiin'rfyonitf ^ "vrt^''Vrn>fjifit.'MuH.>tilT t^ Qint. /^X^Z.¥CXLVIII ^^^^^^1 s j^« a.|i l .uJ.*ii- l -i4'i.J.u l uJ'i4LuliriiW> Mt4^T.rr' l r''fr']!ilr'H'!.iliif4ii.iH ./^^ Cajstterbuky. ^4ot?lt^?tlTr#tiH^^HfH^?^^l^ftHl^ i< 'ww\m'm\^ ^ ^ ^¥ T^ canr. ^n Commandment. 1(7 &flt^|'h1^hi1f^ ' >^'^i''f M#^Wt# ffj^lAAfA l -iJi» l Th-jHTtTi]|iat yTg^ jCant: Ps.4LM C. :i^ ^^Ll^'>f l trrlr^'>^li4 > nif^'^uM^V%^T S^ ^AUd^ yTfi^iM'^'¥rt4r? ^ TOmW# ^ #ulJ^^^lttf.ih-te a $^ ^arUr. FSALM CXXXVII .;t^^^il^'>Yri¥?t|trT -^^feil,^ « :z kWttH^M \hAM'^ ' Th ft#^ .JUd. Vn\h^UM^ A\\i\'\ik^ Va i^HW\¥\W^m\\VAHi JBrf *¥ rf l ^iii1.>h^ ' - l jr.It^hNkaltn i .ir E^ ■^'■m.i,iritJ..iTlir.. l 'M|T.^i,i]'vi|,v>. v/1.-^^ "^ / -^ ^'-^•o V^ — «-^ A.,.^ i.Jij:i a^^.^ a^e, -r / ~^^ ^^. /i. ---^nr Tvu. -?i JU. f-^. 7 ^^"^ tC X44 7w >Hw*^ < A^/" %/^#<- */^ ^' w^M,*^w^^ -«.c - ^^ ^ /ST /^ /iy^ / j!7lc >^^^^^ A-<^.1 — T"/— ^illivMili PfP- v*^- ^ 1742 A.D. [5395] BARNARD Qokn), A Excited and Directed : in a Sermon at i Lecture, in Boston, March 25th, 1742. Desire of the Hearers. 8vo, half morocco, uncut. Boston, printed; G — • L Lt I: »