ti^^ lUlRE BOOKS ;«si6 r M tibrarjp of Che theological ^mm-H/^^^,~;«^>"'o^>-t.,' Vv ^ .\:>. ^-I /" (!#c; T / V. •> tUTli'hc^ytxl- yfil 1 ■ Xj i^irvn frt>n hx>ny.^ '"^^^^^^MiUs^^ ':C^- W^ .w-^ /^ v^\. u .^^^srv ra,r\ rAC ^ A DBF ENCE O B TH£ T R V 5-:A N D C A - t ft biii^e Doctrtue of t!je facca^ mtnt of tl)t boup anD blouD oibui?rau(otiCcHRisT,tDtti? - aconfutat^otiof rantijp ctms concctnpug tljefamc , grouu' ' C0 Dolp toooirse , ^ app?oacD ■J:5 % fe^ //bpfconfetttoftl^cmollc auit* / xtciit Doctors of t^JCiCtjum^c. v:; THOMAS ARCHEBYSHOP ct Carttctbutp, p}iv;nm of all aub ^ctcopoUtane. fe^l % jit fl it pr ofitcthnothmg-i ^ ^'joinm^^ ~~"~ III MM* Thisboke is dtuideiinio fine partem* C^e fp;i! 10 of tlie ttwz anD cat^oIpHe Doctfne anD bteof t^e racrament of t!;e boop atiD blut^ of ouri^uiouc c H R 1 5 T £♦ Cbe fecotiDe (0 agapaS f^e errout of (Ctanfttli- Oantiation^ Cl^e tbp^De teacl^et^ t^e manec l^otoe c h r 1 5 r tep^eCentm ^i0^otp Oipper. p^e fou>ert!| 10 of t^e eatpnge and t^jitnl^ptrs of i\)t UoDp anD blaD of mx ^aulot c h r i s t^ C^e fpfe boK( f0 of t^e oblation anD facctfke of one ^auiouc c hrist* A PREFACE TO THE READER. VR SA V 10 VR C HRI ST 3Ie(tt0,«[cc93^t)png to t^e topU of ^p0 cternall fatt^ec, tD^eti tbettmet!)ectoit)a0 fuUp co- pU(l^cD,tai^f g out nature f)p^ pon f)(m,cam into t^is iuorlD fcome tl)e l)t$^ tli^one of f|p£( jFat^er, to Declare buco nn(eral)le fmner0 , qood ne^e$, to tieaU ttiem tl)Ut toec fpck, to make t\)z blino to ree,tbe Deaf to ^leat;,^ t^e Domb to rpel(e> to (ec p^tConers at ttbectee,to Q)t\si tbat tbe tpme of gcace ^ meccp toas come,to g(ue Ugbt to tbem cbat t»er m Dat;Une0 ano in tbe O^aDoto of Dcatb > anD CO p;teac^ anD geue pacDo anD ful cemtnTion offtnne to ail IjiQ electeD« 3nD to pei^fourme tbc fame, be maoe a facctftce ^ oblacton of b^^ otone boDp bpon tbe ccoire,tD^tcbe tua0 a tul reocmp^ t(on>ratt0f action ^ p^opttf atton ^o} tbe rtnne0 of § tD^ole tDo^tlD. 3lnD to coi^euD tbts bi0 Cacctftce l)nto al bts faitbful people, auD to confirm tbeir faitb ^ bopeof etetnall faluacion in tbe fame be batb oiioeineD a perpetual mcmo^p of bi0 faiD fa crifice,Dailp to be DfeD in tbe Cburcb to bi0 per- petuallauD $ p?acre> ^ to our finguler comfort $ cofolacion, (Cbat i0 to faie, f celeb^acion of bP0 bolp rupper,U)becin be Dotb not czfic to giuebim felfe U)Ub al bi0 benefite0 to all tboCe tbat Duelp ceceia^ tbe fame fvipper,acco?Ding; to bi0 bieflfcD c^uinanjce^^ut tbe iRomil^ anttcb jift,to Deface *M. tm A PRETACF, tW great benefite Of Cf)jifte,ftatlieatt5^tt^at tiiB faccifice ^poii ^ ct;oO:e is not fuffccCent ^cre^ Dnco, toitijout ati otljec facriifice DeutfeD Up Ijim; ano niaoe bp ti)t p^ieR.oj els tDitI>out 3noalgf > ces,i6eaDes, ^arDous, j^plgccmages,anD (ucfe ati)ecpeIfcap,torupplp €i}?Ules tinpecfectian* ^uDt^atco^iftenpeoptecannoJ applp tatbeim felues t\)e benefited of C^jtftcs paffton^buc tfjat t!?e fame t0 ill ttje Dianbiittonof tl^e bpQJop of momc, 0^ els tbat bp €\)Mc iae tjaue no full w- milTion, but be Df JpueceD onelp from fpnue, ana pet cemapnetb f empo^allc pcpne In l^ucgntozpe Due fo^ tbe fame,to be rcmittco after tw Ipfc bp t\}z momtffle amicbjiae anb W mtniftet:s,l»bQ take i3pon tljiem toDo fc; bs, tbat tbpng,tiDbrc^c CbM^t eitberUrottiD not,o^ coulD not do, ^ b^P- Jious blarpbcmp anb mofte Detectable miucpc a^ gatna ct);iite* jS>tDpclie'oabl}onunation mt\}z teple of <^oD> ^ pjioe fntolerable of mticWtt:, ^ moft manpfed token of tbe fonne of pacoitlon, ejetollpnge bpm felfe aboue (BOD, ^ tottb Xucifec eicaltpng b^s (eate ^ potuer aboue. tbe tbjone of t^3D. #oM)e tbat taketb bpo \)m tofuppiptljat t\)mQ tirljicbe be p^etenDetb to bee bnpetfecte in Cbl^iil.mud nebes mafee bim felf e aboue Cb^itft, anD io betpinticbJift. f oj tubat is t\}iB els,but to be agaf nit (Eb^iftj^ to b;png bpm in cotempt;' as one tbat et'tbec fo? lacke of cbaritee UjoId not, O2fojtlacueof potoetbeeoulDenot, toitball t^is bloaDlQeaDpnganD DeatbccleetelpDelpuet lii& faptl?full,ano spttet^eimfmuemiffton of tbeic TO tUE R E ADBR» ^ {ftmt^, htxt tfiat tlK M petf ectto t\)tmt mu^ he r^au at t^e Ijaoeg of ^nttc^i^itt of mmt^W mi mltetsr ^^atmaof i»noMe|$e$5eBleto ti)e true c^^tllen reltgiou tourneo tnto tzv^ tapn^ppoccttjcal ^ fuperlltcious rectes>tbepeou pie p^aipng toJitl} tbeir moutljes,^ ^eac^ng tottl^ tbcir eares tl)ep mpd ni^t b^at> ^ fa ignorant in 4^ot^g too^oe, tt)at tbep coulonot ^trcersie ^ppo^ criCp ^Cuperattton fcomtrue ^fpnrere religions? (C^is m$ of late pere0 t\)Z face oe religion \s)itfy in tbis realiue of (^nglanoe, $ pet remapnetl) it^ Dpuers realme04t3ut tban^es bee toalmigl^tpe icl) cbep DnoetdaD/ro t^at tl^eirbeartes ^moutbe0 mapgotogitber.auD be none of tfjcfe people of to^omCbJiltfomplapneo, faipngtcbefe peo- ^atb'i^ ple^xmour me Uiitl} tl)cp?lpppe0,but tbeir^er^ te0 be farre from me*c^anUe0 be to (150D man? corrupt toeeDes bee pluc^eo bppe, tobicbe Ujere toonte to rotte tl)c Soc^e of C^?i(l, ano to let t^e: im^jtM ^^ t^^ ttp^oes iiarueft. *iit ;©«t TO Tl^E RE A DE R, mt tD^at mmtt^ it to ta^e abap t)eaDe0,pac^ Da0> pugtemages,anD fuc^e ot^ec ipue iaoperp rolonga£iauc^feeraote& remapn ^npulUD i]ipr tD^crof Co ioiig a0 t^ei t;emapn,tDa (pm$ agapti ai fo^mec tmpeotmentcB of tl^e Xo}D0 ^arueft, 9 corruption of l^ts flock* C^e tcit is butoaaucyes ano i«aue0,tt)e cuttpng atoa^ it)i}erof,t0 but UU copppng ano lopppng of a tree>o; cuttpng Doluti of lDeDc0,lcttpng t^e boop (laopng,^ t^c codte0 tn t^e gt;ounDe,but t^e beep boDp of t^e tcee, 0; catber t^e roote0 of t^e tDCDe0>t0t^e ^optd^ do- ctttueof Ccanfubaatiationof ttjeceaip^efence of c^^ides fleO^e ano blouo in tl)e factament of tbc aultare (as t^ep call it) ano of t^e facrifice ^ oblation of €Wtt maoe bp t^e p^ted, f o^j tbe fal nation of t\)t quicU ano tt^e oeaov^^tc^ rooted tf t^ei be fuffteD to gtote in t^e Tlom l^ineparD, tUep topi ouerrp^eao all ti^e gcouno agapn^toit^ t^eolDert:out0$rupet;(lition04 C^ife iniutie0 CO €W^ ^^ To intoUerable,t^at no c^;i(iia ^eart can tDtllpnglp beate ti^eim^^berfo^e feing tl^ac tnanp baue fet to t^eir banos, $ ^l^ttttr) t\)tit to Ie0,to ^uc& bp $ l]3eDe0, ^ to cut DoUine § tree of errour, Ji not knotupng ot^erisife ^otp to ejccufe mp felfe at t^elaft Date, t^aue in t^is bool^e fet to inp ^anD anD aice toitb tbe red^to cut Dotsne t^is mt, m\) to plucke bp t^e t])cDc0 ano plantes b^ ti^e roote0,tD^icl| our !)eueulp jf atl^er neuer pla- teD» but Uiere gcafceo anD rotten in I)i0 t^ineparo bp bi0 aDuerfacp tfte Dpuell,anD 3finticlj;(fte ^i0 ttimiftectCb^ ttojDsrant,tbat tl?i0 mp trauaip TO THE READER* ano labour in bts tilneparoe, be not m ht^vn.bnt tbac it map piofpct; atiD bms fo^tf) gooD rtute£^ to ^10 ^ono^ atiD 8lo;p^ f o^ isf^an J He ^ts time parD ouecgcotDcntoitf) tbo^ne0,b^amble0^^ toe^ De0, 31 MotD tt^at eu£t;iait$>ng; too appectdpneti> tinto me, if J boloe mp pcace^ano put not to mp Canoes $tong> to laboucmpucgpng W \)mz- pacD*(0oD 31 taue to ioUnes (l^bo feetb tbe ^act{ oeal men t^^ugt)lp Dnto tbe bottom}t^at J taHe t^(5 labo w; fo; none ot^eccoMfioeratton^but to i tfyt glo^orbts name^^tbetiUcbacgeormpDue tte^ano tbe 5eale tl^at 3 beace totuacD tbe SocU o€ Cb^t(t« 3 t^nobe m bbat office goi^ batb placets me,^ to tobat pucpofe^tbat is to rap,to fet f onbe bis U)Op trulp bnto bis people, to tbe bttecmDft of mplpobet^luitbout refpect of ]^ron,o; cegaroe of tbpng in tbebo^lD,but of bpmalone«3 &nob> lobat accompt 3 (Dail maue to bimbeceof at tbe lad Dap,tDba mtt^ ma (ball anfbiece toi, W bo^ cation, ano receiue fo^ tbe fame gooo o^pl^aco;- t]^n^ as be batb cone. 3 Hnotoe boh) I0nticb;i(te batb obfcuuD tbe glo^p of d^oo,^ tbe ttut knotn lege of bts U)o;D,ouecca(lpng;tbe fame tDitb mp^ ftesanbclouDes of erconc ant^igno^ance, tbo^ tougb falfe glofes anD intecpjetations* Jt piti* etb me to fee tbe fpmple anc^ bungcpe Soc^e of Cb!^tftleoDeinto corrupt paaures^tobeecaticD blpnof ielD ,tbep fenotu not tobetbec, anb to be tt^ tDttb popfort in tbe fteoe of bolfome meates* SUno moneo bp tbe ouetie, office anD place, tobec Dnto it batb pleafeo (^oD to call me, J gene toac npnge T O THE RIB A DER; mmsfn^ie; name t3nta all t^at p^ofefiTe C^;t(le t^at tbep ftec fau fto ?5abplott, if t^ep topli fauc ti^cf c foules, ^ to beina^e af tijat great harlot, g 5S to fap«, t^c pcatfetottS (ea of Eomc , cl^at Ibe mafecpounotD^orifeetDUljfjct; pleafaunt \x>vfie, ©cua not ^ec Ctocete pjonufes^no? baulutte not toit^ftec,fo^lnftccDeof b.nn£0)eiupllgpucrou^ Cotocc Djegges, auD fo j mate (be miiU tm pm Mtt^ m\^ popfon*3^ut tome to our reocmcr ano famouc Cfi?ifte,it)l^o refcef^ctft allt^atrrciyeip <;omet5ntol)pm,betl5eirangiuQ^e anD ^euprieg iteutcfo great* d^eueereDUe Duto^ljpm^tn M)o\c ntotttfte ujas neuer fonuD gtle^ tu)^ Dntrut^, 23? l)pmpoufI)albc clereipoelptiereD from allpour titreafe^,of ^pmpottftailfiauefultcmidion A pena 8C acuIpa,i^C€ MB tl)Ut itmttfy COnf pn«al- Ip all tjjat belong bnto ))m, ^itb W otone ecfl) tliatiiangeobpontljecrofre, anDgpuctI) tl)em D^pnl^e ot tl^e blouD,Holi}pnge oute of biQ otune fpoe, anD maUct^ to fp?page uiftl^tn t^em,toatcr t^atflotoet^tjntoeiierlaSpng^ Ipfe* apUcnttot to t^efalfe incantattonsjujeete tu^ifperpngs, ^ craftp tuglpnges of tbe fubtp! j^apides^^^ere- iMttli tijep liane tljiB manp peare0 i^eluDeD auD fjeUjUcljCDCfte lyo?lt),but!)arkcn to Cljjtfr, glue -eare pnto bis too^Dss, to'grcb CI?aU Icaoe pou tl>e cpgbte {»3pbntoeueda(fpnge Ipfc,t^ere feitl^ ^pm to ipU'e eucr as b wes of Ijl6 UpngDome^ THE FIR5T BO KB IS OP « THE TRVH AND CATHO- LIKE DOCTRINE AND VSE OF Cbe racrament oe t^e boop ant) blotto orottcrattiouccHRisT^ HE SVPPER or THE lojoe, otbettopfe calUDC^ap *♦ Cbe ^olp Cotitmutitono? Sawament of tbe boope f^JJ^J^ atiD blouoorouterautout;(($fupp(( Cbl^tft,^at4 been of manp meu, ano bp fonojp tuapes becpe ttiucbe abufeo, but rpeclallp tottbttit^eret^tt. o; fpiie bunb^etb peare0« SX Come it batb been Ke0 a0 a facctf tee p;opf cf ato^pe f o; fpnne, and otbeciDpre rupecdtctouflp, facte from t^e entent ebat c H R I s T DPD fp^d o;bapne tbe fame at tbe begtnttpttg, oepng tberetn great lv?ongeanD toturp to bt0beacbanopaffton« ^ittoofotbec (om tt batb been betl Ugbtlpe edemeb , o^ catl^et; contemneD auo D<();»treD,a0 atbpngof fmalioi; of none effected 3itiDt(|U5betlt)enebotbtbepat:s tpes batb bzzn mucbe balance ano contenctoti tn Diuer0 places o( CbjtiHenbome. CberfoK to ebe Intent tbattbts boip ^acramento?>lo;De0 fuppec>tnap b^^c^afte^ nettbec of tbe onepartie bee contemneD o^ Ugbtlpe(leemeD,no;oftbeo^ tl^tt pauube abufeb to anp otbet pncpore, r^n THE TRVE DOCTRII^E AND VSE 'CWWniMtt hit) fp;ft apt^otntanD o^Dapn tl^t fanie,anD t^at fo.t^e comcncion on bott» pactieg map bee quieted ano cnDei», t^e inooUe fure atiD plapne loape(0,tacl(auetntotjolp (ct(p(ure» ^OO^ecin toj^atfeeuet; 10 founD, muft be taken fo; n moft fuse gtounD anD an tnfalitble truet^i^anD iDbatfoeuet can not be grounticD bpon ti)e (ame (toucbpngottt; faptb)t6 mannes Dcntfe, c^aun>t geable ano bncertapne » 3^nD t^erto^e bete are fettefttctb tbel3erpt»o;De0>tbatCb;tSl)(m(elfe anD bts 3poftle falnet \^m\t rpal^e, botb oett;e eatpng anD D? l^atft etierlaClpngc life, ano alfo \)t t^at eatet^ ano ozpn^et^ t^eim tiot,f)atftuot cttetlaflpnglpfe* f b^to eate t^at p .^ meate^o;pnfeet^atD?pnfte,t0toDU>eIltn €iitif!t tr^a ano to ()aue Cd^ifl tx^ellpttg; in ^iim aino t^crf oje no ma can fap o; tli^nht, tl) at (je a«^. 'fc ci* catctft t^eboop of : :^nO tabptts tjgie cuppe, M)t)en De Dangeuen t)^mus,Dte gaueittotheym, ano tljepaU Dianftt of ir. zn^ be frtpD to tf^m : Xl)(s is mp biouD o( tfK nc^e teaament, toDUt) is Gittt tot mmi^.mtilv 3 fa V$ B l)t toft c bread , aw) tufjcn l)e Dm gttien tljanfteS, Dee brakeu anD gaucit iJUtO tO'in.Caipeng: cots temp ODD?, wi^i* c^e isffeuen f o? poii. XD^^s Dooe m re* inemD^ance of me. %ium(t alto toDa De Dao fttPP^O, i>e toftethccup , faipng: This cup is chc ncmtclUmcnt in mybloud^ Xol)tcl;eistl)ei>Defo??oii, i^pt^ecco pott tiaue beacD all tW tbe (Cuatt^ geuaes osclace , tt^at c^^td Ipa&e o^ DpD at ^ps^ t^deruppec^concecnpttjjtt^e mfttmcton ot t^e Comuutoti anD racrament of bis boop $ blom* ^otDepoa(Qalli)cai;e\s^at(a(tTct i^aule rapt(i cocempng t^c (ame , ui t^e tentb c^apitec of t^e nca CO (t;^ Co^tnt^tatis^ toliece ^e Utjitet^ t^u0# f.£o^«o. jsnot thecup of bleffj>tt3e,tD&?tDe U)ee Weffe ; a cSmunion o£ ti)e blottOe of C^J'tttjS nOtthebfeadtphichttjebrcakji a communioii of ti)t bODpt Of CD^tfte f a»e be^rtge manp , are one bstea&e am oneboop^i^ameaii are partaiiers of one b^ieao ano of one cuppe. Mw^Uit^t tlmmt\) l^efpea^et^ ott t^te matierv OT TUB lORDES. STPPER. 4 3 rectaneD of tI)efio;Dei ^o; tiitlofb 3efus,t8e fame nv^t.ux tlje toftrtft ije ^as betmieD, tobbe bread , ano )tf^att ^eDaDQenenti)an6eg,f)e brake it^anu faptje t 'j:a6e, eate, t^tt is mv fcoope, )»D(cl)e tsbjo&en fo; vou. a>oo tt)tg m teinemb^anteof me. fLtbevoiteaKo he tone the cup, toijan fuppcr toas uocrie, ratptiQ : sDts (uppe ts tl)e netoe ma ttient m mr bioute. ^co ti^is us tutn ss ^ou D2mi^ it, in remembrance of me* jl^o}.asdften as pott (Dai eat t{)te bread atib b?mftc this cuppe , njetoe foutie tDc fLojbcS beatft tyiihe come. Wftetefo^ itoDo To etter(^au eate of tDts breade o; Wptifte of tt)ts cuppe j)nVBo?tl)Up, fl&ail be si^itte of t^t bobp atib bloube of tlte iio;b.a5nt leta man ejcamme Dim felf; anb To eate of t^e brcade anb mvmt of it|)tcuppe. ^0?|)eftliateatiethanddrin= keth j)ntoo?tl)ilp, eatetD anb bjpnSf tft hvs otone bamnatton , bptanfe hema^ IccthnodifFerenecof the Lordcs bodyc. if 0? tfjts tatjfe mannp are tocafte anb THE TRVE DOCTRtNE AND VSE Cptkeamonspou^anD manpDo fleape. (Cl(idii9elt(ic0, atiD bp t^e Doccclni al(o of faf ttce t^aule (b^ict^e ^e confeOTet^ cta( l^e (ecepucD of Ct^^((le) tU)o ctipnge^ rpectallp ace ta be noteD* Cf?ap«4^ fp^ftt^at out rau(oisvCt);ift called t^e mate::: izniia rfai b^cad tobtct^e ^e b?a&e,^t0 baop, $ tbe ivptK caiuD t^e (iDf^icbe u>a0 tbe frutte of tbe t)pne)bts bioud. SlcsV^bid ^"^ ^^^ ^^ ^^^^^ ^^^ ^^^^ ^^ ^^^ intent tbae bour* menne ^otilt^ tbpnke» tbat inatectall b^eab ig> i|l0 berp baop,o^ t^at bis necp boiip iis matecial b^eao, neitbec tbat b^ptiemabe of gmp^s is ^iff t^ecpblouoDe.o; tbat bis tietp blouDDei0tppne maoeof (iai:ape0, but to figmeie bnto t)i (as $^« a*CQ}.iQ 0au(erapt4) tbat tbe cuppeisacommtmionof Cb^iliesblouD^ t^atiDas (i^ebb^^j 1}0,ano t^e b;ieaD is a comunion ol bis fiel^e tbat loas ecu* etftebfoa bs. &o t^at altbougtr in tbe tcuetb of i^is bumane natuce^ Cb^e bee in ^auen, ann «S«f.wt.^ftctb on tlje cigbtebanoe of <0od tbefatbet^ pet lobofoeuec eatetb of tbat b^eao intbernp- pec of tbe Jlo^oe,^ acco;opng; to C^^iiesinai^ tucion ani^ o^Dinaunce > is alTttceix of Cb^iSeiS atone p^ompfe anbte(tament« tbat be is a mem- hn of bts boope, anti cecepuctb tbe benetptes^f bis pa(rton> uibicbe be (uSecet> m bs tipon ttie Ccoile. :^im Ipbetopfe betbat i^^num^tt^ belpeeuppe intW fuppec oftbeXo;oe,dceo^ &png to c H R 1 s T E 5 inftittttibn, iS ctctijpeb bip OF THE L OR DE S SVPPER, j, €W(lts legacfe anD ttftmmnt, tW l)t is mdDe pattanecor t^eblouDeor C^M^le^tDt^^cl^e it)a0 (^cD ro; ^0« ainD tbts ment fapncte i^aule.tefjett >> ftc faitb : 30 not tUe cuppc of bUfTpng \»W) toe ,,co^io. >» blefTe, a Communton of tl^e blouDe of C^M^e < ^' 30 not t^e b^eaDe,tot)pct)e toe bieake, a commu^ 'MUonof tbeboDpeof Cl^^ider^o ti^at jio man can contemne ojilpgi^telp cfteeme t^(0 ^o:p com^ tnunton, ejcceptef^e contemne aifo C()^t(le0bO' DpanDbiouDe,anD paHTe not to^et^er be l^aue anp f elotof^r p totitj f)m 0; no.3DnD of tl^ofe men ratnctc|^auleratetb,tbat tl^epeate anOD^pnae >«co^tu tbe(c otone Damnation, bpcauCe tt^ep eOeme not tljeboDpof Cbaifte* -, Clje feconoe tupng tobtc^e map bee letneb of ^^^^\ ^* tl)efo;rapDetoo;De0of Cb^fteanofapnt {^aule ^supi mcti l0tbt0:tt)atdUl)OU9bnone eatetl^ tbebpopeof tiocatetbe Cbj^(fte,anDD?pnfect^ 1)10 blouoe, but tljepftane f««««"fot etemall Ipfe, (a0 apperet^ bp t^e too^Dc0 before ^^l^^^ recaeoof ^.aobn^pctbot^etbegooD ano tlje 2 St bao boo eatc ano D;putv t^e b^eao anb topncto^i 2Don,6. (be beeti^e ^acramentc0 of tl)e fame* But be^s nnetl^e^accamentcs, tl^e gooD eatetl) euerla^ flpng ipfe, tbe eupll euetlaftpnge Deatli.cbere? >>fo;e &, i^aulefapet!): ^\)o loeucc^all eate >.:Co^ll. »of tf)e b^caooe , oj^ o^pnbe of tbe cuppe of tbe j>S.o?oe l3ntoo?t^plp,befl?allbegYiticof tljebpDpe »anDblouDDe of t^e?lo?be« l^ece fapnct )dau(e faftb not, t!;at ^e t^at catetb tbe b^caoe,o; D;pn? betl)tbecupof ti)e)lo^oe bntooo^t^plp,eatetb anbb^pnHet^ t^e boop ano blouo of t^e ^o^De, 75»U \y\M THE TRVE DOCTRINE AND V SB batl^siltUoft^cboDpatiDblouDol tbe TLo}^, t coi II ^^^ ^^^^ ^^ eatctb ano Dipiifeetl) g». paul oe^ « clacetl) > fapciige : i^e tljat eatetl) atw) D^pnfeetb >, bntuoojtl/vlpe, eat^tti anD tu-pafeetlj^is oton« Damimtton* C?>«3 is DccIareD tfje funmie oi all t^at rcri- ptttce fpcafect!) at' tljc catpnge anD o^pnHpngc, i>otl)c of tl^c boDp atm blouD of Ct^})iCt) ano alio of tbeCacramcntol tljefamc C}?ap,«5* A N D as ^bcfe tljpngcB bcmaS cittattUpaue bpcaufe tb^ P be (poUeri bp Cb^Ule l)pm fcif e, tbe ^f[^gf;atttbo;of ailtcutfjc.atmbpbisboip apoftu ^. fo?a cijci* ^amc,a0l|e weauebtbemof cb;ift,foaUbo^ ftcn mans cttim^ contcatp to tbe fame, be moflc utt^uuly faitD con* falfe auD bnttue, auD of all cb?tftiaiT men to ba toS ca?ra efcbucD,bpcau[e tbcp be coiucarp to goDs b)o;D. mmt* SnoalDDCtcmeconcempngtbte mat(er,tbatt9 tno^ecbattcbts, tDbtcbefs not gtounoco bpoti <0oDDcs bjo^bc, 15 of nancee(rttee,ncttbcc ougbt tl)t peoples; beaoeg to be bufpeo, t} t\)m confct- enceg ttoubleo toitb tbe fame, ^o ttjat tbpiiSf » fpoHen anb Done b^ dCb^Jftf, anD iD^itten bp t^e bolpCuaugeliftes ano S>> ^autc,ougl)t to fuf=^ fife tbefaitli of cb;t(lc» people, as toucljpng tbe boctctne of tbe HmtB fupper, anD bolp comma uton oiTaccanieut of bts boDi> anD blouoe^ 3(»bpcbctbpnge beepngtoeluonfpDetcD anu toaicDjlftalbe a iuft oecafton to paccfp auD agree botbe parties, as toiil tbeim tbnt bptberto baue eontemtieD o? ipgbtlp eftemeo tt, as alfo tbepm iMbic(^iiaiie !)ptf|etto foj laefee of UnotDleDge ay Qtfjet?- OFTHELORDESSVPPER* ^ c H R J s T E o^Dcpneo t\)z faccamcnt to mouc ci?ap*7» ano Cp^ic all men to fccnDett^pp, loue, auo coip ^^^ ..-^. cozo:, anD to put atvar all battcD, l^actance ano mm to?( Drrco^De^anD to tcftlfie a b^ nljcilp auo bnCaiHeD rtjetoaso^ louebettDeneaUtbettutliatbee t^t memb^es ot^^rneDco Cb^ft : but tlie DiueU, tfje cucmp of Cb^tft, ano J^conVoT of aibi£^menib^c&,batbroccafttlptuggUDbei^t9 mcnco in,tl}atof notbpngrpfetbfomucbe contention, mtotueoc as of tbis bolp factament* bSnJr <^oDgraunttbatai contention fee arme, boti^ $d((co;o(. tbe parties mape come to tljis boip communion taiti^ fucb a ipuclp fattb in €Wflt, ano Cucbean ^nfaineDlouetoallCb^iitesmemb^es, tl^at as tl^ep carnailp eate tDitb tbeir moutbe tbis facca- mentall b^cao ano D.ipna tbe tupne/o fpictiuallp tbepmape eate ano D^pnHe tbe^ecpe aeQ)e ano UouDe of Cb^i(^^3 tubpcbe is in beauen,anD fit- cetbontberigbtb^tiDeof bis fatbec, iiinD tbac fpnalip bp bis meanes,tbep map eniop toit^ bim t^eglo^panotipngDonie of beauen. ^men. ^Itbo in tbis tteatie of tbe (accamente of tbe Chap.e; boDp ano blouo of ouc Cauiouc €W^^» J ^aue alceaop fufl^icientlp oeclateo tbe inaitution anD meanpngof tbe fame, acco^opnge to tbe berpe iDo^^oes of tbe gofpell ano of faint 0aule, pet it fl)al( not bee in ))apne fometobat mo^e at large to Declare tbe fame, acco^Dpnge to tbe mpnoe.as hjellof bo|p fcripture, as of oloe auncient au« t(lo?6, anb tbat to fincetelp ano platnlp,tDttboui; Doubtes, ambiguitees.o; bapne queaions, tbac :^.ii. tbe THE TRVHDOCTRINE AND VSE t\)t berp rpmple atto bnlerncD people, map eatp^ ip btiDcrdanoe tlie Came, ano be eDttteo tt)erl)p^ /^-c SnDtl)tsdp<5oDDcs grace (smpiie ouelpin- / tent atiD Defpze, tljat tl?e flocHe of Ct)?i!le Dtlpet:* I (eDt!Ul)tst:eaime(ainongUjl)om3ain apj^otn^ F tcDafpeciallpartouc)mapcnolonget lacfeetfte / commoDitee anD fcuite, Uj|)ict; [pinvgetl) ot tl)ts W^cauenlp fenotolcogc* f o; tf^e mo;e clerelp it is Diioerftanoe, tije moie fujetenes,fcttir,comfo?te, ano cDtftcatton it i^^pngetb tot^egoDlpetccea- uerg tijere of* 3nD to tl)t cleete DnDcrftanor nge 0^ tt)ts faccamentc, opuccstljpnges muftcbcc cotifpoeceD* Cf?ap, p» ^ ^' ^ ^ ^' ^^^^ ^^ ^^^ "J^" ^^ ^^^P^^ ^^'^^^^^ ^^^ l^nners, anD tl)o;ougI)e fpnne bee in <25oddc0 Mt tpiti \3^;^tf^t, banpdKD far aiuap fco bptti, conoemneD i"cci to^* to i)cll anUi cueciaftji^ng Damnation, ano none is^ amcflfi of clearelpinnoccnte, but Ctjjifte alone :(o euecp i^cfouic fotiie infpieeo bp (i50D>i5 oelp^ous tobe oelpue- ^om ** *^^^ ^^^" ^^^^"^ ^"^ ^^^^^» ^^^^ to obtepne at dE^oD^- ^' &C0 banoes, meccp,fauouc, cpgtjtuottriies, ano euftladpngraluation. MD tl^is eainc{leani>gteateDffp?e, is called- in rcciptttce,rxbc()«ngec ano tbictl of tbefoule: tttitbUjf)tcf>e HpnDe of bungcr l^autD teas ta- i^t4i:» lieii,toljannc!KfapDe: 3^9 an fjattelcngetl) foj. ^^•fp^pngeg ol toatec, fo Dotb my fuuie bnge foj; tbe y^^iBon, My rou!cl?atf?thYrrrcd after 0OD, tobO ^£3 iB tbe toell of ipfe My fouk tl?yrft€tl? toi tlje, mp- :>. fl[ea)e tjjp^etl) fo? tbe, anotbisbungcc tbefceIppoo;efpnfuU foale of THE tORDES SVPPER* y fljebjetli Dntatiect!)el^o?cltJlcneflrc of fpmie,tbc^&om» -4^ icrtoucof (500S inocgnatton , ano tde t)o;i;ou5 ofueatljanDeucclaftFugoarananon* «^ m.z^ ainDivbana)creec^nocl)pnge but Daninatlon 1^0,^3, f 0; j^ec o(f eiice0> Up iufliice ano accuiacioa ot t^e latDe^auDtt^psDampnaciantgeucc becro;e ^eu cle0, tl^an tu tf^(9 gceac DiUcedc ctje foule bcpn-^ p^efTeD ^ttt) l)eiipne(re ^ lo^ouie, {%tuu\ f 0^ foine comfo;te,anD oehcct^ (ome ccmcop Co; l)ci; niUje- rablc an'o fozoit)full eftate, aino W^ t'ceipng oir ijei DamuabiC conotrion.ana gceop oetp^i^ ot it- fteC^png.ts ti)c fpicituail t)uii$ec or c^e foule/ 3 no tD^o fo eucc t^atti tf)ig goDlpe t)ungei;, \% blcdeD or (150D, auD Q}ai tjaue meate aiiD D^pn&e 5>pnoug!), as COjift (jpmlelf fapD;23ie(reD be tt)cp la^atij.f. » tbat ijunQci; ano tt?p;in fo; ctg^touftK$> fo^t^cp fbalbc fpUcD full. 31110 on t^otl^et fpDe,tt>ep tl^ac lee nottbcpzoiunefpnfull anD Damnable eflate, but tbptiUe thepm felucs Ijolpe pneuglje, atio tii gooD cafe asiD conDtcion pnougbe^ as tt)tp ^aue no fplckuali t)uni$ec, fo l^all rl)ep not bee fcD of p©0D Ujltb anp fpicifuall fooDc» f 0; as alinigbtp 3>80Df€eDctl)tl)CHU{)atbel)ungcp,foootl)t}efcnD^"^''* 5>atoapemptpailtl)atbcenat l)ungKp. But m% tjunset ano K\^n^ is not eaft^lp per>- tt^\xtx^ of tl}e catnall man. fo; toi)an !)e Ijcacet!^ tiK bolp gtiotlc fpcaUe of mcate auD o^ptU^c, t)is mpubeisbpanDbpintbeUptcljen ano butceip, anDbetbpnbetljtjpponbis opines auDpottes, b(smoutt)eauDl)t0 beaipe. TttE TRV.E DOCTRIK£ A»TD VSE 23ttt t^e (cnpt tire in fttno^p placed t^fetb fpe^ cfau too;De0, i])beeeb2> to o^atne out geode mrn- oeistcomttieptiantdrpengof ourteecl^ anobei^ Ip, ano from t^ts cactiall ano SeC^elp imaguib(cbe ts Mt\) tbemoutb ano tbe tb^otc^ S^tlictDtfe toban be fapo to tbe tpoman of ^a- jfi^.4o5 maria: aa)bo foeucr (^all D?pnfeeof tbat toa* » tertbat3|(Qallgeuebpm>(9aUneuerbe tbicap ^ agapn^CbeptbatbearDbPmfpeahetboCeUfo;^ ties, mpgbt ^eil percepue tbat be bent about to make tbem toel acquapnteo i»(tb an otber l^pnD of Djtpnl^pnge, tbants tbe o^pnbpnge tottbtbe ittoutb ano tb.iote* if o^ tbece is no Cucbe bpno of D^pnlie, tbat tttitb ones D^puHpnge can quencbc tbe tbtrft of a mans boDp fo; etier. XObeiof o;e, tti fiipeng : #e (tfM netier be tb^rilp agapn . be npd baatoe OJ THE LORDES 5VPPER* 9 mouti)>t)nto ail otl)er l^tnDe ofD^tnkpng iDi^ciof t()ep bneU) not, aiiD Uuto an oti^rc Hmoe of t^ir- ftltige tsil)ertt>(t{> a0 pet ti^ep luece not acquapn^ D.teD^ mtro tolK» our fautouc Ctr^d fati^, l^e t^ac ^f^omer. xcometft to ine> a>aU not !)utisi;t, ano f^e tl^ac bt* »leuerl)onmeQ)aUncucrl^t;et|)tcape* ^ce gaue t!)etma plains b^atc^e t^o^De ,t^at tt^ete toas an otijcc Hfnoe of meat auD DitttKf ,t^en tfjat bil^ere tottl) IjefeDttjemat tljot^ccfpDeof t(>e1»atet , ^ an otl^er titnoe o^ l^uti^ectug ano tf)p;(lmg,tl^n toa? tl)e litiugrtitge ano t!)f rlirtnge of tl)e boDpe* :23ptl^ereU)0]tDi'St^et:fojie ^eDj^ouet^e people to t^noerdanoe another &pno^ of eating ano D;iln- Hpng,of f^aiigcptt^anot^p^ftpnge, ttjen tftae iiil)pcl;ebclongetljoaelpfo;tftc p^efetuaclon of mnpo;aU[pfc^ 0OW ttjettas tlje tf>pitg t^atcomfojtet!) t\)$ boop,is calleo meat mm Ditmfee,of a ipfee ro?t tl^e (crtpttue callet^ ttje fame tbmg t^at comfo^tetfi tljefottlc.meateanDD^tiifec, aooftcrefo^e n^f)cu &efo?c tn t^c fp?(le note (6 p, DcclateDt^c{jur»gteanDDioHg^rteof tfje foule, '^^' '® to t6 it uotDC feconoclp to tie noteo , totjat 10 t^e ^De fpjct* mcatc,D;pnl^eanufooDe of tftefoulc^ tuaifoouc Cfjemeat, t)?pn!vc, foooe anD tefreOjtng of tl)e ^"^^f''"'* foule,is our fauious; €^iif^, a0 l)c fattiljim fclf c. :>^ Comrijntomeallpontljattrattaple aao t^ee^jati? ««•, 3>laDeii, ano 3| tupll cefren}t pou • M^ pf anpc jiobn-z/ >imann€beeD;pe(faptl)e!}ee)lettc fjpmcommcto ji^meanDD^pnHevi^et^at belewet!) mme> flono- THE T R. VE.DOC T RI NE AND VSE » d es Of i2?atec oHpf e i^all Sobe out Of IHs bealKt 3ltti^tt.tf» 3l«D3lamtftcbjcaDof lpfe(faitl)e CWfte)#e« ;» cbat coined^ to me^ Q)Mnoti)u\^nn^t^:mM>i)t 9> tW bleeuec^ in me, (^all neuei; be D^pe . jfo; a^ nteateanDD?pn^epocoiiifo^tet^e bungi^pe bo^ DP, fo Doet^ tt)e Deat^ of €W^^^ boop ano t^e ^eDopng of i|ts jblouD comf o^te t^e foule > tolien !9e (0 aftec ^er fo;te, bungrp . ^bat t^png f s it tftat comfo.uetl) auo nounO^etb tlje boo? ^ f o;^ (oot^meateauOD^pnbe, 3^ ioW nameje; t^ati a)aU ive call t^e boDp ano blouoeof our faufouc Cf)$i(te(U3l^tc4e boocoinfo^te anD no^ta)e tbe ^ungrpe foule ) but bp t^e names of meate ano D^tttfeec 3PnD tliis fnntUtube cauCeo ouc faulouc S^(m»e,i to fape: #p flel^e is berp meate, anb mp bloubc ^^ is b erp D;pnl^e . jf o^t^ete is no bpnbe of meate t^atiscomfo^uabletott^e foule, but onelpetbe beatlb^ of Cb?i(les blelfeo boDp: no; no ^i^mtiz of tlinU, tW can quencb tjer tbp^d , but onlp t^f blouD f^eoDpnge of ouc fautouc Cb^i(le,U)|3ic^e tuas QeD fo^^ec offences* foi as tl)ece is a carnali generation, anb a ctiu mil feoing anb noucpf^ment, fo is tf)ece alfo a Cpicituall generation, ano a (pirituaii feeDing^ 31nDas enecp man bpcacnal generation of fa» tl^er and motber, iscarnallp begotten ano bo^ne tjnto t^ps mortal lpfe,fo is euerp gooD cb^ittiaa fpirituailp bo;ne bpCi^;iCtebnto etecnali ipfe* 3finD as euerp man is carnalip febbe ano nou- rii^eo in ^is boDpe b^ meate $ D;pnke,euen (010^ euerp gooDc^;i(tian manfpirituallp feobeanb no^i:: OP THE LORDES SVPPER. ^ ttduciQeD inW Toule bp tl^e fleO^eauD blottD of oucfauioucC^^tde. 3EnD as ti^e boDp ipuetb lip meate ano Dimht, ano tbecDp tncceafctli auD gtouiet^ fro a ponge babe bnto a perfect man (iD^pcl^e t^png Cjppecu cnceteacbetl)t30)rotberoule ipuetb bp Cb^ide ^pm felfe, bp pute faptbe' eatpnge b<0 fiefl^e auD D^pnkpng b^s bloube« 3inD tbts €W(t bpm Celfe teacbetb bs tn tbe fiictc of Jobn, (iitpng : tuertfp »betplp3|rate btuopou, (jcceptpeeatecf^e fielde >' of tbe fonne of man, ano b^pnbe bts bloub, pou ^>baue no life in pOU» whofo catetl? my fleftc and 3i&oii«^; 3>drynket!7 my bIoudc,bath eternall lyfc, and 1 xoH raife >> bym vp at tl?c lafte day : jf 0? my flefi?e is very meate, 53 and my bloud is very drynJce* l^e t^at tUtZtl) mp )> aeO^e ^ D^inuetb mp blouoe Di^iclietb in me, ano :>^%in \)tm.m tbe liupng fatl^er ^atb fent me,anD i>3 liU^ bf tbe fatbet,CUen fO Hetl?aieatethmejfl?al liuebyme«3^nDtbis^« {BauleconfcdeDof bpm ^nUi« >>fe!fe, faipnge: Cbat3l|bauelpfe,3| baue it b}? »faptb in tbe ronne of (^oD. Hino noioeit is; not J » t^at line, but Cb^i^^ Ipuetb in me. Cbe tbitoe tbpng to be noteo is tfjis, tbat al- chapi « tbougb our fauiour €bM refembietb bis fltQ)z ano biouD to meate 5 d jpnKe,pet be f arre paffetb ^^'^* ^** anDe]ccelietballco;pozall meatesanD D?pnfees^ ^aiUQwo^ fo} altbougb co^po^ali meates ano D^pnlies Do taiifoooe* no^tt^e anb continue our life bere in tbis b}o^lD> pet tbep begpn not our Ipfe* foi tbe begpnnpng of our lpfc,iDe baue of our fatbers ano motbers anb tl^e meate,after tpe be begotten, Dootb fecoe €*U ano THE TRVE DOCTRINE ANDV SB mf^mttn^ths, dnDrop|ierecuetl|t30 fo^dtfme, ButouriauioucCi^^tdtsbottjetijeftca Oegm- nzt of ouc fpicicual lj>fc, (toft o fitft begetutt; us Diuo <150D !)ts fatl}er} anD airo aftectoacjjc tie is ourlpuclpfoaDeauD iiottnC)cmcnt. S^o^eouec meat an^ DjtitHe Dot!) feoe auD no-* tiG)z onlpottcboDtes, but C.^^iil is tfjc tcue and perfect nojiO^emcnt botl^ of uoop auDTouie.aina befioes tt^at, boDilp fooD pjefemetl) ttjc Ipfe but foj a tpaic, but CbJift is fuclie afpifituail ^ pet- feet foobc,tbat!)ep?crcj;uctl)botl}e bcDp^foule 30^." » fo^ eucc. M ije fa(D buto ^actbaij am ceCuctcc d> tion ano ipfe. I^e tbat belcuetb in me,altl;ougt)e 33 ^e Dpe^pet ffiall be ipue ♦ SHud qe tbat ipuetlj auD 3d beleuetb in me, 0)alt not Dpe fa; euci;, Cbanu fotictbipitistobenotcOjtljattbetmefeuoltt '*^ lege of tfjefe ti)pnges, is tbe tcetoe fenomiege of m^t facta ctj^id, aiiD to teaclje tbefe tbpnges, is to teacbe mmawit cb?((le. anD tl)e beleeupag atiD f eelpng of tljefe Jf?"f^ tbpagcs.ist^ebeleupngartD felpng of €l)nil^ ^ S ^^^^^^)^^tts, 3PnDtlK nioje clecelp toe fce,btt' DecftanDe aim beleeue tbefe tbpiiges, tbe mo^e elecelptDefeeanDbttDecftaiiDe Cb^^tft^.auD ijaue mozefuUpaucfaitbe and comfojce i« bPto* luD aUbcutgt) our cansaii geuceatiou ^ oiire cacnall noutif^emcnt, bee ifenotDcn to ail men bp Hapeip eicpecience, ano bp oure common fenfes, Fettftisout; fptcttuail generation aim ourfpirt tuallnutcitiorijbecfoobfcuceanDUpDbntobs, tl^atttie can not attapnetatlje true anD perfecte fenotoleDse anD feelpng^of f fjepm, but oneip bp fattl;^ OPTHB LORDES SVPPER. ,o fait^, tu^pciie made bee srounoeD l)pon (0oD0 mode ^olp looo^De ano (acramentes. AND fo;t^^0 conii>^eration out jbau^^oure Cd^de bat!) not onelp rctte foo;tl| ti^e(e tbpng0 mode plapnelp in ^ Wv tt;oo;oe, tt^at be mar l^eare tl^em iDf tl^ out eate6,biit be batbe alCo o}^ oepneDone)3tdbierac(amcnt or fpttftuallccse^ neratton in toatec^ano an otber btfpble facta? ment of fpUitual no^iOjment in bieairaiiDtDpne to tbe intente, tbat fis mucbe as t0 podpble tO| man, \t)e map (ee Cbjid U)ttb out tits, Cmell bpnt at out nor e,tade bpm toitb outc moutbes, gtope bpmiiDttboutbant)iB,anDpetceuebpmiP(tbaU out fenfe^.^o^ as tbe tDO^D of goD p^ecbeD, put« tctb Cbttde into out eates, Co UtietDife tbere ele^ mmts of luatet,b^eaD ano U)tne,topneD to goDS too;D,oo af tet a faccametal manet,put Cb^id m« to out eies jnoutbes, banoes ano all out Tenfes^ 30nD fo^ tbts caufe Cb;tde o^oepneo bapttfme tn batet, tbat as futelp as toe fe, f ele, anD toucb luatet tuttb ottt boDtes, ano be toaCbeb bjttb tea^ j^.t^-^^^^'^^ tet, fo alTuteDlp ougbte tue to beleuc, toban toec e x^^fH^ ^^ bebaptifeDjtbatCb^tfteistjctplp pjefent icDttb. ";"^'^'^ Ds,anDtbatbpbpmtt)ebenetDlp bojne agapne fpttltuallp^anDVual^eDftome oute fpnnes^ann fitafteD m tbe ftocUe of cb^tdes otone boDp^auD be appataUeD, clotbeo, ano batnedrD tottb bpm, in (ucbe tupfe, tbat as tbe Dpuell batb no potoet agapnd Cb;trte, Co batb be none agapnde bs, fo long as Uie temapne gtafteo tn tbat docUe , ano be ciotbeD toitb tbat appatel, ano batn efeDUittli €M, tbat -♦«> TH E T R 7E D OCTRl KSANDVSB e^at atmour. ^o c^at t^e tDal^ptige in toatet; of liaptirme,t0 a§( tt tDite f^ctupng ot Cl?;i(l befojie ouc e?e0, ano a Tenftbie toucbpuge, fceipng anD groppng of l^pm, to t()e confitmation of t^e tiu tuatoe fa(tl)e> tDl)(ct)e m ^aue tn bPtu* SnD U\ Ipbc maitec Cb^til o^Depneo t}^t Tacra^ mmt of bifi( boDp ano blotio m b^eao ano iupnc, to p^eacbe t)mo \)B, tbat as ouibooCcs be feoDe, nout;((9^o,anD p^cCctueD toUb mcate ano t^;in^, (foaetoucbpngeouce fpttituall !pfe totuatDcs ano alfo tbat b^ <0 rucb^ a p^erecnattou tinto D5,tbat no- tb^r tbe oeuUs of b^I^no; cternall Detb^no^ fpti, can be able to p?cuatle agatnfl bs, fo long as b^ tmt ano conHant fattl). toe be feo ano nourtn^co loitbtbatmeateanDD^pnHe. 3KnDfo^tbts emit €\)M^ o^Demeo tW (accament in b;eaD ^ toine . (to^tcbetDeeateanDD^pnHe,anDbe cbief nutct^ mentesof oucboop) to tbe intent, tbat asfucc- Ip as toe fee tl)t b^eaoe ano \x^^nt tuttb oure eus, fmelltbeimt3Ubourcnofes,toucbetl)cpm Ujitl> our banoes^anD taftc tbcm tuttb ouc mctitljcsjo aflTuceoip ougi)t tue to beleue, tbat Cb;ia is our rptcttualllpfeanDrudmanceof oucfoulesJpKe as tbe fapD b^cao anD topne is tbe f oodc ano fti- (Itnanceof ottcbootes* HlnDnoIeireotiglit toce to Doubte, tbat out foules bu feooc ano'lpue bp Cb?^fte, tben tbat our booies b^ feo ano Ipue bp meate ano nzpnlie^ Cbus ouc faufowt €l^}i^t^ ^nobpng bs to be in t^ts tao^lD (as it loece) but babeB OF THE LORDES SVPPER, 11 fenftbleHgnes ano totic6,U:iI)rrebp to allure atiD D^atDe t)« t0 mou flccn$tl)e ano moic conilaunc mt\) ittb^un do ti)at rye catpng aho D^tnlipng of (6^0 Caccametitall b^eaoDe auD wnt is as tt tDcre a C^etDpng ot Clj^ift before ouc cle0,a imtl Ipng of bPW tottb ouc nores, a feelpng auD gto:= ppng of bPtti bjitb ouc banoes, nno an catpuge, ebatepng,Digcftpng ano fteopnge Dpoii i^pm to ourfptctcuall ftrengtbe ano pectcction* jf iftelp it is to be noteo, tbat altfiougbc tbece Cf?ap» 13 beemanpUpuDesof nuate6anDD?pnUe3,to!)icb w)n.rfo« fceoc tbe boDp,p^t ouc fauiouc COxift (as manp t^s (acta aunctentautboucs tD^pte) ocDepneotbts facca- mmtiDas ment of ouc fpicituall fecopng in b^eaoe ^ topne, ^^^^vnth tatbec tbau in otbcc meates ano D^m^s, bicaufe a" ^ t^ftt/, tbat b^cao ano taptie Doo mode Mmiv rep^efente ))nto bs tbe fptcttual bnion ano Hnot of al faitb full people^as toel bnto €lm^> as alfo cmonges tbeni fclfs foe ipHc as bceao is maoe of a gceat numb^c of gcapnes of co;nc,gcouiiDe, bakeii, ^ fo topneo togetbec,tbat tbecof is made one lofc: 35nD an infinite numb:e of grapes be pieiTeD to* gptber in one beireil,anD tbecof is mabe tupne, ItketDifeistbetDbole multituDe of true clj^iltiai people fpirptuallp iopneb, fp?lle to Cbjtfte , ano tbati among tbem fclues togptbec, in one faitb* onebaptifme,onebolpefpicpte,oiieUnotte anD bonoeof loue. &ictelp,ttis tobeenoteD,tftatas tlje bjteabe Cl?ap*t4 ano ^2m \3d\)\c\) toe do eate, be toucneo into ouc ^u^ ^^^^f €MU fle(I)e THE TRVE COCmtJtE AND VSE et mut^ flci^e anD blouDoe, atiD bee maoe out; l^erp Oef^e wpftpcau g^j, ijg,.^ jjjm,^ ^^i^ 1,0 (0 iopncD anD mtteo toitli '^^^ our Sel^e ^ blouD, t^at tfjep bee maoe one tobole boDP togitbeMuen To be al fatti^fuU cb^ftmns, fptdtuaiip toutneo mco t\)z boDp of €W(t , ano be fo (opncD bnco €ini^'. ^ airo togitbec amoiis tbemrelue0, tbat tbep do tna'de but one mpftical »,:Co,io» jjQjjp of Cbl^^fte.as faiuct laaule (altb : ax)e bee '' one b^eao aho one boDpe,a9 manp as bee parta- i>myfms :> ^etg Of oue bieao anb one cuppe* ^nb as one lofe i0 gpuin amonge manp men, Co t^at euecp oneiepattauecoftbefame lofe: anb iptieUipre one cup of topne is Dtftt^buteo bnto mannp per- fon0, tobecoS map one is pactal^er, tucn fo ouc rautour Cb^tft (tDbofe 0e(be ano blouo be rep^e- fenteo bp tbe mpfticall b^eao anb toine in f be lo?* a:ie0(uppec)Doetb geue bpm felfe bn(o ail bP0 tmt memb;es, fpkptuaUp to fceoe tbcm,no?i(Be tt^em, anb to geue tbem conttnuall ipfe bp bpm. 3inb a0 tbe b^auncbes of a tree, o; mcnib;e of a bobp,(e t^ep be DeaD o; cut of,tbep neptbec Ipue, no; tzctpuz anp noucpC^ement o; fu^tnaunce of tbe boop o; tree: fo Ipfeetopfe bngoDlp ^ topcfecD people, (U)^tc^ be cut of from Cbj^taes mpfticall boop,o^beDeaDmemb^e6 0f tbe fame) boo noe rptcituallp feoe bpon Cl)?p;' (tob^ rof Cbi^ft 10 tbe b^ao ) t^at tuc bee topneo ta^ptbec in OHe Ci^^ifl.as a great numb;;e of gcaioee of co^ne be lopmD togubec tu one loofe c^ ^urelp t\^zf bane tecp ^arDe anb ftonp l)eactcs,tDtjic!)e U)ltl) tbefe tl^inges be net moueo^lnD mo^e cruel^ t^nrea^ fonabie be tbep t):^t\\ bzutc beafteg , tbat can not bepei;fujaDeD,tobeegooDtatbeire!)jultanb^e. tlj^en ano neigbboucs ( foi U)bom Cb;ift fnffreti Deat^) tu^en m t\m racrauknt tl>ep be ptit in re- tnemb^aunce^tbat tuefonne of d^ab bi?(lob3ei> ftig life inW etiemic5 ♦ jf a; toe fee bp oaplp ejc- pcctence, tbat eatpng aao D^puupnge togttl^eiv iitaHetlifnenDes.anD coutpnuetb fcenoeSitppe*^ iS&\x(^t mm tban augbt tb^ tabU Jof ci^jtfte ta inbue t>s (o to ooa , irploe b^raaes anb bpjoee bee maoe gentle bp geupnge tbetm meate anl> Djpttfee,tobptbcuf^uli>enatcbjjftenmen toajce tiik:elieanD gentle u ii\) t\m fjeauenlpt meate o§ Cb?tllcc i^ctebnto xym hit ftitreo anonroaeD astoellbp tfte bjieabeanbtorneintbisbolp fup^ per, as bp tbe tuoo^De^ af balp fcnptuce reciter in tbefame* xoberfo;cii}l)ore bcatt fo euertf^fs ljolpS)acramente,commumen anDfuppevo^ Cb;t(l,toilnot Htnble \si\t\^ lone bntoljis nm^^- bouts, an& caufe b im to pat out of l)(s l;earfall enupe:, ijatreo ano malpce , ana to gcaue in tftc fame THE TRVE DOCTRINE AMD VSg Came aiiamltee, ft-enDQ^tp, anD concojoe, ^cDei^ ceauetu ^pm Ceife, pf be t^inl^e t^at de ^ac^e tl^e fptttte of €\)}m DU^ellpns toUl^m f^im^ c %\>t m^ )3ttC all t^efe f o^efalD goDlp abnionicfons^eic ^^^^SL ^o^taciotis anD comfo;ce0,Doo t^e ^ap^escas twt?ott DO «tt«c^^ ^^ 1?^^*^ ^^ tbem)tafec atoap from al c^?t- m tmnt &zn people,bp ti^tit (i:canrat)aantton« fubuerce jf 0^ pf tDe rcceaue no b^eaoe mi iDpne f n tfie fttUifftc ^^^J' communion, t^an all tbcfeleffons and com fones be gone, loblcbe toe O^ulDe Uatne anD tt^ cz^ii^ bp eatpng of tbe b^eaoe , anD D^pn^png of tbe tDpne ,anD rbac pbantaftUallpmagmacion, gluetb an occaCcon bcteclp to Cnbuert our inbole faptbe in ci)3^ifte * f o? pf tbts faccament bee 0;== DapneD in b^eao ano wnectob^cbe be fooDes fo; tbe boop)to Cigntft anD Declare bnto bs our rpt^s ^Uuall fooDe bp Cb^tlle, tben if our co;po;ai fe- D^ni t3pon tbe breaD anD \xim be but pbantadf call (fo tbae tbere is no b^eaoe ano tDtne tbere in DeeD to f eoe bpon, altbougb tbep apere tbece to be)tban it Dotb bs to bnDer(lanDe,tbat ourfpt^ tpituall f eeopng in Cb^ttte i0 alCo pbantafttcall, ano tbat in Deeo m f eeoe not of bpm« ^bicb fo^ pbiltcie i0 fo Diueltilbe anD tuicl(eD,anD fo mucbc tnturious to €W^, tbat it coulD not come from anpotberperron,butonlpfcom tbeopueii bpm feire, anD from bis fpeciall minifter ainticbjiifte* Cbao. i<5 ^^^^ ^^5^^ ^^^"S that is to bee noteD i0,tbat tbis ipicttuall meate of €in^&isi boop anD bluD, SfJ?ni is notreceaueo in tbe moutbe, anDopgefteom i^mmt fbeftomaclie(as cojpp;all meatesanDDjinfeeff com or THE LOKDES S V P P E!*ll. jj cpimnonlFbce)buticpgteccaucD tortft a pure ^ tm«te,anDafpiicece faptftc* 3lno tlje tretoe ca^^^^tTLg ltpnganDD;pnfepngof t^cfapocboDpano liloao tttt\)t. ot Cb?(ll» P£^ ^Ptb a condant ano a ipueip faptl^ to beleeue, tbat Cb^pde gaue \)p^ bohpt, ano (^eobe bP0 blouooe \)pon tbe CroITe fo|t t30, atiD tb^t be Dooetb Co toprie ano inco^poiate bpm feif to t3S,tbatbee Isoucbeaoe, nnt>\ott\)tBmtm^ b;e0.anDOe(9e of bpsfleflbr, atiD bone of bP0 bones, b^upngebpniDtDeapnge tnb0,anD tuee tn bPm. InD \)ttm\ (lanoetbe tbe iDbole eO^ecte ano (Icengtb of t\)iB facramcnt* iino tbps fattb <0oD tooo^hetb tntiiarDelp in our barter bp bP0 ^olpfpicue^anDconfirmetbtbe fame outtoatn. ip to ouc eaies.bp beacpnge of W tooo^oe : anD tooucotbet;renrejei>bp eatpnge ano b^pnbpnge of tbe racramentall b^eao ano topne tu l^ps bo- tpfuppet. ^b^t t^pnge tben can be moiie contfoatable to b0, tban to mtt tbps meace,anD o^pnlte tbps Djpnfect' 5a:)bcccbp Cb? (jctreme iuDge, ano tbe Diueli as a mode malict^ OU0 ano crueli to;mentour* 3(lnD in tbis ro;oUjf ull beui^nes^bolr fctipture teacbetb tbeim, ib^t our beauenlp fatber can b|^ nomeanesbee pleafcD iDitbtbepmagaj>ne,b«e bp tbe facrif ice anoDeatbe of bisonelp begot:* tenfonne> tobcrebpci^oDbatb^ maDcapcrpctu* allamiteeanDpeaccimtbbs, Dotbeparoon tbe Cinnes of tbem tbat beleue in bpm.mafeetb tbemi bts cbHt^Jcn,^ giuetb tbem to l)iQ fitd begotten fon Cb^ide, to be incorporate into !}pm,to be fa* ucD bp bim,anD tobe maoe beires of beuen toitb bim» Kino intbe rcceaupng of tbe bolp fupper of MceXojDe, toeebee pmzin cemembiaimce of tfiifl^ OF THE LORDES SVPPER^ t4 ' tW ¥^ DcatUe > dtiD of t^c lul^oie mpdet^^ of ^ cure rei)etiH)tion> lint^eui^icl) Cupper (6 maDe mencFon or ^is tcOttmente , anD of t^e afo^e^ rapoe Communion of bs IpIc^ Clj^pde, anoof t^eremttrtonof our Cannes bv i)isracrtnce hp^ pontic CtolTe. 900!jercfo;emt6is factamcntf^f it bcti%f)tip ceceaurD Mt\^ a trclse rattl^e) tec be afTuieD ttjac our fpnneg bee fo^gpuen^ ano t!^c leage of peace anD t\)z ttdamcnt of ^od is cotutrmeo bettvene i)m anD ^6, Co tbat tD^o fo euer bp a true fatt^e Doc^e eate C^|tt(le6 6cfl^e ano Djiint^ ^ts blouoe, batl)euerlaftj>ng Ipfcbpl^i^m. ?fiX)i)pc^et^pnge tobenne U)e f eele tn ouce barter , at t\)t recea- wpnge of tbe XoiDeg (upper, teljat t^ng can be mo^e topfull, md;c pUafaunte, o; moje ccmfo^ table tjntolJS;' mi t^^ts to bee tretoe, <0 mode cerfapne bp Ifti; tuoo;De0 of €l}mu fipm lelfe , bsljanne l)t Dpooe fp?fte inftrtutc ^>ts ijolp iupper,tbe np$bt beefc;ci;iSDeatl)e, aspt appeatetb as \xfcili)^ t^e teoo?Dcs Ot sbe Cuan^eliRes, as of Syapnt >5}Battle.3?-oo t^isj (imt}f<^Wftt)uB often a0 uuct*; »pou D;pufee it, m r:meint7,auncc of me* 3^uD w^arnctlBauicfaptt/: ^soften as pou eate tl)(g i.£o?»Ui 33baeaDe,anDDzrnf;e tlnscuppe, pcuQ}aliC6eU;e »tlSe)!lo?De«Deatt]etintpll become* 3lnDagarne »c[^?i(lfapD : <^i)\Q cuppe is a neto teftament, in ^«^'*** »mpne otene bIouD,brt)pc^rc U)m \)i fl&eDbe f e^ tl^e ^remiiTi on of fpnnes* C^i0 Doctrine l^eercrecitcD.mape fuffice f&^ ^4U m -n/1^ or T HEX R VE D OCTRlN E AND V SB all t^at &e Uumble anii 80Dlr> ana fei^e not^png t^dCt0raperfl[uDus(, but cf;at is necedarpe ano p?ofptable. 3nD tbecefo^etjnto fuc^epcrfoncs tnape bee maoe bcce an enoc of ti)t& booke ♦ 23ut t3nto tbem cl^at be contenctous ]^aptQeg ^ poo- latecs notbpng ts enougb*3inD pet bpcaufe tbcp O^aU not Qio^pe in tb^tt; fubttU tnuenctone ano Decctuable Doctcine (as tbougb no man t»ece a^ ble to anfujcte tbeiin) 2 Qjall oefpcc tbe rcabers of pacicnce^to fuffccmealittell tobple^tofpcnD fome tpmc en bapne, to confute tbepj moft bapn t)antteefii«3lnD pet tbe tpme (^al not bee all togi^ tbec fpent in t3apne,fo? tberebp f^all mo?e cure- ipappearetbelpgbte ftoniet^e oacl^enede, tbe trutbe fcom faUe ropbillicall fubtiltees, ano tbe ceetapntDo;Dof (^oD> fcom men0D;eame0 ano p^antaQtcail inucntion0« Chap^ir T> ^t tljefe tbinges can not mantf edlp appete _Oto tbe ceaoer, ejcccpte tbe p;tnctpall popnted ifourp?m. j,g fp^g Cgj out.tebetin tbe Rapides tacp fro tlje to« of the ^^"^^^^ ^^ ^°^^ b)o;De,t^bif be be cbtefelp fotoer* ^appftcfl fV}^ tbe ^^apiltg fap^tbat in tbe fappcr of tbe %tit fvuftc )loiDe,after; tbe Ido^db of confectation (as tljcp isofttfto- calle it) tbeceis none otber Cubdaunce remap- fabftamu npng,but tbcfubftaunce of (£b^ifte0fieO)e anD ^^^^* biouo/o tbat tber remacnetb neitbcc b;ieab to be eaten, no: tupne to be D;ionfecn 4 SCnDaltboug^e rbere be tbe colour of bjtat ri tnpne, tbe fauour> tbe fmell, tbe bpgnes, tbe fal^pon, ano all otber (as tl)ep call tl)em) acciDente^, o^ qualitecs anD quau 01* THfi tORbES SVPPER I^ (|tt$(UU5 Of bjeaD ano to^ne,pct (fap tl^ep) tb(^e t0nol)ecpb^eaDno^ )»tne, but t()epbcetttcnei^ Into tl)e eef^e ^ blouo of C^^ift^ainD tWs cottec> Hon tt)cp call tLcmifubdantion, tijat is to Tape tucnpng of one rubltvice into an ot^etfubdance. Snoaltboug^eallt^e accmented^ betbe of tbc b^eaoc anD luine, cemainc ftiU,pct (fap tlnp) t^c fame accioentes, be in no mannec ot t^tngc.but ^ange alone in t\)z ap^e, )mt\)OHt anpe t()inge to ftapc tljem bpon * jf oj in tbe boop ano blouoe of €fi?ift (fap £bep)tl)ere accioentes can not be, not petmtl)eap;e,fo;tbeboDpanDblottDof c6l^t(i ano tbe apje,be nettljer of tl^at bpgnes , fal^ion, fmell, noj colour, that tbe b^eaoe ano topne bee* 00} in tbe bceao ano topne (Cap tl;ep) tftefe acci - Dentes can not be, to^ tt)e fublf ance of b^eao anc^ topne(astl)cpaflfti:me)be cleanegone* 3BnDfD tl^ece rematnet^ tDi)itnc0,but notbmg is to^tte: c^ere tcmamct^ colouccs^but notbing is colon- teb tbettoit1j:tbete ^cmatnetb counDne0, but no t^mg is counb: ano tbece is bpgnes, ano v^t no tbpng 16 biggc: ttjecc p0 fujetenes , toUftout anp ftjjctct!)mg:foftne0,tDitboutanp lofte tl)pnge; b;ea^mg,UiUt)outaaptl)tngeb;oHen rbtttifcon, tDicboutanp tbingcbeutoeD :anD Co Olivet; quali- tits 5 quantities , Imtbout anp tbtng to receiuc tbem. InD tbis Docttin tljep teac^e as a neceffa^ tpatticUofoutfaptl). Jdut it is not tl^e Doctrine of Cf)?ifte , but tbe fubtplUnuenfion of 3(lncicl??ifl,fpj(te oecrceb b^ r^efurma jnnocent t\)z cljpjo , ano after moje at large fet ^'"^* ^ ^^^ B.iit* furtft''^^^'^^"' THE TRVE DOCTRINE AND VSE ffirtf) b^ Cc^ole auti^o^s, ^tjote ftuo^e lBa0 euet to oefeiioe auD ret ab^ooe to t\)t itJO^De all fucl^e iiiatter0,a0 tl^e bi(I)op of mome l;aD onsDecceep 3(inD t^e oeapli bp bi£( mimaer ^nUcf;?m,baD fo oafeUD t^e epes or a great itiultttuDe of c^^idcn people In tbefe latter oapee, ti^at ct^ep fougiite notfo^tl^eirfattb^attb^ clcrelpgOt of (^oDDes tobatroeuecl^ep^erctlbcDbntot^e, peatUoug^ ittDeteagapnftaU reafott^alireafes, anogoDfl^ niofle l^olp h)o^De alfo^f o? els tje coulD not baue^ beenberp ^nrtcb^(l(nDeDe,eircept ^e baobene forepugnauntbntoCb^i^e, te^afe boctciuet0 cleane contratp to tbis ooctctne of Binttcb^tfte* df 0^ CbJift teacl)etb,tbat me ceceaue berp b^eao ano iDpne in tbe niolte blciTeo fuppec of tbe )lo;D as raccamentes to aomonpt^e bs, tbat as bie be feDbe Mt\) b^eao and iDpne boDplp, fo tDc becfeo iottb tbe boDp auD biouo of our (autour Cb^tfte rptritualip.^iistnour bapttrmeit»e recetneberp toater^toUgnifpebnto b0, tbat as biater 10 an clement to luai^e tbe boop outi^arDip, To be out routes UMif^eo bp tbel^oip gbofte tnU^aroip^ 2r!)€ fgc5o Cbefeconoe p^itnctpaU tbpuge, \ii])ttm tbe is of f p;tc^ t^api^es batp from t^e rrutbe of goDDcs ^o;d, fence of tstbts: Cbepfap, tbat tbe berpnattsrallfleOJe cc;tiftettt ano blouooe of €W^ty tubtcfje fuffcceD foj bS tfttsfacw- ijpontbecro(re,anbfpttttbattberigbt ijanooe ^^^^* t\)t father in l^eauen, ts alfo reaiip, tubaancial- Ip, ro^po^allpe, anb naturaflp, tn oj bnDec t(?e accioentes pf t^e facrauientau b^eab ann topne, b}^(cete, butnot natucailp, no? fen- (iblp^^nootl^crfape, t^atttist^ete natutallp ano rcnftbipcaiiD of tl)c fame bpgneg ^fafljion tbat it is in l)eauen , anD as tbe fame l^as bo?ne af tbe bleffcD t>itg;iue #a6P, ano Ibat itis tbece b20feenanoto?neinpeces^lmtb owe tee^tbr.^nD tbpsappcacctbpaccelp bptbefc^ooie awtboje^jj^^^-. a no pattelp bp tbe coureffion of t3erenisatttt0^ ^i^ ^^L ^^ txy^itl^e ^icbolaus tbe feconoe eonfli^apniel^b^ni Ego Beitit 10 mafee , tobicbe tjjas tfyi^ ♦ ^Mt of t&e Um^gunm^ inentesol tl>e)iojDes table tfjefaioe j&ecWga^ ^ - sins (I>ouIO p^omife to boloe tbatf apt^ , ^Ifw^ii^ tbe fapo i^ope jlitcbolas anD bis eoanfeH |ell^x'^ tol^icbe toas , tbat not onelp tbe facrameWes^ of- b^ieaue ano ^^t, bui alPo tbr ^eti^c f ef^e%n6 * WouDt of once U;o^ioe Jim€l^iWi mt frntiblf ftan^elcD of tbep^i^ft intHe%!tatey^citien m^ td?«e k>itb t^^e teetbe of tljefa^tbfUll' people i' ©ut tbe true cati)oiicferfaicbe, pownbeb ^cW (SODS mofte infallible tooo?Deit'eac5iet^ t>s,tpt? our fauionc €b jiH (J^s canrei;n|^ng ftis mSnnes^ natureaiiD boDilp pjefcncc ^ii^nt ijppe ^rtto ^eauen,f^fittetb atfbeci8i^fbanD#ftisfatljfrt;»: anDtbcte Iftall be tatrp^uHllllj^l^Sdfeyfe'S'tftH' at tobat tpme beOjall cdtiie'aetStn^o itiDg 6bty tbe QuieKe anD tbe DeaD^ as b^ feitf bim dlf e ifr manp fcciptuce^^ 3?fojfai^ctbe tef)?l6i (fati^e^ fte) anD go to^np^f atl>e^* :$nD ftt an otJ^er pl^e a^ati.^f^ TH ^Ta X.ool(eberei0C^^tae,o^looHett}ere beets, but 3> beleuetl^emuot.iinD fapncteidetetfapt^mt^e 0cm.5. :» 31cte0,tbatbeauenmu(i recepue Ct);me,DntpU '' tl^e tpiue ttjac all Cl^pnges Oiall bee re(lo;eo>lnD Coioc^o) ratnct0auU^;itpngtot!iecolo(i:(an9,agteet^ 3> bet;etO;raping:^el^e fo; t^pnges ttiat be aboue, >) tp^ere €^li^ f^^ (tttpng a( t\)t ti%\)t Oanoe of tbe . :» fat^ettlnD fapnct ^aule fpea^pnge of tbe berp ».Co;ii.>> facramentjfaptl): 3(10 often as pou^alleatet^is » b;eaoe, anDb;pnHetb<0cttppe,(ftetoe foo?tl)tbe 3>Xo?oesoeatbebntpUl)ecomme* cpilf^ecome, rapt^ ^* ^aul, Ctgntfpeng, tt)at lie ts not tbece eo;po;aUp p;efeHte.jfo?lD5atfpeecbetuei;ett)i0, 0? Uj^o bfetf) of !)pm tftat is alceaop p;efente, to fap, 5lintpll be comerf oj ^Bntpl 3 come, fignift- ctH^^t 5e is not pet p^efent C^is 16 tl)e cati)o^ like fapt^e, toblel^e kie leacnefromourpout^lti our common Creoe, ano U)bpcl)e cb^ilt taugbt^ tlieaipoaiesfolotxieb^anDt^emaccp^es confp^- meDU)lt()tbep;blouDe. InD alt^oug^ Ct);lO: m bl^ liumapne nature fttbdantlallp.teallp, co?po^atlp,naturallp ano fenfiblpybe p^efentioitft Ijls father In beuen ,pefc facramentalip anDfpirUuallp f)e is bece p^efent in toater, b^eabe ano ^j^y^nty as in fpgnes anD fa> cramentes^but^elsinDeeDe rpirttuaUp In tbe faptlifwll e%l(llan people, tobp^cbe accozopng to €^MtB oaolnaunee be bapt^feb, o^ tmync tde (^oip OF THEXORDES SVPPER.^ ^^ 1}0lv comi5iunCon, oi ijnfapneDIp bcleue to r^iotif (^bu0!)dueroubatoetl^ereconD€p;tmctpallar^ ttcle, tD^enn tt^e papiftes Darp from ttje rrutlje of (ioDDes iDo^oe, anD frotfi t^e cat^olpk fatt^^ l^otoe t^e tljttDc tljpnge, tDljeiin tljep tjarpe^ ictjeiaapt(lcsfape,tl?attupll anD ftngaoij^e jrftct^ftt» uicit ceceauc in tljis faccamente t&c tjcrpc tJODpe ^9 ttjac cat! anD blouDe of Cti^tae, and eat^ anD D^pntie t^e men me^ felfe fame tl^pngc, tljat tl)c gooD anD goDlp men Dj^ubctee Doo4 53uttl)etr;utljeorgoDDcslMD;Dei0contca= ^^^p '^'^^p rp.tljae al toofc tljat be goDip mlbaeg of Cba^de, ^"?rS as ebep co^zpojallp eate t^e b^eaD anD D^pnfee tbe ^^ itjpne, fo fptntuallptlKPeateanDD^pnfee cbjt- Oes berp ilcfb^ anD blouoe* 3iinD as fo^ tbe tDpc= fecDmcmb^esof tbeDpuell^tbep eate tbe facta- mental b;eaD,anD D^tnke tl^e factamental Uipne, but tbepDoo not fpirftnallp eate €1}M^^ flefi^c ;. noj D;pnlie bis blcuDe, but ttiep eate anD DjpnUc tbep^otune Damnation* Cbe fourtbe tbpngc, tolietein tbe jSoppC^e ^.^ .... p?eefl;e0Diffentefcometbe manpfeile tuoo^De of igli]^l' moDjst\)is. Cbepfaie, tbattbepoffte ctj??fte cgj^ipfacrt eucrpDapfo; tempflfionof fpane,anDDin:nbute tut of bpti^jep^^^alTeSjtbeme'dtcs of Cb? cauceg of t(>e ^aptaes confuted , a0 tbe catbo- lifee tttttbeiKfentieD, botb bi> goooeg mofte cet^ tainel»oo;oc>anualfobp tbe molte oloe app;o:* mi^attc^oja anb mactpiS oe C^jpSeg cfturcbe* attu rRAN5VB5TANTlATION. l9 3fnD fp?ft, tSat bjeaoean^ topneccmam aftetchap**; tfte tooo?Des of conreccation, ano bee eaten ano 6?ttrtfecnt«tljc5io^oeg fuppcc, is mofte wanp^^^^P^P^^ fed bp t\)z piapne b)oo^De0 of C^^iileUpm reit;e,(p.„et9ca feftaii lie miniftDcD tbe fame fappec ^nio tje cguangeUftes uijite , C^jiKe ^o^^* tofee b?eaDe,ano Mfee it, atiD gaue it to W Di- ^^Ue^ ftipleS, atlD fapOe : Take, cate, this is my body* iSQatc.»4. i^cce cftc 0apift0 tnumpl) of tftefe too?D5, toiia iittc.4t» CWtte fapD: This is my body, tu^pc^e tljep calle tbetooo^oes of Confeccatioa* jfo? (Cape tX^ti^) m Toone a0 t^efe tpoo^oes bee fpiip euDeo^t^ece 10 no b^eaoDe lefte, no^ none ot^ec Cubdaunce, butonelpC4^me0boDpe» W^m c^^iCterapoe (chis)tbeb;eaDDe(fape tbep) rcmapneb ♦ 3^nD tpl^an t^e fapDe (is) pet tl^e b^eao remapneo* 2[iiro l0l^anbeaDDeDCmy)tt)e b^eaoe cemapneD ^)^\U anoitt^ant^eCatD (bo ) pett^eb;eaDiDa0tbere aplL ^nttn^an^ee tjaooe fpnp^eb tue tsil^ole fentence,Ti?isis my body, t^an ((ape tljep) tlje li;eaD^e lsa0 gone, auD tt^ece remapneb no Tub- D^aunce but Ct)^t(le0 beDp> a0 tbousb t!)e b^ead cealDenotremdpne,tt)^an tti0 maoe a^acca- mente ♦ Jd\xt tW negatpne , ti^at tl^ere 10 no b;eaDDc,tbep maUe of tbepc otpne b;apne0< b? tl^ep; ^ntD^ttten tiecttee0. i^\\ gooD lo^D,^ot0e tsolD tl)ep baue b^aggeb ii Cb^tft bad Capo: cbt0 <0 no b^eabcbut Cb^tft fpake not tbat negate ne, C!^t0 is no b^eaoe, but fapD afftcmpnglp,(Cbt0 i0 mp boop^notoentpng t^e b;eaD;but aSirmpng tl^at ^i0 boop tDa0 eate. AGAYNiST THB.ERROVROr (mcanrngfpii;ituanp)a0t^ebKaoe toais eaten 3inD tt^ac t\}iB iwa© tfie meanpng of Ci)?ifl,ap- I" pccetf) platnlp bp ^ 0auie,iu ttjc unt\)z c^ap* t.co,io j5 to tl?e Co^intli, tbc fp?(l Cptftle, toljete be (Cpea- 3: fepnge ot tbe fame tnattiec) Taptbe : 3s not tin 3> bjeaDStUbiCbetDCbzeafeC, the Communion of tbe ^xhodyoiChnderMtio ^nDecSJoDetbc ini>nDe ot Cb?tfte bettec tban ^♦.jaaulej to lajbome Cijjtfl; Iftetoeo 5)ts molterecretecounlapiesf anDfapnt i^aule isnotafcapDe^Coioucbettci; tjnDetftatu Di?ng of dijMzs \3)omi^AomzM}atto aitec tbe fame, leaft toe mpgbtftauDftiffelp intt)z ittttts anD fpllables, aiiD em in mpftaiipiig oe Cb^ifts iDo^Dcs^l'o^Weccas oucfauiourcbnft b;ahe tbe bieaD.auD TatDyCbis is mp boDp: ^»{^aale faitb^tbattbe b;eaDtobicbt»ebjca^e,t0tbecoin tuunion at€l)}i^B boDp. €\rA^ fapD.f is boDp: BUD faintpaule raiD,tbe comuutou of bis boDp: meanpng neuectbelede botb one tb^ng^tbat tbei M}ict}z eate tbe bzeaoe tojtbclpiDo eate fpicitu- alip Cb?iftes berpboDpe.^uD foCbjifte caller^ tbe bjeao bis boDp (as tbe olDe autbojs vt^x^it) fapcaufe it jep^sreiUetb bis boope, antUignifietb tJntotbeimtDbicb^ eate tbat b;eaDmco;rrpng tb Cb^lftes jDiniince/ibat tbep DO fpirituaup eate bis.bot>.p,anD be irpsritualfp feoDc anD noi^i:i(IjeD bp bpm, ariD pet zi)C breaoe remainetb Spll tbere as a faccament to fignifte tbe fame. 25ut of tbefe .:UJo?DSbf confrctation f^albefpotven \^umtut ttjojeatiatge* _ TRAN5VBS T A NTIATION. l^ C^etfo;etotetut)ne ttyt^tpompoU, tWtH hm^ temainetb.anD td eaten int^is (acrament, appeautftDi?ti)eUiQO,?De0 toljic^ego before tfte COnfecratliOn, f OUUat Ct^Cid tooke br€acide,and ^4e,i tbem,comaiaunDpng; tbetm to oiutoc it aaionije tbcm,^ to Djpnfec u,^ cailpng it Jlje fculte of tbe t^ptterCbeO; iDo^oeEoC €i)}ist be fo piapne, tijat If att angell of beauen tuolo^tell i)g t^e contcarp^ be oug^t not to be beleucD* 3nD tljan rnncb lede map toie beleue tb^ ftibtpU Ipeng of t^e;i^aptild« J( Cb^Uliuoulc^bauc^baCkt^Etobeleuecas a neceffacp atctcle of our fait|^e>t^at tbcce tetnal- net^nept^ecb^eaDcno; topne, iDOUloe ^e i^atie fpo^en afcet tw ioitty bfpnge ailfucbe tztim^ aiiD circumdances a& ^ouloe \mu \>^ btizta^ c^at ftpl t^ece cemaloetb b^eao anD totnecaco^a^ manec of teaches mabe tbet ot €l)M>tW rap,b^ ment one t^png, tx^ban W U)o?Des be cleane con tcacp^ sO^l^at cbjf (itan beact canpacientlp luStt ttiis contumelp of €tfMt c 23ut tabat craftp teact^ecei be t^tfe {aapiHes^^ te^o DeutCe p!)antaffcg ol t^eis oume beaDessDt;' cectip cmuracpto C^j^tdes teai:l^pn:ge,anl!^tbasi i fette t^e Came ab^oDr to f^^liMnMo^l^> to Ht mortaffttceDlpbelfueD a0j^«M«l oUmc mofte ^otp tuo^Der ^atnct ^atue DpD not Co^Uut f olo:> toeD^cefnt^e manet ef €W^us (pea&png, it^ caUpng of b^eaD^ bieabe, anD topne^ U)^ne> ani^ A (S A IN St t H fi E R K O m OF He utt aUerpnge €l)Mt^ tooo^Dee J^tttin * (tfMc ii£o.io« bread Uit)(c6eUieea?eafee(fatt^efte)t0itnott6e " Botoe 31 af^e agatne of t^cj^apiR^ ,to^et^0C ^e rpaUe t^t0 of t\)t b^eaDe confecateD o^ not co^ feccateDcC&el can not fap tftat ^e fpaike it of tl^e b^eaDtjnconreci:ateD,fo?tljatisnott^ecommtt- inonof €\}^AfttQ botjpebptlKttotune Doctrine* 3Ent5 If ^♦l^aulefpaHc tt of b^eaoeconfeccateD, ttjantfjcpmul^necDcsconfeiretfjat after confe- cratton fnctie b^eaDe remametb , as is bjol^eit b^caOj \i)\)tcl)t can bee none otl)er,t^an berp trne nmtcrlal b^eao * 3Knb ftraigfjt iuapes after fatnct s.Co.io>5 f^aulefapeti^ in t^e fame place tijat twee bee par- 3> takers ofoneb^eaDeano one cuppe* ^Inotntf^e nej;te cl)apiter,fpeaUpng mo?efnUp of tUe fame tnattec^fonr tpme0 l)e najnetl^ tbe b^eao anD t\)t cttppe,neuerniaUtnseinentionofanp tranfub- ftantiation^ojremapmngeofacciDetesbJttbonit: ^npfubttaunce,ttJl)iclie twinges l)t iuoulDliaue inabe fom^ mention of,t^at ac- ctoentcsbournealonetDitl^oute anp fubaance^ conccarp to all t^e courfe cf nature. (CbeCaccamentallb^eabe ano^pne alfotDill nour:i(^e,U)bicl)enounf]^ement nacuraUp corn- met^ of tb^ lubflaunce of tbc inmates ano D^pit- bes, atiD not of tl)e accioente$. Cbevopne alfo topiipopion, (as opucrs \)^- jf^ops; of iaome ^aue bao ejcpetieaces^botije in AGAINST THE ERROVR Of felues) \i)\)ic¥ po^fonpnge rljcp can not afcctbe to t\)t moD OoiCame biouD oPmt imiout €l);m^ buconelptotbepopfoneo ii^Vne* ^rtD man of ail, tc ^0 agapuill tfje nature of^e C{Dcntc0,t9 be uinoti;png.f o; t^e oeftnUton of accf Dente0> (0 to hz m rom^e fubftance^ fo tliat pf roep be, tljep innft: neoes be in fome tbpnge* inD if tbep bee in notbpng, Cban tl;ep be not, 3DnD a tl)ouranD^ t^pnges mo,oC UU tocUQ^a ne^eD3oetbe)3iaptaeg aSitmz bp t\}m (^tan^ fubtantiatton, contrarp to all nature ano rea- io\u M tbat tt^D boDteg btin one place;anD one boDpmnianpplace0atonetpnie, ano tbat fub^ &mmB beeseno^iciioC accttieiite0 oneip^ano ac^ ciDcntes conue^eD mta Cub(lane.e0, ani> aboo^ to be ma place, auDoccu^pie no coume, ano %t^ necatlon to be tDitiiPu^ corruption, ano corrup- tion bitbout generation, taitbmanp fucbe ip^r tbpwges, agapnd all o^UjeranDvpainelplcs of na* tureanbreafon^ Chap 4 ^ ^^^ ^aptaical boctrlneis alfo agatnll al otic outSaiarD lenfes, calleD our tint )^iMS * for our TOcpapf* giegXa^^tl)cpfet[)ereb?eaDanDtopne, oucnofe0 Sttf 8fli' ft^^^^^^^^b ^ tDpne,owc moutbes tafte, ano oure ^" g^j,a 6anDe0 feele b^e^o anb U)pae*:^nD altnougb tbc su ourfm^^^i^i^^^^ ourfaitbbeaboueaUour outtoatbe &9 ienfeg^io tbat lae beleue tl)i>nge0,Uiblcbe lue can ncltbecfee,feie,bere,fmeUe,no;tafte,pettbep be not contrarp to our fen fes, at tbe leall fo contra- t^, tl>at m fticl^e tlipnaes, uaijc^e lae from tgpie tOi TRAN SVRrTANTIATI ON* ^t to t^me Dao ree,(ineu,feele,!)ere atiD tad^e l^ai not tmft our renre0, but belcue cUaue conttatp^ Ct^^td nsurr maoe no fuc^e article of our fatt^» £>uc ratt^ eeac^etii t^s to beleue tf^pnges tl^at l^e fee not, but tt Dootb not bpo b0,t^at loe (^all tiotbeleuetbattDerceDaplpU)ltl) ourcpe0, ano ^eace tDtt^ our eares, anb grope toitb oureban- Des* jf 0^ altbougb our fenfe0 can not rcacbe fo facre as ourcfaptbc Dootbe, petfo farreagt^e compa0 of our fenres Doet!) bfitallp reacbe,oure fattb tsi not contrary to tbe fame, but ratber our fcnfcs Doo confirme our fait!;*€>? els tu^at auat (CD it to ©♦Cborna^, foj t^e confirmation of2oVn#». Cb^^des refursectio, tbat be DiD put bis l^anD in to Cb?ide0fibe,pmon cpjcneus Ujas ccucifpcD fo^bpm, altbougl) to tbe(pgbte of tbe people, it feemeD tbatCb?ift^^ascrucificoc £)^to fucbeberett- ht& as rapD,tbat Cft?iR:e tons no man,altl)0U3l> to mens' lijbts lie appeceD in tbefoj^me of nmh ano femeb to be biingcp,D?p,bjerp,to U)epe,aepr, cate,Dzpnfef?, pea anotobpe Ipkeas otber men Dooc f 0? if Ujs onesaomptte tbis Doctrine, tbat no cccDite is to be gcuen to our fenrc0,^e open a large fielDjij geue a great occafio iinto an innu= nicrable cablementof molletiepnous berefies^ 3nD if t^ere be no trud to be geuen to our fen JIJU fe0. A a A I N SiT T ITB 1 R R V R ar Wint^ii matter of tbe ractamente, blip tliati DO t^e ^aptaes D (loutelp afftrmc, t^at t^e ac>» ctDnucs temapn after tt|e conleccatton r tol^tc^e cat! not be tuojeD bat bp tbe fen(e0* jfo; t^e fctt - f»tureipeaaetb no tuoope of tbe acctoentes of ii^eaoDeanD tupne.but of tbeb;eaDDeanDi»pne tbe^m kluts. Ino it is asamfte tbe nature anD litifmttton of acctoentes, to be^ alone tDltboute mip rubitance* aoQberfo^e tf toe mapenot trade ou^ fenles in tl^ts matter of tbe racrament,t^ari If tbcfabflanceof tbeb^eaoano lopnebe gone, iDbP map me not tUtw rap> tbat tl^e acctDcntee be gon aUo c Miy tf m muft neoeg beleue our fen- feg^as cocernpng t:;e acctoentes of b?eao ^ Mm, tx>f)^ innp m not doo t^e IpHe of tbe (ubflance, f tbatratijcrtbau of t^cacct2>ente6 ^ fo^aimucbe as after tbe cofecratton, tbe fcrtpture rattb m no place, t^at tbere is no fubflance of b^ao no^ of topne, but calletbtbetmapUbp facile names as Ognifte tbe fubdances, ano not tbe acciDentes c Mt> fpnailp, tf our fences bee Dapip DecetueD fntl)is matter, tbajs tbefenftblefacrament no^ tiiptii^ els, but ah clufton of ourfenfeSvlflnDfo iDc auiic m»ci)e fo^tbetr purpale, tbat fato tbat Cbjtii: mm a craftp luggler^tbat maDs tbpnges to appcrctomcnsfigbtfSjtt^at mDcDetoercno fucbe rbpnges, but fozmcs oneip , figures,, auD appacanccsof tbetml 3at to concluoe ia fetoe ttio^bes tW P^ocefTe af out fenfesjec all tbe papiftes lape tbetr bea* 2i^&togiti;er,ai>D tf^et l^al neucr be able talt^eui one; rTRANJVBSTANT I A T I O N; xy one actlcie of out f Ateti, to oicectlp tamtam to ourfenfes, tt^atall our CenfeB bpoalelp Cjcperk ence (Qail afCicmc a tl^pnge to bee, anopet ottre faptbe (Qall tgaci)e bs tbe cotitrarp tt^tt^nto, ^otoeto; as mucbe as it 10 oeclateo^boiotl^ti^ Chap«5 t^apiatcau oppntoti of (Ctanrubttatitiation iB agaptift tbeujoo^oeof tbeolDie(l autbo; t^at tbt£^ oape ts fenosDencotD^tteanptteatiebpon tbe faccamen tes, ano ^iou not imtcbe aboue one ^unD;teD percs after Cbl^tdes; afcenrtom i^e wnttti) in bis feeonDe apologie, t^at t^c ) b^eaD,toater,anD topne in tbis (^crament,ar not , tobetaUenasorber comonmeatesanDb^tnl^es , be, but tbcp beemeates o^oepnetipurporelp to 3 il^zue tbanHes to goD,anD tberfo;e be calleo Bu- )Charin:ia,dnobe cailcoalfo tbe boDp ano blouDe jOf Cbuit, 31110 tbat it is laufttllfoi none toeate 5 oiD^pnfec of ti^em^but tbat p;ofcffe Cbjifte, anD jlpaeaccajDpn^e to tbe fame ♦ ainb pet tlje fame 5 meate ano Ojipnfeec fait^ be) iscbaunged.imo our J flcfbc and bloud, and nour ifbeth our bodies,, asp tobrcb faipnoj tt is emocnt, tbat Juftinng 4ouii^c,tt)att^eb^edDanDtDpncre(naineo(lu, AGAINST THE ERROVROP (n el0 it cmtlDe mt ^aue I^cette tourneD Into oy r Btfl^e aiiD WotiD to nojf (5 out boDpes/ irenmm 0tpt f)tm toas 3i;eneu0, aboue 150 i'erc0 af ^ trrf vdcnth ttt Cft^Cft, tol^o (ag itis fwppsfeD ) coulD not bee mm w.4i Dcceatteo mtbencceffatppopntes of oucfaptb, p^^H. fojtl^ci^asaDifcrpie of ^oipcacpKS.tui^fcij isjss Difciple to faint Jlobnt&c enangeim^ Cl)i5 3|- reneu0,folotoet^t^efenftaf 31afl:inus i»^oa? fee0bntet ^tebantbenameof <^50D not tban common breaO:, ^ut tbe b^eao of t^4»- 3fec0 genfngjbautng ttiso tbinge0 mly,ano tbe oti^ec beauenlp* aroUat ment l)t bp tbe fteawenlptbpnge,buttl)efauccincarion tebpcbe cometbbptbetnuocacionoftbename of d^oo^ 3<(nbtDbatbi>tbceattblptbi>nget'bat(tf origtnes in ^W^^l^ ^ftec ^tcueus, Uja0 £)iigeti about M4i.c4,i/;ioo,peate0 after Cb?iftf0arcenCion* 5CObo alfo afftrmetb > tbat tbe ntatcitailb^eabtemametb^ faplng,tbat the matticr of the breadc auaplCtb UO" tblng, bixt goeth donne inco tf?e bealy, and is auoys ded dounewarde, but t!)etoOO?De of (^CDrpOJ^CU tipon tbe b;caDe, (0 it tbat auailetb. cyprm,d ^^^^^ £>2t«en came crp^tan tlje bolp mtittn ctfcif.5/t.z. about t^epeate of cue )lojoe z5-^*tobo^?Ftetb €pm>u. i.agalafltb^pmt^atmmidceD tbi0 .Sacwment ioptft TKANSVBSTANTIATrON. j.4 ?muc^e(faptft!?c)a5 cWfte fapt):3[ani a ttthtt >1bpnC«tl)CrCfO^C tl7ebloude.of Ci?nll: is not water, 3butrt)ync,nOi itcannotbeetf^ougf^t t}}SLthis bloudc ^(teljecbp toeb^rcDcmeo ano ftaue lpfe)isin t]?e 5 cuppe, whanw^/neisnot in tf?c cuppe, whcrby i\}c s bloude of C hr ift is Q^exred* ' aoojat toQo?oe0 coulDe Cpp?(ati Ijau^ fpofeett mm plapalp, to (QetDe t^ac ttje topne Dooti^e ce^ niaj>ne,tbaatafap t[)us:3Bf t^exebeeno Uipne, ' tb^e td.no blouD of Cb^tUe c* 3BnD m ^c fpea&et^ (^jo^telp aftet^ais plattulp ^at, ^^ »f n tl)e fame Cpiflle* Cb^m(faptf) Ije) tafepng tlie i»cuppe, bSelTcD i( , ano gaue it to bt£^ Oirciple0> >>faping^:B^pulitpou.aUof tbi0,fojtljts is tfte 3>blouDeof tfjeuetDeteaainent, tebrc^ef^aU bee ))(ftcDDefo?manp,fo^i;(jerem|^flrioiiof fpuncs* 3 p>fapt)ntoi>ou,tl)atfcoml)cncefG^be3 topll not 5>D^pnfee of t!jt0 creature of t}?cvyne, bntpll 3 5)al 3:l>^pnfeeujttlj pouBcl3)0 topne ui ttje fepngoome of 5>mpfatbec.23p tfiefeloaojJKfir of Cljjtfte (Captfjc ) fapnct Cpp;iau)lDe petcettK,tl)at t^e cuppe \x)hi >cbetbe xLo^Dc oftztzD, tuas not onelp i»ater, but 3 alfO topne, 3[!nD tl^at it was wyne, tbat Cl?rifte cal^ >ledi?is bloude, toberebp(tf0Cleate, tijat Chn'ftes 5 bloudis not offered, yf there be no wyne in il?e Cha- 5 lice* anD af tec it folotuet^ : i^oiuc ^al tue D^infee 9 tDttb Cbli(le \U\3$C wync of t5?e creature of tl?c vync,, ytctn t^efaci'ifice of d^ootl^efatbct^anD of €^M ^toeOOOnOt ofFrewyacC 3In tl^cfe UiojDe0^^of ftpnt Cppaian>appeecetl| moftj& Anlp omtto tjetp topne, tbat 10 inaoe of ftcapc0, ttjat come oti\)t tjpne, but alfc tbat toee o^pnbe tbe fame* 3inDi>cttl^c fame smeiit^ tsto tonoct^ l!anDe,tt)at if ^c D^pnbe t^at Ispne S2)o^t^€(p,i!oc t)?r nbe af fo fpattuaiip tl^e mt^ Diouo at €Wih totjictjelDasffieD fc^oucfpnneg* r«/cHtt« CulebmsCmiaenuB.amaoffpngularfame B wtfcnMi, Oi learnmg, about CCiii^ peatcs atttr C^jUks aUcentton.DiO m f cIbe icoj^te Tet out t^ts matter fopiauKlr.(bot!iei)ol2)ett;eb;eaDeanD lopnebe conueueDuuotbel)ODp«^bioiiDof ctijtfte, ar.D pet temapnc llpli in tbctc nature, eno alio botoc befpDe0tbeouttDartierecrutngcof b^eaoe ano tupne, ilU^m 10 umarocp bpfaptlje tectiuco iti out l^tatte0}ai tW 3 rap)t)t t)ot^ fo platnip fet out,tbat mo^e plainnefie can not be uafona^lpe Oefpieo in t^i0 matter ifo^ be fapt^, t^at tbe co^^ tietfton ort^e l^ifibiecteatures or b^eao ^toine, into tbe boop ano bontie of €^Mt, is l?ht t^nto our couerfton in baptifmcj^tobere ou ttaatDlp m^ tbpng t0 cbangcD , but remametb tbe fame tbat lDa0 before, but all t|^e alteration i0 tntnarDelpe anofpirtcuaUp. T>e confc*:* Jf tboutopltbnotoe(faptbbe)bo^ctt ouglitt crxmm ^not to feem to tbe a netne tbpng, ano impoflftble, dion,i, ^ i\-^i ycarcHy and corruptible thynges be turned m^ 3 to tl?e fubftance of Cf?rift,Ioke vpon tHy relfe,wSicl^ dart made newe in bapnTmCjtoban tbOtt toad facre ^ ftom life, ano bantQ)eD 00 a ftcaungec fro mer- :> cp, anD fro t^e loap of faluaciu n , ani^tnuiarDcrp iDa0 TRAN S V B S T ANT lATI O N. ^^f >tiiaftt)eao,petroDepn:ptbou beganae an otbet > Ipfe in Cl)?ift,and wafte made newe, bp ^OlfomC 5 mpaeCleSjand xraft turned into thebody of the cbur >cl?e,notbpftpng3btttbp beUapnse:anD of tbe >cbiiDe43f Damjiatiotijbpafectetepuceiieire^t^oii 3 Uiafte waoc t^e c&ofeu (oiinc of fibly dyddeft remayne in the faniie meafure, tf?at thou , l?addeftbefore,butinuiQblyt}?ou waft made greater, . 5 Witl?out any incrcacc of cf?y body* Thou waft t\}c fell* J fameperfon, auD pet bp t\)z tncceacc of faui;,tbow J toaftemaoc another man ♦ Outwardly notbyng 5 was added, but alltf?ec}?aunge was inwardly* 3ln^ 3 fo toa0 man maue tl?^ fon of cb?tftc, ano Cl^jtift :> f oucmeo in tbe mpno of man> (Cdecfo^e as tbott 3 (ptittpi>g atuap ttjp former tJileneffODiDOeft ce- :, ceaue a nelxie Dignitee, not f ecipng anp cbaunge ) in t\)p boope, ano as tbe curpnge of cl)p i)treare» > t^e pttttpng atoap of tljpn ;nfcction,t!)e iupppng 5 atoapc of tbP fUtbpneffe bee not fcne \x}it\; tbpnc ^epeSjbutare beleueomtbpmpnDe: folpfecbpre jtDl^ant^otiDoedgobpto tbe ccuetenoe nltate, ^to feeoe t)pon fpttttuall ntcatean tl)^ fait^ icohz >tipontl>cboDpanDblottDDcof l)pm, t^at istbp 5 <15oD,^onouc i)pm, touclfte \^m mt^ tbP mpnoe, 5 tafee l)pm in tbe banoe of tl^p l^atte, ano cl)ief eip 3 D;pn\v l)pm U)Ub tbe D^angtit of t\)v intoacD ma* i^Ptl)c«;tobatte J rebecfeo tfjejaipnges of Cii febm3,tD^pcbebee(o plapnc, tbat no man can top(ftem:^?eplapnelptobee declareo, tljat tW& mutation of t()e b^^ao ano topnc into tl)e boDpe ano biouDOe of €Uiisit^i& a fpfrimaU mutatioti ttv blouDe af Cb^tle. HiTar/tt/. ^U^tim aifo it) fcU)^ tna^t^eg Tatet!) t\)t fame^. > Ci^CCei^ a figure (faiCtt>^e)fe^brcade and wyne 3 he outwardly reene.Siit^tfjere is alfo- a trutl^eof i tbat fpguce, f o; t\)$ boop auD blouDe of cb^iKe > beeof att;utf>eiats)arDIpbeleueD>3llnD t\)iB f$i' ^ latius toa0 tolH^m lellc t^aa* 35o> ?^a<^^fi flftec Cb^ifte« ri>,>j,4ni«« ^*^^ (0Wl)amu0 Cftojtlpaftcr ttje fametime^ <5tr^ fj^rc ratet^, tliat t}?e bi-ead is meate, bUt t^C t>tttm tfjUt fcsiibyto. i0(nit,isitt!>atgeuetblpfe* 25utp^ tf)ntmtt a.EemAn4 nob;eaDataU,botoecoulDeitbemeate c* crptoa/?* aiboutt^c lame tpmeo;(]^?telp after, abottte cfory/oflo. t^epereof oucUo?De»4oo»§,apnt 3o!jn c&^P^ 'StJ'^mti foftometu;itetbtbu0, agapuRetbeimtbat tjfed ^aioni.b> ^„^jpjo^t5,;j„tbefacrartKut* CWfte(fapt^ be) > mpnopngtoplacfeetjpt^at^erefpebp tl^e uoo- 5 (60, vredwyne,a0tDeHe before I}i0 refutcectioiij, :> iDb^tt^egaue tbemp(lem0> a0 after at l|i0 ta;' d bU U)ttf|out inpfterie0, f^p \}t (aitljy of tbe fcuitr > of tbet>pae,^pcljerurelpbjpnget^foo?tfte na > ltiater,butl2rptie» Cb^fe too?De0 of C^?pfo(lomeDedatepIapn> Ip,tbatct>?pileinbi06^lp tMt, bot^e b^anl^e tiipue, anb gaue topne to D;pnHe,tDbicbe^aD not been tcetoe^pf no tDPue^ao remapneo aftec t^e Confecration, a0 t^e idapi(te0 fa;n^> anil TRAN SV^St ANTIATI 0H» zS 3IIUD pec mo^e plapnel^ ^apttct Cb^proflome » ^eclacec^ tl^is matter tti au odjcr place, faptas ' ^C^ebKaooebeefo^ett bee fanctifreo , is calUDAicf/iriS ^b^eaoe^buttDbatiUt^fancttfteDbp t^cineane0moftHC^«ni 'of t^ep}U(le,tcisDelpuercD fcometbename of ' b;eaDDe, ano is ejcalteD to t^e name of t^e )lo^ ' DeS bOOP, alttJOlig^t}?e nature of bread doetbftyll ^ rcmaync# C^e natttie of b^^eao (faitb tie) Doet^ Opli te^ mapn, to t^z Dttec ano manpf ea confutation of tbe^aptdes, to^pcl^e fape t^at tbe acctoentes of b^eabDe Dooe remapne , but not t^e nature ano rub(lance4 ' . m t^e fame time teas S^ambi^ofe^^ o Decla Awbro/i««^ rettitl)e alteration of bj^eaoeano topneinto tl)e boop ano biouo of C^^tile, not to be ruc^e> ti^at t^e nature ano (ubilance of b;eao ano \x^v^^ ^^^ gone, but t^at tti^ougij srace,t!)ere is a rpiritu- all mutation bpt^empg^tpe pouier of (Bot>, fo c^at lie t^at isio^t^plp eatet!) of tl)at b^^eao, ootii Cpirttuallp eate Cb^i(le,anootDellet^ in €f)}i^^ anociijitteinfjpm. ^ .. , > Jf 0? (Capetft fapnt aimb^ofe, fpeafepng of tijis ^afj""^ y c^aunge of b;eao into tbc boop of C^jtit)if tl^^^JnZr'Z ifeoojoof (Soobe of tUatfojce tftat itcanniaHe^itiMcr dc stijpngesof nougljte,anotljofe t^pngesto bzt/fucrdmcntis >to^icl)eneiiertoere before, muclje mo?e itcanneIU^c<'^4 5 mafe e tl?yngcs t!?at were before, ftill to bee, and alfo 3 to be cl?aunged into other thynges* ' Sno lie b^ipnget^ fo^ ejcamplebere of tl^e cljage of t)S in baptifme,totierin a man is Co cliiaungeo, <&Aii Cas : A G A I N S T T H E E R R O V R O F (as tg before DecIatcD in t\)t 1doo^dc0 of (guithU US) tl^ac t) e is maoe a uebe creature, auD Ttt f^is fubftaitce tcnmmtl) cl)e Tame ciiat ms htto^t^ Auntmus 3iinaramt augutlln about t^eiame time tpzote in fermnc tlfus t: (CDat Ujt^ic^e pou fee in t^e aitac^, is tl?c bread and cl?e cup, whicf^e alfo your cies do (ijcxo you. ^ J5utraitIr(&eiuett)turtljec,tbatb;ea0isti)eU0s ^ D^ 0^ Ct)iiite, aiD tl)e cxippe ftis blauoe* i^ece !)e mtl&tctt) feuce tbpugsto be in tlje fa ccainent* ctuo tl^at toe fe, to^jrc^e be bjeabe ano Mnt.Mti oxUttmMi)ich^t fenot^butbp fai- tfteonelp, iuIjicljebetbeboDp artt^bluD of Cb.iitt i» lib. fen- ^uD tl|e fame tljiiig tjc Declarett) al(o as ptain tentUrum ipitiau otftecplace^faptttg: C^efacriftceofi^e &o]^crU >CtmCC^C0niaietft0ftUJOt^pngeS of tl?e vifyblc 5 feiuD of t^e elemtnt,^ of tbe tuutfible fled) (i bluD > of ouctto^De 3|cfu CiJjifte, bot^e of tlje facca^ ^ ment,ani>of t^etfjpnge fpgnificDbp tlefarra^ ^ meHt* CUeit as the parfone o£ Cf?nfi:e comllftetl? o£ ^ God aadman^fecafumcft as Ijeis ijcrp*(SoD auD ^ t3ei;p Itiati* ^O^. eucry thyngc conteyneth in it, tl?c ^' very nature of tQofe thyngeSj-mlTerof it confyfletl^, ^ i^otoe tbe facrifice of t\)t€\}utc\)t confpftett) of; ^ ttoo tbpngeSiOetf;rran;ament,anDof tljetbpng 5 t^ecebpnguifi^^tr, tbatisto fape, t^e boupe of 5 c H R I s T E» CDecfo;e tbere is botbe tije facta- > ment^anb tiie tbpas a£ tfee f^crament^to^iclje is QCObat can be DeuifeD tobefpoHen^mojeplain Ip llgaina t^e ecrour of tbe paptftes.toDicft fap ^$l.mbmi> no; Uipoei ummmtli m t^e facta^ TR A NS VBST ANT I AT lO N. ^7 I etDD natuces, t^at tg to (n^,otW^ man^oo, anD ^offjis 30polinati0,ant) Dp(tei:0oti^er of Ip'&e fo,ite0j.t»t?pcbe fapo, tbat tbectl^eretuere,a0 3rtemon, CfieoDo^u0, ^abeUtu0, }daulu0 S^amafatbenu0, parcel- Iu0, |dbocmu0 , ^etlo)ttt0> anD manp ot^ei; of tbe fame fecte0, tob^cbe fapD , t^att)e^a0 a ^t^ tpnaturall man.bntnot l}et;p^oD,altboug!; in geupng tbe blpnD tbeir fpgbte, t^e Dumbe tbepj fpeecbe, tbe Deatetbetc b^acpngc^tn liealpng To- Dainip toftb b^s tootoeal Difeafeg , m capctng to life tbem tbat loete oeab^anD w alotbec tdojfee0 of (©oD, b^ tt)^toeD btmfelfe a0be ^ao been goo* •get otbettfiewtoecetDbicbfepngtberctiptttre fo plapitein tbofettDO mattets^conf eflfeD tbat be laaEbot^ (i^oD $ man.bnt not botb at one tm^* AG Am ST THB.ERROVROP foi before W intatmtion (fapoe tiier) be teas <2E»oD onelp> anD not man, ano after; l)is mm}a^ tton.be ceareo from W S0DbeaD>^ becam a ma ti onel^.auD not 0oD,bnt^l ^t0 reCurrectton oi af- (mfion, ano tban (Cap t^ep^t^e left ^^0 manl^oDe, and teas onlp d^oD a^apn, as be \xim bero;e bts^ incarnation. S>o tbatluban bi^ Uias ma^ b^ ^^^ not (!50D, anD ivba b^ ^as soD,bi^ ^as not man* adtttagatnil tbefe bamb^reftes^t^e catti^iik Caftb,bp tbeeicp^ede Ido^d of d^oo, b^olDetb anD l)eleaetb> tbat Cb^td afcec bts mcacnatton Ufte Mt\)is ominenatute, but. remapneb flpll goo« ^g !^e tDa0 before, bepnge togptber at one tpme, (a0 ^e ^0 jdpl) bptb perf f jct goo ano pttHct man* 3m)fo?4 plapne oe^acation \9m0t, tb^i oioe aumtent atit^o^g geue mo ejcampleg, one 10 of man, \o\^^c\)eis mnDe of tiDo patteg , of a foule anb of a boope, anb ecbe of tb^fe tioo partem tt- inapnelnman at onetpmc. ^0 t^at tpbantbe route, bptbealmpgbtpepotDec of gob, 10 put (a to tbe bobp, neltbec tbe boDp no; foulc pctil^ct^ tbecebp, but tb^cof 10 mabe a pecfecte man, ba- upng a perfect foule anb a perfect boop,; remaps tipng in bpm botb at one tpme.Cbc otbcr cram- pie, Uibpcbe tbe olbe auebo^0 b;pnge in fo; tbP0 purpofe, 10 of tbe bofp Cupper of our )lo;b, bb^ ri)e cottftftetli (fap tbcp) of tU)0 partes.of tbe fa^ rrament 0; blftble element of b^eab anb topne, $ ot t\)t bobp anb bloub of Cb^lft.^no as in tbem Ibat buelp recepue tl;e raccament,tbe berp natu^ i;e0 of bmt) anb ixtm (^affe not to be tbere,bui; remapii TKANSVBSTANTIATION. iS cematnetftcceftpU,anDbr eaten coapo^allp, ad •e^e boDp ano blouo of Cb^cd be f atett fptrttual- Ip : ro Ithetopfe Dotli tbe Dtutnc nafuce of Ct?}i(lr remapiK (IpU tDitb !) is immanitp. ][let natus tbc t^aptaes anaunte t^eprnfeluefi^ oftbticccanrubaamtatton ,tbattb«ce remap- ttetbnob^eai>eno;^pnein tbe mpntdcacton or tbefactamettt,pf tbeptopU oefcnoe tbe topcbm berefpe^ before rel^ecfeo , tbat €W^ ^^ not ^oi^ dRDmanbotbtogttbes^ 33uttop;o(iet^at tW tm tbe tnpnoe of tbe otoe autbo;0 , befpbe tb( farmg of fatnct 3iugu(line^ecetec(teo ^31 fl^all airo rebecfetHuccs otbet « garnet 3lboncb?pfoftometDjftet§ ajapttfte chyffo. tbepettileiu errout ompo\\imtis,Wc\)t mt^ e<©ooljeaD anDmatibeaamcb.ttft, *^^^^*^ tuetefo mpjieD anb conCounoeb togetl^er, tbat tW botbe maoe but otte natuce* ^satnH to^oiu p*JoW €\nitoftomz tx^itetb t]^U0 « 9 ^ban ti^ufpealied of dE>oD > tbou mtii^ cott« > ffbet a t^pnge , tft at tn mtntz iB fpnjle , tnpt^. > outcmtipoftttoti,bnt!|out conuecCton, t^at 10, } Inutftble, tmtno^tall, tnclccumfctlptible, tncom- :> p;e^Hftble , tx)pt^ fucbe IpUe ^ ^nb to^an t^ioti > fpeabed of manne , t^oumeanefl anattice tl^at 5 <0 teaHe, (ttbiecte to ftungar, tbP^de, U)eeppng> >feace,ftoeatpnge,anDTiiebeI?t\epa(rion0, tobt^ 5 cbe catim not bee tn tl;e btaine nature ♦ 3Bno , toban tbou fpeafeeft of C^ittfl,tbou lopneft ttooo > natures togUber tn one petrone,U)l)otd botbe ^pafltblcauD impafTible: )&a(r(blea0 conar^ nins AGAYNST THE E R R O V R O f nimg W 6^0)^» dtiD trnpaflftble in ^in Dtittt. ainD after 6e cottcliiDet^ fating ; ^berefojte :>€W^^ i^ ^otbt ^(it) anD man : iopneD to$ptb^r<,U)l)pc^ be not of one fubftance, >but (c()£ot tbeinibatQ l)is pjtopecteeBDtftincte 3 fcome tbeotbec«3nD tber^fp^e ccinapn^tb t^ece 3 tU)o natiireBvDiflmcte^anD not confounoeD^^o^ das before tbe confrcratton of tbe b^$ao,)»^^aUe 3 tt b^eaO, but wl?an Goddes grace \pit\}hn anottlsnotcalleDtlK)oboDre6,butone boDpof ^(]5oDsronne:ro li&eU)prei)et;e,tl^e Dtutne nature 3 teftjetb m tl^e boDp of Cb^tMno tbefe ttso ina^e ?one fonne, anD one petfone* Cbefe h)o;De0 of fa^nct Cb^pfodome, DtcWz anb tbat not in objure termes, but in plapne tDO^De0,tbat after tbe confecratton, tl^e nature of bieaoremapnetb flHU altl^oug^e ittjaue an ^PSber name, ano bee calleD tbe boop of €l)M : to ftgnlftebntotbegoDip caters of tbat b^eao, t^at tbcp rpirttuallp eat tbe fupernaturall b^eaD of t\)c boDp of €l)Mt, U)bo rptrttuaiip xb tbece p?erent,anD DtDcUett) m tbelm,anD tW in bpm, altbougbco^po^ailp befpttetljtn^eauenat tt;e rigbt banoe of bts fati^er. Cikfuia ferebnto acco^oet^ alfo (BeiaR«0,to^ boDp $ blouD of €lnift:Wcl^ (fattb be)tB a goD 5 Ip t^png, anD pet the lubftance or nature of breadc > and wync, doo not ccale to be tl^ereftyn* iliorettiellt^ereioo^DeB agapnde alU^e^a^ pideB of our tpme,t^at (^elar(UB(lDi)lcU tuas bp C^op of iRome mo;e t\)n a tboufano pereB pafTeo) lui^ttet^ of tb(B racrament, t^at t^e b^eaDoe ann topnecea(enottobetbeieapU,aB Cb;t(l ceafeD not to be (30D after bis incatnatton, but tcmai- neo (Ipllperfecte goD^as lie ms befo?c« CljieoDo^etuB alfo affirmet!) tlje fame,botb in yfefoJorr- ^10 f(r(l ano tn ^tB feconDe Dtaloge. Jn tbc f p^ft t^ indigo* ^e (att^ tl^UB : l^e tfjat catleD t)i0 naturali boDp,2»$. AGAINST THE BRROVR OF > ittftcate anD b^eaode, anD al(a calleo Wn\ fef fe at a t)?ne, tilt [Z\tt fame called bread and wyne f?is bo^ 3 dye and bloudde;^ and yet chaunged not tbcyr na- » tures« MD inW feconoe Dialogue tje (aitl^e moje > Plapnlp* JOKfapt^lje) as th€ bread and wyne afis 3 tcr tl7e confecration lofe not t^eir proprc nature, bu t a kcpe t!?eir former fubftance,forme, and figurc,te^p^ a cfte tbep ftaD befo?e^eucn fa tfte boDp of C^^tfte, :> afteebtsaiccntiQit,tDa0cbatrgeD into t^ego^^^ a Ip fMbftauncc* 0o\Dt lette tbe {^applies c^oofe, b^pcl^e of tt^efettootftep iDpll gcauiite, (foj^onc of tljepm t^ep tmifte mebes gcaum) eptl)ec tt)at ct^e na^^ tuceanafttbltaunce of bieaooe atiD ivpne , re^ mapneapll in t^efaccament after c!)econfecca. tton, (atib tban mude t^^p recant tb^fi; i^octttne of Cranrubtlantiattoti)o;ell€£; t^at tbep bee of t^e eccoucof 0tt\o}ins, ano otber^iobpc^e cpD Tap, tijattbe nature of tbe d^oD^eao, remapnei^ not in €\)Mt after t^ 10 incarnatton^f o]^ at tbefe olDe ata^o;0 agree, t!)at it f0 in t^e one, as ft is Intbeotl^er^ C!?ap* ^'^ iftouje f o^afmucfte a0 ft 10 p^oueo fttfficf enf ^ ^ If e (as toelle bp t!)e l}olpe g criptuce, as bp na- Saufi ^"*^^l^ operation , b]p naturafl teafonc , bp all cam from our fenfes, auD bp tt)C mode oirxt ano bed iccncD ^owe* autbo^s, and bolpemartp^es ofcHRisxEs ciiurcUe,) tbat tbe fubdaunee of b^caoDe and iDpneDoocremapne, anobereceaueD of faptl^e^ Cull people in t^e blefleo f acramente, tyy fuppet "" " Z'^"' '^ at TRANiVBSTANtlATrON. j^ of t^e L o a D : Jt is; a t^png Uio^ti^p to bee cott - I noereoanoiDeiltDateDitDbat moueo tt^eCcbooie "^ ' aat^o^s of late j^cate0 to Defenoe t^e contract optmon^notonelp (ofatrefrome aU eicpetunce of ouce feufes; , anD Co farce fcome all reafone, but al(o cleane contcacpe to t^e oloe dl^mc^c of c H a I s T, ano to (^oDDes mofle ijolp tuo^De^ ^ucelptiotl^pngmoueD tl)ein tljerto fomuci^e, asDPOtlie bapne faptt)e,lJDl)i>cl;etl^ep b^DDetti tI)ec^tttcDeanD(eaof iiiome. fo^Jol^mncs ^cotus, otbetUipfe ctilUbscotuffu^ 2Dttnce,(t()e Cabtileft of al t&e fcbole awtbo^0)mp^»'-4./c«t. tceatpngof tljis matter; of ccanfubftantiatton,^'^^'*'* '• Cftetoetl)plapnelptl)ecaafe t^ereof^ fo} (fapt^e > bee) tl?e woordesof the Scripture myghtebec ex- > pounded more eafylye, and more playnely , Iwitl?out jTranfubftantiation, but tbe CbWtCbeDpDCbOOfC > tbis fenfe , (tobPcbe P0 mo^e baroe ) beepnge >motteD tbetetoCasit feemetb) cbieffelp,bycaure >tl?at of t}}c Sacramentes menne ougl?cc toholdc,as > il?choIye Cl?urcheof Rome holdetf?: 25ttt Pt b^l' > oetb, tbat b^zeaoe is tranfubaanttate o; toutnco > Into tbe boDpe, ano topne tuto tbe biouDDe, as tt >iS QjetoeD Defumma Trinicace SC fide CatI?oUca» > Firmicer credimus* ano (i5abjielairo(bbo of ai otbecUj?oteino(lG4&nfi. lacgelp bpo tbe Canon of § ^affe) faptb tbu0* >3t^0tobtenoteD, tbataltbougbtc be taugbte > tn tbe rcctpture,tbat tbe boDp of Cb^td is tcuip , contapneo ano ceccpueo of cbi^tden people, bn^ ,oeet^e]KfnDe0o{bKaDeanDb)pne,petbotue tbe II* iU boDP AQAINSTTHE HRROVR OF boDp of €W^ is t^tce, hfyttlm bp conuetfpon of aap tbpng into it, o^hjtt^out conuertton, tfje / boop is tl)ztz iBitl) m b^aD,bott)c tljefubftance atiD acctpentcs of b;eaD, ceiimtnpng t^ere (tplf » id's not foundeexpreffed mt}?e Bible, get for as- muche as ot cf7e facraraenccs, men mufte Isolde as tl^e f?oly cl?urc}?c of Rome f?oldcth,aS it iS lu^ttten Dc I?^reu'ds^ Adabolendam, 35nD tbat Cburc!)^ ftOls Detb,anD batb DctecnimeD,tbattt)ebzraD is tra- rttbitantiatcDintotbeboDpeof Cbjifte,anD tbe topiK intObtS blOilC^, tl?erlbre is tl?is opinion recea^ ued of all cfpemthat be catholike, tbat l^e fttbltance Of b^eaDcrcmapnetbnot,but teallp anb ttuelp iB tmtntDy tcanfubftanttatcD anD cbangexiinto tbefubftanceof tbeboopof Cbl^ide^ (Cbus pou baue beacD tbe caufe^Urbetfo^e tb^s opinion of ctanCubftantiatioat t\)i^ p?efentt2 bolDmanobefenDeo among cb?tl}e people, tbat t0 to Cape, bpcaufe tbe cburcbe of iiiome barb, fa DetermineD,altbougbctbcconttatp,bptbepa<: pifttB obine confelTion, appeate to be moi^e eafpe inoaetceUie^anDnio^e acco^jpnge totbe^ccip. I5ut bpcaufe taoui; (f ngliifte ^apillcsf (toba fijeafeemo^egcoITelp bftcintba5}&opebtmfe!f, affirmpng tbat tbe natural boDp of Cb?tft ts na? itwallp in tbe b^eao anD \xivnt) can not, no^ Date »otgroimDtbeicfaitb, concetnpng ttanfubfta- liation.bpontbecburcbeof Eome: bbpcbe al' tbougb in name, itbecalleD mode bolpe, pet m H^cDje tt(0 tbe mofte dpalipnge DongebpU of art Uiic- TRA N S V B S T A N T I AT 1 ON. 31 (pnasoge of tt)e Dzu^Uy\i>W¥ ^l)o foeuei; fola- lDCtU> can not bitt dutitbU, atiD fall into a pit ful of ecr;otti;0»z5pcaure3irap(tl)e(0ngUC5e^api^ < lles^Dace not no^c ilabltC^e tt)cti; fait^ bpo t6a( foanoatiotior Eome, tt;ecf&;e t^ep felte jfpgse leaue0,t^at is to Tap, uapn reafotis.gat^ereo of tl^ep^ oiDne b^pnes mix atitl^o^iteejo^, iD^efteD from t^e totent a:m mptioe of t^e atiti)o?0,tD!)er U)ttU tacoaecano t^poetbep^ f^inefull ectout;0« ^^erfojic J t^oirgbt it gooD, fometoljat totca- ttaple ^erem, to raHe aUiape tl^ofe fpgge UmtSi, tljattftcp^ d^aimfttilcccoiirs mapplapnlp to e^ necpmatiappeere^ Cti^gtcattcftreafonatmof mod importance, q^^^ g ant>of fiw^e ftreiigtl) (as t^ep tbpnfee) o; at tlje ^' ' leaftas tbep p^ctcnoe, t^at all t^e too^D catvnot ^^j? ^?* anftocce tl)ct;to,iB tliis : £)tic faiaoac c^^ft, ta- %^^mpi* l^png t^e b^eaD) b^a^e tt>anD gaue it to ^is Wcu nts to p^o^ plei^jftipng: This is my body*^otoe (fap tbcp) "« iftcp? a0fooneascWJtl)aofpofeentl)cfe teo?oes,tl)e J^tfa^t;"^* b^eao toas (tcai8l)t uiape altcicD anb c^aungeOo ^at. z6t and tfjcfttbftauncetbeccof toas coniKcteu into mm*i4- t\)t fubbftance of bis p:iecions boop^ Xaukr i5tttU)^atcli;iftiancatcscanpacic!Ttlp!)eare ft^Tm" el)i0 Doctrine, ti)at Ci^^ide iscuecp cap maoea netoe, anb maDe of an otljec fubftaunce, t^an \)t tuas mabc of in ^is motl^ers toombec Jf o^ tuljcce asat bi0 incarnation, t)etaa0 mabe of tl^e na- tucc anD fubftatince of ^is bleireo motfjer, nolue (bpt!|efe}&apift^0oppnponj) \)t is maoic eueri? AGAyNST THE E R R O V R O F ^ap of t^zMtute anDfubdSce of b;eao ^ bpne, txtW¥ (as t(iep fap) bt turneo tnto t^e (ubfiace or i;i0 boDpauD biouoe^ j^ ioi^at aimruarlou£( i8)pecamo;pl)or(6, ano ab^ompnable t)ctc(]pe 10 ibts:' to rap, t^at €W^ is tiapir maoc a mia}t, $ of a netDe mattec ir izibecof it f olovuet^ necelTau- IP) tbat tl)ep maHe ts euecp Dap a nclpe Cbi^i(le> ano not tl)e fame ttjat loaa bo^ne of tt^e t)p;gpne ^arp, no^tUatlxjascrucifieo )3poH ti)c ao0e, as ft Q}aU b^ piapnJp p^oueo bp t^efe atgunicn- tt& fololDpnge. f p;(l t^u9» 3f Cb;tfte5 boDp t^at ^as crucc- tim U)a& not maoe of b;eao, but tbe boope tl^ae luas eaten tn tl)t fuppet toas maDe of b^eaoe (as t^e 0apmes Cap) tban Cb^tdes boDpe tt^at U)a0 eaten, teas not ti^e fantftbat tuasccucifteD. 3BnD agapmif Cb;i(les boDp tbat toas ctuc^ ficD, toas not maoe of b^eao, ano Ci?;(ac9 boop cl^at teas ctttctf ieD toas tl^e fame ttiat taas eat^n at bts lad Tapper, tban €\)ni!t^5 boDp t^at t^as eaten U)as not maoe of b^eao^ ^ ^^^ 3[lnD mo^eoues : Jt C^^illes boope tbat toad eaten at t^e lade Cupper, bas tbe fame tbat itms cructfteD. anb Cb^tftes boope t^at U)as eaten at tiKfttpper teas maoe of b;eaD(as tbe {^apidcs fapne,) tl^an Cb^tdes boop t^at bas cructfpeo, ^asmaoeof b^caoe. srnDin iplie mancr it foloiuetb:3|f tlje boope 6f Cb^tit tn tbe facramcnt, bee maoe of tbe fub^ aace of b;eaD anb topne,anD tbe fame boDp tua^ conceiueo in t\)t bicspns Uiombe, tban tbeboDp of T R A N $ V B S T A N T I A T I O N. 3 Z ot€W^^ ^^ ^^^ \>^5?tiB teoinbe , i»a0 maoe of b^caodtiD topne. £>; els tucne ti)r argument ti)U04 (^!)e boDpe ofct^^tdmtbeblrgmeg toombeUiaBnet maor ofb^eaDe $ U»ttu, but tbis boDp of Cb;^(}e in t^e. raccament ts maoe of b;eab anb tDitie , f ban ti)i0 bobp of €f)Mft ^^ not tbe fame tbat urns concept uebintl^e bicg^nes Uiombe^ 3notbet argument . cb;^^ tbat Ivas; borne in t^e btrgpnfi^iJDombe , as concernmge bts boopr, ik^asmaoeof none otbecfubaatKe , but of tb^ fubftance of l)ts bleffcD motbec,but Cb^id in tbe facramcnt is mabe of anot^ec Oibftaunce , tl^anf ^etsanotbercb^ide*. 3nbfotb« nmuinif^ of mome, t^ecbiefeau;^ tbo? of ail 3iDoiatrF>U)oulD b;itng fattbfuU cbitt> den people, fco tbe true bJo;C^Cpppng of Cb^td, Ibat bias maoe ano bo^ne of tbe ble^eo birgpne ^at;p,tb?oug^tbeoper;ationoftbHebolpgboJt, anofuffecebfo^bsl^pontbecrofre, to \oo}Q)^p anotber €W^ »otoeinapbeearplpanftocreD tbe^apu ooecmo^e ^^s argument lobeccof tbep do fo mucbe boafi* fip««ipe. jf 0? b^agge tbep neuer Co mncbe of tbe conuec - fton of b^eaD ano lupne into tbe boDp anD blouD of Cb^tQ, m tbat (onuerfion is Cpirttuall , anD purtetbnotatoapetbe co^porail p^eicnceof tbe niatei:iaU breaDe anD iDpne» But f o; afnmcbe as tbe fame is a mode bolp facrament of our fpiri:: cual no^iO^ement, (tobtcbe U)e baue bp tbe boDpe anD blouD of our fauiour Cb^ift ) tbere muQ; m^: Des remaine tbe fenfible element ,tbat is to rape, b^eaD anD dainty tDitbout tbe tub^ebe tbere canne benofacrament^ ^S in out fpiritual regeneracton tbece can be no facrament of baptprme,tf tbere be no Uiater* foi as Baptifme is no perfect facrament of fpt- ffltuall regeneration, b)itbout tbere be a(ioei tbe element TR ANsyB5TANTr ATrO N, 3* element of teater, as tlje t|oI? gftoll, fpicauall^ regeneratms tl^e petfon tbat ts bapttfcD (l^tjicii 10 (tgnifteo bp t^e (am l»ater) cuen To t^e fou:: pecof ouc^o^Dccaubeno perfecte facrameme of fpfctmall foooc, except t^ere be as toel b^eaD anD lupne, as t^e boop ano blouD of our fautour Cl^jmeJputtuallpfeeDpng tjs, to^pc^ebp t\)z rapD b;eaD atio isptie ts agntfteo. i0nD bobe fo mtt t^e boDp ano blouoe of out fautouc Ci)?ift be tl^ece pjefent, t\:itp map as toel bepjefeutt^ereU)itbt!)crub(la«ceof b;eaD anD iDpne, a0 tDttl^ tl^e acctomtcs of tl;e fame, as t^e fcljoole autl^o;s Doo confeiTe tbem feiues^anD It (^a(l be toell piomD pf tbe abuerfarf es tDtl benp it . Ci)tt0 pott fee tbe (itonqeft argument of t^e ^aptO:e0an(tuct;eDbuto,anDt^ec!){effounDa' tloti Ui^erbpon ti^ep bupioe t^eir ecrour of ttatf fubaanttation.btterlp fubuerteo ano ouert^jo- . Ixien^ m ot^ee ceafoii \)mt tljep of Ipbe flrengtlje* Cf?ap* p. q|f t^cb^eaoeOoulDe temapne(fapett)ep)t^an^uj(.jfgj^ ftuloefoloUjemanpabfurDttees, anD cbteffelp,atg«mfnt t^at Cij^iUe bar?) t^lun tfte nature of b^eaoe^as ^o? (rafun rje tofee tfte nature of manne, anb fo iopneb it to ^^i^«^"o ^ts fub(tance« Snoc^anasuieiiaue (BODberp- ip tncarnate foj^our reoempttonjo (^ouloe l:Dee ^auef)pmtmpanate. Cl)OumapfteconfpD^e gooDreaber, tWtl)t%f)tmn» refteof ttjep^reafons bebap toeal^e ano feeble, odcw^ iDl^an tl^efe bee t^e c^iefeanb ftrongeft « Crutbe It 15 ittbeeoe^ti^at c^;pnte Ojouioe^aue bttnt %U impa? AGAINST THE H R R O V R 0*. impauate, pf l^e boDDetopneD t^eb;eaDDet)n^ tol;p0 fu&aauncctrt hnittz of pet;rone,tbat t0 to rap, pf fje l^aD lopneD tl^e b^eaoe l^nto f)^ in rac^clo^te.tl^atl^e^aDDemaDe t^e b^eaDDeoue pecfone ^ptli ijim reiee« But fo;t as muc^e as be lS{opiieDto(9eb;eaDebut facramencalip, tf^eee fololiietb no 3Bmpanationt*gercor>tio mo^c c^ati t^e Uolp 9l)oa (s Jnaquate, tl^at ts to fap^maoe loater, bepng ractameiitalip topneD to tbe tnnut in baptifme^Bo; i^e bas not maoe a Doue^b^ati l;etoUcbpponfiPmtl)efo^meo£aDoue,tofi9nt' Re tl}at be, tobom fapnct Jobn DpD baptife,uja£^ :6ut ratbcr of tbe erioure of tbe i^appQe^ tbepmreluc}\ma greater tinttee, than is bPS bnmanttee tobis<5^oDbeaD* Jo? b^sd^oDbeaDisaD^opneD t nto bis buaianttee in buttee of pecron.ano not of n^inte, y^nt mn faulouc €l)}.i^ ( bp tbetr Cap engc)aDiopaetb b^eaoe bnto bis boop in \)niitc botbc of nature atiD perfon. ^o tbat tbe b^eaoe auD tbe bDDp of €f^Mt be but olre tbpng j botbe in nature ano pei;(on4^aDfo IS tbereamo;eeti« tier bnlon bet^ene Cb^liteano bjeaoe, tban be. ttoene rfcAMSVBSTABirrATrON/ - 54^ t^tm ^t0 4^o^^eaD anD manl^eaD, o; betlnecne ^iQ fotpie atiD ^p0 boDpe* 3nD t^U0 tf^efeargu^ mented of t^epap2'(i;e0, retoucne (iplie riumD naples; t^ppon tf)e(t; oione i)eaDe0 , ^et a tbpiOe ceafonc t^cp t^aue, tol)pcl;e t^cp Cf?ap* to gatMec out of tl;e fpjct otJol)nM>\)ttc c h a i s t 3. fapetfi : 3 am Ipuclp b^tcaoe, to^ic^c came ftome ^^o^ j> fteauen , Jf anp manne eateof tjji0 bjicaooc, ^ej^^^;^^ >^ l^ali ipue fo^ caec* 3^ao t^e b;eaDe \x)lm\) 3l )vtll >>gette,ts mp flef^e, to^pc^e 3[ topU geue fo; t^e 34pfe of tbe teo^ilDc* (Ci^an teafoti t^ep after t\)i$ fafl^ton. ]if e^e bi^eaDDe, to^pc^e Ci)i^plte gaue, beebp0 HeQie, tl^at pt catine not aifo bee matecpall b^eaODe, anbfo pt mu(te neeDe0 folobe, tbat tbe mate. rpallb;eaDDep0 9one,atiDtbatnone otbec fab^ dance remapnet^,but tliie Settle of Cii^tlt onelp^ Co tb^0 is fooue maoe aufu^ece^tbac €W^ ^^ ^t^e aun* tbat place of Jobn, fpai^e not of ti)e matet;tall ^^^^* anD faccametttaii b;eaD,no? of tl|e faccamentall eatpng,(fo^t^atUmsrpo^entjit)OO^ti);e peaces before tbe(accamentetea0 fp^de o^oepneD) but ^ee fpake of fptcituall b^eaooe (mannp tpme0 ,,tepetpnge,3[amtbe b^eaDof lpfe,t»l)Pcbecame3Jot>"*^» „fcom ^eaaen) anb of fpicttuall eatpng bp faitb, aftec \i)\)ic\)t fo^te, bee Uia0 at t\}t fame p^efentc tpme, eaten of a0mannp>a0beleueDonbpm,al tbougb tt)t raccamet ioas not at tbat tpme mabe >>anotnaittt£eD»38nDtbecfo^ebefapDe: Soiic faiSoljn. s, 9>tber5D:)Deate^innaCntbeDefette, ano DpeD» »bat ^e t^at eatet^ t^f b;eaD QjM Ipue f 0; euec. AGAINST THE H R TL O V R OP Cbcccfo^e ttji0 place of fe* iofjn, caniie in rta top[c be UiiDcrftauD of t&e facrameirtall b;eaDe, toljicl) ncttfjcr cam from ijcauen, ncitftec gpuetft life to al t^ae cat (t* 0o} of fucij bjicao c h a i s t coulDe \)mt tban p^cfcntclp fapoe, c^t6 ts mp fle(5e, except t\)t^ topu fapc, tljat Ctj^pOc DpDDe tljati confcccatc Jo manp peaces before t^e indu eutionof btstjolpfwpp'er. CF?ap,it, il5obe tl)at 3 liaue maoe a full Direct ^ pf ai'ne 0atfiouts ^"^^^^^ totf)eljapiierearon0 auD cauiUations tt?eacD oe ^f ^^)^ {^apift^s, o?Dec tequpret^ to mafee IpUe- m^^api- it^pfeaaftoeretjutotyetcfop^iftical allegations SfrV^L ^^^^^^^Pnsof aatl)oj0 tjntotfteir pfjantaftp- fttbliVrm" callpucpofes* cijcce bee cUiefelp t!)?ee places, aciom toW^attljefp^lia^etoe, fcememuc^e tomafee fo; tl^ernntent, but tul^ati tl^ep Ojalbe tlj?ougljip toaicD, tljep mafee notbpng fo^^ tbem at alL cyprmus Ctje fp jd IS a place of Cppjian, m l)iB fermoti neccettido Of tl^cjCo^Dcs fuppec.Hjbeicbefaitbjaslsalle- wwi^ gcD in tl)t iC^zttaion of t\)t Deupls fopftlftcpe* 3 Cl^ls bjteaDe toftpcbe oure Xo^oe gaue to ijis of- ^ fCtpleS, chaunged in 'Nature, but not in outewardc ^ fpurme, is bp t^e omnipotcncp of goooeg tuo^D.^ Mwaoeficl^e* STDc ami* ©^^^ ^ft^ i^appites apcfee tootle ano naple ixwtt* to tbefeiUOO^DeSj Chaunged m nature, Crg0(fap tW) t^c nature of t&e b?eaD is cljaungeD^ l^cte 10 one c^tefepopnte of tbe bpuels fopbifttp tjfeD tobo in allegation of ^ criptuce,bretb eucr, ep^ fbec to aDDe tijecto, o; to taf^e atoape from rU o^ to alter tbe rente t\)ztot*Zni^ To y aue tt^ep in tbi0 aut^oj TRANSVBSTANTIATION. 35 aat^o}, ieete out tl^ote tooo^^ee, tot^pc^e IbouI^ open piatnlp all tt^e \»f)olt mmtu^oi nejcte tl^e tDo^De0, U)^tct) be l)ere before of tl^em rectteo, D no^ fubdance, but tn nature, (a0 Cpp^ian tcuel^ fapt^) not meanpng cbat tUe natutall fubaance of b^eab (0 cleane gone^ but tl^at bv <5odb too;D> l^ere is aDDeo tbecto an otl^er j^tg^ec pj^op^etf e^ nature, ano conbttion, fatre palTpng t^e nature anoconotttonof common b]teao3tbatt0rorape, tbat tbe b;eaD Dotb (I^etue bnto b0, (a0 tbe fame CPPi^tan (a^tl)^) tbat tueebee partal^ers of tbe fplrpteof ^oD, ano mo(fe purelp topneo t^nto Cb^t(ie,aHD fp^rttualfp feabe tuitb bis fielQe anD blouD,(o tbat notoe tbe fapD mpHtcall b?eaDet0 botbeaco^po^aUfooDefo^t^ebeDp.anoafpm'' • tuallfoobefonbefoule, 3lnDlifeetoifei0 tbe nature of ti^etoater cfjan- gcD in baptirme,fo^ a0 mucl)e a0 befioe bi0 com- mon nature,U)l)tcl^ 10 to biaf^eanb maUe cleane Hi ttre AGAYNSr THB ERROVROf 0)t \>i>m}it Dcclareti;) bneo hs tW our touim t^ alio i^af^co $ maoe cleane bp t\)f^ Wt Sbo^* Ino t^u6 IB aunltocrcD t(^e c^tefe aut^o^ttec of tl)eDoctQUt0,lz)l^pcbet^e{^aptar0 raUe fo^t^e p^^nctpal Defence of (l^ctc ecco^^ 3ut ioi furrtjec Declaration of fatncte cpp;tan0 mpnoe herein/ ceaoeti^e place of f^m before tectteo, (ou 24* Cbap tz ^« <^fft^^ autl^o^itee tl)ep ftaue of farnct Jol^ii CI^Jproftome>btc^e tljep boaa alio to Ue mwin^ cfery/o5o#|;i5je*ci);pfoftome(fapt^ep) iPjuetli tlius ina •"**** ^Itapne 6otnilP Dc Euchariitia * Docft tl?ou fee 5 breadc* Dooeft tl?ou fee wync;' Doo tl?ey auoydc be^ > netlyejas other meates dooc'Godi foibyd^cbynk not To* :> dfo^ag tDAjceCff ie beput into t^e i^^e)it is maoe :> ipKe tt)e fp;e, no ftibflance cenmpnetb, notl^pns » t9 lef te : fo bece alfo t}9l^n\^t t^o u t^at the myfie^ > ifics be confumcd by tf?c fubftancc of tl?e body. 3t tbefe iBomsi of C4;proaom tl^e f^aptfles bo ttimnp\)t, 80 tbougb tbep bao ^on tbe fteio* %o (Cap tbep)Doetb not cb^pfo(lomu$ tbe great (lec&e lap rnoft plainlp, tl?at t»e fee neltbec bjeao no^ iupner but tbat (as toajce m tbe t^t) tbepbee confumeb to notbpnge,fo tljat no (ubdaunce te« pe atttt'»j|]a(netl)f :6utpf tbepbaote^erfeono mo;e,but imtt, j^g jj jj.p jjg^f fcntencc t^at folotoetb in Cbrpfo^ OomCt^bicbcraftilpanD malicfouUp tt^ep leaue out) tl^e meanpttge of famct Jof^n Cb^iproaome ' iDOtoe eafplp baue appeareD, anb m ttipll inaHe ebem blufDe, if tbep be not bttcrlp pade l^ame^ fo} aftec t^e f o^efapo ^oo^oes of cb;pfo(lome, tmmeDlatlp folotse t^eCe Uio^Des, aoo&et^ "TRiMSVBSTANTlATION. 5^ i 3fi0l)ecfo?e(rapr^l)«)tDt)anpecommetotbere > ntpftetteSjdo not thynke,t!?at you receiue by a matv 1 3 the body of God, but tl)ae tett^ ton8tte0 ,poa (e- :> cetue rpec bp t^e aungel0 ^erapbpm 3Eno (Icatgbt ntttt, it foiotDetb tbu^*. > Cb^nHetbatti^eblouD o^faluactonSatDCt^ > oac ortbepuce atiD gouip rpoeof Cb^tfte, ano I0 dcompns to it,vutiwt it i^itb puce lippts.W^tt^ :> f o^e b)atbet;>3 p^ap pou ^ befccbe poa,let tis not dbefcomtbecbuccbe, no; let b6 not beeoccuptci^ dtliete ti^itb batne comuntcatton,but let b0 (tano dfeacefU^tcemblpns, caftpngDoune our epe0> d ipfting bp ottc mpnDe0,moucnpn9 p;f utlp Uit\^ 7 out fpeacbe,and ceiopfpns in out beacte0> ~ Cbere bjo^oeg of Cl^^proftome do foiotoe tm> meotatelp>aftet; tbe otbtcioo&^e0, bil^tc^e t^e l^apides before tebexCcD^ Cbccfo^e pf t^e pia- ptflied loU gacbec of tbe h)o;De0 bp ti^em tectted> tbat tbece t0 ncttbe^ b;e ao no? Wnt in tl)z facta ment, 3i map aCt^eU gatbec of t^e h3Oo^De0 tbat f olotJDe, tt^at t^ete I0 nett^ecp^teSe no? Cb;tfte0 boop* jfo; as in tbc former fcntence, cbjKoftomc raptb, tbat toe map not tbtnl^e, tbat lue (ee b^ean ^ ujpne: To in tbe fecono fentecc be raptt)>t^at ixie mape not tbpnl^e, tbat bieeteceiue tbeboopeof Cb?t(loftbep?teae0banDe0«acobci:fo^eiftpott CbefeconD fentcnce ( as tbe i^aptfted tbepm uy tte0 tDpll Cap) it can not be ttuelp gatbetcD; tbat in tt^ebolp Communion tt;ece (0 not t^e boop ot AGAYNST THR E R R- O V R O F ^otifeflTe aUo, tl^ac u can not bee t^ell anD tmeip gatl^eteD t3P{rotit^efti;a;e;(eHtetice>ti)att^et;ei'0 tiotJ^eaDtio^topne, 23ut t^ece be alU^efe twinges togttljet; ^n t^e Ijolp communion, Cb^tfte^imfelfe fpicituallpe eaten ano l>?onfeen,anDnoMa)png t^e ng^t be- letiei;0, t^eb^eaD^topneaeafacrament Decla^^ tpng t^e Came, ano tbe pjieft as aminiftec tijep of. >ffiCtjecfo^e^. jo^n c^ipfodome ment not abfoltttdp , to oenp t^at tl^ece 10 b?eaDe ^ topne, oitoDenpebtterlpetbe p)kfX anD tbe boope ot €\9M to be tl^we,bttt m bfetli a fpeaclje, lip^icbf ms^tu is nopwcc Begatiue , but a ^egatiue b^ com- Sf,^^J„^^* pacpfon. paniuB* 9jX)^(cftefa(^ion of fpeecfte , i& comonlp tjfcD, not onlp in tbe fcf ipture , ano amonge all gooD autbo^s, but aiCo tnail manner of languages. J'o? teben tt^o tbpnges bee compateo togttlier, in t^ee]t;tollpng of tbemo^eejccellet, o^abafpug oftbemo^tet^pU, tsmanptpmesbfeD a Ittega- tiuebp eompanfon, lubtcbeneuert^eleffeis no puse|)egattue,butonlpem tbe tefpecteof c^e mo;e ejccellent, o} tbe mo^e bafe. %s bp ejcample* aoo^ent^e people rttectpnge s.mes* s . t()e p^opbete ^amuel, Defpceo to ^aue a l^pnge, ''almtg^tte (£$od fapoe to Samuel: ci^ep baue '^ not retecteD t^ee^but me* ^ot me^nlnge bp tbi0 negattueabfolutelp, tbattbcp^aonot cetecteD ^amuei (tn b^^ofe place tw bertced to baue at fepnge) but b^ t^at one negattue hj^ compattfon tie TRANSVBSTANT [ATI ON. 7 ttiact^ep ^ao reiecteo ^amueU, ano not ^im a^ lone,dttcalfotl)att^et^aDcl^teap retecteo <0OD» 3lnD tutiatt t^e p^op^et BauiD fata in tt^e pec (one of Ct^^iae, 31 am a tDoo^me, and not a inan« ^(nau bpciiidnegattue^ee oenpeo no( ttteilpe, tt^ac Ci^;tileba0ainan,buc (t^e mo^e t^e^ementelp toejcp^^elTet^egceat^umtliattoa ot C^^ttle) lie (at>D> t^ac t)e loafi; not abafeo onelp to t^e nature of man> but luas b;oug()t Co lotoe^t^at ^e mtgUt catf^et be calleo a too^me, t^an a man« Cbtd manerof (peacbe luas famtitai: ano fi^ :»rttalUo^«}daule,a0lD^dn tjeiapoe: 3Stisnoei5;om.r^ ^'Jt^atoooe tt^butittstbefpanet^at otDeilet^ ^>in me* 3finD in another place Qefapt^e; €l9Mtu£in, u }>fent lite not to baptife, but to p^eactie tl^e gofpeU »inD agapue be Catt^ : ^p fpec^e ano p^ect^mg, ,.co^ i. »tDas not in U)oo;Des of mans pecfuaCion, but tn >)manpfe(l Declaration of t^e fpisiteanD poloec^ '>lnb ^e raitli alfo: ^ept^ecf^e t^at gcaftetl;,no^ i.co;. i »^et^attoateret^,t9anp tt^pnge, but '9Puetl) tbe increafe^ md be faietb mo;eouer: j^ltiS'rtotJt^atlpuejbut Cb^ffte Ipuet^ toitbin^jiat ^^ 3Mne.3finD>(^oDfo^bpDbe,t^at 3|a)oulDe ceiopce^aut'.^^ >'tnanp t^pnge, but in t^eccoflfe of our Ho^D j|e- )>Cu CU?ifte« 3lnD f uctl(ier5 Wt oooe not iuiiaille a ^pue,^. >)gapn(l ficl^e anb blouDoe, but agapnae tl;e Cpp^ ^^citeg of bar&enefTe^ lnatlti)ererentence0,anD manp ot^et Ipbe, alt^ougbt^epbee negatiues^neuertl^eleire ^^ idauleinente not^clecelpto oenpe^tt^at ^e dpd ^♦i# mt ^ AGAINST THET?RR0VROP mu eupl Uil^ecaf be rpa&e, o; mtci;lp to fap.tbaie " * tife at certapn tpmefl^,anD twas fcnt to ijo al t^tn- ges tl^atpectapneDto (aiuatton) o^cl^at m btmp \)U terip, tbat toe t»;a(lle asapnd Sef^e ano blouD t (tobpcbe ceaffe not oaplp to lo^adle ano barte a^ gapnO;oucennemte0,tbeteo^lDe,tbefleQ)e, ano ebeDpnello inaUtb^erentence0S»*paulc(ag 3irapD)mentnot clecelp tooenp tbefe tbpnge0, iUvitcbe bnDoubtcDlp mete all tcctoe^but be ment Jtbat in conipacifon of otber greattec tbpnges^, tb^fe rmallertoere not mucbe to be eOeemeO, but tb^t tbe geeatec tbpnge0, t^ere tbe cbtef tbinges tobecofiDeceD* M& tbatfm«ecomtmttcDbpbi0 Ktftrmiete, inasi ratbeetabe imputeo to o^tguial fpn.o^ co^tuptton of nature, tobicbe lap lurfepng ^tbinbpm,tbanto W omiic txitllano ccnfente* Mm tbat aUbongb be Ujas feat ro baptife^pet lie j^5 cbieMprentto p?eajcbe (^oODe0 isoo^oe. TRANSrBSTANTf ATtaH ; jg 3itD t^d£ alt^ougli f)e ^feD U)pre ano ti^fcrete pec (toafpons tl)ece(n,pctt^e fuccelTc tljerof cammc p^fttctpall^ of t^e potD^r of c^oD.anD of tljc too; ftpttsof tOef^olpfputte* 3SnDti|ataltf;otis^ttie grafter a»D toatccec of t^e gatoeptt be Com tl^rti 9e0,ati!^DoonotalpcteUtntt)er^ oU^tcBi petit 10 <^0D el^Uifeip, t^at geuetl^ t^e mcreace . ^nD t^at alt^ougbe ^ee tpueo in ttiie Uio^loe, pet W c^tefelpfe,cottcetnpnge d^oD, toas bp (H^^iUte^ lo^om be ^aD ipupng Uiittiin bpnn 3[lnO tl^t al^ ^ottgb i^e glo^ieo in manp otbec t^pnge0, pe ttt ^i0 oiotte mficmf £ee0, pet ^i0 gce'atteft tope toag 2.£o^lt. mt()ereDemption bpt^e ccoHeof C^^idet 30nD ^*'^' e^at alt^oug^ ouc fpicite bapip f igf^tet^ agatnd ^aut. f. ouc flefl^e, m out cbiefe ano p^tncipall fpgbt,r0 agapttd oucgfjodeip etinem(e0, t^eCubtpUanb puiCant Uiicaeo fpitites ano Dpael0. Cf^eramematieipof fpeec^ebfebairo ^* {ge^ I.l^e^^ :>Att in ^10 fp?ae epiaie, (apenge, c^at t^e appa- »>rapleaf loomen,(^oulDenotbeoutU)at:bIp toitl^ :»b^opDeb^eat;e,anD(ettpngeon of golbc,uo^ in :>:>pattpnge on of go;g(ou0 appatapie, buttt^at 34^e intoarbe man of t^e ^arte, (^oulDe be Uiit^'^ >'Oiitco>t;uptiom ;3ntDl^pcbemaneeof fpeecl^e^e intenoeDnot fittetlp to fo;bpD ai b^otobering of l^ease,ai golD ano CO (lip appacell to all loomen,(f oj^euerp one tnua be apparaplUb acco^opnge to t^eic conoid tton, fl:ate,anDDegt;ee)bHti)e ment i^erebp clece^ tp to conoempne all p?pDe ano eicce^e in appa - capie, ano to moue ail loomen tf^at t^ep l^ouloe Jfctii* ftttOp AGAINST THE ERROVR OF lluDp toutht tWt foules mioacDlp Mt\) al Ut tutSy ^ not to be cunou0,outtDatiaF to lytch anD aoo^tte r^elc bmcB ittf tb fumptuous appateiu %m out fautouE €f)ii^€ hvnt felfe i»as full of i®at»nta pou (fapt!)c^e)tccaracet)poii eattbe* topUpngc 1)0 t^ccbp,catftei;taretout: mpnoes Upon fteaueti- Ip ttearurevU^brcbe euec enDurctlj, tftaii tjppon cactblp creafuce, t»b(cbebpmannp fanD^pocca- fionspecpfftetb>ant>f0 taken atoap from t)S» ^inopectDo^lDU^tcearucemudneDe^ bee baoot anDppireffebof fomemen.as ttje fierfon,tpme, anix occaftoii boetb (etur* ^4f.io:„ X^ketoifebefaiDrXObanpoubeb^ottgbt be- j^ fo^ebpnges aiiD p^ince0, tbpnkenot tobat anD: j^otoepouffialanftDere^i^ottDlUpng Ijsbp tbt^ negatmc, tbatUieflJulDenegligentlp anD t^nab* utfeDlp anftoece, toe cace not tobat, but tbat toee n^oulDe oepenoe of oure beauenlp fatbct , tm^ ftpngetbat bpbi0bolpe fpttite^bt topll iumtU enieipmftcnccebs of aunftoete, tatbec t^^an to trade of anp aunfmere to bee beupfeb bp oure otonetoptteanoftuDp* ftaMo» ^^^^ ^^ ^^^ faine mannerbe fpa&e, tofjanne be ,3 fapoe :3tJs not pou tbar fpeake.but it ts tbe fpi cite of <5o!) t^at fpeaUetb toitbin poa^ f o;tbr fpirit of (150D is be tbat p^mcrpallp puttct b go D Ip loo^Dea mto our mout\)tB , ano petneuer tbe leflfe toe DolpeaUe acco^Dpng to bt0 nioupng. inb to be COo;Mn al tbefe fenttncts f olotoinff» 3fi^afci5w,tftatt0tofaie :*(lailnoman pour father bpoti eartb, TR ANS VBST AN T T AT 10 M. 36 ,> ectl^: t iet no man call pou lo^D o; maf flet:* feat t (aarat. 2^; „not tftem t^at fepll t^e boop^tj came not to fenD * ^^t. 10 „pcacet)poneattb**3ttt0nottnmetafetpou at !S/1o* 5>mpi;t5l)t tjanD o^lcft^anoc* * Konlfialnottuo^ t3ioi>n.4! » C5PP t^e fatftet neither in tt)iB raottttt,no? m 3 e- ^^ >, cttTaUm^ * J taue no toltncs at no man.tiJ^p do- limT,. ,^ctr(nei0notmme**;jKTeelienotmp9lo^p* So^ns. Jnall t^eCe negatlues » out; fauioure €f^Mt fpa^enotp^ectrelP9:l)ttetrp todenp ai§fo;rapD tt)ln|j0,buttn copauron o£ tl^em to prefer oi\)ct tbtni{e0,a0 top^eferce ouc Cat^ecano Io;d in ht- tten,aboue anptno^oip fatJ^ecjo^Deo^ madec tn eai;tb>anDi^t&eeareabouet^cfeat;eof anp ccea- ture,anD W ioo^D anD sofpcliatoueal (oo^ioip peace^ilKbtop^^fecrcrptcttttallanDlntDacDt^o no;png^o£^oompuctl)eatt$mpnD,abouelo- call, co;po;tal ^ o>uttDatD b ono^,ani> tbat C^^tde p^cfecccD h^B f^tbcrs gloipe ab one \}i& oUme* il^otiitaiiaCrnucb as jl baueoeclateo at length, t^enatuceanDMnDoftbcrenegattuerpeacbes^ (tobpcbebee nopurencgattueff, but bp compa^ rtfon) it (s eafp bctebp , to mafee anftDcr c to &♦ 3obn cb?praacme , bbo ^feo tbis pb;are of fljeacb motlc of anp auti)oj ♦ ^c.i bis mcanpngc In b Jsfo^efaj^oe bomilp ^toasnoc tbat in tbe cri leb?aciono0t^cOio?D5 fuppccisneptbccb^eaDe no?tDpne,neitbcrp?tell, no? tbeboDpe of Cb.nft (toWcbtbejdapiilestbeiufclueBmuftaccticscd feffejbutbis tntet luas,to D^atoeouc mpnDcs bp toarocs to beaucn, tbat tue (I^uid not conftoec la muetjctlje b^tcaD,toino5P;ieft,anDboDp of Xb^ift Mii^ mm: AGAINST THE ERROVROF l)mtn t)uto 1DB to oucetecoaUialuattion , ano tliccfoie in t})z fame place l^z )oUt\) ro ma- up tpmeg tft^fCiea^DS, Tf?iak:€and tf?inke uot^toJU ipng t)s bp tl^ofe tDoaDe0, t^ac lu^ d^uloe nocf lice ouc t^ougt)te$ $ mptioee tpon tl^e b^eat), topn^, P?tei!>no; C^^tftcs boDp :but to ipft l^p ouc tmi;^' tes^iSt^erbntob^srpi^itcanD Dluinttee, toU^< « . /r ^**^ f t^^ to^ulje Mb boi^p auaplet^ iiorbpage , a? 3ii9»oo> ^efaptl^l^imreife: 3u0tbefpinteti)atflpwcHi -' lpfe,t&efle(fteauaplet^iiotl)pnge* 30nDa0t^eramec4?proi|:oni iotnanp places tiioaetb hBy not to coaDec t^^ iDatet tn bapttfm^ but latber to baue refpecte to t^e ^oip 9^0(1, re« aueo Cn bapttCme^and t^ep^eCenteD bp tt)e batec; €tten ro Dotb U^ in t^ts ^oimip of tt^e ^olp cdmu^ nlo> moue bs( to lift bp ont mpnoc^ tro al Miblt ^ co;po^ai t^gB, to things tnnirible ^ fpitttnaL 3in (0 muc^e ebat ait^ong!^^ Cl^^tae uias but ones crucifteD,pet tsoloe c^?p(o!}ome baue \>& tottipnUe^t^attoefeebprn Daplp lot^pppcD anb fcourgeo befoj^e oui etes^anD hi^ bcop f)§gpnge t)pmt\)z Ccode^anotberpeace tb;t)(le (nto^s ftDe,anDtbemo(}e^olp^blouD toQoiDOUt of ii& fpDe Into out mout^es^l^rtec ^t^tct^e manec ^« iSam.^. laauU b^ote to tbe (^alattitas, t()at cb^tft toa0 papnteoano ccuctfpeo before tbeprepes. chryfofio^ Cbctfo^ faitlj c&zproftom in tlje fame ijomilp muJ^ a Utie before tl)e place cebecfcb : XOl)at ooft tl^ou i^ mane DpDoeft not tl)ou p^omife to t ^e p^iefte, ipljpc^e fapD : %i(t bp pouc mi>nDes; ano partes, anD tR.AN5VBSTANrrArrON, 4 3 Mf> t^ou DFDDed atitbcte : ^e lift ti)cm tp t)tfir , to t^e )lQ^Dc' 3rt not tt^ou afQameo d»D afrapoe > Depn9 at t^at (ame ^otoet; found a Iparc a i»oti^ :> Dcceuii tt^png. C^e table iQ fet fo^t^ , fucntajeD J ujptt) (^oDOes mpderpes ^ tlje Xambe of (15od 10 > offeccDfo^t^ee^ttie Plated is careful foztUeeJpt^i 9 (ttual fpet commetJ^ otu of tt)at t^eauenlp table» 3 tbc antigeis ^ecapbpn be t^ete p?efet,couerpng: > t^eir faces iott^ t^u Uipugcs . mi tbe angelicali > pollers ^tt^ ct^e p^ieft be tneanes ^ intecccfTo^^ > fo; tbee, a Cptcttuail tpzt commetb ooune fcome , be^t^sti^blottomtbecuppeisomnl^eout oft^e > moH puce fpoe Unto tbp puciftcacion . ifinD acte , not tijoua{^meD, afcapoeatiD abaf9eD>not en^ .oeuo^puse tbp felfe to putcbafe booties met- ) cpci^ man^uotb not cbtne ouine conference con^^ > oemue tb^eercb^celie in t\)t ^eel^e 1 6$. I^outes, ^ano c^oD afbeeb but one of tl^epmto bee gpueti :,u»I)ollpeUntof|pms anDtbouconfumedtbat itt > too^lDlp bufpnelTe, iatctflpna ano talfepn j,tDft^ 3 iDbatboloenelTetban Q^alt^ tbou come to t^efe J tjolp mpaecpcsf^ corrupt confcience* i§ptbecto 31 baue cebecfeo famct 3lbon €1^}?^ (oftomestDOo;De0«b)btcbeoooQebe botoeour mtnoes QoulD be occupuo at t\)ts bolp table of oucUo^De, tbat is to fap, iDitbD;^atoen fcome tbr cotifiDecacionofrenrtbletbinges^Untotbecon^ templacton of mode I>eauenlp ano goDIpe tbpn- ges^ 3Jno tbus is anftocceDtbis place of cb?P^ fo(loin,Uibicb rbe Rapids tofeefojaninfolubte; anD a place ti^at no man uias able toaunt^ece «. 7&ut A G A Y N S T T H B . ERR07R OF )gtufo;t a further Declaration ot c^^pfoaomeK mpnoe in tw matter, teaoe tf)t place ot 6pm bc:; fo;ece6et;reDfoK2^.arto 28. €hap.i3« ^€tt!)et;ci0anott|ecplaceoe(atnctimb?or^ . . r , t»bic^eti?c}0appftcst6pnfeemaiietb mwUcfo? T-^simtiM^ plapnlpappcace^Dotoemuclje t^ep be Decepueo, i»r. C^ep alUge t^efe U)o;De0 of fatncte 3imb;ofe m ^abOOkeintttUleD Detjsquimmamur mydertjsi i let b0 p;oue tbat tlxre is not that tbyng xo\}ic\} na^ 5 turc formcd^but wl?icl?e bencdicflion dyd confetrate, 3 and that bencdicfifon is of more ftrengtb t}?an nature* > For by tf?e blefTyng, nature it felfe is alfo cf?aungcd, iSxo, 7 ♦ > fl^opfes l^elDe a coDDe, tje cattc !t from ^pm,aiiD 3 tt bias maoe a ferpent. ^gapuc \^t tooHe tbe rer<« > pentbptt^etaple^anottlBasturneDagapn tmo dt^e nature oe aror}i>e« ^b^tfo^c tbou leetl^tbat ^ bp t^e grace of t^e p^opbet, t^e nature of t^e fee ^ >pentanbrobDeb)a0tb}p(ecbaungeD .cb^fluD- *^^' ^* > DCS of egppt ranne pure bjatet, ge0: Co ebat men coulo not b^pnlie of tt^e fluDoe; 3 butattbe plater 0f tbep;opbet,tbeblouDof tf^e 3 fluoDebient ab^ape anD tbe nature of iDater cam ^jEo.t4 > agapne. Cbe people of tbe l^eb^ues bjece com- )paflreDaboute,ontl)eonefpDeb}ttb tbe Cgpptt 3 an0, ano on tbe otber fpbe tottb tbe Tea. i^opfe^ ) ipfteD bp bt0 roDDe. tbe toater DiutDeo it felfe, ^ ^aooDc bpIpkeaiDallei anb bettoene tbe toaterg ^tiia0lefteauiapfo;tbemtopa(re onfoote^ inD "^Jo^oaneagapnae nature tourneo bacHetotbe ijeaD TRANSVBSTANTIATION. ^t bcdD of Ws rp;pnse. j^ot^ ttnot appcre noise, tt^ac t\)t nature ot H)t Tea GuDS, o? of the courfe of fte^e toatec teas c^angeo ^ (&)t people teas W, a^opfes tottcljeD a ftone, ano toatec cainme ^^^^' »7* oueof tt)e(ione* 3^PD not grace ^ere^oo^^e a- boue nature, to maUetbe (lone to b;vnge fozt^e toater,!tDl)pc^cttt)aDDenotof natures #acat^ ^^oo. ly. U)a6 a mod bpcter 8out)De, fp tljat tt^e people be- pnge D;pe, coulD not D;pnKe t^erof ♦S^opfes put UJOODunoti^eUnater, anott^e nature of t^e taa- ter lode bts bptternes, t^bicb grace infureo, DpD foDepnlp niooerate* Jn the tpme of l^eUfeu0 cfte 4.i^cff. tf p^op^cte, an are (^eaoe fell frome one of t^e p;io - pj^etesferuauntestnto t()e toater, betliat lofle tfte p?on, Defp?eD tl^e p^opbet l^elifeus J^clp^to^o put t^e ^elue into tt?e toater, and tbe p;on nnam aboue« %o^tc^ tl)png tue bnoin tuas Done aboue natute,fo; p;on is ^euier tl^an t^e liquo^ of toa^ ter«€bu6V»eepeitceaue, t^at grace is of tno;ie fo^ce tf)a nature.anD pet bitberto toe ^aue reiser- feD but ti^e grace of t^e blelTtng of tl^e p^opbet0« Nowc yf tl?c bkflyng of a man bee of fuche valewe, tl?at It maye chaunge Nature, what dooc wee fayc of theconfecrationof Godc* wherein is the operation of tbe woordes of our fauiour Cl?n'fte c' fOl tf^iB facrament toljpclie tt^ou rrceaueft i0 Doon bv tlft tDOo^De of €ii}iftt, C^anif t^etoo^toof l^elias toas of fuc^e poloer, tl^atpt coulDe b^tpn'ge fp- er-Dotone frome fteauen, fl?aii not tl?e woorde of Cl^dflebcof that power, to chaunge the kyndesof bec Elementcs ^f t^e maUpnge of t^e toUole AGATNST THE ERROVR OP ' tf;et&pnge0tDercDO0ne,l^e commaunDci), anD ^ t^ep Ujece creatCD : Tl?€ woorde dian of Chrifte, ^ that collide ot no chynges 5 make tbynges tl?at "ajere ^ not, can it not change thofe tbynges tl?at bee, into tipx > thynge, w}?icl?e beefore tbey were not C For it is na 5 lelTe matter, to geue to tbynges newe natures, t}?an to alter natures^ C^us fatce ijauej tt^ttUb t^t tuoojtDesof ^apnt Imb^ofe, pf t^e fapDe bo&e be i^ts (Uji^r- c^ecl^ept^acbeoe gt:ea(en:lempng atiDtuoge^ metueDooenottl)pti&e)bp t^btcbe tooe^tres tbe t^aptdcs iDoulD p^oue, ti^at in t^e fuppet of tbc Ko^D af tec tbe tDOj^oes of coufecration (as tbep bee commonip calleo) t^ece cemapnerl) neptl^ec b;eaD noj topne,bpeaafe tbat fapnt aimb;ofc fat - ett)(»tbi5placejbattt;e nature olt^e b^eaDOe anDbpnetscbaungeD* i^nt to fatiffie tbetc mpnbes, let b0 gtant fo; tbeirpleafuce, tbattbefoj^efapD bofeetoas fapnt ^ 3mb;ore oione luo^fee^pet tbe fame bofee maHetJj . notbpng fo; t\)m poucpofe, but quite agapnile '' tbeim* f o;i be faptl^e not, tbat tbe fubftaunce of ^ bjeao auD mm is gone, but be Captb, tbat tbeic nature is cbaungeD, tbat 13 to Cape, tbat in tbe ^olp communion txjeeougbte not to receaue tbc b^eao anDbpne.asotbei; common meates anti D^pnUe3,but astbpngescleane cbaungeD inta abpg&cre(tace,namce anoconmuon, to be ta- i^en as bolp meates ano D^pnUes, t^b^rbp toe re^ ceaue (picituall feeopng, ano fupernaturaU no - ^ luiljes TRANSVB5TAHTIATI0N. 4* iitt)tmntttomt lieaueu, of tbe liec^ tmz bobpe anD blouD o{ out fauto; ci^;t(l, tf)iouQ\) t^e om^ mpotent poUiec of (^0D,aiiD t^e tDonoerfull iDO^t bpng or ti^e dolp gt^od. iiOQi^icde fo Uiell agreet^ Uitt^ ti)e Ctibdance of b^eao atiD u^pne dpi remat npnge,tl^atrf t^ep Uiere gone atpape, anD not tbece,tl)tsout;rpti;ituaUfeeDpnt5> conioenot be taugl^tDntotisbpt^erm 3nD tbecfoac in t\)z mod pact of t\)t ejcample^, tul^icijc ^* 3lmb?ore aileget^ f o^ tbc tDonorcfuil altecation of natures, ti^eCttbQaunceBDpDftpll cemapne,aftec tl)e nature anD p;topercee0tDe(e cbaungeD^ais; teljan tbe toater of 3l|o^Danc (con« trarp to bis nature) lloooeftpll Ipfee a toalle, oj aotpeDagainiUbeaceame toioaroestbe i)ttit>^ rp^Pttg, pettbe fubdaunceof tbe toater remap- neDtberametbactth)asbeefo^e4 Xpl^etDpfe tbe ftonc,tbatabouebt$ nature ano &phDe aotoeo kiater, Uias tbe Cclfe fame flonc tbat it tpas bee- f o^e. 3uo tbe SuDoe of ^aratb, tbat ct^angeo >x ^is nature of bptternelT?) cbaungeD fo^all tbat ^ no parte of btdfubeance.^omo^e DID tbat p;on ^^ lobicbe contrarpe to bts nature, ftuam t3pon tije ^^ J»atec, lofe tberebp anp parte of tbe (ubdaunce ^ tbereof. (Cb^cfo^e as in tbefe alterations of na- tures, tbe (ubftaunces neuec tbe lelTe remap- ncD tbe fame, tbat tbepisjere befojetbe alterati- ons teuenfo Dooetbtbefubftance of b^eaD auD iDpne remapne tn tbe Xo^Des Cupper, ano be na- turallp recetueo anD DigedcD into tbe boDpe,not toitiidanopug t^e facramentali mutation of tbe %M^ (amc. AGAINST THE HRKOVR OF fame into ti^c boDp anD blouD af (C^^(Se,^^(c^ facramentall mutation Deciaceti) tde fupecna- turali rptrttualt atto tncjcpUcable catpnge ano Djpnfepng,feeDpngeanDDtgeftpngc of tljcfamc boDpanDblouDDcof COjifteJu ail tOepai,tbat goDip anD acco^Dptig to tt)ep; ouettcDo cccepue tt;e fapD faccaimutaii b^eao anD iDpue. limtl)at ^anit Imb^ofe t&tts ment^tljat tlje rubdauuce of b^eaoe ano li^pne cemapnc ilpil af^ ter t^e conCeccatton, it is molte cleecc bp t\)izz o^ t^ec ejcatnples of tt^e fame matttec, foiotoptig iti tl)z fame cfjapptec* €>iie is of tljepm tl;at bee regenecatcD, in tobome aftectbw cegcaciati- onoooetbdpUe remapne tbepifo^mct; naturall fwbftaunce, aitiotbecis of tlie lucacnation of ouc^auiaurecbuae, jnt^c tDtjpcljc pcrpajca nofubOaunce, but rcmapueo as lu^lie tbefub- flauHce of i^iQ goDbcao, as tbe fubftance tubpc^ l)t toofee of tlje bledcD titrgtu ^acp* Ct)e ttjto cjcaumple is of tbe tuatcc tu baptifme, U)bete tbe luatet ttpll cemaiuctl) toater, altbougi^ tbe ^oipe gboft come ^pou tlje toatei*, o^ cai^et upon tjpm t^at is bapttfeD tt^ecein. hib. 4. De 3nD altljougb tqe fame fainct 35mb;ofe iuaii facrdmenta OtbeCbOOlieeUtitleD De racramentis, DOecbfapej, «^M. 5 ti^at tbe b^eaD is l>^eaD before tbe isjojDes Of eon^ ^ feccation, but *a>!?aiitf7C confecranon is doone, of 3 breade is made tf?e body of Cl7rifte:getiUtl)efamC. boofee,^iiitbefame cl?apiter,bet£Uetb m UJ^at ttianet auD fo;me tbe fame is Doone bf tl)e too^= Jies of C^^iltatiot bp taupng atoap tl^e fubftancr of TRANSVBSTANTIATION* 4J oC t^e b^eaD, but aoopnu to t^e b;eaD> t^t gcace of Ct)?t(lie^ boDF,^ fo calimij it tUc boDp ofCbaift 3BnD beceof b^ b^pngetb foure samples. Cb^ fr?ft of tbe ccgeticcatton of a man : tbe fecono i& of tbe (lauopng of tbe leater of tbe reao Tea : tbe tbP^b is of tbe bptter toater of ^at;acb:anD tbe fouctbe iQ of tbep^on tbac CtDamme aboue tbe toatei;* 31neucrp of t^eU)ljpcl)eejcaunipU6,tbe former fubdance temapneo ftplie, notttiitbdan^ bpng alteration of tl)e nature$« MD be conctu^ Detb tbe idbole matttec in tbefe fevoe iz)oo^zDe0« Jt tbece be Co mucbe (ttengtb in tbe tDoo^oes ot t^e)lo;De3eftt,tl)attbpnges baatbepj begpn^ npnge, tobpcbe lumt mtz beefo;;e, ^ovdc mucbe mo^ebetbcpabletotoo^he, tbat tbofe tbpnge0^ tbat toece be^o;e,a)oulD temapn, ^ alfo be cban- geD intootbec tbpngesc^Wbicb U)o^Des do Qjelu, inanpfeftlp,t^atnotU)itbftanDpugtbi0b3onDec full [accamcatall anD fpicitual cl)angpng of tbe b?eaD into tiie boopof CbMft^ pet tbe fubftace ot tbe b^eao rcmapnetb g (ame, tbat it bxas bef o^e« Cbus is a fufficient anftoeic maoe bnto tb^ee p;incipallautbo;itees,tobicbetbe papiftes tjfe to aUeDge,toaabIpn) tbeti: eciout; of ttanfubfti tiation.Cbefp^ft of CPP?tan,tbefeconDe of &• 3[obn Cb^proll. anD tbe tbPtoe of ^, aimbjofe. tbe(e CranfubHantiatoars do Tap (contiarp to all leatnpng) tbat tbe accioentcs of b;eaD ano iDpne DO bang alone in tbeap^e U)itb- out anp (ubdance, b^becein tbep map bee ^ti^cD^ 3nD iDbat can be fapoe mo^e toolpO^lp r 34 Ci)itD!p,tbat tbe fubflance of €W(ltB boDpe a tbere teallp, co^po^allp anD naturallp p^efent Ipitbout anp acciDente0 of tbe fame, mn To tbe )^apt(te0 maUe acciDente0 to betuitbout TubQa ce0, anD rubaaunce0 to bee biitbout acciDcnre0^ 4» f OHctbelp, tbep fap, tbat tbe place tobcce tbe b^eaD anD Wnt bee, batb no fubftauuce t^ece to fplUf^t place, anD fomuft tl^epneeDe0 gcaunt vacuum. TRANSVBSTAMTrATrO M. 44 vacuum , )s3i\)ic\)t tiatuce btteclp ab!;o;recl^ ^ f tfcip>rbcp ac not af^auuo to rap tl^at CubftSce 9 t0 maoe ot^ccitizttSMt t^e b^caoe mouUtb^, o; tie; tunieo tato tno^ms^o^ tol^a tbc iDpne (ob^ctb^ S)(iCtip»t[|at CubHace is no;i(^eDVDttl)otttmb^ ^ (lace,bp acctoented onlpjntcbaunceanp catte, inoure,Dag^gc,o; anp otbec tbpos, to e ate tbe (a^ cramental b^eaD>o; o^tnl^ tbe facramental iDtne« Ct^eCe tnconuenunces anb abfucbttees do to^ loht oi tbe f ono ^aptdtcal tt;anfub(lanttatioti> iDitb anumb^e o^otber nto^^ as tu^li 0} tuo^fe tbait tbeCe, Uibetbnto tbep bee neuet able to an- lDere,as manp of tbem baue cofetleD tbemCelfs* aino it is a ujouber to fee, ^q\bz in manp of tbe foKaiD tbpnges, tbep t^acp among tbem felues* aoobece as tbcotbet Doctrine of tbe fcciptute anD of tbe oio catboiilie cburcbe ( but not of tbe iatelp co^rupteD EompO) cbut;cbe)is plaine ann carp , as i^eli to be bnoerdanbeD, as to anfitrece to al tbe fo^efapD ciuedtons, bitbout anp abCut: Ditee 0^ tnconuentence foiotopng tbecof : To tbat euecp anflDere Q)ull agcee toptb ^oddcs ioo^De^ bttb tbe oiDe Cbutcbe, anD alCo mitt) all teafon anD true pbilopbpe. fo^as toucbing tbe fpcft polnte, tobat is b}o &en, bbat is eaten, tobat D^on&en,anD tobat cba^ liieD in tbisfacramentjit is eafp toanftDece,(Cbe b;eaD ano Ujpne>as ^, 0mlz faitb : (COe bjeaD \x)\)ic\^t toe b^eal^* ainD as cocernpng t^e feconD $ tf)itD pointer; neittjet; \b tbe fubftance of b^ab 9 tpine b^ttbou^ AGAINST THEERROVROF tWl Proper aaiDtntes , no^ t^ep; acctDetttes ^ang alone m tl^e ap;e toitl^out aup fubdaunce, but acco;Dpng to all lcatnpng,t^e fubdaunce of tbe b^eaoe ano toUie cefetue t^etc otune acctoen^ ce0,anD t^eacclDenteB do ced in tl^eic olune rub llancefif 3inD alfo as concernpnge t^e fourt^e popnte, l^ere ts no place lefte tiopoe after Confecratlou (jUS ti)t {aapldes D^eame ) but b^eaoeano Uipne f ulfpll tbf ic places, as tbep did befo?c. SuD as touc^inge tl)e firt point (is^ereof tl^e fDo;me0 o^ moulpnge is engenDteo, anD hy^ttof tbe l^pneger commetb) tbe aunfUiete is eafpe to mafee cacco;Dpng to all leatnpng anD eicpectece) tb^t tbep come, (accoitDtnge to tbe coutfe of na« tut:e)of t^e fubdaunce of tbe b^eao anD U}pne to long Uept^anD not of t^e acciDetes alone «as t^e l^aptaes DO fonDelp pbantafpe. 3nD UbetDife t\)t fubftances of b?eaD $ tppne, to feeDe anD no^ll^e tbe boDp of t^em, tl^at eate cl^e fame ano not onlp tl|g acciDentes ♦ 3[[n t^eCe anClDeces is no abfurDitte no^ incon^s uenience, noticing fpoben, t^tl^tt contracpe to 4olprcaptut;e,o^tonaturalcearon,)dbilorop^p o; ejcpecience, o^ agatnde anp olDeauncient au- t^oii o; tbe p^tmattue o^ catliolic&e cburcbe, but ottcipagainfttbemalpgnante anD )^app(licall rturcb of Eome* Sooftetc as on tbe otb^^c fiDe , g cutfeD fpnagoge of illnticb?td, ^at^ DefineD ano DetermineD in tbis mattiec , manp twinges con- f rarpe to c^;ift^0 looo^Des, contcarp to t^e oioe cat|0i TRANSVBBS TaNTIATION* tours or tl)erame,anD conrtacp to all naturail teafon,lcampng,anD pt)plofop?)p* Itto t^e frnal enO of all t^t0 Igntk^^mes doc^ trtnetsnoneotl^et, butb|» fubttltee auD crarte^ to b^rng cb^tit^an people frome tbe true bonoti. cpttg of Cb^ill, bnto tbe greater poolactp, tbac euettDae; in tbt0 bio^lDeoeulfeD : as bp d^ooDcieK grace O^all be plapnlp fette fo^t^ ^ereaf(er« Tf?us cndctl} tl?c feconde Bookc. THE THYRDE BOOKE TEAChETH the manner HOWE ChriHe is prefentc in bis ^upper^ 45 OWTHIS MATTER ^ F /^L ^ tranfttbftantiation being(as ^^* * 3 truft) fufficientlp refolueb, ^tic p?e* (tobicbistbefirttpartbefoje Sftlut reberfeD,iuberm tbepapifti- tue Vacw/ cal Doctrine barlett^ from tbe mnu ll catboltbetrutb)o?Djereqttt- « — -^ retbncjct^tointreate of t^efe conDepdrtc(b}b(cbei0of tbemanterof tl^ep^e- fence of tbe boDP anb bloub of our fautor Cb^td in tl^e Cacrament tbereof ) tol^erein is no lede con tention, tban in tbe t^ft parte* f o; a plain ejcpltcatio to^erof, it is not ^nhna Uien to all true faitl^ef uU c^i^tdian people, tbac A our OF THE PRESENCE OF CHRI5T mt rautouc c h r i s t e (beepttge pecfccte <^0D, anD m alitbpng;e5 eqiuall atiD coetecnalltott^ l)ts father) fo^ouce failed beecmnme alfo aper^ ftttz manne,tal(pngefiea)eanD blouDDeo^ i)is blelTcD mother ano t^p^gpn ^arp, ano (faupng; (pnne)bepn$ctnaUt^pnp9iplie bnto t)0,aD'- topnpn^e tinto ^p$ opupnttee a mode per^ecte (ot»le anoamoile pcrfecteboDpe: ^tsirotDlebc^ pnge inDueD Mt\) ipfe, fence, tDpU^reaCon^pre- liome>memoiip>auDali ott^et; t^pttses requiceo eo t^e pecfectefottle of mati^ano bt0 boDp bcpng tnaoeof becpeaeC^e ano bones, not onelp ^a^ upngeall niemb?e0or apetfecte mannesboope in Deme o?ti;c auD p^opo^cpon, but alfo beepnge fubiecte to ^unQec, tbp^ile, labout;,riBeate>ea- tj^mK^, colDe^b^dte, anDall otbec ipbe tnfctmt^ tees ano patHons of man, ano bnto Deatlje alfo,. anotl^attbemoftebpleanti pepnefuU t^pont^e ccofTe^ 3Snb after biB Deat^ be cofe agapne, lopt^ cbe Celfe fame t^tftbie ano palpable boDp,anDap- peaceo t^eteiott^, ano (QeineD t^e Came bnto^is apodles^ant^fpeciallpeto cbomas, mal^pnge tipmto patbts banoes tnto bis rpDe,anD to feele ^P0 tnounoes « i^nD bKtb tbe felfe Tame boDp, i^e foKoo&e tWs tDOjilDe, ano afcenbeo into i^eauen €Wfi m (tbeifpofteis feepng ano be^olDpng bts boop m&nt is tpbanitarcenDeD)anDnob)C fpttetbattbe cigbt iwnS ftano of bis fatbcc, ano tbece ©aUcemapne bn- acm;5. * tplltl^elaaDap,tof)an!je (Sail come to (uDgetftc qttlcke anb tbebeaoe* mW J0 t!;e trctoe catliolplie fapt^e, to^pcbe IN HI 5 SVPPE Rr 46 t\)t fctlptute teac^et^3 atiD tl^e tmiucrral c^urc^ 00 Cb^fdel^at&euecbeUcueD, from tl^e begrn^ n^nge Dntplle tpitt^in tticCe foloei; o; (pue Mua^ D;et^ peaces lade paflfeD, t^at tf^e laFfi^oppe of iHome, l»ui^ t()e adtaance of t^ls Rapides, ^atl^ ftttel)paneU)efapt^eanDbe(efe of tl^ep; otone Dtupfpng, tUat tlie fame boDp,teailp,co^po;allp, naturallp, anDfenfpblpfstnt^ps iDO^loe ftpit, ano tW in an b^D;etb t^oufano places at one tpme,bepngeinclofeo in euecpppjceanD bjieaoe confecrateOi IklnDaltbougt^ioeDooafficme (acco^opngefo C l?3»z; d^cDs tDo^D) cbat C^^tde is in all pet(one0, tbat true!pbeUeuetn^pm,mrucbe fo^tctbat toptb l)i5 flef^e anD blouDDe ^e Dotbe Cptcituallp nou^ rpi^e tbepm, anD feeoe tbetm, ano gtuet^ t^epiit euerlaftpnge ipfe, anD botbe aflTnte tbem tfjccof, as toeil bp tl)t p^ompfe of Ijis too^o, as bp tbe (a^ cramencall b^eaoe ano lopne in bis bolp fupper, iD^tcbe be DpD tndttute fo; tbe fame pucpofe^pe t toe Doo not a ipttell bacp fcome t^e Oapnous ec- roues of t^e^apides^ jfo^tbcpteacbe,tbat Cb;ttde is in tbeb;eaDe %t)tmt, ano topne : )3«t tuefap (accojopng to t\)t tmt^) ««« bcc- ttjat be IS in tbem, tbat tooo;tbelp eat ano D?tnfe J?'/"^ ^^« tbe bitcaoe ano topne. mmm Cbep rape, tbat iDbananp manne eatct^ ti^e aomrnty bjieaODeanDDjpnbetbtbecuppe, chri st go ^ocexnm etb into bis moutbe o? domacfee toitb tbe b;eaDe ^qi^^Ivxp^ anbtepne.anDno futtbec: 25ut toee fape, tbat boDp C^;pdeisintt)e to^ole manbot^eint^eboDpe fl^tii* cinD OFTHE PRESENCE Of CHRIST dnD foule of l^m^tW iDo^tUUp eatet^ t^e b;eati atiD Djimfeetl) t!)c cuppe, ano not in ^ps inout^e 0^ (tomacfeeondp, Ctjep fapc, tijat c h r i s t is tccepucD in t^e inoutft, ano entrett) in toitb tlje t);eaoaaD lupue* ^ce rape tl^at f^ce is teceaueo (a t!)e ^actc, ano cntret^mbp faptljc. Cf)epfape,t^at €\)M^ is ceallpe tn tlje fa^^ cramcntall b^eaDe btc^n^e tefetucD an VD^oie peace, o;fo longe as t^cfoutmeof b^eaoDe cc^ mapner^, but after t!)e ccceanpnge tbeceof^tjee fiV^tli tjp (fap tbep)fcomtbe recepuecbnto ftea- uen, as foone astt^e b^eaoDe is ct^ameo in tt^e iiiouttie,o;cl)aungcDintl)ci$omaciie: 23ut biee fap;tljat €f)M cemapnetb in t^e man ttjat Uia;* tbpip ceccpuetlj it, fo longe as t\)i manne cemat- aetbamembzeof Cb.iifte. C^ep fap, t^at in tijc faccament^t^e corpo?aU inemb?esof Cbjifte be not Dilantin place, one fcom an atber,but tbat tDljerefoeuet t^e beao is,, tbece be tbe fete,anD tol^ecefo enec t^e acmes be, tbete be tbc Icgges, fotbat in euecp parte of tft c bjeao ^ h)vmjB all togitber, tul^ole beao,- Usi^ole feete, tobole aeO^c, tobole blouoe, \x)l)Oic ticarte, iDbole funges, tuljolc bie(t,tut)ole bacUe, ano al- cogptber UJbole, conf ureo, ano mpjct tuui;Out Di- ftinction oj Diuerfitee»iD tobat a fooipOjeanD an abbompnabieinuenctonis tbi0,tomalie ot t\)c mode pure ano perfecte bobp of c fap, tljat tljcp dpd eate bts boDp ^ D^un&e ^ts blouD, alt^ougl^e (je loas notpet bo;ne no; incacnateD* Cftep (apjtijat tlje boDp of CbjtR (0 mtvv Da^ apalif man^ OF THE PRESENCE OP CHRIST ntanp t^meg maoe, as often as tl^ece be ^alTes fapD.<^ t^at tban,anD tl^ece, ^e is maDe of b^aD and loptte : ^e rap, ti^at C^^iiles boDp teas ne- act but ones mabe, anotban not of tbe nature anD fubdance of b^eao ano tvpne, but of t^e fub Oan^e of b(6 bleiTco mother. (€W rap,tbat tbe ^affe ts a facnflce fatiffa^ cto^p to} fpnne, bp tbe beuotion of t^e p?(ea tbat of ecetb,^ not bp tbe tbpng tbat ts offeteD : 3ut toe rap,tbat tbep^ fatpng is a mod bainous ipe $ detedable erco?, asamn tbe glo^p of Cb^tii. jf o^ tbe fatiffaction fo^ our fpnnes.ts not tbe oeuott- on no; offccpng of tbe p^ted, but tbe onelp bode ano tattffactton fo^ all tbe (pnnes of tbe ttia;lDe, is tbe Deatb of Cbl^ide, ano tbe oblation of bps bobpbpon tbe ct:o(re,tbatts to rap,t^eobldtiott tbae Cbitpdebpni relfeotfereo ones bppon tbe cto(re,anD neucr but ones,no; neuet none but be aino tbecefo^e t^at oblation inbPC^^ t^^ p?iede0 mai^e oaplp tn tbep; papidicall ^ades, can not bearatirfactionfo;otberniennes(|>nnes b^ tbe p;iedes oeuocion, but it is a meere elufton ano fubtpl ccaf t of tl)t i^tMMttb^ 3inticb;id ^atb manp peres blpnoeo ano beceiueo tbe too^loe. Cbep Cap, tbat Cb;tideisco;po;allp in manp places at one tpme, adirmpng tbat bis boDpe is co;po;allp anb reallp p;terent» m as manp places as tbece be bodes confecrateo : ^e Tap, tbat as tbe fonne co^po^allpe (s euec in bcauen > anb no Inbere els , anb m bp f)is operation ano bertue, e^e ^onne iB b^^e in peartb (bp lo^ofe inUumts anD IN HIS SVPPER. 49 raup regeucrateD, eaaeafeo anD scotue to tt^elc pttltiu aateOfo ipueioire onte (autouc Ci)^t(le boDelp anD co^po^allpe is m beauen, fittpngc at t^e cts^t t)atme or ^td father, au^ougl^ fptcitu- allp ^e batljc p^omtCeo to be p^efent u^tt^ us lipa peart^ t^iuo ct^e tDo;lDe0 enoe . iHno Ui^anCoeuer ctoD 0; t\)}ti)t gati^eceo (oget^et in ^is name,be 10 tt^ece in tbe mlDOeft amonge t^epm , bp to^ofc fupernall grace all goMp menne bee firft bp bini fpicituaUpregenetaccD > anDaftecineceafeanti grol]je to tbetc fpttituall petfeetion in d^ob/pict tuallp bp faptb r atpnge ^f 5 flel^e anD D;inUtng t)i0 bioaoe, altbougb tbe Tame co^po^alip bee in ^eauen> farce Didant from our Cigbt^ l^ouietoreturne to tbe principal mattet.Ieil ci?ap4^3* It mpgbte bee tljougbt a nelDe Deuife of to ,rtbat Cb^iiie as coneerning ^is boDp $ b(0 buntapne nature.is lnbeauen,anD not in peart^: tljerfo^e bp <150DS grace, it fl^al be eutbentlp p}oaeD,tbat Cbis is no netoe DeuifeD matter, but tl^at it U)a0 (uertbeoloefapcbof tbe cat^olikec^urcbebn- tpUtbeidapiaes tnuentcD a nebe fattt^e,tbae €WiJk reallp,co;po;allp,naturallp, anDlenfiblp is b^re (ipll toitb bs tn peactb. (Qut bp in a bojce 0; bitbin tbe coinpaiTe of b^eaoe anD iDine. Cb^s neDetb no better no? Aroger p^ofe,tf|dti ^^^ p.^f^ tbat tobicb tbe oioe autbois b^png foz tbe fame, rncccof bp tbat is to fap, tbe generalipjofeffion of all cb;p^ f^*^ ^^^^^^ ftian people m tbe comiiKm Creeoe, Uibctein as commmie^ concernpng C^jtftes ^umaintee,ti|ci be taugbt creDe to OF THE PRESENCE OF CHRIST to Mmt aftec t^td fo^te : ci)at ^e bag concept ueD bp t^e ^olp qfyoft , bom ott\)t t)trgtn ^a^ tp : t^at t)e (uffeceo Dnder i^onciue ^tiate, toag crucf f(eD> DeaD > ano butpeo, t^at ^ee DefcenoeD tnto ^ell,anD rofe agaf ne t^e t^itD Dape , t^at i?e afcended into hcauen, and fictetb at the right f?and of his aimig}?ty father , anD fcom tl^cnce (ft all comc to iuDge tl)e quicl^e atiD DeaD« C^tjs l^at^e ueene zutt t\)z catl^olp^e fattl) of cb^taianpeople.tljat C^?tft,as concecnpng^pg boop anD W man^ooDe iB in beauen, anD (ftaU t^ece conttnetD bntfli ^e come Doune at t^e lade lUDgemcnt* : i i;!«j ;: '^nDfo;afmttcl)eas^ t^e CreDe ma^et^fo cjCc^ p^elTemencponof t^eactpcle of i^p0 afcennon, anDDepattpng ^encefcomts, tnt^aobeenatl otber ai^ttcle of our faptlictbat Ws boopc tatp> ct^ alCo l^eere iDtt^ b0 in peart^e, fuerlp in tW place oftbe CreDe uiagfobrget an occafion ge- mn to malie Tome mentton tberof,tl]iat Doubtle£( tt tdoulD not baue bten palTeD ouer in our CreDe toit^ filence* fo^ pf €\ni^t as concernpnge Ijpg i)uman(tee,be bot^e l^ere ^ gone ^ence, ano bot^ ttjorettuo be articles of ourfatt^>i3)^an mencp- on Uias maoe of tl^e one tn tl^e CrcDe, tt txias ne^ ceHarpe to mal^e mencpon of t^e ot^er , lealle bp p;tof elTpng t^e one, be (T)oulD be DllTuaDeD fro ni beleupng tl^e otl^er, bepnge fo contrarpe t^e one totl^eotber^ G}?ap» 4 " CO t}^iQ article of our CreeDe acco^Detl^ ^olp ^H.. *fcrlpture,auDailtl)eolDeawncl^ntDoctour0 of IN HIS SVPPER. 49 >>CWS^^ cftutc^e^ Jo? Clj^tfteftpm fclfefapiie:3f t,mof b? 3>ieaue ti?c woride, atiogotomF father* 3Enoal(o twcap* »Ue fapDc* t gott (Dal cuec baue poo?e folbes lyttft ^otJiti^r, »P0tt, but you n?all noteuer f?au€ me witf? you* 3[InD tl)e gaue ipacnpagc of ti)is eccouc before t^anoe, :>4mn%> C^ac tt^e tpme UioIDe come, loo^m manp 0|jit.z4* »Dece^ueC0 fl^UlOe be tn t\)t tHO^lOe, and faye. Here 35isCbriftc,anDtf)CEe<0C^;irtc, batbcleiictljeim 3'not,fapDCt)jtft»lnD S)*a^arueto^itetftmtl)e ^^tMu >naft cliapitcc of Ijis goipeil, tljat tlje 51ojD 3|efu0 3^ was taken vpinco heaaen, and fyctetl? at t(?e rygf?t a.hande of l?is father. ^lllD^^^aule CjC^OJtet^ all jColOfr |% 3)men to feUe fo? tbpnges tbat be aboue in i?eauen; 35W7ereChriftc(faitbbe)rittetbatt}?eryg}?tl?andeof :>:>God hisfather.:^irot)elatt^,tbat toe t^auefttct^ a i^ehtt.s» jjbpHop, t^at fitcetf? in beuen at cf?c rigbc hand of tb^ ?>t6?oueof (0OD0mate(lp*ainDtbatbei^aupngof:r i^^^^^ .^^ »ft:eo oae faccitice fo? fpnnes, fittet^ continually at »tl?c rygi?chande of God,btitpil bis enemies be put )>l)nDet; bis feete as a f ooteftoole« SuDtiecebtuoconfentall t^e olDe Doctoure0 of tbec^uccbe. fp^di^itgen t^pon ^atf^eto reafonet^ t^i0 Cfyip^si mactec,bome €ini^lt mapc bee calleo a (Irangec, tftat is oepacteb into an otljec cutcep, lepng tbat ^bc p?ofe be is toitlj to0 aitoal bnto tbe toojiocs enD,anD Is aSiue among at tbeni tbat be gattjereD togitf^ecmbts mm»* name^ano alfo In t^e mtDDe0 of tt)em tbat ^noto ftpmnot* 3SnDt^u0becefonetft,3fbebef?erea- ^"^^"J '*" ' n]ongb0rm,bou)canbebegon^encea0tt flra^ .^**^'"*''^* get oeparteo f nto an ot^ec conttep r ^ol^ecbnto ^^*^ JB4. be -^ 0]f THE PRESENCE OF C HR I 5 T > 4e mi^tttti), tfyU€W^ t^ bot^ gouatiD man, > 6^upiig f n ftpm ttoa natures. Idnix as a manne I7CC i is iiot witf?- vs vnto the worldesende, nor isprcfente 9 wycf?all hys faytlifull that bee gatl^ered togythcr in > }?is name, but^ps Diupne poujetanD fpp?pte is > cuerujitbts. Rattle (faitl5l)e)iDasabfentftom > ttjeCo^tntl)esial)psUoDp,U)IS^cnbctoasp^efent > tott^ tljem (u ^ts Cptcite : So is g h r 1 s t (raytf?c > I?e) gone henfcy and abfem in }}is humanitce, ^f^tcl)^ 3 in ijtsi^mtne nature 10 euerpiDt)ct;e. ^dnomt^ts 3 fatpng (faitl) i©jtgene)Uje Diutoc not i)is buma - > Hitee, (fa; S>* Joftn tu^itetfj, tbat no fpirite tftat > D4mDert)3|eruscanb^of (i3oD)butl]}ecereruetO) > bDtb bis natures tberr oUine pjoperttes^ 3|n tuefe toD;tDc0 ^D^^igenc batb plainlp berla- ^, teD bts inpnctbat Cb^irtes boDp is not botb pje feneberctDitbbSj^alfagonf l)t\Kz^ eftrangeD f CO me tis» f 0; tbat toere to maue ttoo natuces of one boDr,^ to Diutoe tbe boDpe of Jefus , fo; as ^ mucb as one nature can not at one tpme be botf) h^it)^ us, am abfent from bs* 3l!nD tberfo?e faitb j^;!3cn,tI)attbep;efencemu(lbebnoer(lanD of l^is DmiiutecaiiD t\)c abfence of tjts bumamtee* A«gttiJ. dd 30^nD aceo^Dpng berebnto g»,3^uguilin toiitetb X)4rdanum tbUS til a piftle ad Dardan^BOUbt UOt bUt JjefuS ^w» 57* > Cf7ri(le, as concern yng the nature of i?is man^odc, is > now chere, from Tp!?ence[?e fl?al come* 3lnUretneb?e ) tDelUnobeleuetbep^ofelTionof ac^^irtenman, > tbat be rofe from DcatbiafceocD info b^auen, fpt^ 3rtetb'attberigl)tebainDeof bisfatber, anb from >;tb>4t place, ano none ottter^nyial be come to mDQ;« IN HI S SVPPER; ^(^ > t^e QUfcb dtiD t^e DeaD« nmo ^e f^al commas tl^e > angeie (apD) as ^e loas lene go into t)euen, tl^aC > 10 to Capjtn tbc [ame fo^me ano fubftanccjvmothc ? w'oicbe }?c gaue immortahtce,but changed not nature > mttt tW ro^mecCaiU) tie,meaning f)i0 mans na » tUWj) xec may not thynke that he is cury wf?€rc* For > wc muft be wat e, ti?at we d o not fo ftablyfl?c l?is diui^ > nitec, t]?at we takeaxvay tl?e veritcc cf his body^ Ct^efe bcc^* 3uguatne!3 plapne Uioojoed, 3lnD Up auD Up af cet Ue aouet^ t^cCe tooo^oes* . ) C^e](Lo;De 3|c(us>ag<^oD, tseuerpiD^ece.dnD 3 as manneisin bcauen. 2|inD fptiaUp 1)0 COnclUOetft tUismattiecmt^ete CctoeU)O^De0> j^ouUtenot 3 UutouiP}io;Deieru0cti?me iseuerp tD^et;ea0 :> ^0D.anDasaDU)eiiac|^e is tnman tl^at is t^e » temple of (£(QD> ano l?e is in a certayn place in hea^ > uen,bycaufeof themeafurcof averybody. 3ino agatne S>* ^iugiidine U^^ttetli tipoti t\)t xnrodnAn go(pcUor&*3|oUn. j^ur ^auiout 3IIeru0 Clj^ift (Cattle ^^BHugu 9 fttu)i0aUoue,Utttpet ^istrutUis^ece.Hisbody 9 ^of^erin be arofe is in one place, bUt t)P0 tCUt^e 10 3fp^eaDeuetpit)t)ere« 3!nD in an ot^er place of tl^e fame UoUe S^^Ku rr^^d^s^^ SUdtne ejcpounopnge tbefc Uioo^es of C^;i(le (Bou (Oali euet; ^aue poo;e men toit^ pou, uut , me you fl7all not eucr haue) fait^e : tljat Cl?rift fpake y tl^efe woordes of il?e prefence of }?is bodye* jfOJ 3 (taiti) be)a0iconcei;npng l)i0 uiuine mateaee , a0 5 concecnpngftt0P2^ouiDence,a0concetnpng ^p0 ) infaUtUle ano inoifiUle grace, t^efe looo^Des bee 0^iU tub Dttffentid imniuti. OFTHS PRESENCE OF CHRI5T fttlfplUD Wcl^t l^e fpafee : 31 am \iiitl) pm tjHto t\)Z toO^lD0 enD.Bttt as concernyngthe fled? toljtcl^ ye to^e in ^ts tncacnatton, a0 concctnpnge tljat \ja\iic\) tuas bo^n of t^e titrgtnras cocecinng tl;at to!)tc6euia0 appjiei^e»DeDbpti)c3|ett)e£^,anD cm ctfUDtipponatcee.anotakettDomne fcome t^e Ccode, lappeD in Unntn clothes ano buneD,ani> core agapne,anD appereo after bis cefurcection, as concecupn jj tlje fiisf^e, fje fapDe : You fl?aii not cuerf?auemewilI?yon» ^^ecfO^e fceptlgtl^iat ^^ concccnpngOis QeO^e, l^eeioae conuecfatu M^ i^tSDifctpIcsfoupeoatesf^ anotf^ep accompany eng, repng,anD folo topng ftpm, be lament t)p inta y eauen, bOtlje l?ec is not f?€rc, (for he fytteth at the rygbtf?ande of bis father) ano pet bee P0 b^re, fO^ ^eeDeparteDnotbenfe^asconcernpitge tbe p^e^ fence of btSDiupne ^ateaee« 309concernpnge tbe p^efenceof bts matedle^toe baue cb?^(l^ ^- UeC tottb tJ3a but as conccrnyng tl?c prcfence of f?ys flen?e,he fayd truely to l^is difcipks : Ye Ojal not euer haue me with you. For as concernyngethc prefencc of f?is flefbe, tl?e churchc f?ad Chrift but a fcwe dayes^ m notice tt bo!Detft bpm fade bp fapt^e, tljoug^ ufeebpmnottxjItbeWf ^mit^efe bu&*M^^^int&mom^* 3ilfolnanotbetbooKe,emttlcDto mnctM^ gtt(tCae,t0U)^ttteiu[)Us: ^emuftebeleetie ant^ coiife(re,tbat tbe fonne of goD(as cocetnpng W dtuauee) ts mutrtble.^it^out a boDp,tmuio;tal, aniJ (nCtCCamrcCiptible,bttt as concernynghisl?us maoitee, toe ottgbt to beUttc atto cotif effe, ttjat be IN HI S SVPPE r: 5% J f0WriWe,^atfteabODP,dnD is contayncd in a ccr^ J tayne place, and hati? trucly al the mcmbres of a man* ^ m tt|e(e tDoaDes of &, 3luga(lpne, tc ^s mo9 clea(;e,t^act^ep^ofe(r(ott ort^e cati^oU&efapt^ ts^t^at C^;t(l(a5 cocerttCns b^s: boDelp (ub^ace anD nature ef mati)ts m ^eauca,anD not p^efent ^ece U)U^ bd tn peart^ « f o; t^c nature ano p^o- pettp of a beep boDp,t$ to be in one place,anD to occupte one place, ano not to be tmt^ b)bece,o; in manpe places at one tpme , 3inD t^oug^e tbe boop ot€hn^ > aftec bi0 rerutcection ano afcen* (ton, bias maoe tmmo^ual, pet t^e natuce tbetoC bias not c^aungeo^fo; tban (as faint iHuguditi Captb}it tocce no beep boop ♦ ^Uno furtljee fainct MUQV^^vnz (^ebietb, bot^e t^e manec ^ f outme, l^obie Cb^iil is bete p^efent b)it^ bs in peartb,^ botoe be is abfent, faping, tQat tie is p^efente bp bis Diuine nature anD ^aiellie, bp tbis p?oup^ tience,anD bp W Stace, but b^ bis bumaine na^ cure ano berp boDp,be is abfent fro t^ii bio^lo, anDp^efentiulieauen^ Cp;iUiis iiheiDife bpon tlje (!5ofpell of faincte cyriiius 3Il)on ageeetb fuUp \s)itb &»a!ugu(line,faping: ihonMbJ, llitbOUgb Cbrift cokeawaye fro f?ence the prefence c4p.i4 ofbis body, pet in bis i3©aieapeofbis d^obbeao ^e is euer bere , as f)ec p^omifeD to bis Difciples at m Depactpnge, raping: 3 am Voitli pou euec bnto tbe biojtloes enDe« ano in an otbecpiace of tbe fame bohe, fainct ubro 9* Cp;iUaptbtbus, ^p.^l C^;iftmn people mud beleue^t^at aitl^ougb 0Mi, €W& w OP THE PRESENCE OF CHRIST i Chrift be abiente from vs^as concer nyng I?is bodyc^ » ge0, anp tg p;e(0Ot tDit^ all t^tm tW \om bpiin » (^\)ttto;^t ^e raPD, crulp tcuel|> J rap tinto poti, d \Df}£uiomfit t^ere be mo o^ tt);e gatbereo togu 9 t^er lump name, tl^ttmn 3 in tl)t mpoDee of 3 tI)em>fo;lpl^ea9U)t)ao j^eioascoimetrant^ere 9 tnpeart^ea8amati,pett{)atit)efpUcD I)eaucn,$ > bponetleauetl^ecompaupof aungeigrruen Co 3 beeyngc nowein l7caucn%wtl?l?asflel}?e> pet ^ecfpl^ 3 letli tfjeftttlh ^ is in t\)tm t^at loue 6pm*lDnD it > l0tobcemat;feeD,t(^atalt^ou$l) Cl7nftfl?ouidgo » away oncly as concer nyng his fiefi?e, (fo^ \)t 10 (Uec 3 p^elent Itttb^^poUjcto^ btiS( Diumttee) Yctfor a > lyttellcyme fTcfaydehewouIde bcTcttbfpis Difciples* 3 (Cb^reljetl)etoo^Desoeratncccp;UL Am&ro^ur ^amct 3Bmb;ore alCo fapt^^ t^at ^e mud not iaLuum fecfeeCb^lftl3pOuPCai;tb,normyerth,butinhea- II. iO,c4i4r ^cnico\}crc }?e fyttedi at the ryghc l?andc of bis fatl?er* cmoms ^"^ Ubetoife fapncte erego^p tojptetli tbw0* en Ho Pa/- Cb^Ule (faptb 1)0 ^5 ^^^ ^'^ ^y '^^ prefencc of his ehttisl \ flen?e,anD pet l)c 10 abfentc no to^ere bp tl^e pjc- 3 renceoCbi0^ate(lee^ ^batfttbttltee tbpn&ed tbou (gooD ceaber) can tbe )^apt(led nouie pmaglne, to oefenb (bete pet:ntttou0 crcouc,tbat €W^^ in bi0 bumapne nature i0bobplpeb^teln peanbe, intbe confe- craceo b^eaDanDtDpne:Cccpn$tbataU tbe o2D( Cbutcbe of <£b;iQe beleucD tbe couicacp.anD al t^eolbeautboisiojotet^econtcacp;' IN in J SVPPE R* jA ftcpng but otic pacfoii,^atl) neucctfteletTe (n fjini tmoo uatuces &^ Cubdances, tl>at t& to Cape , t\)Z natMt;eoi:t)iS(i^oDt^eaDc.anDtl)eimiurs of {)p^ maubooo . Cbep fape fuctbectnoi^ , tbat ci)j(I^ ijQi bott;saDt>et)enccfcomb0t>nto6eauen, anD 16 al(o ^€ce w\} l>s tapeartb, but not tn b^s ^u tnaiue natute,(a0 tt^e ^apideg tooulo l^ane t)0 10 belcue) but t^e oloe autl)o?d Tape , tljat \)t is in^eauen,a0concecnpi$e^ismanl)ooDe , anD- neucctbcUs bottj \ym anc^ ttjerc, ^ cuctp iDfjere^ as coiicecnpnis ^ts (Bt^t>\itm.fo} ait^oug6 l}is Diuttutce bee (ucl)e , tbat it 10 infinite, tDitt)OUtc nuaruce, compa(reo;p(amtuf4H^ (tobicbe raincte i^ierome did tranttate) p jouetb, do lib, I, tbat tbe bolp gi^od is berp (^oo.becauu be t0 in €ap.i, manp places at one tptne, tubpcb^ uo creature » ran be* jf O? (faptb ^e>ll creatures vilible and inui- 3 fiblebecircumfcribedand inuironned cytl^er within 3 onepiace(a0co^po^alanD!HUiribletl;pnge9 be) » or within the proprietec of theyr owne fubilaunce, ? (as aungel0^muirible creatures be)(o tbat no ? Angel (faytb J?e) can bee at one tyme in two places « » mnD fo^afmucbe as thcl?oIygf?oftisinmanymen > at one tyme,tl?erfore(fayth l?e) il^se Ipoly gfpoile muftc 3 needesbcGod* iB^Ptiimde (^})^ faiijg affirmetb alfo fainct I5afple, cbat ^iritufau, m^ i^^ggn uj^ic^e teas toitb CojneHu0,b)as not itoc^tp.zi. attbefametpmetoitb j^b^PPP^^ no^tbeanfiell ' t»i3tcbe(pa&etoZac6arpmtbealtare,U)as not ' tbefametpmeinbmanfepttDtuaB maDeaman.compaflcd inaplace, ^dTrafimS^ ^mo of b^0 fatber;i0 (^oD,fejitboute meafuce oj dumKesem > place* £)ne anD tie fclfe lame pecfon, a0 concec- ^'^^^ ) npng l)is man0 fubdaunce, tuaB not tn ^eauen, 5tubanbeU)a0ittpeat;tb,anD forrooket^eyeanhe, 3 when be afccnded into hcauen : bUt aS COncetnpng 3 l^ts goDIp Cubdauncc (tsbicbe ts aboue all mea^ ) futijqe neptbec left ^eau en, tobau be came f com >beauen, no^^t lefce not tbe peactbe, U)ban !;e af- >cenDeDlntobeantn3to^pcbemapbeeknot0en bp ' >t^emoftecet;tapntoo;Deof Cb^tA^pmfelf, iDbo > to f5eU?etf?e placyng of l?is humanitce, (apDe tO ^10 : ^Dt(ctp[c0:3l|a^cmDe tp tompfatbecano poute, ^fat^et^tompgoD anDpoui;e$oD*3iit(o tubanbe i^^aofapDot lKLa5atu0,tbat iictoasDeaoCjbeaD- > DcD, rapeng : 3 am glaooe fo; pouce faKes, tbat aPoumap beleue.:fo)Iwasnottherc;btttto(fteto > ti^ebnmcafucablecompaflfe of bto biatnuee, bt iD,U Capoe ? OP THEPRBSENCEOPCHRIST tnpt>toWWcipltBti5t^mt, 31 mil imt^ pou ^egOtJp tntO^eaUCll, but bpcaufC lice is a very man contained witljin a placcc* j©J how is be prefent with fay tf^full people, but bicaufe \}C is very God,be« yng€ witl?out mcafure:' ' iSDf tliefeiu0?oesof f ulgentius rtis Declarer moll certarnip, tijat Ct?;ifte is not l;ece Mti) ^0 in eartl),but bp fjia goo^eao, at il)at ijts btimam tee is in l)eauni onelp, auD abfent from bs» v/^i7ri» ^et tbe fameis mo?e plapnlp Qnmt) (pf mo;e co«triEtt»piapiiclpcanbeefpofeen)bp ^igiKusa bp(5op tawfoea&.i. ana an ^olpe martin* i^ebjjtitetbtljus agapnlte t^cbecetilie(^utpcbe0, tobpcbc oeupeD cb^J l)«- manitceof c hr i s t, boiopnge op^pnpon, tbac • l)eetea0dneip<^oD,anD notnianne. ^bofe tttontt WQiiiii^ confutpnge, paouetbe, tbat c H K- r s T E b^DDetn bpm ttuoo natuies iop- ticD togptbcr inoneperfonc, tbc nature of bps^ <5oDbcaDe3 auD tbe nature ot W manl^oooe^ (CbU0beU)^ttetb^ 3«rb» «4» cb^tft fapMo bis Difciples : 3f paulaucb mc, rou tuolD be glaD, fo; 31 go bnto aip fatba. 31na 'S^OiiS 3agapnebefapDe;3it(seiCp£Dientto2pou tbatj ' go,f 0? pf 31 go not, tbc comforter (^all not conw > topoiuSuDpetfureip tbeeternallVDOjD of <3oK nljetjcrtueof (15oD,tbe topfeDome ej: d^oo, tuas 5 euet tDitb bi& fatber, anD inbts fatb&r, pea mtn >nt tbe fame tpme,iDban be tuas tvitb t)S . anD in 3 US : f oj tDbanbcopD meccpfullp DVuell in tbis 5 tsra^ioe> fyt leftendt bis Ijabitation in I^eauen^fo? be IN ItiS SV PPER^ 54 > \)t if^ euerp lo^ere iDl^oIe br t^ f^ps fdtlier,e()ttall >fnnm(mtee,tDl)omena place canconccpne, fo; dtt^cfonnc fplUtI) all tbpnge0, and tl^ere p0 w ) place tbat lacker^ ti^e p;e(enceor !)t0 Dtum(tee« > from tD^ence t^an,anD in^ttl^cr DPD l^e Tap, t^^ac 3 ^e toolDc goc ii>? Ijotoe DpD ^e Tap, tfjat be toente :> to i)f0 fattier, frouietDiiome DoubtleUe ^e neuer > DepartCD C )5Ut tljat to go to l?is fatl^cr, and frome i vs, u^as to take from this worlde tf?at nature, wl?ycf?c > he rcceaued of vs. Ci)OU fCCft tfjCCfOje tl^at tt toa0 3 tl|e p^op^etee of tl^at nature to bee taken aloape :> auD go from t3S>bicl) in tt^e enoe of tS)e toioMDC :>(^allbeerenDcrcDagapneto db, m t\)z angel0 3 UjptnelTeD, fapeng : \^W 3lefu0 tobicb is tafeen iJetmnv^ 3 from pou^igal com agapn, iphe as pou fain i^pm ? Sopn^ Dp into l)eaaen« foj, iooUe bpon t^e mpt^ :>t;acle, ioo&e bpon tde mpderpe of botl^e t^e na« 3tUtCg*Cfte(0nncof d^OD.aScoticernynghishu^ 3raamtccwentfromvs,a0COncertipng l)i0 Diuint^si > tee,befapDel3ntot0 : 23eboIDe3i am{U)ltlb ^.mM^upiu 3alltbeoape0l)ntotl)etoo?lDe0 enoeV ^ .» • wh--? . Ct?ti0 far ^aue J rcbecfeD tbe U)o?De0 of ^i. giIiU0,anD bp anobp^ce concluDetb tbus^.i^e i t0 tDiti^ t30, anO not l»itb.b0, f o; il?ore wl?ome he 5 Icftc, and went from tl?em, as concernyng his Ijuma- ) nicee, t^ofe be ief tc not, no; fo^folte tbeim not,a0 > tOUCbPngbiSbiUinitee*^ O; astouc}?yngtheform > of a reruant( which \}c tokc away from vs into heuen) > be is abfent from vs, bUt bp t^e f OUrme Of (^OD, )(h)bPcbesoetb not from b0)bcisp?erente tottb D b0 in miff , ano neuertbeleire bot^e pjeCent anD S>iiU abfente. OF THE PR ESENCe aF r HR 1ST abfe«t,ftc i^ailone cwtle* €W^^ as conmnpnse ^i0 boDtip p^cfenccanti tbe natute of ftis mant^ooc, ts gotte from l)S,ta- Het) from ^0,10 gone Dp tmo btanen,t0 not mtl) tiSMtl^ icfte b0, !)atb fo;faU0n t)0. :ffi^ut as con- certipng tbeotberttatuceof ^ts DeUee,bc ts apU teitl) tjs,Co tbat 1)0 (0 botlj tottb bs^ano not U)it^ t)0 : iDtt^ b0 tn t^e natucs of t)tg Deitee,anD not iDttb b0 In tl^e nature of l^ts ^umanttre^ contrdMu* 3lnD pet mo;e cletelp ootl^ t\)t famemtgUins tyt tyckciib*4- clntt tbefame tljpnge in an otbec place, lapeng : 3 3ft^eUjoojt5eanDtt)efle{I)etoecebot^eofone i natace,repng tbat tbel^o^Dts euecp tobece^to^p ■> is not the flefbc t^an euetp Ujbei;c c #0^ w}?an yt ^ was inearihe, tipan veryly it was not in heatico:and 3 nowe Tohan it is in beauen, it is not furely in ye^tl?# > 3BnD It (0 fo Ture, that it is not in cart??, tl^at aS COn^ i cempng Ct, be loofeefo? !)pm to come frome l)zn^ > uen,tol)oma0 concetnpngl)ls etecnall luoojoe, > tocOeliueto bcetottl^bstncactb: Cbct:fojebp^ 5 pouc'Doctc(ne(faptbe WgUms Unto Cutpctjcs^ ? tobo DefenocD, tl^at tbe Dtutuitee ano bitmamtte ^ In Cb^t^e teas but one nature) eptljec tbe Uio^oe 5 IS contelneD in a pla^e \x)^t\) b?s gef^e, 0; els tbe ^ fleCfte Is etierp tobere toitb tbe fe)0jDev:ffcQ one na« ^ tu're can not receyue in it felfe tix^o diuers and contra^ ^ ry tbynges* But tbefe ttuo tbpng0 be Dpuecs anc? 5 farretjnlpUe^tbat IS tofap, to bcecontepneb in a > place, anb to be eiiecp t»bei^^*'^bf tfo]ic In as mu ^ clje as tbe itJoiD is eucrp U)tu , ano tbe 8e(^eis not IN HI S SVPPER, 55 ^notettetplttbeceti^eappmc^ plapnelp,t^at one d Cl^^tft l^^m feiee ^at^ in l)m ttt)o natures,^ t!)a( :> bp I^p0 Dpupne natute, ^i Is euerp Uit^ece.anD by 5F?is l?umain nature, ^e is contcincd in a place, tijat \)e 9 10 cceatcD, ^ ^at^ no begpnnpng, tW ^e (9 fuli« :>iect to Dcatih ts can notote. a^i^ecor one t)c i^atb 3 bp t\)t nature of l)t0 tPo;De (tn^ecbp ()e ig goo )a( » t^e otlKt^ (^e t)att) bp § nature of bis flef^ctvbec^ >bptbe fame QoDts man aUo*cb^troj^^ one Tonne 3 of QOD,tbe felf c fame loas maoe tbe fonne ot ma, d anb be bati) a bcgpnnpnge bp tbe nature of bps^ )fle(])e,anDnobegpnnpngebp tbe nature of bis^ :>€(0DbeaD « l^e t0 createo bp tbe nature of bP0 9 8e(be, anb not createo bp tbe nature of \)is goo - 3^eaD* He is comprehended in a place by the nature :>Qfl?isflen7e,anDnoteomp?ebenDet)(na place bp :> tbe nature of bvs d^obbeabe* i^e is tnf eriour to > angels in tbe nature of bis flel^e, ano is equaU :> to bis fatber in tbe nature of bis d^oDbeaoe* l^e >DpeD b^ tbe nature of bis aelbe,anD bptb not bp :> tbe nature of ^is goDbeaoe^ Cbis is tbe faptbe :>anbcatbolpke confetj[ion, tnbpcbetbe lipoftles > taugbtstbe nmrtp^is opo co^robo;ate,anD fapt^- >fullpeople&epebntotbtSbap* aiU tbefe be tbe faipnges of Bfgilius,to^o(ac co;Dpng toal tbe otber autbo^s before reberfeo^ anb to tbe feptb anr) catbolpl^e confeflfton of tbe apollles.martp^, ano all faitbf ull people bnto l^ps tpme)faptb>tbatas concernpng cb^pfts b» uidntcee,b)ban ^e Itias bere on ercbe,be tuas not tn^eaucn: anbuol&ebjl^anbepsin ^eauen,be ^Mi, is not OF tHB PRESEKCE OP CHRtJT ^efsnottneart^e* JTo^onenatua cernne not be bot^e cottttpneD m a place in ^eauen,anD bk aifo ^ccetneace^c dtDnetpme« KlnDfo^asmuctiea^ Cb^tfte t0 ^ere loUti bd tn eact^,anD alfo is con> cerneo in a place in ^caaen, be p?oaetb tbecebp, ebat Cb^tft batb tt»o natures tn bpni,tbe nature of a man (^^eceb|» b^ tB gon from b0,anD afcett beo into beauen) mt^ tbe nacuce ot bis gobbeo, iDbecbp be is bece bittb b9 in ercb« 3o tbat ttp0 not one nature t is l^ttt biitb bs , ^ tbat is gone from b0: tbatis afcenoeb into beauen>anD tbere CQteineb,^ tbat is pcrmanet b^ce t^itb bs in ertl^ a9:)berro?e tbeiaapiftesctobicbenotoeof late peaces bauemaoe a netnefa^tbe) tbat Cb^tdes tiaturaii boDpeis reallp ano naturailp p^efeme botbe U)itb bs bere in eartbe, anD Qf ttetb at tbe cpgbt banoe of bi^ ^atber in beauen, boo erre iti ttDO berp bo^rible berefies. Cbe one, tbat tbep confouno bis tiBo natures, bis goDbeab anD bis manboD,attributpng bnto bis bumanitee> tbat tbpngMicb appcctapnetb onip to bis Dtuinitee^tbat is to rape,to be in bea- uen ano eartbe,anb in manp places at one t^mt^ Cb^otberis, tbat tbepbpupoe ano feparate bisbunminnature,o^bis boDp,ma&pngof one bobpof cb?iile.ii,bobpes,anD.ti. natures, one iDbpcbe is tn beauen, bpfpbie ano palpable, ba^: ttpng al memb;es ano proportions of tt moft pee feet natural man,$ an otber i^bicb tbep Tap is in ertb b^t^<^ ^itb bs, in euerp b^eao anD topne tbat is confecrateD, baupng no Di(linction,eorme no^ P?o-, INHISSVPPER. 5^ p?opo?t(on ofmzmhnfi * lo^U^e comtnmtiti fi cannot betogetl^ctmonenatuce^ 23utnotofcpng tbatitisfoemDencania«er,cf?ap.7* bot^bptJ^eeppjcffetooo^Des offcciptucc^alfo bp al i^oloe autljojs of t^e fame, tl)at out rauto^fj^^gfl'^f €t)?ift(a0 cocecnpng 1)115 boDelp pj^efence.)ifi aC- prntesrai" ceuoeD mto^eauc, auD is notijctein sacti). 3(lnD leosrugc fepng t^at tljis ^at^ bceue t^e true confcffion of [.y.^^Jf tljc catljoltfee fapt^ ewec ft tl)ens (gftjtftcs afteu - ^tsxm non^it is nouie to be coufiDeccD^Uibat moueD tbets mp bo> Rapides to maUe a ueuie ano coutr^p faitfte, ^ ^f- tti^at fmptures tbep ^atie to; tl^ett pnt;po(e* 5C0l)rat moueo tfjeim 3 fenoUjc not,but tijtit oUm tniquitie, o; tt^e tiatute auD conoicion of tbe Tea iDf laome, Uibtcbe is of all otljcc mod contcaip to Cb?id,anDtl)erfo]iemo(tVDo;tbp to be calico tbe Tea of aiuttcl^^i(l«:^nD m foifcttpture tbei allege none but onlp onc,^ tbat no t trulp tjnbctftaDcD, buttofecuctljcisputpore^^cdeD oatc of tune, tDbecbp tbep maUe it to gewe^founo cotrarp to al otbcr (cuptuces pactainpng to tbat matt ier* Cbiift tokc bKaD(fap tbcp)bleflcD,anD b^aue^oe nrgi* itanb gaue it tofjis D.irciples,fapinge : cbis is X'll^ °^i^ mp boDp. (CScfc toaoioes tbep euer ilpU repeat e ais, anDbeatebponatbaiCb^idcCapD, cbis ismp boDp, auD ti)ts raping tbep maUe tbeic Ojootai^ l^ec, to pcoue tlKtbp, af^toel tbc teal anon atural p^efcnce of Cb?it(lesboDpintberaet;amente,as tbeictmagineo (Ctanfubftantiation. f ou^^^^ toojoes of €\ni^ (rap ta^tv) l^e mode plaine ana uiod OF THE PR E SE N C E O P CH RI ST aeis boop^^nD if it bz €W^cq boDp^t^an can it not be b^?aoe, to^cceof t^ep gatl^ec bp cbeir rea- fonpng,tl)att^et;ei0C5f;?ii1esboDp reallpe p^t^ feiit, auD no b?eaD* %tit atttt* il^^^^ fo^afmucfje as all t^etc p?ofe ^angetft ftDetf, onelp t)pon tftelc too^ocg, fC^is (s mp boDp. tftc uue fence ano meanpng o^tbefe toojoes mnft be ejcamtneD»:^nt((ap t^ep) toftatnebetljcpanpfic ammacionr aoo^at iDO^oes can bee mo;e plapne t^an to rap, cftte is mp boDp^ XDtinttt (Crut^ It ts In DeeDe> tbat tbe iDOo^toes bee a0 ''f Vhcft" plapne as map bee fpofeen : but tbat t^e fence i0 toooms, notfopume, ttismanrfeHtoeuetpman, tftat %Di9 10 iDapet^fubftanttallpet^e ctrcuui&ances of ti|e mvhow* piace»foitoljanCl)iiillgatteb?caDto biBDlfcli pies , ano fapoe: c^ts is mp boope , t\)tu is no man of anpe oifccccion , t^at bnoerSanoet^ tl^e Cnglif^e tangue,but be map idcU bnotoe bp t^e o^Dec of t^e fpeac^>tbat €W^ rpabe tbofe \xio^* Des of t^e b^eao, callpng it l^is boope, as ail tl^e oloe aut^o^s alfo do afficme, altboctgf^ manp of t^e i^aptftes oenp t^e fame, ^^ecfo^ie t^is fen- ttncz can not mcane as t\}z boo^oes , fecme anD pucpoit, but tftece mulJ nebes be fome figure o} mpltecp in tljis fpeecbe.mo^e than appcacet^ in ti^e plaine luo^Des.fo? bp tbis manec of (peec^e plainly bitDccdanbe inttboutanp figure as t^e uio^De's ipe, canne be gatt^eceo none ot^ec fence, but INHISSVPPER. j7 tut tUat bj^au t0 Cb^iftcs boope, nuD tfjae €l)2i (leg boDp (5 b;eaDc« tDljicb all cl)^tilmn cares do abl)o;re to b^ace.^CUlKtfoje in tt^efc tocjDiS niuft neneg be rou^ljt out an otoec knit ano tuenpng, ll^an ei)e u^o^oes ot tbcm felues Do beacc. ginDalcbotigbibc true fenfe anD bnoerftan- cbo « Dpng of t^eU too^Des, be f«ff(dcntlp DeciaccD be ^* fo?e, toijenilpaueof ctanfubOantiatJon, pet €(it6 ts mp biouDDe. bee figurattue fpecbeB.ainDaitboug^ttbee manpfeU pnougl) bp tbe plapne too^De s of tbe gorpell, anD p^oueD befojie in tbe p^oceile of tranlubdantiation, tl^at C^^ifte fpaHe or b^eaoe, UJbanijc fapDe,Cbt0 is tnpboDp*UUeUjifet!?atUloas beep topnctoljic^e ^e cat leD i)t0 blouD : pet lead tbe ^a{;taes; Q)ulD fap>tbatU7erucHett)id out of oucouin fpngecg. cbe Tame Q^ail be p^oueo bp tefltmon|e of all tbe clDe auttiojs, to be tbe tcetue anD o!dc (aptbe of ^ cbe eat{?o!pfee cljurcbe* w^ete as tbe Tc^ole au^ *tbo;6anDpapi(le0,Q;au not beeabletolftetDe fo niucbe as one Ujoojdc of anp ancient aut^ouc totbecontraip* Jrpiftlfircnens, to^ttpngeagapnlt tbe tualen/ r^f«'Wfw ^tlntanglnbtsfcurcbe bobefaptbe, tbat chndej^^'^''^'^^'* >confe(led bread, Til?icl?c is acreaiure,to be l^isbody, "^'^'^^^^ >andthecuptobee!?isbIoud»lpnDmtbe famebOUe Cab tj. ?^eiD;ttet^tl)U0 aifo.The bread tuijetintljetban:^ ^ i^.u ^e0 OF THEPRESENCE OF CHRIST > htB be geitCIt, is tl?c body of the Lorde* 3InD ?Ct U^ OM7. 5 gapticJuti)cfamcboafeE!^efaptl?e, t&nc Ct)?i(lc > taUpug bread j of the fame force that our bread is of, > COntelTcDtljat it was l?is body rlimtljattl^at thing 3 wf7iche was tempered in tf?ecl?alice,TDas}7is bloudde^ tib.f* 3[lnD in tl}t titt boke ^e Uj^tetli fuct^cCjtliat of > tbe cJ?alice (tDfjlClK iS i)i3 blOUDe) a man is norin?ed 3anddothegrowebycl?ebreade,U)i]ici)iS !)iSbODp* Cl)C[e Ujojues of ^ceneus be moft piaia^tl^ae Cbi^ltetaKpngebctp mateciallbjcaDe, a crea- tnttot CD^oD^anDoffucbcro^t as otijet b^eaoDe f0, tD'oicDe Ujc DO UCe, calleD tt>at !)is boDp, toljan Jde fapoe, Cbis is mp boDpe* 2BnD tl}c topue alia lt)bict)CDootl}efecDeanDnout;p(]^ebs, b^ caiicD ^is blouDDe, ^cctuliauUketopfc in bis boofee Wtttn fls TcrtMfi4* >gapn(l tbe JelueSjaitbtbat Cl?rifte called bread 3i»jifttcr* sl^is body, 3lnD in bis booHeagainft ^atticn be fm ud£os 5 oftentpmcs ccpetetb tbt felfe fame too;Ocs» cyprUma IKuD ^. Cpp^mniiubeeieit bofee ot bis epis ddM4g/i« ^ ftles.faitb tb^ I'^'nc tbpng,tbat Chrift called fuc}?c lS.uepL6, > brcade^ as is t^ade of many cornes ioyned togythcr^ 3 l^is body:andfuchei\?yne he named his bloudde, as is^ >pre{Ied out of many grapes, ailD ttiaoe ttUO topiiev* tib 2vE^ ^ ^"^ ^" ^^*^ ^^^^"^ ^^'^^ ^^ ^^^^^ ^^^^^^ U)0?t)ies : Pi^i " ^ "^^^tcr is not the bloud of Cl?rifle, but wyne . ^ HD ^agapneintbefameCpiftle b^raptbe^tbat itwas J wyne, whic}7C Cbriite called bis bloud, ailDe tbat if > wyne bee not inthe chalice, tbatl toe DiiPUUe HOt Of > tbe fcuite of tbe ^pnu litD in tbe fame eptftlebe >feptbe,tl)at meale alone, or water alone^ is not tl?c bodyc IM HIS SV PPE R. j3 > body of Cl?riftc, cxceptc t^ey be bothc loyncd togu > tf?cr to make thereof bi eade* > Cptp^amtt0airoratt^,t^atcWftfpeafern8^^*^^""' 5 of a lofe5whicl?e is rounde in fan?ion,andcannotfej A»cor4to. 3 l^care, norfelCjlaydof it,Thisisinybody. llnD ©apnt ^UKOrae, to^itpng ad Hcdibiam, nicron. di 3raietftt^efeU>o;De0.)!lettJBmaz:U,t!jat the bread Hditww 3 wl?icf?e theLordbrake,anO gaue tO i)t0 DtrctpU0, 5 was the body of our Saufour C f?riftja0 \)t (apD 1)11^ 3 to t^em : Cabe ano eatr^ttjis 10 mp boDp* . - ^^^^ ^^ > StiD & . 3lu3ttftme alfo (aab,t(jat altt^ousfte ^,,4 J/ u > toe mar fctte foojtft (IW^t bp moutfjc, bp to^p^ cup 4. >tpn9e,anDbptt)eracramente of bt0 boope anD > blouDe, pet toe call neptber ouc tongue no^ too?^ :>be0,uo^pn&ejettet;0, no; paper, tbe boope ano jblOUDDeOf ^MlV^t^ but cl?at areecalle tl?c bodyc > and bloudde of C I?rifte,wl?ycl7e is taken of the fruitc > of tl?e cart^e, and confecrated by myfticall prayer* jj^ -^trlUA y 2lnD alfo be faptb* ^^^^^ called mcate, l^is body, and poitolijcr* 5 drynke bis bloudde. mo,*. S9o;c ouec cpjill tjpon giapnct 3Iobn faitf;, cyriiim iVt 5 tbat Cb?ifte gaui? to fjiS Oifcrple0 peces of bread, mnncm It. 3 raping : caHe, eate, tbi0 is mp boop* 4."p- «4. )Lifeetotre'€^eoDo?etUBfaitJ?, ^DQban CbjifteTMore- 5 gaue tiie bOlP mptletieS , I?e called bread l?is body, |«« »« ^'*<- 3 anb the cuppe myxt wiib iryne and water, hec called ^^S^*^* 3 bis bloudde* :t3p al tl^efe foj^fapD autbojs.ano pla ce0,tottbmanpmo,tt is plapnelp p?oueD,ti;at tobanour fauiouce Cb^tde gaue b^ieaODc bnto bi0 Bifeiple0, fapenge : cabe,anD rate,tbis i0 inp boDp, 3nD ipbetopfe toban l^e gaue t^eim tl^e ^4t cuppe OF THE PR BSE NCE OP CH Rt S T eap^e,fapmge, Btuioe t^ts ainouge pou^anD Djptme pott all of ms, to; t^is 10 mp blouDe ; Ijg calleo i^an tl)c tjccp inateciau b^eaoe I)i5 t)OD|>e, auD t^e ijerp it»piis Ins blouDDe, (Cijat b^eaoc (3J ia?)t\)m 10 one of tbe ct^^tti^ u5\)ztci\ituti)nmonQt\)S, anDti;at groUieti) out ot t^e caulje.ano is maoe 0^ nianp gcapiieg of co;ne beareu into ao\»et;, atiD mtjceo ta\t^ U)a- tec, auD fo baHeu ^ maoe into bjeao^of Cue?) fojte aB otl)ec ouc b;caD i6,t^at i)att> tiettt)es (ence mi £ea(on,'i ftuai {p tt)at feeoetl^ano \\outiQ)tt^ out bootes, (UcbebjeaDDc €iniStt caiuo^ts boopg, tuban !)e fapD,Ct)ts ts mp boi^p. 3no fuel? totne as is maoe of gcapes pacdeo togitijetjano t^n;- ef ismaDCD^pnfeejUjljtcbenojlf^et^ tl;eboDpe,^ fuc&e hjpne Ijc calleo ^is biouDc* Ctjts is ti)e true Doctrine, conficmeoas ttJCll bp l)olp fcviptucc, as bp all auncieat autbo^s 0^ Cftjiftes c^ucct)e, bottjed^ceeltesanD Xatincs, tljat is to rape, tl^at \Q[}m ouc ^»amouc Cbjtit^ gatteb^eaoano topnc to ^isDifitpleSc^^orpafee tljefetooojtocSjC^isistnp botjpe, (€!)is ismp blouDe* it iB»is beep bjtcao ano ^pne \s\)^t^tl)$ eaUcof^tsboDpanobiouD* i^otoiettbe^apiftcsl^eUjc (ome autbo?itce fo?t()eic opinion, eptfjec of icrtptucej 0; of Tome auncient autbo^ InDlettf^epm notconflcapne allmentofolotuetl^eic fonoc Deuir£0,oue(p b]^^ caufe tb2p fap,lt is fo,U)itl)oat anp otfjcc gcofio Oiiaut!)0?itee, buttbeicoUJue baceUJO^oes^f 0? liifucljeUjprecceDiteistobeg geuen to d^oooes IN HIS SVPPER. |0o;dc oneIp, ano not ta tijc i»Q(yae of mp mail* 5116 manp of t\)tm as J ^ ©op of 3iX)pncbcitei; oncipa'cepteD^Doiap,tbat Ct};i(lecalleDnotbjcaDl)igboDp, nojuiFnc Uts biouDc, tD^an ^e fapo, itDi^tB is mp boDpc, (CitjCji^ is mp blouoe. ano pet la ejcpouaopng tbefe tooj . DCS (l)ep Darp amog tbem aices:U3ijic^ is a toH t&att!)epbet)ncmapucof tl^eicoume Docrtme^ f o^fomeot' tl)cmfape,t()atbpt^is p^onoune Deinan(lcattuc(ti3is) C^^ifte ^noecftaae not ttje bjeao no; U3pne,but l)is boDp a!iD blonoe* SPno ot!)er Com fap,ti)at bp tlje pronoun (tliis> ^e ment neit^cc t^e b^cao no^ iDtne^no^^is boD^ no^ bloud, but it)^t lie incnta parttculac t^pnge tinceCtapnC,to!jiCl)e t\)Zp call Indiui juum vagum, OJ Indiuiduutningenere,3| tCOtDfom^att^Cmas ticall quibitcc, t^ep can not telle to^at* 25ttt let all tijefe ^apiftes togitftet (Detue anp^ oneaut^o;tcee,e!tbecof rcnpture> o?of anaenc auttjai, cjtber (3ttu o^Xatm, t^at fait^ as tijei fap,t!?at (£t);i(lecaileanot b;eaDeanDU)pnebt0 bODp anDbiOUD^bUtlndiuiduuravagum, anDfO? nip parte J Qjm gene tljcpm place, ant^confcffe tljattbepfap tccuje. 3IInbpf tlycp can OjebJcnat&pngefojtl^epm Of antiQuttec, biitmnlp tl)m okinebace too^Dcs, tljan it is ceaCon tftat t!}2p geue place to tin ttn- t^econfirmcDbpfomaap antI)o;ltees, botljeof fccipture auD of aunctcnt ti)ititec5?,tohic!j is.t^at €lni^ calleD bej;p niateriall b^eao bis boopjanjj Derptupji^maoe of gtapes^fjisblouDt sp OF THB P RE SENC E OF CHRIST' Ch^4>; Bom tW ^tmi full? p^oucd, ft muft ntbt& ^ folotoconfcqueiitifj^jtftatt^tsmancr of fpefeing mp boDp fBafiguratitterpeet^e* f ojin plapneano p^o- tbpttetB ' perrpeccbc,tt(snotcctte,toraU> t^at b;eaDei0 woaDjbee c Wftes boDp,o? topne ^fs blouDe^if o? €Wii^ii ttttc fpec^ boDp batb a foule^Ufe, fence ^ ceafoii: ^ut bjeao fftis; ftatb nef tbec foule, ipf e, fenfe, noj ccafon. XLtketDpre in plapne fpeecbe ^t ts not trae,cbat ide eate Cb^tl^^ boop, anD Dzpnue bt5 b!ouDDe« df 0? eatpnge anb D?pnfepnge tn tbeit; p;or je anb I)ruaun8ntftcatton,i0 U)Ub tbe tonge^teecl/^anD lpppe0, to CiDaloU), btutbc atiD cf^auie (ti peece0 : iDbpcbctbpnge to bo tott)eael]beanbbioubeor €W^y ^^ bo;ttble to be ^eatbe ot anp cb^t&tam Cf?ap4i©. S)o tl)at tbefefpecbe0,(Co eate CbJttte« bob? ^ anb b?pnfe b Js bloub, be fpecbes not tafeen m tbe c^iSS Piopec Ognification of euerp toojbe,bttt bp tcan ntQft am aattonoe tbefeiDOjbeg (eatpngano D;pnbpng) mnh us fromt^Kignificationof ac0jpo;alt^png,toft/ timmm gn<«eafpfcUwaltbpn8:anb bpcallpngatbpng spmm. tW ftgntf (etb,bp t^e nam^ of tbe tbpng Uibtcbc f fignifieD tbctbp* Wl)tcb is no care no; ftrage tbpng.but an bCuaU maner ano pb^afe in comoti rpeecbe«3(inb pet lead tbt£^ faulte a)ulD be tmpu^ teb bnto t)0, tbat tne boo fapne tbpnges of oure otpnc beaoes luttboute autbo^itec (as tbe {Sapt . lies be accttdomeo to Do)bere (Dail be citeo ftifftv ctent autbo^itee, a0 toeli of fcttpture, m of oibe aunctent autbo?0, to app;oue tbe Came. jfpjft toba« ottc fauf out €W^t in tbe fpjcte of mo,s. ,> 3|o^ii (ato, t^at be l»a0 tl^e b;eab of ltfe,tt)ie mi cbe I N H I S S V P P E R. ^ O ^>ttielti]^oroeuett)tD eate.O^oulD not D^e ,but lint »fo^ cucc . 9 tiiat tt)e b^eao U)t)tc!)e tje iiiouf D geue >>t)S , iiias Ui0Qetb^^ ano U)ecefo;e tDliofoeuec >'f^ouloeeate^i0 ae^e ano D^pnUe i^is bfduor, )>a)oulDet|aue euetladpnge Kfe, anD tbep tbac »fIloulDnoteate^is6e^anD D^inUe ^t$t)iouDe» 3>C^oulD not \)mt eueciafting U'fc. ^^en Ct^^tde ^ao fpolien t^efe t^oo^oes bitl) manp mo of t^e eatpns of his acll^e ano Dj^tnUtug ot b^s bIouD> botbt^^ Vetoes ^mant alfooft^iSDirctpustDec offenoeo U)itl) t)is U)o;De6,anD Capo : cbts ts aa 3>^ai:D faring.fo?l}oli^e can l)c geue tjsljig flicl^e )> to be eatcn^ Ct}?til peueiuing t^ett nmrmuUng ^eactescbecaufe tbep ^neUie none otbec eatinge of bts flefl)e,buc bp ctjaU^tng ano rtoalobpng)to Declare tbattbepfl)oulD not eatet)ts boDpa^tec Jtbatfojitc,no;t!)atbementofanp fucbe cacnal 5,eatpnge,befapDe tl}tt0 tjnto t^enn Wljat (f pou jjfee tl)e fonue of man afceno bp iDl)ece ^e tuas be :>,fozc;' Jt is tl)c fpicitctljat ginetb ipfe , tbe fle© jjaiiapjeti) nott)ing* itlDbe luo^Des iu^jtcljc J fpafee j^tjnto poll befpinte aiiD ipfc (Ctjefe ti)o;Des out fanioj C()?tft fpaUe, tolpft _ tp tf^etc minDcs fco peattlj,to beauen,^ fco car- nal to fpicicual eating^tljat tbep (ftulD not p^ati tafp, tbat tbep njoulo toitb tbeic teetbe eate btm p^efent becc in eatt^ , fo; W flefl) fo eaten (faftft be)fl)oulD notbpng pjofite tbem,:3InD^P€t fc tbep f^oultinot eatebin{,fo?bettioulD taUe bis boDP atnat ftom tbein,anD afccnb tottb it into l)eauen^ aino t!jece bp faptl;,fi not toit^ tcetl;,t^ep l^ould iiitU-' OF THE P R E SENC E OF CHRIST , fpirituallp mttWm fttcing at t^e rpg^c band of :»> tDf^ici) J DO rpeake, be fpinte ano Ufe « t!)at ts to fap, ace not to Ue ))nDa(lanb » tl)at iDe mall cate ^'i)nfi tDit^ oac tml)£ grofTelp ano carnaiip,bu t i^ae U)e C^all (ptrCtualip ti gofllp \xtit\) out fapt^ eatc f)(ra,bepug cacnaup abfcnt from bs in \)ca- ttciu 3nD m fttcljc topfe , ag Ibjaljam ano ott^ec ftolp fathers Olo zmc i)im , maup peies before be »^o?,io, j^ag iiuacnateo ano bo^nt^M ^* |^a«k fattb, ^' t^att^ctal Dtoeatet^c fame fpicituai meat tt^at >' toeeDo,anDD?anket|>efatiierpp^ptuall D^piifee, ttjat 10 to fape, C^aifte » f o^ tbep fpicitaalipe bp t^eicfaptfttoecefcDanDnojiO^eDUjitb Ci)^tftc0 bobp anD blouo, ano ^aD ctecnal life bp buu^bcs fo;e ^e \x)ns bo^ne, as Doe t^aue notoe > t^at come after ^tsarcenciom (Ctju0 i^aue pou l^eatbe , t^e Dcclaranon ot Cft?i(te l^pmleifeanoof fapnct}^aule,trjattbe catpng ano o^mtittig of €\)MtQ fiie(^e ^ blouD, (0 not tafeentutl&e common fignificaccon, blt^ moutljeauoteetbeto eate anD cijaiwe a tl^tiige bepng p?£fent,but bp a ipuelp fattl) in \)tntt ano mpnoetoclftaifleanDDigcaatl^pnge ht^ng; ab- reiu,eit^et afcenoeD bence tnto f^eauen, o^el0 notpctbojneDponean^* ^no ^n^tm oeclarpng tfje fapoe eattnge of or^efi. in ci)^ifte5 fleli) atvo D^tnfeing of bis blouD, not to L€iiitM.7 jjg trnDecftano as ib^ tDo^toes do founD,bat U^u catiuelp , tojptetb tbus tippontl)crci2)ao?Dc0of Cbult;iS;ccept pou cate mp fle(^e ano o^tnfee mp bkuD IN HIS SVPPER; 6i D blu))De, poa (Qali not hmt Ipfe invou, ConKDec > (fait^ £)?tgcn)tt)at thefe tf?ing€s to^ittcn in goD0 J bobeg,areHgures,anD t!)ecfo;e ejcamtneanD t)n= sliecdanDe tl^emas rptcituall, ano nous catnaK > nien*'::^ 0? yf you vnderftandc tl?eim as carnall men, > they hurte youjand feedc you not* Jf 0^ tUttt it\ t\)t 9 gofpels tsi tt^ete f ounDe lettcc tl[iat Wltt\),mvi ^notonlpm ti^eoloeteftamente > but atfo in t^e ) netoe f tbcre rouno letter tbat Oeaeti) l^rni.tl^at :> Dotb not (pttttuallp bnoecdanoe tl)at tof^ic^e ^0 sfpOben^jfOjl ifthoufolowe tl7c letter or wordes of > this that Cbrifte fayd: Excepte you eate my fle(l?e and 3 drynkemy bloude, this letter kylleth* ^\)o can mo^e plapnelp ejcp^eflfe in anp tuoo?- Des, tljat tbe eatpng ano D^pnftpng of Clj^tiftes 8ea}e atiD blouDc,ace not to be taken tn common ftgnification,a0 t^e tDo;Des pjteteno ano founD, tl)an iC^^tgene Dooti) tn tbts piacer 3llnD ^Jotjn ci)]^pfoaom afficmctlj tlje fame cby>/o5.fn > fatpng, tftat yf any man vnderftande t}?e wordes of io^^"«f"* >Cl?nft carnally, l?eff?alIfureIyprofite noihyng tf?er' HornU^* > by> f 0,1 tobat meane tljefe tooo^oes , cb^ flef^e > auapletf) nOt^pngC He mem not of bis flcfi7c(God > forbid) but he ment of t^em tf?at flcn7ely and carnally >vnderftoodethofethyngcsihatCf?ri{le fpake* 23Ut 7 toljat is carnall vnderftandyng c* To vndei Oande t^e > wordes fimply as tbey be fpoken, and no%ng els. f 01 toe ou5l)t not fo to'bnDetRanbe tbe tl^inacs >tDl)(ct) Ujc fc, bnt al mpftecies nma be conf?DrteD > \i)itt) intoatOe eieC, and tl;>atis fpintually to vndcti 2 (lande tf7eira» Sti, Jn ^-> ,^tj^4 (^^f^^ OF THE PRESENCE OF CHRIST mti) plalnlp.tbat t^e 100^00 of ci^^ta cocecntttg tt^e cacpng oe IM 8e(9,auo D;mUnig or bis bluo ace not to be UuDecilanoe funplp^as tbcp be fpa- l(etT>butrpintuallpanD ftguratiuelp^ AuguniHM 31UD pet mode piainip of allotljct;,§^*aiugtt- ^j^doami ftineDot^ Declare tt)i0 matter in bis bobe Dedq d7ri§,if.;. ^jj'j^ chriftiana,in U)l)tcb bobe tic iftructetl) t\)^U aian people;l|OU)e tbep O^oulo bnoerilanD tbofe places of fcrtpture, lubtc^ feme l^arDe ^ obrcuri\ 5 ^cloo(fait^ !?e)is ani oifficultp in people iwoi > tie0,but eitl^er tbe ciccumftace ot p place,o^ § c6- :> ferctng of Doners tranflacias>o;clg ti)^ o^igiiiall 3 tonse toljerin it tuas ti>;(tten,U)il mafee tljclence 5 piaine^But in tooioes tbat be altereD from rbeir 3 pzop]^eftgnificati5,tl?ere is great Diligence ariD > IjeeD to be tafee* 3nD fpecially ^ve rauft bi:Tcare,tf?at > toe take not literally any tpyng that is fpokenfigura^ 3 tiueiy. ^0; contracp tDife ^ mull not tabefo; a >figure anp tbpng^tljat is fpohc p?op?elp. Cber^: >foje mufte be DcciareD ((aitl^ S^.^uguftine) tbe 3 manner f?owe to diTcei ne a proprc rpccl7e from a fi- >guratiue*^febec(n(rait^ ^e) mud be obfctueDtbis > tule,tl)at if tbe tbtrig \xi[}ic^ is rpobc,be to § fur- > tt^erance of cl^acite^tbanitis a p^opje rpcecb^5 ^ > no figure* g>o t^at H it be a comanDcment. tbat > fo;biDDetl) aup euili 0? loicfteD nctt,oi, conmian- >De>b anp gooD 0^ beneficiall t^png,tl)an it is no ^ fpgure. >5Ut if it comande any yll or wicked thyng, > or forbid any tl?ing tJ?at is good and beneficiall, tf?an » is it a fi'guratiue Ipeacl^e. JjiOtD t\}is faiy ng of Cbrift:^ Except IN HIS SVPPER; ^2. , (Exccptc you catc tl?c flcn?c of tl?c fbnnc of mannc J and drynke l?is bloudc, you fl?all l?auc no lyfe in you) > fecmct}} to conimaundc an l7aynous and a wyckcd 3 thynge, therefore It is a figure, COnimaailD^ng tJS :, to be (tattaHers of <£^?ttle0 pa^Tton^keeppng in 3 out ininDs to our great comfo;t auo profit, tl^at >f)ts6e(9tk>a0ct:ucirteDanD tDOuDeo foiil)0» Ctjts is b^ieflp tlje fcntence of §>♦ ifiuguftfnc in t^iS bOfe0 Dc doc^rina Chriftiana, a no tlje Ipbe be to^itetft in f)iB boUe De catecF?/- dc «ffc&; fandis rudibuf, anO in IjtS bOOlie Contra aducrfas rudih.c4 16^ rium legis dC propl?ctarum, aitD in Dpuer6 OtfjCC Contra ad^ places, tDljtc^e foj teDioulneg 3 pade ouer» «cr/4r,ifg»s f ojif 3j QjulDteOecfeall? auttjo^itiegof §>; crpropbn^ auguftin anD otIjec,Ui^icb malie mentio of tl^is '^""^ ^ - iimtter, it^oloe toearp t\)c reaoec to mucl^e* ^\)tttfo;t to all ti^tm t^at bp anp reafona^ ble mcane0 topii bee (atiffpeD, tbefe tt^pnges be:: fo]te ref^eatfrD ate fufficiente, to p^oue t^attl^e catpnge of Clj^tlleg fleffte atiD D?inupnge of l^tg blouDDet0 not to bee bnoetdaude fprnplpeano plapnclpcas tbe tDOo^oes boo pf op^eip (ignifpe) tt)at toe DO eat ano D^inH ijpm U)it^ out nioutl)0, but it ts a figuratiue fpec^e fpitituallp to be \>n bccftauD^tijat tae muft Depelp piint ano ftutefui \V bctcue in out t|arte0,tf)at I^i0 Uttt) lDa0 ccqci- fpcD,anD bi0 bluD O^eo fo^out rebemption. 3(nb ti)t0 our beleefe in bpm, is to eate ijps ae(I)e anD D^pn&e bis biouDe,att^ougf) tl^ep be not p^efent bete iDttb bs^but be afceDeo into ^eauc« 3ls our forefathers befo;e Cf);ift0 time,DiD iij^eu^ife eate ^M, ftps Of THE PRESENCE QFCHRIST farce fcom t^em,tl)nt l^c ^as not pet tlian bo^ne, Chapai* (^l)t fame mtimB did fat airo,tl)at iul)e (it)ii\l %\)isiBmv called ttje b;eaD his boDp^atiD tiie leitu (^is DtuD boDp: tt)i5 it iuas HO p^topje fpeci)c tijat l^c t!?an bfeD,but as jsmp WttD ai faccatiienteB b^ ftguces of o£l)ei: t!)iag£0,anD. timiot^ P2t l)aue t[)e l^ccp aameg af tf)e ti)pnge6 iol]ici)e f^c* ' tOcp DO rtgntfie:ro Cl)f tft inaitutpng tl)e facra= %r)tbmn f^c»f 0^ ^)^^ n^oft pjcciotts boDp auD UiouDe,t)pD tmt^exuD W figucatme fpeaciies, callinige tf^e bjcaoe b? :cmiaes tljeuameof i)is boDpc, bpcatifeitfpgiucicD \)iQ tJODp, tti)e[joj)P ; and tije Uipiu Ije called t?is blouD^bpcaulle SL ^^ tt ccp^efenteD i)i6 blouD* Terr«/u«:^j CectuUati (jecciii Wtvm agapnd S^acttoti, cofr4 Mar ?^^^^0 ^ft^tC tDO^OeS^CljJlft DpCVUOt rCpJOUC bread,, ticHcmU 3wl?crby he dydrcprerentf?is very body, SUDtntljC kro. K 3 lame boHe be rail!?, tbat Jefus tafetng b?caDe, ^ 3 Dtllttbutpnge it amongeg f)is Difciples, made it 5 biSbOdP,fapeng,Tf?is is my body. tl?at istofaye, 3(faitl)^CttUlian)afigureof ^lybody♦36ndtf)CC- 5 fO^efaietl) CertUlian^tljatChnftc called brcadfc 3 bdoy, and wyne his bloudc, bicauCe tljat U\ tl)e Old ^ceftamcnteb^eadDeaudtopnetocce fcguces o£ ^lEjcsbodpandblottdde* cfprianm ^Hd faitict Cpp^iati tfte fjolp niattp? faptlje of iib.t.Fp/- >tl)is matter, tl^at CbjiJtes bloud isfl?ewed in t\)z 5v^ ^» X Ujpne, and t\)e people in tljetoatcn, tbat is mpjcre 3 bJltl) t^e topne : fO tOat tl?emyxcureof the water to 3 the wyne, fignifictf) t'^c fpiri'tuall commixtion. an?n(»ior 3 lD?ltpn$ beceof fanb,tbae Cb?^^ ^n bis laft fup- cbn/mdUJ, 3 p eCj gaue CO bis apoikls xok\} his ownc f?andes bread D and v«^yne5U^bicf?e l?e called f?is flcfbe and bloude, bUt D in tbc ccoric \)z gaue bis betp boDp, to be Uioun* > Deb tuitb tbe b«»be0 of £be fottloiouts, tbat tbe 5 ^poftles mpgbt Declare to tbe tpo;lDe,botDe anD > in tDbat manet bjeaD aiiD topne map be tbe fUQ)^ :> anDblouDorCb^iCle«3[nDtbemanetb^^talgbt > iuaies Dcclarecb tbus^Cb^t tbore tbpnges \3x\}U > C4JC DO figiufp, PI tbole tbuiges toblcb be flgnifi- 5 fD bp tbeiu, map be bo tbe calleD bp one name, l^erc it is ccctapn bp fainct Cpp^tans mpuDc,. tobetfoj^c ^ in lubat luife b?eaD ts caUeD €\)}i^tB fie{l>e,anD itjpne bis blouo,tbat is to fap, bicaufe tbaccwcrptbpng tbat rep^crcntetb^ftgnifpetb an otbet tijy ng, map be caiUDbp tbe name of tbe tbpng UJbtcge it figuifietbv auDtbccfo^efamctJobtt €\)}p(o('mm fattb, <^^[yM '* , tbat &n'it o;DapneDtbe table of b^s bolpe fup^ ^>'^"'*' 3 pei:fonl^i5.poucpofe,tbattntbat faccament be 5 fl}OUlDDaplpG^etDetjmo bS bread and wynefor a 3 fimilitudcof }?is body and bloude*. g>amt|^iecom imptotfefaietb bpantbegof="'*''*^''^^2 pel of a?atbeUj,(bat (l})m tcoke bjea.D>bicbc '" ^''*'^'^- OF THE PRg'SENCE OP CHRIST > C0mto}Htf) mans ^eart, t^at ^e mpgljt reprefent > tl^eeb|>bt0t)erpl)ODpanDblouD. hit qui my^ intittUD Dc^fsquacmy{krijsiniuatur)rapt^,tl)aC Berijsimia b0fo;e t^e confectat nation it is caliei) an ott)tt t^png, but after tb^ 3 conrecrattonis(ignifiedttjeblouDof Cb;ilt* 3!nD inblB bOHcDcfacramennXpf tbatbcalfo ri(^rf*3 l^ps)|;eto?ttetl)tbus»Cboutio8r£ccpue tbefa- 6 cap r ' ctJameiitfo^afimiiitudcof tl^cflef^eanDblouDof * ' 5 C^^pft,buttbouDoeaobtepiubcgtaw^ljmuc ^ Of ()ps true nature. BnD cccc pupng tbc bKaD,Ui => tbat fooDe tl^eu arte pactalter of bps gooip Cub- L!& 4- ^ ftace»35nD tn § fame bofee be faptb^ 3Ps t^ou baft c^p*4 ^ mbaptifmcceceiueD t^efimilitudeof oet^, foliHe * >topfeDoefttbouincbisfaecamentdrinkctl?crimi^ ., > Iicud€ of Cf?riftes precious bloude^^dnOagapne ^e cdftf ' faptbtn§fapobobe*ci)epjecftfapt^:S^afeebii ^ ' 3 to t)0 tbis oblatio to be acceptable, tobicb t0 tf?c 3 figure of tl?e body and bloud of our lord Icfu Chn'fi"* mi> bpon tbe c^ptftU of Capncte^aule to tW txor.u^ Co^int^pans,^eraptb,tftatineatpn5 anOD^pn- > ftpng tbe b?eaD auD ujpne,toe do fignifie tbe fle(fte :> anDbIouD,tobPcbctDeceoffeceDfo;b0. iSnotbe ? oloe teftamcn t (be fait^) toas inftuuteo in bluo, 3 becaufetbatblouoe tDa0aU}ptne0of (i^ob0be» o neftte, in fignification and figure w'pereof, wee take ':> tl?emyfi:icallcupofhisbIoud,tOtbetUitiOnOf OUC ) boDpeanoToule. IN HIS 5VPP E R. (?4 iCf tl^efepUccB of fainct €W(oftomt,tmtt l^tccom atiD fainct 3Bmb?ofe, it ts clcace, tfjat ia m facramcntall bccaDe ano iu^iie , is not rcailp ano coipo^aUptbe Deep natural Cubaance oUb^ . ' fled) ano blouD of €^}i^, but tbat tbe b^ieao ana ijjpnetJCftmiUtuDes, mpfttctesanDcep^efcnta^fijpgnes ^ cson0,rigntftcacion0,Caci:amcnte6,ftgure0anD esuccs i)« figncs of bis boDp anD blouDj: ana tbcrcfo;e bee wc tot ««- calleo, ano bauc t^e name of bi0 bec^ fieflje auD '"^^ ^^ ^^ blOUb. tDpngta 3nDpet&»2iugwftpneffleteetMbismactiec^^[|f^^ tnoje cleaclp a^io tulip , tban anp of tbe ted, (pe- Auzujiiid. CiallP in an Cpillle bbtCb be toJOte ad Bonifaciu, uomfdUum- > tobeccbe faptb, tbat aoape ojttooabcfoic gooo Epi^,?^ 3 f rpDap, to0 bfe in common (peecbe to fape tbus; 3 CO mo;otu o^ tbis oapUi* Dapes,CbJift fuffeteb :> ^10 paiTion.iPb^i^^ in berp DeeD b^ t^^uec fuffeceo ? bis patlian but ones, anD tbattoasmaupperei^ :> padeD* WfeetiMfe bpo Caftet oape bje fap, %W 5 Dap Cbiift^ tore fto Deatb* tob^te in ijetp DeeD it 3 is manp bunbieilj percs fitbes \)c tofe fro Detbe^ >^bP tban Doo notmennerep^ouebsas Ipars,; , > tDben tDe fpeafee in tbis fo^t.*^i3ut becaufe toe cal jtbefeDapesfo, bpafpniplituDeaf tbofg Dapes. > toberein tbefe tbpnges tuere Done in DeeDe . iUnD* :> Co it is callcDtbat Dap,lnbicbe is not tbat Dap in , > DeeD^but bp tbe cours of tbe pere it is a IiUe Dap^ > 3BnD fucbe tl;inges be fapoe to be Done tbat Dap,r 3 f 0? p folemne celebeacion of tbe faccamet, tobiefe :> tbinges in DeeD toerenot Done tbat Dap , but lo$ > before . xc»a0 0)M offeceDan? mo^c but ones^ inoj or THE PRESENCE OF CHRIST > 3llnD \}c offereD \)m f^tf e, $ pet (n a (umncnt o^ 2 tepreretuacton,notonlpeuet:p reUmnef^adeof » Caacr^but euerp Dap ^e 10 o6^ereD to ({;e people, ^ fo t^at tie Dot^ not Ip ,t^at fapt^^^e I6 mttp Dai ^ offereD^foM^racratmntest^aDnotroine rtimiM ^ tuDeo^lp&enes oftbofet^mge0 , bbeceof tbep ^ be facrametttes, tbep coulD in no tDpfe bee facra^ 5 mentes* ^UnDfoj^tbeparptnpiituoeanDIpfecnes, 3 commonlpetbep bauetbenameof tbe tbtnges, ^ tDl^ereof tbep bee faccamentes.Cbecfo^e as after ^ a ccrtaync maner of fpeecf?e, tf?e facrament of Cf?n' ^ 3 ftesbody,is Cl?riftes body:the facrament of Cf^riftes 3 bloud, is Cl?riftes bioud : fo Ipli^iDife tbe faccaittet 5 offaptb,t0faptb»1llndtobeicuet0notbmg el0, :> but to baue fattb^Bno tbctfo^e toben toe mi^tt > fo; pong cbUD^en in tbetr bapttfme.tbat tbep be- 3 leue,l»bicbe baue not ^tt tbe mpno to beUue,tpe 3 anftuere tbat t^ep baue fattb, becaufe tbep baue :> tf^e faccament of raptb.^uD toe rap alfo tbat t^el > toutnet3nto^oD> becaufe of tbetacraniente of > couecfton bnto ^oD,fo; tbat anftocr panainetb i totbecelebeactonoftl^e facrament , ^no Iptie- > topfefpeahetbtbe 3poftle of :K3apttfme, Taping: ) tbatbp ^aptfTme toeebee burteDtottbbtmtnto > Deat!) : l?e faytl? not, that wee fignifye burial , but J?ec > fayci? plainly, tl?at xoe. be buried. S>0 tbat tbe facca- 3 ment of Co great a tbmg, is not caileo but bp tbe :. nauKoftbetbpngitfclfe* l^ptbecto J bawe ceberfeo tbe anftoere of S. 3KUgu(ltne bnto 23on tb^ fOUle* A thing wf?icl7 fignificth(faitb be)is wont > to be called by cl?e name of the tiding w}?id7e it fignifi>. ^ctt.4i*> ^ch^ ^^ ^^ ^0 iD^cten in tl^e rcciptute,cbe. bti.ca^ ) res be t)i(» peares.Cb^ (criptare faitb not Cignt:: > fietb bii«pere0« ^nD^bii.Uine be.tiii^pearsranii iaCoj,»'> wanp otber tpfce* ^nu fo fapD ^♦^aule,tbat tl?c 3 ftone was Chrift, mtx not tbat it fignifieD Cbjiflf* > but eue as it bao ben be in mhty U)btcb neuer tbe > leS TPas not Gbn'ft by fubftance^but by fignification* > (guen fo (faitb S>»3(lwguftO btcaufe tl^c blouo fi^ :> gnifietb 9 rep^efentetb tbe foule,tberfo^ in a ra« d rramenteo^rigmficatton,iti0 calUDtbe CotDlc. 3lnD contra Adaraantiube tO^ttetb mUCb UUe,fa^ ^*^r M ^"J»3^ ^"^^ ^^^^ ''^ *^^^ ^ fOUle,aS tl?e ftone was ^t, , t ^ CI?rift,5pet£l?apoftkfaitf?not3tl?act}?eftone(ignifi- lUtti, 17 ^ cd Cl?rift,but faitf? it was CJ?rift»lBnD tW fentence i BJoud is tl?e fouie^map be ijnDcrftanD to be fpokea 3 ttl a figne OJ figure, fOJ Cl?rift dyd not ftickc to fay 3 T^is is my body* wl?en he gaue tf?2 figne of l^is body* l^ere ^. Huguiline reberfp ng Diuecs fenten^i tts, tebicb Uierefpoben figuratiuelp« tbat 10 to Dip^t^ban one tbpnge bias calieDbptbename of an ot^er^^anDpet ^mmt ttie otber inCtibftance, IMHISSVPPER. 6^ but in nznitimion ^m t^e bluoDe in t^e louU: W* bpne be t)t{.peare0:t)U.eac0B be bU«peace0: t^e Clone toas Cb^tSe^^inionse fucbe inanncc of rpeecbe0,be cebecfetb tbofe Ujo^os; i^bUb Cb^ilt (pa&eatbps iafte Tapper, fCbP^ <0 mp boDp^ ^^itt^i^t^r iDbPcb oeciacetb platnlp S^^iugudtttes imnoe, tbac €W^^ fpa^^ tboCe t»oo^De0 figuratiuelpe, not meamnge tbat tbe b^teaoe ivae bis^ boope bp fttb(tauiice,bttt b^ ftgntficacioiu m\) tbecfo^e &. ^UgUftlJiefartb Contra Ma 5^^"? !ft ximinii,tbatmfaccament0toemuftnot connote .^^ ^/ ^^ tot)attbepbe,butUjbattf)epfigntrp.jfo?tbetbe fignes oe tftinges^bepng one tbpng ano fignpfi^: pnganotbec.'^^tcbebeoorbr^e^rpeaalipof > tbJS faccament raping : Tt?c hcauenly bread wl?icf? I«lii./c«tc > is Cf^riftes fled?, by fome manner of fpeacbe is called ^^"^ ^5? 5 Cf?riftes body,w}?en in very deedc it is tl?e facramcnt " ^", •l^^-'^ , of his body,:3lno tbat offiecmg Of tbe 9e(5 toljpcbe H^t^^^^ , t0 Doone bp tbe p^tedes banoes , t0 calUb CbM- » (Ie0 pafTton, Deatbe ano cmc^fipng , not in berp ) ^eeDe,but tn a mp(ttcali Ugntftcacton« 3BnD to tbi0 pucpofe it ts betb pleafaunt^com r^o^ortt, fojtable ano profitable to teaoe cb^ooo^etus, ^^^idogKi itt bP^ Bpaloge0, tsbec be oprputetb a^ (^etpetb at lengtb. bott) tbe name0 of tbing0 be cbangeD in fccpptuce , ano pet tb(nge0 remapne (lpl!» 3lnDfo^eicaumplebe pi^uetb tbat tbe fit(bt of Cb?^(l (0 tn § fcctptucefomctpme caUeo a baple o^cQuecpnge, fometpmea clotbe , Comettme a Dediment.ano rometime a aole:$ tbe bluo of tbe SCdpe, t0 caileD C^at(le0 blooo, anb ti^e pames mi;> of OF THS PRBSENCfi OF CHRl?T el bmti^ ^tiD bpne, ant^^f f)t0 SeCQi and blouD Ci^^ide Dot^e fa c!)aunse, t^at fomerpme lie cuu Ittf) W bo^, co;ne oib^eao, atiD fomtpmc con^ tcarp ^e caliet^ b^eao. bis boope , mb Ipltetjupfe ^isbluDberometpmebe caiut^ippne, anDCom- tpme cotttcac^ l}e calletfi loptie bt0 blouDDe. f 0^ tt)e mo^iC plapn UnDccdanDpos l])})ecof, ft Qall not be ampde to recite ^i0oti}u (atpngs iti I|t0 fo^raiD Dtalogcs.toucj^tng t^t0 mattec of t^e ^olp faccamcnt ot C^^fts ftet^e auD blouD»c^e rpeal^eiB in tbe(e Dialogues bee Ortl^odoxustl^e cpgl^te beleuer,anD Eranifles, \)iB companpon* butnot bnoeraanopng t^ecpg^tfatt^ , 3it f fr?ft Ortbodoxus fapt^ to ^10 companpoH* l>ialogeo 300e&t^oanot l(notDetl^at<0Obca]letI?brcade y\}is flefl?ec'Eramftes^3 fenotoetftat* > Orthodox* StID m an Otftec place ^e calkth I?is, >bodyc cormC :> Eran.j i^noit) t^atairo,fo0^^ui^^^^cbiipm %o])^n* ^ rape : (Ct^e t^oto^e t5 come, t^at t^e fonne of matt » Ofalbt glo;lf(eD« a^,c^iccept t^e gtatn of co?tt t^at D failctl) tntl^egrounD,Dpe,UremapHet^ role, but > if U Dpe, t^an it b^pngetb f o^t() muclie ftulte. > Orti? 3ix)ban t^e gaue t^e nipdecf e0 o; facra- larat. 2^ ^ tnenteg, he called bread his bodyjand tl^at wl?icb was SQai;.i4 > myxt in the cuppe, be called l?is bloude*^ Hiwc. zi. > Eran» ^0 ije calleD tbeun* X Onh. ^ut tbat alfo it)i^ Dpe, map loell be calleb l|t0 boDpe, anb^ls berf & :> bluDDe airo, map be caileo l|f0 bluDDet >.Eran,3t(0piapne^. I N H I 5 S \r P P E R; ^y > Ortl?» But ourc fauiour witI?out doubt chaungcd 5 the namcs,andy.3ltiorato^aR^e calUD !)pm (elfe a bpne, ^e 3ot^»t|&* 9 calico bluo tyat,^^(c^etDa0 t^e to&cn or bluti« » Bia. ^ittcelp t^ou f)a(l fpoi^ctit^e ttutb« Bot > 3t iDOUlDC l^nOUlC tl?e caufe ^Dher£ore tl^e names Tcere 3 chaunge ^ > c rt(? d^ c()e caufe tg manpf efl; to e^et^m t^at dbeeejcpmetn tre^ttltg^on^ Forhe v7ouideti?at i>theyTwl?yc}?ebe partakers of the godly facramentes, >n?oulde not fetce t}?eyr myndes vppontbc nature o£ > t]?e tf?ynges, t»l?yche t}?ey fee, but by tl?e chaungyngc J of tl?e names, fl?ouIdc beleuc the thyngcs wbyclje bee ^wrought in tl?em by grace^JftJJ^et^atcalleDt^at, 3[o|imM; >l0^tcb (0 f)i0 natttcaU boDp,co?ne annb^cao, ano ^alfOCalUD^pmfelfe abpne,(?edydi?onourt1?evi:= ^hnlf' P.GbIe tokens and fignesj witi? t}?e names of l^is bodyc '**'9n.»5^ ^ani bloud, not cf^aungyngc tl?e nature^ but addyngc jgracctonaturc^ , Eran» ^acramentes bee fpol^en of facrameni^ 3,taUp, atib alto bp tijrcpm bee manpfedlp oeclareD , tt^pnges Uil)pct)e all men linotoe not. :> Oribo* g)epng tftan tftat tt i% cettapne, t^at >tfte ^atcJatcfje caileo tlie ffiojoes boop, a be.ai^ ^^, . ^ ;^ment ano appat:eu, anb tbat noioe lue be entceb , to fpeafte of goDlp faccamente0,tel me triwlp, of ytobat tbPnge tfjpnfeeft tl^OU tl?is My meate to be a , token and fygute of CbjtttCS DtUlniteeCO?0f b^S 3)ili0boDpanDbloaDec , Era^jtis cleat;e,t^at(ti0tbefpguteof t^ofe OP THE PR B SE N CE OF CHRI $r » i\f^t\it^,t»}^ttot it bacct^t^e name. , Orch« d^eaneft t^ou of m I'oor ^t)0 blouti c* , Eram cucn (o 31 mciitte. , Orcbo. ci^ou ^atte rpol^en a0 one t^dt louetl^ , tfte tCUt^, fO^ tbe )(to?DlJ whan l?€e tooke the token , or Cgne, l7e fay d not, tI;>is is my diufnitee,but Tl?«s is , my body,and This is my bloudc^ 3SnD in an Qt\)a 'sih^ X > Piace,ctjebjeaDe mn\)^ I^Hi Q^m, is; mp ^90*p*^ fltQ)t,)a)^fc\)z J toplle gpue fo? tftelpfe of tfte » iDO^loe^ 3 Eran. cb^retbpugetf bee treuie^fo; t\^t^ bee ) ^obDe0 U)oo^De0« MM t\)V^ Uifptetb Ceot^oj^cttiB in ^t$ fp;(te SDiaiogue^ t>{ato0«i, 30nD tn tbe fecoD be b;Uetb tbe fame in tfltttt (ano pet tn Come tbpnges mo;e platnlp)agam(le rucbe becect^es , as afi^mned tbat after €b?P(le0 cefurrection ano afcenCpon bps bumanttee toas cbangeD fed tbe berp nature of a man,^ turned tntobPS Dtutnltp^aigapnft lobo tbu0 b^ tD^iteti^ > Ortbod. co;ruption,beltlj,fpcbene0, f oeatb, > bee acctoentes, fo^ tbep go and come. > Era» Jt pg mete tbep be (o called . 2 OrtV ^en0 bodpes after tb^P^ refurrectron 9 bee delpuered from corruption, deatb. and mov > tdlttee>anD pet tbep lofe not tbep^ p^op^e nature* , Etan^ciutbeptpg* , Ortf?«The body of cbrift tberfo?e dpd rpfe quli , deane from aUeozruption and deatb,and t0 tm- > pa(rible,immo^ta'U,giorifiedtoptb tbe glo?peof > ^Od,and(0bdnoureooftbepot)aer0of beauen, and IN H I S S7PPE R* ^fi ) anb pet f t is a body» aad f?atF? cf?c fame bygnes tf^at yt >hadde before* > Era. Ct)P Cap to t;earoti>but aftec ^eitiafi^aCcenDeD t^p into bea >tteti,;ftltipnkett)ou topic notfap, t^at \)is beop » toas turtuD tnto t^e natuce of tb dSoofieaD. 3 Ortho* 31 tDOuloe not fap fo; ti^e perfuanoti o^ > Otan^ teCon: no^ l am not fo arrogant and preflimp 3 tiious, to affi'rmc any tl?yng whkhe fcripturc paileth jouer in fiknce, but 3 tjaue^cam^^^^attlc ccpc, ^c^'5»♦ dt^atd^oD liatt) o^oepneb a bap, \x^m ^eeixipUe ^Uitiiz ail ti^z too;lb fu^ufttce, bp tt^at ma to^ic&e >&eappoU)teb b€fote,perfo^nptig ^i0 p^omtfe ta 3 ali men,6^ ratfpus l|iin fcom beat^* 3^ ^aue ieat- > ueb aifo of tf^e i^olp ansel0>tl^at liee topli come ^^t* n > after tl^at f^ion,a5 W btrctpies fatoe ^pm go 3 lO ^eauetl« But thay/awe a nature of a ccrtaynbyg- p nes, nota nature Ti?I?icf?ehad no bygneflfe* 3 i^eacOe ^at» 14> 5 fuctbicmo^tc tlje Xo^ fap^Bott (Ball fe t&e fonnc > of ma com tn t^e clouoes of beu^, 1(nb SKnolne ^tlim euecp tl)pti9 t^at menue fee^ ^at^ a certapti >bp-3ne0» For tl?at nature that I?ath no bigncs,can not > be fene* apo^couerto fytte in tbet^;one Of 8lo;p, >anDta£ettet^eXLambe6 bppon^is right bande^ :»anbt^esoatC0t)pon^i3 leftef?ande,((ptftCtJ^a >t^pn8tt)at bat^quantiteean^bpgnede. > i^ptbecto^aue J rebecfeb (C^eobo;etu0 bio;^ > bc0* inb ffto^tlp after Eramftcs faptb* > Eran.^cmuftturne euecp if one(a0tfiep;o- > ucrbe faptb) to fel^e out tbe trutl^e, but rpeciailf >i»^an soblp matters be piopounbeb* " Oi^ OF T^Un PR E SB N CE OF CH RI ST OnhMtl me t\)m,t}}c facramcmal figncs,l0^(cl^ bt oSetCD to (gOD bp ^|0 p^iede jBI, wi?ero£ be they Ognesraycfttl?ouc' Eran* Of tl?e Lordcs body and bloude* Orti?,£)fai3erFbo^l>fo;nota \)zt^bct>p^ Et^n,m^t)tt^bob^t. Orc}?o. mtt^ toei, Co; an pimqt mttH be mabe after a ttm patecn : f o^ ^aptitecs fololo nature, aabpapnctbe Images; or (ucbe tb^ni^Bm toee (eetuu^ oureepe04 Bran. (CrUt^e ittSf« Orel?. 3f tberfo;e tbe gbbl? faccametSJ rcprefcnt a true bob^, tl^au td tbe }lo^be0 bobp pet (ipil a bobP) not coRuecteb tnto tbe nature of l)is <^oD' ^eao, but replenpfl^eD tottb d^oos glo;p* Era, 3|t cometb tn gooD tpme^tbat tbou makeft mention of eoDS racrament6,fo? bp tt^e (ame 3 C&aUp?oue,tbat€^;t(lobobr tsturneo tntoati ot^er naturdntloer t^erf o;e l^nto utp queOiod Oith.Ji tftall aunDoere* Eram ^bat caiie^t tbou tbat bbtcl^e tg otfereD, before the inuocation of tl?e prieft j* OrtK icce mude not fpea^eplapnlp, to}itif^ ipl^etbat rommebeeprerente,it)!^pcbe ^aue noD p?ofeffeD c H R I s T E « Era^sunfioere couertelp^ Ortl?Jtis a nourin?me£ made of fedcs that be likc^ Bran, c^an boloe call toe tbe otber (tgne r Orti?« Jit t0 alCo a coition name.t^at ftgntfiet^ akyndc of drynke* » Era. J3ut I?ow doefi: t}?ou call tl?eim after tf?c fan^ edification r Orth* IN HIS SVPPER* i Ortl?o*The body of Chrift and rf?c bloud of Cf?r^» > Era, 3^nD Doeft t^ou bekue t^at (^ou art maoe ) pamabec of €Wfttfi boop ana b loMoe c > Ortho^Jbcleuefo* > Eran. (Cb^tCfa^e as tl?e tokens of Goddcs bodyc sand bioude, btt otbec t^ptiges bcfo^c t^e p;(e9e0 ) tnUOCatton, but after tl?e inuocatton they be chaun:: 5ged,anD bit Otl)tt tbpngC0 : foalfo t}?e bodyc of > Chrifte after \}is aflfumption is cf^aunged into his di- > uine fubftaunce* :> OrtT?. ci^ou act tal(cnl»tt^ t^pne obnenettc. > jf 0;i tl?c facramentall fignes goc not from tl^cir ownc 5 nature after d?c(ant^ification, but continue intheyr J former fub{lance,forfne and figurc^and may be fenc , and touched as well as befure,pet in ourmyndes wc , doo confydcr, Wf?at ibey be made, and do repute and , cftcmc tl?em, and l^aue them in reuerenccjaccordyngc J to tf?e (ame t}?ynges that they be taken for* [X£btttO}t , compare tbe pmagesto tbe patccne, ano t^oa ,qialtfeetbemip&e*jfoaafisucemuftbeUUetQ§ jtbPngeUfClfe^f 0? Clarifies bodybati? his former jfaf^ion, figures and bygnefle, auD tO fpcafec at One , bo^D, t\)t fame fubaance otbis boDp« ;23ut aftec ^ biB cefutccction, it bas maoe ^mmo^tall, ano ot ^fucl^t polnec, tt^at no corruption no;Detb coulbc ^ come t)ttto It, ano it ivas eicaltcD to tbat Dtgnttee , tbat it luas fette at tl^e tpgbt banb or tbe father, ^anDbonourcDof aUcreature0> as t^e boopeof , ^m tbat i0 tl^eXo^Dc ot nature. ^ Eran« l5Ut the facramentall token cl/aungctl?f?ys ', former name, fO}ttp)5no mo^e callCD BS it tDa0 j^tff before ^5> OF THE PRESENCE OF CHRIST ' bCefOjte, but is called Cbn'ftcs bodyc* (^.fterefojie ^ mtiil t)p0 boDp after !;($ afcentf on be cdlleD d^oD 'ariDnotaboDpe* ^ Orti?* fcft ou fetned to me igtiocant^fo; ft is not ^ called }}is body onely, but alfo the breadc of lyfe, 80 ^ ttieXo^De caiieD U* ^o t\}z bo^p of Cb^ide Uiee I eall a goDip boop, a boDp tbat geuetb lpfe,#oD^ ^ Des boDp, £9c >ioaDeg boop, owe maifterg toDpe, 3 meatipng tbac it is not a common boDp,a$ otbeir ^ mensboDtesbe, bwttWitis tbe bcDp of owu ^ 3Lo;De 3iefu Cbjtfte, botbe<0obano man* Cbis bane j tebecCcD of tbe great clerfte anti l^o)pbp(^op(;^beoDo;etns, lubomefome of tbc i^upiftcB percetupng to ma^e fo piatnip againd^ tbem^baueDefameD, Capengecljatbebjas tnfe^ cm luitb tbe errour of iHiefto;cu0, l^eretbe^aptftest^etotbetr olD aaudomen nature ano conottton,U)btban ta geue place bnto tb^ tru tb, ^ confede tf^eir ottme errout. ^noaltbousbe W aouerfarud falfelp biuteD Cucbeafameagapnd bpm, tu^an be bad pet alpue,neuertbelefre be toa^ pourgeo tbereof bp tbe t^boie counfel of C^lceDon^about aieuen bunDjcDpearesago* 5ini)furtbermo?cmbi2{bol^elsjb^clj ^e bj?ote agamfi^ b^refie0,tjefpcctaup couocmtigtb il^cClo t(u0 bp name* M^ alfo al bi0*nubooUe0 of bJ0 Dialogesbefo>etebcrfeDbclD;ote cbteSp agaid |5e(to;ja0, anD toas nmtn becein noted of er*^ tour t\}t^ ttjouranD e pere, but ^at;^ cucr been re^ pttteD INHrSSVPPER. ;^0 p um ^nh taUen (o; an l)olp bp(dop» a gccat let- ueo man,anD a graue autt^o;, t^ntpl notD at t^t^ p^eCent tpme, i3)t)an t\^t ^aptdes i^auc notl)png; to anftoece l^nto tjpn?, tftep bggpn in ejccttfpnj of tbem (elues, to Defame bpm« iCi^us mucfte feaue 3I (pofeenfoj (^{^eotjojc^: ta0, tDtjUlj i p^ap tbe be not berp to teoe (gooD ceoet;) but orten ano birb Delectation, DeUbera:' tton auD gooD aDuectifemcut to reDe. jFo^tt con tepnctb pupnip auD b^efelp t\^c true tndcucttoti 0^ a cb^iftcn man3ccncectipng tbe matter, w\)f^ cbe in tbt$ bol^e lue treate t^pon^ fn^, tl^at our (autour Cb^i ^ ^n bt0 lad fup^ ,^ pec,tobdnb^S«^ueb]^eaDeanDt9pnc to bis^po- jfmcp^cn* ftle5Cfapenge:^btsi0mpboDpe, Cb^s tj5 mp cipauuin^ blottD3ittoasbjeat)tDbic6becaUeDbi5boDp, $ S'tJL^m* topne mpjceDintbecuppe, tobpcbe.be calleobis ^beVodo^ blouD;fotbatbecbageDtl)«nameSLonbeb];eao ttm*, ^ anD tDrne)U3btcb b)£t tb^ tni(terie0, facraments , nsneg^eigureScitOHeusoe Cb^iiteg 6etQe anD biouo; $ calieD tbeim bp tb^ names ot tbe tbpn^^ ges,tDl)(cbtbcpDpDcepjcfentanD fignifie, tb^t t$ to fape.tbe b^eaD be calleD bp tbe name of bi0 tjecpaeifte,^ tbe Uipnebp tbe name of bts bluD* ^econD, tbat altbougb tb^ names of b^eaoe ^ anD topne Ujcrecbangeo after fanctificatton.pet ^ neuertbeunfe tbe tbpngs tbcm felucs remapnci^ tbe feife fame, tbat tbep Uiere before tbe fancttrfp: cation, tbat is to Tap, tbe fame b^aoe anD Uipne in nature Oibdance, f o^ime^anD faC^ton* iDb^ tljpjDe, (eepng t^at tbe fubftaunce of tlie . . OP THE PR B SENCE OP CHRl S T b;tm anD toptte bee not c^autiseD, lob? Dee t^en t\)m names cl)angcD,atiD tl|e t);eaD calleD c&j< ^es lleQ)c,anio tijt lupuc t^tg blouDe c' Cb^oDOK- tttg QtjeiDctl^, tljat tl)e caufe tUecof leas tbC0,tljat tue (^ulD not baue fo mucfje cefpecc to tbe b^^eao anD topnc (tDtjtc^e toe fee luitb our cies,anD tade tpitb cue nioutbes)a0 tue Q)mt ftaue toCl);ifte l)pm felfe, in UJbom toe btleuc luitlj out bectes, ^ f cle anb tatt bpm bp our fattb, 6t tottb tobofe fii (ft anDblouD(bpbJSgt:ace)UjebeUue tbattoe bet fpicituallp feoDe ano noiic^^ajeo* Cbcfe tbpnges Uie ougbt tocemembje anb n ttolue in our mpabes, auo to Ipfte bp our betted from tbc b^eao anb toine bnto Cbjift t()at littetb aboue»3llnb bicauie loe (5uib fo Do,tberf o;ie after tbe con(ecration> tW be nomo^e calleo b^eab;^ iDpne, but tbe boope anb bloube of CbjUU » 4^ Cbe fouttb^Kii ie mtbefc factaments of b?eaD anbtopne,a6iti0mtbe tjccp boope of Cbxiftf*. foj, as tbe boop of Cb^Jfte bcfo;e b^B refuccecti- on, anb af f er ,10 all one rn nattice,rwbl!an£c,big« ne(re,fojmeanD faO^ton.anD pctuignotcalkb asanotbeccomonboDi', but tiurb aobitton , fo^ tbe Dtgnitee of bts c^altatasotbec comtnon bi,£^t>, but to^ tbe liigmcee, tDberbnto it is taken, itis caileb toitb abDitie)n,l^eauempbaeab,€i)e b^eaobe of ipfe, anir IN HISSVPPER* 71 tint 0)t b^eaD of t^ani^e^ geupng. C^efife,t^dt no vnnn oug^t to ue fo arrogant anD p^efumptuous to affirme fo; a ccctain trur^ fnreltgion anp tl)pnge, mml)z is not fpobenof Intjolpfcctpture. 3inDt^t0 tsfpoKatot^egceat anD))tcecconDemnattonof t[)e^api(^e0^U)l)tc^ ma&eauD bmiialienett>e articles o^aure tapt^e from tpme to tpnie, at tt^ep^ plcaruce,tuitt)out a- np fcttpcuce at all, pea quite atio cleane contra- cpetofmpturc* InD pcttnputl}epbaueallmm bounoe to belene toljat Co euec tijep inuent,bpoi^ perpll of Damnation ano eutrlaapng fp;e« 3pnD tljrp luattic^e eanftrapne toitl; fp;c anD fa* gotteallmentocourcnt(contracp tot^e manp^ feftetooo^Desof (:50D)tatt?efe tljep; ecrourcs in ttjcs matter of t!)e Ijolpe factamente of C^^iftes boDp anD blauDc* Jfp?ll,tl)at tljece remapnetft no b^caD no; toine after tl)e confecraUon, but tbat C^jiftesfleQje anD blouDe is maoe of tt)em«^ ^cconDCjtbat ci)?iites boDp is reallf , co?po- ca!Ip,fubaac(ailp,Cenfiblp,anDnaturaUp in t\;t bjeaDanDitjpne^ CbP^crclp, tbat tupcltcD perfons^ Doa eate anD^ D^pnHc CfeiJtcs tjcrp boDp anD WouDc^ f ourtblp,tbat p;ie{ls olfer Cb^ift cuerp Dap,^ mafte of bpm aneto faccif ice pzopiciato;p fo? fpti CbusfDiQjojtnesoftpmcjDomabe anenD of CbeoDo^erus, luitb otber oloe auncicnt u^^i- tecs,tDbicbDoomo(lclcceIpafftrme, tbatt-Katc €W^t^ bi^^P' anDto D^pnbe bis blouDe, bee fu ^ iii gura- OF THE PRESENCE OF CHRfST Sucatme (pec^e0« 3nD To be t^efc fentcnceig like sspfe, tul^tc^e Ct^it&e fpafee at ^ts (uppec ; c^i0 ts mp boDp, CQts 10 mp blouDoe. C!;>ap4 u M^ metuniU not good i;eDei:,tbat €l)M at g dftsura* time fpabe in figures, toban be bto mftitute that tuu fpec. racramentjeingtbat ki0 tt^e nature of al facra;: €])e8 bee itimm to be fjgure0. ^no aitf;ougb § tcripturi; mt ftrase. ^g f y| 0f g^cbemeg,tropes ^ figure0,pet fpecial ip ttbret^tbemfDbaitfpeaetb of (acramente0* ^l)tntl)t^tkt(pf)ic}) rep;erenteD (S5OD0 ma^ ieftee) tnag come into t^e acnip ot tbe 3i(raelite0 **mes,4. tbe^biU5iangfapDtl)atgoDtoagcom into tbc armp« ino (25oD bpm Ceife Capo bp bt0 p^opb^te i,ms.7 |^atban,tbat from tbe time tbat be bao bjougbt tbecbPlD;enof 3iCraelloutof c^gppte,beDiDel- leD not in boufes, buttbatbeuias carieo about in tetesano tabernacle0« Snopet Uias not o^oD Ijpm felfe Co carteo aboute, o^ toente in tentes o^ tabernacles, but bpeaufe tbe ar&t (tubicl^e U)a0 a fpguceof d^oD) toas fo remoueo from place to place^befpa&eof bpm felfe tbat tbpng^Uj^pcl^e tDa0 to be buDerdanoe of tbe Brl^e^ CDjtftijtnt 2!nD Cbaifte bpm felfe often tpme0 (pafee in if ftuctofcDfiinfi(tube0,parable0,anDfpgure0, as toban \}c mttics faib:*CbefielDei0tbebJo;lDe,tbeenempis tbc ci^at.i^ Dpuell, tbe febe is tl)z tuo^toe of e Conne of man u>pll ret t^e (Ijcpeatfti^rigStftaiiDe.aimtljcgoates at ^ps tiioDmio lefti|^D*t3iamaDoo^e:i0neof{>oui0tbcDeupU jo^u. 6. WtjofocttccDoetlj mp fatljcrs toplU, fteeismp ^«^»«' ii^ot^ei^Jpftet; auD motl^er.^StiD t»^an ^e (apo to ^iie(mott)cc,anoto3|ol)ti, c^is is t^p fonnr, tl^isist^p mocker. CbeCe tDitl) an InKnite numb^e of Ip((e Tenten ces,C^}t(le cpai^etn parables, ^etapbo^es, tropes ano fpgurcSi :&ut cbteap k)ben b^ TpaKe oftbe(act;amentc0,bebreD^guratiuerpecbcfi^« 3(0 iDb^tt (n :6»pttfme be Tapoe^tbat lue mude bee bapttCeo vuttb tbe bolp gbode , mcanmge of Ztu «« fptcitual bapttfme « 3(nD Ipl^e fpeecb^ bfeti famct 3obntbe25aptlftc: fapingeof cb?me,tbat^ee m.m*'^^ l^onlD sapttre toptbtbebolpegbofte anofper* 3inDCbMlirapD,tbati»eemu(lbebo^neagapne %tm* ^, ti elCe loee canne not fee tl^e l^^ngeoome of (i^oD« , 20no fapD alfo : ^boCoeuec (Dall min^z of tbat 3lo^ti.4« toatec Uibpcbe 3 D^all geue bpat , bee f^aU neuec beeo;peagapne.i3uttbeioateci0bicbe 3 Q^all geuebttn, d^all beemaDcioptbtnbpmatDelle, to^pcI)e (]^all fp^tnge tnto eueciading Ipfe. InD §)♦ taaulefaptbe,tbat in isapttfmefeec i&om.^f. clotbe bs U)itb Cb^tfte , ano be bucUD \x^\t\) bim, ^«i«** ^* Cbts bapttfme ^ bjatfting bp tbe ^?e ^ tbe bolp gboft^ tbi0 neioe br jtb, tbps toatet tbat fp jin- get^ m a manne , ano KoiDetb ^nto euetlailpnge ipfe OFTHBPRESENCEOP CHRIST life, anD t})i^ clotl^ittg auD burial can not be bn- tttMt) of anp material U)a(9ing,material birt^, dotting anD buriat,but bp tranttacto of tbing$ l^iitble into tbinges tnuifible, tf)tp mud bee lon^^ lieiftanD Tplrituailp ano figuratiueip* ^fter tbe fame fo^t tbe mifterp of our rebemp^ tion,anD tbe padion of our fauiour Cb?iA bpott tbe croSe,artDel in tbe net»e,a0 in tbe olo Ceftao menr, i0 ejcp^eOTeDanoDeclareDbpmanpetpgU' ce0 anD figuratiue rpeecbe0« mt ^ac^ 3|{0 tbe pure ^afcbal lambe biitbout rpot,r(g^ caijumbei^tfjej, cbMft*Cbe effufion of tbe lambes blouD, fignifieo tbe effufton oi€\)ii^tB blouD.:^nD tbe faiuacion of tbe cbtio^m o t Jfrael tr om tempo:^ calDeatb bp tbeiambes blouo, CigntfteD our Xal uacton from eternall oeatb bp CbM^^^ biouDe« Sno as; almigbtpe vBod pafTpng tb^ougb d^g^c Ikilleb all tbe c^gppttans beprecs in euerp bou(e ano lette not one aliue, 9 neuertbeUife be palTeti bp tbe cbPD^en of Jfraeld boufes, tobere be fain tbe Aambes blouD bpon tbe Doo^e0,anD burteD none of t^em, but Caueo tbem all bp tbe meaner of tbe Xambe0 blouooe : Co ipuetopfe at tbe laae ^uDgementeof tbetoboleUjojtlDe, nonei^ali be paired ouer anb faueo, but tbat l^all bee founoe inarl^eD tDptb tbe blouoe of tbe moae pure ^ im> maculate lambe 3eru0 Cb^id^ %\^t %B}^ mt) fo^afmucb a0 tbe (beODing of tbat lam^ di9 fuppec be0 blouD b)a0 a tolien $ figure of tbe IbtDDing of Cb?ille0 blouoe tban to comcano f o^afmucb airoa0autbe racramente0 ano fpgure0 of tbe Q{De s^ •ID teftament^ceaflTeD atiD ^ao an enbe (tt €W^* UQe bp dur great tittttpnones tde a)oulD peraD - uentuce bee fo^getfuU of t^e gceate benefpte of C^;t(l, t^erfoite at b^fi^ lad fuppercid^en ^e tofte ^fsieaueof lif0 ipofties to Depacteoutoft^e foo^loe) be DCd make a netoe inpll ano tedament, tobeeitt be bequeatiieo tiiuo ))0 cleane remilTtott of all oute rpnties^anotbeeuerlaffpngtntien^ cance of b eauen« UlnD tbefame ^e confp^meo tbe tieict Dap lottb bts( olone biouD ano Deatl;^ mt) lea Uie (^etilD forget tbefame, be o?Dap- neb not a perelp memotp(as tbe ^arcl)al lambe m^ eaten but ones etterp pece) but a oapelp tt^ memb^^ance l^e o^oatneo tbei^of m b^eao 9 tepne, factf feed ano bebtcateo to tbat purpofe, fatpng: )>^bi0 10 mp boDp,f(r.i)iifl^ cttppe ismp blouD,Uil;t- miiui6\ » ebe<£((9eDfo;tberemt(rfon of (^nnes: ^ot\)if^ >>in t^e remembrance of me4 ^Dmonfd^png b0 b}^ t^efe tno^bes, fpol^en at tbe maHpng of bfs lafle foUl ano te(lament,anD at ^is oepartpng out of Ibe too^lDecbecaufe tbep f^oulD be tbe better re^ membreD)tbat lobenfoeuer bie do eate tbe b;caD in W bolp rupper,anD DjipnHe of tbat cuppe,iDe fboulD rememb^e botoe muc^e €W^ ^atb Done fo; b£(, ano bouie be DpeD fojt oure (ai^e0« rcber- 1 £ohiu ^,fo?e faptb rafnct)^aufe:^6oftena0pe(]^al eate ^,tW^ b?eaD,anD D^pnke tbe cuppe, pou l^al Ojehi ;»,futtb tbe^iozDcs Deatb bntpll be come. mnDfoiafmucbeas t^isbolpeb^eao b;o&cn, ano tbe inpne DeufoeD^Do rep^efent bnto b0 tbe Deatb of C^^ifte notoe palTeD, as t^e ^pllpng of (^,U tfje OF THE PRESENCE OF CHRIST tl^e ^afc^ail lambe did ttpizim t\}z famepet (o come : tgecro^e our rauiout €\i^itt WD t^e Came tuanet; ot fpeac^e of tUe b^eao atio tome a0 eoD bzio^t ijfcD of £i}e jaafcbau lambe, icm* «2» jfojas intljc oloe ccftament(50DfatD:CI)is ^s ttie )lo^De6 iBafTcbp, o;{ddfreouer, mmio ^«tt>.2(?fapt^ Ct)^ta m t\)t nmt CcHament^cljis is mp boDi', ^t)is is mp bloube/ Ceing tbat tbe comunp- atcti^iagcatiotuUefame npg^te (bptlje ^apiSes otonc xa(ifuppcrconfc(rions)toasfofulloffigaratittefpeecfte5^ ifo,ul)e3llpo(lels fpaUcfiguratiuelpeU)ba« tfjcp ^at.2(^3:>all^cD €lnifi, tBl)ere be boulD eate bis paiTeouei; g5i«.i4,.ajpaffebp» ^HuDCbiirtebpinfelfebfeot^e fame *"^- "*« figure, toben l?e fapo : 3 baue muc^e oeficcD to >^ f ate tbis padeouer iDit^pou^ aifo. IN HIS SVPPER* 74 ^1% to mt €W^e^ l)ODp, atiD to D^inht \)is blouD, 3i am (uce t^ep b)tu not rape t^at it i^ ta- hen p;operlp,to eate and D^tnUe, as iipe Doo eate ot^ec meate0 atio D^ltil^es, » 3inD tsil^en c&?t(l fapoe: CU(2^ cuppe is a nelti »te(lainenc m mp bloHOe. ^ete m one fentence bee » ttDO figures^ iS>^z ia t\)iB too^oe Cup, iml^^cl) is not taaen fo; t^e cuppe4t feUe , but fo; t[)c tbtng contepncD in t^e cup^idn otl^ec is in tWs tpo;De, Celtament, fo; nettbec tl)c cuppe, no; tbe topne contapneoin tbecuppe, isCWiics tedainenr, liut is a to&en, ftgne anD f iguve , tdlietebp tB re- p^efenteo bnto \)S \^is teftamentc, confcrmeo b^ |^r0b(ouDe« anb ff t^ei^apiits ioU rat(a0 tw rat in bebe) tl^at bp tf)i0 cup, id neitl^ee ment tljc cup no; tbe Itiine contapneo in tbe cuppe, but t^at ttjecbp i$ ment Cb^ifles bloub containeo in tbe cuppe:pet mM tbep neoes gcaunt, tl^at ti^ece is a ^psuce « iFo; Cb^iil^d bloub is not in p^opee fpeacbe,tl)e ^eio teilamet,but it is tbe t^ing tbat coficmeo tbe neio te(laaient.3nb pet bp tbis (Icauns iiuct; pjtetacton, tbe t^appfles ma^e a becpe (Iraunse rpecbc,m3;e (Icangc tben anp figucatine fpeac^ ^s* if o; tl|is t^ep ma^e tbe rente nee: ct)is blouD ts a m^z tedament in mp bluD , ^f)icbe faptngp is fo faiiDc anb I'o facce ttotn ail ceaton , tbat tbe foolplQcnes tbeceof is eutoent to zvi^tp mm* 0o^z f D?armucb as it is plainip oeclaceD aob Chap, i^ maatfeaip pjoueo, tbat dt^mz caileo b^eao bis^ boDp,anbtopnel)(0 blouo.an;) tfiattbefe (enten-^f^^,^'; iC.ii* ces^^ OF THE PREJENCE OB CHRI5T titts anD p0g be f iguratitte fpeccljeg, auD tftat cte^tte,a0 telomT concecnpng ^ts l^amatittec ano boDilp p;efcnce, )3aptfte0 <5 afceoeo into l^eauen tDitl) ^isiD^ole flel^e ano blouDoe, auD ts no( i^ere Dpon peactu, ano tbat t^e rubHaunce of b;eaD ano topne Doo cemapne dplLatto be recepueo in tf)z faccament.aiiD tuae alt^ougii t\)zp remapne^pet tt^ep ^aue c^angeo t\)tix name0,ro ttiat tl^e b;eaD is calleo all tbe autbo;tcte0 ano atgumente0>tobCcbe tbe ^app(le0 fapneto fecuefo^tbetcpucporebee eleane topped atoap* p, fo^tobetbec tbe autbo?0(toblBl^tclie 10 beleueo Uitc^ ouce flipt^> o^ct)ate^et3^eaD anDtDpne after t^e conrecca- cton,be t^e boDP anD blouD of c h r 1 5 r, 0? t\)nt toe be iio^tC^eD toit^ tl^e boDf anD blouD €^M, 01 tW €i)ii(t i0 bQtt^ gone |ience>$ I0 ftpU^eve, 0? t6at cbitta at ^10 laft fupper^bare ^imCeire m * l^t0oU)ne4anDe0> CbeCe anD al t^er Ipfee rentence0 map not be t^nDecdanoeD of Cb^i(le0^umantteeltttecallp ano cat;naUF,a0 tbe it)o;De0 In common (peecbc Do pi^opeelp ngn(fpe,(fo^fo Dotl^ no manne eate Cb;t(le0 8ea^e,nojt D^pni^e bt0blouD,no}rot0 not t^e b;eaD anD \Dvnt turneD into bi0 fitOfc $ bluD>no; Uie Into blmmo^fo (0 t^e b^aD ^ topne after t^e corecracton^l0f[e(De anD blouD, no^fo 10 not i)^B Utti)t anD blouD tobole bere in peart^ eaten Mt\^ oure mout^e0)no? fo did not ct)}l(ie take blmfelfe tn b^iS otone ^anDcs. I5ut tbefe anD all otber Ipfce rentece0(b)^lc^e Declare C^^ld to be bere in peartb, 9 to be eateti anD D^ont^en of c^^iftlan people)ace to bebnoec (lanD, eitber oWs Dtulne nature (pl^tibv be td euerp tol^ere) 0; el0 tbep mud bee DnDerdanDeD frSUcatiuelp,o;rptrltuaUP4 f 0^ figuratiuelp ^e is in tf)z b^eaD anD \s^pm, anD fptrttuallp be is in tl^em t^at too;cbelp eate ^ D^tnbe tbe bjeaD anD tDine,but reaUp,carnaUp,anD co^po;aUp be iB onlp in beauen,from to^ence Ue (Qali come tp lUDse tl^e quicl^e anD DeaD^ (^^10 b{tefe anftoere topll fufTtce fo?allt^at OF THE PRESENCE OP CHRIST becaptelp applpcD> MD to; tt^t mo;e cutoence l^cceo^ 31 (^all applpe tbe fame to fomme (nc^e piace0,a5 tl^e Rapides t^pnl^e do matte moofte foi t^ctm: t^at bp t^e aunfisere to t&ore piace0. t^e refte mape bei t^eme^eearpipe aunfujeren %\it atii (<2:^ep allege fa^nct Clement, te^ofc tooojDefiP imttto bcct^efe,as.tftcttepojte* ctiefaccamentcsof E?oS I ^^^^^^ feecetcs ace commttteo to t^?c Degrees: ^ ^ ' * toaj&;iea,a3Beacon,^amimfter:tet)tcl)etDitft P feaceanD tcembUtig ougljt to Hepe the leauynges 5 of the brokerupeecesof tl?eLordes bodye,tl|atnO 3 co^tupctott bee f outtD in t\)z bolp place, leaQ bp , negUQcnce great tnmrpe bee Done to cl?e pordon 3 of tf?€ Lordes body» 3|IUD b^ aUD Dp fOlOtuet^tSo 5 manyhoftcs mufle bee offered in tl?caltare, as wyll J fuffice for tl?e people* 3nD if awpcemapne, they 5 muft not be kept vntyll the mornyng, bUt be fpetlC ,anD confumeD oH^e cleaclie0,isttl; feate $ tretti 3 blpng* 3(lnD tbep tbat confume the rcfidue of the 5 Lordes body,map not bpanDbptafeeotbcc com?! J mon meatea , lead tW IftouiD mpjcte t^at bolpe ^ponton>tti(t^ t^e meate bbtc^eiSDegplleDbp > tbe bealp,^ auopDeD Dp tbe founDament»(C^er- 3 fojc tf tf?eLordes portion be eate in tbe mo;tnpng, >tbemimaer0 tbat confume it, made fade bnto , ipicc of tl^e cloheranb if,tbep do tafee it at t\)}Z o? > louce of tbe clocHe, t^e miniftec mwd fad bntpU it^eeaenpng. r m'gm umcf?e iD?ptet^ Cleinft of tj^fe matter: 3? IN H IS SV PPER". 7^ pf t^e (SpmtMW^ t^^p aUesc,i»ere Clemen^ us (a0 tu Dcoe it i% nor, but t^ep ^aue fapntir d manp tt^pngcs in otpztmttmtB ndme0,t^etebp to (tablpn^e tbeir fameo purpofes) neucrtbefc^ lDl}orel'oeuei^(]£pmietDa6,ifitb0t^^ottgl)Ipc c5rpDec£D,it mabctb mucbe mo^e agatnd § )aa« ^ittt^yt\)mfopH^mputpo(z, jFo?bpt^e(ame (^ppdU appeamb eutDcntip tb^efpectait^pn- QiB agatna tbc ecrours of t\)t i^aptaes. C^€ fp^a IS, tl^at t^e b^ieao in t^t Cacramcnt <0 calUD t^e}io;DcjBboDp:anDt^epeece£; oft^e b;o&en b^eab be called tbe peecc0 ^ fragmented oftbe)lo^De0 boDp«bibtoue,anD ■ cljatitec OP THEPR.ESENCK OF CHRIST cW^ttt,mtt atiD D^eaD,8ccojiDptis to t^e rame« ]gn^ks in i^eece 3 palTe ouer Jignatms ano 3retiett0, cpi^ouai ijji^tcftemafecnotftmgefo? tl^c {daptdesoptmc: ircrtlT' ons, but ftanD tn tl^e commenDacion oe t&cftolp Lit y.c^tra Communion, and in ejcfto?tacton of al mcnne to v^icntin. t^e often ano gooip recemfnge tl^eccof^ 3lnD pee neither tbep,no^ no manneel0, canejctoUe anD comenD tl^e fame fuStctentlp , acco^Dpnge to tbe Dtgntte thereof, tf tt be gdOlpe t^feo as it ougl^te to be. ^i)c attn^ a^ionpfcus alfo, tubom tW dUege to p ?aire $ fujccc w ejctoii tbtg facrament (as in oeoe it ts mod uioj:: ^crjr ^^^» ^^P^^S ^ faccament of mofte bigbe Oignttee mcrmh. anDpecfcctton^tep^efentpngbnto Dsoncmofte cup 3, perfect fptntuall conianction bnto Cb?i(l>^ our continual no^tQ^png,feaDing, comfo;te , 9 fpirtu tual life in btmOpet be neuer Tapoe tbat tbe fitQ) anD blouD of CbM^ ^^^ ^t) ^^^ ^^^^b ano i^pne, real[p,co;poranp/ennblpanbnatucalIp(a0tbe ^apiff es tJDOlo beaee bs in banb) but be cailetb cuectbebjieaDeanbtDpne r(gne0, pleoges ano tokens, oeclacpngbnto tbe faitbfull receiuers of tbe fame, tbat tbep tecetue Cb?ift fpintuallPi ano tbat tlm fptrttuaUp eate bis flei^ ^ D^pnl^e bis blouoe. inb aitbougb tbe b^eaoe ano topne bee tbe figures, fpgnes ano tol^ens of Cb;i(les aed) anD blauD (as fatnct Bionpfe calletb tbeni botbe before tbe confccration anD after )pet tl^e ^rciie annotacions bpon tbefame l^ionpfe do rap, tbat tbe berp tl^inges tb^m felues be aboue tn!;eauen. ainD 35nD ag tftefame Btotipfe mafeetf) notfjpng fo; tbe )aapt(le0 optuions m tt^ts point of €lnittts real ^ co^po^ai piefence, Co ui dtuete ott^cr cljpn- ge0 ^e ma^ct^ qutce aiiD cieatte agattiO; tl^em, ^ tf^ae rpectallr ^n ti)?^ pointe0, 3|u tratirubdatm^ cion, in refecuacidti of t^e faccament, ano in tt^c receiupitg of tf^efamebp t^e p^ten; alone. jfuct^ennoietbcp 00 allege cettttlian,tljae:srbcan^ fjee conftantl? al!icmetti,tliat in ttje g^acrament c^«e to of tl)e altace loe do eate t^e boopano D^pnfee tlje J'^^f^'^'*'*^ blouD of out fauiottt c^jift*co tu^o iw gtauttt ^^ccmis ei^ac out; QeO) eatet^ anD D?pni^etl| tl^e b^eaD anu iupne, tol)ic^e bee calleo tl^e boope ano blouD of C(«ift,becauCe(as ^ettulian fapet&)tbep do ce- p^efent 1^10 boDP anD blouo, alt^ouglje t^ep bee not teallp t^fame in Derp Deoe^^Kno Uie grauuc alfo, t^at ouce roule0 bpfaptf) do elite ^i0 t^erpe boDP anD D^pni^e^i0blouD,butt^ati0rptcitti' allp, fucfepng out of tftefame euerlaftpng Ipfe* :Sut b^ee Dcnpe tbat tnto t{^t0 rpicttual feaopng t0 requtteD anp reall ano eo^po^al p^efence. auD ei^ecefo^e tl)i^ Cectulian fpeaketb no< tljpng againll tlje tcuetb of ouce catljoIifeeDoc- tcirt, but !)i fpeauetl) manp tbpn8e0 moft plain= IP fo; b0, anD againd tt^e ^apifle0>anD fpedal- Ip u% t\)iz pointeg* jFp?ft in tl^at befaptl) tijat Cl)u(l calleD bjcaD bis boDp* cl^e feconD t^at Ctj^tft callcD it fo,bccaufe it rep^efentetb \)iB bo- Dp* €)ue ot tljedon^ t^at t^oiDctb tiid 3 tec, anotl^ec Qt Uje Tea and clouoe^ anb tbe tbitcie >of ^^annaMicbe m tbe oioe teltament orb Ug^ :> nifpe C^iil) to coine>bo is tiottie come m ceebe» ^anotdmaiipfe^ieD atiD ejCbtbiceo bnto Ds^astt 3 toCCC face tOtace^aUD (eirllblp in his wporde,in the 3 facrament of reg^ncracioiijand in cl?e facramentes of sbreade and veyne* Set jS>?igctte mente iiot,tl;at CbJtftts co^pojailpeitbccmbis Ujojbe,ojmtb^ iDatec of bapttfme, o;t in tbe b^cao anb topne,tio^ ii)atU)ccatiialipauDco^poaaUp be cegcnetatcD atiD bo^ne againc, o; eat c^^iftes Bcflje ^ blouD* SO} our regencracioii in ci/^tft^is ipttitualjano ouce eatpng^D^mbpngts; a fptritual t'eaopng, tobicbe bpnbe of tt^trntmon anb feaopug, te^ qutretbnoccaiUnD co^po;alp;e(enceof Ct;;i(^9 but onlp 1)13 p?efence ii> rpicU,gi:ace,aub effectu- al operacton^. ^nb tijar £)jfgenc tf/iis ment e, (bat Cb?tac£^ 8e(I;3 ts a fpUituall meate,anbbi6 blouDDea 4irUiia!l D?pnKe,aim tljat tbe eatpng ano t>ifn^ Vmi oH/JS acllie siiiD biouboc map not bee una tiecftatio XN H r S SV PPER. 7 3 npfe(leDbp£)^t9eneg olsne U)OQ^oc0,itT ijtsfe- uettt^ l^omtipe tippoii t^e boofie cuKeD X.euttt- Ctt0 : to^ece^cOJetoaftjt^at tl;ofc toooj^Dcs mud J^^'.'^*' bcp linDccftdnoe fpeuratiuelp, atiD to^ofoeueiJ "'^' tiaoerflaDct^ tl^em ocderuipre, tliep be DecetueD, attD taHe^anne bp tijcicocDne gtoffe bnbeipdau DpnQ[f 3nD ipfectopfc mcnte Cppitan, in t^ofe places SjA"'' l»ll^cbe f aouecCarptg of ttie tcutb allege oebnii> cypmnus concecnpng tb( trae eatpng of Ct?^tlle0 becpe i^^cpift,} fletl^e attD D^pnapns of ^t0 bloao^ fo; cpp^tatt rpake of no scolTe anb catnal ea- tpns toU^ tl)e moiitiii,btit of an mtuacb (ptcttual ano puce eatpng Uiitb i^^ace ano mpnbe, i»l)lc^e (0 CO beUue tn pate beatte0, tbat bt0 fltQ)t toa0 rente ano to^ne Co; b0 t^ppon t^eetoflfe, anb ^p0 bloub G^eobc fo? once cebempdon, anb tbact^e fameaeO^e anb bloub nolDefpttetMttl^erpgbt ^anoe of (be fatbecmal^png contpnualtntec^ ceOfton f o; b0, anb to tmpjipnt anb bpgefl; tbt0 ttt oui;mpnDe0,puttpng our iDboleaffpaunceanb tcud m \)imM toucbpng out Caluacton anb offe rpng ouce felues cleacelp bnto ^im, to loue anb fetue bint all t^e bapeg of out lpfe:tbi0 10 tculp; fpncecelp,anb fptcttuallp to eate \)iB flel^ anb to Ii;pnkebt0bloub4 ^nb tbt0 racrpfpce of Cl^td tppon tl^e crofte, fud0 tbat obiacion tobpcbe cpp^tane faptb inas fpguceb anb ftgnifpeb before it toag bone, bp t^c lopne toljtc^e ^oeb^anUe/anDbptbeb^ieaoanb ^,„j. OF THE PRESENCE OF. CHRIST m^ notue U)l)en Cl)2^(l is come, anb l;atb ac- complcCI)eD tW Camf ice>t()erame is ftguceD Jtg infpeD,anD tcp^erentcD Dnto t)s,bp tt[at bjeaa aiiD iupue, U)^ic(}e faptt)ful people tecetue Dapip xn tl)c l)olp Comitiuntotu 9iX)^ettn Ipfee as toit^ tljete mout^e0 cacnallp t^epeatetljebKaoani^ D?pnfee§ topnejo i)p tbeictaptUipicttuallp tljcp eatec^?iftest)ecpe flefl)eanDD?pnfeel)is berpe blouD. 3lnD berebp it appeacetl) ttjat ^.CPP^ita cleacelp aHirmet^ tl^e ttioft uue t)octctne, atiD i5 lDl)olpbpono«cfpte. t . Sno agatnd I6e^aptae0 l^tttntl)ttl) utpode plamip^t^at t^e Communton wg^t to be tecet- ueo of all metme ^noet; bottle ivpttDea : anD tl)^t CHRIST calleD b^eao ^is boDpe, and lupne W blouD : and tf)ac t\)ctz 10 not tanrubtatuiactott (but tbat b^eao temapueti^ tf^ere as a fpsDce, to cepjefctit Cb^tftes boope, aiiD iwpne to j;ep?ercnt l^ts blouDJatiD tbat tWz^¥t\) be not tl|e ituel^ wiembjes ofCtjjiftjOoeatetljebjeaDanD D^tnfee the hjpne.auD be no^iflieD bp tbem,but tlje \)aT^z 6ea)eanD blouoofCbitinietf^ep ueitt^eteatenoi O^pnlie* Cbus l)aue pou beatD bcclateti t;;c mpnoe of faince cpp?ian. '^hP ftMH ^^^ l^platitts (tbpnfee tfjep) is plapneft fo^ fmuto tl)eim(nti)is matter, J^tiofc Ujoo^dcb t^cpttan* H>/rtr/w,8.fl.iteti;ns,^ IN HIS S VPP E R» y^ >3lf tlje tDO?Dc toas mauc tjecelp flei^e, ^ Ujc tjecc=: D Ip tccciue tt)c tDo;tDe bcrng; flcflje, in owe Xo]iDe0 i Uieate, l?owcfl?aII not Cf?n'll be tf?ougf?c xo darel na-* :,turaiiy in vsc' toljo beptig bo^iie umii 5 !?atlj taliClt :,t?iuoi^imtt|euatut;e ot oueSct^e, tijatcannoc :, be feueceD, atiD batt)c put togttbei; t!)e nature of 3 ^% flelfte, to tlie naturce of fjiis etecnUpe , ijnoec jtljefactamentcof tljc communion of ^ps fledjc :»bntobs« :^o;roU)eebeaUone,bpeau(etbefa^ jtljec isinCl)2ii(le,anD Cl?riftcmvs» acc^ecfo^e :»tDboroeuec i»pll Dcnpe tt|e fatl^et to be naturally Din C^?i(te, tie mufte Denp^ fpjfte eptbec bim felfe 5t0 be natUCallP iXi Cb^ifte,©? Cf?rift to be natural- 3 ly in i?im,f 031 t^c bepnge of t^je fatb er in ^\^MZy ^anO t}?e being ofChrift in vs,mafeet^ t)0 tO be One o \xi tliem«30nD tt^erf o^e if Cb^id baue taKen b eti- > Ip tl)e fliei^c of out; boope , ano tljie man tijat tnas :> tjecelp bojne of ttje \sii^'^xi ^acp is CbM^ anD ^alfO Werecciuevndertf?e trucmyfteryetf?efler[?eof 3l7isbody,bpmeane0 toljeceof tuee i^all bee one >(fo^tljefatbecis in Cb?ift,anbCf?riftinvs)l)olMe 5 flftaU tbat be calleD tlje bnitee of topll , bl;en t he 3 natural! propcrtye brought to paflc by tl?e facrament, D \% tl;e(acrament of t^mtic^ Cbus Dotl) tl)e )0apiae0 ( t^e anutrfaties of <]5ODDe0 U)o;De ano of ^tg ttuetb) allege tbe au- tbo;iteeof i^ilaciusceitbecperuetfelp ano put- liiofelp, as it feemetl), bntcuclp citpnge tjim, ano tD^ading l^ts iro^bes to tl^eir putpoCe^o; els not tcuelp bnDctdanDing \^m, if oj aUljouglje l;e I'aptl) tljat Cl)?tlle is natu- tliii* radp O? THB PRESENGE OF CHRIST uUv ^tt ts, ^et ^e faptli alfo tljat tot be tiatwrai-^ Iptnt;nn» ^nDneuect!)ele(remforaplttse> ^e ment not of tl)c natusal and corporal pzefence of t^e fubiUace oc' €l)Mt^ baop a^ of ouc0 (fo^ a0 ouce boopes bee not after tb^t Coate toic^tn bp0 boDP , Co t0 not bt0 boDpe after tbat fo;te tottbm out boDpes) but be ment t^at cb^tde in bps in- cKnacion ttcz^mo of b£f a mortal! nature ano taniteo tbe fame bnto W Dtulnitee,anD Co b e toe naturallptnbtm* 3(inD tbe r^cramentes of :i3aptfrme anb of bP0 Ijolp Cupper (if toe rig;J) tip bfe tbefaaie)oa iwofte affureblp certifpe b0 , tbat toee bee partakers of ^P0 goDlpe nature , b^upnge q^nm bnto b0 bp bitu, Unmoittalitee ano life euerlaC^pnge, ^ Co pj$ Cb^tCle natucallp tn bs ^ iHno fo bee toe one tott^ <£W, ano €W^ tottb b0, noeonelp iit toplle $ mpnoe, but alfo tn berp naturall propertied * M^ foconciuDetbi^plarm0 agatndiftrrtu^s tbat (IWitc IS one toitb W fatber , not in pur^ po(eanDtopUonelp,butairo tnberpe nature^ M\> as tbe bnton beettoene Cb^tile anb bs m baptcCme (0 rptritual,anD requpretb no real ano CDjipoiall p;crence,ro Ipketopfe oure bnpon toptb Cbitde m bis bolp fupper t0rp(rttua!, anb tbec f o^ie requtretb no reall anb co;po;aU p;erence» 3IInb tberfoje i^pia^ius fpeafeing tbcre of botft tbe racra!nenteii;>mal(etbnoDifer€nce bettoene our bition toltb Co^t^^ (u baptCfme, ^ our bnton tottb inm in i)is bolp fupper^^dnb faptb furtbcr, tl^at as €iniix^ is in bs, fo be toe in ^im, toljpcbe IN HI S S VP PER; SO t\^9 ^aptaes can not bnDecdanD co^po^ailp um ceaiip, ejccept ct^ep topli Cap, tf^ac all out boopcs be co^po;allp totc()tn Cl^^tlles boop . Cbus i& l^ilacutjS dn(bereD tnco, bot^ piatnlp ft (]^o;tlp* . HinD tbts aunflnsve of ij^ilmm Uiill fccne alfo ^t)t aon« ijnto Crjtl^tDljom tftep auegc to fpcafec after tbe ^^" '° fame (o;t t^at ]|Uaatt3 ootl?,tljat Cl^jirte ts na- ^^'^^^'^^ tutallp m t^$^ Cbr iDO^Des tobicb tbep rccpte be ^ t^efe . ^e bcnpe not (faptb €n^U agapnfl tlje dt^etetliie)but%ue be (picituallp topncDto (lWt^> > bp f apt^ ano fpncere c^acttee : but tbat toe (^ulo ) ^aue no manner of contunccion in our fLtd) UiU^ ) Ci);ta,t^at toe btterlp oenp, anb t^pn&e it mit :>lpD(rcrepantfrom(0oDDe0boiprcctptures.^o; 3 to^o DoubcetI),but Cb^il^t^ lo tbe bini: tre^^ toe :> fo t^e b;ancbe0,as toe get tbence our ipfe^i^eare ) to!)at ^*|daule faptbe , dcoee bee all one bobpe > Wtlf C^^ifte, to; t^oujft toe be manp^toc be one 3 in bim» ail toe participate in one foooe * Tf?yni 3 kcch thys l^ereticke that xoct knowe not the ftrengcbe 3 and vcrtue of the myftical benediction C wl?icl? toi^en > it is made in vs, doth it not make Chrift by c5muni- D cation o£ his flefl? to dwd corporally in vs C 500l)^ d be tbe memb^ee of faptbful iucns boDpc0 callcD' 3tbemcmb^egofCDjtJftefi¬oepounot((aptbei,£'o?.'5'. jt'ainct ^aule) t^ari^our memoies bee tin mem- > b;e6 of €W^(^ ^no Qjall J mahe tf)e memb^ts ? or C^^lit, partes ot tbe toboo^fs bDDp:'(i&oo f o;- 5 bpD* aino oucfauiouraKo faptb : i^e ibat eatetb Joi^n ♦ <^, 3 mp fleQK auD D?pnlietl) mp blOUD, dwdleth m me 3 auo J in ^mit 3lltI)0Ug!) OF THE PR E SB N CE OF CHR I ST €\)M Dotli Dtpell co?po?aU|^ in Ds, ip^en toec ce:^ ceiiie ^ mtfltcal beneoictton : ^tt\)t ntitl)tt faptb tftac Ct)?i(l Dtoellctf) co^t>?allr tntfte bjeaD,no? t^at t)e Dlueliet!) in \)& co^po^allp onglp at fuc^e tpme0 as toee teceute t^e racrament, no; tf^at 6e DtDeiuti? ui b5, $ not tDc m M^ii? ^tit ^e fapt^ af^ iDc!, ^ )^t btDcl m btrn^as tbat be btoeiletb in D0« Wbicbc DU)cllpng;i0 neitbec cojpozall no? local, but an beauenlp, fptutual ^ fupcrnatural Dbe(« Ipng;,to^erebp (o long as be DtDeli in ()(m 6( be in y)s. \DC baue bp l)ttn euerlaapng Itf e, 3((na tbec- 3;Dott.i5* fo^"^ CP?U faptb tn fbe rmne place, tbat Cb?ift 15 tl)e bpne,anD itiee tbe b^auncbes, becaufe t^at bpbimbjec baue life* f ojastbeb^aunc^eB terf cepuelpfeano nouttQ)ementoftbeboDpe of tbe t)pne, To tecctue itie bp b^in tbe natural p;opect(e of ^is boopatubicbe (0 life anb immo;talitee,anD bp tbat mcanes iue bcpng W membjes, bo line^ and are fptrttualip nouttO^cD* MD t^r0 mmt CnH bp tbiS toOJbe Corporal- !y,bben be fapti^,tbat €i)M btoelletb co^pojal^ Ip in \)5.mt) tbefame ment alfo fainct i^platius bp tl)t& \3)oom Naturally, toben be fapD tbat €h}iftz Dtuelletb natucallp inW. m^ as fainct co'.ioir.j, jaaule, luban fje fapD tbat in €W^ Dtoefletb tl^e full DlUfnitee Corporally, bp tbiS too^DC Corpos rally, be mcnt not tbat tbe Diuuutee is a boDp,^ fobptbatboDp btoellet^ booilpincbj^ft- ^aut b]^ tl)is \i30ozDe Corporaiiy,be mcut tbat tbeoiui nitee 10 not in C^jide accioentallp, Ugbtlp mm CcnDeclp IN HIS SVV PE R» g, aettDed^,but fubdatttlaUp anD pttUctl^Mit^ allQptf mp3^tatiDpoUiet;:rot^at CH m s t e tDa0 not oueip a mo^tall mattne, to Cuffce toi ixs , but alto ^ee toad iminouall (i^oD , able to veDeemeb0« ^0 d« €n^U toban be fapo tbat €W^ <0 orD0, 4^^-p' »7 >t0bci;eberattb: iHipttlebeneDicttonDtabetb tbe >tDboie mannetogoD.anbfilletb btnitotcbscace ) anO after t\}is maner^Cl^rifle dv^eUeci? in vs, atlO tse ,in C H R I ST* I6utas fo; co?po?aU eattnge and D^tn^tnge toitb out moutb0»anD Digeding toltb our boDte0 Cpzil neuec ment tbat eattngeocamanne, D.:atDingeU)icUeDlpcbu(len ^ ' * ')peopleto bauegioiTe imaginacions anoeacnal >fanta(](e0 of fucbe tbtnges as be fme ano pure ,^ >receCUeD oncly withafmrere faicl?e. iSUtHS ttoO iniohahih 5toaice0,tbatbemoUeittiputtogitber,tbepclofe •^^'*P*7 >ro in one, tbat euerp part of tbe one, 10 iopnet) to ^cuerp parte of tbe otber* euen fo (faitb CP?il ) be jthat rcceyuetb the flefhc and bloud of the Lord, m ufte J ncedes be fo ioyned with Chrift, that C l^riil muft be %A^ inhim OF THE PRESENCE OF CHRIST, in him, and he in C hrifi-* :6p tijeie itj3;DC0 of €^}il appcaret!) W0m(nD plamip, tijac ujcemapc not g^olTcip aiiD cttoelpe t^mft o^t^e eating; ot' c^^iH uic^ our moutt}0,. but tDttI) our faptti, bp iD^tcb t^atmg (altbougii be be abieiue bence boDelp,atiD be m ir^e ecernail lite ano glojipe lottb b<£^ tatberjpet toe bee maoe panakec0 orbts nature, to oee tmrnorcai^ano baue eternall ipfe ano glorpe mi) \)urt, Ino tbu6 10 DeclatcD tl|e mmo a(iD€il of cp- rpllasoei^platius^ isdftiiuf \ SuD bcce map be ^el enougb P^iTeD ouer 259 - N#««f cr ftUus, <0?ego?ius |5iircnus,anD (^rego^tus Ba t^l<^e toife ^uUhiuB cmiffenus i0 Ibojtip an^ fmtto € flueccDbnto.fo^befpeaUctbnotofanp real ano miircaus. cc;poraII conuetfien of b^eabe ano topne into Cbuftes boDp anb bloube, no; ofanpco^porall ano reall eattn ge anb b^in^inge of tbe Came^but . IN H IS 5 V P PE R« gx f)tt ipthttl) ot a faccamentail coimecrton at bl^eao atiD topne^ano ofafp^rituaUeatinsanD D^mkpng of tl^cUoop anD blono* ^tUt^Wcl^e (one, Cb^tClc is a0 ^tl\ paretic in babttfme (a0 tfiefamedflurebtuspiamlp rbece Dcclacet^) as 4e (5 m tl^e ^o^De$ tam,^^ic\) (5 tiot cacnal - Ip anD co^po^allp, bat bp fattbe aiiD fpicUwallp* 2$utoft^i0 mtl^oatisfyoUn beero;cmo;e at latge m t\)z matter of ttatirabllantiatton«fo.z4* 3lnO ttotu 3f ^P^ ^^'^^ (0 ^^^ fapmg; of ;&«3llm :i^t)e amt< bjofe,Ui!)(cl) 10 altoaies in t^e^c moutbc0*23e- f*\«f^ J foict^e confecratfoit, faftftlic (a0 tbep allege ) it trfJl!!^ > 10 b;eaD, but after tbe wooaoes of confectattoii tuiLoT > it i0 tbe boop of Cf??t(le* c4;>.4. fo? attlbere l^ecebnto> it muat be fpj^de tmo- Ipen to^at Coufectation ie. Confeccation i0 tbe feparatiott of aupe tbing izonucta from a pcopl^ane anD tsopelp bfe , t)nto a fpirt ^ ^^^^* cuaHanDgoDlptCe. ^uD tbecfo^eio^an tifual anD common tuater i0tal(enfcome ot^ecbre0,anD put to tbe bfe of baptifme iw t^e name of tbe father auD of tbe fonne anDoftf^ebolpgl^od^tl^an it map tig!) t^ ipbecaileDConfecrateo lDater> tbatt0 to Cape, Ujaterputtoanbolpt^fe^ (iueu ro,t0!ian comon bieaD ^ totne be ta&en $ feucceDfco otbecb^eaD anDiDpne,totl)eDfeof§ Wv camunion, tbat portion of breao ano bpne, altboug^ it be of t^e fame fubaancetbattbeo;: tber i0, fco tbe tDliicb it i0 i'euereD> pet it 10 notue callcD c^nCecrateD o; l^olp b^eaD, anD tioli iDpne, jcii jiJot Of THE PRESENCE CF CHRIST. aiip f;olpuc3 in tljcm, but ti^t tljcp be ofeo to an IJolptpo;Ue,anDtepjefentljoIpcigoDIpt^m8C0* Df e«r Hff ^j^jj tl)erefo^e ^.Bionpie calleti) ttje breaD,^0' ' ^^^ ^* jp bt;eaiie,anD t!)e cuppe an tjolp cuppe, as foone as tbepbecTettc t)ppont^eauUaretot!|e t^feof tl^e^olpcommunton^ ;23utrpec(aUpfl)e^ mapebe calleD i^olpe ati confeccateD , U)^en t^ep be fepccateD to t^ac !)0 - *«r fc ,JPi^reofCf)jmesotonetoo;De0,tobicljel)cfpalie ]^f ?V ^^^ ^^^^ pucpofe , fapinj of t^e b^ieaof ; a:^is is %ucltt nip ^o^P' ^^1^ ott\)C t0pne : (Cbts ts mp blouoe • ^0 tl^at commonlp t\)t auti^o^s , before tl^ofe iDD^bes be fpol(en, DO taftet^ebreaDeanDbpne but as ot^ei; common breab auD Mnt , but aftec tl^ofetDO^besbe p^onunceo outr tbepm^t^att tf)t^ taKe t^epm to; confectateo auD ^olp b^eaoe ano bpne* liot t^at t\)t bjtcao anb toine can be pattal^erd oCanp bo!pne(!:e o} goDlpneflTe.o^ can be tbe boDp anD biooDe of c^^(t,but t^at t^ep teprcrent tl^e t)ei;pboDp anoblouoe of cii^tde, anD t^ebolp foooe anb nourit^ment^ tu^tcii toe I^aue bp btm « SSnD Co tbetbecalieDbptbe names of tl)eboDP9 blouD o( €W^M tl^e (tgne.toben anD Ug^utt i& calUD b^ tbe name of t^e t)erp ti^tnge , to^fc^e (t fl^etoctfjattDftngmfietb* 3lnD tl^ecefoc as ^ « imbtofetnt^etoo^Ded before citeDbp til e aDttetfacf es , faub^t^atbee- foie t^e con(ecrat ^t rscf^ titles boop : fo in ot^et;place0 IN BIS SVPPER. 53 f; cDotftc mo;c plainip fctte foctft ^ts mean^ngc, p, b v cr» Xapiugtljefc too^Des:23efo;et^c bencotctton of «yfjenL ^tb e deaueul? ti)o;De0 , u iB calUD an ot^cr HinDe cM^urcd ui ^ot tl)inge,iJUt after theconfecration^fs figmficd t!)C >boDp ofCt)?iftXi&etoifebefo?etfte confecration » It 13 CalleD an Ot()ec tljtng, but after the confecra - > tion It fsnamed t^e blUODe Of C^^idC ♦ ^llD agaui > ftc fatt^ i^^tnji treatcD of tf^c facacmentes , 31 d^ A^rawe noloepottt^atti^attljmftt toljic^cigoffeceD^be^^** ''^''*'•^• ? fo^c tl)e hjoojDes of ctjtift , ts callcD 23?caD , but "*^ * '^ * » iM^ett t\)t luotDes of Cl??ift be {^jonouncco , t^an ' it 10 not caileD b^cao> but tt is called bp t^e name V of Ct);t(les boop^ :^p to^fcl^e tooibcg of ^ ♦ 3mbpfe , tt appc ^ cetli plainlp,tbat t^e b^eao (0 calUD bp tl^c name of C^tdes boDp after t^e confectatton , anD al ^ t^ougf) tt be apll bread , pet after confecratton it (sDfngupfpeobpt^enameof tfje t^mg,tebtc^ tt ceprefentet^ ,as at lengtl^e (0 Declareo before in t\it proce0 of Cranrubaanttatton^anofpectaU Ip in tl)e tDO^De0 of ci|eoDoretu0. MD a0 tbe breao t0 a co;poral meat, anb m ^ . porailp eaten, fo fattl) §>♦ 3llmb?ofe,tB tbe boope ^yf'^^f of C^;tae a (ptrttuall meate , ano fptrituallp ea^^ Z' ttny anD t^at requtret^ no co?poraU prefencc* ^' ' * 0o\xf let tj0 ef amtne §>♦ loljn Cl^jpfoftome, %\)t aim* tD^otnfounbeof tPorDe0,umfeetl^ mofte foitbef^'C'^^^^' aDuerfarte0 oft^e trut^eibutttit'pthatbeefa::^^^^^^^^ milparanDacquatnteDU)it&c^^pfoftomc0 ma:= * ner of rpeaatngC !)otx) in all ^t0 h)^tttn9e0 ^ee (0 full of allunon0 , rc^eme0 , trope0 anDfigure0 , OF THIS PRESENCE OF CHRIST. O^all foonc pecccpue, ttiat fit lielpetl^ notl^pn$ t^ttt purpore£;,a9 it (^al Uiel appeace bp tl)e Dir- cuiTpttg; o^ t^ofe places, iDi^ict^e t^e i^apmes do allege ofl)un,bl)tclj beeCpecmUpttoO4£)net0 in fermonc de Euchariftia in Encaenijs ♦ ZtlD t\)Q Otljec is De proditionc ludac ♦ mti a6 touc^png; t^e ftcd: , no ma can fpeake tno^e piatnlp agatnft tl^em , t\)m fatncc 3|o^n Ci^jproftome fpeaket^ m tftat fetmone* acoftece- f o^e it is to bee toooereD, tt)f)p t^ep O^oulD allege him fo^ t^eic pactie, l^nleffe t^ep be fo blpnbe nt ttieic optniou, t^attftep can fee not!jpng,nor De- ttmt &)^at mabet^ fo^ tl^em , no? lul^at againS infcmone tl)tim* j^o?tl)erel)cl)atljtI)eCetooojDe0,?a)fta!i dc Euchm pou commc to t^efe mpltecies ( fpeafepng of tl^e aiawBti- ^om& boojoe anD Ijolp Communion ) do not f^nijs, thynke that you rccey ue by a man the body of God , meanpng ot C^^lft* c&efebee §>♦ 3|f)on €\^iJ^^ ro^ome^td otone tDO^Des In tl^at place« C^anietoewelnenottljeboDpof Cb?i(lat t^e Ijanoes oe a man, Ergo, tfte boop of Cl^;m 10 not ceallp, co^pojallp ano natucallp in t^e facra ment, ano fo ^zntti to bs bp tfte p jiett.ien D tlian tt folotoet^, t^at all t^c {^aplftes bee Ipacs, bz^ caufetOepfapneanDteacljctlje contracp* But t^i0 place of ^0(!)econrccrate>tD!)(cliegacn(0)eD t^e table at iionetu:i€. >tt)C UUUnDp OJ lade ruppei:*fo; it is not manwl?i ><:??emaket>ofti?c bread and wyaCabcpng fct futtl^ jtO be COnfeccateb, tl?e body and bloude of Cl?nfi:e, 3bucicisC}?riftef?ymrelfc:(tpl|UbefOJ tJ0 tSCtUCt- 3fpeD)x!?atmak€tf?l?im felfctobe tbere prefent^TI^e 3 wordcsare vttcred and pronounced by tbemoutl^c jof c^e priefte, but tf?e confccration is by the vertue, ^mygl?! and grace of Godl?imfelfe«3IUD a0 tb^0 Japitijof ^oD (Uncceafe, be mmttplieD,anD m ^,„ . 5tbepeacrb)one0 fpoHenbp (l5oD,tofee aitoapes ^^""♦'* 3 effect totDacoe gciiccation, eucn fo tl?eraiyngof 3€b«iftc5'Tf?isismy body ♦beyng but ones fpofcen, ^^^^ ^ ,dotbtl?rougboutal churches to tl?is pre(ent,and fl?all ^arc.14 jtobislaftcommyngjgcueforceand ftrcngt|?to .tl?is %w,zi>. ferificc*- '.:[.: :\,^::: '.- .C^?pfoltonie* 3linD tbetefote Dooctbb^^fo often tap , tbat tjec ceceaue c^;t(le in bapttfme. 3DnD fefjanne f;c batbe fpoHenof e^etecenutngeof b^tii^n tbe i]olp Commttnion, bpanDbpf^efpeabetljof t^e rcccautng of b^m (n bapttfrne, tott^oute Detla^ ri^ngeanpotuccfpteeof bis ptefence in t^ie one, tcom bis p;tefcnce in tbe otbec. ^ipopu\'^ i^e faictb alfo in manp places, tbat we afcendc AHiiocheHu (atobcaucn,and docate Chn'ftefittingetb^rcabouc^ bow.6i.cr AND tdbete g> ♦ cb?pro(tomc anb ot^er ^ti - inicannon r^ozs^boo fpcafee Of t^^e toonoetfuU operation of bom.^i. ^30 in \)iB racramcntes,paffpnge allmannes ioptte IN HISS VP PER. §5 fi^T^tUScnUs, anD rcafon/eiiep meane not of the teo^l(pt)sof(iDDmtl^e maccr, b^edD anD l^pne, ])ut of toe mecuaplous iDO^l^pngof (5oo mtbe l^eacte& of tt^em t^at recepue tl[^e raccametes, re« cceteip,intuai;D^lp,auD fpirituaUp tranrfo^mpng tl)em,cetturng,feaopug,comfo^tpug atiD noutt- iQpng ti^em toitti bts aeO^e ano blouD,tt)o;ous^ ^ts moefte bolp tpitit, t^e fame ficfl^c anD blouD (ipll cemapnpng tit beaueti. (C^(i0 is tbi0 place of C^^trodome ru(!tcCct[p anrtDeceotiiuo. inDifanp mattue ccquttcanp mot,t,tf^m ictte ^tm ioobe tol^at ts cecpteD of tbe fame aut^o; before in t\)t mattec ofCtanfubda^ tmctom 3?et fttct^ecmo^e t^ep b?png fo} tMm Cfteo- %t)t an^ pftilus 3RleicanD^nus,to^o(as eftcp atlege)(aptO f^^^o 5 tbtts* c H R r s T gewpng t^atifecs.opD b;eafee, S? -^^^^ t0^lCbe pe notoe DOO taHe» :f O^tljebreadisnoca 3 [ygure onely of Cf?riftcsbody5but it is cf?aungcd m- > to tl}z very body of G}?nfte* if o; CCb^Cdfaptb: CbC 3i^ov^* :> b^eao t»bicbe 3I topil geue pou, is mp flcn)e4 j^e- > ucctbelelTe ti^e ae(^e of €fi}i^ is not fene fo; ouc ^tDcalvenelTe, but b;eaD $ tupne ace famtltai; unto >D0.3IIitD ratelp tf toe (QoulD btrpblp fee QeO^e ano >blottD,U)eecoutDnotabpDeit^ idno tbecfOKOuc 3)Io:d bctwug toftb ouctDeakenelTe^Dot^ cctapii ^attoi^epetbefo^ttieanD appatanceof bjeaoano 3 top UC,b lit he dotbeturne thevcrye bread and w^yne ^-»U into OF THE PRESBNCE OF CHRIST into tbc vcf y fleffeeandbloud of C^iift* cpte out ot Ct)eapl)piu0 Upo t^e gorpel of fatncc ^acke^But bp tl)t0 one place it appeatett) cuu Dentlp, cct^et ^otDC uegUsente t^e paptlles bee til ferc^png out ano ejcamtnpns tt)e fatpnges of ti)e attt^oz0,U)ljtc(; t^ep allege fo; t^elr putpoie> 0|el6 borne f aire anDOeccptruU t^cp bee, u^bicOe luidpn^lp ano tDtttpugip baue maoe in tl^iB one place,ano as it uiece tDUU one b^eacl^, ttoo touoe anDCDamefuUlpeg* Cbe ficd is,t{)at becaufe tbep l^oulD s^u^ ^^^ mw mtl)oiiuz to tl)e tpo^ocs bp tbem allegcD, t^ep(lifee falfe ^otpcaties tbat fell quid pro quo) falfirpe tl)e autbo^s name.fatljccpngfucljefaii rngeg bpon (Cl)eopbPlus ailcjcanD;inu0, an olD: ano auncient autl)o;, ^l)icl;e toece in beeoe none o^bis too^oes, but tocc tlje toojoes of cbeopljp^ iactu0,U)bo iDa0 manp peces after (Cl^eopbplus ^lejcanD2tnu0*i3utfucl^ebatUeuet; beent^eiaa piftiea^l fiibtiUee0,to fet futtl) tljeii: otone inucn?» (ion0, Djcamc0 ano lpc0, bnoer tf^e name of an^ tiquitee an!) auncient autbo^s. Cfte fecono ipe o^ falfi&on iQ.tW tftep falfefit tbe aut^oi^ b)o^i>e0 anD meanpng, fubuectpog tbeteut(j6f!)i0Doctcinp* jfoji»bcce(Ct)eopbP* lactuscaccojDpiigtotbe catl)olrfee Doctrine oC aunc!emauit>o^sX^P^^>>^ft^t altuigbtie dBooCco selc^opng to true inficiiittee)teferttetb tljc fepnoc of b;caDii3?pne,an!3pet tucnet^ tfteim intotfte vrcrwc Of C'}iirje0 flclftc 3nD blOMD; C^ep lap I N H f S 5V PPE R. g^ e^atbetcreruetiit^e formes anoapparaneeso^ bjieaD ^ topne, atiD tucncct^ mtm into tf)e (aieucie of ^ts SeO^e ano blouo.ro turnpng ano altering bpttoes into fourmes ani) apparances, ano ver- tucintommttt,tWott\)z Uvtatot tl^tfiz(i)z anD blouD^tt^F make tbe \>etiM otWQ dttt) ano blouD. Ml) thus tl^c^ l^aue fairefpeo aCUieil tt^e name as t^e tso^oe^ ofct)cop^plactu0,turnpns t)mtet into plapne ano fiatte ralfttee. ]3ttt to rette fact^ piapnelp tbe meaning oe C4eop^plactu5 in t^id matter^s t)ot anD btsc- Bpng p^oii is pjton ftpil, anD pec fjatl) tbe fo^ce of fpec.anoas tbeQeO^eof Cb^iltilpIUemainpng 0eQc, geueti) Ipfe, as tl^e fleC^e of ^im r^at is aoD , fo t^e facramental b^eaD $ topne cemapne ftiii in tbeic p^op^e bpnDt$,anD pet to t^em t^ac loo;c^e(p eateanD D^pnfce t^em>t!^ep bee tucneD not into tl^e co;po^ai p^efece, but into tbe Uttuz of CbiiSes Qecbe ano blouo. nni) alt()ougbe cbeopiiplactus fpal^e of t^e eatpng of tbe iDCtp boop of €tfii&> ano tbe o;pn- l^png ot bis beep blouo>(ano not onelp of tbe fi^ guces of tbem) ano orttie coattUon of tbe b;eao ano topne into t^e boop ano blono of diiM, Vtt ^e meanetb not of a gro(re,cacnai, co^po^al,ano renribleconuecfion of tlie b^aoeanoiopne^no; ofalpke eatpng ano o;pnbpng of ^^0 fittt)cmn liliioCf 0^ To not onelp out (lomaftes bouio pecne anooucebeactes ab^o^cetoeatebis HeC^eano to otpn^^ ^^^ blouo» but aUo Cucbe eatpng ano otphl^^ns (<)ulb noti^png p?ofpte oj auaple bs) ^ ' " y^AU but OF THE PRESENCE OF CHRIST hut \)t fpaue Of tbe celelltal ano fptrttual catpnjj of c^^ti),anD ot a faccamental conuecUon of t^e b;caD, callpngtl^e l^Kaonotonelp afpgute^but alfo t^e boDp of C^^ca.geupng t}6 tt)o(e t^oaoes^ to tnDerdaDst^at in § (actament loe bo not onlp (ate co^poj^aiip t^eb^cao (tot^tc^e ts afactametit ano fpgute of C^^i^es boDp) tut fpuuuallp lue cat alfo i)ts t3etp boop, ^ D^pnbc ^ts Ijetp blouD. ^tto t^ts Doctrpne of c^eop^tlactus is botl^e tcue,800lp anD comfortable* i^e aun^ ^^efpD^s tbt0,ouce aDuecfatpefii bo allege ^. ftocfto jj^jecome tjpon tfte CpiftleadTuum,tbat tljetc ^''T^' > is as %xm Difference bettoene tbi loaues callcu STr> Panes propofitionis, anO tbe bODPC Of €W^^y ^S Titum, ^t^eceis bettueneatDabotoe of aboDpe/anotbc jboDp It felfe, ano as t^ece is bettoene an pniage ^ano tl)e tbpng it felf, ano bettocne an ejcamplc of ^tftpnges to come, ano t^c tl^pnges tbat be pjeft- aguceobptbem* CbefeiDOo^Des offainct l^ietometcuelpbn^ Decftanoejetuc notbpng f oa^ tt)entent of tbe Ra- pines* fo} be ment tbat tl)e g beuj b^ao of t^e lahje,toas but a oacfee (^aboto of Cbjift to come, but tbe faccamcnt of Cft?iftes boope iB a cleace teClimonp,tl)at cbjift is alreaop come, ^ tbat dc ftatb petfojmcD tbat tobicbe teas p?ompfcD, auD; b6t!j p^efentlp comfojte ano feeoe bs (pit ituallp tDitb bis precious boop ano blouD, nottBitf^dati bpng tbat co^po;allp be is afcenocD into beauf^ Sno tbe fame is to bee anlbeceD tntoali tbat Augumusfuz aDuecfacies bjpnaof ^^auguftpnej^eou^ I>N HIS S VPP E R. -^ Mtts;Xco,fttlgcntiu0,ca(rioDO3tug,^jicgo^iU0,i-«^^' tl^eracramcnt. ^^^;^ ^inci) £l)uig can not be bnDccftanDeD plain- ''^'^'''"^' Ipa0tt)e\t}o?DC9rounDe, butfpgucatmclp ano fptcUuallp, a0befo;etg fuffitcuntlpp^oueDanD ^ttntm f^aibe mo^efuUp oeclaceD in ttje routtfi paneoft^tsboofee* I3ut bece 3;obn Bamafcenc mapein no topfe Sf/""'* bepaffcDoucc , tobomfoj^jis aucto?«ict^caO'== Sfcc^ uecfatics otcb^tftes tcuenaturall boopooo tt^ nutdcfUe lien aei.a (lout cbampion fuffuient to bef enbe all onhMb,^, tbetebolemattecaionc* j^utneptbecifi tbeau- cdp.14. tbo;ttee of Bamafcene (0 gceate , tbat tl)ep map opp^ctTe b6 tberebp , no^ biiB tooo^Des Co plapne to; tbem, aa tbep boa(le anD linttuelp p^etenoe* jfo^^betsbutaponQeneUieautboMntbecerpect of tbofe iDbtcb toe baae b^ougbt in fo; oacpartp ^no in Diuers points be tactetb fto tbe mod an cientautbo^s(tf be nuane as tbci ejcpouno btm) as tDben be faitb, tbat tbe b^eao ano Vuine be not f igures,tDbicbe all tbe olD autbo^s call figures, anD tbat tbe b^eaoe anD iDineconrume not, no^ beauopDeDDotontDatDe,tDbiebi^^igenanD &. Sugttdine affitme, 0^ tbat tbep be not calico tbe cjcamplesofCb^tdcsboDpattec tbe conCcccati- on,tDbicbclball manpfeftlpappeacefal(ebptl)e Xlpturgp afcnbcD bnto §)♦ 23arpL 3!nD mo;e ouet, tbe (apo BatnaCcene toas one , oftbebplQoppe of Homes cbiefep;octout:es a*' SamCl tbe Cmpecoucs^ano as it toere ^ts cpgbt giii. banoc OF THE PRESENCE OF CHRIST ^auDe , to ret a b;oaDe all pooiatr^e bp ^^0 oiDne batiDe ip^ptmse , 3[lnD t^erefo;c iH}u lo^t ^p0 banoe (as t\)ty Cap l^e Dto ) tje lode it bp (^oDoe^ mode ngI)teou9 mosemente , tu^at foeuer t^cp fapue at)D fable of tbe iiuraculous ttfiitution of cberamc.31lnDpcti]ii^atro euectbcfapoe ^ama rcenelo.:ptecb^tiotbei; matcters, fuerlp tntbP0 place lobicbe t be aDuecfatUs do aiuoge^be W^ cetb fpicituii lip ano goblp , altbougb tbe i^app (led eptbec of ignorance mtdafte bun,oj^ els U)tU ipnglptD^ilebintanDtDUtbe l^im to tbep^pttc- pofe, cleane contrarp to bis meanpng. Cbe Cum of Bamafcene bis ooctrpne in t^v^ mmtt is tbis^Cb^t ^^ Cb^tde being botb dpoD 9 man batb in bim ttoo natures, fo batb be ttooo natiaitees,one eternal,^ tbotber temporaLlno Co ipl^etoife toe (pt^n% as it mtc Double men,o^ baupng euerp one of bs tmo men in bs, tbe netxi man ^ tt^z olDe man>tbe fpieituali man ^ tbe car- nail man)baue a Double natiuitie : £)ne of oute f ird carnall f atber l^oam (bp tobom as bp anci - entinberitauncecometb bnto bs maleoiction ^ cuerlading oatnttacion) $ tbe otber of our bea - uenlp ^Dam^ t^at is to fape, of Cb^iil, bp to^om toe bee mabe ^eires of celeftiall beneoiction, anD eueclading glo^p ano immo^ttalitee^ ^m bpcaure tbis 3EDam is fpicitual ,tlSierefo;e our generacion bp bpm mud be rpirituall,6( ouc feeoHig mufle bee Ip&etppfe fpirituall* Mb oure fpirituall generacion bp bpm is plainlp fet f o;t(^ tnbaptifaie.anooiir fpicituallmeateanD fooD is fet IN HI S SVPP E R. gg is ret foo^tb in tl): ^olp communion $ fuppec of t^e ^oroe. 3llito btcaufe out rpgi^tes^ be To feeble tl^ac m cannot fee t(^e rpicUual ivacet; U)!^erlDitl) tue be toaC^eo in baptifme^no^ tlje rp tntual meat }a)\}ttc\i)it^ Uie be feODeact^e locoes table, tl^tt^ to}z to bealpe oure intitmitits , ano to make \)B t[)t bcttec to fee t^e fame \s>\tl) a puce fartt),ouce faufout C^?t(l i^at^ fet fo^ti) t\)t Cameras it bece before out epe0,bprenfibie(tQne0 anD tokens, iv^ic^e iDC be Daplp bfeo ano accuHomeD l^nto* aino bicaufe t^e eommon cudome of meniie is CO lua^e in U)ater,t^erfo;e out fpirttual tegenec^ cation in Cii^ide , o;i fpirituatl toaf^inge in f)P5 bluD, is declaceb t nto t)d in baptifme bp iDatet^ }lpketoifeoucfpiritu al noai(I)emctit ^frctrns in Ct;;i(le, is fette before our epes bp b^eabe anD tDpne, becaufet^ebemeatesanDD^pn&es tobP' cbe c^iefip ano bfualip toe be febbe toitbal! > tbat as tbep f caoe tl^e bobp. To both ct);t(le toitt) ^is flei^e at'D blouo fpicituallp feaoe tbe foule. 3lnb tbetef o;e t^e b^eaoe anD \x>]^m bee callcD (jcamples of C^^ftes UtU^t ano blouD ,anD alCa t^ep be cdlleo l|is terp flefl^e ano bluD , to (iqnv- f f e bnto l30,t^at as tW f eeoe bs caniallp , fo do t\)t}? abmonpH^e t)S tl^at ct?;i(le toiti) bps detl^e anD bloub ^ otl) fecDet)S fpitituallp ,anD mode erucfp tjnto eue rladinge Ipfe^ 3IInD as almpgbtp d&oD bp 5)is moftr mpgftf pe tooo^Deanobis i)olperpiritcenDmfinite poller biougbtfojtb all creatures in tlje begpnnrngt', aiiocuerritijcn0i^at!iep^e[crucDtljepui , turn fa OP THE PR E SE N CE OF CH R I ST fo Dp i\)z Came tuo^oe anD potocc l)t tuoo^betl) in VB from tpme to tpme tl^tg mctuatious fpicttual Qcnecaclott anD UionDccfuirpttrcual no;iQment anD fcaDpng^tD^icbe ts tD;ougt)C onip bp (]50D, f 15 comp^e^enoeD anD teccpueo of Ds bp faptb* 3nD as bjicaD anD D?pnHe bp natural no^t^e^i tnent bee c^atingcD tnto a niannes boDp,anD pee t!)e boDp iB not cl)aunseD, buttle fame t^attt iDas before : fo aftbougb tl^e b^eaD anD iDpne bee (acramentallp cfjaungcD into €W^tB boDp^pce W boDp 13 tl)e fame anD in tt)e fame place tbat it tDas before, t^at ts to fap, in ^eauen, toU^out anp alteracion of t^e fame^ itinD tbe b?eaD anD t»pne bee not fo c^attngeD into t^e flel^e anD blouD of €W^^ t\)nt tbep bee maDe one nature,but tt^tj^ temapne apll Difttnce innattttejotl^at t\)z b^cabfn tt felfetenot^tg fleflje, ^ tlje \i)i^nc \)iB blonD, but bnto tbem tfjac tDO^ztbtlp eate anD D^ipnke tbe b;eaD anD bipne^to t\}tm tbe b^eaD anD ^aptit be ^is OeO) anD blouD, tbattstofapsbpt^pngeg naturall anD \xiWW tbep be aecuftomeD bnto, tl^ep bee ejcalreobnto tbPnges aboue natuee«f o^ g facramentai b^aD anD tDpne be not bare anD nal(eD fpguteg^but fo pitl)panD effectuou$,t^at lo^ofoeuectDo^tbeip eatetb tt^etui, eatetli fplrttuaUp dWHtts 8e(l^e $ blouD, anD batb bp tliem euerlaftpng life. 9BX)f)ecefo?e,b&ofoeuer;c6metbto tt>e)lo?De0 : table, mud came tuttb all iiumtlitee, feate, tcue^ tence um pucitee of life, as to tecepue not oneip b;eaD ^»D topne, but alfo out; fauio; Ci?J<(t> bot^ beercDDcteitl)tt^emt3ntocaerla(l?nglfe* :ff uui^cmiojc^Bamafcene fapetft not ttjat t^e faccamcmO^ouiD Detoo^d^tppeD anDaDo^eD,as t\)t ^aptae0 tecme it(tp^tc^e is platti pDolatcp) iDut u)c mud Ufo^o^tp c^^td but ohelp tf)t rubitaunce o^i^e boDpeanobiouoof €W^ • ^t»t t)e fape^ plapnlp,tbac a0 a burnpn$ coau ts not tDODDe onlp,but fpec ^ boooe topneo: tosetl^ec, (0 tbe b^eao oU\)t commonton is not b^eao onelp»but b^cao topneo totbebmtnitee^ :6ut t^oCe tbat Cap, tbat tl)ete is none otbct iub:" ftaunce buttb^fubdanceo^tbeboDpanD biotiD of Cb^i^^bo not onelp oenp tl)ar tt;ere t0 b^eao ^ lupne,but bp to)ct t^ei mud Dcup aUo,t^at tl^ere is eiti^tt Cb?tftc0 Dtutnitee o^^is (ouu* f o? t£ tbe aelge ann bloub.t^e Touie anDDtutniteeof CbMd be foute fubitances, anb in t^€ racrament be but ttso of t^etm, tbat is to rap> ^ts Qef^e mn bloub, tl)an ttil^cce i0 bis foule anb Dtumtteer 31no t^u0 t^efe me bmioe Jefu0,repa€atpng ^fiie niuimtee from bi0^umanuee«€)ftt)bomratnct K3J5.4.»3bon faptbt :a)bofoeucc aeu(Deti) 3|efu0 Js not »of (i&0D,but be 10 3lnttc^^ld. %m monoutt tfiefe men bo fo (epacate €W^ Qz» bobpe ri^om ^10 memb;e0 tn ti^e racrament. IM HI S S7P P E R* po tWtW U^^^ ftimno inannc0 boDp at all* f o; j„//troJf as Bamafcaic fapt^, tljat §i)iacnaian of mem* i^hmin ti^es pectapne fo muct^e to ttje nature of a nmns cf^rij^o vo» boDpe, ti^at tnt^cre c^eteis no ruc^eDtftlnct(on,te^i^»/. t})ttt is no perfect manner boop* :6utt)ptbcre laapptles Doacpne,t!)ete t£;no Oic^e Dttltnction of meinb;estntUe facrament, fo; ett^ec t^ece is no i^cao, feete,^dnDc$,arme0, iegge0, moutt^c, ej^es, ano nore at all : o; cis ali is t)eaD,all feete,all t)aDC0,ail acmes^all icgges, all mottc^e^U ei'es.^aUtiore* 3lnD fo tl^ep tmU $f C^^tne0 boDp,no manne0 boop at alf « /C1)U0 bepng confatcot^e Rapides ecrours aftueU coneecnpng ^t;anfnb(lanciatton,a0 t^e ceait, co^pot^l ano natural p^efenreof C<);t(l in t^e facrauient> U3btcl)e mte tb^o p;tnctpaU potnte0 purpofeD in tt^e beg^nnpng of t^i0tDoo?&e« BotDeui0trnierome tt^png to fpeabe of tl)e cbP^D etro^ xif tt)e ^apt(les,U)btcbe is con- ^ernpngtbeeatpng ot€W- fte0l)etpboDpanDD;mfi fepng of t^isblouo* C bus tnD et^ tljc t^iro boolic THE fOVRTH BOOKE IS OF THB E AT rNG AND DRINK YNXJ OF thtbod^ audbloudofmrjauiour Ghrifi, n C??ap*«^ "XlDljctDec cull me« ^]H E jG Ri o s s E ertost of tl^e pnptaes , is of tbc catnml eatpng anD tiji^uBpng d^ eaet eate auD D^pu^etl^e (a aamcutes ofii^ai;^^ topne 000 eate ^D^pnae aUolDiti^: tWt wottt^cs Ci)?t(hs tjccpc uc^e anD bioaD^ bee t^ep ueucc fo bagoDlp nm topcfe.eo^pct{ons«-- 23ut Ct)iiulet|tnirel£CtaugtH clt^m contt^wm t\}z fp^te of Jfton, t^at tD£ eate uot i^im camalip iDic!^ out nioutt)e5,butXptrttualipit)ttii out fatt^ !m)c 3) (aipngimecelp Ijcrelpj TapDnto pouri^c tj^at be- gooif 5,lcuet^ in mc,t)atl) eueclaftpng lite.3 am § U^eaD ®«ir wte^^ of lUe.Souc fatl)ec0 did eate ® anna in tt)e U)tl^ ^U?ia. _^^0^i;n£{fe,^ DpeD. &ib is tl)c bj'eaDt^at came fro ^ji;cauen,tl}at wtofocuer Q7all eate ibciof, f^aH no£ 3> dyc^j am tijc Hueip U^eaD t&at came fto Oeauen, jj If any man eate of tf>i> brcad^f^c ffjal hue for cuer.3ilnO ^,tl)e bjeaD lMl)tcl)e3 itsill geuMs mp 8e{5e,t»^ic^ j>3 topli gcue fo^ t^e life of cIk ttJOj!De» C{)is i0 tfje mode tcue Doccipne of cue (auio^ CW^tZy ti)at ifiljolocuec eatett) bim, ©all iiauc cuerladpng Ipfe* Zm bv auD bp it f olotoet^ iti 5>tbefame place of ^♦3bon mo?e clearelp.tiaccel^ i^bef elf J fap &nto pou, cpcept po«j tm tfteflel^e of O F THE B AT YN G p^ :>:>t}imt tonm of man, aiiD minht ^ts WottUe^pott »a)aU not IjaUC ipUin pOU,He tluteareth my ften7e Jo^^tt.^. 3>and drynkccl> my bload, l^ac f? lyfc eucrlaftinge , ailO >>3 topll tapfc ^im agapnc at tl)c lade nape : f oj^ >Mnpfl[e(ftei5 )3ei;p mace, anD mp blouD 13 ijecpr wO^pnfeC, Hee tbateatech my flefbe , and drynfcetf? my :>3bIoud,dwdlccl?mmc,aridIinf?im. ^S tijelpupng >^fatl)ec ijatl) rente mzM^ J ipue bp tfje fat^ec t^ 5>aenfOheil7atearetf?me3O?aniuebyme*^^ig;^I0tfte 5>'u^eaDetu!jict|ecameooUinefcoius Ijeauen, not >'aspottc fathers d?d eate ^anna^ano ateoea^; ^'hc t:?at catech of c!?is bread,n?all line for eucr* C^ig ta»3l)t out raiuour c^^ifte ae tDell l|t$ mapits^B mjmm at capernaum , t^at t^« eattn^ of i?i6 rle(^ ano DMn^pnge oW% blauDc toas not ipbe to ttje eatinge of ij|^ana*f oj bothc Qooo anD baDoe opo eate ^amm^butnoneDoo eate l^is ael^e ano Dmx^t bis bloui^De, but t^ep ftaueeucclailinjelpfc* f ojas bis tatbecotucl^ letb m btm , ano bee in bis fatbec , anj^ fo ^at^c Ipfebpbpscatbec: fobee tbat eatetb Cbitftes flefBe auD D;inUetl?bis blouD,ob)cllet^ in Cbjift ^ Cbjiikl in biin, ^ bp i^bnil be batl) etcmall ipfc aoobatncDs toe anp otbet tottnesvtoban €\ni^ fjim feltc Dotb teftific tbe mattec fa plainlp, tbac U)bo foeu^reatetl) i^is aeS)e ana oitnlietti bp£^ blouDe, *4atl) eucclallpnge ipf ec ano tbat to eate \)is Uefljc anD ta Djtnfee bis blouD,is to beleue it» l^(ttt:'3^tiD 1d1)o fo euec belettctb in bim,batb euec lading ipfe ♦ aoobeccof itfoloteetb necelTatilpe, Jljatbn30DlpeperCones(bepaglpmmes of tbe Ziii* npuell OF THE EATYNG Dtttil)D0 mtcnu ct^jitaes SeC^e no? D^pn&ebis blouD^ejccept tbc i^aptiles idouId fap^t^at (ucbe ^a^eeueclaaprisUfc* :6utd9 t^eoeuu tstl)rfooDeoftbelDpc%cD, li^^tc^e^e nottciC^etb in all tmquuee, ano bapn« g^elj t3P tnto eueclatlpng Danacion : lo is €hit^ t^e yytt}^ foDe of all t^em tl^at be tbe Imelp mein^ b^e0 of t)ig boDp, anD t^em ^eno^tO^etb^teeDet^, b^tngct^ t)p atiD ci)ectCbetb])nto euerlafting Itfe Qap^tv 3no euecp gooD ano faptbfuU Cb^tatan mati ^!)ati« feelett) m ^imfelfe,bouic bcfeeoct^ ot c k r i s t, ifj^^m catpng ^C» flil^e, aiiD Djlnfepng of biB bluD^f o? , fiiSlf ^^ PMf^^^^tl tbe toljolc bopc ri tcwft of W^ceDemp- t;;mtiFug ctonatiD faiuactontiubatonlpracctfue^tBbtcbe oti)t9 C^udttmDet^pont^e Cconre,bauptigbi9 boDF^ wouu, t[jei;e bjobeti, ano fjts blouD tbcte flJeoDc fo; tt)c rennilton of bts fpnncs. ^nD t^tg great beneftte of Cb^iCl^t^e fapt^f ul man eatneftlp confiDeccc^ U\ W& mpnoc, c^atoet^ ano apgedtb u>tt^ tbe lloinake of bt6 Uearte, fptntuallpe recetttpng €lni^ tu^ollp into b ini^ano gcupng «gaine \;^im felfetoboUp bntoCb^tlt. 3ittD tbts ts tbe catpng of €W^^Q fle(^ ^ D?pl)(S *"'"'* ^tiaa t)nto tt^elputng ^oD,t0 tanentDttt^fuc^ea Jingnlac^ttngac auD appetite ,t^at he abborretl? ^all gaily and bycccr drynkes of fynne, attD al fdUOUC y Of cactiall pleafuce is to \)im a0 it t»ece a)atpe ^ ^fotDcr l3ineQec«HnD tl^c (inner bepng conuecteD, jceceamngtljeljolp mpfterUs 6f t^eM^ojoes fup^ >pet:,geuetb ttiankes t)nto (0oD,^ bobeti) oobne y^is bcaOj^nobing t;)at ^t0 finnes be fo?gpuet?> >anDtt3att)ee is mabe cleane ano perfecte, anb >l^is faule (tol)ic^e d^DD ^atbe fanccifieb) i|e ren- jD^etl) CO (590 agapne as a fattljfuil pleoge , ana jtbau ^e glo,iiet5uiU!) ^aule, ano ceiopretb,fap- ^eng: 0om it is not ]ii t^at Uue, but it is Cb^ift >tbatipuet^U)itl^inttie* r^ljefe tbpngesbepJa- :>cti^ebanbt)feDamong faptbftUl people, anbto )puce nipnbcs, tiie eating of bis (it(f)z is nol^oz> >toui; but bonouc , ano tbe fpitite Delptetb in ti)t 3 Djinbpnge ot tlje ftolpe anb fanetifpinge bloub* a^^nO bOOpng t^iS, we wl?ette not our teethe to byte 5 but with pure faith we breake tf?c holy brcade.f^^efC 5 be tbe tuo^bes Of Cppji^n ♦ KinDaco^Dingbntotberame^^aBttftenfait^: August, de Prepare not tHy iaWes, but thy bearte* 3nD in an - -vcrhn dcmi t^ec place be faitb W-bydoftt^ou prepare thy bely nifemo.i,; and thy teetbc'beleue, and tf?oul?afte eaten, !^Ut Of ^" lodtiJrA Ibis wattecis fuffatentlp fpofeen befoj»e, tobere ^'^' it IB p?oueb , t!)at to eate €Wtte^ UcQ)c anb D?pnke^isblouDe»bei^2Ucatiue(peecbe0, ano OF THB rEATINC C}?ap4» ^iD nob to cetunte to oucputpoft, tl)tit mlf %\)c sooD '^^ '^"^'^ memb^es of C*?i(lc do cate ^ts flefl) $ ottciptate Diipnl^e l^is bltU), 3 (Qall b)tng fo^tU manp otbec izmifti. places of aunctec autbo^s bcto^enot mccioneo. ort^cncx ' ST^;ft mi^^nWtttl) plainl? after tbis ma- inmth, > iiei;*cb^^0J^cto^^0'^^^fl^R)^^«53^fr^nifat, <'^.»?» > tobicbe iDbo To eatetb, (^ali fueclp Ipue fo^ cucr, ^ which nocuel man can eatc^Jf 0^ if it COUlD be, tljat ^ be tbat continuetb eu(U , migbt eate tbc tooczoe =» maDe flettje, fepuge tbat be is tbe iDo;De ^ b^caa ^ of life, it OJouID not baue bene luiittcit : ^iTbofO' =» £ueteatetbtbisb;eaDffiaUliaefo;eucc»Cbefe tDo;D£0 be fo plaitWjtbat 3 neeD fap notbing (o% tin mo^e cleace Dcclaracion of (bem* icberefo^e pou a}aU beare bob Cpp?ian agreetb iuitb b»n» cypruflftjj Cpp?iatte m Ijps fetmon aCccibeo tnto f}im of in/ermoot^ciLo^oesfuppecfaitbe: cbeautbo^of tljps ^eccrn^. , tjaoicioit CapD,tbat cjcccpt loe eate bis ficQ)e ano ^ DjipiiUc t)ts blouD 5 toe rboulD \)mt no life in Ds, :> ttidructins t)6 toitb a Cpiritual letTon , anD ope^ 3 nppg to bs a toap to tJtiDcrdaD fo p^iup a tbing, ^tb^t toe f^OUlD l^notoe, tbat tbeeatyngis ourd->rel 3 lyng in byj^> and our drinking is as it were an mcor > poration in him,bcpngefubietebntobini in obe^ > Dtmce,iopneDt>ntobtminouctoi(les, anDtnt^ tCD in out affection^ ^Tf^e eatinge therefore of il?is fleflpe, is a certaine hunger anD dafirc to divell in him* Cbwstoutctb Cpp?ian of tbe eatinge ?i D^in* ^pnj of Cb?itte^BnD a litle after be fapetb, tbat none DO eate of tbis lamoe, but fucbe as be trne 3irt*aclites,t[;at is to fapc,puree!)}iftian metme toitt|OttC domini* AND DtRlNKYNG* pj M^out colour 0? Dtflftmulatiotu a^nDat^anaCiusfpeakpng ot t\)t eatpnseof Athdnafm Cli;iiilc0 UtQ)t anD D;(nftpHg of bis blouo, (ait^ dc pccc««w > cionrnto6caucn,toplucbetftem ftonuo^po?all Z'"^""** 3 p^antafte.rl^att^cpmFg^tlctne hereafter, t^at , t)(0 8eQ)e t»as calicD t^e cdedtall niearc tbat 3 came ftom aboae, auo a fpmtuaii foode^ujft tc^ ^e ;,toouiD!5eue jfojtlJorett)tngcst^at3JTpcabeto 3 POU (faptt^e l)e) be Ipiriteand lyfc « ^ tjlC^C (0 a0 5 nmclje to rap^ as tljat t\)vH ^W^ Pou fee,fl?aibc J flayne, ^ giuen fo^t^cnojiajcment oi: t^c ujojID, , tbat It map bee DtdtlbuteD to euerp bocp rpiritu. ^ ally, anD be to ail men a conCecuatf on bnto tbe re ;, furcecttou cf eternal! Ipfe. 31n tbefeUioo^zDes sutbanafmsDeclaretb tbe cauie )DbP Cbi^iit maoe mencion ot t)iB aicenctoti into beauen, U)bau be fpaHc of cbe eatpnge anD D;tnkpng of biB fiefbe atto bluD.fCbe caule after 3ltbanaau6 mpnoe teas tbpe, tbac bts be^rer^ 0}ulD not tbinbe of anp carnal eatpng of bis bo^ Dp bub tbeicmoutbs (to; a& concerning tbe p^e fence of bis bobp,be (bouiD be ta^en from tbem, anD afcenoe into beauen,but tbat tbei (^ulD Dn - iierdanDe bpm to be a fptrirual meate^ ano fpiri^^ tuailp to be eatcn,anD bp tbac rctteQ tug to gtue eterna{ilpfe>bicbebeDotbtonone,bmto lucb as be bisiptielp numb^is* SnD of tbis eatpnge fpeafeetft alfo I5afiliu0, «. .^ tbattocceatecb^tftesfltfb anoD^infebis bluo, ^Yv l)eepngemaDe,bpbt0 incarnation anD fenfpble '*" M*U Ipfe OP THE E ATYNS HfU, partafecrjs of l)(s ijjo;De auD Uj^feDome.jroi ^ l?is flcQ?eand bloude l?e called al his myfticall conuer^ * fation here in his fleflje and his doctrine, COBfpllpng ^of lji0Ujl)oleIpfe, pcctapni>ng bottjc to f)is ftu» ^mamtee ano Dininittt, fobccebp tbe foule is no* ^ dC^eD atiD b^oug^t to t^c contempiatton of t^m ^Scaetetnall* "» C^tt0 teacUeti) isaftltus ^oi»€ be eate cfi^'- ^ ftes ae(Q ano o^tnlt bis blouD, U)l)Pct) pertatnet!|; "^ oitlp to ti)t true ano faUbeuU memb^es of €\)iitt Bi«ro«y- D ^ajnt ^ittomt alfO faitl^t ; AII tbat loue pie a> ^•^ > drynke his biudde. Of tfte tob^cfje !)j>tii felf c fait^e: •^"^^^^ >l^e tbat catetli mp flcQ)tAnt> Dilnfcetfemp blouD,, ^tiatb eueciadpngipfe. sn HiVre*. l^nD in at! otbct place S»v l^ieronie faitb.tbat mUm, > bcrctikcs do not eatc and drynke the body and bloud 5 of tl?e Lorde* fnofcm^ 3lllDm0^e Ott^tb^f^^^tbjthatheretiques eate not €d^ut,B 3 the fleff?e of kfu, tebofe izQ) ig t\)z meate o£ faitl^. > full men^ Cl)us asteetl^^. I^ecome luttb t\}t otl^er be> fo^e re^ecfeD, tbat l^eretibesanb rucbe as folotu loo^lDlp plefutres, eat not €lip^B QeC^ no^D^infe tts bluD;,btcaufetbat cb^^ll rato^t^^ tbat eatetl) m^UtQ),(!i D^iuUetb mp blciD>batb eueclaaig life j^hroR* ^ ^"^ ^* ^mb^ole faitftotbat Jefus is ^ b^eao mdebene^^Wcl)tist\)zmmtot faintes, anotbat be tbat diah^c ^ taketb t^fS b;eaD, dyetl? not a fynners deathe ♦/f 0? pdtrUr^ 5thisbreadeist}?eremi{fionofrynnes. 3nD iU anO^ ch^um xtj^cc bo^e to^pm intitaUb, U tojitetft t^us^ A ND D RT NKir N G. 94 ^(^W btedDeof IpfeUiI^tcl^e came f come ^eauen, rithUqtd > Dotft mtnifter; eueclaftpiig; lpfe,auD whofocucr ca'»>^^»/' > tctb tf?is bread fl?all not dye for euer, and is t\^ bodyc »"*<^*<'*f**'* > of Cf^riiie. ainD pet In att otl^ec booue (ette fo^t^e Defdcrdme > in W u^me, be (aube on tbis^ ^ife : l^e tbat dpD tif iu4C4i > eate ap aniia,DieD, bat f?e cl?at eatctl? tf?is body, fl?all > }^aue remifsion of f?is fynnes, and Q?aII not dye for e- > uer»3(lnD agapn b^ faptb: As often as tl?ou drinkeft l-i^'^ c^^ 3 tl^ou f?afte reniiTsion of tl?y fynnes* Cbcfc feacences of ^.^mb;ore be fo plapn in tW matter, tbat tbere neoetb no uio;e,but onelp tbece^ecfallof tbelm* ^ut^.Hugudtiie in manp places plapne!pAM^»/7mi» 3 DifCUirptlg tbtS mattUriaitbi He tl?atagrcctl7noiwA»f«f»;^ 3 Toitl? Cf?rilk, dot^^e neicf?er eate \}is body nor drynke ^xprofj^cro , bis bioude,aUboMgb to tbeconoenmatton of \)is '^'''^f '* 3 p?efumption,bc recel«e euerp oap tbe faccament''''^*^^^* >of fobisba mattler* 3111D mo;eouec ^, :iaugu(!fne,moft plamlp te^ dc cmtate fOluetb tbt0 mattCC in bis bOOfee De duitateDei,Dfi/it.t» Difputpug; agapnfte ttoo fepiioesof becetifees:"P***f *^ > wb^cof tbe one fapD.tbat a0 manp as \jm cb^t- ) (leneD,anD receaueD tbe facramenteof €\)ii^^^ > boDpanDbIouD,(IjulDberaucD,bota foeucctbep } itueD 0^ beleueD, btcaufe tbat Cb;(lt fapo: Cbts 3 (0 tbe o^eaD tbat cam from beaen, tbat U)bo roe . > uer ($al eate tberof ^(^ail not Dp* 3I[ am tbe b^eao 3 of ipfe,tDbtcbe camefrcme beauen, bbofo euer :> (l^all eate of tbi0 b?caD (ball Ipue fo; euer^ y Cb^t^(o?e(ratD tbefe becetti^ed) all fucbe men )mttftneDe0beDeUuereD frome cternall oeatbc, aia*u* ano OF THE E A TY NfG >aii!jatleiigtli&ebzo«8^t to ctemau Ipfe* c^e " * Ot^CCfapDjCbac }?eret/ques and fcifmznkes myghte ' ^ eacc tf?e iacrament ot Chriftes body, bat not his verye ^ body, byeaufe they bee no membres of bis body» ^ 3nD tftecfo^c t\)tv pjomircD not cuetlaftj^ng Itfe, noallt^atreceaueDC()^ifte0 baptplme, anotl)c =>raccamcntof [)tsboDp,butaUfucbas piofeflfeD :> a tcue faptbc^altl^ouglje ti}ep ipueo neuei; fo tin- ^S'JOlp* f o;fuc!)e(rai>Dct!)cp) Dooeeatetlje bo? ^ Dp of C^jifte^ not onclp iu a faccamcnte, but al^^ => foittDecDe,bpcau(e tl^epbee membjes of Ctjat- » (les boDpe. 25ucfamcte^ugitS^ns anftoerpiTge to bot^e ^ tbcfcfjecefpeBjaiet^: C^at ncitbec bctettfeeB, => no^fuc^ as p;iofcn:eatEuefaUb in tljzit moatbs^ ^ ^ in t^eir Ipupng f^etu tbe contracp, ^auc tit\)tt ^ a tmt fatt^(b)bic^ inojfeet!) bp c!)antp,anD Dottj ^ noneeupDo; atctobccounteoamong tljcmcm* ^ bjc0 of Ci)?ift. Joj tl^tp can not be bat!) meb?eg =* of Cb^ift:anDmcmb^cs of tljeotuelLCbecefoi^e ^ (fait!) tjc) itmay not bee fayd, t^atany of thcimeatc ^ the bodyof Chrille, f 0^ tuljan Ctj^tlle fapctlj, ' 5 i^e t!)at eatct!) nip He^c auD ojinUc tt} mp biouD, ^ DtoeUetf; in me, ano 3! In !?pm, ^c ffietuct^ tobat ^ it i0(nOt raCCamentallp, but in deede) to eatel?is ^ body and drynke his bludde : ivhiche is, whan a man ^ dwelleth fo in ChrifrCjthat C!?riftc dwelleil? in hy m ^ if 0? CS)?t(ic fpafee tljofc too^Des, as if \)t fl)oulb ^ (ap : He that dwelleth not in me,and in wbom I direl ^ not, lette hym not faye or tl?ynke, tliat l^e eateth my * body^pr drinkcth my bloude^ AND DRINKYNG. 95 CljefgbetbeplatnciDOjDcs of S?* m^Minc, tljatfuclje as Hue ijnjoDlp , altl;ougi) ti)£p map feme to cate C^?i(l£S boop (bccaufc ttjep eat tlje faccament o? l)is boDp) pet iu Deet-e tl) ep ueitljcr becmemb;csof^isboDp,no2Do eateJ)t0boDp* ^iro bppon tl)e golpeu of S»» lof)n !)e fapt!?, r„ loUtu ^ t!)at^et^atDotSenoteatel)isfle(^eauDD?pHfee trAaAut6. 5 i)is blouo, bat^ not in Ijim eueclaatrtg life«3nD ^ be tl^at eati^tl) bis flef^e anD D^miietb bis blouD ^batbeueclaftinglpfc. But it is not fo in tbofc 3 meates, tobicbc ^t take to ftsftaine ouc boopcs^ , foi aUbougb toitbout tbcm toe can not liue,pet 5 it is not ncceflfacp , tbat ujbo foeucc cccepuetb 5 tbem, (])au Ipue, fo? tijti^ map ope fo; age^flclU' ^nes^ojotljec cbaunces. 3 25utintbis mcatanoDMn^eof tbebobpanu jblouDof ottcXo^D.ttis otberiDife.jfo^botbtbet 5 tbat cate anD D?pnUe tbem not,batte noteuccla^ 3 (ling Ipfe: ^nO contrary wyfe, whofoeuer cate and 3 drynke tf?cmjhaue eucrlafting life . il^oteauD ponDectoelltljeretoojiDcs of fatnct Sugufdne, tbat tbe bccaDc and toine ano otbec meates anDU3^nn{vc0(to!)tcbe no?i(^ tbeboDP)a man map eate ^ neuettbeleffe Dpe : but tbe tjetp boDp anD blouD of €\)M no ma eatetb,but tbat batb euecla{!png life. S>o tbat totckcD men can not eate no^i D?pnfec tbem,foj tben tbep mua n^- DCS ^ue bptbeim euerlafting ipfe* 3lnD in tbe fame placed* JEuguftpncfaptbe 3 fttrtbcc * cbc facament of t^c \)mtp of Cb?iftcs ^ bQOP ano blouo,ts ta^en in tbc }Lo;Des table^of 3la4ii» Come OF THE EATYNG » fome men to Ipfe,^ of fome men to oeatl^ :bnt the ^ tbyngeic fdfc(;toljecof it iB a faetamcnt>'s taken of 3 ail men to lyfe, and of no man to deatl? ♦ %tit) mo?e- ' ouec be fai't^je : c^is is to eate t^at meate anD ^D?pn!ietl)atr>;pnUe,toD)s)einnC^;t(l,$to ^aue ''C^^tfteDUiellpngin^j^m^ Unofo^tt^at cattre,i7e ^ c}?at dwelletf? not in Cf?riftc,and in wl^iome ChxHkc >dwclIctl?jjot, wicbout doubt l?eeatet}? not fpiruually ^ l}is ^cHqc nor drynketl? ^is bloud, alt^O Ug^ caujal ^\}?mi>Mib^\xiitWstmi)t,i^z bj^tt t^nfiactd. >mentoet^l6lioDpauD blouD. Cf^ujs to^ttet^ Cornet :i(ugu(tme tu t^e* %jci)U u johdn, l^omelic of fapiit 3o^n» IBno to tfje nejtt fjomap *^^» 17 > foiotopnge, ftc fapt^ tljus.cftiB Dape oure fer^ ^mon tg oe t\)z boDp of t^eXo^oe, lo^f cl^e ^e rati) 3 iM^lDolDgetietoeatefo^ctecnaintfe* StiD^eioe- ''ciareDt^emanerof ^(5 gift 9Di(lttbutton,l)ol0 ^^t tooulD geue ^ts fleOje to eate, faipng:l^e t^at ^ eateti) mp 0e(^e ^ o^tnHet^ mp bloui^e , Dtoelietii ^ tn me anO 3 tn^pm* Tl?is tl?erdforejsa token or ^ knowlcgc, that a man J?atf? eaten and dronken,tl?at i& 5 to fay, if fee dicvell in C ferifte, and haue Cfer^ dwel* >iyngini?ynu3|f l^e cUaue fo to c^^tct, tbatl^e (0 ' notfeuec^o frome bpm. (^.W tl^erfo^e Ct)^t(lt 5 taugljt ^ aDmont(l)eD bp tftefe myfticall or figura > tiixe^ordes, tbat i^c Il^ulDe bee tn big boDp bnoei; >bimotttb«aD,amDngbtBmettib^cs,;eatpng bl0 ^ Sea)e, not f o^fabpng bts bnttee* De (fo^rwi ^nD tn big hOOhC De doc^rina cf?rirtiana,fatnct c/miiiVnu. 3ugaiiine fattbe (as before on otf^is paflflon , ^ tt)e Delectable remembrance ^0 outbmetittmr>p;otitz, tbat^psOel^c tuad '>ci;uc(r(eD and tDouuo^Diro^t)s. 3liio in aa otbec (ermo aifo De verbis ApoftoK d^ vcrtiv >htt ejcpounoecb tol)at(0tbeeiit(nsofc6M(^C£( Apo^oU » boDp and tl)e Dtmfeing of bis biouu, fapmg;TI?c /crwo>7 3 cacingis to bee refreOjedj and cl^e drlnkyng xoipt is it > but CO liuecciEate life, D;pn^e life: Blno t^arfftall > b€ , tDben tbat toi^icbe 10 catien t^ifibip in tl^e fa- > ccament, i&ial3ei;pe oeeDeeateafpicituallp anD >i}i^unKenrptcittiallp« 15P all t^efe fentences of ^vKlUQUfline it p$ cupoent $ mamfea:,t^ac all men; good ano euel, map ^icb tbeic mout^es bifpblp^ fenfpblp eate tbe faccament of Cb;ti(te0 boDpii blooD , but t^e l^erpboDp anDblouatbeimrelue0bee not eaten but Cpicituallp, ^ tbat of tl^e fpttituall memb^es of dhli^y iDbicbe binell in €W^ > 9 ^^^^ Cb?i(t Dtoellpngin tbem, bp to^omtb^p be cefc^l^eti $ l^aueeuerlafttngKfe^ 31nDtf)crefo;efaitl^efaincte3rugu(line, tl^at mohdm tol^entbocbec aipoftie0OiDeate b^eabe tl)atitia0 Tr^^.;^, tbe ttOjDOrPCtludasdidde cate but the bread of t]?c Lordc , and not tl^e bread tf?at was tl?e Lorde* g> tbat tbe otbec 3lpo(lel0 toitb tbe facramentall bjteab Dib eate al(o cb?iiltbim relfe, Urbo Juoas DID not eatCvUtno a gceat numbre of place0 moe batb rainct Hugudiuef outbid purpofe, lo^icbe fo^efcbetotngof tebcouCites,!! inpalTefo; tbi0 t^me, 9 ini>ll Tp^aHefome t^png of fainct cpi^pil > OFTHEEATVNG sij^. io« receCucD tl^etbp no ftrengtiie to Ipue ettercfo^ te > gaue no ipf c,but onip put atoap boDtlp hunger) 3 but they that receyue tl?e bread of lyfe, fl?allbcmadc ^ immortall, and fl?al cfcf?ewc all the euy Is fl?at pertaya > to death, lyuyng with Cbriftc for eucr 21nD f n anO^ C Chrifte dotf?c naturally geue lyfe,tl?erefore it makcth > theimtolyuc, that bee partakers of it* Foritput^ctl? 3 death away from them , anO tittCClp O^PttCtl^ 00^ ^Uructtonoutof ti|ctm. > 3(nD ^0concm!»0thtt)0 matter (9o;tIp in ano:: Cii^l4. > t^ej piac0ittfeto0 tooo?De0,faipng0 , t^at whan > wee cate the flen?e of our fauiour, than f?aue weelyfc 5 in vs* f 0^ a t^pnges tljat torce cojctipt.toece te^ > Uo^eD Dp onelp toucbpng0 of tj^s clotljes, howe i can itbee, that wee (}?ail not lyue that eate his flen?e;' c^^l7. 3 aino fuctljcr tie faptb, tb^t a^ tiwo toarefi; t^at be > molten togttl^er, DO tun euecp parte tntootl^et: 3 fo he that receyuetb Cbriiles flefi?e and bloud, muftc > ncdes be ioyned fo wicf? f?ym, tl?at Clpriflc mufte bee > inl?yni,and beejn Cbrifte* llete ramcte Cp;Ul oeclacetb 1^0 Dfsnttee of Cl}^t(leg fledge, bcpng tnfeparatelp annejceo bn^ to ^(0 Dtuitntec, fatpng, t^at tt ts of fuct^e foitce auD pouier, t!)at it geuetl) euedadpng life. iGinD toljatfoeucroccafionof DcatD it fpnoett), o? let 4^f eternal life, it puttetb out anD ouuetb cleane atoap all t^e tame,fr5 i\^zxn ti^at eate tbat meate anoreremet^atmeD^cme^ ;^t^er meotcmes o; PW' AND D R I NI^YNS. p^^ plai(lcr0 fomtrmeliieale.anD fomtpme l^eale net but t^fs mo^tcineie of (^t effect anD dtenst^ t(^attt catct^atDapeaUtdUen ano tiecDcficQie anDpccfcctcip ^eaUt^ all toountyzB ano to^B tl^atitislaFDct^nto* (^^ts (0 tfte Dtgnitec ariD eji:ceUencCe of €W- ftcB ntQ)t BRD blouDe fopneD to ^^0 oiutnitee, of C6e tobrci^e D^gnttee, Cb^^Oes aDticrracte0 tbe l^aptaes, oep^me anD robbe bpm loben tb^P af^ fumc,tl^at(ucbenimDo eateb^s^ei^e ^recetue tbi0 piaider, a0 remapne Ml Cicbe anb (o;e,anb benotbolpmtberbp« 3inD note to; cojtrobo^iatron of Cpaflifi^ fa^png, cbap. u 31 tooulb tt)ue rearon inicb tbe ^apiQts, anD be uiaunbeof tbem^^bananbncepentant Cmncc cecemetbt^eracrament^tobetbccbe baue €i)lU 0r0 bobp lmc!)in bpni 0; no ^ 3f tbcp fap no, tban banc 3 mp purpofe, t^ai eupl men altbongb tbep cecepue tbe (acramente of €W^tB boDp, pet tzct^m tbep not bi0 berpe bobp* If tbcp fate pea, cban 3 toolD affee t^em futtbet,9DQbet^ecti;epbaueCb;t&0rptntb)ttb- lntberao?noc 3Bf tbep fap nap,tl)an do t\)tT feparate €l)ms boDpfeombi0rptnte, anDbt0bunianttee from f)iB Dtutnttee,ano be conDemncD bi^ tbe fcttpturc a0 betp 3(inticb^(lc0 tbat DiufDc cb; !}is tpititt tW raifc6 Jefus from ixtt}), Disjell tti '^ pou,ftetr)atraireD3IIefasftomDeat^e,fl?aii geue 3> lyfe CO your mortall bodyes/or }}is fpirites fake, ^Dhj- 3> c};cdwelIeth.inyou» • CUttB on mct^ ftoc tl^ fctipturc conncomctft tiieaouccCanesof goDDcstDo^iDc. 3nD tl)istDtcUeDne9 of rtje ^aptdes; t£ to bee toonD?cii at,t^t t^ep affitme ct)?ift0 fte(^,blini, rottle,t|olp ^f nte,^ ^(0 Deite to be m a nian> t!}dt |0 rubtect to fpnne^anD a Irui of t^e Dpuel./^bep be)t)onDerfuli tuslcr0 ano contucet0, U^at Uittb ctrtapne tDao^De0 cait ma&e d^oD ano t^e Dpueii to OiDel togtt^etln one man,anD mafte l^tm bot^ tbe temple of (5oD> ano tbe temple of t^e DiutU 3[t apearetb tbat tl^ep be Co blpno^ tbat t^c^ can notfeetbelps^t from Darane^e: :6eltaUfeome C^^f (l,no? tbe table of tbe io;tD»from t^e tabl€ of Dtaei04fCbu0 10 cofuteD tl)iB tbicde mtoIierabU errourpibtterpof tbe^apme0,(C^attbet tDbi^ cbebett)e!pmme0of tbeDpuell,Do eate tbebe^ rp boop of (Lb?tft,anD D;fnkebi0 bluODe^manp- feaip^Dtc£ctlpcomratptotbctDOjD0 of Cb^tO; >3 btm felf>bo faitb:aDObo fo eucr eatetb mp ficf^e d> ano Djttnketb mp biuDiie, batb cuerlaftpng ipfe« €hap^(5* ^wt lead tbep flftuIDe feeme to ftaue notbpng to Tap fojtbemfelues, tlicp allcDge §>.^mlt in ^mTi tbeeuucntbtotbecojtntb^bteebefaitb: i^ee ^apittes ^^^^ eatetb ano D?mfeetb tJUtoo^tbiiPjcatctb anD %Q9r I , * t^Jtnlietb bi0 otoite Damnation, not Difcernpngc t^e]tlo^5Je0boDj[>. Sttt A ND D R r NKYNG, 93 y^ut ^*}aaule in tw place fpeaftetl) t)f t^e eatpHS of c^e b^eao ano D^mKPtis or tljt topne, ano not of t^eco^po^aiUatpngof CO^ia^Seflt^e 6^ blitD.a0 U is manifed to euerp man t^at tu^U ceao tl^e tejct.jro^tljere beti)ei^^Ds of ^.^aul: y-Xtt a ma eicamme 6imfclf,anD To eatcof i}?e bread jjand drinkeof tbecup,f0^l)et^atcatetljanO 0?(l^ :»Her^ bnlDo^tt)eip,eateti) anD Dipn^etb bid o&?ne 35Damnation,notDtfcernpng t\)i%oms boDp. 3Jn t&cfctDS^Des ^♦^aulegmpnoeis, t^at fo^afinuc^east^eb^eaDeanDtupnem t\)t K^o;- Dee Cupper, Doo repielent bnto bs tbe t^erp boDp ano blouD of otu: rauiout; ct??(fl>bp ^te oton mc^ aautton anD o^Dtn jitice,tbctfo^e aufioug^ be fit in licum at ^10 fatbers ti^rn f^anb, pet $ulD Uie come to tbis mpCttcaU bjeao ^ Uiine ujit^ faui^e, tcuecenccpucitce aub feacc,a0 m luolD Do,tf t»e C^oulD come to fee ano teceaue €l)M bpm felfe f enttblp pjefent* fo; bnto t^e faittjfUU €\)iin is at ^t6 otone l)(Ap table p^efent, \xiitti i)\5 migl)tp fpinteanDgcace^auD is of tl^emmo^e fcuitfnUp receaueo^t^^H tf co^po^allp tt}cp C^uloe rcceaue bpm boDclp pjefent* ainb tl)ztfo}t t\)tp tljat fgal li)o;tf)elp come to t!^t0 goD0 boo^oe. mude aftcc Due tttal of tf^em relue0,condD;e ftca^tD^o ojoat neb t^ts table, alto bdatmeate ano D^CnHe t^ep COall ^aue tl^at com t^erto, ano botu t[)tp ou$l)t to be^aue tl^em (eltte0 tbeta^. I^e t^at p^epatcD tijeltable a ^\)mt i^imCelfe^ftCbe meat ^ D;pn&e \xil^tt^itU ^t feeoet!) tbem tbat come ttieceto as tUep ougl^t fo Do,f ^10 obme boop, ittt) 9 blub. OF THE EATYMG C^ep t!)at comt tljctto, muft occupp tF^cic mpn<^ De0 in conrioerpnge ^oIjdc Im t^oDp toas b;o&ett fo;t tbcin, ano l^is bltiD t^eo fo^ tbe^r rcDemptto, auDraoug()ttt)cptoapp;oc^eto tt;t0 iieauenlp table toit!) all (lumblenes of f)zmt, ano goDlp- ni0 of mpiiD, as to m table tobecin CbjUie bpm (eifeis geuen.iltnDt^ep tbatcome ot^ertoife to t^t0t)olp table,t^ep come tinlDO^tbtlP, ^ l)oo not eatc ^o;pnhe €\)Mts flief^e ano blouo^ but eate anD Djttibe t\)tit obue Dainnacton : bicaute tljcp Doo not Duelp connoer Cb^tdes t^erp QefDe ano. bIuD>btci^beoffreDt^ece rptrttuallp to be care ano D^tunHen, but otfp tfpng Cb;l(le0 mode bolP ruppet> DOO come tbtrto as it luece to otber mea- tus auD D^nUeS; tettbout rcgacoe of tbe Xo^DS boDp,ti)bicb ist^erpicitual meate of tbattable^ ekap.7v 23.ut(^ecemapnotbepa(i;eD ouettbe anftoece j^ into certaia places of auncientautbo?s,tDbicli ^cre fd ^^ ^^^ ^^^^ OjeUie^ feemc to malie toy t^e jdapias tiizmpi Pucpore> tbat eupl men do tntt ano D^inK tbe be- a^ Kurni'? rp fl^f^i and bluDDe of cb^iile. ydut it tbofe pfaf^ e(S be truelp ano t^?ougbelp l»aieD> it f^all ap- peace, tbat not one of tbcpm mauetb fo? tbep^ 0crour,tbat euil men do eat C^^iftes beep boDp* 'Am^inus €bC fiCflplaCe is of >S>*iUgUftin contra Cref cptitra Crcf conium grammatkumjtufjeC \)t factb?tbat altbogb cp :ji« fife, t, dij^iix bpm felf^rap^ir^e tbat eatetb not mp ael^e ^l- 2^ ' and Dj^infeetb not mp bluDDe, f^altnotbaiie ipfc ^ iU'bpm. pet dot}? nothis apoftels teacbe that tbe fame ^ is pernicious to the/m whiche v fe it not well: f 0? bce ^ Caitt^i'XOjjo foeucc f atetl) t^e bpm anD Djinfe^ft tfte; AND DRINKVNS. t^e cuppc of t\)Z toil) tjntoo2tijclp , OfMt sfltp oftl)eboDFanDi»iouDeoCtl|c7Lo^e4. 3l|n l^tct^e tuo^DCB ^ . SHuguatne feemctb to concluDe.tl^at artDCll t^e mil as cOe gooo do eat t^e boDp anD bloua ot l$;ta , aUbousQ t^e (ull ^auenobetiefUe buttiuttet^ecbr- )3ut conriDec t^e place of ^ausuftineDilf" gentip, ana tUen it (Qall eu(Oetui^ appeaccxtl^at ^e memenot of ti^e eatpng of C^^tdes boDpjbut of t^e faccameiit tt^eccof^f o; (^eintent of Camct 30U9uQ;ine tl^ere , IS 1 p^oue t^at gooD tl^tnges auaiU not to (ucb pecfones as Do euel lire t^mn anDtijiatmanpe twinges ^\)fQi^€ of t^em reitte0 begooD,anDbegooDiCo Tome, petto ottietfome t^epbce notgooD^ 3Stl^atlrgl|tetsgooDfo$ la^oleepcs>anD i;uttetl^ (o^c epes: t^aiineate to^ic^e IS gooD fo^ Come , is cuel f o^ o tl^et Come: i^nemeoecme t)caietf)rome,anDma^et^ ot^ec rpc&e«.£)ne ijacnes Dotli arme one^anD comb]^etf| anottjenonecoatetsnieetcf0;one,^toflraig^t fo^ an oil) ex. mnD after orl)ei^ examples , at tbe lad ^.^lugtt{linea)ettietbt!je Came tabee true tn tbera£camcutes,botl) of bapttfmeanDof t^e Xo^Dcs boDp tDl)tcfiel)e fait^eDoopjofitc onelp ttjem, t^at receiue t\)t fame teo^t^elp. ^HDtl?e Ujo;dcs of fatncti^au!e,U)fticl) fatnct amgufttnccuetlnDofpeaKecftbefacrawentaU bjeaDeanDcup>auDnotQftl}eboDp auD blouD* 3KnD pet fainct IHuguftlnecallctlj tftebccao anD tl)ecuppe:tl^ca[£a)eanDblooD,nott!)attt)cpbe fo tnoecD, but t!)8t tljep fignt^ie, 3ts free fapetft 75MU in 99 OF THE E ATYN^ (n 9n Otll tr place conua Maximmum* dStrd mxi 3n facrametcs (raptl^ l^e) Is to be conHDereD, ininu ii&.^. not U)^at ti^ep be, but iDbat i^epll^ei»e« f o;t^ ei '^^i'*^^* be (rsnee of otbei; tbmges , bepjige one t^itiit, anDfigntflpnganotbec • Ct^erfo^e as m bapttrme,tbo(e tbat come fap - neDlpatiD tbofeibat come bnfapncoip, botb bee toai^eo toitb tbe faccamentai toarec^ but boti) be not luaa^eD tsttb tbe bolp gb^^i^e, $ clotbeo t^ptfi Cb;ifte:roUube}lo;DeBruppct;botbe tate anb t^pnl(e tbe Cacrameatal b^eao ^ Uipne^but botbe eatetH)t Cb^tH i^pm feife, ano bee fiDbe tottb bts UtO^ nm bioiib.but rbore onip to^pc^eioo^tbelp veceiuetbeiaciamefit Dthdb con 3nb tbps mt^Mttt topi Cerue to anotbec place mvmtif.ot fapncteSPugaKpne againft tbe JDonartftes, Uhf.cap,t, f3jf)tU bee faptb, tbat ludasxeceyucd x^ body and bioudof tf?cLorde.ifo?as S». Kiugaftme m tljat place fpeai^etb of tbefactametrtorBaptprmcro Dotb be fpeaHe of tbe Cacrameut of tbe bobp ano blouD, ish^cl)t aeuectbeleflfe be calletb tbe bobp atib blouD, bpcaufe rbep figtrtfpe aiuj rep^efente t)nto bs tbe ^ztv boop, 6eR) ano bloub« ^, 3IIttD (as bef oje is at letigtb Dcclaceo)a flguw Chap*8. j^atbetbenamecf tbe tblnge tbat isi (igntfpeb ifiauce? fci tbecebp* Us a matmes pmage is calleo a matt, a caueBbpfllpongtmage,allpomabp;Desimagc,abp^De: namesof anDanpmageofatceeanbbecbc,tscallcDattee m topgso? becbe.^o totce toe toout to fap»!©uc labpe of u.t^£bt^cig^^lCpjig^am:€>wt;laDpeof3p(fa)icbe:€)ttce ri0«me ^^^^ ^^ ^^^^^ . ^^j. j^j^p of pptpe : fainct J^etec of AND DRINKYN(?. »0i Of la^pUan : ^aitit ^o^ti of 3(mFa£i^ ano ftic^e mt, not mcanpng tfft t\i^ti5tBti)cm reluc0, but caupngti)etci>ma$e& bpt^e tmmeof tbe r^pth: gesbpt^cm tep;€(entsD.3^no ipkeU^tUtDCtDece tx^otu to rap, d^reat fa^nct CI^;iftopijec of Xo}ht o; KLpncolne : £>u€ laop Uii^ttl^, op cocl^et^ ^ee c^pioe : XWi^B §0 tnppigremage tofainct )§e^ tecatiaotiK^auoCatnct lames in compofteiia* Mtyn tboufannelpKe fpeecl^es^t^l^tclie loete not DnoecftatvDof tbe l)ecp t^pngcs, but onlp of t^e images of tbemv ^o^Dot!)e falnct 3|o^n c^^pfodome Ci^e, t^at tDefecC^ittfte t^itbouDeeies, toucbeW^^feeie ^pm>anDgcopet)pmiKiitb out l^amoeg, fijce our (eet^m^i8ag!J)e,ta(lc tt,u?ea^ett,eate ti,anli Dtgeft it, maue reooe our tongues ano Die t^em lottt) 1)10 blouooe^dno fteaiotee it,anD D^pnlie it. 3llno in a catl^ecl)irme b^ me tranQauo^ fee futtlhj bfeDlike manet of fpeec^e, Gii|>ng, t^at iDitl^ ouc boot Ip mouti^es tD( secepue t^e boop $ blouD of Ci)?ill« -^COti^cl) mp faipngDiutrs igno cantpet^ones (not t^Ceoto reaoe oloe auncient a((t^o^i0,nozacqaainteDVDit^ tbetr pb^afe anD manec ot fpeecl^e) bpD cacpc ano tepje^enoe^fo? lacbe of gooD ijnDctftanDpng*. fojitbis^fpcecl)e,anDot^erbcfbcaure tUep be t^e ticrr r^sne^, ti$utes anD tol^mB tnf^ituteo of €W^»to cep^e (mtl^ntat30,^ts^l)e(;pflea^e attD;blouDDe. :anD pet as tDitiS^ oui;co^ipo^U(Pi0^ co?po;ail l)tkn\)zs ano mouc^^d loe do ^o^tpo^allp Hz, feeie, ta(le ^no eate t|»eI?i^eaDi,anD ^ivn\^ t\)e lopne (beepiig ti;e (tgne ano (actametuee of c^^tfles; i^oop^tuenfo \oit\) our fpuimall epe0,^am»e0, ano moat^e0^ toe Doo fpH^ituaUp (e^,eeeu>taa, $ e^tel^tiQ^ti^tp fiei^e ano D;fn^( I|i0 l^erp bloiiDt* ^ufcbiM ^0 Cufi^bi^s CmifTenus faptl; : m^^n t^ou mmj^m commefttot^ereuecenDaltaceto bcfplleDtoU^ if ^'"^.^.^ rpitUualmeate0,toitljt(^pfai£l^ loofee ijpottt^e -EMumjtu ij^jjp ^ jjj^jj^ ^^Ijj^^^ ^l^^( ^g ^^^ SOD,bono; Ijpm, "^ touc6ei)pm tejtb ti)piiipnDe, taHei^pm toic^c^e "^ pool t^p^act,^ D^pnH^pntUiittitl^eDiiaas^t ^ of Jtbpne tnjo^acDeinam Ino t^eCe fpicUuali t^itt gestequicenowpo^iallp^efenceof €\)iift ^pm felfe^ to^o fptut^ xpntpntiallp in ^eatten ac ide i^l^l^anDeof ^t0 lat^cc^ 3nD as t^f 10 inoft^ ^tnte^fo (0 it! all atiD fttf- lititnt to aunftocrBaUt^pngtst^at t^e papi^ Ile0 canbmi int^U mattec, tt^at W^ anp ap^ pat;ance fo^tlieicpattfe^ Cf?ap4 9. iiJotoeitig requifit^, to fpeafecfome tftpng of t&eiiiaaecanDfo;meof iDo^Q)tpppng of Cf/i^tft, «e«o?a bpthemtbatccccitte tftisractam^nt, Icfttbatiu llaam/nL ^^^ ^e^oe Of Cftiiia ftpiu feCfe, be l^o^C^tppf d tbe faccamctit* f o: as bis b»^anitec,iopnco tobts Dtuitutee, anb exaUeb to tbe tpgbt b^ube of Ui^ iat\)zcjs to beetoo^OE^pppebof all aeature0,ut liieaueti A ND Z)RIN K r N G. 1^1 l^eattcti, pt act^, uno t^noec t^e reartl^ : euen To if in t^e (tcaoe thereof, toe too^l^^p t^e Hgnea ano factamentcs, toe commtcteas gccat pDolatrp as mtt toas, o; (l)a(l be to t^e toojttDee enoe. 3lnDr^ti)duett)et)erp3llnttc!)^me0(tbeail)tf ZDe fpm« left enemies t^atCbjtfte^atbjbpt^eie fpncm^ p^' p^opu aencf60 anD ccaftp^cbolaftuali Dtttinitee,DeItt ^^^^^^^^ Deo manp ipmple faules, anDb^oug^tt^emta fftis fto?t(ble jDolatcp, to too^f^pp ttjpnjeg b t- ftble, anb tnabe tottb tfietr otone i)anbe0,petrcm' bpng tl)em, t^at creatures toeie t^ep^ creatour, tbep^ d^oD anD t^ep^ mabec« jfo^ et6 tobat mabe t^e people to ttinne frome tljepifeatestot^eaultar,^ from altar to altar, anb fro (auerpng(as tbcp calieb tt) to faltctpngcf peeppng,tootpn9, anbgafpngeat tbatti)png€ tobU^etl^epjteftt^efbe bp mi|t0 Canoes, tftt^e^ t^ouglit not to t)onour t^at ti^png, to^icbe tljep (ato r iX>W moueb tlje p^tteftes to ipft tip t\)t ta^ cramencfo t^pe ouer tl^epj^f^cabesr o^ tt^e prople, rocrte to t^ep^ieft^i^oioe bp, t^oioe bp : ano one man to (ap to an otUr,fi)toupc ootDne brto^ o; tofap: ((Etji0bapliatte3ireenempnialicc* 3 no, 3fcanr:Otbequ!ete,p)ccept3ifeenipmefeerotu0 a bdpi'acof;at toa0 t^e caufc or ail toefe^ano tl)ae a0 toeil t^e p;tteft 00 t^e people To bcttoutelp Dpb linocbf anb fenedc at euap frgljte of t»)c frcca^s mentf' but that t^eptoco;^fi)Pppeb tlmt bpCpble tftpnge/tobpc^etfjep fatoe toiti) tbcr? cpes^anb tobfeettfortcrp^obt? f ojpf t!)ep too;(!)pppcD in rpiriteonelp €\)}ittt, i^upn^ m l^cauen tcit?) Ce t&l^an t;^ tuas gone t)P into beauenrjf t^ep leoid^pppeo not^png t^at tbep fatoe, tDl^p opo tl?ep tpic Dp to kf aaottbtles ma- np of t^e fpmplepeople ijjoo?fI) t)p occafion to tbem tbat be igno;ant>to ivo^f^tp t(iat \xiW\n tbep fee* aoobP Dooe t[)tp^ not tat^ec quutip (pt ftii m tbeic feates, anD moue tbe peo« pietoDootljelpHe, itio^zf^ppppng C^OD in l)a $e ano in fpiciie, tban to gaODe about frome place topiuCc,tafpetbat tbpng>^bieb^ tbep confelTe: tijein felueg, is not to fee too;(]^pppeD r ^uDpet to ercbeli^ont:finconuenience(t^tifi{ to (ap^ tbe boo^iii^ppppng of t^e faccament)t^ep fail intoan otbeca^ eupi,anD bo^t^pp notbpng tbere at alLfo^i tbep tDO^O^ip t!;at tbing (as tbel fap)tobicbe is cealip anD co^po?aUp>atti>pet inut Obip p^efent t^noertbe^inDSof b?eaDanDteinf»^^ tnbicbecas before is e]cp;efl:eoanD^t^;oueO)t0 lDt:^ teclp notbpng* MD fo tbep g^ue bnto tbe igno- lan t occafian^ to UiojO^pp b^eaoe anu tnpne, ami :6ut t^e t^aptllcs (foa t^ect otone commoDUie, to ^eepe t^e people ilrll in jDolattte) Doo often allege a cumin place of ^^aiugudme l^pon tf)tAugu(i,m ^CalUiegjtDbere^e fait^, t^^at no mandoecbeatCf/al,^^ the flcffee of Chr ifte, cxcepce be f yrfte woorfb^p ic, ailD tl)at we doo not offend in worfl?ippYng tbcrof, but xoz (boulde ofFcndc, if wc fl?ouId not TDorfi?y p it, C^at 10 tsue, bl^ie^e fainct 3u9U(titie fatttie in tw place ♦ f o^ bl)o t6 liee, t^at p^ofeiTet^ C&?(ae,anDtsrpUUuailp feooe ano noudO^eD mt\^ ^tB aefl)e ano blouoe, but ^e bipll l^onoute anDbioi^(9tpilpm,rpttpnsat tl^e tigbt^anoe o£ bis fatbec^ano teno^e tnto Ifim from t^ebottom of f)is beet, all lauoe, p;apre > ano t^anHes, f o; 11^(0 mercpfull reoempttonr AND a6tbt0t0mo(te tcetoe, (o^icl^e rafncte 3lusu(llnefapetb, fot0 t^atmode falCe iDt^tc^c t^e {aaplded inoulDe petfuaoe bponfapnct Hu- gu(lme0tDOo^De0,t{|at t^e facramentail b^eaD anotopne, o;anp t^pfpble t^png 10 to bee tDo;- ll^pppeD m tl)e ^accamente « f o; fapncte 3iu^ gudpned mpnDeb)a0 To farce fcome anp fucbe tboasbte,t6at t^e fo^bpboetii btterlp to U)Oo^is QPP C^^t(te0 obne Belize anb blouoe alone, but Inconnoecatlon, ano a0 tl^ep bee anneiceo and iopneo to W DiuUKtee. l^otoe niucl)e lelTe tban coulD l)e t^pnlie o|^ allotoe, tl^at toe (^ouloe U)o? - t^ppc^eCaccamcntall b^eaoe ano l»pne, oj^anp outUiatDeo^Mible faccamentrtDbK^ebee fl^a^ Dot»e0»ftsuce0>ani));ep^erentat(on0 of €W^^^ OFT HE BATYNfi terpaeQ)eaitt)biottDDr. ®PP;»?»50f Ct^^illes t)ecptioDp,U)e (ftoulDof:* ?enDe,anDtl)ei:jr3i2 i)c biDOet!) tje^toftan toe too^is tt)PP Cij.itile, t^at uje a;aulDe not taccp anD fijcc oucmpnDe0 l)poti^tsacn)£(tu!)icl)eof icfelfa< uapiet{|iiorf)png) buttlmttueea)Ott!De tpfte l)p our oipnDes fcom tl^e ael^e to tl)efptt:tte,Ui^Ube §euett) IpfeiaiiD pet tbe ^aptiles be not afrapoe t)p ccaftp meanes to tnoucc ts , to h)o;(]^ip t^ofe tl^pn9e0,U)l)tct)ebe ii$\KB anD faaamcuted of CWftes boDp; 25ut i»t)at iBpl not t!)e (^amelelfe Rapides al- leDge fo; t})m purpofe, tDl^an t^ep bee not afl}a^ mcD to niapntVpne tbe aoo^tation of ti^e ^acra^ ment.bp t^cfe ^o;dc0 of rapnt 9u9u(ltn0cU)ber in l^e rpeal^et^ not one tDO^De of t^e aDo;ation of t^e (accament> but onelp of €W^^ ^pmfelfr 9nD alt^oug^e \)t Tape, tbat €\)Mt gaue W Ucfhz ca be eaten of b0,pet ^e ment not, tbat W UtQ^t 10 bece coipo^aUp p^efente, ano coj^po^alip^ eaten, but onelp fpirttuailp. 30 b(0 Uio^oeetie^ Clare plapnlp,iDbPc^efolobe in tbe Tame place, iD^ere fapnt MiMint a0 it tucct in t\)t pecCone^ of C^^tde, rpeauetb tbete tDO^Dc0 : 3t t0 t^e Cpicite t?)at geuetb ipfe. butt the fleff?e profitef h notl?yngfcV The wordcs97f?ycf? I l?auc fpo- ken vnto you, be fpitkc and lyfc That Tpl?iche I hauc fpoken, vndcrflande you fpiritually. You fiTall not eacc this body, vohich you fee, anb D^Pllfe ti^at blUl> toliic^etft£pajaU(9eDDe:,tljat^aU ctuctftt me. UND DRI V1CYN«» 10? ► J^auftommenDtD Ijnto Fou a facrauienfb :vn« >ctern;andeitrpiritualiy, anOtt (^Igeus POU IV^t^ >}( mud be tnttiftblp t^nDeell;ant»e« (CbefetDo^oes^ of fapnct Suguattiebltb t^c ot^ec before rectteo, oo ejcp^ede l^i& mpnD plains Ipe, tbat Cbnile 10 not otbecUipfe to bee eateiv e^an rpirituaflp,(^bpcl)e fptcttuaU eatpnge ce^ ^up^etb no co;po^atl p^cCence) ano tbat ^e mteti Deo not to teacbe beere anp aiM);atton> eptbec of t\^t btrtble (acramentes>o; ot anp tbpnge cbat 10 co;po;iailp in t\)c\x\.fo; in Det>e tbere t0 notbpng ceaUp anb co^po^Up in tbe b^eaD to be too^^ip - peo^altboug^tbeiaapUleerape, tliat Ci^^tdts Ineuerp confecrateD b;eaD» }3ut oure fauiour Cb^tae bpmfelfebat^ ge^ uent)0 toarnpnge before banbe, tbat fucl^e falfe cf)?t(ltansanDfairetcacbet;0 O^ouibe conte, rniD »bat^ b^DDe b0 to betoace of t^tnh fapenge : if a^ flja^vs^ >5ny manne telle you that C hnftc is here, or Chrillc is j>tl?€re, belecuc f>ym not* Jf 0^ tbece ©all tpfC falfC » C^;t(le0 anl>f aire p^opbetc0>anDi&al Q)t\xi ma<: 3^np fignes ano tDonDet;0, fo tbat if it toece poffit^ J3ble,tbet)etpe clecte Q)mm bee bw>ugbte into >>ertoure* cake ^ceoe, 3| ^anetoloe poubefo^ >'^anbe« Cbti0 out ^autottt Cb?ide (liUe ainotle lo^ upng paaocit ant^:^auioucoe our roule0)bat(i^ qtum toumcmnge beefo^ b^noeof t^e peril- Ie0 ano oauugecs tbat inere to come, ano to bee lo((eanbtcare^ti;atb}ef^ontbenot gcue crebitr Cc.iii» t^ntm OP THB* E ATITNG ' r. i)nto (Ucl^e tedc1^erfir,a0it)ouit»e petfi»dDr 60 to ix^o^Qf^p apecceof u^eaoe^to feitecie to it, to ItnofKeto tt^tocreepctoictofoIolDeltUt )i}0. cefTcon, to Ipftc t3p out fyatiocs to it,to olFei: to it, to llgUt canoels to it, to f^utte it bp id a c\)t^ 01 ^ojce, to 000 ad ott^^c ^onotrt t^nto it, mo;t t^ati it^e DQo ^ttto 600: t^aupng altuai^tijid pretence o^ejccuCefo? oure jDolatne. a3ef^oloe> i^ere 10 »' C^^Ule. I5ut out iauiour c^n^e callet^tl^cm Wat»H» faifep;op|jete0,atiD faietl?: fCafee^eOe, 3 telt » pottbeeto^e, s^cieae tj^cimnot, 3if t^ep fate to 3> pou::6e^oioeCf)?tfte is ab?oDe> 0; m tl^e IdU- >> DitncSe, go not out. 3inD U t^ep fape^ t^at f)z ts )> Hcpte In clofe places, btUut tJ^tm not* Chap4o Mo it pou tppli ar^e mt t\^z qixtftion, iu!|0 be %btv b« ft^fi^f^U^ }^;op^ete6 ano ftouwts of tl;c peo- m'^upt^ ple^t^eauuruiecetfiirooneuiaDe: cbeiiiomta^e 0(6 {{)4t %nticW^t& mo tl^t}^; aobetentes, t^e aut^o|;s 2iL"*J?^«^ or allei;i:our>fgno;ance,blmoeacffe, fupcrftttt- peopic on,ftppoc«ae,8nD pDolatcic* i««occ«Vki df 0^ jmottiiciuB t^c tijpf De (one of t Je mod ^m/w. lopclteD men t^at mtt loas in tl^e Tea of laome) bpD o^oepne ano Decree, t^at t^e l)0(le (^ouiD be Dtligentlp l^ept t3noei; locke ano ^ep. mnorm ^^^ l^ono^tus tbc tl)trDe, not onip conUtmt'o tmim, tl^t fame, but commanoeo alfo ,tliat t\)t p^lede^ (]^uID DtUgentip teacbe tl^e people from tpme to tpme,t^atii}^an tl^eplifceot^pt^e b^eaDDe,cal- leD t^e bode, t^e people a;oulD tban reuerentip botDC DoUme, ano t^at Itketotfe ti;cp (^oulbe ooo tol^mmt\)tp;izftz carnett^tUcl^oftebnto ftci^e fo»e0 f Dlkii^wCbere b$t^ta^tutts^ ^nn ^'tifmntt& of 31Rome,ljnDe$ pretence oe ft cMPiietTe , to leaDc tljc people \)nto ail eccouc aub pDolatrp : nor b^pti- gpngc tftepiii bp j?;caDiet»utaC^«>ft,bi^tfcom 5;ft;ift£ Data b^eab?^ . . ^ :t5ttt all tl^at loue ano beleeuc Cf)2P(le l)pm cbap^vu felfc , lette tl^epm nowl^mfee, t^at C^ilde is co;- po^allp iutfte b?cai>€> butiette tijepm ipcte t^ppe ^» '*^•^- i&ep^ftactes tjnto l^cau£u, auD tP0o;fl)tppc t)ini» [J^^^J^^^^ ftttpng tftece at ttjiei:|j jiju banDe of ijis^if atliw. Sao»n« }LectetftepmlB0>(9ppQpmmtbetaretues,i])bare o( ico;utte temples tftep Uee^ ta income ^ee^tDelletl^ ano ititt)e^» Ipnetl) rptcfcnallp : but m no ioiT^, iu t^eni loa^ cfatmiK;^^ (i^ippe ftpm, as bepnge co^po^anp in t^e bjeaDe> j'o^lbeidnattttit^ ndtbei; fpmtuallp (asftels; In mantle) no? tojpo^allp, (as bee 10 in fteauenj imt onefp Caccaineutallp , as a ttilns^mapc bee (apD^ ta bee in tfte epguce^^ftetebp it isl^s^ ope^eo* (C^u^isfufficientelp tep^otieb t^e tf^fM p^pnctpaU eccout of ttie}^pmie0,coti^ cecnpngrtfje JCojoesfupp^Ctoftp;: c^eis,c^attDtcfceDtnenib?eje^ ^ of tlje oeupl,Do eate Cftju 8t0beEpboDpe,ano Drpime^ps blouDe* TT?U8 cndetUthcfpwcrthBookc;^ iceolcOe THE FIFTH BOOKE IS 0;P TAB OBX ATIOM AND 5 A C R I- Jictofour Saiitour Chri^e^ [HEgreated btafp^empe^ intucpt^atcatt beagatnft €>^M^>^Vtt t^niuerfallpe l?reot^^t)U3f) t^e poptfj^e p^teaes mabe t|;eir i^aHe a racctfrcep;optcfacorp»to temtt t^e ((nnes aOneii of Ct)epmrelue0, as^df ot^ei; b^t\l ti\xit\^t ant) De&D, to bbo c^er it(t to appipe t^efame«fC^U0t3tTbee pretence of bolpnes » t^t l^aptmcai p;(raes;, ^aue tal^en Dpon t\itm tobe Cb2ttftedfticteSrour0,anDtomabe fuc^e an ob- lacton attb Tacrii^pcr, as neuet; cceatute tnaoe but Cb^tde aione, ncitber b e made t^e fame anp mo tpmes tj^an one0, ano t^at ioa0 bii W Drat^ tjpontbectoife, :f 0^ as fatnct }^aule 3titougbtbe b^dbe p^tefte0 of tbe oloe latde offeree manp ttmc0 (at tbe lead c;s ieacVbce, ' tt«p peace onti5)pet Cb^tft cfferetb not bim fclfe ttoctitec * manp times, fo?tbenteen)ou{De manp tpmcs Cacttfpcc * baueopeo* 23tttna\s$2 b^offeretbbpmfeltc bne •t ffft?ia > oue0,totafeeatoape fpniie,bptbat offecpngeof »tt)cw«^ (jimfelfe^lnoasmennemuft Dpe onc0,iouia0 S5fe u^Sr CWfte offered dtlesVto tafee atoape tbe fpmies ^tiD fuctbermo^e ^. )^aale raUl^ , cbat tbe €hap«24 SACRIFICE OFCHRIST. 105 coutpnuall^ offeteD from pere to rece^pet coalDe t^ep not td^e aU)ap fpnne, no; nial^e me perfects jfo|tpe tl)epcoulDone0 bane qutetcD mens con- iB^iU,t9. fcicnceSjbp taupng atoap ft^nne^tbep flOuID ftauc cea^cD,anD no mo?e ^aneben offt;eD*23ut Cb^td tottbone0offetpng>l^atl) maoe perfect fo;euer> t^epm tljat bee fancttfpeD: puttpng tl^ep^ fpnnea cleaneoutof eoos trmcmb^aunce^ ^nMu^ere rempffpon of fpnnes t0,tl^ete i^ no moje offrpng fo^fpnne* mi> pet futthtt \it raptl):Concernpng t^e oIDe tedament^tt^atittDas DtfanulleD ano ta&en a- toap, btcaufe of tl^e feblenelTe ano bnpjofttable^ ^.-i, - ; nefl:etfterof,fo?ttb^on8l^tnotbpngtopecfecti' on.^nbt^e pueaesof t(iatlaU)eberemanp,bt- caufe toep ipucD not longe^anD fo tl)e p^teOtioDe toent from one to an otben but Ct^^ide Ipuetl; z^ uet, and W^ an euerlaapnge p?ie(lbooDe, t|ac panfetb not from ^pm to anp man ellea^ aco^ere:^ fo^e be is able perfectlp to (aue tbepm t^at come to (!^oDbpbpm,fo?a6mucbeas!)^ Ipuetl; euec to mal^e tntercedlon fo^ b0« fo}, pt bas mete fo; b0 to baui fucbe an bpfib p}it&, tfjat tg bolp^m::^ nocent, U)ttbout fpotteXeparateb from fpnners, anDCjcalteDtipabotiebeauen: l»bo neeoetbnot batlp to offer bp facrpftcc(a5 aarog p^ieftfli bpD) fp^ft fo? i^iB ohme fpnnes;, anb t^an to} tbe peo<* ple»f o?tbatt)ebpDbeone0.tobanl)eoffereD t^p bpm relfe^ l^ere in bi0 Cpillleto tbe I^eb?ue0, ©DtL fapne OPTHE OBLATION AND 10 i)Sy tbe Difference bettoene t^e p^teHbooe and fnctiUtts of t^e oloe Cedament, anD tl)c moae ^tgt) atiD tt)Qjiti)p p;(eIli?0De of cbtil,^ts mode pccrecte ano neccRarp (acrif^ce, ano t^e benefite t^at coinmet^ to D5 tl;cctip« i'oz cfj^ift Oif ceo not tl)e bluD of caltte0,(5ep0 ano goatcg (as t^e prudes of t^e oio iatsie Dfen (0 DDo) bm b^M^tco f)(5 otone biofiDje bpon tfjg CcofTe.^ino f)e taent not into an l)olp place ttiaoe bp mans Jjanoc (as aiacon dpd; but beafcenoeo l2p into beauen, u^l^ece bis cternail f^tbec otuel - letb, ano before bpm be ma^etb contiuualL (iip^ pHcacton to; tbe fpnnes of tbe Uibole tDo^ioe, p^e CcutpngbisotuneboDpe, Uil^i^cbe^ai to^nefo; ijs, ano bts p^iecious biouo. l»btcb of bis mode Stacioxi&a!iDUbecaUci^ai;itee,^e QftDbz fo^bd tjpont^eCroffe* mt) tbat laczifice teas of fuclje fo^ce, tijat ft It) as no neoe totenctoe it euerp pcre, as tbe bpf^ (fto, s DpD of tbe o!De teftament, (tofiofe facicif^ ces U)ete manp tpmcs olfeceD.anDpet toercof no gceat ^.flcct o^p?ofitr,becauretbep tuecefpnnec0 cbemfeluejtbatoffereD tbepm, ano offeceo not tbep; oton: blouDe, but tfte blouDe of biutt bea* lies ;but Cb^tdes faccifpce ones oSceo. Ir^as ftif^ frCvejTtfozeuermo^e* Chap. 3 V ^»^ ^ft^t al men map tlje better bnoerdao tbi^ ^ facncice of Cbjift (tobicbe be mane fc? tbe great SrifH^. benemeof ailmen)itisnece(rarpto bxmst tbe JACRIWCE OFCHRIST. to^ Di(lmctionanD])ittei;ntee of racc(fne ^^aJ) of rdcaficet&erets.tv^tc^ is; caiUD a ^jopictatojic o; nmci^mi faccifice, tftat is to fatcfuc^eafaccificeaspactriet^ (5oD6 tu^atbe atiD tuDtgttattoH, atiD obrepneti; mcrcp ano fo;t^ gpaeiieffe f o; all out fpntieg, ano is tht canrom to^ ouc reoempt ion from cuecladpug Damnation 3aDaltl)ougl)i!it6eolD teftaaicnttljecc mttHW^tU mmn facrifccea called bp ttjat namc.|>et in tjcri ^Jf^^L Deoe t\)tu is btu one fucbe faci;ir'iee,to^eebp out ^^^^^ ltutKSbepat:DotieD,^9OD0 mcrcp ^ fauouc ob« tettteo (tDt)tc^e is t^e oetf) oftl^efon ot^or> out Xo;d iefu €i)iitt)no; neuer teas anp ot^ec faccl liccpjioptctato^patanptpme.no; neuec (l^aibe. Ctjis is t!)e bono^ aiio gto^p of tl^is our l)iq!^ p^ieil^b^etin^eaDmtctet^nettljetpartencrno) (ucce(roui;.fO];bpl)isone oblation ^e fatiifieD l)is fatbcr fo^ all immts fpnnes.anD tceoncileo iiianbpno ijnto i)is grace ano fauoar. I^notsbo foeucc Dep^iue^pm of tbis i^onour,anD goea^ bouce to take it to t!)em felucs, t[)tp be tietp ^In- cicb^des, atiDmofte arrogant biafptjemecs a- gainft d^oD.ano againd \)tB Tonne 3|erus (l\)}i^ to^omt)ebat^rent4 Another l^pnDe of facrifice t^ere Is , tDl^pcl^e Dootlie not reconcile t^s to6oD,butis tnaoe of tJ^em t^at be reconcileD bp Ci)Mfli to.te(ltr'te one bueties tinto goo, ano to t^eb^ our Celues tbanir full t)nto iipm. 3(lnD tt^erfo^e ti)ep be calleo ^a- crificc0 of lanoe^p^aife ano tl^anUes geupnge. OF THE OBLATIONAND C&efpjdefepitDe of facrtfpc^CfeiftoffceDto <^0D fo^ t)0> t!)0 fcconDc l^pnoc lue out felues of- .fectoc5oDbpci)^(n;e* ^iiDbptljcfp^afepnDe of faccmce Cl)?m of- fered alfo tis tjuto ijis father, anDbptl)c TeconD toce offer oucefeluesauD all tf^attoeljaue tjuto l;i>manD 1)10 father, :2PnD tijts facrifice gencrallp is our toljole obe Dicnce tJitto (0oD,^ii beppng \)\b latoes anD com^^ mauuDementes.i^f U)!)pc^e maner of faccpfice ^(ai $0 . fpeaketb tlje pjop&cte j^autD, fapeng : ^ facrp- fice to (500. is a contrite f^erte* :iinD &♦ Jdetcr t.i$cf,j» faitft of all cljjiaeri people, tl^atttjep be an ^olp p;ie(li)ODe, to offer fpirituall facrcfices,accepta' ble to (0OD bp 3[eru Cl??i(le. 3lnD g^^^aul fait^, 3^«^J•»^ Cl^ataltoapetoee offer tnto d^ooa facrpfpceof lauoeanDp^apfebpJefus Cl)jifte. Cf?ap*4, ^«^ "Otoe to rpealie fomtobat mo?e largelp of SL mL ^^^P?i^ft^ot)eanDfacrifcceof «£^?ifl;,t)etoas^u- pla^^e Dc^ ^&^ ^» i&PS^ bpa)op, tl}at ftc ones offerpng !)piii ciacatron fclf, toas fttffcciet bp oiies rffurton of bis blouD, tli^l ^T to^'^olP^^fP^nct^nto tftctoojloes eno^i^etoas cojtfte, ^^ P^t^fect a p^iell.tbat bp one oblatio tje purged an infinite beape of fpnnesjeaupng an eafp anD a reDp remeop to; al fpnners, t!)at l)is one facrp - fice llJulDe fuffife fo; manp peares, tnto all men tbattuolDenotl^etoetbeimfelues bntooojtbpe* 3lna fte tohe bnto l^pm felfe, not onelp tijcir fin- nest^atmanp pcres before toere oeaD, anD pat iWi truff in !?pm, but aifo t\)z fpnnes of tljofe, tl;at 5ACRirrCE OF CHRIST. 107 leuem!|t0 9orpelu^ott)acnotDe toe mapIoHe fo^ none ot^er paied; no} (tiaiUcty to take atoape out; fpnnes, Out onip l)pm ano^ts facciftce. 3iinD a0 ^c Dptng ones, ttias offeceo fo; aii, fo a0 mu- cbe a0 pertapneo to t|pm, bee tol^e all mens fpn^ nes tjnto t)pm felf e* ^ o tl)a t notoe tijece remat - net!)nomofacnf(cesfo;fpnne, but eictteme lu^ gement at tbe iafle oate^iu^an ^e O^all appece to 1)0 agapne, not as a man to be punp(I|eD agam, anD to bee maDe a facriftce fo; ouc finnes (as be i^eb. 9* feas before) but be (Dal come in b(s slo;p,Ujitb' out ftnne, to tbe great top ano comfort of tbem toi)icl^ be puctfieD ano made cleane b^ b^s Deati> anD continue in goDlp ano innocent iiupn9,anD to tbe great terrour ano D^eaoe of tbem tbat be lDicUebanDt)ng;ot)lp« (^bustbe fcciptuce teacbetb, tbatif Cb^ifte baODe maoe aup oblation fo^fpnne mo;e tban ones,b^ ibouloebaueDpeD mo^etbanne ones: foiasmucbeas tbereis none oblation ano fa- crpfice fo; fpnne, butonelp bis Deatbe ♦ M^ ndtue tbece is no mo;e oblation fo; fpnne, fepng tbat bp bim our fumes beremitteo.anD ouc con^ telenets quieteD* AND altbougb in tbeoloe cedament, tbere Chap.?^ lucre certapne faccifices, calleD Sacrifices fo^^^^^aah fpnne,pet tbep toer no fucb Cacrifices.tbatcoulD uttot m tafee auiap ouc fpnnes in tbe figbte of <0oD, but oio iato«. tbep toere ceremonies^ otDeineo to tbis entente, j^DMi^ tb^t OF THB OBLATION AHD tifHt tfytp Q)oulu bzt as it luece (^aootoeg anD fyiutt&,toUinitiebttt0}z ^anoe t^e ttcaitnt facctfpce af c^^tae t^at^as to come, tobpctie t^auioe be tt^e berp tmeatiD perfect faectace to; t^e t^nnts ot t^e toliole luofloe* anofo^t^isftgntficattontljiep i^ao t^e name ef araci:inGep;optciato^te,anD mcr calleo faca^ fCceg fo3^rpntte0, not bpfaufetftep in oeoe toobe auja? oucrmtie0,but btcauret^ep toereimageg, l^aDobie5,anD figures, iDt^erbp goolp men luec aomonf^iDeo of t^e mm iacrUtce or C^i^iH t^aii to come, to^pcbi C^oulo traei|> abol^fl^e fpn anD (ueriaftpngebeat^^ Smot^attboferacr^fices, tuI^^pc^eiDere maoe ^Pt^ep^te(legmtbeoU)eiait)e,coulDe not bea- I'ietopttfCbaCeourparDon, and oeierue ttiere^ migtonof ourft'nnes, ^. ^auleooot^ ciereip mti^9* dff(tmetnl^tsratbepiaietott)(l^eb;m9, tober« be fapt^ : 3t is impoOible tbat oucrpnnes (ftiHD be taken au)ap bp ttjc blouo of oxtn ano 8oat(0« ^^erfo;e aUgoDlpmcn.aitbougb tbep DpD t)retbore(acc(fccego^DeineD of <5oD,petti;epDiti ttottal^et^emastl^pugegof tbat balue ano e. ftimation,tbat tberbp t\)t^ QulDe be abie to ob- tepnrempiTionoftbetcrpnnes before 0ob« J3ut tftep tofee tbepm pattlp fo^ fpguces and tolieng o^betneD of <5ot), b^ the lul^tc^e be Dccia teD> tbat be tooioe fenDe tbat feoe, tobtcbe be m ^ tnpfeo ro be t^e berp true (artifice fo; (pnne, anD t^at ^e i^ouloe recepue tl^em tl^iat trudeo in tbat pjomife « A C R I r I C E O F CH R I J T* I 08 flee aftec to come. 3nD pactelp tbep tfei) tl)etua0 certapne ccte^ motues> iD^erb^ Cuc^ pecCon^ as bao of enocD ^ agattid t^c laioe ofi^opre^, ano toete cafte out of tt|e coscegacion^tDcre cccetueo agam among; t^e people , auDDeciattDto beabColueD. 3is fo; ipl^e purpofes toee bfe m ttie Ci)uul)e ot €\^Mty (acramentes bp b^m tnftttauo « 3nD tbisouttpacDccailpti^eoutfcom me people ot <5oo, ano cecctuing m agapne , Xom acco/omgei tjacbelaU)e m^ Hnau)UD;$eof mamie> but t^ tcuececoaciltatbtiatiD toj^qitxtmst^t fpntte be^ to;t<5ot>y ttntiKt^tbe fathers of ti^eolDe laoie: |)aD,tio^toep0£ baue.but onlp bp ci^eCamfueof Cb^ifl:^ maoe mx!;e mount of Caluatp^^notl^e^ racnfices of tbe oloe im uuce pj^onontcactond auD figuces otcbe fame tban to come^as out (dL ccamcntcs bee fp^sures ano oeiuonllcaciong of t^eramenoi^epalTcD^ /Bottle bp t^efe fojefapbc t^mgej^ map tmtp CI?api e?. maneafelppcrcetue, tbat tfteofferpnge of t\)e ^whtmam Platen in tbe ij^a(re,o^tl)eappotmpn3 of bis mt ts not afa« nldcacloat bts pleafure , to tbem t^at be quick ctifiupxo^ 0? DeaDi can not metlte anoiijefecue , neitber to Pi^«t<'?»e» ^imfelfe, not to tt^epm fo;\»l)ombe Ctngetb o; fapet^,t^ecemtlfton of tbelcfpnnes: but tbat tuct^c i^opplQe Docttpne Is contcacp to tbe Doc> ttT^nt of tbe gofpell , ano Inlucious to ty e faccC^ fweofCftiifte* OF THE OBLATION AND foi ff onlp t\)t Deatl^ of (iW^ ^t t^c oblatiott, (actiT(ceanDp^tcei2)bcrefojieou£ Unms bt put- mncD, t\)m tliz acte o; miniftttition oftf)t p^ted can not l^auetlie fame office, ^(^erfo^etttsan abl^omtnableblafp^cmp, to gme tbat office o;; dtgntreetoap^teft, u^btcbe pectatnetbonlpeto C^^tfl: 0^ to aff tcme tbat tbe Cl^utc^e batb nceD ofanpfucbefaccificeustDbo ^ulderape, tbat €W^^^ racctf ice iDCt not ruffictcnt f o^ t^e cemtf fton of out; Cannes: o? els tW l)is facctfice O^ulD l^ange bpon tbe facctfice of a ^^ted. 23 tit all fuci^e pmitt^, a0 p^eteno to be cb?tV ftzB fnccelTouces in tna^tnge a facictfice of \)m, tbep bt\)i6 mod bainous anb bo^tibleaoucrfa^ tiZB* f 0^ neuecno pecfon maoe afacctfpcc of Cb^tfl.but bebftnfelfe onip. mnD tbecfocc faint ^tb. 7* i^airte faitb , tbat €bMzs p^ieftbooo can not pade from btm to an ocbec.f o: U)bac neoetb ant nto (acclftcesi,if €W^zs facctfice be perfect anD i^tb,s. fudictent^'Sno as (atnt ^aulc faptb. tbat if tbe facrtfices ano mf nidcacion of 3^aron, ano otbec p?fede0 of tbattpme, ^ao lacl^eo notbpng;,bue bao bttn perfect anD (ufficf ent,tl)en df/ouiDe not tbe faccif tee of Cb?ide baue been ceqnireDCfo^ ft bab been but f n t3atn,to aooe anp t\)^n^ to tbat, tDbpcbeof ft felfetoas perfecte) folpketopfe pt Cb?fdesfaci(ficebJbPCbebeinaDe ^pmfelfe be fudf cf ent, tnbat neeo toe tmt^ Dap to bane mo ^ mo facciffcesc aXJftecefozeaU^opfffie pjiedes, t^atp^efumetomabeeuerpeDapea facrfffce of Ci^;ide SACRIFICE OFCHRI5T. top faci^iftce tarne,t)npet:fccte ano t)nra(ftciente,o$ d0 ^s tbm inctiUu in tiapne>^tc^e i£; aDDeo to trie facrtf ^ce, U)l^lc^e 10 alceaop of tt felfe fufflcc^ entanD perfected 23ut(t rsa U)ounDerou0 tf^vttic.tokt lul^at (^tftes anD cautel0 tt)e {^opid^e ^(nttcl^j^iaes De=: utfe, to colour anD clobe tliieit; io)^cUi^ tttonzB^ ^00 as a ci)apne (s (0 iopncD togpt^r/tl^at one \vn\3it D^atDct^ an otl^ec after pt, Co be tpces anD etrours l^npttetogpt^ee, ti)at euerpe one D?a- toet^ W fellolDe Uitt^ ^pm.^nD To Doot^e it ^ere int^ismatter* foi t^ie ^aptftsCto eiccufe tfjem rel«e0) do fap, Chap^r. tijat t^ep Qiai^e no netoe faccifice, no; none ot^ec ^ faccif ice tpifti^ifte maoe (fo; m^ liee not fo inSnS blp«De,buttl&epfce,t!^att^entftep(5oulDe aoDe ^apiftcs an otber racrtficc to Ct}^t(le0 facttfke, anDfoo camiiatta^ mafee bP0 facttfice bnperfecte) bnt t^ep fap, tbat t^epmafeetbefelfe fame faccif ice to; fpnne, t^at Cb^ifte bpmfelfemaDe* ainDljecc tbep tunnebeDloDge0fnto tlje fottj^^ lea anD mode ^apnou0 ectouce t^at euec tpa0 p- magpneD* jf oi pf t^cp niafee cutt^t Dape rbc fame oblation anD facrifice f 0? fpnne, tbat €W^ bpmfelfemaDe, anD tbe oblation tbat be mabe, toa0 bi0 Deatbe , ano tbe effufponof bis mode precious blouDe bpon tbe tto^e,toi one reoemp- tion anD p^ice of our fpnne0 : tban foloivetb it of ncceflfitee , tl^at tlicp mtm bape aape C^?i(le, €tX auD OF THE OB LATION AND attDf^eoijteblau^canofDbcet&ep tuo|fe t\)nn tlje tDickeD 3[etDe0 ano ^ftaetfets, tol)pc!}c fletue Ijf'm, ano fi^cDoe Ijjs imoudc but ones. Cl?ap*n 3!lmpgi}tp goDtljemtf^er of ipgUt anottttf^, ^j^ .^ banpajcaiirucl^eDarbiteganDeitoutoutof l)i0 aiicoufti^^? tlQ coimtm tlftitimtts btito brm, anD gcue people* tbisipg^tcf faptbto map man', tt^at^ernape truft to liaue tcniifficn ot^iB fpnwcs, anb be De - IpuetcD fcom etccuall D^atlj anb bell, bv t\)t me^ titcoiulpoe tbebeatbanbbluDof Cbjtftc: auD tljatbpbisotoncfaube, etietpnian mapcapplp tberamebntobpmfeif,anDnottaUe^ei;efojt let bs geae tbc JtJlioic laube anb p^iapfe bere of bnto !}pm Jet bs flee onlp to ^pm fo? fuccour, let bs ^oiD bp«i fsft ftlt)angbponb,im,anbgeueoa!?fducs tDboipto ^pm* 3tnb fojafiiiuel) ns ^e batb geuen blm felfe to Deatb foj bSjto be an oblation anb factitice to fti0 fatb^t fojt our finncg, let bs geue our leluts agapn bnto bpm,niafein5 bnto \}im an ofclatfon not of goates,a)epe,^tt]e anb ot^et beaOcs tl^at tjaue no refon, (as tuas acmftonieo befoze €fi}U lies compn5)bttt of a crcatucctbatbatb tcafon, tliat is to ra(,of ouc felucg, not fetllpng our otunc ^xibte0,butuioatifipngf bcaftlp ^ bnrefonabie affcc^ SACRITXCE 6F CHRIST. tio affections, t^at tDolD glaD!^ rule ^ raigne tn t)0* ^0 long a0 t^e latue did tt^qm, l^e muO offre rpitituall ob- !attcn0,tn tbe place of caluc0,n^epe, goatee; anD Doues* 5CC»e muft fepU DiuelpflEi p?tDe,f uttoug an^^ gre,infattal3le couetoultie0,fUtbr lucte,ttin!ipng lecbetp, DeaDIp batwD anD malice, f ojcp tor itneg, iDOlupdl) tauenpng anD Deuourpng, anD al otbec tjnrefonable luaes atiD Dcaccs of tbe flcO^e. 3ilnD ^.j.- . a5manpa0belon8tocb?ifte,muft crnctfte anD ^^'"''* fepll tljefcfo^ Cb^iftes faue, as C()?i(le cruciifUD llP-mfelfefojtl^epjfaUes^ Cbefe bee tUefaccifices of cb?p(lian men. t^efe Ijoftes ^ oblations bee acceptable to Cl)?ill* 3tnD as €\)M otfereD bPm felfe to; t)S ,fo is it cue Du- ties aftei't!)isfo^te to ctfceoui: feluesto f^m^^ gapn^ 3nD fo i^all toe not baue tl)c name of cb;i- ftian men in t)npne, but as lAie p^etenDto belong to Cb^iile in tooo^De anD ptofefTion. fo O^allitiee tn DeDe be bis in IpfeanD intoarbc affection . ^o tbat iritljin ^ toitbout, tue O^aibe altogetl^ec bis, cleane from al bppoccifp oj DilTtmulation* 3nD if itje refufe (ooffce our feiues after tbis titpCe l^nto IjrnnbpcrucifFengourotonetuilleSj^comittrng t)S iDbolp to tbe topll of (i5oD>e be moft ijnfepnD people, fuper(lttiou0bPPOcrptes,o? ratljcr tin* teatouablebeaftes, toojtbP to bee eycluDcD tJttcr^^ Ip from ail tbe benefites of Cb^iiies oblation. 3nDpf toee putte tl?e oblation of tl;e ptieffe chap>9, €c,iU in tl?e OF THE OBLATfON AND w^^mm ^" ^^^ ^^^^ ^^ ^^^ Oblation of Cl)?tfte, refufpnge iimttta^^ toreceauetbefacrametit ofi^tsboDp anDbiouoe i)ic pDoia^ oucfeltte0(ast)eo;iDciaeD)ano truftpngtobaue "P>^[f^J{Jremp©on0f oucefpiines bptbe faccrrice of tbc Seti fc5 ai P?^^^ ^^^ ^^^ J^alfe, auD t^ecijp al(o to obtepne ce ci)}iata CO leafe of tt|e papae0 tn ^utgato^te , iuee Dooe not gw34ti5s onelp hitucie to Cb^tfte, but alfocommpttc mode Dete(table3|Dolatne*f oabeCe bee butfalf^Doc:: tctnegjlDit^oute (IjameDeupfeD.anD fapneb bp tDpcKeo ^oppOie pj^teftes, 3[|Dolatet0, S&onUs, anD jf cpes, tobpcb fo? lucre bauc alteteo ano co?^ tupteo tt)e mode boip puppet ottl^t ]Co?De, ano toui;neD it into manpfell poolattie* ^DOberfo^e all (^oDlp menne ougbt tnitb all t\}m b^tt to refufe atiDabbojre all (ucbe blafpbempe agapnfte tbe fomie ot <150D« ^inb fo; as mucbe as in (ucl^e iSlpaiTes 10 ma- npfeftelDpclkeonelTeanDpDolatrpe, (liDbeceui tbe p^tede alone ma&etb oblation fattffacto^le, anb appUetb tbc fanite fo^ tbe quici^e ano tbe oeaoe at 1)10 biplle ano pleafute) all fucbe ^optlQe i^aP re0 are to bee clearelp tauen atuape oute of cb^p^" ftiane Cbutcbe0, anb tbe treuie bfe of tbe %opi De0 fuppec 10 to be cedojeb agapne, toberm goD^ Jp people affembleb togptb2t,map teceaue tbe fa^ ecament euetp man fo^ btmfelf, to Declare tbat be tememb^etb^tobatbenefittelje batbteceaueb bp^ tbeDeatbeof Cbj^ide, anDtotedtfp,tbat be t0 a memb?eof (ii:b?tde0boDpe,febDeiDUb bi0 8e(5^> ana D^pnu^^nge bl0 blouooe fpintuallp^ SACRIFICE OF C H R I 5 T. Itf CHRIST DpiJ not o^Dspn^ ft^s facramentcs Chap.io* to t\)iQ tjfe^t^at one IDouloe teccpuc tjjcpm fo? a i^mv m3 Hotter, o;t^ep^ic(le fo^all tljc lape people,: but o"s^)« «> ^eo^DarneD t!;epm fo^tfjis intente, t^at ^wecpe fJ^/^'^^J^t manO^oulD cecepaetl)emfo?^pmrelfe, tocat^e, Dtmfcie, $ confmncanDftaWp©el)(s otonefaptl) anDeuecnotoiufox laftpngcfaluation*ct)ece^o;eas one man mape attott)ct» not be baptpfeo fo^ an ot^er(anD t£t)e be> it auap- iet^notl)pnge,)roougt)tenotone to tecepue V^t l)olp Communtonfozauott)ec* ^o^ pf aman be Djpe oj btingcp, ^e ts neuer a loljpt eafeo, pf an o^ t6et man D^pnl^e o} cate f o? t)pm : o^ pf a man bee aUbefpUD,it beaipet^ \)m not^pnge, anotl)ec man to bee toarc^eo f o; l^pm : 3>o auapletl^ it no- tbpngeto aman,tf anottiecmanbeebapttCeb fo; ^pm, o^beetefcen^eD fo^^pm \axit\) t^e meateanb D?pnl^eattl)e)lozDe£^tadle« 3EnD tt)ecefo;e fapDe 5>fapnct}^etet: ^leteuecp man bee baptpfeo in tbe^ce. z^ D^namepf 3|eruC^]^tae4 ^noout; Cautotire C^^ide 3:. fapoe to clje multitiioe : fCafee,anD eate* 3nb far:^ ^^ ^ 5>t!)etftefapDe:B?pnkepoualloetl)is.^!)Ofoe- ^^^' ttettbetefo^elijpil bcefptcttuailp tegenetateo in Cbntle, be muft be bapttfeb i^pm felf. KlnD ^e ti^at is>V\l Ivut ^pm felfe b^ C^^tde, mufte bp {)pm felfe eate C^;t(le08ef9e anb D^pnUe^fs bloube* 3nDbjeefelptoconclube,i^et^at tbpnl^ctt^e to come to e^c i^pngcDomc of C'bJifte bpm felfe, muft alfo come to l)is facrameutes l)pmfelfe,ano Heepc ^ts comanbementes ^pm rclfe^anb do all tl^pnges t^at pertapn to a ct^^tflian man, ano to \)i^ boca- d^e Hi tion OF THE OBLATION AND ti^n })m felfe, leafl; it ifz tttcm tijefe tl^pnges; to an ot^tt man to Doo tfjemf o? Ijpnntlje ot^ec map mti) as QooD tig^t clapmc t^e U^ngDom or ^ea- tieneo;l)pim €iia«tz» C^erfo^e ci^^tdc maoe no Oiclie Dtff^tence be^ %be me ^^^^^ ^^^ P^^^^ ^^^ ^^^ ^^^ "^^"' ^^^ tlje p;icfte rettcebeeJ' (%oulDemal^$DblattonanD(acnace of c^^td fo^ tttjccnc toe t^c lap man, anD^atc tfje S.o;Des fuppcc fed fttm pme anD ^n alone^ano iJittcibute ^ applp it as tjim Ufeetlj* «9Ci4p ma ^j^^ifttnaticnofucl^cDiffmnce, buttbeDiffcrece t!|at (0 betlDeene tbe p^ted and tbe lap ma in tbii^' inattiet, tie; onelp in tbe minidtation: tbat tbe p;ie(l(a0 a common miniilcr cf t^c cbuccl)} Dot^ minidecano Dtdnbutetbe'^o^Dcs fuppec tnto ocbec, anoot^ctceccaucitat ljt0 banDe0* 23tte €l^e t3crp fuppec it felf e, VDa0 bp Cb^id indittiteD anD geuen to tbe lubolc cbut:cbe,not to be of ercD ano eaten of cb«pjtedfo?otbcc men, but bpbpm to be DelitietcD to ail tbat toDUlD Duelp affef it* ais in a p;ince0 bowre tbe officers ^ mpnider0 p;tepare H)t table, anu ^tt otbec (afU)ell as tbep) tate tliemeate,anDD;pnke tbe D^pnke: Co Dooe tl)e p^iieftesanD mpnpftets p?epace tbe Xojtjeg fuppec, teaoe tbe d^ofpell , ano rebccfe Cb^iftes lDoo;Des, but all tbe people Cap tberto: 3Bmen* 3lUememb}e Cb^ft^^^^^f^^^^^i 5^^^ ti^anifees to ^OD, all tcpent anb offce tbemfelues an obla^ tion to cbufte, all tafee bpm f onbeic 'jlo^oe anD fauiout, anD fpttituallp feaoe upon bpm, and in eoUentbcrof t^ep eate tbe bjeao ano o^pnfeetfte teine SACRIFICE OF CHRIST, 112 am Dtgnitee of p;icftl)OD auD atl>ct; ininiftets of ^^^^^ ^^ ^ tbe c^urcl), but auauucetliano i)i^W commen? Dettjt^etcmmiftcatton* fo} pf tljep arc nmcl)c to bee lottei>J)ouoieaanD clteeincD > tt^atbee t^ lipngcfiC^auucelouts,3i«^f 3, officers, ^mu nifters (titenipo;all mattecs, l)otD^ \wm\)t tl^an ace tbep to be eftemr D,t^at be imniftetg of C W lies iMO^oes ^ facramcHtes, aiiD ijaue to ttjem co nitttcD t!)e kaies of beausn, to let in ^ Q}ut out, bpt^emimUrattouof l)i0tDOo^i)eanr)i(15QrpeUc |iotoefo^armuel)e, asjftrude, ttjat 3j baueChap^n* plapnlp euougb fet fo^tb tbc p;o4)ittato^ie facri- ^^^ ^^^^ tict of QUE fauiour Jefu Cl):ift,to tbat baue aiip buDecitaopiig ^apitas. iof Cl??ifte,auoi>aiteDeclareD alfo t^etjepnous abftompnation ano 3iDolatrie of tbe )Bapp(^c ^alTc,(tobeitntbe p?teftc0^aue taUen l3ppoti tb^iMtbe office of Cb^iff^tomafeeapi^opUiatoj-p s faccificefoitbefpunes; o€ tbe people) and Ijaiie airotolDb)l)atmaner of faaifice cb^tfftan peo^ pie ougbt to nu^^, it is uotuc neceffarp to maUe anflJDcte to tbe rubtpllpcrfualtons atib fopbtdt - call cauUlatton0 of tl)e papmcgtobecebp tbep l^aue&eceiueDi nianp a rpuipie man^feotljflcarneD auDt)uleanie&* (vCbe place of fatitctiBaule bntotl^ci^cbiues (lobicbctljep boo cite fo? tbm pttcpore}niafee#^^*^ quite an&cUai]eagapnClti^era» jfo;ts)l?ere farnt )0aul$^ OF THBOBLATlOM AND t^aule faptf), t^at euerp ^psb pjited 10 oadapnco to offcc gpfte0 auo fact;tfic^0 foa (immM rpai^e nottl^atof tlje p^teilesof tf^c 0t\x>c ma\mtit, but ot t^t olDe,tp^tcl| (a0 ^e (m^) offceD calucs at)D goates. 3BtiD pet t^ep ^ere notrucl^ p^i ells t(iat bp tl^eic offcpnseg anD famfcces t^ep coulD tai^ea^apc t^e peoples imms, but tfjep tuece DE^abaUiesauDftgu^e^ ot Cri^tde, ouce euecia- ^pnge p;ieae, lu^pcl^e otielp bp one oblatton ot ^pmfelfe tai^et^ atoap tt)e fpnne^ ot tl)z U)0^lDe« ^l^erfo^e t^e jaopp^e p^icnts, tt^at applp t^is ceict bnto ttiem felaes.Do oirectl^ contcarp to t^e meanpng of fatnc ^aul, to t^e great itUutp anD p^eluDtceofCi^^tHe, bptol^omonlp faint f^aulc rattiie^tbattl^eracriftceanD oblation fo^t^efpa o£tbet0boletx}o^IDtDa0accopIi(^eD $ MtilUD, MO m little fecuet^ fo; t^e ^aptdeo pucpofe j^aiac, u t\)t tcjcte of t^e i^?opl)ete Slpalacbie, tljat euecp :» iDt^ere (^oulbe be of eteo t)nto (Boo a pute fact^ 9> ftce anD oblation^ fo; tbe p?opl)ete in tbat place fpafee no Ujojd of t^e S^aflTe, no? of tlje oblation Pj^optctato^te to be maoe b^ tbt p?iefte0, but l^ee ipaue of t^e oblation of all fapt^full people (in tD^at place fo euet tbtv bee) to^pcl&e olfre tjnto (SoD^toitftpnce bacte0ianD ttipnDe0, facnfpon fjpm,anD Sloji- SACKXtlCt OF CHRIST. tfj :©ut t^eaouecfadecj of C!)?iflte,gatljertogc^ Cl?ap*t5» tftecagceat^capcof aut^o^s, tu|)pcl)e(astticp ^ fap) call tl?e ^aflfe o^ l)olp comiiiuiuon a ^acte^ ^"be ao^'^ fice. :6utaUtt)oreautbo^$tieanrbeceD t^nto in ti^oita. tljis otic fcntence, tl)at tl;ep callcD it not a facti- ficefo;rpnnc,bpcattretl)atit tabet^ atoap oure (pmu(U)i^ic^U}astalienatuaponIp bpti)CDeatb of C^^ttle)butbicaurcitlva9o^DeineDof(Cl^^ift toput))6intememb^ance of tUe {accifcce maoe bp !)im l3pou tl)e croSe.^^nD foi tbat caufe it bea^ cet^ t[)z name of tbat facnfice^as ^»lugu(linc Declarctbplapnipinbis c^piftle ad Bonihaum.Augu^m before rebetfeo in tliis boo^e fol. 64. ^nD in bi0 <^J Bon^; bOiie De fide ad Pctrum diaconum,befO?C tC\)tt[zt) alfO* 3|nD U\ ^i0 bOOfee De ciuicate Deijbe raiCt^, DC cittttdU 3 That rohid} men call a facrifice, is a figne or reprcfen Ut,«o,c4.f» 5 tation of the true facrifice, 3nD tbe ^ataet of tbe rcntence(of tobom a U tbe Cc^ooie autbo?9 taHc tbeic occarion to tu^ite) iuDgeD trnip in tbiis pdpnt,faipng : Cbat ^\)k\)LomUriM 5 is OffimO ^COnfCCtatCD of t^ep?ica,iscalkdafa-lu4.iia..4 5 crificc and oblation, bycaufc it is a memorie andrc- 3 prefentation of tf?c trewe facrifice anD !)Olp0 Obla- ,ttonniaocintl)caultar of t^cctode^ and S>*aobn CbJPfoftonnafterbebatb raiDcf,r>ro/? ..i tbatCb?i(Jei0ouc23p(5op,tebPcbeoffeteDtbatHeb>.i7* facrifice tbat maoe D0 cleane, anD tl)at (Dce off ec tbe fame notoe,leaft anp man migbt be DcceaueD bp l)i0 maner of fpi^afepng, f)e openetl^ !ji0 mr a- ft*h npng Of the oblatioh and > npn J mo^e plafnlpjfatpng : That whidit wc do, > isdoonfof a remembrance of that w??iche was done 5 by Chrifte* jf o|.C()^ifte fattl):Bo tbi0 lu renmn- > b^ace o£ me.aiiro ct?;prollom Declacins at Icgt^, > t^at t^e p?teae0 of tl)e olD laixie offereD euer ne^ > racciftced^atiD cbangeD tliem from time to tpme, > auD tf^at c|i^it(lian peple do not To, but of ce tutt 3 one racctf ice of €W^:vct bp anD bp ([eft fom m^ ' img;bt beo[f^DeD tuctb tbts rpecbe)bemabetba5 3 UUiete a correction of I)i0toojoe0,fatpng:25ut > ratfTer we niake a remembrance of Cl?riftcsfacrifice, 90 t^ougb be (^ulD fapaitbougb (ti a certapne kpno of fpeclje Uie map rap,t ^uerp oap be mal^e afacctficeof €W^^^vttin\}etp oeDe^tofpeahe P^op;eip,i»e make no facctftce of bpm,but onlp a comemo^ation f ccmemb^nceof tbat factlftce^ iDbtcbe be alone maDe> ^ neuer none but \)e*0o} Cb^f ft neuec ijaue ti)ts bono^ to anp cceatuce, g ^e fl^ulDe mal^e a facnfice of bpni^no; DtD not o;- Uain tbe facramet of bis bolp fupper, to tbe tntet g tit^a tbe people fl)ulD faccfftcje Cb^ift again, o; tbat § p;ieft6 CbulD mafee a facttftce of bim fo? tbe peopK:but l)i& bolp Cupper toas o?DeineD fo^ t}}iB pucpo{'e,tbat euerp man.eatpng ^ Drinking; tberof > f^ulD remembj^e tbat Cb^^tft bico fo; bim, anb Co OnilD mtcik W faitb, anbx omfon btm- UlU bp tbe remembjiancc of Cb^iftes benefite0,' ano (0 geue t)nto €tiMt mofte bartp tbanfceg, anD geue bpm Celfealfo cletelp bnto bpm. 9»^erfo?e t ojotnace of €W^ oug^t tobe fo^ lotoeD S A C R I F I C E. O E CHRIS T/ tiA. {olocb, tlie p^Ud to mptuaec tbe taccam^t to e^e people, anDtt)o> to tfett to t^ea confoiattom 3iitiD in t^td eatpng, D^pn^ngano t^lpng oft^e XDo^zDes fupper, Uie ma tie not ot €W^ a rum fa^^ mftcep]topttiato;tefo;teiti((riond^(pnne^ . ; ^ 23ut t^e fumble confclTton ot all petutent ^ac Cf^ap^ 14 tegjtOeitfenouJleDgpngeof €^jifte0bearfttes, t^eic ttjanusseumg fo; tlje rame,tt»eicfait^ ano feSfonM* coiiloiattoniu €\)Mc, t^eip fumble fubimmon maheafa* atiDobeDiencetod^oDDestupll ano commanDe-cirfFceaf , nientes.is afaccificc of lauDe^p;aple,accepteo J^J^ t^< ano alloxijeD of c^od no UlTc, tl}a ttjc lacnftce oc^^^^* r^ep;ee(t. f o^almpgUtp geotDitboatcefpectof pecron, accepcetbtbe oblacponano famt^ceof p^tcil ^ lap p€Cfon> of Upng ^ fubtect, of niapdec anoretuauncof man ano tooman>of pong ano oloe^peaof (gngUfOe, jfrenc^,^cot,(5tefee,3(la c(ne,3letD,anD ^entile,of euetp man aco^Ding to 1^10 fatrbfull ^ obeotent bact bnto btm^ano tbac tii;oug4 1 facrlflce p^opuiatojp of iefu ct??tit« 3nD as fo^ tbe Catpng o^fmgpng of t^e malTe Cfpapa^^ bp § pjtea.as tt toas in time palTeo tifeD,U is nei ^ . tftecafacciftcepjoptciatojp, no^peta factPfpce^T'caiSy/ff; of lauDeanDp?apre,no;inanptt>prealobeo be ts mmtt f o;c (5oD, bnt abbominable ano D ctcftable , ann « facncice tberof map toel be tjerifieo t^e fapeng of Cb?ift : l^^noxot »> Cbat tbpng t»bpcbe feemetb an bPgb tbpng be^ tim^s 3c >> fo;e men, is an abbomtnation before (Bod» «p»5- Cbep tberfo^e tobpcb gatbec of tbe Doctouts,^^^**^* t^at tl^e S^affe 10 a fact;if ice fo^umiffion of fpn, fUt ano OF THE OBLATION AND ittftom^e (Mb ojfmgcti?: tftep totjtc^c fo gat^ec of ttie Doceours, do to t^em moll gceuous imu- rp ano Ui^onge^moftefairelp beltpiig tljcim* C??ap»i6. i'o^tfteremonftcoustljpng^toere neuec fene «h 1^ iWfenoteeneftlje olDeatiop^imitiuec^urc^e, nopapfftt'- "^^t&^t:etos nottljmin one Cfjutcljcnmnnp call i^afi gaffes euccpDape, btitijppon cectapae oapes fwmtDc tdecelijasacomoatableof t^e XojDes fuppec, chuS^*^ to^crc a numb^c of people did togitDer cecelurf *«tti;^op» boop anD blouD of tije lo;Di but tbec toer tban no Datip p;iwate a^afrcs>tDbece euecp pjiefl: rccea- ueD alone, like as bntpu rbts Dape tl)iti iis none abuCes of tbe Kopes fuppet^ :6uttftefe pjimate iapalTes fpjange bpixe of iatepeares, partelp ttjo^ougb^ the igno^annce anDS^upecaptton of ijnleacneD ^on^cs anD :frpet;s,(t»?)PcbefenetonfitiDba£afacnficetoa0> butmaDeof tbeS^afTea^acctfice p^opictato^ rpe, to xtmntt botbc fpunc, anD tbe papne oeiDr fo? tbe fame) but cf)\>tMp t^tv fp.xange of lu- cre anD gapue, iDban (i?le(le0 founoe tbe mea- nestorcll^alTcstotbepeople, tobpcl^e caufel^ gaffes fo innc^^e to encceafe, tbat cucrp Dape teas fapDc an infinite numb;e,anD tljat no p^ieft tooulDe reccaue tbe communion at an ot^er p^e- &e0 l^anD.but znttj^ one biaulD tcceaue it alonet neit^ec SACRIFICE OF CHRISTE* iU5 neft!>ercc(jacDtiig tfjcgoMFi>cctceof t^nwfte co;»^/ww famous ^^olp couufail of Bice (tuft rc&appom- nkw«w» tetl) in totjat oy^ct p^icftcs f^ioalD Dec placco> a? *'*^' "^^ bout ©e.acaas at tfte Camritutttan, ) iio^pet tfje canons of eiK^lpoftcls, w^ic\}z commauiiDe, l^Zrmi tl^it m!)en anp (Tommumon ts uitiiiftccD.all tije ^^. ^^ p^teaes t09Ut)er (QoulD tecetue tfte (ame, 0^ els . bee cjccommunicate* p amucft e tfte oloe fat^ers^ tmat&cti,tbatatipp;ien;cr9auiD^ cecetue V^t fa- ccamcnt atone* Cf^eccro^e loften tfte olire fathers caller tfte iQ^affe o;^ fuppec of tfte ](Lo^De^ ^crtffce , tftef tnent t!)at u toas aCacnftce o^ lauocs $ tftan^es^ Qeucn$(ano fo aftoeii tfte pcaple as tl^e pi^left Da raccifice) 0^ els tbac it iuas a ttmemb^unce of tfte t erp tcekie facrtftce pjioptctatotp of Cftiitde: but tftep metu in no Uiife t^at it is a betp true factifice foKinne> anD appllcalUe t^p tfte p;te(l to t^ecLUic&eanDDcaD* f 0^ t^c p;ie(l map be! minlftet; <£ft;i(hs too;- DesanD faccamentes ,to ail xmn botft gooD anD^ bao , b\xt\iti canapplpe t^e benefite of Cb;tlle£^ paflTton to no man Qyti^w^ of age ano Di(crerion) but &nlp to rucf)eas bp tbetc otone faitb Doo ap - pipe tbc fame bnto tl)cm felucs . ^ o tbat euetpe nia of age anD Difccetion, taHetb to bim felf e tbe benefitesof Cb^ides pa(lion,o^ cefufetb tbcm, l)imfelf>bp bf3 oiun faptb.Quiche o; Dcaue^vlbat istofap,bpbistcu2an^lmelpfaitb(tt)attoo?- feetft \^^ cljacitee; \^z ceteruetl) tljemjO? el5 b^ b^^ SUii^ bngowpne^ Of THE OBLATION AND imjoDlpneg a^ fapneD fatt^ rcicctco t^em»* mD tbls oo^tciae of t^e fcclptiire clerelp coti teitmeti) t^e li^tckeo inumcionB of t^e i^apiaes in t^efe lame Dap0 , tol^ic^ ^aue oeupfeo a )dui;- ijato^ to torment fouies aftei; t^s !pre>^ obia - uons of ^anfegXapD bp tb^p^eelle^atoDeipuec t^emlcom t^e CapD to^incutes, ano a great mm btt^tot\)zt-cmot>iUiB to t^tp p^ompCeto if)c fpmple ignojantpcople bp ti^rp^a^affcsL Cl?ap. 17 l^otostfje nature of manbepng cwecp^oneto ^ 3lDolatrp fco t^e bcgpnnpng of t^ t»o;iDc, anu ftsjmea* ^e ^apifteg ^jijpugtcaDpbp alincaneganDpo-. tics notoe Hep to Def eno anD ejctoU tljt ^afTelo; tbetr tHU vupmun itiattoh ano p?of tte^ano tfte people bepng fupcp n^mo ^^^^^^^? enamojcDam) Doteo tjpon tfte apaflfe^ m 0^tcD (bpcaufe t^ep ta^clt (m a p^eCct remeop agaf nO: ^l manec of ttipls,) ano part of tbe p^nces,be^ pns bltnocD fj^^ ^apidtcal Doctnne,pdte loumg quietnelTe, ano lotbe to offcnoe tl^etr tieegp and riibiectcg, ano all bepng captiue ano fttbtecte to t^e 3nt((^|t(l of ill^me,tbe (late of ti^t m;lD tz inapnpngint^is cafe, it (0 no t»onDeetl)atab«> fe$ gee^e anb eneeeafeb in tbe ebueeb^, tbat fu^ pee(l(tl8n tDtt^ poolatepc t»ete ta^en fo?: gool^- mB $ true relpgion^nnb ti;at manp tbpngB t^eee b?ougbt in toUbonttbc autbo^pteeof cbfpfte* %\)t abuts 285 l^titgatoip, tbe oblation ano factificpn j fefcf m of C^j^iftbp tbe p;iertalone,tbe application ano ^P^^]^^"appointpngof t^efametofucbpeefonegas tbe ^ Pjteft feottlD fpng 0^ Cap J^affe fo?, ano to fucbe al>U' SACRIFICE OF C H R I S T# ttl6 abtt(e0 as tl^ep couID oeutre, to Dciiuet fome fro }^ut8ato;p,dnD Come fcom 4el> (if t^ep toece not c^ere tmallp bp (^oD Deterimnm^D to abU)c , as tj^eptecmeDtbemattuc) to malic tatneo? fap^t tDetbec, to put aioape t^e plage ano otbecfpcHc. ncflfes^ bott) from maaano bead , to baloi^e ano p^efecuetbcmtl^attnettajetufalem, tomome^ to (atncte 3|ames; uvcompoHelia, ano to otl^er places m pilg£tmage,fo; a p^ifetuatiueagainfi temped anD tt^uuDec, againd petpls anD oauit^ gees ort!|e(ea,fo^a temeopeagaind mo^renoe catteU>a3amd penCiueaes of tbe i^eacte, atib a^ gatnd all mauec affitctton ano tribulations ♦ Sno fmallp^tbepejctol tbelr a^affes facte a- boueC^zldcs pa(rion:p;om(QHtg mannp t\)j^n^ ges ttjerebp^jtD^icbe tuece neuet peomtCeabs bp Cb^t^es p a(rion,3ii0 tbat if a man bcace ^alTe^ be-all lacke no boDUp fudenance tbat Dap,no^ notblngeneceffarpe fo^titm, no^ (^albe Ictteo iti btsloucnep.^elball notlorebisClg^tt^atDap> m} Dpe no foDame Dtatb, ^e tt)M not \3^m olDc In tb3it tpme tbat !>e bcatetb fiJ^alTe, no^ no ujIc;^ hzt) rptcites fbal baue pober of bim.be be neuec To intci^cb a matt, Co long as \)z loUetb tipon t^e laccament«^ll tbefe fooltlQ anb DtuelK^e fuper^ diclons,tbe)dapKtesoft^ettoi»nepDleb^ame bauf oeuircD of late peates, iDbtcb Deutfes tuers neuet knotuen In t\)t olDe c^uccbe. 3inD pettbep ccpc out agamd tbem tijat pjto- cf?ap »8* feffe t^egofpiU, ^ fap tfjat t^ep Dlffent from tbe. cl)urcft OF THE OBLATION AND m\)vm tliutclft, auD iootilD f^auc tlnm to f olotoe tl^e tp^ i^Wn ^^^^^^ ^^ t\)titcWtc\)t. 3nD fo tociD t^e^ glao- ieoV JPt)o,tftl^c|0apmestoowIDfoloh)tl;efWc^m; c\)t of ttie ^Ppodleig^ ^^fcbe i»a0 iiiofle put;c auD tncoatupte, but t^e^aptitee (^aue clerei^ Dart^ eD fcom t^e tfage ano eicample^ of tl)at c^urcf^, anD^auettmeoteD netue oeuUes ottt)tit ot^ue b^apnej, anDhiplltnno tDrfecoitrcne tofolotoe t^e p^imittue cI)ttrcl)€,anD per tlicp ttrouloe ^aue otljct to folobje tl)Cir f ftucc^c, ijttcrlp bari|>ng^ ^iflTentpngfcomtliefp^ttemode gooip cljuwfte* :6ut tl;a&e0 be to t|^e eternal i^oD, tl)e itianct; of t^^l^olpcommamon (l»!)pe^et0 nouie fetce lurt^ tott^m tt^lfi Eealme) 10 agreabie tottb tlie toattutkin of €^n^> U)it!i fatfict^aaule anD tbe olDe p^tmmue anD 3lpo(loUi^e ci)urelK,f^tt() tbe viSfit fapt^ of t^e facr^fiee of C^Mfte, tpon t^e Cronrefo^otiteteDemptton^ atiD lit)Ul)tl;e tceUie Doetrtneof outfaluation, tuiltfieatton^anbce^ milTton of all our fpnnes bp tl^at onelp facclftce. si'mtin^ j^oiDe tedet^ not^png,butt^ataU fatt^fuU atucttoti fubtectee topll glaoipe teeepue ano emb^iace t^e iomwv rame,bepngfo;pfo? tl^e^c former tguo^atice, anD wmunioii ^y^j.p j|,an,t:epentpng Wm feif of Ijis offeticea a- gaf n(l <^oD,anD amenopng tbe fame, map peloe Ifpm reif e ^l)oUp to (^oD, to fiecuc ano obap fjpm ail tt^e Dates of W Ipf e^ano often to come to tbe i)olp Cupper, tD^fc^ourUo^D ano rauto|C(^;tme ^atb p?epaceD:inD as l^e t^er: co;po^alip eatet^ ^^eberpb^eaoeanDD^pnketbtt^e berp Uipnejci fp(r^ SACRIP ICE OP CHRfST fpfdtudllp i)e mape feeoe of tl^e berpe flef^c dtiD blouD of Jjefu Cl)?ifte!?is fautouranD reoemer, cenKmb^tmge t)is Deat^ , tljanUf ng l;pm fo^ 1)^q benefites,anD loUpng fo^ none otijer facrtftce at HO p^icftB banOB foi cemiirtou of {)ts ruineg.btu onclp ttttftpngc to Oig factificc , \xi\mln bepnge both t^e Ijig^c pjieft ano alfo tlje lambe of ^od (p^^epaceD fcom the beginning to tafee atoap tbc fpnncs of tbe too^lDe) otfcceo bp bpm felfe onm (01. met, in a faccif ice of ftoeet fniell bnto bps fa^ t^ec, ano br ttjc fame papD tije raunfome fot tbe l^nnes of t^e U)l)ole miibz « ^i^o iB bcfo/e b0 entcet) (mo b^aucn , ana Ottetb at tbe itgbt bao ofbtsfat^ec^as a patron, meDtatoutanbm^ tecceffouc to; bs . mo tl?ete batb p?epar cd places fo; all tbem tbat be itudp menio b}tB of b^6 boDp.to catgne tottl) btm fo; euec , tn tbe glo?p of bps fa^ tliec , to bJbome toitb i)Pm, anDtbebolpgbo(te,bee glo?p,botio?anD pjatfefo^euet; anb euec. AMEN. FINIS. 117 ACTABLE OF THE CHIEF AND PRINCIPAL MATTERS COM.. ; ^^ The conUntcT of the firll hokc* Tl)e abufe of tijc Eo^Des fuppec foU u %\)t catpng of tl;e hoXift or i[.f)iittt /ol^eodem* %t)t eatpng ot tljt factarr ent oe l^ts boDp f o(. «» Ct)it(t calletU t\)e matccfall b?eaD bte boDp fbi«4, ietiil men no cat y faccam5t,but not tbc boDp of iClnitt.fo,^ %bpnge$ raffictcntf oM cD^tflcn mans tiii^t\)ej concecn{>ng: tbtsraccamcnt iSoficm %\)t faccamcnt Vb^icly Vbas oitbcmcD to mabcloue $ concoKD IS toucned tnto tbe occafton o( bartancc ano Dtfco^o f o* ^* %fit rpttttuail Onngec ano tDtrarnelte of t\)t foute f oi.eoD^ %t^t fptrituall foooc of tbe foule f o(. s . aHita fatte txctlltt}^ all co^pozaU foobe fol.^* %Dt ractamcteo tocce o^Dcpncb to conff erne our f aptb* eob^ Vi>\^tetoitt\)iBiattammti toad o^oepncotn bjcabbe and ttjpnc foUo. !!♦ %tit Dnttee of iZW^^^ tnt>(f tcall bobpe» ^obcm. Sbto facrament niouctbailmentoiouea^frentiQ^tp. fo.iz. %b(boctrtncof ttanrubdanttation hot\) clcanc fubuettottt ^be fptrituall catpngts tbttO tbel)ert,not tbttl)tOeteet^» fOl.i^i ifoure pzmnpall ettours of tbe )^apt(tcd foi i4» %\3C fp^a is ot tranOibltanttatton fot . coitcm ^bc fcconbe is of tbe p;efence of iZW^^ (tt t})is facca* «ncnte fol.i/. %l)t t])mc is, tbat cupll men eate anb b^pntte tye berp b o^ bp anb blouD of CbuD? fol.ir. %l)i fourtb is of t^t bapip (acrtftce of Cb^tfte f oi.eob* The contcntes ofthefecond bokc*^ %1^t confutation of tbe etro; of ^Erlfubttanttatton fol.iT* %Xi9 idaptatcall boctrtne is contratp to I5tits too)be.earff umetit, toitb f be aunflijcrey fol» ^4 ♦ autboucs tD^edf of tt>(f^^PP^60^<^^ (^e^jt^a«fttb(lan« . tiatiOn ;j . : .;^^: ?? rjt =r ; ^fQl'34» il5egatiuc$.b?compatpfon > : fol.3<^» abfttciittce^ tbac folotbe of: :S:t;aufubaa»riaf ton foU. 43» . . i . Thccontentcs of the ihirdc hoke ■-"> ciu* Wtftncc of Clniltc in m faccamctit f ol 4$ » Cb^iOc cotpo;aUp 10 aCccuDco mto btaucit fol. cod» ^bcoiffecencebettDcnctbe tcetDc atio tbc 0aptfticaUD0C» mnc f oncctnpng tbc p;«fenfc of Cbjiftes boDj> f ol,4^o?s beSjSbisismp boOp fo!,5^» SCbcacgumcntcof tbe^appftcs iol.cooem :Ebe itttecpKtation of tbefe \x)oiits^%\)is is mp boDp.foi.eo* dnittcaUeDb?eal»bisboUp,afttJtncbt3dlouo fol. 5 7 23?eab ts mp boDpj tDpnc (b mp blouDoe, bee ft3:ucatiue fpe« cbe5 foi.jp, locate CbJtftfs fledge ano Dtpnftetjls bloub>bc ftgucatme fpeecbes folto coGcm %bis 16 mp bobp : :Ebi8 is mp bloirtJDC. bee ftgutatiuc (pec* cbe« fol. 6-1, %\)c biteatie t:ep;(^rentctl) £f>$tTte0bobpe, m^tJ)t^'pttti)i3 biouboe '■ folio eoDcm ^pgnc« anbfpstttefi Ijaucfljettame^of ttjct^p»sesjtt>bt* €bct?jepfps«ifi?t fol. ^4. ^iutpiintipfiM tbpnses to be noteti)(nSt)eooo)ettt«.f6.7o $t$ucatiu(fpcetbes bee notdc^utsge fo!. r <• iti}ii\\e brm fdfe bfcb Usamitu fpecrbe^ folio eooem S^^ l^o^Des (upper foUo eooem ^^Ipgur^^iMC iptttl)t8^mtXi^9t iC^fitBUne Cup* Unnffibece totb^ auttio^ifr^s^ anb argnm^mesof tbe 0a« prftes / f0.74» jSDncbKcfe'aunf^bere rtoall foUotctn ^bCaUllfdsCK0 to all;bC bOCt(UltS,eoll0 75j7<^j775/85 79,>.8o, 8138^83,^4, 8/38^,87. Tife; cotucntcs> of tf)e, fiurtb bokc* W^bctlj^t euillmcit Do cate anb b;ptthe Ctnidc for 90. %bcgoblponeipcatcCbnft ^Cobctti ^bat ts tbe cacpng of Cb^iftes fied^^e, anb bjmkf tig of w ; bioub. • •" • -' . ^ fol.^i* ^bJitt io not cat^n iwOh rcctb,e, but to^i'tb. fap^tb ^eoD^iu STbF floobbtti^ cate Cb^tftt '^ i.. . foi. 5?* SC^eauuitoetc to tbe ^appfle^jt^^t boo^ff^imetbat tx^t t^ . uru boo care £b?itlcsboi>p6fc; fo»^7» %\it aunftocte tp tije pappftes autbojdjtbbpcbeat t\iz fp;fce (^cttc^fcemctomafee fo? t\it'$m foil- ps. if igures be calleb bp tbc names of tb^ V^mz^^ tobiebe tx^t^ fpsnifie. fol.9pv ^beabojattonmtbcracramene foUo. loi. :^be(tmpic people be Dccepueb :fi^obeni ^bep betbe l^^aptneatbatbauebecetucbtbe people fol lo^* 53nejebouationtot!;etcue boitoipng of;Cb;tfttutberacra« ment. foU«o4» The contented ofthcjift booke* C^be faccif ice of tbe malte fOl» 104* %bebiffewtKcbetU)ecnetbefacrtficeof Cx^iititt anb of tDc p;te(te0 of tbe olbelatte foUo cooeut %\»Q bpttbes of Cacctftces (ol. 106 . 15% Hi %\^t a moK plapne D(clara