m w ■ ■■■■' FROM THE LIBRARY OF REV. LOUIS FITZGERALD BENSON. D. D. BEQUEATHED BY HIM TO THE LIBRARY OF PRINCETON THEOLOGICAL SEMINARY Dillon SC-S Section 5537 COMF1, SELECTION OF $!> jgj J& a S2 i5 AND HYMNS, Trinity Church, SM& PSALMS IN METRE, SELECTED FROM THE PSALMS OF DAVlP. PSALM 1. CM. Prom the L Psalm of David. 1 HOW blest is he, who ne'er consents By ill advice to walk, Nor stands in sinners' ways, nor sits Where men profanely talk ; 2 But makes the perfect law of God His business and delight ; Devoutly reads therein by day, And meditates by night. i Like some fair tree, which, fed by streams, With timely fruit does bend, He still shall flourish, and success All his designs attend. 4 Ungodly men, and their attempts, No lasting root shall find ; Untimely blasted and dispersed Like chaff before the wind. 5 Their guilt shall strike the wicked dumb Before their Judge's face : No formal hypocrite shall then Among the saints have place. 6 For God approves the just man's ways : To happiness they tend : But sinners, and the paths they tread, Shall both in ruin end. PSALM 2. CM. From the ii. Psalm of David. 1 THUS God declares his sovereign will : "The King that I ordain, Whose throne is fix'd on Sion's hill, Shall there securely reign." 2 Attend, O earth, whilst I declare God's uncontroll'd decree : - Thou art my Son ; this day, my heir, Have I begotten thee. 3 " Ask, and receive thy full demands ; Thine shall the Heathen be ; The utmost limit of the lands Shall be possess'd by thee." PSALMS. 4 Learn then, ye princes ; and give ear, Ye judges of the earth ; Worship the Lord with holy fear ; Rejoice with awful mirth. 5 Appease the Son with due respect, Your timely homage pay : Lest he revenge the bold neglect, Incensed by your delay. 6 If but in part his anger rise, Who can endure the flame ? Then blest are they, whose hope relies On his most holy Name. PSALM 3. CM. From the iii. Psalm of David. 1 THOU, gracious God, art my defence ; On thee my hopes rely : Thou art my glory, and shalt yet Lift up my head on high. 2 Since whensoe'er, in my distress, To God I made my prayer, He heard me from his holy hill ; Why should I now despair ? 3 Guarded by him I lay me down My sweet repose to take ; For I through him securely sleep, Through him in safety wake. 4 Salvation to the Lord belongs ; He only can defend : His blessings he extends to all That on his power depend. PSALM 4. CM. From the iv. Psalm of David. CONSIDER that the righteous man Is God's peculiar choice ; And when to him I make my prayer, He always hears my voice. 2 Then stand in awe of his commands, Flee every thing that 's ill, Commune in private with your hearts, And bend them to his will. 3 The sacrifice of righteousness Present to God on high ; And let your hope, securely fix'd, On him alone rely. 4 While worldly minds impatient grow More prosperous times to see ; Still let the glories of thy face Shine brightly, Lord, on me. « PSALMS. 5 So shall my heart o'erflow with joy, More lasting and more true Than theirs, who stores of corn and wine Successively renew. 6 Then down in peace I '11 lay my head, And take my needful rest ; No other guard, O Lord, I crave, Of thy defence possess'd. PSALM 5. L. M. From the v. Psalm of David. 1 REGARD my words, O gracious Lord Accept my secret prayer ; To thee alone, my King, my God, Will I for help repair. 2 Thou in the morn my voice shalt hear, And, with the dawning day, To thee devoutly I '11 look up, To thee devoutly pray. 3 Lord, I within thy house will come, In thy abundant grace ; And I will worship in thy fear, Tow'rd thy most holy place. 4 Let those, O Lord, who trust in thee, With shouts their joy proclaim: Let them rejoice whom thou preserv'st, And all that love thy name. 5 To righteous men, the righteous Lord His blessing will extend ; And with his favor all his saints, As with a shield, defend. PSALM 6. S. M. From the vi. Psalm of David. 1 IN mercy, not in wrath, Rebuke me, gracious God ! Lest, if thy whole displeasure rise, I sink beneath thy rod. 2 Touch'd by thy quick'ning power, My load of guilt I feel : The wounds thy Spirit hath unclosed, O let that Spirit heal. S In trouble and in gloom, Must I for ever mourn ? And wilt thou not, at length, O God, In pitying love return ? 4 O come, ere life expire, Send down thy power to save ; For who shall sing thy name in death, Or praise thee in the grave ? PSALMS. 5 Why should I doubt thy grace, Or yield to dread despair ? Thou wilt fulfil thy promised word, And grant me all my prayer. P S A L M 7. CM. From the viii. Psalm of David 1 O THOU, to whom all creatures bow Within this earthly frame, Through all the world how great art thou ! How glorious is thy name ! 2 In heaven thy wondrous acts are sung, Nor fully reckon'd there ; And yet thou mak'st the infant tongue Thy boundless praise declare. 3 When heaven, thy beauteous work on high, Employs my wond'ring sight ; The moon, that nightly rules the sky, With stars of feebler light ; — 4 Oh, what is man, that, Lord, thou lov'st To keep him in thy mind ? Or what his offspring, that thou prov'st To them so wondrous kind ? 5 Him next in power thou didst create To thy celestial train ; Ordain'd with dignity and state, O'er all thy works to reign. 6 They jointly own his powerful sway : The beasts that prey or graze ; The bird that wings its airy way ; The fish that cuts the seas. 7 O Thou, to whom all creatures bow Within this earthly frame, Through all the world how great art thou ! How glorious is thy name ! PSALM 8. CM. From the ix. Psalm of David. 1 TO celebrate thy praise, O Lord, I will my heart prepare ; To all the list'ning world, thy works, Thy wondrous works, declare. 2 The thought of them shall to my soul Exalted pleasures brin re PSALMS. 2 Lo ! I am treated like a worm, Like none of human birth ; Not only by the great reviled, But made the rabble's mirth. 3 With laughter all the gazing crowd My agonies survey; They shoot the lip, they shake the head, And thus deriding say : 4 "In God he trusted, boasting oft That he was Heaven's delight ; Let God come down to save him now, And own his favorite." 5 Withdraw not, then, so far from me, When trouble is so nigh; O send me help ! thy help, on which Alone I can rely. PART II. C. M. 1 Like water is my life pour'd out, My joints are out of frame ; My heart dissolves within my breast, Like wax before the flame : 2 My strength is like a potsherd dried, My tongue is parch'd with drought And to the dismal shades of death My fainting soul is brought. 3 Like dogs, to compass me, my foes In wicked council meet : They pierced my inoffensive hands, They pierced my harmless feet. 4 My body 's rack'd, till all my bones Distinctly may be told ; Yet such a spectacle of wo As pastime they behold. 5 As spoil, my garments they divide, Lots for my vesture cast : — Therefore, O leave me not, my God But to my succor haste. PART III. C. M. 1 Lord, to my brethren I '11 declare The triumphs of thy Name: In presence of assembled saints Thy glory thus proclaim : 2 "Ye worshippers of Jacob's God, All you of Israel's line, O praise the Lord, and to your praise Sincere obedience join. 3 " He ne'er disdain'd on low distress To cast a gracious eye ; Nor turn'd from misery his face, But hears its humble cry." PSALMS. 13 4 Thus, in thy sacred courts, will I My cheerful thanks express; In presence of thy saints perform The vows of my distress. 5 The meek companions of my grief Shall find my table spread ; And all that seek the Lord shall be With joys immortal fed. 6 Then shall the glad converted world To God their homage pay ; And scatter'd nations of the earth One sovereign Lord obey. 7 'T is his supreme prerogative O'er all mankind to reign ; 'T is just that he should rule the world, Who does the world sustain. 8 The rich, who are with plenty fed, His bounty must confess ; The sons of want, by him relieved, Their gen'rous patron bless. 9 With humble worship to his throne They all for aid resort ; That power, which first their being gave, Alone can them support. 10 Then shall a chosen spotless race, Devoted to his Name, To their adoring sons his truth And glorious acts proclaim. PSALM 18. CM. From the xxiii. Psalm of David. 1 THE Lord himself, the mighty Lord, Vouchsafes to be my guide ; The shepherd, by whose constant care My wants are all supplied. 2 In tender grass he makes me feed, And gently there repose; Then leads me to cool shades, and where Refreshing water flows. 3 He does my wand'ring soul reclaim, And, to his endless praise, Instruct with humble zeal to walk In his most righteous ways. 4 I pass the gloomy vale of death, From fear and danger free ; For there his aiding rod and staff Defend and comfort me. 5 Since God doth thus his wondrous love Through all my life extend. That life to him I will devote, And in his temple spend. 14 PSALMS. PSALM 19. CM. From the xxiv. Psalm of David. 1 THE spacious earth is all the Lord's, The Lord's her fulness is ; The world, and they that dwell therein, By sovereign right are his. 2 He framed and fix'd it on the seas ; And his almighty hand Upon inconstant floods has made The stable fabric stand. 3 But for himself this Lord of all One chosen seat design'd ; Oh ! who shall to that sacred hill Deserved admittance find? 4 The man whose hands and heart are pure, Whose thoughts from pride are free; Who honest poverty prefers To gainful perjury. 5 This, this is he, on whom the Lord Shall shower his blessings down ; Whom God, his Saviour, shall vouchsafe With righteousness to crown. 6 Such is the race of saints, by whom The sacred courts are trod ; And such the proselytes that seek Thy face, O Jacob's God. 7 Erect your heads, eternal gates: Unfold, to entertain The King of glory : see ! he comes With his celestial train. 8 Who is the King of glory? who? The Lord, for strength renown'd > In battle mighty; o'er his foes Eternal victor crown'd. 9 Erect your heads, ye gates; unfold In state to entertain The King of glory : see ! he comes W T ith all his shining train. 10 Who is the King of glory? who? The Lord of hosts renown'd ; Of glory he alone is King, Who is with glory crown'd. PSALM 20. S. M. From (he xxv. Psalm of David. 1 TO God, in whom I trust, I lift my heart and voice ; O let me not be put to shame Nor let thy foes rejoice. PSALMS. 15 2 Those who on thee rely, Let no disgrace attend ; Be that the shameful lot of such As wilfully offend. 3 To me thy truth impart, And lead me in thy way; For thou art he that brings me help ; On thee I wait all day. 4 Thy mercies and thy love. O Lord, recall to mind ; And graciously continue still, As thou wert ever, kind. 5 Let all my youthful crimes Be blotted out by thee ; And, for thy wondrous goodness' sake, In mercy think on me. 6 His mercy and his truth The righteous Lord displays, In bringing wand'ring sinners home, And teaching them his ways. 7 He those in justice guides Who his direction seek ; And in his sacred paths shall lead The humble and the meek. 8 Through all the ways of God Both truth and mercy shine, To such as, with religious hearts, To his blest will incline. 9 Since mercy is the grace That most exalts thy fame, Forgive my heinous sin, O Lord And so advance thy name. 10 Whoe'er with humble fear, To God his duty pays, Shall find the Lord a faithful guide, In all his righteous ways. 11 For God to all his saints His secret will imparts, And does his gracious covenant write In their obedient hearts. 12 To Israel's chosen race Continue ever kind ; And, in the midst of all their wants, Let them thy succor find. 2* 16 PSALMS. PSALM 21. CM. From the xxvi. Psalm of David.* 1 JUDGE me, O Lord, for I the paths Of righteousness have trod ; I shall not fail, who all my trust Repose on thee, my Gon. 2 I '11 wash my hands in innocence, And round thine altar go ; Pour the glad hymn of triumph thence, And thence thy wonders show. 3 My thanks I '11 publish there, and tell How thy renown excels ; That seat affords me most delight, In which thine honor dwells. PSALM 22. CM. From the xxvii. Psalm of David. 1 WHOM should I fear, since God to me Is saving health and light ? Since strongly he my life supports, What can my soul affright ? 2 Henceforth within his house to dwell I earnestly desire ; His wondrous beauty there to view, And of his will inquire. 3 For there I may with comfort rest, In times of deep distress ; And safe, as on a rock, abide In that secure recess. 4 When us to seek thy glorious face Thou kindly dost advise ; ' Thy glorious face I '11 always seek," My grateful heart replies. 5 Then hide not thou thy face, O Lord, Nor me in wrath reject ; My God and Saviour, leave not him Thou didst so oft protect. 6 Though all of nearest earthly ties Me, in my wo, forsake, Yet thou, whose love excels them all, Wilt care and pity take. 7 Instruct me in thy paths, O Lord, My ways directly guide ; Lest sinful men, who watch my steps, Should see me tread aside. * Extract from the Journal of the General Convention, 1832. " 4. Resolved, As the sense and declaration of this Convention, that so much of the rubrics in the form of consecration of a church or chapel as requires the singing of 'Psalm 26, verses 6, 7, and 8,' will hereafter !* duly conip|ied with by singing verses 2 and 3, in the selection from the 26th Psalm, included in the Psalms in Metre authorized by tliosc ro*.!u- tions to be set forth." PSALMS. 17 8 I trusted that my future life Should with thy love be crown'd ; Or else my fainting soul had sunk, With sorrow compass'd round. 9 God's time with patient faith expect, Who will inspire thy breast With inward strength : do thou thy part, And leave to him the rest. PSALM 23. C. M. From the xxviii. P3alm of David. 1 ADORED for ever be the Lord; His praise I will resound, From whom the cries of my distress A gracious answer found. 2 He is my strength and shield ; my heart Has trusted in his Name ; And now relieved, my heart, with joy, His praises shall proclaim. 3 The Lord, the everlasting God, Is my defence and rock, The saving health, the saving strength, Of his anointed flock. 4 O save and bless thy people, Lord, Thy heritage preserve ; Feed, strengthen, and support their hearts, That they may never swerve. PSALM 24. L. M. From the xxix. Psalm of David. 1 YE that in might and power excel, Your grateful sacrifice prepare ; God's glorious actions loudly tell, His wondrous power to all declare. 2 To his great Name fresh altars raise ; Devoutly due respect afford ; Him in his holy temple praise, Where he 's with solemn state adored. 3 'T is he that, with amazing noise, ■ The watery clouds in sunder breaks ; The ocean trembles at his voice, When he from heaven in thunder speaks. 4 How full of power his voice appears ! With what majestic terror crown'd ! Which from their roots tall cedars tears, And strews their scatter'd branches round. 5 God rules the angry floods on high; His boundless sway shall never cease; His saints with strength he will supply, And bless his own with constant peace. 18 PSALMS. PSALM 25. CM. From the xxx. Psalm of David. 1 IN my distress to God I cried, Who kindly did relieve, And from the grave's expecting mouth My hopeless life retrieve. 2 O to his courts, ye saints of his, With songs of praise repair ; With me commemorate his truth, And providential care. 3 His wrath has but a moment's reign, His favor no decay ; The night of grief is recompensed With joy's returning day. 4 Therefore, O Lord, I '11 gladly sing Thy praise in grateful verse ; And, as thy favors endless are, Thy endless praise rehearse. PSALM 26. S. M. From the xxxi. Psalm of David. 1 DEFEND me, Lord, from shame, For still I trust in thee ; As just and righteous is thy Name, From danger set me free. 2 Bow down thy gracious ear, And speedy succor send ; Do thou my steadfast rock appear, To shelter and defend. 3 To thee, the God of truth, My life, and all that 's mine, (For thou preserv'st me from my youth,) I willingly resign. 4 My hope, my steadfast trust, I on thy help repose: That thou, my God, art good and just, My soul with comfort knows. 5 Whate'er events betide, Thy wisdom times them all ; Then, Lord, thy servant safely hide From those that seek his fall. 6 The brightness of thy face To me, O Lord, disclose ; And, as thy mercies still increase, Preserve me from my foes. 7 How great thy mercies are To such as fear thy Name, Which thou, for those that trust thy care. Dost to the world proclaim ! PSALMS. 19 8 O all ye saints, the Lord With eager love pursue ; Who to the just will help afford, Aiid give the proud their due. 9 Ye that on God rely, Courageously proceed ; For he will still your hearts supply With strength in time of need. PSALM 27. L. M. From the zszii. Psalm of David. 1 HE 'S blest, whose sins have pardon gainM, No more in judgment to appear ; Whose guilt remission has obtain'd, And whose repentance is sincere. 2 No sooner I my wound disclosed. The guilt that tortured me within, But thy forgiveness interposed, And mercy's healing balm pour'd in. 3 Sorrows on sorrows multiplied, The harden'd sinner shall confound; But them who in His truth confide, Blessings of mercy shall surround. 4 His saints, that have perform'd his laws, Their life in triumph shall employ; Let them, as they alone have cause, In grateful raptures shout for joy. PSALM 28. From the xxxiii. Psalm of David. PART I. C. M. 1 LET all the just to God, with joy, Their cheerful voices raise ; For well the righteous it becomes To sing glad songs of praise. 2 Let harps, and psalteries, and lutes, In joyful concert meet ; And new-made songs of loud applause The harmony complete. 3 For faithful is the word of God ; His works with truth abound ; He justice loves ; and all the earth Is with his goodness crown'd. 4 By his almighty word at first, The heavenly arch was rear'd ; And all the beauteous hosts of light At his command appear'd. 5 Let earth, and all that dwell therein, Before him trembling stand ; For, when he spake the word, 't was made, 'T was fix'd at his command. 20 PSALMS. PART II. C. M. 1 Whate'er the mighty Lord decrees, Shall stand for ever sure ; The settled purpose of his heart To ages shall endure. 2 How happy then are they, to whom The Lord for God is known ! Whom he, from all the world besides, Has chosen for his own. 3 Our soul on God with patience waits ; Our help and shield is he; Then, Lord, let still our hearts rejoice, Because we trust in thee. 4 The riches of thy mercy, Lord, Do thou to us extend ; Since we, for all we want or wish On thee alone depend. PSALM 29. From the xxxiv. Psalm of David. PART I. C. M. 1 THROUGH all the changing scenes of life. In trouble and in joy, The praises of my God shall still My heart and tongue employ. 2 Of his deliv'rance I will boast, Till all that are distress'd From my example comfort take, And charm their griefs to rest. 3 O magnify the Lord with me, With me exalt his name: When in distress to him I call'd, He to my rescue came. 4 The Angel of the Lord encamps Around the good and just; Deliv'rance he affords to all Who on his succor trust. 5 O make but trial of his love, Experience will decide How blest they are, and only they, Who in his truth confide. 6 Fear him, ye saints; and you will then Have nothing else to fear: Make you his service your delight, Your wants shall be his care. PART II. C. M. 1 Approach, ye children of the Lord, And my instruction hear; 1 '11 teach you the true discipline Of his religious fear PSALMS. 2' 2 Let him who length of life desires, And prosp'rous days would see, From sland'ring language keep his tongue, His lips from falsehood free; 3 The crooked paths of vice decline, And virtue's ways pursue; Establish peace, where 'tis begun And where 't is lost, renew. 4 The Lord from heaven beholds the jusl With favorable eyes ; And, when distress'd, his gracious ear Is open to their cries ; 5 But turns his wrathful look on those Whom mercy can't reclaim, To cut them off, and from the earth Blot out their evil name. 6 Deliv'rance to his saints he gives. When his relief they crave ; He's nigh to heal the broken heart, And contrite spirit save. 7 Great troubles may afflict the just, Yet Gon will save them still; The righteous he will keep from harm, And guard from every ill. 8 The wicked, from their wickedness, Their ruin shall derive; Whilst righteous men, whom they detest, Shall them and their's survive. 9 For God preserves the souls of those Who on his truth depend ; To them, and their posterity, His blessings shall descend. PSALM 30. L. M. From the xxxvi. Psalm of David. 1 O LORD, thy mercy, my sure hope, The highest orb of heaven transcends. Thy sacred truth's unmeasured scope Beyond the spreading sky extends. 2 Thy justice like the hills remains, Unfathom'd depths thy judgments f Thy providence the world sustains, The whole creation is thy care. 3 Since of thy goodness all partake, With what assurance should the just Thy shelt'ring wings their refuge make, And saints to thy protection trust ! 4 Such guests shall to thy courts be led, To banquet on thy love's repast; And drink, as from a fountain's head, Of joys that shall for ever last. 22 PSALMS. 5 With thee the springs of life remain, Thy presence is eternal day ; O let thy saints thy favor gain, To upright hearts thy truth display. PSALM 31. II. 2. Prom the xxxvii. Psalm of David. 1 THOUGH wicked men grow rich or great, Yet let not their successful state Thy anger or thy envy raise; For they, cut down like tender grass, Or like young flowers away shall pass, Whose blooming beauty soon decays. 2 Depend on God, and him obey, So thou within the land shalt stay, Secure from danger and from want: Make his commands thy chief delight, And he, thy duty to requite, Shall all thy earnest wishes grant. 3 In all thy ways trust thou the Lord, And he will needful help afford, To perfect every just design ; He '11 make like light, serene and clear, Thy clouded innocence appear, And as a mid-day sun to shine. 4 With quiet mind on God depend, And patiently for him attend, Nor envy the success of crime; For God will sinful men destroy, Whilst they his presence shall enjoy, Who trust on him, and wait his time. PART II. II. 2. 1 The good man's way is God's delight : He orders all the steps aright Of him that moves by his command; Though he sometimes may be distress'd, Yet shall he ne'er be quite oppress'd, For God upholds him with his hand 2 With caution shun each wicked deed, In virtue's ways with zeal proceed, And so prolong your happy days; For God, who judgment loves, does still Preserve his saints secure from ill, While soon the wicked race decays. 3 The upright shall possess the land, His portion shall for aL'<^ stand; His mouth with wisdom is supplied, His tongue by rules of judgment moves, His heart the law of God approves; Therefore his footsteps never slide. PSALMS. 23 PART III. II. 2. 1 The wicked I in power have seen, And like a bay-tree fresh and green That spreads its pleasant branches round But he was gone as swift as thought; And, though in every place I sought, No sign or track of him I found. 2 Observe the perfect man with care, And mark all such as upright are ; Their roughest days in peace shall end: While on the latter end of those Who dare God's sacred will oppose, A common ruin shall attend. 3 God to the just will aid afford, Their only safeguard is the Lord, Their strength in time of need is he : Because on him they still depend, The Lord will timely succor send, And from the wicked set them free. PSALM 32. CM. From the xxxviii. Psalm of David. 1 THY chast'ning wrath, O Lord, restrain, Though I deserve it all; Nor let on me the heavy storm Of thy displeasure fall. 2 My sins, which to a deluge swell, My sinking head o'erflow, And, for my feeble strength to bear, Too vast a burden grow. 3 But, Lord, before thy searching eyes All my desires appear; The groan ings of my burden'd soul Have reach'd thine open ear. 4 Forsake me not, O Lord, my God, Nor far from me depart ; Make haste to my relief, O thou Who my salvation art. PSALM 33. C. M. From the xxxix. Psalm of David. 1 LORD, let me know my term of days, How soon my life will end: The num'rous train of ills disclose, Which this frail state attend. 2 My life, thou know'st, is but a span, A cipher sums my years; And every man, in best estate, But vanity appears. 3 Man, like a shadow, vainly walks, With fruitless cares oppress'd; He heaps up wealth, but cannot tell By whom 't will be possess'd. 3 24 PSALMS. 4 Why then should I on worthless toys With anxious cares attend ? On thee alone my steadfast hope Shall ever, Lord, depend. 5 Lord, hear my cry, accept my tears, And listen to my prayer, Who sojourn like a stranger here, As all my fathers were. 6 O spare me yet a little time ; My wasted strength restore, Before I vanish quite from hence, And shall be seen no more. PSALM 34. L. M. From the xl. Psalm of David. 1 I WAITED meekly for the Lord, Till he vouchsafed a kind reply ; Who did his gracious ear afford, And heard from heaven my humble cry. 2 The wonders he for me has wrought Shall fill my mouth with songs of praise j And others, to his worship brought, To hopes of like deliv'rance raise. 3 For blessings shall that man reward, Who on th' Almighty Lord relies; Who treats the proud with disregard, And hates the hypocrite's disguise. 4 Who can the wondrous works recount Which thou, O God, for us hast wrought* The treasures of thy love surmount The power of numbers, speech, and thought. 5 I 've learnt that thou hast not desired Offerings and sacrifice alone ; Nor blood of guiltless beasts required For man's transgression to atone. 6 I therefore come— come to fulfil The oracles thy books impart; >T is my delight to do thy will, Thy law is written in my heart. 7 In full assemblies I have told Thy truth and righteousness at large : Nor did, thou know'st, my lips withhold From uttering what thou gav'st in charge: 8 Nor kept within my breast confined Thy faithfulness and saving grace ; But preach'd thv love, for all design d, That all might that and truth embrace. 9 Then let those mercies I declared To others, Lord, extend to me; Thy loving-kindness my reward, Thy truth my safe protection be. PSALMS. 25 PSALM 35. CM. From the zli. Psalm of David. 1 HAPPY the man whose tender care Relieves the poor distress'd ! When troubles compass him around, The Lord shall give him rest. 2 The Lord his life, with blessings crown'd, In safety shall prolong; And disappoint the will of those That seek to do him wrong. 3 If he, in^anguishing estate, Oppress'd with sickness lie ; The Lcrd will easy make his bed, And inward strength supply. 4 Secure of this, to thee, my God, I thus my prayer address'd ; " Lord, for thy mercy, heal my soul, Though I have much transgress'd." 5 Thy tender care secures my life From danger and disgrace ; And thou vouchsaf 'st to set me still Before thy glorious face. 6 Let therefore Israel's Lord and God From age to age be bless'd ; And all the people's glad applause With loud Amens express'd. PSALM 36. CM. From the xlii. Psalm of David. 1 AS pants the hart for cooling streams / When heated in the chase; So longs my soul, O God, for thee, And thy refreshing grace. 2 For thee, my God, the living God, My thirsty soul doth pine; O ! when shall I behold thy face, Thou Majesty divine? 3 Why restless, why cast down, my soul ? Trust God ; who will employ His aid for thee, and change these sighs To thankful hymns of joy. 4 God of my strength, how long shall I, Like one forgotten, mourn ; Forlorn, forsaken, and exposed To my oppressor's scorn ? 5 My heart is pierced, as with a sword, While thus my foes upbraid : "Vain boaster, where is now thy Goo r f And where his promised aid ?" 26 PSALMS. 6 Why restless, why cast down, my soul t Hope still ; and thou shalt sing The praise of Him who is thy God, Thy health's eternal spring. PSALM 37. II. 5. From the xlii. Psalm of David. 1 AS pants the wearied hart for cooling springs, That sinks exhausted in the summer's chase, So pants my soul for thee, great King of kings, So thirsts to reach thy sacred dwelling place. 2 Why throb, my heart? why sink, my sadd'ning soul? Why droop to earth, with various woes oppress'd ? My years shall yet in blissful circles roll, And peace be yet an inmate of this breast. 3 Lord, thy sure mercies, ever in my sight, My heart shall gladden through the tedious day; And 'midst the dark and gloomy shades of night, To thee, my God, I '11 tune the grateful lay. 4 Why faint, my soul? why doubt Jehovah's aid? Thy God the God of mercy still shall prove 3 Within his courts thy thanks shall yet be paid — Unquestion'd be his faithfulness and love ! PSALM 38. L. M. Prom the xliii. Psalm of David. 1 LET me with light and truth be bless'd; Be these my guides to lead the way, Till on Thy holy hill I rest, And in thy sacred temple pray. 2 Then will I there fresh altars raise To God, who is my only joy; And well-tuned harps, with songs of praise, Shall all my grateful hours employ. 3 Why then cast down, my soul ? and why So much oppress'd with anxious care? On God, thy God, for aid rely, Who will thy ruin'd state repair. PSALM 39. CM. From the xlv. Psalm of David. 1 WHILE I the King's loud praise rehearse, Indited by my heart, My tongue is like the pen of him That writes with ready art. 2 How matchless is thy form, O King ! Thy mouth with grace o'erflows; Because fresh blessings God on thee Eternally bestows. PSALMS. 27 3 Gird on thy sword, most mighty prince . And, clad in rich array, With glorious ornaments of power, Majestic pomp display. 4 Ride on in state, and still protect The meek, the just, and true; Whilst thy right hand, with swift revenge, Does all thy foes pursue. 5 How sharp thy weapons are to them That dare thy power despise ! Down, down they fall, while through their heart The piercing arrow flies. 5 But thy firm throne, O God, is fix'd, For ever to endure ; Thy sceptre's sway shall always last, By righteous laws secure. 7 Because thy heart, by justice led, Did upright ways approve, And hated still the crooked paths, Where wand'ring sinners rove: 3 Therefore did God, thy God, on thee The oil of gladness shed ; And has, above thy fellows round, Advanced thy lofty head. PSALM 40. II. 2. From the xlvi. Psalm of David. 1 GOD is our refuge in distress, A present help when dangers press, In him, undaunted, we '11 confide; Though earth were from her centre tost And mountains in the ocean lost, Torn piece-meal by the roaring tide. 2 A gentler stream with gladness still The city of our Lord shall fill, The royal seat of God most high : God dwells in Sion, whose fair towers Shall mock th' assaults of earthly powers, While his almighty aid is nigh. 3 Submit to God's almighty sway, For him the Heathen shall obey, And earth her sovereign Lord confess : The God of hosts conducts our arms, Our tower of refuge in alarms, As to our fathers in distress. PSALM 41. L. M. From the xlvii. Psalm of David. 1 O ALL ye people, clap your hands, And with triumphant voices sing: No force the mighty power withstands Of God, the universal King. 3* 28 PSALMS. 2 He shall assaulting foes repel, And with success our battles fight; Shall fix the place where we must dwell, The pride of Jacob, his delight. 3 God is gone up, our Lord and King, With shouts of joy, and trumpet's sound ; To him repeated praises sing, And let the cheerful song rebound. 4 Your utmost skill in praise be shown, For him who all the world commands, Who sits upon his righteous throne, And spreads his sway o'er heathen lands. P S A L M 42. CM. From the xlviii. Psalm of David. 1 THE Lord, the only God, is great, And greatly to be praised In Sion, on whose happy mount His sacred throne is raised. 2 In Sion we have seen perform'd A work that was foretold, In pledge that God, for times to come, His city will uphold. 3 Let Sion's mount with joy resound; Her daughters all be taught In songs his judgments to extol, Who this deliv'rance wrought. 4 Compass her walls in solemn pomp, Your eyes quite round her cast ; Count all her towers, and see if there You find one stone displaced. 5 Her forts and palaces survey, Observe their order well ; That to the ages yet to come His wonders you may tell. 6 This God is ours, and will be ours, Whilst we in him confide; Who, as he has preserved us now. Till death will be our guide. PSALM 43. From the 1. Psalm of David. PART I. II. 2. 1 THE Lord hath spoke, the mighty God Hath sent his summons all abroad, From dawning light till day declines: The list'ning earth his voice hath heard, And he from Sion hath appear'd, Where beauty in perfection shines. PSALMS. 2Q 2 Our God shall come, and keep no more Misconstrued silence as before, But wasting flames before him send; Around shall tempests fiercely rage, Whilst he does heaven and earth engage His just tribunal to attend. 3 Assemble all my saints to me, (Thus runs the great divine decree, That in my lasting covenant live, And offerings bring with constant care: The heavens his justice shall declare, For God himself shall sentence give. PART II. II. 2. 1 Attend, my people; Israel, hear; Thy strong accuser I '11 appear; Thy God, thine only God am I : 'T is not of offerings I complain, "Which, daily in my temple slain, My sacred altar did supply. 2 The sacrifices I require Are hearts which love and zeal inspire, And vows with strictest care made good: In time of trouble call on me, And I will set thee safe and free, And thou shalt praise thy gracious God 3 Consider this, ye thoughtless men ! My vengeance shall not fall in vain, And none will dare your cause to own Who praises me due honor gives, And to the man that justly lives My strong salvation shall be shown. PSALM 44. S. M From the li. Psalm of David. 1 HAVE mercy, Lord, on me, As thou wert ever kind ; Let me, oppress'd with loads of guilt, Thy wonted mercy find. 2 Wash off my foul offence, And cleanse me from my sin ; For I confess my crime, and see How great my guilt has been. 3 Against thee, Lord, alone, And only in thy sight, Have I transgress'd ; and, though condemn'd, Must own thy judgment right. I In guilt each part was form'd Of all this sinful frame ; In guilt I was conceived, and born The heir of sin and shame. 30 PSALMS. 5 Yet, Lord, thy searching eye Does inward truth require ; And secretly with wisdom's laws My soul thou wilt inspire. 6 With hyssop purge me, Lord, And so I clean shall be : I shall with snow in whiteness vie, When purified by thee. 7 Make me to hear with joy Thy kind forgiving voice ; That so the bones which thou hast broke May with fresh strength rejoice. 8 Blot out my crying sins, Nor me in anger view : Create in me a heart that 's clean, An upright mind renew. 9 Withdraw not thou thy help, Nor cast me from thy sight ; Nor let thy Holy Spirit take His everlasting flight. 10 The joy thy favor gives Let me, O Lord, regain, And thy free Spirit's firm support My fainting soul sustain. 11 So I thy righteous ways To sinners will impart; Whilst my advice shall wicked men To thy just laws convert. 12 Could sacrifice atone, Whole flocks and herds should die ; But on such offerings thou disdain'st To cast a gracious eye. . 13 A broken spirit is By God most highly prized j By him a broken, contrite heart, Shall never be despised. 14 Let Sion favor find, Of thy good will assured ; And thy own city flourish long, By lofty walls secured. 15 The just shall then attend, And pleasing tribute pay; And sacrifice of choicest kind Upon thy altar lay. PSALM 45. CM. Prom Ihe lv. Psalm of David. 1 GIVE ear, thou Judge of all the earth, And listen when I pray ; Nor from thy humble supplian*. turn Thy glorious face away. PSALMS. 31 2 My heart is pain'd ; the shades of death Their terrors round me spread; While fearful tremblings seize my breast, Horrors o'erwhelm my head. 3 And thus I breathe my heavy sigh To Him who hears above; " O that my soul on wings could fly, And emulate the dove ! 4 " Swift I 'd escape, and flee afar, Some secret place to find, Hide from the world's distracting care, And rest my weary mind. 5 "I 'd wing my everlasting flight, Bidding the world farewell, From sin and strife, to realms of light, Where peace and quiet dwell." 6 Thus will I call on God, who still Shall in my aid appear ; At morn, at noon, at night I '11 pray, And he my voice shall hear. P S A L M 46. CM. From the hi. Psalm of David. 1 LORD ! though at times surprised by fear, On danger's first alarm, Yet still for succor I depend On thy almighty arm. 2 God's faithful promise I shall praise, On which I now rely ; In God I trust, and, trusting him, The arm of flesh defy. 3 I '11 trust God's word, and so despise The force that man can raise ; To thee, O God, my vows are due, To thee I '11 render praise. 4 Thou hast retrieved my soul from death, And thou wilt still secure The life thou hast so oft preserved, And make my footsteps sure: 5 That thus, protected by thy power, I may this light enjoy; And in the service of my God My lengthen'd days employ. PSALM 47. L. M. From the lvii. Psalm of David. 1 O GOD, my heart is fix'd, 't is bent, Its thankful tribute to present ; And, with my heart, my voice I '11 raise To thee, my God, in songs of praise. 32 PSALMS. 2 Awake, my glory ; harp and lute, No longer let your strings be mute: And I, my tuneful part to take, Will with the early dawn awake. 3 Thy praises, Lord, I will resound To all the list'ning nations round : Thy mercy highest heaven transcends, Thy truth beyond the clouds extends. 4 Be thou, O God, exalted high ; And as thy glory fills the sky, So let it be on earth display 'd, Till thou art here, as there, obey'd. PSALM 48. L. M. Prom the lxii. Psalm of David. 1 MY soul, for help on God rely, On him alone thy trust repose; My rock and health will strength supply, To bear the shock of all my foes. 2 God does his saving health dispense, And flowing blessings daily send : He is my fortress and defence, On him my soul shall still depend. 3 In him, ye people, always trust; Before his throne pour out your hearts: For God, the merciful and just, His timely aid to us imparts. 4 The Lord has oft his will express'd, And I this truth have fully known : To be of boundless power possess'd, Belongs of right to God alone. 5 Though mercy is his darling grace, In which he chiefly takes delight ; Yet he will all the human race According to their works requite. PSALM 49. II. 2. From the lxiii. Psalm of David. 1 O GOD, my gracious Gon, to thee My morning prayers shall offer'd be, For thee my thirsty soul does pant; My fainting flesh implores thy grace, As in a dry and barren place, AVhere I refreshing waters want. 2 O ! to my longing eyes, once more, That view of glofious power restore, Which thy majestic house displays: Because to me thy wondrous love Than life itself does dearer prove, My lips shall always speak thy praise. PSALMS. 33 3 My life, while I that life enjoy, In blessing God I will employ, With lifted hands adore his name: As with its choicest food supplied, My soul shall be full satisfied While I with joy his praise proclaim. 4 When down I lie, sweet sleep to find, Thou, Lord, art present to my mind, And when I wake in dead of night; Because thou still dost succor bring, Beneath the shadow of thy wing I rest with safety and delight. PSALM 50. From the lxv. Psalm of David PART I. L. W. 1 FOR thee, O God, our constant praise In Sion waits, thy chosen seat ; Our promised altars there we '11 raise, And all our zealous vows complete. 2 Thou ! who to every humble prayer, Dost always bend thy list'ning ear. To thee shall all mankind repair, And at thy gracious throne appear. 3 Our sins, though numberless, in vain To stop thy flowing mercy try; Whilst thou o'erlook'st the guilty stain, And washest out the crimson dye. 4 Blest is the man, who, near thee placed, Within thy sacred dwelling lives ! 'T is there abundantly we taste The vast delights thy temple gives. PART II. L. M. 1 Lord ! from thy unexhausted store, Thy rain relieves the thirsty ground ; Makes lands, that barren were before, With corn and useful fruits abound. 2 On rising ridges down it pours, And every furrow'd valley fills: Thou mak'st them soft with gentle showers. In which a blest increase distils. 3 Thy goodness does the circling year With fresh returns of plenty crown; And where thy glorious paths appear, The fruitful clouds drop fatness down. 4 They drop on barren deserts, changed By them to pastures fresh and green: The hills about, in order ranged, la beauteous robes of joy are seen. 34 PSALMS. 5 Large flocks with fleecy wool adorn The cheerful downs ; the valleys bring A plenteous crop of full ear'd corn, And seem, for joy, to shout and sing. PSALM 51. From the Ixvi. Psalm of David. PART I. C. M. 1 LET all the lands, with shouts of joy, To God their voices raise ; Sing psalms in honor of his name, And spread his glorious praise. 2 And let them say, How dreadful, Lord. In all thy works, art thou ! To thy great power thy stubborn foes Shall all be forced to bow. 3 Through all the earth, the nations round Shall thee, their God, confess ; And, with glad hymns, their awful dread Of thy great Name express. 4 O come ! behold the works of God, And then with me you '11 own That he to all the sons of men Has wondrous judgment shown. 5 O all ye nations, bless our God, And loudly speak his praise ; Who keeps our souls alive, and still Confirms our steadfast ways. PART II. C. M. 1 My off'rings to God's house I '11 bring, And there my vows will pay, Which I with solemn zeal did make In trouble's dismal day. 2 O come, all ye that fear the Lord, Attend with heedful care, Whilst I what God for me has done With grateful joy declare. 3 As I before his aid implored, So now I praise his Name; But, if my heart to sin incline, My prayer will God disclaim. 4 But God to me, whene'er I cried, His gracious ear did bend, And to the voice of my request With constant love attend. 5 Then bless'd for ever be my God, Who never, when I pray, Withholds his mercy from my soul, Nor turns his face away. PSALMS. 36 PSALM 52. S,M. From the lxvii. Psalm of David. 1 TO bless thy chosen race, In mercy. Lord, incline ; And cause the brightness of thy face On all thy saints to shine : 2 That so thy wondrous way May through the world be known ; While distant lands their tribute pay, And thy salvation own. 3 Let diff'ring nations join To celebrate thy fame ; Let all the world, O Lord, combine To praise thy glorious Name. 4 O let them shout and sing, With joy and pious mirth ; For thou, the righteous Judge and King Shalt govern all the earth. 5 Let diff'ring nations join To celebrate thy fame; Let all the world, O Lord, combine To praise thy glorious Name. 6 Then God upon our land Shall constant blessings shower ; And all the world in awe shall stand Of his resistless power. PSALM 53. L. M. From the Ixviii. Psalm of David. 1 THE servants of Jehovah's will His favor's gentle beams enjoy ; Their upright hearts let gladness fill, And cheerful songs their tongues employ 2 To him your voice in anthems raise, Jehovah's awful name he bears ; In him rejoice, extol his praise, Who rides upon high-rolling spheres. 3 His chariots numberless, his powers Are heavenly hosts, that wait his will ; His presence now fills Sion's towers, As once it honor'd Sinai's hill. 4 Ascending high, in triumph thou Captivity hast captive led, And on thy people didst bestow Thy gifts and graces freely shed. 5 Even rebels shall partake thy grace, And humble proselytes repair To worship at thy dwelling-place, And all the world pay homage there. * PSALMS. For benefits each day bestow'd, Be daily his great Name adored, Who is our Saviour and our God, Of life and death the sovereign Lord. PSALM 54. Prom the txix. Psalm of David PART I. L. M. 1 SAVE me, O God, from waves that roll And press to overwhelm my soul; With painful steps in mire I tread, And deluges o'erflow my head. 2 O Lord, to thee I will repair For help, with humble, timely prayer; Relieve me from thy mercy's store, Display thy truth's preserving power. 3 From threat'ning dangers me relieve, And from the mire my feet retrieve ; From all my foes in safety keep, And snatch me from the raging deep. 4 Lord, hear the humble prayer I make, For thy transcending goodness' sake; Relieve thy supplicant once more From thy abounding mercy's store. 5 Reproach and grief have broke my hear. . I look'd for some to take my part, To pity, or relieve my pain; But look'd, alas ! for both in vain. 6 With hunger pined, for food I call, Instead of food they give me gall ; And when with thirst my spirits sink, They give me vinegar to drink. 7 For new afflictions they procured For him who had thy stripes endured; And made the wounds thy scourge had torn To bleed afresh with sharper scorn. PART II. L. M. 1 My soul, howe'er distress'd and poor, Thy strong salvation shall restore; Thy power with songs I '11 then proclaim And celebrate with thanks thy Name. 2 Our God shall this more highly prize Than herds or flocks in sacrifice; Which humble saints with joy shall see, And hope for like redress with me. 3 For God regards the poor's complaint, And frees the captive from restraint; Let heaven, earth, sea, their voices raise, And all the world resound his praise. PSALMS. PSALM 53. C. M. From the Ixxi. Psalm of David 1 IN thee I put my steadfast trust, Defend me, Lord, from shame : Incline thine ear, and save my soul, For righteous is thy Name. 2 Be thou my strong abiding-place, To which I may resort : Thy promise, Lord, is my defence, Thou art my rock and fort. 3 My steadfast and unchanging hope Shall on thy power depend ; And I in grateful songs of praise My time to come will spend. 4 Thy righteous acts and saving health My mouth shall still declare; Unable yet to count them all, Though summ'd with utmost care. 5 While God vouchsafes me his support, I '11 in his strength go on ; All other righteousness disclaim, And mention his alone. 6 Thou, Lord, hast taught me from my youth To praise thy glorious Name ; And ever since, thy wondrous works Have been my constant theme. 7 Therefore, with psaltery and harp, Thy truth, O Lord, I '11 praise ; To thee the God of Jacob's race, My voice in anthems raise. 8 Then joy shall fill my mouth, and songs Employ my cheerful voice ; My grateful soul, by thee redeem'd, Shall in thy strength rejoice. PSALM 56. C. M. From the lxxii. Psalm of David. 1 LO ! hills and mountains shall bring forth The happy fruits of peace ; Which all the land shall own to be The work of righteousness: 2 While David's Son our needy race Shall rule with gentle sway ; And from their humble neck shall take Oppressive yokes away. 3 In every heart thy awful fear Shall then be rooted fast, As long as sun and moon endure, Or time itself shall last. 38 PSALMS. 4 He shall descend like rain, that cheers The meadow's second birth ; Or like warm showers whose gentle drops Refresh the thirsty earth. 5 In his blest days the just and good Shall spring up all around ; The happy land shall every where With endless peace abound. 6 His uncontroll'd dominion shall From sea to sea extend ; Begin at proud Euphrates' stream, At nature's limits end. 7 To him the savage nations round Shall bow their servile heads ; His vanquish'd foes shall lick the dust. Where he his conquest spreads. ft The kings of Tarshish and the isles Shall costly presents bring ; From spicy Sheba gifts shall come, And wealthy Saba's king. 9 To him shall every king on earth His humble homage pay ; And differing nations gladly join To own his righteous sway. 10 For he shall set the needy free, When they for succor cry; Shall save the helpless and the poor, And all their wants supply. 11 For him shall constant prayer be made Through all his prosp'rous days: His just dominion shall afford A lasting theme of praise. 12 The mem'ry of his glorious Name Through endless years shall run ; His spotless fame shall shine as bright And lasting as the sun. 13 In him the nations of the world Shall be completely bless'd, And his unbounded happiness By every tongue confess'd. 14 Then bless'd be God, the mighty Lord, The God whom Israel fears ; Who only wondrous in his works Beyond compare, appears. 15 Let earth be with his glory fill'd, For ever bless his Name; Whilst to his praise the list'ning world Their glad assent proclaim PSALMS. 39 PSALM 57. L. M. From the lxxiii. Psalm of David. 1 THY presence, Lord, hath me supplied, Thou my right hand support dost give: Thou first shalt with thy counsel guide, And then to glory me receive. 2 Whom then in heaven, but thee alone, Have I, whose favor I require ? Throughout the spacious earth there 's none, Compared with thee, that I desire. 3 My trembling flesh and aching heart May often fail to succor me ; But God shall inward strength impart, And my eternal portion be. 4 For they that far from thee remove Shall into sudden ruin fall ; If after other gods they rove, Thy vengeance shall destroy them all. 5 But as for me, 't is good and just That I should still to God repair ; In him I always put my trust, And will his wondrous works declare. PSALM 58. C. M. From the lxxiv. Psalm of David. 1 THINE is the cheerful day, O Lord ; Thine the return of night ; Thou hast prepared the glorious sun. And every feebler light. 2 By thee the borders of the earth In perfect order stand ; The summer's warmth and winter's cold. Attend on thy command. PSALM 59. IV. 1. From the lxxvi. Psalm of David. 1 THE Name of our God In Israel is known ; His mansion beloved Is Sion alone ; There broke he the arrows The enemy hurl'd, And honor'd his mountain Above all the world. 2 The pride of thy foes Is turn'd to thy praise ; Their fierceness o'er-ruled Thy providence sways* 4 * 40 PSALMS. Their sin overflowing Thy power will restrain; Thy arm on the wicked New glory will gain. 3 Ye nations, to God Vow homage sincere; Devote to him gifts, Love, worship, and fear! Before him, ye mighty, Your spirits repress ! Ye high, and ye hnmhle, His wonders confess ! PSALM 60. CM. From the lxxviii. Psalm of David. 1 HEAR, O my people, to my law Devout attention lend ; Let the instruction of my mouth Deep in your hearts descend. 2 My tongue shall oracles proclaim Which ancient times have known ; The truths which our forefathers' care To us has handed down. 3 We will not hide them from our sons, Our offspring' shall be taught The praises of the Lord, whose strength Has works of wonder wrought. 4 For Jacob he his law ordain'd, His league with Israel made ; With charge to be from age to age, From race to race, convey'd. 5 That generations yet to come Should to their unborn heirs Religiously transmit the same, And they again to theirs. 6 To teach them that in God alone Their hope securely stands; That they should ne'er his works forget. But keep his just commands. PSALM 61. L. M. From the lxxx. Psalm of David. 1 O THOU whom heavenly hosts obey, How long shall thy fierce anger burn? How long thy snrT'ring people pray, And to their prayers have no return ? 2 Thou brought'st a vine from Egypt's land ; And casting out the heathen race, Didst plant it with thine own right hand, And firmly fix it in their place. PSALMS. 41 3 Before it thou prepar'dsl the way, And macTst it take a lasting root. Which. blessHi with thy indulgent ray, O'er all the land did widely shoot. 4 The hills were coverd with its shade, Its goodly boughs did cedars seem; lis branches to the sea were spread, And reach'd to proud Euphrates' stream. 5 To thee. O Gon of hosts, we pray. Thy wonted goodness. Lord, renew; From heaven, thy throne, this vine survey, And her sad state with pity view. 6 Behold the vineyard made by thee, Which thy right hand did guard so long; And keep that branch from danger free, Which for thyself thou mad'st so strong. 7 Do thou convert as, Lord, do thou The lustre of thy face display; And all the ills we suffer now. Like scatter'd clouds, shall pass away. PSALM 62. C. M. From the Ixxxi. Psalm of David. 1 TO God, our never-failing strength, With loud applauses sing: And jointly make a cheerful noise To Jacob's awful King. 2 Compose a hymn of praise, and touch Your instruments of joy; Let psalteries and tuneful harps Your grateful skill employ. 3 Let trumpets at the festival Their joyful voices raise, To celebrate th' appointed time, The solemn day of praise. 4 For this a statute was of old. Which Jacob's God decreed To be with pious care observed, By Israel's chosen seed. PSALM 63. CM. From the Ixxxiv. Psalm of David. 1 O GOD of hosts, the mighty Lord, How lovely is the place Where thou, enthroned in glory, show'st The brightness of thy face ! 2 My longing soul faints with desire To view thy blest abode; My panting hea/t and flesh cry out For thee, the living God. 42 PSALMS. 3 The birds, more happy far than I, Around thy temple throng; Securely there they build, and there Securely hatch their young. 4 O Lord of hosts, my king and God, How highly bless'd are they, Who in thy temple always dwell, And there thy praise display ! 5 Thrice happy they, whose choice has thee Their sure protection made, Who long to tread the sacred ways That to thy dwelling lead ! 6 Who pass through parch'd and thirsty vales, Yet no refreshment want ; Their pools are fill'd with rain, which thou At their request dost grant. 7 Thus they proceed from strength to strength, And still approach more near ; Till all on Sion's holy mount Before their God appear. 8 Within thy courts one single day 'T is better to attend, Than, Lord, in any other place A thousand days to spend. 9 Much rather in God's house will I The meanest office take, Than in the wealthy tents of sin My pompous dwelling make. 10 For God, who is our sun and shield, Will grace and glory give ; And no good thing will he withhold From them that justly live. 11 Thou, God, whom heavenly hosts obey. How highly bless'd is he, Whose hope and trust, securely placed, Are still reposed on thee ! PSALM 64. CM. From the Ixxxv. Psalm of David. 1 O GOD our Saviour, all our hearts To thy obedience turn ; That, quench'd with our repenting tears, Thy wrath no more may burn. 2 For why should'st thou be angry still, And wrath so long retain ? Revive us, Lord, and let thy saints Thy wonted comfort gain. 3 Thy gracious favor, Lord, display, Which we have long implored: And, for thy wondrous mercy's sake, Thy wonted aid afford. PSALMS. 43 4 God's answer patiently I '11 wait; For he with glad success, If they no more to folly turn, His mourning saints will bless. 5 To all that fear God's holy Name His sure salvation 's near; His glory in our happy land For ever shall appear. 6 For mercy now with truth is join'd ; And righteousness with peace, Like kind companions, absent long, With friendly arms embrace. 7 Truth from the earth shall spring, whilst heaven Shall streams of justice pour ; And God, from whom all goodness flows, Shall endless plenty shower. 8 Before him righteousness shall march And his just paths prepare ; While we his holy steps pursue With constant zeal and care. PSALM 65. C. M. From the lxxxvi. Psalm of David. 1 TO my complaint, O Lord my God, Thy gracious ear incline ; Hear me, distress'd and destitute Of all relief but thine. 2 Do thou, O God, preserve my soul, That does thy Name adore ; Thy servant keep, and him whose trust Relies on thee, restore. 3 To me, who daily thee invoke, Thy mercy, Lord, extend ; Refresh thy servant's soul, whose hopes On thee alone depend. 4 Thou, Lord, art good, nor only good, But prompt to pardon too ; Of plenteous mercy to all those Who for thy mercy sue. 5 To my repeated humble prayer, O Lord, attentive be ; When troubled, I on thee will call, For thou wilt answer me. 6 Among the gods there 's none like thee, O Lord, alone divine! To thee as much inferior they, As are their works to thine. 7 Therefore their great Creator, thee The nations shall adore; Their long-misguided prayers and praise To thy bless'd Name restore. 44 PSALMS. 8 All shall confess thee great, and great The wonders thou hast done ; Confess thee God, tlie God supreme, Confess thee God alone. 9 Teach me thy way, O Lord, and I From truth shall ne'er depart ; In rev'rence to thy sacred Name Devoutly fix my heart. 10 Thee will I praise, O Lord my God, Praise thee with heart sincere, And to thy everlasting Name Eternal trophies rear. 11 Thy boundless mercy shown to me Transcends my power to tell ; For thou hast oft redeem'd my soul From lowest deeps of hell. 12 And thou thy constant goodness didst To my assistance bring : Of patience, mercy, and of truth, Thou everlasting spring ! PSALM 66. II. 3. From the lxxxvii. Psalm of David. 1 GOD'S temple crowns the holy mount, The Lord there condescends to dwell ; His Sion's gates, in his account,. Our Israel's fairest tents excel : Yea, glorious things of thee we sing, O city of th' Almighty King ! 2 Of honor'd Sion we aver, Illustrious throngs from her proceed; Th' Almighty shall establish her, And shall enrol her holy seed : Yea, for his people he shall count The children of his favor'd mount. 3 He '11 Sion find with numbers fill'd Who celebrate his matchless praise; Who, here in hallelujahs skill'd, In heaven their harps and hymns shall raise O Sion, seat of Israel's King, Be mine to drink thy living spring! PSALM 67. L. M. From the lxxxviii. Psalm of David. 1 GOD of my life, O Lord most high, To thee by day and night I cry; Vouchsafe my mournful voice to hear, To my distress incline thine ear. 2 Like those whoso strength and hopes are fled They number me among the dead; Like those who, shrouded in the grave, From thee no more remembrance have. PSALMS. 45 3 Will thou by miracle revive The dead whom thou forsook'st alive? Shall the mute grave thy love confess, A mould'ring tomb thy faithfulness? 4 To thee, O Lord, I cry forlorn, My prayer prevents the early morn: Why hast thou, Lord, my soul forsook, Nor once vouchsafed a gracious look? 5 Companions dear, and friends beloved, Far from my sight thou hast removed: God of my life, O Lord most high, Vouchsafe to hear my mournful cry ! P S A L M 68. L. M. From the Ixxxix. Psalm of David. 1 THY mercies, Lord, shall be my song, My song on them shall ever dwell; To ages yet unborn, my tongue Thy never-failing truth shall tell. 2 I have affirm'd, and still maintain, Thy mercy shall for ever last ; Thy truth, that does the heavens sustain, Like them shall stand for ever fast. 3 Thus spak'st thou by thy prophet's voice: " With David I a league have made; To him, my servant, and my choice, By solemn oath this grant convey'd : 4 " While earth, and seas, and skies endure, Thy seed shall in my sight remain ; To them thy throne I will ensure, They shall to endless ages reign." For such stupendous truth and love, Both heaven and earth just praises owe, By choirs of angels sung above, And by assembled saints below. 6 What seraph of celestial birth To vie with Israel's God shall dare? Or who among the gods of earth With our Almighty Lord compare ? 7 With reverence and religious dread, His saints should to his temple press; His fear through all their hearts should spread. Who his almighty Name confess. 8 Lord God of armies, who can boast Of strength or power like thine renown'd? Of such a num'rous, faithful host, As that which does thy throne surround? 9 Thou dost the lawless sea control, And change the prospect of the deep; Thou mak'st the sleeping billows roll; Thou mak'st the rolling billows sleep. 46 PSALMS. 10 In thee the sovereign right remains Of earth and heaven ; thee, Lord, alone, The world, and all that it contains, Their Maker and Preserver own. 11 Thine arm is mighty, strong thy hand, Yet, Lord, thou dost with justice reign; Possess'd of absolute command, Thou truth and mercy dost maintain. 12 Happy, thrice happy they, who hear Thy sacred trumpet's joyful sound ; Who may at festivals appear, With thy most glorious presence crown'd. 13 Thy saints shall always be o'erjoy'd, Who on thy sacred name rely ; And, in thy righteousness employ'd, Above their foes be raised on high. 14 For in thy strength they shall advance,. Whose conquests from thy favor spring ; The Lord of hosts is our defence, And Israel's God our Israel's King. PSALM 69. From the \c Psalm of David. PART I. C. M. 1 O LORD, the Saviour and defence Of us thy chosen race. From age to age thou still hast been Our sure abiding-place. 2 Before thou brought'st the mountains forth, Or th' earth and world didst frame, Thou always wast the mighty God, And ever art the same. 3 Thou turnest man, O Lord, to dust, Of which he first was made ; And when thou speak'st the word, ' Return,' 'T is instantly obey'd. 4 For in thy sight a thousand years Are like a day that 's past ; Or like a watch in dead of night, Whose hours unminded waste. 5 Thou sweep'st us off as with a flood, We vanish hence like dreams: — At first we grow like grass that feels The sun's reviving beams ; 6 But howsoever fresh and fair Its morning beauty shows, 'T is all cut down, and wither'd quite Before the evening close. PSALMS 47 7 We by thine anger are consumed, And by thy wrath dismay'd; Our public crimes and secret sins Before thy sight are laid. 8 Beneath thine anger's sad effects Our drooping days we spend ; Our unregarded years break off, Like tales that quickly end. 9 Our term of time is seventy years, An age that few survive: But if, with more than common strength, To eighty we arrive — 10 Yet then our boasted strength decays, To sorrow turn'd and pain : So soon the slender thread is cut, And we no more remain. PART II. C. M 1 Bct who thine anger's dread effects Does, as he ought, revere? And yet thy wrath does fall or rise, As more or less we fear. 2 So teach us, Lord, th' uncertain sum Of our short days to mind, That to true wisdom all our hearts May ever be inclined. 3 O to thy servants, Lord, return, And speedily relent ! As we of our misdeeds, do thou Of our just doom repent. 4 To satisfy and cheer our souls, Thy early mercy send ; That we may all our days to come In joy and comfort spend. 5 To all thy servants, Lord, let this Thy wondrous work be known ; And to our offspring yet unborn, Thy glorious power be shown. 6 Let thy bright rays upon us shine, Give thou our work success ; The glorious work we have in hand Do thou vouchsafe to bless. PSALM 70. From the xci. Psalm of David PART I. II. 2. 1 HE that has God his guardian made, Shall under the Almighty's shade Secure and undisturb'd abide; Thus to my soul of him I '11 say, He is my fortress and my stay, My God, in whom I will confide. 48 PSALMS. 2 His tender love and watchful care Shall free thee from the fowler's snare, And from the noisome pestilence; He over thee his wings shall spread, And cover thy unguarded head ; His truth shall be thy strong defence. 3 No terrors that surprise by night Shall thy undaunted courage fright, Nor deadly shafts that fly by day, Nor plague, of unknown rise, that kills In darkness, nor infectious ills That in the burning noon-tide slay. 4 Because, with well-placed confidence, Thou mak'st the Lord thy sure defence, Thy refuge, even Gon most high ; Therefore no ill on thee shall come, Nor to thy heaven-protected home Shall overwhelming plagues draw nigh. PART II. III. 3. 1 God shall charge his angel legions Watch and ward o'er thee to keep ; Though thou walk through hostile regions. Though in desert wilds thou sleep. 2 On the lion vainly roaring, On his young, thy foot shall tread ; And, the dragon's den exploring, Thou shalt bruise the serpent's head. 3 Since, with pure and firm affection, Thou on God hast set thy love? With the wings of his protection He will shield thee from above. 4 Thou shalt call on him in trouble, He will hearken, he will save ; Here for grief reward thee double, Crown with life beyond the grave. PSALM 71. CM. Prom the xcii. Psalm of David. 1 HOW good and pleasant must it be To thank the Lord most high ; And with repeated hymns of praise His name to magnify ! 2 With every morning's early dawn His goodness to relate ; And of his constant truth, each night, The glad effects repeat ! 3 To ten-string'd instruments we'll sing, With tuneful psalteries join'd ; And to the harp, with solemn sounds, For sacred use design'd. 1' S A L M S. 49 4 For through thy wondrous works, O Lord, Thou mak'st my heart rejoice ; The thoughts of them shall make me glad, And shout with cheerful voice. 5 How wondrous are thy works, O Lord ! How deep are thy decrees ! Whose winding tracks, in secret laid, No careless sinner sees. 6 He little thinks, when wicked men, Like grass, look fresh and gay, How soon their short-lived splendor must For ever pass away. 7 But thou, my God, art still most high ; And all thy lofty foes, Who thought they might securely sin, Shall be o'erwhelm'd with woes. 8 But righteous men, like rising palms, Shall grow and flourish still ; Thy flock shall spread, like cedars choice On Lebanon's high hill. 9 These, planted in the house of God, Within his courts shall thrive; Their vigor and their lustre both Shall in old age revive. 10 Thus will the Lord his justice show; And God, my strong defence, Shall due rewards to all the world Impartially dispense. PSALM 72. L. M. From the xciii. Psalm of David. 1 WITH glory clad, with strength array'd, The Lord, that o'er all nature reigns, The world's foundation strongly laid, And the vast fabric still sustains. 2 How surely stablish'd is thy throne ! W r hich shall no change or period see; For thou, O Lord, and thou alone, Art God from all eternity. 3 The floods, O Lord, lift up their voice, And toss the troubled waves on high ; But God above can still their noise, And make the angry sea comply. 4 Thy promise, Lord, is ever sure, And they that in thy house would dwell, That happy station to secure, Must still in holiness excel. 00 PSALMS. PSALM 73. Prom the xciv. Psalm of David. 1 SAY ye, the Lord shall not regard, Shall not your sins discern? Take heed, ye foolish and unwise; When will ye wisdom learn ? 2 Can he be deaf who form'd the ear, Or blind, who framed the eye? Shall earth's great Judge not punish those Who his known will defy ? 3 He fathoms all the hearts of men, To him their thoughts lie bare; His eye surveys them all, and sees How vain their counsels are. PART II. C. M. 1 Bless'd is the man whom thou, O Lord, In kindness dost chastise, And by thy sacred rules to walk Dost lovingly advise. 2 This man shall rest and safety find, In seasons of distress: Whilst God prepares a pit for those That stubbornly transgress. 3 For God will never from his saints His favor wholly take; His own possession and his lot He will not quite forsake. 4 The world shall yet confess thee just In all that thou hast done: And those that, choose thy upright ways Shall in those paths go on. 5 Long since had I in silence slept, But that the Lord was near, To stay me when I slipp'd ; when sad, My troubled heart to cheer. 6 My soul's defence is firmly placed In God, the Lord most high : He is my rock, to which I may For refuge always fly. PSALM 74. L. M. From the xcv. Psalm of David. 1 O COME, loud anthems let us sing, Loud thanks to our Almighty King; For we our voices high should raise, When our salvation's rock we praise. PSALMS. 51 2 Into his presence let us haste, To thank him for his favors past; To him address, in joyful songs, The praise that to his Name belongs : 3 For God the Lord, enthroned in state. Is, with unrivall'd glory, great; A King superior far to all Whom gods the Heathen falsely call. 4 The depths of earth are in his hand, Her secret wealth at his command; The strength of hills that reach the skies Subjected to his empire lies. 5 The rolling ocean's vast abyss By the same sovereign right is his ; 'T was made by his almighty hand, That form'd and fix'd the solid land. 6 O let us to his courts repair, And bow with adoration there; Down on our knees devoutly all Before the Lord, our Maker, fall. 7 For he 's our God, our shepherd he, His flock and pasture-sheep are we : O then, ye faithful flock, to-day His warning hear, his voice obey. PSALM 75. II. 8. From the xcvi. Psalm of David. 1 SING to the Lord a new-made song; Let earth, in one assembled throng, Her common patron's praise resound: Sing to the Lord, and bless his name, From day to day his praise proclaim, Who us has with salvation crown'd : To heathen lands his fame rehearse, His wonders to the universe. 2 He 's great, and greatly to be praised ; In majesty and glory raised Above all other deities; For pageantry and idols all Are they whom gods the Heathen call ; He only rules who made the skies: With majesty and honor crown'd, Glory and strength his throne surround. 3 Be glory then to him restored By all who have false gods adored: Ascribe due honor to his Name, Peace-off-rings on his altar lay, Before his throne your homage pay, Which he, and he alone can claim : To worship at his sacred court, Let all the trembling world resort. 52 PSALMS. 4 Proclaim aloud, Jehovah reigns, Whose power the universe sustains, And banish'd justice will restore: Let therefore heaven new joys confess. And heavenly mirth let earth express, Its loud applause the ocean roar, Its mute inhabitants rejoice, And for this triumph find a voice. 5 For joy let fertile valleys sing, The cheerful groves their tribute bring, And tuneful harmonies awake : Behold ! in truth and justice clad, God comes to judge the world he made, And to himself its throne to take : He 's come, to judge the world he 's come, With justice to reward and doom. PSALM 76. L. M. From the xcvii. Psalm of David. 1 JEHOVAH reigns, let all the earth In his just government rejoice; Let all the lands, with sacred mirth, In his applause unite their voice. 2 Darkness and clouds of awful shade His dazzling glory shroud in state; Judgment and righteousness are made The habitation of his seat. 3 For thou, O God, art seated high, Above earth's potentates enthroned ; Thou, Lord, unrivall'd in the sky, Supreme by all the gods art own'd. 4 Ye who to serve this Lord aspire, Abhor what 's ill, and truth esteem; He '11 keep his servants' souls entire, And them from wicked hands redeem. 5 For seeds are sown of glorious light, A future harvest for the just; And gladness for the heart that 's right, To recompense its pious trust. 6 Rejoice, ye righteous, in the Lord ; Memorials of his holiness Deep in your faithful breasts record, And with your thankful tongues confess. PSALM 77. CM. From the xcviii. Psalm of David. 1 SING to the Lord a new-made song, Who wondrous things has done; With his right hand and holy arm, The conquest he has won. PSALMS. o3 2 The Lord has through th' astonish'd world Display'd his saving might, And made his righteous acts appear In all the Heathen's sight. 3 Of Israel's house his love and truth Have ever mindful been; Wide earth's remotest parts the power Of Israel's God have seen. 4 Let therefore earth's inhabitants Their cheerful voices raise, And all with universal joy Resound their Maker's praise. 5 With harp and hymn's soft melody, Into the concert bring The trumpet and shrill cornet's sound Before th' Almighty King. 6 Let the loud ocean roar her joy, With all that seas contain ; The earth and her inhabitants Join concert with the main. 7 Let floods and torrents clap their hands. With joy their homage pay ; Let echoing valps, from hill to hill, Redoubled shouts convey : 8 To welcome down the world's great Judge, Who does with justice come, And with impartial equity, Both to reward and doom. PSALM 78. C. M. From the xcix. Psalm of David- 1 JEHOVAH reigns ; let therefore all The guilty nations quake: On cherubs' wings he sits enthroned ; Let earth's foundations shake. 2 On Sion's hill he keeps his court His palace makes her towers ; And thence his sovereignty extends Supreme o'er earthly powers. 3 Let therefore all with praise address His great and dreadful Name ; And, with his unresisted might, His holiness proclaim. 1 For truth and justice, in his reign, Of strength and power take place ; His judgments are with righteousness Dispensed to Jacob's race. 5 Therefore exalt the Lord our God, Before his footstool fall ; And, with his unresisted might. His holiness extol. 54 PSALMS. 6 With worship at his sacred courts Exalt our God and Lord; For he, who only holy is, Alone should be adored. PSALM 79. L. M. From the c Psalm of David. 1 WITH one consent let all the earth To God their cheerful voices raise ; Glad homage pay with awful mirth, And sing before him songs of praise j 2 Convinced that he is God alone, From whom both we and all proceed ; We whom he chooses for his own, The flock that he vouchsafes to feed. 3 O enter then his temple gate, Thence to his courts devoutly press; And still your grateful hymns repeat, And still his Name with praises bless. 4 For he 's the Lord, supremely good, His mercy is for ever sure ; His truth, which always firmly stood, To endless ages shall endure. PSALM 80. Prom the cii. Psalm of David. PART I. C. M. 1 WHEN I pour out my soul in prayer, Do thou, O Lord, attend ; To thy eternal throne of grace Let my sad cry ascend. 2 O hide not thou thy glorious face In times of deep distress ; Incline thine ear, and, when I call, My sorrows soon redress. 3 My days, just hast'ning to their end, Are like an evening shade; My beauty does, like wither'd grass, With waning lustre fade. 4 But thine eternal state, O Lord, No length of time shall waste ; The mem'ry of thy wondrous works From age to age shall last. PART II. C. M. 1 God shall arise, and Sion view W r ith an unclouded face: For now her time is come, his own Appointed day of grace. PSALMS. 56 2 The name and glory of the Lord All heathen kings shall fear, When he shall Sion build again, And in full state appear. 3 For God, from his abode on high, His gracious beams display'd; The Lord from heaven, his lofty throne, Hath all the earth survey'd. 4 That they, in Sion, where he dwells, Might celebrate his fame, And through the holy city sing Loud praises to his Name. PART III. C. M. 1 The strong foundations of the earth Of old by thee were laid ; Thy hands, O Lord, the arch of heaven With wondrous skill have made. 2 Whilst thou for ever shalt endure, They soon shall pass away ; And, like a garment often worn, Shall tarnish and decay. 3 Like that, when thou ordain'st their change. To thy command they bend; But thou continu'st still the same, Nor have thy years an end. 4 Thou to the children of thy saints Shalt lasting quiet give ; Whose happy race, securely fix'd. Shall in thy presence live. PSALM 81. L. M. Prom the ciii. Psalm of David. 1 MY soul, inspired with sacred love, God's holy Name for ever bless; Of all his favors mindful prove, And still thy grateful thanks express. 2 'Tis he that all thy sins forgives, And after sickness makes thee sound; From danger he thy life retrieves, By him with grace and mercy crown'd. 3 He with good things thy mouth supplies, Thy vigor eagle-like restores; He to the sufTrer promptly flies, Who, wrong'd, his righteous help implores, 4 The Lord abounds with tender love, And unexampled acts of grace; His waken'd wrath doth slowly move, His willing mercy flies apace. 56 PSALMS. 5 God will not always harshly chide, But with his anger quickly part; And loves his punishments to guide More by his love than our desert. 6 As high as heaven its arch extends Above this little spot of clay, So much his boundless love transcends The small respects that we can pay. 7 As far as 't is from east to west, So far has he our sins removed; Who, with a father's tender breast, Has such as fear him always loved. 8 For God, who all our frame surveys, Considers that we are but clay ; How fresh soe'er we seem, our days Like grass or flowers must fade away. 9 Whilst they are nipp'd with sudden blasts, Nor can we find their former place, God's faithful mercy ever lasts To those that fear him, and their race. 10 This shall attend on such as still Proceed in his appointed way; And who not only know his will, But to it just obedience pay. 11 The Lord, the universal King, In heaven has fix'd his lofty throne: To him, ye angels, praises sing, In whose great strength his power is shown 12 Ye that his just commands obey, And hear and do his sacred will, Ye hosts of his, this tribute pay, Who still what he ordains fulfil. 13 Let every creature jointly bless The mighty Lord; and thou, my heart, With grateful joy thy thanks express, And in this concert bear thy part. PSALM 82. S. M. From the ciii. Psalm of David. 1 O BLESS the Lord, my soul, His grace to thee proclaim ; And all that is within me, join To bless his holy Name. 2 O bless the Lord, my soul, His mercies bear in mind; Forget not all Ins bpnefits, W r ho is to thee so kind. 3 He pardons all thy sins, Prolongs thy feeble breath; He healeth thine infirmities, And ransoms thee from death. PSALMS. 57 4 He feeds thee with his love, Upholds thee with his truth; And, like the eagle's, he renews The vigor of thy youth. 5 Then bless the Lord, my soul, His grace, his love proclaim: Let all that is within me, join To bless his holy Name. PSALM 83. From the civ. Psalm of David. PART I. L. M. 1 BLESS God, my soul ; thou, Lord, alone Possessest empire without bounds, With honor thou art crown'd, thy throne Eternal majesty surrounds. 2 With light thou dost thyself enrobe, And glory for a garment take ; Heaven's curtains stretch beyond the globe, Thy canopy of state to make. 3 God builds on liquid air, and forms His palace chambers in the skies; The clouds his chariots are, and storms The swift-wing'd steeds with which he flies. 4 As bright as flame, as swift as wind, His ministers heaven's palace fill; They have their sundry tasks assign'd, All prompt to do their sovereign's will. 5 In praising God while he prolongs My breath, I will that breath employ; And join devotion to my songs, Sincere, as in him is my joy. PART II. L. M. 1 How various. Lord, thy works are found, For which thy wisdom we adore! The earth is with thy treasure crown'd, 'Till nature's hand can grasp no more. 2 All creatures, both of sea and land, In sense of common want agree; All wait on thy dispensing hand, And have their daily alms from thee. 3 They gather what thy stores disperse, Without their trouble to provide; Thou op'st thy hand, the universe, The craving world, is all supplied. 4 Thou for a moment hid'st thy face, The num'rous ranks of creatures mourn ; Thou tak'st their breath, all nature's race Decay, and to their dust return. 58 PSALMS. 5 Again thou send'st thy spirit forth, Inspiring vital energies; Nature 's restored ; replenish'd earth, Joyous, her new creation sees. 6 Thus through successive ages stands Firm fix'd thy providential care; Pleased with the work of thine own hands, Thou dost the waste of time repair. PSALM 84. II. 3. From the civ. Psalm of David. 1 HOW manifold thy works, O Lord, In wisdom, power, and goodness wrought ! The earth is with thy riches stored, And ocean with thy wonders fraught : Unfathom'd caves beneath the deep For thee their hidden treasures keep. 2 By thee alone the living live, Hide but thy face, their comforts fly ; They gather what thy seasons give, Take thou away their breath, they die; But send again thy spirit forth, And life renews the gladden'd earth, 3 Joy in his works Jehovah takes, Yet to destruction they return ; He looks upon the earth, it quakes, Touches the mountains, and they burn : Bui God forever is the same; Glory to his eternal Name ! PSALM 85. C. M. From the cv. Psalm of David. 1 O RENDER thanks, and bless the Lord, Invoke his sacred Name ; Acquaint the nations with his deeds, His matchless deeds proclaim. 2 Sing to his praise in lofty hymns, His wondrous works rehearse; Make them the theme of your discourse, And subject of your verse. 3 Rejoice in his almighty Name, Alone to be adored ; And let their hearts o'erflow with joy That humbly seek the Lord. 4 Seek ye the Lord, his saving strength Devoutly still implore; And, where he 's ever present, seek His face for ever more. 5 The wonders that his hands have wrought Keep thankfully in mind ; The righteous statutes of his mouth, And laws to us assign'd. PSALMS. 5tt PSALM 86. L. M. From the cvi. Psalm of Darid. 1 O RENDER thanks to God above, The fountain of eternal love; Whose mercy firm through ages past Has stood, and shall for ever last. 2 Who can his mighty deeds express, Not only vast, but numberless? What mortal eloquence can raise His tribute of immortal praise? 3 Happy are they, and only they, Who from thy judgments never stray ; Who know what 's right; nor only so, But always practise what they know. 4 Extend to me that favor, Lord, Thou to thy chosen dost afford ; When thou return'st to set them free, Let thy salvation visit me. 5 O may I worthy prove to see Thy saints in full prosperity ; That I the joyful choir may join, And count thy people's triumph mine. 6 Let Israel's God be ever bless'd, His Name eternally confess'd ; Let all his saints, with full accord, Sing loud Aniens — praise ye the Lord ! PSALM 87. From the cvii. Psalm of David. PART I. III. 1. 1 MAGNIFY Jehovah's Name ; For his mercies ever sure, From eternity the same, To eternity endure. 2 Let his ransom'd flock rejoice, Gather'd out of every land, As the people of his choice, Pluck'd from the destroyer's hand. 3 In the wilderness astray, In the lonely waste, they roam. Hungry, fainting by the way, Far from refuge, shelter, home: — 4 To the Lord their God they cry; He inclines a gracious ear, Sends deliv'rance from on high, Rescues them from all their fear : 5 Them to pleasant lands he brings, Where the vine and olive grow ; Where, from verdant hills, the springs Through luxuriant vallies flow. 00 PSALMS. O that men would praise the Lord, For his goodness to their race; For the wonders of his word, And the riches of his grace ! PART II. C. M. 1 Thy wondrous power, Almighty Lord, That rules the boist'rous sea, The bold adventurers record, Who tempt that dang'rous way. 2 At thy command the winds arise, And swell the tow'ring waves; While they astonish'd mount the skies, And sink in gaping graves. 3 Dismay 'd they climb the wat'ry hills, Dismay'd they plunge again; Each like a tott'ring drunkard reels, And finds his courage vain. 4 Then to the Lord they raise their cries, He hears their loud request, He calms the fierce tempestuous skies, And lays the floods to rest. 5 Rejoicing, they forget their fears, They see the storm allay'd : The wish'd-for haven now appears; There, let their vows be paid ! 6 O that the sons of men would praise The goodness of the Lord ! And those who see his wondrous ways His wondrous love record ! P S A L M 88. C. M. From the cviii. Psalm of David ; O GOD, my heart is fully bent To magnify thy Name ; My tongue with cheerful songs of praise Shall celebrate thy fame. 2 Awake, my lute; nor thou, my harp, Thy warbling notes delay ; Whilst I with early hymns of joy Prevent the dawning day. 3 To all the listening tribes, O Lord, Thy wonders I will tell, And to those tuitions sing thy praise That round about us dwell; 4 Because thy mercy's boundless height The highest heavw transcends, And far beyond tb' aspiring clouds Thy faithful truth extends. PSALMS. 61 5 Be thou, O God, exalted high Above the starry frame ; And let the world, with one consent, Confess thy glorious Name. PSALM 89. II. 2. From the ex. Psalm of David. 1 THE Lord unto my Lord thus spake : " 'Till I thy foes thy footstool make, Sit thou in state at my right hand: Supreme in Sion thou shah be, And all thy proud opposers see Subjected to thy just command. 2 "Thee, in thy power's triumphant day, The willing people shall obey; And, when thy rising beams they view, Shall all, (redeem'd from error's night,) Appear more numerous and bright Than crystal drops of morning dew." 3 The Lord hath sworn, nor sworn in vain, That, like Melchisedec's, thy reign And priesthood shall no period see : Anointed Prince! thou, bending low, Shalt drink where darkest torrents flow. Then raise thy head in victory ! PSALM 90. L. M. From the cxi. Psalm of David. i PRAISE ye the Lord ! our God to praise My soul her utmost power shall raise; With private friends, and in the throng Of saints, his praise shall be my song. 2 His works, for greatness though renown'd, His wondrous works with ease are found By those who seek for them aright, And in the pious search delight. 3 His works are all of matchless fame, And universal glory claim ; His truth, confirm'd through ages past, Shall to eternal ages last. 4 By precepts he hath us enjoin'd To keep his wondrous works in mind; And to posterity record That good and gracious is our Lord. 5 His bounty, like a flowing tide, Has all his servants' wants supplied; And he will ever keep in mind His cov'nant with our fathers sign'd. 6 Just are the dealings of his hands, Immutable are his commands, By truth and equity sustain'd, And for eternal rules ordaiu'd. PSALMS. 7 He set his saints from bondage free, And then established his deeree, For ever to remain the same: Holy and rev'rend is his Name. 8 Who wisdom's sacred prize would win Must with the fear of God begin : Immortal praise and heavenly skill Have they who know and do his will. PSALM 91. L. M. From the cxii. Psalm of David. 1 THAT man is bless'd who stands in awe Of Gon, and loves his sacred law; His seed on earth shall be renown'd, And with successive honors crown'd. 2 The soul that 's fill'd with virtue's light Shines brightest in affliction's night; To pity the distress'd inclined, As well as just to all mankind. 3 His lib'ral favors he extends, To some he gives,. to others lends; Yet what his charity impairs He saves by prudence in affairs. 4 Beset with threatening dangers round, Unmoved shall he maintain his ground; The sweet remembrance of the just Shall flourish when he sleeps in dust. PSALM 92. II. 2. From the cxiii. Psalm of David. 1 YE saints and servants of the Lord, The triumphs of his Name record; His sacred Name for ever bless: Where'er the circling sun displays His rising beams or setting rays, Due praise to his great Name address. 2 God through the world extends his sway ; The regions of eternal day But shadows of his glory are: With him whose majesty excels, Who made the heaven in which he dwells, Let no created power compare. 8 Though 't is beneath his state to view In highest heaven what angels do, Yet he to earth vouchsafes his care ; He takes the needy from his cell, Advancing him in courts to dwell, Companion of the greatest there. PSALMS. *\$ PSALM 93. CM. From the cxv. Psalm of David. 1 LORD, not to us, we claim no share, But to thy sacred Name Give glory, for thy mercy's sake, And truth's eternal fame. 2 Why should the Heathen cry, " Where 's now The God whom ye adore?" Convince them that in heaven thou art, And uncontroll'd thy power. 3 O Israel, make the Lord your trust, Who is your help and shield ; Priests, Levites, trust in him alone, Who only help can yield. 4 Let all who truly fear the Lord On him they fear rely ; Who them in danger can defend, And all their wants supply. 5 Of us he oft has mindful been, And Israel's house will bless ; Priests, Levites, proselytes, e'en all Who his great Name confess. 6 On you, and on your heirs, he will Increase of blessings bring: Thrice happy you, who favorites are Of this almighty King ! 7 Heaven's highest orb of glory he His empire's seat design'd ; And gave this lower globe of earth A portion to mankind. 8 They who in death and silence sleep To him no praise afford ; But we will bless for evermore Our ever-living Lord. P S A L M 94. CM. Prom the cxvi. Psalm of David. 1 My soul with grateful thoughts of love Entirely is possess'd, Because the Lord vouchsafed to hear The voice of my request. 2 Since he has now his ear inclined, I never will despair; But still in all the straits of life To him address my prayer. 3 With deadly sorrows compass'd round. With pains of hell oppress'd, When troubles seized my aching heart, And anguish rack'd my breast, — 64 PSALMS. 4 On God's almighty Name I call'd, And thus to him I pray'd ; "Lord, I beseech thee save my soul, With sorrows quite dismay'd." 5 How just and merciful is God, How gracious is the Lord ! Who saves the harmless, and to me Does timely help afford. 6 Then, free from pensive cares, my soul, Resume thy wonted rest ; For God has wondrously to thee His bounteous love express'd. 7 When death alarm'd me, he removed My dangers and my fears ; My feet from falling he secured, And dried my eyes from tears. 8 Therefore my life's remaining years, Which God to me shall lend, Will I, in praises to his Name, And in his service, spend. 9 In God I trusted, and of him Did boast in greatest fear ; Though in my trouble I exclaim'd, All men are insincere. 10 O what return to God shall I For all his goodness make? I '11 praise his Name, and with glad zeal The cup of blessing take. 11 I '11 pay my vows among his saints, Whose blood (howe'er despised By wicked men) in God's account Is always highly prized. 12 To thee I '11 off 'rings bring of praise, And while I bless thy Name, The just performance of my vows To all thy saints proclaim. 13 They in Jerusalem shall meet, And in thy house shall join To bless thy Name with one consent, And mix their songs with mine. PSALM 05. CM. Prom the cxvii. Psalm of David. 1 WITH cheerful notes let all the earth To heaven their voices raise ; Let all, inspired with godly mirth, Sing solemn hymns of praise. 2 God's tender mercy knows no bound, His truth shall ne'er decay; Then let the willing nations round Their grateful tribute pay PSALMS. 05 PSALM 9G. C. M. From the cxviii. Psalm of DariJ. 1 O PRAISE the Lord, for he is good, His mercies ne'er decay; That his kind favors ever last. Let thankful Israel say. 2 Their sense of his eternal love Let Aaron's house express; And that it never fails, let all That fear the Lord confess. 3 Far better 't is to trust in God, And have the Lord our friend, Than on the greatest human power For safety to depend. 4 The Lord has been my help ; the praise To him alone belongs ; He is my Saviour and my strength, He only claims my songs. 5 Joy fills the dwelling of the just, Whom God has saved from harm; For wondrous things are brought to pass By his almighty arm. 6 He, by his own resistless power, Has endless honor won ; The saving strength of his right hand Amazing works has done. 7 God will not suffer me to fall, But still prolongs my days; That, by declaring all his works, I may advance his praise. 8 When God had sorely me chastised, 'Till quite of hopes bereaved, His mercy from the gates of death My fainting life reprieved. 9 Then open wide the temple gates To which the just repair, That I may enter in, and praise My great deliv'rer there. 10 Within those gates of God's abode To which the righteous press, Since thou hast heard, and set me safe, Thy holy Name I '11 bless. 11 That which the builders once refused Is now the corner-stone : This is the wondrous work of God, The work of God alone. 12 This day is God's ; let all the land Exalt their cheerful voice: " Lord, we beseech thee, save us now And make us still rejoice." 66 PSALMS. 13 Him that approaches in God's name Let all th' assembly bless ; — " We that belong to God's own house Have wish'd you good success." 14 God is the Lord, through whom we all Both light and comfort find; Fast to the altar's horns with cords The chosen victim bind. 15 Thou art my Lord, O God, and still I '11 praise thy holy Name; Because thou only art my God, I '11 celebrate thy fame. 16 O then with me give thanks to God, Who still does gracious prove ; And let the tribute of our praise Be endless as his love. PSALM 97. From the cxix. Psalm of David. PART I. ALEPH. C. M. 1 HOW bless'd are they who always keep The pure and perfect way ; Who never from the sacred paths Of God's commandments stray! 2 How bless'd, who to his righteous laws Have still obedient been ; And have, with fervent humble zeal, His favor sought to win! 3 Such men their utmost caution use To shun each wicked deed ; But in the path which he directs • With constant care proceed. 4 Thou strictly hast enjoin'd us, Lord, To learn thy sacred will; And all our diligence employ Thy statutes to fulfil. 5 O then that thy most holy will Might o'er my ways preside; And I the course of all my life By thy direction guide! 6 Then with assurance should I walk, From all confusion free; Convinced, with joy, that all my ways With thy commands agree. 7 My upright heart shall my glad mouth W T ith cheerful praises fill, When, by thy righteous judgments taugl', T shall have learn'd thy will. PSALMS. r,: 8 So to thy sacred laws shall I Entire observance pay: O then forsake me not, my God, Nor cast me quite away. PART II. BETH. C. M. 1 How shall the young preserve their ways From all pollution free? By making still their course of life With thy commands agree. 2 With hearty zeal for thee I seek, To thee for succor pray ; O suffer not my careless steps From thy right paths to stray. 3 Safe in my heart, and closely hid, Thy word, my treasure, lies, To succor me with timely aid When sinful thoughts arise. 4 Secured by that, my grateful soul Shall ever bless thy Name; O teach me then by thy just laws My future life to frame. 5 My lips, unlock'd by pious zeal, To others have declared How well the judgments of thy mouth Deserve our best regard. 6 Whilst in the way of thy commands, More solid joy I found, Than had I been with vast increase Of envied riches crown'd. 7 Therefore thy just and upright laws Shall always fill my mind ; And those sound rules which thou prescrib'st Entire respect shall find. 8 To keep thy statutes undefaced Shall be my constant joy ; The strict remembrance of thy word Shall all my thoughts employ. PART III. GIMEL. C. M. 1 Be gracious to thy servant, Lord; Do thou my life defend, That I according to thy word My time to come may spend. 2 Enlighten hoih my eyes and mind, That so I may discern The wondrous tilings which they behold, Who thy just precepts learn. 3 My fainting son! is almost pined, With earnest longing spent, While always on the eager search Of thy just w ill intent. 68 PSALMS. 4 Thy sharp rebuke shall crush the proud, Whom still thy curse pursues; Since they to walk in thy right ways Presumptuously refuse. 5 But far from me do thou, O Lord, Contempt and shame remove; For I thy sacred law affect With undissembled love. 6 For thy commands have always been My comfort and delight; By them I learn with prudent care To guide my steps aright. PART IV. DALETH. C. M. 1 My soul, oppress'd with deadly care, Close to the dust doth cleave; Revive me, Lord, and let me now Thy promised aid receive. 2 To thee I still declared my ways, And thou inclin'dst thine ear; O teach me then my future life By thy just laws to steer. 3 If thou wilt make me know thy laws, And by their guidance walk, The wondrous works which thou hast done Shall be my constant talk. 4 But see, my soul within me sinks, Press'd down with weighty care; Do thou, according to thy word, My wasted strength repair. 5 Far, far from me be all false ways And lying arts removed; But kindly grant I still may keep The path by thee approved. f> Thy faithful ways, thou God of truth, My happy choice I 've made; Thy judgments, as my rule of life, Before me always laid. 7 My care has been to make my life With thy commands agree; O then preserve thy servant, Lord, From shame and ruin free. 8 So in the way of thy commands Shall I with pleasure run ; And, with a heart enlarged with joy, Successfully go on. PART V. HE. C. M. 1 Instruct me in thy statutes, Lord, Thy righteous paths display ; And I from them, through all my life W r ill never go astray, PSALMS. 39 2 If thou true wisdom from above Wik graciously impart, To keep thy perfect laws I will Devote my zealous heart. 3 Direct me in the sacred ways To which thy precepts lead ; Because my chief* delight has been Thy righteous paths to tread. 4 Do thou to thy most just commands Incline my willing heart; Let no desire of worldly wealth From thee my thoughts divert. 5 From those vain objects turn mine eyes, Which this false world displays; But give me lively power and strength To keep thy righteous ways. 6 Confirm the promise of thy word, And give thy servant aid, Who to transgress thy sacred laws Is awfully afraid. 7 The censure and reproach I fear In mercy, Lord, remove ; For all the judgments thou ordain'st Are full of grace and love. 8 Thou know'st how after thy commands My longing heart does pant; O then make haste to raise me up, And promised succor grant. PART VI. VAU. C. M. 1 Thy constant blessing, Lord, bestow, To cheer my drooping heart; To me, according to thy word, Thy saving health impart. 2 So shall I, whosoe'er upbraids, This ready answer make; " In God I trust, who never will His faithful promise break." 3 Then let not quite the word of truth Be from my mouth removed ; Since still my ground of steadfast hope. Thy judgments, Lord, have proved. 4 So I to keep thy righteous laws Will all my study bend ; And constantly my time to come In their observance spend. 5 My soul shall gladly walk at large, From all oppression free, Since I resolve to make my life With thy commands agree. 70 PSALMS. 6 My longing heart and ravish'd soul Shall both o'erflow with joy, When in thy loved commandments I My happy hours employ. 7 Then will I to thy holy laws Lift up my willing hands; My care and business then shall be To study thy commands. PART VII. ZAIN. C. M. 1 According to thy promised grace, Thy favor, Lord, extend ; Make good to me the word on which Thy servant's hopes depend. 2 That only comfort in distress Did all my griefs control ; Thy word, when troubles hemm'd me round, Revived my fainting soul. 3 Thy judgments then of ancient date I quickly call'd to mind, Till, ravish'd with such thoughts, my soul Did speedy comfort find. 4 Thy name, that cheer'd my heart by day, Has fill'd my thoughts by night: I then resolv'd by thy just laws To guide my steps aright. -5 That peace of mind, which has my soul In deep distress sustain'd, By strict obedience to thy will I happily obtain'd. PART VIII. CHETH. C. M. 1 O Lord, my God, my portion thou And sure possession art ; Thy words I steadfastly resolve To treasure in my heart. 2 With all the strength of warm desire I did thy grace implore; — Disclose, according to thy word, Thy mercy's boundless store. 3 W T ith deep reflection and strict care On all my ways I thought; And so, reclaim'd to thy just paths, My wand'ring steps I brought. 4 Prolonging not the time, my soul Resolved without delay To watch, that I might never more From thy commandments stray. PSALMS 71 To such as fear thy holy Name Myself I closely join ; To all who their obedient wills To thy commands resign. 6 O'er all the earth thy mercy, Lord, Abundantly is shed ; O grant that I may truly learn Thy sacred paths to tread. PART IX. TETH. C. M. 1 With me, thy servant, thou hast dealt Most graciously, O Lord ; Repeated benefits' bestow'd, According to thy word. 2 Teach me the sacred skill by which Right judgment is attain'd, Who in belief of thy commands Have steadfastly remain'd. 3 Before affliction stopp'd my course. My footsteps went astray ; But I have since been disciplined Thy precepts to obey. 4 Thou art, O Lord, supremely good, And all thou dost is so; On me, thy statutes to discern, Thy saving skill bestow. 5 'T is good for me that I have felt Affliction's chast'ning rod, That I may duly learn and keep The statutes of my God. 6 The law that from thy mouth proceeds Of more esteem I hold Than richest mines, than thousand mines Of silver and of gold. part x. jod. c. M. 1 To me, who am the workmanship Of thy almighty hands, The heavenly understanding give To learn thy just commands. 2 My preservation to thy saints Strong comfort will afford, To see success attend my hopes, Who trusted in thy word. 3 That right thy judgments are, I now By sure experience see ; And that in faithfulness, O Lord, Thou hast afflicted me. 7 72 PSALMS. 4 O let thy tender mercy now Afford me needful aid ; According to thy promise, Lord, To me, thy servant, made. 5 To me thy saving grace restore, That I again may live ; Whose soul can relish no delight But what thy precepts give. 6 In thy blest statutes let my heart Continue always sound ; That guilt and shame, the sinner's lot, May never me confound. PART XI. CAPH. C. M. 1 My soul with long expectance faints To see thy saving grace ; Yet still on thy unerring Avord My confidence I place. 2 My very eyes consume and fail With waiting for thy word ; when wilt thou thy kind relief And promised aid afford ? 3 Thy wonted kindness, Lord, restore, My drooping heart to cheer ; That by thy righteous statutes I +r My life's whole course may steer. PART XII. LAMED. C. M. 1 For ever and for ever, Lord, Unchanged thou dost remain; Thy word, establish'd in the heav'ns, Does all their orbs sustain. 2 Through circling ages, Lord, thy truth Immoveable shall stand, ^As doth the earth, which thou uphold'st By thine almighty hand. 3 All things the course by thee ordain'd E'en to this day fulfil ; They are thy faithful subjects all, And servants of thy will. 4 Unless thy sacred law had been My comfort and delight, 1 must have fainted and expired In dark affliction's night. 5 Thy precepts therefore from my thoughts Shall never, Lord, depart; For thou by them hast to new life Restored my dying heart. PSALMS. 73 6 I 've seen an end of what we call Perfection here below ; But thy commandments, like thyself No change or period know. PART XIII. MEM. C. M. 1 The love that to thy laws I bear No language can display; They with fresh wonders entertain My raptured thoughts all day. 2 My feet with care I have refrain'd From every sinful way, That to thy sacred word I might Entire obedience pay. 3 I have not from thy judgments stray'd, By vain desires misled ; For, Lord, thou hast instructed me Thy righteous paths to tread. i How sweet are all thy words to me ! what divine repast ! How much more grateful to my soul Than honey to my taste ! 5 Taught by thy sacred precepts, I With heav'nly skill am blest; Through which the treach'rous ways of sin 1 utterly detest. PART XIV. NUN. C. M 1 Thy word is to my feet a lamp, The way of truth to show : A. watch-light, to point out the path In which I ought to go. 2 I 've vow'd, and from my cov'nant, Lord, Will never start aside, 'That in thy righteous judgments I Will steadfastly abide. .3 Let still my sacrifice of praise With thee acceptance find; And in thy righteous judgments, Lord, Instruct my willing mind. 4 Thy testimonies I have made My heritage and choiee ; For they, when other comforts fail, My drooping heart rejoice. 5 My heart with early zeal began Thy statutes to obey, And, till my course of life is done, Shall keep thine upright way. W PSALMS. PART XV. SAMECH. C. M. 1 Deceitful thoughts and practices I utterly detest ; But to thy law affection bear Too great to be express'd. 2 My hiding place, my refuge-tower, And shield art thou, O Lord ; I firmly anchor all my hopes On thy unerring word. 3 Away from me, ye wicked men, Approach not my abode ; For firmly I resolve to keep The precepts of my God. 4 According to thy gracious word, From danger set me free ; Nor make me of those hopes ashamed, That I repose on thee. PART XVI. AIN. C. M. 1 Mine eyes, alas ! begin to fail, In long expectance held ; Till thy salvation they behold And righteous word fulfill'd. 2 To me, thy servant in distress, Thy wonted grace display, And discipline my willing heart Thy statutes to obey. 3 On me, devoted to thy fear, Thy sacred skill bestow, That of thy testimonies I The full extent may know. 4 Thy laws and precepts I account In all respects divine; They teach me to discern the right, And all false ways decline. PART XVII. PE. C. M. 1 The wonders which thy laws contain No words can represent; Therefore to learn and practice them My zealous heart is bent. 2 The very entrance to thy word Celestial light displays, And knowledge of true happiness To simplest minds conveys. 3 With eager hopes I waiting stood, And fainting with desire, That of thy wise commands I might The sacred skill acquire. PSALMS. 75 4 With favor, Lord, look down on me, Who thy relief implore; As thou art wont to visit those Who thy blest Name adore. 3 Directed by thy heavenly word Let all my footsteps be; Nor wickedness of any kind Dominion have o'er me. 6 On me, devoted to thy fear, Lord, make thy face to shine: Thy statutes both to know and keep My heart with zeal incline. PART XVIII. TSADDI. C. M. 1 Thou art the righteous Judge, in whom Wrong'd innocence may trust ; And, like thyself, thy judgments, Lord, In all respects are just. 2 Most just and true those statutes were Which thou didst first decree ; And all with faithfulness perform'd Succeeding times shall see. 3 Lord ! each neglected word of thine, Howe'er by men despised, Is pure, and for eternal truth By me, thy servant, prized. 4 Thy righteousness shall then endure When time itself is past ; Thy law is truth itself, that truth Which shall for ever last. 5 Though trouble, anguish, doubts and dread, To compass me unite; Beset with danger, still I make Thy precepts my delight. , 6 Eternal and unerring rules Thy testimonies give : Teach me the wisdom that will make My soul for ever live. PART XIX. KOPH. C. M. 1 With my whole heart to God I call'd — Lord, hear my earnest cry ; And I thy statutes to perform Will all my care apply. 2 Again more fervently I pray'd— O save me, that I may Thy testimonies fully know, And steadfastly obey. 3 My earlier prayer the dawning day Prevented, while I cried To him upon whose faithful word My hope alone relied. 76 PSALMS. 4 Lord, hear my supplicating voice, And wonted favor show ; O quicken me, and so approve Thy judgments ever true. 5 Concerning thy divine commands My soul has known, of old That they were true, and shall their truth To endless ages hold. PART XX. RESCH. C. M. 1 Consider my affliction, Lord, And me from bondage draw ; Think on thy servant in distress, Who ne'er forgets thy law. 2 Defend my cause, and me to save Thy timely aid afford ; With beams of mercy quicken me, According to thy word. 3 From harden'd sinners thou remov'st Salvation far away; 'T is just thou should'st withdraw from them W T ho from thy statutes stray. 4 Since great thy tender mercies are To all who thee adore ; According to thy judgments, Lord, My fainting hopes restore. 5 Consider, O my gracious God, How I thy precepts love ; O therefore quicken me with beams Of mercy from above. 6 As from the birth of time thy truth Has held through ages past, So shall thy righteous judgments firm To endless ages last. PART XXI. SCHIN. C. M. 1 Thy sacred word my joyful breast With heav'nly rapture warms; Nor conquest, nor the spoils of war, Have such transporting charms. 2 Perfidious practices and lies I utterly detest ; But to thy laws affection bear Too vast to be express'd. 3 Sev'n times a day, with grateful voice, Thy praises I resound, Because I find thy judgments all With truth and justice crown'd. 4 Secure, substantial peace have they Who truly love thy law; No smiling mischief them can tempt, Nor frowning danger awe. PSALMS. 77 5 For thy salvation I have hoped, And, though so long delay'd, With cheerful zeal and anxious care All thy commands obey'd. 6 Thy testimonies I have kept, And constantly obey'd ; Because the love I bore to them Thy service easy made. 7 From strict observance of thy laws I never yet withdrew ; Convinced that my most secret ways Are open to thy view. PART XXII. TAU. C. M. 1 To my request and earnest cry Attend, O gracious Lord ; Inspire my heart with heavenly skill, According to thy word. 2 Let my repeated prayer at last Before thy throne appear ; According to thy plighted word, For my relief draw near. 3 Then shall my grateful lips return The tribute of their praise, When thou thy counsels hast reveal'd, And taught me thy just ways. 4 My tongue the praises of thy word Shall thankfully resound ; For thy commands are right, thy laws With truth and justice crown'd. 5 Let thy almighty arm appear, And bring me timely aid ; For I the laws thou hast ordain'd My heart's free choice have made. 6 My soul has waited long to see Thy saving grace restored ; Nor comfort knew, but what thy laws, Thy heavenly laws afford. 7 Prolong my life, that I may sing My great Restorer's praise ; Whose justice, from the (fcpths of wo, My fainting soul shall raise. 8 Though like a sheep that 's lost I 've stray'd, And from thy ways declined, Do thou, O Lord, thy servant seek, Who keeps thy laws in mind. PSALM 98. C. M. From the cxxi. Psalm of David. 1 TO Sion's hill I lift my eyes, From thence expecting aid ; From Sion's hill and Sion's God, Who heaven and earth has made. 78 PSALMS. 2 He will not let thy foot be moved, Thy guardian will not sleep ; Behold, the God who slumbers not Will favor'd Israel keep. 3 Shelter'd beneath th' Almighty's wings, Thou shalt securely rest, Where neither sun nor moon shall thee By day or night molest. 4 From common accidents of life The Lord shall guard thee still ; 'T is even he that shall preserve Thy soul from every ill. 5 At home, abroad, in peace, in war, Thy God shall thee defend ; Conduct thee through life's pilgrimage, Safe to thy journey's end. PSALM 99. CM. Prom the cxxii. Psalm of David. lO'T WAS a joyful sound, to hear Our tribes devoutly say, Up, Israel, to the temple haste, And keep your festal day ! 2 At Salem's courts we must appear, With our assembled powers, In strong and beauteous order ranged Like her united towers. 3 'T is thither, by divine command, The tribes of God repair, Before his ark to celebrate His Name with praise and prayer. 4 O, ever pray for Salem's peace ; For they shall prosp'rous be, Thou holy city of our God, Who bear true love to thee. 5 May peace within thy sacred walls A constant guesfbe found; With plenty and prosperity Thy palaces be crown'd. 6 For my dear brethren's sake, and friends No less than brethren dear, I '11 pray— May peace in Salem's towers A constant guest appear. 7 But most of all I '11 seek thy good, And ever wish thee well, For Sion and the temple's sake, Where God vouchsafes to dwell. PSALMS. 79 PSALM 100. CM. From the cxxiv. Psalm of David. 1 HAD not the Lord, may Israel say, On Israel's side engaged, The foe had quickly swallow'd us, So furiously he raged. 2 Had not the Lord himself vouchsafed To check his fierce control, The adversary's dreary flood Had overwhelm'd our soul. 3 But praised be our eternal Lord, Who left us not his prey ; The snare is broke, his rage disarm'd. And we again are free. 4 Secure in God's almighty Name Our confidence remains ; The God who made both heaven and earth Of both sole monarch reigns. PSALM 101. C. M. From the cxxv. Psalm of David. 1 WHO place on Sion's God their trust Like Sion's rock shall stand ; Like her immoveably be fix'd By his almighty hand. 2 Look how the hills on every side Jerusalem enclose ; So stands the Lord around his saints, To guard them from their foes. 3 Be good, O righteous God, to those Who righteous deeds affect; The heart that innocence retains Let innocence protect. 4 All those who walk in crooked paths, The Lord shall soon destroy ; Cut offth' unjust, but crown the saints With lasting peace and joy. PSALM 102. CM. From the cxxvii. Psalm of David. 1 WE build with fruitless cost, unless The Lord the pile sustain ; Unless the Lord the city keep, The watchman wakes in vain 2 In vain we rise before the day, And late to n j st repair, Allow no respite to our toil, And eat the bread of care : 80 PSALMS. 3 Supplies of life, with ease to them, He on his saints bestows; He crowns their labors with success, Their nights with safe repose. PSALM 103. CM. From the cxxviii. Psalm of David. 1 THE man is bless'd that fears the Lord, Nor only worship pays, But keeps his steps confined with care To his appointed ways. 2 He shall upon the sweet returns Of his own labor feed ; Without dependence live, and see His wishes all succeed. 3 Who fears the Lord shall prosper thus ; Him Sion's God shall bless, And grant him all his days to see Jerusalem's success. PSALM 104. S. M. Prom the cxxx. Psalm of David. 1 FROM lowest depths of wo To God I sent my cry ; Lord, hear my supplicating voice, And graciously reply. 2 Shouldst thou severely judge, Who can the trial bear? But thou forgiv'st, lest we despond, And quite renounce thy fear. 3 My soul with patience waits For thee, the living Lord; My hopes are on thy promise built, Thy never-failing word. 4 My longing eyes look out For thv enliv'ning ray, More duly than the morning watch To spy the dawning day. 5 Let Israel trust in God, No bounds his mercy knows; „^ onM The plenteous source and spring from whence Eternal succor flows : 6 Whose friendly streams to us Supplies in want convey ; A healing spring, a spring to cleanse And wash our guilt away. PSALM 105. HI. 1. From the cxxxi. Psalm of Darid. 1 LORD, for ever at thy side Let my place and portion be: Strip me of the robe of pride, Clothe me with humility. PSALMS. SI 2 Meekly may my soul receive All thy Spirit hath reveal'd; Thou hast spoken — I believe, Though the oracle be seal'd. 3 Humble as a little child, Weaned from the mother's breast By no subtleties beguil'd, On thy faithful word I rest. 4 Israel ! now and evermore In the Lord Jehovah trust; Him, in all his ways, adore, Wise and wonderful, and just. PSALM 106. CM. From the cxxxii. Psalm of David. 1 O, WITH due rev'rence, let us all To God's abode repair ; And, prostrate at his footstool fall'n, Pour out our humble prayer. 2 Arise, O Lord, and now possess Thy constant place of rest; Be that, not only with thy ark, But with thy presence bless'd. 3 Clothe thou thy priests with righteousness, Make thou thy saints rejoice; And, for thy servant David's sake, Hear thy anointed's voice. 4 Fair Sion does, in God's esteem, All other seats excel ; His place of everlasting rest, Where he desires to dwell. 5 Her store th' Almighty will increase, Her poor with plenty bless ; Her saints shall shout for joy, her priests His saving health confess. PSALM 107. C. M. From the cxxxiii. Psalm of David. 1 HOW vast must their advantage be, How great their pleasure prove, W T ho live like brethren, and consent In offices of love ! 2 True love is like the precious oil, Which, pour'd on Aaron's head, Ran down his beard, and o'er his robes Its costly fragrance shed. 3 'T is like refreshing dew, which does On Hermon's top distil ; Or like the early drops, that fall On Sion's favor'd hill. P2 PSALMS. 4 For Sion is the chosen seat Where the Almighty King The promised blessing has ordain d, And life's eternal spring. PSALM 108. CM. From the cxxxiv. Psalm of David. 1 BLESS God, ye servants, that attend Upon his solemn state, That in his temple's hallow'd courts With humble rev'rence wait. 2 Within his house lift up your hands And bless his holy Name : From Sion bless thy Israel, Lord, Who earth and heaven didst frame. PSALM 109. CM. From the cxxxv. Psalm of David. 1 O PRAISE the Lord with one consent, And magnify his Name; Let all the servants of the Lord His worthy praise proclaim. 2 Praise him all ye that in his house Attend with constant care; With those that to his outmost courts With humble zeal repair. 3 For God his own peculiar choice The sons of Jacob makes; And Israel's offspring for his own Most valued treasure takes. 4 That God is great, we often have By glad experience found : And seen how he, with wondrous power, Above all gods is crown'd. 5 For he, with unresisted strength, Performs his sov'reign will, In heaven and earth, and wat'ry stores That earth's deep caverns fill. 6 Their just returns of thanks to God Let grateful Israel pay ; Nor let. anointed Aaron's race To bless the Lord delay. 7 Their sense of his unbounded love Let Levi's house express; And let all those who fear the Lord, His Name for ever bless. 8 Let all with thanks his wondrous works In Sion's courts proclaim ; Let them in Salem, where he dwells, Exalt his holy Name. PSALMS. 83 PSALM 110. II. 4. From Ihe cxxxvi. Psalm of David. 1 TO God, the mighty Lord, Your joyful thanks repeat; To him due praise afford, As good as he is great : For God does prove Our constant friend ; His boundless love Shall never end. 2 To him, whose wondrous power All other gods obey, Whom earthly kings adore, Your grateful homage pay : For God &c. 3 By his almighty hand Amazing works are wrought : The heavens by his command Were to perfection brought: For God &c. 4 He spread the ocean round. About the spacious land ; And bade the rising ground Above the waters stand : For God &c. 5 By him the heavens display Their num'rous hosts of light, The sun to rule by day, The moon and stars, by night . For God &c. 6 He, in our depth of woes, On us with favor thought; And from our cruel foes In peace and safety brought: For God &c. 7 He does the food supply On which ail creatures live : To God. who reigns on high, Eternal praises give : For God will prove Our constant friend ; His boundless love Shall never end. PSALM 111. L. M. From the cxxxvii. Psalm of David. 1 WHEX we, our weary limbs to rest, Sat down by proud Euphrates' stream, We wept, with doleful thoughts oppress'd, And Sion was our mournful theme. 84 PSALMS. 2 Our harps, th:it, when with joy we sung, Were wont their tuneful parts to bear, With silent strings neglected hung On willow trees that wither'd there. 3 O Salem, our once happy seat, When I of thee forgetful prove, Let then my trembling hand forget The speaking strings with art to move ! 4 If I to mention thee forbear, Perpetual silence be my doom ; Or if my chiefest joy compare With thee, Jerusalem, my home ! PSALM 112. C. M. From the exxxviii. Psalm of David. 1 WITH my whole heart, my God and King, Thy praise I will proclaim ; Before the mighty I will sing, And bless thy holy Name. 2 I '11 worship at. thy sacred seat, And, with thy love inspired, The praises of thy truth repeat, O'er all thy works admired. 3 Thou graciously inclin'dst thine ear, When I to thee did cry; And, when my soul was press'd with fear, Didst inward strength supply. 4 For God, although enthroned on high, Does thence the poor respect; The proud, far off, his scornful eye Beholds with just neglect. 5 Though I with troubles am oppress'd, He shall my foes disarm, Relieve my soul when most distress'd, And keep me safe from harm. 6 The Lord, whose mercies ever last, Shall fix my happy state ; And, mindful of his favors past, Shall his own work complete. PSALM 113. L. M. From the exxxix. Psalm of David. 1 THOU, Lord, by strictest search hast known My rising up and lying down; My secret thoughts are known to thee, Known long before conceived by me. 2 Thine eye my bed and path surveys, My public haunts and private ways: Thou know'st what 't is my lips would vent. My yet unutter'd words' intent. PSALMS. 3 Surrounded by thy power I stand, On every side I find thy hand : O skill for human reach too high ! Too dazzling bright for mortal eye! 4 From thy all-seeing Spirit, Lord, What hiding-place does earth afford'? where can I thy influence shun, Or whither from thy presence run? 5 If up to heaven I take my flight, 'T is there thou dwell'st enthroned in light; If to the world unseen, my God, There also hast thou thine abode. 6 If I the morning's wings could gain, And fly beyond the western main ; E'en there, in earth's remotest land, 1 still should find thy guiding hand. 7 Or, should I try to shun thy sight Beneath the sable wings of night, One glance from thee, one piercing ray, Would kindle darkness into day. 8 The veil of night is no disguise, No screen from thy all-searching eyes ; Through midnight shades thou find'st thy waj As in the blazing noon of day. 9 Thou know'st the texture of my heart, My reins and every vital part: I '11 praise thee, from whose hands I came A work of such a wondrous frame. 10 Let me acknowledge too, O God, That since this maze of life I trod, Thy thoughts of love to me surmount The power of numbers to recount. 1 1 Far sooner could I reckon o'er The sands upon the ocean's shore ; Each morn, revising what I 've done, I find th' account but new begun. 12 Search, try, O God, my thoughts and heart, If mischief lurk in any part; Correct me where I go astray, And guide me in thy perfect way. PSALM 114. CM. From the cxli. Psalm of David. 1 LORD, in thy sight, O let my prayer Like morning incense rise; My lifted hands accepted be As ev'ning sacrifice. 2 From hasty language curb my tongue, And let a constant guard Still keep the portal of my lips With wary silence barr'd. PSALMS. 3 From wicked men's designs and deeds My heart and hands restrain ; Nor let me share their evil works, Or their unrighteous gain. 4 Let upright men reprove my faults, And I shall think them kind ; Like healing oil upon my head I their reproof shall find. PSALM 115. CM. From the cxliii. Psalm of David. 1 LORD, hear my prayer, and to my cry Thy wonted audience lend; In thy accustomed faith and truth A gracious answer send. 2 Nor at thy strict tribunal bring Thy servant to be tried ; For in thy sight no living man Can e'er be justified. 3 To thee my hands in humble prayer I fervently stretch out; My soul for thy refreshment thirsts, Like land oppress'd with drought. 4 Hear me with speed, my spirit fails; Thy face no longer hide, Lest I become forlorn, like them That in the grave reside. 5 Thy kindness early let me hear, Whose trust on thee depends; Teach me the way where I should go, My soul to thee ascends. 6 Do thou, O Lord, from all my foes Preserve and set me free ; A safe retreat, a hiding place, My soul implores from thee. 7 Thou art my Gon, thy righteous will Instruct me to obey ; Let thy good Spirit lead and keep My soul id thy right way. 8 O, for the sake of thy great Name, Revive my drooping heart; For thy truth's sake, to me distress'd Thy saving health impart. PSALM 116. L. M. From Ihe cxliv. Psalm of David. 1 LORD, what 's in man, that thou should'st lov Of him such tender care to take? What in his offspring could thee move Such great account of him to make? PSALMS. 2 The life of man does quickly fade, His thoughts bill empty are and vain, His days are like a flying shade, Of whose short stay no signs remain. 3 To thee, almighty King of kings, In new-made hymns my voice I '11 raise; And instruments of many strings Shall help me to adore and praise. PSALM 117. From the cxlv. Psalm of David. PART I. C. H. 1 THEE I will bless, my God and King, Thy endless praise proclaim ; This tribute daily I will br,ing, And ever bless thy Name. 2 Thou. Lord, beyond compare art great, And highly to be praised ; Thy majesty, with boundless height, Above our knowledge raised. 3 Renown'd for mighty acts, thy fame To future time extends ; From age to age thy glorious Name Successively descends. 4 Whilst I thy glory, and renown, And wondrous works express, The world with me thy might shall own, And thy great power confess. 5 The praise that to thy love belongs They shall with joy proclaim ; Thy truth of all their grateful songs Shall be the constant theme. 6 The Lord is good ; fresh acts of grace His pity still supplies ; His anger moves with slowest pace, His willing mercy flies. 7 Thy love through earth extends its fame, To all thy works express'd ; These show thy praise, whilst thy great Name Is by thy servants bless'd. 8 They, with a glorious prospect fired, Shall of thy kingdom speak ; And thy great power, by all admired, Their lofty subject make. 9 God's mighty works of ancient date Shall thus to all be known ; And thus his kingdom's glorious state In all its splendor shown. 8* PSALMS. 10 His steadfast throne, from changes free, Shall stand for ever fast ; His boundless sway no end shall see, But time itself outlast. PART II. C. M. 1 The Lord does them support that fall, And makes the prostrate rise ; For his kind aid all creatures call, Who timely food supplies. 2 Whate'er their various wants require With open hand he gives ; And so fulfils the just desire Of every thing that lives. 3 How holy is the Lord, how just. How righteous #11 his ways ! How nigh to him, who with firm trust For his assistance prays ! 4 He grants the full desires of those Who him with fear adore ; And will their troubles soon compose, When they his aid implore. 5 The Lord preserves all those with care Whom grateful love employs ; But sinners, who his vengeance dare, In justice he destroys. 6 My time to come, in praises spent, Shall still advance his fame ; And all mankind, with one consent, For ever bless his Name. PSALM 118. HI. 3. From the cxlv. Psalm of David. 1 GOD, my King, thy might confessing, Ever will I bless thy Name ; Day by day thy throne addressing, Still will I thy praise proclaim 2 Honor great our God befitteth ; Who his majesty can reach? Age to age his works transmitteth, Age to age his power shall teach. 3 They shall talk of all thy glory, On thy might and greatness dwell, Speak of thy dread acts the story, And thy deeds of wonder tell. 4 Nor shall fail from mem'ry's treasure Works by love and mercy wrought ; Works of love surpassing measure, Works of mercy passing thought. PSALMS. 89 5 Full of kindness and compassion, Slow to anger, vast in love, God is good to all creation ; All his works his goodness prove. 6 All thy works, O Lord, shall bless thee, Thee shall all thy saints adore; King supfeme shall they confess thee, And proclaim thy sov'reign power. 7 They thy might, all might excelling, Shall to all mankind make known; And the brightness of thy dwelling, And the glories of thy throne. 8 Ever, God of endless praises, Shall thy royal might remain ; Evermore thy brightness blazes, Ever lasts "thy righteous reign. 9 Them that fall the Lord protecteth, He sustains the bow'd and bent ; Every eye from thee expecteth, Fix'd on thee, its nourishment. 10 Thou to all, great God of nature, Giv'st in season due their food ; Spread'st thy hand, and every creature Satisfiest still with good. 1 1 God is just in all he doeth, Kind is he in all his ways; He his ready presence showeth, When a faithful servant prays. 12 Who sincerely seek and fear him, He to them their wish will give; When they call, the Lord will hear them, He will hear them, and relieve. 13 From Jehovah all who prize him Shall his saving health enjoy ; All the wicked, who despise him, He will in their sin destroy. 14 Still, Jehovah, thee confessing, Shall my tongue thy praise proclaim ; And may all mankind with blessing Ever hail thy holy Name. PSALM 119. CM. From the cxlvi. Psalm of David. 1 O PRAISE the Lord, and thou, my soul, For ever bless his Name : His wondrous love, while life shall last, My constant praise shall claim. 2 On princes, on the sons of men, Let none for aid rely ; They cannot help, they turn to dust, And all their counsels die. 90 PSALMS. 3 Then happy he, who Jacob's God For his protector takes ; Who still, with well-placed hope, the Lord His constant refuge makes. 4 The Lord, who made both heaven and earth. And all that they contain, Will never quit his .steadfast truth. Nor make his promise vain. 5 The poor, oppress'd, from all their wrongs Are eased by his decree ; He gives the hungry needful food, And sets the prisoners free. 6 By him the blind receive their sight, The weak and fall'n he rears; With kind regard and tender love He for the righteous cares. 7 The strangers he preserves from harm. The orphan kindly treats ; Defends the widow, and the wiles Of wicked men defeats. 8 The God that does in Sion dwell Is our eternal King : From age to age his reign endures; Let all his praises sing. PSALM 120. II. 2. From the cxlvi. Psalm of David. 1 I 'LL praise my Maker with my breath, And, when my voice is lost in death, Praise shall employ my nobler powers My days of praise shall ne'er be past, While life, and thought, and being last, Or immortality endures. 2 Why should I place in man my trust? Ev'n princes die and turn to dust, Vain is the help of flesh and blood ; Their breath departs, their pomp, and power, And thoughts, all vanish in an hour, Nor can they make their promise good. 3 Happy the man whose hopes rely On Israel's God: he made the sky, And earth, and seas, with all their train ; He saves th' oppress'd, he feeds the poor ; His truth for ever stands secure, And none shall find his promise vain. 4 The Lord gives eye-sight to the blind, The Lord supports the sinking mind, He sends the righteous strength and peace, He helps the stranger in distress, The widow, and tire fatherless, And to the prisoner grants release. PSALMS. y» 5 God shall the wicked overturn, On them his wrath shall ever burn, Sinners shall perish in their ways; Sion ! the Goo thy sons adore, He, he is king for evermore; The Lord thy God for ever praise ! PSALM 121. From the cxlvii. Psalm of David. PART I. C. M. 1 O PRAISE the Lord with hymns of joy And celebrate his fame; For pleasant, good, and comely 't is To praise his holy Name. 2 His holy city God will build, Though levell'd with the ground; Bring back his people, though dispersed Through all the nations round. 3 He kindly heals the broken hearts, And all their wounds does close; He tells the number of the stars, Their several names he knows. 4 Great is the Lord, and great his power, His wisdom has no bound ; The meek he raises, and throws down The wicked to the ground. 5 To God the Lord, a hymn of praise With grateful voices sing; To songs of triumph tune the harp, And strike each warbling string. 6 He covers heaven with clouds, and thence Refreshing rain bestows. And on the mountains, through his care, The grass in plenty grows. 7 His care the beasts that loosely range With timely food supplies; He feeds the ravens' tender brood. And stops their hungry cries. 8 The Lord to him that fears his name His tender love extends; To him that on his boundless grace With steadfast hope depends. 9 Let Sion and Jerusalem To God their praise address; Whose strength secures their lasting gates, Who does their children bless. PART II. L. M. 1 Jehovah speaks: swift from the skies To earth the sovereign mandate flies; The elements confess their Lord, With prompt obedience to his word : 92 PSALMS. 2 The thick descending flakes of snow O'er earth a fleecy mantle throw; And glittering frost o'er all the plains Binds nature fast in icy chains. 3 He speaks : the ice and snow obey, And nature's fetters melt away ; Softly the vernal breezes blow, And murm'ring waters freely flow. 4 But nobler works his grace record : To Israel he reveals his word ; ' To them, his chosen flock, alone, He makes his sacred precepts known. 5 Such bliss no heathen nation shares, His oracles are only theirs : Let Israel then their voices raise, And bless their God in songs of praise PSALM 122. II. 4. Prom the cxlviii. Psalm of David. 1 YE boundless realms of joy, Exalt your Maker's fame ; His praise your song employ Above the starry frame: Your voices raise, Ye Cherubim And Seraphim, To sing his praise. 2 Thou moon, that rul'st the night, And sun, that guid'st the day, Ye glitt'ring stars of light, To him your homage pay: His praise declare, Ye heavens above, And clouds that move In liquid air. 3 Let them adore the Lord, And praise his holy Name, By whose almighty word They all from nothing came; And all shall last, From changes free ; His firm decree Stands ever fast. 4 Let earth her tribute pay : Praise him ye dreadful whales, And fish that through the sea Glide swift with glitt'ring scales* Fire, hail, and snow, And misty air, And winds that where He bids them blow. PSALMS. 03 5 By hills and mountains, all In grateful concert join'd; By cedars stately tall, And trees for fruit design'd ; By every beast, And creeping thing, And fowl of wing, His name be blest. 6 Let all of highest bir,th, With those of humbler name, And judges of the earth, His matchless praise proclaim : In this design, Let youths with maids, And hoary heads With children, join. 7 United zeal be shown His wondrous fame to raise, Whose glorious Name alone Deserves our endless praise: Earth's utmost ends His power obey ; His glorious sway The sky transcends. 8 His chosen saints to grace, He sets them up on high; And favors Israel's race, Who still to him are nigh: O therefore raise Your grateful voice, And still rejoice The Lord to praise ! PSALM 123. IV. 1 From the cxlix. Psalm of David. 1 O PRAISE ye the Lord, Prepare your giad voice His praise in the great Assembly to sing : In their great Creator Let Israel rejoice; And children of Sion Be glad in their King. 2 Let them his great Name Extol in their songs, With hearts well attuned His praises express ; Who always takes pleasure To hear their glad tongues, And waits with salvation The humble to bless. 94 PSALMS. 3 With glory adorn'd, His people shall sing To God, who their heads With safety doth shield ; Such honor and triumph His favor shall bring : O therefore, for ever All praise to him yield ! PSALM 124. L. M. From the cl. Psalm of David. 1 O PRAISE the Lord in that blest place From whence his goodness largely flows; Praise him in heaven, where he his face, Unveil'd, in perfect glory shows. 2 Praise him for all the mighty acts Which he in our behalf has done ; His kindness this return exacts, With which our praise should equal run. 3 Let the shrill trumpet's warlike voice Make rocks and hills his praise rebound : Praise him with harp's melodious noise And gentle psalt'ry's silver sound. 4 Let them who joyful hymns compose, To cymbals set their songs of praise; To well-tuned cymbals, and to those That loudly sound on solemn days. 5 Let all, that vital breath enjoy, The breath he does to them afford In just returns of praise employ : Let every creature praise the Lord ! THE END. GLORIA PATKI. N. B. The metre marks, affixed to the preceding psalms and hymns, have reference to a division of the metres, founded on the nature of the verse, into four classes, marked —I II III IV I. includes common, long, and short metres, marked — C. M., L. M., S. M. Class II. includes the other Iambic metres, eight in number, marked — II. 1, II. 2, 11. 3, II. 4, Arc, which may be named; Ttco, one ; Two, two; Two, three, Spc. III. includes the Trochaic metres, being five in number, marked — III. 1, III. 2, III. 3, Are., which may be named; Three, one; Three, two, SfC. Class IV. includes the metres consisting chiefly of triplets, being five in number, marked - IV. I, IV. 2, IV. 3, &c, and may be named; Four, one; Four, two, 6pc. CLASS I. CM. , indH The God, whom we adore, Be glory as it was, is now, And shall be evermore. L. M. TO Father, Son, and Holy Ghost, The God whom earth and heaven adore, Be glory, as it was of old, Is now, and shall be evermore. S. M. TO God the Father, Son, And Spirit, glory be, As 't was, and is, and shall be so To all eternity. CLASS II. II. 1. TO Father, Son, and Holy Ghost, The God whom heaven's triumphant host And saints on earth adore; Be glory, as in ages past, As now it is, and so shall last When time shall be no more. II. 2. TO Father, Son, and Holy Ghost, The God whom heaven's triumphant host And suff 'ring saints on earth adore ; Be glory, as in ages past, As now it is, and so shall last When time itself shall be no more. 9 e 95 ^ 96 GLORIA PATRI. II. 3. TO God the Father, God the Son, And God the Spirit, Three in One, Be glory in the highest given, By all on earth, and all in heaven ; As was through ages heretofore, Is now, and shall be evermore. II. 4. TO God the Father, Son, And Spirit, ever bless'd, Eternal Three in One, All worship be address'd ; As heretofore It was, is now, And shall be so For evermore. 11.5 TO God the Father, and to God the Son, To God the Holy Spirit, Three in One. Be praise from all on earth and all in heaven. As was, and is, and ever shall be given. II. 6. ETERNAL praise be given, And songs of highest worth. By all the hosts of heaven, And all the saints on earth. To God, supreme confessed, To Christ, his only Son, And to the Spirit blessed. Eternal Three in One. II. 7. TO Father, Son, and Spirit bless'd Supreme o'er earth and heaven. Eternal Three in One confess'd, Be highest glory given, As was through ages heretofore, Is now, and shall be evermore, By all in earth and heaven. II. "8. BY all on earth and all in heaven, Be everlasting glory given To God the Father, God the So> And God the Spirit ; equal Three In undivided Unity, Ere time had yet its course begun As was, and is, be highest praise, As still shall be through endless days. GLORIA PATRI. 9? CLASS III. III. 1. HOLY Father, Holy Son, Holy Spirit, Three in One ! Glory, as of old, to thee, Now, and evermore shall be ! III. 2. PRAISE the name of God most high, Praise him all below the sky, Praise him all ye heavenly host, Father, Son, and Holy Ghost ; As through countless ages past, Evermore his praise shall last. III. 3. PRAISE the Father, earth and heaven, Praise the Son, the Spirit praise, As it was, and is, be given Glory through eternal days. III. 4. TO the Father, throned in heaven, To the Saviour, Christ, his Son, To the Spirit, praise be given, Everlasting Three in One: As of old, the Trinity Still is worshipp'd, still shall be. III. 5. GREAT Jehovah ! we adore thee, God the Father, God the Son, God the Spirit, join'd in glory On the same eternal throne : Endless praises To Jehovah, Three in One. CLASS IV. IV. 1. BY angels in heaven Of every degree, And saints upon earth, All praise be address'd To God in three persons, One God ever bless'd ; As it has been, now is, And ever shall be. IV. 2. ALL praise to the Father, the Son, And Spirit, thrice holy and bless'd, Th' eternal, supreme Three in One, Was, is, and shall still be address'd. 98 GLORIA PATRI. IV. 3. ALL praise to the Father, all praise to the Son. All praise to the Spirit, thrice bless'd, The holy, eternal, supreme Three in One, Was, is, and shall still be address'd. IV. 4. O Father Almighty, to thee be address'd, With Christ and the Spirit, one God ever bless'd, All glory and worship from earth and from heaven. As was, and is now, and shall ever be given. IV. 5. ALL glory and praise to the Father be given, The Son, and the Spirit, from earth and from heaven ; As was, and is now, be supreme adoration, As ever shall be, to the God of salvation. For Hymns 145 and 185. TO the Father, to the Son, And Spirit ever bless'd, Everlasting Three in One, All worship be address'd: Praise from all above, below, As throughout the ages past, Now is given, and shall be so While endless ages last. When used to Hymn 185, in line 8. read, As was throughout the ages past. COME, let us adore him ; come, bow at his feet ; O give him the glory, the praise that is meet; Let joyful hosannas unceasing arise, And join the full chorus that gladdens the skies. Whenever the Hymns are used at the celebration of divine service, a certain portion portions of the Psalms of David in metre shall also be sung. A TABLE OF FIRST LINES, SHOWING WHERE TO FIND EACH PSALM, AND PART OF A PSALM^ BY THE BEGINNING. Psalm. Hart Pag« According to thy promised grace cxix. 97 7 70 Adored for ever be the Lord xxviii. 23 17 Approach, ye children of the Lord xxxiv. 29 2 20 As pants the hart for cooling streams xlii. 36 25 \s pants the wearied hart for cooling springs xlii. 37 , 26 Attend, my people; Israel, hear 1. 43 2 29 Be gracious to thy servant, Lord exix. 97 3 67 Bless'd is the man whom thou. O Lord xciv. 73 2 50 Bless God, my soul ; thou, Lord, alone civ. 83 57 Bless God. ye servants, that attend cxxxiv. 108 82 But who thine anger's dread effects xc. 69 2 47 Consider my affliction, Lord cxix. 97 20 76 Consider that the righteous man iv. 4 4 Deceitful thoughts and practices cxix. 97 15 74 Defend me, Lord, from shame xxxi. 26 18 For ever, and for ever, Lord cxix. 97 12 72 For thee, O God, our constant praise Ixv. 50 33 From lowest depths of wo ' cxxx. 104 80 Give ear. thou Judge of all the earth Iv. 45 30 God is our refuge in distress xlvi. 40 27 God, my King, thy might confessing cxlv. 118 88 God of my life, OLord most high lxxxviii. 67 44 God shall arise, and Sion view cii. 80 2 54 God shall charge his angel legions xci. 70 2 48 God's perfect law converts the soul xix. 15 2 10 God's temple crowns the holy mount lxxxvii. 66 44 Had not the Lord, may Israel say cxxiv. 100 79 Happy the man whose tender care xli. 35 25 Have mercy, Lord, on me li. 44 29 Hear, O my people, to my law lxxviii. 60 40 He 's blest whose sins have pardon gain'd xxxii. 27 19 He that has God his guardian made xci. 70 47 How hless'd are they who always keep cxix. 97 66 How blest is he who ne'er consents i. 1 3 How good and pleasant must it be xcii. 71 48 How long wilt thou forget me. Lord xiii. 10 7 How manifold thy works, O Lord civ. 84 5? How shall the young preserve their ways cxix. 97 2 67 How various, Lord, thy works are found civ. 83 2 57 How vast, must their advantage be cxxxiii. 107 81 I '11 praise my Maker with my breath cxlvi. 120 90 In mercy, not in wrath vi. 6 5 In my distress to God I cried xxx. 25 18 (99) 100 TABLE OF FIRST LINES. Psalm Instruct me in thy statutes, Lord cxix. 97 In thee I put my steadfast trust lxxi. 55 I waited meekly for the Lord xl. 34 Jehovah reigns, let all the earth xcvii. 76 Jehovah reigns, let therefore all xcix. 78 Jehovah speaks: swift from the skies cxlvii. 1*21 Judge me, O Lord, for I the paths xxvi. 5H Let all the just to God, with joy xxxiii. 28 Let all the lands, with shouts of joy lxvi. 51 Let me with light and truth be bless'd xliii. 38 Like water is my life pour'd out xxii. 17 Lo, hills and mountains shall bring forth lxxii. 56 Lord, for ever at thy side exxxi. 105 Lord, from thy unexhausted store lxv. 50 Lord, hear my prayer, and to my cry cxliii. 115 Lord, in thy sight, O let my prayer cxli. 114 Lord, let me know my term of days xxxix. 33 Lord, not to us. we claim no share cxv. 93 Lord, though at times surprised by fear hi. 46 Lord, to my brethren I '11 declare xxii. 17 Lord, what 's in man that thou should'st love cxliv. 116 Lord, who's the happy man that may xv. 1*2 Magnify Jehovah's name cvii. 87 May Jacob's God defend xx. 16 Mine eyes, alas, begin to fail cxix. 97 16 My God, my God, why leav'st thou me xxii. 17 My grateful soul shall bless the Lord xvi. 13 My off 'rings to God's house I '11 bring lxvi. 51 2 My soul, for help on God rely lxii. 48 My soul, howe'er distress'd and poor lxix. 54 2 My soul, inspired with sacred love ciii. 81 My soul, oppress'd with deadly care cxix. 97 4 My soul with grateful thoughts of love cxvi. 94 My soul with long expectance faints cxix. 97 11 No change of time shall ever shock xviii. 14 O all ye people, clap your hands xlvii. 41 O bless the Lord, my soul ciii. 82 O come, loud anthems let us sing xcv. 74 O God, my gracious God, to thee lxiii. 49 O God, my heart is fix'd, 'tis bent lvii. 47 O God, my heart is fully bent cviii. 88 O God of hosts, the mighty Lord lxxxiv. 63 O God our Saviour, all our hearts lxxxv. 64 O Lord, my Gon, my portion thou cxix. 97 8 O Lord, the Saviour and defence xc. 69 O Lord, thy mercy, my sure hope xxxvi. 30 O praise the Lord, and thou, my soul cxlvi. Ill) O praise the Lord, for he is good cxviii. 96 O praise the Lord in that blest place cl. 134 O praise the Lord with hymns of joy cxlvii. 121 O praise the Lord with one consent cxxxv. 109 O praise ye the Lord cxlix. 123 O render thanks, and bless the Lord cv. 85 O render thanks to God above cvi. 86 O Thou, whom heavenly hosts obey lxxx. 61 'art 5 P 6? 37 24 52 53 a 91 16 19 34 26 a 12 37 80 2 33 86 85 23 63 31 3 12 86 8 TABLE OF FIRST LINES. 101 O Thou, to whom all creatures bow viii. O 't was a joyful sound to hear cxxii. O with due rev'rence let us all cxxxii. Praise ye the Lord ; our God to praise cxi. Regard my words, O gracious God v. Save me, O God, from waves that roll Ixix. Say ye, the Lord shall not regard xciv. Sing to the Lord a new-made song xcvi. Sing to the Lord a new-made song xcviii. That man is bless'd who stands in awe cxii. Thee I will bless, my God and King cxlv. The good man's way is God's delight xxxvii. The heavens declare thy glory, Lord xix. The Lord a holy temple hath xi. The Lord does them support that fall cxlv. The Lord hath spoke, the mighty Gon 1. The Lord himself, the mighty Lord xxiii. The Lord look'd down from heaven's high tower . . . xiv. The Lord, the only God, is great xlviii. The Lord unto my Lord thus spake ex. The love that to thy laws 1 bear cxix. The man is blest that fears the Lord exxviii. The Name of our God lxxvi. The servants of Jehovah's will lxviii. The spacious earth is all the Lord's xxiv. The strong foundations of the earth cii. The wicked I in power have seen xxxvii. The wonders which thy laws contain cxix. Thine is the cheerful day, O Lord lxxiv. Thou art the righteous Judge, in whom cxix. Though wicked men grow rich or great xxxvii Thou, gracious Gon, art my defence iii. Thou, Lord, by strictest search hast known .... exxxix. Thou suit'st, O Lord, thy righteous ways xviii. Through all the changing scenes of life xxxiv. Thus God declares his sovereign will ii. Thy chast'ning wrath, O Lord, restrain xxxviii. Thy constant blessing, Lord, bestow cxix. Thy mercies, Lord, shall be my sony Ixxxix. Thy presence, Lord, hath me supplied lxxiii. Thy sacred word, my joyful breast cxix. Thy wondrous power, Almighty Lord, cvii. Thy word is to my feet a lamp cxix To bless thy chosen race Ixvii To celebrate thy praise, O Lord ix. To God, in whom I trust xxv. To God, our never failing strength lxxxi. To God, the mighty Lord exxxvi. To me, who am the workmanship cxix. To my complaint, O Lord my God lxxxvi. To my request and earnest cry cxix. To Sion's hill 1 lift my eyes exxi. We build with fruitless cost, unless exxvii. What e'er the mighty Lord decrees xxxiii. When 1 pour out my soul in prayer cii. Psalm Part Page 7 6 99 78 106 81 90 61 5 5 54 36 73 50 75 51 77 52 91 62 117 87 31 2 22 15 10 9 7 117 2 88 43 28 18 13 7 42 28 89 61 97 13 73 103 80 59 39 53 35 19 14 80 3 55 31 3 23 97 17 74 58 39 97 18 75 31 22 3 4 113 84 14 2 9 29 20 2 3 32 23 97 6 69 68 45 57 39 97 21 76 87 2 60 97 14 73 52 35 8 6 20 14 62 41 110 83 97 10 71 65 43 97 22 77 98 77 102 79 28 2 20 80 54 102 TABLE OF FIRST LINES. Phalm Pttrt Pag* When we, our weary limbs to rest cxxxvii. Ill 83 While I the King's loud praise rehearse xlv. 39 26 Whom should I fear, since God to me xxvii. 22 16 Who place on Sion's Gon their trust cxxv. 101 79 With cheerful notes let all the earth cxvii. 95 64 With glory clad, with strength array'd xciii. 72 49 With me, thy servant, thou hast dealt cxix. 97 9 71 With my whole heart, my God and King .... cxxxviii. 112 84 With my whole heart to God I call'd cxix. 97 19 75 With one consent let all the earth c. 79 54 Ye boundless realms of joy cxlviii. 122 92 Ye saints and servants of the Lord cxiii. 92 62 Ye that in might and power excel xxix. 24 17 TABLE TO FIND THE PSALMS IN' THE FOREGOING SELECTIONS SUITED TO PARTICULAR SUEJECTS AND OCCASIONS. Adoration of God, Psalm 7, 50, 74, 75, 117. (See Praise.) of ihe second Person in the Trinity, 41. Advent, psalms proper for, 43, part i. ; 68, 75, 70, 77. Afflicted, prayer of, 10, 36, 37, 73, part ii. ; SO, 97, p. xi. ; 115. , comfort of, 97, p. vii. , complaint of, 36, 37, 80, p. i. ; 115. , psalm proper for, 97. Afflictions, benefits of, 73, p. ii. ; 97, p. ix. ver. 3. , deliverance from them celebrated, 29, 87. Aged Saint, prayer of, 55. ver. 6. Almsgiving, 35, ver. 1, 2, 3; 91. Angels, guard the righteous, 29, ver. 4 ; 70, p. ii , called on to praise the Lord, 81, ver. 11, 12. Ascension, 19, ver. 6, 7, 8, 9, 10; 41, 53, ver. 4. 5. Ash- Wednesday, 44, 104. (See Penitential.) Assistance from God, 112, 116. Atheism, practical, punishment denounced against, 11. Attributfs of God, 30, 90, 117, 119, 120, 121. HiE5s:\-o nf God, on temporal business end comforts, 102, 103. Ble-sings promised to the righteous, 1, 27, 103. Blood of Christ, cleansing from sin. prefigured by the ceremonies of The law, 44. Brotherly love, 107. Care of God over his saints, 29. Charity to the poor, (See Almsgiving.) Charitable man, blessines promised to, 35, ver. 1, 2, 3. ( hh-dren. instructed in God's law, 60, ver. 3, 6 ; 97, p. ii. Christ, the true David, 6^. (See Darid.) , covenant made with him typified by David, 68. , divinity of, 39, ver. 6-8; 41, 89. , his incarnation, 34, ver. 6, &c. , David in the person of, describes his sorrows, and the malice and persecution of his enemies, and prays for deliverance, 17, 34,45. Christ, his death and sufferings set forth in the person of David. 17, 34. 45, 54. , his resurrection predicted, 2, 13, 54, p. ii. ; 96, ver 11, f, psalms proper for. (See Pe n it en tia I Psalms. ) Himilitv, profession of, 105. Hypocrites and hypocrisy, 43, p. ii. TABLE OF SUBJECTS. 105 Incarnation of Christ. 34, verse 6, &c. Instruction, spiritual. 20, verse 3; 29, p. ii.; 97. Institution oi a minister, 99, 106, 107. Instructive psalms, displaying the different characters and ends of 20<>d and bad men. 1 :. EL 9, 11, 12. 19, '20, 27, 29, 30, 31, 43', 57. 63, 70, 71, 73, 91, 97, 98, 101, 102, 103, 107. Intercession, psalms of, 10, 52, 99, last four verses; 106. Judgment, day of, 1, last three verses, 43, p. i. ; 75, last stanza j 76, 77, last verse. (See Advent.) Jubticb of God. (See God, his perfections.) Justification, from the free grace of God, 27, 104. Kingdom of Christ, 2 56, 66, 63, 89, 106. (See Christ, Epiphany.) Knowledge, spiritual, desired, 97, verse 5. &c, p. v.. p. xvii..