■ i •- ■ - - ■ ■ M —— . ~ >■ - Appoint Wright, and BJcbard Cbifwel, to Print this REPORT, Perufed by me, According to the Order of the HOUSE of COM¬ MONS,- And that no other Per- « • - fon prefume to Print it. Becemk nth. 1680. Wi WIL LIA M S, Speaker. ^ ■ ■ V I % 4 * I ' \ V r s O F T H E CONCERNING THE Upon the Complaint of Prefented to the HOUSE of COMMONS, Upon Thurfclay the gth. day of Deceml. 16180. LONDON, * • Printed for John Wright, at the Crown on , gate-hill, and Richard Cbifreil,1 at the Rofe and I Crown in St. Paul's Church-Yard. 16H0. V \ s > * \ I / \ V ' v -♦ ...II T '::0 r~~z" v■.i /' r "\ i lA.rTVXyJs m- , j U / w ,• •f r . ■- •v. " - • * ^ N < • ■ i r . ' ' ■ \...f / "io v l \ n ■ . ' ; * * . 4 >A Nv Y* A L ■M i • / - \ ■fc. " > *k £3 ' £? ? , i V, v * «■ • . . A " > ' \ ^ * / j a V\ •• i .. JL -- ' .N ,i * •• « •» - y . „..A, . • t . * \ j -?' < ►, „ , i; h • ,c, THE : .. "*> ^ ■ 'J' ..io mm ti For Receiving Concerning the ipon tne complaini ui a « Mr. 'Peter Norm, prefented to the Houle of Commons upon Tburfday Decernb, 9.1680. I TfPon confideration of the Information 1 I given at the Barr by Mr. Peter and LI Referred to this Committee, ruination 01 tms matter oe iveporcea opeciauy. This Committee in the firft place , after hear¬ ing of the faid Norm his Complaint, that fe- veral Papers were taken from him, fent for the faid Papers which were informed in a Cheft in the Council Chamber , wli were brought to an In veil to be all , and they ftill Committee. Hhh remain -v ( 114; * In the next place, they proceeded to exa¬ mine upon what gccafion the faid Norris was Tent beyond Sea, which not only by the laid Papers, but alio by a Certificate delivered to the Chairman of this Committee from the Earl ofEJfex, and divers other Informations as well as the laid Norris his Inftru&ions given by Dr. Tonge, was to fetch over one an Jrijh Prieft, who had been converlant with the Priefts in France and Flanders , who managed the Plot both in England and Ireland, and mixing himlelf among,them , was privy to the whole Plot, which the faid Dowdall by leveral Let¬ ters had made known to Dr. Tonge 7 which Let¬ ters were perufed by the Earl of EJfex, and al- fo fatisfa&ion was given by a known Merchant in London , that the faid Dowdall was an honell man, of good underftanding , and might be i. ; 1 •• • 1 \ C ■: J J) ' I l Then the Committee proceeded to inquire, who at any time had knowledge of the lending over for the faid DoivdalL and found bv an Or- ■ ■- ' < ' j der of Council, bearing date the eighteenth day of July 167p.that the laid Dowdall by the name of Edward Dowdall, was permitted to come from Dover apd Hay lor a Month, but in that Order there is no mention of Dowdall's being a Prieft. And it likewile appears to this Committee, that not long after the faid Order for his coming over, Dowdall dyed, and not without fufpicion that it was a Violent Death : but it doth not appear to this Committee, that the Death of Dowdall was • known in England till after the Re¬ turn of Norris, who was lent to fetch the laid Dowdall over, which was about Ten Months \ * u .4 X- arter » " C ) ■ * r a after the Date of the faid Order of Council. . Upon which, this Committee proceeded to Examine, nowr it came to pals, that the laid Norris was in luch danger beyond Sear and par¬ ticularly at his coming aboard the Pacquett- Boat at Calais, and likewile his Imprifonment at DoVer in the Common Prifon , and bis being brought from DoVer by a MelTenger, and they found the Caule of it to be a Defcription given of Deter T-orris to Secretary Jenkins the Twenty Ninth of May 1680. in thele words, Peter Nor- ris, jome call him Morris a Scotch-man, , neat Dace, (anguine Complexion, jhort Nofe , bald* pated, tvhite Wiyg, Jlender Body, little Stature, Civil and Smooth inDifcourfe, fpeahjng French , aged Thirty Four Tears more or lejs, T by Trade: and under this Defcription , written with another Hand and Ink thefe words (uig..) Went into France on Wednefday was three to bring with him a T. iejl.Thereupon this Committee pro¬ ceeded to Examine , who brought this Delcri¬ ption to the laid Secretary, and where and by whom it was drawn , with all the Circum- fiances that they could find about it. And firft they found, that Thomas Sheridon a Gentleman, who affirmed himlelf a Proteftant born in Ire* ■ land, heretofore employed in Collecting the Re¬ venues there, and lately with the Duke at his Court at DrujJ'ells, and came over with him in the lame Yacht, confelfed upon his Examina¬ tion, that he carryed the laid Defcription to the faid Secretary; but it being fihewed him, he denyed the writing any part of it, lave the laft Line ; but confelfed that it was written and brought to him by one Anthony Day DoCtor of FI h h 2 Phyfick ( 116 ) . „ V V h* ■* ' Phyfick to the Late Army in Flanders, there¬ upon the laid Sberidon was commanded to pro- L . X duce the laid Day, and with him to attend. Dr. Day and Mr. Sboth appearing were examined leverally. . . And firft the faid who confeft himfelf a Papift, and pretended very little knowledge of Mr. Sheridon , but that coming to give him a vilit, which he had not done of fix weeks be- fore, Mr. Sheridon began to difcourle of News, and particularly of the Plot; to which the laid Do<5tor replyed, that now the whole Plot would be difcovered and laid open ; for he heard there was one gone beyond Sea to fetch over a Prieft that knew of the whole Plot: and i ■' *■ doth not remember any thing more at that time but common difcourle. But fome few * • * •- " ♦ ■ ^ t dayes after meeting with Mr. Sheridon, the laid Mr. Sheridmi defired him to defcribe the perfbn that was lb lent over ,• the laid Dr. Day replyed, that he knew not the perlon that was gone, nor the Prieft he was to fetch : but that John Butler, keeper of a Brandy-fihop near the French Embalfadours upon difcourle had told him lo ;to whom Mr. Sheridon defired him j to go and get the defcription, which he did accordingly. And the defcription being fhew- ed him, confelfed he writ it from his mouth, j * lave the laft line : But laith, that perlon is now dead who gave him the faid Defcription, but his wife is living. D Mr. Sheridon being then called in and exa¬ mined , laid, He had no great acquaintance with the laid Do£or, and leldome faw him but upon a vifit, which happily might be once ► i' a week ( I2, 7 ) a week or the like; Confelfeth, That the faid Do ; > i J> ./.' ji ; . / t » 1 . \ srot., THc Right Honourable Sir Leoline Jenkins^ one of his Majefties Principal Secretaries of State, being haftily called this day to wait upon his Majefty at Wind, hath commanded me to lend you the encloled defcription of a perlon, who, if he fhall happen to come from France and land at your Port, Mr, Secretary faith, you will do the King and Kingdome a great lervice if you will keep a ftriCt Eye up¬ on him and the company that fhall arrive with him, till they be all brought before Mr. May¬ or, or other chief Magiftrate of your Town, whom Mr/Secretary del!res to offer the laid perfons the Oaths of Allegiance and Supre¬ macy ;■ and in' cafe of their or any of their refufal of the lame , to iecure- them and deal 9 with them according to Law, giving Mr. Se¬ cretary an account with what Ipeed may be , of all the proceedings in this affair. If fuch a petfon as is here defcribed\ Ihould come and make no bones of taking the aforefaid Oaths,yet in cale Mr. Mayor or other chief Magiftrate before whom they are brought, fhall have rea- fonable ground to fufpeCt that he is the man fo deferibed, and that he hath one or more in his company who may be reafonably fulpeCted to be Priefts, fome handfome courfe is to be taken to detain them till Mr. Secretary can be ac¬ quainted with what is done,and fend luch further directions as fhall be thought neceffary. Mr. May- ~ . ■■■■-■ -■ ors brs authority, with your Prudence and Zeal iri this matter, will I hope produce a good effect Upon this Command I am ■ •'/ « . SIR, /' * "■ " ' ' . ■* . N .. • Your very Humble Servant^ : k John Cooke. Pray favour me with & Line that this comes fafe to your hands. ■. / . ' - VeraCopia. John Temper. , i Upon which "Morris Was committed to the Common Prilbn, as is mentioned in his Com¬ plaint. All which being of more than an or¬ dinary nature, this Committee thought not fit to give any opinion, but humbly referred it to the Wifdome of this Houle. • ■i ' , —mi ii ■ ■ r*n i ———i in, ■■■ mmm i i i i ■ ■ «■■■■. .. ■ " * ( , .... , > i '< ' > . ; " ' ' i FINIS, / \ ■■ ' ■ ■ ■ < ' ■ ■ ; ■ • :v-"v 1 • \ * i , c JT2A M f / ^ ' ' *'* .j* yt - • . 4 . - 'r ^.,1^,AabA i Uiv/ .-sftiztn art* '"•*■■' | , . .. icnmc ill nocjjJ ' \ ! :> s .. A «y - * tw.*v. H : V- V r \ .' «, if • . » VI v r >z, ,di :m\3- '■*': MfR&ft&fc'i ViJ >•> # i • • -• *'\ T*i I t* V-! v v:. - *.< .» -Vil. 4 4 . >. . . ^ .ah v M *.-*1 ■ -• V ■»- m. . 7 c - Ctils a hi . r «"f., ' w. /I .a \ . ' » ocj r, 44 - - -rriOv) tin f>i w:.-i'iOi:sii3fn i:i2£ ..floii;'] f; on; ;fit>£3) • r - nr;'- ci;,in > : . -.; , . _ ,: . Kfjor? ^ yiiiun vn Ji bon: 'V: ■ VIdnJiixt .V' : ,r /;jqo -.AJI ■ ( I ^ ' r . \ • . * kj i *• • J 1 > .: • I . . v -r *w. ■*■>•• i. *I\ » / - \ . f I . A , I I / " V