J\Tc'jrlhxOesfern XTni-dersity Library Kx)anston, Illinois >eve f fey TTV* r~T**rr- VxfB# JL' ** IW&1X »i»'iff,ii>ja wi'iirinT - K 1.01 i*-z. ~:-p jaw-WV V christian: ti; k* jeat ^Ip5 I N A N S W ER to a late Treatife, Chriftianity not Myfterious: THAT IS Not Above, Not Contrary to Reafon. In oppofition to wjiich is AiTerted, Chriftianity is above Created Reafon, in its pure Eftate. And contrary to Humane Reafon, as Fallen and cor- , rupted : and therefore in proper fenfe, Myftery. | , / " '• .. : i Together with a Pofttripi- Letter to the Author, on his Second Edition Enlarged. I By T. B. ( D 0 N D 0 N: Printed for I V.Mtr(!)&', at the; Bible m Newgtte-Street: And John 1 MAfpdl at the J3ible in Grace-Ckurch-ftreet* 16 96. O«?^iro a 0 and thofe its DemonfirAt 'wns :Let us therefore our l\.nees mutually, that the Father of our Lord Jeffs Qhrifi: would grant us, according to the Riches of his Glory, to be frrengtheD d by his Spirit in the Inner Man, that Chrijl may dwell in our Hearts by Faith; that we may comprehend with All Saints, the Heighths, and Depths, the Breadths and Lengths of what paffes Kjiowledg ; That we may be filled with All the Fulnefs of Him, who can, to perfeft Myftery, do above AU we can ask or think ; and yet to flhew it no Blind Chimerick, or Imaginary thing \ By a Power that Worketh 1N us; To HimbeGlo- ry in his Church by Jefus Chrift throughout All Ages, Amen. And in Regard of fo many Antichrifts, Enemies to the Glory of Chrift and of his Gofpel in this Age, and in the midft of us; Let us Hereby know to our Confolation, It is the very Laft of the Loft Time, the Time for God to Work for the Con fuming the Grand Antichriftall the LefTer kntichrtfts$a.X. come out of his Smoke with Him. The Lord Haften it in this his very Time ; So joyn, I befeech you in Supplication with your molt Humble Affeftionate Servant .In our Lord Jefus T. B. \ THE P R FACE THere hath Lately Appeared in Print, A Book Entituled, Chriftianity not Myfterious; And It Undertakes to Shew, There is nothing in the Gofpel, Contrary to Reafon, or Above it; And that no Chriftian Do&rine can be caU'd, A Myftery. The Writer Conceals his Name, and I do not de- fire to make Enquiry after it; For it is not a Name, but Truth, and Weight of Difcourfe I would Infift upon; Nor would /, if 1 could, make Any Reflexion upon *Per- Jons, Having All Reafons in my jelf for Humility, in Re' gard both of Confcioufnefs of my own Weaknefs, and alfo of Vnworthinefs : I would deal onely with Things, and Treat tbem^ as They Require to be Treated, That All may Reft on the Merit of True Reafon, according to the Word of God, and not on Sallyes of Wit, or Satyre; And, that AU may be Managed with a Gravity Conde- cent to the Myfteries of Chriftianity, and with Re- A verenci The Preface. verence of Scriptures, as All, who Difcourfe fence, ought to Speak and Write : 1 defire to obferve the Apoftolical Rule, To give the Apology of the Hope of Chriftianity to Tbofe, who Ask for it, with Meek- nefs, and Fear; and, in Meeknefs to Inftruft, If Any oppofe Themfelves ; If God Peradventure will Give them Repentance to the Acknowledging the I ruth. Icould Have Heartily wiftid, that even the Writer of the Treatile, / Defign to Review, bad Avoided any thing, that Looks fo Like Ridiculing, and Expoling*, as that Dialogue between the DoStor and Pariihioner, p. f 12, &c. and Left his Reader to Bow before the Majefty of Evidence, (as He exprefjes it) wherever he Found it: and had Forborn that, as Leaf Indecorolifneffe of Ex prep fion , towards Perfims of fo Great Veneration for their Ac- eomplifhment* of Holinefs, aud Learning; as alfo their Early Profeflion of Chriftianity ; I mean, The Fathers, whom He calls, p. 5. The Herd of the Fa- tkers; as if becaufe of Their Reverence of the Myfteries of the Golpel above the Pretenflons of Reafon , They were to be Loofd upon as, Irrational, not to fay Worfe: A Vein ofcleary unfullyed Reafon^ effect ally Bowing be- fore a Greater Majefty, then what we are too prone to call Evidence; I mean the Authority of God jn his Word; lvalue above AU Flourifhes, tbajfervethe Reader'j Fdiverfioh and Airy nefs, rather, then bis lnftruBi- on, and Behefit. I am glad to find fo many Reflexions on the My fter y of Iniquity, and the Depths of Sathan, as I hope will \ The Preface. Jhortly be Vniverfatty deetnd, and fpoken ofj l mean That of Popery, or Antichriftianifm, fo Great an Eclipfe upon the Glory of ( rue Chriftianity ; becaufe Scrip- ture hath fo often Doomed it to Impenitency, arid Per- dition : But I cannot but look upon a* rnofi to Parallel, in any Degree with it, thofe Forms of Sound Do£trine,jo often Reproached under the Name of Syflems, or Syftematic theology; wherein any have taken care to keep, especially Clofe to Scripture ; and thofe Intel- r sj ledtual Fxercitations upon them are fuited to Men of '% Thought and Contemplation, though not fo Familiar to Common Readers, or Hearers; who may yet have thofe Difficulties Maficated, and Prepared for by more plain Difcourfes. I do not yet Plead for Binding Mens Faith and Con- fciences to any Words, or Form of Words, that do not, ef- pecially in Chriftian Myileries, Keep, as clofe as may be, mtcnely to Scripture-Senfe, but to Scripture-ExpreiTi- ons, with as little variation as is poffibl; Comparing Spi- ritual things with Spiritual; and that they who do this, come nearest to the Things as the Author [peaks ', though wdh what Defign, in his Explaining op thofe Words, p. 5. I will not undertake to Judge , Let bim therein Stand or Fall to his own Mailer. ! ; - • The Things that give me Scandal in the TrCatite, are', Firfti, The Boldnefs, and Infolency op the Front if- pkoe^ fo very Contemptuous. and even Contradictory t&dhe; Conftant Language op the New- T eftameot, 'Styling Gofpel, Myftery, and its Truths, Myfterids; openly Bears out, Chriftianity not Myfterious; this 1 An fa- Da The Preface. favours of Too mean an Efteem of the Sacred Stamp, and Superscription, and the Images it gives of Things, aud Highly Countenances Antiofcripturhm, which jet the Writer would Appear not to have any Favour for. J look upon it, as a JuJl Qccafion for a Chriftian Zeal againft it; That the Deifts, as the Men of Reafon, and V irtuofo'i , as they would be Religion, Take the Pretenjions of this Treatife, ,is Service to Themfelves ; Finding fo much fettled, in what, They Ac- count Their own Territory, and Demefne ; Reafon, and Free-Will; And, in the mean time, they ASi the Part of Ananias, and Saphira; They Keep Back, or With- draw, fome Noblefi Principles of the Gofpel on thefe very Inter efts ; To which Secret Serv, one , but Suf~ peti, this Difcourfe is Devoted. I cannot but be Troubled', The Obferving Atheift, with whom the Deift is in a Clofe A, to find hist Account in this Suppofiting a Dead Child of Reafon, and Free-will, as they now go amongft Men, in the Room of- that Living Spirituous Chriftianity of the Scriptures ; or at leaf, That it is Divided between a Nominal Faith, and a Philofophy, that is indeed Vain, and Science, Falfly fo Called. The Beaux-Efprits , The Men of Ayr, and Wit, are pleased with Meeting the , and Awful My- fteries of Chriftian Religion under Burlefque, WRail- lery : which ought to AfieSi the Sincere Lovers of it with Sadnefs, and Lamenting fuch a Prophane Temper of the Age. I The Preface. 5 mPt 1 will not E>eny, That fomnot to Looked upon nos: with Jo III an Eye, as the Former, who do not Clofely In- fpeff,nor Penetrate the Scope, and Tendency of fucha Dif- courfe, but fuffer Tbemfelves to be Imposed upon by Palli- at ions, and Pretences, think it Innocent : But even this «al Leferves Lamentation, as Jhew a and Tame - W rendry of the Faith of the Gofpel, or a Gallio-Like Spi- §10n: rit, that does not Generoujly, and Genuinely Care for thefe 'Cl Things. '■jh fit# All, who more Wifely Confider- I ® /# cfc Dijfertations in their Springs and Ijjlue^ are A ware, II ft How Dejlru&ive to, and Subverfive of the Wi- Life, and Power, anc/ wen of the Profejfion of the Gofpel, fl'M) ffjgyare% On the Whole, therefore I make this Solemn Pro- fefion, with Appeal to Him, who Searches Hearts, iH That I have no other DeJIgn inthis Anfwer, but the Glo- ilb» ry ofGod in the Blefled, and Glorious Gofpel of his i Son; the Salvation of Souls, That they may Buy the Mtf Truth, and not,, on Any Fair Glozes, Sell it. And there- ire; fore 1 can with All Humble Supplications, and Afjurance,. litfi. Commend the Undertaking to the Divine Acceptance, in,. ace, and through the Mediator, and to His Blejfing upon it; to the Approbation of Sincere Chriflians ; and to % Reafon of the Adverfeits between God, and their own < if Qonfciences. il- , 1 tb » " THE / THE S C H EM E OF THE TREATISE, 4c, 4 rt Chrijiian'tty not Myfierious; and of the Anfwer to it, ' • *♦ . - HE Faireft, and Cleareft Method for the Attaining Truth in any Debate, is the Plaineft Laying Down the State of it, or Giving a Scheme of what is Agreed on Both Parts ; of what is mainly in Difference ; and of the Prin- cipal Topicks of Argument on each fide. Thefe therefore I would lay down in one View. &c. i. There is an Acknowledgment on Both Parts of the Divine Original of the Gofpe/, and of itsTruths; That They are from God: The Advantage of which in Deciding this Controver- fy, is; That whatever is regularly Argued from Scripture, and' from the very Stream, and Current of it, is to be Own'd, Re- ceiv'd, and Refted upon as Truth by each Party; and is un- dciibsedly Agreeable to Right Realon, and Right Reafon to it. 2. There if y 1 1 The SCHEME of the Treatife. 7 • 3. There are yet Truths of the Gofpel, that could never ha v€p- 40.4i» been Found out by the Trueft, or even the Higheft Created &c* ' Reafon, feeing they are the Deeps of God, and can be known onely by Revelation from Himfelf. The- Advantage of this Acknowledgment is; That in Regard of the Original of the Truths of the Gofpel, whatever of Adorablenefs, and Exciting Profoundeft Reverence is Imported in Divine Myfteries, is for ever due to the Truths of the Gofpel, as in their Unfearchable Spring, and Origin : And this certainly ought to have Mode- ^ rated a Zjd without Knowledge, or Due Confideration ot All, that do but Acknowledge fo much, in De-Myftcriz.ing them (if I may fo lpeak) or Laying them Common-, This fhould Con- ciliate to them moft Humble Veneration, and Love, as In- eftimahle Pledges of the Good-will of the Supreme Being, to fuch Unworthy Defpicable Creatures, as we the Children of Men Are, to whom thzGofpel is Vouchfafed; and even of Con- defcenfion to Angels, whom Sacred Writing fhews to have an Intercft, at leaft of Beholding with Admiration, and Delight. And befides this, there are Reafons, as will appear, that what ) it, is fo Originally My fiery y fhould be always fo, till fuch a State of Perfctl: Comprehenfion, as wherein All fball be Fi- - nifhed. ~ ttainuf ■ wi jt |s Acknowledged, That xht Gofpel is prepared, and even Sea. 3, reedo: Glorioufly Accomplifh'd to Inform, and to Illuminate; And that ffap* cPnr, was Attended with an Undoubted Evidence, and Demon- reforcl ftration of the Power of God in Miracles, that might give All AiTurance, and Satisfaction to the Rcafon, and Mind of Man ; , Tliat it was, and is from God. The Advantage of this Acknowledgment on Both Parts is, 'W That hereby, Fir ft, There is an Unpayable Gulpb Fisfd be- rover- tween the Great Myftery of Godhmjs, and tht Myftery of Iniquity, and which is a Myftery of Darknefs , as Darknefs it Self ; and its Miracles Lying H'orders ,. that is . Wonders of Darknefs, Like only to the Foul Idolatrous Myfterisj of Pagamjm, and its Fables; »10 as Scripture continually {hades the one by the othe • Let there therefore be no (hade of Reproach caft on the Got pel Notion, or ifyleof my fiery, from the myftery of Iniquity, feeing the One is feparate from the. Other, as Light from Darknefs, or The SCHEME of the Treatife. as Heaven from Hell, and that by Scripture it felf; (though it ufes the word my fiery, io continually, as a V ejjel p Honour, and Proper to its own Divine Truths,) hath yet let Anttchrifiianifme, the Counterfeit of Chriftianity, under the Title cf a Counter-rnyfiery alfo, the myfiery of iniquity, 4. It is from hence Agreed onBoth parts, that Faith is 00 Implicit,Sequacious, Blind Affent; but a Grace of GreateftWif- dom, and Undetftanding, Full of Cleareft Light, and Percep- tions of Truth, Able to be the vvowis, the veryPrefence, or Solid Argument of Things not feen; the %hty\osy the Demon- , ft ration of Things Hoped for. # > The Advantage of this Agreement is, that, if notwith- ftanding this, There fhall be Found fome Intimate, and even EiTential Reafon , why myfiery fhould be Acknowledged my- fiery ; and that even becaufe Faith is fo wife, and Intelligent a Grace; It will then come home to the Dccifion of the Main Point, whether Chriftianity be my Her ions or not, and it will be Decided for it. s. We are Both One, That we have not Ideas of the Truths of the Gofpel, nor Behold the Effencesof the things therein, no more, than we have Adequate Conceptions of the Divine Being, or Attributes; or can Behold the DivineEf- fence: Nor have we fo much, as Adequate Conceptions of Things in Nature, not can behold their EiTences: The Advan- tage of this Acknowledgment lies in this, That one Undenyable Senfe of myfiery viz. Some Kind of Concealment, and Referve is Found in the Truths of Christianity; There are fuch Secre- fyes in them, that we cannot by our felves have Proportionate Apprehenfions, nor Adequate I of; and yet, that this can- not be a fufficient Reaibn of myfleryztng them ; But if there may be Reafons given, why their Hiddenneffes fhould be called myfieries, and the Secrets of Nature not on thofe Reafons ltyled myfieries; Yea, if fome Reafon of Great Value may be given, why the Truths of the Gofpel may be called myfieries more particularly, then the Divine Being, and Attributes, which yet cannot be Found out to Perfection ; This Acknowledge inent may be very ferviceable, and conduce much to the Stating the Principal Point now in hand. — —— --— - -1 The SCHEME of the Treatife. 6. It muft of necefiity be Agreed by All, that have Rever- ence for the Gofpel, and the Revelations of it; That there are no Real Contradictions therein; All fucli are to be RernovM intoth z my fiery of Iniquity ^ with All Things, that would come within the Verge of Religion, and are of a Trivial Nature; or which Falling under a Contradiction in the very Judgment of Senfe, can be likened to a Ball, White and Black together ; or a vVquare that's Round ; or a Cane without Two Ends. For all the Truths of Chriftianity are not only Free from ContradiTi- on, but known to be from God, by the Heavenlynefs, Dignity, Salutarinefs of their Nature, Tendency tQ the Glory of God,and to the Salvation of Souls. But as to teeming Contradictions, where the Seemingnefs is the EffeCt of the W-eaknefs, and Darknefs of our Intellectual Bowers,and that are Dimm'd with the Vapors of Corruption^nd Steams of Luft; and where theObjecls arePure,Spiritual,Sublime^ and we do not in our GroiTnefs Comprehend them; Herein a more ftriCt Account is to be taken, than the Author hath given. 6. That to Underftand the Truths of the Gofpel, fo as to Receive Them; the Prejudices of a Carnal Mind, and all Lufts are to be Remov'd ; Men muft be Humble, not Proud; Con- fiderate, not Hafty; Diligent in Search after Truth, not Sloth- fill, or Carelefs ; They muft ufe their Rcafon , and Intellectual Faculties aright: The Advantage of this Acknowledgment on both fides is, That it lets us into a Great Rcafon, why the myjlenes of the Gofpel are to be Allow'd myfleries; Becaufe there is a neceffiry of Divine Grace to Enlighten, and Conform the Mind to the Obedience of Faith. 7. There's a Suppofition in the Treatife of Supra-Intellectual Truths, that none can underftand, except their Perceptions be Communicated to them in an Extraordinary Manner, as by New Pavers and Organs. And, by the fame Favour thefe Truths are Communicated from One to Another in the Preaching of the Gofpel ; Now this Suppofition, I mean, ol Supra-Intellectual Truths, and a Supernatural Manner of Communication , at a Di- ftance, and fo Coldly Suppofed is That, which I would endeav- our to make good to be the Conftant, and Uniform Senfc of the New Tcftament; as appears by thofe Expreflions of the Spirit of Wifdom, and Illumination (of which the Author himfelf B stakes TO The SC HE M E of the Treatife. takes notice) Regeneration, and Renovation of the Spirit of the Mind; And I fee not what Abfurdity, or Unrcafonablenefs tbc Author can charge upon it; fince he owns ; There arc Men Taught of God, and that God wants not Ability Rightly to Inform them,as neceffary to fuch Communications, p. 132. That he Himfelf docs not fuppofc Absolutely New Facul- ties, or Organs, but as by New Faculties, or Organs: I look upon as a Great Truth of the Gofpel : In this Suppoliti- on therefore, the Word of Gody which is [harp, as a Two-Edged- Sword, fcems to me, to have met him, as the Angel of the Lord did Balaam in the way, with a Drawn Sword, Warning him, that his Reafoning is in the Sight of God Perverfe, and to be cut in pieces by it. LaBly, Herein I am of the fame Mind with this Treatife, and the Author of it, as that on which he Builds his Difcourfe throughout, if it be but Explained Aright; and That Aright (as I fuppofc) he will allow, viz,. For any thing to be mystery, is to be Above our Reafon, Afting according to our Innate Ideas j thofe that may be fuppofed to be Concrcated with us, or that we have a Natural Power to Form, and to Reafon according to in our prefent ftate. And whatever is no thefe Ides*, and our Reafon acting upon them, is not though we have not Adequate Ideas, or Perfect Conceptions of Things, or Intuition of their Eifences. : Now if Reafon be taken in this Limited Senfe , there may be, and, as things are, there muft be my si try • But if in a Supreme Abfolutefenfe, it is certain; As there can be no Truth Above Divine Reafon, fo there can be no mystery. Contrary to Reafon can only be fuppofed of any Truth as Corrupted Reafon can be called Reafon; Or, as Men will ob- ftinately hold their Meafure of Reafon to be the Standard • fo that whatever is Higher or Deeper, Longer, or Broader then that Meafure, or Standard, is not Reafon, but Contrary to it: Now either of thefe is fo Falfiy called Reafon, that they have very little bitcreft in the ftritteft Consideration, I confefs, of myflery. But feeing This Corruption of Reafon, or Adherence to" any Short Meafure, of (though True) Reafon be now a Depravati- on Immedicinable, but by the Lifting up of the Mind above it felf by a Supernatural Power ; The Truths of theGofpel may ntm, a L; lkk 1 w! • Mr 51, Ik m Or '4 h k too The SC HE ME of the Treatife. 11 COO Trudy be faid to be Contrary to Reafon, and fo my fiery ; even as, and more then if they were Above Reafon only. The Advantage of this Accord in the Defcription of my fiery is, That hereby a clear, and diftinft underftanding of what is principally in Difference, is attained, viz,. On the Side of the Treatife y it is affirmed by the Author ; There is no DoTrine of Chriftianity, that can be properly ftyl- ed a my fiery; that is ; above Reafon, or contrary to it. In Anfwer to tht Treatife, I Affirm; There are Greateft Truths of the Gofpel Above Reafon, though not confiderd, as Corrupt; and many more; Yea, the whole Tenor, and Frame of the Gofpel, as it comprizes the Redemption of Main Fallen, by our Lord Jefus Chrifi, is Both above and contrary to it, as Cor- rupted, and fo myfiery. And according to the Meafuresof Reafon, fo are the Powers of Free-will to be Arbitrated, and Eftimated, as (hall be feen, through the Affiftance of God , in the Following Debate. The Toptcks, or Scats of Argument, on which the Author, and his Treatife Rely, are,, 1. That when the Truths of the Gofpel are once Revealed, the Mind and Reafon of Man is able, by its felf, to Form Ideas of Them, according to Revelation; fo far as is neceffary to our Ad- irion vantage, however not Adequate ; and by Former Ideas Implant- ed, to Judge of them, as frpm God, and according to Truth; Eife they could be nothing to us -any more, than if never Reveal- - ed ; nor could we elfe diftinguifh them from Falfhood , and Deluffon, fo proper to the Myfiery of Iniquity; And that Man hath a Power of Free-will Obedientially to Anfwer the Ends of fuch Revelations, if not wanting to himfelf; Elfe he could not be juftly Condemned. 2. That the Gofpel is prepared and AddrefTed to the Minds and Wills of Men, according to the former Hypothefis, or Argu- ment; and not,as if it were Myfiery. On the Contrary Part, to Ihew, the Gofpel is Mjfi trioiis : I will endeavour, after the C'ofcfl Purfuits of the Nature of Reafon-. and of Revelation, according to both Scripture and Rea- fon, and the Intimate Senfe of Awaken'd Mind. ^ " From Both thefe therefore Compared, we fhall Attain the Knowledge; How the very word Myfiery came into the ufe The SC HE M E of the Treatife, of'the Gofpel, and Mjufl thereunto the tile of it in the fmpute Myfierks of Pagakijm, and Jnticbrfiiamjm ; and the Common ufe of it in ordinary Concernments; and for what Excellent purpofes it is to be Zealoufly Contended for in Divine Thing%tili All Myfiery be Fimfrfd. And to Exemplify Gofpel Reafon, and Myfiery, I will do it in Him, who is indeed the Higheft Exemplar of Both; The Eter- nal Logus, of Reafon, and the Myfiery ; as he is Chrifi in us the Hope of Glory. And hereby we fhall be led into the Supreme Myfiery of the Father; The Word; The Spirit, And all along, in Anfwer to this Treatife, I would remove the Scandals and Reproaches caft upon the Truths of the Go- fpel, Afferted to be Myfierious\ and the Faithful Stewards of thofe Myfieries, as if they had any Symbolifm With the Myfiery of Ini- quty ; and fhew how they differ as Light and Darknefs. In the Laft Place, Any Objections I can Derive from the Trea- fife, that can be fuppofed to be made againft the Myfierioufnefis of Chriftianity, as it fliall be made out in the Jnfwer, fhall be throughout it, as particularly as may be taken into Juft, and E- qual Confideration. According to this Scheme I fhall, by the Affiftance of God, not only endeavour a Scripture, but a Rational Conviftion, that the Doftrines of Chriftianity are, and muft needs be in Trueft Senfe Myfieries. I Conclude therefore this fhort Scheme with Applying that Grave Obfervation to the whole ; It is faid; A little Knowledge in Nature makes Men Jtheifis ; But a Deep, and Well-Ballaft- eel Knowledge more ftrongly Rootes Them in the Acknow- ledgment, and Adoration of the Divine Being; So Superficial Tinctures of Reajon give Men occafion to Deny the Myfierioufi fiefs of Chriftianity; but the Jufter Prefences of it in the Mind give Fulleft Affurances ; It is in All True Senfes Myfierious, even the Adorable Myftery of the Divine Wifdom and Grace. ' A it in iter- s tk 'eme I i * \ x 210 ( n ) 1 . A Difcourfe of the Myfterioufiiefs of Chrifti- anity, in anfwer to a treatife, Chriftianity not Myfterious. CHAP. I. Of the clofe and fir iff confederation of Re a fon. TN fpeaking of Reafon, I cannot acquiefce to the fingling out of the m that compare, and ballancing of the Idea's of the Mind, and ^ffion to t Arguing from them, in finding out Truth, affignedin this Trea-fffe'Jfe, tife, to be a fufficient Reprefentation of Reafon; but that there p^on. ought to be as juft an Animadverfion, on what the Author does indeed Reprefent; which ought to be taken in, viz. the Mind, the Idea's of the Mind, the Evidences the Mind hath of Notions, or Proportions immediately, ard as iffuing in Full Demonitrati- on; And alfo what the Author takes no notice of,-viz.T hat Holinefs, Purity, Righteoufnefs, Univerfal Goodnefs and Probity, infepa- rate from 1 rue Reafon ; That Inward , and Profhorie, or out- ward, ao os, Speech fo EiTential to Reafon and that Energy, Vi- gor, and Power of Imprinting it feif upon Rational Beings, fo immediately refulting from Reafon,according to the Excellency of the Pvealbn, from which it Hows: For thus I find Scripture does extend it felf, kh Relation to what is to be Difcotirfed- upon, as , Reafon, viz. Spirit, Mind, the understanding^ the Difcurfive Mind,,, ') ff, Wifdom, Kjiorvledg, Truth; The Wijdo that is the Lord the Kjiorvledg of the Holy, The the Law4 C - • • Written ( '4 ) Writ ten in the He Art. 1 he /peaking in the Heart, or Communing with it; The 'Tongue of the Wife, of the Learned; ^ fow~ er, an Authority of Teaching. But were it not that in one peculiar eafe of greateft moment (as fhall befet out: but deferred till what is more univerfally agreeable, have made the way to it.) I fhould have no favor for the word Reafon, on a Religious Account; as be- ing a word taken from the Pride and Superciie of Philofophy, and not from Scripture; but fet in oppofitidn to the Spirituality of the < Gofpel: But feeing it hath pleated the Spirit of God to Tingle out that word., that all the Great Men of Reafon have exgreffed it by viz. Koyos ; and to apply it to the Son of God, o AoSo>, the Reafon, as Scripture is, The Writing ; therein Sanctifying the Learning of Egypt, fo Tranfcendent a Revelation , and fo plainly point- ing upon the fenfe of that word, we are to be upon, An ftyling that o Koyoy the Light of Men, as Reafon in the General Accep- tation is ; and the Light, that Lightneth every man that cometh into the World ; I fhall generally adhere to it in the following Difcourfe, and have an efpecial Regard to it, as it muft needs be underftood in this Debate, viz. That Reafon, or Reafoning Understanding planted in the Mind, or intellectual Spirit of Man, conftituting fuch an Intellectual, Rational Creation ; altho in this Fallen Con* ditionof Man, there are only fome Referves, or fome Mentions and Ruins of it. J J iU - J . \ »-• ■ • * J A . ' T * t «- m ; » . * *■ . * •• §. i. T is agreed on both parts, as is acknowledged in the t Scheme Foregoing ; That to be Above, or not above Reafouy determines Myjlery, or no Myfiery ; it is moft neceflar'y therefore to Examine, wherein the true nature of Reafon confifts^ afcending up to the Supreme and Eternal Rea- fon, and coming down by the feveralScales, and Degrees of Cre- ated Reafon jand in Created Reafon to confider it as Upright and Entire, and as Fallen and Depraved. To make therefore the Exafteft enquiry after the Scripture-notion of Reafon, comparing it with the intimate fenfe of Man-kind (if that fenfe be duly Re- Hefted upon) fhall be the firft part of my undertakings §. 2. The very force and weight of the word and fo of Wifdom? Understanding,, Truth ; leads to fome fupreme wifdom and reafon j for every name, and pretence to thefe high and ex- ( T5 ) ccllent things,cannot be themfelves; And yet one piytence would be as good as another, and the loudeft found, like the ftrongeft fword, would carry it, were there not fome Abfolute Wifdom, and Reafon, by which all the various pretenfions are to be Tryed and Determin'd. §. 3. We find among Men,There are various Degrees andEle- vations of Re of on s and Wifdoms (as we may ftile them) or of Under (landings; fome Higher, and fome Lower, and we Na- turally Appeal from the Lower, tothofe we judg Higher ; till we come to what we efteem Higheft ; And if thofe various Underloadings, or Reafons are at difference among themfelves; we cannot but acknowledg our felves obliged, and wc do ne- ceffarily acquiefce in what we judg the Trueft, and the moft ex- cellent Underftanding; If wearefincereinour Search after, and defireof Truth. C. 4. It is true,this is,becaufe we do; if .we do, as Intelleftu- al Beings Ought; Try and Examine, and reduce all to fome infallible Standard, in which we can acquiefce, and of which we have a Senfe within our felves; And He, Or that which we find comes neareft to that Standard, we moft defer to, and acquiefce in, and cannot but do fo ; which Argues, we have ail a Senfe, or Confcioufnefs of fome Abfolute perfect Standard of Wifdom 01* Reofon ; without Agreement with which, what would be Reputed Wifdom, is Infipience or Folly; what would be re- puted Reofon is Irrationality, and Abfurdity. §. 5. This Infallible Standard, if we make a curious and home Reflection upon it in our felves, we cannot conceive of, as One Abftra&ed Norma, Rule, or Line of Wifdom and Reafon, that doth not know it felt, or doth not it felf know, that it knows, or underftands; That doth not Judg fo, as to know, that it Judges, and That cannot pronounce and declare, ac- cording to it.felf ;and know it does fo ; For this were luch an Al> lay and Degradation of its excellency, as is moft intolerable once to fuppofe: Itmuftbe therefore fome Living,. Self-know- ing, Self intelligent Being, He, orThot which teacbeth Man Kjiow^ '-jl JjjaH not It, or He know ? Even AIL Perfections of Being, Omnir 211 y Kaw«5* ( «o Omnipotence, Omniprcfence, Eternity, necefiarily lead to that Self-knowing, Self-intelligent Living Being, who is allthofe Per- feCtions : And in Universal Senfe and Character of Language is the Divine Being, GOD, who is All thefe, and knows he is all thefe; and who is Able, even by the very Perfection of his own Supreme Wtjdom and Rea[on) uncontrollably to know, even by that very Reafon, that he is that infallible wifdom, Re afon ana Underfianding, andAll who reafon cannot but acknowledg he is fo; but if there were any fuch Abftrafted Dead Law, ftiled wifdom or reafon, God derived the Rule and Meafure of his Underftand- ing, and Aftions from, and referred them to ; that were not Himfelf, and his own Being; He were not then Supreme, but Accountable; and AfojlateSpirits might maintain an Everlafting and Undecidable Plea againft God, whether God, or they them- felves came neareft to that Rule ; butthe Glory, Luftre and Cla- ritude of his Being declare him that Supreme wifdom, and reafon, aud the Rule of it; and Devils Believe and Tremble : Here then is the Firft, and moft Fundamental Notion of reafon or wifdom ; The Father of Lights, the Father of Spirits, with whom is no varia- tion, nor(haddow of Turning, is the Supreme, Abfolute, Infallible Reafon or Vnderftauding ; and to fpeak of Reafon, and not to Ac- knowledg him Supreme, it is not to know what we fpeak, nor affirm. C H A P. II. Of the Excellencies that are to be Attributed to the Infinite Wifdom and Reafon, and we Know cannot but be fo Attributed. .. t t 7 ifVi this Eternal Wifdom and Reafon, arc all Idea's of 'W Beine, not only Exifting, but poffibleto Exift m the Pure and moft Exquifite Truth of each, who gives a poffibi- lity of Exiftence to them, if Infinite Being pleas d For Infinite ,Undemanding, and Reafon is the Origin, and Exemplar of all m*// •! y/y. '• •'•'•V.V.v/.v Ink Ml ('7 ) Ideas ^ the Teft by which they are Tryed, the Beam at which they are weighed; whether juft and True, or Counterfeit, Falfe and Light; and the Immenfe Repofitory from whence they are Deriv'd ; Even as Infinite Being is the Source and Fountain of all Being ; and thus this Eternal Spirit, Mind and Reafon Sees by, and in it felf,or in its own Spirit, its own Infinite Being;and in that Infinite Being all Beings that have been, .are, and ever fhall be; or that if he had pleafed, might have been, or may be, if he pleaf- es to have them be ; according to their feveral Natures, Diftincti- ons, and the Ideas of them. He holds all in himfelf, as theFoun- tain of Being, and according to his own will concerning them Allthefe are Held. 2. Hence arifes that great and excellent word, and notion, Truth ; which is a Correfpondence between Being or Reality, and an Underftanding, Beholding, and Looking upon it with Judgment; any pretended Ideas that are not according to Things, zxtFantoms^nA notldea'spll otherApprehenfions,Conceptions,No- tions, Conclufions, that Created Underftandings can Form, are nothings, if taken out of the Underftandings that Formed them ; Becaufe Created Underftandings cannot touch them into Being, as Increated Can; and not only fo, but Reality and Truth Rufh- ing againft them, breaks them to nothing, even within the Un- derftandings that Form'd them, finding things fo much other- wife: And which we ought well to confider; Truth and Rea- lity take hold of Thofe, who had no Idea*s of them; and, to their Full Perfection, of thofe, who had only Inadequate Ideas of them ; as the words of the Dead Prophets took hold of the Jews, becaufe zacli. from God, however Infcnfible of them ; of the Fathers who heard them, and Believed them not; and of their Children, who were not Born, when they were fpoken : Now Truth is Infinite, even as the Divine Being and Underftanding is ; and of unexpref- fible multiplicity, as the Divine Ditplayes in the Works of Cre- ation and Providence are;Deep, unfathomable, andunfearchable, as the Counfeks of his Will are, till Revealed. §. 3. The Relations, Afpects upon, mutual Refpects, Pro- portions,Operations between Being, and Being, with their whole ftate, from the Infinite, Increated Being, to the Higheft Creat- OS j ed Being, and fo from one to another to the very loweft of Be- ings, arc next to he Confidered ; fome of which are Evident to Reafon by Senfe, fome by an immediate, intuitive A <3: of the Mind, or Reafon ; now herein, even in thefe mutual Propofiti- ons, and Refpefts Refides afecond Apprehenfion, or Notion, of what we mean by Reafon : And all the Reafon we ha ve, willde- fer to the Infinite Reafon to be the infallible Standard of Reafon and Truth herein ; For, who, ashecan difcern all the ftrait, and direft, the Branching out, and Tranfverfe Lines in Created Be- ings from one to another ; and the immediate Influences from himfelf to all Created Beings, in whom all Beings have their Being; even as they that Live, and Move,have their Life and Mo- tion in him; for all thefe he holds Originally in Himfelf, and con- tinually fuftains, and guides by himfelf; even as he drew them out with fo admirable Mathematicks , that the Secrets of jVifdom herein are Double to all that is known to the wifeft of Angels, much more to the moft Curious Human Inveftigator, of what we call Nature: And from hence arifes an inexplicable multipli- city of Truth, andfoof the aftivity of Reafon concerning it. §. 4. The Trains, Deductions , Connexions and Inferences that may be made from one Branch of Being, and the Truths arifing from it, to another Branch of Being, and the Truths Ari- fing from That, and fo throughout from the feveral Connexions and Enterweavings, of one with another, come next under Ac- count, and are very particularly to be confiderd ; For fiom the comparing and ballancing thefe one with another, and the of them one with another flows, what we properly call Ratioci- nation, or Argument of ReafonNow ail thefe feeth and behold- eth by one Intuitive Aft of Seeing, the Eternal Underftanding, or Reafon • and no underftanding can fee, or behold them, but in his Light,, and according to his Infinite, and Infallible Standard of Ratiocination; nor can any Ratiocination upon them be Right, but as they agree with, and are according to this Infinite and Infallible Standard of Ratiocination ; who holds in himfelf, and continually derives, from himfelf thofe Bonds of Union, and Links of Connexion, things have one with another, on which Ratiocination and Argument are founded ; and therefore cannot but know, t.o Infiniy of Certainty, and exactnefs; for what we ( *9 ) Ice, but one after another, and not with a juft Equality, he feei together, and with a juft Poize of Each; the want of which prefenceof, and regard to all Ideaand the Equipoize of them, was the Ruin of Angels: What truft then can be to our due Con- gregating, Compare, and Ballance of Ideas one with another ; when we either leave out altogether, or do not Righteoufly weigh fome principal Idea; asmoft certainly befell Adam in his De- ception and Fall; and yet herein, even in this Ratiocination, or comparing, and librating Ideas one with another , The Author of this Treatife places Reafon ; and it is certainly the Fort-Royal of it, altho what went before, and what is to follow, ought to have full confideration in our Eftimate of Reafon. §. 5. In thofe Accounts of Reafon before infilled upon, we may, and I have endeavoured to Argue from the little of Reafon in our felves, to the Infinity of Reafon in the Infinite Reafon, Wifdom, Underftanding, and Truth ; But in the Account I would now give of Reafon, I fhall Argue from the Infinite Rea~ fon to all Finite Reafon ; That no Reafon, Wifdom, or Un- derftanding can be according to Truth fo, that is not entirely Holy, and Good ; and although we want this excellency of Reafon y et we cannot but acknowledg it the excellency of Reafon, and Afcribe it to God the heft of Beings, and Reafons; That Reafon then is not to be acknowledged Reafon, nor worthy Truft in any Enquiry after Truth, that can betray its Truft fo Far, as to Refign up the Will to any fin; which according to the Law of Creation, it hath in its Conduct and Power ; if there- fore the Underftanding and Reafon did not turn away from good by Darknefs, or not brightning its own Beams, but Re- ceivingan even voluntary Eclipfe upon them , no Evil could be Admitted ; For it is indeed certainly true, the Will of a Ration- al Being is one with its Reafon, and the Reafon with the Will; when ever one Ens, the other Errs: The wifeft of the Fallen Angels is but a Prince of Darknefs, held in-Chains of Darknefs ; and his Fundamental Wickednefs is in an Apoftate,Rebel,Difloyal Reafon: Judging that Holinefs, Conformity with, Obedience to the Supreme" Being is not Good for him; and io it is in us fin- ful Men, and our (ins; and yet becaufe There is Will in this Reafon, it is under an everlafting righteous Condemnation : But D s the flls I. b*8. ov. 3 *3- 23. . 191 I 2$. n* 2. 28. 14. v. 3. 8. ( 20 ) The Infinite Reafon is Infinite Holinefs and Goodnefs; He cannot be Tempted of Evil; neither can he Tempt any one. If it were not thus, he could not have made weights for the Winds, nor weigh- ed the Water by Me a fur e : He could not have made a Decree for the Rain> nor a way for the Lightning of Thunder : By the Wifdom of Infinite Holinefs he Founded the Earthy by anunder(landing of ln~ finite Purity he Eslablifhed the Heavens ; by a- Kjiowledg of Infi- nite Freedom from^ and diftance from fin, the Depths are Broken up, and the Clouds drop down their Dew h All the Ordinances of the Creation are fettled, and fo kept in Order «, There are the fame Mathematicks in one, as in the other 3 if the Creator could have Err'd in the one, he had in the other alio ; and if he could now- fo Err, the whole Courfe of Nature would fly in Peices, as the A- poftle James intimates it endangered by the Wickednefs of the Tongue. And fo it is in every Created Reafon, and particularly im Man, if he can fo mif-judg, that all Circumftances laid together, it is not beft for him to be Holy, Righteous, Good ; his Reafon is not to be trufted for any thing, becaufe it is his; Upon his Cre- dit, that two and two make Four, is not to be Received: The Mathematicks of the whole Creation are Violated in him : For when God made weights for the Winds, &rc. He I aid to Man, he fix- ed him, as a Being of Reafon in this ; The Tear 'of the Lord, That is Wifdom, To depart from Evil, that is Tnderfiandtng ; This is that vofbs iyy^ocQx;; that In-Written Law in the Heart of Man. If he does not fo Fear, lb Depart, Reafon, as it is his Reafon, is worth nothing. The Wifdom that Founded the Earth, &c. Is to hate Evil; 11-under/lands Righteoufnefs, Judgment, and every good Path : The Wifdom that can entertain Evil, is then of no Value, nor to be trufted in any thing, as it is fuch a Wifdom ; For the whole; of fuch a Reafon is fpoiled. §. 6.1 know it will be objected ; Are not Evil Men great Phi- lofphers, Mathematicians, Politicians and States-men ; but the An- fwer is : The Infinite Reafon Holds in it felf the Truth of all Natural, Prudential, Political Wifdom, and Underftanding; and fofar as it appears by the Evidence of things themfelves,? that there is truth, fofar they are to be received.- But the Reafon- tranfpofed, perverted, diftorted in the Love of Evil, is in nothing tp be confided in for.its own fake; not is a whole Council of fin- ± _ fill, fill / 7W ( 21 > ful, Fallen Men to be confided in, in any one Point; becaufe were they have FaiPd in fo Radical a One, as to have finn'd ; they may not attend to fome one great Principle, that bears up fuch, ^Vorfuch a truth; Even as in that Radical One : And though they ^ of may Acknowledg and Subfcribe to many Holy Rules, and Live i h in Obedience to fome ; yet this, as (hall be further offered, flows Infi. from Grace towards fome, and in others from a Righte- Brotoous Judgment ol God ; who as he holds faff all Holy of the Truths in himfelf, fo Demonftrates them by others as he elame pleafes Varioufly ; But it ftill remains, no fuch Judg- 4 have ment or Underfianding, or Reafon, is to be trufted on its own d noi Account; And all the Truth and Good that is in the World, is to 'the A- be. Afcribed to other Springs, as we fhall fee. of tilt larlyk §. 7. We know in our felves, as we are Beings of Reafon ; )gether, Every Intellectual Being hath an Internal Annunciation to it felf, afoni and within it felf, according to its comprehenfions of Reafon, that visCre. is even Confubftantial to it felf ; and according to which, itDe- 1: Hie clares it felf to other Intellectual Beings, by external Enunciati- n: For on or Elocution : And thefe are fo much reafon that both the in- kjx- ward, and the outward are expreffed by Reafon it felf; Koyx : , 7kn They are the great Diftinftion'of-Man, the Creature of reafon, i is that from. Creatures of no reafon\ That Angels have within Them- lan. if lelves fuch Internal Notices of their own Comprehenfions, we arc sworth moftatfured by our ownExperience;andthat they haveEnunciation to kf toother Intellectual Beings of their own order,we cannot doubt, i fith: in. Allufion to which, the Apoftle fpeaks of the 7 "ongue of Angels \ norto The Excellency ofGod's Internal and'Declarative word,I will Dif- wide courfe on another Head, but to fpeak of what will not be denyed by any who acknowledg God, and Scripture the word of God.;itrs..\ this;That if Infiniter^/^jWifdom andT ruth,hath condefcended to t Phfpeak, there is no fuch fpeechin the whole Creation-,as His Word, and the Records of what he hath fpoken; to contain in it felf, and C )f all t0 Reveal My fiery ; and no other but his Word can be proper for , 2/id either. Seeing External Speech is Governed by inward Intel- that leftual Power of Enunciation ; as the one Excells, fo does the o- 3fofl ther; If therefore the underfianding, and reafon of God be the v ling onlylnfallible ^y^/?,hisEnunciation and Declaration can be onlyln- fai fallible; Re a/on 'in us was his word,and would be fo,if it were the . C 22 ; feme he gave ;But it is now fallen: And this Allures the Excellency of the Word of Godfpokenor written ; There is a Declaration or Voice of God in the Creation, declaring his Infinite Wifdom, and Underftanding, to the Intellectual Creation, according to their Firft Creation ; but the word of God declares the Counfcls of his Will in Receiving of Fallen, and Loft Man. Every nyrd of which is pure as Silver tryed in a Furnace of Earth, purified feven times ; and whofoever dares to add to it, of his own, as if it were the fame, or equal, will bzfound a Lyar, that is, a Forger, and Deceiver; or a Reafon falfly fo calTd. §. 8 Every rational Being, or reafon, hath in the motions of reafon, a Force, Might, Spirit of reafon, or prefence of it, active in himfelf, and impreilive on thofe to whom he declares himfelf, according to the Degree and Excellency of his reafon,and by which he looks back upon himfelf, and is Confcious of the reafon that mooves in and from him ; and knows that he knows ; and this gives Lifeto the inward Notions, and Notices, or that inward word of reafon; and to the Communications, or Enunciations of reafon to other Intelligent Beings: This allures there is in the Di- vine Being, the infinite reafon, an Infinite Spirit, and Power of Wifdom, and Underftanding ^ of which in its higbeft Excel len- cy, I will further fpeak by his own Affiftance; But in general Apprehenfion, God Exalteth by his Power, none teacheth like him. There is a Spirit in Man, but the mighty Breathing of the AIL mighty gives him Under/landing \ a mighty Energy, or Spirit from God, the Supreme reafon, and Underftanding': This we cannot but acknowledg, and Afcribe to the Supreme Underftanding : For if we find it in fuch Reafons, as we are, one towards ano- ther, a Communication with fome peculiar Efficacy, according to the Reafon, that does Communicate, or the Reafons that Com- municate one with another ; How much more is it to be acknow- ledged to the Infinite Reafon Teaching man Kjiowledg ; and there- fore how can any Gracious Aproaches, by his Spirit, to the Souls of his Servants, Inlightning, and Teaching them beDenyed ? CHAP. ( *3 ) 11W1 CHAP. III. Of Created Reafons, and their various Orders, and Re- ferences one to another, as Beings of Reafon, and of their upright and Fallen Eft ate, and the great difference of their Reafon therein. §• I Have thus far eonfidered the Paramount, and Tran- fcendent Infinite Being, Wifdom, Truth, Reafon, By thofe Tracings of Reafon, as in Us, not only Finite, but Dege- nerate Spirits,or Beings of Reafon; that whatever true Lines there- of are Difcoverable in us may lead us up to the Infinite, and Infinitely Pure Original; and mew us the Immenfenefs of his Perfections ; For it is certain Intellectual Spirits cannot be made fuch, or continue in any Aftivity, as fuch , but that God the In- finite, Intellectual Objeft, and moft Intelligible, muft needs be feen by them in his Great Perfection, and Attributes: But I would now confider Created Intellectual Beings, and fuch, as we cannot, but by our Reafon, Divine, are of a Higher Sphere, and Order, than our felves; and Scripture makes known to us, as Seraphic, Angelic Beings, and among them Thrones, Principals ties, Dominions, Powers ; and fo come down to Human Spirits in Bodies, and obferve upon thefe, and the various Elevations of them (and All in their State of Integrity, and unfallen) what, may Direct us in our main purfuit after Reafon. §. 2, All Created Spirits, of what Order fcever, are Beings,., or Spirits Begotten by Creation of the Father of Lights, the Fa-~ ther of Spirits in his own Image, and Likenefs; and fo are Intel- leftual Spirits, and Beings of Reafon by their very Being, and Defcent; And in their firft Creation they bear a RefemManee of the Eternal Wifdom, and Reafon in every one of the icremem tioned particulars; as hath been already fufficiently to the prefer :t purpofe Remarked concerning them : And as there is an Orig nal Begetting, Breathing, or Creation at Firit, fo there is a continu- : al : V Jude 6, Pfal. 36.9. Prov.2p.27. t Job 35. 11. mm to i i J, Bu IiW( dakU • *¥. iS. >< c 3 4-) . . jlri al fuftentation of Intelleftual Beings, fo far, as they are in their First Eft ate, or are but prefer ved in any Remains of it; and Iff according to the Degrees of their Creation, and Suftenration, or fas I may call it) their Refervation in an Intellectual State, not-?*' withftanding their Leaving their Fir ft Eft ate, and For Caking their own Habitation, They are in Dependence upon their Supreme, M]er a Standard of Wifdom, Reafon, and Truth to themfelves, with- IW". in themfelves; yet fo that in the Original Light, Truth, iVifdom, Reafon they fee this Light, and enjoy this Priviledg; that is, they SMern21 are Intellectually Seeing, Difcerning Spirits, Beings of Reafon ; As 1^' the Spirit of a Man is the Candle of the Lord, a Light paining in hi* Wing,Tl Light ; who Teacheth Man Kjiowledg, more than the Beasts of the xof it;: Field, and the Fowls of the Air: Thus, as belore-faid, 1 here is a ' fe Spirit in Man, and the Breath of the Almighty giveth him Under♦ standing. §. But yet, it is always to be Remembred; In their very Original Creation, without the confideration of any after Abate- ment, or Diminution ; they are but Finite, and cannot fee be- yond the Limits and Bounds of their Creation, either to Find out, orjudg of what is Above, and beyond Them: Any more then the Eye of the Body, becaufe it is a feeing Organ, and the Light of the Body; can fee at too great Diftance, without the help of Te- lefcopes; or when the ObjeCt is fo Great, as not to be meafur'd by it, but by the Help of Mat hematic Xnftruments ; or fo Minute, as not to be Difcern'd, but by the help of Microfcopes. §. 4. Of Intelle&ualSpirits, There are by the very fupreme Difpofe, and Arbitration of the Infinite Underftanding, and R«- fon, various, Spheres, and Orbs Higher, and more Ample ^ Low- er, and more Narrow ; One Star differs from another Star in Glory; There are Intelligences Angelic, and Human. In the Anoelic the before obferv'd Thrones, Dominions, Principalities, Powers which Eminencies Arife from different Glories of Underftanding ; and fo we know, there are different Elevations of Human Under- handing, whether by the Immediate Hand of the of Lights, and Spirits, or the Difpofes of Providence in the Fabric of the Body, or the Opportunities of Education, State and Condi- ^ tion in the World ; Separation to Intermeddle with Wifdom thromh ^ itc ml! MMg Mm M, of! •' Happi Hit %et i&( feCc finatu Comi^ '1 I . j/'; ■ # w>) i., f 5' ) wfcf Defirc; But no Iiitc!lofl-ua! Created Spirit can, by vcrttteof its being Intellectual, Tranfcend its own Sphere. The higheft Created Spirit cannot Approach within any diftance of the In- created ; or be fuppofed Infinite in its Reafon, becaufe a Spirit; For God is, The only Wife, and his Under flan ding is done Infinite. pTaW47. That therefore which is clearly known, and within the compafs of the Reafon of Intelleftual Beings of a Firft Magnitude, may be above the Reafon of thole Below Them, and fo lucceilively and Subalternately, till we come to theLoweft; but to the longhty- eft Seraphic Underftanding, There are in the Divine Under- ftanding,Truths, and Deeps of Counfels, that are above die Rea- fon of it ; fo that it can be only faid of the Infinite Vnderfland- ingy There is nothing above Reafon, that is, above it felf, nor contrary to it, that is Reafon and Truth, §. 5. But how much more muft many, and thofe very great Truths of God be above Reafon to Fallen Loft Man, fo deprefled and abafed by fin, that he cannot lift up himfelf, but with great Difficulty in any Aft of Underftanding ? and whofe Reafon, as hath been before more fully Argued, can be of no Reputation; becaufe it can, upon all circumftances confider'd, give its ulti- mate Vote, or Dictate for Sin : For now the Intelleftual Spirit being under an Averfion from the Father of Lightsy diftorted by Luft, and Love of Evil, is eafy of Accefs to the Father of Lyesf Blinding and Bemifting it, to whom it is now Turn'd;. How then can it form Jdeds of Divine Things ? Behold the Proportions, and true Refpects of Things cne to another ? Jndg of Good and Evil, of true Pleafure, or Grief, and Pain, in a Moral Senfe, of Happinefs or Mifery ? How can it make true Inferences, or Conclufions ? Rife up to the Holinefs of the Law of God, or receive his Manifeftations of himfelf, or fubmit to the Energies of his Grace it felf, fo corrupted? What was not Above it be- fore Corrupted, is'now become Al>o*eit; How much more Su- pernatural RevelationsNay, They are contrary to Reafon- fo Corrupted, and Reafon Corrupted to thefe Truths of God j a- gainft which it moves in Array , as Black Clouds and Va- pors againft the Sun, and its Light: So do Intelleftual Spi- rits ( Angelic become Diabolic) Rulers of the Darknefs of this v E ' - ~ World. 1 f *6 World, and Degenerate Human Spirits againft the Light, and. Truths of God, and of his Word. §. 6. If it be faid, The Lufts of Men are not R It is True ; but as the Enquiry is in ''Job ; Where is wifdom to be found, And where is the Place of *Vnderfianding, viz. in its Purity? feeing it is hid from the Eyes of all Living: Even a* it is kept clofe from the Fowles of the Air: Death and Defirutfion have heard the Fame of it with their Ears : God alvne underfandeth the way . thereof : And if Man hath loll, what God faid to Him concerning it, (and is un- der Conviction, how much it is Loft) by Creation; The Fear of the Lord, that is Wifdom, and to depart from Evil, is Underf an ding ; Wherein can his Reafon be Now Accounted of ? All muft be KefolvM, into whatSolomon only found, Counting Men one by one;. God made Man upright; He made him him an entire Reafon ; but he hath fought out many Inventions, carrying a fhew of Reafon, but Reafon is loft : A Diftorted Reafon is not to be confided in : Such is that of All men; In one Man only, viz,.. The.*Second Adam,, Reafon is found, Ecclefj. zjf 7. If it be further faid, Shall we Allow no Reafon, nor Truth in the World ? Is It no Teft to Try Truq, and Falfe, Good and Evil by ? And if it be , why may not Reafon be Trufted in every thing ? And if it be not, How (hall we fecure our felves from being impofed upon ? The Anfwer fhall be given in its proper place, unde- the Head of Revelation to each of thefe Enquiries by way of Anfwer to them as Objections. 8. But feeing this Treatife makes acknowledgment of Scripture by fo many References to it, I think to fum up this head viz. The Purfuit after the true Notion of Reafon, according to' Scripture, and our Inward Senfe, and Experience, by giving the general Senfe of Scripture upon the prefent State of Human Rf4- Jon, Wifdom, and Underftanding in our Fallen Condition ^ that we may fee how far, in the Judgment of That, it can be thought of Value to Decide Truth by, fie. This or contrary to Reafon ; that is, to Human Reafon ; yea, we might Afcend higher, even to higheft Created Reafon, the Reafon of Unfallen Angels 3 inrvhm God puts no Truf, tho his Servants fulfilling his % 10i ■, and "litis xqii "m tii mojn Asdjf id is he. * Fur lunik ®thm\ '.if® fflfidedia: oa/Adanij )n to eact Sons. went of his hoi ■ding in zing tie an Rm- i j that :an he otrary fond faJIcj) kk L> 4 / «, ( 27 ) and the Ministers of his P leafiere, hut charges with FWys comparing them with his own Holynefs,and Vnderfiandtng, which is Infinite, and therefore they cover not only their Feet, out their Faces, their higheft Perfections before him: For thefe Stars are not pure in his fight; but as to the prefent purpofe of Human Reafon, Zophar, fo near the beginning of the World, takes notice ; That vain man would he wife ; He Afpires to the Reputation of being 11,1 x% fo} tho he he Bom like the wild Afs Colt, the moft Undifciplinable of all Animals, fo filly and fo wild, and yet the Emblem of Human Wifdom : Notwithftanding this, every Age hath Rifen up in this prelumption upon their own Reafon; This is that Gnoflicifm of every Age : The Apoftle fays, we know that we all have finowledg ? that is, we take upon us to have fo ; But he t Got. 3. adds, If any man think he knows any thing, he knows nothing yet, as he ought to If now ; and therefore he prefers the Love of God, and being known of him to our Airy knowledge or Reafon. He looks upon them, as Men of no Topicks 1 that is, of no Reafon, who 2 Ther«4« have not Faith; who are not inftrufted of God by his Spirit in his Word; Yet we Dwarfs of Reafon, of a Span long, and Hand Breadth, dare tomcafuvc Reafons with the Almighty, vainly pujfit up Co\2.18. in our minds, which are but Carnal, whilewe think them fo fublime as to meafure Divine Things ; In the wifdom of God, the World by God: The ' " * m *Un ~'r" /en the Di of this world is Foolifhnefs he may be wife : With innumerable fuch Scriptures that would put an humble Chriftian quite out of conceit with his own reafon, and make him rather cry out with Solomon, All this have I proved by wifdom, 1 [aid, I will be wife, but it was far from me: That which is far off and exceeding Deep, who can find it out ? Surely I am more Ecc|eE ^ ^ bruit j lb than any man j I have not the under ft anding of manyvi&iLnVrov. 30. i„ his fir ft Creation. I neither learned wifdom, nor know the knowleig of the Holy. The Great Wifdom is not to be wife above what is writ- Rom-12.3. ten ■ but to be wife to Sobriety: So little in all this, and much more, that might be Collefted of the fame Senfe, doth Scripture let by ■ above, or contrary to Human Reafon,as-now current among Men: For what the Reafon of Man condemns as the Foolifhnefi of God, or Foolifhnefs in Divine Things, that do not commend themfelves E 2 (28) • to Reafon,or the Wifdom of Men, is yet than that Imagi- nary Reafon or Wifdom,of Men. CHAP. IV. Of the Second Head propofed in this , An En- quiry after the Nature of Revelation, with an Anfxver upon it to Former Obje&hns. THcre needs no Introduction concerning the word, or fenfe of the word Revelation ; For it plainly fignifies the unco* vering and making plain, vifible, and open, what was before Covered, Vailed, Hidden, and Concealed : And this is the Jpocalypfis every where fpoken of in Scripture from God and his Spirit; and herein the Difcourfe, Chrijiianity not Myfte- rious, agrees, and acknowledges Myfteries before Revelation, as being of the Deeps of Gody which no Man can know, feeing not the Deeps of a man ; But it is fuppofed that Revelation is re- commended to Reafon, and is no more than Information, or Teftimony from any other Hand; the certitude only of Divine Excells; For in Human Information Reafon Judges of the Cre- dibility, and if it finds caufe, difallow the Veracity of the Tc- ftimony, and rejects the Things ; but in Divine Information, it allows the Teftimony ; but if it cannot receive the things as cre- dible in fuch an appearance, Reafon changes them by Interpretati- on, into other appearances, wherein it can allow them ; altho it be never foplain by compare of Scripture, and Reafon guided by it, Scripture intends what Reafon Rejects; but I fhall endeavour to make plain by Scripture, and true Reafon, according to it, and the content of Experience ; that this is a wholly miftaken Expe- dient, as I go on thus to Remonftrate. kl . iktte % Kfe §. i. T> Evelation is a Manifeftation of God to his Intellectual -TV Creatures from the Secret of his own Parpofe, and the Deeps of his Counfel towards them, or any of them,* above what n u ( *9) % was made knoXvn to thorn, or might be found out by them ac- cording to their Firft Creation, or Eftablifhment 5 but they be- ing from an Holy, Wife, and Infinitely Gracious Being, They — are and cannot but be in every one of thefe Regards like to him- felf; and as they are fuper-induced to Creation, they are of Fur- ther and higher Grace ; for what-ever was neceffary to the Firft Creation, was given, and made known by the Infinitely wife and good Creator ; who yet being Infinite, and Infinitely Free, '! 1 £(|, had more to give than he gave at firft, but was not obliged to Infra Give all at once: Now thefe things could not be known but by Revelation, For what man knows the things of a man, but the Sfir it 1 Cor. 2. 11, of a man, that is within him: Even fo the things of God knoweth no man9 but the Spirit of God : The Gofpel on this Account is fo of- Or feci ten Stiled, The My fiery hid in God, kept fecret fince the World be- leuncD gan \ hidden Wi[domythe wifdom of God in a miftery ; Angels there- hat 1 fore, Principalities and Powers could not by their Higher Light, 1 this, than that of the human Creation, find it out; but learn it by the )m ft Church: This is indeed Agreed, but yet ought to be fet in its clear- eft; and fulleft Light. 'dm, 1 :eing Da §• 2*. The Intelleftual Eye was in Creation enabled to fee9, auk and behold only the Objects proper to fuch a Creation, as it . ation, c; W2S Created; even as the Be ails of the Field, and Fowls of the fDira Heavens have n© higher a Light, than that of fenfe, as proper to the& tbeir Creation : So have the Higher Creations, each in their tj]e]j ClaiTe, a Light Proportionable to fuch, or fuch an Elevation of latioo,! Creation ; For elfe fuch higher Light muft be fuppofed to have JS2Sffi lain Superfluous, or might have known the mind of the Loid, and '• been his Qmnfeller before Revelation, or could, at leaft, have im- - 2i,v mediately comprehended the fecret Counfels of God, whenever L ' i 'fcfy Revealed'-, But Angels Learn, and Defire to into them Further 'wos and Further ; and undoubtedly partake ot that grand Priviledg jt J of the Church, the Spirit of Revelation to - That which puts the matter out of all doubt,is t that the Apoftie joyris, and fo Scripture throughout,the Spirit of God Given, and Rectiv% i1 that we might know and Difcern: Now the Spirit is not an out- j ward, "but an inward Revealer, and Elevator of the Spirit of a \,C Man.;, as Elihufpeaks in fob, God Exalts, lifts up by his Power Iob ,22f . the.Spirit of his Creatures whom he Teaches-, who, therefore ( 3° I. 'fetchesy like him;The,Spirituality of this Higher New Creation, is as much above Rationality,as Rabove Senfe; herein therefore differs Divine Teaching from all Created Teaching: If any of the Jngels be fuppofed,the Higher to Reved to the Low- er, or to men , what they Know by the much Larger Sphere of their Creation, and what is Mtftery to thole, that are of a more confined compafs, and below them ; they may Congregate, ancf ftir up by Reafoning, and /nftruftion all the. Light, fuch had before, and extend it as far as it can be extended under the Ma- outemency of the Eternal Light, and Rexfon fuftaining and aft- ' ing, both the higher and lower Intellefts; but they can give no inward Supernatural Light, when what they find is not fuffieicnt; That is the Glory of the Father and of Lights; The Exalting Spirits by his Spirit is his Prerogative alone ; and what hath been faid of Light, may be much more affirmed of Grace, Love, Holy Conformity of the whole Spirit to Revealed Truth ; That is from the God of all Grace by his Spirit; fo that the Author of the Treatife Sany and yet would not, or did not fee in feeing the Renewing the Faculties by the Spirit of God, Given now; and of the very Organs in the Spiritud Body, a Body fitted by the Quickmng Spirit, at the Refurreftion, and the Finijhing All Myfiery, to fee things above Reafon (as was before oblerv'd in the Scheme) which Scripture every where Teaches, is done by the Spirit of Wifdom and Revelation. And yet the Dignityx)f the Firft Creation is herein ftill affirm'd, That the Father of Spirits hath given the Immortal Spirit of Man in his own Image ; fo that it is capable of the Inhabitation ol his own Spirit, as an Higher Spirit in it; and hath alfo Engrafted, and notwithftanding! fin Referved, fuch Principles of Truth, that are of Great Service and Ufe in the Renovation, as fhall be more fhewn. ' 3. If now the Light of Creation be fo unable, without an higher Illumination, and Grace i tho confidered without any Lofs, or Abatement of it felf; not only to find out, but to re- ceive Revelation; much lefs can it be a Standard to it, when it is but a Partial Light, and not Adequate to Truths above its ' Sphere ; what fhall we think then of a Broken, Shattered, Ship- wrack'd Reafony whofe Light is Darkened in its very Heavens • Far that it is fo, is Evident, not only by all the Difficulties of . l0?< attaining Wifdom, afar off and Exceeding Deep in all kind of Knowledg; but the Imperfe&ions, many Miftakes, and Pre- fumptions, not born up by Truthi fo that when we fay, ' * itmje, it ufar front us.All thefe plainly Ihew a Degraded Rea- *** foQ. > But that which I look-upon, as the mod Pungent Demon- arn5'! ftration to every Mans Confcicnce, is, that however we may ^anl be, or are convinced of Godlinefs, Right eoufnefs, SoberneCs ; yet •" had R eafonis not Able to give its lall Pofitive, Peremptory, and Con- neMj. clufive Diftate^ That thefe are beft .for us in all our Aftions : indafi- This (hews fome Vertical Point in all Probity, Reafon in this . State it is now in, does not fee; Now £his>i"s the principal Point efficient; of Wifdom, and of Reafon. And it was given in Creation, ft when to Man, he faid equally with making weights for the ind what Wind, The Fear of the Lord, That is wifdom ^ and not only to ofGract, know, we ought to do it, but Actually, to Depart from Evil, is * Truth; Vnderfandwg^ And Any Reafon that does it not, is Lafuin Principi- ^Author um, a Reafon Broken, and out of Joint ; For -if it were not, ' infuiij it would Operate true to the very utmoft Point of All Goodnefs ; 'tn now; even as all other Laws of Creation are obferv'd, fo had that fitted by Law firft Given of the Fear of the Lord, and Departure from Evil in Man. The Reafon of Man is now like the Failure of an jferv'dii! Infttument, or an Engine of xhz Virtuofoes m Experimental Philo- ;donchjr fopjg* jUl- feems to be fet Fair, and True, and Right; But it lityrfffl miffes in thelaft point of Effefl;And therefore notwithstanding tfSfiriti all Probabilties,and handfome Appearances, it is not to be trufted ; (otk Thus the prefent Reafon of Man Judges for Piety, Juftice, and: i Higher Temperance, and fo feems Right for its Purpofe, and End , idingjin hut it mifearries in the Doing ; It is not Bleffed in the Deed, Service, and fo is not for its own fake in any tiling, to be Trufted; The Reafon of the Firft Man did not thus fart afide as a broken Bowjuft at the Mark, before his Sin and Fall: If you fay then, loutan How did Sin Enter? The Anfwer is plain; Jdam Luxated, ut any and ftrain'd his Reafon in Judging by it, of what was above it tore- matter of Revelation-, of becomingLtke God morfe Than he was :n it is by Creation, not Acquiefcing by Faith in the Will of and Grace re its of the Creator, and obedience to his Command in not Eating Sliip- and fo was Deceived, and Difobey'd, and Ruin'd Himfelf andf Jr. His Pofterity by the Righteous Judgment of the All-mighty, >s of whofc wayt are pa ft fnding out by'Reafon ; for tliey are above it 7 \ V '> flj f'jp) ... .And yet by Trufting in our Bankrupt Reafon, we daily more Entangie our Selves. Can we think the Fallen Adam was to be Trufted, for not the Finding out That may be Allowed in the Negative) but for the Judging of, or Receiving a Revelation of the way of his Recovery by a Reafon that had fo fouly mif- -canyedip Reaching beyond it fclf: And how much left is ours -ft) be confided in, as to what is above it, which does fo daily fcfil fhort of what w«s at firft placed in a Juft Level to that Reafon. ■ •• • * §. j, The grand Revelation of God in his Word, and Gof- pel is the Recovery of Loft Man by .his own Begotten Son; who name from Heaven into that very Loft Nature, and Redeemed from Death, Hell, the Curfe, the AVrath, and Juftice of God by his own Death, and by the Sacrifice of Himfelf, and by His Mediation, and Interceffion at the Right Hand of God ; and ap- pearing at laft in the Refurrection of the Dead Bodies of his Saints, and the Glorification of the whole Man, is become the Au- thor of Eternal Salvation to All that Obey Him, Heb. 5. 9. Here* with Fall in All thofe Truths of the Gofpcl, attendant here- upon,and that concenter with them: Even theGoalinefs, Righte- oufnefs, and Sobernefsy that the TrueReafon hath Loft, are here- by Reftor'd, and Brought to Light in a much Higher Luftre, •and Spiritualityj with a-greater Efficacy, and more Indefeizable certainty, That they fhali not be Loft, when the Spirits of thofe Redeemed by Chrift are Redintegrated in them. 9. This is now fuch a New Heaven and Earth of Things, that tfie Reafon of Man, if it were whole, and entire, as in the Firft Creation, could not, by itfelf Judgof, nor Try in its own Beams , the Supreme Excellencies and Splendors of , but would be Oppreffed with the Glory, and Dazl'd with the Bright- nefs ; however in fome, as it wer Parts, it would fee a Divinity in them ; As to thole Glories, that may be (tiled the Face of them,itmuft, even as Angels, fubmit itfelf to the Paramount and Infinite Reafon, and jout its Mouth at, as at that, which Had not not been Told it, and that It had not Heard, in firft Cre- ation ; How much lefs then can the Decayed R thofe Poor ReHcks, Fragments, and Broken Peices of Reafon judgof them.' -8 up through that Sin and Impurity, thajt hath United itfelf there- lfffi ... . ( ( 13> r with, the more it endeavours to Rally, and Re-unite it fell (be- caufe of that Corruption wherewith it is fo Tainted, and De~ filed , that even the Mind and Conjcience of the Unbelieving are Defied) Not only the greater Ignorance, and want of SkiH, but the greater Enmity and Hatred to fuch a Superior Light, ftirr'd up, as well as blinded by Sathan, It Difcovers and Detects it felf ofj And all Directions, Advices, or Commands to Sepa- rate it felf from that Corruption, are but Prefcribings to the Blackamore io change bis Skin, and the Leopard his Spots. For this Corrupted Reafon it felf Teaches fo (and can do no ctherwifej Jfr to Refute Divine Truth. Hence have fprung all those Bold and Daring Efforts of pretended fhrcwdnefs of Reafon^ and Argu- ment; Infolencies of it in Scorn and Raylery againft the Purity oi the Doflrine of Chrifl , That Arch-Fallen Reafon, the Devil, Turnes himfelf into all fhapes, fometimes as a fevere Rationalift, fometimes as a S arc a (lie Scoffer, and fometimes is Transform'a into an Angel of Light.,and as a Zelot for the Honour of Christianity *} and therefore it is no wonder, if his Minifters are Transformed, fo alfo, and even, as the Mwifiers of Righteoujnefs : And ah thefe - s very Shapes hath The Treatife, we have to do with, put on. §. 5. It will be faid,If Reafon be not in a Capacity to Receive Revelation, what fhall Receive it ? Is it to be (wallowed in Ignorance, and Blind Obedience, or by an Implicit Faith? the Anfwer is.- The Infinitely,Onlj Wife God, (as the Apoftle Adores R him upon the very Account of the Gofpef the Myfery, kept hid, and Revealed after for the Obediente op taithj hath prepared a New Creation,a Regenerations Renovation of the Spirit oj the Mindjviz,. Faith, a New Underftanding, and Light; a Grace of great Wif- dom and Intelligence; and were it not for Confounding it with the Exploded Fallen Reafon ; as men are fo incliifd to do, who are fo Def roust obe Teachers of Reafon, but not Rationally, as the Jews were of the Lan\ but not Lawfully ; not Kjiowwg what they fay, nor whereof they affirm ; It might be call d, a New fon, that fees in, and by, and is wholly guided by Revelation, in, 1 and from the word of God, Dwelling richly in if in All Wif dom and Spiritual Under Handing; And in this Light it Proves and Ex- amines all Things, and holds faf that which is good; And that which is Above All, In this New Creation, and Faith the Light F ' . of f ,?f, i of it; THe great Recfeefrier by his Spirit^ Unite's himfelf to the Renewed Spirit, and Dwells in it; whidi is a spirit of Wifjom and Revelation, and fo Reveals the Dieps of Godthat we might know the Myfieries of the Kjngdom of God] and the Things, that are freely given us of God., §. 6. If it be further Demanded, Is the Firft Creation, and the Reafon of it wholly Antiquated, and Removed in the New Creati- on? The Anfwer is, All the unchangeable and unmovable Parts of it are comprehended, and taken into the New Creation, and much Exalted; And even, as to men Unrenewed, and before Renovation, The Great Redeemer hath laid hold upon, and made a Rcferve of fome great Principles of Truth, and Reafon, or Re-imprinted them in the Minds of Men in General; and the Law is Written in the Heart, even of the Gentiles, for many Great and Wife Ends of the Government of the World ; And that Thefe may give Teftimony to the Holinefs, Purity, Divinefsand Wifdom of the Truths of Revelation-, They are a kind of Rude Draught, orlndentings, which the New Creation takes hold of in the Minds of Men, that they may know by thenyThe Light of the Gofpel is from Heaven, and of God : And on the Ac- count of this, They are Righteoufly Condemned, who do not Re- ceive the Truths of it, fo far, as thefe Impreffions of Natural Light Lead ; and it is certain here is the Condemnation of men, that They have not Relieved in the Name of the Son of God ; hecaufe they loved Darknefs, rather than Light 5 and that hecaufe, Their Deeds are Evil: And on this Account alfo, even in Devils, and Loft Spirits, thofe Principles of fo Great Light given in the firft Creation are Prefervd by God in Higheft Actuation, that do what they can, They may Glorify His juftice in their Condem- nation } Thus is his way in the Sea, and his Path in the great Wa~ ters, and his Foot-Jleps cannot be Traced as yet, or in the way of his prefent Government of the World * He, who is Light, and in whom is no Darknefs at All, Caufes Light to prevail to Condem- nation, where it hath not, and does not prevail to Conformity and Obedience to it ; But in the New Creation\ Behold, all thirf) become New. There is Inward, Supernatural Illumination, and the Power of Grace, and Holinefs Conforming the whole intelle&u- al Spirit to it; and Comprizing alfo within it fclf the Firft Hit, , mlnatjoQ •, fothatit is known ?6 be that Firft Illumination* that ReveUtion hatli yet taken wholly into it fe{f,that there may be no mif-judging by a Partial Light, and yet the Teftiinonv of thaf ^ Light preferved, Steered, but Exalted Far, above it felt. §.7. It may be largely Remonftrated upon, how great Affiance there is due to the Light, and conduct of Rea/oa, in the Govern- lS rrient of States, of Families, of Human Affairs; in all Sciences and Arts, Aftronomy, Pbjficky MxtbemxtickSy Muficky&griculture. ^ Archtitclurey Nxyigxtion^ Mxnujxcture 5 and how certain, an if?*' evident the concIuGons, that are made according to it are ; and ® whatTtuft therefore may be given to it in Religion . But on the > 7 other fide, we ought to confider, How much parknefs and Ig- ? *' norance there is ; How difficult and flow the Attainments ol 7' ' Know'ledg are; How many things yet unknown ;How many , f Errors, and Miftakes, hardly founa out,, ^and more haidiy Coi /. ! refled; what great Differences, and Difagreeirients of Judg- ments in moll things pretended to be known, And we lhall have ,7 great caufe to Refolve all the Honour .and-Glory, we■think:10 due •M t0 pjuman E.eafon into the Glory and Praile of the Infinite Reajotiy ;llSk YVtfdom, Under (tending, Truth and Gooinefs; who holds All Be- A ^ ings and Truths together in his own Underftanding, ev en as in otRt. his own Uochangeable, and immenfe Being s elfe all had been H foon Diffolved s and who, for his own Glory, and Government n® of the whole Creation, gives fuch, and fuch Degrees of Auur- ancetothe Undemanding of Man in fo many Things s and yet lm Humbles it under fo many, and fo great Failures;; Thai.it may >> ^ net prefume upon it felt, efpecially in things relating to J im lelf, being convinced of its own fiiortneis in what it is more eafily fenfible of: Of all which Thoic lafi Chapters oi. GodEx- 7 poftulation with Job, are fo great an Admonition, 1 need enlarge no further upon it. Jin v. 8. It may, in thelaft place be urg'd', ^hkfeciirity have wj£. era- againft all the Impoftures ol P*g*ni}m,A. A -- it)') mettfm and other Portentous, and Monftrous Opinions, that m mav be impoled upon us under the Sacred Name oi |e 2 dove deafen; and not to be Examined by it ? It we . h", e nof fuch a Faithful Tell, as our own always pre- 11. . P 2 sfay. 11, i^b.2.14. tke 1 u ov. 3. 5. imdajuw/ *6 ) ... , lent to us, and that may guide us out of All thefe Mazes and Labirinths ; But on the other fide, It is a very great difreputation to Human Reafon, that fo great Parts of Mankind have been Involved in thefe fo Horrible Delufions s and that it hath not guided.them betterr; and it leads us to the Profoundeft Humili- ation under.the Senfe of the Righteous Judgment of God upon his Intellectual, Lower Creation, fallen from him by Sin, andfo abufed and deceived by That higher, Angelie Apojf'ate Nature, called Sathan ; and to earneft Supplication to him through the Redeemer, That, that BlclTed Time may come quickly, when the Kjiowledg of the Glory of the Lord, and the Kjiowledg of the Lordfhall fill the Earth, as the waters cover the Sea; and alfo to Adore him, that \vc have the Light of his Gofpel a much fur- er Guide, than our own Reafon, as it is now ; and a much higher Light, than it was before its fo great debafement by Sin 5 in which we find all the true, pure Reafon that we have Loft, or that wc have any Sentiments, Foot-fteps,or Remains of in us; or that we. can find in our felves ; that may aflure us, as far as Reafon can allure us,. It is of God \ and in which, the things that are mofti above our Reafon fhed yet fuch Beams of Light upon our Un- derftanding,and trueft Reafon,as A(Tures;They are from the Father of Truth, and not of Lyes, awakening and Enlightning Reafon, while it raifes us far above our Reafon ; and wherein we have a- bove all, that Higheft,moftAfluring, Sealing, Holy and Comforting Spirit, the Spirit of God; the only Paraclet, the Advocate of truth within us, promiled to us ; for which we fhould al- ways Pray with an Importunity that will not be afhamed, that it may be given given to us ; and in which it is much better to Trust, with all our Hearts, then to Lean to our own Understandings !Tbo they were as the Uuderftandings of Angels, in which fo great : a Number of them trufting, and not in that Higher Under funding and Spirit Fell, and are in Chains of Darknefs to the ^judgment of the Great Day: So little Encouragement have we. to truft .in .« Created reafon. Imy CHAP; 102 ( 57 ) CHAP. V. Of the third Head Propojed} viz. The Nature of fteO- THE two main Hinges of this Debate, viz, Concerning Reafony and concerning Revelation, as Above, or Contrary 5 The Int to Reafon having been fo far Treated of; The further Difcourfe ^ Head*c! of Myftery may feem unnecefTary, feeing it is on both Parts ccrning Myl agreed; Above, or contrary to Reafon, demtermines Myftery, or notry* }AyJlcry : But becaufe My fiery, or not Myfiery bears the Face of the whole matter in Difpute, and efpecially, becaufe Reverence of the word of God, and of the Truthsof it (as an Ark or Sunctu- aryof, and for which, the Spirit of God hath Separated, and Sanffified the Word, Myfiery) It calls for a particular Refearch, how, and to what Truths, and for what Ends It hath fo Con- fecrated it: The Senfe or Significaaion of the word it felf may be derived from the Old Testament, where we meet with the plain notion of myftery ; the M ofaic Types are piefented," as my fie- rious by the Veil thrown over MoJes*s Face, even as the Apoftle ; calls them Figures ; fo we read of Secret Things, Things kept fecret; The fecret s of tVifdom \ Proverbs, and the Interp et at ion of them • Parables'7 Dark Sayings of theWije\ Prophetic Vifions;All in Figures- fomeof them Interpreted, others left under their Veils: This 0-' riginal of mi fiery is worthy to be preferr d as moft Pure, and Di° vine; And there is a Hebrew word of very near found, comport- : ing with the Senfe ; though never fo applied by the Sacred Text;, viz.moo, which cafily paffes into the Greek, And yet it. might-fall in herewith ; The word myftery was a word known to the Gentiles, to fignify the Secrefies of Devotions, Com- - municated only to their myfta, peculiar Devoted Perfons; How- ever thofe Rites were fowl, and Idolatrous; The Spirit of God 1 was'pleafed to take it frcm thofe impure ufes, as the Mdrchan-- dife and Hire of Tyrtts, to be Holinef to the Lord; to convey the.: Apprehenfionofthe Secrecy of theTrnths of the Gofpefas Reveal- ed.'m it-by himfelf at that Time, that had been hidden before, '5 -- and X iom, 15.i' j$n. 15, 27 Cor. 29 .. 1. iof. 1. 26. 2. it. ( 3 s ), and at that very time, from thofe who Believed not; the hidden Wifdom of God fpoken to them, who were the Perf ell, or the Confecrated Myfi* of it; Thus as God was,pleafed tofiparate the Gentiles, and Sanftify them, as an Offering to Himfelf by the Holy Spirit, through the Preaching of the Apoftles, who were before as Vnclean; fo he pleaftd alfo to Hallow this word mffiery, how- ever impure in its former ufe, and to appoint it a Veffel of Honour to himfelf. Let us now confider the importance of it in the Sacred \Vritings of the Hew Tefiament with the Reafon of tilings that fhaj be Difcourfed out of it,, and Uuiverfal con- feat of k\ ite I • •" i §. 1. Thev Spirit of God, makes ufe of the word myfiery^ in fpeaking of the whole Frame, and Complex of the Gofpel; the. Preaching of which is faid to be the Revelation of the myfiery, . which had been hid in God ; The Preachers of the< Gofpel are calk.d Stewards of the myUenes of God ; It is ftiled the• mifiery of Chrijf the my fiery oj Faith, the hidden Wifdom of God in my fiery, Ordained to the glory of Saints3 to whom it is given to know the myfieries of the Kjngdom of God. This my fiery: Now this fo often Repeated Denomination of the Gofpel by myfiery ; not only, as before, but ihce the Rrvelation of it; and without any mention of ReveUr tion, together with the calling it myfieryfhews, It is an Appellati- on the Spirit of God much Delights in, and hath made (as one may fay'; the very Title of the Gofpel; It is therefore very a- mazing ; Any one who profelfes a Veneration of its Records, fhould be fo Induftrious and Buify to tear it off, and pull away this Seale: It is moll true ; Revelatio hath much chang'd the State, of mjfterioufnefs in the Gofpel, but hath not fo Removed mjflery from it; but that there is principal Reafon. th^t even furmounts the Clearer Revelation of it in the New Tellament • why the Title is ftill continued .* For it is plain, my ft try may be in lome fenfe Revealed, and yet be myjrerj ftill, notwithftand- ing that Revelation ; Nebuchxdnez^zaFs Dream was in it- fejf a * Revelation from God to that Proud Monarch; and yet was wv- llerj, till Expounded by Darnel, becaufe not underftood: So Daniefi Vifipns, when he himfelf underftood. not, ; The Pro- phets. Refearched upon the things Revealed by God to them" what the Sprit of Chrijr in them did fignify,, and did not think ILdfl MM I | IP I .J • 1 i Tim. ( 39 ) , it cbncem'd them not, becaufe they -wanted Tele as of what they underftood not •, Chrift Taught by Parables, Which were yet tnyfi tries, till opened by him, aind to all but thofc to whom he opened them. The Book we call the Revelation-, is ftill y- fierious. This I urge, that the joyning thz my fiery p the Go,pel with Revelation, may not be looked lipon as proof fumcient, it is no longer Mifiery. s. 2. There are particular Branches of Evangelical Truth, to which the Spirit of God is plcafed peculiarly to apply myfiery^, the firft Scripture of the New Teflament, in Which we nnd it ufed, Wdtth.ii. ii. I referve for after confederation, w. w;%iof.2 my fieri es of the Kjngdom of Heaven ; fo of the my fiery oj o and of the Father, and of ChriH ; Of Which I will give a further Account in the clofe of the Difcourfe. The Mediatiorfhip o* Chrift in the various Progreffes of it ro higheft Glory, 1 hall 1re- main without ConlrovMtfy,the great mjifit/jof GodlineJsy till Its c turn in Glory; wherein It is moft manifeft, as there are fome Points very lndifputably, deeply myfienous, as God mam- felled in F/elb, full fed in SpiritSo others more plain, Yreached to the Gentiles, believed on in the IVdrLf that, as to t icir out fide, were plain matters of Faft. Yetthefe, as well as the others make up the great my fiery of Goahnejs■ ; ^111C there is fome deep Reafon in the Eye of the Divine 5 pn it, w y the Notion, and Word, myftery, fnould be applied to eacn truth . of the Gofyel, though fome of thofc truths are more plain, than ^ others.- the Union betwixt Chrift and his Church* and o with 3?> . every Believing Soul is, what will be till lie [ him/elf in every particular Member of it, aglouousUwicFyo ■ having fpot, orwrmcUe • which The hies the .\«pttalsKw. of the' Lambs Wife,and the Marriage Supper oi the « n-1 , , .f tL. Divine Win,and it is to be done in tnc - filledthe myjteryoNthe Uiy , 0r of all Time, when , grand Oeconomy yj^ndbeibre which, it fell not be Fmjh- • "fftffj • miker* till then, according to_the S'Cn'e of all ' ' I There are fome great Prophclicks 'df Scripture, asthfe 10. Horn. 11. i Ephef. 3. 3. 1 Cor. 15.<$ Rev. 1. 30. 10. 7. vi Cor. 13. 2. ( 40) _ '0th Fulnefs of the Gentile Churches, or their coming to a fuller Light 30^ after the Eclipfe of the Jpoftafy by Antichrift, together with their x, whole number coming in, and making one Body with the Ifra- elitesy or rather a Joynt Body ; The myftery fpoken of the Chung- 1* °f t^3e Living Saints at the coming of Chrift ; the myftery of - ^ the [even Stars, and feven Candlesticks, and the myftery of God Fi- wffl : wel ''If1 M nijhed, of which, I fear," there are yet fo low Idea's in the general a is ProfefTors of Chriftianity, that if ever they were myjteries, they are fo (till; as particularly, to Inftance in that oi the Living Saints Changed; which we generally look upon, as if it meant no more, than the fuddennefs of a change equivalent to Death up- on thofe Saints, who fhall be Found Alive at the Coming of Chrift; which is fo far from a myftery, that it cannot beotherwiie; the 1 l'd{ Coming of Chrift being fo Inftantaneous , as Scripture every where declares it ; which Allures, there lies a much deeper fenfe fe H under thofe words ; as comparing them with The Living, The vrXc Remaining, or rather, Re fervid, twice ufed, 1 7 heft 4. 1 ^ 17. ,;&[(! will affure them, who ciofely confider it > But I think itunfea- *(a fonable any further to engage herein } only to obferve the Im- itM portance of the word Myftery, in Scripture, to be That what it Reveals, as in the Sum and main Subitance, hath yet ii; unconceivable Recedes, and Retirements of Truth ; which we connot yet comprehend, or find Idem of, and yet what it doth Reveal, is of great moment to us ; and ought to fill us with a ;r: y defire of Fuller Comprehenfions of; as perfefrive of, not only of iy,} our Underftandings, but makeing bleffed our whole Man. g Jc 4iui, asi ifh §. 3. There is yet remaining one ufemore the Scripture makes ftf of the word, mtftery, in what, it doth not own, as myftery of, • "c or from it felf ; but Blazons, as Counter-myfiery, to it felf; and jC fo far as wefuppofe, the Holy Spirit transferred the ufe of the • word myftery from Pagan Idolatrous Impurity ; it does in this one Inftance Refund it, and place it on its own Bafe ; And this is the myftery of Iniquity, of which the Apoftle fpeaks, 2 The]'. 2. "4 on 7. r 1 And after-leads us to the Land of Shinar, as the Bafe of it, Ba- '.'Y' by Ion the Great, on whofc Forehead was written great myftery Rev. ^ x 7.7. And herein Scripture on one fide teaches us the Senfe of my- 'P<< fiery j that it fignifies Coverture, and Concealment} For tho ' 'lr thefe two myfteries differ, as Heaven and Hell; for in one wc C" lis1 ¥VC tnc ®eets. °f G°d; In the other are hid the deeps of hii ough under the Name of a Catholick Churchy Antichrifiiantjm ,e y under the Name of Chriftianity; It teaches us therefore to Ab« h hor, to Afcribc to Gofpel Myfiery, any of its Cheates, or Lyes ; But chat this Mystery of Iniquity is not Confum'd but by the f Breath of Chrifi^s Mouth, and the Glory of his appearance, It y< fhews the Gofpel (hall continue My fiery, while this Qounter-my* gent; flery is fufferr'd to Endure. ',^!l" §. But while we thus according to the Gofpel it felf fpeake of it, as my fiery, and that the my fiery of Iniquity is 2. counter any fiery J* to it ; we Exalt the Wifdom of it, as. the Glorious Gofpel of the Bleffed God, only Wife, Jufi, and Right, the words of whofe Lips p , v ^ Me All tn Righteoufnefs, and there is nothing Froward, nor Perverfe x Sam.' ore e,; in them; His mouth (peaketb Truth, Wickednefs is an abomination to 2 Pet. 1 ;v"' his Lips. He is a God of Judgment ; and by him All things an ^ 1A' weighed: Nothing of Jargon, or Chymere-, The Gofpel abhors Fa-c. v }[> bles, either thofe cunningly devifed, tr Old Wives Fables, Endlefsgene* c- & 20. ihtiir. alogies, oppofitions of Science falfiyfo calPd. All thefe are peculiar ,£ ^ to the my fiery of Iniquity, its Lyes and Delufions after the manner of > oe I;. Satan, the Lyar from the beginning, and the Father of Lyes, the e, hin Baalzebul, and Baalzebub, theG^of Dung, and of a Fly, but wire p the myfteries of the Gofpel are all of greateft weight, fubfiance, kite of Wifdom and Truth ; and hereof it gives affurance to all Be- us wilt lievers, who are not Blind Devotionifts, but have All Riches of ^ notori the Full Affurance of Vnderfianding, even in the myfieries of theCoI°l* 2 Man. Gofpel, that are mofi fablime ; altho it be an Underftanding of Faith, as hath been already, and fhall be further fhewn 5 yea, rsrc E even thofe, who by the Affiftancesot its General Grace, apply rnjJ themfelves with Humility, and fincere dcfires of its Truth to. the felf- « Word of God, find great Sweetnefs, and. Satisfaction, and an vfedi unufual Light arifeth in Oppolition to Darknefs; The Entrance of KS in ithy Word 'givethLight, it giveth Vnderfianding to the ; no- Pj& » Indite thing is more Abhor'd by it, than the Sacrifice Ihtfi- Fools, the fillynefs of even Women, ever Learning, never able t of it- i to the Kjioivledg of the Truth. All tliefe things are tobe remanded tn. Rt to Pa -anifm, and Antichrifiiamfm, and are the Characters of the fe'ofr my Herj'of Iniquity. Nor do the myfteries of Chriftianity confift For m in dark and cloudy Speculations, or thorny Schvlaftts Difputes, cue d G thofe ( 42 ) thofe oppofitionsof Science Falfely fo calPd. They arc rather theBold- nelTcs of Reafon, that would bring down the of the Gof- pel under it fclf, and the Artifice of Sathan fo to entangle them : whereas in their own pure Fountain, the Word of God, They nil. 3.16. are all profitable for Doctrine Reproof, Infraction in the trays of Righttoufnefs, and that through the Patience and Comfort of the 11.15. 4. Scripture,we might have hope-,and they make often an outward Reformation, where they have not the full faving Effect} Gofpel myfteries are not therefore the Monopoly, or the Engroflrnent of a 12. Profefiion, or a Prieft-craft ; every Chriftian ought to Afpire to or. 4. 1. be a Teacher ; and the f aithful Stewards of thefe myfteries, to ufe utmoft Diligence, they may be fo , as the greateft Scale of their s 20, i&. ownMiniitry; And woe to them, if they fhun to that end, to 1 ig. i declare fully the Counfel of God, Teaching every man, and Warning . \i._ .13. every man • that they may prefent every man perfect in Chrift Jefus ; Not Wells without Water, or Clouds without Rain. It is only for Order and Government lake, and in Truft that this grand Office maybe certainly Difcharged, that there is a diftinft Presbytery who are only worthy of double, or of any Honour at all, but up- Tim- 7.17. on their Labour in the Word, and Doctrine, and watching Night and 3. 1 <. Day, to fave themfehes, and thofe. that hear them : who might#-" tend on this very thing, and give them he Ives wholly to Reading and Me- dilation for general Profit. A Guild for myflery is only proper to the Craftfmen of Diana, the Merchants of Babylon, the Priefts of Antichnft; Falfe Apoftles, whofe Reproach thrown upon the Gofpel, Their Lord will Return upon them, and the Blood of Souls loft by their Unfaithfulnefs in the difcharge of their Du- ty; and to conclude this Branch, Gofpel Myfteries (hall not be my- jieries for ever, but the perfeft Comprehension of them is Ordain ed for the Glory of Saints; and the Knowledg of them, tho not perfeft here, yet fhall end in the brightnefs of the Firmament to all the Wife in them;and They who InHruU in them fhall fhine as the Stars ; whereas the myflery of Iniquity fliall be confumed by the Bright nefs of the appearance of Chrift, and the Minijlets of it go in- to Perdition • tbofe Planetory Stars are They, for whom is reserved heC2.%. BUcknefs of Dark nefs for ever, Jud. 1 1, §. 5. The Reafon therefore of fo clofe adhering to the word and notion of myftery, is that high Reverence due to the very ( 43 ) 195) word, the wifdom of the Divine Spirit hath chofen, who compares Spiritual things with Spiritual j> if Chriftians fhould /peak the fame/ f/,/ thing, as the Apoftle Admonifhes, who would not defire to fpeak the fame word, the Spirit of God hath fo often ufed / This is an Honour due to Scripture, and to the Holy Spirit the Author; but beyond this, the Gofpel Notion of myfery Keeps up the Rever* ence due to thefe great Truths, for the fake of that Abyffe of Wifdom, Love and Grace, from whence they Flow, and puts us in mind always of their Original, and that Riches of Compafli- on, making known what had elfe for ever lay hid $ The fenfe hereof keeps always low all proud Reflexions on our own Reafon, and Holds in a conftant dependence upon the Enlightning Grace of God ; This keeps the Divine Life at the due Elevation, be- ing laid up in Divine myferies, and Ifluing from them by the En- livening Spirit of God, not Proftrated to Fallen Reafon, and its Power of Free Will, as at the Higheft, but a more exalted Ethics, or Moral Philofophy. Hereby the Truths Revealed in the word are kept fafe from Sacrilegious Violation, or being Condemned at the Tribunal of corrupt Reafon, but Enthron'd in myftery far a- bove reafon; this Gives the Adequate Account of miracles,not on- ly to allure, the Revelations they Sealed, were from God s but to fhew a Supernatural Power, like themfelves, ncceflary to En- lighten the-Underftanding, and to Sanctify the whole Spirit in conformity to them : This gives Reafon to an Earned Defire of that Eternal Life andHappinefs, the Exceeding and Eternal weight of Glory, {hewn to be Incomprehenfible, as the Truths in which they arc contain'd, and that lead thereunto, and which cannot be comprehended, till that finijbing of in that Kjngdom. Now all thefe Reafons of Holding Fall the E-vange- lick word, and Notion of myftery, are as fo many Countermines to the Artifices of Sathan, and his Inltruments, to Deprive us of the ; Real Benefits of it, and therefore we ought to be Jealous over • them for our own, and others fake ; leaft, as the great Engineer of falfe Reafon beguiled Eve with it, fo our minds fhould be Cor- rupted front the Purity of Divine Truth, as It is Chrtfi.Rov thus " Antifcripturifm and Superftition mutually circulating one into ano- - * " ' C TJnfn-n P ^sfnn 3nrl TmQCTinnrinn iiotmnm- 2.V i Uucea timation was before made, &A mm. .r.9 CW. -J ■it. 13 I efc. . 11 ^ 1 ai.49. ;aJ. 78. 4. 2. I ftf# 1. I. ( 44 ) §. 6. To conclude then the whole concerning as above R eafon^ that is, above our Fallen, Corrupted Reafon, That great Oracle of our Lord, of which intimation was before made, gives . usthefumof the matter; he fpeaking to his Difciples, faythto them ; Unto you it ts given to know the myfteryes of the Kjngdom of Heaven ; To others it is not given: This is the Firft occafion, the Spirit of God was pleafed to take, to make ufe of the word, my- jtery, in the New Teftament : and it was before the calling of the Gentiles ; which gives a more Heauenlv, and Divine Defcent to the ufe of the word myftery, than the taking it from the Familia- rity the Gentiles had with it, and accommodating the Language of the Gofpel to them ; For it alludes to that of the P falm.\ I will open my mouth in a Parabley 1 will utter dark fiyings of Old. Jlnd it isap- plied by Chrift to the diftinguifhing Grace of God, giving to fome to know thefibmyjteries, and hiding them from others; To them it is not given; which is the moft proper notion of myfiery inallLan- guages; the word rnyjtery Importing in universal ufe, a Know- ledg in any thing peculiar to fome, and not to othersand lo this ufe of it by ourLord gives a principal Reafon why Scripture choofes this word ; viz. to Magnify this very Grace; For if thefeTruths were in our Power, underour Command, or under our Reafon what neceffity were there of giving to know, and how to fome, and not to others ? Who have yet the fame things laid before 'em, but in feeing Jee not; even as the 'Parable of the Sower which our Lord makes a Figure and Type of this diftinguifhing Grace: It was equally Offered, but Expounded Apart xo the Difciples : To thofe to whom It was not Expounded, it was ^/ft^becaufethey had the outfide, but feeing and hearing, jaw not, heard not, to them It was not given-fTo the Difciples, to whom it was Expounded,it was ftill rnyjterious in one great fenfe, becaufe they held it by the Te- nure of Grace * they did not attain by their Reafon, but to them it wm given. The Ideas were kept for them in the word of the Kjw- dom, and from thence ftill given them afrefh ; to him that hath jhall be given, and he fhall hive more abundance : The Spirit of God as a higher mind, as that Spirit of mfdom and Revelation, upholds the Spirit of theMind, Sancfifyed and Renewed in the Underftand- ing; Ballancing, Applying, Arguing, Inferring and Producing into holy Action ; declaring within themfelves,and to others in words and giving them an Utterance, an Elocution proper to thofe V \ r/ \ _ (41) 2.^6 j ! it things, thofe Truths } as he is called the Sprit giving utterance \ Ac's 2< 3* k And thus in higheft Senfe, thofe Truths are myfterious^cvtti ac- Teat C0,rdin§ t0 t^le ^en^e °f the Treatife, as being above Reafon ; For L(< ah thofe, that attempt this Circuit by their own Reafony and Judg and Condemn by it, and will have the whole within the im Cognifance of their Reafon^vc fo Dazled and amaz'd, that even T the Advantages of the Reafon, referved by general Grace, are f k taken from them ; and they become defpifers, deniers, profeffed T Enemies to thofe Truths, Tx' "i, men °f of $0UK that is, not having the Spirit; and fo according to that fevere Doom, That J is Taken from them , even which they bad; and what was above their ^ \ Reafon, thus becomes contrary to their Reafon. And this is the ^ conclufive Reafon, why the Underftanding, humble, Chriftian ' V can never part with myjtery, Gofpel-myfiery ; what is held in myjlery 1U^ is held by Grace, and not by Reafon ; and Grace is their Title ^ to onic ^ow t|ien {]10U}J they part with myjlery L allLan- . '' •' jj»| CHAP. VI. J :ckts Of Reafon and Myftery united in their higheft , eTni in the £ternal Son of the Father ; The Reafon,The Myftery. iota, J ' ;0l?clT T Have intimated before, 1 fhould have abandoned in Sacred DiF Jhc IntI°" courfes, the fo much abufed word, Reafon , were it not not for t^s chapter. ; ^ one tranfeendent Scripture ; in which I am fully perfwaded, the ^ Divine Spirit hath on purpofe fingled out that word,the Philofophers, Joh.i.i.Cfr. 1 ■ , I the Reputed Princes of the wifdom of the worlds amongthe Greeks j r>m,> (whom the Apoftle Remarks for feeking after wifdom) have unver- T' fally ExprelTed it by ;that is,Acyos,now of this the Ev.wgehft John in Spirit makes choice to Exprefs the only begotten Son oj God, by ; ''I0'" and I fliall endeavour to make plain, by this word, he intends E- P't ternd Wifdom,or Reafon in the firft place: andbecaufe this Sonfhip utlid Qf th ^EternalWifdom or Reafon is higheft fame Apoftle f&4 J o # x 2,1 ^. is InfpirM to joy n the Name, he hath writ ten,which no pWi mm knowethfutHe himfelfwitb the Name whereby He is c ailed,TheRe/o- ^ [on of God. So uniting'Reafon and Myftery in him; as Solomon fays, what is theName of God, and what is his Sons Name, if thou canfi \ ■ordi, /e//?cl)e Father and the Son divell alike inthe Light,to which none an irilt- ' ' ' H • Ap- f ( 4a, Jpp'oaeb. To fliew therefore how in the higheft Reafon the higheft myjlery concenters, fliall be the undertaking of this chapter; that I Wn0 may bring Reafon and Myflery to the happieft Confpiratiori, and ; ho moredifpute between them ; I know the undertaking is high, and difficult, but by the Affiftance of The Wzfdom, The Reafon, of P™ ! whom I am to fpeak, I will proceed. §. i . The Wife of the Pagan Nations had not two greater Noti- \ wo ons, or Vv jrds, than Reafon and Myflery; the one expreffing Natti- rdlWifdoin, or Religion; and the other as Communicated to their f4 peculiar Followers, or Difciples, and wrapped up in fecret Figures, ^4 6r Cabalas; Supernatural Wifdorn, and manifeftation from their rT Gods; In both they were extreamly Foolifh,-and Deceived ; asal- )fe^ fo dreadfully Corrupted, and Defiled Thefe two, yet the wif- M dom of God and his Grace in Jefus Chrift, hath laid hold upon in 1 the Gofpel, according to feme former delineations in the Old Ttft- amenta yet taking in thofe Gentile Notions, and words alfo as fuited to them, when Grace broke out upon them in their Calling ; kk as hath been already fhown in myjlery, and now fhallbe in Reafon; M and then both Applyed to our Lord and Saviour JefusChrift. aid §. 2. That the word, 6 hlyos, is in our Tranfation given, and Mi; Received, and by long ufe fettled [The word] is fo known, it ifelf,! may feem a Eoldnefs to offer at fuch a change as to Interpret it, jsipelfj 1 - [The Reafon'] but befides, that Grave, and Learned Interpreters W\ have not differed much, as fhall be after fhewn 5 and that, there M fhall alfo be due Reverence in the Progrefs, given to that Trah- Jfcjj . fat ion [The Word] I do with greater Authority fo Expound, Prov. g.a'. fuftain'd therein by a paralel of the Beloved Difciple with Solomon !A C:c. the Jedidiah, or Beloved of God\ the Expreffions are Uniform, as from the fame Spirit intending the fame Truth; yet making more Ufo Full, and plain by the Latter, what was not fo fully made known ^jr by the Former ; as the New Tefament in its Parrhe(ia} Plainnefs, [3j| or opennefs of Speech, as in clearnefs of Light, excells The Tefament. §- That Wzfdom and Reafon differ only in found, or fome very T thin Diftinftion one from another, I think none will deny ; who \ will not allow, the wifeftMan hath, and is the greateft Reafon ? ^ 1 or that he who hath the moft, or beft Reafon, hath the moft wif- ;C dom , and is the wifeft man ? The fame things then, that Solomon, jj, afcribeth to Wtfdom, The Evangekfi John by the fame Spirit, at- u tributes to the Reafon; The WiJ'dom fpeaks of it felf3as diftinft from ! ; — God, * ,W,t \ \ Ut ) . ana yet, as hath been fhewn, Supreme, Abftracl, Infinite wifdom, / cannot be divided from God , It muft be one with him: The Reafon is ipoken of by the Evangelist "John, as diftinft from God, and yet was God; The wifdom fpeaks of it felf, as in the Beginnings from Everlastings before the Creation; The Evangel ft John fpeaks of The Reafon in the Beginning i and neceffarily before the Creati- on, becaufe All things were made by him, and withcut him was not any Thing made, that was made. The wifdom fpeaks of it felf, pojjejfed by God, aofe by him, with him; The Reafon was with God, The \sme was with God's The wifdom fpeaks of it felf, as brought up with God, & wordt)f higheft Senfe, exprefling the fame Life ; The Reafon, as before, was with God, was Gcd\ In him was Life j The Wifdom fpeaks of it felf, as Tnited with God in the Creation, The Lord by wijdom hounded the Earth ; By underjlanding he Efabhfhed the Heavens ; Prov> ^ , The wifdom was there, when he Jet a compafs on the Face of the Deep, Of the Reafon it is laid as before, All Things were made by him ? and without him was not any thing made, that was made : The Wifdom * fpeaks it felt, as broughtjorth,fet up\ Of the Reafon It is faid ; we Be- held his Glory, as the Glory of the only Begotten of the Father, full of Truth, that is, wifdom, as before Explained; The wifdom faith of it felf, I was daily his delight, rejeyeing always before him : The Gofpel faith feveral Times of the Reafon ; This is my Beloved Son, In whom I am well pleafed. The Wifdom faith, Rejoycing in the Ha- bit able Parts of his Earth, and my Delights were with the Sons of Men. Qf the Reafon it is faid, He was made Elefh, and came, and dwelt a- mong us\ all thefe Paralellifms plainly fhew; this Wifdom, and this Reafcn are the fame ; And He is That Word, who is faid to be Living, Powerful, fharper than a two edged Sword, &c. Heb. 4- And that awful Perfon, That He, with whom we have to do, as he hath it, and it cometh out of his Mouth, fo it is the Suw^with two Edges fo fharp as to divide between the Senfe and Spirit, and all things are immediately open and manifefl and naked in its fight, becaufe in his fight, whofe word it is, and who is himfelf, the fupreme word and wifdom. 4. The word of God, asfpoken, and written, and given out from Eternal Wifdcm and Reafon,gives together with thofetruths, •that are above the Illumination of the Fir ft Creation, and there- fore M feries, All thofe Truths, that are fo juft, and level to the Intellectual Mature of Man, as he was made in Kjwwledg, Righte- cufnefs and True Holinefs; that cho they are much obfeur'd, and ; J " effacd I (44 . effacM, and many of them loft, and the Ability to Form Idea's and Apprehenfions of them infome almoft, and in fome alto- gether extinguifhed; Yet partly by the Referve, Jefus Chrift, as the Eternal Wifdom, and the Son of the Father in Love and Gracey i as well,as Truth,and asthe Redeemer hath made ; and partly by the Enforcing,and Invigorating that Light,Thofe Truths cannot, but be acknowledged by the Mind, and Confcience of Man ; fo far as to condemn the Violation of them by EvilPractifes, and to Reftrain thofe Evil PraHifes, and to make better Human Conver- fation, and Manners: Therefore they appear abfolutely neceffary for Human Society, and to pafs into Laws ; but that excellent and Illuftrious Light in which they at firft flioneout, fo as that the Mind and Spirit fhould taft the full fweetnefs, and perfe&ly refign to them, is not Reftored, but by a Supernatural Re-Illu- mination, and Renovation; in which regard even thofe Truths^ whofe Implantation, and the Power of Forming Ideas of them, were at the firft Natural, are now become Supernatural and my fie- rious, and require anew Writing in the Heart, as to the firft Ex- cellencyand Spirituality of them. $. 5. The Eternal Wifdom, Reafon and Word by the Light, and Spiritjwith which they are given, gives Teftimony to thofe truths of the Firft Creation in the Heart of Man, fo far as they are rer ferved,fuftained, enforced, according to the Firft Implantation or Writing in the Heart; and then it receives Teftimony from them to thofe fupernatural Truths, that it delivers together with them.-, As Letters he it is that Finds out the Kjiowledg of witty Inventions 5 All wing, print*that we admire fo much, and that have obtained general Appro- bation, and Ufe s and make fo honourable the memory of the firft Inventors in what .Science,or Art foever, are from him, as the Supreme Original: In allthefe we hold our Reafon by Him, who is above our Reafon, even him, who hath that Name, which none* knows but he himfelf; who is therefore Supreme Myfiery^ we hold all by Grace from him, how unthankful then is it to hold upour Reafon againft the Grace, againft him by whom we hold it ? or againft the Myfiery of Him, and His Grace? For there is not an Idea rightly Formed, nor one true Ratiocination not one witty Invention for good ufe} not one Righteous Law' or wife Decree 5 but it is,(as things are now,)by Grace through the Mediator, and from him, as the Saviour thus far of All Men, H and tW) > StlO X ( 45 ) 16$ I and in thefe Regards, Tafting Death for every Man ; but though the W or Id was at firfi made by him, and is yet upheld ; yet this great L:g ht Shi net h by his word inDarknefs^and theDarknefs comprehends it not, knows not him from whom it comes:No,not altho theFirft Engravings of the Law on our Hearts are fo far, as they are, Re- ferv'd, or Re-enlightened by him ; and tho with fuch a variety, and free Difpofeto fome, and not to others \ Yet i hey to whom greateft meafures are given, except a higher Grace be given alfo , thro' the great Degeneracies of Human Nature,lift up thoie high- er meafures of R ea/on, highdt again ft him ; which plainly fhtws how little Re a; on can tffcCt by itieif in things ahpve fuch an 11! u- ruination, as is given to it. - f. 6. As our Lord Jefus Chrift, the Eternal Wifdom and Reafon of the Father is,as in all Intellectual Beings, Reafon is, an Ellen- tial word within the mind it felf; and as he Declares the Father by Infpirations of Creation, and Mediatory Suftcntations of all In- tellectual Beings in their Intellectual Irradiations, and Motions^ fo he in a Supreme Government, and, Conduct by his Spirit, hath Ifiued out into all thole Declarations by his Prophets, Jpoftles and other Servants of his, peculiarly Employed by him, which when fpoken, and as now Collected into Scripture, we call the word of God s the fubfiftence to w hich the Eternal Wifdom and Word of the Father gives; Chrijiytflrrday, to day, the fame for ever. And as he is in that word, the lupreme Self fubfiftent Word, fo he hath made known ail Supernatural Truths, Truths of the New Crea- tion, and flowing from Redemption by his Declarative Word in the Scriptures; the fame, word that gives the firft, gives the other alfo ; and the very Truthsthemieivesoi that Supernatural Eleva- tion and Excellency jhav&brigbt Beams of thoie firft truths, effenti- ally united 4diherri, throughput fhining within them, Spark- ling out of Them, and round about Them ; by which they may be known to be of God, and are by their Weight, by their rarity, by their Heavenlynefs, by their entire Excellency Di tinguifhable from the Myfterj of Imraity: Thus we find the Gofpel of Chrift,; asSupernatural Truths, fo full of what m t eve is Lovely, Trnp P&ftj Fertuous5 of Good Report, worthy of pr ;y . even whole, univerfal moft unfpotted Morality ; and the Si . •-natural Trudr themielves are ()rient with the fame, far eve- rv way above the Traded, B'afted, Withered Ideas, or glozed Sem- "id bi inces of thofe,who have fpoken moft Excellingly of them with- I out J (^) out that Light; And herein is thtCondemndtion^H men receive not fupernatural Truths,They Recoile,not from the Supernaturalnefs , but fromthevery Holinefs,Strictnefs,Purity,they aredazled with; even that, which was Implanted in Firft Creation ; They Love Darknefs, rather than Light, becaufe their Deeds are Evil ^ and make a pretence of Prejudice againft the Supernaturalnefs, and that they have not Affurance fuch Truths are from God, to fihelter the Evil Works, to which they adhere, and upon which thefe Truths Shine fo warm and:bright, and fo fharply Reproove ; And thus the Gofpel of Chrift firft gives Teftimony to all Implanted Truth, fhewing to Man all that was written in his Heart; fills up the Vacuities, and Empty Spaces; gives new Light, and Beauty to theDefaced, and loft Gharafters s fo that men may know in their own Confidences,It is that Firft writing Reftor'd, and they find it fo undeniably within themfelves to be fo, that they cannot deny it: And then Supernatural Truths fo elfentially united to Implanted, and Both fo Circulating one within another , Superna- tural Truths Receive Teftimony frcm thofe Implanted* Truths, that if the one are fo undoubtedly from God, the other muft be alfo.; and no one can rejeft revealed Truth, but he muft firft dif- obey, and Rebel againft Natural, and therein is Juflly and Righ- teoufly Condemned. §. 7. Upon the whole then, we may from Jefus Chrift the Su- p. erne Reafon, Wifdom, and Word of God, and the Supreme Myfiery derive this Train, and connexion of Truths. 1 That Godlinefs, Righteoufnefs and Sobernefs, being in the moft inward Senfe of Mans mind, the principal Points of truq Reafon\ where ever they are found at fulleft Dimenfions andftrongeft Excellency, Thre is higheft Reafonnow, in the cleareft Light, and Harmony, and the proper Language of it; Thefe are fo found in the word of God, above the to y\Z-^y the Natural Implanted Knowledg of God, now fo obfcur'd, and ecclipfed by mans fin, and Fall; and above - that excellent Light Creation Gives, as David, Pfal. 19. upon the compare gives the preference to the word of God above the Knowledg given from the Speech of Heaven and Earth. 2. Who ever therefore is the Author of that Word is the Supreme Wif- dom, Reafon and Word of God; and that is Jefus Chrijl the Son of the Father in Truth y Full of Truth ; the Living Word of God, whole Name is called, The wordof God* g. That he, who is the Su- ij?r erne Re a/on ? Wifdom, Truth and word of God} as He is He bv whom m ill r ( 47 ) Jf Wis fo He is He, by whom all isConferved, and Reftor- J 1 he Son of the Father in Love, as well as I ruth, and full of Grace, as well as Truth. 4. He therefore, as lie is himfelf Supreme Myftery,and is therefore called Faith, which is the Rcafon Superna-( turalized for Myftery ; fo he Reveals the Myftery of xhcCounfel of the Independent Will and Grace of the Father. 5. He Referves and Continues all the Light of the Firft Illumination by Cre- ation, that is found, even where there is no Knowledg ct Him; All the Learning in Arts,Sciences, and witty Inventions s He Dif- penfes All that Light, and Knowledg, Receiving for, and giving Gifts even to the Rebellious, under the Profefllon of his Gofpel, that the Lord God way have a Tabernacle among them, 6. But Efpe- daily, He as the Truth,and MyfteryInftrufts Savingly all his own Servants, and by inward Light,and Truth communicated to them, TransferSjby hisSpirit,from his wordSupernatural with ailNatural Truths into their Hearts ; fo that they are at once, The only true Men of Reafon, and th cMyftn, ther^o/, the In ft rubied in the My- steries of the K^ingdom of Heaven : So that as in Chrift himfelf Supreme Wifdom, Reafon, Truth, and Supreme Mystery, (whom none Kjioweth but the Father, and they to whom the hat her Reveals Hini) Reafon, and Myftery are United; fo in All true Chriftians Reafon, and Myftery dwell together; All Natural and Supernatu- ral Truth according to Godlinefs, but Supernaturally given, and Communicated by an Illumination after the manner of the Com- munication of Myftery. 7. Through the Delufion of Sathan un- der the Vizor of Chriftianity hath fprungup by falling from the Supreme Word of God, and the True Myftery, the myftery of Ini- quity, and Jntichrift the Son of Perdition \ as the Pagans of old* Fell Irom Natural Truth, into Idolatry. §. 8. But becaufe He, who is the Supreme VJifdom, Reafon, Truth, and by whom all things were made, and whofc Name is the word oj God, hath a Title written on his vefture, and en his Thigh• KJng of Kjngs,andLord of Lords', There fhall be a Kingdom of Higheft Illumination,and Reafon, the Inheritance of the Saints in Light, a Kingdom of Redemption, the World to come of Adam, wherein all myftery, Natural and Supernatural fhall be Finilhed, or fully laid Open, and Underftood; and then the my- tleryoi Into my fball be wholly Deftroyed-, when not only the Faculties of the Mind fhall be Perfectly Reftored by Renovation but the Organs of the Spiritual Body, fitted to the Aftion of the I 2 Spirit; ( >kn 17. -23. 9». 8s ©v.,». ,14. hr C. 2 ill 1 iill 7- Spirit; and the Divine Being fhall be feen in the Eternal Son, Em- manuel, in our Nature, fo far as it is poflible for a Finite Being to comprehend an Infinite ; to which alfo in and by him Saints fhall be United. §. p. Thus all Wifdom, Reafon and Truth circulates with it fell in the Eternal Reafon, and all his Oeconomy in his making the World; in the Government of it ; in the Referves of Truth and Rcafon in the mind of Man in anyDegree now;in the perfect Purity of the Word ofGod;andin thzlYorld to come,ovKingdom of the Eternal Reafon and word of God ; fo that we may Argue from the one to the other with great A flu ranee; If there be W ildom in the Laws of. Creation, and Providence there are certainly Laws of Holinefs, Righteoufnefs and Sobernefs, every way correfpond- ing them;the FearoftheLord in man;Departure from Evil cannot but anfwer the Ballancmg the Clouds, and the weights for the wind. Sec. If we have any fuch Laws of Wifdom, and Equity in ei- ther Kind, there is an entire Syftem and Complex of Each, if an Infraftion had not been made by Sin. On the other part if there be a Renovation of the. Laws of inward and outward Holinefs, in and by the Redemption of Chrift, and the New Crea- tion in-his Redeemed; The Reft i tut ion of the Creation, wherein fo- ever it Groses, and Travels in Pain until now, and the Adrni* rriftration of its Government fhall be as Glorious ; when it fhall he Deliveredfrom the Bondage of vanity .ana corruption, whereunto ;c' it was, and yet is Subjeft, by Reafon of him who fo Subletted it in Hope, into the Glorious Liberty of the Children of God. C .10. As every Rcafon and IVtfdom, together with the Speech and Expreflion, it hath, and makes of it felf, hath a certain £- tterp and Force, or Spirit, that it powerfully fends forth and works on others by * fo it is Attributed to the Eternal wifdom, Rea- $3. fan and word of God to Powre out his Spirit, to fend the Paraclet or f Comforter, the Holy Spirit, whom the Father fends in the Sons ' Name, who is called the Spirit of by whom the. world was made, the Spirit of W of The Spirit of the Son, TheSpirit\f Chriftand which was given upon the Glo- 30. |. rfcation of Chrift, the Spirit of Chrift. in the Prophets, and whom 11 Scripture Introduces on all Accounts, as the Spirit Breathing in and with the DeclaredFIWof God ; and Revealing the Mjfteries v •f; ii-.: srats'. C 49 ) V °f the Kingdom of Heaven, that cannot otherwife be knwon ; and yet this Spirit none can know but they who have it ; Thus in L),n l7 all things appears the Happy Union of Rtafon and My ft cry in the Supreme R eft on and Myftery and Word, CHAP- VII. Of the ,4/y fiery of the Father, The Word, The Spirit, In whom the Go/pel gives the moji Explicate^ and Con- fur/mate Mam feft at ion of Eternal Wifdom and Rea- ion.. T" HE former Farts of this Difcourfe concerningReafon and Theintrd S Myftery hath neceffarily led to the dirtincf confideration ofduaion> God',The Lather oj Lights and of Spirits; All Beings of Reafon de- fcending from Him.Of The Son of the Father in Truth,'viz. The Eternal wijdcm and Reafon ; and in Love; The Word declaring the Fat her-.Full of Grace, Full of Truth;. Of The Sfir it of wifdom ^ of Holinefs, of Power } The Spirit giving Utterance ; The Fat her y, the77 W,(whoisthe67w,)and the Spirit are plainly Allured to us in Scripture to be OAT : Herein is higheft Myftery ; as a con- ciufion therefore of this Difcourfe, Let us in very Brief confi- • der them fo ; and the rather, becaufe One cannot but fufpeft, This 'James and fambres Treatifiy Chriftianity not my fterto us, was defigned to Rcftft this great Truth ; The Difcourfes of which, however keeping clofe to Scripture, it Stiles/. 25. Extra- c vagancies about the Trinity ; and that Period, pag. 29. Savors c ftronsly of the fame' Leven r But what do they mean by Confining with themfelves, yet not with our common No- c tions ? Four may be called Five in Heaven, but fo only the t Name is chang'd ; the thing remains the fame: And fincein c this World, we cannot know any thing, but by our com- mon Notions ; How fhall we be fure of this Pretended con- * fiflency between our prefent feeming Contradictions, and the Theo- >2 Tim. 3. $ 9 ( 5° f 4 Theology of the World to come ? this great point, let us con Oder. In Anfwer hereunto in lb. 4. 8. 11 6 2. i. It is certain, an intellectual Spirit cannot be made fuch, But that the Infinite, Intellectual Object, and molt Intelli- gible-GOD; mult needs be feen in his great Glory, and Attri- butesof Perfection by it: But he cannot yet be found out to Per- feci ion, but {till dwells in that Light, ro which no one can Approach, both in regard of Infinity, and Infinite Holinefs and Spiritual!- ty; foasto Charge purcft Created Beings with Folly; to put no Tru/l in the Holyejl of his Servants ; and the Stars arc not pure in his fight : The m9ft Bleffed of Created Spirits cover not only their Feet, but their Faces, and call their Crowns before him : Even thofe who are not Defirmamented ; nor 7rk is thcOne and the Self Same Spirit 5 and he is continually ftiled, the Spirit of> God, whom moft of the Adverfaries acknowiedg one with God, as the Spirit of a man is one with himfelf; and that yet the Spirit is the Spirit of the Father, and of the SonItis abfolute Scripture De- monftration, that the Father, the Son, the Spirit are^both moftdi- ftinft, and yet moft truly, The One true God a Their Attributes are Diftinft to Each, and yet the fame Divine Perfections fhine out alike in All; Their Acts of Love and Grace in the Salvation of man, are fo diftinft, and yet proper only to the One Eternal Being, as the Eountain of them ~ That they, from whom thofe Emanations are, cannot but be underftood, as Diftinct, and yet but One. Theac- knowledgments, and Returns, that are called for from, and made by Redeemed Saints, unto the Father, the Son, the Spirit, arefuch as can only be Required by the moft High God to himfelf, nor without Horrible, and Abominable Idolatry yeilded to any other : The Gofpel is fo Abundant in all thefe, and makes this manifefta- tion of God fo principal an end, and fcope of all its Difcourfes,and places fo much its Glory in it, as in what it molt defignsto declare; That if we own it to be a Revelation from God, it is as great an In- jury either to reject or to interpret it contrary to it felf herein; (be- - caufe our fhort and corrupt Reafon cannot allow it) as to impute any monftrous Thing rolt: For it muft be fuppofed either to Re- - vealfome fuch Portent as cannot be Believed; or that it knows fo little how to exprefsit felf,that wherein it fpeaks, as fully as plain* ly, without a Figure, as conftantly as may be,it muft yet be over- - rul'd by Interpretation, and Taught to Speak; or elie it would fpeak fo, as to > un men into Idolatry, and Blafphemy againft the • One true God. X 5. If then the Father, the Word, the Spirit be a Revelation of the Divine Being to us from it felf; we dare not but Acknowiedg it Infinite Wifd om and Reafon, becaufe we acknowiedg the Divine Bcin^ tobefo; and becaufe the very Titles, and Eifential Attri- butes of each are fo/heFather of Lights is he,with whom is no t artat ion or (hadow of turning; the Eternal Wifdom, Reand Word the Son is he in whom is Light, the true Light' the Truth : The Spirit is the Spi- ■ ■' of Truths Wifdom, of Holinefs; and becaufe from them is the a! nududion into All Wifdom, and Truth; Every Good and ' Perfetf / Perfect Gift comes from the Father; The Son is, the true Light, the Light of Mm ; the Spirit leads into all Truth* f* 4. Yet is this great Truth of the Ineffable Union, and Com- munion, and yet Diilinftion.Profoundefl: Myjhrn in Regard of the Revelation of lucha Deep of God--, the Imperfect Knowledg we have of it ; and the neceffity of Divine Illumination, andSanfti- hcation unto Adoration, Love, Service, Obedience of Faith, fuit- able to it. §. 5. Yet it is not to be Reproached, as Jargon, or the Chjmera of Tranfuhftantiation, or other Antichrifiian Falfhoods; For the Saints \ ln) and Servants of this great Truth have a full affurance in it, tho a My fiery, and whereas it feems to encounter the Unity of the Divine ffitll £ Being, or the Notion we have of One and Three-, Faith Enlightned 1 j SIR, 1ST, force by the Divine Spirit fees fo many more great Principles of Truth and Holynefs Centring in it,that itconfiders we are no more able to Judgof Unity in Him, (whois All, andnotapoor, (ingle Unite,) than a Child is able to know, an Unite is the Beginning and Foun- tain of Number; nor according to our Low Arithmetic, to judgof the Application of Three to the Father, the Son, and the Spirit the £(glfci One God; fo Supreme, Glorious, Bxmoov'd from All Approach of Suua Created Being ; than a Child can work by the Rule of Three; Only <*'k we know in him, it mult be Perfeftion of Being, and Operation. And as Abraham, in the Sacrificing Ifaac, was taught to over- ballance that Natural Principle of Parental Affection, and even of Hcb. 11. 18. Oracle; In Ifaac (ball thy feed be Called-, by that therein more Para- mount'Light of" Faith"; God was able to bun from the Dead, from whence he Received him in a I igure .■ So are tiuc Believers by that great Light of Faith enabled in thofe fo Refplendent Beams of Revelation before mention'd,to Adore the One God in the Fa- 3 belli rtitfe isaaHc Mo the T'vi vfi iB 1)10 llK iher thcSon and the Spirit; tho they underfand and (peat: but as Children j and fee through a Glafs Darkly, till they come to fee Face to iw a * acr. ukc 10. 12 ' ifol. T T 0 Tim. 1. lace ; and to know, <#> they are known, or fhall be then made to know, c r and if there are thofe Soas of Anak in Reafon, as theyfeemto ^ themfelves, that cannot receive ir, we Adore with the "Son of the lather in our Nature ; 1 thank thee. Oh lather, Lord of Heaven, and Earth ; that thou hafi hid thefe Things from the Wife, and Pru- # dent, and hafi Revealed them to Babes ; evenfo Father, for fo it feemed good in thy fight. Lord open thou our Eyes, that rve may behold the Tq. Wonders of the Myfiler ies of the 1 ruth. Now to the King, hnmor- i7- td, Invtfible, the only wife God,be Glory for Ever. FINIS. ft . And ktct tf 5® a xb . ... -- - - -i A It a J ETTER V In POSTSCRIPT T O T H E Author of the Treatile on his Second Edition, with Enlargements, and the Addition of His Name. S I R, tej "JUST, as the very laftof the preceding Difcourfe was Print- ing off, your Second Edition came to my Hand with your Name prefixed ; which to me, makes no Alteration ; it be- ing the Name of a Perfon wholly unknown to me; nor do I de- fire (as I laid at firft) to make any Enquiry ; For, be it never fo Great, it can add no weight to the main importance of the De- bate, which is a purfuit after Truth } nor can any fuppofable Diminution(tho I fuppofe none; Abate the Intrinfic value of Any Argument: I leave that therefore to its Juft value with any, that know it; The Regard,and Deference,The Ecok may leem to have Right to, on the Account of a Second Edition* in my Judgment, depends wholly on the Sterlyn worth of the Dif- courfeitfelf a For if thatbeMaffy, and of the Alloy of Truths it is an Honour tothofe, who have fo great aGuft of it, as well as to the Difcourfe, that fo well Deferves; If That, being on fo High a Point, have not juft Merit, it is only a Character of the Degeneracy, and Irreligion, as well, -as the Infipience of the Many of the Age; Leaving therefore thofe things that have no Intereft in the prefent concern, Iconie to what is more material. And in the firft place, I would, with all due modefty Remon- fixate to you the method, I have obferv'd in order to the Anfwer of your Treatife a which hath not been I confefs,to Follow you, as they fay , srocAas, or Paragraph by Paragraph ; that I might avoid any fmall infignificant Remarks, and the Tediouf- nefsConfequent thereupon; as alfo, becaufe there are many Ten- K aencies f 54 ) . ; - dencics of your Diffeitation, that I exceedingly concur with you in; As the Deteltation of whatever comes near, or hath any Allyance with the Myftery of Iniquity, or what you call Pr ft Craft, and Secular Xotereft in the Miniftry of the Gofpel; what— ever fhelters Ignorance, or Sloth, or Covers Implicit Faith and Blind Obedience in the Profeffors of Chriftianity : All that fpeaks Humbleft Adorations of the Divine Majelty, and gives Glory to the Gofpel of our Lord Jefus Chrift, and to the Supreme Light of it; and the True Reafon Flowing from Him, the So- vpreignReafon,fm and throughout, I molt Humbly joyn in $ Tho I acknowledg there is great Reafon of Caution when the Deflgnation of Gofpel-Truth is not Univerfal, and Uniform; Leaf! there be an Advantage given to the Prince of Darknefs or any of his Artifices, becaufe of fomeFlafhesof an Angel of Light from Him : Or a bidding good Speed to thofe, who Bring not this Doltriner,. viz. of I he Son oj God, as the Apoftle. ftiles it« & John* 10. Laftly , I have not been Minute in the Pro- fecutions of your \ eriods, becaufe there are many things, that fly off from the Principal Matter; And it isof no concernment to* what is Principal in myEye, whether they are one way, or other/ I have therefore made it my Aim, and I hope, it hath been my Bufinefs toDifcover (as I may fay) the Foundation to the very Neck. And in thefe Things I have Efpscially placed my main intention, and my Argumentation. i. To uphold the Honour, Glory and Authority of the Stile of the New Teft anient in the word, My Aery: Fitted by it felf to its own Revelations ; and that it may not be waved or re- moved from upon any Forreign Suggeftions ^ nor particularly on that very weakone^ pardon me, info plainly Expreffing it; that becaufe it Names the Myftery of Iniquity, and that on the Fore~ head of Babylon, there was written, Myjtery; 1 Note, that My- £ ftery is made the Diftinguifhing mark of the Falfe or Anti- & chriftian Church ; and therefore; that as Far, as any Church- ' allows of Mjfterit.y, To far it isAnti chriftian, and may with a ' great deal of Juftice5 tho little Honour, claim Kindred with ' the S car let Whore: If this be not the Argument of one Driven to Shifts 1 know not whatis ! Who muft not of neceffity infer if-the once , mentioning the Myftery of Iniquity, and once more' Myjtery on the Forehead of Babylon, can befofuppofed to the Dif* advantage, and Difhonour of Myftery, the fo often Recording it v for for the Honour of the Gofpel, and of the Doftrines of* it muft not be much more to the Glory of the Wor A and Things My fiery? and that the other Naming of it, was not indeed to the difbonour of it, but of that Iniquity only, to which it is Joyncd: And further, Is it not plain ? That the My fiery of Iniquity, is a Counter Myfiery to the My fiery of Godlintfs? And that the Counter Mystery were nothing, if the Grand Myfiery, did not fuper-Exift to it; Even as Antichrifi is to Chrijf and Antichrifiiamfm is to Chrifiianifin ; fo is the Mystery of Iniquity, to the Myfiery of GodlineJ's; Antichri- fiiamjm hath not fo much as a fhaddow of Appearance without that great Subftance, Chrifiinnity\ nor Antichr ifi without, 1 heCbrifi\ the Former infers the Latter ; and it might be as well faid, Chri- flianity is a Note of a Falfe Church, becaufe Antichriftianifm hath any Allyanceof Sound, or fo much, as that found implies of Re- lation to it ; or that it were the Note of a Falfe Chnfi; That Antichrtfi hath the laft Syllable of his Name from Chnfi, as that the myfiery of Godhnefs is fo, becaufe the myfiery of Iniquity is out of all doubt the mark of the Falfe Church. Whereas indeed, the dark fide of the Pillar in Each, is a demonftration of the other fide full of Light, and Glory,- This therefore could no way de« ferve to be among the Enlargements of the Second Edition which ought to b§ upon Refinement of Thoughts ; and yet it is found, p. 107. of the Second Edition. • 2. I have been fo zealous of mystery, Icafl: any of the Great Doctrines of the Gofpel fhould be Clandeftinely Withdrawn un- der the Pretenfion of Chrifiianity not myfterious ; that is, If Rex- (on, as it is now fo Fallen, Co rupted, and even Detruncated (but as Reifodd by theSupreme Reafon) cannot pleafe it felf in any of the great Truths of the Gofpel, It fhould be Rejected ; and herein I have efpecial Regard to that great Doftrine of the Fa- ther, the Word, (who is the only Begotten Son of the Father) the Spirit, Who are One, The One God; and to the Redemption of jefus Chtift by the Sacrifice Offered by the Eternal Spirit. As I have at more full debated in the Anfwer. * 3. I have efpecially defired, that the Scripture Word, and No- tion of Myfiery may be Confidered, as it flhews the neceffity Dependence upon the Divine Grace, upon die conftant Super- intendency of the Spirit of Wifdom and Revelation; For that be- incr always in the Hearts of his Servants a Sfir it of Wifdom and Revelation, Enlightning them into the great Truths of the Gcf- ( 5^ ) pel • they mult according, even to the Acknowledgment of the Author be Myjtery, becauie a continual Internal Revelation is ne« ceftary not only to the Firft Reception, but to the ProgreiTipn of j£htiftiahs;their*rowing in Grace, and in the Knowledge of our Lord and Saviour Jejus Chnji : Which great conHderation I would moll Humbly, and yet mofi Affe&ionately Recommend to the Author, with All his Favourers; That feeing they feem to Re-due fomuch to Sacred Oracles, They would with all ferioufnefs confider thefe great Words, Grace, Free-Grace, Gifts from above, Witdom from the Father of Lights, and Exchange that fo Admired Word, it is now, or as Human, for that Adorable word, Grace ; that they would Attently Contemplate the Cenfure of the Holy Spi- ritinhis Word upon all Human Intellectuals, till there be a R*- novation in the Spirit of the mind; and this would moll eafily Conciliate to Them the True Scripture-Notion of My fiery: Ana feeing the Author hath Promifed an Undeceiving of thofewhom he fuppofes Deceived, concerning the Illumination, andEfficacf ous Operation of the Divine Spirit; I dcfire of Him to have a Particular Regard herein to my felf, how Triflng or AbfurM an Adverfary foever I may appear to him ; And that he would do it in the meeknefs of the Spirit of Chriftianity, reipeCting only the Subftance, and Merits of the Point,and of what 1 have laid ; I find nothing further in the Enlargements of the Second Edition, that I have not confidered in the An fiver to the Firft; and there- fore befeeching the conducts of the Spirit of Truthinto All Truth; and that the Greater Proportions of Reafon, or Intelleftuals, and Elocution, the Author, or any of his Friends have ;the morethey may afcribe, and dedicate thernfelves to the Supreme Reafon and his Grace, This fhall be the Prayer of, SIR, In All Truly Chriftian Offices, Your Friend and Servant, - r. b. * Pardon fome fmaller miftakcs, particularly, P. i. Margin, read&xmoc p. 14 after Egypt, putin to. P. 16.1. 23, before Affirm % put in whereof they. P« 46. r. ywov« :■ ■HHi i i a mm B £ 8 -> • i— ww—wi1 iinniwimi win nil ■ iiiw imiaaniwiwrr1 nit—^iitiin i hi m i mm nmvt linn iw n I