mm With a note, expressing an intention of " calling about it " Great enthusiasm among the the arranged visit to Berl Prussia, finding that his visitors have taken "French leave " in coming, instructs his M.C. Bismarck to prepare a series of balls, to be followed by a grand rout. Professor Moltke will preside at the •' instrument." _ Being in reduced circumstances, with not half-a-crown left, he requests his " Dear Brother" to get a lodging for him. He deposits his sword, and now really tame Hagie, as security. éat of War" uncomfortable, quits it. The Imperial mind is deceived, such is its agitation that the hair turns white from the dreadful loss in Sedan of his hair dye France rises in its " grandeur," and demi events giv? the Reds an attack of the Blues-(Prussian.) The "gents of the Lyons pavement,": deeply Red : France, establish a model government. They cashii considering that an " army of lions led by asses," most be so led. I in the politics of After the fall of Strasburgh, a deputation of some of Prussia's future lier their generals, subjects petition against the dreadful "pâté de foie gras." it be great asses to The German governor heing partial to the article in question, and not France having in vain tried Thiers and finding it in the articles of capitulation, dismisses the deputation. his touching appeal to Prussia. entreaties, Victor Hugo makes Monsieur Ducrot in his donble character of a general and peasant,. Trochn u jockeying the Prussians and his parole. h£ mnltij Unt'iv/> n, but up—in a balloon, As the wind sometimes infliets a heavy blow upoE the postal system punctual dehvery is not guaranteed. The starving garrison at Metz "look at Le Boetu with hungry eyes. To Prussia is reasonable, and willing to provont the horrible catastrophe Bazaine capitulates* Prance, having already protested, pj words. to take security for his " little bill." prefers starving, to eating his own Prussia continues proceedings, and gaining the action goes on to execution. Having written to Augusta; and retuj " pious" thanks for his success Pruss: retires to rest T Any person residing in any part of the Kingdom desiring to become acquainted with our Sewing Machine (price Six Guineas), will, on application with refer¬ ences, receive it, carriage paid, for a Month's Free Trial at home. List of Reduced Prices by post. C955"b WILLCOX & 6IBBS SEWIN6 MACHINE Ci 150, Cheapside, E.G. 135, Regent Street, W. LONDON.