A brand,
Titio erepta
by William Barlow
f^v.' V -
On the fift day of Noueniber laft,
before the Honourable Lordes of his
Maicftics Priuic Councell, and thcgrauc
lunges pf the Law.this Sermon
By the Reucrend Father inChcift, WtUtm,
Lord Bifhofpe ofRoehejier,
Nigrafuni, fedformofafilix Icrufalcm. Cant. 1.4.
: t 'J
Imprinted by lohn Wmdet (or r^lAthevo Law,
16 Q7,
/^ XSS y
tl ^ t 4v. ■• X
y i
i L cKX-ul
-3r«iP«®w^v ' •}'('■'
To the Kinges moft Sa-
cred M AiEST IE.
Kjng^s haue
vouchfafed pcore
prefcntsFro minean
perfons: a poorer
or more bafc then
a Cole-'Brand., ne-
uer accepted,
becaufe no flayed SuhieS^ 6ut^ euer offer
it; and yet Imuft . Not for that I dare
doe it, yea, I dare not but doe it^ For
what ami, that I fliouldeither gaine-
fay, or delay to execute the commaunde
of lb gteat a Monarch, and my mofl gra-
A 3
"The Spi/lle Dedicatorie,
cious Mai^ier ? Perhappes my obedience
in performing your plcafurc, will not
counter,- ballance this prefumption , in
fronting it with your Hi^hteslSlame'^hz'
caule, publiflied it might hauc becne, and
yet not ^ alpired to lb glorious a ^ A-
T ^ONAG E, If thatbee^heOiFencCj
I humbly crauc pardon^ (bnely of your
Maiejlk). For this being a ^KAJSIS^^
fittc.matter foxfire to workc vppon ^
and my cafe as the prophetts , hceo in-
ter yrentes, J Hue nmong men , that are
Jet on fire, "^hcfe teeth are dartes , euen
thoie Igneateia^ Ephe. b* for the tongue
is inflamed by Hell^ iaieth Saint lames):
to whofc protection, fliould 1 rather
fubmit it, then to HIS, whole graci-
ous countenance, like vntothar Angeh
rofcidus flatus^ in the middeft of the fur-
nace , Ihall lb keepe it, that the rnoft
fiery Ipirit flialinot touch ktbfcorch it r
Since therefore it pleafcd your Maiejiie,
( moH dreade Soueraigne ) to commaund
the diuujging thereof, I^;herc in the
' " ' ' - ■ I. Ill ■ I. 11 ■
The Spijlle T>edicatorie.
duety of a SuhieB ^ and in all humilitiei
as becommeth a QhriJlianj offer ic to your
WghneSy wifliing that it may aunfvvere
the report J which thofe Worthy ^erfo-
nagts of great Uonour and Wifedome, who
were prcfent and heard h, 'i^ouchjafed
to affordeit ,., If yo\ii Maieflie in the
depth of your ludgement approue iCj iti
ncedc not fcarethe cenfure of any. For
why? I neuer yet heard- But I muft
ftay my felfe _, Ieaft that your Maiefties
i due ^raj/exCruch is fome mans hap) be as
they arc,by many, accountedforl^Wive-
flatt£ries. \Ay prayers I truft (hall not ib
bccynamely, that iktrngthtidighejli^ng
hath graunted vnto your A/4/Vy?/V, as vn-
to Salomon, a LA^GE HeU ^rc-
picniflied with alb capable of more then
^yall Endowmentes, it woulde pleafc
him to increale his Graces in you,to pro»
long your daics among vs, and to giue
vs chankfuliheartes for the fruition and
afFe<5Iions loyally feruiceablc- to the
TheEpftte Dedic»iorie,
plcafurc offo Wifiy fo Learned, foGm-
, cious^ fo ^ligtous a > whofc
1] ynworthj feruant I am, cucn
Your Majesties poore
VV- Roffens,
^^s^nomne quod nigrum ejl^continuo
defbrmc ejl. Cant.
J ' - f
TheTreface to the text.
Zach. 3. 2.
J^onneljle^ ^ritio^ereptmexigne ?
Is not This,a $r^W,fnatcht
out of the fire
Rear dcliueranccs to haucpcr-
pctuallremembrances, both
HtAthen'm their Stcries(hcwe
it v/uall , and Go^ in Scripture
inioyncs it ncccfTarie (CAuene
ehlwifcarist is thrice repeated
in one concerning the
dcliuerancc from E^;fpt.)kr\d
thofe memorials were of two forts, both Mute
and yecslMov Mute, fir ft, thofe which the Scripture
ciWtthLtbros Monumentoru^HQ^,6.i, as Chretticles,
KyinnalSf Ephemerides ^ and boekes of record (for
Bookes are diimbc Schoolc-maftcrs/ay GeUius and
P/»<4rcA)fccondly jthofcwhich the Scripture cal-
leth K^cervum tt(lem,ot Cumulum teflmenij,Gzn 31
47. Trophai and Pi/tars creded for poftcriticj where-
on oftentimes they faftened the namc»or manner of
their dc iucrance, as I)-««/-^ftreightly enuironcd by
Heft. I.
~—■ 'J' wm i m
Diuerfe forniPJfor folemnities,
j4«/,whoby anvncxpcdcd meffage wasfuddenly
pulled from him, crc(5lcd a Pillar and called it Pc-
tram diutdtntemy-ijlone of ftpxrathn^ox diuifion, i. Sa.
2i.2gpThix6\yfpfC(addJes ftl.dcd for alTemblics,
either for extraordinary thtcre^ whxh the Scrip-
tureDeut.i5,i4..calleth£/'»/4ry^/«//4/^rw j or ex-
empifrom ordinaric worke and trade, which the
Heathin tcarmed Fern/, vacant and idle daicsjor
fpcnt iti[reltgious feruices ^facrifces, and killing of
hearts, fuchasS.Iac.5 6- calieth Dtem m4^4tiomsi
vpon which,oftentimes they impofed the Name of
the Deliucrance,as Efa.p. 4.. the day of Madian^ fig-
nifying the ouer throw oiMadUn^-audthQ lefcue of
^^e/jfrom their intended fpoile. Nor did they vfe
onely thcfe dumbe reme mbrances, hm FccAUa\k>:
and ihcy were both Artificial, as Amos 6, 5, Vox
pfaltery,ti\e voice of the Organ, and all mjlruments of
LMuficke^vthichDaftid5 ,in onegcnerall
rearme calieth wood oifrretrees.
(fore lien things without life haue a voice, faith S.
?rf«/,i,Cor.i4.70and Naturall alfo, as Pfal. 47. i.
FoxmelodiajVthlch S. Paulexprcffeih by particulars,
C0II.3.16. Pfalmet ^rxAHymnes and fptritualffongs.
For with all thcfe, were folemnizcd the Scripture
Fefliualsy as Pfal. 81. Sing vree merrily vnt$ Cod our
flrengthpnake a cheerefull no'fe to the God of Iacob fake
thepfalme^ xhtxc h Fox me lodhy the voice Naturall
verf. I .Bring hither theTabret^ihe merrie harpftith the
luteMoxo vp the trumpet ythete is ihcvoice Infirume-
/<*//,ver.2»Bi]rtlKTe,thoughihcy haue in them, as
S.Paul[peActhyFirtutem vceis, theflrength ofvoice^
Our CQurJefutable to Scripture*
l.Cor.14.1 i.working I rongly for the time, not vp- i.cor. 14.11
on the fenfcs oncly , but eucn the affedlions aifb;
yet bccaule tiicyhauerot vocem virtutiSy a voice of *
powet^(ior that God rcferucs to fns orvtt zojce oncly, ^
Pl.6S.^/^. Dakt vocifud vocem vinutis)thi:tioie, in
their fcafts they inioined Gods voice aUo to be heard,
by (heraouthcsofhisMiniilcrSi whoin thofc fo-
Icmnities , not oncly like the Angel in this Storie,
Chap. 1,13.fliould vitciBebarim tobim, Debarim 2ich.i. 13.
7fehummim,Goodm> d$ and ccmfortAble; but, beeing
mAijlcrsoiilnit Ajfemblies,{oSalomonc^Xlcihtlic, Ec- Ecd.iz.n
clcf.rz, ii.thicrfpecchfhuldhaueinit,erpcciallyat
fuch times,both Clauos and Stimulos -^ Nailes, faflc-
ning in the moft obdurate and forgctfull mindcs,
adeepeimprcllion, with ^n horror of thccnuyro-
ning danger: ^Ln^gotdes, exciting and prouoking
thedul!e(taflfciJionsto/'r4//(r and thankejgiuing for
the danger elcaped , for the refcue made. Which
vciycoiirle our Church ind State hath continued,
pomt demfefox this dates Menioriall, more then any
other fit beeing more extraerdimrk then any o-
therj eucn that, which Pfal. 81, is for thary^/fww^
ordained and performed 3 hota
fetday whereon tomecte,vcrl.?. 2nd fiatutam legem
ay?4^«rtfwhichinioyneth the meeting vcrf.4.
VViih vsan ASie of Parliament iox this day, prefcri-
bins in feme fort,the manner of the cclcbrationffu-
table to the cuflom of each feucrall place) both with
mute and dumbe Memorials,as ringing fringyfeafiing.
See. and with vocalhlCo, fftgingof PJalmes, founding
ofOrgans,winding of Cornets,mth other inftruments;
B 2 and.
Occafton of the chotfe ofthis text.
mdfWhkhkthe chiefeoiz[\,Goi{s votce to be heard
>y the f)reac&tngcAhisn>0rd, that Co in the K^JCem.
bhes of the righteous , there may concurrc that
which Dauidcommendtth in the Tabernaclesolihe
righteous Pfal.ii VoxlubiUtionis t & vox fa-
lutis,the voice of melodic, to exprcflc our ioy and
thankfulnefle.'but withalhro.v/Sr/wWja which
may deicribe both our Temporall fafetie from the
deadly bloKoio this life: and voxjdutis, which -may
helpc alfo to the furtherance of om Eterndlfafetie
for a better life. To the effedingof bothwhich,!.
hauc chofen this fcripture.
Is not T his, a Brandfnatcht out of the fire i
Cant, 1.4.
A bafeCvAk^^ ye may thinke, and a drie matter to
worke vpon [_a Brand, a colebrand'\ yet as bafe as it is,
moft of the aunc/ent Fathers make our Sauiour
Chrifl this Brand (rcprelcnted here in theperfon of
IehofhMa){coich^dvo\i\\ malicious reprochcs, and
fuch diuellifli purfuites followed, which in the endc
wrought hisdcathjyet was railed againe,asfnateht
outofhisgraue,andthcyf(fr«iawcs oCSatan, when
bethought hee had hinifurcfl:, tohauedcuourcd
him. And the beft of the latter Diuines , make the
Church of Chrfi this Brand,dcCcxihtd in the Canticles
to htcBlacke , perfecuted and in the worjds fight
burnt vp • yet vnexpe6fedlyrid from them all,and
railed by the Chrifitan Emperours, beyond all hope.
But if by Theologtcail application to oxsxfiirituall
Daunger, who were by nature and CmmBrandes.,
" V
The fimes thereof to our Occafion.
VQod^ £ot Hill fire: and our fpirituall Redemptim by
jdifparching vs fo jlravgely bam that dre, I
fhoulddifcourfe hereupon , it mightfobcmade
voxfaltitis , and n:editAttons framed for cur foules
good» Bucby CMorallrefemhlance of the Hterdlfto-
rietothisZ)*JWoccafi6,[ could ehoofc,as I thought
none more fitte. Firft, forthe 'vtciritie to xhtdan-
iintcnded, in the word Wee that were ap-
^pointed tothatmajjaere^as fit for it; as nccrc to it,as
the Braftd for,or to the fre. i. 'For the matter and
r^ature of the defigaed rmrther, in the word [jgnis']
a flagrant,a fpeedie,an vnpartiall combuflionfone-
!y xhequaiitieoi xhcfire here vvanteth ; but that is no
mariicll, for in Scripture \<^tcxeadeo( Gods fire and i
thunder,but tbefe Dmel-thunder-clapsoffire^andpovo-
der-phe fiolj Ghojl neuer heard ofj for if xhetDiuellin
the Bible raged with thunder, it •^a%igmsde Ccelo, as
in lobs cafe fee,lob. i. But this vnder-groundfre,
x\\\%Barrel-thunder,x\\zScripture.diuels hadnoskiilj
of) The manner of the refue , thatis in the
\void\_Ereptus'di powerful] and an incredible delt-
uerance. 4. Nonne ? The memothWl or Sermon
madcvponitfforeuery period ofGW/ownfpeech,
fas this here is)is a well furnifht Sermon) wherein t.
things arc obferuablc. i. A commiferation xhat
iftebxoxdd hetT itio,{\ic\iGreat and Excellent men
fhould be Brandesfxhe. Obie<5fs,'the Subicdls of fuch
yfwcdeflgnemcntS' 2* ^nlncrepationofSaxanznd
his complices,that is,in the word /^wjtheir mallicc
fuch,as not content xiWTstiohzTorris, x\\eBrat}dhe
fee on fre to be brent to afhes. 3. A Viaedefcription
B~3 of
Verf I <
This fcri^ture accomodated to the day,
ot thc ftrangc both Damger and Ddiuer/e, with a
word,as\vtU of deepe Impression, Nonne i^nis?
was it not.i kaxtkAQau/igtr': as of high admiration,
Nonneercptus? vias woiihc deLimrance ^lrangc^ So
that cilery way it fits our cafe,vpon this day, in the
chief'ecircumftanccs; i. Forthctimc, thc/«r/eof
Satan enragedy this combuftion cngined, {Satan a
^vrw,vcr.r.)hcre,when the mcflage was returned
Chap. 1.11 ,Bcceomnis terra hahitatur edf quiejc/t:wiih
vs,whcn our Landvias muUiplicdjand wee had peace
afwcll within our ownebordtrsyzs v/ith forraigne nati-
ons. J, Vorthc per font '^hcrc Zerobahet the Prince
I the people, andthc^M^oftheFy/>y?<'r.'3nd
yet.S'Sccijvtrinfqney the chiefc States men (So Ettya
calleththem) and afsiftants to them both: withvs
the our Nation , the hope of his fuccefsion
the ehiefe oi out Priefles ,znd the princtpall ofi
Choyfe for Honor and fVorpnp in the whole body of
thcRealme. 3, Their here, foftiMiinge, that
they are intituled\cii\s>Ftriprodigiojt, orportenden-
/«,Monfters rather then men: Ours ,(0 miraculous,
that it wasportentt fmile^ rather to bee wondrcd at,
thcncrcditcdclnfomuch, that our felues wereaf-
fe(5fed,as they here at their refcuc from Babylon, Pf.
126,1,Fa^ifumus jicut fomnianttSy we were like men
in a Drerfwtf, wee could not tell whether wee had
efeaped or no, the Plot was Co fcarcfull, the Refcue
fo ftrange, 4. Their danger cfcapcd, Fornax Ignea,^
fertefornace{(o is this Captiuitic of Babylon called, E-
EzccJi-iz. \zQch.i2,)OmtVomixigneuSy ^jierie FaultyS^Cdch
would haue caufcd both a prefcnt Orbityy 8c a future
The partes and diuijton of the text.
CaptfHitj .Beholdd^il.h S. .s.how great a thing a
httU fre kind'.ethrmd here you may behold, how
much and fitte matter Colebrmd afFordeth,
But becaufe this fcripturc is a peece of a Dialogue,
b !tweenc lehovah and Sttan^\^ho were theprinci-
pall Adorsin this incounter. Iwiiiobferuc firftj
lehouah his rvifedo've, in permitting that 1(11, fiich
great men as iehojhua hecre, fhould bee Brandes, a
mattcrf J combuftiblcj fitte fucll for fire. 2. Satan
nis malice, that he would haue thefe Titiones inigne,
thehcBrandes fctonfire, 3. lehouah both his mercie
ia^power, 1. intheDeliuerie: i. in the manner
thereof, Eripienilo, eucnatthevery pinch, and in
the extreameft hazaid to deliucr.
Of thefe partes that I may fpeake to Cods glory,
and to the t'iirthcrance of our thankjulnes vnto his
Diuine LMaieJij, I Ihall defirc you to ioyne with
mee in humble and hartypraiers vnto our God fo
glorious, vnioom Jt'ather (o gracious. In which
1r is a S oloecophanes an appearance of ill conftru-
dion m Grammer, that [//e] Ihould bee loyncd
with [ritio,'] and as great an incongruity in com-
mon fcnfe, that UMen fhould bee Brandes: yet
he which called himielfc K^Jhes ( and hee was no
leflTemanthcno^^M^rfWjGen.is. 27.) aiming at
the element whereunto his graue fhould reduce
him, argued thatthe wholecouifeofhis lifctohis
grauCiWasbutaSrW burning, flaming,in the end
tobcconlumcdtoo<(/?'i?f. Andnootherit is in the
opinion oiDauid, fermydayes (faith he) vanijh like
The praier.
Pfa'.ioz. 4.
Mich. J.It.
'l^one hut eminent men Brands.
j,fr»0Ah^aHdmjb9nesarecCriedvp^ficotCremi»m, as it
I Pfal. loi. 4. Neither is this any dif-
pacagcmencformantobe thus memel^ refcmblcdj
for a a thing (ubftantiall, and ofit there is
fome vfe .• but,as ifthere were neither fHbftancCjHor
profiteinman, D(i»/Wasketh,Pral.8. 5. Lord, quid
efihomo> S^hntismanl and aunfwereth himfclfc in
hisovvne voice, Pra!.i44.j. Homoeflnihilum quid,
j 'JMunverihjAthmgofnought'^ and therefore the
j holy Ghofi vouchfafethnot cuery ordinary man the
I honor to bccdilcdTitiaa. Sra»d, which is in (crip-
1 attributed to none,but cither to whole (as
vnto /eru/a/om,Amo5,4.iiJ or vnto great Princes,
(as £^3:7,4. and in this place Such as in this
next Chap, ver.14 are called Filii Olei^ZerobabelSi
Jehojhuxy Princes and Pricftes annointed • ^ qui Do-
minaioriterrieajpftunt^ComkWori and States-rnen
which fupply Gods place, execute hislawes, and
promote his caufc* For what is in Mnn, as hce is a
i^Trf^jthat can procure an other mans cnuieor trea-
cherie? Haue they noi all one father, faicth the Pro-
phetjMich.an i \ If there be a generall equality fbene.
is no matter for Ernie to worke vpon. Were all
the 2"rees in the forrcft Figgt.trees,ot Olines,or Finesy
the Cedars of Lebanon ncede not feare that fame
iguem de RhamHo, Iud.9,i5. that fire out o f the
ble to deuoure them, Thcrforc asa Brand^by tea-
; fbn of the eompofure thereof, being par timigneay
\ parttmligma, is morcnttradimc of flame, more ca-^
I pable offire, then cither a green fticke ncuer fcorcht
j oraperfcdc/f thorough burnt .• So men, which
I ^ ncuer
^eafons and caufes '^hy they are Jo.
aeuerwere eminent either in place, or quality^ or
hauingbcen, hauclofl: both; arc not Ibfubicd ci-
thertoi'rf/rfwragCjOr the malignity of his inftru-
mentcSjasthey which are cxccHentincyther. It is
noteucry7?^>^tf that procures offence, but if it bee
Lipisangularhf {'(?\,iiz,l\.zcorfierjionet2» quota- Ffal,iis.2i
tudomusinclimta recumbit, that is lapis offendiculi,
the pfscthatcaufethojpnco,Kom.9.22, Dig out that Rom.^. 22.
ftone,^i leaft diggc at it. Not eucry mothers childe
is fo narrowly vvatcht by the Dmel^ but if the Woma
clothed with the Sunne,ixz\\t.\\ vflthzChild^ that lliall
gouerne the whole earth with his Jcepter, him Rujus
Draco^ihct^d^Qt'xQDragofsyviW eye at a pinch,that
he miy demure him, Apoc./2.4,To keep our felues Apoc.11,4.
to this Metaphor, if It be an ordinary Brandy
that is good for nothing but fmoake, G'j;i almighty
hlmfelfcwiilfay,itis»;7^)v;^,Era.7» 4.,
But if it beeas Arias MentamjteadcsklKiey ^ri.Mont.'m
■' (thelettersalloneinboth, but thisvtrcredinaD/^-
t(:ofig)amaJ}er Brand, fuch an one, as itfeemsby him
they vfe in Spaine, and wee here,fwhere there wan-
I tcth an yron forke) for ordering the fire, to flirre it
if It burnc not frefh>to lay vp the wood if it be falne,
to rCmooue that which is fuperfluaus,toremb!e
the ouen to trie whether it be hot or no,&c. As fuch
a Brand is very fubieft to catch a flame, by reafon of
theoftimploymcntsinthe^;^^ ; So great Men, who
by their place are to order both Church and State,j,.nd
I by their office makdifsipare Mala, Prou. 20. 25.
reprooiae,ccnrure,dircd,execute, &c. are morcob-
noxious to be traduced and fcort.cht by the ferie fpi-
C rits
Mat,3 »7.
Icr. 2.6,
Ad, 9.
what'Brands Satan worketh l^pon.
rirsof^4/4»andhis/i»p«, ihenthofc whomProu.
22 ag. Salcmon ciWcth Chajhukkim , Men oimeane
b 'mh.^ ohbfcare fUce .,Q(noimpI^mt»tes, Ashce
tiiatwalkctli ill the/w^w, cannot flninne a blicke
rhadow to accompany him, whereas hcthatfits in
tiic darke,yeeldes no refledion for incounter. We
may fee in thcchicfc Branch (for fo our Saiiiouris
called verf.g.j how it was made a Brand-, to long as
he was at his fuppofed Fathers occupation, Marc.
6.3 .Noamhie Faher?cmd was a Carpenter employ-
Afoifoit, as Iupn.Mar/yr dcknbcs him,
making of Bediteadsand Ploughes, on hcc went
without any impeachment: but no fooner was hee
baptized,crowned with the flo'yGheJl.,2nd teftified
from heauen to be his fathers dclightfu!iytf/;»^,which
was Mat,:?. 17, but prefently in the very next words
Tmcductus was euen thencaxnzd into the wil-
dernesto he tempted hy the DiuelL And this is the
cafe in priuatc perfons (as true Chrifi 'tans by esperi-
encc finds in themfelues) fo longasamangiueth
his members oucr to vnrighteoufnes, to feruefinne,
onhecfhallgoe without any incounter of Cmfci"
ence , either monendo to forewarne him before hcc
commit finae,tofay tohimfelfewith lefeph, Gen.
39*9. ^ua-modo hocfaciam ? HowPseuld 1 commit fo
great aftine ? or mordendo to reproouc him when he
hath ^nc it, with the Prophets, ^idfeci lUr.^,6j
what bane I done] But on he fliall goe^as a man with-
outfenfe, tocommit fin eiicn with greedines. But
if once the fpirit of God flrike ai his heart, as that
voice to J". Paul Ad. 9, ^id meper/eeyueris] Why
S^tan his Ethikes and Tolitikes
cloeft thou crucificafrerti the fonnc ofGodwhh thy
wicked and vnrcpcntant life? If the fre of the Hdy
Ghofl^ihttfpirh of Regeneration beeffcdual inhimj&
I make him to renounce fin , and to reform hislifcj
I then goes the Diuelzo work (Sataerit a dextrhjhoth
/ vvithout& within* without, fettingvpon him thofe
I whom S.Peter cnkthli{^tyl(oyTa.ryh Per.4.4, thatlhal
[ howte at him as a ftrange thing: Whaty th eluxuri-
[ ous branch that fcorchedl that yonnggallant a mortified
1 conuert} Within, that which S.Paul callcth Legem
I membrortm^om.j.i2,\\i% Luftandconcupifctncc
I rebelling, and boyling, and prouoking him more
i then before^ making him as a man diftraught .• info-
much ihztv .19,"what he would hee canot do^efr tvhat hee
wold not,that hejhal do'.yez,which iswotfc, ifSatafee
him to bccT/tioaBrandyindeede capable offiamOy
inclinable to fcrroiv, hee will ^mfre to the coky and
a borrowing hee willfct him, till he bc^«r»r vp and
deuoured withferroWy2.Cor.z.7. Thcfeare Satant z.Cor. z,7,
Ethiket in thepriuatccourfcofparticularmen,and
fuch as arc his Politiques alfo in the publiquc go r
uerriemcnt of Slates: for who are his Brandes there,
whomehccendeusureth tofet on ^rel Wee will
goeno further then this Story, i. "Zorohahel \ht
//^4;/ofthcpeople, Chap. 4.6, Kingesmd Princes:
2./(f.^^>/Z'»4,ver.i, ofthis Chap, the chiefe Priefl,
Church Gouernours: SociivtriufqueyVcr.S.Coan-
fellors of StatCyChicfe officers both of Church & Realm-.,
thcfezre the Brandes thus fitted for the fire. But
what is the attradiiue, to draw on the flame of Sa-
tanscv.uie, of Sa^anicalttcs^che:v/,to confume thefe
C 2
Kjngs and Princes are brands.
Zich.4. lo
Nshcm. (},.»
Zach. 2-S.
more then Others? wcc fliall finde them here alfoj
two in number, i. inward in thcmfclues,their pur-
pofeandcndeuour to the Temple, torcftorc
Gods wGT:(hippQ/Zap,^.io:Efiahii/hment oftrue Re-
ligton^ a violent attraBiue of Trtafonable flots. z. Out-
ward in God, both that Uuras igneus, Cap. 2.5, in
that hecis zwalloffre^ to cnuiron the S/ate from
Tatnat and Sanbalkt^'Nehem.^.. the daungerous
coHnterpIotters and difturbersoftheworke.-asal-
{oth^tfsLmepupiila <»r«//,verfe 8. louingfauor,
^Heethat touchethfou^touchetbthe apple of mine eye:'\
Nothing fo enrageth Satan and his complices^ as Gods fpe-
ciall protetlion of ;'of our Prayers, 1. Tim.
2.2: [PrayforallmenfiiPtfoiKinges^^Q, ] For if
rule bee good,lam. /. 73. rU-^Js
amandifquietinmindl Let htm pray'^Sme\y,Kinges
hauc need both continually to pray,andtobeprai-
edfor,fithencethateuentobea Kingfathe minds
continuall difquietnes, I fpeakc not of cLill Kinges,
eithervfurpers or impious, who hauc their
within them,an affrighting,and an affriphtcd
confcience, which like a curfl wife, (as Vlutardj out
of the compares it) arep burns with-
H.q'^ iQn^shecome 'Brands.
out a Brandy inwardly and inuifibly, or, which is the
Pfophetes Metaphor,Eia 5 7. 20, ^aft mareferuem^
like the boiling fcajworketh & ragerhjthough there
bcenovvindftirring; thatis, {2.yQ\\\ Salomon, arc
in a continu.illfearc, though there be nocaufee-
mcrgentj Prou.28.if Butcucnofgood i$r/>;j'r,and
theymoftrightfully poBcft: not Heathen onclie,
who hailing felt the hazardes of aCrownc, made
this their conclnfion,
SmHliJlapofuitConditor UMundi Deuf,
Odmm(^ regnum-
Thathatredmdfian, are vnfeparable attendantes
vpon aDlademe^ which make.it no happy (though
\3.beauti[ull)attire^- Philip oiC^acedontzido .-But
fcriptureA'/^^w, and the beft-of them, Dauid, at
Icaftonein his perfon and place, Pfal.s^, 39. Pofn-
tflifirmamentumforntidijitm^ the place IthoughtfHrefi^
there Ifind mdjlfeare; And this is one mifery, faieth
Salomon,^cc\t{: 10.9, which I hsL\\tkeno,,^odho-
mohommdominaturin mdumfimm, that dmansfctte^
rainety procures his orvne mifery. Particulars will dc-
monftratethis. Isa-fiT/w^profperous in his raigne,
and are his Tcrritorics inlarged? it will beSalomos
cafe,I.King.ri.ar, HadadandRe'i(mh\%neighbor
Princes will enuieand maligneitj and fo there is
fcaxcohnlnuafion. admitshccto hisfecrets,fome
not popularly applaudedjordifcotents his fubiedfs
vvithibmeboonedenied^ there is Rehoboams cafe,
r .Reg411 Jeroboam /)ne of his great Lords will make
a great head againft him,either to furprife his per-
fon,til his fauorites be remoued,or rent the State by
ECi.fp, to.
PJiilip Mi-
Ecclef. 10,9
■t-Reo. It
I Peg li.
The flate ofkings and princes.
Z.Sam, I J,
Vcrf.i z.
I.Reg. 1. J.
3di'jifion,tilItherequc(lbc fatisficd, and there is
ieaxeoi-jL Rebellion, Js there an hare apparant to
fucccedc? It may then heDduids cafe,that his own
deare K^bfdon fliall ftcale the hcartcs of his fubieds
from him,2. Sam. ij. 6^{jor man) leue to adore the
Stmnerijing) and then is there fcare ofa ftrong con-
fp/racie,(Co it is there called vciie /2,) for no infurre-
iiionfo daungerousyos where the next of hkod is chiefe\zt
Icaftjirmay bee his cafe (forhce had within
his Iimittcs,aregall authority, zsa.Patrt.irch) that
the elder fonne fliall thinkc his father liues to long,
Gen, 27.41,and then euery fittc of a feaucr mufl be
a proclamation of death* Is the S uccejfor vncertaine^
either through as in the cafe oCochozfahyZ,g
Chro.22,p. Nonjpes vltra defirpet or non apparanc
in a Mfiltiplicity? There is an other cafe of Dauidsy j
Reg,i. Jt Some i^doniah or other will band for
the crownc,before the breath bee out of the oulde
mans body. Yea, euen in the befl cftatCjand when
hee is moft at cafc,if hee mcane to fit fure, his gra-
uefl: Counfellors will tcU him, that hee mufl: bee
SeruuspopulohuiCyif^eg,iz j. ¥n(\ySerms afiraant,
andthatisnogloriouse/late^ thenSeruuspopulOya Jer-
uant to thepeopleyznd that is noJlatelyferuice-y thirdly,
populo huiCy xoihUs querulous people yznd in thatferuice
can bee no contentment: for then, let him con-
elude a peace with a Prince of an other Religion^
itmW^tonelehofophats caCcy 2.Chro. i5». j.and
befaid,as vnto him, H'ouldejlthou helpe the wicked^
andloue them that hate the Lord? Doth he, vpon iufl
reafons,either breake the pcacc,with whom he had
As K/«^^ Jo priefles are brands
concluded it-or be at cnmitie, vpon great injuries
ofFcredjwichaiir/-^^ whom the people approuc, or
tradcwithalijwbereby, either charges for warrc
arc Icuicdjor their tratfique hinderedPthcn it will be
cafe, Exod .5.21, DoMinns & iudictt.
The Lord IcokevfonjcuAti^tudgc , fcr joh hAuemade
ear fauer to flinke before Ph/rao^Aisdbefore his feruants^
andyehauepnt afivord in their hAndes to Jliie vs. To
tiiefe fiersjtothefe fcarcs and difaflersjis this wafltr-
Brandcxpofedjinfomuch, that iomzKings hauc a-
j iiowed itjif Men kncwe the hazzards annexed to a
; Crowne would not Ooope to taJe,toktllS.Paul.3m thereisa two-
fold fire,which haxzardeth this5;'W-ihefirI}, that
h\d^g.20ylgnis Shechemtic(ts,thcfierie/pirits oiDini
fion andfiparafion,which vcrf.23 ,thc HolyChofiisXih,
islaidto,andkindledby znevilljpirit: the other,
that in the 2 Sam.I6.i.IgnisShemeiticusAerietongns
& reprochful contumelies,which D^/z/W Pfal. 12 0.4
for ihefcortching heate thereof, callcth carbones la-
ttiperfxhccoaiaokJuniperthe vulgartranflatesit
Carbones defclatoriosfire which laicth wafle a mans
goodnamc. But vvhat is in thefe lrands.,xh^i makes
them, ^sSalomon fpcaketh , Carbonesadprunas^Prou^
26 tit
Exod. 5.ZI.
Icr. I i.ip.
Act. 23.12.
1 tall 10,4
PrO,i^j^2i J
'T'^o caufes of prelates heebig'Brands.
z5.ii < chuscombuftible , thus attratliue cfthcfe
flamcsJfor oughtlcanleamin fcripture,two.5«f«-
tiaz.ndpreUtura. we will goe no further then thefirft
verfe of this Ch^ipter 3 Uhofhrn is firft a priefly and fe-
condly an Highprieji ;for thefirft priejislips mu(i
prejerue knowledge, Malach. 2.7# Et in mult afciefftid^
mult A ejt mdignatio^imh S demon ^'EQc\e{.i .is. Much
knowledgebreedes muchmdignotion.Now Indigna-
tionis afre,(^nhthcProphet, it will the partie
whom it malignes, as fire vexeth the rawe fiefh in the
rofting or boyling. Si autfifceilam iuttco texerem^out j
pdmAriifolia complicarem^autfudere vultuspanem com-!
ederem:^wc):e I a Basket-maker,or a garland winder, j
orofany bafe trade that fhouldmakc meefiTe'Titfor j
the bread I eate, faith S. Hierom, Nemo me morderet^
nemoinuideretfHo man wouldmalignerne,noman
would traduce mejbut now, that I giue my felfe to
the ftudie and interpretation of the Scriptures, I am
a Diume^z Writer,3. Preacher-^Me ohelefcis mtant, I am
fcortcht colebUck mihi\\Q\iohliJques^^obloquies,hnd
certainlyfo it is, the meaneft mechanicdl trades- man ^
amongft vsfinioyes his vocati5,\yith Icflc cnuie and
regretjthen the Minifter doth (for,cue to he aprieflfis
reproach enough it [elfin our ^Secondly he is an
Highpriefl-^\ii%Pi^tnox\iic and Degree drawes on
the firft/;r^,for thither ifltieth the fiery blaftc oiCorah
and his cQm^XictiyToutaketoomuchvponyou, 'J^fofis
and Aaron, ought there not to hee a paritie in thepriejl.
hoodl And this firezs you know,and wee fcelc,hath
fet Rotam noflra generAtionis,3sS^ lames fpeakcthjinto
aCombuftion. This S. Paul himfclfc feemeth to
z.Cor. 11,28
I Cor.8,«4
acknowledge,for no fooncr had the Apoftle,2,Cor.
11.28.declared his Vrtkcie^ namely, that hcc wzs m-
cumhed with the care of all the Churches'f>\ii prcfcntly,
in the next verfe,3s if hee had bcene in ihtfire alrea-
dy,he crieth out, J^isfcandali^aturet egomn vror ?
Vl'ho is offended and I burnt which,bcca u fe it can-
not be vnderftood , Cfor S.p4«i was
very warieoftheni, as appeareth, i.Cor. 8,I3J
rauft be meant oifcandalspafsme^ offences vniuftly
taken,forwhich S.P4«/muft fmart, hyihcfcortch-'
ing calumnies offalfcbrethren/and doubtlcflc foit
15,311 the errors and abufes in Church arc laid vp-
on the Vrelates and Couernors of the fame. Is the
C/e/gi^ignoiantor diffolute? furcly, the Btffofs are
too blamcifor likcoid£//V i. Sam. 2, through want
of executing difcipline, they fuffcro^^w and
4;,thcinferiour^n>/?;,to make the Lords feruicc &
Religion abhominable. Arc they feucrc in puni-
fhingthcr^4i74r/>& difobedtethhe Bifhops fault,
it is the fyranie ofDiotrephes^^Aoh^ vcr.ioWhfi loues
to haue thefreemineee^ "& thruji the godlj brethren out
of the Church. Difchargc they any publike feruice
impofedby authocitieithcyare Carnalifs prime fir-
uers,Mtplea/ers,Bal4mifsypreaching for Prefcrmets,
'th'isareyvefcortched as blackcas any cole, and as
the ^poftlefpeaketh i. Cor,4.-^i men appointed i.cor.4.j).
to death (that is , as Brandts prepared for the fire)
SpeciaculumfaPlifmus, wee are made a blazing fpc-
(flacle vnto i be worldrand though,faith the Prophet,
wcneithercffcr^nor doe wrong,ler. 15.10, Omnes
ti'»enmaledki*nt nobis,euery contiirnc'ious mouth
Plin. lun.
a Chro.ii.
Qou7ifellorsand ^tatef'tncnare (Brands.
isopcnagaihft vs. Neytliernny'tbc thirdforte
[Socij'vtrmfque] dcz^c\h\%br.ir.iimgfre. For, (ee
ingitisC7Wi prcrogatiiie aboucall carti.ly Kinges, j
to manage his affaires without theaduifeofothcrsj j
^is emmConfiliciriuseiui? faith the Prophet, Efa* i
40,1 jj And that cuen the vvifcft ir/^^rfvnleflethey j
will,as Pltnie faid oiDomtian, hauc elinguem Curt-
am, z Senate foY pompcnotfordiredlion, but do a!
alone) willandmufthaucfome to communicate
their fccrcts offiate withall: let thefe look to if j for
if the counfels they giiic, whether in verti-
giniSftisihcCouKfiHorsoiZoan.Eh.i^, 14, mif-kd
by CYYOY^OYin/ptrttuveritatis, vpon goodgroundes
and to very good purpofe, as CAhitcpheh to Dauidt
whofec#«;^e//wcre as (UqOraclesoiGod: 2. Sam.
i^.zj: IfjlfayjihcyhauenotrucccfTe to the gene-
rail expediation and wifh, vppon thernvnntt the
whole burthen of the cucnt alight; All errors in the
flate, cy cher perfonall for the K.wg, or general! for
the heaped vpon to rcproach,bc-
caufe it is fuppofcd, andthefpiritofG^isffccmcs to
implie it,2.Chro.2 2.4, that the 5oueraignes actons,
are according te hts Counfellors dire6iions. Iftherfore
in that honourable ranke,there be either a LMecenas
to kcepthetn,lcaft, ashigh ReueUticns, (o their
^ublmesxidcammiundtrgflaces^ iTiould hoaucthem
I vp tea fur^ucdrie in themfelues, a fcrgetju!m(Je of
God^ an offrejjion to their vnderlingcs. For firft,
if alKings could record the lafl pai t of the ^een of
^4^4 her acclamation, f.Reg. 10.9, and remember
that t? Filius Sapuftmrn
Ego,ego filius Regum Antiquortm,'Cne\x Regall dejcent,
ihzlxRoyAllindovpments-y A.x\dixhzioi Salomons, Ec-
clef 8.3.' Omnequod volueritfaciet ReXytheix vnlimi-
ted authority and prerogatiues, and thatjVCrfe 4: Nec
poteftquifquam dicere quareitafacis] their vncontrou-
lablecommmdeSythdix pomrparamount-^h^x\d that of
Kebuchednez-ary Dan.4. ^ 7j Is not this Great Babel}
Sec* The ex ten ft on of their territories y the tnagntfi'
cence of their buildingesy and xheafjluence of their
malth; It pleafcth therefore this our lehouah to ha-
zardthcm,either in their perfons, or in their States,
with fomc dagcrs,that they may acknowledge with
the Vropkty Pfal 82.7, Though |they bee Gods in
digniticand place, yet that Princes may fall and die
The fame reafon for prelates^
Ukeothermen. Hccvvasa K/^^fand a famous one)
that faid and Tung ir,PraI, 30, e^E^o^dixi inahan.
dant'iA me a, nonmouehor in xtermm, / fid in my prof
ferity yl Pull neaer be remoued, thou Lordcf thy goodnes
h^Jlrndde mymountiinefo frong:^ vz. giucn mc vidlo*
rieouermineencmieSjfhblilhmcnr in my ilircnc,
peace within mine owneboorders, fidelity of my
Subicdies, and children of my loincs for fuccefifi-
on ; vex.-J,anertififaciemtuamtlomz
extremity or orhcratrachcd him,and then hce chan-
gcs his tune, Etftllusfum conturb^tus^ and what
propte is therein my blond [infngnintbui] to be borne
a Kjng^ or to bee a father of being thus con-
tinualiy cxpofedjand fubied to fuch fcares and dan-
gerst' The like is IehoHah\\\% mAl of Gouernort, Tub-
ordinate to Pr/'/JW, but chicfeboth in Church and
State: forthc hrft,thereisa fesre, it feemethby S.
Panlji, Tim. 3.6, That Chnrch-frefermextet \yil\ j rTim.^.e.
make men proud for as a quill jyc/er, i.
Cor.8.i,blowcsvppcthccheekes,andmakes feme
j men look, and fpeake big: & Authority ioyncd with-,
(all rvpor y pu-ftrs vptheirmindes,7.Tim.6.^, and like
elmventusTyfhonicuf,Ad: 27.14,makesihem bin-
Iter,and carry themfclucs like a tcmpcfl:,that whcr-
as they are fct ouer their UMimpers to be Fathersvn-
to thcm,by aduife to dired them, with loue tocen-
fure them, they doc,which is S.Pftffj word,!. Pef
ui) Mratw^fitvuv 7av domincre like Tyrants
oucr their yea, which is S.Pao/r, Colofif*
2. IS. Icade rhem in triumph, as if
they had gottm them in conqueft , and for a
Hisftre for Prelates and Statefnun,
2. Cot.4.6t
lac. J.9.
Mart, Mar
tn Epifl,
rpoile, keeping them rather in awe, then order, and
in a fcruile fcare, rather then a reuerent awe .• but
if to knowledge and authority wealth accructh, that
rvjimt 2.Cor.4.6. blindes them, either lulling them
in idlcncs, that they become blindeguides through
ignorance: or hood-winkes them to be blinde Cen-
not willing to fee ofiPcnces forgiftesand re-
W4rdes. And therefore it picafeth to let them
palfe through thc//re,eit her of fome reproachful She-
mei{for\hetongisafire^{i\xh S. Jacj. 6.) to reuiic
their perfons; oxbomovnnaturall Cham^ toreueale
their turpitudes,or fome Te'ptngRhettrcultjls^io crle
them dovvneinto PremunirieSi or which' was S.
P4«/rfearcinhimfelfe,a Cor./2.2f, Gcd himielfe
will abafc them among the people,that it fhal breake
their hartesto feetliac,which S,P4»/complained oi
in the fame Chapter, verfe their wuch carexti\M-
ned with little louct their labors many, but fruitlefle
hwdLxi^ocii Zorobabelf K'tngts attendantes^ and
officers of State^ liad not fome fieri trials to palfe,
perhaps,as they hauc the ^«eewof Sahaes blclfing,
r.Reg.io-8. Happy are thy feruantes which /land euer
before thee( for it is a hlefftng of God to /land before prin-
ces in daily attendance andferuice^ andwaswont to bee
the reward of diligence >Vxo\x.zi .29 y not a gtft of fa-
uour) So,their behauiour may bee fuch, that(as
the tafk-mafters vndcr Pharao^nox caring how they
vexe the fubiedfjfo the Prince may bee intiched,
Exod.^.io,) the peoplefliall curfcthemrfor'whe
the wicked are in authority, populus oemit^ Proii:
- 2- 29.2
Z9.2' and their groanes oft times breakcout into
execrations. Man) Salomon^ doe afi
feci the face of the Ruler ^ that is,to be his fauorites &
officers, Sed iud/ciutp a Dominoegreditur (ingulorurn^
^to,29,l6^\ilGodhath aiudgementfor euery oneofihe^
cyther to reftraine them from opprcffing, or punifli
them foroppreffing.
Thusfarre goeth Jehouah\mdcx hhfire. Now
weecometo S/jtrfWjfbr they both vkftre'm their
executions but as xht Greeke Fathert elegantiie
diftinguilh vpon i .Pe/. i .7 : Gods fire is 4 (<
ignis adjfrobationem. In the of this Prophclie,9.
ver: Fram eos fcut.vritur argentumj T mil trie them
inthefiretikeasfilueris /r/W.Thediuels is^j ty^Trnfmniv
Ignis ad^erditionem^^conUiming,^ deiiouring fire:
for it is well obfcrued by Gregorie, th at nihil Sat ana
fatiatynifianimam fauciet ^myynifianimam tollat: the
Diuelis not f3tisfied,vnlefre he wound ihefouUymy
vnlcffehee take away the life. Theground thereof
S. 54r»Wtelleih vs,is bonis quamsfacere,
quanos habere vtdet, inuidet^ His enuy of
happines in Paradife,m2idt him tempt tofinne,
but hiscndwastohaue^i/^fethem bothj for taking
holds of that threats , UMorte morieris^ it hee
wrought vpon, and at that hee aymed, which
made our Sauisur, lohn s. 4^. to tearmchima
murthererfrom the beginning An vfhich cafe heev-
feth a (hrcwde policie: for though hee woulde not
care,ifa!lthemcninthe worlde were on a light
firc,yet,ifheeefpic that there hsc l'itiones, fume
whome God (for beft reafons knowne to himfelfe)
Ibid.vcr.a ^
I."cm .7.
lob, I
Bern, in
Vcr, t.
Zich.'i. I J,
^ s, _
Satan aimeth at thT^eath'of t\irfges.
doth afflid, hazard, or cndaunj^er, he wilnot bee
quiet,but as in this place,ade
E~ And
T he fame end and m other for Prelates.
And no othcr,buc vtter extirpation intendeshe,for
leholhua the PreUtesand Clergie; for,that the
i/?frJismadcthe woridcs dildainc, and theC^/f/i>.
i.Pet. 5.8.
alight to fliew the way,aocl a hand to dircd which
way; luch is their office, who arc incounfcil of |
both dettgere prodttorU^ to recriuc and be-
wray ton^ftradesAodtrencherous flatSt if there bee
any,as tMordecd 10 Ahafhuerus, Hes\.:z. 22: and
alio dirigere ad fana, to aduifc the bed for the King
sxidRealme^ ostheolde ,,5c»rf/tfrr to young Rehobo-
am,i' Rcg.i2.Thefe.//^^ref thcrch^re, as (landing
in lus light, the Prince of darl, the Realnse
is fuhuerted. Bis nature, that hee is an Abaddon,
Rcud, 9.11, xbxL\%z Dedroyer, S» Peter fayeth,'
he is a Uon* i .Pet* 5.8 * not contcn t to range,vnlcflc j
hee roare, nor fatilfied vnlcfic heearight
Incet^diarius; that wil not fuller a to cfcape,
butif heecanaitfliallintothc/iire. Sed increpettele-
houa,\% the beginning of this wrye^there is a hookc
for this who though hee haue the pray
in his mouth,yet his ia wes (hall not raecrcj heer^oi
fogreedytodeuoure, but leheuahvkS watchful! to
deliuer. though it bee 7orris inigniy^ndeuennow
taking flame, yet it (ball bee Tt/ia erepta, fnatcht
Gocis mercy in deliuering
outandfaucd; wherein two thingcs are tobccob-
ferucd. i. theffetie mj^eneralKy.^ the manner of the
fafetie in the word [crepui]And that is two-fold:
I, in the fimple rapius , a fpccdj and vmx^edied
dcliuerance.2. in the com pound, ereptas,^fttli &3
pomrftdl relcuc.
It is the Lords mercy thai tvee arc not all corfu-
med,faith Ieremy,LmKnt.3. 2 2;buthisprincipall
mercy it is to rcfcuc and (aucK/ngs and Gouernours^
forrathcrthcn they flialmifcarry orperifli,hc wil,
faith tsauid,'Pfal, i7,a, (endfrom heauen tofaue them,
from thole that would deuoure and fwallow them:
other men bee faueth by diuerfe mcanes, but he is
roburfalutum vncii eiu;tpfe, Pfal.:28,8, yea therein
istheextentioncfhts bccaufeit iscommu-
uicatedvntomany- for the fafetie of the Ktng,is the
incolumitjof thervhole Nationbut, \iHerod be tro-
bled, alllerufalemistroxMcd withhiin.-Mat. 2.7.'
cfpercuJfoPafloredifpergiturGreXj faith our Prophet^
Cap. 13.7, Smite the jhtpbeard, and the whole flocke
will befc&ttered.kud as it is his mercy^ fo it is his wif-
domealfoi fox theyreprefent his Perfon, I hcue faid
yee are Cods, Pfal. 8 2.j that is> for Kinges &Jlatefe-
men-, and prefent his mefjage, p>ro\Chrifio legatione
fungmiur,z Qor,'^,'i.o^ we are emhaffadorsfor Chrifl:
that is,for l^relates and Churchmen,Magiflracy of both
forts is his ordinance, '^ovn. 13.1. What hec hath
ordainedjitflands with his wifdome tomaintaine.
And as the refcue of them afgueihhis we^c^and
wifedomefo the maner thereof,his power^ and glory.
Hispower, for therein hee flievveth, that hee hath
F[,Si.. a5»
I Aaifi,
i.Rcg.iS, 38
as Ddufd obfcructhamf^imodam ftlute^ P(a.6S.2o, All
mmner of delmerAnce!, by dete&ton of the confpi-
rjcic, by proteBion from them, ty preuention be-
fore thedaunger, hyfahuenfon'm it; the birde in
the A 'rejhall bewrdyttf EccIef. io.20, or the n'/»^of
thcbsrdc, ibcpeme of a quill fhall rcucale it. A
Panmus terror^ as in the liege of the Afiriant'^ a
ruwer vnexpeCtid, as in the freights of Dduid, a
youth not thought ofyinmfdxe confpiracyfor Paul-^ a
fu^den Earthquake^ as in thcdurcllcof the ApcjlUs:
briefly,asl>4«/i/rpc3k(th, Pfal 68.21. Dominifint
cxitus mortit, the iff net of death, and the variety of
ifrucsarethcZ(?/'iif/.' i^ccording to thedaungtr fuch
jhall hee the iffue : are ibexe degrees of perils, not
oncly thepitte, but the horrible put from thence he
fvxxbfetcht meeout,faithz?4«/W, Pfal, ^0,2. Arc
there degrees oi deathh% it fcemeih by J.PWthere
are, notonelytwoff a;/«/^,butrrf;>r4 ntorsfo^reat^
death-, Hee hath dcliuered vs froth Co great a death,
faiththc ApoftlCji.Cor, i.io. Now if there bee a
tantumin zwy daunger ox death, it is in that which
ishyfrey an vnmerciful Element, the Egyptians all
it Eelluam animatam: Seeihcrrf^e of this beaffixt
the!.Rcg.i8.38,thc/refclfj and prefentfy.wM-
uit Holecaujla, &ligna, ^ lapides, ^ puluerem: H
diuouredthefacrifce, the woode, the foxes,the du[l al-
fo,and twelue barrels y bejides a rehole trench full of
water, all at once in a moment, i'ccthe^/'e<
Pfal. f7,8.
l%e application, ^ c.
hiffor heere prefcnt, •fetter acquainted with them
(asisfittc) then tnyfelfc: and fo many Treatifes^
extant, amplifying it more fully, then either iny
skill will afford, or this time permit.
My office is, by Salomons rule (as you heardc
in the beginning^ to inforce my fpeech at this
time Chilis SiimuUs^to imprint in your minds
the Wr^rofthe daunger, and to excite you to
thankrgiuingforthe7?<^//e. And wy duty is, to
keeps mee to my Text.O f the 2ncendiarij,i\\tBou •
tefeux ( So DauidcdWzihUyich wrcichcs,Pfal. 57
sO ihok firesbrandss that would haue fet thcfc
maijlerbrandes on a flame, not one word, cyther
by way of inucAfliue or commemoration. For
firftjthey come not within my text:(cc6, bafc of
birth, and raifcd by a fadion.* The ^eme a U-
'^abel^ Idolatrous and dillblute: The PWw>ye;y?^/f elementj and the moft dcadlie
ofall elememesy fire-y ^ ofyW fiers the moft helUp} and
fpeedyy GFN-P OWD ER FlRE-^ cowchcd in
j adarke Vault, inclofcd in barrels, enuironcd with
1 yrons,enucloped with wood and co\es(Allferiefu'
1 ell) to hauehoiftcdjfo hauccrufhcd, to haue dif-
I membred, the mofiHonorableK^ffembljofchriflen-
\dpmey fitting in their Sratey in the houfc of Peace,
in their Senate ofy^rfeti/ Ceunfell, and that in the
twincklingofaneyc, with one deadly thundering
hkw-y as if xhthoufe of parUmenj had bcenc an o-
ther Mount Sinai, Exod. 19,16, & were to dcliucr
h^esmmigne, tonitru,(frfumOy & tremerehorrihi-
It, with fre and thunder and fmeake, and an exceeding
trembling. Surely, wee might hauc bcgunne the
verfe with T)auidy[Weewent through ft e and water, ]
but.Coi/knowcs whether we might hauc ended the
verfe with him or no? [thou hajlbrottghtvs cm into a
rvealthypUce,yotldo\\hi whether the moft fccure
in his own confcicncejcould haueacertained him-
felfc, bccingfurprifed with fo fuddcnafrufli, that
hec was fufficiently prepared to hce recciucd into
Heauea^hdmnable firethat (hould haue deflroied both
body and foule. I come to the thirde; that is,
[ Ereptus ] the manner of the deliuery . And
therein my fong mull bee with D4«/d, of mercy
~Th^ application'and conclujton,
and iudgemm: of mercy ^ in dcliitering vs: ot iudge-
^ent^xnfo deliueringvs. Theirowne/<7«»^(\vhich
Bafd callcth 'Plecirtm mcn\ts) or their Pe;; rather
Cwhich is ple^rumlmga^ycLndmokcsthc tongue to
fpeake, where it cannot be heat6) coucrtly dcfcri-
bing it: but withall (7<;^/rfpirit,infpiringtbc Kwg
to reucalc it fully ^ though mc^grucufy.iov^mdicj
hadheenot keeae abetter Prophet thendn that point j hee
was a Grammarian^ wcc might all haue pcriihed,&
neuer knowncwho had hurt vs, Butthisis Gods
gloriCy which addesmuch to his mercy fu-d.t though
hce bring vs ados fepulchrSy to the mouth of the graue^
to the pits brinkc, yet hee will not leaue vsiaw/-
lemortis: dicweemuft, and it is d. Statute in the
j Padament of Heauen ^(Statutumeji ommlus femel
'mori : but hee will not traderenosmorti^ bnth T a-
uidy P/al.II8.18;giue vsouerto die^PE R TR A-
DAT 10 N E (J^-Tjihst is, hy treafon and con/piracie.
Laftly, whichis my principall part, and that
which I am to vrgc, is this fame ( Nonne) 'Hgnne'i
was it not a Orange dcliucrie? and then againc,
Tionne] Is it not perpetually to be recorded?Sure-
ly^ illehouah remember vs with his Nonnel Is not
this a brand fnatcht out of the pre] ? verified of our
whole landfas of lerufalem here):fhall not we an-
fwer h.im with DauidsNonnel Pfa.^z. i. ISlcnne Deo
fubieSla erit anima nojlrai Shall not our fiules waite
flt\l vpon God J (ince that of him commeth our falu at ion>
Zerobabef lehod^ua, and that Companie cckhxRtcd
this their dcliiieric,Cap./^in Fr/gofs aeclamatio-
nibus, vdih (liouting acciamations,and the ia-hur.
F 2 den
Heb.9.17 -
i Lo/?c^tifiUr'i.
cfgff of their flioutcs, and fongcs, was Gratia, Gratidi
we furely in our re/'cue haue fcenc Gratram Dei:
ihall weenot in o'^iCMemorid rhcrcoffing'Grrf-
ttas Deo ? if heein ourdeliucrie hauc vereficd the
laft vctfc of the 147. Pfal, Hee hath not dealt fo with
anj nation : It may bee a fhamc for vs, if wcc goe
not on forward to the firft vcrfe ofihc very next
Vfalme : O prayfe the Lord of Heauen^ praje him in
the highejl, 1 o him therefore, as for all his mcr-
cles wee arc mofl bound, fo for thit deliuerance,
(next to our redemption, from Hell-ftre by the
hlood of Chriji) aboue,and more then
all, bee afcribcd all Glory^ power,
prayje and dominion ^ now
and for euer , -
' IM ""'
1 "sj
1 M i 1
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