A Theater of the Planetary Hours George Simotta 1631 A THEATER OF THE PLANE' ~ TARY HOVRES FOR ALL DAYES OF THE- Y E A R E. VVherein may be gathered from the earthjVnder the CcEleftiall influences jdivers forts ofhearbs, rootes, leaves^ barkes, flowers, fruits, feedes, fioncs, animals,&c. for the vfc ofPhyfick: whereby bochtuddcnly, and happily inflrcnitics may be Cured. The evils too arc let dovvnc,rhat happen^ and arc cau/ed by the feuen Plan nets; The friendfliip and ha- tred betwixt them: theSunnerifing; and to findc thcdctciminatcfceure of it. A worke not oncly curious and delightful!, but likewife neceflaryfor Phyfitiaas,and a!) curious fpirits. Compofed by George Simotta a Grecian , ofQona fianttmpUy SfAgirick Phyfitian, to Monficur, brother to his Majeftie of France, Tranjlated eut of Greeke, into French^ and now into Englifhyftted to our Calculation. Printed at London by %^atthei»es, and art to be foldc by Cborge Baker, mere Charing Crofl'c,atthc fignc of the White Lyon. 1^31. T O T H E R I G H T VVorfliipfull Sir Robert JEton, Secretary to the Queenes raoft Excel- lenr Maieltie. Sfli: ' Here frefume to pre^ jent jou vpith a fmaU thing y whichJlands in neede of a fatron of ^fuch worth nsyourfelfy conltdering that both this time and place y are jo much giuen to callumnu atCy cenfure , and depraue , euen the hejl of JVorl{S of what nature Jo euer, Icraueyour worthy^Fatronagey in re^ JjeU it is a Stranger lately come from A 3 France, - - The Epiftle Dcdicatorie. France 3 put into this Englijh hahtte bj one rphtch Tpos fometimeyours, and fent thus into puhlique viey^> by him^ that by your daily and frequent fa-^ Hours you haue made y our ^ though vn^ isporthy Seruant, George Baker. A f •) A THEATER OF THE PLANETARY HOVRES FOR ALL THE DAYES OF THE YEARE» Is divine Majeftic out of the inevacuabic fource of his vncreated wifedome,by his infinite providence, in the Creation of this great vni- vcrfe, did cftablifh all the creatures for his glory, and the benefit of men. In fa much that the earth, his foo ftoole, embellifhed with fo many bcautifull creatures, doth abound in plants, hearbs, trees, fecdes, barkes, woods, gummes, iuiccs, mettalls, raincralls, and demy- mineralls. All, asMsyfes faith in the firfl ofhis Cenefis, ijs fnbinde adprofuljandos motbos vtert- tur ab Adam propagatafoboleSj That Adams nie might vfe them to preferue health: And the living creatures in fo many fcverall kindes have peopled the Sea, filled the ayre, and inhabited the earth vnder the government of men,rojwhoni, as (i) as to their Soveraignes, they ought to be as Tub- jeded; and the heavens,repleniflicd with a thou- fand glirtcring lights, the cover of this lower World, by their motions and light, being govcr- nedby thecommandementot thefupreamc mo- ver, lend downe their powers on men , by in- telligenccs moving; the opinions offacredTheo. logians, as Ricbardm in his fccond bookc, Art. . and aifo Saint Bomvcnture, and Saint waSf who will, that the higheft or Empyreal] hea- ven , doth infufe fome etfcds into our lower earth. It is moftcertainethat the fuprcame Crea- tor hath ordained the heavens, as all the other creatures, notonely for mens prefent benefit, but for that to come; that if the heavens did not in- fufeonvs, it were enough to deftroy that mod great principle of our Religion. And Damaf. in his 3. booke, Chap. 22. faith in this behalfe, Im- pofibiU ejl aliquant fubflantiam expertem e(Je naturali operatione, vfui homimm conferente, ergo e^c. It is impoffible, that any fubftancc can bee voyde of fome naturali operation, conducing to the profit of men, therefore &c. The Theologians gather from the heavens three forts of influences appropriated to the three faculties of ourlmmortall foule; The ftarric hea- yen, wi-^h all the firftand wandring ftarrcs,powrc their influences into the Vegetative ; the Em- pyreall into the Reafonablc; and the Chriftalinc, or firft mover, iufufeinto the Scnfitivcj never- theleiTe, none of thefe influences can force our li- berty, (i) berty, although the heavens fend them the one by their motions, the others by their light, and the others by their vertue; So theEmpyreall heaven, without moving its ielfe, fendeth downc its vertue here bdowe, notwithftanding that it be dift-m' from vs fb farre, that, according to Be' dA in his booke, De imagme m mdiSvom the earth to the firmament, there are three hundreth thou- find,one hundreth and twenty five leagues. And from that, to theEmpyreall heaven, are, ten hun- dreth millions of leagues: But to fiiy truth (it it be not by revelation from God) no certainemea- furecanbe determined. I conclude, Amajoread minm, from the greater to the le/fer, that, fincc the influences doc defccnd from fuch a height, by a more ftrong reafon may they come from the heavens, that are neere vs j all wh;ch influences are not in the heavens by their nature, but by their efFe<51:s, as the Aftroiogians fay ; IfSaturne becr^lde, thecaufeproceedeth from his motion, which is flowe, and lingring. and, for that he is fb farre diflantfrom vs, and do h not end his courfe but in thirty yeares, according to the fame BedA: Now, the other planets, that are of mare fpeedy motion, and doe (as it were) with a fwifc, and ra- pid courfe,and in little time, make their Revolu- tion, are hot, and dry ; as Sd, and MArs: But whatavaileth itvsto bring fo farre'f tcht rea- fons 1 Since that, fo necce vs, thefc eftl ifts are de- dared vnto vs fo evidently, in the foure ele- meats, in the living creatures, in the plants, in B the ("4) the fea, in thcayre, in cutting, fawing,gathering, grafting, and over all the creamrcs: So that if man know not the rcafon of ihtfe things, hee ought to feeke it in the myracles of nature. To the end then, that every one may the better know, how to make vfe of thcfe operations, even in matter of Phyfick, they miiftchule thcdaycs, the houres, the plants , vnder fuch favourable afpcds, and agreeable influences of the Starrcs, as can, by their agreeable vertue, give health vn- to the ficke • for the Planets and fixed Starrcs, doe caufe all infirmities : wherefore they muff chufc the Planet,that is encmie to that Planet that brought forth that cvill j and fo, by the contrary cfft <5^, put it away and diffolue it. Wherefore ArmuldoiViUemufe, inhisbooke, Defimfltcibus Medtcindt faith thcfe words, /-dhcvtipfkherb^, fiercSf radicesy (jrfcmina, habunt (ingHlarem virtu- tern, ^ freprietatim admorbes tollendos, funt CoHi- genda fecimdum diverja figna Zodtaci, (^uia cuius jalicitu oferantur in morbis. Moreover, that the very hcarbs, flowers, rootes, and feeds, may have a fingular vertue, and quality to remove diieafcs, they are to be gathered according to the feveiall figncs of the Zodiack, becaufe fo they doe more rpeedily and fuccesfully worke on difeafes. For which caufc, frft, I have thought good to € t downe the Plan ts in order, and the infirmi- tics that are caufcd by them. Secondly, the certainc houre of the Sunnes rifing every day in the yearc, to the end that you may (5) may eafily finde out the houre wherein you arc to gather or take the plants, ftoncs, or animals, to cure your infirmities. Thirdly, I haue fet downe too, the vnequall Planetary houre, as well of the day as of the night, whereby you may know certainly what Planet lhall governe. Fourthly, you have in like order, the friend- Ihip, and enmity of the Planets; which are ene- mies amongfi them j that you may the more ea- filyfinde the Planet, enemie to it that fliall cauft thedifcafe, and in the fame houre that is govcr- ned by it, the infirmity may be cured. Laftly, the cures of all vfuall dilcafes are fet downe. C H A p. I. Whdtthe infirmities and difeafis arej»htch are can* fed hy every ef the Planets. Aturne governing, doth caufe all cold difcafes, astheGowtin the feete, Leprofie, the Scab, the Pallia,^^artane A|ues,the Drop* fie, Catarrcs, Diffluxions on the Lungs,Confumptions, Coughes, and the like cold and Melancholick infirmi- ties. lu/fiter caufeththe Cramp, ftupidncfle, infla- B 2 mation Ctf) inatibti df the lyuer, thehcad-ach, paincsinthe ihoulders, the Squinance, Apoplcxie, the CardU' cafApo or heart fickneffe, the bloudy flux, and the like. Mars caufeth burning Feavers , ImpoRumes, tertian, quotidian, and intermitting Agues, Saint Antonits fires. Carbuncles, Fiftulaes, dififenterics, and the like hot difeafes. Sot caufeth defluxions and rhewmes that fall on the eyes, coldnefle of the ftomack, and lyvcr, fwotn ings, red choller, the Catarre, blifters on the Matrice, and fuch other infirmities on the lower parts. caufeth the Scab, the French Pox, the Lienterick Flux , Paifions and Suffocations of the Matrice, and all other difeafes of the like na- ture. Mercur'm caufeth hoarcenclfe, all padions of thefenfes, the falling fickncffe, common impe- diments of the tongue , and its paifionsobfirii- dlions of the Gall, and all melancholick evils. Lum caufeth the Palfey , the Chollick, the termes, the Dropfie, Phlegmatick impoflumes, and all the infirmities that proccede from the ob- ftrudion of the veynes. Now, to cure any ofthcfeinfirmiries infalli- biy, and not as fome Phyficians proccede,. SaIuo fempr iure calcult, keeping dill a iud account, it is requifitc to makevfe of Affrologie, &the afpeds of the fearres and of their influences, and rhat is to be vndcrftood in curartgulmpx a regular cure, / and ( 7 ) zvi^ TioX coAcik praifica,hy forced pradi/e.WhefliV6n(os,Mi,r,Lun. Saturn, Monday. (I 1) i 2 3 4 5^ Monday. Lmm, SAturJupiter^M4rs,Stl,rc?tfttl 7 89 10 II 12 Jidercu.Lu».Sattty»Jtipfter,M4rs,Sit, 12345 6 Tuefday, Mars. S «l. ye»M,Merc».Lttna.Satm, 7 8 p 10 II 12 lufit. Mars, Sol. Venus. Mcrcu. Luna, 123 4 56 Wedncfday. Mcrsu.Lun.Sasuru. Jufiter,Mars,Sil, 7 8 9 10 II 12 Fcnus.Mercu.Lun,Satur,fupitMarf, 1234 5 ^ Thurfday. lupit.Mars. Sel. Venus,Mercu,Luna, 7 8 9 10 II 12 Sati(rn,Iupit,Mars,Sol.Venu4.Mcrc», 1234 5 <5 Friday. Venus.Mercu.Lun. Satur.Iuptt.Mars, .78 9 10 11 12 Sol, Venm.Mercu Luna.Satur, lufit, I 2345 6 Saturday, Saturn.Jupit.Mars.SoLVenus.Mercn, 7 8 9 10 II 12 Luna.Satnr,Iupiter.Mars,Scl.Vcnus, The hourcs of the night. 12-345 6 Sunday. Jupit.Mars. Sel. Venus.Mercu,Lana, 7 8 9 10. II 12 Sam,lupit.Mars. Sel.Venus. Mercu, C 2 Monday —V •f»4) 1254 ^ Monday. Veaut-Mercu.Lun. Satur.Iupit.Mars^ 78 9 10 II 12 Sol, VenutMtrcu.LmA.SMur, lupt, 1 i 3 A- 5 6 THCfday, SAturn.lupitMArs,Sel.VenusMcrcu. 78 9 10 II 12 LunA,SAtur,lupter Mars.Sol.Venus, 123 4 J 6 Wednefday. SoU Venusiter, 78 9 10 II 12 Mars. Sol. Venus. Mercu.Luna.Satur, I 2 3 4 5 <5 Thurfday. Luna^ Satur,Iupiter,Mars, Sel, Venus. 7 8 9 10 II 12 Mercu.Lurt.Saturn.Iu^iterM*rs,Sel, 12345 6 Friday. Mars, Sol, VenusMer.Lun. Saturn. 7 8 p lo II 12 Jtipt.Mars,Sol, Venus.Mercu.Luna, I 1 3, 4 5 <5 Saturday. Merc».Lun.Saturn. lufiter,Mars.Sol, ,7 8 9 11 12 Fem,Merett,LHn,Satur,rupit,Mars, Which ('9) Chap. nil. Which are friendlj Planets one to another, Ol is a friend to lufiter and Fenus, Luna is friendly to Pupter,Fenuittmd Satnrne. Mars is a friend to Venm, Mercurj is friendly to lupter, Fensss, and Sa- tnrne. Jupiter is friendly to Sol, Luna, Mercury, Fenut, and Saturne. T^he Tlanets that are enemies one to another, \ Sol is encmie to Mars, Mercufy, and Luna, Luna is enemy to Mars and Mercut ins. Mars is enemie to Luna, Mercuric, and Saturne^ but moft to Sol and Jupiter. Mercuric is enemie to Sol, Luna, an^ Mars, . Jupiter ISMars, Fenus is enemk to Saturne. C J Excel- jr - ^ _ ( ) Excellent and approved Secrets^. with the manner how, and when they arc to be taken, and made, vnder the Influen- ces of the Starres, whereby the fol- , lowing infirmities may in very ihotC time bceurcd. I, Agdinfithihendacht, Vpiter caufeth this evill ; Take the hcarbe called Pfilio or Flea- bane, in the houre of Mars his cnemie j ftampe it, and mingle it with vinegar, and apply it to the forehead. 2. AgdinfFremcitsorjhdrfeTiivers, Thefc difcafes are caufed by lMots: Take therefore in the houre of Luntt^ Met cutSaiuruCf S»l, or Iffpiter his enemies, rhe milke of any beafi-, except that of Goates ; boylc it, and with the skinne that fwimmes above it, bathe ail youi: head. 3. Ti (»7) 3. T0 cure the FaBi'tgfickitejfe, Merettrj ioihczuk this evil I; Wherefore'in the houre o^Solf Ltma^ or Mats his enemies, you muft get a WoolFe, and k.ll it in any of the afore- faid houres ; take the lights of it, and boylc them in red wine, adding thereto romeAro- matick fpices , and when they arc fufficicndy boyled, give them the Patient to eate, and hec ^11 be well. 4, Againjl makenejfes anddimne^ in the eyes. Soils the Author of thcfc infirmities; Take in rhc houre of iv/arf, hiscncmie, the hearbe cab led Euphragia, or By ebright, beaten to powder, and mingle it with the yelk" of anegge, or wine, and lay it on the eyes. Te cure the mterings and fluxes in the eyes. Sails thecaufeof this evill: Take therefore in the houre of 'Mats , his cnemie, the flymic and gummiefubfiance of the Snaile. wi h which you fhaii mi igle, Mirrh, Aloes, and Maftick,and then apply it to the temples of the head. 6, r$ (i8) 6, Tptahawaf Cartidpits in tht mji, SatHrne dorh caufe this evill: To cure which,^ in the houre ot Mars his enemic, you muO: take the hcarbe Dragon, and prcfTe out the iuyce of it, and mingle it with the milkeof wilde Fennel], and any fort of Gall, that yee may moft conve- Biientlycome by: Then the powder,of Nettle- feede. Southernwood, Hellebore, and Cypres: mingle all together , -and let them be often fnuf- fed vp into the npfe , and it will infallibly cure it. 7. Agalnfi bleeding at the nofe, r '■ Saturne caufeth this infirmity : Take in the houre cf Mars hisenemie, BalaulH, or Poraegra- riate buds, and ftampe them to powder, and mingle them with the white of an eggcand ap- ply it to the nofthrils. 8. Againfi faines andfujhes in the eares, \ Mereurj caufeth thefe: Take in the houre of S»l or Marsy his enemies, the flower of the Ivie • boy le it in oy le, and powre it in the eares, and it taketh away thole paines. 9* Againfi p. deaftnejfe,dndhufsif)£i in theedres. xJMtnurf is Author hereof; Therefore in the houreof Sel or Mays his enemies, take a Hare, kill it, and wafti the gall of it,with which yeefliall mingle the powder of blacke Helle- bore; put it in the eares,and it cureth thofe in- firmities. I o. TV tdh dWAy Blijlens andhackes en the Itps, ' Mercury doth likewife caufe thcfc evills: Take therefore in the houre of Sol or Mars his enemies, Lirargeoffilver, Mirrh, Ginger, of each an cquall quantity •, beate them into very fine powder, then with Virgine Wax,Honey, and ordinary Oyle, you flial! make an Oynt- ment j fpread it on any fine cloath, and apply it to the lips. II, Te eafe the paint of the Toeth-ache. This evill too is caufed by Mercury: Take in the houre of Sol, Luna, or Mars his enemies, two graines of the fecdc of Jcace, of Opium, Tofckatnum, of each twd drachmes,tnixe them D with —ri/' . C«4) with wine, and role them vp like Pills; hold one of thefe betwixt your teeth, and it will quickly aflwage the paine. 12. To mAke hollow or gained teeth to fall ofthemfelaes, is thecaufcr of thefe: Take in the houre of Sef Lum, or Mars his enemies, the branches of wilde Olives, boyle them in ver- iuice till it become as thick as honey 5 apply it to the tainted tooth, and it will caufe it fall. 13. Tipfirengthen the teeth. '' This infirmity is caufcd by .* Take' in the houre of Sol^ Luna, or Mars his enemies, the skinnes of Pomegranates, Ircos, burn'd Salt, of each two parts, of Gall two parts, of Mirrh one part j let them boyle in wine, with which waih your teeth often. To facilitate the growth of teeth in young children without danger of death. This evill is caufed of Mercury : Take in fhthourt of Sol,[Luna, or Mars his enemies, a Hare, kill it, takeoiitthebraincsofit, boyle them, and rub the teeth often with them. 15. The ('5) 15. TheSqumttce, lupiter is Author of this evill; Take a Vi- per ftrangle it with a double threed, and in the hourc of Mars his enemie bathe it in Rattes bloud, which will caufe the body of it to rife, then apply it to the necke, and it will cure it. 16. ToJio^bloud, Saturue caufeth this evil!: Take in the hourc of Mars or his enemies, Pomegranate buds,. Hypociftis, and Verbafcum or Mullet, ftampethem, and prefle out the iuice of them, and (as occafion lliall require) adminiftcr to the Patient a fpoonefull at a time,well mingled with Sugar. 17. Tobelpeixfrmitieseftbe fiomack, Thefe are caufed by Yoti/hall take in the houre of , Mercury or Lma his ene- mies, the hearbe called Baulme, and Pimpcr- nell, and eate fading fuch quantity of them, as you Hiall pleafe ^ fpr even whild you doe it, it comforts the ftomack, opcneth obftrudions, and ftrengtheneth the wcakcnes of the heart. D 2 18. Td (it) - - %%, To take away paimin , thefiomack, ^tf/cauftth thefcpaines; Wherefore in the houre of Mars, Mercury ^ or Luna^ his enemies. Take a Henne, kill it, and take out the little ' thinneskinne that is in the little belly of ir, make it into powder, and give it to be drunke with wine. An excellent remedy. ip. Tc cure inflamed livers. This cvill is bred vnder lupiter: Take in the houre of his enemie, the hearb of the ftarry Thiftle, preffe out the juice, and give halfc a glaffc full to be drunke at a time, and it will worke an admirable eflfedi. 20. Againfl the Dro^fte. Saturne caufeth this evill : Take in the houre of OUars or Venus, his enemies, a Phea- fant, killit, and give the difeafed perfon two glalTe fulls of the bloud of it to drinke, and it will vndoubiedly cure him. 21. To (»i) 21. To citrt the jeSove lamdize, Mercuyj doth caufe this difeafe; Take in the houreof^o/, ox Mars, his enemies, the fcede of Rofeniary , make it into powder, and mingle it with the juice of Pcntaiilion or Cinquefoyle, to what quantity fliall pleafe you, and it will cure it. 22, To helfe ohflruBiem, and hard- nejft in the Milt or Sfltene, This difeafe doth Lnna caufe ; Wherefb« in the houre of Mars or Mercufj her enemies, you fliail take Bole Armoniack , dilTolved in Vinegar, and drinke the weight of two drachmes of it at a time. '23. The^oneintheYtdnks, Saturne caufeth this evill: Take in the houre oF Mars, or Ferm his enemies, Pcllitory of the wall, and give the juice thereof to be drunke with wine; it purgeth the kidnics, and will brcake the ftone. D 3 24* To (»8) 2 4. To help the difficuity in making ofmter, Lun* caufcth this infirmity; Wherefore in the hourc of Mdrs or Mercury her enemies,take the leaves and feedes of Trifolie, and the feedc of Southernwood • boyle them in water, to which decodion adde a Spanifli flye, without head, feete, or wings, beaten into powder, a culoufly full whereof being drunke,dothmira- fpoone provoke Vrine. 25. The Jfone in the hUddtr. " LunA doth caufe this difeafe; Take there- fore in the houre of Mays or Mercury her ene- mies, fome Scorpions, put thetn in a new ear- then pot, that hath a narrow mouth, and let it in an Oven that is not too hdt the fpace of fix houres; then take them out, and ftampe them fmall J andtake one drachme at a time, z6. To eafi the f nine of the Chollick. Luna caufeth this evill: In the houre of Mars or Mercury her enemies, take the fpriggs, an,d fruit ofthe Bay tree, beat them into pow- - der, and give the Patient two drachmes of it to be ('j) be drunk in Hy pocras, and in efied it will take away the painc. 27. Tht Bloudie-Flux or Djfenttrk, This evill being caufed by Lum, you muft take in the houre of Mars or Mercury her enc- mies, Pomegranate buds, and HypocHlis, made into powder , and give,two drachmes thereof to bee druhke in red wine, or Pome- Citerne water. Probatttmefi^ 28. Again^ difjicultkstn Child bearing. Ventu being the caufer of thefe itnpedi- ments, in the houre of Saturne her enemie, you muft take fwect Bafill, beate it into powder, and give it to be drunke with good wine, and flie will be delivered inftantly. 29. Te prffveke the iearmes and fecendine, or after - btrth. Luna caufeth this infirmitie Therefore inthehoureof 01 Mercury her enemies, take Agrimonie, ftampe it with the fccdes of of Montaine Smallage, and adminifter two drachmes (Jtf) cfrachmes thereof to bee drunke In Mayden- haire water, and their dcfire (hall bee accom- pliHicd, 30, TVflsf thi imm»dertU Flux tf the fesrmtif, and to coatrs^ the mouth of the Matrice. This cvill being caufcd by Ventu , yott Hjuft in the hourc of Sdturae, her enemy, take the middle skinne of theChefnut, theskinnc of a Pomegranate, pound them all very fmall, and in the wine of^ Quinces, adminifter one drachme to be drunk,as often as occafions fliall require. 31. TV ielpe chops in thefeete, Sol caufeth this: Take therefore In the houre of Mars, Mercury, or his enemies, Cy- prisNutts beatc into powder, then mingle them with the juice of fOme fprigges, of the fame tree, whiift they are greene, which being applied playfter-wayes, taketh away all chops in the feete. 3 2. TV cure the Hemoroides, Lum Caufing this evill; In the houre of V , Mars Mm Of Mereurj, her -enemies, Swlnes bread mufi; be layed to the fuadameat, and it cucccb them. 5^. Ta helft aU f dines in the iojnts, '' Sdtum being the prince caufc of thcic tn- firmities j In the hourc of Mars or Ftnm his enemies, the difeafcd muft take a Hcnhc of fourc yeates olde, kill it, and fill it full of Wormewood, and let it boyle in three quarts of water, till the halfc thereof be confumcd away, and with the remainder let him annoinc the places affeiSed. 54. Tertian A^nes, Mars doth caufe this Fcaver • wherefore la the hourc of Lum, Mereurjy Saturne, Sei, and Jupiter his enemies, take the hearb called Cea- tury, made in powder, whereof you (hall give the quantity of two drachmes to bee drunkc falling, in wine. 5J. ^rtaneAgues, This Feavcr is caufed of Saturne : fake therefore in the houre of Mars or rentts his cnemios, Mirrh, and Caftorcum, of each a £ drachmc. (12) drachme, made into powder, andgive it to be drunk falling with wine. 3 6, To take amy all tuarkes of the fmatl Pox, Thcfc Mars dothcaulc , wherefore in the houre of Lma^ Mercury^ Saturne, or lupiter, hi? enemies, you mufltake Lytarge, thc-rootes oF dry rccdes, the mcaleof Chick Peafon, the mealeofRlce, andoldCarJick,llampeaIl to- gethcr, and mingle t^iiem with the oyle of iwcct Almondsj Shecpes fcwet melted j whcr- with annoint your face, and let it remaine fo all night, and in the morning waflut off with, warmc water. 37. To cure the Ktnp eviU, Luna doth caufc this cviil: Take in the houre of Mars or MercHryyfZz^tc rootcs,llamp them, and apply them, plailkr-waycs to the • place affcded. htale all munds. Mars being the caufer of thefe evils; you muRtakein the houre of Luna^ Mercury, SU" turrtCf or lufiter^ the heaibe Savine bcate into powder,. f *'9) powder, which being mingled with honey^ and applyed to the wounds,will healc them, ^ 3P. To cure the Scab and Lep'ofie, Tbcfeevils Safurnedotbcaufe- wherefore in the hourc of Atars or Vtnns his enemies, take Ivic, boylc it, make a Bath of it, and bathe your wh<^ body in it, and it taketh away the infirmity. To take arvay aU'Corues ontbefeete, Saturne canfing thcfe evils ^ Take in the houre of Mars or f^enta his enemies, the barke of the Willow tree, burne it, and mingle the afncs thereof with very ftrong Vinegar, which plaiftcr you lhall lay on your Cornes, and it will eate them out by therootc. 41. For Cankers, Mars caufeth this cvill, wherefore in the honre of Luna, Saturne, or lufiter: rake the branches of white Sage ^ and the rootes of Dragon,preflc out their juice,and mingle them with honey, and apply them to the cvilh E a OfZtdgain^ Cjo) ^2', A^ainfi FifiHtats, Mdrs being the caufer hereof; take in any of the houres afore faid of his enemies, the Flower de Us rootc,make it into powder,mingIe it with the powder of burn'd Oyiier (hells,and Swines feame,and apply it to the Fiftula. Aprepr'Vdttve dgain^ the Gewt in thefeete, Sdtnrne is caufer of this evill: Take there- fore in the houre of Mars or Venus the hcarbe called Fetherfewle, ftampe it, and mingle it with ihe yolke of an egge, and fryed in the fa(hion of a Tanfie, which being eaten fading, doth mofl: furely prefcruc from the Gowt in the feete. T9 know whether one that u ftck Jhallliveor die. Divers are the judgements that fomc men give, whether a ficJce perfon (liall live or die; But I will here fet downc a prefent infallible figne, whereby every one may be affured, and give certaine judgement of it. Take a Nettle, and lay it in the Vrine of the difcafcd perfon, immediatly after he (hall have made water, (b  I ■ ■ 'v. • •: -? ~' ~ I-:::-:' « • <- \ ' v- . ( M d'." a- V-,' ■•^' ■, ! 0. . ' ■; •• -fv,' ■ \-'. ■ ■■ :ld"> -iid-' vYid'-JK'V" " . ,^.d^ ■ ' : Ti'fvfend'"';^ >;;:r "" f': ' '■ ■: r . ■ d df: t-..\ ' . i.'< ■ -■ _* -d^ ^ ^ ,^r/ '-dd^r Ad'i >'''-j'K>r;'ddrid d • ' \ ■ I ■ , • ' ' ^ ■ . p-. "J !:ns.-'?6n-»M.£ - - 'd rd ■ ti - V. ^.- dvd : ::>■ . > ' N • „''r.. W-' h- Mk '> -••. •ii-. S&I/5 fc taBBsmmA r■•-..■.•J- -:,:-- '''-^::6^--:-:^^k:-'^^i^^. .vv. -•■ V •v'^ - .- .. - ;^,^- S3P3r 1 ■■"> - ' ■ -■. mi:-:/ ,--■. • -J^f .' "-'''^- -'i " ''.1;^^. ^y-Al ^ J; ^1 - - - - -.'• M "^s ^/•r^'T > -jff >^1"^.*. r-^:^ S| Cti ^ V ^ %H? i^7. ' ?• . - i! 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