" ■\ "^K 5 • - h rV.",'- .* " x. ■ :>. ' . If The MYSTICAL DIVINITY of DIONYSIDS the AREOPAGITE Translated into English 't>y Dr.EVERARD ■.-.K # t=- % i X Northwestern University Library Evanston, Illinois 60201 Colin Dew James Fund THE MYSTICAL DIVINITV OF 'DioriyfiHs ths Areopdgit^^ Converted by ?j«/ the Apoftie, who did at Aihen believe and cleave unto him, ACT. S 17.34.. Written to iimothy yranslated into. Fnglifi ByDrEVERARD. 1 ]0B 36. 26. icho Id Cod is great, and tve kjtorv him ttou i SA. 55.^. For my thottghis are not your thoughts^neitbtt are your wayei r»y tpj^es. faith the Lord. lOtfOONi ■Prln-ed by 0»r/?fy, tor Eapl a Hirtford, at the Bible andtfai t in Ai'/Wf iSr»ri»;7t. 1657. THE iMTSTICAL DiriNlTi OF the Areopagite^ Written to 7imothy. CHA?A. If hat the Divine Mifi or E}^ark^ neis^r TRrNrTY! That arc Ahsve ES- iM g SENCE, Above GOD, above Good- ^ rtfjt, the Gffvtrnovf of the Chrijlians Wifciom ConcermM^ (So i: Vouch- fafc to jdireft us to the More then unk^HOTPH^more then niinin®, Higheji Top of Myftical Oracles^ v/bere the the Simple and Abfolute^ztidk Vnchitt- cheable MYSTERIES of Divialiry do Hide : By r,he M'tre t^en Ijghtfnme MI5TN ES of Secret- Tcaching; SILENOE, ,in the Var\fft D-itkjfefi '•> Even him'thac over-/hirieth which is Morei then nt'jbglorioiu^ and under that which is u^ter-j ly Impatpjbie and Jnvilible • doth more then till the BUnded^ot Eye-Jefs Mi rides wk\rylore -then fair Ihinings. 2. And thele things I pray for;but do thou, O my Friend Timothy,. by thy AF# Intent liudy and exercifeabout MYJTICA-I: Jihdns, leave and forfakc thySenf s'-, arid all tl-hiible aiijl Ft- ^Rr_r i ^ ieVtgiHe ^96~ of Diony^ui the Arcopagice. I teUiJble things, and thy Mtnfal Operatt ,,ij^ aildl'? all ihings that are not, and that are; an j after ■^^Vtikjioacn minner, Lift up and Adva>ice t[iy felf to I he Co>i]H»liion and 'Vnhn with hin, who ] is iboveall Ejje»ce and KmfpUdgc : foi by a Free j arid purely Ahfdute departing from "thyfelfand all Ihings- having SeparattdaW things, and be- ingFrfc/ifancl horn all things thou fh a It I be BrnHe^ht hack, to the Super-cffential BEAM of I the Divine Darkpeff. I But take lieed, that none ofthem that are } Not entndtor Initiatedin our MYSTERIESdo hear thelc things: I naean fuch as aie hil' De- tai»cdand Hddcn in the things that /Err and do imagine nothing tobe Supenfftm dfyab'~vethe things lhat are; but prefume by their own Knowledge to undciftand Him, that maketh i ! DAIIKNES his Secrtt Place : And If theleiP/- | \vtne l/iliitMtintf/ concerning M^iiical tlnngj, be ibnve them,what is to be faid of5wcFa« are yet More Grangers, and farther off from hefe My- ihries, which out ot the LaJ} and Lotvefi ofaii'l I hiugs ■ hat Are^ do frame and make > he Figure ofthe ^Ul'ER-EMINENT Caufeand thinkoi (av, rha-.it hath nothing More Excel'ettt^ oi is no way better then their Vng>dly and M-^NT- EOKMFD Iniagii ? whereas they ought both hi It, as the Caufeofall things, to place and af tmntlie Pofitionsofall things that are, and al- { fb Moreprrperl), TO deny them a I unto it, a'^ be- | ingfar above All things; And vet nor to think; , the 3re cppofite to the Affrrjuatinns: ! Bur tharit is Ahi^v^ and Bifore Privadons whichj ■sabove All, bxh AAation a d P fitio'i, or i-i I ove X I ef D;oiyfijsAreopjgite. | 4^7 ! bove Any that can be Denied or tyfffinn- " id of it. 4.1 n this fenre tlierefore-S. Bartholomew rairh, That 'theology is botb MUCH and LEAiT,and . the GoCpel Broad and Great, and again Short and Conafe: It Items to me that he wonjertiil- ly undcr/TQc J thereby,That rite Gre.Jt an 1 Good CAlIi'Eoral! thirtgs, may both be fpckenot. In Many IFirdj^ au '■ in Fe:v^^nd in Noue^as ad- mirivir ^ i'vhcv Speech v.nv Vndcr{landings bs- caule it| is iSUFER-Ei'SEMTlAL, S-tper-emi jteKtro Allthing":, and (hineth out or appears on y to them ITnhoin Vail, and 7'r»/y,w'uo do p.ils through all thiigs both Impure anfP«.e, and ttanlcend evei y Aicent ofall holy high- NESSES and leave behind thenvali D VJM £ Lights, Sounds and Heiventy wordti an 1 enter liitotnat MIST whcr( he is really (as the S:ri- ptrres (peak; wlvt is s^bove aiH things. ■ 5.For it is nor wi l out Cauje^that the Divine Mr'les is hi 11 commandca 0 bc Lurged himlelt", aru-lthen to belep^arated trom them that were net Such : and after all ihis pui ifying, He hear- erhthe hUNT-SOVNDlNG trHtnpeti, znd Teeth the MANY UGHlSi which uart ftom tlie idelves F iteand much Scattered RaYES, or Beams; Then is hcleparated from the Mul- titude, and with the SeltUed Ft ielts, he labour- eth up to the Top of the Divine Afcents •, and la them lie doth not meet with Go li bu'h° fees Not Htm : foi- he is Invirible, But Only the place whe e He is. And this I think intimates or fignifies thufj (much, that the Moid Divine ^nd Higlveft cf1 I Rrr 3 ^ things ^^3 I J^e Divinity | i things $een and V4d(r,rHocit are but certain I iieaions, and (igniticative Arguments of things I fubjefted to him, who isall things, by i which his Pie(ence,wnich,is all Thought is,ifhewn walking in the Intelligible HEIGHTS of h;s Mji Holy Places. 6 And thei. is l>e freed both from the things that are fecn, and the things that do fee, and is jfwallowcd up, intp the TruJy-Myjiical Ctoud.or MIST ofl)»k»ewing I in which he (huts up all tfianHer of5cit'wt/J?cii»/App! eheafions, and is in him that is utterly Inattingible, antf Invifible, Being AW His, who is Beyond ALLTHINGS, I and NOJHlNG i neither His Own, nor any j Bodieselfe, United after thebeh manner to , Hint, that is VVbolelyVidKNOVVH-, by the Cff- fation of all Knowledge : and in that he knov- eth Nothing, knowing Above Mind oi Vn- ^ ' ' CHAP- { o/bionyfia$#^e Areopagite. CHAP. II. we miiji be bo h United, and render Praif.? to Him that is the Caufe of all thtngf^ and Above all ihingr, I. JT is That: we pray for, that wemaybc in 1 \:h\sMVCH-/lBO'^E-Linht-(hinwg, Milh jand by Unfeemg and Unknowing, tofee and know that which is above ali Si?,hr and Know I ledge, even in that, we do not Sre not-'KwB' at all: for rhis-is, To See and Kuoiv indeed, and SHper-EJJe/itially to praife Him, that is Siiptr-ef- feHtjalby the takjiis, ot all things that aic, even as they that would make a Selj-iitgra- veil Image, taking away all the Impediments {that fland befbie the pure light of that which is Hidden., and only by taking away Hiew forth that which \s Concealed and Coveredby it felf And we inuft (^as I think) pi'aife and com- mend TAKJNGS-AWAY contrarily to Pofi- tions and Afhrmations; for them wt appoint- eJ, beginning at the Firji, and fo by Middle ones, alccnding to the But here makipg I our Afcentt f cm tlie Laft^ unto the /i^ufi-anci- lent, we taking away all things, that we may i without any know that Vnl<,"orvn,w^^'^<^h^ , ft r r - W The MyjiicaL Divinity ^ is Atlihings A'l: or i Covered under 5 that aie KttowH : and that wcmay fee, I Tha^ %iipet-(^einiil MIST which is Hi-d by Ail I the Light that is in things th^ arc. CIUFAU, Whdt 'Speeches of G >d nre A^rmttVe and ifhat "Negative, IS TNcur Dcfcriptions, wehave JL exprciled the Moft principal things of Affirmative Blvinity;how the P/'i/«e andGW Nature is ealie; Que-i and how TAwjand what it is, which Jh jt, is called PATEKNlTYand FILIAL; and fvhactbe Divinity of the HO- LY CHOST meancth ; How from the fmma. tertal 2X\(i IndivifibleGOOD, fprung ovjt the Cprw/tofe»t,asrub)c£l torcnfibie Papons Or Accidents > neither is, in any Want,or Indigence of Light (neither needs it apy light to (eeBy,cr tV/tba/.) 5. It nath neither Alteration^ nor Corritption, nor Divifwn, nor Privation, nor flux (or a Con- tinual flowing zudfuccefjon of Parts) nor any otbcvfenftble tliingnioi'is it any ofajl thefe. CHAP ? he M-fit el CH ^P. W Thj he that w^SVhi [hm duo^ qu£ una feirvari-, aui conveire, Bpoftet fieri ut inter eaoriatMf difcordia. 2. Where there are two things thatmuftbei kept or agree together,it may cometopaf? that difcord or diflention may arife between them. ^.Hdcdut noti nifi voluntate dtfjidtre p»JfeMt,id\ quod efjet jumma caufa & occafieemnii difftdii^ e* tiant tn "Deo, fit duo p effent ejfe in eo. i 3. Thefe two could not difagreebut in Will, which would bethegreateft caufeandoccafion ofaM difcopd ordifagrecmentj even in God, if' twophings could be in him. ^,Nibil enimeji quoddififentioKrmpariat int^r omnia qua dijfentire queant^ nifi dijfmilitndo w- luntatum. 4. For rhercis nothing can breed dilTention among all things that can difagree, but the dif- fimilicudeand uniikencfs of Wills. 5 .Hoe mum ('Deus)vult ttnum, tfique cmnibut hi»'}f eontrarium. 5. This one [ God) willeth one thing, and b eontt ary roall two things. i 6. Ifaque ergo'quicqutd etiam ereavit ipfefuper unico iVo creavif, alioquind defuijpt erdo. I 6. Thereforealft), vvharfoevcr he Created, he Cleared upon or tothat Onealor.ej otheiwif^ it had wanted order. | I J.Fr/eterea nut am potuijfet e']tu\reatiofive creata j res habere confuhfiantiam, propter vuluntatem con^ trariam, quemadmodum videlicet nunc fit ideoque earn interire oportutfiet, 7. Moreover hb Creation or created thiti'*, could have had no Conftancy, becaufe cfrhg I cont'iary Willjto wit; as it is now done; the-e- fbiC Gr*vt 4nd ntiiibk S^jingSi */orc it mult needs have dyed* ) S. £a HintM mtiiri, co^ilari^ itaBari^cn^Hnf.ive\ nfn poterat^ nifi d^ntaxat ab k/kj, & ^et uitHnt^id- { que inti fdum in jito contrarlo. | 8* That Unity couid not be nioafured, | tiiought, handle 1 or known, but only of Oiie, j - and iiy One, and that (otiieriine in its contrary. I 9. CentraTtum cxjiit aft if>f) fine culpa advtr- ' farii. 9. The Contrary is cl' exifis ofit fel^ with out the fault ot the Adverfary, lO' time appertijfitnt petjpici p»i(ii oprtuiffe ut uni & rptimo tfet aiiquod otjefinjw, txquoiliud \ quoad e Hi fieri p -jfit difceretun , j 10. Hrnccit may be moft plainly perceived ' that theiernuit have been to that One and Bert j (om''Ojieft,f o n which that mi^hr be.as muchj as were] o/Tible lean el. v 11. Id 9h\eVtumfHitt & ffi omnium aKimalium efimtia & -fie. 11. Thdt objeft Was and is the ElTencc and Beingcfa'I iivin^j Creatures. I 2. Mjxime & optinte in rjtionali,&'per rati- onale animaf qui Adamiu fuit^ t2.MoUofall and belt^ in an i by the rea- ^ fonable Crea-ute. which was Adirn. '5- H'c ft videndam exhibet omnipoieniij ^ mifetecfirdia infinataque bonitoi fupremi cm nomtn tjl f)minus, 15- Here fhews it fcifto befcen the Alrciigh- tlnef.s,and Mercv.and infiniteGoodnefi ol ihe higheft, whofe Name is fhe Lord* I 14.. Ad mfiorem wfuper coj^nitinnem lifjirutv icreovit quod creavitqttnHiant quod ita libtrt{m\ . fu,\ '' f1?v- ■■ ■i ■rU :' ■ f : ' ■ », Vt. ...... '2S?i>'24 fEe, , ^v V«^ . - r'-r^ '^mM •'■ - -■.;" ■.,:, A ■■ ;• ' ■-■>J:::\=- ," ■- r"-?