• ' I I I : I , V i\ ' i " • ' . ' : " ' ' - •' 'V, J, ft'.'' ,/ - ' * " ' / y - ' ' , - • ' 1, "/ \ E With refpe<5t to the late ACT of INDULGENCE ' O F King WILLI A If and Queen M A%f WHEREIN The fevcral Conditions Required of them in that Aft, are as. large Recited. CO NTAINING, . I. A Summary of the laid A £t, with the Oaths and Declarations thereby Enjoyned to be Taken and Subfcribed. 1L The Thirty Nine Articles of the Church of England.^ at large, III. The Three Creeds Approved by the Eighth Article of the Church of England) viz,. The Nicene Creed, The Creed of JthanafwS) And that com* monly called, The Apoftles Creed. Cofle&ed together for the better Information, Benefitj and Eafe of all Diflenters. • ■ /hr > ■ To wJtiich is prefixed a fliort Epiftle, giving an Account of the Defign of the Book. jLiceng'D, June the iyb. 1689: LONDON: Printed apd Sold by George Larktn, at the Ttrc-Sican: without Btjhapfgate. MDCLXXXIX. Hn 4 isstern U n £ NOV 16 193?" 228200 V - % - * _• < « THE EPISTLE T O T H E READER- Giving a brief Account of the Defign of this BO O K. Chriftian Reader, IT having pleafed the a4lmighty y in whofe Hand the Hearts oj Kings are j to incline their Majefiies with their great Council of Parliament, upon certain Terms, to Efablijh Liberty by a Law, for Diffenting Protejlants to Worfhip Cod, according as in their own Conferences they are perfwaded is mofl agreeable to his Will. Jt cannot but be an acceptable Work to all fober perfons to have thofe Terms Collected and prefented to their view all at once, without the trouble of turning to the feveral Books wherein they are , being fuch as many, ( efpecially of the meaner fort in the Country) cannot eafily come at, and having them thus at once before them , may have their Hearts enlarged to praife Cod for fo great a Mercy at fo cheap a rate , which they would have been £content to purchafe at a far greater Price not many Tears ago \ and may thereby alfo be engaged in their fever al Stations Cordially ; to Serve His Mtijejly •, Tray for his Welfare, and Promote his tlnterefi, who as he has been our Glorious Deliverer from the j©titi ©oat# who would have trod down the Vine, did * not difdain (abfit verbo invidia) to become a Solliciter for this £ Liberty, that the Httlg fOJtC# might not fpoil the Grapes. A 2 May ✓ The Epiftle to the Reader, &c. May therefore tflfc blefling of thofe who were ready toperifh, come upon him. 7 hou mayefl further by what is here pre fen ted, fie the Center of our Vmty , and horv all Vrote.fiants even in their fib-divifions agree in the whole Subfiantials of Religion, and therefore, what reafon there is to live in Mutual Love : How minute thofe things ffte in themfelves, wffch by the artifice of our Common Enemies have been made life of to divide and mine us, and what fort of Friends to our Religion they arc, who as they vigoroufiy Oppofed] do dayly Murmur againfi this healing Att. There are the fie two or three things following, which deferve a Premonition , and then 1 fioall leave you to perufe the Terms thi'mfelves. 1. That thrfe Articles of the Church of England, to which D'tffenters are not enjeyned to fubferibe, are Printed in an Italicffor different Char abler. 2. IT at whereas there is a RefleBion in the 38 th Article upon the Anabaptifis 3 the Reader is not to conceive, that thofe who now in England go under that Name, are any ways concerned in it 3 feeing it was dirctted againft thofe German Enthufiafis, the fol- lowers of John of Leyden, &c. from whofe Principles (that of Baptifm excepted) the -Engliftl Anabaptifis do as much differ as any other Vrotefiants. 3. That whereas fome may fcruple the Subfcription of that Article in the Creed , of.Chrifts defcending into Hell, conceiving the fame to be meant of a Local Defcent 3 they are defired to take notice of the different fenfe which Proteffantf , and even thofe of the Church of England, underfiand it in, viz. Some that he really defended thither 3 others that his Body continued under the Power of Death, and in the State of the Dead, till the third Day, and a third fort that it is onely meant of his enduring the pains of Hell, viz. The Infinite Wrath of God, both in the Garden and upon the Crofs : And feeing the Law-givers have not declared which is their fenfe, it is fuppofed to be left to every one to enjoy bis own. Farewel. " , r ....... " r THE (I) T H E Dutp of Stff enters,|c, . " ' 11' T having pleafed Their Majefties and the High Court of Parliament in their great Wifdom and Goodnefs to give B fome Eafe to their Di Tenting Proteftant Subjeds, (who J!L have a long time groaned under the heavy Bu«den of fe- veral Penal Laws made in former Reigns againft them, and in the late times Executed upon them with fo much Rigour and Cruelty ,) They have been Gracioufly pleafed to make a late Ad, Entituled , An Att for Exempting Their Adajeflies Pro- teftant Subjects, Diffenting from the Church of England, from the Penalties of Certain Laws ; by which Ad the D.iflenters (to their great fatisfadion) may now Enjoy the Liberty of Wor- fhipping God according to their Confciences. In Order where- unto, it is by the faid Ad provided neverthelefs, That all thofe who intend to Enjoy the benefit thereof, do comply with the Terms and Conditions hereafter mentioned, viz. I. That they take the Oaths mentioned in an Ad, Intituled, An ASl for removing, and preventing all Queflions and Difputcs, concerning the Affcmbling and Sitting of this prefent Parliament: Which Oaths are therein exprcfled, inthefe words following: 7 A. B. do flncerely Promife and Swear, That 1 will be faithfulf and bear true Allegiance to their Majefties, King WILLIAM and Queen MARY : So help me God. I A. B. 'do Swear, 7 hat 1 do from my heart abhor, detefland ab- jure y as Impious and Heretical, that Damnable Doctrine and Pofltion, That Princes Exccmmunicated, or Deprived by the Pope 0 or any Authority of the See of Rome, may be Depofed or Murthered by their Subje fts, or any other whatfoever j And J do declare, That no for- reign (■») reign Prince, Per fort, Prelate, State or Potentate hath, Of o/^/ to hate any Power, Jurifdiclion, Superiority, Preeminence or Authority, Eccleflafiicalor Spiritual, xvithtn this Realm : So help meGcd. II. That they make and Subfcribethe Declaration mentioned in a Statute made in the Thirtieth Year of the Reign of King CHARES S the "Second, Entituled, An API to prevent Papifls from Sitting in either Hoitfe of 'Parliament', which Declaration is expreffed therein in thefe words following: 1 A. B. do foltmnly and fncerely, in the prefence of God, Profefl, Teflify, and Declare, I hat 1 do believe, That in the Sacrament of the Lord's Supper there is not any T ranfibflant iation of the Elements of Bread and Wine into the Body and Blood of Chr if, at, or after the Confer at ion thereof by any perfon rah atfoever j And that the Invoca- ticn or Adoration of the Fir gin Mary, or any other Saint, and the Sacrifice of the Mafs, as they are now ttfed in the Church of Rome, are Superfliliom and Idolatrous. And Jfolemnly, in the preface of God, profefs, tefiify and declare, That I do make this declaration, and every part thereof, in the plain and ordinary fence of the words read unto me, as they are commonly under flood by Englifh Proteflants, with- out any Evafion, Equivocation, or Mental-refirvation whatfoever-, and without any Difpsnfation already granted me for this purpofe by the Pope, or any Authority or Per fon what fever -, or without any hope of any fuch Difpcnfation from any per fon or Authority what foever ', or v, i hout thinking t hat I am, or can be acquitted before God or Man, or abfolved of this Declaration, or any part thereof, although the Pope or any other per fon or perfons, or Power what foever, fimld difpence with or Annul the fame j or declare that it was null and void from the beginning. 4 Which Oaths and Declaration , the Juftices of the Peace, 4 at the General Seflions of the Peace, to be held for the Coun- 4 ty or place where fuch perfons fhall live, are hereby required 4 to tender and admioifter to fuch perfons as fhall offer them- 'felves, to take, make and fubferibe the fame ^ and thereof to 4 keep a Regifter. For entring of which, they are to pay but 4 Six-pence? and for taking out a Certificate thereof, to pay 6 Six-pence j and no more. 'And that every Juflice of the Peace may at anytime here- * after, require any perfon that goes to any Meeting, for Exercife "of Religion, to make and fubferibe the Declaration aforefaid ^ 4 and r (?) * and alfo to take the faid Oaths, or Declaration of Fidelity 4 herein after mentioned , in cafe fuch perfon fcruples the ta- 4 king of an Oath, and upon refufal thereof, to commit fuch 4 perfon to Prifon, with Bail or Mainprise: Which Declara- tion of Fidelity is exprefled in thefe words, viz.. I A.B. do fncerely promtfe, and folemniy declare, before God and the World, T hat I will be true and faithful to King WILLI AM and Queen MARY and do folemnly profefs and declare, float J do from my heart abhor.± detefi, and renounce, as impious and heretical, That damnable Dottrine and To fit ion, That Princes Excommunicated, or deprived by the Pope, or any Authority ofthe See of Rome, maybe Depofed or Murthered by their Subjetfs, or any other what fever. And I do declare, That no Forreign Prince, Perfon, Prelate, State, or Potentate bath y or ought to have any Power, Jurifdiclion, Supen- ority, Preeminence , or Authority, Ecclefaflical or Spiritual, with- in this Realm. 4 And (hall SubfcribeaProfeflion of their Chrillian belief in 4 thefe words: / A.B. Profefs Faith in God the the Father , and in J efts Chrift his Eternal Son, the true God , and in the holy Spirit, one God, blejfed for evermorej to acknowledge the Holy Scriptures of the Old and New Teflament, to be given by Divine Infpiration. 4 Which Declarations and Subfcription fhall be made and 4 Entered of Record, at the General or Quarter Seflions of the 4 Peace, for the County, City, or place, where every fuch Per- 4 fon (hall then refide. 4 Provided, That fuch who refufe to take the Oaths,when ten- 4 dered to them, fhall not be admitted to make and fubferibe the 4 two Declarations aforefaid, tho required thereto, unlefs fuch 4 Perfons can within Thirty one Days, after fuch tender of the 4 Declarations to him, produce two fufficient Protelfant Wit- 4 nefles toTeftifie upon Oath, that they believe him to be a Pro- 4 teltant DifTenter, or a Certificate under the Hands of four Pro- 4 teftants, who are conformable to the Church of England, and 4 have taken the Oaths, and fubferibed the Declaration above- 4 mentioned, and lhall alfo produce a Certificate, under the Hands i and Seal of fix or more fufficient Men of the Congregation to 4 which he belongs, owning him for one of them. Provided ( 4 ) Provided alfo, that until fuch Certificates be produced, the jullice of the Peace is required to take a Recognizance with two Sureties in the penal Sum of Fifty pounds for his producing the fame; or if he cannot give fuch Security, to commit him toPri- ion, there to remain until he can. • Provided always, That if any Afiembly of Perfons diifent- ing from the Church of England, ihall be had in any place for Religious Worlhip with the Doors locked, barred, or belted, during any time of fuch Meeting together, all and every Perfon that (hall come to, and be at fuch Meeting, (hail not receive any Benefit from this Law, notwithftanding his taking the Oaths, and Subfcribing the Declaration aforefaid. Provided, That nothing in this Adt be conftrued to exempt any * Perfons from paying of Tythes, or any other Duties to the Church or Minifter. „ Provided, That the Laws made for frequenting Divine Ser- vice, be in force againft all Perfons that offead againlt j:hem, except fuch Perfons come to fome Congregation of Worlhip, Allowed of by this Aft. Provided always, That no Congregation or AiTembly for Religious Worlhip (hall be permitted, or allowed by thisAdt, until the place of fuch Meeting be certified to theBilhop of the Diocefs, or to the Arch-Deacon of that Arch-Deaconry, or to the Jufticesof the Peace at the General or Quarter Sellionsof the Peace, for the County, City or Place, in which fuch Meet- inglhallbeheld, which is there to be Regiftred, and a Certificate to be delivered for Six-pence, when demanded. Laflly , There is required of every Preacher over and above the aforefaid Injunctions, That he do declare his Approbation of, and Subfcribe the Articles of Religion , mentioned in the Statute made in the Thirteenth Year of the Reign of the late Queen Elizabeth, except the Thirty fourth, about the Traditions of the Church ; the Thirty fifth , concerning Homilies; and the Thirty lixth, of Confecration of Bilhops and Minifters; and thefe words of the Twentieth Article, iiz. The Church hath Tower to Decree Rights or Ceremonies, and ^Authority in Controver- Jies of Faith. And yet —And thofe who fcruple the Baptiz- ing of Infants, may except part of the Twenty feventh Article, TQHching Infant Baptifm. THE (5) The Thirty Nine Articles of Religion, which Dijfenters are obliged to Approve of, and Subjcribe unto, except part of the Twentieth, the Thirty fourth, Thirty fifth, and Tibirty fixtb Articles, which are here put in a different Char abler. i. Of Faith in the Holy Trinity. THere is but one living and true God, everlafling, without Body, Parts, or Paflionsof Infinite Power, Wifdom, and Goodnefs j the Maker and Preferver of all things both vifible and invifible. And in unity of this Godhead there be three Perfons, of one Sub- ftance, Power, and Eternitythe Father, the Son, and the Holy Ghoft. 2. Of the Word or Son of Cod , which wat made Very ALw. XHe Son, which is the Word of the Father, begotten from everlafting of the Father , the very and Eternal ood, of one fubftance with the Father, took mans nature in the Womb of theblelfed Virgin, of her Subftance: fo that two whole and perfedt natures, that is to fay, the Godhead and Manhood, were joyned together in one perfon, never to bedi- vided, whereof is one Chriit, very God and "Veny Mail, w ho truly fuffered, was crucified, dead and buried, to reconcile his Fa- II titer ( 6 ) ther to us, and to be a facrifice, not Only for original guilt, but alfo for aCtual fins of men. * 3. Of the going down of Chrifl into Hell. A S Chrifl died for us, and was Buried: fo alfo is it to be be- lieved, that he went down into hell. 4. Of the RefurreElion of Chrijl. C Hrift did truly rife again from death, and took again his bo- dy, with flefh, bones, and all things appertaining to the perfection of mans nature, wherewith he afcended into heaven, and there litteth, until he return to judge all men atthelaliday. 5. Of the Holy Chop. T He Holy Ghofl, proceeding from the Father and the Son, is of one Subltance, Majefty and Glory, with the Father and the Son, very and eternal God. 6. Of the Efficiency of the holy Scriptures for Salvation. H Oly Scripture containeth all things necefiary to falvation, fo that whatfoever is not read therein, nor may be pro- ved thereby, is not to be required of any man, that it (hould be believed as an Article of the Faith, or be thought requifite or necefiary to falvation. In the name of the holy Scripture, we do underftand thofe Canonical Books of the Old and New Tefta- ment, of whofe authority was never any doubt in the Church. *f Of the Names and Number of the Canonical Books. G Enefis. Exodus. Leviticus. Numbers. Deuteronomy. Jcfhua, ' .. Judges, C 7 ) Judges. Ruth. The i. Book of Samuel, The 2. Book of Samuel. The i. Book of Kings. The 2. Book of Kings. The i. Bock of Chronic les. The 2. Book of Chronicles. f} The i. BookofEfdras. The 2. Book of Efdras. The Book of Htfter. The Book of Job. ThePfalms. ' The Proverbs. Ecclefialles, or Preacher. Cantica,or Songs of Solomon. 4 Prophets the greater. 12 Prophets the lefs. And the other Books (as Hierome faith)the Church doth read for example of life and inftru&ion of manners: but yet doth ic not apply them to eltablilh any Do&rine.Such are thefe following. The 3. Book of Efdras. The 4. Book of Efdras. The Book of Tobias. The Book of Judeth. The reft of the Book of Hefteh The Book of Wifdom. Jefusthe fon of Sirach. Baruch the Prophet. The Song of the three Children. The Story of Sufanna. Of Bell and the Dragon. The Prayer of Manafles. The 1. Book of Maccabees. The 2. Book of Maccabees. All the Books of the New Teftament, as they are commonly received, we do receive, and account them Canonical. B 2 7 (»> j. Of the Old Teftament, THe Old Teftament is not contrary to the New: for both in the Old and New Teftament,\everlafting life is offered to man- kind by Chrift,who istheonely Mediatour.between.God and man, being both God and Man. Wherefore they are nor to be heard, which feign that the old Fathers did look onelyon tranfitory pro- mifes. Although the Law given from God by Mofes, as touch- ing Ceremonies and Rites, do not bind Chriftian men, nor theci- vil Prec epts thereof ought of neceffity to be received in any Com- mon-wealth: .-yet. notwithstanding, no Chriftan man whatfoever, is free from the obedience of the Commandments which are called Moral 8. Of the Three Creeds.' THe three Creeds, * Nice Creed, Athanafius Creed, and that which is commonly called the Apoftles Creed, ought througly to be received and believed: for they may be proved by moft certain warrants of holy Scripture. C * See thefe Creeds at Urge after the Artides, j 9. Of Original Birth or Sitt. 0Riginal Sin ftandeth not in the following of Adam' K as the Pe- dagians do vainly talk) but it is the fault and corruption of. the nature of every Man, that naturally is ingendred of the off-- ipring of A daw, whereby maa is very far gone from original Righteoufnefs, and is of'his own nature enclined to evil, fo that the flelh lufteth alwayes contrary to the Spirit j and therefore in every perfon born into this world, it deferveth Gods wrath and damnation. And this infection of nature doth remain j yea, in them that are regenerated, whereby the luft of the fiefh, called in Greek, (pepvn,utt cttptd; which fome do expound the wifdom, iome fenfuality, fome the affedion, fome the deflre of the flefh, is not fu'ojed to the law of God. And although there is no con- demnation for them that believe and are baptized, yet the Apoftle doth confefs r that concupifcence and lull hath of it felf the nature • of fin. dO, Of (9) io. Of Free-mil. THe condition of man after the fall of Adam^ isfuch,That he cannot turn and prepare himfelf by his own natural ftrength and good works to faith and calling upon God: where- fore we have no power to do good works pleafant and acceptable to God without the grace of God by Chrift preventing us, that we may have a good will, and working with us when, we have that good will. 11. Of the Jnfiifcation of man, Eare accounted righteous before God,onely for the me- rit of our Lord and Saviour Jefus Chrift by Faith,and not for our own works,or defervings. Wherefore,that we are juftified by faith onely,is a moft wholfom Doctrine,& very full of comfort, as-more largely is expreftedin the Homily ofjuftification. * 12■; OfGood Works. ALbeit that good works, which are the fruits of faith, and follow after Juftification, cannot put away our lins, and endure the feverity of Gods Judgment, yet are they pleafing and acceptable to God in Chrift, anddofpring out necefiarily of a true and lively faith, infomuch that by them a lively faith may be,as evidently known, as a tree difcerned by the fruit. 13. Of works before Jnftifcation. a *** * » \ 7 X TOrks done before the grace of Chrift, andthe infpira- V< V tion of his Spirit, are not pleafant to God, foraf- much as they fpring not of Faith in Jefus Chrift, neither do they make men meet to receive grace, or (as the School-Authors fay ) deferve grace of congruity: yea, rather for that they are not done as God hath-willed and commanded them to be done, we doubt not but they have the natureof fin. » '4- Of ( 10 ) 14 . Of works of Supererogation'. Voluntary Works befides, over and above Gods Command- ments, which they call Works of Supererogation, can- not be taught without arrogancy and impiety. For by them men do declare, That they do not onely render unto God as much as they are bound to do, but that they do more for his fake, then of bounden duty is required : whereas Chrift faith plainly, When ye havedone|all that are commanded to you, fay, Weare unpro-' fitable fervants. i 5. Of Chr if alone without ft ft. CHrift in the truth of our nature, was like unto us in all things ( fin onely except) from which he was clearly void, both in hisfielh, and in Spirit. He came to be a Lamb without fpot,who by facrlfice of himfelf once made, Ihould take away the fins of the world : and fin (as St. John faith ) was not in him. But all we the reft ( although baptized, and born again in Chrift) yet offend in many things, and if we fay we have no fin, we deceive our felves, and the truth is not in us. 16 . Of Sin after T> apt ifm. NOt every deadly fin willingly commited after Baptifin, is fin againft the holy Ghoft, and unpardonable. WhereforO the grant of repentance is not to be denied to fuch as fall into fin after Baptifm. After we have received the holy Ghoft, we may depart from grace given, and fall into fin, and by the grace of God f we may ) arife again, and amend our lives. And therefore they are to be condemned, which fay they can no more fin as long as they live here, to deny the place of forgivenefs to fuch as truly repent. 17. Of Predefination and ElcUion, PRedeftinatioft to life, is the everlaft ing purpofe of God, where- by ( before the foundations of the world were laid ) he hath con- ( " ) coiiftantly Decreed by his Counfel, fecretto us, to deliver from curfe and damnation, thofe whom he hath chofen in Chrift out of mankind, and to bring them by Chrift to everlafting falvation as velTelsmade to honour. Wherefore they which be endued with fo excellent a benefit of God, be called according to Gods purpofe by his Spirit working induefeafon: they through grace obey the calling : they be juftified freely: they be made fons of God by adoption : they be made like the image of his onely begotten Son Jefus Chrift: they walk religioufly in good works, and at length by Gods mercy they attain to everlafting felicity. As the godly confideration of Predeftination and our Election in Chrift, is full of fweet, pleafant and unfpeakable comfort to godly perfons, and fuchas feel in themfelves the working of the Spirit of Chrift, mortifying the works of theflefh, and their earthly members, and drawing up their mind to high and heaven- ly things, as well becaufe it doth greatly eftablifh and confirm their faith of eternal falvation, to be enjoyed through Chrift, as becaufe it doth fervently kindle their love towards God : So, for curious and carnal perfons lacking the Spirit of Chrift, to have continually before their eyes the fentence of Gods Predefti- nation, is a moft dangerous downfall, whereby the devil doth thruft them either into defperation, or into wretchiefnefs of moft unclean living, no lefs perilous then defperation. Furthermore, we muft receive Gods promifes in fuch wife as they be generally fet forth to us in holy Scripture: and in our doings, that will of God is to be followed, which we have ex- prefly declared unto us in the Word of God. 18. Of obtaining Eternal Salvation only by the Name of Chrift,. THey alfo are to be had Accurfed, that pre fume to fay, that every man fhall be Saved by the Law or Sedt which he profelfeth, fo that he be diligent to frame his Life according to that Law and the light of Nature. For holy Scripture doth fet out unto us only the Name of Jefus Chrift, whereby Men muft be Saved. 19. Of ( 12 ) 19. Of the Church, THe vifible Church of Chrift: is a .Congregation of faithful! men, in the which the pure Word ol God is preached, and the Sacraments be duly Mmiltred,according to Chrifts Ordinance, in all thofe things that of neceility are requifite to the fame. As the Church of Jerufalem, Alexandria and Antioch haveer- red : Soalfo the Church of Rome hath erred, not onely in their living and manner of Ceremonies, but alfo in matters of Faith. • 20. Of the Authority of the Church. THe Church hath power to decree Rites or Ceremonies, and Ait' thority in Controverts of Faith : And yet [*] it is not lawful for the Church to ordain any thing that is contrary to Gods Word written, neither may it fo expound one place of Scri- pture, that it be repugnant to another. Wherefore although the Church be a Witnefs and a Keeper of Holy Writ, yet as it ought not to Decree any thing again# the lame, lo befides the fame ought it not to enforce any thing to be believed for necef- iity of Salvation, f * To this firjl Paragraph^ iff enters are not Obliged to Subfcribed] 21. Of the Authority of General Councils. GEneral Councils may not be gathered together without the Commandment and Will of Princes. And when they be gathered together (forafmichas they be an Aflembly of men, v;hereof all be not governed with the Spirit and Word of God) they may err, and fometime have erred, even in things per- taining unto God. Wherefore things ordained by them as ne- eeffary to falvation, have neither ftrength nor authority, unlefs it may be declared that they be taken out of Holy Scripture. 22. Of Purgatory. | f Hc Romilh Do&rine concerning Purgatory, Pardons, Wor- (hiping and Adoration, as well of Images, as of Re- liques, <>?) liques, and alfo Invocation of Saints \ is a fond thing, vainly invented, and grounded upon no warranty of Scripture, but rather repugnant to the Word of God. f 23 .Of Mini]} ring in the Congregation. IT is not lawful for any man to take upon him the Office of Publick Preaching, or Miniftring the Saeraments in the Con- gregation, before he be lawfully called, and fent to execute the fime. And thofe we ought to judge lawTully called and lent, which be chofen and called to this Work by men who have publick Authority given unto them in the Congregation, to call and fend Minifters into the Lords Vineyard. 24 .Of /peaking in the Congregation, in fuch a Tongneas the people underJlandeth. IT is a thing plainly repugnant to the Word of God, and the cullom of the primitive Ghurch, to have publick prayer in the Church, or to Miniiter the Scraments in a Tongue not underftood of the People. 25. Of the Sacraments* /. SAcfaments ordained of Ghrift, be not only badges Or tokens of Chrillian Mens Profeflion: but rather they be certain fure Witnefies, and effie&ual figns of Grace, and Gods good Will towards us, by the which he doth workinvilibly in us, and doth not only quicken but alio ftrengthen and confirm our faith in liim. There are two Sacraments ordained of Chrift our Lord in the Gofpel, that is to fay, Baptifm and the Supper of the Lord. Thofe five commonly called Sacraments, that is to fay, Con- firmation, Penance, Orders, Matrimony, and Extremellndion, are not to be counted for Sacraments of the Gofpel, being fuch as have grown, partly of the corrupt following of the Apoftles, partly are ftates of life allowed in the Scriptures: but yet have iiot like nature of Sacraments with Baptifm and the Lords Supper, for that they have notanyvifibkSignor Ceremony ordained of God - ■ C the < H ) The Sacraments were not ordained of Chrift to bega^ed upon, or tobe carried about; but that we ihould duly ufe them. And in fuch only as worthily receive the fame, they have a wholefome effed or operation: but they that receive them unworthily, pur- chafe to themfelves damnation, as St. Tad faith. 2 6. Of the unworthinefs of the Minifters, rrhich hinder not the effeSls of the Sacraments. A Lthough in the vifible Church the evil be ever mingled with JLJL the good, and fometime the evil have chief Authority in the Miniftration of the Word and Sacraments : yet forafmuch as they do not the fame in their own name, but inChrifts, and do Minifter by his Commiffion and Authority, we may ufe their Miniftry, both in hearing the Word of God, and in the receiv- ing of the Sacraments. Neither is the efFed of Chrifts ordinance taken away by their wickednefs, nor the grace of Gods gifts diminilhed from fuch, as by faith, and rightly do receive the Sacraments Miniftred unto them, which be effectual, becaufe of Chrifts Inftitution and Promife, although they be Miniftred by evil Men. Neverthelefs, itappertaineth to the Difcipline of the Church, that enquiry be made of evil Minifters, and that they be accufed by thofe that have knowledge of their offences: and finally be- ing found guilty, by juft judgment be depofed. 27. Of Baptifm. BAptifm is not onely a Sign of Profeffion, and Mark ofDiffe- rence, whereby Chriftian Men are difcerned from others that be not Chriftened: but it is alfo a Sign of Regeneration or New Birth, whereby, as by an inftrument, they that receive Baptifm rightly, are grafted into the Church: the promifes of the forgivenefs of Sin, and of our adoption to be the Sons of God, by the holy Ghoft, are vifibly Signed and Sealed : Faith is confirmed, and Grace increafed by vertue of Prayer unto God. * The Bapttfm of young Children is in any wife to he retain- id in the Churchy as mo ft agreeable with the Inftitution of Chrift. Baptifts are not obliged to Subfcribethislaft Paragraph. 2%. Of ( '5 ) » 28. Of the Lords Supper. THe Supper of the Lord is not onely a fign of the love that Chriftians ought to have among themfelves one to another: but rather it is a Sacrament of our Redemption by Chrifts de th : Infomuch that to fuch as rightly, worthily, and with faith re- ceive the fame, the Bread which we break, is a partaking of the •Body of Chrift : and likewifetheCup ofbleffing, is a partaking of the Blood of Chrift. Tranfubftantiation (or the change of the fubftgnce of Bread and Wine) in the Supper of the Lord, cannot be proved by holy Writ: but it is repugnant to the plain words of Scripture, overthroweth the nature of a Sacrament, and hath given occafion to many fuperftitions. The Body of Chrift is given, taken, and eaten in the Supper onely after an heavenly and fpiritual manner. And the mean whereby the Body of Chrift is received and eaten in the Supper, is Faith. The Sacrament of the Lords Supper was not by Chrifts ordL nance referved, carried about, lifted up, or worfhipped. 29. Of the wicked which eat not the Body of Chrifi in the ufe of the Lords Sapper. T He wicked and fuch as be void of a lively faith, although they do carnally and vilibly prefs with their Teeth (as St. yhigufitne faith) the Sacrament of the Body and Blood of Chrift z yet in no wife are they partakers of Chrift, but rather to their condemnation do eat and drink the Sign or Sacrament of fo great a thing. 30. Of both kinds. T He Cup of the Lord is not to be denyed to the Lay people: For both the parts of the Lords Sacrament, by Chrifts ordinance and commandment, ought to be Miniftred to all Chriftian Men alike. 31. Of (i6> Si. Of the one Oblation of Chrifl finifhed,upon the Croft. THe Offering of Chrifl once made, is that perfedt Redemp-* tion, Propitiation, and Satisfa&ion for all the fins of the whole World, both Original and A dual, and there is none other iatisfadion for fin, but that alone.,. Wherefore the Sacrifice:-, of Maffes, in the which it was commonly faid, that the Priefl did off er Chriftfor the quick and the dead, to haveRemiffion of pain or guilt, wereBlafphemous Fables, and dangerous deceits. 32. Of the Marriage of Priefts,. Tfliops, Prjefls, and Deacons, are not commanded by Gods Law 7 , either to vow the eflate of fingle life, or to abftain iVom Marriage: Therefore it is lawful for them, as for all other Chriflian Men, to Marry at their own difcretion, as they fhall judge the fame to ferve,.better to godlinefs. - 33- Of Excommunicate per font, how they are to be avoided\ . XHat perfon which by open denunciation of the Church, is rightly cut off from the unity of the Church, and Excom- municated, ought to be taken of the whole multitude of the faithful, as an Heathen and Publican, until he be openly re- conciled by Penance, and received into the Church by a Judge that hath Authority thereunto. \ 34. Of the Traditions of the Church. IT is not necejjary that Traditions and Ceremonies be in all places one, or utterly like } for at all times they1 have been divers, and may be changed according to the diver fity of Countries, Times, and Mens Manners, fo that nothing be Ordained againft Gods Word, Whofoever through his private judgment, willingly and purpofely doth openly breakjhe Traditions and Ceremonies of the Church , which he not repugnant to the Word of God, and be Ordained and approved by common Authority, ought to be rebuked openly, (that other may fear to do the like) as he that offendeth again ft the Common Order of ( >7 ) the Church, and hurt eth the Authority of the Magi/Irate, and wound, eththe Consciences of the weak, Brethren. Every particular or National Church, hath Authority to Ordain, change, and abolijh Ceremonies or Rites of the Church, ordained onely by Alans Authority, fo that all things be done to Edifying. 35. Of Homilies. TH c fecond Book, of Homilies y . the feveral Titles whereof we have joyned under this Article, doth contain a Godly and whol- fome T>ottrine , and necejfary for thefe times, as doth the former Book, of Homilies, which were fet forth in the time of Edward the 6thand therefore we judge them to be Read in Churches by the Mini" fters, diligently and diftinttly, that they may* be under flood of the • People. Of the Names of the Homilies. 1 (T^\T the right ufc of the Church. 2 V -J Againfl Peril of Idolatry. 3 Of repairing and keeping clean of Churches. 4 Of good Works> firjl of Fajling. 5 Again (I Gluttony and Dnmkennefs. 6 Againjl excefs of Apparel. 7 Of Prayer. 8 Of the place and time of Prayer. 9 That Common-Prayers and Sacraments ought to be Minifred in a known Tongue. 10 Of the Reverent Ejlimation of Gods Word.- 11 Of Alms-doing. 12 Of the Nativity ofChrifi. 1 3 Of the Paffion of Chrift. 14 Of the RefurreCtion of Chrijl. ■■ j g Of the Worthy receiving of the Sacrament of the Body and Blood of Chrifl. 16 Of the Gifts of the Holy Ghojl. j 7 For the Rogation Days. 38 0/ the fiate of Matrmony» 19 Of Repentance. 20 Againjl Idlenefs. 21'Againjl Rebellion, 36, Of , ( »8 ) 36. Of Confederation of Bifhops and Minifters. THc Book, of Confecration of Arch-bifhops and Titfhops, and Ordering of Brief s and \Deacons, lately jit forth in the tin,e of Edward the Sixth , and confirmed at the fame time by Authority of ^Parliament, doth contain all things ncceffary to finch Confecra- iion and Ordering: neither hath it any thing that of it ftlfis fitper- jl it tons and ungodly. And therefore vrhofoeier ate Conjecrated, or Ordered according to the Kites of that Book, fince the Second Tear of the aforenamed King Edward, unto this time, or hereafterfhall be Confiecratcd or Ordered according to the fame Rites, we deeree all fine h to be rightly, orderly, and lawfully Conjecrated and Ordered. He Queens Majefty hath the chief Power in this Realm of England , and other her Dominions, unto whom the chief Government of all Effates of this Realm, whether they be Eccle- fiaftical or Civil, in aliCauies doth appertain, and is not, nor ought to be fubjeft to any Foreign Jurifdidion. Whereas we Attribute to the Queens Majefty the chief Go- vernment, by which Titles we understand the Minds of fome flanderous folks to be offended: We give not to our Princes the Miniftring either of Gods Word, or of the Sacraments, the which thing the Injunctions alfo lately fet forth by Elizabeth our Qneen do moft plainly teftifie: But that onely Prerogative which we fee to have been given always to all Godly Princes in holy Scriptures by God himfelf, that is, that they fhouid Rule all Eftates and Degrees committed to their charge by God, whe- therthey be Ecclelialtical or Temporal, and reftrain with the Civil Sword the ftubborn and evil doers. The Bifhop of Rome hath no Jurifdi&ion in this Realm of Eng- I .nd. The Laws of this Realm may punifh ChriffianMen with death for hainous and grievous Offences. It is lawful for Chriftian Ivjen, at the Commandment of the Magifhate, to wear Weapons, and fervein the Wars. 37. Of the Civil Adagiflrates. 38. Of Library 38. Of Chrifiian Mens Cj oods, which are not common. THe Riches and Goods of Chri/lians are not common, as touching the Right, Title, and Pofleflionof the fame, as certain Anabaptifls do fatfly boaft. Notwithflanding, evejy Man ought of fuch things as he poflefleth, liberally to give Alms to the Poor, according to his ability. 39. Of a Chrifiian Mans Oath. AS we confefs that vain and rafh Swearing is forbidden Chrifiian Men by our Lord Jefus Chrifl, and James his Apoflle : So we judge that Chrifiian Religion doth not proht- bit, but that a Man may Swear when the Magillrate requiretb, inacaufeof Faith and Charity, fo it be done according to the Prophets Teaching, injuflice, Judgmeut, and Truth. The Ratification. THis Book of Articles before rehearfed, is again approved, and allowed to beholden and executed within the Realm,by the afient and confent of our Sovereign Lady E LIZ ABET H y by the Grace of God, of England, France , and Ireland Queen, Defender of the Faith, &c. Which Articles were deliberately Read, and Confirmed again by the Subfcription of the hand of the Arch-bifhop and Bifhops of the Upper Houfe, and by the Subfcription of the whole Clergy of the Neither Houfe in their Convocation, in the Year of our Lord, 1571. the t a e l e. I /""\F Faith in the Trinity, a V/ Of Chrifl the Son of God. 3 Of his going down into Hell. 4 Of his Refurre&ion. 5 Of the Holy Ghofl. 6 Of the fufficiency of the Scripture. 7 Of ( 20 ) ' 7 Of the Old Teftament. 8 Of the three Creeds. 9 Of Original Sin. jo Of Free will. 11 Of Juflification. 12 Of Good Works. 13 Of Works before Juflification. 14 Of Works of Supererogation. 15 Of Chriffc alone without Sin. 16 Of Sin after Baptifm. 17 Of Predeflination and Election. ,18 Of obtaining Salvation by Chrifl. 19 Of the Church. 20 Of the Authority of the Church. 21 Of the Authority of the General Councils. 22 Of Purgatory. 23 Of xMiniftring in the Congregation. 24 Of fpeaking in the Congregation. 25 Of the Sacraments. 25 Of the worthincfs of Miniflers. 27 Of Baptifm. 28 Of the Lords Supper. 29 Of the wicked, which Eat not the Body of Chrifl. 30 Of both kinds. 31 Of Chrifts one Oblation. 32 Of the Marriage of PrieHs. 33 Of Excommunicate perfons. 34 Of the Traditions of the Church. 35 Of Homilies. 3 6 Of Confecration of Miniflers. 37 Of Civil Magiflrates. 3 8 Of Chriftian Mens Goods. 39 Of a Chriflian Mans Oath. The Ratification. Here ( 2 1 s) Here follotneth the Three Creeds approved of by the Eighth Article of the Church of England, foregoing } viz. I. The Nicene Creeds II. The Creed of Atha- nalius; III. The Creed commonly called the Aposlles Creed. I. The Nicene Creed. I Believe in one God the Father Almighty, Maker of Heaven and Earth, and of all things Vifibleand lnvilible: And in one Lord Jefus Chrift, the only Begotten Son of God, Begotten of his Father before all Worlds. God of God, Light of Light, Very God of Very God, Begotten, not made, Being of one fubftance with the Father, by whom all things were made: Who for us Men, and for our Salvation came dovviv from Heaven, and was Incarnate by the Holy Ghofi of the Virgin Mary , and was made Man, and was Crucified alfo for us under Pontius Pilate \ He fuffered and was Buried, and the third Day he rofe again according to the Scriptures, and af- cended into Heaven, and fitteth on the Right Hand of the Father. And he fhall come again with Glory to Judge both the quick and the dead : Whofe Kingdom fhall have no end. And I believe in the Holy GhoE:, the Lord and giver of Life, who proceedeth from the Father and the Son, who with the Father and the Son together is Worfhipped and Glorified, who fpake by the Prophets. And 1 believe one Catholick and Apo- ftolick Church.. I acknowledge one Baptifrti for the RemifliOn of Sins, and I look for the Refurreftion of the dead, and the Life of the World to come. Amen. D II, AVna- ( 22 ) II. Athanafius bis Creed. Hofcever will be faved: before all things it is neceffary that he hold the Catholick Faith. Which Faith, except every one do keep whole and undefiled: without doubt he (hall perilh Everlaftingly. And the Catholick Faith is this: that we. Worfliip one God in Trinity, and Trinity in Unity } Neither confounding the perfons: nor dividing the fubftance. For there is one perfon of the Father, another of the.Son : and another of the Holy Ghoft. But the Godhead of the Father, of the Son, andof the Holy Ghoft is all one : the Glory equal, the IVhjefty co-eternal. Such as the Father is, fuch is the Sun: andfuchis the Holy Ghoft. The Father uncreate, the Son uncreate: and the Holy Ghoft uncreate. The Father Ineomprehenfible, the Son Ineomprehenfible,: and the Holy- Ghoft Ineomprehenfible. The Father Eternal, the Son Eternal: and the Holy Ghoft Eternal. And yet they are not three Eternals: but one Eternal. As alfo there are not three Incomprehenfibles, nor three Un- ' created: but one Uncreated, and one Ineomprehenfible. So likewifethe Father is Almighty, the Son Almighty: and the Holy Ghoft Almighty. And yet they are not three Almighties: but one Almighty.. So the FatherisGod, the Son is God: and the Holy Ghoft is God And yet they are not three t Gods: but one God. Solikewife the Father is the Lord, the Son Lord: and the Holy Ghoft Lord} And yet not three Lords: but one Lord. ■ „ For like as we are compelled by the >Chriftian verity: to acknowledge every perfon by himfelf to be God and Lord} So are we forbidden by the Catholick Religion: to fay, there be three Gods, or three Lords. The C 2!) The Father is made of none: neither Created, nor Begotten. The Son is of the Father alone: not made, nor Created, but Begotten. The Holy Ghoft is of the Father, and of the Son : neither made, nor Created, nor Begotten, but proceeding. So there is one Father, not three Fathers; one Son, not three Sons: one Holy Ghofl, notthreeHoly Ghofts. And in this Trinity none is afore, or after other: none is great- er, or lefs then another. But the whole three Perfons are co-eternal together: and co-equal. So that in all thing, .as is aforefaid : the Unity in Trinity, and the Trinity in Unity is to be Worfhipped. He therefore , that will be faved: mull thus think of the Trinity, Furthermore, it is neceffary to Everlafting Salvation : that he alfo believe rightly the Incarnation of our Lord Jeius Chrift. For the right Faith is, that we believe and confefs: that our Lord Jefus Chrift, the Son of God, is God, and Man; God of the fubftancc of the Father, Begotten before the Worlds: and Man ofthefubflance of his Mother, Born in the World; Perfect God , and perfed Man: of a reafonable Soul, and humane Flefh fubfifting} Equal to the Father, as touching his Godhead: and inferiour to the Father, as touching his Manhood. Who although he be God, and Man : yet he is not two, but one Chrift } One; not by Converfion of the Godhead into Flelh : but by taking pf the Manhood into God : One altogether •, not by confufionof-fubftance : but by Unity of perfon. Fpr as the reafonable Soul and Flefh -is one Man: fo God and Man is one Chrift. Who fufFered for our Salvation : defcended into Hell, rofe again the third Day from the Dead. He afcended into Heaven, he fitteth on the Right Hand of the Father, God Almighty : from whence he lhall come to Judge the quick and the dead, At (. 2 4 ) At whofe coming all Men (ball rife again with their Bodies: and (hall give account for their own Works. And they that have done good, fhall go into Life Everlafting: and they that have done evil, into Everlafting Fire. This is the Cathoiick Faith: which, except a Man believe faithfully, he cannot be faved.. Glory be to the Father, and to the Son: and to the Holy Ghoft j As.it was in the beginning, is now, and ever lhall be: World without end. &4men. III. Tbi Creed commonly called the Apoftles Creed. I Believe in God the Father Almighty, Maker of Heaven and' Earth. Andinjefus Chrift his onely Son our Lord, Who was Con- ceived by the Holy Ghoft, Born of the Virgin Mary. , Suffered under Tont'rn Pilate , Was Crucified, Dead, and Buried, He defcended into Hell, the third Day he Rofe again from the Dead , He afcended into Heaven , and fitteth on the Right Hand of God the Father Almighty j From thence he lhall come to Judge the quick and the dead. I believe in the Holy Ghoft; The Holy Cathoiick Church * The Communion of Saints j The forgivenefs of Sins i The Refurrettion of the Body, and the Life Everlafting. jimen. , FINIS.