A T T E R FROM Mr. Stephen Colledge TO A Perfbn of Quality^ upon his Removal to Oixford^ to be Try'd upon an Impeachment of High Treafon. Honoured Sir, Hear I am with Confidence sported to be a ^apifl (nay morCy a Jefuit J ) It's their hour and power of Darknejs: they have the advantage and power of me, I was horn to fujfer, and have no poffhility of fighting my felf at prefent, hut 1 hope e're long I fhall hy a fair T^yall, where all I ask is JuJlice, no favour; and had rather dye than Itve fufpeSied: In the Interim, Sir, I have Jent thefe following lines, not for your own fatisfaliion, who I am perfwaded are fo already: (But for thofe to whom you fhall think ft to commuuicate them, that are otherwife, {that they are true Verfe I cannot fay,) hut that the matter fpeaks ( in fhort) the of', my Cafe, the Sincerity of my Heart, and the Sentiments of my Soul, I do mofl confiantly affrm: My *Time is precious ; I hegg your Prayers, and of all good Troteflants (for whom I fuffer',) and the Lord he witf) us all: Amen. Stephen Colledge. Wrongfull Imprifonment Hurts not the Innocent. WHat if 1 am into a Priibn caft, By Hellifh G^mbinations am betray'dj, My Soul is free, although my Body's faft; Let them Repent that have this Evil laid. And of Eternal Vengeance be"afraid; Come Racks, and Gibbets, can ray Body Kill, • My God-is with me, and I fear no 111. What boots the Clamours of the Giddy throng ? What Antidotes againft a poylbnous breath? What fence is there againft a Lying Tongue, Sharpen'd by Hell, to wound a man to death? Snakes, Vipers, Adders do lurk underneath : Say what you will, or never fpeak at all. Our very Prayers (fuch Wretches) Treafon calL But But Walls and Barrs, cannot a Prifon make, , The free -born Soul en joyes it's Liberty ; Thefe Clods of Earth it may incaptivate, Whileft heavenly Minds are converfant on high, Ranging the Pields of Bleft Eternity : So let this Bird fing fweetly in my-Breaft, My Confcience clear j a RulTa for .all the reft. What I have done, I did with good Intent, To ferve my King, my Countrey, and the Laws, Againft the Bloody Papift I was bent, Coft what it will, Tie ne're repent my Caufe. Nor do I fear their Hsll-devouring Jawes : - A Proteftant I am, and fuch Tie dye, Maugre all deaths, and Popilh Cruelty. But what need I theft Proteftations make Anions {peak men far better than their words; What'ere I fuffer for my Countrey's fake, Not Cauft I had a Gun, or Horft, or Sword, , Or that my heart did Treaftn e're affbard: No 'tis not me (alone) they do Intend But thouftnds more, to gain their curftd End# And fiire ( of this ) the World's ft well aware That here it's needlefs more for me to fay, I muft conclude ; no time have I to fpare. My winged hours fiye too faft av/ay My work (^Repentancc.^ muft^pftiot delay. . Tie add my Prayers to God, tor Emlmds good, And if he pleaft, will ftal them with my blood. 01 bleffed God deftroy this black Defign Of Popith Confiilts ; it's in thee we truft. Our Eyes are on thee, help, O Lord, in time. Thou God of Truth, moft mercifull and Juft, Do thou defend us, or we perifh muft; Save England (Lord;j from Popilh Cruelty, My Countrey bleis, thy will be done on me. Man's Life's a Voyage, through a Sea of Tears, If he would gain the Haven of his Reft, His Sighs muft fill the Sayls (whilft fbme men fteers) When ftorms arift, let each man do his beft And caft the Anchor of his hopes ( oppreft ) Till Time, or Death fhall bring us to that Shore Where Time, nor Death, fhall never be no more. Lam Deo: Amem From my Prijonintht Tower, Aug. 15. i6si- Printed for Francis Smith at the Elephant and Caftle in Cornhlll, i68i.