ENGLAND'S ^ S A F E T Y: OK THE Two Unanimous Votes OF THE LaftGood PARLIAMENT Concerning the Bule ofIetn§ a WITH' Their Addrefs to H I S M A J E S T Y To be revenged on the P A P IS T S in cafe H i s M ajesty come by a Violent Death. Publifhed for the Information of all True Prote- ftants, that they may not be afraid, nor aftiamed, openly to Aft andOppofe the D uke , and his Ad- herents from Inheriting the Crown of England, in cafe H is M ajesties Life (which God forbid) be taken from Him. STd- 3'H-r LONDON, Printed for A. Brewfi^r. i6-]^. ' I& Jisrriij 1^7^, W^ Hbferf., mmim by the Lords SplrJ- -smi Tc-inporal, and Commons in Parlk- isient aifejublea ^ That ihey do declare, tha£ tiieyiai^foilylatisfied by tfaeproots they have heard^ ithsre now is, and for divers years laft paft hath been a fiomd, and Treafonable Plot, and Confpiraq^, contrived and carried on by thofe of the Popilh Re- iigion, for the Murdering of his Majefties facred Fctioo., aiid for fiibverting the Proteftant Religion, and the anckaic, and eftabliihed Government of diis Isingdo-ixi.,, Bf^wns Cleric Farliamentorl [I] Sunday J A^rilij. i6/p. Refolved, ' Emine contraiicente, That the Duke of iorA being a Papiil, and r.h hopes of his coming fuch to the Crown, hath given the greateif h couragement and Countenance to the preient Confpiracies and D' ftgnsof the Papifts againftthe King and Proteftant Religion. OrdePd, That the Lord do go up to the Lords to defire theit Concurrence this Vote. Order'd, ! That the Secret Cornmittee bring in an Abftra6i: of all thofe Letters th have, or can come by, that concern the Duke of York, as to the Plot, with a %eed. Sunday, May II. i6yp. Ordered, ' That a. Bill be brought in to difable the Duke of Yerk to Inherit the Imp i^al: Crown of this Realm. Refolved "Nemine contradicMe, y That in Defence of the King's Perfort and the Protelfarit Religion, th Motile doth declare, chat they will ftand by His Majefty willi their Lives at Fortunes; and that if His Majefty fiiould come by any,violent Death,, (whi Cod forbid) that they will revenge it to the utmoil on the Papids. * Ordered, That theie Votes be drawn in the form of an Addrels,.to be prefented plis Majedv, which is as follows. f . May 14. I dyp, Mod Dtead, Soveraign, S, t - Wc joiir Majeflies mofi Dutiful and Loyal Suljedl. Qommons in this prefent parliament afembled, do with all bum gratitude acknowledge your mofl gracious Afurancesyour M telly bath Iccnplealed to give us of your conllant care to do ev ry thing that may prefeime the Froteflant Religion/jfyour fi Refolution to dejerrd the fame to the utmofl,and your Royal E dcavours that l-he Security of that Blefling may k tranfmitt to Fo ferity. And we do bumky reprefent to your MajeflyXh king deeply (enjitie that thegreatefl hopes of Succefsagainf 0 Religion in the Enemies thereof the Fapifls, are founded in Execrai/le Defgns which they have laid againfl your Saci Ferfon, and the Life of your Majefly; which it is not only D [2] oar Interefi, with the greateft hazard to pre'ferve md ■fend. W0 have applied our Coantiis to the waking fach pro-^ '/ions by Law as may defeat thefe f^opifh Adverfarm, thek bbetters and Adherents, ofyheir hopes of gaining any Advma^ ge by any Violent Attempts agamftyoarMajeJly^and may //i- rly fr aflr ate their expehiation of fab-verting the LrotefiaM- ..eligion thereby in time to come. And farther, to obviate if e beji means we can, all wicked VraBices againfl your y, while any fach Laws are in preparation and bringing i9 rfeBto-n. It is our Refolation, and we do declare. That in efence of your Majejlys Perfon, and the Proteflant ReiigioM^ will fland by your Majefty with our Lives and Lortiines,ani all be ready to revenge upon the Vr: (is any Violence offend them to your Sacred Perfon ^ In whk; me df, your Mafeffj 11 graciouflypleafe to be the more afm "'das we our felves ar9 e more tncouraged, in that the hearts of all your Mafiftys oteftant SubjeBs with the moft fincere AffeBwn and n with Its herein. -iV%the ipck Tiie Hoiife of Commons attended His Majefty widi this drefs, whereunto His Majefty was pleafed to return this Gracious Anfwar lowing: . Gentlemen, _ , I thank you for your Ze alp for the Prefervation of the Pro-^ I ant Religion, and my Perfon ^ and I affure you I Jhall M at ill me. lies to prefirw the P rot eft ant Religion, and am ling to do all fuck things, as may tend to the good and be" it of my SubjeBL WedmJiUy,^May it. 1 6yp. The Chairman of the Commit|ee of Secrecy reports feveral Letters, moft hem tending to the great AlTurahce and Confidence the Popifh Party had^ ■eafbn of the Duke of TorA's being a Papift: After which the Bill to difdn-' the Duke of Tor/i to Inherit the Imperial Crown of this Realm, was read cond time, and committed to a Committee of the whole Houfe on Fridiff t then following. • F J N I s.