0 —4"- I Appoint Thomas ^JTS^comb^ and HenrjHiSs; to Print thislnfor- mation. According to the Order of the Ho USE of Commons ; And that i- no other Perfon prefume to Print the fame. VTojemb, i6Zo, W^w 1 L L I A M js. Speaker, src D'fsy [N FOR MATi 0.1S1 O F g e 3^r. Delivered at the BAR of the HO^OSE of CO'^^O^S, ' Tuefday zh.Q Twenty fixth day of O^loher, In the Year of our Lord i,68o. Perufed and Signed to be Printed, Accord- in.g to the Order of the Houfe of Commons, 'BY ME William Williams^ Speaker. LO I{ V 0 , Printed by the AlTigns oijohti VmnM lS(ppcomh and Henry Hills^ Printers to the Kings moll Excellent Majefty, 1680. (i) . C\'^ w tum$mmum !•- ■ : , . -i-u jv/ - ,j ;i.-- THE. ii . " • • - • ""'.J - ' "iOl E'rr: ,..o: icf,^ OF; - ? -.' o * . ■ « . ^ ■ - • 4 - 1 » ^ >1 . ■ \J.-. .^ i ■. K-/ THOMAS fDA^E^pELb ^'. G E N T- ' ^ ^ " —; ^1' ' ' ■■ ■■ I ■■'i ■ .r,f,i4 I ,1'—^iij Q;^ Mom the Sidonth of - SqfenfaQjr Oftob^r i^7P.! - ; k ' SI. -L'-' -fil yfii; Hen .Klfs. CtUkr aadi.: my feifi waited loft the Lofd ' Tmrh hormgh'y to be lassroduced -te^i his Highnefs the Duke o^tirlCJ hisLardfliip enquired of. me, If the.^Lady .'Fo»h bad given i me any dircdions hoyv to Difcourfe tbc" DukeH re«^ plyed ,She h ad. Then he dehred to know what they * were. Elpon w hich I fhem'cd his Lbrdlhip a lit-i tie Book 5 in which waj contained.^Scbeisje,^and'- the preteiKled Difcovery which iX :had" thadeMn * the Presbyterian Plot. Which Book hi$ Lordi^> Ijhip carefuEy perufed j and finding rome'drpflLf B on 73 c > ? on therein, he ordered me to Write, while hh Lordfliip did Diftate to^me thefa words, That the Presbyterian Tarty'lntend^d ta ^ake an In- furre(5ti6n im the Korth, and fo^tbifjoyn with an Army of the Scots". Ihiibediately after this his Lordfhip tQck^osj^nto the pukes Clofet. {at White*' hall) where we both kifled his hand : and me he took from the ground (for I Was kneeling.) Then I ^ga.ye ^ his ^ighnefs t^e ^,af9x^m^ntioned little, B^it, Iw^cl hS afj^X fdmliflrbfr per^al thereof,! thanked fneror : and'alfo for my diligence in the Catholick Caufe: Did advife me to go on, and wi|hed-fiood paU *myd^ndertakings - Ad- ding in tnele Very wbrd^, That the" Presbyte-"' rian Plot was a thing ofjdoOt 'mighty confequence, and if well managed, would be very Conducible to-the Safety of tlie Catholick "Caulfe : and I do not queftion but the Effeds of k will aQfwer our Expedatibn^,^^'Northerh parts T where I am well affured.the "hdajoT-Pak of the Gentry are my Friends, and have given fufScienc Demonftration of their, affedions to me, as alio of their intentions to proieeute this Presbyterian Plot to the utmojd} fOr they: are no Strangers to the Dcfign. Immediately after .this his?Highnels ordered that Mrs. (jllkr and my felf (in the hearing of the Lord Peterborough , who was privy to the whole ^ Difcourle) to ber.very careful of what we Com- municated to; the ^perfbns who were to be the Wit- nefles in thd -"Hew Plot, left we should be caught inathe Subornation, and To bring a terrible Odium lipon the Catholicks, and make our felves uiicapable oT any further Service. After this the » Duke (7) Duke informed us, That in a Month or two's tirtie the Conimiffions would be ready: but or- Hered us in the mean, tinie to bring pur part to bei» \i^ith the Commiffions j and particularly or- dered,^ me to find out fome perfons (as there was enough luch'among the Catholicks, as \'trell as elfo- where) which were fit m be Trufted , and that fliould accept of fiieh Commifiions, which fhould be delivered them by a perfon appointed for that purpofoy but not to be Icnown to them to be any other but a Presbyterian : So that when occafion fhouid require, they might, together with thofo which we then had, be ready to fwear in the Plot, and that the Presbyterians were railing Forces againft the King and Government, and had given out Commifiions to that purpofo. And in order to this,I did in fom'e fhort time after, procure oneJBed' ford J Curtice J Gre^, Hill, Ho^kms, and others,tOraceept of fiich Commiflions, when thej Ihould be ready : whole bufineis in the meair time was, to IpreadRe- ports in the Coffee-houfes .,^ Thk 'the Popith Plot was a Contrivance of the Presbyterians, •■■- •« *L; .'7 f.-i '(/7ji i:i;4^ sfibnasn'-':-oii f'h ob Hum Off fl|niVj lo-voij '■JODnj od o3 51^ tfi-oliog cdl'I loi : ncijFiii.jpnl of 3 3iii'-d qiiilLiOj^ ciif aiiU jioc|Uo8 Mzdiui:) 3ori c) Fo-i ^ 7z>Wo r c-ds id cbioj, or'i o3 ^nsmilqrrio^ £ .q.S7/£ omiio 07/ oiii .y;u\"^ o 8 b I jEndof .O ^u\o^ mu id) .^::IodoJI Jii'y/ .von?3lij^ MdJ • " ^ '.v ,. ^ ' 7. •B I PI I :i