A perfect £>§• |DECLARAT10N| I The Barbarous and Cruelll ^ praftifes committed by Prince |* ^ Robert^^thtGavsllkrs^and others in his Ma- ?3! jefties Army, from the time of the Kings ^ going froni his Parliament untill ^ this prefent day. t§ Alfo the names and places of ail thofe whofc hou- feshave bin plundred, and loft their lives and eftates, compared with the bloudy cruelties oftheRebellsin Ireland, whofe examples tkey follow and make ufc of them as their Agents to a6t their ^ cruelties in England, , IT-I ♦g Together with the new Oaths, and blafphemous ^ Speeches they doe daily invent, and how Prince T^o- . ^ berts Capraines offer fumrres of money to thofe K"* -ta that can ftudy new Execrations againft ^ the Round-heads. .1^ ^ 4^G Colletftcd by R. Andrev^es Chyrurgion, who is now ^ prifoncr amongft ^ dW tlic Cavailicrs, and was taken at Kyncon bat:cll. ■•m - . —- ' . . : Printed at London for I;r. Cenle, 1642, " b! * A per fed Declaration of the barbarous and cruell pradiics committed by prince Rrc«d them A 3 into latoihc RivCT, «ni a Trooper rod into the firatdt tftcr thcia and forced theini: imo the dcp:h, where they were drowned. And when the fight b«g»n at Brainford they pUccd ten of the Earl of Effix bis SoaWicrs whem chey bad formerly tak cn prifoncrs at Kynton pinioned in thefront ofthcirmcnat a brcaft-workc to receive the ballets that came from ColloncllHfl//*/his Regitncnc; but fuch was the providence of God, that none of them were hurt though ftiot through the cloatbcs in many places; when they had poffcffcd themfclves of the towne, firll they dranke and waficd the Beerc and wine in the fcverall Innes and other pliccs> and that which they could not drinke they let it out upon the ground. They likcwife piftolled to death ono Fr^ncu who lived at Vxbtidg«,bccau& fac (aid he was for the King and Patliamcnc; juil a s ho came out of his Innc cv ding home to his wife and children. Bnc one of the mod inhumane adions that they did at Brainford was the pil<* laging of one Mr. Pierce a Bcewcr, who not only tookc away all bis bccreand his cheife brewer > but ten or twelve ilout hories, and not being contented therewith they came into his faoufe, and drove his wife forth thereof into thehigh way>ihe being in her fmock wick her child in her armeS) though (he hadlaincin but a week, who fiiddenlydycd after it; and bad like to have fired his houfe > fuck was their ctueltle and inhumane adions at this poors Towne. Alfo his next neighbour one Mafiec Jwitlr a fcrvanttotheKing, being one of his gutrd, and well knowne to fome of them, lad much a doe to prcferve his houfe from pillaging, his life and his wives from pihoif^, and his houfe from firing ; for they ibotdivers times at it, but yet mift h, thanks be given to God ; And at their Bying away froia thence they cooke from the inhabi- tanrs their mor>ey,Linren, wqllen, bedding,wcating, apparTelI,hotrcs,cowcs» IwinCjbcnni, 8cc«and all manner of vi(3ualls. alfo Pewter,bra(rc;Iron-pots and kdttclls, and all manner ©f grocery, chanlery, and appothccary ware, and many of the feather beds which they, could noL bears away, they cut the tikes infopcflces and fcattcrcd the feathers in the fields and ftrccts. And to be feort, they made fpoile and hovocke of all things that were worth any thing fa the fownc ; fparing neither rich nor poore, but either fpoilcd or carried with them, tllthings from the coftlicftjcwclls , tpparrdl and hangings of inanyGentle men ofgrcat qualHty,evcn to the poore almf-womcn,and the poor Ijcggars, that begs at the towncs end. And whctt they hadufcd the towne in •this manner, they defaced thshoufes and fct one of fire, of purpofe to have burnt dowrtc the (aid towne, though afterwards it was happily qecncbcdby an (nhaibkant. r Nay their infolcncy and cruelty appeared yet greater for they fee djuvrnc fwords and PiftoUs 'cockt to men and womcns breafts; tbrcatning them with death, if they brought not out all thejr money , ind that they would cut of their nqfc^tnd pluck out their eyes, calling them Pariumicntdogs, ®.ouDd- headed h«adcd R<^w, buttiag^Uming, and wounding them, tyi*>gothflts with roprs and irons.'and being ftript to the ("hirts, were carried away prifoners; and>« one was leading to -vards OatUnd being very thrifty, he ftooped to take a liuc water in his hat to drinkc, they moft cruelly beate him and bruifed him, for offering to doc ir. When they came to Kingfton, tbcy ofcd the like violence to cfa*'-towne, .as they did to Bcainford, except to fomc few that were of tl>e Malignant party, and therein they fhewed more humanity at this townc, then I have heard of before or fincc, for at other places tbcy ar.adcrjo dcfliu- ftionofany. Ycc fuch is the hcathenifh haBbaroufscfle of this accurfed gcncrfttion, th st f caRnot without feme prejudice to my precedent dhcourfe, and likewiic injury to the- indtfPe- rent Reader ccaicludc this Tragicaii flory without fpeaking a word & no more con- cctning thefcunhumanc creatures, whole praCfKe is far worfe tbca the hcathenifh Turkcsor Caniballs, for they arc not contented with the excicifc of ail the bloody cruelty that all the malice inihc world if it were contraifed within the breafts of' thefe furies of hell, could dcvilc in murthcring and moft cruelly haiidbng men •wo- men, litde Infants, &c. but that the generation to come, rniohr luve every way caule to curie them, they endeavour touftier mto this Kingdome the raitcrablc-calamity of famine, for they now begin daily tabaruc Iwmfcs, fire Towns and Villages, deltroy the Cornc, both in the field and in the barne, cut dow^e and deftroy xhc woods, and plants which thecarth is bringing forth, drive away all m tnnci: of Cattell, both- cfHorfe, Oxen, Sheep, and other Cattell, making no diflinftion of fat or Icanc bar- rcn, or thole that are great with young, but drive them all away that they light oii> both outof Bucking-thire, Bark-fhirc, and a great pare of Oxford-fhirc, and othcir places, cajriy ifig them into fijch Towns where the)rarc quartered, and thofc thatthcy cannot catc, they kill and deftroy, and caft into the dirt or to the dogs. Thefe are thofc curfcdwhich do not only difhonour and abufc God his Annoynted by their oaths and blalphcmies, &wouId if it were polTible pull God out of heaven, for they make it a common laying amongft them, wtU drinke tind b» drnnkt, ^hore, A»d be dAm^ed, And ivtil net be bele^lding t* G«d tt fave as ; And thjtt thej had rather be in hell with their Ctntrades, then in heaven with the Romd- heads : And they have fuch new invented oatlis.impvications, and healths, fo full of wickedncfTc and blafpbcmy, that the like were never heard of before amongft cither Turkes or Pagans, for it isufiiall amongft them to fay : The Divell that made ut damme set, and damme mee,and ram me into the mouth of a Canon, and fhoptc me wtte mtles into hell, ^c. They make proclamations amongfi thcmfclves, that if any Gen- tlcman or fouldier that can invent ncwraths to damme & deftroy Pjm and his Ad- hcrcnts, i^all have 1 oo. 1. for fo doing. They drmka health to Km^ Charls,;« whom thej Itve, move, and have our btivg. And although their being is in him that is but a niorail man, they at another ti ne will wifh him without being, in whemthcy fay their being confifts, for when they were upon their hot mardb toward London,in the expcftationof she fruition of plcntifull and rich trcafurc.'whcrc they placed their /hnw- WHM bonam '. His Majcftic flccping lomething long one raQyning, 'vs hjch hindered dieni f't/l.. 0 4 them of aft houres march, they wifhed that hce might flcepe x whole fortnight toge- ther,that they might the more eagerly purfuc their bloody intentions,and drunk healths to his confufion, and the confifion of our Saviour Chrift hitnielfe, and his Goipell, if his Majclly concluded of a Peace without their confcnt or privity. They likcsvilc drunke tlie deftruftion and confufion of thcfe worthy Gentlemen, who ftand up f«r the King and Country; calling them Tray tors, rowing to b« avenged cfpccially of them, and of the City of London, me County of Eflc:^ and alio of Kent as namely, The Lord iCimbolton kow E^rU ef Mawhejhert S/r Arthur Haflirig. Afafter Dcnzcll Hollis. ALafitr lohn Pym, Stroud. Mafier lolm Hampden. ^jr lohn Hocham. The Earle o/Eflcr. H j The Earle of Ih^cVzmnotonLord Major ef London, Serjeant Major Skippon, Celone/lIohnVcn. Shertffe Fouke. Celoned Manwayring. Therefore what outragesaiad cruelties will not thefc Softftescf Belial commit a« gainrt the Creature, fecTng^li that they can invent will not iatisfie their malice, but as much as in them lyes, doc abufc the Creator andthefacrcd pcrfon of our Saviour Ghrift himidfe. Here would I fainc make ari end ,for as the conlMcration of thcfe inha- inanities and barbarous crueltica cannot bat pirce the hardcft heart that hath any love or te^ard to hfs native coantry, for it makes my pen weary in wri- ting thc^-fid and pcnfivc lyncs, to thinke that fuch horrid wicked prafticci fiiouldbeaded inthisUtfd-rand^our ownenation, which was firft hatched in hell, and by the working of the divill; were afterwards pradifed in Ire, land amongftthcltciaiiiff, andiftoth thcnca by thccKBiplcofthofcRebclls together with their aydf j^ttfliftancc iasow daal|ridi^in England, F19^IS,