I €TC iS'S'S Ci] A A W O R D of V I C A U TO THE OF THAT Scurrilous and Seditious LIBS L- E N t l T U L E D, Cy THe Author of that Seditious Libel called No Pro'ciiafit-Fi.t, In If prt tea- ded topeifwadethe World into a bdifift'aat hei^aman defliousof God's Honour, and of the Safety of the King; a Zeal .tour tor rhf Iroiejiafit Religion^ (though an Abhorrer of Bi^ops-,) a L-^vtr of h:s K tig, and the prelent Government; yet to thefamc Lbel he arraig r- the one and raihat the other, fa Crime not to bethought of, ;it ht>r;oin an i ailo;.ilh nenr) but hncche cannot be fo ignorant and void of reafon, a- to th nktharaoy man that ever read the Libel, ("except zFhanatick^^ can believe any (uch Djlire,Z ai or Love can be found in, or with him,that endeavoured fomuch lo corrupt and p'yfoa His Maje- fty's^Subjeits. It may not therefore feemftrange unto liim, muchiels offenfive, (if a Tuteflaut) thataTraeand Loydl Proteftmt do putfds heibing hand, to (hew this Phafiatical Libeller, not only the great malice of hi< zealous Euteypiize, but. To the, way that may lead him to abetter light, more Love and Loyalty to his King, more Reverence and Obedience to his Minifters and Government; For as between the Flint and Steel, being ftricken together, Fire dOfh fly out, fo Judgtnents and W"ts contending, the light of right Knowledge and Loyalty muit needs appear; fueh light once appearing. Truth, Falfliood and Hypocrifle, either ofthem, is foonpcr- ceived. Now this Godly Authof, in his Seditious Libel, has taken great pains, uLd no Art; but Ebar.atical ; no Rhrtorjck, but Furitdnnical ; multiplied Allegations with- outnumber, hunted after Comnion Fatt'C beyond all Maidefty, aud ehtred intodigrct fions, not caring how or what; all not only to make a (hew of Learning, but hoping thereby to corrupt, alienate and prepare the Peoples Hearts for a fecond Rebeliioa A" again ft PI (2) againft our moft Gracious Kitng, (who injiis Cl.ernency and,^reat Mercy Cwith alj ducfubmilfion to him} was,'|nd.-is top fa*burab!e to z^ifhanatical Libellers-, as •sive\\z%Phanatical Preachers) and alfo to dlfgtace and weaken the Credit of the King's prefent Witnefles,and to deter others from appearing,-withand by the tjioll improbable, moft notorious and falfe occafions, hatched and framed by the ungrateful Dr. TO. ("and no Scholar} and alfo (to give you your own Phrafe}by that beggerly Irijh Rafca], and'great Villain, E. E. which wHI-be fufficteritly proved (to his owu knowledge and confuGon} by fome of the Greateft, and beff T^alrty in Eh^tand: How well, by what Art and Puritannical fleigli.t this Irip Tiege begged his Bread Gnce his coming into Ew^/awd, I need not fnforfn the Libeller, nor his Party, who very well know it, to their Coil} as well as before among other Beggers in Fji'is, at the Back-doors of the Jejuits Colledges and Nunneries, with his Earthen Pipkin, begging fora little fup and lome few Scraps for a Poor Scholar, (and a Gentleman} who was baniflted his Gountrey for his Religion, The Libeller (whether it was out of difrefped to thefe two notorious Falfe AccufersO. and E. E. or Ignorance in him- felf, I know not) throughout hi^ whole Libel tnade ufe of BiUngjgate Language only; a Language I remember not that any other Writer, except Phanatkks, andfuchlikc ungodly peopbi ever ufed before. In this Zealous and Phanatical Enterprize the Libeller feems to take great pldafiire, ofit to make great Vaunts, by it to win the Credit and Perfwafion, not only of the E. of S„ but of all men, (I mean all Difloyal men;} On the contrary, (I fay} it's fufficient alone, if truly and impartially conGdered, and commented upon, not only to difcredit his Perfon, but confound his Party, and tell the World they would wil- lingly be at the old Game of forty and Forty One again; What can then remain, but that this Libeller is not to be credited, not his Fa&ious Party to be tollerated? and why? Becaufe the Execrable and Infamous memory of the Ufurpation, Tyranny, Birbariryof the Phanatical Party (or, If you will, of our late proteHant DfJJenterj) is daily renewed, in one Libel or other) by our prelcnt Proteiiant Vijfenters, beGdes what the Libel No Proteflant-Plot contains, though it felf is fufficient to Itrike the Reader wiih Indignation, andhorrourof the whole Sedt, it being fluffed with Lyes, Thrcatenings, and incongruous falfe Notions and Stories; H? therefore muft needs be a man of very flenderobfcrvation and experience in the World, who isnotafto- nilhed, as wellasfurprized and flartkd, at the unparalleil'd Itnpudence and grand Viilany of this Libeller and his whole Party j for thereTcarcc paffes a day without a Libel againfl either King, Church or Government •, which evidently (hevys their wicked DeGgns,and conGrms all men of Piety and Loyalty, that this Libeller and his Party rtuke it their only buiinels to raife a partition between the King and his Teople, and alfo to deprive them of their chiefefl Comfort, and Earthly Felicity, Lbe gracim Favoztr, andgcodOpinioH of their King, and fo create unto ail Loyal People a Hell upon Earth, and bring the whole Kingdom a fecond time into a ConfuGon, under the colour of Religion, Fears of Po/'crj* and Arbitrary Covernnfent. Were not thefe the pretended Complaints and Grievances of the old time ? Yes, and this day alfo ; We may then juftly, and witliost blame, fufped thefe out ptekntPhanatick/, whG(rike Samfin'6Foxcs) are tied together by the Tail of Sedition, aimatnolefs Viliany and Deltrudion than their Predeceflbrs have aded, to their eternal Ihame and reproach, as well as to their Followers, who (like undermining Engineers} pretend to joyn with the Church of England againfl Popery s But this fpetious and Phanatical PretenGon, which proceeds only from a Fermentation of the old Leaven,, (my Friends} will not take with any that is converfant with Hifloty, where your common Dodrine, Principles and Pradicc are demonflrated to be as pernicious, if not far more deflriidive to Monarchical Government, than the moft defperate Principles of tie Papifsi I may juftly fay to the Libeller inihh Party what the Prophet [3] Prophet AciU-fedbe.thstn thai call Evil Goed^ and Godd Evil •, ("Ifa. 5 ) fcka caii 'druth Vmruth, and purftvade Vnt.ruih fcr Eruth ; And alfo take him to be one of therri which the Apoftle faith (hall (;Q,tpe ih the latter days, uuering Lyes in Hypocrifie, I Tim. 4. For what greater Hypocrihe is there, then to charge tin truths, and to impugn the Truth with the eolour of Truth, ("the only thing that promoted and cau- ied the lait Rebellion) as the Libeller doth i Heis then certainly one of them whom the Prophet defcribeth, faying,-ffe have put oar Ceii'ddencc in Lyings and Lyes have beenem fafe-guard. This laying of the holy Proph.t.naay allb well be attribated to a certain Doftor of Phyfick, ("a Relation as I fuppofe of the Libeller, at iealiin Religion, andin Accufing alike) who lately appeared in publick, (with an intt- mate Friend of his now) and there gave a Pill, which he formerly with affeveritions faid he never knew of, nor could compofe it, muchltTs ever gave any fuch Pill to A, B. If I fhould here put youjn mind particularly of all the Crimes and Lyes w hfch t notedinyour Libel, what Crime orLyets there ofanhonclf, difcreet an J, upright Loyal Writer and Subjeft, that you have not incurred, and either ignorantly or wil- fully committed, both againft your King, Common ]ulfice, and Chriliian Charity s Your over-fights touching Oates's profecuring Mr, Vagdak, Mr. lurbervile and Mr. Smith are many and maiitious, and your belief as large and as malignant as of the greateft Villain that ever fucked Phanatkk^ Principles all which in due time will fufficiently appear, to your eternal lhame, and Oaies''s grand Confufion, being (hame- kfs,andas void of Grace as Learning, fifnot in Plotting, and fpeakiag Lyer i/i pocrifiei) But you (Libeller) I confefs.have.a fleight in multiplying your Allegations, and furniihing your Libel with moll falfe Accufations, and the moll im- probable Stories, not caring how, or what, or where you had them, fo that fo many fheets of Paper were but llulfed up with any lort of tralh, and Dilloyal Ex- prcllions, an aftion becoming a Ph-anaticl^, and a Call for filly Birds, who offer at any Bait, but fee not the Hook of Fallhood and Untruth, wherewith you Choke and Murder them, as your Predeceffors did the bell of Kings. But now, the Vizard be- ing plucked off, what Ignorarfecan you pretend, or vvhat colour of Exdufecan you devife, when called upon to the Bat of jullice, for your Scandabus and Seditious Libel, (omitting your other lewd and dilloyal Pratffices,) I am as yet to learn. T'our manner of writing is befides all this fodiffolute, looie and Dilloyal, that in " many places you are found contrary to your felf j fometimes in plain terms to con- fute your felf, at other times, by the malicious fores of your own reafoning, to write, meet Contradictions; For a view of particular Examples in each one of thefe faults, I remityou to a review of your own Libel, it being but narrow •, and to our Law- Books, which you pretend to know and underhand. The manner of your reafoning is fo befide all Reafon, and fo far from Loyalty and Truth, which you fo much pretend to, that from thence the moll illiterate (if Loyal) may juflly, and vVithout any inferenecj infer a number of of lewd and dif- ioyal Confequenccs, which by the force of your dilloyal, and corrupted Heart and malicious Inclination, mull needs be concluded, no lefs malignant and dilloyal than thofe whieh your Tredecelfors hatched and framed, for the promotion of the laft Rebellion : Notwitbllanding, I grant that thofe which are to be found in your Fibel, are rightly yours, aud of your make In good earned. Now, what (liall I call that in you, grofs Ignorance, or wilful Malice, when you tnoll notorioully, and with unheard Irapudeilce, endeavoured to llander His M'aje- dies mod Honou|rable and mod Loyal Subjecil's, the E. H, L. Ei Sir L. J, and Mr, 5- ■ " ■ ' ■ ■ Tliv - -r I C4] This your lewd and dilloyal dealing, your open andmanifefi ill corrupted Defign in fcoring aud charging of untruths upon fuch Loyal ( nay to ufe your own Phrate, the beft of Majefliesj Subje(as, cannot ( 1 appeal to your, own ConfcicnceJ proceed of any Zeal to Truth, or Love either to King or Government, no more than the appearing of a certain Doftor of Phyfick at Court out of mcer You C Libeter) have alfo refledcd on that Worthy and approved Loyal Gentle- man Sir G. J. for faying that Mr. was a Learned man i which 1 dare affirm, and promife, that Mr. Smith is ready, willing and defirous to difcourfe any Phanatick^ In any point of Learning, and cfpecially that whom you pretend to have written his Book. Bue admit he were not j hath your your obferving Sir G. Q. faying fo, and tnentioning his Name with derifion in your Libel, on your part, any colour or appear^ince of love or zeal for the Truth, or for Kmg and Government, which all the World fceth not? And you did it nor only to Icifcn the Reputation of Mi . Smithy (to whom you dare not mention one angry wbtci face to face) whom you and all formerly adored, but to deface andto iellen Sii G. G. whom cthcrwife you, nor all the can wish any force of good Pxeafon, anyLear- ring, Truth or Probability, LlTen either his[Crcciit, natoial or acquired Parts, much Ic-fs his Loyalty v for which, as it is too apparent, and believed by the beft of menj you all PhanalickyS abhor him. In this your lingular device qf fcoring up falfe Accufations and RefletSlons upon the Kings beft and l,oyi\ Subjedts, you are no way come fhoit, much lefs inferiour in Villany and Malice to the wortt of men ; You therefore that thus fo many ways have betrayed your ill corrupted incdnations, and difloyai Heart, intending to cor- Tupt and poyfon the Hearts of His Mcj.fiy's People, to blemifli not only great Mini- fters of State, and the ffing's WitnefTcs, but the King Himfelf, and that with unheard Impudence, and with no lefs Crime then Subornation. 1 cannot but fay to you, and of you, what was once fiid in the great Senate of Rome to a diffolute and riotous young man, declaring moft bicterly againft Vertue and Juftice : ^i's te ferat cenart, rm «t Craffus, yPdi/icdKtcffj rtf Lucullus, loquentemut C^to, That is. Who can abide thee,t0lavifh iufumptuous Building,as LttcnUusy toriot in Banquetting^ zsCra{!ufy and yet to talk as bitterly as another C^to which fie certainly defervcd for his great difrcfptdf, extreme dilTimulation and wretched hypocrifie: So dcfcrveyoa (Libeller) in the cftimation of all Loyal men, to be taken not only for a great difl- femblcr,and a Hypocrite, but alfo for the tnoft difloyai of mankind, and therefore not to be abided. 1 conclude, and pray you to remember, that fault-finders ought of all right to be faultlefsi and that Accufers fliould always be blamclefs. Remember alfo the Holy Scripture, that fpeakcth thus unto you ; Lhott Hypecritey cajl firfb the Beam nut ej- thine own eycy «nd then thou Jhalt fee topiek^otit the Mote of thy Brothers EyCy Matth.7 Having thus laid open before you your many aud great Villanics, and difloyai per- fwafions,hoping that you will alter and amend what is amtfs; which I heartily wi(h, and only pray you will afix your Name to the Libel called No Protefiant-Flotj and your Friend will afix his to an Anfwer* tOUi>Oii: Printed for A^libn Banxs^