4- XXV v'. •" S E L E^e T . ALLUSIONS. TO * •' Several places of Horace, Martial, Anacreon, and Petron. Arbitr. Nos Convwia^ nos prHia Virginum^ Se&is in juvmes mgnihus acrmm Cantamui vacni 5 five quid urimur^ Non pr£ter folitum Uves. Hor. LONDON, ~ Printed for Feter Buckt at the fign of the Te/nple, near the Inner Temple Gate ip Fleetjlreet , and fold by R, Baldmn'm Warmck^lane. 1698. v.- ■ » H , -•* ■- -. . y ■ "3 : • ■ % . 'U -;...' #1- '' ■' s ■ A: : '-I: ' "i M ■ ^ 44- ■ iv- ■ , I , ~l k ■•i k^' I' f-: ■■- ■ J . , I. -Voy^. - ■ ■'■■■ ■' '■■ v-Vii?. . ,!'. ui(n.4?s?ft4 i : iU Tz-r •5r'^> 'V' "VT' ' r^i V . K-t. .'x *:.i ;\ : ■-<■■■ A I i « I; ? t "Oi ,«T7- « q'' -i ' ^■n'^:}J:/T:.:I' "'^r:: ''V • ^■ •■■''' V >. Ai'S ' 'Ull i v; j -tyr ' c e -1 4u- yj ■: • «^'-| i:^ '> ft. ';<■ -f-' I THE P R E F A C E. 'W Am not infenfible that many ObjeUions i mav be made againfl thefe folloio?ing Allu^ Jtom ; tho / fhant trouble my felf to An^ fioper 'm, lejl bv that means I jupply Jome jort of people with IVeapons, that othermfe cou^d not furnijh themjelves. All chat 1 /]}all fay by way of l^reface k , ^bat theje l^oems were never dejtgnd for the < moroje ili-naturd part of bAanfind ; but for the Men of dHeafure and idenerofity. And flootid fuch per fens as thefe find any thing in them that can contribute to their latisfaUton^ 1 J^ow my faults will be eafily 'Fardowd, The Preface. 1 havCy to the hefl of my porver^ fitmiliarly adapted my Authors t'o our prefent Grcumflances of Time and Cufom^fothat their notions might he relijhd iidth as little expence of Thought as pojfble^ If they will hear the peru/al with the fame 'eaf^^ freedom Jind pleafnre that I foukd in Writing ^^4 'tist'enough my pun^ pofe, 'Tis true I have pa!{cn a great deal of ttfahtf hoth '-a^- t(i the manner of Comfofure^ dnd as \to the'dAatter lfelf ,, 'anihrnay fome* timesfcent t die very foreign'frc^'h the fuhjea proposed. Indeed'ik my Opinion .that AUuf'' ons do pr&pefiy admit f -gfcope, as fopn as the hint is rcceivd^ I thi'f yy SludetynOy be altoiyd to Thread of Ms drrn Fancy, If any are Curious to fnoy -^^hy I Tublifh - Vw, tvpillic^ly confefs^ that it Was not either from the importunity of Fried Fin- Micate my feif front ' Errdrs of Surreptitious Copies'^ nor indeed to ejlablijh any great Kepu- tat ion-, hut for a Keafonvsorth a hipndred of 'em^ and for the fame KeaJon^ if myTooh- The Preface. feller finds encouragement by thisfirfl part^ the f'Forld maj expe^o he troubled mth more-y, tho. for 'h^r oven f^\we dre at prefieM dlh\ fiucb oddsythat 1 woittd not hejlow a y?ro^ gratis upon her » were it only to /pit my f mom in 'Kailhgi Whenever fhe proves more Indul* gent fd mei liffi' d^ ir^e T^o^^ grudge her no Jdulatiok In the mean time let her Kub ouy and fowW t % Well ^a$ l cdn\ Adiea O \d vLu.ri.O , r /), J C .v-.. c i ..n ^ Ca,.-, •ivva c a, J V •\vV. 1 ■' c'^nbin .jA aaa J; iooJ^ printed for^ and fold by Peter Buck, at the fign of the Temple, near theXnnet Temple Gj3te in Fleec-flreet. I. TJ Eaedions upon Ancient andModernLearning, bylfW. J[|^ Wottoa^ B D Chaplain to the Right Honourable the Eail Oi Nottingham. The fecOnd ^ dition : with large addi- tions.With differtatiohs upon theEpiftles of Phalarfs^Themi. jioclss^ Socrates^ Enr/fides^ &c. and Efop s Fables. By Dr. benU ley, 1. Incognita., a Novel. 5. Pyrrhus King oiEmpire, a Tragedy by Mr, Charles Hop- hins. 4. Love's a Jeft, a Comedy by Mr. Moiteux. * -V 5. Plot and no Plot, a Comedy by Mr< Bennk. 6. The Provok'd Wife, a Comedy by the Author of the Re- lapfe or Virtue in Danger. 7. The Novelty, every Ad a Play, by Mt.Motteupc,^c, 1 Seled Allufions. I. Mart. Epigr. 77. Lib. B, Liber amimum Dulcijfima^ is^a STrephoHf thou darling Fav'rite of tlis Age, ^ Your Looks alone can more than Love engage:—^ Where-e're you come, fuch Glory you difplay, That none can lefs than Veneration pay. Strsphon 'tis you muft to your felf be juft, And fpring frelh Joys to ev'ry varying Guft; Let lufty Bowls foment a fprightly fire. And fweil each Vein with vigorous defire: In melting Charms then deep your Am'rous Heat; Be Strephcn Hill, in all your Adions Great: Thus if you live but half your days defign'd, Cafl up the fumm, you'll more than total find. JI. Hor : SehU AUujtons, 11. Hor. Ode 13. Lib. 4. Audivere* Lyce^ Diim^aVota, iffc. ' • ' A I. Ell Tegy at length, the Gods I praife^ You're old and ugly grown? \ And yet with painted haggard Face, ^You brazen all the Town^ - With fome raw Cull, you drink, and toy. And Youthful fmiles put on» Yet faith you're butthe fnuffofjoy, ^ All but the ftench is gone. The God of Love your wrinckles fcorns, , Yourgrifly Locks defys, 'Tis/feffl/Z/s Cheeks he now adorns, , i . , pos And Wantons in her Eyes. 4. Where SekU Allnfions, i Where are thofe Charms now gone aftray } Thofe former Graces fled i That flole me from ray felf away, And fixt me to your Bed ? Twas then the fecond place you bore Of all the Harlot Tribe 5 Seuky^ 'tis true, was prais'd by more, But not by more enjoy*d. Seuky^ alas! foon ftoop't to Fate, And dy'd in her Vocation ; While Teg is left, and grown of late, The fink of all the Nation. B SdeU utons. 111. Hor. Ode 3^. Lib. I. ^ Et Thure Eid'ihm juvaty i3f€' )w Friends, letjov'ai Mirth take place, ^nd fweetnefs fmile on ev'ry Face 5 See Bellard'tn is fafe return'd, Whofe Abfence, wefo long have mourn'd ° . Once more the Noble Youth is come. Richly adorn'd with Honours home. Come thea to Lockets let us fteer, < * And giye our Joys their full Career; The largeft Draughts lhall there declare ■ Which is the Friend that's moft fincere. There letus Drink, till all our Eyes . tji - Into one fpaciousOptick rifej- Then gaze on all his lovely Charms, Pierce him with fight, and crufli him in our Arms. 5 'ik. / ■ P I,y. Hor.. IV. Hor. Ode 23* tl Vitas hinmho me fimil'n Chloe / Mifs was told that (he was Mans meat growBs^ She wou'd not truft herfelf alon e, For fear of being eaten up by Men: , But when at length I'd forc*d the timVous Maid^ She gently figh'd, and fmiling faid, Pray Sir be pleas'd to eat me up again. , . 'Tis to have a rich Dad in good time go to Reft ; A good Houfe well contriv'd, in the midftof that Ground^ That does with much Wood, and much Water abound. A Mind free' and eafie, a Body robuft, ft A Table fuflicient to pleafe ev'ry Mans guft. - I w B a Books ^ SeleU ' Allujtoml \ Books, and Friends that arechoic®, and a Cellar weil ftor'd; A true fatisfadiion both in Bed, and at Board: Nft too fond of a Life, when his Fate is decreed ; This alone is the Mao, ^ that is hippy, indeed. V I. Hor. Ode 27. Lib. 1, Natis in ufum ImtU Scyfhis^ jls^Co W I,, 1 Hat a Pox is the meaning of all this clutter ? Can't you take ©IFyour Cups in quiet? Let the barbarous Dutch Coeii Sawcrawmenf mutter. And of ev'ry Cluh make a Riot. 2,. Come, for fcame fet'sno more in fuch Quarrels embark, But ev'ry Man ft'art a frefh QHiery, Who met my Lady upon the Stairs in the dark And who tickled Dell in the Dairy"/ 3. Sec SeleH Allujionu 3- See how Jack hangs his Ears at fuch Quefti'ons as thefe. What need'il thou be aiham'd to hear on't ? Tho bonny biack Befs had a Belly in the cafe, And boneft Church-warden took care on't D'y' asls how many wou'd luliice? Bid me account the numbers in the Grave, Or tell the Stars that fparkle in the Skies; , Bid me as well repeat Thofe many anxious Cares that wair rr / ' Upon the Rich and Great., Ask me how many Wivesfthere are,: That love Gallants more than their Husbands far. How many Females mount th*^ Nupt'al Bed Without one tittle of a Maidenhead. If I might have, as I the Bleffing prize , Not Time itfelf fhou'd e're confine my Joys. 'S SeleU AUufons, ^ t VIII. Hot. Ode $. Lib- i • 7 Vides ut aha fiet Nive CdTididufTtt I, ■ -I '■^Ee^ how the DjBtnons of the Northern Cliiiie ^ Flutter along with Wings of dusky Rime; , Extending wide their Haads, To fetter up the Floods in Cryflal bands ; Difpencing as they go, Their chilly gifts of unpolluted Snow. If then we're Wife, let us their Force defy. With towriog Flames let's pierce the curdled Skyo Then ihall large Bowls of Wine, Together with the outward Heat combine : 'Tis Fire may the Work begin •, ' But Godlike Wine will warm our Souls within. ' 3 ^ No V 9 if 3- No tott'ring Cares fliall then our Joys infeft, No thoughts of what to the wife Fates feems beft •, Love (hall alone take place j And well tucn'd Meafures all our Atflions grace. Thus we'll in Circle move, Love, Drink, and Dance, and thenagain we'll Love. . None here muft Live, that can't betray a Truil-, Or at a Great Mans Nod, can't fmile, or frown. Thofe Sheepunpitty'd fall, and well they may, Whofe Choice it is, to herd with BeaftsofPreyo I IX. Mart. Epigri^^. Lib'4... Vir hofim^ Pauper, (S'c^ , Hat's this you fay ? You're Honcft, Good and Jiiil f What then the Devil made you come to Town? Xr'HoC ' SeleU Allujtons, X. Hor. Ode 8. Lib, Lydia die per o?mes^ • h'J J/I I. T^B-ithee, De&r Cocky, Jet me know ^ The Witchcraft of thy A"rt: At ev'ry ftep where-c're you go, Down drops a Conquer'd Heaf t. / X, t Jafper, that ftubbom Youth, that long No Female Charms cou'd brookj Sings at your Feet a whining Song, A,nd dyes at cv'ry Look. No more he briflies in the Pit, N"omore the Scenes he fcowrs, No more he vents his pointed Wit Againft young Cuptd'% powVs. SekU II 3* :)■: J-■ .J omolofon^// b; . Let then his frantick Zeal be fed _ n; ^^ ' J ., ntjiiW In thisBffcm nate fottiog J ..j' yibhl/c Give him be fure good ftore of Thread, ju .l - pvp * ' - ^ a And fet the Fool a Knotting. ^ q ^ xir. •.. Martr,ppi§r. .^4. Lib. 5. Quodtenere Ma/um^ (ffeg gWeet as the Rofes in their morning Dew, Or full as fwett as new blown Jefmin is^ Sweet as the Wind whene're it gently blew. From fragrant boughs of Aromatick Trees. > Sweet as the lncenfe curling up in fmoke, Or as rich Ointment when the Urn is broke:; So are thy Joys, thoforc'tj Whatwou!d they be, Wer't thou fo kind, to make the .Off ring free SekB X111. ^or. Ode 25. Ub. Parcim junSlmqu0timtferi^r^ ^c* I. OLeep on, old N/i/, andjflothing ' ,3.4 arrrv You'll unmolefUd fnore ;^[.,,Q rsflW No more will ever Coach or Chswr e os jil; I ./ Come rapping at your Door. , enoiij sqc Taith Child thou'rt old and fufty growcij'b 1 ' ^ 7' vino " Then don't thy felf defraud : ^ nifiiH ' ?:• i i >k> bra For you, there's nothing to be done, 'n .T aw ' Unlefs you'll be a Bawd; " O If Hill fome Sparks of Luft remains, If ftill you wou'd (land buff; One third of all your Pimping gaitis, Will purchafe Brawn enough. C z III. Hor. SeleBAmJiom] XIV. Hbf. 0de I t. LlbJ t. fiuW ^udjte^j iNffas f ist.• COme M, wyf-trbifelS thee,' or I,v - ■ I 1 What end the Gods-will givef• '' . Alas ! there's forty ways to" die,' - > ii . But one alone to live. :, '''I "2,«, He only lives that drinks good ftote of Wiftej|-'"di ■ lirlO .'iit i And clarifies his Brain 5 : ' f ^ "<'i 1 ^1; notlT If we our Sences can't refi'M, ?i.-nj j4nE; 'i'^ b'uih Our Reafon were in vain.: • " . i' - While thus I fpeak, our Moments glide awajj^t »^ And fleeting^yime does pafs : f Then Drink about, that fo we may „ O'retake it with the Glafs^- XV. Mart. SHeB: Attti/tons, , 15 X-'V. Mart. Epigri jii-Lib' 4.- ^wt'>ioc ? O each new Face, I fwear I atn in Love>. .'•I";-. •. . •• ' Then preflSng ask t' enjoy, And not an Oath, but does Compaflion move, Not one, but does Comply. • ^ , Then fure for Chaftity there's no regard : >; Yes, thofeare Chafte that ne're the Qjieftion heard. Quero dm tot amy (s'c. ... > I. • /a ^ i Hat curfed Love-lick Devil can Poor Strephon fo bewitch ? Muft he himfelf thus quite unman, 'QvxhPhillis proves a Bitch^ - a. Look t 0 16 SekB AUnfims^ ti Look but abroad into the World, The cafe you'll find the fame^ Where-e're the Boy his Darts has hurl'd, 'Tis ftill a crofs-grain'd Game. I- Xjovehight with Delia's Charms does burn, And Ihe fordies ,• Jjfper you hear at evVy turn, Cries dam the Cockatrice. With me young MeU does Coo and Bill, And vows I am her Dear; And yet T can't, with all my skill, _ k 'i -J ^ .From brawling 5f/jr get clear. 4 XVII. Mart. f SeleB Allttfions, 17 XVII Mart. Epigr. 4^, Lib. 8; Quanta tua efi Pnibiti^^^quanta eflpaftantla fornm, - ✓^Harming Alexisy is fo fweet a Boy, To look on him, is more rhan to enjoy. No Biufhes yet did. ever grace, A more bewitching modefl Face. ' " W hene're I fee the lively Red, His tender Cheeks o'refprcad, Methinks they do invite me to a Kifs: Yeifeem tofay, that Imufl: ftruggle for the Biifs; The Youth that did the Mighty Thund'rer movcj Had never Eyes more fraught with Love. He that with Lightning cou'd the World deftroy, Stoop'd to the Flames of his dear lovely Boy. How then can wretched I, Whom all the pangs of Love do thus enrage^. Forbear to try Whether Alexis won\ my panting pains aflwage > XyilL Hori SeleBy Aliujions, Hot. Ode 19. Lib. I. - ^ i V K Mater feva CupiMnum, B E gone Chafte ky thoughts, be. gone, Once morel feel the mighty God -likeGueft, Through ev'ry Vein come rulhing on, , :-r. „ ^ To Triumph in my Breaftc : ' ' f z. : J. - :.i V3i. • V. From Glabra's Eyes there's no Reprieve, Such killing Charms do ev ry Look defcry. To Rand their force I cannot live, / And if not feen, I die. , 5:-- Oh thou impetuous God of Love! Why fromyour Tranfportslhou'd I thus delay f When moft you do a Ferment move, Then leaft can I obey. i' SeleB Allufiont, XIX Fragments Petron. Acbitr* Fdda eft in Coitu^ Cf hrevh Voluftas^ ^c, 1"**0 do the Tnckris.but a.nafty fpore, . The ticklingjoy is momentary ftiort; Howc^ed foolilh do our Looks appear, When all our Courage dwindlesj:o a fneer ? Let beaftly Goats their riauTeous Lulls purfue, * » More gen'rous Flames are to our Tranlport's due s From harmiek Lips we ll* ifuck Eternal Blifs, And dwell an Age on ev'ry fingle Rifs* ^ ' No confcious Guilt will- then our Cheeks inyade, No fordid fear that we lhall be Betray'd,: But when from Units, Hundreds do enfue, The laft of Thoufands ftill begins anew. t If -•oq oji IT "in' :■ 'J /;i" D XX HdK lo SekB Mujions. X X. Hor Ode 13. Lib Quum tu L^dia Telephiy I. FTe L'tdy^ fie, how can I longer bear Such ftrange unheard-of things, While I fit by, you curl yo\kngfocky\ Hair» And twirl about his Rings. Then 1, poor Soul I i|;^tp fpm? corner fpeakj And there begin to tne^t What Heart of hardeq'fl Steel,that,wpp'd not hrea^. If it fuch Thumpings fe]| ? < . 3. Believe me Child, when once the thing is paft Jecly will leave you foon j ' . * T r - And this alone you'll have to fay at lafl, " Good faith he was a Loon. 4' Thrice bleft are they, who to one point do tend, .^t wary, a|^the weather; But in each others Arms do make an end Of Love and Life together. xxr. Mart;. SekU Jliujiom* i XXI. Mart. Epigr. 14. Lib. 10. Cehere no (irk nuM te dim AtnuU^ i^c, ¥. ^ Ell Sir, you fay that you are ftill my Friend; But when I want,the Devil a foufe you'll lend; Ev'ry fly Rafcal can partake your ftore; But no relieving of a Friend that's Poor. Full are your Barns, and richly ftockt your Lands, Yet ne're to me one Morfei flipt your hands. In this alone your Friendlhip me adorns, For your dear fake I wear a pair of Horns. XXII; Hor. Ode 7. Lib. 2. 0 fwfe mecum Jempus in Vltimum^ if^c. I. ''Hat George! Art thou return'd, old heart of Oak ? Then may the Gods be blefl; How oft have we efcapt the fatal ftroke, That Thoufands fent to Reft ? Da \ 3.Oft 2.1 SekB Mufom, X* Oft have we felt the various chance of War, Have oft been full, and empty j ' Sometimes courfe Hlghlari'd Bonnack was our fai Sometimes all ftore of Plenty. ■- -k- / - 3.. - I han't forgot that Curfed Lati^in bout,'' How wet we went to Kennel j And lay all night, like brace of pickled Trout, Serv'd up without their Fennel. You ftill purfu'd that rambling, 'reftlefs Scene, Yet nothing got by Fighting ; , On that account I've dill your, Comrade been, And got as much by Writing. ■ ■ " • r"- ' \ V, \ • S' .1 Come, flat's the Soul of ifome kind Vintner try, And make him pierce his Terces: Him with your Camps and Sieges you fhall ply, And Ml repeat my Verfes.^ a SekU AUujions.' With dint of Argument we'll drill, him on To truft on this occafion ; ■ , ^ i • w And make him know, that 'tis by Faith alone, He muft exped: Salvation. XXIII. Anacreon Ode 25/ Othk riv Jyor. TV TO Rents have I, nowell fill'd Barns, ^ Of Trading Stocks no (hare; The mighty bulk of my concerns Is Ghalkt up at the Bar, And yet when Healths have long gone round, And Drunksnnefs commences, Strange Raptures in my foul abound, Beyond the reach of fences. -24- SekU AHufans\ 'Tis then we fing, and dance by turns, And kindly hug each other, Each with Affedion panting burns, For his dear drunken Brother. 4- ■■ ^ I No forrow then my Thoughts infeft, My Stars I don't upbraid | But with content,-1 reel to reft^ When once the Reckning s paid. XXIV. ^ Anacreon Ode 2. iCatt xipuTM TojuefH' Nature began to deflribute her ftore, In a flood of her Bounty, her Kindnefs run o're : Not a Creature but cou d of fome Excellence bo^fl:," But the Wifdom of Man was to rule all the Reft:: Tho Bull's had their Horns, and Lyons their Claws* Yet the flercefliliou'd floopto hisReafons great Laws- Then SeleU Allufions. Then to curb human Pride, in a {rolickfome fit, To puzzle MansReafon, and confound all his Wit, She ordain d that he muft to foft Beauty fubmit. Thus in vain does Man boail all his Sov'raign fway, At each beck of a LuR he's oblig'd to obey. X X V. Hor. Ode 5. Lib. ir xnultxt Q^radlw.^ "^^I^^Hat foollfii Youth has Molly now drawn in To be her Cully Mate ? He little thinks that he iHiuft purcl^f^i. fin At half fo dear a rate. %> Alas! that tender foft bewitching Face Will fierceft frowns put on: That Oily Tongue will Rant and Curfe apace. When onee his Calh is gone. 2J£ Wi 3. ' 'X "igUt Ma^sefSj^ari,,.,, And rahkle with the Guflt^ -1 . t .' l.,; -jz.j fr" / hat heihou*d."^oftrateb'oth:his Purfe and; H^art, , To luch a Curled Jilt.j eVI fcU s lo k ■x" ■ . "•* When once I found on what a fordid fcore She did her Charrps difp.Iay, : X) /loFl I vow'd I ne're wou'd ileer.my In fucha faithlefsSea. , , r r- : K::.J w-.i Li: ^ 't ^ . T - .I..i • , ,,i4 , r' N ' ' \ *1 4 - C 4 ' PI B. /•■"S'.sd J'iJ' alii'f --H £ it'X i: It'i h\ 3'£1 snirbli'7/:J 3I0I rXml j.-itli 1 : r' 3^7 enwou iuV; ,3:&q3 'jViuD I nir;;:: I!i.v 3^300 fvIiO ; " .5T;g •.; fH.O ?id c-.-o rorlTT" ■"t* r:.H f