h ' C ef-£JL THE S^MME OF' 0 % ^ T'HE CONFERENCE t BETWENE lOHN RAINOL6ES AND lOHN HART: ' TOVCHiNG THE HEAD AND THE FAITH OF THE CHVRCH. wherein by the n-ay are handled fmdrie feints, of the fnffcicncie and rvht t.-'Pound'mg off he ^ax^mzz^therniniflerieofthe Church, clton of Prieftliood,?/'^ facrtfce of the Mafic, with ether controuerfies of religion-, but chif.j andpurfojcly the feint of Church-goucrinent, of cried in the branchy: nf Qhnlhzs, ruprcmc E^ucraiucic, Vzx.<:v%ft*etcndcd, theVo^csifurfedj the Princes lawfull Su- prcirncie. Fenncd by I»hn Ramoldes\ acccraing ro the notes fet downc ia writing by them both : perufed by lohn Hirt, and (after things lupplicd,&altcrcd;,as he thought good) al- lowed for the faidifuli report of that which in conference be- \ twenc them, i Whereto is annexed a Treatifeintitled, Six ConclvsIoks Tovching Thh Holib Scr.iptvre And The Chvrch, writenby lohnRainoldcs. WtthacUfenfieffuch thingts eerehy belouedfeleeue not euery ffirit^but trie thefpirits whether be ofCod: for many falfe Prophets are gone out into the worid. jy Londin'tj impenfts Geor. 'Bljhof I J 8 4 TO THE RIGHT. Honorable , the Lord Ro- bert Dudley, Earle of Leice- to, one of her MaicfHcs priuic Councell, and Chaunccllotir ofthe Vniuerfitie of Oxford, grace and peace be Bauldpiiedc Kins»i,5^ *4-«. He beginning of Schooles and Vniuerlicies (right Ho- notable ) in the Church of God, doth (hew that they were planted to bee ' nur(ci*[ ries oi^rotyhets :who, beihg • ijitoi<^ca in the truth of his wordjitiightdcliueritto menj and lighten, as ftarresthe darkenefle of the world with the bearacs of i£.But k hath come to paflc by deu to of the dragon^ Tfhofe taile drew the third part ■ofthe b Rwe.iJ.*, Jlarres ofheaueuji^ cajft them to the earth,thox. they banc bene turned into feminaries offalic "Pro- phcts: to maintaine errours and the power of , darkenefle,againft the light and truth of Chrift. A 2 Tht i 4 Theprimitiiie Church had experience hereof in « J. them ofthe Synagegue ofLibertines,and Cyrenians, Tt^ho di/putedTifithStemtAlti^on^oTi the faithfull in theages tofolow, that they fliould notthinkc itfl:range,orbedilrnayed,if Schooles & Vniuer- fitics of men profefsing wifedome were pofleG fed offolie , and fought to peruert the flraight wayes oftheLord^Theconfideration whereof, as it was needefull forourpredeceflburs, when Rabbinesofthe Iewes,Philcfbphers of theHea»» thes,Sorbonifts amog Chriflians,being feduced themfelues, feduced others :fohaue the Semina- ries ofour Englifh fludcntsferedlcd by the Pope of late at '2(omeand'2(hemes) madeitneedeful aifb fbrvs at this day. The moreihowmuch the nerer their dealings do come to thofe of the Syna* gogue of Libertines ^ (fyrenians.Yot as they dcfen- cled The lewifh: opinions receiued by tradition from their Fathers ifo do the Seminaries the pifli fuperfl:itions.As they did pretend thecareof ' * vcr.u. religion,eo^Mofes,andGod,xktlaW;,<5c tKeTem- pie: lb do the Seminaries^^of the Cacholike faith, the Scriptures, and the Church. As the meanes they vfed were fclanders ofSteuen,That/;efpake hla fphemous wordes againjl the holy place , and the law; fb do the Seminaries charge vs with reuoT . Xi ting from the holy Church, and corruptmg the Scriptures. I am not worthie to be compared with thelcaftofthe fcruantsof God , who H- lied at that time in which he powred the gifccs of his holy Ipirit from hcauen lo a= boundantly. Howbeit,as it pleaied him to rayle Stcuen to dtjpute l^lthfime ofthe le'^ijh Synagogue: (b hath he vouchlafed me of this fauour, that I fhould be called to conferre with certaine of the Popifli Seminaries.Ofwhom,one,contented to proceede farther therin then thereft; by writing, not by word oncly: hath giuen occafion of this, which herel publifli.Wherein how indifferent- ly, he hath bene dealt with: himielfe hath decla- red. My confciencejfor mine owne part,bearetb mewicneflethatlhaueendeuored to defend the caufeofthefametruth,with the lame purpofe, by thelameprinciples,&: groLids,that s Steul did. s Aa,7.i. Wifhing from my hart,(if lb it pleaie God,-) that" icmay preuailc more with Engliili 'Papifts,then Sfe«f;nlpeech did with the lewifli Priefts. But ready (by his gracej to endure their ipite,ifihey - hateme for telling them thetriith,as the Icwes ^idhim.No\v,fithZ..uke,whopennedthe ffory ' .. o[Steuenfcntkto^Tl7eophiins , 'mofinobleTbe^ tfhilml haue bene the bolda* toprefent my com A 3 ferencc fcrcnce vnto you, right Honorable; aduanced, in ftare^to be of the mof? nohle; in mindc, a The(h- p/3//^w,an d loner of the truth. Y our bencfites both pubhkely to our V niuerfitie, in maintenance of Gur priuilegesj&; priuately tome ward ,amem- bcr thereof: haue bound me to offer this teftifi' cat onofa thank^uilminde . And fithithath bene(I know^a greefe vnto you,that the Popifh t Synagogue hath drawne ^ prc^elytes thence : I thought it mofl mccte that the labours (pent with one lb withdrawne > and printed tore- clairaethem who arcgon, ifmaybec,or atieafl: to ilay them who are not gon,fhould bring him the falue whom the fore had touched neerefl. Which raoueth mewithali tobefeechyour Hoi Rour,that,as youhaucbcgoon, fbyouwillgo forward in being carefull for our nurferie : that they, who haue the charge of husbanding it, may fenfeitanddreffe it faithfully and wifely j that neicfier the wild boareof the fbreft, nor o- thcrverminmayanoyit; that' the fruites of the trees therof may ferue for meate, the le4ues for me* dkine, through trmters running out of the fanhluarie^ » the tree of life mayin the tniddeft of it, 2S in thcgarden of Eden planted by tlie Lord. So - fhallyou leauc a niofi worthie monument pf a ^ noble Theophilm: the reward whereof fhall fblow from God," who will render to euery man ac- n prj.tfj. i»» cording to his workes-^ the remcbrance fhall reft ia the Chriftian Church and common wealth of England, to your etcrnall praife throughout ail pofteritie. The Lord of his mercie bleflfe you with continuall increale of the graces of his h o =» ly Ipirite: Ipecially of that, ° which hath the ^romife ° of this life yandof the life to come, to your cndleflc comfort, through Iclu Chrift the Lord of life. At Loudon, the eighteenth of luly. 1584. 'tour Honours in Qhrlfl at commaundement^ lohn^inoldes^ ■ h K r lo!riai|L-'r.v/vV i;rb. • . ;;V'" ••'' ■ f I »<'j''\Vivr» 0'*'-M " b:>.D ■,'■( i. v.- . -i ... I. Xi.-'' ..>1 i .r' .-• J : r ■ ■ '|f&' m : * :"fi i .f{ ioVj'. niS3r!::o^l; ':>"r5nUkr-';ilx;c.:- ;')i':^; '"V^.vu\:.,d-4A /•■;,.;]o '-ybiLv ,f 4 xuo^o; .Wi 01 V io bio;Is-Hjvhl f^r:o'.Trii'/-loiutoo xl;noxi^oi:)Of;i, n-Lnq J 3ik .oil! 'f j: • ■ ' M I 4l 'kS . j 'J ■! I ilsiu\^V)C^.nia\u<.tc«~ 'h .M j i V » »• ■% 4 i .i I 9 lohn Hare to the indifFe- rent "J^cadcr. EhoU (gentle ^ader)the confer rencei^hich thou hAjl fo long loO' kedfor J hetl^eene M. ^inoldes and mejUt length ended: as alfo it had heene more then t^eluc mo* nethes fince^ had not my felfe hm* dred the coming of itfoorthjt>hen it was nigh readie to he deliueredto the Printer. For it is now ahoue yeares ago J that the right honorable,SyrlcrmclsWal fingham/j he had /hewed me great fauour from the time that I loas apprehended,ingraunting me libertie pf conference at home, firfl in mine owne cowitrk,and afterwardeinprifon: fo,'ttfhenthe fentence of death Ttaspajl yponme, heeceafednot flill to offer me the fame fauour ifI would admit it. VVhich I, grounding tny felfe ypon the mofi certayne foundation of the Church fofirengthened by God that it shall fiandfor euer,didgladlyyeeld to, and ( as became me) accepted ^ffitwithaUdutie.VFhere'VpoH his HonourJentfor \ M. (2^inoldes toconferrewithme: taking order alfo «. \tJjdt Ifhould befurnijhed'^ith whatfoeuer bcokes 1 did .^^neede thereto . (But after, ItfC had fient certayrie A ^ Tfeekes lO ^ weekes-together hi conference by Ipord of nwuth^ and J- continued Jl 'tll in my former mind : he defired to haue the fumme thereof in Writingy. that he might fee the groundes on which I food. And to this intent wefet downe together hreefe notes of the points that Ti>e dealt in iljhewingmy reajons withthe places of the autours whofe iuigement and learning I rather truFied too^ then to my owne skill - and M. "J^j^inoldes anfloe* ring them in fuch fort as he thought good. Holf beit, thofenotes Beingfo Jhort (aspointing to thinges rai tl?er thenVnfolding them) that they could'not well Bee ynde'rjlood By anyj But our felues onely, ynlejfe they "^eredraTipne more largely and at full: nvy Jelje Being troubled then tpith more necejjarycogitations of death ^ (as altogether yncertaine when 1 might he caltedAo yeetd vp mine account before God anAman,)requefled M.'l^ainoldes to takepaines topenne them according to our notes thereof, ^romifing him that I would per* ufeitl^henhehad'doonityandallowofityifit T^ere td my mind; or otherwife correB,if Imifliked ought in it. This pa ines he "pndertooke, and fendingme the partes thereof from time to time as he fnijhed them^ I noted Jiich thinges as T would haue added, or altered therein^ and he performed it according^. 'Butlphen I pmeiued that it IPOS prepared to he fet foorth in print : 1 fdught memes tofay it all thatlcouldj for fomz conjidtrati* ons 11 ens whichJeemed to me yery great and im^ortant.'K4ar-' ry fince that againe ynderUading it to he his Honours pleajure that itJhouldgoforst^ardjwhereynto hegrani ted me al/o hy (pecially^arrant the yfe offuch hookes as Ifliould catt for to helpe my felfe withali : I fe t afrejh Vpon it, is' hy letters tfritten ynto M.(^ino]des ^ receiued from hinijl had mine owne fpeeches O- reajons > perfittedj asl would , Wherefore, I acknowledge that he hath fet downe herein a true report of thoje things tfhich pajl in conference hetweene Vs,according tothe grounds and places of the autours, '^hichl had quoted hich he af jirmeth * in one place,that 1 hauecold him,that my , opinion is, thePopemay not depoie Princes: m deede I told him fo much Hnd in truth I thmke thatalc though the dpiritual poller be more excelteti^ loorthie the the tempore U-^yet they are both of God,neither doth the one depend of the other.VFhereVpon Igatbm as a certame c onclufion,that the ophiion of them, who holde *■ the Tope tohe a temporallLord ouer Kjngs isr Trhi" cesyis ynreajonable and ynprobable altogether* For he hath not to meddle with the or theirs cnudj^^ much leffe todepo/ethemor giue away their kingdomcs »tl?atis mpartofhis contfnif^ion.Hehati.inmy itulgment the Fatherhoodeof the Church , not a Ttuicehoodof the world: Chrijlhimjelf taking no fuch title ypon him. norgtuiuv'tt to 'Teter^or any other of his difciples. And that is it which I meant to defend in him, and no other foueraintie.Humbly defring pardon of her Maiejlie^ mygratiousfoueraineLady, for my plaine dealing in thatjwhichlfo Qjrifthelpeme)! take to he Gods caufty and the Churches only. As I do alfo moji willingly Juba mit my felfe to the curteous correBion of all men^ who, through greaterJkill/ind perftter iudgementjfee more then I doe in the depth of thefe matters whereoflhaue conferred. FareweS^gentle ^ader: and no'tt> that I hauep?ewed thee my dealing herein Jet me ohtaine this little rei^uejl at thy handes,that thou be not too hafty in giun^thyiudgemetyhefore thou haf weighed all thingsfmerely and'Vprightly^ From theTower y thefeuenth M lohn Rainoldes co the Stu- dents of the Engl'iflo Seminaries at ^me and ^^emes, ^thren^ my harts defire'Csr pray- er Vnto God for ijracl is y that they may bee faued , For that -/ • - aRom»to,r. which S. Taule wrote to th e (?5pmans,touching the Ifrae- lites, his brethren a?id km/tnen , . f . -1 bRom.j.j, according to the flefl^ y2iS being of one nation with him; that mufti pro tefl: to you (brethren) your felues^my kinlemen accordingto the flefli in like fort,and countriemen of England. Of whom I haue the greater compafsion and pitie, becaule I ^,m perftvaded that you iinne of .ignorance ra^ ther then ofwilfulnelle • and haue a deuotion to feme God aright , though not the right way wherein he will be foued.That I may iuftly fay the fame vnto you,which S. <= Taule of the/. GorlcKom.ioa. hareyoiirecordthat youhauethegealeof Godj hut not accordingto knowledge. The;^e.^/e, vvhich the Ifra-^ elites had,was of ^ thelaiti. The knosrledge,which. 4 Aa.22. j, they wated,was the true meaning ofit. For they cxpotinded it after' the tradizlons-3.nd doctrines of ^ G»i.i.n> their ,14 Preface of the QonfereMe t Ro«,xo.^ their Fathers i and knowing not ^ {Jo^riJl to be the ende thereof^^ty fought their owneri^teoufnejfe a- ^2Lmi[therighteouJn^eofGod.Thc T^ale^ which you haue,is of the Gofpel. The knoifiled^e,which you want,is the true meaning of it too. For you gwiemin ths areinftrudcd to ynderfland it s after the manet Etgiuh'sTw ofyour Fathers. Whereby yourfeduccrbeareth li xhapc.a, yoirinhand_,that ''die To^eis fiipreme head of ieiupcj, Churdi;' the trade of Popifli Triejihoode,the 'k chapt.i. way to faue fbules ^ ^ the facrifice of 'Popifh ichapi. J. Maifcythc fbuerain facrificcdn a word,' that 'Pa* nvc-linp%i, pifhie is the Catholike faith: and ™ the faith and Jerukeo^thiC Church of England is curfcd and p ciiapc.x. I damnable j fpecially," the oth of the Qutenesfupre* *' wt^aV^And your mindcs are taken fb with thcfc opinions,that you are content to venture as farre in thedefenfe ofthem,as the Donatifls did, who loued their errours better then their liues4 Great ;^?^?/c',butnot according to knowledge, mybrc- thren . For the Gofpeliteachcth not that which you imagin • your Fathers were abuled by Pha- rilHs & '^bbines: your Tope hath vfcrped oucr allChriflianflates j your Triehhoode is impious- yourM/j//?,abominati6 • yotirPopifli faith, he^ refie ; our doctrine of the Qwenes fupreniacie,Sc Oth thereto,ouriiiiniftcfic ofthe»'or(i^ of facrac ments^ to the BngHJhSeminaries. i 'x tk mentsprayers, agrecdi wich thcGolpell, and thcreforeis holy .Which thinges fith this Confe- tcnccr, that one ofyouryScminarie-Priefts;, and! hauc had,doth opcn&proue: peru;(eit(l beieech you) with equitie andiudgcmcnt,- and iludie to ioine knowledge to your :?^eale^ that you may he fa' Kfd.'Pcrhapsyour^wpmVr Cdie*guideswhole- duccyou)will notgiucyouleaue to reade it and pcrufeit Btit there aretwo realds which fhoLiid mouethemtocddel^nd thereto itheone, of the ^ '»>^)MeJ thcothe^,ofthc ^^«^o«rr ^ Tht worke^ is a. conference: which thclclucs haiiceailcd for. And * chechiefeft of the hath wiflit,thac fomeof theirs mightmeetemfehoiajticallcombat "Soith any-ofys he^ s- ' fore indijferent tudges^: trufthig that their doclrhiej, ytthich l^e cond'emm of fanfe and humaiie traditionj, P^ould.thenhe inuhicihlypmiedito he moft agreeable to GodsHrord. Wherforelich this hath bene vndcrtaken,and that in fiich forcas ^ lerned men haucthouo;htrobewj.5/f /?r for triaU of the truth- n ' J -f J 5 ^iinmjri,iQ Ad- mt by extemporaUjpeakingjbm yt>rifmg ■ Vith aduije j mrocon!„^ thequeffionngreedof- the arguments y the anfyiferesy^'^^"' the replies fet downe , and fifted of both pd^s fill cch hid fully fayd; inpneythe ifhok publifhedy that Churches and the faith full all may itikge of it : your guides cannot honefHy denie you the nght y ofr f ' I: Concertat. ecclcii^ Cjtlio. liMi.i Anjjiii aducrriis (,^1- v: 1. c" Ptiiitiii. In ejlibla Luc.c K-yrby , ec" Apologia Maityrmn. I Quam: iidoe- tifsiinus illius ordinis. ITanto indoe- tiore;n rccfTc oftcntlit. 3 E^rcgiu'm Chri/Ii Aihle- 2m« 4 ^snctum fa- certfoccin. 5 Sicivcrhco- logi>BaccaUu reu:n, 6 Firmiores cv giffc radices in fidcifuiida- mentis, yDoctrinacSTe folidion. 8 Vliniltrtim fy- nagoge \iigli- can* nonvHlga rcsn. 9 Re infect!J vndevcaitj rccefsic. 16 The Trefctce~of the (Conference oftheir inumcl hie proofes therein, Thd autours of theworkeiareM fifrrandl.Of whom they haiiegiuc out in print to the worlde,fithencc we began it, that I, ' though the lernedH ( as the re« porter (aith)o/'thatfort and order y yet»didfew.my /elfe fa much the more Vnknied y how much the more earnejilydealttDithihMtM. Harty ^ a noble champion of Chrijly and ^ a holy 'Vrtefy a'^ 'Bacheler of T 'minitiey ^ had taken deeper roote in the foundations ofthe faith yand 7 wa^ offounder krningjthen that the reafons jtt?hich no common Minifer ofthe Englifh fynagogue) brought to ouerthrow hint, could remoue him from it So that ^ I faine to go li^hence 1 came: and leaue him,as Ifoimd him. Now, if they them* felues thinke this to be true, which they hauc geuen out: they may boldely fufifer you to readc out Conference, that you may lee the triumphc, which a noble chainpio of yours,holy TriefiyU IBa* cheler of Diuinitiefiocih. had of a Minifler of the En* glijh [yyiagogue y an ynlerned Jvfinifer yand yet tl>e leniedf of that fort. But if they will not giueyou Icaue to reade it: then may you fuipeiffithatthele glorious fpeeches of their own fcholerj,and bale wordes of vs,are but flcights ofpolicic- as many vauntes 8c lyes be in the fame pamphlets wherci in theie are writen. Nay, you may fiifpect, that there ■S' / ? to the EngliJJ^ Seminaries. 17 fof there is (omevvhat which they are afrayde leaft iey, you fhould cipie: and therefore dcbarre you fr5 we I themeanesofknowingit . Indeed, mydeerc n, I brethren,youarecircumuentcd by ' them who mi) j commend the loue, and liheralitie, and pktie of the niif'. ^o^e,in ereEling Seminaries to traine Vp Bnglifhyouth 10^ Vnder thelefmtes and other famous men. For the loue knf. ' pretended towards you therein, is, to haue you itm ' nis foruants. The liheralitie emploied in feeding ittk: and teachingyou, is,to make you pliable and fit \ therevnto.The lefuites and others let to train you wHi vp,arefctto noolellyouin herefie and treafon, :iiKt: the pillers of his faith and State.The''iO«^o^ rBaa.i.rfr.j) [lenv hylon,Tslahud}odonofor,did commaund Ah^hena:?Jthe Vajc MaUer of his Bunuches^that of the Ifraelites hep)0uld jieait hrin^^chtldren,who were without hlemijhj'^ellfauou* ntcje> npbtf red,Tt^ife,andskilful!,and hadahilitie in them. O" that he p?ould teach them the artes arid tongue of the Chal- hk' ' the hQng appointed them prouifon euerie 't tk ^f^ portion of his meate, and of the lt>ine li?hich he .yon dranke: that they,being brought Vp fo for threeyeares, thefe might,at the end thereof /land before the Kjng. Pope the thirteenth loueth you , brethren, zsKingKabuchodonojor did Ifraelites . ''He xAlIent Apolo^, hath founde the meanes that there fhould bee broughtto the Maflers ofhis Eunuches,7(^/rej-, lete J B and 18 The Trefaceof the (Conference & others, a number of the hejl 'pities out of Bnglandy that they may teach you the artes and toung of yehipw. thel^omans, And y he hath appointed prouifi- on for you ofmoonthly exhihltion, in bountifull *ehap«.<. fort: but to what endc ^ that after certain yeres of this education you may ftand before the Pope. perceaued that ihclfjngs loue & libera^ litie was not hngle,- but (ought his own profit: %ra.tu which b his felowes al(a J jdnanUs, Mifael ^ and J[:e^riis (aw . If you haue the (pirite of Daniel and his felowes: you wilfee as much in the Popes double/owe^ and liberalitie'. iSurc, hec geueth iuftercaufcto difirufl it, then the did.For,the drift in traynirtg vp them, that they mifl:}tJldjid before htm, wa.s ovAy tha.tthey fhould attend and wai te vpon him, as courtiers'^ -•iver.j. in his pw/wce.Or if,becau(e he chole them ^ of the blood royall,and feede of the nobilitie,hch3,d a farder drift: it was but the afluranceoftheir land oiltu da. ©ut you are trained vp by the 'Pope to (eruc him inprouinces abroade , not in his palace at home ; to (iibdueforhim>that whichheehath loft,not to a(Ture him of that hee hath (Iibdued • nor to make him foueraine ofone land , but of two • and them not (mall of territorie, and ftate, as Twdd was,but greater and mightier, Bn* —'-fcjrt" Ji I mtmi iiT^ " iiTr--| n r n ir^ to the Seminaries^ I p ^Uni^ScIreland.Vot which a poorer fiflicr, then ihcPope is J would be content to angle with a hooke of goldc although it coll: him more then your two Seminaries are lykely to doo. (Popei^o the tenth'did Ipcnd a hundred thou- eCuicciarA'rt* ^ I 1 • 1 1 1 hiltltaUib.i land ducats in one day , vpon thcpompc and brauerie of his coronation: ^ and eight hundred thouland more in one warre againft the Duke of Vrbin;, tolpoilehim of his 5'tate, thereby to cftablifli a nephew of his owne in it . In his dayesLutherxo^e.'. the Troteftants had not tou- ched the triple crowne yet. Hisliicceflburshaue felt what danger it is in. If Ibme of their offals be (pent, with greater fhcw of almes, on feholers now,chiefly on fiich feholers as may defed their crowne: ^ theTapade ( you know) is difcreetely gAi!e«,Ap.» ,1. 'J I 1 rr 1- logie-chapt.** menaged-^this menagmg doth proue not ielie ambi- tion,but more difcretion.Thc policie of Gregorie the thirteenth appeereth therin,not thepktie,His coftvpon captains,,and(they;,who can)off/e/'/«f_,and Schoole-di* 'miitte too. ^The it>omanwzs deceued through de* fire of knowledge which theferpent promifcd hcr^ Great thingcs are promifed you by S'eminaric* prodfors orperfitter knowledge to be obtained there^thcn with vs in Englarrd. And truely, for iheartes and toung of the Chaldeans fi thinke that tht Mafer of tdn iQnges Eunuches taught them more cxadllyjthen any ofthe lewes did within leruf^ libit,.li. lcrn.But for the liberalLartes and language of Cha» 7iaanythc skill ofour readers,the courfo ofour ftu- dieSjthe orders of our Colleges and Vniuerfitics are liich,what through publike ledfures thereof what through priuate,with fondrie kinds of ex- erciles to ripen the trauailesoffludents in theni both; that,if I lifted to deale,as S.P^w/dothpWitli the to the Bnglijh Seminaries, 2t *thefalfe JpoUles^l tmght^hpldivf2yy'>they^re JJebruesJo am 1. Fpr ifybu cxc^l Vs in ont helpc of lerriing,asyour liardcr ftatc in a ftrangtf coun- trey may brccdc greater diligence then ours at home more plcntifuU : wee cpunteruaile ydu with vauntagcin an otKcf^as thatwcipend fixe yearesin the ftudic of 'Philolbphie, for that you focnd three J (cuenin Diuinitic/or that you feed fourc.Whercin^Ircfcrrc it to your ownc iuagca mentSjWhetherour fo long time, though with • meaner heipcs,be notas auaileabie to ibundnef]^ & maturitie of iudgemet & knowledge,(which yearesdoo greatly furder; ^asyour he^es,what- ibeUerthey De,inlbfliorttimc.Or Weenc you of your (clues, that, from your firft ehtrace into the ftudieoflogike,'* threeyearesCiti'makc ybh fitMaftenoftheartcs, (bperfit, pafsing, crni- lifli ncnt, as you are borne in hand ? and foureyeares as perfite graduates in Diuinitie ? Or is not this haft vied by the Mafters of the ■Popes Eunuches to difpatchc you quickly^thatyoumay (crue in liisafl&ires ? But it was not my purpofc to enter into companion ofourCoIIegcs,with your Sea minaries|much le® ofcur two mofi noble V* niucr(itkS,withvotiFtwo Gofei^s i: Let your naders bc^ skilMl^ / as panic- "" - - ■ EBj; '-" - foil. ^ ' 11 H^freficedftheCo^ifennCe ^5 iiiiUs-» ijndle^iiresjan dacercifes pafle oiirs , ,asTarrp,as r «.King.n.,o finger of^hom Tbdmji*'" ^t being oftenfochjpr "vied fo^as was nop £Iqvv^ cdhy phelaw ofGod)they fliuldbe*i/^y?/^dther- Waftd offend; ^fijefif^fle^f^ifiyntdittf^^ 4rmkefor ^hyJhplAthefefyputj^ces. txitporje^mg^ then the other children that are yQuindatinger mimd t9tht^tjg.lAgo6ly^^&^^ "T k#;f 84%^35^i= v«• tj ^afier ofthe Ew/^cjf'exiiadlerhea an bSiefleiferi, ^ ^ that to the Bi^lifh Seminaries» 2 5 thathe muft dooin al th,ings^as cdman- d$^."'WMchaidhougH h'c\v6"iUd haue taught his Icfible^s alio, accoifdib's; tb the artes andtoMizofthe (^hdldekns: yet hee fhewed (bymditioninghis feare of the Kjn^ tVat he mifliked not their icrua pfe of-cbnici erlce,de could be contented to grant their ledueftpfo thatit were without hisdanger. Whereby It caitie topalTcj that an*other officer, zi>w.i,« whom heyet ouer them^did gran tit^ I would to God(my brethrenjthe/e/«irw, & the reft,whom fZabuchod$hofof oi%ome\\2i.^ otA^^ to be your ' Waftci^vied you no worft then jy^j^heria^ dii them.For then,il6tWithftandihg they would lay \ntoyoujW^feare our Lord the Tope^ho hath ap- fointedyour doHrine (tp^jowryditfejifyourcolciaicc grudged at Ibme point rhd:ein as' diftering ftom the word ofgod:yet fhuld hotypurlbul^ be fbrs' ced to that,& other ouer fos might giucyou bet- terfood.But other ouerfeers & they are io linked ' all in One deUotion to the will Scp^lealUre of th,eir ' '. Lord the Pope: that if you bringTorth'buca bud^ of iuch lTUite,they nippe it olf ftraight,and teach you to thilike and ^eake in all re^eds according to the aYtes and tounfe of the Romans, Whereof^ theyhau'e'giueh ejtperiete &proofeirtmany ler- df your ffde. But threeftcfh 24 The Preface of the Conference examples mayfufficctoflicwic:cucn LuJouicM Vinesylohames Afo/4nKj,and Qaroltu Sigpmi*s. Fol Vines had vtcercd (in * his comentarics on S. Am* gcin Henricum s^biuum. cjib.tl.cap, """ Honrs in earth nextVnJer God-thzt * hnmane affeSli* ^ons doo raigne oftentimes in the holiejl men , and^ Fa* fiji'ip t? onerfighis j that * Saints are ejleemed and 'ttforfjipped by many, as were the Gods among the , Gentiles-thit^thefiorie of Sn/anua, of 'Bel^nd the iuk.if.cip.i). Vragonarenot canonicali fcriptures - that ^ they^h^ preferre the Latin tranjlation before the Creeke and Hebrew fomtaines^are men of^ euillmindes, and cor* ruptiudgements-that hwow? mufl bee blamed for the kindeof meatesybnt for excejfe in eatingJby the do[f* {iih.17.ctpj. rine of the GofpeU- that ^ Triejls are ambitious, cone* tous,Vnchaflyenrkhingtheir baJlards'Sfiith the church* «iih.f.Mp.»r- fpokeSyy€2L,^ tricked and vngpdly in caufing thinges iiih.ii.e«p.M. of thrift to be fetfoorthin playes- th^X.^ all things akt moll are folde and bought at ^me, ^ that by ruks orders of moft holy latr; to be fhort,thatSc/>oo/«»e, through ignoraunce of toungs,haue not only marrediCsr fmoothered'^ all other artes, but''T>iuimtie too -and • lib. 11.cap. I "haue profaned it with their curiojifte, tieirimnitky Sp^jib.Vi. theirfoUy, their raflmesin mouing,anddejiifing^e* Ariftotelians rather then as Chrtftians, anA heathen N to the Eh^Uflj Semhwies, 2$ heathen Wtlofophers,then fcholers of the holy Ghojl* Now thc(c^& lundricfpcechcs mo to like cflPe^, the Diuines of Louan (in their late''edition of S. jCuHtns workes)haue taken out of V'tues: & Jha^ y«ierfcbrie wngoffhUlockes^^ ^ 2)4//£iidid S4w/biw,hauemade Kimiikean other man.Mb/4»M5^tcing f^orth the ChurcKof RomcsL^cnde,' theMartyrologe of Vfuardt^ with notes ot his ownc, andD.Hi^ fels Cenfure on certain^Jiories of had therein . erne "26 The Treface of the Conference riib.). SUb.v jmJcraS'; fterne Empire) hath written * lb o£ Conflantine^ that he hath notonely not prpued thesharter -of . ' ConHantines donation, (a fable, that hee gaue thq Weftcrn Empire to the Pope,) but hath dilpro- ued it Cardinaii Sirletm lent him worde Irom that 'Baljamon, 'Cakea, Gemt^JtHf_ (fiu^ric • . GvcQkcs] hauejnentioned that charter,.If euidence againft all ancient wnters . But lueh as it was,«S/^owi«^ mull enroll it, and vie it gens tly, as fhe doth. Though ouerthrowing ^ ^ter- ward the foundation of it: yet fearfully ,poorc man,and making His excule, that he thought it hut dutie toJhem tfhat Eufehim and many more had ten,albeit not agreeably to the Church of ^me. So » the dealing of Cardinaii Sirletus widi Sigoni' us y o£ many with Molanus ,o£ the Diuines of Louan v^th Ludouicm Viues ^ may teach you, my brethren , to what Ibrt of feruicet, orfe uitudc rather, you are trained vp by the (Popes officers :who, if youvtterawordcbelideth^ artes and toung of the Romans, will gag yoii by and by,and cut your toiings if they be longl Yet this is a freedome in relpe<5l of that flaueric which your Mailers fat you top. ^ *N«fcisah»er. ^yfe kyo^e net/etly fottles^neryeidoovnderjt^ad dita: necdu;n The thrAldomt of the Rontijl} cre'^f p" yoke af'Poplfk banet, P fcatis periuru Fotit Isia fmall thiug that they fliould rdlraiitt Hcnut. to the Semhiarks. 27 youfrom rcprouing falsehood, orforcclyo'u to fofdcf It in points oflcflerwaight; (a hard thing for ingenuous mindes, butimall for them:) vn- leflc they leade you alio, with herefie, and trca- fon,to band your Iclues againft the Lord and his anoint^ in the (Pop^ quarrell,that he may bee dkaltcd ^ as God ^ of Godsy^on the earth . The a- h,.rhef.t.<, hointcd of the Lord, are ^ the higher pothers^ or- kRom.VjVi. dahted to acccute iufbce and iudgement ouer the ^dkhdieUiH ; The Lord hath giuch charge of artbinted,thaitall,eti'e euery/opkyihoul^ ^ , htfuhieHto therii wea, though they be infidels * ben EeUarant i' ^ O / , ^ inhuKomaa as they were when this charge was giuen. Vour'Maftetxdoo teach y6u,thatv/ they tndeU^ w1i«2nAc WthYthdra-^ theirfuhieBs to infidelitie or heYefie^thek oiMji'thty not to raigne^. and the Topc^Hsiudgitln^h trine of Ae*^ ofpnuft depofe them. It were a point of Icandalous m«ic. do6trine and erroneous, to lay,that' the perfons, ... . r 1 r I. • ■ 1 • thiid& traitors: I call heauen and earth to wita neflc this day, that 1 haue warned you to tumcf from yourwickcdnesjl haucdifoharged my dji^ frcj your bloud vponyour ownc hcads^ ^ Ivie.2^, 74. , Waberjorgwethem; fertbej k»m mt what they 29 fTHECONTENTS OF THE Chapters diuided by numbers into fundric partcs^rthefiindticpointcs cntrca- tcdofthercin^ ThcfrJI Chai>ter» the Popcs-fupremacie. He bccafion of the conference, the cir- aimftances, and pointes to be deba- ted on. 2 The ground of the firll point , touchit^ the ffead ef the C^m^.Wherein, how that title be- longethtoChriftjhowitis giuen to the Pope: and fo what is meant by Thefecend Ch after. The promife of the fipremacy pretended to bee made by Chriftvnto Peter, t inthewordes,T/'tf'«^r^ Petery andvfon thisrockevi^llibmld my Church-. 2 and, Tq: theewilllgiuethekeye^oftkekingdomeofhemen . Of ex- pounding the fcriptures: how the right fenfe oi them may bcknowne, and who fhali iudge thereof. 3 What is meant by the ex, the power of binding and loofing, pro- mifed by Chrift to Peter,aiid(in Peter)to all the Apollles. The third chaffer. Fag. 121. The performance which Chrift is fuppofed to haue made (ofthe (iipremacie promifed,) i in faying to Peter, Feede my lambes,feede my jheefe: 1 and, Strengthen thy bre~ tmen^ ith the circunAances pomws thereof, F>eef fhm 12 :: thtu leue mc ? and J haue framedfor thee Peter. W and boyv,chcy make for Peter; how for all. The fourth Chapter. Fa^.tsrl The pra£l;ifcoftlicfiiprei"mdc(which Peter is entitled to) icnagincdcobcproucd, i hy^\e.dcd:iono'iMatthiM5to the Apoftleftiip: 2 bychePrdidentfliip of hcldszlerufalem: $ and by Paules lourncy taken to fee Pefer,and his Wherein,as in other of the Rifles ofthcApoftleSjtheequahtic of them all,not the fuprc- trneic of one h flicwed. » • Theffth chapter. Pag.iSf.. . The Fathers x are no touGh-ftcnc for triall of the truth in controLicrfics of religioiijbat the fcripturc onely. 2 Their writings arc corrupted; and counterfeits do bearc their names. 3 The fayinges,alleaged out of dicir right wricings,proue not the pretended fuprcmacic of Peter. m Theftxth chapter. Pag. 239] The two mainegroundcSjOn which the fuprcmacic vfur- pcd by the Pope,doth lyc.The former, tliat there ihould bee' one Bilhop oucr all in earth : i becaufc Chrift fayd,' T here fall be oneflock, and one Paflour; 2 And amon"- the Icwcs there was oneetrAhie Prkfl. The later, that the Pope I6 that one Bifhop ; 3 becaufc Peter was BiQiop of R ome(as fome fay,) 4 and the Pope fucccedeth Peter. Bothcxamined,andlhewcdtofailein the proofc of the Popes fuprcmacic. The Thejiuenth ChA^ter. fAg. 2'jfy The fcriptures falfly fayd ro bee allcagcd by the Fdihers for tl-ie {tiprcmadc of the P opc,as fucceflbiir to Peter, t dtdiii Feede myP)cepe,Jlreftgthen thy brethren,iii.\Ayhat thy fiith fnilt not, belong no more to Popes then to other Bilhops. - md z ThcPopemayerreindodrine, j not only as a pri- lUjii uatcman,butasPope: ^ ycajpreach falfc dodlrinc aifo. of rf* For s he may be a theefe,a robber, a wool fe; d and fupt;, crre not in pcrfon only,but in office toa; as it is proi-ied" in e- uery p;fft of his office ; 7 with aimfwcre to the replic" made againft the proofcs for thedcfenfeofhim therein, i ^ ' TtieCucce{siono(Popcshazhbenepreua//edAgA/np by the gAtesofhell'. p 3.niy\'^henthegatesof hellpreuAtledftot j|^ Agamfi themyhidtrocke did argue loundncffe of faith , not ^he fupremaeie. atas f . 1 1 r The eighth ChApter. fag.4S2^ The aiitoritic i oitrAditions Fathers ptcttudtiX J to prone the Popes fnpremacienn vaine; befide the fcripture, which is the onely rule of faitli. The Fathers, 2 being heard with lawfull exceptions that may bee inftly taken a- Idlxc g^hiftthem, ; doonocproueic.Asitis/hewed firft, in J Fathers of the Church of Romc.By the way, 4 the name ofPrieftjChcPriefily facrificcof Chriftians,thcPopi(h facri- ficeofMa(Ie-priefi:cs,thc proofes brought for the Maife, the ■ ' fiibfl:anceandceremonicsofit,arclaidopen. And foit is de- dared that / nether tlie ancient Bilhops of Rome them fekies, d nor any other doo proue the Popes fijpremacy. ■k ' The ninth Chapter, t The Church is the filler and groundof the truth.The common confcnt and pradifcofthcC/'«/'f^ before the Ni- ccn Councell, the Councell of Nice, s qf Anti-. oche,ofSardica,ofConJ(bntinoplc, Mileuis, Carthage, A-. ffike, 4. ofEphefus,ofChakedon, ofConftantinoplceft- foones,andofNicc , of Conftance and of Bafill; withthc iudgements of Vniucrfities,and feuerall Churches through-^ out Chriftcndome; condemning all tlie Popes {upreraacie. The tenth Chafter* Fag. t IHrinccs are fupreme goucrnours of their fubiectes in jhinges fpirituall and temporall: andfoistheotheof theit fuprcmacie lawfuU. 2 The breaking of the conference oS^.Hart refufing to proceede fardier iii it. The firft Chapter. I Theoccajian^theconferenceytht circumfiMceSyiMdpoyntes t» beeUyatedaH. 2 ThegroHndofthsfiijt^oytttytouchin^theheMl afthe Church. Wherein, hm that title belongtth vnto Chrifi,haw it IS gwen to the Pope: W fiyahat is meant by the Popes fapre- maete^ AIMOLDES. ^ouljatie^earD,matV Iter Hart, from Htgljt Ijonojablo nrr^ rn gp. Secretarie Waljyngham , flje caufe nennC tutj^liebatl) fcnt fo? mc fo como bnfo Diuifi- V'ou: fo ronferrc toitlj pou concerning matters of religion, fo^tije better info.i^ ming of pour confcience anb iubgement. 3nfl)c U)l)icl} refpect poufignifieDbnto bim pour fclfc to bee totlling to conferrs initl) anp man: fo tb^t pou migbt be ctjaritablp anb Cb?itlianlp bealttbitbatl. Hart. 3n beebe3 bib Cgnifie fo mUCij fo gp. Secretarie; neither am 3 bntoilling fo bo that 3 baue p^tomifeb ♦ ^^otubeit, 3 toilhrat^r,ft)atifaconferencebepurpofeb,tlje leamebmeti ofourCb0,lDl)omctoehauemanpbeponbrea, might be fenffoi bcfi)er,ofriperpeares,anbCounberiubgemenf. ^former; ftw conoition of conference tnitb pou is fometob^t bn^euen. ifo;^ 3 lie in pnlbn, anb am abiubgeb to bpe: tpe cIofeneGTe of tbe one, f terroj of tbe otber,botb bull a mans fpirits, anb mabe bi»i berp bnfittcfojlfubp. 3 neitberamofgreatpearcs,no?euerb}as of great reabing: anb pet of tbat inbicb 3 b^e reab 3 bau® forgot? ten mucb , bp reafon of mp long reftraint. 3 am belfitute of bcDbes: Ure are not permitteb to bane anp at all,fauing tbe 6 ible onelp. ^ouoftbeotberfibemapbaueboobesat bjill: anbpon come freflbfrain tbe bniuerfitictbjberebp pou are tbe reabicr to bfetbemanballeage tbem. 2Db^fc are great bifabuantages,fo; me to enter into conference toitb pou. j^euertbelcne, 3 am con^ tent,as 3 baue raib,to bo it fo tbat mp bjantes map be fupplieb toitb furniture of bcokeSjfucb as 3 (ball belire. Rainoldcs. sCpc Icarneb men of pour (tbe,it Ipetb not in me fo pjocure betber. 3 tooulb to (I!3ob none of tbem bao euer com« ftomdUrne toitb traiterous intents, napmoje fben intent; C »t« Cbap.i, Dinif. 1. ■!1;. 11 ^ a OJtOJt into iEnglab, Saii', 6cr« into 3re-- Isnfi. Sander. vifib.Monarc. Iib.y.SanDtrjB! Ictttrgfto jD, aiUnijlDUicft ISiirHc.Gcne- brarcl.Chrouo- gr.iib*4. 115iifloti3Dc- inaiind.41. The fumme of the conference •^Deman4J. c Tlje n*rrae(^ cnoftHeiJn-. gl.lij Seiiaitcr w in ivbOine. f Bulla Pi j Qoint.anno ttotn fait\) Ibetn.^i. s jnamt.of Stmiiim Xiifoms.-. ^ to moue rebellion agatnli our ^oucrame, anuannetljc fub# icctcoagainttt^epjince. ^ftjabfarcD better botljtoiti) tjouano otl)cr0,tol)c came from tjim tl;at fent tljcm. ^our unpjifoiunchf ano Daunger,tul)tcl) Ijaty Ijcreon enfueu, 3 can mojc eaCIv pittie tljen relieue. 3 buit^ fou Inere at libertie; fo tljat l)cr Ijigljnes iuere ratifficD,tDl)ome pou Ijauc offcnoeo. SC^e conoition ofccn^ fcrenccjtlje inljiclj to offreb ^ou: to not fo tm-euen in oeeoe ao in lljeto, ifojaltljDugl) 3 come frefit) from tlje bniucrfitic: pet 3 come from one of tljofc tmiuerfitieo, tolimn ^ pour feluco report, ttjaticvvofvsdo Itudy: and ttiofe few that iludy, ftudy but a few qiieifions of this time onely: and that fo lightly, that we be afcard to reafon with common Catholikes: o;i,tf tneOO reafotV the common fort of Catholikes arc able to anfwcrc all our arguments,and to fay alfo more for vs, then wee can fayfor ourfclucs . ^ou Of tf)e otijcr Rocl^ucbecne b?ou0l)f hp in one of tljofe Semimnes^ to^rein ^ all truetb is ftudicd,the maifters teach all trueth, the fcliollers Icarnc all truth; &c the courfc of diuinitie (which our ftudcnts,nay our Dodors and Readers cannot telalmoilwhatit meaneth)' is read oucrin fourcyearsjwithfogreatexadnes, thatifa manfollow his ftudy diligently,he may become a learned jDiuinc, and take degree, befides the Ledures of pofitiue Diuinitie , of HcbVuc,of controuerfieSjOf Cafes of confcicnce; the Lcdure cfScholafticall Diuinitie alone, (wherein the whole bodic ofperfitTheoIogiedoth con{ift)doth teach,within the fame foiire yeares,a)lthe poyntes ofCatholike faith in fuch fort, that tfiereby the hearers come to vnderftand>not only what is in the fcriptures about a matter of faith, but alfo whatfoe- ucr is in all the Tomes of Councels, wrytings of Fritliers,vo- lumes of Ecclefiaftical hifl:ories,or in any other Author wor- thie the reading. ti£IIi)CrcfO,:iC,fit^ pou fjauc^Cait) fffio courfe of diuinitie,anD Ijauc banc acmitfcD fo take degree tf)crcin bpoii f j)c Ijearing of it: pou map not allca^ hnnpcitco of pcarco, o j rcaDing,ojiubgcmcnt:crpcciaUpagain(lmc, bcfojc tirtjcmc, in time fo long, in place fo incomparable, pou fcoUe Degree in Diui# nitie:ifpetcurDegrasmapgoefo?Degra0, ^thc Pope hauing depriucd vs of them. 15ut pou l)auc no btDkC0,fauing tftc Bible onelp.. ^Ott are,it is Ukelp, tlje reoier in tljat facoke: c^icflp fitft g at Rhemesbefidepourpriuatftudieofitjpou^^jerc ex-qrei- fed. Betvveene I.Rainoldesandl.Hart^ 35 dIXV fed in it dayly, by reading oucr certatne Chapters, wherein the hard places were all expounded,the doubtes noted,the controuerfies which arife betwixt you and vs refolued, the arguments, which our fide can bring vnto the coutrarie, perfpicuoufly and fully anfwered. t^af iuif 1) tt)is armour poi! arc fl)0 mo;o ttronglr pieparoD agatntt ms: toljo can bo con? tonf to DoaletDitljpou in conference bp t^atboohc alone, asb? bmhe of all fruet^.i^ottoitljttanDing, fljougf) pou complatne, 3 bnoio pou map Ijaue moje brohco, if pou tooulo Ijaue fuel) as are bett fo; pou to reab. IBut pou luoulo baue fuc^ as might nouf rilh pour humo;r: from reabing of tfje to^clj thep, toljo rett raine pou,are pour frienbes. af a man bo furfet of barietie of btftjes, the phificion both toell to bpet him toith one toholfcjwc hinbe of meat, perhaps if toere better fo? Ibmc of bs,tDho ccab all fojtes, that iDe inere tpeb to that alone,f fuffreb part of pour reftraint. WHt are troubleb aboutwanp things: but one thing is neebfull, span'p pleafe the fanlie better j but one both p jcfit mojc p minbe, PetoasaUnfepjeacher, iuho faib,The reading of many hEccMaft. 11. bookes is a wearineflc vnto the flefli: anb therefore erho^tcb men to take inftmction bp * the wordcsoftrueth, the wordes ♦ver.ro. of the wife, which are giuen by one paftor: euenbpTefus Chrift,' tohofcfpiritoib Vpcakeinthe Prophets anb Apoftles,; i.Pet.i.u.i2. anb taught his Church the trueth bp them, l^otobeit, fo^ as much as ^ God hath giuen giltes to men, pallours, and Ephcf.4.!,u. teachers, iuhofe labour might hclpe bs to bnoerlfanb the iuo^bs i)ft|)at one paftor: toe bo receauc thanbfullp the monuments of their labour, left in b),:pting to tfje Church, tohich tljcp iwerc ftt to builbc,epther reuerall,as the Doftors; 0? affembleb, as the Councels .• f bie 00 glablp reab tljem as Paftors of the Church. Pet fo, that bje pat a b'^crcnce bettocne them,anb that one Pa-, ftor.ifo? ' Goddidgiuehimthcfpirite'notbymeafure: thCm Ro'm'itj. relf h^b ameafure of grace anb knobJlcOge through hi't^. ^'herfoiejifto fupplp pouituhatfoeucr bjants,pou iuoulb hatic thebsakes of Do6tors anb Councels,to bfe them as helps fo^ th: bctterbnberifanbingofthebooke of Chrift:pourbjantsthai bcrupplpeb,pouthallnotneebtofearebirabuantagc in tljis re? fpect. ifo: M. 5fcrffr.«w hath taken oiber that pou lhallhaue tohat bmkes pou bjilkbnlelTc pou bjill fuch as cannot be gotten. Hart, bokes that 3 tooulb haue,arc piinctpallp in b®b C 2 the Fathers anD f|!C Councels: toijulj all Co mafecfo^ l3S,a6 Co » PriKcipior. fi- thefcripturesalfo . iButfo.impCtrccttoiitofinDcout tl)dr pla^ dcmo°n1i"«." CC0 in all popntes of controucrCc to^tcl) 3 can ncitljcr innanbcp m ethod. rccili!,no^ care to frutt nip felfe in fijnn: 3 UsculD ^auc cur us^in gc" dTf"- tcfs, toljicl) in ftjc fcucrall popntcs(lDl)crcof fljcp trcaic)l;aue cu crin&facrific. tcD tt)cm, ano fcuplc thcmfcluco Cpon tljcm^ 3n tljc qucftion of roiaiotftx €l)urc^ anc fupicniario^ « jDotfo? Stapleton of tifc ^a# £ontr.fummi rramcnfo,anD lacrifice oftljc 90airc," JDotto? of too?# r"u''n»m£5 l^ippingof^apnfcoariC3mag£j3, p 0Q(to} HarpffieUy iut)ofe al^^hno Co- loohcs toerc ftt fo?fl) bp tyilm Cope, $ bcarc fiio name, ao *1 ccr# eniof ILibcinifefojfi/e reft of tijepomfco tSiocht nf. tb'it Ift in confrcucrGc,tl)cm lnl)o in particular Ijanebeftftj^iffen oftt)cm:f fo;tl)emalingcneralI,S. Thomai tjfAqu'me,'^' ifac KH!E%i.A/ti)cr!^i'mj^i(tate5,ancct)icflp' fljeconfeffiontljafT'srrw//, c.tWwto anotljcrfaftjcroft^efccieticof 3£rnc, IjatljgafijcrcCoutof S. hmis^ibaNi •-%#»<'>t»l;icl)b0hetDercfflK:mo;ebp," bccaufeofaltijcifa# tohus Harpf- tfjeroS. ^if£ujHf7ei!it\}tt\}ez{tQ:, asiucUincuraopcuriuDgc# ^alditlTaruT mx:nf:anDt)isco£trineis fljc common cottrine of f^e ifattjcro; copus. iol)ore confcnfis ti\t rule tnbcrdjp contrcuerfieo fl^oulc be enoec^ w Rainoldes. jLlfcfc pou f^all ^auc(o(aors pjeffes'.biit tljep arc Deceitful ^o^bmeiTjtijep Do corrupt |cfl; Augufti.iid tbcir golDe tnitb DjoEfCjtjieir Unne initi) luo.ifc then tyatcr» X cwcatc- Hart. |?ou l^all fince it IjarDer to conumce tljcm of it, tbcn tlnificum Pet. to ctjarge tbcm Uiitt) it tajui.icfu:t. Rainoldes. ^nDpcutballfrnce it baroerto malic pjofe of balfe,tt)entomalicclaimcofall. ^ctpou (ball fee botb pourc daiinc of all tlje Scriptures anc Fathers to bcc mo,:ie conbcente tben iuft: anc mp repjiBfc ofpouriD.zptersfoi tbcp;i corrupting anc forging of tbem ,as plainlp prouec as tttercc, if pou IjrUC cpesto fee. Coc lighten pour cpes,that pou map fee:« open pour cares,that pou map heare: anc gcue pcu both a foft; Ijart anc bn^ Deritancing mince, tljat pou map be able tcifclp to Cifccme, anC glacip fo embrace fhc fruetij tohcu pou Iball heare it Hart N Betweene I.Rainoldcs and I.Hart. Si^onz. Hart. 3 frutt 3 l^all be able alinat^es^faofl) to fee,anD to fol« lotoe ttje truetb. )i5ut 3 am pcrfUiabcD pou totll be neuer able to ibclD ftiat tbat 10 ttje traefl),tPbtcb Cfiurcb p;ofeiretb..a0 b^ our confercnce(3 l)opc)it l^albe mantfcft. Rainoldes. ©icaiU pou tben(to lap t^e 0rou!iD of car confer rente) let me bnototbecaufc0tiJb^pou.feparate pear fclfe, ano refulefccommumcatciDitl)tb«Ct)«r^l>of Cl^nglano m p^apers anoreltgtcnf Hart, stlje taufcc are not manp. map be al compjp^ C^mone. ^ourCburtbt0noCburtb:^ouare not members oftbeCburcb. Rainoldes, i^olcpjonepoufbat^ Hart. 3i5p tbic argument. £Dbt^ Cburcb is a eompante of Cbjilftan men pjof^ing one fattb^bnoer one beat).^ou p^ofeCTt itotonefaitbjbnoerone b«^b, 2tberefo;e pou are not of tbe Cburcb. Rainoldes. ^KUbattofbatoncfaitb^ Hart. SCbecatboUbefaitb. Rainoldes. MboiotbatoncbeaW Hart. 2DbClBilbopof^ feete,hands, anO eies, thonli^ia not Co great,ttwugh greater fome then o^er. Hart« anhcm tohohab the greatett fi^ag:the name of head both thetu it mutt be one,anb that, one btttble heab (bihich b)® tall a minitteriall heab bmier Ch.:itt)p^opo;^tionable to the bobg of Ch.titt,3| meane the Church.i)f the inhich bilible anb minilte> riallheao thole too^oes of s. ThhU mag bee truclg berifieo. The head cannot fay to the fcetcj haue no ncede of you, Rainoldes. 3|nbeeO0,ifthepope be ttgnitteb bg the head, fhofetoo^osbjillfittehim toell.ifo^«Caroinall PoeU oifcour# 'Reginald. Poi. fing on the fame rcaCon of the Popes fup?emacie,both matte as him the heaD,fo ttings to be the fi^te,0ni) it is true the pope can feRfiad Henric. ITOt fag to ttings, I haue no ncede of you. 3JtbJ0UlD btt hSitS oei*"-!''''- going fo? l^ tf theg toere not.But if,becaufe ^aint Taule coth in that ttmilitube mention a heab,therefore there mutt be one bi? ttble heab p?opo?tionable to the bobg of Ch?itt,that is,f Church: thenbecauCe S. both mention the f®te, there mutt bee neebes altti ttno bittble f^e, bg the litte p?opo?tion . j^oto 3| lbouloglablgttnotbofgou^aitter/^'«rc,tnhi(hson toill ma^ C 4 the Soai. 40 OfCliriftesiiipremefbuerainetie. % (too fete of tiour c^urclj.as^e Emperour 3 troto,muIf be tijg ng^t f(Dte.2D!jc left,to|n3 i king of 5paine; Iball tiji French king Do tl)eit i 31f W tuell ft)at ff)e king of Scots«! lUi member of ifmo j t^e king of Denmarke.9pa«^ toe f)aD neboe® of f^e king of Swethland t^at lefatts Ijao conuerteb btm.^bal ^e be fbe left ftotefiD? (ball tbe king of Poleland fet in a fojte foj it; 15 ^e king ofBoheme nearer it i SLljeretsakingof i»ponjibI& 4. Bungo tm/ loljo is repo^teD to p^otert pour religion in Ijis conn* siDeepittu to trics,an3SlibeUliffetbeGreatTurke, &otherprinces ofMa-* f« bSoS' hornets fed; ^ep map be fate in time alfo.UBut boto wanp feeta tpittie oftbe map ttjis bobp Ijauef spap ittjaue 0re,reauen,ci!^t,map it Imua catSw m tlnentie bifible fate:anb map it not Ijaue ten,not foure,not ttoo, ifnsuns. map it baue but one bilible Ijrab f Harr« Carbinall comparetb hinges bnto fate, not aa fbougb tbep toere tbe lotoell partes of tije djurclj, (fo,: b® tetb tbem as fpecial I members, tbougb not bcaus) but becauO tbecburcbintbecourfeofber grobotbtoas laft of ail increaC® boitb tbem,as boitb fate,ant) fo bib mahe an enb of groboing. Rainoldes. SDljen in Ssmt time tbe cburcb b^ no fate,butabeabbDitbouttbejn.anbbt)batbo^be meaneto faps j^tbat the head coulb not fpeahc to the feetc.bobbn it bab no feeta ! toQjeahe too ; Hart. ^cs,itbabfatetbcn,butofanotber(b;if. ifojtbep, iDbo boere of loboer begrecs ano meaner gtftes in tbedjurcb of Cbiilf, are refeniblcb to fate in comparifon of others bobo boero in tbofc refpctfs asbanbs,anb etes,aboue tbem. Rainoldes. ^nb bo pou tbii&e tbe cburcb bab but tboo fucb ^ fate;^J bab it manp bunb?cbs;If0^ cbjiftians boere grobone ^ * long befojc to thoiifands^nb it is not lihelp tbe mott of ^em toere epesanbljanbs. Hart. 3itbab(noooubt)manp.!£5utponmulf not rarikc tbe members of (imilitubcsbepono ^e p?incipall pointes tobereto tbcp are applieb anb meantif 02 cIs pou migbt infer too, tliat tbe cburcb mutt baue but ttoo eies, ano ttoo banbs,becautt a mane bobp (totobicb5.T««/(rrefemble(btbecburcb) batbnoiito2e* Rainoldes. 0s pou fap.^et fbtsisfbemoulb ofpour otono rcafon,tobcrein pou calf the church to haue one vifible head proportionable to the body.0 fanfp m02C p20p02fionable to tbe limmes of jaoperp,tben to f4»lss oottrute touching tbt boby Chriftjthe head ofthe Church. 41 Chap.i, Diuifioni. kVCMI. & 15. VCr.27, m TCrf. 31. 2;thci3. 8e 14. chap- tcrs. " vcr.ii. • Ter.i7. p ver.iy. boi)\» of Ijis f anD purpofc fijorem is to fijat ' as a mans body is maos of funo^p members, J' aro ; i.cor.u.ver^ not all as orcellcnf one as an ofl)cr,the hand as the head, the footc,aS the hand, t?ef flje^j arc toineD fogttljcr to care one for anothcr,alIfDntatntatnett)cboDte: ^ fothebodie of Chriit, that is to CaVftlje tburc^ confilfetl) of fumi jp Cfj.jttttans,as mem bers, fontc of greater gifts anb callings tljen fome, the Apoftles tljen^ teachers,the teachers tljen the helpers, "> pefaliopneD together to loue anb ferue one an other, anb feeepc tljc cljur^ in bnitie. inhcrt'T? manifclt,firtt,tl)at in naming" the head he conlibereth it not as a heab p^operlp, but onelv as a pjincipall member, i?ojfoheappliethit, namingallCh4ftians, ° mem- bers : anb calling them the bo die of Chriit, jjcjuttcth Ch.jitt tgbethe heab. ipej:t,that bp the name of head fo confibereb, h® meaneth no one man, but all p the Apoftles, as them tohe iucre inbuebtDi^ thc^feftgifts, anb placcb in the highcft function, firft, 'Apo^ tKilllherefo^u: if that Iriojb be If raineb to the bttermolt, as far as bp the ter t it map: the pjojfe that it pelbcth toill argue a pjeemi# nenccof the apolflcs in generall ouer the inferiour members of the church, butnopotoenof I'fterouertherelf of the Apoftles, much leffc ofthe^ope ouerTjisfelloto-bilhops, Hart, ^ct this it both pjoue, that the name of head is not fs giuen bnto Chjitt, but that it map be giuen bnto a mo^tall man alfo ♦ Not as a head properly (pou fap,) bur as a principall member, ^nb inhat faib 3I els; ifo? 3 graunteb thatChiilf is p^operlp the heabofthe church J the^^opeimpjoperlp. ^et pon rep^oueb me fo> it. Rainoides. 3 repjoueb pou not becaufe pou gaue the title of head bnto the P'pc, foi hee Ihoulb be a palfour of the church of Koine: anb paIfours(fo? their giftes aboue the members of ^r churches)ought to be like heabs, though manp of them be tailes e as the pjophet calleth them:but becaule pou nameb him heab of * fhebJljole church, anb that in fuchfojt as it is bue to none but Chjift . ifo^ thoughpougrauntebChjitt fo bethequicfeening heab, thatisforap,fhefountainebJhencetIiereflotoethlife into the relf of the bobie: pet pou gaue the ?0ope thislbueraintie of jheaefl^ , thathellioulb birect * bp his rule aub potoer the ouf^ *Sao impel ior biaro functions of the fa^ie. ©3Iherein,asoftheone0bepouoe? 6^ the bwjthtnelTc of h-is giftSjinho giueth bs Paftors anb Te^ C 5 chers. r K-! '-•if 42 ofChriftes fupreme fouerainetie. chers, in t|>at i^ou Doc appoint tpcm to guioc onclp tijc ontUjarU f iphef^ix. functions of tjis faoDic,topercas ^ tjc ^at^ giucn ttjcm ' to the ful ' fcij K«T«e" of Saintes: fo, of tpc o^cr 0Dc pou Detract fomc# rt arco^CtncD, ^ to the worke ci'thc iT>iniitery.Ml)Crfo?&>hol]D* t»Cfe?yop ffljjjpr ^o^ jjjg topicppougiue t^c pope, anD tap #U(xjt»via5, pou call |)im lieaD, itot p?operlp, but imp;toperlp, a minilferiall ^eaD: pet pou Doe implp tljat in tpis [^improperly] topicl) can a# gra to none but l^im tpat p^operlp is a peaD, a IjeaD tlfdt Doetfj ius.D?toiTr5». quicben,guiDe,anDmouet^boDie» ten as in s pour Canon outof latoe it isfaiD of peter: The Lord did commit the charge of watt)preaching the truth vnto him principally, *to the intent that •f tfji ntto 11-, from him,as it were from a certainc head, he might powrc a- wsntpmrtf gifts as it were into all the bodic. pxmatcc, itip Hart. Cpefetoo;Dest^at pou repjoue intlje Canon lato^ St.?" tooeeminence, as" 'Dmrephes dP, »'aboutthe ^^ons to get if,anD fougljt fome colours to mainteine jeawefCbjc® ®tl)Drefo?e,asone(in ° T«i/y)faiDfoh[ortefi/ius,ixi^mife 370' woDcratelp pjapfeD eloquence, tljatheewould hauc lift her vp " beauen,that himlelfc might haue gone vp with her, as tenf. Ijauing great^ rigljt bnto 0er: fo manp iBtl^ops of Home, anD Lee not tl^ lealf of tljem, DiD lift bp ^aint peter biitl) p^pfes fo tljeRtpe, fbatfl)em0luesmigf)fritebptoit^l)im, as being fo?# i^raSikeri"" ^ ♦, are fo full of fucb fpacbes, tbat in fbe common pb^afe of tbemfclucs ano tbeir ^ecrefartejs,all tbinges pertaining to tbe fSopcs, toeregrotone to be S.Peters; tbeir p^rogatiue, ^ S. Peters right: tbeir bignitie, » Saint Peters honour; tbeir CatelineCTe," S. Peters reuerencej fubiectiontotbem,«lub- icftiontoS. Peter; jameOiage from tbem, ^ anembaffage ponuriohlS; ftomS. Peter; SLbingo bone in tbeir pjefcnee,« Done in S. Peters prcfence: llanbeisanb poCDedionb giuen tbem, ^ ginen fo chrodc S. Peter: i3nb toben tbep tooulbbaujekingoomeo, s^jinccfi lib.i.cap. Si. mult get them for S, Peter; His nmi. { Epift.JQi I Epill.tfu * Epift.ST, X Ser.i.ia an* niucr.die.af- futnpt.fux. y Scrm. j.in aniuer.dical- fumpt.fiii. « Epilt4S. • Ibid, i> HpiiiSr.at Sermon.i.in ann.dic af- fump.fux. r Epift.87. •1 Epift,24. e Epift.4. f Platinade vit;. curfc: S^bfifCShe^ " HisringrSCbeirclolet, « HisSee:2nbKr eonM^dE" Citie, p His borough: poll monp ^ ,eacn Peter pence toj. ^ea,it map be, tbat lbo;itlp tbep toill fake bp Peter for a fiir^ ? name,as tlje Komane mperonrs bib tlje name ofc*jar,^o^ r a LnJonrrphr: famoHslLatoieri pafrone of tbe papacp,jfaitbr tbat the Popes feptem yrbi may al be called Pcters.^nb ^onr countriman tube tnasfenf fo i"eranenff bilplap tbe popes banner f*cbal£ttgc higheft honour for bim,]';jp''j8-^'sia' 1 lib.7.Epiflr. tfOHtthextra.cap.Maio- tes.debaptifm. & ejus effea. J. Onuphr.de fept.vtbis ccclefi. cap.i. 4 DenariiuBeau Pcm.Eccler../#ni- gjicaam concil.Lugdun.apud MatPari'sinHenr. 3. r Francifc. Vargasdeepifcopbr. iurifdifi. &PonR. Mat.autori.propom4.cor.finnat.4. <" Cajnpiga.Rat.4, ♦ Sammumhoaortm primifedis tpiifsope]ide& Fcuo,,d«fciet. 44 Chriites fupreme louerainetie. tiotf) name l^tmtheBi(hopofthcfirftS ^iiat cui ego contr*- Tf/fristhc porter^whomlwilnotgaincfay,nay, Iwilobey ''■"^cnoio. , . , - r rL £ T 1 11 J in 'Erilt.motin.if. his orders in allrelpeaes, as farreasi skill and can, leafle Staput.m ut* when I come to the doorcs of the kingdome of heaucn,thcre be none to open if hcc be difpleafed who doth keepe the theconclufion keyes» 2D|)io groffe imagination of tljeltepeo anD portcr,anD: corruptopinionofpobjertothntanD open committeDbntof'e- j.pctc'iwa/ ter onlp,(U)l;iftj the goii) Uing conccpuco of finiplicitie,his Clearj^^ z"?™' y°"^ l^eftioulDhaue taught hint better, but thep bib all agree bnto totizim?'''' tt,anb theirfuccefforopraifcKing o/wy ;,) the Captaineoof p»fae,Kcgift. theChurchofKomepercepuingittobecommobiouo for the atu b' B^^citvss- naunceinent of their bingbome, anb conquering ofall the earth, |)aucnourt(hcbberpcunntnglp,bp »their Icftons,'' their titles, e theirarmco, ^ their cnSgncs,' thcirpictuixs, anb other Icgi? <1 s.joctera cno of policies, allins.Term name.. 0nbonthc crebite of S. Ffur thep h^ue pronounceb that ^ all ordinances of their Cbronographi Sec muft be receiued, eucnas if feur had confirmed them. ^iMwcnd. JSthep h^no taughte , that b their Church perfifteth pure irepoj, from all error,by the grace and helpe of Fefer. 2^hop hauc be# 8'""' crecbthat ^ although it lay a yoakealmoft intolerable on vs, fc^foi^nes., yetwe muft beare it patiently in the remembranceof 5. y'ift'na.i?; ' ur. 2Dhcp haue fct abroach in the Donation of that L ^epils * ' he gaue them his ownc crowne,of golde moft pure and pre svnod.Conftin- tiousftoncs, to weare in honor of S. Perer , anb that hec memoir, heldthcbridle and ftirrope of the Popes horfc inrcuerencc am^diftina.iv.. of s. Tcter. sCh^P h^ne mabethe Cmperour, as thej^opcs bafall, to become S. Pettrs knight, anb take hijs oath vuto kSscrat.cer*— 5. Peter ^ fhathee will reftore S, Peters landc vnro ^0 Romirubru Pope,ifheget anyofitjand wilhclpethePopetodefende S. reay" ' Peters b;ought;3wi)biihopsi to thinke ' their poUierr loai. mSicrar.cere- poUJCr tS notl)iltg,tjnlClIe the Pope do fend them from S.^Pe- Keman'iib.!." body,a palfwHich hath the f ulnefle of the pontifical due- fc«.io. tic. i5to^op0t^cp^aucijouitu " topzomife t^eiroatlj allc- wpL^.extr'a.^de giancc and fealtic, to Saint Peter^ the Romane Church, and iureiurando. their Lord the Pope, ° fronilBifbopStljcp brought «ntdn oath ^nto thcm,b)lw rccepuc dignities. 0nQ tljat tohich paf# EgoN.epifcepus fethalltherett, tohercasthc fojmcofthe oath p in the Canon pcEgoNEmf- 3lato Doth bpnoe them to defend regnlas fanBorHm patrum, the copHs.Papitutn tulcs of the holy fathers .• tifz popc hntlj * heretofore,ano ' notu cTcieCiScTcgu^ regDS. ^ea though hce ^ haD nameD l^eter^nct onlp my Lord,but(as iTho,-itas did our uiour) My Lord & my Godj'jt is a Defperatc caufe that toil ao# fSanon of the colour. Si^he' &tet»cs of Kome haiic founD patrones,anD apoiogte. that lohich is iuorfc then &tetijes.2nhc' heathens eallcD Dami- ^Tufrontrv^ Cw«,0ur Lord God the Hmperor. 0 " Canonilfc faith of the of jOtchois. !^Dpe,Our Lord God the Pope.15la^heniou3fpeefhesboth:pct 1 lohan.cafa g quarcller might alleaogc in Defenfe of thesn, ^ I haue fayde,>T' e^^cop. ene- j ^ ^ ^ heathcHS, bp thc ligfit of nature mtO t sucton.iavi- IpfeDthcone,asinfolent: neitfjcr hauc31 TcaD aiip li^apilfc, no "c-cmninKr. nor3Icruite,thatDurtt DcfeitD the other. 3:ttwao a common piac^ inglolTa. extra- tife amongtt the poung IfuDcnts of our SSniucrfitics in the time Dj[il's20unfes,(anD ispetamong{ltaimanp, toljom fpottes of y sueton. & gDunfcrp haue fiapncD,)that if in Difputation thcp tocre bronghf inconuentence,lDcrc it neucr fo abfurD: thcp tuoulD haue a Dittmttton,thoughbopDeofbraiiTcanDrenre, pctaDtllinction to mamtcpnc it^fa man toil be pcruerfe,if is no malfcrp to Doe it. 2 ViHCi>lib.i.de ffiut as z a toife anD IcnrneD man Doth fap of them, that they are ^fis art.cor- bafe wits which are lb affected,whereas ingenuous mindcs & natures wel geucn, wil rather leeke howe true that is which they T he Pope encroching by S.Peter. Chap, I. Diuif.2. * Reu.j.io,. a .I}cbr.3.i J. ■ I(^.i2,45v they holde, then how they may defend it, making greater price of veritie then viftorie : fo 3 fai? (yca ninrij llicjc m mattrrs of religion,offatftj,ofItfe efcrnall)a Ct):ifltan k!Ute,nna £0l3lii minsc tuill fearcf) anu tocig^ rafl)cr, tiljat lljcnlh be laiic ti ucli',tljen fnlyaf maT? be feis pjobabl^,03 cclourablp at tfre ieff. 's lyiOjjifit bab boene tlje Qcon toill of(!?c3, matter Camptan bab bab ii}e grace in SCcbDer-ranferencc to batte aimeb at tbis marfee: rather in ttnceritic tobsntfcugbttije trufb, tljtn ttntfr' Ibiftcfi anb cauilles tlje mayni enance of bis caufe anb crcbit.JSut tljougb bs toere frotoarb, anb bib 11;ut bis eyes againtt tbe beams oftbc ligbt: pet boe ten netfofojrCcbs fafee, matter , m tijis conference cf curs. 315c content fo open tctsr minbc to bps grace,tobo * Itandeth at the dore & knocketh: anb beadren to » his voice inbilc it is to day. 3i5ctrarc Dftl;eircvample,iiibo ^ could not bclecue,D,J if fbep bib bclecnc, '= durllnot conies Chrift:becaufe they loued the praife of men more then the praife of God,and hunted after honor one of another, not fcking for that honor which commeth from tbc Lord alone, SDent tonr felfe.anb pour frenbs,anb all ficfl^lt rcfpcctes, f geue tbc glojt to tbel^igbett. Hart. 3 neither fcctte foj fbiffestobarhcntbefruetb r not louetbcptaifeofmcn mojc tbcntbcptaifc of Cod. 3tluerea mabnellie foj a man to abuentnrc bis ltfc(as fee boe,pou fee,) foi fbe maintenance of crrot,o? of bis oton crebif. 0s fot 3 tbinfee of bim as of mp felfe. 3 bsarb tbe Difpnfations,tobsrein be anftoereb tbem tobo to rcafon toitb bim: anb 3 percepi'- neb nothing in anp of bis anfitieres,buf fpnceriftc anb t rueflj. Rainoldes. Sl^p felfe toas not pjefenf at fbe bifputations,. bnt 3 bane reab tbem ' Uijiftcn: anb tbat (leaft pou fufpect fbe i juabes^ U)tpterasparfiall)bpafauoarcrofpours,tobsttjas p^efenf, as a bcraitb,atfbct»bDleaction.0nb(3toe affpjmeif in finglenette «n'^»p9jtof of bcart,as befojc tbe 3lo?D: neitter boe 3 bcnbf bnf al febo confevmcc fbe toifbomc to bifccrnc fpiritcs toil fee tbe fame, if tbep perufe toft fban:)bc fougbf in fucb fo?t fo mninfainc tbe crcbite of bis caufe ban van) 05 pcrfen,as tbougb be ban fet nothing mo?c before bis cpcs,fben toperftoabcbis *profelytes,tbatnofting coulbfcce b?cugbf a^ teaiyp^eCtHm- gauitt bim,but be toe nib Ibeto if mabe fo; bim. 3 tt'ciiib not fap femiicbtoilcirc 3 fenetoi it bp bis fruifes. iFp5, fo paCfccucrbis ♦ wiit.jj.ijs often glottng againtt fbe tett^anb facing out of places tobicb pkO 48 Of Gliriftcs fiipFcrae Ibucrainetie. alleabgcD out of ^ Couucclo, cottttcuiaaion. oftjjo <= ^atl)cr0,of * others, Inljicf) t^ciuogcincnteo of ^our =Xofcf):r-. ^fortojo, f>au0 tfjat ftitfe toljerm ixK c^te tbent, be bv Cbiftf fottoKj (n M«' anb cauillcs iuoulo turnc tfjcir ncckcs clcane about, ana to;cffc impc^f argueo mo;e toitto tben tru^tbjana ro< f ai of ^vs'. pbittrie ttjeii Gnccrittc. But to Icauc b«n to tjie llojos iuogemft, «n"in «non- noitbcf feeko foj fi)tftes (t?ou far) cin.in canon:- jjjp jructl), ito? louo piatfo of mcH ino.io tbcn t^ « p;atr0ofv©oD.3!p,;arC5oi)rourDeeociSb2nof asplameto p?ouc sk*t"" ens.' rou 00 tt,a0 t\}z reofon iubicb t?eu aooe to pjouc rcu Oo it not, io fciwiot'n .sana. iuc^c. jfo.i iolj^t altbouj^j it iuerc a maOiioiTc to oos it i spanr BalthoLo^riz. t|)tn00 ai'c DoHC bob^l) maODc men Crarcc '^oulo ooo,ano ret tfjor in fsmra.concil. tbat Doe tbcjn Doc tbtnl^ tbenifelueo iocU in t^cix ioitteiSjao h tbc {atom ©onatitteo did, U)l)o aouentureo tijcir hues in niolt cefperate sixt.senens.bib- matter fo;ttl)e Defence of tbeirerro?, anc maintenance of tber^ ' ^ea ti)er offrea tbemfclucsto tbeftDo>D,ti)e 6rc, ^etoa? Bellarmin.con- ter, feelung fo: Dcatb as fo^j a treafure, tbat tbcr ntigljt Die (tfjer ^01 i^jcugbt) s^artr^s. But tobctljer rou Doe fet tbe p.jaife of men AifonCa caftr.' ut tl)at pjice,3l ioauc it to rour otone confcience, SDljat rou fceUc ifb"?«' ibifteSjtljc tbing it felfDotb crie. ir0? rour Derr anftoere in AnaiaafdeVen- tbo Dcfcitfe of L«,tcucbtng Dnitie oflDill,not Pnitie offubffancci bit tbefe ioojDS of bio, tbat' Chrift recciued Peter into the fc- «bb c»n»p«n lowillip of the indiuifible vnity :i0 a (bifte to (bielD bintfrotlt a Dimfeifnimott iuftrep^fflfe. 3LctbiootoneSDifcourrcrpcaitc,anDittoiIgraunt ^ Anguftia. it» ifo? be feucntb tn fjtat |^peBDme)tot)o®^^P^iouTg^^««wf (Bnrperonrof tjw Cmptre, anb oirc^argttig bio liibtecto of tbeir otbcof allegiance,p^otisan- CCD fcntcnce,tuttb fucb an inuocatton of a true Cb;ittt* an boanlfi treble to bane b^arB bfeo to an?,bat to €5oD .•» Incline 1, pjaan* thineearcs6bIcfl"cdPetcr,7rinccoftheApoftlcs, &hcarc PonuEinGrc- me' tliy fcruant, ^ whom thou haft brought vp from mine fscmum^Trnt infaiicyi,and ' haft prcfcrucd to this day from the handes of i«)ucm cJifcafli thevnrightcousjwhohatcandvcxemc, ♦ for my fayth in thee. 5 Thou canft bearc mc witncflc bell,and the holy mo- ' manibus viaa ther ofChrift.and thy brother Paule parukcr with thee of mart)'rdomc,that / haue vndcrtakcn the gouerntnet of the . . Papacic vnwillingly. Not that I thought it robbery to clime ^ into thy Sec lawfully: b ut I had rather Hue in pilgrim age the occupic thy roomc for fame and gloric only.I Joe confeflc, (and good caufc why) that the charge of the Chriftia people was committed,and the power of binding & loofinggran- ted vnto mc, ^ not through my dcfertcs, but by thy grace, 7 Trufting therefore on this amirauncc,for the honour and yluliliaucu laucgard oPthy holy church,in the name of God almightic, ^ the fathcr,thcfonne,and the holy ^hoft , I throwcdowne sigon"ere^n« King Hcnry,thcronnc of Henry fomcJimeEmpcrour (who hath laidc handes too boldly and raflily ^ vpon thy church) from his imperiall and kingly goucrnment: and I abfolue al tbetta,t^8n Chriftiansiubic(atotheEmpirc,fr6thatothebythc which they arc wont to bearc faith & allcagiancc vnto true Kings, > inecdefuui 3©oe pon tk to io^at tntqniHe tbeir pjtM,afaufi[ng Peters name, ano claiming al bp biin,batbpuffeo tljcmbpf JCo fDbafbrurptng «uer €mpciom'«5ro inbat Dilbonouring of tbe ^Imtgbticf )15ut of ibis toe (ball banc fitter occafion to confer re, tobf n toe coma to tbe quefiton of tbe too?(btp of ^aintes- jfoj tbe otber,(to rc^ turne to ^ point tobtcb toe bane in banB:)tbc name of head,tii tbat feRfe,af! it is maoe a conouit of tbe gifteo of CcD, to poto;e tbemabjoao mtoal tbe boop.w onclp DueanBp;>opert)nto tbe i^eotatcur bettooene (SoB i man,(be ^fiottle of cur pjcfrflpicn, our ^autour lefus chrift.?iaaben tbe rigbt of tbis title to calleB into qucSron; euerp knto muft boto in l^auen, in carffj, ano bnber tlje eartb) anB ptolB it bnfo bim tobcm vBoB batb fet at biA z rigbt 5^ Of Chriftes fiipreme Ibucraindc. rtgljf aboae all poUjera ano pjindpalities. ®ffilberefo?«,3| fa? a ma,if Leo, (lubom bop? of p^oSt migbl blino, taHmg tjtmfclfefo; Peters heire, ;but if an Slngcll from boauen Do giue it Ditto pcteriC^all 3 fa? * ioitb ttje^poftlOjLet him be accur- j-gJ JI jjjiin fgjjg QKj fcntence:but tfjia 3 toUl fa?,tlje finnj is D?rtc bcinoua. ^olo muclj inoite heinous,that it is tenDeD,in(htto,Dnto Peter: tnDaDc,b? Peters name conueieD to the Popc.^o; as bolDl? as Leo appiieth it to Peter: Co bolDl? Doth ^ a CarDtnall appl? it to the Pope, HnD ' a Biflhop, (Den# turing further then the CarDinaU)not content to Douch th^ the kiohtn-ieTar- PopcisMclchifedcc.excellingthe tcftiocopatably in pricft- hood ;afSnneth farther Dfhun,that he is head of all ®iihops, fiaiib.i.cap.ii. from whom they do grow as members grow from the head, li- whbfe fulncfle they do all rcceiue,0f ChxHl it tS DJtif# uin or.officior, ten,that" of his fulneflc we do all recciueithat he iS" a Prieft forcueraftertheorderofMclchifcdec:thatheije°the head n Heb.i,zo* of whom al the bodie being coupled and knit togither by *Ephe.4.itf, cuerie iointgiuen to furnifli it,through the effectuallpower, in the mcafure of cueric part,receiueth cncreafe of the bo- die. J5ut to jsine thelep;iaiUD^s Dnto the Popcjthat he is MeU chifedcc, the head ofalifiQv>i>s,anD ot his fulneflc they doe all receiue:0 JLojD,inhoto railerable date Doas the Church, iDhenthisDiogofozcatholifeeDDCtrincf C^asnot the pjophecie then fulfilleDjOf p the man who Ihould lit in the Temple of <7od,as^odf Hart. 31 marucll tohat Itwineane to fa&e Ds Dp fofharplp, asfcijaheiH0usmatter,thnt D3e£aU the P«ipe , head of the church: iuhercas ?aa gtue that title pour fie ucs to the Slif^nr tohomitmii^leUe agrato . ^0 one tfyUpieacheD toDstjere not long agoc in theSHoluer-ch^pelhDiD make a long taJae fs p jouethatChaittoneipis head of the church , auD chargcD ds luith falafphem?, foi facing that the pcpe is hcaD: f yet hint fcIfc pja.?ingfo;the Slustncs matcC? did name her fitpeeme bcao of tijc church ofCnglanD'.Djherin toe Qmleo at Ijts foil?, jfoj if it bene blafphem? to call the ilueene h^ab; tohp fhculD it b^ ef blafptjempto callt^^opchea&e Rainoldes, lEXegineDntoher l^ighneff (' dtle,n9fofheaO, hut of 1 Supreme gouernour:anDfbatDpGn hoD*. iua groutiDe •itcb,.ii.i.c5. cDa^ss Dio^D,ai«D high commilBon from the h^ghclf, it fiiall tit sufi: Chrift,theheadofthechurch», . 5^ Kugl' * cue place be fbstoco if ^ou toilL^s fo? t^z IS^eac^er^to^om pou * ?^»p- ' •• mention: 3 ratljer vou inoala Deale toitlj me bp publthe mo ? ' mimcntss ana iuuttn^ci ofour 3 aoe toit!) pou,tljen bg reports of piiuate fp^cljes: fa? perhaps pon fanSeb mo je tljsn b® tato: perbapo be fata fo mucb tljat pou toere slaa to fintlc it out Suitb tbat fanQe* 13at if pour repo:t of bis Sermon be true, it i® libelptbatbegauetbe nameofbeaato tbe SHu^nein tbe fama meaning tbat toe aoe tbe title of fupreme gouernour, toljicb 3f Inill p?ouc to be goalp : ana be acnica tbe Pope to be beaa in an, otber meaning, in iubicb tbat name belongctb bnto Cb?ift a» ^ lone, conaemning tbem of blalpbemp tobo giue if bim fo ♦ 3^ni> . ; f bep,tDbo aia fmile bereat,as at follpjbecaufe ^ep tncre papia®, migbt,iftbepiDcrepamim®, fmileattbefcripturestco: tubicb Doe ^net^ title of Gods bnto goucrnors, ana pefconaemne tbem bJbo bane ^ other Gods befidethc Lord . jfo? if it be, E*od.i,.,T. wo blafpbemp to call tbe Magiftrates Gods: iobp tboiiia it ba ^Ixod 'L blafpbemp to call Mercurm ana Iu\)iter G ods?30 notibw rowr oe u i."i ii reafon iiBut our aoctrine a® it i® bolp ana true,fo it i® plaine: if men toill ratber learne it bumblp,a® Cb;iKian®,tben laugb at it a®LwM«j,o?,as/*(/»Ww, reuoltfromit* ifo? to® teacb" tbat uAooiogiaec,. Chrift is the head of the church, a® hee doth quickeiiit wjth AngL hisfpintc, a®heisthclight,thehealth,th|sljfeofit: anOtS prefentalwayestofilUttoitbbisblefiringC®, ahatoitbbijSfitab ' ' * togouenteit.^ntbctobicbrefpects, becaufi? tl}e.f^cFiptaresif t gf^^^^i^^ wetb tbe name of head to Chrilfc alone, bp an orcelU^p; tbereof 4- »T& Ui.' foe 0) concluae, tbat he is the onely head of the chiirch. fberfoife.foelmofo, fbat(inanot^l-Iiinaeana aegr^of reCrni* blancc) tljep map be callea Ijeaa®, foljo bane anp preeminence of ' place 0? gcuerranent oner otber®. ^ in tbe ^ebjue feet foe reaae "* y theheadsof theLeuites, fortbetbafcoftbem: aha, ^ the prielt the head, tbat i® to fap, tlje cbicfePrieff. ;affer tbe fobicb is•^n fort, 3 foill not contena, if pou entitle Bifoop® heads of the * ^ churches, as AthanafiusDotbtaiia ''Gregorie.fobcntjebab ®rnapoiog.». name) our ^auiour Chrift the head of the vniuerfall church," c^pla bfo callctb Cbrittc® miniffer® as it were heads: Pa ul, Andrew, ]ohn, heads of particular flocks, yet members of the church, all vnder one head. Hart, ^ou graunt in effecf,a® mucb as 3 require, i^oi, if et^ tber Bilhoppe 0; Cardinall baue giuen tbat bnto tbe Pope, ^ 3 fobicb Chapt.i. Z)iaifion t. 54 The Pope ;,how called head,and why. « Stapleton.in ^edicat-princi- piorntn fid.doc- ix)l)ic^fel3ueto Cl)jttt,ast)Etsl)cai3 p^opa:Iie : to® mamfaine tliemnof. OTe fap tl)ataspaao,:0,aUto^oljaucfljec!)argcto goucrne cljurc^,ar0 l^caos after a fo?t,ttiat is imp,:cpcrlp> as I fermeo it: fo t|9ope , to^o is the cljiefett of tijmi all is tljs wp;cme Ijeao. 0nD in tIjis fenfc ^ou mutt titkc t)s,toljen toe do entitle fl)Ctl5i()^op of Home thelupreme head of the church, Rainoldes, 31 toill tahe pou fo.i^otobeit, fo? as mucti as tlje irin.Grcjor.de- fxanieofhead Ijattj funDjic fignifications m tl)is feinD of Q)®c^es opt.M«? asf^fcriptureC^ctoeflj, God is the head ofChritt, Chrift fe i.Cor.ii.j. • • • • • .1 . • .1 - .1 * Efay 7.8. f I.Sam. 15.17. S Exod.«.i3. !i i.Kin.ai.p. lEfajr a.i. bExoiljo.i}- I Nuni.a5.4. w i.Sam.ij.Tcr. 9.3(>3.9ci8. • Staplet.prin- cip.do&lib.tf. lis the head of man, man is the head of the woman ; ® the head of Syria,Damafcus; the head of Damafcus, Retzin; tlje binj^ f the head of the tribes of Ifrael; anO S the heads of houiholdes, tljeelDett; anD ^ the head of the people, tlje fo?!s mott J anb ' theheadofthcmountaincs, tbeijigbc® *> SlhD ^ the head of the fpiccs,fljecl)iefett;f,tn offcnDcrs ' the heads, fl)emtmipall;anDamongttI>auidscaptaiites,the heads, tlje mott crt®llent,fome of tljc tobiclj import a p jceininonce of otber fl)ings,nofofpotDsr,anDfl)epfl)afDoofpotDcr, fomc import a grsaforpotoor,fomcalofltr: ^tooulD PnDerttanD particularlie tobatpotoer pou giue Unto tljc. pope bp calling bint fup?cme Jje^, leatt after^anj toe tjarp afeopt tlie meaning of it. Haft. Clje )^ptocr,tDljicb toe meane to pim bp ttjis ftflc,is * t^bat tlje gouernement oftljc tobolc cburctj of Ctjjitt tlnougbout h •'toDepenD of liimdn tjim Dotb Ipe tpe potoer of tuDg# «i7i^/nSfc*O0.8n5®^f«^hthgall muresoffatt^ ; of ruling councels , as oflstf 1. ^e(iipent,ato raflfping tpeir Decreesjof 0 jDertng ano confirming. ofDeciDrng caufcs b^ougljtljim bp ap^ * POfoiott 10'. peales from all tlje roattcs of t^e cartt);of reconciling anp that are ercomnranicatejofercommanicafing,fufpenDing, oiinfiictingo^ panbiing of tbef ccnfutes atiD penalties on anp t^at ofifenD , pea on p?inces nations; finallie,of all things of t^c lilte ro?f fo? gouennng of {4 Peter S''; OfPeters Supremacie. Peter and vpon this peter.3ni[icicljicl5 31'^tijcr fcloiu, tljcn t^9 otl)er of flie rocke,teranfiftt tsi ngr^abls tndj f^c ojiginatl. Rainoldes. Jf U5not,iFojtijeo,n0inaU ts iljc Crafeo fc)cf: ano tlwf xu e? xeTiwci tTrl IccvfH tiT ti inl^cito pur latin Otoe trauQationagcceflj , initljPetrus atiDpecrai aspour felfe aUeagco it .5Etic toojBcs of faoti) iijijiclj tljougi) tljtp Biffer not Id muct) as Peter ano rockc;\jet tjjep arc not onc^as pour Vcter aito peter. Hart. ^lUijougijtljcCrecfee Ino^toeis ri^og ano Trt^oc. iiffcr in tenninatioir.pct C^ep are one in meani!ig,ano fignifp t^e fame ttjing.ifo^as Ggnifpctijarocke, foDoti) TreJioj mtl}eA.i thenian languagc.^nD it muft be notcD tljat ift fpakc in H e- bruc,oj ratfer in tlje Syriake tongucitoljcrcin ttjc name,tijat Ijec jiok.i.42. gaue Peter,is p Cephas.jjiotDjinttjeSyriake tranOationcf tljo teftamentjfljatinojD is tl)c fame toitlicut Difference in fcotlj pla# •stapict.princ. «s. * if0? tijus acc tljc too?ts,nti>'^n n^Ktasifa aofir.li.<,ca. j. man tnoulDfapjThou art Cephas,and vpon this Cephas; o?^ syro^in'Re- Tliou art Rocke^and vpon this rockfjfoj Cephas intljeSyri-; gior.BibJiek * akeDotijCgnifiearockeias Guide Fabricius a ieamcD lin^ V onu. gpig 0jciDet^.Uil;erfo?c ti)e meaning of tlje ino;tD r^t^os muff be tl)erameingreefec.^nD fo tee map feetpc it inell in botlj places* Thou art Peter and vpon this peter. Rainoldes. SCfjcteojDcstetecljpouallcagc are not of tlje .Syriakefranflatiomttjepare ^cteue. ^utasttje^ebme^'^s.a IS one in bott) placestTo tpc ^priake 3 graunt fjattj NGRtiin tkr bot5.^nD 3 ^aDlie take it(becaure onr $)auiour Cljnff fpake in tjjat tongue)a8 an erpofition of Ijis teojDes to Peter, ^ct 3 note bptt)etoap,tliataIt^ougl)pour councell of Trent liatfjaltotock rSciSoi.^. tije latin olde traflation alone as authenticall,anDljatf) Dccrcetr tljereoftljat no man flialldare orprefume vnder any pretenfc-: toreie(5tit;nottoit|[ffanoing,poupourrelues teill Di^art from it,anD tljaf not onelie to ttje o^iginall (totjicfj teee fl^outo not bee- fiiffrcD)bnfalfofotranfiations , ift^epmapcffemetomafe foj pou in anp point ma?e tliEn pour otoc Dotf?^ Hart. TOe Do not reictt tfjat autpenticall tranflation, but o^ pen ttje fenfe of it,bp comparing it teittj tfje gre(^,anD the greeke teit!) tljcSyriake. Rainoldes. ^But if toe fl^outo Dm to in anp point againff pou, tbte anfteere teouto not feme bs; it teouto be acconnteo a colour Oi Thou art Peter,and vpon this peter- 57 Chsp.;, Bii'if.i. D? pretenfc, fut^ 5S pcKr Ccuitcellljaff) conDoiiiicli. Hart, f cu DDC tis grcat ininric, in ttjaf pou tone fo mafee it all enc to rcie6t the authenticall Latin, ani) to tafee atuantagc to.: our feluto out of tljc ojiginall tcrfeo* Rainoides. ifoj pour feiucs ^ i5ap, 3I nrafec not tljaf all one. 3S fapD, If we flrould doo fo, not. If you fhould do fo. o^ Coo pou lo^af pcu lift: ano all mull be fajtljcti as agreeing inttl) pour ilatin, ano cpcning f Ijc fenfe of it, JlEut if toe f^culD tafec abuan# fagefo,: our felucs bp tlje ojiginall tcrtes: cur afiuanfage InoulD be nippeo on tlje tjcab as a pretenfe. jfo^l crample, Andreas Ma- fius, a Icarncb man of pours , Ijatlj iujitten a Ccmmentarie on tl)cbci)he of/ofua .• in fljetoljitljlielauncctl) pour authenticall Latin,almcftincucrteCi^apter:pea,' ijefaitljtljatS. Jerom, s.Andr.MaCcs, (ifhee be the Authour ofit) doeth feente to haue tranflated rap?i"!ve"r.\j!"' ^wittingly a place againft the meaning of the L/ebrue.^ that*scien?. hcmighcvouch afanfy ofhisownethereby.^et "'tlje^optll^ Louanknr""* Cenfcur, Uil)o allolueo it to tlje p f tbchoufeofprayer ; inlibefo^ttbe cbtircl) iscallcb a houfe 'mimi-ij. f©, but s a fpirituall houfe, to biftinguilb it from tljat: inbicl) s boufe faecaufc it muft be njabe of all f goblp, as if feete of ftoncs,, grounbcb on Cb^ift bp faitl;,tl50ugb t^e boffrinc of f|e ^pofflcs: tberc63h.i.ycr.2o. dingano ' edifying: totjicliifiDonebtpjcacl^ingoftljcixKiia "ver.ai. oftru^," coupling them togither bctinanetljemfelues ana iuitl) Cb?ittJ fl)at ttjep mat .gj'oW" to bee a holie temple in the »ycr.i2. Lord, " fojGodtodieellinbyhisfpiritc . iIi2itl)errfo?C if tljC toojaesofCli^iftbefofafeen, tbatfje meant the laping of Peter 08 a p;inci^aU ttone ncpt to ^im felfc, ana otfjers bpon |)ini,tol)e fjefapa. Thou art flone, and vpon this ftone will I build my church: tl)is fl^etoetl) tljat /eter toasintlje firtt ranke (as 3 map fat) of Hones, 3 meane lie teas in ojaer totfl) tlje firH iBtiij beleeuea: ana amongH tljofe fIrH Ijaa a marhe of Ijonour, in fbatljctuasnameaftone, aboueljisbjctljjen, ^ut it fl^etoetl^ not, tijat 1)0 fboula be boao of t^c reft of tlie jatpoftles. if oj,as bo* fotbot arc calico foundations: anDCb;iftoiabuilol)isct)Hrcb as tnell on tbcm as on t)im. Hart, %\fm tcu grant, tl)at Clijift aia pjomife to bnila bwi cburcbbponTeter. Rainoldes. 35 Dm fo, > Hart. i^otbponbiciaoctrineonelt,butbisiperfom Rainolde s. ^fter a fo^ft, Mlbat tbon i ' Hart, iisillbat f ben f USEIbat fat f" tbow fa SDortots of tour *sfiac,namclt to 0 -Sadeelana 'iMomay: tobomtonpjai*' loe-i."" ■ foo fo greatlt, ana bjongbt tbem me fo reaae f SLijot bajite tbaf the church was builded, not vpontheperfonof/'eter, but "vpoti Jiis dodrine preaching Chrift vnto vs. ^ou graunt tbS contrane. Rainoldes. ^Ctbat fat ton fo tbo auncienf SDoctoJs tobom fbotfolloU): cbi^tfo S.Auftmf ^e iu;itetb fbat the rocke, * Auguftin.de (tobiob our &auio; pjonuTco to builb bio cburcb hpon) is (tbjift, scra^r* 7'eter. ^ou Ijolo tbo cofrart. Thou art Peter,Iaitb bO> and vpon this rock which thou had confefTedjVpon this rock which thou haft knowne (faying, Thou art Chrifi thefinneef the lining Qed,) will I build my church. I will build thee vpon tape, Vpon this (lone will 1 buil^liry Church. 6i tnee,no£ me vpoji thjec.For men,emending tp buil.d on men, faid,/ holdefTMlJpfJpellis,!ofQphas, {that 15 Peter:) and tola others who would not be buildcd ypon Peter, but vpon the iQoiii: xocVz,{3Ad-,I holdofChrtjt. Fx>r the tocke was Clhriit: vpon the which foundation Peter him felfe was builded : fith k» man can lay another f/andatwn befide that Which ts laidt, Whtch is SSaijaffa^^cutol^rt#, namcIi!,to ' Gregorie tin tefifmoB-CT lute Nydetijto Cyriljto " Chryfoftome, to ^ Ambrofcdo Hi- r"caam.de fGE laric ? lu jite that thio rocke is the confcfsion of §eter« einti u Derrinicat. ;cif& Hart. 2Lhaterp»2tioncfS.Auftin,tignpmgPetcrtobe th® X inMattii.hg» JfPtK rocbc, toas *" StaplcconcaHBtt)tt)cath«™^--5J-.„ ii,tB fco t^e ntucrfitic of the tSrjiehe ana Jlatin ttong, tohtcb either Ipl" i. dl f ^ U}aotgn0;iant cf,o;!. marhca not.^ob)bett ncuerthelel^ it bath z Dc T rinita& J (isj a trueineaning: tbonsh^^ot the full ipjoper Cenfe of t^is place. ♦ ta rH li !)15erioes that, biin fcifc acth ^ Dtljer-lubere erpouno it as tmaer# f«?,an oi«»- 0tir,i ftajaofPetcrfaccojaingtotbefamoueberfeeofS. Ambrofc, in I^ClK! tpbicb be calletb Peter the rockc of the Church. S^be reft of men. ij,as!(i tbc ifatberp, UJboapplp tbc rocke to Peters coofcfsion, implp icfnw! f^lpcrfbn in it. J'oijto fap , tpat the Chureh is built on the cap.j. confefsion and b:liefeofPeter,ijpallone:inDaa,anatofap, it is builton Fctcrconiefsing and bekeuinginChrift.lBIIbere^ fo le in as mutb as tbcs affirme tbc fbjmer, tbep p^oone toitball tb:laterbpifc ^ Rainoides. s. Auftin, anofbe ^a^s,arebebeifei'ngio pai: k)bafeduo>aes (tboagb anfUiering IneU fs ^urfan- !i«t Ccs)arobanale3 fogcntlie.Jfpou toercasfaiionrable to Sadeel joiik apD Mornayitbatjtobicb tbep U>;ite of Peter,inoula Ijauea friir meaning. 2i:ibougbdftbep(toitb5reaterj2aletmfo{^ aodrine .f tbenbntobiopetfon,tbatis,toCbiiStl^nfoPeter) baagintn a litle leflfe fo bim then is Otic: tbc faulte toere not lo nuub to ba 'aiac on re(fraint,as on pottr crcdfcjtubo fap a great scale I jjiK mo^eofbim tben ppuougbt.ifo;} eramplc,ifatber ' Koberr,fbe . ^ rocfei f <5?incc of tbc 3lcfci!'tes(in bio B^ninitie • Icgtii e.s rcaa pubithelie patris RobertS at Koine abcnt fiacn pcares agoc)fTanaling tljts fcme point of aiflfci foundation of the Cburch.DiB grcuno Ijim felfc on a fca^ z„n.Drm "577! • fence of tbe P^cpbef Ei»fc ffrong bp tbc ™aPom,^«r ; too^aes tobi^b *^^5a aotb fpwhe of Cb;ilf, ^ Behold,i lay in si- ^ Ef»i.28.x^ Cha?:.i. of (Peters fiiprcmacic. J (ii (IcncenuamTC' aram.Stapl;(. !.«.<> 3. 4Dn atried pretious corner ftonc,a furc foundation: afftr* meat?}at £fay did therein prophecie not of Chiift , but of Peter,a ftumbling ftone to heretikes,& a rock ef oflFenfe,buc Catholikes a tried, a pretious, a corner ftone, S, ® Peter the ^oCHe erpounoetl) thofe tDojocs not of ^tmCrtfc j but of . iratbcr Robert tljtBjefuit (aptb tbaf ® Cb^tffabut to Ijim.^o to aonauncc tlje popco otgmfic bp Peter: Ije raatetb Peter btmfrife,nap,tbe tiolp a lier.^ucb blaf* outrages of pour cbcefcpjofcOo^o giuing mow to Pe. ter tbrn ftaoctt) lottb tbe tru tb ano bono? of tbo ^aonne of . beab.ifoj.bpasga)breafonpoumapcondube alfo, tbat, feeing , tbe Cburcbtnas built bpon Peter, anb Peter bim Celfe is apart Petri ore con fel- oftbecburcbJtberefojctoas Peter built bponbim felfe., anb fo Inas be bie oton founbatio.^nb becaufc a founbation is tljc feme to a boufe, tobifb a beab is to a bobie: therefore S. Peter inas S. Meters beab. iSD^jif pou fee not either the necelRtie o? foUp of this tonfequence, as it is mabe of Peter; pou map frame the Ipike of anp otb^ of the jSpoftles, anb pou toill efpp it. ifo? the church of Cb?ife, is the great ^itie,tbat hoJielerufalcm, Inbererf" the o Reu-n.i.^ . wall had twclue foundations, and in them the names of the Lambs twelue Apoftles.aEben ffeing that the church toas built bponeuericoncoftbofetinelue, astj^n/ames bp name, anb Peter tuas a part of the church: it folotoetb that Peter luas built Upon lames; anb fo loas lames bis founbation .^^nb feeing a founbation is the fame to a boufe, tobicb a beab w to a bobic.: it follotoetb againe that lames loas Peters beab, lobicb ifpoucfelf benic : pou muft bente that Mjerof it both folot# bp fojce of l^e ixafon.,ano fo pctir purpafc is not pacuco. Hart. Wtxt toe bo imagine,tpat in this builbing of the cburct 3 The Church built on all the Apoftles. 65 Diiu^oni. ioint-founQatiojis oft|)e c^arcl),lato on onclp ano Uttc gular founDatton,to of a founoation pjoperl?. Wtferef fojettjouslj our ^auiour in raping to /"eter, Thou arc (tone, and vpon this ftone will I build my church,t)aO meant t^at t>e tooulo builtj it bpon Peters ^erron(tol)icl) fcruetf) bcft pour fan^ fp:) pet bott) not tljat taping tnferre a fup^eme^lieaoftjip. But boubtles(ifpourfanfpcanpaUj bnto tlie trutl)) be meant not Peters perton,but fata faitfa , anb fandion in pieacbin0 oftbe faitb.iFojtbeonelpperrontbattbecburcbi£!butIt on, as on a founbation(bp tbe ftrengtb anb bertue toljereof if isbpbolben)is the fonneotGodjOur&auiourlefusChrilt.beSbeUJboiw'' no f Cor.j.n. other foundation may be laid: * in whom all the building « being coupled togithergrowethvnto an holy temple in the Lord.il^olnbecauietbatfaitbintbetonne of^ob both ntabe the liuin g Hones inbereoftbe builbing is compact anb bnitte bp bnCb;(ilt>altoneoflbbiebrb;t ^ Peter bab Ibetoeb btntfelfe to be * bpbeleeuinganbpjofelTingtbatfaitbiCbjitt tolbbim tbat I Tfouitn be toas(acco;bing to bib name,ftonc)a ftone inbeebe^ anb ba# uingcbotenbimtopjeacbtbei^efaitbjbjberebp tbere Iboulbe belaibemoje ftones on tbat builbing , bee faibe, vpon this ' ilone will I build my church.tacaberin asbeCbetoeb tbat tobo^ focuer (boulb be members of bio d)urcb mult be members of it bp felobjlbtptoitb Peters faitb t to belbeb3eb bjitbaU.tbat be® tooulb impart tbat faitb to bio cburcb bp tbeminitterieof Peter, appearetb farther bp tbat tobicb b® abbeb,To thee wil I giue . •the keyes of the kingdome of heaucn. Hart, ^et euentbisbotb argue ttill tbe fame p^erogatiue .Inbicb tne giue to Peter.iFo;^ feing Cb?itt faib tbat he woulde build his Church vpon that ftone,oj rocke,(as 3! tafee it ) anb fbat,tDbicb a cburcb is builoeb bpon, mutt neebeo be a founbatb on; it fololnetb tbat Peter toao a founbation of tbe cburcb, ^of n pnncipall founbation, foj tbat to Cb^itt onelp , oftobomitis true tbat " other foundation no man can layc befide that which is laid,which is Chrift lefus :but( as toee tcrme it) a mi^ nitteriall founoafion,imiillbtcb,bp tbe p?opojtion of a foundation to a bouCe anb a beab to a booie,ts enough to pjoue that Cbjiff Inoulbmalic Peter beab of the ^pottles, 3I meane a minitteriall beab, Rainoldes, Wat here againe pou fal info pour fojjner faultt C anb « i.Cor.j.K, 66 Of'Peters Supremacie. ano ftjat tuljictj toas common to all tl)C ^pottleo bp ttje meaning of Cf);tft,pou ctialenge ao proper bnto Peter onelp ♦ ifo?, as ^ confeffton of Peter foucl)tngC^;itt(l^etoeD tljetr common faitlj bp tbe moutl) of onc:0) ftje anHnere of Cp:ift otrectcD bnto ono contcincotljatbleCring tpat fbonlo be common to tpemalt^no * Ephe.i.-o. t|)ts is Declareo bp tlje ^olp fcripture:b)^tcl) to t^e Ephefians(me /jSeCoun- of tlje cljurcp) faitp, tpat they are built vp6 the foundatio tea of Trent, of the Apoitles & Prophets ♦ /jiot of Peter onelp, but of the A- ?Sa£°of topo lap tlie fame founoation (all)tbat Peter bio, anb tijcatfuie^ 0f thereupon are calleo(all of tljem) ® foundations.anbtljec^urci^ fartb !?a relping bpon tl)eir boctrine, tljat is tl)e Cl)?iftian fattp, (t^e ondp •lomV nlmrt anb ftire founbatio of tj^e cpurtt),as tlie trutt) ^tp fo?ceb ^ pour otoho moutfjestotnitneffe) mapb^iuftlp to be built on fliteaniloft tljem,cuon as tuell onalloftljemasonPeter^iiffiiljcrfojc bptl^ founDation, a-- pjc^ojtion(tljat pou gratebpon)of a founbation to a Ijoule^nba fftegSS? tifso to a bobie:as C|>^itt is nead oncly^o is Ijtc ti^ onely fioun- bell mail ncuet dation of t^ Ct)urcl); as t^o name of founbation is giuen to tlio fotpetwelucfoundationsDotljptonb tweluc ftindamentum heads.^ou muft feebc Ciierefo?e fome otlier founbation of Peters cTO^tra""' ^ ouer ti^em. ifoj neittjer tlje naine of llonc tljaf qiiodponaine gauelpm , no? tfjctoojbes of bulling his church vpon that »ri "de§"nT ^ pjomiCeb ijim to mafee ipim 1Mb of all ;apoftles» The fe- i«bgoment:buf in nune t^ep dcd» to 1 rA • P®*^ of tlje pjomife alfo to|jid^ mabe bnto COnd Dl pim; ^ To thee will I giue the keyes of the kingdorac of ho uifion tlje name of keyes is fignifito tlje fulnes of eccle# a Mat 19 Catticall potiw,515ut to giue tpe fulnes of eccleOafficall potoef, • stapict.priiie. is to make ^im i^abJSD^erefo?e Cp^iH biop^omitotomaKe lam «ioar.i.<.e. I. ijgaj 0f tijg cijur^. Rainoldcs. keyes loill not opm mo^ in ti^ l^oul^ t^en bib tpe foundatbn lap in builbing« ifo^ if pou means bp fulnes of ecclefiafticall powcr,f^c latofull potoer oftl)e0po^ SletoiP) tlien tpe topicti no greater boas euer ginen to anie mu h BuUaPii ^^ ^ Quini-i contra japottle.3!fpoumeanefu^pob)eras tpepope claimetlj bp ^ fulnes or power,a ' fouerainc powcrnotonely fpirituall but c )Odpt sixtus alfb tl)e fwittlj.iacrar.ccremoniar.eccler.Rom.lib.i.Sea.7.tit. De enfc.PotcftaifummateiBporal«(aChtifto ) foBcifiUiCius in tcrnsVicviocoUacacO; iiuuaillad, Data cA auhiomaii potcOaa ia ctelo Scia terra. 1 will giue thee the keyes- 67 aifotemporaU:C^?tftgauettimt^rtoPeter, nojfoame^po* llte.^0 in fo;micr fisnft^a! luere ti^QB •, m tf)e Iatter,non0: ano t^us ^o»r ^eaoo^^ p;otieo bp nettiier. Ii3ut (beuer pou meancbpfulnesofpolDentfjui is cleere anb certatne ttjat our ^&atnonrpjomtfeijnomo;cpoiDcrto/'eter,f^enl)C meant ano pcrfornieb to all tlje^pottleo^anb tljerefo«,U)l)at foeuer bo p;>o# nuTi^ to bun,bo p;u)mtreo in bim to tbom.ifo?, ao amongtt tbmT> lobontb^ tooroaUafbcb, Whom fay yc that I am , Petcr andooreD alone, ® Thou art Chrift,the Sonne of the liuing f God:lb Cb^ift feib to bim alone, ^ I will giuc thee the keyes of the kingdomeofheauen,aotbongb bo l^b alone roceaueb po^ toer to binb ant> Icoietlnboreao maoe tbat anftoore one in (teab oftbomall; ano reteini^ tbio potoer,one togitbcr loitb tbom alt Mll^refo;iO Gtb no mo;e Inao piomilbo tbon giuen,anD equall po^ toer toao giuen to all tbo ^oftlee: tbio p;u)mire p;ouetb not pour beaotbip. ^ou mud b;(ingb0f(D;tbfomo bettor cuioence; o;eire pour title toill be naugbt Hart. 2pbeeuioenceio gooO. :fo^it faitb in platne ano ee^ p^clle termeSjtbat Chrift would giue the keyes to Peter, 2Cben t^tob^ob tobat coulo be mo.:e manifedlp fpoken i Rainoldcs. 3|n lbeto,fb tbo Omple. Cbiefelp tnben tbcp fa » tbomatterfetfo;tb)aotbatioat]ftome: * boboreCtnidispaim ofptcmtei^.c*: t«)out, not as pjomiOng Peter tbat bo tooulo giue bim hopes, twrt.No"fe- b^asgiuingtl^tobimat tbat parent;ano giuing tbom to Icgiihuiusab bim alone,not to all tbo^podles; toitb tbo toojoes of Cbjtd, o-^ctuo. pxa- parambJafoo foatelp t^reto bp fome poet; Be thouthcPrinceofpaftors.' Fafiertmfrinct^s ep«: to thee alone is giuen tib$ iut dAtttr vrti^ The power to (hut the dote of heauen, ^UneUre ctlejies and eke to fct it open, ^ repr/trefores. Hart, ^ap: tbo Oerp ti>ojos(as tbop lie in fcrfpfnrc)are plat< Iter in Cbcln foj bs tbon fo;5 pou. tobicb alfo map be notco in ottjer pointes of rontrouerfic betUjeenc pou ano Os. 0s,about tbo reall pjcrencc, s this is my bodie, ifoj Cbtid Oio not rap,tbis is a f "oT/'f' (igneofmpboDie.0noagaine, ^ the bread that I will giue, is ' my fleih.lpe faio not,it is but tbo Ogne of mp QrlT). Rainoldcs. i^eitbor 00 toe fa p,tbat Cb?id oio fo meane in i loii.rf.ver. js, tbis,0f flefh ano bread.ifo^ toe featb>flWt ' the true bread, ^ the bread of God which came downefrom heauen and gi- <52 2 ueth Chap.a. Diuif.a. 68 Of Peters 1 upremacie. world, 1 is Chrirt,cu0ll the flefli,t!)C l3Cr^ m tcr.51, flcfli of Chrift,t^at iSy€^}itt incarnateXlje greater In^rong " tfi^liootJSjtoliolat^toourcljargetljatUjeerpoutti) it not of ttie "P".T fte"' t^ing^Jut of a figne: theinfelues inlWEDc guiltie thereoferpcun# ^tenDecoftbe otng it of a facraincnt of Cf)jttt,tn!)cre it IS meant of Ciijift tjim felfe, ° the word tljat was made Helh.)lButiri^tifintl)COtl)a* cj)«rtjafp>»f. place, ano funOji? mo,tf)e toojoes of tlje fcripture bee plainer in SiohM. tjs f 31 IS not tlje tbein but t^z fcnfe of tl)e tnojocSjtfjat ootlj import tlje truttj, ano mutt cecioe controucr^ fics.ifo^iDOjDeslDere o^oaineotoopentlje meaning ano minoe of Ijim tbat fpeafectb tljem. 2Dl)C meaning of tije iuojo of €5oti is pioh.3.33. atoaicstruecbccaufecSoOjtDbofprabrtbitw ^ true^no 1 can- o Tit.i.a. not lie.snije Ibeto of it is falfe fometimes anb beceitfull: as ' men are,i;Dl)ofe iuogcment tljis (beto bepcnbetb of; ano tbat map fi^ieto tljemtobemeantbpit, tobicb is not meant by (Sob* «i?abrrfo?e it is not tbe lbeto,but tbe fenfe; tbe fubttance, not tt« femblance of tbe toojbes of fcriptures ; tbat t?ou mutt pjoue botbmabefo;iCOu(in points of eontrouerfie) if tou boiU p?oae ougbt,, H art. ®iSbi! i bo pon graunt tbtn, tbat t^ toojbes of fcrip^ turemabemo?efojtis,inlbeto,tbougb not in fubttance, tben btD fo? pou ♦ 3t toere not goob fo? pou tbat tbis fboulb be ^nolone. Rainoldes. ^bat ^ ^^ot tbat tbctbo^ibes offcrtpfure,rome^ fimcsjm^mo^efo? pou tben b6,in Ibetoe, tbongb not in fub# • ttance f ^es truelp M./yart: anb fo;i tbc^nabaptittes too,tbat' too»t>* ate Cet Cb^ittians had all things common, 0nb foj ' Pope Clemens f^T'iaw^* tfljjtjbat wiues mutt be common: becaufe * in all things wiucs areimplyedalfo.0nb3amrofarrefrom being afraib tbat tbis jv . flboulbbebnotDne:tbat,euenintbebcrpcrampIctt)bi£bT?oumf# fu« Sdbki tion(as mabing fo? poumott,) 3 grant tbat tbe Uio?bs of Cbjitt, & coni«ges. this IS my body,are plainer in Cbrto> tbo"0b not fo^ pour mon# ttcroftranfubttantiation, petfo?pour reall p?efence , tbenfo^ our facramentall.JBut ro,tbat 3 graunt tbe fame(in life maner) of etber facramentall anb mptticall fpacbes : lobercin tbe fcrip# tnrcs giue tbe name of tbe tbing to tbat tobirb it betobnctb,as of ^Tf'verfit. " thepafleouer,fo thelambe,anb of * the rocke to ^hrift* ' & 17.' iro?(3 bopt)pou U)il not conclube of tbis (beiOjtbat reallp Cb?ili "'anScmM i»as a rotbcjo? a lambe,tbe patteonerreallp^ Hart, The fen(e of(cripture is the truth. 6p ^ Hart, SDljeft fpac^e® are wot Itbc to tj^af of Cfjjtltes booie m €[je S&acramcnt oft^e Eucharift. is raanifcit, tljat iu^cit ttiz ItBtibe toas calico t^e paffeoucr, ano Clj^iff t^e roche: it ioas meant,not rcallp,but figuratiuelpjtljaf flje rocbe Cgntfieo Cfjiiffi; lambc, tbe paflPeoner. tSuf it is not manifeft in t^t of Kesbooie. Rainoldcs. ©Sfljiti^cr it bc mantfeff, no; is not tlje qucflhi^ CH: bat tobit^r t^ fp^cbes be itbe in l^cto of lDo;oes,the rockc was Ghrift, this is my bodic. to come na^rer to i?our otone ^ample ano p^cofe of tbat point: Cb.tilt faitb of bimfelfe tijat >' bo tStruebreadianO, " myflcfli is mcatc indccdc , and my svctf.;;. blood is drinkcindccde.TrueanO,indeede;tbefttermc£t are moje pregnant foa a reallpjcfencc, tbentbatof Cb.jiffes booie. ^et if poa fap tbat Cbiitt w b^cao, reallp j ano bis flclb, meate; ano bis bl»o.o?mbe: pouma^aslrielira^, tbat be is reallv »a aioh.iy.ver.,. Yinc s ano bs bifciples branches rcallp, ano otber fncb reall fc vcrf.j.' ^tber blafpbcmies o;: follies. Hart. ^ap,toe oci confcCfe tbat man^ things in fcrijptare are f{)oben ano meant figuratiuelp: but ncitbor all, no;} tbts concern ning tbe Sacrament, no,: anp tbing els, tobcrcef tlje literati ano {i^opecCnUbbatbnotCbmelDbat contrarieto df^oo, to religion, ^ anDtoCb:iffian lifc. ^s' Jix, Allen faitb tbats. a Auftintea^ menlEwhtrift' cbetb. JsDut of ® tob«w bo citctb tnitball a tuo^tbie Cmtence,toa# "p.» i. c^ng racb,as pou are: it the mindc be jprcuented with an opi- nion of feme errour, whatfocuer the icripcnre dooth afFirme oe doVr.chViit otherwifc, men thinke it to be fpoken figutatiuely. """ Rainoldes. aCb^i^ntenccisgcoo, asS.Auftinbttcretb it. 15ut ©.Alienbfetb it ill, againft tjs. SEljo Iwa^fe, becanfc S.Au- ItinibctDCtbliraigbtbponit, ^ in tbe fame bmkc, of tbe fame point, tbat, to eate theflejl] ofChrifi^ and drinke his blood, was fpo- ken not property (for fo it were a wicked deedc,) but figura- tiucly: flat againft tbat erro: of tbe reall p:cfcnce, tnbicb b® is p:ctcnoco to p:oue bp ©.Allen. IBut botnfocucr©. Allen Dcale mtbat: tbe point(UJbicbpougrauntSxiitbbim) fufficctbrncfo,: pjQjfe of tbat I ftuoc.iFo: if raanp things in fcripture are fpokeri ano meant figuratiuelp: itfolloloetb that tbe fcnfe of fcripture is againft tbe flbeto oftoo,:oes in funo,:ic places,ano tberfo:c tbat tbe ^elD of toojos funo^ie times is againft tbe trutb. Mbicb fitb sou cannot in tbts Sacrament,becaufe of pour p;}eiuoice of tbe 3 reall lib.j.cap.if. e cap.zo. fcap.tfi 70 Of Peters Supremacie. real! pjcfencc: 3 tnill fajtiig an ejrantplc of facramcnt ofba{M s ", fifnie, to^cretn ^ou inutt neeoes fe it, %\)C\:z luerc s fome ofolo, nuePhiiLu' toljo, aotucrp^tnclUccljilDjeniDttlitoafermbap&ijmgof tljcm, ,n fo tjfcj) to piint ano ttampe certaine marbs bpon f Ijem toifl^ fire, /f0; ti)t Snljicl) bfage tljep allcageb fl;e fcripture, (3 meane, h Lic.i.is. Uio.ioco tljcreof) tljat,touching lohn Baptilt: ^ lu^o faping of^ftlfe, I baptizeyou with water, aOOetfjOf our^autour, He will baptize you with the holie Ghoft and fire. ^oto, 3 put fbc matter to pour olune tuogement, tob^tljcr tfjep oio bet# ter, tbljo baptijeo toit^ fire: oj toe, tofio toitljout if. Hart. Mt)o Doubtetl), but toe i ifo,: tljep toere becctueD tolio tfflbc the name of fire p^opcrlp in tljaf place: toljere it is bfeb fi# guratiuelp, to fignifie tlje graces of tlje IjoUe toere noting to tbe purpoCe) tbat it is manifeS to be meant, not p^operlp, but figuratiuelp. ifoj tbere baue bane ^ funb^p cbur# orientalib. li, cbes anb nations tbefe manp bunbjeo peares, tbatbC^ it,ann b® Mat£!parit ♦ tnouceo all tberetobp ttjelbeto of too?bes, as manifrft tO' in Henrico be meant not figuratiuelp, but pjoperlp,m tbeir iubgement. wnbhiftor. Pourt^U pjefence batb not gone fo far in tbe one Sacrament ter.Peril car. toitb this is my bodie: as tbeir ftrtemarbes baue gone in tbe 0# vit». .a. jjjjfjj the holie Ghoft and fire. Mber^O^e (to returns tO titc point in quellto) altbougb it map fame bp tbe ^eto of too;tbs t^t our ^auiour ptomifeb tbe bepes of tbe bingbome of b^uen to "Peter onelp: pet, fitb l» meant tbem to all tbe japoftles (as 3 baue beclar^) pour claims toill be a bare Ibeto, if all pour p^mfe be Ibeto of too?bes. ^nb tberefoje, as 3 faib, fo 3 fap againe, tbat poumuftb?ingbsfcDjtb fome better euibence : 0^ els pour title toill be naugbt. Hart, ainb 3 tell pou againe, tbat tbe euibence is gab : anb batb not onelp Ibeto of tooto?,but fenfe taj, if it be rijjbtlp tafeen... 55ut toerctaine not pou to be our latoier to erpounb it. Rainoldes. 3 am not in baft to be retaineb of pou. But tobat miflibe pou in mperpounbing of it i- Hart. 2Dba^3 tobftbibaUb^cmefi*ompelbing|tbereanfo*, How the Scripture murt: be expounded. 71 DhjT'" $0^ )?our erpoStion is a p^iuaU eppoGtiotTf tuljtci) toe allolt) not of. lile alloto onoli; of^ ct)arc|^eo crpoGtton. Rainoldes. SDljen 3 pcrmuo tfjo £f)urcf> fl^all be sour latoter. iSnb tobat to (31 p;as sou) tbe cburcbeo erpoQtton. Hart. * SDbat lubirb aU tbc ifatbets make toitb one con# liatf. dodr.l.7.c.i3 Rainoldes, tS®b«batttbeifatberomaIte?OTeba5nKDcto baue booteo l&e ttie basics of£>3^j ano mcmo^tco as Rrong ao Hale, to enoure to reaoe, ano be fure to remember ofeuers eirpo# etiottj Co mucb) ao mas afccrtaine bo, titat all tije ifatbero make It l^atbansmanltutngreaotbemallf j^S) bauc all tbc men liuingreabtbem? iptas, cantpcslb^toe tbem^ Can tpes get tbem f 31 ban almoR fato, can tbes nante tpm i Hart, aaaomeane oftbe ifatbero tobicb are ertant common# Is, anb mas be bab ano reab. 31f mans of t^m make it, ano tbe i^ctt^rgatnrasttnot,o^lasnougbtoftt; ine count itto b» mabe of all toitb one conCent. Rainoldes. 3Dbat count to eutli caff,ifo;,ao in tbo ijo^itinss of ifatbero tobicb boe baue,ibttte one erpouno^ placeo of ^crip# fure oftentimeootbertoifetben all tbe reff, ' (atbingnoto;uouo anbconfeircb:)ro, itiolfeelsfbatinfbofeto^cb ine baue not &TAilys.'''^' (bme placeo boere otbertoiCe eepounbeb tbe tbes be in tbofe bobicb „ iDebaue.^et31»iUnotbensbuf sou bab reaCanfo to count.ifo^ & E*od? cUb sour klbier bab b^nebumbe, anb coulb not baue fpoken a ioo^b fo; bu< clientliSut if tbio be sour rule of tbe ^urcb^ erpo# 0tion: tben SI coulb baue mabe nunc erpoStion , tbe cbnrcbeo, S]DitbatDetfinger,if 31 Inoulb baue RufiBeb it boitb tbe nanteo of ifafbero. ifojmstoo;tbflOfPeter, tbat he alone made anfwere for all the Apoltles, &receiucd the keyes togither with them all,aretbetDo;5bcoof "S.Aaftin, tbouj^ 3! bibnotname bim. "iniohaa.crai janb * 5.AmbrofcraitboftbatpjomtreofCbntt(/v»'<%xdtAdff ^ the kjiyes eft he kingdome efheauen, anb tbe reft tobicb folloUJCtb) ' ' tb^whatis faidto Peter, is faid to the Apoftles,0nb ^ lerom PAducrCioui. faitb, tbat the foundation and firmeneffe of the church lay on all the Apoftlesequally, and they did all rcceiuethe keyes. Sinb Origen faitb, tbatChriftes promife of building his rraa«.?. church, ofgiuing the keyes, of binding and loofing,made as ^ to Peteronely,vrascommon vnto all. ^nb Hilane laitb in <.Derrinitac. like fO^t, tbat through theworthinefleof their faith theyob- A tained Cliapt.i. I>iui(ioii i. y% Of Peters Supremacie. * lob/.IS, ) Se Icofeing fo^ loater in the UtilDcrmffe, as * the traucllcrsofi ema : anD (thatistcffliftof all) fomctimeslocc thoulD leauc the pure toater of truth, aiuj CloiU bp jmbOlc iitfteeo of it ifoj, although the ifathcrs lucre men tnoueu of CDch toith crcellentgifts, ano brought no fmaU light to bnoerftanbing of the frripturcs : pet learneo men in ouroapcsmapgiucanght fenfe of funojic places thereof lohich the ^Fathers faUt not, peaa# gainll the lohieh perhaps t hep cpnfent,t Hare. a:h« ^ Councell of Trent eonbemneth them that fc. Rainoldes. leatnet) men>as anp toeroat that Councellj fep it..^nD thep 0® it t®. Hart, whb ^ Caluin anb Beza ? Rainoldes. snruelp, 3 bffl iuDgc no leflTe of their leamtng. ^b, if 3! be of anp iubgement, 3| iubge not parciallp in it. But finite of the as pou lift. S. ' Auftin,hauing fololocb s.Cyprian in erpounbing a eertaine placesf ^cr^ture, afterloarb bib ftnbe in Tycoaius the Donatift an other ejrpolition: luhich thinking to be truer, he pjeferreb itbcfo^ie Cyprians. ®®herebp pou map' fix, that, although pou thought as pU of Caluin anb Beza,.as bib5.Auftinofthe^onatifts,pef,ifpouhab 5.Auftins minbe, pou looulb rather follolo the fenfe lohieh thep giue fometimes of the feriptures, then that lohieh is giuen bp auncient goblp thcrs. i^euertheleffe, mp minbe loas not of them, lohcn 31 men? ticneb learneb men. ifoj, to lohat puqjofe^&ith 31 am not tg# no^ant holo fmaH account pou make of them, ^p minbe Inas of pour olone men, toho fap fo, anb bm fo. Hart. ?i2ilhat f .^gainft the Councell of Trent ? mjQJho bee thep^ Ki;iipr»fat.£s. Rainoldes. iFirft,theflolnerofpourCarbina!Sjthe^Car=' binall Caietan, beginning to erpounbthe feriptures, b®th ftt it bolonefo?.a principle,,that God hath not tied the wpofitioai. o£ tRttraQation, lib.z.e»piiS; mcnt.ialibros M.cGS, How die fcripture muft be expounded. 73 ^ ofthcfcripturcsvntothcfenfcsof the Fathers. tflje fall hgon a nevfcnfc agreeable to the text,* though it^Qsammsa goagainitthc ftreamcof the Fathers : ljeDOt^aDUtfcf!?ercas°;^f""„^°^^^ fiernoftomillifeeoftf. (it alienus. Hart. )15ulfl)cflou)rrofour BiC^opsS, * Melchk>r CairusmtflifectplljcCarDmalfojfljafftijsrall^ftHfcittctanoce? " p.M3uef|j it as an rrrourj^ea as ti^e common fcntcncc of tjcrctikcs ans)fci}trmatthcs. Rainoidcs. llBttt f^c flotocr of ponr SDoctozs, D. Payua SAndrid.defcnfi. Andradius, rdjuhctt) tt)is tjour M^ops rcp;M0fc,asmo?e rall^: pcaocfcnoetljCaictanagatnfttfasaaanDcr. ^ctsacljctl) firtt, ttjaf the Fathers doo ininany plaecs not expound the Scrip- tures according to the literallfenic, (the onely wrhich hath weight to proue pointes of faith,) but allcgorically and mo- rally. We may leaue their allegories and expound them lite- rally. ^ teacljctlj nej:f,tl)at when they feeke the iiterall feafcs of the fcriptures, they doo not alwaies finde them, but giuc diners fenfcs one vnlike an other. We may forfakctheir fen- fcs all, and bring a new vnlike to theirs. ^o;couer, (fomafte ftjc tiling cuiocnt hp c]camplcs)l)ttii felfc eypounDc^ fundry pla- CCS otherwiic then the Fathers haue: Declaring fj® Dotl) it hpon fufficicnt grouno. 0gaine, tje p^ueth bp fopings of the tl)icfe of the iFat^rs, that they fpake notoracles whe they ex- pounded the Scriptures,but imght therein be DeceiueD. l^e Ihe^ toef h farthermoje,that the ouerfightes of the tranflatio which; they followed, muft caufe them needes to mifle fomctimes the right meaning of the holic Ghoft. if inallp, he aDDeth that experience forceth vs to confe(rc(vnleflc we will be vnthank- full to moft excellentwittcs) that verie manic things in Mo- fes and the Trophcts are in this our age expounded more ex- aftly (through the diligence of learned men) then cuer they were before, SSHfjcreupon he COtUlUDeth that rhe holy Ghoft, the oHely andfaithfull interpreter of the Scriptures, would haue manier things to-be knowne to ts, which our aunceftors knew not: and hath wrought by meancs, (vnknownc to vs, knowne to him) that the Fathers noted good and godlie myllericsout of verie manic places of the Scriptures,whereof the right and' natural] fenfe Irath beenc found out by thepofteritlc- i&f in felu luoRui^the iuDgement ofAndradius,i»hith 5 feth. 74 OfPetcrs Suprcmacie. tetijmo;eatIargc; mt^eoefenfeof Carutnall Caictan againtt ffiarell£r£:; tn^o Dto cauill at ^tm becaufc tie iu;iote t^t it is lav* 1 togoagainft thcilrcamcof thcauncient Fathers in cx- pounding of the Scriptures; Hart. gcarcnotfojtlpeipOgemcnf ofAndradius, o;iCaie- tan.ojans ottjcrpjiuateinan, ftjougfiTJou coulohzing a ljun* of t^. 3 D(d not build mp fatt^ on ttiem. Rainoldcs. jaitfioug^ pou care not fo if the ifathers dilllnt in erponnoing a place of the Scripture, as oftentimes thep doa i Mlhi^ of their erpodtions mull toe folloin then? Hart. 3f one crpound a thing ofhertotfe then all the rell, the tellmuftbefollotoed,andhemnttberefulcd. ^Isbp ^.Staple- A Gtape.1. ^aiuple in S.Auftin 3 fl^etocd erc-inhile. •ioici. ' Rainoldes. S, Auftin tnasagainllpou t^n.But if he mahe fb; poH, though he be alone, pou toill leaue all and folloto htm: iohcreof pou j^ue notable p^fe in the oim0onof the ten com* mand«ncnts. the fecond commandcment againll the tooj* Chip of 3lmages, Thou llult not bow downe to them nor wor- fhip them,bccaufc the too?ds are lharps, and rip the hart lltings of pour church , tobofe fpirituall h®5edomesdaipaffcthe h®?* dmnes of Ic2abel,and all pour temples are lleiues of them j ther* fo^e ^ How the icripture muft be expoundedr75 fb;ie t?ou omit if in f p^aierbcDfeesanD s caterljifincsf; f to falue tijc niattcrjleattttjcrcbi^toetl^oiilDljauonomo.jetfje nino coinman# pio Qnim.' Dements, ^ou cut tlje tentij into tmo.i^oto foj tijis, sjvuitin is all in all toitlj vou: tlje refi of tlje if atljers go fo^ naugtjt.i^ct t[jc j£nglt^,anb reftetpounDitliterallvaff ittoore: S.Auftinfanfieoa mi^tteric, "defima m 3^ t^at tlje number of three commanbements toucljing God migfit h QnaEft.71.in- betoben the Trinitic. JlIjus tjubcr tlje colour of oneifatljero txaduw. iubgement againft all tl)C t^, pouconcealetl^ fecono command. Dementfrom tlje people\?our bile iDolatrie,o?' imagedou- 'JreotTr^^&k lie as tjoufmcDti) it, tl^oulDgrotu (bp tljefjearingt^ercof) into t^jap-s. millibe, 31nDaDc,tol)atrceuerpoufapoftl)eifat^ers, toblearc tlje peoples epes: poubletljem asmarcl)aunts arc inontto bfe t^eir counters. Sometime ttjey IfanD luittj pou foj pence, fomc# time fo;t potonbes, euen as ttjep be nett anb reabiett at ^anbe to mabe bp pour accountes* Hart, taiSll)p f SCljinbe pou t^at none, but S.AulUn onelie, fjatl) fo biuibeb t^e commanbements f Rainoldes. 3t finbe none alleageb of pour ^ 5ch©olemeny k Magiafen. butl)im. Hart. I^oumap. jfoj Clemens Alexandrinus isalleagcb pid^Tftcnnd*'^' alfo bp ifatljer Robert in i)is ' Didatesbpon S.Thomas. q.ioo.aitic^ Rainoldes. Clemens is fmallp bounD toifatljer Robertfo;* ionduci!'"^ alleaging of Ijim. i»eitber totU be get crebit; no^ pou abuantage bp it. ifo? " Clemens, tbougbbe numberno mo;e tben three mstrom.iib.*. commanbementstoud^ngourbuetietotaiarbescIDoD: pet nep^ tberbotbb«numberanpmo;etbcn fix touching our buetie to? toarbes man; anb of the tenth he mabetb but one, tob«h ton mabetbjo. &o that, tb?ou^ omitting flie feconbcommaunbeis ment, as part annereb to the firit: Clemens founb no moje com? manbementstbcnninejtob^reas" the fcriptures number ten. nEx»d.}4.s* t2R[aberefo?e,citber Clemens mabctb nothing fo? pou: o? at leaft no mo?efo? pou then bs. Hart. ^es. ifo; tlje later place of fire commaunbementes, tobcrcm Clemens mabcth fo? pou, is co?rupteb. 2Dhe fo?mer is> fcunb, iubcrein he mabcth fo? bs, beltKC ts Py thagoras.ail the p?fflfe,is,He faid it,. ^Ife, tobat Tho.Aquin.q. reafon bane pou.lubP the later ^acc(if Clemens be co?rupteb) IboulD bethought rather to beto?rupteb thenthefo?mer f SDbis ia.Pytb«g^. DiS'i.* 7^ of Peters fupremack. feastooittfobe, iDitlj ^ouns JLogtctansm £Drfo;i>afc^(Blcr« tricise at i'aruistfo fas place tit Ariftotleta fojropteo, toljen t^ coaUt not tinlcofe a hnofte.^n ti^oe t?our laf m, eitlter f uMrtttng tran9atour,o^ pjinter, p i^atl) cojrupteD Clemens tit tlie cljtefe docwna top jjg fg, ^lou, 31 fa^, not (as father Robert Dotl))t)poit m^j tooju toif^out p^mfc: but t^ tierieD;.iftam>courfcofClemens freattfe,ano i tlje greebe an *1 (AiWToc 0 pic agraing fullte toitfj tt,conatncetg it to be fo« ^ fo? tlje re^ TTio] rZy pugnancte tljat is bettoane fijefe pointes in tlje true copie ofCie- TTidmiZu a- mens;ittectnet^nottotiauegrotoKc of either place co^trupteo, vrecrZu Ao. ouerli^hf I flippy of ittcntojie in Clemcns,bp reafon of ^ ^ ' aoigreffionlDhtchhofellmto bpon occaCon of the precept to TIn Ex»d ko fanrtiSe the §>abbafh bat?, ^"b th :s is the livelier, becaufe there miLL ' ' isfomebobietouchebbp Origcnfotfobiuibingthecomman# Dement0:anbtoefittbnotam,Uhaf hathbiutbcb them fo before Cleraens;tDho tuas Origens maiite'-.^iiilhich alfo father Robert himCelfei^thobferucb.Mhcrcrojepcutttap not lofte foj ante helpeatthe^nbsofClemensjS.AuiUn v?ou ntuiOc ftanb alone tDith^aubfolobs oneagaitifilaU. Hart. Doubt there be mo;e of that minb t'len hc:although f^ not tJDho i^et? be, ifoj ^ Torrenfts, a Icatneb BUefuit, feith that this biuifion of the ten commanbemenls^thtce of them fo touch our buetie totoarbes (lDoD,anb fcueit totuarbes man, is ♦Anuquiud a point of dodrine very common and familiar both vnto omsi . Auflin,andto ' allantiquitic.tllSlhorebptOU map fee that5, Te- Auftin is not alone of that iubgement. renee-Non pu- Rainoldcs. j^ap: 3l fo uot that.5!5uf 31 fee an other thing, iohich it toorc reafon that pou ^oulb fo alfo, J r. ^aiahafisfhatf «!^& aaob. Rainoldes. 3 fee that the ^efuif mabeth no confctence of Ip# opufc.dciegiu. tng,fo that it be fo;abuantagc:as' a lefnb pcrfon p>ofeffeth in sTntfquit. lui. the poet. ifo,i bJhercas the commanbements, inhich touch onr Iib.5.cap.4. Duetie totoarbcs 0ob,are noteb to be foure,(anb that of gmages, y ®ne of them) bp the chtefett autonrs anb toitneffes of antiquitie; zinverfib.dc firSbptheHebrucs, (as " Philo anb lofephus (hetu ) iuho i^Hxohlms hauelfillconfinuebof the fame minbes, r (as it map fame) in Unfynopfift- their pofteritiCjUert,bp the Grecians, ^ Gregorie Nazianzcn, crzfcnpturs. a Qrigcn, ^ Athanafius, Chryfoftome, Oj tohofocuer tnas l"c^^imperr antoar of the worjsc vnperfic rpon Matthc\v^ j tljirblte, bp the . bom.4?, Latins, ''"W' j , ■ How fcripturemuft be expounded. 77 Diuif.2,' Latins, ^ s. Ambrofc,' S.Ierom,anDoiTemo;ieannctcnftl)cn fljc^ botl), f the autour of the queitions of the oldc and newc phcV/aj..tf. Teilament;n0uertl)cli?llef|)ts35efirif,a£t ffjougl) l)t£( facgluere e In epift. adE- l;arDne6,Uhe tljc face of an l)arIot,blui^efl) not to fa?, tljat ami- rA,!3.q;i,. quiticjtijat all antiquitic Dot^ affirmc tfjeconfrarw. ftion,vet.9c Nart, i^ouarepcrftoabcDtooljariilpofTorrenfis.gcait not tfjtnfe tbat ^ bJouCD pzcfcnu al antiquitic, tnleffc Ije !jao fenoton, zf not aH,i?d: tlje moft to be of tl)af mtntj. R ainoldes. ^ou liaue concctneD too Ugljttie of Torrcnfis, 3Icannottl)tnfeetl)at^ctooulDalleage not one iuitneffc out of all antiquitic,if l)c ^ao hnoton ante of tljat minti in oaoe. Cljief# he faing t^at l^e to fo ambitious in citing ifatljero iu^en tje i^atl) fi)Cm,tl)at,to ptouc the church was builded vpon Peter, s ^ce _ quotct^ no IcCTe tljcn eigijt anb fojtie places out of Doftors ano guftin.lib.x.cap,-, Councelsjto let go otljer tojiters which (l)e faitl))he pafleth o- uer.ffiut, graunt tijere to pcrljapo fome one,o; ttoo, 0? tl)?ee, 0? foure(lut5om pour Jefuito Ijaue not founu pet) tljat are of S, Au- ftins ntinb in tijat point.3if fttoer of t^ie ifatljero eppouno a place of fcripture contrarie to ino^e of f^an:i»i)ici) fi^all toe foloto tljli: t^e leCTer o? tlje greater numbers //art. * %lz greater number.ifo? a feto map bee Dcceiueb * Hieroff Tor. mojeeafclptljcnmanp. rm.confk Rainoides. SCtjen mutt poubibue pour Schoolcmen notoe adieu,anbagrcetoitt)bointt)cbiuiConoftljeconmtanbemento; fbougljtoegiuepouClcmens(toI)omfatfjerRobert citetb) anb ^?£e 0? foure boiccomo^e. ^otobeit 3 can not brge pou to'bo it,bnleffe tljat pou bto it bpon furer grounb:becaufe tljio grounb to Oabbie,anb tlje rule bnfure fo; men to tonlhe on.if 0;, fpat tbc. greater number of tljcifatljero erpounbetlj Scriptures too^fe fometimeotljentbelctrer: itappearetljbptlje controuerCe be? h Epift.,,. ftoeenc ^ Auftinanb ' lcrom,concerningfl^rcp;Q5feof Peter: i Epitt. ii.irtcr to^bcr 7'aule rebuheb Ijim in earnett,ao blametoojtljie; 0; bif= Cm^lcbtoifljbnw,anbmabc ' aduetifulllie,toljiclj lerom ter# i Me.n foj butlDtng of ttje i.o;Ds temple. Hart. aDtjts of Auftin fbetoetl) tt)at lue map barp fometimes • confcff. Ah. greater number of t^ ifat^crs, anb rrfufe ttjeir iuOge# mcnt.215uttbat(as * Torrenfisbath obferuebtoell ) muftbee hjitb ttDo cautions.)aDne,tI)at tlje tljmg tobcretn loe barte from fl)embeaknownetruch.2Dbcot|)er,tbattDeDo it with reue- renceand modeftic. lob.,Rainoldes. ^S23ttb reuercnce anb mobeftief ©ob fo;btb elfc, o G2I.Z.14. ^ " Elihu repjoucb Iob:as ° Paule repjoucb Peter.Butfoj tlje otber cautionrbotci Iball toe bnoto a tbing to be a bnobme trutb^ Hart. ^Dne biap to hnoto it,ano tbat a goob toap, * is tbe "■ common telKmonie of tbc fattbfuU people,if *bcp toitb one con# fenttetencittobetrae,, ^ pPctit.f.4, Rainoldes. scbis b?tngetb bs Cmall bclpc to tbe erpounbtng A"g '«jn seu- offcriptures. ifoi things map be true: anbpetaplaceof ftrip# c op!»puli sTxir "0^ applieb truelp anb rigbtlp fo p^ouc tbcin. 5ls it is plaine Ssnenfembibli- in places, p tbat baue bane applieb bp Cbhftians againft tbe 315utietitbeag®biDap. 53i£lba^iftbefaitbfullpcople b(D How the fcripturc muft be expounded. 79 OtD Diffent i ^0,tn ftjc quellwn toe ^ue in l^anD about ft)6 popes fupieniacp, ^0 people of tt)e ^ d)urct) DtlTenteD from tifz toett, man^ ijonojeo peaces fogetfjer* nacaijat fl^all toebo) Hart. an otber toag (a better toap to finbe it) * 10 ttje, ccmmon teftuiionte of tbe fat^fuU patto^f tljep battbebap-bjtgtitcafeoft^c ^omteof rigtjtcoufitee map limine in tljeir Ijartcs; taitb, t^at ^ no prophecy of Scripture is ofamansownc interpretation : bccaute, m the prophcde 1(t$af is, ^ fcripture of tbe p jopbetes) t hey fpake as they were .moucd by the holie Ghoft, not ao the will of man oio fanfie, ^at!Sbicbrea&nfitbittmplietb,a0 the Prophetes, fo tbc ^0# ftlee; ano it is true in tljem all, the holie men of God/pake as they were moued by the holie Ghoft: it follctoetl) tljat all t^e fcripture ought to be eiqpounDeb bp (©oDjbecaufe ^ it is infpired of God: ae * naturee light bath taugbt tbat he who made the kw, (hould interpret the law. rule commenoeD to be bp fihcpjefcriptofGod, ansae it toerefantfificD bp ® tbe Leuites p?a(tireintbeolse2ncliament,an5 tbe Apoltles intbenebo: tbegoblieauncientpalto^eanolDotfo^ieof tbecburcbbaue fob lotneb, in tbeir pieacbiug, tbeir Inciting, tbeir Decioing of ton^ trouerfieeinCouncele. tE^b^efo^, if pou seSreinb^se tbe cburcbee e);poQtion,ano booulo fo faine finbe it: pou mult go tbie iuap, tbis ie tbe cburcbcs boap: tbat is tbe cburcbecffenfeto tDbicbtbistoapoo^bjing pou. ifo;, S. Auftin, * bobofe boc? trine pour fclfebtoachnoUilebge to be grounded on thclawes, the mancrs, the iudgemcntes of all the catholike church: lobom pou call a witnefle of the fincere truth and catholike re- Hgion, fuch a witnefle as no exception can be made againft; topo aCfuretb pou (ae pou kp) not onely of his owne, but alio of'^the common, the conttant faith and confefsion of the an- dent Fathers and the Apoftolikc church; tbbs S. Auftin batb to^itten fourebcoteg of Chriftian do6frine,bDberetn be ptirpofc# Ip entreatctb, bo^ fboub) bnberltanb tbe Scripture anb pounb itSCbe fumme of all big treatife botb aime at tbig matte, lubM) I bauepointcb tea: tbat the meaning of the Scripture muft be learned out of the Scripture," by the confideration ofthingesaudwordesinitztbat ^ the ende whereto, the matter whereof, itis all writen, be marked in generall, ^ and F all z I.Tim, f.ig. ♦L.Si.Cod.De legjb. ec confli'. cutioiiib.Princi> pAm. a Nehem.S.J, b^nvDeepfe 1lle0 to tt)<' Komanff, <5«* latrtntf.lbe- ' Confefsion. Auguftinian. prx&t.adlcao. ? Auguft.dcdo- ^u'ln.Cbi'ilf.li.t. cap.r. heap. jr. ccap.37. dcap.j^. & 4»i 8i Of Peters Supremacie. e Lib.i.cap.s. all be vndcrftood according to that end and matter: tjjat ^ al r<»?•?' be read ouer &ouer, & ^thole things chiefly noted which arc let downe plainly, both precepts of hie, and rules of beliefe, becaufc that all things, which concernebehefe and life, are plainly written in it: fl^at obfcure & darke fpeeches be light- ned and opened by the plaine and manifeil; tljat to remoue the doubt ofvnccrtaine fentences the cleerc and certaine be gcap II. g recourfe be had vnto the Greeke and He- brue copiesjto cleare out of the fountaines,if the tranflation hLib j.cip.i. be muddle : t^at ^ doubcfull places bee expounded by the ^ rule of faith, which we are taught out of the plainer places of the fcripture : fljafallthe circumitances of the text bee i cap.y. weighed.what goeth before,what commeth after; ' the ma- ic"p.i7' tier how, ^ thecaufewhy, i the men to whom, the time' mcap.is. when, euery thing is faide: tobefl^Oit, tljaf " hill wee feeke ncap.17. to know the will and meaning of the Authour by whom the holieGhofthathfpoken; if we finde it not, yetgiuefuch a fenfe as agreeth with the right faith,approued by Tome other otap.iJ. pl^^^ fcripture: °ifa fenle be giuen^the vncertaintie whcr- of cannot bee difcufled by certaine and fure teilinionics of fcripture, it might be proued by rcafon; but this cuftome is dangerous; the fafcr way far, is, to walke by the fcripture, the which (being fliadowed with darkc and borowed words) when we mind to fearch, let cither that come out of it which hath no doubt and controucrfie, or, ifit haue doubt, let it be determined by the fame fcripture, through witneflTcs to p z.ib.4.cap.3. be found & vfed thencewherefocuer: ^ fo (to conclube) p all places of the fcriptures be expounded by the fcriptures, the which are called CanonicaUx^ being the Caiion,thatis to fay the aDcGcncCad Tujc ofgodlincs and faith. ICfiuspoufoftjetDap, totfcbomc ana fenototeage, €^iiCt Ijatlj pMcribea, ffje S.Auftinpaflj aetlarea botlj bp Ijts einit.Dei li.ii. tcpfesanaljtigpjiarttrr, bofljint^tsfrratift ana tn 1 ofbers, a;* c^'D^ynit S^'^ablp fo flie iuagcmrnf of t^z aunrienf iFat{)trs.tKlIt)tcli tnap, ctc&clii! it i0 ipfeca both bp bs ana pou, tbougb not fo mud) folloinea Epiius.advin- ofpou 80 of b03 ffjat t^z bJtDjfbtndTe ff)ereof mtg^if per# i)om.ferm.i.' ^^^00 pou fo p?a(tift if pouf felfc, buf if mutt enforce pou af leatt Retraaii.i.cap. fO allOtO tf« « 3!0faunf, rtjmtt)ercan7no;ougf)ffob$ampeo,fl)ae - VA6tit.Sc epiii JUOrp Scripture muft be expounded by fcripture. 83 cucr? oneoft^ofcti)iitg0,anDfpedaU^,tfti)epb0wmeoall togt? fber,Da3^elpet)crp mucfj to PnoerttanD t^e fcriptarcs rigtjtlp. 55ut* tjeft^aronotfofurcattD ccrtamc meatres as fomc * Staplet.priiic. fber*are,to^b befojc DO tl^p ^clpc aU ' «• toaics; tra^, fometuncs t^cp Do tjurt ratli0r,anD Dccetue greaflte fu(i^ as erpouno ^cripfurs after tljem. %^i& is not onelgc faiD,but alfo p^oueD at large out of t^c SDoctojs anD ifatljers, bs t^t too;t^te man of great init anD iuDgement, our countriman M. Staplcton Doftor of Di,>iinitie, the Kingcs Profcflbr of controuerficsiathevniuerfitic of Doway . toljofe moft wholefome vorkc, entttleD, A methodicall dcmonftration of doftrinall principles of the faith : one bcofee tS iXJljolIl? fpDUt to fl^eto the mcanes, way and order, how to make authenticall interpretation oftheScripturcs.^ntljetoljtcf) tree lapet^ tljts fojagroun5,tl)at "■ the Scripture cannot bee rightly vnder- r Staplet.ptinc. flood but by therulcoffaith. siiljereupon ' Ijc conDeinnet^ J-'^p tlje Proteftantes opinion,t^t the fcnfe of Scriptures muft be fetched out of the Scriptures errou r of pours to pucr# fbjoto tipc mo;re fulls:l)e Dcltnerefl) fourc meanes of erpounDing tbe Scripturcs ' t^efirif,berp certaine anD fure , the rule of I fith; " tbcncrtjttoleCTccertaine,thepraftife of the church; * fl)eft)irD,afle^pjobable,the confent of the Fathers; ^ xcap.j. f^e laft,moft infallible,the counccls interpretation ♦ jSlnD 2 ycap.fi. 'thele mcanes,be faitb, arc the onely certaine fure infallible mcanesjofvnderftanding and expounding the Scripture a- " right.jasfojotf)ermeanes,tDljicl)IearneD men Do bfe, fucbas ^uobferueD oufofS.Auflinrljegrauntctb tl)^ are pjofitable, but Deceitfullman^toaie£!,ifccl) of tljem be fciierallp taftenb^ it relfe.Ml)tcb be pjouetb in particular bp tbe cljtefeft of tbem: 0rfl,thcweighingof circuniftancesjwhatgocth before, what commeth after; nert,the wordes and kinde of fpeeches vfed in the Scriptures; tljirDlp,the confercce of places togither, acap.io. onetobe lightnedbyan other; fourtblp, ^ recourfe tothe . fountaines of the Greekc and the Hebruc text. ■SSHtjercfo^C, f bougb 31 acknotoleDge pour toap to be a gooD tiiap,anD fucb as 3( am tnell content to toalbe tn,tDben tbefe our tuaies (ball IcaD meto rtmottoitblfanDing, 0tb it is ' common to vs with all ccap.p. Hcretikes,yeawithlcwcs andPainims ; (lubo Do all, conferre places,obferuetbe feinDe of fpacbes, Icoltc on tbe (©rate anD if 2 ^eb;uc 84 Of Peters iupremacie. fountatnesjinarfte toljat goetl) before,toljat cojnmet^ a0» tcr,ano fuel) lifee twinges; ano are ber^e fane from f^c true bnoerftatiDtng ofti)Z fcriplurcs;) 31 luill mp fclfe pjatfifc it h3l)cn3|(]^aUfcegooo:buttf)ere iono reafonof pouro fljaf can cnfojce mc to alloto it fimplp. Rainoldes. SDljc treatife of pour SDorto? agatnft tl)e p?ote<< ttantfi opinion, is iibe tl^c annp of Antiochus p^cpareb againtt tbe Homans: bcrie great ano liuge of men of manp nations, but iDl)ite liuereo fouloiours: ncit^r fo If rong toitb armour, as gli# Ileringb)itl)goloanD0Iucr« Antiochus t)imfelfetoas amaj® atit,anotbcugbtitbnnincibIe : fo oio tl)e Dimple fcoles of t)i5 d Liui.Iib.37. eountrptcD, But ^ tl)eJJomans contemneoit: ano ' Annibal c piu«rch.in at it, xni)e name of Proteftants, (in^icl) f l)c bfetl) tauiv & Annib!"^'°' tinglp as all one with Heretikcs) tea are no mo« afl^ara^ 0^ fSuplet.pritK tl)enb)eretl)e s Prophets ano ^ Apoftlcs.*tri|)omtl)e^piritof «p.i^&{i.M." Iwnojeo toitl) title bewule tl)ep oio mato a protc- cap. 10. Ration of their faith,' bpon t^e libe occafion, as oio tl^e fait!)<» gi.chrof.M. fuji in Germany lDl)cn tl)ep tocrc noteO bp tl)at name.2Dl)e Pro- bAa.a.4o.&8. teftants opinion, 3 !)aue alreaotc D^cton) to be tl)e opinion of i swd^n.ae fta, auncicnt p?otettants, t|ie jfat^rs, tlie aipottles, t^ie l)olic tu rclig. ScTcip, otb be not alleage S. 5^'^rhrifti; -A^^osotDnetDOjOcs, " In a doubtfull pi ace of fcripture let 3°rap.». ' ' 2 feekethe rule of faith, which rulehee hath learned of plainerplacesof thcfcriptures,and of the authoritic of the church: to p;oue tbat tbe rule of faitb mutt be fetebeo out of t^ autbo^ Scripture muft be expounded by icripturc. 85 piuTt.' aut|)o;itie oft^c cimrri) alfo, not out offcripfutts Ralnoldcs. pes: fjeDotI) alleage S.Auftins too?DC5 in D«tJ: but as ° tbcfalfctottneIIiesallcagei)?iIJ^^a^^!J^^'of'^^^^^®/* ing the temple,and building it in three dayes: f!)c iDo;i3es, a^ gainfttljcmeamng. trt^c p tl^lato notctl) asanabu- p Infraudem le fingofthelawc: pettsittominontDtti)i?ourH>D£to.i. Jto} as Ssv«bfs1e"riliian.iib.j. fcript,ures,andof theauthoritieoftliechurch : it follotuetb fnS. Auffin, Of which rule wchaue fuificiently entreated in the firft booke, when we fpakc of thinges. ^otD, in tbat DiD coutfe (totobi^b^ referr^ bs) ifz fp^ not of anp tbingas faugbtbptbe cburcbj buttDbafisintbefcripture.Mberefo?e, in tb^e tDO?Des, bp the authoritie of the church, be meant not anp tbing befioe t$j fcripture. Bjf be oio: Ibeto it. 3f be bio not: achnolulebgeit. Hart, l^e DiD. ifo?, in tbe firft badse tubers be fpaltc of things, bee fbetoeb tbat ^ tbe Doctrine of the Trinitie ts comp?ifeD in that rule offaith. pet is not erp?eapfetDoU)ne in tbe fcriptures. Rainoldes. Expreflyf lEIbat meaue pou bp fbis iDo?D ex- preflyf Hart. 3j meanc, tbat if is not eFp?clfeD in tbe fcriptures. Rainoldes. ©ttbatf ^ot tbe Doctrine oftbebleCfeD Trinitie .• if 3 tbe f C3f .5. Suit OfWtcrs Supremacies tl;c iFat!)cr, ttft ,M>oiTne, ano tiolie dDljott i Hart. ji5oUUt{)afourfait!jDot^^olDoft!)jTrmitie, Rainoldes. (EroD foibtD t^af toe (|ottto]^o{o Of fuel) amiiffe^ r ,A J ricmojetl;cnf)efeacl)et^b^^totoojD, Pai?cndrcom. Hutt. Certain^, s, Auilia ' tojttmgfo au Arian (toljoDc^ hireCArian. " ntco tljat v^oD fbe fonne to confubffanttaU toitl)fl)e ifaflier) fatti), t^at as wc rcade not in the holic fcriptures the Father iTngenmim, i .^jfj^egftttMySc yet it IS defended that it muit be (aid; in lyke 2 Homoufion. fo^t jt may be that neither ^ confab ft antiall is founde writtca there, and yet being faid in the aflertion of faith may bcede- H contr Mix fcnded.j^nb again " Oifpuiing agatnft Maximinus a idifl^op of Hn. AHanoi'.e- tt)t Arias,Giue me tcftimonics (faift thou) where the holy ghofi fifc.iib.j.cap.}. is wcrflipped: as though by thofe things which we do read, we vnderitood not fome thinges alfo which wee reade not. But (that I be not inforccd to feeke many) where haft thou read god the Father vnbegotten or vnborne ? And yet it is true. Rainoldes* 0nl3ft)inkepoufl)af S.Auftin meant bp ti^to fptoclies fl^af f|ic fcrtpfureo feacl^ not tf)at God tlic holy Ghoft is to be worftiippcd, God the Sonne is of one fubftance with the Father, God the Father is not begotten or borne? xconfefliAu- Hatt. ftometl) to tjauc meant it. ^nb * Torrenfis (tobo S^tbercD s. Auftins Confefsion out of all bto toojfees) alleagetb tbeft plates to pjouetbat Chriftians ought to belieue manic things which nauc come to vs from the Apoftlcs themfelues (oeliuereo as it toere bp banc) altbougb tbep bee not to?itten zf* p?e0p in fcriptures. Rainoldes. %\yz 3(cfutt Torrenfis oostb great tojongbcmn totbetrutbofn in like ibjt toitb ' the wordi;»i>^- f 33 he eonfir# finnethbp ^ £>enys, anb s Damafcen : fotoao it the common iubgementofthe Fathers, of S, Auftin chieflp, ao hiobtofeeo touching the Trinitie b(D (heto. 0nb, in ' the conclufion there^ tif(fo? euibent pjorfe of that tohich Fou beni^ jhe giueth the name ef the rule of faith to ffjat tohich is plainly let downe in fcrip- ture of the Trinitic. ?SlIIherfo^e the ftripture copjifeth che rule of faith fo; that point. 0no ao fo; that point,'fo fo; all the reft, tohich ^ in that herp bojhc (tohereof toe fpafte) s. Auiti n notetb. 3lt remameththerfo;ethat S.Auftfn meant not bp • theautho- ritic of the church, mo;e then he ftgnifieb bp plainer places of the fcriptures. Hart, ^eo: his oton too;b£i in that bcric fentence bm pMb fiiffi# rient p;(Dfe (me thinheo) that he bio.iFo;,if ije Cgnifeb bp plainer iF 4 places aConfr.Maxi- min.Aiian.epH- cop.lib. I. blib.J. cap.j. & lu. C Matt.4.10. d i.Cor.5.15. * 7'it.4.cap.l, de tradit. e Snmm.Theo- logic.part.i. quift.jS.irt.r. * Velper verba, velpcrfenlUm. f DionyCdc di- uin.nomin.ca.i* 2 Damafcen.de orthod.fidJih.1. cap.i.&a. hAiigu.de Tri- nitac. lib.i.ca.j. &4. , ilib.iy* cap.jf. kDc doftrin. ChrilliaK.lib.1. cap.j5.3tf.j7. &40.. 1 lib.j.c.^. Dmifilna, B8 Of Pctets Supremacic. places of fcr^tures, as nmclj as meant t^ auttUJ^itte of t^c c^urc^:fbcn luas it tole, lolj^nbobaDnameDtljeonejtoaDDs ttje ottjcr to it: cljtefl? in fucij fo?t, as ttjaf is aooeo bg S.Auftin. ^0,Jbotl)c^fC(?H/«n9/w,thcplacesof icripturcs , rfw^itheau- tlioricie of the church, (^oulo import t^ingcs Different :an6 31 niapfapoflxrojDes, astf)e|9^ilofcpbi^rfaitl) oftijings. That is done in vaine by more that may be done by fewer. llainolde s. Nothing is Done'in baine, tljat is Done to eDifie. 2^l)ecljurcf)migt]|t\uellbementioneD, as an interpieter of the toojDe : t|)ougiittcac^ not anp t^ingbe0Dcti)ctoo;rDof (Sod, uExod.H-ji- people of Ifracl " did beleeue the Lord and his feruaunt Mofes: pet Mofes DiD notljing but tljat t^ ILojDc ronnnaunDeD * Prou.i.8. charge Ijis fonne * to hearken to the inftruftion of his father, and forfake not the dodrine of his mother; pet t^ep both (tlje father, anD mother) teach onD Icffon, the chiefelt wifedomc, the feare of God. fame iS fulfilleD c riw libr Mofes, aoD the Lord 5 oj rather in this mother,anD our ide vnJcat.ec- heauenly Father: of toho^n if h^fh ^ He cannot 'icC- hauc God to be his Father, who hath not the church to be his mother, ifoj, (BoD hauing purpofeD to mafee bs hio chilD?eti anD heires of life etemall, as he p;rehareD his boo^iD, to be,firff,tho ai.Pet.i.23, feDe, ^ the immortallfeed,ofbJhtchbJeareb^otteHaneb),^» a ijpec.2.2. tertoarD, the milhe,' the fincere milkc, toher^y t»ee (baing faojne) grob); Co he ojDeineD the chmch bp l^r minifferie to teach it, asittoereamother, firff,toconceaucanDb;ingfffl?thpchib D^en, aftertuarD to nouriCh them, as babes neiobo^ne, loith her b jiisfti tiv, bp niillte, ?i<]ahieh appearcth j as bp others, fc chieflp bp S.=Paul, f!!® b'/p«er, traueiled of them in childbirth, tohom he fought to com Aa.io.!4. nert:anD tohen thep toere nelo bo;ne,he * nourifhed them with 5 'f, milke: to fet befoje our epes the Ducfie of the church? anD all the churches ^inifters in bearing chilDjenbntoC^ift. ^otu, the milkc bjhich the church giueth to her 4nlD,:en, giueth if out of her bjeftes: anD her tbw b?cffes, are the ftoo teftaments of ttjc i In epift.t.Io- holie fcripfures (bp S.AufHns iuDgcmenf)the old Teftament, iua.Tri»ji!Ut.j. j^g^^ S.Aultin therefoje, Taping, the rule of faith is re- ceiued of the authoridc of the church ; meant not that the churchIhowlbDeliueranpthing, but onelp tolwt 11^ D;ab3eth out of the holie fcriptures. Hart, ^offoj milkc perhaps, bJhwli^sijes are to luche: but i> ' toi Scripture muft be expounded by fcripturc. 89 Diulfion i, foj ftirong meate tofjcreloitl) men arc notiri(^cD. ifo? mofljcrs feoe not t5)cir cl)ili)?en,betn0 groinne, tnitt) out of ffe bjeftos. Rainoldcs. But S. AuIHn atiDcfl) tl^at tljc fjolp fmpfurcs ljauebot^nnlfeefo.jbabes,anDffrongmeatf0;m£n : milfee,m plainer twinges ano calicr to be bnuerlf ©O; (frong wate, m itaro' wat i Derano greater mg3c«c0,^ca,toijerc * Cfjjilf tkiDjtfjateuerye Scribe which is caught vnto the kingdome of hcaucn is lyke vnto an hou(holder,who bringeth foorth out of his trea- fure thingesboth ncweand olde:S. ^ Auftin tuDgetl) tljat t>® cCcmtr Fagft meant bp newe thingcs and olde , the elde andne^e tejhment. Manichar ' C3K^crefo.je,0tp euerp paffo? ano teacber oftpe tpurcb tet meant . (fpou graunt)bp Scribe: itfolotoetbbp S. Auftin tbat tbe doav.i.ii"' meate topicb be is to fetcb out of bis Ifo?eboufe fo; t be futfenance fif bis bon(botD,mua be tbe f^eripture onelp.Mbi^ tbe iigbt of reafon toill inouce pou tco^tf pou bel^ tbs former pointes, if o? tbe s pbtlofopber teacbetb tbat we are nouriihed by the fame fe^Jrw thinges of which we do confift. %'^m, iftoe are begotten of tent. ' ioben loe are poung; (b mud it nonrilb be, tne are groton, as ftrong meat.But if it toerc fo,t|lWf S. Auftin pab not b^ fbfe opinion toucbing Ilrong mcatipet muft bs nabes baue it, in ^af iobsreoftoe reafon-.fo? tbere be Ibeafeetb ofmilbe, ;9nb be faptlj tbat the rule of faith is rcceiued of plainer places of the fcrip- tures and of the authoritie of the churchfto note tbe Cburcbeir h Aaguft dc p^actife, h tobicbjincafecbifingofberpoungonee, taugbttbem catechizani, fummartlp tbe poinfee of beldfcanb tbepjecepts of life. ^0 tbat "f nn, J. tbe ftmpleft Cbnftianffjiobo bab not reab tbem feluce tbe plainer i Canifius tK places of tbe fcriptnres to leame tbe rule of faitb,pet fenetue it bp tbe cafecbirme:tobsrin, tbjougb tpe minifterp of cburcbdbop 3taJ"«,va«s leameb it.i^otD,s. Auftins catecbifine batb notbing but tbe boc^ ItAfcbfc trine tDlncbocto;,pleaoing tpe title out of Auftin, tpat toeo as achnotolebging Ijer ri)ilD to be our lifter, map tafee per fo; our ^ motbcr;tftocfoloto Salomon anb rippe bp tpe plea toitlj fucp a favTtRXp% as be bib; toe fl^all finb tpat tb« rfnlb to neither brrs, no; * tD^o(titi)ij* b^r bufbanbes,but tbc bolp fcriptures.iFo; Auftin,in faping,thc of faith is learned of plainer places of the Scriptures and of the authori tie of the church :nameO the Scriptures, as tpC NomStiam ^w^ttcr ,the church as tbe minifter,toberoftbe rule of faitp to noftramSc ec- learneb.i^our 2Docto;,fuppofing,as tocl tbe carpcntcr,as tpe tim? ciefis fponGe t^e ftuffc,tobereof tbe poufe muft be builoeb; botb lape negiigc^.c"'" bto are to botb togitber; anb ftjuaringtbem alibe, botpmabe <2uoniam.ae bito beames,anb poftes,anb iuifes, fome of tbc timber, fome of ckSn" «c. tbe carpenter.tiEuen fo,tbe bolp fcripture is not tbe topole matter of tbe rule of fattb^tobereof tbe ebtircb minifters, as too;bemen, anb builbers,fboulb frame tpe boule of Cob : but in part, tbe cburcb ; in part ,tbeftripturetotbe matter« ^otbtobicpbe^ to0'"otten,astoere§ " eareringsoftheIfraelites,f to;ougbt Lw^agfus in falbion bp pour craftefiiTan,not palbing tmto it of toeabcnes, Dcies,i3aio-. as bib Aaron,but feebing after it toitb grecbines, as the people, tobokncwenotwhat was become of Mofes; tpep toill mabe aresr,an!)ott)tt aruleoffaitb,notofCb;iftcs,butoftbe|3opesfaitb» 0nb tbtoif a'o.Aikn, tt be becbeb toitb ' beuifcs to tbe eie,as tbat toas toitb gold,anb Campian, How-. let f(D;tb bp ^ men tobofe tongues are tpeir otone>anb boices ftoccteto Cngtbefong, ° ThefebethyGods,6 Ifrael, which itejff8n!)Se» brought thee out of the land ofEgiptdt toill moue manpe to vimJ!' baiinfe fo; top about it,in as bels to;t, as tbe golben calfe bib £xod,ja.vei.4- mOUG Scripture muft be expounded by icripture. 9 moue p fl)c BIfracliteg to Dm. Aliens Ko"- Hart, 3|f Dotl) not become t?ou,fo fcojne in fljis fojf fo granc gtc oft^e irtf, t^at * Blias did icS at Baalites, aiiD fEiai.44-»*.. f £fay 5i{, (Qjjcij idolaters.isafjerefoje, to go foitoarD toitij pour DtTconrteof tD, Stapleconagainltourerrourof erpounDingtt)e fcriptures bp ftrtptures: pou ^aue Vgz grounoe of it, tijat they muft be expounded by the rule of faith,and therefore not by fcriptures onely. 35otiJ,as i)ts gronnD is, to arc Ijis p^tofes: bot$ fo; pour otune meanes firtt, anD aftertoarD againtt ours, Mljaf infallibilitie anD certaintie ttjere is in pours, s the pradife of clgZ the church, ^ the confent of the Fathers, i the Councels de- !> «*p-J- termination : if toill appears (in place of triall) mo^e hereafter, I cap.*. alreaDie: tol^en pou toere faine to fiie from tl)cm all to tt)e pope, tobom bcre tbe joDotto^: b^D fo;:gotten,2Doucbing k cap.?, ours: be plouetb tbem to be Dcceitfull anD bnfure, boto f ^ Be- caufe each of them, if they be taken feuerally, may caufe a man to erre •• tobicb be fbetoetb bp cramples in tbmc of tbe par^ ticulars, as, the weighing of the circumflanccs, the ftylc and icap.io. phrafeof fcripturc,' the conference of places, ■" the loking m cap.is. jjjc Greeke and Hebruc. jfirft, if it toere fo: tobaf flball f call tbis Dealing, trecberie, 02 follp; (2£tce teacb of our meanes, tbat tbep all, togitber, Dm mabc a perftt toap toberebp to© map o?cSo^i 578. fcript ure ♦ ^^e replietb againlS ts, tbat » Muchio Hy- ■ eacboftbem, alone, anD t^n bp it felfe, is not a pcrfit toap to Sor.debdi- 3n tbe tobicb aunltoere, ifpour©notbistoeahencs(ta lo Africann quo fpeake tbe bett of it:) 3 toill fct befo;:e pou a glatfe to bicto it in, '' s Rex Po™"- 3 ^ ^ pearcs ago,fince Captaine Stukely (^ the Mar- galliz.cap 7, qucs of Ireland, as pour Ifojies call bim)" toasfent toitb fire chro-no-M h 3islwns bp tbe ^ope to tafee poffeCTion of irelande. ^^ronograp . ^:5SbiCb Scripture muft be expounded by fcripture. 93 S'; fjE toas commtng to Ijaue oonc,but t^at (at t!)e roqiiett of f!)c!^tn0Of/'ortuga]i) * IjcUientanOtokopolMionDfBarba- ric bp ti)e toap. jatr (Cngltl^ matt mtg^t fap,to comfort gtoQ fub^ So afS! ^ tccteo, t^at (bp (©OD0grace) fticfe31talians aitb the Marques, (f t^ ]^aD arnuci)>tntgbt bcttcbtCcombltcb bp t\\z ar^ mp: as t^ popes foulbiourstoerc, tDf)o came after tl^em. SD. Sanders nitgbt replp, to incourage tlje rebels,fl)at tliep nab not fcarett; beraufe t^ ^uanes foulbionrs, tboug^ tljep l^ue fomc Ifrengtlj, pet eacl^ oftljem, alone, anb feuertaj from tl^ relf, eatv notoaercomeitrel)unb;t^Italians, tottftfucl^ a Captains to. ^nb fo? pjofe tiereof tltat it is berie lihelp,l)e migtjt l)auc tto?e of arguments,examples, anbtettimonies, to biCcourfeatlarge; Initl) as great eloquence, anb no leffe loifebome, tljen ]Bl>.Sta- pleton tjatl) bone to pjoue ttje otter, ^ct ttis in ^.Stapleton is . * ademonftration.t^abtteotterbeneabemonttrationfcDfi^o •taruell ttat pou fenb bs fo manp bokes ouer, ifttep be fraugtt cipiorum - toitttoaresoffuctbemonffration. S|0aruell, pou fenb no mo: ThSswic. bnleOe it be latofullfo;: none but publihe reabers, fo fnbtillpto toni. ^ ^ pjoue tteir things bp bemonlf ration, i^oto, if pour E>otto^ am n))erebeabrurb,ti)ougbnoneof ourmeanes toere certaine anb rure,alonc,t»itt)out t^ reft, tofinbetlje rigttfenfeof ^crip* ture: bob) much mo;e abfurb, if anp one of t^n, alone, be furc anb certaine, anb that in bis otone iubgement to? confe# rence of places of tbe fcripture is fo: tbougb be Uioulb bibe it toitb a miff. llBut tbe miff bjljicb ° becaffct||, is no tbicber tben^e fojmer. ;atDeabeepe map fa tb?ougb it. ifo^toerap,t^f ' a I Dexteracoll». right conference or places, is a way moft excellent: as tfixttf felferebearfetbeutbjonjesof tbat point, ^nbbe thereto replp;» etb, tbat ^ a wrong conference, a left one, (fototerine it) is no fuch excellent way. Mlbicb is,asif ine laib^at wife men and vertuousarefitto beare offices in the common-weale: anb be, to p:ouetbecontrarie, fboulD Tap tbat maddc men and knauesarenogoodmagiftrates. ^fboe can la tb.iougb tbis miff, tbe conference of places is a perfit leap, if oj febicb toe meane bp conference of places: S. Auitin ootb flfgnifie bp tbe rule offaitb. i5ut P tbe rule of faitb,is a toap infallible,in pour JDDoc^ to.«! iubgement. Cberefbje (to iubgc bim of bis otone moutb^tbe conference of places is a toap mfallib!e.3f tbisalone: mucb moje tbis f all tbe left being iopneb togitber, meams tben tobicb toe qc«p,,. toe comrnenu to ftnDerfltano aito cepouitt) ttje fcrtpture; are furc ano ccrtamc meattec toljerebp fenCe of fcripture map ba founo. But pour SOoctojfatfp fl^atal hcretikes,and Ic\vcs,& Payiiims vfc thefc iTieancs,they conferrc places,they note the kinde of fpeeches,they looke vpon the fonntains,they markc what goeth before, what commeth after, & fuch like things. 3lf fbep tj© not fo: pour SDarto^ ouer-laflbetb '3^ o® to: tbep bm mo^e fi[)eu ptrnfelfe omt^ in manp cotrouerfies of faitp, toljidj pet pe tcacljef!) publittelp,ani3 pfintctb tfjem f©.®abst i ;amj bo allheretikeSjIewesandPaynimsvfe thefemeanes : auDDOtb none offbemftt the churches pradife; marke the confent of Fathers jreao the decrees ofcouncelsf ^fante of fbem boo; tol)icbifweuibenfmanpooo:tbenbpafitoifearearon, as pour 2D0rtojmaketb,tbefe fjto otone meanes are not fure neptfjer. ®5Il!)icl) toere a tb^^e confequence, aitb tooulb raje tbe t^mc^ of JdomePntotfjegrounb.lletbimbetbinkebim fclfe thereof, ana beale the b^eacfjes,tob:d)(if l»» looke not to tt)bts otone tbot toill make in tpe toalles of pis Bierufalem.^s foj hs anb our meanes, tf anp feeme fo bfe tb©n,anb pet milTe the right fcnfe of the fcrip^ fure;3raptoith S.Auitin(tohomthisquarellmakethasmuch againff,ashS5)If they who know thcfe precepts, cannot fee the things which are obfcure and darke in the Scriptures of God,thefaulteisinthem felues,notin the precepts ; as if I fliould point with my finger at a ftarre , which they would gladly fee,and their eie-fight were fo weake, that although they could fee my fingd,yet could they not fee the Ifarre at which I point.Mherefojeas s.Auftin condubeth of them, Let them ceafe to blame me,ahd let them pray to God,that hec will giue them eye.fight :fo toe bo adinotolebge that al meanes (pca.xjj.i8. are tjaine,tinleire the iLo?b giue eies to feettohom therefore the' 50jophetmaoe his p.japer to,Opcn mine eies,that t may fee the wondersofthylaw. Hart, ^ou map fap tobat poll litt.But erperience fhetoeth, anbitismottcertaine, thatmanpe toho allotothofe meanes, tohich pou bo,anD erpounb the fcripture bp them, arc thcmfelues Deceiueb,anD beceiuc others.ifoj, * the conference of places fap tohich pou fct mo;e then bp all tlje relf,tohich pou call a great remedy,anb the belt expofition of fcripture that may be had: let this remebp be taken touerallp anb bp if felfe,it is marueilous beeeitfull r DedoSnn. CHriftian.lib. X..nprolege. • Staplet.prin. do^r.lJb.ii. cap.to. Scripturemuft be expounded by fcripture. 9 5 fioD !• ceccitfuU, ^ca pcrniticus aiiQ pcttilc nf;fo murt) tlje nto^0,b)? boiri niuct> (in ll^cU>)it i£ inoze pjobabic, anb tttll at icaflt co^ruptrtf) too places of fcrtpture,if it be bfeb peruerfi^. 3;n DccDc,tuc ac# bnobulcDgeglaol^totttjS. Aiiftin , tljatplace receiuet^ iiglitof placc,anbt^*Dlet[)mgestubic90"c toliereare fpoken fomeiobat Darkcl^,are ctbertobere moje cleerelp bttereb. ISnt in confc/ renceoffcripfuresitisfofaeknotuncanODiligentlp jnarkstj', * (tubicbbcr^tik^stoillnotmarke.becaurcfbep boiilniitbe catljOi' u;,^h^rcS" lil5es,ani)gooDcbilD;cnoffljccburcb :) 6rlf , fbaf onefaping noIunt,quia niap feeme fo be like 0? bnlike an otl)er,nof fo mucb fo^i tb^ like# bom°e!:dcCa: lies anb bnltkenes of tbinges,as foj tbe p;ciubicc ankaffection of filii cflc no- tbem bp luboai tljep are conferreb. ^econblp, fbat fbc fame Uio;ib,oj kinb of fpacb,bafb not euerp tobeej^ ^efame'tigriificati* 0n,butfometimcsbiuerfe,fomEtimescontrarie« 2Dbtrfll?» tlwf tbere arc manp places in.tbe fcnpturetobit^ being bttereb onlp once,bane not anp like tubertoitb pou map confer tbem^ifourtb^ ip,anb laff Ip,tbat all beretikes botb of tbis anb of all ages, * in ♦ Conferendo conferring tbe fcriptures molf biligentlp togitber,pet bane erreb rcripmras diu- in tbe fenfe of tbe fcriptures moft j^amefullp, Wbicb reafons tobp tbe conference of places of fcripture is a beceitfull meancs of men in scrips erpounbingfbefcripture,anb leabetboffenintoerrour:D. Sta- pkton, a man toell learncb out of quettion, bote to^e foeuer pou account bim,batbfctbotone anb pjoucb tbemtoitb fucb er# amples,as migbt p;ieuaile toitb pou perhaps,ifpou luoulo t^gb tbmt. Rainoldes. 3|bauetoeigbebtbem,anb3finb tbem toligbt. SCbe marcbant,ti3bont pou p^ife^is ricb,3l benie not:but fure be tjfctb falfe toeigbtB,anb abuletb tbe Omple,tobo take tbeir ioares bponbiscrebif.^(D;emen,conceiningtoellof tbem iubent tbep fanfic,tbinke bim to bealc bp^igbtlp fo? tbat be railetb at others, taping tbat they are deceauers,becaufe they will not be ho. ncft dealers,and good children of the weak publike. ^But letbisUjo;bsgo:anb baueaneietobisti)eigbts. Btfpou Iboulbs tell a pcong beginner in Iborfing tbat tbep inbo l®kc at tbe marke anbloufebirectlptotoarbsitbonot atoaies bit it: pour bpctcb toereatrutb. ilSut if pou Iboulb tap tbat all naugbtie ar^ers tobicb are,o? euer tDere,bauefotDUp miCfe) tbe marke in aiming atitmolfftraigbtlpibemigbtrufpecteitberpourfkill, o?popr toill,t»be traine bp arcbers ft.OTbat map toe tbinkc tben of b«n tobo I Of Peters fupremacic. fo pcrftoaoe ntcn conference offcriptiireo ia a occeitfuU toaptotntt^eirrtgljtftnCCjOottjfarti^tall herctikcs both of this and of all ages, in conferring the fcriptures moil dili- gently togither yet haue erred in the ienfeof the fcriptures moftlhamefully?iFojtfjougfjt|)epjra0!)terrcin conferring of tfjenittcftfjc fault thcreofmuttbe,notm conferring tbem moil diligently,but in not conferring tfjcm oiligentlp enougtj. 3no f ^is is tpc lad of pour j2)o(to;s reafona. SDbc nert befo^ it ia no bcttcr,l^efaiti,t^atthere are many places in the fcripture, which haue not any like wherewith you may conferre them, Cl)ep)tofct)ebiinget|j of it,ia,t^at there are fundry fpeeches in 5.Paule,which are in no Prophet,nor Apoitle befide him: as (fo; erample lahe)r»olde mm , rndfutonthtrWi/e, P.J®f2 w life tl)c point toljercofif mabctfj p;oofe, iFo:,if tlje fame (peec^jea be not in anp otljcr,pet t|iere are fpeecljcs Ipfe tbeni ,tol)crebp f^ep map be bnoerttcDO, j2D;,if not in ot^a: pet tn 5. Paulc pintfelfCjiDljb ligljtnefl) fo bia otone i^eecfjca. ^D?,if not in t)im:pef conferre fIjem toitl) t^e Drift anb nrcumltances of tbe tert; tljecourfe of t^ngea anD toojDca toiU open Uiljat ia mcantbptfjcm.^nDfo-allcagctD^at place of fcripture pen ltd, jflje Darhcd t^at pou cantlet a man erpouno it after our rule3,anD it loill neucr leabe Ijim into bercQe. Jro; either it batbplainc pla* tea to erpounD it,anD bring crpounDeo accojoing bnto them, it ia farre from bcreCc:o; if it haue no fucbrit t«tb no Danger of be* refie,becaufe all tbinga reqnircD to belicfe anD life are fef Dotone | plainclp in tbe &cripfurca,2^b^ Daunger all Ipetb in pour firft ; anD feconD poinftp one, touc^ng (apingea,that mens corrupt ' affedions may iudge vnlike or like, when in truth they arc notfo ; fbeotberfoucbing wordcs , that may bee miftakcn through mens ouerfightes,as fignifying the fame thing , or ; fundry,which they do not.^nD bp t^meanra fuegrant tbat tbe fcripturca,map be (anD are of manp^erpounDcD amide: to tbe 5.pet.3,i«. tjcrifping oft^t tobicb S.' Teter to^itctb of S. Paulcs cpidlc^ tbat in them arc fome thinges hard to be vndcrftood : which they that arc vnlearned and vnftable do peruert, as they doo alfo other fcriptures,to their ownedeftruftion. l^crcoftoce banc notable cramplca in pour fcluea:02(becaure of poura toec £ballfpcahcbcreafter)intbcFamilieofioue,anD tbat pmpc of &afan,fbcirmaider, HarryNicoIas.^bottttbcfpiriteofer# row Chap.j. DiuiCa. ■ScripturemuflSe expounded'by fcripturc, 97 rour an tUuSon of igno;iancc)ro betDtfc^eD,t^f,a0 tbougb lis toobo a glo^te m but fi^amMo be bun feife,ani) lcarncd,(fucba«S./'ctcrpomfctbaf,) " bsDctcttefbfbeisarneD »J«the^oA ano tfeilfuU intbe fcrtpfnre,the fcripture-wifc,a0 bs fcrmetb tbf> ^'ngdomc%»t» ano gtuetb it m charge to bts babes to flbunne tbcm, CbJttt toas »3«& j ■ i • tooftiIfaIlmftrtjpturesfo?tbe)aDeutll.CIfcmtgbt tbe 3>eatl, StSKe"* bptbe(betooftcnpture)tDbi^bsutbaUcage(o.:mtflealIeage ra^ btg tberjbaue perteuereb toitb greater bope in tempting Cb^ttt.HBut djjall toe rutpcn ano mtaihe tbe rcrtptare>becau(e bee mtlfeallea^ geo te tbe conference of fu ipture,becaufe but i^mpes bfe it per^* tter&lp f We baue not learneo Cb^Uf fo.i^ap^fb mucb tbe mo^ Ibonb) toe labour anotrauailetofearcbttmolf oiligcntlp, ano toifclp to confcrre tt:to to^ bp tbat meanes tbelr f\vord out of ^tit banoes^ano bill tbetr otone errour toitb itSfoh tbe oelfruc- twnoffucbfptrifuaUfoeS,lSthefwrordof the fpirite : ano ys?iicr.cfpem^t' the fountaines of llindan .de ' the Greeke and Hebrue text,are nettljer pure,no^ greatlp mn* Krt"s«"prar. full^ou toU tljem tpaf to expound the fcripture by fcrip. staDi«.pnn. tute ts gooD, auQ ft tS ftlliffuU to confer places,to o bferue the «sta'ict'*^ri^.' wordesandcircumftancesof the text : but t^rc are rttanpe baungersanbOtfftculftesm it; the text is not alwaies knitte ^and coherent to it felfe ; the very order of fpeaking is often- times abrupt/ometimics ptepotterous altogithcr j there are fundry* hyperhataind * AftmtitpedotMmS. Psiu\e-,oncwordf foimtsiofA- yeainonei^tencehath fundry fignifications : places may feeme like one to an other,that are vnlike,and contrariwifet anbmanpinofnc|inconuc»timces,enougl) fob;tejftB fljijfjarttif a toeafe Ct)?iftian.3ln the tohid) Dealing pou do bano^nr feints , toifh tpe ten fpies: " li^,ti)l)cn fljep fl^onlD Ijane enconrageb of^fraell to enter into the lanD of p?omife,thep folDe fhem ti^f the land certainly is good,and floweth with milke and hony; but the people dwelling in it,is ftrong.and the ci- ties walled,excceding great, and the fonnes of Anak((Si- ants) be there.Thc Amalekites dwel in the fouth coutrie;the Hitthitcs,and lebufites,and Amorites dwell in the moun- taincs:tbeCananitesdwellby the fea,and by the coatt ©f Iorden,2Dht ° if OjD fware in his wrath,both ^ thcfe Q)ies,anD •P6i.sj.»». fQ people luho bcl^eD them,that they ihouid not enter in- tohisreft.0tpou,anDpoarmen,3maruatlc, (M. Hart) that Jnhofe fart pou foloUj,pou tremble not at their enD..as fo,: bs,ab though toe toere but two againft pour ten, anoall the people • rjHm.14.t4. tooulD ratherbeleeue pou f^n bstpet toe toill foUoto them toho toere* of an other rpirite,Calcb and lofua, auDtoith th^ pNnm.14.51. toill toec fap to the tohole aftcmblp of the chtto;}en of ^oD; ? The land,through the which we haue gone to fcarch it,is an excellent good landjfthe Lord take delight in v$ , he will bring Saipturc muft be expounded by fcripcure. 99 S'.* bring vs into this land, and giucit vs .• euen a land that flow- cth with milke and honic. Ondy rcbcll yee not againft the Lorde, neither fearc yee the people of the land; for they are bread for vs; fissOc fje tjol^ fcnptuw is bread fo? our tonleo: aino tDo;p of (C^oo to f |to fatoe of life« f^e llo.zo take Oeltgllt in t)o,l^eU)tl{ bung bo bnto it, anogtue it bo. ILetbonotrebell ag^itff^, no; fearefi^e^aroneo of it. Me mutt fcarch the fcriptufes, anb pray to him for wifedomc, anO hee will o- rMat-^V penthemtoys,(fo;^eljatt)p;omiIeD) anb make bslearneo in t^em. Hart, Me adfenotblebge boitf) pou * tljat tlje meaneo pou ♦stapi«. princ. mention, iramelp, to fearcli t^e fcriptureo anb to puip to €Job fo; crp?.o.'s! u.' ibittbomeanbknolbieoge, aregcoD anb goblie meaneo toberebp cap.V. toe map t^ fomer come to bnberttanb , 0; rattier be p;epass reb ti^eto. ^ut (ucb, ao neuertbelette are not ttiil ^ettuall JflaipQldes. a^l^ep are ttili efifettuall, if men putp. ao ^ep (bo«lD;nnbrearcl)^emaotl)ep ouglit:' intfje fpirit of faptlj "anbmobettie. Hart. 2Crac, in tijat meafure, Ujljfcl) io fit fo? enerie mano boeation anb bnetie: fome,to erlw;t anb comfott p;tuatclp,fomc poblikelptoteac^ttiectiur^a 15ut after poubauefaibe all tbat pou can: b}e (ball neuer groba to anp enbe ano ittue, if toe foloU) tbio toap. ifo;, ifpou alleage tbe Ccripture again® me, ano 3f a? gainttpou:ifBierpounbitbpconferenceoftbiopIace, ano pou of ^at: if in pour opinion one fentence be plaine, ano in mine an otljer: in mine, our meaning rigbt, ano in poure tbe contrarie: tobat enbc can our contronertteo b^e toitbout a iubge f 0nb if pou p^lb to a iuoge, bobo fitter fo; it tben the Pope ? Rainoldcs, Mbo,but Chrill our ^auiourf ^nb tbep lDl;icb bnbCi bim baue it committeo to tbcm, euen the Church oi Chrift ? Hart, snbe Cburcb i i^ap pou mcntioncb the godiie befo;c, anb fpakeaoiftbepttioulo trie tbe trutbfromcrrour, bjconfe* rence of tbe fcripturco. Mbicb io pour rigbt kiiioe of triall anb iubgement. But pou are aftameb of it nolo belike, ao in trutb pou map be. ifo; pou Iball finoc manp taplero ano coblero mo»e goblp tben runbjie mo;e learneb tben tljcp. ^ct 3 truft pou toill not r^'re fo; tbuboeo anb clouteo to anp fbop of tbeiro* Rainoldcs. ftt tbe lb?eW)C0 anb clouteo of taplo;o ano co^ a lero / Ier0 ma? ijattt greater Unotolefige peri^atwi aitu better tuogcment oftbe fenfe of fcrtptures, ttjen ^ftarlet gotones of learnebcr men (Uh.y. ■»er.4J, tben t!)e?.iFo? tlje learneo Pharifces/ toljo conoemneo the peo- pie ao ignorant of the law, oto not inDj^ tlje Dodrtne of tobctrKe:na? ^ t^eprcietteoit aofalfctDittj fcarch', and fee.- I la i7,>«r.« 1 • 5i5uf ^ tbc men of Beroea ((bmeof Inb^wn b? ltkeltb(Db inere ta?^ lero, o; coblers, o;i at Icall eommon artificers as meane as tlje?) a vei.ii. a^g(.gjycd it with all readincflc,f (bpon tlje fcarch of the fcrip- turcs) bcleeued it.ipotobett tob^n 3S mentioneo tbat inogement ofthcgodlie,3imcant^egoDlielearncD. saBtjcrefoje ?ou n^ oeo nstto fpeabeofihrcddes andcloutes, but tljat ?ou loere lotb perhaps to leefe this tetf. Cbtefi?, fitb S thelneb tberenpon feitball, that,fo? the trtall of controueriies b? fcripture, § tcongs (tnlnbicbtbeCcrtptureis to^itten) mutt be buoloue, namel?, ^r^^aubl^ebme. SDhetobtci) ib^ebbesauocloutes, ueitb^ mauptaylcrsauD coblcrstottbbs, neither man? Cardinallca auD Popes lut^ ?ou haue. #o^ pet am 3l afi^ameb of that binoe of triaU aub iuogement b? the godly toho haue not learn® toonges, aub artes, but Ch^ilt ouelp. ^ub 3 comp^i&b it in that luhi^ 3 i^ib> that Chrift is the iudgc , and they which vndee him haue it committed to them, euen the church of Chritt. Siueu b? fpeciall commilfion tivo of htbgemeut to his church? t^ one p;iuate, tl^ other publfite: p^ii* h i.cor.i.M. Mat®) to all thefaifhfull, aub ^ fpirituall, as<5ob mlleth them, ci.C»r.)o inam a queltton of afttco of fl^e ^poSlco, atTfioc^^ rtij Peter: whom fay yee that I am ? Thou art Chrift the Sonne of the liuing God. SD^efenft lofjicbBlfiatljereObp ing tbefe fog0fbcr,toa0,tbaf at! Peter anriucrcD,one,fo^ ali;& f {je bc^eolooremeant to bQK> one, toit^ all. 2nop;oue tbe fo^r point,t^atPeteranrtoereo,one, fotall: tl)e Gcriptureu! modi plaine, in tbe fift of lohn,to$erc(bcfo?e tbio time) Peter l^aD con^ fefteo in tbeir common name, ^ Wcbelceuc, and know, that thou art Chrift, the Sonne of the liuing God. %o pjotie t^e later, tbat tbe b^eo toere meant to btm, one,lnitb all: ^e licrip^ tnre to aoplatne in tbettoentietb of lohn, inb^eCb;(ill perfo;^ ining ^at bDbtcb b^t* p;tomiG^ to Peter, ootb lap to bim loitb . ' Asmy Fatherfentmc, fbdoolfendyou . Whole' finnes foeuer ye remit, they are remitted to them : & whole llnnes foeuer ye reteine, they arc reteined. ISKbcrefojc fftb tbc itepeo toere p^omifeob^ €^M on tbep^tofelTionoftbetrfaptb, iDbtcb toao common to Qem alUano t^ p;iomi(e loao perfo^mteo, b)^nbs(i»tttbemaUtDitbpotoer to binoe anohofe, to remit mio reteine Qnnes: itfbUohikb tbat tbe bepeo belong^ no mo;te to Peter, tben to all Qie :31polile& 0no therefore tbe p;omifie of tbe be^eo to bint> intpo^tetb no bt^lbip of bi^ tb^. Hart. 2Dbat inbteb boas p^omi&Ob^ Cb^ift bnto Peter,loas not perfo;tmci> to tbe pottles, ifo;^, be gaue not tbem tbe be|?es of b^ bingoome; bnt tbe potoer of remitting ano retepning Glnites. Rainoldea. aCbeCe tbings titffer in tno^oes, but tbcp are one tnienfttaslofcph (hiO to Pharao, ^ Both Pharaos dreamcs kcen.41.tj. are one.if oj as <©oo,to teacb Pharao tobat be tooulD Do in tSg^t bp Gmen peares of plentie, 1 feuen peares of ^ine, DiD bfe tloo fimojie D:eames,of kine,anD cares of come, tbe furer to refoluc bim of bis purpofe in it: ft Cb;ttt, to teacb bs tobat be Dotb foj manbinD in otoeining tbe minilferie of tbe toojD i ^acraments, ' bfttb ttoo fimilituDs, tbe one,of keycs,tbc o^cr,of bindii^ & 1 Mat.Kj.i,, looting,tbat toe map bnoto tbe better t^ fruit f fojce of it,2^u ? ^ngt keyes:be ipeabetl; of bwuen,as of a boule,toberinfo tbrre is no entrance fo? men, bnlefle tbe Drnje be opened, j^to toe (all Adams offpung) are (but out of beauen, as Adam our p;ogenu tourtoasoutofj0araDire,tbtougbouroffenfcsanDfinncs. ifo? no vncleanc thing lhall enter into it. Hgut " God, of bft n ^ 3 loue io2 OfPeters fupremadc. ioue ano fauour totoaros bs, Ijat^ giuen bs his fonne, his one- ly begotten fonne , that whofoeiier bcleeueth in him ilioald not perilh,but hauecternall life :bJtjtcljijS " theinheritaunce pR0m.10.14. referucd in heauen, for vs» p 2SiIIc cannot beleeue,bnlcfic too. heare ^is inojb. Wc heare not l)is bJO;b,bnlcfre it be preached. & EQljcrrfo^e bJljcn "i God the Father fent his fonne Chriit,ani> rMar.i«.i;. r Chrillfcnthis ApoftlcsashisFatherfcHt him,fOp^ac^ a}.,Luc.a4.47. repented and bcleeued in Chrifk ihould hauc their finnes forgiucn them, the faithlefle & vn- repentant (hould not beforgiuen: tljen i;cgaueaut{)0;iitie as if bjcrc to open l)eauen to tljc faitljfuU, anb to fl^ut it againft tbs tnt^eb. ©aijtct) office (to ^nt, anb open) becaufe in menbijcn# f2.King.j8.i8. ft0if bseterriCebbpkeies ; anb ^'the itewardeof thehoule ig t Efai.24.3a. c JQ Jjgjjjg jjjg JQ Qpgjj JQ Q.jm. bRcu.}.;. ChriftjttjepjincipallffebjarbofCDobeiljoute iafaibc "fol)aue the key of Dauid: anb Ijegauc ^is Apoftles the keies (a0 ^OU Ujoulb fap) of the kingdome of heauen, tntjen Ijee mabettjem ^ oinor^ias. * llewardes to l^ut out, to let in ♦ K^c otljer fimilitube of '•cor.4.,, binding and loofing is to Ithe effect. ifo? boe are all bp na<» yR^.4.'2j.' turetliecbilojenoffinne, y anb fljerefo;ieofdcath.^ot» finnes iPjou.j.2,.' are in a maner tbe lame to fljc fouler f|)af ^ cordes to tbe bobp: ^bfljeenbleffepaineoofdeath, (tbatis , the wages of finne) at.pe2.:.4. are like to chaines, tnbcreboitb t^ctnidia) arebounbinbell, i.i'et.3.i?, gg b j,| a prifon,ifrom t^Ce combes offinne,anb cl^atnes ofbeafj- etemall,men are loofcd bp Cpj^jboljen tljetr fin ncs be remit-, ted; tljetr finnes are remttf«j, if ttjep bcleeue tnbim. 3f flKp beleeue not,fljeir finnes arc reteined : boljof^ finneS are refeti* iioh.j.js. neb, fljepbCD continue bound, jfo}, ^ he that beleeueth not, (hall be condemned: be tbat belauetb j Cball be faucb. intone Iball be conbemneb but tbepiobofc finnes are rctein^a to btnbe tljem toitb tbe cbaines of barheneffe: none faueb,but tbci^5»boCf finnes are remifteb, anb tbecotbcerbnlfflleo bptnbicb tb^toere rf' Cor 2 u. tanaberefoje, fifb tbe ©cfpell is p;icaebeb to ttfis enbc : Efii #j i.' * fauour of life to life bnfo bebeuers; bnto tbe bnbcteuers, a fauour of death to death: as Ine reabe of Cbtiff»tbat ® the Lord fent him to preach deliucrance to the captiues, and o- pcning of prifon to them that are bound ;tn lificfottbtsmu ■ 18..8. nifferstobombcfentfopteacbit,arefaib f to bindeandloofe, s^iois.io.aj. g tareteineand remit finnes.^0 tbat botb fbcfshinbs of fpeecb^ finirojf tbelame tbatisfigmfiebfap kcyes. Jfo^, to binde,anb ta. rctciac. The keyes giuen to all the Apoftles. i oj rcteinc finncs, is to (hue: to loofe, antJ to remit finnes, is to epenthekingdomeofhcauen« ^our 0U)ne c^ur^ tuot^ take the kcyes in t^jts meaning: euen ^ tlje Countell of Trent, ^o^, h CatecKifin. to^ercasC|jiltgaueto hw Apoftles ano t^cir fucceflhurs the power of binding and loofing, t^t is, of remitting and re- nitcnt. teiniugfinnes^as^ourreluesei^pounoit: tj^ispolner^ou call the power of the keies,as by which an entrance into heuen is opened: becaule t|ie gates of l^eauen are as it Inere hnlockeo to t^)tu^o {K!ue remilTion ano fo;ginenes of 0nneS; ano lodkco to Qerett. (M^ct)tt)inges being fo, tbistumme arilietboftbem, t^t, fitt) the keyes of the kingdome of heauen are all one toitlj the power of binding and loofing, of remitting and re- teining finnes: tberefo^ toben bo p;omifeD the keyes, meanttbatpower;anl), tobonbopue tbat power, gaue the keyes. ]15ut, bo pue tbat power to all tbe Apoftles. B|t folloU)<' «tb tben, bo gane the keyes to tbom all. Hart, ^ou e^onnoe tbolb places > 3| cannot tell boto. ifo; timcb of tbat tob^ pon (hp, is faio bp bs alioano pet pou agree \ not toitb bs in tbe pnncipall. l^oiofoeuer pon calt ^e parcels of j pour count ttbere is a fault in ^(timme. Wberefo;^ pou mult paroonmeif 3| allob) it not. ^o^, (tobfe pis too^oes, tobolie ♦ Stapler, prine. opinion, tbougb pou ntifl&e bini,3l farre eftemie aboue pours:) bp tbe name of the keyes of the kingdoms of heauen bJbicb <^iftpjomiliDbtoPeter, bo fimplp meant all poluer, toberebp tbebingbome of boauen(inU>batroeuerfenlepoutahe it) map bee Ibutte ano openco. jas fo^ tbat tobicb follobjctb, ' and ^ whatfoeuer thou (halt binde on earth , fhall bee ^unde ' in heauen, and whatfoeuer thou (halt loofe on earth, lhall be loofed in heauen:' tbtSisnot(asfmne bauetfjougbf) I Non eft(Tt an explication o? limitation of tbe hepes. iro? fo,bp tbofe Ino^bs, quibiiitUm vi- IboulD CbJtfi baaereftraineDtbepcbJcr of Peter to tit onlp out;= cado^utlS!-' toaroecclertafticallcourt. ifo? " it is tbe common opinion of all tatioipfatum i tbe Schoolcmcn, tbat bp tbofe bjojOS, whatfoeuer yec fluli foml,TumBa f i binde, ano lb fo^tb, (tobi^b are like to tbefc toojbcs fpokcn bnto ftorum ichola- Peter, ano baue tbe fame meaning) an eccleGaeicall iuoge in tbe S?a1'lT'.« outtoarb court is mabe: as bp tbofe otber iuojos,' whofc finnes«i0h.ao.i5.* ye remit, anb rofo?tb> an ecrlefiafticall inbge in tbe intoaroe courtismabe. ?aiberefoje,if in ^s place, tbat [whatfoeuer a Matt.i«..o. thou ilialt binde^toere an ejTpIication oj Umitatisn of tbe betes: <15 4 tben 11 ' 11--- III, SoBj. 104 Of Peters Supremacie. tljen bi? fl)c name of kcycs toerc pjomtfeo to Peter a potoer iairf« riall onelp in t^ie oaftoaro coarf; tobi'lJ wbut a part (anb ftwf a letter part) of fbe poloer of tbc Uepes. ifo? a great oealc rao?e er# cellent is tbopotoer of remitting Onnes, ft)cn of ercommunica^ ting oj fufpcnoing a man from bis office oj bonoKf ♦ ano fberfoje tbis ma^ be erercifeo bi» bim tbat is not a ^ jieft, Inb^reas tbe th tber belongetb bnto jjd^iettes onelt?.;againe,becattft our ^nioor J iUua,ct quod., 5 aODetb toitb«* comHntUon, & whatfoeucr thou (halt binde: it tunqueiigiue- notc Differently fome Diftinct potoer, at the leatt in fpeciall; cuen as tbe otbcr tbings,all tbat go befojc, bt'tercD comnnlliuthf^ arc tbingsDiftirat ano Different: to tnit, ani I fay to thee, ^nd vpon this peter, Whell gates (hall notpreuaile, Md to thee willlgiiiethekeyes, anDlaffly,^ *nA whatfoeucr thou (halt binde on earth, anDfofo^tb^ Mb^efofeintbcTelaff U)o;(Des is pjomitepito Peter, not onely potoer of binDing anD leafing in tl)8 4 Partixlci ac- comt, either onttoarD o.^ intoaro; tobi^ botb are onel^ psrtu artions of tbe heyes* IButbecaufe the keyes ^emCelnes pitrt of tOofe* toere ptomifeo bim, inDefinitly, anD toere not reffraineD to any tftfiyafttijicft one binDe of opening 0^ Ibutting; ooubtleffS all ^e potoer tobicb is conteineD in tbe beyes toas ptomifeD to bln*> boto great foeuer it be, anD of tobatlb^roeuer*. ^oto ' t^tobolepo^ ansco?relponDent fully ano euenly to the keyes, is to open cuuibiu. anD (but: tobat meanes foeuer it be Done by* ifo?, to open anD (hut is tbe Duetie of beyes: intoben tobereof t^beyesoft|» citie are brought i)nto tbe cb^feff magiffrate, tbat by conv manDementtbecitiemaybe^nt anD openeD . %o receiue the keyes tberefo?e of the kingdomc of hcauen, is, to receiuett^ potoer of (butting anD opening tbe bingDojne of beauen: tobit^ yout^etl^nmncof the kingdome of heauen fbj euerlafting life, o^fo? tbe communion of tlje militant cburcb* i^oto tbis is Done by Diuers anD many otbcr toayes,bcfiDctbo(c of binDing anD tofing in either court* jfo;i^afto:js do open aitoihut tbe bingf Dome of beauen, one, by erercifing that potoer; the other, fay toitbDjafoing it) in their tobole fpirituall gouernment: in p?ea^ cbingoftbctoo^D,mnaniflringof Sacraments, in making of tatoes, in erpounoing of the boly Ccrbrtarc, in Declaring articles of faitb> in DcciDing point es of cotrooerfie anD Doabt.SDo be Ibo?t, she keyes of the cburcb may be DiuiDeD, into the keye of know- ledge,. The keycs giuen to all the Apoftles. 105 Sonj. ledge, ano the key of power. 2Do open t|jcfcr^fur£S, beiongotl) to the key of knowledge: lubicb Cljjtft eperctfeD m tlje foureattDttocntKtljofLuke, anotobereof fjefaitieto t!)^ Jlaln# tors,' ye hauc taken away the key of know]edge,ani3 fo lhekeyofpower,tscitberofo;ocr, 0? turifotttion. 3nD turtre Dutionitftlfeiseitl^rmfbe outluarD court, bp crtommunica# ting, bp fufpenbing from office, bp granting of parbono, ano ma^ king oflalneo: oj in tlje intoaru court, bp fojgiuing of Qnncs.^U tbio 5 moff ample potDor,f cortofpontiont toboll^anbcucnlp fo 5 Amplifsima ec the keyes, is pjomifco in tbio place bp Cj^fo Peter onelp. E2Ebicb» tbe fo^ice anb meaning of fbe toojbe CkcyesJ fo binbe of fp«cb of bolpfcripturclbctoetb. ifo;t(inEfay tjje p^o# pbet)l]Dbcnitbabb®nefapb ^ fo fbebpe p;jicff Eliakim in fbe figure of 'Chrift in frutb, recetning the key of the houfe of Dauid, fbafis,of fbe cburrt),o? the kingdome of hea- uen, receiueb tnitl^U fbe potoer of (buffing anb opening: in libe (b?f S.Peter being fo recciue(in fbe rcome anb (tabe of ^ou Ijaue toloc pSfhc-iV ontof?ourE>0£to^,t«ltHctofl)atmg})tingaleto toljicij' a La- iCOil. " ccdemonian,toijen 1)0 |)ao pluckco tier fcafliors of^ ano fatoe a litlc caratnc fait),Thou art a voice,nought elfe. piucko off featljero of pour talc:ftj0boop to a poo;je carkafejanf no fubftance in it.l^otnbeitjf^o names of tlje ftoo courtes,the out- ward court, the inward courc,toitp otbcr fuWCS Of like muQ^ are berp ftneete mclooie in f ^e eares of tl)em,ti>^ofe tjartes are in * ptL* ofRome.^g fo^ltmpleinen,b3^o Ijaue beene onelpe conuerfoirtin * the courtes of the Lord : t^ep founo to t|jem like ffrannge languages, ano feeme tocontainemo^e p;(ofoun& mpfferies t^en toe can reacl) t^e oeptl) off;But,to o]^en pour am fbjere,tbat if map be fane tutiaf is bnrounb in if :f|)is is f^e point offljefbing in contronerfie« 31 Tap fbat f^ potoer p^omifeb to Peter bp f^ name of tljc keyes,in flie firfantb of Matthewjtoas Serfo^meDanogiuentoall ftie ^poffles bp fbe commiffton of '^^,infl^ftoentietl)oflohn« ^outoifijStapletonDenp it Mlljp i Becaufc the keyet promifed to Peter do ugnific all land of power J whcrofa part oncly was giucn to the Apoftlcs, to bind and loofc in either court.5lnDbotop?ouepouf^iSf ifoj# foofl),bicau{e by thefe wordcSfVchatfieHcr thou Jhalt bmd on enrth jhull be bound in heauen,<€»d '^hatjeeuer thou Jhalt \oofe on earth piaU be loofidin heauenyChviR doth ' not expound what he meant '^^bufdamvi- thekcics,asfomemen(rappou)haucthoughtthathedoth, lttmfuit)eA:pIU SCfjen fome men haucthoughtft)affl)e potoer of the keyes, "tbipfarum' potocr of binding and loofing are all one: ffje later au^ ciauium. beb bp Cljiift to crpounb flje fo?mer.3n beebe 3 fljouglit fotanb 3 pereeaue bp pou fbat 3 tbougtjt not fo alone: fome otbcr men haue thought it too.lBut,poufap it isnot,as fome men haue thought.^ef pou bo not tell bs tlje names of tf)efeC;io"ie men J ^igbttoeknotue (3 P^upe) toljat tbefe ffome mcn^bef Hart. OTjat matter is it,toljo tljep bcffitb toee are not of tpeirminbe. Rainoldcs. peeiit IS a maffcnif 0? if 3 kncto tljem, it map be 3 U)bulb talke toitb tbcm. Hart. Co conSrme pou in pour errour. But learneb men bobarpinerpounbingof&criptureS j fome bitte tlje marke, fomemiffe it, ^nb D, Stapleton, reabing manp of all fojtes, migbtfallonibmeerpounbtngitamiffieCaspoubo,) tobom b^ The keyes giuen to all theApoftles. 107 nioDcfiic luoulDnot naine, tulicrc Ijce rcpjoiuctf) tfjeiropi# nton. Rainoldes. CtjtS modeftie3 Itbe not STfje frutl)i0,^ee sur(t notnainc tipn > l^aftlDce(^oulD knotottjcm, anobee ti^emo.zc arcngt^ncbbptt)nnmfljctrutt)fo tljcionfcunomgof pour crrour.J=o:,tf)efc[;iome menjijjljom Ijecfo ligtjtlp trtppetl), ouer,ar0,but al t jjc ifat^ersito^o liauc Uiift) one confcnt rrpoun^ Deo Chrilies promife of the keyes,as toc DO.^ioiD , tlfC erpofiti? on luljicf) iratfjcw inabc,i0(bp ^is otune iuognmnt) t^c cfjur^' clico crpofittoiijtui^tct) ijattj tpe rigbt fenfe oftt)e fcripture. ^nb fbb)f)Uct)ct0launct}tng outmtat^ebeepe^fo&tebtna p^tfe fo? Peter of Rome s fup^zemaos : tjeo mabett) l^tpb);adt$ tn tfie liauen. Hart, ^^oto fttioto pou,tl)af tlje all ijaue (b ^rpoun^ tff^oubauenotr0abtl)emall:t)au£pouf Rainoldes. ^0 truelp.i^eitlier euer ain Itbelp to bco it^ut H tiauo reab |tm,t|)at tjatti rcab ttirm all, 3 troto. 0nb ^ bo^ tngaman boo^t^p (bottl) pou)ofci:sbtt7boft) bottnoffejttmt 3 tapo true. Hart. ®Jlll)owfl)at? , Rainoldes. ti^uen ifatiior Robert: tbo publtbe nabo: anb pjoftfforofomimtieinaflomo. biftourftb of kRob«rt.Ber- Ghriftcs vordes toTctcr, thou Jljoitbwd on earthy ic™Rorn.^M- be boHndin htoMen/md Vfhatjeeutr thou JhaH Uofi on earth ,jhaU «ou.4.Quaft. be loojedin heauen : faib,tl)at all power of the keycs is therein prdrtiifedjnot reftrained to part, but enlarged to what foe- uer.Yea,that Chrift likewife promifed the fame power to all the Apoffles,when * hefpakcinlikewordes , Whatjiener ye" bind on earth jhall be boandtn heaueny^ whatfoenerye loofe on earth, fhallbe loofedin ^»M«e».For,albcit Origcn(more fubtilly, then > literally)doth put a difference betweene the promifes , be- caufe.in the one,the word,' [jjeauen'^h vfed; in the other, ^ ou-. [^fff»#rr.Andalthough itfeemeth, that hete is chiefely meant the power of iurifdi(£tion whereby finners are excomraunicate:yetthe faid Fathers doo vnderitandit of.' both-' SiTfion?. Of Peters Supremacic. both the powers,not oncly of iarifdidion but ofordcr too. And that may be gathcrcd(it feemeth)by the text. For it is faid as generally to the ApottleSjW'^^f thw^sfietter ye jhal hind: as it is to PttiTyWhAt thing foeuer thouJhalt bind. Hart. ^crl)ap0 ifatfjer Robert in flieCe tnay ofai cibieiiton,anofratmt^ t^rcunto an anftxiar0>anb (b re&luetl; to ti)c contrartt. Ratnoldcs. . ]15nt ^ b^tutget^ pouf opinion in be^eb? bDa^ofaHobiection,anoframet{)tberenntoan anClnere, anblb refoluetb to tpe contrarp.ifo; ttjuo ^ goctlj fojtoarb.What / Is thatgiucn then to all the Apoftlcs, which was promifed to Peter?Caietan('inhistreatireofthePopcsauthority ) faith thltthekeyesefthe kingdomeefheoHen, zndtheyower ef hjndjng mdUofing, are not all one: forthatto^jy» fo^ l^,as DoUatumfclia* tbcifatl)cr0asainftl)tm:Ftb«r«i«l)W5«3ltws w o.jbcrlp anb platnoj^af,leaning tt)eifati>ersi,i)e clcaueflj to the Schoole- ' inen.iF0;(iDl)enaUts Done)theSchoolemenarc tljc men tfjat mnft bp|)oUj papillrte:i»itl^ tlje franblp lielpe of the Canonilts ttjeir bj^jenXbc ^criptnreb anb ifatbera ixraulb be pjetenbeb fo^a f^etbto countenance tbe matter,Bnt tbep are libe to ima]]^e0 in olbe builbtngo of antibe too^bedbbicl) are frameb fo,tl)at tnitb tboir lboulber0tbe^fmnetobearet^ r(Bfe,lol)^reastbat tnb^b 6otl)rettontoalleso,ipiUar«,TheSchoolemcnanb the Cano- nifls, ttje fountainee oftbe coemption tolb-Ub M infects tbe CburtI) of Cb?ift j the Schoolemen,in bortrine, bp tlje opinions ef^operp; theCanonifl:es,fnbficipline,bptbelfate of tlje ^0a* pacie:the Schoolemen anb theCanoniftsare tbe two pillars t^tb^bolbpourCburcb , as " thehoufeof Da^on ,mtlje «n tobicb the Philiftinestriumpbanbinfultonertbefaitf) anbd^ob^ 0fSamfon,^I£fbattI)Cn,ifthe Schoolemcn,tol)Oft " oppofitions of fciencefalfely fo caUed,are noteb bp S, Paule,ttjat Timothee map auoib tbem,Ibfjo (tb? of t^i)came toitb f^e bntoatb* eb into tlje ILo^bes fanctnarie,tobo being ignoiant of the tongues toljcrcintljebolpiSboS tn^ote,(great ^ijpes to bnberttanb bis meaning,) fcarcb^ not tbe fenfe of fcripture in tbe fcripture, but in bumainc fenre,anb fo erpounbeb it f bercafcer:iDbat,if tbep fap, tijat to bynd and ioof f do th make a iudge onely in the outward courtr w remit and retayneJtnnesjin the inward court:and both- inpor c l^iTc then the i^rjjtob^ open all in court anb countrpi fi!' Ciiap.i. Diuif.j. IIO OfPctcrs Supremacic. o Locor.Theo- loei cor.lib.S. P c*P-4- tton of t\)t ifnslilt) Se« •ninanc in Htfue. r Locor.Theo- log.hb.S.cap.i 38 Ijauc piouen tjie rantrar^ b? conference of the Scriptures*^on can not oen^ but t^jat the fathers fcac^ tlje contrary. Mljerc u pour Difcretton i Wfjo,tI>oagl) the Scriptures (ae toe pione,)ttK ^{U^ers(aspougraunt,)Do fapitts fo:petpou tap tt is not to, becaufetheSchoolementhinkenotro.^SifpOUfi^OUttl fap Ul a matter of ttatc, tofjiclj us allotoeb anb oioaineo bp tlje Slmene anil Councell,tbat altljongf) f^cp totll it ,pet map it not be bone: toi)p i becaufe tie Yeomen of tie hitciin lihe it not Hart. 3f pou beleeucb fo rigitlp ao pou ougit, toiti Catiolihes.-pou tooulanottiiiike fo bafelp of Schoolcmen,a)S pou bo.ifo^(a« Melchior Canus imitcti toell anb truelp) the contempt of icJaoole' diuinitie is a companion of herefie: Sc the herefies of Luther, of Wicklef,of Melanchthon,and(in a word) of all the Lutherans, dofccme to haue flowed moft from that fountaine,cucn from the defpifingof theSchoolc- meBsiii4genjent.3l5ttt,iotolbctier poa efiemic tiem, ? their common opinion jwhen they all confcnt and agree in one^s of fuch wdght toiti iMi:tiat toe account it a point of great rafc- ncs,and almofl of herefie to dillcnt from them, ^iep iaue not fuci Q^naraento of finer learning anb tie tonguco,a£! fome in ourbaiasiawe:buttiep iaue the fubftance. i the pith of all fciences-.ci^lpS.l'homas ofAquine,one of thcgrauefland learnedft Qiuines,that eucr Chrifles church bad.whatfceucr ignorant heretikes(whichvndcrftand him notjeitecmc of him. Rainoldes. 9^p iubgcment af the Schoolemen, to toci a0 ticp beferue. 3f Canus iaue iuogcD mo:e fauourablp of ticm,ia . totabebometoitiifiti'^ iimfclfebearebtobetiougita^chool- man, 2Diougi,if 3 lioulb grcinnt tiem as muci as ie boti, tiaf, when they all agree in onetheymuli: be folowed; fiep tooulO not troublebs greatlp in manp pointcs itf faiti, ifo: tiep are s& fuci contentton(fi)j ticmoft part) anb riat,about fuci matters: tiatS. « /'aulcsrepyofeofquefiionsandItrifeafwordsmucr felonanpmfljctuttlpticnon tiem.lSut as Canus fpeal^of $>ci£Dle-oiutncs,anb^cioolc-b!uimtic: ieanbg biffcnt net, tiougi 3 bee againft tiem,anb ie foi ticjti. in fieto, Sophocles, tf^ poet,(a to^iter oftragebies)betng aChcb ofitofrenb,toip,toic is btoosit in tic perfons of toomen,ic mabe tiem altoaics gcDb, toicreas Euripidcsmaoctiembaobe:bccaule I(qao^ ie) doo rcprc- The keycsgiuentoalltheApoftles. iii Ciiap.i. Diuilion 3. rcprcfent women fuch as they flioulcl be: Euripides, fuch as they be. tl)e matter faretlj brtlrceitc me attD Canus. ^oiIje twDtl) paint cut Schoolemen tut I) as t^ep t^culh be: ans 3l fuel) as tpep be, 3 fpeahc agsinC tljem lofjo peruerting tlje fcriptures, bMuepiopbaneDDiuimticluitbpbtlcfDpbte, o;i rafter fof^iltrte, ana yet are raUcc Schoole-diuines, tube fl)ep are ncitber Schol- lers in frut!),no; Diuines.l^e accoutet!) none a Schcole-diuine, butbu^j ^bo realoneth of God and thinges conccrnyng ti.ocor.Thco- God, fitly, wifely, learnedly out of the holie fcriptures & or- dinances'of God. ^oto,irnonebeaSchoole-diuine,butfudji literaiuoifiuX no; anp laumitie, Schoole-diuinitie but tpst > * which is fet on conftini- the foundations of the holie (criptures, as Canus Oijfb Define it: tben l^ll 3 $[fc«ilp botb pMo to Schoole-diuinitie, f foUctu 5choolediuines:but3 Ocnptbcm to be Schoole-diuines,tobom approbat.aoc- pou meant tftrttingSchbolcmen-. I^tacpe Thomas of Aquine, s.thon.*, iobo pour pe^cs tia mo;e bp, tben bp al (be )a^o^toi«t,placing biw ccu?we«c as' chicfcftjant) ^ firft after the fcripture^anbliJOjtbtlpjfo;!)® plus quamSolo- Inas tbe firft ^o?oujjb-papift of name tbat euet to^otie, anb toitb R°aMunx"p^i~ bis raregifts of toit, learning, anbinouftrie bib fet out |0operp f«. summ.rhe- mott,tbatbemitjbttoeUbe' piapfebas tb® ftanberb-bearer of tbe fap^ mainteincb bp tbe Councell of Trent r eucn btm toiH 3I 3lOoptPius foloto,fologasbe(bebt)etbbfinfetfrucbaSchoolmau, as Canus prapfetb tobs.^utbetbetoctbnotljtmrelfrucb a Schoole-man, rionefeffiuita?" lobe be botb(asbebotb oft; (b mncb boe vnderAand in him)fiepe tis Angelici ootDntbetrufbifetljperrcur: ettberbprniffafeingtbefcripture mrA°quk2-** agaittftfmpture; o;bp bolbti^fbefo;ruptionsoffat^full men, log Buuar.sc asincojrupf; o;bpfoUotoirtg%gltmresofpbiIoropbers asper^ fitligbt. IBp miftabingtbefcrtpture: tbjougbfaultietranfiafi^ ons o; ejcpofitions of men» 515p tbe corruptions of flje faitbfullun tbe pratttfe of tbe cbweebjDjfome opinions of ifatbsrs, i5p tbe glimtes of ptbilofopbers : in tafeing grounbes of Ariftotlc as p;tnciplesoftrutb,cquaUfotbelDo;bof<15ob. 31 fet not botone eramples of all popi^ errours, groinncbp tbefe occafions, com firmd) bp Thomas anb the Schoolemen. ^Betatife in our fonfe<«^ rente, fbep (ball (if *®ob luill) baue earb tbeir bue plates. jpoto for tbe p;efenf,3 grant, that the contempt of the Schoolcmes doftrine, (on tbefe tonfiberaticns) batb mouebbs to bcparfe from pour Catholike errours: anb a Lutheran miflike, not of Schoole-diuinitie, but of this Schoole-diuinitie, isa compa- nion. i: ii^fcs.* ^ ^ ^ Of Peters fupremacic. nion of our hercfic: anD lit our 5antuei1itte0,^Drfo?l> ano Cant' bjtoge,toeffa5tefaiptnrcsnio.tctf)«nit; fotljat (infomoMtt) iruenarnt. ^ou tailo bpOH ts tuftlg, ' tljaf hercficin England hath aban- doncdthehudieofic. ifo^toeljahnot bclaueO " the hcrcfie u Aa.'i4.5.a: ■ ofanD fttat ncto fansUsj man, ^10 ^pottls, S. Panic; bn^ 38.11. contemnro tbc Catl)olifiefan0£» of the Schoolemc, X Aa.1j.14, tri^o (as * Demetrius) ftrtueagamftif ♦ 3i5uf pou Iball neucr a tfce 5jiug toitb buggos of ^ tljc uames of Luthcp, 0^ Wicklef, o) Sfcunlwicie- Mclanchthon,o^an^dre, frombolDingfljatfjjif^f^cm ^s.McUnch- tiolDo ofCDod. ifoi f^oug!) toe retoi^le not tn names Djatons fcmbp 4",thc refurredi- b Aa.ij.o, on of the dead ► ©Sll^efoje, ifthc S^hoolenien (pi returne tO mppurpofc) if all the SchoolemenliaD biaingudbcD »fce keya ftaax the funburn of hindin^andloofing, fHnEiton fromr^f rj- mittitJg and retaining of femes, aspOUfapti^DCItpetmig^tnot tijeir creDit ouertoeigp tfie reafons tottici) a liaue laiDe againlt. it. ^ut toltat if all the Schoolemcn {jaue not Done (of .^s in Daoe fbep Ijauc not. Mfjat if t^ i^auc Donetijecontrarierattierf Wl)at (ball toe Cap of fjim to^o batt) taugbt biiss tiong fo ibame' fuUp to lpe,as tbougb bo neither feareD di^oD no^ reuerenceD menf c sententiir. if itlf/Pcter Lombard,tbc father of the g>cb(Dlemen,Dotb Define ii.4.Diffip(S.i«. the l^yes bp the knowledge and the power of btndtng ^leefeng: d summ Theo- ^nD fo ifz Diuioetb anD banDletb tbont accojDinglp. 'Zps nert af# lo.parc i quift. tct bun, ^ Alexander of Ales, treaDetb tljo fame fteps: anD faitbi ^ t^sAtobindeand Uefeis as much as to open and feuit : tobicbia fent.lib.4,di- the tobolepotoer of'fcf ksy", Thomas of Aquine after bim, mi# fliktng ^Peter Lombard foj requiring knowlcdge(tobieb feme, fScript.Oxon, tobo claimc the kiyes, banc not,) agreefb toitb bim in the reft,anD >? mabctb the power obbindingand hofmgytQ be the fubftatice tiithe wut i'y«.Iohn5cotafterbtm,4ltboHgbbooiftingHilbotbbottoecn the The keyes giuen to all the Apoftles. 11^ Oiuifton I. f|>etwocourtes,fecret,anOopcn,a5tiouDeD: s^ctf)eDjcamet^ eArt.j. not of ant> Otljcr keyes t^en tifbtndtng and loe/tng,ptai (ffjat cutst^e%oteofi?ourfupjejne^caD) Scot, * Thomas, ano ^ hrnmasiarent. Alcxander,affimic tt)2 3I:namelp,f{)at the keycs pro- mifed to Peter m the fixtccnth of Mathew, were giuen to the i in+.sent.dift. Apoftles in the twentieth of lohn.^nO fljefcaro accoaitfcD tt}e ofpour Schoolemcn, ano fo cfiftEincO among® ton, fljk the' fir® of them to cal®D § Mafter of the lentcnces; ^ t^e nett, t^Doftorirrefragable; 5 fhefhtro, tijeDoftor Angelicall; ,Lombjrdns, the fourth ano la®, the Subtile Doftor. ?i2!ihatthcr0®cif the 2 Alexander, blache garoe tuogc oft^ matter, 3 Ifauc not enquireo. 315at ® is Jco°r.'' Uhelp thep tnearc their patters liuertes:chteftp,(ith Scot f Tho- mas 009 not (quare about it, WAfit)) 39 thinhe the rather, beeaufe 13[>, Staplcton, though boa®tng that all the Schoolemcn are of hto fioe, pet nameth not one: he b®th not to fpare hto margentfoj quotartono, to^n thep (tohom he alleageth) bra fpeaheo.:reemetorpeahe®i;ihint, belike the ^u^nemu®l»fe iJer right. Inhere there io noting to be hao. Hart, ^ou n^oe not finoe fault that he quoteth not the names oftheSchoolementopjouehiserpoGtion: tnhenhep^ioueth it bp that tohich ^ou like better, euen bp conference of ®ripture, Rainoldes. 015p conference of other plainer places of ®rip' fnree Hart. ^0. iBut bp a toojO of the fame tort, ' euen r.attd2the j ttmunaim: lDh®hj f^ing that it coupleth fhin]^ Di®inrt ano otf# cun<,uJ iigiue- ferent, in the fomter members, andi fay to thee, vpon this pctcr,(«j^the gates of hell, and to thee will I giucthe keycs; therfoje to bindc and loofe mu® Oiffer from the k»yes, bccaufe the la® clan® is hnit ioith \jtnd'} Onto the re®, and whatfoeuer tnou ihalt binde, Rainoldes. ^no oio not he (thinfee pou) go about to Ihetne anop;ouebpfhtsetamp®, thatconferenceoffcripture is but a bao meanes fo come bnto ^e right fenfe of the fcripture i S)oubt* leHefuch a conference, asthis(atiuhichhefumb®th) is not the iDi®®ttiap to finoe it. ^ut,39bnotxinothoto, tnhenhemeoteth to®h fcripture, he femeth balfe amajeo, as it toere a creature in a®raungeelement, ifo?neither heremcmbjcth ^ his otoneep^.s^,, teption again® bs, that in the famefentence one wordc hath fundric fenfes often: no; marKeth that aconmtnion isbfeoas ^ p;operlp 114 Ql- Peters Supremacie. 2 ' to couple togitljcr agreeing things as oiffcrcitt,ana bott) (as berc) in one place: no? confiaeretb ttfat things inap atf# fer, eact) from ofbcr, ana pet be erpounaea eaclj of tbem b^^ otljer, as the caule bp the cfFefts, the whole bp the parts: no? lucigb# etl) (fl;e point in queftion) tbat alt^ougb in Matthew flje tLio?ars of ,Staplcton loue bunfe^O fo inell, tbat neither Scriptures, no? Fathers, no? Schoolemen, no? lefuites^ can m^ bi"^ to acfenolaleage bm otoneouerfigbt't let bim beare a toitnefije tnbe ean ao) mo?e tnitb bun,againQ: tabo •L.intcftimon. tbccc Ipctb no epccption fo? bim, tnleCCe it be t^at of tbelatoe, ° Dig.De tciiibus. wauer againft the credit of their owne teftimonic, are not to be heard. SCbis toitneCDe, is bimfelfe: tnbo,reniem? not tbe p?oucrbe tbatalycrmuftbemindfull, p aotb af* cip.^o rin-1.. gjftbat all the Apoftles were fent with full po- wer to begin the church, by thofe wordes of Chrill:, As my Father fent me,fo doo J fendyeu : anb tbat they all were therein cquallvnto Peter. Hart. ^0:^ faitb tbat ful power was giuen them by thofe wordes. As my Father fent but,tbat the words which folow conteine a part therof on]y,WhoJe fins fieuer ye remit: aS again be mentwnetb in tbat berie place. i;ioto,fbere tino fapings agra tocll togitber; tljat it is giuen,bp tbe one; i bp tbe otber it is not, ?23abere* The keyes giuen to all the Apoilles. 115 S,'! Sittticrefo^^ourfelfcoffcnomt^at ^oatoucl^ Ijtm, lufjenpou fiCDfoucl) Ijtmas a common fault toit^ ^^otdfanto, in Dealing againtttJiectD^icljarguetlj ^ourcljurcl) of iofjat bjcoD it is, 1 Thc'/Jeuilisalyer.-andthefatherthereof. qiok.8.4^ Rainoldes. 3;fansmanofourp?ofeflfion faeelfatneD fl)isfiItl;:lociutfl)p:mnnD e);l)oji to clenfe pirn fclfe of it, leaft tiic name of (115oD,be(tlj:o'u^ pis Default)blafpl)cmeo among tlie (©entile?, )!5ut pou Do bo iniurp to conbemnc our cburclj fo^ tpe offenfe of fome in it. ifo;, ■■ all they are not IfracI , which vRom.,.*. are of ifracltanD Jacobs fonneo, ® Rubcn.oiD commit incelf,' s Gen.3j.jj. Simeon anDLeui,murDer;t!ett^^oureoflacobtt)a£!tt)ect)urcl)' of<©oD. 3!fmplelfci^ueDonc pourSE>o£tojanplD.:ong,intou^ c^mgt)im,asalyer:itiDao anerrour,notacrime ^ notoftoilfub ne0,but ouerligbt. ^nD fucp an ouer(igbt,fo; toijicp pe ratper otoefptpanbestome,tupotoucppim:tpen to pou, topo cl^re pim.iFo; 3(,tDpo do toucp pim,toucp pim initp a roDDc; but pou, tDpo DO cleere pim,tuiptppe pirn tuitp fcojptono. Hart, isaipatmeancpoubptpaf^ Rainoldes. ^oucpargeptm toitp a capitall crime (as3| map termeit,)to Clare pun ofaleffer.i^e folotoetp not tpe uilltnlping,poufap.ll5utpougraunt,^folotoetppunin tpat is too.jfc:euenintpefupp;>e(ririgoftpepolprcripture tofeDuce tpe rcaDer. 5Toj, as tpe ^cuUl,tempting Cpiitt to cail: him felfc downe from tpe pinnacle,allies, " it is written,He will giue " his Angels charge oucr thee ;omitte0, that theyfliallkeepe xPCai«>i.«x. thee in all thy waies,faecaure tpatmaDe againlt pim.the waies, (to tupicp pe tcmpfeD)being none of Chrifles waies: in like ro:t tpe 2Docto,j tempting bs to fall Dotone befo je tpe j[0ope, tnpcn pec alleageD y whofe finncs foeuer ye remit,asgiuing letfc to tpe „ loh .0,? ^poaiestpenb)asp;omifeDfoTeter;peomitteD, As my fa- iioh;W.iV. therfentme,ro Ifendyou,tDperebptpe)? all pane full potncr, tpe fame tpat Peter paD.Jlicitpcr pet contenting pim fclfe toitp tpis trecperp:pepjoceeDctpfartper.sanD topereas ^ tpefcripture feitpOf£liakim,tpatpetoastheilewardof thekinges hoiife, * tpe ^ortoJ affirmetp pe toas the hie prieft;fpat fetng the key Summo facer-, ofl>auidshouretoasgiucnpim,anDpiskeyfperein toas a gure of Chrifles,anD Chrift DiD pjomife keyes to Pcter:tpc fhn- pie rcaDer migpt conceaue(bp fpisallurion)tpat,as Eliakim toas fpchiepricilintpcolDcSCclfamcnt, fo Peter ajoulD bee in tpe ^15 2 neto: CUap.i. i\6 OfPctcrs iupremacic. '! 'Mf 4Patci;il(i non totales,& mi- cores non prje- cipui a&us ip(a- rum clauium. J Tota&adee ^uaca potcftas ipHs clauibus; ampliiHrnapoi teAas. 7 Qiium foil Pei trodaucs datQc fuerint. tSoliPecro prinoipaliter ante & fiipra «mnes alios« ! . * Staplet.prrne, doflr.lib.a.cap. 7-8" 5- e Sermon. 5,in anniucrf.die affumpt.fuat.Se Serm.a.in Na- wliApoftoIor, Fevi Si F«uli. mtjjr:^eonca£!afigure,f^eoflK:r,a0Ueufrnantof Chrill, the triic hie pricft. Hart, moucD D.Stapletoti to fljat Eliakim hiai! hiepricU,3 hnotonot.Sloonottljtnbetje luoulD Ijauc faioif, hnlcCTcljcliaDhaCfiCDD reafon foauouchtt* ;3nD 3 ampciflDa# heDjthat iflje Hncto tijat, anoottjcr , tohtcljpoufitTDc fauUU)tt|); h)hat foeuer t)ce|)a^l]p;itten,i)a; tooulheinaUett gCDO. Rainoldcs. 31 all mp l^rt, lie tooulti.ifo? tfjcn Ije ll^ouUjr£pcnf,anhamenDl)Wcrrojis:tt)eonelplDap fo mate that gtDO,tohich is ruill.l5uf thus pou map fe(bp hijs oton CDnfcflton) that Ch;ift gaue the bepcis to all t^c lipoftleo tohtch he motntCeo to Peter, fting bp the keyes wiOgnifieD the tuh power, anb the full power toao gtuen to them all: it folotoeth that the keies tuere giuen to them alhlpoto much the mo?c iole is that fanC^fnU . tale iuhichpoutolo out of hun,that reminc & retayne)/»»«,imply a part onely,or (as hctermeth it^are one- ly partiall nottotalhandlelTernotthechiefcadionsoft^e ^yes: but to open attaJhut,whevcin is iniplyed the power corrc- fpondcnt fully and eucnly to thekiyesyi% the whole power, c- uenapowermoft ample: ^ md Co theptirtutlllejfer aClionsefthe ksyes were committed by Chrift to all the ApoiUes, ? wher- as the keyes were giuen to Peter alone, ^h^r^f fhc conclufion U! fo cterclp falfe,that hintfelfe(a«f though h^ hao ftoalotoeo a hot mo;:relltuhichhc»nutt nates bngojge) boas fame to calf it lfrat0httoaie,ano fap the contrarp. ifo?,in that Ik aW)eth,that the full power of the keyes was promifed to Peter alone principally,before and aboue al the reft :he graunteth(bp colij* quent)that it boas p;:omiCeo to the rcS of the .^polf les,ano there^ fo;e giuen to them alfo. Hart, ^et p^iincipallp to hint alone. But though all of them habreceiueb the tepes,euen^e full potoer, the fame thathe re^ ceiu«),lDhichncuerthclelIje31 grauntnot, but fuppofe thep h^bt pet this both confirme that he boas their fup^ieme heab, in Ibme retoct. Rainoides. ^obo fofBecauCe no greater pobucr boas giuen him,then boas giuen them. Hart, i^o : But becaufe* the poboerbohichbuas giuen thentjboasgiuenthembphun.ifo??" Co (asLeo the great tujh m ThckeyesgiucntoalltheApoftles. 117 gSorT" ' theftrengthvhichisgiucntoPetcrbyChrift I Firmitaj. is bcftowcd on the Apoltlcs by Peter. Rainoldes Leo ipa0 to great a fmnD of Peters ftate, perPcmim as ^ aijatttDecIai^.QSlljerefojeliotugrcat roettertjctoere,ana fcfur!'''""* wrote wifelyr^efmatti^tsto^fmggtueplace to tpc Ino^o of a t>chap.r. greater Leorj meane of* the Lion of the tribe of luda,ifo? l>e j, teac^etl) t)s,not,t^at flje Apoftles,reccuco f^r potoer bp Peter, but fijaf Peter aito they recetu^ it all f ogitljer mnneoiatelp of d Iohn2*.tt, Cf)?tff.^eaPaulc, = f^ugl; fjetocrectwfeu after Cbjtffesaften^ ""Sir. Contobean Apoftle: pet teas l^e ^ anApoftle,notofmen,nei-f G»i.ia.' therbyman,butbyIefusChrift,andGod the father which raifcd him from the dead. Hart. %i^t is true bo^tcl) pon fap:but pou milLa^mp mea« tting. Ifo;i pon fetme to fpeake of tlje ^poSolthe poUier,lubt(^ 3 graanttt)eprcceracDtmmeoiatelpofCb;tlt i5ut * ttiep^aoan su?i«.pri«« ot^ potoer bcttoe t^iat, to toitja iSill^oplp, 0^ pattojall potoer. ieaberetnf(tt)tI)eplxiereinferto;toPeter, tljougiiequaUm t^ iSlpt^olihe: it map be tbep remueb> tljougf) not ttje ;^poltol&e> tlie IBtlboplp potoer of titm. Rainoldes. ^ome fuel) ^mgitiSit^at pour men iooulDlkp. 315ut(to confelle mine stone tgno^nce)3 bo not bnoerlfanb tbep meane bp tt.Mbicb tbonlb per^ps be afl^ameb off, tf pou (to^ banole tt)ponr (elnes bib bnberffanb tt,o;( gaue bs fentt ano reaCm of it. if 01,if all t^e potber,tDbicb BiCbops baue,as Bt^ •, fibops,be tije potoer oftift bepes^anb tt)e ^poffles, as pottles, liaballtbepotoeroftiiebepes eommitteb bnto tfm bp botb tbe tobicb things tbe ^enptnres p;oue, f pou bilp.ujue not; fl^ toas tbere no potoer,tDlji^ tljep migljt receiue of Peter, as Bi0>ops; anb tl)«^oje tbep bib not receiue anp of bim,no,i toerc infertour to Ijim therein. #ettl)is istbeberpfounbatfon of the |0^acie;but laib on fucb fenb,tl^t the mailfer builbers tobo tra^ uailemoft in lapmgit,bor(ele (libebj6nbenmen)aboutit, toj anb fro; anbffrofeentDttljablinbne^as e the Sodomites at s Geiui^.u. Lots doore,tbep are wearied in reeking of it. Carbtnall ^ Tur- h insumm.de rccrcmata,tlie cfjiefeff autour of tfje fanlle,is of tbis opinion,that ' Chrift brought the reitofhisApoftles to bifhoply dignity » "p-k^ by Pctcr:euca as he lead his people through the wildemes, by the hand of Mofes & Aaron, For him felfc made Peter ^ j,. oncly,aBiihop,immediatcly} and Peter preferred the rett, ' ^ 3 firft nS STPeters Supremacie. firtt Tohn,next Iames,then othersrafft^ CarDlttall fiClTcttJ pjobabilittes of ojeanta5,fon!C in f ^cCa«on latojfomo of Ijts otun bjamc, ^ TurrianfJ)c3i0futf,(aman,lotfl)toi)omfuc^ b^mea commonly are o;acle,?i)fbougb 1)5 alloto'T'eter to be the father *'• of the Apoftles, ^et tbinking tbbs matter offafbcrutg bim to be, a e»p.». abfurOjbe fattb fbat the Apoftles were all ordeined Bilhops, * by the laying(as it were) of the fyry tongues vpon them,whe they receiued the holy Ghoft.^ltb pjouetb b-? S.Icrom, S,Denys,aniJ otbcr if afbers.^^lDbcfi^ oiptnton it enfuetb 5 fbat> graunting tbe ^poftlos iocre ojDeincb ^itbops,a3 in a gcncrall * fcTrtCitoTrliv, fenfc, (in tobicb tbcir charge is callcD * a bifbopip cbarge) tbe? Aa.i.jo. toercipettb^bjereeioainebof Ci5oD immeciiatcl? , aslneUas Peter inaSjanb not of vKoDb?Peter.D. 5tapleton, bitcertaine boto to beare bun ftlfc betlneene tbefe tVno opinions,tbc later be« tng truer,tbefo.«ner fafer fo? tbe pDoe:befalteretlj in bis fpeecb, as fbougb(accojl)ing to tbe p?ouerbe)bee had a woolfe by the caresjtobomnettberbcburft letgooutofbisbanbs, no; bobJe, fo? feare of banger, if 0; of tbe one fibe be is lotb to grannt tbe f rutb,lett it flboulb pjeiubice tbe title of tbe ^ope : pet lotb of * Mat.ai.i*. tbsofbcrftbetobenpitalfOjbecaufe * he fcarcth the people. BiStapIec.princ. " ifirit tberfo.:e be faitbjtbat the kcycs(tobicb ftgnifie tbeful p doaa.tf C.I. jjjgj.ofgouernment ecclcfliafticaU) were gmen to Peter onely. a Mp.7. SCbsn, b^confeffetbi ° tbat all the Apoftles were fcnt by Chrift, withfullpowcr, yea with power moftfull, ande- quail vnto Peters power, ifrombencebeftimcfb bacfee, ana «• cap.8. tuk^fb bp bis olbefong, ° tbaf Chrift gaue all power ecdeli- afticdl to Peter oncly,and fo by him to others .^Slbicb i^tiug p cap.tf.fc becaufeitgiuetbaberpfiuatefounb: p bs burptfbouif often. 8.8C10.0ftcrtoarb:.eifber ooubting tbe confcicnce of toeake Catbolikeii^ 0: tbe eutUtongcsofCaluiniOLSjtobofauoar tbe Apoftles, ana q c^.i J. cannot bcare tbcm fo bcbafcbtbc faitb 1 fbat the Apoftles were fentiramediately of God with full power vnto al nations. I^ctbpanbbp faUingagaincbntobis gibbincs, (%ongb Ibmo * Tbtioopt. pang belike of * his holinefte bifpleafurcjtobiob migbt be Ifirr^ sMPir, b?rucbrp^cbeS!)bep,:ononncetbj "■ tbaf the fpring of honour and power is deriued from Peter alone to all the reft. 0nb tbas be goctb on,tb;jou0b fb? tobole bifccurfe,(lofb in tbts, ana tbe of bis Dodrinall i'rindplcs,)cnterfdrtng as it toere at ciicrs otbcr pace, anbbcluingbajft again® btofc* 31^utlb tuilt fAcIcSlOtl,]* de poteftatjcc- deux, t Eibliothec.^i■. ]ib.<.aanet.i4^ & (71. The keyes giuen to all the Apoities. up S'm. flje lLo;D confbam) t^e tmngs of to^ po buiip Pp Babylon. pEi'Cjfo; ttjefe cattwgp iDljcriaitfj ^0 ga^ef |) fjrnifelf, ^ tbm< kctpiljaftpetKts^boljealcPtDifpaDtamrttonialtcri Pp tnCar^ PtnaU Turrecrematas fl^op, Of a tvt'ofold powder, t^e one Apo- ftolikc, tl>e otpcr Bifboply: fljc reli of ftjc ^poftico to I;«uc b®nc inferior to ill the Bi{hoply,tl)ous^oquall tn thcApofto- like; ano all to baue re:omsP the Apoftolike power ttiimcojatlg of r0tt(as namtlg lamesjtfjotr BiihopJy power of tor,25ut tfejoleamoa^rtcro, Sktus Sencnfis, aitPFrancifcus Viaoria(tncn of bsttor rcaPhtg anp tuPgcnwttt tljcii citijor ^c, 0; Torrccremata) tjauo caft off tljio qoirhs as a rottoit P;iugge, bCf foje Staplcton tooHc it t)p,' Viftoria, fa^jO^etoing out oftljo $>Ctiptareo>t^af the Apoftles recciued all their power imme- diatlyof chriit. Sixtusjbg Pctlarmg oat oftbe if at^o^tpat in the power of Apoftlclhip and order (fo 1)C za\H\) tpofe ttoo poto^ro)Paul was equalltoPetcrjandtncrclt to them both. cafe f)2 tpoag^t to be fo cleerc, tljat Pcfpatrtng of pelpe fo; tl^^aapade,bppeters ept^erBilhopIypower, oj Apottolike; IcaPPePfljereantoa tfjtrp btitp of potoer/euen the power of kingdome, therein to fet Peter ouer tbe^apoltles, tfjatfot^ l^opefajmigbtraigneoao'llBtlbops* It muftbe knowne,(att^ 9e,thatPcter had* threefold fo'^er., one of" the ' tyi'fffilejhip, an Other of ^ order, and the third of 5 kfngdome. Touching the ^pofilejhip,thit is,thc duetie of teaching,and care of prea- ching the Gofj3ell:P*«/(asitis rightly noted by' /crom) not inferioHT to Peter »becmfePAnte VeAS choJen to thepriAchingofthe ijojpeltynet by Peter bnt by (jod, euen as 'Peter . Touching the power which is giuen in the Sacrament of order: ^ lerom hath laid wel,tbat */ the kpofiles received the ksyes equAlly-,yc3L that they -alljas Bifliops, were in degree of prieflhood^ the/pirituAilpe- ' fdome, &thaC hers: thereof apoftles.And made the hend ofafthAt by his fupremc authoritic & eminent power aboue the rcft,the contentions of the church might be tak en vp, and all oca^on offihijmes remoHed. i|iotl3, if pou toil} tjfe t^is aioe of k^gly pe^er to fo^tfe tljo |@Dpe Untl): toe toiU trie tbeffrengtij tijereof,toljen poa b?tng it 3in tbc ineane feaibn, fo; tlje Bilhoply power toljic^ Peter is imagines to baue ^ 4 bellowed 1 Aponolatiit!; 2 Ordinis. 3 Regni. 1 In commeati ad Cake, 2 AdHcrlusIo. uinian.ScadB-; U2gr, J AducrT.IoHi" ni2n.5cLuciti> riaa. H Chape. J,. Diuif.}. I / bellow^ed on the Apo{Ucs,(ati |^ope InoulO on )i5t0^ops:)ii iuas but a Canrinalo fetcb to feme turne of bbJ 3Lojo tlje pope; t^jc Icametlf of pour Bfefuttefi ano if rtcrs care not tahe it: pour E>octoj fameiuoulo Ijan® toucbetb it fo mcelp, a« tijougb be toereafraioe of it. Slfpou toiU ftanobnto it,anD.bob'c it toitbtbcCarDmalhletbofapourtoarrant; tobercoto the ^ goftleo reeetue it of Pctrr i ^t ibbat time^ 3Sn totjat mancrf Mbo t a lottneiie of it f Hart. jDbep oiD not receiueit. )i5ut tbe ojoer iuas tbat tficp fl^oulo baueoone. Rainoldcs. Mas tbat tbeojoer iMbp bio tbep b;cabe iff *sin|uiaripri- Hatt. Cb^ttt * by fingular priuiledgc bib epempt tbeui uilegio.Staplct. i.f.c.7. Rainoldcs, snb^wtbcretoasalatjjtobic?) bibbinbtbem to it. Hart. Mbat elte f ifo; tbep tbonlb baue bone tt;tbo uj;^ tben bib it not. Rainoldcs. ^bbnib>tbattbepbibno&^olDbo pon p^ooe if? Hart. Becaufe an o^ muflt be O^jtobieb ibonib be bept bp tbepoQeritie. Rainoldcs. j3n ojber f ifojtobom ? ifi^Stpoftles ? poo y grauttt tbat man migbt "ot ojbaiue tbtm. if oj I5iibops ? ' pu°u.c'.i 3?" otber men bib ojbaine tbem,as rigbtfnUp as Peter bib. But poo iTit i.s y, i^ao ratber mafee tbisibrto of an anftoere, fben fap (tbat ibljidl »r c- poulboulb fap in trutft I cannot tell, ifojponbealetoitb bs> ""as * Eruciiisoio tnitb Rofcius r tobom loben boe accniieD, tbat he had killed his father,becaufe his father purpofcd to difinhcrit him iThou mnfi frtue, (faitb Tully)^his ftfther iU The father did purpofe to disinherite his fonnc. For ^hxtcaufi ? I know not/Did he dtfinherite him ? No.Wifco did hinder it} He did mind it. 2) ^ Ijtf mind it ? Whemttld hefo? No bodie,^ouranfiDcrcsbntame,areberp iifeeto tbefe,but(ome^ iubatmojebnojberlp.ifo^itogrouno tbe l^opes fupjcmacie on Tcter:pou faib tbat the Apofiles did all recciue their power, at leaft,theirbi(hoply power of him.^oumutf mafeeit inauu fijtt tbat tbep bib fo. All the Apoftles were to recciue their po- wer of Peter.Mbat fc^tme faitb fo if I know not, S^ib tljep CQcetuc it,i No.Mbo bib binber it ? rhey (Irould haue doneic«. ^bouU) \ Ghrift laid to Peter,Feedc- i ii pS' ^IjoulD l^aue Done tfflpotopjow pe it ? I can not tell ♦ 31 map not fa? of ?ou,as Tully of Erucius,Wbat is it clfc to abufc I the lawcs and iudecments and raaielKe of the iudges to In- crcandtoluft , then fo to accufe, and to obieft tmt,which you not onely can not prone, but do not as much as ende- uour to prone it.ifo? 3| inuft beare ?ou toitnes, ?oa enDeuour to p.joue tt»)15nt ?ou f^all Do better to fureeafetijat enDeuour,bn« leOe ?our p^tofeis be founDer,anD Ijane not onel? fl^etn; but alG) tDct0!)f of truettj tn tl)cm» The third Chapter^ | The perfim4ncey"^bich Chrift isjkppefedte hMnemade^efthe JUfrC' tifotitpremtfid,) / infiyingto'Tettr,FeedemylambeSfftede vtyjheepe: 2 tmd,StrengthenthybrethrenWiththecircHmftan~ ctsofthe pointes thereof/Doofi then hue me ? *ndj hone prayedfir | thee Feter,whs fymd hei^/hey make fir Feter„howfir till, ] ART. SCiie pjonnle tnaDeto Peter ^atj^rn j not onel? C^cto bnt aUb tncigtjt of tm^ to | pjone fap?ettuine.15uf,fo fatiCf? ?ou,U)|^0 Di uiha. ^inbe it not toeigbtie enough of it felfe, 3| tniU aDDe thereto t^ perfo^miance of it, anD fo ?ou ^houe it iueight to^ the aDuantage. i * ifoijit tnao faiD to Tetcr in the p^eftiue of, stani„ ,„•« thjce 0polfle£5, lames, lohn, anoThomasjb? our^aniour doArin. 1.6.c.^ Chjitt, ' encnatthetierpmontenttohenhotooulDnotDafceuD I Eo-edam bp bnto hio faihor> anDtherefo^eeitlierthenojneuermatehis ticar:' ^£»0' M" > t^ode my lambcs/edc myiheepe* Rainoldes. 3^of,at the very moraent.SEbafjtO the aDuan# tage(3|tDsne)tDhteh^ouiDiUaDDetoniabeDp the lueight: aer fome aDDe eare-luar to light angete.^ut the boo^Deo boere ^o^)^ feen ibohat do ?ou gather of theni i Hart, Ch?itt,in t^fe itio^meo, DiD truel? perfo.ane the pjo^ mife of the fecpes bohich he hao w^dc to Peter. jlBut Ch^ttt gaue him comtnicrion to feeoe hio buhole £lcdte,bDithout etception of a- n? JDherefoze he nmoe h^ fup^k^ he^o of the Spottiest. Raiuoldes, reafbn Doth fe^ to be of the palfile^ / Chap-3 • Diuif.i. 1 ZrX Of Peters fupremacie. 0neU)C3 of itfjaae no ttrengf^. Hart. ^SIf)I!fOf llainoldes. Bfcaufe in t^e cparge of feeding fhecpe and lambcs, neither teas fijo commtffion gtuen ijnto Peter .• ano if if U>ero, get no mo.« toao cojnrnitteD to |iim ttjm to tpe rett of tpe jSpoftles: ano if mo^,pet not fo mac]^,aj3 fl^oulo mahc ^iin tijeir ftipientetjeao. Hart. 3|fpon pjoue t^io fecono of t^efe tijja points: tijc o# ti}er tlno are faptrSuouo. Kainoldes. SCijeparotb. ^utpouf^all {jauetncig^t toit^ aouantage, to ouerUisig^ pour toeigljt to tjs toaro. 0nD, fo; t^e 0r&: H ^auo alreaoie t^at tpz conimilTion tntiict) Cf)^i(C bj»ii.»o.ji. fo i>ctcr,iie pao giuen it ptin ijcfcjc,U>J)on pt (bio, As my father fcnt me: fo do I fend you. Rccciue the holie Ghoft. "Whofc fins focucr yc remit,the}- arc remitted to thsmzwhofc Cnacs foeuerye retcine, they are reteincd. Hart. iBut Clj?i(J gaue i)im not (b muc^ at fljaf time, as ftit l^ao p^jmifeo pirn. tsan^crefo^e, parfof |)is p^omifc: being per* fomteo f^en, part teas perfo;meo after: tbcn, as muc^ as pe ^ iopnflp toit^ t!)e ^pottles after,tijat ijc tjao oucr tljein. Rainoldes. SLfjis is pour bultearfef of Peters fupjemacie: but it is builbco on a Ipe. ifoj all tljat Cbjift bao pjomifca bim, toasithplieOintbattjebaoCaiD, "^TothccwiUlgiucthckeycs of the kingdomc of hcaucn. ®I!(as it not i Hart. 3tteasro:tobafttienf Rainoldes. i5ut in tpis commi(rion((bnOing bim toifb ful au# tbozitie ano poteer) be gaue bim all tbe kcpcs of tlje kingooine of beauen. j!n tbis commif ton therefore bs gaue bim all tbat be b^ pjOttUfiDO. Hart. 3( oenp tbat be gaue bim all tbe kepes in tbis commi(* Con. Rainoldes. 3p;u)ueit. 0llfbekepes, (as it batb appeareo bp -* pour otene confeffion) are onelp tco, tbe hep o f knoteleoge ano of poteer: o^ ratber botb of poteer, bp Thomas of Aquines iuogcmeitf, tebom pou ratber follote. 513ut Cb?itt gaue bim botb tbofe in tbis coinmtlIion:«'As my Father fcnt me, fo doo I fend you; Rcceiue the ffolic Ghofl:. SKberefojC in tbiS COmmilTion be gaue bim all tbe hopes oftbe hingooine of beauen. 0no tebat* feeuer hepes be gaue bim in tbis, be gaue tbe (hme to all tbe reS of ♦ Cbipt.l. BiaiCj. aroh.io.ii. Feede my lambes: feede my fiieepe, i2^ CBap.3. Diuif.i. Ipc gau0agmucl) autl^o^ife to t^cm all: oB 1^0 gaue to Peter, l^ut tljat is t^e next point. Hart, rccttuED ' aftcilnaro the holie Ghoft from cAa.:.i. Ijeaucninthc day of l entecoll:. 0ni) tfjmfo?0ttjep«cotucD not tl)eir fcljolo commiffion of Cl)?tft at tl)ts tiiw; tljcp toaptctr fo? a part of it. Rainoldes. ^cs : if toas a part of tljcircoumrilfion loto toaite.ifo; (ao it is furt^r Doclarcp bp S. Luke) toljen ^ their vn- fluc. dcrltanding w^as opened by Chrift that they might vnderflad tlic fci iptures; Ijc conimantieD tl^cin to s ftay in lerufalem.vn- » till they were indued with powcrfrom an high. ^^ingU)]^ puttrtl) men in conunilTion of peaco^liott) giuo tpem auti)o?itio to crecute ttjat cljarge bp tl)C too?seo of l^is commiirion.3if tl^ per? tiaps lianc not fuel) Inealtli as is requi0te fo; ^uftuxs of peace to t)ilcl)arge t^ir buetie; anb ttje !^ing Inill gine tliem lanbes b^ fucij a bap, ttjerebp to furnillb tbem bnto it: tljep receiue bp tljeir lanbes, not autljojitie, loliid) ttiep Ijab; but abilitie tolji^ tpe^ toanteb: anb tlje better tljep are lanbeb, tlje mojc aretljep ina^ bleb, but not tpe mo?e autljo^jeb to erecute tbeir buetie. Cbjiff j tbe&ing offings, bib put bio jSpottles in ^ tbe commi(0on ofh peace: ofbeauenlp peace, not eartblpt notfaobilp, butfpirifu# ail; not tcmpo;all,but eternall. ^l^ir autbo;ntietbep receiueb bp tbe Ino^bes of bio comntiffion. ^ut tbe bitc^rge of tbe buetie requirebgreattreafuresoftbebolie (S^bofli. Ml^reof b^ gaue fbemfome ^ tben; ino;e in tbe ^ fiery toonges. frpm ^uen-, moh „ inc;e 1 as tbe cburcbes (fate requireb 5 anb tbefe,"" toelloccupi# kAft.z.;. eb,gainebinoje:iDitbtbeincreafttobereoftbeir abilitieOillm^ ereafebitbeirautbojitienotfo, tobitb oH toas giuen tbem at once. Hart. 50uf a Jfting, fo? better triall ofbis3(uttices,map conv mit fome lelTer autbo^itie Srft bnto tljcnianb afterioarbe grea^ ter. Rainoldes. » ^0 bib Cb?flf to bio ^potties. OlBuf bauing 5 mabe triall of tbem in tbe leffer, be calleb tbem bp tbis coinmiffi# on to tbe greater: nap,to tbe greatelf, then iubicb bebab no grea^ ter fo? tbem. Harf» /^otioitbin tbe limits perhaps dPtbetr commtirion pet be migbf enlarge tbem, anb giue tbem greater limits.- Rainoldes. jiBut Cb?i0 in tbio coinmiUion bab giuen fbeme feutbfl^ U4 OfPctcrs Suprcmacic. aufie all ^ Dominion, not ftj^sustj a I^iro onci?. ° to all nations. Hart.' ^Dtof)at,tf3(6ranf,t^at Cb^tttin tljisfommiCfton 0aue all tl^^t potoor to Peter, ijo^tc^ ffz fiaD p^omifeD t)tm> i toao togiucDnto ijiinf Rainoldes, gfj5;aue^ all t^at potoorin fljifl commtlKon: no part tjjcrrof rrmatneD to be giuen in ani? otljer ♦ 3f no part to begiuen ;: tiien toao tbcre no fnrtber polner giuen topim b? tf)Ofe toojDeo 0(€if;iSt, Feedc my lambes, feedc my Ihcepc. no further potoer toere giucn him therebp, tljc bultoarbe of pour ^apacp is builDeo on a fanCe. Hart. SDhen belifee our ^auiour fpabe to no purpofc, tobcn ',t,k"7l"''^b^feiD to Peter, p Doollthouloucmce^ Feede mylambcs, Dooft thouloue mce ? Feede my Iheepe. Rainoldes. f one perhaps amongOl them) of tohore faithfuU heart the toere perfua^ toell,pet,that hab (hetoeb himfelfe not of tpe trultielt in time ef the rebellion,flh® ihoulo fop tnto him (to Itirre in him a liuelp r^arb of hisbnetie,) Do you ioue vs ? Haue care of our poore fubieftes: Doo you loue vs i Haue care of our good people. ^ esiShich charge anb commannbement Ch;ni{ might giue a great bealc better to Peter,fhen the iiueene to anp 3!ul£ice in § #o?th: becaufe Ih^ bnoUieth not tohither anp neto Bullbecomming from Rome, o) neto rebellion be totoarb.^But he bneto that Pe- ter ihoulb be in greater banger, then he toastohen he 8eb, anb benieb his 9@ailter* tusahereof, he fo^tnarneth hhn (flrraight bpon the giuing him of this commanbement) anb that,tjDith ear« neft*too?bs of great atceueration, as ina matter oftoeightitcl# ««. ling him, 'i that he Ihoulb bpe a grauous Death fo^ hw pjofclfion q loh. 11.18. of faith snb fabtng of the flo^e of Chjitt.^o ^,to armc him a* gainO: that feare of the flcfhitnhich befo;ie hae nmbe him to betrap his buetie, Inhen he hab letfe caufe to feare: Ch^ilt h^uing mabe the iron hot as it toere, bp affeing him, Dooit thou loue mce i firitieth it, to mabe it a 6t inltrument to builb toith manbeth, Feede my flocke; pea though the too;ibe be painefull, anb All the Apoftles had charge, to feede. 125 Diuihon.i, ans toill toll tljit 5are: fo; it b^ing tt)ee to tl)^ Dcatb. ^0, Jjeronmtittctljnotaneludjargeto i'cter, but tuilleflj bbn to IcDkc to tljat, bobicl) l)C Ijab conunitteb, ano fla not from it fo; a# m? Danger. 3s if a toife fl^ipmafle r, faing a Daungerous fto?me at banD, flboulb commanD mariners inbom be bao iocH Defers ucDofjtbat, iftheylouchim, they lookevnto their tacke- lings. Hart. Mell. 3f it toere (perhaps) not a contmilTion, but a commanDement: ^et Inas it a commanDement to Difcbarge tbat Duetie, tobcretoitb b^ toas put in truft bi? conmuifion. Rainoldes, 3| grant. S.'ilbat inferre pou i Hart. SDbcn Peter baocommiffion to fccde the lambcs and Iheepc of Chrift. Rainoldes. Mbo Dffltb Dertp iti ifojbe bao fame com^ jloh.sc.n. micrionfromChrift, tbat ^'Chriftfrom God bis ifatbcr, to preach the Gofpell to the poore, to heale the broken-hear- ted, to preach dchuerance to the captiues, and recouering oflight to the blind, tofetatlibertiethem that are bruifed and preach the acceptable yeare of the Lord. Mbieb iw 0# tber toojDeS, to feede the lambes and flieepe of Chrift. jfoj Cb^ittbpafimilituDe, is nameDthe ' chiefe (hepheard : bis tburcbjanDcbofenferuants, " aflocke of IheepeanD lambes • ura^ Inb^reof^gaue a pjincipall charge to bio 3poftIes, tbat tbeg IboulDfaDe it. c^berefo.re tbe commanDement giuen bnto Pe- terto feede bis flieepe anD lambes : imjortetb tfjc commilTioti Inbidife^o^e teas giuen bim, toben Chrift fenthim , as God fent Chrift, ^ut in tbis commiftion tbe 3po0Ies aU toere equall bnto Peter. 2Cb^ ^sre cquall tberefo.je to bim in charge of fee- ding tbe flieepe anD lambes of Chrift. 3nD fl) tbe fecono point iubitb ^ b^b to p;oue (tbe Derie Deatbs-tnounD of pour fup^ema;! cpjisp^oueD. Hart. ^joueD i l^olo p^oueo f Rainoldes. 3sclearclp,astbe^funneDmtb (bins atntDttc twp. ifo;j, to fend the A poftles,as God the Father fent Chrift, IS to giuetbem charge to feede his flieepe and lambes . JlBut Chrift fent the Apoftles, as God the Fa±er fent him. fo^e begaue than charge to feede his flieepe & lambes. ijioto, this is ^e greateff polner, tbat can be Ibetoco, toas giuen Peter bsCb^ifl^f Mberefo^ in the greatelt polwrj tbat Cb^ift gauo Si; nS of Peters lupremacie. Ijwi,t()c rctt of 0poftlcs all toero l;ts cqtialg. pou bo lot^ Rjcope Ana- ^ert-in to bclccue tlje ^cripturo:pct bcleeue fbc ^0ope,anb" an t "?inno-' andcntpope(t)nlcCre tt)c Canon lain lpe,)rhe refl of the Apo- uu TciUmcato. ttles recciued honor and power in equall felowQiip with Pe- tcr. Hart. 3|f tstruefljaf fl^c 0polflc0 tocro cquall fo /cter: but in rofpcct of tljcir ^poftlcCbip^not of tljeir |3aftojall cljargc. Rainoides. :2Dl)t0anftocrcof^ours,batl)a biftinction, but not a tii(forcnco.3|t to tbc fame felloto, but in an otljer gotone, wSuV/' tobo»"( ^ a lifle ratbcr) 3 fl^ctoeb fo be a banhrupt: anb noto be commctbfoo^tb againe in netoc apparaile, liUcanbonett anb loeltb? Cittjen. Hart 8$lbp fap pou fof Rainoides. JBecaufepou bib btftinguiflb Biihoply po* wer of fbe ^poftle0,from tbeir power Apoftolike: ao bere(toitb otber iDo^be0)pouboo tbctr Apoftlcihip from fi^eir Paftorall charge.Mbereao in bdaje tbe paltorall charge ot the Apoftles ts noting els but tbeir Apollleihiptanb bafb no mote bifference tben tbe otber bab.Jfo;: tbe name of Paftor is tjfeb in ittbo fenreM . fpectall,anbagcnerall.3|n tbefpecialljtonoteahinbof funttion biltinct from tbe ^poftlcs,( ^ pour SDoctojgrauntetbit,) anb 7, & • 5- fo Slpoftles are not pattojs: as Ujben it is faib, lome Apo- a Ephei:4.ii. ftjes/omeTrophcts/omeEuangcUftes, fome Pallors and teachers .jn ttje general,to fignifie tbe cotnon c^rge of at futb, as boteacbtbelbci.tbanbfabetbeflocl»eof(15ob;mUibicb tefped b ioh.io.ii. ecoacor< meant bp hcad.0 tiling roapparant,tl)at s Caroinall Cufanus hb\''.«*°4.'' ''o^MtctlioletDorDesofGregory * toitl) Chrittes name infer* ♦siibyni. cjpj- feDieitlierasliauingreaDtbemfoinromecopte, or to open t^e mwbM."""" meaning ofthem.^oto much the more ll^amefull is Stapletons Dealin!5,Uiho fopffeth inCPetcr: 3to fet (bp that conueiance) ^ PopcinChriftesr«Dme.5!5utpoutoercbefttogo foriwarD inith the fcripturesianD then(tDhen pou haue founo nothing in them,) come to^the ifathers after. Hart, ^ou are berp percmptorie ftill in pour rp^ches.3 toil finD in them as much fo? the fubffance as 3 hanc affirmcD. ifor, hotofoeuer the tooroes of Paftorall chargc,anD the Apottlefhip; the power of regime n t,anD gouernmcnt,agree toith nip nica* ning: mp meaning,(3 am rure)agrecth toith the rcdptures,anD ItanDeth toith 0ooD reafon. Rainoldes. SDhcnpoulhallDo toell h^«after to refVaine fromfuch foggp Dillinctions , Deuifeo to choke the bUnde, Ctoho All the Apoftles had equall charge,to fecde. (to|>ocatemanyaflie:) anj) crpicffe pour moaning in cloaro anoplapneino^ocjs: load too rufpoaj ttiatpou fanSc oat1ion${re wojet^nliglit. Hart. Xpis ismp ineanmg, tfjat Peter liatj autljojitie oucr tl^e 0pottlos to feeoo t^em, to rule ttjm, to bo a ?Balf oi of t^om: t^ roS of ^poitios l^ab noittjor ouor litm no.; ono ouor Bnotpcr. Rainoldcs. ^o. i^otomaliop.jofoofit. Hart. Cb;tftbtOfap to Peter: ^ Dooftthoulouemc?Fcede hioh.t1.17. myftiecpc. OT^reoftbus 3 roafon. did cljatSf Peter to fcede ilia (licepe, all; oticn all l)to ll^^o,tDttl»ut opccption.lBut tl)0 ^oftlosi tnorc (heepe ofClj.iitt. SDljorofo.io |)o Ijao tfjo c^rgo ef feeding tijom alCo. Rainoldcs. Cb;iftfatDOtot$o0pottlo0, 'Goyeintoalithc world, and preach the Golpcll to euery creature. GiOfljorocf ^ns 3 roafon. CtjJtft DiD cljargo bis Apoftles to preach the Go. ^cU to eueric creature, toeuortoonotnitboutoircoption. ffiut Peter toast a creature. bah fbs cbargo^f prea- ching to bint alfo. ilioto, if 3 tooulo plap toitb too;ties as pour tnon 0(D: 3 coulo Ibeto tbat t^ roalon mult ouermaltor pours in tbsplainofiol0.ifo;Cb;itt (mo not to Peter, feed allmy Iheepe: but bo fatO to tbe Apoftles, preach to euerie creature. Hart. :S5ut pou Cbowlh confioor * tbat Cb;ift giuing tbat ^stapier.princ; tonraianoomontto Peter,gauoittoitba6ifforoncobcttocrnotbc fl^^oanotbolambos, as S. Ambrofe batjj nofoD tooll, (M kCommentar. mo Dotono,3 p;apj l^s otonotoo;tiosin Jlatin:) tertio Domimt'° ihterrqgMtit :^non iam agnos, vtprima, (juodam Idiepetfcendos; ncco\xicn\2LSyVtficHndo-^fcd outs pikevemhetHr , perfdHores vt perf^lltargHbernaret. SDhat is to fap, When tiie Lord had asked Peter the third time, 'DoafithoHlaucme ? hee is commanded now to feede, not the lambes, as at the firft time,who mull be feddewithcertainemilkej not th^Utle jfcwpeasthefecondc time; but tofeeae thejheepe ,that he (a man more perfit)might gouerne the more perfit. ^0 tbat tljctobole fiotheof Cb;iOc toascomniittco to Peter to bofoOOe, as tooll tbo fmall as tfjo groat; faotb the lay men, tobo, as lambes, aro fcDOo tbcmfcluos, anO faOC not others; f tbo Priefts and Clergie, toljo, OS flieepe, IKS foeoo tbo lambes, but arc fcDDo of tbo Ibq^earo. Rainoldes. The lambes ano the Iheepe D(o figntCic ttoa ' , .3 hinDcs of Peters fupremacie. bhtbcs ofCfj^tftiaiu: t^c one ^ongtr an& tenoerer, tobtctr wtc* iHekr.^iv (etbtobetauglittiioficfiip^ttnciplesof reiigton^aettloere' tobe feooeUKtfjtnilkc: tpeotbcr riper anoeloer, fittolcarnetbe os# per mpftcrice of faitp^obe feooe toitp Ikrong nicat.S^tjis s.Am. brofcnofeutoellmtbccoramanDeraentttjat Cf);ittgauefo Pc- tcr. tobubbemkett) bettoecne tbe fe# 1 ou!cuU5^ tono anb t^c ttiiro,'IttUJhtepe ano fljc jhetpe; teas cittjer an «"««• ouerfigbt in f ^ not of ClniH oneip, but of Ambrofe ta),iFo;ilDl)eras f^ep fpe^ ofti^lambes, anothcibeepe, botb to^ieb t|)0fioebecon61feti) of; pouinterpjef tfjeir toojos of the (hccpc,ano the thcphcaids, ^notnbereasall paSoisarebonnoeco fccdebotti flicepe ano lambes: pou mabe as ti)ougb ^ reS mud fsoe none but iam bes, ano all the ihcepeUttre Peters. jfrom o^eamiug tobereof S. •mciitnitA- Ambrofetoasfofarrf>tljaf" bofeifbofti^Cb^etobicbCbnlf £«**«"iUo eonimanoco to be f«»Oe: Peter did not only rcceiue the charge MS {ufcepimus. of tlicni, but hunfctfc and all Bkhops receiued itwith Peter. tHUberefijie, pon l^oulo conliitw:, tljat m Clniftes commftfion bm tot^ ^podlestpepare not confioer^ as (beepebut as ibep« bearos: ano tberefb;e not ttjem-lelnesto befeo of anp ^but allto ^ faoe otljers. ^o,^toljen tljep abooc togdijer in Icrufalcm r t^ep feo tfje fbmcb in common(tnitb. "the dodrinc of the Apoftlcs) not Peter tijem, ano tl^tlje red.. 3nD Intjon tfjep Inent ttjenco into otber countries : t^p Uicnt notastb^etoitb/'eter tbcir (bepbearo ,but as fenerall ^^booros to (b^ of all nations. Hart. Beitfo: tbatCbndfpabc (inbtocommidion)tot(^, as fo (bepbcaros.l^ct toere fbcp alfo ^apc of tbe flotbe of Cb?idv. ^no tberefoie be migbt tocll appoint a Ibepbcaro oner tbem. Rainoldes. ^no toas notPetcraUb albispeofCb.iidsflcck# 0no mud net our ^auiour appoint bp tbts reafon, a tbepx bearo oner bim alCo^ if alt fbeepe neeo it; tobpnots. Peter ? 3f feme neco if not; iobp ^e ^podles f J5ut, it is true, tbbt> as tbep toere > io neeoio tbep fometimes to bet Geo> 'All the Apoflles had equall charge,to fecdc. 1^4 feDiie of tljem:and oio pitoutoo fo^tl^ougl) not tmt^^onrpduio; notbi; fetttng one ao paao;cuer all, but gcuing clmrge of cucrn one to otljcr. ifoj as S.Taule faio to t^d^lOerSofEphefus, p Take heed vntoyour fclucsand to all the Eocke,ct)argmg t|iem toitl) care not of tt^eir fiocke onelp, but of themfeiues too,dl of all, ano ec^ of ot|er:m like fo^t t^ ^poQleolo^obao charge of all tn tliatt^c^ toere (bep^earbeo, mere to be looUeo too,tn t|}at ttie^ tnere ll^ecpe,to beaomomll^eD, taa^t,feDDc,not euerij one of Peter,but euerp one ofot^icr, yea euen Petcralfo litm felfe, if naoc requireb. ipereof tbetr p^actiCs 10 a pjtofe.Teter vent not vith a right foote to the truth of tlie Gofpcll: S. Paule rep.:oueD Ijtm openlp before all men fo; it.llbut to rep;^oue ijim loao to fxoe t}un. :2:|!erefo;e Paule DiOfecOe S.Peter, Hart. * S. Paule repjoueb tiun,notbpautI)o;^itp, butofrur# tefte:anti Peter peloeb to it,not of i}uetie,but of inooeltie.^0 noU) ant liBilbop map rep;oue t^ pope t ano t)e ioill Ijarken to it pa^ tientlt,ano miUilt ano impaire not ^is rup;emacie> Rainoldes. 3 ai^noUJleDge a Diftintfio of the Romain ftylc: ' iofjic]^ (in ttjeboke of Ceremonieo of ttie ctiurcl; of ]^ot^in ^ ^a^ithat the Pope doth do reucrece to no manXait^, t|)at notwithftandlng the maicftie and folemnitic, which he vfeth to higheftftatesm entertaining of them : yet Popes are ac- culfomed (whe they are not in their p6tificals)to' bow their heada litleas it were rcndring reuercnce toCardinalics * and tomightie Princes,whcn they come priuatly and doo re- uercnce vnto him. ' Marry this, not of^duetie: but of lau- dable curtefie. pope l^etoeo not tou tljis curtefie, H art, Inljen \fz abmitteo tou to ktcre l)io liolineiTe ftote: it to'ao not fo;i Ijio Rate to dcd it, ^ett^t^j^efobetnitcl^ei) tourfen^ fee t^tottI;,f!)attou (to rentier l)im notouetie, but curteQe) fo;i!3et botlj curte6e,ano ouctie,to Paule t^ ;3^poftle, tlte c^ofen tnRminent of (£^00, ano penneman of bio boip fpinte, ifo; ^. Paule mentionctb tits reproofe purpofclp,to pjouc, tijat be teas Peters ojuallin authoritie j againft tlk falfe ^poftlcs, tobc Ibugbt to oircreoite tbe Doctrine Inbicb be taugbt,by oebafing bit" «nD letting otbero farre aboue bim.^ou fa^ tbat be repjoueb Pc- ter,of curtefie,and not by authoritic,t$3berbll(marfee ft mdl) SOU fas ineffect,fbat be ntaoe a folilb reafon to pjoue a fallc con? S 2 clulton. q Gal.1.14, * Scjplet priac. * S»cw.3IteaDctbcm not mp felfe^n S,Ambrofe, ' hiitin D.' Stapieton-.tebocitctbtbemasiDo. Rainoidcs. All the Apoftlcs had equali chargCj to feede. Dinifion.i^ Rainoldes. Cljen ^ou ma? leamc f^cp^cccpt of * a iotttio * poet jBcfoberanddiftruftfiill: thefearctheioyntesofwife- dome. ^oj tljto lDl)tc]^ ?ou l^aue fahon of D. 5taplctons cro^: a?r 6it,i8 cUppeo; foiol? citppco.jf tje i^oulo Dcalc fo § p^mceo cotne:3 bnoto lo^t tuogcment ^fi^oulo Ijaue ♦ SCfjc too;acs of Ambrofe dXtjIiatamen vt ^ PetrusgentihHs pr^dicsret, fi (mf* PouIhs ludais: yet fo that Peter preached to the Gen- tiles alfojifit were needfull,and Paulctothe Icwes. D.5ta- pleton titcti) tamen,vt e5- PetrttsgemibHS pradtMret.Hitc lAV.Yetfothat Peter preached to the Gentiles alio* Thus faith Ambrofe.^ ?ou not, ijoli) Ijanfomel? I)0 cltppeo-of tlje lalf toojOO of Ambrofe,Puitlus fudtis^ and Paule to the Icwes:3to^;otiE,t^af Paulemigljt-notpjcac^ Pnto t^o Hetooo, ao Peter mtgl)tt)ntotl)e(©0nttlc5f ^ettljisioD. Stapleton, ijo^k * Treatife of the Church fomo of oar Principior fi. tiEnteoano^oungfeoucEO gentlemen ti)tnke to be a treafure of dcidoiSrinalKi great trutl) ai«3 toifeoome.llBut ©oo toil make tlje falfebooo ano foil? tljereof eutocnt to all men at bts gooo ttme.^o? p?etent controucriiy, pointjtljatT'aulewas an Apoftlc and teacher of the lewcs and the Gentiles both,as well as Peter was,and therforc not " * inferior to him in this rcfpeftttlje Scripture to fo clare,tl)at ttomfSofStapletons,tbougbttlnere aotbtckeao tbeoatkeneo of (]^gtpt,can take atoa? tbe Ugbt of tt« 2Dbe ioo^eo of Ct);tlf moueft,(poken(touct|tngPaulc)bntoAnanias: ^ He is a cho- a Icn veflell to me ,to bcare my name before the Gentiles, and kingcs,and the children of Ifracl.SDljecomimirfonb? A- e Aa.12.14i nanias fent bnto Paule: ® The God of our Fathers hath ap- pointed thee,that thou lliouldcft know his will, and fee that fi rer'.ll'. lull onc,and hcare the voice of his mouth.For thou (halt bee * NoteMH^ his witnelIe,vnto all men, of the thinges which thou ihaft vxs but e,\^ fecnc and heard. Panics ofaeOtcnce to bis calling, anO perfo>< Mvi^ofo-, mance of bio Ouetie: ^ He preached Chrill in the Synagogues, thic isjCentilei S he confounded the lewes, ^ he fpakeanddilputed with the * Grarcians,(9|etDeo b? religion,altboaglj not b? parentage:) iflt faith and to be tbojt, ' to^n bo toas fent b? fpeciall commiirion of tbe bO'' whlTirecL I?(15bott,fot theworkewhcreuntoGod had called him and lejprofelytes. Barnabas: i' tlje? preached the worde of God in the Syna- gogucs of the Icwes fbjougbbiuerscitico ano counfries:bntill ^ tobcn tbe Hebjeo oio Ifubbernel? refitt tbe trutb tobicb ^ 3 3 tbeg Si ■ 114 of Peters iupremacie. pjcaci)eO, faiD bolOlp to t^em, It was neceflaric that the word ot God thould haue bene firftfpokcn vnto you:but feeing you put it from you, and iudge your Iclues vnworthie of euerlatting life, lo, we turnc to the Gentiles. ISIIjcrcfojc h Aa.s.J5.&: as I'cter pjcactjCDtticvl^cfpcUbofl)to lewes antJ Gentiles: fa ^lo.aS. gjfp Paulc. ^ ' ©Ob DID cbfflfc Peter,.tpaf the Gentiles by ' his mouth ll^oulo bears of tbedSofpcU: foDiQbecb®fe Paulc. jcRom.n.ij. Hart. tESbll'JO'tb Paulctben caUl)U«fclfc ^ the Apoftle and X.Tim.2.7. teacher ot the Gentiles: ano tijat in fanb^p places i Rainoldes. llBccaulc fljattobsn be anb Peter p0rceiueb,ft)af Cob bib blclTe tbe labours of tbe one of tbein amonglf tbe Blel]^ cbieflp, of tbe otbcr amongft tbe Centiles: tbep agrceb togitber iGJ.i.9. a«b ' gaue the right handes of fellowfliip earb to otber, tbat Paule mould preach rnto the Gentiles,Sd i'eter to the Icwcs: nottb,buttbatcttber (tfoccaGonferucb) migbtanb bib p?eatb mCoramentiin tocitber,as ™ AmbrolenotebUiell, anb " it is tojitten of Paul «p.a namelp: but tbat tbeptboulb fpeciaUpfcacb,tbcone,§3eU)tS; I. Aa.1g.17.30 tbe otbcr, tbe Centiles,as ° tbeirepiftleslbetotbcpbio, 2L,bus, ifI?ou regarb tbat, fubrcb tbcp bib cbiefip: Peter toas an ^0te (a foftb tut anb tcac|cr of tbe Seines, faulc of tbe Cenfiles.. 3f tbat iobicb tbep migbt b(D,>ano bib bp occafion: tbep tuerc tbe aipoftles. anb teachers, botb ofbotb:> anb fo no bifferenrebetinsne tbenti. ^sapjct-princ. //art. tuie grouttt * tbat tbsro tuas no biffcrence bfttattm fbem, intbeofficc.oftbe^pottle^ip : fo^fiberein Snas T'aulee^ cjaaUi)nto??ex:cr. R ainol des. i^e tbat granfetb tbis, tooulb fe, ifbt bab epcs, tljat be muft grant tbe otber, linbieb be bafb benieb.jfoMf equall in tbe office of tbejapoHl^ip: tben eqnall in tbe charge of p;iea! cbing to all nations. :anb if in the charge of pjeadbing to all nati# ons; then both to Seines anb Centiies.. Hart. 3t is true: to both .uffiut fo, that S.Pcter toas eljiefe .apoftle to ^emboth» anb tbefupjemeb^ to rule as ioeUS. jPaule, as the reft of the apoftle^ Rainoldes. 3 baue p^bueb that Peter ^b no fucb beabfl^ip ouer them, poa barelp fap the contrarp,anb repeat it ffillSLbi^ p Anft«t.iR Re- io a fault in rcafoning, conbeinneb of the p logicians bp p name pr(;h«acsoj.wt ofbegging that which is in eontrouerfite.S pjapbfe it not:buf eifber j^ouc that pou rap, oj boJb pour peace antrceaft to fap-- it,- Hart,. Dooft th ou loiie memore then thefe ? 13^ dS? Hart. 31 iDitt pjottc it * bp tbe circumftaitcesi of ffjc iuo^bai of * princ. fapingOnto Peter, Dooft thouloue memore then qVh.itver'.''" thefe ? Feede my lambcs. Dooft thou loue me? Fecdcmy is-n.sciy- ihecpc. Dooft thou loue me i Feede my flieepc.?iMl)erctiT,fun^ u;p p;itncipall pointas are to be notcb. JFirtt, Ijc rcquiretb of Ijim an open p.:ofe(rton ano teftimome of t)io loue, to tUa intent tbat f)C map put him in trull toith his flocfee . ^econolp, fje.requiretb not onelp that he loue him> but alfo that he loue him more then the reft; that to him ao louing hint then p rell,h5 mai? sine potoeraboue the reft. ?nhttblr» h^a^^hwtthrifc, if he loue him; ant) t^ fojmer timeolnith the toojb avKTraTg, the toith cpi\e?j, tohich notethfcruentloue. Mlith t^ tohich loo.jtie alfo Peter hab anftocreo hint ttilh iFonrthlp, h® ^^tth bnto him thrife alfo, feede. 3inb,to paffie ouer the ihcepe anb the lambcs, inh^rcof 3 fpafee before-, fiftlp, the firtt charge of feeding the Jambes, I the lall of the flhape are bttereb toith the (Brahe tooto that is, feede, the feconb of the fl^e, hath Toiuxm, ^ is, • rule: to fheto that the lambes,euen lap-men (as 3 faib)are one# Ip to be fedde; but the Iheepe, 3 meane, ^bithops anb pattojs> are both to be fedde anb to be ruled of Peter. &irtlp the toojbe, to feede, hath a great fojce, anb Ognifieth apotoermollfull anbablblute: as thetohidj implieth all other anions ofeccleGa# Hicall regimcnt.if oj thep arc all birectcb to p frob of foules.2Dherc arc obferuebmojefuch notes to libeeffect: but eithernot fopi# thieanbfounbasthcrearc,o;treatcbofalreabic. fMh^refo^c 3 content mp fclfe toith th^ff EZJhich if pou lap togither, anb marfee tohat map be faibe in fcucrall fo? each of them: pou haue tnough to p;»oue a great tooithines of P^cccr, in anp mans iubge# ment; in ours, a fnpjemacp. Rainoldes. SChattohichistojitteu* in the pjoucrbcs of Sa- 'Pw.jo.jj. lomon, /yeethatw^ringeth his nofc cauieth blood to come out:mapfaetruclpfaiocofthep>ajfcs tohich pou p:effe out of thefe dvcuniStamesSCf^z moll pifhie of them,if anp of them haue pith, are thep tohich touch the >natter: the qucflion, ofloue re# quireb; the charge cniopneb,of feeding; anb each ofthcm re# peateb thrife. cjahi^h all in berie truth, as Chain bib bfe them to Peter, toerc rather a flap of his toeabeneffc, then a marbe of histoo:fhinefrc,muchldrcapa«5feofhisfupjemacp. jlfo? Peter hab p;etcnb£b greater loue to ChJitl, then hab the rett of the ^# 3 4 ponies. Piuj-i! 120 OfPetersliipremacic. poftlc5.3n fo muc^ fl^at tolien Cl)jta Ijao tolo tfjem of tfjcir frail# *Mat.is.jI. ntjjljf befojc 1)10 pairion, ■" All ye wil be offended at mc this night,for it is written, I will Imitc the fliepheard and thefliecpeflialbefcatterediFcter anftuoring faiQ bnto f)tm, though al (hould be offended at thce,yet will I ncuer be of- fended. M^refo iolien Cbjitt ropItcD, verily I fay vnto thee, this night before the cocke crow,thou wilt denie nic thrift: Peter anftlicr^ l)tm agatn0,though I (hould dye with thee,yet will I not denic thee.it toast niaoe h^ all tl)8 ^polHco,but cbitfolii b? Peter .fo toast it bjohen bi? t^em all, but cljtEfel^ b\? fpe? did all fo^fatto Cbjttt: Peter did not on# ll2fojfakel)int)buffojfto0arol)iint®,Mt)ercf0?o to^en our ^a# utonr after hist rcfurrettion tootilD gather theni togither, fo ton# firme them from their feare,anD giue them potoer to p;each tlie (iDofpell to all /plation£t:he,t^t in comfo;:ting them all(befo;e po s Luc.2i,3i. pairion)rentcmb?eDl^eter chiefelp asi naDing if moft} ' but I haue praied for thee : DiD then ( in fenDing fo; them to mate himtn vUalilc) remember |Befer namelp,bp the boice of t Marc.itf.7. jjiig ^ngelhfaping fo the toomen, ' tell his difciplcs and Peter , AHtorcom- S® bcfoteyouinto GaliIe.Peter,adifciple:petna# mcntarior.Uii meD befiDe p difciples:' as toho might thinfee him felfe not too;i# or; ^ difciple, that tjaD DenieD hto spaitter thjift. iaEuangclia /^oto tohen thep toetc come to him into Galilc,anD hah receiueD iiomu.2i. common both comfort anD commiffion to erecute the charge tohereto thep toere chofen:Ch?ift abmonilheD |3eter particular# Ip of hto5uetie,anD moueD him (befiDe the reft)to do itfatthfullp; as he particularlpbefojehaD betraieh it, anD hah behaueD hto> felfe mottfearcfullpaboue the rell, Co encourage him therefore a cy. ni in •- toith affurtng hie confcience ^ of the fo jgiuenes of his finne,ano uingiohan^u ftjengthc hiui f0conffancic,thafhe offeno nomo?cfo:ChjifiDe# pccrut ciultti maunDeth of him toljether he loue him; anD thereupon chargctt) dementia maio- him,to feede his lambes ano (lieepe. 3|n DcmaunDing of him, I miiRon"mLaV dooft thoulouciiiemotethen thefe : firtt, hetouchethhif buitiiure ab eo faulte,toho haD pjofcffcD more then thefe, but 1)05 perfojmeD TiicaiS^" lelTe then thefe,Chen he IhetoeththatitisparDoneD.iFoj" hec nim plus remit- who loueth more,to him more is forgiuc: his greater lone is a j Tcdetc" vdpfc fofienofit.^n^arginghuntofcedehis lambes aaDhisllicepc; dicit alibi,Luc. he lharpneth his care,that noto he be faifl/ull anD firme in.folio- () 7- toing though he lhall come to Daunger,pea to Death thet^ ' " bp. Dooft thou louc me ? Feede my lambes. 121 Cfcap?. Diuif.'. 5 tl)eD0inaui«jan&cl)argga«thnTe rcpcateQ: tl)cDanaunOjt^at Peter b? t)i$ threefold anfwere mat counter* &dcvcrb.Do- uaile bi0 threefold denial of Chrilt:tf)e cljargejbecaufe tljat * nailes tl]e cftitcr t^ct are ttrooheii,tl)e Daper tljet 00 pearce. ^ Ambrof.com- To write the lame to C!)jitttan0,tt grccueth not our ^pcffle: m«nt.inLue. it is a fafe thing for vs.^nD altljougl) tl^e trutf) of tljfe erpofitt- * iTc'dcCii.,,, on be bsrtapparantbt conference of Scriptures : tctjtljattou mat tabe it toitl) t^e better appettte,tDl)o loue not to eate meate toi^out t^is fauce,tou mat feuoiu tljat 3 finoe tt(fo; t^e rijiefeft pomtestDbicb touclj t^e matter nareft)in Cyril, Auftin, Am- brofc,anDot^rauncientiFat|iers. Mfjer^oje, tour pitfjielf notes out oftljectrcumttances of tfjetept, ]^aue colour of fome "®"«- p;io£Dfe foj peters infirmttie^but noogljf foj fjts ^up^emarie, 0s iEng«c W foj tl)e otber tl)?ee,to][)icl) tou pidie out of t^e too^oes tpAtTp, ^ou |L«ci'vijt)janbtofoede:tl5ett)aucnof)itt)atalI, tljet are as bones toitl)outmarroto.3ft!)isbetf)efruitof y tl)e Itubieoftlje tomgs 'j. renuebtn tour Seminaries, tliat bt D^eiu thereof tou mat out rcampkns face tbe p?otettantes,tot)o btbclpctl^rofljaue rtuoe tourfilf^ mengetnt^e out office ^urcb : ttjen tour tongues totUpjoiie as goobastl^e BKesrcpiv miracles,tDfjiel) ^ lannesU)joug|)t,aniJ lambres, to ijarben p^araos ^art,bt Doing like as Mofes did. pou caft Ds in tije b dcirulauiti. tatbtoittja ® kingdome of Grammarians J but tou iooulD *Fuithic nimi^ raifc a Popedome of tbe»0nD ^ as Erafmus fattb7tbat Schoolc- , mcn,fpcakingbarbaroufly,raidc, it was not mecte for the q.s^M^nimV maieftie of diuinitie that it ihould be bound to keepe the lawesofGrammarlansifothePopedomc of Grammarians Dealing too too Pope-like in erpounDing of ii)ojDes,(as * Popes poceft.Pa- DO full oft in difpenfing tuitlj tl)inges)tDill not baue tjjem bounD ATbcrc Kran« to fljc (Erammaticall fenfe tobcccin tbeir autljojs bft ttjem. But SaxoHjib.5. tftoematobtainc,tljatiufticebeminilfreoacco;iDingfofbeciuill » laloesofourkingdome : tfjenlball tbepiojetoo^Des (tolji^ ^piAe/icbi, tour Popedoms fo;icetl) to fpcalie fo; tlje Papacte fet toljicb tb^ neuer meant) be rcfcueD from tbat tniurie. jfo?, ♦ tbe Scripture tb^etb tbat, araTraTv figntftctb as fer* nent loue as in Dcese tljc Ucrte fame , c^efelt in^/°*7- S, lohn: lobo Declaring tbe perfitanD entire loue, of' God ^ toiuarDcsChriftjOf d chriit totoarDesbim; onelnbcrcerp^ef* IoIt.so. 2,. fetb it bt c£.5.i. Uiho mouing the pafl[:o;s(iuhom thep cal €loers)fo atteno their 3 7roiiW«vaTe chai^je, ' the one befcechethth^fo ^ feede the flock of God tS iu Cut J which dependeth on them: ^ the other fcllett them, that the TToVviofj t5 holy Ghoft hath made them ouerfeers to feede the church g g ^ of God} both bCng the feme tiJo;oe 7roi^«iv<|v as befoltening the k Aft.io i8 common charge of ^ephearos. ^ ^ea Ch.tift him relfe,tpeabing to ^zyoi^xtniu the Angel,^is,plhepherD of {'Church of Thyatira, DOthpJOmifc rh iiHiAm ouercommeth and keepeth his workes vnto T-O AfS the ende, fliall haue power giuen vnto him oner nations,and iReu a.ir. ^ * todde ofyton. ^o that eucn tljer^ 5 TTOi/uavi? inhere pou note that toojD impo^tethgeeateftpoboer of beating duTaS £y bolune the tnicb^: Ch?ift applieth it to all hisfaithfull feruants 'g „ . anonotfoTeteronelp. Mlherefoze, if iftoere fo thathee hab ^ mcntmo;ie bp faping7rtf/(Uaiv£ the bp ^o'CK-tjinhib charge to Peter: he meant no mo;e t^n that tohich belongcth to euerp fhep^ hcaroschargefojthe ^ape tohich ®oD o^beineth himtofabe. 3!5ut,in truth,if pour itche of tujefting holp fcriptures fo pnuafe fanfiesloerehealcDj pou tooulbc rather thinfee that S.lohn bib titter one Cenfe loith funb^p tooibes, as in the ilo^bes bcmaunbe m araTrcTc, Of Peter, 2)oofl: thou " louemeef fo in \fis commanbement and djl\675. " Feede my flieepe.ifoj the ^pji^ tianflatton,t»hich a ^oiuMvi alleageo, to p;cuc, tljat the ©r^be toojbes TJtT^og & eJiTuf though bifferent infounbpet are one in fenfc, becauft ana v>oti^, our ^auiour ^abe in the ^pjiabetajng, anb in the ^p;iabe both arc KSii<5 erp:effefh here alfo {ttoo funb?p (25rMte toojbs bp one '^p'\ as if that our $>auiour han bfeb the feme tDo;D,anb nieant t^ fente thing in both»^^hich interp^tetation fhoulb b^ of All Pallors feede both lambes and fheepe. 141 Som. of greater crcDtf ioitlj^oumfljtopomttljenitiuaouttljat, be# ,eaufe^ourautl)cnticaU iLattntran0afiontol)tcI;t{3ere Dicrentco from it, agrecttj buitlj it Ijere, crpieflTmg Iitjetoife botlj bp palce. tanlefife pou tuilt fap that pour autljenticall Jlatin Ootl) not er# pjeCfefullp tt)e meaning of ttie (Srcebe. Hart, i:tranflatton cannot erpMe tbe fojee altoapes of iooyjco in tijeojiginall: as in ° Ecdefiafticusitis obferueo of tljel^ebjue, filij Sirjch. Rainoldcs. ^au fap true ♦ l^oio muc!) fI;cmo?e loere tliep to blame Pb)I)o Decree t^at a tranflation Ihould be accounted p as authenticall * in all Diuinitie-exercifes,and no man vnder any pretenfe to rcied: it. i3ut if tljerc i^aO bene fuct) fojce anO icaionibus,di. importance in tl)e (©rake vroi/aaiveip :pour JLatin tranllator conlo l^aueerprcCTeiJ it ea01p. jfor 1 otljertoliere^Dotljtranflateit' ^&expofi- to rule; ano tljat, being fpoUen of meaner ^attors tijen Teter, q°~a.2o 2? "euenof tljeHBiffiopsof Ephefus.OTljiclibeiDrapetljfurttier ttie 1 Rcgerc «cck« felp ifate of pour pjcofe grounoeo on t tooroe.ifor, if Peter loere ojbeinebfupremeljeaDbecaufeljetoastjDilleDto rule the ^ihcepc isreeHetert, or 5 lambes: loljat tjeaoC^ip map tliellBill^oppes of Ephelus Tr^ojSaTof. xiaime, toljo loere maoe ouerfeerstorule the church of God, j aftettteia-- ttjat is botlj lambes anoC^ape; llBut pour laft proofc tjpon tlje agVos. ^ luoro ^ to feede which fignifieth (pcufap) a power moil full r swpiet.ii.tf.c. andabfolate, ismottoutoffquare : ano neither agreetlj tuitli verWpaSu® pour felues,nor loitt) trutlj ano reafon.iFor pou faib ^at lambes piewftimapo- are onely fedde of Peter: fheepe,botlj fcdde and ruled.iMIljicI^ deCgna-^ is fonb, if to rule be no more tljen to feede : fonoer, if to feede implp a poloer moit full anb abfoIute.HSefibe tf)at,to feede, is to nourilljC^rilfians loit^ milke orllrong meateaccorbing to ff)eirttate,astljcp are eitljer lambes or flieepe, tJOlljcrefore if i.cJ'l'"' t^at import tlje fuIneCTc of poloer iDliictj no man Ijatl^ Imt one, to lDafe,^e fnpremc beab: Ijolo great is pour crueltie to t^c ^urclj ofC^rill, loljo leauebutone^aftortb^ouglJoutaU tljeearf^ to preacljfljcloorDoftSoDbntoit; ^rifpouleauemore,i grant tjiat feuerall Churches fljall Ijauc tljcir ftuerall Pallors after tlje oroinance of (Sod : ^oto great is pour follp lo^o graunting bs fij manp Paftors 1 feeders, pet fap, ti^at one alone jjatlj tl^e cljarge to feede, auD tljat importett) a fupremacp; ifor if euerp Pallor Ijauecljargctotecde his fiockc; anD to feede impiietf) a fub» ncil^ of poloer peculiar to t^e fupremc lieaD: tljen bp pour reafon euerp t 1^1 OfPetcrs Supremacie. euehc )3a((Q^tn^tdcl)ur£tj,euersfe(0sr in tiis flodte > tsafu' piemc ^caD,no IcCTc tt)cn picfer teas amongft ffjc ^potties, i^ap, prt0rtiia8 not fo,bT»^ourrcafon,ncitljer.ifo;i, iftotecdc too ' fignifie a potoer moft abfolute ano full,as ' pou fap it ootlj, ans «supiet.iib. tbatpotocrtoasgiuontoallt^c^poftlcs, " as^ouconfelTetaj: if foliotoctl) bp pour otone confdTion anb raping tljaf all tljj 2^ poftles ^ab tljat cljarge,to fecde.3!f all tljcp Ijab tljat cljarge: to feede,mafeetb notljing fo^ peters ^upjemacie. 5iaitjerefo;c tljis, anbotijeroftljelibehnotfeSjto^ic^'^taplccon ijatl) fougi^t ano founboutinbulrul^cs;tt>^bibnofgrotointtjem,bp tbc Ujo;Is« iiian(l^ipoftl)eCreato;;man mabe tlieni} anoCE^ob ioill loofe t^em. Hart, SDfjisW^icl^pcu^apefatomigl^reemefobeOjmetoljaf 1 fotoarbesflieloDngoftbcmnftijercripturegauenotterp clare cond Di euibencefojp?a)feof^«^up.jemacieasiDell elfetnljrre asl^. iiilinn Cfjjiftfaib to Tctcr, * 5imon,Simon,behold, Satan hath union, defired you,to winow you,as whcatc. But I haue prayed for ici.uc.»i.31, ^ being conucrtcd, ftrcngthenthy brethren, Rainoldes. ?!i!aiill pon be b^atmng fftll of blood i fo; to^af botb cpt^er C^jittes prayer for Peter,oi cljargc giuen fjim to ftrcngthcn his brethren, fapmo^e foi bis fupjemacic: tbcn tlje que0ton,doftthouloueme?o}, tbe charge, fecdc my llieepti tnleffe pou pjeffe biolentlp fpe too?bcs beponotbelrfenfe, as pourSchooie-diuines in tfjeir captions iyilogifmes(o; rather fophifmes)bfcfob(D, .usiocoTrhJl ^art. ^ncbdregges (as our y Canus fcrntctbfbcJtt)of •iogicoriib.8. fophifmes, brought info the Schoole bp'men lubo tocrebn* toojtbelpnameb Schoole-diuines, are repjouebbpbsastocll as bp pou. IBut tbe too^bcs of Cb.jilf bto fpeahc enough foj Pe- istapiecpriae. tcrs pjerogafiuc toitbouf biolcnco. ifc; ^ tbcp commanbc biw i^rengthcn his brcth re n, ^nb bis brethen inerc the rctt of < the ;apottles. Chop commaunoc bint therefore to ffrcngtben tljc japoftles. 3if f0 Ifrengtben the ^polf Ics: tijen mutt be be their fupzeme beab. Mberefo;e the toopcs ofCb.utt pioue the fupjc> macie of Peter, Rainoldes. 0nb fbinhepou fpaf Cbittt meant tlje rrff of the 0pottles,toben be faibC, thy brethren.? Hart. Mbom ^oulD bee mcane,if not them i Rainoldes. Ghrift laid to Pet€r,«Strengthcn thy brethren. SI* Ramo.dcs. Mt[)efaitl)fuU,as3l fljirtto. [jaucall one ' Father, t^cfanietfjiiti'cterljatU; ano t^e?acc ^ fello\y heires of the grace of lite Ttuitlj 'Peter; anD Peter i}tniCelfe 0rengtt)nwgtl)em> catlctfjtlj£inbrcthreo.^of!)af,inFeters iuSi cuient,C|)?ittfC'einctb to ijaue meant b? his brcti>rcn, all ttiefaittfull. ^aroon me^3i Ik ratljcr ofl;utmiin>e tijcretn^ijeH Of?0U3. Hart. 0£(toljofap toe bcn^^cbtfjat all fljefaitljfnll are meant his brethren; ^ toe teaclj ttje femealfo,^£f ttjat to true,tl)at 3| feioe. iro; (31 tf uft) ttie ^pottles arc in § ninnfaer of tfie faittjfull. Raiooldcs. are fb.lSuf tljen irour i^eafon of brethren Ijatl) no mo.;cfbjcc,tl)en ban tbe otljcr of flieepe. it Ijatb leCfe.ifo; tobat is * to ftrengthen / ♦ Hart. Toftrcngthcnistofia^fbsmt^toboDO ifanfi.ifoj . tbe function of p.:catl)ing,' tobicijtb^ougljtbograceofvIDoo itu eR0m.10.14.. genD;etI) faitlj m men,l)atl) ttoo fpeciall parteoy to teacb,anD to ffrengthen r 0;, ao S. Paule Ipcafeetb» ^ to pla;nt anO to water.»'.Cor.j,*. SCotcach ano to plant,is to fonaert men bnfo tbe feitb of Clnilf> anb to ingraifc tbem into t)im. %o ilrengthen anb to water is to bpbolb tbem tobieb are alreabi? faitbfull>tbat tbet! tna^ perfe^ nere init Raitwldes. %^tn is fbc ebarge IcCTcr, toflrcn^htheii the brcthren^ben to fcede the {heepe.jf o> tofecde,isaS mucbi aft to jp^eacb tbe tooto ofc!!5ob.^nb,to prcach>batb ttoo bnetieo: to taifc vpfbaf arefallen, to ftrengthen fbem tbatbo ttanb* ©Kbcrcfoje if fbe fupzemacic toere not gtuen Peter fa? tbe charge, to fecde the iheepe:mu£b leCDe can it be^giuenfa? a part of tbat ebar|^,to ftrengthenthc brethren. jfoj as Peter ougbt t^t Ductic to bio bictbjen: fo bib bio b^etbjen to bintanb s ya ale -, performebit;:lbDibthcApoftlcstofbeirb.:etbi0n, anb'' §Aa'.[V^7.- paiDit;foDo ' all the fakhfulljcner? one fo bis bietb?tn(acco^^ Rom.i.ii. Ding to tbat mcafure of grace, tobicb Cob ba^ gtuen tbem) ^ lu/et3^.'& c. as being all members of the fame bodie,an0 therefore ccb toi iiheir.r.n hclpcofber.C>ur ^ Cnglilb CbJoniclesbauea(loi?ofkingEd- ^ rXoll'J.'is ward tbe ConfeiIio;^^no Godwin Eartc ofl^cnt:tbat,toben tbep' poiyaor. vir tocce lifting at table togifber,Harald tbe hinges ciip-bearcr,tbs iSf Carles fonne,bib Sumblefo toitb onefoote^tbat be toas botone almoa,batrccouering bim felfe tnitb {' ofberfcDte,^ neither fell,. Bo;ibi^ the DMtdte.^bt>x^t^l)tn^e Carle Hnikb, anb faio. Now Ditil-'iV 128 QfPeters Supremacic. now one brother helped an othcr:t^e fetng calling to minh bjofl)cr Alfreds Dcatl),t»l)omtl)eC'arlcl)aD flaine , beljclDtwn lDitljahifpleafcDcountcnance,anDfatl>,So might my brother alfo haue nolpen me,if thou hadft not becnc. 3n (tofrC)the cup-bcarerlnbofinntbleDjiiott) C^elxitbai one foote inapttrengtl)cnanotljer,anDftapt^embotbtbat fb«T? fall not: the £arle,tDboobfcrncD therein a bjottiero buctie, Dofl) l^ctoe, tljat tlje poungct map ttrengf ben tbe elDer,oj fbe etoer fbo pong- gcr:the kingjtobo remembjeb b^ otone elfate bp it, ootb tbotoe tbat tbe inferior map llren^bon tbe fuperioj, pea tbe member tbe beab, i5p tbe pjopo^ition of tobtcb pointeo a man of reafon map fee,tbat an equall in all re^etteo map Itrengtben an equall: tbat,amongft bncqualleojtbe left map ttrengtben tbe rigbt, ano tberigbttbeleft:pca,tbatan arme,t|atafcDte map Crengtbcn tbe beaD,anD fane it perhaps from taUing fucb a fall, as tooulb crufl) it in paces.?!j®bercfoje tbe charge of peter,to ftrcngthen his brethren,is no fufficicnt pjojfe that be *oas mabe head of the meaneftamongfttbefaitbfulhmucblcfle of the pattois tnbeni bccallctbhi? fellow-eldersjanblcaftofaloffbe^pofrleSj" iubofe commiffion teas the fame toitb bijs to all n ation s. Hart. 3(t is true that others map ftrengthen their brethren, as members of the fame bobieibut Cb?itt commaunbctb l^eter •stipict.iib. toben ^ep fee one anctbcr.i'foz,tbepp:ouetbepointesoftbeir popifb boctrine bp as ftrong rearons:as the Sooth fayers tfcb to pjoue their diui- * nations bp the Huer,anb the bait,anb stber entralles of bcaftes, )i5ut Peter^not to ftrengthen his brethren as head. 145 Diuifioni. 3i5ut ctj'tlQien arc pcrfto(U)cii,tD^en tljcp ^icarc a rutg ofbdlea tljct tl)e beUcs fpcaftc to^atfocuer t^cp ^auc fanlttD,at lcaft,ltftc brito tt2D^ciLo,:D,tDi5cnt^c^poItlciEiOtD ftnuc about bomtmon anb fupcriojttie,toto tl)ein,tl)af none of tljcm fl^oulo be amonglf tl)e reft,as binges amongft tljc ©entiles : pctleatt^d^onlDfeemc faittjall to liaue fo^btODen all Dominion amongtt t^em,^c appoint teDi'ctertobe tlieirfup^jemeijeaD. JDfjus faitlj flje ^ajtljfapen iSuttotiatrait?) tlje^cripture ^ gn cffett tjic cleancccnfrarp, jfoiit ^etoetljjtpatC^^ia ? leaning repjoneDtljemfoiltrtuing pi-uc-« ver,jy. who flio uld be the greatefl:,anD tljirflhng to be 3Lo;Des after t^e maner ofeart^Ipkingcs: ifaug^tbem, tj^atanljumbling of qver.»tf. t^emfelues tot^eirb;ietl).ien,anDaDefireto DogooD bp feruing ec^ofot^er,muft be t^e preeminence tl)aff^cpl|oulofalic, as te^aDDone* janbas ' tljep^D bane iiartabers of tjis trou# bles,(b ' Ijablje appointed to them akingdome alfo : " to trer»^. make tliem partakers oftljat bliue anb glorp,in toljiclj Ije Iboulb " raigne kim lelfe,as king of kinges, 1 ttjep ( as counfellors {d3out bim)fitting on * tweluc thrones to iudgc the tweluc tribes * " * * of ifrael,jfoto tlje former part of tl>is (pac^ of Cfjrift bcbarretb tlie^poftlesallfromtljat rapremacic(of* our moft holy Lord *sanaiffimns the Pope) totritt) pontoflulb put on Petcr.Cl)e later p e™>"U5noftes fercoulourfor kisDreame,tDl>ofattkjtl)at Chrift remoucd ' 1 Omnem4o« allluft of raigning from his miniftcrs,and ^ not all power of raigning 5 becaufc it mentionet^ a kingdome ^ Chrift appoin- nem. ted for them. 515at ttiisimportetl^ rat^ aneqnalitic of Peter *^"0" iDitlitkereltoft]^e0poltles:fit|it^elfatetscommo, anb thrones nandipeteiu are ginen to tpe aliDr if tljere mig^ be euen fo nottoit|)ffanDing a ftiperioritie,as at a councell table tl^ere mnft naDesbe,in Otting „, k;„- , . one before an otl^er: pet is tljat notljiugbnto tijat fuprcmacie ♦b^t^etoope toljicljpouclaimefor Peter. jFor,to feme pour purpofe, Cfjrift fi^oulb fjaue faibjtljat kc inoulb cltablilk tkem all in feates of ko# nouributPeterinatkronelike ^ the throne of Salomon: anb tasnst^tmot ke Ikonlb be tkeir Pope,anb tkep Ikoulb be kis Cardinals * to ' sacla^Ss. fit about the throne,and be both * Counfellors to him, and fana.Rom.ec- fudges with him of all the earth. f succe^ores*' Hart. 3;t is a follp(3| fcejfor me to reafon loitk pott,if pou be Apoftoiomn. rcfolueb fo caC of fo tDcigktic reafons,as trifles. Rainoldcs. M follp inbeebeu'f pon go about to make me c# iconfuiirii Came of mole-kils,as mountaims. j"- ' ■ Tt _ dxccsoijJiiTcr- 4.. . Hart. r»rum. I>uifion 1. 146 Of Peters Suprcmacic. Hare. 3 go not about tt: but tbat tljc reafons toljul) are in trutt) ae mountaineer ^ou lotU ed^ne ttjem (b. Rainoldes. %ifm tou multp;oue tljem ro.1i5ut if tour moun« taineetraueU, anobcbeltuereDofamoufe: tou mat not lojke ttf&t 3 il^oulD aomire it ae a (!5iant Hart. iiSacU. 3let be leaue tbe occalion of Cfjjiifee t»o?^: LS" mp8 aubtocig!)tbctoo?Dsintl)emfcluee» * ^oj f|)ere are ttoo things ' tol^itf) Cf)nft Dotb therein, ifirll, in tbe common Danger of all, |je ftrengtbnetl) Peter ondt: Satan hath dcfiredyou, to winow you as wheat: but I hauc prayed for thee, that thy faith faile not. SDtien,leafttljatftrengtbning fl^oulD femeto Ijaue bene inaDefo^ Petersotonefa^alone, 0; inreipectof bieperfonall faitl),!jcaDDetb, And thou being conucrtcd ftrengthen thy brethen: fbetoing t^jat Ijc is OrengtfjneD in tl)e faitlj, to tlje ena bcmigbt&rengtbent^faitbofaUo^ro, aotoljo fl^ulo bee^ tertoattj tlje paftoj of ttjon all. Rainoldes. 3t toere a n^lellie labour fo;i tt» to fpenD in tl^efe tour tioo pointee, if ton f)aD marlteD t^at bolncl) battl bene laiDe alreaDte. ifo^3 IbotoeDtbattbefonnerargue^ bto toe^ieflre; tlje later opetwft) Duetie *, but ne^r p:ouetb a^ p;eeminence at all, lauea p^ieeminence infrailtie. ^be trutb is, tbatCbult in tboretuo.:DesDe)tbtb;}^tbinso:tDboreof one io a btle, anD tberefoje ton toucb it not. ifo> in tbe Danger of tbem * f all,but greateft Danger of Peter,be wittetb bin* in minDe' fir® tX nowy«M«r' bio fall, to bumble l^n; Mbonof^ri((ng,tocomfo^tbint;' latt, of bio Duetie to quidten bim bnto it. ^fall 5 to c«te ^ rt f boato of' pride anD " vaine glorie, (mat 31 fo terme it tuitb t^ toy ftitofafu ifatbcrsO toboroiniJ^opjofumeD, * mojc tbot tbe reft did, of ranfitoflttbt. bio faitb anD conftanct. l^isrifing; tbat bclboulDnotDefpaire toa comittteD, bob^nbebaDfallen. iFo^tbougbbeoealtbnfaitbfUUt, Denting o.oii', tpen tiers, iulioifuffei' reo fo?ce: in ttiis tie taketp from tier all comfojt of l^r nnferp,anti mabetli tier a^ameo to call tier epes on ^oo o? man. ifo? loliat ts tbe comfort of tpe Cpurctie of Cp^iiH, ttie faittifull? anbc;) iioh.17.1«. lect, but tliat»tic ^atp p^apeb foj tjs ttiat toa faple not, tliat k Matt.t^.18. tl|e ^ gates of hell (hall notpreuaile againft vs; ttiat our ^ hope 1 Hebr.tf.i8. niigtlt bc au ancte of ftrong confolation, ttiat"" toe Do beteue mRoio. .1. affureO bp Gods fpirite toee are the heires of life eter^ nalU of t^lnliicti comfort ttiat incelluous Amnon fabetfi to bereaue bs ano call bs out of tlie bo);ies,b}tien tie faitli tliat €^i& pjapcDfoj Peter onelp,anb after Peter fo^t^ pope. UButoft^ pope " in Due place. #oto, boe fpe^ of Peter. Sfioni. Mtip^SOarepouoenp tliat Cfeiftfpabe to Peter,an0 nLuc.iaiji. to Peter onelp, botien pe faio, ° Simon, I hauc prayed for thee that thy faith ihould not faile ? ^OJttl not ti^e berp tert Of tl|e (BofpelHbebJ it f Rainoldes. ^tia^ * SDare pou benp ttiat Clijtff l^ialte to tlie ® Matt,J.J. pal0e,anD to tiim onelp,to|ien l^e faio," Sonne, be of good comfort, thy finnes areforgiucn thee i Jjlmtlinirt tbe bcrie tcrt of ttie CUofpell l^efee it i 3l5ut is tt)is a pjoife tliat f Aliens apff-. tpcr Cpjillians liaue not their finnes forgiucn tm f MnO tua to« iogic of Ae all belaue in baine tDben toe belccue forgmenes of finnes ^ Stie#. ' mappounotaffirmeittoifliasga30reafon,aspoua:fiRrmetf)co^ Btifto vv in i3(a( tljer of Peter, not to faile in faith f pou tlie maiHers of Ifra- i^Kcc'^an}^' ^ toljomabefo great boallefffeill in all jBDiuinitie : ano bo aiipir.' pou not Kuoto tliat paHojs ano p?eacliers(oftoliom Cjnift toas tl)6 Chrift prayed for all the eledt. 149 , * the chicfeft) appli? tlje gencrall Dottrims oftfje latoe ano CDo^ ' k^y^-Koi fpell to t^rni, tn particular, toho naoc to bo rcteueo tljcrofap; 3lf ^ 31 t^onlo Cap to Come couetous man,tof)0 srinoctlj tljc faces of t^ i pmic, ano builDctlj bp Ijis twufe toitlj blcDO, o;r lopnctlj benefice to benefice, anotafeetbc|)argeofaficdrcU)l)tcI)i)efaDetl) not J "^Let ruebr.ij.^ thy coiuierfation be without couctou{heflc,for he hath faide, I "idillmtfade thee nor for fake thee : CCD 3 tafie t()tS COJnfOjtOf tljC B?ouibcnceof(l5oDfronieuerpotber Ct).:iftian, bccaufc| atOire It to one in pai ticularf ilD^ bib the Apoftlc ouert^tote bimfelfe, in taping tijat to all tlje faithful bJhich ^ob taio to loihua: ^I votll not leane thee^norforjaketbee ? ^CUhauepOUr cl)0pce, tafieiuhidl pou lilt: either acquit bs, oj conbemne hint, if o; if Ch^ilt meant to alTure the faith of none but of Peter, becaufe ^ faio to him ^ I haue prayed for thee that thy faith (hould not faile: then bib Cob p'omite hut gratious aCtillance to none but to loihua, tohen faib to him, I will not leaue thee nor foriaJce thee; anb * tho * Hebr.ij.j» ^poUle erreb in faping it to all Ch^ifiians. 3f the ^pottle fatbe that to all Ch^^iSians bp the fpirit of truth" ^tn cs it true in lito fo^t, that it map be faib to anp chilbeof Cob, bohont ^atan hactli be(irebtofiftanb(hafie(ash£bibPetcr,) anb mabehim tobenir Ch^ > Be of good comfort, for he hath iixdy I hane frayed for thee that thy faith jhould net faile SLnii if it map befatbto anp chiloe of Cob: then toas it bcrifieb in allthc follies,' ercq»t the childe of pcrdition.iKHherefij^cChjiftjbp faping of thofttoo^bS ° ■ to Ptter, gaue him no ^upiemacp ouer the ^poSles. Hart. 31 cannot benp, but that, in fomere^'ect, it map be tm« Ip laibe to all the chilbien ofCob, if thep fall as Peter oib*^et(3| ^otn not holb) me thinbes, 3 cannot be perfibabeo, but that it m^e^ tbmebohat fo; Peters (i^^emacp, Rainoldei. i^omaniell. ifo; thenopfeof if hath bane Cr great anb loubeabout poureares, inthe SeminarieatRhcmes anb other ^opifh lchb>h0 beponb feas: that it hathmabe pou bull of hearing, anb pou cannot perceiue * the ftill & foft voice ., k;„« i of truth. ^ " tocre^of themtuho bbDcllaboutQjc fall of u Cic.iaSom* fheriuerNilus» Inhere it tuntbleth botonefrom^hpewoun# taines, that thep are mabe beafe bp the greatnes of f^ Ibunb anb nopfe of theinaters. SBut tell me 3 piap: b® pou thir^ ^ Ch;ilt mabe Peter fup;eme heabbp faping bnto hint^ I hauc prayed for thcci 0^, urcngthen thy brethren i & 3 Hbrs« Chap. 3. DiJ-i 150 Of Peters liipremacie. Hart. a quelKon is ti^oulD 31 mention itj tinlclSe it pioueD Ijis fupzemacio^ Rainoldes. 3ltto a qtieftion.ifo^ ifCi)?ilt maoc Ijim fup;i0me ^0 bp tbofe tno;(OC5:ti)en tpe fup^ane tjeao oenpcD Cluifi:, anb tbat often,anb tljat toitt) an otl) toj.MIljereofa berp banngeroua i;onclufionUjonlbfoloiD0 , tpattfjel^opemaporrojpea (tliatw mo;0)O0np Cp;ift. Haft. 31 fop nottijat €i);iitt mabe l^im fupjcmc l^b at tljat p;^cfcnt timc:bat p^cpareb ljim(a£( it tD0r0)to maUe 1^ fu:' xPri.icip.doan piemcljeaDafter. 06D, Stapleton lo;itetp tfiat Cpjiftbp aaU.i^.c.S. t^fe toojbeo ettablill^eo Peters faitij , * before that he bclto- hinTuntara *^^6 powcf of (upreme head-ftlp vpon hira in dced.dfo^ poccftatem l^gauetbatpolciera^riiforerurrcction, inl^en j^efoioto^iin, con^ren" ^ccdc my lambcs : fecdc my iheepe, IBut tJjofc tDO?DC6(of aFdturani in- ttrengthning)t>e;rpake befoje l)i6 beatl), anb bib but * inlitnuate Jr«.n c?/""' tijcrcm f giuc an inkling, t^at Ije tuoulb make Ijim fnpjeme tjeab. Rainoldes. ^ou|)auefaib.0nopour2l>oitoj Jjatfj therein,a point of greater init ^en manp of i|i6 felotueo. ^ut at ofgreatertoitjfo of greater ipite, in aboing tfjereunto (t^ * Lib.f.ctp.i. tuljidj notol totid)Cb) * tljat Caluin made no mention at all of thofc wordes,bccaufe he knew well that(they arc fo fingu- larfbr Peters fupremacic)thcy could not poRibly bee auoi- oS^i'iiSf Caluinbotbmentiontljemintreating oftlic point whether the Pope may erre.0nb pour S>0(to^ loitneffe^ fjim ^ felfe that btcertip thep concerne that point: the fupremacic, but bp an inkling.^!)® llrength thereof fhen,a6 touting the fttpjec made,both 'Ted bpon that, Inhereofthep giue inkling it (honlb beboneafidnthatio , bpon the charge of feeding lambesand flieepe .But it io pjoueb that Chdft gaue no mo:e to Peter, in that,thentotheredofthe0podle6.3ti0p^oueb therefo^^e, that § toojbeo of Ch.uttCftt'cngthen thy brethrcn^bo raife no biglM er throne foj Peter then fo^ them .S^uch lette, if the p^wiper that Chjitt mabe foj ^cfer toere commoit bnto him toith all faithful! Ch^idiano^b not boith the 0pod(e6 one!p.Mherefo^e thio rea^ fon,luhichi6fodronginpoureie6,mudbe drengthneb bp hts b«th?en,if he haue anp.jfo.i fine he io a great bealc too toeake to drcngthenthcawi Hart, ^ts : he hath bzcthien,0nbmo;eperabnentur0,then peutooulbbeglabtofoein the Hdbao lunie ao pouare,anb thinke The A6tes,a paterne of Church>gouernment. \ 5 ttjiitUe ^ou can oifpatct) tfjcm all. Rainoldes. j!^ot3 i atoes of Elifeusonels: * they that be with vs,are mo,then tlicy that bee with them. * " S5ut let bo Cee, toljat arc tlje^ The fourth Chapter. ThepraHiJi o/the Sufremacie(^hich Titer is intitledto)maginedto bepreued, i by the election ef A'^Atthias to the j^poftlejhip: z bytheprefidentJinpoftheCoHmtllheldAtJsrHfalem: 3 And by TahUs ieumey taken to fee Peter^and his abode "ifith him. Wherein, as inothtrof theories ^ the tyipeftles, the e^nalkie of them all not thefupremacie of one,is Jhewed, 'art. Crampico of tljc pjacrifc of Peters The firft fupjemc-ljcaolJitpm tlje goucmmenf of tlje pj: Cl)urc]^.tiiai)crcoftoe l^uc recojuo in flie hoi? uuio. fcri|)turc£(;eucnmthe jactes of the ^pottles, tohtcjJ arc a paterne of Church-gouwnmcnt Rainoldes. rcalbno m 0^, tohirh ?ou gather thence, are b;eth;ten to the fonner. ysut the? are no ftronger, then the fo^jner toere. Hf ?ou facing themfo^ into thefielo:?ou ^all percetue it. //art. adhere are man? placeo,but lpenaU?,ttoo: b?toh«!) Peters (bneraintie ouer the j^poRleo is m»ttfeQl? Ihetueb. |fo; theoncjhep^opomh an cledionto bee maoc ofanewA- a aa.,.,5. pdftle into thcrooHieotludas.jn ^ tl»ofl[ier45ei0|3i?elioenf ^ Aa.15.7. ofthcCounccll of theApoftlcs,tohichtoaohetoat Ierufalem; hefpeahc^ firff ,anD concluo^ in it £5at of both the tohtch 3( gather thto reafon.S.T'etcr oio pjacti fc the potoer ano autho.: if ie of a fup^jeme heao ouer the^pt^leo. ^l^o^ h^ boao their fup;»emeheaD. Rainoldes. j^oto are ?ou come to thaf,tohich 31 hao an e?c ^ chap« . tm, tohen 3 ocfireo ?ou (in = the beginning of our conference) Diaif.a. totellmctohafpotoer?ougauebntothe ^0opc b? calling htm fup;jemc hcaD.ifoj,in thio graffe there lurfeeth a fnahe. miict) p^f'aVl * that ?ou ma? fee,ano (if it be the gratious toill of (©00) auoioe, leaft that ?on periO} through his bencom: 3I bjill affee ?ou a que<= cccSicfw. ttwn.OThen?OUfa?, the fopeis * ehiefc and fupremc dicii caput. 4 bead DiuitioN I. \$i Oi Peters Supremacie. head ot ccclcfiahicall iudgcmcnt,and Prcfidcnt of CouncclsJ Ca) yoR meaneiljaf tf)e pope in afTemWtes of 2!5ifl^op£i,wi, as ^peahef (toitf) ) intpeparlament, topiopofe matters to t^janDan«f^cirunjgen«ntcs , ano gattjcrt|eirtjotcc0,tljaf twinges ma]? bee o;iierl^ panoldo ano tnadco bp common (on*! fent? Hart. jSUi t^je ^peaher i 3Sat as t^c p;tnce ra# f^er. Rainoldes, ^ca, f faptopou , attOmotef^tnt||ep?incc. iPoj as tpingcs in parlament cannot bee cnacteb iuitbonttbe pjinccsconfent:lbneifbercanffje p?inccmabe actes toit^out content oftpeiiojoesano Commons, ^nototicntpepare maoc bp content oft^cm all. tljep cannot be repcaleo bp ttje prince a# lone,tsjittiouftbeiihe content bp to^icp .ttiep tocre maoe. IBnf tuif^tbe Pope it isnot fo.ifojfocbisfbepotDeroftjis p^incelp p2crogafiue,tl)at not onclp Councels map not make oecrtes fo^ Cpurcb-gouemment Uii^out bis content: but bee map alte tnalte oecrtes tsitbout tbem,as goob as tbep toitb bfeajtbaf be map aboet0,anbta]b fromjanbaIter lob^i beelb^li tbit^ clohannes Aa- gooD in tbe oecrtes of Conncels.-anb fet tbem out foj tbcirs, ® as JirciemendM acmctis plap^l»itb tbc Counccll ofVicnna.|^ea, tbat rum,de confti- beingmaoetoitbtbeircontentanobteboth: * becmape bte^ eaacT"'^'" toilUno tcpeale tbem,if ^ lite, fot no lawe doth ♦ ft w«)»-. hold him./^oto,Ctb tbat tbe potoer pon giue tbe pope S'je Suvft of fuprcmc head, pou giue it Peter to)tobiuintfic nRc^ioiifio toill becolbtoithoutft.li5eaoe,heto>otethattreatife to inftruct ftubentsintheCanonlaw,tol)ichisthcfortrefle ofthe Papa- adDuare»i cy:anb he fo beliuereth toe cljiefeft pointes of it, that JLatoiers a^ arXi" "iir mongft § pjoteffants toercoffenbeb f" to^ote againfthim fo.: it, 3i5Htnoto(toHS row retoarbemen)if iscalleb mqneftio, tohethcv of Peters Supremacic. * Stsplet.prin- cip.cloftr.Ii>, cap. 13. sInad.Apofto' Ior4hoin.3, fje toere a Catholike oj no B affure ^ou,if^ou betoarc not, pubjillmafec^oneftanotodlafferteD barteoafrato to bcc Ca- tholikcs; fu(^,a«pumeau0bi2tbaf too^o* jfo^tfamankape toittjtn m^s faounw of mobellte ano trutb > I fetU not runne bwb# long tottb ^on tbjougt) tbtckc % tbin: t?ou totll account of bun,c^ tbcr as an ^cretickc, oj as one tbat fauouretb of b^roGe at IcaC* But iDbo are tbe iFatbers,toboni ?ou pjeteno againft Duarcn, to p;ioue ^our fup^^eniac^ out of tbofe places of t^ ^rtes i Hart. * S.Chryfoftome, foj tbe one: S./cromc, foj tbC 0* tber. Rainoldes. ^nbtobatO®tbepfapf Hart. s. * Chryfoftomc, entreattn;; of tbe fart of peter boto be piopofeb t be election of a netu ^poltle into tbe roome of Binoas; Beholdc, faitbbo* the zcalc ot Peter. How hec doth acknow- ledge the flockc committed to him by Chrift ? How he is the chicfe in this aflemblyrand cuery where beginneth to fpcakc firft of all ? ^ftertuaro be p jatfetb Poter fo^dooing all thinges by the common aduife and iudgement of the Dilciples, no- thing by his owne authoritic. pet tbat peter ttiigbt bane cbO' ten an 0poGle, pea, alone, boitbout tbem, be affirtnetb platnely.. What, faitb l^,was it not lawfull for Peter himfclfe to choofc him ? yes, it was lawfull,no doubt. But he dooth it not, leaft that he ihould (eeme to gratihe any man. ^ben be ptaifetb tbe moDe(tieoftbere(toftbeE>itciples: Coniider, faitb bee, how vinMatthtum thcy gtaunt the teatc to him (tbat IS, tlic ptimacy, as ^ etber- Inberebe calletbit,) neither doubt they any longer, deba- ting amongeft themfelues, (to tott as tbei? DiO once,h)bei1 Cb;ilt conuerfeo luitb tbem) Vthteb of thempjonld bee the ^eatejt* SDbw is S.Chryfoftomes iuogement Of tbat place, tnbicb 3iaU leageo out of tbe firti chapter of tbe ^es of t^ 0poGles fo; tbe fupmnacp of peter. Rainoldes. tellimonte ofChryfoftome Dcotb ffanfi on ^ tloo fa.mncbes: tbe one, tobat peter iJotb,as tbe Scripture Cbeto* etb; tbe otber, tobat be mi^t baue hone, as Chryfoftome fuppo# fetb. S^battobiebPeterocDtb, isgranteo. But it pjcuctb not ' tbe fup;eniacp. He rcmembreth his duetie; hee fpeakcth firft ofall; he doth all things by thecommon aduife and iudge- - ment of the Dilciples, and nothing by his owne authoiitie. S^bu$ nnicb 3 faPe of 7etcr, ano oio etplane it out of Duarem 3n Peter,no Pope in the A6tes ofcheApoftles. 157 Diuif.i, D u area \:ou tljoagljt tljat it maDe agatnlf ^cu, ano tljercfo;te rcfufct) bitn* il niaUe fo; tjcu, fcjjcn it is itt Chryfoltome, \;0u 'ojiitg ijinr ngatna Duaren i is t^is t^e rgafoiT,ii>?)g ■})cu accept tljc one aiiDrcfufc tfje otijer, bccaufe t^e Ino.jDes of Chryfoltome pclcing a certainc primacy to peter, map Dccctue t^c Omple, as t^ougtj tje nicant that primacy U'htcij tO" fupremacy : but tljc ioo.jOes of Duaren put fo plainc a Difference bettoanc t'pe tb)o pjunacies, that, lubicl) peter baa; aiiD tlje Of tber iDljici) tlje pope l)attj,of bioulo baue; tl;at a blmos man map -fa that peterspjimacpiDosnot a Popes fupjemacp. mbicl; . Iball appears ^ fartljcr (tf(i?oDlutU)fapt!;Dfe tl)tngcs, tbat tl;e z chapt.y. ;^atl)crs fpeafee touching peters pjunac^ ♦ 0nD thus pour pzcofe ui^fion 3. faileth in that luhich the fcripture Ihetocth that Peter Doth.#olu , that, tohich peter might twue Done, as Chryrollomc fuppofcth, iDoutoeinferre a greater pjimac? then peter h^b^ if it toere true. ffiutthefcripturefaithitnot^Mh^ojeasthe ^ ifathcrs aBa(il.d« Grc- report one of an other, (b^ •> ^^ourotoneconfeETion) thatthep |°A^h°"rdT tujite fomc things aytovi9Ht&c,to confute the aduerfaries with )rigene,libelL whom they had to dcalc, f in ttieie thei! erre fometimes ano decret.Ni- amtCDt: libeiuift ma? 3 fa? that the?tojitefomethinges, > Scaplec. prinff. eyKC/iu«sin^C J to praifc the Saintcs of God, and itirre vp d^rji-T-c®? *. others to their vertue, tohereintfthcirtoo^Des (houU) berigo^ interanm&m'il ,rouCl?Cfte0, the truth is fometimes ouerlaCheo. ^0 Chryfo- lecoiiigunt. Home (in the other plate tohich ?ou allcage out of the ;3ttes) fo tommenD fhemifoneffeanDluiretiome of Barnes, toho left the , fbarper fpeeches to be vfed of Peter, and vfed himfelfe the gcntIer,Dotf) fpeabe of him as being abouc Peter in power: ano lere to commeno the moDcftie of peter, becaufe that nee did all things by the common aduifeanD iuDgemenf of his b;efh;cti, hcc faith (b?thetoa?of amplification) that peter might him- felfe haue chofcn an Apoitle, which yet he did not. Hart» By w^e of amplification: , to praife the faintes of'^God»^u4j colours ?ou caft bpon it ♦ isut Chryfoftome faith crpjeffcI?,t^t'Peter himfelfe ( fhafiS fO fa?, alone)might haue chofen him,ifhcwould.0nD?ou(toith Cnojthcr iDo.jDes,but in plaine effe£t)replie,thaf he I?eth ♦ SDo a chapt.i» Jfaiijcrs praife the Saintes fo? Diuifion.i. Rainoldes. 3jf isa rule ^ of ?our otone ano ' giuen b? fSonfcfif. four 3Ie&iit»thaf a man may lawrfully diffentfrorn the Fathers, on.AuguWn.lf. fo St ^59 OFPeters fupremacic. . fo that he doit with modeftic.3|fani? Itcepc not tf)is,^ou fa? ^ ratlett) at df^t^crs.£Dfmc,tDl)o tooulo Kape tf,?ou fe? 3I calk colours»Mt)at tl^all 3i 00 to pleafe ?fiu i //art. ^ou C^all pleafe me,if sou oiCfenf not from t!)em,fauf oncIsmtU^tjjmjjesagbeknownetruthes. ^tjictjis anotljer rule of ours,if sou remember it, Rainoldes. ^ rfliiember it toeIl:ano Ijeretn 3 &ano if, ifojitisa truth ano a knowne truth,t^attljeifatljers in^ute, in fauour of tbe &aintes,fome twinges tofjicb ouerlafl^ tl)e trut(>, fin Matth*um tf^ niau cramine anb trie tljembs tl;e foucl)-ttone, Peter ^im- ein.,etoO.:DeSOfCl)nIit)ntoPeter, * ^et thee behmde me Sataththon ttrt tin ojfenfe t» me; (hitt),it is not mccte we Ihould thinkcjthat Chrift did call Peter Satan^ but Chrift faid to hira, £ la Mitdiautn behind mejind no more; the reft to the Deuili, not to C^uion.^la him,S4f4«r^fl« <«rr/mt»^»ytr«>»f.^)Cfame ^ HiUrie,'almoft but Ambrofe quite fcleancercufetb peter from all fault in hCommencar. ttjat Ije benieb Cf)ntt,nas Ambrofc commenbetl) Ijim./'eter an- ♦°Matatf 1°' t^o''®^jfoifi) IJO, * I knt"^ not the mint, * He well denied him aueneymt 4»»4w,whom heknewc to beGod, '■ Clemens anO Eufe- biusjUrtjom 1 OecumeniusfolotoetljjDotontetljafthat i ciem.A?exl V^home Pttule didVfithfiandand refrosu 4t Antioch, was not ^Pe- aadr hypety- tet the Apoftle,but an other, I know not who, of the fame rEu'fcb.'hiftor. name,one of the feuentie difciples.iKSljOtttojc fitl) it is Knetmt at toee fa?: .. toithtohom toe bo bifDentfrom chryfoftome. Buft.chif«it Rainoldes, 3f3 fijolb afbe tohat Fathers fap it of a^foall fin.* Ev'^^if Re- !)arbfojtnjutonamethfm.;asfo?originall:poiiroton ' Canus Be'i'Anfdm' fhetoeth * they all fay tlie contrary.^But ifmanp faib it: vet vou *ern»rd.Erard. ^ ^ ^. V. . Anton.Pan^a*e^ point of Peter,as pou haue bene 10 leane it in p of the virgin.ifo^ elefias Legion, a number of Fathers, cue a toholc' Councell of Bifhops of A- Aftur.Emerit. frica (togithertoithS Cyprian)bCDto^itethatPeterdid' accor- ep!tf8. ding to the Icflons and preceptes of God, in that he propo- ' fcdrnto the difciples the erdeiningof an Apefite in the roeme of *"* to the end they might deale » by common aduife and voice i(^o Of Peters (upremacie. fcetcc tl)erttT.^l2Ilt)erefcje,tf t!Ou l^atw Fathers in fuel) rcgarti, as t'ou p,iCvcnlJ,anD Qo rather foUoio tl)0 confenf of nian^, tljen ♦ chjp.2, ininD ofone (U)i)icl; is * pour otone rule) in rrpofitiou of fcrtp# owif.i. . ^omna(fp®igf^atJ13eier might not haue done that toliicp Chryfoftom feitl; ,he might; t)rttcff£!,pou totU fap, |)Cnugl;fCof'oat,lD^crcofhewas commanded and taught the contrary by God,i3ut,if tljis opinion be fo roofcD in pou, tbat reafon cannot Ui^bc it outrloonbernot at me lu^io, be(ioetl)e fcripturc,l)aueFathersmojet^enpouf)aue, ano tl)erefo^e (bp pour iui)gcment)tl)e crpofition of tbe iFatt)er«. aSEonoer at pour felfetlDl^o tjauing neitlier of t^em Itano againU t^m bott)»Mlon« ber at pour E^octo^tlntio liauiug bnbcrtaken to p^one t^e ^up;e^ niacicbptl)at,tol)ic^Feterdidin the Adesof the Apoltles, telletb tol^at he might haue done by Chryfoitomes fuppofall, ^onber at pour |0ope:tt)l)o builoing on tt)e too^tb, not of (0ob, but of man,anb ftnbing mans founbation ouer-ixiealce to), bot^ not p;actife tbat ln!)tcl) Chryfoilome commenbetb in t^e fact of ^ctcr^but botl) cbsilcnjxs iobtcb ChcyfoAomc tniS[0Ut£tI).'^^ t^e rigl)tofpcter» Hart. 3ifpetert»oalbnott)fel)ifi olone rigl)f,ofmobettie: bis fact bott) not binb tt)c |aope(t)is (ncceifb^)but tl)at ^ map bfi It. Rainoldes. 2Dl)atrefn0etthU not feme, nnlefTeponpteue f too tbingSjtol^ereof neitl)er is true. i©ne,tl)at ttiis foueraintie toas tbe right of ^etcr:an ot|)er,ti^at tlft |2>ope fucceedeth liini in all ^is rtgbt.)lBp tl)e toap,tot)at foeuer pou b^e of l)ts rigl)t; pou graunt tl)at ije bofb not fnccao l)im in modeftic. Hart. 3t is not erpcbient fo? l)im to Oto in euerp tljing as ^0e# Thcles fer bib. But, f!)af lie fucceedeth factor in all l)isri^t; 31 toill rnnH Hi P?ow^tl»">tol)cn3i^uep?oucb5aefersrig^t.^oto,t^attl)tsflj# :i ueraintic toastl® right of peter, ano tl)atl)ci)abasfullpoto£r uiiion. in t^ie ademblies oftlje ^potties,as tt)e p?ince tiatl) in a parla# mentjO? tl)e pope in a CouncelhS. Chryfoftomes too?bcs toere •tapiet.princ. uotallfopjcgnanttjpoutljefirttOffice^ctcs * asS.lcroms are Stia uimer ^P°" fi)cfiftantt),fo p?oucit inuinciblp-ifo?' l)C teacbet^ plain# cpil Auguft. Ip tbat peter toas fbc firlf man toljo gaue tbe fentcnce : toljicl) ' being follotoeo anb app?oueb bp tlje retf,toas ccnclubeo muliitudo. anb publtibeb in tbe name of tbe tobole Councel,botb of tbe btao anb of tbe bobie. * When they,(8itb b^jhad heard Peter,al the multi- Prefbyteti trwii (Iccoav Pctcrpiio Pope in the Adtes of the Apoftles, \6\ DiuifloBt. multitude held their peace :& lanie^ & all the Elders togfthct ^id agree vnto Peters fentence. Rainoldcs. tMIhat tl)U! to the purpoti^ S>ofIj C^H the muU titude held their peaccj pjouc tljC fupicmacp of prtcr i Hart. ^Du aro DtfpofeD to top. p;cDfo i$ in tljo rcff of 5. Icromstoo^Drffjancpoucanfeettjifpoulitt. ^ lames, and all ^rn fentwaam the Elders mgither did agree vnto Peters fentence: ^crcfo^O & ^rter toasfupjemeljcaD. Rainoldes. 3tt oecue 3 fatu not toljenco pou coulo frame a pjoofc.^BearetoithmineouerCght'SDtje filenccof the multi- tude loao fitter Ihiffe fo; tt.if ot all (o^teo of men do hnoto bp ep pertencOj^jmcftsanDCounratiouroinmaftero of^tatc, ijio# bleo anD Commono tn tlie boufeo of ^arlament, Ctttjena ano Snolonfmen in tbetr common allemblte^, onr^tuoento of bm« nerfitieojboth pnbltfielp in connocationa, anD pnuatelp in tbeir collegee: that tie is not alioates abouc the r^ in potoer, lol^rt fentenceal the relt agr^ bnto in confultation.lSnt if pour frenDct M.Hart^hsueDone ponfuch intnrp, that (bpmeaneethepinit son bntimelp beponD fea)pon are become a Itraunger in thtnge of common fenfe, f humamtp,at home:pet pou haue reao (Bl trull) thefiojtpofche Adesjoutof the tnhich pou reafim; anD 0oD l^ath furnilheo pou Inith giftes of boitte auD memo^p to tuDer^ flanDit,anDrementberit.2DeUme,Do pou thinfie, that " Ga- tnalicl the PharifCjthe lOodor of the law'j.whom all the people honored,toae fuperiour in potner to the hie .p;iell, anD Coum cell oftheBletocs, Hart. ^0. Rainoldes. ^ettohen * thehie^^jiell, anD Conncell DtD confiilt to kil the Apoftles;y he aDutfeb them,^ thep fhoulD not doit,anD ^ hawing hearDhun," thep agreed to him. gfa^u^ xver.4a. pjemacic groin not hereof to Gamaliehinhp fliOUlD it to Peter ^ * mio3«- 3fitDotoPeter;tohpnottoGamalieU lethisithe inuincible cray, proofe that pou DID p.:n)mi(ie i When they had heard Peter, they all 4^« ^ the firft authour of the fentencc. USEaberefojeitinasnotma!! Hieron.cpift.ii. lapertneffein Peter to fpe^e before others, altbougb be toere nottbepjefiibentoftbeCoimcell:butinbabcWaldcnfis boasa malapert ffellobo to boucb tbot of peter, anb tfe S Jeroms boo^bs thereto, jfoh that t^ep p;toue not a p^cfibentflbipof peter, zrag£tA&# holy Ghoft toas glnen by Chrift fo the Apoftles all iopnflp. Hart, ^ou (ball not bclpeinetoitbfn^ biffs ssbnfttbeifa? uuc^mj. fbcrs. ifo; otber of fbcm content bcroin toitb Chryfoftome, tbat lames iuas Bidiop of lerufalem. Rainoldes. ij^eitbcrlhifts, noj againft the Fathers: but true bcfenfes in fauour of fbem, ifo;i tbe ^potties, being fent to p;eacbtbe in t^is fojf it Cii07r«j ey- (g jj0 gg r Cyprian, ^ a Bifliop was to be ordci- ned in the roome of ludasj fo bp' Icrome, ^ Peter toas Biihop 6?o'vo^.^ of Antioch; f bp Chryfoftom ^ lames toas Bifliop of lerufalc, »Aa.a.vetf.2o. f it iij0r 0? iiotpef ft)at tolntt)3! fpidtr in befenfe of fcTriuoTTup. chryfofto is claroD bp tjimfclf fro pour ropjocl) of a iliift, jfoj b® Tcrf. 2 5. feitfb^ lames ' was Bi(hop,as they fay.M!)icb tWJbf! they TCjj it?vj?eop fay^iimpozt tbat bo fpabe if on ffjo toojoa of others: moft hfeclp,of TM5 d^raKo- Clemes,fro,tobont -^Eufebius fefclietb it^ut if not totf l)lf anOing vixg Tocvfugf pourcplp^ ChryfoflomaUoiueDtb^t [they fayj ano fuppofcD xMi xTTogo, lames to be a Bilhop piopcrlp; tbon bis inojbs ban® f® ntucb tb® greater importance agatntt pour fupr®macp; feeing tbat tbep rKp.^s.Deor- giucthepnncipaHtieto lames inbrsotDnebioces,'an&fbata- c'm"/udi"c °i'f Peter, l^otebeit, 3 boiH not tabe tbis auuantai^: becaufe cum^ uacpi- nor lames gauetbebefinitiue fern ^Sft'"T o'i'" fpobcn tbeir minoes of tb® matter,'tba cap.i! CouncellotbDefineitanDOecraittoitbcommoninbgnnent 3 fcTTi'CKo# Hart, snb®pbtbtf toitb common iubgement, 3 oenp not, Trocw na/ JButTheodoret^emetb, tbat |3cter as a prince bao a great e^c olcau {>rerogattuetberein aboue tb® reft: pea, gaae oefinitiue fentenc^ 4 f g , to lobftb tb® r®ft confenfeo, anb as it tocre,fubftribeD. ifor b® (in HiiiL Lciet cpiftle iobicb b® tfjote to Leo) affirmetb tbat Paul did runnc Kb.2.c'ap.i. to great Peter, to bring a refolution from him vnto them, who contended at Antioche about the obferuationofth# UweofMofcs. ,De officJjsec Rainoldes. ^ou map cite (if pou lift) S. " Tfidorc fo, for an otber fpeciall prerogatiue of ^eter, as gob as tbts, anb jinmum nornen gronnbcb Itbctoifc on the Aftcs, (tobtcb b® alleagefb to prouc it:) chiftianompcr fo gott, * tbat thc namc of Chtiftians atofc at Antiochc firfl, «rcm"eftes"'or-" thtough the ptcaching of Pctet. 3for tbOHgb b®® b® morebb turrijficut Aftus rcft againffi § frripturejtobi®?) tb®tJ-'®tb tbat ''the name of Chri- tcikntir.""' flians arofe vpon the preaching, notofPeter, butof Paul and «Aa,n.i6. Barnabas : pet ts Theodoret Direct againft it to, bpginingas y proper | peculiar to peter,tobicb toas cojnon to the Apoftles and Elders, yiuboferefolution ^ b®t®asfentfOr.^nDasIfidore femetb io bs«® ou®rlbot btm felfe bp Oip of mcmorie,on fo great A Pcter^jfio Pope in the A<5tes ofthc Apoftles. 165 S?.' afan2r(p0r?)aps) totoarocs m lihe fo^ Theodorct^fes: feing to get t^cfauour of Leo ijtf^op of Konic(U)!)orc fjelp l)c ftooc in nc PC of,)i)io feme l)tsi otono caufe,in raping,ttjaf Paulrannc to great Peter, fo he migljt run much more to great Leo. toojos to fjviue iCfueo out from tljat l)umo.i: l^io comment tarici; oHt^e^crtpture£((U)^erel)e fougfjt tpefruct§,anDfoIotu? eu tlje tert)tl^ctDC. ifoj tijereinfjc (ait!) of Barnabas ano^aul, =» tpat they ran[not to great peter]but to the great Apoftles, ain«pift.adca anO ^ had a rcfolution from them of the queition about the iat.cap.i' kcping of the law.i^otobeit if Theodorets too?DStnto Leo fuf crdft af^hei? fercD no erceptio: the molt Inercjtljat ^Dcter pjonounceh tl^e Defile nitiue fentence,as ]B?efiDent;not gaue it, as prince. 215ut ttie Scripturc it felfe (bp tt)e rule toljereof his too.fties mutt be trpeb) maheth no mo^e fo? Peters ^?eltbent(hippe thenfo? lames: anO tDhofoeusr tnere ^?etti)ent,it Ihefuetlj that neither lames, no? Peter,but the Councel gauc the Definitiue fentence. ^0 tnell if p?oueth that, tohich pou bnbertajfec to p?oue concerning Peter: that he had as ful power in the aflemblies of the Apoftles, as the Prince hath in a parlamcnt, pea, or the pope in a Coun- cell. Harte, 3tp?oueththafttjcl4nough.(thoughnof fo pou:)chtef# Therhin^ Ip if other places thereof be toaieo boithall. Jfo? the ttngular po^ toer of'Pcterisocclareoairobp^.lBaul in that he faith fafh® (Salatians, Then after three yearcs I came to Icruf^cm to <= caLi.it. fee Peter,and taricd with him fifteene daycs. Rainoldcs. The lingular power of Peter ;3(ntohlcfltoo?t>Sf 5Bp inhat reafon i 55ecaufe l^e went to lerufalcm to lee him i ^Djbecaufehetoentafterthreeycarcsf % becaufehce flayed with him fifteene dayes f Hart. SHhe reafon confitteth * in,that tohich Panic bio, f the caufe fo? tohich f if i^* iF® ^ 5c c» leru/a/e to fee Pf rer.OThpf do«?ir<'«, j. bat to do him honour,as ^ Icrom faith in h« Commentaries: anu in an epittle to Auflin, Peter was, (faith he) of fo great au. thoritic, that Panic wrote, Then after three yeares, anO lb fo?th. e Bjpift.ij. inter ^nb c Chryfoflomc; Becaufc Tctcr (faith he) was the mouth of the Apoftles, the chicfc, and top of thccompany: there- miUy," fore Paule^ent vp tofee kim^howe the reft . Bccaufe it was meet,faith ^ Ambrofc,thatheflioulddcfireco/?fTBffr,vnto gCommentia whom our Sauiowr had committed the charge of Churches, ep.ad c^c)?,, iL 3 «5lhich I itVom. ofPeters fuprcmacie, alfo ^ Tcrtullian afftrmet^,tl)at hc did ofductie and J Commcnt-iti right.^OiOtljcrtoife ' Thcodorct;hegaue,fatt^|)c, that ho- kr''^F*'-^^S to the prince of the Apoftles , which it was fitte hee horn. iT ' (hould.^eitcs It ^ Gregory Doubfcti) not to fa^,t^at, i^DebaptiGn Paulc thc Apoftle was thcyoDgcr brotlicr: ;3nDS, ' Auftin, ^omr.Dor.au . Apoftlc made aftct Pcter-.toho »w:eoucr,t|)at the pri- macic of the Apoftles is confpicuous and preeminent, with excellent grace in Peter^ Rainoldes. ^ou b?mg tti lutfneffefi not neccffhrie, fo p;toi« o ^ DemeD.iroj,tf)at Paule toao as Apoftle,in tune after UoloSiCuiSalu. P^r,anb fa pisyonger brother,as Gregory, Auftin, anb * ator dciegaae- Ambrolc fepttljat l)t t»f" Pettr for honor and reuerencc fiarum.a£fle- tDl)irl)I)ebaretoptm,a0tt tsinleromjChrvfoftomc anb The- rom,Honflris ©dorct; ttjat fecbtO tblS ofduetie and right; in^t right and Sefcte'dH duetie/ " of the fame faith and preaching of thc gofpell, to a Ex officio & liis concojb Inttb t)un,tDl)tcb is tlje meaning of Tertullian; alit^istoill a graunt pou; fcriptures teacfj as mncl>} dicatianit &c. iDljat nabe tlje if atfjers to pjoue ttf m*Gh.i.i7 & pou graunt all tfjatjtu^ich 3 alleageb out of ».». " ifatliers/thenU)tllpoagranttl)at|ajotcaantsareman error. anb t^ tni^ is ours.ifo> tljcpauouch plamelp thcprimacie of Peter,anb call ljunjthe mouth,the prince,thc toppe of thc ^oftles. Rainoldes. aias,poti toere agreeeb (me f^iongf}f)to go t^ougfj foitl) ttie fcripture firif, f aftetluarb come to t^e if at!)ct«,3| toiue t^eptotUgiuepoufmallcaure of triumphing ouer ttje pri- teltants,bDh<^" nott fhall b;tng their forces outtnto the fielo, anb (be totth tbh^ ih^^ ioine,lb^ pou,o;t loith bs. ^ut of the reS them^ob) 31 graunt pou fo much^as both conceme the point, fo; pnofetohereofpoucitebthemmamelp, Paulc went to fee Peter for a rcucrentrefpcd and honor of his perfon. liBut 3( bcnp the argument,tohich pow i«^^ fh^'Mf > fh^f Peter had therefore a fihgular powcr,b3hcrebp pou meane thc fuprema- cie.^ouChoulbhauelaib the Fathers (ifpoutooulbneEbes bc« (fob) them) on this b}hirhu!benicb,not on that lohich uc granm t^.lBut t^ is the tbo^lb.dpen loill rather gine to the rich, b)ho neeb not,then to the pa):e Inho neeb. Hart. 31 thought pou loonlD rather ^me benieb that, then thisifo^ thi^ is cleere of it (blfe; anb necbeth no p^itofe. com^ mon Paulc went to leruulem to lee Peter. 167 Diuili"" 3- mon tifc of men fl^ctoetl) tt.ifoj tfje? gtue Ijono,: ano reaerence to tl)cm,tn to^om tlje? acfenotoleogc a fuperiojtftei Rainoldes. perl)ap£(,a fuperio?ittc: pet not a fup?ema* tie. Hart. 3|f Tctcr toere Paulcs fupertoj in potoer: ffje fap?6# macteiop^ouei). Rainoldes. gfin potocr:pou fap fometuljat. SCfjouglj ne« uerfpeIeircf)emig!)tbefuUi)ieinpoU)er,ano pet come of pour fup?cmacie.^5tit !)e tnas fuperio^ to !)im in fome tljingo els, anonotinpoVuer. Hart. gLljat Ije Inas fuperioj to ijim in potoer:3( pjoue.S. Pc- ter ^no; giuen to l^im of Paulc:tt)crefo;e ifc Utas in poloer abonel^im. Rainoldes. CuiU nctnesfo? Ijufbanbes, tljat fjanc m.Pet^?. C^jctoes to ttieir toiueSjif ttjis argument be gooo. if o?" tljep are commaunb^ to giue honor to the woman as to the weaker vcflclhtDbetsof ( bp pour 3logic!{e)t|jeUjiaes map tlaime au# t|^o>itie ano poluer aboue ttieir ^utbanoes. ^.l|Beter fain notttiis confequence:I)e DiDnottI)intteoni)isfttp;iemacie. ifo? al^ugi) ^ teach,ti)at the huf band thoulD giue honor to his wife, pet he calleth the l»ife the weaker veffelljnot the ttronger: ano ° he®'-^« » *» commanoethwiucs tobefubiefttotheirhufbands, that is,to beinfcrio?(31trotD)inpotoerljntothem. Mhich ^ paule notefhalfomo?eeirp^eflieIp,tDhen he faith, the woman ought to haue power vpon her head. Hart, SDhis anftnere 00th not toeaken the Ifrcngfh of mine argument, ifo.t the name rfhonor,tDhen hufbanocs are com- inanoeo to giue it to their iuiues,is taken ii^?operIp. I5nt ho^ nor, as 31 take it,as Paulc gaue it to Pcterjis bfco in his proper Cenfe:toCgni6ea reuerence,thctDhich an inferio? Doth otoe to a fuperioj,a fubted to him ^at is in poiuer aboue him. Rainoldes. SDhe honor toljich hufbands are faouno to giue ▼nto their wiues,as to the weaker veflels.Doth figniSe an ho? neft care ano rcgaro of bearing toith their boeakcnes, p;jouioing foj their iuanteSjanoihetoing all hufbanolp loue ano ouetieto them. ^udj a rtticrntcc as pou mcntion it ootf; not figntke, 3| graunt:pct oothit 0gntfie a reuerence tohiclj is impUdJin tlje loue ano ouetie that tpcir hufbanos oiue them. 1S. Paulc faith to Timothcc:honor the widowes,which are widowcs in deedc. 31 4 3^8 /• DiuTjt 1^8 OfPctcrs Suprcmacic. i8emcanctl) tjjat ttjc^ fl^outo be cljaritabli? relteiicb : but ttjiei m rtefei£inoreafon,toI);gt^epfl)oulDttot reuerentlg bee regarbea tea, if 0^ ^ou are becctuebaf ^ou tljintie, tijat none are bouno to reuerencc ott)er£i,but onel^ ftie inferiors t^eir fuperiojei in poioer* jMariinid b nature it felfe, tljata reuerencc turpuero rcue- isduetoeuergffateof men: ''to childrcn,tiiif^anl^abf!)atnfl rcntia. luuenai. pntjauett f|iing be bone in tljeir p.jcfcnce,bccaufe t^eir tenbernes 6 Magn^'fiiit w p;one to learne it; ' to old men,tDitl^ an ^ono.J,in refpect of quondam capi- tl)eiriDitebome,tl[)eircrperience,tl)eir granitic, to^eretoit^ tl^e canbouidlFa- ^"nt to bc accompanieb;" to all,but chiefly to nor.iib. t.' the belt,toit^ a mobett account of tlieir goob opinion,anb an fyif qwdaSucren appjoucb of ttjem. saitjcrefojc if pour argument tia aducrfus bo Itanb bpont^e proper 0gnitccation of honounpou l^all pero S"c"uTusfuc^' fi^lfejt^t itcan neuerpjoue a ftipj^acie of potoer» & reliauorum. ifoj honour,is an outtoarbpjofeffion anbtettimonieof a reue# .cic.offec.ub. I. rgnf opinion,tirt)icl) toe tiaue conceiueb of fome feinb of epcellen- ciein^imtotol)omtoegiuett.^o,t|iect)tefe0 liono^to bue bm nReu.7.ji. " (IDob,t^e fattier of lig^teSjtlje fountaineof all eycellencie; anb after ^im to men,in (eueralf b^rees,acco^bing to tlicir feue^ ralleltatesanbgifteoof etcellencie totieretoitl^ ttjc Lo^b i)a^ a i.Pet.j.i7. blelfcb tijem:to ^ the king, as ^ preeminent,ano " all ttjaf cretCiIi goncrne bnbcr l)im; to the minifters of the gofpel,tl)e moje, l.Tim.d.i. tljc better tljep bo tijeirbnetis', to ' tljem to'^om nature molt fathers anb mothers J to ^ the aged, s the cExod.2o»iz. wife, h thevertuous, ' thclearned:inatoo,Jb to ^ all men ; Jjut cljiefelp ' tothefaithfull , as members of the bodie of ■ Chriit,none fo bafc but batl; an crcellencte, tlje erccUcncie of a i^Aa^5.34.^ Cb^iftian.iJnb Ijerebp appearetp tlje toeahencsof pour argu< 1 co'aj.iI' ment:tl)at Paule was inferior to Peter in power, becaufe hee m i.Kins.i.i?. gaue him honour,^ib not Salomon in bis maicftic giuc ljc< noj to bis motbcr; anb toas not be t|jcUing,anblbca fiibiert to nRom.i2.io, J oQj jjjj taugj)t " to go one before an other in gi- uing honour,as tocll the ricb as tbe poije, as tocll tlje bigb as tl)« * SMplct princi. lotocfcSUbatapjoubanb arrogant minb bab * tbatbobie (bn# pior.doarin.iib. iclTe !)is uunb anb touguc biffeuteb) tobo tbougljt tljadbcc nmtt o sTci^ceie- to HO man,but to tljcm onlp tbat are in potocr aboue mon .fana. bim.^Belike tbis biuinitie toas learncb out of tbat chapter of tbc ub!iAt\!u bookeofCercmonies(tobicb3itoucbeOafoje) ° tbat the Pope doth do reuerence to no man,of duetie and right;fo^ tben be is Paule did rciierencc and honour Peter. 169 it afrato leaCt it Qjoulo be ttfut Tome man is m potner s* boueljun.^et p intl)eCam0biDfte(tofeea0ooDnature)iM0reaD8 pnVi.reft.ii. tljat * he did honourfriderickc the Empcrour; in fo much ^ that he placed him next vntohimfclfeaboueall the Cardi- nallcs •, anb ' the place in which the Emperour did fit, was no lower thea the place,where the Tope did holde his feete. "rl* ^otoe,thercateoft^c(lI;m{)eroarDccIaretI),t^t tl^^ope iuas cutavenoa ahi- aboue^tmm potoer: anb^et |0ope ^ bib honour him.^r=J«^»=;;^» ;- paule tt)erefo;ie migljt l^nebee^ aboue peter in potner^tbougl^ rator,quam y bi bib Ijonour peter. honour, which hce gaue to Peter,bootl) ff r&e no Itrofeefo? the fup;icmacie. OThcre- a Hnnorauir, fojeponmaBbimilEeitasacotxiarboutoftljefielb , not flj^t ^ popeo battaileo . SDoth not tijio mine anftoere touch men grauitzte Chonour]takcnproperly?^jtoiUpott fet the (Emperour aboue the pope in polnery io it a lie that the pope bib hbno; //art. ^ou friumph oner me at euer^ fmall occaHon, as though T?btth^ a conqueS. 15ut pou fee not pour otxme abi> furbitteo anb follieo. ^ou fpake ere-tohiio of the ^poltleo, as squall in poboennotopoufpeaHe of paule, ao ifhee Inere aboue peter, like a pope aboue an (Emperour. ^nb 3| bib frame mp reafon out of the ^criptureo anb ^atheretanb pou bo b^ing the booke of Ceremonies to kill it. Mill pn fubbue bs tuith fnch faiarriours? Rainoldcs. 3(fooulbfainetriumph, not oucr you, but oner ^ourerrours^ifjcoulD.Chettrengthofmpcaufeanb balure of inpp;i£Dfcs maketh me the ch^rrfullcr in bealing toiththcba« 5 ftarbes, tnhich ?ou fet againft them, spp fojmcr toojbcs, of the Apoftles as being equall in power, agraioelltDifhthere of Pe« ter anb Panic, if o^ 3 fap not, that Panic ioas aboue Peter, but that he might hauc bene aboue him in power, foj all the hO'' ciar-ccreni.'iib. nourliJhichh^03uohim. ;anb this is fufficient toouerthiotoe cc& u tour realbn. HBut if mp erample of tiic Pope anb Emperour bib I Cirdinalcj caufe pou to jntlfake me : pou ma^ take an other anb fitter foi '! fpurpofCjtheColledgeApottalike.^ as *5 the pope both rail nuto fummam them, 3 meane the Cardinalles of Rome. Mto, though Pjeg • ' X. ' f .5 _ ; . • rcntiarrtltanap, be tn.lfates, o?bers, anb Ituings,one aboue an other: pet ' m ftden Peter and Paul cquail in power. 171 Diuiiion.)* t^c otic ma9c6rft,tl)eotf>erlatt. S.lerome: ioijopattct^ equaIitiebetw-ccnethem,fpougl) PauleDiofjonour!jtm, 'as c»p.l. an Apoftle before him. S. " Chryfoftomcztoljop^onoancctl) t^t/'aulc(tofaynotnorcofhim) was'Peters pcere in dtg- Gal.cap I. nitic. S. * Ambroic: Ui^ gtactil a priniacy to them both,anQ ^ , tl)at Paule was cuen fuch an other as Peter. S. y A uhin; y Exp^ffci^pift!' to^o Declarctti their authoritie to haue beene equallj aiiD tljat, aiiGiaic-cap.!, forPauleshonor, what he wantethinfiw^, is fupplied by Chrilfes£loty, in that he made him an Apoftle,not(as the reit) vpon the earth, but when heraigned now in maieftie. ^no rt)ttt0£e arc tD;tUen bp ttje fame ifafItcr0,tDbof^ tuo;be£i,t0U!> C^g the honour that Paule gauc to Teter, pour * SDocto^ct^ * Stiplet. prine* te^inabcaurolc, asfljougljtntfjctriuDgcmcnf Pauleacbnotoc letigcb peter bis fup^cme beab tberebp. pou map per; cetue botb becettfull Dealing, tbat alleagetb tb^ir tooiDes, as Usttftig one aboue tbe otber, tul^ in erp^eCTe too^os Doi mahe one equal! to tbe otber: anb ponr erpofiitions botn tumpetbep nmte foitb tbe fathers, Inbo gatbereb an equalitie of peter anb paul bl? tbe epitle to tbe dDalatians, tnbence pou conclube |aetf rs fu; pjemacpouer^Baule. Hart, tbe Ifatbers all agr® toitb one content of ^Beters fttp?emac^: it (balibe ^etoeb bereafter. Jis fo;^ tbe circomlfance ti^icb^ obferueboutoftbem toncbtng tbe fact ofpaule,^wheti hevfent tofie Peter, he went of reuerence to honour him : 3| bCB tiot account fo greatly tbereof,as of tbe fact if relfe;no? brge 31 tbe ifafbers fo mucb obferuing tbat,as tbe r^o?t of tbis mabe bp tbe J>cripturcs.ifo;tbet?fetitfo?tb)tpitblbliuelp toojoes , as if if toerc of pnrpofe to paint out peters p^imacie. * Then after thre ♦ o»Li.it, •yearcs I went to Ieru{alem(fai£b Paule) to fee Peter and faded with him fifteene dales.^ailtebistoo^bS,3! p^ap,anb f® tobaf loeigbf tbOT? car? toifb fbemA^e went to lcrufalem,fo farre, fo Iongaioumep;anbbetocntnottoitbttanbmg las great affaires ecclcgaltical; anb he went to fee Pcter,nof in tbe bulgar maner, but(as Chryfoftom notetb tbat tlje* (i5r^c toojb impoj; fCtb)to behold him,as men behold a thingorpcrfon of name ^ cxcellencie and maieftie. ^either bib be go onelp to fee bim;but *\s(>mCxu he abode with him alfo,fo Sll bim felfe toifb a perfif bicioc of bl|®> wouldncucrcount himagood fhooma- kcr, who would put a great Ihoo vpon a fmall foote.^cu plap tfie €)?ato?,M, Wart, toitl) pour ampltficattono: ano tljat in fuc^ fojt, as pou paCTe the (hoomaker of Agefilaus.^ ifo; pou Do not onlpputagreatfl^ojljponafmallfcDfe: but pou ttrctcb tfje lea# tbertoitljpcurtatbtta. ^nDpettoljcnpou baue toaricD pour felfc tuitbftrctcljtng it: pou Ml bauettretcljeB it inbaine, ifoj tbougl) pour C^CD bet© great fo,i the primacy of Peter, pet Ml it be t© fmall foj the fupremacy of the Pope. Hart, mt fpeake not of tlje pope noto, but of peter, TOljp ftrap pou from tpc point i Rainoldes. 3Q tlioug^t tljep i)aD b©ne tilings botfi of one na« ture, ano Differing in name onlp. But 31 toill fpeabc of peter, 0nD t|iatpoumapri^tbattbe0i©l]oliicl) pou maoe is t© great fo? bis f©te: 31 ioill Ibrto it bp a plaine oemonttration to tbe epe, 2Dbstnotber of our ^auiour, tbe bleffeo birgin ^arie, is calleD) ^Luc.i.ver.iS. in tbe fctipture, bleffed among women : tbat is (as 31 inter# pjet it after tbe l^ebme pb?ofe) the moll bleffed of women, ^b^ tbinhe pou of ber i Mas tbere anp Mmati in ber time a# bone ber,, in anp tbing of name, of ercelleneie ano maieftie f Hart. ^boueberfnoj after i^r, 1,^^ .55. Rainoldes. ^etlb^ Men the holy Ghoft Ms come vpon her nobD,anD the power of the highcftbsbaOuerffadow- cver.j#. cdher, wentinto the hill countrywithhalltoaciticoflu- dver.40. da,notonlptor©,bufairo ''fo falutehercoofinElifabet. ^nD e vcr.41. ^ her falutation tuas fucbj tbat tuben Elifabet great toitb cbilb DiD heareit: the babefprangin her belly., and ihe was filled with the holie Ghoft,. 3^eitber DID lb® ohlp goe to falute ber; fvcr.j^.- but ftaried with her alfo: aiiD tbat Up common tii^butabout three moneths; three moneths, a great time, cbiefip fo;: a Ibo# man, tobicb toas conceaudj toitb cbM.^f pou tenoereB notthc blefled virgins bono? mojetbenpouD© Paules ; pour J^bet^' rike, tbat Dep;effetb Faule beneatb Peter, booulo mucb nto?e De# Paul flayed with Peter fiftcene dayes. 173 St.' bafe t)rr bencatb Elifabet. ^oz toaef coofin to Elifabet aaojbinatofljeflcd^: Tauletoaff/'ctcrs brother acco,«)mg to ttjE fptnite, * a narcrhtnncjfffratfEr bono of amifioanDiJuci tic.&b® tocntal)arDerioumep, into the hill countric: Paule aplcafanfErtoIerulaIem;tobit!jErfomE0tl}Er caurc0img!)f aU lure htm alfo* S>h® ^30 a woman, bocaker of boDte, aiiD migl^ abtiap toith trauell tDo;fc: Paulo a man, Ifrong, cjrcrrifcb toith topUoanbtroubles* feh^toait thither in hall: Paule, after three yccres. Paule tocut to fee Peter: lha to falute Elifabet* ^crialutationbuasfohcauenlp, that the babes faoi)te,f the mo# thersfpiritfdtit: nottHngistojittenof panles feeing Peter, but onlp that hefabo hinr. ^h^ftaieo imth her ctnlut about three moneths: Paul abobe bbith Peter no mo.:e then fiftccne daies* ^ct Paule,as an Apottle,might be anb Cap anp buhcre: the btr# gin,as 5 a maide betrothed to a man, hab greater caufc to fe^e s home, chieflp being boith chitot!' Mherrfo^e if Peter boere abotts Taulc in erreUcntp anb maieftie, becanfc he did goe to lerufa- lem to fee him,and flayed with him fifteen daies: bbhat might ' Elifabet be abouc the blelfed virgin, bbhieh went into the hill countrietofalutehci, and abode with her about three mo> ncths / Hart. ^But there is moje in the fiftane bapes oPPauls abobeboith Pcter,then in the th.:s moneths of Maries bbith Cli* fabet. Rainoldcs. ^o^e^t22lhaf isthat? //art, sparrpthereisampffcrie (asS.Ieromethebbefh) ut the number of bapes bohirh bib fpenb bbith hiin- Rainoldcs. ^outommcnbebthehuely wordes of^ ferf: f noboe from them pou flit to lerorae.SChep be myfteries,3| fe, that mult fet a helping haub to pour fnpjcmacp: the literall ftnfs offcripture toill bo nothing fo^j it. iSut boljat is the myftcrief Hart. S. h lerome (in an cpiltle, bohich cbmmonlp is pzin#}? teb in the beginning of the Bible, becaufc it intrcateth of alt the epifHi bfflbcs ofholpfcripfurcs) falling into mention of Paule how hee '°J' ftaicd with Peter fifteene dayes, both giue this reaflm of it: hac tnim myfterio hebdamadis & o^eiaadisfutHrHsgcnliHmpraiiicator in- ^Hcndus erat; for by this myftcric of the number offcHtn and «^k,he who Ihuld become the preacher of the Gentiles,was to be inftruflcd. Rainoldcs*- CTaafH 4" iJiiiifion 3. 174 Of Peters Supremacic. Rainoldes. ;ailO loljat DiD SJcromc mcane bf this myfte- rie of the number of feuen and eight, tohfch DiuiDeth ttjoft fifteenedayesintof lpoiDtoas|3auls C3!p;a^) tobeuittrudea 1 Maximus Pa- iti Hart. 3Lobe ^oti fo fijaf. SCtjofe are I^t5 otone toojos: tefjere# M in ep ill,ad One Jrientalestapud , _ - . ,. , , n ■ Turrccremacara in ?ou pane as muclj erp^effeo, as 3 faiu: tfjaf if is a myiteric. ileVriib^lcap.' Rainoldes. IBut it is lifec to be a myReric it be not er- *07. ■" ' pcunbeo : anb toee ftjalUofet^chernelbbnlelletlje nutbebjo# a Pcrrnvfticum i>eWoadii & oftoadis nume- Hart. ; ©aijaf Do pou thinbe S, icrom meant fa]? it? TcftamMtiV Rainoldes. 3| bnoto not,3! alTure ^ouibnleffe tjc meant, as mulct nouididi- one,(3| knoto nottl)ema,buf tpep name htm' father Maximus) turn erponnbeth it,tl)at i^aule went to learne of ycterjanb remaineb i ci.i.it. imth him as it iucre in a ^cheolc a certaine number ofbaies. /4- idCai'cafaith Viulc,jifieenedaies. '■ By the myfticall num> 5?.ot\i)« i>e bcr of/?«« and f»^i?t,hc learned both the oldc and the ncwc mtgbt learnt TeRament. StttrSttit Hart. 0nb toh^f b« fa^ offhw erpoKtion? ijemtjbttn- Rainoldcs.35 fat] that father Maximus bib DoatetDhrhomafiC SToMttSr' ii'ifo;bpthisreafon?9aulelh0ulD haue learneb thegofptUof boDtip«E(iuatn'. i^etentohit^fho Scripture ben^cthiP.iotefting,' that he nci- ^i^or recciued it of man,neither was taught it,but by the re- piacc.ant) aa uclation of Icfus ChriR.^nb if)?ou beGre canblelight at none baie to hoipe thcbiightnosof the ^unne thining in his ftregth: poa map knotJD that the ifathers, ^ Auflin,ChryfoRomc,A.m- brofc,Thcodorct,lcrom,anb othcrs,affirme t^ fame pje^ cifclp,thaf Paule came to Peter,not tolcarncofhim,butofa reuerencc,andloue,tobe acquainteb tnith him-^sfo? Icrom, toho f^^(in the cpiRlc iuhich pou mention)to thinkc other# !. tiitb,agatnft the fcripture i him fclfc: no maruaile,if fomctimes n wcrTn.prat- he lutt ouf of ^ toap tljiougha libiitg of allegories,as a great rca# faucommcat. ber f folotoer of Origcn, * toho hanbleb the fcnptures to liccnti# Jhet. ouflp,):6 toabjing mpRical fenles." l^imfeire,tohe he teas groton i in xdoiefcea- fo fae oftiipcriubg?mff,acknotolebgeb an ouerGghtOf his' youth rM^ftlcosin- heecin:conffiring,th3t(by trauailingafter ^ myflicallfenfes j teiieaus. hcraflily folowed ' allegories, in expounding a Prophet, whofelitterall fenfehc vnderRood not. diAm prophc - //an, Mhaf foeucr if tocrc tljat s.icrom meant,he meant Bd'iicS" ^ P^togatiue of peter oucr 5Bau3e;tohich pou map not auoib ei- ther Aullin, fo tilt reft,to (the ef« ftct,(n their commentaries cntheepiftle to the GalAtians. tn rbeophy lAaus,anh Occumeiiius. Paule,neither taught nor autoriled by Peter. 175 Son?. ft)er |)t£! youth,oj b? ati allcgorie.ifo:,!j0 gauc fljc libc pjcro gat:u3(ol3eter,\i)itboutanallcgo:te,mbtsoUieage, bpou ttfc ntanifefttoO;tOClSOfl'aule: ° fwentvp faith Paule ,ro fem/altm oGil.i.i, hyreutUtioH and conferred'd/tt'h them the (jefpell y whichf preach a- menj the Qentilesxhat particnlarly Vftth them that were the tbiefe^ leafi perhaps 1 pHldrun,er had rmin .Taul,faitb ^ Icrom,had not had fecuritie of preaching the Gofpeljvnlefle it had bene approued by the fentence of Peter , and of the reft, that ^p.Augjft. were with him. Rainoldcs. ^ou art toonfto la^ it bnto our cl)arge,t|)at iue bifcouer tbcnabconeooftljciFatljerif. 3nDace, pouarettjep, tofjocntreatetfjem fo.jpiai?,t?ouconotoncl^Difcouer ttjcir na^ feeoncsjbut ^ou blafc it oat,anti pjaifc tlje bcautio of tt)cir blcmi# fbe£(,anD tijinbe tijem belt clao tob^rc tl^p art nabeb nrolt. ifoj ti^at a fpacb is ^is,U)bicl) pou allcage of reroni,tt)at Paule had not had fecuritie of preaching the GofpelUvnlefle 'Peter had approued it.21S:ltwtf Mas bscallebb^ 'i God to preach the q oai.i.rer.i^ Golpell , awj DurltbenotDoit,£r«pfnicnbiD liheitf ^nt» tbbfh Chrift bab taugbt it binr by reuclation toas bc not fure vwiliise ofrtjbut b^ conference toitb Peter f^nobati be p;rsacbeD it ® al# Gai.j.Ycr.i.' mott tiventie ^eares,anD boas bo nobo afraio IsaS boo bab p^oa^ cbobfalfei^. Hart. S.Icrom faitb not forbut tbat he had not had fecu- ritie of preaching it,vnlefle it had bene approued by the reft, with whom he did confer of it, Rainoldes. S. Icromlaith notforbutthathe had not had fecuritie.2DbenS.Ierom faith fojin tbat he faith not fo : anO tou bnfa? in one booiD,tbat lubicb ^ou fa^ in an otber.ifo? bobat is it elfc not to haue fecuritie of preaching the Gofpcll.-tben to be afraio either of bis ooctrine, t^t it is not true j o.j of bis fact, tbat it is not laUjfullf Hart. Mbpootb ' tbefcripture tbenrepojt of S. Paule tbat i he conferred with thcm,leaftneflrould rurine,or had runne in vaine. Rainoldes. 5Becauftmanp Cb^iftians,t»bont Paule baO p;eacbeo tbe (©ofpell too,began to be fcouceo bp falfe ^Ipoftles of tbcJobDCS: " bobofaugbftbontjtbatexceptthcykeptthe law , of Mofes,they could not be faucd.^no to boinne creOit to tbeir «c*5.». Iieref (call ooctrine.tbat tbe bearers migbt receiue it tbe fooner fo? < tbe / K i.Cor.ti.j. jr Rom.i.i;. tlje auftio^itic of tlie fcacljersttljep faio,if teas f Ije tiortrinc of Pe- terjanDchereftjthe chieteoftheApoftks, the pillars oft|)0 Cljurclj.^s foj Paule,tD^o faugljt flic contraric ttjcreof; tlje^ otC' graceo ao one t^at Inao eiept into tlje ^poQlcO^ip after tW; anDl)aumgIearneotl)egorpelloft^cm,iD|)tet) ^epjeacIjeD , ^ef OtflitnteD fro fliem tit t^e pteacljing of it.fp^cljeo of feDu- cer$>tf tliep t;ao beletueo^Ut^om jaaule eittjer (Iboulo o; tiao alrea^ Dicpjeac^eDf^e(iI5orpeUbnto: " tljcn C^outo flj^ liaue fallen away with mindes corrupted from the fimplicitie, that is in ChriH:,am> faille Ijaue lott ^is ia!)OJ,an0 run nc in vaine, a0 ^C« fpealjeti),tf)atwtora?,toifl)oufpn» an^ittleto;iittento S.Auftin; againtt tobom, to iuttifie bis opinion, (tbougb falfe,) tbat Peters fault at Antioche was no fault in deede,nor Paule reproued him in earncft,bc faitb, fo: tbe crebit of one aboue tbe otber, Paule had not had fecuritie of preaching the Golpell, vnlefTe that Peter had approucdit. Mbcrefojc 3 map iuttlp fpeafee in bis ercufe (at tbe leatt, to tof# X- fen tbe barbnes of bis fpacb) tbe tame iubieb ^ laibin ep 7inSgxA\' CurcofGregorie,tbatniswordeswerevttcred * not byway ay do(5trine,but of contention; ratbcr to maintaine bis qnarell ■ againftAultin,tbenfobelinerbisiHbgemetof§matter}astoji# ttnu te^.t.ver,i. ^ rer.ia, cGaLi.i. a Inepift.tci CaLcap.i.2< 3, eDePetrorepre ■ ^ henroaPaulo. in Epift.ii.inter cpift.Au^u& * i Aovfia Pauletaught,&auton(ed^(as Peter)by God. 177 Diuilioa ting of affection maee tuljat ps tpen ofoiCcrction Ijj t^ug^t. t!!t20[)ereof£^cre appear0t|) as it tuere a peitit tueit in I)i£ioinnetD3ji3es.iFo^lj2i3otl)mentton /'etcrbpnain0,(ofto'pi!nT ^eotbconienDioitb Aullin,)anonon0cfti^c rcff : iuijereasiije 11 >: ^criptu V c nametl) no moerdjp to maUe t|)e Omplc reaper to cottceaue,tI)af peter teas as •cptpofe. fetelpas * ^etoixj^om ^ t^ttemietsPteD4Paulew^enttole- p^^i^anut'r rufalem ^ from t^ccitic of Damafeus; twt mmif abcue a l)uiu ' piftiib s.ad miles.^ou Cap ^e iuent, fo farrc, fo long a iourncy : as PonTiS tftougll it bene no leffe tljen Ijence to go to tl^ court of Home, waxitnim. l]Dl)tcb * Btlbopsooto t]^pope,not of tbctr otone acco;o (as • cerIn ppif- Paulc,)bat enfojceo t^eto bp folcmne oth; not ttoife in fcuem copiJ.extkae t^epeares(asPaulc, ) but cucryycare once,by them felucs, or by their mcffcngcrSjvnIefle the Pope diipcnfe with thcm» lorum (ingulis I5utofalltI)erclt,t|dtpafletl),tbatpoutapl)ccU)cnt to 3ierufe? aanispermc i^jn-to Ieepeter,notwithftanding his great affaires ecclefiafti- ■unuwifiu- call.i^ere boas art,bp tlje Ujap,to ^etD,tl)at il5il^cps map neglect l>o,ni/i eorum tbeir obon charge to go to fee the pope, bnoer the colo? of Pauls ienrikfic me erample.ano to hibc this art,tt boas an other point of art;if it ba Deu, adiuuet & bnotDn,it is nought boojth ♦ ifo? bohat boere theft great af- ii^res ecclefialticall , bohich paule cmitteo to fee peter; 1 ^Fo^fcoth, ' at Damafcus the lewes laie in waite, anO watched the gates of the citie day and night that they might kill him; in fo much that he boas faine to be conueied away by the wall in the night time, the difciples letting him downeinabaf- ket} anO fo he fcaped to leruCalem, %^efe are the affaires,the great affaires ecclefiailicall, theboljich notbDithftanlJing,Paulc boent from Damafcus to lerufalem to fee Peter. iMhrrein, ha too a reuerent regaro to the fupxemacp of peter, as pou Cap: as * Creg.Mirtin 8 frftuO of pours faith, hr boent in pilgrimage to Peter.S2lhe'» <« out fiher of pou applieth the place to better purpofc, ano fitter fo;i the Je«S;^°oa. tcfi* ^ ^ Queftiou. 15ut in thebo it Cometh to make mo^ fo;i pilgrimage, t^n fo? the fup:emacp. Hart. $5ee, bohat bD?ong pen ocd to that leameb man ♦ Pee ftiith, that when went to fee Teter, he made a certaine pil- grimage: ano pou repo?t him to haue faio, that he went in pil- grimage. Rainoldes. Hee made a certaine pilgrimage: 3 crpe pou mercp.31 thought ho boculD haue pioueo that kinoc of pilgrimage tohich our Church repjoueth: ano fo he meant to o©; at leaft,he p?^noeD it. ffiut, inp?ouingit, ho oalieth (lifeea^ophiftor) boith a certaine pilgrimage, fuch as cur Church allobooth. ^ou mightasboellfap, ^at 31 canto from Oxford in pilgrimage to jou; in a certaine pilgrimage, ^noho boas ouorfteno, t&ta# mongH Peter, no Pope in the A6tes of the Apoftles, 179 tnongft examples of pilgnimajje in fcrtpf are, |ie did not mention *" lacob ;to^raittjtt)at!;e fpenf life time in pilgrimage; imGen^TA 12ea,anQ t|K^t bis fathers fpent in their pilgrimages longer time ^en^e. IBatin^afibeuerl^ciiitpefaaof PauleJiatljfo^ acer- tainc pilgrimage^ in t^at he went to fee Peter; it IjatJ) no ll^eU) atallfoj fetersfapjcmacp. i^a^,ti)etD!)oleDifcourieof Paulc tn tjpat point, Dtot^ o;iue Qat againU it: ao it i;at^ appeareo (in' chtp.{. *parttpen^alreaDp. Ml^erfojCjUOutDereabutciJbstfjemiDljo (tnt pou tbitber«^cn i^oulo Ijaue Done better to |)ane eonteineo poor fclfc toitbin tbe 0ttes of tlje pottles, 0no if ponr ttoo pUu red, in t^ 0rll, ano tbe fift^ntp, bao not fo^jce inongb to p;otte tpat tobicb looulo: pon migt)i hi ft^o ^rof bane ta&en ttoo otber, out of tbe cigbt, f tbe eteaenttj, iobitb baue foace enough to pjoue tbat tobicb flboalo. jf0?, in tbe one," the Apoftlcs „ Ati.1^ which were at Icrufalcm, fcnt Peter and lohn to the people of Samaria, toltrengtbentbemintbefaitb tb;iou£^ tbe gift of the holy Ghoft. 3|n tbe otber, ® the Apoftlcs and brethren oa4.ii.i; that were in lury calleo Peter to an accout (toben jje ba® cbeD to Cornelius,) why hecwcntintomcnTacircumcifcd, and did cate with them. Hart, ^la^e, ^u imagine, tbat tbe jaipottlesbab equal! po# loertoitbPeter, becaute tbe^ fentbim ab^abincommiirion, ano afUeo bim a count of tbat tobicb br oto. pco^e realOna: df^oo toote.if 0; an inferiour ma^ entreat bio fuperiour to oo) bio bua<« po.j to tbe pjince, o.e ^arlament, tbougb b^ be beao of tbe Citic becaufebemapbemo^e fit toom t^ir bufineoe. JSnoao tbe^ map feno bim, fo map tbepafbe a reaion of tbat tobicb b^ batb Oone, ano call bim to account of it. ^s^ane ^ou, tbat tpe CarOti nalo map not entreate tbe ^ope to Oto tbio 0^ tbat,tobii^ iball be conucnienf fo^ tbe commooitic of tbe Cburcb i ^Dj,tbat tbe ^ope loill tbtnhc bio Ifate to be abafeo, if tbe^ enquire of bim to^ ^ Dffltb tbio oz tbat i perbapo poo toane fo,becanfe ^u hnoto nets fber tbe ^ope,no;t tbe Caroinalo.iBut tobat fap pou tben to pour otonefclueo; Dto not pour ^eniouro in Corpus Chrifti d^i# leoge feno ab joao pour jB.eeffoent about pour dDolleoge buCneHee poitb br not giue pou an account of tbofe tbingo tol^ b^ b^b oonef ;i)^,ifbegiueitnQi^ map ron notary it of bim f ;^no io mi be I 8o Oi Peters iupremacie. ' ■ ' " ' ' ' ■ ' ' ' ' "V* Ije tljerefo^e not \;our ^cao i Rainoldcs. ^co, Ijc ts our l^oau: but Ije is fuel) a l)eaD, tl)at • ^our l)eaD of Rome i^xD rather ^cu fbculD Uofo t?cur t)catJ, tben • 3n ti)e ftt 8 ^ou C^oulo fo beljeao Ijuf potoer. % toloc pou fo much * before in rtu«rta"titL ♦ anbmabeitplamcbntopoubpDuarcnsfiimlttubeofthc Prcfident of a court of Parlamcnt in France,naineb the head of the court. ^ouinigljt^aueconcducD tljsfams of our fioont: anu ti^oug^t Ijis ^caDll^ipastnStfoUljepiofs of t'our purpcfe, as )?cu thought tlj^ otljcr. ifsj Ijs is bouiio to ftatutes: by tl)cm ius fsuD ^iin out, ant> affee acccunt oftbat if)c Cojtl). iio ftatutes binbe your ^op^: but l^is luflt is l)is la'o); ano iub'^f (icc imll, tl)ati3]^oly, Mc may bep^iuc Durp^jcfioentifljel^ouloe commit any Acinous crimc,as muitl)cr,o^ abultory.^cur ^acpe, altf)ougl)'0CfaeasUnlfuUamurtl)erer, anb as notorious an ab# yiH!tprana.Ti- nltsreraspope p lohntljetloclftl),yea,U;cugt)l)ebetntenin per Europ'gef- 1)0 jtible incefts, anb bilanies of all fortes : yet a Councell tar.lib.f.cap j6. may not bepofe l)un, nonot tl)e CDmperour toitl) a Councell.Jt is ♦ cartinaii ^ ho § (Smporo), bib bepofe ^n in a Councell aflimblcb rurrecremata; Of purpofetberunto. 51But your * SDortojs tell bs f tbe Cmpero; an^Fathw Ro- 513 q defMo.xiot de mre ■'' of a good zeal e,not according to ^Turrccrcmau. knowledge.©Uborfoje 3 tooulb not baue you fo bfc tl)C fe limilu »"P"j?™'^=~-4JtUbes,of Prefidents inCoUebgcS, t Mayors in Cities, ^ heads lo J ■ Coj|rajations.^;),if you toil bfe tbem,yct bfe tbcm to tbe fiui# r RoWrt.Bci- pic,toboni fucl) fimiUtubcs may oeceiuc: but bfe tt)cm not to bs, McT+ p'^a"^ iol)o r® tbe biCTimilitube of t^em, anb can (by Cobs grace)bifcem qu»ft. 5. a 01b from a ferpent. 2D(o you tbinke your felfc, 3 p;ay, in goib Crotl), tbat Pecer (in tbe ;actes of tbe ^pollles) toas as Pope,anb tbe reft of tbe Apoftles as tbe Colftbge of Cardinals ? Hart. Mby a^ you me tbat f as tbougb 3j fp^ not tobaf 3tbougbt Rainoldcs. 3!f tooulb be ftrange netocs to beare fbat y Car- dinals ibulb fenb § Popt in CmbaO^ge, (f m.a0e bim as it toere 3lf gate a /«i/rr/r,)cbie0y, to p;ay men conuerteb to tbe Fay tb of CbJift, anb to preach bnto tbem. 2Dbe Collebge of tbe Apoftles sAAJ.ver.ij. fentPeter ' fobajtbefeibings. ^oaf0emetofay,theydiditby '7 fc intrcatie; be if: anb, as a corporation may fend their head a- bout their bufines, becaufehccismorefitto dooit . IBot ^bt fbs Collebge of Cardinals fenb tbe Pope ab)oab by intrcatie? tMnlefteperhapsypumaKetbis biftference bettocene tbeai; Scripture,the touch-ftone of truth in religion. \ 85 tooulD come ousr to the Scriptures onely, before TpmmaUc an enb. Rainoldcs. f 3!is!m^bcijamourtotuar6ementJiiDntf* • fuU:beCiiufc 3 am Ducttfull bnto dSon aboue t^emf . Hart. ds^rei0atDojtlrctrcatifc oi an aunaenf tojiter, ^ Vinccntius Lirincnfis, * againft the profane innouations of allherefies, <1 a paffing fine booUe: ' bjljtct) tttslnftl^eli tbatal hatrcleonnolU* furij f^oulD reao,as toil tmoto tljs trutlj, ^ou Ijaue reab if per#^ ^ fjaps : anu toljaf tljtnke pou of it i 30 it not f a goloen tm.M.""'' "" baofeCf etc^)ep»tf«fe llainoldes. s:i)c boofee wjjoob enonglfcifit f)atte a toifc rea# doftr.lib.io. Hart, ^appoufof^etfomet^rebe ofpourfiDe,tol)o are afcaio of t^ name of Vincentius Lirinenfis. llainoldes. SD^ep aretoo^fe afraio tfjen ljurt, fo^ anp fl)in)j fl)at 3 fenoto.ffiut totjat of Vincentms.? Hart, l^efaitt) 6 it is f© common a pradife of heretikcs gyincent.tj. to alleage the fcripture,that they neuer bring almoft ought j- of their own,but they fceke to fliadow it with words offcrip- ture too.^no tjauing tbetoco tljio bp funojp erampleOjfje aODe^ tijat therein they folow the pradife of the 2?euill, their maifter.Who tooke our Sauiour Chrift,and fet him on a pin- nacle otthetemple,andfaid vntohim, If thought the feme of Cjad,cafi thy fife de^n: For it is mitten , that hewill giuehis tyin- gels charge one r thee^that they Jhall kefe thee m all thy Vcaies : Xi»th their hands theyfiiall lift thee vf-yleaftferhafsthoH dap) thyfsote a~ gairtfi afione. If thou faith hCj^f thejenne «f(fod,cafi thy fife down, Ylhy? For it is Written. Wemuftwith great heede obferue and remember the dodrine of this place : that when we fee words of the Prophets or Apoftlcs brought foorth by any nrven againft the Catholike faith, we way be. afsured by this great example of the authoritie of the Gofpel, that the Deuil doth fpeakc by them.2D!ju3 (aitf) t^atauncicntiFatl)er,Vince- tins Lirinenfis.OTIjofetootos350 manifcfflp oifpjonc pour opt:* nionitl)at tl^c trut!) of pointer in fait!) ll^oulD be trpeo bp t^.fcrip# tureonclp. Rainoldes-. SClje * duill liito faitlj^tljat it is vnciuill.ifoj " t.rachn^' a man,nothauing weighed the whole law, to giue aduife or iudgementjfome one parcell ofit being alone ^opofed.^our confuis^,. W 5 Dcalinst., fccap'.J7i. 2il kf i > / /■ of Peters fupremacie . CcalingUJit^tj^ VuajDescf Vincentius Lirinenfis isgutlhe of tJitcimlittc. ifo.:l}e,totnltfud:t)3,how we may continue found in the faith ,againft the guiles ot herettkes and futtletic ivmeeat-Lirin whodotli trmsfarme htm fdfe into an tyingell of Ughti ' * feacljct^tfjat our Sauiour hath to this cntcnt both forewar fled vs of the danger^ and forefliewed vs a remedy. Forewarned vs oithe datinger,in the precept that he gaue:S^w^r pro- fljettyVohtch come toyon mjheepes clotbingfhat tnVoaraly areraHening wokei.ForwhaXjfait^'^Zyispmpesclothingfbntthe finccre and foft words of the Scripture, which arc alleaged by fdfe prot _p*>«;,as well as by the true? What are the rattening »eampl^,att{i fuIlp,ljoD;jal»0tl>ittfinetjntott)ioconclufion, (tpc fummecfaU teip.js.ac l^treatife:) ' tbat,althoughthcfcriptures alone be fuffici- cat for all pointes of faith, yet is it not fufficient to haue a fhewofthcwordcs,butwe muft alfo haue the fubftance of the fenfc,that is, the true and naturall meaning of the fcrip- turcs.i^oto, tft]^t0Dtfcourfeofl)isi betoeigbcD whole,aniJitota parcellofitfeuercDfromt^e rettrtoIjatcanpoup^MJue fperebp, 3 graunfeip^p moje ftjen 3 ^uc graunfeti anD n Matthew 4.<. pjoueoalreaoie, ™ tol^cn 3 tpat the right fcnfe of the fcripturc expounded by the fcripture, tS the (word of Gods cti»3«m)iei- ipintjUf^eretoit^ all'^ereOcfimnttbetjanquitbeD. ThcDcuill {pou fap) alleaged the wordes of the fcripture againft Chrlft. ir]hes)9titof l^eiJtDfo.|?et,pealleage5fbr,rtoftoboIPf nrttrelp, atfVince- tius^tl^fbcm:but,a0 " theEuangeliftesrcbcarfefl)em,mat# ?!"iowb«'5 meblp. ©Kbcreiw, ifVincentiusjObferutitgtpc attempt that tiie Deuiii iiijg Dcuill alleaged the wordes of the fcripture; hab iuttball .•ihasta. •Scripture,the touchftone of truth in rcHgion. 187 . obfcrucD Ujc ftttiletic of tsmptrr, iio w he alleagcd tljem: pet migfj^lJc^ucbcltcrnoteotljo Dcccttfo of fjeretibcs abufing fcrtp# turc, tbcn be bib; anb fo bauc bettor fonfcb fljo rtgbt-belauins Cb.iiCtano fuitb potoor offcripturo^fbon be batfj. ifo^ be rcpoj^ tctb it fO) as if the Deuill had alleaged that whole place of the fcnpture: He^Ulgine his Angels charge euer thee, that thty j},all keepe thee * in all thy veayes; W// h their handes they jhalllift thee vp, ano fofoftb« tsmbereastbebouill, alloagingfborcli, of charge *,rnomnibj« giuen, to keepe himandvphold him, leftcutoftbomibb/o ZVowaK^. tDO?bC0 of keeping him fin all his wayes;;] bccaufo tbop mabo fen fv vinccn-* OtrttflpagaintttbattoiDbicbbebiOttmpf Cbttff, as ° a bauo Eul'SKaik boclarob. Mberofo?oifVincentiusbaotboi^btj fbattboCcrip# notuftt^iem. turo is no fufficiont ftap fc? bs againft beretihos, bocaufc if is aU '"^apt i. loagobaslJoollbpfaUbtoacberSjasittsbptruo, bptboSDeuiUas Dmr,on's. bp Cb.tiS; be mull b^uo ra^er crantt) parbon > fo^ not efpping t|^policioof^atan;tbenlibmg,fo.2 impairingtbe crobit of tbc tDo;(b of dSob. ]l5ut altbougb be fato not alt in particular: nouor:; ^loffo in gcnorall bee iopnotbtoi^tbetrutb. i?o^ e beefaitb t^t herctikes followe the Dcuill, * as oft as they bring ♦ Qsoticfcun- foorth fcntcnces of fcripturc , by which becing expoun- lentcntias pro- dcd amiflc , they goc about to maintaine theyr errours. fcruntquibus ^otbat, the fcripturc, which hcretikes bring foorth againft the Catholikc faith, is the fcripturc taken in a wrong Icnfc, and mifl'c-cxpounded, bp bis inbgOOTont^ JBut3| meane the fcripturc expounded aright, toben 3 fap tbat pointes of faith fliould be tried by the fcripturc onely. ^b® boojbes Of Vin- centiu s tbercfo{jo?afton. l^obett, cuen of tfjattOjitfoUoinetbinpart, tbat^acter Inas not tbiougtrft? as pope tn t^e former point. Sis fojflje later, ofcallingfjitn to account; alttjcugb ponrgajOtoce# inng of t^e pope pcrfuaocttj t?cu, tijat ^ iooula not t^iafie '^is State to be abafcb tf tl^c Caroinals l^ulB adtc Ijini inj^ fje botl tfjis o; tijat: ?et tbcp toljo fineto ^ better a great bcate, tticn gcu, anb loacb bun fo tocll tljat ttje^ loouloe not belie bim, d® iDitnefP^ not onelp bp Inozo but bp ixi;iiting, tbat be tnifi not bk Dealt toi^all bp Ijts infcriours, as peter ioas bp tbe ^potties. 3( meam: not pear Canonilts: in tol^fe ' glofe it goetb fb? a fas t c »<• Apoft*. inous rule, tbatnonc may fay vnto the Pope, + 5)r, Vfhy doynu ys .':^t3imeane tbe learnebltanD belt of pour jDiuines: tobo vac ante Jn •loir* fetting the Church aboue tlic Pope in authorise, nriflifie tbat 4 ijomine.cttf the Pope will not bcfubied: to the Counccll. lujl^m (to itafacu/' name one fbi manp) lohn Peru s,a if rier ofS,Francis^03bcr,bat fiobliertben * tbe common fo jt, intreating (in tjis Conunentas •suchn^m ties in^utten on tbe 0ttes) of tbe example of peter, boto w ioas chanan mcvu. reijuireDtorenberarealbnof tbattobWib^lJ^® ®one, mahetb Fr^cfffanlts tbis note bpon if. " Peter the Apoftle, and chiefc of the Apo- uFcrusin Ait. {ties, is confirMned to giue an accowtt to the Church, neither dooth ApeS-eap-i*. he difdainc it; bccaufe he knew him felfc to be not a Lorde, but a minifter of the Church, T he Church is the Spoufe of chrift and ladic ofthc houfc i Teter a feruant and minifter .Where- fore the Qsurch may, not onely exaft an account of her mini- fters, butalfo dcpofcthc& rcieft them altogither,if they be not fit. * So did they 'of old time, ^ very often, UnCoun- »sicioUtn eels. But + wicked Biftiops, ' now, ^ will not be reproucd, no not of the Church, nor be ordered by it: as though they Ji^concUi),. were Lordcs, not minifters. Therefore 7 they arc confoun- ^ impijPonti- ded of all andechein feucrall,by theiuftiudgement ofGod.. jDffl pou bnoto iubat Bidiops tfiep be, tubo refute to bee fubied "g»i to the Churchf Mlbo fap,they are aboue the Councellf ^b" voiint!" niayiudgeall, anb none mayiudgcthem?2nbij3p;£aeber,a 7iuftoDciiu- p^ieacber of pour otnn,not ours,Dffl^ call tbcm wicked BiOiops. SCbc JLojb of ^ mercp make his toojbes a pjopbecp: tbat thofe coniunduacitf. wicked Bilhops map be confounded of all and cche in fcue- tall, by the iult iudgemcnt of God. 3 Hart, Chap. 4. Diuifion ?. 182 M ■I" i Ij J'liii 1: Of Peters fiipremacie. • Kibfioth.fznc- cz lib.^.anno- ut.7X. *CommeiiMr, in Mattlib.}. • Tibi dabo cla- Hes regai celo- nimmon dicif, Kgniterratum. b De confide- rat.ad Engen. bb.A. Jrafcrtimhoc iOco: iou Scrcnfist f, [;i Hart, i^cu b;tng mc too^Des ofFerus, iDl^ tuere not peil)aps,buttl[jjnftmtx)^ccmmrntaricg before tlje^camcbn? to tbepant bpfcmemaUitjngfjcrcrthe. ifo> " Sixtiis5cnenfis fattb>tl)at there are wrtnefles of very good credit.who auouch that the commentaries of Fe;">is vpon Matthew were cor- rupted by heretikes, after his death, before they were prin- ted. Rainoldej» Sixtusfattfjiitbeebcof his Commentaries vp- on MattheWjtbat they werecorrupted,chiefiy in ® that place, where Ferns fpeakethof/fe# key^f that Chrifl did promile Te- tcr. ifoj tb^rc ve let botone, as a fpcaall note, tbat Chrift faith to Peter, * I "^Ulgme thee the kfyes of the khigdeme of heauen : hcc {siithnotythekeyesof the khtgdome of earth. Thcfewoxdes per- taine nothing to an earthly power ; which yet fomc ende- uour by thcmtoeftablifh, affirming that Peter reeeiuedfiilnes af po^er not only, in fpintuall things, but alfi temporall. 0nO after be* ctaration,bot»tl)tsfsplainelprcp?o«ebbp S. ^ Bernard, ting to Pope Huge nius: it is abbeb farther. Peter receiued the ii£;y«,thatistol%,powcr; not an earthly power , that he might giue and take away dominions and kingdomes j nci- ther fiich a power thatitfhould be lawful! for him to doa what hee lift, (as manyraendreame,)buthe receaucd the po- "^er of binding andloofngyOpening & fiuttirjg,remtttingand retaining y/«»«:neitherthisathispleafure,butasa. minitter and fer- uant,doing thewilof his Lord.;Slnb ^e& are t^o tno^bs, fauourfcftronglpofanbereticallfpiri^tbat5ixtusfeitb > his anouched by credible witneffes,the comentaries of Ferns ort Matthew wer corrupted,after his death, by heretikes, *chic- ffy in this place, before they wer printed. Wbrrin both § wit^ neffesjfSixtns (in mpiubgement)baue tbetoeb^e.felnes ifo? it is better to bears meninlja«btbitf heretikes corrupted tJfie commentaries of Ferns, chicfely in this place : then it fluoulb be thought that the Ifrongell holb of all pcnr religion fthc Popes fupreme power to giue and take away kingdomes] in fl)ahenbpaman&learneb,fofainoas,foCatho!ifte, as Ferns. 3t5ut Sixtns faith tot of his Commentaries on the Afts, that fheplrereco?ruptebalfobphri*etifees.|0ef feme heretikes hanb mapripemetohaueba«efnt^m,chiefclyinthis place: tohere l^bothrep^onethearrogancieof the i'opes^anb nameth them wicked Peter no Pope in the Adfcei of the Apomes. i B; p'Sn^. vickedBi(hops,S£tfjcrcfo;etttDoutoDofaieH,t|^3t ffjc ouerOgl^t of Sixtus,l);n:ein,toere meuueD bg fome otl^er 5ixtus: to^o mig^ fagasmuc^ofFerus onthcAdes , asiSixtus fait!) of him on Matthc»%|Bcr^aps gou f)aao not wicneflcs,f^ tuil auouc!) tl)t£f, ao fomc auouc^cD tliat. IcaC matter of a tf)Oufana.iFo? ttoo Djt^ieefncbas ' Surius,/'ontacus,anl)Genebrardus, men fbat^auefcl5t{)emfeluestoma!telie0mtl)et)efenfe of Popery, nuurojnetff. totHbereaDte(ontbecreDtteofa * Lindanoi 5olfcckc,) not of onlg to fag it bat to Ci).:onicle it toj.^ere io a! ti)e Diificultie, ti)at * tbcfcboofeeearepuntcbtfjajEtamongffgour felues : to^fet X Ferns in Ada f^an f(D.it^ 8rll,anD toe reteme tj^em at gone !)anD0. 0 great faulte,3i bnoto not txii)ett)er of printers, o^ccnfours anoallotD;< redes Amoidi ersofbmbestot^ep:int;U)t)otufferfacbfcani)alousplace£ito bee p;inteD.^ea y tobep;infeofoftill: 4>2ciaUgtD|^enSixtusSe- Miieft. In Mat- nenfisbat!)faiDanl) crebible toitneirest!aueauottcl)eDtl)atl)ere# 'hium.Magun- tiac0 DID corrupt tt)em.i^o,no,M ./i/art,it io too liale a ieS to fag Francifeum f!)athcrctikesnauccorruptcdthe commentaries ofFerus. Beheracum ;^o;t!)e abomination of the Popes fupremacie, pppjetfingboti) Safeftl*' tbemagiftradeofttie common toealtl), > ano mimtterie of tf)e caiio- <^tl^,i3 grolun to fuel) ontrageit^at if toe (tol^om gou call he - Ap«ft. Tetikes)i:boulDbolD our peace , the {tones would cry agaiuK Parifus,ij£S. ^ apudSonnium Hart. neeDes alltl)is of Ferusf i!DjSixtusCano- Regis & C«iir, niftcs?^;i3|knotonottot)Of^oucaUeDmetotl)efcriptures, tol)e 3b.iouj^t^eiFatt)£rs:anD notofrom t$e fcnpturesi gou toing GSSa? me to tojiters ofour otone age. Rainoldes. ^otfrom fcripturefitotliem t but totl)e i"S«um, fcripture0bgtl)em.as Chrift,tol)entbe l^barifcis fclaunoereo j^toojbcs, aUeageD t^e example oftheir own children ^r^wJlk An"' i)g to make t!)em fee tl)c trut^.^nD ao |)e laiD to tl)em, therctore your children (hall be your iudges;& 3| fegto gOU, therefore Sium!'''' your brethrenfliall beyouriudges. a;Mat.i».a7, Hart. 3( grauntthat the pope Doth not tn all refpedeofub* mit him felfe,ad peter,to giue account of his Doingo, both to the 3pottles,anD to inferior ChiilKans.!S5ut Ferus thoulD haue con? CDereD,anD fo muft gou,th^ the times are not like.^t toere not conuenient fo.i him to do (b noto. Rainoldes. ^o 3| thoughts he cafe is altcreD.^ou meane fag £the times,]the me,toho line in the time0,3l troto.|u DeeDe thcg 4 are - Tlie firJd DiuiHo. arcnotliUe.ifojPctertoastfjetiap^icacIjer oftl^ (Ccfpell, Paftors are noto:an9 tpe Pope noU) m a l^^tnce of tpe s» NeroUjasfljem The fifth Chapter^ The Fdthers l are no touch-ftenefor tryal of the truth in controuer^ pes of rebgienybnt the Scrtfture enely. 2 Their Citings are cor- rupted.-and counterfeits do beare their names. 3 Theptywgs^U Uaged out of their right writinges^roue not the pretended/itprema- cie of Peter. ART. Mfjatfoeuerot^ence f^ereis be# ttuan the Pope f Peter in ttatc, ano potuer of tuojlolp gouernwtenf; "get Peter baO tpe fame aHtpojitie ano pjtmacie ouer ttje ^ftlesi tubtcb the Pope clatmetb ouer all iBtlbope. ^notbio (bccaure^duiotUnof^MO tjnto tbc ^cripturea ) | tutUpjoue bi? tifs ifafbera; iDbofe fefttmontea of it are moll ctere ano euioent. Rainoldcs. 31 j o,: T>ou,refnfe to talo bnfo tbe ftripfures:lettbegoDiB tuoge.^afojtbeifatbera: 3 lihe ^our oe# attng toell,in part.ifo; 3 lMtlbe5,tbat firft ^ou toouto go tbjoiigb Juitbtbe ^cri^urcatano tbrn (taptn pou 1^0 founo notbtng iti tbem)tometotbeiFatberaafterlDarl),)lBtit3 tDiflt) further, if3 itris^ obtcittc it,tbatpoubao tbe ^cripturea in fucb p?iceani> bonour,aatbe toojo of©oD:tbat no toojD of men Ibonlo be mattb# eDtoitbtbemtobuilopourfaitbtjpon. ifo^God batb gtuen bio vordtobe alanternetaourfeetejandalighttoour path; RPf.u?.joy, tbat toe map fa tf^ inap to beauen,anoiDalbc in it. 0no ^ tlje bolp*25bo®feitMb3tthe5cnpturesare able to make vs wife vnto faluation:wire,bp inllrudingba in the faith of Chrift;rn- to faluation,bp leading ba to '' life tbjougb tbat faith.®a:l|^rfo.je 0tb toe conferee about a pomt of toifedome perteining bnto faifb and life:pou Ibould do berp toell to reft on ttje ^crijtfares ao tbe onelp toufb-ftone foj tr pall of tbe t rutl) tbertn. l&.;Hart.. 3iotoatiengtb3b2^itetb^t,tobttb3te6edfo:. 3 tbongbt>fo?aWpcHr duetifuiltoojda of the fathers,tbat pen toouls hi.Tiavy.iy. Scripture,thctouchftoneoftruth in religion. 189 vniucrfalitic aitD antiquitic :tnaiDO^Dl^0lcau0fl) f n;cmcanfst)natt£mpteti toljercb^ map infangletljefculcs fDeuJij'i. ofman!unc?,ana tojappe lljnn trt tJje fnarcs ofocaffj.5S2i porfo.ze, > Kmg.«si.is. ao m t)i's tnffrumcnts tfetlj ctljcr Motiues to piouatlc toitlj c? lot ^ver,42 & t^crs: fo t)tm fcIfcoflib£!iJ)a3ti tooulD fjaucbfcli Itjem fperiaUp to 4« & 5?- <^?iit,anOuctthercriptLireonely, paO ()0 not toiotoiic, ttiat onclp Ccrtptiirc (if anp tJjing) tooulo p^cunilo tottlj Ijim. Staple- fo foo?ti)' m ton,inten!)mgeoperftoaOct)S, tijat Peter, anD(bprcaroncf Peter) t^e Pope is fiip?cnic IjSui) of tijc C^jtirfl^ : ' faitlj tljat he t Princip.doc- willprotieit ' byoKf/)>detnonftrationoiitoftheyfr/p/«w, in eftcft, anStljat ^ hyonely fihpturesit may bce prouedfully e- isoiaca.^u* nough and abundantly, ^s not tijis a toKcn, tljat toe,tol)om !jC "tift fttbctlj to toinne bgj)is peiftoafic-ns, toill not be tomn tljereto, dcmoDftrati*- but oncl^ b"^ tt)e fcripturcfy ^0 the Deuils pradife in alleaging ° yrr»>/mo»f/7toChrift,isagreatp;crumptton, tijat C^ift ac^ Lis.°" tounteo nottjing a ground of faith and duetie, but onely the fcripture. ?x:ii)creof a fuitr argument is tt)c totrolebe|iautour of Chriftagainftthe Deuill: to!)om " ineuer? one of bis three uMatt.4.T«r4. tentations !)S put to flight ffiU toitl) fcripture. It is Written.SLVA ^ althougt) the Deuil (to bjiue Ijini from that l)0lb)aUeage5 fcrip- turcalfo:pctCb;i8rqilicDnottoitb * Fathers ojDoftorSjO; »Matt. Rabbines of tt)C ^ignagogue, but toitl) the wrord of his heaue- ly Father; ami,againli ^ maimeo f tojetteb toojtics of fcripture, be fet the fcripture aUeagebrigbtlp.Mherefo^e let * pourC^# xaiiBrift.w tainesinffructtbeirfoulbtoursastheplift, to get vs into the Mot^es"to!he plaincfieldesoftheirMotiues, out of our wcakeand falfc ca°thoi?ke°faitV caftle of onely fcripture, as * a Liccntiat termeth it: ^e attion • OfCbjtft is the inSruftion of ChjiHians; the ^jince of battnes, aow Pricft,ti. coulD not get him out of that, neither lhafl the p^rinces bans get ccmiatinPiui- out bs. i^at, that this caftle (hoto weake anb falfc foeua: falfc- harteb toeafeelingcs count it,) hatlj ojbinaunce enough fo fhabc tour ^potiues into fitters, anb can alone fubbue all abuerfarie potoers: 3 nabe not the piartife of Ch?ift, anb too;)® of Cob, a* gainlf you, to pjoue it. ^our otene golden authour, Vincenti- us Lirinenfis, faith if'ifs^ him^ift affirmcth that ^ fcripture is ^in p"'£i. fufficient alone, againfthcretikes, fotharit be taken in the 'e'toV^u^oe right fenfe. iBut fcripture is not fcripture, bnlcflfe it be tahcn in the right fenfc: in the tohich alone ' it came from God by in- *\oyogaAn0 fpiration, anb is ^ the word of God, if ton toill 6uocj.i«n.,,,i Piiuf.i, ipO OfPeters (iipremacic. tafee golde of Vinccntius,^oa mutt grant, f Ijat fcripture a- lone tsi futttctent to trio tl)e trut^ from orrour, ano to mamtetne ti)o (lattiotihe fatt^ agamtt Ijerefie. Hart. ^ouDionotDealetoollmmtrrepojtmgCjtljeiDojosof «P°! Vincentius. jfoi ^ j[)ofcttet!)OotoncttDomeancs,bptI)etDtacti I Prinfi^.cliiiinc too mutt fonfe our fatt^ agatntt t^e gutleo of tir rottbco, $ efctma ■^Elmdl"cccS- fnarcs; 'firftjby the authoritie (faitb ^t) of thefcripturcj Cacithoiic* ^ then,by the tradition of the catholike Church. ^OU leauo «ditioae. altogit^cr tljat iofjtcl) fatt^ of tradition t ano l^auDle ^tm tn fucb fbzt as tbougj) |ie b«0 fpokcn fo; the fcripture onely. Rainoldcs. 3t IS not pour purpofc, (3 liope) to beguile ma bp tJ)c colour of 1)10 toojbes. 3|t map be, tbat pour felfe arc bcgui* a vincentxi- U® in tl^cm.iroj * i^C,bp fthe traditio of the catholike church] Tpcrf^du, anb rigljtcrpofittonof tticfcripiwre, mabe bp Icripcurirum fait|)fullpatto;i0ani)teacbcrsoft^cc^urcl?: as Ins olunclxio;ibs "vcp"' heti- tmmcbiafelp ^no tl^is 3 maoe mention of, in t^jat 3 faio, ex & Apoftoli- tbat 'fcripture is fufficient alone againll heretikes ^ if it be •m's"ifnca f«a- in 5 cathoUke ftitfe bee calletb tt» ^oh dum ecclefiafti' tome to imagine, tbat be meant bp tbe too.jbe, ^tradition,] vn- ci&cathoiiei written verities, as tbep bane bin tcrmeb, ox as pou terme tbem dirigLX"""" note, traditions: iubir^ft>eTrent-Councellbostb account as mucbof,asoffcriptures,anbcoupletbtbemtogitbertomdte a « v/^entxi- fitfficienf % perfit rule oftrntjb: as tbougb tbat onely fcriptures rin. cap.,. 8(41. toere infnflftcient foj it. l®birlJ errour toas fo far from tbe minbe can". Of Vincentius, tbat'^b^faitberpjeflp, tbat he doothnotadde jSoius the traditio ef the Church,to the ahthoritte of ihejcripti4res,zs though 4 Aa^mnia that' thefcriptures were not thefelues' alone ' fufficient ^ for 5Sadsfuper- allthinges,yca ^ niore then fufficient; but to fliew,that,be- cor.i j.j. caufe heretikes doo wreft and mifle-expound the fcriptures, 7mp(j\.roiux. therefore toe mutt learne deliuered c^ooiAcaJc godiy t>y minifltry of the Church. ^U tobi^^ COnfibera^ a.Thcfl-.a.iy. tion,as S.Paulelujitetb, tbat be did ^ deliueraccording to fcap.t.&4'-. the fcriptures tbe things tobitb be taugbt, anb tbcrcbpon naa donemr&"Kr- Hietbbi^fodriue, traditions,aspouluculDfap,thingsddi- pretationem. u etcd 1 fo Vinccutius mentionctbhotb thc Chutchcs * tradi- &c-tho- to note tbe minitterie of tbe Cburcb beliuenng tbefcnfe licrdogmads of fcripturesjanb the Churches 5traditions,tottgni8etbemlcs reguUs.cap.jt. jjf faitb, accojbing buberennto tbe fcriptures are eppounbeb, (as piuifion L" ^ 3 b«tte Ibetoeb) bp fcriptures, JRUberefoje, tbe too^bes tbat pour tioar Vincentius fpeahet^ toucljtng the tradition, anD traditi- ens, of the Church;fio iotne IjanDsimfi) tljat ioljicl) 3 Diu OBliuer of tt)8 trutl) (tn pointes of fatt^)to be trteb bp the icripture only. Hart, ^ou map not carp fo tlje too?Qes of Vincentius atoap tnacloui3e.i?o?,tbousbt)c map feme to liaue meant in gen^ rail bp [the tradition of the Church3tl)e erpounOing of fcrip^ turesaccozthngtottjeruleof tlieir right ano datljolifte Cenfe, Uihich ttje paftojs of the Clnrch beliuer: pet commingto parti# cularo heframeth that rule,not out of the fcriptureo, but out of theopinion«b3hichth^ failetl) from it, iFo;,laping bis foanoation as it ioercjon a rockc;be builoetb bp bis boule bc^e itjoa tbe fano. S^b^t kripturc i s futfidentja- Ionc,againftheretikcs,{bthatit be taken in the right fenfe, expounded by the rules of the Cathohke faith : tbisbatbb^ tocll aaoucbeo,as on tbe rockc ofCSoDs too.;iJ,i5ut,tbat the rules of faith,and fenfe ofthcfcripturcmuif be tried and iudgcd by theconfent,antiquitie,and vniucrfalitie of the Church: tbtsbatbh^'tboeDnotrolnelbasontbe fanbof mens opinions. Xt)z Diflference of tbe pointes ma? be perceiueb bp S. Aultinitobo t tHfcf.-wintng'tn tbe fo.imer oftbcm toitb Vincentius, ootb leatte bun y"usDV in tbe later, jlfoj ' Auftin.asbcfettetbfb^ grounD of religion aoftrina chri- 10 t^e itgbt fenfe uno Catbolike meaning of tbe fcrtpf ure: fo tea# cb^ibb^tbattbis matt be knoixineano tricDbp tbe feripture if chapc-i.Di- ' felfe,^ infallible rule of trutb i not bp fickle minbs ofme.^nb, Sipturarum fobauetougbtb^rcofasAiiftinDotbjit-b as if a J^yilolb# a- pbct»buuing raioct^f a man is areafonable creature, tbouto, DckaJ". * bccanfe bis febolcrs cannot bifecrnc of rcafbn (tobd'^offb^ ibeto piutarch.ino- 10 fucb iu maup btutc bcaftcs, that ^ feme b^ne tbougbt tbein rcafonable)ocfertbebtmmofeplainelp bpouttoarb niariics,ano rtaniur, accibents,as namelp,tbat he hath tw^o feete,anD no feathers, ™tkenl"phf* SD^prepojtjtbat fiatoDefineDamanfo:aman,isa_liuing iofophor.lib.(f. creature,two-footed,vn-feathered iubicb befinitio tob^n This IS Platocs man. holy word of God is tbe fauic in the Church,tbat reafcn is in a man.^abereupon toe giue it fojaneircntialmarke(as3maptennc it)ofthe Church , bp tobifb the Church is furelp kr»oton ana bifcernco.But tbe ibeto of Scripture the touch-ftonepftmth in religion, ip^ dIYcIT*. ofGods\trordt£ifucJ)mm3n^^rctt1te£(,(as of reafcn m b^attesOtljaf fomt,tol)a Ijaut rto ffetU to cifccme t Ijat niarfte,iioij t^inkc It tmpofftble to knoto the Church b?tf. " ^curfelotoctf |)crcupcnDcfcrtbc the Churchbp outw^ard ano accidentally^ niarkcs:as: nanielp,bT? antiquity,fucce{lion,confent.2Ll)8feare St "omlnej ter^ plau0ble,ani) man^ Do commenD t'pnii 3!5at ^efl)at Dia^cs.con- l^t^f)alfeaiteioofa|3ljilofop!Jcr, BUmeanoa toife €|>jiff iDhen herefies arc grotone to be in yeares; auncient ,anft ample in place0; toh^n th^ h^tic got antiquitie,anO vniuerfali- ty:thcnmafftoefight*sainttthem,notby confent of /"athers, bnt the authentic of the fcriptures only, Mi^is is the fcnt cnce fif Vincentius Lirinenfis, in tl^t palling fine boofte againft thc profane innouations of all hcrefies.jo itnot a golden fcntccc? Hart. SDhcfanfetDh? Vinccntius affirmeth> that herefies Thefe- when they are fprcad far, and haue long continued,are to be J confuted by the fcriptures onely, not by confent of Fathers: COnd Lfl isfhaf(iDhichh^tWDthpointt(D)ofendeuouringtocorruptthe uifion. waitings of the Fathers; a common pjactift of hercfteo, if occaff# on anb time finite them«^ut ther^m no colour Uihythercfotf you Of Peters fiipremacie. Truth not to be tried by the conient ofFathcrs.ip^ pfej* l»ou iljoalD refufc to iJcale tjs t})t ronfent of Fathers. Jfa;, neitb^aretticooctrinestD^k^tucp^offffejherefics, mut^ olde anD ample hercfies, fucfj ao ^ fpeafeot{> of: no; l^aoc Id» cndeuourcd to corrupt the writings of the Fathers, nap, toa l)aiiefe£pttb£tn,aiiDenDeuourDatlpfofettfjemfffl;t^ molf per# ®lp. 13nt pour herdies m Deeoc, alf^ougb f^;ang of late, ano map be courtfeo new ano greenc; pet ^oe t^ enoeucureo to co;niptt^e Fathers fince, anofjancoonett. * Cljc P?atftteoffJ®^*^'/;[* Erafmus to famoiU therein, ^f tobom to Tap nothing lobiit cen- fures banc been gtnen bp o^er toodbP »wn, tobo Torrenfi $ na# metb: Marian vidorius, in Comentaries tbat befet f»;tb bpon tbefij;mertb;atomesofS.lerome, rep;opctb mott learneolp nto;e tben 0re bnnb;eD errouro t^nS into tbem bp Erafmus, ei# tber in erponnoing, o; ill aurecting ^em. ^nb Torrenlls, in ^ pitefarctotbeConfefsionof S.AulHn, oeclaretb funb;p bolteo to be S. Auitins oinne, tobit^ Erafmus bab noteb ao falflp fatbe# reb on bint. Wl»refo;e, if bp Vincentius pou minbe to toiub tbetn, tobo cndcuour to corrupt the writings of the Fathers: catt out tbe beame out of pour olnne m, bero;e pou (e^ a moati tnonr& Rainoldcs. ^et poufttbpfbetoap (tbongbponmabe baff a^ap from it) tebat rotten potfeo tbep be, U)^reon,ao p;inc^ll pillarst, pour cburcb onb faitb is buil^ vniuerfalitie.antiquitie, confcnt. ^Df tobitb it in Ibeboeb bp Vincentius bitnlieife,tbat he- relies map iuftlp elatme tbe ttoo fo;mer, vniuerfalitic anb anti- quiric: anb a Ihire ^lalenge to tbe tbire, confcnt, in p;o# teffe cf time; fo cunninglp can tbep file tbe Fathers to fbeir pur* po{es.i5ut pou map not be toucbeb toitb anp fucb furptctS.lEaab^ JBecauft the doftrines which you profefTc , 'are not olde and ample hercfies", poufap, no not herefies; ours are fo, not yours. CQt»tbtr in opinions offaitb anb religion, tobitb in controuerfiiebettDanebs, pouo;b)ebcDbolb herefies: tbat is tbe point in queftion. ^our,o;mtne;pfa,o;nap; isnofuffictcnt p;usfe of either. 15ut of Inbicblbeuer it (ball appearebpconfe# rente that tbep are repugnant to the bolp fcriptures: let tbem be iuDgeb hercfies; anb the men,herctikes, tobo ffubbumlp main* feinc tbem. JDbus mu^ pou can not cboft but grant, that pour optnions are olde,anb fpread abroad ; fo; " pou claimc anti- quitic, f vniucrfalitie; tobftwf pou fap that our opinions bane Lund7«•&'!». 0 2 neither. neitfjen ^tiimojclifeel^tljcrcfojc, Vincendus, f^at ^ou, »Froiixo tern- faj^o * by long condnuatice of dme, Iiaue had long occaiion fongrfurlndi ^^6 ttuth, l^oulo co.jrupt jFatHcrs, tljen iua verjutis occa-, 10^0 Ijauc HOt bflU »f. JShD lit bcrp frufbj as the worfl-iip of iina- ges, (tl)C greateft afaomtnafton fbaf firft p^raatlcb in i^operie) iscripmad- was confirmcd by ' wridngs very Tncertainc and fabulous, pea by ^ drcamesofwomen,ailD ' yifionsof'Dcuilsin the aMuiiebribus * fccond Nicen Counccli; rasfljc tiling if felfe , anD ^ great fornnijs. Clcritcs of pour olnne tcftifie:) fo t^c reft of pour errours to^ljifb fpeaX"""'" ouerflotneD Ct)'t®snDome in oarbcnes of fuperftition, banc bene xaaion.4.8:5. moft autljo^iteb bp fo^geo Ba5es,aiTD baftarb tD;iiting«,beg6tten b? ^ome barletSjanbfatbereb on tlje Dodors.SCfje Scboolcmen paqiiodiiber.tf. attO Canonifts, Ujbofc lianDes iuere cl)iefe ttt tbis iniquitic, bib ciusPariS' bcaretbeboboleftoapfoj manppearestogitberin ttlniuerfities Thcologiis anbCburcljes, 2^bs Doctors f fathers loerc pjetenbeb mucb, pTcrSid pjeteitteb, tben regarbcb: anb tbeir bcpbes co:rupteo, Tiinecb.cap.4, iDbat tbiougb ignorance of fcriueners, Inbb coptrb tbem out be« fo;e tbe bft of punting-, lubat tb^ougb impubence of fo;iger64tDbb cotneb counterfeiter in tbeir natner. , lobsn tbep lap tbus biftrefteb anb bifeafeb in tbe buft of ilibiaries: Erafmus, a man tit ercellent iubgement, anb no lefte inbuftriour, tben learneb, anb boittie, bib enterpufe ftrft to cure tbem, anb brought tbem fcD;itb into tbe ligbt* Bintbeboo;iies of S.ierome, lobitb ^tre moftofallbep^uebaboueotberr, cbieftp, the former tomes: .Erafm rrxfat. bs bto Ijobat bs coulo,botb to clenft t^ ffom blimtlbes, anb to •d Guiitfa. lighten tbem ioitb bis notes. l^ee pujfeff^, tbat his eoniec- tures in reftoring of places had not fatisficd himfelfe alw^aics. ^e pjomifeb, tbat if anv man (hould rcftorc them better: hee would both embrace his trauaile very gladly, and reioyce at the publike profit. Mbat fparUle of tbanfefulnes, but 3 let go tbanbfulneSvlubatrparbleoftngenuitieloartbereianb gob na^ ayiSor.prxfat. turo, tn Marian Viftorius ; UjIjo requitetb fucbatoojbefo pnore? carefullp attompteb, fo painfullp pcrfo;meb,ro mobcftlp ercufeb, tomos Hicrony- tDitb tbe tauntes anb contumelies of erring,of lying,of crafdnes fc In reprehenc ignorance,of hcrefiCjOf impictief''Ariltotle bjutetb of them, sophiiUrum. who begin a thing in pointer of learning, tbat altbougb they fceme to do lefTc tnen others, who receme it of them, and after addc thereto, yet they do more indeed: becaufe the beginning of cucry thing is hardeft,and it is eafie to adde» Mbcre* The Fathers corrupted, by whom. i p/ SiU tanijcrctjpon, ^ crauetl) of f«c^ as lit ^afti tbag^t fo factvfifc bp i^ts labour, thankes, for chat he found; pardon, for that hee miffed. Vidorius l^ue p,:ofitcD no bztt&c rn of Chrift, let btm 0oeto Ariitotlc; auD lcarne,firff,fo tljinbe mojc f)umblpofbtnifclfe;afterioarD, fobcalcmo^emobefflptoitl) Of feers. JJnbpoujtDbolibcof l^im, bccaufel)cefinDetl)faalfiDitl) ic Si do&rin;! tjjcDojinjjsofEraimus; as a C^omabcrbibtottbtbeputare of Apclles, fo^nitlTmg in a (bco-latcbet: map bnoto, tbat' gojb nus,CcnfuiA- anb learneb men among pour felucsbauefounb fault toitb bim, poftoi'cuset foj being bclD beyond the flioo.SDbat D®tb' Molanus toitncs, n,Soiio?um* oneofpourcbicfettDodors anbCcnforsofbfflbes:tDbo(i"S. Jeromes inojbes, ^ fet fcojtb at Anwcrpe,) batb tbrrffoje rir? chriftophori tumcifeb tlje lippes of Vidorius. Planum: ann« Hart. Molanus batb rcpjoucb anb cojrecteb bim foj bnriuill fpraifch,iiK. (p^cbcs againft tbe perfon of Erafmus, as inbcrein ' fje paft tbe "»«»modcai. bounoes of Cb:iftian mobedic: not fo; ouet%bt in tbat b^ laio errours to Erafmus cbargc.2Lbcugb tbe fperiall point fo? tobicb J" wmxw toe blame Erafmus, is not tbis fo mucb of errours in S. lerome. ^is cenfures on S. Auftin are miOikeb mod: in tbat be reiertetb >>>» bt mno fnnb?pbtDbe6ascounterfeit, tobicbT<>rrenfisp?ouetbtobce S. AuiVins clone. Mbcreof tbe impo?tance anb banger is tbe greai> omnium p!^t- fcr, bccauTc Come toill baue nothing t^n fo? S. Auftins, but ?""• ^ tobat Erafmus batb aUoloeb. r«"tpS& Ra-inoldcs. Molanus t>ib COttCr tbc dnnes OfVidorius,tobe qwrt-ta befouub 110ofberfaultloitbbisnotes, butof tjuciuill fpacbes. SftieJoma^ 3|ffauour to tbe man, anbfanficto tbecanfebabnotmabcbim "mart bp partiall: be migbt baue faio of bim, tbat as he pall the bounds PatT^'^Se of Chriftian modeftie in + railing at Erafmus perfon, fo bab bepafttbebounb£SofCb?iftianfrutbinnotingerroursofErar- mus. HBut ^ be tbat looulbaffirme Erafmus to be ignorant of inepuC^dsL thcGreekctoong, toberofbislDO?feesfomanp,botbinbiuim:> tie, anb bmnanitic, tb?ougb all fojtcsof to?itersb£Dp?oclaime Dmewudcm. tbe contrarie; nabetb no otber Ccnfor to abuertife men, toitb tobat cprs be Icnfeeb into Erafmus booings. 3|t teas not Erafmus adp'um tgno?an£eofGreeke,tobicbb;cbberomanp errours in bieco?* EiufmusRmc.' re(tionsof,oinofesbpon,5.lerome. attoas bw fenotolebgc of tbc Latme, tbc Romanecburcbesfaulfs. 3jt toas bis fbil of tbe partes profco-us, Italian abufes of tbc |9ope. Bit toas * the triaclc tobitb b® giuetb nctenen'm& tbat f f^metb poiion tjnfo pou, SHbeft tbinges, becaufe tbep dit. 3 moueb Peters lupremacie. g In Auguftin. dcciuit.Uei fccti; Ui tlx tO)t(ac( of Vines,*aB in ijiiS Commtn-- tnrteji out. li In titu!o ap- peadicisTomi ouiiuiopcrum AuguftinijAnt- ueip-PlantiB. * Nonniillis ta- men omifsisjCX Cenfurafacul- aatis Theologia ca: Lduaoien' i)S< moue?! man? to fufpcrt t^at fometn^at tn poperp iuas not of t^e btS: it ioas t^ongbt erpeoient tl^at tljep li^oulo bee tal«cn out of s. Icrome. viftorius (to 0£d it toitf) a fatre IbeU3)p:etenuco otber crrours: but t^jougl) to mucb Cooler tjt^e facto jaiea Iji's bwntour. ^^clachcbtbat Difcretton iobtcbljatb bene tbetoeo Once bp t|)e CDiuinesofLouan,infettm0f®jtbtbenoteS ofViueson5,Au- ftin. if or s t^ep omttteb a great tnanp tljingss iu'perin Vi. ucs toucfacb tbetr popes anbCljurcbes fo;es: pctfaptpep not fbrnuclj. ^Dnlp tbep" fap, t^at * certaine things are omitted: certaine, as not nTanp;anD crrours tbcp name t!jem not; nep# thee tell tljcp toIjaf.j[jiatJo,iftbe notes of Viucs on S. Auftin baue founo fucp biffauour; t^e cenfures of Erafmus,on bint, map bet^ ter beare it ;an3, to fap tbe trutb, tb^P ba«!^ beferueb it at pour banbes. ifojintboreeenfuresbatbErafmuslbetnebtbaf manp btBbes bo) falfelp beare S.Aultins name, bp i»bicb>aj3 bp tbe loarf rant of S. Auftins uiDgcmenf,funb;p of pour Schoolcmens anb Canonilts bieames bauc bene abuanceb ano atbeo. 15ut he rc- icdeth fomc as countcrfclt,pou fap,whichTorrcnfis proueth to be S.Aultins owne. 0nb tob^f marucU IS it, if amongtt bun^ Djebsbstoerebecetuebinoncojftoof ^nbbauing b^bfriaU of manp falfc titles, b^ tbongbt fome faWe tobicb toere not f ^ fiiflb» tbatbatbbanetoncbebDncclxjitbtbebfflfaC) isfaicctofeare t^ boolte faitber euerp meate.SDbep, tobo hp erperiente baue felt tb^ fome are cajftners, tubicb beare tbe face of bonelf men, innffb^ borne toitb, if tbep fuljpett a man Ibmetimes tobow tbep naoe not: cbieflp, fitb itpiouetbagreaterpotntoftuirebometomu Itrufi an boneCt man,tbento trott a fanaue^ifo?, to truil: a hnaue, bat b bnbonc manp,anb fa:ougbt tbem paft recoue;p.2Do mil! ruft an bonett man,tbougb it be a fault, pet is it Icffe baung£rous,anb mapbefcDuermeuDcb, 5Suftobafihalltoetbinbeof pour Tor- renfispolicies OTbo, tmbertbispietenrefb^Erafmusiudgcd fome bookcs not to be S.Aultins,tubieb are.-' be cifelb fucb,as S.Aultins,* tobte^arelmotoneanbgrauntcb to be ncneofljis. Hart, ^ bojtb notfo fintplp, but ^ toifb an erception, tbat if all of them be not S.Aultins owne, as tre^annt tbep be not: yet the molt arc theirs who lined the fame time, and ' all(nO' doubt) were written by learned and godly men. Rainoldes. iBuf out of tbis erception be botb ercepf againe, tbat,although they do not auailcmucb to conuince tbe opi- nions s Ineonfeffion. Augult.li.i.c.?. tit.i.&c.pafsim, * Sla «amely the Sermon of S.Peters chairc «nhotbtrpxtf ponpOlci* "C ti)tfame Itttec. k la prsfet.ccn- feff.AugHftin. ad Leftorem, I Doctorum imtaatquepi- oru hominum t'kDcoann. The Fathers corrupted,by whom, 199 Son nions of feftariesjneuerthelefle there will be godly men and learned,^ who will permit and iudee them to be S. Auftins X?^liunUn'o$^ owne,and wil both take delight and profit by reading them, cfnffinan"^'" ^etamonjjtttlicfcfaoofecSjfo; u)i)rc})f)ettrtuetl)fofo thought S,Auitins,f|jcrt be t^at fcadj tontrarp to S.Aultins oocf frine.iljsnaimlpjt^ebooke ofvifitingthe fickejioljerem ' tpe i^lmoTuk' baffarUAufiinalloUJCfi) the worfliip of Images,a«gooO;tol)tcl) i.cap.3. tbe true Aultin ootlj note,as an abufe,artb faitlj,the Church ™ ^cCca°hol mifliketh it.iSut TorrenfiscoulQ notefbietl^tsifentence of tlje liciuinesofLouantQ),) p |je ftttetf) fo.J quutuleiinec ' aflotnarm ^is Auftins confcffion.feotljatjtftuee compare tlfc ttSSe- 5e.;ltngoftheIefuitTorrenfis,lDttl) Erafmusjtn tatting 0^ re# rcvcifiontisvei fuftngt^ebooltesi ofs.Auftin:Erafmus,asa platne ano toell me# Xrlp^nlbi"' aningmanttiattDereto receinea fummeofofmonp in angete, obtruferunt no- finbing manp bao ones,fome Ugl^f,fome crackt, feme fotooereo, ^c°cnturl fome countetfeiteD amogS ti)e,botlb t)po fufpicton biitralt a fetne uaniefiumrNon goobanbislottjto tabett)em,fojfeare ofoecetuing anp to^om "ftAugutoi.^ Ije C^oulb pap tpm teo.Thc Iefuit,a5 a pamker,tjol^o coulD game FctrXugufti""' bptbem,tft)emigt)tputtt)emaU atoap ,Dotl^mmgIe tpem one iib.4.«»p?.t«- toitpanofl)cr,anijp.tapetl)mentotafeetpem: protetting,tt)at if ^ they be not all Englifli angels,yet they be Flemifh; at Icaft, they are ftampt with the image of an angell. And although fome curious and precifc men arc loth to take them in part oflawfullpaymcnt:yct there be good felowes that will per- mit and iudge them to be Englilh angels, and will* playe them at dice for their delight and profitc too. 35, fbj mp part, Ephil^H! * liane a better liking of Erafmus herein, ^pctiallp foj t jjat jjee fl^etoetl) (in l^to cenrures)tl)c reatbns tljat moueo l)U« to t'^inke, as pt tw)^, of the bookes tnljic!) pt rcfufetrnfo ttjat tpe ctmrcl^ map tberebp iuogc offjis iuogement, 3fpou rafberfanSe the lefuit TorrenfisibrcponrotunDifcretion, luotUU atmifc 0# tters tobetoarebotue tl)eptru®pon,lul)o boo fo ligbtlp truS |)im. Hart. |0ou errnfe Erafmus,as tljougb tfje fufpicion tuljicb bis 1 p^fat conferf, cenfurcsraifeoffome tljtngsinS.Auftins lao>fes,pioc«bi«5from a carefnlnes,^ be migbt neither bebrcciueD,no^ oeceiue. SMbicb communi rita ifitbab banefo:bisfaultloeretbclcffer.llSnti Torrcnfis ibc- tcTi"' toetbi tbat whereas there arc tvro ' treanfisoihiSyWichingtbe ^ 4 cm- AZQ ur reters mpremacie. CQm.non life ^nd mAniri of Clergie men, in which, the Ipring and orders ot the life ohnonkes are faithfully declarcdiErafmus, of malice(as it may fecmc)for hatred that he bare to monks, i^seimonesad remoued them both out of'thcir own place » and put them Fratrci inEre,- gulIcfully amoHglt ^ thefermons intitled to the Eremite Frters^ ghiiag a note of infamic as to moft of thefe,fo to them with- alljthough himTelf deny not, but they were made by S. Au- flin.2Eljigjffmo.:e,t{)cni3t0rutting agooDangcll fo; batifie. %l)is is inilful rcfuQng of aaangclUasi baD,tt)£ Ijz hnotnet^ tobepoD,. Rainoldcs. 3lf Erafmus DitD fl)i3,notof trrojibuf of malice, for hatred which he bare tomonkes, as Torrenfis fufpccttt^ tfjatljs CtoatiDcrca great ftinic, arts too;tbptobe publtd)cti in p.iint bitfo tljc tuojlD.lBut tf ijec bio it notof batreo, t tnalice,tf Ijs bio if not at all.if ije oio t^tontrarie,if bs rep^oueo the partic b? iobom it boas bone,ana b"" rebjeffeb it: bob? boill l orrcnfis rtncenfur* amenbs to Erafmus,tubom b^ tJatb befomcb toitb fo lebJb Scrmonum ad aflannberfSDbefermons ,cntitlebtothe Ercmit friers, toers ^^Tom fo?" itnpubentipfojgebbnber5. Auffins name, bpfometobo boas ii^append. bim fclfe of tbat ojber belike,anb glablT? tooulb baue gotten ere* btttobisojbcrbptbetitleoffucbapatrone.Erafimis batb mar* 3 Aquodamtc- keb tbe moft of tbefe fcrmons boitb a note of tnfamie,Mibcrdn,if jniiiMo. commitfeb anp offenre,it boas,tbat be markt nsmoje of ti\m oJioflandraT fo,nottbatbcmarfettbomoft-jfoj, pour LouamCcniorsbo fcttbemoufaUtoitbasgoob a note; aftinntng,nQfonclp , tbat 5AC6ieruato^ thc/are ' forged,and ^ knownc certainely to be written rtApoiioiico vnderS.Auftins name, ' by fomepety-latiniftj'^arhetorical fAu^d^naros nioongrell,dcmy-ftcnchjdcmy- Flemifh,as Lipfius doth ga- fcreprobatos. thetbycettainewotdcsandphtafcs:but alfotbat they were <»it" uv reproued and condemned ' by an ofticer of the Popes toriumL". i- bouceightfcotcycatcsfince,and writtenbothlargely and ^mrcg; !- icamcdly againff by ^ MalburneofBrufTels.Snbi^fiFftnulb- iFrencb-man fben,as be enbcuonreb to Incite yis fcrmons Au- ftin-like,tbat men migbt tbinke tbcm to be S. Auilins otonc: fo bs interlarbeb tbcm boitb ttoo treatircs,bDbicb boerc in beto Au- ftins , but ttterebtotbe people of bio obDnCburcb,anb not to *Hoei6eof^^ Eremite Friers. Erafmus, bobcnbrfet fojtt) S.AuSins beojkcs ^pBdpopi"'" firft^eipiebtbefraaoanbDpcncbittneitber bib be onclp rtmcue dcdifqnifitione tttm Ijotb tbemo^ut aUo Icft tbts * Cenfurctbere tok^etbera Attnfiortuo Au- , TheFadiers corrupted, by whom. 2,11 flUt;theyareamongltrheepiilles,andwere put fooliflily in g»ftini.Qa.€h*- amongit the fennos to the Eremite Friers.^ctD be tubgc pour felftjUiljat the lefiiit i)cfcruEtb>tof)0 cljargct!) Erafraus to hauc "mfmarunt done that of malice and hatred,tulj'r!) not onclp 5tD not,but alio p,:ouit)e5)(asmucf) as lap in l)iiii)t^Tt no mandfo fljouto boo it. //art. pcr^apa Erafmus bib tt,tf not in pis firtf obttton DfAiiitin,pettnotberaftcrluarD. irojDoubtl£ffb tit fomo of'tbe sAnnooominj. 315o0H-ei5Uion0,ti)bi'^ tlje ccnlurca of Erafmus, tbofo trea- tifesarepjintcDasTorrcnfisuotctbtbcm, cucn amongtt the fermons to the Erenoite Friers. 3nO if Erafmus caufcQ ti)Cm fo to bo pjintc33,a5 bcbiD of libclifjoount to no tnottall finno to tbtnh tljat pe DtD it,not oferro;,but of malicei hatred againft monks, iFojit is tucll knotwnc, tijat Ije cculD not abibe tlwut: anb funbju of bis cenfurcs ars Ifaincb toitb tljat affsction. - Rainoldes. libclp- boob is ratbcr tbat Erafmus taoulD notfomntittbatbiittfcIfe,tDbicbti^!)^bconb£!mneb befon; in an otber.0t teaft.ifbetocrc fo grcatlp oucrlbot,Torrenfis fboulb bo IdsH to quotebstlrc cbitio.anb take bint bp ttio^c (barplp,not on# IpfetmaluE but foifoUptoo.llBut perhaps Torrenfis batb bone as(mEnfap)Will Summer toastoontito let flp at Rowland,lube OliuerbabRrojkcnbim.iFo?,' ina^arts-eb;tion.ofAuftin,one t Aan» Deminr- 7 H2tiicr(U3botoastbconcr'fcerDftbc pjini) botb note tbat- 1531-inofticina * himfelfe hath reftored againe to the Eremite Friersj two fermons which Erafmus had taken away from them. 7 lacobnsH*-- fojmer 215afil-p,tinfcr,,tobont Erafmu s bfebjbob (as it appearetb) omitteb tljem in the epiltles,amongft tbe tobtcb Iboulb baue operaAuguS, p.unfcbtbem.2Dbw«f«nl*«tbc paris-p^intcrminbingtoamenb, * anicnbcDlDitba grcaterfaultilDbom ' tbe later 315a(iI-ctitions moncs duosy bib folctii,cucrfttne bp Lipfius,! otbcrs,not Erafmus, ^ctubeit, rarmus, itetber is tbere,in tbe,a note of infamie fet on both thofe trca# ?n"rr Ipiftohr tifes, (asTorrcnfisfattb,)butonclponfbefo;!4ticr. ^IQbicb f®- eflentjCxTom*' mctbtobaucbanetbepiintersfcapcratbcr tben tbe cuerfeers: fitb tbat tbrp agreeing ht argument anb ftple ^btbc fame iubgc# quiffitot inent bctb,as it is likelp.j^otoe concei'ning tbat,tober0tottb pou fosScmfril'r^' tljarge farther the cenfurcs of Erafmus, tljat they are Rained ftitnimus.. with his afedion againllmonkes : biS afPeCtiCil foicarbes fbcm toasfo trcU o>brreb in tbe Icuecf ngbteoufneSjanb batreb flf iniqa jticjtbat it ratber leab bim to clsanfie tps ttaincs of ct bcr. Of Peters lupremacie. fljenllame^iBolunecettfurcs. ifoj^tjoiutucllfj^ltKcDofgoDltJc u,The d-f anDtjjrtrfoaettcs.itappsaretij bptl;at, in^icf) (tplieii ofRritainc.t i^ctoasm(S}Tgia3tD)^e tu3gcD of" cur Colleges in SDrfojD ana 2.bookc,dic Camboiage.SDpe oiaers ana rules tnljjreoflujienliec perceiuea, ttfsmu ana mancr offljetr ffuaics,tfjeir lectures,tljeir atfciplme, tfjeir pzoutSon tn comnian:l)e comparea tl^s traae of our If uaents Itucs,luitl) fipe rules ana orders of the auncient moonkes: ana founba it the beft of the monalticall inllitutions that euer uMs deuifed. Mfjtcl)being fpohen bp l)Wfot|)<5 pjaifeofour sPor.idlusde Colleges,as ratfea to be narCertes fo^ tbe mimtterp of tlje cburcb, bnberein tljep map be tosllreremblca to tb^beif of * theaund- Sulpit.de vie. cnc monafl:eries:Ootb argue tbat Eraftnus baa a gooa affection a/rln ft foiuaraes tbe auncient monhes,i5at tpe common fc^t ofmonhcs 4-adKBaicnm ■ of our age are creatures of an otber liina,ana cbaungea to an o# ti)8rbeiDe.3(nfomttcbtbat ^ Polydorc Virgil, an Italian,U)bo sudeii^e^"' fenetue tbeir Hate fpell, ana aia not bate tbem foj religion, aotb ^incredibiis ^ affirme oftbcm,tbat it is * athingvncrediblcto bee fpoken aMaforiSasfu" How grcatly thcy atc grovsmc out of kiudc, from their aun- iidcgsncrauc- ccIlors.OTiberefo^ejtt Cainca not tbe cenfures of Erafmus, tjbat fit bab a miaihing of tbefc bnhinalp monhes,euill beafltes, i iale z confefnon. bellicS.Buf tbe lilting of tbempwfefijjea bp Torrefis ijatb tfainea Augufliti.lib. toitb abjitnes bis Auftinsconfeflion. ifo>,tobjing tneniti aAnXtSm. loue ana aamiration oftbcir bcggerlp ceremonies, ^ b^tu.ntetb ofS. Auftin tbat he was clad with a blackc coole,and girded rte ^ leather girdle; and that,by no meaner man tben S.Am- macjenttAu- brofe; " tobofer8rmonbealleagetbfo.jtbep:oofctbereof, ano guftinu, cucuUj * notetb it as a tooitbp matter.®ab^re,in trutb, t^t fermon inguio"co-' is ta farre from being s. Ambrofe bis otxmcttbat tpt learnea note riac«o pr«i- itfobe bnaoubtcalp foigca in pis name bpacoofining ana bccnfuraKraf- ojatlittg marcbant,as tb® tobic^J W notbi^S in it of 5. Am- mi,Citracon- hrolc pXSeTiT Hart. SCbatcenfurcfauouretbof Erarmus:l]Dbt3(bppour bUteronis Adeo Icaue) in matters toucbingmonhes , tballbaticno creait toitb AmbroiiaBum. IIIC j fap tUb^^ ^aU Can,fO^ bi^^^* ^ , ri ' * Annot.in V- Rainoldes. Sf pou life not btm: pou map life Coftcrms, SbgiuSai. ana Molanus pet,tUjo SDoCtOiS ofLouan. Molanus, tpz feiitgS J. Scrmonon UJdjfefDOi ofaiuinitie: * tobo.calfing off tbat fable of Auttins i« ope blacke and monkilh weed, fait!; tbat the fermon is not S. Am- rikuihabccur. brolCSt The fathers corrupted by Papifts. 203 , brofcs.Co{krius,t!;ep^io.Jof5.Martins0bbep : ' ioljo cen^^ccnruwco- furcfl) Ijini tljat fo^gcb it mok ajy.rplp tt)m Eraimus DtD.ifo? be ci'm^ ab ^rui- Dctlj not onch' call ijiin a coofiner, but a fottilh and Ihamelcfle fo & audad bn- coofincr.ilno lubercas Erafmus d:d t?ct uotluitblfanDtng ^ fct it fcojtb aincngftilyC rcttcf Ambrofes Ujo^ltcs : it famed fo lotlj? dAnno Domini fome auD beaaii? to Cofterius, tljat Ije lj?'tb clf«'-nc left it out, ^0 tfjat, in tbe later ectiicno of Ambrofe,it is not crtant noio.^m 1J55.& 1567, Ip t|^ place of it, tcucijing the code and girdle of the Aufhn- monkes, (o^. Auftin-friers,as tljCl! arc calie0,)is laib bp in Tor- renfis: a llojcbcufc fit foj fuel) antiquities. Hart. 3if t5)e cDljurcl; alltb) tpe cenfures of tbofe learneb mem Rainoldes. % fenclb uo IcameD man of pour cburcb tbat DiO allotuetb tbem. Hart, £Dl)cn is it to be tfjougbtj tbat bJbmTorrenfis quotcb fbat fcrmon ofS.Anibrofe r Ijemeant, (as IjebaO faioe * afo?e» Pr^cfatconfcff. of S.Auftin) tbat either it is his; oj fome others like him. Auguftin.ad Rainoldes. 2Dhis neither Ooth h® fap» no^ hi® feeders ga# ' fher,noj the truth agree toj, ifoj neither boas it tojittcnbp anp ^ like S.Ambrote, if a rafliandfottiih coofiner did forge it, tohich pour fuppofall granteth: ano he, boith ^ other after him, tzsf tuimejp,titt alleage it as bojittenbp S. Anibr ofe him felfc; bohofs it is mani# of«;« fell thep booultj haue it fuppofeo, fo? the codes fafee. ^0 fauou# Sna'" rableai'epou in bearingb)ith pour felues, to taUcthat, as cer# Charkc.paje fainlp bojitten bp the irathcrs,bjhich ceitainlp is none of theirs. ^ ^ofharpeagainftbs, if boee fufpect anp thing not to be theirs, bohich is: pea, though boe fufpect it not, but be falflp thought to hauefufperteoit through other mens Default, ^nb thus haue 3 cattoutthebeameoutofourcie. ^obu^ let bs feethemoate in pours. I^cur p?attifes in corrupting the writings of the Fa- thers,are of tbuo fojtes: the one,befo?e the art of pointing boas opuCcuin founDjanDtheether,fithence. Cramples of them both 31 boill centra crrores giuc in our p?efent qucftion, touching the fup?emacp. SChe foj# vdf"""" incr fo?t therefore is life in the chicfcll l©otto? of pour Church,3l Pont. Max? tneane, s Thomas of Aquine.CuaijO bojiting againft the cr-' vtcicun^ rours of the Grecians, Doth bjing in S.Cyrill, faptng, that as nifsimampotc* Chrift receiued power of his Father ouercuery power, ' power molt full and ample, that all thingcs lliould bowe to nim; ^ fo he did commit it moft fully and amply both to Te- " busplenirsi- • • • • me rnmmrnr ffr SoV 2. 204 Of (Peters iupremacic. «i!imPeuo tcr 8c hts/itccejfoftrs; ^ 5 chriitgauehis own to ncncclfe,fauC chrSits q^tod to Tfftfr/ully,buc to him alone he gaue it .• ana, the Apoitlcs owTf^d'^rV Gofpcis and Epiftles hauc athrmed(in cuery dodrine) Pettr and his Church to be in fieede efGod : anS, to him ,euen to p«ro' 'io bow their head by the law of God, and the Prin- r"dkino*cVp"t CCS of thc world are obedient to him, euen as to the Lord Ic- indmant.jt pri- fus; | wc, as bcing members, muft dcauc ^ vnto our head, Mnqu^^ipfi P"?' and the Apoftohke See; thence it is our duetic to feekc Doraino lefu o. & cnquirc what is to be beleued,what to be thought,what to s'^CipTtinoftro, bc hcldjbecaufe it is the right oi'the Pope alone,to reproue,to PonuficiRomal corrc6t:,ro rebuke,to confirme,to difpole, to loofc and bind. 2 soHusPonti- faptngs arc allcgcD b? Thomas of Aquine oaf of S. Cyrils «cis«ft*rgucre, tDOjtio entttleJ ^ the trcafure.lSattnS. Cyrils trcafurcfljere »«e bafecotneo tobsfounoe. tiSllfjsrefo^ectfi^er Thomas iere,dirponere, cotnob fpctti !)tm fclfc fo: luanf of currant nione^; o; tooke ttjcm coiner, anb tljougljt to trie, if tljep Uioulb go« MThomasinD Hart. ^(D ^ou ImoU), Inbat iniurtc ^ou Dto to t|}at blcHleO •tb»t bs oifitit man Thomas of Aquine, to fcljofc cfjargc )jou la^ fo great a crime of fojgerie? Rainoldes. j^one31 ataU, to l;im, to^ofe connferftito 3(biO crie* ^5uf Ije bib great iniurie to tbe pajje Cljiiihans, toljoui ijee aint-nirihcr of Rome bib tftOtntittO-An- canonije Ijim fo.f tt)e ijotineCTe of his life anb learning, SLlje grea# wnin.hiftor. (g{j jj ^!)«! feruice to that ^ce, ^itb ace pou loth S. to haue it Imotonef Hart. I15ut tohp Ihbulb pou thinbc either him to be tbc counn ferfeiter,o.:fhefapini^tobecounterftit,tuhcn, (acs ^ Cope the# s lafummade ' toeth) the? are alleagcb not onlp bp him, but bp other tm.jsame/' icdef.&inap- bp thattoajthieaub moit Icatued Catdinali ' lohn^Tur^ Iretorn^ooL ftctemata, who was at thc Councell of Bafill;& before him by CMcqtamin * Aujlin of Ancom: yea by Grecians thcmfelues, who were «nriBo° at the councell of Florence, ^y^ndreas Bifhop of Coloffe,and iiniib.depo- Gennadsus Scholarius the Patriarkc of Conltantinople . Of *vw"cfji^y. w^hom when the former faid (in * the Councell) that Cyrill 7.SC I. in his treajurei had very much extolled the authority of the Pope,none ofallgainefaid him. The later, (in a treatifc that hee wrote for the Latins againft thc Gratcians, touching fine pointcs whcrof one is the Popesjupremacy) citcth thc fameteftimonies, although ^ »ri •■h nil- The Fathers counterfeited by Papiftes. 106 although perhaps not all, which S.Thomas ofj4cjuine doth out of Cynil. i^ct pcurniton^fomatipcJjoire fjtniiu^ompouma^ carps at: anh ti)mhet^tluo.:ji3cs!aIIcascD hp tljcm all, are couiif tcrfdtcs. Rainolde.s. Couutcrfcitcs arc cGunterrctteSjtljoug^ thcp go tl)02ci!gh liucntp tjanO0,5lI tl)ffc,tohon^ name out of H arpf- iieldes~Copc, cio liuc long after I homas; ano fame to fjaucaU leagcD s. Cyrill en tiis creoit, as Cope htmfelfc cot'^ alfo.wa^cre* fo,:c 3f coulo not tljina tljat tljsp has bcrne tlje coiners of ^ toljtcl) loas bcfo2e tljep tocre. llBut 7'homas tst|)e firll, toitb toljom 3 rnioe tl;c iooios: ano tl)erefo.:e greatett reafon to late t^e fault on Ijtm, bnleiTe Ije l^eto from toljcm Ijc liao t|icm. ^t lealf, feeing 3 fcnolo ti)c UjojOs are not Cyrils,tntjofc 1 homas fai^ tlje^ be: 3 Diol;imnoiniurie(Jtruft) toljenj faio, fl)ateitljcrl)creceiucD tttem at fome corners ^nocs, oa cc^ncD tftem |>im lelfe. Hart. ;Sltijougl)tbeti)020esarenottobefounDnotDtntt)ofe partes of Cyrils trcafurc, to^icl) are ejctant: tet tljat is not fuf# feienftop.joue, t^jateitljerThomaso^fomeot^erfc.tgeD tljem. i tocor.Theo- 5Fo,j' Melchior Canus affirmctl) that bcretikcs hauc maimed caf that bookc, and hauc razed out all thofe things which thcr- in pertained to the Popes authoritie. Which lame thing to be done by them in the Commentaries of Theophylaft vpon John : the Catholikes haue found, and (hewed. Rainoldes. (^atljinfees, pou aiiD Canusocaleagatnlfbs, as the men of Doryla oio againtt flaccus . ^pom toljen ' fijcpaccufeooutof their publikerecordes, anO t^r reco.tOes lucre calleO fo>: t^ep faio that they were robbed of them vpon the way, by, I know not what fhepheardes. |3ou accufe bs, tljat hjc oenp the pope Ijis rigfjt of t^e fupjcmacp. recojhes, bp tofjicb l?ou p:oue it tjif right, are the wordcs of Cyrill. Cyrils tiJojDes are calleo fo;, that ftep map be fene. ^ou fap, fjjep are not ertant: pou are robbed of them, by,I know not what he- retikes. ?i5l|jrreon to put a greater lihelihajo, pou fap further, that heretikes haue done an other robbery in Theophylaft, as they arc charged by Catholikes. 0nO this Deo pou fap: but pflu lap it onclp: pou bjing no pwjfe, pou name no toitneire,pou cHv,,en ddX ^cto no token of it 3f fuch aceulations map make a man guib rat, rem vt de- fie: toho Itiall be innocent i l^ce that IhoulD jrauc Dealt among the' h<^athens lb; ipoulD haue bene counteD rather a flaunderer mento prober, then then an accufer» Hart. ^omitfe,tl)att^tu3iDj8tDmitct rajctjper^psoafof Rtt\» faaolte of Cy rill ,\Dl)icl) too ^aae.^et mtgtjt tpeig be in fomc of mAiapCopu., t^jtoJjtc^are lolfjoj " not Cut foot^ in Jlatin.iro?,ioe banc aiaioe i.cip.ij. nomajet^fonretancfaooUes of^t5trearure;toljer0as t^ettoo nu"iib''tf MPV ie citco b? t^e ifat^ero in ttjc " fittlj general Court# e sypodo tf. ceU.5lnb tijifiiiS enougljto remous fufpicion offo;ger? from Tho- Bftianc!». raas,anb of^er,to^ alleage tiim* Hainoldcs. ^a^,alt^0u^ ttje ftoo amr ffriitict^ be mctttio# neb bs t^e ^at^r« ftjere:?et meant ttje^ no moje of Cyrill, tben toe Ijaue.^oj t^at,to5icl^ in our iutin ebition is t^e ttoelfttj, is tite ttoo ano toiitiott))tn t|ie C^reeiano count« Hivt. jDliis is an anftoerc tojjif^ 31 nfu^r Ijoarb, 35f ijaf^ no likel^lHioDoftmt^, Rainoldcs. ^eruft ?on place,to!)tctj foucljet^ tfrat of Cy- rill : anotlje too^esttiem (ieluestoiUp;oueit mo;e t^enlibe# Hart, SC^eCouncelfjat^it tfjus, Hgc& fm^lHsCyrillHsm trigefimo fecHndoltbroTkefutrortmdocet^tfijiQlamsdfrofanos ex- necenim vnatn naturalem operationem dabimus clfe Dei & creature; vt ncqae id quod creatutn eft ad diui> nam deducamus effentiam, neque id quod eft diuins naturat prjcdpuum,ad locum quicrcatis conucnitdeponamus, Rainoldcs. %'^B Ientence,alleagco out of tlje ttoo anb t^ir# pin CyrilliTbe fietlj of Cyril in C^rabejis p intlje ttoelftti bcoke of cur iUtin Mp.u'''*"' Cyrilh^auing tl^af,^e being tranflatcb b? * an otljer Ijatfj if in ♦ Georgiuj ot^rtoo;bes.^uttt)ereistie fentente:t^ebers fame feufence TrapezuniiM. t|jg CCUnCCU pOinfCtlj fOO. Hart, 3|f migtjf be tljere,8rff, artb ^et agairte affertoarb in ttie ttoo anb tl;irtiet^:as manpc one (entente often. Rainoldes, 50ut tlje tircumftancc oft^e place bot^ raf^ impojt it to be t^c berp farac.ifo^,t^c Councell fait!),that Cyrill haththcfe wordcs,^Arpir»^«w/^^^/?(?/<^»^ adprcfetJoSiVtrhcrc he ex- poundeth the cpiftle to profane men. ^notobat meant tbeijj bp tljisepiftle^rfprefanos,to profane men? Hart. i^oto can 3 fell tobat tbep meant ,tobcn tbat borfte itotKomsHtf ofCyrill(tobereoffbeprpeake)is lolff »P^ofont mtR. Rainoldcs. 3t (boulb be,the epiftle ad Romanes,to the Ro- luaincsjC * Romanes'} maoe C 2 frofams []bp tbe p;inters cr# roi The Fathers counterfeited by Papifts. i o7 Diuifien 2. roJttJnlcHe 5t3 it cf purpoftjfo ll^eto,tDfjat itoto the Romanes bp;0j fomc corrects? cbaungcD it^ Icatt tocc b? fljus rircumHancc fi)OuH)fiiiOtbcplacc ofCyrill. jfo;t,tt)i3C^'here heexpoundeth the epiftle to the Romanes ] 10 a gixat argument, t^at ttjs CounceU meant tijeplace in t^c tlnelftlj boohe:iDl}ere Cyril Dot^i l^niilcfuc!;poinic0ofthatcpiltlea0 concerneb t^c matter tljat |eb'l'' CClljicl) ttjat 1)0 (bonlD boo agatne, tn ttft fame tDOibCjtoitf) t|)C fame rentencc,toucl)ing tifz fame matter: tbep toi)!3 hncU) Cyrilljfuill not tl)tnhe it libelpXbc lc(rc,becaufe it id anbfualltf)mgiDtfl)t})ev©rcctan0, tobiutbebooheeotbertoife tben tt)e ILatiiiia! boo.^jsjtn t^c ©rafee tettament,the gofpell of 5. Mar ke batb mo?e tljen fettle cbapter0,tobicb batb net ttocntic tn tbe 3latin;anb pet nottmtbttanbmg ttfz ILatin batb tbe tol)ol^» as iDcU as t^e cmftom fomecct- j'.epift. 14V ner.Belfee l)e,tDl)o bio i t,toaf! mailf er of tfje ISopeo mint ; ano Narfem comi- fuljo tljat fl^oulD be,butThomas,^ fenofunot, r "ioeor.Theo- ^eitljer Thomas,no.: anp elo. ifoj tljefe tfjingee toere Isgflib.tf. cap.4, tojiten int^eCounccllofCalccdon:but Ijeretifeeo fj^ue rajcD mas out copiei£!,as G regorie ccmp'atnctl) to t^ie Carle fcuius ttmporis Narfcs, Db'^^cnwrfcd Rainoldcs. :©? ratf)er,aa! y CanusrepojtctticutofGre- abkttectcherl- goricjbutrepojtetfjfalfelp.ifo^ Gregoric bot^ not mentionci# fluw'itifr'"'" tljerheretikcsjOjthelethings. £Dnlp l^eaffinnet|jt^atthe xRegXjib.y. church of Conftantinoplc had falfified the Councell of Chal- ep.i4.chaiccdo cedoninoneplace:tul)tcf)l)^fiemct^tomcane of t^ecig^t ano invnoio'eoab fiocntteti^canoncftljatCouncell,(aS tbeGrecians recUcn it) eccicfiaConftan tuljcretn Conftantinoplcis allowed cquall piiuiledges wiin ft"&« eftRome ■ ifoj t&c Cliurrl) of Rome fjaO ftill toitfjtfooD tijig canon: a Epift.51.52. cfjitfelpjPope * Leo.|p£t Conftancinople,anotl)eCrabe tt)ur# ^ cwone^cofi-Dotoue amongCt tfje reft, SLIje Differente betloeene cii.chaifcd. t^emappcaretfjtottjiooapintljc'' CreeUeano ILatin rcpice: Jcon*Ju.chai. ouo oft^om fjauiug it,ano tfje otfjcr Inariting it. ^tatjicb is a ccd.aa.15. great pjefumptiorntbatG regorie,in raping , the Councell of TC}t);oofe. Hart. 3! etc not perufe place mp felfe to Crrm^Aut f obe i,., it, aa 3 founc it alleagco bp learnecmemiFo.: ^ Cope b^tbit ■aa tocll aa Canus. ^either coo 3 tbinhe tbat fbep cic t»?eft it •purpofelp.-buttrnfttogtbeirmemojieafoa ^ matter to gene* ralRcic miffo in letting coton tbe toojca. Rainoldes. i^eitber Coo 3 charge fbem aatoilfull tme#. fteraofit.3tmapbetbatCanusreao itto Came other,ano Cope' to Canus,anc pou to Cope: anc tlniabv fraoition pou are cecep uec from banc to banc. -Kemember Chriftcs fentcnce. If the Wind leade the blind, both ihall fall into the ditch. 55utfbi5 map fufficefoj a fafte of pour'Corrupting the writings of the Fathcrsjbefb^ fbep came to fbe pjint ♦ ipotc, boto ^ou baue b* is> ao iMoIn 1. no Of'Peters fiipremacic. feotl)emfinc£:tl|CBU)ere p^inteD: let pcur fetfingfoojtl^cf Cy- j>nan,ftittat^(owf,anDtp0nat Amerp^btrntxampk^^nV^ time of Cypriatijtlje c^urclj ofCij^ift teas trcubleo UjitS) k ^^eic^oi § Nouatians, oj (as tljep calleD tfjemfducs) ^ f uritaas: Epiphai^ tobid) c«k»ri Auguit ^133 fallen in tl»e time of perfecution, ttjougl) tbep repenteo after, SuSjiar. refufeo to communicate toitljtljemi ano tj^rcuponoiofcpacate iU ' ttiemfeltiesfrom tpe focietie of tbe Catt)oliUe cljui cb ano affenv blicsoftt)efaitt)fuUasl}ncleanealib,fo.:tt}at t^p receiueo into tpeir felototJjiip ano commnnion,t3pon repcntaunce, fuc|j as baft fallen, ^gainfttpefe Nouatians, tpefirebianQS offcfjifmesano DUfenfions in t^e Cfjurcl). S. Cyprian |iatlj to:iten a notable kcypriM.de V- tteattfe ' touching thc vnitie of the church; tobcrein ^ 000^ Bittxccciefi*. tnttructanOepljOJt Cjjjittians to kecpe the vnitie of ipirit in the bond of peace, and be at concord among them felues.^ ;^no,to toinne tbis of tbem bp reafons ano perffoaltons out of tbe bw'.p fcripture; as among tbe relf beebiingetlj funone figures wherein is repjefenteO the vnitie of the church, a^thcArksif T^tfthe coat I ofChrifijhe boafi of Rahabythe Umbe of the Vafouer: lb aitiong the figures be placetb Rtttr firft, in that our Sauiour . faid to bim, Thon art Peter yOnd on this ft one iSiL I baildmy: cbtsrcb, &, TotheeveiUfgeuethekfyesofthekingdomeofheaHeriySi againc, ,Apofto!i« om- albeit Chrift.Caitbb^jg^"® ^ equall power aibu$p»ren> to all the Apoftles,after his refurredion, andfaid, As my fat jocefUtcm. therJentme,fIJendyoH,receiHe yetbeholy GhoJt'^^hofoeHers fmnes ytremktejtheyareremittedtathem., Scwhopseuers fnnesye reteynte, they are reteyned: yet to declare vnitie,he difpofed by his au- thoritie the originall of that vnitie beginning of one. No doubt, the reft of the Apoftles were the fame that Peter was, afniesBfortio x endued with like fclowflup both of honour,and of pow- ™^fp'otcftari$" cr; but the beginning doth come from vnitie, that the church of Chrift may be iliewed to be one. ^oto, fbtS placc of Cyprian, hrtjicb bp tbe fozmsr pdnfcs toas ttjougbt to ra< tbcr fo J an equalitie of all the Apoftles in power, then a fup^C;' macteof one, as it Dootb in be^e: is farCeb Initb ftnb boo^ibes, in fbe Romane Cyprian,tbat in ^etn itmahetb fo;tTeters fupre . macie,anbrofb?afupremaciein power dike tfje Popes, ™ ^ JipSm.u" voa teacb men to gather of it. jfoj tobot it boas in Cyprian,tbat «.> the rcftof tbe Apoftles were cquallbothin honor and power tnto TheFachers corrupted by Papiftes. 211 vnto Peter but the beginning doth come from vnide: ffjc Romane Cyprian ' Mdthe^imMcyisfeuen lEtpriminu P«rr.tl5ii^cre it toa0 in Cyprian ^ t^atChriftdid diipofe the original! of vnitie beginning trom one; tljcRomane Cyprian afiCet^, * heaf^intedemchAfre. jSnO againc iu^re jVnamcidie- Cyprian faiD, that the church of Chriit may be fliewed to be dram conftituic; OHCttjjC Romane Cyprian aUUetf) ^ andthechaireto be one.%\iiB tDaatoelhtObCg^nncloit^; tl^atww Teter the primacy is oeum, {hrijt appointed one chaerty anb, as the church mufi be one {othechairemHfi be one. ^cf faCWUfe chaire (in " Cyprians lnitguage)ooot|ima^ no mofo fo;tt)ect)airo ofttitbii^jppcof paws vnus eil, Kome, tltfnof^ebitbop of Carthage: ^(Typrian of Anwerpe i"/o"iidum^a« (to belpjctljc matter foftoaroc) iwtljbnnginP#^^ chaire. ^no tcnctur.Dc^ni* totJCTe itboaoin Cyprian,curn in tt)C Romane print too, Hcc who withitandeth and refilteth the churchjdoth he truil him felfe to be in the churchy tl)C Anwerp Cyprian aODet|j, * ^f'4e Anwerp-Cyprian Jpas aftertoarb fetfoo^tlj.ifo,t, ^ botb note ^ al the words (to|)tc|i bi'ms'"'*'""" pcufpobeoH abbebbp^-wx/wiintheRcnianc-print {^ht ap- f AOMfcin Cy- f*ynted one cbairi] and f the chture be ,3) and \jhe prtmacie is jnian.de vnit. yjjto Titer J atc iu a written copie ot the Cambron-ab- t codexmanB- Dcy: ' whkh was the belt of all the copies that he had, Yea>. ftriptus Abbat. thofe of [ Peters ffimdcie ] not onely in that copie, but in an cm^'o^mut. other too, which //«);«/ occupied. ^ fq? r^, Pamctin codk tobicl) abbcbbp Ijimfelfe in tl)e mint at Anwerp, the cwsodicttio. forfiktth Peters chain en ^hich the church WwDiDpuntI^fojtljat *ciccr.aeom. ijctDasnatiittljefielD, faiD , tljatpcremameDintlKcampeto ka:peit ; Iloue notthem(quDt^ 5«;»w) that are too diligent. SDt)e caiiipe ioas too tocll fetpt bp petp-captaine. %ift Car# titnals caro of Cyprian mtgtjtbauctbelibe fault. Mamms =' l)ini fclfo lD.2itetb)tl)at his whole charge of printing bookes at Gorlcium, Komcperteineth ' tothedigniticofthc/opesSee. Jftaro OT2,t|)is dignity cio Dafelmuci) t^cir £its,toIjo poi'uCeJj topics to fatcm." correatheFa.hers.2Lt)^purpofcof/Atf/'fpff lDas(as ^ DC# tlarctb) to haue them fo correfted, that there Ihoulde re- quart.in librum maincnofpot, which might infed the mindesof the (im- pie ^ withthefticwoifaUedodrinc.Mbcrcbp,ifitbcUiCisI)' aFaifodoaiine CD tobat c falfe dodrineja^tifictlj in the court of Rome,a ma map gelic caOlp Ipiu tfjcp DiD corred tbcm ♦ Cl)icfclp,fitb tb^p ijauC not fljCiUCD inbcre tbcp fcunD tlpjfe UWJDCS of C chaired atUtCprmaciegMenvfJto PetenJaS ^ OtbCrsbfCtO DoinitClDCO;# rcctionsofautcurs.MbicbP^ 3itoiUnot conDcmneas a tofeen niigfojtftof of a guiUic contcicncc.Bt map be tbat tbcp fcunD tbc in one o? o# ,fsfot cypafm tberbaDcopie.ifo;rucbtbepfoloioeDtbme,a6 it appere^ bp coitcrius.ot we/<«r.\ijbo, in funDip places co?rectctb tbe Romane p;tint, anD tbat iuftlp.l5ut'7^'<»wf/<«# found them in a writen copicofthe therscom- /ambron-abbey,the beft(be raitb)of all his copies: wherein hefoundalfothewordeswhichGratianhathofc/M«wj?-r^>tf;f , chaire ^Mer:and fo * he was bold to put them into Cypri- nonrumHsvrti- ans text.spoje bolD tbcn l»ife,in tbat. ifOr( to fee, bcto fanfie tiintexcumin- DotbouerruleDifcretion,)Srlf,iftbecopieof the Cambron-ab- auBo'Incy- bey b3D beene berp gooD : pet to foloine one againff fo manp. prf^n.devmt, kibicbbinifclfe,UibicbMorelius,lubicbotber(t»bo p:intcD (jy- ',a»Pameiius prian)baD,pcur felues tooulD tbinbc it ralbnes, but tbat it maoe ^ttUCtOt^nnoc. foi tljc popes aDuantage.2:ben,it is libclp tbat tbe man of Cam- bron, tob2 boiote tbat Abbey-copicjlnas tantpcring about it to rparuonior- fquarc it bnto fcmciubat. jfoj " be batb left out tbat claufe of tioprafi notcb in tl)c margent j 0; if^ce bib ■hpwfat na A - ^ t)i»ifclfc,pcrl)aps an otijcr ^aOjiubo'w folotoeb. ^ ttiing thiep.l olcc.in fijatfallefl) often out in iniitcn copies, ErafmustoitneDDrtb opera Aug. foimb S» Auftins workes depraued much by that fbllymnb i^ptientanno-'fl?''"^"'P?(ttl)ciubgcmentofErafmus , tljeParis-ouerfcers tafac in margins confent toiti) Ijim in tfjis point,tbougb otbbrtnire Ditrcnting from Kc retulcrantin^ contcxcum. Hsxt^ ^ou map reiett toijat eraoence fceuer pou Iitt, if pou to^cStir coniertures anb geffes, ifo>,ifanp fa- operum Auguft. thcts fentenco be alleageb, anb pou like it not: pou map &p,tl)at MSum & P^rtwps it toas not eb in t^e margcnt,anb fome bnl^ilfuU fcriue^ ^Kivei^um. ncrslD^te it in tlKJtert,as t^eplwn^ bcii£ ctfc-i»l)cre in Au- ftin, •t^Bptat.ia . Rainoldcs. ijiotirtAuftiixottelp,butinCypnantDO, aS" ut.de vS/' Pamelius Ijat^ obfcrueb :f that euen in tljis treatife tou- •ich chingthevnityofthechurch.ButlDl)2tl)i^r3l)an^tcal6toCipy tljat ttjc tDo:bes( inljereof toe fpeaUe)in Cyprian,migl^ come in# to tbe tert out of tlje margcnt-note:3l leaue it to be iubgeb bp rea# pn^n7c vniuV tjietoe oftpe circumttances. SDIje tnuten e^clei; ° ' Pamtlm\)m(zl{e)\Xli^^Car(iimll HofiusocaXf picb,conumcctl) it moft plainlp,fo;i tbe cbicfeft oftlje, ifjo? tpers, after the fpeech of Chrift vnto Peter,alleagcb out of Matthew, , tijefe too^bes arc intcrlaceb, Hie Petro primatus datur, Hert the primiteie isgtuen vnto Teter. ®2ll)icb tO- IjauC beCUC UOteb bp . lbmeintbemargent,itisfomantfeft,tt)atneitI;ertpe Romane- maiusPetro^'* pjiut uoi tfjc Atiwcrp coulb biing tljeminto Cyprians tertjbut datur. eitfjcr bp cljaunging oi leaning out tljc tuozb ZHereQ / tlje one m«Bs Pw(»" liatbcbaungebitmtotbc t»02D ^ pou greater atfcrebtt,fl)encreoit,fo?tl^tD|)tctipou j^auecljattgcJ) in Cyprian. H art. claufe,tolnd) ^Amelias aDDetJ to Cyprian,Ijc ab^ two on ffje toarrant not of Gratians creflit,but of tfje ^ambron- copie.^ljcret»tt|j,as far as Gratian agreed, Ije apptoueb Ijim: ije a{^;roueD btm not,tn i)e btfagre^ from it is it an ttp ottoebtf to Vamelius^ to Ijaue rah^er folotoco ttjat copic, tljen Gratian:0tf) Gratian l)at^ mtCfeD fometimes(as toe graunt) in citing of t^e-ifatl)ers; perijaps bp fctting ooton not fo mnclj tbeir too toes as ttjat tol)icl} be conceiueb to be meant tberebp. ^ut tbefe are tinall mattersjtoljereto pou piefee ^[uarrels in pzint ofCyprian,at Reme^Qi at tyin'deerfe; foj tijlS , 0? tl)at COjjection: tbatpoumapf^metobauefomep^etenfiq^et, tobp pou refute trpallbptbeconfentoftbeifatbersin tontrouerCes of religt on. Rainoldes. til2ffbcnapoungman, tobom * Plato reptoJuea fo^plaingatDice,(aiO,Deoyou rcproucmeforfo ihialia mat'- ph«rjib.'j?-*" terf Themxtteris (htall^t^Wit^ P\3X0,bM thecuftomt cftt is mfrnxll matter tlje matters map be fmall , tobicb 31 repjouc in pour cojrertingofCyprian : buttbecufiome of fu^ cojrerting is no final mattcr.ifoz Gratian (pou graunt) fcttetb ooton fomctimes not tbe tootoe^oftbcjfa^ers, buttbattobicb bcc conceiuetb to be meant tberebpttoljat if be mi®e- conceiue it^^nofiototbcuer tbat bettobat if bere be aimeo at tbe meaning of Cyprian? Sis if mapramcbcDi5:fo;t ^ be agrcctb not p;ecirclp tooto foj too toe toitbtbc Cambron-copie.ifioto,tbcCambron-copic tobat is confidLcam!" itto.jtobenta came ifjtbk Cyprian iboulo be maoe tbe father of fueb flippes tjpon tbe credit of it alone? CSlbat, if fomc did note tbemintbemargent,offanfie,aslfudcntsbre to doo ? tuaib^ftf .fdme receiued tbon into tbe tert of errour?JElbat if tbme,of £> 4 Onto triUo tlje cljurcl) of llomcjDia aODe tijemf jano oiD not liHs\tmzmtt\^Ztit^ZX luo;j50 ofthecqualitic of rhe Apoftles in honor and power, bcCuUfettjoCambron-copie toantetb tl)C»n:a0 aofletbcfj of Veters pnmacte andchatre , becaufC t^z Cambron- copie ^atb ti)zin{ SDtO not bi® confricitcc tcU btnr, that tlje topic toa0bnn5uitO;o^ attbctcaft infufficicnt, tofozcc tljc change of a place of fo great unpojtance agatnft tifz creoite of foraanpbotb tojtten; bootte0 anb pnnteaf 3f ottjcr Licentiates 30 learneb ao Pamtlms-^ifnil bpon one copie,a0 gcob 30 tfje Cam- bron; p jefume, in all tpe ifaft)er0,a0 ^z Ijatb in Cypria^ to aobe the like glofc0,foi tpc reft of pour DpiniDn0, 30 tbefe arc foj tlje chatre anO primacie of Veter: it Ujill bC ^IZ time fO? t)0 tO take babe boiu permitte tbe trpall of cDntrcuerfie0 in re# ligion to tbe content of tbe iFatber0. ^]2lb^o?e , altbougb tberematter0 feeme ncuer (bfmall, pettberemaplie a0mu^ ontbem, a0 conccrnetb tbe fafetp cfourfiiule0» i^eitber boo Bpicketl^m, a0quarrel0, fo^pictenfe; but3|alleagetbema0 rcafcn0 fojpioofe,tbat,bptbepolittoncf pour otoneaut^^,toe muft beale tnitb pou not bptbeircontent, butbptbefcnpture onelp.if 0.1 be^on tobotn pou groubcb,Vincentius Lirinenfis,al# iotoctb onely fcripture, to conuince thofe errors which hauc cncreaicd long, & wide:becaufe the length of time hath ge- uen them occafion to fteaie away the tructh-,aud(thc poylon tpreading farther) they endeuour to corrupt the writings of the Fathers, ^ourerro^ ofthePapacie batb QjjcaD fiirre;,anb grolnen long: pou banc enbeuoureb to corrupt tbe ln,:itingc0 of tbe ifatber0: tbe fo?gerie0 are plaine in Cyprian, in Cy rill, anb in tbe Councell of Chalcedon;tbep;efuinption0aregreat tbat pou bsuc bcene as faclb toitb otbcr, as toitb tbcfe. jfo; if Tho. w^rrof Aquinemabeno ccnfciencc cfit,lul>if niapbetbougbt of ' IPrifit. in ope- fucbastoere nioje ambiticucf ^nb if Mannum oealt Co Uiitb bm- Cyprian, in ^ tobbi" b*^ fougbt moft crebit: tobat cib bis ten rom.card. poaroo lobo^io ui fetting focjtb tbe reft f ;an5if Papijhs curfte ilb^loTdCi!-' tbi0intbcligb£sfpuntmg:tDbatmapiiiefearctbfP,£'il> in il)S diii.Sirict. ) barckneffe of U>,uttrg,bcckc0 i 0nb if tbe Roman p jint be fclc# u'd'" Anwerp,tbe Anwrerp at" Taris,tbC Paris otbci'-tub'-fS sch^NiudLm. psrbap3,anb tbe netocr ti)z Ui02f;r,anb tbe tec^ft accountcb bell aBincip.doc- j^p fucb 30 Stap/etorj^mTi tcftimonie0 allcageb tbcnce,a0. au< tbtnticall; boiu mucb Ititelpcr 10 it, tbat tobtn fhcn Peter, no Pope by checonfent ofFathers. 217 Diainon 3. pirs in Monafteries, anD Abbeys, tljcp foloUicD one ancf!;er tot •}) Icffer il)tim2,an9 greater Iaofcnc?;anD fo 9ta ptocerti?, from goro to cutU,fiom cuillto too;fCjnnD autI;o;s of tij.at age did inoft app :cue thefe copics,to^tcb inacc foi tfjeu* aauauntage mofl-,anJ) b; c iigl]|t autljaiittcs cut of tl)em ♦ 25o roncIuDe tfjerefa^e, ouen bpljtstuQgcmentiotoJ^omi^ou appealed, VinrccnciusLirinen- fis,in that golden booke againlt the profane innouations of a]lhereries:tl)e toiicf;llorie,bpt!jgto{)tc{)curcontrouerfie mull be tfpeDjio tlje toajh ofCSoa, ano not tfje toa>D cfmen j not t()c ronfcnt of ifatljerSjbut ttjefjolp rcrfpture,anD tfje fcripturc onit?. ^no tl)ts (3 map p,:otcSl) 3 fpeafe not of fcurc, as t^ouglj tfjo ifat^cro all bclo ro" agatntt tjs: but of con&tcnce, tljat gl map pectoc sue glo.jp to (iDoD,buc rcuercna to Ijis too:b. o;, let futb fojgerteo, as 5 fjaue fpofecn of, be fet apart: ano toljat -l ne |aueaUtbcifatbors,naptoljat^at|ianpof tlm,top}ooite tt}e third di- pjetenfleerupjemacicofPctcrg Hart. 2Ct)c tierp fame ^at^ers, to^wfe tootoos3 alleageb, union, p befoje,anbtt)cmacltnotolei)gebtobe tljctrotone, notcoun- terfcits, gene Peter f rupiemacte,tot)tcl) pou caUpzetenocb.iroi p.chv-4.Di"- S. Ilerom feitl) ofbtm, Peter \t^as of fo great authoritie,thac supielonprinc, PznX^TOttyThenafterthreeyeares, anOCofOjtbtanDS. ^ Au-ower impojtet^ a rigl^t of rule anD gouernment, tobicljtljeruperiojsbauc ouer t^eir in* »baam.i3.i. ferio^s foz tlje goD o^Dcring of mai^inD; as ^ Princes ouer fub* TMatX'"'"" ' Paftorsouerflo^, ^ Mailers ouer fcruants,' Huf- fii.coriii.io. bands ouertniucs. Bp,authoritie,is meant cftimation anD crcDite: a gcoD opinion of men>fo2 tljat tnbicl) luce account tooi* t^ to b« cftamcD. if02 tbcp,of to^om toe ti^inb fo tocll in re* 3[ gratmt. But f^ing ^^)a^ t^> name of autorkie is bftD as tocllfo^ power fometimcs, as fo;i eftimation: tol;p (boulD it be faben in S.Icroms tuo^Ds, ratljer foj eftimation,as pen toil i)aue it-,tl)en foj power,as 3? Rainoldes. ^Sccaufe toe point3 to|ic^ lerom Drntf) tb^re^- bponinferre, cannot agree to power, but to eftimation: pea, toistooto it felfe i3e)rpkftcDbpl)im,aRD toetoctl)tt)atI)emeant ^ m k it.ifo.Z Ije faitl;, tijat -Taul went vp to Jerufalem to conferrc of mrrnquiddft.-- the gofpcl with them that were ' cftecmcd : bp to^ome fjee - meanctlj ^ Peter and other Apoftles,cuen toem,toi^om^ Paul cP-OMiro-t namctb,anDnotcti)toeireftimaticn(ast)irare!fe crpounDet!) it) Iames,and Peter,and Iohn,whowere eftcemed to-be pillars, loruir. C23f)erefo;e, albeit Icrom fpeabe IjarDlp of Paul, t^t l)c baonot' pala. 2 . hiadiccurkic of preaching the gofpell, vnieiTc it had beene;'''<^<"i<>i'VTt5i apjf svAoi-tsy^.i approued by thefe-.pcttt)t authoritis to!)ic!51)3giu^tt)Peter,l)c giucti) other Apoftles,lames,an^J Iohn,luiti) IjinuanD tt)crfoje apiecmineitcem ettunattoti,notinp3lD3£'; not tn (upjcmacte, but in cresit. ifoj, inbpCauthontic^ije meant fupjcme poloer.* lames anb lohn f^oulD !)aue it ouer tl)2 0pottlc3,a0 inell as Pe- ter ^ab.lBut tl)ep(pou fap)to3rc equall in potner to tl)e rett, and iafcrio: to peter.^ljen lerom,bpCauthoritic3tDi;id) l)e gaue to Peter,meant not tl)e fup;emacie. Hart. primacie of Peter Dot^ pjOUC if mote fo?ciblp: tDl)ici) is ff)c nett p;erogaf tue.^nb tl)af is giuen to l)im,not onlg tp 5. Aultin,but alfo bp S,Cyprian,as 31 b^ue bcclareo. Rainoldcs. tsabatnabe pou to aUeage me s.Autlimanb S« Gyprianfpib^ beniehis primacief Hart. Mbp i 2!>oo pou not benp iff Rainoldes. 3f3bCD:lctmebermitten ,not loifbfb^ blunf toeaponoftbetDo:bsofmen(fo.:ro31map iuftlp fcrme tbcmin fbiscomparifon:)butinitbfboJb:T^rp2ttoo-ebgeb ftnozbof CSobs iuo^b.ifo^,"" itistmitcninS. Matthewes gorpelUthefearethc names of the trt^elue Apoftles; the firft is Simon,called Peter. 3]iotu,if be toere the fir{t:tben be b^b tbe primacie, Jfo;) altbougb tbereafanbenotfopIaineintSngliibjbecaufetoeb^ue not* ffi U)03b beriueb from our (SngliS^Lfi'^iQos ' pjimade is bcriueb fromtbeC ^ firft^inJlatimpettbeptoboi^J^obprevtron toill ne# uer benp,but tbat be tbat is firft.^atb tbe firft-fldp (if^ migbt rpeakefo)tbat is to fap,the primacie.Buttbisis fucb a prima- cie,as a foreman of tbe €iuelf is tnent to bauem Juries : nota pumacicofpow'er,asouer inferiours; but apiimacie of order, asamongftcquxtls. Hart. SCbe primacie oforder is a colcurable JT)elD,iubetbp pou map auoib S.Matthcw.lSut Auftin anb Cyprian cannot be fo auoibcb.iFoj tbcir toojbes are toitnclTeSjtbcp meant a fartbcr primacie : anb tobat (boulb tbat be,but a primacie of poibcrf ^<2lbicbbccaurefbepleameb(asitis lifeelp) cut of S.Matthew: tberof bo J gather,tbat S. Matthew meant a primacie of power, anb not of order onclp. Rainoldes. 0hb becaufe S.Matrhcw,(as if is mooc liltclp) meant not a primacie of power fo one tbere,lr)bere" be fbctoet!) t\)nt Chrift gaue tbe fame potaer fo all tbe Apoftles: tbercof boo 3 gather that meant aprimacie of order onely, not of po- wer Peters primacie,no Popes fiipremacic. ii\ wcr.iSut Aullin and Cyprian meant a farther primacie, pcti fap.|3cr5japstf)e^Dit)J hereforeaprimaciein powerf3;t Dotf) . not ts manirEft,tt)cp meant it not of power, ° ifo^ contra a ^ Auftin Dotl) builD it hpOit tlje grounc of Cyprian: anD P Cypri-c,i. an Uotl) tcac|j,tl^atCnriii gauc ' equall power to all the Apo- ftles.2Dl)etiutl)ts!)tl)cpmcantapriniadeincalling :to teat, 1 Parempotcft*. SI tijat ^ the Lord did chcole Peter firlt , as Cyprian CO^ oTnfbu"'^"'" fpeaftc crp.jcflelp.^no tuljctfjcr S.Matthew regaroeo tijis alfo,m 2 Petrus,quemr t^at numb.iCD Peter, hrfl:;3 can not beSnc. ®ut tDhftijcr l>a DiOjOjno; litisnofarthcrprimacicthcnSigratjnteDpoubpthe qEiii(l.7i.aa foreman of the Queft-.iubo is caUcD firffi,as t)C is recUcneb fiitt j Qui"™®, anb fo bott) in order anb calling Ijatt)a p.:hn2ciejU3l)iclj Ijc fjat^ not in power. Hart, 0 primacie in callingf^ap ^et pou l^ab bone better to Ijaue cleaneb ftiU to t^ primacie of order,jlfo^-peter, in order toas the firil in bab:anb fc 3| benr "ot but ijemt^ tjaue bane, tbcug!) Ije Ijab bene equall in power to Ijis b?e^?en. 3iBut tje toas not the firft in calling.JfojS, ■■ Ambrofefait^ : Andrew firft r Comment.« folowcd our Sauiour before Pcter,and yet Andrew rcceiucd t • . a 'n« - . • nntnioscap, 11^ notthepnmacic,butPctcr,0nbS. ' AumnslDOjbS,ctheprjt- s De baptiiro. macieoFthcApoftlesis confpicuous and preeminent with excellent grace in Peter,looo plainelt! impo?t,ti)at tie meant a primacie not in calling,but preeminence. Rainoldes, ^ou fap t^at Peter had not a primacie in cat- line:forS,Ambrofcfaithfo.esiljatjtf^fl&cuUJanftoere , Hec bad a primacie in callingifor S,Cyprian faith fo. )3D?,tD Ijelpe S, Cyprian (if ijetjauefmallercrcbittoitfjpou,) fo? S/Grego- tinHzechieim ^ faith (b: 5 PtterveascalledtothetAftftle^ifjirjl. jgut tj^rc jp"m«inA. is no biiren0on bettoane ttjcm anb Ambrofc,tf all tijeir toojocs podojacum > be tDei0]^eb,ifo?Ambrofcrait|),t|iat Andrew did firft folowe Chriftranb tfjep fapjtljat'Peter was called firft of Chrift. SDtie u lohn.i.Tcr. trutljofbotljlDhicbwpIainebptfjefcr^tures.ifo? " Andrewe folowed ch rift,bcfo?e |3etcr fenctoc l)im:anb ^ brought Peter t)ntoC!)jift,i5ut * ^hrift faib to Peter, Thou (halt be called Cephas, (tol)cretnl)cmeant|)imtl5eapefilclbip> ) befd?ei)ee capfi. fpafeeatbojb oftfie ^poftlelbip toAndrewc.anbf^TbotliAm- tofeXeft"' broie fcmiebtmfelfe to erpounblits meaning ofljertDljere: af^ los.cui Saluator finm'ng of Pctcr,tl)at ^ he was the firft among the ApoiHes to whom OUT Sauiour had committed the charge of the chur- Chap.5, 121 . I Of 'Peters fupremacie. 2 Princip.dofir, lib.tf.cap. 13. * Qm* primus erac inter Apo- fiolos.'3uZ)fo Uc Uauct^ Am- brofcto fap, t^atitwasmcet Panic ibouU tiefirc to fee yeter.to whom otirSauiour had committed the charge of the churches.(f C0|3iiDalont: not to tbtrett aftt>cflpo« ftUrf. aConfeisioM. AuguAinianJib. jxap.p.tit.i. feDebaptifm. conir.Donatili. Jib.i. cap-'- 5 A pcAeriete apoAolo Paulo efle cor- rcAum. c Commentin 3.epiA.ad Cor. cap.ia. 6 Non dignica- te, fed tempore. <1 EpiA,7i.ad Quintum. y Vtdiceretfe primatum tenc- te:etobtfpera. ri anouellisSt peAcris fibi po- tiusopoctere. eDebapt.contf. PoaatilLlib. t.eap.t. 8 Pi'ineipaturm spuAolaiai. ches.Mljcrcbs giueflj Peter § pnmacie in being cnilcD to the Apoflleftup:t;;ogb he gauc aprimacic in Difciplcfl^ip(a£! ittocrc) 3mcano, infolowingChnit, to Andrew. iasfo;i5, Auftins lDojl3S,which(pou fap)import that he meant a primacic,notin calling,but preeminecc:|:oa IhoulD hauc rafljcr taib ^ hc meant a pmnacio,in calltng, f p;^cmtncnce both* if o;^ out ofalboubt ho meanta primacie in caliing.lidut pour fr^nb0,luho biftnember fhorapings6ftheifathera,DtDltanDinpourl!g^ , that pou can notfoit.^oias ^ 5/4^/f/oHtjiDcutout * the foimcr ino^bcoof Ambrofcjthat 10etcr might be thought the oueip man who had the charge of the churches,not the firit of them tul)0 hafi it: (b hath Torrenfis cut of the later iDOibS ofAuitin,thatthe prima- cicofPctermtghtbcthoghtap.:imacieinpower, not in callingj o?,ifmcalling,inpotocrtco.The primacie of the Apoftles is confpicuous and prxcmincnt with excellent grace in the A- poltle Pcter;flju0 faith Torrenfis out of Auftin.^nD thcfe are ^ Auftins too2Dcs:but IjiB toojos fa? farther,that Peter the Apo- file,in whom that grace and primacie are lo preeminent, s wascorrcftcdby i'aulca later Apoflle. t'Saherein,naming Paule,[a later Apoftlc,]a« mabe ^po0le,after Peter, in time: he toetoeth? that ofthc other 0be he meant bp C the primacie,] ^ Peter toao an 0poftlc,in timc,befojc Paule.^O Ambrofc faith of the chiefcft of the ApoiHeSjttjat they were before P aule, ^ nocindignitic,butin timc-ilnb Cyprian (tohom .r^uftin alleagcth,anb foIotocth)bof h bfc the toojbe C ^ primacie] in the fame fcnfe of being firft in rime alfo, if at here luoue not ^our fupremacie bp giuing the p;erogattue of prima- cic to Peter. Hare, ^h^ hare nattje of primacie is not cnoagh to p^coue if.iBut fowe bp that name fjauc meant a fupremacie. ^nb furc* lp,rbe preeminence with excellent grace,tohich Auftin giueth •Peter,both note a hisher primacie,then either of order, oj cal- lingjO.i trme:tlK3Ugh it toith all tco. Rainoldes. both fo, 3i graunt.^nb 3I notcb that,in the fhirb p:crcgatiuetohich the^fathers giue htmmamelp principa- litic.ifoj ® Auftin,haotng ieineb his primacie anb prcemi# nence with excellent grace tcgtthcr,both tennc tlicm both 1 in ene, ® theprincipalitieofthe Apoftlelhip.^hieh iffome l^uc meant bp the name of primacie, as perhaps thephauc : thcp might 'Peters principalitie,no'popes fuprcmacie. 22$ nng5}t,bccaufcttjv:ii3c);o «ibo.joioco often ftmcst fromtJjepjoper 0gnt!tcatt3n cfthe firil 1 n order>to the cinefein quail- ty.;an£iCb,toljen ^ Auftin Pctcrtoas ^ amanbyna» ture; a Chriltian by grace; by more aboundant grace,an A - y Naturavnus poftleofChrilk , yea.thefirftApoftlerbp,thefiritApqftle,fjc meant the chiefcApoitlc; tij5 principalities bp fjje prinriacie. XndimioVT* 5SiJt principalitie of the Apoft!efliip,ti)tS preeminence of *«>« the primacie with grace lo excellent and aboundant, cometf) no necrer bnto pour rup;emaae tljcn bio tjic primacie of erder. ,^Q>f tobcchiete in grace, isouctljinfi; ani)>tobe chiefein .powcr,an ot|):c» Hart. ^nbtsitnotagreatgraccjtobe chiefe in powv. tti Rainoldes. 03 pou fap : fl)e grcafett grace, t^ pour |!3opc3 ofbng time ijauc fougbtffJ'^ct^re 13 a Difference be# ttDaenc grace ano powrer.s®tjicb popeo B5latDter« f)aw ob# gDiftina.a»: ferucDlwelhae it bebcucDtljem to DcD.ifo;t many Dodors haue beene endued with greater ' grace of the holy Ghoft, then 1 cratianinftj fandryP opcs,faitij Gratian;yet in the deciding of controucr- ties and caufes the writings of the Dodorsare of leffe autho- ritic then the Popes decrees. becaufc the Popes arc in powerabouethcm,115uttob3tfpeafee3(ofSr>ottoj3 f tnpcn * ft)C meaneft Cbjiftiane map paffe ttje pope in grace,ae it is con# feffcD bp ^rotnall ^ Turrecremata.MbOjfjanDling tl)e quctti# h infummi de on bcttoffint^e pope anD tbe Cburcb,whether of thetn is grea- Eccier.iib.j. terjtDhen ijc b^D fet Dotone tlje reatbn of bis aouerfaries, tbaf the Church is greater ybecanft tt is the biuiie,the Pope a member of it, and the Vtho/e mufi needes beffetater then the parr,^ anfiucrctbtberefo, tbaf,the queftion is not whether the Church be greater then the Pope, (imply, toweete,' inperfedion of grace , and I Perfcaione amplcncs ofvertues; * foreucn an old woman may in this fort be perEter and greater then the Pope him felfc; but» Lum!"*"" in power of iiirifdidion (bc faitlj) the Pope is greater* Quoni»m «- foje if tbe Popes fupicmacic do ffanD in power of iurifdidion, anD a iuoman map be aboue bim in graccitb^ Peter migitf epcel modo perfeah«r with the preeminence of grace , as Auftin faitb he did: anD pet not epccl in fupremacie of power, Inbi^b POtt ConcIUDe of if. ? felfe,poa matt tabetbcfupremacie from Peter,anD ginc if to ti}Bblcflcdvirgin,iKnle(Rpoupou toitloenp fj^ lbs epcelleD r !J :g ; ''if Cbap.i. Diml.?- 214 Qf Peters iupremacic. iHintn grace. Hart. 3( Uiiii not Dcit? it jjicitljcr did 3 incane to pimue ti^ fupremacy b? rhe preeminence of grace, alone, in ]0ffer: but bu the preeminence of fo excellent gracejCOltcurring tnttb the primacy. SSftbcretOjbecaufe you tbinb tljefe pnuilegcs f toucbcD by J3uftin) Dfo not p^ooue it: the title of the Prince of the Apo- ♦aofajtRfji. tni&tdfnf.in thcargum.of theepitt.ofS. Peter :fanfllJ'. tinstbtccof, tbllt Chrift tnidehimhis vicar. * Prudentlttf lijrmn ,i. Duo A]>o/lo]oram principcs.as cOeUOtmdt/er alfonate,iK «hetab.*fter f sdcsofthe Apotiles: not tonSbtt rins,tt)«tfa Chrift muft bauctwovi- e»rs bp tbt(e conclHSon. iler.itf.io. kEzek.^j.?. i Mat.io,:}. m AducrliiiPe- lagianos,lib.i. VtPlatoprin- eeps philofo- phorumticaPe- ti'us Apoftolo* rum fuic. a AduerTusIo- ainianJib.j. 0 Debapccot. Dotiatiftd.a.c.i, 1 Eaccllcati gratia. plapCjI.tJo. a ExceUsatifsi- iMfuit grade. ifles, tDbiclj * all antiquitio geuetl) l)i«i > way abbe toeigljtanb ftreitgfl). Ramoldes, Which all antiquitie geucth him?2D^at fpac(j l0t0lauilbing«li5efiDetbat,' fome of ttjemtotKipub it to tjiub geue it to l^aul alio. Ii5ut fuppofe tljat all: anb to him oncly. ti^bat istIjere unplyebmo;eintbi5title,tl)en Bb'^uegraunteb you alreabiw ^o^ muft not be neebco the Prince of the Apo- illcsjtotobomthcprincipalitieofthe Apoftlelhipis allolbcb? ^na tf the principalitie of the Apoftlelhip tnferre not your fu* p>emacie:canyouinferreafup;cmcf)>^aaby the frinceof the Apoftlesf JBiit tf)c name of Prince perbapa ootb acceiue yon, oi you Deceiue o^ers by it. ifo; our Cngliib tongue bostb tie it to note a foueraine potocr in gouernment: a« ' the Princes of lu* da, ^ thePrinces oflfrael,' the Princes of the Gentiles are nomeb in tbe ftriptures. ^bcreao tbe i?atber0 bfeb it (after ^ilafinpbJafe )foj chicfc.anb moll excellent : as Plato is nameb the prince of the Philolophcrs. As F late , (aitb lerom, prince of the philo/ophers^fo Wm 'Peter tf the Apo- files. l!li!tlberefo;e,tbts is all you may conchtbe of it,tbat Peter bib erceUamongfttbe^poftles,fo; grace anb giftesof grace: as ^lato bib ercell among tbe Pbiioiopb^fiei boitte, anb gtftes of tDitte.Hn tbebDbicb conclufton (tbk yonmayperceiue tobatS geuctoFcter,anbrcfurcit, ifyoumiflibe it:) by thcgifresof grace 31 mcane all tt^ blellings, toberebbitb tbe llo:b bib bouour btm;by excelling in them,3i meane tbat be bib paftfe, not all tbe 0poftles in tbcm all,but euery one in fome o;t otljer * ifo: lohn, the diiciplc,whom the Lord loucd,tobb U)JOte thcGofpellfo biuinely, Inthebeginmng'^^istheVferdefea)^t!Sot\i^ reueUttOU the things that were to come, anb toiOte tbem by tbe fpirtte orp,iopbecie:lohncrcelleb Peter in many giftes of grace, as " leiombeclaretb. ^nb Faulc ercellcb bim farther cuenin tbe cbiefeft gifres: in to mucb tbat ° Auftintobogeuetb ' excel- lent grace fo Peter, p bootb gcus * moft excellent grace to Paulci anb faitb tbat he receiued more grace, and laboured Peters principaikie^ no Popes fupremacie, 115 more,then al the reft of the ApoIHcSjand is therefore called s the JfoflU,hy an exccllencic. ^ut Peter of ffUe tf* ttlleDPaule in primacie, t^af I)«to3sclwftn0rft: iiiJD Iohn in age, tlwt he was elder: in refpsd toijercof toas p.jeferrc# norumiib.j? bcfojc btm( ■■ b? leroms opimo)to be the chicfof the Apoftles. 'Jf,eTom^- 0HO is it, toljic^ Ierom,anb otljer Fathers meant bp Peters uerflouiaiaiu prindpalitie: ifpoutoillgciaettjcmlcanf to be t|ieir oinnc cerpieterg, flCfjep Bio not meane to calltjtm Prince of the Pccrw^i Apoftles , « ttw 5Pope Oifitttl) to bee (Prince of Bi- (hops. Hart oio meane to tall tjiin the mouth, ano the top, the htghcft , the Prefidcnt, and the head of the Apoftles, ^o: tt^re,(aa 31 bane lbetneD)are tbtir cdnn lno;Oe0,bp Uibicb,a preeminence in gouernment ifi proon^, anO not in ^race onetp. Hainoldes. in tusoe come n^rer fo tbepoint in que# ffion, becanfe f^e? tonclj gouernment: at tbc leaft tbme of tljf. ^orfome,a« ^ thehigheft {anofothetoppc it map be too,) IKW to bauebsenc meant ratbcr of preeminence in grace,tljm in gouernment, ^nt if poutuiW referre tljem Onto botlj: it ftilletbnot, iforttjcpcanbetobennomoreen fbe reft, jano tbe reft ooo figntfie,al^ousb 0 preeminence in gouermnent,({icb ' as it ist-tet noting in companion of tonrfopmnacie, j^bi^if "tpokvom^, plamebttbatjbobtcbtnosagreeobetloirtbs,' Inben toeetpabe avpeterw oi* of tbe practtfe of I'eters antoritie in tbe Zaet of tbe apoftles.jfo; |,*ft'7ede u^r tolw 3 graunte® bin* as the Speaker of parlamcnttn ap. 14. " '®n0lanD,orthePrefidentflfacoartofparlamenttnjfraHnk, amo (betoeb ^ great Difftrence(ont of" a latoier of pour olxme) cielacrisecdc. bettueenetbis preeminence, ano ^at fnpremacie iobitb pou claime: pan reiettco tf^ latoier,afi titper ignorant,or bnfaitbfnl,' ano refiiftD tbis prominence as not importing tbat faprcmatie; becanfe it ba%notf8neratnep8tner,nap,tnpoU)er is bnoer tbe boopoftbeaftenftitp, abonetobicb ittsina p:a:ogatuie otfyK nor. ^et,tbis preeminence,ts aihtbat is geuen to |aeter bp tbe • titlesofthemouth,thchead, the Prefident of tlic Apoftles, ?!feB,m ^nglano, the head of the Parlament. title is rererneO to ttjep^inc e alone. Rainold c s. IBnt ^ the Pre Hdene of a Court of parlament aMfuSi in^raunce, is eallco head of the Couk ; ano^ulHn (oaratlpjt Duarcn,WOO lie, lu|)cmi?oualleaiH3eo in filename of 0u{tin) erpounoetli ' bead.bp ^ Prefident; anD tpe name af head (as * 3 IWiK p;®* curi«'eapat cfle ueo out of tl)! ^criptures) is hfeo to note a preeminence of o^r TAutor'''uSao "0^ of potoer (mucli leCDe of princelp potoer)onlp,2:^eii No^Te^qjuft. tDliatrealbn is t^ere, but lerom,in fapingtl^t Peter was ap- 71' pointed head, migbt 00nifie tlje preeminence not of a prince I P«po(!tu5. but of a Speaker? sane geue not in Cngtono, tpe name of head »6tep.i. fjnto the Speaker, SDrue. ^citlier geue toe tlie name of Speaker DiiuSoo i. ^ Prince, IBut Petee tt)cm bot!|. ifo; liea is calteO the mouth,ano head of the Apoftles, 3f one Debate bimnot to tbe meanenefle of a speakers function: toiip IboulD otper ab^ w tb« nauncebim to the ofa princes foucraintief Hart. S.leroms * rcaC3n^etuetb,tbatf}ttrafbbt'wcattfit «Dbctto»5«tBs fcueraintie as of a prince, ifor b® faitb,t!|at Teter was chofeo, p«era one,amongfl: the tweluc,to the intent, that ( a bead beeing liinglypowcm appointed; occafion of fchifme might be taken away, ^nE r« cha?,"* bobJ ran occa0on offtbifmcbe tafcau6oap>bnleflDe one batie DiaiV.}. ' fouerainpotuertogoumualU • ^ior«exf«. Rainoldcs. ssibpf ®(opoanttfbinketl»f|l^ran«ceap# ' (xgi70Kf(x»pointeDPfe{idenc$in ^ Courts itf' parlament for t^better- rla. orDerting(tft{|emintl)C)rDooitnss,ttiatocea&on8fftrifemis^lK^^ 3 J[^uoHp«. tabenaUjape OTbat? 3n fr« ^tcs,tol)icl) are ruleb in comnio, , ^ ' not ' b? one Prince but ^ bp thcbelt mentor;' b^the whole rjcbofto* people: D© not tbetrttorics fljeto, tbatone baD a preeminence, eonfuj«fo»i)i«! (as »tbe Gonful at Rome^ ^ ^eProuoftaf tbouj^ kiui^ c"pio tbefoueraintietoerewmanp, febflba^tibe utt^o}itie ano po# b leco'oftix' lDeriimong0ttiemrdnes;^DoPt]^not^:|ioint ttas om,:to 7r^oe(A^d(,. bet^rbiefe, ano fieaDof tb^companp. t|stocca0onof0^e to3 tutr* mifibtbe taken atoapt^o fareb it toitb Petef amongtf tbc 0po* ™ gouerning tlie ^rcb» b^ofe 0ate if toce compare kwtb SSS'ti- ^®^raofcmnmontwr.lt^,ipelbalt0nDc tbat iflnasanari. bin-argumeBt. ftocratie,nof amonarchic, astbe pbilcfopbers fermeit; not WogPcbarasa Prince,. but Apoftles as the beft men, Peters principalitic,no 'Popes (uprcma^ 117 topuerne^tncoiiimon- ^et,a0ttiall adinnbltes tol)cremm»' iitttte abont affatrea of gonemmenMt^ere malt neeo^ be one o;iMn( btte ano peace,to b^ne,to eno,to mooerate t^e actu one: (0 Isao t^t preeminence genen to Peter amonglt tbe iSipof * fitteSjtfjat all tlnn^ migljf be bone peaceablp ano oroerlp. ;anD ^ ^ tbts to be tbe headfliip tnbic^ S. lerom meant,l^tmtielf * in tliat fiu place,(n to^cl; toixt^ it,ostii l^etn mam<lp. ^or, bamnglbtooUme ^ aonerl^aobiectton: Buc,chou raieft,the ^urch is built vpon Peter: anflneretll tiiereto, Although Che fame be done in another place ' onalitheApoiUes,and i sai^.Miie( » they all receiue the keyes of the kingdome of heauen, & the ilrcngth of the church is grounded on them ' equal- Kg^caior^' iy; yet therefore is one chofen amongft the tw^elue, that (a head beingappointed)occafionof{cmfme may be taken a- ^ way. iS)f^emlricI)fentencet|)eformerbrancbf^etoet^^bptbe name of head, bfeb in t^1ater,tie mnlo not meane tbat Peter |»b a foaeraine power oner t^^tpoIHes. ifojall Peters potof ixii conrnrtfiA in thekciest^tClntltinDpromUe l)to[,anom the building of the church vpon him. But all the Apoities re ceiue the keyes,bp leroms iuOgementtanOthe church is builte vpon them all equally.OT^^Ojebp Icroms iuOgcment,Peter wao not oner the 0po(tleo in polner. 3|f not in poiner; I pet in partofgoaernment:int0hot, but in t^at preeminence, tnlticb a fpabe of ?S.lerom therefore,taping,t^ Peter was appoin- ted head of the Apoftles, Dio meane tfjat preennnencc among the ^olfleo,ano not a foueraintte abouethem. Hart. 2:he toorscat ofS. lerom D® fpeabe fomcfoljat too beratlp of the aipollle5,tn tlj^ h« fatfh the church is built vpon ... ., . them all cqualty.anb,aus T). ^ Staplcton noteth bcrp tocU, ' iib.then truth; fo; the tubltance ofitagreeth tuith ih^ fcriptureo* ^ea s taplcton, baho couereth it tnith tl^io bilhmtion,confe(feth in effect ais much j>.Extenn«Hie-at tjnatoares.iFoi,he faith that ' Icrom doth leflcn and exte- nuatcthcaathoriticofFetcr, as far as truth did giue him tCRiUcDit)Peui Icauc-^S^h'^of it cnfueth,that it to no tintructh to fap(ao lerom wHomaKBu jjofij)fljatalltheApoftlcs had equall power with Peter, 2Che nameofbead thcr«fo;e,ti)hi4i3ci'stngiueth h^i^ toith th^ f^ breath, can bp no nw anes import a foueraine potoer oner ^ japo# fileo. i!Enle(&poubaillmahehimfoabfuro,ano b;;aineQcke,ajS thathel^ulO fap* Though none of the Apoilles were foue- raineoftheEcftjbut they had equall power all; yet was one of them aboue the reft in power,and had the fouerain-head- fliip of them* Hart. Mel.^otDfocuerpott.hattbifI«r®^"stoojt)e0:hefaifti in flat temK«^ttohtt'ipoa benpcJ).^nD therero;e he m^th againffpeaioithbo* Raiaoldes. |ntoh^pfitnt^:hotDf Hart, ^ou benusi that Peter was head of the Apoflles.Ie* torn faifh)he was./^ffer*'(«f»«r^«4//.- an0P«fra2<«ib<« tbu0,to concluoo, ma^ fee ttjat tljo fathers tobom ton aUeagc fo?pcfer:fomegtuebinia pjcroga# ttuc of autbojittejfome ofp^imacie,fome ofp>tnctpalitte,buf none of tour fup?emacie. jFoJ> tone fnpjemactcDotbeonaft in potoer: ano tbet gine cquall power to Peter toitb tbe rcIEi //art. Equall power(3| graunt)m rcfpetf Ofthe Apoftle- fliip,but not ofpaftoral charge.^o;^ Peter teas ouer tlje m tijat, eueti as tbe pope tsouerl5i£bop0.;^nD.fo ^ toe bo eppouno tbe too jOS of S.Cyprian ,S,Ierom,S.Chryfoftome,ano Otber Of tbe cip.7.&i^'.s^c. jfatbcr0:tobogtue equall power to the Apoftlestoltb Peter. ,cha„rj ] ' Rainoides. ^etmo;eof tbcreColetoojtea? 3bnne pjoueo ciu/i. «| ' alrCdOie tbat Peters paftorall charge,anO his Apoitlcilup,t0 al onc:anb tberefoje,if t^ toere equall to bim in tbe Apoftleihip, ! tbe toere in paftorall charge too.But if no otber realbn toill put f! tou to 0lence:tbe popes oton autbo;itt mat fo;ce ton to it bere. : i iFo^jintbeCyprianfctfojtbbtbimatPfwtf, ■" bo notetb it to in Aiinotat.i« be con0oereo,tbat,whereas Cyprian faith.r^ffnr//6/tyfpt- files had equall pe^erwithTeter,X.his muft be vnderftood * of Paulo Manudo. the equalitieofApoftleftiipjwhichceafed when the Apoftles dicd,and paffed not ouer vnto Biihpps. SCbe D,tift Of tobicb ]. note implietbaoiftinction of Apoftles,ano Bilhopsifbatit isnot tra«fiic. (bops to tbe Pope. Hart, ^oultnotoe nottobomabetbat note in tbe Roman Cyprian; fo; tberc is no mans name to it. JKut if tbe pope ei< fbermabeitbimfelfc,o;allotocoofitbcingmabe bt others to tobom be bib commit tbat cbarge:bc fct boton(as a pjiuate BDoc^ toj)btsotoneopinion,tobicbtbcttobo lilfmat foloto. HBut !' tbisismtopinion, tobicb 31 bnue fttbotone : anbtotbaf3| Sanb. Rainoides. 3( am glab tou tbinfee not as tbe pope both»at 1 lealfjin one point. , ;!!> ■iiii f '.pT. I,-.!'; , , i: fl, '^1 5i ' ! A'r li i; The firft Diuifi5. a Mat.i i.ip. b Mat.2i.2^i • Clh»|K.i.Di- ^.i.and Chap. 3.Plui£>' 230 Of the Popes fiipremacie. tCBfomucIjtot^iApoltl^Sjtiiiitffit^e truHj^aoUj.wongit from tl)em.iLcft!Ourrtgl)teourne0,M.Hart, if noteirfceDc , ^otmat^ t^erig^teourtitBor^mbesano )l)tjarifee0 : ar.o y^rclototbtd roncluQion (UJl)ic!)rifct^ of oar conference,)tf)af Peter was not head of all the Apoltles.as i?cu CO fake tl)c name of head. Hart, ^ouihall conduce ^ourfclfe alone fo,fojmc. ifo;3l Co p;oteS,tt)at 3{ bel^ne it not,no? mine to i;»tc Cnto it. The fixth Chapter. Thti^omame groMtttUtyeit Vehich the fufrtnutct! v/itrped hy the Pope,doth lie.T he former,that therefnould be one "Btjhop oner all in earth: i becaufe Chrifl /aid,There /hall be one /loekSi and one fafior\ 2 and aptong the leVoes there Voarene tudge , and hie PrieJl.The laterjhattheTope is that one Btjhop: 3 becaH/ePe' ter'9oas'B$jhepef'l{ome,{as/bme/ay,) 4 and the Pope/uccee. deth P eter,Both examinea,andjbewed to fade in the proofe fthe Pop e s fupremacie, A1NOLD8S. SCljen' wifcdome mutt be content to be iuftified of her childre, l^otnbeitcE^ocioableto cbaunge^ourliartm rucbfo^tjtbataBintbeOoQKll, >> t)e,tD|>o faiC he would not goe into the vineyardc, repented afterward,anC toent; fo ?0U ma^ pale to this on better aeuife,to Icbicli ff? pou mill not palc.^lpugb)tt pour opinion of Peters fup?emacie lucre grauntec to be true:itp;ouetb not pour title to t^ Popes fup?emacic (tbep.nncipallpotntin quettion) tuliici) pou clatme tljerdjp.iFojlctbs faine,tbat Peter teas bcaeof tfie ^apottles. l^olufollolueti) it thereof, tt)at the Bidiop of Home is head of all the Church of Ch?itt? H art. 3t foloiucth bp * the fcconc part of mp rcafontThe Bifliop of Rome fucceedeth Peter in the fame power ouer BiihopSjthat he had ouer the Apoftles, |fo?, if Peters poiuer ouer the jSpottleo cic reach bnto the iuhole fio^,both of the anc the lambeodhen mutt the fame poiuer of his fnccctto? ouer )5ilhops reach bp like reafon bnto the dockc; anc fo to all the No oneBiChop oiicr all-in earth» z;i DiuKli. Rainolcies. )15utl^i3lJaipoapjOttet()att[SJEi{hop of Rome fuccaoet^ Peter trt poioerf Hart, fficcaufc tjwt t^z potoer commivfcD ta Peter tajas notfo Htc toitl) Peter, ifo; t^is not bene agra^rtbte to tlje gnaanca ano toifcooni ofC^jittibpo iuljom it tip to piouiDe fo.a |ji3 cljurcj) tntill tlje enD of tbe Auitin Ijv cib. Thinkc not (fait^lJcetot^cCblirc^) thinkcnotthy felfe forfaken, becaufe thouteeft not Peter,becaufc thou rccll not Paule,bc- caufe thou feeft not them by whom tiiou art begotten. Of thine otsnring there is growne Ynto thee a fatherhood : in fteed of tny fathers,children arc borne rnto thee. Rainoldcs. ^Ijogajbncsaniitoircbomcof our ^autowr euerycitie. gAaiiVjj. 3E.^toaaittt)atAuftin regarbeb,tol)enl)eraiO;the church is not forfaken although (he (ce not the Apollics: eonfidcring tsI-m. * '* that in fteed of the Apoftles, (he hath 5i(hops,\^oj * bp * Pacrcs mir.i Maine otC fathers 3 Ije meant the Apoftlcs,anD bp tje nameof p"oaPiohg tchildrcrObiltjopSt^n fteed of thy fathers, children are borne fiUinatifunt t nto thce,Mniic^,^oto if map ferue pour purpore,3I fee not.33n.' £cj"fo,pl! Wpe perljaps pon meane,tl)at(amongft tboftchildrenjt^eBifhop Au"ttk.in of Rome C^oulfi be ljcire,ae eUietttano Bilhops of oti^r cities l^oulb be tianbleb,al,like pounger b.:et{);ien.ll5tit Auftin faitli not lb. Hart. is ptoucD bp Auftin tfjat our feauicnrCfjjiff pjb^ utbebfo? fits {|mrc|i,0nb t|)ts (Bl graunt)|)ebio bp giuing Gmeral Paftors bnto (tueralt ftock^tbut fo,t|)at be committeb t^ eb^rge oftbemallto one fup^eme |)afto> ;tobicb to tbe )idi(bopof Jftome, Rainoldcs. Cbtto 3! b^rc pou rap»30ut3 bab ratber bcare, Thue faith the Lord. ^ 4 Hait ""Chap.®, Kiuif.i, 232 Of the (Popes fupremacie. h Ioh.io.itf. * Stiplet.prin- cip.do3.liD.tf. cap.ij. i loh.p.verf.itf. dr-z^.&iip. k lol1.ia.14. iBibliacaftiga- taa Theo-logis Zouanienflbtis, cxcufa a Chri- fiophoro Plan- tine Antuerpiat, HI Ezek. 37. verfia. n vcrf.14. o Ezck.34.J3« * tChe canon latD. c.vnam fen Sam. extra. dcmatoritac.& *t>€dieot. Hart, ^earc it,TheLordfatti)ti;at there Gul bconeflockcjaiidonefliepheard, c; (c'S toe tranflate it) one . folde and one Pallor. * to^creof^mafectytoreafcm 515^ t^e immeofPaftor isnoteaan otottiarie goueiiimeutaito cljargc, toljtcl) Ijati) relation to a flocUe; ano tl)erefo:c, as long as the flocke contmuetI),t!)ePaftors office raiiff continue; tlje office of one Paftor,as the flocke is one. 3jt ccntinueo in Peter, totjen Cljjiff maoc Ijmt fup;eme 30affo;, ^otojtoljen Peter opeo, it ll^oulD continue in ifis fucceffo;. ^no t^e fucceCDo^ cf Peter is t^e Bifliop of Rome ♦ 2Clje Bilhop of Rome tl)erefo.;c is tije flP p.jeme paffioi of tl;e Cl)urc^ of ♦ Ramoldcs. 3] jpercciue pour Pope can mahc no il^eto of title tfllup^me-ljeao^ipoftljeCfjurcl), Pnleffeljc put Chriil from tfjepoffeffion of it, ifo.j Chrirt fap[;one PaltorJ Ootl) 0gnific Ijimfclfe: as it map appears bp tlje o.jift of all t)is fpeeclj, toljerey ' in bo maintatnet!) bis office anoautojitic' againfttbcflanoers oftbcpb^rifeis. ^ lamjfaitbbOi thcgoodPaftorjandknov mine ownejand am known of mine. As the Father knoweth me,To know I the Father : and I laydowne my life for my Ihcepe. Other flieepe.I haue alfo, which are not of this fold: and them mult I bring, and they lhall heare my voycc, and there lhalbconc flocke, onePaftor. OnePaflor,tobobutbO> of tobome tbe too^ibcs af0?c,ano after,gre meantf i|:e,tobc is the goodPaftpr; toboknowcth his flieepe; tobo layeth downe jhis life for them; tobo bath other IhccpebcGtiC tbo 3(0ib£S> t® toate, tbo Pontiles, whom hee will bnng to bis folde; anD Co of tbom bbtb tbo ^b«to|) l^albe,as one flocke j oboping Chrift, as one Pallor.2Dbto Paflor,tbat our ^auiour moanf, l^^btob if poti toil not bel^uo on mp too^b,o? ratbcr on bio too;o tobo fpabe itibclauo' pour otonBiblejOqpoiiOtng it bp conforeco of fcripture toitb roripture,of John toito Ezekiel. jn toboni CDob Dotbp^cmifetbat hewilmake(ofllrael,fluda)onc people; ■ anO " tot his feruant Dauid(tbaf is,Chrifl,tbO fcnneof Dauid) to be one Pallor vnto them all, ° and hee lhall fecde them, 2Dbus,in (Boos lato, tbo toojbesarc moant of Chrift. scbo Pope * in bio lato) toil bauebimtolfo moant bp tbom, ^ouaroangrp toitb bo, tol^n too tall bim A ntichrift. 31 s not tl)o namo of A n- tichrift tm gentlo fo? bim, tobo olaimotb tbst to bimtoffo, tobitir iopjoper to Chrift? Hare. There fhall be oneflocke_,onePafl:or. 233 Hart. SDlje Pope toiU Ijauc ^imfcIfc to be meant tg t{?ein, as the vicar of Chrift: artt) fo Do) belong to l;im. 2Lbou0|J ttic^belong alfo to Chrilt: tybic!) hft. ifo^ tbus faitb tbePope. Of the Church, whichis one, there is one bodie, and ' one head, not tw'o heades,as a monfter,namely Chrift ndduo capita' and Chriftes vicar Peter, and Peters fucceflor: fith the Lord quafi monifr'a"' faitii to Peter himfelfe, Feede myJlieepe : myJhtepe, faith he, in ce^t generalI,not in particular thefe or thefe ; whereby hee is vn- vicariBSjPctrus, derftood to haue committed all to him. Whether they bee Pe^fiqueAicctf- therfore Grecians or others, who (ay that they arc not com- °' mitted to Peter and to his fucceflbrs: they muft needes con- . tcfle them felues not to bee of the fhecpe of Chrift: ^ Sith mko%"'ichail- the Lord faith in John, that therets one filde *nd enePAjtor. ne,ynu;tnouiic Wtjicb icojces, fljcugb tcncIuOc the Pope to ba t^af one Paftor: voo mu5 net tahe t^m as fbcugb tl)t pops meant tbsmofljiinrslfcalons,butfi)attbepare bcrifeo firftin Chrift, tbcn in Peter, (oftlp in bunfslfs. fo t^m fonftmistij one Paftor fucrriTion, cusn as Cfjurcb confinuotij one. Rainoldes. S>a) pen Itnoto tofjaf poo fap, tobsn pcu fap, there continueth one Paftor by fucccfsion, Peter after Chrilt, the Pope after Peter ? 3 bops pon D® it igno^antlp, * anb tbers#" j. foje map obteinc mercp, fbouglj pou Wafj^sme in it. Hart, Blafpheme ? inljp fap pou fo i Rainoldes. ^ccaufe pou brnp Chrift fbo^ontte of4^obfo bo tljc one Paftor,anb fo tbeljeab offjisCf)urcb.iFo2 bs to an otljer fucceedcth in an oifice,bo^ ccafe bint fclfe to bears tije „ .. oflfice: as p Felix oibceafe to bee gcuemour of 3Iurie, tnbsn'' Fcftustoas in place to be his fucceflbur. iKHbsreftje if tbeof# fice of t^t one Paftor continue bp fuccefsion j then botb it tobb^ Ip reft in tbe fucccffo?, tbat is tbe Pope; ano Chrift,tbepj^ece& foHSbifcbargebofit. Hart, ^ou fpeafee as tbougb fee nameb tbe Pope, chnftet Jucctftor: febicb fee are farre frcm, if o? fee bnoto fljat Pricfte s after the order of Aaron bab tbrnfojefuccelTors, 1 becaufc they were not fuffered to endure by rcafon 'of death. 315ut Chrift endureth euer,as being a Pricft after the order of Mel- chifedech: anb fo batb no fuccefto js.S^ffe name S. PeterjChnftes vicar : tbe Pope Chrtftes vicar ^anOfitccefter of Peter : but neittor VoteTjm^t^ZV Of e/ncceftiref Chrift. ^ ^ Rainoldes I B r.' 2^4 OfthcPopes lupremacic. Rainoldcs. 3|f it be a0 ^ou fey, tben raje out fo; C^amc tljat r s»crar.cere- piopljane fp^cljOUt Of youf ^ fucred Ceremoniti «f the Church tf wci!ii!,.u?a""r. * Chritt did firft name and ordaine Peter, his fnccejfor^ cimrtuj pri- fa)dngto hxmyFeedemy^eepe; and in the farac fort did Peter nationcfucccf- alio name Clemens,iSvA flitfj you acbuotoIeDge t^at Chrift 10 one forctninititmr, Paiior,an3 yet hath no fucceffor: you bauc0iueit ouer tpe foj# plircrouci me of you meant to feajs on bytljofctoojoes of as :&rei rati one tbat there fhould be one flocke,one Pallor, jfo; iui^ero Mm ctiam M-"" ^ foueraiuc Pallor mult f tiot^ continue one miaauic. fayfuccefl:ion,tnPetcr,anDtl)e Pope: you confeffe noto, tljat luittjout fucceflion be ootli »ntinuc one in pcrfon, euen Chnll, fHob!"'2V.' ^ the Pallor of ourfoules, ' thcgreat, " the chiefc Pallor, u * whowalkethin the middcllof the feuen golden candle- »/tcuei.i.i?. iHckcs, tbat 10, of the feuen ( anO by confcquent of all) Chur- chcs« Hart. 31 confeCDe, tljat Chrift continuctl) the Pallor of our foulcs, the chiefc Pallor, anO Ij^tb no fuccellbrjaaifuccersion to taken ptoperly. 15ut be maoc a btcar, tbat is a cbtefe paftot, tmoerbim, ineartbe to continue by fuccc^iom MbomalTobee meant by tbc name ofonePallQr,anti not Imnfelfe alone. •' Rainoldcs. SDb^beneluo:Qe0Qffcripture,ant)circumllati« ceooftbeteirtQiDpjouetbeomttaric. ifot, totubontoioCbiiia J loha.ic.vcrf. (beabe,lJOb^n b® feioe: ^ Ihaucotherlhecpe,whicharcnotof **' this folde! and them muft I bring, and they (hall hcarc my * TcrC?. voycc ^ and there lhalbe one flocke, one Paftor ? loaa it tu^ 3£ >». ' to • the lewes ? Hart. S;otbc3fetoe0. Rainoldcs. by other (heepe, not of tbat folde, b^ meant tbe<£^tnttlcd. Hart. a^b^^Dentile?. Rainoldcs. 51tnb it toas CbJilfto office, to bring them alfo Hart. 3ttoasfe. Roinoldcs. ®o bjingtb^n by bis vQyce,tBbicbtbcB^'bflttfi> hcarc. Hart. Mlbatfbew a wrfs. Rainoldcs. 3(8 notfje " the Paftof, ^ tobofe voycc the * fliecpc hcarc e Hart, lliHbQbenyetbitf Rainoldcs* The one Paftor, is Chrift. Chjp.e. Diuiiioli'« e Aft.io.ii, f Aft.ij.7. Rainoldis, 2Li)cn ift^c Hcines anO (!Dentilc0 hcarc the voice of Chriu:,aiiD fo bcrome one flocke :ljolD foulo {je mwne anp bu; fjuniri.eaianc bp t^c one Palter i Hare, i^ini U Ife alone (jj grnunl) birettlp, anb firlf: bat te* ccnDarilp,ani)bpccnfc(juent,i)isbtcartffl, Peter, anbPeters facc£ffb;t. jm Chrilt, tuljile Itucb in Qefl^ bpon t^e caitfj, bib not b;ing tlje ©entiles: he was not fent(^c faibe) but to thcloftlhcepeofthehoufeof Ifrael . 3^ t^e to|^C|b tefped S.PaulCiilletfjI^im'^^ miniltcrofcircumcifion,becaufel^bib cjretutebi«otFifc,anbminilterp, onelptotoarbestfje people of circumcifion, f^atis,t^e3cU)es. 2D5|C<£5enfile6l)ebiob.«ng after liis afcenfion,bp t^e mimfterie of tjio feruants,cl)teflp of S. Peter; ix}|>om ' baui"0 inttruttcb bp a bifion from fjeauen, !ja fentljinito Cornelius,! f chofe him that the Gentiles Ihould heare by his mouth the worde of the Gofpell, and bcleeue. tKEb^efoje, as Chrift faibe, ttiaf bo mull bring the Gentiles, Qongb b^ meant to b^ing tbom not bp bbs otbne p;^eacbtng) but bptbemoutbofPctcr;anbroPcter b,;ougbt tbem after a Mb t(o: tihetnifebogauebtmlelfetbe name of one Palter, tbongb ^efebbebioHockenotinbiootoneperron^butmbib btcar; ano fo migbt b® mcane bis btcar tin tbercbp. Rainoldcs. %\fis is a greater argument, tbat be meant no( Petcr,no? Peters fucceffoj (aspou termebim) bp tbe name of one Paftor ♦ if o;i if be meant bim fclfe, not as bee liueb in tbe fie(b)butasbs ^ raignetb inglone: tben meant be tbat p^croo gatiuetobiebisonelpbis, as headofthcChurch,anbmap s fph^jercai be no toap gtuen bnto flelb anb bloob. ifo; tbe piofe tobereof fee are to toetgb,fartber,tbat in taping ' I mull bring them, & j they fliall hcare my voycc: be meanetb cffettuaU bringing, anb hearing, tb^oagbtobiebtbep»tobs are ^ his (heepe^do fo- low him, anb ' he doth glue themeternall life, and they fliall neuer pcrilh: and none lhall pluckc them out of his hand. i^oto,U)bomChtiftbringetljaftertb:smaner,bet';inf getb tbem bp tlno meanes: bp tbe picacbing of bis Inojbe, anb tbe tDOjfeing of bis ^pinte. ^s be ino^fecfti bp bis ^ptrife;fc be batbno bicar,bimlelfebotb " open the heart ofLydia: anb ° " baptize wijh the holy Gholl; anb ° is with his dilciplcs " flill vntil the end ofthc worlde,, 5lS be callctb bp bis ino^bet lb are aU tmniHtrs of tbe boope, bis biears t ifo.: bee fi^betb h Terf,22. leh.io.TCr.lf k Ter.4. & 17. I verat. m Aa.1tf.14. lar.i.R. o Mac.>8,20.' Diuifion i. 2 ^6 of the "Popes lupremacie. Cenoet^tt)cmm|)isttccDe,ani3pjeac!)ef& t)nto men bp ff)cm. pMat.io. o. p ftoelueapattie0,He that receiueth you, t] Luc.io. If. rcceiucth meranDtotpc i feuenCteOifctples, He that heareth r i.cof.5.10. you,heareth me.^a panic faitp of ' l)im fclfc,Timothce,Sil- uanus,aniJt|)c rell:tl)atlabour0D We are embaffa- dours for Chrift,God as it were befeeching you through \s: we pray you in Chriftcs fteed,be ye reconciled to God. jftrff t^rcfo;c, ^ptnteDofl) mahetljeboo^DcffcdaaU , ano Chrift Ijatl^ no thcar,as l^c toajlictp bp ^is ^pirttc:it folotoct^, ^ in naming Ijtm fclfc,§ one Paltor, topo Dotp bring his (hcep, ano they heare his voice,^c cottiD implp no bicar. J^o? tljc toojD bottjOmnDmbamcfo tticearc > bnlcDPc the Lord oto opcnt^e ii,C6r.}.7. tJcarftoitplj«i^pirite;anD ^ neither he that pianteth is any thing,nor he that watcreth, but God that giueth the cncreaic. 0gatne, tfi)e^aDtmpltcbt^ctrmtntflicrtc,bpix>l)om f^e ll^apc ipcarcliPbotoejantifoareb.zoug^tipctmuflif^atbclong to manp bicara, not to one; oj if to one,not to Peter. if 0? t^ep,bj^o l)^onlDbebjougl^tt^erebp,are t^c <25cntile0 : anb Chriil bat^ tEpher4.11. bjougl)ft^t®^ttcsbpmanp Paftorsandteachers,not om Ip bp tpcjapolHeamo) among® tbc 0pottlc5bp Peter cb^felp, «Rom.ii.i?. : anb tbat, tbjougb ^ tbecalling of tbc bol? xKSt. 1J.2. (©bbtt5anb y tbeiragramentbetbjeenctbemrelucs ifinallp, if y Sii.t.9. CbJitt bab meant(as pou oittingutCb tt)bim felfc fir®,anb birctf- Ip; fcconoarilp,! bp cofequent Petcrut mutt be fo? bis p.zcacbing § bjojototbcflochc. ^no bJbat is tljis to Peters fncccffonr tbc pope:tDi^pjeacbetbnotasPetcrDio? ifo;, bcbfctbHotto r sicrar.eerem. ptcacbybut tubctt bc faitb ^alTc; tto^ tbcn,bnlcffie bclitttanb * Rom.eccicf.iib. bc faitb not ^affc,buf on a fctoc bic fcaftes 5 no? tben,if be be let: '■%a.J. Italian gonemment,lpeciaUp * the Papacy fo difcreetly 'asfD.AiicB menagcd,mnftnaoes bane lets a number, ^^ts p?incelp cares SSApoiog! iJs trouble bimtbe leauetlj pjiefflp to tbe ifriers«ul;iberefoje,tbat ofthcEngl.Sc- facrilegiousbfurpcrofRomccommittetbtbJO euils , again®, (riii.chapt.tf. beati,anD tbe booie of tbe Cburcb- ^gatntt tbe beab: in tbatbcmahetbtbe pjerogatiue ofoncPaftor common to all popes,b:tbtcb is p:oper to Cb?i®. 0gaintt tbe booptin fbat bee tlaimefb tbe title of Chriilcs vicar, as proper to bim fclfe, tobicti bAft.»}.4. is common to all pallours. Hart, i^ap,pou tube ^ reuilethchighprieftofGod,comtf mit a great euill. 2i5ut be comittetb none at all. ifoj be fafeetb not tbe The Pope is noc the one paffor. Diuif.i. tijc p.ierogatiue of one Paflor as C{):ig,l)uf tuDcr tlatmstlj ttjc titlccf Chrilks vicar, an c):«:llende,a5 tftc c|aere,anD gencrallttnug^ all ot^er Bii^opa be btcarc: alfc. S.ainoIdes, SCljtsistoroale the ftoneof . ^Ctt b^iueitbp tbsljiiI,aitDftiUitflipp£:i|)faadicix)arD:?et ceafc pou iiottolfrtue,barttouftnuembai!W.iFo^tl)ou0tjpou fctrijit bp i«ucr fc of£eit,oob3nc againe it toilLAll Bi(hops(p£iu fap)arc the ▼icars of Chrilhbut the Pope claimcch that title by an. excel- lcncie.2Dru2.lI5p an crccUeitcic Ijc robbctljal Ubiil^opis of tijat ^o- nour,b3bifb^t)ijittt>titbgiucnt^m.-^o;jt)c rjot|) account tfjcm all to be t)ie bicarB,as C^rcinall Turrecremata calleti) tbcni«i« summ.ae ejrpacfPelp the vicars of the Pope:anD p.iOU2tl> bp ^ t^c |3opc6 objne tito, ttwttjjcp arc fc. Ml^crcfo^c ifpou inill Ijauc t()cm fi.q.tf.c.decrfc Chriftes vicars too;t^c matter mutt be |>clpcD out luit^ pour biff t«.c .fcqvcoti. finction,t()atfirft,and diredly, they a.vctheJ'optsviMrsYSind ^^rj,byaconfequent, and fecondarih'e. ^ fojtticman, toljcm pou call the hie priell of G od:3( bnoto Ijtm not.^oj ^ is not ^ Ijic pjictt > of t^ lewcs, 3 trob). Hnb Chriftians no Incpiictt,but t^ borate oft|^l^igi;ctt:eucn|)im)Oflxiboin / e it is ls^itcn,ruch an hie prictt it became vs to haue , which is holyjharmeleiTc.vndefilcddcparatc from finners, and made higher then the hcaucns.lSiKbcrcfoje, 3 Ipcabc not tl^ toojoes of reuiling,but of trutl| anb moocttic,ln^cn 3 call fjun a facrile- gtouj5bfurpcr,to^tab2tb'tl)C crohinc ofttjcbingofbings, ano. Icttctb it on liisobmcb^ao. SDIjisbott) t^t mancfGnnctto^ feiU; tt»t.* iris necei&nefor eiiery man vnto raluation,to be ♦ naceflrtate fcbicft tothcPope t anbthatthey , who lay hec hath not niuris omnt charge oner them^are not of Chriils (liccpc, beeaufc the Lord M^fUbeffT* faith in loha,that there jhall be one fietkf ana onepafteur, Romano Pon- Hart, ^ou nabc not account it lb liciitDUS a matter" to fonclubc tljaf-bcctrinc bp t^ft luoibcs. cfCljjift . Cljiefe# nag.demaio.iti, lp,ttt^ it is pjobabIe,tl>at be meant tbcm ratbcr of tbe Pope tben ^ bimfe'fc.^ojb^faifbjtherelliall beoncflockc and one Pa- ftortbe faitb not,thcrc hath bcenc;but, there lliall be. jpoln bimttlfe,^ being <]3ob,tea«alU}apidattoj oftbc ^Sentileaallb, no leilb tpf of tbe 3ebDC0.0nbfo in reject of bim tbere babbefo;ia. bene one flocke.andonepaftor.JRabcrfate tttb^ftJCi^etbofa tbins: (bat (boulfi be,not (bat lab bene a(r(abie;be nugbt be toea jDiuilioB t M i w i li f LI m j! r.i fBfh,t.Ua tcUi. 2^8 Of the Popes fiiprcmacie. to fjaine meant not I}tm &lfe but t^o ratber, t9bo(ui but aeeo)t8)i^a(b}^botbofieU)esanti<^onttle5- Rafnoldes. ^ao dDonttle^ alboa^ tbeCburcb, ano ftrauu- gets from the coucnants ofpromifc raaoe to tbe faittffaU, 80 tbe? tDere,S.Paule faitbttben neitber loere tbep one flockc foitb t^ Vetoes, neither toas ©oO tbeir one Paftor. Inberfb^e tob^t foeuer(bel9ofp;iobabtIitietbe1Bopemisbtr^nteto bane a* bnSnsti^&tnoiDeo to mamtatnebt0ot)onp;it»: intmtb tbeg agree to bim, tob^ broke the ftoppe of the partition- wail,an9 made ofboth one,tbat U( to Cnrift lefuSjS^ onelp to Chrift, Hart. HOTel!. 3!ftbeteojoes agree nofto tbe pope perb^ in one ftnfeitb^ map in another.if Jt tbere arc fcnice iiRob«rt.Bei. ofthc holy fcripturcs,but in gcncralltwo , as ^ ifat^Ro- urmin.iaieai- bcit (bctoetbttob^reirftbe ottc IS callco hiftoricall , oilitcrall; •B.Komin.coa- (fjg nayftjcalljOilpitituall.ainD tb tbe fpacbof ^lifttou# t^ng one Paftor,mtgbt fignifie tbe Pope in a mptticall fenfe, tbongb not in tbe literaU.aslfeetuife tbe name of hyeprieft, figntfping tbejctnivbltterallp , Oofb mpfticallp betoken bi»«* Rainoldes. JCbat fcnfc is tbe rigbt fenfe of tt}c fcriptures, tobttb tb^ antba^^ of tbcm,mcant. ^i>hJ,fbe bolpc vSbo® ^tbbttereo tbemtnrucbfojt,tbatnottbctooiOcs ondg 00 Cgnific fbtngs,acco,jotng to tbetr natural! fenfe.-but tbefbing* alfo cifpj eCto bp tbe tooiOes oo Ggntfle other things, accoiOing to tbello;iocso.:otnance,tobaibaootocDtbatbpagure0in tbe oioe lEettawnt,h)bicb te perform® in tbe netoe. 3[s,fb j ei:ample,it istniiten tn' tbe latDOfMofcs,you{hallnotbreakcaboneof hiraib^toojbesarcfpoHentoucbinstbelambeof tbe pafRo# uen ^-E;h.s.i4. «r.t.q«^5* i£xad.|].4^ The Pope is not the one Pa/lor- ucnanDfisnific,astt)ci;foHn3 , t'oatt^zdit\i)C3 ©oulO Djcffic it iD5clc,U)it^out biBabiiisaus bone tbcreof. itBat tt»w t|jingootb figiiiSic a farfbcr thing in fecret: to toate,t!)at tohen ^ Chrilt, jBhotDajsrrmcfcntebf figurcob^tl)elambe,lhoulD fuffer Death kiohn u.jrf; tc fane blt,a bone of him (liould not be broken. SIhnSjOfone place ttjcre arc ttoo fcnfcatbc former calleD literall, becaufc the totter,as it txjere.that is the bcr^ l]Do?Dee,being bnDerfttoD aright* Domtpo;tit;anDthelnter,myiticaU,becaurethe thing impo;teo anD meant b^the letter,both betoken a D^per mp(terie.£Df theto, the literalirenfe is knotone to be the meaning cf the hnil? ChnS. jfo;(tuo?DcsU}eremaoetoopcnt^conceitesi>foiirmtnD : ano to are thcp bfeD bp the halp hoS^ to (heto the toill of dfoD tinto ttoXhe mpflicall isknolun to be his meaning alto, tohen hint« tolfe r£uealethit:as he hath Done inthat touching the lanibe.^)# t^rtoife it is not. if o^men map Dcuife manp mpiticaU fenfes of ' a place in (cripture, anD them, one contrarie to an other:as often timesthepDtD. tilS^hichaU coutonotbemcantbp ^ ^pnitof tmth:anD tohether anp of them l]Der(,toho can top^ Me hane no Birnrancethcnofmplticalltontos:bDhieh map be mens fanfies* ^nelp ^e literall tonfe,U}hich is meant DnDoitoteDlp bp^the holp (Bhcfl^isoffojce to p^ouetheaCTureD truth , anD tl^refoje Doth,„ , . SinDe in matters ofteUefe.anD this is fo clare that' pour otone s^SrSk... )i>otto;ntacknoli;4eDgeit,anDtea4>^:enen * hetohompoualk^ pxrt.i. q.i.ari* g®.ifoj he faith,lt is agreed bctwcenc you and ¥S ' that for* eiblc agumcnts ought tobedrawmconeiy from the literall H4rj.'i.e.j.' lcnfe:andtbatisfurely knownetobethcfenfe and of the holy Gholf JVsfor myftical fenfeSjitis notalwraics fare, chapt j.cfte whether the holy Ghofl meant thcm:Tnlcflcthey be expoun^ dcd in the fcriptures,as that in Iohn,ja>«flMUmh-cakeattne kim. ^ Which excepted , it is a folly to go about to proue *^®.''^®^- the pointcs of faith forcibly by myfticall fenfes. M^refo^eif it be not eirpounDeD in the fcripfures , that the toojDesof 2 Exfolo Ikera* (tcuching onePaflor) are meant, as of him felfe, bp the literall fcnte;fcd)pthenipfitcal,cf thc|3cpe : poufat^tifathcrRo- bert faith,itis afollp,to,go about to ptouc the popes fup^emacie ' bp them,if pen Uwll pioia if ft«fbrp.i^tn,lijhat 3 fap itf one Pa- myfticis fcti^- 1 I' H m 1 I that: ^40 Qf the Popes fuprcmacic. ti)att^^opctoe ArtpturM. The fc- 3 Sno in tljc fcriptures tlwt Cfjjifttans mnft l!d J . ijaueahycPrieft amongftt^fontart^, fobctl)ctrc!)ttfi«Dg«, cond Ul Rainoldes. ^ereSnoetoutb^tf nifion. 3}ntl^cfcuentantlj cb^pAr oftjje bobe of Dcutero- O Dcut..7.V •nomiCjeocnini^jcfoliWjbes. ° Jt thcrcnfca matter tooiiard for thee in iudgcment bctwccne blood and Wood,, bctwcene ^ caufc, bctwccnc plague and plaguc,in the matters cdi latin. ofcontroucrfie within thy gates: then flialt thou arife, and goevp to the place which thcLorde thy God (hall choofe, and thou (lialt come to the Lcuiticall priefles, and to tha iudge,thacfhaUbeinthofc dayes, and askc, and they (hall fliew thee the fentence of iudgcment. And thou (halt do ac- cording to that thing which tney (hall Ihe we thee from that place that the Lord Inall choofe: and thou flialt obferue to do according to all that they (hall enformc thee. According to the law which they ihall teach thcc,and according to the iudgcment which they (hall teU thee, Ihaltthoudoo, Thou (halt not decline from the thing which they fliall fticwthec, neither to the right hand, nor to the left, Andhc that ihall prcfumptuoufly refufe to obey the commandcmcnt of the LdMretokai- Prictt whoieructhrlienthc Lord thy God: * by the decree «ismoricnirbo- of thciudge (hall that man dyc,and thou (halt take away cui! outofirraclL ^ercipehycPrieftijjntai5Ctl)ecIjiefciudgc,fii lieare, anb Determine, f^arb anb boufatTuU eaufes, amon^ tpe people of dDob. lanb amonsS C^ifitans us (hc^ a Prieil; anb judge, but tl^ |Dope onel^f Rainoldes. ^oto ttft flrtttljaptcrof bfljfee of Gcncfis 1^ tooulb Ceruc pou ao toell to pjoue ^ popes fupicmade, if it tocrcconfibcrcb. jlfoj -p it istodttent^cre: in the beginning r .CaVnam fan- God created the heaucnand the earth. demaiSsf" Hart. tER^af iheaue SOU ft to fap ^ obedient:. JJainoldes. ^as afte tijatflf ^tm to^obotlj crpounb it oialfitTMaii- ft:fasing,t^attotwfaetterrcOAett)l)isfup;nn«p,rcfiftctl)<:^bs ^aus. o^Dinance} vnlefle he faine (as anichet^id) that there are », ' fw»^f^w^i5«,whichisfaire&hereticalI:bccaufc,asAf<^r tfp?o,cieauf/'° witncffcth, * violiinthcbegimnmgttyhyXtnthtbcgimingGodcre' Peas caeluai ^ Attd htMtn md tarth, ^cc, inthc beginning,not,in the begin- ningcsj Thou fhaltgo to the Pncfls, ^to the iudgc» 241 DiuiCt. ninges: anQ tljercfo;^ not inanj> are |;?e p^tcHe? Ct)urcli> btittt)e|0opeojTel^. ; Hart, sntjs place, to^icb 3 allcageD, soflj plainclp fpeahe of fj)e high Prieft: asio fo it cot^ fcrue my purpote moje fitli?, tl)c« tl)i«,tol)ic|> Dctlj not toucl; f;tm. ipolobeit, as learneo men, tol)cn tpep fjatic pjonco a point bp Ifrongcr argnmentSjarc Inont tj fet it f®;tb tmtb.affliiibes.ofli0btcr rcafons, ratper to poliipc it as it ioere, tpen to ioo;Uo it^ano Oratne it: to p9P( p^it^ b;ougpt better eniDcncefo^ p.W)feof ijis fttp;ejnacie,botp frimme it bp ioitp tpis of Gcnefis jOS pou bJOUlD fat»,hy an allufion. Rainoldes. An iiiuHon, ^ouipOulD (ap . )l5nt ^e placCSt botp,asU)eUtbiscfGencns,astl)atof Deuteronomic,are ta« ben in a mplticatl fenfc of pour olnne: fo tpat t(? Inunne a matter bopicp mult be tounne bp ^uno p.UDfe,tptp are botp of like fo^ becanle tpat n^tper is of anp. ^0; tpe literall fenfe of tpat in DeutcronomieOotp concerns tpelewcs: fo Uipom fl^Co^Oe Ipabe it bp pis fernant Mofes. j^otn, poiooangeFCUs it is to buplo,as b^n rcripture,tpin0es,tupitp are not ^cunbeb bpon ^ literal fenletpereof: loemap learnebptpe mptttcallfenleoftbat place,b)picpalBope0iuetp; anbno common-pope,bat lnno< centius the third,tpe ifatper oftpclateran-councel,in topicp pour popiflp uplift anb SDranOnbCtantiation loere enactcb firO*. (^e,in a oecretal(lx)picp is enrolleo in ^ ^ canon lato,asa rule of h c.per vmen. tpe gouememct of p Cpurcp fo? cuer) ootp b?infl fffl?tp tpat fame place of Deuteronomic, to p?cue tpat the Pope may exercife teporal iurifdidion not oncly in his owne dominion, but in other countries too,on certaine caufcs^And, *" becaixfc Dcu- » sane.cum teronomic is by interpretation; it is proued Deuteronomifi, (t^pe) by the force of thewordc, that what is there de- creed ought to be obfcrued in thcnewe Tcftament. tmpon voeabuiicom- fjjciopicpp?inciplcpebotpeppounoittpus: tpatthepUe which ^uo'dlbi'decer- the Lordhath chofin, is Rometthe LeuiticAllPrufles ZTC his bre- niturinnouo thren,the Cardinals:f^f ini^e is himfelfe, the vicar ofChrift: riff arc of three fortes; the firftjiff/wffwf t-W and ayxmtfpufoV ^/ffiijismcantof ' criminal! & ciuil caufcs; the laft,ifiU'ff»f f o^njeec plaiueandplague^of * ccclcfiafticalandcriminall; themidic, cinii^" ifrtWff«fM«^(^ftion of C^rc^ of to t^iio;(en of 3|fraeU.if 0; tf t^e BjCraelites ^ao a high PrkU to be t|]«tr iudge in matters of bifficultieanDt)Oubt,bccwccncblood and blood, beturccne caufe & caule, bctu'eene plague and plague: inpp t^OUlQ not loe fentblablp bane a bie P;tettto bk ^ iuoge in ourtanfesf Rainoldes, SubiB rcafo is s,:atDn from a 0tnilitnoe:tbat,ao it ioaBamonglttb^BletDeointbeolDe jlDeltament; (b mult it bk amonglt Cb^^ittiano in tbe neln.lLoguians tap, ^at nmilitudes dohaltofoneloocc. iButtpB botb b^lt of botb« ^o.: nei:: .QjertoaiotbehighPrieftamongStb^leb?^, iudge of all tbole matters: netberb^itfoUotn thereof, alti^gbb^ b^b bkne, ^amongS Cb;^iltians tbere mutt a btgb ^ likefeoife ittOge of allicion ofCb jillwns is not in all rcfpettes IS» bnto tbe Vetoes, no;: Rome bnto leruralem. 0nO UibP it is not like in tbe matters Uibicb pou mention: tbere map bkrealbns giuen. Rainoldes. ^ap tbcrebe reafons ginen? SCifen reafiins map be giuen, lobp pour reafon is nangl^. 15ut,tbat pou map l&tobat a lame tbingk is;'marke tbe pointestob^reon it ftan# Oetb. ifirft, the hkh Prieitfpou fap)is the iudge, to whom, for the deciding ofnardana doubtfull con^jrouedies, the Lord doth fend the Icwes. SDbtS tbe fnipture Gitb not: but maketb a Difference betloknc the iudge ano the Prieft. Jfo j it giuetb fentcnce of death, boon bhn.whorcfhfeth to barken ' to the Prieft, or to the iudge. t^^crein, bp DiGopning the Pricttfromthe iudge, itDcclaretbplainelp tljat the Prieft tnas not tbe fame tbat the i udge. 2 Hart. 244 tH^Popes fupremacic. Hart. £Dw comnio cditio in Latin 5ot^ not rcaOe tt fO: bnt ^^erio w'u. in tlji3 fojf:hcthat dialprefumptuonfly refufc to obey ^ thcco- dias nundeiTient of the Pridi,by tlic decree of the iudge fliall that man dic.^oa fee ttt5bcrc,the commandement of thePricft: f the decree of the iudge is an otticr point. Jt is not, OS foa ate t^the Prieft,or the iudge. Rainoldes. 3t is not fo in pour Latin, toijtclj man fjatij fran0ateD.i5ut if isfo in t^c Hebrew, ln;iten bp tt)c ^pir^c of <000. IPuttDClianea Bccrw of tijc CouncellofTrcnt, * cot. e 0B.4. j common edition ip- Latin (hall be taken as ♦ Nemoinam authcnticall,in pnblike Icdures, difputations, fermons and rciicerequouit cxpo(itions:and that * nomahmay dareor prefumeto re- ?d*pr«fum«." it vnder any pretcnfe.gf no man map rciett it vnder anyc pretenfe:t^ not bnOer prctcnfe of the Hebrew t£)rf .^nO t^at ro? groat rcaron.iFojti)c Hebrewc.»ibles, to|jic!) arc ortanf *cr- tbamefuUp cojruptcD inmanppjacos bp tbc 3!cl»cs, of ]|)rct.rcriptur. ^iteanomaliceagainHC^iltians^aslBid^op Lindan ibetoc ^■tV'«'rine latfitlpano loarnoolp,intljcoofcufooft^toocraoft|>cTret- aoa!f."'.e.la.* counccll. ■ eiohan.ifaae Rainoldcs. 2C!)wisa(l^amcfunrctaan0erbJctiJC0bp Satati,. v«iU - ano fief a b^cb bp Lindanito tt)e infent,tbat crrours,t»bicb ban® til Hebra ic< pjeuailco mpoperto,oitt)er bp tbc faults of tbc LatmiranOato;, ojbptljcouerCgljte oftbomtnbo banc miftt^en bun, fljoulo not fus libros, tres bo oifcoueroo ano put to tbamc bp fbe figbt of tbe Hebrew trtttb» wlhewunda- 0110 tbts (ball appccTo bp bts argumoHts Buo oealings , if pou ni qiios dc op- liJtU0fttbcminparticular.3fin generall onolp pou mcanc to SerSandi" bCs bis umno ftj oircreDitc tbc frutp,OS ^ pour Doaorootb : 3 seacre infcrip-totll fonobotb pou,ano bim>fo2 Oil anfiuore to tb^oo cftbo loar# jBenedift Aria. tuOgos Oftbts mv^ttcr,tbaf pour tburtb b^itb j Minnas de UCtt IfaacLcuita,Arias Montanus,anD Payua Andradius. ^Df tobcni ® tbofirtt,being Lindansotoncmaiaor,ano Riofefltoz of »e.yrexem-tbcHebructonguo in bniucrfitio of Coolcn, bafb tojitcn piaripfaiterii thrcc bookcs iiidefenfc of the Hebrew truth againfttbcca^ fro°app«a» *' uils of bls fcbollor. ^ ucrtjftn bw ffei'i aftcnguos ano jtegiorumBi- artes,"Ujasputin trttttbpl;ing Philip to fotfojtb tb® .sible in «'S'c»n>5iw< Hebrew,auc comipicb tbc Hebrew tejct. ^oufcaufe(M.Hart)brginneti)to be ocfperate, toijen it can fiuDt no cooucrt-butfucfjas^our otonc patrones area-^anrcD off. Hart, 3 ^aae not rea3 tljefc mens btCcourfes.jSut ctrtciinzl^ tobat focucr tpci? fat? fo; tije reff: ncitljer t^et? no.z t?ou l^aU be c.- ucrabletopiouc, * tbatfbe3ctoesb'^ni=n3tco,:rupteQ tbc He-- * SMpitt.pfiBc brewtert tnfbconeanDttDcntkXtl:ipralm£,oj ^"tSoo ano tlvem fcetfj as tt)cy number tt.ifo: tolicrc it fl^oulo be reai)(a6 our Latin fjatb it,anil tljc Grceke airo)they haue pearced my hands and myfeete:fbeHcbrucsnoU)Dor,eaDe,notCrf«r«, ^attS , they hauepearced; but Crfm , tltatis, as a Lion; as a Lion my hands and my rectc,3?afjercbt?,a notable p;opf)ecie bcfcrtbing fo platnclp tlje mancr anb fetnb of tije pafficn of Cltuft fl^ouib ba fatten out of our itanos tfp.cugtjtljetrecberp oftbelcUicSjifUia fljoulo foloto ti)t Hebrew tept^as it is noto.lSut it is fo manifeff ? Ip hnobons to be cotrupte3:ti[)af pour fclucs.fltougb allototng tlje Hebrew,as aut^nticAllj^et folotoe it not in tijis place, in ^our d^ns^iCb^iSibles. ilainoldes. Ct)i8 is fticonel? argument, tijat s lindan i)at|)ofanp(l^elu,top?oue,tl)at tbe Soloes tiaueco^rupteb t^e intcrpret.^^t, Hebrew te):t.l5utifit be toctgl)eoloitb an euen ballance : pou fl^Il fino it a mcere cauilLifo; tolwt toiU pou fa^ of pour otone feluesf SDio tfyz C^urc|j ofKcme co^upt ttjc Latin fept in tifz tinroofGencfis, ^ ioljere it is rcaD of tl)c iuoman , flteihall cen.j.T;. brufe thy hcadffoj tljat to^icl; fl^oulD be reao of t^toomans fab, he (hall brufe thy hcadi? Hart, ^orac of pour men fap fo.il^uf tj^ep 00 great tniurp fo tiieCburcl^ tfierin, Rainoldes. 2^l^cplwaeasgreatcaufc,aflcaC,ifnotgrc«= ater,totapfbisofiKomaniffes,as poutljc other of fljc IcUies. ,Deopt"«i. irojifttDematchtheptopbccies^tljisis mojc notable, tnhici) is ' nrerpret.'scrip, to.jrupteo in pour Latin; of the btcto^ic of ouer &atan,anfi jj ASfn ours through hi'n«3fi»^wtnparecrro^s;thw is more manifcff: steuch«sin«- in fo much that it is prouebfo be an error euen bpLindan alfo, advctifHcb' notonelpbp '' others ;anD the Hebruetert,tiiifh the Chaldec Anarad.'acfcik paraphrafc,aHOtheGreeketranaation,&)aUmaibc again® it, ? as Uybudilt^' ' tljcDiuinescfl-ouangraunt. TuIgatRcgioru Hart. But tljismigtjtcrecpc in b? foim fjumane oaerOgf^,'^ i!ibiior.Tom.I]anbC#I]in Mjiclj tbc tariance Ipetl), Ofio not lb greatip oif# fer. ,but tbata man mtgijt cabip miltahetbc onefo;tt^o^ tlier, "'Sixa Rainoldes. 0omojebotljctoo;6C0' C^aru, ' CMri.SC(je ' Differccc is as fmal. Mljerfo^ if tbe one migbt be an oucr0gt)t of fcriuenero in tljc Latin,a0 pou fap,anbtruelp:U)l)T? migbt not tbc fi- otbcr be libetDifie in tbe Hebrew,ao it is geffeo bp Andradius. nini3inD t^flt it U)a0 lb,it is Dcclarco at large bp" Arias Montanus: Icaorem dc va- to^o fo;(ti00ngularbnolcleoge ano iuogcment botb in arteo anotongue0,U)a0Cibofcn,(a03l faiD)to oucrfeetfjefcttingfoojt^ ac de Maforctb of tliat famou0Sible in Hebrewe,Chaldee,Greekc,anb Latin, T[^toa£ip;unteD at ^merptjijoit^ t|>e approbation of pour. * 'PiustfteftOD popc0ano®o£to?0»^or(intl)clixth tomeoftljat iuo?be ) ije or BiwiorlrlD ftciDetb,fl)at,when the Icwcs returned into thek countrey Gregory tt)t aftct their captiuitie of feucntic yeares in 'Rabylon : it befell f^AfM^'raiT them,pattly occafion of their long troubles which c'iucid.in noT' did diftra6t their tnindes,partly by corruption of their natiuc Tcft. tongue which was grownc out ofc kind,firft into the Chaldee and afterward into the Syriakc,that they neither k«ewe nor. pronounced lb wel the words of the fcripture, writcnf as the. maner was)withou£vowcls.Whcrebyitcametopaflethatin the writing of them their crept in fome faulte,citner through iniury of the times , or by rcafon of troubles which fell vponthepeople,or by negligence of feme fcriucners. 3ut tnis inconuenience was met withall afterward by molt Icar- ncd nicn:fuch as was, and afterward ^AmaUel^ hfeus, t 'E/eaz>tr^and other of great namcj who prouidcd by common *?ditio,yei.tr». ttauell With grcat catc and induitry, that the text of fcrip- wadTti^nde"'' tufc and thctruc reading thetcof, fhould be preferned mw t^fidciitervarj. found aud vncorriipt.And froni thcfe men,or from their in- BMerum'ieft^ ftru^lion, bcing rcccaucd and pooHlhed by their fcholers in the ages folowing.there came(lbitb^c)as wciudge,thatmolt 9»e vnquam- profitable treafurc which is called " i^asarerb,tnat is to fay, 4t deliHtryykccMfeit ^otbdeliHer(tbtHttdUnily mttd fittthfnUy mUthe eti' Htrj ruKhnisj^im ater Were)efthe Hcbrt^t R;^Ar/.Wherein there appcanr The Hebrew text of Scripturc^vncorrupt. Z47 appcarethancaidenttokenofthcprouidenccof God , for the preferiiation of the (acred bookes of fcripcure wholc,and foand:that the Ma/oreth hath bccne kept till our time thefc many hundredyearcs with fuch care and diligence, that * jNuiiamvd in iundry copies of it(whichhauc bencwritcn)no difference waseuer found; and It hath bccne added in all the writen bus Jilcrcvaati-^ Bibles that are in Europe, Aff ike,or Afia,each of them agrc- J" Ing throughly therein with other,eucn as it is printed in the vnqu^- Venice-bibles,to the great wonder of them who reade it, ^oto,tn fljw Majforethyrmoe fo long ago,lb otltgcnflp ratt|ifnU^kept,ut{bmanp conntr^cc^thuinglifotnanpageo, as Arias Montanustottneflirt^, ttieSjctoeo^emfcIueoachnoto# lriigebi7t^trotDnefefttmonte,t^t Insert tn ccnmion tMoheo tt ig reao certatne it is C4^M.Mlierefo;e,tf Tome BletoUb ftriuetttro (U)botii;ioteoutba)he0) b^^iaueo it of malice, anb ipite, lDbtcbmigbtbe,tbouglitbeptDlK) accnfe bto b^ing neither atitotir,no^ ttme,noz an^ fare argument to p.ioue it, but tflbnieDQ>;iaueDit:pct,raingtbeire^4/or«i> oottj note t^e Du uerfe reaoing,ano in part 00^ ioltifie t^t toiiici) is tiie truer: it 10 (larb to charge them(a0 pou bo ) Inith co^irupting of the He- ^brcwcte)rt^«cl)h«''rh^»t^tftocihoulocharge ^ur -Komffl^ thurcl),tBithco?ru^ngofthcLatin,tDl)ere \»ou reao in itttb of(r//>/f,lnotnc,but (he (hallbrufe thy head. Hart, i^otfoifbj toe hauc kept alfo that reabtngC#!] cuen •in our bulgar Latin tranflatiom^oj ° t^ Diuincs of Louan bo note that it to founb in ttoo tojiten copiee. ano toe bo confcffe it c Jn, An to be moje agreeable both to the Hebrewe tert,anb the Chaldee *lanuno. 'paraph?afe,f the Grceke tranflatiompea that S.lerom reab it fo ' tffluio pou map fee in the Notations of p f rancifcu s Lucas, to tohich ourlattn bibles (ietfijjth bp the Diuines ofLouan}btt FawtBTbfia" referrepeu. " hu.s,vaiianti« Rainoldes, ^ct franci(cusLucasbothto.iangle(fillaboufft: cxem'iarrbur anbfaithsthat^lthe Latincopics, which they could fin^ loca Jifcutiunt doo read it!:i/vS! ;]anbofthe ttoo ,tohtchpou mention , heboub- tethstohetheronebibfolototheLarinoithe Hcbrcwc; anbhee Benfi,s"ih;rr maheththctoofptoofcthat t^ Hebrew map tocll agree to the '?B'®Licen- i:atin,toftha litlc hammering ofit.^ea,anb that tomo;je,a0tn q'Andr.dius. al p ^iblcs,^ 3! haue f0eneofpour0,^Utifl hathnot»>7f;(hce, ant tm dam.,, Tiot hc;thou^j "J pour greafcttfrjnbo haue toilheb po«(fo?fiiamc) a" J/niS -£^4 to Diiril.i. 248 Of th c P opes lupremacie^ lilli! ■ 1? r 'mm 7? H' :i:n' 'ill SS?"-- 3-ver.xf'r"-P* do Fis/* Pw- •'^aorjcju^ 'MJ ^"^flqaamcr- i-orepoff. """ W„w fit * tsnSD , "i'SA pnh t DefenCIiJei Tr3den:-)ii>.4^ u. ladrfenf, verit. Hebr.fa- •rar.fcripcur* lih.i. X D:arcanis catliolicjc Tcrit. lib. 8. cap. 17k y irtjF preface ef tl)e Khetnbh Tcilament. a tC^etfitleot tl)« RhcHafh- XclUmMC, to mrli tt:Ib m an Hebrue t£);t of ^ famous "^Bible of aing Philip, (ivlnci) but noto 3 mctionoo)§ ioojochejis alterco accojmngto tlje latin Z ^ Ihee; ] auD t^at not of errour but of purporo,as it tstoitncffcD fap'FrancilcusLucas.®l)tcl)is greater bolDnesm cojrupltng tbc Hebrue, tlje pou can iuftlp c^rjje {' Vetoes U)tt|j» iBut if it befuffment to cterebotijp Latin cDiiicn,ipcurrelues, pou IjauefounD a bojlje,o;j tmo,,t»t)ereuiC # 3 is reab aspour i)iuines fap: Ijoto muclj tnojc iulllp map ioe cleero botb the He- bluetertanbthe3iemes,tobOj (asitisnoteo Maforeth) founD fimo^ie borftes toitb CCaaru,j Cl)ieflp j fitlj ti;ep commcno tlje bobes,as » Uicl cojrcrtco, loljicl; ^ao tl^at reabing: pcu coim meno not pours. ^notlKp ^ rcpjoueanotc, bo{)ic|) foine fwo mai)erai^lp,fobnng intljo ot^jer reaoing in tteeo of that: pcu make fucl^ notes pour felues. ano t^cp (bpon tlje tert, iuijera [;c,«i?/-<3isreao)DtDnote ' tljattbeboojobatlianottjermeaning. tljen toljere it fignifietljCas a Lion:] toljat note pou fo of C#?3 ^no pou tbefc manp ages Ijaue kept in pour Bibles a faultp rea^ Dingrtoit^ut anpmention irftljetrue: tljcp l)aue:Donetl)ecom trarte m tbws of auncient time. ifinallp, loljcre pou can finbc but ttoo copies,in totjictj ttje Latin eoition bottj reao fp/ijnotitija: if pet pou can finoe ttoo, (fo;i of tl)cm pou Doubt:) tbep, befioe tfje eopiescrtantattlietimcttjattbc Maforeth mas iDjitcn, Ijam be0funD:ieamong(tt^em cuen till our Dapcs, in mijicl^ it is reao not ciu * fcnictimetranflatct!;attDl)icl)ioasfounomonc^ ttjougf) ""wtobcte* ali t!jc reft tocrc againft it. i5ut rljus ftjall t'pep oafl^ tt)cir f®tE uin« oao-i againft t Ije Cones,teijo Unll runnc to^ch tijep are blinoe, nou,tDtf Hart, jjiap pouarebirnae ratt>cr,liil)o Dia.caU Us blinoe.Me SSn can li»abe furij Vuojces as cafilp of pen, as pou map of bs, InEiblijs exci- Rainoldes. 0scaftlp: butnotasiuftlp. ifOMtisnotOii# Dus, that, in tbis opinion,l»l)icb pen IjolD out of Stapleton, anD a Prafat.ad bcDut ofUndan^ botl/djep anb pouareblintieD:^»batttnoagt) tariaTn'^Hcbra igno;iance of trutb,tou^ing tlje Hebruetert; tobat tb^ougbfem lib.Ieaionc. fie to crro^ in ttje Latin tranflation. SDtjJoagb ignorance of tbe Hebrue:in ttjat pou fap,thc lew.es haucIhainefully corrupted , fo? it.Mbiclj " Arias Montanus(nopartiaUittbgetK"cin) '' tetij to be their raping who know not the Mafereth , 2Lb?ougl) tJaiu learatt fanflc to tbe Latin: intbat pou account of it, as authenticall. tattpct: of Arias ;a«5refuftngtbeit tbep Do for are tbcp not mane a wo^c• lb mu^ tbe faiinDer(likc e the Phanfes)faecattfe they {ay,w e fee; Hart, denc.ScfT. 4. Siquislibro, ipfb';f7etcris& noiii TertamentDincegros turn omnibus furspartibus, prontin vctcti voI§ji^ ubariiucdiaonc iubcctur,pro facrisSccaaonicis i]onfufnameo it authcnticall: but onelp,fbat tbe latin batb no fucb er* , vT • 5iBnttf pou mill not be moua> iuttb tbe Htbrue: tobat t" "NW fappoutotbe ' Chaldccparaphrafe? ^D^iftbat alfb baueao i ircnr^lT' cnt)it,becaufe it erp;t^tb tbe Hebrucfo faitbfullp in t^ vuerf.h«r«a}/ boEiheoof Mofcs: tobatfappou to tbe Grcckcof thefcuentie KM intcrprctcrsi? tssilbicb' tbe aunctent ifatbers Inbo either feneto de menfurr& ■ not poiirlatinatall,o;baDttnotinrucbpnce,6iD marueplouD pond.Augulbn. tpcftcemcoa 3n tbemit is as in tbe Hebrue,to the Pricft ct the fudge: tobe'^ apparantt^p tbougbt the iudgc, oni; an Dod^taiiott anbthc Pricft, another ♦ ticaill ponbe moueo bp tbemioj mapl 2?"p9tat all^asetbe Grcckc agatnli i^e ©recians toaf ft.ttsBaatma Hart. 3 reuerence tbe Greckc of tbe feucntic intcrprc- auMuScem^ tcts. jlBuf 3 fbtube itwigbf^>6 co.jruptcttmo?e cafiipv, ;tben tbo «p.4o. &55. & latinwigbt: pea., anD t^it b^ w maup places. ^btrefb?e3 appealsftiUbnto our latin : antrtoill not fojfabe it tuber anpp?etenfe . *T»K^iTi5. Rainoldes. ilettsejramintben (iffberebanoremebie)tbe ritwlfs oYedi- pour latin. * He that (hall prcfumptuoufly rciufc to le facerdods obey the commandcmcnt ofthc Pricft-; by the decree of the !:7etol°diMs ^ ' thatman dye. ^ tberc not a Difference put, cucn morietur ho»»o bp tpis fpacb,bettjane tbcPrieft anbtheiudge; tbe Prieft, as ecclcGafticall; tbe iudj^ as ctnil magiftrate; Let the iudgc put - him to death,who difobeyeth the Prleftf Hart. 3 benpe not ,1mt tbeftoojbe oftufticc is gtucn fo tbe tiutlmagittrate:anb fo.tbcreis a mfferencc betiuanctbc iudgc f tbe Pricft. ^etamongfttbc 3et)es fomettmesbotb tbe offices >k DjQni^t0inonepcrfen,aspoumapr«cbp ^ Eli, Rainoldes. The high 'Pried was not the judge. 2^ i pSoVt. RainoWes. i3ut tljia iuats ijerte rare,f eFtraojoinarte. /JJotu t[)elLaU>)lu!)ic|)c5o3p:cf:ril)eDtn Dcutcronomic bp !>ts fer^ nant Mofes, oiDtouc|iti;e common State anb o^:btnatte gouent^ msatortbepsJopUofifraeh-iFoibot^ittegenerall toitbout li* mitation of pcrfona ftmes, as to be bcpf fitU fo.: tbe cncmg of ^cir ccntroucrlte0,nof oncl^ tn tbc bapcs of Eli: ano it is ttn,tbat boljcn bing lofaphatrettojcD liate bccapco, ' in le- rufalem hce fee of the Leuitcs and tbePridks, and ofthe * chicfe of the families of Uracil, for the iudgements of the Lordc and for controuerfies. bfcnc DonciH- rofpcct of tbat lain: it appcarctb bp ttft Uwtew tfjat be fpafee bn# to ^cm. "" Whatfoceer controuerlic (hall come vnto you, "" from your brethren who dwell in their cities, bctweene blood and blood, bctweene law and precept, ftatutesand- iudgements; dooyeadmotnfli them thattheyoffend not a- gainft the Lord, tHlberefojc feeing tbat tbe lato tn I>cutero- nomie,toasmabetoeSablilb a bisb^eonrt of iubgement, in- InbiebsliliaeDcrcauresectle^icall anb ciiiit (botilb bebeter^ mineb tm^cutappcalo fartber: tbe rcafon anb tbe p;m(tire of t^ labo bo (betD,tbat,in refpsct of tbe ttenhinbs of caure$,tbere luore o;tbatn^ tboo fottes of men to beace tbem, eccleflaSicaU,anb ct^ ntU; tbe tiniU meant bp the iudge , tbe ecclefiafticall, bp the Pricft. ?®lbo becaufc ^ep iocrc biftind:,a6 in office, fo in perftn- t(D o^binarilp: it foltolnctb tbcteof, tljat the Prieft-te not- meant bp the iudge. Hart. l^etfbeGloire.fijfponnbingfbatplaccofDeutcrono- fnie,bofbfepfbatbptheiudge..isnKatlt the high Pfieft, euen as3|fap. Rainoldcs. 315uf " Lyra,anb Caietan (aS tbO?tbte mcn,as „ comment ie» tbep tobo compileb tbe Glo{re,ifpou toill beare men) btn fap tbat i7.Deut, bp the iudge.is meant the duillmagiltratc, euen as 3 fap,^ tHUbicb fente of tbe place is lb pjaine f certaine rtbaf Carolus Si- gonius,tbe53opcsDtonebnioiian(in " abtobe i»btcb ' latelp HcbrV& befctffflttbctf'SwKM, boitbapprobationoftbeBi^oppe, anb ^"p-7- bolp 3nquiCtion,anb bebicatcb to pope Gregory tbe fbnteentb,»jn myeare afifirmetb tbat thcking is meant b^ the iudge intbatplaceof - Deutcrononiie. 31 map be, M. Hart, tbat fitb pou tocre bc^ ponb-fea,tbep banc betbougbt tbem fclues: anb feeing tbat pour- GldflcbotbgoeagainfttbeteirtjtbcptoiUno longerllanb bnto it- % t 2^.2 Of the Popes lupremacie. fup^smacie beiongfo tl)z iua3e:t^2 }3:ince ^atti greater rig^t fijereco t^en tlje ^ope.ifoi it is certatne (as 5i fyiuc EiiiflareDijpdrcumaanccsoft[jcfcrtpture,)tt;at the Pdcit inas not meant bn theiudge. Hart. 3Stfhtiietl;not tomppurp3fe,ti)^et^crJ)et»erc,oj no. 3t futficetl) -he who retufcth to obey the Priell, miift die,fa^ ttje isenouglp to pmuc tl)C fcncraintic of one pdclt. Rainoldes. ^ot fo-ifoi tlje iwnc of Prieft(tn this lato)l5oth figntfie the Prieftcs.^tji^h is cterc,bp rcafon that the punilh^ f D:uM7.j. uient of the tranfgreflro difobeicth the Prieft; it raca^ * ffuvendlox"^ neththePrieites;accojDingta*abtnDofrp^h)toh^^^ii^ pboholc ^ is notebbs tho part,as aftertoarb fiUetoifc, i entreating of the ductie and right of the Pricitcs, it notetp them in generall bp nameofthcPrieft. i^art, iBwt here,bpon mention of the Prieftat folotn^iwho doth ferue the Lord thy God.Bp the tnhici) title ti^ hie Prieft mapfdmetohaneb^ne namely ncteb, anbfeaereb from the reft. Rainoldes. might fo,1uerc it not that th: fame title is •oew7i1* afteriuarb to Pricftcs,gencrall\|: ^ea, toherc this matter is toucheb ^ agatnc of purpofe, the Lord thy God hath chofen thePricftes,the fonnesofXeui.to feruchim, and to blcffe in the name of the Lorde; and by their word (hall euc- ry controuerfie,and euery plague be tried. Hart., ^et pou twill graunt,(31 truft, )that amongft the pjicftes there twas one chiefe:pca,cutn in this matter of i^gh^ t»xhr.«y.ii. iwbgcmenttnboubffullcaufcs.^Bhifh>(i" 'the fawc place of ^ripture that pon brought to erpcunbthis,)ts fhetweb bing /ofaphat: facing bnto them,to Iwhom that iubgemcnt twaj com- mitteb; Amarias the Prieft (hall be the chiefe ouer you in mat- ters of the Lord. Rainoldes, SDhis 3 twill grannf pou.lSut ?cu muft graunt me aUb,that loobe twhat is S[iuen to him,amongft the |3;:ieftes,in matters of the Lord, jf is, in eetlcSaftical: the feme,amongft the iubgeSjisgiuentoZebadiasinmattersoftheking , ^atisin ciutU No more onePopc^then oneEmperour. i^z riuil ciufss. Jro?» lofaphat not!) fa^ as toeJI tija on0,as tjje otfjjr, l&o t^t(to corns noUi to later point of pour lame fimilitudc,) if Cljulltans muSt l>ius a fcusratne i3ifl?op ouer all, becaufe ttfg Vetoes i)aO one c'jtrfePrielbtlj^ndbjifttanB mutt Ijaue afous* rainep.nnccousrall,bscaufoti)23lctoos^aD one ctjtefc iudgc. ittno as all b cay res,atlcatt of religion mutt bo refcrrea to fbepope:fo all cfriuiUmatfers mutt be referreo to t^e ©mpe- rour.SnaaSjamongttrljeBittneSjtljePriettanaiudse toerc re* ttacnt in the place which the Lord had chofcn : To fb^^^ope ana ibe Cmjperourmuft both abiae in Rome, iseiljicb " pcpe ttOnnphrmtm Paule tbe tbirO OiO feare tljat (Bmpercur Charles fiffb tooulO virPont,Pauii baue oone. i5ut be ttnt fo; tbc j? jcncb men to itiipe bint cut. 3f ""buMam Gregorie(tbat nolo is pope)be better mtntc8,anatDillreC0ne ^5 verbis ve- bis ctttill State bnto tbe (Emperour toitbtb^ Palace of Vaticanc, Kom^diuS- anbCaflcU of Saint Angelo:tbcn map t^ reafon, tobicbscu moracuseius- grounat^on tbe lato in •ZJeuteronomic.ferucpou toitb spreatcr tocto. ^^olobeitjcmm in tbat caft it tooulo ratber further tbe tur,clam Bellaj. Cmperourtbcntbcpope:becaureitmcntionctb the iudgc > as «m^stcpha- oncithePrieftes^ntaBt. Hart. 3|t is not necenarpfoz tbe goncrnment of tbe com* GaiiosastitsBJ, mon'toealtbamong^aiinceSjtbatanponeoftbcmbe |3?ince o# uerall.^utastbelnng of lada toasinbieo^nebiHgbomeiC) euer p ^;itnce is bisbett in bm oton Dominion. Rainoldes. ^eitbcr it is ncceltoriefb.j tbe aDminiffrafion of tbe Cburcb,amongtt ^ittiops,tbrianp one of tbem be^tibop ouer all.But as tbe bie Petett to^is cbtefe ouer tbe Vetoes, to is tttcrp Bitbop ouer ^ otone ebarge. Hart. ^ap,tbc cafe of tbe Cburcb anb common-tocattb bere* in are bnlifee, ano Different. iSecaufe tbat commcn-toealto map be bpb3l3en,aItbougb tbop be gouerneD not onelp bp Diuerfe itings,anDctmllmagittrates,btttaltobpDiuerre otoinances ano latoes.HBut tbe Cburcb as it l>itb one faitb.in aHCbjiflians: fo ougbt it to bane tbe tome latocs ano o^oinances of religion in all countries. Rainoldes. Ditference anD bnltoenes betfo&ne tba Cbnrcb anD common-toealtb, is leltor tben pou imagine, if it bee mariteD toelLiroj iuttice,anD rigbt4n giuing enerp one ^isf Dus» i^oulD baue tbe fame place in t^ csmmon-toealtb, li^icb faitti attorcligionclaunetbtntbeCburcb* i^oU^asmrel^ntbere 9X6 UiillSoU 2. 154 of the Popes fuprcmacic. Dcnofthenei. D.cic Icgibus. 'XHur«b.hiilor. eccltfl.f.c.ij. iocrar.hjftor. ecclef.l.5.f.ai. Mat. 10.14. ■are(bimtiitng80frubt{ance,anQromeofceremont2: (bttj^eare fome pamtes eflimttaU tn luO^tce^attD rom? acciocntalKSC^a e(ten« t^all pontes of tulftce are tt)e fame m latoeo of all commas 'cicJete-ib * ala\y,buUdiuineordinancc , com- lib.t^L. Nam raatiding thinges honeft,and forbidding the contrarie.^ Cljfi acdoentall pomteooo anonu^barB acco^omg fo drcunilfaii!' ceo of placeoittmeo, atto perfons.^o latjoeo of religiott mulf be fame fo.: (ublfatice In all C^ulhan C[)ure^eo:tn ccremomeo f|iep map differ,06 tn f^eptimittueCiturcittbepDio. ^lillfbcrefo;e tbe fame fattb^anoialneo of religion 00 no maee infoece all cburi* 0cotoob0poneBilbop,tbentbefame rigbt and oeotnanceo of iuQice do require one ^eince to rule all common-lnealtbeo.li5at tobatfoeuer pour fanfie mabe pou tbinke of tbio point: tbe place in ZOcuteronomie aoiuDgtng tpcm to death iopo difobcy the Prien:,cann9tbelpcpouffanae,tbou!3^ttbao bdne meant of no otber |9eiett,bat of tbe btgb l^eicft onelp.^o^ Cbdtt>tobe b® fent bi3^poftlestop,ieacbtbcWpell,faiDbhto tbem: ^ Wholbc- ttcr (hall not rcceaue you,nor heare your wordes, whcnyec depart out of that houfcjor that city,(hake of the duft of your fcete.Truely I fay vncoyou,it (hall be cafier for them of the landofSodomeaodGomorrha in the day of iudgement, then lor that citie. MbicblDotoeo being fpoton to all ^ ttleo,not to Peter onetp,and tberefo^te belonging to all tbeirHic^ tc(lb;to,a0 Inell ao to Peters:ba3 Ibebo tbat enerp )15ilb<>Pi b^tb ao great autbo;tttteginenbtmbpCb:i(t,a0tbep.tielt b^d bp tbat latumDcutcronomie.llnlbmucbtbat ' Cypriandotballe^ it often, (bp abetter reafon ofpiopoitio fben pours,) to pjoue tbc aufho^i^^ oftlStlbops eacb in feucrall oner tbe floches committed to tbem. Hart. Slnd tubat if a matter of religion be bordo: tljcn IBi* ibcps eacb in feuerall be able to decide itf iiHbat if diep difagree, and lutU not pdtd one to anotber^E>odl net toiredame lbcto, tbat tberc mutt be a cbiefe tudge to cndc tbe controuerGcfto feecpe tbe tr utb of faitb,and pwce of tbe Cburcb,tbat if be not pettercd luitb bereCesandfcbifmesf > Rainoides. tu'fedome of <10od batb committed tbat cbieftic of iudgement (fo to call it) not to the foueraine potuer of one, bat to tbe common care ofmanp. .^o,i tuben tberc tuas .a'fontrouerlletn tbe Cburcb of Antioche about tbe obferuation of 55.8c «x.8< (f. Jc S/. Oncfaith,traintaiDed without a Pope, 255 of ttje iaiu cf Mofesjfcnic 3iitor0 tfacl}mg fontmric to ttjat Ixifiicl} EauleanDBarnabasLugtjt: tbcy oiacined that Paule and* Aa-i;.*. Barnabas,and ctrtaine other ot thcni,lbciild go vp to leruia- lent to the ApoUlcs and Elders about that queition.^nO to bf tbttrccmmon afirrcmcnfanbtiiKa, tbctcntrtucifiEiDaBen# ijcD,tbc truttj offattb tepf>anD peace matufaincb in ttjc Cfjurcl). b Eureb. hiftor ^tcr totjicl) orantplc, ^ Ji3ii^ops( t^at futcaoeD tijem) »iaoa tl)e iib& ahcmbltco, cn tbc (iho occaQonjs: anb bp contntcn lib.y.cap.ztf. 8c conference tekeojoer fo; fucb niatftrjj,bcib of tccirine,ano biict# *»<'ypri»D. e p. pline,a5 conccrncb in common tt)e ftate of tljeir Clmrcfjcs. ^0 %%% & ','jf oiot^^pofilcoanb^pctoolikemen p;ouiDc againlf fc^ifmeof Concil.Ancyr, i^refiesi. SLtjeir UttfcDomc rcactjco not bnto pour policce of one el)tefeiubse. Hart. ji;!^p;(€tcfCouncelsanb Synods of^ifl^pStotK^ rp great , tocpraunt. iro? many eyes fee more then one. )5ut ittoit be greater,ift^epbeaUccun(ello;0bntoonegouer« no;, ttieniftt^goueme ectietiio otone, anb aU in common, j^o; reafon bot^ teact) ho, tbat tbe regiment of one, Ibtitc^ ioee tall a monarchicio better anb toojtljiee tbcn t|^regiment of tnanp : as tbe l^bilcfopliers l]^elo,tD|io bD;ite of Ccnnion- ibealee. Rainoldes. Keafon, is a notable ^Ipe of mattotbeahenes, ifitbeobebientto faitb, aoaiianbmaibe;not rule it,a^amai^ ffrcffe. 3lnb fjumanc artes, toljerein tljePhilofophcrs bane fencmanpfparbleeof ttjetrutlj ofCPobbptljeligbt of reafon, are pjoatable inftrnmente to fet fo;tb tbe tr, fo farre ae tbw ^ bane peace, net toarre,tijitb ittt£5htng; bwlatoe£i, arettjc fcriptuies; ^usoffi* C2r0, are ; not o.2Datneo to bte ailtltantcs bnto one bepntic, but to be beputico all tljem fcluc0,cuen ^ Pallors of bis I Ha"'jVi7. flock, I' guides f ■' rulers of tfiB Church. i^otDbeit,if it Dttfer k Aa. lo.i i. froin t^ Uinglp Itateg oftno^lolp comon-Ujealcs,to"9tcb philofo- phic tojitetb off,a5 it aotb in part: Philofophers muft not mar* « Mac iM^l>(tt[)'Chrill: Ijatb DeclarcO bis kingdoc is not of this world. 3|m>Ee5e,tbc ^pollleB tbougljt offutb a btngDomc: but faiDe, it lliould notbcfoamongftthcm, as with the Prince* of the Gentiles. Mbicl) fentence of Cb?ittpour ppfts not tmserlfanoing, anbtocening tfjc ^poftlce to befo^bibocn no* tbingbutanbcatbnitbtpmnnie, anblifeing tocll a monarchic n becaufe Philofophers pjapfc it:tl)ep Ij^ne raifcb a " vifible mo- Moiiat''' narchic oftbeir otnne, in ttecbo of Chriftcs monarchic; an® • FraaeiCTur- bauecbaungcD bw kingdomc, lubicb ^ "ot ofthis world,into aluojlOlpbingDome, tbekingdomeof the Romanes,ao " a •«cu.t.c.*. lefuitcalletbit* i^eitber contenting tbem feluestottb fncb a feingbome, ao Princes of the Gentiles bab: tbe?nialie tbcw rcliieol^nnces * ouer all the kingdomes and nations, of the loopeiohntoc earth. Mbicbio a greater monarcljietben p^biloOspbero like SVLSSwc as3(coulbcp,:oncDutoft9em, if the popes caufc tocre to cotnmuD. bebanbUbintbeirrcbtoleo. Ii5ut becaufe lift not to trifle cut tbe tiineloitb ibie bifcourfeo about poiittes cf^tatej aopour p sand.vi(ib. p Rabbincsbffl, to p;oue a monarchic is the bed regiment; Xcllar.coBtro- tbercfo^c agatatt fucb reafcns 3( la-pe tbat exception tobitb q Tcrtullian bib of olbe againlt hcretikes: What hath exf- flo ^ith lerufalcmt the fchoole of philofophy with the Church of Chrid ? %pz buctie of Cb^ifliano is to fearcb ano toeigb in mattera offaitl^ not Inbot reafon, but tnb^i religion; not tobot tbe pbilofopbcrabnf tob^t tbe p^opbeta, f japofllcft notlnbatmanafanfie, butlnbat ^e Spirit ofd^ob botb far* Stnbfo tbe former parts ofpourmainc argument fo?. tbe popes fup^emariC} are tea tneake to p^ue it. ^bc laR w lueaker tben tl^factb«ifo^,fbat tbcre Cfjoulo be one cbicfc anb biflb^^® of t^ Cburcb in cartb: it ^itb feme reafcn bp pbtlcfopbieXb^ Petertoao appointeb bp CbliS to be tb^ one: it batb tome (belo of Icnpture. JBut tbat tbe .pope fucc^itb Peter therein, it batb No humane proofcs^fiirc in Diuinitic. Ijatt) nofl()etoofian6,to(nat, that * befidc the writers of the fcripture,nohi{lorian can be nulliis hifteri* fare; that is to fay, able to make fure and ccrtainc proofc in Diuinitic. ^ thing foapparant anD euiDent of it felfe, thatha done us adfaci- (aith, it is not to be confirmed with his proofes. ©nelp,he reherfeth to the fame effect a true f plealantrpa^e of' Flauius fidem!" " Vopifcus :ti)ho, beginning to inntelfoiteSjfaiD that he enter- * " prifcd it the more boldly, becaufe he fhould hauc compani- oras in lying; fith he knew no hiflorian, that had not lycdiu fomewhat*. ifthifibeinciDent bntoallhiffodan5,e):cept themoffcripture: toho^^jote bp the Spirit of^oD, anD not of reamfhcn E^ebiusal(o,thoughag(DDbtlfo;5tanj might be fub* 24 " iett I yiuAure- it ll! / D:uir.onV 274 Ut the'Popes lupremacie. ie(t to ^ou mult ttje rattier be perhuaDco of ^im,bocau& ^ ^Of)eGe/arius(inaCouncdl offcucntie 13illbopg)irp^cueD lZ.iI>. I i.eap 6, t)i5tto:te,aisfaultie, Mlfjtctjrcp.ifflfepaur ^ Canus alloluctb as iufl^f 0tuetl) rcafons of it. namcip,fo^ ™ rcpo^tinjjof Chnites *"« i.i.c''.anft epjitle CO Agbarui,anD " (jis auouc^ing many things byC!e- fo fsjrtjco-. mens Alexandrinus; tolj-rastt)cfable oftlje oac,anl) tlje luo;fe« ♦Dill "'.Lan- oftlje otlier arerepioucti bp. ° tbe councoil, ttaKonuna. Hart. 2!Sbi^refaultc0,anD tljc rctt,tl)at Canus opfl) tcttcl^,are mtI)ehinorieof£ufcbius:bDl)ic^ pet not onclp Can us buttle Councell alTo comment)e,ao not to be rcfufed altogither, iBut tljat to|)ic^ 3 atleageo is in Chronicle of Hufcbius; a boche, neitlicr noteo fo bp tfjc Counccll, ano grcatip p;apftD bp Ca- nus., plib.ii.cap.^, ' Rainoldes. tffone,t»bo tojote ttjcm Botti: ana 5CoiT,ment.iii |,0 oucrfoiWjPS iu tbc one,lb in tljc 0 ttjer, ^ca -p Canus •jTuk chro- t)untelfe,U)bo praifetb tjis Chroniclc^pet p.wifctb it tbis ej:# nicieofEiifebi- cepjtton,t!)at neither all thinges which hufebius there rcpor- "■a'wenrie:] tcth^arc true.But men may hnd fome thinges which naay bee eftrongb tijt worthily and truely blamed.As,for cxampk,that he write th, o> who bcficged.Ierufalcra,andSalmAnaJsarwho copit* tboke Samaria,wcre onc,and the fame man .Which thing to Swtnljfo/cb? be contrarie to the holy fcripture i S. letomhathfltcwed# tbe count of ji^oU) tbis^Uibicb 3 in tbo Chroniclenf Enlcbius , ts conKntof ujt<' ottcffig^haiibwap be as toojtbitp r£p;oueu,asfbat mtfoDofnm ofCanus jbecaufeitisno lelte againtt tbe fcripture tben tbat* ft fcouiD jfoj toboreas be feitb,tbat Petcr,hauing laid, the tbun dation of fsuen onnp; che Church or Ahtioche,(where he late * feueyeares) went ta sG^f's Rome,& preachingtheGorpellthercfiucainatwcnticycares A6.^.ver'.2'». cotinucdBiQiop otthaccity:Petcr(bp tbis account) fboub bans, tvcr.ji gone to Antiochc about ttjofonrtb peare after Cbnffs Dcatb,ano lycv'^!.' tbore abobe fcuen peares,eue till tbe feconb peare of Claudius f ♦ Aft., 0.48. .c."7.TDbfre" * at loppe,tben at ^ Ca?{area,tben^ atJerufalenijUjljere Herodc call him into priron,in§reconDo?tbirD peare ofClau- ?ufeb.hii?ec&. dius,asitisIiftelp,(fo t ^ bcDifiO in tbe fourth :)bobcn, tbe u.e.i tobenPaulcto;otetofbeRomans,' k amongtt tbe rbifire,toboml)e.faluteb,be .nameb not Peter; anb loH'l IbmepearesaftertbatjtobenPaulc ' came p;itbner to Home, tobenbe^ abobetberecertainepeares, tobenbe" to;otcma# ' m npepittlestbencp,Peteris notmentioneb,napt^fetbingesare mentionebtobieb tooulb bettainesofbis ^poftleflbip »tfbe bab cSt&'Iu) bane at Rome, jfoj," Paulc faitb of others, thefc oncly arc my ^'wiemon.' worke-fellowes vnto thc kingdome of God,which haue bene a comfort to me:,f e at my firll anfwering, no man afsiftcd me,but all forfooke me: I pray God it bee not laid vnto their chargc,£Df tbe toljicb reafons,tbougb rome are but pjobable, pet Tome are furep;oofes,tbat Peters continuance at Rome toas notrucb,as is repojteb bp Eufebius.^nb tbis is fij manifeft.tbat, |!,chrtn°f m*.- to tap nothing of ^ auncienferto2itcr0,tobo(tomahe tbe fcrip^ ri»n.scot.ci>r*. tures agra ibmetobat better toitb i)ts fine anb ttoentie peares a# chJfnTiTt' H £ bobe boDe at :^ome,)bjougtjt tiim^it^r later,aijD gauc |>un longer timeoflife;OnuphriusPanuinius,aifrterof^ourotone, raoft beuont to t|ic laopejmoS ^tlfnll tn anttquttt cs a no Itoiieo of Ctiurcb^acbnotoicogett) anb con6nnet|i it. jfoMn t^e otrcourleft 'i^om.'Znout. Of Annotations on Plating p?tnfcb at ytntct^% aftertuarQ inTitlmB.Petri atCo#/««; ' itls moft clccrc (fatt^^e)andfurely known by the fApertifiime Aftcs ofthc Apoftles,and Pauls cpiltlc to theGalatians,that, confUtexadis for nineycarcs after Chriftes death,Yntill the fecond yeare of wlftoi* raignc of Claudius,Pcter neucr went out of I ewry, Wher- ad Salaus. fore if nc came to Rome,at that time, as it is agreed amongft lAnno^hi* all autouis that hc didftt followeth of neccfsitie, thathec Bon'^.^eante didnotfitfeuenyeatesat Antiochebefote he came thither, ad^ntum ad Jjm that his fitting at Antioche was fome other time .Which ^ thing I haue refolued on,thus,by the tcftimonie of moft aun- cient writers.He did come to Rome the fecond yere of Claix- dius.From which time there are to the time of his death a- bout fine and twentieyeares, Wherin,although the aundenc writers do fay that he fate at Rome : yet doth it not folow thereof that he abodeftillin the citie.For in the fourth yearc after his commingthither, he returned to lerufalem : and ) IndcAtitio- there was prefcnt at thc Councell of the Apoftles. ' Thence Tptemlbi- Antioche,and there continued feucn yeares] vntil dem Bonis per s that Nerowas Emperour.In the beginning of wnofe raigne,. '"^rc' rinatio- hc camc againc to Komc : where fSerepared the Romane BC pe^uniucT- church,which was decaying.And after thatwhen hee had ^ traueiled almoft throughout al Europe,he returned to Rome « uccp . jn the laft yeare of thc raigne of Nero, and there was put to death.2Dt)t^is confelHo ofpour otnne Onuphrius,mabe per^ ^aps againft !>eare(as 3| ma^ fcrme it:)buf Ifg^ of truflj anDftnpturefo^ceohimto it.Whorbp ton niap prrcetnt ttiat Ixflicn Eufebius iniotZyt^at Peter fatc,firfl,feucn yeares at An- tioch,and frucand twentie at Rome,aftcr; ftjaf befell to l^im, * ThucydidcsTait^joftf^olo ttojt<» of t^e CSredansir mcnreceyue reportes ofthingcs done before them from .xSc£j«v(?abelh'e(a»iti8lihclp) of ^onon*- ringt^eSecsof Antioche t Rome, l)earing tl^tS.Peterl»0 joeac^D in tljem bot^,6euin^ t^t he fate fcucn yeares in the* Qae,andliueandtwcntie.inthcot;her>£ufebiu$feU bpon it, xnhi Peter iatc not at Rome fiue & twentieyearcs. z61 anu tojote it tn tius Chronicle tnitijoutfarmer tr^all. )k5ut if haDtrceoitbHt^ctcueliftoneoffcfipture : ^®UjouID Ijauccaft It ofl^as countcifcite. Clljiclj 3 ti)in^c t^c ratljer, becaufc in tii* ftorie ' u-n ir rie, not from Antioche, fojijiofirttcomingtijct^orin tjjctime ki;°c:" of Claudius: anofo; Ijio ccmingagaine in Neros time, «i-j..c. u " tje^cUJOfib out of * Origenfljatittnas tow^arde his end,whe he had preached the gofpell to thc lewes in Pontus,Galatia, Cappadocia,Afia,anD Bithynia. HJ^erefo.te fit|> Eufebius DottjmbijsftorieDiUfcntfromtiis Chronicle, anoinhts Chro- nicle DilRnt from the fcripture: pou nintt not blame me if 3 re* quire a ftirer p;:(Dfe tfjen hitt tpo^ihe^tljat Peter tnao ]l5i()()oppe of ^6 Citie of Rome* Hart. %o tallie about tlje peareo of Peters coming to Rome, o;!)to continuance tiiere, 3 am not oirpofeb. 3 leaue u to t|inn,tDt)o lis to fearc^ antiquities < liBut tfiat ^e Inao iti Rome, it is a thing bnooubtebttlje fcripture Doth tuitneffe it., , ^0? in § firft epiftle of hio>the fifth chapter, r the Church(faith |^){alutcthyou,that is in Babylon, coeledl, andMarke my ionnc. ?Kah«r&-p3ur^^^otelfant3llhcto them felues (as in all places , that to make againft them) to bemoftbnhonelf anD , , partiall hanblers of ©oDs toojDe. 2Dhe auncient ifathers, name# Liporibut^ Ip ^ S. lerom, * Eufebius, ^ Oecumenius, anDmanpmoe "ciefiifticis, agra, that Rome is meant bp the too?De Babylon here-alfo, as rH°ftorTcci;- ' intheApocalypfe: fipingplainelpthat S.Peter tojotethis # £ epiSleatRome, tohichtscalleD Bafeylonfo; the refemblance c (nVb»li« ' It haD to Babylcm that great citie in chaldxa (Inhere the ieines >7. toere taptiues)fi3^magnificence,monarchie,refoitanD coitfuli# onofall peoples ano tongues, ana fo; that it tuas, before Chntt anD longafter,the Safe of all Cthnifie fuperftition ano iDolatrp, f the fiaughter- heufe of the ^peftlcs f other CheiSian men, the heathe C-mperours then filing their chief refiaence therc.2Dhi3 being moft plaine f conlbnant to t hJhirh foloine^ of S. Marke, Inhomallthcecclefiattirall hiSojios agree to haue bane Peters ftholerat^ome,! thathctl^reUvotehisgolpelhpetpou, * fca- nng herebp thcfequeleof Peters o? the Popes fupjemacie at Kome,Denp that cuer he teas there,o; that this epiftle toas tnii# »* fen there,0^ that Aabylon Doth here fignifie Rome. llBuf poii fap Km!Snl that Peter to^ote this epiftle at :5abylon in Chaldaa,fbcuah pou^«- 5 ' »•««» «3 nraa piu.q/ 161 Of the 'Popes mprcmacie. netur rea& eit^r in rcnptttre0,O2 otiier j^ol^ o; p;o^ane ttiat Ifee ijoae met in tfjat dtie, JlSut fd pour (l^atnete(& patttali* tte.^ere, Babylon (fappou)tsnott^enf(» Rome : betanle it F nr c )i)oulDfolotDtt)at Peter tDa0atRome^nOfi9fci;it^^l5ut in tfjt cpiiuiRom. Apocalypre,tn^ereallcutllu^enofBabylon^tl^crspon tuill .. l^citOgmflenotfjmgelfc biitRomcjanatbc 3^owancct)urcii; jrau^TprS!"' al&,not (30 f|)e jfat^rs mterp?otett)f^e tcmpo^all ftato of flit "p>°- iiea^en empire do l^n foloU) in enerp Ibo^d no ot|iar td* *" tl^ngjbut'^aDuantagcofpourolunljctefie.Mlitclitomoftnoto* f T.m.#.e ♦. fujug 1,^ , (ijat iiota f|)at Peter inao ncuei* at Rome. Sm. M^erein pou p^e pour felneo in tmpnoencte. ifo^ it to agai^ sLib.y.cap.^. all ^e ecclefiaSicall bilfojieOjall tbe ifatliero er^be ano ilatin> i ' Theodoret, a Prolper, ' S,Lco, ^ S,AuftiD, s Orofius, klnhymn.i.S. J* S.Chtyfoftome, » ^Epiphanius, ^ Prudentius, i Op- tatus, "• S,Ambrofe, " S.Ierom, ° La61antius, p Eufebius^ I Lib.».coiur. q S.Athinafius, ' S.Cyprian, * Tertullian, ' Origen, " mi&fepift. iPcnxus, * Hegcfippus, y CaiusanbPapias , t^e jSlpolfle# aeBa/iiiuiti*- otonetcbolero^anD^ionyfiusttielBilbopofCo^in^, ^ Igna- littll'taioco. tins, tbe l^lp couneell ofChaiccdon,an0manp offiero. ^ea Peter |am (elfe(acco;ti)ing to f^e iubgement of t|ie ^st^rSf as 31 ^rabpi- jjgjjg (betoeD)con£eCfeti^ t^t i^e toao at Rome,calUng it Saby- i>Hiii.eceicr. lon« »>.».eap.u. Rainoldcs. !^eret0agr»nQn0crime»tDlteret»tttiponcttargt ^De*w*^fut. ourProteftantSjOfftiamelcflepartialitie. ^nttnljetber rcpiayj. Qinifclne0ttio;tepartiaUand vnhoneft handlers of Gods r^prifcript. word,our P roteftants,o;t pour Papiites:pou arct© partiall(M. Hart)to iuDgc.srbere to a iuH iuos^tnbo Imll reucale it in ^at fljj 0100 ofallmcn:anl} in tijc meane feafon pe ootlj re* r iii Genrf apud uealc if i>a^p,to tpm Inborn be raahetb tniCe to trie fpirifeo, f to JSiiMplj. Difcernetbetrutbfromcrrour.aofo?tbteparticulantobereintor s Lib.}.c.t.d« rametopoumoftrnhoncftandpartialljtbat in. Peters epiftle lnetafeetbclBO?Jj[Babylt>n]p:opcrIp,fojtbe citieoftbat name y^»«srtby in Chaklxa;an5 intbe Rcuelation Incc faptbatit Cgnifietb Bufcbrasi.i.c. Roniejflguratinelp:toe oo not tbio fo; anp aouanfage ofb^eOc, * Ep,adRom4-J ao pou fal felp^ charge b0,but in Onceritie before rtf cians:anb ■■ S,Auftinalfo.ffiuttbepintcrpietit(poufop)of tbe " fenrao:all ftate,not eccleffafticall; of tbe Romane Empiremot of ^ Arct.in Afo- tbe Romane Church, as lue boo. ^0 maniatle. ifo? in f ^ir J 5aiestbeChurch0ibDifferfrDmtbeEmpire;tbeEmpirc, Uhcf Deiiib.i».c.s. R 4 keb} Chapc.6. Diuilion fJ^eucl,i7.4. t Derifib.Mo- ruir.lib.i.op, t, ttlft Sueton, Capkolin.lam- prid.&c.hiilor. Etbnicor. x> In PUtina, Onuph. Guicci- ardiniCT' hiflor. eccltCAna.Gai. 9cnBao.^(. 7', 2^4 OF the Popes fupremaci^ k£0;Lhurch,goi)l^ Siltoursttisnotfo. SDlje call is cljaungeD into tije tcmpo^all: Church tjat^ rbaU lotBCDijpttiO fcmpire; anO iD|)at tlje Romanc Empire toos, fljatnotiJt^cRomanPopedo cis. C'2IIl)ercfo;^elDljeniBeappI^ t^c m^jftcrie of Babylon to ttjc Church of Rome: ioe appl^ .it ftiU (astfjei?at^ErsDii))totl)ctcmpojaUftatc, if not of an hea- then Empire tijecCjVet Of a Cfjjifttan toaping hearhniih.E^^crc toiofte ^ a purple whoore, fitting vpon many waters, droon- ken with.the blood ofSaintcs,and with the blood of Chrifts martyrs, hauing a golden cuppe in her hand, full of abo- ininationsandfuthinesofhcr whooredome, Sanders, t^j grcatcff patron of ttjcgopes monarchie, ootljpjoue cut ofTcr- tullian,tl)at where there is the grcatnefle of the kingly citie, where the pride of the Empire, where the perrecution of Chriftians doth rage: there is Babylon, no doubt, there is the great citie, there is that woman which fitteth vpon peoples, nations, ,and languages, with whom the kinges of the eatthdoo commit whoorcdom, and the inhabitants of the earth, are droonken with the wine of her whooredome. j^olD Rome in tf)efc rcfpcdjs Ujao; Babylon (as conttruetb it) while the heathen Emperours obtained oietemporall ftatc there, not fince the Popes haue hadit.ffiut lot t^C ttates of t^8 Popedome ano of tt>t Empire be comparco ; auD tije Italics of " tt)e Emperours, inb^-raigneb tbere bcfoje tlje Popes, anbof * tyz Popes (infjo Ijauc fnccffibeb tf)ein)be cramineD: anb if it be notfounbtljatcb^ Papalllfate fj^tlj matc^eb tbe Imperiallin greatnes of patoer, in piibc of Dominion,in perDJcutin^ ofCbju ftians; tben let bs be iubgeb to baric from tfjc iratbers tn giuing Rome tbe name of Baby Ion, <£ls( arctoecleercb bpberbitof Sanders'fromtbattobcrebjitbpoucbargcbs, of expounding it totheaduantageofonrhercfie: anbpou mull pjonouncc tbat bJe beale bp?igbtlp biitlj tbe name of Babylon, in tbe Reue- lation. ^foa our bfage of it in tlje epiftlc of Peter: tbe reafc; funs toiiicb pou facing to p.uoue afauU tt)erein,map ferue fba our acquitall. ^ou f ;?,tl)at we ncuer read either in fcriptures, or otherholy,orprophanchiftory,thatTeter was eucrin the dtie of Chaldza,which is named Babylon, finiple p.JCDfe, ifiw Apoftles,Being feitt to ^ al nations,toero imnanBicitlcbj iu^roin bjeneuer reab tbe^ tocrc, ;anb ijet toe. baat Peter was at Rome,men fay. 265 Ijaue reaD m Methodius (iin nncicnt fatl^op, anti IjilJonaii) nh » Icagcabp ^ Marianas Scotus,t!)atPcrcr did preach the go-tahtn t vc^' |. fpell in ' Babylon; ^5 is, sitijer t\)S dtlc, Oj at Icait fi;c COuntriS; J ano iutjerc tljii' p:cacl}cD ia tils' ccuntrtc,tl;e^ DiD it in tfjc tiiicfe fimsne tofl entimot^cr-titieconnnonlp. iontt^e andfntifatl)crs>nan!C^«raeccicOfiCt, a S. Ierom,Eurebius,Oecumenius,& many moc agree, that Jf BibWoui Peter meant Rome by the word "Sabylon ♦ 2D!)£p DCliutr it, Hifl.eccJe; eu-* ,, 3} graunt: but t^c? rcccpuco it from PapiasjU man, tijoagl) pou ccmmenbijiiufojthc ApoRlesowne fcholer, " of verie Auguii.inpru', {mall iudgcmcnt: tofjo, miftaUing tlje meaning of ttic 31^ uftaTDcins" potties fpecclies in ^ a matter of greater toeigi^t, Dccc^ued c»p.,. lo-' manx ifatljcrs tljat follottjco fjim fo; Ijisanttqnitie, asbotlj Eulebios anD Icrom fiea rcpott of bint. 2Cl)e Icffcttrangc it Profpcrinji- 1 US, if tfiep belduco l)int,anD otljers tljem, in tljis point, of no fuel) • tmpodancc. ^5ut, it is confonant to that which followeth of ex Auguiui*^ Marke: whom all the ccclefiaftical hiftories agree to haue^''-^-rri- bccne Peters fcholcr at Rome » and that he there wrote his gofpel, janb tliis Dot!) come from Papias alto, bp one as gcD * irojo ji^ce asijimfclfe, cuenbpClemens Alexandrinus.. ?2Hf)ercfo;ie, dl C/Aiy.oo^ top ttnotojtoljat creoit it jjattiiiDliat ttut|),3 Unobo not.^oj if * Cat " * fiodorus, f Rhcgino, s Ado,anO ''nUt^eecclcttatticaU{)ttto>« Eu{eb.i.j.c.3u, ^ i^oboMarkc (as ^ gourPapias alfo Dothrepojt) DiD follobu "cap.lV anD aecompanie Peter in hie trauel. ^0 t^t ^ might beboith himastoellnt "Sabylonin Chaida-a, as in Italic at Romc..vVrtrMar"l!' SSIherefo^e bohether Peter boere at Rome o_z no: the p^aife ther# = i»f-iTonic <" ofrettefh bpon humane hittoncs. iFoj this of #cDs boofD, 1 Ado°vfennl" Soherebg gou booulD p;oue it faine,faith nothing fb^ it. esihich Dreu. Chr.a?t.S'' ' a learneD man of our (fee haaing bocigheD, anD feeing " tl^ ^ 'ft oiffenttonofba,iiterstouchtti®thetunethat hcecameto Romcj Scot.Chron. anD- w»v Palon.fi-ppa«,. Pont.RomanJIatinadevit.Pont.*n5t(jeree. i InCbron. k Eurcb.h;fi:.eccIi:f;afl.I.3.c. 3<. 1 Vi.'i-- cw VcJgniis,in.opufcul9infcrspto^PccrumiionvcniflcR,OBun),ne4KeaijcpalIuia, ni pytluaf,**. 7 la. 'Fcp :W.!S lilli Cl»aj>.«. Diuiiion;. 2^4 of the Popes fuprcmacie. nnj knotomg bg ° tlje fcripfurc tljat tb^tr fpacb« of abooi *iri2.6.^j.tnRomc, tofalfo; anomarbingtbe of tbo o peri! 18. Paauleonin Chronogrv- phja.Vadian, <{>itemcntiira tcrrxpamuA, inlulia. M. Romaniltsin ° fogging faleofojtijdraOunnccment, aoCon Rancincs donation; ano Qiptng fome fucp fo;tg^ amonglE p pei^ itf. monuments of Peter, f as Linus fable oi his death; ano r Commentar. fincmg Ijismarfpjoome mcnticneobp lerom ano Lyra, m Matth».c.i} in fuclj tbjt> as tbougb b^ cructfieo bp tpe Scribes anO Phariies: ^ toasbjongbt (bp tpeie «tbe Ithe perfUmfions) uito tbis opinion, tbat Peter ncuer eame to Rome ♦ 3|f pou affe mp iuogement:3 tbinhe bo tnas oeceiueo tbtrein* ;ano fo Do manp rcirionfi- ^oneofalltbo Proteitants, f topo baue Dealt intoji- lilelaachthenin ting of biito;ies i Cb;onules,to mp knobolet^ejC^ one epcepteD) chr»nji!,.}. 5enpetb,tbat be toas at Rome. SUj^? ^po are ftraiteft in it,D i at Rome, ?MI)uI)futt^ere^ no mo;te tbe Pope of Rome tijen of loppc, jano ^U5 pou map fa, tragebie5 pen mabe fb;; tioto fmall trifleo: tnlien pon lap fo bet" noiut a crime to onr charge fo; Denping that, tDijicb although lub grauntjlne nep^er toinne, no? lole bp it. Hart. jiBut if he tnere at 2^ome, it toill be the Iftelper that hetnao^ilhopthere* ^nbtl^theelnaolb, £ufebluslhetDeth> inhiaClironicle, ^ainoldcs. 3| percepue the ]Bope nrnlt fetch h^ rup?emacte from earth ano not from heauen. f^ou are fallen againe, from (cripturcjteEufebius. j^ainlt tohofeauto^itieS m^htt^s erection, beranfe he faith that Peter continued bUhop of J^ome,preaching the gofpel there, fine and twentic yeares t lohich 31 haue p?oueb to be hntrue * 2Dhough) (if 31 map fpe^ tt^e otone conieiture of it,)thebifiGerenceof the Chronicle ano c Hleron, hiftoricofEufebiusconcemingttat point, both moue meeto cw » i'^ fhinhe,that it not tn?iten bp Eufcbius, but bp lerom. if o? Komaai mix- • h^}intranaatingtheChronicleofEurebius,bibenterlaceIbme a'",®'"'*'"!?" jj thingeotnhlrhf^nebtobe omitteb: * chiefely,in the Ronvan e ^eron epHt. ftorie, i^olD lerom might receiue it from ^ ©amafus bilhop of20>mo:ontDhom ' l^attenoebas a fecretarie. J^nb Da. finum." "" mafusUiasnot lbboibeofaHaffection, but ^ ht wwto be con# f fenttoabuancethecrebitofhwotnne &ee bp helping it to be re# putcb the bilhoplt* &cr of Peter. jgut tohe^r Eufebius, o> lerom, o?Damarus,o?tohofoener haue faibe thatPetertoaoa ^illmp: either thcp tjfeb the name of C^iihop]generaUp,anb fo it p?oueth not pour purpolejo? if thep meant it, ao commolp toe be, . t(n (Epi&opus) thep miltcb the trhth^ifo? generallp,' a^ilhopjisanouerfcer. w 3ntohich0gnifica!ion it reacheth to all, toho are put in truft toith ouerOght i charge ofanp thtng:ae s Eleazar is calleb bifliop of the tabernacle;! Ch?iff, the Sifliop of our Ibules. JBut, in tije seuenu'e ^ our comon hfe of lp®ch it notethhtm, to toho § ouertlghf f c^rge interpreters, of a particular Church is committBb:fuch ao toere the ^ilhops of h TpctitV. * Ephefus,of ^ Philippi; anbthcptohomCh?iffcalleth * the J Angels of theChurches.i^oto Peter toaonofRilhop after thio i RtuZ'ii;' Sson ?. Of Peters lupremacic. * otTToVfAo', later fo;t;fojl)c toasanApoillCjano ^ f!;e Apoltlcstocrefettt fo c(5Ut6,aji( to pjeacij to all flje too.ilo.SfiJljerefbje luljen t^e if atljers faiD, he fcw.broad w a 5ifliop:citl;er t^cg meant it in ti)t former fcafe,o.i ought to preach to euery fjanc meaitt ttX^^ ^ roinetjjijat IjarDcr to be perccmeb bg Ic# pom; but otl)Ci*s open it nw^eplainclg-ifo^ " fj^rccbeneth Tfter m Hieronym. thc firft 5i(hop of Romc; LtnMs,the {econd; C/f/«j,the third; cfe!$S.aV- the fourth,anofotljercttfucceirinelgiaslibetotfc," in mens. ' " Antiochc,i^«at name i« ta< lea Anacie:us, feen.^a t^eg stftmgutih the 3i{liops,anD the Apoftles therein iJflbiuf!"purpofclg.ifoj Ircnxus (aith,that the two ' Apoftles, namelg rAducrtiwr. Petetaffi) Paulc, when they had founded and taught the «''Ap"loii' Romanc Church,committed ^ the ^iftioply charge thcrof s «pjfcopawm. to/oinus.^noherepeateth ofteninre^cningbpthe Silhops, (ss both ^ Eu{ebiusalfo)thatfheg toercfuch>anoruch, in iV.c.i.&ji.y. ijcr,anD number,from the Apoftlesu ;anD ' Rufinus uijiteth, Tpr^' n o that Linus and Cletus were £ifhops while Peter liued; that nitionum Clci they might hauc ' the care of the "Biftioply charge, and hee menusadGiu- might do * thc ductkofthc Apoftlefliij:^?:?!IhichtBCOnfimieh j^Eplfcopjtuj farther bg " Epiphanius.212ttho» thotighh®ia? t^tPeter ano Paule toere botn Apoftles & £i(hops in Rome ,: get hee faith ^ of^cium?"' toifhaH that there were other Siihops of Rome, while they u rure$,x7. liued; beeaufe that' the Apoftles, went often into other *T»c«7rfl- countryes to preach Chrill; & the city of Romc might 5oX2s?, not be without ^ a Rilhop.,ao if IjC IhoulD haucfaiDjfhat a %is «feTriCaoV^. (hops bactic both btnbhhn to attenb the Church» luhereof the holg Cho® harth «wDe hint ouerfeer^ j^ob3,fhongh the Apoftles Peter anb Paule bib pcrfo;mc that buetie to the Church of Rome, lohile theg abobe there: get beeaufe it tiias the charge of their ;apottiefl)ip to pjeach to others alfo,therefore theg boenf thence to othsr coaOcs anb nations,anb left the Komane th Ijefncceeoeo Peter too. Hart. Sn^effitlbopofAntioche oio fuCCttOePeter,fettle Pc- ter liueo pet,ano bao not left rig^t. ^ut t|ie^t(l^op of Rome &ccsoeo|)im,to|imfic oieo: ano tberebp toas aouanceo imto tbat fap^entacie, inbirD Beter hept iDbite |iee liueO. , asioopr Rainoides. ^our men toere toont to anftoere, * tfjat Anti- MirceUusCnito oche had firft right to the fuprcmaeie by the chaire of Peter; ' butPeter didrcmouehischairethenceto.Romc. m,t, Summ. fomeU)batttalc.iSJIlt)icbpourifatl)er y Robert fmelleobelifte,! ,rcanus Lo'' fb bettjcugbt it better to fap tljat Peter kept his right,while hcc Lkrhcoiogi^ lined;but,when he died,the tSilhop of!^omc was his fuceef. 'iei four,an0baoit(as3 frotD)bp Iegacie.a p^etie fl^iftifittooulee larm.Contro.- ftanoibut it lachct!) Itfe.iroj Linus IBilbop of Kome,to]^ fncca- ocDPeter,ftitcffioeo Peter lining; in t^e lamemanerasoiottw 55i(bopofAntiochc. Hart. ^otfo.lButClemensraf^OiO fnccaOePeter : anO tl)at,aftcr ^is oeatb- ifo;, tobcn Ije perceioco eno to o:ato nare,ljetoobeClcmensfaptbebanO:anofeio , in tl)ebearing of tbetol)oleCl)arcl),(tiibicbtoastbenaIIembleO,) Hearken vnto me,my brethren andfellow-feruants. Becaufe (as my Lord & maifterIefusChrift,whorentme,hathtoldme, ) the day of my death approcheth : I ordeine this Clemens to bee your Si(hop,vnto whom alone Icommit the chairc of my prca- ching and dodrine; and I giue to him that power of binding; and loofing which Chrift gauc to me,that whatfoeuer he de- «rccth of any thing in earth, the iunt ihall bee decreed in- bcaueai. t. i! hcauen. Rainoldcs. StlUj^o folO tnju tl)t3 falcf Hart. SL talc ? Jjt is rccoiDto in an olD monimienf» Rainoldcs. SQ^cncc camc t^at olde monument^ r- 4-i- jfrom Clemens 5tmf(^lfc:l)DtjoItueo in tjje time of f!jc japottlES;ant)tsmcnfioneDb2 ^ S.Paule. Rainoldcs. llBut Dof(j be reco?D if; Hart. 3|n bw firft cpiIHe, toritcn to lames the brother of the Lord. Rainoldcs. jnbdeHeanoldemonumcnt.^tiafo oldc,fba( it is rotfcn.a berp Diunkcn fo;0erie:tDberdn it is fatii,tbat Peter praied Clen>cns to write(after his death)this epiiUe to lames the brother of the Lord,to comfort himianb Clemens DiD ib, ^lofeph.anti- Mbereais' lames inasbeab long before Peter, about andgb^ ?.fJ.cSEu^ rearcsatleaft. feUhiaor.cc- Hart. %^is 10 one of tb« argumentb tbaf are b?cugbf^0^"tt b HKiorVcVi'e- bi^^'gour Ccntttrie s of Meyden bu rgttobirb 31 mabc no account ofl^tfjougb I'ou allcage tbem alLifoj ' Turrian batb Cfteb f con* c ur- fb^jtn bt0 defenfe of the deaetal epiftlcs of the Popes: rian.prDcpifto- tobere be bungctbreafonotobr Clemens inigl^ to;tte toell to fis Pootificum lames being ijeaij,aub Peter loish bi»« fo to bo. Rainoldes. Turrian;a3cfmt;acoucrfittefojrucb acuppe. Mbofe defenfe of thofe baftards fathered on the ancient M- fhopsof^omefalfely, mapbefuftlpcenfuieo toitbtbatlobiffi d BcMiifiscor- a Vuiesfaitbofpour goldcniegendiitis writcn by.a manof'a wpwium ait. 2 |g3^ hart.ifo.i notbtng can beXpohen fo fonbl^ I abfurblp, tobicb b^ b'^tb notXome reafo fo;:a0 tbougb b^ b^^b fDlucbfobemabtottbreafon. ^otobeitjlit'bpcuare fo^e-lfalleo Ujitb a pjetubtce of bio defenfe agatntt tl^ Centuries: 31 toill not toucbf arguniento tobcreupo tbcp ftab.SDbc wffb bijs anftocreo to tbem,iftbc? (boulbhe laib tn tbe fhalco tcgitber, tooulb be fcunb lighter tbeii banitie it relfe,in all tnbiffrrent rcabers cies. bealingintbisonepointmapgtuea fatttbcrcaf.iFoj tbougb to tDjite Icttere to a beao man be a tbtng fo fcnf£lcffc,tbat tije epiftte eDefumni.ec- tbei*cfo;e i0ntppcD,aBbnliheIp,bi! CarbinaUTurrecrcmata; t DccVnTorr* aiib catt off,a0 couttterfeifjbp ^ Carb!na!lCu(anus:petTurnp dant. citholica befenbctbifasUitfel^bone,anbomittetb .notbingfo Ibeto tuitb 1.2.C.17.&1.J. bote goob rcafon Clemens uiigbt Ibdtc Idters to lames be* tngbeab, pea tbougb iice hiutuebuit to bee bcab; fauetbaf> as The Pope,how Peters lucccflbur. _ Cbap.». V Diuil.4. (as s a tcarMeomantolDljimpleafantlr) hee flicwcthnotby b Amoniussa- what carier Clemens did lend the letters to him, ^ut, tc let a"repet7ta^Turl bOt^Turrian anD tijeCenturies go: theO^tfrofthe epiftle be# rianilnphiltna- ing to p :a)ue tbat Peter ordained Clemens his luccellourjOtC! {iCDttct^,ttfelfe(as ^ Gnfanus tjatljalfo nofei))bp tI;eiuDgement ^ n® cencora^ oftt>eifat!)crs,5. » Auitin,S. i'lerom, ' Optatus,anO "ttjc reft, pea bii " pour olune Chronicles anDhiltorics ecclefialli-i Epift i^j. calljUJbo ail agree ttjat Linus was Peters fuccclTour,anD fo tfjep ecde^n vetb7 marre tlje tale of Clemens. Clemens. Hart, ^ou Dm ill fo call ita talc, anD droonken fbrgerie: ^on^fft'iib'i ftirlj repiocljefull tcrmcs. m° ncUus iVb. Rainoides. ^oumuftbeare toitlj mp plamcnes, 3( & h' fi0ge,a figge; auD a rpaDe,a fpaDc. ftor.eJdj.a.c. ^ Hart, /!iap,it is neit^r a fo;gerie,no; a taIe.ifo;i,the cpiRle Ep'pbamus b«- isauncicnt, tranflateo out of Greeke into Latin bp Ruhnus, 7cu7in sy^p- bDt)o toitbin foure bunDiCD pcaresafter Cb;itft. ^nDtpis a,I!e4a in Mar. tombing Linus,tbe fto^ic of Inbof^ fucceffion (pou fbinbe) rpktfnajon.- pjouetbititoastbongbtbpontbenjfisanftoereDbp .Rufinus, phtiusPcmacus ^0? in bis preface to tbe bcoke entitleD the recognitions of Cle- 7n"^7aunri: mens,bobub b^^ttanflateD fffl, fomedcmaund ((aitbb^) how, tntetujijon* whetvas Linus and Cletus were Bifljops of ^ome bcforc-Cle- rc mens, himfelfe(in his epilUc to lames ) faith that tht chaire o/cognk. ciemft. jtachingVpas cemmuted to hint by Feter. Whereof this is the rea- fon,as we haue heard,that Linus and Cletus were in deed Bi- Ihops in Rome before Clemcns,but while Peter liued : that they might haue the care of theSifhoply chargc,& he might dothe duety of tbe Apoftlelhip^A s it is found that alfo he did atCaifarca: wbere,though bdng prefent hiTnrelfe,yet he had aBifliopwhom he had ordained, namely Zachxus.And thus may eche of thcfc things be thought to be true: both that they were reckened Rilhops, before Clemens; and Clemens neucrtheles rccciued thcehaire of teaching after the death p Linurfe of Peter. Rainoides. auncicntic ofthe cpiftleis no tnarrantfoj ron.de fcript. ft, but tbat ifmigbt bz falft anD fojgcD. p The cpiftles of Se- ncca to Paul,of Paul to Sencca,ar0 no lefffe aunciont; tobicb / Hicron.dc bauc nothing toojtbic of tifbrrPaul, o: Seneca, JEbere ' banc beru: manp mifbogotfcn piunpblcfs tuanDitng ab^oaD, LVca°s,&cu- 1 wen from tbe timooft^;apoftfts.} pca, bnoerfbe names ir % ■i i [> ' 'v,- i ii fgz ^poflcles t^ejnfclucs ♦ SDije Icffc |)auc ?ou to marucll,if fl»erc Ui^re fome mifcreartt toJjo lD;otc in t^c name of Clemens to lames. 2Lsfoi.^ufinus,tolj: tranflateDit,(tf^etl>eDio tranflate Jt ciennentij tt, auQ fome Ijauj noE abufeD ' tjim aa tocUas Clemens:) ^isinDgcttientluasnotfucIjjbutfjemtgbtbeDccetuco ina grca* itufini p .tfiti- rer matter. ^ou belceue not on S. ■■ leroms crebtfjbe* caufcljctoaaljufaisucrfarte: loheiritottjcfe fame too.ilres ttjat petita traafibr- Ije trau(lateD,anb ^ou t^all perceiue it. ifoz,tl)e t^ngcobonten .Recognitions of Clemens (tD^rcl) ^cu mention) fcnt to fanct.iib. ?. lames alfo, arc, the moft of them, vncertaine-, many, fabu- 'traRufi'nu"^ ^ ^ tiouf fcluca confeffc. ^et f sixt.s"nciifi$' .Rufimisiabgcbitahiddentrcafure ofwifedome,f tljOUS^ BMo:h.fana. Jjc IjaO a bootic ofit. ^gattte, IH " thatepi{tie,l»l)CtfittCl&- t p?iFat.vecog- mensmaiie£|jI)iaifclfe Peters fncccflb?, 1^ccrtifietl) lames,tl^t GaSe"^ he fent him before (by the commandemcnt of Peter ) an o- uCic"etit.c- thcr booke, entitled, ^ the booke of Clemens touching thingts cift.i.ad laco- y^ich Peter did in his iourney, ^oto, t"^iS iourncy-bookc ^at^. b««c (b Iong,fo famouflp kn9Ujne,fo.j a roaguc: tljat tjatl^ not 1 itincrariun, onelp baencbumt t^ioug^ ttjc carcof oloc bp * funoncifatl^ero « I™h""fius snb IBifl^ops in a Counccll; but alfo of late ^ the college of In- in Synopfi.Oe- quifitors at .Rome ^lue enrolUb ^im in tlje Uegiller of bookcs lif "o.c'pifco"" condemned by the Church. ?Mbcrefojc Ije toas a counterfeit* porun1.aiit.15. f Ijat fet ab;:oab tijefe baftarbcs in name of Qeinens: ^otofo* y Rufinustboug^t*9cm(oftnnplicitic,)tobel)isobDW^i®i)Ofc BibUothecx' t^ep boerc nameb. 0n9 boitb t^io perfboafion boao i;e moueo to fana.iib.i. on fome p^babilitie i^obo t^atmigljt be true, totjic^ fa» mcb falfc tljcrein: of Peters ordeining Clemens to be his fuc- ♦ Cuiusreibanc ceffot, whcn Liiius and Cletus weie Rilliops. before him. acccpimus cfic 2Dt)ccnlpll^ciobD|iereofbcing * ar€po,it,rcccpucbbpfraDitiom racioncm.pr*. foiuc to folte if,fo,i latko of a better. iSutlje erreo in it: c""cS citlfsr not knotoing, o.j not wnfioering times ana ff o^ies. if o?, Gaudent. bp f)iganfbDere,Unus ana Cletus f^la be no longer HSi^cpg . tijcnto^.le Peterliuea: ano,bDl)en \}zopcD,Clemens f^oula fwc*> ck^ico?ca:ae Ijim ncrt immcBiatlp.Oatjereas itic etpparant bp rcco^as oftimeo, fl^at Linus ccntinuea iSiilbop eleucn peareg, after Peters Dcat0; ana Cletus ttnelue, after Linus; be&;e ttjat Clc- mcnsl^atljercDme. la£I^ic^.ate " Turriantl^eBicfuitcaEB iib.1.«;.r' ■ gnabD ap3n(a3 Ije is bDonf,)to make it aboap: vetis t!)e matter To b Chrsnogr. yjli inifeaixer£aine,t^at ^ Gencbrard,t^efrclgettofpouri3o# lib.3.in Lino. The Pope (ucceedeth PeteiTjas other Bifliops. *. ptD^ ClxJonicln'S , ano paffing all rc£- as in f bill, fo m jcalc fte ti)c popes caufcs, roulo not but fct it Dcluno as true. Hart, Peter did nominate CIc- mens tofucceede him. -5ut Clemens gaue the roomcfirft to Linus, and then to Clctus, not fo much of modeitie, as by thecounfclloftheLord, ' leaft the example ofthisnomi- nation Giould pa Jc to the poltcritie, and derogate from the cmpiuMcnnfi- free prouidcnce of the Church in chooiing of her owne 2iihop< piou)ilcnti> Rainoldes. faitlj fo in DeflJc.JSut to^o f^tfj not fl)af f^iis J toas QcutG^ to niabo Routes agree Initt) t^c talc of Clemens: ano cerpercc. (b^ tlje U)ap)to countctianxct|e cUttion of Popes, toljtrb «oto t|)C Ordinals b&i ifo;, ® t|)eba)bc of Ceremonies of the ® s»"»r.cer». Church of Rome,freatmgoftbat ele<9ion,afFtrmctbttjaf Peter deaiib^i.* npminatcd Clemens to be his fucceiTour, with this codition (it is thought,)if the Cardinals would admit him. Iffut they, * pcrceiuing that the forme of this nomination might great- rie^iriMdonii ly hurt the Church in proccfle of time,did not accept of Cle- formatn graui- mens,but did choofe Linus, and made him Pope after Peter, HowbeitClcmensafterwardc was chofen by tne Cardinals, "ocere.^" when Linus and Clctus were deceafed. SDboosb Gcnebrard tnfrantingtbefanQetol}tspurpore,T)otbnotromucb folloiu t^o bcohe of the'Ceremonies as the glofe offljc Canon latD: d cs; Pmu,«. tDbicb (toitb better caro oft^e iBopjs creoit)raitb,tbaf Pope Clc- mens him felfc ' renounced the Papacie, confidering that i Renuncii.it it would be an euill and pernicious thing,for the example^ quod^el"''/"'' that any (hould choofe his owh'c fucceiTour. ^nfo fuclj follteo niciofimi cxc™. Do ?oa can gour felucs, to lag tljat tlje blefffeD apoltlc of Cb;i(T, ' S.Peter,DtD o^Deute tbai^tobicl) luas perntctoUS fo? the example, ret iucccirofeni. reftjfcD bp the Pope, mtflghcD bg the Cardinals, p;eiuDiciall to the Church :anD all to maintajne^eepittlo of Clemens, tuttb tbcfal0mtt,tl>3tPetermaDel)tinl)isruccel&ur. ^tljingfo ab# c c.rnic.».q.,. furDjtljat Inljere it is mcntioneD in tlje Canon law, tb^re k( f itnoteD tclso ^ chaffe: ano f Contius,alearncDlaboierofgour c.vndTs'iT'^ ciDne,Dotfi note tjpOntljaf note, t^at it is counteD chaffe ino?# ^ Nam ton es tfjilg, 5 for iris all counterfcitc: ano 5 Comeftor, tl;c autO? gTcT'cwt, oftlje fcholaltical hiftoric, toljo liueD loben t^e Darbcnes of|Bo^ fthoi.ft. periciuasgrotlstt, refutetljanoreicctetljttas amarefo^geitf, J5ut iubatfoeuer it be, ailD boto fo cuer auncient ^ «ien fame S> ' (it DkK' ^74 Of the Popes fupremacic. h Dcfcri o- (rtnia^bc)tuhictjS. ^ lerom fattf), did bearethe name of ni>.cceief;w^ Clemens,andwas rcpfoucd by olde writers, but be it, tnljaf atmcns. toibtou confeffe t?our felfe tljat to bebntrue,Po? pjojfe lulier# of ^ou citeO it, thar Clemens fuccecded Peter, and not Linus. S?ai)crcfi3;e,faing Linus bib fuccabe Pctcr,f tljot tot)ile Peter tt# ueb, in tl;e fame fojt as Zachatus bib(^ou rap)at Ca:(area,| Euo- tiius at Antioche: t!)eHSifl^opS of Antioche, f of Csrfarea,ntap tiaime ao toell tlje |?apact bp Peters fuccelTicn, as map tlie 1&U ^op of ^^oroe. Hart. f^etbppourotDnegraunfanbtijctenfentof tiiftojies, Linus toljo fucceebeb ^im in ^ome,bib out-liuc fij;,e lie tDasttjefuteelTDur of Peter, notonelptotiile Petertoas aliue pet.but toljen ^e toas bceeafeb alfo. Rainoldes. ^^etoasfb.tHSIlljatoft^tf Hart. iSDft^aCJ conclubett)eBiflbop ofi^mes rup,»macp, anb conuince pou of errour • ifoj Peter ijab cljargc of alt tbc Ct)urct) of Cl))ifit. But the Sifliop of "j^ome is tlje fuccelTonr of Peter. L he Bifliop of^i?ome t|jerefoje Ijatl) cljarge of alt t^ Cljurcl) of C|);i{t. i*,Kfng.ii. Rainoldes. ^stfpouCbOUlbfap: ' Salomoti-didraignco- verc^i. uer all Ifraell.iBut ^ T^^pboainjSalomonS fonnc,toastjlB fuCi" k Ycrr.45. ^ ^oboam t^erefo^e raigneb oner all Jfraell ♦ ®Sl)eref J J ^ „ bp pou migbt conuince tl^e fcripturcof errour, fb^ faping t|jaf ' Y«i{:io.' Ucroboam was king ouer all Ifraell, anb none did folow Rd- boam,but the tribe of luda bnely. Hart. 2Dt)cpreuottebfrcm5minotm ^etr to|)ole rijjlJt fuccecDc tJjem in tlje hinfi of charge, ° p Pr?n'cip!docl to preach the Gofpslhbut not in t^e amplene£!,to preach it vn- tnnai i.« c.7. to eucry creature.iS^jci? fuccecDe ffjc apolHcOjljut not in tfjc 3i> ^icmcminarum. aoftleibip.ifo; of the Apofllefliip there is nofucceflionjag D, r c.a^Apoaoia- p Staplctoni^eluctb. Rainoldes. STljen D,Stapleton C^eiDCiljjtljaf tljt Bitliop or ccision prt- ^mc Dotb not fuccaoo Peter tn tfjs Apoftleflup noitljer. Hart. JfinDtoijattfbcDonotf ej. Rainoldes. SDtjtn be f^uccacct^ not to «U t^e rigtjt ofIlie7e1-ct£" Pctcr.Ctien fjotoistJjoftipjemacie pjouoD bp tbis futccflionf tis.' ^ doth hearc them; anO in bif p?obtbltwno,|c ioiUctb weightie r«7.g."' matters ' to be referred to his Apoillefhip;anb tn Ifis bfuall y ttple,tbe ffplo of tbe Court of .Rome,bio'letters,bio "decrees, Trect-f^ bio * mandates ailD pzoccpto are calleD Apoftoiikc,anD all A- tfcAi, ppftohke,tbattoucbetbbi»«; 'hcApoftolikc y Sull, the Apo- dR^x^ncd- iiolikc ^ fealc.the Apoftolike " meflenger, Apoftolike » Jaria: Apoft. palace, chamber,^ chauncsric,Apoftoiikc' Legate,Apo-_ ItoUke f pardon,Apoftolike S autnoritie,Apoftolike ^ dif- ftct.}. penfationjanDiDbatnotfJEIlbereintoe baue an otber of pour ^irituaUeooftnag^aobinolpao * tbefo;tmer,tpboreinpourlao ceirbuf^"' tbo Pope toitb tbe name of Peter.^p,tbio Botb paCTc fbat. ifot, "''".sj"- iHtl0i^eecmnetttfo^ttfiJJitt)t^eCpoileBofPeter, one apoftle: fiAibcrSw. mtbto,ofmD?ctbenone.iFojil5i(bopo,intbeirotb cffealticfo s«oni.5 c.«. fbePope,arefto3jnB ' tovifiteyearelytheCourtoftheApo- ciuIrT'" ftles,t^f iO,oftbepope*, ^ ▼nleflc they bee dilpcnfedwith- i c.ego N.extra. allbythe Apoftlcs,tbattO,bptbei0ope. ^Lmi-niToRo' Hart. |0ouncebe nottbinhtbiobinoeof fpeccbcs fooilbi.' loru™v;/i«bo. Derlp.ifp:S. .BernardbCetbtbem,ojtbeliltebnto tbcra.^ea, ^ tbe berp title of tbe Apoftlelhip to giuen to tbe IBope bpinm. Rainoldes. S.ISernardlDaoaiuojtbpmanjtn * tljat co}f ruptagc, in lobtcb b^liueo.iButpourfelueobaueapjoucibe, •'aSruttVc tbat' J5ernardfawnotallthinges.^ctbefatomanpmo^e,tben r'»«.ii40. poucmtocllbtocfeerano *" fomelDberetn tbe 10opc fucceedeth Ifdit omnia."'" Conftantine,not Peter;" fotiie tubercin be riieceeOetb Rcitber. mBernnid.^ic 3Cb3tbelat«tbefiltboftbepapaciebutittpart:itmap be putcD n lib.i.l.&j. I V If 1 ill tkip,*. l^iui^on 4 176 Of the (Popes liipremacie. li'ii: I'l 'ifij*,: f Hording ill t)}iconfut.of t|)t Apolog. paic.4.CaDi- kus la opcrc Caiechiltico przccpt ccclcT, ^Chapt.i., Viiuf.a. putcB to ftieDarkencs of itrftt toljtcl) coucreo t^en f c^jur^ gaueApoltolikc power to t^e^Bopc'.fjts^aifter toas tn f£ulte,3| meane,^ |dopeo lato^to^ic^ tauglit ijtm to to tico* ° According to thy Canons,(Dittt) |)0 to |9opoEugenius) other Biihops arc called to part ot the care; thou,to the FulnclTe of power.j©ut oftljcfe im, Thou art the Prince ofi?ifhops,thou art the heire of the Apoltles; for primacie,thou art Abel; for gouernir.ent, Noe^forpai- triarkelhippe, Abraham ; for orderMelchifedech; for dig- nitie,Aaron-;ft>rauthoritie,Mofes;for iudgement,Samuel; for power,Peter;for thy annointing , Chrift. p ^our men cttcctne t^ place of i?crnard berp I)tgt)lp,ano inahe a feaft of it, ,de 3! maruailct^t ftep are not athainfO to alleage it ifAJ» to call *f. tpc pope heircofS.Petcr,it toere a greatofcelTeofrpttct);«pncp greater^to calll^ heire of the ApoflleSilButto call pirn Chrift t^wfbgreatjtpat anp mooeCt man , topo toere iBemards frence, toouto ratper lap pto clobebpon it,tpen oiftoner tt,mucp li^ffe make boaft of it. Hart. 3 toulo potr once befb^e to^ manp allotoe anb bUs fucp fp^ctieamot as tl)ongl) tpep tcobe tta to be ablblutelptrtt^ butto encreafe a rcucrence totoaroes t^ ^9ope. Rainoldes. iSno 3I tblbpou alio topat tnconnmience comtfp oft|)em:tl)af,bnoer tpc colour of encrea0ngreiicrencc, tbtpen# £re5iretl^potocr,0? ratper tp.:annie,of tbe fSbpe. ©tt^ereof toe® r?rincip.dt.ar. |auealiuclpe)fampleintbuipomt toning t'|e Apoftlclhip. VApoftthm. altbougl)pour Stapletonteacpet^tpatitteafeott^ntpe tinlU ruccefllo. apottlesDicD-.anblatetbitfoiapjinciplc.t^f' oftheApoftle- c^ritnumex- fl«pthereisnofucce(lion;anDttocnticpearefiagotf)i0 oottrtne MmmKumCt " toascoimtebfouno '"at7?j)met0:pef noto ' tlfz publibe rea* j^'^ert-ieiiir. of controucrOcs in "i^ome ootb palfe falter in if,becaafc formi contM.quzft.p- pane ginen the name of the Apoftlelhip to the Popes office; tobercuponbegrounDetpjtbafthcPopc » fticceedeth aftcra fort in the Apoftlefhij?,to wcete,in the charge of the whole world.0nb,ifpou piofrt If ill,as pou beginnejfrom enil to toojfe: ttma7be,tt)at Ibojflp.tobat tpis Komane reaoer affirmctp after aforc,tbaftoiUti)eHomam(fesaflhrmeabro!utelp; anb " pio# u nouncc,t!)at Gertestheroomeand dignitieofthe Pope , is a very continuallApcftlcfhip.iButif tijcp grotoe fo fl)amfleiEe: cti lipH.4.11.. tpefLo;btoillra!fe(3ljoi»)f"t!)^ng2lsinourcburt|, as" tee torigintte<2^twrcbofEphef'ustftote^ it is to^iten, tpathec had: , Succcditaii- ^uomodoin Apoftolaca. f, The Pope,no lupremacie by fucceeding Petcr.277i),u,''fo';, 4. had cried them,who fay they arc Apoftlcs and arc not, and had found them licrs.;3tof0^?CU,to|)0graunttl)2fup;emactc,tsb0tDbp d^oDs late. 0nt> if^ou^au0nootl)cr euibcncecf fcr^tttrc«,tl)mtl)i£!(alre- . actc lbEtoeD)oi one flocke anb one Pallor, of the Prielles and ,leiur«a" the iadge.ofthe Church that is inSabylon ; tljon Doubtlclle ^apimseft f^Papacic,tot)ic^ J' a ^aopeoofinetfjfobc a foueraintic, o;^ princehood,bothin temporallandlpirituall thmges ,toan qnammfpirim- ti^coff$e|0;ttnceofDarfe0nes.3ino (je, toho faitljt^afGod himfelfe hath committed the right both of the earthly and tijetaotn* of the heauenly kingdome to the Pope , in Peters perfon : reCwnblef^ thebeall (in * t^cHcuelation) whiche had two fedeTaMnte. bornes like the Lambe, but Ipake like the dragon. ' Reu.i|.»i. The ieuenth Chapter. Tht firiflitres fairly Jkidtt ie nUettgedby the Fathers for the fupre- mdcie of tke Tofeas/HCcejJoHr to Peter, i Feetiemy (heepef Strengthen thj hrethren^andy That thy fayth faile not: belong no no more to Popes, then to other'Btfhops, 2 The Pope may erre indoilrine, 3 not onely as apriuateman, but as Pope: 4 yea,preach fal/e doSlrine al/o,Fer 5 hemay beathe(fe,arobbery a vtoelfe; d and are not in perfon onely,but in office too -yOsit is prouedineueriepartofhts officet 7 vpith anfmreto the repltt tr ade agawft the proof es for the defenfe of htm th crcin. 8 The fucceffton of P opes hath beene preuatled againfi by the gates of htlU p andt'^hen thegates of heipreuailtdnot agarnjl thens-^htirrocke didargue foundnes offatthptot thefupremacte. ART. iBuf ftjcre arc otljcr fcripturcs,Thefirft tolitch t^caunttcnf Fathersallcagctopiouc nJnifi tl)c p>opcs fupicmattcranb tljatb^ tfyi ng^tof jjisfucccflton to Peter. on, Rainoldes. fjiotbp fIjafrigljt, 35 toarranf pou.iFo^ * no man can deriue more right to an other,then he hath him {elfe,^n0 Pe-»?««5«iisiiiJ ^ J ter • ter deuer IjaD ^etir popw fupiemacie,the right oi t he heaucnly and of the earthly kingdome,thc pnncehood both in tcmporall and fpimuall things, l^ac^potoer neit|jer t|>f fcripturcs no; Fathers gtue to Peter, ^ut tb^at arc fijc fcrip- tures ioljtcl) tljei^athers allcage^ H art. ^oto farrc tijc fupicmacfe of Peter did reacl) tn cartlj# *sb iet.prin, ipaHi)fjcaucnlp^fpirittiall3110fempo;aU:3ltdiUflot rca# cipior.doctriui. Con nou), iBuf * ffje aunncnf Fathers allcage the fame fcrip- hb.tf cap.i J. turcs to p;ouc that his fup;emacie came to his fucceffo :s in the Church of iJomc.tohich 3 alleageo befo;e to p;oue his right to the fup;emacte.iFo;,that the p jomife in the Ojcteenth ofMa.tthew, VfmthisroikelvfiUbHtldmyChurch^ndiioiorth^ IStJCrtfieO tit binPfaim,coB. tl^ ^ ofHomCjS. ^ Auguftitttcacheth: Numbcr (Cai^ hce) trapammDo", the Prlcftes cucn from the verlc fcate of/etcr , and in that ranke of fathers marke who fucceeded whom : that is thereek, igzinOi which the proad^ates of hell preuaile net.^vB^ j thatthe perfojmancc of the fato p;mmre in the latt of lohtiiEeede myJheep, cDefacerdouo. pertcincth alCo to the^oj^. * Chtyfortomet0lDttnelIie,anom hb.i. ' thing e):p;eCtelt;,that thrift did commit few Jljeeye to heefedtk both vnto'Peter, and to Peters fucceflburs, U^hiehtebee libeloilcmeantbp^ote tn6;i)s{nthctliJoanDttocttt^o^uke, / hone frmedfor thee thutthy fMt hfMle not^ tend thou being conuerted di aemtaii- ^ ^o^MarcusinhisbecrctSlcpiftlcto iipr«pift!cont AthanafiusjjBopc Lucius m hisoccretal cptftlc to the ocmanufli of cii.Tom. I. rench ano ^panifh i5ilhop«,pope Fdix in his occretall epiCHj to Penignus.haoc mantfcftip taught* Rainoldes. i^tles amongft rofe0,tDhen pou (ctthe battaro autours of thelb decretals amongft the auncient Fathers.llBut tel me in goob Goth:ttanbe pon that euerie ^opc mult oenie Ch;ilt^ Hart, iDenie Ch?itt i SHHhat meane pou to affee me that qudhohf eaajc.i».ver.jt. Rainoldcs. SBecaufepou Ceeme to Cap , that ' Chriftes words to Pettv^undthou being conuerted Jlrengthen thy brethren^ are meant of all them. H arc. eahaf ? 5UW fap 31 therefo;e,that thep mult bente Ch:iftf Rainoldes. £>; cls! pou fap nothing,^o; tohp f^ib Chrift to peter, The Pope hath not all Tctcis right. 27p l)e iiettifd him thrtfii Hart, ^o'.tofjaftffjetiw Rainoldcs. Cfjcn fame too;t)fs be meant of al popes, cueric pope muft firft be turneo afeap from bat map be conucrted aftcr:anD tperfo^e eucrte pope muft deny Chrift» 3f 3 fboulD fap fo:fcme UjouId be aiigrie tortb Jnc.But poa map fap iDbat pou lift. Hare. 2^bw!isfucbarearoit.ast?,(iDbtcb^atbbetiemai)ef(D,)^ ifthewordcs, 5 Thauart Peter ,conccrnc Peters fucceflour, it - then the wordcs, ^ Satatt ython art an ojfenfe to »wf,mufl: concern h vir.*5. him alfojbecaufcthey were fpoken by Chrift to "Peter both. Ibut,as i ifatber5^obertanfluerctbtotbat,foba)3tofbis,tbat iRob.seiiami. thereafonfoIIowethnot.Forcertaincthinges (faitb b®) aec fpoken to Peter for himfelfe alone j certaine for hinifelite,and ior al Chriftians; certaine for himfelfe,and for his fucceflbrs. This is plainely gathered by the diuers reafon, and confide- ration,whercon they are fpoken to him. For thofc thinees which are fpoken to him as oneofthefaithfuU , arc vndcr- {food to be fcokcn vnto all the faithfull: as, if thy brother kMaMi.», r^itift thee.'Xho(cth\vi^% which are fpoken in fomc leipcft his owne perfon,are fpoken vnto him alone:as, ' 11.uc.ja.j4. thaufitalt^tttemtthrfe.ThoCcthinQS which arc fpoken in re. gard of his paftorall ductie, are fpoken vnto all paffours: as ftedc myfhetfe^ZTidfirenghthen r»y tbUS pOtt map fiiC ^ tbS tnOjOSS of Cb^tft,/ haue prated for thee^ that thy fatthfaile net^m1iJtrengthenthybrethren^iQ}ytin(uC^(0it\lt QjOfecn tinfO Petcr,tbaf tbep mtfibf psrfatne to cuerp Pope alfoitbougb tbeo* t^laoO^XitSitodtnieChrifi^mtitobeconMertedyriomt pcrfetns fO <^^ou toill not fap pour fclfe,(3| fruft)of faithful Cbiifttans, tbatt^p muft all " poufaibtbattbts p?aterf fommanoementofCb^tft pertetnetotbemaU,tfpoube ramsm^ nchapt.;. b;cD. Rainoldes. 3 remember it toell: ano it is berie true. IBut tbis ootb gine a Deaolp ftripe to tbat argnment,tobicb piete;: oeo to be maoe bp tbe Fathers. Jf0? if tbc tnojoes of Cbuft, Feede myfheepe^mXitflrengthen thy brethren,\Xi\x^ bee tmOcrftOOO aS fpo- kenbntoallPaflors, tobicbb^rom'anftoerepougraunt: ^cn bote can tbcp p 2oue fitt fup^cmacie of one Paftor, . . eonclube in pour arguments ^ 4 Hart. Soni. Of the Popes lupremacic. Harr. 3 DtD Hot mcane bt» [all Taftors ] ttje ti?a0o:s of all Cf)ur£l)C£i:butaUtl^l^atto;£i of one Cljurc^, namely of ttjs Church of Rome, Rainoldcs. ^3utRobert, fljc ifatl)er toljcfcInojOts allet^grb, botlj mearte the Palters of all churches. ^no tt^ tomtnanDemtnf of Cbjift, Feede my Iheepe, bclongett) to tboin i alfotbnlcCfe ° tbecouncellofTrentmiftabctf. Hart, bdongctljtotbem: but to t^215iIl^op of Rome ^ Defaeerdo- c^Tj.iFo; P Chryfoftome orpjcflp faiflj, (as 3 aUcagcO,) tbat Chriit did commlttht feeding cfhispeepe to Peter and to Pe- ters fucceffburs, Rainoldes. 0nO be pou ccrfaine,t!)afbp [Peters fuccef- fours] 1)0 meant ti^^tt^ops of Rome i Hart. Mbom fl^oulo be tmane but tbem i Rainoldes. meant all BHbops!:not all ^l5tCbop£iofone Cf)urcb> but tbe ^tlbopo of all Cburcbeo. eutoent bp bts Vnotbeo, ano tbe entcnt Inbereto be fpabe tbem. if 0^ to Ihrre bp Bafil, anb mabebnn glabanD totUmg to tuotbeofficeofa ^t(bop,tnlHcb be b<^b bnoertaben, be telletb bint, tbat Chriit when he faide to Peter,feede my Jheepe, did thereby Ihew how deere his fhecpe arc vnto him,, and there- fore would furely siue great rewarde to Pallors who feede them,and guide them. For why did he Ihcd his ownc blood, (faitb Chryfollome) but euetopurchafethofeJheepe^thecaxc of whom he committed to Peter and to Peters fuccelTours, Mbereuponbegootbfo^lDarD,anDbcclaretb tob^t tbat charge i8,tDbtcbCb;tttgauc to Teter auDto all Pallors bp tbat com* miCPion Feede my fieepe. ^0 ttjaf bott) tbc COurfO Of Chryfolioms anb tbe D;tft of bis rea(bn,anb the perlbn Inborn it implp* etb> S.Rafil,Bi{liop,nofofRome,«but ofCailarea, Ocomanu fell!? Ibetojtbat be meant, b? naming [the fuccefl'ours o f Tc- ter] all paftojs of tbe flcche, al Bilbops of tbe Cburcb of <^jtll. nob.Beiiir- 3n0 tbtsts fo clttre,tbat ifatbcrifobcrtbiinfelfe(mbis ^o- m»n.contr.4* mane Lcftures)botb not onl? graunt it, but aMb p^oue it b? tlno one 1 ouo, OUt Of ^ Auftin, tbat Peter was a figure of the Chriiiian. C.30 Church,tbat is to ia?,be rep^efcnteb all paCours, when Chrift f Serm.3.m jm faid to hivny feede myJheepe : att Otlfttj OUtof'lcOjt^at PctCT is an example and as it were a paterae, the which all Pallors ought to folow, l^oto mucb tbe mo^Mj IbwfttU is tbe igno* ranee All Bifhops are Peters fuccelTburs. 281 Soni. ranee of \?oiir?iDc£to?£i, tftfjci' fincU) it net; tljc tnilfulncs!, if tlic^ hneto it: fe!:otiearc men in tjana tljat Chrytoftome eotfj pjcue the 13cpcs fupjemncte bp tfjofe fuccefTours. Mtjcrin ttjco# ucrfifitit * of pour '^hemifts ij5gicat:tuta pairecflefuitcsjCa-, „ . nifiusan05ufeus, Dmgo beponD tfjcir felctocg. ifoj ' f^ep, b?ge« amongCmanpfentcnccsoftl^ ifatbcrs,tbeSBffi;ft of tbem as ioy. fita«tbtstop.iDuett)£i3apacic,D(Dfetcutti)t£ias ftjc bett; anb putpeft^n friunipl) of it,as of a pffrelcffep;rofe,bpgtuing it a fpectall note Anno^t, intbcmargcnt: * Note,(faptj)cp,)toi'etcr,&to/'etersfuc- ceflburs. Note ic,faptbclefuites. gn babe it is a point toell tcchiiticoPe- iDOjtfjtljenoting,tbatpoubfflfonoto^iouflp abufc tt)e Cf)urcb Ts^J^oVStKl ofCluift. if02 pou perftnabc tfje filmple, ano cljiefip poung fcljo^ cepds ecdef.' lerstoljo trutt ?our common-place-boBbes, tl)atChryfoftome V'^oxl'ta^^pc. fpafec of Peter anb 'Peters fucceflburs, in ^efamc meaning trojtum i'ucccf ^ttl3e|3opebotb,tD^cni)C " fait^tljatPetcrandTetcrsfuc- cunra ceflour js the head of the Church ; anb * binbetltmcn bpfo# rZT """" * iemneotbto be obedient tothePitliopof"!Z^ome,thcfuccer- " t^opeBow- four of Peter. Mljereas S. Chryfoitomc meant bp Peters cTaifan&am?' fucccflburs, alltljemtobcw^^")? botfjputintruft tofeedthu «na,dcmaior«. jhupei as y ^Maifterofthefentenccs, anb ' Thomas of Aquinebcogiuctbe name of Peters fucccflburs toallPrieftes x ioope Pi«. q[ Prelatcs(as tl)cp tcrme tt)cm,)tt;at is,to,aU patto?s | S>octo2S of^ CbarrfJtas S,' Auftin teacbett) tbat it is faid to all when it is faid to Peter , Dofl thou lone me / Feede my Jheepe : as S. prorefsionis ^ AmbrofetojitetbtbafheandallBifliopshauc rcceiuedthc y''Lib^.dift.,s. charge of thejlietpe with Petcr:as the Roman clerg icapplp tn4»tcntent. it to the reft of the difciples of Chritt, f to the clergie of Car- f ue* a-onr' thage to. ^uclj inuincible reafons pou fetcfj out of tlje Fa- Chriii. cap. joa thersfo: tbe iSoman papatp : bptobicb ru£rp 51Bilbop map c?"'' claime asmucf) abouetbe^oman, asmaptbeKoman aboue c Inepia.ad anp. Carthag. Hart, 3nbabc,tofcedethe{heepctsc0mmonaffera fo^tc to tbc ^Batfo?s of all Cburcbcc* IBut in manp Cburcbes fbe faith of ^Baftojs batb faiUb. fi^b^^refoic Cfj^iftes p^aper fo? tbc faith of Peter, tbat it fliouldnotfaile, is not common to tbm all, ^Dnelp tbe Bilfjops of tbe Cburcb of Rome banc neuer failed in faith. i5p tbe Inbicb cucnt of tbinges it is plaine, tbat Cb.iift mabctbatpiaperfo? Peters fucrefliurs m tbe of Rome: anb a bib elfablilb tbem oucr al,in cbarging tbera to ftrcngthen is J tbeir i K -V' Cbap.7, of the Popes lupremacie. m' i ! W' |.H Vl'j.; 1 i ,• •! ll^Vi '' If!; I d Ijm.i.iS. e I.loll.>.4, t Platinifle Ti- ti> PoHt.in fo- han.dccim, g In BcnciUfto quart, ScSergio tcrt, h Prodigiofl. Gcnebraid. Chroaogr.lib.4. f PortcniaSc motiftra.Plati- ea inBenedi^o 2uart.S£ Chri- ophoro.prim. I Platina in ri- taFormoli. • Sigon.de reg- nolcil lib.tf. J Platina in vi- uStcph, fexti. 4 Romani. 5 Theodori fecundi. 6 lohannit deeimi. t Scrgij tcmj. "• Ita vertigo rotabat Petri diioce(roret,Iciu Chrifti vicarios iicerris. k Metropolis lib.i.cap.aa, J 40t>tltStephc tilt fivti). m pope For- moius.Sigonius » bleb Iparbes of greater licence, anb toCebthcreines tmto their luffesjbut fcuen hunb^eb peres agOjtoh^n t^ toere pet of mca« nere{tate,thep;cDfeh^reofU)asfamousbpfuno;ie of theirliues fucceebing one another: Formofus,!Sonifacc, Stephen, Ro- manus,Thcodore,Iohn the ninth, anb a litle after them, Chri- f lopher,anD Sergius. ^Df tohon* their otone frienbes anb fa- UO;erSDa)tu;ite that ^ they were gone from Peters llcppcs, that S they did get his See by bribcrie, thatthe^ toere ^ rao- ftrous men, 0; rather ' bcaftes and moniters.^nongft tohom, the ' firtttoasaccurlebbpa|5ope,aabmaDe hhnfelfe popcbp periurie. 2Dhe ^ reconbtooulb(butthathctoasp;enenteb bp Death;) the ' thirbbibrepealethebecr^ofthe firft, anbcom Demnc his actes: the ^ fourth conbcmncb the thirb, anb inltifieb thefirltithe ' fifth bib hecpe the fame race: the firth confirm meb it bp a Councell: the ^ laS, fo; all the Councell anb the ^opes allotoing it, re(to;eb the thirb to his crebit,anb againe cod bemnebthcfirft. * JChns toere Peters fucccflbrs whirled a- bout with giddineflc, as ^ Krantaius fpeabeth of them: ano thehcao of the Church toas longtoiihodt a biaine. 0 thing terie llraunge,aHb fuch as (| thinhe) h^th fcarcc b^nc hearo off amongft the ^Barbarians: ^at ^ one of theCc fucceflbnrs, bib tafee Dp the carkafie of hi3p;ebeccffour out of his graue, bioughtitintoiubgcmenfbefo;caCcunccll of iSifhops, fpop# leb it of his papaiiroabes, clao it toif ha lap-mans gamientes, enbiteb it,arraigneD it, conbemneb it," cut off th;a fingers of it, anb caff it into the ffreamc of Sl^ibcr. f'et this pope might hauebanca^aintofthep^opes, incomparifim of ® John t^ ttoelfth The Popes faith hath failed. 283 Soai. ttDclffl). oi f)e DID f^ctu mo;je ctueUie tjpoit flje boDieg of ma^ nv Itthng ^ tljeit otficr, of oneoeao: ano of^er emlleo not fb mudj in one bice, as lohn fljc ttoelftb in all, in bngoolinelTc, bnrigbteournclfejintcinjpcraHce, pjioe, in toljo,:0ijomes, aoulte^ rif s, inceftcSjUturoers, in pcriunes,fimonie, facrilcgcsjblafpljeif mtes, anb fud) aboniinartons as 3] abf)o?rc to mention, j^ot Ca- tiline,not Nero,notHeliogabahis, not f> mottmonlfrous luict# t^ts tbaf cucr liucb in Rome, caincnarc bnto bini. Jt iocrc tncrcDible t^at one caraine fboulo bane fo mucb, fo horrible tut fbat bis objae Cburcb ano tlje Italian ilSiibops (in a Coun* cdl affentijlcD bp tbe Cmperour Otho) oio cbarie^ bw* toitb tbefc tbingss, anb toitb tbingedmoje bilanous anb outragions p Plarinain tbent^fe. ^nb bt»nrelfe,b3ben tbe CDmperour anb Counccll to^te bntD bim,tbaf be tboulb come to mabc bis anftoere,mabe q Hiftor.rei-2 tbis anftoere to tbem, anb otber be tooulb mabe none, tbat bee p" turftofbmtalltobeU iftbepattemptcb tob^jiue bw"? asb£eJ.&7T8.c5^% bcaroOT^tbepbib* Luitprandus,abeaconofa Cbnrcb in I? 5 Mamn.po- talie, p a man cammcnbeo fo; b^ boIincs,tbbo Kneb at tbe tame poA'" time, botb bjjite tbis tfoueof^ope lohn; anb tbat toitb fucb f In Chr«nic. srebitjtbatbelibe Martinus, 'Tritemius, "^Platina, " Krat- r^iohann de- zius, anb * otberi^menof^ourotonereli^n, tobobo^ite tbe cimo cerc. aimmeofitaftcrbim: Sigonius (anItalian, y totobwnpour pope giurtb almoft a tljjufano crotones pearelp to rcabe in one 3 e.i. 8fbtscaniuei:tltics,)tboagbbebiflremblemucb, in bis Italian chSk'Bio? bilfo;ie, tbe tbingestbat toucb tbe popes Hate j pet ^ beat# du$decad.j. linotolebgetbfbts,anbimifetbitfomeiDbaffullp.i^oto (| bope) fi?,-wrrBUf.. pon toill not Tap of tbis pope,pope lohn tbettuelftb, tpat per- rp of ja wew.' haps he ihcwcd his faith by his workes ♦ 0; if pou IbOUlb lap P®'^;f- tbatbe (betoeb his faith (asit map be be bib,) pet pou toill not tap tbat it toas fucb a faith,as toas the faith of Peter fo; tobicb a Alb. Kranti. our^uiourp,;apeb» iFo;,if pou tbinhe bsre,tbat nottoitij# ^PiTdnainVi-' ttanbing all tbefe crimes be migbt be gcob after, as Peter rcpeteb ta lohan.dcci- tobenbe bab benpeb Cb?itt,anb fo bis faith bio not faile, tbouglj Uccad ^ it bio feintc: tben | inuH tell pou furtber,tbat pope lohn toent'. Luitpr.nnd. fo;toarbeasbebabbegtDU,anobisbeatbtoas anftoerable bnto w^berA^fn"* bis life. ^ eaabilc be toa5Committingabulterie,betDasflaine: chron.xritem.. ^ tbintt tb:ougb bp fome tubs bim in tbe act, 0; ^ Huftu fltrihenbp tbebiuell; bitfs;ians agree not. 5But Carbi# d sAmmadl'Acv nall Turreaematabotb take tbat as tuo;e lihelp, tobttb mo;it remacie. h Isun.3.19. m3;etj^caofull. Bccaufe the life(fattl^i^e)ofPope lohn wasdc- tdtable, and marueilons olfenfiuc to the Chriftian people: therefore Chrift himfelfe gauc out the fentencc ol condem- nation againd him, For, while he was abufing a ccrtainc mans wife, the Diuell llrookc him fodenly, andlo he died without repentance. Hart. ^iEfiat if ^Bope lohn,anh fotne oft^em, offetu int^eir lines; ^etti^eif not > t^atfaithtul)ie|^ Cjjiitt fpake off. ^o^ bp t^e name of [faith] fje meant t^ boc* trine offait^,tD^ict) |ic p;:apeo fo; Peter ano fo fo^ ifis ruccedburt tt)at t^ might b^e Ibunb, ano neuer be feouceo from it to anp hereSe, 0o mo^ toas pope lohn,no^ anp other of the popes: thousdj in their lines thep boere not all of the bed. Rainoldes. 31 thouj^tthatChiidhao meant bp tenants • Roa.j.ij. of [faith] a linclpCh?idian faith :lDhM> ' imb;aceflhthepio* £ Gal.y. i?* mife of the mercie of dDoo; tohich ^ worketh by loue, ano b;in^ B ioh.««,7. gethfbiththe frnifesof faith; tohich ^ tohofocuer haue, thep ^ne adurance ofeuerlalting life. ^nt pon thinbe belito thaf he meant a oeao faith: afaith> tohich theph^ue of tohom ^ U istodten) the Dincls beleeue, and tremble; a faith* tohtc| pope lohn might h^ue, ano be a rcpiobate, anO ope toithout re^ pentance,ano be the heire of oeath cternalU Hare. 31 Cap not that Chnd meant a oeaO faith>but righ^ faith«that is, as 31 faioe, thetrue ano Catholibe oodrine ofth< faith ofCh'-itt • ■31s the fcripturc bfctl; that tootoe* tol)ere it is J in the later times fome iliall depart from the faith,and fliall giuc hcedc to ^irites oferrour,and do<5trjnes of Diuels. SChc doadncs of Diuels are hercfirs tohatfoeuer. Sthc faith is the trne oortrine fet againd herdtcs. S, Pe.cr helo this faith tohen he faioe, ^ Thou art Chriit, the Sonne of the liuing God. jfrom this faith the oincU tooulo hane remoneo htm. HButChridp^apeofoihitnthatttlhoulD not faile. 0not fo 31 fap he p:apcO fo; the XBiihaps of Rome, that it flhoulo faile in none of them. 1UC.4.H. Rainoldes. ilBut this faith is alfo a faith»tohich'the DcuiU map h«ue,ano pet trcmbleta faith,tohich Bope lohn might hano nnobearepKibate,anooietoithont rep^ance.anobc h^ire of oeath eternall. Hart, lilhbttf itbeib; Rainoldes ft Chrift prayed not for the Popes faith. 285 Rainoldes. pjaicti fo: Petcr,t[jnf fjeflboul^ nc- ner lofe ttat faith,fait^ migljt fjaue bcpt attO loft j)tmfelfc,euen loft bot[) boDtc ano foule fo eucrUfting ooatlj. - Hart. 3f3ll^oulograunfpoufoiKucl): Rainoldes. muft ttatico graunf ft 10 p.joucD 6p l^opc Iohn.3i5uC tol)p faiD Cl)>tft fo Peter, ™ Satan hath de- fired,thathemayriftyou,aswheat? JK!IJjati0t|)affO fift f^ "" Bif«pl£3,aswheacf ' Hart.^ %o fift ff)etn,a0 to^eafen mealetf^f t0j to f^afic out of tl)cm all fijcir trut^ ano fetfl)fulnc0,a0 flotoer out of tl)c ficue, amrtoaue nofljtng toifttn tl)om but b^anne ao it toere. Rainoldes. Satan oofirrOfpf^afie out of f|)ctnalfl)cir loue totoarDe0C[)^iftftl)attl)epmig^fb.:l^ ^tm,anb reuofte Hart. I^etfefo. Rainoldes. 0nD t^is Ije ijii),fo tolpaf entre,but ^ migljt bettrop ttjcm:" ao^Dofiroofofiftlob ? idoS.Pctcr luarnctb t)0: " theDcuillgocth about like a roaring lion feeking " vhomhcmay deuour, Han. 3t us true. Rainoldes. 00 S. Peterantttft) b0agairtfft|jc attempfe oftheDeuillbpfbnstefiion, p whom refiftyeftrong in faith; fo Ctpift bib armo him bp pjaping to ©ob,anb obfemiitg fo^ |»tm, tjiat his faith fipeulb not faile. Hart, ^anptrne.l^e anmb Ijtm mibmabe tmn ttioft ftrong ^ tljathebcingconucrtcdmight fircngthen his brethren, 1 Luait-ji. Rainoldes. pouuotTat^ntbatlje muft nabcbmeaito bp Cfaith]aliueIpfaftb,iDl)fc!)!)atlitbeUineof ^.tift aiib conftant goblinco iomeb lot^ itfbp tDhiclj ^ jBDeutU is conqncrcb jljcll ef- tapebjljeauen alTuwbfiFojjtfIje fiab meant bottrine, 00 pot» conffrne it.tfje true anb Catlpolike bottrine of t^ faitip ofC!»ift: l)obr ^ab brarmebPcter againft tljofe fierp barto of SatSjtobicb a rigijt opinion in matteroof faitljtoao notsble to quencbf W!S^* tnmarlie,3lp,jnp,iDiwtBlnniJlp pon caft on tfje toifebome of Chrift,to'^m pon fuppoft to baue faibfoPetcnthe Deuill- will tempt you to draw you from my lone,and to deflroy you bo- dy anafoule; butlhauc prayed for thee , that thoii (halt thinkc arightin matters of faith.SSatitl) iSj ffipif a Captaine^n toctjcere bp^Ibuteiour(tolwm Ijc Ijab ^ttiaUtarooft) hgainft: PiK' ^86 Qf the Popes fupremacic. t^ebattailc , {l)OUlbtcUl^un;tf)eenimicu'iila{rault you with poi(o,ncd{liot,to killyoii; but I haue got a (lueld of paper for thee,to defend thee from it.SD^eit loljirl) can be fpo- >Jten moic rtotfulous,oi abfurc; Hart, as t^sugb a right faith Uj?re no ftfongcr fenfcagaintt JtOauUes of SDcutU,tbcn to a ilileld of paper agatnUpoironeO 0)Of.S.PauIet^OUgbf»Wf&» ' toljo in t^e armour of a t pie..15. an 0j;|j0>{0j^^aboue all things to take the (hield of faith. Rainoides. S.Paulcmeanetltnoftltefamc bp [faith] t|jaf ^OU Dra.ifOJ Ije aOOet^ offljaf fliield,fl)at we may quench all the fierydartes of * the wicked(tl)atU(tofa)?,Oft^eDeutIl) with * tS TTovMf S. a t't0ljt opinion in matters of faitlj cannot qucncl) t|iem 'loh.ij.i. aUtao it is platne bp ' ludasjoibijl^opclohn. 2Cberefo>e,J)es m« j7.4- meanctb b|? [the ihield of faithi] a liuel^Cljuttian faitb, to|)it| tReu.'. /. n. ht quolnoti is toacbtngHonorius, a|i3opo > lobb lined almoft a tboufanb peares ago, tobat be taugbt in a point of faitb • Biibcpe> •synoi.fcvt. tubolincDabouttbefanutimc, 'notmanpfcioeftbcattajobttn- ft'Wcript.aa .«•DisDo;t(as " fome incite}tb,ieebunD;eD,Do fap,ano p^ouc tbcir ceiLPaSa'c. fapwg bp Ijis ototte lu,ufmgs,t|)at he taught erroncoufly as the uo.tf. Monothelitcs.Platina,Sabcllicus,Nanclerus,Blondus, Silui- usjCalleca, anbTurrecremata,fcucn of tbe l^opcs freenbs, of lobom tbe elbed liued aboue Gee buno^ioD peares ^ter bini,t)® af« firme tbe eontrarp^Mbetljer of t^fe are livelier to GnoU) anb lap tbetrutbtberec& Hart. But tbccc are alfo in tbe lyjopes Itb^ajte tbe iojittngs of Maximus,tiobo liueo about tbe fame time.0no it is plaine bp bim fgat Honocius bib not fubfcribe to tbat bere0e:pea,tbat of a certaiiietie be bGioonbemne it. Rainoldes. Onuphrius misb* fOjUnb (as be tbougbO fafelp,becaufe it teas not libelp.tbat toslbcalD'fce Maxim u s in ^ popes liberie to bifpeoue Itto faping.But it is bifpeoueb bp pour " Aadradius.tabb biftcurGng Ijereef, to ibetue tbat it is « cat. ,3. pQ[(.gj.j^j^gjj^2tHoaorius did firitcondcmne the herefie of the Monothelites,though PIatina,andSabellicus,und Blon- dus,and vEncas Siliiius lay he did: for Theophanes,(iaitbbe) and Anaftafiusjhiftorians much ancicnter then they, do write that lohn the fourth Pope after him was the firlt who did it.Ajnd Maximus(as it is well noted by Torrenfis a fingu- Ur The Pope hath erred in doctrine. 289 Jar learned man,hautng purpofly vnderuken to cleere J-Jo^ noriusof that herefie,made not any mention of his condcm- ningit:though,ifithadbeencfo, he mufthauc knowneit needes, and could no thaue omitted >' Torren- fis, toliem Andradius p^zapfetlj, allcageD tljat in^jolc fepnma.&ottt place ofMaxirnustonclimsHonorius: tlje fummc 10 uar^nod.. t^i0, tfjat the fecretarie of Honorius, who wrote the veric e- piftle thathc was charged by,and kncwe belike his meaning beft, expounded part thereof in a good fcnfe , that it might feeme founde, ;3nOt|n0 is tijaf Maximus ' in the , inBisiioAe Popes library, bptoljicljpotir Onuphrius Doflj tahe it tobd: ca^ilnnna. » plaine, (oj at the l^fttooalO^aeb0talie it,) that Honori- us did neuer lubfcribe to that herefic, yea, that of a certain- tie he did condemneit.. IButfee lobst Dtfbrence bcttncene men. Andradius,tDt)o alloinetl) t^e recretaHrie0 erpo0tion tobfcb Maximus alleageb to clsre Honorius of that bereSe, pctthtn^ beth it platne bp that place of Maximus, that hcebio not con^ bemne it. Torreniis, a frienb of the popea to, oeclareth) that a part oftheepiitle of Honorius 10 helpeo reafonablpbp the fe^ cretarie0erpofition:butit6ttethnotanother parte thereof, in fnhid) it i0 plaine bp his oUine iDo^:Oe0,that he was a Monothe. lite. ^oTorrenfislnhohaO acccfle to the Popes library a0 mcUa0 Onuphrius, hath that Onuphrius fiiD mcane to fteale 01 Ipe bp fending b0 to Maximus in the Popes libr.iry, 0s fo; Maximus hini(eife,heb)a0loth»fo;god Inill both to Hono- riusand the truth) thatthe heretiheis Ihonldboalt (as ^ thep T Inconcil.Ro- l)id)offad) a patrone; and t|»rcfo;)e be dcOrcd to toi^hjain l^iii (tom theni, iBut ® the general! Councell (bcfoje luhich h« »'^s"(;^srnod. iD;ofe)ftund after,on better eraminafion off Ije matter.that Ho- Conflincinop. noriusiopncdtoiththem, and taught aofhep did. Ml^rcfoje, tohatlbcuer Maximus hath tonten oj rather foilhcd of it; the CcunceU is of greater credit then Maximus; much mo?e, then CallecaoiTurrecremata, toh? could not fap therein fomuch as Maximus, ^ and Maximus is the bell that thep fap. Hart. EDhat tohich ^ou alleage of the Councell,tjbere fome? t lom.de Tm- tnhat, if thep had condemned Honorius of that IjcreSc. X5ut "raTccdca thep did itot: although itbefcVD?iten in the CounccllnDlo.ifoj i.e.??. ^ AnaftafiuSjtheUftperofthe popes lib^arp, toho lined inithm ttoo hnndjcd peares after Honorius, doth teach in his Ji-atin % historic ipo of the Popes liipremacie. cm^amfextV ofTheophar.csaCmfee Ui.atcr, tf;at thc ' ccm- lv«odi»Gricis nion copies ot the fixth Councell «'ere corrupted by the c'oTrupta. Grecians; and the ' Canons thereofJn the which Hoiiori- 2 CinoncSjin • j i r J quibusHonori- US IS Condemned,wcre forged. uscQndcitioa Rafnoldcs, Canons?whatCanonsfiEljerearenoCanons cftljc Gytl;Couiiall iH UjfjicI; Honorius is conDcunicD. 0tu tljcrDott) Anaftafiusoj Theophancs Tap it. Harf. &iirc OnuphriusfaitfjasSi Gitue. SntJtfjat pia^n^Hoaor. faittj.fjc fait!jtfjatSirletus,tt)Ctt, a cfjiefci^otanc, no\u " €aiUtnatl cf Rome,an Ofcetlent leamcD man,b«t) niar bch it. Rainoldes. afouleanogroITefiaute, citijer cf Sirktus, oj Onuphrius, oi liotij. ifoz t^cre tecrc ttoo ineEtinfice of lct» t^opgaf Conftantinoplc, Ujfjtf^bottjBmbcare fijt naim of the , s«»sytM>- fixth Councell: ' t^fo2nier,bnoer Ctnpcrotfi" Conftan^ ■ nu- tine tfjcfourt^, about tl^epcaw ofChjttt fire ^nnojcD onDoglp 1 canonespi'. fiej »ffje lafet, tjuticr^ fonHO lultioian, toiuaiise a ttfirtto fo2«ier teas alTcmbUo againtt tfje ^efie of t^ Monothelites:tl)e Xoifljopsoft^ fijtft Ctjurc^as tooUao of t^ eatt lBerep2efcnt,an!j tifcv one confcnt did altonotmne Honorius. Jn thetetert^e met tljeiStl^opfi ofiijfi faft one? l|», tofjo nvtbe rules anuozbers of ecclefiafttcall otrdptoie, are theCanonst^t^u mention. SL^efe Canons boecntcine ffie funime of tlje oibtrtances oftbe (Sreefee Cljur^: ioljerein a IB ? & of Rome is grateo bpon, bott) fb; ^ ottjer pointes, anb is.'& ss- cljtcflg fo: ' ^ IDopes fupiemarie. Kift contiemneD Honorius in ttje time of Condancine, as pon Inoulo tjaue bs to imagin. 2C^ir nu^ ning bias onelp to ttjat the Canons, which are called the Canons of the fixth Counccll,were made by other Silhops in the time of luftinian, long after that Counccll,and there- fore are faldy fathered vpon that. Hart. iButis nB)t//onoriusconl>emne5 bp fljofe Canons, Inb^focucrmaDetljemf Rainoldes. i^etsitofasmuc^ as nameb inanp of t^em, lane onclp in tlje fit®: tnlf^re tt>ep lofjo nameo Ijtm, fjaue naruptco> Raindldes, SDbc firtb jjeneralt Couiicell batb b-JnblcD tbe (.caufc of tbe Monothehte herctikes in eigbtene adions, as -fbtp aretenncD,3ntl)e firft-aftion,tbe eight,anD tbe clcuentii: .tbeb^retibes allea[ge in tbeir otone Defenfe, that Pope Hono- ;rius taught as they doo, fljetwclfch, anD thirtentb, bis :: io^itingesare epamineo, bis berefie oifcouereo, bintfelfe con? 3 Dcmnt®, 291 OfthePopcs fupremacie. ^ , D^ncO, nnb curfrD. Jn t^clixtenth, leuententh,anD dgh- Honorio; tenth, tlje ftnfcnce to|)ttl) iucisgtucn agatnft fjhu, anD * ^8 iisretico curfc, arc rqjeafeQ often,agamc ano agatnc, luitlj acclamation anathema, cfJljcCounccL 2nfnnhc?outtjatttjccopicsoftbcapotteffam0 fogreatlpfo; tljeir na r.aSion.7. inDefenfeofimage-tD3.:(l^ip,,tl)i5&uentl)Dotbmalieno better ac^ aefinjt. Synod, jomtf ofHonorius, ksynodosoaa- ctcnwall Councell is co^iroptcD to, ua ConAanti' Rainoldes, But in tljc' eight general Councel there is rcher^ fe&afpach of AdrianthcBopejUjh'ebheh^WtcrcD in a coun# ■ cell affcntijleo bp hinifclfc, in that he affirmeth. th^t "Si- (hops of theeattdidcondemne Honocius with the confent of the Biihop of Rome, Hart. SDhe eight ii^norall Conncell is co;trupteD tea,. « in«piR.ad Rainoldes. But *" Leo ttjefeconD, tohotoas pope then gXsynoIfext'. the Hicth Counccll tuas enocD, Doth namdp conflnne th» point IniththcfetDDtDes: we accurfeHonorius,. who hath not lightned tmsApoftolike Church witlt Apoftolike dodrine, Ki^'i&ynmar- buc by wickcdtteaclierie hath kbofedto lubuerc die vndc- Ffrorogio, filed faith. Hart. SChatepiffle of Leo is cojmpteDt©. p Contra Ni- Rainoldes. But manp other leamcD both anD '^in' far ad ^ihaufois, ° Beda, ° Pfcllus, P Vmbcrtus,, *5 Bal^on^ SxtlTsynod. ■■ Marianus Scotus, Tnarafius,anD d)C * cafternc biihops,. r sep°s:ino!i^'^ pourotonsPoatificallofthcp:5)eslines, mafeer^ojtt cpi^ad Of K. Hart. ®aihat neeoeth this aDtn f 3t is all anftocr® bp " ^a* fp^rifica""n th«^ Robert in a inozD. jfo; either thefe autoes arc rojrupteo tk.reon.fecud. them felttrs,o;i thep hnre DeeeiueDbp the copies of the firth eenn* n.qiuEft.K Rainokies. Taping ofTulIy (3( &) ts berie true: * Hfc to is once gpnc beyond the boundcs of modcftie,muft The Pope hath bcge an heretike. 29; omffiont, luftily be impudent. ^ AibertusPighius,an3rcljpapift tin* tcnDing to p jouc(in l^is bofees of the holy princchood of the ^ ^ Church,)tt]iattnaUcaa&0offattbano rtltgumtb^ldopeis t^e foatrmne tuogc of alt Cb.2inhiand, to^t tbep are bonno to ^eare anofoloU):be£au(ett 1x100 bott)ougbt)ano berp bannge^ rona to attribate (b great a pctoer to one man^bnlea § man tocre facl^,a«migbtnotegemfaitlj, ^ tberefoje l^e toote bpon Ijim to b^tng in t^ia ooartnc tljat the praier of Ghrift for PetersfMth not ftf/(«fc,doth priuilegc the Pope from falling into any here- fie. 28ffbercupon,as in gcnerall benieo tlwt the Pope may be anhcrcrike, ^ fboug^aUDiuinesanDCanoniftcs(bpbWCOn* fetIion)graunt it:ro,to clenfe Honorius ttiereof in particnlar,^ Ibib ttiat the copies of the Hxth Councclbwhich made againft him,wcre corrupted.SDI^ bealing of Pighius InoO greatip mi0^ keb bp lemeb men of Ijia oton fibe, in to mnc^ ^ one oft{^ re* bPigh,«, .r*. pniuob f)im fo; it in a publike aftmblp ,f toitbt ^im to recant it. fic.in dJicrib. SD|»p alleagcb againtt ^n, t^at Honorius tr»as conbemn^) ami p^nounceb an ijeretihc bp tlno generall Councel£i,tbe 0rti), anb ' tbe tfeuentbtim^of t^e aatbo;itie ougbt to be bblb as Ihcreb.Bnt Pighius load (b farrefrom being moueb tfjeretbitb.tbat fre lu^ no a netotrcatire^tn(lt|)ofetU)oCounccIo,affirming tfjemto fintparengra-. be cojrupteb:anb in beat irfjealefojtbe popes quarell be calleb gcrn«n™Ar' tbe (trtbCouncell * a moft curfcd Councell.l^erc tbe Cbnncels ^ eniPighiiDi- catfe anb perilltbat teas like tofallonall autonrs, iffucfj bet''rt^ccra.- beabs mi^t make fucb befperate anftDereSjbtb thrre bp t^e fpi* aum concilium, rife of ^ fraucifcus Torrcnfisfoto^teagainftPighius:tobom iplti^oaM jtebatbconfutebjanbn^ouebtbatHonorius was in deede an fynodo. heretike,eondcmnedby theCounccll iuftly. ^itbtbe iobteb time ^ougb ' Hofius a CarbinaU , anb * Onuphfius a fAnnotinPla- ifrper,men of barb fojebeabs,bane t^en Pighius partipct nei-^-Honor. ^er baue tbcp ttrengtbncb tbe reatbns of Pighius,^akcn in pa* fiefciaci.fr ces bp Torrenfisjanb otber ofponr IPottom mo?e ingenuous anb propugn»cai<» Cbunbjnaniclp s loucrius,Canus,»Andradius, anb '' Al- hLocor.Ario fonfus a Caftro,baue tbclxjcb tbeir miO&c of Pighius anb.Ho- g'cor.i.s.c.s. noriusbotb.^ea,ourconntrunan ' Harding, tobotoeulb not VlwJnfu.''' . grauntfomucb ofanp otber ^opgjpct graunteb of Honorius, k Ucini.harret. ^at he may be iuftly burdened with hcrefie,and fell in dcede "r- into it.ioutnotD,beboIb,anetDe gamffcr,a3efuit,ifatberRo- Ijnljtsf Dctec- bcrtr,bofbrctt}pontbcmatferfrelb>anbteacbetb inbia folcmne 2CI lectures icrfuresatRome,tljat ' it is true,the Pope maybe an here- Lrwi/um' tike: marrv »it is probable,and godly to be thought, that s Probabiiecn. he cauHot bc au Iierctike.^ fttaunge rEfoIutioH, anofittcfoja »e({h«dcim'" 3efmt.|?rt to Ijoto probable can mahc tljaC fccmctoljicb cSc n*n po(rc. confi^ctl) tobe falfc>b^ tiolomg t^e contral to ttjcrof to be true: be faitl) fometobat fo^ eucrp oito oftbofc l^opeo tijat are cbargen totti; b^rcfte;anb to? pope Honorius be Dealctb mo?c trapuocnt- tben Pighius bimfelfe-ifo? b^^ toucl^b not tbe creoit of the iixthjO? fcuenth CounceUjOnelp;hatalttbat comcfn bis toap; Councels,Popes,Gr£ekes,jLatinSjHiftorians,'Z?iuines,citber fbep are cojrnp teb,o? abufeotp cotruptton.Mell map tbe opmi^ on,iD?flicb^at^r Robert faitb to?,be probable f falfe botb-Bnt tbto of Honorius,bp tobtobb^^pontb confirme it, to ('Ont of att boubt)tbotijg^faire,pct not probable* Hart. 3t to pjobable enougb>a^ Robert fwnoto^ It. ^o?fltreamenntap becoiiYnptebao^^fUpao tbe tottnto^ , o? tabc infection at leaS frinn ^toutttacine being coirnptoA. tbe fonntaine ao it toere^tobence tbe reS bane o?alinte tt> to the fixthCounccll,0nobetoitbjtbat tberettjc name of Honorius lna0tb?uitinainonglttbenameg0fotb^b^^fi^) bpntalttt«! oujsmen,ofrpitoagaii^tbep(^. @^ereofbeeb?ingetb ttob p:(Dfe0,i^ne,tbat Anailatius tbitneiietbtt tobane beneTs^ 'outof Theophanes.0n otber,tbaf tbe d&r^es aoucntrtreij fometimctf coSwSL'f. focojrupt bei^:a0 " f^fame CounccU balaare^ bp (belt p)a(tif0S* » Rainoldes* JCbe CoUncell Declaretoi' tbat fbete feere roms coptoe of a former Councelijtbat bab bene co?rupteb bp berettoee among tbe (!^rcebes.0i5ut,ad euill Dealing Dotb Itill leaue Ueppeft • Aft.;. bebinD it,tolKrcbp it map be traceD out. ® tbeir co?Hiption toa« & U DtftonereD botb bp circumUancee of tbe t^ing^ano bp tbe maner of inciting,anD bp conference toitbotber cqitos- ^otointbeto places of t^ iixth Councell intobicb //onorius totoucbeD: pon can (beto no token of anp fucb fufpicton^ipiap * tbe tokens all are clecre to tbe contrarie: euen ^ tobicb pou alle^ of thcGreckes conuidcd to haue corrupted bookes.ifo? if tbep baO cojmp* tcofo mncb of tbe Councell in fomanp places nt to tjerp likclp tbat fbep InoulD baue alfo cozrupteD tboto places, toberein tbep are noteD ano DiftreDiteD to? (ucb co?ruptions.^eitber Dotb A na- llafiusrcpozt outofTheophanesjtbattbedf^reekcsoio fo.per^ The Pope hath beenean hererike, 295 Dmifiow Robert Dia o^camc out of Onuphrius, tijat Ijee fjaa Ciiirfo.i5at,aU^ug'^ Onuphrius fajmo^ze tntljat point t^en trutl>Qi5affo^D:^tii0faitf) nott^t;3£ffo? Anaftafius: j^cis fo farre from raping it,tl)atf)csaincfasot^ if ratljer.ifo;, p in l;is „ ri,T,r ttojie cfttje popes liuess,^ fettetti Honorius tiofenc among® ^tUeci/inYic/' f^c^eret&eBtuIjo iBereconoemneDbp tijcfirf^CouncelL SDlje Leom. famcisconSmieo in an 0 toe copieof t^c (cuent^ ConnccU, tobtciJbrtranflateDoatofC5rc^e,ana left it in tlje popes lib.m* &ecaH.fyi«>d*, ne.^nD at f|>e eigfjtCouncell Ije toas Ijim felfe pjefcnt, antj put ifinfoiLatinmottoiligentipanofaifljfuUp : t^erea popeoot^ toitneffieit.Cobelbo^tjTorrenfis abOet^ mo?eouer tcuibws AnaftafiiuSjttjaf if ^at) futpetteb t^e vCreebcs fo ^laue co?rt^D anpoff^ places concerning tfjismattenljeetooato fjaue ginen ti)arning(no Donbt)of it aUb,as ^e Ijat^j bone of ofl^er.Mllietfbae, tijougbillbifpoiebmenamongtt t^ C!5reebes cojrupteb bcobes ,seriptu>«ft fometimestpettbeconfentofcopies, cbiefelp offlje Jlatin * kic eodcxtm- Injiten ibojtlp after tfje time of tbe Councell f lain b]^ at Kome, tbecobhience oftirfn^ittj^ agreement of autonrs, anbttrcum# condiusinpi- 0ancesoftbctto,nejbfflmafeettberpt)ril&0lp tbaf tljcp Dealt fo Inifg tbeOrtb Councell in tbe matter of Honorius.^ttoere pi« conciiior.T«>n, tie tljat all eutoences of men Ibouto be bittrufteb , becaufetljere » arefomeembencesfalfifiebbpetiiUmen. IBut ifatber Robert ' Dealetlj>a« Alexander ^ greatttobOjtobert |ir cbuto not bnboo tfje knot of Gordius-jbto cutte it a tonber tiJitlj bis ftoo Jb, Hart, ^our knot ofHonorius(3|toiire)is not fo barb ,but tbat be migbt bnboo it toitbout ttfis Itoo^bt ahb be botb fo.ifo j m BeUanni«» ^(betoefbYtbattbecpiftlwofHonoriusftj-Scrguis^ onln^'cb ibe firtbCourtfcell abinbgcDbtm an beretthe , are botb tiHWp to?ttcn,anb ' (bnnb,toitbout errour. SKlberefo^ie tbougb toe I Nullum con- Iboutoegraunt tbat becbab fentcncegtuenagainftb"n%tbfi Counccll:itfolotoefb not tbereof, tbat ijetoas anberetikc.Cbep migbt conbemne bini bttiuftlp, Rainoldes, Sake be^e.^ontocre better letfbe knot a- lone,fbcnDnbooiffo.SbtsmebictnetoiUboni05e barme, tljcH tbcbifeafe.^nbeebeagreat ' Carbtnall, on tobompourclic r Turrecrcmat. mucb a tooutoplapfattanbloofetoitbitinrucb fojt bpon tbtiSTe"'* ^oecbofpopeAdriamtobofei^tbatHonoriuswaycurfed by ' the Bifliops of the Eaft alter his death, becaufc he was accu- cnfcd ofnercfic. jfo? b5rt«pflttb^satberetb,tbat Honorius • S 4 toas '*o/< Riuifion *. iyO OftTic Popes fupremacie. loa^ not an l^retitie lu^tU t)e !tuct>, no; cnrfeD ttje pope, o; s Alloqnut.t. X5t^op£i oft^etoett Butitfololoetb ffraigf^ttn ' t^ fpsc^ of ptpx Adrian i Adrian, (toljtct) ti)t CarOinall cut off,) tljat vnkffc the Pope had «om*no,\cfta confcntcd to it, the Biflrops of the eaft would not haue con- in synoy^in«. ' confei&D it to be Honorius bto oUme: anobe confeffeD it tben, tob^n tbe fccrctane of Honorius, tobo to;otc it toitb bis otone co^Sp'- bsnD, toao aline, of goD account, anD bare bPttneffe of it. •cooa.1 j. ' later app;oneD to tbe Cpimcel,ae tbe fb;mer: tbougb tbep The Pope hath bcenc an herctike. 297 ftail>eleCPenbouttt,a5neei)tngIcaistnquiri?, iobcnfie toas noto alrcatie caff, I5ut it liatlj aW p^efumption? fo? it, fo probable, t^tnot asmncbafi " PighiuscoulDfufpertifjtbougbb^furtJcc# sSl'.nS tcbtbe ottjer, ^citljsr ba31 tfjinke t^at &tl)cr Robert ttjougljt tbcminbsDctobccountcrftitcb. 25iita«amantbat iainbauni* ger of baobming botb fnatcb at cncr? bulraQ to faitc ^ life, if it map be: foi)c, feingtbc pope inaoefubiert to tj^efie bp tlje ' fittbgencraUCounceUjbotbcatcbateueriefanQe, tob^rebp bb batbfometjopetobclpbbu"* SLlitefan0cofPighiusia, tlwtt^ CouiTccll bib not conbcmneHonorius: tfjc copieoofitarecoj# rtipteb, '' Andradiuscbccbcttjtbat, anbfaitbbbtoasconbent#!^ Meb: bat tljc Councell erreb in conbemning l)im,aa iubging bi^i to crrc, tolio bib not, ' Torrenfis barietb from tljcm bo^, anb <= Defext. Tcpt. cometbin Uiitbafiner quiitc:to toj®te,tbat pope Honorius bib 8£o^«.^ynoAr confent toittj bcretibcs,bnt,aj5 a piiuate man; anb not,as pope, ^is ^ Canus,anb Alfonfus, anb Harding reff bpon,^anb a jnattvuf. ' Genebrard after tljem: tobo abbetb pet toitball (foj feare of 'i""* tbeb^ft) tbat^ bbreticali epifflesof Honoiius tuere cotm* e Chvonogr. terfeiteb per^ps. :au tbefe ^b ifatbw Robert, anb fiittetb bp anb boUme, to tbis, to tbat,amibff t^: at tbe laff, as one batfe gone anb paff fenff, be lapetb bolt» en tbe toc^cft, euen on ^ bttlrttfb ofPigbius. : ;^obD, if ^t of Pighius be fo inconue^ nient, tbat fo;ce of tmtb botb bnne ba^ from it: pon muff retire alfo from tbat, as inconucnient, tobereof it botb fo«= loto. is tbe falfe principle, ff^berein pon iopne teitb bUn, anb ^ ^tt^reonbotbreafim^: Chrid praycdforthe Pope, f Pigiiimpr#- in that he prayed for Petn-j his faith not /« faite r therefore the i" t'ae de^ Pope cannot erre, The Pope cannot crrc: therefore Pope aaisfcx(.&re{>t,- Honorius was not an herctike. Honorius was not an herctike: therefore the fixth general! Councell did not con- dcmnc him, ifo? tbe conctaOon hereof, being falfe, botb argue a faUbob in tbat tobicb bo^ inferre it, ^bat ts tbe ffrff p^opolh' tiom tDbirbPbumnffamenb,anbrea(bntbusoftbe oontrarie, %\& Cptb generall Councell bib conbemne Honorius: therefore bcinas anberctihe♦ ^ope Honorius toas an beretifee: tbere* fij^e tbe ^ope map erre. SCbe pope map erre: ChriU tl^refoje prayed not fo? tbe Pcpc, in tbat be prayed for P6ter, |f 0? bab be prayed fio? tbe pope, ^en faith of pope Honorius bait cot failed* 3t5at bt^ iaitb failed. Cb?iff tberefb?e prayed % i • 09t • lii CJiap.^. Dkir.i. U! l9 w il, Mi .flP :i ■ ' !l ifl I i -vi;, i i Ifl i.:M ■iliifiw m i i: The third Diuifion. t Errorem etTe liuplicemialteru perfonalem,3l- terum iudicialf. MclchiorCa- nus locorum Theolog.lib. tf. cip.8. a Rhc- miRs crpOlUlO on ofCanuitui ttjetr Annatat. •n Luk.tJ.ji. 298 Of the Popes (iipremacie. notfoj?jun» Hart, ^oud^allnot tmljeimeljoiDtorealbiT. X^SttU p^opoSittoiiofPighius tsgcDD, tt^ough aomtttet) t|;a£ ^ concUiiian isfalijtte. ifoi learneo CatijoltKes, albrtt ttjeg graunfc fijat /;/onoi ius teas anhcrettke anb conbonncD b? tt)gfiictl)gencraU Counccll: fjolb ttJat Chrift prayed fo^ tJp |[)ope,ano ttjerefojc tlje^Bope cannot orrc; but ijoto? oto not rcfpect S. Peters perfon) but office, tutjen p>apebfo^t}un t^t his faith mould not failc: fo; it boas to ^fis enb, tljat he being conuerted might ftrengthen and con- hrme his brethren. ^ becaufe tbe C{iurc^,fo;i Intiole faite t|)atp.»uilege boas giuen hnto Peter, (houlo neeoe to be ffrengtb« neb aftertoarbe no lelle tpen in bis time: therefore boas it giueti to bini,not as to bim alone fo:r bitnfclfe,but as fo: bis fticceffours in tbe Cburcb Qf.H.ome tis. ^0, tbo Pope is p;iui!egeb from falling into errourbstbepzerogatiue of bio office, tb.»)ugb tbo o^binance of C'b^: tbat booulo baue all Bilbops anb paffoicr of tbe boo^lo to bepcnb on bint fo; tbdr confirmation in faitb anb ecclefiafficall regiment. Mbereofitenfuetbtbatbe cannot erre mrerpcctofi)isoffice, altbougbin refpectofbisperfonbe mapt o^(to fpeabe it after ^e pbjafe of tbe' Schoolemen)be map erre perfonallp, but not iubidallp. ifo: crrour is tboofolb: perfok nall,anb iubictall- C^rrour perfonall,is tbe piiuate errour of matt: iubiciall,tbepublihe» 3|nto publific errours popes can- not fall: tijcp map into piinatc. 3|.meane, ^ t^ep map erre in perron,bnberffanbing, piiuate boctrine,02 toiitmges: but tbep cannot no; (ball noteuer iubictaUp conclubeo;giue befinitius^ fentence (o^faKbcobo; b^tefie agatnlf tbe Catbolifiefaitb-) tni tbeir Ci?nfafo;ies,Courfes,Councels, bccrees,beliberattons, o;' confultationshept fo;beci(tonanb beteniiinaiion of fucb con;:' trouerfiesjbputes, 0; queffions offaitbas(baibe.p;opofebt)nt6 tbem: becaufe Cbjiffcs pjapcr attb pjoimfc pjiofeetctb fb6^t> therein fo; confinnation of tbeir bietbicn. ^no bereupflh boa fap tbe pope map erre, as ap;iuatc man. but not as pope. 5Jdbud),altbongbpoH call it a quirkc,anb fanfie,vetbafbitpttb f toeigbt. ^0jCPope]bQtb note tbe office: [a priuatcman^tbe perfon.^nb anp man ofXenfemap fa tbe bifference bctbeenc t^ perfoit anb tbe office,as boell in boctrinc,as life.Iiberius in per- fecution migbt peelb,Marcellinu$ fo; feare migbt commit ibola^ trie, t Hii -i The Pope may erre, as Pope. ipp dm;!' trie, Hcnorius mtgljt fall to !}0refic,an8 mo?$ tljen all t!)is,fomc I udas mlgtjt crape into t!)e office: ana pet all tljis toitljout p;c^ tuaicecfll)eofficcanafeatc,inwhich (faittjS. s Augultine])our g Epia.itf«.in Lord hath fet the dodrine of truth. ^ Caiphas bp pjiuilegc h"J;h, 11.50 Bf l;io office p?opl)ctieo rigtjt ofbut accojtnng to Ijis olortc * '. faitb bnotoleoge, fencto not Chtnpatt. HiSut Dot^it agree (ttjinke rou} in ttjat part, in tn^ic^ it mu(t to Cerue pttr turner Hart, 'mfyit cL$ ^ if0^ it io to^iten in tije ^olp gorpcU, t^at h Blotoeo conrnlteo in a Councel lo^at to Oco tottf) Cii^ili, ""**• iD^tbcr to let let him alone, o^appiOjijonDl)im: Caiphas^bc- ing the high Prieft of that ycarc, iiude tothcni, you know nothing,neither doyouconfider,that it is expedient for vs, that one man dye for the people, and the whole nation pe- riflinot. Andthishefaiae notof himfclfe: but being the hie prieft of that yeare, heprophecicd that Icfus ihould die for the nation, Rainoldes. But it u tti;tten alfo in t^c |)0l? CSofpell, ti)at inanottjerCouncellano conftiltationof ^etoeo, Inlierein t|)epfougt)thniulitI)?toronDemne the iuft;, to^n lefus being afeeo tobctfjer he were Chrift, the fon ne of God, confefifeb l)ini ( iu.u.(s. frtfcto be fo: Caiphas, ^ the hyc prieft, faide, hee hath blaC- phemed: what necde we witneftes any furthers behold,now you haue heard his blafphemie, Maot^iia fpsclie of Cair phas,a pjopl)ecie,o? an erronr; Hart. !i®b^tififtoereanerrour? Rainoldes. ^^oto fee pen not tbon tbaf Caiphas bianot pro- phecicbypriuilcgeofhisoffice? jfoj fo|)CflboulD fjaue p;wbeo of trutb once,in a fenre> not Inljicl! be meant, (fo; bo meant li)ick^lp)but tobieb W fpacbe palbeb t tbere toas a ioDJbe of Cob in it. ?E(iIbo>bauing fent biofonne,a fautour to tbe 3ietoe0,as be ftirreb « MKti.i. tbem bp to hnoU) bim,anb recetue bim,bp Angels,b^j wonders, o ''H voyces from beauen,bp "" wife men from tbe caft, " a pro- phctiffein tb^temple, ° John-Baptift in tbe bulbernes, bp ®®'-mcn,women>childre,aU fojtes of porfonOjpea bp p diuels tbem oangeiiits, feluco t fo \fz iitaDe tbe hye Prieft to beare iuitneiTc of btm, bp gO uing out an Ciacle bnber boutfull toojbeo, to make tbe 3|eUiea mo je bnercufable, tbaf bp bio olnne moutb tbe naugbtie feruanf migbt be iubgeb. JMberefoje not tbe ojbinarie pjiuilegc of of« flfe,buf an eptrao jbinarie moti on of Cob,bib guioe tbe tongue of Caiphas The high Pricft fubicd: to errour in office. 301 Dinifion i» CaiphastoprophccieofChrilhas ? he opened the mouth p of the affe of Balaam,fo rgp,ioue matttcr. ;anfl pou, tnlifl iDoulo gather an o;t)tnanc puutlrge of the ^^opeo offtce bp crtrao^oiaarte prophecying ofCaiphasttnomabca lihercafon, as if pctr (houlo csnclube that {> ^dopco ho;irc can Qieahe. becaufe tfjat Balaams afle Dio.j^ap,pou might tonclube this on greater reafon.ifoj'Salaams attc fpakc thnft:Caiphas prophecied but once. Hart, ^our(mhlitui}etpo&ton0.3[ morneU Inhp pou bfe fueh. Rainoldes, iBecaufc pouTTca&n is^furi>:f 3 tuouftr faine hauepotffeett Hart. Abfurdfl^e thatthonfocall it abfurd in our fcha>lejj| fooulD be thought him felfeabfurD, ifo;t,it to grounbeb btK>na proportion bcttoi)rt the htc ^?teft,ano the pope; the Chureh of the 3etDes,an3 of the Ch^iitf tano. Rainoldes. SChenbpareafion of prop^on (belthe) the popeconbemnethChuft,aoCaiphas tub ^ ono beeeth Ch:t(H- ans,ao 1 Annas, ^00 pou ailotoe hereof in pour fchootoj altof Hart, ^et agatnefj fee pou toill neucr Icauc thefe. obiooo; wmpartfonsXho popc,to Gaiphas,anb Annas.^ Rainoldes. ^ou are a (trannge raantbo^ go about to p^oue bp the erample of Caiphas,fhat the pope can not erre in offtee^ ano are angrie lotth meJo; touching the boe^nes of pour rea^- fen therein. Hm. ®5Jel. * 3 graunt thafCaiphas hab notthot pRuilege. ♦ Staler, prtiw*.. ifoj it tuaonot pjomifebto the hie pjiefico of the 3ctoi(h ChurchTbut till conmtingofCh^il^^attuhich tiute the pheto fhelu^ that it (houlb faile th^.jf 0; leremie fai^ thereof: ' In that day the heart of the king Ihal! perifli,and the heart of thcPrinces and thcPrieftes dial beaftonilliedi^nO Ezekiel,, tnoje plainelp: ^ The law fliall perifh from the Prieft, & coun- fell from the Elders.55ut,till t^ttimethep hab it,ano bib teach the truth arrowing tothelatUaanb boere to be obeieb in all things RainoWfcs. peafS^hat fap pcuthcn ofVrias,toho tbas hie pjieft tmber Sing Achazs^^pe hunbjeb peares before Ch;iift # seafeb to (^i&e on the altar of (lDoo>appointeb bp the labo: anb, haninsi. lo] Of the Popes fupremacic, f j.King.is.is. t tjauingmatJcancUJoneliUetot^ealfarofDamafcus, fa- £n£tccDbpantt.i^t)erebi?i)CDefil0O t^imfelfeand tlje lano toiti) nbcUton againft t|ie ilo;o. Hart. 3 fa? t^at Vrias DID crrc in boing fe.lBut toe ma? re^ fute tifiB reafon of?o«r0b? Den?tngtl)at Vrias did fucceDeAaron, nno toas of tljc tnbe ofLeui, u Hofiuscontr. Rainoldes. 3n DatDe" a CarDtnall anftocreftj fi[iaf ?ou Brent may refute it fo in one word. Andthat is fhewed plainclyc enough (as tje iaitt) ) bythofewordcs of fcripturewhicharc xi.King.i3.ji. of leroboam; * Hentitde Chapels in hfe places^and Prtefies if the loVtse/t oft he people^howere not of the fonnes of LeuuWvA refutation is asfitte againttour reatbn of Vriasjas if a ma i^oulD fa? tljat Biil^ops in (SnglanD are not pjoteftants, becaufe tlje 515ii^psof ifraurtcearc |aapiS:cs.ifo2,ttieTr<(/?«, toljitb toro- boam maDe of the le'^ef of the people not of the fonnes of LeHtftXMXZ int^ekingDome of/frael, at BethelanD Dan : anD Vrias toas p^ieft in t^e temple at i erufalcm,in t^e kingDome of luda.SDtie ft)ingisapparantb? >' ti^eber? courfcanDtertof tljefcripture. i^King.ii"?. tl)e?,to^atocalo fauel[)e^?ieft|»ooDmoft glaDl?from^ f Kiy"?6' full fltaine, ;gree t^at he was hie Prieft,the fucceflbur of y-Tljt^etDrflftn Aaton. iS.-JerOIaairu- Hart. 3Lef it be aDmitteD tl^at toas fc.SC^e ffaine of Ijis ment'in^Re". fault(siwtfbfonl? as?oumstfieitjffojtopatDiDIjecls, butttjat itf.Niccphor. to^el) toe reaoe pope Marceilin^' to fjauc Doncf i''4Sljo,in tl)e Ijo?* cap.rGe«-^""' perferution ofCtjuitians bnoar Maxifnian ano Diocletian, brarHchro- 'tocU tiTccnfc foifcafc,anD offctcD it to ^Dols.VriasDiD tfaufgreffe t'^on'ias'tieiep I'lto sf©oDjitot to:lfaU?,buttl}tougp tljefnuUie of tpe flelb: Hebriorum i30toff)isDton^ccoia,butb?tbei«ng^cotmnau!ioeinent.5fe4Jjcr- iib.j.e.3. fQ fafDer ef feare,tt)eh of rafljncs o; ignorance, tijat tjee •offi^nDtD. , . a Mat.i<;.7o. Rainoldofr. ^0 DiDit ^ in Peter,tl>iL lie deubd Chritt,3iiD m.5? ?outbercfojett;?-,t^ Peter toas piimifgtDiiot to Denic Ct):iflf3inHrHiSlt[)at?cufcclciiottbe0i"olRnts of ?our Dea# iing.^outa? fbatliie'li3;CTftesarep^milegcD b? tlieir office to • perfe'uerc in true boctrinc.^t is ftjetoeDjtbat tl)2?fall to manifrft 3Dolr.trie.|^ou graunt tlie? do fo:but tljc? oo to to j feare, ?c-u fa?. ^^®l}creist!jep?iuil2ge tljcn?if03 (Sod, totolicm fo cuirljE 0t' uetb «n? benefit as it toerc b? p jtui;lege:|>ee giuett) tlitm a p^i* •mlcge toitiiall of fpetiall fauour to free tiiem from ttje iettes ^at migpt The high Prieftjfiibiecfl to errd'Ur in office. b i.King.20. vei'.J* c ver.tf. dver.y* wtg^tOfcbarret^ciH rftljc benefit ^ Ezckias lna3 fidJC of a peftiientbifdtife,b3ycrecfl)el^culDljauetitc5. CPoD did addc fifteeneyeares £0^10 Iff. foobe atoap l[)ts! ficUcncs, t^pt i)t mig^t Eirio^ it.S,« Pau!c teas in Daungcr fo be loft tofib ^ ver.i^. Au.>adtc,anD alltbe reft lu^o fatlcb toftb tjtin. ^ tobim,tn|^o tmotoetbtbemnot. S^beb)bicbtbatlneemaprccetue,tbat to, learne,(!5obbatbsiueubotmorenreo;tbebcaring,anb tbe Cgbt* Wlee bearetDo^bes : Inc fi» b^bee. :2Dbe miniitcre ofCbnlt, tobbtw be ba^ ojbeineb to teach tbe totfebomc of bib jf^itbetj fbet»aptolifcefcrnall,oagbttotcachbpbotb:tbat men mape be ebtSeb bp tbeir tooib^ii^bieb tbep beare; anb bp ir betbeo, i» Tirn^n. tbep fa. CbercfoicS.Paule requiretb in " Timothee, in ° Titus,anbin p aUBi(bop£i,fbatbotbtbeirlifebegoob,anb Tit. i.y. tbeir bodrtne founb. ^nb bun felfe bab ranno tlfiss race lb be^ fo,:e tbenT,tbat,Uiben be crbojtcb tbe Philippians to do whatfo- euer things are true,honeft,iutt,pure, worthy louc , and of good report: bee toaa able to fap,fbaf bp bib ptcacbing anb It? pha jr wingtbepbablcarnebtbc.m; which thinges you haue heard andyouhauefeeneinme,^ca,itiefofo;cib!ctotcacbbpltaing ri«»a.Apofto. toeil:^ Chryfofl;om(commenbing5.Paul in^ point)p.jeferrctb lor.Jiom.jo. itbefo?efbeotber.Itisvcryeafie(raitbbe)eotfach by wordes. Teach me by thy life. This is the beft teaching. For wordes doo The Pope iubiedttoerrour in office. 205 doo not fo ftickc vnto the minde , as workcs • And if thy worke be not good, thou (halt notonely not profit,but alfo hurt more by Ipcaking, and it were better to hold thy peace. Why ? Bccaufe thou fljevdt me the worke fo, as if it could not be done, Forlthinkc with my lelfc, ifthou who fpea- keftlo great things, doolt them not: much mo ream! to be excufed,who fpeakc no fuch tiling. Therefore faith the Pro- phct,* vntQ the kicked man path (jod ^ Vchy tak^ than thee , pjy to declare my ordvtdnces ? Fortius is greater harme, when a man teacheth well in wordes,and fighteth againft it with his workes-i JCljtw Fou map fee that I5tfli)0pS6ffltca£ljbT! their lif?, not bp their pleaching onelp. iSCthercfoje, though Marcellin us the |0ope Din not teach idolatrie bp iDo;Mie:pet bp his fact he bib. > ;2lnb fo pour anftuere fallcth that he did commit,but not teach idolatrie. Hart, 3( graunt that he bib teach it after a fo?f: but not as The 3 meant, 3 i«eant he taught it not bp pjeaching. 3" that he fourth ff i eoulB not trre. ifoj ao 3 faibe before, that the ^ope in rcfpect . _ , ofhisperfonmapcrre, notinrefpect ofhisofFicc: fo 3fapfar!! uinon. ther, that his office p;iuilegeth him in his fapings, not in his 00^ ; ings, ' The Scribes and the Pharifcs ( fai^ cur ^auiour»Matt.ij.1. Chiill) doo fit vpon the chaire of Mofes. All thinges there- fore,whatfoeuer they (hail fay vnto you,obferue yc,and doo ye. But according to their workcs doo ye not. For they fay and do not. Rainoldes. Mhatftuill pen alfcmabcobiouscomparifons cf Popes to Scribes anb Pharifcs i Hart. ^D, 3 touch pou note: anb thcrofojc pon luoulb inter# rupt me. 3n b^be that fcntence of Ch;iS both confounb pou: no tnarncU pcu are loth to heare it. ifor toerc the popes neucr fo ^ euill,eucnmonficrs,as ' Platina both callfome fetu of them, in BenediSFo. anb ^cp might be fo fo; their hues: pet thep incre not Uio;fe then theSmbesanbPharifes. Aophor.fn«. Rainoldes. ilbetaueme, but thep tocre. iSctoarc of Pope John, Hll the Scribes anb Pharifcs might catt their cappes at him. ^ctuasap^rUiremenSer. Hart, ^ou areener infermpting, fo put me from mp argu^ menf. Rainoldes. 3 cannot abibe,that pou (houlbbetract from the popes. Biuir4. ^opcs. iSav,^et fituc t^em tljttr Due. 3;t is a f£uU(tl,£5 fa? )to bel?etl)eDtucll« Hart. Jffijme oft^einloere too.iCttljcn Scribes auD Pha- rifes: m?argumentImlltjolDpet. jifo? (asD.. " Stanletoa or;n"n'^c 9°^' wotetljoutof * AuIUti,C^r»y?, when hefauleoffi? Scribes mcL xDeverWsDo- Fhnrtjes, Theyfit vponthechatre efMofes^ meant notthema- miriifcrm.49. lone,as though he fent Chriibans to the fchoole ofthe leuxs to Icarnc religion there : but by the name of Scrtbes and Ph*. r^/hefignifiedjtiiatccrtaine in his Church would lay and notdoo; andby theperfonof Mofis he iignified him felfe^ forA/o^f/wasa figure ol him, 3in lifee fojt S. ^ Chryfoftoia * InTohinnsm atiD ^ Origen eepeuno it tm. t^ecI)arget^t3st|)ercfo;e,to|>eare I'^TnileA. tui^D jijearijers, p?ofeffing (ISoD toit^ ttjeir UjojDcs, but Dcnp# hom.7. ing |)im in fl^r oaoes: All thinges ( faitb be)whacfoeuer tlicy (h^fay vAtoyou,obferueyeanddooye. ^oint^ecauftanD reafbn tfiereof it giuen in tbis,bccaufe they fit vpon the ehaire^ fieroa ijc"' * becaufet^epljototbe rcomeof Chrift, as Scribes anb Phari* ft, fes DtD of Mofes, jf o> (b ootb our ^autour reafim as it Ineret Si'jrarTfcdcm: They fit vpou thc chairejtherefote, that which they ifay muft I0C& Chrj- be obferued, and done. S.AuAin ;baiffiUng tno^oes * Epi"!".?# in ertellentl? notebit, Chrift((aitfj hath mjude his peo- inc. ' pie fecurc concerning wicked Prelates, tthat men Ihould not for their fakes forfake the chairc of wholefome dodrinc, in which euenthey who be wicked,are conftraioed to fpeakc good thinges. 0nD iuln? are t|ieg conttraineD ? F or (feitfi ^je) they be not their owne thinges, but the thinges of God, which they fpeake. ^no "W? tbts bcf -^ecaufe ((aifb bc)inthecA<«ff-rofvnitic,Godhathfetthc dodrine of truth; lino bp Inb^t tDo;iDes ^tbb^ f<'f if i o^toberef aooetb: Therefore ofPrelateSjwhodootheir owne euill thinges and b- Epifti^T'Oe fpeake the good thinges of God,he faith in the. gofpell, Dm veibisDomin. that theyfoj^bHt doo not that they doo ^or they fay and doo nott%\lO& inioh.!jub!"e faitb AuIUn, 3|nfbefame fcnfe arc ibcfo too;Dcs crpouuDtD paltorib.cap.io. botbb? ^ Auftinbimrelfeagaine,anDb? ' Chryfoftome, anb c^inioffchom. i Otigetv: Inboftii'ojDcs Hpaflc cuttfoj b:euitt£sr^e» d:. in Execk Mbercfojc to conclubc, in ocfpitc of 'bercfifecs,' a fure bnDouteb rrSfifuccef- certaintteof Doctrine anD faitb is no IcCDe knit to fbe chairc of firtni Apoltoli- mcnt out of SDodo; Staplcton, if ^ou toill giue me Icauo io tttip if. The Ser/^ej :)nd thewere to be in Allthinges which they faidf,heca.uk they file tn the chaire of A» ^ vo(A£j[i^ix, leb noto ^ Dodors of the law,nolo Lawicrs)bp buefie anb Df» CkiXACI. 0ce.2ISlijercupcn,tDl|CnHerodeOefirebto knoiu where Chrift , fliculd be borne: •"* he gathered togitlier all the chiefcPriefts ~vof/.iKcl, and Scribes of the people to Icarne it of tijcm. Sit is mott lihclp ttjcn>tiiaffl)epru£cdbcbAarontoo:asbiDt!)cirp;?b2ccfD3;Ezra " ^ theScribe,promptinthelawofMofes, ^ttpour ©OdO,H>Hxr.7.«r. ' Genebrardfaitl;,tl>"lt^/?e5ml>f/werelightly of the tribe of Simconiznd they with therh^n/a arc faidtobaue Jafew tke^'' who had thruft them felues into it being anptie,while the Prieftes abufing the riches of the Church Ui did I; ill Ch>p.7. Diuifion 4. mi 1- If . i'li: : IB; 0 i i ■> , I't i.i ^lo Of the "Popes fupremacic. 3 Cathedra! Moyfij/ucccf. (ioBiAaroaic* d IH1U.5.31. Sc6.i. c Kchem.8.2. i AA.i^.3t. g Mtt.iCij. Joh.1.2. h Luc. 4.10. i Mat. 5,1, Luc.y.j. k Luc. y. 17. ^ t \ iTTl TMJ MJ K0(. i mdlffee^» VSnccer5ioni adiunflafidfijt doSriniindu- Uuu ftnaitat* did forfake their ductie. Hait. 3Jf Genebrard,0J an v other Of cur SDotfo^ifi, a conceit of his otonc: is ttjaf to mcfj folotu ttje recctuco Cetu tenccoftf)eCf)urch>flk^t ttie Scribes anO Pharifes came into tlje chairc of Moles bt? fucceffion , anb not by mtruQon, ^ut DO ^cu,agr^tn0 Inith me in tt}io potnt,rcp;oue it in mt? ar^ gument< Rainoldes. 3 rep.ioueD if not.SDbe point tnljich 3 rcpzoneO, ioas that pou erpounOeD the UMjDeO offO; T heyfate m »the chatre cfMojes^thzt is,they did hicccedc Aaron.S'SSt)Rh etpoCb tion is erroncous,anD bene Dangerous to the truth : though th^ Danger oftt not fo apparant in it felfe,as in the confcquent.ifo^ it is the mother of a greater erro?. Harr. ^nD holn baculD i?on haue it erpoanD«3J,31 p.ia)?^ Rainoldes. 0cco;Ding to the U)o;D anD meaning of Chitff. The ScTtbes andthe Phartfes fit m the chatre of ofis :that is,they teach thelawofMofes.jfoj as MofeshimfclfereceiueD itof (^oD to teach tt the chilojen of Jfrael, anD he Dio Conn like fo^ ' the Pneiles anD Leuiccs after him toerc bfeD to reaDe it in the af# fembttcsofthepecple,anDtoerpounDit.2DothisenD their fpna# gogues toere built in euerp cttic,anD euerie^abbat Da? thep met there,aBitisto2itten, f Mofcsofoldetimehathin eucrie ci- tie them that preach him being read in the Synagogues euc* tie Sabbat day. ^ob) thep,bjl)0 DtD teach»tocre toont to teach iitcin g:tohich apyeereth bp our ^auiourserample s in the teim pie,'' mthcfpnagogues,' in ot^rplaces.OTlherfoie the Scribes anDPharires(ofl»homthcrcbjereIbmein euerie rowne of Galile,and lurie^and lerufalemjfo Difcharge this Duetie) are fatO fa haue * fate in the feat oi Moles (02 chaire,as foe terme it) fai5<« caufethepDiDtrachth^fimietDihi flMorcsDiDyCUcn the law of God deliuered to Mofcs» Hart. 2Lhc matter is not greafjtohsfl/or pcu crpcunD it thus o^astoeDffl. Rainoldes. ^C0.jfo2ttfolotiietl)cfpeurcrpolltfon fhatthe Scribes and Pharifes laid well in all things which they ra:d,be- caufe they did fucceedeAaron:anD ri2,fh<'-t' (uccersion(tohRh is the martic pcu flhoote at)hath certair.tie of dodrme and faith knit vnto it.isihereasthe right Uffon,ltihtch poulhoulD gather thencejiSythatthe^Gribesai^PharifesCiioboeUin all tbingcs tohich X 1 To fit in Moles chaire,is,to tcacli the hw. 311SJ; tDl^ic^ t'Otg fritD cut of ti)c u^ord ot G od:nnD fo G ods word 10 fimpiie true anD certaine but men D^bcmeD to tear^ it niuJl be ijearo no farther ti>en t'pcg agree ioitb iuano t^iio migbt ® • Sta- plcton l)aHe Icarneb cf t^ fame irattjcro lutjom (je citeD:but t^at Ije rattier rcaoetb tijem to mainetaine a factton,ttjcn to learne t^e trut^.ifo,: Audin DOt^ interpjct rhe chaitre^ not of fucce{Iion,but 1 ofwholfomedoftrine,inthe which thty fit , who fpta.kc the good things ofGod:|» *"we are willed to heare God fpea- king by them,when we are willed to do the things which they fay. m Tiaajtin for in fitting on Mofis chaire ,they teach the law of God:thcre- forcby them God doth teach.But if they would teach their pincfo qaawa ownethings,(fait^Auttin)hearcthem notjobey them not, Jj^oDotij" Chryfoftome etpounb it, Doo all things which ScribesandTharifisfayyeumufidoo-.iovthey preach not their owne things,but the things which God commaunded by oictreicici. Mofts-^oXiai^ ° Ongenappl^ it to them who teach the faith aright:iDit!)arpecialUlauft,t^atChriftians,if theyfec a prea- cherliueill^nd hauenotto charge him with teaching ill doflxine; they mull frame their liues according to his words not deedes.If they haue notto charge him with teaching ill doftrinetasif ^8 fljoulD (hp,ttiat tuljo fteucr teach ill doft rine, t|ep fit n ot in the chaire of Mofes. JLet tticm fucccbe Aaron wucrfo birettlptpotifthcirdodrinebeill,. tljop fit not in the chaire of Mofes. ICl^robp^oamapfatij&tDrcfcljto Ifate of t ar^ment of tuiiichroQ tnaoetbj^eathaunt.iFo2t^iitlfp:o>' poIition,that the Scribes and Pharifes were to be obetedina/l thinges which they f4id,hccti\ifc they fate in the chaire of bAefes,thzt ' is,they did lucceedeAaron:i0fculpco^rupt^ in tpc point of fuccemon. SClje feconbjthat the Topes do fit in Chriftes chaircjthat isjthey are fucceflors of the Apollles : is taintsD initl) tliofame canker thattlje firlLSDpe conclulion tI)crcroi8,that menj-nuft obey the Popes in all thingeswhich they fay ;-nn3 t|econfequcnt tperecfjf^tthcy cannoterrcin any thing,they fay :are chilbten like their parent0,a0 founo ao the piopofitiono of tohichtijep are begotten.ai^hcfilthmcs of all the tuhic^ P^t PGU la not:faeholi3 an othe* light to f® it b g.SDh^Scribcs,amon0tt the getDCOrtoercao the Canonifts are toith pou ; the Pharifes,a« thcSchoolemen:pour p Genebrardoothmatchthrmfo.!S)j, if pou like not ^iuDgement therein, beraufe Schoolemcn ano p ^ooe ti)en ]3^0. jfo; tl;cp,to^o ® inChriltes chairc,l;au5 grea» fer p:cn3gatiueti)ent^eplDi)ofate in ttje chairc of Mofes: Pricftes,tben Scribes ano Pharifes,2LtjeScribes anotl)C Phari- fcs tnere to be obcieo in all ttjingsto^icl) tlje^ faio P rieff cs muft bee tfjercfofc mucljmotecbcicD in all things . But if f()cp CboulD crre,t|)cn cug^ ti^cp not to be obeieo.2ni)crefo;e tlicp cannot erre in anp tl)ing t|cp fap.aicbnoliD'cDge pou tfje fojme of pour oUme argumentf ^otlj not tlje conclufion foloto as neccffa* rilp ^ere,afitljerer^no tljinbe peu (M.Hart)tl;at Pricftes cannot errcrsntjinScpoutbatpour fclfeareofttjis perfection i t^3t toa ougbt to obep,bott) pou, ano pour con4)antcut5, m all tbingeo iDbi^ pou fapri^.:} if pou ttiudte not fo fonblp of tbem,ro p;onQ« Ipafpourfclfc,a3(35lKJp®)pouDonot;tl)en leauc JDccto; Staple# cons erpoGtimjbobicb inferretl) it^ lutjicb b^patcbeti) tp toitb tb* iOOjOeS of Auftiti,Chryfoftomc,attO Origcn.ijob^eas not one Of tbemmeant it. ^eeloe ratber(if poube loeobeo ta jSDuto^ofponr oljone Soe)tmto tbeir autboiitieytbeutnbotn f Cbnrcb of Home batb none of greater ImololeogeanD perfiter nibgement fo;f rijg^ interpjetingof^ fcripturc&BI meanc,Iohni='eriis,f Arias Mon- tanus,0)f t»boin '' t^z one ^itb^tbat Chrift taught his difciplci to ah/erue and doo Vehat/eeHcr the Scnhes aud the Phari/ts cammim* did * by theprcfcript ofthelaw, thatis,outof the chairc af yiefesi r tbe Dtbcntbat he ebargcth vs to obey enil prelatcs,yct •svithall he addeth how farrc we muft obey them PDo ye (laith kc)allthit^s,r9hiehtheylhallJayvttteyeM:hnzhehzd told them EtHythey fitvyoatbechaire efMafis.Por Cbsift did not mcane, that they fhouldobferue all the decrees of but * fo facte forth,as they agreed with the law. According where# untOjwhenhe hadflicwedbcforealfo, that * they taHghtcen- i^O'wySw^/Kj/wrwtaftcreertaine things touched be# twccncjhe added, ^ Beware of the koMtitfthe Plmifes, In like ibtthcfaidcocheApoftlesand theitfuccellbttrs; ' Het that I Ar.Montan. E]ucidat.in MaiMj. * Expr.«rcript» Wgi^dd cR e:c #uthctIraMo(is. f lo.Feruj com- menc.ia'Mact. libi^ Ouatetws }e- p confoaarcDt. 0 M4t.l£.o. To fuccced;,is not to fit in Mofes chaire, 3 T3 ^ heareth yoUjbsareth tKe-,dnahethaitie(p^ethyoHj.de/ptfithmei and, y itjijall'tteeafierferthetAadofSodommtheilayef iuagementy then y Matt.10^ for them fVehojhatl not r ccctue yeu and hear e your Wcrdts. ^utMat- thew had fct downe before that Chrift chofe ^ whoia , verf.i, he ' called ^psftles-f&nd '' charged them to preach ihegofpellt a vcri.j. Whereby it appeereth that the cx^pc/^/muft be heard, but b fo farre lorth as they be ApoftUs, thatis,as they doc Chriftes worke,and preach and teach the thinges which Chrilt com- manded. But if they teach other thinges and contrarie ta Chriil ithen are they not Apofiles now, but feduccrs, and therefore not to be heard, ^ great Itgftf offrut^; Uiljtrii fojcctt) ciien t[)c acucrfarttf: not cnclp to percciue it, hut alfo to rtutaic it often, Icill it fo^ce pen t® j if pcu pane fo muc|^ Ijraco as Ferus ano Montanus haD» Hart. ^0 muc^ grate, ntt to fap, t^at if the tyfpoftks teach thinges contrarie to Chritt, they arc no tyfpoftles now, butleduccrs. SDo pou aUctu tpatfpac^ Of Ferus ? ^nDmig^t tpe syfpofiks be feduccrs i Rainoldes. Peter,an-<^p<7//fe,nit'gbtfaptntoC5;iff, (feljcit Ijt^earOlittti^^COffufFcringatlerufalcm,)' Maifter,pitic * thy relfe,this ihall not be ^nto thee. 0nO Cb^ilt tooulO not tbarefojcliautcallcD t)im ^ Satan, tjab^enot t^oagtjt bint a a T^rf.>». fcduccr, . . ' Hart. iBut Cbnft bib gine fbfm aftertnarbc ' the holy« - ghoft in greater abnnoance from heauen: inbnt be &nt tbem to p;cacb hnto all the Inodo. Rainoldes. IBut Ctjiiffbabtolbtbeml)cfi^e,tbaf ^it lliould be eaficrfoir Sodom and Gomorrha, then for the citie that f fhold not heare their wordes, f>tt Cb,jitt fHUtfelfe rcftiicb to Ijeare tljc wordes of Peter. ?S!2bercroje tbe erpcfitiojt of Ferus UigcDb,tbatCb?ifi meant tbofe wordes, tobicb bab toillia tlbem to preach, tbat is,thc gofpcll. iEcfibe tbat, Ferus fpea# tetb not onelp^of Apoftks, but alfo of their fucccflburs, ^ohr tbougbltbe Apoftles torre pjiuilegcb aftertnarbe bp tbe QieriaU grates of the holy ghoft to tcatbtbctrufl)in all tbingcs: pet JBilbcps, tobofucceeded them, banc nottbat piiuii^e, ^oir mutt renounce tberfoie tbat erroneous eepoCtiotDbicbfenittetb an alfured truth of faith and doftrine * tothe fuccefsionof 4 Succcdend— thcApoiilcs,a«bbiubetb tJS in all thinges to obey ^ them ApilkjMw V J who Dimf.4.' P4- Ofthe^Popes lupremacie. ten^Apoftiu- TuGceccie into the featc of the Apoftlcs, anc Ciittjtljaf ^ he cam. who futeth in the chairc of the ApolHes,doth fpenke not his ownethinges, butthethingesofGod. ifo,i our ^auiour meant,f^at tlie Scribes $ Phanfes oug|rt to be obeteo in al things tDhi£hth213taugl;tcutofthelaiin of ^oD: not, that thep coulo s succefsioni not ette in faith anb Doctrine, betaufc ' they didfuccccdc Aaron. Hart, 31 cannot conceiue, but that he meant to clare their boctrine frojn errour. if o.j his tnojoes of doing that which they fay,bccaufe they fit in the chaire of Mofcsjarc rather a loarrat fojthem,in aUthingcsiohichfh^?feach; then a reftraintfo^o# fhers,hoi»farrc thep muft obep them. Rainoldes. i^istoo?ties belong p^operlg to the inffmttion of hearers: that thepoefpife not the boctrine of dDoo fo^ the fautes of teachers, ^o arctjthep both ^ boarrant,anb a •reih'aint bp confequent.^ U)arrant,fo;: teachers to be obeieb in all things, Inhieh thep (halt lap out of the lato. Si refiraint/o^ hearers not to bcDthcfethingestohieh the teachers lap, iftheplhall teachai* gainlt the lain • Sis letters of crebence geuen bp ^B^inces bnto their embaO^urs, bco inarrant them,^ their ccmmUficn; re; ftraine theni, if thcp goebeponb it. .. fJzru ^uttj^commiOion here is generall fo^ aUthinges that conceme teachers, ifo? Ch.jill erpjeQp faith: oblerue y« 3Degmit»fiad anddooyc. i^oto, ' toeobfcruepcjintes of faith; toedoo fcruamus.Pra- ' precepts of maneis. Mherefo^e, lohatfocuer the Scribes anb Pharilcs taught cither offaith, o; maners; thep toere to be p* • Traditiones hcpebiitit. tvsainoJdes. SEhafibtcre ah;2ettepjC5firfoj pour * traditions peninem?.. OfbOtt) fCtteSj ifliti^b grOUUb tU-thC tcpt. 3!6»t [ tO obfcruc ] scff!!',anc.f dooiarobothtefTaTebbpChjiftto thefomc thiugcs: as * he (hetoeth bp comp^ifingthem firffinthe one toa:bc,(hen in the b zj-oitiTi. '^ther. A ll ,tbirrges whatfocuer they fay you mult ® obfcrue, ^ - •; obferug-yc, and dboyc: but after their workes doo not; for they fayjanddoo not. ^o it famethathatto fatten his lef« troitire, ofobcpingthe.commanbements of *]5oD, tohirh the Scribes a anb Pharifes taught out of Mofes, he boufalcth (as it toerc) his l&»fee,bpfapingtoth obferueye,anddooye,. Mhereinhe De«t.4.v.jf7. mighterpjcttb anbcall to their remembjance that tuhifh he both fOttroienbofMofcsituhoboubiethoft "J theCmieUjojbesin bro Doo all tliinges that they gtngoftrje fame Doctrine. £Lobel^o:ri ' t^cU)o;octo^cI)i?our erpofitionfojcet^topointesof faitl) : (TtjiUi tjmiiClfe apptpri|i ^'th^ho-oij ittDpieveptSofmaaers,kepcthecommandements. ^opi» rat iv7o\occ, tinei^ tlje timber DftoljKbtouficaiic pour faiUtes, Etjougbtf Maa.,,.,7. toc^OHlD tofee it all asberiefcGiice, anDgraunt tljat CbJift meant [ obferuingianD fdooing ]of bdtefe auD l»fe: pour pui-pofe iff not pjcucDt^crebp. jf oj Uil)£tt)cr pointes of faich» 0: precepts of iiianers: ^cteUiftt) Scribes anD Phariies to bee obi-pcD no fari^r, ti^en in inljat t^ep tcacljout of tpe chaire of Mofes. : Hart. Ctje too jbes of our hauteur are a great Deale larger. ^DU ftraitf ttjcm,3 bnoto not tioto. All things whatfoeuer they (hallfay vntoyou,obreraeye,anddooye : marbe,f;0 fnittjall thingcs. ^nD t)e taitl} ail thingcs, Dotlj ejccept notljing. ^oucrceptmanp. Rainoldes. Clje iboto tio commanD t|ic people of gfracU to repaire in caufcsofDiffiiuItie anD Doubt to the Prieftes anD to the iudge; and aske, and they ibali fliew thee the fentence otiudgenrent; and 5 thou ihaltobrcruc to doo according g Deut.17.1a, ynto allthat they iViall teach thee. SLbefetoolDeo [thou (halt obferueto doo according vnto all that they fliall teach t hee,] the Vetoes are accuftomcD to allcagccommcnlp, toijcntfjep De« fenD their fono traDitiono receiueD of their if athrre, ^nD Sc-, , lomoh, a Rabbin tohom thep nidbe great account off, Doth glofethcmtoiththi 'ttoie, Thou mult: not decline from that which they fltall tell thee, * no not though they fay that the * right hand is the left, and the left hand is the right, Simigh* tic fpii it of crrour, that hath befeitchcD thcfc men. ^But pcu anD pcui Church Dsn runne apace after them, perhaps pou thinhe poumapbeasboiDe fo; p:ur popes, as Rabbi Selomoh fo? their ^jielres. Hart, il^o fir. ifoj 3 grannf that Rabbi Selomoh fpcafeeth faaltlhlp . il© hit h iff plaine bp the plate it felfe tohcreon fe glo? fcth. ifoj »he C ripture faidj tl^re; thou nralt doo all that they fhall teach thee; according to the law,o; to * his law, as toe » luxtaregeur rcaDe it. to doo all that the Prieftes taught, ts not meant of thingcs bngoDlie 0; falfe, but onclp true anbccnfonanf tothelatoofCoD. Rainoldes, Cuen fo the rrnptuce faith h{« J The Scribes and and the Pharifes doo fit inthcchaireof Mofes; all thingcs therefore vhatfociier they fay you muft obfcrue, obferuc ye and doo ye. tijathecaltoutdiHelsby thePrince ofdiucls. q ihe'scribcs: ' ^bcpconocnnieotjimas guikieof death. ' faiDettjat TlTph"ife»' tl)ep had found him a man peruerting the nation , forbid- Matt.11.24.' ding to pay tribute to Carfar. SD^ep fclaunOerouQp arcufeb I the iuft: tbepDibblafptjcmc the God of glory J tljcp putfo beatlj the Lord of life. ' SCtjCp neither entred them felues in- ' Matt.ij.xi. to the kingdomcof heauen,nor fuffcred others to enter in. Hart. I graunt tl)at in t^je pcrfon ofChrill tljep Dib erre:but tijep bib not erre in etpounoing t^c Iain, if 0^ In^en tbep tnere bejnaunbcbwhere Chrift ftiouldbee borne, " t^epfaib, at« Matt.i.j. Sethleent in ludxa: anb thepfaio tncll. iBut bctaufe * tfio * l"" '" virgin Marie anb lofeph blnelt at Nazareth in Galile, bcfoje i)elnasbojnc,anb ^ tberefjeliuebtoitljtliemaftcr, info mnc!) I ^at he Inaacalleblcfus of Nazareth: thep thought hab 4m'.&V- bane bojnc there, not at "Sethlecm; anb lb fhep toerc betcineb, anb bib not hnoln him to be Chrift. Rainoldes. ^ct this is the fidjUance of tfjc Ino^b of fife: not that there flhalbe a Chrift, inhith the BSctoes beleeue till fljis baft butthatlefusof Nazareth, Inhom thcp crurificb, Inas that Chrift. S cribes anb the Pharifes faib, he Inas not. ^Jught the Vetoes herein to belccue, as thep fain i af pou thinbe that thep ought: no maruaiie if pou hoib, that tne mult bco as ^opes fap. afpouthinbc,thcpoughtnot: thenthc Scribes anb Pha- rifes bib erre in fome thingc that thep taught. Sis fb; that pou anflncre, they erred in Chriftes perfon, not in expounding the law: itisamarecauill. ifoj toe fpeabe in generall of the chaire of Mofes, that is, of his boctrine. 2Chep erreb in crpoun# bingthe bottrineof Mofes, inhen fhepbenpeb to Chrift the thingestohtchMofeswroteofhim. l^otobeitthatitis falfetco, thatthepcrrebnotinerponnbingthclato. ifojtohereas " the a Ro.7.ve.f.,i, law is holy anb ^ fpirituall,rcquiringperfitrighteoulhes 'not ^ mL'iTj,: onelp in the outtoarb anions of the bobte, but alfo in the intoarb peut«. affettious of the mmoe; the Scribes anb the Pharifes taug^ that ' ®- dSI' Qf the Popes iupremacie. tfjeaff^ctto.TisnotiMnfgrclTtonsftfjc lalo.fo ffjatamanrefrafnc from tl)z attton ofDcoing cuill. ^s,foj cyamplr, if to Caiae in aMat.j.vcr.ii. f^c lato,Thou (haltnotkill.comntauiiocmcnt ^ tticpf^* CD to ffjcaa ofmU';f})0r,anDglofeD tljuo bpoti if; \vhofocucr kii- leth (hall be culpable of iudgemenc: ao tjious!) it b.liDlcD 0«f e vcr '7. t)anD,anD not ttie Ijeart. 3in Ube fc;t ' tUt cppounDcD, Thou llult not commit aduIterie:ao if it tjjcrc enough to bapc the c^aft,tl)e foulc DefilcD loitt) bnclcanncs. 515ut our uiourtcacljet^tljrm anotljerlellon : tjjat.^otofocuer ttjcspje# ftcnD f antiquitie fo; t^eir glofco,pct Uj;iat^analicc,lutt,eucn t^c bcrp affationo ofmurtijcr ana aDultcric Dm b.ieabe tlje comman- Demento>anD not t^c outtnarD D^oco onclp. SLtje retf of tfjcir gTer.4). pcrucrfc crpofitiono 3 paCTc oucr, s %\)z l ift map fcruc foz all. Thou (halt lone thy neighbour , as thy felfe , fair^tfje lalD, •Heb.r;!?^ ®2!l|)crcin,t^e ino^Dc [ * neighbour]ootl)fignii1c,aspou tooulD lap,onethatisioynedtovs,aoallmcnavc,fomc mojc , iomc ftfaStoih l^fffe,butall inanaturallbonDof^umanitie. SLticbcrplig^tof fon;«e, ' nature Ijat^ taught tl)cljeat^cnofomuc^:toljo ' falo ttjat cer# tainedueties arc due from all men, each to other, through a Aefchinesin this coniundion of mankind,anD fo ' '^ue Ubctnife bfcD tifz of[ncighborslgcnerallp foj al other men;as it iomeant *^*ero'r.,°d The- w tl)is cominaunDcment, Thou diah louc thy neighbour. 15tif •aea.j.j. tl)c Scribes I Pharifes,tl)inbtngtt)lt[a neighbour] Doti^ ftgni* w 'o.io. 2frceBd,ti)l)o bearct^ bogoooboill, anotjiin loec oug^ to louctoiD thereupon gat^r aiiD glofe of tlje confrarie, And thou (halt hate thine cnimie. iuterpictation of t^c lain io fetoDranD fl^cUjetlj that tljep tocrc gt offeip blinoe in crpounDin^ it. ©aijerefozc our ,S>auiour rrpiouing their coiruptiono in this anD Other of their DoctrincOjDothfav to his DtfcipUo: ' Except yourrighteoufnesexceedethe rightcoufnes of the Scribes and Pharifes, yceftiall not enter into the kingdome ofhe- auen. Hart. i©U; hauteur might fpeabc 'thefc looiDcs of their Iiuc)E!,anDnotof£heii Dcctrin:s:bcamfcthcpU3efe toont to fap, anDnottoDoo.iasfcjthepointcs lohichl'ou fap irerc glcfeo of the Scribes auD PhariiesTome of the if athero tabe them to bde k inw«th»nm thc lalo of Mofcs it fcIfe,cojr£tteD,anD fupplicD,oj rather perfi# tCD bp Chrilt.&o Dotl; S. ^ Chryfoltome compare the one UJith jnopcreimpcr, QthcrjOSthcoldclawfs^thnew:anDluiththatthecoffl- maun- The Scribes & Pharifes taughtagainil: the law. 319 Dioif-4- mi\iridtn\CXitsoi iAoic^ tire €Ap,e .^reftainefrom murther and ad' butchecommaundemcI^tsof Chr'Ahard^rtfrainefrom iDcfemone mAthxAdlafi* ^0 ccf^ S.' Auftin fanic to Ijaue ^cog^t al- fo* isi.&ii. Rainoldes. SL^e^ tljcugljf f£),(3I graunf,)0CDD men, anD iDcUnu'amn0,abufe3lJ^t^£CfaftcftIje>cribcs ano Pharifes: luljOjto iBinnr tljfc people tljet cbp mo^e cafilp feirto tijeir cpu iiton0,E«3 bttcrtbcmutMofeslDiwDcs , tpougbii'itfj anotljcr ^ fenfc tljcn Mofes .H Sjt^at Urfjicl) *" Ijc meant of latufull othes, *" anDvowesj " tljepturneDttfotnlatoftiU: ° ofpunithmentbp nUiu^.u. publrfte iuogement;»' t^cp tumeb if to pjiuate reuengement^Buf" m« t^iiStbtftoftbetr0,(tDl)ut)<^l)?t(t bottibutallube bnto,aei noto^ nous,)oiDrarpS. Aullinatuap toittjfucljapjeiuoicettijat!». t!)ougI)ttI)ifialftitobetD;itenint^lalD, (becaufe * if cometb 1.iTii" in,as tbe rett,) Thou (halt hate thine enimiej fajljercao fl[)elal»' commaunucflj mentolo«et|icir enimies, anotoboi' " t^m goob. lelTe maruell to it, if tic Inere bceeiticb in tiie fbmterpointeo^BintiietDbielipet afterinarb tie fato ))!0 erronr anb cojretteb it. il=o?,tD^n ttfe Manichees, to|)o tonbemncb ttjc dT^ob of ttie olb ^elfament as eontraric to ttie nebo,bib realbn ont of tt)io place that Chrill rep^ouett) fnnb;>p pointeo in t^ laiir of Mofes:' ^ anftoereb tbat Chrift reprouetn not the /^n^jbue thernwhomiftookeit,who thought that ofmur- therandadHlterie didtouch.nottheafteftionsand ]uues,but lib.is-cjp.ij. ades onely.ainb tljongb it came not tljen info tiio minb neitljer, t|)att^elatDfaitbnot,ThoHfhaIthatethineeniiniei ' pet pee » tcap-t^.. confiberebjtpaf it conlb not otpcrtoife be meant in tpe olb SLeCa/ "njufti^^in mentjffjen.as in tpe nctn toe muft hate our enimies, o^ ratper pf^i i 38. (SoboenimicSjhatc " their vices,not their perfons. S.. Chry- fpl^ch^Kf foftomc in tpiiS point flippcb not fo mucp . ifo;i pio too:bes a,ing * fpcic0fbefucp,tpatitfa:mctpnct, petpougptittoiiten in tpc ho.iJ!l!'inop^ late.^f in tpc rctt pe bio notrctrad:,as AulUn bib:pe pab not fpe re impel fcdL ManicheestoIparpenptm.as Auftin pab. s:pcir follp toottlb Xoh.un^,. pane mabc pirn totfcc.jat lcatf,topat foeuer fpe ifatperstpcugpf Feras in Mat, j, tpereiniit is certaine tpat Cpjitt rcp:cueb not tpc lato of CTob, but fpe glofcs of men bpon it. 5X3 ptcp fpe nctoer tojifcr0,eiicn Tcdde" ofy pour otone,a£bnotolebgc:pea,tpe Catechifme of Trent to.anbonc, =* a3|etocbpoffp>ing,conuertcb to fpe Cp;iaian f«itp,botp notooutoftpc to;itings ofaa \ aonmnt Jetoe, topo lofeph.antia Tti.' ^ ItucDaboulf^c time of the levcs thought the out- ward deedesoncly,and not the motions ofthe mind to bee forbidden by the commaundements, UECfjerefoic in ^OU fa|»,f bat Cf)jtff,lnbcn be faugfjf difcipleg righteoufnes ought to exccedcthe righteoufnes of the Scribes and P ha- rifes,nttgbtfpe^ tbatofit)eirIttic0,anDnofcf tpcir oortriiwa: ^au rap Inell of tlje one 0i)e,but not of tbe ctbcr. ifo.z be meant cMa£t.,.Ter.2o. It ofbotb.SSSfbicb spparotbbp tbt«>tbaf b^ tbetein gtiwtb a rea- fon of bia former fpacb^ag § l]DOjD[ror]Dofb fbeto: 'for I fay vn- to you,except your righteoufnes excede the righteoufnes of «j vet 10 Scribes and Phariies,ye (hall not enter into the kingdom ■ ofheauen.i]ioto tbe fomtcr fpacb toas,tbat who focuerihall breakconeofthefeleailcommaundements,and teach niea fb,he (hall becalledtheleaftinthekingdomeof heauen, tbat ta, be tball be none in Scribes anO F harifes tb^o^e,^ men famous foj tbeir righteoufnc s, tobocounteo thefc com- maundcments (menttoneobpCb.:ift)lcaft, tbntta,tbep mabe no count of tbcm,aatbinhtnsbi.iatb,anD malice, anb ItUt, no tra nfgreffiona; are noteb to baue oflftnbeb not onelp in breaking tbem,butin teaching fo too.^nbboto bib tbcp teach fo, but (aa Cb^itf bectaretb)bp mifetpounbing tbc lalu^Si^berfo^e in ctpoun# bing tbe latu tbcp bib ctre. Hart. s;bc?biberre,aftcraro,it; petmarketoitballjbotD, SCbet t^usbt tbat tbc adiona of mucheranb adulterie are fo;# bibben bp tljc lalu:bnt tbep taugbt not tbat tbc atfertious are fo;# bibben.SDbia boaa in beebe to teacb lelictben latu:but not to tcacbagainfttbclatD.?ca,tohate their cnimies toaa after a ro;t alfo conim:^unbf b in tbc lato. if o; tobcn . tantstoetethcircnimies:anboftberecnimics dSoD feitb, ® gDe«.7.!. Thou flialt vtterly dcllroy them, thou flialt make no coue- nant with them,nor haue compafiion vpon them. iBcbolb, tbcp muft deftroy them.Maa tbia to hate tlicm,0i noi Rainoldes. 3t teas to kill ttKm,3| am ftire-;aub fo, bp pour reafon,tbc late commaunbeb men to kill tbeir enimies alfo, not to hate tbcm onelp.i5ut in trutb tbcp tocrc not cbargeb to hate tbcn^tbousbtbcptoerecbargebfodeftroytbcm. ifo;,them- habitants of the land of Canaan tebom that if a man h »£> ntaSc this ^jafefto fin. foltmne t)atD,f o toate, if he hao faitie to his father o; nsothcr, "By 3&utf)tee it ' the gift, thou fltalt haue no profit by me; then he migljt in no toTot?(Rft«" cafe Dm them an^ gooD , no; honour them as Cod command tut ptoptr 8nt) DeD ♦ ^nD this fe it, toherecfChJttt faith tmto them, ' Why ^t*"''uo"be ' y®" tranfgrefle thecommandenient of God by your boand to pay. tradition? For God hath commaundcd,faying, Honour thy f^cher and thy mother: and, Hee that ' fpcaketh euill to r/iLiJ.V his father or mother, let him dye the death . But ye fay, ^oiuxKoAoe whofoeuer faith to father or mother, 3y the gift, if thou - P haue any profit by me, ^ he (hall not honour his father 2i^f' or his mother. Thus haue ye made the commandementof *7!'?Vi;5ia God voide by your tradition, 2CtiisttaDition off ^eirs being notgreaflpfenotone, batbwaDetfjefetoo.jDcs of Cfj?ill concer# n«bt 0) emi rang if ,tbe Darber.B^ meanes tdbe;eof fearneD Doe nof al in«> y"^5- terpjet f^em affer one maner, Buf fbis inferp;etafion tuljicb 3 jjgyg feteotone,ts(inm? iuDgement) mott agrfeable fo fbe f^, noflS *" ofCbjifes fpactj. ipo; tlje VetoesInerc toont fo btnDe . 0 f bcmfelues toifb a curfe f o tbe kfeping anD performing of ftjeir otbcsanDbotoesias' fljcp did, totjovoved that they would «)0>oticorban3 cate uothitig till thcy had flainePaul. ^ef tfjo curie if felft to n^rs, pfeo to fupp;e(fe, as loffi fo bffer fuel) a toiflb: fo fljaf fbe^ toOUlD nof fev, if I do this, let me dye, or,G od deitroy me umnt otbe.. for it, buf, If I doo this. MbicI) maner of fpeabing teas faken ?aa dt lads'. iJp amongtt fbcm affer ftje pbraft of ftripfuce: ioljere if fe ob/< ^KKii /ud ferueD in " ofbes, anD ^ p;ofeftaftons, SDbongb nof fbe fame 71UWK. Kiel ^o;Ds are bnDcrftmD altoa^cs, fo; ctrcumttancc map barp fbcm: toomibttbof-. buf fbcfenfefealtoapesfbe fame (anDfome ^ franflafions Dm t«nfi,t^io^ci)pourap fb^zttjem, tljatthey taught Icffethen aevetiscip. i<». thelawjbntnotagainltitjto^creas C^jittaffinnet^tfjat tpep f difanullcdit, t^tis, tljepmaDeitbotDc anDofnoantojitie, f ieeatl»ep 8 abrogated itjOj^as* pour felaesfranflafe)t5ep made Mar.y.ij.'' ' it iruflrate, anD defeated it: nert, t^iat of D. Stapleton, tliat 8 aeerwre. they taught not other thinges but fuch as arc to bcobfcrued; wir-^.y. to^^easCfjaiif affirmetl>ti|at ffjep tang]^ men to diihonour their parentSjfofpeakceuillvnto them, fodoo no good for girLitin tmnc them} neitper tpts oneIp,but alto many fuch like thinges, ftcm^s'"aniuer Hart, 3lpcrceiae,tljeretscaufetol)p j^cctoj ^ Genebrard ciadences., faitbtljatttjeScribesandPharifcsfatenotin Mofcschaircby j, chrono w- ordinarieluccefsion:but finding it emptie,did thruft them- fellies into it. Rainoldes, £): tl^c toas a mplferie in if, anD pen fain it not. 3n DoeDe tljc Scribes anD Pharifes are a fotole Ifaine bnto £i?e crcDif of fuccefsion. Hart. iBut be balb wafbn fo; if,anD femwtb not fo fap it loitb^ outp'obabilitie. Rainoldes. 2Dbatisnotenou0b,bnleCfebcba«5t!)ttt«iKo? it )lButlctbsb5»irebij5rearon, . % a Hart. I ; i? ■ ii fel M It'i *11 !?l lil W' I iM 1 1 r v"l Pi i Of the (Popes fupremacie. 1 saceraotom Hart. It was proper to ' the Prieftes to (it vpon the chaire ratproprium. Mofes.'^utthe Scrlbcs- Rainoldes. SE-ijst IS falfe 6rtt. not p;opcrto the i Dei't.3 510. Prieftes,but common to tljcm toitlj the Lcuites:a5 ' tpe too;ties k Nviicm.s.j. ofMofescompareQloit^ ^ tbcir p?a(ttfofl^cto. Hart. I^erl^apo [thePrieftes 2 ^emoanotf) ti^cpjiefflg tribe, tlje tribe of i-cui. 0nti fo 3 tidte too^bes. %.i}cn it was proper to that tribe to lit vpon tiie chaire o( Mofes. Sue » Neque serib« ^ the Scribcs and Pharifes were not o( that tribe necefTarily: pcque PhariCei fo? tJjep migljt be of otljcr tribes. Rainoldcs. But the Scribes and Pharifes were not of that aowin. tribe ncceffarily. Therefore they were not of that tribe. t!)is t^z JDoctojs reafon f 0s if a man tbculD fw, M. Doftour Genebrard doth not fpeake the truth neccflarily f fo? Ije ca« Ipc fome times: )thereforc he fpeaketh not the trutn. Hart, mp meaning is, tfjat tijep tneix of cttia: tribes, not onelp tljat tijcp migljt bc» Rainoldcs. ^0 is mp meaning too, t^at iie bot^ Ipe fomsf times,not onelp tljat be can Ipe.^et tjoto bott) Ije p?oue,tt)at tijep Inere of otljer tribes e J Scribe fori«- snbattbePharifcstoere; t)isp?aifenabetb net: fo? rant de paupcrc pou graunt it pour felfe«2Dbat ' theSctibes were lightly of the aib» simeoni-. pootc tribe ofSimeon,t)e p?ouctl) fep ttKO initncOes: tbeone. Rabbi Selomoh; t^z otl)er, t^z Chaldee, t^on t^e nine ano fburtietl) chapter of Genefis, Rainoldcs, l^eabutetbttootDitnellies. iFo?beraraetij bp the Chaldee,to meanetb^^ Chaldee Paraphraft: anb the Chal- dee Paraphraft bath not a tnfl?be to tbat ^rpofe. 0S fo? ^ab- biSelomoh, beb^tb ismefucbtoo?bes: but D. Genebrard li}?eifetb anb bep?auetb tbem. ^0? inbt^reas t|e Rabbin faitb* tbat ^ poore Scribes and fuch as taught litle children, were not but of the tribe of Simeon: b^ mahetb b^Jito tap, tbat Scribes for the moft parcwercof the poore tribeof Simeon. ^ repo?t be committetb ttoo faultes.i2Dne,tbat lu^re bis sots? bofbfpcabe of poore Scribes who taught litle chil- wiJ drcn,asfcriuenerso©toitbtsto lD?ite? b^i^kctb it of great Scribesjlnboerpoimbebtbelatotoalltbepcople, ' pca,toPrin- J Matw> Another, tbat Inbere bis auto? faitb, they were not but ofthe tribe of Simeon, tobicb W ^ great Scribes iooulb ba Scnbes & Pharifcs had ordinary fuccefsion. 325 ti^lBfalfe(fo?Ezra ™ thcScribctiJBoft})0"tnsjeofLeui:^e, to mcno bolt anb matte it fit foj l^is boto^ fatfij tbaf t^e? toerc " *Iightly(o^,for the molt part)ofthc tribe ofSimcoti,^o,toljat * Fcr& Rabbi Sdotnoh bott) abfolutlt bent?, SDodXj; Gcnebrard tcmperctt) toitl) a qualification: anb ofiljefc too;oc5,Cthe poorc Scribes were of the tribe of Simeon; ] tje mabetl) tfjefc, Cthe Scribes were of the poore tribe of Simeon. 3 JCfjioisa pjet^ fleigf)t>an!>fnc^a£iionBt common amonijfi tl^eanitcicnt ^0^ pl>iller«, toljom ° Plato paintctlj out ♦ 13ut t^e Sorbonifts oa ® * Saffie tbem. pet io D. Genebrard to blame to plap fucfj tricftc* ^ jljen l^e ^all gatne fo title bp tt^em. j^o: toljat if a Rabbin, a 3ltto,tol)0 Uueb of late peres,tjaO faib,fljaf the Scribes were not of the Leuiticall tribe;? SDlJat nation is ftriben toitlj mabneo, anb toitl) blinbnes, anb toitf) afioniitonent of t)eart, fince tl)ep |)a{te fl^ut ttieir epes againtt ? the Sonne of righteoufnefTe: anb p t|)e plague tofiict) dSob bib ti).:eaten tt)em, is come bpon tt)eit^ ^ Tnou (halt grope at noone daycs,as the blindc doth grope in darkenes. SLlje tokens hereof are rife in t^ir Rabbincs t)anbling of Ccripturcs. S5ai^o (befibe t^ filtl) ofmanp otljer foltef tol)cretoit^ t^ bco foile fpem) are toont infu^ pla* ces as tpep are conrtb^eo tottb, (tbougp often plaine anb eaa^) fo pace out tl)eirgloCestoitbbjaine-ficke bjeames, anb fottiflb r Gcn^,.fc fables. 3n Genefis it is piopljccieb of Simeon, anb Leui, I willdiuide them in Iacob,and fcatter thcminlfracl. Jn To- fua it is l^etoeb^ototpispiopbecietoasperfojmeb bo^in ' Si,» 1 mcon,anb'^ Leui. RabbiSelomoh,notperceiuingit, furmi#' tpat t^z tribe of Simeon mutt be fcattereb int^e fame foit as toas tf)c tribe of Leui. ©aijerefoje as tl)e Lcuites toerc fcatfereb „ nc.r,» ..2 t^joag^outlfrael, " fo teac^ tpe to^le Cpurc^: fol)«^iba fanficti)attl)eSimconitestoereto feacl) litleci)ilbjen. Mitp fpis l)e bib trauell,anb be brought it fo;fl): be tbougbt it migbt ' be; beltkeb if Iboulb be; be tojotc it toas ib. ©iJ^cfoje, if Rab- hi Selomoh bab meant tbe fame Scribes of tobom our Sauiour (pake: bis crebit is f© poje to toitncffc tobat tbep toere. tobo li^ ueb a tboofanb peaces before bim,bnleire be pjoue it bctter.iSut tbaf the Pharifcs were of other tribes and not ofLeui onely; D. Genebrard p:oucfb(pou rap) anoagraunfit. 2:ruc,janb 31 graunt farther (tobicb bepjouetbt®) tbat they were Ca- TpiuSrw tholikes. 25ut pour felfe bib fell me tbat if yon ihould fay, cauwiid. • % 3 that C*ap,7, Pioif.5. 326 Of the 'Popes fupremacie. ihaxthe Cathfflikes JitvfonthtchaireofChrift-^l muft not thinkc ; you mcane of Catholikes who be fcholersjbut of Gatholikcs who be teachers; of CatholikePrieftes, and Siihops. Scribes anD Pharifes tljerefo^g I^D ojoinarp fuc(eirton,fcjanp tiling ttiat Gencbrard to tt)c rontrarie» ffiut tljcp oiD bott) crre tliem fclutg,anD teaclj trrourgXlitn tijfp,\Dl)o fuccao 0jDuiarttp,mapetTeanotcat|)errours.ipictotbo Popes fuccccoc infljechairccftlicApoUles^tljo^cribcsanD I'harifes Diom tlje cl)3-rc of Aaron.SDt)^ popM are not toarranteD tljerefoie bp fucce^ton but tliep map erre^no teatli errours. H art. Dcntc tpat. if0? tbcp ^aue greater grace tljeir IjaD tbe Scribe? anb Pharircs,iii2lperrfo.ie,not, if tbe Scribes anb Pharifes erreb,tperefoje t^e Popes map. Rainoldes. iptap,ae poit b;ieto,fo muS pu b^tnbe. 3t is pour obone coi^ahCcin of Popes luittl Scribes anb Phariies, tf uen in the chaire t«.0nb (to f^p t^e tmtt))tb£p are Inell comp^ rebilaning tbat tpe ^opes are romeboitat beliinb t^em in fiicccCTi- oh,anbfarre beponbtbcminerronrs. •m, cru iFo;|»bDfi)euerttfarebbDt^Scribcsanb 1 nenttn Pharifes:3|bDiUpj.0Hebp a manifeft bemonftration oiit of tiif Diuifie fa'ipture,tl)at Popes cannnot erre in boctrine. Kainoldes. 3ifpu bo rQ,|i pslb.iftn one ont oftlie fn^nre, asgfflbbDif!)me?ai5a^uranb. ♦ stapiet.prine. Hatt. ^oRmuftobferue t^ieib * ffwl ftw fcfipfnre fonrebinbc0ofmen,bo|iobpteatliirgtbefolbe tbat arenam^ Cti:iftianB>b(D either leaoe tt]«m>o> miOeabe them, that ie, ben ei# ther guibe them in the right boap,o^ febuce. them from it. 2Che flrft of fhem,Paftors ;the reconb>Hirelingcs; the thirb,Thecucs;. anb the fourth,Woobies. ;su bohom €^M hath ^eboeb atmoft in one place togither. ifo; in S. y lohns gofpeil he i^tth of the tfaecfc:A/c that entrcth not by the doore into the (heepcfold, but climcth *p an other way,he is a thcefeand arobber, ^ f the paftor he faith ;5ut he that entrcth by the doore , is rhe pauorof thelheepe^!ainOalitIcafter,Iam((aithhe)*^he doore, ;Snb anone,mabing a fnbbiuifion of thepaffor into htB membero, he Iheboeth that a paOio; is oftboo fojteo.the one,good;the other^ an hirehng.The good paftor (faith he)doth giue his life for his fheepe.'Sut an hireling , and he which is not thepaftor, ^at iSjpyhklf dtjtrmh n$t tat numt ef a fafior , htumft bee leueth man a»ai-in.lib.5; cap^, All teachers arc paftors,hirelings,ortheeues. 327 §^21' pitre tbegoodsoftheworldthen the(jregorie ^XtdA) zH0mil.14.rtt- fceth theviroolfecoming,andlcaueththe{hcepe,and flccth. ^^efeatheefc tl)crcfo;c who climcth vp an other way it^at is (as * Cyprian \3};.ittti^VfhojHCCcedtH£no man is ordemed of kirn iLi.ixpiftx >ri/>,not of to^o cntrco fijat is,not ofCtuiff.i^a isapaftor,who entrcth in by thcdoore,& loueth the fh^epe; tbatis(aS ^ freneei33jxtzi^)hethat hath both (iiceefsiott from the Apofilesjcntby Chrtfi^nd^etthJhccefsisHofBiJhopric^hathreceiued through ^odtfauoHrythefureandffrattousgift of truth.^1)$ hireling feedcth the {heepc,t)nlcffe the wolfe come.jfo^ f as (fregorte filiflj in t^e place alleagcb)»r;e, he iDos o^ioeineb lalnfullpibut being ret m the {laftcurs r&ine after toarb beante a twjlft.&uch as S. Panic oefcnbeth;" I doo know {faith he)that after my departure there wil rauening woblues enter in among you,not fparing the flocke,that is, fcattering ' the(h^pefbU):and ofyourrelues,thatis,of^e number anb 0;^ ber ofpalh3^,(fo;i fuch he fpeabeth to,)thcre (hall arife men fpe- aking peruerie things , to draw away difciples after them felues.J^uchlnereArius, Macedonius, Ncltorius, Marcion, Paulus Samofatenus,Eutyches,an6 manp other ^rch^herctibes: fnho ori5iihops,anb p;ie(tes,t^ is,of paCo;s,became tncDlues. ffiJttherefo^^e of thcfefourc binbesof men,muft louetbe paftif, 'We muft tolerate the hireling-pve muft btrvare of the theefiy (,tl;at hee rc- ioyceth.^ofarre is from fapingj^tmmousljt not fol;care t|iem.;as foitfjeotlwrfojfofhirelinges, tijatopcnipareluufeeo anDl>n0oDlp:fuci)t[)erettjc Scribes anoPharifes, ano pet tlje g, Ctnpture faiftj of t^em> s The Scribes & the Pharifes do fit vp- on the chaire of Mofcs.All things therefore whatfoeuer they {hallfayTntoyou,obferucye,anddoyc. jiBut oftl^tSj^auB fpohen fuffitientlp btfote. 0nD fo pou map fce, t^af hirelings, ln|K!t^r t^cp be fecret,o;i opcn,pet ttjep tcac^ tlje trutt),f Cljjifii- ans are bound to ^eare ttjem. Rainoldes. ilKl^en fl^all toe Ijauet^e demo nitration out ofthefcripturc , bp tot)tct)poup^omtCED to pjcue that Popes can not crre in doi^inef Hart, ^ou tiaue it alteaDte^ ©aSat:^ott can net fa tl)c tocoO ft;t^efras. Rainoldes. 3in.DaDe 3I cannot fa t|rat tooob amonjjlt ti|e& tras. ^at pou. to^ fa it better, toiU l^etoe itmee,3( tuiikpe. Hart, ^a pou not tfie tootoes of C^^ilf and Paule, ofpaftors,and hirelinges,and theeues,9nd.wooIucs,and fecref hirelings,and openf Rainoldes, 011 thefe tras 3 fa,and manp 11^jubbca be# Odes.^ut 31 ianofiitlfe in anpoft^ allfo;i pontdehionffra# tion.. Hart. 0 totll 35 mabe it plainer from point to point, jfirft,al fl^e Popes areeitijerpaftors 0? hirelinges. i^ert, pallors and hirelingesdoaallteac|j.t^frut{h El)irdlp,35 con# elude- Rainoldes. ^fap.3 doiriitof tl^e firlt'O? rattier 3 doubt not 9fit., ifo? altbougl) t§e auncient®epre(cm 3 means onclp, to^n ^.fcs ttjat all Popes are either paftors,oj hirclinges. Rainoldes. 5lnb tljcm 3i meane tffl,b}hf" 3 thccucs anb robbers Ijaue fuccceded. SDI^ug!) fottietimcs tlje Antipopchab better right fo thcronne ,then hfctDhom ponr Chjonicles anb tables countPopc,b)hofc wight bib cuerbeare tljc k ConcU-Bafii. rij^t: ^ as Felix,eictfeb in the Councell of Safill; then Huge- seHion.??.. nius,tDhorurp2tfcbhint.But,3lefgo thefeblemilhesofthe^aa- ^/grftisBaa pall Une.^nbofthelabjfuU Popes,the line of Inhofc fucceffton concii iib.»- pour 1 Chronicles anb •" SE^blesbcB paint anb praifcfo highly chronoj'avw. asacertameinarbe Inhtrebp thh Catholibe church anb faith a, in line lib-4- mapbefenotonetofthcma lap,thatraanp t»uebeenc thecucs f ^^cema^Seaa. robbers • anoKiibt»As- Hart. 3 pjoue that in fcpng to pou rap ^truelp. jfoj fhep ch^'chv^rCtv. are theeues janbrobbers^bohb enter not inby thcdoorcinto t»Bgiefe6«»' the (h€cpefold,but dime vp an other way .)lBut all ths Popes haue entreb in bp the boore into the Iheepefolb JlDherefb;e not one of them hath bane a thcefe and a robber. Rainoldes. 3nto tohv'it Ihecpefoid t^ entreb,3b:nolnnDf» ®utthts 3 knoto that manpofthcm entreb in bp that, " lohich "p M Philip faib all caftles might be conc^uercd by,ifan * afle la- • jwiji'u, den therewith might enter in, 3s this to enter in bp the booje, tus auro. o;bptheloouer f ° as lupiterbib to ^^anaeina (hotocr of goli« Harr. |^ou nieaiie thcmpcr|lap0,offehom pou flhetocb p be- p foje,thattheptoere monftrous men, 02rather bcaftesanb monilers;toho bib get the }l?opcaom£(3 graunt)^emoaofthan bp brftcrie anb eutll mcanes. But the fault both of that anb of t^ir corrupt liues is to be laib rather on .fte dDerman CEmpea- ronrs,thcn on § of Home.ifor (as D.9 Genebrard hath no^-, chro«,, tebberp tocll)thc Popes, for the fpaccalimoft oficuen loose y.eatcs^- 350 of the'Popes fupremacie. I Ponrificcs cir- ycarcs and tco ^ ffoin fthn the eight to Leo the ninth, ' V Apotiaici, bout a fiftic Popes did reuolt wholy from the vcrtue of their Apoft^acire aunccftots, andwcte ^ Apoitaticali rather then Apoftoli- lApoftorcTT call. Ofthis fo great wicked lies the German Emperours are guiltie: who did opprelle the Church fo, that ( orderly eiec- 3 s*{.ius pccu- tions being let apart) they appointed Popes at their luft,and oij.c^paaii. J times for money and couenantes; and the Pope e- vi aucUr i lc '' tnhen Leo the ninth fuccabeb. i^oto the Cmperonra hab no stffcr from « inoje to bto in t he opes elcetion, fo? the later halfe of that time; fe» • then thep habbcfo^je, tohen^^cpcs toercgob, (in Genebrards ©iit njat aite^ ete,)anb their furceffion latoful. anb foj t^ former halfe thereof;, tljep hab IcOr-if o;,«bout the peare fine hunb;eb t fifip,UJhen I uf- X Anafl.Sibli- tinian tlflr (Eniperonr hab reccuereb 3ltaliefrem the Gothes.his "" Y'" enimies,toholonghabraignebthere: * it U)asp;cuibcb,^ none viuiiani'A. Ihculb be o^baineb ^cpe(though eledeb) befo;ie ^at his election gathonis.Grc- tnere confirmeb bp the C-mpcrour. IKiahieh o^ber loas taken foj hb T ep^'foh* peace i fafetie both of the countrie i ^e ^tate: lea®, theCmpc# "f-cri- rours being aWenf cut of Italic, abibing at €on®antinople,t^ PDpe(i»hefe autojitie teas grc torn to be great) if he thoulb miO f«i.nd.DiftT like the ^tate,.o^ be facttcus,might entife both ISome anb jta^ y^An®rnTi lie to reuo® frcm them to ®jcir enimiee, as luflinian teas ta Benediai ic- pei*fteabcbthatpopeSiIuermsfoughttoOffl» SDhis o?ber con? ""foibe^ ; tinucbbntill the pcare fire fjano:eb eightie anb fire: about Chronie.Dift, thetohichtime ^ the Cmpacur reRafca) the pcpe from that bonb. i5ut aftcrtoarbe the IScpc bib binbc himfelfe againebnto tem" cngcnl ft. ifo2mthepcarcfeuenhunb;ebftuentie anb th?a, ^ pope Adrian the firft gaoe to Charles the grcatc, the ' right anb au? luuZ Idlml auta;ttieofcl)3)3ngtl)e ano o;Deniijx ttie &(s'or Rome: ano t)e gane it toit^ confent of a Councell of Btiljopo, not of |)t0 olnite fan6c«l^^e occrose of Councell oto (tano m Srenstl(i . . ano tertue abonc a ^nno^eo pearoo,PnttU tie time of the fiftie ariiSsu* Popes, ifoj in t^jcpearoeight |wnB;eDcight«anD fine, »pope sf.n.deie5a.i- Adruo thc third maoe a contraric Deer®: to toatc, that * m r'Neif/rean- crcattngof fBopM tpc? ^ohId ttot Ujaite fojthc confent of t|M do poiicifice 6mpcroar, but the boiceo of theclergfe ano people (hoalo to wmarexpear- * ^^ithef hao anp (Ctnperonrthat pjerogatiae after, .rctar. vtque li- the ?eare nine huno^eo Ortie ano th^®) toh^n it too refeo^eo a« ff"' t)nto Otho. in the meanc time the monfltero came popu I. a- c Boniface, ^ Stephen,' Romanus, ^The- 0 odorc, S' lohn the ninth, ^ Chrillophcr, i Scrgins, anO ? M^'d iX finallpthatmonfterofmonftero ^ lohnthettoclf^. aDftohwn c 8,,. f %99. there tnao not one appointco bp the (Ibmperour, 0nD pet (to fee f »o5.'k thefpiriteofapopilh?eal3hotiJittoiUbefottemen,) ^ Gene- 1 chronog. lib. brard,hauing tou'ten that Sergius did imprifon his prcdccef- 4.CKUI010. |-gj. chriftophcrand commanded the bodieof Formofus to be digged out of his grauc and beheaded, Both abbe thio note tponit: No maruellirthefe Popes vt^erc monftrous j tor they vrerc notchofen after the mancr of their anccftors, but in- chromRom. winded by the Empcrours. Jl^ercoo ■" pour Chjonicleo jont sigon de (hcto that Scrgius coufpiting agaiufe h^picotcellbur Chrifto- regno itai.kb.tf. pBer(ajs Chriftophcr haB coufpireB againft his pjeBcceffor Leo) BiB fo^ce him to renounce the ^opeoome on one Bap, | hinifelfe Poaddie. * thenertBapBiDttallhimrelfeinit. &o that not atmuch a# thcp^cfenceofthccSJmperours embafTuBQuro toasCapeB fo?af t)tecDnfecration, (inhichpct " bp o:Bcr ihculB haucb®nc,fo B Condi. R» violence auBoffenfco:) mufhlctfetoo he intruBeB (ao ueii.mtbe>'«« Gencbrardfaith) bp the <£mperour'. iSut tohen lohn the tbJclfihhaBgottrnthcrcaam, then the fcljuhfh^^fou'b not a o Luiiprand. InrctcheBer^ingpolfrflfctt, Ijnleirethc Diucll hunfclfe tbculB siln' holB it in perfen: "theiSmpcroarO the being Ciirnefttp fiieo to bett.in Cli.-oii. bp the Romans to fet the Church in better oicer, caufcB the ffii< p jhopacf ^talie toith others, auB the J^oman elergie, to be aflenu fpaLTncm blcB tu fi Couucell. canherein after that thep has BepefeB lohn, ciigcodifucccf anB chofcn Leo the eigth, all, boith one confent: ? ^ope SsfcdisA- Leo, toith tbetohole elergie, auB people of 7(_omc, DiB poftoliofponti- graunt bnto Otho auB his rucceflburs fo; cucr, ^ the potocr of - Sccmordiuaa- th? ^Sope. JDhB caufc tohfel) wsucB htm to ftabUlh th^s o^iB^ All Popes haue not fuccceded lawfully. ojDcr, toa5, tfjatnofuclinTcnffcrs mijj^tCftn Peters fcate 05 IMD before. 1 ifo,i, Ijc conftoerco, tijat Cnce t^c timt ffjat q Adrian the third Ijab tdhen atca^tljat poiucr (Vom ttjc Ctmpc? rourifjaiio left it to tljc people ano dertjic: tl)0 fouleano inojoi# nate auibitioii of liomans l)ao fiUeO tlje Cijurcf) Iwitl) facalfs, tlje cttie toitf) tumults,anbtlje elections tottljiiilanie. ipc falu f ^at tljis outrage mull be rrp?clleo feme toap. Cljcugljt no fa^riole fitter, tljcntljattbeDccraofAdrian thcfirft, toijo gaue t^rigljtofcbcoSngtbe^opetotljetSmperour, (IjoulD be reui« ucb. ^uD la ^e p^opofco tljcmatter to tlje Ccuncell: 'anb tlje Councell agrcea bpon it. t!21ll;erefo;e t^ former balfe of the fifty monfters iuere iiot iutruOeD bp tbe Ccntperours.^ftlje later lucre: luljofeinas ti^e fautef tf^e (umperoursf o;t tlje #opes anb Ccuntcls, lufjo gaue tlie Cmpcrour tliat rigljt i )15ut in D«D t^eptoerc not, jfo;, altljougl^ tt)c Homans tjats fluo^nc to [/"^^sTs^bwt Othotbat tIjepluouloneuerctjcDfc pope tuitljout ljtsconfent, in Chron. anb Ijis fcnnes: pet ' bp anbbptljepturnebtoftictr oloebent, Itbeabeceitfcllbolu, polubeitmbtsDapesfbepcoulDnotbaue tljeir puipofe. if 0; iuljen tljep call cut Leo, anb bjougljt in lohn againe, anb cbcfc one after t)im tco: ' Otho bp fofcc of aiines mabetbcmrepent it, anb rebjriJebit. IButin ^ bis fonnes f«co"nB. bapcs tbep tuent tljojougbteitb it. ' ^is nepbelu bciba llroab' in tbe eboife ofonc 0; tluo: but tbep boerc oftbe better fojte, 3|t luastbeivoinanseboiretbattbmfttbemonllers in. £Df lubom tuemapefiffmelubattbercllluerebptbeirbeab^ anbtailc;^o-, Piatinade nifacCjanbBencdid. ^ Boniface tbefcacntb,lubo tame inbp A^iberie, iuas call out bp biolcnce, luentatuap 1^ facril^, gond^gno mabe monep of bis Cburcb- robberies, anb tbereloitb got againe nai jib.7.^ to*- tbcpopebome. " Bcnedia tbe ntnfl), iubo lubenbe l»as JXt B^ned tbjolune out fo? bis bntuojtbineire^ anb Siuelter placeb in bis non. Sigon.Ub; llttbe; b«) bpbelpe of tbcfactionlubicb bab wabebim pope, fbjeluSilueftcr out againe: anb fearing tbat mens ffomabes iboulb not bjfflltc bim Iong(tbep bib fo lotb biw anb abbo;5rc bim) bcefet tbe popcbometofale, anb Gregorie tbe firtb bcugbt if.. SDbtfs bealtnges of Grcgorie,Sili:cftcr, anb Bene-* Trii tar,tiri»- did, * tb:ttmoftt)glpmonllers(astbeparccallcbfep * Plati-" "• na)ilirreb bp tbe Cmperour Henrie t^ feconb fo tofee bnto fcx" tbent all toao cbofen popc,f calleb Clemens.BB tofjom I bp an oHjerCouncellb^lb at Kome'^ feme potoer loao giueii to Henric agatite ib? Oibering of § popebome, ^ toast be* Tbjo to Otho.^3 nettper oib fbc (Cmperojs tntrube plater mon# »jaawn- D»- ^ Popestno moje tben tlfz foimer, ^oi fpere i& " bat one ofchefiftie after Clemcns,anol)e none oftbe raon# fteM;(tbougl)GenebrardttW^ebt»nbne ,becaufe tlje (Simpe' rour cboft bimO"ot Komanes nabeo to bane b®nc trou# PoatiftcCTi, bleb tottl) bim,bnf tbat Clemens t^e tUerman tooke tome ^tn* UanbmgsamftiTgttfbem. i!^ip,tbe(£mperour3toEre fo farre ttjtt. orucr- from intrubing ofmonOteroitbat ^ep bib eptrube tljem,anb tocre AanoucSia- cbiefeff meanciS to ribbe flje Cpurcb of tljem. ^itpicb ««it Mn.Clcment. ts euibent bp t^e tobole couri'e of tbetr lines ana lloaics fo caro- bftsiarf lus Sigoniiis in bis ttozieof3|talie(HO parttall man again® (anti.KrJtrT tbe popcs)botbbearc tbe CSmperours tbis toitneffe, anb lapetb G """b ■ ch"^'" Wamc of tbofe monllers boon tbe JJomanes tbemClues. ' i."«f!jtpeaK The noble men (rnitbb^)of" Rome, to aduaunce their ownc 1047. priuatc pow*er,corrupted them to whom the Popes eleftion noitalu hm!' belongedtand thereby filled the Church(almoft two hundred I Rominipro- yeatcstogithcr)wlth grieuousfcditions,and fhamefulleuils, V««endjp" diforders. Thefe were the Marques f Albert^zwA tcntiBcaufa. n{^,his fonnc,a Confulljthe ExrUs of Thurculum^& they who were of their kinne,or by their meanes had grown to wealth, Whojcithcr bribing the people and clergie with money, or fpoiling them of the auncient Iibcrtie of the elcdion by Amicosaat whatfocuer othcrmcancs , ^ preferred at their lult their propiiiquos kinfmehjOr frcndes,men commonly nothing like to the for- fiios pro arbi- jper Popes in holines and good order. For the reprelfing tr^prou.xc- outragCjPopc Lto theclghth reuiucd the law,which had bcene made by Adrian the firfl:,and repealed by the third; that noPope eltEledjhouldvndertake the Popedome vmtheut the Em- peroHrsccttfint^ Which law being taken away by occafion tbiit the roome was fought ambitiously in the citie,and pur- chafed All Popes haue not iucceeded lawfully. 335 chafed by bribes:the ftate of the Church was put againe in great daiinger ' through the priuate lulls of the fame fa(5ti- ons. %o piouioc f^crcfo.jc a rcmeDic fo; tijcfc tuings. Hen- num ftudii,. lie ipc Cnipcicur came into jjtalie-.as Ijereupon Sigonius ^nDfoptumapfet^e Utumics of Genebrard , tpat l^amcU'ireparafitc of tfjo popes, tofjo toitljouf all rcuercnce bot|i of df 00 anti man,ODtb ratlc,lpe,anDfalfiftc Cojies , to Deface tlje tmperours,f:RD crcffe the writers of the Centuries, ifoj Ije faithjfljnttheEmperours ^ did, as wildc boarcs,eate vp the oogr'!ubX&-'^~ vineyard of the Lord;tl)C fap,tl)at ttjep DeltuereD it from f• foilDc faoarc0. SElje ftorics lap,tl)*t ttft monfters of t^je popes fecre ctpOm bp tlje Komancs tfjm fclucs: ® ^e fait^tt«t they caraeinbyintrufionoftlieEmperours. SCi^ettojiesfapjtljat t^e€mpcrcurs,lx>boliunteD cuttbofebeafies , lucre bertuoucf atiD lalufull p;tticcs:l)e callctb ^ tlicm tyrants;iTo? onelp tbem, ^ bntalfo s manpgoob Cmperours moe, lubomeDleDtuttb tbe gf^cula popes election. ifinallp,tbelto;uesrap>tbatl|ie (a;^erours luereallolueD bp popes anb Councelsto BCD it: ^ fa^ ^ t^at hfxculo II,. they vlurped it by the right of Herodc. anD pet^im felfe re# iLib.j.Otcu- co;Dgdj,anDtbatintbefameCbfoniclettD,tl»at' Pope Adriatt |o«. with aCounccll, ^ popeLeowithaCouncclI, ^ pope Clc- cdoto?" mens with a CouncclljDiDgraunt itbntoChaHc^jOtho, anlr ic«caio»i^, Hcnrie tpe €mperours. ^ bbtie reab ofan enuicus man, lul^ iuas content to lofe one of l)ts olune eies,tbat an otijer migbt lolb botl).Genebrard is gone fartfjcr. ifo; i)z is content to put out both bib otone eies^t the writers of tJie Centuries map put outoneoftbeirs. SDbat they may * acknowledge them felues to haue prayfed the German Emperours vniuilly; Ijee * HincUbetn grauntctb botb tbat Popes with Coanccfs haue errc'd,anD tbat J„orcanc°a" their fucceflion was broken off a great while. SCnjerein if pon Gcrmanislmpp* feptbc fameluitb bim,9^.Hart:3| mnglaD ofit. But pour fe^ "uLTunt" lolues (3|fearemc)iDillnotallolatbatpoufap,ifpoualloiu tbat p"e. Ijcfaitb» Hart. ^oboDp feifb tbat the fucceffion of Popes was broken off:no j tbat the Popes may crre and Councels. jfoj as Genebrard taltctb it,Leo tbe ei^tb anO Clemens tbf fecanb luere not Popes. Rainoldes. But Adrian fbefirlf teas,as genebrard fa- bctb it^ tbat one of tbc beft popes.i^ct be oib graunt as mucft to to Charles (Sijnperour , a6 LeoDtDCoOtho, as Clemens ^ 0th to Henrie.^nt if it be frae f|jat fbe? toereiiotpopes, Inborn wnc. ^t t\}t Soman clergy? toitbmantj 115ilbopscbofe:tben the Popes d^Aih'^' ^"ccefsion,tol)tcbt5almottfbeonclpepeofpour Cyclops , Intll mvifib.Mo. be cleane put out bp fbcoemfc of ^is * No-body, ^no boto nirch.iib.7. (ball tbo tastings of our Countriemen,"" 5anders,f " Briitow Dc-md! 43!* sinO ° Riflito n,anD fucb others Do tbeiv t»bo tnahe the Popes ot:abuofti)t fucccdion ^cbtefeftbultDarbeofpourCb«rcb)a«ttetnem3rte S^.cbro-^notobat ttrill P No-body bunfelfeCaB (iogr.lib.3.in tofbefbiroboheof btsCbJoniclettobftob^ ' Pe- f PetafuecefTi- fucceflion ftiall cndutein the Church of !^me vntill the oaem adfxcu- end of the world? cSIas tbts true tobon bo to^ote fbe tbiro bote? m ^ fourtb ? tm. ' Hart. S).^encbrard(lnbompoutbaIp?OuefoberottK4)0# Dp ere pou banc Done,tl»3Ujjb pou be flouting b^»w iw^b No-bo- dy,) Dotb Ibetu bp the one place bbe meaning in tbe otben ifo^ liib bo towitetbat Peters fucceffion (hall endure in the Church of Rome -vntiil the end of the world-.it ts plainc bO meant not tbat it teas biohen of at anp time abroIateIp,aiTD flmplp.SKIbore^ r hk foje,in tbat bo aDpctb about the fif tie Popes, i t|fat ^ the lawful fuitlcgirinu fuccelfionwasdifordctedtheiiibcmeant tbvit it toas b;tohen Cbjt,as it tocre •, ojCto fap tbe trutb) ra^er bjufoD, tbenb?ohen;notintcrrupteD,butDifturbeD. ifo? neither Ccnc- brardlaitbjnoganpCatbol^otojiterels,buttbat tbe fucceflion of popes batb continncD,anD Iball bnto cnD. Rainoldcs. Sbon 3 miflohe bis meaning,toucbing the fucceffion ;anD pours,touching tbe Popes, ifoj 3 tbougbt tbat pou baD Denies that they were PopcS;who were theeucs and robbers, ^oto 3 percciue pan meant not a brolutely,anD fimply,tbatthey were net Popes; but that they were not Popes after a kind effort; tljcp lucre crachf Popes , as pou tuoulD fap,anD notfaunD; o? perijaps (in trutb) ratber crafcD, tben cracht. f^et tbe rcafon tobio.b PO" btougbt fi)b? they were not Popes,Do^ ffanD in force sgatnfi tbem ftili. ^o j it is true, as pou flliD,tbat they did not fucceede lawfuily.(!!>2ibcre{t);e,eb tberlaVufuUfucccllCionisnotneceCfcrietmto pour fucccflion;oj r Aa.s.is t^ crafcD Popes tuere no Popes at a!- Eljcp DiD fucccese Simon, but "■ Simon the forccrer,anD not Simon Pet er.i^ofcbeif pou mult want tbcm Simon Peters fucceCfcursfojpcur fnccclTions Monftrous Popes haueliicceedcd. 354 S ^ Cifec.CIfe tott (poUe poar Cfjurclj cf |)«r gapctt p are ntcK cnrano^tcD of l;er.:^ciioe ^at acit^r tooultj it Ijeipe pour caufe aiuijitintrpaU of iffue. jfuj fittjcnce t^e^ope fjatlj oucrmailfrcD tJjc Cmpcrours, anu fjjjuS from 1^ elcrtton,firfl: tije people,affertoarD tlje clergie; f cb^cugljtttioafetDCarcinals-.t^ere^anc bencasmsn&ioujs napvt^tet popes as UJcrebero;c,(lttU3i ercept * lohu,) ant) pane come in astjnlotofallp. fuhAiciaT/r* Hart. C^ercteere manp fumulfesano fc^ifmes in tl^c V h Ctiurcl^c^elp t^;oug^ tt)e Cmperours meanes,before tljatt^ t^t matter coulbbsbjougtjt about to perfection anb ripcncs to^iclj it is noto at. But tilings began tc mcnb from tljat time chipt.* of bifo^ber. if 0^ bp fpe bertue of Leo t^ ninti), anb tf)e Popes folotoingjtbatbrurpationtoastabenfromttn) (Smpero; Henrk tbt fourt|i,altt)augl) lpit|) great durres. ^nb fo luas ttje ^ce podolibe of Home redo^cb to l)er anncient b^ig^tnes anb bcautp. Mtiereof ourotune baies^aue feme tijepjoife anb trial! in ma« np g(Bb popes,electeb latofuUpjtto beubt:Pius ttje fourtlj, P ius tt)efiftt),anb^imtol)oraignetl)noto,^rcgorie tlje tijirtantfj, a mod louingfatitcr of t^ Ctmrc^es cinlb.2en. Rainoldes. ?ICll)e^crtijaf t^etePopes,ojotl^er, l^auebsnc good 5 anb tljeir elcaions Iatofull;it is not tljc quedion. per* |)aps pou p:ai(ie t^em fo; adcttion:pert;aps ttjep |iatic b^ne gob, as popes. ^0; Popes in our dales are prayfcd for their goodnes,»rhcn they furpafle not the wiclcednesofother men: « CuK-curdja. as a = g(Db^do.iian,iDl)obneU)anbIoucbtl)cmtBcU, bot^note ,f, in ' Clemens ti)cfeucntl). ^ Marcellus tije feconb bpeb ttooanbttoentatljbap cfljispopebome;notw'ithoutru(picion vfareijji. ofpoyfon, (fait^pour ^enebrard,) * becaufc feme men thought that he would be too good.Pius tijefourtl), Pius tfje ricfssu^.i j;;, firtl),anbCregorietljet^irf©ntl)l)£ue tjelb t^e pcpcbome Ion* ger.jf tljep iuerc good Popcs:3| trud t^p tocre not too good. d»n fatur« vi- ^fojtijeirdeftionsd^ebatesarcpettajpoungtofis tljc fait^# full dories of tijem. Butjiftljep toerccl^otenas tljcir pjcbccff* rours,afC32bin0fotf)ecudomcoffl)cCI)urcl)DfHontc : tfjcnbp ^ elections of" Pius tfje tljirb , * lulius ffjc feconb, y Leo t};e imt^ ^ Clemens tbcfcaent!;,anb Carbinall ' Woolleis !et» tersfuingtofuccitbeClemens, toifeincnmapcontecturc IjsU) latufttUpfheptoerecjjcfcn. ^cu fap that there were many ^ tu* Chror.o-. gr.lilv4. H Guicciarn« iiiftor.IuU.tf. d" 10. ylib.ii. z lib.I J. a ■^n.^.Fos:* ecdes fiui'ion y. Of the Popes (upremacie. bonupKritj , and fchifiTics, chiefly through the Emperours ciiroBic.«om. uicaaes, before the Popes eleftion could bee wiefted from •'s'ehifmaom- > and brought to thc Catdlnals; but alter that time, nmmpcrtiinum, thinges began to mende. 3" nicnOeO, fcl'T'S''"''' as fotuar ale Dotlj m ifo.:of ^ thirtiefchifmesin wLtquodq^n- the Church of Rome (fo man^ as no can boalfof be? quaciBcaannoj 0Des,)tljctDOjttonDlonjscftIjatl^b^fitt) tbat time, euen rAnS.hift. * nine ano tlnentij^: to^iclj laffeo by tlje fpace of fiftie part.3.rit.i2.c. yeares toget^r, 6c(t,^3oit^ two Popes at once; tl)cn,toif^ three, di ^no, if tlje Cmperour Sigifmund l^o not bcene, t^jougtj Francor.l.io. loliore meanes tbe Connceli of ConRanceloasaiiembleo,ano I Tbffirtb' remoueo: by ^is time your Ctjurclj migbt baue tw®' buofct of ti)t as many ^dopes, as (in <1 ttie Heuclation) thefcarlet coloured ajrtbt'com- heads. IButtoleauetlfe (tmpcrours, ano p^oue mon lixtraua~ ' tfie point in que0ion,ttiat6ncet^ popes tnere djofen onety by «i:arDinalB tbere Itaue bane as monltrous popes as toere be* maiorit. 8c ob:- fo;e, ano bane come in as tnlatofnlly: tbene are (b many ey* . amplcs, tbatit is barb to ma^e cl)oiCe,o^ knototobeht, to be* reftinrjilTnt. ginue amongK tbem. Jlet bini be tbe firft, totio compiteb * f'Blona. decad. part of tl)c canon lato, ano » t^at lufty oecretaU of tfje g Bo. Popes ritpicmacy,cuen Boniface f eigbttj.22Ilbo being mflameD nifac.oaau. Ge- tDitpOeSreoftbepoj^aomc,' inouceopopeCadeftin, aflm* p'c nmn to re0gne it; Ujbetber f by pcrfto^Du^^, tbatljee h Antonin.hia. Inas not able totoaloe acl)arge& Ujcig|[ty, o? 6 byp;»curmg F piatin' fa Bo? a Ooice as it luere from b^a* »ifac.oftau. uen,tfjat,if he would be faued he muftrefigne the Popedom, k Martin.Pe- jjp jjQfjj p>.-. fnbobab (be faii)b»ntfclfc) tljc rtgljcffbo!^ ftojbeo. ' ^^ee I'Sl^K^atA bepjiueo tbe French uin% of bis bingbame bpou bifpleafurs; " saxon ilc.^s. antimouebtbeUingof EngUnAtQ mabe luarre agairittijim ; K,'^nc"rji^7 anogratnttcb toAlberttbatbetb^nlbbeCEmpecour-, onconbi? uwaicngam twn tbat fje InoalD t abc tlje rcalnie of Fmmce alfo,ano t bjutt tije i latofull btng out of it. ^no nio^c be iooulD banc bone of fucij Papall affaires, ^ bnlelTetbeiFrcncbbtng to taiiie liis pjioe 37.Metrop.Lj. Ijabtcwbebtmp.ufoner tbDfjcrcaponfj^byeatoitbina felu bayes y Tritcm.in ^griefe. 2Dt)tsistljatBoniface,oftotiom ^ tbetayinggoctb: He entred like a foxe,he raigned like a lyon, hec dyed like a in Bomtacloat dogge. otber l&e to !)iib,bat in an otfjcr binbe,ts " lohn z Walflingain tbe tpjee anb ttoentatb. OTjo got(lnbiIb ¥ toas Carbinall) n d« great beale ofniony,anb finbing tljeCarbinals fomcUibat poo?e lchr(m.0"eoncil. anbneebyganetbemgentleretoarbes. ICtberenpont|ey,fetng n®'" bim to be a Itberall man,mabe l)im pope fo2 itHBat that libera* "ogrjib.4.'"^ Utietuasf)isrl)iefe0l3erfae.iFo.2,f)ctoas fitter for tljecampe, tben for tlje Cburclj; for profane tljingcs, tijen for the rcruice of f j,«e ^"TOen« gob;asbnolDing no faith nor religtonat alt: ^ anoppreflbttrcff? Cti;:Onuphrius, poore,a perfecuter of iufftce,a inainteiner of theUncfteb.a fanctn* arte of ^imonic.an offtouring of bices,giaen ioljoly to Oe epe f to b Wirin.iii lo- fletbly luftes, toljoll? contrarie to t|»e life anb inaners of Cbritf, a mirror ofbnboneS anb infanions bebauiour,? a betiifer, a pro- c Onuphi'iin founbbeuifcr DfaUbilanies:inaU3orbe,ro Iciobe anb Inrefcfjeb d^cln'n^coi a cattifcjtljat amongtt tpem tpbb bnein bis conuertbtion be teas ftintienfefe£ callebcommeuly * a diucll incarnate, ^et tbefemottbolie l°czt&rct Jlorbes .Boniface anb TohUjare notbing in comparifon of A- Ccn"! lexandertbefirtb. ifor,altbougb tbcy faotb bib get t^ triple * Diabo- trolwnc corruptly; yettbeyconueyebit clcfely, Alexander lusincar- ^ ^ tbe natus« Chip.7. Piuif.5. 344 Of the Popes fupremacic. I t'' I r ■ ii-' i I Ml cGuicciardin. hift.Ital.lib.i. 1 Palcfamcntc. iCo'danari. J Conpromef- fedegh atticii, cb'beneficu fuoi.che erano ajopli&imi. iOfy^ia b»i ftjirlUS.Onu- pbrius in Alex- *ndr.fcxt.VoU- lcrran<.Antbro- polog.I.ia. 5 Xtie Duke aflOatencc, CdarBnrgia, TD^a ftcd tuaS CatiMnallof X>aUncc,anb Mlteb^ateU bttbust^K tl}t Dukeof Can^i Koame.Guicd- ardlib. ).Onu- f|hr.iaAjcxand. ext. f Guicciardi Ufiltal.lib.^. tf Cbt Catbi'- naUefCoeac- WK r&otij etUec eoiirciecjT anb CatoinaW: aaf tt)« Cacbiitall of S.Ant;c!oy M)e Cacbmall of Cipua.f tl)i Carbinall of Modana. fiOrtt)' DIDbu^ tbe boi^csf! ofmanti CarotnaKo ' o|ioitl?>patta 1]? ' tDitbrnone^apartl^ ^ tottb pzomtfeo of bto offtceo ano & uinge0»c^fols bo^e of Carotnall Afcanio: fo^ btc Dto rotienant to giue tt)$ ctfiefeit office of ttie Court of Romc,auii Ctiarctjeo^ano ^teo^ano a palace full of moue^le gcooo of mao uetlouo great balue. ^o:Dtng bnto tobttb beginning be luenf fo^tnaroe: anDp:ouei}(ao it toaotboug^ ^ tooulo) molt per# niciouo to Bttalie ano all Cb^ilfenoome. Jfoz tpouo^ tfee ercel# leo in Ibarpeneo ofU)it,in iuogement^in eloquencct ano luao be# rie carefuU ano quiche in mattero of importance: pet bcepadCb farretberebertueotoitbbi^biceo^maneromolt bealtlp, not fin# ccritiC) not moDeltie,not trutb^not faitb,not religion ^ couetouf# neo bntatiablCpbnmeafurable ambition>crueltp more tben barba# roua,f a molt feruent oefire of aouancing(bp tobatroeuer meano) * bid cbiloren,of Inborn be babmanp^ano amongfi tbem ^ oik (t^attoerecutelelnoeoeniieo tberemigbt not brant lebioein# Itruinente) no lefieabbominable in anp pointtben bio father* ^ucbafcrpentbclotbcfeate of S. Peter for tbe fpaceof ten pearcf^bntill bio obine benoune hilleo bun*iFor f brben be f ttuf fonne ano beire,tbe Duke of ^aalence , b^b pu. pofeo to popfoti. a Caroinall tobom tbep toere to fuppe b)itb>(ae commonlp tbep bfeo not onelptbeirenimmbut alio tbeir ^ fricnbes, peance# reltfrienoeo lobicbbab ricbeo.tbat tbcmfclnes rn^bt bee enricb# eo bntbtbeir fpoilcoOtbe Duke bao lent tbitber fiagono of biine popfoneOjbp a feruant bibow beemaoe not piiuie totpe mat# ter>butb]itUcbbiwtfogi«e^tbeJH«otnan. S^Pope comming into tbe Caroinals before fupper timcjtbe bjcatber being tjote,. be tbirltie,callcofor toine. /poto^becaufebisotoncpromfionfbr Cupper bras not come from tbe palace pet>tbc feruant of tbe Duke gauebimoftbatbJine.b^icb^tbougbtbisiwsittci' b^b bnlleo- to be hept for biitifelfe as tbe belt* iaiabcrcofbJbtlebebjas brin# feing,bisfonne4bejDukecamein:anOil)jnhtng tp? biineto bee bis fathers ob)nc,bcbranhe of it too. S>otbe Pope bjascarico> fooenlp for oeao borne to tbe palace: ano tbe nert cap lf.e bras^ carteo oeaoCafter tbemaner of tbe popcs)i!Tto S Peters Cburcb: blache,CbJOllen>ano ouglprmofi manifelt fignes of popfon. iiiU Kome bib rimne togitber to bib oeao carhafit bii'b bionDc;fall iop:noman being able to lafiffiebis cpcsbiitbbvbcDingafer# pent bifpatcbcb ano quelleb^tbat bab popbrnco all tbe b)ortb.brttf> W Monftrous 'Popes hauefiicceededT" -^41 pm-?. -| IBUM I I I I II - I 1 " - - ■ ' ' ' - - t>i0ouiragioucameiaon, asiD pcttilcnt trcacl^cric, ano Unf^ all eirflnipicsofhorabJctrutl-tc, of moitlfrotus luft, ana of tmrc* ataiccouclcufnjiltr tn felling ioirtwutoiSfcriJirctljingstjolDana pjofane. Harr, 3 flftli not grjcallg of tpfe Ifojies: ana it mat? be ocu* teaujbcr{)crti)c{?b0 true , iro: men arc p2one tommonl? to tijiiikc ana fpcaUc cuilU fpenaUt? of fu as arc of tjigl; calling. Votobcttjift^cpbetruc: mpattst^attobse £LI;cJ^opcsma^ crrc til manors, VDCgraunt, but not in Dottrtnc. jj^cit^cr tfa man be naugljt in connri fation, is ttjercfojc^is religion naugbt' w ludasanHpa^lc, Nicolas a E>eacan; s tlje one betrajvad ^ Chrill:, t^eoltjcrbieDbetljcNicolaitaQs:botbfaatie inf^ir >> Rtu.».>y. lines; bat tl)cC:tiiftianfait|), tobicb tbct? piofetTeD is not fan# tie. ^cre be, ttjattuiitealforepo^tes berie ll^antcfulisf potir . ,•„ Siiogojs ano ^aftojs: ' of Caluin, that t>o committco a oetcffa# viu caimni. blejfinnsj > of Bucer,t^t Ije oenpeo Cpiift at.liisoeat^Mljicl) ^ t^ges aceas ooicus, as tljofc tbat ponteberfe nftljis oj tbat log.,?"'" |aope. ^tttif^^onlob.igei'pein, pou bDoulo reicd tttemos unpcrtincnt. Rainpides. 3n osoetbetrutbof <5oo oo^ not oepeno of mens maneiS. ^anp Bjcboes, inferiour in life to manp pap^ niins I manp CbiUtians, to manp 3|ctoes. ^eitljer oio § men? twntt)el90P2®to tbatpurpore. i^olubeit, toberepou call t^ cellibuf.Coi. trut^oftbeirao2ics(b0i)iclj3l toucljeo) intoooute, ano matc^ tljeinljDittjrepojtesriiatrouiemcntjauc tojiten of Sucer ano cores, & ceftet. Caluiniitistbcpartoftoife men, tot«ei^{ajsiuogcs oco in ™ toitnelt's,) lD;itetb, tobat, ofInljont. Cbe ' lain alloto? of Ctb not tljat a mans enimie dial! be a witnefic againll him; tj^o «tf «app"-- enimic msje OeaOlp, tbcn t»e,ts)bo bcarecb ^atm m quarrcll of oium religion: as *" tlje Samaritans to tbe Vetoes. &ucl) fjafreo is bczi-boi- bo;netoi^ucer ano Caluin, bpLindanano ^olfecke, the an? touts of tljofc leiDCc rcpo;tes. ^ino a farther Ijatreo bp "Sol- f3,?2ftfii!neflr fecketoc-aluinibeaufc " tufjenlje tooulobaue troubieo Oe- ncM^ toitb erroneous Oodiine, caluin aio fet 'ijinirclfc cpcnlp crronr.Prsfit. gamftbim;''tt)eminiftcr£iofc7fKf«?trcp:cucObwnbp tuojo ano tonting; p tbemagiftrafes otgemua oio banil| bim cut of their iiiaTosKelaet, citic. 1 i©n lihe caufe lutjercof tobenhcc toas oji'uen tinife p out of tbc coattcs oTBern^ ta),anO f binges fell not out to his niinoc Bam """ auiongfttbepaotcaantsth^reuoitco from tfaem aoainc to the 5 "pheoiEez. ia , "i VitaCalui*. remacie. ^apiffe5,anli returncD to pcpcrtc bb a coggc to t)ts ijomit. t'Sl^crcfox t^ep o© tniurie to Caluin ano "Sucerjtoljo belaue fo cuf^Michc- matccrsagainft ttjcmtipsn no better p;©fe tfien Lin- C'Ainilcobicu dans lDo;t),o,iBolfeckcs :c^tefelp,0tp tt)e fenotolcbge ofmanp> - a ibxiiihw at t^e Deatb ofBucerjOf infinite tot© citljer li# lion iieD toitt) Caluin,o; reabe Ihb goblp to;iting£!,tot)erein Ijce liuctb ttilLmapcIeerctpemfromtljecanhreDfpiteofoneentmie in ail •imIt inbifferentiubgeBcpcB. iiBut t^t^ingeBtotiic^ 31 Oto mention 'i? i"i toitneffieo not bp enimteB^but bp franbcB; not '' *' t Lk 14. one,but manie 5 moft iifee to bnoto tlje trutlj,anb to repoit tijere* & '7. ofnotoo^fCjttjenttjepkneto* ifo;fto?ieBDocon(enttt|at Bcw X * '* nifacc t^e eigtjtl^. toaB fucl^ * a threeformed beatt,aB 3 DCClareD, temp. «. %^€ottmc\l ofCotjfiAftce epamineoanb fbuns lohn tl^e t^itc Jm"iibT& miD ttoent^^ fo be a finfie of finnes,a Diuell incarnate,aB tljep xit» Pomp.Go- calleol^inL^fAlcxandcr t|ie6irtt)§DaiDnotatoo;(D mo;ei^en S^iTvitaAi«- istnGuicciardin,agcntleman,tol)oli»eDattl)e fame tirtie BriD; andXext. ap- tototefljc We ofit:an Italian bp nation, ^ bp rcHgion a pEO Tnmffi P^'' ^ popeB tientenant bp office,a fattljfull ca^rtaine fo aicere audcae, btB ^tate, " a bitter cnimie to tije JLutljeranB. ^no G uicciar- "udc«ac d?" dinsrepojfofbwis confimiebbpttoo BftalianB mO, * loaius, Orat.l.i. ano y Onuphriu^.?I2fl©^tt©ugbtncErtaineoftt©pop09ittteB, i3»w»«-- fbepO©blatt{btbEirbitto?ieB,Ofloaeanb oeuotion-, pettbepoOtt'#' n?^in?rtct* rent toitbQuicciardinin Alexander tbefiettJ:iautngt|)at,tot)Ct^ •fiafei i5j». GuicciardinfaittifietDoulo fiauepoproneooneCarbinaUat fupper,tf)ep fap tpat be intenucD to tjaue popfoneti fnnDjp. Boifcckewinjte 0o\a tbcfctoereftooinefrcenUB to tt)Em,of tobomttjep to^ote*. "W bJerc not Lindans,anD '2?olfeckes» fougf^ not of ma# tftt bflob* lice tobaf t{©p migbt toiitc againit tiiemibnt tpeptotote tfie frntb aAperauam ''P ^ the kw ofhiitorie.JDljep oio itot mifrcpo\x ftftphng ' cfeatebIgiCbopbpapope;apJ) an otber, '' U^joma arcaniscubi- popemaae biofirft Carainail; ana Lucretia,apopes aaagb^ Akiadttpiit. Eer,be liter to Tarquinius,tbenfl^e to Lucretia j ana ^ Aloi- ad louium. fius- b IulmstertiusInnoceminm,quem.Sl«idan.lib.»i. ciiiwetianomineyfedreThaijtAlextndri fiiiiXpoaCit »«jiw.Sanoa£ar.ja%igram.dFiIiu»Paulitei'tU)quiC{r{tij02%off)t«father; ® of^r tilamcs mo;s tiotojtous; all p^oues bg maze crebtble Inttncffes tijcn "BoU medibuszdesi fcckes.Buf 3 neitljcr nppso bp allt^jat 3 mtg^f,(manp tbtngs tl)c?^aueDonc,b3l)itl>al^amefa®aiiuerfarteU»oulDbe lotbtoof pcn:)nett|)cr DID 31 fpeafec ofang ^ing bot t|»at,b3btcl) ^our felues Daj,oz muftjConfelTc ofneceffitie. ^nD ttjcrcfoze toljen 3 fpake of una. faitf)ifflfe^ft^b.^®opes,3 laiD not a feozD elttiftof ^loanc, s c^orc- lol)®Zf;0?of s Hildebrand,tf)ctrattoz:becaarei?outabc crc^tt- on, fflzHildebrand,tbattb«^toljo tozttemucbcuilofbmTDiD CardJcTita it to plcafe bis cnimie •, foz' ]oane,fbat C^ce leas barlot to piops lohntbsttDclftbifotbat/ohnanD loaneluere not tlso popes, not.inPlatGre- but one. ^Isfoz t^t ^ou fa^ t^ot ifall ttjc ftojtes toere true, fl)e?aremiperttnciit,0tl}?ouDefer(Dtt)eDoflrine of pc?pes anDfaceof^wt oc nottbeir mancrs:tl)at anfiuercofbcr tobere tsBt,anD to purpofe; fo„\, 5,^ but bere tt cometb out offeafon.jlroz.tbe point in qucfltion toucb' aot.in PJat.Ia« ingtije Popes iDaSjwhethcr any ohhem had bene thceues & robbers, ^ou graunteD tbat about a fifty of flbcm tocrc to ;aiw cin.l- monfliers tffl,not onel^ theeues:but tbe fault thereof ^ou (aio ^7* toas in tbe €mperours,lnbo intrubeb tbem. 3 replieo, tbat Once tbe Cardinals DiD cb(Dfetbent,tbere baue beene as mon- Itrons of tbem as toere befoze,anb tbat baue come in as bnlaln^ foUp* iFo; pzo>febe»of 3 namcD Boniface tbe eigbtb, lohn tbe tbieeanDtluentffitb,anD Alexander tbe firtb : iobo luere popestbentobentbeelectionbyCarbinalslDasgroiDne to tbe perfitelf,tbe firlf a fbirtane bunbzeD ,tbe nert a fouretane bun^ DzeDjtbe latt a fift^ bonb^eD scares after ilbii®' SCbat tbefe toere monlfrous,tbeir tobolc liues do lbeto:tbat tbei? came in bn^ latofullp,tbeir entrances. SDljattbep toere as monttrcus, ane came in as bnlatofnllp,as the fiftie Popes:3 toill not p?oue,bn^ Iciie ^ou fozceme; for comparilbns are oDious.^nD bere 3 muS aDDe.leaft 3 be arcufeD as partial to tbe ^i^reo intbefametnagf .^nb if tbeCs n Eilfeb.hift.ee- theeues,bermirc tbep entrcD in bp tljc CDmpcrotlrs confent; cier.i.tf.c.M. iubat toerc ttjeir pjeocceffots," iuijo cntrcD in bp tljc peoples^ jfoj o o?ho Frufng!" f Ouiperour f riderike fiati reafon totj^n ° faiDc,tbat * him- de rebusgeft. ' lelfe, as king,ought to be chiefem choofingthc ^ifliop of o*'ne citie. 5lo ^en irimus^irS-! of l1ome,tl)K!t^t) ncto tijel^cqie be.anoif t|ep lucre theeuei oneru.cvrbis ' too, bccanfe fpe people c^ofe tljem , anb not t^c clcrgiebnelp: debliet' ^nbrcb pearco.l totiom neU p jigon.deregn. tijcr tljK C&mp,a*cur,no^ peagle, no? cicrgte,but onelp a felu Car# G L Dinalo Ijauc cbofeiif pou not belu al tt^cBopesareb;ougl;f in L.g'iT4.pia"°'' banger bp pou,to be tl)auc0fBut(as 3 raioe)^ meane not to take Onuphr.de tljio aouantage.^t fufficct^ mc,firft,tl}at manp oft^n purdjafeb BiuaPont; cu. ^opcDomc luitl) bttbcfp anb coaruption,aa 3 Ijaue D^clueD bp rDift.7?.c.si. ttjcirftorieo: ncrt, tjjat all fuel) pufcbalcra are ( bptijcirclunc «wis pccunfa. lab)) ■■ notApoilolicall, but ApoftaticalLt^atfetofap.rctjol# furrelaHii. terofrom tljc faitl)ofCl)?i2, not fiirfdwts of t'pe ilpofiico- tieuahabeatur. jfo^ tjcixofit fololuct^ ti;a£ manp , nctoiiclp Antipopes,buf Popes,anotl;epeleiaed,notintruded,l;auebeenc theeucs and pppt Nico, rob bersjbp ^ui* obm Defimttoit.Mhcrcfo;ie ,not all Popes are ^ci"cS pallors,o.e hirelinges, ^no Cofbe demonllration bp lu^icl) pou tJeiS arKwae. p jomtfeD to p^ouc but.of the fcripture, that Popes cannot err.e in do£trinc,i0faUeJi>. F^peSjlawfuHy iuccceding,niay bewoolues^345 Hart. Ii3ut as D. 'Stapleron fiot^DEffitc a theefe cut of S. Cyprians iDc^DCsaio |?opc can bc a ti)ecfc.i?oj ijc ts a theefe, fncceedtng no man yis or^trjfdofhimjelfe.^o^yltismnnifcftt^ tfjepopcSjalUbctl) f?au£ fuccabcbctbcrShaJiDtswreo^DctncDbp otbcts.- .§9ct,.t?;Cug^ femeoftt'tm UJcrc theeues,and robbers, . iu D. Genebrardsfcnfc:tpct»ccutonotcrre mbocfrtnc.^ucljis tpcftijreoffucrcJlion. Rainoldes. f^cfcac?,3 fap not of fiiccefiion, but oflatofuil fucrcG'tcn, rucl]|,tl;a£ |;fiuc t£,fr:n not crrc in ^ ,. Boctdncfspav" not true Biipcps ano palfo js tcacb i^crclfe, as' A- Theodow" iC.'' rius, ^ Neftorius, anb ^ Samolatenus OtD? roTc'nft Hart, ^csdljepmap.lout fbcn tijcp become woolues,a0pou dnopie.s®c?^ fjeac5outofD.Stapleton,2Dl)ep are not theeues and robbers, i-r-c.iji.& ji. Rainoldes. SLtjcn tlje piopcs fuccefsion Dotl) not tnarrattf E®Jbj?7"."i2" tl;cmbuttl)att!jcpmapbcwcolues. laHljic^ isf.s mac^ tomp purpofe,as if pcufatb, theeues, and robbers. ^nbintjcrp trui^jbnlclTe D.Staplcton ijab flabbercti bp t^atplace of fcrip? tnre(m^.Iohn)to mabe it feme foj^tsfucceirton : itlooulDbe apparantt^atCbjiftwieanttlje fame bp theeues and robbers, tljat poubpwoolues. jpoj butien tpe Pharifcs ^ab ' fpoben t ioh.7.47,t5.e, mucI)a!jatnlll)im,attOfougt)tbp " perftcaffcn anb ercommu* nication to leabe atoap tpe peop'cti)c(to medjetlji faitijrul toifc a^ gainfttpcirpjactifes) >' bcclaret!)bot^l)ts office anb perfcn parable,toljcrein lie comparettj dpobs c^ofen to (hecpe, anb ^im * & fetfe to a ihepheard. ^nb bp tfjat occafion Ije abuertifcti) tijem ^ fcf tljiee fortes of teac^crs,iDpict) mebble tuitfj t|e flocbc of dlJob: tfje fifft,a flicpheard; tl)C fcccn0,a hireling; tte tijirb, a theefe and a robber. * ^ (liepheard cntreth in by the doore into tha & d. lheepefold,anb carcti) fo^ tlje ti;«£pe fo that tolwn the woolfc cometh,l)eft«noctp in t^ir Dsfcnfc, aburnturing his life fo? t^em.£ hireling entretf) in, as tlje tl^rpbeaitj bctt), but careth not for the (heepe.-nnb tljercfo;e in tfje f tmc of banger he fleeth,- anb leaueth tliem to be fcattered. ^ theefe and a robber nets t^rentreth in by thedoie,as ii)cp: anb IjC comeih to ileak, and to kill,and to deftroy.Xbcf^tlJice fo?tcs of tearijrrs are ^ mentioncb bp Clt:tSf,pcit)aps to tcuci) tljc Pharifes bp tf)e toap couertlpjbut manifcttip to tUitre ijfmfcire,to!^m f Ijcp repjoueb as a falfe tearfjcrjtbat ts(in tljis fimi!ttuDe,)asa theefe & a robber. Miiiclifciaunber toconfate, Ijeil^eboetlitiimfel&tobeea fhep- ^ heerdi !If! 1 «, i-'i f ^' Chap.7. Diuif.j. ^46 Of the Popes luprcmacie. C TCcr.l. Sc>. d vcr.7. &9' |jear0,ncttfjcraftiepeheardhireIing,buta good fliepcheard, trucanu goQlt; teacljcr. ^no to t^is cno^c notetlj ttoo Differences bettuecne a Ihepeheard ano a theefe: tijte one, m tljeir Doctrine; tbeofijer, in tijeir enDe. jn tl^eir Doctrine; tljata theefe cncreth not in by the doore, tije lalttfulltoa^: buttheniepeheardentrcth in by the doorc, t^ati3,f)eptcact)et^C^?ift.ifo> Chrillisthc dooretanDbp llint tps ihepeheard leaDeti) \)i8 ilieepe in, and out, to fcedc tbem anD faue tl;eni» 3n tbcir enDe,' tljat a theefe commeth verCio, to fl:ealc,kill,dellroy,tb3t ts, to fpoile tbem oftbeir life, of life (pirituallanDeternalUbut the fliepeheard cometh that they may haue life,and haue it in aboundance. iZaSberebp it is t* uiDent tt];at C^;iff DiD meane tfje fame bp theeues and robbers tJcre,tDljict>ot^ertol)ercbp falfc Prophets; f Beware of falfe Prophets, which come to you in ibecpes clothing, but in- wardly are rauening woolucs.ifo; els,neiti;er tijep coulo ^aae fa^ne noteD iDcll bptbep2opcrtieofwooiues,tt)atts, to kill & dcftroy: neither ^ao^is Doctrine aiiD DiuiSon of teachers twne perfittobis purp^: neither toere ^is anftuer fit againff the Pharife s, bubo toucbeD bint as a feDucer, anD not as an intruDer; notfo;fucceifion,butf0.:DO(lrine, Bjf poubeleeue not me tbat f laCUMg. ann.Trad. h Deveibi, I>8m.ferm.49. Stapltt.prin. ^ is tbe natural meaning of tbe tcrtjpou map bel^ne S. s fattb> tbat to enter into the fiicpcfold by the doorc, is, to freash Ctirijt :^hor» >xho jo preach ttot'ri^htfyy they are theeues and robbers.tbefc, fo? etample, Ifte nametb tyfrius; tobo pet Xucc^eD lalufullp as D.Staplctongrauntctb, t|v)ugbb<^counte bimawoolfc, ano not a theefe and a robber, bpon a point tbat eyifufim fato not, 3ln tubi^b point bio fanfie carrieD bim fo farrc,tbatlnbtroas ^ eyfujimtie lujt talie ft { Rainoldcs. c5a)0reafon,ifft iDcre as true tiGS,Juftms,%vA toljati3tl)attic8mtionf Hart. AthcefeishCj who cliincth vp another way, t^at tS, {d£Cyj!rianiXi}ittt\)j)^h0 fwctedwgnen>ai2u oreUintd «f htm fdfe. Rainoldes. SntjCfeteOiDCS are' Cyprians luojtjes: buf t^e Ht* I flnition ts Stapietons oefinition.iFoj ootj^ not tojtte fljem tnoje ofa thecfe,tl)ett ofa wooUe, epat.<. Hart, ^i^eiDjitcfljf^emofNouatian , entred not in by the doorc into the fliepcfold,but climcd vp another way»^ 2Ll)erefo je ije In^ltcth of athcefe. Rainoldes. ^etofttetb ftjofi of Nouatian, fobo luasa falfe prophet, and came in Ihecpes clothing, but inwardly was a rauener. SDborcfoj^^e be iDftteti; tbcm of a woolfe. jfoj » Cyprian Dofl)coont Nouatian tl)eberctike,bofb a thecfe, ano ^ ajnouiu- a woolfe. P^oueti) tbat Bl sano thereof,agatnft M.hzreticum, IjSiir btftindtsn In^ fcticr woolucs from theeues. 315ut Sta- plcton tn banbUngtbts place of botb plapc bs fb^a feats: deneganda! tnbitbtftbepbemarkeb.MKbelnlnftbbobatarte fo ttiges oftbe Fathers are interiaceb in bis fatDkes. ifirft be cbaum j^tbelDOibes. ifoztabereitism " efit arofe of him felfe : Stapleton both reabe If, a fe tpfg ordinatus o Hift.cccief; #/?,is ordained of him felfe. ^/uamV^of ** Hart. 3t batb banc berefofo^e reabe fe in fome pjtnfes. Nouatus fngh Raincddes. ^f batb fo: but amtfllc. ifo? Nouatian tnas oj# beineb of others, tbougbbnIatofuHp: as " Eufebius tbetocti;, uacianus. anb p 0prian bib knoto. tKTtberebpon, tbat fauttc[rcabing is a# t Er'a«4« »'i mcnbcbintbe i laterpftntcsoutoftoiitcncopies:anb ""anote q ofManious repiouing it(leaft it crape in agaiHe)is left bp Paraelius.^JHbofc « mo. coition etb * Stapkton p,:apfetb as belt cojrectcb, anb fo» w lotnctb itfo; abtmntagc: fo cbaungc a toojOe of it bcre, in fuclj su»«j«pp-. fojt,it teas a fcatc ano bao n purpofe. liBut tbe feconb fcate botlj cyprii",^" ertel tbis. iro;, bciaufe Cypnan fattb of a tbafe,tbat hf/uccet- n coue cl i^'co- dinxnoman arofe of htm felfe : Stapleton Ootb take btinastbcug!) J^alV^crdira- be bao befincb a thecfe bp tbcfe tuo^bes. ^Slberccf be Incnlb natus eft'Uncmo baue tbe reaoer tocnnceiue tbattbcptobo bauefucccffion, anb are o?bcineo latofuUp, can not bee theeues: a tbingtcbftb s Princip.doftr,, Cyprian meaift net.. JBut tbercin be btatetb teitb tbe toojocs of Oypriasi tditLoattiu S? Of the Popes fupremacic. Cyprwi asifamanfl^oulD fa^to Define a doaour: adoftour iS)hc,who iiicerpretech che fcriptur.es,that is(as' Cypr/an wri- ■clcifeorrnpt the ^ojpellyand is a falje expounder oftt, ' ' (Ijefe are Cyprians iMo jors, aiiD fpalicH uf N ouatian 'Doftours. 30ut toerc not fpolten to Define a dodour. jfo j t^cn t|je? fl^oulo be berifieD as toell of all dodours, as t^rg be of Dodpur Stapleton. |?et \)Z l^oulD D^ne a dodour fo, to p;ro«c |iim one, anD tljat out of Cypruin: (boulo fcrue bbn fucb ^ fc^te as Ij® Dottifcrue athcclc, anDtafie bimintlje fiiare iu^icbtlimfelfe IjatbframeD. Hart. Sis tbousb t^atoftheues (ane inisiit be sc9D,ano foine naugbt. lEbercinapberoofdodours. Rainoldcs. ^o. S0ut,asdodoLirs, romeareg(9D,romeare naugbt; anD Qtb ^at bolb tbefe qualtries are inctDcnt into doc- tours.adodourflboulanot be DcfincD bp eptljer of tbem: To theeues,Tini.efiicc^De,ronieDa)notfucceeDe i ano fitbttjatbotb tbefequalittcs aretncioent tnto,t^eeues ^ noene of tbein tan opentbcnaturcofathecle, na^bDlb tnDxDpttbtlp^ fo;te to fap in Dtiining a theefe,tbat he/ncceedeth no ntitni it is a tuggltng feate, lobiri) conuertctb acciocnts into tbr^apeofXubo fiauceranD inabetb ellence of a qualitie feate t^at is bfeDinucb bp D, StapletoD,v Dotb tunaf e tbe finiiple bob® t^not tbe fieigbtt tobcre tb®V btfcer nc tbe conueiance of it, ettetme it as a feat offopbifee. 15ut tbe tbii D feate, is a feate of felp. ifo.iUJben be bao raaDc fourefiinDcs ofteacbers,tbefiift,pallors; tfje neet, hirelings; tbetbirD,thceues; tbelaa,woolucs;anDgrauntcD tbat tbep.ail are ealleo to tljat office bp latofud fuccefiion, ercep^ ting theeues onelp: be Diuioetb hirelings into ttoo fojtes; anD bauing pjoiico tbat botb oftbem Do teacb t^e trutb, ccncUiDetb tberupon,tbatan vndouted certaintieol dodrine and faith is knit to fuccefsion, E-b®" riJ® Mj'tb hJb^t feinDe of legicr# oemainecanbemojefonDf tofap in tbeecnclufion, tljattbcp b)bo bp latofuU ruccefiion oit teacbcrs.Dcj larelp teacb tb® trutb, becaufe tbat hirelings Dsa, ane paftours: lubeti b^b^f Ib^hJCD bcfojc tbat not onetp tb^t haj fucedtD laMuilp,but alfo woolues, iobo teacb errours. Hart. 3t ioas not bis nteantng tbat fuccetfion alone bafb hn# 11 Staplftprio- DouteD certaintie ofDodrtne anD faitb, but, fuccellion conrfrs, ano in bib baunt mojc banitie, tbat * in fpite of here- x Lib.s.<»p.p^ tikes a fare vndouted certaintie of dodrine and faith is knit * to the verie fuccefsion of the Apoltles, to the fuccefsion it fclfe. 0nD pcu, bp refapning ttjis vnitie biitb Stapleton, bane rajeo to tbc grcnnoo tbat p:erogdtiae of tbe pope, tobereon poa butloeobi^k(p;emactc. if 0; if vnitie tnitb hicceflton bane bn« boufebrrrtaintie of oodiineanofaitb* aUpaSojsk^ing vni- tie are as fra; from errour in ooftrine, as tbe pope is. ^nb To if not to errc tn bcdrine bea pnuilege % pjosfe of t|ie fopjemarie: all pa&cui s b^ue as tHgb fnp;iemacte bp tbis vnitie,as tbe Pope batb. 2Lbe pope, 3 can tcU pou, tnill not I&e tljis bnitie. ^oto mucb ttjc wojf toifelp (mc tbongbt) ^cu btalt * befijje, totj^n,' bpingtbcfbunbatfonoftbepjercgatinopapall, pou rnncuebrwrtfctol tbis vnitie out of tbe chaire, tbat l^ts vnitie migbt fit in tt. ifo? foboreas s. Auflin faitb ? tbat God hath fct the dodrine of truth in the chaire of vnitie, meaning of all palfojs anb feai! ebors of tbe Cburcb tobicb belb tbe faitlj tuitb ccnco^b agatnff tlje fed anb fdjifmc of Donatiftes: pon applpeb tbat faping to the chaire of the Pope, btfplacing altoget^r botb vnitie anb otber r prfnc^joa. paftors. isaberctn tbougbpoufo^foabefbeftepsof D. y Staple- ton, tobo pjouctb bp tbat berie faping of S. Auflin, t^t all" pjieftes anb IBiOjops, tohetber tbcp be paitours 0; hirclinges, teacb tbe trutb: pet pou foltotoeb tbat Pbicb rou bab rcceiueb of pour Diuines at Rhenics. ifo? ^ tbep bbfo applp ft to tbe x gnrttit Popespjcrcgatiue. ©elifectbegrcatbencfftesflctoingffomfbe pope to tbe RhcmifhSeminarie oiD mciiO tbcm to abucnture fcmelnbat in bis quarell mo;e tbcn D. Staplctons beart bib ferae b'jn to* Hart SS'J.' 15^ oTthe Popes fuprcmacic. Hare /i^ mo^e,tl)cn in tmtlf auu confcience migljtiroj f^ouglj in D^D tl;at failing ofS.Auftin toere mcaratofal iBtC^ops t^af^clDt^cfait^toittjconcojD ;toI)ict)Ot!rDiniries gfRhcmes (3|Ujarrantt?ou)hnci»iDcUcnoug^:i?2it^0t? migtjl: appl^ itta t^e Pope,as cljicfelij belonging bnto tjim^ tbs fountaine (as it iDere)Dfbmtic, Rainoldes. J5ut flje^ bo applp it to tlje Pope,as onclp be# tonging bnto bint, ifo? tbep allcage it to p;cuc tlje pzcrogatius anb p^iuilege of tbe pope,tbat botofocucr Ije b® in perC3n,T>et be cannoterreinoffiice.UbcriusCfap tbep)in pcrfecution might yeelde,Marccllinus for feare might commit idolatrie,Hono- rius might fall to here{ie,and more then all this, fome Judas might creepe into the oflficc,and yet all this without preiu- *i6eln6ae!^' dlcc ofthe office aiid feate,in whicli ( faith S, * Auftin) our Lord hath fet the doftrine of truth. JfpourDiuinesof Rhemes feneij) tbat S. Aultin lojote tljis of all IBilbops tbat belb tbc faitb initb concojb:tbcirfinnc is tbe greatcr.ifo,:,tbat tnbicb tin cathedra ijg mabo conimon to tbc' vnitie of alhtbc^ nippc it as proper to Id" maiia prz- fingulat fcatc of one. Slnb, tbat tobicb bs fpabe in generall pofitisi&,de ^ ofwicked bilhops who fay good thinges and doo euill; mThfadenribus tb^^P abbjiogc it to ^opcs-^s bobo fap tbat §opes oncls coulbfac eifDeibona di-, wickedmotctbcr llBiSbops alfo. centibus. 3|ftberc boere perhaps either a flippc Of memoj^,oj otber ouerfigbt in citing of s.Aullins ^^Jo;^bcs,tbe jnatter is not great,tb long as the thing is true bobich tb^P be citeb fo^namelp, that the pope niai> erre in perfon^not in offlee-,as a p^iuate many not as pope. Rainoldes. matter is fo great,that tifz tracfee thereof boill fiiflj bs out tbat,bDbieb bp tbw biftinrtion pou tebe to ftwle aboap, ifojpou fap that the'Pope cannot erre in office, though he may in pcrfon. ^nb bobp^Becaufe, although his pcrfon be wickediyet in the feate hath ^od fet the dodrine of truth.as S,Auftin faith, boutas S. Auftin faith it, all i5i« flbops,faetbepgcnbojeuill,pafto3so;bir^linges,ba) fit in that ieat. ^0 that none of them can erre in office neitber,bp coniC- quence of pour reafim. tSEtbcrefoic if tlje pope cannot erre, as pope:a iSilfiop cannot erre,as llBilbop, ffiut pon boill not fap (3! tbinfec)tbat a il5iCbop cannot erre, as 515i(bop,S^btrsfo?e pou muff p^lb, that the pope map erre, as pope. Hart e IS common to all Bifliops. ^51 Hart, tsafjat if3 faiD tfizt a 2!3ifl?cp can not crre.as iBi# {]()0p f 31 coulD matntatne it after a fozt. Rainoldes. 31 Doubt not cf tljat. icuf pcu t^ouio marro 30opes p^ilc!3c:tol)id) if pou doj- Hart, 3^ap,3! fap it not.2utic fault of pour argument i$ ra< tljcr in tlje fo:mer pait:3| in£ane,in ttjc grcuno fljercof pon !aiDa«DUfofS.AuiHn,t^atttje oflficcanD Teate , wherein God hath fet the doitrine ot trutli, is common to al Bi{hops.3fo^» tfjouj^ |)c map fame to fjaut fo t^cug^t in ' t^jat epiftlr.pet in ^ aEpifti^*. t|^e n^t befo;e it,i)c giuett) t^ jp^^erogatiue to t^e ofKomc. Rainoldes. vEnleScpourDiuinesofRhemesDo)abu&liim. jfoj out ofttjatcpiftle ' tljcp tcaclj'botljis leffion. God prefer- An-, uech the truth ot Chriftian religion in the Apoftolike See of nouciomoti- Rome , which is in the new Law anfwerable to the chaire ofMofcSjnotwithftandinetheBifliopsof thcfame were ne- uer ib wicked of life:yea though fome traitor as ill as ludas wereRiihop thereof , it ihould not bee prciudiciallto the Church,and innocent Chriftians,for whom our Lord proui# ding faid,Doo that which they fay,but doo not as they doo. 3pioto,in ^ t^ epiftle allcag^ anb qnoteb b ipift.Kj. fb; p^oofeoftliio leObmS.AuBin fai^tije herp (hme, tnhi^in ® tticoti)er,ofwickcdBiftiops in general!; though applping if in particular to tljeRiihops of 3?j5me,if anp of t|jem |»d bane wicked,. |?cur Diuines cfRhcmcs, leaue out * tpc generall - De prapofid* lDo?Deo:tpat fimple men map tbiniie ^ meant a fpecial p;iiuilege of t^ ^gz of Home . Mbereto tl^p note in tpe margent: The See ofRomeprefcrued in truth, ^nDDpon^ ottjerlfte ... placeS:Thcdignitieofthe SeeofRome,. janotljatlDljicbpaf# fetljalljtlieprapfbafinthcnewelaw the See of Rome is an- »3 ? outofAn- fwerable to the chaire ofMofesttheApoftolikcSeeofRome. iteraTpebiUn. 3HDao0fopinion(befojc3ratPtl>£rcglofcs of tpeirg hpon tljc Tcftaraent,)tfiat Stapleton Ijai) paCfeD allttje |5opeo retapners in abuQng^cnptnres ano ifathers fo;t the papacp. 313ut notn 3(percciaeanDconfeafe,tljataj5' leruialcmdidiullifie her terSodomtCjtbcDiuinesofRhemeshaueinlhficb tljetr b;o# tper Stapleton. |fo? Stapleton,as be Ijatb bealt toitb greater » frufb ano |)onelKet!>entbep,!nmanpofl5erpointes;ro bath f be 1.5""^. (betoeO in tbte of Scribes and Pharifes iittingin Mofes chaire, b^^tbattbeteptismeantorwicked. Riihops , allfuch as fay audi Qiuif.f. 351 Ut the Topes lupremacie. and doo not,anD,t^at S. Auftin gtuet^ ttjat fenfc of text. Bat / I t^eDiuincsofRhemcsljauefetDotoneS. Auftins namo^ ano ' ■ fo,00 iftjeljaotljoag^ftljat to be Scribes and Pharifes ,}i ^Db®nc a peculiar grace tjnfot^c^ope0.0nD,bnocr colour of tli0 autl)ojitic,amj iuogcment.t^ep fojce t^e fcripturco alfo to it, fiping, tbaf t^c c^irc of Mofes in f^e olo 0 lato inao tljat tlje ii ' oflftomei0itoto,TheSeeofRonicisanfw'erableto thechairc oi Moles. ©E^cb fcntonce io fo groDfe, ti)af tnlefiCe tljei? |jao tiopei) to finoe fioine in England,U)i)om anp ooung loonlD pleafie tliat rauoureo of t^e pop0,tt)0p toonlo not tiaue Ourll to lap it oti tbcfcriptures,nonottt)ougbfNr|^arte0^ao b^ne a0fat ao , b?alDne,anb t^eir facco ao barb ao abamant- Hart« Em^tmeane poutorclaunbcra college of lb learnob Diuines in fuel) lb jtfSDotl) itot S. Auftin mention tbe See anb Si- ihops oi Rome in all tbe placeo lubicb tite, botb in tbe e< p)iues,anb againftPetUian ? Rainoldes. ^ot in all: infome bo botb-Buf botb Ijsmen* tion bim in anp of tbcm fo,a0 tbongb the chaire of Mofes ioere p;oper bnto bini;anb bt alone Iboulb St in ite Hart, ^crbapo, not crp.ieCfelp:pctbc botbimpliebfp, anb bp u confcqaent.iro; clotDbrnubebcfpeciatl mention of ^nmo;« tbenofotberoe Rainoldes. Bccaufc be Ijab occa0on to fpeahe ofIjim fpeci* «coatriiter. allp tbjougb obtectioiie ofbio abuerlartco.^tt be mafectb men* Pctilian.lib.t. tionofotbcr^eeo anbBitbcpstojjao s oflcrufalem, Buf,fbe fcdpturetoitneffetbtbatallmenarelyers,3f| Iboulb bence auoucb tbat tbe I'opc to a Iper: tooulD pc u fap tbat 3 auoncb tb® Pope nlonetotofccalp0r,nnbnottl)cTurke alfc? Hart. ii:bc l^opcmap Ipe bp nature:but CoDbp grace can free btm from it. Rainoldes. S^b^ iSjtDbat Cob bstbmct toi^f b^ can eo). Hart. But ao be can,fo Ije cotb^bp p^iuilcgc of tbe of Uome. r Rainoldes. ^l0(rueasAuftinfaitbit.^ucbapjoofe,rucba pjiuilege. Harp. S. Auftin map baneraibitjif not in tbefotnter plates. In HoSi th ^ if"? ^ ' Genebrardjto pjcue fb^i Pope may be an hcretike in perfon,bur cannot eire iudiciaU iy» The chairc & office is common to al Bifhops.353 ly, Oot^ bjing foU^ a reafon from the chairc,t^at Us, tlje ^^ano Mofctft Ijtmfoj tf. /"orthefbrcc(fatrt)!?c)of,thc chaire is iuchjthat itconftraincththemtofpeakc good thinges and true,who doo not good,nor thinke true:neither doth it fuf- fer them to teach their owne thinges,but the things of God. j4ugu^i».lib.4^e de£ir,Chrtft,CA]^,17. efijt, i66. Rainoldes. ^Dfftoo placesSjlufjottte tje gafberrt^ former agreetl) fuUi? toiti) later; tlje later is tame t]^f pourDiuinesofRhemesabufe,as3lj3UCll^eUjeD. 3|n botbS' Anpn fpeafoetl) of wicked Rifhojjs generally,not fperiallp of t^e Pope.jn boti) be meanetb tbe office cfteacbmg bp Qhe chaire;] tb^office:>comnhttebnottoone)15tibop, butto all. 3|f ^cne. bffard D® tafee [the chaire]tn t|j« fcnfcrbeto woaetb it pour pji# nilege i 3|f be meane tbe ^ee of Home bp [the chaire:] tben to tbere * a confpiracic of Prophets among pou,0Btbere toas inong tbe 3|etDe£^ano^encbrard to one of tbem. * Hart. 3|t ts not Ithelp tbat S. Auftin tfeb tbe name of the chaircjfbj tbe office of teacbtng.tobicb to common to all 'Bu (bopo,ao toell to btreltnge0,ao to p^;0. ifoj be fattb tbat the chairc conftraineth them to Ipcake good thinges and true; the chaire conftraineth them, are tbep conftrained but bp afpectall gracefo;%benc6teof^e Cburcb^ Sfino in bobat ^itbopo map tbto grace be C^etoeb; but in ^e popco one^ Rainoldes. S. Auftin,a£i be nofetb tbat grace in tbe popes, ib Dotb be ^boit in all otberCatbollkelidtlbopo of bio time, tobofcootfrine tbe Donatifts (againtt tobom beto;itetb)biD not rep;oue,buttbetrmanero, l^ccalletb ''thechaire,(intobicb'e*®* tb^ all tit)the chaire ofwhollome do tbey are conftrained ano infoj# o Gai.r, conftrained the Gen- p In Cicei. 4c tiles to doo like the leviies, becaufe by t)to example IjeemoueO tbemeffectually; ao p Lailius tololitsfrtenDeo tbat tbey con- ftrained fjtm to graunt tljem a tl)ing,toljKl) by earneft fuite Libr depafto- ittttwteo ♦ ifojtbat lie bfeb ttietoojue [ conftraine 3 in tljat nbiMc'ap.io. lenfe;!)imfelfe^at^DeclareD i otber-lubere, by faying, t^at paiterervr'^er * ibepehcatdes (j^meanetl) hirelingcs ) will they,nill they, Dcoiaatad lac will lay thewordes of God that t&y may come to milke & lanam, verba jnj ^ jjgi^^ Ihepehcardes, €1 1 an unt. jjjgy ^ uillthey, will fay the wordes of God; but ^ee fpeahetlitb, to note t^tt^eloue of milke ano of wolle, t^ Ui,ofcommoottieo,cotiftrainetht|i^ tofisoe ttjeftieepe ioitlt Gods worde,ti)betl)er tfjey l&e ofit^o;t no. ^otobecaufe tbo ooing berof to tn,ano by,tjieir office of teaching, tobicb the chaire rDcdoAiin. betDheneD,ao, the chaire of Mofes: tberefo;te '' Ijo faith fijat cnnnian.1.4. Mofej chaire did conftraine the Scribes and Pharifesto fay good thinges; anO that'' amongft CbJifffano, hirelinges are conftrained to fay them in the chaire tea. ^ifBI ibouU) fay, toljtn in the Church of ©nglano a ^Bapift pjeache^ againff po# perte,a tootloling againff Inojloltneffe, an hypocrite againff hy^ pocriGe, (tohich fow^ timeothey tua:) the pulpit conitraineth. them to preach fo. |3on Ihoulti mittafee mc,if you Ihonlo ima^ gin that Bfmcane our pulpit hathafpeciall grace to hecpe all pjeachero ff ill from errour. Cuen O3 dcd they S. Auftin, tofjo Djeamc of fuch a chaire in hio tooioeo. l^otobeit, if yoir-thinfte that a chaire toith hint to of greater fojce , then a pulpit toith bo: yet you can not thinkebut that hio toozoeo fpoken of the Scribes ano Pharifcs arc meant of air XSilhcps, bJhp fay and doo not. if oj lb he erpounOcth the Scribes anO Pharifes often, »conw.tiier. ^^tt in fhc liime ' bojbetohich your Rhemifts alleage. Mherei« Pctitian. I.i.c,7. fb;:eiftbepopcby berfuc of t^ chaire cannot erre as pope: Bilhop cannot erreas IBtlhop bybertue of the fame chaire. 15ut any other 3!5ilhop, you graunt, may erre as XSilhop. SChercfo^e yoH muff graunt, the pope may erre as pope.. Hart, ^y, 3 ibill graunt rather t^tS, Auftin erreo, ano; laioe. A Bifhop may crrc as Bifliop. ^55 Intoe a falfc grouno; if fje tjo impart pjinilege of t^ie chaire to all otljcr ISiC^ops as toell as to t^c l^ope. Rainoldes. t?ou mulf graunt toi^all tljat Gene- brardano^orRhemifts|iaue abufsB 5,Aullin, to bjing Ijim as foj tl)atjl»b«li agatnft. JSitt 3 toill oefenb S, AuRin in a trut^: ano p^one tljat tljo argument toljidj 3 Ijane grounbcD onbim tslbfure antJ 'fcunD, tljat ^ou mutt nabcs grauntit, bnlcflfe pou mill befroluarb toilfall^.ifo.j tubat tfjinRc ^ou, firtt: ma^ a 515ilbop erre as ISilycp f Hart, tiSLlbo Ootl) Denp it i Rainoldes. SCljere is one in " Plato tobo fiaitbtbata ma- uDcr«jub.tt. gillrate cannot erre, as magiftratc; nor a Phnce,as Prince, i.ThraJyma- Hart, ^ot a Prince ? ®HbP? Rainoldes. iSecaufeaPrinceis, as itvirere,aphyfician of the common wealthrand a phyfician can not erre,as phyiici- ^an« For in that he errcth,ne miiTech of his arte. Wherefore, by vant ofphyficke he errcth,not by phyiicke, And fo (to fpcake exaaly) no artificer can erre i at the leaft he cannot erre as an artificer, For he which erreth, erreth becaufe he hath notfkili enough, and not becaufe he hath (kill. Hart. jiBnt ^et an artificer ma? erre in p;rattife of bis arte: asapb?0cian, in coring fi^men: a prince, in ruling tbe conumn toealtb« ^nb t^refoje, me tbintetb, tbat Ibift is but aqniODitie. ifo^ an artificer ma? be iaSipt^ioe to erreas an ar« fificer,tobcnbcootberrc in tbat tDbifbbe bealetb toitb in re^ fpect of bis arte ♦ ^ leatt, if be erre not therein as an artificer, erretb as an enill artificer. Rainoldes. SDbatistrue, as an cufll artificer. Hart. SCb«t ponr man in Plato rnnff amenb bis fp^b: anb fc?,tbat a p?inc0 ma? erre as an eutl p?tnce,tboogb be cannot^ as goD; ami a magiftrate, as an euill magillrate. Rainoldes. jlnbof apb?ficiaH be muft amems iitts: and ra?,tbat a pbpCeian if be cure nottbe ficbe loebDotb crrc as an uillpb?fi[nan. Hart, l^emufffo. Rainoldes. Jlihetoifeifanaubito^tomiCbincafimgofac? counts; be erretb ss an euill auditor. Hart. j3n euill auditoj. Rainoldes. jand if a cajbedo) mtiie in duelling of mcate, be Z a erretb ^^6 Of the "Popes fupremacie. cn efii as an cuill cojfec; a fabler in making gannents, as an t* mil taller ; a (l^omakcr in making O^cdcs, as an cuill Gjtof maker. Hart, meiljat els i anD all artificers after tlje fame rs,:te. Rainoldes. oncl? artificei s,as tljc^ are calico common* l^, but all,in toljore fuiidtons fljtll ano arte is naofuil foj ttjc cif# cljarge cf tljcm; tol)ctl)cr tljcv ciuill,as iaUjiers,iuogcs, ccum fcllojs; w ecclcflafticall, asoeacons,pafio;s, ootto * * butone,euenGod. Uffutifluelitc^c. aS'men are commoulu tDonf: toe map not call tbe belt, cmll. Mberefo;e 31 am lotb to rap,tbata^i^c>pcrrctb asaaeuilM15ilbop^ if be erre in oiuif Ding tbe tBojD of trutl;.. 3 ba^ ratbcr fap, tbat be crretb as i5i# Ibop osenoing in a point of ouetie. 0no fo tuoulo 3 mitigate our fp^cbes of tbe refi: not to call tbem eniU,tnboniaU account gob; but to note tbat gob, in men,batb imperfection. Hart. SDofo,ifpoullIt. Rainoldes. ^btnboe thill bib tbe fophifier in Plato fars) toclU The Pope may crrc as Pope. 357 Ixicil: anD fas a magtSratemai^erre) aiS magtSrate: ano ap.2tnce,assp^mcc. Hart. 3;tDa5oft|)atmmDeatt^efiri{. Rainoldes. ^n&a 2I>o(to;,a5 a li5t(^t^,ad Hact. SDrueratfJlitetotfet^elilte. Rainoldes. 3|S ROlt^ l^ope a Bill^op of Rome, froln. Hare. 3f t^ug^ tifsA pou toanlo atlaS. ;3ttO fo^e 31 Dio piK^lp OjEcept ^ bp nanu. if0?^ it is &ae in aU ^i^ t^opo, faufi m i3ti]^p of Rome. Rainoldes. 3|bnoto pou Dtoexcept |un: 'tot ti^ reafon^ ifo;itfttbetrueingenoraUofldi^t«ce5, tpattp^ map errea^p^tnces,- itfoloUietptn fpectail t'pat anp prince map ttrreaaj^^mceifliciiusneofEngland, asllu^m; tije l^ng of Scotland,. a$ litng.; German Ctinperottr, aaCSmporour? xnb fi] fo^aU red, tDfiod office is p^inc^p. K$is pou graunt, SOopoutiot? Hart, ^es, it in fo m 30jtnce0,3( gramtf. .Rainoldes. 2Di)eti,mmtero2te,tfttbetrue of Btll^opo tpat b|)ep map erre ao ^ii^op0,it folotoctp tpat anp liBtl^op map erre asii3it1bop: lljepatrtarkeof Venice, ao^Datriartte: tpe Car# Dinallof Alba,a$CaroinaU;tbe^opeof Rome,as |9ope; atis fo fod^U tl;ered,tJD^&office iolBiO^oplp.^otp not reafon leacti pou,t|iat poa muff grannt t^io alGK Hart. ^o.^ecaufetbeffateamicanDitionafBiil^Dpsionot libe to pjinceo in t^io conffoeration.if 0; amongtt pjinces tbere is none p jiuilcgeD bp bertue of bio office not to erre, as ^iJjince. JiBut amongtt BiibopotbclBopeof Rome is pjiuilcgeo not te crre,as30ope. Rainoldes. SDbe bate of tJ)isp^iuiIegc isont, M.Hart: it cannot fcrue pou noUi. ^ojpour fdfe nuaibcDThrafymachus in Plato as ibifting Ujitt) a quiositic, fojfapingtljat a Prince cannot erre as Prince. Hart. -ainbSmifliliebnnftilL Rainoldes. pou confefleDalfo,tf)afc an artificer map be iuff Ip faiO to erre as an artificer, tnijrit becrrc in tbat tobicb bCC bealctf) Untb in rcfpccf: of bis arte. Bar r. 3 DID lb. lUtfat tfjeiW Rainoldes. .^113 pou ti^Jugbtitmaete, tbattueflboulofapa g llilhop p' 111 Cbap-?. 55 8 Of the Popes ifupremacie- i?iQiop erreth as Bi(hop, iDt5cn1jcer«tl)tnapcuitofft'e T>ii> f^opsDutif. Hart. IInotI)ts3 gratmf tflff. Rainoldes. i^otecanpouDcnp^t^cn, butf^^opcmapiaft# tpbcfaicetocrrcasisopcjtul^n^ccrrgtfjinnpomtof p popes Oufpfit^ a point ttjereof,tS,to diuide the w^ord ot truth a- right, bcloncingto to all OSitl^ops, bp tljc chaire f feats, ^at is.tlje office of teaching,tnljerin (Ecd tjatlj fct tl^ttn tl)C pope ^notpjiuilegeDbptjerfue of t^e cljairc from erring as Pope, mo3il)ai!ep^iuci}noto tijat be toiotc that as pope, lobicbbe boastonDcmneh fo?: ans tberefoje erreo as pope, ' Hare, jt map tbemc be to,lote it asp ope,^ foerreoiBnttbatis not enougb to p.ioue tbat p p ope map erre in office, as j talie it. The Rainoldes. SDo pioue it then mojefullp : let bs fe firff, (iTcrh Di- ^ popc4b-^ to it map appeere tobetber bee . map erre in office,0?no,. 6.Petertbe0poQleto.nt;ngbr.to EI- uifion. dersjbp tobom be mcanetb Biibops ano all tobo b'ne fbe ^rgc of foules(as" pou acfejiotolcoge:) Fecde ye,faitbbe,the ffockc "Conc^Tri- of God tt'hich is committed toyou,taking earelor it,not by conllra!nt,but willingly; not for filthy lucre, but of a ready mat.c.i. minde; not as though you were Lordes oner ^ods herita - ij ' gc^s,but that ye may be enfamplcs to the flockc,Mbcr"a be ijij ibargetbtbcm to pie.idi the too^o of <;^o3,aH3 Icaoe a goolp life; tbat tfjep map face tbeCburcbbotbtoitboccrrinc anh example, Sbif totbepDpescffice,3tbin{Jc,ifbfbca2!5ilbop: fo.z itcotb .. em t,ni3fc toMcb tbem all, ffiut tobat tbtnUe pou of it, leaft 3 lofe mp labour Sn".de^^' tbtouffl^an c except thePope:] Dotbit tsucballll5ilbops,cgial rcfotmJt.cap.i. puc bimonelpf, totPkl/rir 3lt55fb'io«eb tbem air. t -uitoisai ij. RainoWe^s. £Cbe The 'Pope may errc in office. 359 ciup.7. Diuifioa (• p;tDU£t{) tlbat all they who haue the charge ofToulcs arc bouud to be refidentjbecaufe they ought to feede their flocke with the Wor<^,wich /4cr4me»tSyWith prayers, aud with W^orkf^i and feede it io they cannot,if they forfakeit, as hirelinges, and benotrefidentvponit« iStSQJ ttje toijtcl) necsfiaric cotjfcquenccafrcafjn,^ tljefcrme toljcrcbg^, Peter eDt^note tbtrcore,tf)at CboolD taUe,irapojte£tJ iismucij.jFojtiQgnjs fictb to lookc too,f ns U tDcreto watch ouer:to iooke,as fljepo beartistot^ceocfec,cap anc niglit, tuyere tl)crcareluocl«c£i ancluiloebcaftcs: to watch as ^ iuafcl;»icn inf0ccittc,aneei}cfullttiinginpeacc, lot in ioarrc fpectallp. Ml^crcfcje fitb cuerp flccfecof C^jjitt is in Daungcr of' the woolfc,tliat is the diuell, toijoleeketli whom he may dc- uour -, anO ® Satan with his Angels,cuen toitf) ^ fpirituallwic- kedneiTes,is ftilltu bjarro againft fait^fulbif folotoctl) tljat all ^Bii^sps ougljt to be rditoent on ti)eir cbar^,all pattots to at- tcnc t^eir aottJcs,all tnat^nen to c^paro t^jcir cities. 2>a) poa alloUJoftljistajf Hart. ^s;ns tljeCcuncell^afljcecreccit. Rainoldes. :l5p pour confcffiontbenbpon tfje failure,toit^ f'g: Cou.tcell, ttic ofiftce of a lioiCbop requirctb tb^ee tbinges: tijat be p:wcl) faitbiuUp.tlut be Uue bpri0btlp»anb tbat bo be rcficent on bis charge. )outtbe iBitbop oft^omemaperre in cacbof tbcfe.SDbi'tofojctnoffioe bejwa? erre-i^otofeppou^a^ap be note Hart.' cannot erreintbcmaiU RainoJd^s.t^e map crre in office,if bsmap ertt in anp of t!»mi; fbeeacb of tbem toucpetb bis office, pou grant. iBuf 3 pjoue, in tijem all. ^nc to bcginnc toitb tbe Iaft:bemap be ncn-reOoent ^o.i be to'ts Dj bp tbe fpace of tbixtfcojc anc ten pearcs togitljer: all tbe tobicb time, s feuen popes, tobo foloiocDone anotber, denienstbcfiftbjlohntbettoo anc tiuentatb, Benedidtbe tlaelftb, Clemens tbeCrfb,^nnocent tpc firtbjVrban tbcfiftb,f ■G rcgory tpS f leUCntb,aboCe fialf at Lions ia FroHnce^tt^zn at ^Ui mott^nn ncner came as mucb es once to Rome, jg not tbis truce Hart, ^ct pou map not ftp tbat tbcp luerc non-rkocnts. 5Fo; tbe pcpe Ijatb charge oucr ttje tobole too.^lo, not ouer "^me onclp.^o tbat bJberefoeuer be abiDetb,bc is refioent- • Rainoldes. tobcrefocuer be abtbetlj notjbe is ncn-refi# ticnf.. ill Jiof ttjat folotu i iFo.j \)t tbat bafb tioo benefices 4 fnialler TrSvTe?. aGen.jr.44, Luc.a.t. bErek.j.iy. Hcb.i J.17. cloh.io.ts* d i.Pct.?.». c Reu.it'7. fkph.tf.ix. g Plitin.de *itis Pontifkum. Onuphr.ia Rum.Pontif.^ ChroB. nunflde^iet ici, ftwaller t^en Rome, * is not rcQDcnt on § flm,if Ijc be ceftcent on § nanrcfident.. otl)cr. ilno tn^tfoeucri^outmastneiif^ ^opeo refii^nxe l:ipu on tt)e Iti^oie tooitDttmleffc !)ebe rcftoent at 'Mj^me^^eis ncn-re^ fibent 2aa^ic^l^imfelfea£hnoU)lcDgeD,eucn^regarie lcucnt^^eialloft^feuen;to^otberefojelD£ntat tcnjstb Gretor^'Mde* to%ome^ ifoj t|)et^efi^canfet^at mooecijiin cim", ■ * tfjeretOjtoastSefpacljcfa artame^lBillbop^tjcintoljentje^aiJ affecDjtolj? I[)c tucnt not to tits £liarge,from toWct) a oug^t not to be fo long oWent:t^e IBt^op anltoereb Ijtm, A nd u'hy molt holy Fathcr,go not you to yours? SLt}C ^i'opc toas ttc4 6 iDtte tortile,as ton 0(o»ttiatt^cU>i)oletno?lo Inas !)ts (b^ege: but betngmotteDtnit^ ttie tuttrepicofe ofbts fault bee boeut to 2^«wfttraigl)hianBtBbett after ^soeatfitbc Caibinals totre to vlblnf ® ^0cpe: ' tbo dcrgte ano people of iSomc bi f^l)t«S r/J"' tbem to ttiarfean 3ltaltan(leaft,tf a ifretutunen toere daththtb® ConrttboutomtoifraHaceagaine)laii),tli..tit vas mectc the P ope (houldbe rcfideut vpon the Papall See, Miljcrebt nm\?psr£Ctaetbattbet3opc, ano ricrgte, ano people of Hcitte tljousbttbcli^o^Kisn-r^DCttt toljen bee abooe in iFrauncf*. sxabat tbittlw'e^batt^boasfwoi tbattbep erreb i»bo tljcugbt (bf Hart, are too ftill of qoeCNons^bp tubtcb pou f^be to em tangle tne,€ofo^tnarD%mtb ponr at:guRient:ano luben pou bant done, 3 lotllanfteere to it. Rainoldes. 3| feehe nottoentanglepen > bet tottb tpt tnitl):ivticmn 3l Intlb pour compante. Buttf| Ibeulbgcefc;i^ tuarb alone,till ^ bab bone; inp patnes migbt be perhaps ettber frnitleffc o^ n^eleffe. 25lIlbcrefD;»e 3 muft ocOre pen fo go foj# inaro toitbine,ano anftnere to nip qucttian,iDtieltier pou tbtnte the feuen Popes toere non-rdidents. Hart. 2Cbep tncre Frenchmen all^nD,t?pon afaiifie beltbe to fbetr auntne^bepafaobe in Frannce to tbegreat burt of ftaiu mix'Rjme. SDbep migbtbaue bane better to bauc ftapeb at Rome tttlhbuttubattben?' Rainoldes. s^baf tsas mucb(»« gentler SDO?bes) as if pcu fatbitb^Pbio^iinifletntt. 3Lbepcpe«iapoffcnbti^ntntbat TOion.traSar. point Of buetictubtcbrequirefbrefibence, ^b^ nept:^of gobl^^ >tJ"? w^P in alfo,J®f bicb 3 baue pjoueb alreabie bp fnns^ Sc^.matc l>. VrbaO tbt. fittbn The Tope may errcin office* Chip.7> Diiiif- '»• Sytlj^no Soiufacc tf)0 Hait. 3it is fuprrfiuouB to rc^e2rtcino;j2 of t^eir ftoucSi SBe graant,as | Ijaue fato^at inap cn c in manors, in Oaae non-rclidencc is a fault of manors, ti^n of Dcc" ttuio. ©il^cefbjc tljougl} crro in rcficcncc an& life; tiii?faiuuitm£m66ttrkr.iln5t^isit,to^icl) toce DCf fena.' Rainoldes^ 3 fpcalienof cftljrir Ccttrinc noto^t of tfioir office. tUw poratec luijercof pcu graunt ttiaf tfjci? ma? erre. is as tnanifciI.ifo;^et3&»icl)»»to is pope,Grcgoric t|>cfl|ttta'ntii,p?eacticrt)notatall. 3jf^p?eac^notaf ail : li^eac^tl) uoc fai(i)fuU?.i$f tie fi^^eacl^ not faif^{till?:tlien ma? enre in tt)at point too. Hart. IjotofenoiP ?cii, t^at|cpjeactjefl) not f Jlainoldes. ^tui felf£Siot£llmcfO}anDifis t|sli6clicr, [cenebrard. betaafe' tbe?,tDttoxommen& ^iir^nmcnabintfo? a lawier ana Gitonograph. not fo; a E>iuinc. ' iu Hart. liSut tjispicOecelTc;Piustljefiftl)did vifirc often Capiftran.de time$ the Churches of the citic,and preached to the dergie, ^ as ■" Surios notcth ofl;im. in In ceinmco^ Rainoldes. SLhat is a greater pyjofe,tbatfl)e|? opes hfe not "wei-inorba, toramonl? to pjcach.iFoi Surius Doth liheimfc note cf alfb^ ^ thathsfnftcredfca crCourtifansin ^«w^,and them in llrects .ihvkrspui,- l^cfamous'.hccaufethey dwelt before ' in the hie ftreetes & lirisjj^ fplen^ gorgeous houfcs in great number. ;ana peraDilcnfttre Su- tius iDhopm^ct|)t^sf8;iI^p;oach^,uKHie ftje molf of if. |^0pePiu5U)asalme,tDhc«ifr«>rSuri«sp?a?feDbfm; spo^eo* uer Surius recfeenc^ this amongft his p,::a?l£S,t^f in a pjoceC' fion he Inas not cartea on mens ^ouiaersfas |@opes are toont ta be)bat ^ hewentafootctothcgreatcdifyiogof thcpcople. aCummixima J&mall pleaching Gfthe|3ope ma? bep;a?fi3J as great: tPhcn tjis rp"""".""- going a ftote lhall caific tljc people fo. i^either ?ef aoth Surhis kgrcdkat repojt of his pifacljing rrcsjc then to the dergie. ^Df fermons to the people hegtuctb hin* thi«P?a?fe>thatt)« touchfafra tfjcm of his piefencc at fclemne finies. iSd&e heaia caifie ihepeople enoughtoifhgotngaffljte.ffiattf^opcPiushaapieaciea to the peopIeasii)ellastothec(crgie:one ftDaUotoc mal^ hot fum? mcr; fjis pieaching fjaanot acne bisauctie. /'acicjj&e- cretarte to bing Hcnric the ei0hth,aho his Cnda^ao? in^talie:,. 5 {nma»> / nR- ID fartfjjr iiuot^e Ifatc Dfpcpe0, t^snSurius) usii"de f, a"u " flJ.lt Pope iulius the fecod was lequeltcd to make qui exd.>jzrifti Oflc 6'«/e/,(a letued Frier,)Cardinall.To the which intent whe pcrsipmir. icw'as alleaged that the man had learning & preached dili- gently;«.i^ »jDe3of 15ononie,Pe- againiffijcVeHctians, ^ fbeSDnbe ' . ubV ofFerrara,tl)e^fateofGenua,anD Ufje French 2.'®fjerin «foIjaueljtspHrpofeSjIwgauebanfelfetob^lp tot^ comiepartce of Deut&s, ccnreaefacbs, p;att!fcs, toiftj P;inces,pecp!cs,^tg< . , Ho^S,EngIifli,French,Spanith,'Z)utchySwiziers,Italian, anO ^f^trngUfaptljeearesfogetfjer . i^eitljierDiD ijee inaget^cfe ' fitJ^rw^ bp offers onelp, fljat tjimfclfe migbf pjcacb ttjsmine « iib.7. tolj|iicat3 orofiushia. ^U^BDpcsb'iUcnof^abfo mucljto Do loitl) liJiarrc,,a0 lulius tbe fcconD; not al fb mutf) loitf) peace,as Gregone 31Buff£ntf)rfctl)c«fanD peares,a!mo(l,.tl)£p t>\ue banepjoling to kepe tt)cir ^tate, oj to encrcafe it: ano fo? tfjcfe laft 6ue l}un: D;cDjfid)t'^«^^^G"'3"^Church,of lmall,wcakc,and(in a ma- , imperata. ner) a ' handmaidc of the Emperours, is become ^ the ladic f'""*ndUa. of ©mpercur6,nap,of all,(as Onuphrius iD.:ttctl^,)tl^cp ^anc ^ bunc fronbleD mote about it. SSfljcrefctetfjoug^ fomcoft^ein, it map be, ^aue puatljeD, fcmctimes, fo; a fat^icn ,at fclemns Poa^.f. feaftes,aftertbec>?Dcrcf ^ tljeif broke cf ceremonies: pet ttjat on.ad Lcdorcm InbictitiJD Duttecf a faithful! palter | ftewardcDot!)require * llon.ccdc"'"' to giue the houfliold meat in leafon, £ fio teach both pubhke^ Rom.i.b.3.' lyandpriuately, e tobein{tantinfealon&outoffearGn,to ' improuc, rebnke,exhort with al long fuffering and dodrine: g tljcp boerc * cnfanglcD fo Inifi; tfie affaires oftbts life r t^at tljcp . ^ toulD not Dro it. 0f leatf, ifpru rap,ti)at tl)ep,l»bo bib p:car!),D'r? cbargcD fattljfuilp fbe lubole Duetie.: initb toljatface can pcu fap ftoftbem,fab3p.:cacbeD not,, as Gregory tbe laiDier^awDluli- us tbe tearrtcur? Harr. |0ou arc not furc tbaf neitlur oftbem bio tuer piieacbv HButif tbep tore not able fo puacb bp tbemfelucs: pet tb^ mifibtp;eacb bp ofbers, janbfo 3 «n fure car molt bolp .5 ^^4 Of the Popes fupremacie. ifat^cr Gregory tijirtenfl) Ootij Difcljarge t^af Dtttte. Rainoldes. Oi5|> ot^^rs i 5^K!jat meanctl) tljatv Hart ai6if aiiuii tftatoto^tljnniiep, I^oulDpjocore ^is freenD,o;f£n3^i0ferucmt, topat>tf: Ijs pa^ctl) it bp an ot^er, becaufe an otljer paprt^ itfo? Insn. ^^tinccs |iauc tljeir officcw inpeare,intoarre ttjetrcaptamce« felues dcd not all tl)ingc0 toijtcb tljep are fato to ooranb pet in beeoe tljep ocn t^, becaufe t^ep oa) ttjein bp others. Raino-lde s. 0: bp others. 3 bnoerltanb it* ^ou meant as popeluUus^ t^oug^ tieiuere int^ecampe^anDlnarret) bp^im fclfc: pet ije tpa0 in tlje pulpit,anD pzeac^eo bp ifrier gUes. ^no h FrateiE"!- tu^eii pope Lco tlje tentl) (iieiTt aftct luHus) made ^ Frier dius^nunccica- gtles Cardinall, that he might hold his peace; tljen otl^er ifri# ™\accat Ci'S fteppeiitjp ut 1)13 ra>me,.an> ^J^ope Leo p^eacpeb bp t^cm in card,Pac».lib. Ulie ro;te,tnp!ie ■ bpljimfelfcI)epIapeDtl)eloanton.^utCp^i& acFuii.quicx ij0 comma^iaeD Peter toteede his (heepe: meant not i lo^^s tljat ije Iqoulo tjbe bi3.|d:iiKelp fpojtes anb pleaOiresin * Bel- lsCon.dcci;n. yederehp fjimfelfe, anb pieac^ tbe toojbe of 0ob bp otljero, * ciJeBJtittof t^iahetl)cpopemap be bifctjargeb fofojtliifipointofal5i» t!)j Popes mos ibopobutiq: it iuas an oucruglit t^atpoufojgat it int^efc;* &•« otpa^rfdVc. iroi poa tniglit Cvp as tBel'l.. tijat it l)c be mt reSbent bp fd csiiei, r.sf him Cclfe^h^map bp otljers: aub if he line not goblp bp him ftlfe, F®>e"'to te - h^ map bp Qt^m. Hnb ^us, although the l^ope be bamneb bp himfelfe: pet toith pour bi^netion ho map be faueb alfo. ^ map be (aueb bp others. Hart. rale in theCe thtnges is notliite. ifo^allare bounb to leab^a goblp life bp thhn fclues; anb ho, toho wuot rec fibcnt bp himlelfe,is not refibent. Rainoldes. ^o ho, toho both not pjcach bp hunfolfe, both not p,;ieach.iFo^i thorefbte is a pattoj bounb to perlonall refibence, that ho mai^ attcnb his flo^c bp himfelfe, f pleach bnto it perfo# nallp.Mhuh pou map learne bp the becrce of the Councel of La^ ^ai^fiib Aiex-' Octan m3be againU non-refidence, fpluralicies,arc!)teofit. Becaufc(raith the Councell) Tome men through exceeding co- '^ ''ci^Hcis'^on fictoufneire doo fecke to get diners dignities ecclefialHcall, indent.'" and benefices mo then one, againlt the ordinances of holy 1 Ciiravnum rulcs and canons, fo that ' being fcarce able to execute & pkrriXla"^ difcharge one office they take vnto them fclues the Hi- pcndes The Pope may erre in office. ^<>5 perxdcs of many : we command firaitly that this be not done hereafter. When therefore a benefice or charge ecclcfiafti- call is to be beftowcd, ^ letfucha perfon be fought for it, ^ T»ii,adho- as may be refidenton the piace,and pcrforme the dutie ther- perfonaV^rl. of by him felfe. caufc pcrfonfiarecl;argcD to be relidcnt,i5,tl)iitt!)Cpma^performethedutic( * ferue thecurcj c'ius°p"rftipftm as tt io tenn?B) by them felues, anh not bp btcars. valeatexcrcere. tft^ep map is the dutie)!jp otljcrs; t^ep map bt re# ''inf ' fioent bp oKjcrs. Jap thep map bo rcJibont bp otl)ers,iDore ri=> f»crct?) to fiiculous. 3!ttsitoro:ifontl5crefo,;otol)olotl)att|)ep map p^cac!) tti[flxrc«« bp others. curam. Hart. fap pou fljen to ' tfjofc rules of lato: A man may doo that by an other, which he may doo by him fclfe,anb, he that doth a thing by an other, it is as well as if dc icgulisiurij, he doo it by him felfe ? Rainoldes., 3 fap tljatrules of late muff be crpouBOa bp Sie tlje latD.Ujljence tliep arc fahen: aut> tljere are feto oft^em fiiffer not crcrption. ^Is brre toe b^ue to toeigl)» f bat men map commit feme tbiuges to others to beDone,fojnc tt^uges tbcp map not. atbingtobicbtbepmapcommitbntootbcrs^, " iftt^Dc it bp others, it is as if them felucs baO-Done it. i^o iUjinces bp & p/r?c.3r^ their Councell, their ILieutenantes, their officers Do lobe bnto I.nonroluj.I>.ds their ftate, auDminiffer iufttce auD iuDgcmcnt. fso men in j.quodkiru.Di lato-niafters do Deale bp atturnepcs; in trafficbe, bp facto;s; in dercgulis iurii. houJholDjbpferuants: inallirffairesoflife,bpfrienDes, tohom dSowL thep^Do put in truff. l!5ut if a thing be fuch as pou ought of Du^ tie to Do it perfonallp pour felfe: then pou Do amiffe if pou com< nn't it to an other, anD, though an other Do it^ nour are not DiO chargeD. as,fo?eramplc, ° amongft toojKemen there isa o untcnni. great Differ^ce both of toit,anD nature,anD fenotolcDge, auD ixu ftrudion. amantoho DeffrethtohaueafaireauD ffrong houfe, chorcthhitnatoo^bcman, tohomhebnotoethtobeeatoiff anD Chilfull builDer,anD couenanttth toitt; htm to builD his houfe thus auD thus. 3|ffhte builDer Do not builD the houfe himlelfc, but get an other to do it: he hath Imilt it bp another, but he hath not DiD ChargeD hie tufie. ©ahr f IBecaufe tlje otoner DiD rcgarD his (billjtohen he maoc choife of htm,anD meant that hmtfelife f^ubt- be the builDer of it. 2Dhelttte map be obfcrueD in .ij^oblemenauD' Couttli^o^, tohom |0ftnces put in truff toith matters ofim» po;tanc8a. pojtancc. if0J toj^en arc cljofcn fo mo oj t^t in rc^ «sc indultric (as p t^c lato Dott) tcmic it) t^at is of fpc- r>Lucis aeTegat. cial tjertues io^ictj t^ey arc tfje fitter bnto t^is o; tfjatttfjeir at* iix scAt. Ie0taunce binbetb ttjcm to b© it tfjcin felucs; tfjey may not boo it by otpers.^tt^ ofWar^^ickfjixj^tn tpc Cinanes spa* iefite appointeb pirn (!5eneraU oner tpe armic> iotiicb fent sa *st ie i gainfttbc Rebels in ttjci^o;t^( * eaa^rius tpc fifftj, your viRb.monar^c- p;ea£bin0 pope,^ab llirrcb bpp:)^ mtgl;t not fcnb an otfjcr dcf.1.7. ngfaii jj^Qg. ^tmCelfc in pcrfon toas to goe; bccaufe to tbat c!)arge,^isp,y)U)e«e,^tsbalure,tiis toifcbomc,fjis faitlj,^ in* qi.p«.M. buftrietoascboftm^otojttjeCburcfjof ©Ob is a 1 ipiricuall houfctanbljispeoplemafi ** fight agaiitfi: tift Kebels of t(^ i^o?fb.3Imeanc,tl)e flefl^,tiictoo^l3,fbc beuilUCfjnff, tbelLo;o of tije f)OHf0,anb pjincc of ttjcpeople,ijatlj ojbcineb )i5ii^ops to si.cor.3.10. jjetlje ' builoersof tfjc one , ano ' captainesoftfjeotiier, ^ i«' uTit-i.t. tljeybe " wife,righteous,holic,temperate, * inodcft,watch- 8 i.rim.}'.a. £uii,apt to teach,fit as you tooulb iay to buito an fK>ufe, ano jjuibc an armie. iBut ^e tljat is fo cljofen muft biCctjargc t^e buoi tie by ^im fclfe,anb not by otbers:acco?bing to lato, tob^ncc your rules aretafecn.Mt^ef(^etl)ofe rules of lato cannot biC" c^rge ^ia)ops,anbtt)erefo^enottliepopcs,from p;eact)ingbs ti)i^luesinper(bna yc.i5cu;.de Harta SDtjat ^ latD,tol)ictj yout crccption agointt m? ttiles ° d"" ®' 5T"* ^ grounbeb on,liatl^ an exception tm. if oj it feit^t(jat he,jvhorc bs'«lindufirie is chofen,may act commit that charge vnto an o- ther,which is committed vnto himjvnlefleit be expreffed in the tenor oFthecommifsiojthat he may doo the thinge *by P" him felfe,or by another* Rainoldes. 2nrue.5i5ut tins erception ^atfj not^g to your purpoie.ifotitis not erpjefljeb intljcteno: oftlje cornmilGoi^ totjic^ Ctjjift l)ati) mabe to Bi(^ops,tljat ti^cy may bo tljeir bue# tie by tiftm relues,o; by others. H art. ^!2a!)?jtl)en ifallBtfl^op be (iche,evtrcni£ly fiche,& ^at t)eisnotnblctomoueontofhisbeboe,muthle(re to come into the pulpit:yct !j2 is? bonnb ttill to pjeaclj by him felfe, beraale it ishisbuetie. Rainoldes. i^ay , if Ije be rtche,it is Ijis buefte tfjen not fo pleach by him relfe.©oB ha^ la?eb an other buetie bpon him, to • loc^ Chaf.7t The Pope may erre in office. ^67 Dimiion looh^ to f)caiUI) t^;it t)o mat> 00 former Duette:o;)(tf^t£t ap« pointcD time be fulfiUeb,) to tfjinbc bpoti a liigber cuetie. Wut bp tljis reafon no CbJiftian is bounb to tome to Ctjurcp bp Ijtm Celfe. , ifo^ l)c to not boHUD if be be fiche cptremelp. ^eitfjer ^tb tbe pcpe ntooe to p^cacb bp ctbers.iFo?,if be be Ccbe tb^ cannot p'eacb^tje to oifcbargeb before €^to):pea,aUbousb no otber boo p^eacbin btoittooe. Hart, ^nt it is better pet ^ if be fnpplie bto roome bp 0* tb^0. Rainoldes. ^e it better.QSlb^ tbenf Hart, nfficbeueomapeertnfebnn : tben imp^ironm^t map. Rainoldes. 0nb banilbimnt^anb beatb 9 ano iobattbetter btoficultie,toberebp dDoo oep^inet^ of potoer to pto^ib*^^^ tbenf Hart. 0nD fobp map not tben fibe great affaireo of tbe Cbur^s tbeo Rate ertnfe bim too^ Rainoldes, Mbat elo i 00 pope Iulius,fbat be map Ipe in campetobeatefe.J?^^o; lohn tbe tb?cc ano ftj)cntatb,o^PauletbcfcconD,o;Alexander tbc (^tb) oj Leo tbc tcntb,ojbtni oftobom 3 falfecDlatt, tbc tearriour luliusf tiiiiEbtrcfoic tf31 (boulD fcclie to coucr tbbn noto, iobdi tn ^er* nards time tbep coulD n'rt "'^T- god'dpiii htifc hit ponreh ^ atm mama bg tojind?, t^c ein>]:0 Ujfjercio l|je ggtjt£tl[>,arc inueCcD «U ioit^ the Churches title, s !"''••• &e captaines of theChurch,anb armies ofthe Church,a0ain(l '* the Churches enimies,! rebels to the Churchj the Churches horfemen,thc Churches fpotcmcn,the Churches fubicdes, theChurchesvaTaUzihatoo^.^thu^ t^e pope po{liclIittb,thef are thcChurchcsftate; the '• Churchesftate t0 C^tobeinperill andcbunger, Uhe to lole Ibine- ' h^binbeth'^eS/Mw/j^ king to finde him ycarcly three hundred men of armes to defend the Churches Itate; |)cb k nb.r,, OamtpiMfiHtoCuttB^S pittCifht^theJFrfffch Idng wiU bring ami^tMhoHtpopptenecheChurchesflate: * the ' the £mf0-pffr^thfit.i^ will hcipe him by force Rom oEarcnestqgetRooacandall the Churches as bclon- ioft«toaeiii giog by jri^t and reafon to the Empire, is the Jftate m b^,about ^ affaires Inh^rettfthe IBopos are bu0eb. SCpe di ragicnc all' igtfflireaofreligionanD goneriunentpf t^ Cturcb thjoaghwt i>|l4£hli^8nbome,aa:ebttt p^icteafesa^pillwoto furao^t thfe „En.ftxiaa fiate, ifo#,as " "BcrnardUijote of ttje Court of Rome,t|^t archiep, Scno*. they who went thither to multiply their church-promotions, ilioujd there finde fauorers of their iuftes; ' not that the I Not) (jued Romanes care greatly how thinges go, * but becaufc they ^^reaiiy.loue bribes,and folow rewardes 5 Jb mcw ofIhill anO r'sedquiiYaidf Wbge»ient,tobo iinetnethe^aopes t!)o;oug|)ls,amifai.'b-ttll^fct bsnecptHeiitljiBfccrctanomsftcrte of their '' ,-ftate,(«s it l)dtJb»nemenagci3 (inteitgreto)ctowaieftici,) ^it niinoc the propping of t^ir oU)nehingiioiiK!,tohtifi pis>> tend the tooilhip of C^ift,a« " Herode oio. Pope r JuH- n Mat. i.j. -Uus (faith ijio a«^)did pretend godlinetfe and zcale of rcU- ° gionibut it was ambition that moucdhim to bis warlike in- ^ terpritcs. £2:ihcn 3 name i^ope lulius,3| name hiw ft? tr# nmple,iro; he toaeneitherfirit laft of t^Ce Hcrodej,. iSuf ma:g gcOe the reft bp one. Hart, 3n Okie thephauetoarreb,3g;rmint,tn time of noaie: and iuhf ihould the? not e SDhough I toiU not aefew) ambition in ante of Ihem. iBut i Uull defend that the? mightiabofub Jiep.jeaioefo,ithe mamtenanccof their ftate tempojaftu .dfoi tt^atf^th^.^Sauli? P Ifanymanhaucnotcareofhis owne, 31 a and wX!" 370 Of the Popes flipremadc. and fpecially of his domcfticals; he hath denycd the faith, and is w^orfe then an inhdell. fRlfI)erefo:e T>on muQ conlioer tt)attl)e|^opefuihtnst|iai)onbleperrona0 tt Uiere: tfje ene of a prince, tt)e other of a IBtflhop* a ^;(tnce, gouernetf) hto tcmpo;ial( oomtnton: aa a Btthop, hto fpirttnall- fptrituall charge to all the thurd;e of htotctnpo;aU,a part of it ^nb fo, though both of them concerne after a fo;te the Sate of the Church: pet hui^atres fptrituall, fohuh^tftch th;:cughaH C^i0:enboom,ba)Oiffer from hto temporalis toincl) fcuc^ the a sico- dertg. Church of Homo chieflie. iforerantplc, Uo the umtft, itti.ub.1. aberiegobpppe, abouefiue peareofince, lohen tpe Normans fpoileb the lattb of t^ Churcltanb h^ h^ H tpoHtanoo of (buiea, tiionecountae, feitij t^eir Herodian pjarttfes; tljen Hcrqdc ^ . TOiroer^ bobt^si tlj^ougl^ i^is Uj^jqIc Domiinon. ;^nb tbis ijaue t'afiad"atcv!£ tbe? Dojn bp that piophane poligg.tphcfetottft 1 mifitg cbacaca i7.cap »- f|em: euen bg p;^Hbmg th^hurchcs ftate, to plisit t^tr otone^ana bfing tlje fl()e|i»es itf^uenimcnt Ipintp.sH to get t.)cjtt teinpowiU aDaanceanrih . ^ai tjaacr tlje tajloar of bin- ding and loofing,t^e crcotf df forgining finnes, t^^le 6f S. Peterskeycs, f^a-ojocringofChurci>,atW iHgijelJ I potoer in al Church-caafes;tbe^ tjsue raiCeo tip toloer of tpeir |9apactetDit^ti)c(poi{e:3cf C^tilfertDotn) ano pane oencuteo men as b;eaoe,anb (bio t^z poi^ fo; HiustrtlMt^ZTi mtg|it tnoke t^iblueo (Irong in potuer rtci? in ^ 6rA, am c^eSmeaneiS, inp^cbp tpep fibt^eo tpio it^^iyi,anb Raiting. ft bp tlttSng ftp ^ eto^miwation^ tpep, no^ptenf tn ijfe agatnff tpetr^UiUaiUlp aa a ritaall cenfurc ^ btb racfec ft to a iiuiU puniftimcnt; remotitng , iwtonsUe from tpe communion of tpc fait itfiiU, tfumcj fnmtDpn^^anornlcpue^inrlubicttea anb patting tpem, t ' asfrotnt|«^urcb,Ibfromtpe Cmpireto. M|^n Cmpe* roar Leo t!^tpirQ» oenrcuo to aboU{pt|io tno^ipof Bjmageo (topicp tpen Uwo crying in) pab auftb tpem to be oefaceD,anb • tpereuponbiDpunilp&mciDljabjitpftfflbif: * ^0ope Grego- T N^ri aui jie tpefciimoibetcommumcafepimtntpaf|3apalC)ftcr^o;^ wbutum d>rft, bibbing the Italians to pay him tribute, or obey him. ©pon obea.>en(*'k.'" tpia fentenceanb inpdiitian oftpepope, a great part of Italic rcbelUb againft tpcir CSmperoar reliant at Conftwtinoplc,anb loib biolent panbeo bpon pis BDeputies f ilieutenants, of topom tpcp fleto ttoo,anb put out tpe epes of tpc tpirb. )Sp reafon of topicp bp;o:e anb tumults cnfumg, part of t|w countrie, tpat re# btllcfi, iaas fonqnerebbp tpe^ngof Lombardie: anb tpe bosnirtton of tpc Xfm<*u S>^i£liQmc fell bnto tpe ^ope.' feo tpe» jh tht pm* J- iBope. tpha tilt tbat time babbeeneadisilhop onzly, " betanie a of c^>«»y:7. ^ pjinctiBtiiialbn^ut tpe CBmperoor ftnt anotper ^eputto uu toHtalie toftaptpolit att^tcs.iSSlpoentring into league ioitp tpe Idng ofLorabards,tpe^iotneb polfes togitper anb beSegeb Rom,'Z^ pope pefceining tpat tpe garrifcns anb mtinftion* tupercUiifp pe pab fenfebanb foztiSeo tpe fifie,liwe not ftrong J9 a 2 eiwngp enoug^tomabcljts partte gajOagainft tfjcm: trttllfrtg cat (!)e bin®orLofnbards ocnotton, toenf out a ffflemne p.tO' ano fhj^e toc^cca of Peter and irPrincipes A-Paul^ » PriiKSS of tbc Apoltlcs, who 5 with their prctibHS rPretiofo7u<> bloudhad confecrated the church of Rome^ and will the pod- fanguine confe- ly vertuous catholike king of Lombards hurt the citic of that "^'piacuiaapri. chutch ? and draw on him ^ the vengeance of Peter and Isnti corum nu- PaCll ? I'jtfrcatc f!)c btng fo gtue ucge mtpr, ano mjdte raiije txigcnia. ^fpofto flRU ifixtt frfcnuw. aftcrtoarW a S^tibtonp of ftje binge»^ftttjkd»,«tt0ttDtng fo reiioU fromhtnT,t>io tofnetn fca^ anfifrctnuCto totflj fbc Romtm pjmce,pt)pt Gregory anoonfbcamaitciithereof!)ermllcD» SDtebing tjauit^rrco# ncrfl) l^feS&tftcoombip amtto, parfneD flje jbnfeoto =Rtmit.2Ll!« l^e, not tottting to orituer tl» rcbell, no? able fo oefcno tbe tu fiefeamttfbchtngtnlpjtbercitporibcli^trft. Dealt (EWffjtspje# •eceffOorbftDDoon)btft»¥pbtctffon. J^finDti^tbcmaffeffo bej^ff frrtreafiOj anotjopingfi^noafDe In italic; fiee fcnf to Charles Warren, ^kmg of Frances ppeftetoarD, Oeftrutgljtm: 5 Kcfiefiite. to hclpc thc churchagainftthc Lombard. Sffilbftf) Charles In., fuo«.rrerc,. ^ ^ fntbaffegeDiD, ,f raftcD ttje fiegc. ^otob^ Charles 05# eo'jbto flcffmeiiitntD Pipinc fnctr edcd blw 1" cificc: tDfjo,bcfatife Chilpcrike (tbat toaa bmg fben) Dio no part of tbe btrtglp Dofp, butlmtber$srgcanBbitfaetttbefeofbntobim,^e fmbe tbere? bp octafton to mabebhhfelfebing. OT|jicbttrb?ingabottttoftb greater creoft anb auto?!tie, tbe^opeo aomfc tDaerafireD. |gope Zacharic maDe anftuere, that »toljo ®to epcaife t^e Drtfie of rt)« bing ougf)f to be Sing ratber? then be tobo biD not epeeute ft. ' ® bff^bpon fbc ^rencb men tbofePipine fo be feing: tift pope releafeo tbem off^ otb to Chilperikc, ^boift a ttoo pearcf - after ,fbe btng of Lombardy ^inng toam Raucnna,(tDbftb OtW toao t^ feafe of ^ (Empire in Italy,) tbongbf ft meet ^at R«mc anot^c^epfon ^ubrDcm IbculDnotobe fnbted: tobtin, tobo ratgneD in tbetmperiaUrftie, as ftbao bane afojc time toti» Empcrour. jntbtoconfiDcrattonbcmoueDbJarreagaintt Ste- |yhen,tbe fucaffcur Of Zachitie. pope Stephen remembjtngbio pjeDccellbjfl beneflte beftotueo on feirig Pipine,tDent to btm info Jrance:anD pntting b«n in minbc of Zacharics geDDtume,p^apf < €»*famkcati eD^tovndertakc/thequarellofS.Peterjandofthc com- rnon wealth of agaitift thcXoinbards;.i?ca in an afficm? ^ bUs- The Pope,the Emperoursvaiall Son^- bUe oft^ci^obles of France, tDbom Pipine calleD togetljer to imolD tDbat t^cg tooulo b? tlj^reto; t^3 |0op5 Dio not onclp fp? bo;ttbahtoiiwrrc,tliattl;pp migljt rccouer Raucnna ano tlje dcmpsfoura lano from ti}z Lombards,but alfo Ipas inipottunatc toitb tbPnr tijut they fliould nor reitoreic to the Emperoun For (befatO) the Emperour was vnworthie of it, becaufe hee had forfaken the detenfe of itaiie, and was an cnimic to the Church, jSut if that king Pipine would either doo the dutic ^Animsfu* ofathankfullman, or 7 proiiide for his fouic health, or re- confuierc. wardc the Popes labour; nelhould beitovy Rauenna,andthc. dominion of it, with the reft of that, dition, by Lnwdwr.'" gift, vpon S. Peter. fcnncn as frane as ^ops Stephen haomaoe, French men agrcEOtotoarreagainftttjeLom- bards:? Pipine pjotcfieO t^at if he conquered them,he would (^or phtfiningtheforgiucnefieof hisfinnes)giue Raucnna f Proremifsin. with the dominion ana ditioni6yningtoit,vntoS. Peter & hisfucccflburs, ^cco;cin0 totn^clj bola tohtn tie toas rome info ltaly,anD tfje (S^rour fent him ClimballsabourB tuitfj pic* fents, De0rtn0hun,{f|)trccDurrrDtIjatbtttonani)Oonnirion, to granntitbntcijim, anonotbntotf)e]3ope: he anftoereo ^t being moued thereunto not with humane rcwardcs, but ' » Diuinapre- with defire of meriting the fauour of God, he had receyiied the church of F^ome into protedion, becaufe he was pcrfwa- dedthat itwouldbeauaiiable ^ tothefaluationof hisfoulc, and the forgiuenes of his linnes: and lith hee had fworne lemffr that he would graunt fitgiue it vnto S.Peter andhis fuccef- fionem. fours,tbereforehemuftpetformeit. oiStjich ashcfaibe, fo Ijc DID. 0£ itljer DID he ccue it bnto tfjem moi c Ujillingl^?, ffjcn his fojtnc Charles the great ccnfirmcD the gift, r.nD abbeD-Lg^i^"" ino:etoit,lDhe«hehaDm^eafuUconqucft cfthclombards, ^ « bioitght aito fidjtection tlje InngDom cf Italy.dpofobcit though the i^cpcs Sucre nctobeccmcmightic, toithfpp^Icsofthc (tnit pcrcur, anD h«D caft off his ^ohc from them :t?ft Sucre thee ft'iU fubiictto Charles the great, Iiing cf Italic anD France, Subcm afterSDarD2thc|»calieDfhe Emperour of the Romanes, as the other the Greeke Emperour. Jfo? though Charles gaue ts;c.o»c5e.«n- thccotmtriestothe50cpc: ^ct ^ Ijee refcrucD ■' the right,fo- iMUib.4. ueraintie, anDroialtietljereofjtohimfelfc. -.anDlxihen (bis tum Wdon^ WW Decaying) Otho the great haD gotten the Italian buig# ' as 3 Dcmc ■pr chapt.7. l>iuifion 6. til: J I I'i ii.: llli: !; t I ., ' I ' i I - ■ 374 Of the Popes fupremacie. nxinum. a Sigon .libwj. &7- y lib-y. ^pfnllfiSm " i^^'w^anotl^ereftoff^e popes oomintons, re^roeu vtreipub.prin- ^ fl^o Popc, as Princc of the common wealth,but the king(o^ atf^mmum Do )as theirfouetaine Lord; ano DID palD ti'ibutcs anD ' Cerutccs to ^tm. ^0 tl)at tpe pope boas but a batall to tl)e €mperour,anD!)eli)ofl)uninfa. SD^edjtefett meanes toljcrcbi; tljcp can of tl)!S pobe alfo,toas cpcounnuiitcation, not .Ctjuthan butpapaUetcommumcattoitjfudjastljep fjaop^cttjeo agauitt tlje (Prabe'^tiii^rour.popc G regorie tlje feuent^ boas tlje beatt that bib tt- SEbe occafion boas t^e gtutng of Blfl^opnckes anb i|urcl)-!uungs,totiiclj" t^e popes t^ehifeluesfjab graunteb to t^eCmperours, Charles, anbOtho; tieattie^aingoftijeBu fl)op;ubeofi?o>wf,anbc^©0ngpopes. iButtoljen tljet liab gotten of t^m t^attijep fougtiLanb boerc grotone ludte anb fatt bp tfjetr meanes:tl>ct fabo t|at tlje gtutng of blBiC^opzicbes anb e^urcb-Itutngs bib abate tljat pobocr, to bobic^ tbeij afpireo* CEtfjerefoje tmber colour t^t ^e (Smperoursgaue tbeirtnbtfree# Ipjbutfo jmonp: ^ thep taught that lay men ought not to gtue tbonatalhanbcurfebbotb tbcgtuersanb recetuers of t^zm l^ereupon tbcre arofe great ftrifebetboanetbe pope, anb tbe C^mpcrour Henrie tbe ^irb:in tbc flames bol^reof pope ^re- Atdimeprin- gotic ttjc fcuentt) bib ( ' bt tlj^ rtg!)tofS.Peters autbojitie) be^ pituc bun of bis bobole (!Sm^re,oircbarge bis fubiens of tbeir otb, anb foibibbe tbem to obe\? bim* Cba P;incss of ^ermanie not hnoboing tbe bounbes eitber of S»Petcrs autbotitic, o^ of tbc popes,tbougbttbemfelues bounbto bitbbep tbeir (^perour, anbfo rebellebagainflbiui- pitifnilanb tamentable boere tbe griefes anb contumelies bobirb tbe pooie (Dmpercur boas fainetocnburebetboeenetbepopeano p^ilfes,tDbile fimb?» toaiesberougbttoretainebisflate. iSiit in fine Rod ulph , a E)ute,one of bis fubie(t:es,boas cbofen (Sii^rour againtt bun» SCbe pope,to Ifrengtbcn Rodulph,Cent bima Singly crobone: anbpiiching him foiboaro to oefcnb baliantip tbeChurckagaintt' Henric,bibo^aunt( Mn fbenameof Peter anbPaule) ^ apar« Vcftro ■fb.igiuenes of all fiunes botb in t'^is life,anb in tbe life to »Stm'pec.' come,to all tbat luere obebicnt anb faitbfuU bnto bint* CTbrn •atorumremii- fbatbooulbnot frrtte,(foj tbs Hctbe CSmperour boas flatnc bp qu^whac&'ir henrie in tbe eelb;)bisobDne natiirall cbilbien boore ratfeba- Siuirt. Tita. gatnft tbeir fetber:fi!lf Conrade,tbc elbclf;tbcn Henrie,tbe nert. lESbit^ Henrie fpoileb ijim at latt of tbc <£mpire , anb bjongbt bim> teps Apollolo rum Petre.Iure 9iotQmz^ tuar. ThePop€,theEmpcrours peere. 375 tjim to facljir.irerie,t^t fje toas fattte to bcgge meat ano fi^infee of Bil^op ofSpietjin a Ctjurctj lul^tcf) Ijini feifc l^ao built, p;o- mtlitlgto earqeit, by doing there a clerkes duetic, forhec could fcrue the quire. 0nDnotobfeinm0fl!af,f)E pincD a^ toap,anD bigfi fo} fototo. SDbtfi D^eaofull fpaiitplo ofHenric tfjc tttiro abuaunccD mucli t^e ctcbit oft^t |3opeo autbo^itic. Cbo mo;c,btoaurctl5attol»n * Vecilo, tfje ^tcfcft iBUbopof ^ GcrrnanesjljaDDontjctitntbcfimeeftbofeftarrosanD troubles, pu/lioguna- tbat tbe Cmpcrour mtgljl ^ Dcp jtueb of bis crotone aub feing* oombs§^ope:tbei-cloasaContTcelgat^r«),intol>ttb(p|0opes „ - . bdi^ p?cCent at it) Vecilo toastonbtmttoOofperefe^ot^^'jB^, fio^tbat^nion.iFo^tol^nfbetwtfritttal&toas rcceiueo ^efibs rw«ofct>iK» tbat p;ratti£e)tbat t^ pope migijt latofulls Depofefemgs and 0m*" ^ * wrourstitmaoe tbetallelfccdarsof Libanas to l^ato, anote htm * the bramble,lealt fyre Iboulb come out from him and»iudg.,.,y. coflfumethcm. appeereb mHcnricfl)efouttb,fl)e Mirt^mperotir, ' Mbo,t|Kiugb i)« began to treab bw facers xsigoaJi&.,,. ®epp0s,a«b tooSe pope Pafchal pdfoncr, toljerebp tbep gretue tacompolttionconfirmebbptbepopesotbe , tbat Bilhops and Abbats chofen by free voices (hould be inuellcd with ring and llaffc by the Kmpcrour without Simonie, and being fo inuefted might lawfully rccciueconfecration of their arch- biihop; but he who were chofen by the clergic, and people, and hot inuclted by the Emperour,fhoHld be confecrated of no tnan:sd:toljchl)2toasfetatlibertfeagatne,anbbzea{iingl)ls conenants t otbe toitf) open pcrinrie,conbemncD botb tlje graunt tobicl)b^babmabetotbe0mperour,anb tfje 0mperour (jint* fclto.anb t^at initb tfje confent ofmanp iBiCbops of runo;ie pjc# ttinccSjin * ttooCouncelsbclbat Komojtbe 0nipcrour,afraib*«^»>»fo;>«tt of pisfafbers cnDe,toasglab to furretiber tbe graunt of pope Paf- chal into the banbs of pope Califtus ,an9 to rcffoje bini tbo'"^- pcfffffionsaitb ^ royalties of S.Peter. SDbtto toas tt)z Pope^p^«f*'*^' noto become at tbe leatt tbe 0mperours pare. £»nc politic tbere" is left,tobercbp became tbe 0m|)erours Jloto.^b^n Charles tbcgreatjicingofFrauncefapinberitance, of Italic bp conqucit, bab after great benefites beffoiceb on tbe Papacic reftojcb pope Leo caft out bp tl»Komans,anb come biniftlfe in per ton to to fee bun fetleb: " ttiepope in recompenfe anb tohen ^S'goo of a tbanftefull mtnbe tbongbt gcob to honour bbn toitb tbe title 4 of b y .,.'11'' r' s Ji •Mil ' ■■ t!i I i: d i! t Chap. 7. Diutfion - bi.King.i.},. onijistjeao, anovntingIjtm(ag ^ SadokDta Salomon) toitlr cvic,tbepeople crvingouttljeifetoitljiovfuU Ivcutcs, Godfaue Charles the great, the godly Emperour of the !^oraans. SDljts Ijonour, f l)e potterittc of Charles Intjicl) fuccceoeb tjini. cSigon.lih.5. iaCiroloCil- i- fome times tfje pope beCrcD tbcm, ^ fomctimes ttjcmfelucs be- <1 [nLudouico Ialbo,j^ Caro- loCialTo. e lib. If. fiih.7. • Imperatordc- Itgnacns. gSigon.lib.i it " 3ntb«yeMe ef 1133. a The Popes varall.f 03 ho- mo^tce ieioi namtof bo- mage, a J»fTI- ittb from it. J30tl)Xtit no- {ttb thcducty r.ud feruice, which tenants andvaials doo ewevnto their 3,enles. 0reD ano bfeo to recciue Initl) ttie libe folemnitie anb Ijolv pompe at^^j'wfaastljcirfatijerbaD, BlnproceCTecf timetbe race of Charles lott tf)e bingoome of 3talie:anD Otho the (German got tt(as Charles DiD)bv conqucft. VOthoioas croiDneo €mped rourioitbthelibeiblemnitie. ^ 0no,fromtl|at]timefo;(tDaro» hethat tnasbingof Germanieljelo alfott)e bingbomeof Italic loitbtliewefterneEmpirc , anb therefore bib recciue fhje$ qjolunestone of Germanieat«^^», bvtlje WiC^opof A/e»x;: an otlier of Italie at the llBiflhop of ^ ipe ftjirboC the Empire at Rome bv t^c Voye. ^eitijcr bio he tjfe. the title ofEmperour before the popehcroumS) jbm: butluas ca^fr the king of Germanie and Italie,Oi,the king of Romans,and "Emperour appointed. llBnttljepope,a5a iPife anb |JOlii» tibep?ince,turneb this point of ccrcmome into a point of fub# 0ance,tohenheralnhistime:anb bccati& he gaue the title of Emperour,anbfetacroit)ne on GmperourabcabS; be fought to pcrfloabc men tljat he gaue the Empire anb right of the crolnne, 2Dhe time fit to bar it toas luhen the troubles of the ttoo Henries,, anb the Counccls fentence again® Bilhop Vecilo,hab brebbe an opinion ihat the pope hab right to bepoft toherc; The Popc,the Emperours Lord. 377 to|)crrastl)e ^opebcfcJEtjclotjisl^^inccDomc of ti)2 Cmps? rourinf0e:n£)iDmuftt^c€nipcrcuTbcffjoug^fotj0lo'^ts Cm- 7^ pirc of tfje pope in fee, ifo; fbougp it be faiti ttjat ^ Pain-, Piacribus.t. ters and Poets mayfaincby aiithoruie;petl)eanD ljusinateef, quePocus. tDlio faincb ttjis pageant,Di3 mcane it t^oulD be taben foj a mat^ (ef oftrutb. %\)t p;oofe' toljcrecf appearcb * not manp ^earc0 after in tbe ncirt Cmpcrcur tf}at ioao actoneb at Rme, otc&^iTs'. men Friderike tlje ftitf, ^ JLb>^pcpe tobo crctoneb bi»« (it toas pcpcNicolas Sreake-ipcare, calleDAdriantbefcartfj0 sigon.iiKu. fenbiiigbi^cCi-aGonttDO legatesbntobim,Rowland, anb Ber- Bard,Cai-9inals,ti)rtb letters tonrerning Cb'e tbtng foj tobtcl; b® fent tbnnibiD mention therein tebbt bono^ble eint^ b^ 1^5', c .• flbctoeotb£rCi;mperotir,an5^f« « benefited tbat b^/ conwiimas', bejlo^ed the crovtne oft he Empire on knrh. tSUbttb letters being reaDjtbeCmpercnranbbw ^cblcs toobe itberpeuill tbat tbe pojtt ^culo tD »ite tbat b^b ii»en tbe Cmperonr tbc crotone of tbe empire bp t»ap of a ^no fearing lealf tbercbp be ibouto mcane tbat, ' tobitb^^tt^® auoutbeb alto ccmmonlp, diatthe kinges of Germanic dbo obtcine the Empire by the baw. bemfitt ofth"cPopcs,(fo; ^ tbe pieturc J berfes in tbe palaccof Latcran Dio plainel^fignifieasmuebO tijep coulD not coittainefaem^^tilTfub their griefe,butfbepmuftnec6e6 fag, tbat the Empire is nor tetharia piflura. the Popes hemfte, 3Do tobcm tobcn CarUtnall Rowland, tStiC of tJliVphoJc tsit thc91 ^ ij'tthcc ttot the ambiguccrac Fopes i Otho,tbe Countie Palatine, ttanbingbp, inas moueO 0) iBitbtbatfpacbjtbatbe D,:etobisfUjo;banli tooulD bane flaine tbe Carainall. llButtbe Cmpcrcnrffapcb biw j ano toilleo tbclegatestogcttbembaebetoR^w^ lfraigbt,ant) fignificD bp letters tb?ougbcut all ^ermanie tobat cmbaflage tbe pope bab fent bim:at)Ding tbat he acknowledged the Empire to be gi- uen him by God aloncjond by the Princes who had chofen him; antttbercfo^eOefircDtbem,tbat they would notiufferthc niaieftieof the Empire,fo worthily gotten by their auncef. tbuts,to be empaired by their default. ^ SLbe|Ucpc,tinbcr!« fianbingbptbercturnccfbislegatcs botb in bJbat perill fbep baD btene, ano inbat tbe Cmperonr anftuercD : to;^ote letters tbcreupon to tbe ffiilbops of1 I fl: , I , I C^pcum clt apiciuiatiade rencuoicft ad tcripcuram: aunc fcripturx aucoricas com' paracur. a Pidura dele- acur:fcri'ptuta rcuocctur. 8 Bencficinm, non fciiduin,(cd bonum fadum. Fcudum I a rtjtng bolfitn in fcc,(tf abfi n man tjsiocrl) an otljer, •nboujttb^ni fidelitie, honor, anbl'eruicc it. * Non tanqua ex feado. 378 Ofthe Popes lupremacie. gladly : but the crowne of the Empire hec accounted him lelfe to haue receyued of God chiefly, and next of the Prin- ces Elcftours of Germanie; his regall coronation, of the Bidioppe of Cooleine; his imperiall,'of the Pope. As for the Cardinalls whom the Pope had fent; hec forbad them to go forward,becaufe he found that they had brought letters from the Pope to the endamaging of the fmpirc. Heretofore the Empire hath lifted vp the Church: but riow the Church (fait^ Ijc) dothprefle downe the Empire. ' It began with s/tintmgi thence it came to mitmgx now is the ^mruing fought to be maintained by antoritie^ I will pot fiiftcr, nay I will rather leauc my erowne, then I will permit the au- toritieoftheEmpireto bediminiftiedany way. Let the pi^ure be razed out, let the writing be called backe,that there remaine not monuments ifill to raifc itrife betweene the kingdomeaodtheprielthood: and then fnall there no duty be wanting of n)y part tpwardcs the church of Roine. anftuereoftlje^mperonr fo refifsnable to 3l5ilhops:tl)attl)csa0uitieaan0tuilheti?^opc Breake-fpearc to' pacife his tojath toith a gtntler embaffagc. SDljs fSopes fctt inftrumcnts to plucks ootone Hen ry tpc tpir D,fi.(cre tljs (Ser# man UBifl^opg. ^ope Breake-rpeat>e,ptrc8i?uing tljatt^cp toel'Cnot fo fo^twarDe agatnJt Friderike,a0tl)ey banc againK Henry ,tna0 fatne fo fololo tljcir aouifc. tjc fcnt ttoo luifcr ano oifcfatcr legatco, fB2iting bp tpcm bnto t)tin,tl)at there was no caufe why hee fliould be offended with his for- met letters. For though other men (fatflj ljc) take the word ibenefit^in an other fenle; j ct you fhould haue taken it in that inwhichwetookeic, and which itfeemeth to haue by the firftotiginall. For ® it is compounded or two wordeSj^w^f and fau i and it fignifieth, not a thing that is giuen in fee,^ but igeodfiill:. As it is vfed throughout the whole courfe of the holy fcripturc : whcreiri we are faideto bee guided and nourilhedby the of God, * not as though wee had thefc thinges of him in fee, but as of his blcfsing,and a goat^ fnQofbis. Now we (as you know) didfetvpon your head the crowne of the Empire fo well and fo honourably, that all men mzymd^titvitssgotdfoEl^ Andfo were the other wordes miftakcn alfo, bejlowd wiym thtcre^fmt rftbt Em^' pire. Th e P opCjthc empcrou rs Lord ^79 Chap.7« ninl<)on 6t f [ pre. for by this\rorde[ ^ befimeiyvt mcznt nothing els, butjW'e fet it vpon you. %\}t Cmpcrour tjaUrequircD the pic- ture to be razed out,thc "ierttmj^ to be called backe. 215ut wuftbcfctttent (anOCotjcloas) ijjttl)tt5t£ ?^apaU mitigation inaoe fomeiu^t fmotljcr bp ttjc ^Legates. 2Li^e piilhre Uias t£D goo an cuiOcncE to be Dcfaceo. 0nD, fo; all ttjis finiBtbtngofttje ^ttwgta, popeBreake-ipeare ceafeDnot:to quarcll toittj Ijnn lnll,anD to emrorIj bpon l)tm.2Df)e ^Smpcrcur CTadeO his tribute to be taken vp in the Popes dominion: tl)e exa5lttybutat his corona- tion onely. SLjio ©mperour rcquircb Bifliops to doo him ho- mage and to be fvroruc to him; tl)e pcpo tojotc ll^arpc leto ters ano repiouob Ijim fo; it. €ntpcrour, being offenbeb Initt) tbe popc6 letters,fe)?ote fomeixjljat tl^arplp faa^c, ano' fet iHs name before t^cpope0, ano ^ fpalte to ^im ,tn tbe fingular number: tl» po^ agame injote to ban t^af he marueiled Vfby he gauenotoMe teutrenceto ' S.VctcCyOndtotheholyChhrehofK^me, SDtiC pope rcqutreO bini to bmde the Blimps of Jtalie to doo htm homage: tbe CEmperour faioc he was content not to feeke their homage, if they would be content not to hold his lordfliips. JLbe pope InonlO not baue bint /end mejj'cngers to Rome, vtilefje he ntadehtmprtttietoit y fith all inthat citu were ^ S.Vttzxs magi- jtrates/^nth the whole rojaltie: tbt d^mpetOUr faiO tbat that point did neede more confultation; for fo the Roman Empcrour fliould haue the bare name of a ruler onely, if the Citie of j^»wf,whence he is named the Reman Empereur, were not fub- iedtohim, tapontbefeoealingeoanoanftoereBtioanofro, tbe matter toao ocfaatco bettoane tbe popes legates (fourc Caroi# nails) ano tbe cSmperour, to biing tbem to agreement ♦ Cmpercur pioftlleD tbat hec would both giuc and receiue iudgement. SIDbc popes legates anftoereo,tbat, Utveasmeete, he Jhould reccyac It onely: fth the Pope ts not fubtebl to any mans iuagement.^iijtvtto ^Cmpercur faioetbathe would ftand to the arbitriment of fixe Cardinalls, and fixe 3ifliops, or Princes: tbe legates toere content to Injite thereof bnto tbe pope< SDbcp to^iote, ano tbe Pope refufco tbe conoition. Ko be tbo oio fo rotoCe bp Fri- daickc 9 ContuJimus tibi infigne im- perialis coron/, id eftjimpolui- inuf. i Fritfcrifce tijt iCmperoiir to Adrian tt)t Pope. k triiat iiS (oa toe fay in t^n-. gUfi)) hec did Thouhim. 1 Beaio Petro & Tandz Ro- man* Ecclcli*. 1 S.Petri magr- ftratuscum tni- uernttcgalibHA. 3 Aequum eff# vtrolumacci- peret. Nequee- iiini Pontificem hominisvllius iudicio iubiace- 1 Sigon Cbi iy. Uiuidan s. 380 Qt the Popes Itiprcmacie. ^3n"t'^'c%eaK loit^ tijeir 8loe pjltc^ ofetc3mmumcation«papalI,am» ofC!);ta..77. rcbcKtons,f^t aftergreafoauagewofbtsftateanolife, Ije ^fccnSXc- at lengtlj an3 afhe bitn paroon» WLtfic^ pain tciiuic. ' being grauntcD oil canDttians, * lie came to pope Rowland tn J slietri'D^ril Venicey artOfeiCTeo t^erc liisfeete, ana gaac tiim moniunijScpa- ' bpperl}ano,anD lielobisftirruph)l)ilelie luad mountit^ on nmioDuKccie-1)13 palftte* ^0 bg trcaoing DoUjiie C*mperoar Friderickc, ♦ 'jn tDtfttrt tbc popeoome toao aouanceo to be tljc bigbe® Hate in eartti; anb of; '«'»• Peters cbatregot Czfars rigfjt. 3f" Henry tlicfiftb(tlje fonne go!»ard!i.b.(S°& of Friderickc)lougbt to ftapit,bp rcajmg on ^ S. Peters lanbs, Maccii.i.i i. f giui}^ tbem to tbjce E)uUes to be IjelD of bim in fee: fougbt fn chrli."ib?t. ^ ^ toater-courfe, tobicb tbe mojc pou ftoppc it, tpe fiercer V 6.Sc 7. de reb. it ootb b;eabe out. Philip ifis b^otb^r, tbe greateft of tbe impefar)'""' tfe^j bjM ecccminumcateo ftraigbt: ano ^ope Innoccntius ian8lri3ftue frojbe in hw lifi^: a« themlmeo a Poiyd.virgc: of * Ett^laniiiOf FrMce^ ^ernianiejcS ^ ^ohtmcjtjf ® iVie- j'AAngi.j.ij. mtrre,if tp6 ttatCB qVFltrence^i Frbifte^fTfHictyin JtaUt^p^ trtiO de rcb'.gtft.'"^^ tafh^runaff. iSnttheCfwthhsthfr^ebtttotfhUfe^f^ffoiait inhcrl|«rifual paffojs, jfoh agSainuell, tohcn t!» Ifraelites c toonlo haue a king to rule them, (ao ott^ nations heb>) ' toloe on.].7.c.j4. & thettt tljat the king,who (liould raigne oner them, tsoi^ ^ htng toith them, ano theirs; hcc would take their fonnes d Kfanw.Wan«- ' atld appoint them to wake vponhim, to bee his horfmcn, e^Bc/iaYcV footemcD,captaines,to earehis land, toreape his haruek,to menlder**? make biminlirumcntsofwarrc, & inltruments to feme his . tharets; he would take their daughters to drefle him fweete au.hift "jw, ointments, and be his cookes, and bakers; hcc would take . their ficldcs,andTiBcyardes, and o}metrees,thebeft,&due Leird'ecfi^'* them to his feruants;yca the tenth oftheir fccde,and of their lib.j.i de wt. vincyardes,& giue it to his courtiers,and to his fernants; he h ^cidcehSn* would take tltek rrtcnjthriF maydes,their youth,their cattel, ' & put them to his workej he would take the tenth of their' 'S""-'-""' ftockes; and, to concUuie,they (hould be his fernants; mtn fijjtDben ^bpolwD gotten tijc kinguome,^ ts,t!)c ft^?ema^ rie,ouer Jfraelite^of €5«),f(jat is,sfeUian5S;>anb|^ to bis.Conrtt?^ ^ ^8r 07 the Popes fupremacie.. ens ami to ^is tcmants; \\t toohe tljeir pattoiins, tpetr oodounSt- ftietrcloerg.tbciroeocong.ansputtijemtobm too.^ke; tjeetoobe t^e tttf|2 of tjietr C^urct)co,nap t^etr topole Cturctjeis; ano, to conclU'Se^botl^ttiep and tpeins mere maoe to ferue pirn . Jf pou, M.Hart,topo fjaue beenc at 2^»»«,ano fane tlje l^opes per# (bn,baucnotpetpercetiiebtbtopoluteof t^ei^ope: pourtoant ^erience, 01 rather pour eoucationmaFtfp«)^rSfl»w«rff, (m^re ot^ btnoe ofb(obes are ginen pon to reabe tben aus be# to^ap fuci)mpfteri«0,)map beare tfie fault of it.)i5ttt tbere are ttoo Htaliano of pour otoae p wfeCrton,francifcus Sanfouinus, atiD k»«^o^«iOnuphriustbeifrier:oftol}om tbeonebatl)to;iifena treattfb ^Sdie .* of the goucrnmcnt of the Court ot Rome-, ' tbeotber,(tinO;ip ' • bffibeo of the Popes and Cardinals. iBp t^m pou map leartni Roman.Pontifi-it* Jfoj Onuphrius fbeUiet!)tbaf faPB tb?ec fcitcaof cib.Deepifcop. tboCljurcb'officcra tofjicljarenameoCardinals, tbefirft Bi- CifiDeyins i^ops5 tljCftconDjPricitcs;auDlatt,'Z>eacons:Pricftes, atlO PoBtific. Deacons,ofttjepan(lje*tbatarctoitl)in^"iroe0,noU) t^e^ are mo?e o; fefecr,?.s t^c |5cpe toill,(tl)e? tocre tl):ce fcojc attb ftjjee * iDl;cn ttjisiDa«to?itcnbp Onuphrius)but all fljc reft arePricftes,ozDeacons, ilnofoj almoft ttoeluc Ijunb?^ ofcwia«M> t^ea after C|}>ift,aUl;otigt) ttje ^^ope cmplopeb tl)an mucl) in ljt0aftiire0,peto.zmnarilptt)cpliuebontbetr ctjarge, ano kept t[)etr calling anb begree. 2Di)C honour f potoer of Cardinall ili- <, (hops,Umw as the llBiihcps of ot^r cities.She Cardinal Pricfts, onb Deacons,inere neither Biihopo themfelaes,no; eqnalt bn« to themin bignitic. 0nb if a Cardinall Prieft toere choftn (as too^thpofa greater charge)to beali3t(hopelstohcro:ho teft hto placein2(,P«»tfanbccarcbtobeCardinall,becattft ' ttisoibereb , ^iiriquisc*- Itipthoauncient rules cf eccleftafttcall bifctptine,that one man ■onibus can* may haue but one ecclefialticall charge,ann nn man might be a Cardinall Triclt of anb fiBifihop of an other Yn*racet Prefbyter parifh-pnell: o(%^» |»mn(t be calleo* not ^rcl^ilbop * but catdinaiis,tic. Cj&dinaH Woolfey* ? Riieftof S.Cexalies parifti, and per- a'mi!" petoail adminillrator of the Archbilhopricke of Y orke. JttO Biftratorarchi- iEneasSiluiuj, JSifliopofS/Wif, tobcnbcloa® maoeCardinali 2>eaconaniiftbe caUeo,iwt IBhO^op, butCardinailSiluius, * dDiaconus 5Peacon of S,Ettftaces,a nd cleS "Silhop of Siena. SI OfifUaam ftrauni|e,tin6 &£l) as a Ib^ IBopos tbemldne® toe« tut epifcoput albninoo offr at Icaitt^ t&o it^oringlp, bnttU of woeofi*. ^ Qenieo5tbeMtb.i^c,tDbetitbeplctea0bji^n,'Btou>aoett«j< boMptb?^o^* after bbn \ji» facceflrours * i^o fiatoe in i^rance,ag let ^ ^ cf 3?jwe in tbe dfw of ttDbmtstttoaccmmonp;^»tt^e: in &nnicb that none olmoit -4lon(u!uiii. tna®m^Cardina1,Uibob^ra)t^^i^^pdckeettber ^ ind- ^ incommcnda,o? " in perpetuall admimftradon. <5, IsperpcRUm jbo tbefeocn^Ctobitb aUinere inuenteo bp the ^ope® at A- a(fimmiiratio ■ bab-iKtU) oilfumilbco maop Churcfjeo of !Sifliops,to fnrnt^,mtiw;Mho tu!)o fom0l^U)tt)eC|}arcbano reabne bpere bot|iDecdpcD bp tfjofe prouilionsfo?aliens, bibm^tbitto bw {i»:aeb: ° pope® Clemens UJ.wtctmto Ijim, tbat hauing lately made nevre Car- Rejcm Anju« dinalls of the Church of Rome,he could not with realon but ^"'•raBmter. , prouidc for them, ' as it was feemely for their Hate; & this g""tj^^AngL nc had doon by prouiding benefices which either were pre- (n Edward, ten, fentlyvoide,or{houId be after, vnto a certainefummc, for two of them in England, for the relf in other kingdomes and tiam. coaftesofChriftendome; through all the which aliiioft hee had made the like prouifion for new Cardinalls, neither a- . . mongftrhem all had found any * rebellion,(fo |>c fermcD it,) ^ faue mis in England onely.SDt)eCarbitiate,U)^tc|) Clemens hab f tben inabe, toere tb)elue. SLtoo oftbem furnill^eb toitji fo p Oniiphr.ia manpbcntfi^ablhoulobe toojjtli ttoo tthufanb marfecs, 3 Kom.Ponuf.d- cannot fap p;taftlp toljat number tfiat migljt be. But it muft benoteb ^t (aa tijerate of monep anbpjtce of tj^inges !)at|) grobJcn)a benefice, iDOitbt^Jtthunbjebmarheao.j better noto, boostlien not luo^th a bunb^eb; nettf^r bib the pope cbofe ttje fatteft beneficed but fucb aa neet came to the net; anb t)^ meant bia Cardinals (boulb bane tbat penfion cl^e, befibca tbeir fannera (barea,anb bicara, 0^ curatea. ^0 tbat tbe tlno Cardinals (b^p;tobableconiettnre)migbt bane an bunbzeb be neficea befo je tbep bah tb^ir searel^ tiuo tboinfanb mafke pen^ fion. But let it be eigbtie, feuentie, firtie: let it be fiftic: 0:, ^. iftbatfamefa)mucb,tetitbefojtie. s:bc pope bibp;ouibc, vca«ofSrtt aa fo: tbem,fbfo; tbe reft ttoboheing ten mo, muft baue tlno «ttrue bunb;eb bj p;opo:tion.®5Ilbif b p.:opo,ftion if it be o^atone to all, nap to balfe, nap to a quarter of tbe Cardinals,itobom Clemens ttiofe prouia- ano bis fucccllbura baue mabcCtb tbat time " fo jtbefc ttoclue fcojepearca:tbemraiber of paritbcatoill rife to raanp t^i^ ' Cofninenuare fenbca, tobicb tb^ t? baue laibctoafte.aa flockea biitbottt paftoja, to maintaine tbe ffate of tbeir Cardinals onelp. ^ct ttjia tajbutwmi of™om- a part of tbat abomination of Deflation tebicb tbep baue- ^ in jlibclppiacea, irojaatbougbtbcpjofitaoffomanp Cburcbeatmcaib.Dfft. ** tocre to fmalia liuingfo: tbePricftes aiS) Deacons of § Court of 2^»^», Sir^mum, Fertdm. tbt tobi^ Sire, tbi^be^rtbbtlbspi^i^s offhtn>;tebingiuntiesatn)bofntnions, c]5J/*i!(iff^Lombardic; (dpita, of Naples ; 5rr<^w^,0f Hun- gark; etbfrom otber fome ^m^ebs of miles: tbe otber tb;eearelb»wtDlj«ft*«rcrto tbeir felotoeSjOne in Hungarie, ttoo in Italic. But if tbe ^^es b^u^ (tre biocefes anb pmuinces Iptng fo fbrre a fanber,anb mabetbem an befolate of Bilbops anb ^rtbbitbops, to maintaine one Cardinals potnpe, anb bim a Deacon :ti^t b^ tbe beiblationb^ne tidltcb ibt? baneb^oogbtonbiocefcs anb piioninces tbat migbt bee iotmcb moientlp,tomaintainetberen,anbtbem of bister tailing, as Cardinall Prieftes anb tSilhopsf ^ faeb<'''bA2!^^^ abomtd nationofbelioiationt|^tbts,nat, tbenalfj^fe, tebt^Bl b^ne t Onuphr.dee- fDacb«»bitbtrto, |fo,i ' ttje liuing^^of tbe Cardinals (tuitb * anailes thereto bclonging)bDcre great of tb^ ftl«es,anb bto per# u DccrctNico. baps content fome: oz if tbeptiiD not, i^tbennmber of tbofe la 8ara fefd' toas fmall in comparifon ♦ But tbe |0opes bab o# ■ '' tberbangricbnigbfesabonttbem,bin0nen,officers, fernants, retainers, bafals, bangers on, anb all tbe rable of tbeir Court, Inbb^ liuingcstoere not cruminesof § Cardinals tables, Vubbie • Hxod.i».i5. number Inas as * thegralhoppcrstobicbcoucredthefaceof Egipt, ilnbtbcptocrealfomabepafto.jsofCburcbes, (notfa fabefbem, butto0aretbcm,)b|»tbe fameconnepancesof^a# pall ref£ruations,commendaes,prouifions,anb otber fucb <£# , Mitt. Pari. 0?ptianfricbe3.^nc)campleofttinouc Cnglifb Cbjonicles in Hearic.Kit. of Henry tbe tbirb: in tobofe Dat»cs tbe Pope eniopncb bp one manbatc to ft Biflbops H(Qmterhftric, Lincolne, ailD SdrifhHrie, "riicenti. 7 tbat tbep Ibonlb pjouibe foj ' bunbjeb Romans in benefices Romani., Dacattt, iuU) ftjep l^oulb giue no benefice tmtitl tbep ben at Lyons. JM^jeretnjljpon ccmplaint e"* f mo-, t^t 5 an infinite number in had the charge "one. ifug^in, offlockes,who neither fcdde,nor knew, nor cared for their { Ita]ici,quo- theepe, " but receiucd ©ncly the fruites & rcuenues, and ca- hmdullfinllus. ried them out of the rcaime: tljat the yearely rents of ItalL 0 Fruaustan. ans in England amounted to three fcore thoufand markes, utTem"ree- andvpward,beUdcs diuers other auailes, which they reaped onmarporut- where they fowed not: that hoped for fome reliefe of thefe gneuanccs when Innocentius was made Pope, but now it IS opprefled more out of meal ure by the Popes legat, who entring late into the land with larger power and com- mifsion then eucr legate had, doth exceede excefsiuely; he giueth tofome benefices alreadievoide, worth thir- tie markes or more yearely;fome, that fall voide by the de- ceafe oiJtalianSt he thrufteth ncxr Italians into; fome he doth prouide when they (hall be voide to be referued for ftaitans-, moreouer, he wrefteth out immoderate penfions from reli. gious perfons,and ? vfcth to excommunicate ^interdiftof Church-feruicc,offacramcnts, of Chriftian buriall, them "rdidifenK^ whogainefay himandrefifthim; bpontt)t0complaintt^jl^O? ojsmafllaifop.. blc0 ano Commotio of ttjc rwlme of England maoe Immfalc fufo ljntobisfaffiei1ia)0,tijat he wold extend the hand of mercy to his childrcn.&eafe them of thofe burdens of gricuanccs andopprefsjonsdcreftabletoGodand mcn. %f}C m^n» gero, by tol)omf^i0 fuppUcation luao rent, pzefcnteb it bcfotc tbc 515 b 2 Cba|).7. Wuif.tf, iv r ' 'v I's,: iihi. |i' ! ( : rii- 388 Of the 'Popes fuprcmacie. )3opet)ntotl)e$cneraUCouiicc(l. SCotD^omtljirpmaQe (om« ufteMar^cai- pl^tntUjit^allofaclaufe in thePopes * bullcs,called[ * Aow lei bub,of bui-which hec brake all lawes and orders of the bo* "b ""r 'o his purpofes, ^ai to^atfocucr maDe n> B boffe efuab gatnft tl)e tcno; of f)is buU,!je tjfcD to rcmoue it toitl) a Nen oh- i« bangtD to j^a»te, ^5,fo,i eyamplo, Cljurcljes lain ano ojDcr confirmca tabut^mng a CounccU,toaO,thatoneman(houldhauebut one bene- s.Pcters (mage fice,anO none_ftiould haue anysbut he, who could himfelfe gQe't,,, difchargethcduetieperfonally.SDliepopc fcnoctt) fojt^ IjtjS l-opcsname on bulUsfy^ duc'l^etuans'^c/onne of RHwfre';ie find fnchj^nd fuchj that they (lull beprouidedfor offo many benefices as may ate feaiJB. be worth to each of them a hundred pounde yearely,2\{^o« olf- fav'Notwilh- 'hat law. pope Innocent toa0 grtcucD at t^io fuppli^ ftanding! ' catton,ano complaint of E»^W,U)l)ic^ touct)ct) tjis fupicmacie to #>n°ub Akx^ quiche. ^oljjbcit fo^ t^ p:cfent Ijcc rnabc tljcm andr,Krt.c.i3. feirc pjomir(?s,ano fcnt tijcm funo.ii' pjiuiicges from tbe Coun- fn Henri'T"" CCU of iysw-tbat Pattones thcncciotth fliould ' freely pre- ecrn'n tljeVte lientc,and ^ifliops (hould admitte fit perfons to benefices, >»3?- who would and could well feme the cnarge:tljat the Gierke '.dilni^tcc'r' of his Efchekcr (tfjatinas l)i0 lCgate)niould prouide but for u»diaipiii» »b- twelue moejwitnoutconfentof the Patrones; tfjatif Engh(h ■ men would be ftudious,honcft, and thankeful,(chicfcly the »Super bcnefi'. fimes of Neb It men y)hcv/ou\d prouide for them alfo, * and iiomm ninraii. honorably with the worthicft of them for pluralitic cfbencficcs;finaUp,ti)atno7f tol» tol)en one ttiat bab a benefice toast oeab^tooulb fbrff nn ottjer into liioroome. 0nDtbcfttbingesttoerop:omi(ieb: butlbeptoere pjomtfeDonelp. iFo? after tljat tpe Counccll toast oiflblucb once,tbc pope plapeotfjc pope,ano » b;{fitetbemaUtoit!j^»« ebjiante, 1311000 ' Pharao Ijaroeneo !ji0 b^rf againft ifrael, 'in'ttt **"3 tooihe bpon tbem,toben fb«B ocfireO eafc of bon- ¥ t f ^ MJt X tiorum plurali. tucchonorifice difpcnfiire. lOimiiaKecj^ alia per hoc re- pagalninCNon obllante]in(!r- mantur. pt««( ll4d. »Ixod J.9. liji.ad pluf> «)uam feptua- ginta millia mvcuun, Dage:foDiO Innocent againttfw/W. 3|n&mucb» tbat nfttr fire o;i feucn peare0,toben a bcto toa0 ta^en againe of tbe b^t^e inaoc of our Engltjb ifrael fo; § Italian Pharao:§ fnmnte of tbolb renenueo tobicb befo;ie amountco to t^e (me tboufano niarb0> b toaogrotone to tb.iccfcojc tboufano ano fen toitbtb^abnanf tage. ^otoiftbc outrage of tbio abomination toece fo mon- ftrouo in oip rcatme;tobat toao it in aU;tb;ougbi'ut ^e reft of Cbiiften- i.ti*. The Pope,a wildcboarc in the churchy 389 chapt.7. Ctjitficnfiomc; ^flDcpcsDtQfocwcm aUoue |)unD;cD pearcB i^jo^n p^iine cf t^cir iDapade, Uiljen tlja tointos of it tompctrtarfelpftmdiBtjatioiHiiiclpt^cpDtoaftgr? Bjfljp one policy tljer b?cug|)t & great toealtlj bnto fftcir Court ano ftate, -pea,bp part of one appipeo to furntfb tbdr ltaltans.\jo^at map ba tbcugbt cftlje fame,applies) to funnfbtljo t)omc-bomc, eacb in tbeiroloneccuntfie^d^Jb^tofibmanpottiero, fomeofttsem ao fruitful! as tl;is,fome mo^e fruitfully W|)at cf tbeir to^le go» ucrnmentitoberein tljep tjaue cliimeo a fulnes of power to 000 lobatt^cpliffjanotbepbaueput tbeirelaimeinpzattifef u^tMt loo^Dcs map (erue to btterttjefpoileombicb tljep baue mabe of M Cf}urtt) of Cffjilt; firQ-jbp o^beining of tbe Ctmrcb-cffieero, gw, in creating ^i(l}ops,^rcbbt^ops, patriarbes > anbtoeauing QQt; pallsfo;ttbem; in Difanullingt^ dedionsoffbme tuljo lalu^ fullp boere cbofen; in graunting fome(tzibb eoulo not be cbofen latDfullp)to tfaue tiie roomes bp pollulations; in cbopping ano twanging ttjeir perfons from one^d to an ot^er bp tranOacion s, anb tbeir bioccfes bp diuifions; in giuing paftcurB linings atoap jjyjii cuertbcirljeats bp * rcucrfions, o;aduowfons;in Heaping gfatw. ^ L,jj' Iictoecreatures, ' Preaching Friers,ano * Minorites , anb gimngtbcm tbepobeer of patterns; in difpenfations toitbifSS bopeSfdilpenfationslnitl^b^tarbs, difpenfations tnitbibiotes> tte.wtbtf «i., ttjat ^p map Ijaue tbe charge of foules ; di''pcnfations toitb JJ'i inar5ercrs,toitbabulterers,toitb &imoniabs,tbat tljcp map hcpe " ""IJc "S 4 J tbcir benefices; difpenfations fo; plnralitiesjtpat one map baue on«3s>n« ttoenfie;difpenfations fb.j non-refibcnce, tljat tljep n«bc ncucr SoS W comebntotbem;tobe l^ojt , in refer uaes,accefks, rcgref- tari ' coadiutorics , vnions , preuentions , permuta - tions, anb a tbonfanb fucb ccuifes belonging to tlje matbet of benefices anb bilbcp^i^cs. ^econblp , bpbca*;/ ling tnitl) t^e Cfjurclj caufes: tuberein tbep paue recepueb ap- ' pealcs frojn all quarters^ tbat tljep migljt filb in trcubleo loafer; tbcpbauefetcbeb perfons a ttioufanb miles cff bp citations to tbcir confiaojic;tbepbauebifturbcbtl)cpeacc anb bifcipline of tbeCtjurcbbpttnbmg legates bp putting matters to tbeirdelegates,bppriuilegingmenfromlalocs, anb excmp- ting infcricurs from tbeirfuperiours regiment; tjjepbaue mul* tiplteb bumaine decrees,anb mabc tbem fnares to catrb foules, jawcsjtbat none iball marp in tbis o; tbat begr« of earnall bin# 115b 3 rcb I i tts,eftotc cciti ^diuicc dote. I Icd'itfrKtitreD ' fpirttu.iU; canons,ff)at mentol)ofcperfonstjaue fuel) iinagincDby 0} fuci) a blemiC^ C^all not afccnoto pneftlp ojDer0;vowres,ofpiU grimage,ofcl)aOttte,ofpouertte,ofobeDicnce,ofi^unrte,^a>nfo xvho arclincked rpjiFiperpiiu^tcIjall t^ep ^aue releafco fojmoitep; pca,tl[jep iw fmccyniipfor fjauc rdeafed otl)e0, folemiie trt:lj^0>anD l^ane gtuett licences to tirme,w2oS^ commitperiuriett^cp l^ucmaDefale of forgiucnesof finnes, tDersf, goDmo-. ano marcl)anDijeofmensroulcs: ft)epl)aueturrtei) repentance t>tn^g?6b^o-'' intopaines of penance, anO penance into mines of filuerano »i)era, gotk golDc: t^cp Ijaue piJOClaimeO lubilees of pardons plenarie (aS fvwtf^ ijuna^etl) peari^ aietaiies; anDbiliteoCburdjest^re *Deaoutlp:t^erclubileest!jepbaue abjii)gcDfroman l)imlijeDpcarestc>fiftie, fromfiftieto tlnrtie fociotc.Mentes. tl);ta, fromtijirtie tl)j® to ttoentie fine; t becaufe all C^^tftians agrotipcr.nu- camo to POt fo.j tljfm, fbeptjauefcnttljeir peelers abjoab iuitl) pacbcs of pardons,t^at all migljt bupe ttjem at tljeir ecojes: Brgovenitote tbep ^ue referued cafes ano crimes of greatelt balue,as ^imof rcmo« (3 da nic,^oDomie,offenfe ofCtjurcb-Ubertpjfrom t»l)«lJ nonemigbt abfoluo bat tbep: ano, to ^folue men bpon Doing of penance, tbep bau2 built at a ^apall epcbange calico the Peniten- tiarie, io^re tljefe ab&lutions are folo at certaine rates: neitber being fatiffleo bp tins eiccbaungc tmtb tbe liutng, tbep Iwwe folo tbeir toares bnto tlje oeao airo(but lining muft pap fo? tbem,) fb manp crotpnes,ro manpfoulesto be fo;:gtuen all^ir CnneSa ano rio out of tbe paines of purgatorie. mtrolp, bp Difpo^ OngoftbeCburcb-gcoDs, tobicbtbepbauetbn^peD(as rAf vmajtbut "iptfe ftew^rd,) from tb® iLojD to ferue tbem felues:tbep bauecbargeo tbe liuinges of Cburcbcs ano Cburcbmen toitb penfions,tributcs, fubfidies: tbcp baue epacteo of tljem fif- teenesjtenthes, fiftes,thirdes, moy ities of tbetr. fubttance, to ' tbe maintenance of toarrcs Inbif b tb^i? banc tnageo teitb tbe Cm Ofm mojie tijen perours: tbep baue robbcD benefices to enricb ^bbctes bp appro- fBmTaui/e"" priations,tbat aftertoaroc tbemfelues nujj^gleane tbe greater of Arch-, fruit of Bbbepes: tbep baue maoe ^a^elates,, ano fucb as tooulD bepjelates,tocompcHindtDitbtbem fclucs, foi palls, fo: fntijtm.anfi croficr-liaues,foj miters,foJ ringes,foj figning of billes,an0 to ttfnmbcm'" tnttbtbetr feruanfsfo.jwriting, pcmfing, fubfcri- mtdfitcf} ' bing,allowing, conferring,regittring, taxing, receyuing, tjjem far.anD keeping, deliucring, ano fo,j ti}e coarde anO lead, toberetoitb tbeir bulles are tpeo ano fealeo; tbci? ba«^ Deuifeo neto ofticert,. ^ca. Crtve.I^.S. 4 Pa'lesare Utle tipttsf madcofholjr wooUof the Popes lamb es. fl toDhe tDljer-. nftafvooitb bufi t^tm tmu [itk. The Pope,awilde boare in the Church. 391 Chip. 7. Diuil.®. teanetofjeatucsantirompamegofofFtcers in t^icir chauncery, purpofcl^ to tljisf intent tljat t^ei?migf)t feli tfjofc ra)me0, t^e totjtctjbcingfolDfojman^tj^onfanticrotDnestfjeij fajceo poo;« futers, toljo came to Xame foj grace oj iuitice, to pa^? it, bp en# tjauncingtbecljargegof fl^etr bullcs: tbe annw of tljnf Rcgi- iters,Notaries,Protonotarics,Enditers,Writers,Abridgcrs, Dataries,Rcfcribendaries,Accounters,Soliciters, 5 Plum- y Piumhi:,,- mcrs, Rcgardcrs, Regentes, Pourfuiuants, Clerkes of tbetr ["e derkelot"' Ceremonies, Clcrkes of tlietrcljamber, Clerkes of tl)ctr efcbe# the fignct, quer,ani) infinite otljer peafantes tbep bane feepf in toages toitlj f,au"a,ih ibo p?ice of Cbjittians blouo: tijep baufc raifeo an t?earelp ano o> DinariercuenueoffirftfruitesjOftithes, of tbe goods of Ab- bats,Sifliops,and Cardinals deceafed,tobic|) tljtp baue fea^eb tpon,aseirecto.ts, anbtobentbepbatte licenfeo tbemtomafie teilaments, pet bane tbepfieptfbtm feIuesalbare,as,ofettet^ Caroinall (befioe fine hundred ducates tobicb ^ papetb fo^ pis * ring) all bis chappell-ievels, ornaments, anO veflels,tobo^ do^ ^erofgolOojfiluerjcroflTesjcandleftickcsjchalices, Images^ ringtotjmi anootbhrfucbertbetes:anD,inatoojO.tbetrginnesib®Jtosbane SeACMdindL b^ne to manp to get tbe goaos of men out of al coatoes,tnto tbeir ano fo? tijae toCfers,tbat'^ a Courtier fattb, * the Popes cfchcquer is like vnto the Sea, whercinto all riuers doo runne, and yet it ouerfloweth not. iFoacfblPibp ^fing of tbe Cburrfj- ) cenfuresifo^tobatcls Ibouto 3 call it? tobcn tbep baue bfeo tbemasinttruments ofbiolence, tocompaCfe all tbat fbcpbio »i?ADtmc couet. 3ifanp,eptbcr patrone,o? llBitoop, 0? ^rcbbilbop refu# mi feb to commit tbe charge of EngHJh flod^es to i^oman paftobepe not touci) tn bntigtns in. ^no becanfe tbcfc cenfures b^ue not p;icuat(eD albjapestoatcljteuetbeirpurpofes; therefore astljep enlarged tbemagaindctuillpoUiersto pnrctjafe fomelnbiit tbence, (as from tbc king of befioe btspetcr-pence, a tljoufano markespearelp, lub«|) pet teas but a petp-Iarcsnp:) fotljep Itrcngtbneo tbcmagainftecclefiafticall bptljcothe of fealtp (tobiel) ba«e to®n of5P;elatS,) to maintaine the Papacie and royalties of S. Peter, Cbieflp bp VoinOing in aato;iitte U)itbal,t!)at tljepmap depriue tt5em,anD none map depriue Bi- ftiopsjbut tbcp. SDbat if Mtbops Utill not agree to tbem in all tbinges, lobcn tbep are commanoeD in bertue of cbcoience: pet fo;i fean; of l^ing tbeir lininges ano p:omotions,pea tbeir liber;) tie,pea tbeir life, (if tbep be in tbs popes fubiertion) tbep mat leame to feme %ir llo^o. ^ut tbc beao ofall, boberebp tbofe luiltjeboares bane mace tbe cbicfeft bjattof tbe Hoboes bine* ^ /jy^ parbe, is tbe anolatt point: tbeir making anb eftaWiflbing . > of tbe Cburcb-I^es. if 0.: if tbep b^b boon,anb onelp ocon tbefo bilantes: tbepmigljt f^eto baue bom tbcm, as men, not as |3opes; anb it migbt be bopcb,b)ben one tp;^nt bjere gone, tbc nett tooulb gonerae boell. ^ut tbep bane con6rmeb tbc bcoing of tbem bp tbeir lalucs, anb p;o:ureb tbofe latoes tobe ceceiueb as canons 1 rules of tbe Cburcb-gouernment t tbeir Decretals, tbeir Clementines, tbeir Extrauagants, in Dab eictranagant, tbeir conftitutions Apollolikej'anb tbeir bnrulp rules of the Apoftolike chauticerie. SDbe grotfe intent anb p^auife lubere# bfisfbpalpable,tbatBudxus, a leanteb labDicc,tbe ifrencb kmgestecreta^ie, making a complaintof tbe great bifoiber of t Gulielmu, tbe popes, anb clergie, botb lap tbe blame thereof bpon tbeir ®udji ^our felfe iuDge,M. Har ^(if tlie bogges of poper^i ?rin,'in b^ue not quencbeo all fpaitles of conftience, ano iuDgement trt 3t8HaB:Aemy. pou,)iot)ttl)er t^s popo ^atb not erreD in office,anD cbangco #«ncft?Kr,nc- bis Bitbops into a princes Court,anD bfurpeo tlje potuee Tius.intijc bfimtJeriall^tatetb^ongblbtbJCSofCburcb-gouernmcnt : bp ^rike"S«?" rebelling againll^eCmperour, ano tojeffing bio Dominions •f tije toopejn; from binnbt> fearing liings,anD nations to (erne bim, as taf^le^ S?oSe?' bp robbing peoples oftbeirpatto;s,pa(fojs of tbeir liuings, tbS IkatejS^ couK'. ruDe ofinffruction^tbc Icofe of co;ire(tion,tbe DidreffeD ofcomfoit, 5rfncifcu,7i- fbfpiDjc of reliefe,anD(to conclaDe)tbe cfoifiian Cbuf^j of Doc# cus Mirand. trine,Dircipline,anDborpitalitie. iaorac.ad Late- rao.Cencil.dcmarifius reformandisJ>olyd.Virgil. de inuentoribu Extrauas fiats, iOope 'PiustbtftCOntl.in Epift.prafercimdemoribusGerman.^Opt Leo t^t trntb.in Concij. ateran Se(rion.9.io.& ti.iOopt'Paul ^tbtrb,in Reg.Cancellar.Apoa.^opt lulius tbc tl)trtl,inperpec. cqnftitur.de quingcntisducads Cw:diBaliiun,i^pt7iu5Ult^ft^anfiGrcgorie tDttb<\tttntbin Eclogc BiiUaji.cb'Mow prqprfer. J!oh» Chapt.7. Diuif. 7. ThcPopes fupremacie^^vnlawfull. 395 lohn Rainoldes to the Chrijlian reader. W hen I fcnt this part of our conference to M. Harr, that, if any thing in his o wne fpeeches were not to his minde,hc mightadde,oralter,as he thought good: 1 penned not his anfwereto my former fpe^ but- wrote thefe wordes vnder it. 0 t 3 wa^jM. Hart,make an& pemte ^our oUine anfiuere to' this laftfpccc!) of aunt, ^fyou can tullifie the ^opsin tt)in0S U)i)tch 3 hnto his charse:3 totU tnb^ (tribe to all )DQperp. 3fpou cannot:atonoto(ege hus macietobebnlatofuIU , lohn Rainoldes. To this requeftjSe oflFer,M. Hart fentme hisanfwerc in writing. WhichI hauefct downc (here follow- ing) word for word, and fo haue proceeded on in our conference,^ he defircd me to doo. 3fpoufpcaketjnfatne6lp,M.Rainoldes,a03frii(!potitJoo: 'Tt,- 3 mull loue pou the better fo; pour plains bealing in (b toeightte a matter. SChat pou bo not (tc hoto the pope map be inllifieo, ucn th (jfpeahenotofhis naughtic anb corrupt maners , butofninifio his rupzemcanbroueraineauthojitie,UJhichis,.as3take it ,a# greeable to the Scripture,anb entiles otone appointment:) it fcemeth to me that pour errour herein pzotabeth of a tu;ong per^ fSna(iomthathehabnottha.t autho;itiebp right>but hfurpeb it. MIhichisnot(b:as3 hawealreabie (hetoeb in part, anb noto toiU p;oue tmto pou farther. Jro? it is fo farre off from being furpeb autho,jifie,thaf if toe toiU toetgh thinges but toith tnbiffe- rencieanbin equall balance,pou (halt toell percetue t^t both iS£mpcrours,anb-other phnccs abicpning tmto htm, haue rather brurpebofhis,thenheoftheirs.3n(bmuchthat a goodautour Both to;tte that through thePopes negligent . looking vnto. st»- 1*^ •i' ^96 Of the Popes lupremacie. " " ■«" ' ... , ^ it, S. Peters patrimonie is greatly diinitiiihed. |3ea,pcrl)apfl, it 13 muc^ IclTc notu at ttjis tunc,('90tP great o; ^3'u) lo jDlp foeaee it feemetn pour epe,)ti)en it ^00 in tt)e tjcrp beflp tunes almoS tljut^ne ijuitoteo peares iro2,to beginne tnit^ tpe Dono* (ton of Conftancinc t^: great,^c, (00 Eugubinus toiitct^)refig- ned to S.Syiuefter Pope and to his fucceflors the citic oiRomt with all his Imperiallroabcs,and ornaments,hint fclfe retp< ringto Inhere abqoe 00 in his Jjmperioll Ceatey as aifo monp other (^ntperours after him fo^ manp peares togi< fher DiD,baping ftill either at ConHtanmople in the eatt,oj els at Milsnanni^itennain^zioztt* ^nothis to beaeertaina (tone of the gift of Conftandne to the JSi Jhops of Romtf befiaes berpmanplDitneflPes tDhichherej roult)tttefo;p.:o)fetherof, as Ammianus Marccllinus a heathen,toho io n0ponmaprcaDeintheChronicies;S.Damarus,lDho lineo a< bout the 1^ time,ana fata Conllantinehimlielfe, Do^ toeitt of the laia Donation ana gift of the dDmperouni^hicl) £1^1 mo;re^ Qaer,toputttputQfailaoubt,lDa0cpRObineaa huuD;tca peares after bp the Cmperour luftinian,bp Arithpcrt feing pf the Lom* i'4r(o0 it mop pzpboblp be though,) the Churches ppllielltens (neremo^ethent^pbcnotpatthisp^efent. ;anD this appee^ reth bp runa;p of his epiftles,U}here he maheth eypn^lTe mentioii OfS.Pcterspatrimonicininin Campanut^m Framce.,\Xi ItnltejiXi Stciha,in Sariim!t,at\Ji in manp Other countnes. i^obo then boher^ foz thia tohich is the gre^ atelt partjfo gooD profes mop be moDetthere is no D oubt but fo^ funDip other twrp greatanD large gifiesofDiucrsp?inas, ma- np d^i^Ies,men anD luomen, tohieh boere beSobueD bpon that ^^,the ^tihops thereof can fheto tierp goD cntDencc bahen neDo (hall require. ^orrp,if anp of ail the ^ilhops that etier boere in that thti^ in boealth^almCeD thel^e to anp euill purpcfpi The P ope s 1 u premacie,vfurpcd. thap,.7. i?/ Diuif- 7i_ purpofe,o.j cl3 tl;eir aut^ontic toerc become & mtgfj# tic,tnanpoft!)epointe5tol)icljnrementioiieDbppou : gamfo farre off from iufftfping ttjcm tl)crctn,tjjat ratjjcr ^ rcto to fa it ano 35 conoemne t^em t|)crefo;c» liBut thereof ioee fl^all fjaue occt'Coit tofrcatemoicparrtrularlp intlje cljapfcrs folotoiijg. ^nelp t[)to is it 3i DcfenD in tijem, ftatbccaufeofChriUes promi{e,of building kis Church ypoa that rocke; anO prayer alfi) tljat their faith (hould not faile,, ttiet! ncticr crreb in tuDgcment Of befinitiue fcntcnce. 0nD t^twmuc!) 31 am fure tije tcrp Came autours,toljoft names l^ere ton bf ing in againff me^bo mainteine no leOe t^en 31 boo, i)otiD^ foeutr tbetcarpeano 6nbe fault loitb tbe popes naugbtie maners. CCiberefb.'c to bjatoe to an enDe,tobetber all tbat batb b^ne foibbttbertcDjO.: Qall be faib hereafter touditng tbe pfaitiib of tbe popes fupremacte Do) pf one bts fup;erne antbo;itie of not: 31 referre tbe iubgcment thereof M.Rainoldes,to pour felfe, ano toenerp inbiffercntreaber. Certes^ b^ue enbeuoreb feme;* lobat to bo} ititbougb nothing Co boel, ^ graunt, as fucb a caufs requiretb. But as 3 faib pou (bnll (k it pfoueb pet furtt^rmofo bp the pzattife thereof bob^ tffe Bilbop of ]^ome batb alluaies bfbb,bearing bitnfelfe as fupzemepaff our of our foules ne^ bn^ ber Chuff rbohicb thing tDasnencrbenpebbimbut grauntebof all men initbout reffffance. ilet their fp^ches^anb b^bes bee a tuffifpingofbim:anblet their bebauionr generallp totoarbes bim b^ on tnff nation fo; bs to folotD them in their boett boa- tohn Hart.. Raiholdes. 3ff poti lone me the betfer,M .Hart,!bf mp blatne beating in fo ioeigbtie a matter^as pou fa^ pou muff: 31 usoulb to Cob pou tooulobealeasplainelp boitb me, tbat3( inigbt in like fo;t loue pou the better tro. But neither bo pou peelbe to that Inbteb 3 pfoueb bp cutbence of trutb:anb aU though pou cannot bifpfoue mp pfoofes ofit^pet pon f^ke to thtft them off hp fraubc anb falfehoob. if of bohereas 3| IhebDeb that the pope pzetenbing btCch^tgeof his office in gouernment of the Church)lMth gotten his tnnpofalt bominion frcm Cmperours bptreafon,anb rebellion; anb pzacNfeb bnlatnfull poboer in tinges IptrituaU to the oppf effing of Chfiffenbome;: anb; there fo;e r 1 " r{ Pi' i 't. pi'' 'i=i :i' I Chapt.^, 7. 398 Ot the Popes fupremacie. If V •' I' i I- : 1." fo^e2rrcDitto!fice,^eci,tnt^efapicmamtD!)ic|i^e ^atf) tjfarpeD oucrbat^ttjeHatcsfpintuall ano tempo^aU: ^ou, 6rS point of lita Dominion t2mpo^aII,D£D go about to dare pint bp b» p|iirme0,anD Ipea^fo: tlje nert of pis tp^^annie in fpiritual tpmg0, pou rmistp it,as a labofuU autotitic abufep; fo^ tpe laft ef pis er# ring in ofifics, pen abbnbge it to iuDgomrnt ano Definitius fcntcncc; ano In^appepts rup;nnnacie bp in generall Ibo^tbes as aUolocD bp all men, topen in tpe particular pointcsof a Aa.«r.a4. tpc fupjcmactc pou can not iutttfic it bp anp. * Fcftus tpe Ifloinan tpougpt Paul to bee maddc: tpe mabnes boas in Fellus pirn felfc ,not in Paul. ^ou tpinbe tpat a crrc of a wrong perfwafion:tpc errour is pour obonc,not inine,M.Hart; JDpefautcsofpourDcalingfojtpcmaintaining cfpcur errour, a tbitl fct befo;te pou: if perpaps tpe iLe;iDe ibiU open pour epcs, anobntpe pour tongue, tpat pou map at Icngtpperceiue ano confeSe tpe P^opes rup;temacte to be bnlalofuU. E^o begin tpere^ fo;e bottp tpe QrC point boperein pou Gxbe to clatre pirn from pa« uing bfurpeo pis tempo^U Dominton:pou fap, tpat if we weigh thinges with indifferencie,and in equall balance, I (hall wel perccinc that both Empcrours and other Princes adioyning vntohimhaue rather vfurpedof his, then hec of theirs. ^CQpicp, if pou tcDbe not tpinges at pucbSers panbes boitpont all bocigping of tpem, pou booulo neuer tap. iFo},tpat bopicpa pane laioe in one Ccale of tpe balance, is tpe manifett tmtpof recoi^oetf, H euioences, appp}neDbptpebDitnei&ofbD;ttersberie creDible^ bopo note t^ times, tpe perrons,tpe meanes,anD all circumllatw ces pobD tpe pope blbrpeb. ^no tpat bopicp pou lap in tpe 00 tper fcale, to ouerboeigp mine, is partite impertinent, anti notpingtotpepurpore:partliebntrue, anD impuoMliefo^geo* E^pe boeigptieft parcel of it,is tpat bopicp cometpfomv>lf>name<« lp,tpata good autour doth write, that S.Peters patrimonie is greatly diminilhcd through the Popes negligent looking vntoit. QQllpat is tpat good autour (M.Hart) bopo bontetp fof iMppDeo ponnot name pirn:? Isitbecaufepoufearetpat j lponU)linDepemaPetpnougptfo;pou,tf H btiebopimc 0.3 tpat pou booulD put me to tpe patnes of taping pint i 3| ptap ble pere<» after at lead & mucp platnendfe, to name me tpe autours, on bopicp pour pnafes aregrounoeDtStp 3|notonelp name tpem, but riuotetpeir places alfo bopereon 3I grouno mine, tpat pou map The Pope vlurpcd his temporall domini5. 3pp Chap.? Diihfio®7. majptljc better fiftt^jcnijanDiuDgc oftfjcm, Eljcautour, tojjo tojitetb tljaf luljitb rou allcage, ts * Nicolas Clemangis, a SL>o(tcuroi"?iiari3f,tbatIiucoabouta mnefco^o tjrartsfince: in DaO a good autour, 1© 1)3 lamcntmg t^ iB;etcf)£i) atUJ corrupt Itate of t^eCIjurtb w ^is tunc, berlaretl) ttje l^opoto tjauc faeene ticfircb.:anDof|)trtaUnHittf5an5 Dtfo;Derj8, in ^ not eontcnted with the fruitcs and profits of the Siihopricke of Rome and S. Peters patrimonk,though very great and roy- al, he iaide his greedy handes on other mens flockes reple- niflied with milkc and wooll; atlD vfumed the right of be- Rowing Biihoprkkes,and linings cedenaflicall throughout allChnftendom; atlD ^ difanulkdthe lavfull eleftions of paftors by his referuations, ' prouifions,and f aduowfons; anO ^ opprcdcd churches with firftfruites of one yeare, of twoyeares,ofthreeyeares,yea fometimes of foure yeares, with tithes, with cxaftiorts, with procurations, with fpoiles ofPrelates,and infinite other burdens J anb ^ ordeined col- kdfors to fcaze vpon thefe taxes and tributes throughout al; prouinces, with horrible abufing of fufpenfions, interditc- ments, and excommunications, if any man refufed to pay them* f vfcdruchmarchandizewith'fuitcsin his ^ Court, and rules of his Chauncerie, ' x\-\zx.thehoHfe9fGod^4smtuUa <^wffffeff«fr;anbraifed his Cardinals,as complices of his pompc,from Clergie-men of loweft Rate to be the peeres of Princes; f enrkhed them with his difpenfations" to haue & to hold ofhces & benefices,not two, or three,or ten,or twen- tv,but a hundred,or.twro hundred,yea fometimes foure hum dred,orfiuehundrcdjOrmore,andthorenot fmall or leanc ones,buteuenthcbettandfatteft; fo be fl^0^f,tn fl)at Icb fanrtuartc of tl;c ilojb tott!) dunmt dories f eml heafieSj ° eucn from the higheft Prelates p to the bafeit hedge-prielles,. through his vlurpations, i exemptions, compofiiions, his Simonic, proftitution, and fornication committed with Princes of the earth; anb all, to maintaine the pride, luR, and riot ofhis worldly Rate, which he hath lifted vp abouc kinges and Emperours. Hart. |»oa like snb lap cpen ttjt fcojbcs of Clemangis, afi of a good autour, fn t^at I)c repkueft) abnfcs of ft)e popea. JSut Ui^af lap pott to ti)at fo^ tuljfe^ | alleatjeo l)im;." fljat S.Pe- ters * De comipto cede fix lUca: eXatflnGcr- Ton it tg tnttc tU9,)Devirij( miniftrorum cc. clcfix. br cap.4. c eip r- d eap.f, e cap.tf, f cip.7., g cap.J, •ap.j. i Clp.19, k cap.-- 1 cap. m cap.t), .12* a cap. n,. a cap, & 10, P "p.?. It 14- q cap, ap,. r cap, 41, s cap. ij. t cap.j.4. I 'L.. if !il' s'i; IK 400 Of the "Popes lupremacie. • ChronogrJib. J.inBomtacio tcnio, y int^ftart 1401. ajaf by tDOlA», De corruptoeccle- iixiUcUiCap.itf. Sftn: tbree and twcntic yearcs of Cb* fii'tie- yeai-es-fchifme. z cap.45. t Imperij mul- ta Hbiiuraoc- cupauic. a Ccnebrird. ChronogriEib.j. ia Boqil.cerct 3 FortaHe • ters patrimony is greatly diminiflied through the Popes nc- gligent looking vnto it? Rainoldes. 3 Cap tijat pou lucre abufcC bg * Genebrard, on luboCeluo.:De ano crebit pou Cootie CbaC of clemangis as ma« king fo; tljus pur{j3fe,to lobicb it comcttj notbtng ntgb. jfoj, f itislitleaboue mncfco^c peareo fincccbatluao lo^itenbp CIc- mangis. 0nb tobat if tt)e tempa;all Domtnton of the popes (eatleb 5. Peters patriraony)luercDtmimtbeD tbcn bp tfje fucceO' Cburo n^ttgence i ^tgbC not Cbe picbeeeHictnro tberefoae l^ne furpeb it off CEmperouroiong befo^te ttjat timcf i^olu mu^ mo^e pjobaWp migbt3 alleagc Gemaogis fo^ pjoft oftbe eontrarie: in as mucb' as raifli,Clj3f the church ■ vfurpcd many things belonging ofright to the Empire ? iSutbecaufci louenotto butlo fo CiTong concluCions bpon fo lueabe p.:emiires: it (ufficetb me tljat tbe good autour,on tobo^ pou buito potirs,oifcbargetb not the popes from bamng got ti^ tempo;all Dominion bp treafon, if0;, it folotoettj not tpat none of tljem luere tcaitours eight bunDjcD peaces ago, bccaafebefozettjere nincfco pou,ncttbcr pou onclp but all fo?fcs of autours:tbc trpall is cafic. pou fap tbat the donation of Conkantineis.proued bp them lubompou namcD,anD many mo befides,as 3 map reaDc in tbc Chronicles, many mo befides, toboni 3 rcaDc allcagcD in pour chro- mle-Vn^iter, axeZtpmns, 'P^jHcltrsts^ S.JfidorejSJerem, to fpcaho of ^imljcroaftcnant) crtDitl)in'i"ctljrr0. b Gcnebraid- -HaXt- 3 Doubt not but I)c Dealctl) as a gooD Catijolifeo. ^ b^b.T.msd-''' i03.:D6 (touchingConilantines donation,auD tf)c toitnoCfS b? Bciiro primo. U)^ml)ep;ouotbtt)arett)cfe,ifpou totllljaue tpan^ Conifan- tine the Hmperour did giuc Rome and all the Imperiall roabes and ornaments to S. Sylucller Pope,and to his fue- ceflbrs,as Eu^ubtms proueth maniteitly in tro bookes , and Thetius theGreekc Patriarke in bis Nomocanon,the eighth title,the firft chapter, Rainoldes, lE®ell. Ett^iihims auD Thorns Do p;jcU0 it. Icut 503 tljo^ p;joue tljat tobicb Gencbrard DefcnDotl) i Hart. tjEltjatelSf ifo; l;s DefouDetlj the donation of Con- ftantine. Rainoldes. 5a?ut DcfcnDcflj l)c tljs greater Donation of Con- ltantine,oj tlje IcCTcr f Hart. SLlje greater o?tpe letter i OTpat meane pou b^ tpatf Rainoldes. Sfpere are ttoo Donations of Conftaiitine men# c.Conaaniinus. tioneD in tlje Canon lato: tpc one in " tlje decrees, lobercin it is t^D tpat he gauc the Pope both his palace, and the citie of 7^omc,and all the proiunces,placcs,and cities of Italic , or Ae.Fnndamen- thc wclleme counttiesttlje Otbet in decretalsyW^tXtixiM ieil ^ Rome. 3 call tbe letter Donation of Conftantincjtoljicb giuetl) Rome onely: tbe otl)er,tl)egreater, luljicbgiuctb Italicalfoboitbtbecoun- tries oftheweft^nDtob^tbcr oftbem is Cenebrard DC- fenDetb? Hart, Mljcfber of tbcra, lap pen i lubaf ffeilletb Rainoldes. 3f fhpllet Ij terp nuicb* ifo^ letter Ceemefb fometofjattoDifreDittbe report Dftl)cgreater:asit is obferiieD •chrono^ph. bponeoftbebettiDitncflics^at^enebrard batlj , 3meane ' ' NoMclerus,. t!EIlbo,bauingIbeiueD,tf)atConftantine left Italic, and other kingdomes of the weft to his fonnes by tedamcnt, and tliereforc it is likely that the decree which faith them' Conftantines donation,forged. 405 Diuilioo 7' ■ them to the Pope * is chafFe (e0 Ialt»tcr0 CtlH it)and proueth nothing:whereto(faitf)^?)rhe' is forged and added to the donation of Confiantine^therfore al is forged, j." **" for it is certaine that Conlfantinc gaue many thinges to the TAiiquaVnc Church of Romc;but ^ more thinges a great dealehaue fi^a&addiu come vnto it other whence,cither bythe giftes of Princes ct)nft"rtlni!"" and rich men,or by the teftament of the godly , or by the ^ miiiw purchafingofPopes,byexchange,androforth,and the dif- actenwe?'^*' penfation and prouidenceofGod. ^othatin Gencbrards iuBgemcnf pope Syluefter anti Ijts fuccclTojo ijanc gotten a great bealemo;ebpotl)ermeanes,t^en bp Conitantines Donation, ' OlBut tbep banc not gotten moje ttjen tfje greater Donation cfCon- ftantine in tlje decrees Dotb gtuc tljem. ifcf it Dotl; gjue tljem all fbepjo«ince0,p!ace0,anD cittc0of/talic,anD otber countries Dftbe weft, 3nGenebrardstuDgcment tberefojetbe greater Donation of Conftantine is fo,:gcD:anD tbattoljicb DefeitDctb mutt be tbe Idler onelp. Hart. %t)e letter onefp be it Obat gatljcr poa tf)f«^ offe Rainoldes. 3 gaffer that Gcncbrard Dcaletl)'life Ijim# teife,iJOben|efaitbtbatGonffantines donationis prouedby ^ Ce .2 tifC i: BAuguftin.Srea' ch.tugubin. eontr.Laurcnt. Valiamdefal- ladonatione Condaat.Iib.i. olib.a. ». thcodcr.Bal iamonin No- xnecan.Phot* titvS.cap.i. AZofun.biftori 3 ConftantiBus c^itRoma. Ce(Tit,cui5Non i«narui,non populo-yonti- Hd igittir. 404 Of the "Popes iuprcmacie. P/jsrwthsCreckePatriarkejand EngHbinHs in.two bookcs, ^aiEngubmHs lo^ttct^iii Defcnfecf tlje greater bonatioii of Conftantinc;auoucj)tng " he gaue,nottib2 citte of Rome alone vnto the Pope,no no? t^c eonntrie of ItaliedJOt the whole WeftjCuentheWertcrncEaipirejinfomuc'^that," naineth particularly the htngOomes of England,of Fraunce,cfSpaine, of Aragon,ofPortugall,of®enmarke,ofNorway,Swcthland, .fioheme,Hun garie,Dacia, Ruflia,Croatia,'Z)almatia, Sardi- nia,anD Corfica,anD faith that they are all lubied to the Pope, by right of that donation. ^fo?the patriarfee 'Photius,^ fpeahcth not a toozD of any Donation. S^hat tohich ^ene- brardmeanethiftinone p Buiftmon commenting on Photiusx ano it if! the fame t^t Eugubtntis to?iteth fo? .Mhat thinhe you notoofhim, toh® faith that ano P/jofw the (Srcehe patriatte 00 manifedly p?oue tfat Donation to be true, tohieh hunRife confcffeth to be falfe anD fo?gcD i Hart, i5ut the nert to>iter tohom he allcagethj namely fimus^is fitter fo; his purpofetao fpe^ing of t^ leCfcr Donation t mecifely. ifo? p Conftaiuine(raith he ) departed out of Kome,and remoued thence the maielUeof the Empire to Conftantinople,becaufe he knewe himfelfe to be niifliked of the Romans for altering of religion, Rainoldes, C2ilh4t?)I>oththio pjoue that Conllantine gaue the citie of Ro me bntc the pbpe,bccatife he DeparteD from Rome to Conllantinople f . Hart. ^toGenebrardroiKlutteth of it. ifo? ' he dcpar, tcdtto whom? Not to the Senate,not to the people: for that hath no man writen.Ncither did the Senate or people euer claimeit. To the Pope therefore: who fith that time poflef- Icth and keepeth it as his owne •, hath olde recordes, and e- uidcnces.and reuenues of it. Rainoldes. iEhs toit ofa &ophiJfer, 0s if a man (hculD: fai?:fiing Henrie DeparteD fromfhs citie of London bnto Wind- fore caftle,anD remcucD the Court thith^t^ DeparteD : to tohoni ? ^ot to the 0lDermen,not to the Citizens: fo? no man Jaithfo, |ieithwDiDthe0lDermen o: Citizens euer daime if. SCo the )iBi^o?therefo!c:toho fith that time poffjCfeth anD bee# peth it as his otoae j h^ olD reeo;Des^nD euiDentes, ano reuc^ mes of it, . Hart, Conftantines donation,forged. 405 Hart. a Ipc, t^at tlje ll5it^op of London poCDcOiri) ti)c fitic as Jjis oiDii Qtl; time. Rainoldes. (Eucn fo to t[>c Dtijer. ifo; f|^c CSmprrcuro polTcffrD Rome fotiro IjunDjeD vearfsafter tfjc time tijat Con- Ranrine Drpartcfi to Conitantinople: as pouroiun ■" ^igonius rOeoccMenca- ^eiort^in f]tsftc;ic6. Hart. HButhtngHenriegcucmcaCtllffjCcitieof Ji.ctt< DonbptljelLoaD Spapo^.as ^0;incc3 tjauc banc loont to Dcd. Rainoldes. ^0 tlje (Emperours gcucrncDto) t^dticof Uomc ' bt?aiLDji55r>£putie.#caGenebrardmt0ljtcaCIplj3ae sDC ofRc.> fcunb in bts ' Zefimus ^ oncDftbofeS^eputicstcbe tponbmi^''^^'c"d - to be CEmperonr. Jf Ijc coulb Ibriu bp Zefmtis tljat a pope (tab lib.i.Corn.Ta- bone fa : tobat a p:oofetoere that of Conltantines A' ^Ammian.Aiar- tion* cciiin.iib.14. Hart, 2DI)e popes eniopcb not a tuljire t^e fall potnenpct Notitn piomv Ijab tljep rigbt bnto it. ^^oU)beit tyimmiams Mnrcellmhs l^e- iuetl) tljep bab tbe poluer to:as Genebrard beclaretl) after. S5ut t Hiftor.iib.^. firftf)cconfirmctl)tljeirrigf)tt>ut tiiSjDamajus, k&aylbT.'' Rainoldes. }5?ut off" ^goto f ' i/art.. S.Damafisjvrho faw ConRantine,hath writen of that donatiomascuen the Cfwr«r;'e-ft7rj/er/ afnrrae in thefe# uenth chapter ofthe fourth Ce»r«r«. Rainoldes. sCloo Ipcs, teitb one fajeatlj. il^o^ neitfiec batb Dawafus tojiteit of itmoj^bfl) ^C^nturte-miters affirme tbaf be^l;. ^ap tljep affirme tfje contrarie. iFo;,in " berp u Centur.4.capi. place Ujat Genebrardalleagctfj)tbcpiap,t{) 15ut I^OtO (oeuCC IJJO JUS are to be amenoeb: tbe fenie mutt nsbeo be as 3I laioe touct)ing 'Damq/us. jf03 ti)c fentcncc is plainc fo farre, tbat neither Je~r rem nor Tktmafus haue mentioned that donation of Con- ftantinc: as plaine, as tbat folotostb, t[jat it is not men- tioncd by other famous Doctors neither, ^nb lu^o can i* raagin tljatfljeCmfmf-wmmiboulofapt^af "Damajm injoto ofit:li)i)enitisrocl«retljat!)eto3ctenot, tijat T»oar * tOero^ nymusPaHlus,% Cnfmus DObjing 1^autojitiefojafpedallrea^ fon againtt t^e Donation, right therefoje of it is not pao* uaib^'Damaftts, ^3lD,isfhepo0jeffionp3£iusDan^better out of ^nfmi/tnusf Hart. jimntUiJHs areellinus, an heathen, doth clofely fignific fome fuch thing,while he complainethand grudgcth at the Popes wealth and power :in the feucn and twentieth bookcofnis ftory. Rainoldes, e^>»»*w?;«/,(faiil)Genebrard ) doth cloiely- fignifie fome fuch thing. 3ln D^De fome fuch thing: but Co farre from that thing,that better nothing lucre (aiffof it. iro^ thus faith an heathen, of Damafns futng to be pope, ^tmafits and Vrftcinus burning with in- moderate ambition of getting the Bidioprickc of Romc,did fall to very (harpe bicknngs through partes taken : in fo much that the matter grew bctwecne them to the iheclding of blood and to man-flaughtcr. Which tumult ymtnttHt ■(who was the Lord Deputie) being neither able to pacify, nor to redreiTc, was forced through their outrage to with- drawhimfelfeoutofthecitieintothefuburbcs: and Jhs through the valiant behauiour oi his faftion got the con- qucft in uie fray. And it is certaiue that in the Ch n rch of SKiwnus Conibntines donation,forged. 391 Smmnui (v/hereChriitians make their alfeniblie)dierc were found ' a hundred thirrie and feucn carkafles of men flaine i centum trir in one day; and the people furioufiy bent a great while, was afccrwardc hardly ailwaged. Neither do 1 dcny,confi- cmpcorum. dcring the braueric and pompe vfed in Rome,but they vho al^iire thereto Ihouldhriuewich might &mainc to obtcine it: fith when they haue gotten it, they fliall bee at fuch eale, enriched with ^ the giftes and offerings of matrones, and, ^ obiationibos caricd abroad in wagons,and going in gay apparell, and fo- mAtronarum. lowing fo riotous tare, that their bankets are more then princely : who might in deed be happy if they would con- temne the ttatclincHe ofthc citie,(which cloake they vfe for their vices,) and would line as certainc Rilhops dooinpro- uinces: whom great moderanon in vfe of meat anddrinke,. and meanenelle of apparell, and modetfie of countenance,, commend, as pure,and flumcfaft, to God and to the godly,, lEc^lo, tins ts t1)c iDcaltt) ano pofeer of tije pope toijicl) tyim- mMiHs MArcellinHs complapnetl^ off ano gruogeti) at ♦ 5ome InchthingtftsaoContlantincs donation : but it tS not it, ifoj tljc wealth, is tfjc pompe ano fajauert! tljat tl^p maintatneo bj tlje cffrings of matrones, SLtfc po wer,ts a faction of cutters, fo Detperatc, ttjat tliei? flebo abone a bunbjcb in a frap, tlje ILojo BDcpntic conlti not tjclpe it. 515nt t^e bcrie naming of tfjc Lord Dcputie (lent tljitijcr bp f (£mperour)fibcnto bane faugbt GenebrardtljattbeCrapcronrbepttberiticfttU as fjts otone, anb toas tbe foneraine ILo^be of it. Mberefb^te t^at Inbid) fixiti^in^mmiamsij^arceliwus fcucbmg the Popes wealth and powcr,is in refpect of wealth, tbe donation of matroncsj; in re(pcrtofpotDer,t{)e donation of cutters; but in rcfpect of neitfj^ttjedcnation of Conffantinc. Halt, ^ap, in tbaf(3 tInnfec)pou are beceiueo grcatlp,ff)af pen fap tljc CDmperour Uept ffill ttje citie as Ijis otone becaufe be fentaH)epufietbi^cr,'jfo,z tbat Deputie ojllicutenanf toas tbcrc to fe^pe the dti?, nctfo^itbe Cmpercurs tie, but foj bis fefegameonelp. Rainoldcs. ^ct foj bis feat fo.J bcputtcs aitD Jlieutenants rcliDcitt in cities nare t^zvc territories far tljeir otonc (tifegarD, ano iiot to hcepc tl?e ci^ ties as tt>eirs, toljic^ arc not f[)eirs, Rainoldes. cDmballaDours or Hlgcnts perljaps fijcp map ibauc in realmes o; cities n^e tljcm. 3i3ut t^ ttje jfrenc^ king l^onlD tjaue a tlieutcnant or S)eputie in London, or ttjat ^ £Elueene of (Englanos H>eputp in Ireland (l^oulo h^pe it not for ijer t)fe,batfort)crfafegarD onelp: |0rinces notu aoapes (j ^ope) bfe not t^at; fure t[je CSmperours DiD not, ifor two tbeir Jlicutenants in ^ citic of Rome,not as Agents, bnt as Kc# e Epiaoiar.iib. ' ^"0 tl)eir Jlicotenants feept it bot|j to ttjeir fafc^aro, ano io.cpift.lJ.l5. " ttjeirtjferas SymFnachus,afamous Lieutenant of the citic,' mils id vt. dDmpcrourstotjooeputebfjim, Uramanifeftlp l^eto, Jentin.ThcodoJ. |'ca,eueni' AmmimHs !)imrclfe(fogonofurtt)cr) ootlj import ivIicndnYanus alleagcDbp Genebrard: top^re botij Sc Theodofius. ' tljeilieutenant is calleo • tbe ruler of the citie,anb bis ^ go- la"' nernmentis namelp nofeD.&ofarreofftoasIjefrom Dreaming anp (net) t^ing as pan dcd imagin of Conilantines Donaj« I Vrbis mode- tlOtl. j" cuiui admi- Hart. 3Jt is no great matter, ttjougtj hmmiams MarctlUms, fiiftrjtio. a Ijeatbcn, Dcd not prone it. Rainoldes. jl^ot fo gre3t,as tfjat Gilbert Genebrard, a Cbrittian, Dotlj falflp charge a Ijcatljen Unttj tbe profe of it. i5ut teill pou go forluarD to t^e rett of bis toitncDDes? ^ Hart. Inftinim the Emperour • confirmed that donate- anni!Xm do^ OH z hundred yeares after: and then Anthpert tlic king of the nationcm con- Lombatds, P ipwe^Chitrhs the great, Lewes the godly, and laft rmauit. great in a publikecouncell of Rauenna, as the 3 vteuam Ccni (/mHTie-veriters alfo do report, * vfing thefe very wordes.- acm^Ycrbirre \ o,chupt, io,pttg. 53^. in Leo the eighth and John his fcrunr. fucceflourrperhaps out ofthat Authcntike(as they Call it)or J Vt Ecclefta couftitution o(lufimUn.* That the Church ef H^me (houldemoy Rom.centam , ^ ■ r 1 t i J ^ J / annoruin ga u- ' he frefcnptton Of a huts area yeares. aeac prefrripti- Rainoldcs. 0 profe of fome toeigbf, if all ttjis be true t^af the (enturie.'Writers report, yea and report it vfing thefe veric wordes, thatfi/y?/»/<»» the Emperour confirmed that dona- tion ahundrcdycarcs after, and ArtthpertyPiptne,Q}arlesj Lo j of luftinian* Hart* iBut in ttje^/oy^bpon luftinian ijtmrelfejcucn in tl}e Authentikes,ttjere is an otJjer place boljere tfjefame quetticn is £.& ad'ifoi^non con r^nD ttjerc altbougl) Ije fap ttjat Conftantine pmfeea"t%im- could make no fuch donation de mre,y>tt ||C Denpctlj not but Bwsquodde he msdc iz dtfliflo. Rainolcks * Yet he dcnyah not;ana * ije afifirm^I) not;buf leauet^ Conftantines donation, forged. 411 Dnii(iony«, leauetlj ii as Ijc foanQ it. 00 pou triae fo toit^ tbe glofc Wtteri t^ougl) ^01^0 afftntieD DcnaJton of Conl^an- tine;50ii> tijat p^ouc point auoaci)eo by Gcn«brard,t^af fu- ftiaiaiifona.meoit; 3|f iS ^ao tpsugljt fcpat pott teoulb mahc fut^ account oft9eto32D0S of latoicfs ? 3 coulo Ijaue aUeajjeO men fitt!fuU0i'of antiquities »ittcn ail /<»/ if it incre not true. Rainoldes. lBut G€nebrardl)atit0rauntcD t^af to befalfe iyljicb boucfjetb. ifo^ ftz faitlj tl^t Conftantine did gi ue to Pope Syluefter,the prouinces,and places,and fortreffes of-^ ItaJie,orofthe*refternecountries,anDnottbe dtie of Rome onelp. i^eittjerbothbeboueb w rcfpcrt of Rome but of Conftantinople-.hibir!) being to enioy the priuileges of Rome " bp a lalu ^ FhottHs reljeailetb in (jib NomocanoQ,Now if you will know the priuileges of Rorae(laitt) 'Baljamen) they are en- rolled in the decree of Conftantines donation made to Pope Syluefter. ^0 tljatittoasfojlouc totbe patriarbes of Conftantinople^not to t^e popes of Rome, that bee auoucbctb itdbat as Rome migbf tb^dip claune al tbe Mleft,ro Conftan-i tinQplcmigbtgetalltbc CSaft, llEberefo^e, that circumftauce, thit^Al/arrton was an cnimie of tire See of Romc,botb notbing belpc tbecreoitofConftaatiiiestionation. ^eitherbotb-S.^/i? the 'FepejMid allthe tmperiaUorfiameatSythat is to J^yytht crotvrte,the apparell, and the Vfhite palfrey to ride vpon, NaMclerm tbcrefoje citetb Jfidore aS Ciping if :bntTD,as tbougb be fbcugb^ all luere not lucll in If' rfrhatisnotfound.ginOpcri)ap£( ift[)atfto,jieofy/*.V«'f tocre p;infeD,tbat Ujc might tije fight of it:it iuerc no h'lrc matter ecdeciib.».' to finbe fome toUcno there of fo;»gerie. the Icafi, it fenicth "liiyVicus.wi. that Genebrardhimfclfc fufpccteb fome UJeakcncs in that point gan np other Romans, ^nbfcithc circumlfaiice titgregsrics time jnoteaiinoniejlphichGenebrard toanlo acengthen hts tale " toiths. r.- li ^ 414 OfthcPopes fupremacie. iuitf), cotO toeaJjen it Jfo^ ncttl)er ta tlje citie of Rome nameii bp^rf^tfwamongft tpe C^rctjca lanoes, a53|toaaabout to fa?: ano at tme tttm, fljaf gre£one toas pope, tlja ^ Germaniw tie of Rome gmenb?Conltantine to the pope: ano noto Ijec ' batt)fount) tbat Conftantinebio turne b^s palace into a djurcb tbat tbe pope inigbt teacb tbcrc, ano Cb>iftians come together, oc«num° fo ano feme dDoo. ifoj tljis is all tbac ^ lerom ana' z Hillor.eecle- pfesm fa?« {iiii.i1b.7x.49' Hart. Rut Mrfpfc«r«/faith farther in the fix and fortieth chapter ,that Conjt amine endol^ied all the churches of the xvorLiyOnd BijhopnkeSjCUt of his treajurie ^according to theflate and \\>orthinej}i of them. Therefore he endowed much more the church or Romcthcn of Eugubium,andfoforth. R ainoldes. Ntcephorus faitb that Co.nflamine didgiuc through all prmiinces fome part of the pubhke reuenues to t he churches .-blit ttOf, i^ilt hedidgiueaccordiftgtothe fiate and Veorthines'cf cch cfthem, Genebrard Dotb abOe to irape bis b-ObS in b-^e Potobcf it if d^icep horus baD faio,tbat be cnaotoeo tbem accojoing to tbetr lfateanotooztbines,anatberefo:cmo.:c tbe Cburcb of Rome fbenofEugubium: pet is not tbe aoucition pzcuca bg phorHS. Hart. Rut reade him alfo in the eighth booke, the third and fourth chaptcrs;&.in the tenth bookc,the fifth chapter. Rainoldes. ^no tbere (ball ?ou finoeasmucb as in tbs fozmer. Hart. luo in his Pannomia, about the yeare of Chrift e- leucn hundred and ten, doth cite certaine thinges out of the charter Con dan tines donation, forged^ <■ h^p^7,• Diuil'7- ({barter of the priiiikge of Conftantines donation. ^ration ^bout the jeareeleuen hundred and fiftie; H^irtolomsus fertiHs. and irrany mo, doo bring foorth either all, or partes Qfit. . Rainoldc s. Tkermis / an autont IB 1)0 to p:Duc it; ^ l^unnrFe tcmpanit'ti,Uitp liHeo tijc iaft tap: ant,to cunp fauour toifpinliiis t^c^cpc, traniUitct intoliattii alttlc CDrcchc bffibc toiUainutg Conllaiitines Donation, iuijicl)-fjec fount, ioljcrcf in the Popes librarie. (jraiuniB )uo.20ancieiit: ant the itljoltcijarter of tljc Donation ts in ^ ^iiii. i3nt nci^ ht%n3'c?con' tf)0ri0it0i:tantinolDcopiesof6V;iori;a,a0 tt)£p iJ® lot)ol}aucra;neti}nn : nciit)tr arciuc furebpcitbctolD o:5tcU) in lol)u;|) it is cytant, tijat t/mww tit put it in. if oj in ug fo jt ^ cfti)cin,bcil)to4tcn,ariDpuntcD, it isfntitleD ipaka] tljatis e" Aut/ninur*" to fap,chaifc; iDijijrt) nolo ("as ^ a iearncD aiiD famous taiintr i^aor.pan.i. tbinlictl)) isiet to thofe chapters that vrere not firll infcrted ip,cu"fnte"i. into the booke by ^><«?(i2n,but added after in the margent by bus veritacis, Cratiarn mterfreters, as any of them thought good,and m the coiabHt"il bail and auncientell copies they are omitted wholy for the a Antoniiis xnollpart. dptoiu, ifin^r<»rMKitcrcpt outoftbcmargcnt t^us into tbe tcfttmucl) nicjc is it Ukclp tfjat' /««taught it fo to-ifoi Anaotat. ifitbaDbane of auncicnttime in I no tubcn (jratun compilcD tbs ' ca^""aT' IP' bobe of decrees : it iS net tO bC tl^OUgljt that (j rattan-, a man >1)0 uilKgijs Con- fojgetbautours often anDcountcrfeitet^ p;iuilegesfoj leCCe aD# flanciniimpc-. uantagc of the Pope, iuculD f)au0 left l;i«i cut fuel) a p^incelp fis'syTuefttP^'' pjiuilegcjif 1)0 f)aD fcunD it in an autcur. Hart, gt is an eatie matter toitlj tbtftes anD furmtfcs to DifcreDit autcurs, as pou Dcb Ticernus,qrmm, anD Ino, k>h if it be true tl)at Ino anD Gratian DiD not tljcinftiucs rerorD it: pet t^cre is no caufe tul)p the Grccke copy tranOateb into ILatin bp Ttcernns fi^ulD bf DifcreDiteo becaufe it toas founD in the Popes Kbrarie. ifo^z t^erc are maap rare bodtesin t^ popes lib;a# ric, tijat are not els toberc to be founD» Rainoldes» JlButtheGreeketextofConttantincSDonaticn feas els tobcre to be fouiiD» jfo? it is in 'Balfrmon trannateD wtollatinal(bbp^f«rjif better fpIeD tijen tbat tobtcb H cruet founb in t Italiafiue 'BajAmort. f\Qi\xi\mtinQrattausL3LXlw it 10, that theHmpe- occi. cntalium ^ i ' T^ ■ • • i • x C rcgionum. tourgauevnto thePopethcplaces,cities,andprouinccs ' ot countries;00it 13 in ^ Hcruettco: j'' of Italic, and of the *.ic)entalinm. wcflerne countries. taaf)icl)iua0 a fmalltcbcn cfnofmall g©0 fai(6c.cd.&c! totlltbatT/Vfwwlbetoei) totoaroc tlje pope agoinll f Valla-. Blcnt. donat. inbo noteb tljaf 1do:d [orjabufeb fo^ [and, j ao bnlilielp tjjat tljc QjiiiUiit. (gniperour o; tbe Cinpercur0 cfficer0 Ibouls luiite fo in a cbar# ter of fo great inipo.itance, anD in fo large a Dab of gift. SDljougb tbioiotbclcattof nranp conie£liirc0 ttjat Valla niaketl) ixp t^ Cfleto p;}ouc rojruption in tbe beeb. Mbicb all, fo; t^e ntott parf,'7 ic^r««/ljatl) iJoafbcb albapbp Ijis tranOation, liBut if pou tbinke tbat tbcfe tbingco tobirb 3 fpeake ofgrattan, o; /«kron Dtbre faitb t^HtConfiantine haHin^ built Conftantincple, Vrent «Ht of Rome, andgatte tt to the Priejtes of the Idumeans((o tfiep call Cb;iCian0) to this day. ^m tAbtn £?regrtatnc5ofI)t8ffetII. 5 tijere, tljafour fauiour (Icfusof Nazareth, aB^Ccalieflj^m) was not borne in the dayes of baiiiuftorica, Auguitus the Hniperour,and Herode king of Iury,but afore that time aboue a hundred ycares. 0nD tijerebpon bet ofotljcr nitons toitb orrour,toito:tttngfo of ChriUes age: butwe (faitl;ljt).hauc * the true tradition ftorie out of Mifna and Talmud , whofe autours haue not changed any whit ofthinges, iE2lbtrcfo;0, if Sahhi Abraham tDerenofactterfeeneintbefto^icof tlje lewes, in tbaf point, tobereofberatgbtbauelcameDtbetrutbbptljeirciune Jofe- j, Antiquieat. phus: poumap gtnebunleaue tobeoucrfeeue in tbt ftoman ludaicaraibtclt flo?ic0. Sisfo} Aben Ezra^ (jto VdojDeamap betabcn in a frtw meaning, t!)at^w»f bp tbeocrafion tiiatC»»fiamni left if, came aftertoarbcinpiOCel&Oftitneio theinu^HttteVfhichis called reter^ tbat is,to ttic pope, if0; in b^b tbe Cmperoure abibingat Con- ilantinoplemabciteaOierfojtbc popes to pjarttfe tbofe trea< fons U>btcb got tljcm Rome at latt, ffint abrait jje meant tljat Cottjtantme gaue %^me to the tniauatec^liedF-^er. . iStBiUi Gene- brard confeffetljat the Pope(^tne I'«erof Rome) is an iniqiu^ r«,bcraure that toitb fo f Hart. ^0. jfojbtfattbtbatofaBJetoiibttomache. Rainoldes. ^tobljctaitbfbeotberofaKomilberrour.Sinbep# fijjetfGenebrardrefnfe bis otonetoitnefie in fbaf bt fpeabctb of affetf ton: 3! bane greater reafon to crcept againft bim in t^f be miCTetb tbtougb cuerbgbt. anb tbns pou map fee bote toell tbebonatton of ('onftantine is p^joueb bp tbe toitnellcs alleageb eithernfpa«r felfe, xn of^aur ChromcleAvraer., stat^rcin bis a^ bnangofaHfo^tc3ofautor6,ftbcrebpofpoa , toillbetbemoje euibent, if it beecomparcbtottbtbe bealing ofa UBiajop that matcbctb bim tii "fboperfejbiit poUctb bint in mobeftie, § meane of ' M<.lchiorCanas.t;'aiiboallcagetbEufebius,Rufinus,Ihe-i tocnr.Theo- odoret,Socrates,Sozomen,Butropius, Viftor, Ammianus log.lib ii.e.y. Marcellinus,anb,inaiDO;ib, ' allhiftorians,tiiitb ^ otherap- »; prouedautours,toIbetot^ftbe bonation of Conftantineis 1 Citeriprob* fojgeD:euenfbc fame bonation, bp tobicb tbe ^ popes claimc k''c!Fu™;a. tbe lempo^l Dominion of the dtie of Rorae,anD pou toitb pour ti.dcci«a.i* f !s ■iK ,1. 418 Of the Popes flipremacie. cferow^DcDfffltli^ctrfalf^ojOtnit. ff Conftan- tine i)aD niaoe t^ts p^ctenreboonatioatn cotnetf) it d^o^t of ttjat ftj pjoofe i30t)C«of pu cite it, to U?at,, tpat the tempo- rail dominion of the Popes is much lefle now^,.then it was al- moft thirteenc hundred yearcs fincc. 5f 0?,che citie of Rome, tu^ict) in tpis Donation is (aide to pane betne siocn tj^cm, is but a litis co;tncr of tijeir bommion noln» Hart. 15ut if pu iopns thereto tljat 3 awco of S, Pe- ters patrimo nie belonging bnto ^em tnit^n t too oz t^ i)un< 0;eD pearea after Conllantine; it comettj Ijome to ptoofe of t^t tobici) 3 purpofeo; at leatt,to tije bifp^uofe of tbat Intu^b ?our men auouct) in tbw Centuries» ifo; attbougb t^ep fap tljat this cncreafe of wealth in the Church of k»t»e began after S» Gregorics time: pet are tljep notablp Difp^OueD bp S. Crcgorie bimfelfejintoboftreigne, (as^itmappaobablpbe ttiougbt,)tbo CburcbeoplTeflPionoboeretuo^etbentbep bde notuat tpia ptei fent» j^nbtbie apparetb bp (Unb^ieof bib epilHes, tn^e mahctberp^clTe mention of S, Peters patrimonk in Afriekcy^ in Naplts,itt Qtmpimia, ixCl>almMiA.jM FrAmct,\xiItalie,inSiciliaf., in 5<2r7u,anb inumnp otber countrieo^ Rainoldes» ^on bauc bearb,M. Hart,8f0rThomas Morcj. anb perhaps pottbaoereau the hillorie l3j;it«t bp bim of king . Richard the third. Harr. 3 toottbietooifec ofatcojtbicnHm» , ifbebab gone tbtoui^ in lihe te toitball our EnglHh bflto^ic, toe migbt compare toitb ^reekcs oj Romans. OSiit tefjatoftbatbiffonc^ Rainoldcs. 3nitbs repo:tetb, tbat Richard toas a fp^ant, anO didvfurpetheregali dignitie vpon him fclfe, befrauDing Prince Edward tobofe it toas bp rigbt.SDotb fir Thomas More Cap true in tbis of Richard, o: Dotb be mifrcpoit bintf Hart, ffi^ruc, cut of qucffionr as it is apparant bp all ourbi^ ftoiians, tobo confenttbtreut*. i?ainoldes. ^et tbere is a to.nfcr tot» faitb tbat Sing Ri-~ chard Dio not bfurpefbe crotone. ;anb foj ptcofetbercof, b® toingctbftntbfnnb^ieolDrccojbesanDeatocnees oftbcboufe of ^o,tke: bp tobitb itisl^etocbtbat Richard bab lanoesin Caluty in l^tiMterburieyin Kent,ix\ Northumbcrltuidyin Irtlmdxa FfJ^krtd, in r.uo in/r^,Uefoie^jtnce Edwardes timetobbreirt^ St thoitus More repott etb b.i^ i" b^«^ bfurpcb*. Harto. The Pope vfurpcd his tcmpoCTdommion. 419 Hart, inigfjt t?s«c tfjcfe JanDcs, Ui|>jte Ijc Ujaj3 SDiiJte of ciocejter,(im tiot htiTg ofEngkni, S2S l^refo;c, ttfZ ioittcr Uiljo Jbiingetl) t^is to pjoue ttjat Ijc tifurpcD not t^e aotDno,Dtfp;cuct^ net ttjc ^ao;i2 of fetr Thomas More, but boto;nprt[) bw Ototic froUiai'tsnrCTc o} foUte. Rainoldes. ^cnaroti)eto;ttet',M.^art. 3| IbotocD bp tijo bttfoueofSigonius, ano otbcro, mDttUwf|^ofcixDtf,tbati^ §&opr0 bfiu'p^o Romtjann ti)e bonitnion of tbo Rtm4tj EDuboDom, bcfrauoing ttjc emj^rour of hut rigtjt bp trcafon. ^ou affirme tbo contram. to; p;a)fe thereof pou a!leage futn);te eptfl;(es ofS. Gregcric, tnbsrcbpitappcare^ tbatttjep bao potEeCioiio ttl t/^frskc ,tri Ntiples, in Campanta, in Dalmxtm, in FroH/tce, in ft4l$e, in Sfc$l(4, and in 5»ir^f.w4,bjefo;c tbc time tub^rcin Sigo- nius oeclarctb tbem to bauc btiflfped. Ii6ut,a0 pour felfe anriDC^ red^tbep migbt bauetbefe poiTeCrtana Inbile tbep inere IBitbopo? ami not ^;tnceo. iEberefo;e in b;inging tbio to p;ouc tbat tbep bftirped not tbe iD;incedonie( fo to terme it) and t^ojall doininionoftbe^apaU&tate:pou di(b;ouo not tbebitto;ie of 5igonius, and tbc rcitt,butbcto;ap pour otonc frotoardnellie 0; follic.^ap pou bclDiap greater fautea of euil f guilful dealing,aa pou b-xndle it. ifo; tol»reaB sigonius,t tbe rcft,tDbo»tt 31 cited to p;oue tbe ^opeo 06irptng,are of f )9opea religion,! tt»refo;e of greater credit agatnd tbe ^opeo: pou (Op nought to tbem, but name in tbeir (teed our autors of the Centuries .(£uen as if tbe toiitcr (tobont 3 told pou of) being brged toifb tbe credit offir J'horaas More and Englifli bifto;iai^ Ibould anflnere tbat al=! fbOHgbFunccius,aGcrman,repo;f in bis Chronicle tbat Ri- chard didbfurpe, pet is ^ notablp dirp;oued bp tbe euidences of tbe boufc of |^o;Uc. jagaiitc,tobere pour conelulion ou{^t to be rcfolute tbat § Cburcbes po(r:(Iions Inere mo;e in 5. G regories time,tben tbep be no\n: pou lap they were more,as it may pro- bably be thought. 2De ouerbeareOeritietoitb probabilitic; tbe trut^initbliltelibmdoftrutb: ano leauc pour felfc a lurbing btlc,tbat,altbougbtbetbingbefounofobefal(fe, pet pou map ofcape U)bo boucb if not as true, but probable. gj^ojeouer, tbe time of G regories being )Silbop,pou terme it bis reignet tbere ? bp io b jade opinion tbat be fwo tbe fempojall dominion,a0 tbep buue noln. (223berein t^t ioo jde is bfed fo mucb tbe more oe^ ceitfullp: becaule if pjcporetb a tnap to tbe miff abtng of tbat jODd a mbicb 410 OfthePopes (upremacic. tu^tcl) ?ou allcage out of Gregories cpiftles tourl)tng S, Peters i> corrn t P=^'^"tnonie. Jfo^.S.PettrspammwiieDotl^Ogmfiie intliatof ^ Clcmangis,iDtjutJ pou began pour anfliiere toitlja ^no fo Up t^is Qreig ne] a maw iDoulD tafec it Ijere. ct^Ucreag G'regorie meanetfj tl)C lanDes of ttjc Cijurct) anD )15tlUoprtchc of Rome bp S. Peters patrimonicj not tbe oomtnton tempc^all, tofjiclj tijcp ^ao not tlicn, ilBut in f ijeCe fantcs pen are tUc mo.:e crtufable, bccaafe pen coj fcloto 1 ccnmrt«o- tbefCDtftcpo of^coebratd: Inj^fc ' Ccnturic-writers, anU * rVortaffe. perhaps,anO » kingdome,anO fophiftrie migljtbjingpDtt 3 Ragtium EC - to tijcmUnatoarcs.Sin ti\6 nert pour ll^ame can no leap be couc# 4 Pal i pari- reu. if0J tobereas pour loDcfman, tjsutn.S fcarfi;eD gregorks monism*- qpiCleoof purpofefoj S.Peters patrtmonie, cculD finCe it in no ji;o;e places but in tljofe toljicti pou rebcarfeb bp name; pcu ttjin* bing fucljflpes toj fmall fo; tbe pcpe,Dai aODe(teitl)flat bnttufb) and many other countries t bc&bctbatCother countries] is bjDugbttn fo fcj, as if Campania/^afltt, aufl fansjp countries, atc^®nc, CampanM^Lft^KtCfltake^ 5lna pet as tljougb ponr oealing toerc Cncere anb routtO,peu bntf It bp tl)US,tbatfectnc for this which is the greateft part, lo good prootcs may be made : no doubt but the Popes can Ihew verie good cuidencewhcn uecdeihatrcquire forfondry;- other verie great and large gi&es which were bellowed vpon their See,by diuers Prtnces,many Nobles,men,and women, qucfticn is of ttjetempojall bcminion of flje |?opes. SDbe prootepou b;mgt^reof frotn Conftantine, is fo;geb j from C/regorie^isfonD* ^otbatncparc is p?oueb pet, mucl) IcCfe the grcatcR. cbiefclt of tbe reft tljat ^Bopcs ran (betn fo;t itjis Pipines bonatioii,ano tlje fucceflPcursof Pipine. ^n it 3 ^ueconuincebtbemairoofbrurping; bbbo fitif bib beggeanb tabetbeterrito;ies,anbbitions,Uil)icb(^oulol)aue bkne refio^ teb fo tbeir olb Jlo;b tlje (Emperour; anbaflcrtuai&e bib tfe tljeir neltbllo;DasabaraU>anbma9e tt^nfelues fouerames of tbat tobicb boas giuen t|)em to bclb in fee ,.Mo be l^D;f ,ttjc banific of tbWtMunt ofeuidence, which the Popes can Ihew when needc »,A.e«ftirtw fl'^lrequiromapbopcrccpuebbp Eu^ubinus,. tljeiraffuc* SteusbasEugu- rup geiwrall,, anb pjtnctpall p;ctfo; in t|is raufe, Mfio being bi»os,Apoftou- cuflgjngj) toia^a popill^bcuotion to fap tlje bcft tljatljcfeuclDj St'JiiM. anb furoii^eb tbitfj.tlw tccafures of t&e gopes libtarie, to Utwia The Pope viurped his temporal dominion. ft>ebetttf)atmi0^bcr3!toe:tcf,afferman^ flcD;iflE>efi ft; Con- ihntinesbonatioiioft^Iargeftffft, * ^abbctt) inconcluaon tl)at(tfje|0opc)^regoriethethircl did excommunicate Leo (t0c Cmpcrour,) and ' cauicd Rome and Italic to rebcll a- gamlthim, ^ abfoluing all his fubieftes from their oth of icaltie, ano fo cottfutetb Iwnrelfe, ano ^enc- brardDobutlDon, tbatKiwr Conltandne toas nottbe Cmperour£i,butt^^ppe:t:atu> grauntstb bp ccnrequmt,tbk t\jz j^opes temporal! bomtnton tn itMu toaa bnlatofuUp g9tten> anb to^ngfnllp ^rpeb bp tbts oeaifeof trealbn. Hart, ^ap, " genebrardbatbotberreafoiuifobeftnD t^e of tbe pope, tf tbefe bo not content men. For I (taitb b^) anfwcre to nerctikcs impugning the donation of Conltan- tine that which lephte did (w the eleuenth offadges) to the king of Ammonites requiring the land of tjalaadtobeercftored him: Vfill fojftjfe that '\^)htsh the Lard our (jod hath conquered attd obteined. p^nlejje perhaps thoucanjtjhew that any man dtdfiritte 4- bout it for the [pace of three hundredytares-.i^ ' here for a thouland ycarcs and move^why[»lon^ time haueyou attempted nothing for therecouerieof iti Chiefly, fith the prcfcription of certaine ycares fufFiceth in groundes and poflelsions. Moreouer, the confent of Italic,and of the Church,and of the whole world is of force enough to giue the Pope that right. Finally,that Conftantinc remoucd the feat of the earthly Empire to Con~ fiantineple through Gods Ipeciallprouidence, to tnc end that the kingdomc of the Church forefpoken of by ©anid the Prophet might haue his feate at Rome, it appcareth by this, that ftraight the wellcrnc Empcrours,ConUans and the reft, who folowcd for certainc ages, ^ left T^wfftill, and placed the feate of the weftcrnc Empire at c onTph'rVanl P^pc CboulD mtole toit^ t^iefpirttuallonclp. ^uaberebp Vnit^ aot.inPIatin, aIIat^earetl)!)olnbainetl)ebjaggeisofthe confent of Italic, siioT"de re' n cnurch,and the whole world. SHIjOUgb neittjer tbeir COn# rent can giue tlje pope tljat rigbt:bnle(le tlje Koman ci^mperoucs (ttfz rigbt olnners of tt)Do content alfo. EnD,f)oU) ttiep content, » W"imiuan ^ouma^Icamc b^ lateC^mperours; of bot)o»n, ' one oefireD dard.Lft.iMr torecoucrX?w« annall tlje popes Dominion, as being Ijisof ^'''rh rti rigbt;'another DiDmojet!)cnDcQireit;a^ratbecbE late popes, ftft^.onuphri- " tobo are afraioc of nottjing mo^e,tben ofttje Cmperoors conp Htiovita CIc- tning into Italte. j^oto, t^ie laft reafon of Gods fpeciall proui- Pa"i deuce remouing the.featc of the wefterne Empire loConfiatu u Guicciard. tinople^ to the end that the kingdom of the church forcfpo- bift, itaiJib. i(f. ken ofby Daniel the Prophet might haue his feateatT^wr: befiDe that it is teatencD(aftcr genebrards maner)toitfj bntrutb Offto;ie,astl)atthewe{l:ern.Emnerourswbo fucceeded Con- ji5^5°si3M.de ftantine for certaine ages,left Kowe ftill, * tol)icb is DifpjOUCD Occidflnt.im- bpHonorius; it li».:eftetb<25oDstoojDe to the maintenance of per.iib.io. mansp.uDe. jifojthe Churches kingdome, tobicl) ®aniel Dan 7 verf. fD^efoake of>is y fije kingdomc of the lewesjtcucljing t^e tcin^ Vt.&ri.&.i/. po» rail ocminion from tipcm bp treafon anc rebellion, tins is ttjefirftpomtitoticrcmpoutDent about to cltore ^is fup;cma# dc, SLljenert, to l^t0tpsspourfeIfebaustolD me fbat poo are of opinion; intljeotljer, tbeautour, tlje good c RcguliCan- autcur (tol)cmpoup;aprcD)coi^rmctl)tt)at tlje popes, be» Cotoingtl)eCl)iirclj-liuingsro,b®tljattljepougl^tnot: pour CcIog.BuJIii-. otone ccnftiencc, M.Hart,ano pourautours iubgeinent ftjoulo moucpoutoconfelTetbcirfupjcinacie infpirftuall twinges to be I Referuauit trurpcD,no Icffe, tl)en 3 b^uc fijcbueD it to be in tcmpamll. iBut om. ifperljapspcu iciil not grauntfo mucb pet, lufpenbing pour Patr"rchafcs, Centence till the chapters folowing,lob^tcto pou refcrre bs: tljc ArduepiCcopa- tbirbanolaftpoint,tfjatt^cperrcDinoffice,ispjoueD ncttoitb^ H^NkohL'^"' ftanoing euen bp ttjat pou graunt. 5lnli tljcrefoje pcu fap tljat Clemangis de oncly this is it which you goe about to defend in them, that j*' hccAaicotChnJhspromifeyoibHiliiiri^hischtirch vpon that rockt\ &?. id[idpra,ytr2\{othzuhe%rfaitkjhcHldnot fsile-, they neuer erred in iudgement,ordefinitiucrentence. CSEborctn, beingOjiueu bpfo?ccofeuiDcnttrutl) from pour maine biftinction, tljat tbc pope map erre in perron,not in office; as a pjiuat man, not as pope: pou retire from all tbe luarDS of pour caftle into tlje ccller as it toere, anufaptbatin acomor of bis office be ncuererreb; , but otberinife in office anb cucrp part thereof be batb» Harr, ^ap,tbisU)asmpmcamngbp tljat oiffincticnaf tbe firft. jftspoumappercciucbptbat ^fpafieerpieflpofdefini-« tiue fentence: ano faioe,tbat he cann ot crre iudicially. Rainoldcs. SLbctt^outmeaning boas to puttbecoate of Hercules bpon a Dtnarfes bobte, Jfoj tbe popes office is a great beale largerfbeniudgcment or dcfinitiuefentencc.^no tob"^npouraiOetoitballtbatthcEuangcUitcs,and other pen- nets ofholy write,for the execution of that fundion had the afsiftancc of God,and fo farre could not erre pofsibly: pou fismeotoinfinaatetbattbepopes bauelifietnife tbe afftftance of ti)c autour;) t^oug^t tl;em not toell men.liu.i.cap. bapttjeo toijotncrefaapttjco bgeuill mtntttcrs, anofo faapttfeo tbcmagaine. ^ea, t^atberp fan of S tephens to repjoueo t^ere# Donariib?,T' fore bp '' Luitprandus, (agraucanDlcarneo iD;itcr that liucb about t'gz fcune time,) ttjougb * miifafetng tjis name,pet iuoging ro? gX^hb^i, of the t!)tng rigb^lv?' if after t^e reljeriall tb^reof, tbat depn- ca^». uing all them of their degree who were ordeincd by Forme- fus, he did ordeine them againeiwhich thing(faitb Luitpran- »ut«inoflt dus)how wickedly he did you may perceue by this,that cucn they who recey ued grace or Apoltolike blefsing of ludas the toe Councdi betrayer of Chriil before he betrayed him, were not depri- ^IrYohn thf ued of It after he had betrayed him and hanged himfelfe.For n>♦ tbe tbing as true anb latoftdl- Hart. 2Do Cap tbat bolp ojbers giuenbpa 13ifbop, fae 1}C ne< tier fo tni^cb,arc botbe,anb of no force: it is an errour in faitb,3| graunt. pi5ut tbis of Luitprandus is benpeb bp ^ Sigebcrt,tbat 1 iachroBico». be ordcined themagaine whom he depriucd^ Rainoldes. tohctijcr be orbeincb tbem againc,or no: it ma# betbnot tbe matter. SCbensbjh? tbeCcunccUintobicb lohn m Coacil.Ra. tbenintlj conbemncb Stephen anb bis Ccuncell, it famctb ra# tber be bib, at tbe leaSfomc of tbem. ifortbere ' ncwordei-ac rcg". Binges are namclpforbibben, anbmatcbeb toitb ^ new bap- tizingcs,2aibicb,ifStephcn bab not offcnbeb tbereinas tbe Do.- "es- natifts bio, tobp (bculD it be fo toucbeb f 25ut ta^ttjer be 0rbei# neb tbem againeo; no: tiee berrab tbat tobicb pour felucs ac# knotJDlebgefb be ancrrourinfaitbj tbebetrdebitinaCounceU.. Hart. 15ut tbe Councell bio not approue tbat beer® bp fr® topee ftubg£ment.£Cbe laope bib ertojt tbcirccnfcntthrough. feare: " asitappeeretbbptbeCouncellt^tconbnnnebbiui. Rainoldes. Cbisisnottop;ouetbattbe}0opesbccr®£sin.' , ' CoumeIUiare0a)b;buttobtrp;oue ratbertbe certaintie tubicb <. h»p. % Diuifioii 7. 428 Of the (Popes lupremacie. gauetn ConfilloriesjCourtcs, atiD Councels. e oaicciard. Hot oiie!^ iBiajops affcttiblcD ui tlje Councclljbat alfo iUUiierf iiiftjtai. lib. tj. tn ttjc Court:,pea CarDinals tfjemfelues in tbe Confiitorie of § NiemVdffchif! ^or fcarc to tifat tfjep Itfee not, a« ° Leo lib.i.cap.j. ' tbe tentb mabe tbem to otD.0nd,tf tbe founoneo of tbe popeo De^ ^"pl'.o. Diftaineobptbisaffectiomittnapbpotbercauto, s louinsdevi- anotntpeoimentoairo. ifo.}tob3ttf ^ tbe Carotna(o,millpbti^ repjoning tbeirfauteo, Icauebim (as tbeg cio Catdinale, DtoVrbantbefi);tb)ano m^canetopopef Mbatif tt«pbe« ^"faitbfuUtbat be Dare not trnfttbeir counfeHanDaDinfe,'a« ficTbuTnifdtum Adrian tbefirtbDurftnot? Mbat if fbepsiuebimleUJDcanD cflc pwdican- totdieo counfeU , tbatitDeceiuebtat if be truft it? ^ucb aaioa^ m^i Tiidl piri" tbe counfel of Carbinall ' Pucio: tnbo erbo^teD Popes to make cif>ii«i,Lco fide any gaine,anD faiD tbat they might doo it lawfully. Chabrias, nefe impmde». ^ fbiUfulI itian of ioarfe faiD, " tbat an armie ot hartes is more «er in crrorem to bc fcarcd hauiiig a lyoH to their captaine, then an armic of lyons hailing a hart.^ou bear bs in bano tbat tbe pope to a Icon, dccim. lyon,anD otijef men arc hartes. iBut pou make bint the hart li'^pttarch in 0"® tbinfee£t)ftbcm lyons,txjben pott fap tbat bintfelfc map erro Apophthegm. anD faile in faitbi but be can not Do it in Confiltories, Courtes Rcg.&imperas. I Counccls.00 if Chrill baD prayed tor his brethren to itren- gthcnhim,anDnotfor him to itrengthen his brethren. Hart. ^ap,3|maDenctmentionofbisbrcthrcn ro,asiftbe alTurancc of truth in b^ Decrees DiD DepenD of tbem. iFo.t,tbou!^ it bebooue bint to bfe tbeir aDuire,aitD tberefote 3I fpafee of Con- ii{tories,Courtes,nnD Counccls: pet, UibetberbefolotDstbeir aDuife oj no, bis oecras are true. 15ut as fo.t pope Stephen, 3| can not tbinfee tbat be DecrctD tbat errour* 0t leatt.if be Decrees it, pet be fet not foo^tb a oecre of it, as to tea^ tbe Cbureb» Rainoldes, ibut if be Dccr^D it, be erred in iudgement and definitiuc fcntencc: tobicb iiS ttje point tbat pcu DenpeD, ^^otD* X e Laud biiem ibcltcr alfcipope Cselcftme tbe tbirD lie conueifioue fct foojtl) UDCCfCC, tb^t whcii of matycd pctfons OIK fallcth wfideUu.m. jj^^Q hercfie, the mariage isdilfolucd, and the catholike partic is free to ma^ againe. Jflat ^ ^ain® tbe fcrip^ 7, Mart.i>-.?. dimid'cth his wyle,but for whooredom, and marieth an other, doth commit adultecie; and whofoe- uer marieth her that is dimiflbd,do/h commit adultcrie. Hart. 'iZl)io bws pope Cxleltines opinion, not Decra, ifoj * pope The Pope hath erred definitiuely. 419 piuifion f, ■^^popcInnocentiusthctljnDjiDijcifpcabctfjofttjfaifljnotttiat ac osanto.Je |jc denned liiuttljat ije thought fo. laott'H- Rainoldes. pttl3£p,elnnocetiusfarfngt|)af^ ' thought ^ fo,i)ot^hfctl)afUjo.iCem JLatm,Uihtf{)^ fentenccccmetljfrein; 2s«ct«tii. „ , tt) it he mtght notethcrebt? tife bcfinifiue fcnfence of Caleftine, :p [ not t^ opinion. )15ut lohatfoi-uerone pope fhougljf efanother: ft^o IdiTclrh^'" ■ Altonfus,a famous patrcnc of the papacie, Doth thai he ref?ub.KcVp.t* 4^ DefineD it. "for that Pope CselelKue did erre (faith Alfonfus) ? ■; about the mariage oi the faithfull of whom one fallcth into j. inlndqufs I' herehcdt is mandeit to all men. Neither was this errourof J«re«aiibus. j C^lelhnfuchasoughtto be imputed to negligence alone, d«crewiinm.c? thatwemay faybccrredasapriuatcmanjand notas Pope, qu'ntodedi. who in 5 defining of any fcriousmatterihonldaskecounfell 1 oflcarned men.For this definition of Cxlelline was 5 ex-dcm. tantin the old decretals,which I my felfe haucfcene &read. oncfnfil"!"''' ^noth^of Alfonfus is confirimD farther bp CarDtnal '> HolH- laiidatilcm. - | enfis; toh3notethth2:bsrp ® paragraph of ^ the chapter in the [1 tohich tt UjaSjf rpKifeetb of it as a dect ctah Mhcrefojs thouj^ c Gratianai thc-chapter bematmcD of^ paragraph * fines Hoftienfis time: ooodnu!'!' pst thsfc l ecojDes fuffice to ^cbo that it teas a Decree of pope Hoc autcm.A? j' eaelcftinesjfEt fe;th to teach the Church. drianus,in 4 Harti SDhcrsare.^ Rjaiecfcur Sicd'Ojs(as^Camis t(ec!«reth) iDhothtnfee that the Popcmay crreiniudgementoffaith. Al- Gerfoni& au I fcnfusaKDHofiienfismifihthausthatfanfistCD. lEufifpOccra ; (luhcrsof thcp rpcahe)lu;rs tsf fojth perhaps to teach t Church: f pet net to teach the Church that point ifo; in a point toucheD 0^ ^nDlcD bp the tuap,-Popes map errc,(as Canus 9 X>/Sraple- f p^ncip, 1', Rainoldes. /jiotu pen map fa hoU) hainrip pen llrtue fbj f J0ope.iFo^ thiSjluh^hw pour laftholb ^henall isDtane, a oner# fcripta^Hono-- th^eU) ^ at &ft bp the crample of HonoriusXhe concluCon ano sw^Vnod"^ principal pcintof iohofe decrees fet fojth to teach tljeChurch, Uantinep.adl. toasthe MonoiheliteshcrcCe.SiaahercbphcDiDnotarfngthcn his b^£th?£n in the faith, but' confirmed their wicked errors macit. • sext. , againft the faith,as.* the Counalp;oncunccD ofhini. synod.ccn- Hart, ©athp Do allthe Fatherslhenappiy this priuiJege umin, dc cc- cIcU.i.ci 12. Canus Loc.The olog.l.d.c. I. .^llarmin.Co. ti:ou..f.p.2.q.i. rjutijelc Aa- . aot.Luk.aa. ji. The eighth Diuifid •Staplcr.princ. doSr.l.S.c.ij, a In Pfalsi.con- tr.partemdonat. fclipift.j7, c Chape. 2. DipiC I. 4 tDlia «pplp< ttftche Vockc ta Chri!I:Dc verbis Domin. Sen11.13.Re- tra&ac.lib.'J. cap.u. of tf)cm,Do fl^amefuU? mifrepojt ti)cm.iroj 'Aufhn,'"Chry foftom," Pforper,aiiD ° Theophylaft ocd bnOerttanD bpcf^thj aluielpCl)5ifttanfatt^,ant!fdBttj3fChrilt prayed that Peter might continue therein vnto the end. grace neit^ tbeptioj an? Father faittitljat all t^€l0opcstj<«uc. p?our felfe, 1 tourDcftorsjpca' Khemiftstoccnftfljctljrtrntrarie. Hart, pzt * the rocke, wo Doubt, iobercoii Chriil did p^oo mtfc tl).3t he would build his Church and the gates of hell iliouldnotprcuaileagaindit , isapplpeo b?tt)0 ifafbers to Peters fticceffo^S in f^C c^urcb of Rome. S. Aaltinioa toitu ns^Eethereofagainli tljs Doaatiites, inliom fjc biODeti; nunrber the Pricltes ^tfjat is t{)0 popco) cuen from the leate of Peter, and inarke tneir fucccfsion: atfifiniitg it to be rhc rocks againil which the proudc^Htes of hell preuatleKot. ^nDS.lJlerom iJSi,y tingtoDamaIust|)s^ope, auoucb^t^i. aomutb: I am ioynck fattbb^Ji in communion to your holincfle.that is, to Peters chaire . Ikiiow thit theChnrehis bmldeavpon th:it roaks. Rainoldes. fbipp^ofClj.nll almott fl)tpU):^acltsbpontt)i0rocke of yours. 3baus alreaDtcpujuet^ t'pat tt)e p-*tr4, to^ttl) you tranilate a rockc,Dotb Sgnifie in Chriftes rp«£t)ia ftone, not a rocke. tf^ctobcit rocke, o j ftonc, ttmaftetb noDiffcrmrctot|i0fayings of tlje ifatbcrs, tobic6 you allrao^,concerning it. jpo J Uj^tljcr ttjey meant a Rone,as it isp joperlg; o; a rocke, aa it may be tij^y DiD, (at leall S. ^ eEpia.27.ad lapies. { Epift.5 r.ad Ceracliun. ofRoneeitt)prl»ti)not& 0fr<»t aouantagefo; your purpore,oi Dotl) not y^e fo fuUy tlje meaning of t^e jFat^crs:3 am content (U)it[j out p jeiuDice to tbat voljirt) 3! |),mc fpoitc touching the rig^t fenfc thereof in Ct>;ittesrp®c£)) to bCe your rocke in (leeDc of it. Hart. ^0 ^u muttDoOjif you mill Deals tuitb my argument iFojtbemaieStieoftbcCpurcljofRome ismuclj aDuance&by tljcnamc oft^erockc .* anDin my iuDgement t|^ meant no leffe J»ben tljey applyeD y ioo^os of Cbiitt to tpat Rainoldes. ^|je ifatfjoi's bfcD ttiofe U)o?Des to aDusonce t|« maieftieoftljeCtjurdjofKcme : but neitb-T to aDuancc t|ie t^urcbofJSomealonemeitbJrto impojtttje IPopcs fap;i£man« by tbat majielte.^nD t^iis may be gat!jer«) pJatnHy fey 5. ^ Cy- prianjto^o alfi^ougljfjegiuea ftpeciail tide offeonour ifcpieetiU'' nettct to tfee Cfeui clwf Romc^yet Ootfe fee apiily tfeat of i^t rock to The church of (^ome^hoW the rock e. to tfjc C^rt^ tanneralifo J fje afftrmetf) tljaf our Lord tooke ordcrfor the office of a!Sillioy) and the ifateofhis Church by faying vntoPeterjT^iJXrfr/ Pctevyandon this rockeVvtllJ build ray ChHrch^andt he gates of hell fsatl not yreiMile againfi it:anei,to thee WUl Igine the ktyft ff the kifgdomee Ct)urcb of /?ome,oj of Car- thagffonelp:lonc^ert|»e21Stlbopof Rome,no? of Carthage,; ma?b8r0p?efentettaU)nebptherocke,nnDieta6bj0U ibi- l^op of Carthage as of':^me. Hart. ^oMocucr it frcmcD in S.Cyptians tuDgcnronftobf- long to all ^5t{bops,ani) fo after a ro?t to tbc ^ilbop ofCarthage,. Ep;ft,j7.a»! tjje^BillbDP of Rome,I gtuc it particularly tafbat Cbnrclj>f Ramoldes. SDbcyhcD-.butinfucb rojt,tl)attl)eymigbt ijaue bone it to anyfeitbfttUCljurcbjeuen to tlje Cljurctjtjf Canhage> as s .Cyprian Dio^ ifoUvat U)f)icl) is bcrifieb of a tbing in gcne^' raU,isberificDtnfljerpetiall. ^,fo:e):ainplc, tljeCatholikc Church in gwfsraU is nameij e ritd hbufeof ^od,antj ^ the ^cInM^'i" fpoufe ofChrill. 2Cbc3po(lleapplyeff)flJore titles in fpecial, >Hcb.?.tf. the one to the Hcbrewes, ^ tbeotljerto the Corinthians ^ tfhey continue iaithfull, fo lS>l3afCf).Jitt f^ib of IjlS tolplc Cljurcbdbat the gates of heft ffiiall not preuaile againft VJtbatistrutmcwery^partofbisCbnrdj. ainb if fjc nameb Peter,arocke,(inrclpettoftl)efaitl) tljatbcc piofcljctr,) ont^ tobicb \te IhiD he would build hisChurch-,tl^n al,on tDbOffi(p JO* fcCTing tbc fame faifb ofCt);jitt) b'S Cljurcl) in part is builDCD, may,in a pjopo;tion,be calleD rockes alfo. ^jKrefojeCtb itje fathers Dip fpeabeof tlje Ctjurclj of Rome loljen it teas ^ly>. anb of tlje ISoman SBifl^s.toben tbcy pjofclIl?D t^ b of Pc- termomaruailejiftbeyfaio the Church was built on that iocke,and the gates of hell did not preuaile agamftit,^l^olJj*" l6it3ibeny notbHttbatUTtbwfe«tl»i5off?ieCftur^ of Rome? ttic^giaemaifDntoittljentpeB coulo Ijaucgtuento cuergfait^ fiillCburc^. ifo;toIjcrc3fiiift{)cfunD;g Ctnirdjes of Ctjjitt i toereplantcDbp tbc^pottlastjj^mt£:Iucs>a3 ^ leruCalcm, n 18.8.' Antiochc, " Corinth, ° ^^jTiejfomc rccducO ttjc fattj> prcrmiii'^' d fwintlJnnU»|)ic^tlje0poClesplantcD: ^ tl>sp paD t|)c fojmer prtfai'pc'ad- ' foJt in grcaiei' reputation,ano calleD tpemApoitolike Churches; A amon^iDljicptpepcounteDtpeCpurcpof Rome a chiefe iTSdc o«2, ' ass piantea bp tpe cptcfe Hpoftlcc Peter anb Paule, ;an6 aoo5io tcacf), toero iuonf to teacb • inti)e4.Di-Otting:afl31fl^eUttO * befo^ebp ' ttieci:ampIjeofChrirt,ano ' cha°pt!^'*' too,;DCS oftl^ Scribes ans Pharites. Saib^i^upon « as tfjo fcripture fpe^eti) ofS.Pauhttiat " he fate at Corinth a yeaffc 5c foh'tl"' monethes,teaching the word of of God amongit them, t meaning tbat Ije continueo ttiere,anD pjeacljco to t[jem t in like uAa.xj.it. fojt " tljeipatljcrsjtofignitot^iatPeteraboDe ano taught ia Romc,arc acoittomco to Cap that!?« late at Rome, ^o flolit Ponri6«iV" Auftih mentionthe Cacceffion of Bifhops from the feat of Peter* JHiera defcrip* ^0 Dothforomhonoti^Biihopof that ^ecfoith the name of 'p/tr»" Peters chaire. But fohat is this to the fup.jemactc e |foj it i«' contr.liter.Pe- fpoken bp ^ the jf athers alfo,that Peter oto fit anh hao his chairc tAzyinttochei^^^dtAntmhe{m ^ ,fomefap)hehaDtn Bdoe * ckronie',Da.^_f ahigh chaii}c,wh.erin hc|wa^. exalted} AnO ofhiochairc at fic jT chairc at Rome, a -sDurind.in nciiJoitc,tiiuimeOoflaf2. Mrtjercfo^eifthehich chaire of J "'"off! 7 c 8. Amoche toitlj an^plDe feafte toujo aiot mate the Biflhop • Itxcellim c*- of A«fw^nnbothhee acknolDlebgebtobee ^is otone Bi^op^no kneto to be a Bi^op that helbe the eatholiUe faitlj; tohith Piaife bp that title cftherocke he giucth hint. 3n A^;%, thep boere troubleo toith other in^etikes nameo ©onatiftesja C^itbohiehbefpifebthe commanion of ^aintco, anb rent them teluea a funber from the aCfemblieo of Ch^iSians, becaute there were fome euil men amonglt them(a£i thep faib) whofe fclow- fliip defikd them.5,Auftin bs;ote a Pfalmcfoj the CatholifeSOf g:ain®there:t))h^<^itt5t)'ahiR0PraurDSiftout of the fcriptnrca, th-ttlne mutt not leauettjc commanion of the Church foj that there art fc-me cuill men in it,nfh Ch:itt hat!) bcclarcb that there (ho;tl3befo,afitarestoithcornc,mthe field j asf chafFe iuitfj whcate in the floore; as badde toith good,in the nett; ije mh> fivmcth fhisocctdncbp the content liubgementof tije Church of T^wifjbJhcfv BilTjops euen from Peter hab imbjaccb it If ill, anb conffantlp maintaineb it,the gates of hel in baint aOaulting them. &o the iootbcs of Auftin anb lerom boa import a fincc# ritic of faith iu ttje Church of Rome f the RomAtj Biihops againtt the Arians ano Donatiftesrbiit neither of their toojbcs impo^ the fup?cmacte,tohich is a foueraintie of potocr. Hart, if thep hab not meant as toell a foueraintie of potoer as nnccritieoffait^tohpfljoulb thep mention that Chur^ ano not others i ®llerc there no Bilhcpsfinccre thwiugh al p toojlo, • . Ce but i'4 .If. d'. ¥ • r I • li Sllni. 4^ OF the Popes fuprcmack, l)ttt tfje iBtC^opg of Rvme onel^f RainoHcs. a great mativsano t^p mention ffjem fa». iFo? Ieroni,t^ug|)tiea(tett»ti)0acuifcof Damafus ,a ^oung *'ipi*.jr.a»e wwnofanolo, * a2^^<«ciftl)e316ill^pof2^w«,to!)ofe " ttW homi5eRo- gionUiasroanOjtD^oCe ^ autlio^itteUjaBgreatpanDtt^greator Trhcidoret Icrom bccaiiCe ^e bnetn ^im ^cU,afi ' Ijaning ierneo Ijim hifttccidii.j. felfttljefaitljofCtnifttn'R^w^, tij^ere tjetoas bapftjeo : yet s ®of|J,!^^nameS.Ambrofe(tl)e3!Bi(bopt^wtof t^»U«)aB (iounb wa'fi apuTi^u alfo^no tije IBillops of cal)uifeofDa^laf^sbe? Bonir"' ottjcre to confinnc binifclfe:a oib Auftin cfjoofe t ^ Cfjnri^ b iuguft re- of Rsme aboue reft to confinne fjis bjet|),>cn.iFo;i ^ ^e penneo •f^a»tj.j,e.ao. l)tsPfalfne(tol)erintl)t5is ixnttcn)ofpurpofetot^ecapacitte of ^eberpmeaneftf ftmpleft of the people:^ t^p might bnoerftab anbrcmcnriber the ftate of the contrsucrfte toith the Doiui- tiftes,. @^horeft};rc h^ comraenbeththe truth bp the autho^itie eTertua.de ofthe ciuirGh oFRomet ' bohuhjOfall the Churches that the prxrcripc.ad- j^oftlesplanteb, hoae both n^reft to them, ano beft eftemreb- of; ueroixjcti, amongftthem. iButhotofarre5.Auftin toasfrom pourfan- h A)ucnft.co popes fupjeniacie, luhcn he alleagcD the Ch urch of tr.Jitcr.Pctia T^otm to this mtent: let that beea token;, that, bj^iting fo; the ]p'V" learneo inhotoere of greater reach* he atleagcth the Churches imeritl^De ^ oHerufiikm, ^ oiCorinth,oihntioche,^fhej'iks^myms y PergUm »oitateEcciet mus, of A/i4yBithynM,^/tlatfay Citpp»ulecM,U\aijJOiJity "" Of all ti»*Gonifcrd: thereftastBell as Of Rcwf.^nb this map be ftmblablp nofeb in •on.gramm. s. I«rom. " (2211^0, t»hen thc Arians chargcD hint tuith hercCe, i^idifonS^' bib iuftifirhis faith bp ^ts comraunion toith the Churches of ratum. the wefi an d of itAlgypt,&i Damafus Biflwp of and Peter ■Silhop of A/^A:rf«^i> w. ^ccoiDing fo ° the latoof tljc Cmpc# ^rcumpr - Thcodofius^ tDhcrctn it is DCCrccD that all they (hould be Lchrfi'" namcdandefteemedCatholikeSjWhobelecuedof the Trini- x-Canaot*" tie as Daraafns and Peter did s the reft to beaccounted and- punUhcdashcrctikcs., ;3Lareat p?apfe (3 graunt} of the faith, ThePopc ofoldc time ibund in faitfi. 435 t. of Damaf us,tt)a£ (b scob an (Bmpcrour oto Ut |)tm fo^ a (^ler &Dl^ ^tonlo folotu: but a p^aijCs common bnto tiimtoitb Peter iSill^op of ? common to t^cm L^toitbrunOjic 315m>op3 office Nedarius, Pclagius, 2>iodorus, Amphilocbius, Hclladius, OtKinus, Grego- ricNyffen, anomo. ^f toijcm tbolame ©mpcrour Dio after matte an ot^rlatD) t^at none ihouldhaue the charge of Bi~ (hoprickcs committed to them but fuch as were of their faith, ^rebp pou map percepue t^at tbo p.:japfe giucn to Pamafusbplerom, p;ouetb a tbuni) fattj^ common to the Bu ll^op of Rome lottb manp otber •, not a (bnerame potner, pecu!t> ar to bun alone abone all. Hart. SDben pou graunt, at lealt, tljat tbe ^tlbop of cannot crre in faitb bp S, leroms iuogement. Rainoldcs, at lea(t,pou talte it, tfioag^ neither H bo grannt iU no? ioit p?oueD bp S. lerom, )l5ut t^is is p?oueD,ano 3 grant it,fbat be bio not erre in the faith of the Trinltie, tobon ^Oamafus toas Ubilbop of Rome. Hart, ^iffitbeifDamafusinasBilbop? ©Ibpbopou fore# Chamctt; S. icromstoo?OesbegewraU.Iamioynedincom- munion vnto your holineflc,that is to Peters chairc, I know that the Church is buildcd vpon that rockc, 3i5eboHJ,to Pc- ters chairc. ^e fpeaketb not to Uamafus as in refpect of Da< mafus, but in refpedoftbe chaire, anbfo ofti^ fncccffion oftbe ^ifbops oftbat,lob^t bocfititbtoone, belongetbto ^emall. Rainoldcs. 3fpou fet bis tnojbcs bpon fucb tenters, tbep toiH nener bolo. ifo?, 1 bimfelferepojtctb ti^ttbe ncrt I5t? ibopof.^«wri)efo:c Damafusjlaberiusbp najnejfubfcribedto theAiiaHherdic, r Hart. S. icrom rcpo.jtcfb &: but be mij^t be bcceineb bp tome mifrcpo^te. ifo? bo coulo fap notbing mo?e of tbat mat-< ter,tt)m tobat be bab bp beare-fap. Rainoldcs. iSntfeingtbat ^ linebfij nare tofbattime, ano in tbe fame place, ano loueb tbe of Rome, ano pet botb repoftf b»o matter of Liberius,anb r^o?t it conlfanf Ip, not one# Ip in bis bfflke cfEcclcfiailicall writers, but in ^ bte Chronicle alfij: it is mo}e lihelp, tbat bee Din botb bnoto ano tbe tmtb,tben • Pontacus( to^maftetb pour gjpcepfion againft Co a bim) ,p Sozem.l.f. e.?.L.fipifco» pis.In Codict 'rheodoiiino, Ub.l^. tit dcfia.' cithoHca. q Delcripwfi- but eccIefizA. verba Fominae r rn adied^d Chroaic. Hu(ei>< a Chroa.Iib.ti rl ■■ 'A it i' I Cha)>,r, Diuif.i, 436 Of the Popes fuprcmacic. lfc.y t Ufift.74t u Devirgin.Lji X Hj:re(.7f. y In apolog, i. r Serm-dehu- milic. u De fide lib.;, in piafat. X In anchorat. y In apolog.a. X Sociai.hilt. ecclcf.1.4 C.l [. &pzotn.t£.c,t2. a. Athanaliinc- l^iiV.ad foIit.YKi agenu. l(lnP«nti&:ali s,SMnm.Conei; lior.in yic.Libc- rij. <1 Asnot* in yiat-vit Fclicis tlim) 0^ an^mantliat not». Harc» iDtllnot^ottcreDitamanftiatlhtettr notn^ an^ t^ing agatntt S, icrom { Rainoldes. gcDOrea&ntoOtfp^ae^ttii*. Hart. ^OPcMitacusBotl^Oj. ifo? '-Ba- fil, " Ambrofe, anD * Ep^hanius,DocaULibcrius ableiTcd mant anDt^t ^ AthanauusDotl^fii^^tmfrcm ttjefpotofA- rianifme, Rainoldes. Bafi!,Ambrofe,anl> Epiphanius, Oo call Libc- rius a blc(Ted man. Wtiat i SD^erefo;!e lie ru&fcrtbcb not to tbcArian Ijerclief dieti pou ma? fa^ tljat Peter oio not Deng Ct)JtOr, foh ^ Safil, " Ambrofc,anO * Epiphanius Oa> call Peter a blcffed man. 2Ci)eg arc bleifedjtoljo repent tljem felues oftljeir 0nnes,as Peter oia of IjisoengalEano fo mtgljt Liberi- USD© of btsfubfcription. ^ fo.i ^ Athanafius, tljougljliee fagtljatLiberiascondemnedtbehercfic of the Arians,and theretorefufTeredbaniihrncnt: getljee faitl) lxntl)all,t^athee continued not in fuffering banifliment to the end, but * through feare of death fubfcribed to that herefie with his band, though with his heart he were hill againh it, %^UB Eucn Athanafius,Uueo at tlje Came time toitt) Liberius,'ano bneto^isftatetoellj aclmotoleo^tljtbatbe fubftrtbeh: ti^ongb inflging mott fcienolg (ttotl) fo^.^ otone f^e, ano tlje catifes,) tljat Ije confenteonot. ^ut, ^ Damafus IBtfl^opdjfjKiwe.to^ > IuccaDeoLiberiiis,anDmtgWfenct» t^ matter better tljen A- thanafius,Doti) to;itC t!jatLibcrius did confeat aUb to Con- ftantius the-Arian, Hart, aitljougbttitfibeto^itenin tj^bo^ of©amsrfust get it is not liltelg tbat Damafus toiote it. ' Carranza. notett), tljat there arc many who^ dout of that ftorie.. 3intL' ^ Onuphrius, a immbarietSilfull of antiquities, dit^goff^ Roman,DifcreDitetl) bot^ tbe rera^t anb ttje autour of it; faging, tljat An afiafius the keeper of the Popes librarie, was (ashec thinkctii) thefirft who belceucd it, and thruft it into thc: booke of^Damafus, as many other thinges hefid«. Rainoldes. IMI^t Anafiafius biO, 31 Hnob) not. I5ut if Stafifeb Damafus toitljangtljingofljwotone: it teas belibeiti; Dtcl)tilings ratfjer,as abnatice^en empeat|i ti^ ^aopes crebit.. ^tobeit^if Onuphritts in t|jat ^ bengetlj liberius Uja< an A- run,. The Pope not alwayes found in faith, 437 rian,ijfflimanctt)at!)efHbfcr{beDnattotfje 5lrtati fjcrcfic, mtb t^is repeat coine firtt fran A naftafius : Urtjatanftoerrttj ijec to Icrom , anb Athanafius,anb ® Sozomen, (anb f Mar<^ninus in effcttfeD,)to{)otDjote it all tnitf) one cob# f la CiiroiiKQ, Cent, tfje poungettof t|>em a Ijunb^eo peareo before Anaftafius toa«bo;ne. ^lsfo; CarranzasnOte, tjjat there arc many who doubt of that ftorie; 1^ mott t^tD tljep be, asiD tcljaf grounbes of cont tfjep Ijaue. ^Di els, tfjofe many map be fuc^ act btmfelfe anb Onuphrius: lirjjofe bcubting map not pjctubico tpe crebit of {jitto^tano tljat to^otc a t^ufanb pearco before tbem. Cljicflp, if tbcp l^aueito furer grounbeotl)en Carranza; fi^jto biip.»ae fl;e tojie, alleaget^ t^ Libcrius wrote one c- piltle to Athanafius and the Sifliops of ^Egypt againft the Arians; and another to all i?i(liops,exhorting them to con- ftancie. 00^icl)reafon»arero^oje,t|iafpourol»n0 s loue- rius,a^arts ]^ctourof2>tuinttie, re^ierOngt^ bp otca0on, in vica Libcri), l^atljtDitfjallreftitebtlwn. But fa to Ujl)af mifcrabte flbtftc5 pu are b^tuen to bpljolb tfje p:ibe of tlje man ofBecaufe it toerea (taine tmto bio fupiemacte, if bis p^sbeceObur Liberius fubfcribeb againtt tbe Catbolifee faitb: tbcrcfoje>pou ratbcr fb®f>J to benp it; anb boto i ifirtt tbe anto?itie of lerom is al# h Hier»r. eceip» leagcb affirming it in bis Chronicle, ^our ^ Pighius botb an# fiift-iib.V.c.i. ftoere tfyxt fomc hath interlaced thofe wordes into his Chro- nicle, through ignorance or fraude. iSitben tbis anftucre fomebbarbjbecanfelerombatbotber tDb^reaffirmeo it alfo: -pour 7'cwfo? rati^r toitnelTe f 0 tbe contrarp. iFojtDberebefaitbin bis otone tongue ,tbat the Emperour« ' fe€i«{tTo. compelled Liberius to fubfcribe: befaitbjbppourfranfllto:, ^eUer"""" ** the Emperour » affaycd to compel him.anolDbfrc be faitb ' Capafntu- in bis 0U»nc tongue, tbatcerraincArian^ilhops ' procured 'o ^ r him to content: be faitb^bp pour tranflato#, they cndeuo- red that heiliould confent. tSKbcn farber Marcellinus is founbtcagrectoitbSozomenstepotttpour i ^#«frrfr«iratng c^niendatT Icrom appjoueb bp tbcm botb, botbrafeout tbafof P«»taeMs ichren»srj.u €c g (tbaf I p liil CHag.7,. 438 Of tbcPopeslupiemacie. i " i ' , !/( '' -t I 11 )5M -2.' :l' i; ifl a. M/r i-. . i ■r. ,. ; ir ; , ■! I ■! ■ 1 i 1 I 1 ' Iji' ! : ■|!'| r.M I ,.S 1; i!' } f '♦ ^'■i! (t.t)at Icrom could fay nought thereof but by hearc-fay ) and Dot^ nflSaU hint toith t^t if att)ers.Mt)cretn, (bcCDes them,U)honi tjou allcageO out of PowMc«/,)hC citoth Socrates attJ) Theodoret: k 5ocrates,0eclarin3tl)atLiberius was no Ariania thetimc Lffb!4!"!V. of Valcns the Emperour; as though this toero a pjffifij that hce fubfciibeonotto tljo ^rianh^f^fi^inthotinic of Conftantius: J Hiftor. eccie-1 Thcodoret, auouchingthattixe weft was alwayes free ftom futtiib.j.caj,j5. Arianifme-jtohichisloCfetothe put^orc, Theodoret fpeahing generally as foj the moft part, ano in rothea of the Call b? iuas ofcomparifcn. ifojhintfelfehablhetDeb "" before that Auxen- tins, a bjcftcrne Ibifhop, toas an Arian» ^oto fo; Athanaft- us, inho i$ Ih^ moll auncient InitnelEe of this matter, ano of fuch balure that ?our " %/intiradiHs coulo not but palo himfclfc bn# tohiin;pet^f*firW f PwMcwjfhoughtttgtoD policieto name him as gainelaping /erom thnrein; Inhere lerom faith Ih^ fame contr-Bretit. that h® both>.fo plaiuclp f fullp ^ pouc ° H^y/w/ieifainetofhape '.!• one anfinere to them both,that they belceued a falfc rumour» «naoJ Jpr,.' ^^heretnith pour p 5r//«m»>«i)cth tall them olf tra». 0nn thifi * ChiflofiapingtheblameonfalferunwiirsfoEmcbro hanfonte to Anrotinri-H''"'' Shtihs, that he (beUhc mifl^tng J fhtft of A- ^ tr^r.coij- naftafius,)applpcth,ittoDamarusalfo. ifo.tcolouringinherof, he faithitpat very auncient hiftorians and writers bearc wit- nelTeofUbctius tnoftconftant perfcucrance indcfenfeof the Catholikc faith. i5ut being not able to nameas much as one of thcfc very auncient hiltorians and writers,of tDhom hec boaffethtnith ^amclcCfelpe:hcfcr.oeth hisrcaoer (a thing moil rioiculous)to * Niccphoms a late lo-4.c,j. a Dcfcnf« fid. Triden:vlibfi« « iib.i. cil.reauij •> Nittphor. defiifta writings out of the auncient, ^n Deebe that \ " 'tohu,hMiccphorushathofthispoint,hc5;ctoettout of Sozo- ' raen;ano,ifthe Creekc lucre ertarttjthe truth luerceafilpttpetr, 'o-agocO-tu-bnteitherhebiochangehisiautour in ' thjceinojbes, l«hiih« ffhssi. not lihclp,gth he fololneo hint through all the chapter ftotcfap iXvivouv. '"?(iDhieh is mott libclp) pour L««^«r,tDh3 ^ tranllatcb htm I out ofa Incite copie,lD-is as bolDUJithhim,asC/)r»}?<>pfc«/9«toith , suijert KB- sozomen. ^uchfollies aitu treachcriespou Injappe pom felucs Vsradutre. in,to men from opinion,that a Pope fubfcrtbcb to the Avi^ , con,w.tur, an hercffc- iMhich, h'tb psu not harbeneb pour faces asflinf to f®>^) ill' p.iciumptlon of the Papall ^ce,3l no caule Inh? psn Ihpulo bo: chiefelg 6th felues ao teach(as ' J h^me ftat. ;i't' ■■ The Popes fuccefljon not the rockc. 439 ciiap.7. Diuifion 3. Pope may be an herctike,anti not fubfrnlJO to onelp, 315ut if tjcu be aJfectcb fo tenterl^ to t^e |PDpc,tbat lutU rafl;fr graunt an^ fault in otfjers tljcn ftif I; a fpot in bin!; if pon can fop Untb out b(ufit|ing,fbat Damafus tuas co,:rupi[cvJ, K- thanafius ligbtcfcreEiifjMarccIlinusa falfc Cb^ontckr ; ifjaf Sozomen i5~tr ucr in llatin,f Ijeit in (E'mUe; in pcur tranGaticn, tl]«nbiJSCtDnetC!ungC;tlWt '' Marianus Scorns, ® Marrjnus f chion iib.j, Pelonus, ' Ado, " llhegino, * Antoninus, v Platina , f ^ Lmsmlpont otberlaterli3;itcrsfeere5ccEiaeDfcplcrom;tljatIctcm tuas (J, r AiioVienn. bufcD bbnfclfe bp falfe rumcurs;to be (bo;t,tl;at fbe pepilfco febo u'chroLft."if* line in cur oaiess can tell Mjatiuai; cone ttucluefjanb^ei) pcarro * Hjfi.part. * agOjbetter tbcn tpcra folueo bubo liueo at tbat time^ancOnce frcm age fo ageipet pou cannot Tap but tbat leroni tbougbt tfjat Libc- n],&Felicis rins fubfcribedtotheArianhercfie; pea, * tbat Felix (tlje bc tbcugbt "..Koi It. ^b^rsfiwejtfbebaCnieantoffbetobctefnfteCionoftbei^f- ^ -'..a Caitr. fecund, z Cufan, de id.catho. AlfonC a Caflr.coctr. f»/*«iBifl^cp5tbatbebicbbofoJcftto'Z)atnalus,Iam ioyned in har.i.i'.c.4. - - - Albeit. Krtntz. loyne communion vntoj'ouriiolmetfe,that is, to Peters cnairc: I . — a ..... 7 7 . » Met! op. 1.2, tbcn bee eap.!.*^ a Hieron.de know that che-Church is buildedypon that rockc inuftbaucir.eant,tbat,bcfo2ctbetunetbat®amafus luag i&U . ^op,^ ougbt to b^uo banc iopnec in communion to tbe A rians, 'X Ah nttnation toacffarrefrom S.lerom.S.lerom tbercfo^cmeant net (befucceirionjbut Damafus^tubo fuccaCeD Peter,a5 in cbaire, fb in ccctjiitejana taugbftbc faiiblubtob Peter citj: a faitb as cleane contrarie to ttjc Arians faitb^as ligbt islooarbcncsjas life isfobeatb. .. „r, > Hart. HButqucffionlcffeS. ^ AiifHnmeanttbefelplerirccer- Con of tbe ISi^cps of Reme^Sa'i^tn be tojcte againtt tie U ona * tiftes,Numberycthc Pricfteseuen from the very feat of Pe- ter,& in that ranke of Fathers raarke who fuccecdcd whom: that is the rockc againft which the proud gates of hell pre- *1 _ .. . -nrf. _ _ ^ - - - / 1 II /e»- *. » n • \ •• rcuailc not a- ucceede Peter, uaiic not. Tfie gates of hell (faitb Aullin) p gainlf thePriefteSjtbatis,tbellDtlbcps, who lu SCbcn bp bis iucgcmcnt all tbe Romw ^ilbops arefr® from all berellc. ifo? the gates of hell are hcrefles,and the principall autours ofherefics,as ' Epiphaniustcifnelliftb, ?®b^refoje e inAathotai^ iftbe gates of bell fucoCion of ttje iSi- t!!^e -f (bops 1 : !t' 1; ' I- i Djuir.S. 44 o Ot the y opes mprcmacie. fl^ops of otnc:tf folotiwtl)(^otufocucr pon auoiDc S.lerom) tljat ttctiljcr AriaHs,no;DonatUtes,riojanpotl)er Ircrcfics do p?c? uailc agatnlf it Rainoldcs. SDiopjcuatleagaittliif in^e time of Auftititfo pou i^oulQ concluoe.^ou t^aue a p^ettepolute tn citing ti)e tcCti;* monies ano fapings of tlje ifatljers touching flje C^urcp of ^"me* fijat luljat tljep oto fpcabc oftljc time p.zcfent t{)en,rou nfc it as fj^bcn oftt)e time p^cfcnf noto. SCljere teas a gcntlclwoman d Fab-QuMi-in Rome, namcDFabia; ^ ^o being toapcD oloc, pet fti.ub.tf.cap.4. juiiiinjjttillto f^nepoung,raiMnTallies tjearing,tt)af flie was thirtie yearcs ofagc« Th/u tnuft ntedes be true^quat^ Tall ie; for I haue heard it cfyen t'Heentie yeares ago, SDj^e Cfjurc^ Of Rome ^atl^ beSIeti f)er feife tuit^ ioolatrte, f gone a totiaztng from tiie Lo;ib: pet fl^e UjouIo feme a maiuc ttiU:^no fo ftee faitf) Iter felfe to be.31 tijinbe pou tell not tottl) Iter,as TulUe oiD imttf Fabia; pet pou ptoneib^r maiDenl>eao,as Tullietwo pout!) of Fabia.f^on fap t^at it mutt neeDcs be trucrfbj it is to^tten of Iter ttoclue bun* lijeo peares ago. iButtliat pou map fe bato Gnall canfe pon. bane to built) fomucli on fbote ijjotbes,The gates of hell pre, uaile not againll die luccefUon ofthe'SiQiops of Rometcon* fioer tobat is meant bp the gates of hell,ani) pour graunt is p<^t _ ttjat againtt fome Bitttops offitep Itaue pjsnaileo. e» et.io.t. faitbfuHanD cltofenof»- \e Mat vi€' roi. Hell-gates preuaileagainft thePope» 441 St ror. ifo;^ it isconfdlds bi> ano tours,f^at finnes tiaut y;icuaUe0,anDp^eiiailcDmcijftr0u0i'againfl: runcjn of tbem. SSai^ercofitDotbtBloiiJtbaitagfantf funo^p oftljcra toljo jjauc fuccaoeo in t^c fcatc of Peter, tljc gates of Ijell ijauo p^cuaiUo. gsfoj S, Aullins iuDg0m£nt,t|)at herefies of the Ariaiis , or Donatiftes, orotliers did not preuaile againft them : 31 bnoio no caufe to tl;t contrarie but Ijce mig^t iuttlp fap fo tljcn. ifoitbougbffJ^Arianljercfic bio fcttjpon Liberius fierflp aitiJ ouertiielD i)!m, p Vuben he being weeriedwith the tedi- oufnes ot Ids baniflirnent did fubfcribe to it : yet q Socrat.hift. fitt) t)C recoucccD himfeifc from ^is faU,anD manfuUp toittiftmb it aftertoatbc, it cannot be feioe fo Ijauc p?cuailco againO Ijim- iib,«.cap., i.' ptijctbcr it pjcuailcD oj no agatnft FelixjOf inborn fotnc ropojt tbat he was an Arian;^ fcuiCjtijat he eommumcated only with Tcrbo AcaciuJ, the Arians;it is no matter to S.' Auftin,io^o rccfencti) llim not ^ ainongff t|)C Roman ®tljougi) pour genehard hiftor.ccclcOl. D(Dbiflfent from ^,becauEe Felix d5'ed a martyr,as "b^faitl),f » "P '7. ^o- dtetl) Soiomcn to pzDue it(but he bclpeti) Sozomcn)to infer on TMti'tfl!'' that Ipe, ^ Peters chairc hath luch avertue, that it could ra- u Gencbrarrf. ther bcare a martyr then an heretike,or a Pope that fauoured ' heretikea;pet*others(not fmngbelibefncha mpfteipinf beath *. op«t. Miics of Felix) areof-S.Auftinsminnejeuen puur y Onupbiius alfo, natift "lliPr l»ho neither both achnotolebgeh^lScpebome, nojhw marfp?# warcdi/n.'c»- Jwme. ^oto > the hcreficeofthe Donatiftes hab Icffc p^cnaileb fAn" p?"- againfttlj^. Jo; as. ^ thep hah bcfoictoithfltob t^ Nouati, Tit- Feli.ftcund.'. ausjthctcDfingermans tcthe ©onatilis: fo " bibthep h»ith# * lianD the'Conatifts them ftlucs,both.bptheir communion luith cap.4 the CTntholifecs, anb bp their boctrinc. anb f fjio io ftje point on cpift.ad Corne-' thetoh^hS.Auftinbibtafthisepechieflp,toben h^commntbtb aTugJalr* theirfucceSicn* lasitappecrcthfattherb-p areplpthathce brcui.coUat. mabetoaJJonatiftsepiftle: Inhere hawing oc^neb hp all the co^af dl^ten :^ • . |. , n - -I iiinni««nw«—i«ii riiir»TTi»Tm-m-B — 441 OfthePopes fuprcmacic. ticitlie rcafon toil! bs nMnifc(t,tDl)t; to moue tlje Donatifts b? § tucceflTtonoftbOlStibopsof-^owjanD tbcir autojitie, S, Aultin gau^tttbi^pjayfo, tpat the gates of hell did notpreuailea- gainlHc. 1 he Hart, tistsll. * fticceCTwit tf)cn of ffiifljops ninth Di S. Aultinfo; acortamcmarhcoftbeCatboUUe rcKgi# " OHjOftbc true Cfjurclj, ano of fi)e rigbtfaittj. ^^ieit^cronely b^ tiliion. S, Auftin^butbpf^ereSoftbsifatl^rjeito.i^o; ® Epiphanius * Suplct.lib.if. alleagetbttagainft ti)Z Carpocrarians;& let no man maruailc Sri.'*' b^)thar we rehcarfe al thinges fo exadly;for,that which ^s Hzrcf.*;. is manifclt in faith is thereby flicwcd. 5lnD ^ 7ertullian lnib^»duc"F"" folues in Afrik« ttj.lt they haue autority from h^ret. ' the Church of Rome, Both ttac^ that tljo fuccefsion of that s ub.j.cap.}. ChurchandSeeis to befetagainftallheretikes. ^nB 5 Ire- nxusrcrbcmngbpalltlje^ow/iw ffiilhops in ojoer from Peter to Eleutherius of bi3time,Dotb aDDe,tl^at it is a mofl: ample de- clarationofthe Apoftolike faith to be ofhis iide againft the jiiibr.i. Valentinians.anB ^ Optatus rcfbnell) fart^jerfrom Peter to iBpiiitfj' SiriciusofbistimoagainfttbcDonatihs. 5ls lihctDifcS. * AuftinfarthertetfromPetertoAnaltarms of bistime, ^ithat {he filith)^^it't^b more furely and to the foulcs health in deed. lBHherefo;e the Church of ,anB tDc,l5oho are of that Church* haue an affureotoarrant that the faith tohic^) p iofctre is the true faith. ifoj toe haue tlje fuccelTion of the i!6ia«op8 from Peter to Gregory the tbirtcnth of our time: tnhich sn inuinciblefojtagainttaU heretihes j asthe jrathcrs, Epipha- nius,Tertullian,Irenaius, Optatus, anO Aultin tettifie. Rainoldcs. ^on toill neucr leane to Balp boith the Church ofRome,tis Tullic BiB toith ^aifltrcSe Pabia. The luccefsion of the2^*w«» Sifliops is a proofe of the true faith: for fo it was in the time of Auftin,Epiphanius, Optatus, Tcrtullian, & Ircn«us, twelue hundred yeares ago & vpwarde. SucceC- fion boas a pjofe of the true faith,tiU iSilhope, iwho ^arieB from ♦ Matt.7.1 J. ^tuth fuccaDeD; cucn as * Ihecpes clothing i»as a marUe oftruc pjophets till falfe Prophets came in It. 315uf neither are true Prophets hnotone note bp lhffpc8 clothing: no? the true faithhp fuccefiRon. fuctelRon of iBilhops teas a p;fflfc DftruefatthnotmthcChttrchDf2jMralonc, butinall, tohJlc IheptDhofticcffBeothe^poltleeiinplacejfuccftBeBthem in occ^* C'hapt.7» Dinif.fi Succcfsion (bmetinics amarkc ofrighc faiths 443 trine toB, fhfpttlMtiu^icb''Paule&cliumiJ to Timothecf'Ti- \ ».Tim.i.i4. niotheetoot})crs» 5rut intjcn raucmng iutDlucjs iuere gotten tntotycrfflincBofpattouro, aiiD tpaftoasfulfillcoiDlji^Paul m Aa.x0.3f* fo^etolO tpc )BilI)cp5 of ©ppcfuSjOf your own felues there (hall anle men fpeaking peruerle thinges to draw difdplcs after them; tljen fucctHioit ccafco to be a pjtofc of truo fait!), foj t^at ttluasno longer peculiar to the trirt!), butcomraon to it Init^ erroar,an5 fo a mariic of neither, becauCs a marbe of faotf), SCfjtjj Difference of fucccffion bcttocnc the later age anD the fojnter, the pjimitiuechnrchcs ttmcaiiDours, is manifeft bp the ifathers theinfelues toh^mpou alleage. ^o? " Irenams (to beginne n Iib.3.exp.3; tiDith the inoli auncient ofthcni) raith,that the fuccefsion of!Si- 8 poftles in the Churches, & their fuccellbursvntill our timcj whotaught notany llichthing, and fo fo0rth, £ut for as much as it would bc vericlongto reckenthe fucccfsions of all Churches: we declare the faith of the greateftjthcmoff auncient and famous Church of Rome. Which faith hath continued vntill our time by the fuccefsions of Bifljops. yind n^atnei ^ the true knowledge, is the dodrine of the ApofUes, ^thc auucicuti^eof cheCbuc^^.t^ tyiiQlc world,and tha -I rBfa.4.ciftt. '3j- i t ft 1! if It, 1 1 "1 I (un, I iJl-.iL. ij ' » T' CUip. 7. Diuilion< 444 Of the "Popes lupremacie. the forme ofChriftes body according to the fuccefsions of Biihops vnto whom they did commit the Church, which is in eucryplaccjwhich hath continued vntill our time, being kept, andfifoorth, 3i5i? toljtcf) fenfenctiet if is plaine f^at rcna:us,alt^«gfjfjerectonitof the luccefsions of all Chur- ches bccaufc it^muld be tedious; l)e fefcljefi) ffje fucc^iotl oftrue Doctrine from all Churches, in euery place, through the whole world. if if b® not plainc enough bp fljefc feit" «Lib.i.c»p.f^nc®5» tictnahtfhit*no?eplaine in other : both bp generall 1.&3.1.3. fp^hwof ' the Churche through ah the world, Ulhich h^ repeafethoften; anD bp theparticularnamesofrunD^ieChur< C.Ii.l.J.C. i-& 17- vy Lib.;, cap. 3. t Lib.3.c. 3. ChO» ' the Churches of Smyrna, of Efhejks, of tyffia, " cap the Churches in (jermany, in Sfaiae, in France, iti the Eafi cedntries, in ty£gypt, in Libya, in the middk of the worlde. Mhoretb;e the fmeeilions of ^iihops in aU Churcht;s loere trueano faithfuU loitnetTesof the ^poltolibo K Hiftor. cede- Doctrineinfhettmeoflren^m, jas * Eufebiusairo Doth far# gafl.iib.4.c.ii. t|^0f p1p^0bpHcgefippus,toho iiucD at the fame time, anD tra# nailing to toarDjdid talke with very manyBilliops : of whom,euenof them al, he heard the famedodrin, accojoing# Ip to that ho to,20te,thtif in euery fiicceflion,and in euery citie, the destine is fuch as the Law,and the Prophets , and th« Lord doth preachy Hart. ^ef ^ Irenarusreckneththiofelpthefucccffionof theChurchof as of thcgreateft Church, and the moft auncient and knowne vnto all,foundcd and ellabliflied by two the moff excellent Aportles Petcr and Paulc» Rainoldes. ^umaruaile. ifo^beODethe creoit t|a£ it haD as being :apoifolibe,ample,famous, auncient; if toas the ncercft attb in pIace(amongll all the 0pottolitie Chur£hoe)to Ire., narus ^Btthcp of Lyons in Eraunce; auD fo botfflmobjn better anD I ho mo?e Dealt ttith. 3!" tho tohieh refp^d:,other of the ifafhcrs . DiDchicfclpnameitfo). 0smap app^rebp ^ Tcrtullian the rioniSerc^' "erf Ofthom tohowtpou allcagc. ifoj hefcttingootonethe feme hatrct. prefcription againft hcretikes,tiJhiCh Irenaeus haD bsfijjehim, Oothfpeaheofitthus. Runneouerthe ApoftolikeChurches, at which the very chaires of the ApolUesare fate on yet in their places :at which their authenticall letters are recited, founding out the yoycc and reprcfenting the face of euery . i cue i Other Bifhops lucceiTio as ioand as the Popes, 445 ^eofthcm. Isnext vntothce; Thou haft (Vwfc, If thou be not farrc from >i/rfcfc/fl»M,thou haft PMtppi, thou haft the J, If thou canllgo intothou haft E- ihepisMthou lye neere to ftalfc^thou haft ^oiw:whence wee nauc authoritic alfo.Whcnce wc haue authoritic,Iatth TcrtuI- lian,tn^Mi^:fojl)e toa0oftbcCl>urcl)Of^rfr/h4fe. ^0 " Op-, optw.cpiP tatus toai»315i(hop of Mileuh in y^frike, ^0 '' Auftin 5!5t# 'uicui- (hop offJtppon^in if pouconfiaer,pou map fa &m# b Ausudcpir- iDljk in it lUijp Optatus ano Auftin (houlD rethcn the fiiccefli copus Hippo- ©nofthe:^ow4M Church,rathcr tljcn of otljers, ^periallp fith Auftin Doth tugc againft tije Donatifts not onelp t^af,but c De vnicJt.e#-- all ChurchcsianO tcith the chairc of the Church oi'Ejjne ciencap.ii.& wherein Peter fete,andAnaftafiusfitteth now,l)CmaffhOt^the rcontr.iiter. ch aire ofthe Church ofwherein lames fate, and Petiiun.hb.»i lohn fittcth now.^ls fo: Epiphanms,tohom offfje <£aff Cljurdj poaiopncfotl)emoftl)ci2(!Ileft,asp;outn0 tlje fcunanes of faitlj in lihe fo:t bp tlje Roman fuccrCTion: pen bo l)im ininrie. tidfbcr both bo mention it but to note rte time in toljitl) an ^tre» Ce bib bubbc; anb tljis is tbat ' manif^ ttjat is meant bp bint; ' to c«4>k- (if is pour Stapleton s art to make it '■ mamfeft in faith;) anb Epiph»n.h«r. fobat bo faitb tbercofjbe bojoiuetb it of * Irena;us^nbtbcrefoje w .. reeknetb fetoeoftbclSilbopsofR^#, lobereas ^ bo rctjt<3tetb in fidc'stVe- all tbehbifboiss of iemfaltm b like intent again® tbe Manichecs; ""i lib.+.cap. y.. &tbat/fr*/4/»w(ifijjctooulDtop a0pDn bin) paCfetb Roms tuitb Lirj c!^&4 |>im,. ffiut in a i)Do:b to cut off pour cnniU of fuccclTion of Bi* f *pip>J«r. , ibops in tbe rowmwcburcbjlubf rebp pou luoulb p jom pour faitb • to be founOjbccaufetbeifatberspjoueotbefaitb in tbeir time (b: 8 tbe elbeff of tbe ifatberSjlc^m pou aileage, pioueb it b^g rrensw,. i^iefuccefftonofallCburcbes; ^ tbe nert,bp tbe fiiaeffion of all!' TcrtuWa'r^. apoftolibcCburcbeot' tbepongett,bpfbomaUmeffect,bpfomek^Ailona namel^.Mbercfo^^eiftbefuccelRonoftbe Cburcbof r«»f bo caft«;ji(c. Conftanci- map.clironoloj;. cripartit. a IrenJ.j.c. J. Tert.dt prefer. £urcbj.4.c.ai. o Nlccphor. Chroaolog, tri* partir. p Genebrard. Chronogr. I.4. ^ Socrac-hifl. ccclef.lib.a.cap. JJ- r Lib, 7. cap.jj. s Hiftor.Mir. cell.PauliDiac. lib. 12. » Z-eononuie- pift.ad Michael. eap.ii.Sigeberc. in Chron. • In Cenfura ccclelue nriea> talis,cap.I]. • Sfaplel.pria' cip.dofti'in.Iib. ♦•cap-y. 44^ Ofthe Popes iupremacie. tl)erifo:cflftf)ciFatl)cr«teuc|tngt^e fuccclRon of t^e ofR«wtf,p;auciwt,t^att|icRw*M»«ooonot» pjofeffg true Hart. 2D^citiicof&ictc({l[onoft^eR0M<«» Btf^psljat^beiic Cill reto.i^ca inifo;iefl,ano continuctl; can recbcn tbcw from Peter c^c^poftle to ^rcgorie Uj^o fittctb C> f^eC5rafc2 3i5ilbopi,tbeC})ur£bc0oftbc (Salt. i^a^,tljottncof fucccCTion tjatb bsne bioKen off in tlje cifitft of tbem,as tt^e Cb^o« nicies 00 tnitncfUejenen in ty^lexandrUf t^mitchc, ano ferufi' UrMt Rainoldes. Mtbatistfjts^fotbepurpofe; tffomcofffjctffuc* cetfions benofenroUeb tntt0jtcs:romej,^areenroUeDtoereb;o< hen off a toJjtle b^ calamities tbat fell Upon ftiem i ifo^ altbongb ' EufebiusrecoiDebthefiicccflionsbut offoure Churches, in * the mother-cities of the prouinccs(as !)C callett) tl)2m,)R iingtnthatagam&th(Donatifts;.atmtfhehab, he learmbbp< Diml. T 448 Of the Popes fupremacic. ^irpmctice aftcrtoaroe^t^at coulD t)rarpe,atit) ipmnDtrurbeo, oftt>cin,euenZofiraus,'Boniface, ■anD C^leltin DID bfurpc ouer f^e C^jurcfjos ofAu- i^in toas aitue uct: tDt)o tDttf) bul^lo Council of abooue tiioo l)tinD;coiBiQop0of t(]k countrtc, lotttjlfoaO tlietr attempt as enucti ati lap in fjim, anD (fapeD tljeir p^iDe. Hart. Their pride? -^on flanDer tfjofeljolp iBtCSjops ut fapingfii. a-spift, concii. Rainoldcs. SMljidj Ijolp ^ifl^opo i of ^friks? SDfjem fetees African, ad Bo- * in t|>cir^pilHcs to tl^c 5i5ifljops of Kome, Daj note it iuitb t^ TeWnZ"^*' * ioojDeunDiftljepaansereotbemittoaotoiti) a matter '*r^uT{itegatnc,yeahe luth ( f«iU; ^'rcgorie) llretched out fo farrc the ralhneffe of his furic,thac he ciialengeth to him lelfe th:heado^allChurches,cuentheChurchotRo?wf , and v- furpeth the right of earthly pouxr ouer the ladie of nations. Which he did altogether forbidcie to be doon, who Ipeci- ally committed this Church to S. Peter the ApofUe, laying, Tothee^^ililgiueMjChurch. tilhercin, t^atluliici) 6'rcgoric loculij fay,is platiic citci?gh,hy il^j 1do:Dcs tfjat go bcfoje niaiicr of pis faying ano p joutng it,'s bara. if 0; tjc fait^ of tfjs Rorrtan Church fl;at the Emperour vfurpeth the right of eaithly power ouer ic. -tiCfljcrcby a man tooulD tljtnlte Ijce meant to ccnyetlicnuiU rule aiiD gcuci mncnt of Rome to t^c 6mpcrour, as noin tljc popes Do. Cticn to^icb tie meant no# „ q f^tng Itffc: fo.a" fyc acUnohJlcOgco btmfclfe ttic Gmpercuis fub# icctji bfcD b'-in acco;3ingly.li5ut be meant by [the right of earth^<' ly power vfurpcdouer the Church,] tbcriglitofocalingtoitbl Cburcb-linings after tbemancr of f'pc Isjojlri, in fetting tb^ to talc as men Dcd farmcs ano Icafcs; babicb is pjopbanc anb be#, . „,, teftable. iiolo^regorie being gricucb ^ tbat tbe Cmpcrour othccn ja Viu afhebmcncy eucncftbclBitbopof Rowf bintfcirc, ' lobofc e# Agaihon.Sig?~ lection be tonarmeb tuicb bis royall atTenttbe tbougbt gob to am# adwn.chilit?' plifietbebeincufncITeoftbcfacasmctt bnlaluruUanb toufecb «so. in tbe Cb«> cb of Rome, aib tbcrcupon be taitb tbat Chrill did cico forbid it, who fpecially committed this Church to S. Peter,.i .b.i.op.40..'* faying,r0 thee willI^ine my (lurch, dfn tbC gofpcll toe ftabC Of Peter, ^ tt;at he knew not what he faidjtobcn be taibe to Chrilt k Luk.?.? j. tobcm be bcbcia in glo.iy, Mailter it is good for vs to be here, and let vs make three tabernacles, ^regoricbab alouing af# fection to Reme^ yen gi'ueme leanc to tbinhc of bim as of Peter, tbatbc bneto not tobat be fatb; ^o^ tbe toojbes tobieb be allea^bj not tbe too:bes of Cbiift, as you mutt nabcs graunt. SDbe tbtng be gatberetb oftbcm, is againtt tbe toojbs, „ . ofCb.jitt:tobogencraIlycommittcb 1 all Cburtbes ta Peter,. ''''' (lio.j be toas an apottlcj) anb, if any fpecially, it toaei ■" tbat of« thelewcs,tobereas " tbcR, & thegatesofhillJlMlnot preuAile !»/>«; tbe Otber,tbat thcle^<*fw freuniUagainftzW who arc not of the Churchy and he is neither the CWcl? nor any part thcrof whom theyprefiaili againfl t * Lira, tbe meancfttfa great ma<« np,botbtbuserpounbtbeplace,tbaffi;ff-«£"o/^anbis taught publifeely. ifo^ your i?o»?;«wreaber, the|efmt,irathcrRoibcrt,in his letheCo;ies haue fufficienf grounb, 00^^/7^'^ tohich fay that Peter fet his chaire at and there died ; Romi. oj,if learneb men fhall not ailctocffhatian Other grounb may be> thatthcChurchrecciuedit though not by fcripture, yetby tradition: jfathcr Rolwrt patting the matter cut of Pctro fuccedete confroucrfic,oeaneth ^ thatinbtebe it to a tradition , not of norhlbiatur Ch?iff,butoftheApoftlesranb'leafttoe ihoulbboubt of tohich fcriptum:ab A- Of the apofflcs,!)e nameththe man, Petcr^euen a tradition of Peter, 3lctimintitafeyou,\r,Harf,ifaU that 3 haue faib, permanus tra- cannotpjcuaile toith you,yct to regarb the bortrine, thebotfrine ^ Romtnum taught'at-R<'«»f,ofyouroton0,ofthechiefcff ofyour otone SDoc" Pontifi^cife tojs.lienonnce the bnlcarncb folics ofycur StapIcton,f b.:ain# JcminPof-R'' fiche furies of your Rhemifts:feho toith bcQjerate biolence boo cjicucocius or* tojeft the tooto of Chriff.to mafee it fcrue the pribc of anfichnff. « jacbnotolegcthaf you haue not one ferf thjough all the fcripture ftoJicaPctd.^ to pjouc the pcpes fup^rmacieffhat tohen yon fell men of Thou art Peter,and on this rocke, f , Ihaueprayed for the Peter,. 3«DjJ?CKr,&edciny ibcepciycq bo ptofnme of their ffmplicitto; ttj^ i 1 f; DiuifTon t. 45Z Ofthc Popes lupremacie. t[wtuifrutJjf^efeplaces500 notunpojt if, but policic tooulD |au2 fcmeiuijat faioe, els not fo manp InoulD bclceuc it: finallp, fljatt.^c|i>apadcisa5caifeof jBopes ano papiffs; fojUjpicb, fiti) tpc I'cripmres can be abufco no lon!5cr,b£caufe men pane cf# picDr^cfrau5e,tl)ercfi3jeanetocloaUcu5fcun5fo;it novo, anD pcreaftcr it ipall be counteo a tradition of Potcr, The eighth chapt^er. Thefirll: Diuifi« on^ a M4U,zoa}« The 4Ht»ritie I ef trAdit ions and fathers pretended to prone the PopesJupremaciei in vatne; bejide thefcriptnre, Vfhieh is the one- ly rule 0ffaith. The Fathers, 2 bein^heardwith lavcfrllexcep- tions that may be infly taken Againjl them, 3 doonct proHeit,At it is flsemdj firfi^ in Fathers of the Church of Rome, By the XWyy 4 thenameofTriefiythePrtefllyfacrtficeofChriflians^ thePo- p);fhJkcrtfice of Afajfe-priejles ,the / r safes brought for the Afajfe^the fubfance and ecremonies cftt, are laid open, 3acch US) Diani) Mi ncruajMcrcurie i Hart. j[^e.bionolh?l®lbattb«n-f Ramoldes. ptt ^-jbealteagtb tbemtoperltoabe tbe Athe- , niansjtbatin God we line, and moue,andhaue our being. tKlEbsi ihtnrp maotbat to prefiPe tbe Athenians tottb Poets loo;boof(!Dob.lDbereao bbnlelfe bel^neb not tbetr too^beo of Coboanbj;]Doboefieeie Hart, SDbo Poets migbtfapioeUjanb bib,in tbe fo^mert fbougb ill tbe later tbep tntoeb* ^ Ramoldes.Jiotojtoil.poubealeaoftenblptoitbme) astoifb Paulc ? cafe anb mine are coofino. Hart. jpap,poumtbe felfe fame ftntence of our men toll out a psc? of it,ano pet an otber peece of it pon aUoto not, Kainoldes. Cuen To bib Paulc. j|oj tbat lobitb b^ ^ fwncbtaout of tbeirolone Poets, (fbe meaning of it to in * fun- Ojp, tbe berp uwibeotn ^ Aratus;)tbcpfpalie4t of lupiter, &cai|i^^cbu» tubo ivao a iuickeb man,imt tbougbt of tbem to be ^obiS.Paule, bymnis idlo- alloUiiog not tbetr efro? in tbe perfomcnUeb out tbeir fcntenec f"Jn pHinoSa; wncfrmngtbet^ng,anbp:ouebatrtttbUpif. fSyaPjuxi Hart. ?sa[eU;ifpbH map biutbc tbe fentcncoof Canus aijb .j,{vo5 Wvi J?f 3- ■' ' ifa- l'!i ' t i:|'":' 'I '!.l \-.\i 'IS 1' Mil t pi' CrbriyriT' If':'' .1? ,»'■■■ I Im I i, yi 454 Of the 'Popes fupremacie. jfatljer Robert titttw) ptirtcf!,anD tahc owe of fcripturc, tv fufe tt)c ot!)er of tradition:! ma^ Oo fo f(D% tSJaijcrefoj e embja# ^tt refuCi^, refuQfns tabe, 3 iDiUaOOet^trpiiOofeoftfjefupicmactebs tradition to tpe fo.2- mer rcafonBh^ub! alleageDout oftbsicripturc.^nblb3 Ml: ^ue ttoo (irtiij3C0 bnto rap bols. Rainoldss. 2CtDoltrtii0e0toaboiD b(» feruo an arcljera turnefomettme0.15utmanpabotot0 b;oiten> bp bnnpptng of onettrinsa funber.^o faretptt Mp pours of tlio popes fup^e- macte. 2C^^eltrmgMicl)^tiputon it of fcripturets b:oi(en» anbtpeboiotpereMlj. 3tratoolatetopnt onalfrtngoftra- dition. Hart. i^ap:3 UwHiO poubiteU) tt,f||e llrtttjj anb bolo arc toIjolebofl).2Dl^ fcripturc mahcttjfo? it, anb tpc popes fpp^# raacte botp Sano,ratb^l^U IhH^liOug^ poiv anb all t^c bencll of pour eonij^mons barlte agatnll tt. Rainoides. ^ pou^.Cpe pope ts a coucagtoos toolfe: anbtfjepbab naoettotonelptohart{e>hnt to bite tm , tl^tS^alt b2inetmnfromCb?itfesQoi^c;^ttel)at'Mtenesbatppe felt tit ti)e bloib of t^%epe anb lambes^But foitp our ^auiour^ 5 Eucryplantwhich my heaucnly father hath not pkntei &)ali be rooted vpi3f pou cannot pioue tpat ^ob patp planted pour iitpiemacic: 3 can pionc f^rt tb^c a falfe p^opljet Mo (kitp tp^ it fl^all Sanb SmL Hart. 3 felt pou,3 paue praueb if alreabp bp tfje fcrfpture: anb tt;eitfo;:e 3 bo l^p,tpat nei^ tpcRring ofonr boto ts b;to- kcnraoialltbcpoMrsofpeixtibesilaU euer b>»abetbe botu; i^.o;i atttj^ugt) Luther,fCaluin^^anbtpeircoi^kes pane ^eln- cbatit,, aspodbtD:pef-5tapIefon,anb'Eutrian,attb otper lcar*' neb Catpolibes pane batiantlp befenbeb it, anb raenbeb ^at tupicit tpep tjaut ra&D.Hitirfat all tltetbelu tN pou< bat» maoe ofanftoering tpe pTbofl^s tnttict) 3 alleagebrp^ ^aue pan not ti(Bcbine,no?&incbtttem. 3t isfntpoffiblefoipodtobiDit. Rainoldes> ;as itnpoffible^ to p;oae ttiat the fnow is inijitr ttCic.ihtvcn}); to Anaxagoras ppilofopper, topo £sPtbat itis biackc.ilnd i^ae, aHeagcb tpat ftnfOjtljc epc- bglit^otl) inbge it to *' be Mii^ii^snltDerebt^titdidnotasmuchas feeme white tohim^bccauleheknewthatthewatcr^of which.itis oonge- led,is black,^cnraigSitGpM^t6cpttaaij^m8 ftitrabuf tij^» sould. Isl The 5criptur^ prouech not the Pap^cic* 455 foulD not {att^inm.no^foluefits rcaCon^ i^ur^antonr Chrifl (Inborn ' t^o.3fc\i?ejsfitDWll a Samaritan) patfl b;olwii bp ttie izoki ^n Isnbs of feruants (bJboni pen rail hcrctikcs)t^B faouj of ^n* tirl)rntmtc.f bo fupjcmanc of ^opc • Sraplcton,ano Tuman,amiotbcr of tbo popes totoicrs b«JUC gluco it agaiiie iogitber:aKD,tt 10 amriiDcti toU.tn pcur iuDgcflicnt; tn trutlj; it fsnotto^tbtbJCf: bfilfr|»Rfototb©tcm.i(lotoas b^uc b* fcotbobotolbpou tbebtring, maDoin tobo j ofCmpture-, in 6set^,of mans fanrp>p}CtenDiiig fcnpturo aroIounH^bo ffutfo ts fobaoorano focutU ttomco , tbatit toalo fcarlt abPe tin; benotng,bat being D;aPeii it is gone.^et pcu fare it cat t^t to (tring i$U)bolr>ofgooo0uffe,anDtoUtoougbt» anOcan not po0.blp be beoben. Mbon ai, tbat baue cpes,map 0r to of ittob3;tbep be rent a funoer. ^ Aridotlc fo;bib^ a tnan (o difouteand rcafonwith (uch as callinto qucUion whether kTopuorJib.t. ^thcfnow be white ornojbccaufe they doo lacke fcnfe who deny it.Cbe ' A^ftle tcarbcfb bs a farther leflbn, to inliru(a with nieckencs tnem who are contrary minded,if God at a- ' ny time will giue them repentance that they may acknowlege the truth. Mberefo^e tbougb pour Dealing boith nte be as ab« furo,as if pcu (hculD oenp the (now to be white:pct H toil glaO' Ip pzocertze tn our conference,tf pou baue anp thing mo;(e to fap. y^nt I piap leane this bino of peruerfnes»to fap the fcripture ma* betbfoipon>tDben3lbauep;oueDtbatitDotbnot. BnD either bilp^oue pou (bme part of mp p.:o}fe,acro;Ding to the rules of vs* iiron:o; palDeto t|^ (onrluQon,tDhirh&llotoethbp fo:ce of ar* gument. Hart. 31 bnotn that the conclu0on of arguments mu0 bee graunteD,hnie(ie either the tohole be faultp in fo^me, o^fome fart thereof in matter.lbut 3| Denp it therefore,(ano fo pou muft take me tohenfoeuer 3I benp it,)becaure there is a fault in feme of to fonner partes toh^nce it both foioto. Rainoldes. Chen pou mufetoU) that fault. Hart. 31 toll notttanb t^on it nolo. E ainoldes. Chen nolo benp not the conrluSon. Hart, fees,that 3I toil! t(D,liettta(rure pour felfe, (3 fee that t.J?/.SrtT^f*n*r^uirebourconfcrence to be fcf bolone in loji* ting,thatttmapbepublitb£0,)amirepourfclfeof this, jfhaU haue thenttottoli take top ^^rt,anb toU> Oft pour fpe»ches' in iFt 4 other CTup.l. Pisiill* 456. . Of the Popes iuprcmadc. I r I ii- i ^Iv ^ ;■ i i 11 otljer fo;t 3 |[)nue oone« Rainoldes. SLi)at3U»(l^.ir0>ti^etrntti u tnto cimo^ nuihttje nio;e ^ou piri& it 0&lDn,ti^ faiUr it grols^t^jano (jpje# aoctt) fairer,atto rnttUcti) fU]£etcr». • Hart, ^oir.ucljeficripturcffjcti. i^oU) tO tradition;bg- iDbirb tbe popes fup;ianamtna^ becl^rettp.^ueo. Rainoldcs.. tradition ee&lpp^2DopouaebriOU)I^et^OH f^at it cannot bep^tteo bp icripture; /Jan,. 3teUpcuiU),onfeagaine.tf>ctDoft6nwRff 3 tap iff : Kainoldes. jiDnce Caping tuiU ferue, if poti 00 not bnCap ' pour fapinj^ IBut Ijcre in mp iuogcinei it pcu fcEjne to bnfap it, ' Jfo;r pcu oifcla^etije.titlcp;etenO£Obp fcnpture, tobJn ?Ci«> Ciaiine bp tradition. Hart, piiiibl' fo e^tgbf notfbe fame tijing botb be ln;iteti in ,j, fcripture,anOcleliuCfedbp iDo;0 ofmC'Utbf ' , Rainoldes, 3t niigbt,^ inao no O3ut,a0 ""the traditions Jbet® iDbicb ^.Paulc ootb ntcntion:U)bicb%nif^ t^c Occtrlne ttjat " outofthefcripturcs.lButpouineancaocctrtnenoC rAa.if.j. toliten in tfjefcriptares.toiien pcu fpeabe oftraditioRi ^0; * •o'oncii.Tra pou OCD imagitt t^it the gofptll of Chrill is partly contained * ♦ tViibiu rc"i^ writen bookes that is the. Icripturcs; partly in vnwriteB tis^rincfcrip- tbing§,thatiscradltionstas ^t^af »,ira^ombu5. Mofes dchucrcd notonly the lavir,thatitwricen;but ^fo an vnwritcn law,which they callCrft-dW.. , E^a?Le^ thc Icwifil Rabbines,^u inurcD t^UF rfL' moutbtofucbbenemaueifpacbes- .' Rainoldes. IBetoareio.telstfj^cugbnipfi'OepoutDiHtoottno apoiioiicll? pourft-eeno.iro.: *5 X5i(bopPcrcrius,pourxbtefcftpatroneoftra- ditions,ootbpicu2tbcm(biemntpbptt)ispoint of f!)e3etDi:5i ^tScrM. anotlje is tbcp:nj&bn8t,ifitbclxjdgb- rMxc.i,.). ^0. i^ojastl>ept^ctcnDtbisgroun3fojtijer'''"*^'«>^af if ope- netbtbebiDoenmeaningoftbefcripturcsifono pou fo; tradici^ RmxcBKai^ ' flicp w p;y)ceaie oftiinc bjougbt ftt Doftrine contra* Tisbi^ . ric to tb^ rcdpfure3,bnD/r pietenfe of tradtttomx fo 00 pou toifb iabTaS' 1?oarCabala^. janoasamongfbe3ctD0S00 call tbmi scc).Hw.&*«. ^ ftripturc-mcn(bptoapofrep;ccb)tobotattcfffr^i^i3HS ano aii, ^to.fcnptures onlptfo do traditioniffs among pou repjorh. bsfjotib. * tb2famefermc.^ea'"Lindaii,ano.' PrareoIus,OQi tenemww ^acb)'. .. . T - Chapt.8. Dinif.i. ■ Tradition pretended for the Pope vainely» 457 flrw mamfcft t^iat'gou miounee tfjcfcripturefojpioofeof ng pcu la^ clatnic to tradition, ifo? fcripturc teU)jit0it;tradition,tinVDjitCtr.. tBfj0rcfO if bt? t"ditiont ^ouminbe to p:cae ttj? popes fupiemacic; tow acbnoto# tljaf it cannot be pjcucb bp fcripture, 3if pcu bee ni^" toidtiis :o uAonUjUge tpdt:3inma Debarrepou from traditi^ en. Hart., 35 totll pioue it bp flje Fatficr?. Rainoldes. iplap pou Il^aU not ncit[ier;bnlcflie pou toill' ft>.2gOtpe fcripture. ; hart, anb-toin! fo f : Rainoldes. iSecaufe ttjep fapjfojfeDf^jtljat it is held by tra- dition.^o tljat ti)cir euiocnces niiihe againtt pou,if fcripture be pour pUafojil. Hart. SLljat is berp falfc-ifoi bp fijc too^Os, Thou art Petee and vpon this rockc,in tljctrirtecntbofMattfiewjtbcfirftpopce . tif i\c«»/,mcfti>olpmai*tpjs,l)aucp20UtD it: " Anaclctus, * Alexandertbefirflt, ^ Piusfbcfirtt, ^ Vidor, " Zephcrimis^neso thodoxos, ^ Marcellus/Euiebius, ^ Melchiades,.' luliusjf fDama- fosianoltfteUJircoibers bp otb^rplaces,as D. 5 Staplctonab zEpiii adThc- Icagctb far tljer.iiQlbcrefoze tlj^ tbc if at^crs toabe iv(as pou fap)- siatitis vrnten; cucn Anacktus,Yiftor^ ♦ ' ? '' ir^ L IS-3-' DhZtt, 458 Qf the'Popes iupremaciCf Zepherinus, MarceUus,McIchiades, anO lulius. ^ea, an® tl;4t is moic, Dcrv^ fame of tl^etoareaKeas^ bs i Stapleto«,tobtcb b^ Canus. jf rtgbti? b? Canus: boUil mag InetruttSraplctoni" 3frisl)tll!bp5taplcton; botomaBiwee , true Canus / gf rigbtlp bg tpembetb: UJljot trimme are tbc^ilPbe one b;eatb coo fa^ tbat the fame thing is both writenandvnwriten? ^etiratbcr Robert Dcalefb intfcltjer, anolttteaBjeOtite: tobo Teeing tbe Danger of naming fperiall j I men ano placed, ootb (I)^U)D bimfelfe in ti^t generall of Coun* ii eels,Popes,ano Fathers, ^sif anbojfe-fteater being togiuc I nccouni of tobom ano inbere bo got bio bo;fes.(boulQ tag tbat be boi^b^ f bom of inco;po;ationd, bo^ife courfere, ano bonett men tnitbinCb^ilfenDom. f Hart. i^iUgouleauegourroauing, anb come hntofibe marbenotoe Rainoldes. Hfisaroaningmarbetneflboteatt and 3 am come neerer i^ tben gou tnoulD ^ue me. llSut inbat flbaU be gottr aicetboltc Hart. 3 tolo gou,tbaf 3 tocnlD pzoue it nejrtbg fl» Fathers. H^agreetb berg hiell toitb gour fptrit. tbat gou (bonlo caU tbis a bolt. Rainolde s. ^^eli enougb ad gou tboote it. ifo;t altbougb tbe !lo;D batb ptantoD tbe Inatings of tbe atbers, as treb} in bb Cbui'cb^od in a paraoifc; lubeceof tbere mag be inabe goo® (haftcs; bleffcdisthcmaa that hath his if tbog tuere aline,migbt fag to gou in libe fo;te, as Dio a PoettoFidentinus; (minci This booke (Sir Fidentinus) urhich thou dooft readc,is But thou,by reading it amifle,beginft to make it thine- Hart. ^iU gou p^omife tben to geloe bnto tbe^op^. ftt«. pjemarie, if 3 pjctie it bgfbefagingdanDiuDgeinent of tbe Fa- ther&atteagcD an® applgc® rigbtig. Rainoldes. Strulg.HSutlmull ®(a.itt®itfi'»p;ofcRaton* fb^mg .oe&nre agaiuft iucbquarreler^ad laii^ leweil GeR bpon / The Fathers axe no ruleof rdigioti^, 459 Chapt.S* Diuil.'. tpod* Har& Isljaf p;oteSatton; Rainoldcs. mit\> , t|»t | pjomifeto ^alOB tnfo f^c ^opcs fupjcinacte, if pouxan pjoac it bp tfjc Fathersnot be^ cauie H tbtnbc tliat p;uDfe to be fuffident of bsubtfull matters in reiigion) bat becaufe 31 bnoln pou are not able fo to p;oue it Hart. TO bctbcr 31 be able o; no Co.to- pioue it, tIjc t^ng it felfc inill l^etn. )l5ut ifpoutf^inlic not tl)at a fufficient pjoofe, iDbplaibe poutljatche writings of Fathers are as trees^ whereof there may be made good fluftes, fucb as thall de- ftroy their enimiesia the gate J pea^t the nun is blcffcd who bath his quiuer full of them ? Rainoldcs. pjtistoiitenint^pfalmes,. ' Except the j lord keepc the citic,the keeper watcheth in vaiae. 316p tlje vcn.i... In^ic^ tQo;besQ)e|S;op^fsmctt) tot)aue t^ngbt> t^at t^e ioarDeanoboat^lofmen is not fufficient fo;t ttje oefenfe ofci^ tiesjbnlcffe tbe ito^to afftff ti^m>U)it|i toatct] anb U3arD.l^otu fapfi5nottt)^trHef Hart.. &o.TOt»toftl)at^ Rainoldcs. SCbotisanonCtocrefopourqneffton. Pjopl^tabbtngboto'" God doth bleflemen in gluing them* children, Caitb," they are as arrou'cs in the hand of a ttrong; man: ° blefted is the man that hath his quiuer full of themj they (hall not be confounded, but they (hall dcftrpy their e- nimiesin thcgatc. 3|f^tsbe fniip fpofeen of chtldrcn toell nurturei>,lDl)opet are not fufficient ta ccfeno atitie toit^cnt tt)e1lo;ti^affiffan^ tDb?nngj[)t it not be ^ohen of Fathers > toell bfco r ano pet tbep not faffice fo bccioe a confrouerfie lott^outf|ietoo;Deof3|acbnotoleDge t^re is goal) luoob inttjera to mabelbaffes t^e locoes tenrres: pet is notallt^eir tDooofuclj ; fomeofit tsknottie, fomelit^y foinecro&eo. 0ntrtf)ebeffacrobDes, tolacb aremaoetljereofy bnl^tbcp ljatalieaDefof ttrongccmettall, ti^entljemfelues,. out of t^e ILoiDS armo;iie: tfjep are not (harpe enongl) to pearee iotothchartcofthekingescnimies,as areP the arrowes ofp PfaK+r-^ our Salomon. TOljerefo^easofponrpart, ^ ifpou hearken ^ not to Mofes and theProphetes,.3j^aneno greate^ope fbat ifat^ers iotll perftoaoe pou, tljoug^ they ihould rife ftom the dead: mpfelfi^ 31lDill'a(rtirepo»A t|at nittlitr dead en) m verCji n • ruCf-fi- Pi'.Mi: 460 Qfihc Popes ruprcmacic^ A' I « •^1 ' j- ii Kii r iiSt.U.it. s Gali.S. f Petil quirli^, Fathers no^ children, tqall perCtoaDr mt anp -ttjiuj in maittTa of rcltjj on, iDtjict) iliep can not pjouo bp Mafes ano Ute Prophffces. ttje ^pottico preached nor any ching, but that, which theProphetes and Mofcs faide Q)Ould come to pafle. jfa ifat^er,if a &atnt, ' if an Angell from hea- uen preach befide that which the Apoftlcs preached, let hina be accurfed, %^is Icffon 3I !)auc learnco of Paul tt)c ^pottle: an5 i( fnbfcribe bnto if. 3lf pou can Uhe it better out of a ifa* cont.i.>er. tbtrsnioothdearneitof S.Autfin. ' mfwtu^itingagainftttie tiliin. Dan*- 2)onatiits, iuhubwulonotp jsucbpfcripturc their erroneous nil. iib.3.£»p.t»t.in Hart. j^ap,iti0'5-Auilins:a0pcumappermuebpI)t0otoii .rom^Augaft. iDo.HJC0inaRof|)crpIac€,tcnct)ingtl)cfamcjnattcr, tui;ercfjc pror^.i^T' faitb tijUS. T he Apoftle did not fay. If any man preach vn- nno & i-heoio. to you more then you haue rcceyued, but, befidc that you x haiiereccyued. Forifhelbouldfay that,he Ihould be pre- in lohanncm. iudicialItohimfclfe,whodefiredto come to the Theflalo- nians >' that he might fupply that which was wanting to y i.Thcir.j.ri, their faith. Now he,that fupplyeth,addeth that which was wanting; takcth not away that which was, ailD fo fojfl). ^i:f)vrcbp-5-Auhin tW iocmap p:cac^ moretbcn tlic fcripfure * but not bcfide it, tfjat 10 to fap,againil it. Rainoldes. " IJetf^cloct!) nothing Icffe: a0 anp man tljat rcaocfi) 1)10 i3tfcQnrfe,map fee. ^0?, t{)at to!)icl) f)c fpsahetlj of more , anD of wanting, 10 not mcatit^f fcripturc,tl)ati0,tf)3 iDojoetoitten; Uut oftlje Inojoc p)cacf)cti 1 ocliuerco bp moutl;. ?X;lIjcretnljet)eclareti)tf)7g meat, ^ ^0, IJoUtdj tDa0 wanting to the Theflalonians,U)a0 ttron^ " e.V,'" gcr Doctrine oftl)cfaith:fpat U)l)iclj they had,U)a0 eaftiT.2ciil)eri' oftljougUinfi)0onebcfangbfffjemmozctfjcnin tijc other: pet no mo?e in either, then " the fcripture hath. ^nD tt)U0 S. ® Auftins more to bo no more then fcripfure; hi«^fclfc mahcth manifctt bp the crample alfo tohirl) fjc gineth of if. jfo j the Doctrine of the manhead ofChrift,he callcth "tdke; of the G od- iead,/ro»^ meat, ^oli) thcp luho arc tought to Imolu him fo be God, Icarnc mo?e then fhep Ijao leameDtnhen thcp reccaucD htm as man. But thcp learne no mote titen the fcripfure hath. iuhichteachcthhimfaothGodanDman. mhercfote, that b ioh.,.i5. S.Auftin,conDcmningaU toh" pjeach ought befide the fcrip- Ror.K5>.5. turcs of the law & the gofpell, meant, that more then fcrip^cowuller. tures map-be pteacheD,but Jtought againft themjit 10 not S An- Pctilian .Uona- ftins giofc, but pour LouaniftsJ anD intrufh repugnant ' Auftinstc);t.ifoj in the fame place S.Auflinmahing mention holuthc Donatiits hafcD him fo; pleaching of the truth anD con^ fitting • l> (v'l, ■ h i:!!M if* V- ii » !:t!:: ; ■ it I; HI Chap.8, piiiii 1. 461 I — - r ■ Of the Popes lupremacie. 'Quafi nos fating ti)dr|iere(ie} * as though (Caitlj l^e) we had comtnan- foanTprophc- ded the Ptophcts aud Apoftlcs who wete fo loHg before vs, tis & Apoftolis, that they in their hookes (hould fet downe no teitimonies Tuna teffimoma thereby the Donatifts might be proucd to be the church of Chriit. toojtsg DO Sljeto plairilp>^ as bp the fcripturcs of 7.AugiCon- Kalitcr. Pctili aoftorsof Louaniubat tbeg itlf,(perbap0 tbeg fpeahe fo; tbetr ffle:)^.Auftin meant platndp, tbatjfith the Z)oflatifts claimed the inhcritaance of Chrift to them felucSjthcy rauQ: proue their title by his will and telta- ment. Mbtcbtf tbep coulb not b(D,o^ratber(lKtngtbat tbeg xonlbnof:btp>jononncetboftbem they had no right vnto it. janb thereupon be commetb to tbe generall Centcnce of tbe bea- uenlp tabge,oenounctng them accurfed,who,in any point, ei- ther of faith,or life,doo preach befide that which is deliuered in the fcriptures of the law and the gofpel.2i2Ibereui if Cbc- iidc]bofignifie Cagainft:]fbenaU (tntbisreQject) tsagatntt a te(fanteiit,tBbicb is beOlbe a te!f ament. Hart. ^.Auftin,anb Optatus,againlf tbe I>onatifts, btu fpcalte rcafon.tbatjbnleffc tbep can pwue tbeir rigbt bp Cbdifcs tdlamentjfbcprnapnotlbuttbeCatboltltcsoutfrom l)i$ inbe- rifance,anD clatmebts gtobstnto tbemfelucs. ifo; t£ is meete tbat tbe toill of the telfator fboulb be bept.llBut a learncb latoi* er,one s Francis !Saldwin,Uibobatbfctf(D;tb Optatus, and g Awiot.iaOjf:. fojiten notes bpoiTbtm,botblbci« tbat a teftamentmay beei- ther mncH^AtiHHm (as be calletb it) orfcript um; either fet down inwriting,orvttercdby wordofmouth.^IQlbat fap poii toc^- fi4mentnm nmcHfatiuHm i Rainoldes. 3(gratmf tbat ateftament map be mabe h L.Her«(le5. iDitbcuito;ifing,fotbaf itbebcne before a folemne numferof ioitneCfes. i3uttbeteftamentofCb;iftisto;tten,abope:anD poS fo : i> i I fS/ i-v L i'' > !;ji I ■ I : ! ! Pi t^h2pt.j(. I>iujfi«n 1 464 Of the Popes fuprcmacie. MI)e«fo>e ^our tinttU |)t;3 client JL.;!JC confli] rruncup:C( )ne. Cod.leteftj- mentis* fo Co botl) Optatus anc Auftin fpeahe of it. IcariicQliatDicr ma^ h«pc tljat lato in Ilo>e, nace it. Hart, 0s toljo fap tfje teftament ofCtjjitt migtit not be to^i- fen in part, fijougli not in w B aldwins meaning, as if app^retl) b^ tfjc place,not of Opcatus,but of Auftin,tD})erc* tobeapplictjjit. Rainoldes. 5i5nttf^aldwinmeantfO , Baldwin fl^onlC bane remcmbicD tpt a teftament fomaceisi not tej}ame»tum tiHncupzttHum(^l' tf)attsbnlo;itcn,astl)eberp'' rucimentsof tfje lato migljt teacb bnnObnt irn^crfeaHm ratljcr; tljougb w^mcn, petvnperfit.0nO 3l trui pou U)iU not fap,tl)at tlje teftament of tit. ip.5 Scd h^c Cbu'ftiovnperfit.^nreOptatus Inotrlo nou ?contrepia djioj3|fir,tt)ougb^oulooulofailleimplp30 tbongb.Bl parni.iib... fatc fo. j if €^21^ tuoulD Ij'Hic bis totU, in part tojiten iti «^'iXDerfoc- oeliueicc bp looic ormoutb:iopne tbcmbo^b fogitljer, fbcp w.chiift.iib.}^' mabe a perfit teftament, w Ardon 11 Rainoldes. SDb^ntbctoiitenteftjmentofCbJiftiSvnper- r sdmana.cim fit. 3|t toiU bc 03? attC pci'fit ftjitb pour tracihons patcbcc fo it. Optatns tbougbt tb^t his wTi:en teftament is perfit ofit fumn^r feife. czttbicb^abctballtbeframeofpopcrpin pecces. 0no ^uamGrcjori. fbts is tbat Optatus, ' of wHcm S. Auftin fpeaketh as of a. tcmui!. worthy Catholike £ilhop equalUo Ambrofe and Cyprianjof •pabiiOjn m uiiom *" Fulgentiiis fpeaketh as of a holy faithfuli interprc- of Paulelike to Auilm and AmbrofejOftDboni " pcurgrcaf Rcgcanccl- lar.Apoft. p On maitni ^ " , , • • •apttijiirfbap'fully as the Pope himftlte, Pope Gregone the thirteenth: ^jrt.uter" tobereas in tjerp trutb not one of tbcm is lb. if Gregorie the proems Gte- thirteenth is ofpour religio intbClUopesrupicmaciejpcbiefeli kafdie'car'' ofpopcris:as ° bisrulcs of Chancery for releruations Dom. ' and prouifions, p b^^ocurfingof all that appealc from auiie-' Bopes to Councels, bis bulksagainft decrees of Councels •rd.Minor.de bothprouinciall and gcnerall, Cffllbetn. ifwm tobicb abo* -ntlbus xc" bote fiirre tbe if atbers lncre,tt (ball appeere M)tn pan «n5 (n oti)cr' allcage f b^n. But Optatus is fo piaine agamft pour rcligtom bu'.sconiHiw. in tbe point of fcripturcs anc their fufficiencie to decide alb ^■^mwuproV controuerficsitbat poui*cI>ftrngcr(ifbereaDbini, ancmtbj^ ii-ior.Grtg.de- kciicC ciMTMnon-place -bcobes of Canifius anC otber fazcahcrs). •ct or I'iiUlCUKC lU /MJillU ;tllU./VUJOlUi^iVt Cbampion Dotbbaunt fo glo;!Dtt0p,tbat he,nor he oncly, but thereifofthe * Fathers are of your religion as furely and Scripture, the onely rule of fairh, 46^ mis^t fjaucto boalJ offtim. ifo} tffoCe tljings, iuljicij ^ "Jilr ffcxitetg out oiOotuas,do not as muc^ as raCe ttisfhiiine of^ one reliem,ttf0U3^ fceme to epc agj^tes. 5i5ue t^is, of fcripcures ouely,!)ot^ b^eoito t'oe iKcUe of tours: snD tt is fO cl«reltt^ciu^>g^n5ntofOpt3tus,t!j^toar otoae ' ^aldurin, rAanotm ®p- (in t;isa»ttotafwns)tsf4tncfo fat ofbun>he vied that compat uUib.5. jfubn of a tcUime»t ixot fo vatily# Hart. Not fo ^rarily ,as Auitin Dotl), i^o? Auftin hfctb it, betotUp^ouoontoftho fcripUires t^at the Church is cathoUke-.tDbub tDos onc of pointcs of tpcir controucrSo toitb tije Donaws. . Raiuoldes. )lSut m|)atn>ltngfI)afpoMtpemaikot^ttaj3ene:s yall rulc,t'5at,vhethcr it be of Chriffjor of his church,or of a- ny thing etie vhatfocuer pertaining to our faith and lifc,no- thing mult be preached belide the icripturesjtpat is,t]}t tefta'- went. Hart. I5uttn an other point of f^treoutrouerae , touching baptifmcjS. ' Auitin oothallcagc not fonuicb the Icripture, , ^ the tradition of the Apoltles. Raifloldes. Notfo much the fcnpturc.^eooth tljC fcrip- lure ttjemthough be alleagctlj alfo the cultome of the Church deliuercd by thcApoftles.liSutbJbiltW'lbat againtttbc tella- meatf Hart. ili.ip,bcfi3)c the tc(bmcnt,tuhich >0 the word writen, hfbotf)C3ni-n?:iO vnwritcn traditipas in other places. tJEhich |) jpueth ti;af he thought not the teltament fufficteni to occibe aU tonfrouerftes. Rainoldes. ^otoS.AullinRnbcfh fauour at ^our h^iniJo, to'iom-ifec hint CirahObnfap the famc.lSut toherc bnfaifh th« th it of tpc iUfflcicncic of fcrip turc; Hart. |3ow map fee in the " Augultiaian confefsion of a csnfer.A^ Toirrcnfivn the chapter ofTraditions, guftjib.i.c,?. Rainoldes. 3!3«f 3 UjohIO feeitiii S^Aultin, Torrenfis is a 3crutt,t»l)3Jn tt»e h-.ue tahen oft in lpcs.3 cannot truft him. Hart. ssihpci^caUcagcthS.AultinsoUjnetooiOcs. * the Srtt place,(Uj';ich bjingcth (n S.Cyprian to,). (^od4Mte»f t «v Kos actmonct CyfrianM vt adfmimrecHrrsmHs^uieft , AfoftoUcam tr.DonatiftJik rr.id}fi0nem,S'ifidc ctimlcm in nufira temj>or4 diri^^fuy -^pttmntn J e'P-*'* efl^fmcdHbitAtmeJncitndHtfk, %t)atist9 fajj whereas Cy- (S>s prian CJnp.9'. m " ' j^66 Of the Popes flipremacie. yHpift.74.ad iompeium. %lph^.4. alW.i*'- prian wameth vs thacwc ftibuld go to the coondit hcad,. which is the tradition oi' the Apoitles,andthence dwed the pipe to our o^vne times : that is belt and to be done out of ail dout.2Dt)cfe arc S. Aultins otonc Uja^Des. Rainoldes. S. Auftins owne wordes mOff&C. il5uf dotfjfoiolo tn S.,h\X^Vi iTrad$tHm ejt erg* tiobts(ftCMt tpje cemmt- Jpo^elts^quedfit vnns dens,^ Qir^Hsvms,^ vna Jpet^. fides m*,& vna ecekfia,^ bdptijms vnmn^ SLtjat tS tO fa)?: It is deiiuered therefore to vs by the Apoftles(as Cyprian him# felfc rehcarfeth)that there is one God,and one <. hrill, and onehope,andonefaith,andonethurch,and one baptilme*. 2Clj0fcarcS.A»ttins0U)nelw^C£(, anb grcttnocD on y C.y- prian an&Cyprian,mcanthy [ tradition] is deliueredtanb to bc de]iuered,tol)tc||ts writen in the scriptures, $oi t^is f«!ft feme fhtng,toto«cf fpcafec, isU);itenmfl)Ccptftlcof Paule to ttjefpht-fians. Co;c,t^tr traditio is tradition writen,thatts to Hip, fcripture ano not t)nij}.ntenftuffc,as pour icfuit tooalixfjauc it. ^ea Cy^ prian is fo plaincfot controuerfics to be decided by this tra«^ dition onely,t!)at in tl)C feme epilHc(toi)tncc Auhin citetlj t^Hs^ tottjetoOjOSof Stephanus, Tradttum f^dtis deiiuered , vnde ejt ifia irad/tto^ak^^Zi^hcncc is this trathrionfiDoth it come, from the authoritie of theLord and the go(pel!,or from the commaundtmcnts and epiftles ofthe Apoulcvf For thatwe muitdbothofe thingswhkharewritenyGod doth wicneflfe feyingtoloshua,,'' Let not this booke ef theUw depart out of'thy month: bsit meditate in tt day and night yt hat than maiefi ebferue to per-, forme aUthinges which are writen therein. And likcuriiethe Lords fcndinghis Apoftleswilled them that ^ the nations jhonld bee- baptiz^edyandtaHght to ehferne allthings ^hich he had commahnded. Wherefore if this thing(of the wmcfiStephanus faith , it is dcliucred,)becommaundedin thegofpdl,er contained in the epiftles or adfes of the Apohlcsrlct this diiiine and holy mditioB be obferucd.&k poirnot hoto Cyprian t^ougl)t> ftJ^t all^t>i£ibCh,tiffnHnmanOfDto&f toritenf^otu ijce meant this to:tfcn Of drine hp tradition/l^Dto tjistBOjDs; of th«r tradkion arcappisitenj bp AuiHn i iHijat'ccnfticncc pcur lefuit toalleasc thatfo: traditions belibe fcripturcs,tol)ichill^ & gJaineli meant ofthe faiptures t(Kin fclucsf. Hattw Scripture,the onely rule of faitK. 4^57 •cfupjk, —" DiuiPi.- Haic. 3|Donotr«t^ji;3, neUl)et'tnS,Auihii,no^ tnS.Cypru an, , Rainoldcs. janit^efo.it?crtl^:it poarHg^ fcrucif) pea no bettcr.^o#t^et^ngi3latter.j£^dip3uroU»nc Pamdius ^ . (Uretb tljat Cypnaameant the holy fcripturci up cradi cpi^TTaV tion, Pomp^Mini Hart. ^ctParadius aW52t^tb3t»ji S.Cyprian had bene in- ftrudtcd better that die fcripcares cited by him to proue his crrour,are notoi torce thereto: S.Auitia doutcth not but he would haue allowed tliecontrary tradition. Raiaoides. map iucll bc.dfw tl- thou'b faiuib it p?oae5 bp ttje rcriptuf£s,as S, ^ Auilinflyeiuetlj. Ibi^t in ti^e ^ msaneCca&npoumapIeebp /.amclius, Torrcnfis abofeD coJr.uWdiL Cyprian^antj Aulhn, in to^efiingtijat io tJ'S traditions, ' Hart. bis ncrt place of Auitin is mo;e pjeg# nantiLcttlie rule oKthe Church and the holy tradition and » Sermoo.Je iud^emcntof the bathers continue furc and fpund for c- di^erduilS" aicr. TriaiutC; Rameldcs, aspiegnanfastbc fojmcr. ^oj it folohjefb fftftiigbt t Now the faith of our fathers is this; we belceue in, •God the father alnu£»htic,maker of all things vifible and in- jiirible,anbfobegoetbraaU)arD Initbtbe pointer ofCbeilliati faitt). ii is apparant tljat meant bpCthc tradition of the f-athersitljcir faittjBut tbeir faitt) is tojitcn (ttjc fublfance of it) in tljc ftriptnres.Cbercfoie pour lefuit failetl) in tbisiradi- f i„ ceafi»ra tion tiB.Spmsouer 5.Auitin,ifbc tn^wtc tjjat Gmnon , tobcrcof gcnerali Tomi fonr ^ Louanccn(ours6Cttf-,bntbe,tDboUj;otctb«frci'mon,cn* Aug"^™"®* treatctljsf'^hcTrinitic.Buttouching the Trinitie nothing muft be faid bcfide the rule of faith \ which is fee downe in- fcripturesias s 3[hanetl)ctDet)bpS,Auilin. iSEI^ercfojeif S..^ Auitin bab meantofbnlD'iten tradition in tbatpomtiS AufUn Oiuiiion 1 tajulb rttratf it.iSut inbitDc tbe lefiiit batb oucrfeeneS. Aulbns too iftgs bn-p rimmnglp.^«lbO)bcaring men in bano tliat be batb gatbcrcbthefunimc of Aullins doiStrincoutofaUbiis pet tonccalctb that ^ intbetbapferoffcripturcs, tob^b Auitin fetfb of their fufFiciencictf facetb tbat out' in tbc chapter of tra- " '" - "' ditionsjbjbifhflboulbbausbeneOefaceD bp tbat tobicb Auftin riitboffcriptures. l^tpbeit,Ujere it true,that fbe fcripturcs toit^ut traditions arebnperfit ano t)nfub^^cicnt to peoue tbe <11^0 fvill U 1* (cap.t. ^1: «!i la- m ' !i''i 'ii It: ^ i 468 O^'thePopes iuprcma^. ii#'- * I'llkF 3 P.;''. i i! ? 1'.-; ■;?■ ' ;• I .Lit. /il Ifct;.;: Il mm ifiii ^ ' f!C j i" I ' i> h If. S.l li I i. tDtUofC?iii):^3ttar0non^rgr|>;3arpurpofe,t^attt)e p^tofaof it b? Fathers u( fuffuicnt^oj a teftament,tljat i0maOe bp tDo,:l» bfmoufb Untbout ba;tttit0>mu(t be jiioueo bp folmtne tnttncfl)»r« JCte folemtte tottneffc0of Cb.uCtes tdlamcnt,aretbf Prophets, anb Apoftlcs,^3 tbattjHlellC pou^pMue bp Prophets ano Apo- Itles, tbat part of tbe teftament of Cb^tH is bnto.ttfen, f tljat bft 0auefbe?Bopcrup;jc«iactetntbatpart:pflurp,:(Dfe bp tbe fa- thers totll iicuer ttanB iu lato* i^ottottbtt^nbingjttjpugb if ba agatna bofbfatoanb reaC(«t,ttjat tbc popcibontotaketbc tobole titberttaunce of €^i\&es ^urtb^^no pat all ^tSbops to tbetr lef gaace,bitleire be p;oue bi« risbt bp tlje teftament of CbJift: pet, ifpoa can pjoae it(a« 3 fatD)bptbe fathers, 31 am content to palDebntoit* Hart; If l ean proue it by the Fatltcrs e 31 feill bn'ng fbrtn to loitncire fo? if.-But toben mill pou countit prouedflDerb^ Inben 31 baue proued itpou toillfauji bane not.. Rainoldes. ^nb perbap0,U)ben pou baue not pou botU tag pou baue- Hart. Mbo (ball be.tubgc tben f^nb boto iball it bee trpeof k^uh tonrr Raiuoldes. Optatus intbequettionoftlje .CMboHhegfeitf^ Pi»rme^"ou» tbe 2?onatifts, whether one Qiouldbc twife baptized: k yoa naafc. ts is not la^full. Betweene your [rearonofOptatus,^uanBli»canbauenobtiuBg&. f,. ' tneartb:<®oDimifttuB0etwbpbwU)fljB.15mtftbepopebjillbe trpeb bp «wf,'anl) Uidie, fucb a5 toerc at tbe Gouacell of Trent# Rainoldes. ifpcttbcparefbcmottbnfit ofallmcufotrp! anp tOtie betto^e tbepope anb bs. Hart. tSSHbpfeC Rainoldes. ifojmanp caufefi. arc irotfirabolbcrs, SCbep are tbe popes tenants, bib ftoomebafals, curftoo?nc„ c i:„on»« cnimics: •" bounb bp otb to mantaine the Papacy, ^rctbcfe tr:».de iiireiu- nioft fufficient ano leaft lufpicious pcrfons i Hart. SDbrparcimoftfufHcicnt. iSut tf pour fufpicions (ball rcrtic to cbalenge tbem, pcu map cb^Irngc anpi Tlainoldes. , 3f pouDcnptbc caufcS j&jbicb JallcagcO': 3( pjouefbem. 3^3f pwuc tl»mall: tbcrcis nobcntb of juttices ^ in toill tbinbc mp cbalcngc to be bcrp laltiRill. Hart. name pour felfc tbe men lobom pou teill abmit fobeoftheiury. Rainoldes, i?ap,| toillnameuone, jiut 3 am inbtffc 3 rent ■t; 470 Qr the ropes lupremacie. rent to all tn^o are tnotfiferent: toljo ^aue Chill to iuose oC tl^e e^. uiDince t^at to b^oug^t^ano conCcience to giue beroict acco,;tiung totljetrut^. Hart. According to the truth oCthe eiudence,^tiu nieatie» Jfo^ Co a iury ougl)t« ^nb Co let all inbifferent men be of the iu-. ry. ifo; tbe toojbefi of tlje witneflcs tobicl) 31 toiU b^ing C^ali be Co full} Co platne in renCe, lb Itrong in p.;oofe, tl}z^ mul]^ n^beo conbemne ^ou: bnleflje tl;e^ ioiU giue berbict againd tiie euibence, anb tljeir conCcienceo. Rainoldes. SCljecrotobottjtljtnhc ^joroton birbes fairelf^ i5ut 31 mutt befiire the iury to confiber tljat tbe witncflcs,tobolie' b}o;^be0 \>ou tuill b^ing,are not aliue. Hart, ^litte e UlSSbat io ttiat to tlte tr^all of our ittue i Rainoldes. ^ucb> ifo.^ if tlje^ liueb anb bib appeere before the iury,8ctt, fibep tbonlb be ftoome to fay the truth,and althc; truth,and nothing but the truth. ^Iieeebf ti)ep.mig|)t bee mcucb botb to Qieahc mD;^e toarilp, anb to enfo^e the iury mo;e tb2sugl)lp,tben tbc^ Ijaue boon. 0ept, it tooulb be eafier to eraniine tbem oftfieir age, tbeir ettate, the circumttanceo of ^eir perfono} of tijcir fpi»rb>i^, meaning t occatton anck caufe thereof. lEltjich all archeipcs to tt^out the trutfeofi thingeoin eontrouertter SChirbl^ if it appeereb.bi? eeaminati^ on,thateit^r fo? their perft>n?,o? foj their (peecheo, the? are bn» bjojthic of crebit: t^n it ihoulb bee lalofeil to except againtt- i..reftium them. jaiiberfio.tol^fr " latobothgraunfcagainft witaeflcs, D. de ifihcre be caufe ofiutt etceptioni|Ocf ppu por§ai{»(ao?etirawii Teaib«». tDonf)bJculb make outcrpci?, if 3 Ihoufebfett ngaintt them bihp are beab aim^bfent • ^^erefoije ^leisi thciu^y boolup^ plpthatbpb)ifi^me anbeguitie> U)hich inatttethin^o eourfe oftrpalljb^ reafim that the u^itnefTesfol^^ou bjillbaing are not aline:the? map be beeepueb bp nameo anolhebjeo ofbaitnef^ feo,anD ^erebp ®ae a verdifi bjhich IhaU PJWO no vcrdift. jf o^ verdid is a fp^h eii^ritie. Hart. ;g[n^nettmaBsb?ojoetekasigjDbaohi«bfh' ifoja® he tniU not fo;ifbjeare: fo neither Ipe. ^ho Fathers mutt not therefore be the leape beleeuebi bemufe tfjcp are not fluojne. Rainoldes. |?et art honett man^ohen he io ftDo;ne,tDil Ipeahe mo;e fullp anb maturdp then lohen he io bnfioo^ne. ^nb h« map Cap that fometinie on conieaure;, iohteh on hbs oth he h^enlo not o £piil.fi^. mI Euagtiiua. Fachcrs may be lawfally excepted againfl 471 S.!; notra^. - Hart. 15ut mat? beper«t!ii«S bp Fathers tD^ tbf 5 50 pjonounce of a fbing,cU9 mtaine; U3ljon,a0 bncer# CO ntectqre it 5lnb fo map otper tire umlf ancco (ioljicb poarequire) bo fenotone fco; as toeU as if tpcm fclues tocre pjefeHt. Rainoldes. ^offoiDell. ;S^oj tl[)dr to^ifings 0® not ait- ftoere tomtmp quetttons, iirt)icb,if tpep toere p^cfcnf, 3 toouloo affec of tl)em.ll5ut 3l am content toitp tfjat tDpic!) map be bnotonc fe, itct the iury tnctgb wf5^ tfjereaffor oftljcir creoit. Hart, 22abatr^i)^rtlmeanermen,lol)obealtuenoto, tuoge of t!)e creOit of tpe Fathers, t»l)o toerc to long in time, fo farrc in giftcsbefojctp^e Rainoldes. Etiagrius, a mcano man, lo^ote bnto S. lerom, Oefilring pis opinion concerning Melchifedcc, whether he were fhehoiy^hoft. S. ° lerora, anftoeringljim, bupen bee bao (betoeotbeiiitigementsoftbeauncienttojiters Origen, Didy- mus.HippolytuSjIrcirarus, Eufebius Carfaricnfis, anO Emile- icnus, Apollinarius,EuftatIiius,ano tpe bcft learncO lewes, of iDbom fome tbongbt Melchifedcc, an angel; rome,a man:you hane (faitb b®) what I hauc heard,what I haue read touchiag Melchilcdec. * To bring forth the witnefles, it was my part: let it be yours to iudge of the credit of the witnefles. 3[f fa* moo reafcn to S. lerom tpat Euagriu s tboulD iuOge of of fpe toit? neflies inborn bt brought, m^t is tpere mo^e in tbe Fathers, tbeninasintbofttoitnett'es? Mlbattnastberc mojein Euagri- us,tben is in manp inbo Ime notn^ Hart. )15utpoaperbapsinitlcauil,eifberattbepcrfons, o; at tbe fp^cbes of tbe Fathers, ano tbinbe tbat eticrp top is a fii& fitientreafon, inbp men (bculo not bcleeue tbcm. Rainoldes, i^btfbtr tbe exceptions, tl^t 3 IbaU t^e a* gainffanpibecauitsanotopes: let the iury iuoge. jfliap,3| Durft fapalmoft, let mine aonerfarie iuOge. if ot tobat tbinbe pou pour fclf, if one alteagc fo; fcripture tbat inljicb is not fcripture: map not tbat auto jitie be iuftlp reftiffOf jasif, fo; example,a man Iboulb in;itetbat Chrilt faid to his difciples, that which I ixy tc 9»e yvHj I fay to all. Hart. ^HbeeOM-p icwell alleageo tbat fo; fcripture, to p;o«efbattlte wordcs ofGhriii: vnto Peter, fttdc my Jheepe^ ^ ftede * McHin fuitrff. citJrc teftcs: tuum (it defidc ccftiuoi iutUc}- te. Thefe^ cond Di ui(ioii« p jntOtdC' tenTe of lb» A. polos^f!^rt.l. iin 'iii li: I L.i r:< ■I m ilJ' :siJ' 'I i I a»p.». Diuif.i* 472 Of the Popes lupremacie. cjJnWsf De- leSionlib.}, rMar.13.j7. ftedt my UmheSfWcre fpokcn n ot to him onc'iy but to the reft of the ApoiUes»S2li)ercui Jje iUtis rcp;ou5D bp D. 1 Har- ding.if o.i Cljutt DID twt Iptyte onCythAt I Jay to t citatur' mo?ie. tM^e'ronr*" Rainoldes. sn^fiancUiculDpca tuDgeofMJewelytffonu! fcriptrr.Vccuri- ijjI^tDmriotblmDc pour epe.lBut bp t^is pcur iuDgement 3 fee, ^t.io verbo uj^re Fathers mtttakc tljc U)o;tne0 of fcripture , tl^cp jt"^uinar,in»i- iwap bo rcfuf£D.2!ilf)at iftjjcp mtftakc , not t^ toojDcs buttj)« »iit i.7.e.>3. fcnfttmap toe refufetljeni alio tbere ^ ^ " luftin the Mar^ EW."' ty, * Irenatus, y P^ias, Tcrtnllian, * Viftorinus, ^ rb.r8.inpr.tfat. La(Rantiusj ^ Apoliinarias,^'' Seuerus,anD ® Ncpos,in tijat tbcptfjOUglltf^at Chriftians after the rcfiirredion Ihould Jib.u. < Hureb»hift«- (cclcT.Iib.y.. tap.a?. fi.Thcn.4.i7» Matt.il.jO.-. c^Rcu.io.;. raignea thoufand ycarcs with Chrift vpon theearth,in agoU- den Ieruralem,and thereIhould mary wioes,beget children^,, eate,drinl{e,& liuein corporall dclitcs.Sffilbft ^ errour, tljoug^ repugnantflatip to ^ tlje fcrlpturcs,pett^cpfdf intcjpartlp. bg confonnDing s tbefiritanOfecondrefuiTc^iontiwitlpybpfa* t&^(^iwHp,toinc!>.t3W0mpftieaUpiwattt uelatb- The Fathers crrc through ouerfight» 4^ ThipTSr Dittir.i- uelatiotii Hart. Clwftoafi tge Ijerafe of f^c Millenaries, as tijcv calloD.l^otobEitintlieFathersjtljcogtiutocttansrrcur, jit t toas ito ijcrcfic. Kainoldcs. 3|0®mt fa?iftoasan herefic.-Jfa^tfjaftfjf? ^ miiloDbc meaning of tlje icripturc;tuljic^ \jou ean not Denie. |?ca fcme tiims^lutjcu ncitljcr mtff(8feet|e iuojDs, no; tlje meaning,t>it taugljt amrtfc oat of it.as, tljat' god created iExod.io.u. the ^ttrld m fix cLry w,tlje^ tjncci flojO it figljtlp. iBut to cciuIuDe ti)ercof tt>it the world (hoiild laft but lixc thoufand yeares, j , , becaufc'' one day ts 'Anth the Lord as a thoufandytares,&a4heHjand yearesasoneday:t^i&\iiim.nmzxtiyt,- ifo; iftljat fceretiue, lu|)i£l>t^c^ ijit)gail;eroft|>cfciDo;oes:tt)cnnttg!)ttoebiwto hhe rijwwjtu^ercofonr^auicuiTaitf) ttjat ittsnotforman to kpo^t /Taim.sy.&'de them.^vxt bpon ttjis rcafon S.'"Auftin oofl^ repjcne ^atfanCe of fixe thoufand yearcs,aB rafi) ano pzefumptuous. n loDubiunu*» Hart, ^oQffltoealfo. jfoj " Lindanano " PrateolusUo ^ noteitjinLuthers auD Melanchthons CJ)?onictcs, as a lewiih herefie, lib.y.tit.iudzo*- -Rainoldes. (SloD roa&n,tDl)cnLuther anD Melanchthon p"Aau«rf.b"rec to;iteit.ll5utlDl)£n p Irenarus, ^Hilarie,. »■ Laftantius,anl> lib.j.cap!:!. ' otljer fathers toiitc it-.toljat Do tijep note it t^cn i m Hart. &uppofc it lucre anoucrCght. HButlDijatnaDcsall r In Manhzum tl)isfastol)ofa??cuDoutcDt!;attoeUjonlD maintainc tl)e Fa- thers in ttiofe tljiiigs in lutjielj tl;£2 arexonuicteo of crro;.bij tljc *, 3 ,'.Va cy- " fcriptures, pria* luOii). Rainoldcs. 3f fjaueraufeto Jrout.jfo; tfjoug^tljcre be no o''rtb<^<> man ligWlp fo p:ofane,a« to p^ofclfc t^at Ijc tuill oo fo: ^(fucl) isttjeblinDncsot mcnsocuotionto ^aintes) tbo'e Ijaue b«ne l)eretofo;e tu^ tj^ue fo DonCjanDareaiU.Ciiereif afamous fa^ ble touching theafl umption of the bicflcd virgimttjat, when the time of her death approcbed,the Apofllcs(then ^fpetfetL throughout the world to preach the gofpell) were taken tp in cloudes,and brought miraculbufly to lerufalenvto be pre- fent at her funcrall. SCijig tale in oioe time tuas lujiten m a faoofee luljtclj bare t|re name of Mdltoi * anaundent learneo , (hop of Afia^t^oug^he ln;ote H not belibe.15nt UTtioroeaer lu:ote eccic{:i.'4.c. Eufcb.hJftbB;. 1 : I) ' il.J f \ li' lit 'Ir , 'Uf i 'hI nil: '.I lyjiu TUaH.«. DiiiifioR 1 474 .; Of the 'Popes luprcmacic. « Jn tbetr Aiv- notations bpan t{)e Ads oftbe Apoitiesii,i4. X Luk.1.41.. y luile Ycrr.j. E J)eut.}4.<5. « Kieol.Lir.il) l)cmer.34..& e- fiilclam iuda;. b A&.)4.i). c Exod.iJ*3o. Matt.4.0. Col.J.iJ. Rcuel.ij.io.Se d i.Cor.i.n. c Tcrtullian, in Apologct.Eu« fcD.hitt.ecel.I. 4.c.i3> f Confcff.He!- iict.cap.j.Con- tcfnEoht.ni.Aw gullan. Saxoni. fcc.in Harmo- Ilia confcfsio- num fiiici. Sefti oa<:« Ijauiiig fl^etoeti ttt funo,iie potnfes of l)ia tale, |ie faJ you call th^ afrumptionofcur iUOte, a fable; tSEhat tmpietie to thto agatnff the mother of our itoio, that er^ eellent beflfcll of grace; iuhom * all generations ought to call, ^biedcd. i5uf you can not abioe her pjayfeo ano honouro, i^ay, you haueabotitheo not onely her greateftfeatt of her aflumpti- on,but of her conception anonatiuitief®. ^0 as it may bee thought tlie biuetl beareth a fpectal malice to this tooman, tnhofo fabeb^aHe htoheao, Rainoldes. Jt may be thought fl>it ^ the diiiell tohenhe did ftriuewith'Michacl about the bodie of Mofes,( * luhom the Lord buried,the lewes knew not where,)did ilriue" tjhat his bodie might bee reueaied to the lewes, to the cntent that they might worlhipit and commit idolatrie, ISut it IS outofOoubt,thattohenbe moueO ^ the people of Lyftra to facrifice vnto Paul anb Sarnabas , anb to call them Gods, he meant to befacc the gloiy of cDob ,by the t® much honouring anb p^aylitng of hio ^aintes. Sime can abtbe the prayfes of Bar- nabas and Paule: but not to hauc them calleb Gods; Me can abtbe their honours 5 but not to facrifice vnto them. Mce hnoto that the diuell doth bearc a fpcciall malice both to the woman and to the womans feed.ilBut U>hefher he both UJjeabe itmoie.bponthefabc., byyourfacrificingof piayfesanopiayi ers to-y.toomamoj by our not facrificingtlet them Define ''toho know his policies, Che Chiifiians of olb time toere ctjar* geb toith impietie,becaHfcthey had no Gods but one, Ctrs tSfHir impietie. Jfoj tohatfocHcr honour anopiayfcmaybce giucntothe&aintcsofdPobas holy creatures, but creatures: r toeb® glably giuett. SSHethinbe ofthemaU,aitb namely ofthc blelied virgin,reucrently f honourablys Mebettrcourfriues, anb toilh otlwra, fofoloto her gobly faith anb berfiwusHrfry^Me eftetmc htf wellent belTell of grace. Me callhor (the fcripturc Gods honour giuen vnto Saintes^ 475 C'hapt.ii. Diui'.J. fcripturetcacljgt^tjfl) s bleded; pga the molt blcfFed of aH | women. IBitt pcu tuculs {;aue fjcr to be naincD antr ttiougljt grati*, mater notoml^blefledtjerfdfc, hut ailba giucr of bleffcDncflfetoo« 7rnos"fh'ft tJ)OTjnotatJtircU,l)titafountaut£, oj ( ao^uEtttittetjer) ^ a pi'otcg,e)& he- mother ofgracc and mercy, ^itD tn pour foUmnc p^apcrf pouDfflljcr ' £^ljcnour,Utl)ulj ^ taoticlpDue to cur createj^Vnirg'refor*' anorcoecmcr. ^o^poncaUouf)cr to defend you from the edit., nimie, and recciue you in the hoiire of death.JCijua,alttjCU0b in fnitblancc of Ujo;ocb pu Dcnp it,, pet in oaoe pou maUel^er e> AS ro?. quail to Ctuift: ^ asl)tmour Lord, fobcrour ' Ladie r as , l)imourGod,fol)crour ^ Goddchc: as |)un our King, foljcr J Amooin.infL our > C^cenc:asljimourrnediator,Colour mediatrcflc; as t)ini in all thingcs tempted like vs, finne excepted, Chaffatiarus ia fo l)cr 5 deuoide of all finne; as l)tm the onely name where- « by wemullbefaued, Ibhcrour^ hfcjour ^ ioy, our ® hope, averymother of orphans,anaidetotheopprcfled,amedi- ^ Domina, cinc to the direafcd,anb (to be fl^ojt) ^ all to all tSJlHhitlJ j Rcdnr. pious toojU^ip cfa ^ainte tecaufe pou Ijauc atuantr ti tp feeing wcaamv. holy dayesbnto Ijcr, the fcaffcs of tjer conception,natiuitic, f LmTo"rup.i. affumption; therefore arc tljcp abolilhcD bp ttjc refbrnico Chur# onepcccau. thesiuftlp,iro?thebfecfholydaycs,is,nottoU)o?lhip^aintes, ced,"^ J buttobDojfhtp€5ob,tl}cfan£fiScrof^aint£S. fhelLo?ce« oltra f,h.K. orbeincD thnn, that men might mcete together to feruehim " andhcarehiswordc. ^Leliit.53.24. Hart. MlhP feccpe pcu then 0ill thefcaftes of the Apo- files, Euangelifts,f other5aintcs,, anbnotabolilh them alfbf 7. i'cor.ii!jr jas fomc^ pour reformed, o; rather pour deformed Cbur- R'" ' '°- ches,hauoDcnf ^ ^ ^ , • o RamoJdes. ffinr deformed Churches: arcglo;tiouSin h^^ confdr.He- Oghfjto^ " Itquircthmcntoworfliip him in fpirite&truths cuS"pfe-^ though poUjbcfotfeD Inith f lie hoiilh beautp of pour fhnagcgacs, rum eccleF* t(D fcD?no at their fimplcnf{rc,ns ° the prousc fpiritc of Mical Bib foS'tTun^- at Dauid iuhen he was vile before the Lord, %}^ Churches rics,Scotici<, OfScotlattdjFlanders^FratJce^nvJt P OthcrS,alloto not holy daycs ofSaintes,becaufcno day map be tept holy but to the hcncur moniaconfefii- of God, ^Df the fame iuDgement is the Church of Er^lartd fo j the bfe of holy dayes* tsih^refojc, although bp feeptng the ^ematiostps f names of SaintesBapcB, toe map feme to kapc them tothe??'^°"'=/'^® honour of Saintes; pet in baoe toe kstpe them holy to God i<$.adBohcini- 1 || Cltcp.ii. I>iu5lr, iiri' ii^j •i ■ '• 471 Of the Popes fupremacie. onel\j,to piapfc ^ name fb; tjjofe faeneftfce iotjicb pe patfj beftcto' feroatSSS- ^ ^ iHtitifferte of 1)^ Saiiitcs. ^nd fo ^ue *1€^ur* mitiji 1^sv-' cljes ofFlarietirsaitD Frmnce eepounucs iuellour mcaningjtn tl)at *"w?«fcoiu banc noteb t^af fome Churches fubmit them fclucs to tion"i". ad To- their weakeneflc with whomc they arc conucrfant, fo farrc iiemicins.obfcr-, foorth that they kecpe the holy daycs of Saintes, though in another forte, nay in a cleane contrarie, then the Papifts ^oo. Hart. IBnt if pouthe fcaftes of ofljer Saintes in fojte, tob? not of ber alfo,of Inborn our ^auiour tojUeflelb* ano 4nas b;eugbt f(B;ttb into tbe tno.:lbf Rainoldes. ^olneboi: thefeaflcs of tbo annuntiation 0f tbe bleUeo birj3pin,Rno fbcpurification. Hart, the bapcs of other Saintcs,tDbtcb pon celebjafe, as itanicl? ofiPeter.PauI, ano Iohn,m'c onpes of fbeir oeatbj mUjioarcpjoperbnfctbeai. iKiiberefojepouibcalDof reafon attbeleallceleb;rateourlaDieo affumption, aotbc cap of bcr beatb. i?0J tbougb ?ou bel^uc not tbat ber bobie is aCftunpfto, pet pou toil not (toe troto) ocnp tbat (be is oeao, anb btt Conlo inglo^p. lent poub© neither celebjate tbat, no? anpotberof bsrptoperftaftcs. ifo? as fo? tbe bapes of ber purification anb annuntiation, tbep be not pjoper to our liable: but the one to Cb?iftcs conception, tbe otbcr fa bis p?efcntatton. tbat (be bp tbis meancs iball banc no feftiuitic at ali. Rainoldes, No feUiuitic at all ? JlSIIibaf afffllifb fan0eis r jfnttjrfc An- tbts of pcur ^ Rhcmifts i ;9s tbougb the bleffed^irgin toere liiieto * '.pia«a,anbtbeSaintcsofCb?tfttOfbcPaynim-gods; » Ouid.Meti- tobo eucric one mutt baue Ijis featt, anb if pou fo;get o? palfe o# «orpiios jib.8. uer anp, tbeir boncur is atfaintcb in it. ^ut bp tbis fentcnce Bouiuftifie the reformed Churches: bofb tbe reft, anb curs. Ambitiofus ho- jEbotctt, in tbat pou tbinhe tlie holy dayes of Saintes are in- AmerebVa? Ahuted to tlKir honour: tobtcb C0?rupt opinion,anb yMccn:asctf- ttongTotoing ofit,migbt bs 3 ftifftflcnt cRtue to ^olilb thcm,' «Sra"!Taa' in tbat,pou fap tbat the annuntiation and purification gU & iraDcos. of the Virgin are not proper to'our Ladie(aB pou cal brr,) but' toChrift. MbereinpouachnotolcDge, tbat the holy dayes of Saintes tobtcb toe keepe,are feept to CbjiCes honour, anb not to s inic.1.3 fb^W' :^o? as tbe annuntiation of the bleflcd virgin is p?Dper tiiio^' Chxilt<:?ncfiiued?anbtbe.puritic^onto ' Chriit prc-^ lented I. ; A k. , Gods honoiirgiucn vntomen. 479 "cfiaf.j!."""' r*iui-fion u Chrift » Mitt.i/.i#: X Aa.p* in fcnted in the templc:fo tl)eDai?cf Peter is piowr Ijnfo " Chri profefledjt^Da^ofPauUo * Chri(ipreached,tf)CDapofIoh ta^ Ghriltpublifliedby the writing of the ^ofpelh^nDtljKf y I0h.j1.j4. afti)cmt5 asclarf,a$tst!)eotl)ereftiievirgin,bp ^ ffje cplftfe.,"?©!'' ers Irljicf) U>£ mabc, anD the partes of fatpturo Uibict) toce <>eis(80ther pcabccntho'eDfipcs, ©3[l)cr-:foie altljcnglj toe celebjate fh^ """"" ol" memojicoftbefc thin0C5totichi"3f!)^Apoftles,ontI)cfe daies common praicr* ontol)Kt)Xhc?bp*2,pertwpai (foanci^erarepon fure of that,, though pou tclebjate tl)cui in memcaic of their Deatij.-) pet toe Do.^ it not in refprtt of their death fo to honcurthcir affuinpiiott, but mrctpcd ofthcfe twinges tojjieh Chaiitbio bp them tohile ffjeF Ittaeo. Bnb bp the forac reafbn pou map paoue that toe hccpe no holy day to anp Saint, hp tlje tohich po« gather that the an- nunciation and purification of the virgin are not proper vn- toher, tiSthithi"^be£bpcutap,.nof becaufcpou thinUeit, oa h^uecaufettithinheit: buttomabetisoDious,bp bearingmctv iu hano tljat toe befptfe rhe blefled virgtn.Jfoa bott^pcur felues- bo count than ana call them ^ hcrfealtes, astocllasanieo^, FeihuaBa* ther of thofe that bcare her name: ana the common people,tohen MarUlPurifica*. thep tal the annuntiacion bap,ourLadie day,(bp poureo;rupr^";"onCvifiu. cttRomc,)thhilxe it asp;opcr t!ntcher,a£iSiPcters 10 to him: ano tionis, Affump- ^ the refoamcoCh«rchc6,tohich bifalloto thcfcattes of Saintes, 4" coMe"Sr' houc bitdllctocbttcreanicngtl than, tohere pet thep allcto the fealles fbatbobfcongta Chriil,ht0 natiuitie, circumcifion, pafsion;, rctorredion., afecnfion, anO fending of the holy GhofL. »r ■ Hart, if pour refojmcb Churches fhtnfee it bangercus u«°cTcaJ>!Sl'* fo tope ante feaft of the blefled virgin: UfhP bo pcu retains sea.itf.mHM- ttoo ofthcminpourChurch,anbnctthcrcft astocbo, mon.confcff. Rainoldcs. ^cu maplcarnc thcreafon hereof in pour Per- tefTs, refo^meb latelp bp the pope. gn pcur olbe •= Portcfio' there toas this pjaper to tljc popes martpj, S. Thomas See -• advfum£cclc!T Fttn pacts msviamdirigt* •O Thomas reach thy helpetovs; 5tay them that Hand, raife them that lie; Correft our mancrs, decdcs & lite; Cuidevsinto the way of peace. Sabtt Gods honour giuca vnto creatures, 481 chap. I. Diui(,!. SalMs Thoifia, utjiittty JidH'di tuhar, toburtcc.ejUy amory eteri dehcu : Sdluegre^is tKlore^e^ie,. Sdlua tut gAtidenteS'^^'tt, O (THXyttKySfes vnica„ Hoc pajjtonts tempore f A'tgt piis iHflitiAtJty RetsejHedona ventam. AllhailcoThom, the rodde of right. The worldes light, the churches Itrcngth, The peoples louc, the clergies ioye v Althaile l>raucjja- trone ot the fiocke, Sauethem who in thine honour glee. Sltiis p;at£r,lDl)icl) gincti the ^ncur of Coo to a £rc£turc,to Rof in pcur ^ rcfoyneo Portefle: ' iutjtto pet there is a p;.Pr«- fat.Koman.Brc^' uiar.rcformat. 1 Pixfat^jffic.; Bcat../'far.virgi- nuper reformats t Vanis fuperc ttiuonum Ciioe ribos icfciM. M Cal.d;!.).. 'lilJ ,1 I ¥ f li^ 7 481 Of the pQpcs iuprcmac'ie. tKcsnviic« Ilainoldes, %\ta.t\0yin ChriH: cruciHed,ajlS.PaulcOOt(| JsufpSeft ' wood, tlje ^ galowcsjtbc ? tree, to jp^icibuio. to^icljrou tn^be leour pw?er. iFoj a4uic°is pur- intngofiwbHftifl&ring Death t?poutbccroire, becauCeit toao a pur».t.fcaidig-ifHinblm5bIacUetothe3lcbPCSiS.PauletaUb ® thecroffc t»ao ftV/incnir. »Ituinbling Wocke,bs 3 " fi5tiratiwefp«cb,»neamng bow Mi>gcrc; felfeoorbapcntt) ^ Chrillcmdhed, HnDfobDcaUctbCbliSes tachlL's'cdi blajD, 1 the blood of the erode} anD t^z pjcacbmg (tf bos jjoD |»cpendic prcd. peli, the preaching of the croflcjano perfcfution ridng of it, 'P^'^^^^cp^onforthe croffetano agatrift tbem Ujbo rciopcto tu Uair.qucculit circHmcidonanDtbclaUJjberaitbthatbe reioyceth not but m Si'vnlcj!' the erode of our Lord /erusChrdl. )i3nt,totbcpnrpofcofniB flHcttion,iftbcp Ofro«rCburtfi,tobo rcfcamcD ^cur J&crtiitc- b!nltf0,tboHgbt>fb3t8ftbcpjapcr0l»bt'^b ioe doj mtOihe tbtp loCttflcvi.*- might aboUfbfomeanoretaitic others: iupt if amcngft tpe Aqu:t^5 sixv miaiht,tbcp,i3^bo rcfojmeb cur ccrrmo# « ' " mes.rctamctJ tlje annuntiation ano purification of the virgin, { ^' { tbousbtbt?aboU%Dthe conception, natiuitie,line aflump- ^6Tovu.ui«, jiijn V cbtcflp feeing that in tbcfe,\ubicb rctcincD, tbcp re# Vo'icZ'Kuum 0'VDeD the b'wowr of Chriil conceiucd ano prcfcntcd,a0 poor xe *^«w- a^inoinleDge i in tbofc,iPbitb tbep «bo!i(bcD,tbrp rente# ^ J ftipcrfhttpas loo jfijip of a crcaturc,as tbe fbing baitncf# ffiixve3) Chrid to be <|uiis 4; vencrv " her SauiQurjtobD-cannctolauefinners i ttijepjerbgatiucof ti-5neswa ^ Luc.c.sAin ». . . . . . Pfalm.uS.Scrm/. Augult.tn PU1.J4' concion.:. « cootr.Hihan.J.j.c. ij.Ji 0»»>ertofapitwasthc fccond yeare after,D® Ipe. Hart. 3!oranntiFo?tbatcirram!fance can not Ifanb loit^ ftriptumasbenerablc BcdcDotfjpjone. Rainoldes. C^ena " holy nunne bib Iyc,OJ an angel, m ^MtaEiiu- o;i a deuill tbat app^rcb in tbe Itbcnes of tfie btrgtn, anb tolbe b^Antonin. i^r ttjat talc* Hart. ®2lpat if fome toerc beceiucb in circttmlfance of time. u Vinccnt.fpc- ^cttbcttonenottoitlittanbingofpcr affumption is true , as c«.8o. our Diuines of Rhemes repoit it* ifo? * at ^c time of ^)to 3|cruralem,to honour her btutnc Dciparte. ifepartnrc anb fun?rall,as the faib S.Denys tojiteth-Mho faith, that him fclf,S.Timothec,anbS.HierotheuslDerepjercnt:teffi# l^h fr«ng EHuifioni. 484 Ofthc Popes laprcmacie, fstng alfo of |)eartns4^at;bot^ befa;!«i^er tieatl^ ano a& ter fo; tl);ee Daios^not oncl^ tbe^pofiktsanitot^cr tjolp men fent^nt tifg ^nsel^alGo ano potoero of ^eauen Dto Ong moll me« lostotw Ij^nea. jKl^epbudBD ljetfacreo bobp in Gcthfcmanii IButfo^S. Thomas CiHe,tol)oDeGreD to fe anb fo reuerence if^ tpcp openebt^e fcpuc^er tbe t^toi Dap:ani> finbtng tt botoe of tpe liolp boD5,but eeceeoinglp fragranljtpep returncb, affureblp Da* imngtbi^^erbaDptDaDatltui^Dtntopeatien. of oDod bolDetb,bctngmoIl agre^ble to tbe (tngtilar pnutlege of tl>e mother of©oD: ano fijere&je cclcbjatct^ mott folemnelp t^Dapofijer aiTumptton. ^no it to confonant notontltetotpe tjSerm.in Euan. fatO S, Dcnys, f S .2)amafccne,but to S.i Athanafius alfo^to^ dc Deipara. guoucljetblfje famo.^f io^iclj afliimpfton of ^er boDteS.Bcrnard alto Imote Sue not^le fermono, txtant in tao too^keoi Rainoldcs. iBut in all tljorefiue fei'inons of S, !Sernapd> fitere to not one luo^Dc of ^our mtractdouo fable» Sis litle, tn S* Athanafius: beSoe tljat^^e fermon, loljtcb ^ou alleage aotao^to wlnd'^Lo^an" obJneDition rciwteDfat a baftnrO^Sin ©amalcene t^re prrfrt^d^Epi". tomoje: B^tnotfbraucl)ncttl^cr> aoi)ere't!onr Porte(fel)kij« «opum Atrebat. ^tit ^ 10 * ttDlato f tffl toeohe a teitnco,to pjoue a Doubtful mat* min'minFcau tof p.iotenDcD;tobo Doonalmoll fiuebunDjeDpearcobefore|>im» An^ft.tquarto 2Cl)e bed, oi ratlter all t?our piQ3fe,io S.Denys; lotjom poubeltje »am"I(rum?r notabUe.jf 0^ lo^crc lititlj be tijat loljicl) pou Dm fatljcr on lam f; Beat.Marii.* Hart. ^Ijetef ° 10 an cplftlc o£his toSvTimothcc, _ w«»ofenys* Hart, .^ottbatisertantnoto. ButbctDjotemaraemo^, „ ss " Nicephorus (bctoetb: ano * 2)amarcenemaitetbmen« tion of tbis cpiftle to Timothec, on^'ef Rainoldes. /^ap.tbattobicb^amafccncmentionetb is ^ yDcdiuinis trtTl fbebooUcaXpafttof: ipbenceall, tbatbecttctb,i«tafeen toojb fojiDojo. f^eaNiccphomsalfo * Dotballeagetbefame, (qno# z Hiftor.ecdc. ting * tbeberp cbapter}aj5 tbe onelp place tobercin tbe aflbmpti- on of the blellcd virgin is p^ueD bp S.Denys. SDbe mo?e Dm 3 pite'aTiTm".* mameUtobati^oulDinouepourRhcmiftstofa^t^tS. Beny^ writeth and witneffeth that all the Apoftles were brought miraculoufly together,to honour Jier diuine departure; anD tbat he teftihcth of his own hcaring,that both before her death and after,for thrcc dayes,the Angels did fingmoft me- « De pirn's lodious hymnes: tnleflfe tbep teereDtfpoftD fo l^efojtbetobef^ rDi"caieais; ffoiic. Il^ttbis, of the thinges. 2tbc Qtber, ofthe autour, is ecciefiiffica not ft great a faute: ?ct a fante to. tbep tnoulD bane men i" S njt tbinhc tbat be totw to>i)te tbia too?ke' of the names of G od, f hoiv goiitrae, others^ of the hcauady & *ccclefiaftical hier^chic, (a0 be ter« metb it,) toajB'tbe famous Benys,i' tbe fcbolcr of S.Paul.tESi^r* a DipnyRusA. Wit teas a counterfrft, tobo Mefbaf Bcnys namebpon bim, b l^b» Hatt, «a0ti)tRhe. Hart. 3|tl»a«t|^at famous Deny sin DteD U)^ bigots mt \Loa- notable ano Dtuine lu^^kes, ano otiiers. tii. ioljicb bs con« cioni 0II fii'metb ano p^ouetb platttel^ almoDt ali tijtiiges Cimre^ nolobfctb in miniftration of ttjc bol? facramcnts; ano af# firmetb ttlat be learneo tbmi of tbe ^pvif Us; giutng alio teCtimo^ nte fo^ tbe CatOoUlte fattij in mcfi: ttnuges nclo com rc uerreo> fo plaineip,tl)attourmen baucno lbiffbuttooenp ti;atDcnys to baue beene tbe autoue of tt)cm, fepning tbat tt)£i! be an others of teterage.iMbirbibanolofletgijtof berettbes: but mod p.:oper to tou ofal others.antiquitie apind pou arcfo> ceo to be mo e bolo^o; rather tmpuoent, the others in that point. Rainoldi s. :^l^fe floJuers of ?our ^&eminarie,that wee arc. hcretikcs.bold, impudent J that allantiquitit is againil vs; pou map fpare them.fo? thep arc d.ale thcp htine beene Oipt in gall f Ipe. ^ou fap^ he proueth plainely aln oit al things chat the Church now vfech in the minillration of the holy Sacra.- ments.gf pou mcane bp ttjc ChUvCh,not our Church,but pours: that Calniolt]mud haue fauojjOj els mithout a.njod you lamth* ^oi though he fringes, then cither tpc Church of the apodles h iD,o^ ours ooth allo'uj-.pc tneithcr all that pou ^uc, | manp that pou Ijaue not^no fomc cleane contraiie to vours.^s namclp.in the facrament of the lloios fuppcc, toherin pou oartt ii'Dionyt hifrr from 03 mod: ^ he neither hath pourdage-like gedurcs t topes, not inuocation of ^aiates, not aoatotion of creatures, no^ fa< crying of Chtid to <150D,< ito; peaping fo^lhe fewles in purga# to;ie,no.e fole receputng of thc^eied, not minidrtng bn&er one bino to*them luho receiue,nc^ erhsjfattoiis4cdons,pmrers in a tongue bohtch t^ people Doth not bnDerdanu. ^o that in things of rubdanee,anD not of cercmonte onlp,he oiffercth as farrefroin^ pour blafphemous Maflc,as he is neere to our (>ommunion.]iBut the thtnges mhtch he hath) ten fap that he.adirmeth he learned. - D aivn Apoltles. ^e Doth fo >. 31 grauntras it Inas fit fof hbn,' toho tooulD be counteo that Denys tohich boas conuerteir fEcckfiaithic- bp s.PaalJBut,as it happeneth tmto counteifeites, hehathfo?* 7'*J^Xc\kc Sofi^i"felfe in one place,anD&betrapeD the feate. jfo;, r fpea*^ , tong of infants, why they arc baptized; hereof (faith he) vec: fjy thofe thingcs, which our diuinc maittcrs ■ being inttru- /*un9tvTt{ by theoM tradition,haue brought vntors.JiBp thebohtcil. tuo;Ds, thrman attmatnareshafhl^elBsDthathe tearneo twt *>5- ^lem. Th^rST" DiuiCz. Counterfeices bearing the name of Fathers. 487 not of the Apoftlcs. if02 fjmtfclfe tttttmrteo the Apo- files of haptifme: fjao it not from old tradition. Hart. Sthat is a toeaftc eometture tohp fijoulo be a ccim^ ferfett if02 tie migljt call tfjc traoifton off|>e 0pottU0,old tra- dition:t^ug|i it tDcre bnt certain ^eares o^monetijs before bim, Rainoldes. l^arblp: ifb^ iiueb in tbo fame time inttb tbem. SButiftj^migbf; coulDbenot fa^tbatthc Apoitles wrere jnfiru&cd by the old tradition of the Apofiles. ^eltbe ^is tuaillero toere pounger men. Hart. j©ur comedureo map becctne fcs: toe muff not traff tbcni ta fucb mattero. SDbc ifa^ecs count \m tt^z rigbt Denys. s c7regorie Nazianzen,Origen,»Sophronius, ^ Aga- g or»t. inNiw. tho, ' Pamafccne, "" Euthymius, anDotberoDtonamebim h'H^S.in. DionyfiusAreopagita, tobentbepcitetbing^tbatarembtm, twhomii mV.- Rainoldes. Gregorie Nazianzen Ootb pjapff a * certain autourj tobomb^namctbnot. Bittobnt " one mans gb^* i AdSer^ium f^bcn*^anetb®enys. Sin ° otberfeifb, (tobtcbto * moje liKelp,)tbat be meanetb Athanafms. Origen is aunctent: if k Ad Conftan- be babciteo'Denys, Denys mutt beelocrabunoieo peareoo? 'j-u" ttoo, tben H 0(D tnoge bim bp b^ countenance, Ibut tbat too.jbe iDcorthod^il# ofOrigen,tntobicbPQ»finoebttttcffcb>cannot baeOrigens. ii^i.«ap.iz^8c ifojinitthe Manichees are mentioneo, anb Arians: tbe m inT»»o^iu names oftobicbb^retifes bio rife agob tobtleaffer Origen toas pa«.i.tit.». ^ Oeab, ^0 tbatjtobcn tbis Origen is b^ougbt to cleere tbat De- * fivi. nysiatb^eisbiougbttocleereatb^e, 2Dbereff,tobompotta1# l^ge,5ophronius, [Agatho, ©amafcene, anb Euthymius, Gruke of ^djke. Hart. ipiap,tberetoasfarep2oofefbatbe cotito not bee tbe ^uHe« if02 tbs K>nke toasktUeb toitb tbe ^;ince bie b;o# l^b 3 i'i titer m tfiejSDoloerof jLonoon bg Richard bfurper,ten befij^te men ^earb of Perkin. Rainoldes. is furer pjmfc, tljaf |)e,to'jofe caufe t?ou pIeaDe,cannotbe Dionyfius Areopagica. Hart« C2!l|)at?&uc(j as'lEralmusann''Valla b;mg,t|)atlc- and others do not mention him? Rainoldes. sn|iat,asltsbtiibpoama^ett)tta moue CarDt< nail Caictan to Doot of tpe man^ffiut ttic p?tBfe that 3 meant, rDediuin.no. ^^0^!^8S^oursagamft Pcrkin:to taieeteDion}Cms Arco- minib.cap.4. pagita toas Deao manp i?eares,before the loo jhes , tobiclj beare Gh"onico^" bwtiame,(oulDbc lojttcn. ifo^ there is dtco in ' tpcm a fap cMcthodius in ing of Ignatius,, out of an epiftlelofjirh 1)2 iDiotE (to the Ro- mans)asheiDasgoingtofuffer martpet-onie ^ in the time of n ignac.cpiiiiad Traian^o (!&mperour» ^oto iPionyfius oico ' inthotime of ^mnyfAre- "Po^wanjcertainc^eatcBfaefoie.^no " tohmignatius to^ote op.cpiuopui idOnefimus loasliSiilho^p cf tphefns^toho fucca9c«Timothee» *■^1""^'^'^ ^our * counterfcitalleagetl;iitoTimothccBifliop of Ephe* liTfcop'iirf. fus,either after Ijis oetcafejOebefoje it toas tojiten. Sjpoeeouer,. AS theChjiffiansinDionyfiustimemaoetbeirairembltesto p>.ai!» ^ er,bo^ in fuel} places,aito loi^fuctjftmplidtie, aitthe ^po# „ cJ- »o.i. ^ fties QiD,ani) times of pcrfecution fuffcreo.lSut toh^n T?our coun# '^mcc xn- terfeitto;otc,theph^)bfolcmnctemple6libc the temple of the top, «d\uTa. 3|eloes:i the Chancell fcuereb toith fueh fanctification from the reft ofthe Church, that it was not lawfull for moonks to enter a DTo°nyfccdi- thcreinto,much Icftefo; other lap^men. ^gaine' the moonkes ^^hieuix.Ci<,aUb toerEnfenlDhEnhelD,:otc, antt-fhcp ofcrcoit tntheChBr«» 2.C.17" ' ches,anD manp ceremonies to hallolu them. Mthich in tfje time c Euicbius in ohhe^poftle5,tohen'Z>ionyfius liueOjloere nothearbof^jfo; d P°"'~y anp thing that can be p;oueO bp monuments of antiquitie* , ^ Hart. 5/(i!lhat?notmoonkes?Mlhp,PhiIo mabeth men* 7r£ei I(fr>,^^zmt' botfrnf into fbt toalfeo ofSyrM anb ^ anc fbe countiic« tbrrc about. 0nD ' fouteteene yeaics after Ije came agatne to IerKfaIim,'tiiit^Bzv- nabas, fqfbE\£or;nr£lI. ifrcmtbeCounEell " toent to 2)irf«,anc L\lfr.^-\£i)trz be rctctuec Timothee.anb bautng tra# a/.ileD tb;OUgjb finygtaygaktix, Jentfahm. ^ut to raSe",de' Htiit tpt^t tohiclj biought bs biitothis of Dcnys: poufe ttjat *ita&doimiu. pour Rhemiils tale of the aflnmption of the blefled virgin u Nk'phtrus contraric to the fcriptures, ^et thcp 0© bcleue it fej the au# iiift.eccief.u. tho^itieof Fathers.^hatB! miglitboutiuttiptohetber poutooulb Mich?ci1vn»e Fathers in thofc thmgs,iii tohich thep art conuirteb lus in Dionyiu of errout bp the fcriprure s. fAdTrr^uir in catwot belduc that the fcriptures are agamlf t<, Martyrolog, ■ ifoj the Church ooth holo« it53! "wane the Cathclihc Church of lulbcrt.Serrfi., &AuEu^ft?«n. Rainoldes, 3n that pour 2^hemiflsiaaiiht(B, jfo^ though jo.Beiethjn cbc lying Greckes(aspour ^ Molanus calleHl them,) * Oo soSior!" touch it berpbololpipet»theLatininjiters-Oolapit is vnccr- tainc,^eatheterie ^ Mattyrologc ofthcRoman Church atftf^ jyroi'^.Aug.Vj. the Church celebratctli the memory ot S.Maries 1 Sobriccas cc- death:b^t whete it hath pleafed G«d to hide her body ,' the a Friu'cium Chutches fobtictie hath chofen rather to be ignorant therof apocryphum. religioufly,then to holde and teach ^ fome friuolous thing & flSlSi. ^otomuchtheiwje^mefuUis the mifbemeano?, i PiiK firft,of ' apapi(t,litho faith t R is certaine ihe was aflutapted. in alfoUlnm, of ^ the The Fathers erre through oucrfighc. 45) I ». p^jUiljo , fettingf60;tl)l)isnfiU)]ao^tcffc , fatfJj t^at thofe thills which are vneertainc,are put out;U)^jre tlfis iS left Wf tDfjtci) call not oenie tljeinfeluca to be vnccrtainer:Ji5ut ^our Rhcmiftspa(tc.5Mijo,ast5ougf)t|)ePorte(retoere notliOlDC e# nougt) in allcaging Damaicenc, ® tl)ciugl> ititiettDe tjis tale toitlj mor Dmif.j, I l'* ll' I'- P'.-iUy'* I'- 'i, ■i .1 ■ i u ' I'..' ■i vl ihi 491 Of the 'Popes fuprcmacie. 1 Philo injibr, quod quifque ptobus yic liber. » Philo de vita coacemplatiua. hAfl.io.7, Cor .itf.i. i luitin.mart. apolog.i, ad Antoninuni, k Aeu^i.io. Uvr* avtwc 'A\e|«v> Bufeb J.t. e. if. Trtf/ THp n ^geia^j. "T&xZ^ V|cj o Ad.5.4« p Epift.i.ad Heli*dorum'l entitled of the contcmplatiue life of men that pray, becaufe they did contemplate (ftuOie,anO meOltate) heauenly things, and prayed to God alwayes. SC^usfarreS.Ierom. Mitres tn, tjat pointed of contemplation ano prayer, being fcme# to® in tljenitobfm /'hiloin^ote off ano in tl;e Ctj^iffian C^utctj. idtb malte ^im to miffahe t^te one fo^ Vge ot^er, ad like- nes(tbc|? fap) is the mother of error; but, tljat t^ep luere not Cb^tftiano Philo meant in tbat faoihe, it map appeerc bp foure cifcumttanced, of names,ofDeeDed,of times,anD of placed* ^o; tj)ep,cfinbomPhilo ootlj Unite, Ujerc calleb Eflees: toljicb Ujadafectof3fetoc2:i^un!j,bT?tlje tear to note twfferrncebEtttianei^Htfctll^ mcankcsf tCtjjifttsn,(toijc rtetooulDbe tin Itbe:)''fome of t!;e e^itoiaadora- Ct):iftian nimnbs tti leromsttme IjaD ioittt'Of btp beget ctjilbjr ■ conciunv H)5)ic^ 3 not reao t^at anie offbe Jetotlb DtD, iiatt cf all, tbeinoen!i£sUi!)oni icrom Dotb mcane (nw& naDes bp , PhilojlDerc^ moonkesaccojuingto tt?cirttante,t|)af is, * fo- litarie,anD not collegiate moottbes. iButt^ebclceucraat leru- adHd"ioZ'r.&' rdleLn^bpercaticrufalem, tnadtte,anolineDmfellotDlbtp to- 13.ad Paulin, gctl)er. 2)(Dt:ounotfatbattheApoftJcsancl Apoltolike men * Voerenotrufbasaffertoaibethemoonlccs toljom. Icrom mea^ netl;:anD tbcrefo.:e Icrom toao oecetuew H art, 3j totU not bcleenc on ^our toojbe, t|)af fo too;tbic a ifatljcr toasbeccmeb, Rainoldcs; jfiwutoiUnot on mp toojbe, 3 totUbdng ^is Dlunetoc?oetomafee pou beldne it.^o?,^ to;tfmgto P^uliaus, touching the training vp of moonkes,be fattbft)af the Apo- hies and Aportolike men are not patcrns tor them to folow: but S, Antonie, and others, who dwelt in fieldes and do- ftrts. Hart. ^^eraitbjtbattheApoftles andApoftoIike men are let for an example to Prieftes,and!i9i(hops, not to moonkes. Cine tin Come refpectes. ^nb pet, me tljinfees toi, But tobat if tbe iFatbcrs pcrtjaps might be beccineb fo,th?ouBh cucrOghti Rainoldes. Jfthep might be beceiuebfc though cuerOghf:" concii.c.r. thep might be beceiueb thjough afFrctton alfo, jf 0? thep tocre St'Scv mcmanb fubtcrt to if. 00' Cyprian,th;ough toj much hafrtb of p"«°- hcrefifeegjconbemntb the baptifme of hcretikes.ao vnlawfulh * toherein" a Councell crreb toifh htm. 00 " origen, fh?ough to much companion ofthe toirfecbjthcught that the diucls them I fclucs ihould be faued at length. 00 ^ Tertullian, ttoougb cecuc fpiteoftheRomanfl0rgte,rfuolfebtofhe Montanifts: anb ^ TenuUianus.' faHebtheCatl;oItfee0, carnallmcn, becaufe (hep fcerenotfc p^ectfe 30 the Montanifts in pctnfc0 cfmariage anb failing nioadueifua Hart. ?a»cconbemne^efeerrcur0inth£m,a0toeU«0pcm TSw.. anb bo therein errepfagamft them. Theoiog.iib.ii.. _ Rainold^, !pouoowrepealfc,3 (r«to,(3aii,rm-f,,. ®odoj0bffl)againft ^ ■Damafcenc,fo2htstaIeofGrceorietfaef»''«o'-"p.j»- ipope a«b Trawn the d^erourj that 0cgonc,wtole1ic went dc£ri^&J.. ouee ~ " !(i Sv 494 Of the Popes lupremacic. ouer the market place of"Traian,did pray for Traians foulc to G od; and beholdja voycc from heaucn,/ haitt hear a thy prayer and f par den Traian: hut fee that theu pray no more to me for the ^ickgd. a terw great affection to prayers for the dead, t|>at tnoueD2)amafcenefoto;tfet})tef* jfoj it is agahtSt|)c Doctrine Lrd"scntc"! of t[)e''^c{)oolemen tijat prayers may helpe out the loulcs that iib.4.diiii.ct. are in helL 3(n Purgatorie ttjcp ta? the? map. s^^alu^Boni- -^.ThoHias Dot^ cotfetme tlje fame.^ft fjobelauet^ ucnc.Sc czcci'i tbat ofpamafccne. iiBntbet^itljtbaf^'^^goriedidit by fpe- diiwnc^'""* priuilege, which doth not breakethe common law. d in4.*senteM. Rainoldcs. But pour' Canus faitb ttjat Thomas was a J'Lo^^or'rheoi youngmanthcn i beffDsttjat. Ijotoasgrcatip affccteo to XJa- logic, i.'ti.c.i. maicen. 0nD jDamafcenmigbtcafilppcrftoaoeatoell toiller: uj i&x be Dotb affirme fo luffilp tbat * ail the eaft and weft is witneffc -xoisxmi that the thing is true. SSH^tb tepoit of biS pet Canus Dotb MTt'pioc. WiarucU at:fitb it is vnknowne in all the Latin itoiy. ibut ^ Ca- f Locolrncoi. nus (as a man ofbetter miuDe anD fcunDer luDgement tben pour lib.H.cap.^;. popiibS>cctojsare, pmoabftbem,)DiDtoitclpfainotetbfreep Ip, tbat not onely later and leffe difcrecte, autours (as he who made the golden legend,) but alio graue, ancient, learned, holy Fathers haueouerQip.t them lelues in writing miracles 1 Eitdifjipitii ofSaintes"'; partly wblie they fetched the truth, where it is peruagitifque feldom,' ffom commou rumors and reportes; partly while ^""indiifemnt * they fousht to pleafc the pcoplcs humor, and thought it ■fideiium vulgo. lawfull for hiftorians to write thinges as true which c6mon- Didogff""""" ly are counted true. £Df tbis fio^fc be nanutb ^ ^regorieanD* 4 Be da inhifto- Bede: tife Otlt fo^ bisi "Z^ialogueSjtbe other fo; bis Englifli ftory. riaAngjorum. ^jmtgbf baucnamcD Daiiiafcene ioitb tbcm. tSnieffeb^ meant btm ratber perhaps to be of tbat fo;tc Inbicb oi® "ot 5 Qu,« animus tafeebp beare fitpofotbcrs,but coyncd lycs themfelucs too:& fcribentisdiaat. wrote thofe thinges of Saintes 5 which their fanfie liked, femdtxcuffos: though neitheftrue norlikely.As thatS.ffdwwrV ^ waj wont in feipiumfoil- totak^bfiihaf^erefjikenoff, and puttt:^cinon hisnje/fc, itwasa trickc, and S.Frauncis did it hot: but the writer thought it an argument.of his holincffe. Likewifejthat ^ypiafaolum, vt the diueltrauhfedS. Ddminike^S.Domintke csnflrained " him to hold baberetliMr,^^ /f candietnhts hcndts, till the candlehem^ent/Udput hmtegffat uaminm ^e^,{n:bumtng bis'Sjigcrs. ^uchC^ampfes there areinnume- rable;buttheletwG,maygiwea,taft€of their affedion who hauc The Fathers erre through afe(Stion. ~ 498 SJ' ^ hauedefiled^hcUoricsof!>aintcswith filtijic fables, oato(Cttcl)ftoUcf^maii^ twinges are reaoui<^our Cfinrc^-fer' tiice. 8 CanusaUhouglJfieconfcifctf,'aacutDcnt: not" ^ toit^a!i5ing,(toljtcl)f0Q:faunge)J»sthintetfifl>e»i ynwifc £i- olog.Lji.e.j,. (h )ps,lijl)0 ftv'he to refo jinc tf. Jto} w^hiic they cure the naile- fore(f3 ^ fie) they hurt the head: that is, in Ifeedeof coun- tcrfeites they bring in graue Itorics; biit they chaunge the ferukeoftheChutchlt>farre,thatfcarccany "Ihewof thc ©Ide religio n is remaining in it. Ultll COnOiOereO of ttjtm bp totjompaar Roman Porteilc refo;ancD. i?o;i t^U3bf^^ti»uctemoueof3ni0of hi^ictr Canus fattljare^ vncertaine, forged,fHaoious,anO falfc : pet fiaue * t^cptwonitfpariiiglp. tl>":pfl^onlo fiaue left out all iegcno-topeo: tfietr PorcefTe beetu li^ our bootte of conttf mon p:aptr, fofitrb fitretthes U)3Uio iiaue lang^ at: ano tljcre iKibremainconoihewtnamaner of the olde religion, lauo ttjat fl)?lr Rruke is in Latin. Hart, tijiitges are tmpertmcnf, but t^at tf pRafi^Ji pputoplap tljic i^iche-fco uer Uiif}) tfie fiolp Portcfle. ^o;t tt^nceo pou mention tbefmitcr of S.Francis lifcfoj S.Domi- nikcs ? 0? golden legend, that oldmoth-caten booke (aS h jnt^e d®. D. Harding callctb it,) of the Hues ofSaintcs? 3 mtnb not to Antoninus,^at they ca- red not fo much to write thingcs true and certaiac,as tolcCj locm 7i«o go nothing that they found write in any papers whatfocuer, logXtuix, )lBut of"Sede, anu Gregorie, pe iubgetftmoze feftlp: anb ra* ? tber ercufetptbemtben reprouetfi tfiem. 2n^ngb,tnoge fie ftolo fie ItReD, be loas but one Si>o(tour: anb otfier leameb men per^ lapsmtHtke bistubgemertt, botb fo; pounger anbelber io;u tere, Rainoldes, JDbtptoba bealetottft taming of Ipotw (f bauereao) aretoont, tob^ntbep finbetbem fomelnbat out^ ' 02ber,to beate bogges before tbtm: tfiat in a bogge tbe Ipott map Rebtaotnneberert.CEnenC] bopeniij rebuhe tfie U);tter of s. Francis life, o;ofS.Dominikes, 0;of the niotli catctr bo^e^ abpoucalli^ 'tbongbb^ti'botb^toteittbasan Archbilteprf^*^ Tineitot in big^ime a wan of name, anaiiia boob< alegond Iwetga cihjpeJt Diujfioft 1.' 4^6 Of the Popes fuprcmacie. 1 Opcr.T'ulcal. ItKel? in Cf](tni^,anocaUeD golden Co; t|^e {rccllciid(;bat tol)f«3l rebutw tbat^oth-.eaten to?iter Antoninus ^ouUitU,) anoVinccntius Beiuacenns , iD|)0 ^ OSgCDD ajtbttuelrngb : toumua nott|)inbe H bo it fo; tfie Dogger falte,but fo; tt)e Uona rather,31 meane the ancient in;iters U)$io kDciiuin. of. bcferuercbuUet©.j^o?,aonot '' Rupcriusoncl?,but' 5cduli- us,5cj toutethat oucSauiour after'his refurreftion appecred firii to the blelTed virgin j Urhich is falfe , but the^ thought th;cughanaffettion toher,thatheiI)oulbhaneDonefo : in iibe C);t.alouingafiie(tionto^ainte0 hath trahfpo:te6 funb;^, not oneig later iuntero,but auncientcr alfo froin the truth to fanfies^ Gclafius,anDthefeuentic Bilbops,ti)ho toere aiCmblel} in a Councel Inith hinr^toere alTemblcD about eleuen hono;ei) ^areo ago.^ct cucn theit hoto wanic ftorics of the Saintes toere Cet tj. ' " ' ab:oaDe tutthiorgedfablesfalmoftatohoIebeao-;MJale, con- Demncbbp t^CouncelLMhereofthat fome lucre co^nebbpon n Liber Aftuum thatatfe(tion,a0fomebpunother0;oneofthem, entitled " the Tecie&Pauii. adcsof HauleandTecla,ma\!ferue foj an ejrample . Chefe otbe fotire- containcD a fto:ic(fuppofeQ to be oniittcb in the ° actcjEiof tetRtb cftapttc ^e£potllts)hDtD that when S.Paule did preach at JcottmmyTc- oftfeeA^cs. daa maiden betrothed ton gentlenun, hearUighim preach of maidenhood,forfookc her hufband by and by, and went aw ay with him:and thereupon was perfecuted.and deliuered from great dangcrs,and wrought many miracles,and trauai- led thtough fundry countries with S.raulc.tKHhifh though it be a leh20tale,agreeing neither luith ^ the circumltance of S, Paulesftojie,no;lDtfhhio boctriiieanb ' btftrcticn:;pef iuajo if publilheo ao true,ana that in the ^poliles age,' by an Elder, o;Prieft,(aopoutDOul0tennehim,)whowas conui'ded by S. lohn,and confefled that he wrote it for * good will that he baretoPaule.&uchacrebitdJClibc)hethoaghtifiboulbbe to S, Paule,that a maibc bctrotheb to a man of ioealth and l»o;ihipj (atid fo ' his wife bpngbti)iboulD fo;fabe her hufband anb goe alua^luithhioi* iSlthtrefo;e,thonghtouminbe not to prede me with thinges oflater writers, but ofold & aHcient,asi fou fel?:^ettoa0 if not impertinent to mention ijour Pprtefle anb fta- rics oftSho Kbeantojitia: ^o; neither b(u3l fenotu b'fjat num- bertip^eawfcpotttoHltinnhefuffitienttcpjoiio a ,b3;itepvoid; V'!2inb acctinnf JnQtiooldq,bttf fttchao Uttebmanphuti' 4b)}^f b;8b pAcf.ig,t.!c tT.'ti.Si' tS.t. <|i.Cor.7.ij. jri.Cor.y.j. fHieron.dc feriptorib.ec- •Icfiail.verbo l.ucac,cx Tcr. nilliano. • AmorePauIi. iMatc.i,:0. Dj0a?'wr^S'fiitte?gsfawtl)eirfablefliiji^ourPorteflc(a0iiariw- .. li tjjis of Tccla) cuen out of tJjcm alfij. ^ea tfje inott of tf)oft i* S KUeeo, fbw3«>»wt onel? t^is of Teclajbut tlje molf of tfjofe t^nss tojjicb In Brcuiir. Ra- Gelafms Bi^opof Romc,anD t^e CounccUyConDmincofoitjjp founbrjlapjtbemolloftljofetljins^a^ rctj^arfoo itt pour Ic® Si"'s«pteaibr",- gends,ano in tifc moft of pour Poctcffes,3lElb»f ^ f 31 affintto nov0fmineo\uncltnoUJlcge,fo,i3Ilwuettotfancro manp fo.:jtcs of Porteflcs ti)a£ 3f caitboucti it of ilj? mott;btt£ * Cla udius EC- * pencaeus ,aS>ortoJ of P*r«,an cgcr enimie of Beza(,f UJOjtNor of moch.c.^.Di- creDit bc«iu>)affirmct!) it,ano be aCfirmeti) itl»ii^ great aCEeue-r ^ rationstfjatitisfo ' vndoutcdly, j|io>nafbb5touct)tbtmon^» "lauoie,. Ip &j>tp$(c(a ahdent tpeo,t)ut fa.}4nanp»ie,.lDbi4t are of ieCTe a«cientie,an9ttjatbtwn-tb5iu3gejiTcntoffimt>,zp learnea tnen> , aminotbiopuaatefan0e^ iFoi^^)^al^eclge^b ^ Pcter,a tencras ' ble ^bbat,(U)l)o liueo foure ijanDjeD peareo agoe, ) taping, t^at c.j,. the fongs and hymnes of the Church had very many toycsj asnamelyanhymneinthepraifeofS Bcnetj in the whichj „ , , ji thcKigh reading ic ouerfomc\vhachaftily,and flaying not to minusVgimi fearch all,yet he found ^ atleaft-fourcandtwentielyes.^^e luitudf, alleagctbanother Petercomplapning ItftctoifeanbrciJiOtting a falfe and fond hymne in thepraife ofS.Mavre running vp-> aPetr.de aii«- onthewaccrs.l^caUeagetljtbv ' CardinallofAliacosatJuife "fSmaf"ei^*'^ totbeCoimceUofContfancjjfororder to be taken that' vn- eieCcoofidert- found writings(©)jrupt'ait3 pxailh pampbi^^^^^)be not read in theChurch- feruice. lf>0aUcagct{)tfjeo:ation of the ^ ' Earlc 3 seripmt*-*;- of Mirandulato|0op3 Leo t$etenth,ano£h^CotmccllcfLate. . ran,renetaingthe Cardinall of Aliacos aonifc. ^e alleagcti) cBiut) « Raphael Volaterran,a great hifiojian,if not a Diutne.beliJaf' ling the cafe that in the dayly praiers there are -i- manifeft lies £if.°Pici"ora""' read»i^ealleageth?^ A lamented in the ^halfe of vrbaMTais. thcSyas^o^iKiThy prcphetJha/te feme ^ falfe and fioltfit things 4 Apein men, /«>r/i>«:anDh^aDOCththat the griefe which he doth feele and' open fDrthcfc.7toyes&dotagcscrcptintothepublike fer- ssuperftitioa* nice of the Church,is common vnto hira.with all good men for the moft part. Mherein,as hi® ccfif c ano jcale of refoatna* < tionfegroater thaiCaaus;toho tooulo nof ^ W;,*' 49S Qf the Popes iuprqnacic. ouloft^Porce{res:roi)ta{et|) l)emo^e frsl^ ano franbl^ tottti f 9nr ci^rc^es legends ta>,tt)en Can us .jf ^ (htrffie of tj^e golden legctld^nOAnconinus,anO Vincencius, j^eerO" f-PetrdcNi- cheUoricof5aintcs Is^utitoaa compiteDoflatel^ ^ coiibus Epifco.. a Venetian,a lBti]|op ofaaonnt,anti tljat no liable is lo ful tiiogus Sane- ® ^doong,ai tliat is of fablcs.^ea fartber,tl)af 5inicon Mcta- Mrum, phraftes(a great man tn t|jc neto Icgcnos of s Upomanus,ami ^ ^"rius,)atiDVfuardcsMartyrologe, (In^tcljia tj[jeCfjnrc^ Of fioriis Tom. p. Romes {egcito,)faefiO0fi ftje Martyrologes of certamc ottier tera, ' are fraught with much baggage, j^oto,to tfjia deproblrii'"^' 2>o(to; Erpenca:us,anot^eatitom'S lohomtjeaUcagettJ.pouma^ Sanctorum 8000 ^btugs piofefifoursano ch«cfBftff>o(to.j0 of Z'tf«««,(if pon I XidVfca, oe0rcmo,ie Ujitn0Cfea,)eaen Hefleis,ano MoXzxwxs* £Df mljom/ tcntquHquifii,. fl)e one,tn?ittng aCcnfurc ou a ftotic callcd thc Palfionall of lam^i^HeiT^i, ^aintcs, conocmtietl) mac^ thereof,ano cnoifeth mo;je. toitlj t^ iniifarum qui i„ bcrOtft, Try al things,holdc that which is good;tlje Oti)er, ^ MiedTsrnS""' ano commenotng tljat Cenfurc,fait^ it is no mar- per annum, uaiie if in that Paffiohall there be corrupt ftories,fith the Ito* tt^hich the CathoUkcs of that countrie found amongft * la^us^pM^°in lying Greekes might eafily come into it. Molanus lapct^ finite hpon the lying Greekes,as f^cp Dcfcrne it bfft inoaco. 'uendtces ^ottott^ttdnolng tt appsercf 1) bp * tbme.toljom citljcr Hcflels oi bimfclfe Ijauc confaroo, tijat not the Greekes aloitc are faultie. s.ierom'li''' fuHOrp Greckcs arefau'tie toljcm Ije luonlo be loti) to call duiiut,Ruper. lying Grcckestas namelp Nicephorus,tSimeou Mctaphra- ftcsioft^e netner to^itersif oft^ ancientcr, Palladiusjano Caf- •(Genu., fianus. ^fall toljom "" Molanus ^atl^ giuen tf)ts note»tt>at tfteScaantT do iudgc them ^ not worthy to be great- vru,rde!ta iy credited. MUljcrebp pou map fa tfiat t^e iuogcment of Ca- . nus,toucbiitg the ftorics of Saintcsjis moje a great Oeale t^n viCirdu,!^!"*one E)od:o;B iuogemcnt. ji^otobett, iffo manp inert of ^ .;np«£,r.m tnmoe:petl]^oulo pott Oo) fjUH iijjong to cilf IjimDff OBJonc SDoc^ Vfuwdic.u toi.^0} bimfelfealleagct^ tjie teftinicnfeofatDOftojiasgajOaa «cui,Louan. aup tfjaf^ Ijaiic namcoiH mcantt^atiuojtljp mart "Ludouicus VNoaftajpro-Viues.SSlbo lamenting that tfjc ftojies of heathen captaines bitaiutorita- ono philofophers aro boitten fo notablp, tljat tbep arc Ukc to nDctwUendis lincfoj cper j bnttlbc lines of Apoftles, uf Marcyi s,of Saintcs, diieipirn.i.5. t^ ades of the Church botli in tbe fp^iing ano gron^of it, are (onmotnit^i;preatoar4{nes,anoipebn^inntnatnaner : tor thofe T^yes deuilcd ofdcuption to 5aintes. 499 Diuifiof. *♦ thofe chings((aitlj l)c) wliich are write n of them are (a fewe excepted) defiled with many fables,while he that writeth 4 them doth folow his own afFcdi6,& telleth notwhataSainc ® hath done,but what he would haue had him done , fo that tiie writers fanfie and not the truth doth pcnne the ilorie. Yea, fome haue thought it a point of great godlineflc ' to rMendJcioU coyne prety lyes,that thereby mens deuotion might be ftir- red vp.Somenaue thought it a point of great godlinefle, Cittlj Viuestbut tuil pou hJioto of ioljat godlines;2;i>cre is a mg- Itcric in ^,to^ic^ Vines oot^ not open: Caaus oofij open it.ifoj ® ^efait^ t!^tthey,whofeine and forge in writing ecclcfi o Locor. Tk«». afticallftorieSjdeuifctheirwholematterethertocrrororto 'os'-n.e.«. gainc. S.Paulc|iatpfo;e&)arneDlJ3ofaWntcof men, p which thinke that gaincis godlines.^our Cl)urc|),M.Harr,^l) nungniinions,tnhoofa}ealetottit£ godlines tjaue not onetg JPiiten, but tojouglit miracles t», ^ou remember 1 ttje talcof q3nn»fAji«- ^el and the Dragon. ^ freeno of gours intreating tfjcrecf, botbrepo;t,tl)at as the Pricftcs^f Babylon did abulcthe pco- r Nicoi.Lim in plein the Dragons worfliip, to eucn in theChurch the peo- pletomctimesis Ihamcfully deceiued with miracles wrought either by Prieftes,or by their adhcrents,for gaine and lu- cresfakc. Hart. 3f ang bo fOjtoe allolo not of it:anb t|iere is o?Der ta? kenbg ttjeCouncellofCrentagainltrucliabures. IButto^at C Sefsian.tf. ts this to tl^ Portefle f oj rather to the popes fuptcmacie^Cbief- oltor*"S'^" lg,Ktti3 minbcnottoalleageangt^g out of ttic Portefle fo; qaent. It? Rainoldes. Htnasafraibegoulooulb. ^ou are a man as UkeIg(fo; ougijt tbat 31 Knoiu) to bco it fo; t^ popes rup;emacie, as gour Rhemifts fo D© it fo; tbc affumption of the virgin. SD^ugbntgmeaningtuasnotromucbof gour Portefle, as of Portcflc-like writers, bg tofjom 31 fell into gour Portefle. 3i5ut if gou mtnoe not to alleagc ang tt)ing out of t^c Portefle fo; it: tljengou toill not b;ing t^ofe miracles h)^ic() are fat^reb ' bpon S. Thomas of Cantcrburie. fteunium vfam C^HHaThomttiHinqHits The water of Thomas s*ta«, varims colortm, did fiue times change her colour. In latfemeltrn»j0, Once it was turned into milkc. ^HAttrmfTHirtw* *ndfourc times into bloudi M pS; 500 Ofthe'Popcsruprcmacie! tyidTh9r»4mtmoriam Ac Thomas his monument (light, a^uater Ihxdejctndtt^ fourc times there came downc Et And in the honour of the Saintc ctrtosaccendit. it kindled the tapers. Hart. 31 p^ap go fo pnrpofe, ano Icaoe iole fan0e» toljtclj pon b;mgm to plapfntth. SDljcttisno fnch fljins in the Portede noU). 0nD if it tutre: is it to t^e point in quoKionf M*tri»ar» Rainoldcs. To the point in que ftion,as Direct as map be. hiftor.Apgl.ia ifo;tl;u!ThomasDieD bponorcaSoncf a quarrcU abouttbe Henric.fceund. |aopea rup?emacie: hsmaintaineD appcalcs (againft tbe bing) to tljc |9ope, , to p.ioue tfjat be tt^D in Dcfenfe oft^e trait}, tbofc miracles lucre iujought- jrc^j that, which they preached who had the grace of miracles,was the truth, fait^ X X ^griftow; aDBtng,tbat S. Thomas of Canterbury,S,Thomas ofAquine,S. Francis, S. Dominike, and infinit others had^ that grace, in fuch forte, that no man is able to put any dif- fcrcncc bctwcenc the miracles of Chrift with his A poftles, and of thefe men. ^eflucU-fare ttjeir bcartes lubo refo?mcD pour Portefle. ifo> t^cp b^ucput outtbofc miracles of S.Tho mas of Canterbury ,nnDmanpotb^^rfi: luljicbib^P luoulD not baucDoon,(3i trolu,) baDtll'^pnotknoUjnefbmc difference beo tlueenethemiracles o£thcre'meh,anOthe miracles ofChrilf. OlBut tbcp Ijatte left in as luojtljic a miracle,act tbofe, of an otfjer Jn^^'psirho'"* of^riltowesmiracfe-luojkcrs, cucnof 5. Thomas of Aquino: Aauinat." ' UHD (3 fjopc) pou luiH ttOtcaU that an idle fanfic,fl)OUgb if bea0 pinT.titaT i®l!^toii-nnc,astbefo;nier,ifo: ^ tbcprfpo2tofbim,t|atwhen tip.j.' ' ' hc.wasprayingearneftly at Naples before the image of the sfbdrmeXo- crucifix, he heardavoyce ( * tljecrucifip fpafeeit) faying t it)0110^00- prior.Pij.c)mnt.,|-|.fo,|ngj-jft^gPorteffe, affinuetb»tb^f ' the dodrine of edici'Krba" Thomas was approucd by the month of the crucifix him felf fduatorh cru- in thls miraclc.idnD bc knclu btC tbc mcantKn ofit^0 ^ 3 peff IS»n?this.miracle toas rarper a dogmaticall miracle (as ^ i ' aSriitow tcnwtb it) fbcn pcrfonaH, Jgut toij^f&cr perfonall, o), dog- Errour maintaineci by lying niiraclcs» 501 ^ tlogmaricall: it D^I not perftoatio me t^t all 10 truo is tojitcn ano taught bp rouroogmaticallEDodonhomas, jfo; chapt.f. (as ' 3|t>taielbctDeD)t)2fo?0ctl)anDbclpefbfbc ifatfjers nota# blp,m ttfc oefenre of t^e ^opos fup^omacte agatnQ: t^e elij it meant to app^oue ifis Uj.uting in tl?at point. £>; if the crucifix niRWt it, the crucifix teas to bfainc: bnleOc ttjofautc toere ratbcr in feme Iping bnauc,tDl)o fpaUo out of the crucifix, ^ncb fcatcs t^zre bauebeenc UJwngljt in images ere noto, Hart. odo? oftheChurcbjS.Thomas of Aquine, ifDj '■ hoip ^uinci fuptrjfatijf r pope pius ^e fifth hath honourcD h»5 mcmone toith- a uicatit Angelici Double greater fealt in rountrie; anDlnith a Double feaS ©oaoris s.Tho- t^joughoutall ChnffenDome,to behept as rclemnlp as the holp m* ac quino. JDcttours of the Church are fecpt. t^ilherefojs pou ought to thtnheib much the mo2e rcuerentlpof all that he hath lu;iten, auD not to charge him toith fojging anD falfifping, he bauc miOeD ought: but rather to fuppofe that if the autours heme not that tohtch he alleageth^ pet hehaD reaoit alleagcD bp Ibme other,anD of a gcoD affection to the of Rome he t^ug|^ it to be rtgl^lp alleageD,anD to^ote it^ Rainoldes, Ofagoodaffefiaon. ;atepoutMll. ILetitbefo. ij^e, toithfuch Dealing ofa gooD affection, hath feattcD the ^^opc: anD the pope againe of a gooD affection hath Double feafieD htm. HButpou graunt then that j^octo^sof the Church map bee De^ eepueD, asth.rongh ouerfight, (b through affection too : ano that thele exceptions againff them are latofulh. Hart, iiatofulbifpou p^ouethat thepbe fo DeeetueD.^;thep map be,31 graunt. Rainoldes. Mhat i 0nD map thep not be DeeeiueD alfo, o;: fa^ (eeme to be:DecepueD through tl^ affection 02 ouerfigl^ of other men f Hart. ^Dfothcrmenf ^otof Rainoldes. Sls tohen a <52eeke to^iter is tranfiatcDints l.atin,thetranaato2maHethhtmibmetimes to Ibp that tohich he nener meant. ^nD before p2inting,the (erineners, toho eo# ^ fieDJnt hooUss toith hanh)eommttteD(nnD;is (capef« C<^ch Fathers miftaken through other mens errour. 503 pfXi!' libetoife befallet^ bnto p;iinters noto. ^0 map be a fapfe inanautourtoi^outtljeaufoarfifautej tfjjouglj ouerfigfjt of pnnters,o;^ fcrtucners, 0; tranflato;s. iFo^crmmjle, in tlje lto?pttclcfiafttca!lof ^ Eufebiusfranaateobp Rufinus,it to alleageD out ofCIcmenstJ>atPctcr,Iamcs,& John, although Chriit preferred them almoft before all,yet they tooke not xhe honour of primacie to them felues,but ordcined lames (who was furnamed luff,) ' >5ifliop of the Apoffles. SLljisS Lofwofil'm tjao bane a notable tcftimonie fo; Iames,againft tfjc p^imacte of Peter.iBut ^ 3 alleageo it itot: becaufe as 3 feebe to toinnepou k Ctiapt.^. to ttje truti^, fo 3 fake to otD it bp trueanb rig^t mfancs.itcaberc? »• oftbiotDerenone,beinganoucrfigl)t(asitappeerctb) of Ru- finus, iFojint|)e<©reebe Eu(ebius,itts, tljat they ordcined , ^ him * "Sifhop of Ieruralem,not5ifliop of the Apoffles. * izricnoTro^ Hart. SDliaf map be tbe p:inters faute,o,j tfje fcrineners per? fycjfSy U>l)o fn^ote it out: not bio tubs tranQateb it. Rainoldes. 5i3ut3 tbinbc it ratbcr tbe franOato^s faultc. Ifoj Marianus Scotus Dotb cite out of Methodius tbe fame too- cbing/ames,fbat they ordeincd him Bifhopof the Apoftles. t!i[blcb(belihc)toag taken out of tbe (fow of Eufcbius noon into JLatin bp Rufinus.glnb bobatb errcD often in in turning CSrabe tojiter0:a)S alfo bis tranClation oflofephus ibeUjetb. Cbougb 3 map not cbarge btm toitb all tbe faultes therein, ifo? lobere it ^ s,xt.sen«u' isauoucbebbp fometbat lofephus holdeth the bookesof biwioth.fana. Maccabees to be holy fcripture,as in babe be fametb to bco * i"i*„'caice nb intbe3latin intbe<5reekeberaii1jnotanpracbtbing,nap " \ic de Maccabiis. botb teacb tbe contraric; but it isbnlikelp tbis came from Rufi- nus, ° tobobe'tbebiiufelfetheMaccabcesnotto be canoni-lib." cahf^otobeitif pou fap tbat tbe (©rake copie iolnc^ be tranfla- ? Aooft" teb of Eufebiusjbabtbat teojo amide tbzougb tbe fcriueners "* ^ faulte:3 tuill not tfriue againtt pou. ©at a moje certaine erarn? pleoftbefaultincdein fcriucnersfirtt, anb pointers after , is founbin p Optatus:intbatbeadirmctb,Peterwas called Cc- phas becaufe he was head of the Apoftles j j4ptfielorum c^nt ^ TetrHSyVnde & (ephas appelktus efi. SHpon tbe bobieb place q Fran. Bald- pour latofer botb note, tbat where he had thought it to be an ouerfightof amandreaming that the Syriakeword,which fingifieth ■«/#»?, is the Grecke jctcpaAli, which fignifietha i'Mc/:now he gheffed rather that the words \jitidc & Cepheif 31 3 . u. Divif.!. 504 Qf thePopes (upremacie. rChapt.j. Diuifion iln Augudt- numetOptatusfaitl) t|jat Peter was head of the Apoftles. Rainoides, bane toe anpljatwe bi? that fcpt.iFo; 3lb^uc(hcU»co '^befoje,ttmabctb nought tbel^apactc.liSuf toemavbauebarmebpfbat htnoof glofcs: cbtefclp 0tb (as ^ Vines obfcruetb on S.AufHn,bpontbo Ube occafion) fomc glo- fers haue defiled all the writings of noble autours with fuch vncleane handling of them. Hart. Mill pon make ancnbe of eycepttng agatntt tbe. jffatberstanoictteb^reatlengtb tbc ifafbers fpcafee tbcnv fcluesf Rainoides. Thefatliers them felues^i^itbatrrp good ImlLBut Itofeetbaf pou bjing me the fathers them fclucs.^o; ,. (U)bt(^tsmpla(teFceptton)anoroancnoe ,) tberc are manj^ bohes entitle!) to ifatbers, lobicb tbo ifatbers maoe not: nap, tob^reoffunbjp toere mooe bp fucb poutbcs, as are not inajtbpto beare tbc jfatbsrs tbeoes.Xbc Uw;hes of S. lerom> are ab:oa!>e in ntnsbolumcs:oftbeU>btcb nineasgcD!) as tb;ee are ttone of bts.- Hi no pet pAtrum, (a legeno , bote tojong# fuUpfatberebonS.lerompour' Efpcncsusi" Canuslbeto,) isnotamongtttbem.SDbougbtbercarcamongfttbem Oippes of tbe fhme tree:' a barbarous and fottiih fable(as Canus calletb;: it)of the natiuitieof5.Ntarie,and ^ many other treatifes ot the fame kinde,which Erafmus hath refuted * molt diligent# ly & rightly, Slbrtoo^hrsofS. Auftinbaue not beenetampretti tDttb,foniufb,in tbis fo;:t.ipBtbottbaa!)tng tbere is not aboue one OQ. tU)o of bis ten bolumcs,tbat batb not moie oe fetoer fncb pam^ pbletspatcbebtoit. i^otonclp bp tbe iuogement anocenfure of Erafmusjtobirb pet POU fee boto Canus elfametb in S.Ieromj bat alfo of tbc Louan(lls,tDbofe cenfures arc tbe cenfures of ma- ny ofyour belt Diuines; anO fbep Ibeto t^t fundry things beare 5,Aurtins name,whereof lome arc vnlearned , fomc lewdc^and heretical. 215uttobatbo 3 fpeahe of Icrom anD Aaftinfjjhentbere is fcarfeanpamongft all tbe fathers tbaf' bi!tbiw£b««iteabttfcofa2Cb2^wr (tobP»t ^ Stapleton Dotb^^ cottu Counterfeites bearing the.nameofFathers. 505 winnigno greatly fojotlt0ence> ano laDgcmntt,) ' Sixtus Sc. neafis^ja^iujitcnattrcourfe touching the falfe entitling bror!m«f^ of bookcSjiB^cnce it comctij^ano hoU) to finoe it cut, SD^tvc* uunc. in fjatt) pjoueO t^at boolces arc fathered faifly,not onely vp- on Auftin and Icrom,tDf)oni 31 nanieD>but alfo rponAmbroie, Cyprian,AthanafiuSjEufebius Emirenus,Iunilius,Cyrill,Eu# cherius, Arnobius,^ca Thomas of Aquine toj. iMitb tfjis Dif» tourfe^ecIoCrtfjtp t^c former bolunie of " his holy librariea'n a Biwiothec* totlic^ tieo ijatfiibctoeD tijat Clemens , Abdias, Origcp , Chryroltome, Hippolytus,& many mo haue had their names defaced with the lame iniury. //art. S^tjere arc manp bobco entitlrb to ifatljcrs fallli;, toe confelTc. 3i tuill not bung tbem in,to Uiitneffg agatntt pou: oj if 3 baj,?ou map refufc tljem latofnllp. Rainoldes. Sljrnpou luiUnot bjingin '' the ilorieof bApofioi.hia, AbdiaSjtopiOuetbatPetergaucthe whole power to Cle# lib.*, mens which Chrift bad giuen him. £>j if pou Daj,pou liccnfc me to refnfe tiim,as frcclp as •= 3| refufeb bis r®fin Clemen s in ^ ch3p.nbemneo:a0 ^ Sixtus ub.^. reco^beth* liBut Arnobius is an andentto^iter inbdDe,¥mo^e toedhpofcrdiit. Rainoldes. spojetDojfh^ofcrcDifthenAbdias, 3igraunt SButfjsisnoftfjat * writer moflancient,tDhom Stapleton re*. vetuftiftimiu pojtetlj hiiw to be. ifo^ 5 the molt ancient Arnobius toas el" rcnptor. bcr(as ^ Sixtus alio noteth)then that hcmigtjtbeare of'the hc# LfK^rib^ecd refieofPhotinus.Mhcreas this Arnobius, toho tojitethon tEMothicBa. the PfaImcs,tioth mention Photinus,nno iojits bp name againft „ hishsreCe. Harr. JMill pou ttanb then to the inbgement of sixtus,lDhich ^ prX""""* betherightanDnaturallgraflftsoftheiFathers^anb tohich bee taltarofl^pes. Rainoldes. 3^o.ifo? though Sixtus bib fee m^ thinges,pef he tain not alUano others map fee that tohtoh Sixtus ouerfatn. 4 j: • I. 'X I.' fti! lU m h tThap.i. Diuif.1, 506 Of the Popes fiipremacie. Bibliothec. fani^x lib.z.in verbis Paulas, PettasjLinus. Qi In tine com* mcatirionin Paulum. c)caraple,tl)erc ate ttuo bjoUes touching the martyrdom of Peter and Paule,bearing tfje name of Linus, ttje firtt of^fMfXtjelebot^ ' 5ixtust«cgefobaueincef6e bane tniu ten bp fljat ancient Linus, as FaberalfoDiDbefojetjim.iSut " Claudius Elpencsus DOfl) marucl tijat Fabcr,a learned man , and witty, could be To perfwaded: fith Peter in that Itorie is made to withdraw the Roman wiues&matrones from their dfiVcT"'"' bufbands beddes v-nder prctenfeofchaftitie. bncl)ri- fttan Dottrine,repugnant to tlje latocs of goblinelEf ano bonettie, nctfjer ioas it poCfible tljat Peter ^oulo teactjmritbcr is it lifeelp tbat Linus IboutobelpebimtDitb if. 0norbuspou fa an an# foj DifallotDeo bp EfpcDcatus on berp feuno reafon, toboJ" Six- tus bafb alloineD ofjHot fo oifcretelp. Hart. ButifpoutfjusaUoluanooifalloto tnbom pou lilfr 31 map ta^e paines in baine. jfoj bJben 3 fljaU alleage tSjis oj tbatifatber fpeafeinginoSLetpjeffelpfo^tbepopcs fupjcmacie: pou baue pour anfbjcrc reaDie,tbat ^ ioas ouer&ue ti).iougb er- roj.o? ouerbome bjitt) alfc(tiDn,o; if be tojotc tn<©rebc,bt is mtTi» franflateo; oj,if be to;iote in 3Latin,bc toas miffcb);iten,oj mifft# pjinteD; o;inioneoffbereb)iUferue,itisabait3rD falQp fatbc* rcD on bim.^no tobetbtr pour Ibifts be fufficient anftoeres,pour (elfeboitlbeiuDge. Rainoldes. Jap,not fo ncfber,iFo;i iobat foeucr 3 anffecre,3| Ibilt giue reafon of it. 0nD tubetber mp reafbns bee fuffiritiif p:fflfes:31 tPid permit it (as 3 raiD)fc tbe iuDgcment of the iuric, tbat is,of all inoifferentmembrbo b^ne firillto toeigb tbo rea* "fonstbatarefajougbt, anb confciencetogiue beroitt acco.rbing bnto tbat tbcp finoe. 5j2abicb triall if pen Ithe off, as pen femco foD(D:tben b;ingfojtbpcurwitnefles,an!Jletbs b<^re nobJtbc Fathers fpeahe tbtmfelues. Hart. Content.anb 3! totU 8rli bcginne toit^tbe Fathers of tbe Cburcb of Romc,cucn tbe auncient IStfbops inbom 31 allea" diird Di " befo^ieout of®. p StapletonjnamelpAnacktuf ,Alex- andcr tbe 8rft,Pius tbe firfl^Viftor, Zepherinus , Marcellus, Eufebius, Melchiade$,/uli us,an0 ©amafai, %o tobom 3 aOOO alfotbemtDbomponmentioneDoutof p Mclchior Canus: to lDate,tbe ttoo Sixti,b)itb Eleutherius anb Marcus.jfoj tbongb fome oftbemmaintain it as by fcripturcjfome as by tradition; ^ Locor.Theo. all agree intbia tbattbeg mainfaine tbe popes fupjemariE, The uifion. o^tliei.Dk uihon Chapter. J Princ.dodr. Itf.C.IJ. Biinoldes, ■Bi The Popes alleaged for the Papac'e. 507 ChapTsT" ' Diuifiop Rainoldes. gn ttfcir^eaoes beturneb onefrom an otl;er,^et tijctr tailcs mate tcgetb^ iuitf) a fireb^ano bettnirt tljnn, as bib " the foxes of Samfon» llBufSamfon ^^threcr hundred foxes; haue ?ou no moje but tfjefe fetoef Hart, Foxes DO) ^ou call tl)ofef)oI^niarft»:s anb JBtll^ops^ 0nb IntU pou Rtll bttcr fuel} blafp^hnous tpeecpes, anb let pour inout^againCljeaucnf Rainoldes. ^gatnff f)eIl,M.Hart,anb not againtE ^auern ;Joj3|itu£rencetl)ehclp martp;s tol^m pcu nameb. 515ut, foxes 3 call tljofe bealtes tolio tojote ^c thtnges ttjat Stapleton anb Can us quote :nioll Icboblpanbtmurtouflpto ttiemartpjs anb ^tlhops tubom t^ep are falHp fatberebon, as3| tot II p;20ue. l^btcb tbat 31 map boo toitb le0'er trouble, all in one: 3I booulo pou brought tjje reft if pou baue anp mo;;e of tljem. Hart. spo.:ebp, all tlje ilBilbops of Rome from tbcm fojbjaro,cucn till our age, Ijauc taught the fame boctrine, as % tocor.Theoi<^ Canus bcclarethr ifo? it is confirmeb bp Innocentius tlje Srlf, |icor.ub.oofolDlD the firft ano feeonofront, in the batuarbe, as pou tooulb fap. ;Snb the^ haue beR tDill,but can ba ieatt. ifoj thep are troubleo fo toith care of the cariage, ano theirtoholeartillerieofdccrecs, ano decretals, anO extraua- gants is (b bull, that, if the fonner be bifcomSteb, thep h^ue not potoer to Rrike a Rroake. ^0 that pou fee, the lDitne(fes,iuhich pou haue brought pet, are of no balure: haue pou anp betters Hart, /^ap ftap, 3 p;tap,a litle: anb loobc ere pou leape. ^oft fire makes (loeete malt. I^our anftnere to the popes tohole auto;)ities3 citebbothRanbonth;eepointes,acco;!bingto th;ee companies of them, as pou fo^t them. %\)c firR, pou fap, are eounterfeites, anb moR bnlike t^R Bilhops luhofe names thep take bpon them. SDho neirtauouchnotthe fup^^emacie of the Pope: though thep auonch mo^e tpen is true,th;ough afieetion. Che laR, through a regarbe of thetr olone commooities, hane ipokenfo^themfelues, ano arebnfit toUhtneReintheirotone matter. 3s net this pour meaningf Rainoldes. pes. But that Inht^ ?ou applp to the laR fo;t, that they ate vnfit to witnefl'e in their ownc matter; 3 meant it. Chapt. t. Diu^' ). The aundent Popes prouc not the Papacie. 50^ it of &C0U9 to9. tf | t!)ou0t)t ttjat t^e SrS (iDlitcl) feme to tiauebeejiecounterfcttcomtijeoayeeoft^t^tti) ^oo beene CDunic.&ttcoajtDceincD b^&meambtttoue |9ope |itmrclfe: 31 IvouiD bfe tbc fame erceptton to tt;cm alfo. ^ut tit berp trutb 31 aai not of opinion tiiat anp pope Ijimiclfc bt" coine tbem. 31t teas fo tic cfflite ratijei' o^ bc^fe-feecpei of tjiepopeeuf 3 can 0£ffe otigbt b\rtl)t ft^leano lUtin. Hart. 3 percetue t^at all Inlnc^ tiou bane to fap agatnlf tfie X Ecclef. hia»r, iD,nttng0 oftbefirttfo;te,tf!rbat, UUjicbpcur * Centuries of Meydenburg banc tatbe.J^o? tbts is tbtirreafon ano tbep ftano mucbbpon tt,tbattht ltyleisbad,and the Latin barbarous, y Francif, rm. ®llbtcbbtrp;cofcisf®ltlbanbof no fojce: aoifatber >'Turrian Majatburg. fibetuetb in bif defenfc of the canons of the Apoftles and of ccntunat.pro thole epiftles of the Popes, againft tTie Centuries. m tiyle ano Latin tbcj? migbi fpeabe rubelp,botb to tbe entcnt tbat a^. tntbingespectainingtotbe faluationof all cuen tbe Gmplelt migbtbnberlLmbtbem: ano lead tbcp (bculorecmebpcboife of Ujfljbes to bunt fo^ p iapfe ano baine glotp. pea, tubereas tbe Centuries,in tbus point of ftyle, Dto note tbe libencffe of it too,a0 if tbatboerc afpecirtil raaibeto p;ouc tbem counterfeit: therein tbcp baue betiapcD moft notojiouo fcllp. jfo? tbe llyle ia bjont to be a certaine toben of tbe rigbt antour (cbtefl^ in fome mena iDntin!50,)bJberebp toe bfc often to trp ano oifcerne a true bcobo from afo,:gcD; as learneomen baueooon in Auftin,Ietom, Am- brofe,Cyprian, TertuJlian,anO otbere, HBut herein the trpall to the bndbeneiTe of the ityle, betluene an autouro olnne b)o;be ano a baltaro fatbereo on btm. cinsbicb trpall can not bee bao tn tbofe epiltle s of the popes, that arc oenpco bj tl^ Centuricst becaufeUiebaue ntttbing bizitcn bp tbcfe popes, bnt onelp tbofeepiftles, i^oiufeetbeblinOneffeofberetibes, ©iabentbe^ cannotoifpjoaetbembpbnlibencireofilyle, tbep faptbat the ItbeneiTe of the % le oilp;touetb tbem: bibicb is molt rioicnlous- Rainoldes. £s .father Turrian o;eameO. 3inO as it tS- toont to fall out ht ojeames that fitnone pointes of tbem are cono^ trarie one to another,ano pet 3 bnoto not bobj the O jcamer ima# ginetb that all 00 clcauc togither toell: fo faretb it toifb Turrian; in bis oifcourfe touching the ftylfe again® the Centuries ♦ iPoj tobat is the reafon on the tobi^ ^ pe faith that commonly the ^ , %leisafure. toben,.and - ■•h'l' , ;ii 1'^ •i i :., ■, ■h J •■ ,! l^i ■; i|!i:, '' L. nir, 5';- S-i C^ap.tf Diuin} i?',V 510 of the Popes lupremacie. m fi may difcernc true bookes from forged ? Hart, ilbccaufet^t thcftyle fometimc is fopeculiar to his ownc autour , that his workemay thereby eafily bee knowne eucn by a man of racane iudgement: as in Tcrtulli- an, Apuleius, Plinic, Suetonius, and other inch , not to rco ken vp all. Rainoidcs, 9^3? tiotan otljer mans ftylc be to Itk« to T.ercullians, 0^ an^ fnct), t^at sou not be able to btfeerne betloeenetbem. Hart. 3|tmasbeperI)aps:batt^attorareanDtjarbe. 0nD b^orma^nfcrip.f|crefo;ctbelearncDJna^(UJl)8msoumenttoncD) * Sixtus Se- bibiioth. hnet. ncnfis,afftrmctb)t^t of all the tokens, and coniedurcs, by which the right workes of autours may bee knowne from counterfeitc and forged, the diucrfitie of ftyle doth feemc .to be moft furc and euident. For though it be eafic for euc- ry craftie coofiocr to take vpon himfelfe the countrie, and kinred, and times of any autour, andfolow his pointes of doftrine too: yet there is nothing harder then to counter- feit an other mans ftyle. By the ftyle (faitb I meane not thatoutwardskinneofthewordesjbut the ftiape of the o- ration, the frame of the fpeefth, thcioyningand continual! order of the partes, the forme of eloquution, the figures of (peaking, the arte of difpofing, the mediode of handling, & other thinges which are proper to cuery well fpoken autour.- for as euery man hath a peculiar feature of bodie to himfelf, and a peculiar countenance, and a peculiar voycc,and a pe- culiar naturall coolour,and other feuerall markes whereby he doth differ from other men, and is vnlike them: fo all cc- clcfiaftical writers hauc certaine properties peculiar to them felues, which neucr doo agree or feldome to any other: fuch, as is a gorgeous Ihew in C^fttiochfu, an exquifite diligence ofipeech in a tragicall loftineflc in (jtegme NATjanzjc- nty a clcane and vnforced elegancie in Chr)'Jo^omey a fingular pure facilitic in ^ French-like ftatelincs ofvtterance agraueandfharpccopioufncfTe ofbriefe fayinges m(iyfmbr9je,m lerom afloriftiing varietie of thinges & words, in claufes ending like, and members falling like, in (jregorie zgztc (aslmay fay)of fcntenccs anfwering one an •othcritt OTQafures intcrchattogcably, and other thinges of like The epiftles ofthe ancient Popes,countcrfeic,5i i like fort, which although a man doo fcckc of purpofe to ex* prcfle,ycrhecannotattainc vnto thcm,llBt Sixtus pcu mi? fe,tl)atTurrian fp-ibe rcafcn,tn faptn0,that the Ityle is commonly a fare token to difcernc the right workes oiautours from counterfeits. Rainoldes. SnD bp tlj: fame tDo,U)eB ofSixtu $ pou map tijaf Ij8,tn raping fOjOifp^ouet^ Ijis ohntc rea&ii,ano p.jouctti reafon of Centuries, jfo; tf)^ epiftles of p popca ibljic^ fljc^ enoitc ofbattarop, are bcrp liHeirtftyleeactioftljcmtootfjeri fo like 00 tljough ^>11 out of one manB mout^.^oU> tljeautonrBoft^emarefatotapauc bsne r not tUxi o; tpet pope0,tD!}ore c^ilo;en might be like ^ but ttoo o;i tfjiiae anD thtrtp toith§ aOuontoge,ClemeuSjEuariIlus,Telefphorus, Hyginus, Anicceus,Socer,Calixtus,Vrbanus, f ontianus,Anterus, Fa- bianus,Cornelius, Lucius,Stephanus,Dionyfius,Felix,Euty- chianus,Gaius,Marcellinus,Siluefter,anD mo,be5De tjje foure- tanctuhoftnameopouaUeageDont of Stapleton nno Canus. l^ereuponthe ^ CcnturiesinffrrethotttjofeepittleB arefalfl^bccnrur.vcj* fathcreD on ttjemibecaufc the whole (hapc and frame of their fyeech doth openly bewray that one and the fame man was autour of them al. for it cannot be (tap tl)ep)that fo many Bilhops Ihould haue the fame fpeech,no not though theyhad beeneaccuftomed of purpofe to likenes of ilylc, thta is tljetrreaCmoftheHkcne0of|]^e;toI)iclj Turrian, luljrte llriueth to laugh it out ao fcDlifhsConSrmeth ao moH founo, bp fepingthatthcffyleis wontto beafure token wherby mens ownc works ate difcerncd from counterfeits, as they haue bene in Auftin,/erom,Ambrofe,Cyprian,TertuUian,and o. thers. t^hichtoulbnotbero,batthatthelfple0of men hnue their peculiar piopertie0,luheretn thep Differ each from bth^,ajB their boDteB Do in featurc,rolour,boice,countenance, anD other maiteshoherebp^lDeknotnthem. ^nDpoulball not lightlp RnDe thtee men,that haue boDicB like in all refpecteo: much leffe th;o anD thirtp. ^o the blinDneo, lo^ch pou thought fo (heto tn the Ccnturic writers,ao heretikes,i0 fallen on tfie bereft lefuit foho repjoucth them. ^ea,a0 the Syrians, toh^ the? j, m.. * Umit^attotakeElirzus,t0ereffrikenlui^bltnDneB,anD'leB ' ' info1$emtODesof the citteofSamaria:(bthebltnDeIeruic,tDhiht he(i9ivhttobeatDotiime«tnithuttheCenturies;|iatty foUcnm^ Diuiiion j , 512 Of the "Popes lupremacic. to t^e mto&es of a Samarican qualitte. if o> to p^oue t^at t|)ec coulonotDtrp^ouett)o& epiftles bpt)nIt&encsof%le,^e fattt) tljat we haue nothing vriten by thofe Popes, whoie epiftles they deny,but onely thofe epiltles.®htcfJW an bntrutp.jfo^ e cacur.}e.7, one of Popes,tot}ofc ijaltarD cpiftlcs ' they deny,to Cotnc- Itus. there is ertant one toljole right epill'le,anD parcelo fEpift,4<.f> ofmo;e,in ^ CypriannnO s Eufcbius. Another ^ tslulius. " H«id hiit"' there is eptant a right epiftle in ' Athanafius.iBettottrio rtf.c.42."" ■ lohich epillle5,the right ones in Cyprian,Eufcbius,ano Atha# aif Analius,anD thebaftaro ones tohich af^ oenpeo bp the Centuries, '" f "8.>- thercisasgreatoiffercncealinoG:fo.:theft?le:asfhereisfo;fub# ttanccjbettoeene goloe, anb copper, iptolo bp thefe fets pou map eft^e the re(t:fo^ thep came all from one fmithes fo tge.Mhere- fo;e not onelp the libcncs of the il:yle,but the tnliUenes alio con# ■kCeiitui.4.c.7, uinceththcmof fojE^rie.^no this is noteotoj bp ^ the to^^iters of the Ccnturicstchicfelpin thatof luliasXh^mo^jetJo 3 mar^ uaileatthcIcfuitsbolDencs,trihoraiththatthey neither could nor doo obieft vnlikenes of the Ity le againft them, ir-ro epift.Pont. Hatt. ^ef thc fotmcr rcaCbn luhich th^P bjing from the I-a- tin,that it is rude & barbarous,is iultlp chalengeObp/ Torri- an.ifotS, ■" Paulc toas rude infpeech , but not in know- ledge iSnO fo might thc^opcs be. * (cAi^TMf Rainoldes. ijiotfo. ifo? itiS one thingtobc* rude ia ^oV. fpcech,nhb rimple(as pou tooulD fap)U3ithout pompe f bjaue- nt rie :an other thing,to be barbarous, ^itis one thtng fo; a hu& xaMcoTTiff- banomantotoearehome-maoecloth.tohiciimanp ^ncitt men O/rtf- bctan other thing,to go (asrogues are toont)in raggs.Hi^h^tfb?® oxK ^o'ra, tnhcn Turrian liiith that the Popes might write barbaroufly, rtjefaitc leaft by choife of words they (houid feeme to hunt for praife and vaincglorictitis, asifa maitlhculb fap thatgoOlppjca!! i".8c4."^'' chcrsoughttogoinfomcclothcsanD full of bcnnin , Icaltbp clcanlp twnfomncs thep fhoulo f«me 10 giue themfclucs to pjioe antj banifie. 0s fo; his other reafon that they mi^ht doo it of a defire to edific,that,inthingcs pertaining to the faluation ofall,euen the fimpleft might vndcrttand them : the realbn toerc fometuhi^t i?fh® common peoples fpsch in thofe oapes hao Uaneoffocourreath;aDe,a0thnrsts,5fo;the ^eech cfnien is bcftlmoeilfajtjtohen thep beclai'e their ininDcsin fuch ti)o;oes, f Ph^i">afi are receiueo commonlp.ii5ut as farrs as 3 can gclTc, v.: "■ fli The epiftles ofthe ancient Popes, counterfeit. 513 Bj ^oupjoue,bi?t^e monuments of t^jat time to^jtc!) arc left m tojiting either bp bp Cj)jtlfian0.-furij " bafctoojos ano p^zafe6,a0 fljcfc cptftleo ftoarme toitb, tocrc not rccciucD ricauuu5,ia- ttien tn ttjc common fp^rb. Slno lljall toe tljtnfec f^at none of thronizare,a all tljc S>ctto;f( of fbat age Dtb tojifc fo^ tbc inflfruttion of ttjc Cm? v^iher rrp'*-* plcfttCD^i^otTertiiilianf^otCyprianfJ^of Arnobias < ^ot uiacar.gsudco Laftantius i ^ot Miniitius Ptlix i 0ot Icrom,Ambrofe, Au- u^jfge^ coulD ttjcp inftruct fbirn toitb clcanc ano true Latin, ano cem«non luf, toulD not tfje popesf j|iap,DiD ottjcr common Cfjjrtttano lc,no; Latin,are t^e onelp "-oHhw p;fflfest|)at tiffp bjing fo^ it. 2:t)cptiaueino;ic,ano firom T'elcfphorus, Hart, l^otoffrong,it map appecrc bp tIjaftobtcliftffpfwuevrbanus.Ame- put laft as ttje tlrcngea; euen tbeir cljiefeft rcaron,fljc autontie stephSf,"'' oftoifnclTes. ifoj tljcrcin r tbep conclwDe t^af the ancient Kuftbia$,Mcu Popes were not autours of thofe epiftlcs , bccaufc nether Eufebius,norIcrom, norDamafus , do make mention of o In Cypiiaa. them,nor any autour lightly before the time of Charles the great. £)ft^e tofjicij argu:nent,t{)efdjmer part is fonO: tije la# ? centur.a.«,7r ter,bntruc. ifo^altbougljEufebiusanblcrom ^re toont btlt# gentlp tonotetoljat ttjinges baue bane to^ifen bp anp great JDoclo?; pet not all mens tojifings came to tfjeir Ijanbcs. Sts fo; Damafus, Ijc tojitetlj not Comucb tlje liues of tbc popes Ijis p;e# tffcelliijnrs,as toiefe Cb:cntclc-nDtes:tobat place t'pep toere bojn iiijtoljatlimreo tljep came off,intol)af time fbepliueb, ^toof# ten tbep gaue ojterSjtn toljaf peare t^cp bieo, anu toliere t|cp toeretnrieD. ^Ijerefo^e it is no maruaile tbat Iiee noteo not teljat epiftles tbep to?otr.2ni)ougI) in a tojitcn copie at Konto q Proep.pew^. (h)l)icl^ 1 Turrian rato)tl)ereis mention maoe of one of t|ffir fpi# Bles>namelp ofAnaclctus. • - Raiimldcs.. In a.writcn copie,at Romcjifma^be; but in no- k Dinidua }, 514 Of the Popes fuprcmacie. ;:.n< 'r- rSurebiusl.t, ac j.Dcrici Confbn^ t Hieron.ep. II no pjintcfi copie retain ouerffg^t of fome,lDl)o,tD^«i ^rier 5u- rius fct fo:ti) tl)e CounccLs lal^oto not tnfo;me (ton of tt>t|)at fu nitgtjt pane menoeo tt tn ^amafus.^ut if ^amafus t^ou^ it i matter iuo;f{j t^e noting hovr often they gaue orders;it is tJerj likelr tijat t)e tnoufo Ijane notch tfjep tnzote fomctimes to* if tpc? hftne fact) tojitcrs . ais fo; Eufebius, ano lerom, tfjoug;/(3 graunt)aU Inciters came not to ttjeir Ijanhs: ret tocrc ttt3crrftraungc,t!)at ^ tfjeoncoftfjem being in great fauour toit^ Conltantine tjjeCi^erour, * tlje ot^jer attenbiiij . on ©amafus tlje 7^oma;j ibiO^op in ccclcfiafticall ion'tings, faot| of tljcmbefirous ano carious to knoto allCljiitttan tofttcrs iccieRift! * monuments ' purpoftlrfofpeaHcof t^em; neittjer of t^m HieroD.de fcrip. coulo fft oncoft^cfe cpiftlcsjtbat fuclj ano fo manr Biil^opsof -^"'w'lJaotofttcn.Cljierelrifil^tljcrfcmnD funo^r epiilles loji# C.'emcBfjVic- ten " brt^emjtD^tcI)tf)er mention : anor^tof ail ioljicptfjer founOitljere is not one amongft tljefe netljcr* Hart. 2:fjDfc,lo^ici)tljenti)erccommon,mig!jfbelott0nce: «no tJjefCjtoljic^ noto toe h-^u^.mig^t be tljen bnknotune. jjte- tiicr is it rcalbn that all t^erCboulh be faio to tjsue fo^itennod thing,tol)ofttnjitmssarenot cojnmonlr fenotone tjntomen. ^oj eaen noto there are (as * Turrian repoiteth )in the l^opcf lib,jarieinanicbckcsofcpi01es ofthclater ^3opcs, tohtch con- tainc the actcs ano o«oc3 of each thftt popeoomesjtohcnce .the? are commonlr calico regifterstofGrcgoric the fcuenth» Inno- cent the thirOjHonorius the thirOiGrcgorie the ninth , Inno- cent the h)uith,Alexander the fourth, Vr ban the fourth , Cle# mens the fourth,Nicolas the thirO.Honorius the Iburth, Boni- face the eighthilohn the ttoo ano ttoentocth,Clemens tljc firth, Innocent the flrth,anO Vrban the 6ftt> Sno thcfi: arc ftnotun offelumen,becaurctherarcinlD;ittngonclr ano not pjintco : bcfiocs bcrrfctotohich^eegorie the ninth , anoScniface the eighth haue taken out of them,ano cojnpilco them in the Kecre- tals to the tfe of Church-caufes. iSut, if thefe perhaps ilhoulo be Cet forth hercafter:UjoulD rou far that ther arc forgco, bccaufe there hath nomention of them banemaoe br ioritcrs , nor bs the i^opesthemrclucs •, naritohichf^ ipopes them fclucs perhaps neuerfittn; Rainoldes. Xift cemparifon is bn-enen tohen ron larithat tiie Popes them fcluesneucr fiivvbookcs in their owne li- brarie shocpift. 7oac.t.f.c.i*. The epiftlcs of the andcni Popcs^countcrfeic^ i 5 „ brarie, t^erebv to (btlD^ttiat man^ boboo rnig^t bo t Icrom anb Euiebius hncto not. itis litelB tbat t|>e l^opM lane manp bobej^ tD|)t^ tbep (a not: tbep |aue ot|er t^itiQcs to lake on. l^ut EufcbiusanDlerombtDQuDp tb.:ou0b iib;a' ries, to fee alt t|e antours Inbul luere extant in t|em. ^0 t|at t|ep tocre as lifeelp to bnoto tfje epiftlcs of tfje fojmer popes,as Turrian t|c£e oft|e latcr.ifo; Turrian botb not fcarcb oloe mo* nnmentesmo;ecarefuUptoretbp tie pope, t|en lerom anb Eufebius btD to fet foo;ti ^ut bDlatfbeuer lerom 0; Eufcbius (atD:t|tnbe pou not t|at tlepppes^as Ittleas t|ep fa tie bajbcs in fbeir lib;arie,tct,if t|e U0 of anp thereof coulD a* natle t|cra totoarb t|e recoueting of t|ctr fup jemacp in EngUndt t|tt toonlb 8nbc it quickly;.' Hart. 31 t|tnke it (|oulb be foo;t| coming to bo goob. Rainoidcs. SD|cn |aue t|e Centuries in tbis place of wic< ncHes a berp Itrong moofe., t|at( about t|e time oflerom anb Eufebiu^ t|c£eepiltlcsloere not in tie popes lib.wrie^ ifo? t|erersnomentionmabeoft|ematalleit|erin ^ t|«CouNcel jr Concil.Catt. tUcmha^ty o;of tyifrikt'.iw bo|tcI)t|e Pope enoeuouring to ' (|eto t|at appeales migbt labafnlly be mabe to bim.tooulb ^uc tbrrTate sc alleageb t|em of likelyl)QOb,|ab t|ey becne ettant. )y3ut tbis p;o* babilitic noteb by tbe Ccnturics,Turrian paflfetb oner in Glence bery fmoo^ly ^ tobere yet be maketb femblance of annoering at tbeir toitneflfes: beliite,after Antonies p.jecept in ^ Tully, ^ Deortcore. lobo Inilbct^ men,if they be troubled vrith a hard argument, to fay nothing to it, l^otobctt all tbere(3 graunt) are but like* lyboobes. i^ottDitbttanbingifyouabbetotbetelikelyboobes of '2)ainafus,oflcrora,of Eu(cbius,of tbePopcs tb^ fcltfcs, t|is allb tbaf neither any other Patfaer or aatour vrorthie of crc- dit may be lightly found that hath alleaged them before the rime ofCharies the great,abouteight hundred yearcs after Chrift: it may be kiell tbougbt tbat tb^re toas goob canle tobs ■tbe Centuries fl^ulb fuAi^ tbon. Hart, i^ay,tbat is tie later part of tbeir argnnwnt, tobicb (as a faibe) is bntrue. • oj Jfidore (tobo liueb abonc a bun* • r«riM.pr. bjcb yearcs befo,ic Charles tbe great)J>to gather together epift-Poauu*, atthercaueitoffourcfcorc^ifliops; S>0 fljat^bauefourc fcdre^iihopsmtbatone, toteMtDithbsagaiiiit tbatlyeof t|e Centuries. Rai- Piij^ ^i6 of the'Popes iuprcmadc. ! ...f i / '' I' ConcilioT. Rainoides. 15utl)clDknolD ^cu ttjat, ]?cut£Uof Id' ^ dorc ano fourcfcorc Sifhops, to be true? * Pr*fet.ifi4ot. Hart l^obw tifc |iirface of' Ifidore tjim felfe fct bffo;e. ttft Councclg. ifo;r ttjeretn, fiautng d^etoeb ^oUi tie loaf ntcucQ. (by the requelt of fourcfcorc Sidiops) to jjat^er tljc canons, tOj^ttjcr: and ve haue entcrlaccd(fattt) ^e) the decrees of cer- taine epiftles of the -Sifhops of Rome, to weete of Clemens, Anadetas, Euariftas,and the red, fuch epiftks as wee could findcyetjtil SiluefterthePopejafterthe which we haue fee. downe the Councell of Nicc,and after that the remnant of the Popes decrees euen vntill S.Gregorie, 2cl)usfarrc S. Ifi- dorc. 0nD is not ijc a ifatljcr i an autour Ujojtfitc of crebit; Rainoides. ^omit ttiat ts foito^at dcd t^ou conclube tt)cren«^Rjemeancspou arcnotafale tc inain^ tainett. Rainoides. ^ap patience, 3 p;ap£0e tbougbt pou toere agreeb that 3 mtgljt lalofullp cpcept againft a iFatbcr,if be loeve counterfctt, Hart, asrueitfbefeerefo. But it is no gocbetceptton io lalo, fbfap this 03 t^t againft a man: poumuftptoueit. - 'Rainoides. ^oHminbeto boo.. ^Inb tbatbpbenionftrafi# echrono5r»r5>-onoutof^fameboobeof ® Genebrard^tmfclfejin lobicb b^ finbetb^!b fante loitb tbe Gentune-writers.. ^03 ^out tobatpeareofCfeiftbio ifidore bpe^: ipjjlo botb Gpncbratdi,, rccitta/ The epiftlcs of the ancient Popes counterfeit 517 guS J" recftcn; Hart. 3|n tlje twre0r tljirtie aitUfoicmw he pjoo UCtl)OUtofVafa:us, Rainoldcs. CSRijen toas the gcnerall CcanctU of CenfiMtU noflt tjoDcr Agatho bept ^ fettf) t>e of ftjat; Hart. 3n t!jc ^caro fir i)unD;cD four(>ftoje ano one, 0; ttoo» oj t!)cre about Rainoldcs, SC^cn Ifidore tDaobcafi^cucfourfic scares before tbat gcncrall CounccU. Hart, i^ctoajs: but tobat oftfjaf? Rainoldcs. sDftfiatit Ootbfiiloto t^af fbc preface Injiten inlfidorcs name ant) fetbcfozetljc Councclstopurcbafc crcDit to t bofe qjtftlcs, is a counterfeit, anu not I fidores. jfo; in tljat preface ttjere is mention mabe of the gencrall Councell of Conflarttwoplc held againltSiihop Macarius, and Stephanus, in the time of Pope Agatho, & G>nftantine the Emperout, tSElfjictijfocingitbuas abouefourtie pcarcs after ifidore InasDeab bp Genebrardsotoncccnfefliombpbtsotoneconfcf' fion Ifidore toulb not tell the foure fcorc Bifljops cfit. 0nb (b the foure fcore Bifliops U)|)iclj Turrian batljfcunB out in one Ifidore, arebiHolueo all into one counteifeit, abufingbotb tpe name of llidore anb foure fcorc Rifiiops, Hart. ^ Igmarus Ercbbiibop of^emes in tliettme j tifar.aetarJji of Lewes tonne to Charles,aboutCeucn tjnnbjcb pearcs fince, capit.ecclcC bib tljinfee tljat toojbc to be s. ifidorcs, anb fo be ctfetb if* Rainoldcs. lEElljp mention pou t^at^ ^re pou bifpofeb to p;>cuetbatfomebauebeene becciaeb,anb tbougbt bim ifidore tobbtoasnoff H art. 00: iffinf fo p:oue tbat fbe tnojbe is Ifidores fas ifa^ ^ p,„ n. fber ' TurrianOofb)bptbetcflTmontcof Igmarus, T'whlIiKj.c.ij. Rainoldcs. Ignarus can not p.:cuc tbat. ^e muS be con:! tent to be becciueb in fomctobat as iDcll as bis ancefto2S. ^oj , it is foocleerc bp tbe ^ Councels tbemfclucs tbat ifidore bib bpc about tbe time tbat toe agreeb of: anb tbcrcfo?c no belpe,but fubfcriptio«.e- it mud be an otbcr l»bo tn^otc tbat preface in bis name. bic^ mabctb me fo mucb the mozc to fufpctt tbat the epiftles arc conn' tcrfeit, fitb 31 finbe tbat a ifatber toas connterfeiteb to get tljem crcbft. anbfnrc ifislikelptbaf about tbe time of Charles tl^ ' great, toben ^ toellerne Cbur cbcs bib ccmmonlp fetcb bcobcs li a from CFiapt.)! OiuiAcn J, 5,L& Qt chePopes fupremacie. ,..p H i'; ':li! :: fromt^c Roman ltbzaric, ftiiiiegrootticof flje popcis - ancTie ta§ almc8'bDF)conuei2D tbts:pampblct m amangtt tbem: anD-UJcll meaningmen(mFranee,nnQotbcrcountrB.2£() rcee^f ncD itasa tnoUbie lDo:b0compileo bi? S. indore,anb coming from tbc Sec Apoitolike. )16utfap tobatJnatbefaioe fo; fljeOL» lence of oloe toitneirc£(,U}biel) is b?gcti>(anb iu(f Ip,)a0 a p;obablo coniecture, tbat tbofc cpiiflcs toerc not ejrtant in tt«tr oapes, tbe matters tb^itarc banolcD anQucbatcD in tljrm, tbc fcripfures alleageo, tbeffo^iesrero^oco, ttft ceremonies menttoneo, tfje times ann Dates afligneD, are,not conieaures probable, but moS certaine p;oofes, tbat tbep conlD not be turiten bp tbofe ancient BiibopsofRome^juboCenamestbepbeare. ^b^e is a boobe lisPci^nwlfr ^ntitleDtofbePoct s 0uid,touching an olde woman; bauc de vetuiipjtn poucueri&neitf OTbatistbattoilwpwpotef SJofb^^btQit^tof tbe t(jf of Coolcin ^opes epiftle^? Rainoldes. ^o: but tbeirepiftles arelifeeto; tljat boobe ' ' funD;nererpectes.. 3|t is ancient: itinasiriint^abouea bun^ DreD peareftago.;3itD pe.inbo (et itfoo>tb, wtb tbat Quid wrote, it in his ordage,and willcd itto be laidc vp in his grauc witlv him; in the which graucit was found at length by the inha- bitants of the countrey who fent it to Confbntinople, and the Emperour gaue it to Leo his principaf not$ric, who did publi(h.it.^GnoQtbtale) to men beleene tbat itis Quids. :iDf tDbom tbougb ft (anour no mo;;e, tben tbefe cpiAles of ^s iSSiihops^fRomc: pet ifpoorDiuines coulDfinDefome antibe f)er(e tt)oretbatU]ia:eaneuiDena;fbrtbc |3opes fiip^emacic, B[ jbempfo;:merrealbnstnontD not oilTtoaDe pou from belling but O uid to;ote tbe boobe.. iPo> ,to the barbaronfnes auD bafe# neaoftbe Latin anoAyie, ifBl ^oalDtvgettrpoumigbtanftoere tbat Quid U):ofe fo fo^ ttuo caufbs: t^at bs migbt not (seme to bebaine glo>ion0p gtuen> ano tbat bis rej^ntance migbt bee bnotone euen to tbo.fii^lea. tbe filence ofwitnefles, tbat nomanmabe^mentionofttamoni^bi^hjojbes^ pou migbt annueretbatitlapbiDbenin biograue- ilnD tbis pou migbt anCinere luitb greater (btUrof; ltbclpbooD,tben tbat tbe popes cpiAles lap biDDen in t|[>e popes lib:aric.. IBut bnto tbe maf^ ters ofiubii^ tbe biobetntreatetb> anD tbinges tbat it Dircourre^ OH}, no C^^Doti) ofbefenfe can be maoe ioifb anp realbn. Sfoj. tt %ea? li- Dt TttulJ, The epiftles of thcancient Popes^counrerfeit. 51 p Diuifion in tljep^aifc of the virgin Marie , ' God «ue her to be our mcdiatrefle,and * fliall affumpt her into humaaogeJie- hcauen,and place her in a throne with him : sea,t^eautour J ««icLargitor ?.'2ai)uf)ar«|)otnfrs of fiodrmc that iocrc not rNonopns ca ^rl>of(3l trotD)tnQuidsttmo.i^ctfljertjstflihdp f^at Quid e» toaofotucU reaD in tljc fcrtpturcs., t^tljetoulD + scTfiSfrur' IawofMores,anDfpeafecofiacobartD Efau, anhalluDe to 5 rretjfimulai: Salomon in Ecclefiaftes.Cuenfofc; tljofe cpiftlcs of t^c J!5t# ^opo of Ro»»f>alfl;oagl3 ijou ijauc gloftc to fl^iftofotfjcr rcafono: i nuc cAo m potBSamperftoaocDthat poucaHlapiio colotir on the contents ano fubtfance of them- ^ oj tjjc fcripturcs arc fo allcageo; anu vi rgo. fuchpointeoaretaughtabcut the goucrnnunt of the Church, about religion,about rites,about Oo^ics eccleliafticall, that it is bilcm fex intiuit not poffible thcp llhoulb be tojiten b\? thofe IBiihops. aiafpidoncm Hart. I'SHh? i H>(d pou thtnbe it asbnliftclp a matter, that clam famofo: thep ihoulb alleage the ttriptures,as that Quid PhoulD i namfp.ido,cuqi Rainoldcs. ^ap,3 Dtn thtnfee it,o.j rather 3 Dm tmotu it to bcnio^cjbnlihelp,thatfhep ihoulD fo alleage the fcriptures as efi t^u, thcpDcDjthen that Quid tboulD alluDe to Salomon, 0; cite Mo- f ' fes. ifoj k thebmbesofMofes( 1 perihaps of Salomon tco) k lofeph.anti- toere tranflatcDinto CraUe bp the Scuentieincerpreters manp a^eare before Ouidtanp ho might haue reao them. ^5ut pStir 1 Epiphan.Iib. common llatin tranflation of the oloe tettament, mabe (a great partofit) bpS.feromout ofthe^ebieU)e,(lDhcnceit ts eallcD S.lcroms,)coulDnotber(KnebpAnacletusanD other auncicnt iBilhops of Rome.ifoj thep tucre DeceafeD befojehetoas bo;nc» 0nD pet all their epiftles dcd alleage the fcriptures after that tranflatiom ^n euibent tobcn,that the Inciter of them did Ituc after S.lexom:pea,afircat ta^ile after him, as map face Dameo p;jobablp. ifoj the common JLatin tranflation, iohich the am ■ ^ cicntJlafinifathersbreD , toasmabcoutof the Crabe of the Scucntie interpreters,Tertullian,Cyprian, Hilarie,Amb.rofe, anb other of the fame ages.lheto it in all their isjitmgs. i^e* ther toasthat olbe tranflation fo;ifakenttraight boaics, as fmne asleromhabfetfojthhwneto, ifo^ " AulHn, toho lain le-m Deciuit.Oci rpmsjpjcfcrreb ftill theolbc tranflationbcfoje it. ° Gregonc, ntpm id lc toho4iueo about tinohnnb^eb pcares after, both bfe thein both •andriim in ex- iribiflfcrentlp(bccaule the Church of i?ome bib fo,)" but libeth better of the nein. ^no Is in p;oceflie of time t^nein tranflati^ o Bxpofit.lobi iib 3 ' on*® =*^4. DittiHoii '}. 520 Of the'Popes lupremacie. citDtt)t)>ctuitU,an{)tlt;c cite luas iDtiol^ Ieft:faue tn the iTalmes 6itcl^,Ujljicf) being fong in Cfjur^es ^aa taken aiper ra)Ccfl)enroulobeplucheatipbpicroiTi.j]iaU),fit|) tboft epiltles oCftneiirri- oftlJ^iS.itkopsofRoniebm alieagc tljc fcriptures after tljat tranflation UiljicI) tlje ifatljers callcs the new^, p pou call the olde.anb it lDa0 fo long after leroms time bcfo;e f^at tranflati- ontoasgroUmetofucljcreDtttljatittoQfl^uttke otljer out:it is probable t^at t^ep Vnere tiuitcn loitg after,but tnljctljer long o> lbo;t,it ificertaiiietljattljcplueretDaten after leroms time., Hart, 3|tistrueti)at Anaclecus aiiD tbc rettbftljcrc^if fl^ops,lDt)QliuebbeforeS./eromstime, inuft neeoeo bte t^iat tranflation tobtc^ tbeifatj^ersc-ill the olde.^no Tur- fl.-Pfo epm. rian anfibcrctljep bib in fljcle epiftles. Rainoldes. ic^econtradeioplatne bp tlje epiltles tijcm:- ftlue0,in euerte oneof tb^m. Hart. 3:butTurrianraitf)t!)aft»bi^nfl)efeepifflcBtoereSrft fcf ab^oab to tlje bfe of tfje Cburcb tbattljep might come to all mens bnotolcgejtljcntuas it tl)ougt)tg(Db ( becanfe S. Icroms tranflation toas in all menjerbanbs) that manp place®, tohifk toere citd) accotbing to the otber,lboulb be cbangeb anb dteb ac' cojbingto 5,icroms tranflation. Rainoldes. iBut boto botb Turrian p^oue fbaf tbcp toere d» teb firft accoibtng to tbe cft;er i Hart. 5i5ecaufe funbiie fcntences, in "if- out of tbe p^opbefSjtDoulb better fit tbe purpofe if tliiep bab bane ritebaccoujingtotbe otbertDbicbto'^soutof tbe (©rabc, tben accojbing to S.leroms tobicb is oufcof tbe !^cb2ct»e. ifo; tx* t Aieicand.prim. ample,in tbe firftcpiftle Of pope ^ Alexander,tbatfe)ctfoallca# «t*iu^oxo5" ont of tbe p^opbet ' Zacnarie,He that toiicheth you,ton- f 2ath.».a. cheth the apple of mine eye,as it te in lerom. IBut t^e otl^P. tranflationout of tbe e mnftneeoe® 00 tbat tsbieb - inoflfit. Hartf ipiap,ft:botbnotlpeMr&tQbt0pQil^t»ae(&be oi»' cpiftlcs ofthe ancient Popes, counterfeit. 511 oioctteitCi, Rainoldcs. tf &(9,o; nout is platne autour tn^nt not To to cite it. ifo; in t^o iianto opi&lo ^e raitli tt)at Trielts and Bifliops (to UiiTOm fjeapplictlj it) are called the eyes oi the Lord.M^iJ Gtl) 1)0 fattt) Dlt t^lEfc tDO?D06,He that tou- chcth you,touchcih the apple of mine eye;it Tismct^ tt)at Ijtt meant [cycI]notoff)t5 eyetet)OtoucI)Etf), but of Coos./^cittjcr liaB meant otl)er\utr0 if fje citco tl)c U)o;Ds after t^c (Srah tranIlatlon,anD not leroms, 5foj tljougb it be in (l^rcEfe, He that touchcthyoujtoucheth the apple of his eye, (ao ifiotn ^0b;ctoe,anDmtl)0 ^ bcft copiccofleroms Latin taj:) pet t^z tDO^0Chis,avT» 115 refcrrcD to [the Lord of hoftes] Uiljofccare of ^ t)i0 people tbepjcpb^fnotctl) bp tt)at fpaci), inliberfi>tas " Mofesljabrilfo Doonbefojebini.tSaiffrefoicifitagrccnct tocU Ftaiicifci Luc. int|)afrenretott0 purpofe anD D;ift of ttie popes epittkjtn t»l)icI)itisaIlea0e0,aj8Turrian raitl) it Dotl) not:tl)cn tninfcifc common ur. tonfclRtb t^t not all tl)e fcripturcs are t|{cre alle<:jjeD fitlp. tUbici) * l)e cannot abioe the Centuries fl^outofap. Icut if ti)is *2^0 epiii. ' anftoerc be gob anD allowable,tljat when thofe epiftlcs ofthe aXot^tc''' Popes were publiflied,thetextes,which could not be allea tajjcceofttn. gcd Co by them,were chaunged:tbnt W it impclftble to bjing a^ np reafonjfcut pou ma? (bielo tbom from it eafil?. if0; if tbere be a point of o;)Der in Dircipline,o; Doctrine in faitb,o; ttie Gate of times,0; circnmSances of pcrfons anD things lu|)atrccucr,tf)at is DifpfoueD b? Inuters anD ioitneiTes of that ap,as there are inS« nite:?ou ma? fa? that it teas not fo in the epiftlcs,but the? tolp fet ^em fo^th did alter that point.jf 0^ crample, in one of them iohich is fathcrcD on ^ Cornelius,appealcs vnto the See of y*pia.,jui ^omcareajppjoucD.ffiut Cyprian Doththcto that Cornelius agreed with him and other 5iihops,that caufes fliould be en- zEfiti 55.ad ded where they began,without appealcs, comeiium. IT rr II 1 . StatutumeSom Hart. ccieCh^iUikUfr inabeanenDiftoeliano on eucrie nibut nobis, particular that ma? be cauilleD at.lt fufficeth me that all inhich ?ou can fa? is fet Dotone in the Centuries, anD that toht the iury. fitUljom 3 mttft requcft toitljaUfo ton0Der of one rcafoit mojc.U)tiulj tfjcirtball noittjcr Snoctn Turrian,rw; in t|jfe Genturiesj Hart. Mlf)atreafonijstI]faff Rainoldes. s:i)etuDgemfntofffji?aI&arnca tncnof tisur Otune 0DC,Curanus,t|)eCarDtnall; bellarmin,t^8 3efuif} a»iO faDeconcor. Contius,tt)efanicu£!jlaUjtcr^ ifo;Carsinall^ Cufanus, fa^^ danc.cathoi, 010, t[)at pcraducntute thofc cpiftlcs of Clemens and Anai clctus are counterfeit,vpon the which thcy,who would exalt the See of Rome more then is expedient and ftemely forthe holy Churchjdoo ground them ielucs.-aODC^ f02 pjofe tbere? ofjtljat ifa man firil did reade them ouer diligently, applying the hate oftheir times to thofe epiftles,and then were perfit in the workes of all the holy Fathers who liued vntill Auftin, Icrom,and Ambrofe,and in the aftesof Gouncels where true and authenticall writinges are alleaged; he (hould finde this, true , that neither are the faid cpiitles mentioned in any of thofe writiugSjyeaiaod the epittles beingapplyed to the time, of thofe holy men do betray them felues. Hart, Cufanus,tol)cntictojotetl)cf8thingc£i,tDas not Car^ i)inall:nettIjerDotI)l)caffirmctt,butrait^,Cperaduenture: ] ano 1)0 mentioHctlj tlje cpi0l0S of Clemens anB Anaeletus onclpjnot ofalL Rainofdes* JlBut reafonifjOftHe contents anO witnciTer,. Do touc!) tfjem alhas Dotb D.jift alfo. fntlj Ije Cperaid. i! Bxalligatis uenture^ofDouftnff,but of moD£0ie:fo; aoDethfartijer tfiat * rnift^bsTc^Kis tilings a great number doo proueir manifehly. ^nD fifcugti f)0biJtrenotCarDmaUtf)cn,i!efl^0toas 2?ocfour of tljo Canon quihk^iupc"-' lahJ,anD HDcanc of a CatljrD^aU C{)urcl),anD 0tto betnabc Car# wcue poiu- Dinall toitfjin a feto pearrs after.ijiciftier fpabc be of IjatrcD to a'ommUude tljcofRome,lDl)ic'^l}5 callctijthe diuincj ^ themoftex- fiiperexccUcn- ceUentinaUpraife,pea moft fuperexccllent , thefirft, the chicfcSee; anD fattbtljaf Ilia needeth not to helpe her felfe withthefe doutfullarguments,which are drwn outof thofe epiftles and put in the decrees of Gratian, 5But tocne not CarDinaU bo ganc ftjat iiiDgcnicnf :pcf Bellarmin toag 35cfuit tDljen be ron0rmeD it. ifa? toljcn Jje teao at ^om e of ijje §og0»0jp;cnmci0 j^anD tame to t^ argwmtnt of tfrtS «pip The epiftks of theancicncPopcs counterfeit. 52:3 Diaif epiftlesof{^|0Ope£i: fjcfatO Father Turriana learned -man had defended them to be their owne, but he thought the contrarie opinion to be truer. Hart. hnoto t!oa ffjaf fathcCj, at Rome/ Rainoldcs, £)Re of poor olono frientes anh fclotor s,' tolio ^ ^ jiiflitc®. •toasp;uffcnt,tolctmlje!jtari)f)mifap fo.ShiD^Do ratfjcrbtJf wiwjf»httanfc,tDljcrras •J Stilarmin btinfclfeljatlj j inRomanH fet in U);i(tng tljt fummc of tt)cfc lcrfure0,f)e faitf) tt»ougt> not al# pt^iesienib. together fo much, ?et in cffetr.^o; I will not deny (faitfj f)e)but there are feme errours crept into them. Hart. iSut he aOOetl) that certes he thinketh neuerthelefTt that they arc very ancient.. Ramoldes. ^nU U)hP i bccaufe Ifidbre maketh mention of them, tuSlhirh realcn,that he therefore doth thinkc them very ancient becaufc there is mention made of them by Ifi- dore, is as much in foftcr too?Dcs, as if he faioe, he thinfeth them ancient, hotobcit not fo ancient as thep are pjetenoeo. St map bethat !Sfellarmin,tf he toere abucrtiteD that ifidore is fo?# geb to, tooula thinke them lelle ancient bp one Degree then pet fte thought. ffiutthatiDhirhiht SJefuit toasloth to Dealc toith ouer roughlp J the iUtnier, a man of better minbe, anb boloer tpiritjboth plainelp ancuclj. ifoj he afFirmeth if to be ctere anb euibentjtijat thofe epiftles of the Popes,who were before Sili uefter,arc ail falfe andcounterfeit. ^oto 5ilueftertnas Pope at the time ofthc Nicen Gouncell,afaouc th;ta huhU^eb peares after Chjitl. ^nb to theerception tohich 31 r«abe apiaft pour firft faanb of popes,toho liucb th;a tmaf ^eb peares after Ch.:itt> anb bpiDarb:pou fa it is con8rmeb bp a famous aiahjier, a man ofgrcatiubgement,anDofpouroU3nerc!igion. Hart.. ?il2nhat famous Lawicrio it^- }©? hoto bothhe COR- firme iU e DiWna.itf.c. Rainoldcs. 3;t is Antonius Contius,fhehingesp?ofeflb?of wLSt!"" the lato in thehmucrfftieofSurges'.tDith tohoft notes(alloto#' Muiwsiatio.^ eb anb appmueb bp the piiuileges ofthc Spanifi f French hinges) ""iianifcfte. pour Canon-law luas p^infCDaf AnwerpefipPlantin. gfn ' often di. oneofthofenoteSjhc faith, that he hath brought ' manyrca* Ions in his prefacc,by which he hath proued and ^ ihcsi'ed ueftrumpneefi- manifciUy,tIwt 5 the gpilUes ofthc Popes t Sil- 524 of the Popes iupremacic. SHuefter, all falfc and counterfeit.lll5el)0lt>, fje !jat{) fhevcd but bg many reafons; ano tba^ raanifeiUy, • - Hart, ^ut l0|)atare tbe rcafons, 1'^ IbetDeb ft fo b^.' Rainoldcs. i^a^,3ambounDtofeapcconnfeUmfbatifa; . 4 In i>r«f*rione * thc prcfaw (toijerin be brought tbofe rcafons) is not p;inteO. addiuii. SDbougb B1 muft dare Plantin tbe pointer from tbc fante. ifoj 31 raufeo a frtenb of mine to afbe of bbn^tobp ft not p coulo it be that a learncb man, tije binges p;ofe®o;5 of tlje laUjjthoulb fa^ concerning f fjc fame epilUes, flrft, 1 hauc (hew- cdmanifcfHy by many reafons that they arc counterfeit; anbanon,! know that fomeaffirmc them to be countcrfeitj; but 1 would dcfire them to bring better proofc^ Cbicflp fitlj the'caufc, that is aDOeo tfjcre DfOrctlj better pjoofc, is. $ inaoru, mui- Ifidoresaufojitie: to'ootw ^ Contius (in that rc(i)Ctt) Doth ta apocrypha Sr- BiftfeDtf; tohich note is p>inteD foj. ^no afterioarDe aga:tne,0n ie"rufa. 'otf^r tertcsof thofeepiftlcsjhcnofethfunD^iepotntestoherc# kiTipWitQai bjj^it i.s mani(eft(hc faith)that they arc forged; anOpttajjaitte, oASanum on other, he menfionetlj the pkofe thereof maOe in his pre- nones ecclefi- face; pea, anD that is moje, Dpcm thefeme^pfltfeof the fame A- nacletusjon tohich' ih«t connterfeit note ^as(C9piidh» Cbn- I't.q.t. c.bc»- tiui againe noteth, thisiepiftle is faKcly fetHered on Ahacle- vi»- tus, ^ asladucrtifedinmyprefacc. pOtt n»f hob^rl[^^ iXinteAl IpTully DID flbferue,fhaf if,either futtletic were bold,or bold-^onof^ nede craftie, itwould go hard with the truth ? SDhS truth tohich w oppugneD bp thofe cpiitles of lh< i^opes n Diaina 9^. < taD one patrone leflfe to fpcabe foj her i if pour Genfoirr han A ve iiAAX bane as politihe fo blot out the notes touches the preface, as QoacmonuSr^ he teas harDie to Icauc the preface out, anb coine a neto note ao gaipllit. ^nD pet perhaps heblotfeo out feme notes to. 56nt men,tohobealeluith much,(hall ouerfafomctoijat ^ • ' Hart, ^cuffill fufoectfhetoo;®.^mighfbcttocorrcAors fautoanDnot theCeniours, (©^ iftheCehfourDiDi^ he^DtO it. of a gooD minDe,beeat|& he iheust^ that Contius to^ Dete^O inif. ' : > Rainoldes. Che It^efphosQ unhp^eftunptien is tiot(h'tmt(9;^ of the coErc^our^toho hetoingall the notes mtg|t tone left o^^' C'l'iira ■ ii- ji . ^ ti, i ,'f 1:^1 (^up.8. Diu'if.j. 51^ Of die Popes iiipremack. . ^"5 r^toj, if tic twfi banc Dojcrfiijs it i« of lijeCen four,iD^ fuffkriiifi not ftujpreface to paffc to t[)C,p2int foj popcsXahe, ma? iuftl? bcfufpcrtco t^at t)e toonlb ftrainean ?ncb fartljcr to ]^clpc tijc pope. 5®ut, pou fap,he did it of a good mindc.lSnf tJCoDminbcamulilcarnctobfegmDmcancoaUb, 0tleatt, ^ou!b bouc boon as ifrtcr Sucius bib: tubo, tnb^rcas in ttic olbe cbitionof tbe Councels tberc foere certaine tbingcs notcb out of Cafsiodore, Marianus Scotus,anb Gregorie Haloandcr, tou* x|)ingtI)e?earc0oftficConrulsluboarcnamcb in tlje bates of tporccpilircsoftbcpopcs: Surius(inl)io ncto ebition tfjcrc# .0 J-rafat ad ° tecibiug ttjis rcafon fob? Jeftorctn. Con- left tbem outjbecaufe both the thing is darke of it felfe,& it is c Dtfp^fflfe of ttofc counterfeits on tot>«l>to«5W»nt»tl)e popes fi^jcmacie: but to tbinfee toitb ttjem fctues bote manp mflje of Hbebb®® in tbe nnooett of poperie banc faaften againft tljem; pea,ftini)^p peraDuenture,to^, (as t^r iu,:itingsar« p^inteO note,) ijic^e fojtbem» ^0? if in tbcte oa^es toben men Do Oft tbeir Doings, Surius Dorft aDuenture to Icanc out notes alreaDp pjinteD, anb the Ceniour to fuppjeffie things in pointers banDs ^bat tljcp map nener come to ligbt,?ea>to to^ite notes in tbe names of antonrf flat contcarie to tbetr iuDgement,f p^iint tbem as tbeff otnn tor tobat GS it to be feareD tbep DiD in former tiines,lDben tbere Inerr fetn tbat tooulD efpie tbem i S>hif eipie tbem,pet lobo fo barDp to: belnjaptbemc Hart, SCbe fuDgementofCufanus,anD B€llarmin,anD Con> tius,anD tbe reft of our tfte, (if tbere tocre mo je tobo map notDiipjoue tbofe epiaies ifeing tbat t^feluesalloto fbs to^ematie of tbe ISiftop of Rome,. Rainoldes. ^amucb tbe greater fo^ce tbep bane to Dilb»ar fbem:fitb it is not iibelp tbat tbep tsoulD leaue tbis boiD of tbat, fnbicb tbep fauour. if manifeft trutb-anD reafon DiD not compel! tbm tbereunto, Hait. JBut tobpDO pouil^ting tbe iuDgement ofonr Car- dinah,o;Icfuits,o;Lawicrs herein again# me : Juben, in as fneigbtie a point againft pour felfe , pon toil! not receius tbem, Rainoldes, 3gauepontbrreaftn ^ before out of the fcrip-rjBfljei.Dt turcsjtobicbcifetbePoctifo, iSutifpoutoilbaneitconfirmeD bptbeFathers,poubnotDtbat ' Ladantius, ^ Eufcbius, " r&.inft.cuft Arnobius,anD * manpmo^e oftbcmoobiiing the in^iftngs of ^ BepMjurari. SibyUa,anD Orphcus,anD Hcrmcs,aHD other(Scntilcs againft the (II^entiles,tDbofeiuDgements tbep iDonlD not receiue againft tbcmrelnes.ifoj,if Sibylla(laitb Auftin)and Orpheus,and fcSlJd^usT Hermes,and other ether Prophas,orDiuines,orvircmcn, tuftinusMai^ or Philofophers of the gentiles haue faid true things touch- ing god:thac is of fomc force,not for vs to embrace the auto Auiuftinus,. riticof thcm,but to conuincc by them the ranity of Gentiles when «re {hew chat vedoo worlhip that God of whom euen $b«y Piuif-t. .Mr cocropesiupremacie. .they baue fpjokcojwho partly did teach,partly duril not for biddc their fclow C/entiles to w^orlhip idoles. iSnO tt ts U)^ t tit ppur if a Catholikc be in fuitc againit an he# it«tcucitt. retike,tlaeicftKnonyofanheretikcisofforccforthe Catho- like; but againit the Catholikc no tclHm^ic is of force, fa- uing the tcitimqnieofa Catholikc oncly . ID^e tdhmontef tljercfpje cf Cardinals,® Icfuits,anQ tomer Papiltes,arc of fo?c£; agatnH pan,but not fo^ pou againtt bft jpctljer ib ttier caaft tobp poufljoulDafhc rattier tofjpl bring their iudgements a- gainit the Popes cpiftles,and yet allow them not in the Popes JupremaciejtljenUibp " tljclfraelitcsftDbe ietoeU; ano fnmi# H.35. turc ofgoloanDfiluer of tbc Egyptians, tnljcn pet tfjep fojffflbe tlietr tDolep and beaup buroeno. 0nD tfjuo pou fee bo^t tnalte tbe toft fperbatb made fo^tbefirS band of popco , totit:m ettier pon named out of Stapleton,anoCanus;oj injapped bp toitb' out names in tlje decrees of Gratian, i^aue pou anp bope of better fucccCe in tbe remnant of tbem:oj Inill pen multcr neto Ibuldtersi Hart, ^cu flball finde moje balure in tbefe tbcn pou Icolte fo?, asbotlp as pou call fot neto. ifoj, tbc erceptions tebicb pou made agiTtintttbefccondfoit of popes are naugbt uoutletTe; to tap nothing of tbe third ^ Rainoldcs. ^ou Doo tocll to fap nothing of the third tb;f. 315ut tohat miflike pon in mp erceptions to t^e other i Hart, ^ou thoulD afhe mc rather tohat 3 mifliUe not. ifo; 3 miflihe all that pou hauct^D therein. ifirff,that theyauouch not the Popes lupremacie. tSlhich toho iDOulD Tap, but pou f 3foj it is tffl dare that Innoccntius thcfir&,Leothcfirlf,Gela- tjns,Vigilius,Pclagius,and5,Grcgorie,(U;hom rdl pen COim piehcnd inthc fccondfoitDfpopes,)auouchitasfullpandinas ample maner,as anp popes lith thrm bane dcon. Ai.u()ua.aepri- Rainoldcs. 3t is tea cleerethep Do not.iJnd that boill 3 piouc aamentUc"e- bp th^ thirb^o^t ofpopeSjttt the famc placcSjthat pouc felfc al< iecbone.ln leagedoutofthe decretals, and' cxtrauagants, and the a ch'^Ka.c.v- Councell of.Lateran. jfo;! Palchal the fecoiid , Innocentius nam lattftam. the third, Nicolas tl^third, Boniface the eighth » and Leo the tenth*(t|^ autcurs cf the chapters and tertes bihich pcu quot®,) aSttb heon, dcDclaimem'JChthercinjth^ncther/nnocentiusthe firtt , no^ aeetmoiSefM. j^olt^.Srfi,no; Gelarius,noj Vigili.us,no^ Pelagius, no? Gre- : ' goric gorie^no; ani? of t^t ro;t claunco. Hai t. v:^!)at one potnt) t^At tourlietl) itfz fublfance of ^opesfupiemattcf Rainoldes, jftrft,tbdrloucrainepolx)er ouer all |3;tnecff, tba >t)^pmapoeporett)em.-anD t>)at tb^Celaeo are fabtectto none,not to ttje tfimperour. ifoj ' Nicolas tpe tfjiro (aitb',tl)at reka'o«T the monarchic ot both po\yers(t)emecmetlj ccclefiiajDhcaUanI) ill Sexto. £iutll)belongethin thecitie of RomctothePope.by thedo- nation ot Conftantine:who thought it vnmcte that an earth- ly Lmperourihouldhauedominion there,, where God had let the Prince otPrieftes. HnD^ Boniface tlje eighth piOClai- fiixt,«.e.vna» mcth himfelfe to be fet of God oucr nations, & k^ingdomes, to pluckevp,andto roote out, andfoforth , eucn to iudgc dicaux. the Princes of the earth, cMhitb o;i3inance of ^onifece (re* nctDCD,ano appjoneo bp s Leo the tenth,) hafj) been® put in piaflife acco;3inglp bp tiino;? oft^. s^anp ttings,anb t2m<= perours oepoCeo bp their fentcnccCas ^ pour oUinc twjitcro boa^) on'... hauc felt the pioofe tfjerei^ianQ toe haue fene latelp their toilltn Iji^ ar^irx'sr' our.^u^ne,ano * her father of famoua memo tie, though d^o nat.Conllantia, hatbblclTcbtoherc thcp carfeD,anaheltithcmbp U^m thepbe? pofeo, ISut the fccono fo it of laopes tocrc fo farre from clai# f/na.i!« .»n\' mingthis potoer ouer all3;in£cs,thavthep clatmeD it not ener a? nie.j^cither toercthep monarches of the cunlpowcrini^'ome^ the (oB 5 ' haueptCuei),)byCcnltantincsdonatibnibttfTubicth^lE^ebd^ki Satetoaaturn^bfi&be-botone- B^nfomtuh tttst'tohdrcaa the J3ope faib before, ' our moft godly Lord the tmpcronr: hoto 'cctiefirfti/tl. aiuft the CEmperour Gp,pea,anb be Ctoo^ne.' to oar molt hoiv ' 3 ^ . LorU r6.e!^j3,aa Thfo; octafions , claime their ful fu«' p;e»tacie. Kainoldes. ^ou IhotilD fpeake mo;e trnclp ano Ch^iQianlp ofthem,ifpottraiD,tbepthou^ttt not to be their rig^. 'iBut would not,or could not,pottr ot»n anftoere graunteth that thep bib notelaime it.Mherefo;e fith their fup;einade iinplpeth (btu- rainepotoer ouer kings anD (I^mperours,as it is DefineD bp the lalt (b;t of popes: the reconD,lDh9 buere fubiert to the eiuiUpo- tDers,anD clainuD no fuch Ibueraintie, aucuchcD not the poj^ Ihpjemacije. Hart, ^et ouerthe fpintnall polners thep auoucheD it, that is,otter ^iihops.jSnD that tsc faithful and obedient to hira.pea the^mc Othe of fcaltie anb prtuiicgi^!' obeDtencj? llh^fioeentius^thtrDcrattethofthePatnarkesflf ..rRegi{tr.l.4. .CmjiantmofU,<:yiltXimel/i^^An(mhe , anO ./lb;tflfpcpes,asnamelp ■" Gregorie,acknotolcDgeD the Patri«kc5pbehisc^uaIs,nothijffHbiert^ J,' w /X.O r>Ai> - -'V- tJi.. The ancient Popes prone not the Papacie. 5^1 farrc from cS'mng fi»tttoience,nnotmuri; rtquireo not ant Tuc^ ot^CjnOimt of t^e meanelt^aQo; in oioccli^. Hart. ^fg,^ttt>ct5i0:a«toumatreebt Pelagius, tttcr aD an® o;OcincO,tbat if any Metropolitan did not fend to Rome within three moncthes of his confccrtion to take his othe, and receiuc the pall,he Ihould be depriued of his place and dignitie« Rainoldes. Pelagius;aSt]^er£taf^afDen'«^ Hart. 3(n t^ Canon- Utn; inljenro it in alleagco bp' Fran- , dc fp;rcop»- cifcus Vargas, a notable IcamcD man, hing Philips rounfal* IcuranoembaffaDourtoi^ope Pius tfjefenrtf). !^e, tobt'rt auJriutc'"' t^eqae(honoftljeiun(btdtonof}!5tiI)opsanDt^ popes auto;i<' iponrci.Propofi, tiecotila not be torllagrccocn in ttje CcunccU of Trent, inas "°:pjui.Mafln«. calleo bt ttjc pope to a confultation toitb tlje c^icfcft Caroinals. re- (jc tp^ fjis iuogcment oftljcpoint 6 ti?tfelp,t|)at it iuas t|ougt)t6t ^ anftoere (bi^ulD be fet in p;int. Sl^tjercin, a^ monglt manp rcafons ano auto;>itie0 fo;i tfje popco fapjcmacte, be faitbtliatPclai^ius declared it by this decree, in that hec would hauc all Metropolitans fwornc to him. Rainoldes. This decree ioas ttiabe bj apopitbJUlnter, not bt pope Pelagius.ifoj " PelagiuSjleatttbafbelbonlBraCb' u Dift;na.io«; It gto cottfent to tbe alloboing of ant Metropolitan inbo Inere c.Qu.onuiii. ttotCJunDinfaiibjieqaircDtbcm "to make profcfsion of their ♦ Expenerefi- fairbjandfotoiendforthepalljtbatw fofet,fc; ^ig content, tob^cof tbe pall teas a token. .aiUifeierflfParis, one * Re-, j„ mundusRufus,to framcbweofaffrongcrtoeapon fo;§pope, Moiinaumpro (in tobofe oefcnfe b« tojote,) bafb cbsnngc® tbc \Do;otsl^a^expo- wndamfidem/katK^^iXltO tbefc fidet cm[4:'\% fo iUrefidem^inGtCOoffidem expmere, bcpjouetb tbaf Pclagius would hauc their othcs to the Popcjlnbcreas ^ requifco pro- fefsion of their faith in Chrilt. Francifcus Vargas, nh lcagtng(ag a gbeCie)tbi6 tejt on Rufus crebit, (tbougb 6 name btm not,)Dio miftahc fbe matter; tbe ratber,tb?cugb a p^eiubicc tonteiucDof^ later times. iroj,fbatMctropolitans ihould profcflcChriR, it inas a tbingreqnireDtben. ^3at,tbaf y they y e.F-iroN.ei:- (hould be fworne to maintaine the Papacy, it is a tottOe tbat greU) fineo j fir bunb^^b tearcs after. Hart, ^bat they ihould be fwornc to maintaine the Pa- Sri pacy, '1 !iii fl'ii ilii' :' iLil ''M :i ■ ■ a ■) , • I » I: il' it * Trmclp. dofirin.lib.4, eiip.2o. *. Hpift.jj.cJ- 34.5c 4Q.8C J4. &.5J- ii0 f^e States of bndand mabc fljdr aetes of parlamcnt: ifany man doo this or that. Witficp pet thtg mcancnotofmcnmT^j'wanD'rw^cr} but of allmcn toitljm. th'-^iuc^neo Domtmon. Hart aiBut the lvt)ole luojlD tgfbo^opcs aiorcfc.^lnti fljaf t)e meant of al Metropolitans thor£fn,tt 10 tlje mo?e UUc!r,bccaufo: that alL1i5ithopB iwerB tljsn confirmco b^ ^ |Sopc r anD.it tnaa, thought noccOiarte that thep ihoulD be fo., ^h^tcof there are e- uiDentanDnotableepamp!e0,(a5D Stapleton Ihetoefitb ) *«■ » Leothegreat,abouttheelcmonof Anatolius tljo patrtarhe of Confianttnople ^ Proterius the patl tarfee of hxandria\ m SdzomcnjHnD ^ Theodoret,about NesSarius alCb eletteD. birthe tohole Coiincell,anD yet to be conficmso bp Damafustin * Greeorie the great about the 315tlhop of Sk/9»"», fent to LeopS Sophronius,. thc|0afriarlieoffi'»'*'<»/e>», topope Honorius; Nicepho- ru^, ttje ^afriarfte of CenftMumpltyXo Leo the thffD i anD Peter after him, to Leo the m'nth- Rainoldes. )i5ut, af irthet Patriarliejf Dio KnDbnto the Popeo futh letters of consfercnccjtohef ebp th^ made pi ofef- fion of their faith to him , and (hewed their agreement witfcr, the Chunch of : initlie fojt the l^pe tpao tuont to' pMHon ofhio faith to them^Q C^eto hii confent in re# ItgtOff The ancient Popes proue not the Papacic. 553 l^ntaiitl)tl)etrC^arcfj.'3. ifoj' Grcgonct^t great toiohat^c^atrtarbcofCtfw/jf<«»f/««;>/f,t» Eulogiui t^e patrif * ' • arfee of AUxxnirM^tQ Gregoric ano Analtafius ]^'*atnarftC)S li{ty^mo6he,'tOlohi\ti)S'^AtiiWCktOfIeruJJcm:an1i t^ts Ijc k lohjn.Di'a# 6t3 according to the aticicnt cutlome of his predeccllburs, antong5iD^mtDa«Lco. Mf)crefojet(jc p;cnnincnrc of Leo ' ' teas no greater in conflrmtng f9atrtarfee0 of CeHji^antMople^mn t/flexandru: f^cH iwas ttjeif pjecnimence in confimung tnin. jifo} a« |)e allotoeo not t^ni fo; lalofdll , ■" Pnttil bp ™ jVdeTaaiu! t^eir letters of conference ^e fenctu them to be fcanii in faitl;; ft" fio,ep.tf7. dc; ; j ncifbcr lucre t^jepluonttoalloto of anp, cf lobofe faitp tljcp i tocrc not enfctmeoin t^c fame mar.er. J^s fo; tlje ejrample in ep. as tbe names of C Archbiihop d anb [dioccfedare bftbtn our Daps,anb b^u^ beene of &mc touters in ancient times alfo: mpfpeecb map fame abfurb, fcbo fap tbat the Pope was but Archbifliop oFa dioccfc, tnben be toas Patriarke as 3 graunt. JiSut after tbe language tbat teas tbcn recciueb tube" ibe fi^ono fojt of popes toere at tbe be®, 3 fpake tp tDojbcs of rente anb reafon. |fo: l ulHnian tlje tJmpcronr, Inbo ti is requiOte in penning of lalncs) is sront to keepe tbe «p;:operanbbruaUfpeecbofbi2ttme,(ano * bteirat^te bib fall itu "a n fo tbe tiiwe toe treats off,) " o^oeineoitbat ifan Elderor£>ca- con were accufedjEtsAifhopfliouldhaue the hearing of the sisebert. matter; if a .Sifhop, his Metropolitan j if a Metropolitan,his ^N!^ren.i}7. Atchbifliop. ^nb y againebepiouibcbfojtlicccclcfiafticall ^.Non foium.', caufcs of clergicinen-j tl^t firft they ihould'be bfrooght to the y ^Bifhop ofthe citie 5 from the Bifliop of the citiCj to the Mc- /LtHcfltva. tropolitan; fro the Metropolitan," to the Synodc of the pro- cue cpifcop^ uince j,fr6.thc 5ynode of the prpuincc,to the Patrtarkc of the »>ioueii'.«i3c dioecfe: anbaPatriarkeisallonetoitban Atchbifliop, * in V .Si^iwautenn. bun^. ^IS^bctebp pou map pertetue,bofb an Archbifhop b^iO" ^toer biwi tbat a dioccfo toas " »w?etbttt A prouiace., 3[n .tobKb tttpttt 3 calleb .it Princclyy Tlie ancient'Popes prouenottire Papacic. 5^5 IXviftifw ?«,' Princely dioccfe, to it friJin a JLojOlp , po« m^tknol»3| meant a dioccfe of a larger fife 9 ttjenast^e too)0 is taken fox a JlSiO^opg cirmite, Bat tfiat pon map l;-atu clcerer ligljt to fe tlje tmti} of mine anftoere ,ano tijercbp to l»ercettf ^tD t^e ^ope encrocbefi oH natH^o^ b|^{>es^«tijbhttlt of an equal fjc bccamea fouerainc!,firft onw a fetomert baer mk- nB,at laftoner aU:3 mutt fetclj t^ matter of Bifl^op3,^ctropq* lttans,aniare'^i$cipsrom«^at^tgi)cr, ano fl^cto iKitoC^ii* tttait dites picuwccs,anb Diocefcsjlpwe aflotteb to ^fem. irirtf tijerctoieiU^n-' Eldeseswerec'rdclne^ty^-fW Apoftlt'sinei faeryChdcchjd' Qockc4f c Aa.:o'ig. Chrilt.whereof the holy Ghoiihad'- made thcm'^ ouerfccrs; * TrotfioJvetp, tfaep,ti»tfaeintenttljcpmigfatfl)c>6ett^FtMBiibp common couii!' "J" WlwioconfetttjDiobfetoaCfcmbletbemraues anb'mdfe togi^ paa^"w£' ti^uu ' fnttje^tub^ mi^tnj|0,(to;itf)e moje otberlptoUfal^g arifa olncWDlng cf ti)i»gs pcrtatmnW W ttiefe aiMUUt thdnfe be tbe ^s^bint Of atir dirnp4dte9khomoDer^(( toarofthcttartions. Siint^eC^i^of^fjp^ji/jtfaOn^^ "t'-fun^ip Ekifets ant) Paltours to gufawittprt antortgCit|«fe mn^ ... toictoast^rf ciiccfawfe,to^^ the Biihopf hid ad- bytcri. V bk/ uifed of it with them and others, jami'«- Gbrnehus fojitetfa • E"'Vb Uift cc tljat the Catholikc Church committed to his charge had fixer eiefi.tfic^i.' and fortkElders,and ought to haocbutone Bifiiopw anO bctb of tfaem-being /iifliops.i t|»''ondbf»4efl^^ etljer 4/.^vprianM '' 4wdtDtfnci&of t^ ttlueiP fbiaf they dealt in matters of their 1 Churches gouernmcnt by the confent icypri»n,^.iV an The frcsbytniumy ^at ilJ tO fat» Prkftes,anD Priclihood. JSttt ttjcfe ^ , ReU^fa31ileo names Gonte til bv^urCuQltf^tranfiattotisaftj^ rourtn mb»teH^ent:to|}tc^as * oititfanilahiutDotbtttfltls natetljeiii Diuifi5 tijangcD Pricftcs into tldcrsoffai^oo at® wrup^ * 3nt^t Anno-^ in)n,anb ttiat of farther pnrpote ^en ttie SntplG can te. udomofrbt t£i)totaHeati»Ht^stftccof(^rt^ng, anbotlier fundtons of J J Pridies^zopcr in t|ioneba tcttanwnt to fncb as ttje ^ftles of-. ' ■ "tim>anbt|ie^fltoritictntti4n£raltoip;ttt)ef.DiocaU Prkilcs, ^jttrts, asa|nct).li»;D Ootb To certaimli? in^ti; fgc aiit^;kie of focrificins^bat tt is bp l>(s maoo aUb t^ onelp C&n$U^ of /«ic«r- fclttcs as toeUas toe fo tranflattng it in all tbe oloo anb nctote£tainetft:tf)ougii)^eannotbotsnQ^nttt»t Prieft com# mctt) a(prtfhyttrfam not ofj^<<^/:anb,tiiat antiquitiefo^ no o» tbarcai)(sajp^kot[)eGQpitficatbmof/r«#i7rti)atfr»^«r isin tbenoloiaU)>t^t»^ ficerd»j toas ttt tbsoloe:tbo^lt^lesabll^nin8from.tl^ ano otijcr Ifte otbc names at titefirfi » anoratiin: bfing t^e too^ocs Biihops^ea. Iluur5y^lipncpes,becatiikt^p mi$i)tfee DtQtnsuiibeo fconi ^ piierttoiirs of Aaroois asi^t in tbs :3poaie8 tints o^l^etr Otoe ftinctiens Oiliin tbe temple. :3iiit tpis to be trtts>ano tpat to be ^ Ptkii is tobs a man to toificctpottr felttescalUns/^rdM atimies aPricftiraift nabst be mitten to confeil^ ;^jKt pour foll^us tbstettr noto;toits iM appll lutllin^l^ tl^ t»o;b Hidl toi«rfj^ anbtofaiirtt ffotti is mtttcebt^opeiflp not onetp ini^nsliib bitl in otbcc languages „ boti) ^rsnc^no 3italiait:k>bieb is to taks «r"bibe^ atoa^tbsnometbat tbs i^aiesano jfatbers gatte to tbs PrtcilcsoftbeCbHreb^anCfosiueitistHsipatt&onslftatbe o> OcrofAaron.. ;o. .dj.. , j i: ^ ^ BLaiaolflcs.. WItGfyand?0Sw}yt»thio^>niecDf Aarc^ Cben3 can abtbe no longcr^tf tbtir niotitb^ bo mnnecitsr. ^o^UK^gtue it alfi) to the order of Mctchifedec^ " after tbe l»btcb onr ^^auiottr is is a Prieft for sues. 0no> ^7>"' tbtp toito cbprgo Ha UiitbfoUbob aitbco ^mpttonhtlbfif ^ »{f tbe Minifters i^tbe gorpeS,^crs:ars gndtie tbemfehses of bSe rcfieanbbla^ibmmeintliattbsfcaHtb^Pnciles; ifo^^tfist msattAs, tti^notcatt ftiemPiidlt&in ^ <* ^iritnall iaciificcs ti The name of Pricft^abu^d, ofPpraycrsanO goodworkes,tolj^ifttmDert|iefb;mc5 of b«ao anb totnc to dJob 1^5 5.«o. ^^cfya facrtfice p;optctato.:te,ti}at to,of fb;(ce to pactSc dl^obt aitt reconcile tjim bnto men. ^o, tnljcrcao tjje fcripturc bot^ \ Hcb.',o.V». teac^t^t * oncPridtjbp ' one facrificc, " once offered, tljat uHeb.7,27i* ia,oar ^auiour C^^(t,bp isiutng bimfelfto beat!) bpon tife crotTe |^t^reconctlcbCDcbbntob9,ano tanctificb bo fo? cticnt^ bocx o^sbeinetb many Pricftes,to offer bp of tcn,b)^c# t^er * the(am«l^A^cftli^C^i®.oj an other, tlKl? fpeabe • 7i,cfa««,«ja lfe$(jcrtHgly;but tooflfer itoftcn. jao ftjcugi^ tljere bjere pet «>»? f*r •« left" ah offeringfor finne after tile beat^ of Clijtft:o;^is p;e- ^Hcb^ tioneblcuolsMjrcDfnogreaferbaluc tl^n ^ the blood of buls and goates, bj^tcb^re offered often, beaufc th^ couW notpur^ finnei', ^hcrtl;H(fibominatmtTt^epfi^ to main- wijtctjma? tam^ by the name of I^rieffes,®?^ Prieftcsare mch(tljey ray)ap- d^/** pomted to I'acrificc.and that name was giuen to them by the aiicb, acEu- Apoitlds. 3n faying tohcieoftbeyboj play tbeS>opb^cr£(:anb tbatb)it|)gceaterart tbentfjie 0mplecanlee. Mbi^ i£i,in tbat w^cet^ bfcear \£ngUfl) bJo;b[Prieft]afttr a bosble (b?t:tljeDne, as it is bcnocb from frcfkytn-^t ott)cr,a« it 0gnifietb tbe Came t^at Rhemrns ian. facerdcs, 5f0^ Prieft,as it Ggntfietb a noan appointed to facri- * Hei>,»o.»cr. ficcjis ■ y«e , • r- ojber of Aaron in tbe olbe te&ament,t^ Pricft after ttie o?ber of Xielchifedec in ttje neln:tbe ^iniSer® of t^e gofpelb o;bein(b> tiotia® Ctt;ilt)to facrifice to €ob,biit to fate Cob® people luitb kif l»o;&eanof^ament®, tntift |^oeanot|ier iiame * arro}- * ill 4 euig Ttc"« f)iuifon 4. 5^8 Qfthc Popes iupremaae. tvo^, cirpticirmg tfyit tK fcrtp|;tu:^ ti^e name of ders. ^ut ?ou bv confufion of ttjelic fuiio;^ names Dm teke (onfufionof (Ije tbtngsmno as tbisues an iDonttoc^ngetb^martiesoftbtngeslDb^cbtbe^ bane &oUen{ fo t^u,to mabe Pricllh^od ofCb.^itf (i^me ^onr olnne > Dq i^angenamcs,astnarbesoftbtnsesU)bub ^ in SoeDe of tljat tobi^b nil [an Elder])?oa VoonlD bane [ a ^ »«(»n»«R>»e- Mailing Priellcsma^beacconnfCD */'riettes RMiisfptaht of after tlieordcrofMelchircdec^Cb^iStSaPrieflianDLibfiotir ^ An^iltHTb* Sacrifice of the Mafle be tboi^^ the foucraine/acrifice,(as •» ^ t.ii° '* ' i^ttrfitterniletbit>)tol^ntnCb)il£ is ofticrebbntn^oDbif ^ bWApoi'o?e 3l«tbcU)^tontteiance^HoupaintoitU}ttb noiigbt ^ihc Engfifh but colours ofi^urol»ne:tbematter1»ereleffe* ^o;, tbeab^ siH ^nar.cE»j>.». bufing of onc name appIicD bnto funD^? tbinges toas a commoji ilii ofMWfMou (biff offopbiflters among tb^bcafb^w- ;anDBOuarctobcbo?ne ixi wSTo'pifift'' toitb>if»ba«ins«wbcttErcau^tben tbcpbaOjfcmetimcsfouaD* if uenture on ^bie fbi^tts tbatdid. IBnt to abule tbe creDit of bSi the ApofUes to tbts (bpljiltne^anD tbat they gaue the name lir> of Prieltes to Pallours of the Church of Chrift;tbattsafauUe 0 tbat cannot be erctifeD. if 0; feeing our language Dotb meane bf k {;Priefts]facr^ccrs>\»b.ttb i" ibwr language are calleD h^Ts ano |t tbe^ neuer gaue tbe name of to ^alfours oftbe. Cb;ilsiati I Cburcb: it fololnetb ibtt gaue tl^m not tbename ofPrieif s» pui £>; if ^onreplie,tbep pue tl^ tbat name becanfe tbep ciOleo [^c Ibc 7r^w^letb mtplp anto# dttctofa,€rificeAutiisnotfinenbpthe Apoftlfes* hoc.; Harv fbp. n^o,o(pricft is p?operlif.i»riueDfVom itis in <£h-«ke)^etff^s.1t^o5,itotoiilpin i>rc>k7:cr. CngliQb)bttf in other langt»gcs,botb ^rencbjasD iftoltan: ti^p wnr trannaton w tbis actoiDhig to <5rattc,ano hoc* ' teotfemiotberfb^ iteivc^jatis.^swAfjiftbep.bDORloneeiectDti' OiRguiibtbmbP'DtfhTentmes' iffl^itts(as3|Cuo>aRoto< ctoosCDU^to applt iDiUmglp tbelwuo Pricitto/Sicrrf/itf^ atto to tflfae By Pricit a facriticer is meant. • tato tDiiereof it j0Oedtuo p^opcri^* Rainoidcs. 3fourtranaaioar«t)aDbeeneILo^MoftDO^ea» anomiglit^tie fo^cco men to take tiiem in iuijat iimiie tooai3;t^ni>iD?ou'pofe®"f^f8"' t>8}l»t>omott>gritfo- l9to;3 irtou^d^nglil^tranditiono, oionote tjjat if Andchrift had not decryucd vs with vnknowne and firaungje ccrme%to bring vadnto cotifufion 6i fuperltitious blindcnelfe, aPriefi, that is,a facrificer as Aaron was a Pritft and facrificcd for the people,(houtd haue had fome other name inEngHih then Prieft, csstrich^fpaheinrefpecttiiAttiiiendme ofprieftjaoit camefrom betokening a spiniSerof.^c neto tett«k meh^il^titbnorhaneteenasittfntatjiejS^iniileMof ii^otDe> toho biffer^ ao in fttnttion,tb m name^bp fcriptnre. ^iBnt pou,itt toloibepettour folly ui notorious, fA^t^ttbe glue the name o^riclk loftcerdosy and take it from whereof it ifjdc- riiiedptoperiyt li^atfaypett (j|p?ap)fb^pQHif otonetranilati*, ci>»Rh«iia^ •nintbe fourth of tbe jadso,o' tubcre.ftis iak)e of Peter, {mb truitdaciaitir lollnthhApoftte,ttjat they Were infln vi^cttered^uid of tnc fnfearibrt; vn. Hart. ^fjatfantefinbepou toitti ottr tranfl^tienit| l^atf ^ '■ . . 'oi ii r.iRamotdes, 3|6mQenofanpfai»teKbiife3ltDi8uIbbiiotii!Of pbtttoljp poQ calltbtttt [men of the vulga* forc,3ianbnof rat&er tidiot»43ati)mtt)eCDretkete):tt^el0O^Qe»iiAt2Tpu> in llntin i ■ . Hart. E^^ttstrea profane tzcmfin; t|ie EpoOIeo, toiia ^iretttbaeotnitl^bsauenlptoiicbompe.. . Kairtc^dcs, 3|t Inere to inoeeoe. ^utiftliebermafi'oitof tDajbeam;Kl l« foJoUjea in tranflating antouro: t^tjtemie C^ulb tjaiK bane giiKn rijem, if o j name of idiot is p>operi' IpoeriueD from the ' dDreetan^ .* lufin, natonelpin ^nifeflh' bi^"iH other languages, bfltlr'-J Jftencpamo '♦ ||ta!iaH, att5i(tf 4 Idiota* th«hclp«)tht5 ' ^pani^, f .S>ut£^,ant) 7 jjvir ^ ittome^neererincucrponeof thtfeto the iUtin toiube of the ? Otoe kranOation^bshieb pair p;etmbto &li^): then the name of Pricft inanp of them birth, - H i j ^' Hart. I5ut the irioebe in Cngltth hathnot the-Ouiiepieaninii that ithathiniUtin; anb intcanaating thn^s the (i^ keliept. i^ib it to beeinarkeb (b muehhiheneeaUMi'i^beis HI f p^opsrlg 540 Qf tho Popes ftipremacic. p^operli? omueP, as tpijatti ootii lignifie * ttoo£|i tl^fU)i)itp ttfttaUp men PnoerffanD bp it. ifo; the conTent of men caking a vorde for this or chat, doth make it to Hgnii/ that for nrhich they cake it, as ^ Ariftotle (betDetf|.3aSbofra- ,;metp thereupon a rnle» s tpatwe muftcall thingcsbythofe ' names, by n^hich the common people calletb them. Mpere* fo;e fith the name of idiot in d^gliib fatten fo; a foole, o; foe, anbthe luttn idut* tnbere it is in fcripture both ^nifp the vnleamed,ru(^as the vulgar fort of men: toe tranOates it the vulgar^anbnotidiotyaecotoingto themeaningnot tj^seM ritnngofit. i^eitlm'map pouthcr^lo^athaegs bs totth ba* Fpthg nrbm thelUtttt tort; tohith^as toe p?ftenb,(b toebo foloto*. faitfj^Up. ipb^to^rKtoS. •• Paul fait^ to the Co^intbianSi Ifthoii blefle in the fpirit, hovr (hall he that fupplyeth the glace of the vulgar, fay Amen vpon thy blefaing? in tlattn, i; the vulgih*,it tooto if tee f^ubi h^franfiair teb, theidiot: toe (bouK) houebbon inibrp to the common fiutflf mbe bnl£artiebimn>tobtimitooth betoken, as.pcn inuQ; netbea atknoto((tHie,tohotranaate it the vnlcarned,as tote bo the ▼ulgar. Rainoldes. SCrue. )15ut pou map fee tijen boto totfe pour Rhemids are, tobo chargebstoitb notorious (oily becaufe toe giue tt^nafincof Prieft anb not to presbyter, ifoj as the name of idiot, tothcome frcmoi/0/4, but tstakenfo;ta foole: (b Ih^ name of Prieft ts beriucb from presbyter, but 6g« niSeth a facrificer bp cuSome of our 6ngli(b fpeerh* M1herefo;!e if pour reafonbo p:oue that all ^altoto of the ChiiRtan C^rch ffi^becallebPrieiles,anbhaueauto;itte to facrihcc; becauft tfye^mpresbytert:it\si\l ptouc as toell that all bnlearneb Chopnate it. 0s fo; foar Rbcmiiis tn^o flhill Do tranflateJf- ttrd»i zPtkiit asgrauntingtl^atUK fjaueno ot^ C^ngltO^ loo Dfe.i it, anDt^ tranflate jresbjteri^ tijefame tositDe to: Do to^erogetfiertt)at to^tcfj (^oo tjat^ (euereD; anD ttie-' lDo:bes, lotjtd) tt^ jjolp Coft tiat^ Dtainguii^o, ttie^ tDittingl); «mfonnD. «M^rein^e^Doo letooi^ abnfetije(l^eC|i:tlH' an0,U)|p are Dn^lful in t^e tongues, to mabe t|^ in loue ioi^ i^iol]D:t0^nicriflce of ttie iDolafrous $paae; ano alienate t|ietr minDes from flie true rdigion p^of^intl^ Clnirctiof €n- mano. ^o;i ttie name of Prieit^ it ^tb relation to facriii^e, is ^f«r liil to be called Prieites; anD map embjace poor Pricftes, p^iofeife thSft felues to be Prieftes,pea MalTe prieftes,anD are fent fo fa- ^1^ ApoiM. cHHce^asitislheloeDin pourApologieofthc EngUfti oftotEBgu^ coinaries. scmin.ciupu# Hare. JChafleanteD Apology,telwh AAlTentmofefnthe Defenfe of our 5enai narks ^Doth tuSlp Mame pour nelo pulpitSy (the vety ctM$ret (fthtfi»rnefHi,)i{jx tafling Ds bp that tem« me« rilp 0^ mocbti®Ip. ifoj the Chureh of©oD buotoeth no other ^ Priefts,netther hath Ch;ift inflitma anp other ojDer ofPricfts, but of thefe.lDhom eontemptnouflp pouDo call Mafle-priefls. ^ Raiholdes. ^o'O. Allen faith* But he pioueth neither Prieftcs po? Ma(le,bprcrtpture: bnletfethe Mafle bet^ ebairti ifllD the Wicftes be thefe«rttefulL Hart. SDhongh he alleage not the rcripture there to pione them,pet ha^heboneitotherU)hei'e: asin hie ttatin treatifit of the facrifice of the Mafle, anD in our Annotations on the teflamcnt m Et^lilb, tohereinl^ banD toas chiefeff. * ifo; * «D(Kiiaai% Elay Dothliwciallppkph^cp of thei&mfltes of tj^ tclfa* *i$m(asS,lcroaiD(Slarethti|^ths(bitteplace)mthiifeUio7Ds: ^ Yon CiuiliM 4. 542 OF the Popes fuprcmacic» TT * w'" ^ You ihallbc.callcdthc ' Pridtcs of God, the * Miniftcrt X t J <>^our;CodfhatlIit be faidc vntoyou. jarU) asl^erethe Mini* »A«T»?yflu of God are caHeD Prieftes, in iljaf berg terine totjicfj jotar feife confeOe a relation to iacrihcc: fo, t^t tfje^ Din £acri^ m Aa.i}.^ fice,touina^|3erteiuetai{}^tl^ "* ^(teoofttie^poitlio, tolien ^\QT8e>'ou»- itifltojitenofPfophetsandCoaorsinthe Cnurch atAnti- rcijf du7£v. oche, |[jat they, were miniftring to our Lofd.jf0; ' tf)C anO pour tert tran0at«O tije.^^raUe into jfcatin; o conciLTri- &oto iJto pour fcrt bape bto ten, topen be tranaatenit , toit ,(ar aentin.c:fsi-, cfificihg but miniftring i TOill pdu fap tbat ttjrautour of pour " oldtranflation(° tobtcboh^l^wspP.rOUOBbppourmenasau- V thenticall)DiDnofpcrfo3metbatDKtietobicbtbetran(latoto of ' Num^' fcrtpturco cugljf wc® religicnflpf^ou ooo fo fc? aouanfage. iBut in tbw point pou 0® b"** winrie. ifo;, tbctiglj ttje.toqjOf 5 map (bp confcguent) imped to facrifice, toben facriSce is a ftir# Heb.io-*'• nice pertaining bntotbemtobofe mimfferie itbetobenetb) as f^hHiToij, tobere it to fpofeen of ^ Lcuitcsano ' Prieftes: petoctb®pto# ano V'eyop. perip ftgmfie to minifter, either in publih?function (after, ^ tbf '^e^T^^$yot, oj^nallthereof) o,jin anp; as magiftrates are caliej?,^ tnc a om. tf.i, mipiftcrs of God ,anO Angels arc faioe .to be miniftcingi fpi* rits,anDtbcGcntilcsaretotlleo ^ tpnniiniftcgvn^.thcTewies w aliening of tbeirneceffitie. Blnfoipucb tb^tbctoarpeoft ^onr o\Dj|p fran0atojs,lfidorus Clarius,anO Arfas^jlorvtanusi ®'*'- ^".Tr. toi'o b'rtb bane tnmcp fbe neto teffamint out of ^rabe q iMoi. ci^rw t^ilatin > ^ tbe one apptoucO bp tbp K)^n^ "XffBh yromTL'. ' tbeotberbptbe'DQtosof^'piianitohptbjoftbi^ (ior.Bib'ior. tranftati U in tbto berp place of tb^ ^ocsof ipoj^ipoauii^ notfacrificingjbut miniftring ; aflfcdon to MaiTe tooulD l^ane htno lotti to oeo, tmlefir t^o trntl) fo^eo tf)em to it. ^oU) mac^ mo;(ol!)a}tnfall to t|)e oemta^ nour of Tiour 2^henurts,to!)o,iDl^ro t^c^ carp tjs,as leauing the Gretke for the aduaiitagc of our caure,tl>cin fcluco fo;j the aO* uantagc of ttjdr otune caufi? ooo clip tfje meaning of tl)e (SreeKet againtt, Hm^ notjt^eiuDgcrnentof ' (E?rammariano , encn ' .Etrmoiog.in- fuct) as feche to helpe tfjcm nwft, but againft tl)e common bfe \«Taproy. of it in(cnpture,againa ttieir olOeteirt, againU tijeir netn tranllations, tw,againff tijcirotoneconCcience, ast^t toljici) M-ns^ruc^ ^nallcageooutof tbcid^op^tEfay, (io^e^ep^uedSng- B«d.Henr.st, li^eoit, ^ the xMinifters,)oot^ll^cto.anD herein tfjeirDealing rom.I^k<4!oi. is to muci) tpe toojfe,becaure tfjep fet it out toit^ tlje name of E* Bibnor. ^ rafmus;asifIjemeant bt?c6crificing,] t^e faying of Maflfe: * to^ic^ is farre from f)im.^o?altl)ougf> bp reafon " ^e t|b0ugl)t tjiat t^toojO Oot^ pjopcrlpffgnifie, not 0mplp tominifter, pnh.ij.i.st but toniiniilcrinboiythingcsjast^eptoljoferoeintbe^^ietf- boDjtt)^rfo.JebCOiDtranflateitt^tt/3pPrppf>«/i ^ Do^loursinthe Church ut Antiochf^erefacnficingtetheLerd'.^tt^Z fait^ * tljat xParaphr.gc berebg is meant tljat they imployed their giftes to Gods glo- =" ry^ndthcfkluationofthcCburch,r^^'PropfcfMin propheci- ingjthc^Jc^f'w/jia teaching the do^rine of the Gofpcll. be DuDcrftanDctl) nothing els bp facrificingvtljen otljcrs Do bp miniftring,oi rather tljcn tlje fcripture Dotb: as it is obftruea yAr. Mmicaniis- ontof tbe'circumftancesoftljetcrtbp y tbebeffofpourotunin* c^lcaklT'' terp;i6tei'S. ^JSbotoingt^attfjcmcn toerc Prophets, ano Doc^ nuSjSc lo.Fenu, . t the Lord, tljereup- A^a on DO gatljer t^at they femed hi.n in executing their ownc«*<* xOecumcnius nifierie,t\\2Xis to fay^ themMtfierie of propheeyiv^, and teachittgi 3|ntoljicbfo?ttlje(IJrdbefathersDtoeFpoattDttalfo : 'what fit.in AGa A- meaneth the wordmmfirin^ ? ((aptbep;)it meanethpreaching, Mljerefoje if tlje name of Liturgie inere taken b^reof, bp f|c cisPatrib, ^^eekefaff)cr3,as pour RhcmiftsaDDe:itis a goDbaring,but (b ' ti' eVi Mi- mucb tbe leCTeiJJiUitpiouepcurMaffe. ^;if tbepbnDciltojD r^grouvTcop,. preaching, mmjfring ^ , \xi^n iOQ^liZ t0 fpoken Of Pro--irrwmH- phets, ano ©o^f^rjr ; it is tljemo^ie likclptbattoljfintbep applp# ru7To'»1 gjr_ tranflate it after the pbjafo of ^is time, topf f cin tl^ Cfjurcljcs * - r foiHtceluas commcnlp calleo Miffatthc miniherie mentioneo in TH C«c tpe^ctes oftpf ^pottles Dotb not pjcue that facrificc of toirfcfj dio^nq,^ poutoonlomfcrrepourPrielthood. ^sfo; tbc place of Efay,in CuMsfi»|- to^tl)itiSto.Jtfen,youflian becalledthc Priefts ofGod,thc you»Tcjp, Miniftcrs of our God ihalit be faid vnto you: tlje courfeof tlj8 ttrtootpfcemetomcanebpPrieltesall tlje fcTuants of Coo, J* 2?'' tubom ' Peter calletb an holy Prielthood,to offer vpfpiritujd J ueV I acceptable to God by lefus Chrift.^oj '' t^e toojM eVlrX"'' are fpofecn as in Chriftes pcrfsn to ' all tljefattpfull anD rcpen- f toljofboulD becrecsof righteoufnes, 5 fo bui d ^ |v«!5.' fbc Cfjurrb-anb thereupon arc pjomifeo tljat ^ t^nr enimies iT«r.4. j^all feme tbem,anD ' ttjep (ball fcrue Coo. But in an other place of Efayjfj graunt,)t^ nanteofPriefttsgiuen to |^a&o;s ®"b Clocrs • ^ iDhrre fpeabing of the calltngano conuerfion of *' ' ■ ^ Centilcs, And of them (faith hO^il^ I rake for Priefts, for Lcuites,faith the Lord. Hart. s. lerom Doth crpounD the former place of them alfo. But all is one to mp purpofe. ifo^ f^ng that ^allcurs antt ClDers (as pou tcrme them) are eallco Priefts in ftripfure, ano ^ name ofPrieltimplpeth (pou confelie)aufojitie to facrificc: itfolohjcth that ^attours ano Cloers arc Pricftes autojt^eo to facrificc, ^oto the Prieft that hath autciitie to facrificc,ts he, pou Do call a Maflc-pncft, Mhcrefo;e both Mafle antt Priefts are p joneD bp the fcripturc. Rainoidcs. cauppe SDhinUe pou that euerte Chiifftan man ano tooman isa Maflc-prieft,becaule the name of' Priefts is gt* uen them bp fcripture in refpM offpirituall lacrifices tohieh Oi^Ptr» ®• Hart, ^o-Becaufethefacrifices that fhep muff oflier» are fpii itualhano are calleo facrificcs bp a bo;oto«» hinDc of fpach, ano not p;operlp. But tjK facrificc totw^ is offereo to Cod in m Minirters of the goipd^Pricfe improperly, tlje Maffe,iB an external, vifible,true,and proper facrffice, af it t0 Dtclarija bp " t|j2 Counccli of Trent, t^t tfjc Pricks »ji;,. Bjoeimo to o^ert^is facrifice aro peopcrlp calleo Prieftesttoljer^ crificium.c.i.' a»ot^er Ct)uHians are calleJJ fo unp.wpertp,acfD;Ding to na* wrilm cfni" tyre of the facriftces iyljicl) ttjep oflfer» ?emm & p/« Rainoldcs. SCijcn ttje name of Pricftes alleageD oat ofEfay pnum not p.tcue pour Mafle-prieiles. iFojtjeootljcaU ttje ^t# nifteroof tlje gorpcUPi:iclks,inrerpectof therpiritualifacrifi- ees tpcp mull offer, ^no tljat appareth Up " the tocj50 „ ecj .to, gomgneictbefieicnnlnUicUlU^ Jbo^o Occiartng (enenbps, le- fomstuogcmcntt(D)t|MtU^U)oul&£altt^e BSetoes to ttjc Cami I)onour,tl)atbptl)enameof ericftsis figni0^ ; and they(fett^ ^e)!bail bring the Gentiles for an offering to the Lord,as the children clllrael offer in a elcaneveflcll in the houfe of the Lord. ^0 to bring the Gentiles as an offering to thc Lord,t0 that, bang fad)offerings, arenamcb Pricftes anhLeuitcs.But the offering vp of the 6'entiles bnfo |tm,t0a(ptntuaUfacrtfiGe:niaDebp^t|)e Minifters of Chrift(ad ^ (^omodo h iu>' Paule(bcbJetb)b3t)cn tbep conuert the Gentiles t!)?oag^ tbe preaching of tne gofpell. SDlje Citriice tbcrcfojc , w rc^ q r™ m.15. i*?, to|creof the itters of tlje gofpell are eallcb Prieftcs bp Efay, If yr^oacpo^k ioafptrttaalfacrifitc. anhaaeucrtcfattbfuirpcrronisaPricft, t-^u t9»£uo. hecaufe tue mutt offer,ca£t) l)is otone b(«i^ a lining facrifice, rRom.,i,i5 holy,acccptabkvnto ^odffotbaf nantefegfuen to^iniftertf of tbe 0ofpell,bcfaure tljep are rallea to offer bp tbe bobiesi of ^ men in libefoit.. e*c;ie if pjiuate Cb titttans are not Maffc-piieftcsjbetaufetbetrfacrificesarefpiritualh tl)cn Otb %9ptnt(ler0 mutt offer bp the Uhe facrifices, it foloboett) b^ pour anftoerc tbat netber tbep are Maffe-prieftes. Hart. SDbc sptnitters oftbe gofpell mutt offer fbe l&c facrificcsjl Denp it not.anb tu tbat rclpett it is true, tbat netber tbep,no?pjruateCbJtftian£iarepioaei> to bee Maffe-prieftcs.- Butrbereiaanother,an externall (acrificethat apintttcra mtiftofferalfo:euentbattof)icbcur3lo^Dm tbe pjopbet Mala* chicbotbeallacleaneoblation,an6&itbllWli>'eucrieplaec it is facrificcd and ottered to his name, becaufc his name is great among thc^entilcs. ^nbthat fe tbe facrifice^n r^pett bob^ceoCtbe^ini^rftof the golpeU are catieo Prieftes peo^lp,. Wbar^iobKOe$0}tiKclcantoblationbttb^ CkapJ. DiuiC4, BUM—■! I I ^46 OfthcPopes lupremacie. uMal.j.j, nnna facnifitt,oftlj£gpaffe,i3D5eremthcbodyand blood of Chriftij his father,as t^e Councell (^etogtf), an oblationthatcannotbcdefiledbythernworthincs or wic# Jtedncs of them who ofFcr it, Rainoldes. CSIljaf i bs ?our Priettes of tribe of Lcui, 4»i}0 offer bp tl^tsfbcrifice^ Hart, /^ofgr, noi oftije 3(2bjjs: batt^jcgareCljjiffiaii Prieftes. Rainoldes, 31Buffiieg,t»ljo mutt offer t^efacrificetfjat is fpo# Uen of in pjopljct Malachic,are oftbe tribe of Lcui, jfoj after# toaro" enftcating of * f fame oblation,o? oftering(a6 toe cal it,) t|>at(lbaUbeoffereobnto«IDooin t^ time of tbe gofpelLI^e fai^ t^at the Lord ihall fine the fonncs ofLcui , and purifie them as gold,andfiIucr,that they may offer an offering vnto God in riglitcoufncs. tiSlbercfojte if the offering tl)at Malachic bot|) fpeahe of,be ti^e faerfftce of tbc Ma{re,tl^at tS) a facriSee pto^ perlgttben t|>eptoper Pricffcs,bg toijom it is offered,are tl)e3?c# toifl^ P;^i(tts after the o^oer of Aaron,eucn the Tonnes of Leui. ®ut if the fonnes ofLeuibetobett(bg afigure)thc fpirituallLc- uics ,t^t is,all tl)e faitl)fuU,tol)om Cb.:itt in ^ neto tettament fjat^ maoe * a royall Prieithood, ^ cuen Kings and Prieftes ^ to God his father,as pour ' Montanus toeli ep[wun0etl)it; ' -wnits comment. t^n mutt the offering (bp a figure)ffgnific the fpirituall facri- in Maiich.c.}. ficc,tol^tcij Cljjittians of all (bites are bouno to offer bnto ^06. jSlnbintrutb,^ * ChriftfaiDofiohnBaptift,If you will re# ceiueitjthisisEliaswhich wastocome.mcaning, tjjat ^ tftf P^opl;et bio ffgnific lohn Saptift bp t^e name of Eliasrib 3! map fap topou touching the fpirituall facrifices of Cb^ittians , If you will receiuc it,this is the clcanc offering which ffiould in c uery place be offered to the Lord, if o;i tlje Ptop|jrtS,toben tbcpfpabe oftbe gofpellofCb;ift,anbtljereligious toojfl^ip of dDoO ' infpirit and truth,(tobtcb - red i.-j.'Pet.i.j. yR fljop tmntton burnt offcringes, ano facrifices, iheepeof Kedar, t^o rammes of Nebaioth, to bee offr robot! an altar; tl;ep mention lerufalem to bee gone bnto, feaft of tabernades to be bept, ttjeQeflb "fbeaffeo facriflccD to be foddc in pottes,tbe Leuites to be t^ ^intffera^tobo (Ifall make tbe offenng in riglifeournefK; to Ci^ob. 15at neifiter botb 1 tlx Bjieftb^cbcftlje Leuites continue,neit^ felerufalem i Heb r.u. . tbe place to lDo;fl^ip(I5ob,neitf}er are " t^ fealles tbc loh.,!,!! timco fo b® it, no? luiU ^ be fcrueb ° toit|> lacrifice,anb ofFe-" ring, iftljet! be taken pjopcrli?. ^^jcpbeto tberefo»e meant bpau allego^ie (aoioe terme it) to (beUi ttataU Cb^ilfiat^o ^oulo, as Prieil;s,anbLcuites4 ofi^rbp tbanrelueo,anb t|Mr£> ao facrifices;at all times, as falemne feafics; in all places, as in lerufalem. Sinb fo tbe dcane offering, to^ereof tfyi P;op^ef Malachie (kitl^ it (halbe offered in eucry place vnto the Lord, botljfignifienotafacrificctobemabebponanaltar, asponr ^« concii.ni- it^uncelltboulbbaue it, but tpe fpirituall facrificc bobicb s, dcnt.seir.>t. to wrath & Paulerfio;tett)tt)efatt^ltaoffer, tobdi fie teiUetf) pray in cuety place,Uidngvp pure hatides without \ douting^ Hart« Subt ^btzopftetes (beabe mncb in bsb of tpinges to (omenotp;operlp,(UtbQmplp,btttffguratiuelp,bpobrcure fpeeo cbcS;anb^lego^,aiiQpardblcs,tl)at muff be bnberffoob otber« toifetbcntbeparetoiifenaa'^ fcrtaliian notetb.lButtfjename r 'AdacrCMat'- ofaltarisbfebpwpeclpfoiauiateriallaltarbp tpe 0poftle to ^ ' t^l^ebjeiOCS, taping, *■ wc haue an altar whereof they haue act power to eate which ferue the tabernacle, jfo; be puttetb tbemintatsuiebp tbefe tpo;be0,tbat in fotolaing too mncb tpeir ^eldniff) ritestbtpbepiiueb tbemfelues of an other maner I a moi!; eycellentlhcdfteano jneate:meantng,oftbe Np aiO'Cb^iffcsotpneblfffeb bobp otfereb anb eaten tbere. .ji, P ' I ! i? ''' •'! • eha».l. Diuil.4. Ill)''' I h'l.Aii' Pl' ■ i, ■W' . ki I'i' ^ 44^ OFthe Popes fupremacie. lib.i.lj;eU> anfiuenng tlj^rcunto in tlje: sto teftamcnt) rianifiC'p ptoperlv an altar to facrtficc on, arib not a inetaphoncaU ano f^rttuaU ak3r» tsiilljerofojefamgtiiattooljaueaberp altartnths piop^r fcnfe, ani»t|)enanie of altar Doth inipo;fa (acnhcetbat is offeicDan it: it fototnctb ti)^t ttie boDp of Cbziif bpon t\)t altar is a berp fa- crificc in tlje proper fcnfc. BnO tliat out of Doubt iotljc cleane offering bobicb tbe p^topbot fpeaketb of: acco^Ding &s tt)e Coun« cell of SDrent batb DcfineD* Rainoldes. ^nDarcpouontof Donbt tbat bp tbe tooiDCS, wc haue an altar, tbe apoftle ineanetb a nuiteriali attar,fucb atf s Durmd mi. jouraltaro " niaDeofftone. «)n.diuin.offic. JESlb^tetoaberpaltar, Rainoldes. 0nD tbep tobo baue not power to eate of this altar are tbe Qubberne ^elneo, bobo beepe tpe ceremonieo of tbe ialo. Hart. SCffe 3eU)eo,anD fucb ptopbane men. Rainoldes* SCt^n pour Maftb-prieftes map anD^ Deo tR to tace of this altar* Hart. SCbcpDflJ. j91nDtob^f tb^nf Rainoldes. 2^bcirtatbbegcffDanDttrong,if fbcp eate of an altar (fjat is maoe of ftone. ^Ire pe fure tbat tbep eate of iw Hart. Eate of an altarf^is tbougb pe bneto notttbat,bp the altar, ffje facrifice tabicbte cffcrcD tpon.tbc abaf w ff^nifpeD* 2Cb«n2 cafe of Ctuifte boDp, tobieb tbcrebp « meant. Rainoldes. 3«it fofSnben tbe too iBe[ altar] is not ta* tfiai i0tt> ben fo? a very altar in the proper fcnfe, bu': figoratiuelpfo^ tbe boDpofCbjifttbetobicbtoasracrificcDanacflfereD. i^eitber is it tabcnfo? tbe boDp ofCbiiff, intbafrcfpeor tbat Cb^f® w ef' .. . WtbeGtcranienfi in ttw tobicbfojt be^i» * mpftitallp cffe* of f'ebbut * once, to take away the linnes. of raasy, ana y to 'ifoceuertobobeleenetobi^ • i -/ifia] Muts ftf, not in the truth ot the thing, but in u enyflerie be]lo- C&deconleer. aiftina.i. s Heb.9. iJ. y Heb.io.vcr, .10. a,Tfr,i4. YVehauean altar. Diuir.4. ■ , Hart, . ^atfjerlfychius crpstinfirtljitfif bodicot'ChrilHii the facrair.enc^(afl 3 i]^elaCB)'nt0i)tbet}olDi^Ujho&^ buoiitt}e cro0jB,anODU)ro. Rainoidcs. ISut pol^ hint ftlfeDoff) tinD^i'ffano if of ffje boDtc of <1^; t£f ao it lias cfferoo on trolfe. ^no tt)af ismanif^dbpltictDOjDcsi^. aDDcti; to fbetn bto mining foni> cbmgihelewesanotheaitar. * For(faifbb^) the bodies of, He!»r.i}.'»t. diofe bcaftesjwhofe blood is brought into the holy place by the high rricit for finnc, are burnt without the cair.pc. Therefore euen lefiis, that he might faudify the people with owne blood, fuffcfcd without the gate, toO'DCS arc fomeUj^at Darfcc, buf fbci? taiil be platne, if toe confiDcr bot^ fbcfijtng fljaf t^z ;Spo(lle InoulD ptoue, onD f-^e reafon bp iubicb be p;ouctI) itiLifZ thing tgat ifz inoulD p >Quc,tei, tf)at tt)e jeiDeo {annotbeparfahcrdorthefrmfeof Death auD the rz* Dcmphon U)hich he purchtfeD tnith hit) pietious blcoD, if tlycp &ill re;aine the ccremontail Inoiihtp cf ^ lain of Mofes.* SDhe reofon bp Inhtci) ije pzcu^h it* is an mDtnance of dDoD in abtnoe offacriifrco appointeD bp the lain to be offercD foi Gnne, fnht^ iachftces llhaDoincD ChiiOtiaiiD taught this Doftriite. if loh^^ OS ^ thelHi.iufteslnhofcrucDthetabernacle in the cercinoniesb Leu.(f.i<» of the lalbihaD apart of other fatrifices anD offeringes anD DiD catcoftbem: ' there inerccertaine beaftcs conunanDeD to bee' icV^a • offered for finne in Ipccial fojt,anD their blood to be brought into the holy place, J inhofe bodies might not be eaten, but*' Leu,<.}». ntutt be burnt toithaut the campc. i^oto,bp thefe facrtflces of# ^rcD fo fo; 6une,our onelp fcueraine facriffce 3|efus Ch;)iS inas figurCD: toho ® cntred by his blood into the holy place, f to clenfe vs from all finne ; anD e fiia body iuas crucified^ without the gate, that is, the gate of the citie oflerufalem;an0 g ioh.19.to.' thcptoho fteepe the IBjirftlp rites of Mo^cs lain, can not ^ cate ofhim,thatbphisDcath thepmapliuc: to; none fhall line bp hiratohoCecbeto befaucDbpthelato,asirtstonten, » if ye be j circuincired,Chriitflull profit you nothing, ^he ^poSle tberefoje c):hc;)ting the l^cbjeines ^ fo ftabliih their hartes kHcV.ij.v«.> withgrace,fhattcachcththemtoreructhciLojDc in fpirit ano truth after the Doctrine of the gofpelUnot with meaccs, that is to lap, inith the cerononics of the lain,a part tDhen^ tnas ths a Differ 550 Qfthe'Popes iuprcmacicT i f t I ' , r ^ || !l • I' ( fM •n 1 TCt.lO. mrcr.K. B Tcr* xa. « Mil.i.ii. p Ucb«>}.ii. ^ 3nfljtft As- net. OR Ucb. aj.xo. w In oratulcib- Tore Goreonia. aDcmonlKquod ChriftoT (it Z>«u>. t liiAor. eeckr. «!• « EpHiltf.Dc CtuitiDei .lib> t« sap.i7A l^ai. •ap.io.Coafcff. tiVp.cap.K.te aj.Contr.Fau- ftutnMaBicb. Kb.ao.cap.ai. » la 3}. Mm, DtfierencebcttoeenelmcIedneanocUatiein meates: Dotbmeue flJ3mtoitU»tbtt>tsreafoit,tbat ' ifrheyferuethctabcrnadc, anb Oicke bntotb( rttes oftt)e 3icia(b |^;telHK>ob 3 t|Ktr foules (ball tjauc no of tt^e foDo of our facrtficeTno fruit of Cb?i&5 Deatl)^ Jfo;. aothe bodies of thofebeaftcs UJCre ofir fereoforfinncyanbthcir blood brought into the holy place by the hye Prieft, migbf not be eaten bg t^e |0?tcftes, but were burnt without thecampe: " to neither ma^tbebeepero of t^e |9;ieQl? eeremonteo h^tie life bp feebing t^on ChrUt, tuhb (to fteto tijio mpCerp) did fuffer death without the gate,tD^n bO ^ebbis blood to denfe the peoplc from tbeiriinne, ^nbtbu» it appeeretb bp tbe text it felfe tbat tbe name of altar betokene^ tbe facrifice, tpat to to tap, Chrilt crucihed: not ao b-Obeatb iff fl^etbeo foo;ttb in tbe facratnent,but ao ^ bib fuffer beatb with* out the eatc.OTb^tebppcu map perceiae,firft, tbefollp of pour Rhcmifts about the ^reekc worde, (as alfo the Hebrew)tbat it ligniHeth properly an altar to facrifice on: as tbougb it niigbtnot tberetb^ebebC^figuratinelp; li^e pet tbem felneo^ mutt neebesacknotolebge it to be foto). ^ext, Ibetoeakeneo ofpourreafon, Uibotl^reof bto gather, t^t, bp thefacriiice,^ lubieb tbot tDo;tbe impo^tetb in the 0poltle, is meant the cicane oftering of lut^cb the prophet Qteakab • ^o;,the cleanc ofle. ring,trfiubicb tljol^iopbetlpeabctbrio offered ° in eucry place; the facrifice meant bp the Bpofiie, in one place onetp, ^ with- out the gate, £Jaberefo;etbettameofaltartn the cprttleto tije Ij^eb^etoeo both neither 0gnt6e&Mafsing> altar, no; p;oaethe facrifice of Mafsing-pricits. Hart. SChat tehith ?ootonch,a«fooUlhlp noteb bponr 'iRhc- miffs, about the ^reeke and Hebrew worde, is notcb bctp fnilp, if 0; pou can not benp pour felfe, but that it fignifieth properly an altar,amarcriall altar to facrifice vpon, and not A metaphorical andipirituall altar. Mlhrrebp as thep conclube that we haue not a common table, orprcphane communion, boord to eate mcere bread rpon, but a very altar in the pro- per ienfe to facrifice Chrilts body vpon : to fo; pmofe ^reof thep abbe, that, in rdpetS of the f aide bodieiacrinccd, itis at- focalied an altar ofthe Fathers,euen of ■■ GregoricNazian- zene, * Chryfoffomc, ^ Socrates, " Augumne,and * Thco- pbylad, And vhcodc is called a cable , it is in rc^ed of the bcauea- ■HlU; ■■ I ■ i TLc a& is Chrift crucified^ To 5)' DmiC*. hcaucn/y foodc of Chriitcs body and blood rccciucd. Rainoldcs. SDpe note of ?our Rhemills,abont the Greckc &Hebrcw word, wtrue(9| graunt,)getfooli(h fffl:ftjoiTj5lj true in tije t!jing,?ef fooUlh in tijz Dhft^o; to intent tljat iul/cre 0pcftlc faittjjw^e haue an altar,it map be tboug^ |^e meant not tbat ii)02b rptrttaallp,o; in a figurattue C^nfe^ao li^ee);pounb it of chrift.but materiiUlp of a very altar fucb as is bfrfi in tl»ir Maflcs'.t^epfaptbatthe ' Greckc word(as alfo the ^ Hebrew , anfvi'ering thereunto in the olde tcttan»ent )fignificth pro- perlyanaltarto racrificeon,and not a metaphoricall and fpirituall altar. ii^aijict>rp^^bctobuUtt is in refpcct of t\)t point to UUjicl) tl^ep applp it:3 Inill moftc pou fa bp an epample ofti)etrotDne.ii)ur ^auiflurintlje gofpcll teaclje^ of bimfelfe tljatbeis P thetrue bread, which giucth life vnto theyiohj«. world;" the bread which came down from hcaucn,that who< * ver.'o. roeuereatethofitOiouldnotdie : if any man eateofthis breriji.' bread,he (hall liuc for eucr.^our Rhemills Dto note Ijercon, tbat the pcrfonofChrift incarnate is meant vnder the meta- oocacion. on" phore of bread,and our belcefc in him is fignified by eating. ^bc^emtljeprapboed. ]i5utifaman iboulb telltbemtbat the ' ^reekc word (as alio the ^ Hebrew anlwering there- ,"-y - vnto in the old teftament)doth properly fignifie bread which ^ we cate bodily,and not a metaphoricall or fpirituall bread; * ioerenottbisastrueafpeecbastbeir olnne^ ^et bobo Inife to ^epurpofe , toboisfcblinoetbatfi^ttfnot^^eavtogo no far- t^r tbcn tbe bcrptoo;D,tDl)ereof bptbcir Hebrew ano Gretke tbepf0ekeaDuantage:tbCiiirelue«,bpon tbat place of ^ John tbat he faw vnder the altar the foulcsofthem who were kil- led for the word of godyim aiftrme crpicffelp tbat Cb^ift is tbio altar. Chriftc(faptbcp;as man , no dout is this altar. SCbepmeaneitCabope) inametapbojicali,o;i otljer agurattue fpttcb.iFo;; tbcp toili not make bim bp tranffubttantiation to be an altar p:operlp.|?cfbere if is as true tbat the « ^reckeword (as alfo the ^ Ht brcwc anfwcring thereunto in the olde i tc!tament)fignifieth properly an altar to facrifice on,and not a metaphoricall or fpirituall altar, ^nb if it toere as mucb tbeabuantageoffbeircauCetopjouetbat SpaCfeis faio in bra- nen,as tbat in eai tb; anb.tbat Cbzift is pjoperlp b?cab tDitbcuf aflaare;astbatb;caotsp.toperlpCbtittm tbo Iwrament: tbe 3 (111 ■ !'■ i Piuifion4. 55^ Ofthe Popes lupremaci^. f AwhaVin fcripture to^ete Cfjjifi is calico bread , pea the true coiiea.e^pofit. brcad,iuoulOp;oaet^oncclfErcIp,ae(tlprp conlD fittttoitl) tljis >a Apocaiyi,. lyjjjj, aitap^ ixjcuio put t^c olliar out of ccntroucrfte, commcnun A- C^tcfclptf t^titiDCfcUOtcOtuif" aiTAngcllftoodbe- catypnib.5. fore the altar hauing a golden cenfer,tl)Ons^ ^ o't^crs tl)Crc ab fAUcnit^'i)^ £0 affirmc thcaltartobcChrill. Batitfarcth loittjpour Rhe- tttatiCcof it Wtoonttoitl) » falfe prophets: '-bhebLnldeth vp a muddy wall,and ^ others daubc it ouer with a rotten plai- aeoeRheoiifb tler,and whcu a Itomic comethjthc wall t'allcth and plaifter ^9^ t^oag^,aa tljcp lap it on,it feemcf ^ Ijanfom, t^ ucvv Teftament. toojOCB figniflc p?operIp t^z nafurall t^ingsi itifncl) t^cp arc bfco foSsntfi<^>aito not mefapl)o;icallo;rpirituall things: pet if it be Jk Grcgor.Na ; opencDt!)at^ercbptE5mcanttl)attoo;^DC0niap not be bfco (bp Kictap^;cs,oJ other figures) to fignific ttjofe thinges tolitcl) p;o- chryfokdL"' pcrlpthepOojnotfignifiCjtl^lKipcsin grammer frholes, tofp wionftr.quod fenoiij ioh^v a metaphorc iSjtnill laugh ib GClherefcje us.HoSilv^'"'Plainer iuill not hclpe the to^abcnes of nnioop toalf, 3 Mau.u.&sj. meaneoftheconclufiontnhichpoutnouloptouebpitanooiD in^ adco'in't^'.ai. fcrrc bponif,thtU we hauc an altar in thc proper fenfc to fa- ly ad popu- crifice Chrillcs body tpon. Jn the Oaubing bp tohcreof pef foTsfSsi platftercrs do Ihcto a pcece of greater artjpart li),bp o^aluing mon.dc Eucha- bs into hatreb toho h^ue not pcpi^ altars,buf communion ta- r^tnf naims cf ifather&in , astfthcp crSieccicf. maocfoj pouagatnftbs. iBofh^toith fhiUano cunning : bu{ iib.i.cap.io. tnojcof fophiarredhenotiiinitte. ifo.?thattohichthe fcnptnre epiftV»d both call the Lords table, faccaare it is c^oeinco fo;' the Pauiifr.iraa.in botds fuppet intht aOminillration of the bleffco Eseramtnt of vCTb's Domini htftbooieanobiooo: '^theiFatherisalfocaUit a table tnre^ct Scrm.4d. oftheheaucnlpfaanfeetttjat is fcrueo bponit. 0nD this in PiopfiTenfe. S]^arrp,bpafigureofrpeech, bp biljich the names CoTindi.cap.ii, sf thtnges that arc lilre one an other in fomc qualitic, are giunt one bntoanofher,as ^ ChriftisraHeoLauid^ ■" lohn nReu.i^'.y. tiftjEUas; " thccitic of Romc, Jabylon; ®the Church of oEfaua.j. GodjierufalcmitheiFsfhcrsrojrercmblancf of the S^tnilfers ano facraments in the neb) teOament to them in the oloe , are toonttogiaethcnamc,asofP Pricftes,anbLeaites,toPaftcurs» reiu-Conc. anO'Z3cacons;roof a faerifice, to the Lords fupper j anb S'.e^mol^" ofanakafjtotlie Lords table» Jfoj thefe fhmges are Ipnbeb kigiar.Iib.7> bpnaturein relat(w,anbnwtHal(oepenoenttCa« 31 wwr fap) aap.i*» put Mafic not meant b)^ealtaf» 55^ oncofanot^r: ' ttjc altar, ^t^efacrificc,anD Ufjefacrificcrs'Syffias-HgifliJ who feruc the altar, tl)at is, Prieftcs atiD Lcuites. SSalj^rcfoie ^ ^vvi'a, if tl|C ifa^crs meant a rery altar in the proper fenfc to facri- ? j', 0y. ficc Chriltcs bodic vponttljcn mull tijei? mranc alfo Lc- ci^^oir, uitical friefthood toferue infacrificing oftt,515uf L®-7roorL\on' uiticallPrichhood is gonc,anD f^ep kneto ituisttjer oio ttje^ ^ * call t^e mtnilferie of fIje Cotpell fOjfaut bp a fignre. f^our Rhc- miftstbcrefojc 0(Dabtifct!)em,mpiioutng,asfag tbcm, that the cotnniunion tabic is calleD an altar properly. ISot bis of tije teo epift.7)>.aa other COe Oo aboCe mo,:e,bg fettirtg a n altar againft a com- ^ Heb.7"™' mon table in fuel) fiJit of fpeecbjas if toe,t»bofo Cljurcljeo Ijauc notavery altartoktll car^autourCb^tttanbfacrtficeb"" bp- onitjbaObuta common table and profane communion boord to cate meerc bread vpon. ^ feafe to make bO oDiOtiO in the epeo ofmen,bihom pou tooulo perftoaoe that toe otfcerno not boo^ of the ]lo;{i« ^|nch ?otir p;inie fclanber both open inturto. ifoj toe hauc not a common, bnt a holy table, as both ^ toe callit,anOeltffimc it; not a profane communion fCfjebookcrf boorde,but a fancttfieb; to eate,not mecre bread,but the Lords fupperjtoheretntoereceiuethe bread ofthankes-giuinganb munion. thecuppcofbleffing,as' the^poftlcsbodrineanb peattife of " the irathers teach bs. ^our felucs are goiltie rather of fiz' u iuffin.Mati; Ding men toith xneere bread, * toho bo take atoap the cuppc of i" the ncto tcfltament in the blojb of CDh^ from the Ch^ttttan peo- plc; anb in ttabe of the bleffeb bjeab of the facrament bo gine in • 4- cy-- sour seaflicjs meerc bread in babe bp pour otoneconferton ,.y the conimon b?eab that gocth.bnber the name of * holy-bread. Atribiof. de fa- 31 toonlb to i«i^^n'4. 554 Of the'Popes lupremacie. i' midi Annotations. 4 ' j Hart, SKJcDonoiabufeffjccrrDifof ff)C ifaf^rs to f 1 i' ' fbwDe an erroar:but ao toe cnbruour to folcto tbrm in trutib, fo t allcagetoctbmtfop^cnctljetrut^ bp tbcm. jano hotufocaer ® pou anotUE tbe place of S.PaulcjtD^crc it io HitOjwc haue an al- 3 tar;fije pjopbecie of Malachic>tt)at in eucry place there is facri• J K, I r ficcd and offered a cleane offering to ^od,muft naOes belong h . totbcbeneanDouttDttrofacnficEoft^EMaiTc, not to fpiritnaU facnfices. ^Hllbicl) becantct^atreuerenD man,D Allen, tnljofe S' i treatife of theMafleig fuel) a moate in pour epe, ' Botti p.joue Hi "p.s.* " ■ b^fitcreafons ,' fljcpttptobcreoftje grep.tlppMtfctl): 3lDill ' bungtbem fo;tMn|)tsoU)nttoo.iDcs,f^f pou map pettoe fl;e V Lna!' ratperto t^em. ifirfttljeicfoje , tbeUio^otofacrifice ano to - ^etermino offcr,being bftD bp tt fclfE ^ totttjoutatermeabnbgtngttjiata# ' hen in tlje fcriptnre altoaies pjcpcrlp fo? t^e art of cuttoaro Ci- criflce. ^Utbut)enitisfai0,thcfacrificeotpraifc,the facrifice of crying,the facrifice of contrition, anD tf)C libe:tt io percei- iij ueo cafiirp bp tlje towjocs anncpeo tljat tbep be taben impjoper- :> 1 Ip. &econDlp,f^iBDicrifee,oftbetoljitljtbe Pioptiet fpe^ct^,., n, is onerbut fpirituall facrifices t^cre arc £b manp as aregmo 1 toojbcs ofCf)2iftian religion., Suljirolp.tljis is tf)e p?cper ana ii; ! {Kculiar facrifice oft^e neiwlatD, ano fl)e d^entilcs , not oftljc ^ 3lctues. llBut fpirituall faciifices of pjaicrs ano feo?bcs arc ^ I common to tljc|ctoesU)itl)te. |fonrti)Ip,tt)istl)atMaIachic !: mcanetl^ Cot^ fuccaoe tf)c facrificcs oftfic Jeloes, ano is offcrco Jif oiDfocuertl)epfeeme beautifuU:b«t tfiis^jo- ' ff """>^*p|jctical offering is ' cleaneofitfclfc,anoCo cleaneofitfelfcmi g, comparifon oft^eolDcfacrifices,t^attt cannot be polluteD att» . j i ' ' toapbptjsojbptljefetDjftpjieffs. ifo2l)ere,inour tettnment, tljep cannot cIjcdCe all tbe beff fo tljem felues,ano offer to f^ Jto?a L II fo? facrifice fi^e,tlfe lame,ani) tlje ficbr,as befo?c in ttie olo: ^ jij becaufe tfjere is nolo one dcrificc Co appointeb, tfjat it cannot ii; bet!)aungebiC)cfeanc,tl)atnotDO?be of ours can ciftainc it.- u ' |finaUp,t|je |fatbers,antr all t^jat tm ^ue erpcunbcD tljis place - ^ :i ofpurpofc catboUbelpjtjaueerpoaiajeti it of ^ fecriSre of tlje; ^ ^,aCDt:peaf|ien,to]bfnttjepfpeabcoftljelbcrificeDfp;5aier,peao? J A35ne^ring offered to God in eucry place. 555 of fptrituall facrifico. JMijcrein tite tjoretibes Deceiue ano are De* teiueo. ifo^.ttJciFaf^eracall our facrtficefcme ftmesan oSt* ring of pja?er, ano a fpirtfuall facriScc, bccauft it is maoe t toitp blelTing ano p;ap£r mriftcdll; becaufe ^ tjie bit^ . timetiMtis^ere, Ijaf^nota groOfe, carnall, ano bloobpcon- cxiftcas. fecration oj facrification, as pabtlje birtimes of ttje artoes. J&ttTcrtuUianint^ettjirDbfflbc anion, enO; luftin,in Tryfhc-^ ircnxus,tn tlje fourft) bocl?c,f^e fUjoanO ttjir* fietl) c^pfer; lcrom,on t^c eigbfl> of Zachme; AulhUj (in ttje fL:^\i1iQ\ita^atnfitheaduerfi(rie rfthe Uvf^W^iS ferj atbcit in fecono ba)he the Utters of Petthan ^ ootlj erpeunb it ofttjc facriClcc of p^apfe: Cypriau ^iCo, in firtt boobe fir tent!) chapter againjt the levees J cyrillf in tfje boobe. ofmrfiippin^inJpiritandtrMihyEnkbiuSfin f|)efirftbOOto<^frf-- faration of the gofpell-y Damarccn,mf^fOUrtt)bOObC^/ the Co- tholikefaithy aiio tijo fourfcnt^ cljapter; Thcodoret, bpontljfc^ fiift copter of ^busfarre2).Anen, SS^bJ^mi tou map percciue, tbat bK bating rtgljt optmon of ifa- filers, loitbmanpotljcrrcaibns out of tpe ctrcumttanccsof tlje^ fcrt it felfe, topjouetbat tbe cleanc ofering in tbe|b;opl)et Malachie ootl) fignifie tlje facrifice of tbe bleflPeo ^affe. Rainoldcs. /^ap, a tnap perceiue ibat D, Allen bjingctli' tbc names of the Fathers, ttpugb ©amafcen a cbilOC in refpcct oftbsrca,farrempearcsbenctbtbem, « farther infuogem^- twt tfjcir nvimes be bungctb, be b^ingetb not tbeir right opinio... ifoj if tbeir opinio be fear cbeo f eramineo,it mabctb not bmg fijj-. f. bim.anD tberfo je be botb onclp name tbcm f quote tbent.tiaabicb t ' point of bis bJtfeoome ^ur R hemiRs fbiotomucb. Many othcti reafon 5 be bungetb, .3! graunt, befiocs tbe names of Fathers: but it bao bane better fo; b«n not to bjtng tbem, ifo^ Tertulli, an,Iullin,lrcnarus,Ierotn, Auftin,Cypfian,Cyriil, Eufebms,. ©amafcen, anD Theodoret, tooulD mabe a faire Cbeb) toitlf. tbeir names alone, if tbe otber reafons ano tbep I»ere Cet a fim^ ber. i^obj, being matcbeoin a banb together, anbagraing; no better then EphraimtoitbMana{res,anbManaffcstoitb VHii^»s/ Ephraim, bjbooibeatc vp one another, tb^ marrc the matter toitbtbeir birco^oe. Chat, as the emperour Adrian faine, l»ben be toas bping, Tlicmukitude ofphyfidans hath calla^ waythc^pcrour; fij mappou eomplaine, t^ mnli^ube of > 5 ; - reafotut caff atoa^ p;oof0, tojjic!) roar Sjpaffo did [jope to' procure bp Malachie. Hart« jf^oC fo. HBut t^icir multtfabcone anof|cr« ifo^ manr ttiinges, to^tclj finglcD br f ^ fetucs are toeafte, are 4 £«cleC4.i}, ffrong if t^ep be torneb: ano a three fold coard is not eafily broken, Rainoldes, £Cl)te id a roape offanbe raft)er,fijen a coard: it toill not fjang toget^er.jf o;: toljercas Z>. Allen bot^ tljua alleagg f inVmtiVoc® ! Malachie after poor ^ Dlbetranflatton,ineuery place there Ikcrificicur & IS facrificed and offered a cleane offering to my name , f^th Sobudo'"" Lord of holies; f|^ei^eb;etofert, anbaftertl^e ^ebjctnttje munda. ©rafeo of the feuentic interpreters (tni^ic!) flje ^atbera foloto) 5 Heb. Cm fct itbotone tljao; in eue^ place there is s incenfc offered *\t5 V13 name, and a cicane oflEcring. /^oto toojbe [incenfe] gu^vyiictiMi. isbfebmt^efcripfureffmplpfo^p;apers,int^e Sftfj c^japter of Ladn.iiicenriim tl^e Rcuelation; toborc ^ the golden vials of thefoure and raer&oburio' twcntie Elders are full of * odours, oi incenfes (to fecepe tbe munda. tofl.ibe,) vhich arc the prayers of the Saintes. 3inb fo bo ' tbc V ifatbcrfierpounbtbefametn Malachie. ©Mberefojetbcfirit ou^ia/wc- tobicf) poa rcbcrfeb of®. Aliens, tbat the worde [ to fa~ crtfice^ being vfed by it felfe without a terme abridging it, is caj^jjiEutb, taken in the fcripture alwayes properly for the aft of out- de pr.parat,' ward facrifice, ffifalfejbotb in if fclfc,anb bp tje iubgcmcnt of Slnizi ifatfjers ♦ Stoi f bat tD02bc of bis, is incenfc in tbc iratbcrs char.cap.8. * acco^bingtotbcfcripture. 5l5uf incenfe in tbc fcripture tstahen tdSuJif ■ PJa^ers figuratiuelp. Bp tbc iub gcment tbcrcfoie ano erpo# Lb.i.ei^.lo.' fition of tbc ifatbcrs, luojbe bot b not infcrre tbc facrifice of tbeSj^aCfejbut our fpiritaaU Dcrificcs. k IntbtRh S.Iohn frpounbctb in tbe Apocalypfe tbofg oii(h Annot, odours to be tbe prayers of the Saintes.But tbcrebp it is plain on n>t Apoca- (as •'toe note bpon it)tbat tbe Saintes in beaucn offer bp ^ pjap# jf-i-t' ers offaitbfuU ano bolp perfons in eartb (calico bere ^aintes, ano in tbc fcripture often) bnto Cb^ift. ^nb among fo manp biuine anb bnfercbablempfferiesfetbotuntnitbout erpofition, itpleafeb<5obpet, tbat tbe ^poffle bint felfe fiioulb open tbis * onepointbntobs, tbattbefeoboursbe * tbe laubcsanb p;:apcrs oft^faitbfulI,afcenbinganbofferebbpto ©oo as incenfc, bp t^^aintesinbeauen* SDbatfo pou map bane no ercufe of xour emmr,tbat tbe Saintes b^ue no^noinlcbge of our affaires Inccnfc^the prayers ofthcSaintcs. 557 So»4«' 0; Dffires. Rainoldcs. pou are tm to fltttmg on euer? occaQon from tlft p^efent point in queltion to ot^ro, 0no pet)trine (l[|ouIi) etu tcr into t^atrontroucrffeabout tfjc too^fl^ip of^aintcs: tfjat t)0* naar ujljicb tpem tooulo finoe no fiiccour pere, mv tberoottjitfoUolutpat Ine muft piap totpemtljougbtbs bib offer vp our prayers; mt^ei wit certaine, tfjat tifc ^ainteo in Ijeauoii onclp arc rcpicfcntcb in the fourc and twentie Eldersj neitijcr^'ftbopbCjCanpoup^ouc tljaf the prayers of Saintcs, inbicb ttjep ofer, are otljcr jncns p;apers, tfjep mav bee tfjcir oione. janofojnippartBiDtoratbcr^inbe tpat thefoure and tvrentie Elders rep.:c(cnt all tl)i?.Saintcs ano faitbfull both in l^ucn ano cartl),hHp as inccnfe to ©oO.ifoj after tpats. John pabfaiDc tbat' the odours are the 1 Reu-y.Ter.n prayers of the Saintes:tjeabDCtb)tl)at"' they fane a new fong, mvcr.j., faying. Thou art worthie to take the booke, and totopen the feales thereof, becaufe thou wall killed and haft redermed vs to God by thy blood out of euery kinred,and a.id people,and nation,and haft made vs Kinges and vn- to our God,and we (hall raigne vpon the earthu )l5p tl)e U>i)icb iDOjOcs it Ce^ctljtbat t)Z opcwctbtobaf th - prayers arc tobicb tijep offer to Cijiift. £nbfltt) tb<»*" tr T o offer tljem, bar fa? of tbcinfelncstbatChrifthath nvaae them Kinges andPriefts, iDljtcb S. lohn" before affirmctb Oftpe ^aintes on eart|):it map tc tbat tljep alfo, ano not tljc ^&aintcs in Ijcauen onelp, are re- p^cfentcb bp tl>v foure and twentic Elders, Hart, j^apj ° the fourc and twentic Elders are belirtlbeb " toitb golden crowncs vpon their lieads, ;anD the crowne is gtuen to &atntes in beanen,as it is tonten: p Be thou faith- p aeu.i.iOi' full vntill death, and I will giuc thee tlie crowne of life, Rainoldes. jCbcrctoarocoflife, gtncn to tlie ^aintcsin _, ri„, J^auen itolicntbepljaticftriuedastheyought to doo, anb gotten tbc bttto^jp, is calleo * a crowne, o,: (as toe lj^e)a gar- * ?t'(poc»oc» land,bp allulion to a cuaome tbattoasamong tbc (Grecians, ifoj fucb as got tpe mafterie in t^ir games of tojalHtng,oj ran* ning,ojtt)elibe,toere crowned with a garland in token of r Hetoaotuia bitoiie, CSaibcrcupon tbc fct^re (bp a Sgurc of i^e|>) oot^ call life eternall,toi3cretoitbCDobretoaroctb tit conqnerours, fhc crowne ofUfc; [ not a corruptible crowne,as tlwfe of tbc s i.Cor.^a^ ^ ■' fEJrsci# ii I's \'i ■"Ts! ; vili W 'I 1 ^ I .is oSi'' 558 Or the Popes mprcmacic. i.Tets.4. (Grecians itJCCe, but incorruptible, ' acrowncthatcan not wither, eucn a crowne of glory, 0nD as the crowne ts tahcrt tti ttjrs fenfu fo;i a garland,to Qgnifp ttie bliflfe of cnDlefft life ano 1 Reu.u.«}. toy: it is siuen omly to ti)e ^aintes in tjeaaenjtnljo" reft from their labours. Hint the fourc and twentic Elders had golden •PW.U.J. crownes fct vpon their heads; anQ * a crowne of gold bz* tofteneftiakingBonie. iltlilljerefo^e fit!) tfje&aintcs on eartljara kinges airo,anD not tfic ^^aiitfcs in Ijeauen onclp: the foure & twentie Elders ma^ ligntfie tfjcm bcftj. 0s it is botb tbcir On- , Rey. tics r to caft their crownes before the throne,anO fay to him who fitteth on it, Thou art worchie O Lord to recefue glory, and honour,and power: for thou haft created all thinges, and for thy willes fake they are,and were created. Hart. 15ut tlfty are faioc alfo to be ' clothed in white rai- ment, 0nD white raiment is bfcD to betoken fbe b;ig|jf* neffe ofglojp, toi^rctoitb tbe ^aintcs in beauen are clao. Joa »rm.j 4. ' CbiiftDotbptonoanceoftbegoOlptnSardis, that they (hall walke with him in white: ano toben bpon tbe mountaine h Luk.t.tf. his clothes were white gliftering.ittoas a token of bis glojp, Rainoldes. 15ut as white raiment ootb betoken glo:p, fo «Mu} i« ^feautour aouifetb tbe Ctjni cb of tbe Laodiceans to buycofhim white raiment, that (lie may bee clothed, and that her filthic nakednefle doo not appeerc. d *ea.7.t4. 0no dfbefcriptureCbttuefb toucbingtbc faithful of al tongues, and peoples,and kinreds, and nations, ^at they bad wafl7ed their robes and made their robes white in the blood of ihe Lambe. satberefo.^fttbnomo^sisfaioeoftbodoersbutfbaf they were in white raimentaf map as tucl agra to tbe feaintes on eartbjUJbo are in white of gracc;as to tbe ^ainfcs in beanen. Hart. IBuf'fbeptoere fitting on foure and twentiefeates f vcr. X. about the throne of God: anD ^ the throne is taiOe to bane bdenefetinheauen.JMberefoicitcannot be tbat tbs P&aintes 0 n cartb Iboulo be meant tf^rcbp. Rainoldes. GsabP* OTasnotS.Pauloneartbti>benbcfato « phii.j.xo, ^ our * conuerfation is in heauen? j©?, Dotp b^ notmeane tbe * To TTohi - &nte of all tbefaitbfull.tobo Hue after tpc lawes of tbe heauenly Ttuua. tbat is,tbe Cburcb of ©oo, ano arc not eartblp mtnoco? h Bcn.ij'.i. H>3tb notS.Eohn bim felfc in tbe Reuelation faptbat a great wonder Saintes in hcaucn oflfa:not our praicrs t9 God. Diuif-4- vroader appcered in heauenu aroman clothed with the {unne,andthc moonewasvnderher feete , and vpotl her headacrowneoftwelueilarres , andOiewas with childe, and cr}'ed trauailing in birth, and was pained readie to be deliuered i Kno is not the C^rch on earth hereby meant, daoagitUicretuithChjift J toho i« ' the funnc of righte# j oufnesitreaoingootone'' things worldIy,fehfch change as the nuene auomeh toith the oottriite ofthe apolI1es>as of > llarrcsj, , 8nob;tngingfoitht^faithfaU,"" aschildren,tmfDoth mErai.|4.Tcr.I» nothefapfriitherthat " there was a battel in heaucn;Michael^J*®'^'J' and his angels fought againft the dragon, and the dragon fought and his angels,but they preuailed not , nether was their place found any more in heaucn { ^nb ts not this aUb meant ofthe militant ChurctRin tohich ° the Prince of t^ faith*" hiU, * Michael,that is Ch;iC,Ujith his e angels anb 1 fer< uants,both8ghtagaiftflthcdragon,th^is, the deuil, toith ♦ his angels,etien all hie potoers anb miralfcrs,anb both preuaile t^at wtofoy, agauUltt^f SDhen if the Church militanton earth be rep?e< '•" fcnteb both in this battel anb in that woman,as * pourCrtues G^d?pha.i%, confcfle,anb tet S.lohn befcrtoeth the one to haue appeered,the p Hcb. 1.14. Ot^ to be doon in heaucn:the foure & twcntie Elders mt^t'' '7' haue their feates in heaucn bf S.Iohns t)i8on,anb nottoit^am Keu.t.,o« iingflgnifie the faithfull on the earth attb.Mhich^tafatnot, imbefming it to tefbifo^ 31 t»b rather learned teach the Aanocat. OW ucUtion,tohercin 3( do acftnotolege there are manp mpCferies '^'"•"•7. that(!3obhathnotrenealeDtome:butonelp to Dheto that pon baueno grounbintheholpffripturetohp fou Ihcnlb rettraine ttto the ^aintes in heauen.0nb if H coulb fatifSe mp felfe toith fochabuantagetoplucbebotoneponrfanOes, as pou content poor relties to fet them bp; 31 might as toell reSraine it to the &atntcs on carth,Cth the Elders fep,' we (hall raigne vpon the earthy perhaps,as Ch^itt fatb,that " themeeke are bleG Ted,for they (hal inbcritc the earth. JBut poti anb pour Rhe^ mifislhoniD haue boon toell(befo;e pou mebleb toith the fcrtp# tares)tolearneS.AuftinsUirongiuentothe ©onatifts: toho ,cant.r 7yw tohenthepalleagebasfitaplareoffcripture out of the fong pafcii,Tbi cubas of Salonaon to p^one that the Church was in Afrike alone, asSTa poutoptonefhatSaintesinhcauenknowour delifcs, outof fccieCcaY.""*^ t|K i2eucUaoa;5,' Auftin telleththem that iic were very im- tRtu.j.it,. a MatWj.y pudeac l€m Viacaukav ' f a i I ' I I r .1 ) ' <,4 ' I ;: V .1 > ^ J'if'' : fl . V .77, • li . ^ \ 'f'l ■, y ii Bi !! j C^>ip.4. Diuid 4< ^60 ; Of the Popes lupremacie. aWeu.T.Ter.S. «vcr^9* Sr. to. b ver.ii. J . & 11, ever. I J. dv to (btli) they feiue (l!3oh,as it 19 ibetacD after^ tbc Angels u®, ano " all the creatures in heauen,and on the earth,and in the rea,and vn< der the earth,anO ^ the foure beails,anD finallp them felucs agdtne,ifo;,tbtrearemanife&tcfiimonir5cfrcrlpturc t|)at atl tb^^ainteK o^^rhptbcirolnnepraiers, intDbicbrefpctttbep all are Prieliif, }i5ut no manifefl: teffimoniCy t^t ttiotr praiers areoffercoin bcaucnbntoiSobbuanie otbcr pcrfon tben ® by Chriftlefus, ^ thchyePiielfofourprofelTiou, »theAngcU' of the coucnant, ■> the oncly mediator bctwecne God and man. ^nQ tljis botf) fame to be tljat Angel,tl;at other Angell,- ofloljomittoijontenin tljc T^^euehtion, ' An other Angcll came and If code before the altar haiiing a golden denfer,and there was much odours gincn vnto him that he ihould put: them into the prayers of all the Sainres on the golden altar which is before the throne: and the fmoke of the odours, which were put into the prayers of the Saintcs, went vp be* fore God out of the Angels hand. Jfot a tbougbtbc Angels be '' miniltringfpiritesjfcntforth cominilterfortbc^airitei oneartb,wholl-iallinherircfaluation,anD tfjerefoje ao' fbep feme to ccrtific them tljat their prayers are come vp before God,fotbep mtgljt ratljer cffcr tboir prayers to (£oD,fbcn tbs ^ainteoinbcauen, tDf)o!)aueno fucb minifferpto feruc ^aintro on cartbt pet bccaufi; tl)to Angell handing with a cen* fer at th? altar of incenfe to burne perfume before Cod,t5 Cef foitbasoartngtbatDuetic,"" tDbicbtbohicPiicftirib figarc tn tbeldU};anb " our hycprieftiojnocroiteo Angel, but bo * bp tobojw tbc angclo toerc creat2D,cuen Chrilt; it folotoctb tljaf Chritf iameanf bp the Angcll. SCo tobom tbianame is gtuen oftentimes in ° fcripturc,bccaurebcisanAngel,ttMt isfufap, a tttefirenger,rent bp woo ijisfattier to open f)to Uiill Onto bio itants,ano loo the tbeir (aiuation bp bis couenant :dno it map be^~ t^,a0o.i. pcts,andpon rcdoutthcpia:^ucsofGod :lDl)0 ' comniing downe Iromheauen, clothed w ith a elowdc , andtheraine yEAtra.bcrc. bow vpon hi,, head, aud his iace was as the fiinne, & his fcete ral'"sinaorBSZ a.v pil.crs ot hctjhad in his hand a little bookc,& let his right zsicrai.cere. idote on the fea, and hislelt foote on the lande ;tD^trl)arc lwmii5lJDUtti.nofdnctherAngell, an other mightit Angel, Dl canonizati* asljt walfo calleD: d® (tf tie circumftanceg of tlje tett betneigb^ fD) bed agree 10 . lEiit topctljer it be fo, e; no: it is cer» la fainetbat Ctjiidis theAngtll tob® putteth odours oi moft fwcete perlume into the prayers of all the 5aintcs , as cur an'tijeDta^ bye PrieltanotfiFirttjttjtmto God bis father, to iL'bcnt " he niakethalwayes intercelsion tor vs, ana is notonell^foiour piapersbutfo; OBI feluesalio " anodonr ofa lweeteimcUing womtptytir lauour Setorc him . Jaiiberefbie Ctb tbc Tnipture nianifeaip ftctoetb tbat our ^auicttr-Cb«tt c-ffre^ibicp:apersofa!l tlje tu aciactfeun. JlDaintcs,anD not tbat tbe feaintcs in beaocn affer the pzapcTs of ub^ tbcfeaintesoneartb : pea might b«ue bene contcntrtj folcaue fbis honour bnto Chzii^anb banc fuffreb me to go fozto ar J totb ilor'um ZC pour reaftns aboutthc ohering >« Malathie. 02 pen fee boto o(cs.Pr*f«» toe arc fallen from tbe Pope to Priells,fromPrie{tv totbe Mafle, from Made to tifc Sarntes. 0nD if 31 iboulD foloto tbe tame bcpne on tbat tobieb poii bauc faioc of Saintes, aiiD foucb pour abufe, toboconfcCrmg tbat the fcripturcsgiue that name to faithfull Anton and holy perfons in earth, pet (to maintainc pcur foleinne in- uocacionot dead men) Co make itpjopdr, nottc^amtes in cap.k.Ciib ua» bcauen, buttotbcmtobcm It tbalt pftafe '' tl^l^opcto ^ ca- °cnu»w"c^ nonize,p; ' dejfic,(as>=' tlje^adcr of bis facrcb cercmcnirs djn.Mol.cem.. tmnetbit,)toberinnottoitWanbing "pourDoaorsalfoteacbe tbat thcPopen ay crrc,and canonitea wicked pcrfon for a logxic j?* Saint, fot^titmapbe (cucn bp pcur atone bottrtne) tbat in pour Cburcb-frruicc pcu too;lbipt bnn,as g^aints, tof;efc fpir rts Kon.contio- ve i« b^ toiiitb tb; ocuilUno ; 3 f«p > if 3 ^jcuib flit .1, i tbtts • II ^ - - - - - '^6% of the Popes fuprcmacic. tfnid from^sutttofomt on euer? occaOon t|)at ^oar fpcocl) offirrs^^oulo-confouno cur conference,anoncuermabcuii enooft^epoiiitm quclftcn. SJlli|)erefo;elet of^crquifhonBil p;as be reftrueD to tfjcir Due place tcucljmge the faith of the ChurclujanDnofu, tofininj tifis toudjing the head of the Chureh,letb5fiofo;UjarDUiitl)poorMafle-prielfes, tbattbtof map refurne to tbe |8ope« fup;cmacp. £)f tfje Ore reafono t|ier< Piwetoj)tfl};pcu alleageo cut of .Allen,to p?oue,tbat flje-cleane offri ng Ui^tcb Malachie DoUj toute of is ttje (kcrifice of il^aile, k iwrificatur. ann notfpirituaU facnficcs: tbe firll is tonutnccD tlearelp to bi «6ujwi'ix4>« bp tlje content of all the fame jf attjers to^m tje OitijtGrcekc tooulo p;oue it bp. ifo^ ^ U)ojD,tol)icl) notetb an outwaid SrLa"'"'" lacrifice toit^ t)im , Uiit^ all tbem is ' inccnle off\rcetc per- tto>D wftte- fumes and odours. ^ut incenfc in tbe fcripture is taken tb$ nngti»»T«o: the praiers of the Saintes as pcu grant. E^lje toojD t^cn A«cuft! cow. lie potl) builD tbe spaffe bpon, ts not altoapes taken p?cperlp in aducrf.lcg.l.i. fcripture fo; tbe act of outtuaro facrifice. wiwMfilcy- Hart, isutbeDotbnotonelpbrge tbe toojO,tofacrifice,foj jir.coBtr. ludz- tobicli toDttDe tbe iFatljers auD tbe ^cbjetoe tcrt baue incenfe: hut tbe mojD,to offer. 0nDiftbatbe altoaics taken pioperlp fo; tbe act of outtoarD (acrifice:bi5 rcafon is of fo^cc 0ill. Rainoldcs. jl5ut tbe fo;ice of bmreatbn Dotblpc bpon tbc ehln dcrific!" too?0,to facrifice, not to offer, jfoi ^ b»n felfe grantetb Mp.itf. tbat lay men,yea women too,arc faid/» off'er properly and trucly:when,as in ® the olde law the tithes and fruites com- id.io.' mandedcobe giucntotheLcuitesandthe poore were pre- fiteiKi b fcnted before God; fo they prcfcnt W Wiw^ for the jt communion,or al>nes for the relicfc of the poore and needy, Asguft epiji. or any earthly giftes and offerings for holy vfes,as c the Fathers (hew. l/^berefojetbougbtbetoojOjto offcrjtoere aU in toaies taken pioperlpfo: tbe act Of outtoarD Offering: it p;onetb pffleopere not 11)0 of^mg ofpout outtoarD fecrificciGtb s the wife men ^ eUemolynij. offered giftes vnto Chrift, ^ tbc faitbfull Jfitoes at the altar, « I toonwn at the Maffe; ava pet netbcfianp of tb^ i c.Omnis Chri, toere cpai|Ping'-pftelts,no; tbcircfftrin£^,^airing- b^. 9^ucb ^crVtion*.*""" ptoue it, as Malachie applpetp it to the offering of tUitina...' incenfc.ifo?,asincenfefign^b *:nc prayers of the Saintes} fO to offer incenfe mult be to ^nGcet^fe prayrrs.: 15ut tb< CicFiflce of p;apers is a fpirituall &cqfice. . too|« too^ * Dotb not p^one pour outtoaro facrtQce of tbe l&alTe. The Maflc is not the clcanc offering. 56^ Siiio'n < llnD 03 t^cfirllrea&nw 00112. Sufjefecorrtfolotoet^: tofjtrfj i« no founoer tjjen ttie fo?mcr. iulju Dot!) Allen fa^.tljat the fa- crificcfpokenofinMalachiei$one;and therefore betoke- ncth not fpirituaii facrifices, the which are as many as there ar e Chriib'an good workesf Hart. 115ecaufcl^jctc>:toff^e|3jop?jef Malachie faitljthat there is offered aclcane oblation, o;i offering, a0 Tjoucallif. jano offering iftfpokenofcne, not ofmanp, jfoj eb Ijc fl^cula fatae,offerings,nct offering. Rainoldes, ^o.0noOa)pcut()mUetIjatf)eU>ljofaiOfo<15o6,k k pf«ira.4<,.73 facrifice & offering thoii art not dclited with,o;(a0 pou franf# lat0tt)hoff and oblation thou wouldeffnot; DtOmcanct^ g^affcbptljathott/ Hart. The Made i jjio. meant the hoftcs and ob- lations oftlje clD lata, ifo; t^ep are li3o;ajrs oft^jc p);cpf)£t Dauid,fpohen of the le^aU ano carnall facrtficeo of tjie Bjetoeo. Rainoldes. The lewcs? ^ap: tlje fert of the P^opbet ®a- uidfaitbtljatGodmiflykcdhoftand oblation ; it iaitlj not, holies and oblations. Ml)crcfo;efit!)b®fpeaketl)of one, not of man^: anh tlje carnall facrificco of t^e Vetoes iocre manp, but tbcracrikcoftbeS^aCrewcne, aopoufaptitfemetbbs Ibouto nieanc a point fome tobat oangerouo fo.a tin boll, inliicb tour lift bp to be abo^eb. ^o^e bangerouo fo; tbem,boba line bp lifting it bp. Hart. iDur abojation of tbc hoft io gob, in fpite of all b^re- tikeo, anb notreptoueb bp tbe ^0jopl;ct. i?o;,altl)ougb be feitb» hoft and oblation thou wouldeft not: pet io it plaine beniea#,, netb tbe lacrifiteo of tbe Blctoes bp * a figure of rpeecb» in febicb ^ a part is bfeb fo? tbe lobole, anb one foj manpjas hofl,and ob- lation,fo; hoftes,and oblations. Rainoldes. Aliens (econb reafon is notlbo;tb a (bo- bn&lc to pjoue tbat ttjc facrifice of § ^aCTe is meant bp the ob- lation in Malachie.ifo; tbe bJojD ^ oblation,03 offering,U)bicb, bebfetbinbisotonelanguagejisbftoliheioilettill,'" asofone, not as of manp, tbjougb i tbe olbc telfamcnf. liisaberefoje if tbe facrifices of tbe HctocstDeremanp, Inbicb neuertbeleOeare ol^utvKUttH calleb not offerings, but offering: tbe fame toojbe applpeb to »*««• tbe facrifices ofCbjittians can not info3cetbem to be one. llotn# beit, tocre tbep one,to graunt pou tbat bp a foppofall; pet migbt ^{| tbat t!;Atoit£facrtScebeafpidtuaUfafitfi »i.cor..e.i7. atccpcablcvnto Godjfpeahingoftfjotr fuuDip faalBttaasoiie;, *em .x 5. ■ asaUo^mampCerte, ■■ we that arc many arc one bod^. iSuf iphec+t. Urit!)outfnpporaIl,t^e courfeofttiefept Dot^ import ratijcrttjaf tl)e|3;opl>ct,raping,thereisoffcredanofFcring, Dot^ raeanc 1 Sjrncedoche notonedJUtmanp,bt^' fljat figure ton toucijcQ: as bp ^ 1 Eii^^iage 311 otljcr figure Ijc faitbdt is ofFeredan^mng,tt ll^aU be offcrcD, tcmporis* iroj f tbeJlo^b Declaring tjisDeteftation of the facrifices ofc^e * Priefts, fartb tbat ' he will not accept an offering at » ver. lo. their hand: but" the Gentiles fliall offer to him a cleane of- u ver.ii. fering, tDi)icbntcanetfj of tbccontrariet^bcteiilacce^t. ^D ttjis be flbetoetb fartbcr,tobcrCjtoucbtng it againe, b^ faitb * "y ver"i^ bc offered vnto him in righteoufneffe, y and fhalbc a phuip.4.ig. acceptable to him, ^oti),the offering tbat is acceptablcto Godfromfbe©entilesintbe netD tcftamcnt, isall fo;itcsof fpirituall facrificcs anD good workcs, the offering tbere^ fb:ementioneDinMalachie tbereare tnanp facrifices meant> not one onelp^, tSSbicb pet pour olDe tranflation mabetb moje euioent, opening tbc meaning of tbe ^ebjeto l»o?D bp ter^ J mii^ it facrifices, " They fliall offer * facriiices to the Lord "" inrightcoufencOc^Siillberefoie fitb Our offering ^t ^oulff h concii.Tri- pledfe©oD itttbotimc oftbcgafpcU^is facrificcs bp (b^ tui^f dent.ieiiion.4. Htent ofpourolDtranfl3tiou,U)bicb '' pen in no cafe map re# fufejanD facrifices can not be meant of the Ma(Te,foi tbat is one facrifice, butof fpirituall facrifices it map, fo? tbep are man^,. as Aliens fercnD reafon faitb * pon fee, toe muff concluDe on ^ otonc pjinctples,tbat the cleane offering,tobicb Malachie to;i# tctbcf, Do^fignifietbo rpirituaUracrificesofCb?iftians,anD not tbe facrificc of tbe ^alfe, SCbe tbieb anD fonrtb reafons bane grcaterfbctojbutlelTertocigbt.iFo.i.tbougbtt be true tbat fpt- rituallfacrifices of praying to ^od and doing good to men. are common to thelewes with vs, anD tberefo;$ map feemc not to be the offering fpoHen of in Malachie, tobicb# befiDe tbat it is proper to the ^ofpcll and the Gentiles, it fhould fucceed: aKo the facrifices,of the lewcs^and be offered ia their ftcede;. let The cleane offering is our fpirituall/acrifices. 565 SS!? ^ettfliiemarbe Difference t?jatfl)eOrripfurj5 put fecttocciic tt)e3|etPtl^tuo;tQipof(i5oDmtl|)e Iain, anotpeC^iifftanm fiofpcljt^at fenttng toil melt as fnoto before tlje funne.iro^ in fljc lato of Moles,tlje Jctoco, to tije intent tpat botb tljcir rebempii^ on bp tljeDcatbofCj^iltf Dutieoft^anbfulneffe tofjicl) tbep did 5." Otoe to ©oD foj it,miglit flttl be fet befoje tbem as in a figure ff Doto; toeretoillcD •* to offer bcaftes without fpot &blemilh in facrifice, toit^ ceremonies ttiereto annereb, aiiD to offertljrm a Num,28.j. ' in the place that ^odlhouldchoofejtobicfj toas ^ the citie efIerufalcm,anD s thefanftuarie, (batistofap, t^e temple f built therein, ^oto Clniff,in tfjc gcfpcll, toljrn tljat toas ful;= s filUDtohich the temple of JeruialemanDfacrifices DiDrep;efent,' '^"5.' =°. fi)eto£D tljat ^ the time of reformation was come, nnD re# nicueD tt)attoo?^ipboth in refpcct cf the place anb of tl;c ma# h Heb.p.,o. nerofit. ifo;asittoaspicpljecicbfIwt * hcflioulddeftr^ the citie and the fanduary, ^ and caufe the facrificeand oftering j to ccafc:fot)imfelfc taught thai 1 now the Father would not ' ""'kllrllj be worfhlpped in Icrufalem, noj ^ as the lewes bib toojlljtp ' him, but " he would be worlhipped in fpirit and truth. SChe n Chjittian toojChip therefo:e that bib rurccebe the Betoifh, both ^ Differ from it in ttoo pointes: one, that it too^^ippetb (^ob not in lerulalem, but in all places; an other, that it too^^ppcth him in fpirit,and truth ;in{pirit, toi^cut " the carnail cere- oHcb.7.itf. monies & ritesjin truth,toithcat e the lhadowcs of the law of ^ p-'°- f Mofes.lChe tohitb fo?t of toojDhip faing 1 hec requireth of the ^ Heb'iZ'. true worlliippersjthat is ofall the ^ainfes, his feruantS; anb in q Ioh,4,'.j. thcnetotcltament the Gentiles bp the€ofpeU are ealleb to be Saintcs: the too?lhip,that is p;ioper to the Ci5o^ell anb the dPen# Erhef;i "i* & 1, tiles,iflifhetracfpiritualltooj(hipof<21ob,the 'reafonable (er- uingofhimbp ' goblines,anb " goodworkes, inrighteouf-1 i.cor./.s." nes, and true holines; euen " the offering vp of fpirituall la- & ** crificcs acceptable to God by Icfus Chriit. 3nb t^US pou map * i fieihetoealtenesofthofecauilstohiehare brought to p:oue that our rpii-ifuallfacnficES cannot be the offering toherecf yEfob in Malachie faith it thall be offered to him in euet^ place. fhefoiinerofthem , that fpirituall facrificcs of prayers and workcs are common to the lewes with vs, beceiueth toitha fallaete: becaufe our fpirituall arc fpirituall ma:relp, tohereas thep hab carnail facrifices toithfljeir fpiiituall. S^he later both i^n 3 bifco# Of the Popes 1 iiprcmacie. Difcoucr tljis frau^c of ttjc fbjmcr, but toitl) an otbcr frnufie.iroJ in tljat it faitb, tlWt praying, falling, and the workes of chari- ty vi'crc ioyncd to their facrifices:it Ibciuttb ttjnt tljcir k)0?t)bip (ttjougb in part fpintual)lDa£; not fpiritual moerclp.iBut in t^af it gat^ctlj ttjrrecf, that tbcfe things cannot fucceede their la- crificcs, t^crc it an otljcr fallacie; bccaufc altbougb too?I^ip , y loh-fM. ofCicbtocrctttllfpirituall, as ^ ttiUafpirit, ano fo no too;^ip mat? fuccaoe, fo; botn can a t^ing fuccaoe it felfe i pet, ti)crantcmrub{tanrccaincfa3;tl|infuni);p inaners, anofoont « Hcb.i.i. nrancrofitmigbtfucccDcanotbcr. Sis ^ tbctoo;DDf ©oD,fou# thing tlfz faluation of men bp faitij i« ChJift, toas altoapcs thf rantjJ: but btterco in fundry tnaners bp the Prophets, anO bp Chrift. : bp a Eioa,}4.33. the Prophets," ccucrtlp, bnbcr tfjstailes of ceremonies; bp web.s.5. ChJttt, '' plainlpanolbnplp. ®!lIlhercfo;«, as the ooctrineof Ch?ia bio fuccttbe the Doarine of the p;ophets, both the fame Doctrine, but taught bp Durand.I.[. c.i &I.4.C. 1. qExod.15.ver. •eo.e^f 17. r Durand.l.i, sExod.id 55. tOjmonftraBS, CCS: ^ »SD.AlleiiC4l-, lCt^(t,Dc Eu- t^e fanftuaric anD court of the temple: ^ To ^ou > bg tlft chancel! anb body of the church, ^gboit^t^ctn ^ he burned incenfe at the altar: ^ fo iDttb fOn both • )3stoitb tbcnt » bo toas dab tn an Ephod,a miter,a broydcred coace,a girdle, a breftplate,and a robe,anb tbc? tobo fcmcb bim tooro tn tbeir linen coates fai: fo tottb T!OU be muft bane an amice,an albe, a girdle , afanel, a chifible , anbaftole , anb tbepbobo areabout btni b^uc furpleffes,pea copes alfo, SDbetr pjtettes bab ^ a lauerU)bcteattbet?inwtttoa(b before fbe^lacrfeceb: " fobau0t?ouro!. ^our " vaile bet-weenc the quire and the al- tarinlentjOOfcmble^ ° tbctr«,fbaf feuered the holy place from the moft holy, ^our p pyxtoitbtbe facrament, ano tbcir 1 arketoitbtbcmercyfeate ; ]gour phylafterie toitb Saintes relikcs, anb tbetr pot toitb Manna; ^onr ' mon- ftrancie initb tbe hoft,anb " tbeir table toitbtbe ftcw-brcad ; ^our * holyoyleofbalme , anb ^ tbcirs of my rrhetuttbrpi- tbetr purifying water mabe of the athcs of an heifer, anb'' YDnr0ofotbera(hcstr)ifbwater,wine,anbfalt} ^ tbeir ehariii: sacnm. fyer fcnt from hcaucn, anb toursfetcbt * tbcnce bt art; tbeir b7atCuL*a^^ rod of Aaron, anb ^ tour crofleof Chrift; finallf, ^ tour tagc,Waning candles, oj tapers, 0; torches, aitb 8 tbeir candlehicke with lampsjboniatcboneanotberin pjoyojfion ofritesinat, ton «i)atti?*ou3^ furpaffc tbem in tour candles, ^ tbeirslnereligbtcbin fecrattt ^tijt uigbf J ' tour5,in tbe bat too. 2Dbcirs,in tb: temple oneft: fetnptijetetn, tours, ^ abmb alfo.SDbeirSjbefote the Lord: tours,' before images. ©jcirSjin one ntancr: tours,iuitbgreatbarieitc. %\)£m , in finall number: tours,at" times, anb places, as mant as tbe (anb of tbe fea, 0nb t»bat Iboulb 3 fpeake of tbe re!5 of tbe things in tobieb ?ou bo net onelt foloiu tbeir cere# monics,butalfo gobetonbtbeme^our ° contecratingofffiilbops, of cburcbes, of attars, of patens, of cbaliccs, ano otbcr trtOirn# mcntsoftour^:iettbaib,bt anointing tbem, p accojbing to the order ofAaron ano the tabernacle, f^onr fhauing,aS cf ■■ Leuitcsjtour ^ imagery,asfrom ' Salomon; tour " ba^ of men," belles, y aUjes, bougbes ," b^eab, ^ tbe ttpaaUglJire. paf" 4iNum.17.10. «Daratid.!.i.£. 3, fDurand.l.i. c.i, gExod.l5.3i.&27.io. h Exod.30. 8. i.Sam.j.j. i Durand.1,4. c.d. kExtra.Dt ct)cbrjt.Mir5ar.c.Sane. 1 Viuxcatecbifm. m I)ur*nd.l.i.c.7.df 1.4.c.d. 6,0.7:.73.80 Sj.d-c Sicr.ccrcs).soman* ecclef.l i.tit.i. n 0« CanblJ.tJW-Cflf, BU& fCtnelilt-tDenfliap. Duriud.!.4.0.7:.&I.7.C.7. 0Durand.l.:.c.S. pExcd.50,16. q Duiand-l. 1 .c. i, TNum.8.7. sDaranJ.1.1,0.3. t i.Kiag.iS,3i,uDurand.l.4.c.4. xl.i.c.4. y -WCnftlfip. Pa- Mnd.l.d.c,i?, z . t^emas s Chriftouerleralalem,0 ifthoii hadft knowne at jLuk,'i?°s''. leaftinthisthyday thofc things which belong vnto thy peace: but now are they hidden from thine eyes, iliojo hi.cor.j.if. h take away tljis vaile from ^our heart,if if be gccD plca<< rure:t^at poa map fee at length toljat it is to Ino^ajip rit ano truth,anoinhen pou f® itjOo it. Hart, SDhcrc is a tjaile rathor ofpjefnmpfionctjcrpcur heart,loho cooemne the Catholikc ceremonies as Icwiihttheil i facta-, of igno^anco oner cnrsjtoho embjace them as Ch^ifitan.^o?' the ment.iagcnc. (jstmcellofTrcntjtnhichioasgafhcroDfogtther anbgutoco bp «.c«-}. the bolp(!&holf,hs^accurrcti them tohofap that the receiued and approued rites of the Catholikc Church, vfed in the folemneminiftringoffacramcnts, may be defpiled, thofeofthebleCreofacriSccofthe^affe, tohcrcaf pour fpite is kSefiion.aa* greafett, thchol^ifathersoftbat Ccuncell haue CbetoeD to be grounbeb en the tradition of the Apoftics,not on the lato of Mofes. For as much (fap thep)as the nature of men is fuch, that it cannot be lifted vp eafily to the meditation of diuine things without outward hclpcstthcreforc our holy mother the Church hath ordcined certainc rites,to wcetc,that feme things lliould be pronounced in the Mafic with a foft voice, and lome things with a lowdcr.Moreoiier file hath vfcdcc- remonies too,as namely myftical Weflings, lightes, inccnfe, aiTiiptna veftimcnts,and many other fuch things, * by the dilcipline irioBc. and tradition of the Apoftlesito the cndc that both the ma- ieitic of fo great a facrificc might be fct forth,and the minds of the faithful might beraifed vp by thcfevifiblefigncs of re- ligionandgodlincs to the contemplation of moft high things which doo lye hidden in this facrifice. XbcCe are t^e Coimcels iDojbs.Mliereb? pou map perceiHe,^at tl^ rites anb 1 Dyonif Arc^ ceremonics bfeD at t^e Made,arc not Iewi{h,bat Apoftolikc:as fdcKpV. Of tpere)tt nuj^ be C^etueiJ in particnlars,of jnccnfc,bp S. in Cenfcl'sion. 1 Denys;ofIightcs,bpS, *" Auftimoh^e rett,bpotljfrifatt]«rs. tcfp. 1" " Rainoldcs. M^af f of^ yeifimcnts (©ffanol,amice,alU, < concil.r^®C" ftQlc,anbfcf^ trinkets f pi{]iwor(]iip,Ievvifh;,andwoorie. 571 S*', Hirt. 3, cum 8f t^cm fffl; as bafcl? anu fcomfRllV fpwhc of fHn, ^0^ ?cf arc t5;efc of ours libe tn all rcfpertrs to tpofc U}[)uij tt)t ^^uilcs oto tocarc amcn^ 3;c^es. jrrom tofjcmc tnot^crpowfcsourccrcmonfcsijifffralto. 0s foncs; tbe tabernacle baolightcs , alf * yaufamwia tbougb not in § Dap time, mucb UlR at tbe beginning of Febru- , arie mo^c ^cu ottjer times:OiD fpr abc ofponr ^Sopiib rites btrs^ Apulci. Aur. in as 3|eiDi^,fo mabe tpe bctt cf tbcm- 0tio fo? all tbe Difference a Aibcr tijat pon fino bettoict tbcm,Dfw'axe in pours, ano oyle in tbcirs; anotbcir perfume,auDpourfrankincenfcjtbougb ' frankin- ccnfefeasmingleDtoitbtb«rperfnmcaIfo,anD ^ maoeanin- Hicr'AigXlta ccnfctotoitbottt it; but granting tljis Differencebettoipt tbcm n 5 to to itjSis,"* toOew tbect Wa temple of the ble/Tea Virgin,tjioje ttlebjatcb tofU* tplns mitatUjs, atibtO tr(Kt>9tl toitbrtfortefmrtiuljtNDtr temple «!a0 at WalSngbaminEiigiuia, of tbjttttb ia JeU»qu,?jt«egri^trjJigicftijfrg<>, b « Exod.jo.j^, 4 ^ ' 571 Ofthe Popes fupremacie.' to \jf tcmiott: ttt arc ^ouro iciuii^ tn tljc kmoc tljcrcof, bc« caufc tbe? arc ihado\»^cs fuc!j m iwcrc t^jc 3(ctDi{]^, 0nD it is litielt!. t^at tl)«g tuljo oeuifcD fljcm oto fetcJj t|>cm onf cf Mofes, . astbci^bjl;oacfcnotbemCcgrouii0tbcmtjpanMorcs. jpo^tbc iiuiaor^mofr.fatreft colourt^ate^^r)i3ii^o? 'purand,o^f otljersfettjpon fioruin. tbcm,t£E,t^at God ordeined chem in Mofcs law.iJji 5 papc In- pifts 9*p.7°j! noccntius (attl) t^at the Carholike Church doth holdc thac de c6recririoa. 2finiops ought to bc anoiiitcd, bccaufc the Lord comman- tMofcs to anoint Aaron and his fonncs:anO Sgainc, t^at Decreet fO« tcmplcs, and altars,and chalices ought to be anointed, be- Def* ^auic the Lord commanded Mofes to anoint the taber- era vnftfone. nacle,and arkc.and table *'ith the veilcls, ca^.yuico. Hart. i5ut ]p)ope Innoccntius nSDcttj, tbaf the facramcnt ofvn(9:ion(oj anointing) doth figure and workc an other thing in the new teitament then it did in the oId« ^itD tljcrc- Of fje concluSctl) tljatthey lye who charge the Church with lu- daizing (t^at 15, with doing as the lewes did) in that it cek- brateth thekcramentofvnftion. Rainoldes. ^ct ^3ope Innocentius Botlj nofbjtng ftjat DifferencebcftocnethcIcwesanD^011, tbaf^ourholy vnftion ismadeofoyle,andbalme,to5erct^r6 tua^ maDc of oyle & myrrhewith other fpices.^ehnctDf^atf^e Difference of tljis D} ttwt ingrebtenf in t^c ff nffe of if tocnlD not clare pour Ctjorcb frcmludaizingintbeliinDcoft^ purgation, tfiatis, tbe rife tob^rebp t!ou fanrtifie i^riefts anD altars, nto^, tben ifpou ^oulofacrUiceaDoggc, anD Tap that ponDo not therein a5t|)e lewcs did, becaufe ttjep DiD racn0ce, not DoggeOjbuf Ch^ei op en.as foj the Difference bp toht^h the ^"^ope fcuerefh poiir bnctio from theirs,that yours doth workeandfigurc an other thing then theirs did: firll,itto;ought as muclj ill their altars, as in pours,foj anp thing that 31 hnoto. ^econDlp, it SgureD in their Prieits the giffes of the holp ghe8;lDhich he faith it Doth in pours, 2^hieblp, boere it fo that if h^D an other either toojhc oj 19. weaning toith pou then toith them, as after a fojt it hath»both ai. ' ' ' inrcfpedof ^ hiw,tohoojDercDtheirs;anD »the eauCe, tohp: beS^i7ft' pet might the ccrcmonie be lewiQi nottnithff«wbing. ifo; (3I Heb.!f.5.oiJtof trutt)pou toillnof maintaine but it toere ludailmefoj pour k^ExoVi^"'I Church to facrifice ^ a lam be in burntcffering, though pou ' DioU to figniCiejiwtCh^iff that boas to come, ^ as the lewcs Dio, but ^he PapiHs liTdaize in their ceremonies^ Chlpt, I. Diuir 4. A&.t.}9. AS.i e.tf. Aftij.io. bntt^tCi)jitttsfon«,ano bi»t>wpaffion bof^ enfrcD«" bi^tmfelfe nnDbJougbttnofberstobwglojte. at lcaft,S, Peter ° did conflraine the Gentiles to ludaize, (as gouterme„ caliii, ft,) tobctt fbep i»erc tnouceb bp evample anb auto^ftie to al# lob)t^elcwilhritem ® c^)otte of meatcs, |0cfncftfjcrl)e,no; ® tlie^silotocbftmtfjatmeaning, tobtcb ft toas giuen to fl;e Vetoes in. iFojittoaogiucnttjcm p tobetobcn tbat^olineo, p coui#. ano ^ tratnet|)cmbptjnfoit,tol)fti^Ctiiiftbp grace ^onlo^ bftng to tt)e faitbfuU. 5lnb Peter fenete t^at Cb^itt bab bffln. tbwintratb,anD ' taften atnap tbat figure, pea, ' tbe tubole ■ yoke of the lav of Mofes: tobirb point be taugbt tbe ^entilea' alfo. i!I^[Iberefo;^e, altbougb pour Cburcb ba) k^e tbe levKh ritee,tDitbanotbcrmeaningtben di^ob o^oeineb tbem fo^ tbi Ievcs,a« IBope innocentius faitb,to falue tbat bliffer; pet tbii of Peter (betoetb tbat tbe tbtng ft leviib, anb pou bo ludaize ftbbkftpetbem. Hart. S.PeterBtouoferreinfaitb,bufinbebauiour,toben[ be toitbbjeUj bim felfe from eating toitb tbe (©entiles, ifo;^ tbat loas a defautc in conuerfation not in dodrine, as " Tertulli- anftiitb. i^eftberbotbS. ^ AuftintbinfeeotbcrUjife of it. Wt." Rainoldcs. 3 graunt. if oj be offenbeD not in the truth of '?* the gofpcljbut y in walking according to it, tbat hauingli-y G;d"°ver™4,' ucd before not as the Icwes,but Gentile-like, pet * tbenbee left tbe gentiles fo J feare of tbe/ewes, anb * diflembled bft iubgement touching tb ano the Apoftolike tradition againU pour cautls anb furmtfes* Rainoldes. ;aias. Slnb fa pou not hoto gibbilp the Coun- cell both b;ing in that reafon, tljatbecaule our nacuie doth neede outward hclpes,thercfore fome things fliould be pro- nouncedfoftly, (omc aloude? ifoj the berp chiefcftof the out- warde helpes, tohieh Cob hatlj o;beineb to raife our minbes from earth to heauen, is ^ the hearing of his word. l9isword l.Coi. 14.19. is reherfeb in the Epiftle, theGofpcll, the Canon, anbotljer I Con.rride«t. partes of the Maffe, Maffe ' pou fo;bib to be faide in the SeiT.ti.cip.?, vulgar oj mother tongue of the people: fo that if alllnere * - cryed as loube as Baals feruice, the people coulb not bnbcrlfano it. ^etnotcontenttoiththat,poutjDillapartofitto bcefaidc with a foft voicc.thaf the pcoie foules map not as much as hcare it. (isahrrefoje the realbn tohich pour Counccll mafecth fo; that ^afKng-rife, is th«S in effect,that becaule the blindeneffe and coldncfle of men doth neede to be lightened and warmed by ^ods worde,which is rehearfed in the Maffe: therefore a parcofitmuftbe prpnounced witha foft voycc, that they nirfe fa n>Sc CUriC ro An*thcm*fiu The Ma/sing'languagcdoth not edific. 575 may not hcarc it; part with a Iowdcr,butiuaftrange toong, thatjalthough they hcareit,they may not vndcritandit.^liiO toas t!)ere nat a niisljtjc fpirit ofgiDDincs: in t[jcp>;inccs of Trent, tijat iiuoc tfjcm to;itc fo Q;ojnh£:nIp; ?ea, "" toiti) a foau if t(D ? Hart, SDfjepcmfcljim to^Ofaittjtljaf theritc of the Ro- manChurchjwhcrebypartofthc Canon and the words of confecrationarevttered withafoft voicc,is to be condem- ncd;or that the Maflfc ought to be celebrated onely in the vulgar toung. ana great rcafontob^ ° 'pcapX'^* Rainoldes, oout-ifoj as " thelewes,to!jcn tljcpcoulo not iuttifie f Ijcir toilful tDitl)tt^Ding of t^z ^S>onne of (EoO, agra# wiLTin apo- eOjttiatif any man confcfl'cd him to be Chrift,he Ihould be ex« cypnan. comtnunicatedtfo bp like rwfon pour ludaizers of Rome D® Etub.hiftTc- banncan8curfebs,tD^cn t^ep cannot iuftific t^etr impuoent cieaj.c.slAu. cu3omes ana co;raption5 againft bs. Sni Hart, cuttomcs are Catholike anD religious rites, "p ?. U)litcl|t|)£pooettabUn)tni£bfbsfe"2nfi!J offljecurfe. fice«ica°/' Rainoldes, Catholike,and religious,to kapctbc ^aintCS c.to.CyriUus, of<©oD from bearing of (Sous tDo,:b i Catholike, and religious, g to ban: tbe Cburcb-fcriiiceinatonguetobicbtbe Cburclj, tbe la^elech faitbfuU ptflple,bni)erliantj not; aiuin.oflic.ia Hart, ^ca,Catholike,and religious, ifpou inat^c VjC rca- fons iDbifb tbep fberoof. if0; of ° tljc one,tbep Ibcto, tbat ["'-.opurca- the ChurchhathordcineditiofP tbe0Cbcr,fbat the Fathers ."aaltTyf* thought it not expedient it (hould be had in the vulgar s Liwrg.BaRi, toang. eyerdon. Syr, Rainoldes. Not fije ancient Fathers; JlJIbP » ffJ^P A^apiwan" clcerc fo; itianb ^ pongcr Fathers tffl.^oa,Fathers bDtb,anb cbil' uau'^c'^ meane tbe tobole Cburcbe3,ofal nations,tn tbc olo time;" AVenrin.Vnt of manp,euen till tbis bap: as namdp of tbe' Syrians,' Arme^ xs.'^niund'''*' nians, * Slauonians, * Morcouites,nn5 ^ Ethiopians, i-ib.mcol' Hart, 21<2lbat fo cuer Churches oj Fathers Do,o;b-'itieban: it fecmed not expedient to the Fathers aCTcmbleS in fbeCoun- y^'^n.Aiair, cellofTrent. £nb tbcp,being ibiib3p3 ano pattours of tbe defcript. Ae* Cbarcb,migbttalte ojbcr fo.i rites anb ceremonies oftljc cjwrcb z coSab- bp ^ pourotoneconfeflrons, gull .art. y.Wir- Rainoldes, 2Db2l?"bSbf' bbl* confeffions toitball IbeulObauetaugbtf^KiWytbatasthcymayprouidcfor * ■ i'lji t» > jyd OF the PopcTiuprcmacic. to be doon^tthcaptng,att?> reasiiig Hoe eft corpus tljc fcrtpfures Ih 3 ttraiingc tonguSjin Decss Oot^ Hot E3ific: pcf muHft'amjfoipoUciejfofeeepe tJ;cir Cl;urcl)Cfs crcDit. ^ojif d coBcii.rri- palD that tfjep looulo eTh^n.Aqub: oout perhaps that the? inicht en e in moje. ^2no tljts ceo the? Suniin.'rhcohig, farther beVuja? b? the ether point of vttering the words of con- 7«"rrT.D?' fccration " fecretly,that the faithfuU ma? not hearc them, ifoj Harding'in^te infapmgthat the Church hath ordeined that rite, the? to clofel? graunt that Ch^itt o:bcineb it not. ^a?,' their otone wcis co^unje. msn teach that the example of Chriih and s thc order of ^'ciem'confti ApolllcSjwith ^ thc Fathcrs too,is manifcft againft it. ^ut.Apoft°iib.g. BefiDethafsmcaUtiigit' a rite of the Church of Rome, the? tAmbroi;dc Ognifis t^at othec Chui'ches DO uot tjfe itjUo ttot thcGreeke 4."j"uo' ■ Church. jSnD?etagainft tlje pjartife of Churches, of Fa« sermtf.de thctSjOf Apoftlcs,anD ofChfift, thc? fa? that 8 Dumbo thetu filiuftiniTn.in (Ulhuh' crcpt lu by cullome)lDa5 ordeined by our holy mo- AiithenM37. thcr thc Church: anD,nfi men refolueb to toalloto in their otonc §.Adh. lifts-ifoj ' ignorance is the mother of po- *Rom.iOijv knowlege is the hurft of Chjiifian religi# " ''"•'•J- i^aoiaaua^. :dj 578 Ot the Popes fupremacie. ant) leafure to expound the fcripture to the people often. 3[t *«a?betl)att^efcruice,reaD,aito Ijcarain a Itnotoen fongo«, tujulDfeoc^tbcm modern a Da^,tl)?n[ feme of them toiil ma tnoonth. ifeuerie Ctjurri) hab a^ giDO a pallour, as Paule * Timothee to bc,tl)at itifiUlD " diuide the word of truth yA&.ts.' ' a right; pet tljcp, being tifcD >'to the fcripture read, zTer% J'bouloijnoerlfanDhimbetterjaa ^ thelewescioPaule , anBbe «A05 grace) the readier >> to beleeue him. janD c-Kn--T''V " theTrent-fathersoeclarethusexpounding thcrefojeto d Laineni!^?^.' benaDefulljleaft Chrifts fliecpe be famiihed,or « the young children alke bread & no man breake it to them; it had bane theirDutietDithalitoconfiDcrthat^cotuoulDhaue th^^ table of ecoi.j.17. hiochilOienfurnitheOUiiththwbieaD ' plenteoufly,auDa0 ^ Dauidstabletoithacup running ouer,to hape t!>T.i in geD lihingmot onelp that tljep be not famiihed. 0t Uatt, hotofccucr e concii.rrf. fmoth their p jactife in this pciint,it in fure that their teafcn ae:i.se(r,M.c,4. is befiDc all reafon,tDhcn s thepfap that becaufe the nature of men doth nccde outward hclpes tor rayfingofit vp to think vpon the things of God,therefore hath theChurch ordemed thofe rites,that fomc things in the Maflc (hould be pronoun# ccd with a foft Yoice,and lome things with a lowder:t||'e one, not to be hearo; the other,not to be bncn Cob. jSno pet herein tijeirDealin0isthemoieplaine,tI;atthep Do acfenotolcge the Church to haue ordained thefe rites, if 0: if thcp fueulO haue haroneo their faces ,anb faiOjthat tlicy recciued them from the Apoftles bytradition:thepmightas locU haue faio it,anD p;o# neo it as rounblp,as thcp Do of Oi^rsjlightcs , inccnfe, vefli# nicnts,anD all the reft of their bcggcric. Hart. "Scggeric call pou thatjlohich fettcth fffljth the bletRD liacrificeoftheMairetoithfocomelpcereinonieSito the confola* tton anb inCrudion of the faithfnll i Rainoldcs. i^ap,the name ofbcggeric is fogoDfo? it. ifo^ kGti.4.^, jfS.Paule calico the ceremonies of the getocs ^ wcake and beggerly rudiments,tohen thep lucre matcheo toith the gcfpch iD^t nameDe(ernerours,o;Deineo not ofC^oDjOStheirs, but of men? Hart, ^ou oo ijs great tniartc to applp S.PauIes 1do;ds, ({nkenofthegeloiCheeremontes lohieh thoulo ccafe, to curs iDhieh l^ouiD continue* ^uch mo^e,in that pou fap that €^00 i o;Deinei> TheMafsing-ceremonies not Apoftolikc. 579 SX',. fl;t>etn£DtTotourie!,a0^!3!9t|rctr5. ifo; o^oetneo tlietrgb? Mofesjano CUM b? S. Paul. Rainoldes. B^S.PauIf jfgc^^nUtDbofoIbCV'OOfO' Hart. S.» Aumnfaiiljfbntallthacorderof'doing which i Epiftns.aa the whole Church obfcrueth through the world in confccra- ting,offering,and diftributingof the Eucharift (tobtcborder cldooingioj? Do call the Maffe^ was ordcined by S. PauU Rainoldes, ^aur ^ lefuittn DaDC mahctf) k Torrjnffsiii S. Auftin, anDif biSHicaningbe thereby to p;on« oiwlp Cs much oftbat order, aa the whole Church obfcrued through the cjp.s.dtJf. world in SAuftins time: tben Dotlj Dito;onc pour ccrcmoinca quite, ? ea Come inbst ttjtn ccranontet.iTo; bet>olo l}tmew tonetb the diftributingof the Eucharift, that Wof t^e b^caD anDcuppeoftbanhefi-giutngibotbtbetobicfiTcu Diftnlutcnot, in ani? Maffe; in p;iuat Maffes, neitfjcr. I5at if Ije meant as ' 5riftowDiD, anD pen toculD tljats. Paul ordcined al .that order of dooing which your Church obfcrueth and cal- lethittheMaffeipcur CouncdlDotbhifpitouebini. ifo.jtbes £cafc(& tb^d the Church of Rome ijatb certaine rites, ■" net- tbero;DcineDbp S.Paul," noj obfenieD fbjougb the whole cap.j. Church.ainD S. Auftin fpcabctb of notbtngbut tbat tobtcb the ■ & whole Church obferued, as namelp the rcceyuing of the Sa- cramcnt faftin g: tobicb tuffomc being kept alike of all Cb?ifti^ ans.bo gatberetb on S.Pauls toojDes to tbe Corinthians (° other lo .Ccr.11.34 thingcswilliretinorderwhcnleome) tbatbOO^beincDit. . , Hart. Jt is fme,S,Auftin Dotb fpeake of tbofe rites, tobicb the whole Church obferucd through the world without any i change or diucrfitie of maners. ^utfomutb moje Dot|| be p;:oae tbe Dodrine oftbe Ccuncell of Trent, ^oi, rites, tobieb P tbe? fafjthe Church hath rcceiucd from the Apoftlcs pSeff.M;e»p;ti by tradition,arc namely myfticall * blefsinges, lightcs, in- "Bcftcaiewocs. .cenfejvcftimcnts, and many otherfuch thingcs.^n9 foj fbejfe S. Auftinstoitmflje isoffojee tbat S.Paul ordeincdal that or- der of dooing wh ich w e call the Maffe. dfoj tbe pjoofe tobere^ of pen map fa a tiarer felliincnie of bis in an epiftlc to Pau- ^ Bpia.jMi!i; !t /'.il ik ho V thofe wordes differ one from an other in S. Paul,^pp/i- eiaig»s, prayers,intercefnaitSjind cfthanksSy hot^ tcU hWI t{)3thc thinketh thercbyis vndcrftoodthat, which all the church, or in a manor all pradifeth, to wccte, that fappltcati. ont arc thofc which arc made in celebrating of the facrameta before that which is vpon the Lordes table beginne to bee blcffcd; pr/^ersj when it is bleflcd, and fandified,and prepa- red to be di(fributed,and diuided; ittterce/sitnsjwhcn the peo- pie is blefled ami offered to^od bythcirPaftoursasitwere by aduocates; which thinges being doon,and the facrament rcceyucd, thcgiHw^of thankes dotn knit vp all, which S.Paul in thofe wordes rcmmbreth alfo la(f» ifi t{)ere t/ere itwjefo; poor Ma{re,tl>enfo;tour Communion^^;itfoar Com- munion, tD|ncl)i>tfirerett) from pour Maifeno lefTetl^enltg^t from Darhenellit,pet batij all tljefe tlangra tolncti S, Auffin tou« ad meant bp S. Paul: tel^t face liatl) Torrenfis,tD|)o fattli S.Paul is auouched by S.Auftin to haueordeined all that order of dooing which you call the MafTef ^t^i$ pour Ic- fuites Bealms tmtl)ti)e aunctent Fathers to m^e t^ fetclf pour Mafsing-ritcs from tlje Apoftles f Hart ^ eucn ttfere S.Auftin both mentten Wclsing ttoife; tnb tpat out of S.PaultSEflierebp firlt potnt^to^icl^b^ Coun^ cell of Trent namettbtsa^ifoueo, totDste,of myfticall blef- fingcs. Rainoldes, SCrue, tff|)eCouncelltiabnteattt bp * tljaf tDo;be,adtliefcrtpturebotli,ntlier' t^e smtnsoftljanlteobnto (!Doo,o.t' t|)etan(tffplngofcreaturef(bntobotpb(0d,o;''p;ap« ing fo; tbe people, that the ]Lo;d mtll bleffe tbem. 3l^t tf tiKp meant the making of the figne of the crofte, ad It Id platne tbepOto,bot^ bp tpe matter bo^b tbat chapter iMnoIetb torn e^ngrifiblcfigncsjanbbptbetr intent to conflirmc the cere- tnohies tobitb p^oteSautdconbemne, ano bp Canonii^tbe Sj^aCTebobi^ id ad fti! of crofTes ad a coniurers circle, anb t^ too:oc C* hebleffed^id taken fofbcrebditb a CToftc in tbc mii)/< belt ofitttben pour myfticall blefsingcs of the Trent-fathers iuwe tether meant bp S.Paul, noj menttoneo bp S.Auftin, Hart, ^cd; S.Auftinfameth to wcanethere bpCbIefsing3 Ihcinakinsoft^ftgneDfthecroaeonthcCuramenf. ifo^ in a kmK>uofhtotoac|^gthctoinematter,hd (atthtS>^^c body of '^Thc Apoitolikc blcfsing is not crofsmg.jSi of Chriil is confecratcd with the fignc of the croffe. Chapt.1. Diuil^ 4.. the hundred r senran-iii,* dc tejnpofe* Rainoldes. 3jn to^at fermon is tiiilti Hare, Slmonf^ higCermoasiie umpfre, eightieth and one. Rainoldes, SC^at is amongR his fcrmons, but nane of his fcrmons, ^oj it bfetb tlje UiOiDas of Gregopc, a l!5tlhop of Rome tobo Itu^ long after: anD tno tbtngra tt batb b\) lui^cb ;it iicertaine(as ' ^our 2)iuines ofLouannote) thaticisnbtS, « c«Br*r.ferm» Auftins, ^oiubctf neitbtfr tbatmu compile that fermon, iDlJOlbcuerittoerej faitp tbattheceremonie of the erode in 10. confccrating was ofS.Paules ordinance,or a tradition of the Apodles: lubM) P^tnt tl)at pou bits to ptoue bp S. Audin; ano, if ^QU p^oue it not) pou Dco notclstre tpc Trent-councell, ifoi 31 graunt tbat ^ in S,Auftin$ time, ?ea ^ before it,tl;e Cb?u, Au^unin i. &lan0,a5tb(phrebtoQ[gnotbetr foibcab tDitbtbecrcITc, in to* Euang.Iohasa. ken tbottbe? mere not albameo of Cb;itt crncifieD, tobom ibc b"ciiwoft ano ^cntilc0 rcp^ocbcofo^ tbe beatb Inbicb b^ futferco on demonftrat. tbecroICEilbtbepbjcagbttberite thereof into tbc t^anicnfce, ano bfeb botb tbe ^ure of ^ erode ano eroding in otiier tbini^s of (!Doo alfo. ^nt it botb not foloU) becaufe tbe CbiidiaiuioiD it, tberefbje the Apodlcs o;ibeineo it to be bean * Har^ 5eut it iolikelp tbat tbep bib. janb certatneiv " Tcr- tullian, a berp ancient Inciter, botb etp^p that Chridians had it by tradicion. Rainoldes. To dgne their forhead with a crpll^e,but not to Dgne facramenta, Tercullian tnae fo ancient, tbat be lo;ote(it fetmetb)befo;e tbat cudom greto. ^edb^ou nutta^ bint if ^ou tbinke be meant bp tbe name of f tradition'} a trabu tionofthcApodles, ifo^tobat fceuer cudomenottD^iteniti tbe (tripture loao kept bp tbe faitbfuU, tbat, becaufe it inae belt' tiereb bp fome bobp from Inbem tbe bfe thereof ioae taken, bee faitb it came in bp tradition, 3n fomucb^be adttmetb it both ef ' Bleinilb cndomee befi^e the ^pcAlca.aa tb^ their wo> i Apud ii,d«>i. men couercd their faces with vailes: anb of Cb.^i(jtian after, tobicbBetarenot^p8ftolike,as, * the dipping thrilc of them * who arc baptized, and feeding them with milkc and hony. Jdno, (tobtcb pUmelp CbeUietb bee meant not the Id' diam poftlcsinifc) » cucryfairhfull man may (bp bio iuogement) ""obuhMtU, dcuifc fuch rites vppn rcalon.-neither muit we rcfpcft the au- iDo 3 tour >. J,: n ^131" H'k '•d Of the Popes lupremacie. onfs*!^rall'"'' the autoriciej & regard the thing deliuercd,wha- qro«nqtt1rV focuer did dcUuer it, ©ahcrcfo;etI;f tradition,tijnfTcrtulIian J^rcctafciur jpeafectljof, {ffvigaintt tfjtlJottrinc ofroiit Trent councell, 5fo; ncitljcr ootb Ije mention the ligne of the crolTe to ^ue banc b? fcDtnconfccration,tobtcbltsb?oul5ofliitel^t)ooDtf t|^n It hao bane bfeOino? fait!) Ije that it f els tljcp conlb not knoln it, • ineiuxs.io- Hatt. ^u confcffepout fclfe tbats. «Auftin anb ofbero kv»^«a.i»s. of tbe auncientFathcrs oio tjfe it in ce!eb;witing of tbe bolp facra# ments. 3maruatlefnbppouliHeitnotinour2^a(re,Qtb tnee D© therein but as tijs Fathers bio. Rainoldcs, iptap,3 cofcffe not that.ifoj pour ^alTing-pjiefl f wienu it ®t)tb tritbe it aoa ^ fojcerer, all in raatbetnaticallo> rat^r ma* pr^sieijs (U. gicall numbers: s bp cfofsing thrifetbe bieab, ano Urine, faotih mon hb.5;Mr- togetber, anb thrife againe botb; tben once earb in feuerabano J In cinonc cmcc agatnc eatb: anb againe thrife, % once; anb againe once, j^o thrife, toitb a croCTe on bim felfe bettoipt; brtb^rfe.toitb ^is MunKiae. ^ froffetb thrifc tbe chalice; anb tfeife (to make bp fiue)bettoenc his bieft anb the chnlice;«irf toitb tbe paten he croCTcth once himfelf,anb tbe cbaltce thrife toifba pace of tbe bolt, anb once himfclfc againe toitb the ho® oner the pa- »i Rims cde- ten,anD lalflp once bun felfe againe toitb the chalice; all tbefc brandi Miflim. Csnon attO Communion of the Mafle,bi^De'^ ^ a number i Microiog.de- Hio bsfojc ^ tomctb to the Ganon. i5at the auncient Fathers ccciefiaft. obj' Emb naimlpS. Auftin toerefkfnj from fucb myfticall fopinge» facramenf. f>ope Hildebrandes magik^tftat fo ma- \ ^imp'iremnu, tty croflcsjtbciugb p^tuot fo msup 35 pou are grotone to noto, but ^ ^etrabitionof pope Hildebrand that crofsinges mnlt a numero be« comc in by one,or three,or fine,' ftill in an odde number,afi» tfsmpwe gau- a tijg rqig gf k fojceTfirSjUjas a pzofcuuber rite of my flical k%r-iL i» blcfsingesjfhcn either S. Auftin, oi other ancient Fathers bftb, ^»rm«eutti*. Hstt, |3ope Grcgoric tl}? Cfttenth (uawcb Hildcbrand ' • ' befo^ The Mafsing'Croisingsfondjand magicall. 583 d3o„*4. befoje ijw |0opeDom8,feept not tbofe oddc numbers fo; an^ ma« gicaUfan3e,t^n3t> "" Bennocb^^rgclnmfaiai? tuitfi DtttS' dinalis in hu UlbartibuttonotcamHSem. ifo; " fJjat one» or Itor dcviti thrccjor fiuc croflfes muft therefore ftill be made, bccaufe by one, and three,we fignificonc ^od in trinitiej by hue, the obfi:ruic.ecclc< fiuc partes of the pafsion of Chrilf, o^rrnel^A- Rainoldes. ^Jstobofin^ ° magtctatTsbahiiottbelthcmpffe- grippa dcoc- ries m tfidr oDbg nu'nbcrs too. anu if jaopj Hildebrand tootiiD bauefiao p a circle maoe about f^c p^iefttoheepe tfieoeutU S.De fi-. frombimtofiilebewfaptngS^aCfe: f^re toerc ara^ttene fo> tijaf alio, to tDCCt;,tbat it fignificth God, who nether hath be- pHlcmeac,m«- ginning, nor ende. gic»p«r.d« Hart, , the circle is a ceremonte proper to comurcrs: 4 """ sno fie tooulD ncuer paaz aomttteo it. ^ut, in that he kept an odde number alwaies in making of croflfes vpon the oblati- on: he did as he had learned in Rome,where he was brought vp vnder ten ot his predeceflfours. And that, which he ler- ned there, was the tradition of the Apoftles, Rainoldes. ^o 1 fiisfcbolcrfaitfi; anh fie fait!) trul^, fo^ q r^s •atom: fani5ji?pointe5 of tbat he learned : as namolgitfiat thcpeo- pic did,aad mult receiue the facrament with thePiicft, and craioousdc^' that,Tnder bothkindcs. ^laHljicb (fietoetKbl? toav ) tfiat tour piiuate 9^&afte,ano Commumon bnoer one feinoe, inas a* "*'r«p;!s; gainlf ffie traoition ano ojoer oftfio Hpottlos, bg tfie iuogeinent ««'»• oftbcCburrfiofKomcanotaopesttjemfelucg * aboueatfiou-. Cino geares after Cfijitt. 2i6ut the making of erodes on the ' facrament ftill in an odde number Ujas fofarre from being a »opeteH)» tbingbeliuereDbgfbeapoIlleSjtbattlje ^{jurtfi of Home tben begoju it lafclg,if get tfie Ctjurcfi began it, anb not^iiope Hildebrand luere ratljer tfie fhtber t firflt inuentour oftljat mg# fferie.^oj Bia^op ^ Amalarius,inboliucbttoof)unbjebgirares s Amalar.Fortu- ojthereabout befbjcHildcbrand,ano bib botb fenolo anb reue# rente the oeberoftfieCharef) of :^omc,t)aumgaib tfiat it iuf- ecslcfiaft.effic. ficeth to make a croffe once vpon the bread and wine,becau(e Chrift was once crucified , abbetfi, tfiat it is not amiflTe to make it twife,bccaufe he was crucified for two kindcs of pc- ople ,thatis,thelewcs and the Gentiles. HiSilberetO ' fiono^ tcip.ts. teth farther, tfiat the Pricft made two erodes with the hoft nccre vnto the chalice,to fignifie that Chrift was taken down aDo 3 from I f; H 4Li |. Ill II: ■I'l! : : ■'i li N. 'Js/ j; 1^'' 1 iS t : Iff ^ i!r }fi<. I ' 1 -1 ; V I, i! 4 'a -11 1?. . » V Chip, t. ®iuil,4. $84, of thcPapcs fupremacie. a OrdoRom. de officiis cli- from the croiTe being crucified for two peoples. HnD i»!5:ci)h^i'£pii;fct^oftwo,U)as "the oiber ot t'gz cf wnt,.c»p.de Rome bcfoic Hildebrand came: controllea it( as appvereth *'Mkroio''^'ac^^ * hlf fcUO'cr)bpOittl)isi'Wfon,that Clirilt had no wound in «kfcru«.ecd/-fide but one,and therefore butonccroifemuiL be made fi4A.ta.17. befide the chalice. reafoiiisfogooD,t|wtRiiia^ Iljme ftrautigefejIjpthJrefojmersofpour ^ spaffe baihe l;auc ferpt auiicVdecwV^^sfonnerojioeragainatberule ofp^ope Hildcbrand: bnkift {acros.concil. perfjapstfjep thought tb^'tHildebrancimiflihca it not fo much Jtum.irRi' fo^th^ttaifcrt asfo^thenumberofcwo.}topicJ) number,the celebrandi iiBth-fapersanb Cbxerers hoio to be naught ^ut hereby them now felucs h^ue openeb their iubgemcnt,that: not all tohith Hi! dc- «camei.A. brandistaiDtohaaeleameDtwoerteaofhtspicbetetrcurfi toas phfiofepk tradition of the Apollles. .^nb it is iDo:th tlje noting Ijoto ta.c.j., »3>e ecdcfiait thcfemyfticallbleflingsdDhichatErenttDsrc fathereo on the Apoftolike tradition , haue latelp got that parentage bp the helpe of fuch as toas Hildcbrands Ccho^»toht te&je t hep Cxme notto haue bane accounteb fo. iro^ * Amalarius.^^fc^m 3 na* tKCb,)amanthatti^lihelpfo;jealeto(psaUe^ebe(!, fo^ l^tll tohnointhemoathatmightbefatbofthe feruice anbceremtu mesof the Church; h^ l^^teab fo much,anb tcauailcb fo farrs euen to t?ome,anb that in mdjaCEsgt frcnithcCt^erour to cen^ ferre Uiith the ^opc about themipet this Amalarius,fpfahtttg cf the figne ofthe croflc tbhtch tijep iJ&b to mahe in confecratio, leaned it in bout luhetper chrift mabe anp l»htu he did blefic the bread,0) rather thinliethhemabenone,bccau(e: chc crcfie atthattime war notyetfetvp; butnow he) vi'cc know that it muft be made, for S.Auftin faith fo. ©3here it is not probable that he tooulb haue gfcunneb it oitmans autojitie, if he coulb haue faio that either ciirill hab tfeb if ,or,though C^iff TWcbif not,pet the Apoftlcs hab ojbeincb it. i^o more,thta that after the t^imonie of S. Auftin he tooulb haue tittigeb it fuffici- enttocrofte the bread and wine once,if he hab thought that fo manp croaes,as pou mahe.,h3ere to be requireb bp,. S, Auftins iabgcment Hart. SChus pan reproitebs as harping from S. Auftin, bc^ isttfe i»e mahc fo manp. hat map tue fap of pou Inho naseMfllUSCilhanetherbreitinconfccrationof the ho^p facrai' saertts,t^); fissne peitr forh^gbs tuith ttjttor fet it ia pour Chue- Conftantines vifion was not the erode. 58 j Diaf.4. c^es,no?allijiD it tnt^efanrtifpinjj of meates anD ct^cr crea* tares. all ttjefe things iuerc Oton tije anrtcnt jfs- tbersaitromcmb^ince of ^im toljo Dpcbfo; bs on tbecroDDe: ?ea, though CtntS bunfcifo ^mz commenoeo to bo tbe (!gnotIjcrc« Dfbpmiracle5,ast^e!fo;i0OfConftantinct|^e dSmperoar aof^ toitnelfe; toljo fatoif in tljeelansnt loitfjtbPfc iuozDco to;t# , fen bp if, * In this figne oucrcomc; ano Ibos cIjarjgcD in a ta^conft^tdli", D jeam to mabo tbe fo ?mc anb libenss of t^at ibijicb 1)2 [jao f® lib.i.cap.zt. anobfctf aoabsfenfeagatnft bis cnumes aCtenltfO; to|)ic!)&2 bio afco?5tngIp,ano migbtilp fnboaeb tbcm bp it But nettier cop.rfiaioj. tfjebifloiiofcnbnttbnfotonftantinCjttc.itbatanD otijer intra# ^ "P t- rifs tohifl) bane b^no tnjoagbt bp it,no? tbe ptartifo of tbo p?imi- tine Cbarcbano ancient jfertbsrocan pjeuailebjitbpoarmcn, but f bi tbep mnft fixbe to raje out from among Cb?ittians fo toottbp ano notable a monument of .m?»3-€»»''»WWA«EW^ca?-a. t-'hapt.(S HiuiRon 4. tZK' yo^i'a^ TJ hD.Hjrptficld (n Cope. Dialog,4.c. 7 TiSTOi vim. Kufeb.dcvit, Conftan.Iib;!. C,il. i A&.4.t]. k Eufcb.de vi- taCgnftant. lib. i.cap.:;. 1 cip.z6. .T*Num.:i.8» nl6b.j,i4,. • Num.ai.p, |i!i.King,i8.4. eclebrancti Miflam. jFadaeruci rcacrcntiacam HciaccAfat. 586 Ot the Popes fupremacic. ^ ttluas ^ afigne of the name of Chrill, 0et^cr tncrctl)Ofc toojost^at pottrcIjcarfcD luiiicn it,!n this hgne ouerconie, fiB ^our ^ S5DtfDj {att|3>(bcirke bcraufe rcao it cofiteD in (' cru^ fcaca ro,o<:.in tijepojiiaiicObut, 7 By this oucrcome-, R0ifc Bfetoes bjero Ifoong bp tlje fperie fer# pcnts, ° tbeplobcaoiitJjciijrpentofbaaSjrjanoUwrelcaieD,. Hart. 9Ifthey were:t»I>if tfjeil ^ Rainoldes. ^et P femgEzckias,amanOftljeftmereligion f^at Mofcs bjaSjdid brcake it in pccecs:ano !je DiO bjcll init. Hart. baabe t^e baafcn fcrpcnt in paeccs J grantrt: but; t^at bias becaufc the children of Ifrael did burnc incenfe tO' ir. Rainoldes. &o fiattebjeplueht botone tlje figne of t^c. crofiPc,. becaufe pou bumc inctnfe fo ifjM.Harr. Hart, i^apjttjat bjcboiiot, Rainoldes. gt is tuaitcn mpottr S^affe- bofee, tljat in fo- lemneMafFcsthcPrieft ' hauing made obcyfancc to the crofTc doth incenfcit thrife. Harr, li&atfbatis'notto hurneincenre asfhe Vetoes bib. ^02 tljep a rugerSitious eihmafion of the ferpent, putting trult; "Thccrofle left iuftly for idolatrie. 587 rhuiliow *» _ truQanoalftancctntt. Rainoldes. po ^ou s rpperlhtioaf eStmation of the croik. fof ^on tl^inbc it a fpedail oefehte a$atn(( tpe Dtiicitiano (b^rcuv common p^rafc) t^poo blcffe ftwn fclnes to!;o ftgne t^ctr bjcllcs toitl) it; ana pou catrp abont pou croiTci maoe of mettall.laitf) an opinion tljat pon arc tfte &fcr tpercbv, ae ^ fn- ^uife^uis!" perftitious women in 5, ' leromstimc DID the wood of ther Hieron.eom. ' ment.inMatc. CrOllCt cap.i;. Super Hart. 3!f aiip aca it of fupcrftition, aif fhofc women aiO: tec phyiaaeriapha. repjouc tl)cm SJerom, iEut tljc gctocc DiD Ino^l^tp the brafent fcrpent as (©05: anD toe Do not the erode (b. Rainoldes. 3lfanpoo if ao t^ofc women,to^f) poor croITc- taricroDo: t^cp do it of fuperftition. iButljotooiot^cjctoco toO?lhip the ferpent.as (©oiw Hact. SJ Auftiufeit^tijaf they did worihipitasan idole:' Decimt.nei, to^ict) to to mahc a (©oD of it. 0nD Ezekias l^tocB t!?e famD ineff^jbptbat.'- ^eaU£Dtt»fcisajl)f'2'^tlwti5^brafen-ltoff^^ atf ta.King.iS.^. if d^ulD i^tte fatae, tpat itl^aD no Dimne potoer, tobicl^ bp errour tljougljt it hab. Rainoldes. 2tt)C Jctots gaae " ^!janotirof<©obto a " creature, in that thep. burned incenfc to if. anb tl^crefo^c E- zckias DiDcallitbrafcn-ltuffe-jasiftoc tooUlb call poiit MODcff toooben-flhiffe, pour iAgvus-dns toaren (ttCSfe,psur cructSrco ano croffes maoe of copper,copper-ftaffe,bccaure ptm mtpaftflje ijonour of (©oD to ^m, hp putting trnfl: ana bope iittbem. if * tl)ecouctousman becalleDan idolatcr,.b0caurel^'matet^x Eph butbec«utel)cffn®«tl>toliueanDpjofperbpif,^ tol)i^ confii» f ier.17.7. Dene e ana bopc Ijc fljoulo cqjofc in (Sdd onelp: r^n too?l|ip pou^ t|e 0gne of the crofle as an iaole, becatifepott^tratt to bee faueo 6pit,astnpour ^ Cfjiircb-fcruicepoupto^notoRonttp;, anO * to » pourfclue^confelTepoutoojl^pit af(<©oo.i2J^crefb?e if hewfqua"*" ^ Ezekias be pjaifi^ bp (Sea, fo^ breaking in peeccs the fer- quidng- pent of brade, bccaufe the children of IfraelL did burnc ini. qtJ^.sum.rte- ccnfc to it'.toe tofjo Ijanc reraoucD tbcOgnc of the croflcbcraure oio|.part! j. pou put tlje IjDpe of faluationin it,map content our felucs to bee aifpjapfea bp men, 15ut if pou fap tl^erefo?e,that wc be agalnft exp!icat.iib.». the ancient/athers in religion, bccaufe wc pluckc downe ^ that whidi they did f^t vp t tabc Jetoe lead pour fpeech a® ^0 %• ton^!^ ehap.t. Oauilioii 4. 588 Gf the "Popes lupremacic. c vcr.#. < ver,4, e Diii.tfj.c. Q^^.S.rerum. fThom.Aquln, Sum.Theolog. part.j.quxft. 3i.a[X.}.Sc 4. CM&ttt.Of Apolo{. fiit^ iReu.13.14. k i.C«r.ii.7. toac^ ijol^ (!5^oll,tD||0 fait^ Ezekias did keepc gods commandemcnts, which he commanded Mofcs, anfi ^zt faitlj t^at ^ hebrakcinpeeces the fcrpcnt of brafle which Mofes had made. jSno if i>ou U)tll not learno ttiut lefiTon ofme,BetIearnc itof Canon Iato,t^at,if our predccef- fours haue done fome thingcs which at that time might bee without faute and afterwarde be turned to errour, & fupcr- ftitiomwc are taught by Ezekias breaking the brafen fcrpcnt that the pofteritie may dcitroy them without any delay,and with great autoritic. Hart. %\}z omtno lDo;fbip tu!)ub ino i^nour tljz u mageofthecrofle,iap;oaelibs S. f Thomas to bz Duo t^orc# to. ^OJ, the honour of an image is referred to that which the image refcmbleth: and the motion of our mindc is the ftmc to the image of a thing,as an image,and to tlie thing it (clfe. Whereforc,fith the crofle doth reprcfent ;Chrift , who died vpon a croflc,and Chrift is to bee worftiipped with di- uinc honour: it folowcth that thecroficistobccworflnp# pedfotoo. l^eftouanDyourtnenarcftiUobierttng to bo our l)ononrtns of the crolTc,a0 tbougb ccnratitteD iDolatrp tijerp in. Jti^cDDfot!}, t^aratmpungto control! Ctwrdp of Rome in i>cr Dfflings. Rainoldes. ^oM. s HardingtcllcfbbOOf the citieof Rome,when we control! her ifewes. SlnD tn DeoDe t>ou baue almoK ao mac^ reafon to fprafte fo.: maintenance of t^ fpt^ rttnall tD|KO)eDQme,tDbttIj pcu commtt iottbthc ctoSetao ^ fo^ tl)e,£amal,tob«l> commit toitb Courtifans.^oto toei i^d it fareOiDitlithcbrafcnferpcnt, if Thomas l^aD bane fcbthatDcnys(lDt!ofoeaerhctDcre,) both p;ooe the contra* rie. ifo; in bioCercripfioaoffhe spc.ire(as pou call it) there are ncithtf lightcs, no;veftiments, no; crofsingcsj^nojallthe other ceceinimieor lohtrebp it is manifeft ti)at t^p Inere not bi* fetj through the whole world tohen that Dcnys ia;ote, Ssfo; incenfc, ^lo&ener it crept into tljat Church in ^e tohich h< iiucD:itappeerethbpfh^to,«tmg£scf Tcrtullianjanb 1 Af- p In apoIogtiS,''- nohius, that the Church bfeo if not in their oapea. ^ei^cr is theccojSng, tohichOcnysipsi^thof,Ufefr toponrj; fhcn(3l«,iibV ^etofD)y Diuidon 4. ' 590 Ofthc Popes iuprcmacic. Retort) joorblc&ingcsare lifeeto S4 Auflins. ifo; Church. iBut tti ' ^ouf folemiie cfci.cap.j. ■ it w hfeo often, anu to fano^te tfjingee: to the crofl'c, to di Miiramrelikcs,to imagc5, to candlcftickes, to the altar, the lower ' part ofic,and the higher,to the Prieftes,to the booke, to the bread and wine, thrife aboue the chalice, and the hoft, and thrife about them, to the altar, and the Prieft againe and a- gaincjtothe quire, to the deacon, to the fubdcacon, to the people; ano, in fo; t^e DcaO, to the facrament alfo at the time of the eleuation.^o tl)at,iffl)C UJO;hes of tjje Trent- iserr.ii.Mp. 5. couHcell be toeigl)eti ^our pjadtfe: pou totU tefe t^e reun# tenanceofi^fto^tcfjDenys fl^eloctbto, ifo;> tottp ijim it to incenfein t^cfingularnumber.^ourS^alTto anb ttieCoanrcll • Th niamit, * inccnfes w tljc plurall.lSg t|» lol?tc|j l»o^D tf tljc CouH- ^ " "■ cell meant to note all t^ cenfinges f|jat are hfeb in faffing, as ipl "MO of Iik0l?^ajO:t§en neitljer Peny s maftetfj fo^ pour Maf- ling-incenfc.ID^uglj, M;atfocucr Ije make, Ije mafeetl) ncagbt fb; pour reafon;bccaufe Ije p;ou^ not tfjat it toas bfeb through the whole world, i^oh) tl)e lights, bob^t^ ^our lefuite u Confefsion. founoein S." Auftin,makeleireagreatcDealefojit. Jfoj S. * Aultin calleflj the lights Inbtcb tbephfeb, ' lightesof the X be tempore, night: bttaufe tfjepDio tjfetl-emintbenighttime toljen tijep »otia«m.}. atpjapers,/ as Cljjtftians tuere toont.i5ut pour Mafsing- i Lumiaaiia lights are bfeb in the Dap time,tjob(n tl^e fnnne (binetb: a thing "°Aa'O 8 perhapsobferueD through the whole world,but ^ of IDOlatrCUS z rertullun.de heathens,not of the Church of Chjiff. idoioiatria. Hart. ^eS,that Chriftizn Churchcs had alfo Hghtcs bur- ning in the bright funnc-lhinc while the golpcl was reading, S.' lerom is a U)itncffir;anD,bEfojc S.Ierom,his ^aitfcr Na- b or«.inPaf» zianzenmabcth mention of it; anD Athanafius befojethcm c inexhortat.ad ^oth. S«5h2rero;e out of Bout it is an ancient c ufiome, ano that «r^odoxai. Derp general!. Rainoldes. 3s pcu fap: if it be toitnelTeo bp thcfe th.zee ]EDocto,l3,S.Ierom of £«r»;>f,Na2ianzen Athanafius of he it,hath not rcao them, 3 thinke. d Quaftion. 3 fhtnkc hs hath: 0; rather 3 am fure cfit. ^oj qu^ctic.i. D. ^ Stapletonf.nth it, inbiscomparironof the Catholike and Roman Churches Mafl'e with the Lordes fuppcr of the Pro# ThcMafsing-tapersnotApoftolikc. 591 dS*' Proteftants.Mtjerm as fje altegctf) tjjefe jSDotfejs fa? t^is poiitfc To i}t p?ouet^ all fIrings, toljicp pour 5uppcr toantctp a«o wir Made bs Apoftc like. Rainoldes, pjoueti) i j]5ap !je p'omifeffj to p^ouc tljcm Ap Titolik e. jf 0? in Pcrie trutfj tjo pjouetI> not one: not one of all tljofe things U'ljercin pour Made oifforcfb from cur Lords fup- per, ^0 mojc tljen p;ouet^ tins of lightcs burning in the bright funne-lhinc ; in ^tD^ic^^^notablpabufctliti^ctr names tol^omljeDotbntetopjouett. in Athanafius tljo ta- pcrsofthe Church are mcntioneoonelp j butt^iat they were perfesuut. lighted in the day-time while the gofpell was reading, t^ere is no fucljluojD, '' Nazianzxnc fpsahetti of lightes t^at toere borat.{n fane burning vpon Eafter.euenjfaut^ to lighten the night,l>e faiti^, tum^'Pafcha, noftljebap, *n^vuii7x Hart. iBut fpe^etl) Ije tijere of tljoCe night-lightcs alone, ^{cc^ec(pc^^l» anbofnootljeriight? ^ovTtj. Rainoldes. ^efpeahct^ of another light,but fpirituallifo^ he faith that the molt bright (hining light foloweth the can- die that did go before it. Hart. t25KhP>thati»ttfhatlhetoeththeccrembnietnhichto® falbc off,ifoj they were wont to carry candles before the gofo pell when they did reade it. Rainoldes. They were wont afteitoarO.^But tue fpea&e Of Nazianzcnc, 0nb he meant nothing lette .iroj bp [ tlie light 3 he ItgnifieO Chrift, * the light of the worldjanO bp [ ^ the can# e dlcjlohn Baptitt, s toho went before Chrift to prepare wayes.The light (faith h2)niining moft excellently bright fo^ f loViVvcrii, loweth the candle that did go before it; and.'* tne word, » vi h*" "' the voice; and J'the bridcgrome, "> the bride man,oj frcnd 3 who bringeth the bride to him.^js this D. Stapletons pjsafe p. ' <<.« OUtofNazianzenefo^l burning tapers in the day-time? .0 vuft- Hart. SDf Nazianzcnc 3 knoto notHBut certainelp S.Ierom^'°5* is a toitneCre of it againft Vigilantius, Rainoldes. pet fhefeareS.ieroms otone too^bs in A that acontr.vigi- freatifetWedooiight + tapers not in the bright day-time, lant. asthoadooftvainclyrdaundervs, but by this comfort cafe the darknes of the night. Hart, ISuf he abOcth that Churches of the caft had lightea burning in the day-time,while the gofpell was readipg?ther<' IPI I' I.' nil Chap.S, DiuiC.4, Jpi Of the "Popes luprcmacic. 1 Orio Roman. cpbotljtO0itbcrOoinaftehfteene vefti-^ mcnts.-Ujbt^lBifbops mull put ortjtoljenfljcp lap S^al^c, • 0Sntfic the fifteenc degrees ol vcrtues(according to thefiftetne rand fop:camicc,^egirdlc, tfje chifible, bLib.rcap.ji. tbefancl,anbtbe corporacc; tobicb tlje <5rake iratfaers * «Lib,<.e®Btr. ChryfoUomc, anbBafil, note, alio ^tbeir names, d./40^o?iop, dLK^TapTi. {Itw . (petiAovtoi), t« to hajftop. sclbicb oh- to fjaue fui' beenebolp,anbeonfecratebtotbis funttion, tpe fame ifatijers rLib.i.c».i7. tcttiSe. W^crt is in f Theodoret a notable epample of an en# driT'"' ferlnbe-plaier,tobo toearing on a ttage a holy garment, tb^ jje hHiftor.Aoglif. bab bought,fell fobenlpbotoneanbopcb. iSDftbelifcebehgeanre of^obttwe are examples in e viaor,anb ^ Bcdc.janb« Op. Utus 5,P4 OfthePopes fuprcmacie. utus alfo,tno;e auncfentt|>en bottj, Dottj i^arplg tcudj tlje Donatillsfo^tpoilmganDp^ofamng the ornaments of the ' - Church. Raiiioldes. ^crctgafat«falcfo?ft)an,l»!)ofcei!esare can, anc cannot tttcgecf colours, ^ut Inho can ctfcernebe^ ttssne tDa.n}cs, ancp^ccfes, Coof^tl^t ncucr IcfTe teas fatoo initlj greater ll^cU), iFo;,tI)epouite to^creof pjofe ll^oalD bee ttletDo;Ccs tol^ic^ StapIctonTpeahetlj of t^iis potnt,are fo farrefrom p:ouiitg tt, t^at tljemolf of t^cm Co not kH*rer.i5. as mpc^ as touch It, ifo^thecopes, tohjfh ^ faith) callethffi'Scjyoc?, are the garments which the Scribes & • Pharifcs did wcarc With * 3nC the * Pharifcs (I trcto) faic not Mailc. SChe robes o^ 7*^ hangings of the altar in Thcodoretjare ' coucrings. S^hC eoucrings anC linen clothes, in ™ O ptatus, are ornaments of the Communion table, fuch as toe alio bfe. js our ccmmu# nion^aflietoc »»tf<»tiii i^aPihecallcthifanaltar. UjWJDmtSon. Rainoldes. i5pafigure,as " ^hsncCEjcfecC. Jfo^jb^fhe rf[altar] he mcancth a table,as thcfc his teoites ccclare: limcaimne CO- who ofthc faithlull knowcth Hot that ^ the boordes them •peririr fclucs arc couered with a linen cloth in cclebvating of the fa- crament? jDf this binOc is alfo the cloth callc3 ti\HTop. It'hith e Durind.iit toojcc impojteth not fo limch as tour ° corporace; but thoi^gh it cic.of this Hinoe it is in the counterfeit p Chryfoftome ano turgies to« £ alii. 03 fo^ the examples of the vengeance of God on them tJitic profanely did abufe garments appointed vnto holy v- . 4] Lib.i.cap.a7 Theodoret,fs net of a S^afa'ng tut a bapti7ing garment, (a peculiar folcranitte moje then tcnr fehics tfe r) ■ X Perfequut. to omit th^t thc matter of the enterludc-player toas CcuifcC to v«ndiii..i. ipitc a l^iChopiluhofe h^nne loas foughtas hauingfolcc it 2Lhe liicanjlb-j." feconCjin *■ ?Ei£to;,iS8fth2lincnclothesanCcoueringsofthc 4ap.j?. altar, fuch as 3! fpaUe of in O ptatus. 2Che thiff > ih ' ^ede, is Parmenun"Wicto mafee Up the tole: fo? there is no fuch fto?ie. ifinall^, u Epi(i».*d the Church-ornamentes, Ixthich Gptatuslhelneth that to* Sie^orem utfous mciilwoulchJ'iuc fpopiec,fi)crc ofgoid ana filuer.veifeis eap.i J, plate,ichereinith S. " lerom noteth that many (flpugh Cbapc.!.* Diuif. 4,. I'hc Mafsing-vcftimcncs not Apcfiolikc. 5P J ^rsp;3U2tta;3 3letDi{^ Htfl>rtiperfftttou0)did deckc vp ChrifU« tiian Churches after the example of the templeinlury. JSut ad anDcuppr0 fa^b;eao aiio U}tne at t^e Commamo,a; Icbatfocuer other tn(£rument0>o.: igt toete: Optatus «either fattfjdw^fanicth toXap, that the? tocr« Mafsing-vcftiments. Sphererematnefh th^^nitcr, theftole, ^jc albe,tl)e amice,t^e girdle,tfje chifible, f t^e faneh ESJh'fh firtt arc farrcbcneti) the number of fiftcenc ; anbfothcp rcarh not to all pour Mafsing-vcftiments. iChenjfoj Hint^te of them* Uappccrertj not that theg toerc fuchao pours; o.i r;.tl)er it is plaine that thcp luerc not fuel). ILattlp, tfthcp toert fuch: pet haiD both ^hat tl)ep eame from the ^poSlcs i Whic^it psict thatStapiecon Inou'lo anb ought to p?oue; 0; elo fare^i toclUheTrent-counccll. Hart. Came not the "Silhopiy miter from the Apoftles, b)I)icI)S.Iolin, an ApoftleanbEuangclilt bib Incare, Aspou map fee in * Eufebiuse k iria.ec h^tl) toell obOerueb. 15ut it is neither true, noz fit ^ pou ]ib.i.cap.}. to hotojthat it toas a miter toozne bp Chziffian ^ielfs tohich Tertullian meantipiot fit foz pou to holb:lealt alipziefisbe p^^ utb to haue as geob right to the miter, as pour > tohich bactnnetheptotlineueraecountof,ascatholifee, ^ottrue: be^ cautcpour SBiihoulp miters toere not Web in ntanp hfefebzcb peres after Tertullian. Hart, |5of3!sttnot to;tfentn S the donation of Con- c*na»nonu!. ftantine,that tohcn he offered Pattotozote of the veifimcnts tohich ISilhops tooze in theirbapes,mafeenomenfionofit, janb' Alcuinus, the^ai# fier of Charles the great, toho liueb anb tozote not long befoze thctn. The Maising-vcftiments noc Apoftolikc. 597 t^em,trcahttgof tefttmeitt0,anD t^grein of tt>e miter of ^ u'eiuuenot(raif^t)e)ruchaveil;imcnt in the Church ofRomCjOr in our countries.!^ ■" luoCar- tiotenfis, lof)ottucof^;ot|uno;eD^eare0 after Alcuinus, oot^ (^eU) in oateo it toao not ^ coinc in:anti > toitt) mention of tl^o plate of goldc,^c faif^ t^t no Prieits of the ne\r Teftament doo wearc ir. tiCIljcrefoiO t|je firC anO tjig^eff of^our Mafsing-veftinients is nether corifirmeD b? tbe plate in Eu(cbius,noj bg tift miters in Tertullian,2Lt>5 ncpt is tlje ftole: tobcreofgou bane no better ^icDfc in S. " Ambrofe, ifo^tbat, lobieb bt^n^^aitionetbiboasettber a to axil, (as it map feeme,) 0.: a napkin,vyherein his brother Saiyrus caufcd the iacrament to be wrapped Tp,and laid it to his nccke.^tlealt, feeing Sn- tyruslD.tsnetb<^p?ieO',no;perdt Cb.^i0ian:b)bat Ibebo b^ue pouoflifeelibol'tb'^t itibnsa Mafsing-YclHmcnt^ Hart. S.Ambrofecalletb it eravium is bfeO in tbe ° Councell of Toltdo fo^ tbe fame ibatfloU, tbat is,a ftole, asloe call it. Rainoldes. JButifS.Ambrofe meant a ftole bp ormum^ becaufetbeCouncell meant ro:tben/«/< in p tbe later inciters oftbofematters mnfl: be a womans garment, becaufe it is lb in ^ Ifidore,iDboliuel>n^(ttot|^,tbenbioS.Ambroie to tbe Councell. ^no as fo; tbat Councell,anb tbe otber of 'Bra^ux no mameile if tbe ftole be mentionei in t bem« if 0; tbep toere kept at * tbat time tob^n rites bio Iteale in upon religion berie falt« Cboni^ netber toas it tben balfe tetleo in tpe ^aOe pet: as bp a later Councell ofJ?r^4 map be gatbereb. ^^otobeit, ifitbabbffnr.ponrp;oofefailetbftill. ifo^pou map not lap tbatbecanCe a Sfun^ Councel foeabetb of it,tberfo^e tbeCbur^ biab it bp tradition of the Apoitles. tEnlelTe pon toiU fap aUb, tbatponrfbauencrotonesougbtto be great circles about tbe bo^le beab bp tbe tradition of the Apoftles,anb not fncb little circles on tbe toraeoftbe bean onelp,as note abaies are mabe: becanle ' a Spumjh Councell conbcmnetb' the fl^auing of thofe little circles as 'a riteofheretikes, anb allolnetb none, but greatones. fbofarre of tbe ftole. 2D^re foloto^b fbe albe. ifo;tobt£btl^c Deacons albe,ro namebin tbe ' Councell of. ^irr%«,mal(etb nothing, ifo; tbougb tbe name of albe be be^ ruicb^omWi'4,bptnbttblt"';oii)^<^nnceU botbnotea inbife ¥P » m' CKif.I. " Diuilion 4« i Hntojcein*. ii Ttftis no h«- becurinKoma* HI ecdclia.tel in noaritrcgi- onibni^ m Scimon.in fynod.dcfigni- fieir.indtuiseni toruavfac«f(ioc> n In oration. funebr.de obit. fratr.Satyr. o CoBcil.ToIet. 4.caa,y. p Aleum.de M' uia.Qific.cap. de veitibui. AnHtl4r.dccc- cleCoSic.lib.ae cap.io. q Etymologiir. Iib.iy.cap.a,. * about ^unbKbptKtS afrct Ciniift. r ConeiLBra- carcps.].cap.j« sConcil.To- let.4.cap.4o. I Iniblo capi- tis apiccmodi* cum circulum tondent. a Ricua hcretu corum. c Concil.Caf ri I' i *1' : r: DiwC«. JpO of the Popes lupremacic. ttpift jj.Cif. Diaconu] in e6nucotu..in l^ofTa, Durjnd. <■ RatioB.tti'- ttin.effic.lib.). Clp.I. icin Z.iturg, y Lil>.io,cap.4. - fitig-albe " ^Canonifts alfo Declare on^tlje(^nttoo;oo of t$t Councell otCtn-tha^e. tiSSfjul) Differeiurrcmowtb tow p;fflfe>out ef * Chryfoftomc,tcuct)mg yoiX«e'5f tul)^ (bener htno of garment t|jaf ioerc:it toas common to tt)c S>eacon0,not piopcr to tj» p^idfo} ano tijere* foje not pour Mafsing-albc. ^ttfjerto t^e holy robc(m ^ Eiw lebius,)that reached downc to the fi:ctc,(boulD be refcrrco bt * tl)cirmDgemenf,Urf)ocomparetI)e5anmnto of Aaron toit^ toar0.25utStaplcton,tDbofounDtljatholy robctn Eufebiiis, mtgbt bane founDbottbaU anotbermeamng of it bp tbe toozDes folotoing. J^o; l)e,to!joft oration Eufebius Dotb repojt, telletfj Biihops tbat they are clad with * the holy robe that reached downe to the fcetc,and with the heauenly crowne of glorio, and with the vn(fiionofGod,and with the Prieftly garnacnt ©fthe holy Ghoft. tI3l!)crein,a0 the garment, anD Yndion-, anb cro w ne Do fignifie fpirituall gtfte0,not tbingeo cozpozall: fo the holy robe that reached downe to the- feetc befofeenetjj tfjat function,tobicb * tljatrobc Mn Aaron Diorepzefent ano fiEiabolo. Hart, ^orrperftoatjcnotme tbaf bo allnbeDfo fo fbe robe of Aaronibuftbatbee meant in oecDea tobe tobicb S5i^<^slDCze. Rainoldcs. janbinbafgaincpou bpit,tffomncbtoere gram fob ^ ifo.J pou cannot p?oue bp anp ctrctnnftnmeoftbe plafe,tbaf ttmtittea Maffing-robe.^bo onelp IbeUi of anp furb is in fOurlaftpzfflfeoutoftbe<15raUeiFatbcr0,Chryfoltome, ano ^afU;o;rafber,outoftbeLiturgies, tobicb fblfelp beare tbeir iiame0;Dzratber,cufoffome cooicooft^fe Liturgies^ toberin arementioneotbe amice,tbegiraie,tbcchifible,ano fbe fancl. 50otobeif,if a manlRjonlD Cft ttjc ©rodie U)o?D0,oat of tbo tob^b poupic}ietbere,anOTonferrc pour amice-toitbtbcir pour biggin oftheheadfuitb tljoir fliouldcr garment , ^oitf •ne eoardoj fancl iodb tbcirmo ^<£)fla,pcar chifible tuittj tbeir iclIrcunDasittecrelmtljtoalles,anD fja# n-u. uinga tjolc faz tjun to put out l;ts Ijcab at,as it toerc a Itcucr-^olo f.bM/p-ho"' to let out tllC fmcSC at. 3 SBimtniitm* Hart. Kt^c tjiglj p?idt of tlje Jetoss l^aD ti)c like robe. [Jg"'t\'»:enc Rainolclcs, Jlikc four cottage veiUment; robe guowoiDt, toasfljati Hart. 3fnot likeonr vpper vcflimentalfoflitt)er,i?et like from ti)«t j.#-- int^atrefpectt^f it teas clofe about, ^ luitlja^ole fojijisbfaf in t^ mtboes of it. 0n& tliercfo^c ^ou neebe not to (cotfc in fucti tDtfo^e of it. fojt at tbat kinbe ofbclhinent. ^ Exod.»i. 3». Rainoldes. 3|fT»ou take tljelittlecortagetobeafcoife,it is not ni^rcoffe,but tour otone ^oilours,U)|ofe * too^bcsSbo t Durand.in but open. ^curfclfeareratI)erfaultie, ti)ljo compare t)onr cot- * tagc-raggc patcljeb b^ mans baaine,toitb ap?i£filr robe mabe ♦ Cafuiadfcitur bp (il5cbs f ommanbemcnt. Snb pet,in t^at pou matct) pour tcfii puua«*f*. ment toitb tt)e 3!tU)itl) foj tbe fomic of it,31 repjcuc pou nct-ifo^ tbouglj t^ere be Difference betinane tl)cirB,anD pours, in funbjie rcrpcctes;pet pours toere taken tip after tljc erample,anb mabe in l&enes of tfjcirs. JH^ljicIjisplainelpfijclDeb bp tljofe ancient autours inborn 3! namcbbefoje,Alcinnus,Anialarius, anbWa- c Aicum.de a- lafridusStrabo. ^Dftobomtlje ^ firff treating Of faffing-tcfft incnts,faifl),tbat the Church rccciued them ' after the facion riVinftarVa-'' of the Priefts of Mofes law%2Lbe 6 ncrt,tlKitour hyePrieft(Ije mcanetb euerp51Btibop)hath them^aftcr the rule of Aaro.SLbe g' ^suride laff, that they came ii) by little & little:for at the firft(faitl) eccknafiic. of- be) men celebrated MaflTesin common apparel, as certainc ^'^d n'orm^m of the caft Church are faid to doo till this day. j^nb To bf C a atoms. goetbfc2iDajbl^etoingmpart;£uIar,boiD Stephen , anbSil-^Irabodrword. ueftcr,anb other Popes,and Prelats did (oftly bring them in, c^ircrenccttis and fomc dcuifed this,fome that, cither to refcmble the IPP 3 roabcs Diiur.4. 600 of the Popes fiipremadc. roabcs of the IcwiHi Priclh,or to note a myllerie.JCo be ttisplaincl^bp tfjemalhtbat t^z Malsing - veflimcncs of iBt(I)op0aftl)atttme toas d2titljuno;£bpearc0 aficr C{),:tff)toercbutd0biinnuinber; m3 ns manp as Aarons. ?22!ll»crcoftf)efo;merf£uen,(fo;tf)ect0ljtl; teas proper to bitbops oncIp)are grotoen ijo'cd to be fiftanc,molctoD'p-D. Stapleton alleagetb tlje Fathers, to pjoue pour Marting-vefti- mcntes all to hauc bene vfed by the primitiuc Church i t^oto falfclp the Councell of Trcrrt Dotb father them, no? onclp tbem but alfo lightesdncenfe,cro(singcs, and other ceremonies of the Maflc on the tradition of the Ap cities i 0nt> faibe 3 not fruclptbatifpoufeenof Ijoto tbe Cb?ifttan toojfljtp ofCboom fpirtt ano frutb Dotb Differ from tlje 3etotlb ,anD fo nufibt fuccceo tt: tljecaufe thereof (bp ItbeltbooD) is the batle of poperp,tx>bt(b bautng b?ousbf in a 3etetib btnbe of too^tbip Doth btot tt from i Meb....K pour epefi * jfo? is it not euioent t^t the 3cU>tlb * ihadowcs, coi.».i7. ^ lineaments of Ctjjitt, as of a pirture, Inbicli b t aboltlbeD bp bi^ coming as being tlje image it Celfe anD body oftbsm, are D.:atone out againc bp tfjc painters ofpour religtorif ^?mapnotbe)tbatbatbbutbalf(^3ncpe,ree, tbat pou furpalTe tbe 3etoes in funojie tbetoes of outtoaroe feruice^no go bcpono tbc p?iettbooo of Aaron in carnall rites ? jffoj tbemoft Inb^rcof though pou haue meanings mpaicaU,oi fptritual matters iuhich thcparefaiDeto figure in other 0gnjfications then the Belsiaj k Gal 4.». btoipcf th^ fet the"CDhwtcb to fcbode Vuith neto ^ rudiments af# & j>i. ter a 3etoiib maner,anD p?cCfe it toith th^t bondage from iuhtcb the iLo:o hath Jnaoc itfrd^ Mberefojc^luere tbep talienfrom the 3etoes, 0? not: pet in refpert of bs, on ljuhom Cod hatlj not laiDe tc«}a.iu ^n,thepareof' thccommandemencs t: doftrinesofmen^ anD toe map infflp fop of themmolf being b?eDDe,thc tunc, that jn Epift.nt.ad s- ■" AuftinfoiDe,tDhcnthcptDcre bjaDiiig: Although it can lanuar cap.iji, qqj found in w'liat fcnfc they arc againlt the faith,yet reli- gioo it fclfc wdiich God of his mercy u'ouid haue to bee free t Piucifsinii, vnder ' very few and moifmanifeft ceremonies of diuinefcr- atm-niifftiAi- uicc, is by them o: prefied fo with fcruile burden.s, that the "iL'^aine^ andifate of the lewes is more tolerable; who although' Sir they haue not ackuowkdgedthe time ofIibertie,yctarc they taden with the pack es of Gods law, not with the deuiics and prefumpo. ChriflianaremonieS;,fevv^andcIeer^ 6oi Di'uT4.'. prefumptions of men« Hart. 5it is a caliunn!on0 fpecclj t^at cur cercmoniefi are fha- doweSjOJ riidimcnts,o^ fe-spe t'gc Cijiirttj in bondage as 3icU)i fij aiD. if a J tijttrs lu^re bcr ? man\?, coml'erfcme,f aar&e; ours are b0r?felu,wfie, anoRgraScanh S. " Auftin Dedoarm* t^at fince that our libertie hath (hined moft brightly by chriiL ai», j, Chriltsrefurredionjwc are not laden with a hcauie charge offignes,as were thelewcs: but our Lord himfelfe and the Apoitohke difcipline hath dcliuered to vs ^ fome few in , Qu.cbnIearnco Bomani cede- gcCCe tbc ao;c an3 firsimgcneirc of facrifictngbcfttments: f'ponjiSe toljcrdjf > tljetr ccmmon p:ieCs Ijati ib?ajT!Ours t^uc Orc;tl>cir Ramanum ia ijtgl;Pjieftba3dg^t,^c!ur3i5i{Vopal)^eBftane at leall, anb foinefirfane^bclrbe ^ tljc^aopcsp^erogatiue-robes. 0nDfo,toi M.ffiieRo. leauctbis matter to tbcirconfiDeration: tourotone confcffton, brid^'^'irar''' petoetbenoujjbfo^w^pnrpofetouctimgfbe place of Malachie. ridbus ccuhk- Ifoj if the fpiritual worfhipping of God,U}$ereU)tt^ tlje lewes Mi(ram,& d« bio ferae btm,ljaD ceremonies in number mo;e, in Ognification wirramMcur, barber, tljen it bati) amongft the Gentiles:tbis binbe offeruing rendbiis. bimtoitb fctoer ceremonies f cloerer is picper to tbe Gentils, f dcu*°ans Numj tniglit fucccebe f bat inb'-cb 33 amongft tbe Icwcs. ^^jlbcrefoje 2). Aliens tbirb,! fourtb reafons, tubcrcbp \)t Iconlb pjcne tbat I i^^ocew."' the offering fpobc of in Malachi e tbe ^;topbef muft fignifp tbe wyftetior. Mai outUjarb facriSce of tbe SpalTe, anb not fpirttuall facrifices, can tabe no bolbe againtt bs. j]5o mo?ctben ours coulb tabe again® pouoftbecoiitrarie,ifiDen)oulbccinc!uOe tbat it mu® betoben a fpiritaall tooifbip not ontioarb offeringes on an altar, becaufe outtuarb offeringes are ccmmon to tbe lewcs toitb bs, anb tlfis is p;oper to the ^'entiles: anb tbisfbculb fuccabctbe 3!etoitb toojlbip of ^ob, anb come in Roebe of if, tobiclj no outtoarb offeringcs anb facriSces can bo, fitb t;J0V are coopleb altoajjes to (25obs fpiritaall toojSjip.St^onlb \jou allcto tljcfc reafons f Hart. JSbepat^totiibefoD.xAlkns, But tbeSftbreafon fiotb put the matter out of bcubt. iFo2,(rn ttje inbgcment cbicSg Lt ir.quiMt'? ofijcretibes,)" oartoojlres arc bcfilcbvhotofocuertbep fceme rtcunque fpeci- bctotifull-.buttbat ^ i^copbcticallofFermgtsclcancof it feifc, t%''rjhedc'i anb fo clcanc of it felfe in romparifon of tbe olbc facriBces, tbat it oWatio per re cannot be pollutcb an? toa? bp bs o; bp tbe too;® 13;i£®s. if o; bercin our tc®amcnt, tbepran not cljos® all tbe be® to tbcm fclucs,an9 offer to tbe iLojb fb; fiicriSce tbe feeble, ttje lame, anb tbe Sci{e,as befo re in tbe olb; bccatifc tbere is nolo one facrifico to appointcb, that it can not be cbangcb 5 fo c®ane, tbat no too;hfi ofoarscanciftaineif. Rainoldcs. ^nb tbinhc pou M.Hart,tbat the workcs of Chriftians can not be tbe offering toyich tbe ^jopbci fpc^ahctb PP / of. Ch»p.8, 604 Of the'Popes liiprcmacic. .i I I i! I Ofjberatife they arc defiled, how fociier they feemc bewriM'.II; Kpnhe i|oa in Detoc i SLljen i?ou confent ^tttn tfic ciitcfrft point of CfijiCian rtligion (tel)id),but euerlaCing life it is impollible tl)£t? tficulb merit. Hart, iiiap, 3 meant not fo, ifo.j fijcugb tb^? be;9pbct fpcatretfi of.ifo; tficp are pure and perfit ro,ano tfiercfo;c cleane bp pour obme opinion. Hart, iSuttbef^iopbeticallofferingis cleane of it felfe, flDur tDo;Uf s are not cleane of tficm fclues, but of Cl).iift; ano tberefo;c can not be tijat offering. Rainoldes. ijioU) map pou f^le ttje fallfiooo of'/).Aliens 5eaf ling, ifoj bin^fclfe aooellj tfitfe too2Ds[*of it rclfc,^ tomabebio rcafon feme: tbc f^jopbct faitb no moje but tbat tbe offering ts cleane. tsmbtrefo^e fitb our iuo^bes arc clcanc ano bnoefileO; cbtcflp as papiScs ittogc: our too^bcs migbt be meant bp tbo p;epbcticaUoffering,tiotn(beucrtbep be bnpetfit ano tmpare oftbem (tlues. Hart. tHUbat; ^nOOffl poo tbinbc,M.Rainoldes, tbatouc workes, tl^ugbvnclcaneof them felues, pet as they are wroughtby the grace of Chrift, are cleane and vndefiled; iSnofeepcunottbcn, t^t of tlje otber Goe pou confcnt in tbe cbtefcft point of Catbolibe faitb toitb I'apifts, as pou terme if pou tbinUe in Oceoe tbat our workes bee cleane, as they arc wrought by grace: tfjen mult pou n&Ocs tbinbc tbat toe map (0 fulfil tbe lato, ano merit life, ano be iufhfieo bp too^fies, not bp faitb onelp. Rainoldes. 3! meant not fo,M.Hart. ^Butacfoioingto tbe pjouerbe, tbat for a hard knot a hard wedge mutt be fought, a • • Pcrfe. Our good works ftained with vncleannes. 605 31 t^oasl)t ^ ^optf]^ Dreamt tn funoer txitt^ a ^ot piil^ fanfp. ifoj otl)crU)tfc,BI bnciu, ^at^ aU^ujjj^ our vorkes be wrought by Chrtrtes grace: pet 18 mana uatiirc ano Qeflj in tjfiU)^to3?hetb«n,anotpercft3;»cD£D ttjcp carga Caine of bn* tleannca.Bit toas of grace,t|;at the children of Ifrael did confe- crate their holy thinges and giftes to God. |?et tijat too^be oftlieirstoasnotfreefromfpotitrtromuc^tljat ^ Aaronmuft bcareonhisforhcadaplateof puregold, wherein was in- g:incnjH*lmesofthtL9rdf(amonwntntOl( ttjong^tt'c; bt wrough t by the grace of Chriit./fiot 30 tt)ough grace ^aO an? blcmtIh,(€oo fo^liiocc;) but fcetaufe our Celuca, in iuljom it fiwibctljjarefo^iuplrfio boater,tijcugl^ ftflciDfrom afcuntaino inoft Clare,?cMf it Donusnetlj^cugh amuDO? cbantU, itbc< commctljniiulJC}?. nt'ljrr fulfill li?e the law man? luojke, mncb lelTcin all our tuo^KC0,trIjiclji t^c? wuft Cffi,Vui)o toill T*m:i fill it ;fo.J " hethatofirndethinoncjis guiltie of all : nctlier BLuk. i7.*v«.j. canfecnieritous^at(!Dob0{jr.n50,ttiud)lflft eternal I Iife;foj fTcr.io. o b^otoetiibonotijanhea ^ tljcugljiuedidall thinges which are commaunded vs,becaufe we ought to do them j anb i0 our Defcrt then,toljodoo not all things i nether ma? Jjoee pcffibl?beiu{tified by workes bcfo:e the tuOjj^ent feat of ^Gatj.jo. (©oOjfo^ <1 curfediscucry man that continueth not in all xiam » things,which are written in the booke of the law , to doo X am.}. . them,anb we all offend in many things. Hart. 315ut if all our workes be miiddy,a0 ?ou fa?,anb ftai- ned with vnclcannelleitljen io it much furer that the cleane of- feringjtohieh the Prophet fpeahetlj off, cannot betoken them. ifo.rtheilo;Dreploiereab{cIatclFvnclcane, ^(ir f^trttoali fiurtftrei awtJ5tpcrfi-l5cleane;cleancm contparifon,anO clcane bp aco ceptotiait. Cleans buoinparifon f rcfpcttcf mrtt:aa Habacuk rcmplainingtljilt" the wicked man deuourcth the righteous, »Hab.i,jjv Ciitp, ' him that is righteous in refped'of him felic; p;apfiti0 notthc righteous man as Cmplp righteous, but in compart- (on of tuidtcD.CIeane bp acccpfatton m tpe 0gbt of esDaj,nn3fI?attheycallit fo bccaufc ' tlic >«auiK tDmg vidime,thac is here,hath not a groirc, carnal!, and bloody confecration or facrification, as had the vidimcs of the w>^iftivDo>6 lcwes:itiSjjrolIe,anocarnaU. ifo^theviaime,(a0soHferme it)tohicht?jesmeajie,anT)(^cahcof^ ladtljer "our ftlaes,pu- the M,fie,bt- rifled bp faiftjiOj" our fruiterjacccpteo aa pure from pcrfons SnrtbtTaV"' P""fi^d:notCf);ittifeiUeo,aitbIacrificen boto €JoD |jt0 jfatpcr, t&tct tobiclj IS pour spatRng-uutime,pure of it ftlfc, ano purifying o# w fi)cr0,a5 pou fanQe.p:a,St^ it is granteo bp 'Z>. ^ Aliens oUme Johijwfic too;l3#t,tbat Auftin,expOundingit of the facrificc of praifc, «t)« A|aa.iie tmanrfb not t|je timfice of tlje tberrbprlet' tliat place of tvlfic'cij:, I. Auftin y toeigljcD toit^ t^z relt of" I;ts aiiD ^ other iFatljer^ tercmafititur, auD it (hall bc fouHO tljat Makcliic touchcth not the ^alTe in "EurrbtdV"' their iubgement,bp l>»AlIcnsoU)negraunt. Che fire reafons monArat.H- therefo;ctohi£hhefettethfb?th,as ^ ttrong,and very good, ;5;'; fo; the p;fflfe thereof,p.Joue it no better ont of the pjophets in ctp.]4,7cr« the Old tefiament:then 0 hnleflTo h» PetSi^,; thought that the fcriptures faile htm,3| fee not loht hee (houlOa cap.ttf. Chteflp, fith he hnotoeth^that thep,lnhore god Ithing of Mafic- faSinibf!"* prieftsj f theMaflcbefakrth^cciallptotDmnebp hwApolo- cap. i|e Mafse as tocl as tljat.SClljic^ 3 bare not fap tljat pcrljapf! lam j ftlft cfpiebiince^lD^ote it, lead againe pou tell me t^at 3 ant fiacl' : I tin, S. Ambrofesw/^w/^cfr/ is cbangajinto fcciTcTtboi. ^nb (b tije iDo^bs are fitter to p^oue ifc faid Mafse. ia&ngl.aduct,' f Hart. t^matterOanbetl)not intbat, but intbebDo;b if rom tubicb fitbtbe name of Mafse booth co)neinas toe boo, toho are calleb Miniiters? Hart, k Hart, ^oukccpctljcnamePaul: iuJ.L'. ?ct^oubecpenottt)ct^ing. Sle^ forccxcrsarecatIcDw^/,!rb« B Ambr.de ft. 1 the Sages ot the Eaft: vet isf tto lutt^omtlDieheo > net Ithe Tj^i'^Hie-^ t^at ofche Sages, ron.cpiftjid Rainoldcs, jTtjat ifffalfe Af, Hart, as sonrcferre tf fo cur Commumon, ^o.i as to keepc the .name, fo toe tope mach.pro iibris meaning of the name too: ano tljerefojc the thing it fclfc toit^ co^tr.iouinia- ^ jj fg ^3y.. piaffe; ajjo it is tjcrs true, ifc? in I otecbumcni. s.Ambiofes time t^c Cij.JiStnn pjopic, t^utng pahlthe p:aser3 inmanpC^urcljcsDasIs, •" did t^eretoithal! oaplp refetuctt;c aAbft^ri.' t)olsfacramcntofClj.:iitesboDs,anDblonD.i]5cto, bceaafcfnu^ cypriin.de o- tocfc at otl)erpartcc cfDiuine fcruice, fo;to^smittoas not "coilcii.cT^"' latofultorctciuet^facrament, as ' nouiccs m tbe faith fub® thi£.4.cin. S4. tocrcnotsctbaptijeD.anD * fucbasCfjurcb Dtfripltncremcuco r/rc\SciriL-.frc>Htb5ccitnnunton;tbcrcfo;ctbes tocre tocnt (after p,:r.scrs norum. Augult. maDe,anD rcriptiiics rcaD,anD taagbt)) " to Dimiffc tpc reft tobo. »1T. E«e port 'wt tommunirate, tbc fattbtni snclp ftaping to reccue to#^ ietmoncmflc gc^er. ^nDtbtsDimiftionof tbbni toas notcDbp t^ tooio " - »*"/•*> * i'ftb foj mijjio, tbat is a fending away, oj licenfing to Sl.'rtfiaX!' dcpart.ii2abcncc it came to paffc tbat tbc Pcrp name toas c ifidor.oris. gttien fo tb^ part offfje fermcc^: ano tbep toere feis fMtJ/am fa- fCTVjtobo celcbeateD tpc tommnnton asS, Ambrofc DiD, WSl^cre* rem»(ra,|arbfni fjjg fbougb POur ftotfiec feccpetb the name of Made, fpat^. Tmjiiw.c.n- Ambrofc tfcD: pet Dotb it not kcepc the thing meant tbercbp, erAtircioB.lib. ^0? nctbcr fend sou them away,u ho reccme not: anDmanp a bwefpiriMl Made 10 CaiD tbat bafb no communicants. AugaAiii.de • Hart. X5uf toe toiflb (as p tbe Counrell of Trent batb 5e< tlareD'»tbaf' the faithful,who ftand by at Made,would coni- cap.ij.' * ' municatc.'®abercfo;eiffbesDcenot:ifi0 tb;t)U0b tb^irotone ^tTidcil'X'*' fitfaulf, anD nottbtougbout^' cintes. " Rainoldcs. JBtit it is-^urfante tbat pou fend not them away from the communion who communtcacc not. Snb. inteiTogat. Au. bercin T?oar Councell Dotb barp from S.Anibrofe, anD ofber anf' g"ft- cientjfatbcrSjtbafitallotoctb non-communicants to he Ran- logor^b^i."^ dcrsby. ifo;intbe.p:imittuc Cburcb> sea,in S.Gregories time, (fcbofo.t naming Maffc tea is maDea Maflc-pncR bs pour 0o(to?,) ■■ fbr Deacon toas arcuftomcD to to ttjem * De* decIocum.Sf, part, tobo to not communicate. ^sniHrefojc fiting tbat tbtp otre °al.«?'' mcaift tjc CoxntuuRion bp tbc nanie of Made,anD termcD it fo, (4c^ CJiibaat. be The Fathers mafle no Popiili Maife^ 6i i yl'u.u'.' l)ecauret|)J2lencawaytlienoii-coinniunicancs froinit: l?o«, D03 hat fo,'.:iai' (ac 'g&m fon^ a rMfan 'D, Allen naaljcfl; foj ^cur MafTe,auo Made prielics, &c i^cloctl} Ambrole, Gregoric,ar!D f Leo to Ijaue Ijfefl tijat nnne,Xi\m tnljici; t^ccz "p'^ J"'''' tan Uc notljtns in cacDc inoje ajain't {;tm. if tljc nanic open cip.jowokc tlje nature oftljeti)ing as Aridotleft)ch3etJj: fc|jen is not your Made,tlje made of the Fathcrs,befaufc it is net mijjay il;at is,a on«^in»day.;* dinufsing,and fending awray otthcm who rcceiuc not, w"r£^th^'u Harte. j^y,itis nk oncly the name oftlje Made,lo5erecin pririifj t>e rclietl},but tl;e tbing it frlfc. For who knowcth Dot(fait'lj be) thatS.' Gregory the great was a Made-prieft, who hath the AncPtii ti;* very word,the maner, and the partes thereof fo cxprefly in parstnEof his tpiliJes: who fent all holy furniture and ornamentes for the fame to our BlefTed Apoitlc, Rainoldes. SXKbftff to S.Paul/thc Apoflle oftlie Gentiles? a'iett' Hart. 5meanc,to S.Audin t^c Apodlc oftbcGnglifbmen. i)r4yfr,withthe/>r CABonam. iiUil.tp.jtf, * SimiaquantfiaiilistnrpiTiifflbb^aiil Swn4. Of the Popes I'uprcmacic, t^ugtittjcti receipue not t|ic communion booilj, no' b Matt.jtf. bnUerttanO t^c prayers. *"'e'Ver.J7. Rainoldcs. iSut, to communicate, is to catc, anO * iCor.ii.ii." drinkejtobicbtlJ®peopleotoinS.^rcgoricstime: ano tljt^tn# e G«°o?'hul DcrttojDetljc prayers tobicb tocrc maoc, tljattljepmtgbC ^ fay bra "sacramea- Amen t^jretO. ^OU) t^lO P.Uttt Ij^tl) fUjaloUJeD t)p tljett rigljt, P'*cor III Clerbe, in tbe otber. g Gregor.iib. Hart. ISnt t^c Canon of tt)C Made, luljieti is Cl)c fljicfcff 7.inAi.ep.<;}. part, lue ^300 in UKe to^te OS S.Gregorle !)aD. j^no tfjerdn, ® ior^rfuit^°ta°d t{)elonIbipof&aintcs,anDpjapci'5fa2tl)eDeal>: toljereoftijcrc jpfam foiu'rn- 13 no ibaooto at all in ^our Communion, ncitljer can pou abioe Dslh?ciToif- greater tojong pou oco botlj to bim, ano bs, to mabe lacioais hofti- as tl)oug"p pou folowed tljat toljicl) he pradiied; ano to fap,tt;at Malfe is no lykcr his ,then is an ape vnto a man. e Precen qiiam Rainoldes. 'c'23e folow bim inttjac, tobsrcin be folowed por°eT^''^^'^°' thrift, f anDthefoiovirersof Chrift. s ^gimielfc bearctb tuit# 7 Quoru-n me- ncCTetbat ' the Apoitles neither vfed nor ^ made that Co- "ue conceals ^ Scholer, Gaai)erefoje,tl}ougb a Scho- ri^cu n rVfri, let picfentetb ^ the merits anO prayers of the Saintcs before gerij,!ucis, & tbe tbionc of CoOjtJCfiring helpe foi their faUc6;anD pjapctb fo; r Matt. 1} 10. fhe faithfiiI,who do reft in Chrilt,that they may haue^a place i Matc.3.ij. ofcooling,peace, and light: prt bccaufe our Maifter tca« cbetbtbat » tmnfclfe alone wrought all righteoufncflc, ^ that k H;b.*4.i<.af i»e mightflrtbefduour tbiougbb'® ^l^fertanDintercefsion; anD 1 Reif/iJ'' Iheineththat' the dead who dyeinhim,areblcfred,andreft m coi.ilii! from their labours, ""inlight, " peace,anD " comfort;b)0 o not S.Ciegories Canon in ^ofepomtC0,bntan(loerc htm P Mati.iy.r tolthChJift, P from the beginning it was not fo, 0n5 pou, hac^urlspl" ^hotlJinttepour Made better then an apeinrefpectofhiSjbe# cieipatione fa- caufe rtrcfemblethhisinthe Canon, the chiefeft part of it: tiTco-^'^'" map bnclD that it refcmblethhts fhcrcinnobetterthwDoth an fMgaine^^mp- ape z man, bohen he fiucareth by the erode of his ten bones. ^ ^o; th^ Canon alfOjbcCDe that people Qib heare, f bnberttanb tiinarde^'e c°r- ifjittojOeth' fhcir rcccyuing of the body & blood: i as Dm the fiait offic.pri- Other praicrs tm after the communion.S^hich being as it Inere fdAsrrlvo d"c HnD reafoH of it: pour Made, isj^icp hath if not, is but rcbas .ccicf, an apiili counterfeit of hts,fo2 all the Canon, i^ap,it is in DttDe lordc ^cTec > faecaufe it hath hie too.ioes, ano not t^ ebfcruac.c. 1 p. meaningofthtw. Hart Thelacrifice offered by the Fathers. 6\z Oiap.S." DiutCoii Hare, pou grafe on t^t Communion Ctll, as if f ^e Canon anO all Sregorics MaflTe oiD aimo at tfjat. ©M Ijic^ is not fo. if o; t^e p^tnctpall point tfjcreof is the facrifice, cucn the fouc- rainefacriHce,ttjati3, eur $>auiourCljjift ofiFereDtcOcD tst® fatljer. ;anijRtt)tl)wis t^atlnljicht^e Canon fpeahet^of, ann S.Gregorieo(fereO,anD t^c Maffe impo^tct^ Init^ Ps, feljcni pen call Mafle-pnefts: it folotoctl) tljat S.Grcgorie cclcb^atcD the (acrificc of the Made, as toc Offl; anh tjtrtfojc toasa Made- pried,not a Minider of t^c Commuaion. Rainoldes. %i}zn t^e men t toomen of Rome toere Made- priedcs to in S.Grcgorics time, anD cclcb:afCD the facrifice of ^'popui™"'u- the Made,as pen Doc, ifc; t^efacrifice lD|)ut} tje ctFereD, ann tljc (iones & vinum: Canon (pcahctl) of,is ' the bread and winc,offerED bp t^e men urrpon int« anbtoomenfojtlje Communion; anb ^ the facrifice Ofpiay'e, facrentur. iDtjicb t{)cp bib cf&r all to Cob. Hart. ^apjitistljebcrpbobpanbblcBbofCfj'itt. Rainoldes. SLtje Ujojbcs Of tfje Canon are plaine fo ffje contrarie, ifojifbtfiretljCob > to accept and blefic their Mtl(e,hiecdo' oficring,thatii may bcmade the body and blood ofChrid Bi,hxetnuT>trt, to them, 3|t inas not the body, and blood of Chrid tljerffoje, iufba but very bread and wine, iDbtcljttie faitf^fuU people oflfeteb fO ? be f-mtifieo to t|ie t3fe of tpe Communion. of tt'e ono"' Hart, Jt tons bread and wine befc?fi confecration t as it ts beclaicbbptpofeluojbcs of flie Canon, ISutafter confccrati^ ont^tCanonULiii)OfiUHoJfiamfnr^myhofiiamfin5lam, hoJlMttt ftantiumqui immacuUiamyt^at iS,the purc,holy,and vndcfilcd hoft, hoe°f»caficiiini Rainoldes. HBut bpon tbofe too^es itfolotuetb in tbe Ca- lisdis ptofe non; the holy bread of ctcrnall life, and the cuppe of fal- uation,l5ai)crefo;e the brcad,anbthe cuppe, t|jat iSjtljc toine, 5 Quamobli- tljousi) holy nolD>anbranctifieo to be tjje bread of life, anbcup of faluation, tbat is, tbo bobp anb blosb of Cb^iR in a mpfferp, ceptabi'.emque but the bread, anb wine are tlje pure, holy and vndcfiled fa- f«crc d!gncm, crifice,o: hoft (as pou tenw it,)not onelp before but after con- nguisfiw"^ fccration to* itfuclriai. Hart. i^ap,tbc reall bobp, anb blob of CIj.nR are meant bp "«««- thebread,anbthecuppe,inafigurattuefpeecb: anb Co €^}ii nx,& ciliccm bimfelfc, is i^e pure.holy, and vndefiled hoft. Rainoldes, iSSHbttOSfiguratiue fpccch is bfebin "■ fcrtp'rLu'ce.ii.vef, tare; pou toill none of it. l^ere,lDl)ere pour Canon bfefb none, ■ a pou ■i' ■: iki'l m t 1 !i|( • l HfJiiU. ; • " Ui V '■ i Chs)>, I. 5Suj»trq«i: propitio »c fc- renovultu rc- (piccre (Jignet rii: i^acccpia habe:e,ficuu aecepta habere dignatus es mu; a.era piicritui JHfti Abel, f Hcb.jii.4, tSacertlos cf) creatorcrtatos rij fui. Bin Apologtt. * Homo iam Deopropitinj .'ClTccifbcDiu. OF the Popes fiiprcmacie. ^a(.H4C diaiy h bo^ can tbe name of a purc,holy,and vndefUcd hoftc begeuen to tbe bread, anO wine ? Rainoldes. ^lo-are tbep calleo ^ pure, ojyndefikd giftes, offeringcs, anO facrificcs in tbe Canon it fclfe before confecratione //art. S^b^P niap be calleo pure by acceptation tbere, as pour fclfe erpounoeo . Mbicblb^ Canon feemetb to impojte alfo, in tbat it pjapetb Coo ^ to accept them and blcffc them. Rainoldes. Cnen fo tbep nia^ be caileD berc a pure, holy, and vndefilcd facrifice. 3foj tbe Canon alfo libeloife pja^* efb<®ob to accept them, in erp^cJSetcrmeo;anD,intifett, to blefle them. Mbercof it batb a farther ano plainer j^jocfet®, ill tljaf if laitb they God that pure faGrifice.ihe bread of lite, aird cup of faluation, ^ of his giftes. 3fo J in Taping that they offer it of the giftes of God, it (b^^ttb tbat tbc berp bread ano wine is meant, Mbicb fb^ people being bfeo tben to offer, fa« note toe offer monp;} the red thereof toao gcuen after to. The Fathers offred not the Maising^^facrifice. 615 dI'uL.' tot1)cpoo,:^; a parttoas fatten of communi- cants, t^attl)cvnu0i>t be partafeersf of t|)e bread of life and cuppe of laluation, t^at w, t'ge Ijol? facrament of tfje boo^auD falooo of Cbjife. Hart, ^ttnoluftjaffljcnameoffacrificetjegujen foftjepco- pies cfferfngs, ano ottirr t^itngs often. 315uf | am perftoaccD tf)at,bptbs p^te,holy, and vndefiled facnficc, S. ^regon'e meant ;anD fo oio tffer bbn bp to (Sob if atfjer, m ttje Made,as boe Do. ©Elbictj 3 tljinlte ratber, becaufe tfjep luere Ma{Ie-prieils(as our Apologie a)£iuetb»)b)bo ItueD tn tlje func# tionof|??jefttioDbeforetjun. ifo^tpcbclp " (CouncellofNice X Cap.If. bneiu none but fuel) offerers,o j lacrificing, tfjat ts , Mafsing- priefts. S. >' Cyprian acbnobuKDgetb tbe t^jiefl-g of his time, to b-neoffered,ojfacrificed,peaeucn in prifons, ^ee toas a 1.22.C.8, ' Mafle-prieftjtijtttS. ^ Auftinfenttodoo facrificein a houfe infelfed with euil fpirits. Stjep Inere Mafle-pricfts of tDljoiH « ' Eufcbiustuiitctb » tbatthey pacified the diuine maieific 4^ with vnbloody facnficcs and myfticallconfccrations, 2Lbe Digmhe of Prielthood fet fottlj in t'ge toojlte of tbe fame title bp b chiyfofi.ae S. b chryfollome,is fpeciaUpcommenDcDtbrrefo;thcpower facwaotio^ of dooing the vnbloody facrifice ypon the altar. SDo be tbo;t,. bei^no all tljo otbcr if atbcrs botlj (Srafeca no Jlatin bocrc Made- pricftsjuonc being £ tier mabe bKtfojfbat purpofe pjincipalipi ein t.tim.f. S. AmbroreteJtifpingtbattotaketheordcrofPrieffhood, tebicb b^ f^lletb iX>ttl}thZ^poSle,/nfpf/fr/of7i>f hands , is to re- ficeofthc ceiue authoritie to offer facrifice to God in our Lordcs. ) n . out of Ijljj; Uc-- iiccac. tHrc0 ttabat Rainoldcs, Snj2fefelfimoni£fi!,M.Hart,ofGrcekc,anD La- Doway, ■ tinFathcrsjiLntbibbrettquDtcObp pour Apologie-writer ef^ logfe^InsX' tbcrat ©ottMyjOj at ' :^jfwfr:C£Dfomc0ftbem mention of- Annotations OW feting, anD nfit'racrificing;rcmcfpcahcofracrificing, but not tbefacrificing of Chrift.iBctiticenctbetnbicb pointes lobat tif# Heb..o.ii*. ferencetbci'c w:fc; tljeone, f bimfelfe i& a fafficient toitnelTe, c^adft ftcnx in tbat beOeclaretbtbatfundry things are offered which arc ca'p.is! not facrificed; fo; tbs otber,fbep,'srbo tbetu tbat tbe faitbfull DiD "1/4 offer funo.jp racrifices,ns namelp,of s almcs, of praife, cf » h Augu/bcontr. them felHcs^euen at tbe celebration cf tbe JlorDo fupper, ^5ut armit tbep meant bp offering, anofacrificing, tbe facrificing iDe ciuitat. ofChritl,ai5fomeoftbemDiD:petnetberliias their facrificing, Dciiifa.,o.cap.. ©13 m fs ■ 'ki • «ls gS? *; 6i6 ^Of the Popes iupremacic. Mafsing is-, nojt^e'g to^io facrificefi. Mafic# faV & "cia'.'V. pricib, jfo; ^ou totU ^aae ^ t^z facrificc offiwcO in t^e Mafle I verum <>■(;»-to jj0 g i vcty/oucfainc,»true^and proper facrificc:to!)erbK gu are acM ^oimi0ang 1Chriftis killed thcrc itidccdc,and faaificcd jveumkpro toGod. 3S5ut t^)c ifatljers nameo off«rmg , a facrificc, aerifici- not pjopcrlp, bat bp a figure: meaning fljeacaf^ of CJijift (our 1 Aian.rfe Eu» otielp bcrpjCouoraigne, true, anb proper faerifice,) to be repae# S. ui" J.'' i" 3 mpfteric, not crcquutco in oeebe. ifoj ao in m j,Cor,i (. ttjc Scripture facraments arc noteo bp tfje names of twinges "'"■'nV^r'^V tobereof tbep are facramenfs, tbat men map lift tbcir epes from e Epift./].' tifz ontloarD fignes to ttjc things fignifieb •- fo becauDs toe are !paf!io!J"s'^itti " to celebrate tbe facrament of the body and blood mcntioncm in ofChriftin his remembrance, anb " to (hew his death; t^at facrificmom- fliewing ofhis dcath,anbtcmcmbringof Ijisfacrificc, is cab r?arsio"ft e-' leb bp the ifatfjersjbio facrificc,anb death, ^o both " Cypri- Dim Domini fa» an treate of tbe oflcring of Ctoilt. irojteacbing tbat' we •ffcr^us?"" mention his death in all facrifices, be geuctlj tfjls as a rcafon jiHomiiSj.in jjfit, ^ for the dcath of Chtilt is thc facrificc which we offer» ^Homu!^7.iii ^0 botb chryfoltorae open bis meaning of tbe facrificc. if o? cpift.ai Hcbr. affirmetb it to be ? a figne of Chrillcs death: anb bauing faib fbat we offer the very facrificc that Chrifl did, be co;re(tetb diya/AVHffip bisfp^cb tbus, ' or rather we worke a remembrance of that facrificc. j&ofbe Came' Ambrofc tobo fpcaftetbof fa- THf euff/flcc crificing to God in Chriftcs ftccde,bO)fb ejfpomtb it tea, * euen r inepift.»a* iuifb Chryfoftomcs too^bS-Jbo ^ AuftinfeitbtbatChrift,al- though he were facrificed but once in himfclfe, * is facrifi# ^eco^Sltlonem ccd cucry day to Chriftian folkc in a facrament or myfterie: faerificij opc- ncthct is hc falflv faid to be facrificed. For facramcnts hauc fEpift.jj ^ a certaine rcfcmblance of thofe things whereof they arc Somfacium. facramcnts; and for that refemblance they take the names commonly of the things thcmfclucs: as the facrament of miBfaer*. the body ofChriftis Chrifts body 7 after a certaine fort, and thcfacramcntof thc blood of Chtifl is Chrifts blood; militudincm. ^inalIp,Eufebius(tobo map fcrue alfb to beclare tbe iabgemcnt mos Conncell of Nice, tobercofbe toas a part) botb bp t^ berp L«. ' nameofvnblooddy facrifices toitncUie tjis agr«mettf fifjerein toi^ fbs rell. ifoj b^ calletb our rcmembiantes anb rcp^efcn# fattons of tbe beatb of Cb;ift in ccleb;afing f be iacrament of bis bsbpanbbl(ob,fbougb facrifices,fo; tbe ipUencs; pet rnbloody, fo; The Fathers /acrificed not Chriftproperl^ 617 piuif.4. fo}ti^Dif&raue:to(l^elDt^at is notfam&co tn t|ifm trul)?, anD p;topcrl¥, (fo; t^rn mull Ifis bloD be f^eb,a£ it toaa, toben be fnlfereb bcat^)but onelp bp tbe toap of a ftcrament, f mptterp,tDberem tbe true facrtfice ta fct foajtb before bs, aub re# mcmbjeb bp t». anb tbia be tnahetb plainer ' otber tobere bp Eu-glVi!^ (aping, tbat Chrilt hauing offered him fclfc for a foueraine fa- ^ crificc vntohis father, ordeincd that wcfbould " offer a re-" membrancc thereof vnto God in ftecd of a facrifiec. Which cotfi 6uc laC remembrance we celebrate ^ by thefignesof hisbody and bloodjvpon his table; and, plcafing (?od veil, ve offer bloody facrifices,and reafonable, and acceptable to hin^, , f yu# Hart. ^ap,Eufebius ealletb our racrifices,vnbloody,m re- fpcd of tbe mancr,anb not of tbe tbing. if oj tbep are true facri- y ^ fices of Cb?i®>3hb tberefo:c bloody: but Cbjift tobo tuaa offe# reb bpon tbe croCfe blooddily, ia offereb in tl» ^affe vnblood- , dily. . . Rainoldes. Cbat ia pour " jCrent-bottrine: but it toiH not "Sr""""' tUanetoitb tbe toorbea ofEufebius. ifo?bewn^ib«n ' yn-» blooddy faaificesmot bloody faerifices offereb vnblooddily, p.vic.c«oftaB- butvnbloody faerifices.Slnbabbingtbat ve celebrate there - tin.iib^.cap.45,- membrancc therein of the facrifice of Chrill bythefigne* ocrxtfxsi^ of hisbody, and blood; belbetoetbtbaftbcparenotin babe bloody facrifices,but mplleries of tbe bloody. Hart, i^ap, tbe blood of Cbjill, the very facrifkall blood (aa * ine terme it) vhich Chrift did (hed vpon the crofic, is in * thcbleffcd chalieeofthcaltarattbelamfi£eof^eS{9affc.ifoj Hcb.j.ar"'" r Chryfoftomc (in tbat notable toojltc of the Priefthood)raitb tbat Chrift is fccnc there by all the faithfull, anb mentionetb ''' bia blood to- jRainoldes. ^ea, anb (tbat ia moje) be faitb tbat Chrift is« held there in all their handcs,anb all are * made rcdde with ? that prctious blood. %l)e ifatbcra belitc mutb in fucb efffedu/ all fpacbebibobi^ nabelutfer reabera, tbcn inanp bee tobo ligbt on tbem ♦ ffiut if pour &lfe hnoto tbat tbe tobole people tobteb eometb to pour ^a(re,ta not made rcdde toitb the facri- ficall blood: poumap learne tberebp tpat Chryfoftomc,fpca* king of blood in tbe facrificc,botb confiber of it aa bloody in a mpftcrp, but in babe vnblopdy. Hart, ifwp ; it ia caileb vnbloody bp tbe ifatbera, aa D. *' ^iS Of the (Popes fupremacic. . ^ A^lcn notetj|,not becaufe the blood in deed is notin it,butto diftingmlh it fro the famciacrificcof Chriltvponthecrofle, Non fine fu- which was nudc and offered ^ not without blood fliedde, o cruore, Rainoldes. ^ije blood is not t|)en tn tfjts facrtfice.^inD a Heb.?. is, tijercfoicit isnettfjerpropiciatorie; fo^ finnes are not re- I'oioTero"!^! without flieclding of blood: ito^t^e true anD fo- ficio pro"nobis uetainc facrifice of C^jift; fo^j ^ that is the onely true,and fo- c^fns facrifice,wherein his blood was Ifved for vs. ■ , gu(t.c3L,ia," Hart, ^es: the blood ts (hedde in the fitcrificc of the spaCTe, uerfar.ieg.1.but tt IS fliedde vnblooddily, b'cont. Fauft. Raiiioldes. Blood,vnblooddily (hedde; ^ou fpcahe mon# Manifhi.so. (fergj M.'HartjtjitleECe ^ou meanebi^.C vnblooddily^ not trulp, " periVfamTe. 3^^111 haoe, ljut facrmnentallp. iro; then i?oa fap iuell, that his ritatcm rcddc- blood ts Ihed de, ioheu toe theto hi® > anoremetnherthe jPet facramcn- CheOOtng of tt.But OS S. ^ Aulfin to.uteth , that the flefh and turn memori* blood oftlic factifice ofChtid; was proinifcd by facrifices of vciebracur. rcfemblancc before he came, was performed in truth and cCyrii.iib dc in deede when he fuffered, is celebrated ' byafacramcntof r«aafid. ad-He- rcmcmbrance iince he afcended : fo, toljen the blood of men.in°"ift. Chfiff to fhcddc tit thto fojt b? thc facramcnt of remcm- adHcbr.e.ij. btancc, tt IS not (licddcin deed, foj thattoas boon athis L^e°pS!afc 5®ath onel?. ^nb this ts the mod that ?oa can make of the ftor.Liturjj.Bas ifafhers, although tt begrannteb that the^ callcb their cele- b^wtingof the JLotoes fupperanvnbloody facrifice in refped ^twAovi' bloobbp facrifice of Chjid tohtch h®® offereb on the jj L ^ croUe. spuch leUe mafec tlje^ fo; pou, ifthep callcb it not fo in " ref^dofhto facrifice, but of the (acrifices of the 31ctoes.tMhich Tiilnr^'Bafii. it to the motoltttelp that thep bib, bccaufe thep talleb their = jcckiyfoft. prayersanbtheirberp worfllip of CDgD vnblooddyto: no 7 THiJ Koyi' boubt to bifttnguilh itfrom the f ctoi»h toojihip» toljich offereb KHpHocidyai' bloody facrifices .JfojasS, Pauhtreatingofour fcruing of wkhTouAk- ^odjcalleth it ^ reafonable, becaufe toe bo Gicrifice our felues Tei lay rpirituaUp;not bmite beaftes anb fenfeleffe thinges toith carnaU g Dmnnftrat. cefemontos, HS thc ^etocsbiD J fo f thejfatherscaUebit ^ rea- Euaug.iifa.i. fonable, and vnblooddy, fo tljc fame cffed. ^nb s Eufebius ^ avai'iuaf^ nantelp faith th^f we offer ^ vnblooddy and reafonable facri- miKoymis. ficcs to God as long as we liue, meaning all fpirituall facri- h i.Pct S.J. ficesthercbp, tohtch euerp Chjiftfan offcrcth as a Prieft fo oSi.4?«"4j, God,|?ea, euenin ' that place tohtch D» Alien chofe as «ta* feing The Fathers laid not Mafle. 6ip Diui^ 4.' feingntottfoj^isApologie,the prayers, tDljttfj ^ the Mini- ^o1t2o« fters(fo; fo Eufebius tcrmctJj t^cm)did offer vnto Cod, ina^ iDcUbetinQcrffooUebijt^ofE facrifices too. HBufif meant end? tljeir offertng0 of tbe remembrance of Cfjrtftes beatb m facramcnt, astbattoljicb rnfuefb cfmyfticall confecrations^^^'x^^^j nav fecniG to import: ^et bimfclfcbeclaretb bp tlje UiorD. C vn? 1;' blooddy3tbatbsfalic9tbcm racrificesjnotproperlp/butbpa"^^'^ ' figure; as meaning not tfjatCbrittio put to Deafbfbere in Oeebf, ^ Lifewin,, but in a mpltcrie. 2Co be ft)ort, be.anbnll tpe otber ifati;ers, I Si,qtto>i.gcat botb^?rahe,antiilatin,arEfofullpanD plainlp ofcnemino in tl)ispoint:tbattbc'^Maderof the Sentences (in t)tsabribge? c'iLumyd mentofDiuinitiegatbereDont oftbcm)propoCngtbisqncffion, ""'"oi'"®. I whetiier that which the Prieft doth excquute be called a facrilicc properly, refoluctbtbat it is not. Bat that which is offered and confecrated by the Prieilis called a facrifice (raitbbc)iuk4. 6io OfthcPopes luprcmacid. ie» f Rcu.io.#, r.i«.e'tngofS.°Auftin,tl>atSJohnstDo;DS [ p they lhalbc Pricfts of God,& of Chriftjarc meant of all Chriftiansj »•» de fiUs epifio^ f"j& preilfjuris^Htproprti um vocMHtur in cccUJittficerdotes; iSjOS toe franOatc,not of Bilhops and Elders only,which now q jHtijtitA* arc called peculiarly Priefts in the Church, boto tootllO roufranflateitf mncotc «)t Hart, sci^rc IS a bcfed in our CngUtl^ toungc, f|af toe cau ;Toi hanflate it fo perTptojouap af it to in Jlatin, becauft toe aftiianttat Of |aue but one toojb foj prestyter,anufitcerdos, Sa/cUtei'* Raiaoldcs. Cbonpoufl^utonotplapthcdog intheman- fttrsfoft^t gcr,nctl)erpour felueo menoingtfje dcleaes of our toungc, SSel'" fuffering bo fo menb tbem. iFo^ if a man tranOate if ao 1 H^hemiftsboo, not ofBilhops and Pricfts only,which •os.Auftin are properly now in the Church called Pricfts : fjoto C^l fenS55^ iiit <£nglito reaoer bnberlfanl) ^ meaning to]^icb Priefts be airtiptnte, «u called Priefts , ano to|)etber ^ifliops be Pricfts too i i^ap, to S?w ffit' ^ naneo enfojce poufo franflafe jncerdos name: too««o ot|)ertoire,tt)en presbyter ; S, ^ Auftin bauing btougbt (agaiuft anbcrefifec,) tbeteffimonicooftbeiFafberSjircnzus, bythcchutch,' Cyprian, Reticius, 01ympius,H.ilarie, Ambrofc,Innoccnti- eo?b wiitofo Nazianzcne, Bafil,f Chryfoftome,Dotl) name tijemJacerdo^ bnpwttir, <«,fbat to(afl pou franflafe itjprkfts: to it notf Hart. |>eo: 521c ijaue no other nglilb fo^fiserdes. Rainoldw. S ' CWtt, pt o- presbyter hti 22IiI pou mahc S. Auftins rpa'c!) fo r Concr.Iuliaft. bn{aiw;p,astofcUtljeb«rctifec, ttjathe ought to reucrcncci- rcnzuSjCyprian^Ambrofe, and the reft, bccaufc they were fGreg.Mmin. Pricfts; 3^ notcontcmnc Icfom becaufchewasaPncft^ ipiar, 3iboulDtranaatcb«"C5F'^i';^'^jaPrieft: bnf, t Be orJme««, fo;»filcerdotes, j tooulo fap Bithops. ifo; tbat to S. Auitins mea# i *""3 infbeCe placeo toljcre be bott) name t^ficerdotes, iona.pacribu, Rainoldcs. _&o ' pour frat^atour ootb.lBut tbe too;b i?i- £»fiait.&2bi» fhop to our Cnglilfy of epifioptts. ^nbtobatif tpifiopnt tMmcc iMoroinvnum j. ^ > x. < -xV /- t ^ > i eofpos coiicsi. to come tn tea, toittj/irrr^^f^, ava presbyter i ^totoiUpoucT* Ci:>«ciLTom.K pjeCfe t^cm^^tobcrc iu 'tlje Canons eolletfeb bp Iftdorefou#^ conti^rj^p. cbtog the order of keeping Councels, tje faitb tljat facer dotes pen«i.accr«or. fifft muft cutcr m.aiid aftcr them .* poor * JLatoier notetb an \ty.FUe vt/actrdotesvoeet eptjiopos vettri more, quern ^ vtrmtui ©aij^e S. Auftin aboetb tfjen toucfjing Icrom, tbaf nether hemuft be contemned bccaufe he was presbyter: i'l The Miniftcrs of the Go^ell ^ Eiders. 6zi pfJtr nerMtes fltr'uiHeprybytnoj faccrdites finite o- finmlHr. ^OU franflafejGfrrc/e/r/j^ifhops^anD fresf byttresjVricds: tj^etitourllaiDter fat^ (toljtcij iwre a luife ^efci^) t^at Ifidorc calleth 5i(hops Biihops,after the old ma- net, which many not knowing do foliihly think that Pricfts arc called Bifhops indifferently* Hart, ^uci) fcntences cannot be fecll cppjedfeb in CSngltC^; but t|)e Slattn too^Od muS be kept in tbcm. Rainoldes, SBuf if IB befjoofcfull fo? our <5nglit^ men to baue tbrm in CngliCb > tbat tbep mas ^noln stiur llatin nbufcis of^omc, jfo^tbuJismeantt^ercbp, tfjafthe ancient wi-itcrs arc wont to note Bilhops by the nameof Pricfts: which ma- 3 sacrifice/.' ny not knowing doo fooliflfty think that the name of Pricfts isvfcdindifFcrently for the fame that Elders. ^leCPunfojsowt * Cyprian.ep. Rhemifts, tot)o make tbem all one,altl)Ougf) not of fooliihncs fo Ambrof mucl) as of fraube: fo tfje intent tbaf' Elders,tljat tg to las,^f- we.in nitter5oft|ienetotettament, masbet^ugi^t ' Pricfts, that ttto&s, fl|^initter«o;Detn«b J fo facrifee, as sour + yt/aflc- F«ker»Mm. pricfts be. if o;t colour ano maintenance of the tohich errour, nioniy.iBi)(t» the countenance of p^fffife that pou p^eteno out of the ifathero io tr't ' theleitebpthaomuchithat" theptDereacculfomcbtogeuethe utDt^rtooiM name of Pricfts, not generallp to Elders,but to JJifhops onelp. "eehw (Blmtfo^toauoiDe confuftonofthingOjbDhi^the confuGonof aore.c.dc epi. too^oe might ingenber, in that toe are totreateoff: 3ltoill(bp Sourleane)call presbyterm Elders ao our tranflationo boo; that tta»t>tf,obr(K t map bittinguilh it from the name of Prieft, both ao it to bfeb y'™ bp pou fo} a //afte-prieft, anb ao it to bftb bp the ifathero fo; a legibuiiiou Bilhop. ^0 to come at length back againe to tljat tohtoh 3 r°^ic,po. toas in hanb toith, of the tocono Vo^t of ^ ^ilhopo of Home, The fliatjtohen thep toere grotoen to their fattctt plijjht, thep toere f-rj-L • but^r^iChopoof a ^Bjincelpbiotefe, not bniucrfell fiJopeo anb )9atriarkeo of the tohole tooftb: the Elders (ao 3 totb) or- uilion* deinedbythcApoftlesineuery Church, through eue^ci- tie, chofe one amongft themfelueo tohom thep calleb Bifhop, to bethe^^efibentoftheircompanie, fo;thebctter hanbling anb o;iberingof^mgsin their aCCemblico anb meetingo, to^rein thep pumibeb bp common counfell anbconlenf fo? the gtdbing oftheflock ofCtoilfeommittebfo them. iilHhich point ofcare anbtoifoome the 5l5tohopj5tototoingalfo,knotoing that ^ where y coun- ' -I' 'H I 1 I,I ji ; I coimfels want the people falleth, but in the amplenesof counlcllers there is health,fjai) niaftugs Itbeluiiefoj ccn# fcrcnce together tohen tf)Jng0 of greater tuatgljt requireo raoje nuuife: aiio tljc? chofeto bctht'ir p^cfioeiU therein fi;e iStftjop ofthechiefeaettieinthep^oumte, ioljoni tpcp callcti tlje Me- « ^°^ P'o^'"-fropolitan,ifD^ aprouince,a0tt)eptcrmeIi tt, to.ts the fame Romani. iuitl) thent, that a (hire is iDtth tis; aao tlje fljire-totone as pen a L.ob^reare. i>joaiu of tijc pjotiliue iwas caUeD ^ rmtropohs^t^^it is the mo- procvnfuiit. ther-citie, jh Ujhic.h,as the 3:uDges ano SuHiccs luitfj tjs doo Elo in Adriano. heare at ccrtatne times thecaufcs oftljc totislc fljirc: fo the ra# ler of the pjoihncc iuith them did miniftcr iuStre, ano maDe fjis aboDe there ojDuiaril^'. ^2 rcafon tljat men fo^ their btiCnes m.aDe great concciurte thither: the cfjuvch tuas b consii.Ami- ftirmfh it(ofgoDlp policic) toiththc booithpea iSiSjop, och.can.jo, eiiDueD ioith gtfis abcuc h»» b?eth of, auD fo foojthjtuhefecircuiteshaDmanpp^cuinccs toithin them, anD toerccalleD dioceies. 2Dhi2ugh ocecfion boherccf tl;c ibi-. thops of f hofc cities in tohich thcfc iLicutenants of the Gmpcro^ SmSirn!^" bDjrerefiant,( * the ffateccclcaaSiealifolDbDingifjc find,) did *• Wolfgang, groUjinpoiofrtoo, j^ethcriuerc the? oncl? namcD Archbi^ ^T'Ro°nTiiibT' Patriarkcs of the diocefe, t^at is,the chicfeft llSu cSl""" ' *'* flhspsahbifathcrscfthatcircuiteU^hitlrthe Lieutenant ruicD: e concii.con'-^jeaifot^j;^ obte?n£D that ti^ ^etropoUtanscfthc p.wumtts ^ anuHop.I. flh^ulD fac UhclDife fubtett auD obfDieiit to thcra, f concii.Anti- asi3iihDP3lucre to Metropolitans, ^o the Archbilliop a^nd gxondKchWJ^artiarke^o ' prerogatiuesgcuenhim th;ou0h ccd,aaion.4. t^e diocefe of the Eail, r luhcrcin lucrefeuen pjouinces. ^D Vafinna cpift. ' ^ iiotliing could bc d,oon in thedioccfcoft^^ypTjC' luhich' aiDiofcor.in yndcF thc Archbiiliop hao ten. Metropolitans) without SXaS!?- soufent of the Archbiiliop and Patriiurke of Mexmd>i4._ • J. The ancient Popes prouc not thcPapacic. 61^ grantCD to t^e Archbiflbop and Patriarke of 0»- the Mctiopolirancs ofthe dioccfesof Pont»s, k acspptf-. Jfia,liidThraaJ, (k tUltijilttlje iDljicljtfjcrotlJerO elgfjt ttutntp pjciunccs) Ihould be ordcined by him. Jftnall^, Co ccc]e/.i.j.c. i?, tOtiB it'DccreeU tl>at it a Bilhop had any matter of comroucrfie with the Metropolitan of his own prouincc. I *1 1 ' thcPatnarkc Notmi proiun- ofthedioceie ihould be iudge thereof: as alC) if any man did receiuc iniuric of his own Bifliop,or Metropolitan.SDljUS tut ep 9 toeretijeHomanPopes (asttjtp arc callcDnoto) firll Bifhops ooer Cloers tottijin t|3cir oton tihe; mtt, Metropolitans oaer Aaa,tnfifipta 3i5ii^opBtoitl)tntl)Eirotonprouinec ; t^cn Archbi(liops,and _ Patriarkes cucr spttropolitans tottljtn t!«tr oton dioccfe. idno ced.cua.,'.sc iV* tbis is t^e Princely diocefe, toijir^ 3 tiieant,to|ien 3 fato tfjat' t|«^xoc the Pope in the time of Pelagius was become Archbiihop of a Princely dioceie; but he was yet but an Archbiihop; hee was not vniucrfall Pope and Patriarke of the whole world. n^tDt Ccmm ifOjalt^OUg^t|)ePatriarkeof (Infiantmople, facing puffCDtJp bccaufcinfaistiticnof ffae (iBmpci'curs iLtcufcnanfs toerc rcfi# SStS ant,asint^ei'cftjbut tfa« dSmpcrcur tjimfclfc, afpircfa to fac Patriarke, iff t^rcfojcSoucraincof rctt,ancias tfae <£mpcronr countfO.?*|f,"n?toB'. ^fclfe ■" Lord of the world, fotricirtO !)C fae callcD " Pafri- arke of the world: ^cttfac Homant^atriarkcs ° Pelagius,anfa ^^ "'* ' Gregorie,DiijlDirt)ftan5ljicp;i5c,an6ncitfacr tnoulfat^m^» chiepifr ftlucstafecfemiufa tpon ttjcm, noja^g-ce tl^atanp^atriarUe chiVcnToris"* D^oulQDOS it. Si2ilfacrcfi)?c iufacn PelagiusojDctncfatljaf if any Rome,conft»n. Metropolitan fent not to the fee of Rome to ihcw his faith, "7)^*0-- andrecciucthepalljhefliOuld bedcpriued: Pelagius mntt poicosft^tia, bct^joug|ttofaauema&ct!)at ojbtnance fo; all Metropolitans fajitbin fais otnn Diorcfc,rwt tfa;cugf;ouf ffac tco^lo. fcffi» run, Noucl, mon? Of <1 Gregory tofatcfa pour fclfcallcagci)fcut!)ingt!)clii^ J,*'. IfaopofS^WiC is apjtDfe tfacrccf. jfoj, that 5 my'Biihops " h..ot|(csC'C» (6it[) i)e)ihould dcfpife mc,T impute it to my finncs: ana, if J" the caulcsofBifhops committed to me be dealt with thus, " ■ alas what fhallI doc ? zroTtlotr- ■ Hart, .alffaou^facfap, "Siniops committed to mc, ana, myBiihops: pet is tljat no piajfettjatonelpccrtainc cregcr.Regjft, l^opstoercjoffaisdioccre,. iJoj. ^ migfatSgnific all ffitl^cps iib.4, epift.34. bp epifcopos «ui «onM€nersntConftantiivopfofi.Dift.9»e.NulIns, p RegiftrJib.fep.JJ.Se J4A }<.& 3l.lib.7.india.t; «|>ifljo.Dittuia.p^t.Ec«e, qKfgiarlib.4.cp.j4, | Ipif«»pim«i, 4EpiftcporaiBBiiy«»0»uffoM»,. I:| 1 r|-'. i v -'■ykp ''II,^ Diuifian j. ^24 Of the Popes lupremacic. bg tbo/'elDO^oe)S,ad being all ^is fubiectct. ' Regiftr.iis.4. Rainoldcs. JC^ePatriarkcsolWw^wc^f, anb epift-jtf. ' ■ totU Dcu^ tljat 0.J rattjcr Grcgoric bun fclfc. ifo^ \}m ftlfe cjfljo;ting tbcm to ioitbttanb tbe pnoe of tfje Patriarkc of f"- Jta!jtmoplej'\jOi\)Q UjoulS be rnluerfall Patriarkc: ftand ye llrong J Epifcopo? (faitb b^) and kcepc all ^ the Bidiops fubied to your charge defiling them fclues with confent to this pride.Mbcre bp it to iuantfctt tbat onelp certains Biibopfs lucre fubied to 1 lohan-Dii. his chatgc: loboni betcrmtb his Bilhops, anD, Bifliops com- him* 0notbh?app^retbrurtberbptbat Isbicb * ®i- < vacaa'te^e- sconus tuutetb IH bijJ Ufc: tbafjwheii there were -Biflioprikcs pifcopos in fu« voide iu his diocelc, ^he dcfired Bifliops of an other diocefe eopK^lnmta? dcftitutc) to take them; as the 'F/lhop of 7 Smyrn ^ tbcpoftbefecenhtaugbttbatall tSifliops ought to bee chofen by the people and clergic: tbcm feiues! rcquuingcnclp 7i.'i*ib. the confirming of Metropolitans by their confcnt, if t^xt be j^antcb.tKKb^t^ tbcfcor'tbe-aflaia clatmc totbemfclucstbe sc'ett^piiimT risbt not of confirming alone.but of choofing to, botb Metro- u Cuncil.Lace- politansano Bifliops lanDbinbctbciK bp othc (fo> mo:e af# decic^w! furance of their $>tate) * toobfcrueandcaufeco bcobfcrucd abrogar.prago by others,the Papall re{cruations,prouifions,and mandates, TilS-conSr bp lubicb tbcp luojhc tbi5 tpiannie. Salilienlis. Hart, ^t is mojc requiSCe tbat the 3.3opcs in our time tboulo mentiT«ftaTdi'"'^^'^'^'^®^'^®P''b'^ototbeir olune beffolutng, tbat tbep map ab epiKopo e-. prouide gob pattojs fo; tbe Cburcbo tben it luas of doe. ^Ino tberefojeleffieinarucllift choolc tbem fclues fucb as tbep pare. I. tmotu fit,anD toill baue tbe confirming of fucb as otbcr choofe: ' fj'u though tbeir pieOecelTours (iuben tbe Oapes luer c better) oio nci# mandata Apoi tbcr choofe anp,nojconl"irme all. llButtbeiBopcs fupjcmarie a.oi:"toiisvi-- (tanoetb not fo mucb in making Cburcb officers, as in iuo- bS faciam lb Siog Cburcb-caufcs. ;ano tbor ein tbe fecono fojt of popes aucu# alijs obfeniati. cbeo as mucb as tbe lalf. ifo; y innocentius tbe firttanftue# ring tbe Utters of tbe Counccll of t^/i/«w,tobobaf tonten to bun Super anxi^ rebuiquj lit The ancient Popes proue not the Papacie. 615 ^itn about tl)z errour oft^2 Pelagians, ootlj p;a^fe fijcm fo^ fcrdiigt^)2mattortjntopun;anolthinkc (fattijb®) that 'as oft as a matter of faith is called in qucftion, all our brethren and felov-bithops ought not but to rcferre it vnto Peter, that isjtheautour of their name and honour, as now your charitiehathdoon. Rainoldes. ECljcfciuo.iDM oflnnoctntius map p;one (M, Hart) tliat Ijt daim^o a pjtcminence of hnotDlebge fo^ pour Pe. tcr,notaroujratnftcofpo\i)cr:apwemtncnceof fenotoUDgc, * to reDlue tt)$ Ciiurc^-quclttono j not a foueramtte of poloor, to ceaenda fcacau^ Decioo t^e C^urclj-caufcs. ifoa niattcro of faittj arc to be bcllncD "*• b? t^c rule offaitb, tljat i», bp tf)e fcrtptures: anb tfje rtgljt opeo ningoftbe fcftptureo Ipetl) not in poboer, but in bnotnlebge. CEtbicbl?3ti«^^Slt.trnebp ^ratian in tbe Canon tato,taping, * c.Decr«aie5, tbatthc Fachcrj arc preferred before the Popes in cxpoun- dingof fcripturcs, becaufe they pafTe them in knowledge: the Popes before the Fathers in deciding of caufes, bccaufe they pafTc them in power. Hart. SDij'Jf Diftinttion of caufes anb qucftions of the Church is but a i^ift of ftip|>0:rie to call a mill bpon trutlj. if 0; tbotjgli Church-caufes,as Gratian fpealtctb oftl)0m,bo con# icrae perfonsjthe innocent to be acquitted, or offenders to be condemned: pet quetlions of fattlj ('£0birl) pou call Church- qucftions) arsChurclvcaufes tcD in a gencrallfenfe, 38 * one of tbc tbtrb fo:t of li5ope8 fattb, tbat greater caufes of the Church, chiefly fuch as touch the articles of faith, arc to be referred to the See of Peter. 3nb tfjis iuas tljc meaning of Innocentiustbe firll, iFo;,in ^ bis letter to f^e Councell of b EpiA.pxJtK C4rth4£e tnuten to liUe effed on t^c fame occalion, be faitb, tbaf **' the Fathers decreed bv the fentencc not of man,but of God, that whatfoeucr was doon in prouinces far of, they thought that it ought not to be concluded before it came to the no- tice of the See of Rome, Rainoldes. 3|t is true tbat qucftions of matters touching faith are caufes of the Church :but tbep are not fuc'i) caufes as quicken tbc lBapacte.Thc caufes touching pcrfbnsjtobtcb ■^ofi mus, Bonifacc,anDCaelcftine bib bealefo;, toben they would hauc it lawf ull tor Bilhops & Elders to appcalc to Romc,are tbofe iDbtcb ntuH Uue bp, 3nb tbe fame Councel? of th/^e I r i' jiiiii ' 1 f'l !l : ?/ Difference, tot)cn tl»cp De0rcD t^cpopas confcntin Uisg'cwc. Jn. offai^,but fo^baooc tfje caufcs of "SiHiops and Elders to ji.conciiMi-. come tnto Dim bp appcalcs. MDerefoje t^af btftinction of tDe kuit.cin.i*. Church-caufcSjSnD tljc Church-qucllions,tsnotafluf'cof fo- phillrie to cait a rnift vpon the truth, but a point of trutp to a Torrcnds c!®re § miff of pour tbpD'-ffrp.if o,: pour'^JScruit citetD tD^fc tertes fonfcrr. Auguft. ofInnocentius to p;ouc ttje ^opcs fupjemade^ E^D^rcao .i.op.y.tit.j jmjggj^^^jjrcfijiyjtljgjouts; o; (tDatis Icffe,) au» to;itie, to app;ioue t^e doarine {not a (bueraine potoer to peare ant) Determm tDc caufcs of tDe CDurcD. Hart. ^ap,Dif( tu3;6C£( are gcnerall to tlje Ccuncell of ^r- tDatwhacfoeuer vasdooii in prouinccs farrcoif,iC fliould come to the notice of the See of Rome before it were concluded* Rainoldcs. IButifponboracfeetDat too?b fwhatfoeuer] fo farre beponb Die b^ift: pou make Dim moie gretbp tben ttje laff dc(;"«Tfas"c. fo;tof pope«,toDoclAime'the greater caules of the Church Maiorci.de bap-- oneIp.*srDercfoie,a« loD^w S, f Paul faitD.all thinges arc lav- ? T.cor.*.!!. fuii ior me, Ds mcanctD not all thingts abfolutclp, ano fimplp, but all inoifferent thinges, accojbing to tD^ point iuDicD Dc tria* tetDofifo muff pou applptDe loo^oes of innocentms not to whatfocucr toucDing Church - caufes, but to matters of faith s ^ called into qucffion; toDicD, tDe ?S>opeo being learneb tDcn anb CatDoIikc, s tDeCD?itttan CDurcDes bfcbto referre totDem, fc0nf^ w tDattDefrutDappjouebbptDcirxonfcnt anb iubgcment migDt kAhC'^P» fo;tDeiraufotitic finbetDe greater ercbit I freer pi^ge again® cdeftii.; Epift. Hart. ©2lDaf fan ^on tDen to Leo tDe great, o.j rafDtr to S* it- Gregoric: toDoDabt^ Church-caufcs, rnenfuel; as toucDeO pcrfons, referreb to tDeir ^ee,anb loilleb tDem to be fo, as tDeir epiiflcs iDeto. Rainoldcs, 3|n babe Leo, ano Gregoric are fometDDat la^e tDat U«p* C^ugD f-eo> as * tDe bioccfe of tDe Roman 55a# tor.reip^Keman. triarke boas leffer in Dis time, tDen aftertoarbe in Grcgories: fo i.i.c.,. DabfftoeroftDem. Crcgoricbabtno;e:petDsDabnof alL Hart* ^ot all: bnt all the greater. ;Snb tDat is as mncD 8S tDelaff ro;tt of Idopes claime* Rainoldcs, ^ut tDep clatme ail the greater,through the irhole ■* VVelfging, Lax.cAmmen* ■•ilU [i. if' The ancient Popes proue not the Papacie. 627 whole world,iD^ich Grcgorie neitfjcr !)iiO no? daimeo. Hart. ^0; 36 it not tnantfcft ht? all tjis CDpiftles t^nf Ita fiealt toitlj tl)8 caufcs ol Bilhops in /ulie, Spaine, Fraunie, fri^,C0rfa4,Sardima,StcilMjDa/?M^tia,attti manp CPuntrtCSmO i Rainoldes. ^ct ije Dsalt ndtfjcr Uuf^ all the greater cau- fcs,no? through the whole world, :3[nlJ tljio her? cf ttje na«u6 ofcoutrieojb? toljiclj ^ ?cur Jrifl^ cljampton Dotfe tljinhe ^ tbepope6fup?einacte to be clarcl?p?oueo>i6aoeinonffraticn cccYef.iifa.r"* in truth to Diip?oue tt.ifc?,reh?rtin2 on!? thofc ?cn haue namcDjloitl) Enihtnd^IrcUrtd.Corcyray ailD (jracia, anD fa?ing ^Grcgoriedidpraftifethelupremacie oucr their Bifliops, and Churches.though neitherpiouing fo much, but acmittje ?oueD it: ?et,m b?in6!ng on'? the names anc p?a3fes of theft, je Ihetoeth that'Gregoric eta notptatfife it ouer tljc IBifljops tna dhurches cf T hracia,<-J^/yf}4^Scythta,^alalia,'Btthynia, (^dp- f0docit*,»yirmema,Pamphy!i:i, Lydi'*, fificu^, Lycaenia, Tk^ygU, Lycia,Cxri0,tJtlkfJ)outH.i,<^yFgjpty Inryy Fkosmcta, Syria, Cihcta, Cyprus,fyFrabia, rJkf rfcpataniajfduna^tyiit^ the reC Cf tljC CCliH' . tries fubictt to the ^Datriai^acs cf Confiahtmepk , %Altxandru, t/fnti9cht,iinti lerupUevs. J Ptimas Byza-> Harr. Shcugh ^. Grcgorie fpealte net of thcfe parficularl?; ^ ?et he Ihetotth in genciaH IjiB fup^emacie cucr them , jro? pTcopus.Con^ whereas the I atriarke(faith' hOdorh confefle himfelle to be fubiefttotheSce Apodolike : if any fault bee fouiidc in Bi- Diltina'sijj.cr fliops.I know not what Bifl-tOp is not fubitft to it . 215eh-lbj kc notDn'l?li3ifi)cp6,butthePatriarkesairofubiert fo tbe^Scpe, cinopoii°dia."* b? S. Gregones iuagement: ?ea b? their cUmc confcITien. Rainoldes. j!ia?, itinas not a I'atriarkc but' a Primate, e^"o"iUni. tcljo confcffcD that ;anO a Primate is but a BKhop of the firft nopoliunus. and cheefeif See in a Prouincc j that is, a S^ctropclitan, S°nS™po. Hart. 3t boas Primas BysLantems, that iS tO fa?, the Patri- I's f fta fuit By, arke of [onftantinople: as it is erpcunOeti in ^ the glofc on Gra-1 Kouua pro- tian jf 0? Cor.fiantinople luss tali CD Byxjimmm firft, uindaium Rainoldes. Gratian anOhisglofe inercOeceiueD both.ifo? „Afd,:. prirtiAs SyzjcxtKHs (o? Byz.mctnusPx^m rsaOC it fo)is Primate of pn.57. &-,4. u 3)X4o«w('caUe0^yx.«'»"«wt£D)ii)htch boas "a prouince of ^frtke, ano therfo?e" has a Primate,as Ccuncels of that roun^ ciaEyzicena, triethcbo, 2!©tjom,antinotthcPatriarkcof^o»jf-«Kn«o/7/f, to haue bene meant b? Grcgorie;it is noto oeclarcD in ?cnr Gra- Africzn.pzfsiiik K r tian ii ill" pr 11 ^^8 Of the "Popes fuprcmacie. Cnoj)c-^^ Diuif.;, tiaa ° tflB.iulje Pamarke iDas taj laftte tocouf^e !;imfclfe fubf tui)3ie notes 0x tect to ti)s pope: jje fDugtjt to inaUe iijc l^opc i;ia fubicct, £vrac?nus"'f« Pctijaps tjc 1)30 fous^t ttbcfojSjbut not tijen.jfei ttx* «ip3U!iT)c3, Bi- taineir s. p Gregone,facing,ttjat the Cliurch of lmjtnf citie qNic^L'r?' in all Gregorics time . ^notbepiul^c Inere idilbopa, ' firtt Cnvonolag. tri- lohn/tifeiiCyriacas , Qio bfurpetljctitleof vniuerfall Patri- L"rcUhr'^,"og arkc,3SGrcgoricl)tmfcifeDerlafCtl) . lEfiiltisrcfoKeitljer Gre- iib.j.^cn. ■ gorie lo.jote mojet^en toaa true, to cl^^rebpIjia fubicds: oe i^me Ijatl) c^apt into Ijtni tljat tnbiclj lueote not, to abuaunce Cpitt 5^.2^ 38, tlje crcbit oftheSccof^mf. 3i5ut bcMocucr tje tl;cugl)tall w'd J'' ^hTiops fubied to it if any fault be found in thcm^ptrljapsas cpiiasy.'"' ■'* ^7 Peter bias fubiert to ^.Paule, ano" Cb.eiftianc are one to u? thec't I ^ rep;oueD bp tljetr beetljjcn boben tfjep Do cffcuD; ieu.10.17. '■ but if be meant mo,jc,a« perhaps be DiD of agmD toil to tiis ^ce: pet be meant not tljat tobtcb toucbetb the point sf tbc popes fu? p!«macie,g:uen^outop:oue , totoeetc, tbat ISiiljops taufes tbiougbtbeboboletoDilomuttberefcrreDto bnn . £tnDljcrecf xGr^o.Regift, ^ fufftdciit tMttnetTc, intbat^'be oucrrulctbtbe calls bp ' tbe lain of Iuftiniantbe0mp3roar.5rm,if any man (faiPtb be)accufe a Bi.liop for whatfoeuer caufc : let the caufe bcc iudged by his Metropolitan. If any man gainfay the Metro- poiitansiudgemet,lst it be referred to thc Archbilhop and Patriarkcof thatdioccfe, and let him end it according to the canons and lawes, Thc caufes of BiQiops (|| grant) muSfirS bebearD Con^^ilGiul- oftbstr Metropolitans; an3 neet,of tbeic Patriarkes. ^et iftb« Patriarkcs iii:)gem:nt be miflikcD tos: tben map tbe partie grce# uea appeale to tJje pope, ano fo tlpp come to bim laic- Rainoldes. ^regoric meant not fo, but ttjat tbe laS tuDgc tbereoffl[)OUl3bethe Pa^jtiarke: as did lultmian alfo . ©SHjicb tbe?ll)ebnplap.nelg,bii raving,Let him ^ end it 5 according to the canons and lawes.Jfoebotb ^ the canons of tbatCou.icell Pi>icb refereeD the caufes of Bilbops to the Patriarkes,Dp mc# tion tl)J as t-)e la® Judges; 1 the lawesof tiSinpeiCuesPbieb granteO appeaics from Metropolitans to them, grantCD no appeals from them to any other 5 naii,fo,'baD erpteCTei? al ^pealing I .Voucliatrus aicio.aci Ore-, goriccfllteti) It. mtiij niCi) "Joucll. I23.CAp.Z>. a ?rA'beat fine. 3 Se^iirvdum ca- Djies or leg;- V ce.ic)!i.eun.0. 17. L. Si-HXii (3:^6p ilH- flUvcc. C.-lecjifeopu ^ i.ii?VXt hHAiro), The ancienc (Popes prone not the Papacie^ 629 chap.8. DiniC 5. appjaltii^from Hart, l^et ciicn tljcrc Grcgonc gtKCt!) a fpcdall p;tuu lege ana p;ecj:dne!Ke to tlje Pope abcue ctl^er Patriarkes.if0^ l^a5DCtl), t^at if a ^iiliop hauc no Metropolitan nor Patri- arkeatall; then is his caulc to be heard and determined by the Sec Apoitolike,vi'hich is the head of all Churches. Rainoldes. JDrue; \)Z bcponli the canons cf €catictl3,aiih the lan'cs efGmpsronrs. JBut tn tljc incane fca* foiijh^ psjloedj lbaf the caufcs of .5i(hops,tub®it!2re fubicde ta aii^otbfrPatriarke, mull not be referres to tbe Popes See. ?S[:ii)crcbp it is cuioent ttjat not all t^eir caufcs tbioagl; tlje luliole Uj:i'b lucre clainicD b? »>. ^rcgoric. ^Inb bcr^tcitljal b^ tljis place it utsp be notch tc,tbat iBljtn nametl; tlje Sec ana Church the head of all Churches , ^e mcanctl) it of E):tcliEnciefo;r{ina;icgiftcsabouetbem,notof tbe fupjettiacte fo; pomcr to goarrnc anftacretb tbc queition that fou inauc btfoje ^ bp5 tbc faine title: If the Church of Rome he the head of all Churches, why not the Siihop of the head of all Bilhops i jfoj t^s name of head isgcuen to t^af C}!urcb in rcfpcct of cf Ijcrs: as it ti>z citk of L taeniae bee. calico in E>iiLnd the head of all cities. ^Ijc llo;D cf awm*"."''" London migbt cbaficc to bnuc a fauourcrjtobo feouD) afUe ttjcrc* c Cap.Maiorci, onilfthe citic oi London be the head of all cities,why not the j ^ Mayor ofAWflw the head of all Mayors ? iSut^ bnotoeno nici.Deparnir. fparojfofintple in England^ bpon tfjis fopl^trnic inculo etn3?a"''c"om teelec bunfclfe a fubicct fo t^e ilo^d cf London, mun.Lulli, (iii« Hart, ^ct pour fclucs grant,^ Zofimus,'Z-'oniface, | Cx- lefl;inus,5ihcl.iimc tljc rigb^ of ap'pcalcs to be maoe to tbc in tljc Cci-n* Domini: caufcs of ibiSpps tb jougf) tlje bobole hJo;!D.?Hlj0 being Popes "nicript. Litera bifcje Grcgoric.almo® tloc buns^ch pearcs: it fcllcinelfj tbat cdog.B»iur.& t|)er of tf;e fcconb fo:f otti sucucb as mucb fo; t^e popes fupje^ m,mp.eprior. nticicin tuaging Cfjurcb-caufcs^as tljeir fuccetfcurs of tiic laC SDf,lU{)ich POU bCniCD. * c/rus reftrua- R ai noldc s. £nD J ocnic it tf ill: neither cotb tbaf p;cuc it. aV.Df.|uibul'''' iro; tljc lalt foet claimetb al the greater caufcs of the church. Concii.wiacflt, iliilbfi'cin tbcp comp:cbena net cnlp tbe caufcs of Bitbcps anb ® tbeClcraie, butofaUcSatcs, asiminp as bee fall luitbin tbc Crfn.can.p.An- * refcrued cafes,as tbcp call tbem.Slnt) bccaufc tijtte cafes bp tbe ancient ^ CounceisJbculbbt^ n'-l bctermineb bintbintbctr r z Blun t.^ip.8. Diaif-J. 6]o Of the Popes fupremacie. EChiptJ, iaidj. f c.significjit^ ovp;^0 ^jo!iincc«,n!3t referrcD to Row.tifcvifoiz ^ no Counccl * ' may prcrcribeala\v(t|>£gfaT?)to bind them . But tljc ct^cr, tD^om 50U iisnieD of t^efccono foitjOib iicitbcr tahe bpon thtm fuc^j poioer ouer Coiinccls,ncj clatmc appcalcs in caufe« of an n^>faut ofliSiil^ops, 0; Clergieatt'^emofi'. 3sfc;^ cafes tofjiclj ^aopesuferusnolyfio.-:! ojoinaric ^luDges to t^c;r oionc CC= cfjcquer: t(jefeconDcfo.it of popes toasfofarrofromDomg it, f^at t^ep to:re m fijcii" graues man? liunojcD pearcs befojc t{je fent tijereof toas felt.il^bctcfo^E pon euerrcafbcD rout felfe,^. Harc,tu'^enrourarDetI)at5thc^i(liopof^<'»»tf hath alw^aycs vfed the praftife of- the fupremacie. jfo^ it is apparant bp tbW Uj'jjicl) 3 ^auc fl^etoeo, tljat not one of tjjent fo^ tpe fpace of 0pe l^unbzco rO'i^tcs after C^;i{t bio euer eitijer bfe it, oj claimc it astjis tigljt. Hart, ^cs: tfjep liearbe tlje caufes of Clcrgic-men appca# IingfotI)cm,anbboltJ tliat tbcrntigbtboe fo. S2lljerefo;c ttjci? tlainico the fup?emacie,ano bfeb if fo. Rainoldes. ?KIf)ttbtea{bni8asgQ)5,astfa f^entipi (Qtntttn man (l^oulb far tljat all tl)C Countie of Kent is |)is oU)n,becaurc fje Ijat^ a i^O^bt^ip in t^e Weald of Kent^ Hart. (KSljat i boe pou accountc it fo fmall a niatter,f^at Clcr^e-men, real5ill^opsCbouloeappea[e tot^em out of alt p;ouinces fb.:oug|) tlje toljoU inojlb i Rainoldes. 3 gtnblr ilo^bf^ip anb large « But notliing fo large as tlje Weald of Kent, mucb leflCc as all Kent. s^cre are ^ manrilojbfljipsmo toit^intlje Countie, tobicbfljeauncicnt popes neither ljab,noj datmeo.©ne 3to;bIhip of being fubicde to no man,no not to the Cl;mperour. 3n other, of hauing poiner onerP;incjs to epcommunicate anb bepofe them. 3n other,of binbing Bi^ops,£@ctropo!itanes,anb patriarhes toith an oth to be their fapthful rubieas.3n Dthcr,ofgiuing Church- liuings anb cfFtces Unto tohom thcp Ittt , 3n other, of b;eafeing the b-inoes of al Cotmrels toith bifpcnfations anb bccras.an other, of refcrumg cafes to tijetr ,&a.?I2Ihereof(to patTe the rclf,li3hich ,T)ecrei>ics e- vou map Siioe fecojoeb w their' Rolles,anb Clunceric) oth piftou. thep neither chalengcb noi polTeffebanp : ther bore net tbmn cdufilpo"'' Ccuntie j 3 meane, thep neither ftoiiM. claimeb no; bfeb the fupremarie. Hart. But Ibill rsu sraunt that fo mtich then of fh: fupre^ marts The ancient Popes prouc not the ^^apacie. 6]\ Diiir',:"* memactea0tI)ri>cIatmcoo;treZ), sno tft^ctrsofrigtjtf Rainoldes, ^o. 5ro? f&e epcepfion ^ toljtcfj $ mauc ngaiittt fc jn t^iDasoftiuobzanct)c« :one, auoucljnotttjcfu^ pjcinacie oftlie ]3opo;tJ)e off}cr,f^t auoucb iiioic, tlnougt) i fiflfc(tton,lf)cni0tracanQri0|)t. ;anotpwiiat)ori?mamfett not onclDbv? t^Dealmges oftfjemiuljom j nameD: Utif alfo b\> kEplft.,, into iojitingo of tljcm toljont ^oti alloagcD, efiit Aug. H art, £Df f bc fbi rD fo;t of p>opM if f ou meane: ffjci? ina^ '• bcrcfufcDperljaps toitt) greatereir""t* came to the notice of the Sec of , jfoj tobat boere tbe Fathers tobobccreco tbat ftob^iB is the fentcnce of §od, bp ofKoLmIt? fobitbtbepBibit i SDboMgb tbts is tbe leaft of manp frienblp rpxcb2S,tub"bnot Innocentius cncJp, but tbe reft to, (as' 3 DebVarm"^' ^uelbctoebin Leo,)DoUnb tbcir Church anb Peter,^ea,fonic ""•s.iefii ie fiat repugnaunt to tbe bolp fcripture: anb tbatjconfefleb bp pour trVinTnaiw felues. ifoj tbep tap that "* all Churches tooke their begin- "p.j.sciTaj.' fling from the :^waK.%tfe bolp" fcripturcmaltctb* ttieipungoftbem . JDbepfap tbat" all jSifhops had their ho- cibarum. flour and name from Peter.SDbe bolp p fcripturc feacbttb,tbat oianrbaoitfromotbcr Apoflles,notfrombini.2Db^t^?*'tM aJ^. the Church of Rami hath neither rpot,norwrinckle,nor any p Aa.14.j5.8c fuch thing.SSbi bolp ^ fcripture Ibcinetb ^ the Church is fan- dificd,t fraincb to be hereafter not hauing fpot,or wrincklc, a >■ or any fuch thing,tube Chrilf ^all make it glorious f trium* eplftop^""' '** pbant in beauen: not,b(it tbat it batb fucb) inbll^ it militant' £pii.i.>7< IK r J «n vmiX.,.'■ Ot the Popes lupremacie. f Hieron. ia le- fln t^e 10 D) oppflrantji^ot siot tpt' i-aihers enlf, ^ugl^'aetVia. bat "^Thomas of alfo, ano &>.' Stapleton conf^fli it. i.t.c.1%. ©lll)Jrcfo,:el)o'u)fo2u:rb>JlpjJtrrntbci'bjeicoffl)crecctiD fojtccf • w pJr;y!'T ^opsa inlict) pcu alleageD: ti cannot be DcmcD bu; bab ' ■ fe(tions,anDp«loeDtberfuntoa0mtn.^ctubeif tbc tbtrf^fo^tg (3 3raunt)arc b?(i booifpic to b-z ctftplcii agatnftfoj ^is fault. . jfo;tti0afmaUtbtngtoitj tbniita bfc fpecbcarcpugnant to tbc &rnp:urc; but tbrp.mutt abufc,tsa, ropnr fmptnre maintcinancc of tbcif T3ap.Ul po;tXbcp can tcarlj tpe Cburrjj tbat" the Pope mayofter to confirmc Archbifhops ' vpon ^ condition,vi'tllbefvtorne to him: becaufc whe Chrill * Taii'conditio-. conimlttcd his (iieepe rnto Peter, hce ^ did condition with him,faying, ^ iffhoU lout mtyfudc my jhetfe,%\^z^ can tcacb^ ttt sclnditiBaem Ctjuccb tljat ^ the Poj'»e hath power oucr al powers.and Prin- pofiiit. ces of the earth,& none hath power oucr him, becaufc^/fee j^°Vni (ineLi. ' )" himfc^eis tHdpdcfti'o rmtitt *xtra dc maio- can teacl) tbe Cburcb tbat Chriif ordcincd Peter and fc"i"ro*i!f j. liters fucceflors to be his vicars, tt'feo(by the teftimonic of Bi*toncii. L*- the booke of King$)?wxj? rfeples hefo ohetfddhat,he who obeieth them t:0t, tmtfi diethe denth.-und , a sit is. read 4 otherwhere, dCCim. o9tU II. /• V r f / Vt> n r iy / t i qHx libriRcgu He that forfakeththe Mtjhop of Kotves thaire tanmt hee m tut t«ftim»n!o. Chtirch Hart. tobit!} t0 citeU out of the booke ofKinges,il ipat rcaw ^ ^ ofDcuteronomie 2Lbc tcpt i$ true ftrtpfnre,tbougb tbe place mtSal!cn.0nb,tbougt) it belong not to t^e l^opemune^ biatelB- Rainoldcs, ^ap,ncuer go about to felae tf,^,Hart.2bbst of Dcutcronomie toe pauc' alrcDp b^^nolcD.piope Leo p tent^ oiaif.j. {jig Gounccll of Lattran baD a ftrong affection to make tbe PopeO Kinges , tobcn tbcp allcagCD the booke of Kings fo> Deutcronomicjf Dcutcronomie fo: tbe l|3apacte. llBut tobat# foeuerpoutbinkeoftbetbtri)e,o:fcconD,o:anpfo:t of popes: it 13agatnflcalllatobotbof(SoD,an6man, tbat tbcplbbulobee nohn 5.? I. toitttsCOM' intbf> otonematter. ano tbcrefojc,ifpour pjoafe of ^ l. buiius.d. tbeirfup:emaciebe nob0ttcr: tbe iurp toill call pou, cut ofal ^nib'«"c co' controtierfie.^oj ^ if I Ihould bcarc witncffc of my felfc (faptb 4i».". & j.c'.si' Cb:iif)my witneflfe were not true, s None arc fit witneflcs in Tr" theirowncaorcs,:>ttonottbougbtbcptocrea0toc:tbiemfatf ' Scipiotoaji,amoga§ i?.<^w*«r?r.3ttoctoababplcatn.^eilmina' V n ScrDall TheFachcrs prouenot thePapacie!»'" <^3; pijiF.'j? Cer^^Xohiij No^c mull haw this land} for iQlm a.^okc (aythfo. 2C^c' Canonihcs Po}Jt5 allcags jDupcs foi pjcDfe of ccrtainz potnte's tcuceing tiizir fup,:cjnaf tc, iu'L"'. M£ note.t^it' it is a familiar kindc of proofe : meaning fiic^ lando.ingiofTa* in fljt common piouert)t,Aniuines among lou u-n p»p,m u- i fiau"eto;ttt«ntiitl)cfetJer^fei'ni2S. ducitmt^em. I ~ ^ ^ „ f • iSuramiPomi® . Hart. aS^cpoUicr, tupicptpci?c!aJmeo, liatpfcenicponcr Rccsfuasiim- ' large to cnutcus ana inalitioos mcn.lSSut it Inas no mo^e ' t^cir rigpt,3nP Puc. 21^picp becaufe t?ou tpinfec not fufficicmlyja ."n b-^aunQr I gioacPPvtticlBiipestijcmfelncsrgiUjilipjpucitfartberti? tte ^M^^aliD^£Cinwl^^£5of^^^bel^a^cl£n^ifatbcm^^ , : ^Senu'rgcj I ilainoldes. iiI)flDl)cmf ' laicPhviaaerie* Hart. iDf t\)e clj'&fcftoft^m,botb 3marus,^!5p tpetr ? antojitie anP crePitias ChryfoftomcjOf I n-nocentius.ffip bottj.: asRifil, Auftin, anPtbc}^ilbopsof>^r%, .oftpe popes in ti)cirtime.£ernardfomchJl}atmo;e. ffititpe liueBpeffercap in tomparifon of tlje rcff; anP tberfo^c not to be numbjep atnsngtt tpe auncient Jratbers.SI^bcugl) neptper ij? bp tins point ptouetp tbepapacp.^uD lob-it tjis iu5gement bias tpercof' 31 Ijaiie tsc# i c hapt.tf. elarcti.poljD fo: ti)?nt,fieft,b}bo afbeo tpc aPutfe anP conufel! of tiie liiope: 3 mill tell pen a ftojic, Iwljic!) (3 prap) conQper of. " Thcodofius tpc Gmpercuroefircustop;ocur;etljspeace of "> ' i p Ct)urcb,rDnfnUcD initb ^ea.ariustl)e33atriarfeet^CovJUm- c"p.' Z ' j it r' 4 " ncpU i ! ^i4 Of the Popes fupremacic, poplty^^ mt^t bett be tatcen fo; enbtng controtttr0e( of rdigion«2Dbc ^iafriarhe tmparteo tljc matter to Agclius a^o^ Mat tan l5t(bop<2!^b^ ^tt^op to Sinnius,a reaOcr tn fjto Cbnrrb* reaoer ii^ue aoutfe ano counfell to tbe p)atriarbe. ^btcb tbe patriarUe ttttco of.ano (betoeD it to tbe t^mperour: tbe Cnu jwrour tmbtaceo it,anD Dealt accojoing tljercbnto. Hart, ^ou looulD tnfcrrc hereoftbat the anncicnt^athcrs might ofbe the |3opea counleU>ano pet not admotoleoge htm to be their rup:ctneheaD, Rainoides. SCrne: a« the Cmperonr tnight of tfjc triarbe; the fBatriarltej of the ^tlbop ,* the ^ilbop of t^ rea* oer. Hart. Ji^he mfe is not lilte . ifo; it toas theperfonall toift# bome,bertue, l^-ning^.j faith of t^fc mcn,tohtch maDe them tff beefoughtto . ^ut t^t^btthuh maoe iheifathersOxltetothi ^opes>lDas the p^erogatiue of their office: Rainoides, ioaihercin the? coulD not erre, as pen hearo fa? ««bt Rhemift at ° Rhtmes. I5ut ?ou tolw Diftinguilb t o ffice of^ ^opcs fro a»" 3 u pcrfonali faith ano giftes in this rojt,maff be pat in minlr oScxt.S3rnod., that bp the fame reafon ° Virgins f^fiantne- poiif^"»!' fottghf to ^opc Honorius, in rofpett not of bis pcrfonali * * wircdomcjvcrtucilfcfningorfaithjbutof hhioffice to. 3inO to thall pourTdfe befoueD to confleffe,that epther the pope map erre in ronfultattons,U)htch he bealeth Uiith bp reafon of his of- fice,aspope Honorius ots : oj, the j^atbcrs fetlnng to the. popes fojconnfell DID feebe in refpert of their pcrfonali giftes, f Au-ufl.tyift. that thcptoere learncD nnD goDlp paltours i as p manp foaght ■ c i. Aullin then, "J to Caluin Iatelp,thoth3h "t^tr of them toere, ftoLt 8c refp6i». Pope. Hart, ^ap: it IS cerfatnc that Terom fought to Uama- ripfft.57. fusfoj his office faKe. herpcaUethnclmelpofthcchatrc. of Peter; that IS,the ^poffoUkc committcD to ©amafus. Rainoides, iSut toithallhcfpcabcthof the inheritance of the Fathers,thatis,thcChii®ianfaich, tohich jDamafuskcpt vncorrupred.anDth^efojehcfoughttohimas goDip Icarneo, not as a Baffour onlp: not fo; his office fake alone, but fo; his perfort; furcecDing as in place,fo in Dodrine to Peter. .SLhot^ intohatfoeucrrefpctfanD confioeration icrom fought to Da- nafus : hisJ^king to be refolueD in a point offaith > Doth not import The Fathers pioue not the 'Papacie- 6] j the Pope would vfe his own autoritic in fen- ding men to fuccour them. //art., ^ou Doe ha great tnturie, fa? t^is neto Diffimtion of aptoritie anD power, jfd; Bafil iwant power,toljen pe nattieo; autoritie. bSocrat.lih. (. cap«2.(4.i<» & JO. Cppi.l.fi, Rainoldes., ^outnillnotfapfo, if?outoeigfj tlje grbunoe aiiD circumffancea of t)ia rpec£{)e,iFo,i'' t^e (SalierneCburtijr^; bcmg peOircD ihttt) t^e 0rtan herefiie bp meanea of the : peronr Valcns,ait arian,tot)o pcrfecutcp, tpe Cattjolifeea: tba C)ur£ijea o^l;e pictt (hnoer y^lentinun, a Catl)orthe^^rHi» peicur) DID floufiCp boitlj fineeritie of faith ano faithf-HlliiSyp; ^ tS alloVl • •SOp tS 3^\k- Spil.j;. Xl)1oJ XVm '^ZVTHO'Oil TTt^l TO TT^xy.u-x. ^ 5 (ivri n^vS It*! tr^cooAi' k5 Aiyyixt rac. «5.pil.J7. f Cs>i*cil TriX Se.T.i+:ap.7. content of the WefterneSilhops is the onely way & mcancs tohclpcitjinhisiudgement , For if they would Ihew that zeale for our Churches, which they did for one or two be— ing taken among themfclues in crrour: it is likely (faith fje) ; that they fliould do vs goad; by fealb that the rulers i^-ould regarde and reutrcnce ' the credit of their tnultitadc,& the • people euery where would follow them without gainfaying,. ^liotothia.liuhrretohebDtlheDamuItitudeofRilhops^", is the thmetfiafaftcrlJiai'D he fought to the Pope foj. Mhom^ . hepjateD to deals + himfelfin the niatter,and vfe his own au- toritie in choofing and fending fit men to that purpofc, be- caufetheWcftcrncRifliopscouldnotdoeitcafily 5 byaco- men conference and decree of Counccll. &o that he De0re6* Coimcelsatoechieflisbecaurcthfifrconrent & multitude hao greater credit: ao in ' h'^ tpiUlc totlje iECIcCernc ISithops themfclues hsfa^^h teas net power tha'efoeo, but credit, auD reputation that S«'2a(il jncanttnfuingtoberuc<« toarcDhvl^c autoritieofthsPope. COiljirh pou mutt nbcDtl grant, buIeirepouteiUrapfhafhethoughttheCcunteU to be abuuethcpope in potecr, agatntt poufffrfsr-Doctrine cf the Popes fupreme power ouer the whole Church . ^S fo> S, Auftirt auDtheBi^spsofj^rni^f: itic.fo aianifett that fhott hsptthtencw diftindion, as pou terms it, ifoj of thetUjo |)opcs •ii'' X The Fathers proue not the Papacie. 6xj Clupc.n. Diiiil 5i!iopffilpf)cm rou fap fougljt to: e fj^ep DrfirrD tlje cne fo ®|hs aurofi'tic; '■ flje ctl)cr,not to c^alsnge ^ power w t^vQ)tir£t>-caurc». ;a great fault of pou;s, tofap, tljat S. Aullin and the ^iOiops of^ Afrtk^ fought to Carkltu fdh!be«"iu't'' nas torthc prcfogatiucofhis oflficc,to5)cn tpep Dealt aaainlJ «^,au- • ^10 bfurpco p^crogafitlc^ (Greater,tfpou Dfo it iuittiuglp anD Utillihgipi CStiljereof' poor Annotations Doe gmettrongluipi? cosccflurosfpe. tion,tn that fjauing quofrD all the of jjer platej, tjrep leaue this bnquoteDjlcafl: the reaoer flhpulD finDe the frauDe. juteniacxiioi- Hart. Jtuasnotatthefinil^tngofour Annotations.EDhep, toha fef thent Dotone, bncto theirotone meaning: ano toiil (31 """ toarratpou)maintaincit. ISuttohat a foueraintie ^ fathers pttlDeDtothe?9opettmap apparcbp fhi0,(a«2C>.''Scapleton icftmjn^toncTr. ■fljetoeth,) ths? fhfl«3hf no Councell to be of anp foicc bntcflre "p * he confirmeb it. iFo.j 'the iFathcrsalTfmbleD in tljc Councell of ^„rinstS«» 2\(_;«(thcfinigenerallCouncel) fent thcirepitfleto popcSil- C'>"fta « ucltcr,bcfi®£hing him to ratific and confirmc with his conknt & whatloeiicr they hadorddned. ai-turcjjmo Rainoldes. JDhsCoujtcdlof A(^»«haD no fuch fanfic cf the 13opf.Ctmr cpiftle is fo;gcDt anD he>b3h0 fotgeD it,toafl not Kotnan,!priiii- hiflcraftei--inaillcf. j?o?oneof' thcifatherspjctenBc5toh'*"e vtontcii it is Macarius'2ifhop of C»nfiantwep/e, (2®herens Xcgntc of tl?t- \nKotac. m 3'. .doSlr. €onjhmn9p!e haD itot that name pet in certainc peareo after tljc ^^1''^"- »Date of this cpiltlCjbutinas callcD 'Byzarimtr^:" neither Uj<^.0 it.n Macarius Ai(hQpof^yx>i«o«wat that fane, bat Alexander. 'fl^ojcouer,thep are»mBet6requeif the^opethat' hcwilafle- conVAhic»n blc the BiQiops of hi s whole.citic.l2'ihiehi8a o;fflnhrn fpotchi ,, ■filththe Bilhops of his wholedriefncrebut one; anD tljatonc taa8hintklfs» tEinleCTethephfcDtljctoo^D Cdticj asttjc^^ope (anftnering tljem in Itbe ro:t)flMt he conferred wuh" Vhe Bi- fhopsofthcwholcciticof/f^ l-rw Niccp'ioj.ti-.rcaiiUig.cvijJaitit Geijfbr. ctiTo,n hi?.?. .3;' ifiicopci lotius o;b.T p. c c- ... 'iftslll'.l 4 i I Dinilf 6^8 Qf the Popes fuprcmacie. ^ijcirri!£r0tt? Kan. SCIjC iraf(j«'0 ofti)0 Cpunttll of ConJh$ntmeple (tfje fcconD generall Coun£{lI)U);ofe to pope Damafus foj his con- i)Hift.ecciefi- decrccs,;anD tljat is tottncffet) bp ° Thcodorcr. Rainoldcs. ^t is: anb Co iDitnefleD, t^at tf ou£rtb;obwt^ t|jc Popes foucraintic,U)i)icbB).:>taplctonU)oulo p:ouc bp it. ifojtteplD^tctopntlptO Damafus,A.mbrolc,Britto, Valeri- an, Afcholius, Anemic, Bafil,an&tlje reft of t^e CSieftcrnc iSif Ibops aCTcniblco in a CounccU at onlp to t!)cm,but to tjjc CDnjperoiii'Theodofius,^ea,to Theodoiius in fcucral,anD »"0.'Jtfo^cibIp.ipojP t|jcprEqucfteDbwn tocanfirmcand rati- .■ed Thcododum fic their decrees and ordinanccs.^tjercfo^ if pope b^ue Gr^rdccvc Si fuel)afupitniacie, tobffc' coafcntanolikingtberEoftjjcpOeftf! ubcii. s.nodi. reD: tobat iupjcniacie batb tljc (£nipc,rour,tDl^m t^ep tefougbt cir.conftitiat toratifictbem,anOtoconHrmctb«U^ Hart, ^ap: pour otoii Diftinttion ofpo\ycr,an5 autoritic, iz3-u'j^6i>. totb feruc U)cU anb fitIp to tljis of tijc- Cmperour. jfoj tbcir be^ ^HVdtt, trees anb o;binances of bottrinc , lucre ti ue; anb of bifciplinc, isnbjtbou6bbeb^bnoteonfinnebtbein . Butmoielucnlbac# yifTfi. itept of tbcm as ga)b,anb true.ttj.iouaJj bis boojb i countenance. ^IslDefeetbatnianp boe frame tbcmfclucs to pjinres iKbge* nient0.^Mbercfo;e it boas tl)z CEmperours autoritie,anb crebit. fo; lubicb tbep beftreb bis confirmation of tbeir becrss: not fo^ unp foueratntie of power tbat bs b^D iu matters of religion* Rainoldes. Notforanyfoueraintic of power that hce had to make matters trne,of falfe j o; gob, of euil: but to make bis fu biectes bfe tbem as go)b,anb true,being fo in bsbe. iMbicb perhaps tbe ifatl^rs of tbe CounccU meant to. But pour olun flunftucre map teacb pou to mcnbpour imagination of tbat tbep i»;ote to pcpe Damafus. ^oj t^ bcctrine of Cb?ift>bDbicb tbs? bccrsb, luas true; i tbe bircipline,gob; tbougb b^ not to 0 fenteb to it*But mo;e luoulb accept of it as gob ,f true, fb.JOugb bisagrecmentanbalioluancc.^sluercetbat manp boe foilolu tbe mtnbrs ofBiibops.SSlbcr^o^s it ibc popes autoritic unbcrebit, fa; to^tb tbep oefircb bis confent to tbeir bccrces: not fo; anp foueraintic ofpowcr tbat be bab in matters of relt- gioiLtSIbicb is plainc bp tbeir crauing not of bun alone, but of Otber Btibops to like thereof aifo,that the ChrilHan faith be- ingagreedvpon,andloucconfirmedaraongU them, they mighc The Fathers prone not the Papade. 659 inight kccpr the Chutch from fchifmes and diffcnfions. Hart. |={U ISil^cpg mlg^t aUo\D tlje tcmTSDf vTotmceLs fa? fonfcntin0toti)cm . if at t^eiCo^econfirmcDtfaCiain fpjciall fojt.irOi5>.'^CynIlf;ut|joftf)etl)!rcgcncialCouncd of Ephe- fits, tfaat Pope Cslcltinus \yrorc agreeably to the Counccll, • and confirmed all thinges that were done therein. Rainoldes. S.CynllfaptljnottfjatofCarlciUnus, butof Sixtus.^^ctebcif.tf Ijao: ?ct iDonlfa picuc autorine fiiU, anBnctpoMrer, ^s'^Profpcrnotetl^ljjell fljatthe Neflorian rTachranico. hcrcfie was fpecially withllood by the induttric of Cyril,and the authoritie of CalciHnas.ffiut tfacfe tier? toojDe5 of Cyrill, tcHcfains Sixtus, DoecuertljjoiD ?ourfanfieconceaueoontba laoptB confirming of Ccuncf 10 . ifo;, f{jcCounceUof£/?^f/«x loao offoice nno ^cngtlj in Cscleftinus time fa? ?our oinn con# fcffion. i^oiU3ifl)£fanDing Sixtus, to^o fuccafacD Ijim, Dici con# fimi it afterUjaro.g n oaoe ? trutlj DcpenDetb neittjer of Coiicel, no? of pope: t{jougfa,tDl)c popeo f Councelo ioere gmo f goBl? minoctJ.t ijc? toere cljofen beCTelB anfa inttrumentB of Ooo to fct fo;tfatl)etrutlj.ifo?a5lofliuara?Dto'all thctribesof Ifrael, fiof24.T l.vcr.K . u I. Xiin.j. 15^ cucnto tfac p?iefi0alfoairemb!eD in a Councell,' Ifit fcemee- ' uilltoyoutoferucthcLorde , choofc you whom you will fcruc,whether the Gods which your Fathers ferued, or the Godsofthe Amorites; but I and my houfc will ferue the Lord; To the rigt)f faitlj anb religion ofCb?iit isfimTC of it feifc, ano ougljt to be imbjacco of euf r? Cfnifiian Uiiftj tjio faoiiOjclb, tofaetfacr it pleafe the tribes,ttjat i0,f!)c Cfaui'cl),o^ no. HSut the ^ Church is namcO" the pillcr and ground ot truth in rcfpect of' mcn,becuule it bcarctl) bp tfae trmfa, anb confimTtflj if,tii?ougf) picac^ing ofttje too.iD,b? theminittcricof Prielh in the clbtc^«Mai.t.?. Camcnt,anD^5ifliopsintl)cneto,lDhpmtt)crcfo?c^ Safil tor# y mctt) the pillcrs and ground of truth. jSobJ, fjie mo?e there beoftljefstnbomaintaineit, anbtfacgreater cresit tfae? faaue amongftmen: the Crongerana furcr the truffa ooffa fame tc be, ^ ^ ^ anti man? ?eli) tfae frner to it. jfo? laljiclj caufe' ffae bottrrnc of by'er.i. Barnabas anb PauI,thouglj aHurebl? true,?ct inas cofimicb j b? lames,Peter, anblohn, who were counted to be pillers; ?ra, b? tfje Ccuncell of the Apoitles and Elders at laffialem : anbbeingfocjnfinnsbtnaoTccclneb ntojc rcbi!? anb glabl? fAft..Iver.'*' loth at Antioche, anb ^ iti etycr cities; in fo much that ^ the s vcr.j. Churches 'i#f! ] i^s.' il¥ i'li ll'i iir ;,! {Ill • ! n'?; •' ■ H if' 1 fi '¥1 1 ! I Cnipt.S. PiiiiT.i?. 640 Of the Popes fupremacic. Churches were itablidied in the faith,and increafed in num- ber daily. She men ofcSoD therfoje.toho in ancient time Inerc h AtKanaf. in odorec.hiit cci DfU)z]^opz,dLl)trh all of them oiD not,but iftheg hab bone lUget mul! haue bone it in tljio congberation: gou mag fee bga ptlleranb groimbofgotir Councclof r?-f«/,cueiTAndra- dius.u2fl)o not onig taouchcth learned mc do moil: wifely thinke it.as Alfonfus ^ namelg: but allcagetlj alfo Cars kDctcnf.fia. '/■fident.llb.i. * Doililsi.ni viri fapicntilsimc I Aifoafu^'a ca- bt'"!! Turrecremata,the chiXfelt patrone of the 10ope,fi ftro dc i aahiE- of tije fame,o,j rather of a farther point. For if there (lioulde BkioncTuc.d. happen fiich a cale (fagth'" the Carbinal) that al the Fathers lolian.Tiii-re'; allembled in a generall Councell (hould make a decree tou- :m.de Po.at. (.hiup matter of fay th with one accord,and the Pope a- ...ax.gener.que , o , J J , /■ • 1 ' v Concii-autori- lone gainefaicd that decree; men ought(m my ludgement) rate ad B*(iiae'. fo obcy tlic Counccll thcrcin.and not the Pope . Slnbluhgf numoracovci) ^ / i • i r/ n r n refpon.niu#,. 2?ccaute the mdgement ot io many Fatners of a generall CounccI iccmcth to be iiuHy and worthily preferred before iKon ot-ft. the iudgcmentofone man in a matter of faith. ^Hhcrcbpotl «iu°ifaIaionis" (jsabbcth that the Councell then is abouc the Pope,' not in jsedaHwriure pQwcr of iurifdidion, ^but in antoritie of iudgemcnt to cl^aTir^aiortca- difccmcthinges,and in amplcneffe ofknowledgc»aChU0it 15 tc.asf rurrecrc- appHfanv bg gout oluue Dcrtojs, that,to confirme CounceU sumTd?cc^' tuipo;teeh an autoritie tljc OBcpe hab, not power: anb that iw cici".i.3.c.tf^. lyas not ibueraincin autoritie neither , no not as mucljase# quall,but iufcriour to them, j^o farrc ia it off from p;omiTg hhJ fupjemacic. riart. Shough Csinnrds be aboue the IDope in antoritie, after the opinion of Carbtnall Turrecremata; get gcu fx he fcts tc£h the pope aboue them in power of iurifdidion,titherin Ijia fupiemacte both pmictpallg Ctanb.^nb that bib the ifathers acs tmotnlebge bg their bxbes te.jfoj Athanafius Bit'hop andrUy^OiUlQtronfimtinople, Afclcpascf , Marcellus of (sX«c>r4,Lucianoft^i3in4»(?/?/f,anbtierg mang other Mihopa cftijeCoat, b.ingb.uucnoutoftheirChurcheabg tl;e.^rian0, bib The Fathers proue not the Papacie. 6 f*- UtD asp^ tc t^c ^i)ope,aJ" ecclcftatttrall If oases fl^eUj. j" jYjr' Rainoldes. E^tjc Itories Il^cU) it not: but lye, UjIjo fapflj cm.u.'c.i j. they flicvv it,I^£lu£t'^ tfjaf ^e DealctI) Initl)tbcm in tt)isspoint,as 1-j« in'' t^e fojmet luit^ S» Cyrill. ISat^ abufetj v'ou fo oftcss,anD o D.Staplcton, tuill ton neiici rcafc fo crecit i;im i Hart. 2Dt)e ftories (hew tljaf CtUlIC fo Rome to ]0op0 In- ' 'pl'b.7.cri<», lius,ani) Ije fo;tt)c pjcio^afiue ano Dignitio of ijis ^ee rcSoioD tljcmfofldrC^urcfica, p£rc£iuingfpciftl;s;arian3 u£Dt^cmiD;onj^uUp. Rainoldcs. ^t)e dignitic and prcrogatiuc of the See of Smt,m reftoring them,ii)as but of autoricie,anD honour,siof ofpovper.ifo;ltl;2pow'erof{)oaringaitoiudgingt^0ircaujo Dt3 rettin tl;c Counccil aEcinbieD ttjcn at J^owe.tMtiicljIalms Ijmi^ Ielf,anJj Athanafius boff) bo fcftiao.Athanafius, to^o fpOvahnig t^reof afcribtfl) it plainlip to the Counceli.lulius,b5l;o being ^ Apoiogu.i. rtpjoucb bp tl); Brians fo; oucrtbtoartingtljaf lobJct) tljep Cone in tljcir CoiinccU,'' anftoeretlj tbat the doinges of a tor- ^ i,, cpift.aa e- merCouncclImay ianvfuily be lifted and examined in an o- pilcopos Anti. ther;tt)atthem(eliieshad oftfed to haue the caulc debated g^tot.'Ap.fa a- fo in iufnndgement^and thereto had rcquefted a Councell thao/apQi-i. to be called jtbat Athanafius and the reit appeered at the Councell,and they who ihould haue alfo appeered made de# faute;tbat hereupon the Councell finding their iniqnitie, relicued the parties wrongfully opprefied; to be tlb2;f , t^at whatfocucr he dealt or wrote therein,he cliditoii the Coa- cds iudgcmcnt,and confentjnot on his ownc head.C21l5;ei'£# fojcit Uws not tl)epop2,but the Councell, tljatbcarDanODe# ^ tcnnineiD tbc taufcs of ]t5iSI)ops,l-obct^r at firu,o; on appealer. ^UClj power of iurirdiftionnetfjcrCtD luliiis ciainic, ITO; A- thanafiusgiuctjim. Hart, ^es : tb^reisan oUiai'epiOflcof Iulius,1job2r(^n bee rRcfmpt.i«iii tlatmcbfuch power,an3tbatbpQntbccanoiisDfti)c Councell r^ap-ccootra o- OfMre riestalcs.Conc. " * TO'W-I* Rainoldcs. 3| tolD poll of epiffles Islnc?) f^mcb fo be to;it# t in 3 Jii- ten bp fo'ne oftbcBopes bo?'^-tt$pers 0; cokes. Stt)is is one Df tbem.^t IboulD be tbo berp fa,n;,that 3! aUeageD,ertant in A- [ thanafius. But it is no Ifeerit.tben black is to bJbite. SCbsca- i nonsjUibicb it ccinetb boitli tbc image anb fupc. fmption oftbc ^at bfrs,betx);ap tp$ lebJbitvlT? of it»^b? Rw# J j bccaufc luhus chapter. DitiiT.tf. r 'fil! it I 1 . ii - 642 Of the "Popes fuprcmacie. »HiR,ccdt.l.2, cup.iy. xlib.jcap.io. y C»nci.Nic<«ii, Julius in tlje fame epiaie(as Athanalius iijitl) t!:) ciietlj tl)cir au* to^itie fo.j the Counccll aboue flje Pope, to^jo in tfjui arc citeo fojtljc Pope afaoue the Counccll.ilKIlberefoje Cffj Athanafius Ijatb t)l0 rig^t cptUIc, a0 it is confcllcb: ^ou mntt: be content to let t^e Oifjer go fo;a counterfeit. Hart, ^ct" 5ocrates | * Sozoms rcpojf,tl)at Julius tojote mlji0epittletotfje;arian0,t[)atwhcreasthey called not hfia vnto the Couiicell,therein they did vnlawfully: becaufeic was prouidedby a law oi the Church , that things which were dccrecde and done without the Popes confent Ihouldc be voide, Rainoldes. 3lfl"lius[jaDto;ttenro to t^e :Slnan0: luliut ijabUmtcn a mamfctt tintrut^ . iFozbpytljcJV^wCanons (iu^icbtocrcftiecbicfcQlawesoftheChurchattljaf time) it toa0 OjOerCDjfNt Councels ihould be kept ycercly t wife in e- ucry prouince.JCo all toljict) it hJcrcriDicu'.oua to fa? tpat tljei? mull call tljc pope :ojt!jaftl)c? might doo nothins tijerebut loljaf he UliCO of.215ut Socrates anD Sozornen DID millaltc Juli- us,30 ^ Stapleton Dotl) nohj.^nh'tob^*know ye not that this is the maner and cuftome ' that yeiliould write to vs firft,that hece might be decreed the thing which is iuil ? the? thought that h7tioche, c,; tohofoe# Apalog.i. uerhetoerethathaDtherajmcincheCounccll of ConjUntuw- flc. jfo; r t^ pope habit not. Chirblp,thei5ithopDfepiftletoDai nndria, Hare. ^ap,Cyrill,tDho ha® it in the thirb general Councel, c]!riib.j.c; loas ($44 the Popes lupremacic. fn HiHor.ccclc. Ipag SDeputte therein to pope CslcUinus, ao Euagfius & MartMorfp. Rainoldes. CdcfhnusiopneOl^toauto^itiefoCyrils.lBnt dLGhaUe^ds". CyrilltoasPrcfidcntjaslPelasCzleflinus , in "mo^emcno »as. scEpifco'. tuogcmcnttlien £uagrius,l^c\i!beit,tfl^elDcrcnof: pet Mtx- mn^iarTaa!!? ^111 jjauc 3 hcad IfilLifoj ° ©iofcorus teas Prcfident *• o Ada EphcV.' in t()e neet ofEfhefits: ntitljer Ijealone but alfo tt)o 515ifl)cps of ciTcWc'iftt anO , SSStj^refo^ClftbcErciidcntfl'jipofagc- c . C.1 .1. ugj-jllCounccll DO maUe a luprcmc head : CordHbain Spatne^ Alexandria in Egypt,lerxjalem in leiWte, anD Ottjer riticS oftljs map claime tift iuprcmc headlHp as toell ao Rome in itaUe^W^z l|3ope botU be lott) to baue fo manp partnero. Ii5ut to Deltuer bitnfrom Ibat feare,o;.rather the Chnrchfromhto tpo ranmeaano the truth from pour fophifmc: there io a Diftintfiori psuaimadeee. in ? CarDtrtall rurrccrcmata tohichnoting bpon ciefia lib. J. Derp potnt.Thc Prcfidetfhip of Coanccls(hcrapth)is tw^o- "p'rltWentia foldcoiic,' of honour; an other, ^ of power .Prcfidcntihip' honoraria; of hortor,is,to haue prceminecc in place, to propofc things^, L^/urrecrl^i- to ditcd thc adiotvs, to gLuc dcfinitluc ientcDCc according. tacaiutDtt- to the voices and iudgement of the Councell, Prefidentfliip «at power is to haue the right,not onely of direfting, but of note poteibte, ruling their doings alfo,and to conclude of matters after hi» Mte"?cp««i- ownc iudgement, though themcatcr partofthc Councell onis.aa hefti-. like it no>t,yea,though no part like it. ^ota the ^Bepcs fupje#- I?''' thalengrth this Prefidcntfhip of power in CounccIs,a5 <1 aTp Cicme- though ho alone toere fouei aine tuogc there: tehieh apparcth tineri^t^D : bp hts pjaftifettt the CouHcell of,3116 fcp the CarDt# princip.cw' naUD3ttrinEUitfhthe''"chiefelipapilff:..i5ntthat, tohifh t.hs general Councell of cWcfmtttt,^. 5 Auflin Ca^tp) hath the preeminence of a higher roorae in the paftorall aAmb'roCcom; watch-towerwhich is common to all Bilhops.^inD iuillan^ inan Dcfirr greater pjaifcs of tf)c popes Gipitmactef ex nou. iToLi Rainoldcs. anp man 4)oe: matt tabs the paincs to ?ch^oftj» X^themfometDhereelte.^urehetsnotlttteto fitiot them ia 5s).;n Mat. loar Staplctoa.if o.i tljefe are the chtefeff of all in hts treafarie^ Bahtchtherefojeh^calleuoutjanoftntthemfo; ^ a p^efcnt to tEpX "a'eX Grcgoricthethirtanth:tott)etotoh"tS®i' toojces fhe^ gius catoriaT-ontis- ofhts^olinefliefojhteliheraltttefotnaro the EtJ^hJlj ^cmrna# rtes.BathepjeTentethhtm tutth one title mo;e , tuhteh acc'moccrtio. taae omitteo: ano pet oofh it aoaanre hitn aboae all the rett. ' Hart, ^oneofthettflestohichth^i'aihersgiuehint 315^ like pou meane that of' the (Smperour- i Mamanut m Rainoldcs. : 3I meaac that of his otone, * SMpremnm in Dceoe it hath uo jfatherstettimonie to p^oue mni^tQ rap, it.lButasinthistitlcheplapeththenotable flatterer ioi^ the Pope :fo,in the rett,the notttbleibphittertoith poo. i?o;the H* p'cfians.Aa. ties of our Prince , the toppe , the chcefc and chic- »?•»*• ieftofthc Apoftolikccompanic , thctcacher of the whole werld,an other father of the houfliold, anS the firll begot- ten: aregtuenbp Optatiis,Chryfoltomc,Epiphanius,anoa^ ^ ®9 Aifonrm tattarb Aullin,to Petcr,n3ttot^ ^^ope. Stapleton alleaging ^auer"L«l^ them fapth that he vfeth the wordes of the Fathers . STtjat is IJb.io.in Melt tunninslp fpahen.ifo.: it is true he vfeth their wordcs,f^ugh t5'e Dtuin«''o« nst their meaning.0s foj the title of vniucrlall Patriarkc: the i-otm, cenfura ComctUotCbalceden '(iDhichh^ fl^ue itnot to the laope neither, append.Tom.4* Hart, bib not' Thcodor-e ano cettaine others thers "Sondu'ckc"! giae it to IBope Leo. aa> Rainoides. ^fetoptD'C fuiftrs, in their rupplications to him ano the Councclljbtb feefee hisfanour toith it. )15ut neither the Councell noj anp one 315ilhop of the Councell gaweit him. Hart. gaue it h»n>at leatt bp their confent, i iabge? f a ntent Sef 646 Of the "Popes fiipremacie. M.foibIw^e" weitt.ifoj t|ie^ toculD l)auc rcpjcuea it fetljcn tptv iMtU it rtao si* ded.ii.fcr«.io. in tlje fuppUcationSjif tljep IjaP net ailotoD of it. ^ s;[ Rainoides. ^a|? pou foi tofsat ttiin^cpcu t^enof" f Cou* ^e^iii.Toicef- coIl of Lateran I topcto tl)t pope w toloc (anD t^at, in a" ?str* a ea giuen all po«'er in heauen and in earth; -® »mni! poteftas poajUi^icl) tsmoje,tt}at ^ he hath all power aboae all powers in oele > in both of heauen and olearth.S>iOth2Ccunc£UaUoto of t^jofc -'t t^ioofaw"* blarpijcmoito fp^ctjos f2:pep 5tD net repjcue t{)£»i. ■ ■ ' t£)e«nti). Hart. ^3ut tljcCcuncell of cio offer tljomrdufS onimrpotdtaj ffJSfiiJs ofvniLierfallPatriarketo pcpcLco^as "Grego- ■■•' fapraomncs lic lonteti) t t|)ep siD Hot ottlp fjoaro tt giucH Ijini bp otl?ers. ^ caii"^uan"rr» Raiuoldcs. ^ tyregorieaffimiEtf) it to be ? a ncw,a proud st rASpohen of a ponipous,a profane, 1 a rafli,pcruerre,foolifli, abomina- " Wopc Eugeni- ijig^ r viricked,and ^ fuperftitious title:' a name of finguiari- -.M ^lugiaSb'4. tie,ofatrogancie,ofblafphemie. C^eCoancell of Cl^lcedon epia.j 2.& 3(f. ijjjg a companie of fir !)unD?cD Btlbcps ano ttnrtie/ounD in ro^ */? q^piii'j?. ligto«,aniJ jealous of the glojtc of ©oo. ^ou niuft parDcn me,if rcpiti.39. 3|.Difcrebif rather tljebjojo of one (^''^gone: then thinhc that c 1*4x7,32.' firehunbjeDanb tbirtie fuel) 315tibops oio offer fo commit to " great iniquitie anbfolic.ifoj neither is there anp p;«Dfe of tbaf P offer in anp part of the Councclljtohieh ^hol^ erfant: anb :;:t: fhattoh«hJ"3l'e"Gregone to mifri^oit the 5iihopof^o»- 3,ii'a»2 2)ctxieb flantinople , mighf tiitiuce h's^^ Jt^etiKic to mtfi cpo;t thcfe IBt# •£::: fhopstaj.'Mhereinhtsiaffedisnmapbcthemote fufpenct), be^ a xlib.^.ind.i i ratffe * hr fapth farther,that it w<«s offered to his predeccffors -X epiit.jo. not only by thc-Oouncel,biit alfo by theff athers following* - X £Dhe names (it is lifeclp)ofthcfc Pathws foUobjing thculB haue bencfffljth comming,if thep hab bene at hanOjthe matter being j fo impojtant. l^ctubeit if thep, ano the CcunccU both-* has not -ie onlp offereD it,but giuen it alio: pet might f!;£ P h^£ "iCli refpjrtoflcfferpieemtnence then the Papacie. if jj.. nscDcs be tlje CounccU ihoulb h^ne bone.: fo; elfe tfjcp h^b ron^ y>con=!!. chji- trarieb >' their olnne oecraes anb actians.idnb tljo .Bcpe himfrlf' & ts'anbmit tO the Pactiarkc of Co:'/fia^itwople,ma title of hcnour ^i;s scfsi®ns troln)an9 not of potocr. iSclherefo.je the Srff title, put bpon the z^'sdrunti)?' ifathers of theCounteU of Chdcedon^ iiifcrrcth.ret ;the popes > : i^js-synDd. Ni- fup.iemacic.S^uch leffe bot^the nert,alleageb out of Cyprian, 2, , although Cornelius,a goblp Bilhop Qtl^nie, be tliere na* luei Biihop of the Catffolike Churchpet is he fb Kameb, not: -i,, ' as. ^ . v.. - p mill III ---- ■■ ■ TlicFathers proue not the 'Papacie. ^47 R3tl)SiDO:5[CatholikcJ0gm'tiet^vniucrfa!J, butastt ffgtttS- etl) right beleeiiingjholding the Catholike faith. WHl^ecdo^e t!iiiah£i^nonio?cf!i;b^rup;nnaxte , ttjsnfo^ " Athanafius ioil^op offiAhxaf7(irfa,nm ^ ot(jer Cat^oItfeeBtfiEjops, all Ath''aju*ipo"'. arenaincD Bifhops of the Catholike Church. b Epift.conci4 Hart. a particular Cf)urc|j map be calteo Catholike tn re- }!,'"<.' ^co"' fpcfl of tlje Catholike faith luhttj) tf p^ofeEet^, 0n3 fo iuasiA- cilii Sardiccnfis thanafius JiBtfijcp of the Cati^like ^lexanflyta^ cV't! Rainoldes, Cornelius 3i5ifl)flp oftlje Catholike djotc^ cil. Conftant!-' %Mome. "?P- '6refs.3u» Hart, : he toas ^ilhop offh« Catholike Churcl; of " thctohole Uio^lo , not of the citie onelp. jfoj it fcl* lotoetij'^ in the fame place,that there ought to be one Z>ifiiop dib.s.fp.tr, in the Catholike Church. Fpifl.<6.eii:.' Rainoldes. 'SDsnt tsi,in the Catholike Church of tlje citie cypdauo!"^^"^ fifiJowf.jfoj Cornelius himfelfe, in tohofeepililcthat is iuat» fen, faptho^cr tohere (entreating'lofthe fame matter) that JEpift Hr^bi. there ought to be one 'Silhop in the Catholike Church, pjfcopu^!^'" wherein there are fixe and fourtie Elders and feuen Dca- cons, * in aSynodctuhieh th^hh^lQ at iDcre abouc thrcefcorc Elders and Ifeacons: hoto manphn* tjcDmojeth^cnghth^ IJ)o;Uj i Ceih'tffoje C.h H^^and fourtie Elders and fcucn Deacons , toei'C not all the Elders ano'Deacons cfroeUJOjlO,but Of the citie of Romt; it folloto# eth that the Catholike Chunh luhercin he faith there ought to be one "Sifliop^toas the Catholike Church of the citie of Rome, notofthetDholcinoilD. anb, that this inas meant in that of Cornelius, it is berij plains bp the cccafion of his fpeech^ ♦ fobp the canonoftheCouncellof AficemaDe on that occaSon. if 0? the Church * being trowblco at that time toith the fchifme»«ts tallfpnagogiies anofchifmaticall conuenticlcs . CSEhsrcbp it came to paffe that in ene citie there i»ere tiro ISiflhcps , a Ca# tholikc.ani! nn Ijeretihe: as in Cornelius anO Nouatia- callcb him ^Sifliop of the Catholike Church: coitDemmng flje Ccmeiium. ^ouatiansas »loifh " fs( i Nouatia- lillf l1 I '' • ^ f. ;■! I! 31 .1 . 1il !■ « 1,1 Oiip.t. Piuif.f. 648 Of the Popes fupremacie. kCan.l. tSacrachift. tccl.U.c,io. (ntpi(l,5:;,ad C*raclittiD, Nouatianus.3im> as fa^B farther, fljat there ought to be one^ilhopinaCatholikcChurch, accojBinfl to tlje ancient i7.ttDJ mu o>Ber as 3' ; fo toas it oecrao bp the i^tcen Councell S cni ter. touchinj t^t ^ouattaHS b)ho became CathoIibeSjthat, if a "Si- ihop of theirs were conucrted ' the Catholikc Church ha- iunga^i(hop;hc[hould nocenioy ai?ifbops roome, but an Elders, leait that there flioulde be two Biflrops in a citie, Z!^^trko}t the ^ilhoprick of the Catholikc Church , in the time of Cornelius , inas the charge that euerieCatholike^u Ihop h^o • i^epther meant thep mo:e Uthf fapo that there ought to bee but oneSilhopina Catholikc Church, then ^.Chiyfoftomedid, fapingto Sifinius )i5iIhop ofthei^ouac tiani in A citie may not haue two 5ifliops. Hart. i5ut " Cyprian tD;titeth > that neither hercfics nor fchifmcs haue fproong ofany other fountainc, then of this, thatthePriell of God is not obeyed : and that one Prieft for the time in the Church,and one iudgc for the tymc inftecdcofChriftisnotrcgarded. Towhom, ifthc whole brotherhoode would be obedient according to Gods tea- chings: then no man would make any thing adoe agaynil the company of Priefts. ®iahercin,bp one Prieft, he meaneth one J5i{hc»p;anD,bp one JJilhop,Cornelius the |Bope,to tnhom te in^tteth thoCe tno;oes. ^0 that he confefiTeth the)@opeto bffi the )15ilhop sf the loholc Churche , ano teacheth men 1 sacerdornth thinks of him, 88 one iudgc for the tymc in Chriftes holies cotra n,-- eecle'ia catho- I'CCUC. ^ ^ licam rebelles. Rainoldes. jJowerreffiirmthefamepoint. The Church ^erein Cyprian requireth obedience rntoonc i?iftiop and iudgc in Chrifts ftecd,ts the particular Church of euerp citie, not the bninerfall. ifo; he fpeakrth it on orcaOlon of inturie of^ fereo to himfclfe bp the i^ouatians in Carthage x toho there hab oibeinebaneU) Biihop againtt him, as t^irfelloUiesbioin 2?jwf,agatntt Cornelius, ^no as the toojbs' brfoit, anb ^ af# ter,Do IhetD that he meaneth if of all Catholite 515i(l^ps,ech in fi>«i rh^mo • fn the hihnir hifrnnrro * res Dei. 5 Epifcopus ptcbi fuz inc. pHcopatu qua- ^ricnnio ian probatus- ji Eufcbiusin f'.iron.D»Tti.ifus Pia^m de viw" cfjarge: fo the toholc bifcourfe i cncamtta'nccs'argue PontificuTi Ge- thatheaopUethitfohimfelf^nottoCornelius. Chieflp, that, nf^"ni.?ro- ^ "Shbop approued to his people in the Sifhoprick fourc .Baphr in ciiro. ycrares-^aJhtch can bp no meanes agree to Cornelius,it»ho toas soncRoib. »fh;«.peat«s )15il^p, i®; if, becaufc Cyprian both to^ite ttto Mim The Fathers prouc not the Papacie. 649 ChaBt.g. Diuif*. tttofliepope, touljaac fucIjap;etuDt£efl)attfwt|>e|Bope«*^pift-?>-*< pcojliar: pou map kntito tjiat ftc tlje fame ° to an otljer p AnnouZ'i* rtpjeflpofijtmfelfiThecchaucfchifmes Sc hcrefics tbroong, iuk.u.ji. & doc fpring,that the ^ifliop , which is one, and ruleth pr»°jcdti!'vtje the church,IS defpifcd by the proud prefumption of certain tit defcni.iib.i. mm . 3®l)erefo?e t^ouglj poor ? Rhcmiftsano lotJjeroftke l^opeoft'teniMfDoepIicttteboe toitt) tliat thpmg of onePneft pitmnum mc & one iudge for the time in Chrifts ftecdipef tn tjcrp trutb it mani Iius Cacechilni* ofRcwf.Cljen'oJ^wStapIctonsblame: tnbo UtToining ano confefSngtlje fame not onclp ^ otbertobere, bnt in'tbiotrrp dvius PanopU« toojbe of bio principle stcB; pet in'tbe enue thereof ab;icgetb it to the )pope. 9parueU,tbat in bia preface to G regorie be pall lius Annatat. ia it. i^emight b^iu^alleageD it better tben be batb The head of cypdia epi.ij. all Churchcs.?M!Ibicbtitlettgftten in " Vidor to the Church of cap!"J & ,"f ' lioifff,notto tbe^Bilbop: anotoucbetbleffetbe|0apacie there, wtrdingwa then in Gregoric; in tn^om it Doth not pjoue it,ao" 3l b^ue Detlareo. ^arrp,tbatlDbirbfollofaietb to of greater Ibeto, out ti^otigf) bor» ofAmbroiescominentaric on S.Paul toTimothce: tobere^"J^j[^ Damafus(the)13ilbcp6f Aflwftn bis tim?)ieca!U0 ruler of the mttftky aj. Church. ilButjfii C.lDbatroeucr be toere febo isj.iote that, it trao notS,Ambro(cthefauoi;s515ilhopox'e^*/4«: on tobc»n arct^ats. cypn- fallTy fathered the comcntarics on S.Paul, as pour ^ ®iuincs '1°^ ofLfl«4«ooobferueanofellifie. ^ert, tbetno^ocs tbemCelues aiVScaplecon tDbicb are in that au tour on mention of the houfc of ^od,cthc|"*"Yf°|f - ruler whereof at this day is ©amifusj^are not (in mp tuBge# ftDaifo.tt^ofe tnent)tbeautoursotone too;Dcs,buta glofe crept in amongft «api*fl)ouia tbem.ifoj tobercas Paulc,inciting bnto Timothec,DeclareD lobpbeoiofo, to liuste, that thou maylt know how thou u*iitrp»e& oughtcft to bchauc thy fclfe in the houfc of God , which is the Church of the liuing God: the commentarie tbercon r3Bi)<*Re- both erpouD it tbus,l write vnto thee that thou maieff know how to goucrn the Church, which is the houfe of God;that plic.Arcic.^.. whereas all the world is Cods, yet the Church is called his houfc.[|the ruler whereof at this day is Pamafus.]For the t Ii" condufio- world is naught,troubled with fundrie crrours , Therefore J^jamodfad" & f 4 the Ifftorem. » Dtperrcqnur.Vandal,Ub.».*"3ntht ftftl)Diuifion Oft!)WChapter, y Prs meant tije Cijurclj of Rome to be cI>Efe of 0# t^cr Churchcs(as3 fi^ptsjin honour,notin power, ifo; in po- vcf,i£i!ofljer3,atlcafttheApoftolikb", (tijatis, mtojijic^fljt faitbofCb;t£tl)30feenctaugbvbptl)e Bpoftle^ tljemftlhes) are moDe cquall tultt) it. ^nt amongQ all, in bpfiitt) tt)e Bpo&leci t^fclute ^ab taught ttje fait|i, tfjc fc; honour f ere- dit ^ab ttje cbicftp. ^nb tbus \)mt 3 bifc^argco mt felfe ofm^ pjomife: tefjic^ boas , ^at 3 tuoulb pecib tjnto tlje $3opes fii;» pjemadCjif poa p^qutb it bp laptnjjs anb iubgement of t^o Fathcrs^allmgeb aiib applieb tigtjtlp- none of ail tljc irsljicli pflu l)aaE aUcagtbmeit^cr of anp otijer cburctj.noj of t|ie Retttan itfelf,boftjaaou4rihMlicrebp tpe fl^araeleCfe banitic of ° Bri- itow mapfac&ne:bobo, being not contenfeb to fap of all the oMona-ivb. Fathers, tt^t they VcrePapilts; abbettj tljat in familiar talkc amongourrclues'^vfe arcnotafcard d^dncly to confeffe it^ S:|c 3Lo;b,b)^o't3 lijitneCTc of our tbbugljtejSjaitb Tpijccbes, bno:» tuet^tbaf ine are leinblp fclaanbercb fjercin.ano foj miite otone " part,3 am fo faiTC off from confcfsing plainely that they were all Papifls J that 3 b^ue plainly DeclareB anb ronfirmcb not one cftbemto bauebene. ifojtbe beffbetng anb cITencc of a Papift Wii0ttetb in opinion of tbe Popes fupremacic. jl5nt tbe Popes fttpremacictDa^notallotDCbbpanpoftbe Fathcrs . 35ot one tbenofalthe Fathers toasaPapift.iJE^rcfpjr,ifpoubauefbc ipafbere in fucb reuerent regarb anb eftimatio, as pou p;etenb. Hart :lct,ifnot tbe Scriptures, pet Fathers moncpca to foifjltc PapHlrie; anb gine to encrp pattoj anb cburcb tbeir o1nnertgbt,tDbe«ofCbiittbatbP0CfcCfet>tbtin, ano tbe Pope batbrolAebtbenu The r:hap«,». Of the 'Popcsdiprcmacie. The ninth Chapter* tTbe Church is the pUer & greund, of the truths The eetttmen cm^ fent ustd fruSlifi the Church he fere the 7(Jcen CourtceMf 2 the CeuuceU ef Nice, ] ef Ajttie€he,efSurJica,efCeufi'aHtin0ple,Mi' leuis^Curthi^efAfiikSt 4 efEphejMS,efChalceden^Ceufiaati~ ftepleeftJeeHes/mdefNicefefCoujfstftce^ und ff BafiH'^'withthe iudgements of Vmuerfities , auk feueruH Churches throughout Chnfiendomt: condemning ud the VopCsfuprem d)eC||ttrct)t)ot^acbnotoleOst f^eBOtfrilW of the Popes fuprcmacicto bo caf^oltbe.tssib^i'^fo^^ pou ooc eutll to toucb it Inttb t!^ natne of Papiitric.ifo;t " the Church is the pillcr and ground of the truth. Rainoldes. The Church is the pil- lar and ground of the truth, tn OtfU^ ^Mai.».ver.7. ^ atlD Dotie t Shb'»the Pticft is the mef- c vs. fengcroftheLordof hoftcs . iBut as ' tborslDerePrieltes. tobo bio not tbetr mefTagc in (Reining C^obo toill: fo t^ere ma? be Churches , tobitl) ^allnot bpboUie anb mainetacnc t^ trntb. Hart. ^ar,fi)af fe true Hill, tobfcb tbe Church tcacbetjr, 5Fo; S.Paul faptb not ^t it oagbf to be the piller & ground of the truth,but t^at it it to. Rainoldcs, /^itber botb Malachie fa? , tbattijePricft ougbf to be the meUenger of the Lord of heilesjbnt is (b. 0noh)battstbeoua6onlDb^rebpon /^.Paule ra?tb t^f Thcfirft Diuifio. g j.Tjm.j.ip anb to Inbohif Hart, %o Timothee:thatbe might know how he ought to conuerfe in the houfe of God,which is the Church of the lining God. Rainoldes. The Church then, lubtcb Timothee toao ton* nrrranttn, anbmnSbebauebimtbife acco^btng to bis tbarat ingouermnent thereof,iscaUeb (b?^. Paule) thepiUer and grounde of the truth, Hare, Tlic Church condemneth thePapacie. <55^ /iart. BJt Uf: auD to Ijat ffjcn i Kainoldcs. )15ut ^ the Church ItojicfjTitnothcctoas con- a i.Tim.r.j. ucrfant in,toa3ti)tC^urc(j of-E^^i^j.Thc Church of Sphejks t^entocalleDthepillcrandgroundofthetruth . ^oto®thc Church ofEfhefMs Ijaff) conDcmncD tijg DOitring of the Popes fu- on. Cbal(^con« premacie; no; onl^ fjjat Church , but Dtljerof tljc (Sattto, ®2It)ercfo2e,tf t|iat be true tttU tol)ict) ttje Church teactjct^ be# '** caafc&«PaulecallefljttthepilIcra»?d ground of thetruth; tije DCftrine of the Popes fupremacic is toicfecO, anb Tapilti ic Ui^re&c* Hart, 2C|jcChurchesoftbcCSattfjaucerrebfljerem ♦ SSut t^e MeS ailotoetb it fo^ cat{)oltke boctrinc. ^nb all ttie ancient Churches botl) of Call anb melt bib fubfcribo to it, bntill Ccjiilhie anb t^ereOe ^ab feuereb ttiem one from t^ ottjer. Rainoldes, C^tlp^clje is ao true ao toao tt)e /o^mer of ttic Fathers ,jfo,i,erceptt]^e creto of flje faction^tobo Ijaue abuanceb tbe Pope tfjat tbep migbtraigne toitb bint, all Cb?i# Sian Cburcbes baue conbcmneb i)is bfurpeb foueraintie^anb bo tilltbiobap. Hart. All Chriftian Churches f tobo bib euer fap fo befo?e i 0; fcbat one toitncCc baue t?ou of it^ Rainoldes, Si:bol3afto;i0anb2>octoursi,in ^nobes anb Countels, toberein the^tflsfteo^berfbjfbctrCburcb-gouern^ ttient,ecb in tbeir feuerall ages.jf oj,fo begin toitb tbc aniientit, anbrocomeootonetoourotonc;icwas(irt^Cyprianstpme)' ca . ordcined by them al that cucry mans caufe Ihould be heard noimm. there,where the fault was committed. Hart. 2Dbat mull be hnbcrtteobc of tbe fifff bonbling of can- fes,notibelatt.iFoj tbep mtgbf bebcarb at Rome tpo appcales, if, being bearb at bcme fi.ft, tbc parties tocrc not fatifDeb. Rainoldes.Eljc caufe of tbe parties mentioneb in Cyprian, * toas heard at borne alrcadie bp tbe Bitb^ps of ttcommunicatebtbem. ^et berepjouetbtlKnifoi running to ^ffwr,mberefo?c tbc ojbinaunce.tbat be grounbetb on,bib p^o- • nibc fo; bearing anb beterminir^j of caufes botb Srtt, latt, anb* all;againft fucb as appealeb(if pou fo tearmc it)to Rome.mtfic^ bemahctb plainer pet,in tbat be callctb' tbofc -^o'»f-appe,ilers 3 scxntq*® '*• bome,tf bpon repentaunce tbcp feehc to be rettojeb; anb faptb, tbatchey ought to picidc thcic c^" of^f«>e-.3it tuas orocihcD tijsTifo.ie 5 Aci cocp:rco- bp all iljc J3tfl?op3 fst/ifrtke. Italic, auD otljcrs in ti^c p,:inutiue o4i7s!""'" U!0ul3 netb$ ti)? fup;c«tc tuDgc of eccUi* p ouir.ci^m fiaSiuUc^uCeo,, trd'cecoX ^ fiiaibpbot!}^.^ CypjiantfjcnbfSrc^iopeStephenfo. Jicntcm, bcpafc Martian , a ^cuatian bcretiUc , Blljop of AWe.irt Lf^de"" fubttUntc an otljc; ta bis rcoine, a CatbOi» fonlid.j. UtlC? I hp./z.bynod. Rainoldes. ^sp, > tobp boc pour men fap t^at &.Cyprian ckJ.&pWu, Dott) fOjtobcreas bc-Optbnotif[0}^eOcftretb Stephen to write Hjipan.cypri, 5 to the 5i(hops oiRraHncc to depofe him: anD ^ to the pro- TO kp^,^l7,ad nince and people of Ar/;,to chpofe a new.JiSetb tobicb tbtngS stephanum. are Dfrpioifeo oftbe ^^opce fupicmacic. esilbo neitfjer cculD De* COD oCm,'4o™ ISilbops at tbat time; as alfo ^ t^e tiarsittal of Aliaco no* pus til faccrdo- tetp, niifitfenigtbatthePope alone doth how depofe them, "uni4''4ut[njf which then a Synodc did: r.cttber,\itben a iotlbop bJft0 o;Der- jicquc yniucis ' Ip0cpofc3,ccnlDb«J create an otber; but t'gz people of tpe citie nnoiiSichops of ttjeprcuince cbofctjun.^ea, aiSilboptbofen e^iiefionoft" Ijptl>'m,lDsslaiuruU15i(b6p,tbougl)fb2V'Cpc coufiimeQ bint kx.chnbcero. not;pfa,tt)Dagb ¥ 5i&llolueD bimtas it ta DccUreQ bp a' Coun# /ihTc"i'a4;&''",ft:iit'^i'^/^-'^''3sainGtbefarnet3ope Stephen . tc^bctefoje" va iarc tcuta- C) ptiaii nicaitt HOt ti)$t i)t migbt Depofe anD fubKitute a Bi* amclflcrrqadi HjopR'nt cngiit to giuc b^s nctg'bbouro ccunfeU to Doe it,fo; ? tbe P^ioreivtiies comnion datie that cucry paflour oweth to all rbc flicepc of i^uToirerDomi- Chrilljt'ohclpe them when they are in daangcr . 0nDtbn0 n:c»sin oregcm fitlj o;Dina^cesoftbe mimitiue Cturcb ocbarreD tbe l^opg foJl;ganc. The Councelseondenine the Papacie. 65'> . fiomt{)cfcucratncpotx}croftuOgmg, Depoling, i crfating 15^ fljops, nojfromt^isonlpbutot^£reccleSattuMUcauft0j 00 iS fl)ctoc5: itfolotoett) tljat p;um(tucC!;uixij Diu Donic t^s fu' '"JlatuaU, pjEmacic cf§ l[0ope v o^to fap it loitJ) tJ)o luo?ses of" Caroiual , Siluius. "Scfore thcCouncclI of Nice men liucdcch to hiin- 1 f 1 * I » I I » ciuCiiuinipcf# ftlfe , and there n-as Imali regard had to the Church of lu-i. 1} nmf qM^rccUini V ^ B/xvT ^ Pap4 conccat* Hart, ^ottljcrctoasa Counccl ^ljolhinat Simejja (. ? oj DUUO.i Ulfl. !*• Sueff^t^m &mc fa?)bcfo;c tljc Councel of Nice, ^hd fljcre,'' iofj^ ^aBM'''omus MarccUinus t\)z (^opc toa3 accufoD fo; ofFrtng incenfe Pnto v 50ls: tf)t iotl^opi; fapQ tpidhemightbeiudgcdof no man, ciient.miptno. sei^ is a mtuiifeft toten of tljeir aUototng bis fup;cmactc, Rom... Rainoldes, Sub^tCounccll isa comitgrfeit. ^cpounTiT^ pcrceauebp tbat it rrportett) tpat 'fiocletian the Emperour did talkeat7 m.',. * News enimj JtbcrC IS 0110 Nemo mim to fijat cff£tt,t'pat pCUfS witlj p tui)uij ofS;ff«f/?«, But luljattbetrue BiOjopsof tbep^imitiuecburcb ZulTcalon^ tbougbtofiuOgtngbimjtbepOjetoeabp their iubgement of bis ot tyefcccsa fclloAnatA^/iocfee, Paulas Samofatcnus: ytebo^fJ^tbeAiBiibcp.S auD (Blorrs of bis otnn p:ouince Die ercommuiucatc anosepoft-; !f.xemo agapn® pounlTotinrclsIpe , .fbaf ^Nomanareritidgcdhis ciii'.d'cctpn- bilhopri^Llbercfojetoretume to tbeprimitmeCburcbcs oitfi« names aiiD rules from tbefe beuifrs ^apai! of Xcuncc's ntuer y.tufcb.hiftor. bolDeii: tbe fir2 generall Councell aflcmbics at ice ota hixpe tbc^cpe bncierin bis fonnerdafe, irO-Jtbspo-Osinebtbat X S\^emo vn- Eifhops ftioold bernade bySilhops oftheir own prouince, requiring no confent of bis tbercbuto: neither Dro tbep giuc tfcc pM^a fcccrdo-, bearing anb betermining ofcaufssbnfo bim,butunto'the j Ihops of the prouincetcD; csmmatmbiug the ancient canon TO be kept,that none (lioiild rcceiue them to the comma ni- , on.whow'cre cxcoimnunicatedaadcondcmiied by others, 5>'** Hart, : if ft'C^ iDcrc talfiB condemnedanD excom- jnunicate.li5uttftljctr6U3neli5tn^op |)aD Dcalt timnSlp Intt^ f!)nnl3panronieDiQ}learure,ani3rem6ueDft^mfn)m com* rnui lien iu^onsfnllp; tu^icti pou cannot Denic but tbat tje Do: ttten r:^on rcqutrctb tlfk ttjcp t^oulD liaue rmuDte* j^oio tljeremeatc tbacof ia btj appcaleto t\» pope. iUinoidci, Icmedie toasDeuifcD bp nctoPl^pCctatW, t'ndi Ujckcd ipojbc: if increafet^ bifcafca. JDljt ^tcm p^pfict# ii^ns foiCiis^iug Danj}cr,p;ouPcD another ano better remebs fo;tpeuL Hart. jlBettcrftoljatiattiatf Kaiooldcs, 'Su^t cam'e to be fiearb in a ^pnobe of ^Sifl^opay Co to be DedDeo bp t^eir common iuDgement. if o.z let it be exa« mined(fap tl^ep)whether the Sifliop haue excommunicated them vpon a waywardncfle,or grudge,or too much rigour. Whereof that there may bee due cx<«mination , wehaua thought good that in euery prouincetwofyaods fliouldbe kept ycrely; to the intentjthat in common ( all BKhops of the prouince being gathered together) fuch thinges may be examined. And fojwholocuer ihall be found in fault, and to haue bene dealt with itillly by the'Bilhop: lett them bee holden otalitor excommunicate ; till it Ihallfecme good to the Synode of Biihops to glue more gentle fcntencc of them. Hart. 31 grant, fljaCotincell of!7SC'« boflJ bitns matterf fifftfromt^eBifliopto tbcSynode , 15atif t^ Synodc alfo Doegiuc bniultfcntencc;ti)enis t^pope left fo; tfjcIaS re^ fuge. Rainoldes. 2D^e Councell meant not D): but tfjaf ffje laff refuge il)OulD be tbe Synodc fttlL ifojtljcpDoe not fap , till it (hall fee me good to the 113ifl)op of koTtteybut, to the Synode of ^i{iiops,to gcue moie gentle fentcnce of tl^e^n,^ea,cuen tfil pafticu'ar honour anD pjccmincnre of bis,tohtf h tbep mention, t3 a plain: token that Ihep DicamcD not of fuch a gcncrall po# e cxa.6. iujr.jf31 it follotoethtfraighf in = the ncrt canon , Let old cu- Itoines; be kcpt,they that are in F^'pr,and Lybid, and Pent/t- p9/«,thatthe 'Sifhop of haue the preeminence of ail tliefe: bccaufc fuch is the cuftome of the 'Fifliop of Reme too.Likewifc alfo in Antiacht^zad in other prouinccs,lct the churches ThcCouiiGcls GonJemnc chePapacic, (^^7 niiiif 1. Churches cnioy their dignities and prerogatiucs . too^i)e0oftijent is mcant^ Ijarb interp;ctation,anD vh6£; flat againft t^e tef t: toljictj, auttiodOngaitt appjouing the ch- ^ Tti «g- fiomeofthe BtJbopofhlexandriaybeeaafethe'Btshepof'Rome batb X«?« tea that c/efieme roUjOotl) grounb tljcm bot|) bpon 7 old cttftomet, ° tlje lefaitcs mt one bpon tlje others iudgcment,M|)crefo.je (t^epcrStersof poperie) tjaueconcluoeonotodbatthc begin- ningof the canon wanteth: lo^at i tl)is;^ The Church of Rome hath Hill had the priniacic. Hart^ Slnb gsD realbn to^?.for it is cited fo in the p Conn- cell of Chalcedon. Rainoldes. ^0t^e? fa?: bat falfel?,ian6 thattoit^ a p^e* tie 0)if£ of lcgtcr!5cmaine.if 0; lob-t^as Pafchalinus (t^e popes . Itrgate t'aere; b iinging fo.dl) that canon to tbe popes bclKofe, f QuoT^ccicaa id this title oner it, { ^ That the Church of Rome hath Retnanafcmper IHll had tlic primacic : ] ttfZ gefuttcs fiippjclTing QUite ttjC ifemt prwiutu. jjj j- J ^ jjjjg tbe rett as a part of tbe canon. Hart, perhaps tlje? tljoosbf ibe Po^o c That 2 to be fa# perBucus. Rainoldes* K^aniTfij. .oBclI.ii-rpin.in . jpr.eled,Roin. fontr.q.i] j.e 1.5. Xrt)j abiioji;-. tnmt3t'c05-. CoJtrou.3. qiia!,4:.4. S Kccic'Ia Ro. ;ii:twa icinpcr ^labuk pnina:j. ri^ ITieCouncels condemn c the Papacie^ 659 Sir' • Rainoldes. SDfjgp nitg^jt ijsuc fIjoug^.t t^c tufjoU title to be ^ fo,iftl)e^ tiaD marfecD ffjat toljtcij foilotoetb in tlje ^cimcel. iroi tlje fame canon being rcrifc9 araigbtonf of an otijer coptc troL'cifics of Conftantinc tlje feecretadedj-'itl) no toojb ttjerof. ISuttc leaue p"irt b^Ro-***" t^e Bialtng of t^c popes legate toitb the beginning af the ca- tcrtPeifons, non : tbelcfuitescannotfcapeoutoftbemiDgcftt, nomo:e tbentljeircomplices.iFoJlb^RonianrcaDcrtsentangleo m it ie in it inas giuen to tbc pope bp tbe Ccunccl of 0; tbongb m tbe common bolumes ofCouncels tbere be««ok-- bat ttDcntie canons oftbeirsccfantnoto: pettbepmaaefoore!' fcoje.lSpmanpoftbetnbicbtbcPDP^isautoRftD to iudgea'J greater caufesjas lulius Declaretb.^ea,tbcfcarcrcD;0canons to^oleUjerefounb of late at A/exandria in tbe Arabian toung: comoiBRiy ana turnca into Latin out of tbe Arabian bp a leamea ^ifuite. ^ ^herein arc Patriarkes fapbto rule all their fubicdcsjas the mantW^t Pope is head of all Patriarkes , like Peter; to vhom all po- wm-- vcrisgeucnouer all Chriilian Princes, and ouer allthck lawofthe peoples, asbcingChrifts vicar oner all nations of the earth. ^®p« rupre. Rainoldcs. Ktfat of pope lulius J baue alreabte Ibeioeti to r^)Wour?on. beaballarDpmpr.SLbecanctistitebinit,arecatt after feinbc.' »erencc,fl,au *Ciontius,pour latnperjfaptb"' tb^f £f»«t baftardie is proued e- , ticn by this,that no man, no notGratianhimfclfcduril al- b^p-comra ©.' lcagcthcm./;iot)out,iftbcpopebablap5efbembp' fo, as tbe counterfcite I ulius' flnearetb tbat be bio: Pope Zofimus, anb r Concil. Ni'ccn. tbe reft, "tobbmabefucbaboc boitb tbe IBiftops of A/r/l^eabouf tbe Nicw (TounceUjtooulb banc feunb anb Cbcto^ tbcm . IBut fchinls. ' the Arabian canonsiDbicb tbe /cfuitcb;ongbt from AkxadrU, ^ - ^ ^ ^ t ^ At ^ A* ^ t Annot.in Dili. martufficctogttscojtaheabeatbstoounbcffbem. ifoj tbcfe .«.£.fcptuagi». iobicb lulius cttctb,arc not in tbe Arabian. 2Dbat tobitb tbe A- "• rabian batbjts not in lulius. Ltecc^fL Hart. S^bougb lubusctfenot tbnf oftbepopes fup^cma# <'•>. cie,tobicb tbeArabianbatb:pctmigbtitbctriic. anbcerfes tbe crcbit of tbe Arabian copie muft nabcs be berp great. u In Concil. CbieQ? fitb it agra tb in tbe ptrfit nomber of tbe N ctjaunec thig"/c.?'' topioueacounfcrfeit.i^ag,itnmapzcaefo,becaufe it is a ca# iCone.African, non: if gou bcl^ue tlje ifatbcrs.iroi tbeg Ijao onlg ttoentie: e- *''°g'e. > o J. t^at toe fjauc. S 'i A umn ano aboue ttno Ijiinbjeo hHift.eccic.i.t. iiBiii^opsof v479>^aclinotulebgebnomo/Ca;ci!ian,tpe2il5ili^op QtQ^thage bjougbt no ino from ftfe tCouncel it felfe, threat tje twentte.bp Du to.asp.iefcnt.S.^Cyriltbe iBilbopof f b Atticus tbe )15i£l^opofCo«y?/>/f3atFirmet^crEtiierenoiiio. ^ Rufinus^ & s!" " Ui^o bat!) regtCrco ttiem in fjis ftojic.oelincrefb no mo.jftnallg, c" ^>ii!.rae ' iridore,a curious fercfjer of tijcm, fagt^, tijeg Inere tuft fo fynoa'ispHncip. maug.as fo.z othcc Fathcrs, ifffcg Hjclocang tf)ing to ban? k Cone. Anri- j Dccr^ fep tlfz CouncclljtDljtc^ is not in tljefe canos, odorSt^ as "^tljcg Doe certains: t^c ' canons & decrees of the councel cccicr.i.i.c.9. oiTrent mag tsacli gou t^at fomc things migtit bsdecreed bo# i^rwrcotcii. ft5cs,ano get tlje canons be but tUsKvtte, XridcfirinL Harr. iiisifjat fag gcu tljen toftjat to^ich Zofimus alleageo Councell of toucliing appeales of ^ifhops ro n bpift. Condi, the i5iiliop ot Romi ? jf 0? tfjat IS calK'5 a canon of the JS/tcm ciidi. CouncebanD not a decree, c 'io7.& 1.05-, ' Rainoldcs. 3j fag,tf)at it loas neitljer decree no? canon of " 'If d Rom" Bid^ops of A/nit? anftoercOjant! pz®ueD. pea °*t$e Roman reaber, t^ecfiieFeofgour leluices,is oftiterameopinid Ottl Hic Coimcels condemne the ipapacie. 66i Cliapt.jj. - Dim'f.j. 1 on: aUBtng he thinkcth that Zofimus did call it a canon ofthe?^»cf»Councell,bfcaufeitisacanonof the Councell oiSftrMcA , and thofc twoCouncclswercefteeincdascne, and bound vp together in the Popes library. (EiHfjcrefoje fitij Ccuncsil iifl^tce maBe no canons but tijc common tUjcntie, 8n5ti)cpfpcakcagainfl[:tl)£'r«P.JpnwfifoftNPopc>f«cn bp ^ tbc Arabians clunc tntcrp'ctatton; infiatfoeuer epttjcr Arabi- -jJiiLciiMx' anoj Roman if&ib ccirneo to tljc csirtrariCjtbat inuft ncocs bae countcifdt;anotl/C popcisjsutltteof tfjeft ansjopp^cCTion bp The third beroit cf tfjat famous Councsll eanbsrefo tfje Councell of Anti- Diuifion* tchc Dot^ iopne tljcir tooit tto.ifoj tpcp lap,ao tljc ken., not cnclp concerning *3 the making of iifliops,but alto tl^e ficterc 'i coBc.An«i. nulling cf caufes of tbc C^nrcp. Co muc^, tljat' if a Siihop r can?/jJ''i. beingaccufedjthc AiQiops of the prouincc agree not about bim,(omeiudging with him,fomeagainft : pcf refcrrc tfjep Hot tbc matter to ttjc pope, but ioill the Metropolitan to call fome other Bifiiops out of the next pro uincc,that they may iudgct»gether,and decide the controuerfie, JSut'ifal the twn.ip !2ifliops of" the prouince agree and giuc one fentecc of him ; then may he be iudged no more by any other, (no not bp pope,) but that mult Hand which they haue faid. Hart, ^cttljc Councell of SW»c4cannDtbelienpe9 to Ijane iiiaDeiuitl)b--,i?ojt^ereitluas o.iBeineMbatj" ifa Aiihop,de-"j„°"/*^"'^'^ priucd by the Bifliops of his ownc prouince,appealed to the Pope; the Popc,if he thaught good,might write to the Bi- Ihops who were nccrc that prouince, that tbcyflrould cxa* *cij«t(£rof min the matter diligcntly,and giuc right iudgemcnt of or fend him felfe alio feme * from his pwnc fide,to iudge to- Rome; »v^cnce gethcr with them. tijttiameof Rainoldes, ^iClljcn tbis innsaUcagcbbp tbc ?36pcs iegat?, Jtaftm. "" inl}isbt\fa\fS,ntCartha^e : =" tbe25ill)0ps cf faiD ( f long ferc!l)tt>^ they found it not ordeincd by any Councell. AiVkinrrio;. tClbicljmoueBa Dodour of pour otone to tD;ite, tt-it it may y ouOn.de con- be doutcd whether the Councell of Sardwa ordeincd ' no.anBCtb''aftbatCcuncdltb^relnerc net manp IciSe iban^Athan.iuA. fcuilie ^iibops of ^frikeM)Q b,:ougl;t borne t^e canans fljcre# rconc!"sardic. flf,3s it is likelp; b-js dout batf) rcafon fo? if. Cilnlcire pcratucm can.j.' furc,bccaufcin''f!jcft'nntaineanDfpjingoftbat canon luHus Hrfteccic'Ti. is nanieibin totjom'' tbc CoumcU l;ao a fpeciail affiance fo? l;is «?;». %t z Dcalincf - : ■ 'ii: 'J ' Sj!" Of the'Popes fupremacie. DeaU«3 againtt An'ans: t^cr^foie ti)z of tyifnks t, t^oujjft it to Ijaucbenc gcii? perfonali^ to Julius,not to popes ePriaiiegium in generall; ano to to Ijaue eieo toit^ ^tm,not liueD ioitlj tijem. 1 uVgaklircmx ^uftf tttDereoiaetneo tnoaoe b\» tfyi Councell, tnrefpcctof ^ i^crfoni. DCix-. j^tm,OS pope,notas lulius: net^ tl)en,U>I)oaiioucj)it to pjcus ;•« Fext" Popes fup jemacie, ooe mabe as goa a reafon, as if a man ^ d Sander. dcTi- f^ouloclatme tt)s Ujtjole cttte of i^ondcti , becaufc ^etjatfjtlje Suib"! ATali. of a ^jonfc in Hogldou. if o;'t Ije CcunccU ctSardica. tietft Cop.dialog.i. ' Ijimin all pointes,(Puc onlp in tljis,) to otone prouincc, as Tconc sardie ^ Biihops; attO tn tljpjtt fl^etoctlj ttjat 1^0 Ijao it not caa?3>5. ' of rigljtbefoje time,but noPb^ tljat grant; neittjer Ootb it grant vj Ijiin to iuage of tlje caufcs, but to commcna tlje iuagement t^er# ;,jj oftotl)eSynode,oj (atti[)emoft)to beafelloto-iucge toitlit^e; ana tl)cn,in totiofe caufes it grantet^ Ijim fo mucl),are Bifliops, f none clfe.potDbeitjCurn t^P ta),tiiat he (hould fend lomc from his own fide to fudge of their caufcs together with the Synode,toasrepealeoaftertoara,anatl)e tol;o'le rommitteata 5y nodes of the prouincc, o; diocefe , if ttjc prouince ferueO ,■ spi;ni.hiii.nat. not.J15elifee,1)pon eppcrience offomeljarme enfuing: as s a Ijuf# 17.C.4. banaman (in 5;c«/*f)^auing ria Itones out of Ijis grcuna , teas troublea fo iuttl) mpje, tliat \}i left t)i« to >nc till %e iiao lapoe Z tpem in agapne. jfoj ^ t^e generall Councell of CmfiantinofU DiO fo^bia the 5ifhops of a diocefe (fuclj as Egyft, contapninig ;® mani>piOuinces)to meddle with the Churches without their owne limits ; ana commauna t^at things in euery prouince 7' fliould be ordered by the Synodc of the prouince,according * to the canons oftheiVif«» Councell. ieaa.j. Hart. 315ut t^tp gaus' thc primacicofhonourtothcBi- fiiop of after the Silbop of?!2!ll)icl)fl^eto# d? etljtljat the.&ifliop oiRame infljeirittagcmentluas cuer all in f primacic. RainoWcs. 3(n primacic ©f honour , S|pr T C 3 aSy- ^ 4 FaMsfum tf'- ^um fzcttli. fConfeff.Aug. 1, t.c.y.cit S. rfimpijiii.Rj- twae 4,. a Synodc . ^nD fo going foilnatD ioitlj pjojfc ttjat the Pope OBght not to iudgc their caufcSjeither at Rtf»»f,himfclfe; or by his Legates fent from Rome : ffjeg foutljtD attempt tn mooeS ro.!t)butat tbe qatcite.conoemntng it ofpride, % fmo- kicifatelinelTeofthe world. Hart, 31 maruell iftpe Councel ofAfrtke lojofc tl)tis,a« ^ti repojt of it. Jf 0 j' Torrenfis citet^ an epilllc of ttjeirs ta p.;ouc the Popesfupremacic. Rainoldes. Torrenfisciteff>ittnitha5mncl[)Gnccrifie,asaii Otljer 'lefuiteDotlj thcfoure general Coiincds: bot^fotolpa- bnSng tljc of tome too toes agritnft ttie o^tft ano meaning of t^eirtobolefentences-ifoitbcCouncdlof Afrtks, tboug^bea- ring a tobilc toitb the )3opes claime till tpe T^jcen canoni (tobereb? fjo claimcb) toere fcrcbeD,set at lengtlj conoemneuit. The fourth ^ 3 tiauc ^etoeb: anbof thefoure general! Councels, as tjje Diuifion; ttoobibcnclofe ttie Utope tottbin bis otone prouincc,oj uln fentcnt. fu- diocefeat tbe mott; fo bib tpe ttoo later, of" EphefHs anb *^^^'^''^''»>confirmingtl;cbecr^ anb canons of tbe fo;mcr. Hare, /jiaptooubtleffe at''tbe Blubgcs, bailing- bearb tbe foimer canons rcab,fayb tbat they perceiucd al pri- made & prindpall honour to be due to the Pope thereby. Rainoldes. ^ut tbey abbcb tbat the Patriarkc of Conftaum ought to be vouchfafed of the fame prerogatiucs and primade ofhonour.^s ^ tbe Counccll alfo it felfe allotteo c- quail prerogatiucs to tbem botb: otocining tberebpon, tbat llrould be magnified in ecclefiaflicall matters, as well as i?«wf,and be next vnto it. IsSJbcrein it is manifett tbat tbe^ meant pjeemincnce of honour,not of power, jfo; * un.p.Sc 17. tbemfeluesbcrrcsbtbattbe bigbett iubge of cccleQatticaU per* fOH0 dfoulo be the Patriarke of the diocefe,or of Confiantmo. pie. SMborbp tbey gauc greater potocr to the Patriarke of 0«- fi*mi»ople,\j)\fQxni\)t\> autbojifeb to bcale in euery dioccfe; tbeti to tbe Roman Patriarkc,tobcm tieo to t)i3 oton. Jn fo mocb tbat'' ^ ^reekes fay tbat all diocefes of the whole world vtcm fubicft ro their Patriark^e by the Coiincell ofChalcedon.^ Iea5 if tbe Conned baf an tfc to power,anb not to honour on* lp,tn toiUingtbem to be magnified: pet that is a bt^zmfc flfill of f> IBopcs fupjemacic.as pou map Icarne bp Gratian, p.(copor. Cypc. xCao.i.S;.!,. y Aokioa.iS. s-Concil cd.can.it. bAnn. Da Alexijj.l.i c nifl.ii.c. Rcnouantci. a Sext SynoJ. i?r •'P c^n®n rcnueb in lit.inTnilL can }6. tbe ConnceU The Councels condcmne the Papacie. 66 5 C'ti.'ft 9, tfCor>fiaTiiwople,\)s.t^ IjelpcO if iniff) a ncecaftue: ano totjccg fjje Ccuntcll fapQ , Let C0Kj}4ritmopu ^ be magnified as wxll as t na/utvas* ^jme; fie allcagcffi rt^Icc - not Cet7fianttnopl{ be magnified as veil as W. Hart, Efie Ccancelblofitffi ffiaf ranon toaa renucfi in,* ts fiiv mjgRificctur, trul? calleo ^ Sfffi general ^Ccuncel, jfoj tjjcp inacc no canons, Rainoldes. f^efaCounccUmaDctfieniin CoNjUntirople^'^ loitfitremtofagcncrall. anijffficneFtgcnerallCcunccUDifi confirmctfiem.eafiufitfiercbp Difpjouca tfic |3cpc2: fup^ana* f>yroJ. Nic<«n, tietm. |?ca,agatn0 s ffic ncrf oeenco of tfic Pope,as cf ctficr Pa- triarkcs; ant) tfiat bpon tfic grcmiP oftfic famous Nuen. JEo gener.ConftiBt bclfio:t,tfiebififilc 0^onal•cf)tc of tfic Cfiurtfi Inas ncucr flloo tootofiimfa?aiipCcuncf!!,general!,ojp.icutnciall; bntiltfie "I'olcnttw-^ €all Cfiurcfies iocre rpit front tfic SSSctf, ant tfic Italian facti# fub Innocent, onttirbearctfic rinapiaCcunccls. 'ivi,V»«pt Hart, tsi^tmeanc iccu to fap Co i toficras •• tfie Ccuncellof «»st»e tatm lattrMfinocr Innocetiiis oiDr.ppjcue itflatip: tfic^PatriarliS oftficCfiurcfies QiOmfiantmopie ant) Itrnjakm feeing pjcfcnf. llancinoplc,!. Rainoldcs. ^otttje rigfit pafriarfecg,' 3 troto.2:.ficusfi if ?2bfGr«ke tfic?fiat)bene: petmigfittfic /fa/urm mafic Decrees in LMsrun omeconcii. t\,Xomt U)itfictrt tficm.iBuf nctfier DiDtfiat CounccU app;tcuc 1 tfie]?cpe8 ^onarcfiie- ifo; tfie^cpes S^cnarcfite is a full ano chai recati. abfolute foueraintic ofpotocr oucr tfic tufioteCfiurcfi. 0&ficre# '* bpon I'tfie p;tadpallp.:o(tours)}fit tcacfi, tfiat nota gencrall Counct'll is abouc the Pope, but the Pope aboue the '^'^?TBrwe. €ouccl.For'they((aptfi^atficrRobert)w hobold that the t " .Summ. dc Counccl is aboue the Pope,do make him like a Duke oiVe- vice: aboue euery magiltrate and fenatour in reuerall,not a-'Monirih.tecie*. bouc the whole Senate, 5ut he is abouc the whole Chur^^ abfclutely, and abouc the gcncrall Counccll: fo that he ^c- fuwm, Pcnt.ftt. Inowledgeth noiudgc on earth abouc him. j]5ctt). the foue- p"Cr-^diia. rainticofordinariepowcrgcuenfo tfie ^opeouer all Chur- chesb? tfie Counccll of jLrffWiWjbnDcr Innocentius, toasbuf i as it toere a Dukedome of Vemce t cuer cuer? Cfiurcfi ano jBi# . Ifiop tnfeucrall,not oucr tfie tofiole Cfiurcfi. SL Ognoiic ofgreat fentcn't.di/t 19. flatc:buf neta^opcs jponarcfifc . l^is^onarcfiteicasncp- fht'cfnoLi" tficralloboeD bp tfiat Co«nceU,no; bp anp other fo; manp ages in c.Signifitifli. a^nnap, it IxjasconDctmieD cppieflp bp tfic Councc.lof" /<»»- SDt4 ftantt rccrror&Ai. *>111 tr*aat.(3f poreft.ecclefirf. Cufinusdecor.cordant.cathcl.l^.J, csp.ylt. Vancrt « (>ai- rcat.$eir.Tlt. 1 »pOR tbtrt <2mptC9urB cnpettiin tie, Bn03an}tt sf tjticState. 1 Sfltbpje-. • fentlu tpcte,in ti)00*K38ntw lOstetarHt: $ •Tcectoben tpep were ret RirnePmto 'tbetreoiintteir. tAppellit. Vni- eciflt. Parirten- f.i * Leone de- 'Stf ft csKy (oncilium. tiicic.rerum e^ pecend.cr cod. » Aen.Silu de gefhi BafiL Concil-lib i. 31 iiJ (lor.de Ib- r002,C|lp*31. V ' omer.d* »ej Po'.OBor. ]ib It. aChtpt.t. WilHl.lS. a te'r7.de re- format. In pro- cmio.5£ Self, J4.cap.7.Sc SeS".a5.de re- •Finac.cap, vlu ft4ncc,% of ° Bd/»/,5Dt)e alloUjcD it, tca£ ti)c ? ;iC. Hart. Ccuntcl ofFUrmce fjat) allofeet) it a foarj* f:oj£ litres before: t^e Greeks ano LAtm iSiiljaps fubftribing botb tr^reto. Rainoldes. i3ut ttt fuel) fo^f afloat ""^onr Reman rcaDcr, fijougb matiins flje moft ttjereof fo; ttje |3cpM creDit,tDas faine pet to fa^jt^t the Counccl of Fltrence did not define it fo cx- preiiely, Jn trutij^ttjc ^^«%15i^I)op3 anfiuereD ot themfclucs^ fo; they might not trcate thereof without confent ( fapD) of their whole Churchjbat of themfclucst^e^anftiie# rcD,tbat the Pope ought to haue the fame prerogatiucs,that he had before the time of their diffenfion. CSlbic^ is a great p^cfumptton.tbat toijeit tbep fubfcribea to nio;e fbcn the fame* itiXJasnotofthcmfelues. Cbiefl^fit!) ^ t^et came befifiesro con{fram£Dl?fott)attobicbtbepbiD,anD ^ rEfiifeo to cbct t|jr ^3ope ffje^ bab bone it.JSut Leo tbe fentb ioifb bis faction in Lzteran Defines it. ^roni tobom' the 23niucrfiitie of 'Farife appcalcD ftraigbt to a cS^uncell; anD conDenineD |jw ttrdn Doctrine anD Decree: as" tbe laniucrfittcs of Z-#«octDurs tbjougbcut all Cbji# ttenDomebatbbifafiotDeo the popes $ponarcbic. ano tobicb tbepattoUiS anD S>octo.:B DeliuereD teas the religion of tbcirCburcbcs.SJUberefa^^umapreetbetruthofthat 3 fa^b, tbat,ercepttbecrctooftbe It^^n faction,all Cteittian Cbur* fnf (tebicb ?ou tall tbe Trd^f-Donrine) is belb bp CatboUhc Cbiifitans tb;oughtbe tebole (Tb^jccb at this bap» Rainoldes. 3 faiD,tbat all Chriftian Churches haue con- demncdir,and doc , e.xceptthc crew of thefadion.. G3b«b fpeccbesgreetb toellteitbtbat 3 fate berc;e of tbe Coun* CCUofrrrar.5fo;tbe*Trr»r-dodrineof the Popes fuprcma- de Al Chriftian Churches condemnc the Papacie^<)67 cic, is! luliM fadion af Trem oio oucrl)ea« ttie reft in.Sis ^ Clauditis Efpcncarusja Diuine ttParijeyn U>a# tL cap.",. rtour of pour olwii toitneSfet^: facing,ti)at Ludouicus the Cat- dinall of iArU did complainc iiifily at the Counccllof eftiiia that looke what' the hiP.mi nation liketh of,that is decreed Hdcna qu* rri- in Counccls; &this is that which did preuaile of late at Trwr.jjioii), t^jat iu^tclj t^CCarOtnal Ludouicus fpiike «Acn.siia.ds ^ ofjlnasi, *^that in Councels not only 5ilhops but Elders too Lu'ta!'*'' fliouldhauevoiceSjasofold'^ time they had:for 5 ifi?ilfiops dAa.ij.u.d- only haue Toices, (fitptl) tl;c CarDinaSl)thcn flul that be done thatlliall feeme good to the nation,which alone hath cap'.4i.&-iib.7, ether mo'SiQiops,or as many,as al other nations haue. o; "sifoiiep^fc'o- cuer? basgage-totone ^atl) a liStlbop t Ijere. ^Inb tljcfc baggage- pi vocem habe- )Bia}op6,*oftobf*nftJ^i"^iuerema;e attlje CounccUef Trent tl)en of all ot^er nations.oib aUobo that bodrtne. ^tiouglj nep- ni placcbit Ita- tbcrtliepperhaps allcboeo it in l)ait,but tocrc inbticeb bp \Mo pallmeanes ta p«lD bnto it.ifo^j the anfwcre of Vargas tou- num"ro cpiivo- ching the Popes fuprcmacie, (niaoeat Rirg, & 2o.m bAoi ^uirdo tcic. & RicJrdo /ccdd. ■ n I .Si fMip. o Kd 'I udouicd Tniccimprj lib;it.;cclcr. . O2II ad^cs. Ko:n,^uU«i de- • fcnfio PariScK- .Hi cttrir. ^Gr.iaamina Didonis Ger» nun.&facri Ro-ajii.linpe- lij dcccm: eahi- bica .Uaximilia- BO priaio* ^ 111 conaenca liKuriqcan. r ^banl.Late- aan.fud L(aa. ^cum.ScH^ I '• foncardatt .CUmRcg« Ptao- cix. -f^htlcocond, de reb.Turc. ,lib,i.Si«. alouiutin Mof- C9iiia. .M AUarcz in dc- fcripc. Acdiiop. cap,77.& % \cn.Sy;tt -uit, Eo'iem.c 3 5. ySlcidaa com- tnenrar. lib. id. fJjsAA. and ddoojuB Ub.7. • Hacmsaia .Aonf0!nacie> b? fupplicationo f complaints ofiEereb to tbetrp;tnces. ^ca, 1 ^roHHctmshc lalnes again(tit:la'^ctimigbtl)auscontinueO; ^abnot'tb^ Gentiles ragcb f bjobcntbcbanbBaranOer.ano tbeIe,ofiubgements 31 f)sne fpobrn bttt)crto, are fucb as pour felueo Doe boloefo; (latpoUbcCbnltiatui. SLbe reft, Ct);u Oians airp,tl)OHgt) pou cal tbem ^etibes, anDXcl)iimatibes,pet anh it u not ten in t^c bcfec of Ufe; 3 conclu0e,t^f it is not a citizen of /e- r»ytf/if»,butatbiihofi?abylon,tD|)i(i)ii'^^i^aiibe blelTco inija Da(b againS the ftoneo . ^nb thus 31 iheiueb that the fo^ mer point, onbohichpan reftife to commnntcate buith (papers ant) religion,oughf fa b;ing pou rather to bs.th.en bialo poufrDmbs,3|trcmaiHcth nobo that bnc fift the later;of the faith profefled ia the Church oi be founb to be the Catholikciaith,as in truth it boilltthen is there no caulebut ponmultnsbcsceetb., thatboe mapgotogether into. thiheufeofthello^D. The tenth Chapter. I Princes 4rept^tmegouernehrs ejtheir/khie^h its things jpsritualla - tend temporaJl.-and/ens she othe of sheer/upremaae laWfiill. a The hreaktngefthe conference offHart refufing to froceede fat' thertnit, ART, ^apjftrft.lDhp^^Docpoafahe the Thefirft- fuptemaciefrom the pope,ant) gtue it to n; 1,; 17;^ the pjince boho is IclTe capable of it f ciumo. > R ainoldcs.. 2Lhe fuptemacte, tohtch boe take from the pope, Sg).l^art, bos giuc to no moitall creature, prince, no;t other. 15ut the pope hautng feajeb oti part of Ch^ifts right j part of p;ince«, ^partof Ji5tlI)ops,partofpcop!es i Chur*" tl;c5; as the chough (in vEfope) bio trick bp himfcUefejith the feathers of ot^r birbes:tl)efeather,bDhifhtheiS£)mi{hchoush habof ourpnot^Jcing tiudg,«y.v«.i' fapo' in liiic fojt" tofjsn aDulterie iija0 commttteo,anQ " toitp " aoultcric, ^ murDer: ootb i^eU),t|)at a0 tbc rubtctf0 CboulD Ijaue y vcr.lii bene reftrapneD from murDer,anD aDuUerie, fo from iDolatrie»i«dg,20.1s. t(Dbpt|)e]0?ince0ftoo;D;ritt)all tfjefe linnc0 raigneD,'^ notfoj SoantofaPricft,but ofa Kingin ifraell,janDt^i0apparett)far<» Derbptt>eej;ampIe0oftl)cj£ithg0:oftD|)om " fome arc tcuctc5aiKiBg.i5-i4.' fojtljatthey tooke not away the hie places-, time arc coim incnDcDfo.i taking them away .^ca, iSingEzckias"'comman# Ding6rtt tfje Leuitcs anD Priefts to Doc tl;etr Datie, affertoart ttcpeoplefocomcanDferucttielLo^Dj^finaUpjtjjebc^torc!!^''?."'" fti;anc tliemlelueo fb; raaintainanec of relt^on: is feiD ^ to bauc c 2.<. hion.ip. eleaued to the Lord therein,ano kept his commandcmcnts ^ ' which he commaunded Moics.ja manifclf pzeofCjtljat fcljere# ver.i.s & n. a0 E t^C King 10 toilleD (bp Mores)fo kecpe al the words of the law to do themdfje JLojDmeant tt^rebp, tijat \)t citgljt to hapc iVKing!; s.t. tf)cm,notoncipa0ap:iuafeman,buta0a King, bpfekingauD jgjcuiDtng t^t all b«0 fiibiect0 DiD tfieir Dufic0, bott; to OD anD man.MbcrefD2e,Iitf} p fupiemactc tDfjicf) ioe gfue our ^;tncc intt)tnge0cccleriaKicall,i5toDea!ett)erema0 Ezckias,not O- zias; not to p;eacb tbc too2D,nnnilfcr fbe facrnmcnto, celebrate tr tte coru'c, tbep>aper0,o2p2a£tircDifcipImeof ttjeChnrrl;, butto p;ou!De Btio^ncor'** tbat ttjefc tljingeo be Done, ao tfjep ought, bp tbem trht in vl?cD ^ t.??- hath callw thereto liuegiue to Carfar no mo;et!;ent3 Gafars. ',^["^"0"^* SEhc greateri0 pour'Spitil0r0faulf,anD his ^ rofeDerafeSjinho tijttfnsnfi} rep20UC the oth of the Qi^eenesfupremacic , a0 tcichcD anD bngoDlp. ifoieuerplaloruli prince 10 the fupjeme gcucrncur k Sander. d« oftjiaotonefubiccteoiu thmgeorpirifuallanDtempo^ai.Sililher# vifiKMonar. foje to be ftoo jnc fo tht0 of her s^aiettie, is but to acb noUjlcDge stapleton.^prin. her the latofuil prince,^UD' the ^Barlamcnt might fafec an oth "p j. of£»^/>jI»menfo,j Elifabethour!Siucene,agafna the pope "fEurab.i. (urptng part of htr right: ao tocU 00 Ichoiada of the men of " /ffd4 »o. Diuil.i. 671 Oi the Princes fupremacie. apolojte. o Mat.21.11. pKom, ij.i. q A4.15.11 ••Aa.r4.J. //id.i foi loas f^dr lliing,againtt Athalia ^ ijfurpcD l)W ^tate» Hart. »^atftcr la^etl^ open tlje ioeafeenca'c of^ grouncwJ to'dc^ ^ou p;cten5 fo; ^^incesf rigtit oat of tije ^cripfureo. iFoz Cxiar loas an l^cat^en to^en ° Chriifc f ][)is I'Apoftics oio tcaclj t^efaitljful to obe^ Ijtm.&o tl»t, tf betoerefup:emc gouernoar of bi3 fubiects in ibinga fpirttuall ano tcmpoiali: ttjcn muS b® be obepeo as in tcmpo^all matters, fo in fpirituall to. Rainoldes. Cruc. ^no tberefo?t *3 Paulc appcalco fo bim, ashnoicingtbaftbf/wwougbftobaue obepcbbnni if b^o tnbgcDiaitbfbcfrufb. ^Hart, Sbc'«^"''ba3aceuf£DPauleoffe5ition,asii!cll as ofbcrcSe . .3no tberefoie bis cafe notrpiritaaUmocrclp, iffbi^'^eatbenCm^crouriDere to becfcepeo in fpirituall matters: fben mutt tbeCbnaiansbaue lacriftceo to iDols. ifc^j fo be nib commauno tbem. Rainoldes. ssibp? 3ffbe bt^fben Cmpercur bao commaun# tcD tbem to beare falfe toitncffc againtt tbcir ncigbbsur, oj to ji.io. conocinnc tljcinnocenttbcrebp, ^ as lezabel oio; mutt Cb;itti* ans baueobepcobini? Hart, j;ia:be£autt,tn things fozbioocn bp (25oD,tbat is a ge*! tAa.;.!}). ncrall ru[e,tbat ■ wc muft rather obey God then nnen, Rainoldes. JCljen astbel^eatbcnCSmpcrour mutt nofbc DbepeoifbecommannDeotbingsljniuttj ano pet toasfupjemg gouernour(pou grant) in tcmpsaal matters:ro in fpiritual mat# ters migbt be tjaue fbat fouera intie; pet not to be cbepeD, if boc tommaunocB things bngoclp. sDan.j.vei-.y. svcr.ii. - „ . ^ py/wconnnanscD men to worfliip the image of gold,'' tbero loere but tb?^ toljo oifofeepeb tjiau R ainoldes, better lucre tbofc tb:® trieu: ano tb;oug!j Vvcr.18, ' ' . c. i.iini.s.i# fojc rcfabe tbem of foucrainfie tbercin •, but belpc them teitb om'' ''praiersjtbattbepmapgoucrnctjs in godlinelTe & honelUe. Hart. ^£f evperifce ^?a3Ctb,tbaf, iftbepb^ne tbisfoucrain# tie,rcltgtbn lx>iU be cbangeo oftetoitb change of rulers. 5lstf iSibefnrpituoeofournationtbfougbtbetoboleltiodD, that of fourcpftnces lubo b'^nc fncccoeo one an ot^,tbegrft ftept tb« iincient faitb;fbougb not the i^apactf; tbe nert abolitbcb both; ♦bp 'Princgs arc fupreme gouernoiirsin all things- <^73 tlje tI)trD retto;cD batlj againe; ? botb again? are nabj abcltiljcD,»2 King.i^.^, Ijsr Sl^aiellic: al ti?e ctunpalTe of about piarc5, ^ 7. Rainbldes. ^otnttjerc-iiiiieof/Wtf^t^cugbiiot into fcbJ aij's. -pereo^ilje failjer, " i&tng Achaz, burnt tncsnfe in y ijis placer; f t^c fonne,'' £zekias,DisaSjclii^iijem; tfjencpljeto,' MaiislTes, DibnyCHaii- rettozeD tljcm agaute; analofias, i\is nep^eto, aboUl^eD tlie "'^n i'b.2. againe.^cttbepzopbefsinerenotmaueabp tfjcfe cljanges is aenie tfjcir foueraintic in niatters of religion . Hno better it is h MsgdcLsurg. foz bs to fjaue cbangcD fo^bp meancs of our gcal^ lofiasjana E- zckias, t^at noble c^ilb Ijcr t^aieftiesbzotijcr, % i^ev ^aietttc: 1 In Amos* c. 7^ tljcn to baue continuea bncbaitgea,as eur ancelrours; bnbcr tlje vfmenSs pope,as' Jonathan. boas it fuel) turpitubc foj tl;e nation faytl;Caluir, of tbe to Ijaue b^b religionrcfo.zinea op ttoo it mgs,tljcugi}~^^ inafeio pearco itcaufcDrunaucalterations: as fcztlje nati> uicieand incon- on of tfje T^omam to t)aue fecpt iaolatric loitbout alteration, ^ ft'ncjc(arttt-. bnoer bist) £ fez a tbcufanD pearcs togctbcr. IiniyctMlc? Hart. esacIl.tCllj'Stroeuer cpinion pcu baue oftbc pjhiccs iv.^rema- rtipzemacic: pour otun Centuric-wntcrs cctrolitingcncrail; hf^Mkrcfro-. f Caluin,in particular,tbe grant tbcrcof to J^tugHarric. jfoz '^cci -. n^icwiK fbep botb I epzouc tb? title of head.ana it is al sue to be head of Poo"',pfoU- the Church,f to be chiete gouernoar of caufes ecclchanicall, cleilait.vnrc.Jc- Rainoldes, Caluin repzouetb not tbe title of head as p -"vtdias pe- fetfantsgrauntc9it,fauttbatCenfetb?rcofiB{)i£b ^Soptib nei Hcgcm, v{ latesgauCjUaiuelp ' SteuenGardiner; labo Bib brgeit fe, as if tljep bao meant tberebp.tbat ^ the king might do thinges in quid voir erit, religion according to his oft'ne will, ana not fe tbe Bom as- ustjicD caUuK tozBtngfo C5ol)S toii.Jn kfez fozt is tbe headiElp of the Church subyuKft'cc controlles bp tbe Centurie- writers,jfoz tbcp fap tbat Princes ought not to be h«ads,to5coint formes ofreligi6,&'^ frame RcgflmUkc^ new points offa.itbja.s*/eroham did' his calues.^olub^dtbep rc popuio vium miflihe,^ toe grant not to pzmces-SJHbat toe grant to ]:? ziiKcs, tbat tbepmiSibc net.^ap, ^ ths Centurie-writers 00 giuelSje ftas coin) fum- ramerupzemacletoourp>zmcct!jatfeeDD:nozonlpte curs, ^ but to al in geucral.^iai bicb"" Caluin alfo Doti?. jI5oz enlp bet, OJ. 3 Nonhabcnt tbep: but" tbe refojiueD Cburcbcs tolple toitb cue caiucut. 3 ^"nai formula's migbt fap, cucn ° pour ctouemen toj.^ea, euen pour ieife tto, rch'gionum* M.Hart.^cz toben,t)pcn occaSon offp^tb 3 toiib pou ^^uo" * fcucbiitg ticulos. • I. King 12.28. 5 fjouosviti'losleroboam, kCfntnr4. prtbensp.NowcllDot|j,pouDtDagratotbto HofiiiSjAnj- //art. 3nDteD 3 bab tbougbt(f fo' do manp take it)tbaf pou N^^wcnfmeant to giue ao mucb to t p jtnce bp ^ title of p fHp;eniacie,a£! anrwtre!) nibf isc DO to tbe popc. iM^zvz pou giue no mo^e me tbinbes bp cp^ Novel,tbeS.'AuIlinDotb,lDbofditbtbatKingsdorcrucGod tftt."'"*' in this,asKings,if in their ovnrealmc they comaund good i f things,& forbid cuihnot only coccrnig the ciuil itatc of me, f ana "pietoni but the religion of ^od alfo.^iiD tbuomucb 3 fubfcribe tco. 7'rincip.doii, Rainoldes. * iSSltl pou pjocteDe tben to ^ later point,tobcre* ■ttw^.cfcrcon. tnj^ouvouldprouc (poufapD) thatthcfaith vhich wepro- gratnmat.iib.3. lefle in England is not the Gatholikc faicli* "rhefemd 3 baue p joueD it alreDp in part, if 0? f Catbolto fattb Diuifion ^ ^ toljic^f^z piofcffettt ^ Cburcb of/lome.^ou p.eofelTc not ■ ' ^g'f pointa ^ pou b^ue toucbtD bp t toap,of fcripturcs, oftra- diti6s,ofmeritSjOffacramets,of Priefthoode,ofthe Ma(Ic,thc real prcfecc,the vorfhip of Saints,! fuDjp others (beto. )15ut 3 toil cofer no farDer berof,tnles 3 bane greter afliirace of mp life. Rainoldes. ^iTurance of pour life to ptoteDe in c5ferece (bp i. 1 « . - ».l"-. ( 1 tr.. -' I ^ w .; ■ - t" - i'.> ^ ..•\)-;-a . .-. . . :iy; i„ii a.!; «i ibijrw.jrjiun- > ,.j. ) \. :.i I J- ■' . , .n:":C!b^ 'ti- ■' ' =•■ .... * j.' 1 • »M i w fi • ^ - "w * * ■ ^ i«'.i',/ * • ... 4 i ^ ■ • ■' -Jf V ■ ' ' ' ■ . ^ ' - ■ T . ,'; i . ■ .« -; : jOifUiri-1 <'':'•■ "fiv:><,!•!{»:;:• ' r.un.t/'Li; >_.. i;r.-:vJ5iiA t on:o:> l>f!C JM;;*:;' ia rb^i^'uJ \U;!iv,r-;l Itisyfii Ir:-!'-' t'wt l 1 UV n V 'S»3>: ^v, W _,ht j f}t>;biuij ivi ; .'{■ 9 K sa;v'''' ■ 66i TO THE RIGHT WORSHIPFVLL and reuercnd in Chrift, the heads of Collegesjand com* pofiie ofjtudents, cf the rniHerfitie ofOxferdf John noldes'deijhethgrace and peace from God the fa- the/y an^om oar Lord lefts Chrtfi. « ^en Anna mother ef Samuel Ijoo b;ous|iC bp htr chdOf Inborn (be obtmneo of (S^oo Inttb earned p;at!er0 (oput fromber (elfe (be rcp;ocb cf barenneife: (be ronfeerateb btm (!5oDbcfo;eElitbep;iitt, '(bat bemtgbt Hue, and fcruc in the temple of the Lord, Jn like maner 31 befiruiij to confccrate to the temple of the Lord ntp Samuel,a0 it Inerc, f tbefird cbilb oftranailetbat (E^oD b^tb se- nentomp bgrrenne0,bauetbou6btsoootop;e(entbitnto l^oB befo;e pon,fathers,anD b;etbten,tnetbeIouet> in Cbtid, tobo et< tber arealreabp o; ^allbeputin trad loitbtbe charge of the temple, to fcruc (if it map anp tnap) ^ the temple of theli- ^ uing God45crbap0a ra(b enterpzife, f bnbertaken rometobat ino?e bolD!p,tbcn abaifcblp: cbicflp feeing that it £e( (b fm- inferior to the rtpencs of Samuel, ^no truelp 3I b^uc betberto banc dil of ^ minoe,tbat 3 bat leider the things tobicb 31 ba" bjought fa);tb (rather as bntimelp fruites, then perfit cbilb^en) (bonlD be kept toitbin,tbcrt come ab^oafi into the light;? dap in the court of the temple,then pjcffC into the temple, jfoj 3 b^iwo ban Dealt tnitb both oft,anDearncdlp,bpmpberpfrenD0, that 3 toonlD faffer tobep.»nteDanDpubl^eD,a0otberrclenDer erercifes mabe ra< tber fo; the fcnce-fcbcole (as poo tooalo (ap)tben foj the fielD: (b cbieflp mp Orations, tobicb,toben 3 reaD the (©rake lecture in our College,3 mane to mine auDicnce coccming the ftudies of humanitie and philofophie, UlS^bieb l?et 3 b^^ue rcfraineO to Da),notofenuie,fo$3baueaDDictcD mpfelfeto tDiCblneU bnto the Church f common toealtb; neither of Dnkinsnes, as though 3 (nere not milling to gratifie them mborn 3 mas greatlp bouno to: butpartlptb.:cugbba(bfulnes,leadanpmaniboalD tbinke me to hunt after glojp, mbtcb poung men are (so graDic •of; paftlp tbjougb the knomieDge cf mine omnc meaknes, mho neither in refpcct of mit, noi age, no: learning, mas ripe inough to b;mgfoo;tb fruites mbicb might befct before all men to be 2 tadeo tafteo off. ifo; t|iou0i) H iicfiro to benefitte all lo^m B| ma?, t Bpift.,.adArt bauuTS leameO of * Plato tljatl am not borne for my felfe tkyt.rwcit. alone,but for my countrcyjncither can I bcnefitte my coun- trey more by any mcanes, then by teaching thcwaies hov to attaine to good artcs, ^ Tally tljougbt iocU: ?cf 3 fea# jb!^ '' KU Icatt 3 IboalD offeno in a common faute, an itching lull to c Epift.iib.». write, tobtcb * Horace bio term® madnes in ^is Dates, iobat ijaiie 6onc if be fjau liueo in ours sf intnlHcb fb^re is fucbplent^botbor^ffii^ tsits, anDof tooths excellent, ^at Inifemenma? ioffl? tbinbe it bnmeete to publitb an? tbtng, tbat is not bo;ougt^ boitb cunning, fileo toitb. iuDgement, poili* ^eD Un'tb labour, fruitful! fo;t commoDitie, ario fo^ bfe neceffar?. )^obobsit, after tbat 3 tnas DiffbargeD of tbat p;ofeSton ofartes of bumanitie,tbat3migbttbebetter^plietbe ffuDie of Diui- nitie: U)batbefo;eofba(bfulnesanD tui^ement3 baoffill re^ fraineDtoDcain things of leflO importance, leaff3 iboulo D« it more rabol? tben 3 tbougbt mate; tbe Duetie tDbicb 31 ^oD auD bis Cburcb b^b moueb me noto to do tfiat in a toeigiy tie matter, tbougb not fo ripel? as 3 tooulD. tn^bt^b tbing, tn# Dortalten faotbb? tbe aouife auD tbe requeff of tbe goDl?, 3 Inas •ceaClonebtotbinbeoffb? one Richard Briflow, an Ct^ilb^ tnanborne,abiDiugat2)#«'4y, p}ofcflingtbe2^w»i/fcfaitbt tubs batbfotfortba poifoneDtoorkeagainfftbefaitbanD Cburcb of 3e(us Cbriff, tbe faitb bobieb toe profeffe, tbe Cburcb of lubieb luebe • SDbat U)o;ke,entitleD Motiues to the catholike faith, iuben firff be fet it foitb) be batb abr^geD Cnce into a pamphlet ofDemau^tstohe proponed of catholikes to heretikes, anD printeD it agoine: fettmg before bs the fame bnDiuor? Cole# loorts, tUiife foDDen b? bunij^Ife, a tboulanD times b? ^opiifr cokes, to the great anoyance of gueff es,if the? faDe on it; great toatbing,iftbepf^e not. a greeuous intur? therein be batb bom to the Cburcb ofCnglanD,noronl?totbelubs!ebo# Die thereof,but to the feuerall partes alfo, b? rapQng bp bntrne auD UHckeD rurmifcs,b? caff ing out reprocbfuU fpacbes, b? la?#' wg bereffes to our charge: it flbalbe DeclareD (as 3 beare) Ibortl?; in t^ meane (eafon let the goDl? iuDge: lobiles, to beginne Isit^ fiur moft gratious Qiwcne,tbe Daughter of goDlineffe, the Defen# Ber of the faith, the mainteiner of peace,the nurfe of the Cburclk ilepjAlerueroftbe toealepublike^tbe motbjtrof our countre?,: 'touching the holy Icripturc and the Church. 66y IjeDotljnotoncl^ f note \}tx b^tliename of Pharao, but alfo f Motiu.47. s puttettjfecrctclptnfomenobeabs t^at fleets not a latofuH,! buIupJ^"* butapTctcnfed Quecne, (w t^papiftea fcrmo ^r:) of^or ^uind contr, l^ateaiesfattbfullanocbEDieiitrubicacs fjefaifljtJfat obey her for common humanitie, not of Duetto: to traift)?0, «te vifiUMo- * lD^ofuffreDfo,:fabmganne)5againft^er, tjegcuetfjtbe title of k holy and moft glorious Martyrs: Ije fclaunoeroufl^ repoj* Sur.m com* tet^t^at ' the wifer fort and principall of the Realmchaue prooued by experience of our dooingsthat our religion is k uaiia^f no religion at all; t^at our ISifliops and Minillers are moH ' Dem»und.4», ill and wicked, anD " very fewe who preach, and they fcarce n euer preach vponthe myfleries of faith: t^at our people « oDenuund.4(« theneerer they come to the preachers dodrine, the more they fall away from order and godlines, aCTurtH® pet tpetn# fcluee to be faued by faith only be they neuer fo wicked; tljat in our r Vniuerfitics, ettljer nothing is Itudied; oj the arte M»t;u,jr ©frpeakingonly,notDiuinitie; oj if I>iuinitie, notall, but afcwe points of it: t^at 1 our countrey is full not of men, aDiM«»uhd.4r^ butofmonlfers, of Atheill;es,ofAchrifts,oftl)cm iu^o belaue nott^atamnno foule Dot^ Uuemo^iettieii a bcaffgiopm it w gone out of tlje boDp: finallp, (not to rabe out of tfjofe caueo of bjimffouet^l rcIE oftbe * coalesofiuniper tol^tdj ^e f oot^ . prain, ti) joto botl) generallp bpon tuliole elf at eo, ano tpon manp lear^ " ueD anD goDlp men particularlp,) tliaf our Church, ttieberp boDg of our Church, Dtot^ not folfer an ^creOe ojttoo, but rDemtand.}*.' hathreuiued rianyold herefies, ' belidesat Icafta thou-k r oewimiji.^ fand more of tlieir owne inuention; tljat it committeth nbofbP20ublp afbe J'jwhcther any of our great Mafters will ' anfwere his 7)cmaundes; as tbou^ toe bab neither Ibielb in tbe Cburcb to quencb tbe fier ie barteet of ^atan, no; pbpltcian in ^ael to beale fucb as are toounbeo: anb ^ bnoto not tobat Gnatho,tobicbbatbcaSab;oaboflate infamous berfesin oiir 2 afciaunje-. baiuerfitte, bflfb iufclentlp boattob tbat ^ theCaptainestrem^ tyiu iii>cu,r<4. bleamazed with f ritfowes lightning,as tbougb be bab aSoni^ eb tbe Co?onclls of our armp.f not tbe tbulbiers onclp^But let ^riifow hnoto tbat netber all bo fcare bim, botofoeucr he hath touched the youthcs in his Pafquincs: no;pa52e men baue caule to Sanb in boute of bim,tbougb be tbteaten f being armed with a Icauer and a di(h-clout)thac a wil quel all who ftand in hisway,&cru(hthcinpccccs.^nbiftbe^arafifcs of p ^Sope tbinb that to be Iightning,tobtcb be batb flalbt to burn d^nglanb: lightning as toasfaftcr t^' poet) tbe lightning of Salmoncusjwholhaking ofcatorch, didcounterfcir the thundring foundes and lightning flames of heauen. ^ut fucb binbes of lightning,attbougb tbep baunt tbe toauering (brakes anb towneofEhs, tofvSbingis Salmoncus: pet ^epbaunt nott^ bnuincible CbiiSians anb eitie of t^ liuing (lf^ob>tobofe bing is tbe ll8;b, ;Snb let '^m tobo flatbt it tabe if be bee toiie> touching the holy foipture and the Church. 66f iuifc, lead ^isfoHa^ lightning (aw ^ tt litippcneO fo thclightnerSalmoncus) be rcuengeb toitb trae lightning of lib.i, almtj^he 0oD, to ttje titter rutne of ijtm relfe,t)tB totpne> and ct- ti?cns. ^oj.tf)eCl)nrct)Ui^tfI)ta leabb? the holy ^hoft into* loh.K.ij* all truth,fjatl) beene alreaote taagfit bp Ijtm cut of the frripturcsf, anb Ihall be taugfjt fartIjer(t!j,M)us^ f be grace of (2500,) bibat oif# fbrcnce tljere is betUieerte tbe lightning of 5riftow,atiO tljc ligbt cf^cfusCbJi® J tlje lightning of Briitow, the iftatz tub^reof ootb b«rt tbebooies tDb«b it ftrihctb; tbc ligbt of 3|efus Cb^itt, tbebeames tobereof oelite tbs men to tobom it lbinetb:tbe lights ning, euill ano pelfilentjtobicb blinoetb tbem tobc fa, ano feih letb tbem tuljo hue tbe ligbt,gajo ano bealtbfull, tubirtj giuctb figbt hnto tbe blinoe,anD life bnto tbe oeao. ipieitber are toee i])itboutmanpgoolpmenofercellentauto;itie> learning, ano iuogement,cucnamong®tbemtobom tbioTcrtuIlusnametb repjocbefuUp ' great Maillers, tobo ccnlo bane fljehjco tbw "cSit" long ago. l^tDbeittbepb^uettapcobetb^ofrom ocoingit, ci- Dormans tberbecauCe tbep tijougbt bio foltes tocrcrefuteo before tbeg toeretoiiten,fo;^tbat(aftertbemaneroftbe^9opifb inciters) b© IningetbnoncbjmatterjbutfcfltD^etb bpolo ruttiettuffe, as * one of t^n oio note long Rnce: o; becanfe tbep purpofeo fir® to encounter Initb fucb as bao tonten befb;ej ano mo^ p®bii?> on# tenoing to oeale after loitbtbe rc® in one time, as ^ an otber fig< ^ o* nifieo of late tbat be meant :o; becanfe, tbecontroucrfies being rnfficientlptraueleoinbpmanp, tbeptl^ugbttbattbep migbt Heskins.san- toell ccafe from t'ois labour,tbonglj tbe ^^apittcs ccafco not from gurfii.u*"' tbeir impuoencic; as s icremic bauing anftucreo Hananiah * once,gaue bim no anflnerelube be rcbeateo bis erroi-.o; becanfe perhaps fome b«^b no leafure from tbcir lueigbtier cjjarae of fee* Oing tbe Cijurcbj fome litfeo notfo ftriuc lui^ fucb ^ railing per* fan ;tbmc,lDbilcfbeptbin}ce tbat others bane tafeen tfin bano, bo let it alone; a!,eitbsrrfnTember the courtfcil of the tnifeman, ** that ^ thoumultnotalUjapesanfrtrercafooleJeaftthoube- come like him, 01 if it lucre rcquifite to ' anfvcrc bim nolo Icaftheleemevifein hiso«rne conceit, tbep®raine curtefio lubo ibonlo uooit. Jfo: mp part,,lea®the Philiftincs tbonlo Ijaantanptoj^, as iftbeirlucre no man among® the Ifrac- htcs that our® figbt toitb Goliath, o; ^ the Ifraelites be gr^ nehluitb bearing the bot^ of the lining (Sob to be fo defyed of an 4 vncircum- Proii.i*. Tcr,4. i Tcrf.y. lif I li t' Rii iS t: lit li. I'-lI 'i IV ii, ilH: M 666 The preface to theUx Condufions TncircumcifcdPhiliftin;3i piirpofcD goQS graccdljcug^ pct^pc! Goliath iDCulo^ue DtCDatntti uics£s a chtlDe, purpofchto ret Ppon Ijtm ui ttre namt oftijc ilo;& of fjotfeo, t^e <©oD oftlje Ijofl:of ifraci, 313ut iD^en 3 Ijao picpareD mp fctfe to J j.cor.io.4. t|)Cbatfaile,anOcl>)fen fmooth ttoncs out of the brookc of ©cos too;ie,' tofjitf) arc mightic through ^od to caft downc holdesj&eucry high thing that is exalted againlf the know- ledge of God; 3 tljcmafter toaoDtfpattljeo alrea^ m D. Fiiikei 6tc bp ™ alfoKto aiiDfait^ful CoolDtour ofCljjttt, fap iv)t)»)minanp ta(»a "Bif-" Philiftines ^ab faefojc bccne conquereb. SHU i)ofe i3Do;be(ai8 3 bn# mwct Moduet Dcdf(Ob fince)i9 at t^e p^db tco, anb l^all be (l)o;tIp publitbtb. M!)crefo;e laping noVo aGbe mp fo;mer purpofe, 3 tijougbt on tljatdemaundanbp^mtreof Sriftow foucbmg the I'cripturc anb the Church,bo^retn be botb cballenge anb ofifer bo tlje com^ bat- ifo^ Inbereao a countrte man of ouro, bnbcr t^e (itU of an Tulearncd Chriitian, (concealing I)ts bbon name,)bab fet fco;tb a booke touting the autoritie of Cods word & the Church; ft D«m»ttnd 34. " ^riftow lotUetb bi»n to fet out his booke, and put his name "" to it,with approbation ofour Rabbincs,and with priuilcge, anb p.iomifetb tbat he Qial quickly fee it anfwered booke baue3 fongbtfo;, but coulb not fall bpon it, allt'pe copieo of it (ao 3 gbcffie) being folb. j^citber feneto 3 Ijoto to fpeahc toitb tbe auto;,lDbobab cbcealeb naine,3 bout not but fo; goob caufe. •' ibut to fatiffie, (if not lobolp,pet as farre as 3 migl^)tl5e eljalfge t of Sriftow: 3 b^us fet out tf)ls litle trcatifc of tlje fame point, Initb § autours name thereto, f approbation,not of Rabbkies, •' ¥«^»l T- (tol^m bjc leaue to tbat ^pnagogue tobofe ° rulers loue to be called Rabbi,Rabbi,^aiAers, f lI>oaours,) but of graue anb leameb men tobom it coneernetb. i^bul) tbing 3 bope biill lihe btmfbmucb t^ better, becaufe it compjifetb not onelp tbat queif ion toucbtng the fcripturc anb the Church tbat be befiretb to be fet out, but certaineotberalfoof tbefame htnbe, cbicGp foucbing the Church, tob^reof be batb onelp tbs bare name to boalt of. 0nb 3 leoGe fo; an anffxiere fb mucb tbe fooner,becaufe J j« the title fberearenotDfotDcrpearespaft, fince e be P^wmifeb a iiatin StD^mScs b®be:totobicbbJbelberitb«comeab;oab alreabp, 0^ to come fl^ojtlp, be map ioine (if it pleafe bim) an anftocre to tbefe Con- dufions, t^abereinifbetbinkeitmatefo^bw^tobcale, tbere are tb;® tbingsbotb eafp to be bam;,anb reafonable(iH mp iubgelul)icl)3iliHllrc(5ucfft)tm, SDnew,t^att>e tofllfet fiotone tljstcrtofm? Condufions iDitfj t>t£anftDcre, (as3ll>aO oetcrmmeD to dcd loit^ Demaundcs,) tfjattfjereaoero maip fs, to.]at confutetl), ano ^oU). Zn oti)er y- tliat loill not htcko agatiiil t^ pztcbeo: t|)at fit lotll poelDe to tijc trut!) anD not go about to Darken tijedetreltgljt ofttje Tunne of rtgtjteoufnetf Ujitlj cauiUf anD fclanoero. s:t)e tljtrDe. f bat if be be a^amcD to fa\|, the truth preuails againll mc:pet in rcpjoutng fucb things as beaCDipetb to rep;ouc,be toill Deale mo;e founDIie anD fincere# l5tben2).Staplctonbatb Don in bis i>o6trinall Prindplcs of faith, a too;ke mo.ze full of toojDes tben trutb. Ifoj to confute OurDOrtrine, ^ fbat the Church is the company of^odseleft a PrlnC.Ci, andchofen,tiJbicbU)eftKbof thcCatholike Church, anoif is true: betcac^tb'' tbat cuill men arc mingled in the Church %" cap.y. with good, the reprobate with the cleft, Uibicb tbing is alfo truein the militant Church. But true tbingcs agratoitb true tbinges; neitber Dotb one trutb Duertb;oto an olber. CElebalD, tbat the Catholike Church,which is commended to vs in the Creede,is thewhole company of Gods deft and chofen. ^e anfloerctb, fb^t the militant Church, which is mentioned in the fcriptures too, containeth neither all the deft, nor them onely. jSnDbp tbi« anftocre Ije faitb b^ b^tb confiiteD tbe crrcuranD bereOeoftbe * Hufsites. But therein Ijc Dealetb* so^cmi-- liketbeinofiDbonitbepjonerbeis,Iaskedforhookes,&: they Hune.amsh' fay they hauc no mattokcs. But (to returne to mp purpofe) 3 Run,ani> bo If baue tbDugbt gcD to publilb nip Condufi 0 ns, cucn in tbe fame fo^t OS tbep loere fet Dolone in bcrles, anD openeD isitb fuppoH^ no tonccminit tions,acco;Qing to tbe o;Der of publihe Difputations of cur 3ani» uerCtie; t^ ratber fo; ttiis caufc,tbaf Ifraungers migbt perceiue tbe ktnDe of otu* Difputafions; iubieb anD all things els of our 53* niuerQticarefoDcbafeDbp ' Sriftow, as if toifeDom bab banc * borne toitb tbem alonc,aHD IboulD Dpc toitb tbem. i^oto tbefe Cr Condufions containc tbccbiefefountaincs,^anDasiffa)cre ^t)« s«tr#ni^ tbeberpfounDationsoftbccontrouerftes, tobiebtoe banc initb tb? Cburcb of 2Dbat tbe ligbt thereof luill be fomebelpe, eona. 31 trulf, to £ucb as are not toilfullp blinoe, to fcatter 2riftowcs c n. miffes,anDaUtbcmilliecauils of Sriildwcs mates anD csm* ® , i pliceg, condufiGii /^o; inhere it is certaine bp manifetp^oofejdti ' ^Cbnrcb mu 5 ■ of 658 The preface to the fix Conclufions af^wfitfclfeoofljacknoluleDjsCjtljat the whole doftrincof rcUgioo and faith (to^i-ch Uaott^ the fatthfull to faluation ana life bu ti)C truaanO right of CDoO)is containc J in gods word: the |3aptflte, to eftabJtfh their fuperititiono aits « nurs that art agamtttbeCcripture, " btutoethcwordeofGo i into Scriptureano tra'dirions; that to«;at the? can not finoc tri Gods writcn worde, the? ma? cautU ei;atis toao ojoerco b? Gods traditionaric word, fo to terme tf. Sin olO flcight ano poltcte of the pmpes of ^tan, luheretoith the Scribes ano Pharifes of theJ|ebDeaDtocrafttl?atra? b}bcgu?leo»r hauteur Chriflt) aa X Matt. >5.}. tp ^ EuangcIidcsh«aeto;tten:nftertDarBefhchereftfet3^Ta» ^»>rVh.c6m- tian> Valentinas,Marcion,anDthcirfeloU>cisafia?eDtnIifte ment-fax-ta:. ftjttobegapleChJittians, OB l«rom auD iren^us ihcU). Siuo r irVn cont. thc parontaof thatccjnipt cpinton concerning tradi* hiref.iikj. c'l. tionsjtohichait callto Apoftolikcasb? *oiaehcrctihea,fo b? radanl MdiM '' Romah Ctut ch emb;accth the opinion as her ctont creleentibus. chiloe: Utle conffoering thatitiaa bafliaro, not eoHce?neb b? Hieroa.inAgg. Ch>ijf, b«t got b? thtft froMt oio heretifteB, lEnlcffeperhapa the "BrVft. De- h^b tf ratbev b? aooption froin Marcus Antonius: loho tohen tnaund.ay. Ma- the Senate hao ratifiit) the acteo of Czfar, he aooeo to Cxfars nets c cfc.in Anton, ^hat p !tlteD,ani) tooula haue it to ftano as fure as if Csefar him phiiip.i. fetfehabenadeo it. ii6ut that the opinion it lelfe is a baftarb (bDhofoeuer begot it,an heretihe o; an i^eathen) anb thcrefote to d dcu.,3.1. belhutoutof'i thcLordesafFemblicjlDhtch baftardesarcfo;# bibben to enter into, mpfirHConciufionlhctMCtht tuherein 3( haue beclarcb that the holy fcripturc teachcth the Church all ihingcs neccflarie to faluation. .^otn, the iPapiflte,betngcaftDDb(jne from thiabatoarfee, re*" The Ic- je pnto the Church, anb fa? thereof ' it can not crre: that cond con- although their traditions, that ie, f Ijeir errourB, bib not fpjmg clufion, fi*om€hrift»?et can the? haue no faute, becaufe the Church rcaainl-io^fa bcthholbthcm. ^Herodotusfepo^ficthjthatCatTibyfcsbtHg of caitchittrki. burning toithtbicltebloue ofht3 otone aSer, afbco the 'f I' iubgco tnhriher hee might mar? her b? the laU) of the realme. asilhevetothe?mabeanrinereafter confultation, that th^ found no law which pcrmittcth a brother to mary his fitter: but .an.other law they had found yet, which permit- tcth the king of Ptrp/tns to do what he lilhSShe Perfi4t$iixt^tB. «fie!ib85, tf ifthevmaoc it. i iBut touting the holy icripturc and the Church* 669 _ lIBnt tpcn tljat anfiufrt Camhyfcs wo io^a? |jtni feif inf£ftoou& I5 lit mafuge toitfj i>is Cftcr. Stljc bauo rc^jouco tbi« fact cftiw>aB totct(CD:ano w not mott libe tmto tt; RofVM7 Cbntcb'ttie of'SMhyUny tiatbbartwo tottll* nitfcO OtQrc,not of b;ot|)er,ao Camby fes of tkis SS»r,bttf of i> OdU i fuperSitiono. %^z aouife of 113t£bQ|id,ti^ K omatt iitogoi^ |^ati)bcenearheo> lu^iet^trlbcmigbt tnarprupcrOittono anot« OoUi bp tbe of^tibopo baue caufeo tpe ficrtp« tureotobtt^rcbeOjAnotb^finooiui iatp tDpcrebptbe Uio^tlbtp ofioeUianoruperitittonoiopeanttteD: but an ot^er kttn tptp |)auefounopetlub{cbp;cuioctbtbattboCburc|ican noterre in peereting anp tping, SLfje ^omaa iuogcB oflftnoco tobo fai« neotbtolibo: \3i^o alloln it. jl5ut bpon tpio (entencttb(ir€burcbp;ctenoett)mariagf, committetb atiutte- riejtoitbfupcrffitionoanoiDoIdin mo& abominable (b;t. i^et 5 Briftowlapctbitintbefounoation ofbw b^ufe, ano mabetlj s mention of it as if it toere tpjB tato of A.uftin, pea of chrift: bat iinpuoentlp,an& faflp; tijat it map toelt app^c bo neitbcr Itneto tobaf Chrilt faio, no; lob^t Auftin meant. ®ZJb«refo;e to oucf)' tbiobo tbe ruinous lualUs botb of tbe bonfe^ano tbe founoaticn, 3 baa^ Ctt tbe fccono Conclufion againft it: tobicb pwuetb ma- nifeltlp tbat the militant Church may crrc not in mancr$ on- ly,but in dodrinc too, ;anD tbat being feftleo Dotb feme toitball to fettle i Srengtben tbe tbiro: tDbetfin it is auoucb<®» ^at thaholy fcripture conclulio, is of greater f rcdit and autoritic then the Church, SDrulp, 31 ^onio maruaile,tbat it coulo euer come into tbe minbe of anp man to tbinkeotberioifttbao not S. *> Paul foietolD tbat the man k i.rheffM. of finne, the fonnc of perdition, fliould fit in the temple of God,& exalt him felf abouc God.SElbicb p;opbcctc batb bane ful0lleo in tbeir epes, bobo bauefcene ^ntid);itt p;eferrco be- ro;e Cb?ift: 9 tb^ P few ;anticbjift p;eferreo befoje tbe autour of tbe lu^D. 0nD tbat, tobicb mtbeto is paU^ to tbe Church; is atti^uteb in ti utb to tbe pope of R«mt. ji3otb tbeCt tinnges arc tuioent bp. i Albertus Pighius: tDljcle faptnges, concerning tbe fcrip- ^ ture iuiO tbe Church, ultbougb t^p bee berp tnfolent snh :i!i^ I'i fXiV' I : I'l . I'! < I I I ■!i ' -v'M I •; ' i'l ^70 The preface to the fix Conclufionr k Concil.CoB- ftanr.SclT.i]. Hoc noB ob- tbnce. 1 Kpift.i.fc 5, ad Bolicmoi. ffl Lib.dcex- prefT.Dei veibo iiDcmaund.;^, o Inconfcfl'. Pecricou.cap. 19, i)ngool^: t^re toere amonjsa t^icm to^o ItueD before Pighius euen of fbo cbtofetatnes of tbe namely ^ tijo Fathers of t^Z Counccll of Confiancc, aitO Carotnall ^ Cufanus, 1d|)o rpakemo;etnfolcnfl^* tobo lturD0nfo, b^ue hcpt tfje fenfe ano fubSanco of Cu- fanus, anb Pighius,in fbaf fbep a i3?incelp 0; ratber a tg# rannicalUutorittctothcChurch fo,j expounding the fcrip# ture, aoCarotnall Honusoa)tb> ^uttbOHb^u^putfrefb colouro on tf, ano qnaltReo ao it tnorc tbe hgour offbe fpetrbois: infomiitbfb^t" ^riftov(freaoingtbettcppcaof ° Hofius,) reqngjetb not greater autoritic fo^ tbc Church,but fimetb toel p EpiUj.ad Bohcittos. q Bcclefiaa.hi' crarch.lib.1. cap-». T Deicntfld. Tridcntlib.;. * Keu,!^.^. f AS.:#.!?. Thcfourth eonclufion content to maheit equall with the fcripture. ^otobett, bro fpeahetb (b,3i Imoto not botn,tbat 3| Dare not aucucb b^ toof tbat uuno. if01 tbougb b^ bs cbalenge Ithe obeotence to tban botby Uhetrutb) lihepituilegetobefroefrom errour: get in tbat b^ aOOetb) tbat we bclceue the fcripture becaufe of the Church, tfbecomeao n^retotlje meaning of ^ Cufanus ao b^ Dcstb to bidtoo;De0,tbatbetbinhe tbe fcriptures creoit ano auto;itio DepenOetb of tbc Church,ano the Cnurch imparteth autoritic canonicall (aa "J Pighius eppjcttg faitb) vnto the Icripture: bebatba barber fojbcao tben 3 tbougbtbcbao. ^ct An-f dradius, tbe erpounoer ano patrone of tbe fattb of trent^ fpea« hetbmucbmo;emoDe0!g ano religiouQg (togeucbim ijio one p;aire)of tbe autoritie of tbe fcriptures.JiSRbicbfirtt be atUnoto# leOgetb^tbatthcyhaue not from nnen, but from ^od; not from the Church,but from the holy Ghoft: anO tljen be COltd' cluOetbtbereofjtbatirisdercftable to teach that either pro- hincbookcs may be madecanonkallby the Church &!Bi- IhopSjOr fuch as arc certainly canonicall may be rcfufed. Of the which things to affirme the one (be Caitb) it is a point of notorious impudcncie: thcother,olFmadnefleandimpictie not to be fuffered. tbat Andradius bao lihctnife OcteltcO tbe * cuppe of the whoores abominations in otbcr tbingef^)?, (fitb be is oeao,) 3| Inoulo to Coo tbat all Cb.nftiang, tobo of goolg mino miOihc fometobat in berjfano tobo orotb not miflifee rometwbat^) tooulo miflifee tbc rett of all bcr flltbtnetfe to: no? onclgbcChri(Hansalmoft,as Agrippa, but like both almoll and altogether to Paul, n« ' Paul DtO ioifb to biiW- 3^0 tbe tobicb cno tbat 3! wigbf belp tbem fo?toaro,asmtKb t as iB touching the holy fcripture and the Church. 671 ' acla^inmc: 3iijai?£Dajncfljcbettacaitto^iMletf)ei«n00rcu0 of opinions,cc fc a'w t{j5 (aft of felp foulfS,tl>a( t[)ep t[)inbet^cbcauenl? bjoaD to be popfon, anb atyCjret^ ftDoeteS foibc of life as tu(D;tntr oo. Rumours, tfiat 3| ^caUotf, arepernerfeerrcurs, bolju^ febuce tlmn from ttie trufbint^atartide ofourCrsbe, I bclceue the holy catho- like Church. jfoj Damc arc pcrftoabcb, that the name of holy Church helonsctt) not to t^c bobole contjpanp of tbe Cb;tthait people, but to tbc^tnUfcrsonclp anb )i5t(^ops of tbe Cburcb; no not to tbe ^inilfcrs of cuerp Cburcb ndtber, butoftbs Cburcb of Home, cue:? t|^ Pope anb Cardinals. QlSlbom to haue gotten by a certaine cultome to be called the church, and that the church had doon,receiued,andordeincd, that which was doon, rccciued, and ordcincd by them:' Marfi- ^ liusPatauinusbtonotetn * bt^ it is tos toeU hnotnen pacis.p^rt.t, bnto men of pares, jDtbcr feme,anb tbcp of tbe terncbber fojt, . admotolcbge tbat tbe Church botb fignlfie tbe companp offaittv oim&uc full men, anb belauers, buttbep toil baue tbat companp to ba "iJ®'- " a people aifemblcd by their own Bifliop, and cleaning to „ Francirc.w the head, tbat ts, to the Pope, leaS tbe papali ^tate be anp rian.dc cccleC toaptmpaircb. SDbcp compjebcnbe tbcrefojc all fucb toitljin fci tbat contpanp as bcDtt^ofeOe tbe faitb, botb tbe gob anb babbe, iNlpanDp.zofanc, goblp anb bppoerites. SDbereare fomeallb tobfltbinfee tbat by this point [to bclceue the holy churchj the churches autofitic IS commended to vs : tbat toe Iboulb truft, crcditc,and obey the church, toljicb * tbe Councell of coafrrid''"* 7'r«//('itrametb)tooulfiinlinuat«, tbougb tometobat barfeelp in expaiiu anobtffruftfullp ► i5ut r ^ritto w tbercin botb bearc tbe bcH aloap, ^0^ be(tbe moje eafilp to oeceiue En^hp men > at leatt ^ tbe Cmpler, if not all) too.zhetb trcacberic toitb tbe boble figniflf-, , v cation of tooibcsj. erpounbtng tbis article, ' Ibeleeuc the , Church, as if tbe meaningcf it tocre, * Itruft the Church: bettoane tbe tobic^tbmgs tbere is great bifference „ anb tbat berpmanifelf.m tbe CJraheanb ILatin^ tbougb in our mo#»Triseu&TSS tber toungc not C>.|?et tbis man toas cceateb Doftor at D»w^: anb tbme bo accoimt bim aman of mucb halue« 13D te;etcbeb Credo occitfitK- pjofidlbjsof tbf 1>cVMy-fch0tk, tbatcceateb fucb a Dcftourj. but mote tojotcbebpapiOes, if tb^ gene crebit to fucb a Doc- tour: tobotobeibecbbbe (opbt^ o^Cdaunberer mo;e notably r I ■ 4 ''i: •li 'Ml J'lliin f, !'v i 1: ^i The preface to the f ix C onclufions " 3i"^ Ut0i)aroetofaij. ;aiearncDmanajnongtyr^eatt;e;ifi(tf3|«- f ttJflO faio, tljat phyiicians can not fiodc a medicine againfl: the Syting of a Iclaundercr. 515u^ becaufcthe things are pofsiblc with God which arc impofsible with men: t^refo;e Upon confiocnce cf pis gracious gcooncs 3 pane •J" aiiapgh to mahe one againit tpe biting of tpis fclaunoerer, ano of tpelilto, intpefourtp Conclufion: topcrcinj pauc occlareo, (feftirtg apart tpe P;clafes of tp® Cpurcp of 3?j«r,anb goates 2 tntngleO toitp (p®pe)tpat the holyCatholike Church which wc ® bclccue^is the whole compantcofGodsclcd and chofcn. The fifth ^o^eouer, leaft the painting of tlfzR'miJh Church fpoulo conclufion mahe hnffeilfuU ^oung men to be cuamojco of per, topcn tpe? ®fl Ipoulo pearc manp contincno per as Catholikc, Apoftolike,and found in fafthito taltc tpis bifaro alfo atoap from per face,»Ujalp 2 atoap per painting toitp toater cf tpe polp ^poll, 3 pauc aooco | ' fiftp Conclufion, tpat the Church of Rome is not the Catho- like Church,nor a found member of the Catholike church. 51 matfer,clare in frutp, but paro to be pcrftuaoeo: fpeciallp to loucrs: fojCupidcis blinoe. anbaspefaitpin* Theocritus, a In Bucoiiift. j{^g things that arc not fairc, fccme fairc to him th at is in loue. Daphnis in tpe ^oct faitp fo to Polyphemus; toe bp cfperience ^ pane fonnb it frue in 5riftow. ^0% pe, being bcfotteo toitp tpe ® i loue of tpe whoore, is not content to fap tpat fpc alone is Ca- m tholikc:tpat errbur toerc mpje tolerablcjat lead it toere an erro^ a« b DeminBj.H. wmwon to ^m toitp manp.i5nt ^ pe affirmetp fartper, tpat the aof ' Church might be & was called Apoftolike,for this caufe one# -a ly, that wc might be dircfted thereby as by a marke to the m Church of 1{ome, founded by the Apoftlcs Peccr and Paul, "jt the oncly Church now left of all the Churches Apoftolike. a, | i^pffp flaffermg fpacp of tpis Icuer ' tpe Pope of Rome pirn# HentJKtxpo- fclfe, tpe bjioegromc of pis church,tpougp coating on pis bnoe tui fit.symb. fa), pet refQfetp: adtnotoleCgtng tpat the Church was called utm i inSymboio Apoftolike (by the Fathers in the Crcedc) to note the lilti Concil.Coni beginning of the Church which it hath from the Apoftlcs, J'ji ttintmopoht. bccaufi: thcy dcHucrcd oucc thc Chutchcs dodfinc, and ,0 e Briftow Me- fprcad it abroad through all the world. iSsfo^tpcm ® tpat dB.ii. Igeue tpe title ofCathoUke to tpe Church of tpe? mud >iiii ^Calw abuifement poto to cbfere tpeir bolcneflfe from attaint of fatrtlcogc, touching the holy foipturcand the Church, ($73 CamltDgC) IpttoDeche an acuUereOis toit^ fpoilca of tt>e fponCe of o^,(to t^tnhct!)cbc(f cf Church of lo|)0 fpotlfi raott)cr to oerhc tt;e Bn, Councell (fucb to fo^ce oftrntt)) oca (onfeGTe platnip. ^ut 7 rid.in cxf o. tbe cbwfcEerrour tbaf to to beabateo, to tljetro, Inbo aw pcr^ *''"^„arad.de- ftoaOeO tbat tlje Church of Heme is of right opinion anD found fcnf.fid.Trid, in points of faith: pea,fo found anb right, tijat t^icr tbinh no w f)cftilent difeafe may attache her,no contagion infeft her, iio whScp. potofynfaithfulnes any way defile her. j^ftbofnbub aller# ipr.48.rerii, anb " betofaib tbercfobefcrueb: ° Efay termetb it an har-„ lot, Sbe temple of tbe ILo;bionamd> e the houfc of Cod, p tbe boufe of p^aper, bp Salomon; bpehrifltttorepo;tebto be Matins adcnneof thceucs. JSDffltb Efay fpeake againE tbe Pfal- CbiiR againE Salomon i but tbe FfalmiR ibeloetb bobat » 6^4 The preface to the hx Conclufines ' sru,Mi. to|jatIcrufalcmljDa8,m|jw time; Efay, toljat in f)t6. '"The faichfull citic is become an harlot: it ions a faithfull citie,bnt it is become an harlot. Salomon teactiethtn^at the houfe of J (7odougl)ttobe;Chrift,to|jatit 15mafle.' Youhaue madeira denne ot theue$:it tnaa not to Salomon,but you haue made it« T{ome 1005 tiketoire (buno in time of tbe ifatbera.but ttja faitbfuiUitiei5becomeanbin'lot: tbt fonnimre it batbloS, it liatbsota tep.:ou(le:itlDa5tbebouf(of<^ob, it is a oenne of . Rew.ij. tb«ue5: it belo ' the faith of Chrift, but itiofallen from it. 3|t 1 had kept the dotSrine Uill vhich was deliuered by the Apo- ^ ftles, bntill tbe time of Irenxus: but ^at it hath kept ftill bntil ^ our time the dodrin which was deliuered by the Apoftles, ^ ootb it thereof folobofliSnlcffeperbapatbe IdopeoCourtterotoill ^ p>oue, that the toboo^eo, tbe Courtirvtn5 tobi^b beepe tbcir filelDCO, are birgino, becaufc tbe^ Inere blrgins lubcn tbep luere litle babe5. former ifatber5 tben,tPbo ben^ tbat § church cfT^e oio erre,Da) not gainfa^ bo.SLbe later, tobo ocnptbat it ma^ erre,i^fa^ be in ocebtbut tbet gainefa^ ^ bfll? too, ]t5i;lDbbftinrpirattontbe bletTcoiSpoffle erbbiting tbe2<«m«i church nottolift bp it fclfc againft tbe/ofw; Se not high minded(raitb b5)but fcare.For if God fpared not the natural branches,take heed leaft he alfo {parrot thee.^ehold there ^ fore the bountifulnes and feueritie o^oddeucritie toward the which haue fallcnjbut toward thee,bountifuIncs,if thou ~ continue in his bountifulnestor els thou (halt alfo be cut off, n Peat Sew fl^bcchurchof^o»wtberefojemapbecutof;ifcutof,tbencrre: ifWTC,tben Tnfaithfulnes may haue accede vn to it. lasbatf dc coneiiijs.' anb Iras Cyprian of an other minbe f laarbonme O Cyprian; ^ 3 luoulb belceue tb« glablpjbut tbat belauing tbee 3 Iboulb not haretiiki.' bcl^o tbo loo^b of<090. 15ut lub^fh^ l^bulo Hitber bf - '"c *nfefs 7»^ papISs iubgo. ;at lcaft,if tbep be* -j' irie.«p.»4.ac' Ittueratbcrman tben cnfo did iuifli tfjembp tDtjom olbe^owets p;m?fcb anD repoiteb 'to gather together Chriftians to peace,»«' Soccr.apud. 'onA rpnai'rr their faith.' tr»minifterre?iefe«ntr»rhi. Ki-.^.lTr/.r. ^"'cb.l,4.c.ii. and repairc their faith,' to minifterrcliefcvnto the brethren samkr.irg ,j. & the Churches, " tobeafchooleofthcApoftleSjamother- " Epitiop. ork ad citieofgodlinclTc, * a fanaificd Church, ano fncb lIHc tilings "uJudSoxo. a numbers Si!Set)attetoO(DtDtt^neU)^<'fflr«,U)i^om ^ fier olnne mcn.lib.j.cap. llo;te5,a(tes,anD monnments 000 conuince to be a nurfe of iuars, aparentDftjnfaittjfalneae,arpopUr oftpeb^et^ien,a toojt^tp^ X Ignat.inin- peroftcols,areateof£Ouetoijfneffe,nlaDteof pjioe, aclierttl^crf inflanicr of Inftes, of outrages, of abominations : toboft tnott y w»k.onV. louing *fonnecomplatnett)ofbiBmotber,tbat» her old fame phf-^^i'ciiic. continueth, but her goodnelTc is gone; ttiat her Paftours arc 7hiodoric?i turned into the fliape of woolues, the neercr you come the Niem.Abba, Wthicr all thingcs be ;tbat ^ trifles arc giucn, gold is re- ceyucd,and oncly money raigncth there; t^at \thc Church- i?tr«rjwb v>u goods are made to fcruc for lcofl:crs,thc altars for wantons, m" the temples for boyes abufcd by vnnaturallmonftcrs; t^at > tcjoga.?! the lawesdiuine and humane arc denycd, men and God ^ dccciucd, holincfle put to flight,godlinefle dcfpifcdjrcnoun^ Kmp«r.lib.}" ccdjandaffliftcd:*" Ye that a holy life would leadc, from 1{eme fee that ye flee: Though al things els be lawful there,yet good ye may not be. £nDtberemaptame(31Ilopc)bofb toeigftiEcaufrs, ana iutt, Thcllxtlx lobP ihc reformed Churches (to come to t^e lalt Conclufion) conclufio, in En^liUidfScotUndf Eraunct, Germany^ & other kingdon'.es & commo wcalthcs, hauc fcuered them fclucs from the cojrup- tion of ^«» %T^ 0? Si ■^'E. 'Jij i ill u I 7ijf , M !l ; (> I 179 The preface to the fix Conclufions 0: to bcldeue CC^oo toitt) a bol^ faitb, as CDoo t)atb coinrnanoed; ! j fit!) tbe Church of Kemcbdnjj tahen toitfj contagious oifeafss % ' JI a frcnfp,Dto put tjer counfellcrs to tlje cr, frsnos to t^c ftoojo, |l\ b;rett);entocru0UflcatIj, anDftaine6tl)ofait^ofC^:tftU)itt) ro# ''' , p20cbes> creaturesloitij tbe Locoes tjonour, CDobs ferutce loit^ ' loolatrie: U)c inent atoa^ from 19api3s,not toilltnglp, as from inenjnotbntotllinglp,asfrom ijcrctifees; ano reforming our ^ Churches bp t^ rule of CSoDs too;tDe,toe feucreo tljcm from tlje 'I contagion of t^e Church of Rome,Wi^mn becaufc notinng toas Doonbpourb:ct^iem buttijatIndict)tbe HpoSleS. Paul,a ct)o« fAft.i,.,. reninttrumenfoftl)Ctiol?19 . CON CLVSIONS HANDLED AT THE ACT, IN 8. MARIES CHYRCH, THE XIII. OF ITLY. 1^79* I The holy fcripture tcacheth the Church all thingcs Qcccnhrie to f^uatiOD. TXT Mofcs toenf bp 5/»« mount totoaro tbe bolp lano: VV #r6 (25000 otonc moutlj the lato he tojote,^ Jlo^o uio gtito h^ banh, SDhe Prophets nett iutth facreD pen Dto holot that heauenlp race: the almightie from aboue inbueo toith grace. SDheVifdotnc of ht0 father high} the tonne of birgtn pure, ^nomtebtDtththefptritof d&oDmeuefinfnUfouleeto cure, word of the eternall iLo$D,tDtth tlelh of man pctab, 33}onght them the trcafuree rich of life, of peace the tiDings glab. Eh'ApoiUes Unth thii Doctrine Hmete of Ch;ilt their maSer feDDe^ SBp pleaching firft,bp tempting then,to nationo all if fp^eo. ;gnD thetie boheo hath the holy Ghoft fet fcozth fo? mo;tall iDight0« s:hat Uie in courfe of faith ano life might foloto them ae lighto. 0uant all pe,lDho biain-Qch toiee ano fanCee baine oefenD: 60ho on humane traoitione ano ifathera fatoee DepenD. 2Dhe holy written word ot God Doth Iheto the perfit toap, tMherebp from Death to life arifO} from curfe to blilTe lue map. a The militant Church may crrc, both in maners, andindoftrine* Ti^ loarfareenerp one Doth goe that CtmethClniflin ielo: toarfare all their nameo ore billeD loho Do ^ddi armonr iD^loi> 3 $ix» 6%o 0no OoaO: t^on man tn marfare feruf, ano ari t^'ou frsfrom blolDOK janD mat? no Dart tljp bos^? pcarfe,alIaulteD bp ttjp foew SDfjt CttK of lemfiilem U)it^ polp C^UfC^ icaS Dl^t: ^olp C^urct) not ber ccurfe at all aifatts art'sbt* iformthHs goDlp iD.«,anD pure; Thilrppi tboncfull bjtgbt: %\)t faitl) of Thejfilonians Ujas fpjcD in glo:tcu« pligb^t« CorinthHs puTC tfi ftapnoD llOtD; Philippi ipes DefaccD: JPour pjatfe, ^ Thejjfalomans, io bp ttj? S^nrlw Dtfgraceo. (&am ^nb tljon £D ^flwtf,tbe Simtnc of pjiDe,toljub ftocH'tt on mounfatncs ^Aft 10 pearflt 16 DeaDlp tDounb, tbou fall'S to bell from beauem tsabile tbat Church Dotb mabo aboDe on eartb in reat0 of clap, 5 oecetueDt 0; map ibe fetle tijt Dint of errours rtoapf 3 The holy fcripturcis of greater autoritic then the Church. Ti^e goDleffe rotnt tnflamT) toitb luff of bolDing fcepfer bte, ^ajtbliftflJ2ttafelptbJoneof3(w»f pnto ttjcgolDcnffeie. tanto tbe f hie^t^t p;iDe inere fmall; nap farro aboue tbe f hie: J&nbDuing Cb)iff bis fester great to Remtjh ropaltie, $|^en fap tbat Giants DiD attempt tbe beauenlp potoers to quell, ezSbat i DO} tbep raife neti> tDarre0 againe hrom griap gulfe ofbellf bolp church map fo;r it Celfe claime tooitbp gift0 of ri{^t, SDt0 great,3 grauntibut lcffe,3 truff,tben is tbe Lord ofmight, %tt mo;ttaU tpingo gene place to (15oD,let men to Cb;iff acco^D, SCbe iBife to man,t^ eattb to beauen,tbe fubiect to t^ !lo;D, , 68i Jlf l)ou0f) 3 am not ignorant (rtgl^ iocj- n^tpfull auDtcnce) ti^at Cacot^egraus Ccnfour rcp^ojueD a ccrfatne R»md», tnljo fafefng ibpon^m totojite a ffojte in \greike |)aD ratfjcr craua parDon of faulttnooimg it, t^enb^pe tiimrelfe tlare from committing tl^at fault: vtt fo itt)at^t)^piuD tomcat t|)is p:efent, ^clDing ^al 3 fap tI)creto,o^ refuting it, furcl^ tbmetol^af againtt mg Intll, but fo it batlj Ijapncs, t^at 3 bD|)o coulb not cl^oitb but commit a faut, am fojccb to rcqueH gcu ; toparoonmgfaut. iFojbot^tl)ctuoakoncsofmgboifc,bccaufc it is not able to fill t^o largenelfe oft^is place,toil olfcontent per< l)aps tijem Inlio ^eare me not: ano t^e bnripenellie of mg abtUtic, lobicl) 3 feare me Inill not anfinere t|ie folcmnitte of ttjia aQcm^ bile in banoling t^ofe things ttjat are to be bebateb, Uiill of liheo libajDe be repjcouco bg ttjemlubo ti^are me. Ipoto muc^tbe moje earnettlg 3 am to requeft,bg ioojo, gou tbat Ijcare me; bg toill, tbe reft tn^o beare me not: tbat eitljer gou boil be no Cen# fours at all, o; els be moje fauourable Ccnfours tljen Catojlcatt eitbergouiuogemetobaue Dealt bnboifelg bobo bio not beepe mg felfefrom fault; o^impuDentjtobofirff commitit, ano tben requeS gou not to blame it. i^eitber doj 3 Dout but 3 ibal Suds Defcnftjfojtbeboeabenesof mgboice, ingour frenDly curtefle befo;e bobom 3 fpeahe: fo; tbe bnripenes of mg abilitie, in tbe goDnes of tbe caule bobtcb 3 ^ue to fpeahe off. if o;, tbat gour curteSeboillconDemnemeoftbatfault, bobtcb 3 coulD not ef* cbcbo, 3 neeDe notto feare. 0nD tbe gcoones of tbe caule batb In itfucbeuioentanDcleercligbtoftruetb.tbat (3Da) notDout) it boill DefenD it fclfe tbougb no man please fo; it, ^bcrdn 3 bopa alio tbat gou euen gour fflues either dqj alreasg o; boill agra boitbme: if goutball bcare me open as b;ieQgas 3 mag tbe meaning offbe tbJeeConclufions tbat3 hols, the perfcdlion ofthcfcripturc, the infirmiticof the Church, thcautoritic of them both, if o j, as fo; tbe p;aifeanscommcnsationofDi- uinitie, bobcrcof tbe beginning is from beauen; tbe maiellie, si- uine; tbe office, to be an infltrument of faluation to manhinse; bobtcb boas o;Degneo bg o;oe,3j poloe mp peace ao ama^eo,becaufe 3|amamanofpoUutei)ltp0,bnfitteto toucp tpe noblcncOie of a tping fo tomrtpie. Mperefo^e 3 totllinglp leaue tpefe 3up-gar< tanb0 to be pangeo bp bp tpcm, lupo bent tpe bitne of pptlofo# ppie,]0ppSUe, anb liable: toptcp arteo berp profitable, but foi tpe life tpatfabetp; excellent,but pumatne; commenbable, but tranfitorie: beutifull,but brittle; 3 bout not but alreabp tpe lear^ iting am eloquence of men biell item tperein patp mabe pou boel to libe of in tpia ceertife of oifputationo. ii^oto 3 tabe a greater enterp.rifeinpanb, fo; tpebalour of tpe tping tDpicp3amto bcalc feoitp: tpougp netper loitp better tuitte, no; be^er iubgemcnt tpen tpep bopom 3 foloUi in tpe courfcof beating. ' Liuic rcpo;tc^ tpat Annibal, pauing purpofcb to figpt loitp ^tRontimj, bib caufe certainecoopleo of captiues to figptone loitp an otper panb to panb, befo;:e pe fet pfe feulbiero in battaile arap: tpat pie CHrthaginUas migpt, bp tpat pattimc of tpe cap# tiueo combat, abbreirc tpem felueo loitp better conGberation anb courage to tpe fericue anb fet battaile. 3n iibe forte tpere pane bfenebroug^ before pou (gentle aubience) to tpe combat fun# Diie opinions of funbriearteo, aoit loere cooplcb of captiueb: lopicp iopetper tpep liue 0; bpe, be fo 0; not fo, it fbilletp not grcatlp; tpe Gate of ^e rcalme io not bcntureo bpon it. But nolu from tpat fpo;ting conGict of ligpt mattcro tpere cometp to tpe battaile fo; earnefe trpalt of tpingeo of loeigpt,poG againll poG> trutp againfe faltpob, religion agaiuG errour; loperein tf loo The hi ft allthinges neceilarie to faluation. 683 cendufion.^ t)tfu)arue out of right tpap, ttisthcDoatljnot of wptiuEO, but of (arthu^wutfts; not opitiioHS Of moti,but the truth of (Sou 13 Ijajarheoinot life, not bCAlth,not luealth ano potfeiTtono, but tiie inheritance of beauen ana faluationcometh into contrcuerfie* JLcno mc thcrcfoicd p.iap T!Ou)the p jcfence of pour minbco, nnb patienrcofpoureareO) tothatlnhtch befpoben: remem^ b^tng that toe hane, nottopeojao on a Ibage, but feriouo thingc3 in hanb. ;^no becaufe toe hanole the matter3 of the iLo.:D, H p>ap hinrtofanttiSetoithht^hol^rpiritourtongueo^ ana pour oare3^na theminaes of all: that neither toe aifpute to anp other cna then to b;:ing foo?th the truth into light bp conference of rea- ibno ;ncitherpouin hearing haueanp other minae then to be- l^nc the truth ^^albe brought fo;thj ana p;ouea» ^0 begimie ^erefo;c toitb the SrS Conclufion,ana fo runne The firft ouer the reft bjieflp: the holy (cripturc tcacheth the Church conclufifit all things necctlaric to faluation. (Boa the father sf eternnll gooaneo ana mcrcp aio chtoft of hia free ana Sngular fauour (bei: foeethefounaation3ofthetoo:latoerelaiae)agreat nuntber of tnen,tohotnhetocula inane toith eucrlaftinglife, anamabe them heirea of hcauenlp glo;:p.^oto,that the chotcn might come totht3inheritance:thcptoeretobemaaethe c^lajcn ofvBoabp aaopi^n thtough Ch?ift.ifo; this hath euer bane the one* Ip toap to faluation. Bin confiaeration tohercof, the help ghoft? fpeabing of the companp of fuch as (Boa hath rh^ten, termeth themtonictime the children of God, bp aaoptiomnot fapna^i vent'?'** ture,pet ' fclowbeires withChrifl; romctimc ^ the wife of the LambCjtohich is inaotoea toitl; al the toealtlj of her hufbanO; ^ 'f-?- fometime s the body of Chrilf, bp thepotoer ana bertue of j ^ , tohomnsofaheadthcp are gouernea, anamouca; Ibmsttmc ' ^ »»the citizens of heaucn, appointea to bee inhabitantsof the h a,, new Icrufalcm; ftnallprCbift hint f^lfs (to omit tlje reft) Both . tall them his Church,» which the gates ofhellfhall not pre- ' uaile againft. %^is Church then, cuen the companp of tlje t* lcrtanachorcn,thedhtiajenof(Boa,thetoifeofthe JLambc, the boap ofChJiftjthe citijens of heauen, thatis fo Tap, the help Ca# tholibe Church; as it ts chofen ana D;aainca bp (Boa to life cuer- laOingtfo hath it bane altoapes taught bp his too^ac tljc toap af faluation,toherebp if might come to the paffcftion of that life.^^is lse;D being tjttereo in ola time funaip toapesytoospublithto at %V i length ct'Sion, 684 The holy Icripturetcacheth the Church Icngtij tn tii;tttn0,9inD fo it came to paffe t^at tljc |oIi? lonttngcs tf <©oQ DID teatl) tlje Cljurcl) fuc^ tijmgco an muft be b noione foj tljc obteining of faluatioit. ifo; tofjo coulD reueale t^e toa^ to cb* fainct^cirtb^rifanceoftbefetngDom of CoD> but Paul cal^ letb rcripturc, bp an crcellencte ,as pou tooulD fap the writings lobicbfurpaUe all otbera: tbe toapof faluation tobcrcbp loee come to bsauen, tbe ligbtof our ibules lubicb (binetb in tijis iDojlos DarheneUD, tbe fooDc of life tubicb nourilbstb bs to groin in Cbuft, is DeliuereD to tl)Z Cburcb.iFo? claerer pjcofe tobsreof, let bs DiuiDe tbe Church into the oldc anD the new: the oldc, befb;e Cb;iff; the new, fince Cbjift teas bojne. SDbe Prophets taugbt the old Church tbe inap of faluation: tbe Apoftles iuit^ tbe Prophets together teacb the new mo;c plenteoullp anD fuU Ip. 2Dbe Doctrine oftbe Prophets anD ApoiUes is compjifeDin tbe bolp fcripturc. 2Dbe fcripture therefore teacbetb tbe Church inbeitroeuer is beboifefuU to faluation. if 0; tbe Church is tbe 1 B»h.».rer.i, tompaupoftbcslsctanD cboCen. ipoititbepinboareelect,arc' of m TfCiMiot the houlhold of God; anD tbcp Of biS boulbolD *" arc built on the foundation oftheApoltles and Prophetes, Icfus Chrift himfclfe being the chicfc corner ftone, 315ut, tbisfoundati- on of the Apoftles and Prophets is tbt Doctrine touching Cb2ift bobicb p;eacbeD to the Church * ;^nD that Doctrine iuljicb tbcp pjeocbcD is enrolleD in fcripture. ti:2lberefo;e the fcripture teacbetb the Church all thinges that foKaluation are requidtetobcltnotonc. Moles (to beginne toitb tbefirfll of the Prophets) bauing publilbeD the lain of CoD to the Ifraelites: • ° Giue eare (failb be) O Ifrael to the ordinances which I teach.Ye lhali notadde to the worde which I command you, norlhallyoutakefromittbutwhatfoeuerl command you, thatdiallye obfcrue to doo, that ye may kecpe the comman- dements ofthe Lord your God. ^ointbe Ifraelites incre ta labour fo^ the obtaining of ra!uation.^ut tbep might Do notbina esneceflarictolaluatioa 685 cond^ tDljtc!) tDii« not pjefcribcD b? lato of (Uoo. SSlifevtfo^e ttje ten lain of <25oQ bib beltuer tobatfoctier inas nccbfuU foj tlje fab" nafton of f^e Ifraclites. janb tljere is no bout but t^e Ifraelitcs tucrctbe Church, SDbc Iain fben bibteacb Inbaffoeucr toa« necbfuUfo^tbefaluafconoftbeChurch. Prophets, babo foiclneD,lnereeFpounber0oftlbeIaln: tbatnstbei? Inereinrpt' rebtottbtbbfainerptritbplnljubMoresln^otc, fofbe? neitber abbeb anp tbtng to Its Ialn,no; tcohe from it; onclptber bnfolo btbittot^ebtf^ingoftbeChurch.anttrxmebbelt to 0bo&« BjletpatTeDauid: in ln|omtbere are not manp mo "« c^^ tdpttr pfalmes t^en t^ere are teffimoniee of t^e fufficicncy of the law. ' 'T.f'ai. Efay eraminetb botf) t^e faitb anb life of t|ie p;iclte;9 anb people, bB p thclawandtcftimonic. 3ibolatersareconbemnfbbptlje ? 3U.o;b in Icrcmic,foj booing in tbeir fecrificeg 1 ttjiugca which he ^ i«°,V«. comtnandcdnot. 3n Maiachictf)elall Prophet (Sob Inilletb ' "*'•44. Iiin people to remember the law of Mofesitpat be aaa ftljoole* matoermapleaDetbemtoChriliijlnbofc forerunner fljoulb be EUas. But tbetie ttnugeo coulb not ijaue beene fpoken bp (ipob o;^ tfjeferuantoofCDob, bnlcffetbeldtn of Mofes bab Ibelncb tbe Inboleanbperfitlnapoffaluation. 2Dbe lain of Moles tberefooe bib Inbolp anb pcrStlp inftrua tbe Church tbcrein. if tbe lain of Moles bib pcrfo;me alone: mucb moie all tlje i^rophets together Initij Mofes. ^oln map it then be boutcb,but the olde Church Inas taught out of tbe fcriptures the Inap of lalualion Inbollp anb perStlpf S, /ohn (to paCfe ouer from the Pro- phets to tbe Apolllcs) after tbat the funne of rightcDufncGe twas rifen, not to aboli^ the lain, but to fulfill it, anb to b;ing a brighter anb clarcr light into tlje Inojlbc, beclarcffj in the gof# pell boln Biefuo Ch:itt our ^auiour, boing the office of cur roue* raine IBjopbet, p;ictt,anb i^ing, accomplilbeb our raluation,bp teaching,bp bping, bp rifing from the beab. j©ur feluation then wfollplnjoagbtbpCbJili. But in it fullptnntten bp S.lohnf JLct bs beare bim felfefpeafie. ^ Thefe things (faitb be) arc wri-« ten, that ye may belceuethat lefus is theChritt, the fonne of God, and that inbelceuing yce may haue life through his name. 3n Inbicb tooibes tbe ftmtme anb enb of tbe gofpel! is frt botnne bp lohn; tbefiimme, that we may belecue that lefus is theChrift, * the Chrift,that is,tbefDuerainc^jielf, prophet, * fflibliing, tbe^auwurofmen; tbe enb, thatwcbeleeuing in Tit filit Conclufiss, 'Pt )■ j I I & it.if. 68 6 The holy fcripturc tcachcth the Church Chrifl, the (onneo^Ood, may through him hauc life, ^UCH alnjTc Ui calleD life ii)tt,efcrnall lifeSffltiu^ ftrrnsjsbftiTgfo, a0ftjc Euangciifttjtmfclfc teactjctl): if mu® iwic!3C0bc!ji'anteD,tbattl)ofctl)UTg0l]Dl)ufjnrc tojiten in tljego# Tpcll are futfictcnt fo^ bs, botb to t^e luap of life, anb to life« 2iB nuitbtljcnasfuflftcetbtofattbanDfaluation, fomucbw to;iteii intbegcfpelU ifojifttjctbingslnbicb arc tojitenbaonotb^no rufficicnttofaitb,anafaluation, tljeretoere' mothings,tobicl> mtgbt Ijaue bene to;iten, fo many as the world could not hauc contcined. JSut tbefe loere omitteo bp tbe fpirit of ©ob,becau(c tlje otber toere encugfj fo^ bis purpofe. ifo; pe giuefb tfjio reafon tobp mo lucre not bojiten: thctc things arc writcn that ycc maybelccuc, and in bclccuing may hauc life. SDljcre io conf taineo tbcrefo^e in 5,lohns gofpeli lb mncb asisrufficient to faitb ano faluation. %ipin ifS.Ioh n s gofpell alone fjauc fuflfici^ cnt: botD plenttfulip b^tb p;omoeD fo; bis Cburcb, as a tnoS bountiful! ^o;l) fo; bis boulbotb, to lubirb be b^fb Siucn fo inanpApoftleSjanDEuangclills, toitneSes anbcrpouuDers of tbc (bmc Doctrine i i!li3berefo;e tbe faipturc Dotb not onelp teacb Church, but alfoamplp ano plcntifuUp teacb it, alltbingcc bebcDfull to faluation. if o; altbougb tbe fubHance of tbe Cbiilf i« anfaitbbefingleaubtberaine, tDberelnitb ao Initb meate tbe feruante of 0oD are feboe to life etemall: pet, ae tbe ages of tbe feruants biifen anb in ages bififerent tbeir eaCes btffer too; fo luas it in^te tbere (boulb be runb;p ro;tesanbtDaiestobiuibe tbat meate, anb as it toere to fealbn it,fo; ecb one bis part as it migbt belt agr^ Initb bim. i!n. 197 The holy (cripmre ccacheth the Church * i|H^TU fDlute perfection of ttje fcripturc into our mtnocs ano niemo.:ie<) (tuitl) as man^ rcafcno, as ^ tjfetl) toojoes,) that the man of *' ^odmaybe ' furnifhcd, * throughlyfurniihcd, tocucric good workc. OTfjcrcupoit it folotoetl) t^at tljrre is tiotl)ing af all t^at can be loiibeofo;, cither to founones ano Onccritic of faith, 0; to integritic ano goolines of life, that is, to mans per- fcction, anDthcboapof faluationt Inhich the fcripture gcucn by infpiracion of GodDotij not teacl)thc faithful! feruantes of Ch nft • 31 f is the iiiDgemcnt f hcrcfcjc of the hol^ c In I. »d Theft ftloa.hom.}. i Contt.Her* mo^cK, , Ceatr. Hel- nidiux. f I« eaan-. loh.Iib.l a. cap.tfS. g Serm.dcFid < all things neceflary to faluation. "172 low any thing that is writcn, orto bring in any thing that is not writcn: tobel^o:t,alltf)eiFat^crj5(tnlrffieit tofretobcn (bme ^nmatne inSnrnt^ onertoihe tbcm) agrs tDttb one mtnoe, anDfat>U)itbonet)atcc,t|)at all tbingstobicb CE^oh tnilleD to to bcteue anb Dm, are compjcljcnDcD in tlje fcriptures. ifo;, aofoncljmgtfjatfomeofttjetnfomcfuncojao Bafiitm • 1,0^ fancf.tr ttfhMniHs J aliasing all fo^teo of lielpeo againOlIjeret^ed ^ toill cap. 19. paaecertainctbinsstobecontaineDintraditions, whereto by thciudgementcffcripturc it felfc there mull no Icffe credit be gcuen then to fcnpturc: 31 take not bpon me to coRtroU tl)cm,butlett^Ct)ur0l) tubgc. toljetber tbep conltbereb abuifc tnougljtl)ofefai»tngsofS.Paiil, bp tnl)tcl) t^cp toere itu tucGbpcrbaps totbusopinion, at leaStbep feeke to p^mueit. $QlEfifhMims grounbctl) bpontljeletoojbes of Ijio to tlje Co. rmthUns: asIdeliucredtoyou;anb,l haucdeliuercd foin the Churches ;anb, ^ ifyckecpc it, except ye haucbelecued 1 i.cor.i5.». ! invaine. 0nb Buftl gatberetb it to be Apoltolike doftrine, I (that we mult hold fait vnwritcn traditions,)bp bis too,:bcs to ^zThrJJalonians: hold the traditions which ye hauc been taught cither by word or by our epiltle, /^oto if S. Paul memt in botbtbcfe places bp Cdeliuercdjanb [traditions ] bis bottrine, bclinerebtotbembpbDo;bormoutb> pet compnfcb in rcripturetm: tben mnCt it be granteotbat tbep boere becciueb tobo tbongbt tbat vnwriten traditions boere appjoueb bp S, Pauls traditions. 51But tbt fojmer point is true, tbat meant lb • SDbtrefo;e tbe later alfo is true bobicb foloboetb of it. if0; be bcDtb etpounb it bimfelfc, to tbe Connthians, conObering tbat " b^bojitetb tbe fummeoftbole things bobicb bs bab osliuercb;»i Cor.Mj.^. anb,tbbat ° hedciiuered, tbat he rcceiucd (bc faitb) of the lord; anb P tbat bobicb be i'w^wbb of tbe llojb, IS bojiten; ano »ni)rofoo>n>'* inplainetermes 1 be boifncCTctb bbnfelfs to jjaue dcliuered that bnto tbcm, which he had rcceiucd according to the fcriptures, to wcet, that Chrift died for our linncs accor- p Vcor.'/f.u ding to the Icriptures, and that he was buried and that hce " • rofe the third day according to the fcriptures. ^0 fo} tbc ThejfaloHMtJs, bobat tbc tbitti^ boere, bobicb be dcliuered bnto tbem by word, it is ftcbocb in tbc' artes of tbe ^pottles; bobere r aa.ijA toe reabc tbat Paul being come to Thejjalomca, taugbt the lewes out of the fcriptures,that it behooacd Chrill to l^er,and to rife The Iccond CornclafiAn. 690 The militant Church may errc;. in III ' lIii iii, ■ t I" ill ■ • . - ;n ;■ r v«. '■i -,1' V,n ! i J p-j'i •' i nflii!:.: ■ r.i' H'nr • Sff before, loh.20.31. f Amb.in i.aJ TheCcip.i. X j.rh^.i.Ter, 14. uvci-,i5. X Aliusrf.haer. lib.3.c,a. * Concil.Trld, ieC4.D«cr, ], The fe- condcon« clufion, Augilt.^ic hireCati Quo- ^uultd.cap.}8. a Cawc^T. CoBcil.Trict.ia CXpof-Symb, rife again from the dcad,and that this Icfus whom (Caib j^c) I preach to you,is the Chriff. Jir toljicl) luojas it is optntD hot?} inljaf Paul dclmered to ttjC Thejjalommis by word, anO from iD^eme: fromlohcnce; out of the fcripturcs: toljat^ that it behooued ChrjfttolufFcr^ndrifeagaine, and that Icfus is * the Chrift. %l)z tradition thertfojo, toljic^ Paul ooof^ er^ojf ^zThtJJa/entani toholdy'isthe tradition of the gofpell, a0 ' Ambrofe calletl) it btr^ tocI.M^ich tljo roafon alfo Dotp pioue, tljat Ambrofe notetlj, tt)at Paul Dotl^tljcre gatljcr: ' God hath rayfcd you to faluation by our gofpell; " therefore ltandycfall,and hold the traditions which ye haue been taughtcithcrby wordor byour epiftle: as if fjc (botilO tap, teethorefojethafpeftariDllcDfaftm the gofpell, a# Juell bp word ofmont^ as bp writing, ijaue deliuered to poa. STpus S.Panls traditions are tpc gofpel deliuercd.^nb t&c go- Ipeld l^ope)tS lDjtten.2Cbsrfo^e S.Pauls traditions arc writen, ffinttfjct^luation tsX^TheploniamSsmtrntrnnztiint^ tradi- tions iulitc!) S.Paul IjaO taught tljem by word f by epiftlc. fcripture tlien tnfo;met^ t^e C^nrc^ of to muctj as is necenarp ta faluation.?ll8af)erfo^c auant ^ercttttes out of ^ ftfjtnle of ilf, pe Valentinians,Marcionites,anb^noilikcs:tD^(as * Ircn^us repojtetlj) DID Ddtptl^af the truth may be learned out of the holyfcripturesby them who know not tradition, ^nanf Tcwcs,bp toljom ttjc Cabala of t\}Z Rabbins; auant Montanifts bp jojl^omt^eneb) Comforter; auant Anabaptifts, bptnl^m reuclations; auant pie ^ Trcnt-counccll-fathers anDpsPa- pills,bp lul^om traditions be0De fcriptureare falQp reputeD to be neceOiarie to taluation. ;^ur faluation is Chrift; tnap to Cah uatton, faith; t^c guiDe of tl)e inap, fcripture: tofjereof tljs light anD lanterns Dired;oth<3ur Reps, thefooDnouriiheth our (ouies. tt)cp,:efcruatiueheepethb3froin Dileafes,tl)eftoojD killettj our einmics,ti)e plaifter healeth our InounDes, in a Ino^Dthe fafe com Duit Doth b;ing bs bnto eternall life. SChofcfonDConclufionjtc^ichl am ne]rt to treafe of, Doth. bllDcrta^e to IhebJ that the militant Church may erre both in maners and in dodrinc. Inmaners. againlt the Puritatis: b3ho/h^IonS"iStothemfeIues a fingularliiuDe of holineflb, DenpeD repentance to fuch as hoD fellen. In dodrine, again® thePapifts: ' U)hofojaDefenfeanDlhi?tooftheirerrou.rshoto X foit!Jt})i3buggctofrtgl)tt)3out of ourtott«,Thc Church can not crrc. l^crc, that the truth mag be the better opencD, flw name of Church muft be DttttngutlheD. Jfo}, as rhrafylaus,(a franffeemanamongCthc gretkes) ^ tuhenCoeuer hefato ang'b Athenm Ihipo artue into the hauen at thought than allhia oUme, an:) tohe an inuentotg of their toare3,anD met them ioith great iogrnftcrtheliftemanerccrtainefrantibetoherefo#e Aiben.pigb. euer theg fee th? name of the Church in the holg fcripturc, theg 'L: takeit tobetheire,ani3btnbethetreariireeofit,anD boaft thereof JlodZllM e3oftheirolDnc,crging, thcgatcsof hcllfhallnot prcuailear i>«miundi. gainilit.Buttoremoucthefe&antibe men out of the hattetf* anb bcliuer the raarch-into ech their otone thitw».« fet the Church , , ttfclfe in poCCrfftonofthe Church* thename of the * Church in Crcebc (the natiue language of the neto telfament) cometh from of«u«c\i7y.- a berbe toljith Sgnifgeth to call out, fhercfag to note a company called out, as gou tooulO fag« ^o that the Church of Chaw betobeneth a compang calleb out from amongft the muttituoe of other men to life euerlalting though faith utCh^tft BlefuOr But theg loho are calleb^out of t^refufe anb fttthof manbinbe to fhitf Sate anb ho nonr, are not of one (b;tt all. Come of them are calleb ctfe(tuallg,anb bco come: rome,that are caltebjbeo not g»lo them felueo obebientto the calling. HDheg lohom Cob hath cho< fen,are calleb, anb beo come: theg,txiho being calleb comenot,are tictt^Cen. Chat ofour^auiourCh:ilt both touch them both: ^ many arc called,but few are chofen .Che many, that ^ «> i# are called,art nameb the Church:but(to rpeabe bifttnctlgfoj iiK ftruttione febe) riic vifiblc Churcb: bccaufe toe fe the compa* nice of men tohich are called to the faith ofCh;iiS,tohichp^Od fcSe thattheg tooulb eniog efemall life, sfche few,that arc cho- ftn,artnameb^e church alfOybutthe church inuifible: not fo;i that toe fk not thoTc tohom d^oo hath chofen, but becanft toe ran not biCmie bg Ught toho be the chofen;onig the Jtoto knoto# eth toho are \iis- ^oto, of thie Church toi^ toe caU inuiflbl^ parte is in paefent poffeffion of heauenlg gioag j part not hauing get atfainrb thereunto abi0ethontheearth»-31^hafparttoh anb toantitbof bolincs, tmfill toe be tabcn out of our ^u&s of clap, anb go into tijc open |^ucnbnto(2Job. The militant Church baf'o tbe bcamcs of ttjc funnc, but as in a boufe, not in tbe open bcaucn: fomctimcs it is IbabolDebanbmabebimmelbitbbarbnes, fomcttnics ittuaretlj faint tb?OU|^colD» The triumphant Church batf) tbcftinnc it fclfe, not ioitbin boees, but a b;oab; not on cartb, but in bcaucn: t»bert ncitberanu barfenes botb binbcr tbc ligbt> no; anp colb a# bate both in maners and doarinc. 6^] S'cS bafct^c UHimti). SDbus it in maoep^oper to the Church trium- phanc, to be Uut{}out all Tpot: as t^e rpololb to tolb (tit t^e fong of Salomon) bp fjer Utelbeloueb, fpeahing tlitto bnfo Ijer; *' thou i> c«t.4.y, being all fafrc^my loue,and no rpor in thee, (bait come with me from Lebanon^ O fpoufcjwith me from Lebanon. Jfoj tbere^ bp learne tfjat ao fiooneaotije Church being fuUpcleanfeD front fpot of all erroursfljall Ijaueatfaincb tbaf etcclltntfaire- nclTc ano perfection, lDb<^reto (he io fpneo bp litle anb litle in Ujia life: (he is tafeen out of Lebanon, (ao pou toouto rap,tl)e fo;ett) of tt)t£i luo;tlo, anb iopneb to her b;ibegromeintbatble(feb tnaru age, to eniop ctemall glojp toitb CDob. IBut tljateirccllent fairc- nede (he attcincth not, Uihile (he toarfaretf) on tlje earth» The militant Church tbcrefote io not fullp cleane from fpot of all er# rours. (hall be * a Church nothauingfpotorwrincle*®'''*'^'-?' tul)cn (ha (hall be glorious ;a3 Paulbeflarc^tothc£/^^/i»/r tlilljerefoje fith to p^omiCe that glorioufncfTe in this life , ts, ta (bunb tl^ triumph befo.:ie the eonquelt be gotten: it fslolocth that ^e Church (hall hauc fpot and wrincle^ long as (he both htie intoarfarc. iSut, oucranbbc(ibesaUthis, bccaufethe Church, ^hile it is in tuarfarc, hath bnfaiihfttll fouibiours in it amongS thefaithfull, toho as thcp arc bnlifee either to other, Ca is their cafebnliHeto: therefore as the men that are in the Church, (b the hinbes of crrcurs nm(t be bifcerncb anb biftinguilheb, that if map tlje better appecrc to tohat errours tohaf partcf the Church isfubiect. To crre thcnisio ftuarueanbfnrneoutofthetnap, tohieh ^ob bp the (bojb of life (the help fci ipture)hath tnil'eb bs totoalhcinrSIwhiehtaap fitbit contatncthCounbnesofboctrin^ anbgoblinesofmancrsy as '3ihai;c^elijebbefo?e:therebpcn if foiolDcththattheplul^ocnTcnb, citherinmaners, ojinboctrine, boerrcanbgooutcf thetDtip. XiB(& crre in maners therefore, tohen bae btoill: toe erre in dodrine , txihen toe tubge falfclp^ j3o\ii thf(e errours of thewinbe are of liiie conbilion in compa# rifon of life ctcrnall, as arc btfeafes of thebobp in eomparilbn of life tcmpoiall. ^o that as amonglt bifCiifcs ofthe bobp foim are curable, femearebeablp;curable3J calltljcmtohereoftoercco? Bcr, beablp, tohereof toe ope: in libe fojt amongdthe errours of the minbsfome arc curable, luhich bco not bereue (is of (alua^ turn; fome deadly, tohich bung bs to cuerlaOingbeath» 3i" the Churclimiiitaac thep tuhoai ^5ob Ijath chofea map erre in ma^ ^ p z nets -ConcIuRofi) ^44 Tlic militant church may erre m4 0anQlio(tnne:bitttt)arerronructirable, tbep can not me to bcatb. ^ut tbe^ are called onelri ano not chofcn, ma? erre tn manera anb boarute,euen tottb a oeaol? errour,tob^ ne< uer tlball be cnreb. ISijat tbe chofcn ma? erre in manera ano oonrine: it is euiuent b? tbe Apoftlcs»tbe? oio erre m ma< k nersjtuben'' thcyforfookcChrift, at tbe time tbat ludas tbe JAA.I.#. renegatcbetra?eobim. SCbe? oio erre in oortrine, toben ' they tbougbt the kingdome of Cb^Ut to be not beattenl?,but eartbl?: not fpirituall, but like tbe kingoomea of tbia Ino^lo; p^eC^ntl? to £ome,not after to be Icoheo foa: p;«per to ifrael, not common to aUnationab?bertueoftbemomi(ea» ^ea, tbatmo^eia, toimi tbe?bao receiueDtbeik>l? m sou tuoulD fas: but it failed not. toao turn^ atuas tt from t^e Lo^a, ksfjom bt ocnieo tto: but be toas turned a- gaiiie biito buu. Suocoticluae, tbefaitbcaUarcroaelspicflfeDof? ten, bs mans enemies,auD mi^btie t but tbes ibaU neuer be fup# ,p;eflrcD, * Often haue they alfaultcdmec from myyouthvp, ,p{jj-,j j. maylfrael now fay, often hanc they affaultcd mcc from my * * '* youth vp: but they haue not preuailed againft mc. iS rer# tainetberefajetbattbscleaanochofen, tbougb tb^P bemaoe fbc cbiici.ieii ot (®aD bs aboption, set are fubtec to errcur* beit, of tbe ctbcr fioe,tbes are fubtert fo, f bat tbes are freeb from tbegtlf of crfcur bp Cb.nit, anaareactqjtcbasboipofcSob, becaufe tbes are in part boiS' ^ i am blackc, o ycc daughters y Cint.i.Tcr.4 diltrufdem, faitb tbe fpotofe, yet I jam comely ; as the rentes of Keixf, yetas the hangings of Salomon, ^ea farther tbc b;ib^cmefaitb,ib^f fhec is fairc, nasCtbattsmoje) * the iTer.14. faireii, but the faircft of wcmen : not (iinpis the faircft, (as Bernard toell notcib) but in comparifon ofVcmcn»but in refped ofeartblscreatures, %ti teacbtbeCburcbt||erebs, lealt^d^ toare pjoubc, fbat, ^ as long as (he liucth in the tabernacle of bBernard..n the body, (hc goethontowardes, butisnotyctcomctothe cantJcrm.j». pcrfcdion of faircnes: and therefore chat (he is * not(3(bfeS, Bcrnardcs too^bes) fairc altogithcr, though fhce be therefore commended for her faircncfic becaufe fhec walkcth after the fpirit not after the ffefli. 5But berc perabuenfurc fomeman fetU obied (an argument tobicb papilts are cuer bammering on) tbat ' the holy ^hoft is pjomirebanbgiuenbsf^hriftfofbcele7. jjjg remnants of the ftcQi ttick in the hart anO mino both r ano»now (tnhile toe k 'j.cor!ia"l liue) we knew but in part,anO the powcrof God is pcrfitted 1 ier.17.14. inwcakncs;anOlercmicpjaiefh> ^healcmc O Lordandl Ihal m phii.j.in be healed; ano Paul acknololeOgefh of himfelfc that h® is not pet perfitte, though labouring hard toward the marke; a r»m.j.z. ano lames faithgener^lpconccmingthc faithful!, " In many aioh.iM«» things we all offend, anO our JS>auiour toitnelTeth that ° he '' whicrvis waihcdhath teede to waih his fcetc, SSah^refoje though the chofcn anO clcdof 0oOberenueo bp the holy ^hoft: pet thep are not clenfcofo in this life from all peru^fc^ neo of hart, ano blinoneo of minoe,that thep can neither ftuarne fromoanngtheirouetie, no^be oeeeiueo iniuogemcnt. P the holy ^hoft,no Oout, (ao Chrift p;omifeO,) dooth leade the into ail truth, pea 31 fay farther into all holineo: but (b, as q Aft.io.Tei. IT S.Paul p^iofeaeO)to t^Ephefians, that he fhcwcd them all thecounfellofGod. J^olu, he (hewed them all the counfcll of God, not abColutelpanottmplp,faut ' fofarrcaswasprcfr- tablefoj them. The holy Ghoft therefore troth lighten the minoes ano Canctifle the harts of tlje eled ano chofen fo farre,as is enieoient to; their faluation. ^ut it is erpeoient fo; ts to f ».Tio.i.i7. erre in feme things: that toe map geuc all' glory mto God a- Rom.iiAo. banc; thatibnoboingtnhatfeeare, we be nothi^ minded; B fh«t be taught to "■ beare erh others burdens; that X PhiL».u. toe may workc forth our own faluation with fearc; that toe T i Cor 11 > learn toith Paul, that ^ the grace of God is fuffidcnt for ivi»rk".,.iV vs; thattoemay ' Ih^rpertour truftinhun, " fttrre bp our i tbboanros l^, anopjap bntohim harfily,. ^ rncrc^ our faith' forgcue cur finncs^in a , thattoe may rannt both in mancrs and dodrinc. 6^7 Conclalton* t{ic race of our life iDttt) greater lieofaliiieB ano conSaiute* Stien ti)efe tilings are tljus, it is to be tonclnoeb, tijat tlft gool? are lead b^'tlie into alt truct^ ano i^olineflO) mn to faluation: but to tt)is faluation ttjev; arefo leao, ttjat ttje^ are not free from all rpot ano lo;incle^ eitl^erof manors 0; ofoottrine. SCoucbing lo^ic^ point, on tbe one fioe in rcfpect of manors ^ SebaftianCailclliopatl^erreobcrpd^amefuUp, ^ol- a De»errc«, Oingt^is^ereticaUopinion (amongft stivers) t^ the regene- oiKd.icg.D«u rate arc able to pcrforme the lav of God perfitly:to^iclj tbing itisblafpbemoustoaifirmeofanpbutof thrift onelp. k>nV}t otljerCoe in refpect of ooctrine, * Hofmstbc Caroinall batb 0=* dumuTi M«rlboti)imfelfeasf0tol'p,faping tijat euerie one of the elect mayerrc,asbp S.Cyprians epampiebeibcUietb: but, tbatall the faithfuli gathered together in one, cannot erre; iobicb a fanfp of a man tbat Inoulo builo caSles in tbe ap;ie * 3|t is a matter tberefo^emoflt fure ano out of oout,tbat tbe eled ano chofen map erre,as in maners,lO in ooctrine toi: tbougb in fucb fio^ttbat tbihiibsUnotoie, butliuen3tlnitbl{anomg,anobeeu^ reo of tbeir erro rs» ^arrp, tbat tbep tobo are not chofen, but onelp called, map erre euen to oeatb) as toell in ooctrine as in maners:mmaners, it appeeretb bp tbe example of fludas,lpbo foas brought tb^ougb eouetoufnes to betrap Cb^iQ; in ooctrine, ine map (et bp tbofe monSrous beretihes,of tobotn s.lohn (aitb, 5 they vent out from vs but they were not of ts ♦ ^b^te« s fs^e Qtb botb tbe chofen ano tbe called map erre, tbe one, to tbeir trialh tljeotber to tbeir oettruction; ano the church mi- litant conSSetb of none but of tbe called ano tbe chofen: tbat tobicb 3 piopofeo is pjcoueo fufficienflp, ^t the militant church may erre not onely in mancrs but in do<9:rine alfo. afanpman fo? p^osfe tbefeof require cramples: b® M fl» churches of ^ of ' ^«ffe,of Feriamus.^ of t ( ■" ano of" LttdictA, ^lltbebobt^b (fo iwnit 1 amples of our otone time) tbe fcripturc toitnelletb to baue erreo, ^ fome of tbem in manors, fome in ooctrine, fotm in bo^, ^ea,tbs Iver. xo. berp church of ® EfhefHs it feUe, tobicb Chrift (belneo to /ohn." Rcu.i.rer.x. int^fignreof ^ acaudlefticlcc, becaufeitbelotbeligbtoflife: t»Reu.i"«V''^' tob^ Timothee abooe in,tobett Paul to;ote Onto buWjiNt ^ tbe p church is thepillcr and ground of the truth : euen tbis church of£;fe t^refoicttJ^caten ^ ^ he would rc- mouc her candleftickc out ofhis place vnlelfc (hee repeated., ^iie repented not» but bt? litlc and Ittle became UxBtfe $ Inoate, and Reaped faBtbpon faut,peaitmnpfaute0bponone, botti in mancr0,anddo£triJic^ Sberefo^eCbiiftrcmoued her candle- lUcke out ofhis place; t^chofen, tofjo ibined toitbtbe ligbt offeiti>,tKg^bfrcO to bttttfclfe; t^e called, iefio bafeb tb® Ugb^, be gaue ouer to daiteneo i tbe (babolD of deatb;t^ ♦ Rco.j.i*. • be madcpiUcrs in tbe temple of bio ©od: tbe hypocrites (ttio gltb of tbe ten^e) be caS out to tt^ dnn^iU of tbe bngodlp; and bcleftt^ritieof£;fee/«Jdfitblateto toictted Mahomcts impie# fie.^oto,that may befall to euery one(au8tbep fap)which may befall to any one.ai^f^n loohBl»b^ b^bhefeUfn to tbe Churck of E^htfusy tbatmap to euerp Church,But tbe Church of Ephr- /ij tDastbahenfirtf and crarco,aftcrl3darde quite cucrtb.:Dtoncj and bring bereft of tbe ligbt of Cbrift w noUj a Church no !cn# gcr. £Db®n is tbcre no Church bpon tbe face cf tbe cartb» rocaer it flatter it felfetoitbtboft titles of the candlcfticke of Chrift, f piller of the truch;tberc is no Cburcb(3 fap,) lobofe bodie, t^ is tbe chofen, map not be onertahcn ibitb faintneOb anddatteneire: tn^fe djegges, tbat is tbe hypocrites, maif not be confttmed toi^ rottennriTc and &efliuchon;6nallp teboft tobole ftame f xonflitution map not be deptiued l^otb of^engtb andbeautie. 3flnobotbattbepapiSsanfbiere hereunto^ tbat the militant Church map erre foi tbe ftockes,tbe people, tbat are in it: but tbe guides and Paftours (tolajfe afltmblie is caU to the Church bp Cb;ifl» taping,'tell the Church,) can not, t ^jatiicb is falfe and fond, ifo;, as tbcre arc ihccpe and goatcs in fbcflockes; Co tbe Paftours of tbem arc good, hirchnges, o^theeucs.Cbegood ones do flumber fometimes, as tbe A- *x ''*' |*'poftles:tbe ' hirelingesfly aflboneasthe woolfe comracth: tt w.i*. tbe " theeucs come to ftealc,to kill and to dcftroy. IKUbere# fbje no Paftour is eremptf«m danger of emng mojeo:!^-- 0no, fojt^f9imer point tbat tbep map erre in tnaners, tohat nade 3 bring Apoftles o.» Prophets to pioue iff S^bo complaint s iem»ri i» is btjould to<^od it tocrc not ten frcT^;there €a«Qe.scr.n. crccpcth anowgly rot at this prcfcnt through the whole bo- dy of the Church.* Sdbicbtoojdesbciiig fpoken in rcpjpof of lift and conner&twn of tbe PrcUces,tbatis, cf tbe liDttbops and both in m:aners and doitriht. 6p9 Jo«Sl' dft^ Churcb^iKD ^^etD» t^t notdi commoirutff^ bntarot^, atU)tbatnoffinaU)btKougly; anbt^t creeping on, notbdcpini; at a ttaf, mai?4btcd, notonclp t|wo.: mcndmr, but tt{e whole body of Paftors fo;^ t^etr maitcTi. i^tD,t^t tl^ mai> al(bbe ouerfeenetn Doctrine, ano errein pointe»offaitft: tt iapjaincl^ p^toucD bp tbofc Corwthum PafVours, J iwtjo built y ,.cor.j.t®. hay andftubble vpon the foundation thacSi Paulhadlaydet bp t^icjn of toi)cm S.PcterfojcteHetljj tljat ' there-thould * be falfc teachers in t^e neto Ct)urc^,aDin tfie olD falfcprcphetstbp ^Samofatcnusjsif'AriuSjf ' Ncftorius,Pa- b TTieodoret. ftors offamoug Churches, f.nDauto^gof nrelf ^ctnoug l^r^eg; pca>bp''tbe Ailhopsof the whole world,Uijo ailluero Arians e $«crat.hift. tttaniancr, tnbi^n t^FeiDcrefr{trceMtafc'toGatholiks,tx)^en ® the whole world did grone & wonder at it felf€,fhatit wis a Thcodoret. become an Arian. ^uttbepfapittes Vutll replp , tbat tehsn ttjcp fap the Church canot erre,tbep mcanc the Church t'u tljat e'^iueron. aiah- fenfc in fcijtrtJ Schoole-mcn call it reprcfentatiuCj tbatig, 5i5iS^0anDp^eiatcgrcprcfemingtl)el»b9lcchurchiH a gc- c^ronicolA- ncrall CounceU.tl£ibat;iinDbatbtt),atChurch(3| meane,a gc. a'»n»'".epMtae nerall Counccll) tbt5p:iuilep tljatit can not errefSEijepboto CoinDctDc. ibutlDbatlniUtbepfapoffomanf Councels oftbr Arians? tobiclJC'lPfeU f GrcgoricNazianzene toDefpaire t^at f inepift.id any good would be doon by Counccls. Bat tljep Dcnp t^fe to baue banc labofull Counccls. s^b^t toiU tbep anflnere tben to ^ofc Wi^ifkj tbem felucg confdTe to baue bane iaUiruU. Councell of s Laodicea (tljoagb a proniitciaH Councell, pet |conftlminop. aUolncS bp a geHcrail)DiD fct Doloiic tljcfame Canon of .inTrul.can.1. the fcripturcs lubtcb botbtlh^ olbc Cbura»rfKbfcrtbetb to)5iDaDDetb2b(aheg of Macca- bes f tbc reft of tbcapocryphato tbeolDCanon. ^Coun- eel of Nice appcintcD bounoeg ano l(mtfg,as fwcl fbj tbe Biftiop' 1 cw.«. DfRomesiurifoi!tiosi,agfo?otber Bidiops, Eb^Councdlpf ' ,. " Laterein gauc t^t fcufraiijtic cfc'Sinatiepo&cr to tbe Church of Rome cucr al otbrr Churches. Eb^ Councell of" Cmftance tert. DetraDtbatthe Councell is aboue the Popc,anDnrnhetbc^a?" poll potuer fubiect to general! Coiwcclg. li^btc^ tbing DtDfo de ConcikBa- btsblpDtfpleafc tbc Councell of Aforrwcf, tbat ® it bnDermineo ^'VwTrinc '* tbc Counccll of ^<»///, anDgmlcfhllp furpjifco it, fo^pntfms dli; indiii. ^ B 5 ttjat tkir4 C«nclnli«a. ii * H ' i 11 ' im 706 TTic holy fcripture is of greater ttiattnt};eagain(]^)0opeEugenius. iHponttietDfjid^pomfedit ttiuC^ twDes begraunteD t^at otu Qos of generall Councels btp ^rre; bnleife toe totll (ap ttjat fijtnses to|itcb are contrarte map be true botl).^|)erefaee, to m.ihe an ens,atb it to apparant bp mod cl^re p;tDfeo,tbat botb tb^ cholen ano t^e called, betb tbeflockcs, anb tbePadours, botbtnfeucrallbptbem fdueo ano afembleo tcgetljer in generall Councels, map erre: 3 am to concluoe,toitb tbe gtoo Ubittg(3 toc() as loue tbe trutb, tljat the militant Cburch may erre in maners and dodrine, 3n tbe one point tobereof, conc^'ntng maners, 3 Dcfenb our p. felueo agatntt § maltctouo fclanbero of tbe p ^aptfts;tobo clwrge " t\iz Church of England toitb tbe bereffe of Puritans, impuoentlp, anofaUlp. 3ntbeotbcr,concermngdo(5trine, 3Da)not toucb tbetoaUcoof^^Wflfftoitbaligbt finger, but rajefrom tbobe.' rp grounb tbe tobole mount of tbe Romijh Synagogue. The third ^b^^e intolerable pjefumption us rep^oueb bp tbetbirb coiKlufio. Conclufion to: toberein it rcfietb to be IbetoeD, tbat the holy fcripture is of greater credit & autoritie then the Church.janO altbougb tbio be fo mantfefilp true, tbat to baue piopofeb it one« Ip, is, to banc p^oueb it: pet giue me leaue 3 pjap to p^oue it b^iefip toitb one reafon, 3 toill not trouble pou toitb manp • tbe toitoes of fcripture be tbe too^tbes of trutb: fome too;:besof tbe Church be t^ too^bs of errour. IBut be tbat telletb tbe trutb altoapes, is mo;e to be crebiteb, tben be tbat Ipetb fometimes. %berefQ;e tbe holy faipture is to be crebiteb mo^e, tben is tbe church,^bat all tbe toojoes of fcripture be tbe tooibcs of trutb: it is out of controuerffe. ifo; the whole fcripture is inlpired of Cod : anb Cod can neither deceiuenor be deceiued. SDbat fome too^bes of tbe Church be tbe toojbcs of errour: if a* np be not perftoaoeb perhaps bp tbe reafons tobicb 3 baue bjougbt alreabp,let bim beare ^e fbarpefi anb mod earned pa^ trone of tbe Church conf^ing it. ® Andcadius Payua, a SDortot of ?prttt£4ll, tbe bed Icarneb man (in inp opinion) of all tbe pa# pids,reberfetbcertaine pointes toberein Councels alio map erre,euengenerall Councels: infomucbtbatbe faitbtbat the very generall Councel of pjakedwjOnt Of tbofc four firft tobicb ' Grcgoricpjofclietbbtnifelfeto rcceiucasthefoure bookes pftheholy;i^ofpell,pef Andradius raitb,tbat this Councell erredjinth^itdid ' raihlyai^ without reafon(tberearebt0 T ' ~ ' stone r 'ric.i.a. s DefenCEa. YndChurekianD.^nttc^^tit,ti:ittl3tl;e ruineif of holy fcrii^ufc;ira:l)e touctjmg the writings of theApoftlcs, t^attihcy wcrcgiucntothc churdi, * not that they ihould rule our faith and religion, but that they Ihould •bee,ruled rather; aitt t^tn ConcluDOt^ that the autoritie ef ^.chnreh is not ooely twt inferiour,notoncly cquall, nay, isdS'fupetiour alfoiafter a-fort to the autoritie of the fcrip- tares, V Plinicrfpojt-gtht|f3'tthcrewas ati?awtf a ccrtainedi- all fct in the field of Flora to note the fiudowes ofthelunne: the notes and markes of which diall lud not agreed with the ftinne for the fpacc of thirty ycarcs. ^nD ths caufc tJjcrccf toao thWrasPlinie faithjttfJ^ cither the courfe of the funnc was dif- Ordered and changed by fomemcanes of hcaucn , or els the whole earth vi^as dipt aw^y ftom her centre. SDhi Church of to hebcr? like in thefislo of Flora, jfp j li^etoas^laccDin the RonMn tarrito^ic to fi}eto t^z thafiohjcs of funne,eaen Of^ the funnc of righteoufncs,that tfi,0f Chriit; hat her notes gnontarhcg hauenot agrecolDith Chriltt^feraa!» US ?earefltogit:^er. #otthiit an^fautc in thedfali, 3 meane in the Church , ,(fo^ that can not be, as i ighius.pjjjueth l>:etU^:) but bccaufe perhaps either Chrilt him felfe hath tokc an other courfe, ano is altereo 3 bnoto not bp iohat f^"seable# IKS of ^oD, 01 els the tohole fcnpture is flipt from the point in the tohteh it ttoo. SButlet bs (right lucDzfhipftili) ioho knoUi 'that the dials ano clockcsimpllc often, but the ccsurfe of the iannciscertaineanD cmiffant, let bsinakemoie account of the -ftihnc, then pfa diall; of heauen, then of Piinie; oftheZodiakc ictrcic, t^nofthefieloorFloraij of^oo, thenofnien; cf Chrift, then ^Eighius; of the holy fcripturc, then oftljc church, 0} (000 foabio there (hr'nlo be anp (amongit bs)fo beadlp a monlfer in t^ Q)ape of man, as to let bp ^nti^:i(t in the temple cf Coo taboneCoo: ano to attribute mo>e to anp, either man, c;^ multi^ iuDcofmen,thentoihe3LojOofma»aie. SDutfo om t^p, no bout, twho haue the Church in greater rcgarothen the fcripturc. 3fojthsboiceof the fcripturc iatheboice of Coo : the bcicc of tjje Church is the boice of men, 2^hen if it be impious to fct bp (men aboue (0oO: ocubtlefCe,tofetbp the Church aboue the fcrip. aurfc,! it is ^ntithiittian. i^o j pet oo 3 oenp that the lurches d)owi0(bmeti»ne0 the boice of^^, Jfb^>in appealing the ot&n^ ifes autoridc^then che church. to ano «p;oaiug flje 0nncs of bjcti^cn, 'if thy brother (ftifli rcfufc to hcarc the church,let him be to thee as a h«a- * «•» 'T* then man, and a Publican. HSutt^e boll? &trit, tb^Utbo fpi* tit of trntb) botb fpe^o, botb alone, ano altaato, in tbo icnp* ture. Enbnmainefpirit, tbatisa fpiritof erronr, a part fomttimes in tlje fpacb oftbc Church. 5i5otb tobicb pointrs 3 bane p;oaeo bp tpe 1:0320 cf (^oD, tbecnioence of^e tbing, ano tpe tonfcCftons of our aouerfaries. 5123 b? Dcd toe not tpen ac# fenotoleoge tpat tbe ropall pjcrogatiue of tpw p^inilege, to bee altogithercxempt from all etrour, isDiietofcripture onclp; ano confdTe, as ^ AufrinDotbagaintttbeDonatiltes, tbatitis boeka^eant. peculiar and proper to the holy canonicall fcripture, that ail Donauit.ubo. things which are writen therein be true, and right: but the letters and writings of Bifhops,as of Cyprian, yea tbe yery Counceis, notprouinciallonely, but alio full and general], haue often times fomewhat that may be amended, 3» fo? ttip part, 0(0 glaolp botb alioto tbis fentence of Auftin, ano iuoge it to(D2tbl! to be allctoeo, as agreeable to tbe tructb. 0no tberefbjg 3 concluoe tbe point tobtcb 31 ptopoto, tbat the holy fcripture is of greater credit and autoritie then the church. ^b^to pon bane mp iu09ement(rigbt Icarneo lnceptors)toHcbing tbe Con- clufions tobtrbaretobeoifpateoofi openeoinmo;etootoes per« bapSjtben pour totfeoome; infetoer,t^n tbe toeigbt of tbe tbtngs requirco. liBnt 3 baue toao^ fo farre in tbe opening of tbem, as 3 tbongbt tbe Proftors migbt toel gtue me leaue bp tbe ftraitnes of time, as fo; tbat tobicbnaoetbfo be oifruCfeo farther: 3 v ■ toill aCCap to open it, as toell as 3 tan (if cccaOon feme,} toben tbe aooerl^rie arguments fb^l bff p;opofeo in oi^ntation. 704 . , CONCLVSIONS HANDLED IN DIVINITIE S. C H o a L THE III. OF NOVEMBER. « 5 7 P- I The hoty Catholikc Church, which wc bclccue^s the whole company of Gods eledand chofcn. H(^ jtoljo ti)e fea,the wrt^,t^e maoe 6^ 1^10 toojDc of noBgljf. ^'331)0 he etemall poUier Doth gmoc anD rule all things ifc in^ought: SDto chafe from out the Tonnes of men befo.ie the too^lo luas pight^ ^uch OS Uitth blclTei) angels aee (houlD toe his bliffuU gght. SDhs Itms are not the onele men that mahethis hole bano,. IButthee are (buloters cho&n out of euere toung,ani) lano: saihwc on the fouth the mighfie p.iincc of AbirsincsDoth raignc; Mlhere on the no^th the coaQs ito Ipe that lahe to Charles hiatne; Mhcre Phzbius tuith his glittringbcames Doth raiCs the Dataning light, 3nD finhing m the tocCerne feas noflj bung t^ oarbfomc night.. 2Dhe fleih cannot be natures light fuch hibDen trofhcs purfuc: 3But Ch;iftian faith be lish^ of grace this Cacholikc Church.Doth bslu. 3 The Church of Rome is not the Catholikc Church, nor a found member of the catholike Church. rr^ee bo not tuell ^0 fhut the tuo^lD tuithin the l^pman bounDcif: 1. Ch;itts Church is fpjetrthjough al t earth Without rcftraintof moanssi boas (I grant) a faithfull liianrij of this rcnctuneD bine: teas a me?roor that in grace, in ^ale,in loue, did Ihinc: toas commcnseb farre auD Uiiae fo.i faith in ChjiU his name: 5fo,i Peters Doctrine taugfjt anD ltept 7^«»»f tDasc^tooitfofamc, 5Bat toht w 5»as?neto rumes acc.l^he Capitoll is (lojieD; 70j SDtje i;p:ouD is bat^or in Cb.iiC^tnm! blaio« Inbo ^omi(h IncDlufiS tncD^t^ ^cr Ctjnrclics arc toitb iDcIcs; OaincD, bcr gutocs tniib mancra bile, C!3:it)oni lufffull trainee;, anb lotdtcc |icartsi,anb bcbs bnc^ Defile. jaD tlj^ifc tnijappie'Sa/fy/oK, tljaf Sims fpo^leDajft Cncer tbc noble name ano ^ne cf5;#s luculDefi t^ou lurfie i J The reformed churches in England, Scotland, France, Germany, and other kingdomcs & common veaithes haue feuered them lelues lawfully from the church of Rome. A Place of haunt for deuils and fprits is 'Subylon waxt, fait^j John. ^IrttbouDefirousto bclancDf from'2 criptare, (houlo be not erpounoeb or.clp bp publifee le- duresjbutaiifa pjoueD bp difputations, Si totokhV miD pjofita# ble c^btnancemo Doubt: anbmoftmktefot(irh<3k$ mhkh fcrur totratnet}pChjitttans,.thatt3, fo? fcholesof Cod. ^o} tohat can there be mojepjetious then the truth,tohi^h tcachethbsthc bnctuleDgeofCoDtthetoap to Itfef 0nD tohatmoie conuentcnf tottrengthenthctruthrthento haueifpjcueo bp DifcuITiugthe ceafons bjoughtofboth partes, ifoi as gotee, being DtggcD out of the bctnes of feuerebfromearj^p fubitance (miet theretoith)bp the mettaU too^kcmen bnoching it together j ani^: as hufbanomenare boontto fiftboheatfrom the ebaffe bpboi' noboing, that it map be fit to nourilh theboDp: Co the !^oloen> ^ fireafureoftruthbpftribingroafcns as it boere tcgef^Kr is par# tcD from the D^egSy bohi^itt hath not gotten fro tl^t^ipbeines^^ boh^nce it is DtggeD, but from mens beflets boherein it is rerei# neb; anb the come ^t is Goboen fo; the foiDe of the foule, is tbi# noboeb (bDitht^lDinbethat bloboeth from the M Choft)b^ the hntbanbmen of heaiicn,that it map be cleancrfrons the chaffe of errours.2Dheehkrefull bnbertafiing.anb faithfuU perfomimg of tho.bohiehbuette the umunonboealth map chalenge at our hanbs of rts^: fpeciallp fo;i that it hath mboboeb anofurniihctr thk noble Vniuerfitic anb place of ererctk of goob Earning boith ^ p;inileges, boith hsnrcs, botth tanbs in ample fo;t,to this intent chiefip that it might be a nnrferie fo;Paftours of the Church. iFojbothit is mcete thatPaftoutsof the Church Ihoulb knot onelpableto ebifiethe faithfull boith (bunb anb boholeCome do# ctrine.but alfo * to conuincc them who gaincfay it, as S^Paul' bbitneGTeth: anb boethallbe able to conuincc gainefayers fo much the mo;ie eafilpi fitlp, anoeflfiectuaUp, tffirft toe pmetils that in a tnarlike erercire,bDk'eh toe map bo after tohen boe (halt make boarre boith enemies in babe. i^obD,tf there be anp thtng. taherein it ist)erucbnnenient anb beh^ull, both fo; Ch;tllian; fiuribiersi 707 fottloiera to be toeU p;a(ttreD,a0atna tbe nttfcbteuoM aftempti of tbeir enemteo; ano tbe goloe of tan trutp to be fb;oug^^ ipclenfeo fromtbeo;oCre,tbe tobcate from t|ie c^aKe, bp t^ pahtes of bufbanotnen ano U)o;bmen of tfje cbttrcb: tioubtle^ tbt9, tob^b 31 b^ue cboten to Debate of, u fo p;o0table, betng hnoboen; fo pehUous, bnbnotoen; tbat toe |«tte great caafe fo benD all our toittce Onto tbelbrcb f hnotoIeDgeof it. ifo;t ^ert baue aCTatleo tbe Cburcb nolo t\)\s great lobtle, anD (cattereDlp tbere range,tbep,oflobomCb;tft batfJ toarneD tw fo beware, tobotitDID fojctell of tbat tbcp iboulD be m tbe Cburcb> 31 mcanefalfcteachers,anDfalfe prophets; tobocommingto tjo in the clothing of ihecpe, pet being raueningwoolucs in tbeirbearto anDDceDeo,nanmtgtbemrelue8 the Church as if tbep toere tbe onelp (hccpe ofCb.2i®» Do teach damnable here- fies, anD blafphcmc the way of truth. SCo fp;eD tbe infcrtion of tbe iobieb peifilc"f5 fairtljer amcngft tbe faitbfuU: as Rabfakeh t^e tyifsyrtau, "Hobcn ije DiD feitieit Icrufalcm to fall from on againit tbe people of dDoD; fo tpat K»- mijlj Rabfakehtbeencmieof tbe ncto Ieruralem,Dotb tbe Churches name againtt tbe cbiloeen of tbe Church, faitbtbat Chriftians ought to belecuc the Catholikc Church: anD tbJt no Churdi is Catholike at all but the church of Reme; anD tbat we therefore who hauc forfaken it, hauc fallen away from the communion of the catholike Church: mo;cci:cr,tb it there can not be any hope of faluation out of the Chiirch : auD tbti'efoje tbat all, who eythcr leauc the Church olRowcyOt ioinc themfclues to any of our reformed Churches,muft needes be loft for cucr.CbtS fsire but falfe ibi# farD of the catholike Church, Doti; leaDc manp Cmple men out of tbe Inap: lubo Cbunne tbe catholike faith, tobUe tbep are afraiDe Ualf tbep ibowlB fal from tbe faith;? Dare not iopnc tbem rduectoitb tbe Church of Cbfitt, IcaCtfiep fboulD be fcueteD fromt^comutiion of tbe Church, ^o tbat toe map iuiUpfap to Biibops cf Rome at tbis Dap.ttjat toljicb a Roman Bitbop e teo.epift.|}i DiD tojitc long ago to fbeBifltops of leVcry : Ye thinke your fclues to dealc for the faith(£) pc Romans) &yc go againft the faith; ycdoarmc your fclues with the name of the church, & ye fight againft the church .Mberfoje,beingpetftoaDeD tbat p ^HDling i^rcof toottlD auaite mncb to eafe tbe ignorance of tbe -z.% tnfhiU 7o8 7Tic holy catholike church which we beleeuc tnfbilfuli, attD ijuatlf ttje ffubbo^nnefl'e of our abuerfarud, ano furoor (to^cf) fe tbe cbicfc point) tlje faluatton of ttje elrtt: 3l,fo^ ratper mo;e tben butp tnbicb 3 otue to tbe church of Cp^iit^reibluei) tuitp mp relfo{bautnj3 fucp oppc^tumtie ofotfpu^ tatiott offirf^D) to treafie of ttje Ifafe of tbe Catholike, of the Ro- imn,an6bfoo pou booulo «Aft. 17.35. hearcme, in fuch ibjt as s Dcnysthe AreopagitehearOPaul V) C^pcCleJbohcrebDOjDSCftheTnknowcnGodhebeleeucd, perfloaocO bp § light of truth,though againlt that opinion bohich h® ^0 fo^econcciueo. (Sou,the father of lightes, ano autcur of Irnfh, bohO'SS«5Paulaflcrptcngue, folq^tenanohinoie the minocs is the whole company of GocJs eledt 8c ch minses of fearers; moueD,t]^e Ijarf of Deny $ to fa tijo ft tigtjt of gooUneo atio to be fet ott 6er lott|) it: bouc^lfoft lotti) < oirectioii of 1^ Ijoty fpirit bot^i to jptoc tongue, tljaf it ma^ ][ ferue to open tbe m^illeneoof j^loo^D; ano to foften tour [ Ijartes, tfjat tf)c feo c of life map fall bpcit a fruitfnll grounb, flD? f' prn oui* £VC3, 0 nnb iv: Hjall He: giue 13St'cartr^, ano Ujefoall aCitnt. i,ct tbp fpirlt leateUstnto alltrn-b,nno let ■ tlj^tncjobca lan'cnteto ourftefe : (bat toa map belauc tlje ll* fbuigs Vu'yi^b ti;au teacbeH^ ano Bc5 tbe tbmgs toljiel) tpcu com# ;' maunoctt, to t^s ctierlafting gtojt of tlTC gobnes ano our olone faluation.Amcn. : 3in ftjc freafte of tlje matter, tbaf 3 fetmbanD&jif^t,-.t,^r - li of tt)c ttdtc of tbc Church botb in gcnerall, ano particular, h tt)e Roman, anO tbc reformed Qmrchcs offunOjpnations: if *-OUCluli- , | commctbfjrC to be ctclsreo tobat is fbc holy catholikc church, | toljcrcof lue pjcfcSr in our Crcede tl^t wee belccue it. ^nft i f; hereof 31 fap, the hot/ catholike church is the whole compa" i nyof Gods elc ano members thereof: h^tb hee iopneo ano knit tpemaU togither bp ^e bono of his ^Ip {pirit^into the felobofhip-of onr boop,anoaeiuill0trathera(pirituall communion, as it toere intoonccitie. Shemuueof inhichcitic, IS, ^ heaucnly, new, and haly lerufalcm, the citie of the lining God v tfje. mPfri.17.1.; king, is ■" God almightie, {ohofoimded,eftabli{hcth,andru- Icth the citie: the laiues, are Gods word, inhich the citijcns heareaiiOfoIotD,as " fteepc the voice of the fhcpheard: the citizens, are the Sainces, euen all ano fingular holp men , tehu o spk.i.ij)4 1 1 therefore are calleb ° felow-citizensoftheSaintcs, andmea ^ of Gods houlhold: tlje regilf er, toherein their names are enrol# p leo,is odleb ^ the bookc of Iife:klnallp the liberties ano cotnmo# itttes theuentop,^ are mo&le benelltssboth of thiet The fourth CoMlunon. ll il. ii l": I o Gem.17.7. J.eu.i^.is. Ier.;i .}}• Hch.S.io. 71 o The holy catholikc church which wc bcleeQC life ano of life to come, to toit, tfje srace of ^oD,tltc foantaini of gfloones; tl)e trcafureo of Ctjift, i« ^eire of all ttjings; tlx fo;giuene0 ofOnneo, tl)e {leace ofconfcience, ttje gifUo cfnglitc oufneO} of goolinea, of ^olineo; one fpirit, one faitti, one ^pe of our calling, ano facramento indict) are tt;z fealco cf cur iiope; in atoojOealitljingcotDljicljarcErp^oicnt fojtsto tlje nectlTarie maintenanceofourearttjlplife, ano after lifetljctnlierw tanceof life eternalltn fjcauen toit^ encUITe OlilTeano glo;p. SButbccaufetijeciti^ena of tl)iocitieof<£^ootiiiuing oifobepeOf rebelleo againd b^o laS tbeir freeoom tbicugb tfjeir treafon, ano being put tberb\» from euerlaSing life lycre to foffer oeatb in tbecbainesofoarbenelfeid^ootbe fatljeroririinite mercp ano companion,oio feno b» onelp begotten fenne into tbc \i!o;lD,tbat Ije being appointeo king cf Cooe citiefljonlorcoecrKefjcifijena from tbc potoerof Darbencfle out of tbc tbiaiocm cf tljc DiuElI,anD tranflating tbcm afrelb into bis hingoom (bouio bleifc tbcm ano enooto tbcm toitballtbe pjiuilcgcs ano libcrticscftbcritijcns of <500. 5lno to it pleafco bim, tbcugb pl.^ipet tbc trai • tojainreuoltingfrombimtobioano ourentmie, pet of tKofree fauour to make a league teitb bs,t enter into coucratrt. ss; bub couenant being one anO tbe fame in fubl^ance, pet OtuetOp ccnr> 0oereo, ano (bp reafon oftbis oiuerfitic) oiuiito into ttt!0, tbc one calleo olde, grounoeo on Cbiilt being p;omifeo to come-,tbe otber,ncw,on CbJift being come into tfjc U)o;lo: (£ oo batb fct it ootone in tbe inSrumenta of bis ccuenant,U?bcrcin be bsib faio, ^ I will be your God, and ye (hall be my people. ^Ifjatiotbe tcnour,botogrcatefbeOfe,bototjnrpcababletbe benefit of tbif bolp couenant, maoc toitb tbc patriaritcs, tbe ??jcpbcts, tbe ^olilcs, ano all tbe ^aintes of <5oo: it is recoiOco in tbe facreo inltrumente of tbe olde ano new te{tamcnt,o: couenant. fln ab^iogement tobcreof, containing tbc fmnmeof tbe apoftlcs ooc^ trine, is ocliucreo in f articles of our Cbzittian faitb,o; Crccde, ae toe tennc it, gatbcrco cut of * " >7» Citie there (hall enter no rncieane thing,nor whatfocucr wor- kcth abomination, or lye. Cbiitt tbercfoje, tbe ^auiour of tbe Cburcb bW bobpjtobo * as he called them who he prcdcfti- , ro„ | natcjfoiuftificd them whom he called: ^ b^lJtng clenfed the b Eph.j.i#,' Church from ber finnco bp bbJ bloob.rennetb bet from tbe 6Itb of tbe Clelb tnto hoHnelTc; lobieb be beginnetb in tbis life, anb perfittetb in tl^ life to com«^ tnbcn be (ball prcfent her without rpotandwrinclc * a glorious fpoufevnto him fclfe.^O tbat, • Reu.j^.», ^ Church map tnell be termeb holy, anb ^ communion ofSainccstbe^hurchescommunion: tublclnniiitanton eartb Z} 3 is ::: The fotrch Conclulinn. ■' j JiV ^ )t I I ' tK . ] \ .!!' i ,1 ; 'li L i.f U'' \ l! • liV'i ll'i 71 iThc holy catholike church which vvc belcue is holy tn affiKtion,triunip5ant in h^auen is holier in perfcttion, bot^ militant ano triumphant is in ChJtft moll holy« if inal- Ip, Gth hatt) calleo tht holy church not out of this 0; that countrepjnotoutofthuio:^ that people, but out of alt natiomt Qiieo through tho tohols lnoMo:fo^ that caufe the church is intu tlcD Catholike, that is,bittuerfali: not /ewtfij not Xoman, not not of one people 0^ p;ouince,but bniuerfall ano Catho- like, copattco as it tuere into one boop out of all (b^ts of eGates, feres,agcs,f nationSi/eiVf/,! Heathens-,greek^^ Barbariansihont}^ auD free; mcn,anD toemen-, olD,ano poung;rich,ano pcoje. ifoj both old Church (before the birth of dhtiG) tohith fatn the bap of ChtiG to come,anD Inas faueo,oib gather chilDien of df^oo bntoherGlfeat firG out of anp people; afterlnarD Inhen the grace ofd^oDlbitiebchieflp among the people oflfrael, (he bio iopne ' conucrtcstoifracloutofthcreft; ano much mo2e the new Church (callcO fince Ch^iG toas bojne) hath ^ enlarged her tabernacle (as Efay the Prophet fpcahcth)' to all nations, beginning otl(nrHfalem^lHd£4,s*marta,m^ going fojtoarb thence eucn to the vttermoft endcs of the earth. if oj ©OO ha^ not calleo the circumcifeo JeSises alone,to be his Church, as the time tuasbohen s ^e^oGles thought thzough a litle oucrGght, ^ the Bletnes in our oapes haue to picfumpluouGp tosncO: but * CheiG being cruciGeO hath broken the Goppe of the i'EphZyer.1'4. partition-wall, ^ anO is become the chicle Gone of the cor- kver.xo. ner, ontohichaOmbletDallarifcth; anoas ' E>auiD pjopheci- eOjthc the 'Babyloniany x!R&Tyriany the tJEthtopiany the Bhihjttne iTc home in Ston-, anO, as the Elders (in iDhomisrepiefcnteothecompanpofthe fatthfnll) OoCngbnto ChriG, Thou haft redeemed vs to God by thy blood out ofeucry kinrcd,and tounge, and people, and nation, and haft made vs kings and priefts to our God, & we fhall raigne vpon the earth. ?iSlhercfoz£ Gth th^ church, tohich the holp fcripfurcs oo commcno Onto bs, betokeneth the companp sno aGcmblpofthefaithfull, inborn ©00 hath choGn, dnjiiGhath fand;iGco,ano calico out of all natPns to the inheritance of his oinncktngomne: thcholp . c Mat.1S.19. f Aa.ij. s Aa.io.i3. b Galatin.Je arcin.cathol. TcrJib.^.c. 12. 1 Pfal.87.4. f ^5 111 ' is the whole company of Gods cUa 8c choie. tolfP 31 pjopofe tpwarticte of f^c CpjtOia faittj to be Difcuf- fsD bp btfputdttoit: as tpougb etftjer anp man amo in Dout of it d; tlitnga not Dont£b of toere to be banbleb aa boutfall. ^nt if pou conaber tbat ttie true meaning tpcrof, tobttb 3 tJaue openeb, moft agreeable to tbefcripture, moft tomfb;table to tfje fait^- fnll,taconbemnt&anD accurtebbp t^ Itanbcro-bcareraof tpc church of Home: pou toiUceafeto maroell. j?o; in" tfje Coun- „ ^oadi con- conoemneo John Huffe fo; an ainLS;eir.i5. I^eretthe, ^ep unbcmneo tljefe tloo fapmg0,aa perctirall, to be burneb lott^ ^hn: ° that there is one holy vniuerfall Church • which is the whole company of them that are predeftinatc; anb,PthattheChurch,asitistakeinthisfenfcfbrthe com- p Anic.f, ' pany of them that are predeftinate,is the article of our faith, Ce ^ Gregorietpe IBill^op ofl^ome affinnctp that all rMoriLio lobi the eled are contained within thecompafle and circuite of '"b.is.cap.)», the church, all the reprobate are without it. Hnb ' Bernard ^ inc«ntic. betlartng the church to be the company of all the eled, which fcrmon.78. company was predeftinatc before the world began, bot^ toncb it as a myftene In^ti ^e ^ab learneb of paul, anb faith l^t he will boldly vtter it, 0s fo;i Auftin, a man of b^arpcft iubgementoft!)emall,!)cneiti)^r^nolDl£bgcth anpcity of»cjjjottgjjaiit God,but this eled church, in his mott lerneb too;fee touching I the citie of God; anb in anet^r touching the catechizing of ! the tnf kilfull, * t)e feith that all the holy and fandified men, x ncruiib.ca- which are, which hauc been, which flialbe, are citizens of this hcauenly Jerufukm'^ anb in another, touching baptifme againftthc Donatilts (againfttohoinh^^^S^tll ffje Catholike yD«bipt.eo*. church moft) ^ h^fblfefleth that thofc things in the fong of Xf <# fongs, concten. 714 The holy catholikc church which we bcleuc fongs, the girdenuiciofedjthe fount AimfettUdvp, the ltheythefijter» the Jpoufi oflefus Chrifiy arc meant of the holy and righteous a- lone, who arc Icwes inwardly by circumcifion of the hart, of which holy men the number is ccrtainc, praedeftinatc before the foundation of the world, , if tljc |DjcIafe5 of tlje Rtmipi Church |ja5 hao rencf cnce, 3 fai? not of the ftrip# tares, ouerU)htcljthvi?piai?the)lo:!}es as thepltlf; but of t^ ifathcWj of Ujljom as of ojphansthcp bearemeti in hano tpk theg haue tnoertcoUe the Inaroilhip : thci? iuoulo neuer pauc toJuitDeo, ojj rather burnt in Hudes perfon, Clemens Alcxan- drinus, Ambrofc, Grcgorie, j5ernard,anD Auftin,tphO taught the tame point that is consemneo in Hufic, nanteip,that the ho- srran.Duw.de ly vniucrfall Church is the whole co.Tjpany of the elcft of ^i7« ii™ ^"titis (3( fa) an bnoontco truth iohich ' aleameb man, Itbing the l^opes religion,but not the popes p.eefumption, hath fet Dotone in inciting: that amon git the Popes and men like to Popes it is a fure principle,he tobe doendt is to bt doort Vehert thou mdifiget a ^ngdome by it. ^02 thtp thC ho- ly catholike Church (taught bs in the Crccdc) from the right meaning, to the intent thep tnai^ be kings, i ho^fe bp the faples of their clone ambition: in as moth as thep applp it, like bnfkilo full men,if thep bo it igno^antlp; impious,if loittinglp; thep ape pip it(31 fsp)nof to the Catholikc Church,but tO ^ militantjiio^t to that,as itis chofe,but as it is vifiblc,mingic3 toith hpporrdes anb bngoblp perCms.SE^h^ cau&,tDhp t^p bo fo,!S,that alt Ch2U ftians,bp reafon thep beleeue the holy ^atholike Church,map be inbuceb to thinke that the biltble Church nmS be helb fo; €ae tholike, anb a biltble monarchie muU be in the bifible Church, anb the IBope is prince ofthe bifible monarchie, anb all Ctoifti^ ans muft be fubtect to him as Prince, if oj, this to be the markc tohereat the l^opes Ifiiote, it is as dare as the light bp the ber ie Extrauagants (asth^arctermcb) ofthe Canon law, in that a£«ra.c. vnjm topall becta or' Boniface the eighth» beginning toitb thcfc fanSar.4.Dc ir.a- ft'ordcSjOwr holy CuX-holtke Church.from one Catholike Church,without the which there is nofaluati6,norforgiue- nes of finnes, he crapeth bpto the head of the Church cue Ic- ius Chriftjf front Gnrilt the head hc flippeihbotonefap Health bttto Chrifts vicar, one and the fame head (ashelaith) with Chrift, cucn tiic Pope of ; loljom pet to be the head of is the wh^ company of Gods clc(5t & cholen.715 the Catholike Church notfjim felft iDOulD faB,(i)nIelIit perf«ap« in a P;eamc,)fo; tpe lie (I^kIo be head of the triumphant churcn, tphuhia a part of the Catholike : but iislPOUlDbcheadof the vinblc church,^ nameth Cathoiikc,t|r^p the mo;e ea^ filptobecemethefimple : luho being aHonteoanbrnarta tuith thatnantc,th$foU}ler(buttetbt)pthenet, anb concluoetl), ipat euciy earthly creature if he \rill be faued muft of ncccflitic be fubied to the Pope, faitf) |aope JSoniface, )i5ut bnlellk thepcpe htm felfe anb t^ifathcrs of hta Counccll of Trf«r,ije? tng thereto fo;ceb the truth 'it'fcnpture, confeOe againCt them fclues, that the holy Catholike Church both notOigntfp the vi- fible company of the Church militant, cofiftingof the good and baddc mixc togithcr j tohich fenfe the paptfto glue it toith their ?0opc Boniface to the intent thcpmap be feingo : 3 Unll not requett ?ou to beleue me in it.if03,in the Catcchifmc tohich tuas fct foorth by Pope Pius the fifth according to the decree bCattchiftu. ofthsCouncellofTro;/, ^ hauingfeibthat.thc^Wc/j (inthe Creed) doth chiefly figniHc the company of the good & bad ' togither, thcp abbe, that Chrift is head of the (inrch as of his body, lo that, as bodily members haue life from thefoulcjin like fort the faithful! haue from Chritts fpirit: and therefore kishffly becaufe it hath recciucd the grace of holines and forgiucnes offinncs from Chrift,*'ho fandificth & waflieth it with his blood: and it is called CWfW%,becaufe it is fprcd in the light of one faith from thccaft to the weft, recciuing men of all fortes, be they Scythians or Barbarians, bond or free, male or female; conteining all the faithfull which haue bene from Adam cuen till this day, or (hall be hereafter till the cndc of the worldjprofefsing the true faith, & being built vpon Chrift, vpon the foundation of the Apo- files and Prc^hets. iBope Pius fh^rcfaje anb the Jfatljers cf the Counrellof "i rwf affirme tljat the/fWcfe, which is fpecified inthcCrecde, is the body of Chrift. ^oto, the frripture tea# dj^th that' all the body of Chriftis quickned anb increafed cEph.4.1#. bp the holp (©hoftjas if he toere the foulc of it. IBiit the bab anb toidteb are neither quickned,noj increafed. Chen are fhcp no part of the body of Chrift: anbtherfo?e ncithcroffhc Church. Pope Pius anb the ifathere of the Countcl of r rent aflFirmc that the Church is holy^ beingwafhed by the blood of Chrift, in« ducd with grace of holines, and with fbrgiuencsof finncs. ? 5 [, ■ i'T i I SaSt!!!.. 7i^Thcholycath^ikecRurdiwnich wcbeleuC iflotD, ^ bleflcdarc thcywhofc finncsarc forgiucn: ' blcf- • led arc the clcanc in heart, for theyfliall fee God. iBlrt tt)8 bao ant) Int^t) (lull neither reeled, no; areblefled. ^I^ere« fo;e nettbcr Ijaue forgiucncs of linncs, no; are ttieir harts clcanc. are tlje^ no part of the church, pope Pius ana tljeifathersoftheCounceUof Tre^taffivrntttfatthc church is called Quhohke, in rcfped that it contcincth all the faithfull from the firll to the lafl:,profefsing the true faith, and being built vpon Chrilf.^ut the Ixitcheo ant) h^pomteo either are not faithfull ;o;,if thep»nap&ecaUet) fo,petthep profefle not the true faith; o;,if the^ p;ofe0e it,pet theg are not built on Chrilk. f M«.7.Yer.34, ifo; thepinljo are built on Chrift, are ^builton a rocke, s anD s fljjaii neuerfae remoued. IBut the toicbeO lhall be remoued. SDhen are thep no part of the ch urch. ^et thep mult neeoeo be a partofthe church if the name of church did ligniSe the vifiblc church (as Inecall it) confining of the good and bad.HHSlh^r' foje it folotoeth thereof that the church mejitionco in ^ Crace, betobeneth not the viliblc church, that is, the company of good and bad together; tobtch it is iinagineo to Do bp buil# oero of the popeo monarchieil SDhuo,a0 Caiaphas in the €^ofpel h loh I i.ver.4> alttwugh fpsfee manp thtngo amtlie ngainft Ch;itt, pet, ^ be- ing the high Prieft that fame yecrc,he faiOe toell in this fpttchj f ver.jo. though iU meant t09, ■ that it was expedient for them that one man Qmuld dye for the people: fo the Pope anD the Fathers of the Councell of T rcw, being the high Piii^eo that lame pere, thoughthepmeantpU,inlaping that theholp ca^l^chnrrhs inhieh bie beleeue,is the companp of gtoD anD baD mirt together: pet,being leaD anD moueo bp IbmeDtuine fo;ce to fpeabe better then thep nteant, thep aooeo futh an erpoQtion. that their olnne Doctrine is ouerth;oU)en bp it,the errcur of the Councell of fttnce is DifeouereD, anD the truth of the fcripture confirmeo anD edabUfheD' Mherefo;e gmapiultlpcomluDe^gainlt the pa^ pillo out of the Pope htm felfe anD the Councell of Trtnt, that all the good and holy men, and none but they, do make the holy Catholike church . i5ut feingonr faith ntu® haue a better grour.D then humane Dccras either of Popes o; Coun- eels, tuhcfc bjeath is in their nofcthjils, tohofehoufesareof clap, anD their founbation tsfanDe : therefo;elet bo Itap our (eiues on that eondubon Inhich 3 be£o;e on boar# rant of thehaip^S^hot^} tPhohath fpoUentobobp the ;^oltie0 anD 1 is the whole company of Gods cled: & chofe. anS pjopfjCtS; The holy Catholik Church,which we bclccue, is the whole company of Gods eled and cholen. janti let ttjis fofficefoi tlje firft Conclufion. ^■pc ferotiD Dotl) fololD: The church of Rome is not the ca- The fifth tholike church, nor a found mcber of the catholike church, cociufioa* fiDftlje tol(ul)poIifion f^t toema^t^e bcttcrpercctuettjeDjift atiD truth: tue niuE rearch fcmelDh'ito^per,anD fetch the bz* ginningBOf particular churches out of the fountainetoh^Rtt thepflotDe.(l^oP,hsutngtho(entnhtseternaU purpofethe holy caiholike church, that i«,aU pis chtlO;cn,to be the hcircs of htff ktngcome, ano to triumph i" htaujulp glo^p toith h«n anb pis elect Angela: both StE of all fcnbe them ab^oabe into the earth, as it toere into a campc, there to feme him in hKit re agaiitft the fle(h,thetDojlb,the beiiiiljanb all the potoers of baracncs bnbcr the banner of Ch?tE, that thep map come conquerours cut of toarfarc to the triumph, anb map ftriuelaUjfuUpbefo;c thcp be trotoneb. ffisahereto that thep map be the ftrcngcr mabe anb bet^^ ter furm(heb,to enbure the labour anb harbnes of Warfare: Cob ibegctteththemancwbphisword, (thelDo:btDo;thing£ffec# * fuallpthJOU0hthchclpCt»tt,)aBittoerebprcede; anb'loithi i.cor.j.,. the feme word he ncu. ilhcth them,as toith milke ffrengthe# m Hcb.y;i4. neth them,as toith nveat;armcth tljem," as luith a fword of the " Eph.«.vci-.i7 Spirit J anb frameth them " a (hield of faith, wherewith they • ver.j*. may quench the firic dartes of thewicked one, ^ea,themoje to harten them agatnE all bangers anb beceites of enemies Inith the ffjill of toarfare anb tore hope of bi(to;ie: he binbeth them lotth racrament:s,as toith bonbsof obcbience,anb plebges of hio grace; be loiUeth them to 'call foj pis helpe in btlf rcffes,f promt# 'Pfsi. jo,»j. feth it if tbep call for E, he appointcth them toarlibe difcipline, tofeecpe themfelues inorber.anb garb them fafer from their enemies: to be lhorf,be bcltuereth them the tohole trabe of fear# fare,openeD bp btmfelfe the Cenerall of amite,anb feritcn in pis word. %o the intent then,that all the foulbters of Cob, feho be rent at btuers times rntcbiuers countries to feme htm in this toarfare,might learne it, f prattife if: he hath orbeincb, as ciuill affemblies «fociettes, for p mainfetnance of this ltfc;fo libcfeife, for thenert,ccclefiaEtcaU. 3|n fehich eccleltaEicall focieties anb aflemblies it is feill f pleafure that there (houlb be captaines to teach) anb fonlbiers to learnC) both of them fearricurs faith# w* Pi 11 c««iuS.7i 8The churchofRome is not the catholikc church fuUg to p^actifcano toage tl)c toarre of fljc Ho:!). :anD t^efo arc calUo churches , but particular churches to btftmgutf^ tijmi from t^e catholikc : bccaufetljep arc Diuers partes of tbi catholikc, tbat id, tbc whole church; Dtucro membcro, of one boo^,otaerebanoce, ofonearmp. Mlbtcb)fo;tbcDtucr5regaro cfplacc,anDttmc, tobw^mtbctgototoarfarc, arc fpcctfico b? otticrc namcc. 3n rcgars of place: tlje church, tobitb feruco (Uob at lernfakm , is caUcO the church of lerufdetn: t^at lJOl)icb at SantAria, the church of SamAUA: t^at at Ephe/ns, the church of Ephefus; t^at tobtcb at %ome, the church of Rome; t|jc? tnbicb ta EngUndy in ErAnce,in germanyfiXZ CallcO the Ertg^ lijh, the French, the 'Dutch churches. 3ln rcgarD of titttc: tnec fa^ the fewijl] church in the daycs of Mofes, ©f Dauid, of E- zekias; the yndcr Nero, Conftantine,'Soniface; the Engltjb in King Henries raigne, King Edwardes, Quecnc Ma- ries: o; focucr tUi tbc Difference of timesi be noteo. iptoto, tbe rule of reafon ano boneffie tuoulD tbat euer^ one of tbefe churches, ojDeineDbi^df^oDtotbatenD, (boulob^ingfcDatbtbe cbilojen of tobtle eit^ tbep bdifi nor a louna meber ot the catholikc church. 71^ conciufi-o. lUD fall a Qeepc, 0; ceale * jSlnD fo commetf) t^at to paCTe at t|>e Icngtlijio^clj '"tfje lament in tlje church cf rEfj;.i.»i. t^fe^es,% tm manp churches Cnce CljjiCes time Jiane feit;that HoVi^i'ann church,tohtcl) Ihoulo be a mother,is a ftcpmothcr;t Ihajtch^'fc teft m mt^ faith if! plight to <^?i®,becorjieth an abultereCD?;? banco of foiih «>• »'««"• biers bjeahing (heir p jomife, pea their oth, boa refaell againft the i^ighett* ' the churches:of g^/afta luhen thep h»5D bclaaeo' the jE^ofpell of ChjaJ,anD their names luere billec b? their otonc confenttofcrneinhistDarres," were rcmoucd away (by fuch urer.rf.&y as troubled them) to an other ^'ofpell, ^0 * S.Paulfeareth fo? the Church of , lead, asthefcrpcnt beguiled Eue through his futtletse, fo their minds fliould be corrupted anO feCuceO from the fihiplicicic that is in Chtid, ^o Ch?ilt hiw^ felfe tcRfheth bs, that r thcehurchcfPf^/»»»«/ tuasftapneo yRea.,,,y. toithfheBltljcftljeNicolaitans ;thaf ^ tlje church of Laedura iReu.j'.Tcr.ij. luas blind,nakcd,Iuk«-warme ,neither hot nor cold:that the church of Sart/sj teas in part," dead j in part, ^ readie to dye; a ver.t. though nCfembltes therefore of the chutehes ^ militant, Cvillcc vifible churches, tuhich b® containc the gtoo * tcipthcr li;i h ")t bac, Che cljcfen toith the rfp;obare,thcfaifhfull totth the treacherouc,the help loith the hppecrites,"! chaft'e Jcith a Mart.}.»t. corne,' tares Iniih wheate, ^ wooddcnand earthen velTels, tuith veflicls of gold and filuer,(ome of them for honour, and ^ feme vnto diflrcnour: 3lfap, thffe vifible churches mapO© their butic fatntlp, map lenue it altogither tinbon, map be btD cl^rgeb of their oth, anb bifmiffi^D from fculbiers feruico; t^p map be Cche of icBerbifeafcsanb infirmities, thep map be of a bcaclp pdlilenrc, thep map lofe the fpirit cf ChJiC i anb fo bpe. if urthcrmo;e, to make it eaficr to be fcne iohat churches cuj^t tobcactountebdead, tohat churches ficke , fch'if churches whole, and found: toe haue to confiber the caufes of death, of fickneflfe, anb of health. Sbhe caules of thcfe things do come in mens bodies, (as s phpficians teach,) from the feede that wee arc begotten of: partly, from the foode i.cjp.i, wherewith wee arc nourilhed . WHIW'eof the one ap> peercth in fitknc^ ano bifeabts that come bp inheritance; fmh as are berineb ftom parents to the ^ilb?en: t|» t other,asithathagrfatfo?ceinallmfn, foepperience fl^etoeth- . .1 - it hath greateft £b;ce in armies. Jfo? the (bRU)ib?s fnho Ctrwb church ofRome is not the catholikc church ferucD Marcus Antoniusjbetngfainc to cate rates fo;toaj)f of cojnc, fell tpon an{)citlDi^tc|b>cu0^tt^cm ^tomaimeG'e, Deremilim. anoafterUiaiDtoDeatb: ano ■ V'cgctius (atOiiterofthctradc of warfare) geuing cljargc t^at foulclicrs are apt to dircafes,anD ncere to their Deathe ♦ ifoj Amos Drclareth that men are caQ atoa? thiiough want of the word, in that he mAaMsUi. fgHgth Ifracl, that " God will fcnd a famine and a thirft ci hearing the word of the Lord: which when they (hall fcckc for to and fro,and finde no where,it (hall come to paffc that yirgins andyoungmcn (hall faint with thirft, and fall, and. ncuer rife againc, #i)toj that the corruption of the wordc Doth hatt f«> t^e Apoftlc noteth in aDuertittng Timothce,. « that " they,who teach other doftrine, and confcntnottO' '"•';^j^ ^^thew:holefomewotdcsofChrift,and tothe dodrine whicht » isaccordingtogodlincs," arK*fickianDd©dotcaboutno?* a fotne&lits. tohhh eDifie notto goDl? faith^t in (h mncbthat ^ their dierthfretas 9 Idnde of cankerahihtcll hattingfahet^ tior a found mem ber of the catholikc church.721 of one part of tlje lJOD?,tot Ij eafe out t|je nc)ct parte# bp Iifle t tutill iKiop nt taS be cleane confumeo. Mbttb - if it come to paffc,as5 it inua of itEceJIitte PnleflTe tt>e better reme- Dp be fpsbtlp p;{Outbe& fb; beating of tbe boDp: t^at iobtcb toai abody,ODtt)bccomeacarba(&^ni)t#nolcngera church: it is left Deftitiite oftije fpirit of»f ttittz beetto faucO lU' coehua'sTa-'"" numeMblejf bzt out of t^e catholike church ,not one. But ftor.Hiifiiur. let ttfec gmunttD tjjat meane b? [catholikc]a church hoi- ding the right faith, goenp that t^ church of R«weDotfjbolD tbertgfjtfaitb: anotijatisit^eottjer partofmHConcIufion;iti$ no found member of the catholike church, ^oto 31 be* np it to be a found member of the catholike church: 3 meane not t^t it languill^etb of a litle (trhnee 0; Difeafe not Dangerone, ti DcfuBit w. to^icb map fecmeratber to bane abatco fomctobat of erquilite bealtbjtbcnbauebcreftberofnll bcaltb- ^oj^ao " Galen tea* cbctbofthc health of the body, tbat it hath a reafonable bredth ao pou tooulD fap, and certaine degrees as it were of perfitnes, that they who arc able to go about their bufineflc and doo affaires of life are to be counted whole, though they cnioy not a molt perfit health; fo in tbe bwltb of churches 3 b^e tberc are tertainc begras of Gnccritie, tbat tbep iobo bo tbefunttioneoffpirituaUlifereafonablplnell are to be ccunteb found.altbougb tb^p attainenot to a mail abfolute found neffe. I3[nb fo; tbat caufe.ae toe iubge our olnne churches to be found, * Appendix altbougb" t^cre rcmainc fome bitlemper in tbmi bp tbe relihcs of ^fe bifeafco tol»reU?itb tbe contagion of tbe church of Rome b^b caQ tbem bolone foibat tbep could not pet bo rccouereb ful* y Apoiojia Ip: in Ithe (bjt ^ toe iubge oftbe churches of^fr/»4m>,tobicb are «caef.Aiigu- (roublebtoitbtbeerrourofconfubftantiation as ittocre toitb *"■ tbe grubgtng of a litle ague, if otber toife tbep bolbe Cb :iftiaM faitb,ano loue, founblp,aiib0ncerelp. But tbe church of isnotbittomperebtoitbalitleague, fncb asbinberetb not tbe functions of life greatlp: but is ficUe of a canher,c; ratber of a le- p>orp,o7 ratber of a peGileiice r in fo mucb tbat (be is pafi: bope of rccouerp, hnletfc onr ^auiour (Tb.ntt tbe b^iuenlp pbpScian bcD giue ber tobolcfontf mebicins to purge Ijer of pernicious fju* mours. 21nb tberefojc 31 pjonoimce tbat the church of is no found member of the catholike church. HSIfljiicb 3! toill p;oue bp f too rcarons,.tbe one, of the caufes; tbeot^r, of the cffeacs; tobcreoffrom tbe one, difeafcs dcd arifc; in t^otber> tbepfbelutbeirtfeluesybptbembotbtbeparerurelp pioueb. 3f tooulbto ^ob 31 migbt bifconrie hereof at targe,acco;fbing as tbe tocigbtt* Ioh.2t.lf. M3tt.28.2D. I.f'ct.I,2j. l.rCC.2.2. oc. <{ Ma;t.2},». ^ , ^ . . . • nor a iound member of the carholike church.yz^ Cortltifioiip' ^ ' ' . '' ' iuetgljtt'ncs offtjtnges reijutrrf 1;. Xf?ut tot .muC be contritf to 6(8, asitimc toil liccnfc bs.^cu toU pararin mc f bcrffojr,^' f rtilT, If 3 ruiinc t^em ouer foimtoljat ara (<«; fv^p)lct!£l) ano ^.3 toill tjolo outmi? finger totonr? igc iuvi! beaD:g;ire r^n tl)elwnb?l)ispatof0. Concerning tbecaufcs to^lcJjca b^aa dircafesanDficbn£ffcmt[)echurch,itM(a03,' 9.?«sioacij|:D al# reabp) dareanu rertatne, arc eitljcr ri;e want of food ^ of Gods word,ojt^c hauingof itcorruprcd. ^n tfjt to^icfj rc-^ ij fpnJ,Chtift,tol^ogmetl) cljarge toat * hisfiiccpc befedde, ^ l^rgct^ tlwt ® they be taught to oblcrae thofe rhinges which he commanded his Apoftlcs, i?,ni5Peter,^autngl^cto? e Ma:t.if.f. CCt^at ^ thefaithfull arc begotten anew by Gods wcrd,£j;^ f corcu.rri-. I^itctljtljemfo ' dcfirethemilke of the word,the fincerc ^",'Hrdr^i.V?. milke,& * not corrupt with any trumperic, that they may '."s- f grow thereby. 0nQ tl«p to^o arc toarne* fo bcarc the Pha- nfes fitting in the chairecf'Mcfes, arc toarncQ fo beware 2.1. ofthe Icaucn of the Pharifes. cai)cr«fojc a cburc^t jjat toill be SctM^clb."' tol)oleanDfcuna,mulf ncitbcrbcfamifljcQtoittjwantof c7ods 4- i.Maccau.i. worde, noib^UC it corrupted. l?uttl^e church of l^ome DOtl) ' bring in both corruption, ano want of the worde ♦, noj onclp chus.seet^t toingt^cm in,buta!fomainta!ne them obftinatip, as( totjole* pr"°"cwu-' fome. StjechurchotXfwf tbtrcfbrcifi not toljolcanb fount): niuso»tijtAt naplbefctntcth ratrertobcntanceifrantifee. ifojlbcbjingctb |'°^?[^'cburdi incorruptiooofthcwordc, (to bcginnc toithtliat,) bp mim cftij/iew«. gling ano atultcrating tbe word of G od toitl) mans word,not Hier.r^fat.m onetosp but funDjic.j^irtt,in th3t the Siuctl) f autoritie cano- liVipofrjote nicalhttjat is oiutnc auto utie,to the bookcs called atecr^yha, phB$c®ntt.A- tol)uljarctnn'--ne. Sgatnfr the trutl) of tljcffolp fcripture, SlkVacfcar, to^cbisgainfaiDflatipbp s certainc pointcs in tljefid.frid.iib.3. againO: the clcrceuiccnce ofthinges therein rccojteo, ^ tobicb cau.T?iAthana,' bptljeirrcpunnanrjEOnebntoanotljcr Ofoibcto t^at men tocrc mfynopriucr* £utonrsofti)cm:agatnatheccnrcntf iuhgcmcnt of tfjc cl)urcb, cfrlje » olD ci;ttrcytoh2lp,an5 of tfjc}' belt part cf the ncto.^e- Btinib.rplphan. conDlpjin thatfl)trercpuctb ' traditions of men with cquall rcucrcncc and religious affection, as flfjc Doth the fcripture. Hieron.pnfkt jas though the holy fcripture, themoli eract 5 perfect fquire ofCcDotoilhanoiulccfnghtccufncErcanDtoirctcme , fufficcD sc(r.4."'' " ' not foj faith ano maiierD: c? the fpirit of Cod couId gainfap ^m ^ ftlfc, toht^^ ntoS be impojtcD bp this of traditions,fomc tobcre# c«;tiUll careanD regarDe of fcripturc, Ujtjtcl) ^.Ul) no greater rcucrcncc at traditions: anD tljat all tradiiions are not obfciucD ttjere, it is pla^ne bj " jrat|>e:S toiiom ° ttjem felues alleage. JDbirOlrdntljatlljetDiiUt^ ^ the latin tranflationofthc^i- sBaltl.de Tpir. fjna.cap.17. Epiph.h«r.7 4< k And'r. (commonlu calico S.Ierems)to be receiued throughout as iieftn.fid.Trid.' facred and canonicall,and not to be rcfufed on any pretenfc. J concu Trid S^HIjcreas ^et (to let go tlie iuDgcment of s, i icrom^ otl)cr 'an* sc(f.v ■ ■ tientiratl)ers,)flje^apiftsttjemfclues,ruc|>asaremott erperf pro hTrkn'oir amongft t^icm, acknotoleoge tliattranflationfo Tcftam. bauemtllDoromettines tlie meaning of tl)et)olp(i5|:o(t,anD not ' flje toojDs onelp, Cuen' Pagninus namelp in t^e olo tillament; j^i.cap.i"' 'BudsusintljcncUj: * Andradius,anD* AriasMontanusin Hilar, in pui.a. t^jeni tottj.if ouTtljl^an t^jiit about expounding of the fcrip- pjtferwt^^' ture) ftje conDemnetl) all fcnfcs and meanings thereof which rrann«io» ef are againit the fenfe that her fclfc holdeth, or agarnft the Fa- Mrpre"er""seg thers confcnting all in one. Jientjercfap it falleth out tljat tjjc Augaft.dseiuit. fenleanD meaning of t^ebol^(lDl)Oit ^allberefufeD often; but Dci.kb.is cap. ,nj»amngs anDfenfesDeuifcDb? men, tbougl) croffing one an 0* • Tn cpift. ad ti)er, ^ if tbep be currant fo; ttje time, anD p^actifeD, (as a f'/TunoVTior.' raitb,)lball go foi autbcnticall: ttic baggage,toljici^ in Pandea. tbc $>cba)le men bane feileD Diuinitic loitb, out of ti\t l^bilofo' " ^11"^''^' puDDles anD tbeir otone,(ball be accounfeD bolf: t^c things > Torn, r Bibii. tobicb fome jfi'atbcrs Ijaue banDlcD mo^e rounDlr,fiial be fet afioe Keg. in prarfat. ng bumanc inucutions tbougbagr® hoitb <®cDs tooiD v but ' otberaintbciubicbtP^tow^Dacrfecne tl^ongb toeabncsof na* X curan.id turall affection o>rearon, (ball be app;oueo as Coos tiio:.De, Bohemojep.1. (jjouj^t^^pjocaDcfrommansfanfie. iriftbltljintbatlbe co* a Coneil. Trid, pletb "with the commandements of 6'od, the eommande- s«ff.<.cap.io. ments of the church, tbat tsto fa^jOfmen; anD (tbat ismoje) (be ccopletb tbereloitb tbefe commanoements, not as things m< Different,but as neceffarie to (aluation. ^0 bob^t focuer 6ltb,De* notion,as it is namcD,tnDa:De {uperiIttion,^tb b;icagbt 0; (ball b;ing in, tbat mnff be Dcemco to be pure religion: anD in vainc Iballtb® l^ojD be worihippcd of b3 ,''as of tbe /*w«in olDe t^, with the commandements of men: auDgiiD intentetf .saiiui5 >3- (as call tbcm) lobttb are abominable to ^0D,lball be ^cferreobefore obedience: 1 volunuric religion conbimneQ hH « » nor a found member of the catholikc church. 7^5 concfuflo. ttfc rcripturei^ fl^ail be taium bp as a moff t'oJr ftrutrs of tbc ilijD, ILaHofalUintbatlbc appointstt) iiriagrs ro be had in churches, tor the inftru«cTy/:<7#i,tobatbp traditions,tefjatbpfaultesof tbetranflati- cn,tobat bp tpc (enle of her l)Oloing,tol) toliten,'Let the werdcof Chrift dwell in you plenteoufly with all wifedomc, if o;t bobcreas tbis plenty is gotten f ofatei# d«it.fe*ru«du ncobp tboofpcciallmcanes, to bD£Ete,bp bearing, fbpreaoing; ®r Cw^o®. tbeo'^ecommanDeoaUinCburcb-aircmblieB publtfeelp,]^ otber u.Pro«mioi al'oboeo ptiuatlp to cuerp man at bome, botb bfco ano apptoueo *o™. bp tbe rules of'' tbe bolp (©bolt, ano tbe pwdife of bol? compa# hom^i^;n1>"tb« mes,anDrbciuOgcmentof'"bolr cburcbcs: q\i< Rom*mfts pje#«® oftb»iFa» tcnoing tbat po^rible confnQon boill cnfue thereof, ano the church of Chrift dial 1 be like to Babylon, not to lerufalem, (as CarDinall" Hofms laitb,) if the holy fcriptures be read in wfwIugcJt ^aa a mother cincucsZ^^^The chdrch ofRome is not the catholikc church mother toongs, Umhtipc them fcaleotip tn a ffrautigetoirigi «mo fctmo out fo in tfjetr Cpurch-aOimblieSjfbat tl)z people map haue anD not reane them; caree, anti not Ijeare thmj» Hntljeinht^fact toi)it^crthepfl)tUj themfeluesmoietjifobeoi* ent to prayers niabe rcligiouflp» i< J. R0.1 difciplinebutip p^sctifebbp the Church cf SDhe Is'atofofoKii ehorchof Rcwe thcrefoie.is not lahole anb founb: no mojf then tbjsTjjJj ti}# boas hisfiaughtet iPh® taib bnto Ch:50>. my daughter is at the pointcMeath. ^o?^,tofapalittipof.echofth*re-mojber,the ftmmii nor a found memberoTthe catholike church .73 fmnme of t&cDoarmE of C^jiflaan faith is (aluafion oftlje foit^full b? gcfus tbe laiitbe of<3Dod, £Dfttje bc^ic^ ialiia# fion ' tljcbegtnmnijcomrtl} from the grace of God, " tl)efab» t£pi,.a.4. fiance coKftftcti) in the rightcoufnes of CJod, "tbc cnb ic rc# ferret) to the glory of^odb^ttjefjo'-rftiipfurcs. ^^istjoi^re# * * ligion tobtcl) maUctt) ©oD all in all fo.: our lalaafion, giuing iDljolc to bim anb taking it from men, tljaf toe map tr uft not in fieib but in tbe]U^o;b onelp, ootb fauour of Cb?i£Iian moDcfiie to mucb, it contcntetf) not t^ Roman pjtoe anb arrogancp. lano tbcrefo:e as Prometheus (in ^ t^e fables) islaiotobauc z Cacccfaifin^. allottcD partofafacrificetolupitcr, parttobimfclfe: eucn fo S«cif"virfen. tbc Prometheus of the popitb Cburtb (in tfyi %jman faitt)} af« Andriil.in or- fignetb aiiD rcferrrtb tl)« beginning of our faluationinpart to Gods grace, in part to ttiepotoer of nature; tbe fidiltance of cur arcic.'/hculog- faluation in part to ^ods rightcoufnes,tn part to mans merits; ^ enD of our faluation in part to Gods glory, in part to tlje 1)0^ fen-.p«rico^ nour ano toto^lbip of creatures. ^citbk is tbis bcon bp fomc «:.->r.onic^ one Promcthcus,oj Epimctheus ratberibut bp ^ tobole ccmpa^ sefr!"ci.p.j-' npoftbeEpimctheans,cuentbcCouncellofrrr«/,tbougbclofc^ bcap^*, Ip fometimes to roucr tbeir Deceit toitb Darimes,pet fo,tbatHbEic "cS" erpoStours bjing tbeir biDDen meanings out into tbeligbf.irbV Ketonirt^ firfi anD fojmofi," tljcp toill baue tbe naturall petocr ano abili* tie cftbcir otone toill (free will tbcpferntc if) to be concurrent»HvaVrTSf (as fljepfpcahc) with the grace of ^od, tbat is, a St9 «-yy toojUer toitb it: as if (Sod DiD cnclp relaue tbe toill btTing ^ toeabc,anD ratfe it bp being faint, not renue it being co^upteD, ^"cor 15.10.J anorepaire it being prritbeD, ^cfiDes, ^ tbep tmagtnje tbat iGr«uu«:iv.., infioels ano fiitblelTc men D(d ccrtainc toojkes (tbep call fbem woorkes of preparation j in tobtcb,tbcugb bfihg Doon :r£nfli.tics«i toit^utfaiibjtbepOnne not; nap, tbep procure tbe grace of "f' <5ootbcrebp« ^otbcpbiingtopalTcasmucbaslietbintbcm, tti^ouj^W at leaft tbET! ineeuour, to^t bp tbe potoer of free-will, tobst bp tsiepatnts. tbeir works of preparation; tbat all be not attributeD to ^ the grace of God,which grace is with them, as ' Paul faitb orwjiCiirctiiu > btmfelfe,but fo »the grace of God with thcm,fas tbcfe too^bs S!i mSbHt of Paul are ill crpjeCfcD in tbcir tranflation,) that is, feme gratia De»ou-e tobat fo Gods gracc,anD fomctobat fo tbeir oton merit, at leaft asto * amcrit of mectcncsand conucniency. ^s foithc rjghtcoulnes of God, tobicb is geuenbs in CbJift 3 tobile ^aa 3 are gfui. Sdufc7iS The church of Rome is not Sc cacholikc church areclenreD from our 0nno< ano arqutttoo ne rtgl^ouobefb;te (Dotuttuogetmnt-Cea^bv tl^t facrtScc of Cj^uilofferoD fo^ tlie fatt^full, qno tlfz obobtonco of C^^tStmputebto t|ff faittifulU ' t^CBcoatemnetl^ts rtgljiMufiuo, rw anb conbcmnc itaf & if. Ijsrcticall. H" ttafc totjereofas of abatno rightcouCncs, eoajT''i Icaft to it as to a rightcoufncs vnpcrfit,tt)ep put tbe righ- 1 A.b(i: Ttiiirti tcoufnes of men,confining of tijetr oton woorks anb mcritci V'""rwoorthincs: woorkcs and mcritcs, wrought by the grace r^i5:A"kem"' of ChriH:, t^cp lDiUfap,3| graunt; t?ct oftljcir otun woorkcs, lyoim.Maito anb ' iHcritcs of woorthincs,(as tbe ^cbojlemm nanw t^em,) testis to fa?,tljctoffl?tbines to^reofbot^beferue ano merit t* quafi ,iaar« & uerlaffing life. iCbat fo tpvi mas ^niop it, * not of gift,but of 0^" merit, not bp CljjitteS;as triumphcrs, not c»n<,tt»in pal."- as futcrsjiiot as bcggcrs,but as conqucrorstaftcr tt)C glo?iou< rHwicHuS' of tbe^^-fw^'^-diuinitic. JCo f purpofe t^ep b>Pordons,Pilgrimagcs,U)itljtrcarurcsofthcchurch,tDitt> le/,7cap,i!' praiersofthc Samts,ftnaUs, toit fatisfaftions tD|iiU t^jepare & #,se«r.:,, aliuc, anb after beatlj toit^ paincs to be cnbureb in Purgatory: «?!'»!& tfisVff. butaUbtljcpertollanoIift^tottjefkp tbetorojttjims of tljeir m.Dccr.dc ' Oton meritcs,pjofeCring moll p;oublpt^f t|>epareabletobo InigcTT'^*"' tljclatoofift>tl)e.tootfflencrofle,uattof^i,mageiljeWo^ai»^Tho»^f^'i'^i>|t;^"y ni as of tljcir Angelical D6ftdk tea^tb ano eanfirtortliKJ^ii.MouuffA, b?thcpraftife,of thcchurcIv,anD ^ Cafbinrdl CaietanUket9^.'*\^-^"«''> it, nozDotb * Andradius beit?it,bHtDefenb dtttftitl?.t^[ahere-=ft,'um&De"m fo?e0tl)tl)eDottrinccftbe faith of Cbjittootl) fct fojtbbnfo te noftriini.Oe Dur tojetcl)esncs,anD d^otaigDobnca; Dur naugbtines,ano(©cbB ' mm?5f|«ttoc,ttjjougb^t|ieknotole5ge ofCBobauoofcur fclueiSj * t i thinking of bim religioaa?,{uib0f ourfeluea m{«efth?,ma? ton# ' ceiuc acrnr« ' ^oto, totrat fball 3 tkP toucbing the facramerits > bobb "tbofe '' > bol? ritGB BeliuereD bfl b? Cb;itt to feale tbe grace of (E^ob bnf 0 be,^uebceneincreareDtn number,impn^iet iwbettuc^ Depia- < ueotoitben'ouro, pollutec toitbceTemomMibdtfeDtoit^ illefto" tonentmrur,ahDfi>o?ieo oft^ilefttttte.'b? reatesfib^'? ibtJq ihr.iV nitrekinaltvaiigetahng. »aQi4itflltiTce|»t»0teatlsanb greeuoutt? t^ 4 tuft 1 i >> I t» 1 n i tkli. 7]pThc chu^ckQf?..omc is not the catholike church tiurt b4p;tani£j lojicrtflftlje iuWUnrc y«iii3 as i£ Uicre tte Uf« Jbojne {urfcruco to^e ano founo t^icagtX^cQs imxtv: ti)35 Ijaue to;rup£cD t^c /upper of the Lord fofolclp, grccit.anD nranp errcurs ano abafeif, ttjat tijerc ie abnoft no to* b setfM.'a? ^^"ofNffuppcrtobcfcunOintt.ifojtbc^ b^uc maoc of afa< i.i i." craiiiicnt, ''afacrifice;nDfafaaificcoffbanhcsgcntng,butpro- bfsro-T^sa T propiuatoric as rqjjtfentmg CbJtftj but Mlifc cjuo' trucly an# properly propitiatoric; to be offredbya Mafic- bj?aneto p;iett after ttieojoer of Mclchircdec; »asTfipoore^ajib offered notonelp for the quick, but for the dead toj-, womjns iicnne'no which being once offered hath fane- Mi-ch»ri!i.t,|i. tified vs for eucr, ano itiabe fljc beatb of Cb?tft fobe of no SDbcp take atnap tfje ^aunane nature of Ctpifl bp the e Concil.Tri- *" reall prcfcncc, CtJcrtdhcatoaptljcbolpOgtie, t^t is tfjc fa* 4eat.sc vvaichars if Q cQffco cuttinneof fnperftition moje then heath- •rt^nirfd.', njib»! 'iW) tbat the?xarp -a cake (the body of Chnft thcp can; oakt chriii, it) abont,s in proc;efijLo»i,tDicWtadjiipped as <2od:anD brfo^e i * lu'gingams 1^8iBojpc thcp mountltona horfe,toith lanterns, anu founding aoout E bell, in 3 otancr as * thePfryj-wjoiDcar^fyer^theirGod)' Mpkc,'«r before the king of PoyTrtfl/. as fo^pnblikc prayers,, o^Dcineb to totp bte on this cnb, that the people of £/od banding them (eiucs togc- tbcr(asTertullian^aketh ) might doc their fuitc &reruice ptd.iio.g.'Oi.' to God with loyncdfoccc: ^ 'Bjnwitfies not contenteO to k ApoiosK. f hononr bp praying to creatures, pea to bummc 1 Concil.Trid. creatures (bJhichismoie abonnnable) opie.ftoncs, crcffrs, tma* seff. 15. Deia- faying to a ftocke,thou art my father, andtoallone> thou haft brought mc foorth,like "■ the ioolaters in lercmic; drad.orthod. " (hepfobbe thc peoplTiOf00b both of 3 Dutie,anD of au atlJc.bp n'conca.Tcu. praying in a tii*aHgf fongfte vtohcretn neither can.thep p«ip to*, sdr.»>.c«p.i. g^t;^ Uiithtii^ a ito;be tirreobp thertbp to true beuotion* -■U - - Kv, --. 'jHf: ; ■■ ' tr iJli ^ nor a iound member oFthe caSolikc church. ifoj it is a ftnall faute mtijcfcmet?, to ° pray For the dead, t{;at»<«(f,45.D«cr, bo riDOc out of t^e paineo of Purgatory:? | to* babble p in p^taptng with vainc rcpctitions,as if C5oo tuere fct ucO enntio icfu» By * rcckcningvp their mutteringes vpon a paircof bcades. SD^ngl) t^cfe t|iingcs are alfc bcfioc the worde of ^od: and '' Fowler. ^ tbercfo:enotoffaith:i'^tbercfojcoffinnc,|?etintbcfem£!ntl)£p * /A.KQxt^O^ arc fmaU fautc»:at Icatt t^ep Ijaue fomc csoiour n?t^r cf olae cu^ Aov^niTs. ftome,o;ofmansrcaro!i,ojofjcaleuiit{)out fenoViJlcOge.lt3ut to waK.# ,.' p^p to <000 in bjojocs notljnQcrttcDe,Iilicpopimap£:a,ojpar< rats, it is (b abfuro a matter in rcaron,ro toti^co in rcligion^fo Ira munnuia rontrarptotljccrp^ctrc 'comandementof the Lord,t * iuOgC^ inentoftl)eApoitle,ano " p:adifeof tl}e church, 3 fap not of t!)Cchurchoftl)C/flV«,0,joftf)e5ym«/, OJ Of tlfZ^reekfs, 0} Of ^ Kam.io.,,. tije Ldtmjjbut tljc c^urcfj gcncraUp,eucn of all cburcfics from tte' . .cor. beginning of the too;lo till ttjc oail^e ages in to^tch the liBarbar^ j?' ans cf late oio buerflotu them: that fuch as oo tJle it, map bee thoughtfoQoate;fuchasocfenoctf,lleemcto hauealuftto bee maoo toith rcaDsn.jt rcmaincth fo;r me to infreate of difciplinc: ftoJrJidcslft. tohereofthtsisthe o^oer (et ootone m^efcripturc, th-^t the« Nu;b.j.io. church IhoulDbe gouerncD * bptheminiftcrscf^od, * accoj* jo. Ding to the lawcs of Qody'^to the faluatio of ^ods pcoplc.janO Matt.il.jo, iDhat one of thefe pointes is kept in the church of T^jmc f 3n the iDhichtheminiitersof^od are itmoueo from gouernance bp a Philippic 13. the Popc:li)ho,bcing nota YoluntaricSenator(as''Tully iclteth ^ at Afinius)himfclfc chofen by him Iclfc, but a holaiifarp tp# a c!fig"nVfl'^ rant, ooth fake tpon htm fclfc the rale ofh tohole church, tisa^ ^iiieenu. de to get the foucramtie that he afpireth to, ooth raft off the folp of a^oVio. t» Paui,anD of Peter :ano neither totll him felfc,no? ruffcrrthh"' ^«« his to be fubiedvnto higher powers. SSaho ' autojifeth htht men"c!pl'a^r*. ' felfc to giuc ano take atoap the Dominions ano kingoomes ofthe r«iudic. toholc toojlo, as if that all pnnces helD their right of hint. tB^ho ia bi/t oecTdent. ehalengcth ^'thctwofwordcs (ashctermeth them,) the fpi- Ind.cap. 101, ritualland tcmporail, anO that % the golpcll, becaufe it was faidc (foi fcath) by the Apoftles, 5 Beholde,hert are two ioric.«j.ob,dct0 «r£eir. Phtin.in vit.Clcmcnt.quint. 3 ao^Sandeii tCDmttlg It In i)Ur bOOlttjeg Of the Pup9ifu.p;cra.uit. 4 a.Sflt W n3;ne5 bgTurrwnr^tlcrm't.Descdc.'ia }: ordin4t.!niniflr.l.i.e.a. nor a found member of the catholike church» can tttSl^ furpect ett^r t^e auto^,o; toa;he,as ^crtttcaH* 3ti • the Preface (ten of tl)8 fato treaftfc,D£cIarinjS that the body of = PMf« trme. ^ 1 /-/i I r 1 uaaren.in lib.dc the Canon-Uw conultcth of two parts,to wcete,Df anb b# fetl),to tobat eittf totjicb is tbe latt point, bfctb tbcm, not to furder the laluation of Cods people, buttofatiffie (if pet" a horfclcach migbt be (atiffp80)bifii olone ano bis Courtterf bnla* tiable couetoufneOe, ambitio!i>aniilu{t, ifot b^atbai^tlw Dutragioua tp.:jannp of tbe beaS rcfpefteb elf but t^t,m tbc Cburcb-otficef, Cburcb-cenfureo, anbCburcb-caufeff52afe b-itb bs iPitbDiatbenfuitefl from otljer placef to tbe Court of Rof»e i ^^bp batbbs rclerueD cafea to Ijimfelfe? JUlbP batb b® DifpmfeBtBitblaUjef at bis plcafure^ tubs battj bs mabe anb bnitiabc tbfnt t batb taUen info bis ohm banbf " tbe eke- tions of Bithops from tbem lubom tbepbelongeb to, Ctfiilftaii i t)e cenlia.ad S«*ea.lib,i, 2 Ltgcs.fed lultiii'iaai.non l>oinini. 3 Noil um let gcs quamlites, Sc cauiilntioaes. 4 G.tecrabilis fUni, Ic IPraflic* CanceUarJV* poft, 1 l.u(l.G*nntt. proxm.icgular, Canccll, in Bemard.de costld.ad Eut genJib, i.Si 3, 'Prou.jo.ij, Ocue^gcuc. 11 CanctlUri* re- gula 2. anb tl)e **0 OtjRi) f(h l««l. horafoundmcbcrof the catholikcchurch. 7^5 JL'cii. I C^;tffianmt.^t0crB, magtftratcs, aito people Ije ^tljrobbcD ano fpo^leo of tljeir Due ano tigbt. bafb comnu'ttcD t^z fa* of,n«B tJ3t

? Anmi.n. Hient. SDbegoDsoftbecburcbjtbatiB tbc Iiui^ of tto;B,auD maintenance of t^e ptoje, ijc batlj impatrcD initb pen- F>ftorib 5..ii fionSjCmbefiHcD toitij firft truitcs,maDc atoa^ toitb appropria- J" tions,feajeDcjrU)ttljfunD^pto?ongB,anafpenttl)cm iDaCfuU? pift,4;.adArl toitb luJicB, to tfjc common ont-cricBofmcnrepjouingbtm foj P pride,foil ^rioc,fo;j ■■ extortion, anOfcj ' fimony. l^e enUcfdir. batt) not permitteD tbc caufcB of tbc cburclj to be oebateD anD at*' • ciDeotberetobcretbetjarore, as£quitie,asrea{cn,aB peace,as leuit.can.^.fie ttjeiuDgcmentof ' CouncetB ano iFatbtrBtooulD \}z Kjonio "-^"can^an* fjaueoon: but be b^itb remcueo tljem tbcnce to be bcaro anD *' DgfermlneD at/?»?»?, tDljat by tol by referuing of cafes to bim felfe, « cyptian.es tob-^by y fetcbingmatters ' Isitb the^fiflicrs fignet, tubat foLmfdhr, " exempting men from fbctr Ordinaries,tcbat by allotniHg noceiK.cpi{il« " appeales from all coalfcstotbeLord Apoftolikc, %^z cSldEu- ^ fenlureBoftbecbnrcbinex£ommunicationo;DemcD ^ to tut gcH-iib.?. tbctoicbco off (as rotten mcmbci'B) fccnUb^ company of €^i- ttianBjbebatbbreDanDererxtfeDjnotagania tbe R'icked, ' of Extra,e.ctfi do^ Subcn^ a finkcbatbSctueDofoIottmc to T\ome^ anD ^ cueu* fiotoetbtifttli;notagatnlt thccues, ofU)bcm(a popcVtoitncD y ConnlTfid. fttb)^«"wf tsmaoca Dcitne; nctagainlt mardertrs, f fo^tobom p'f fbeiciB a fanttuary in tbe bery bcitfcBcf CatDinals at icriptaViMmri- not BgainCt adulterers, tobcfc ciTciife puni&eD teitb ceatb • by tbe s tXi^T^mans, ^ noiy tbty ar? ioyea foitb; not againtt L yik»o"^' whoorcs, i UibicbfcttbemfdntB tocpsn falc tuiDertbe |Sopc, iubopiayetbtlr£bauDeanD.ga:nstbbyui not againftwhoore- mongers <"6"'^ fta* ' tjJ^SePcrcrs*' U)Onct!)bClll>eS.Pcterrdt!r.f.tfti!;t33!ti)fiul). z Pemard dcconfid ad Eugen.lib.j. a j.q.tf.c.ad RoX- manain.c.pIacuitTrprcbytcii.Coniii.Tnd Sc.T.i^.csp. o. i» i.Cor. 5.7. c Eernard.dt coi.fid.ad Ea- gC!i.l:b,,.& J. d Bapt. Mant'jan. SIIm'. lib. iJRoira, quid infanis toties^ c Acn.Sduiui rcanmu t(iiStO0i>tSomidsti)?r8fonO) hiO.dr Afia.min, cap,77. f 3^ •tcfdmjpepe tsititcO'tth tefhe^ fAmtplMt. anbtlJC Bf*ui(tfa.c.A»i5> olviti-dtiuditip,- j Coi»«]4«ltaotumC»rd.S«rimi«59BWKnur«i«r-S,«fl«, > Sld.^67^6Thc church ofRome is not the catKolikc church acwilamif"' mongers, ''Uj^om |jep;efcrrctij fomctotjcrc bcfcje inamoper* * tofti) tuitt Cong, ant leaclfcdc befo;e cttaSitie, ivpic^' the Canomft nctet() SS?e bo" ^ ® tocDitoerfull caft: but ^jc bat|> ejferctftb it' againll E mpe- rours,Princes,States,anDnations, t^at iDOUlo notfevuctjun Canon law) 0 becl{-,aga?ntt magiftrare tbat bib but lap banba bp# q.rJa 'pkshL'^' on a clergp-man-, agatnll anp " Chriftian, t^jat benicb bwpa# bcc hie Inxuria, rif^-p;iefta litistitbe; again® tcljcUaflemblics and corrpa- rc.3ci"po^. niesofthefaithfull, ° txjljo w-or(Eipped(ag p Paul) thefiod iie« infexto. ofthcif fatHcrs after that way, (which ^apifltocall herefie,) imperonr'o! ^ll things which are writen in the law and the Pro- tot tea.rie phets,2{ " (ingle life tmpofcb on miniUcrs ofihcword, of * auricular contcfsion, of ^ tbCchoi'ic of inquirui.n'."' mcatcs,apparcll,and daics, of ^ the ncto anb Crange cano I niring of Saints, of * pilgrimages to holy land,cf'' tbc rowes nicaaius.ilc '* ofMoonkcsandNunncSjOf ' tbt ftate anb ritrs of mariage, ''c""'* d innuincrab!eccrcmonics,partlpbnfruitfull,partlpfo)litb, ' pjftlp intpious, * tobertofromefpjang Uoinhesthem. fcme »eip.ia GJiix, ffoni /ett-Wjanb fome from htmtkfs. ©mijat Cboulb 3( fap of il ioope syti- bw biickcb difpcn(ations, if pet tbcp beferuc tbe name of dif- cius(epift.4.) pcnrations,anbnot (as f Bernard ratbcr both call tbem) difsi- Rom.8j.con- pations; tobei toitb there is nothing to bolp anb religious trbicb eii.rr'ident.seff. ^e fiatb not polluteb,notbing fo pjofane tobicbbe bafb net per# xcoV'TiLate- mittebtthat s ab;ovber mapmarp bis clonbrothers wife, ranfubinno- ^ antmclc bi® liters daughter; tfiatCburfb-ctficcs anb li# »rcolc"/rid ningsmapbegcuen ' toboycs, to Simoaiacallniarchantcs, Se{r.i4.cap.y. to y concil.Trii.seff.i J.Decr.dedeleft cib.dedieb.feftderegular.eap. I Clement.cap.exiuJ, i c.audiui anUi.de reliq.Sc Tencr.fanft.Ccrem.f om.eccIe.lib. t.feft.tf. Bod:ii.mcthod.hiftor.cap.4. a c.exmuba, 5 iotanM.icTOto kvotiredtmpt. b Con.Trid.scff.i^.Dccr.de regularibui8c moniaji ps. c ,cir.i4. can.}.4.11.Sc n. d Durand. Raiion.diuin. officior.Ccremon. Roinan.eccle.lib.i.ftft.y tit. AgnutDd tl'c. e /'olydor.Virgil.deinuenror.rerum.lib s.cap.i .anfifo fa)tt) to tbC tKb. f DcconfiiLaa F.Heen. Ub.), g lMngHcnrYtl)'"8bt PhilipHing of Spalnt. i Beinard,epift.4a.adMtJttcp.»cn,^de coalid.Ml:ugciiaib.i.kd.rraaic« caaccUar.Apoft.Pauli SMcbineo. nor a (bund member of the catholike church. 737 to vnlerncJ pfrfons,anD ftjc!) a«aret)iifittefo; tJjemjtljaf'' one manma^^au0apluraliticofbcncHces;t^at * d( mulca.dc bcncfice,n0BOe not attend thcotficc, tt)e SetuarO not p;outoe mcotefcnclI^oDo^ouf^olD, t^eferuantanDnitntfter not Doo t^e clcricii Moarc-j too;S£ of ©cDjt^e angel ano meCfenger not l^eto t jjc toil of dDoo, ttiei^epbcarDanopauournot ftoPettieflock contmitteo to^imrlifrc^o.''* * t^at " fubic6bs ma^ be difchargcdof their oth and fealtic, nwc.*dApofto» f litenfcD to withdraw allegiance from their Prince, ^ea,take * armes ngatiifl lay violent hands on tlje anointeO of tfje rc iud. Bulla Ptj JLo;D; tjjat " promife ma? be broken toitb <35oD anb tott|>men-, S.'i'^^.^Angi! tliat aboniinationo mod ^zrible ma^ be conunitteb; tbatall n CoBc.Coa<> . tbingeoiuineanDljumanema^be perucrtcb; rigbtaitoto^ong, lieaumanbeartb) latofullanDbnlatofull> ma^beconfounbeix obftantibut OL togetljer-^ janbcanitbeDonteobnttbattbia Co monftrouo, Co peftilenMb«iifibapenfculntffcanoco;ruptionof latoeaanb of MartintDc bifcipUnejtoaainftitnteDanDinoucteDbptbw kingofK<»»wr,not to Cet fojtoarfi tbe laluatio n of the Church,butto fill ifis graOf colwxush^"* appetfte ofgolo ano lull of Dominion i jSDffl not tito oton ° ftor.HuisiMr, e w toitncllie tjiat all ttjinga „ Ba*ptift.Mattt Prieftes, Churches,altars,facramcnts,& crowncs, (in Peters wan-decaia- / I . V mit.teinp.r.l }» rOiU^^ *C(riomcftvc« Fire,inccnrc,praiers, * heauen,andGod, arefetouttobc sale Deufquc. fold-' pWatinade viCtPont inPtiki* jSDconotliio ^ CourticrBaUotooft^irinDgententtoboragtliatiorecuodo. the pompe oi the church would be abated, which he fought to increafe with anoyance of religion i 0aj not i Carainala moribusGcr, acbnotoleDge t^at Cbnlliana are togpeD of tbcir goDs anD fub^ ^ ftancebgfirftfraitcs.anbotberpolicieeoftlje |3opca,tptljeen5,' tbatl;eanDi>ia Courtlg traineraagbe mote rich intoealtb> mojc galant rn b;8nfrg,ino>e high in IDiincelg Untcf ^atlj not f Ad^LX"!^* all Cb;iflen5omebojneto tl;tir griefcfpegoUeof tpeambition eummdeci- f conetoufnes ofiJjnTJjto^icljcricfb'Jutlilwtodas, ^whatwil ycgeueme? SCbC^i^f'^fsntin p;intche defenfe and Apo- Gaiiic«adue« logic of the Church o(England,' Vetoing fret](i( markes of t^e RonttiH tgiannv,toi)eretoitb our cotmtrie batf) b«n fearcD ap ■Parificnfij co- toitf) a boto burning g;on. 2^re to eicfant a lupplfcation of the parlament of Paru,' toberein t^ frenchmen reqiteft tbeir ren.dc f?cr.ec- king to eafc tbem of tbe wrfcD eTto.2tions,tniuries, ano guileg of tb& Court of sro eptant I the hundred gree- tuminanatM* uanCCS ■i*Ger««wt^' c^'nciuiic/^8Tfiechurch ofRomcis not the catholikc church uanccsofC/trw^w^jtotjofe coi^Iaints (to;ttena« it tuitii t^iroUJitblojo) bffl toittilDljat outrajgcflje^axif Kcme |>af() i{)?otuca DDU3n,opp;e(reii,b:«f«D,anD fpoplcD tljat mott no# X Bernariia SClKi'o ofc oftaHt " infinite bcttltcs of laimntatf# c*nt.iii cpift. oni5,tD;tten bp lerncb men of al coaffcs f quarters in tlje miObctt EuVen"^p!l Papacp: confcfftng all toit^ one content t^t the difci- fi.n Frinc.i'e", pHnc of the chuicli is greatly decayed, 2DbC ^Qapilfes them# Bi""" Gouncell of rrent DO) not confeffc it onelp, but alfij ^lantJn Fall, luitniITc it bp publihc tonting to tljc tDo;lo. Sfjerc toas gatjje# ciilf rc5 together a Councell at Ccnficpc tl)cn)coulD not abibe tfae reformat ion, fcpcrio7«m''"* anb therefore reuoheb tgc Councell of 2?fiingbDitl) scir.o.dercior-' \)is 0tatCB,tl)at fundry decrees and ordinances cfthat Coun# 3» tbtft bt- eel Ihould be of force in France:' tfac ^ opCS tohO fuccabcb Eu- tytermttf.cou gcnius ttcucrrcltcD.tilltljepgottcnt^atad repeals. Xljt jum ecckfilfii-tcmninco in tt)C Councell of Trent: anb truclp manp camdikiplina, things bocrc bccrecb ^ there fo.i points of reformation buifelp, 1Sutth;afpotscfniifchtcfcs,touchebbp ' Her- a Cone. Balil. uctus(a|3apin,ofrott!uchthcgreatcrbDCteht hw tcftimcnic is fcputi^i&O' 3gainfi?^npiffs,) Dojrcnucthc clb cooruptions; one, that the nuph^.dewt.' decrees, although they were made, were not obfcruedyet; Pont inEugtn, attothcr, that although tfacp thculb be cbfcmefajpct they are not might refrore fully the ancient good orders; the !alf, fAiuDPragma, fh^t altfacughthcp reffojcb the ancient o^Ders, pet doo they li- c'^F^nSoaa-. good,bccaufc thc Popc Is not bound to lawes him fclfe, rcnac facr.ec- aod he difpcnleth wdth whom he lilt: fo th^^t nicDicinCB heale c!lUjcunbs, bat mako (hem tuojjfc, as long as the Pope «urJcpift7}75. maprepeale.aUcr,pci"uert,anbb;calic tiKOugh deaees of ctc'Z^utct rl^eCouneclhbDithhisdirpenfations. iSnb.ouf cfa!lDoiit,thaC ran.fu'kLeon.' bctelcableclaufe fanncrcb to decrees of reformation in the ^tff 'ca ' prouideiiaiXYties that the Tepes autoritie be fiife, iix.u<! 4ndno prcmdiced: bctt) fi)CbD fhc Ikcman Church to bC c.i^&,3.c,id. not on^p QcU,bu t alfc pafi hepccfreccucring her health, ipoj i»,t,.aci5. , . i, cjj., 4. * Geauin, Heruct, dcrcpirandieccIefiaflicsVjfciplirti.' f CoBciI.Trid.dereform,- SelT. 7. iDprozm.S(Scfi'->'$<^'ret»tia.c»p.Ylc, 1 S«iu»f«mpcrinoi3nibasxiicori»cercdis Apoftolic*. nor a found member ofthecatholike church.7 3 9 I he fip h Conclafion, as in mengbooics ftje greater the fpkcne toaretl), § leCfcr toare ttje rett oft^je members,ftjt? fa^.fo tbemczc fafc the Popes au- toritie ieffe fife ioiU all parts of flje Cljurcl) be. » The Court ot Korae with poyfon ftrog infeded to deftroy, Manwaft'lf With the contagion of her fores doodi countries ail anoy. leti; loopt lco ^Ktlberfoje to finittc bp tlje fumme of m^ rcafon, fatng it ts nin» jtifeab^tbeberpEuiDenceof tbetbmgstljemfduesjtljatnetber * tilt faith of ClltiS tS taugtjt purclp,no: tbc lacraments rtgljtll? miniareb, no; prayers maoe rcligiouflp, no; difcipline Duelp p;a(tireOin ^ Church of Rome-.if the fo;mcr reafon of caufes feemc tm bJeafee,pet is it full^! p;oucD(| l)0?e)bi? tbc cfFedsdbat the Church of Rome is no found ir.cmber of the Catholike church. ^ob3mucl)iKo;eabrurDetoereittocount IjcrtheCa- tholikc Church.The Church of tl)erefo;c is neither the Catholike. nor a found member of the Catholike Church. 3 aapeo longer in opening tljis Ccs»nclufion, tben 3 Ijno The fixth purpoftD: but I map runne oucr tbc laB fo much tbe mo;e fpee# Conclufio, blip, ifo; hnoining Ijoto ti}t Church of Rome is infetfeo initl) pc# ClientDifeafes, tljecontagionluljereof, nsiHiit lepers fore,be^ ftcu.i3.ver.4<, caufe if is oaungerous to tljcm UjIjo clprll neerc if, mua there# fok^^bcremoucD out of the campoofthefaitljfull: luc map be aUtireO tljat the reformed Ciwrches in England, Scotland, FraitHce,Germanie,znd other kingdomes & common-weales, hauc feuered them fellies lawfully from the Church of Rome, ■^01 that is Done lawfully Ujhtch is Done bp the tnarranf of the lcio;Dof€5oD: ^ aliwhofccommaundementsare rightcouf- neae,filiththe^B;ophct.liSutthereformed Churches obCpCD ()is com mandement in feuering themfelucs from The Church i)fi?owe.S;;h^t^fo?®f&^?f'^u^tfbthemfelucs from the Church lawfuily.ifo; as ecclefiaOtcall fociettes auD Chnrth-af# ^ fembltesb)ereo^atneDfap»SoD,that * his eled ar.D chofen'^ i .nuon.i#. Cjoute ^ feeke him auD ^praife him,that is,learne to know . k ver. II, him,anD " worQiip him being hnobmTo luhcfe hie right faith 1 f i^nDknotolegc is not taught,o; he is not fei ueD ano bjo;lhip# peD aright jthence Doth he commaunD hie feruanfs to Depart. S ^oDepart,ftrffifrcmthat Church-affemblic, Inheiehie right n Nehcm.j 6 faith,anD bnotolege is not taught 1 the charge isgiuen to Ti- mothee.taauhom S.Paul " aDuertiOngoffuch as taught other o..Tim!kv«., doarine,thenhebiD,anDnotthe wholefomewordsof Chrilf and godly dodrine, p Declareth the qualitiesano fwutes of „ . ^ b b thcfe S vfr.4«« h Pfal. conciufi,n. 74® Theteformed churches in England &c. rMatt.7..y. f^ofe * iBojlaes, ano biDDetljI^un Depart fromtfjem: from 1 fuch(faptb Paul)' depart thou: depart thou fro tbeir affettt' . ' I)lp,anD Cl)urcf).ifOifo mull fuch teachers be departed from; Ti) liov TPi» gg DcclareD bp ^is eramplc at Ephefui, tttjere Ije fre* quenteD the lynagogue of § Jtwes for the fpace of three mo- r KA.'? • neths,i5ut ® when certaine obltinatc & difobedient pcrfons • «7r3,9«5 ' fpakeeuillofthe way ofGod before the multitude, he ^de- Sc-ir' xv1Zh>' them,and feparated the dif'ciples . tljat Ija feuercDjUOt Ijtmfelfe onelp,but otijers alfofromtljat Ct)urcb> UJberemthewayofGod waseuill fpokcn of, anDmetlluero not taugtjt to knolu ano bekeue m ^tm ahgl;t. ^ oU), tbat toe mud libetotreocpart from tpat Ct)urr^,tobcreui CDoo ut not fcr^ ueo ano tooilbtppco artgbtut to toztten to tfje OrwribMR/.^^o t i.cor.r8.i4. aOmontibcO ' to flee from idolatrie.ano from al commm u».for.5.y.i4. uton luftb tOolatrous too;lbip,arec{)argcD not to yoketl)f« ' X ver. < 5. fclucs tottb ioolaters in t^ctr affcmbltoo f mtotingeo. For what xver!!*! fellowlhip hath righteoulnefle with vnnghteourneflef light «Hof.4.i5. with darkeneffe ^ *C7hrilt with Sclial ? the faithful with the infidell i y the temple of God with idols f ^ Wherforc come Hof.io.iy. out from among them, and fcparateyourfelues,fayththd Wc" f^»nk Lord. Separate your felues from them, fayth the Lord: the tic.O» ot an i- Lordfayth,uotBI-SCtjelLojOfaptpto t^e Iewes,='go ye not ' vp to "Beth'auen: not Hofcajbut tbo ILojo raptl>3!t to calleo ^ • cow W, the Eeth' elf but tt to ' "Beth-auen: «l the * hie places of Aue» are the ehappds of fj^ne of Iftacl. 2Dl)0refoJC go ye not vp to Beth-auet?^ faptl) t^ ttijicVtiJt ii'ti. ILo^D.SDIjus toe are erpMp commaunded bp God to depart tiite.DiDcom- anDfeparate our felues from tfjcfe Churches , toljeremt^ toapea, eitper ofbto bnotoleQge,ot ofbto too;lbtp,are per? • Briftow.be- ucrteD. ^ucl) mo jejfrom tljolc ,an& ^artlppjeiumingofttis patience of i\yz Ijrarers, tbrnin tljto jiiace is hfuall: pet fyauz 3 purpcfelp omitceD manp things iubicbaDuciTariesmapobiiS, becaufcHttjcuglit ti»p might be pjoDuccD anD anftoercD in.' tpe Difputation it fclfe mo^e connenientlp* (%•> Be fauouraWef O (j9dJto Sion for thy good plc^aeae * build the vallcs of lerufalenv fohn ^K^noldes to the Chrijlian Reader. T is now fine ycvircs almofi, (gaittc reader) fincc being occafioned by or- derof oiirVniucrfitieto handle and defend thefe Conclufions in difpuca- tion; I was moued to make them c6- mon vnto many,that through the in- ftrudion and confolation of the fai- pture the church might reape fome fruite of them. HowbeiC as A^elles was wont to fet forth his pidjurcs at his fi:all,that, if any feult were found, he might amend it,before they were deliucrcd tofucli astliey were drawenfor: the likehaue I done with mine, (though not like his,) by keping the in La- tin at home as it were, mat, ifany thing were iuftly blamed in them, it might be corredied, before I fent them abroad to Engliihmen. In the which refpcdt, though I could hardly refiftthe importunate dcfire of fundry ffendes, of whom fome had tranflated them, requeftingthat Iwouldtranflatc them my felfc or fiiffer theirs to be printed: yet I refilled it,&: hope they tookc it in good part. But now being otherwifc enforced to publilh my confaence with M.Hart: I haue co- delcended vnto theit requell, to do them into Englifti, &: pu- blilh them withall. The rather,hecaufe I haue proued herein, thatr^r faith frofejjed h-j the Church of Borne is not the Ca- tholike faith. The contrary whereof was the lad point that M.Hartznonchtd. So that, feeing he brake off conference tliereon, :ind would not put the feith of his church to that trialljCo which he had put the Popc,thc head of it: the godly, who Will wiih that alio had bene handled to the confufion of all Poperie, may for want of larger repaft take this fclcnde- rer. 744 rcr, as better halfe aloafc (men fay) thaino bread. And I am theboldcrtoCetitbeforcthcm:^zc3L\xit.I>o^TorStafUtm 8C Licentiate euillpRyficians to getthemfclucs workc, doo praifc vnholefome baggage aboue holefomc foodc,.haHcdifcomcndcd it. Cbicfiy^fith their dealing chcse- in hath bene fuch, that they iiaue fhcwcd grcaterftomakc the wifedomc, as phyfkians of no value. For of fourepointcs jfcTho m.s»apje. that I find rcproncd by the former of them,in' the laft editio Jei 'ioiJrin. of his docfcrinall principles: one is, ''rfiat idijlingmflj tht 1581!"''*"'' tnilitant andvijible church from the Catholike, after a new- e xii^hefecond, jtfttkilfullj ^nd fondlj.Thc difw^ion thcrof'I groim- dedoathcljcripmrc;''ytf»dand®»oi' (irmay be) tooihersj^ d "cor.i.M." not to vs. Butthe Do&orii^s that Babylon would fell if the 4Aa.17.1p.. fLjlin^imikoo^c. Wherefore if he hadno ftrongcr fhot thcnthistodifchargeagafnftitr.Iwill bearc with him; as ti the reft of his. tauntes alfo.. Loofers mufi: haue their finthe fourth wotdcs.All othctpointf^hccarpcth ar^ mine expofirion of couduOofc helj catholiktcBurch. Which I hauing proiicd by the Pa». piftes thcmfclucs, that/V muf neededfignific- the company of thechafenalcjiCynot mixt rvJth wicked meiy-becaufe [by their ^ catechif»e)itis the body ofChrif^ ^ all the body of conc^i^t. Chrifi is ^uickned by. hkjfirit,which the wicked are.not :\iC * tcpMahihzzthechurchisjaidin theJcrspture tobethkhody hEph..^t<.. of chrifi qmcknedby his finite f becaufi finte partes of it arc piinc.doario. Jo,not alltheboi^. Aa^mCwcTc fomewhat ftraungetcon-. fidering that the fcriptnre,which I had alleaged,faith tfaar*tf/ ' the body of Cbrifi.is tyuickned fo. As for that ^hc noceth of k stapift princ. the oth oUkc ^ that 1 and FhiUp Momay expound it' rrreldfeof tht not in onefortee excellent giftes, and fmit- cauici>,£Kap.,. fullla^jorSjIrcuerenccandlouc. And both of w hauing ay- .si.j.cor.t4- rned at the trueth: whetiier hath come necrer it, ™ let the ver.j?. pfoyheti iftdgc,. Ru if, aiuong Frophets in the church'of ■: . ' Ghrifij^, Chrift," fomcwhat be reueiled to one, chat is not to an o- " therthis iufliiieth nor them," whopiy they are letves,(jr are a Re«.i.», jfot, bur are the Synagogue ofSaran. Yet this is the founcieft reafon that lie hath againft my Conclulion; that the holy Ca- tholike church which we beleue is the whole company of Gods xlecJ andchofen. For touching that he addeth that he hath dijprouedityby Jhewing thatthechurch is dijlinguif^^edfrom hereticaUaJJembliesbythenameof Catholike: he hath dif- proued it as foundly therby,as ifhefliouidiay, that the p Ca- p EpiUbi-'cav new Tclfament,. were not fo called, as generall, 6C writcn tano cercaine pcrfons> bccaufe that other ■writings-arc named atiioiikc alfa todiftinguiih them from IxcrcticaU. The third point he taketh vpon him to confute, is an argument that I n^e go proue my third Conclufion.'^vf// thewordesoffcripturebethewordesoftruetb-.fomewordetn^.id xfthe Chuarch bt the wordis oferrour: But he that telleth the trueth adrntyer-y is more to be credited^the he that lyeth fome- 1 times. Therefore the holy firipture is to be credited more the is the church. An^ to this argumet{[?x\h. he)l anjwere brief iy,that no words of the Church are the words oforror->that is^ that no erroneus thing is euer taughtydefnedyor^pretsedjby the church in herBiJhops edf Bajiors teaching vniformly; in the decrees of Councelsychiefly of generallGouncels\in that which the Fathers teach with one conjent-, in her head, the Pope,defning,<^ deliueringany thingpublikely,c'';' fnally in the rule offaith which ail the Church holdeth: though feue- rally fimeBiJhops may primtely erre in teachings and one or moe Fathers may writefome njntrutthing, or he in feme er- f,tr.\and fomewhat euen in Coucels,without the decree it jelf, may befaidor reafoned inconueniently and{to conclude)the Pope may be ouerfuneipriuately in fomewhat^ But this muHr i$.C(rUsmput(dtothefrailti€ of men, nottothg Church' Bbb 4, bar ber felfe, Which fpeech of D .Stapletons if it be an aunfwerc vnto my argument: then can I tell him a very briefc way to aunfwere my Conclufions all with one word. How? By graunting them all to be true. For tliough it were fo,that Sfjhfips teaching vniformelj might errCy nor Fathers tcnce'ch3"pri nor Councels in decrees, nor the Pope in pub like nimfi.d- . anddejimtiuefenteneeyVif\iic]\\hoi\\^thzr:ty Sc'elfewherc c^apt.y, Diaij. Hjewed to be otherwife,but if it were fo; yet feeing that Bijlops and Fathersy and Councels y and the Pope himfelfe may erre (as he confeffeth) in this or that point, and this or that maner; he graunteth that which I faid,that fome rvordes nfthe Church are the mrdes of err our.^ntthoft rvordes mu/i certes (faithhe) beimputedtothefrailtieofmen, not to the Church her felfe. Now certes M DoBor is a mery ma: who can ftiift an argument off withfuchaicft. As though the Church her felfe confiftednot of men', and therefore muft 'necdes offend fo through ffailtie, the offending fo.Thc jtstipiet-princ. foutth aiid kff poiiit whcrcwith^hc findeth fault, is, that amongfi'' thereafonsxvhy the Church of Rome is no found (Tpackfion. fnember of the Catholike Church ,1 bring thiSythatytouching expounding of the Scripture, Jhe condemneth all fenfesand meanings thereof which are againfi the fenfe that herfelfe holdethyor again ft the Fathers cofenting all in one.\W here- of in that he gathereth that I allorv not the expofttions of the Fathers yjcAythdil afprmethat it is a marke and token of n falfc church to admitte the ioint-confent of the Fathers in expounding of the ftripture: he dooth me great wrong. For,' though by tblo wing too much breuitie in Latin, I fell into obfcuritie,and Caid not fo plainly that which I would, and fhould, as in the Englifh no w I hauc: yet that whkh I (aid, *cdefia'i"cf^ dooth clccre me of his fclaunder,as 2>. * Fulke kith fhewed*, ii ThoHi.Sta- whom lean better thanke foir h isdefending of me, tlien de- 7A7 feme the prailc that he hath geiien mc therein. N ay,I was fo far from noting thatas faulty in tire Church of Rome, that the fcuke which i noted was her vile abuhngthe name of the Fadiers againft tlieir i udgemct m that point. For I tie- clareil Ifraight in the words cnfuingjthat firit fhce autorifech ihcKhy her orvnepra^i^e, as the right Jenfe and meaning of the Scripture, though contrarie to ttfelje: ncxtjfhe alioweth the puddles of the Schoolemenyf^c wil hauc the taken for ters of life: \z^\y,ivhenfomc Fathers gainjdy her, fhe reicc- teth xhcmfecasife they all confcnt not and admitteth them who doo make for her,as hamng hit the mark. Of the whicli branches the laft imporcem not that 1 refufe the Fathers con fenting all in one. Thefbrmcr two import diat I condemne tliefreniieoftheChurchof Rome, raamtcining her Dunfes and deedes Agaiad the Fathers. But s the ferpentes aifcmbled y(;bncii.Tiit«, in the Councell of Trent,hauc fet downe that I fpake oiltou- " - ching the expounding of the jcrtpture) fo fiittriiy: that a fim- " itnanimem pie masi would thnike they allow fudi fenfes and racanmgs oftheSa'ipturcoady,asthcJ'4r/&^rr geue all with one con- Teiic^cifaptfa!^ fcnt. Wlacreasiiiva'vtnieththevdonochingleffe-.theydif- 11 f i' ' f ^ 10ii« 10« 1 allow themratner, Forwhetherby * the Fathers conjen- ting all in me, they meane tire Fathers all,{imply, none ex- ceptedj diatconfentis a Phoenix, and naier will befoundror thTiohluH.rw, tvhether theymcaneagood number of thetn, as ^ a'lnetanaio I expoundedi ic they diilent fro fenfes agreed cvi by that num- het.Yot:zximo[c,theQ:cv^mKk,w:\\f Therefhaiheonefoek, gnL.' I me Paflour^ The Fathers, ^ Auflin, Chryfoftome, ^ Cyrill, * lerome,Zc t Gregorie, expounde this of Chrild.The church *ctTc£yghti^ of R omes z mouth expoundeth it of the Pone. The Coun- celldrenofTrent condemning:at// fenfes- asid meaninges of&cihd MhTs^'°' the fcrif tare which are againf the Jenf that their Church^fhT^Toffl^!'^ ^Ideth^or againf the Fathers con fenting adl in one: doth it errofsr^rfso^ Bbb 5 not 74^ ^ HOC conclemne this fenfc of the fcripturc geue by the Fathers, . Or«g Mattio ^ Lieentiatefolowah him in the fame ll:eppes,reproJ ^n^e^cfoce * uing a fpeech of mine,touching Cjprian. Whole nraife of » » cpneiy. j^gffi^ns, tixsi'vnfaithfulnejje cannot haue accefle to the^ being ftretched by Sanders to proue chat the Church of Rome eJ°r/f^^ttnot errc'. i I,hauingIhewed the contrarie by fcripturc,did *»ai, ■aMz)Vhat ? and was Cyprian of an other minde ? Pardon me 0 Cyprian: I would belecue thee gladly,but that beleeuing thee I jhould not beleeue the word of God. Hereon, M. Mari r aid aduauntage his caufc, firft abufethCyprian, {aying^ thxheafflrmeth thatthe Church of Rome cannot trre in faith. Which he affirmcth not .But whereas the Nouatian heretikes at Carthage had made themfelues there a BiOiop in fchifme,and to gethimcredite with the Church of Rome hadwritentliithcrfalily, that he was allowed by jiue^twe- tieBipops'.Cyprian,tomeetcwkhthdsfaljhood and trea.* fherie, [aith.thxt it could not fnde credit with the Romans, who beingfaithfull men would not gitte eare to faithlefje /y- m,Neithcr fpake he this as though the Romans could not in deede be dcceiued by falfe rephrtcs of wicked ympcs *, (fore-. iMendieUnon ucQ there hc iioteth thcy mightbc' 4 , aj hee did trie k 3asi!d«'fe- both then and ^ after;) but to ftirrc them vp to beware of ^ra. c'yprfaa. herctikeSjby praifing therri as"yvary.Whcrfore he afflrmeth xioithat the church of Rome cannot erre in faith : as M. yUrtin threaped on hmi. Yet becaufe ^ might ^ fuppofcdi ' " ^ 749 tohaucthoughcicjatleaftbyaconfcqiieiitjforif they could noterre * in tnaC;,miichlefle in faith; therefore I, contcncing » whet«in»u my felfe with a peremptorie exception againft it, fayd, that ifheth»uzhtit, he muft pardon me fornotheleeiimz^ii^i erreieuen they Zt t y- J . , ■ * , t • I ■» « » J • wboftayhim tne rvordDf G'OdgamJajwgtL And this doth M. Martin re- moiitromcr. proue,bothfor that wherevfon I fpakeir,andfor my kindoiAen.lsiWut* i^czdicdTh^uwhtrevfon I fpakc it, w(hefayth) that euerj fouth amonz vs,vpon confidence of his fpirit, will controll Turrccremata, 1 I II 1 yy r r 1- y./ •/-• / Santtcrs,BeUar« not onely one hut all the Fathers conjenting together jf it be min.Tomnfis, againfithat whkh we imagine to be the truth . In whicii wordes,by mentioning foa// the Fathers confenting toge- ther, he bewrayeth the canker that confumcd him. For I touched thecrediteofno more of them,tlien " the Papiftes „ lo.ricusMi- grant themfciues may be touched. Nor controlled I ought A^fonfufrc*. *vfon conjldence of my fpirite,hut thefpinteof God: be- caiifc It was againfi,not that which I imagined,hut knew to loro/.'Theoiog. he the tr uth,My kind ofhpzzchzhtnotcth., for being very dJfcnf.fid.t'iial fneandfguratiue,as 1 thought y i^s I thought ? did M. Martin [ctrruf hart ? If not: hee might haue kept that iib.;.ktf,&e4u Thought within himfelfe. For in truth,(to open it,,becaufe rRom.ii.»». ke prefleth me fo farre,)/ thought in that figure' C, oaveniam me 0 Cyprian ] to imitate a like kind of fpeechc in S. cypriane- Jlin, '^t^Fardon meoPaule. 3 What M. Martin thought, whe herevpon he matched me with vaine &c foolifh 'souths\ Apoft«ie. Aug* himfelfe hath declared. But it would better haue bcleemed quinquaginu liis age,to haue acknowledged rather the tmth which I pro- ucd, then haue reproiied my i-wd of fpeech. For although I be 4 vaine and foolifl} youth, who fpake fo of Cyprian: yet S. Paule wa.s not -avaine andfoolijh Apoftle,whofe dodrin I maintayned inir. Thefe are fgood Chriftianreader) tlic fiultcs of my Conclufions: al, that are noted by M4/'f/»,as farre as I know.If they or any other haue toil- ched 75° chcd ought elfcjwhich I haue not lighted on: I will not be" afliamed( vpo notice of it)to bring it forth my felfe,arid an- (were it in iudgement. For I haue bene fo carefiili of true -and faithflillrlcaling , as well in the Concliilions ^ as in the Conference with M. Hart, God is my record : that, • I0b.j1.3y, * ^ aduerfaries fhould write a booke againfl mCy I would beare it vpo my Jhoulder,(jr bind it as a crorvne vnto me. The bolder I am to comend them both to thy vpright iudgement: befeeching the Father oflights,for his mercies fake in lefu Chrift, to bleffe thee with tlie grace ofhis holy {pirit, > hat thou maifl: grow in knowledge, in faith,in itope, in lone,and enioy the blefsings prepared for tlie chofen, who feekc and feruehim. Pfal. up. 18. Open my tie eyes^iO Lord,) that I may feeloonderftiU th'mges out of thy lain. L O N D o N, Printed by lohn VVolfe, for ' ^ i. ' Gedrge lBiJhop. " M 8