CONDON'S BLUE BOOK OF WEALTH NORTHWESTERN UNIVERSITY LIBRARY EVANSTON ILLINOIS CONDON'S Blue Book of W A List of Individuals and Compáhies Paying Taxes on $10,000 Upward Possessing Wealth Aggregating More Than One Billion Dollars Compiled From The Tax Records of Los Angeles City and County, California Separately Classified and Alphabetically Arranged Compiled and Published by JAMES EDWARD CONDON 1333 Highland Avenue LOS ANGELES 1920 35^, 6 C. INDEX OF CONTENTS Los Angeles Individuals - - Pages 5 to 117 Los Angeles Corporations and Companies Pages 118 to 145 Pasadena and South Pasadena - Pages 146 to 160 Long Beach - - Pages 160 to 164 Miscellaneous - - - Pages 165 to 189 A Good Letter Will Bring Business to You A Good List is An Important Adjunct to Your Business Condon's Lists Are Carefully Compiled Ask for the Lists YOU Want LOS ANGELES INDIVmUALS Abascal, Elizabeth, 523 S. Commonwealth Ave $ 52,760 Abel, Mary lone, 523 W. Twelfth St., San Pedro 18,200 Abramson, Jacob, 404 S. Broadway 50,600 Acker, D. D. (Heirs), 805 H. W. Hellman Bldg 21,600 Adams, Addie M., 307 H. W. Hellman Bldg 84,000 Adams, Burton G., 580 Witmer St 62,000 Adams, Elmarine M., 7318 Sunset Blvd 25,400 Adams, George W., 716 Van Nuys Bldg 20,200 Adams, Grace, 2151 W. 20th St 12,400 Adams, Horace B., 1050 Magnolia Ave 186,000 Adams, James H., 21 Chester PI 1,220,000 Adams, Margaret F., 1938 S. Harvard Blvd 30,000 Adams, Millie B., 1429 Laurel Ave., Hollywood 11,600 Adams, Morgan, 626 S. Spring St 13,800 Adams, Sarah M., 1001 Beacon St ". 62,200 Adams, Thos. G., 209 N. Union Ave 17,400 Adams, Wm. I., 3535 E. Fourth St 10,800 Adams, Wm. L., 1226 S. Lake St 12,200 Adamson, Elien I., 1402 S. Valencia St 12,200 Adler, Frederick O., 460 W. Fourteenth St., San Pedro 26,000 Adler, Rose, 618 W. Seventeenth St 10,600 Agoure, Kate, 3955 S. Western Ave 337,400 Agoure, Pierre, 3955 S. Western Ave 177,600 Aiken, Aaron G., 4507% Moneta Ave 13,000 Aiken, John J., 521 S. Manhattan PI 10,600 Aikin, Eva B., 801 E. Sixth St 16,400 Akey, James V., 4400 Central Ave 36,000 Akin, Emlin H. (Heirs), c-o Title Ins. & Tr. Co 90,000 Akin, Laura B., 400 Lucerne Blvd 25,400 Akin, Wm. H., 601 S. Serrano Ave 14,800 Alber, Hermann, 6500 Sunset Blvd 17,400 Albertson, Fred S., Eleventh & Hope Sts 73,200 Albertson, Paul M., 4081 S. Normandie Ave 11,400 Albright, Harrison, 532 Laughlin Blvd 122,600 Alcock, George, 13851 Vanowen St., Van Nuys 29,200 Alderson, Mary E., 1213 S. Hoover St 20,000 Alger, Minnie L., 1023 Santee St 11,000 Alexander, Cora B., 698 Wilshire PI 50,000 Alexander, Enoch A. (Heirs), 416 S. Norton Ave 65,000 Alexander, George, 230 W. Thirty-flrst St 10,000 6 LOS ANGELES. CAL. Alexander, Harry L., 1018 S. Alvarado St $1,425,000 Alexander, James S., 834 S. Union Ave 12,400 Allen, Albert A., 614 S. Gramercy PI 10,400 Allen, Charles, 2137 Canyon Dr ' 30,800 Allen, Ellen G. C., 214 Andrews Blvd 11,200 Allen, Emma G., 1033 S. Gramercy PI 12,400 Allen, Eugene H., 545 S. Serrano Ave 14,000 Allen, Geannah L., 832 S. Flower St 50,800 Allen, James F., 758 S. San Pedro St 20,000 Allen, John T. & Chas., 2137 Canyon Dr 83,800 Allen, Laura D., 1006 W. Twenty-second St 16,000 Allen, Nannie Cope, Mission Blvd., San Fernando 12,000 Allen, Wm. H., Jr., 829 S. Bonnie Brae 22,200 Allender, Frank W., 616 S. Westmoreland 10,000 Alles, Fred L., 1252 S. Westlake Ave 60,200 Alles, Mary E., 1252 S. Westlake Ave 32,000 Allison, Alexander, 203 N. Mesa St., San Pedro 10,600 Allor, Frank G., 3838 Pacific Ave., San Pedro 40,200 Allyn, Mary E., 678 S. Ardmore Ave 10,000 Almada, Albino, 1271 Third Ave 10,000 Almada, Manuel, 984 Menlo Ave 12,200 Alps, Bernard F., 1268 Fifth Ave 30,000 Althouse, Harry, 217 Loma Dr 34,800 Althouse, John B., 1117 S. Manhattan PI 90,600 Althouse, Tillie M., 3523 S. Flower St 35,800 Aires, Joseph, R. D. No. 1, Van Nuys 28,600 Alward, W. W. (Heirs), 547 Bradbury Bldg 56,600 Amar, Edward, 1137 Mesa St., San Pedro 84,000 Ambrose, Annie L., 420 Union Cil Bldg 36,600 Amend, Wm. A. & F. B., 729 Story Bldg 23,600 Amestoy, John B., 1659 S. Hobart Blvd 48,000 Amestoy, Anthony J., 1238 Eiden Ave 19,800 Amestoy, Michael F., 314 S. Serrano Ave 19,800 Amestoy, Joseph P., 1659 S. Harvard Blvd 19,800 Amundson, John H., 2173 W. 20th St 11,200 Ancker, Albert, 260 S. Los Angeles St 32,000 Anderson, Charles S., 714 Washington Blvd 15,200 Anderson, Eliz. M., care of 724 Trust & Savings Bldg 155,000 Anderson, Gustaf A., 1726A N. Winona Blvd 11,400 Anderson, Gustave E. F., 676 Westlake Ave 10,000 Anderson, James A., 1112 Black Bldg 120,200 Anderson, J. Crampton, 8 Chester PI 260,000 Anderson, John, 1430 W. Tenth St 21,400 Anderson, Mary, 4775 Moneta Ave 21,400 Anderson, Mary, 4775 Moneta Ave 30,000 Anderson, Niels O., cor. Beacon & Sixth, San Pedro 75,800 LOS ANGELBS. CAL. 7 Anderson, Samuel H., 1320 S. Flower St $ 27,600 Anderson, Willis C., 7128 Hollywood Blvd 13,600 Anderson, Wm. F., 117 W. 7tb St 13,200 Andrews, Abbie C., 274 Andrews Blvd 26,400 Andrews, Americus V., 238 Andrews Blvd 15,600 Andrews, Anna, 901 Central Bldg 16,400 Andrews, Darsey G., 1218 Colton St 18 800 Andrews, Lisbetb, 515 S. Virgil Ave 11,000 Andrews, Mary Carney, 403 S. Hill St 31,400 Andrews, Wm. F., 742 Hartford Ave 10,400 Andrews, Wm, H., 126 W. Ave. Fifty-Seven 28,000 Angelí, Minnie and Annie, 1619 S. Flower St 22,000 Annechini, Joe. M., 313 W. Eighth St 22,600 Anthony, Hattie K., 3300 Wilshire Blvd 126,400 Anthony, Earl C., 1000 S. Hope St 197,000 Anton, Sarah E.. 3012 S. Figueroa St 12,800 Apfel, Oscar C., 1840 El Camino, Palmero 25,600 Apple, Mary J., 2808 Lan Franco St 18,600 Appleton, Harold G., 1417 N. Main St 22,000 Arbuckle, Roscoe C., 1259 S. St. Andrews PI 9,800 Arconti, Frank, 642 N. Main St 22,200 Arena, Pablo de la, 1138 W. Twenty-first St 12,600 Arend, Joseph G., 244 W. 28th St 13,800 Arena, Richard, 1118 W Eighteenth St 71,000 Armelin, Louis, 1578 B. Twenty-first St 19,800 Armstrong, Anna 625 S. Kenmore Ave 10,200 Armstrong, Chas. M., 325 S. Grand Ave 24,800 Armstrong, Ella C., 133 S. Bunker Hill Ave 16^00 Armstrong, Mary Amanda, 151 N. Serrano Ave 12,400 Amaelsteen, Ed, 613 E. Washington St 48,000 Arnold, Harold L., 534 S. Oxford Ave 289,600 Arnold, Jesse H., 1111 S. Hope St 32,000 Arnold, Percy N., R. D. No. 1, Palms 119,000 Arnold, Ray H., 815 Lorraine Blvd 322,600 Amott, Helen, 525 S. Harvard Blvd 11,000 Amott, Willard, 640 S. New Hompshire Ave 11,000 Arthur, Adelphi A., 902 E. Adams St 22,000 Arthur, Julia A., 920 W. Eighth St 16,000 Arvin, Hugh T., 2864 W. Pico St 10.000 Arzner, Louis A., 617 Shatto PI 35,400 Ashby, Henry C., 6700 Hollywood Blvd 12,400 Asher, Emma, 321 S. Mariposa Ave 18,400 Asher, Lizzie, 2255 W. Twenty-fifth St 17,800 Ashton, Oscar, 5418 Russell Ave 20,800 Astholz, Fred D., 6430 Hollywood Blvd 16,000 Aszman, Frank J., 1709 Trinity St 12,000 8 LOS ANGELES, CAL. Atkinson, Ellen B., 1922 Oxford Ave $ 13,000 Atkinson, John F., 1118 Story Bldg 69,600 Atsatt, J. Chas. F., 345 S. Serrano Ave'. 10,200 Atterbury, Benj. F., 3266 Connecticut St 71,200 Atterbury, James A., 2949% Van Buren PI 87,600 Auble, Florence J., 1817 S. Hope St 14,800 Aucker, Bertha R., 533 S. St. Andrews PI 11,200 Audet, Louis F., 630 W. Fourth St 18,600 Aushermann, Aaron B., 633 W. Ninety-fourth St 58,400 Averiii, Catherine A., 943 W. Eighteenth St 23,600 Avery, Iva M., 1019 Albany St 14,000 Avery, James F., 1019 Albany St 15,800 Avery, Moses N., 621 S. Vermont Ave 13,400 Avery, Nellie T., 963 S. Hoover St 231,600 Avery, Russ, 345 S. Oxford Ave 39,200 Avery, Sarah G., 621 S. Vermont Ave 13,400 Awe, Christ L., 1600 McCadden PI 26,000 Ayers, Frank H., 508 S. Oxford Ave 12,000 Baake, Anna E., 2211 N. Highland Ave 22,000 Babbitt, Chas. J., 404 W. Adams St 16,600 Back, Julius, 300 E. Thirty-Sixth St 24,800 Bacon, Carrie E., 1833 S. Manhattan PI 81,000 Bacon, Francis E., 24 Berkeley Sq 37,000 Bacon, Frank P., 2615 Ellendale PI 28,000 Bacon, Fred, 344 S. Occidental Blvd 15,400 Bacon, Martha E., 818 S. Hope St 38,200 Bacon, Thos. L., 1833 S. Manhattan PI 163,200 Bacon, Wm. H., 316 W. Sixteenth St 11,800 Badham, Byron J., 446 S. St. Andrews PI 12,400 Badham, Willard E., 1183 W. Thirtieth St 19,000 Baer, Hattie, 626 Kenmore Ave 54,000 Baechtold, Sallie D., 1541 S. St. Andrews PI 16,400 Bagg, Edna B., 403 Bradbury Bldg 10,200 Bagnall, Blanche A., 951 S. Western Ave 30,000 Baiano, Salvinl, 4809 Wall St 15,000 Baida, Nicholas G., 1515 S. Hoover St 14,000 Bailey, Chas. E., 1817 Orchid Ave 15,800 Bailey, Chas. F. 1422 S. Wilton PI 10,200 Bailey, Luena L., 688 S. Westmoreland Ave 14,400 Bailey, Sarah J., 1002 S. Burlington Ave 16,000 Bailie, Norman A., 1041 Citizens National Bank Blgd 13,400 Bain, Ferdinand R., 3101 Wilshire Blvd 29,600 Baird, Howard M., 158 N. Avenue Twenty-six 23,200 Baker, Anna D., 4838 Oakwood Ave 20,000 Baker, Chas. W., 960 Francisco St 625,400 Baker, Danford M., 2118 Harvard Blvd 22,000 LOS ANGELES, CAL. 9 Baker, Frank T., 316 S. Mariposa Ave $ 11,600 Baker, Geo. C., 4421 Lockwood St 19,000 Baker, Hannah M., 5553 Hollywood Blvd 20,000 Baker, Henrietta L., 426 N. Broadway 12,000 Baker, James B., 2137 W. Twenty-flrst St 12,000 Baker, Jean M., 1346 S. Westlake Ave 11,400 Baker, Joseph S., R. D. No. 2, Box 126 Van Nuys 21,600 Baker, Lillian T., 2701 Wilshire Blvd 17,700 Baker, Octavia F., 9045 Sunset Blvd., Hollywood 19,600 Bäker, Samantha J., 1917 Montrose Ave 36,600 Baker, Wm. J., 1627 N. Poinsetta Ave 58,800 Balch, Janet Jacks, care of 806 Garland Bldg 94,000 Baldwin, Anita M., Arcadia, Gal 2,500,000 Baldwin, Cornelius V., 5203 Hollywood Blvd 29,000 Baldwin, Luther H., 3628 Arlington Ave 84,600 Baldridge, Homer A., R. D. No. 11, Box 75, Los Angeles 22,000 Ballard, Fidelia, 468 S. Lake St 15,600 Ballerino, Bartola (Heirs), 303 N. Vermont Ave 85,000 Ball, Albert L., 507 W. Avenue Fifty 88,000 Ball, Wm. F., 975 Manhattan PI 64,000 Ballinger, Frank H., 3300 S. Main St 12,800 Bancroft, H. P., 707 Trust & Savings Bldg 11,200 Bandhauer, May C., 620A S Westmoreland 16,000 Bandini, Ralph, 400 S. Arden Blvd 15,400 Banks, John R., 701 F'ay Bldg 10,200 Banks, L. A., 1744 N. Wilton PI 11,400 Banks, Sallie, 1128 S. Kingsley Dr 11,000 Banning, Hancock, 482 P. E. Bldg 472,600 Banning, Joseph B., 594 P. E. Bldg 382,800 Banning, Wm., 594 P. E. Bldg 430,000 Banta, Theodore P., 1791 Sycamore Ave 19,400 Barber, Martin, 1841 W. Adams St 14,800 Barclay, Colin C., 1825 N. Wilton PI 16,000 Barclay, Henry A., 1159 S. Norton Ave 55,400 Bardsley, Kate M.. 431 S. Kingsley Dr 20,000 Barham, Guy B., 1209 Arlington Ave 91,000 Barker, Bessie, 1051 Beacon St 71,400 Barker, Donald, 1029 Title Insurance Bldg 37,600 Barker, Mary T., P. O. Box 96, Hollywood 52,000 Barker, Pauline, 726 S. Broadway 38,000 Barker, Wm., 724 S. Broadway 14,800 Barlow, Allison, 1115 Hollingsworth Bldg 95,200 Barlow, Eleanor C., 343 S. Virgil Ave 13,200 Barlow, W Jarvis., 616 Security Bldg 56,000 Barman, Annie, 454 S. Normandie Ave 13,200 Barmann, Alphonse, 201 Black Bldg 478,800 10 LOS ANGELES, CAL. Barmore, Fannie, 2143 Thompson St $ 10,400 Barnard, Annie E., 324 W. Seventeenth St 12,200 Barnard, Elvira E., 2600 Wilshire Blvd 43,400 Barnard, F. E., Sawtelle, Cal 11,600 Barnard, F. E. and B. L., 1416 Grenshaw Blvd 29,600 Barnard, Frances W., 837 S. Union Ave 11,600 Barnard, Geo. P., 324 W. Seventeenth St 11,600 Barnard, Lillian P., 8 Barnard Park 32,800 Barndt, Milton A., 435 S. Virgil Ave 10,800 Barnes, Geo. H., 4515 Budlong Ave 21,200 Barnett, Catherine E., 851 W. Thirty-fourth St 18,200 Barnett, W. J., 718 S. Catalina St 10,600 Bamett, Wm. T., 826 H. W. Reliman Bldg 11.400 Bamum, Elizabeth C., 2600 Wilshire Blvd 193,800 Barrett, Alexander B., 1735 Orchid Ave 20,000 Barrett, Marcella, 2501 S. Grand Ave 14,000 Barrett, Simeon A., 5002 Rosewood Ave 32,000 Barrett, Thos. H., 123 S. Bonnie Brae 11,600 Barry, David N., 1125 Van Nuys Bldg 65,000 Barry, Ransom S., 816 Wall St 20,000 Barry, Richard E., 666 S. Ardmore Ave 10,000 Barry, Samuel R., 271 W. Twenty-third St 19,600 Barthe, Jean B., I8IIV2 W. Pico St 16,600 Barthe, Rosalie, 508 Macy St 39,400 Bartley, Aurelia S., 339 S. Ardmore Ave 11,200 Bartlett, Albert G., 6219 Hollywood Blvd 978,000 Bartlett, Alpheus J., 1417 Ridgway 26,000 Bartlett, F, C. G., 3200 W. Adams St 51,200 Bartlett, Walter J., 1429 New Hompshire Ave 13,700 Baruch, Berthold, 1407 S. Figueroa St 42,000 Baruch, Clarence, 2058 S. Harvard Blvd 21,400 Baruch, Edgar, 1222 S. Van Ness Ave 16,400 Baruch, Jacob (Heirs), care of 2058 Harvard Blvd 283,600 Baruch, Jeanette M., 2125 Harvard Blvd 26,400 Baruch, Jeanette W., 2058 S. Harvard Blvd 54,000 Baruh, Joseph Y., 625 S. New Hompshire Ave 15,000 Bäsch, Joseph, 941 S. Broadway 13,400 Baskerville, Mary B., 1156 W. Fifty-fifth St 24,600 Bastanchury, Maria O., 403 S. Hill St 41,200 Bastheim, Edmund, 980 Menlo Ave 10,800 Batchelder, Maude, 2329 Gramercy PI 10,000 Bates, Ella P., 405 S. Hewitt St 11,800 Bauer, Gus. H., 1529 S. St. Andrews PI 149,400 Bauer, Harry J,, 739 S. Serrano Ave 30,800 Bauer, John A., 415 S. Avenue Thirty-three 41,200 Bauer, Otmar*, 4511 Finley Ave 226,000 LOS ANGELBS, CAL. 11 Baumgartner, Fred (Heirs), 1015 W. Eighth St $ 11,800 Baumgartner, Henry P., 1516 Shatto St 16,200 Bavin, Mamie E., 356 S. Mariposa Ave 39,000 Baxter, W. E., 1700 E. Ninth St 74,200 Bayer, Katherine B., 1223 S. Aivarado St 75,800 Bayly, Geo. W., 668 W. Twenty-eighth St 11,800 Bayly, Wm., 2025 W. Adams St 53,000 Beach, J. M., San Femando, Gal 30,000 Beamish, Wm. M., 1015 Mignonette St 20,600 Beatson, Flora, 616 Shatto Pi 22,400 Beck, Fidelia A., 745 S. Aivarado St 11,000 Beck, John E., 1265 E. Sixtieth St 13,400 Beck, Verena, 2116 Western Ave 16,200 Becker, Ada M., 1711 S. Burlington Ave 11,200 Becker, Thilo, 431 S. Aivarado St 12,600 Beckert, Reinhart F., 824 S. Hoover St 11,000 Beckett, Iowa A., 2218 Harvard Blvd 37,200 Beckstead, Wesley E., Owensmouth, Gal 22,800 Beckwith, Herbert H., 55 S. Grand Ave 21,600 Beebe, Richard G., 500 S. Serrano Ave. . . 64,800 Beecroft, Jacob L., 506 S. Hope St 10,000 Beeman, Mary S., 435 S. Oxford Ave 43,600 Beers, Elvira M., 736 Beacon St 11,200 Beesemyer, Wm., 1407 N. Wilton PI 105,200 Behan, Lillie E., 444 S. Aivarado St 11,000 Behrendt, Hulda (Heirs), Fourth Floor, Garland Bldg...... 108,400 Behrendt, Sadie M., 435 S. Windsor Blvd 26,000 Behrendt, Sam, 600 Aliso St 40,400 Behrens, Johanna, 742 S. Westlake Ave 12,800 Behrstock, Isadore, 402 Title Guarantee Bldg 25,600 Behymer, Nettie Sparks, 623 Garondelet St 24,000 Beidler, David, 1133 Third Ave 77,200 Bekins, Ruth M., 1335 S. Figueroa St 304,600 Beiden, Lee, 333 S. Serrano Ave 16,000 Beiden, Sanborn W., 604 S. Oxford Ave 13,400 Belknap, Wm. E., 6516 Fountain Ave 10,000 Bell, Allen J., 725 W. Forty-Seventh St 14,000 Bell, Arabella W., 502 Shatto PI 27,400 Bell, Gathalena T., 416 S. Rampart Blvd 13,200 Bell, James E., 7011 Hawthorne Ave 12,600 Bell, John, 4963 Huntington Dr 13,000 Bell, Julia M., 1405 S. Wilton PI 18,400 Bellows, Edward G., 1422 S. Gramercy PI , 10,200 ■Belton, Jesse G., R. D. No. 4 .Box 825, Los Angeles ' 83,600 Beman, Wm. H., 1232 Citizens National Bank Bldg 64,200 Benbrook, Chas. M., 707 Auditorium Bldg 109,600 12 I.OS ANGELES, CAL. Bendixen, Peter, 1524 S. Gramercy FI $ 9,600 Benedict, Frank L., 1808 New England St 28,000 Benedict, May P., 1301 W. Tenth St 45,200 Benedict, Walter, R. D. No. 10, Box 760, Los Angeles 31,000 Benepe, Jennitta, 427 S. Ardmore Ave 19,600 Beniofl, Simon, 717 W. Seventh St 10,200 Bennett, Coroden E., 1308 W. Pico St 10,600 Bennett, Elizabeth, 1425 S. Los Angeles St 13,400 Bennett, James G., 1000 S. Broadway 11,400 Bennett, Richard F., 955 Crocker St 62,600 Bennett, Wm. H., 1746 McCadden Pi 91,000 Bennett, Wm. J., 1410 Winfleld St 17,000 Benninger, Frederick W., Ill S. Norton Ave 15,800 Bennitt, E. J., care of 749 S. Spring St 32,000 Bensinger, Benj. E., 845 S. Los Angeles St 96,000 Bensman, Adam, Owensmouth, Cal 17,800 Benson, George S., 521 Stimson Bldg 18,000 Benson, Henry W., R. D. No, 12. Box 985, Los Angeles 98,000 Benson, Patrick F.. 218 Black Bldg 11,200 Benson, Sherman C., 1140% Santee St 10,800 Bent, Arthur S., 825 Central Bldg 30,000 Benz, Anna E., 1011 S. Bonnie Brae 11,200 Bergin, Mary E., 557 S. Western Ave 11,000 Berkley, Joseph M., 3116 W Fifteenth St 19,000 Berliner, H., 738 S. Los Angeles St 12,000 Bernai, Joseph A., 1614 New Jersey St 10,000 Bernard, Joseph D., 625 S. Gramercy PI 53.200 Bernard, Mrs. S. M., 845 S. Lake St 42,000 Bemer, Elizabeth R., 2966 Wilshire Blvd 22,400 Berg, Peter H., 930 N. Western Ave 14,200 Bernhard, Wm., R. D. No. 11, Box 720, Los Angeles 38,000 Bemheim, Abraham, 673 S. Burlington Ave 12,400 Bemheimer, Adolph, 1995 Orchid Ave 87,400 THREE—10921—Aanstad (BJ9v Berrick, John F., 308 S. Normandie Ave 15,600 Berry, Elizabeth L., 845 S. Alvarado St 118,000 Berry, T. E., 918 S. Main St 10,000 Berry, Wm. T., Jr., 847 S. Alvarado St 21,800 Berson, Louis, 2810 Malabar St 13,600 Berthold, Paul A., 857 N. Andrews Blvd 20,200 Betkouski, Martin F., 1840 Canyon Dr 10,000 Betts, Isabel F., 1401 S. St. Andrews PI 12,400 Beynon, Maud L., 2315 W. Twenty-first St 10,400 Beyrle, Andrew, 1931 S. Los Angeles St 36,000 Bickenbach, Wm. F., 415 Exposition Blvd 22,800 Blcklin, Ellen G., 732 W. Eleventh St 15,600 LOS ANGELES, CAL. 13 Bicknell, Carrie F., 319 S. Normandie Ave $ 17,000 Bicknell, John D. (Heirs), 403 Bradbury Bldg 430,000 Bicknell, Nannie, 403 Bradbury Bldg 30,700 Bidwell, Geo. F., 1825 N. Curzon Ave 60,000 Bieber, Sam, 841 S. Catalina St 10,000 Biehl, Nicholas, 1216 Eiden Ave 20,400 Bierent, Caroline, 1729 Sunset Blvd 13,000 Bilharz, Mary E., 1445 Fairfax Ave 27,000 Bilhom, Peter P., R. D., No. 9, Box 440, Los Angeles 90,000 Bilicke, Albert C. (Heirs), 316 Citizens Nati Bank Bldg 2,650,000 Billings, Chas. S., 4873 Melrose Ave... 12,800 Binford, Geo. A., 161 S. Serrano Ave 45,600 Blnford, Henry M., 1819 S. Van Ness Ave 12,400 Binford, Joseph C., 518 S. Westmoreland 88,000 Bird, Martha Catherine, 1715 S. Figueroa St 20,000 Bird, Sarah L., 1319 W. Fifth St 10,400 Bird, Willard R., 4221 W. Sixth St 11,600 Bireley, Chas. E., 1759 Taft Ave 18,600 Birkel, George J., 2306 S. Figueroa St 192,000 Birmingham, Margaret, 909 E. Ninth St 12,600 Bisbee, Nettie C., 4318 Victoria Park Dr 10,200 Bishop, Frances L., 2028 Orchard Ave 11,400 Bishop, Geo. H., 606 S. Manhattan PI 15,200 Bishop, Hubert M., 2627 S. Hoover St 18,000 Bishop, Roland P., 1366 E. Seventh St 196,200 Bishop, Samuel A., 2302 S. Flower St 19,200 Bishop, Wm. T., 1342 W. Adams St 80,000 Bissell, Kenneth M., 7248 Hillside Ave 12,800 Bixby, Stafford W., 949 Lake St 262,000 Bixel, Elizabeth, 2213 W. Eighth St 11,400 Black, Alice H., 1335 E. Adams St 18,000 Black, Alice L., 4128 Wilshire Blvd 46,000 Black, Mary J., 1500 W. Ninth St 135,400 Blackburn, Minnie, 297 W. Sixth St., San Pedro 29,000 Blackburn, Samuel G., 827 Lake St 10,600 Blackburn, Sarah M. (Heirs), 534 W. Forty-first Pi 28,600 Blackstone, Nathaniel B., 1226 W. Twenty-eighth St 13,000 Blalack, Patrick, 1207 W. Third St 266,600 Blakslee, Ella M., 530 S. Virgil Ave 134,000 Blair, Louise L., 1120 S. Grand View 42,200 Blaisdell, Alice B., 3087 Wilshire Blvd 22,200 Blanchard, Annie, 1606 Reid St 22,000 Blanchard, Grace H., 233 S. Broadway 18,000 Blaster, Milton E., 641 St. Paul Ave 82,000 Blei, Paul, 2600 N. Broadway 17,800 Blenkiron, L. S., 1110 W. Washington St $ 21,600 14 I.OS ANGELES, CAL. Blenkiron, Joseph E., 1816 Crenshaw Blvd 11,800 Blevins, Geo. A., Owensmouth, Cal 16,600 Blewett, George A., 3960 S. Vermont Ave 21,000 Bliss, Lewis E., Van Nuys, Cal 18,000 Bliss, Reuben L., 3006 Wilshire Blvd 23,200 Bloeser, John C., 2152 Sacramento St 18,600 Bloomfleld, Minnie M., 4308 Sunset Blvd 17,000 Blondeau, Louis, 6772 Hollywood Blvd 26,000 Blondeau, Marie, 1431 N. Gower St 59,400 Bluett, Alice M., 331 S. Kenmore Ave 41,000 Blum, Jules, 116 N. Main St 60,000 Blum, Ida, 1102 S. Alvarado St 19,400 Blum, Solomon, 726 W. Eleventh St 16,800 Blumenthal, Ray H., 768 S. New Hampshire Ave 34,600 Blyth, Thos., 4032 Wilshire Blvd 18,000 Boardman, Geo. A., San Fernando, Cal 12,600 Boardman, Queen W., 8880 Sunset Blvd., Hollywood 14,400 Bobertz, Chas. H., 382 P. E. Bldg 10,600 Boettcher, Alwine, 705 E. Thirty-second St 41,600 Boettcher, Prank H., 705 E. Thirty-second St 21,090 Bogardus, Edward P., 1519 N. Western Ave 29,000 Bogart, Simon C., 506 Story Bldg 18,000 Boggs, Harriet A., 149 N. Wilton PI 13,200 Boggs, Paul, N., 312 S. Los Angeles St 10,600 Bogy, Alex. M., 200 Grayco Bldg 10,600 Bohan, E. R., 130 E. Ninth St 14,800 Bohlinger, Emma A., 2501 Ninth Ave 15,200 Bohnhoff, Chas. W., 1500 S. Alameda St 116,000 Bohon, Joseph H., 1245 W. Adams St 12,000 Bohrmann, Henry C., 1310 W. Washington St 91,400 Boland, Annie. 680 Carondelet St 94,000 Bolieu, John, 414 S. Serrano Ave 11,800 Bollinger. Albert C., 1421 N. Main St 22,800 Bollinger, Plora, R. D. No. 3, Box 203, Los Angeles 34,000 Bolter, Delia, E., 4333 S. Main St 10,000 Bond, Carrie Jacobs, 2042 Pinehurst Rd 16,000 Bonebrake, Lark P., 1910 Canyon Dr 13,600 Bones, Thomas, 1319 Fairfax Ave., Hollywood 67,000 Bonfllio, Nicola, 2019 S. Pigueroa St 262 800 Bonner, Eliza, 1369 San Julian St 47,400 Bonoff, Fanny, 2734 W. Ninth St 9,800 Bont, Amelia, 232 S. Bunker Hill St 15,000 Bontjes, Minnie, 1656 Westmoreland 11,200 Bonynge, Walter A., 315 S. Harvard Blvd 108,000 Boogan, Harry, 617B S. Hobart Blvd 21,000 Boone, Carrie S., 415 S. St. Andrews PI 11,400 LOS ANGELES, CAL. 15 Boos, Cassie, 1651 Wellington Rd $ 27,000 Boos, Elisabeth D., 535 Plymouth Blvd 49,800 Boos, Henry, 1651 Wellington Rd 40,000 Boos, Horace, 436 S, Hiil St 224,800 Boos, Orlando J., 1739 Buckingham PI 109,400 Booth, Franklin, 519 Occidental Blvd 14,200 Booth, Percy H., 960 Eiden Ave 13,200 Boothe, Lillie M., 1200 Magnolia Ave 24,600 Borchers, Charlotte, 1734 Buckingham Rd 10,400 Borden, Sheldon, 2328 S. Hope St 12,000 Bordwell, Walter, 2022 W Twenty-fourth St 10,800 Borelli, John S., 1621 S. Grand Ave 12,600 Bors, Lou Chase, 2228 W. Twenty-flrst St 21,200 Borst, Frederick G., 1604 S. Grand Ave 32,800 Bosbyshell, Mrs. H. B., 1238 W. Adams St 15,000 Bosley, Ida M., 1601 S. Flower St 93,800 Bostwick, Mahala A., 422 W. Adams St 10,800 Boswell, Emma B., 827 W. Washington St .• 13,600 Boswell, Frank M., 2437 Cheney St 26,800 Boswell, Nellie J., 2829 W. Eighth St 27,200 Bossuet, Philana, 516 S. Boyle Ave 20,000 Botiller, Elena B., 239 W. Twenty-fourth St 175,800 Botiller, Francisca, B. de, 1531 W. Ninth St 39,800 Botiller, Ynez B. de, 128 E. Sixtieth St 78,400 Bowles, Wm. E., 4506 Franklin Ave 10,600 Bouelle, Frank A., 2367 W. Twenty-Second St 192,800 Boulsom, Abraham, 849D S. Catalina St 11,600 Bouton, Elsa J., 1315 Bond St 106,400 Bowen, J. Frank, 712 Grant Bldg 76,800 Bowen, Lucien L., 1724 S. Flower St 51,600 Bowen, Wm. C., 1724 S. Flower St 46,000 Bower, E. Clarence, 816 Hibernian Bldg 216,000 Bower, Harriet S., 1121 S. Hope St 29,600 Bowers, Harry C., 2807 La Salle Ave 18;400 Bowker, Walter K., 214 American Bank Bldg 34,600 Bowman, Albert B., 678 S. Serrano Ave 32,400 Bowles, Frank A., 358 Aliso St 42,800 Budinger, P. L., R. D. No. 3, Box 607, Los Angeles 20,000 Boyd, Wiley W. and Martha, 1210 W. Fifth St 20,800 Boyer, Elizabeth A., 921 Winfield St 22,200 Boyer, Sophia M., 5733 Cammerford Ave 90,000 Boyle, Hugh J., 324 E. Jefferson St 13,000 Boyle, Willis J., 1657 Orange St 11,600 Boylson, Joseph, 515 S. Kingsley Dr 140,000 Boynton, Evelyn M., 836 S. Bonnie Brae 10,400 Boynton, Gratia M. P., 836 S. Bonnie Brae 10,200 16 I OS ANGELES, GAL. Boynton, Isabel A., 928 W. Twentieth St $ 11,600 Boynton, Mary L., 207 N. Vendôme St 16,200 Brack, Emily, 1645 La Brea Ave 35,400 Bradbeer, Geo., 351 W. Avenue Fifty-three 11,200 Bradbury, Simona, 545 Bradbury Bldg 100,000 Bradford, Luther T., 856 S. Hill St 114,000 Bradford, C. Raymond, 957 Westmoreland 17,600 Bradish, Cora J., 322 W. Fifteenth St 10,600 Bradley, Edward R., 2920 Wilshire Blvd 28,400 Bradner, Mabelle L., 1195 W. Twenty-eights St., Los Angeles. 27,800 Bradway, Harriett, 6120 Edmund St 14,800 Brad way. Theo., 6120 Edmund St 31,400 Brady, Frances F., 946 S. Grand View 36,000 Brady, Joseph L., 623 Washington Bldg 164,400 Braman, Edith K., 2637 Severance St 13,400 Brands, Nellie, 191 S. Oxford Ave 12,000 Branke, Paul, 849 Bixel St 37,600 Brannen, Felicia A., 1340 W. Fortieth PI 26,400 Bransford, John S., 662 S. Westmoreland Ave 15,400 Brant, Elliott, Owensmouth, Gal 244,600 Brashear, Ghas. W., R. D. No. 7, Gahuenga and Ballon Rd... 97,800 Brassey, .May L., 2368 W. Washington St 60,800 Bratnober, Augustus G. (Heirs), 711 Central Bldg 32,000 Bratnober, Ida G., 401 S. Boylston St 11,400 Brauer, Adolph K., 345 S. Spring St 25,800 Braun, Frederick W., 715 Marsh-Strong Bldg 1,070,000 Braun, Hulda, 207 N. Normandie Ave 12,200 Bray, Belle, 616 St. Paul Ave 15,800 Bray, Mary, 2430 S. Flower St 16,400 Brearley, Samuel R., 732 Citizens National Bank Bldg 16,800 Breeden, H. Glay, 1115 S. Lake St 383,000 Brent, Edwin J., 20 Berkeley Sq 326,200 Bresee, Phineas W., 1712 W. Adams St 10,200 Bretherton, Walter L., 824 S. New Hampshire Ave 10,400 Brick, Alexander, 745 S. Broadway 57,000 Brick, Nicholas W., 1459 S. Norton Ave 30,000 Briggs, Fred E., 1762 Crenshaw Blvd 11,600 Briggs, George G., 615 H. W. Hellman Bldg 9,000 Briggs, Hannah E., 683 S. Irolo St 11,200 Briggs, Mary, Eleventh Floor, Brack Shops 109,800 Briggs, Mary A., 3734 W. Adams St 279,200 Briggs, Sidney L., 834 N. Oxford Ave 12,000 Bright, John, 242 W. Sixteenth St 11,400 Brill, Mary H., 515 S. Harvard Blvd 11,000 Brill, Wm., 620 S. Grand Ave : 818,800 Brine, Samuel G. L., 2822 S. Figueroa St 12,600 LOS ANGELBS, CAÏ.. 17 Brink, Katherine L., 4251 Dalton Ave $ 27,800 Brinlnstool, Frank M., 1301 Palmetto St 115,000 Brisacher, Herman, 3103 S. Figueroa St 19,800 Brisacher, Jules, 3103 S. Figueroa St 11,000 Bristol, Jennie L., 591 Lincoln Ave 22,400 Bristol, Luther, 1803 Magnolia Ave 14,800 Bristol, Mary L., 1817 W. Pico St 11,200 Brlles, Franklin T., 214 N. Los Angeles St 31,200 Brltt, Eugene W., 1131 Title Insurance Bldg 60,000 Broadhead, Thos. H., 1337 Maycrest St 14,600 Brobst, Mabel I., 757 "W. Eighteenth St 11,600 Brock, Evelina B., 919 Kensington Rd 448,000 Brockhage, Elizabeth, 4016 Wllshlre Blvd 14,000 Brockmann, Lucille, 6003 Yucca St 15,400 Brockway, Byron P., 615 S. Carondelet St 32,200 Brod, John M., 1959 Estrella Ave 26,800 Brode, Alex. C., 725 S. Vermont Ave 64,200 Brode, Walter C., 666 S. Carondelet St 16,600 Broderson, Otto J., R. D. No. 4, Box 510, Los Angeles 10,400 Brodbeck, Henry W., 1751 Buckingham Rd 14,000 Brodek, Samuel (Helrs), 457 N. Serrano Ave 19,200 Brodtbeck, Emilie, 3173 Wllshlre Blvd 148,600 Broennlman, Eleanor R., 2054 Argyle Ave 14,400 Brokaw, John B., 5947 Hollywood Blvd 111,200 Brombacher, Julius, 1674 Long Beach Ave 22,600 Brooklns, Oscar E., 617 E. Ninth St 20,800 Brooks, Wm., 1241 Los Feliz Rd 19,600 Brossart, Julia, 2621% Pasadena Ave., Los Angeles 13,200 Brotherton, Hulda R., 4555 Flnley Ave 45,200 Brown, Alice M., 949 S. Hoover St 362,600 Brown, Charlotte E., 1368 S. Flower St 25,000 Brown, Chas. H., 5301 Brynhurst Ave 12,200 Brown, Chester W., 919 W. Adams St 63,200 Brown, F. E. (Heirs), 403 S. Hill St 167,600 Brown, Fred L., 403 S. Hill St 16,800 Brown, George W., 740 S. Catalina St 109,000 Brown, Harrington, 3975 S. Vermont Ave 218,200 Brown, Jacob G., R. D. No. 1, Palms, Cal 25,000 Brown, James H., 1784 N. Orange Dr 18,600 Brown, Joel E., 745 S. Oxford Ave 16,200 Brown, John A., 150 W. Sixteenth St 39,600 Brown, Lydia A., 1224 Victoria Ave 45,000 Brown, Luther C., R. D. No. 1, Palms, Cal 73,400 Brown, Marie V., 671 S. Coronado St 13,800 Brown, Mary, R. D. No. 1, Palms, Cal 50,200 Brown, Maurice, 715 W. Forty-first St 19,600 18 IOS ANGELES, CAL. Brown, Orville E., 428 Boyd St $ 52,000 Brown, S. Barton, 1435 Alvarado Terrace 36,000 Brown, W. Arthur, 224 Copp Bldg 17,600 Brown, Wm. B., 355 S. Normandie Ave 17,200 Brown, Wm. L., 672 S. Westmoreland Ave 15,000 Browne, Bertha, 3219 S. Pigueroa St 36,800 Browne, Kate M., 426 S. Ardmore Ave 14,400 Brownewell, Joseph S., 504 E. Twenty-third St 11,800 Browning, Adele S., 927 Bonnie Brae St 30,000 Brownridge, Fannie G., 321 S. Hohart Blvd 13,200 Brownsberger, Florida, 819 N. Bonnie Brae 112,000 Brownstein, Aleck, 1001 E First St 11,200 Brownstein, Caroline, 669 Westmoreland Ave 15,600 Brownstein, Elsie H., 703 S. Catalina St 39,400 Brownyard, Roberta L., 824 Golden Ave 28,000 Bruce, Auhert E., 6729 Yucca St 18,200 BrufBat, Martin, 2839 Leeward St 10,000 Brundage, Marcia, D., 7002 Hawthorne Ave 13,800 Bruns, C. F. W. Richard, 2702 Wilshire Blvd 25,200 Bruns, Sarah, 132 E. Thirty-flfth St 13,200 Brunsen, Delford B., 617 S. Hohart Blvd 17,800 Brunswig, Lucien N., 3528 W. Adams St 119,600 Bryan, Eiden P., 856 S. Hill St 737,000 Bryant, Findley M., 439 S. Serrano Ave 11,400 Bryant, May S., 1234 Eiden Ave 48,000 Bryant, Rose C., 1723 N. McCadden Fl 14,000 Bryant, Stella A., 421 S. St. Andrews Fl 13,600 Bryant, Susanna F., care of A. O. Adams, 730 F. E .Bldg... 608,400 Bryant, Wesley J., 547 S. Kingsley Dr 25,000 Brydges, Ralph L., 5568 Melrose Ave 13,800 Brydon, Robert W., 239 S. Main St 20,000 Bryson, Evaline, 410 Bryson Blk 9,200 Bryson, Geo. W., R. D. No. 3, Box 497, Los Angeles 20,000 Buck, Anna Marie, 460 S. Ardmore Ave 24,400 Buchanan, Emma M., 345 S. Kenmore Ave 25,400 Buckingham, Clara D., 1909 S. Harvard Blvd 370,000 Buckingham, Wm. J., 4051 S. Vermont Ave 13,400 Buckins, Jessie E. A., 907 W. Eighteenth St 11,800 Budau, John H. D., San Fernando, Cal 16,400 Budreau, Carrie B., 319 W. Seventeenth St 10,800 Bugbee, George, 1143 S. Hoover St 8,400 Bugbee, Mary A., 2915 S. Figueroa St 11,000 Buhr, Stephen, 1330 S. Los Angeles St 35,800 Bullard, Frank D., 1241 W. Eighth St 11,000 Bullard, J. A. (Heirs), 308 Bullard Bldg 57.400 Bullard, Jacob B., 1744 N. Vine St 10,200 LOS ANGELES, CAL. 19 Buller, Rosa B., 529 S. Harvard Blvd $ 12,200 Bullinger, Willis H., 526 S. Commonwealth Ave 29,200 Bullis, Wm. S., 525 S. Westlake Ave 24,600 Bullock, John G., 627 S. Ardmore Ave 92,000 Bumiller, Arthur W., 453 Commercial St 533,200 Bumiller, Eckley B., 713 Rampart St 13,000 Bundy, Charles L., 1023 Investment Bldg 60,000 Bunner, Ella M., 1207 Maryland St 11,400 Burbaga, Margaret, 508 S. St. Andrews PI 10,800 Burbank, Amos L., 503 Grant Bldg 45,000 Burch, George W., Owensmouth, Cal 26,000 Burch, Henry Kenyon, 715 S. Oxford Ave 26,000 Burch, Mary Ella, 2408 S. Figueroa St 23,000 Bürge, Elizabeth E., 1219 S. Arlington Ave 18,400 Burger, Prank E., 4801 S. Alameda St 28,800 Burgess, Arthur S., 608 S. St. Andrews PI 16,800 Burgwald, Augusta, 930 Westmoreland 34,600 Burke, Anna W., 1749 Virginia Rd 11,600 Burke, David L., 5829 Moneta Ave 22,000 Burke, John P., 505 Andrews Blvd 36,600 Burke, Samuel E., 624 Trust & Savings Bldg 17,600 Burkelman, Mary J. S., 938 Beacon St 59,200 Burkhard, Herman J., 1219 Merchants National Bank Bldg.. 106.400 Burkhardt, Adolph, 945 W. Twentieth St 11,200 Burkhart, Isaac, 111 W. Jefferson St 67,800 Burmester, Mary, 205 W. Fifty-fifth St 24,600 Bums, Alfred E., 545 S. Oxford Ave 11,000 Burns, Clara N., 3538 Wilshire Blvd 22,000 Bums, James P., 525 S. Broadway 60,000 Bums, Jed W., 672 S. Serrano Ave 26,000 Burns, John W., 3111 S. Main St 15,800 Bums, Mabel E., 1076 W. Sixth St 49,200 Burns, Mathew P., 413 S. Main St 95,600 Burns, Robert L., 680 S. Berendo St 30,000 Bums, Wm. E., 336 S. Kenmore Ave 10,800 Burnell, Geo. Edwin, 1436 S. Flower St 81,600 Bumham, Katherine P., 401 S. Kingsley Dr 18,200 Burnett, Chas. H., 2215 Third Ave 16,800 Burrowes, Elizabeth M., 963 Magnolia Ave 18,400 Burrows, Edwin H., 5851 Franklin Ave 15,400 Burroughs, Edgar R., R. D. No. 2, Box 109, Van Nuys 80,000 Bursche, Carl G., R. D. No. 1, Gardena Cal 10,200 Burton, Geo. H., 976 Eiden Ave 10,400 Burton, Geo. W., 954 N. Oxford Ave 16,800 Burton, James A. C., 1527 N. Main St 18,600 Burton, John A., 541 S. Ardmore Ave 184,000 20 I.OS ANGELES, CAL. Burton, Lizzie J., 810 Occidental Blvd Î 13,000 Burwash, Nathaniel C., 820 E. Kensington 10,800 Busch, Albert H., 150 N. Los Angeles St 204,600 Busch, Reinhardt J., 144 S. Broadway 20,000 Bush, Sidney J., 204 N. Union Ave 13,800 Bush, Wm. E., 1701 S. Grand Ave 64,000 Bushey, Christina, 1351 S. Olive St 16,200 Bustamante, Mrs. J. P., 1844 Virginia Rd 10,600 Bustin, John F., San Fernando, Cal 10,600 Butler, Mary D., 261 1. W. Hellman Bldg 16,000 Butt, Allen D. (Heirs), 522 H. W. Hellman Bldg 65,600 Butte, Wm. P., 1251 S. Gramercy PI 12,000 Butterfleld, Edwin S., 801 N. Avenue Sixty-six 54,000 Butterfleld, Henry K., 4336 Victoria Park Dr 12,400 Butterworth, E. S., 614 Security Bldg 10,600 Button, S. Mabbett, 1847 Crenshaw Blvd 12,000 Button, Wm., 1935 W. Twenty-second St 11,800 Button, Wm. J., 207 W. Lexington Dr., Glendale 18,000 Buxton, Lynn C., 1156 S. Figueroa St 52,000 Buxton, Wm. L., 1527 W. Forty-seventh St 17,000 Byington, Emma M., 405 W. Adams St 12,400 Byron, John L., 338 S. St. Andrews PI 80,000 Byrne, John J., 630 W. Twenty-eighth St 20,400 Byrnes, Adelaide, 3073 W. Pico St 20,800 Cahill, Emma H., 1154 Magnolia Ave 15,400 Cahill. Dennis J., 2925 W. Eighth St 9,800 Cahn, Henry S., 931 E. Pico St 41,400 Cain, John C., 120 W. Sixteenth St 13,900 Callahan, Essie A., 1018 Van Nuys Bldg 11,000 Caldwell, Frank, 825 Crocker St 23,400 Calhoun, Minnie E., 869 S. Ardmore Ave 25,000 Calkins, Frederick G., 233 Andrews Blvd 65,600 Call, Dora C., 1033 Beacon St 122,000 Call, Joseph H., 1033 Beacon St 219,800 Call, Lucina M., 135 Laurel Ave., Hollywood 12,000 Camarillo, Adolfo, 609 S. Manhattan PI 17,600 Camp, Edgar W., 729 I. N. Van Nuys Bldg 27,800 Campbell, Ida M., 625 S. Harvard Blvd 30,000 Campbell, Mary K., 121 N. Avenue Twenty-two 16,200 Campbell, Patrick C., 1040 S. Gramercy PI 15,000 Campbell, Robert M., 835 W. First St 45,400 Campbell, Wilbur D., 810 S. Alvarado St 150,200 Campbell, Wm., 6185 Woodman Ave., Van Nuys 13,400 Canepa, Nicola, 4141 Wall St 70,600 Canfleld, Chas. A. (Heirs), care of 1006 Security Bldg 88,000 Canfleld, Ella F., 1324 Carroll Ave 20,600 LOS ANGELES, CAL. 21 Cannon, John M., 119 N. Hobart Blvd $ 28,000 Capell, Malcolm S., 1107 W. Forty-flrst PI 72,800 Capen, Clara E., 818 W. Adams St 22,800 Carey, Fannie C., 1145% S. Figueroa St 50,600 Carey, Frank, 2503 W. Pico St 35,800 Carey, Thomas, 2190 W. Adams St 82,000 Carey, Wm. E., 1610 Winona Blvo 31,000 Caress, Jerome, 1621 Golden Gate Ave 35,800 Carleton, Dale, 748 S. Flower St 126,000 Carlson, Henry, 710 W. Third St 21,800 Carlson, Hugo A., Owensmouth, Cal 24,000 Carlton, Lillian M., 1024 Eiden Ave 188,400 Carpenter, Clara B., 1205 W. Twenty-seventh St 72,200 Carpenter, Hugh M., 1722 Wilcox Ave 39,400 Carpenter, Norman D., 1201 Westchester PI 13,600 Carr, Ellen, D. R. No. 10, Box 860A, Los Angeles 12,400 Carr, Joseph Elmer, 143 Westmoreland PI 1,654,600 Carr, Larkin W., 223 S. Coronado St 12,200 Carrese, Alex., 479 W. Sixth St., San Pedro 13,000 Carson, Alpha O. (Heirs), 415 H. W. Hellman Bldg 101,200 Carson, Nellie M., 1001 Westlake Ave 25,600 Carter, Arthur F., 1336 Maltman Ave 16,600 Carter, Fred L., 442 S. Kenmore Ave 12,000 Carter, Hen^, 1522 W. Twenty-eighth St 12,200 Carter, Jessie B., 1015 Marsh-Strong Bldg 10,800 Carter, Martin G., 129 Fremont Pl.... 13,000 Carter, Mary, 833 Beacon St 61,000 Carter, Robert W., 1746 W. Forty-seventh St. 11,400 Carter, S. C., 767 S. San Pedro St 31,000 Carver, Grant D., 1718 Las Palmas Ave 24,000 Gary, Nancy E., 2525 Temple St 11,000 Case, Fred H., 844 Windsor St 10,200 Casebeer, Arthur J., 505 S. Serrano Ave 192,000 Casserini, Babtlsta (Heirs), R. D. No. 2, Bx. 697, Los Angeles 49,600 Casey, Josephine F., 1360 S. Grand Ave 16,800 Casey, Mary E., 620 S. St. Andrews PI 18,600 Cashin, Henrietta E., 1551 Ingraham St 11,800 Cashion, James Arthur, 2765 Francis Ave 8,000 Cason, Mary E. Moody, 7230 Franklin Ave 12,400 Cass, Alonzo B., 716 S. Olive St 14,600 Cass, Bruce H., 1211 W. Twenty-eighth St 13,400 Cassano, Antolnetta, 605 Wall St 29,200 Cassellberry, Wm. W., 1727 W. Twenty-fourth St 31,400 Caswell, Wm. M., 320 S. Westlake Ave 15,200 Castellano, Emil, 517 N. Main St 27,800 Castello, Mary M., 2142 Canyon Dr 75^000 22 LOS ANGELBS, CAL. Castles, Alfred G., 1901 Argyle Ave $ 30,000 Castruccio, Clotilde G., 404 Equitable Savings Bldg 152,800 Castruccio, Peter, 404 Equitable Savings Bldg 20,400 Cates, Chas. B., 1664 Girard St 44,400 Cattem, Clara Newton, 604 Washington Bldg 157,400 Catudal, Mederic, 1126 S. Grand View 10,600 Cazaux, Jean, 256 S. St. Andrews PI 127,000 Cecil, Mary C., 689 S. New Hampshire Ave 15,400 Cerf, Ralph, 538 S. Oxford Ave 76,200 Chadeayne, Ulysses G., 6370 Hazelton St., Van Nuys 12,000 Chaffee, Hugh G., 387 S. Broadway 36,000 Chaffey, Andrew M., 400 Hibernian Bldg 130,400 Chaffln, Geo., 1031 S. Grand View 18,000 Chalfln, M. Mabel, 317 W. Thirty-flrst St 28,000 Chamberlain, Caroline, 1326 Maryland St 31,800 Chamberlain, Lee, 401 N. Vermont Ave 28,000 Chamberlain, Ollie C., 1220 W. Ninth St 71,600 Chamberlin, Wm. H., 1927 S. Oxford Ave 10,200 Chambers, Edith, 5348 Russell Ave 18,000 Chambers, George D., 556 S. Oxford Ave 119,000 Chambers, Mary, 216 W. Twenty-second St 14,000 Chambers, Walter C., 1842 Garfield PI 14,600 Chandler, Ann Eliza (Heirs), Parkdale Ave 21,200 Chandler, Anna Lewis, 955 S. Ei Molino Ave., Los Angeles.. 10,000 Chandler, Edgar D., 522 S. Kingsley Dr 15,000 Chandler, Jefferson P., 1026 Union Oil Bldg 17,200 Chandler, Jessie M., 955 S. El Molino St 20,000 Chandler, Leo S., 637 W. Twenty-third St 10,400 Chandler, Ralph J., 526 S. Flower St 13,200 Chandler, Walter M., 213 S. Coronado St 23,800 Chapman, A. B. (Estate), 431 Security Bldg 559,800 Chapman, Alfred Scott, 306 E. Twenty-fifth St 52,200 Chapman, Chas. C., 600 S. Normandie Ave 166,600 Chapman, Katherine M., 1903 Oxford Ave 20,000 Chapman, Richard B., 1201 W. Fifth St 101,000 Chapman, Ward, 1903 Oxford Ave 85,800 Chappel, Louise O., 5964 Carlton Way 13,400 Chappell, M. A., 611 W. Seventh St 41,200 Charles, Rose E., 1638 Orange St 10,800 Charnock, Geo. B., Palms, Cal 191,200 Chase, Chas. W., 803 Haas Bldg 122,800 Chase, Fannie F., 803 Haas Bldg .,. 59,000 Chase, Fred G., 118 W. Seventh St 12,800 Chase, J. Warren, Van Nuys, Cal 28,000 Chase, Lucius K., 443 Title Insurance Bldg 15,000 Chase, Mildred, 1032 W. Eighteenth St 20,000 LOS ANGELES. CAL. 23 Chase, Neelie H., 3000 S. Grand Ave $ 24,400 Chase, Philip B., 1633 N. Wilcox Ave 35,200 Chase, Ralph A., 939 S. Harvard Blvd 10,400 Chavez, Louisa, R. D. No. 1, Box 46, Palms, Cal 27,200 Cheesman, Chas. D., 2921 S. Pigueroa St 16,600 Cheever, Edward A., 716 E. Adams St 35,600 Cheney, Leah J., 1511 S. Figueroa St 13,200 Cheney, Sarah E., 15 Berkeley Sq 283,600 Cheney, Wm. A., 1913 Ocean View 13,600 Chevalley, Alfred, Universal City, Cal 17,800 Chew, Mary A., 421 W. Eighth St 54,000 Chick, Wm., 2710 Normandie Ave 98,000 Chilberg, Carolyn, 912 W. Sixth St 25,200 Chillis, Lizzie, 1032 Byram St 85,200 Childress, John W., 1198 W. Thirty-flfth St 40,600 Childs, Albert W., 915 W. Washington St 26,000 Childs, Emeline, 3100 W. Adams St 410,000 Childs, Frank, 1328 W. Twenty-second St 10,400 Childs, Gertrude R., 3100 W. Adams St 16,400 Childs, Daniel B., 2227 S. Hobart Blvd 14,000 Chilson, Mabel S., 930 W. Jefferson St 32,200 Chipron, Francis D., 224 W. First St 12,800 Christian, Mary J., 1321 Laurel Ave., Hollywood 10,400 Christian, W. L., 743 S. Union Ave 12,000 Christensen, Alice M., 1600 W. Forty-eighth St 11,200 Christensen, Jacob, 5617 Virginia Ave 10,800 Christensen, Marie, 1238 S. Pacific St., San Pedro 13,000 Christie, Haldane H., 7001 Hollywood Blvd 58,600 Christopher, Louis J., 816 S. Union Ave 43,800 Church, Henry A., 1502 Victoria Ave 10,600 Church, Norman W., 2105 W. Adams St 30,000 Cilker, John M., San Fernando, Cal 12,600 Clampitt, Edward A. (Heirs), 301 S. Alexandria Ave 219,400 Clampitt, Maggie, 301 S. Alexandria Ave 26,000 Clancy, Anna G., 139 W. Eighteenth St 12,800 Clapsaddle, May F., 325 W. Twenty-seventh St 13,600 Clark, Alice D., 1038 Eiden Ave 11,600 Clark, Alice G. (Heirs), 2205 W. Adams St 130,000 Clark, Amanda E., 903 Lake St 262,000 Clark, Anna B., 453 E. Adams St 105,400 Clark, Arthur J., 1343 Laurel Ave., Hollywood 15,800 Clark, Asa A., 2637 Ellendale PI 12,400 Clark, Chas. H., 704 S. Broadway 25,200 Clark, Eli P., 637 Cons. Realty Bldg 1,983,400 Clark, Elizabeth M., 4325 Victoria Park Dr 11,200 Clark, Eugene P., 3 St. James Park 16,800 24 1-US ANGELES, CAL. Clark, John F., 1259 Third Ave $ 35,000 Clark, J. Ross., 710 W. Adams St 227,200 Clark, Lucy H., care of 637 Cons. Realty Bldg 86,000 Clark, Mary D., 1244 Fourth Ave 14,400 Clark, Mary T., 2323 S. Grand Ave 10,000 Clark, Miriam A., 710 W. Adams St 91,400 Clark, Mollie E., 1555 S. Manhattan PI 12,200 Clark, Percy H., 3425 W. Adams St 29,200 Clark, Thos. B., 911 S. Hill St 22,800 Clark, Wesley, 704 Story Bldg 2,124,400 Clark, Wm. A., Jr., 2205 W. Adams St 22,000 Clark, Viola S., 1636C Sixth Ave 11,200 Clarke, Catherine, 1844 N. Bronson Ave 14,200 Clarke, Daniel, 3566 S. Figueroa St 18,800 Clarke, Mildred L., 1850 Wilton PI 16,800 Clarke, Robert D., 699 S. New Hampshire Ave 13,400 Clarke, Sarah F., 2118 S. Main St 37,200 Cleland, Thomas E., 13951 Ventura Blvd., Van Nuys 12,200 Clemson, George W., 620 S. Oxford Ave 32,000 Clemson, Lutie M., 620 S. Oxford Ave 20,000 Clever, Harry J., Haskell Ave., Van Nuys, Cal 12,600 Clifford, Chas. E., 746 S. Carondelet St 21,000 Clifford, John M., 642 S. Spring St 20,600 Clifford, Wm., 1755 El Cerrito PI 15,800 Cline, George T., 1409 S. Gramercy PI 488,400 Cline, Hester A., 902 W. Tenth St 13,400 Cline, John Welby, 629 N. Ardmore Ave 10,400 Cline, Margaret L., 958 S. Bonnie Brae 12,200 Cline, Walter B., 2530 S. Figueroa St 60,000 Cline, Wm. Henry, 214 W. Third St 18,800. Clos, Peter, 404 Equitable Savings Bldg 37,400 Clotfelter, W. Thurston, 405 W. Adams St 11,200 Cloud, Emma, 555 S. Serrano Ave 704,000 Clune, Wm. H., 807 Knickerbocker Bldg 1,093,600 Coan, Thomas E., 1035 W. Vernon Ave 15,000 Coberly, Florence B., 7047 Franklin Ave 30,000 Coberly, J. E., 2219 W. Pico St 107,200 Cochran, Guy, 234 Loma Dr 21,000 Cochran, Isabelle M., 2249 Harvard Blvd 71,600 Cochran, Lida J., 1942 S. Hobart Blvd 28,200 Cochran, William G., 1550 W. Second St 45,000 Cochrane, Thos. J., 1810 El Cerrito PI 10,800 Cocke, John R., 1017 Browning Blvd 36,000 Cockins, James M., 2426 S. Figueroa St 30,400 Code, Wm. H., 7231 Hillside Ave 19,0'00 LOS ANGELES, CAL. 25 Codington, Frank P., 3228 Huron St $ 11,200 Coddington, Ralph W., 843 Beacon St 40,200 Coffield, Glen A., 1137 W. Fifty-first Fl 23,800 Coffey, Eva K., 694 S. Ardmore Ave 12,000 Coffin, Jessica B., 2208 W. Twentieth St 10,80o Cogswell, Horatio, 1244 S. Van Ness Ave 12,200 Cogswell, Lizzie H., 1425 Heid St 21,800 Cohen, Emanuel, care of Hellman Bank, Sixth and Main.... 11,800 Cohn, Abraham B., 273 S. Main St 246,600 Cohn, Albert, 215 S. Main St 486,200 Cohn, Celia, 914 W. Eighteenth St 67,800 Cohn, Eleanor E., 1220 S. Westlake Ave 74,000 Cohn, Hulda, 2601 S. Grand Ave 72,000 Cohn, Isidore, 421 S. Spring St 14,000 Cohn, Leonard B., 432 S. Main St 10,200 Cohn, Louise B., 273 S. Main St 31,000 Cohn, Meyer, 403 S. Hill St 24,000 Cohn, Mina N., 602 Norton Ave 12,400 Cohn, Morris B., 273 S. Main St 120,000 Cohn, Sam B., 432 S. Main St 10,200 Cohn, Winnie B., 2833 Francis St 26,600 Cohn, Wm., 717 S. Alvarado St 14,000 Colburn, Albert E., 806 S. Broadway 55,400 Colby, George A., 1848 N, Kingsley Dr ,.... 13.200 Golden, Chas. J., 1034 W. Twenty-fifth St., San Pedro 20,000 Cole, Bessie G., 6205 Lexington Ave 30,200 Cole, Cornelius, 6121 Lexington Ave' 163,400 Cole, Ernest. 2415 S. Main St 28,000 Cole, Geo. L., 800 Auditorium Bldg 16,400 Cole, Geo. T., 6201 Afton PI 38,200 Cole, Géraldine F., 6104 Lexington Ave 12,800 Cole, Louis M., 650 S. New Hampshire Ave 66,000 Cole, Schuyler, 6205 Lexington Ave 18,000 Cole, Seward, 1156 El Centro St 70,000 Cole, Zachary T., 1233 Westlake Ave 73,600 Coleman, Clara L., 728 W. Twenty-eighth St 20,800 Coleman, Edward M., 727 S. Ardmore Ave 11,800 Coleman, Margaret, 1525 Fifth Ave 134,800 Coleman, Mary A., 757 S. Bonnie Brae 28,000 Colgan, James R., 731 S. Main St 12,400 Colgan, Mary A., 1449 W. Twenty-fifth St 110,400 Colgan, Wm. L., 1449 W. Twenty-fifth St 15,200 Collins, Burton V., 531 Shatto PI 54,000 Collins, Elizabeth C., 727 S. Broadway 10,200 Collins, Emilie K., R. D. No. 7, Box 653, Los Angeles 22,000 Collins, Michael T., 2930 Stephenson Ave 53,000 26 LOS ANGELES, CAL. Collins, Richard A., 1902 Fifth Ave $125,600 Collins, Richard J., 815% E. Fifth St 27,400 Colyear, Curtis C., 509 S. Main St 26,200 Comstock, Blanche H., 827 S. Beacon St 11,200 Comstock, Walter H., 504 Lucerne Blvd 13,400 Conant, Francis J., 173 S. Burlington Ave 13,400 Conaty, Julia B., 1359% S. Alvarado St 10,200 Condee, Chas. H., Pacific Mutual Bldg 15,000 Condit, Roy D., 614 S. Hill St 10,000 Conklin, Chas. A., 127 N. Bunker Hill St 17,200 Conkling, Bita B., 826 E. Forty-second St 10,000 Conley, John, 303 S. Manhattan PI 13,600 Connell, Catherine, 136 N. Olive St 72,200 Connell, John F., 324 Stimson Bldg 71,200 Connell, Mary, 216 W. Fourteenth St 10,600 Connell, Michael J., 746 S. Los Angeles St 1,128,500 Conner, Edward H., 1505 S. Manhattan PI 10,200 Conner, Mary C., 103 N. Boyle Ave 25,400 Connolly, Joseph P., 7901 Budlong Ave 178,000 Connoly, Wm. A., 1022 Leighton Ave 52,000 Constable, Sophia J., 630 W. Adams St 14,000 Conway, Adrien C., 420 S. Hobart Blvd 10,000 Conway, Mary R., 4152 Brighton Ave 81,800 Conway, Matt, 1032 Citizens National Bank Bldg 90,600 Cook, Mary J., 2005 Ivar St 17,800 Cook, Myrta, E., 1853 N. Bronson Ave 34,800 Cook, Joseph, 2715 Severance St 12,600 Cook, Virginia D., 2715 Severance St 11,800 Cooney, Kate, 626 S. Hope St 44,000 Coons, Benj. F., 1003 S. Bonnie Brae 13 600 Cooper, Milton G., 422 S. Mariposa Ave 16,000 Cooper, Phyllis E., 1409 Elevado St 12,400 Cooper, Sanson M., 435 Lorraine Blvd 31,000 Cooper, Wm. B., 741 Title Insurance Bldg 10,400 Cooper, Wm. Huntling, 1843 S. Gramercy PI 24,000 Cope, Anna L., 2301 Bellevue Ave 16,800 Cope, Margaret E., 1055 Orange St 21,000 Copeland, Sallie, 630 W. Sixteenth St 12,400 Copp, Andrew J., 1222 Ingraham St 240,400 Corby, Blanche K., 1129 W. Sixth St 12,600 Cordary, Eugene H., 1317 W. Forty-first St 12,000 Cornell, Dalton T., 612 Marsh-Strong Bldg 10,800 Cornell, Fred, 2711 W. Ninth St 12,400 Com well, Lydia J., 1501 Ingraham St 16,800 Corawell, Wm. C., R. D. No. 1, Box 132, Van Nuys 10,800 Corson, Geo. W., 1241 W. Ninth St 24,000 LOS ANGELES, CAL. 27 Cortelyou, Geo. A., 534 Bradbury Bldg $ 33,000 Corwin, Wm. B., 2065 W. Sixth St 72,000 Cosby, May Barrett, 356 S. Hobart Blvd 11,000 Coslett, Chas. P., 1901 Fourth Ave 10,400 Couch, Cora E., 2945 Brighton Ave 26,600 Coulter, Alice W., 18 Berkeley Sq 27,000 Coulter, Lelia E., 3018 W. Eighth St | 22,000 Coots, Ysidora ß., 1422 S. St. Andrews PI 11,400 Cover, Perry D., 1111 Eiden Ave 22,600 Covert, Alice H., 443 S. Virgil Ave 50,200 Covington, Mary A., 1019 S. St. Andrews PI 21,000 Cowan, Earl, 465 E. Third St 79,800 Cowan, Ethel H., 6733 Selma Ave 12,000 Cowan, James F., 3401 Mission Rd 32,000 Cowles, Josiah E., 625 Merchants National Bank Bldg 75,000 Cowley, Linnie, 1421 S. Oxford Ave 12,200 Cox, Henrietta O., 1730 Sycamore Ave 14,800 Coyne, Nannie, 941 Towne Ave 11,400 Crabtree, "Wm. Henry, 2827 Hyans St 21,800 Craig, Jay C., Owensmouth, Cal 10,200 Craig, .lohn J., 720 Ferguson Bldg 29,000 Craig, Julia R., Sherman Way, Owensmouth, Cal 14,200 Craig, Mrs. R. L., 700 S. Berendo St 20,200 Craig, Wm. T., 528 S. Harvard Blvd 42,800 Crail, Joe S., 612 Union Oil Bldg 30,000 Crail, Wm. H., 1349 Toberman St 37,000 Crandall, Chas. A., 4302 S. Hoover St 10,600 Crandall, Ida M., 443 S. Manhattan PI 10,400 Crandall, Jasper E., 433 S. Manhattan PI 15,000 Crandall, Walter G., 709 Lorraine Blvd 11,600 Crary, Hattie H., 1025 S. Arapahoe St 226,000 Crawford, Dora G., 200 S. Manhattan PI 10,400 Crawford, Elizabeth, 1535 Fuller Ave 11,800 Crawford, Frank H., 509 S. Oxford Ave 13,000 Crawford, James L., 997 S. St. Andrews PI 10,60® Crawford, K. J., 620 Ferguson Bldg 12.800 Crawford, Wm. Kay., 620 Ferguson Bldg 118,500 Cravens, Arch H., Owensmouth, Cal 22,000 Cravens, Geo. M., Owensmouth, Cal 15,000 Creamer, Michael, 1720 Hobart Blvd 13,200 Creedan, Ellen, 1336 S. Figueroa St 53,000 Creighton, Bettle M., 19 St. James Park 15,600 Crellin, Chas. V., 123 Llewellyn St 15,600 Cribb, Edward C., 308 Central Bldg 10,400 Crickmore, Aimer H., 673 S. Bonnie Brae 12,000 Crittenden, Harley E., 1427B Wright St 27,000 2g L,OS ANGELÊS, CAL. Crocker, Ada R., 1230 Orange St I 10,400 Crocker, Henry A., 112 W. Sixth St., San Pedro 20,000 Crocker. Wm. H., 1318 S. Paciflc Ave., San Pedro 18,806 Cromer, Geo. F., 932 S. Bonnie Brae 10,206 Cronmiiier, Wm. F., 3956 Ingraham St 50,000 Cronln, Dan, 2511 S. Trinity St 16,800 Cross. Albert P., 703 Merchants Trust Bldg 24,000 Cross, Laura L., 339 Loma Dr _. 24,800 Cross, Lester E., 315 N. Broadway '. 198,400 Crossman, Diana A., 4514% Hollywood Blvd 13,000 Crowe, Geo. M., 401 S. Spring St 11,600 Croweil, Caleb T., 901 S. Union Ave 187,800 Crowell, Ella G., 901 S. Union Ave 129,000 Croweil, Hiland R., 810 Beacon St 17,200 Croweil, Weymouth, 902 S. Aivarado St 467,000 Crowley, John H., 3101 Manitou Ave 23,000 Crowley, Mary E., 1150 S. Lake St 24,800 Crutcher, Albert, 1111 Merchants National Bank Bldg 183,200 Culver, Alex.. First and Broadway . 33,200 Culver, Sarah J., 1129 S. Flgueroa St 32,800 Cummins, John C. F., 934 Menlo Ave 10,200 Cummlngs, Wilbur E., 5103 Franklin Ave 366,200 Cunningham, Margaret, 2045 W. Washington St 414,000 Cureton, John C., 3412 E. Sixth St 13,600 Cunningham, Thos. J., 1802 Crenshaw Blvd 45,40o Curl, Martha, 746% S. New Hampshire Ave 15,000 Curlett, Aleck B., 1712 W. Ninth St 19,600 Curran, Wm. M., 4153 Brighton Ave 14,000 Currle, Albert H., 1150 Arapahoe St 9,200 Currier, Alvan T., Currier Bldg 122,400 Curtln, George R., 148 N. Gramercy PI 23,400 Curtis, Edward Allen, 509 Van Nuys Bldg 99,600 Curtis, Emma F., 2208 W. Pico St 17,200 Curtis, Ethelyn A., 552 S. St. Louis St 29,000 Curtis, Lillian, 326 S. Oxford Ave 23,600 Cushner, Chas. I., 535 W. Pico. St 16,400 Cussen, James, 1133 S. Flower St 31,600 Cutts, George H., 1317 Aivarado Terrace 738,000 Cuzner, James, Box 622, Station C, Los Angeles 64,400 Dabbs, Joslah L., 1414 S. St. Andrews PI 15,200 Dack, Celestlne, 701 S. Ardmore Ave 13,600 Dacy, Agnes C.. 1424 Connecticut St 13,600 Daggett, Chas. H., 1405 Kellem Ave 61,000 Dalton, Frederick P., 1100 W. Flfty-flfth St 24,600 Dalton, Hattle E., 1436 E. Washington St 28,000 Dalton, Mary M., 1000 S. Lake Sf 11,200 LOS ANGELES, CAL. 29 Dalton, Sarah B., 1156 W. Fifty-flfth St » 58,600 Dalton, Winnall T., 1000 S. Lake St 96,000 Daly, Edward J., 3442 S. Flower St 15,600 Daly, John J., 2885 Sunset PI 9,400 Daly, Joseph B., R. D. No. 1, San Fernando, Cal 40,000 Dangerfleld, Benjamin, 438 S. Hobart Blvd 10,000 Dannis, Louis, 3851 S. Hobart Blvd 11,600 Danziger, J. M., Security Bldg 48,000 Danziger, Morris, 745 S. Broadway 38,200 Darlington, Barton, 550 Wilcox Bldg 24,800 Darmody, Thomas J., 2930 W. Fifteenth St 10,400 Davenport, De Witt L., 2309 Raymond Ave 14,000 Davenport, Frances W., 642 St. Paul Ave 16,000 Daves, Arthur, 629 S. Harvard Blvd 21,200 Davids, Mark A., 958 Grand View 38,600 Davidson, Anstruther, 419 S. Alvarado St 10,200 Davidson, Arthur N., 305 Security Bldg 255,600 Davidson, Emma B., 1327 Wright St 17,600 Davidson, Francis C., 1210 S. Hope St 13,600 Davidson, Julia M., 838 Beacon St 111,600 Davies, Henrietta A., 1804 Roosevelt Ave 27,400 Davies, W. H., 1411 Crescent Blvd., Hollywood 19,000 Davis, Alethea M., 532 S. Beaudry St 13,000 Davis, Chas. Cassait, 448 Wilcox Bldg 12,400 Davis, David, 1200 E. Eighth St 13,200 Davis, Dwight W., 902 N. Broadway 17,200 Davis, Edward, 2530 Ocean View 15,000 Davis, Edward R., 948 Orme Ave 12,600 Davis, Flora Shelton, 942 W. Sixth St 22,400 Davis, Harry O., 1519 Victoria 16,000 Davis, Harvey W., 1520 Santee St 16,800 Davis, Jennie M., 924 W. Washington St 75,400 Davis, Jesse C., 702 E. Twenty-seventh St 13,800 Davis, John C., 4305 Moneta Ave 14,000 Davis, John W., 3989 S. Normandie Ave 13,400 Davis, Joseph J., 1023 Investment Bldg 242,200 Davis, Joseph S., 1749 N. Serrano Ave 14,800 Davis, Judson M., 1950 S. Vermont Ave 46,400 Davis, Le Compte, 2755 Raymond Ave 10,200 Davis, Margaret L., 664 S. Catalina St 11,000 Davis, Ralph E., 1311 W. 46th St 12,000 Davis, Rose A.^ 2401 W. Ninth St 26,600 Davis, Thomas F., 328% Clay St 18,200 Davis, Wm. H., 25 Berkeley Sq 37,200 Dawson, John B., 718 Fay Bldg 118,000 Day, Albert C., 733 Whittier St 12,600 30 ( OS ANGELBS, CAL. Day, Cordelia N. (Heirs), 12 St. James Park $ 21,600 Day, Gretchen, 12 St. James Park 19,600 Deacon, Caroline J., 507 W. Twenty-seventh St 13,000 Deardon, Edgar, 133 N. Wilton PI 24,600 Deardorff, Harvey L., 444 S. Plymouth Blvd 26,000 Debney, Mary A., 1749 Cahuenga Ave 10,000 Declez, Wm., 219 Central Ave 10,600 De Forest, Alice M., 1920 S. Union Ave 10,000 De Forster, Josefa Del V., 1225 Marsh-Strong Bldg 36,000 De Frain, Geo. B., 566 S. Central Ave 14,800 De Garmo, Henry, 1725 Westmoreland 18,000 De Garmo, Garrett S., 225 Security Bldg 21,600 Degelman, Daisy M., 124 N. Boylston St 10,400 Dehail, Alice, 258 E. First St 200,200 Dehail, I. I., 258 E. First St 111,400 Deist, Ida A., 2121 W. Washington St 15,800 Delahunt, Mathew J., 159 N. Daly St 11,600 Dellamore, Albert, 839 W. Washington St 19,000 De Lisle, Thos. C., 1482 W. Washington St 13,000 De Jane, Wm. C., 4718 Gramercy Pi 16,600 Deming, Kate Mason, 216 Mason Opera House 152,600 Deming, Wilford E., 2745 Francis Ave 229,400 Demond, Mary C., 427 S. Occidental Blvd 21,200 Demozzi, Augusta, 3800 S. Main St 30,000 Denitz, Phil., 205 S. Spring St 44,000 Denker, Louise A., 3820 W. Adams St 180,000 Denman, Abram C., 2205 S. Hobart Blvd 15,000 Denman, James G., 325 W. Thirtieth St 10,200 Denis, Alberta Johnston, 610 Westlake Ave 51,200 Dennis, Mary E., 1217 Trenton St 35,600 Dennis, Oliver P., 7017 Hawthorne Ave 23,000 Dennison, James R., 1919 S. Harvard Blvd 114,000 Dent. Margaret and Esther, 2720 Wilshire Blvd 37,200 Derby, George W., 556 S. Harvard Blvd 24,400 Dermont, Nelle A., 615 S, Coronado St 21,600 Desmond, Agnes E., 958 S. Alvarado St 17,200 Desmond, Frank C., 1727 Sycamore Ave 22,400 Despars, Horace F., 3511 S. Flower St 32,600 Dessens, Guillaume, 1550 W. Pico St 21,200 Detwiler, De Etta A., 681 S. Berendo St 25,400 De Van, Durward S., 501 Brandbury Bldg .- 65,000 De Van, Mary W., 501 Bradbury Bldg 155,800 De Venney, Harry R., 615 Black Bldg 12,200 Deveroux, Florence, 1853 W. Adams St 10,100 Devin, Mary T., care of 918 S. Bonnie Brae 84,800 De Woodworth, Maria A., 427 S. Alexandria Ave 16,400 LOS ANGELES, CAL. 31 Dickerson, Elizabeth A., 623 Court St $ 16,400 Dickerson, Elmira M., 232 N. Grand Ave 23,600 Dickie, Mary M. J., 1030 Magnolia Ave 10,200 Dickinson, Belle and Bess, 1710 N. Vine St 26,400 Dickinson, Geo. W., 423 Andrews Blvd 64,000 Dickinson, Helen E., 1003 Beacon St 18,400 Dickinson, John E.. 1519 Poinsetta Pi 32,800 Dickinson, Samuel S., Bryson Apts 15,200 Dickinson, Wm. Q., 327 S. Oxford Ave 52,800 Dickinson, Wm. R., 1623 S. Gramercy PI 10,000 Dickson, Philip W., 2212 W. Twenty-fourth St 23,600 Diehm, George, 4315 Central Ave 13,200 Dieter, Edward C., 722 Valencia St 20,000 Dieterich, Jacob, 430 E. Twelfth St 10,000 Dieterich, John, 3927 S. Broadway 14,800 Dilley, Sarah R„ 230 W. Fourteenth St 39,400 Dillin, Ellen J., 642 E. Washington St 13,000 Dillinger, Mary E., 1746 N. Orange Dr 13,400 Dillon, Laura, 664 S. Westlake Ave 11,400 Dimmick, Ada C., 1959 W. Washington St 14,600 Dimmick, Lucile M., Clark Hotel 10,400 Dixon, Willis M., 1200 Arapahoe St 10,200 Dockweiler, Isadore B., 957 W. Adams St 59,400 Dodd, Harold V., 127 N. Hope St 28,800 Dodd, Hubert R., 702 S. Spring St 11,400 Dodd. Wm. J., 905 Brack Shop Bldg 32,400 Dodge, Elizabeth R., 1800 Cimarron St 22,600 Dodge, Shailor C., 686 S. Burlington Ave 102,500 Dodge. Walter L. (Heirs), 950 N. Kings Rd., Hollywood.... 49,000 Dodson, Rudecinda F. S. de, San Pedro, Cal 520,000 Doheny, Carrie, 8 Chester Pi 42,800 Doheny, Edward L., 8 Chester PI '1,083,000 Doheny, Edward L., Jr., 8 Chester PI 266,000 Dohs, Fred, 5762 Hollywood Blvd 58,000 Dolan, Edward J., 799 Clanton St 12,200 Dolan, James W., 1747 Las Palmas Ave 184,600 Dolcart, Louise, 306 S. Main St 29,400 Dolph, Florence E., care of 600 Title Insurance Bldg 18,400 Domingas, John P., 670 E. Fiftieth St 15,000 Dominguez, Jessie, 539 S. St. Andrews PI 18,000 Donahue, Bernard J., 928 Btxel St 31,000 Donaldson, Gilbert S., 451 S. Harvard Blvd 13,600 Donato, Joseph A., 117 S. Benton Way 22,000 Donavan. James G., 2202 Western Ave 9,400 Donegan, Helen, 666 S. Rampart Blvd 10,80C Dones, Allen, 1758 Buckingham Rd 15,000 32 LOS ANGELES, CAL Donneil, Wm. N. (Heirs), 1027 S. Flower St $ 23,400 Donnelly, Alidia E., 919 S. Grand View 11,200 Donnelly, Lulu B., 6705 Hollywood Blvd 35,600 Donnerstag, Max, 259 I. W. Hellman Bldg 17,800 Donley, Mabel M., 102 S. Beaudry St 13,400 Donovan, Jeanette G., 419 Lorraine Blvd 150,800 Doody, Thomas, 511 W. Twenty-third St 22,000 Dopkins, Joseph H., 818 S. Bonnie Brae 20,200 Doran, Anua L., 547 S. Harvard Blvd 16,000 Doran, J. J., 206 Citizens National Bank Bldg 36,000 Doran, Mary P., 672 S. Bonnie Brae 10,200 Doran, Susan M., 2914 Sunset PI 19,000 Doran, Willard J., 1194 W. Twenty-seventh St 10,600 Dom, Anna B., 1552 W. Sixth St 18,800 Dorr, Cora B., 1541 S. Manhattan PI 10,600 Dorsey, Florence J., 520 S. St. Andrews PI 10,200 Dorsey, Nancy E., 1627 S. Flower St 42,800 Doster, Ella, 2855 N. Sichel 10,400 Doty, Wm. H., 1724 S. Hope St 19,400 Double, Edward, 443 S. Mariposa Ave 30,400 Dougher, John E., 4609C Wesley St 14,000 Dougherty, Michael J., 917í^ Bixel St 11,400 Dougherty, Patrick S., 2014 S. Figueroa St 21,000 Douglas, Anna A. Martin, 2318 Eleventh Ave 40,400 Douglass, Thomas J., 705 Washington Bldg 114,800 Dow, Irene E., 1026 Valencia St 16,000 Dowling, Estella C., 351 S. Oxford Ave 12,000 Downing, Joseph O., 727 Rampart Blvd 49,200 Downing, Nancy, 456 Lucas Ave 23,000 Downs, Joseph T., 5020 Van Ness Ave 11,400 Doyle, Cecelia G., 3801 Santa Fe Ave 14,400 Doyle, John J., 3801 Santa Fe Ave 184,000 D'Oyly, Emily P., 685 S. Berendo St 12,000 Dozier, Melville, 825 W. Eleventh St 30,400 Drake, Edmund B., 1308 Washington Bldg 56,000 Drake, James C., 2715 Hoover St 66,000 Drake, Kate A., 2633 S. Hoover St 14,800 Dranger, Male L., 427 S. Hobart Blvd 11,000 Dreiski, Louis F., 663 Yucca St 14,400 Drew, Arthur L., 1671 Orange St 17,000 Dromgold, Nellie M., 2715 N. Broadway 22,400 Dmmm, Constance E., R. D. No. l,Box 205, Palms, Cal 50,400 Dryden, Ada A., 3825 W. Adams St 27,800 Duane, Beatrix, 1139 W, Sixth St 10,800 Ducommun, Leonide, 1347 S. Grand Ave 542,000 Dudley, Howard S., Pacific Mutual Life Bldg 134,000 LOS ANGELES, CAL. 33 Duer, Olivia, 957 Beacon St $ 18,400 Dufflll, Henry, 534 Cons. Realty Bldg 28,000 Duffey, Elizabeth E., 1288 W. Twenty-third St 21,400 Duffy, Helen E., 2627 Magnolia Ave 24,000 Duin, Bernhard, 910 N. Western Ave 13,000 Dujmovich, Matteo C., 4351 S. Grand Ave 12,200 Duke, Joseph B., 616 W. Avenue Sixty-five 12,200 Dukeman, Edgar B., 403 O. T. Johnson Bldg 55,400 Dulin, Jennie B., 181 S. Commonwealth Ave 8,000 Duncan, Hugh W., 605 S. New Hampshire Ave 10,000 Duncan, Mattie Mae, 738 S. Rampart Blvd 10,600 Dunham, Edward, 2383 W. Twenty-first St 14,000 Dunham, Walter D., 1250 W. Seventh St 12,600 Dunkerly, Eliza A., 250 S. St. Andrews PI 10,800 Dunlap, Ida A., 532 S. St. Andrews PI 12,000 Dunlap, Samuel C., 514 S. Ardmore Ave 46,000 Dunlop, Geo. A., 1642 Wilcox Ave 50,000 Dunn, Alvin M., 311 E. Fourth St 28,600 Dunn, John H., 1734 N. McCadden PI 10,400 Dunn, May S., 1088 Leighton St 13,600 Dunn, Robert J., 816 S. Berendo St 10,000 Dunn, Wm. E., 730 P. E. Bldg 15,000 Dunning, Chas. W., 467 E. Third St 32,600 Dunning, Harriett A., 640 S. Serrano Ave 16,000 Dunnigan, Harry L., 718 Citizens National Bank Bldg 15,000 Dunston, Richard A., 814 Linden Ave 16,000 Dupuy, Florence M. (Heirs), 527 S. Kingsley Dr 68,400 Duque, Elita, 701 S. New Hampshire Ave 84,600 Duque, Maria Josefina, 701 S. New Hampshire Ave 30,800 Durand, Mary C., 533 S. Manhattan PI 64,800 Durant, Mary C., 1007 Orange St 49,200 Durfee, Helen, 2019 S. Figueroa St 36,000 Durfy, Peter T., 1741 N. Taft Ave 39,400 Durkee, Daniel, 2184 Highland Ave 36,200 Du See, Nellie, 1811 S. Hope St 34,400 Dutcher, Austin E., 7407 Hawthorne Ave 11,600 Dutwiler, Michael E., 636 S. Manhattan PI 23,600 Duvall, Phillip H., 803 E. Twenty-seventh St 15,000 Dwyer, Mary Meade, 1615 S. Westmoreland 16,000 Dye, John T., 524 W. Pico St 49,200 Eagleson, Edith L., 1015 Grand View 28,800 Earl, Edwin T. (Heirs), care of 911 Union Oil Bldg 680,200 Earl, Emily Jarvis, 2425 Wilshire Blvd 166,000 Elarle, Walter H., 2030 Seventh Ave 41,600 Earnest, Francis V., 3627 Mission Rd 28,000 Eastman, Clyde J., 7415 Hollywood Blvd 34,400 34 LOS ANGELES, CAL. Easton, George M., 430 V/. 30tli St î 18,800 Easton, Sarah D., Hershey Arms 23,200 Eaton, Aaron J., 2419 S. Flower St 25,600 Eaton, Edwin A., 5260 Hollywood Blvd... 10,000 Eaton, Marie S., 3828 Wilshire Blvd 11,800 Eaton, Nellie Ferguson, 2419 Ocean View 26,000 Eberle, Herman D., 7139 Hollywood Blvd 62,400 Eberle, Mercedes, 1244 W. Santa Barbara 31,400 Eckhart, Frank E., 501 S. Kingsley Dr 28,600 Eckley, Frank K., 428 Van Nuys Bldg 16,000 Eckley, Wm. H., 428 Van Nuys Bldg 22,200 Edgar, Catherine L., 514 W. Washington St 345,000 Edge, John A., 115 N. Coronado St 35,600 Edmonds, James H., 1415 S. Gramercy PI 34,000 Edwards, David K., 235 S. Oiive St 169,000 Edwards, Frances T., 3406 W. Adams St 40,000 Edwards, Prank H., 601 S. Harvard Bivd 20,000 Edwards, Herbert A., 1046 S. Alvarado St 11,800 Edwards, Kate A., 2649 Normandie Ave 11,400 Edwards, Kate A., 713 S. Vermont Ave 11,800 Edwards, Liliian Moore, 344 S. Kingsiey Dr 15,000 Edwards, Neliie, 857 S. Wiiton Pi 530,800 Edwards, Paui, 1427 Griffith Ave 22,200 Edwards, Ralph P., 341 Wall St 83,800 Edwards, Robert H., 1004 Hibernian Bidg 24,600 Edwards, S. Edith Hadiey, 235 S. Oiive St 36,000 Egbert, John L., San Fernando, Cal 16,000 Eichenhofer, Rosa, R. D. No. 11, Box 305, Los Angeles.... 271,200 Eisenhauer, Edward, 3840 Wilshire Blvd 14,600 Elchholz, Philip, 310 N. Grand Ave 54,600 . Eisenmayer, Emil J., 438 S. Harvard Blvd 11,000 Eisen, Annie B., 2626 S. Figueroa St 15,800 Eisner, Isidor, 438 S. Kingsley Dr 11,400 Eisner, Leiia J., 438 S. Kingsley Dr 14,400 Ekstran, Ella F., 722 Hartford Ave 92,800 Eldridge, Ada L., 2932 Wilshire Blvd 15,600 Eldridge, Septimus T., 2932 Wilshire Blvd 26,600 Elias, Theodore, 2197 W. Thirtieth St 33,600 Elmendorf, Chas. H., 933 N. Ardmore Ave 99,200 Elienstein, Barnard, 255 N. Flower St 12,000 Ellinwood, C. N. (Heirs), Hoiiingsworth Bidg 230,000 Ellis, Albert M., 3027 Raymond Ave 31,000 Ellis, Cora, 545Vè S. Fremont Ave 16,600 Ellis, Florence E., 245 Bradbury Bldg 40,200 Ellis, Geo. B., 2128 Western Ave 14,800 Ellison, Joseph K., 526 N. Serrano Ave 33,600 LOS ANGELES, CAL. 35 Elliott, John M., 914 W. Twenty-eighth St $ 25,600 Elliott, Matilda, 731 Kensington Rd 27,000 Elsasser, Meyer, 2103 Hobart Blvd 38,200 Elwood, Roby, 719 E. Adams St 28,800 Ely, Taylor Lewis, 615 S. St. Andrews PI 13,000 Emswiler, Chas. C., 321 S. Olive St 55,600 Emminger, Harriet C., 622 S. Hobart Blvd 34,000 Enfield, Fred, 1611 Hudson Ave 12,000 Enfiajean, Avedis M., 809 S. Hill St 14,400 Englehard, Geo. H., 444 S. Occidental Blvd 45,800 Engert, Joseph, 4369 S. Vermont Ave 146,000 English, Anne P., 808 Plymouth Blvd 11,600 Entier, Norman M., 420 Wilcox Bldg 12,000 Epstein, Geo. B., 1532 Gramercy PI 10,800 Epstein, Helen, 1532 Gramercy PI 27,200 Erdman, Anna, 339 W. Twenty-third St 15,600 Eremin, Wm., 462 S. Main St 11,000 Erwin, Martha M., 3517 S. Figueroa St 12,000 Escalliei*, Frank 4020 Stephenson Ave 34,000 Escallier, Gustave M., 711 S. Western Ave 29,400 Eschardies, Louis, 1220 S. Irolo St 29,400 Eschrich, Andrew, 610 S. Westmoreland 9,400 Eshman, Louise, 1943 Figueroa Bldg 66,000 Eshman, Melville G., 307 Kerckhoff Bldg 15,200 Etchepare, Laurcep, 144 E. Avenue Fifty-eight 14,600 Evans, Amos O., 3423% S. Vermont Ave 15,400 Evans, David, 932 Merchants National Bank Bldg 215,600 Everest, Benj. A., 1437 S. Burlington Ave 12,000 Everest, Horace D., 1437 S. Burlington Ave 32,000 Everett, Nellie J., 927 Beacon St 17,800 Everhardy, Mathew W., 611 S. Main St 133,400 Eveland, Thos. J., 423 W. Twenty-third St... : 27,800 Bversole, Mary C., 818 Investment Bldg 14,800 Bwins, Frank P., 665 S. Serrano Ave 27,000 Eyer, Clarendon B., 620 S. Western Ave 23,000 Eyraud, Marcelin, 1326 Manhattan PI 10,600 Eyton, Charles, 315 S. Hobart Blvd 10,200 Fair, Suzanne B., 500 S. Virgil Ave 17,000 Fairbanks, Douglas, 5300 Melrose Ave 14,400 Fairchild, Augusta B., 2090 S. Harvard Blvd 25,800 Falcinella, Carlo, R. D. No. 1, Palms, Cal 33,400 Faider, Arthur J., 1151 E. Twentieth St 15,600 Fallert, Andrew A., 8016 Woodley Ave., Van Nuys 10,200 Falvella, John, 701 N. Hill St 46,800 Fanta, Bernard, 1610% W. Tenth St 39,600 Farquhar, James D., Í322 Gardner St 26,000 36 LOS ANGELES, CAL. Parlow, Ina S., P. G. Box 1, Van Nuys, Cal I 16,800 Farlow, Margaret E., R. D. No. 2, Box 161A, Van Nuys 22,600 Farns worth, Ezra, 1127 Van Nuys Bldg 20,000 Farrell, Eliza, 7901 S. Budlong Ave 176,000 Farrell, Joseph S., 7901 Budlong Ave 20,000 Farrell, Mabel F., 2338 Observatory Ave 13,600 Farrow, Jacob S., 548 S. Harvard Blvd 21,400 Farwell, Flora Howes, 2908 S. Figueroa St 787,200 Fatman, Eugene B., 636 S. Gramercy PI 22,000 Faulk, Mary J., 3807 S. Hill St 10,600 Faulkner, Al. G., 1635 S. Figueroa St 86,400 Faw, Esther J. T., 1133 W. Sixth St 10,600 Fay, Clarence S., 403 S. Hill St 270,000 Fay, Frank P., 205 Fay Bldg 413,400 Fay, Ida F., 260O Wilshire Blvd 21,000 Fay, Kate W., 142 S. Alexandria Ave 36,000 Fearnley, Joshua, 1000 W. Seventh St 103,000 Featherstone, Edward A., 1152 W. Twenty-seventh St 223,600 Featherstone, Lena B- 723 S. Oxford Ave 26,000 Fecher, Mathew, 347 S. Normandie Ave 18,000 Feitshans, Mary F., 419 S. Evergreen 116,800 Feldschau, Henrietta, 3833 S. Grand Ave 31,000 Fellows, Charles A., 500 Central Bldg 44,000 Fellows, Frederick Wm., 3801 Michigan Ave 78,000 Felts, Dorothy B., 511 S. Oxford Ave 10,200 Fenner, Chas. T., 224B N. Hope St 21,000 Fenimore, Henry D., 5600 Hollywood Blvd 19,800 Ferbert, John C., 222 Bradbury Bldg 53,000 Ferand, Harold G., 1316 Baker-Detwiler Bldg 46,000 Ferguson, Amelia B., 269 S. Mariposa Ave 22,800 Ferguson, Clarence, 620 Ferguson Bldg 10,800 Ferguson, David W., 1504 W. Eighth St 22,600 Ferguson, Flora M., 620 Ferguson Bldg 13,600 Ferguson, Theodore P., 227 S. Main St 40,800 Ferrall, John C., 511 S. Serrano Ave 10,200 Ferrarlo, Antonio, 1860 Winfleld St 11,800 Ferraris. Joseph and Peter, 917 E. Twenty-third St 14,600 Ferren, Lida Cooper, 445 S. Oxford Ave 12,600 Ferres, Jeffrey T., 1325 S. Westlake Ave 14,000 Ferry, Louis, 1618 N. Hobart Blvd 48,400 Perron, James T., 2420 S. Hoover St 12,600 Fertig, Harry C., 1045 Ingraham St 28,200 Field, Benj. F., 715 W. Sixth St 18,600 Field, Frederic S., 715 W. Sixth St 18,600 Field, Horace W., 2105 N. Highland Ave 11,400 Field, Marion F., 2701 Orchard St 10,000 LOS ANGELBS, CAL. 37 Field, Sarah M., 685 S. Coronado St $ 17,000 Fillmore, Marshall P., 154 N. Avenue Twenty-four 36,600 Finch, Benj. A., 225 E. Sixth St 14,000 Finch, Mary L., 3000 Leeward Ave 21,600 Finkle, Frederick C., 448 I. W. Hellman Bldg 84,000 Finklestine, Neil, 1122 Mignonette St 14,000 Finstad, Ola B., 957 S. Lake St 10,600 Firth, Benveneda S., 679 Westmoreland Ave 14,400 Firth, Bmil, 346 S. Broadway 402,000 Fisch, Abraham, 306 E. Jefferson St 10,600 Fischer, Mary W. P., 341 Andrews Blvd 80,600 Fish, Chas. W., 2120 S. Union Ave 16,200 Fishburn, J. E., 2266 S. Harvard Blvd 107,800 Fisher, Bertha M., 942 S. Alvarado St 12,200 Fisher, N. W., 105 N. Broadway 35,400 Fisher, Walter A., 3043 Wilshire Blvd 42,800 Fisher, Warren W., 1533 S. Manhattan PI 70,400 Fisk, Augustina M., 245 S. Oxford Ave 11,400 Fisk, Wm. D., 415 Delta Bldg 20,200 Fiske, Grove C., 530 S. Alexandria Ave 14,000 Fitzgerald, James T., 727 S. Hill St 170,800 Fitzgerald, Mary E., 1345 S. Flower St.. 24,000 Fitzgerald, T. F., 5453% Central Ave 18,600 Fitzimmons, Sarah, 325 S. Harvard Blvd 13,600 Fitzpatrick, John, 1426 S. Berendo St 8,400 Fitzwilliam, Patrick, 2057 S. Oxford Ave 153,200 Flack, Clement L., 405 Union Oil Bldg 12,000 Flagg, Henrietta, 403 S. Hill St 11,000 Flanders, James E., 1955 N. Cahuenga Ave 20,400 Flateau, Herman, 523 S. Klngsley Dr 16,000 Fleckenstein, Wm. J., 1460 W. Adams St 10,600 Fleet, Lorena C., 997 Manhattan PI 13,800 Fleishman, Adolph, 927 Westmoreland 363,600 Fleming, Albert L., 1825 E. First St 12,800 Fleming, Dola, P., 966 S. Hoover St 23,400 Fleming, Ernest W., 966 S. Hoover St 12,800 Fleming, John P., 1407 Talmadge St 34,400 Fletcher, Ruth E., 426 S. Berendo St 10,200 Fletcher, Wm. H., 312 S. Westlake Ave 13,600 Flint, Chas. N., 929 Westlake Ave 12,400 Flint, Frank P., 1046 Title Insurance Bldg 42,000 Flint, Fred W., 2019 W. Washington St 17,600 Flint, Fred W., Jr., 20 Chester PI 50,000 Flint, Motley H., L. A. Trust & Savings Bank 43,000 Flint, Robert P., California Club, Los Angeles 48,000 Flower, Grove L., 315 W. Fourteenth St 11,600 38 LOS ANGELES, CAL. Plynn, Martha, 2687 W. Ninth St $ 12,800 Flynn, Michael, 1406 W. Washington St 17,000 Foley, Michael H., 512 S. Kingsley Dr 15,000 Foley, Timothy, 500 S. Kingsley Dr 23,800 Foley, Thomas F., 538 N. Heliotrope Dr 13,000 Ford, Harry A., 231 Bryson Blk 10,200 Ford, H. H., 626 S. Spring St 98,000' Ford, Lewis E., 1232 S. Alvarado St 48,800 Ford, Minnie K., 1232 S. Alvarado St 35,800 Ford, Rancho, San Fernando, Gal 234,200 Foreman, Rose, 619 S. Kenmore Ave 14,000 Forgensen, Oscar A., 1416 W. Fiftieth St 14,800 Forman, Eloise, 1719 S. Flower St 10,000 Forman, Mary A. (Heirs), 500 Union League Bldg 24,600 Forrester, Frank L., 640 S. Broadway 735,400 Forthmann, Annie M., 629 W. Eighteenth St 231,600 Forthmann, John A., 629 W. Eighteenth St 297,200 Forthmann, Rosanna, 629 W. Eighteenth St 563.600 Foshay, Phebe M., 1023 W. Sixth St 14,800 Foster, Alexander, 1800 W, Seventh St 90,000 Foster, Ernest K., 200 E. Avenue Forty-two 14,000 Foster, Kathleen A., 813 W. Twenty-eighth St 13,800 Foster, Lulu P., 6928 Hawthorne Ave 11,000 Forve, Louise S. (Heirs), 427 S. Westlake Ave 94,000 Foulkes, Thomas, 265 Wholesale Terminal 13,400 Fountain, Colbert, 325 S. Reno St 14,000 Fowler, Chas. J., 1832 S. Flower St 18,600 Fowler, Wm. Edward, 800 S. Berendo St 25,200 Fox, Chas. J., 626 S. Spring St 63,000 Fox, Chas. J., Jr., 104 S. Carondelet St 234,800 Fox, Mary Beatrice, care of 626 S. Spring St 74,400 Fox, Mary V., 100 S. Benton Way 11,400 Fox, Sarah M., care of 626 S. Spring St 321,400 Fox, Thos. F., 1803 S. Crenshaw Blvd 10,000 Foy, -Mary E., 315 N. Los Angeles St 100,600 Foy, Samuel C. (Heirs), 315 N. Los Angeles St 229,600 Frackelton, Maggie, 2631 La Salle Ave 20,000 Fraley, James B., 1229 Third Ave 13,800 Frambach, Henry A., 2205 W. Sixth St 280,200 Francis, Maria de los Reyes D. de, 1006 Security Bldg... .1,163,800 Franklin, Minnie, 2321 S. Grand Ave 45,200 Franklin, Samuel A., 1917 S. Vermont Ave 24,000 Frates, J. A., 510 Commercial St 21,000 Fredericks, John D., 559 S. Ardmore Ave 34,800 Fredericks, Katherine, 1508 Victoria Ave 30,200 Freed, Ellen, 1316 S. Western Ave 15,600 LOS ANGELES, CAL. 39 Freeman, Ella B., 1545 N. Western Ave $ 92,600 Freeman, Frederick H., 346 S. Normandie Ave 11,400 Freeman, George H., 2706 Brighton Ave 23,000 Freeman, Georgina E., care of 733 S. Coronado St 31,200 Freeman, Mary R., 1400 S. St. Andrews PI 74,600 Freese, August, 940 W. Washington St 66,000 Freitag, Fred, 1539 E. Sixteenth St 13,400 French, Nettie Wood, 1129 W. Eighteenth St 10,000 Frey, James W. (Heirs), 835 Title Insurance Bldg 25,600 Frick, Donald J., 538 S. Harvard Blvd 15,400 Fricke, August, 4117 Central Ave 13,000 Frieburg, Carl A., Lankershim, Cal 33,600 Friedman, Frank, 632 Castelar St 12,000 Friedman, Sam, 506 Rosemont Ave 10,400 Friedrich, Wm. G., R. D. No. 1, Owensmouth, Cal 48,000 Friendley, Theodore, 1004 Van Nuys Bldg 37,800 Frieseke, Herman C., 7614 Sunset Blvd 14,400 Frisbie, Raymond D., 1115 S. Hoover St 26,200 Fritze, Rose, 2918 Kansas Ave 14,800 Frost, Anne Grey, 304 S. Kingsley Dr 23,600 Frost, Chas. H. (Heirs), 410 Frost Bldg 46,400 Frost, Howard, 410 Frost Bldg 17,400 Froelich, Mary, 1134 N. Berendo St 20,000 Frühling, Emily L., 2045 N. Highland Ave 66,600 Fry, Abbie, 468 W. Forty-second St 10,200 Fry, Daniel C., 468 W. Forty-second St 15,600 Fry, T. Ashton, 6911 W. Franklin Ave 77,600 Fry, Thomas G., 6911 Franklin Ave 16,000 Fryman, Harry C., Hotel Hayward 237,000 Fudicker, Gustave A., Fourth Floor Hollingsworth Bldg.... 24,000 Fuiks, David, 2517 W. Eighteenth St 15,800 Fuller, Chas. H., 422 N. Alameda St 216,200 Fuller, Ortus B., 326 S. Normandie Ave 14,400 Fuller, Robert E., 7331 Franklin Ave 33,000 Fuller, Thomas S., 2234 W. Adams St 21,000 Fuller, Wm. H., 510 Trust & Savings Bldg 36,000 Fuller, Ysidore Couts, 358 S. Van Ness Ave 50,000 Fulton, Belle M., 802 Bixel St 411,800 Fulton, Frank, 317 N. Berendo St 16,600 Fulton, Phillippa M., 2225 W. Eleventh St 69,200 Fulton, Robert M., 1102 Trust & Savings Bldg 12,000 Full wood, Jane E., 1131 W. Adams St 37,400 Funk, Ira D., 434 Windsor Blvd 33,000 Fuqua, I. W., 1037 Security Bldg 17,000 Furlong, James J., 2044 E. Twenty-second St., Vernon, Cal.. 170,000 Furrer, Anna, 137 S. Flower St 12,600 40 LOS ANGELES, CAL. Purrey, Wm. G., 1103 Ingraham St $199,800 Fusonot, George, 410 S. Westlake Ave 12,000 Fusenot, Germaine, 410 S. Westlake Ave 25,600 Gaddeu, Edward T., 1238 Elysian Park Ave 36,400 Gafley, John T., Third and La Rambla Sts., San Pedro 77,400 Galïney, Robert J., 449 S. Plymouth Blvd 50,000, Henry T., 812 Central Bldg 30,200 Gage, Keziah, R. D. No. 5, Box 258, Los Angeles 12,200 Gage, Marie B., 680 S. New Hampshire Ave 25,600 Gager, Joshua R., 3422 Central Ave 21,800 Gairing, Maggie, 1323 S. Olive St 18,800 Galati, Seraflno, 408% Ord St 14,400 Galbreth, Euphemia A., 1805 N. Gower St 16,200 Gales, Elizabeth King, 203 S. Broadway 51,000 Gamble, Alexander M., 745 Hartford Ave 27,200 Gamble, Fannie D., 2326 W. Ninth St 10,600 Gauahl, Eugene F., P. G. Box 424, Los Angeles 20,800 Gano, John J., 959 Adobe St 11,600 Gans, Jennie (Heirs), 1119 S. Hoover St 86,800 Gansert, Alice, 568 S. Central Ave 10,200 Garber, Wm.,. 1131 E. Washington St 21,200 Garbutt, Emilie L., 321 S. Alvarado St 64,000 Garbutt, Frank A., 648 S. Olive St 46,000 Gardiner, Elizabeth G., 930 Park View 16,400 Gardiner, Ira O. Tr., 722 Van Nuys Bldg 200,000 Gardiner, Wm., 905 E. Vemon Ave 11,000 Gardner, Adele C., 233 S. Wilton PI 15,60Q Gardner, Alphonse G., 737 W. Eleventh St 24,800 Gardner, Arthur M., 5708 Hollywood Blvd 12,000 Gardner, Gilbert E., 215 S. Occidental Blvd 30,000 Gardner, Irving P., 5341 Brynhurst Ave., Los Angeles 10,000 Gardner, 1. Wellington, 3020 Wilshire Blvd 228,200 Garibaldi, Joseph, 1471 Ridge way St 38,000 Garibaldi, Theresa J., 885 W. Kensington Rd 33,400 Garland, Blanche H., 815 W. Adams St 670,400 Garland, Grover T., 421 S. Manhattan PI 11,200 Garland, Ida May, care of 2213 W. Eighth St 259,600 Garland, Wm., 311 S. Spring St 2,565,400 Garland, Wm. M., 815 W. Adams St 1,078,200 Garmshauson, Herman, 1613% W. Pico St 11,200 Garner, Janette A., 745 W. Adams St 30,000 Gamier, Peter, R. D. No. 7, Box 784, Los Angeles 202,200 Garretson, Samuel W., 1728 McCadden PI 54,800 Gartling, Geo., Date and Alhambra Sts 28,000 Garton, Mary E., 668 Witmer St 59,200 Garvey, Richard, Jr., 2302 W. Ninth St 137,600 LOS ANGELES, CAL. 41 Garvin, Wm. W., 1120 W. Eighth St $ 24,000 Garza, Esther G. de la, 590 N. Vermont Ave 130,000 Gassen, A. G., 511 Title Insurance Bldg 25,200 Gastren, Alice J., 147 E. Avenue Fifty-three 202,600 Gates, Carroll W., 831 Van Nuys Bldg 1,644,200 Gates, Mary L., 2832 W. First St 14,400 Gay, Geo. S., 2620 Lacy St 61,600 Gay, Leslie F., 2819 Idell St 17,000 Gay, Norman, 2650 Santa Fe Ave 42,000 Gehrkens, Christian M., 1469 N. Bronson Ave 15,200 Geisler, Edward A., 1853 S. Crenshaw Blvd 11,200 Genther, Henry, 2003 Central Ave 15,400 George, Nellie B., 1500 W. Ninth St 19,400 George, Willard H., 701 W. Seventh St 12,200 Gephard, Frances G., 1712 S. Figueroa St 279,400 Gephert, Xelis, R. D. No. 12, Box 653, Los Angeles 27,000 Gerleman, Emelie, 721 S. Main St 22,600 Germain, Edward, 1356 S. Westlake Ave 19,600 German, Chas., 2114 Brooklyn St 12,000 Gernert, Gertrude, 3852 Wilshire Blvd 14,000 Gertz, Johanna, 3110 Ninth Ave 40,600 Getty, Andrew, 651 S. Hobart Blvd 59,000 Getty. Geo. F., 3601 Wilshire Blvd 37,000 Getz Henry A., 401 Merchants National Bank Bldg 47,200 Getz. Milton E., 601 Windsor Blvd 84,000 GhigUa, Frank P., Box 333, Van Nuys, Cal 39,000 Giannini, Leontine V., 3820 W. Adams St 26,600 Gibbon, Thos. E., 1214 Washington Bldg 100,800 Gibbs, Lillian N., 2650 Romeo St 15,200 Gibbs, Wm. W., 4424 Victoria Park Dr 11,200 Giberson, Esther A., 3631 Mission Rd 10,200 Gibson, Anna M., 5612 Franklin Ave 30,400 Gibson, James A., 919 S. Union Ave 20,800 Gibson, Leni, L., 505 S. Boylston St 19,000 Gibson, Mary S., care of 223 W. Second St 21,400 Gibson, Wm., 1634 S. Flower St 21,400 Gibson, Wm. A., 1056 N. Normandie Ave '. 12,000 Giese, Frederick J., 103 N. Main St 62,000 Gifford, Edith K., 415 S. Serrano Ave 21,200 Gilber, John M.,_care otf 856 S. Hill St 151,000 Gilbert, Lillie L., 1333 Alvarado Terrace 25,400 Gilbert Mathew P., 501 S. Normandie Ave 41,600 Gilbert, Vernon P., 1709 Roosevelt St 12,600 Gilcher, Estelle, 406 S. Hoover St 11,200 Gilchrist, Laura May, 1406 W. Tenth St 15,400 Giles, George, 401 S. St. Andrews PI 35,600 42 LOS ANGELES, CAL. Gilflllan, Cora H., 2430 Gramercy Park Í 61,800 Gilkey, Anna M.. 1314 Linwood St 33,200 Gill, Ernest D., R. D. No. 1, Faims, Cal 21,800 jillelen, Frank, 2211 Gramercy PI 12,400 Gillelen, Jennie B., 2103 S. Harvard Blvd 42,000 Gillette, Jeffrey W., 322 Temple St 20,000 Gillette, King C., 948 S. Pigueroa St 959,000 Gillingham, John E., 943 Hemlock St 10,200 Gillis, Robert C., 1023 Investment Bldg 1,194,400 Gillon, Anna T., 3089 W. Seventh St 34,800 Gilman, Albert R., 1212 W. Eleventh St 29,400 Gilman, Delia, 841 W. Twenty-third St 200,800 Gilmore, Florence M., 3102 S. Vermont Ave 26,000 Gilmore, Otto M., 1435 Fairfax Ave., Hollywood 17,600 Ginsberg, Ella K., 3045 W. Eighth St 46,400 Gird, Edward C., 5238 Santa Monica Blvd 39,400 Giroux, Phoebe, 1977 Carmen St 72,000 Gitelson, Rachel, care of 426 Washington Bldg 54,200 Givernand, May R., 2009 W. Washington St 19,600 Glass, Albert S., R. D. No. 4, Box 260, Los Angeles 33,600 Glass, .lohn M., 4782 S. Main St 14,000 Glassell, Andrew, 3021 Moss Ave 14,000 Glassell, Wm. M., 2557 W. Avenue Thirty-one 12,800 Glassman, Letitia R., 212 N. Grand Ave 16,000 Gleason, Eva M., 1021 W. Seventh St 33,000 Glick, Harry E., 1001 S. Figueroa St 18,000 Glick, Norman, 2200 Ocean View 12,400 Glidden, Wm. B., 6065 Franklin Ave 200,400 Glockner, Wm. L., 917 S. Broadway 37,800 Glotzbach, Lizzie, 1325 Santee St 15,200 Glover, Isaac N., 4103 Halldale Ave 12,400 Glover, Wm. H., 327 S. Normandie Ave 28,800 Glowner, Delflna, 303 N. Vermont Ave 16,200 Goddard, Margaret A., 618 S. Coronado St 11,800 Godfrey, Mary C., 839 Gramercy PI 126,000 Godsey, Jesse D., R. D. No. 1, Van Nuys, Cal 17,800 Godshall, Lincoln D., 2892 Sunset PI 25,600 Goff, Effle E., 1535 N. Western Ave 30,000 Goldberg, Harry S., 535 S. Broadway 26,200 Goldberg, Samuel, 1633 W. Twenty-flrst 12,800 Goldenson, Morris, 229 W. Third St 10,600 Golder, M. J, (Heirs), care of 531 Higgins Bldg 36,000 Goldman, Abraham, 313 S. Union Ave 18,600 Goldschmidt, Emma M., 2104 S. Harvard Blvd 39,200 Goldschmidt, Max, 2104 Harvard Blvd 10,400 Goldschmitt, Emma H., 1206 S. Alvarado St 13,800 LOS ANGELES, CAL. 43 Goldsmith, Gerson, 544 S. Hobart Blvd $ 18,400 Goldsmith, Mary, 200 N. Main St 52,600 Goldwater, Lemuel, 216 S. Los Angeles St 101,800 Golles, Herman, 123 S. Norton Ave 10,400 Gollmer, Alice, 1316 W. Twenty-third St 27,200 Gollum, Maude P., 1447 W. Twenty-third St 11,600 Goiter, Ed, 4407 Moneta Ave 22,400 Good, Matilda G., 264 S. Kingsley Dr 11,600 Goodan, Edward W., 2631 Menlo Ave 71,800 Gooding, Wm. Alex., Dept. 19, Hall of Records 10,600 Goodman, S., 1920 E. Fifteenth St 13,200 Goodrich, Eugene B., 337 S. Hill St 11,600 Goodwin, Georgia A., 425 Windsor Blvd 23,400 Goodwin, Laura N., 1807 N. Harvard Blvd 23,000 Goodwin, Timothy, 623 S. Berendo St 50,000 Goodwin, Vernon, 3002 Wilshire Blvd 20,000 Gordon, Christopher M., 501 W. Avenue Fifty-three 22,600 Gordon, Elizabeth Young, 4811 Pasadena Ave 61,800 Gordon, Frederic V., 1230 S. Arlington Ave 25,000 Gordon, George B., 3686 Mettler St 25,000 Gordon, Wm. W., 2368 W. Washington St 34,000 Gorham, H. M., 403 S. Hill St 123,600 Gorton, Chas. W, 1350 S. Bonnie Brae 13,200 Gossard, Theodore W., 801 S. Olive St 12,000 Gottschalk, Wm. M., 258 Kerckhoff Bldg 11,800 Gottstein, Louis, 240 E. Seventh St 11,400 Gough, Susan A., 2536 E. First St 79,400 Gould, Will D., 1553 Baxter St 112,600 Gourley, Fred, 1231 Maryland St 27,200 Gove, Nellie W., 1725 Kane St 10,800 Goytino, John P., 332 Douglas Bldg 71,000 Grace, Francis C., 6915 Hawthorne Ave 20,200 Grady, Mabel, 66291/2 Hollywood Blvd 30,600 Graf, Carl, 259 S. Main St 10,000 Graff, George E., 1032 S. Alvarado St 12,800 Graham, Elizabeth A., 4605 Wesley Ave 25,000 Graham, E. H. and S. L., 667 S. Ardmore Ave 40,000 Graham, George A., 432 S. Hobart Blvd 10,600 Graham, Harry S., 1924 Sacramento St 10,000 Graham, Mabel A., 433 S. Mariposa Ave 17,800 Graham, Mamie K., 5137 Franklin Ave 44,400 Graham, S. C., 1214 Third Ave 329,600 Gi'anas, Abraham, 331 S. Spring St 92,000 Grant, Cyrus W., 4572 W. Washington St 10,400 Grant, Daniel G., 437 S. Commonwealth Ave 13,800 Grant, Everett D., R. D. No. 2, Box 114, Van Nuys, Cal 43,400 44 LOS ANGELBS, CAL. Grant. Frank A., 5028 Maplewood Ave $ 16,600 Grant, Harriet M., 615 S. Westlake Ave 93,400 Grant, John R., 619 S. Ardmore Ave 60,600 Grant, Joseph D., 701 Grant Bldg 562,400 Grass, Eulalia, 1601 Las Palmas Ave 57,800 Graves, Byron L., 209 S. Wilton PI 17,000 Graves, Mary Frances, 2047 Harvard Blvd 12,800 Graves, Sherburn E., 443 S. Alexandria Ave 18,000 Gray, Alexander 0., 1716 N. Cahuenga Ave 19,600 Gray, Eugene F., 3520 N. Broadway 13,800 Gray, Geo. T., 254 S. Hobart Blvd 122,400 Gray, Isadore, 1134 W. Forty-second St 36,200 Gray, Joseph W., 403 S. Hill St 96,200 Gray, Lucien, 2515 Fourth Ave 11,200 Gray, Wm. S., R. D. No. 1, Box 249, Los Angeles 12,600 Grayson, James W., 531 S. Flower St 23,400 Greaves, H. Russell, 1230 Fourth Ave 10,200 Grebe, Katherine C., 222 W. Twenty-fifth St 20,200 Gregg, Lloyd W., Lankershim, Gal 39,800 Green, Bernard F., Auditorium Hotel 23,400 Green, Charles H., 1122 W. Ninth St 15,600 Green, Luther A., 1053 S. Bonnie Brae 10,000 Green, Mary J., 679 S. Rampart Blvd 16,000 Green, Richard, 811 S. Bonnie Brae 229,200 Green, Richard S., 823 Traction Ave 77,000 Green, Susan P., 432 S. Manhattan PI 10,800 Green, Thos. L., 7076 Franklin Ave 61,600 Greene, Abraham, 745 S. Broadway 15,600 Greenwald, Louisa B., 610% W. Pico St 30,800 Greer, P. H., 3846 Wilshire Blvd 15,400 Greppin, Ernest H., 242 S. Los Angeles St 14,400 Greusel, Stella, 6059 Hollywood Blvd 31,000 Greve, Marie E., 1555 Poinsetta PI 62,000 Greve, C. Olivia, R. D. No. 7, Box 940, Los Angeles 66,400 Grider, Leroy M., 313 Lissner Bldg 32,000 Gridley, Mary F., 688 S. Coronado St .* 21,200 Grieninger, Frank P., 672 E. Fifty-first St 12,600 Grienlnger, Geo. V., 1832 S. Bronson Ave 13,000 Grier, Mary J., 1675 Buckingham Rd 34,000 Gries, Clara W., 4015 W. Adams St 25,600 Griffes, Eugene V., 1952 Beach wood Dr 34,600 Griffin, Burwell O., 202 S. Van Ness Ave 14,000 Griffin, Flora W.. 201 Mason Opera House 491,400 Griffin, Hattie, 437 W. Twenty-eighth St 16,800 Griffin, James L., 744 S. Hartford Ave 21,800 Griffin, Wm. H., 1309 S. Manhattan PI 27,800 LOS ANGELBS, CAL. 45 Griffith, Ernestine J., 3542 Whitehouse PI I 9,200 Griffith, Frank, 2122 Western Ave 10,600 Griffith, Mary A. C., 1619W. Seventh St 109,000 Griffith, Mary M., 2801 Orchard Ave 14,400 Grigsby, Lewis E., 1473 W. Adams St 185,600 Grimaud, Antoinette, R. D. No. 9, Box 795, Los Angeles 96,800 Grimes, Geo. W., 4430 Victoria Park PI 10,600 Griswold, Lewis E., 731 N. Normandie Ave 10,000 Grogan, Chas. P., 1744 Albion St 341,200 Gross, Fred W., 4308 Sunset Blvd 43,400 Gross, Henry, 936 Alvarado St 10,800 Grosse, Rosa, 154 W. Fourteenth St 14,400 Grosser, Eleanore, 1175 Leighton Ave 24,000 Groover, George O., 1353 Southerland St 13,400 Groover, John F., 4233 Glen Albyn Dr 61,600 Gruber, Clara F., 837 S. Alvarado St 11,400 Grundy, Ella E., 451 S. Hobart Blvd 12,200 Guasti, Secondo, 3500 W. Adams St 258,000 Gude, Miriam B., 682 S. Kingsley Dr 10,400 Guercio, Vincent W., 1414 Santee St 86,000 Guggenheim, Lazare, 731 Beacon St 14,000 Guinn, Dapsillia, 5539 Monte Vista St 10,400 Guion, Chas. H., 6732 Sunset Blvd 13,000 Guirado, Ester S. de, 517 Bixel St 15,600 Guirado, Luz S., 1801 S. Van Ness Ave 105,000 Guirado, Ralph C. (Heirs), 4456 Melbourne Ave 42,000 Gunn, Herbert R., 732 S. Flower St 87,400 Gunn, Walter L., 223 N. Rita Ave., Huntington Park 12,600 Gunnermann, Chas. H., 710 S. Hobart Blvd 20,400 Gurry, Robert, 351 W. Forty-ninth St 12,000 Guthrie, Alice Cline, 409 S. Harvard Blvd 10,600 Guthrie, Emily, R. D. No. 1, Palms, Cal 21,600 Gwynn, Katherine S., R. D. No. 10, Box 860J, Los Angeles.. 98,500 Gwin, Permilla J., 115 S. Commonwealth Ave 22,400 Haack, Mathilda, 1034 Citizens National Bank Bldg 150,000 Haag, Joseph E., 715 W. Eighteenth St 14,800 Haas, Abe, 421 E. Second St 276,000 Haas, Philip, 1743 Orchid Ave 11,200 Haber, Peter R., 460 S. Spring St 59,200 Habersham, Rose D., 1622 Poinsettia PI 13,600 Hackett, Susie E., 1317 S. Westlake Ave 12,400 Hackley, Chas. M., 153 S. Van Ness Ave 25,000 Hackney, Myra A., 1127 W. Jefferson St 13,800 Hadley, Charles R., 2976 Wilshire Blvd 33,200 Haering, Walter A., 4025 Brighton Ave 21,200 Haeschen, John, 1041 Eiden Ave 15,200 46 LOS ANGELES, CAL. Hagan, Daniel, 1201 Magnolia Ave $ 11,400 Hagan, Hermenia B., 814 S. Grand View 16,600 Hagan, Mamie B., 758 Lake St 264,400 Haggarty, Jahn J., 3330 W. Adams St 612,200 Hagerty, Marie V., 457 S. Ardmore Ave 24,600 Hahn, Charlotte E., 2636 Severance St 10,800 Hahn, Wm. H., 1817 Fuller Ave 13,400 Hahne, Jennie A., 935 S. Flower St 73,400 Haig, Frederic, 342 Byrne Bldg 10,200 Haight, Isadore, 1686 W. Adams St 16,200 Hainey, Wm. R., 1557 Cassil PI 10,600 Hakes, Mary B., 447 S. St. Andrews PI 109,600 Halbriter, Edward L., 831i/¿ S. Normandie Ave 34,400 Haldeman, Harry M., 1732 N. Wilton PI 29,000 Hale, Claude F., R. D. No. 1, Owensmouth, Cal 16,400 Hale, Lutie B.. 3492 Eagle St 12,400 Hale, Robert, 517 S. Commonwealth Ave 191,400 Halfhill, Harry J., 522 Carondelet St 12,000 Hall, Annie D., 141 N. Grand Ave 20,400 Hall, Ardelle T., 1407 S. Flower St 35,400 Hall, Chas. Victor, 2131 Ocean View Ave 136,400 Hall, Christopher C., 6382 Hollywood Blvd 16,000 Hall, Josephine S., 226 Andrews Blvd 57,800 Hall, Kate A., 3007 S. Grand Ave 17,200 Hall, Mary E., 626 St. Paul Ave 14,200 Hall, Sarah C., 1555 Gardner St 43,800 Hallam, Olah H., Rampart Apts 54,800 Hallett, Altie E., 2312 Baxter St 80,200 Hallett, George E., 915 S. Vermont Ave 20,800 Halliday, Eliza W., 2146 W. Adams St 23,800 Halstead, Rebecca V. M., 7450 Hollywood Blvd 21,200 Hambrecht, Katherine, 4921 Compton Ave 10,800 Hambrock, Ida B., 835 Security Bldg 52,500 Hamburger, Dave A., 1685 Victoria St 30,000 Hamilton, Archie J., 1731 Virginia Rd 12,400 Hamilton, Charles B., 703 S. Manhattan PI 10,000 Hamilton, Cha rles H., R. D. No. 13, Box 90A, Los Angeles... 22,000 Hamilton, Oliver I., 5227 Hollywood Blvd 32,000 Hamilton, Rhoda M., 229 W. Twenty-fifth St 17,600 Hamlin, Ralph, 445 S. Kingsley Dr 187,800 Hammel, Chas. A., 2110 W. Washington St 147,400 Hammel, Virginia C., 302 S. Reno St 16,800 Hammel, Wm. A., 1002 Magnolia Ave 67,400 Hammer, Jack, 2327 W. Ninth St 12,600 Hammerschmidt, Chas., 1651 S. Gramercy Pi 12,400 Hammerschmidt, Edward, 521 S. Los Angeles St 51,600 LOS ANGELES, CAL. 47 Hammerschmidt, Hortense, 1651 S. Gramercy PI $ 30,400 Hammond, Wm. T. S., 1775 N. Sycamore Ave 15,200 Hampton. Wm. E.. 1108 Trust & Savings Bldg 514.400 Hanchett, Chas. H., 1720 MeCadden PI 10,000 Hancock, G. Allan, 908 Merchants National Bank Bldg 6,974,000 Hancock. Madge L., 3212 S. Main St 20,800 Hancock, Gratia, 5968 Yucca St 474,800 Hancock, Paul C., 108 S. Ardmore Ave 16,400 Hand, Frank E., 818 W. Eighteenth St 15,200 Handorf, August V., 637 Bryson Blk 274,200 Hanifan, lsabel Tononi, 611 S. Bonnie Brae 202,400 Hanley, Kate, 1152 S. Norton Ave 56,400 Hanlin, Samuel A.. 664 S. Serrano Ave 27,200 Hanna, George, 638 Van Nuys Bldg 45,000 Hanna, Grace B., 1614 S. Van Ness Ave 23,400 Hanna, Jessie B., 38391^ S. Broadway 24,000 Hanna, Virginia W., 2245 Western Ave 16,600 Hannon, Catherine, 1652 E. Twentieth St 36,400 Hanrahan, Jerome J., 1813 Fourth Ave 29,200 Hanrihan, Jas. W., 3510 N. Broadway 15,800 Hansom, Joseph N., R. D. No. 2, Van Nuys, Cal 12,800 Harbeson, Frank O. F., 322 Security Bldg 27,400 Harbert, Frank B., 614 Security Bldg 21,400 Harbour, Elisha B., 614 St. Paul Ave 94,000 Harding, Benj. L.. 340 S. Alexandria Ave 12,600 Hardison, Mary Belle, 866 W. Washington St 27,400 Hardwick, James J., 1619 Orange St 8,200 Hardy, Chas. W., 2670 Budlong Ave 94,600 Hardy, Dorothy Leach, 123 S. Gramercy PI 14,400 Hargitt, Mary, 719 Sunset Blvd 14,400 Harker, Jenkin B., 631 S. Bonnie Brae 68,000 Harlan. John, 1518 S. Wilton PI 84,000 Harlan, Malinda, 1326 S. Vermont Ave 22,000 Harlow, Lulu B. and Julia. 1821 Victoria Dr 16,000 Harper, Arthur C., 1128 W. Twenty-eighth St 11,600 Harper, Carrie, 939 Magnolia Ave 49,600 Harper, Franklin, 672 Benton Blvd 57,000 Harpham. Geo. E., 1001 Washington Bldg 11,000 Harrell, Andrew J. (Heirs), 907 Brockman Bldg 43,000 Harrington, Harry, 646 S. Gramercy PI 162,400 Harris, Bernard, 668 S. Bonnie Brae 33,400 Harris, Chas. E., 922 Black Bldg 25,200 Harris, Frederick E., 675 S. Westmoreland Ave 14,000 Harris, Harry L., 437 S. Spring St 303,800 Harris, Isaac, 542914 Monte Vista St 79,600 Harris. Mary. 668 S. Bonnie Brae 11.800 48 LOS ANGELES, CAL. Harris, Walter, 1688 W. Twenty-fourth St $ 12,200 Harris, Wm. 0., 423 S. Kenmore Ave 62,000 Harrison, Cieves, 1160 W. Twenty-seventh St 12,000 Hart, Dwight H., Hotel Rosslyn 667,400 Hart, Edwin G., 729 Van Nuys Bldg 18,000 Hart, Geo. A., Hotel Rosslyn 125,200 Hartmann, Adolph, 926 W. Washington St 36,200 Hartmann, Arthur, 1815 W. Adams St 11,800 Hartmann, Frederick A., 926 W. Washington St 224,400 Hartmann, Frederick C., 917 W. Twentieth St 112,000 Hartnoll, Mary A., 2415 S. Main St 39,400 Hartsook, Fred, Lankershim, Cal 33,400 Hartsough, Demaurice, Owensmouth, Cal 13,000 Hartwell, Lizzie, R. D. No. 10, Box 868, Los Angeles 31,800 Hartzell. Wm. H., 837 S. Vermont Ave 10,600 Harvey, Fred, 2146 E. Seventh St 18,200 Harwood, Benjamin, 2063 S. Oxford Ave 26,400 Harwood, Henry, R. D. No. 2, Van Nuys, Cal 17,600 Harwood, Mary, 2063 S. Oxford Ave 71,200 Haskell, David, 1016 W. Twentieth St 16,000 Haskell, Edward P., R. D. No. 6, Box 662, Los Angeles 13,800 Haskell, Eugene C., 411 E. First St 33,800 Haskell, Thomas, 528 Wall St 26,000 Hastings, Hiii, 5402 Russell Ave 13,800 Hastings, Lizzie J. H., 1419 S. Wilton PI 86,000 Hathaway, Kate D., 983 S. Western Ave 14,000 Haughawout, Horace C., 115 S. Flower St 61,400 Häuser, Edward C., Ninth and Mateo Sts 28,800 Hausey, Julius, Ninth and Mateo Sts 12,000 Haushammer, Franz M., 6205 S. Figueroa St 10,200 Haussler, Frederick O., 1914 S. Figueroa St 25,000 Haupt, Alma, 2416 S. Figueroa St 174,000 Haverty, Thomas, 635 S. Vermont Ave 240,400 Hawley, Chas. E., 1151 Lake St 13,200 Hawkes, Lillian R., 451 S. Evergreen Ave 93,800 Hawkins, Eugene A., 601 S. Kingsley Dr 26,000 Hax, Ida L., 2236 W. Pico St 13,200 Hay, Harry R., 817 Trust & Savings Bldg 16,200 Hay, Henry, 149 S. Kingsley Dr 25,000 Hay, Lizzie T., 1531 S. St. Andrews PI 26,400 Hay, Wm. H., 409 O. T. Johnson Bldg 68,800 Hayden, Isabella G., P. O. Box 81, Hollywood 25,000 Hayes, John, 3107 Budlong Ave 15,000 Hayes, John, 1176 W. Thirtieth St 12,000 Haynes, John R., 429 Cons. Realty Bldg 442,400 Hayward, Henderson, 2501 Wilshire Blvd 929,200 LOS ANGELES, CAL, 49 Hazard, Henry T., 255 S. New Hampshire Ave $206,000 Hazeltine, Geo. W., 764 N. Broadway 72,000 Hazeltlne, Herbert S., 519 S. Ardmore Ave 20,200 Head, Mary Ozella, 722 Hartford Ave 38,600 Healey, Emily M., 1625 Shatto St 15,400 Heavens, Maud E., 1257 W. Twenty-second St 16,000 Hebbard, Isaac Lester, 906 Westiake Ave 10,800 Hecht, Elsie A., 4355 S. Flower St 17,400 Hecht, Sigmund, 817 Beacon St 11,800 Hecker, Frederick H., 1630 W. Washington St 18,600 Hedderly, Alfred H., 1313 S. Main St 29,4r00 Hedderly, Edwin L., 1833 N. Normandie Ave 29,200 Hedekin, M. Cornelia, 931 S. Alvarado St 18,800 Heffeiflnger, R. W. (Heirs), 1112 Citizens Natl Bank Bldg.. 28,400 Hegyi, Maloin, 1723 Wilton PI 35,400 Heidt, Louise, 682 Westmoreland Ave 54,600 Helm, Ferdinand A., 1320 Carroll Ave 37,000 Heineman, Walter S., 1718 N .Vine St 15,800 Heinsch, Rudolph C., 1026 S. Alvarado St 11,800 Heizman, Fred, 1249 Crown Hill Ave 12,600 Helfrich, Ida E., 1736 N. Vine St 11,800 Heller, Chas. C., 741 W. Eleventh St 27,600 Helm, Lynn, 2653 Ellendale PI 11,600 Hellman, Adelaide, care of M. S. Hellman Tr. & Sav. Bank.. 638,000 Hellman, Alice S., care of M. S. Hellman Tr. & Sav. Bank... 12,800 Hellman, Herman W. (Heirs), 538 H. W. Hellman Bldg 2,100,000 Hellman, Ida H., 217 H. W. Hellmann Bldg 199,400 Hellmann, Irving H., 217 H. W. Hellman Bldg 23,000 Hellman, Isaias W., 538 H. W. Hellman Bldg 3,103,800 Hellman, James W., 719 S. Spring St 122,000 Hellman, Marco H., 217 H. W. Hellman Bldg 83,000 Hellman, Maurice S., Security Trust & Savings Bank 46,000 Henderson, Alice R., 2515 S. Grand Ave 91,200 Henderson, Emma H., 607 S. Vermont Ave 67,800 Henderson, Ezekiel E., 724 S. Main St 15,200 Henderson, Fannie A., 502 S. Hobart Blvd 48,800 Henderson, Henry, 1303 S. Westlake Ave 26,000 Henderson, John W., 699 S. Ardmore Ave 10,600 Henderson, John W., 451 S. Mathews St 13,000 Hendrick, Elizebeth M., 2020 Seventh Ave 19,000 Hendrick, James W., 1421 Alvarado Terrace 16,400 Henne, J. L., Henne Bldg 163,000 Henning, Paul, 1640 S. Figueroa St 18,800 Hentich, Carolyn H., 683 S. Carondelet St 19,200 Henry, Aleander E., 1400 S. Manhattan PI 14,400 Henry, Chas. A., 953 W. Forty-second St 34,200 50 LOS ANGELES, CAL. Henry, L. Delphine, 628 S. Harvard Blvd $ 54,600 Henry, Thos. B., 1400 Manhattan PI 12,200 Henry, Wm. A., 2643 Menlo Ave 10,000 Henshey, Harry G., Seventh and Grand Ave 15,800 Herberger, Joseph B., 1221 W. Forty-flrst PI 10,400 Herbst, Frederick, 108 W. First St 12,800 Herminghaus, Amelia, 686 S. Serrano Ave 23,800 Hernandez, Refugio, 3833 Santa Fe Ave., Vernon 22,800 Heron, Norman C., 338 W. Jefferson St 10,800 Hersey, C. B., 440 Arden Bldv 51,000 Hershey, Mira, Hollywood Hotel 1,845,000 Hersom, Inez E., 848 W. Eighteenth St 10,400 Hervey, Wm. B., 902 W. Kensington Rd 17,600 Hervey, Wm. Rhodes, 601 Shatto Pi 210,600 Herwig, Emma E., 224 W. Eighteenth St 24,200 Herron, Edward D., 2606 Santa Monica Blvd 11,000 Hess, Frank J., 2012 S. Grand Ave 367,800 Hesse, Arthur T., 11414 W. Thirtieth St 13,400 Hesse, Ernest W., 1626 S. Bonnie Brae 11,800 Hettermann, John, 202 S. Harvard Blvd 14,800 Hettinger, Joseph H., R. D. No. 1, San Fernando, Gal 16,000 Heustis, James W., 418 S. Normandie Ave 59,400 Hewitt, David H., 940 S. Fresno St 110,600 Hewitt, Leslie R., 1212 S. Alvarado St 12,000 Heyier, Ghas. J., 629 S. Serrano Ave 187,000 Heyser, George, 1310 Catalina Ave 15,000 Hey wood, Louie A., 1640 Argyle Ave 20,400 Hibbard, Edward R., 612 S. Ardmore Ave 78,800 Hibbard, Isaac L.. 906 Westlake Ave 39,200 Hickey, Caroline Bumiller, 1049 Eiden Ave 38,600 Hickman, Catherine M., 1700 Oak St 10,000 Hickman, Terry E., 467 W. Thirty-eighth St., San Pedro.... 14,400 Hicks, Ada G., 1200 Magnolia Ave 156,800 Hicks, Caroline M., 832 W. Adams St 35,200 Hicks, Frank S. (Heirs), 1111 Merchants Natl Bank Bldg... 40,000 Hicks, Mittie, 138 E. Avenue Fifty-eight 104,800 Hickson, John, 143 W. Twenty-fourth St 61,200 Hickson, Mary A., 231 W. Eighteenth St 11,400 Higgins, Estate The, 201 Higgins Bldg 1,800,000 Higgins, Patrick J., 201 Higgins Bldg 14,400 Higgins, Thomas. 1201 Magnolia Ave 14,000 Hildesheim, Chas. J., 666 S. Kingsley Dr 20,000 Hill, Charles H., 1333 >4 Fifth Ave 12,400 Hill, Cora I., 933 Westmoreland Ave 14,800 Hill, Daisy L., 133314 Fifth Ave 11,400 Hill, Daniel P., 2403 S. Grand Ave 349,800 LOS ANGELES, CAL. 51 Hill, Da^'id M., 736 E. Twenty-seventh St $ 22,600 Hill, Georgiana K., 1012 W. Pico St 28,600 Hill, James A., 695 Westmoreland Ave 38,400 Hill, John G., 854 W. Thirty-fifth PI 74,400 Hill, Matilda, 1348 S. Flower St 21,000 Hill, Randolph W., 526 Byrne Bldg 60,200 Hillman. Delmar O., 1340 Valencia St 11,200 Hillman, Gustave E., 995 N. Pigueroa St 13,000 Hillman, Harry H., 1745 Orange Dr 249,400 Hillman, John H. (Heirs), 141 W. Forty-seventh PI 10,800 Hillman, Lloyd K., 2212 Fifth Ave 14,000 Hillman. Wm. C., 1745 N. Orange Dr 18,800 Hills, Edwin M., California Club 26,000 Hilpert, Monetta H., 1420 S. Los Angeles St 13,400 Hinchcliffe, Sue O., 920 S. Westlake Ave 18,600 Hinckley, Ralph L., 1105 Highland Ave 20,000 Hindman, Harry R., 1765 N. Ivar Ave 11,000 Hine, Abbie C., 3300 S. Figueroa St 70,600 Hinger, M., 144 E. Forty-sixth St 11,800 Hinman, Columbus, 2815 W. Ninth St 17,000 Hirsch, John, 524 S. Spring St 14,200 Hirsch, Dave, 300 E. Washington St 28,800 Hirschfleld, Ruth S., 750 S. Oxford Ave 13,000 Hiss, Bernard H., 215 S. Manhattan PI 15,200 Hitchcock, Wm. W., 1219 Merchants National Bank Bldg.... 42,000 Hitchings, Robert A., 10241/2 W. Ninth St 14,000 Hite, Effie M., 326 S. Serrano Ave 33,800 Hittle, Homer E., 712 California St 18,800 Hively, Edwin W., 2126 S. Hobart Blvd 11,200 Hixon, Jacob S,, 3101 S. Grand Ave 30,800 Hoag, John N., 7225 Hollywood Blvd 20,600 Hoagland, Sarah, 1781 Orchid Ave 10,800 Hobson, Peter J., 945 S. Manhattan PI 10,000 Hochschild, A. A., 415 E. Fifth St 11,400 Hodge, Virgina L., 419 S. Ardmore Ave 25,800 Hodgkins, Elizabeth A., 836 S. Ardmore Ave 13,800 Hodgson, Cecil E. C., 1614 Wilcox Ave 45,600 Hoefner, Henry, 661 Valencia St 24,000 Hoff, Chas. M., 1245 S. Norton Ave 105,000 Hoff, Sallie C., 1850 Vista St 25,600 Hoffman, Henry P., 4345 Victoria Park Dr 11,800 Hoffman, Hugo (Heirs), 1133 S. Lake St 380,600 Hoffman, Martha, 1133 S. Lake St 12,000 Hoffman, Paul W., 1926 S. Western Ave 11,000 Hogan, Newton, 911 W. Thirty-fifth St 10,400 Hogan, Rose Story, 840 W. Adams St 196,600 52 LOS ANGELES, CAL. Hoggard, Jennie M., care of 531 Black Bldg $144,800 Hohl, Lawrence, 1320 Valencia St 42,800 Hokom, John, 4312 Moneta Ave 14,200 Holbrook, John F., 1030 S. Westlake Ave 41,200 Holden, Nelson H., 1023 S. Bonnie Brae 22,400 Hole, Willits, J., 816 Trust & Savings Bldg 449,000 Holland, Christopher F., 1022 Citizens National Bank Bldg.. 39,800 Hollen, Caroline, 1508 Magnolia Ave 10,600 Hollenbeck, Edward H., 436 S. Boyle Ave 22,600 Holler, Philip W., Loma Linda Rd., San Fernando 109,200 Holleran, Hannah, 1846 S. Crenshaw Blvd 16,000 Holliday, Wm. H., 1386 W. Adams St 56,000 Hollingsworth, I. M., 1232 Citizens National Bank Bldg 26,000 Hollingsworth, Wm. I., Hollingsworth Bldg '. 1,377,200 Hollman, John E., 3958 S. Normandie Ave 14,600 Holloway, Bert R., R. D. No. 1, Box 55, Van Nuys, Cal 19,200 Hollscher, John P., 2415 S. Grand Ave 14,800 Hollwedel, Henry C., 1424 S. Manhattan PI 14,800 Holm, Adolph, 4077 W. Twenty-third St 74,400 Holman, Claude S., 200 Title Insurance Bldg 58,800 Holmes, Chas. E., 1741 N. Cahuenga Ave 53,600 Holmes, Eleanor B., 244 S. Oxford Ave 32,800 Holmes, Norman C., 1866 W. Twenty-first St 39,200 Holmes, Peter,'511 S. Carondelet St 40,000 Holmes, Rosena, 100 S. Olive St 30,800 Holt, Arline J., 137 W. Adams St 21,400 Holt, Meta, 6278 Hollywood Blvd 17,400 Holt, Wm. F., Ventura Blvd., Van Nuys, Cal 102,000 Holterhoff, Godfrey, 1360 W. Adams St 28,000 Holterhoff, Louisa S., 1360 W. Adams St 32,800 Holtz, Emil T. G., 4321 S. Olive St 13,000 Holzman, Arthur, 563 W. Eighth St., San Pedro 19,000 Hood, John W., 800 E. Twenty-eighth St 10,600 Hook, Alice H., 2729 Raymond Ave 19,000 Hook, Annie E., 1409 Victoria Ave 10,000 Hook, Wm. S., Jr., 2673 Menlo Ave 110,400 Hooker, Kate A., 1728 S. Western Ave 36,600 Hooker, Katherine P., 1224 Marsh-Strong Bldg 669,400 Hookstratten, Emily, 1154 Central Ave 12,001) Hooper, Columbus C., 683 S. Catalina Ave 80,600 Hooper, Jennie B., 124 W. Fifteenth St 97,000 Hooper, Nicholas R., 442 E. Forty-ninth St 12,000 Hoover, Geo. W., 6307 Hollywood Blvd.. 60,600 Hoover, Hattie R., 965 E. Fifty-seventh St 16,400 Hopper, Helen M., 716 S. Manhattan PI 10,400 Hopperstead, Rachel, 331 Court St 10,000 LOS ANGELES, CAL. 53 Hora, John, 3493 E. Fifth St $ 16,000 Morgan, Daniel P., R. D. No. 7, Box 927, Los Angeles 23,200 Home, Jessie McK., 119 Fremont PI 17,000 Horner, Helen M., 818 S. Hope St 14,000 Homer, Wm. J., 362 W. Santa Barbara Ave 14,600 Horsley, Wm., 6060 Sunset Blvd 87,000 Horton, Rufus L., 711 Washington Bldg 90,000 Horton, Wm. H., 433 Towne Ave 11,200 Horwitz, Abraham, 1554^ Sixth Ave 11,000 Hoskins, Robert A., 14710 El Nido, Van Nuys, Cal 12,600 Hostetter, D. Herbert, care of 607 Citizens Nal Bank Bldg... 372,400 Houghtelin, Alason E., 683 S. Rampart Blvd 11,200 Houghton, Sherman O., Van Nuys, Cal 73,600 Houk, Geo. W. (Heirs), care of James Musgrove, 820 Trust & Savings Bldg 418,200 Houriet, Albert W., 1674 W. Twelfth St 21,000 House, Emma B., 620 W. Twenty-flrst St 14,000 House, Ulysses S., 201 N. Hope St 29,600 Houseman, Martin L., 427 S. Kenmore Ave 14,000 Houseman, Adelaide C., 342 S. Mariposa Ave 33,600 Houston, Elizabeth, 1844 N. Vine St 36,000 Hovel, Oswald A., 3221 S. Main St 25,000 Hovey, Chas. T., 1725 El Cerrito PI 18,200 Howard, Clarence S., 1323 S. Flower St 66,000 Howard, Edwin G., 1002 Hollingsworth Bldg 48,400 Howard, Ella L., 1343 Edgecliffe Dr 10,000 Howard, Elizabeth G. (Heirs), 619 S. Park View 23,400 Howard, Henry W., 2627 Severance St 20,000 Howard, Nancy, E. K., 833 S. Alvarado St 24,800 Howard, Perry A., 2630 Dalton Ave 24,000 Howard, Wm. F., 973 S. Western Ave 14,000 Howe, Dema, 520 Stanford Ave 10,600 Howe, Geo. E., 1198 S. San Pedro St 90,200 Howe, Joseph M., 1198 S. San Pedro St 51,400 Howe, Nina A., 426 S. Alexandria Ave 11,400 Howell, Joseph (Heirs), 1010 Ingraham St 56,200 Howell, Robert H., 1122 W. Seventh St 447,800 Howes, Clara F., 2920 S. Figueroa St 57,800 Howland, Frederick T., 2252 Hobart Blvd 10,000 JHowland, Geo. D., 1559 W. Adams St 36,000 Howland, Nellie L., 1975 W. Washington St 21,000 Howland, Robert S., 2033 La Salle Ave 20,800 Howland, Sarah A., 2116 W. Washington St 13,800 Howsley, John A., 221 S. Manhattan PI 10,000 Hoyt, Anniss, A., 1851 Winona Blvd 17,000 Hubbard, Albert A., 903 S. Burlington Ave 33,600 54 LOS ANGELES, CAL. Hubbard, Chas. L., and Grace G., 1212 Orange St $ 13,800 Hubbard, Ella P., 453 S. Wilton PI 29,000 Hubbard, Jennie B., 5418 Russell Ave 14,400 Hubbard, Joseph R., 5418 Russell Ave 43,800 Hubbard, Wright, San Fernando, Gal 10,000 Hubbell, Orton B., 8055 Sherman Way, Van Nuys 10,200 Hubbell, Wm. H., 4420 Moneta Ave 19,600 Huber, John, Box K, Arcade Station, Los Angeles 24,600 Huddleston, Ellen, 1408 W. Eleventh St 55,400 Hudson, Harrie L., 1910 Hobart Blvd 10,000 Hudson, N. J., 220 S. Bonnie Brae 21,400 Hudson, Thomas E., 1635 Hudson Ave 32,600 Huff, Bert W., 473 S. Lake St 10,600 Huffaker, Geo. A., Van Nuys, Gal 20,400 Hufford, Guy D., 607 W. Fortieth PI 13,200 Hughes, Arthur G., 735 W. Seventh St 10,000 Hughes, Henry West, 1216 Hibernian Bldg 326,800 Hughes, Laura S., 132 W. Twelfth St 153,200 Hughes, Marguerite B., 360 S. Hoover St 137,000 Hughes, Margaret (Heirs), 34 St. James Park 13,009 Hughes, Thomas, 516 Union Oil Bldg 347,600 Hugunin, Hiram L., 126 W. Fourteenth St 28,200 Hulburt, Rebecca E., 1616 Fifth Ave 31,800 Hull, Glara P., 689 S. Berendo St 13,600 Hulme, T. K., 420 Story Bldg 16,600 Humbert, Willis F., 911 W. Sixtieth St. 11,400 Hummel, Albert P., 1615 W. Adams St 31,000 Hummel, Gora L. M., 1203 Arapahoe St 33,000 Humfreville, Josephine H., 5357 Loma Linda Ave 12,200 Humphreys, John T., 1911 N. Van Ness Ave 15,200 Humphreys, Kate 318 W. Seventeenth St 15,000 Humphreys, Wm. M., 1650 Rockwood St 147,400 Hunsaker, Wm. J., 1132 Title Insurance Bldg 14,600 Hunstock, Robert H., 868 S. Irolo St 40,200 Hunt, Alfred D., 351 S. Serrano Ave 10,000 Hunt, E. Hamilton, 810 W. Thirtieth St 13,800 Hunt, Mildred B., 1609 W. Eighth St 67,600 Hunt, Sumner P., 701 Laughlin Bldg 11,200 Hunt, Willis G., 247 S. Los Angeles St 91,800 Hunter, Alexander H., 2051 Los Feliz Rd 13,400 Hunter, Gal F., 201 Mason Opera House 10,000 Hunter, David, 2803 S. Vermont Ave 49,800 Hunter, Dick, R. D. No. 5, Box 942, Los Angeles 11.200 Hunter, Geo. G., 356 S. Occidental Bldv 15,200 Hunter, Georgia L., 1739 N. Bronson Ave 75,800 Hunter, Grace Géraldine, 403 S. Hill St 44,600 LOS ANGELES. CAL. 55 Hunter, Jane E., 1024^4 W. Ninth St $222,400 Hunter, John A., 2683 Ellendale PI 11,000 Hunter, Peter, R. D. No. 5, Box 926, Los Angeles 20,600 Hunter, Samuel, 2616 aSn Fernando Blvd 36,800 Huntington, H. E., 730 P. E. Bldg 2,714,000 Huntsberger, George E., 450 S. Lucerne Blvd 32,200 Huntsberger, Glen E., 168 S. Kingsley Dr 61,200 Huntsberger, Harold K., 432 Lucerne Blvd Il,8u0 Huntsberger, Isaac N., 2226 S. Western Ave 219,200 Huntsberger, Ralph F., 440 Lucerne Blvd 13,600 Hurd, Arthur S., 1207 Haas Bldb 22,600 Hurd, Chas. C., 1207 Haas Bldg 143,800 Hurd, Chas. F., 238 W. Seventeenth St 17,200 Hurd, Henry M., 1200 W. Sixth St 13,600 Hurley, Jane E., 931 W. Sixteenth St 55,400 Hurst, Philipa A., 309 S. Mariposa Ave 15,200 Hurxthal, Frederick K., 1616 E. First St 17,000 Huston, Eliza, 1725 W. Adams St 35,600 Hutchason, Ida Mae, 368 S. Commonwealth Ave 11,600 Hutchins, Alfred, care of 1125 Van Nuys Bldg 62,400 Hutchinson, Agnes J., 2917 La Salie Ave 12,400 Hutchinson, David E., 852 W. Washington St 32,000 Hutchinson, Lillie M., 510 S. Westmoreland Ave 10,000 Huichison, Laura C., 699 S. New Hampshire Ave 321,400 Hutten, Aurelius W., 408 Wilcox Bldg 39,400 Hyatt, Mary J., 1016 W. Thirty-fourth St 14,200 Hyer, May, 2101 La Salle Ave 10,400 Hyland, May B., 1325 S. Western Ave 13,200 Hyman, Cora E., 845 S. Los Angeles St 96,000 Hyter, Horace E., 1227 S. Lake St 12,200 Ibbetson, Maude Rice, 1180 W. Adams St 48,200 Ideler, Emile, 318 W. Fifteenth St 26,200 Ignatz, Joseph, 532% S. St. Louis St 14,400 Ijams, Isaac C.; Lankershim, Cal 32,000 Ijams, Margaret, 1411 S. Oxford Ave 11,600 lies, Harry, 628 S. Virgil Ave 10,600 Imbach, John, 13815 Leesdale, Van Nuys 16,400 Imelli, Margaret, 1367 W. Twentieth St 11,000 Imuá, John, 630 S. Alvarado St 103,400 Ince, Thomas H., 5928 Franklin Ave 20,800 Ingham, John G., 3907 Moneta Ave 12,400 Ingraham, Anna, 2000 W. Adams St 108,000 Inlow, James A., R. D. No. 1, Box 16, Van Nuys 10,000 Inman, Wilbur B., 213 W. Forty-fifth St 10,600 Ireland, Wm. R., 825 S. Hope St 68,000 Irvine, Jos. M., 1059 W. Seventh St 127,600 56 LOS ANGELBS, CAL. Irvine, Sara H., 1059 W. Seventh St .■ $ 84,400 Irving, Frank, 717 S. Coronado St 49,000 Irving, James, 702 S. Spring St 20,000 Irwin, James T., 122 W. Twenty-eighth St 15,600 Isaacs, H. Joe, 433 S. St. Andrews PI 11,800 Isaacs, Louis, "Windsor and Sixth St 75,200 Isaacson, Minna, 520 S. Oxford Ave 14,800 Isaacson, Sophie O., 257 S. Norton Ave 18,400 Isenstein, Chas., 418 S. Main St 13,200 Isenstein, Perry, 245 S. Thomas St 16,400 Iten, Katherine C., 664 S. Hohart Blvd 31,400 Ives, Alson J., 114 E. Avenue Twenty-six 12,200 Ives, Geo. R., 231 E. Ninth St 12,600 Ivers, Julia A., 648 S. Olive St 89,000 Iversen, Peter, 248 Eleventh St., San Pedro 12,600 Ivett, Nellie Latta, 645 S. Flower St 41,000 Ivins, James C. H., 941 Georgia St 38,000 Jaeger, Katherine, 232 W. Avenue Fifty-two 18,000 Jacobs, Mary H., 332 S. Ardmore Ave 15,200 Jacobson, Charles, 980 Eiden Ave ■. 10,400 Jacobson, Sven J., 1619 Westmoreland Ave 11,400 Jacobi, Louis, 1828y2 E. First St 11,200 Jacoby, Hedwig and Irma, Van Nuys Hotel 72,000 Jacoby, Louise L., 665 Westlake Ave 12,400 Jacoby, Morris N., 331 S. Broadway 40,800 Jacoby, Rita H., 5506 Beyer St 12,400 Jacoby, Rosalie I., 331 S. Broadway 62,000 Jacoby, Rosalie S. and Grover I., 701 S. Kingsley Dr 15,000 Jacqueline, Jean Way, 1019 Beacon St 24,000 Jagow, Wm., 3401 S. Vermont Ave 34,600 Jahnke, Adolph, 331 S. Loma Dr 46,000 James, David, R. D., No. 4, Box 596, Los Angeles 10,600 James, Lizzie A., 521 Shatto PI 16,000 James, Willard C., 1310 E. Twelfth St 42,000 Jamison, Wm. H., 613 H. W. Hellman Bldg 13,600 Janney, Florence B., 1931 S. Harvard Blvd 26,600 Janss, Harold, 4840 Los Feliz Blvd 85,600 Jarrett, Benj. S., 664 S. Oxford Ave 92,000 Jauch, Mary A., 401 S. Olive St '/34,000 Jay, Antonia, 1622 Pennsylvania Ave 15,600 Jean, Frank O., 452 S. Ardmore Ave 43,400 Jedofsky, Johanna, 1815 W. Twenty-second St 14,200 Jeffries, Rebecca (Heirs), 535 Cypress Ave. 27,400 Jeffries, Richard H., 427 S. Hohart Blvd 12,000 Jeffrey, Alexander, Sherman Way, Owensmouth 171,800 Jeffrey, Wm., Owensmouth, Cal 13,800 LOS ANGELES, CAL. 57 Jeffrey, Wm., Jr., Owensmouth, Cal $ 13,600 Jenkins. Christena, 695 S. Burlington Ave 33,200 .lenkins, James F. T., 2400 S. Hoover St 20,000 Jenner, Mary V., 1019 S. Alvarado St 10,000 Jennlson, Fred B., 869 W. Forty-flrst St 11,200 Jensen, Christian, 1613 W. Washington St 40,000 Jensen, Henry C., 1728 Westmoreland 240,400 Jepsen, Emma A. (Helrs), 820 S. Union Ave 10,400 Jepson, Helena, 1996 W. Washington St 10,600 Jepson, Jacob, 991 Arapahoe St 13,800 Jepson, John A., 618 S. Spring St 11,600 Jerglns, Efiie L., 1037 Eiden Ave 15,400 Jerrue, Mallnda E., 4213 Huntington Dr 2.4,000 Jess, George B., 6743 Kester Ave., Van Nuys, Cal 21,600 Jess, Stoddard, 2133 Harvard Blvd 67,400 Jesurun, Emile C., 400A S. Alvarado St 52,400 Jesurun, Francisca A., 333 Cons. Realty Bldg 732,600 Jevne, Hans, Sixth and Broadway 71,200 Jewett, Amelia V., 6669 Sunset Blvd 12,000 Jewett, Annie, 105 N. Fifth St., Sawtelle, Cal 10,000 Jewett, Chas. E., 1331 S. Van Ness Ave 10,600 Jilek, Joseph R., 1203 E. Seventh St 45,000 Joannes, Chas. E., 800 Traction Ave ." 88,000 Joannes, Edna L., 349 S. Occidental Blvd 13,800 Job, Thomas C., 1101 Garland Bldg 16,600 Johanson, Güstin W., 220 W. Forty-second St 22,000 Johns, Wm. H., 2662 Lacey St 44,400 Johnson, A. P., 33 Westmoreland PI 56,600 Johnson, Alice H., 4979 Pasadena Ave 10,400 Johnson, Anna C., 1221 Orange St 64,000 Johnson, Cedric E., 363 S. Occidental Blvd 11,000 Johnson, Ellen, 1902 Pacific Ave., San Pedro 11,400 Johnson, Frank, 1660 Rockwood St 18,000 Johnson, Frank S., 951 Manzanita St 11,400 Johnson, Frank W., 2500 W. Washington St 11,000 Johnson, Frederick O., 1005 W. Twenty-eighth St 104,200 Johnson, Frederick W., 2151 W. Twenty-first St 15,200' Johnson, Gaii B. (Heirs), care of 501 W. Sixth St 82,800 Johnson, Geo. C., 1009 N. Main St 10,800 Johnson, James McC., 224 Cons. Reaity Bldg 34,000 Johnson, John C., 2407 Ocean View 26,000 Johnson, Miibank, 360 S. Westlake Ave 42,000 Johnson, Olaf, 2119 Beachwood Dr 64,000 Johnson, Parley M., 749 Garland Ave 304,600 Johnson, Philip L., 708 N. Kenmore Ave 11,000 Johnson, Peter, 2729 San Marino Ave 101,400 58 LOS ANGELES, CAL. Johnson, Walter S., 1767 W. Adams St $ 14,400 Johnson, Willie B., 345 S. Westlake Ave 26,000 Johnson, Mrs. Willie B., 345 S. Westlake Ave 28,400 Johnston, Florence D., 527 S .Kingsley Dr 13,400 Johnston, John R., care of 538 H. W. Hellman Bldg 11,200 Johnston, Josephine, 38 St. James Park 21,000 Johnston, Kate M., 408 S. Broadway 13,000 Johnston, Mary Eaton, 2911 N. Broadway 26,600 Johnston, Walter F., 2320 S. Flower St 15,400 Jolliffe, Katherine E., 6844Vè Hollywood Blvd 17,600 Jones, Albert C., 801 W. Twenty-eighth St .' 15,400 Jones, Andrew J., 1330 W. Thirty-sixth St 12,800 Jones, Belle and Lizzie M., 258 E. Adams St 21,000 Jones, Claude M., 741 S. Union Ave 29,000 Jones, Ella N.. 671 S. Berendo St 35,000 Jones, Helen B., 977 Westmoreland 13,800 Jones, Helen M., 1140 Ingraham St 17,600 Jones, John H. (Heirs), care Geo. A. Hart, Rosslyn Hotel. .4,834,400 Jones, J. H. and Carrie M. (Heirs), 761 Central Ave 103,800 Jones, John T., 500 Union League Bldg 10,000 Jones, Lavinia R., 108 W. Twenty-third St , 40,000 Jones, Lida J., 2096 S. Harvard Blvd 18,600 Jones, Mark G., 1620 W. Pico St 303,400 Jones, Matilda T., 533 S. Harvard Blvd 45,000 Jones, W. Morris, 689 Wilshire PI 13,000 Jones, Wm. R., R. D. No. 10, Box 788, Los Angeles 25,600 Jones, Reginald H., 6530 De Longpre Ave 52,000 Jones, Robert F., 533 S. Harvard Blvd 89,200 Jones, Roscoe C., 1968 N. Van Ness Ave 23,400 Jones, Sarah A. (Heirs), 1552 W. Seventh St 29,800 Jones, Sarah E., 129 W. Fifty-seventh St 10,400 Jones, S. L., 403 S. Hill St 32,600 Jones, Sirrilla C., 6925 Hollywood Blvd 23,400 Jonson, Flora G., 2154 Elsinore St 40,000 Jordan, Geo. W., 3012 S. Vermont Ave 30,000 Jordan, John M., 1151^ S. Hoover St 30,000 Jordan, Wm. H., Jr., 411 S. Westmoreland Ave 9,200 Joseph, Jacob, 1449 Valencia St 166,000 Joughin. Andrew, 2320 W. Twentieth St 133,900 Joughin, Wilhelmine, 2338 W. Twenty-second St 44,800 Joyce, Thomas F., 3901 W. Seventh St 53,000 Justice, Pearl M., 388 S. Commonwealth Ave 8,400 Jutten, Llewellyn W., 1046 Title Insurance Bldg 29,400 Kadlitz, Frank W., 715 W. Tenth St 30,000 Kaestner, Herman C., 1015 N. Normandie Ave 10,400 Kahn, John, 2211 S. Hobart Blvd 65,200 LOS ANGELES. CAL. 59 Kahn, Max, 402 W. Forty-seventh PI ■ $ 12,600 Kaiser, Joseph, 515 S. Gramercy PI 44,200 Kallsher, Simeon, 945 Orange St 203,800 Kane, Anna J., 1022 Ingraham St 12,200 Kane, George, 619 Kohler St 10,200 Kane, James P., 1431 Alvarado Terrace 11,200 Kantor, Michael, 830 S. Main St 13,200 Kapp, Eli Wilson, 1421 W. Twenty-fourth St 17,200 Karstens, Grace Kuhrts, 1102 Arapahoe St 8,600 Kaser, Alfred, 1412 Third Ave 11,000 Kauffman, Florence N., 801 S. Catalina St 10,400 Kauffman, Leon E., 1052 S. Alvarado St 15,200 Kaufman, Hyman, 735 S. Alvarado St 56,800 Kaufman, Philip H., 1111 S. Manhattan PI 125,600 Kays, Alice B., 741 S. New Hampshire Ave 19,000 Kays, James C. (Heirs), 741 S. New Hampshire Ave 36,800 Kazinsky, Joseph S., 1157 S. Hoover St 28,000 Keach, Frank C., 624 S. Westmoreland Ave 15,400 Keach, Lucile H., 624 S. Westmoreland Ave 12,800 Keane, John T., care of 373 Hewitt St 12,600 Keating, Nora, 413 W. Washington St 10,200 Keech, Bessie I., 1311 S. Westlake Ave 11,800 Keefe, Adelaide, 1143 W. Sixth St 12,600 Keefe, Harry C., 629 Lucerne Blvd 25,800 Keeler, Henry N., 1439 Fairfax Ave., Hollywood 10,000 Keenan, Emily M., 675 S. Catalina St 19,000 Keens, Francis G., 1743 Wellington Rd 18,000 Keese, Samuel, 1509 Shatto St 13,800 Kegley, Chas. H., 123 S. Broadway 67,200 Kehler, Henry A., 1110 W. Washington St., Apt 406 14,400 Keil. Jennie A., 101 N. Union Ave 14,200 Keith, Frank A.. 354 S. Kingsley Dr 147,600 Keith, John, 7756 Hollywood Blvd 14,600 Keith, John, 7756 Franklin Ave 10,400 Kellam, Anna J., 3644 Wilshire Blvd 221,400 Kellam, Milton Y., Jr., 3644 Wilshire Blvd 43,000 Kellar, Edgar H., 659 Twenty-third St., San Pedro 10,800 Keller, Henry W., 20 St. James Park 433,000 Keller, Will E., 543 Shatto PI 47,000 Kellerman, James M., 219 W. Third St 74,400 .Kellie, Wm. M., 7254 Hollywood Blvd 19,000 Kelling, Frederick W., 1628 Argyle Ave 10,800 Kellogg, Annabella B., 3002 Wilshire Blvd 26,800 Kellogg, Francis B., 610 Auditorium Bldg 23,400 Kellogg, Etta T., 2335 Scarff St 26,400 Kellogg, Sylvanus H., 2312 Echo Park Ave 22,600 60 LOS ANGELES, CAL. Kellûv;, Warren G., 1206 S. Westlake Ave $ 24,000 Kells, Herbert R., 625 S. Western Ave 33,200 Kelsey, Arthur V., R. D. No. 2, Van Nuys, Cal 15,400 Kelsey, Eunice W. B., 607 S. Commonwealth Ave 10,600 Kelsey, Frank M., 2703 Portland St 12,400 Kelly, Harriet A., 449 N. Bixel St 12,600 Kelly, Jane M., care of 2618 Romeo St 14,600 Kelly, Kate A., 666 S. Berendo St 60,000 Kelly, Samantha, 417 Central Ave 14,800 Kemp, Alexander N., 1408 S. St. Andrews PI 12,400 Kemp, John W., 1126 Marsh-Strong Bldg 20,200 Kennard, Edward H., 362 S. Virgil Ave 10,800 Kendall, Minerva B., 2906 S. Hobart Blvd 13,400 Kenealy, Mary J., 837 S. Irolo St 18,200 Kengel, Anna, 2809 Sunset PI 30,400 Kenneally, Thos. B., 1833 S. Hope St 14,200 Kennedy, E. D., 658 S. Bonnie Brae 13,800 Kennedy, John P., 1818 Victoria Dr 28,200 Kennedy, Lucile Wise, 2701 Wilshire Blvd 19,000 Kennedy, Mary A., 616 S. Serrano Ave 18,000 Kenney, Samuel C., 1225 Washington Bldg 72,400 Kenngott, Lucretia, 1016 S. Gramercy PI 15,200 Kent, James F., 73()0 Hollywood Blvd 20,000 Kent, Paul H., 333 S. Central Ave 14,200 Kenworthy, John T., 912 W. Ninth St 29,800 Kercheval, Venia, 1820 Upperton Ave 16,600 Kerckhoft, Herman H., 1325 W. Adams St 52,000 KerckhofC, Wm. G., 734 W. Adams St 2,449,600 Kerfoot, Andrew J., 4475 Victoria Park Dr 13,000 Kerkow, Margaretta, 1047 S. Westlake Ave 11,200 Kern, Franz, 1027 Maple Ave 181,400 Kerr, John A. H., 426 S. Kingsley Dr 12,000 Kerr, Mahettable B., 620 W. Sixty-second St 10,600 Kerr, Thos. L., 711 Hollingsworth Bldg 10,800 Kesler, Florence L., 2631 Monmouth Ave 10,800 Kette, Albert, 1713 W. Pico St 10 400 Kettler, Emil, 2929 S. Normandie Ave 116,000 Kidson, Henry J., Palms, Cal 24,000 Kieffer, Allie L., 1036 S. Hill St 60,800 Kiefer, Jennie, 103 S. Grand Ave 28,200 Kiefer, Olga S., 526 S. Gramercy PI 227,000 Kiely, Michael, 1315 W. Eleevnth St 24,200 Kiger, Anna F., 647 S. New Hampshire Ave 44,200 Kiger, Lola L., 4157 Woodlawn Ave 20,000 Kilpatrick, Harry E., 932 S. Hill St 16,600 Kimball, Fred I., 5227 Santa Monica Blvd 23,000 LOS ANGELES, CAL. 61 Kimball, Lemuel G., Jr., Owensmouth, Cal $ 18,000 Klncald, Allee L., 1539 Shatto 36,000 Klncald, Elmer L., 1327 Lemoyue St 12,000 Klncheloe, James, 613 Grant Bldg 33,800 King, Alexander L., 7523 Irene St., Palms, Cal 103,400 King, Clarlnda M., 903 Westlake Ave 28,000 King, Prank V., 141 W. Santa Barbara Ave 16,600 King, John, 556 S. Fremont Ave 32,000 King, Joseph M., 1221 S. Lake St 17,400 King, Wm., 1932 N. St. Andrews PI 16,000 Klngsbaker, Amelia, 1617 S. Flgueroa St 51,200 Kings baker, Benj., 1617 S. Flgueroa St 190,200 Kingsbury, Para Love, 2143 W. Twenty-first St 10,000 Klngsley, Oliver C., 7262 Hillside Ave 12,200 Klnnucan, Chas. F., 840 S. Burlington Ave 112,000 Klnsey, Ola, 4006W. Seventeenth St 10,000 Kipp, Bernhardt, 730 S. Oxford Ave 157,800 Kirk, W. Stokes, 312 S. Spring St 33,000 Klrkland, John N., 317 S. Vermont Ave 12,400 Klrkley, Cyrus A., 432 S. Serrano Ave 32,800 Klrkley, Richard W., 627 S. St. Andrews PI 12,800 Klrkpatrlch, Mary Ellis (Heirs), 1534 Second Ave 37,200 Klrst, Barth, R. D. No. 9, Box 742, Los Angeles 29,200 Klssam, Cornelia B., 2160 W. Twentieth St 18,000 Klstler, Samuel L., 3116 S. Vermont Ave 13,200 Klahn, John H., 1511 Plzarro St 14,200 Klamp, Frederick, 1810 Vista St 53,000 Klatscher, Joseph, 4143 W. Pico St 94,000 Klauber, Edgar E., 967 Westmoreland 10,400 Klein, Adolph, 1318 St. Andrews PI 20,800 Klein, Emily E., 140 S. Carondelet St 28,000 Klein, Mamie, 253 S. Los Angeles St 20,800 Klein, Sadie, 1318 St. Andrews PI 46,400 Klelnberger, Lotta, 675 S. Vermont Ave 30,800 Klelnpeter, Elizabeth, 623 Court St 10,600 Kleman, Gus, 2797 W. Pico St 13,600 Kline, Howard A., 209 S. Olive St 18,200 Kline, John R., 1121 S. Olive St 18^00 Kline, Minnie S., 2827 S. Hobart Blvd 25,400 Kllngsteln, Leonora, 1517 Crenshaw Blvd 10,200 Klokke, Johanna E., 2105 S. Flgueroa St 62,000 Knapp, Edwin W., 4741 Elmwood Ave 66,000 Knapp, Sylvia T., 2a§9 Canyon Dr 19,200 Knauff, Katherine T., 822 W. Jefferson St. 20,600 Knlckrehm, Wm., 180 E. Thirty-fifth St 73,000 Knight, Wllhelmine L., 1614 Second Ave 10,400 62 LOS AXGBLES, CAL. Knowlton, Geo. M., 6432 Pollard St $ 10,200 Knudsen, Annie S., 2117 Vista Del Mar 20,400 Koch, Emil A., 1527 Sixth Ave 14,000 Koch, Henry, 124 W. Twenty-fourth St 141,200 Koch, Serena O. de, 1811 Toberman St 298,000 Kocher, Henry A., 15211^ W. Vernon Ave 14,800 Koebig, Adolph H., 2118 S. Hobart Blvd 11,400 Koepfli, Joseph O., care of Bishop & Co 57,400 Kohan, Louis. 608 E. Eighth St 12,600 Kohlmeir, Conrad C (Heirs), 1054 Ingraham St 117,400 Koll, August J., 421 Colyton St 96,200 Koppes, Augustus O., 1328 S. Westlake Ave 12,800 Kornblum, Gusta, 966 Westmoreland 73,600 Koster, Emmit F., 1542 W. Eleventh St 12,400 Koster, Kate, 2200 S. Vermont Ave 12,800 Koyer, Arthur S., 2324 W. Seventh St 34,000 Koyer, Mary L., 2324 W. Seventh St 38,000 Kraemer, Sebastian, 2513 San Pedro St 21,200 Kraft, Charles, 1913 La Salle Ave 13,400 Kramer, Henry J., 1500 S. Figueroa St : 100,800 Kranz, Wm. H., 1557 Curson Ave 38,000 Kratz, Valentine, 1322 S. Van Ness Ave 18,000 Kraus, Carrie S., 1827 S. Westmoreland 10,200 Krempel, Emilie K., 1107 Arapahoe St 14,400 Kress, Geo. R., 749 Maple Ave 33,000 Kriehn, John Otto, 3321 S. Grand Ave 62,600 Krohn, Elizabeth P., 408 S. Serrano Ave 11,600 Kruell, Frederick J., 1857 N. Normandie Ave 21,200 Krug, Albert L., 206 N. Wilton PI 17,800 Krug, Frederick B., 317 Henne Bldg 35,000 Krystal, Anna, 305 S. Manhattan PI 12,800 Kubach, Christian J., 1201 S. Alvarado St 180,400 Kuchel, J. C.. 457 S. Oxford Ave 16,600 Kuert, Julius A., 310 Normandie Court 26,400 Ruhlemeier, Wm. H., 1504 S. Manhattan PI 14,400 Kuhrts, Jacob, 1103 Arapahoe St 49,800 Kuhrts, Myra H., 1018 Arapahoe St 10,200 Kump, Edith Off, 699 S. Berendo St 18,000 Kunkel, Michael, 5700 Hollywood Blvd 13,000 Kuns, Noah, 3241^ S. Hill St 22,800 Kupferle, Wm. R., Wilmington, Cal 25,400 Kurrle, Fred C., 1402 S. Los Angeles St 33,800 Kurtz, Carl, 1129 S. Alvarado St 98,800 Kurtz, Chas. C., 909 E. Seventh St 15,000 Kurtz, Joseph, 1801 Tobennan St 76,400 Kutzman, David, 253 N. Figueroa St 12,000 LOS AXGELES. CAL. 63 Labarere, Olympe, 812 W. First St $ 39,200 La Chat, Zelda B., 401 S. Grand Ave 112,000 Lachmann, Angelina, 1942 S. Grand Ave 40,400 Lacour, Geo. (Heirs), care of 242 Aliso St 58,600 Lacy, Ellen Irene, 928 W. Twentieth St 11,800 Lacy, Richard H., 601 Washington Bldg 343,200 Lacy, Sophie C., 201 N. Dillon St 10,800 Lacy, Wm., Wilshire and Vermont Ave 521,000 La Du, Carrie L., 343 S. Olive St 20,200 Lagier, Mathew, 320 Sunset Blvd 11,600 Lagomarsino, Marina, 1157 Lilac Terrace 16,800 Laguna, F. de, 333 S. Westmareland 43,200 La Marche, Joseph, 2303 W. Twenty-fifth St 12,800 Lamb, Grace A., 1629 Crenshaw Blvd 12,200 Landers, Bert. A., 202 E. Fourth St 13,800 Landsberg, Marcus, 511 W. Twenty-seevnth St 12,800 Lane, Chas. C., 403 S. Hill St 23,600 Lane, Cora A., 6132 De Longpre Ave 22,000 Laue, Joseph R., 463 Hartford Ave 50,000 Lane, H. Minerva, 5331 Russell Ave 11,400 Lane, Percy A., 609 Title Insurance Bldg 243,200 Lane, Rollin B., 7001 Franklin Ave 66,800 Lane, Wm. G., 218 Hollingsworth Bldg 80,400 Lang, Fred S., 640 S. Bixel St 13,600 Lang, John (Heirs), 928 W. Twentieth St 145,800 Langdon, Fred C., 941 S. Alvarado St 10,400 Lange, Henry, 151 W. Sixteenth St 12,000 Lankershim, Caroline A., Hotel Lankershim 126,600 Lankershim, James B., 716 Lankershim Bldg 6,238,800 Lanon, Sabina A., 120 S. Grand Ave 33,400 Lanterman, Frank D., R. D. No. 13, Box 49, Los Angeles.... 87,200 Lanterman, Roy S., R. D. No. 13, Box 51, Los Angeles 27,200 Lantz, Charles, 2622 S. Figueroa St 40,200 Larkin, Alice S., 353 S. Hill St 761,800 Larned, Estelle L., 948 S. Alvarado St 140,400 Larned, Wm. N., 948 S. Alvarado St 70,200 Larquier, Anna T., 226 N. Olive St 27,000 Larralde, Josephine, 1121 S. Olive St 58,600 Larronde, John M., 237 N. Hope St 250,600 Larronde, Juana, 237 N. Hope St 169,400 Larsen, Adele M., 1520 Gardner St 16,200 Lasky, Bessie, 7209 Hillside Ave 110,400 Last, Carl F. A., 742 S. Bonnie Brae 11,400 Laswell, Maude U., 744 S. Carondelet St 10,600 Latchford, Wm. J., 2812 Dalton Ave 42,800 Lathrop, Adelia M., 1217 S. Hoover St 13,400 64 LOS ANGELBS, CAL. Latimer, Franklin G., 2516 E. First St $ 12,400 Latz, Miguel, 1200 W. Adams St 84,000 Laub, Hannah, 677 S. Bonnie Brae 10,800 Laub, Henry, 677 S. Bonnie Brae 80,000 Laughlin, Gwendolin V., 666 W. Adams St 92,200 Laughlin, Homer, Jr., 315 S. Broadway 1,244,600 Lauten, Philip J., 1430 Laurel Ave., Hollywood 13,200 Lauth, Adele, 1514 S. Manhattan PI 30,200 Laventhal, Morris, 1416 W. Ninth St 52,600 Laverty, Levi F., 5332 Abbott PI 21,600 Law, J. Eugene, 833 Vè S. Catalina St 20,600 Lawler, Hilda B., 646 S. New Hampshire Ave 48,400 Lawless, Wm. J., 506 W. Grand View 171,200 Lawrence, Cortlandt, 1729 Victoria Dr 19,800 Lawyer, Jay, 332 S. Kingsley Dr 18,400 Layne, Ollyn A., 730 S. Serrano Ave 16,800 Layng, Chas. A., 817 S. Vermont Ave 19,600 Lazard, Sylvain A., 673 S. Westlake Ave 13,800 Leahy, Caroline, 699 Wilshire PI 21,000 Leahy, Ellen, 2330 Buckingham Rd 18,000 Leaver, Peter J., 167 E. Twentieth St 26,600 Lebus, Bertha, 1222 S. Bonnie Brae 260,400 Lechlider, Frank A., 1227 S. Main St 15,200 Lederle, Geo. F., 521 S. Serrano Ave 10,400 Lee, Bradner W., 320 H. W. Hellman Bldg 139,200 Lee, Don, 1201 S. Main St 164,800 Lee, Frank M., 1327 Hay Ave., Hollywood 83,600 Lee, Hattie M., 1327 Hay Ave., Hollywood 69,000 Lee, Henry, 1702 S. Figueroa St 24,200 Lee, Josephine M., 414 W. Adams St 32,000 Lee, Sarah F., 955 Winfleld St 22,400 Leeds, Anna Fay, 14 Berkeley Sq 27,000 Legrand, Mary, 1533 N. Harvard Blvd 10,800 Lehan, Frank, 315 Haas Bldg 13,000 Lehman, Chas. J., 761 S. Catalina St 12,000 Lehrman, Henry,-6717 Franklin Ave 21,800 Lelghton, Clarice, 2187 W. Twenty-fourth St 21,600 Leihy, Geo. W., 519 W. Washington St 11,200 Leithead, Hiram, 1052 Gratton St 10,000 Leland, J. Frank, 6284 Sunset Blvd 16,000 Le Mesnager, Marie, 1101 Magnolia Ave 180,600 Lendrecie, Onesime J. de, 697 S. Kingsley Dr 38,400 Leonard, Agnes W., 611 Carondelet St 12,400 Leonard, Flora T., 316 S. Ardmore Ave ^... 11,400 Leonard, Jeanette S., Lankershim Hotel T... 21,200 Leonard, Jesse R., 338 Cons. Realty Bldg 26,400 LOS ANGELES, CAL. 65 Leonard, Mary J., 927 S. Grand Ave $ 63,800 Leonard, Wm. C. (Heirs), care of 1225 Washington Bldg... 165,600 Leonardt, Carl, 2 Chester PI 210,000 Leonis, John B., 3721 Santa Fe Ave 121,400 Leow, Stephen N., 827 S. Berendo St 10,600 Lepper, Casper, 1911 Seventh Ave 24,000 Le Roy, Van. Vllet, 4941 Melrose Hill 10,000 Le Sage, Gideon, 1051 W. Eighteenth St 33,200 Le Saint, Stella, 850 N. Andrews Blvd 10,000 Leslie, Ella L., 767 Garland Ave 19,600 Letson, James, 1231 S. Gramercy PI 9,200 Letts, Arthur, Holmby House, E. Hollywood 3,896,000 Leung, Tom, 711 S. Main St 18,800 Levering, Martin M., 309 S. Serrano Ave 10,800 Levi, Herman, 540 S. St. Andrews PI 17,000 Levin, Abraham, 1704 S. Kingsley Dr 11,000 Levy, Ben, 262 N. Fiower St 28,400 Levy, Jenny, 980 Westmoreland 46,600 Levy, Rachel, 734 W. Seventeenth St 38,400 Levy, Rebecca (Heirs), 1109 S. Hoover St 59,600 Lewin, Jeanette L., 657 Westlake Ave 15,400 Lewis, Archie L., 511 Title Insurance Bldg 11,200 Lewis, Chas. H. V., 106 W. First St 29,600 Lewis, Evan. 268 E. Fiftieth St 11,400 Lewis, Geo. E., 1032 S. Wilton PI 52,800 Lewis, Geo. E., Owensmouth, Cal 34,600 Lewis, Jessie Lacy, 2140 W. Twentieth St 19,200 Lewis, Mary Agnes, 1425 W. Third St 103,200 Lewis, Mary B., 3016 S. Figueroa St 13,000 Ijewis, Martha J., 6657 Sunset Blvd 57,400 Lewis, Ralph W., 1425 W. Third St 41,600 Lewis, Ruby, B., 1127 Orange St 10,000 Lewis, Willis G., 1035 S. Oxford Ave 110,800 Lhez, Euphrasie, 132 S. Workman St 27,200 Lichtenberger, Antoinette, 2623 Romeo St 56,600 Lichtenberger, Emelie, 2407 W. Twenty-third St 121,200 Liefer, Henry, R. D. No. 1, Sawtelle, Cal 17,600 Lightner, Olive P., 1512 Trenton St 10,800 Lillard, Cecil W., 3127 S. Vermont Ave 12,200 Lillie, Harry C., 411 S. Mariposa Ave 11,400 Limper, Andrew F., 604 E. Fifth St 35,000 Lindauer, Luther, 694 S. Serrano Ave 35,400 Lindley, Samuel K., 2627 Menlo Ave 33,400 Lindley, Walter, 2007 S. Figueroa St 447,800 Lindsay, Eva R., 3424 W. Adams St 103,600 Lindsay, Lycurgus, 737 Citizens National Bank Bldg 64,600 66 liOS ANGELES, CAL. Lindsey, Philip S., 15112 Leesdale, Van Nuys, Gal $ 14,200 Lines, Louisa, 114 N. Coronado St 18,400 Linke, Henry, R. D. No. 2, Box 24, Van Nuys, Cal 10,800 Linkenbach, Lucy J., 691 S. Burlington Ave 30,400 Linsenhard, Johanna, 734 W. Sixteenth St 12,600 Linton, Jennie A., 1221 Maryland St 13,600 Lipe, Margaret, 3462 University Ave 21,400 Lippincott, Charles H., 1853 N. Harvard Blvd 26,400 Lippincott, Joseph B., 1256 W. Adams St 10,600 Lippman, Bernard B., 535 W. Eighth St., San Pedro, Cal.... 19,200 Lippman, Jacob, 2638 Van Buren PI 68,600 Lissner, Henry H., 806 Brockman Bldg 160,000 Lissner, Meyer, 504 Lissner Bldg 312,800 List, lola R., 1991 W. Fifty-fourth St 122,000 List, Richard D., 1021 Central Bldg 372,400 Little, Edwin B., 1947 Taft Ave 18,800 Little, Hattie E., 517 Stanford Ave 34,600 Littlefleld, Chas. A. (Heirs), care of 1006 Security Bldg.... 163,200 Livingston, Richard, 1410 Alvarado Terrace 151,800 Llewellyn, Hannah D., 7 Berkeley Sq 58,000 Llewellyn, Mary V., 1935 S. Figueroa St 42,000 Lloyd, Edward and Matilda (Heirs), 1011 Title Ins. Bldg.... 50,400 Lloyd, Ralph Bramel, 604 Union Oil Bldg 38,000 Lobdell, Mary G., 606 S. Rampart Blvd 47,000 Lobingier, Andrew Stewart, 511 S. Westmoreland 13,200 Lobit, Joseph E., 1856 Buckingham Rd 15,600 Lockhart, Minnie A., 1245 S. Van Ness Ave 12,400 Loeb, Adrien, 1233 S. Bonnie Brae 111,000 Loeffler, Helen C., 826 S. Hope St 21,000 Loew, Jacob, Box 292, Los Angeles 22,000 Loewenstein, Alice L., 2600 W. Eighth St 31,600 Loewenthal, Max, 1833 S. Flower St 78,800 Lofgren, Chas. A., 1037 Byram St 17,200 Logan, Annie M., 736 S. Kingsley Dr 39,200 Logan, Chas. L., 1805 Orange St 11,800 Logan, Crawford G., 1936 Pinehurst 30,000 Logan, George B., 1807 S. Wilton PI 12,000 Lohlker, Lillian, 1782% N. Hudson Ave - 19,000 Lohman, Herman F., 1000 W. Tenth St 15,400 Lohman, Luther C., 132 S. Spring St 43,600 Long, Elizabeth B., 501 S. Ardmore Ave 66,800 Long, Grantland S., 671 S. Vermont Ave 19,600 Long, James I., 1415 Manhattan PI 14,200 Longley, Albert W., care of 200 Washington Bldg 154,000 Longstreet, Mary W., 1100 W. Adams St 51,000 Longyear, Willis D., 645 S. Ardmore Ave 119,003 LOS ANGELBS, CAL. 67 Longwell, David W., 1807 N. Wilton PI $129,000 Loomis, Elizabeth M., 1430 Arapahoe St 63,600 Lopez, Catalina Pico de, 771 W. Sixteenth St 10,000 Lopez, Stephen N., San Fernando, Cal 30,000 Lord, Horace M., R. D. No. 1, Owensmouth, Cal 12,000 Lord, Julia E., 340 S. Occidental Blvd. 19,200 Lothian, Isaac A., 608 Title Insurance Bldg 329,800 Lotspeich, Anna Sarah, 208 N. Grand Ave 12,000 Lotspeich, James O., 843 S. Flower St 56,600 Lott, Melvina A., 515Vz S. Olive St 167,000 Lötz, M. Eva, 431 S. Center St., San Pedro, Cal 11,200 Louden, Geo. L., 966 Arapahoe St 44,200 Louis, Ysidora R., 669 S. Westlake Ave 16,800 Lounsberry, Alexander W., 1805 Fuller Ave 20,400 Lounsberry, Frank, 2801 Orchard St 19,400 Love, Charles E., 457 S. Harvard Blvd 118,200 Lovejoy, Geo. L., 1302 N. Hobart Blvd 154,800 Lowell, Edwin W., 1984 Park Grove 34,000 Lowry, Rosamond D., 148 W. Fifteenth St 103,400 Loy, Carrie R., 612 S. Harvard Blvd 28,800 Loyhed, Mollie A., 1443 Winfleld St 10,400 Luchsinger, Barbara, 1367 W. Vernon Ave 10,000 Luckenbach, John, 2325 N. Vermont Ave 127,800 Ludlow, Nettie, 607 Loomis St 13,000 Ludwick, Peter T., 324 W. Sixteenth St 11,600 Ludwig, Katherine, 1201 N. New Hampshire Ave 32,000 Luer, August, 812 Coronado St 11,800 Lueken, Anna M., 119 Sycamore Park Dr 13,800 Lund, Geo. J., 1227 Maryland St 27,400 Lunt, Reuben G. (Heirs), 611 Story Bldg 34,609 Luquet, Annette, 1919 Maple Ave 14,400 Lutz, Abe, 220 S. St. Andrews PI 10,400 Lyman, Edward Dean, 2429 Juliet St 12,600 Lynch, Susanne E., 1104 Trust & Savings Bldg 10,200 Lynds, Elizabeth S., 414 S. Oxford Ave 18,200 Lyon, Frances H., 1905 N. Highland Ave 13,000 Lyon, Josiah F., 1437 S. Los Angeles St 16,800 Lysle, Maria B., 1423 S. St. Andrews PI 70,009 Lysle, Walter S., 1423 S. St. Andrews PI 13,800 Lyster, Alice, 2438 Hillcrest Dr 26,000 McAfee, Myrta A., 338 S. Hobart Blvd 10,800 McAnany, Philip, 3996 S. Woodlawn Ave 11,800 McArthur Wm. T., 2025 S. Western Ave 38,000 McAulay, Annie Laura, 1206 Ingraham St 11,800 McBride, Alexander N., 1818 N. Kingsley Dr 12,400 McBurney, Arthur N., 1435 Crown Hill 27,200 68 LOS ANGELES, CAL. McCann, Owen, 1303 S. Gramercy PI $ 26,800 McCallum, Samuel M., care of 749 S. Spring St 295,000 McCarthy, Ellen, 226 S. Olive St 21,800 McCarthy, E. Avery, 630 Union Oil Bldg 29,000 McCarthy, John D., 179% Loma Dr 13,200 McCarthy, Kate, 682 S. Burlington Ave 10,800 McCartney, David H., 705 Story Bldg 273,400 McCartney, Frederick W., 705 Story Bldg 220,000 McCartney, Marion C., 636 S. Ardmore Ave 13,400 McCartney, Nora, 802 Beacon St 1,423,600 McCaskey, Myrta, M., 1248 Eiden Ave 10,600 McCausland, Wm. H., 434 S. Main St 14,600 McClelland, Tom E., 208 S. Mariposa Ave 20,000 McClung, Stanley P., 1959 La Salle Ave 11,200 McClure, John (Heirs), 3425 N. Broadway 32,600 McCollough, Emma A., 324 S. Westlake Ave 42,000 McCombe, Estelle T., 323 S. Alvarado St 57,200 McConnell, Elizabeth C., 601 S. Hobart Blvd 14,000 McConnell, Lee A., 2213 W. Eighth St 97,800 McConnell, Wm. P., R. D. No. 1, Box 38, Palms, Cal 48,000 MeCormick, Edgar B., 5600 Central Ave 16,000 McCormick, Patrick J., 906 S. Bonnie Brae 89,400 McCoy, Elizabeth B., 1703 Virginia Rd 83,200 McCoy, Thomas J. (Heirs), 1463 S. Norton Ave 28,000 McCray, Louis E., 2101 Canyon Dr 15,000 McCray, Morris L., 2025 Ocean View 50,000 McCready, Albert W., 942 S. Hoover St 67,800 McCreery, Samuel R., 700W. Thirty-second St 17,600 McCrillus, Etta M., 1209 S. Hoover St 10,000 McCristy, Joseph E., 1336 S. Westlake Ave 10,600 McCulloch, Emma L., 1210 Washington Bldg 79,200 McCutcheon, Wilfred A., 3974 Wilshire Blvd 10,800 McDill, Geo. W., 2110 W. Twenty-flrst St 10,200 McDonald, Catherine, 2831 Darwin Ave 22,400 McDonald, Duncan, 1330 Ingraham St 12,400 McDonald, Gregor, 2756 W. Ninth St 40,800 McDonald, John C., 1330 Ingraham St 26,400 McDonald, Mary A., 1822 S. Flower St 14,600 McDonald, Molly, 2756 W. Ninth St 26,200 McDonald, Sarah E. (Heirs), 1306 S. Westlake Ave 19,800 McEvilly, Wm. C., 351 S. Broadway 46,000 McFarland, Chas. H., 2659 Ellendale PI 14,600 McParland, Jas. W., 1227 W. Pico St 11,800 McParlane, Henry W., R. D. No. 12, Los Angeles 23,600 McFie, Elizabeth R., 1222 W. Twenty-ninth St 145,000 McGaffey, A. B., R. D. No. 1, San Fernando, Cal 11,600 LOS ANGELES, CAL. 69 McGaffey, Mabel F., 530 Sbatto PI $ 28,000 McGarry, Daniel F., 531 Hlggins Bldg 113,800 McGarry, John A., 660 W. Washington St 30,000 McGarry, Mary F., 1053 S. Union Ave 13,000 McGarvin, Una T., 1547 Gramercy PI 60,000 McGeary, Louis J., 1038 W. Twenty-flrst St 33,400 McGill, James C., 638 S. Manhattan PI 16,400 McGillin, Edward M. (Heirs), 568 Heliotrope Dr 162,600 McGinley, Walter T., 414 Merritt Bldg 1,240,000 McGrath, Warren F., 1215 Marsh-Strong Bldg 50,400 McGuire, Julia, 1330 S. Bonnie Brae 13,000 McHaffle, Wm. R., 839 N. Spring St 28,000 Mcllwain, Wm. R., 347 S. Ardmore Ave 10,000 Mclnemey, Kate J., 503 W. Twenty-second St 30,000 Mclntire, Geo. L., 330 S. Alvarado St 11,200 Mcintosh, Wm. A., 261 S. Mariposa Ave 11,000 Mclver, John L., 435 S. Plymouth Blvd 37,009 McKain, Edward, 1020 N. Normandie Ave 12,600 McKee, Albert F., 1815 Westmoreland Blvd 12,800 McKee, Henry S., 2626 Portland St 54,600 McKee, Luella F., 515 S. Oxford Ave 15,800 McKee, Samuel A., 4166 S. Main St 46,800 iMcKeever, Thomas, 918 S. Bonnie Brae 51,800 McKibbon, George, R. D. No. 3, Thirty-third Ave., and Washington St 20,400 McKie, Henrietta, R. D. No. 1, Palms, Gal 70.200 McKinley, Lillian E., 508 W. Adams St 335,000 ■McLaughlin, Eugene O., 2400 S. Figueroa St 34,000 .McLaughlin, D. W. (Heirs), Citizens Trust & Savings Bank. 96,000 McLaughlin, Mathilda, M., 2400 S. Figueroa St 518,400 McLauglin, Michael A., 403 S. Hill St 104,800 McLaughlin, Wm. F., R. D. No. 1, Palms, Cal 72,600 McLellan, Wm., 3028 Leeward Ave 14,600 McLeod, Harry W., P. O. Box 54, Los Angeles 227,000 McLeod, John M., 267 Andrews Blvd 28,400 McMahon, Nora, 1105 W. Thirty-ninth PI 11,400 McManus, Peter F. (Heirs), R. D. Lankershim, Cal 22,600 McMenomy, Mary Jane, 2701 Wilshire Blvd 76,600 McMillen, John W., 1638 W. Thirty-ninth PI 12,000 McMillin, Reason G., 1228 S. Ardmore Ave 12,000 McMullen, Robert A., 313 W. Fifth St 22,400 McNaghten, Malcolm, 819 Investment Bldg 79,400 McNair, David, 625 S. Kingsley Dr 322,800 McNamara, Leona E., 1017 Grattan St 17,000 McNamara, Thos. .i., 1807 N. Highland Ave 58,800 McNary, Flora B., 460 E. Vernon Ave 15,600 70 LOS ANGELES, CAL. McNeal, John, 751 S. Coronado St $ 22,800 McNeil, John H., 1909 S. Oxford Ave 65,000 McNeely, Nora M., 1020 S. Westlake Ave 12,600 McNeely, Thos. B., Lankershim, Cal 16,800 McNeese, Samuel J., 6272 Sunset Blvd 25,000 McNish, Elizebeth, 400 S. Gramercy PI 10,000 McPhail, Henry A. C., 720 Court St 22,400 McPherson, Caroline W., 1044 W. Washington St 13,600 McQuatters, Arthur J., 1120 Westchester PI 52,000 McReynolds, Robert P., 307 Coulter Bldg 57,400 McVay, Wm. E., 1190 W. Twenty-ninth St 51,400 McWilliams, Clara H., 534 S. Virgil Ave 19,400 McWilliams, Geo. B., 516 S. St. Andrews PI 11,200 Mabury, Bella, 919 W. Twenty-eighth 42,000 Mabury, Paul R., 919 W. Twenty-eighth 62,000 Macbean, Mary, 639 W. Twenty-flrst 10,400 Macdonald, Donald, 3920 Wilshire Blvd 24,000 Macdonald, James Wiseman, 2625 S. Figueroa 90,200 MacDonald, Wm. A., 860 S. Lake 50,600 Machris, Geo. L., 2455 E. Twenty-seventh 40,600 MacFarlane, Saidee E., care of 815 Black Bldg 18,800 MacFarland, Nannie C., 2644 Portland St 19,200 MacGowan, Lillie M., 3729 W. Adams St 70,000 Mackel, James, 1331 Fourth Ave 32,600 Mackel, John, 1331 Fourth Ave 60,600 Mackenzie, B. Agnes, 750 Wall St 12,600 Mackey, Clara Howes, 1918 S. Harvard Blvd 426,000 Mackie, Julia, 330 S. Grand Ave 58,600 Mackley, Lizzie, 521% Front St., San Pedro 20,000 MacKnight, Alpha D., 1652 S. Gramercy PI 43,600 Maclay, Isabella G., Fourth and McFarland. San Fernando.. 16,400 Maclay, Robert Hall, San Fernando, Cal 22,000 MacLean, Ada J., 1476 W. Vemon 11,800 Macleish, Archibald, 616 S. Kingsley Dr 23,200 Macleod, Louise E. G., 447 S. Occidental Blvd 55,800 MacNeil, Felix A., 218 W. Eleevnth St 42,800 Macneil, Louise S., 2321 S. Figueroa St 64,000 Macneil, Sayre, 354 S. Ardmore Ave 22,000 Madden, Kate L., 101 S. Boyle 12,200 Madill, Isaac, 4601 Cimarron St 17,600 Maeder, Wm. R., 657 W. Seventeenth 13,800 Maelinson, Harry P., 711 E. Thirty-first St 13,200 Magill, Arthur H., R. D. No. 2, Box 89, Van Nuys, Cal 17,600 Magnus, Selma, 1861 W. Tenth St 12,400 Maguire, Sophia T., 3105 S. Figueroa St 11,000 Mahlstedt, Emma, 1309 W. Ninth St 13,600 LOS ANGELES, CAL. 71 Mahlstedt, John F., 133 W. Forty-eighth St $ 20,800 Mahlstedt, Martha, 821 S. Gramercy Dr 28,600 Mahoney, Florence G., 1409 S. Manhattan 10,200 Maier, Ed. R., 440 Aliso St 80,800 Maier, Isabel D., 3820 W. Adams St 29,600 Maines, Albert R., 439 S. Kingsley Dr 133,200 Mallard, Josephine, 802 Bixel St 131,200 Mallgren, John N., 445 W. Fifth St., San Pedro 24,000 AI allmann, Gustave H., 810 W. Washington 16,000 Mallmann, Mary C., 810 W. Washington 39,000 Mann, Ohas. S., 407 S. Hill St 30,600 Manning, Edw. C., 718 Black Bldg 51,400 Manning, John, 815 W. Eleventh St 18,000 Manning, Kate, 955 S. New Hampshire 10,800 Mansfield, Anna L., 2512 S. Figueroa St 36,400 Mansfield, Byron G., 1151 Delaware 30,000 Mansfield, Chas.' H., 2512 S. Figueroa St 14,600 Mansfield, Ed. W., 1406 Baker-Detwiler Bldg 25,600 Mansfield, Fannie A., 228 S. Grand 29,000 Mansfield, John P., 767 E. Twelfth St 34,800 Mansur, Irene W., 1109 Brockman Bldg 63,000 Manspeaker, Gracia A., 309 W. Fourth St 49,400 Marcher, Frank A., 1527 Fourth Ave 10,600 Marcher, Ralph H., 501 S. Figueroa St 31,400 Markham, Emma R., 1725 Fifth Ave 10,000 Markham, Wm. F., 1453 Vine St 111,800 Marks, Benjamin W., 2028 W. Twenty-fourth St 10,400 Marks, Max, 910 Grayco Bldg 18,600 Markwalder, Anna, 322 E. Twelfth St 12,200 Markwell, Chas. A., 331 S. New Hampshire 35,600 Markwell, Frank P., 689 S. Catalina St 16,200 Marlow, Edward, 507 S. Western Ave 49,800 Alarquet, Camille, 740 E. Thirty-third St 30,400 Marquis, Vivian, 624 S. Mariposa Ave 14,000 Marsh, Cecil L., 200 Marsh-Strong Bldg 58,000 Marsh, J. E., 200 Marsh-Strong Bldg 18,400 Marsh, Martin C., 154 Wilson Bldg 39,600 Marsh, Robert, 200 Marsh-Strong Bldg 10,400 Marshall, Carrie M., 1048 Santee St 12,400 Marshall, Elizabeth H., 807 Bixel St 21,200 Marshall, Elizabeth J., 6304 Santa Monica Blvd 10.800 Marshall, Sarah A., 1312 W. Thirty-first St 12,000 Marshall, Thos. B., 2110 N. Highland Ave 32,400 Marshutz, Siegfried G., 227 W. Seventh St 103,800 Martens, Herman E., 1006 W. Forty-second St 21,800 Martin, Anna M., 612 S. Normandie Ave 20,000 72 LOS ANGELES, CAL. Martin, James P., 454 S. Windsor Blvd $ 45,600 Martin, John E., 600 N. Vermont Ave 33,800 Martin, Josiah L., 541% S. Los Angeles St 15,403 Martin, Marshall Lee, 2702 N. Broadway 13,000 Martin, Nellie, 2403 Compton Ave 10,400 Martin, Percy T., 1021 W. Thirty-eighth St 20,200 Martin, Samuel, R. D. No. 2, Box 66, Van Nuys, Cal 15,000 Martin, Sarah M., 418 S. Lucerne Blvd 19,800 Martin, Wm. A., 816 Hibernian Bldg 17,200 Martin, Verna P., 2025 Sixth Ave 11,400 Martindale, Ella W., 636 Lucas Ave 31,000 Martz, August J., 655 Park View Ave 12,600 Martz, Charles M. S., 5160 Hollywood Blvd 32,200 Martz, Elizabeth, 650 Park View 1,452,000 Manisch, Anton K., 425 Fourteenth St., San Pedro 10,800 Marygold, Geo. S., 928 S. New Hampshire 32,000 Mason, Harriett M., 528 Mason Bldg 39,000 Mason, Harry S., 222 W. Fourth St 10,400 Mason, Dean, 340 Andrews Blvd 868,600 Mason, Pierre D., 528 Mason Bldg 140,000 Mason, Wayne, 528 Mason Bldg 112,000 Mason, Wm. C., 418 Security Bldg 60,000 Massey, Louise R., 630 W. Jefferson 13,600 Massey, Mary, 544 S. Flower 25,400 Masselin, Marie, 1325 Third Ave 143,000 Masson, Raymond S., 430 S. Berendo St 20,600 Matfleld, James, 425 W. Thirty-third St 115,400 Matheson, John L., 1933 S. Union Ave 11,400 Mathews, Newell, 930 Van Nuys Bldg 69,200 Matthews, Thomas P., 676 S. Westmoreland Ave 12,800 Mathewson, Helen, 56 Fremont PI 50.000 Matthias, Martha, 1238 S. Bonnie Brae 35,600 Mathis, Jennie A., 336 W. Thirty-flrst St 25,400 Mathisen, Andrew, 3519 W. Seventeenth St 13,400 Mathison, Charles P., 119 N. Eastlake Ave 49,600 Mathuss, Zacharia D., 1129 W. Seventh St 34,000 Mauch, Aloys J., 318 E. Twelfth St 10,000 Mauerham, Daniel H., 1605 Edgemont St 19,000 Mauricio, Maurice C., 2212 W. Pico St 21,000 Mauser, Ottilie W., 1147 S. Hoover St 18,000 Maussnest, Adam, 152 W. Thirty-second St 13,000 Mauzy, Mame C., 245 S. Normandie Ave 13,600 Maw, Joseph, 614 S. St. Andrews PI 19,400 Maxey, Wm. J., 4815 S. Main St 11,200 Maxon, Chas. C., 600 S. Ardmore Ave 26,600 Maxon, Herbert E., 344 S. Alvarado 13,000 LOS ANGELES, CAL. 73 Maxrwell, Mary W., 666 Coronado $ 19,000 Mayhew, Marie C., 1350 Orange St 50,000 Mayo, Elinor McKell, 403 S. Hill St 11.400 Mayo, Luther T., 531 Black Bldg 9.400 Maytorena, Ernestina M. de, 502 S. Harvard Blvd 20,000 Mazet, John, 1414 Wilton PI 10,600 Mead, Florence V., 7231 Hollywood Blvd 15,800 Mead, John F., 7231 Hollywood Blvd 19,400 Mead, Wm., 606 S. Hill St., Room 808 309,000 Meade, Ellen, 4150 S. Figueroa 79,800 Means, Wm. C., 440 S. State St 11,200 Meares, Maud Lee, 1914 E. Seventh St 13,400 Meek, Justin W., 1726 Crenshaw 12,800 Meiling, Bertha J., 317 W. Fourth St 71,800 Melczer, Louis, 402 S. Occidental Blvd 158,000 Mellon, Edward D., 3033 Leeward 11,000 Meloy, Katherine W., R. D. No. 1, Box 20, Palms, Cal 66,600 Melsing, Olive Blanche, 1900 Mineral Ave 224,200 Merlau, Fred H., 634 W. Sixteenth St 11,200 Menke, Edward H., 731 S. Oxford Ave 28,000 Mennell, Theo. C. (Heirs), care of 1114 Trust & Sav. Bldg. .. 155,400 Mennet, Overton H., 1194 W. Thirty-first St 40,000 Mentry, May, 8151 Reseda Ave., Zelzah, Cal 24,400 ■Menvig. Chas., 335 I St., Wilmington, Cal 30,000 Menzie, John E., 1746 N. Wilcox Ave 18,200 Mercer, Eleanor A., 1434 S. Flower St 41,600 Mercer, Louise, 1001 S. Gramercy Dr 22,800 Mercer, Richard, 1001 Gramercy Dr 16,000 Mercereau, Géraldine W., 1201 Westchester Pi 14,800 Merickel, Watson D., 515 S. Manhattan PI 15,200 Merigold, Mathilda L., 920 Georgia St 12,800 Merrlell, Catherine E., 618 S. Westlake Ave 41,400 Merrill, Isaac, 669 S. Burlington Ave 12,000 Merryman, Mary, 6424 Pollard St 10,800 Mersch, John N., 245 S. Figueroa St 14,800 Mertens, Edward J., R. D. No. 9, Box 196, Los Angeles 48,800 Mertens, Henry M., R. D. No. 9, Box 196, Los Angeles 39,400 Mertens, Mary, R. D. No. 9, Box 196, Los Angeles 62,000 Merwin, Wm. B., H. W. Hellman Bldg 97,600 Meserve, Cora D., 676 S. Carondelet 11,600 Meserve, Edwin A., 1017 Union Oil Bldg 40,600 Mesmer, Joseph, 3500 Manitou Ave 375,800 Messerly, Alpheus E., 826 S. Burlington Ave 11,200 Metcalf, Alfred P., 2377 W. Twentieth St 11,600 Metcalf, Hiram F., 626 S. Spring St 85,600 Metcalf, Ida S., 842 S. Bonnie Brae 16,000 74 LOS ANGELES, CAL. Mettler, Bertha, 123 S. Broadway $ 11,400 Metzler, Hannah, 201 N. Avenue Eighteen 53,400 Meyberg, Bertha, 1045 Lake St 11,200 Meyberg, Eugene J., 735 S. Catalina St 66,600 Meyer, Alexander, 937 S. Burlington 334,000 Meyer, Louis, 933 S. Burlington 11,800 Meyer, Mendel, 538 H. W. Reliman Bldg 32,000 Meyer, Nora F., 637 W. Eighteenth St 16,000 Meyer, Paul, 222 E. Thirty-seventh St 11,200 Meyer, Hulda, 800 S. Westlake Ave 10,800 Meyer, Samuel T., 13884 Oxnard, Van Nuys, Cal 11,000 Meyler, Frances B., 2713 Severance St 202,600 Millbank, Isaac, 724 Trust & Savings Bldg 324,600 Milbank, Nichols, 671 Wilshire PI 73,400 Michener, Ellen, 614 S. Westlake Ave., Apt. 2 68,600 Miles, Joseph H., 43 Westmoreland PI 57,800 Miles, Sue A., 43 Westmoreland PI 64,600 Miles, Wm., Sr., 2143 W. Twentieth St 44,000 Mille, Cecil B. de, 5211 Franklin Ave 94,000 Mille, Wm. C. de, 4821 Hollywood Blvd 27,800 Miller, Albert, 3050 W. Pico St 10,600 Miller, Albert H., 5928 Hollywood Blvd 20,800 Miller, Anna S., 203 S. Bunker Hill 16,400 Miller, Benj. F., Jr., 674 S. Oxford Ave 25,800 Miller, Celia A., 601 W. First St 11,600 Miller, Christ, 1427 S. Bonnie Brae 25,400 Miller, Clark F., Ill N. Hobart Blvd 16,000 Miller, Elbert L.. 1315 W. Ninth St 11,200 Miller, Elizabeth H., 1833 Victoria Dr 14,800 Miller, Emma R., 118 S. Manhattan PI 10,600 Miller, Ernest H., 201 Bradbury Bldg 52,800 Miller, Frank W., 2076 S. Harvard Blvd 14,000 Miller, Geo. W., 950 S. Park View 19,400 Miller, Harry A., 1630 S. Los Angeles St 12,600 Miller, Hulda S., 2198 Cambridge St 95,600 Miller, Isaac J., 138 W. Fifty-sixth St 20,000 Miller, Jacob, 1880 Nichols Canyon Rd 29,600 Miller, James W., 823 S. Burlington Ave 10,600 Miller, Jared H., 610 S. Oxford Ave 17,600 Miller, Kate P., 611 S. Coronado St 11.800 Miller, Kenton, 594 P. E. Bldg 22,800 Miller, Laron M., 229 S. Fremont Ave 13,000 Miller, Lizzie L., 1214 W. Ninth St 14,200 Miller, Lula D., 1405 S. Harvard Blvd 14,200 Miller, Orren C., 503 S. Harvard Blvd 14,800 Miller, Ray O., 715 S. Serrano 16,800 LOS ANGELES, CAL. 75 Miller, Robert W., 1141 W. Adams St $ 31,200 Miller, Rome, 636 S. Harvard St. 35,800 Miller, Silas G., 230 E. Second St 15,800 Miller, Theodore F., 909 Lake St 90,000 Miller, Vetrice W., 704 Merchants Trust Bldg 18,403 Mills, John v., 1250 Fifth Ave 13,600 Mills, Lydia, 1725 Wellington Rd 10,000 Mills, Mary Este, 435 S. Ardmore Ave 54,000 Mills, Margaret J., 435 S. Ardmore Ave 36,406 Milner, John (Tr.), Box 36, Los Angeles 91,600 Milner, Winifred L., 7 Berkeley Sq 179,800 Milovich, Tony, 885 Kensington Rd 31,400 Minassian, John H., 802 S. Figueroa St 10,00u Miner, Frederick R., 2202 W. Twenty-fifth St 16,600 Miner, Randolph H., 649 W. Adams 154,000 Mines, W. W., 631 S. Spring St 146,000 Mingus, Chalmer W., 621 Towne Ave 12,800 Minkler, Myrtle, 153 W. Twenty-fourth St 15,600 Minter, Wm. M., 1752 N. Vine St 13,600 Mitchell, Carrie E., 2822 S. Olive '. 11,800 Mitchell, Clara W., care of 1226 Marsh-Strong Bldg 38,600 Mitchell, Edward L., 932 Francisco St 11,400 Mitchell, Ella I., 2822 S. Olive St 14,000 Mitchell, John J., care of 749 S. Spring St 159,000 Mitchell, John W., 125 N. Vermont Ave 22,000 Mitchell, Lon H., 1001 S. Alvarado St 50,200 Mitchell, Mary, 2225 W. Eleventh St 138,000 Mitchell, Nannie Ella, 2139 Sunset Blvd 15,409 Mitchell, Wm. R., 619 S. Broadway 13,600 Mize, Wm. J., 320 S. Normandie Ave 11,400 Mizner, David A., 101 Fremont PI 60,000 Modesti, Althee, 1237 S. Vermont Ave 12,000 Modine, Edward E., 2429 St. Andrews PI 47,000 Moffat, Anna F., 1021 Alpine St 15,600 Möhr, Edward B., 710 S. Broadway 16,000 Moiso, James R., 2367 W. Twenty-first St 10,000 Moll, Mary P., 7002 Hollywood Blvd 155,600 Molong, Richard, 348 S. Virgil Ave 21,400 Meitzer, John E., R. D. No. 1, Van Nuys, Cal 15,000 Molyneaux, Mary B., 1915 Bonsallo St 19Í600 MondOn, Marie H., 1422 Santee St loioOO Monk, Edward R., 1609 S. Flower St 24*400 Monnette, M. J., 703 Citizens National Bank Bldg 70,000 •Monnette, Orra E., 350 S. Oxford Ave 13,000 Monroe, Chas., 729 W. Twenty-eighth St 83Í800 Montague, James W., 970 Court Circle ' 15,600 76 LOS ANGELES, CAL. Monteith, Lida, 1180 W. Thirty-ninth PI $ 42,800 Monteleone, Guiseppe, 847 E. Twenty-seventh St 19,600 Monteleone, Peter L., 732 Market Court 73,000 Montgomery, Aubrey, 620 Ferguson Bldg 33,800 Montgomery, C. Harry, 924 Trust & Savings Bldg 46,000 Montgomery, Jas. A., 747 S. Bonnie Brae 17,000 Montgomery, James W., 2069 S. Oxford Ave 18,400 Montgomery, Wm. M., 457 S. Kingsley Dr 15,600 Moody, Cecela, 450 S. Harvard Blvd 13,200 Moordijran, Nazareth N., 4052 S. Park Ave 14,000 Moore, Agnes, 5447 Virginia 11,600 Moore, Amenaida R., 2854% W. Ninth St 9,000 Moore, Annie, 1235 Dewey Ave 15,400 Moore, Belle H., 335 S. Normandie Ave 17,600 Moore, Chas. I. D., Pacific Mutual Life Insurance Co. ,L. A... 13,600 Moore, Elizabeth A., Loma Linda Rd., San Fernando, Cal... 74,000 Moore, Elizabeth A., 340 S. Kingsley Dr 67,800 Moore, Ernest C., 327 S. Kenmore Ave 17,600 Moore, Florence G., 2277 Hobart 16,200 Moore, Hansen, 2412 S. Western 72,600 Moore, Harry E., 619 S. New Hampshire 10,600 Moore, Joseph H., 1849 W. Twenty-first St 32,600 Moore, Julia Grant, care of C. J. Fox, Jr., 626 S. Spring St.. 35,400 Moore, Katherine S., 320 W. Sixteenth St 11,600 Moore, Maisie K., 451 S. Serrano Ave 23,60 ) Moore, Margaret, R. D. No. 1, Box 2, Van Nuys, Cal 10,000 Moore, Melvin, 1005 Merchants National Bank Bldg 18,600 Moore, Samuel G., 121 S. Hill St 38,000 Moore, Thomas, 130 W. Thirty-sixth St 12,400 Moorehead, Robert B., 1915 Toberman St 42,000 Mordough, Melissa A., 741 S. Catalina 203,800 Moreno, Bessie L., 635 W. Sixteenth St 11,800 Morehouse, Wm. A., 754 S. Bonnie Brae 49,200 Moreland, Ida B., 944 Francisco St 15,200 Moreland, Watt L., 1763 Buckingham Rd 15,000 Morgan, Annie, 773 Ottawa St 10,600 Morgan, Ella, 2244 W. Twenty-fourth St 10,200 Morgan, Gad., 417 S. Kenmore Ave 21,800 Morgan, Geo. J., 2820 Sunset PI 9,000 Morgan, Jeremiah J., 5627 Hollywood Blvd 110,800 Morgan, Octavius, 1124 Van Nuys Bldg 288,400 Morían, A. F., 967 Manhattan PI 12,000 Morosco, Oliver, 752 S. Broadway 30,800 Morrell, Rivers J., 311 S. Normandie Ave 11,600 Morres, Constance, 421 W. Adams St 40,000 Morris, Abraham, 1864 Winfield St 12,000 LOS ANGELES, CAL. 77 Morris, Dan, 410 S. Mariposa $ 41,200 Morris, Edwin, R. D. No. 1, Qwensmouth, Cal 28,000 Morris, Emma R., R. D. No. 1, Van Nuys, Cal 11,200 Morris, Frederick I., 1731 El Gerrite PI 14,800 Morris, Jacob, 1041 Arapahoe St 147,400 Morris, Katherine, 410 S. Mariposa Ave 19,800 Morris, Pauline H.,' 903 W. Eleevnth St 12,000 Morrison, Annie F., 135 N. Avenue Twenty-three 27,600 Morrison, Emma J., care of 403 S. Hill St 11,200 Morrison, Enoch A., 1724 N. Vermont Ave 25,400 Moirison, Hugh H., 807 S. New Hampshire 15,000 Morrison, Norman H., 1263 W. Adams St 68,800 Morrison, Sybil J., 1304 S. Hoover St 47,600 Morrissey, Henry, 1010 N. Vermont Ave 14,000 Morsch, Bertha, 1712 S. Arlington Ave 10,400 Morse, Henry B., 6716 Sunset Blvd 19,000 Morse, Wellington S., 540 Citizens National Bank Bldg 11,600 Morsman, Westel W., 6726 Sunset Blvd 30,000 Mortimer, C. White, 904 International Bank Bldg 73,600 Morton, Fred B., 515 E. Thirty-first St 77,400 Morey, Chas. J., 666 S. Bonnie Brae 30,800 Mosher, Evans W., 317 S. Kenmore Ave 23,800 MoBher, Libbie, 1229 S. Hope St 30,200 Mosier, Maude A., 55 Fremont PI 72,000 Moses, Stella W., 426 S. Oxford Ave 17,600 Moses, Edward W., 440 S. Oxford Axe 19,600 Moss, Berkeley N., 6605 Franklin Ave 39,600 Moss, Eleanor K., 6605 Franklin Ave 13,800 Moss, Henry L., 1401 Santee St 20,400 Moss, Leon F., 1241 Lake St 44,000 Mote, Ira E., 130 W. Fifteenth St 10,800 Mott, Lila F., 2629 Portland St 17,400 Mott, Stephen H. (Heirs), 1108 Washington Bldg 42,000 Mottashed, Chas., 3200 N. Broadway 15,800 Moulton, John H., 7108 Hollywood Blvd 19,000 Moultrie, Lloyd M., 3012 W. Seventh 12,000 Mouser, Wm. E., 262 S. Van Ness Ave 12,400 Moynier, Marie, care of 220 N. Spring St 11,200 Mudd, Delia M., 2232 S. Harvard Blvd 363,400 Mueller, Earl W., 348 S. Occidental Blvd 127,200 Mueller, Geo. R., 1321 S. Harvard Blvd 14,800 Muteller, Ivy S., 2115 Harvard Blvd 27,200 Mueller, M. (Heirs), 348 S. Occidental Blvd 1,630,400 Mulford, Fred H., 829 Windsor Blvd 15,000 Mulford, Helen B., 443 S. Westmoreland Ave 21,400 Mulholland, Wm., 1815 E. Sixth St 28,600 78 LOS ANGELES, CAL. Mullen, Margaret .T., 364 W. Forty-first PI $ 10,400 Mullen, Mary F., 953 W. Seventh St 24,200 Muller, Jacob, 6365 Sunset Blvd 39,200 Mullía, Ellen C., 1232 Third Ave , 10,800 Mullin, John F., 3123 S. Grand Ave 60,000 Multhauf, Christopher J., 1348 Shatto St 10,600 Mulvihill. Edmund J., 503 W. Twenty-second St 61,400 Munday, Pemelia H., 334 W. Twenty-third St 12,400 Munger, Geo. M., 1922 S. Hobart Blvd 10,200 Münk, Joseph A., 747 S. Alvarado St 30,600 Munsey, Edwin A., 3000 N. Broadway 12,000 Munson, Willys H., 532 Lucerne Blvd 22,600 Murphy, Anna B., 604 Shatto PI 37,000 Murphy, Dan, 1117 Trust & Savings Bldg 237,000 Murphy, Edward W., 2904 W. Seventh St 166,200 Murphy, Frank, 2139 W. Twenty-fourth St 11,400 Murphy, John A., 419 W. Washington St 204,200 Murphy, Joseph F,, 785 Lyon St 33,000 Murphy, Joseph L., 720 Story Bldg 70,200 Murphy, Theo. D., 356 Lorraine Blvd 42,600 Murphy, Tacy M., 1327 S. St. Andrews PI 17,600 Murray, Chas., 686 Carondelet St 165,800 Murray, Emmett Y,, 439 S. Westmoreland 29,200 Murray, John, 3712 S. Park Ave 28,400 Murray, John E., 1026 Orange St 65,000 Murray, W, D., 1355 Orange St 80,600 Murrietta, Juan, 827 S. Kenmore Ave 18,000 Murrietta, Mabel G., 533 Lucerne Blvd 12,000 Murset, John S., 150 W. Twenty-sevond St .. 26,000 Müssen, John R . 363 S. Bonnie Brae 14,000 Musser, Henry L., 1635 S. Westmoreland 16,000 Musto, Joseph, 1949 Santa Fe Ave 37,000 Muth, Jacob, 3506 Central Ave 23,400 Myers, Thos. C., 1501 S. Figueroa St 24,000 Myrick, Nathaniel W., 2440 E. Ninth St 26,000 Nabel, Adolph, Box 47, Owensmouth, Cal 56,800 Nadal, Edward M., 216 Grosse Bldg 14,000 Nadeau, Geo. A., 1600 Nadeau St 47,200 Nadeau, Hubert, 223 W. Second St 173,000 Nadeau, Joseph A., 1744 Buckingham Rd 23,200 Naftzger, Louise E., 2310 Scarff St 31,600 Nafziger, Maggie L., 1733 E. First St 12,400 Nagle, E. J., 4424 Wesley Ave 18,000 Nance, Chas. H., 2156 W. Adams St 13,800 Nance, Hattie L., 2156 W. Adams St 37,000 Narbonne, Gardner H., 2428 Juliet St 35,800 LOS ANGELES, CAL. 79 Nash, Elizabeth, 3001 Wilshire Blvd $ 35,900 Nason, Malcolm G., 5409 Sunset Blvd 48,800 Naud, Louise, 1645 Westmoreland Blvd 39,800 Nauerth, Anna, 1615a St. Andrews PI 25,000 Neeb, Margaret E., 7138 Hollywood Blvd 42,400 Neeland, John M., 3507 W. Washington St 89,800 Neelands, J. Reginald, 3445 S. Vermont Ave 18,200 Neilson, Hans B., 2010 S. Western Ave 11,400 Neisser, Otto, 745 S. Broadway 20,000 Nelk, Stella B., 6851 Rester Ave, Van Nuys, Cal 14,200 Nellermoe, Nelse A., R. D. No. 1, San Fernando, Cal 14,000 Nelson, Franz G., 1050 W. Forty-eighth St 22,000 Nelson, Susan Emma, 1414 S. Manhattan PI 40,200 Nesa, Bernard, 2500 S. Alameda St 136,400 Nestor, Thos. D. J., 452 S. Spring St 25,400 Nettleton, Fred H., 419 S. Kingsley Dr 15,400 Neuer, Florence L., 843 S. Bonnie Brae 11,400 Nevin, Mary, 116 E. Avenue Fifty-six 70,000 Newbem, Eliza G., 1829 Camino Palermo 18,800 Newberry, Frank J., 938 S. Bonnie Brae 49,400 Newbert, Leroy W., 435 Irving PI 45,400 Newcomb, Herbert D., R. D. No. 10, Box 626, Hollywood 20,400 Newell, Ella E., 445 E. Adams St 30,000 Newell, Henry T., 610 Citizens National Bank Bldg 177,800 Newell, Thomas N., 268 S. Mariposa Ave 19,000 Newland, Henriet S., 341 Arden Blvd 62,800 Newlands, J. R., 1800 S. Flower St 71,800 Newlin, Geo. W., 625 S.Alexandria Ave 25,600 Newlin, Gumey E., 935 Title Insurance Bldg 10,000 Newlin, Thos. E., 737 W. Twenty-eighth St 19,600 Newman, Gustavus O., 607 Park View 20,400 Newman, Hannah, 1135 S. Figueroa St 52,600 Newman, Harriet A., 637 S. Ardmore Ave 38,000 Newmark, Marco R., 977 Arapahoe St 10,200 Newmark, Maria F., 4362 Victoria Park Dr 14,000 Newmark, Maurice H., 905 Beacon St 30,600 Newmark, Max N., 635 S. Hobart Blvd 405,000 Newmark, Morris A., 880 W. Adams St 796,600 Newmark, Samuel M., 310 E. First St 173,400 Newton, Anne G., 1025 Bixel St 10,200 Newton, Arthur G., 1232a W. Fourth St 142,200 Newton, Clara C., 4075% S. Figueroa St 18,000 Newton, E. Avery, 1026 Marsh-Strong Bldg 15,200 Newton, Isaac B., 365 Loma Dr 56,000 Newton, Jane Ann (Heirs), 130 E. Adams St 13,800 Newton, Nellie, 1803 N. Winona Blvd 12,200 80 LOS ANGEI>BS, CAL. Newton, Thomas P., 931 W. Adams St $ 48,000 Newton, Wm. J., 2703 Halldale Ave 48,600 Newton, Winifred R., 365 Loma Dr 72,400 Nicklin, Chas. M., 916 Story Bidg 15,000 Nicolai, Chas., P. G. Box 156, San Pedro 19,800 Nichols, Frank H., 977 Menlo Ave 12,600 Nichols, Jennie B., 1757 Magnolia Ave 19,200 Niece, Walter W., 713 Temple St 20,000 Niederer, Jacob, 117 W. Thirty-fifth St 214,400 Niemeyer, Atalus, Box 250, Lankershim, Cal 35,200 Niles, Ellen L., 3855 W. Seventh St 61,000 Nimmo, Chas. A., 522 S. Westmoreland 10,600 Nims, Anna K., 2536 Reservoir St 16,200 Niosi, Pasquale, 1433 S. Bond St 39,000 Nittinger, Edward, 451 S. Hope St 29,400 Niven, John C., 2057 Hobart Blvd 18,400 Noble, Chas. A., 1623 Cherry St 18,00o Noble, Ellen P., 220 W. Tenth St 343,800 Noble, Ella A., 701 W. Thirty-second St 37,400 Noble, Nellie Monroe, 1741 Crenshaw Blvd 13,200 Noeth, George V., Sawtelle, Cal 16,200 Nolan, Mrs. Michael J., 1406 Baker-Detwller Bldg 137,600 Nolte, Chas. A., 1623 Cherry St 21,400 Nolte, Martin P., 811 W. Seventeenth St 22,400 Norcross, Ruth B., 2707 Raymond Ave 20,800 Nordhoft, Sarah C. W., 904 W. Twenty-eighth St 18,600 Nordlinger, Louis S., 1537 W. Ninth St 26,800 Nordquist, Chas. J., 1422 Bellevue Ave 15,800 Normandin, Michael E., 2715% S. Main St 17,200 Norris, Isabella J., 402 Laughlin Bldg 253,800 Norton, Isaac (Heirs), 1100 Grand View ■ 1,570,000 Norton, John H. (Estate), 365 I. W. Hellman Bldg 1,032,000 Norton, Richard H., 335 W. Twentq-seventh St 11,000 Norton, S. Tilden, 508 Title Insurance Bldg 46,600 Nourse, Chas. G., 333 Central Bldg 28,000 Nussbaum, Israel, 5806 S. Vermont Ave 16,000 Nürnberger, Theodore, 2216% Toberman St 10,400 Nusser, Anton, 309 N. Union Ave 33,400 Nutting, Earl M., 696 S. Western Ave 34,000 Nutting, Min Robertson, 696 S. Western Ave 11,400 Nye, Nora P., 1025 W. Twenty-fifth St 10,800 Gakley, Herbert C., 708 Security Bldg 21,200 Gber, Estelle C., 1157 N. Western Ave 20,400 GBrien, Edith C., 630 S. Gxford Ave 12,800 G'Brien, Frederick, 2016 E. Seventh St 13,600 Gbst, Oscar H., 8416 Ash St 25,800 LOS ANGELBS, CAL. 81 O'Connor, Patrick J., 1327 Wilton PI $ 31,600 O'Dea, Michael F., 203 Bradbury Bldg 469,400 Oddie, Daisy R., 308 S. Hill St 10,400 Odell, Geo. W., 1049a Georgia St 22,000 Odenheimer, Adam N., 981 S. Gramercy Dr 10,800 O'Donnell, Ann S., 1009 Haas Bldg 96,200 O'Donnell, Lillie, 535 S. Oxford Ave 12,000 O'Donnell, Martin W., R. D. No. 2, Box 290, Los Angeles 24,800 O'Donnell, Thos. A., 1004 Security Bldg 97,000 Oesterreich, Fred, 858 N. Andrews 13,200 Oflt, Claus, 161 E. Thirty-flfth St 13,400 Ohaco, Pierre, Owensmouth, Cal 10,000 O'Hara, Mattie E., 132 W. Twenty-seventh St 41,200 O'Hare, Margaret, 2300 W. Pico St 20,800 Ohlf, Rudolph, 1612 Reid St 10,600 O'Keefe, Daniel, 625 S. Workman 17,200 Olcott, Frank L., 1850 Taft Ave 10,400 Olcovich, Albert, 952 Arapahoe St 10,000 01dham( Annie S., 2140 S. Western Ave 51,600 O'Leary, Vera F., 3850 Wilshire Blvd 18,000 Olhasso, Domingo, 1623 Pleasant Ave 22,400 Olive, Manuel, Owensmouth, Cal 16,600 Oliver, Irene B., 1800 Virginia Rd 12,600 Oliver, Wm. E., 439 S. St. Andrews 11,400 Olmstead, Jennie M., 1042 Beacon St 15,000 Olshausen, Gus A., 1505 S. St. Andrews PI 97,800 Olshausen, Ida V., 1505 S. St. Andrews 117,800 O'Melveny, Henry W., 3250 Wilshire Blvd 853,800 O'Melveny, Stuart, 427 S. Serrano Ave 17,000 O'Neil, Patrick H., 1257 S. Manhattan PI 169,400 O'Neil, Thomas, 317 Windsor Blvd 58,600 Orchard, Annie V. R. S., 1533 S. Manhattan 68,200 Orchard Etta O., 1743 Victoria Dr 17,000 Orcutt, Wm. W., 403 S. Mariposa Ave 86,000 Ordway, Frank B., 1805 S. Gramercy 10,400 Ordway, John S., 2224 W. Twentieth St 29,000 O'Reilly, Thomas, 2170 S. Hobart Blvd 22,000 Orena, Dario, 1145 S. Lake St 310,000 Orvia, John B., 1357 Bond St 14,400 Orr, Chas. G., 2645 W. Ninth St 11,400 Orrison, Sarah S., 325 S.Occidental Blvd 16,600 Ortega, Emile C., 602 Santa Fe Ave 66,000 Orth, John G., 1325 Maryland Ave 240,800 Ortiz, Elena S., 444 S. Kingsley Dr 14,400 Osborn, Emma J., 901 W. Eighteenth St 35,600 Osborn, John Hadley (Heirs), care of Guar. Tr. & Sav. Bk. . 35,400 82 LOS ANGELES, CAL. Osborn, John P., 726 N. Occidental Blvd î 12,600 Osbofne, Lillian M., 3006 Leeward 58,400 Osgood, Alfred J., 116 E. Fifth St 30,000 Osler, Francis H., 312 W. Pico St 10,000 Ostrander, Cornelius W., 1617 N. Bronson Ave 16,800 Oswald, Elizabeth, 4600 S. Main St 69.400 Oswald, Geo. H., 405 O. T. Johnson Bldg 40,000 Oswald, Matthew E., 1813 W. Forty-sixth St 30,000 O'Sullivan, John, 2537 E. Fourth St 19.800 Ott, Kate, 2109 S. Grand Ave 11.000 Ott, Mary, 2933 Brighton Ave 10,200 Otten, Wm. F., 1035% Maple Ave 12,000 Overell, Anna E., 331 S. Mariposa Ave 16,800 Overeil, Walter E., R. D. No. 13, Box 65 19,600 Overholtzer, Ivy H., 958 S. Hill St 19,000 Overton, Georgia C., 651 W. Twenty-third St 11,000 Owen, John E., 614 S. Oxford Ave 37,800 Owens, Elizabeth A. H., 958 S. Burlington Ave 11,200 Owens, Mary M., 421 W. Eighth St 15,800 Owens, Robert C., 1327 W. Tenth St 34,000 Owens, Robert L., Saugus Ave., Van Nuys, Cal 27,000 Oyharzabal, Etienne, care of 380 I. W. Hellman Bldg 246,000 Ozmun, Gei'trude, 102 N. Wilton PI 122,600 Paar, Ernest, 630 E. Twenty-third St 14,600 Packard, Emma S., 1756 Crenshaw Blvd 23,200 Page, Kate Van Nuys, 355 Windsor Blvd 126,400 Page, Robert E., 1029 Eiden Ave 14,803 Pagliano, Joseph, 538 H. W. Hellman Bldg 12,600 Pähl, Harriett W., 1934 Trinity St 10,400 Palfrey, Alfred C., L. A. Athletic Club 191,200 Pallette, Edward M., 1501 S. Figueroa St 267,400 Palmer-Fuller, Mrs. D. A., 403 S. Hill St 18,800 Palmer, Edwin O., 6422 Hollywood Blvd 65,200 Palmer, Lou A., 1435 Alvarado Terr 11,400 Palmer, Mary W., 1203 Hollingsworth Bldg 15,800 Palmer, Wilton H., 920 W. Thirty-fifth PI 33,000 Pann, Elizabeth I., 670 S. Catalina St 16,200 Paramore, Harriett H., 707 Trust & Savings Bldg 11,200 Pardue, Samuel H., 918 Merchants National Bank Bldg 24,000 Parish, Jasper E., 1846 S. Wilton PI 10,800 Parke, Emma A., 3218% S. Main St 44,60-3 Parker, Arthur O., 966 Magnolia Ave 10,000 Parker, Chas. C., 811 W. Twenty-eighth St 55,800 Parker, Claire M., 550 Witmer St 19,000 Parker, Clara B., 509 W. Twenty-third St 10,200 Parker, Claude J-, 707 International Bank Bldg 23,400 LOS ANGELES. CAL. 83 Parker, Francis M., 1629 W. Twenty-third St $ 18,800 Parker, Harriott E., 730 S. Alvarado St 38,800 Parker, Katherine, San Fernando, Cal 36,000 Parker, Margaret Marsh, 1026 W. Twenty-second St 11,200 Parker, Mary Alice, 817 Central Ave 16,000 Parker, Mary L., 726 S. Bonnie Brae 102,000 Parker, Nettie A., 208 S. Van Ness ' 12,200 Parker, Phehe E., 601 S. Coronado 27,600 Parkinson, John, 420 Title Insurance Bldg 424,000 Parmelee, Elbert R., 1940 W. Twenty-third St 15,600 Parmelee, M. C., 1951 Elevado 28,000 Parrett, Veola T., 1052 Westlake Ave 11,600 Parsons, Alice K., 2634 S. Hoover St 87,400 Parsons, James H., 1412 Laurel Ave., Hollywood 16,400 Parsons, Wm., 1847 Wellington Rd 22,400 Pascoe, Edwin W., 631 S. Vermont Ave 100,400 Pascoe, Jane, Box 682, R. D. No. 4, Los Angeles 12,200 Patten, Frances Ada, 1814 S. Grand Ave 37,600 Patten, Henry S., 424 S. San Pedro St 35,400 Patterson, John G., 430 Security Bldg 24,400 Patterson, Wm. A., Zelzah, Cal 26,000 Pattison, Byron M., 202 S. Kingsley Dr 14,000 Pattlson, Josephine R., 1825 Morgan PI 44,000 Patton, Chas. W., 319 S. Mariposa Ave 18,800 Paul, Christian, 1766 La Brea Ave 26,000 Paul, Wm. H., Owensmouth, Cal 13,000 Paulin, Emma, 561 S. Oxford Ave 14,200 Paulk, Mary, 1767 Magnolia Ave 30,400 Paup, Geo. C., 1311 Hayvenhurst, Hollywood 16,400 Pauw, Stella M. de, 1400 N. Hobart Blvd 29,200 Pauly, Edward, 3834 Wilshire Blvd 10,800 Pauly, Frederick N., 909 Beacon St 29,400 Pauly, S. Jennie, 909 Beacon St 56,800 Pawder, Samuel, 1739 S. Oxford Ave 10,800 Paye, G. V., 404 Equitable Bank Bldg 20,400 Payne, Lucretia A., 633 S. Union Ave 30,200 Peacock, Emma B., 159 S. Norton Ave 10,000 Pearson Elizabeth B., 694 S. New Hampshire Ave 44,800 Pearson, Pear, 1335 W. Washington St 13,600 Pearson, Wm. J., 620 Haas Bldg 46,600 Pease, Niles, 957 S. Hoover St 20,000 Peck, Geo. H., 1315 W. Adams St 1,450,000 Peck, Jennie L., 501 S. Virgil Ave 101,400 Peck, Zucalia A., 1004 Eiden Ave 10,200 Peebles, Grace B., 1828 S. Van Ness Ave 19,400 Peek, Mary E., 532 S. Gramercy PI 31,000 84 LOS ANGELES, CAL. Peer, Edward F., 628 S. Hobart Blvd $ 14,000 Pelanconi, Lorenzo, 611 S. Bonnie Brae 247,200 Pelanconl, Petra, 611 S. Bonnie Brae 13,400 Pellegrino, Antonio, 706 E. Twenty-first St 10,600 Pellegrini, Mamie, 309 W. Fifty-third St 15,400 Pellig, Wilhelmina, 2631 Dalton Ave 21,400 Pelton, Arthur M., 502 Title Insurance Bldg 472,600 Pemberton, Chas. E., 678 S. Burlington Ave 12,409 Pendell, Rose, 1010 S. Alvarado St 28,600 Penkert, August, 7710 Towne Ave 18,000 Pendle ton, Cornelius W., 1310 St. Andrews PI 11,200 Penman, Daniel, 7002 Hollywood Blvd 24,600 Penn, Elizabeth H., 1021 W. Thirty-second St 10,000 Penrod, Harry A., 4620 Wesley Ave 25,400 Pepper, Alice C., 2791 Francis Ave 14,400 Pepper, Alice N., 3816 Ingraham St 179,009 Pepper, Chas. F., 515 Marsh-Strong Bldg 42,000 Perrerdine, George, 911 S. Grand Ave 78,000 Perez, Richard A., 1222 S. Alvarado St 11,600 Perham, Chas. E., 3541 Kerckhoff St., San Pedro 12,000 Perkins, Gregory, Jr., 234 W. Adams St 11,600 Perkins, John I., 2176 W. Twenty-fourth St 12,800 Perrin, Chas. L., 2324 W. Washington St 35,400 Perrin, Hattie Home, 817 S. Burlington Ave 21,200 Perrin, Frank C., 2229 Gramercy PI 28,000 Perry, Albert G., 741 S. Catalina St 12,600 Perry, Elizabeth M., 515 Shatto PI 37,400 Perry, Frederick J., 622 S. Kenmore Ave 11,200 Perry, Walter A., 280 Wholesole Terminal 110,000 Persinger, Geo., 322 E. Fourth St 16,000 Persons, Nancy M., 1236 W. Ninth St 12,000 Pestor, Susie, 741 Temple St 14,800 Peters, Samuel J., 1740 S. Hoover St 40,200 Peters, Wm. L., 3791 S. Western Ave 29,200 Peterman, Alice M., 1836 N. Kingsley Dr 80,600 Peterman, George H., 2704 Ellendale Ave 76,800 Petermeyer, Henry W., 450 S. Serrano 13,000 Peterson, Adolph, 2643 Edwin St 34,000 Peterson, Arthur A., 1224 .SMain St 60,600 Peterson, Frederick H., 316 N. Broadway 13,600 Peterson, Helen, 1189 W. Adams St 10,200 Peterson, Marinda G., 1216 W. Fourth St 14,200 Peterson, Nannie B., 715 S. Berendo St 15,600 Peterson, William, 1222 W. Fourth St 14,200 Pettiboue, Henry W., 1007 Haas Bldg 69,800 Petiflls, Walter M., 2201 S. Harvard Blvd 64,800 LOS ANGELBS, CAL. 85 Petit, John P., Van Nuys, Gal I 40,000 Petit, Wm. J., Box 276, aVn Nuys, Gal 218,000 Petitflls, Julia G., 334 S. Westlake Ave 114,600 Petter, Reginald, S., 851% Central Ave 50,000 Petti, James M., 1501 Shatto Ave 28,800 Pettinger, Joseph Y., 321 N. Avenue Sixty-four 26,600 Petz, M., R. D. No. 2, Box 930, Van Nuys, Gal 15,000 Peyton, Valentine, 857 Westlake Ave 144,00;i Pezzoni, Emma, 318 S. Mariposa Ave 144,000 PfaflSnger, Frank X., 221 N. Hope St 209,600 Pfeiler, Louis, 650 S. Bonnie Brae 10,600 Pfeninger, Leila 1., 925 Blaine St 27,200 Phelps, Byron S., 5732 Hollywood Blvd 92,000 Phelps, Ira W. (Heirs), 575 Eagle Rock Ave., Highland Park Station 44,000 Phelps, T. W. (Heirs), 846 Westlake Ave 25,800 Phelphs, Wm. W., 510 Union Oil Bldg 10,000 Phiep, Harry G. R., 1124 S. Alvarado St 19,200 Phillips, Albert L., 300 Avery St 47,200 Phillips, Fred, 2154 W. Twenty-fifth St 16,000 Phillips, Grace L., 1333 San Julian St 98,000 Phillips, Ivar 1., 4304 Pasadena Ave 65,200 Phillips, James A., 2638 Portland St 35,000 Phillips, Joseph L., 2159 W. Twenty-fifth St 18,000 Phillips, Lee A., 501 W. Sixth St 256,600 Phillips, Lizzie W. B., 646 S. San Pedro 17,200 Phillips, Lucius Ernest, 2001 S. Union St 12,400 Phillips, May, 337 S. Serrano Ave 13,400 Phillips, Sallie J., 2215 S. Harvard Blvd 32,000 Phillips, Simon, 1025 W. Washington St 47,600 Phillips, Thomas W., R. D. No. 2, Van Nuys, Gal 32,000 Pickell, Ghas. W., 1745 Morgan PI 165,200 Pickit, Justus B., 1467 Echo Park Ave 11,000 Pickrell, Andrew J., 14441 Sherman Way, Van Nuys, Gal... 41,000 Picot, Ghas., 3041 Folsom St 42,600 Pierce, D. W., 1022 S. Gramercy PI 12,000 Pierce, Wm. H., 1409 W. Fifty-fourth St 31,200 Pierret, Jules, 1651 S. Gramercy PI 69,200 Pierson, Louis W., 428 Thirteenth St., San Pedro 18,000 Pierson, R. A., 115 W. Sixth St., San Pedro 26,000 Pillsbury, Bertha A., 1242 Orange St lo'sOO Pinches, Karl, 205 S. Main St 37,000 Pinkham, Ebenezer F., 607 St. Paul Ave 15,600 Pinkham, James B., San Fernando, Gal 20,000 Pinney, Chas. L., 1355 Carroll Ave 74,400 Pinney, Geo. H., R. D. No. 13, Box 341, Los Angeles 128'600 86 LOS ANGELBS, CAL. Pipp, Josephine, 2837 W. Eighth St $ 19,600 Pitblado, James B., 380 I. W. Hellman Bldg 61,200 Pitcher, Flora E., 459 Grand View St 22,200 Pitcher, Frederick W., 445 S. Ardmore Ave 13,000 Pitts, Marinda V., 1657 Victoria Dr 20,000 Pluma, Giovanni, 608 N. Spring St 32,000 Plant, Ada F., 760 Ottawa St 11,600 Plant, Chas., 819 W. Washington St 31,400 Piatt, Benj., 1953 Cheremoya 86,600 Plummer, Amos W., 1233 Magnolia Ave 20,000 Poehler, Irene ]\I., 1670 W. Twelfth St 26,000 Poggi, Adelaide, 1616 W. Forty-eighth St 127,800 Pogson, Annie, 1129 Coronado Terr 32,600 Pohlman, Philip, 637 S. Kingsley Dr 85,600 Poindexter, Madeline, 354 S. Normandie Ave 12,600 Poindexter, Oscar M., 2519 W. Pico St 10,600 Poindexter, R. W., 354 S. Normandie Ave 41,600 Polaski, Augusta, 508 S. Hobart Blvd 80,000 Polaski, Isidor, 719 S. New Hampshire 48,000 Polkinghom, Ida M., 2651 Kenwood Ave 52,600 Pomeroy, Abram E., 217 W. Adams St 14,400 Pomeroy, Blanche R., 942 Menlo Ave 10,000 Ponet, Victor (Heirs), 522 American Bank Bldg 590,000 Porter, Geo. T., 420 W. Sixth St., San Pedro 11,400 Porter, Mattie L., 1602 Virginia Ave 15,000 Porter, Reginald, 2215 W. Twentieth St 10,200 Porter, Rufus C., 1028 S. Gramercy PI 10,000 Porter, Samuel S., 611 S. Oxford Ave 13,000 Post, Geo. H., 1628^^ Morton Ave 10,000 Post, Hoyt, Jr., 301 S. St. Andrews PI 12,400 Post, Katherine M., 119 S. Hobart Blvd 10,600 Pots, Alfred, 1827 Sierra Bonita Ave 14,600 Potter, Alvena K., 2207 W. Eleventh St 20,200 Potter, Frederick W., 695 S. Catalina St 54,000 Potter, John Francis, 124 S. Hobart Blvd 65,000 Potter, Margaret M., 309 S. Westlake Ave 11,000 Potts, Ella M., 1957 Hillhurst Ave 14,600 Pourroy, Rosine, 554 Stanford Ave 86,000 Powell, Chas. L., 324 American Bank Bldg 32,009 Powell. Julia M., 2326 Scarff St 36,000 Power, J. Clyde, 1248 Third Ave 11,600 Powers, John F., 553 Windsor Blvd 52,400 Powers, Lee L., 1152 S .Los Angeles St 15,800 Powers, Thomas, 5161 Sunset Blvd 14,400 Powers, Wm. P., 511 S. Hoover St 26,400 Poyer, Douff F. and Lydia, 1728 N. Van Ness Ave 35,000 LOS ANGELES, CAL. 87 Prager, jVíary J., 3101 S. Figueroa St $ 35,800 Prather, Katheryn D., R. D., Palms, Cal 16,000 Prendergast, John W., 510 W. Thirty-first St 12,400 Preston, Clara M., 1521 W. Pico St 12,800 Preston, Emma G., 250 S. Wilton Pi 60,000 Preston, Frederick B,. 356 S. Serrano Ave 41,800 Preuss, Kenneth E., 522 Shatto PI 247,600 Price, Edna, care of 200 S. Los Angeles St 124,000 Price, Emma D., 3033 Wilshire Blvd 56,400 Price, Thomas W., 7022 Sunset Blvd 19,600 Price, Thomas W., 1247 Highland Ave 10,000 Price, Wm., 2715 S. Main St 49,400 Pridem, Nellie M., 334 S. Alexandria Ave 22,600 Priester, Louis H., 5804 Hollywood Blvd 14,000 Priester, Michael J., 512 Wall St 113,200 Priester, Nicholas, 1114 N. Berendo St 60,000 Priestly, Imogen A., 3953 S. Vermont Ave 10,600 Prince, Fred W., San Fernando, Cal 14,000 Proctor, Frank L., 218 Van Nuys Bldg 24,400 Proctor, Mary A. (Heirs), 454 Wilcox Bldg 50,600 Prudhon, Ed., 1177 Norton 20,800 Prudhon, Louise B., 1766 W. Adams St 62,800 Puch, Antonio, 6746 Tampa Ave, Owensmouth, Cal 14,000 Puch, Ysidro, Owensmouth, Cal 30,000 Puck, Amelia, 433 E. Adams St 49,800 Pussman, Sophia, 1306a Linwood Ave 11,800 Pyster, Oscar W., Owensmouth, Cal 17,000 Quimby, Edward H., 2701 Wilshire Blvd 23,600 Quinby, Erasmus C., 509 S. St. Andrews 12,400 Quinn, Catherine, 324 W. Twentieth St 20,200 Quinn, Thomas J., 503 Union Oil Bldg 10,800 Qpinton, John H., 835 Green Ave 42,00) Racker, Emma, 1615 N. Alexandria Ave 10,000 Radbone, Elizabeth O., 1451 S. Burlington Ave 13,400 Radford, Flora R., 1124 W. Adams St 55,800 Ralphs, Albert G., 1310 W. Forty-ninth St 400,000 Ralphs, Anabelle, 1310 W. Forty-ninth St 79,600 Ralphs, Wallula, 7269 Hollywood Blvd 179,400 Ralphs, Walter W., 917 S. Kenmore Ave 10,000 Ramish, Adolph, 320 S. Main St 238,400 Ramsay, Chas. S., 2241 W. Twenty-fourth St 10,000 Ramsdell, Jessie M., 1730 N. Cherokee Ave 36,600 Rand, Lillian Cora, 2619 Wilshire Blvd 78,000 Randall, Alice J., 131 S. Spring St 17,000 Ranger, Mae B., 621 S. Oxford Ave 17,000 Rank, Frederick W., 1564 N. Van Ness Ave 10,200 88 LOS ANGELBS, CAL. Hansford, lone J., 7021 Hollywood $356,000 Ransford, John E., 7021 Hollywood Blvd 54,000 Ranson, Catherine S., 667 Rampart 11,800 Ransom, Wm. E., 1722 Fourth Ave 10,400 Raphael, Addle, 1353 S. Alvarado Terr 23,600 Raphael, Isador, 615 S. Bonnie Brae 14,000 Rapp, John B., 2212 Beachwood 10,800 Rapp, Katherina, 1437 Santee St 10,000 Rappaport, Max, 105 W. Third St 18,000 Rasor, Eneas E., R. D. No. 2, Box 65, Van Nuys, Cal 36,600 Rasor, Jesse A., Rita St., Van Nuys, Cal 16,400 Rathbone, Mary G., 1552 W. Forty-ninth St., Los Angeles 11,800 Rathwell, Mary A., 3827 S. Broadway 28,000 Ratterree, James, R., 554 N. Heliotrope Dr 60,000 Rattray, Ray P., 3212 S. Main St 20,800 Ray, Carl, 931 S. New Hampshire Ave 38,800 Ray, Eva F., 121 N. Union Ave 52,000 Raymaker, Wm. A., 1570 W. Seventeenth St 10,000 Raymer, Amos, 2400 W. Twenty-third St 35,400 Raymond, Geo. L., 24 St. James Park 27,000 Raymond, Luie M., 1414 W. Tenth St 20,800 Rayner, Charlotte R., 540 Luceime Blvd 26,800 Read, Helen L., 999 S. Gramercy Dr 17,200 Reardon, Mary A., 1320 W| Eighth St 16,200 Reckard, Stella S., 1603 W. Twenty-flfth St 11,000 Rector, Belle, 232 W. Twenty-flfth St 14,600 Rector, George H., 718 S. Hobart Blvd 38,600 Redden, Loring A., Lankershim, Cal 24,800 Redding, Margai-et, 938 W. Eighteenth St 10,600 Reed, Adele H., 450 Lucerne Blvd 10,000 Reed, Arthur C., 4408 Franklin Ave 12,000 Reed, Cornelia, 517 W. Eighteenth St 29,600 Reed, Emma L., 136 W. Pico St 115,000 Reed, James W., 1245 S. Manhattan PI 43,200 Reed, Mary E., 1835 Camino Palermo 14,400 Reedal, Mary, 1231 S. Alvarado St 20,000 Reeder, Thos. E., 338 S. St. Andrews 13,400 Rees, Louis, 133 W. Forty-second St 16,800 Reese, Minnie B., 622 Shatto Pi 15,800 Reeve, Clarke F., 2225 W. Thirty-flrst St 10,000 Reeves, Kennedy, 138 Gilmore, Van Nuys, Cal 47,000 Regan, Mary B., 849 S. Burlington Ave 90,400 Reiher, Mary, 601 N. Bailey St 14,200 Reich, Kate, R. D. No. 2, Box 400, Los Angeles 27,000 Reiche. Ferdinand M., 535 W. Fortieth PI 57,200 Reilley, Florence J., 2101 Gramercy PI 28,000 LOS ANGELES, CAL. 89 Reimbald, Coletta M., 2525 Ninth St $ 23,800 Reimers, Clarke M., 2879 Sunset Place 14,400 Reinhart, John G., R. D. No. 1, Palms, Cal 46,000 Reinhart, Lena, R. D. No. 1, Palms, Cal 11,400 Rentchler, Jacob B. (Heirs), R. D. No. 1, Palms, Cal 79,000 Rendall, Cecelia A., care O. A. Vickery Co., 343 S. Hiil St... 23,000 Rendall, Francis H., 1132 N. Vermont Ave 20,000 Requa, Etta S., 421 W. Adams St 17,000 Resh, Harriett, 6723 Sunset Blvd 11,200 Rettkowsky, Prank, 3229 S. Figueroa St 71,600 Revalon, Antonio, R. D. No. 1, Palms, Cal 56,400 Rey, John, 3552 Exposition Bivd 11,200 Reyleck, W. Wm., 345 S. Manhattan Pi 10,000 Reynard, Fred B., 420 S. Norton Ave 15,600 Reynolds, Chas. C., 407 Court St 85,800 Reynolds, Hortense C., 3100 W. Adams St 22,800 Reynolds, John H., 346 Westlake 40,000 Reynolds, Lillian, R. D. No. 3, Box 494, Los Angeles 20,000 Reynolds, Mary F., 639 New Hampshire Ave 12,600 Reynolds, Miriam F., 1861 Buckingham Rd 14,600 Rhoades, Ben A., 1657 Fifth Ave 33,000 Rhoads, Ella E., 2484 W. Eleventh St 9,000 Rhodes, Robert K., 631 W. Sixteenth St 10,400 Rice, Nicholas E., 377 S. Occidental Blvd 48,000 Rice, Robert L., 623 E. Third St 34,000 Rice, S. A., Sawtelle, Cal 11,200 Rich, Emma C., 2248 Harvard BP^d 26,000 Rich, Thomas L., 539 S. Los Angeles St 19,800 Richards, Chas. H., 1203 Ingraham St 15,200 Richards, Columba, 500 W. Adams St 19,600 Richards, H. Florence, 201 W. Thirty-flrst St 18,600 Richards, Isaac S., Owensmouth, Cai 28,000 Richards, Mary E., 953 W. Thirtieth St 11,200 Richards, Mary E., 1203 Ingraham St 339,800 Richards, Walter C., 800 Van Nuys Bldg 631,000 Richards, Wm. D. F., 1349 W. Fifth St 16,400 Richardson, Annie G., 1669 W. Adams St 13,400 Richardson, Carrie G., 1610 Martel Ave 143,600 Richardson, Hevren, 228 S. Spring St 13,400 Richardson, Wm. W., 457 S Occidental Blvd 11,400 Richbart, Louise, 447 S. Spring St 91,000 Richert, Johanna, 1507 Ingraham St 10,200 Richey, Wylie E., 514 S. Manhattan Pi... 11,400 Richman, Fred H., 333 S. Oxford Ave 94,200 Richmond, Ethel M., 1807% N. Bronson Ave 66.200 Richter, (îertrude, 726 W. Seventeenth St 11,400 90 LOS ANGELES, CAL. Ridei-, Viola G., 7218 Hollywood Blvd $ 19,600 Riedel, Rose, 622 W. Thirtyflfth St 11,800 Riedele, Philip, 515 Windsor Blvd 26,000 Rieder, Michael, 710 Trust & Savings Bldg 37,400 Riegel, Andrew, 676 S. Berendo St 259,600 Riese, Carrie W., 355 S. Ardmore Ave 24,800 Riggle, Elmer W., 1455 Norton Ave 13,000 Riley, Carrie A., 1105 S. Olive St 230,900 Riley, Florence, 1105 S. Olive St 145,100 Riley, James S., 446 S. Oxford Ave 39,800 Riley, Spurgeon V., 1611 Toberman St 10,600 Rimpau, Rosa Belle, 1540 S. St. Andrews PI 10,200 Rindge, Galetta M., 400 S. Kingsley Dr 25,400 Rindge, May K., Trust & Savings Bldg 166,000 Rindge, Samuel K., 1907 W. Sixth St 162,600 Riordan, T. A., 1117 Trust & Savings Bldg 55,000 Rippey, Thresher A., 2527 Ocean View 13,000 Risdeu, C. Will, 1115 S. Olive St 161,800 Rising, Franklin B., 737 S. Spring St 17,000 Ritter, Peter S., 683 Westlake Ave 11.200 Rittingstein, Jos., 500 S. Broadway 12,600 Rivers, Howard L., 1348 W. Sixth St 53,000 Rivers, Thadeus J., 1224 Santa Barbara Ave 10,000 Rives, Judson C., 1130 Westlake PI 192,800 Rixon, Chas., 737 S. Bonnie Brae 25,000 Roach, Carrie R., 833 S. St. Andrews 16,000 Roberts, Anna E., 920 S. Alvarado St 12,200 Roberts. A. J., 1119 S. Los Angeles St 36,000 Roberts, Crilla McD., 1400 Hay worth Ave 11,800 Roberts, Elmira, 607 Loomis St 13,000 Roberts, John H., 1033 S. Alvarado St 81,400 Roberts, Margaret M., 5600 Santa Monica Blvd 33,800 Roberts, Oscar, 1733 S. Oxford Ave 17,400 Roberts, Oscar W., 920 S. Alvarado St 24,800 Roberts, Perry B., 334 S. Figueroa St 34,000 Robertson, Annie E., 314 S. Oxford Ave 17,000 Robertson, Helen, 1628 Vine St 41.200 Robertson, James B., 1648 Orange St 17,000 Robertson, Matbew S., 2316 W. Tenth St 23.200 Robertson, Noel W., R. D. No. 1, Owensmouth, Cal 16,000 Robbins, Albert C., 702 S. St. Andrews PI 15,200 Robbins, Walter F., 2215 W. Sixth St 60,000 Robbins. Wm. W., 430 B. Foty-ninth St 11,000 Robinson, Bertha, 3027 N. Main St 10,200 Robinson, Fawcett, 820 Whittier Ave 27,800 Robinson, Harry, 1516 E. Fourteenth St 37,800 LOS ANGELES, CAL. 91 Robinson, Jane P., 923 S. Union Ave I 16,000 Robinson, John D., 1296 W. Thirty-sixth St 16,600 Robinson, John H., 2822% W. Pico St 11,800 Robinson, Josephine H., 838 Lorraine Blvd 12,000 Robinson, Lester L., 832 Beacon St 12,600 Robinson, Oscar H., 501 Union Dil Bldg 38,600 Robinson, Richard Owen, 1825 S. Wilton PI 18,800 Robinson, Theodore D., 1658 Fifth Ave 12,000 Robinson, Wm. W., 117 S. Olive St 14,800 Roby, John B., 1431 W. Adams St 21,400 Rocha, Antonia R., R. D. No. 7, Box 713, Los Angeles 11,000 Roche, James, 640 Robinson St 36,600 Roche, Neva L., 1424 W. Thirty-seventh Dr 15,200 Rockwell, C. Albert, 1633 Victoria Dr 50,000 Rodman, Willoughby, 2631 Orchard Ave 13,000 Roe, Enos, 1154% Santee St 10,600 Roeser, Ethel C., 324 S. Ardmore Ave 12,600 Rogde, Rose, 209 S. Van Ness 32,600 Rogers, Albert G., 1947 La Salle Ave 13,400 Rogers, Chas. E., 2957 W. Fifteenth St 24,000 Rogers, Louis C , R. D. No. 1, Sen Fernando, Cal 12,000 Rogers. Robert I., Merchants National Bank 148.80o Rohde, Elsie S., R. D. No 1, Box 778, Los Angeles 12,200 Roher. Perle W., 2081 W. Adams St 25,000 Roley, Mary, 1110 Ingraham St 22,000 Roll, Victoria, 1089 W. Thirty-flfth St 16,600 Rollins, Hamilton B., Sr., 1245 S. Gramercy PI 28,400 Romaine, Madison, 415 S. Oxford Ave 11,800 Rombotis, Timon A., 3841 S. Hill St 13,400 Rorick, Helen F., 862 W. Washington St 12,400 Rorick, Wm. H., 870 W. Washington St 20,400 Rose, Annie E., 727 W. Thirtieth St 425,000 Rose, Francis M., 1337 Mohawk St 50,000 Rose, Lena, 1206 W. Eleevnth St 17,400 Rose, Lusian F. (Heirs), 1532 Shatto St 39,600 Roseberg, Samuel R., 414 S. St. Andrews PI 39,600 Roseberry, Emma V., 1122 Magnolia Ave 10,000 Roseberry, Emma V., 1222 Eiden Ave 24,800 Roseberry, Louis H., 1543 S. Van Ness Ave 10,400 Roseberry, Robert C., 1222 Eiden Ave 10,800 Roseburgh, Allen, R. D. Box 303 Sawtelle. Cal 10,200 Rosecrans, Chas. F., 618 Wesley Roberts Bldg 373,400 Roselli, Bernardo, 420% Ord St 13,800 Roseberg, Morris, 642 E. Ninth St 24,400 Rosenberg, Rudolph 145 N. Carondelet St 47,000 Rosenblum, Walter, 1650 S. Westmoreland 10,400 92 LOS ANGELES, CAL. Rosesteel, John A., 5302 Sunset Blvd $ 55,000 liosin, Bernath, 5724 Hollywood Blvd 102,600 Ross. Abner L. (Estate), 1006 S. Alvarado St 25,800 Ross, Alvah W., 2301 Gramercy PI 28,400 Ross, Chas. S., 1942 Vista del Mar 12,000 Ross. Elizabeth M., 1350 Wright ,St 16,200 Ros.s. Erskine M., 408 Federal Bldg., Los Angeles 352,000 Ross. Geo. F., 2158 W. Twenty-flrst St 21,000 Ross. Hermine B., 317 N. Figueroa St 26,800 Rossbacn, Victor A., 7095 Hollywood Blvd 29,400 Roth, Julia G., 1010 Van Nuys Bldg 10,400 Roth, Kelly, 1132 Ingraham St 14,200 Roth, Lena W., 2842 S. Grand Ave 14,200 Rote, Max, 843 S. Union Ave 11,600 Roth, Remy F., 4109 Huntington Dr 13,200 Roth, Walter A., care of L. A. Lime Co., 1522 Bay St 26,000 Rothe, August, 1036 S. Burlington Ave 12,800 Rothe, Edwin E., 515 S. Serrano St 50,000 Rountree, John T., 638 S. New Hampshire 37,800 Rowan, Fannie F., 2077 S. Hobart Blvd 912,800 Rowan, Josephine J., 606 S. Virgil Ave 60,200 Rowan, Mary L., 832 S. Westlake Ave 52,600 Rowe, Justin B., 2682 W. Ninth St 9,600 Rowland, Manuela, 805 S Bonnie Brae 38,000 Rowland, Wm. R., 1105 Central Bldg 150,000 Rowley, Edwin S., 2021 Menlo Ave 879,800 Royere, Paul P., 1408 S. Vermont Ave 15,400 Royse, Jeremy, 1648 W. Washington St 20,800 Royston, Chas. H., 1127 S. Hill St 50,400 Rudbach, John C., 590 W. Seventh St., San Pedro 24,000 Rueben, Isaac B., 151 N. Carondelet St 11,400 Ruenitz, Hannah., 1800 N. Horvard Blvd 16,000 Ruiz, Ulpiano T., R. D. No. 2, Van Nuys, Cal i.. 17,000 Ruppersberg, Mary A., 1632 Hobart Blvd 11,200 Russell, Albert J., 1765 N. Sycamore Ave 15,400 Russell, John N., Jr., 2263 S. Hobart Blvd 34,400 Russell, John T., 14900 El Nido, Van Nuys, Cal 11,400 Russell, Leroy E., 3084% W. Pico St 34,800 Russell, La Vancha M., 3314 S. Grand Ave 10,400 Russell, Wm. B., 554 Vine St 37,400 Russell, Wm. H., 455 S. Lorraine Blvd 67,000 Russell, Wm. H. and Belle, 611 Westmoreland 12,500 Ryan, Andrew W., 433 S. Olive St 196,800 Ryan, James W., 1212 Exposition Blvd 47,200 Ryan, Mary N., 937 S. Westlake Ave 106,400 Rybolt, Emma W., 4062 Budlong Ave 15,0u0 LOS ANGELES, CAL. 93 Ryse, Richard, 721 S. Serrano St I 14,600 Saake, Rudolph W.. 822 W. Eighteenth St 18,400 Sablchl, Magdalena W. de, 2437 S. Flgueroa St 1,104,800 Sackett, Ellen L., 1642 N. Wilcox Ave 30,800 Safford, Geo. S., 1017 Union Oil Bldg 38,800 Salch, Baldy, 936 S. Manhattan Pi 11,800 Sale, Loren D., 331 S. Ardmore Ave 15,200 Salisbury, Ellen A., 1835 S. St. Andrews 154,800 Salisbury, Samuel S., 820 Burck PI 20,400 Salmanson, Isidor, 126 S. Main St 16,200 Salter, Amanda Meta, 3124 Wilshlre Blvd 458,400 Salter, Wm. G., 1040 Magnolia Ave 11,200 Salzman, Natalie, 1332 S. Westlake Ave 10,200 Samanlego. Concepción A. de, 420 S. Serrano St 11,600 Samuels, Caesar, 425 Lorraine Blvd 23,400 Sanborn, Eliza J., 1721 W. Twenty-seventh 91,200 Sanborn, Helen A., 1721 W. Seventh 311,200 Sanborn, Mary K., 938 W. Twenty-eighth 23,400 Sanborn, Mildred, 2842 W. Pico 12,400 Sanborn, Walter D., 4002 Sunset Blvd 104,000 Sanders, Mallnda M., 2628 N. Sichel St 36,600 Sandlson, Edwin W., 6525 Franklin Ave 24,000 Sandoval, Aurelio, 1142 W. Adams St 29,600 Sands, Robert C., 1659 Second Ave 10,800 Sandusky, I. Earl, 964 S. Gramercy PI 12,600 Sanford, Geo. W., R. D. No. 1, Box 692, Los Angeles 15,000 Sanford, Lucy A., R. D. No. 1, Palms, Cal 74,000 Sangster, Chas., 1233 W. Fifth St 16,800 Sanneman, Ernest, 922 Potter Park 20,400 Sargent, Edwin W., T. G. & T. Co., Fifth and Broadway... 28,600 Samow, Mae, 1167 S. Hoover St 12,200 Sarrall, Anifa M., 4402 W. Pico St 12,600 Sarrail, Roch, 1926 W. Jefferson St 48,000 Sartori, Joseph F., 725 W. Twenty-eighth 72,600 Satterlee, Dwight, 912 S. Burlington Ave 17,600 Saunders, Richard S., 1528 Cambria St 10,600 Saunders, Wm. A., 445 Aliso St 10,600 Saulque, Honorine, 5425 Tenth Ave....: 25,000 Savage, Walter, 1666 Westmoreland 93,600 Sawtelle, Mary W., 2203 W. Twenty-fourth St 13,600 Sawyer, Louise, 327 S. Hope St 10,000 Saylor, John, R. D. No. 1, Palms, Cal 26,000 Scarborough, Ada, 517 S. Flower St 117,400 Scarborough, James G., 1225 Washington Bldg 10,400 Schabarum, Peter, 1927 S. Union Ave 11,200 Schäfer, Spencer G., 739 S. Oxford Ave 13,400 94 LOS ANGELES, CAL. Schallert, Louisa, 151 E. Thirty-flfth St $ 15,000 Schallmo, Magdalena J., 2000% S. Main St 22,600 Schaper, Amelia, 4021 S. Hobart Blvd 60,000 Schatte, Rose, 730 E. Twenty-flfth St 24,800 Scheller, Louis C., 411 E. First St 30,000 Schelling, Armin, R. D. No. 1, Van Nuys, Cal 18,000 Scherer, Maggie, 216 W. Eighteenth St 12,800 Schieck, Tillie, 622 S. Bonnie Brae 13,800 Schifîman, A. F., Jonathan Club 24,600 Schirmer, Tillie, 247 N. Grand Ave 10,600 Schlank, Morris R., 1570 Sunset Blvd 10,200 Schleicher, Conrad C., 189 N. Workman St 15,000 Schmalzried, Lena P., 326 W. Fifty-fourth St 16,000 Schmidt, Adele Ott, 736 Burlington Ave 174,600 Schmidt, Arthur A., 4925 Pasadena Ave 36,000 Schmidt, Chas. W., 3959 S. Normandie Ave 14,400 Schmidt, Hilda F., 520 Union Oil Bldg 16,000 Schmidt, Johanna, 3211 S. Main St 12,600 Schmidt, Oscar E., 459 S. Catalina Ave 13,200 Schmidt, Pauline, 1225 W. Twelfth St 52,000 Schmitz, Albert B., 628 S. Ardmore Ave 17,200 Schmitz, Wm., 15134 Oxnard, Van Nuys, Cal 36,600 Schmitz, Wm. L., 456 S. Kingsley Dr 22,000 Schneider, Angela B., 515 Andrews Blvd 48,000 Schneider, Geo., 5519 Central Ave 11,800 Schneider, Wm., 990 Eiden Ave 16,200 Schneider, Wm. T., R. D. Box 253, Los Angeles 32,000 Schnell, Eliza, 2200 S. Grand Ave 22,800 Schock, John J., 1432 Oak St 17,800 Schoder, Howard J., 400 Plymouth Blvd 143,000 Scholl, Nellie J., 1336 S. Main St 58,400 Scholz, Carl T., 4567 W. Seventeenth St 15,600 Schräder, Carrie, 981 S. Hoover St 15,600 Schreiner, Elizabeth A., 1301 S. Western Ave 54,600 Schroeder, Augusta, 1116 W. Forty-eighth St 24,000 Schroeder, Edward H., R. D. No. 2, Box 557, L.-^s Angeles. ... 10,800 Schroeder, Jennie, 1522 Fifth Ave 174,800 Schroeter, Kate, 834 S. Main St 42,800 Schroeter, R. G., 680 Westlake Ave 50.800 Schumacher, Albert R., 15305 W. Leesdale, Van Nuys, Cal... 35,000 Schumacher, A. W., 522 Shatto PI 175,800 Schumacher, Carrie, 522 Shatto PI 167,000 Schumacher, Frank G., 522 Shatto PI 511,800 Schumacher, J. H., 522 Shatto PI 35,000 Schultz, Carl, 1319 S. Grand Ave 20,800 Schultz, Emil, 1147 S. Hoover St 20,200 LOS ANGELES, CAL. Schultz, June Braun, 715 Marsh-Strong Bldg $140,000 Schuster, Hedwig, 919 Beacon St 14,000 Schuster, Minnie E., 1137 W. Eleventh St 38,000 Schwab, Benjamine, 1724 S. Westmoreland 12,400 Schwartz, Joseph M., 324 W. Adams St 10,800 Schwarz, A. L., 200 Titile Insurance Bldg 55,400 Schwed, Max, 661 S. Kingsley Dr 13,400 Schweppe, Annis Van Nuys, 610 S. Gramercy PI 300,000 Schweppe, Richard J., 610 S. Gramercy PI 20,000 Scofleld, Addie A., 1141 W. Jefferson St 10,400 Scofleld, Andrew L., 1141 W. Jefferson St 70,400 Scolary, Ellen A. ,744 S. Hope St 30,400 Scott, Arthur M., 1507 Georgia St 22,400 Scott, Chas. H., 814 W. Fortieth Pi 13,800 Scott, John M., 729 E. Twenty-eighth St 10,600 Scott, Jonathan R., 1179 W. Twenty-eighth St 32,000 Scott, Josephine M., Rd. Dept., Hall of Records 13,800 Scott, Levi, 702 W. Third St 74,600 Scott, Linda, 1910 S. Harvard Blvd 18,000 Scott, Thos. E. and Fred P., 1212 Arapahoe St 53,400 Scott, Wm. B., 303 Tajo Bldg 50,000 Scott, Wm. L., 455414 Hollywood Blvd 11,600 Scriver, Martha A., 743 S. Alvarado St 22,600 Seager, Howard W., 749 S. Berendo St 10,000 Seager, S. F., 1400 S. Figueroa St 51,000 Seaman, Alice R., 2341 Scarff St 12,400 Seaman, Chas. E., 2151 S. Harvard Bivd 46,400 Seaton, Harry A., 338 S. Grand Ave 13,800 Seaton, Wm. H., 1114 W. Sixteenth St 11,000 Sederlund, August, 485 W. Seventh St., San Pedro, Cal 13,600 Seeberg, Chas., 443 Crocker St 15,000 Seeley, Charlotte R., 315 S. Occidental Blvd 23,200 Seeley, Chas. W., 1902 N. Cahuenga Ave 11,400 Seeman, John J., 664 W. Washington St 24,000 Seibly, Fred M., 1784 Sycamore Ave 20,400 Seigfist, Elsie, 5417 S. Figueroa St 21,200 Seiler, Robert E., 966 S. San Pedro St 26,000 Selby, Lemuel J., 343 S. Occidental Blvd 15,200 Selig, Wm. N., 3800 Mission Rd 157,600 Seligman, Ella, 540 S. Kingsley Dr 126,000 Selvy, Cade, 1241 W. Thirtieth St 21,400 Sennett, Mack, 1712 Allesandro St 85,000 Sentons, Louis, Jr., 1238 Magnolia Ave 8,400 Sentous, Louise A., 1238 Magnolia Ave 185,200 Sepulveda, Concepción A., 601 S. Normandie Ave 107,000 Sepulveda, Jesus A., 513 Bixel St 82,200 96 LOS ANGELES, CAL. Sepulveda, Roman D., 426 W. Fifth St., San Pedro, Cal |514,400 Sessions, Chas. H., 615 Van Nuys Bldg 17,400 Settle, Mrs. Geo. F., 751 N. Palos Verdes, San Pedro, Cal... 32,000 Severy, Melvin L., 431 S. Berendo St 19,000 Sewright, Wm. A., 1621 Tenth Ave 19,800 Sexton, Emma M., R. D. No. 4, Box 202, Los Angeles 27,600 Seymour, Caroline M., 746 W. Adams St 24,000 Seymour. Eleanor, 1329 S. Grand Ave 38,600 Seymour, Emma T., 1691 W. Adams St 36,000 Shafer, Austin C., 1801 S. Kingsley Dr 16,800 Shafer, Caroline E., 621 S. St. Andrews 18,400 Shafer, Frank H., 2001 Ocean View 216,800 Shafer, Minette J., 4123 S. Western Ave 12,200 Shafer, Sarah C., 220 W. Thirty-third St 11,400 Shaffner, Rosalia B., 4232 W. First St 56,400 Shankland, James H., 715 W. Twenty-eighth St 20,000 Shanks, Agnes, 1752% N. Vermont Ave 17,600 Shanley, Wm. G., 450 S. Normandie Ave 12,000 Shannon, Mary L., 627 Grosse Bldg 18,800 Shannon, Nellie, 4311 Victoria Park Dr 170,600 Shapland, Mattie L., 2901 Van Buren 23,000 Sharp, Chas. H. (Heirs), 3143 Wilshire Blvd 112,000 Sharp, Josiah, 1431 Malvern 16,000 Sharpe, John J., 1372 W. Twentieth St 15,600 Shatto, Clara R., 467 Shàtto PI 590,600 Shaw, Daniel C., 1737 N. Orange Dr 18,600 Shaw, Robert S., 1006 Echo Park Ave 13,000 Shaw, Victor E., 2700 Severance PI 16,400 Sheather, Regina M., 520 S. Gramercy PI 11,600 Sheckels Noah C., 738 S. Hill St 201,600 Sheedy. Patrick, 634 W. Eighteenth St 11,600 Shohan, D J., 620 S. Gramercy PI 12,400 Shepherd, Francisco W., 439 W. Jefferson St 372,400 Sherburne, Josephine R., 922 S. Alvarado 10,600 Sherer, Albert J., 709 Higgins Bldg 12,200 Sherer, Elizabeth, care of Bank of San Pedro 35,200 Sherer, Robert, 1325 Alvarado Terrace 210,600 Sherman, Moses H., 1316 Baker-Detwiler Bldg 130,000 Sherman, Robert P., 1316 Baker-DetwUer Bldg 123,000 Shettler Sarah B., 3100 Wilshire Blvd 104,800 Shields, Geo. M., 1322 N. Vermont Ave 13,000 Shirrefts, James R., 119 W. Thirty-sixth PI 16,800 Snoenhair, Geo. J., 1215 S. Norton Ave 16,800 Shoro, Louise Glassell, 742 W. Twenty-eighth St 107,400 Shorb, Mattie L., 345 Hay Ave 29,600 Show, Rebecca M., 627 S. Western Ave 20,600 LOS ANGELES, CAL. 97 Shrader, Eva J., 6844 Hollywood Blvd $ 12,200 Sbugers, Geo. W., 409 S. St. Andrews 10,800 Shuken, Simon, 920 E. Twenty-flfth St 27,000 Shultz, James, Twenty-ninth and Hooper Ave 104,000 Shumway, Willis M., 1415 Alta Vista Blvd 15,000 Shurtleff, Eleanor M., 5254 Virginia 38,000 Shutts, Harry H., Krotona, Hallywood 20,000 Sibley, Ellen W., 611 S. Ardmore Ave 54,600 Sidwell, Chester C., 820 S. Burlington 27,000 Siegel, Myer, 453 S. Broadway 154,600 Siegrist, Jacob 219 Clay St 13,000 Sievert, Emma J., 2810 N. Main St 17,800 Siglie, Martin, 632 Wall St 17,200 Silent, Chas. (Heirs), care of Frank Thomas, Fay Bldg 84,200 Silver, Alex M., 1140 S. Olive St 22,000 Silverstein, Alexander, 420 N. Grand Ave 10,000 Silverwood, Francis B., 554 S. Broadway 261,800 Simeral, Mary E., 935 Sunbury St 30,000 Simmons, Sebastian, 980 Arapahoe St 90,600 Simonds, Evelyn, 1705 Victoria Dr 28,000 Simons, Joseph, 769 S. Boyle Ave 33,600 Simons, Reuben G., 102 Stimson Bldg 12,000 Simpson, Constance D., 1706 W. Pico St 331,000 Simpson, Frank, 670 Wilshire PI 705,200 Simpson, Geo. Starbuck, 1815 W. First St 28,000 Simpson, Jesse E., 4174 Pacific Ave., San Pedro, Cal 14,000 Simpson, John D., 750 Market Court 32,600 Simpson, Thomas M., 625 Central Bldg 13,000 Singer, Joseph, 2118 S. Los Angeles St 15,600 Sinsabaugh, Mary R., 225 Loma Drive 165,600 Sinram, Arenzo C., 7234 Hillside Ave 20,000 Sisson, Guy D., 445 S. Kenmore Ave 8,800 Skinner, Alden W., 1853 Buckingham Rd 15,000 Skinner, Eben H., 644 Lucas Ave 435,200 Skinner, Margaret, 644 Lucas Ave 22,600 Skuse, Daniel A., 734 S. Hobart Blvd 10,000 Slater, Edward S., 1028 Overton St 15,800 Slater, Walter, 2317 West Blvd 10,600 Slaughter, John L., 1022 W. Twentieth St 19,800 Slauson, Sarah R., 2345 S. Figueroa St 60,000 Slocum, Jean B., 2429 S. St. Andrews PI 11,200 Slosson, Elvenia J., 426 E. Arden Blvd 17,600 Sloto, Julius, 221 S. St. Andrews PI 13,000 Smailes, Jos. H., 633 H. W. Hellman Bldg 212,000 Small, May M. S., 355 S. Harvard Blvd 10,200 Smalley, Florence, 1917 Ivar Ave 22,000 98 LOS ANGELES, CAL. Smalley, Sarah J., Sav/telle, Cal I 16,000 Smart, Wm. R., 6310 S. Figueroa St 12,600 Smead, Chester R., 920 W. Eleventh St 39,000 Smiley, Mary A., 451 S. Oxford Ave 18,200 Smith, Albert Irving, 1316 Baker-Detwiler Bldg 70,400 Smith, Albert L., 1663 Winfield St 25,200 Smith, Alfred D., 1944 S. Figueroa St 46,000 Smith, Alonzo C., 1513 S. Hope St 22,000 Smith, Arthur W., 1816 N. Winona Blvd 14,200 Smith, Barbara M., 1177 S. Bronson Ave 20,000 Smith, Benj. R., 2900 Dalton Ave 23,200 Smith, Caro P. K., 6907 Hollywood Blvd 27,200 Smith, Catherine B. D., 1109 W. Adams St 58,200 Smith, Charles A., 1321 N. Vermont Ave 38,000 Smith, Chas. A. E., 203 N. Mesa St., San Pedro 10,600 Smith. Chas. E.. 210 S. Beaudry Ave 11,200 Smith, Chas. F., 1616 S. Figueroa St 66,000 Smith, Cora B.. 1253 Fedora St 46,000 Smith, C. Everett, 1113 Story Bldg 12,600 Smith, De Nelson, 232 S. Norton Ave 10,600 Smith, Eben (Heirs), care of 749 S. Spring St 120,600 Smith, Edward M., 620 S. Clarence St 16,600 Smith. Edwin W., 555 S. Los Angeles St 150,600 Smith. Ella M.. R. D. No. 6. Box 371, Los Angeles 23,400 Smith, Ella W.. 707 W. Twenty-eighth St 24,000 Smith, Eleanor B., 1543 S. Wilton PI 14,800 Smith. Eleneious (Heirs), care of 505 Grosse Bldg 193,600 Smith, Gladys, V.. 526 S. Hobart Blvd 40,800 Smith, Horace O., 608 S. New Hampshire 18,000 Smith. Harold H., 2523 Fourth Ave 11,400 Smith, Harriet C., 1406 Baker-Detwiler Bldg 20,100 Smith, Ira B., 737 Beacon St 27,800 Smith. Isaiah H., 807 Van Nuys Bldg 34,000 Smith, James. 2219 S. Hobart Blvd 14,000 Smith, James M., 2340 W. Pico St 27,600 Smith, James W., 2531 Tenth Ave 18,400 Smith, John. 602 S. Kingsley Dr 36,600 Smith, John W., 131% S. Broadway 41,600 Smith. Julian B.. 408 E. Twelfth St 13,200 Smith, Katherine, 909 Kings Road, Hollywood 12,200 Smith. Jjaxira Geddes. 812 S. Burlington Ave 17,000 Smith, Laura M., 2300 Scarff St 13,600 Smith. Mary A., 1849 Fuller Ave 132,600 Smith, Marie L., 1849 Fuller Ave 46,400 Smith, Mary C., 1503 S. Wilton Ave 11,400 Smith, Mary L., 921 S. Flower St 95,600 LOS ANGELES, CAL. 99 Smith, Margaret E., R. D. No. 1, Box 33, Los Angeles $ 12,000 Smith, Nancy, 211 W. Twenty-flfth St 37,600 Smith, Nettie D., 202% S. Broadway 31,200 Smith, Ray B., R. D. No. 1, Owensmouth, Cal 19.000 Smith, Rea, 22 Chester PI 30,000 Smith, Rollen C., R. D. No. 2, Box 88, Van Nuys, Cal 68,200 Smith, Stanley W., 1616 S. Figueroa St 66,000 Smith, Waiter G., 2241 S. Hohart Bivd 23,600 Smith, Willa E., Los Angeles Trust & Savings Bank 16,900 Smith, Wm. A., 1849 Fuller Ave 59,800 Smith, Wm. D. (Heirs), 1021 Central Bldg 30,000 Smith, Wm. F., 1010 Eiden Ave 10,400 Smouse, Amanda C., 308 S. Mariposa Ave 13,400 Smurr, Chas. R., 433 Hobart Blvd 10,000 Smurr, John R., 220 Byrne Bldg 97,800 Snape, Marion L., 6648 Sunset Blvd 14,000 Snodgrass, Eliz. H., 606 E. Washington St 38,000 Snodgrass, Helen D., R. D. No. 3, Box 561, Los Angeles.... 21,800 Snodgrass, Larkin (Heirs), 972 E. Forty-sixth St 70,000 Snyder, Ceselia M., 953 W Seventh St 53,200 Snyder, Emily, R. D. No. 5, Box 941, Los Angeles 12,200 Snyder, Meredith P., 1230 Fifth Ave 14,000 Snyder, Modena E., 915 W. Fourth St 57,000 Snyder, Oscar, 590 Santa Cruz St., San Pedro, Cal 14,800 Solano, Ella Brooks, 2500 Fuller Ave 207,200 Solleder, Edith R., 443 S. Van Ness Ave 11,200 Solomon, Elizabeth, 2303 W. Twenty-second St 16,000 Solomon, John B., 676 S. Coronado St 125,800 Solomon, Millie, 676 S. Coronado St 14,400 Solomonson, John, 980 W. Forty-second PI 12,400 Somarindyck, Ida L., 1739 W. Adams St 20,400 Somers, Milton C., 118 S. St. Andrews 18,600 Somerviile, Geo. W., 1837 S. Bronson Ave 25,600 Sonden, Oscar M., 557 S. Manhattan PI 11,200 Sonders, John F., 1825 N. Highland Ave 15,400 Seules, Celenia, 6239 Sunset Blvd 16,200 Southworth, Alice P., 1509 Magnolia 38,000 Souza, Manuel, 602 E. Sixth St 11,800 Spalding, Caroline C., care of 1006 Security Bldg 28,000 Spangenthal, Adolph, 450 S. Hobart Bivd 13,400 Spangler, David E., 1245 S. Arlington 88,800 Sparks, Wm. B., 1820 N. La Brea Ave 14,400 Sparr, Frank W., 107 N. Los Angeles 10,800 Spaulding, A. G., 435 S. Spring St 25,800 Spaulding, Rufus P., 308 Hollingsworth Bldg 78,600 Spaulding, Herbert G., 400% S. Beaudry Ave 11,600 100 LOS ANGELES, CAL, Spazier, Elizabeth, 7 Hollywood Blvd $ 34,000 Spear, Joseph, 1415 Fifth Ave 38,600 Spear, Laura M., 5926 Hollywood Blvd 13,200 Spearman, Frank H., 7278 Franklin Ave 37,000 Specht, Christian, 538 H. W. Hellman Bldg 62,200 Specht, Wm., R. D. No. 2, Box 394, Los Angeles 50,000 Speich, Fred H., 1823 W. Pico St 35,600 Speicher, Asa F., 3015 S. Vermont Ave 11,400 Spellacy, Floyd S., 327 S. St. Andrews PI 16,800 Spellmire, Anthony H., 942 S. Bonnie Brae 10,800 Spencer, Chas. H., 1120 Hollingsworth Bldg 10,000 Spencer, Elisha F., 563 S. Fremont 82,600 Spencer, John L., 1817. S. Wilton PI 31,800 Spencer, Mary C. A. McD,, 120 S. Grand Ave 13,800 Spier, Morris, 1132 S. Grand View 10,800 Spier, Simon S., 716 S. Broadway 10,400 Spinks, Andrew M,, 404 S. Gramercy PI 10,000 Spinks, Moseley E., 1049 Grange St 471,600 Spires, Mary H., 1501 S. Hoover St 20,000 Spitzer, Ceelan M. (Heirs), 310 Andrews Blvd 128,000 Sprague, Norman F., 600 Black Bldg 19,800 Spring, John R., 640 E. Forty-ninth St ! 24,800 Sprowls, Ralph M., 3201 Maple Ave 27,800 Squier, Fannie C., 109 S. Grand Ave 21,400 Squires, Ella B., 2983 Leeward 13,400 Sresovich, Joseph, 1678 W. Twelfth St 15,000 Sresovich, Vincenza, 1678 W, Twelfth St 35,200 Stacy, Henry W., 4400 Victoria Park Dr 11,000 Stafford, W., 949 Lake St 10,000 Stahl, Charlotte A., 1334 Santee St 11,800 Stahl, Louis A., 2627 Monmouth Ave 38,000 Staley, Eliz. G., 2322 W. Ninth St 18,400 Stallsmith, Thos. G., 127 S. Hoover St 16,400 Stamps, Kate A., 1027 S. Lake St 11,900 Stamps, Kate McCoy, 1027 S. Lake St 96,000 Stanford, Jane, Avalon, Cal 29,400 Stansburg, Chas., 406 H. W. Hellman Bldg 22,000 Stansbury, P. M., 6011 Hollywood Blvd 88,000 Stanton, Chapel Q., 448 Andrews Blvd 305,600 Stanton, Edwin L., 448 Andrews Blvd 9,000 Stanton, Forest Q., 412 Grant Bldg 20,200 Stanton, Herbert W., 412 Grant Bldg 184,200 Sianton, John A., 432 S. Normandie Ave 11,800 Stark, Abigail, 723 S. Flower St 41,400 Stark, Geo. N., 457 S. St. Andrews PI 16,800 Starks, Harmon F., 1719 S. Bronson St 79,200 LOS ANGELES, CAL. 101 Starkweather, Leafie, 551 S. Harvard BIvd $ 16,600 Staasforth, Theodore Louis, 2651 W. Ninth St 120,600 Staunton, Wm. F., 512 S. Harvard Blvd 16,800 Stavnow, Chas. A., 207 W. Eighth St 27,000 Stearns, Julia E., 27 St. James Park 72,000 Stecket, George, 506 S. Harvard Blvd 12,400 Steele, Edmund W., 1312 W. Eleventh St 21,000 Steele, Ella P., 7280 Hillside Ave 15,600 Steele, Willis H., 1220 S. Grand St 11,000 Steere, Anna H., 226 S. Olive St 72,200 Steil, Henry, 340 W. Thirty-third St 10,800 Stein, Max, 420 S. Beaudry Ave 26,000 Steinlein, Karl, 404 S. Andrews Blvd 23,000 Stephens, Albert M., 611 S. Kingsley Dr 25,400 Stephens, Kate W., 431 Security Bldg 20,000 Stephens, Louis P., R. D. No. 1, Palms, Cal 78,800 Stephens, Moye W., 508 S. Serrano St 11,000 Stephens, Philip, 1036 Aivarado St.... 11,600 Stephens, Thomas J., 8817 S. Main St 38,000 Stern, Mrs. Alfred. 639 W. Eighteenth St 11,200 Stern, Amelia, care of 911 Van Nuys Bldg 196,200 Stern, Hortense H., 1937 Hobart Blvd 21,600 Stern, Jacob, 602 Haas Bldg 193,400 Stern, Matilda, 2968 Francis Ave 14,800 Stem, Simon, 255 S. Mariposa Ave 11,400 Sterry, Louise A., 2632 Ellendale 13,200 Sterry, Norman S., 3815 Ingraham St 60,000 Stetson, Franklin F., 389 San Fernando Rd 192,000 Stevens, Addie E., 501 S. Figueroa St 14,400 Stevens, Mary L., 3817 W. Adams St 25,000 Stevens, Wm. M., 1347 E. Twenty-third St 53,400 Stevens, Will P., 1634 Long Beach Ave 11,400 Stevenson, Clarence W., Bx. 1660, Ventura Rd., Los Angeles. 15,600 Stevenson, Gilbert P., 6712 Hollywood Blvd 32,000 Steward, Jennie M. G., 2960 W. Seventh St 13,400 Stewardson, Wm., 2714 N. Main St 20,000 Stewart, Anna Jane, 456 Solano St 10,600 Stewart, Florence H., care of Los Angeles Tr. & Sav. Bk... 54,000 Stewart, Ida H., 870 W. Adams St 48,000 Stewart, Isaac W., 1216 S. Westlake Ave 10,200 Stewart, Lyman, 632 Lucas Ave 144,400 Stewart, Marie A., 815 Stewart St 14,600 Stewart, Minnie M., Box 131, San Fernando, Cal 20,000 Stewart, Wm. H., 625 Central Bldg 69,600 Stewart, Wm. L., 1118 Union Oil Bldg 95,800 Still, John J., 414 Washington Bldg 11,800 102 LOS ANGELES, CAL. Stillwell, Chas. H., 838 S. Grand Ave $ 49,000 Stlmson, Achsah J. (Helrs), 217 Douglas Bldg 3,740,000 Stlmson, Annie W., 825 W. Adams St 193,400 Stlmson, Kate A., 217 Douglas Bldg 144,800 Stlmson, C. W., 217 Douglas Bldg 239,000 Stlmson, Wlllard H., 217 Douglas Bldg 434,800 Stlth, Mary Bames, 1640 Fuller Ave 13,000 Stocker, Clara Baldwin, 414 Merrltt Bldg 2,826.000 Stockton, Marzee E., 3420 Lanfranco St 15,600 Stockwell, Wm. E., Owensmouth, Cal 10,400 Stoddard, Mollle E., 921 W. Fourth St 13,000 Stoddardt, Eliza J. (Helrs), 1052 Beason St 125,000 Stoddart, Mary E., 1052 Beacon St 13,000 Stoeckel, Frank, 924 E. Ninth St 22,000 Stoetzner, Herman, 671 Ceres Ave 22,400 Stokes, Wm. R., 239 N. Chicago St 39,800 Stoll, Arthur L., 1433 Westmoreland 97,600 Stoll, Estella B., 1505 Westmoreland 87,600 Stoll, Geo. H., 6685 Hollywood Blvd 66,800 Stoll, Louisa, 1639 S. Hobart Blvd 10,200 Stoll, Mary E., 1505 Westmoreland 405,000 Stoll, Robert, 632 Blxel St 67,600 Stone, Alice, 533 S. Carondelet St 17,000 Stone, Edna P., 278 W. Tenth St., San Pedro 41,200 Stone, Frank M., 1737d Garfield PI 18,400 Stoner, Gertrude C., 1217 S. Alvarado 32,000 Storey, Thomas H., 1303 Reld St 10,000 Storrow, Samuel, 831 Black Bldg 34,800 Story, Byron T., 2420 Tenth Ave 460,000 Story, Hampton L., 548 S. Ardmoi'e Ave 64,600 Story, Nelson, Story Bldg 315,400 Story, Walter P., Story Bldg 1,910,000 Stowell, Nathan W., 411 S. Main St 226,600 St. Pierre, Matilda, 603 Carondelet St 12,700 Strasburg, Edward, 428 I. W. Hellman Bldg 21,000 Stratton, Chas. E., 442 S. Mariposa Ave 11,800 Stratton, Mary A., 1048 W. Eighth St 16,400 Stratton, Orra W., 615 E. Third St 48,000 Strawser, Bert G., 965 S. St. Andrews PI 18,400 Straus, Antonio, 233 N. Grand Ave 12,800 Streicher, Michael, 454 S. Flgueroa St 78,000 Strock, Chas., 939 S. Union Ave 12,000 Strodthoff, Henry A., 132 S. Los Angeles St 45,200 Strohm, Mary S., 2620 Menlo Ave 16,800 Strong, Alice B., 2677 Ellendale PI 141,800 Strong, Edw. A., 637 W. Fifteenth St 63,400 LOS ANGELES, CAL. 103 Strong, Frank R., 1015 Marsh-Strong Bldg $331,800 Strong, Hattie, 2677 Ellendale PI 18,000 Strong, Oren W., 685 S. Vermont Ave 41,400 Strong, Pearl, 417 Andrews BIvd 42,600 Strong, Wm. Austin, 1216 Hibernian Bldg 32,800 Stroud, David W., 1824 W. Twenty-first St 19,800 Stroud, Mary A., 1017 B. Adams St 14,000 Stuart, Chas. F., 2175 W. Washington St 36,000 Stuart, John, 908 W. Slauson Ave 12,000 Sturdevant, Alice M., 1960 Cheremoya Ave 17,800 Sturtevant, Eunice R., 5406 Franklin Ave 23,400 Suber, Moses K., 1015 Orange St 113,409 Suhr, Otto B., 1428 Crescent Heights Blvd., Hollywood.... 13,000 Sullivan, Helen V., 903 Heliotrope Dr 64,400 Sullivan, Jeremiah, 1330 S. Wilton PI 10,200 Summers, Emma A., 655 Wilshire PI 62,400 Summers, Kittie, 407 S. Grand Ave 21,800 Summers, Mabel A., 1738 Seventh Ave 14,000 Sumner, Chas. Edward, 432 S. Ardmore Ave 34,000 Sumner, Dorothea, 318 H. W. Hellman Bldg 15,600 Sundbergm, Arvid E., 1932 W. Forty-third St 27,800 Sunderland, Julia, 1617 S. Figueroa St 20,000 Sutch, Wendall H., 3932 Wilshire Blvd 45,400 Sutton, S. Mabbett, 223 Security Bldg 31,600 S wall, Jacob, 2116 Wilmont St 26,200 Swanfeldt, Andrew, 2215% W. Washington 10,400 Swanfeldt, Axel W., 1832 Michigan Ave 25,600 Swanson, Annie L., 1448% N. Spring St 11,000 Swanson, Lottie B., 514 S. Gramercy PI 10,000 Swanson, Wm. M., 514 S. Gramercy PI 54,000 Swatling, Emma B., 532 S. Harvard Blvd 15,000 Sweeny, Teresa H., 684 S. New Hampshire Ave 25,600 Sweet, Edward W., 645 W. Twenty-second St., San Pedro... 26,600 Sweet, Wm. H., 7206 Hollywood Blvd 42,000 Sweetser, Geo. N., 1411 Laurel Ave., Hollywood 11,000 Swett, W. Charles, 7256 Franklin Ave 39,800 Swiatek, Constance, R. D. No. 3, Box 499, Los Angeles 34,600 Swift, John F., R. D. No. 1, Van Nuys, Cal 18,000 Swigart, Clara M., 1237 S. Van Ness Ave 29,800 Swigart, Robert F., 1237 S. Van Ness Ave 11,200 Swisher, Lucy C., 7218 W. Hillside Ave 10,600 Sword, Teresa, 1190 Magnolia Ave 129,600 Sylvester, Mary F., 218 W. Fourteenth St 10,400 Symes, Estella, 356 W. Sixty-eighth St 19,600 Symington, Gilbert J., 2251 W. Twenty-first St 17,000 Symms, Edgar B., 1351 Hay Ave., Hollywood 13,400 104 LOS ANGELES, CAL. Tabor, Chas. W., 1790 Sycamore Ave $ 42,000 Tackabury, Elizabeth, 5553 Hollywood Blvd 33,200 Taft, Alfred Z., 5751 Hollywood Blvd 227,000 Taft, Gertrude, 5821 Hollywood Blvd 28,800 Taft, Mary E., 124 S. Hobart Blvd 78,200 Taggart, Katherine E. P., 225 S. Andrews Blvd 32,600 Taix, Marie D., 1315 Toberman St 25,600 Taix, Marius, 319 Commercial St 25,600 Talbott, John Chester, 909 Lake St 13,000 Tally, Thos. L., 933 Park View 475,000 Tandy, Frank N., 360 S. Alvarado St 29,200 Tandy, Jane H., 360 S. Alvarado St 14,400 Taphorn, Cevilia M., 216 E. Market St 21,400 Tappeiner, Louis P., 157 N. Alexandria Ave 20,200 Tatham, Florence A. and Eva L., 1500 Fifth Ave 10,000 Tatum, Terese M., 851 S. Manhattan PI 12,000 Taylor, Albert C., 548 S. Broadway 14,400 Taylor, Chas. E., 1519 S. Manhattan PI 10,600 Taylor, Clara H., 938 S. Lake St 15,800 Taylor, Edward A., 230 N. Avenue Nineteen 60,0i>0 Taylor, Elvira S., 513 Bixel St 33,800 Taylor, Geo. D., 2407 S. San Pedro St ILO'OO Taylor, Jesse H., Ninth Floor Garland Bldg 22,500 Taylor, Joseph M., 1443 Pleasant Ave 64,800 Taylor, Lulu M., 1242 W. Fiftieth St 10,600 Taylor, Mary E., 449 S. Euclid Ave 11,400 Taylor, Minnie Cray, care of 308 S. Hill St 32,600 Taylor, Russell McD., 11 Berkeley Sq 44,000 Taylor, Seville, 1862 N. Edgemont Ave 24,400 Taylor, O. Taylor, 1044 Ingraham St 39,200 Taylor, Wm. A., 1744 Virginia Rd 13,200 Taylor, Willoughby S., 1115 Ingi-aham St 22,400 Teague, Albert E., 1112 S. Alvarado St 10,400 Teague, Helma, 1205 E. Eighth St 20,000 Teague, Joseph N., San Fernando, Cal 42,800 Teare, Daniel, 445 S. Windsor Blvd 28,000 Tebbets, Harriet L., 1001 Eiden Ave 10,000 Teele, Edith H., 6860 Bolton Rd 20,600 Teeter, Esther M., 521 S. St. Andrews 110,800 Tepper, Eloys H., 814 Towne Ave 17,000 Terry, Victoria S., 1210 Ingraham St 70,000 Thaxter, Annette, Compton and Nadeau St., Los Angeles.. 110,000 Thayer, Joseph H., 1767 Orchid Ave..., 17,600 Theobald, Victor H., 4825 Wilton PI 20,200 Thiele, Emma, 1129 Trenton St 83,400 Thiele, Lydia E., 224Vè W. Twenty-fourth St 43,000 LOS ANGELES, CAL. 105 Thill, John X., 231 W. Vernon Ave $ 36,400 Thill, Peter, R, D. No. 9, Box 152, Los Angeles 24,000 Thom, Belle C., 2070 W. Adams St 312,000 Thomas, Chas. P., 607 S. Hill, Room 308, Los Angeles 146,000 Thomas, Elizabeth E.. 1344 Maltman St 45,200 Thomas, Frances F., 685 Wilshire PI 19,000 Thomas, Frank H., 1820 S. Hobart Blvd 11,299 Thomas, Frank J., 2327 S. Flower St 97,000 Thomas, Grace W., 408 S. Oxford Ave 12,600 Thomas, Ruth M., 114 S. Carondelet St 13,000 Thompson, Abbie R., 1231 Ingraham St 398,000 Thompson, Chas. H., 100 Fremont PI 42,000 Thomposn, David E,, 1809 Wellington Rd 20,600 Thompson, Lambert H., Owensmouth, Cal 17,200 Thompson, Laurence K., 757 S. Alvarado St 17,000 Thompson, Lizzie E., 214 E. Fifth St 44,000 Thompson, Nellie L., 3826 S. Hill St 12,000 Thompson, Richard, 854 W. Thirty-sixth St 12,600 Thompson, Robert C., 2325 Temple St 14,400 Thompson, Walter B., 1044 Camulos St 15,400 Thompson, Wm. A., 5618 S. Main St 24,600 Thompson, Wm. E., 414 S. Man hattan Pi 44,000 Thomsen, Mortiz, 652 Imperial, Los Angeles 80,000 Thomson, Matilda, 1210 W. Adams St 12,000 Thomson, Presson W., 828 Burck PI 10,800 Thorkildseu, Thomas, 2100 Canyon Dr ...'. 96,000 Thornberg, Florence V., 846 Beacon St 25,400 Thornton, Emily, 378 S. Occidental Blvd 10,600 Thoi-nton, Wm. C., 1240 S. Arlington Ave 15,200 Thornton, Wm. B., 1408 S. Flower St 47,200 Thorp, Burt W., Owensmouth, Cal 13,300 Thorpe. Helena B., 971 Menlo Ave 17,800 Thorpe, Spencer, 918 Merchants National Bank Bldg 10,800 Thresher, Geo. P., 37 Westmoreland PI 61,400 Thum, Otto, 1521 Clifford Ave., Brentwood, Sawtelle, Cal... 333,200 Thurner, Gottlob A., 459 S. Van Ness Ave 26,000 Tibbitts, Arthur G., 505% S. Main St 39,400 Tico, Randolph, R. D. No. 2, Van Nuys, Cal 21,000 Tilley, Justin J., 662% S. Burlington 23,600 Tillotson, H. John, 650 W. Twenty-third St 15,600 Tinkle, Frederick C., 448 1. W. Hellman Bldg 131,200 Tipton, Frank B., 1928 Carmen Ave 10,600 Tivist, Josephine, 6127 Yucca St ■ 20,600 Toberman, C. E., 6780 Hollywood Blvd 67,200 Todd, Emma G., 2031 Hillhurst 24,000 Toles, Louise, 636 S. Klngsley Dr 14,800 106 LOS ANGELES, CAL. Tolhurst, Shelle.v H., 3558 Wilshlre Blvd $136,600 Tolin, James A., 1656 Winfield St 15,000 Toll, Spencer L., 1019 Santee St 12,200 Tellmer, Raymond L, 118 E. Sixteenth St 10,200 Homblin, Mrs. J. W., 720 W. Twenty-eighth St 15,400 Tomkinson, Grace, 2127 Hobart Blvd 85,600 Tomson, Elizabeth J., 215 W. Eighteenth St 12,800 Toney, Gladys P., 2914 S. Vermont Ave 14,400 Toomey, Wm. Jerome 425 S. Plymouth Blvd 48,000 Toplitzky, Elsie B., 612 S. Burlington Ave 22,000 Toplitzky, Joe, 636 H. W. Hellman Bldg 87,200 Torrance, Jared S., 1210 Washington Bldg 337,000 Torrance, Lewis C., 426 S. Kenmore Ave 11,200 To wie, James S., 3014 Royal St 22,400 Towles, Clara J., 2310 W. Tenth St 16,000 Towner, C. C., 801 Higgins Bldg , 23,600 Townsend, A. R., 510 Commercial St 20,600 Townsend, Wllber, 1629 W. Twenty-flfth St 22,200 Trask, Caroline B., Van Nuys Hotel 198,400 Trask, Victoria H., 1321 S. Figueroa St 791,200 Treat, Lena L., 7523 Franklin Ave 15,000 Treat, Marcia C., 1265 Third Ave 10,000 Trekell, Frank D., 7259 Hillside Ave 19,600 Treloar, Albert L., Owensmouth, Cal 20,000 Triest, Karl, 331 Andrews Blvd 39,000 Trlnkeller, Edward, 1720 S. Main St 35,400 Trippet, Oscar A., 943 S. Hoover St 31,400 Troconiz, Estate, 1037 S. Alvarado St 62,200 Troegor, Richard C., 310 S. Grand Ave 18,800 Troy, Grace A., 2033 N. Argyle Ave 22,400 True, Theodore E., Box 1072, Los Angeles 14,800 Trumble, Milton J., 1029 Higgins Bldg 13,600 Truman, Augusta, 5207 Pasadena Ave 113,400 True worthy, John W., 742 Garland Ave 25,200 Tryon, Raymond G., 516 S. Westmoreland 9,800 Tuhbs, Louise M., 320 S. Westlake Ave 27,600 Tuck, Joseph E., 1719 N. Winona Blvd 10,600 Tuckett, Geo. J., 1823 Virginia Rd 14,400 Tudor, Wm. A., 439 S. Harvard Blvd 11,200 Turner, Chas. F., 1006 California Bldg 20,000 Turner, Erastus J., 1144 S. Lake St 27,600 Turner, Eva B., 617 S. Westmoreland 22,800 Turner, Mrs. Frank C., 1861 Toberman St 13,400 Turner, Harry C. (Heirs), 1001 Washington St 36,200 Turner, James K., 946 S. Gramercy PI 12,000 Turner, Jennie W., Bryson Apts 14,600 LOS ANGELES, CAL. 107 Turner, Mary J., 746 S. Bonnie Brae $ 16,000 Turner, Stevel, 3201 Maple Ave 27,800 Turen, Peter, 330 Winston St 22,000 Turrill, Wm. H. A., 1735 N. Wilcox Ave 13,000 Tuttle, Henry W., 2946 Francis Ave 9,400 Tuttle, Victor H., 1236 Orange St 13,800 Tutton, Smma S., 610 Carondelet St 11,000 Tweedy, Edward, R. D. No. 8, Box 375, Los Angeles 30,000 Tweedy, Harold B., R. D. No. 12, Box 530, Los Angeles 22,000 Tweedy, Lorenzo D., R. D. No. 3, Box 486a, Los Angeles 30,000 Tweedy, Robert, R. D. No. 3, Box 481, Los Angeles 122,000 Tweedy, Thomas A., R. D. No. 3, Box 563, Los Angeles 143,200 Tweedy, Wm. T., R. D. No. 3, Box 475, Los Angeles 30,000 Twiss, Chas. W., 811 W. Thirty-sixth St 12,400 Tyler, Bernard L., 3307 W. Lashington St 14,000 Tyler, Mary A., 735% Ottawa St 65,200 Uhl, Melvin S., R. D. No. 1, San Fernando, Gal 24,600 Ulen, Esther C., 1412 Wright St 51,600 Ulery, Wm. G., 415 E. Adams St 26,800 Underhill, Emma H., 826 S. Alvarado St 12,600 Updegraff, Thad. S., 643 Chamber of Commerce Bldg 114,800 Updike, Peter H., 960 Arapahoe St 65,000 Upman, Frank, 401 S. Westmoreland 29,800 Upson, Joseph E., 5617 Hollywood Blvd 20,000 Utley, Jay H., 963 Menlo Ave 11,800 Van Auken, Geo. W., 230 N. Olive St 12,600 Van Camp, Euphrasia J., 432 S. St. Andrews 12,400 Vance, Edith R., 511 S. Ardmore Ave 33,400 Vance, J. S., 333 S. Westmoreland 60,200 Van Degrift, Albert S., 302 S. Broadway 68,600 Vandegrift, Blanche R., 1320 S. Bonnie Brae 10,600 Vandenburg, Burton H., 236 W. Forty-seventh PI 13,000 Vandervort, Lucy B., 4002 W. Pico St 36,000 Van Deusen, Julian, 510 S. Commonwealth Ave 9,400 Van Dyke, Wm. M., 222 W. Adams St 22,000 Van Guysling, Geo. E., 2429 S. Andrews PI 75,800 Van Honten, Maude C., 947 Eiden Ave 10,400 Vail, Augusta E., 2243 Crenshaw Blvd 16,000 Vail, E. F. R., 1315 S. Flower St 170,000 Vail, Margaret R., 520 Metropolitan Bldg 34,400 Valentine, Louis H., 916 S. Alvarado St 14,400 Valiant, Frank S., 171 S. Virgil Ave 10,000 Valiant, Kate, 171 S. Virgil Ave 17,400 Valla, Honorine P., 611 S. Bonnie Brae 10,600 Valle, Louise S., 2727 S. Grand Ave 44,400 Vallon, Fred, 1403 W. Pico St 53,400 108 LOS ANGELES, CAL. Van Nuys, James Benton, 357 Lorraine BIvd $418,400 Van Nuys, Susannah H., 1011 I. N. Van Nuya Bldg 9.,797 p.nn Vanonl, Felice, R. D. No. 1, Box 80, Van Nuys, Cal. 14,400 Variel, Caroline, 2237 Michigan Ave 74,000 Variel, Wm. J., 301 Merchants Trust Bldg 8,600 Varney, Wm. M., 1621 S. Main St 10,400 Vatcher, Wm. H., 625 E. Washington St 22,600 Van Trees, Lucretia G. (Heirs), 920 W. Third St 25,600 Van Valkenburg, Chas., 805 Story Bldg 24,000 Van Velsor, Cora H., 332 S. Hobart Bh d 10,000 Van Vorst, Chas. B., 2401 Santa Fe Ave 18,000 Vaughan, Florence C., 957 S. Burlington Ave. 14,000 Veasey, Frank B., 607 S. Oxford Ave 20,000 Veir, Henry C., 310 Grayco Bldg 11,200 Veit, Richard D., 508 G. T. Johnson Bldg 27,000 Velzy, Bertha F., 526 Olympia Blvd., R., 4, Box 803, L. A 19,800 Verch, Robert (Heirs), 418 S. Commonwealth Ave 22,400 Vermilyea, Clarence E., 307 S. Manhattan PI 12,000 Vermilyea, Samuel E., 689 S. Park View 77,200 Verma, Giovani, 427 S. Gates St 10,600 Vernon, Chas C., 434 S. Westmoreland 11,600 Vickers, Anna C., 624 W. Twenty-fourth St 268,600 Vickers, S. P., 520 Metropolitan Bldg 40,000 Vickrey, B. L., 343 S. Hill St 18,200 Vickrey, O. A., 1662 W. Adams St 241,000 Vickroy, Hugh K., 5258 Sunset Blvd 5L400 Victor, Edward, 4126 S. Vermont Ave 13,400 Victor, Elizabeth M., care 718 H. W. Hellman Bldg 29,600 Vignolo, Albert, 1325 S. Van Ness Ave 14,000 Vignolo, Lorenzo, 1353 Bellevue Ave 80,000 Vischer, Louis G., 1211 Baker-Detwiler Bldg 10,400 Visscher, Wilhelmine E., 302 N. New Hampshire 10,200 Vitagliano, Maria, 1049 Magnolia Ave 20,000 Vitoghano, Maria, Lankershim, Cal 25,400 Voeckell, Henry, 1801 Central Ave 34,600 Vogel, Lucius L., 519 S.Main St 10,000 Vogel, R. Fred, 219 Con. Realty Bldg 556,400 Vogeli, Thomas, 1327 Laurel Ave., Hollywood 20,000 Volk, Agnes J., 822 S. Bixel St 16,400 Vollmer, Carrie D., 762 Garland Ave 99,800 Vollmer, Herman F., 762 Garland Ave 52,600 Von Ache, A. Garrison, 428 S. Hill St 15,200 Von Breton, Theresa, 160 E. Jefferson St 54,800 Vonfelt, Paul, 1512 Harvard Blvd 11,800 Von Homeger, Katie, 2110 S. Vermont Ave 11,000 Vonder-Kuhlen, Charles, 923 Bixel St 12,800 LOS ANGELES, CAL. 109 Vonder-Kuhlen, Chas. Wm., care of Kuhlen, 923 Bixel St $126,200 Vonder-Kuhlen, Henry L., 917 Georgia St 31,400 Von Der Lohe, John H. C., 1831 W. Washington St 11,200 Von Neindorff, Margaret von, 1937 Morgan PI 42,000 Von Rolf, Thankmar, 1801 N. Whitley Ave 11,200 Von Zimmerman, Rosa, 718 Citizens National Bank Bldg. . .. 992,000 Vosburg, Anna S., 1201 S. Hoover St 14,200 Vosburg, John J., 619 S. Normandie Ave 281,000 Vosburg, Kate S., care of 532 Bradbury Bldg 517,200 Wächter, Frank W., 1187 W. Twenty-eighth St 73,600 Wade, Chas. J., 6355 De Longpre Ave 12,000 Wade, Wm. J., 1526 Cassil PI 77,400 Waddell, Wm. E., 927 Citizens National Bank Bldg 65,400 Waddell, Wm. H., 2511 S. Main St 13,200 Wadleigh, Geo. H., 1415 S. Hope St 41,400 Wagenbach, Helena, 7964 Santa Monica Blvd, Hollywood... 12,000 Wagner, George, R. D. No. 9, Box 205, Los Angeles 133,000 Wagner, John, R. D. No. 9, Box 161, Los Angeles 118,000 Wagner, Louise M., 252 S. Fremont Ave 22,600 Wagner, Marie L. G., 1 St. James Park 15,600 Wagner, Michel, 1550 W. Manchester Ave 128,000 Wagner, Wm. H., 428 W. Adams St 86,800 Waldeck, Estelle H., 1713 S. Flower St 27,400 Waldo, Charles L., 658 S. Bronson Ave 104,400 Waldo, Viva, 1740 Victoria Dr 11,000 Walker, Chas. F., R. D. No. 2, Box 136, Van Nuys, Cal 18,000 Walker, Eliza, 1349 Ingraham St 42,000 Walker, Geo. W., 1125 Lake St 1,007,800 Walker, Hugh K., 2663 Menlo Ave 22,000 Walker, Joseph, 139 Garey St 30,600 Walker, Jos. H., 1547 Las Palmas Ave 23,200 Walker, Regina, 2407 S. Grand Ave , 14,800 Walker, Rosa, 605 S. Serrano Ave 12,400 Wall, Edgar T., 341 S. Harvard Blvd 17,200 Wall, Nellie M., 712 W. Washington St 16,000 Wall, Robert L., 142 N. Manhattan PI 60,400 Wallace, Albert J., Laurel Ave. and Sunset, Hollywood.... 364,800 Wallace, Gertrude E., 1741 Cahuenga Ave 22,800 Wallace, Kate, 416 W. Avenue Fifty-six 20,200 Wallace, Rose A., 409 S. Serrano Ave 14,000 Waller, Etta J., 214 S. Rampart Blvd 13,600 Wallis, Jonnie, 602 S. Harvard Blvd 32,000 Walrath Agnes J., 672 S. Burlington Ave 22,400 Walsh, Frank E., 635 S. Harvard Blvd 69,200 Walsh, Paul D., 315 W. Fifth St 12,000 Walter, Albert L,, 627 S. Spring St 32,000 no LOS ANGELES, CAL. Walter, Arthur C., 643 S. Main St $ 11,400 Walters, Florence E., 1547 S. Manhattan PI 23,000 Walters, Mary M., 850 S. Central Ave 17,500 Wandling, Geo. B., 449% S. Cummings St 15,000 Wannop, Frances C., 1162 Fourth Ave 10,800 Walton, Ellz. C., 609 B. Second St 26,800 Walton, Nettie L., 716 Lankershim Bldg 18,000 Walton, Thomas J., 1827 S. Hoover St 44,400 Ward, Agnes N., 1121 S. Grand Ave 410,000 Ward, Blanche C., 1017 Union Oil Bldg 15,200 Ward, Delia S., 915 W. Eighth St 26,000 Ward, Eleanor M., 151 S. Virgil Ave 13,400 Ward, Henry C., 151 S. Virgil Ave 39,400 Ward, Jennie D., 2667 Ellendale PI 10,000 Ward, Wm. C., 1405% Girard St 44,400 Warfleld, Wm. H., 2414 N. Broadway 13,200 Waring, Bruce, Star Route, Owensmouth, Cai 32,000 Waring, Lucretia Cole, 6121 Lexington Ave 42,000 Warmbath, Olive B.. 615 S. Oxford Ave 14,400 Warnekros, Nannie E., 1010 S. Burlington Ave 13,600 Warner, Albina C., 3601 Maple Ave 11,600 Warner, Drusilla D., 866 W. Washington St 15,200 Warmer, Eunice A., 2237 Harvard Blvd 21,000 Warner, Mary E., 1416 Courtland Ave 10,000 Warner, Susana M., 332 S. Serrano Ave 10,600 Warren, Chas. B., 5526 Carlton Way 13.200 Warren, James G., 323 Andrews Blvd 476,600 Wairen, Maude R., 323 Andrews Blvd 387,400 Wartelle, Benona E., 1216 S. Alvarado St 12,600 Warwick, Mary B. Dillon, 445 S. Commonwealth Ave 13,600 Washburn, Bryant, 7003 Hawthorne Ave 20,400 Washburn, Helen E., 2200-Harvard Blvd 36,800 Washburn, Thos. J., 422 S. Alexandria Ave 11,400 Watchorn, Alma J., 6902 Sunset Blvd 30,000 Waters, Arthur J., 685 S. New Hampshire Ave 23,200 Waterman, Gertrude B., 442 S. Normandie .Ave 10,600 Waterman, Jesse F., 640 S. Manhattan PI 11,800 Watkins, Warren C., 768 Merchant St 27,000 Watson, Harriet J., 1726 N. Harvard Blvd 13,200 Watson, Josephine B., 357 S. Alvarado St 17,800 Wattles, Gurdon W., care of 836 Union Oil Bldg 108,000 Walters, Alex. J., 450 E. Tenth St 14,200 Watts, Harry C., 2068 S. Hobart Blvd 13,400 Weaver, Caroline B., 1948 S. Harvard Blvd 13,000 Weaver, Sylvester L., 1811 S. Norton Ave 23,800 Webb, Albert E., 1831 Westmoreland Blvd 13,800 LOS ANGELES, CAL, 111 Webel, Chas. G. P., 1752 W. Forty-third PI î 10,200 Weber, Augusta, 222 E. Adams St 55,200 Weber, Henrietta M., 1111 Trenton St 16,800 , Weber, Louis, 4000 S. Figueroa St 13,000 Weber, Mary K., 930 S. Union Ave 85,200 Webber, Theresa E., 314 W. Fourth St 10,000 Webster, Mary J., 914 S. Alvarado St 10,200 Wehrly, Florence, 5100 Sunset Blvd 18,800 Weid, Marie (Heirs), 858 S. Figueroa St 20,200 Weidler, Clare Mueller, 625 Shatto PI 20,200 Weingart, Ben, 402 E. Fifth St 19,600 Weintraub, Solomon L., 118 W. Fifth St 10,400 Weisbrod, Henley G., 314 Lucas Ave 12,000 Weiss, Andrew, 837 W. Fifty-ninth St 11,000 Weiss, Delia, 7179 Compton Ave 19,800 Welch, Horace H., 5675 Franklin Ave 8,800 Welch, W. O , Hall of Records 14,200 Welcome, Virgil J., 1324 Bond Ave 20,800 Wellcome, D. E., Grant Bldg 19,600 Weldon, Wm. R. H., 1916 E. First St 30,000 Welfer, Wm. W., 922 W. Thirtieth St 14,000 Wellborn Chas., 401 W. Thirty-first St 11,000 Wells, Elizabeth, 2334 W. Pico St 32,800 Wells, Raymond A., 414 S. Hobart Blvd 15,400 Wells, Ralph Evans, 156 Westmoreland PI 43,400 Welsh, Marion, 748 Garland Ave 16,400 Welty, Emma H., care of 731 H. W. Hellman Bldg 15,400 Wente, Olive M., 6355 Franklin Ave 18,000 Wentz, Wm. C., 1809 Buckingham Rd 9,000 Werdin, Ernest R., 1570 S. Hobart Blvd 10,800 Werner, Frank A., 2029 W. Washington St 13,400 Werner, Peter, 2029 Fifth Ave 34,800 Wernigh, Reinhard, 726 Marsh-Strong Bldg 20,000 Wesner, Michael A., 269 E. Forty-third St 10,400 Weston, Blanche M., 742 S. Burlington Ave 10,400 West, Charlotte A., 1009 W. Fifth St 10,200 West, Henry Hebard, 1644 Wellington Rd 11,200 Weston, Orin S., 2225 Seventh Ave 186,400 Wetherby, John F., 430 S. Occidental Blvd 27,200 Wethem, Samuel G., 8114 S. Figueroa St 28,000 Wetmer, Alice P., 404 Wright & Callender Bldg 18,600 Weygand, Amie C., 208 S. Figueroa St 17,800 Weyl, Emil M., 1423 Crenshaw Blvd 37,800 Weyse, Henry G., Grosse Bldg 695,200 Weyse, Rudolph G., 811 Beacon St 20,400 Weysser, Herman, 1476 W. Thirty-seventh Dr 24,400 112 LOS ANGELES, CAL. Whalen, Sadie J., 1509 Orange St $ 21,600 Wheat, Eliz. G., 320 S. Alvarado St 17,000 Wheaton, Lizzie, 545 S. Gramercy PI 54,600 Whedon, Henrietta T., 1828i^ S. Figueroa St 24,000 Whedon, Willard L., 802 Trust & Savings Bldg 17,600 Wheeler, Allan, 1504 S. Wilton Fl 39,400 Wheeler,, Amsden E., 723 Hartford Ave 11,800 Wheeler, Roy B., 689 S. Ardmore Ave 10,400 Whelan, Weldon D., 230 Byrne Bldg 66,200 Wherry, Ida E., 1707 S. Hobart Blvd 10,800 Whiflen, Frederick J., 626 Washington Bldg 104,000 Whipple, Dotha J., 121 S. Avenue Sixty-three 20,000 Whipple, Lucile A., 622 S. Westlake Ave 26,000 Whissen, John E., 813 Francisco St 11,600 Whitaker, Geo. E., care of 812 Marsh-Strong Bldg 13,600 Whitaker, Melville T., 306 Security Bldg 20,600 White, Chas. H., 302 P. E. Bldg 18,000 White, Elan M., 1204 Orange St 22,400 White, Geo. Starr, 327 S. Alvarado St 10,200 White, Hazel I., 713 N. Ardmore Ave 13,200 White, Horace L., 126 W. Sixteenth St 17,200 White, James, 132 N. Alexandria Ave 10,400 White, Jennie E., 425 S. Kingsley Dr 171,600 White, Jessie E., 1722 N. Vine St 13,400 White, John E., 942 B. Fifty-sixth St 19,200 White, Julia E., 1405 Fairfax Ave., Hollywood 10,600 White, J. Loren, 132 N. Alexandria Ave 16,400 Whitely, John W. (Heirs), 1234 W. Thirty-seventh Dr 12,800 Whitsell, Wm. A., 2641 Raymond Ave 10,400 Whiting, Dwight, 421 S. Harvard Blvd 10,600 Whiting, Perry, 415 E. Ninth St 51,800 Whitley, H. J., 635 Van Nuys Bldg 139,800 Whitley, Ross E., Box 294, Van Nuys, Cal 193,600 Whitman, S. S., 835 Security Bldg 58,000 Whitmarsh, Alice C., 1218 Crown Hill Aye 15,000 Whitmore, Frank, 2450 Allesandi'o St 10,800 Whitmore, Lorin, 1247 Highland Ave 10,000 Whitnah, Chester L., 2091 W. Adams St 21,600 Whitney, George W., 467 Shatto PI 17,600 Whitney, Irene M., 906 W. Ninth St 14,000 Whitsett, Wm. P., Van Nuys, Cal 60,000 Whitson, Lincoln L., Van Nuys, Cal 12,000 Whitworth, Alfred H., R. D. No. 7, Box 896. Los Angeles... 40,000 Whitworth, James H., Box 919, Pico Blvd 133,400 Whitworth, Kate H., R. D. No. 7, Box 919, Los Angeles 24,000 Whitworth, Robert G., R. D. No. 7, Box 896, Los Angeles.... 120,000 LOS ANGELES. CAL. 113 Whitworth, Walter, R. D. No. 7, Box 896, Los Angeles $ 40,000 Whittier, Mattie M., 324 S. St. Andrews Pl 11,800 Whittier, Mericos H., 617 Merrit Bldg...., 268,200 Whomes, Edna M., 2785 Francis Ave 160,000 Whomes, Robert W., 2785 Francis Ave 11,600 Wickersham, D. Wilmot, 744 Beacon St 13,600 Widman, Morris A., 653 W. Sixth St., San Pedro, Cal 28,800 Widney, Joseph P., 3901 Marmion Way 153,400 Wiechmann, Dietrich, Van Nuys, Cal 30.600 Wieker, Herman, 1401 W. Fourth St 26,800 Wieligman, John Henry, 1838 S. Flower St 18,000 Wier, Charles, 3049 W. Sixth St 73,000 Wiesendanger, Theodore, 915 Black Bldg 30,000 Wight, Mary A., 1255 Westchester Pi 60,000 Wigmore, Harriette, 949 W. Adams St 32,000 Wilbur, Andrew E., 1147 S. Flower St 18,400 Wilbur, Curtis D., 822 S. Alvarado St 13,000 Wilcox, Alfred H., 1100 W. Adams St 1,515,800 Wilcox, Jennie B., 531 S. Virgil Ave 10,800 Wilcox, Sarah F., 1502 S. Westmoreland Ave 11,800 Wildasin, John, 1340 W. Fifty-seventh St 29,800 Wildasin, Magdalena, 1340 W. Fifty-seventh St 11,600 Wilde, Carl E., R. D. No. 2, Box 145, Van Nuys, Cal 16,400 Wiley, Nellie, 706 Hartford Ave 53,800 Wilhelm, Otto G., 1301 S. Western Ave 217,000 Wilkie, Albert L., 1781 N. Orange Dr 13,200 Wilkins, Alice G. and Bertha R., 1775 El Cerrito PI 15,400 Wilkinson, James W., 511 Title Insurance Bldg 13,800 Wilkinson, Robert H., 631 Westlake Ave 112,400 Willard, Jessie L., 132 N. Ridgewood 19,000 Willebrands, Carrie B., 451 S. Manhattan PI 59,800 Williams, Andrew H., 2408 W. Ninth St 16,800 Williams, Ben, 1938 S. Harvard Blvd 19,200 Williams, Christine B., 677 Carondelet St 13,600 Williams, Cleon H., 535 S. Los Angeles St 14,400 Williams, Cora M., 1966 S. Vermont Ave 14,800 Williams, Crissie A., 1142 E. Molino St 11,200 Williams, Ellen Johnston, 2237 S. Hobart Blvd 25,800 Williams, Geo. E., 820 S. Grand View 18,800 Williams, George, 914 W. Thirty-third St 14,400 Williams, Hazel K., 1007 Investment Bldg 18,200 Williams, Henry S., 337 S. Kenmore Ave 110,800 Williams, Jennie M., 829 N. Madison Ave 11,000 Williams, Kate A. (Heirs), 401 S. Hope St 24,000 Williams, Louise J., 1302 Gramercy PI 13,600 Williams, Mabel B., 1203 Ingraham St 18,800 114 LOS ANGELES, CAL. Williams, Manly R., 1140 W. Twenty-seventh St { 24,000 Williams, Seth S., 3001 Raymond Ave 22,200 Williams, Tilla, 629 S. Oxford Ave 13,000 Williamson, Fred G., 434 S. Oxford Ave 11,600 Williamson, Robert B., 601 Park View 136,000 Willis, Julia E., 1637a N. Wilcox Ave 10,000 Willis, Mary A., 2102 W. Twenty-fourth St 10,40'0 Wills, Madeline P., 501 Buena Vista 415,800 Wilson, Albert A., 1817 S. ßronson Ave 14,400 Wilson, Arthur E., 4852 Oakwood Ave 12,000 Wilson, Chas. W., 935 S. Mariposa Ave 20,400 Wilson, Elihu C., 734 S. Berendo St 35,800 Wilson, Erasmus, 7 Chester PI 184,800 Wilson, Eugene, 1412% W, Pico St 13,400 Wilson, Faith B., 1552 W. Twentieth St 14,600 Wilson, Franklin P., 2309 S. Vermont Ave 22,600 Wilson, Geo. B., 1552 W. Twentieth St 15,200 Wilson, George S., 1505 McCadden PI 54,600 Wilson, Jack, Belmont Apts., Tenth and Figueroa 24,400 Wilson, James S., 2139 W. Thirtieth St 14,600 Wilson, Jerome C., 123 N. Grand Ave 159,400 Wilson, Joseph S., 639 St. Paul Ave 17,000 Wilson, Leon E., 1604 W. Thirty-ninth St 11,600 Wilson, Lucy, 519 Story Bldg 11,000 Wilson, Mary S., Fremont Hotel 11,200 Wilson, Peter J., 3754 S. Vermont Ave 27,000 Wilson, Philip L., R. D. No. 12, Box 40, Los Angeles 67,000 Wilson, Walter I., 133 W. Twenty-first St 31,000 Wilson, W. D., 519 Story Bldg 66,000 Willson, Wm. H., 410 E. Third Sa 30,800 Wilton, Geo. R., 396 P. E. Bldg 78,000 Wilton, Josephine E., 630 Shatto PI 41,600 Wimpenny, Maud, 215 S. Rampart Blvd 16,000 Winder, Eva S., 1235 W. Forty-second St 30,800 Windham, Wm. R., 1545% Fourth Ave 157,400 Windt, Morris (Heirs), 403 S. Hill St 39,000 Wing, Adeline S., 1017 Eiden Ave 49,000 Winship, Katherine D., care of 343 S. Hill St 58,000 Winslow, Ralph F., 668 W. Thirty-ninth St., San Pedro, Sal.. 11,200 Winstel, August, 1147 S. Alvarado St 99,200 Winstel, Frances, 1147 S. Alvarado St 434,000 Winston, Caroline M., 1407 Carroll Ave 105,000 Winston, John B., 1407 Carroll Ave 82,000 Winter, Albert C., 728 N. Andrews Blvd 45,200 Winter, Frank B., 411 S. Kingsley Dr 14,400 Winter, George F., 1109 Van Nuys Bldg 56,000 LOS ANGELES, CAL. 115 Winter, Katherine P., 529 S. Virgil Ave $ 9,000 Winter, Leopold, 824 S. Harvard Blvd 14,600 Winterer, Edward, 1728 Orange Dr 10,200 Winters, Laura, 1423 Magnolia Ave 38,400 Wirsching, Robert E., 230 W. Twenty-seventh St 16,400 Wiseman, Abraham, 1730 E. Twenty-seventh St 22,200 Wiseman, Philip, 504 Andrews Blvd 368,000 Wisman, Ella H., 1223 Winfleld St 13,000 Wisner, Gertrude D., 509 S. Mariposa Ave 17,400 Wiswell,-Mary G., 2415 Western Ave 52,000 Witherhee, Orville O., 1020 S. Burlington Ave 11,800 Witherell, Allen J., 1825 N. La Brea Ave 14,600 Withers, Jahn P., 227 Van Nuys Bldg 31,600 Witte, Frederick J., 1025 S. Figueroa St 153,200 Wittenberg, Armin H., 315 S. Oxford Ave 12,000 Witzel, Lillian K., 226 S. St. Andrews PI 10,300 Wodzitzki, Margaret, 534 Wall St 29,000 Woehr, Chas. F., 1076 W. Thirty-fifth St 33,000 Wohlfarth, August, 1607 Pleasant Ave 43,000 Wolff, Bernard, 1305 W. Eighth St 31,800 Wolfskin, Elena P. de, 540 S. Ardmore Ave 28,000 Wolfskin, Susanna B. (Heirs), 1006 Security Bldg 74,400 Wollenschlager, John, 1136 Santee St 128,000 Womer, Jacob D., 232 W. Fortieth PI 22,400 Wood, A. Josephine, R. D. No. 12, Box 538, Los Angeles... 24,000 Wood,Charles M., 515 Shatto PI 24,800 Wood, Francis G., 3001 S. Kenwood Ave 11,400 Wood, Frank L., 5255 De Longpre Ave 152,000 Wood, Henry S., 1005 Hibernian Bldg 17,400 Wood, Herman R., 669 S. New Hampshire Ave 56,400 Wood, Isabel, 2750 Kenwood Ave 12,600 Wood, Isabella, 214 N. Olive St 11,800 Wood, J. Hansel, 343 S. Spring St 58,600 Wood, Lydia T., 416 S. Alvarado St 12,400 Wood, Martin, 434 W. Twentieth St 20,000 Wood, Wm. J., 1745 N. Wilton PI 13,400 Wood, Wm. W., 1220 W. First St 17,800 Woodruff, Frank E., 305 Grant Bldg 16,600 Woodruff, Mildred T., R. D. No. 1, Box 53a, Sawtelle, Cal... 20,400 Woods, Charles M., 959 Arapahoe St 11,600 Woods, Cora S., 919 S. Bonnie Brae 16,200 Woods, Elmer L. (Heirs), 243 S. Broadway 23,600 Woods, H., 447 S. Broadway 12,600 Woods, John C., 1559 Vè Sixth Ave 22,000 Woodward, Geo. F., 1210 W. Ninth St 35,000 Woodward, John A., 961 Eiden Ave 15,600 118 LOS ANGELBS, CAL. Woodworth, Maria A. de, 427 S. Alexandria Ave $ 48,800 Woolner, Henry E., 936 McGarry St 30,200 Woolner, Henry S., 208 H. W. Hellman Bldg 13,400 Woolwine, Vinneta R., 4040 Wilshire Blvd 13,200 Woolwine, Wm. D., 1201 Lake St 147,000 Word, Ernest B., 1558 W. Forty-eighth St 18,600 Workman, Alfred, 1013 S. Alvarado St 79,800 Workman, Boyle. 622 Merchants National Bank Bldg 11,800 Workman, Wm. H. (Heirs), 622 Merchants Natl. Bk. Bldg.. 100,000 Worthing, Christina, M., 1319 Ingraham St 41,000 Worthington, Grace A., 451 S. Kingsley Dr 10,400 Wreden, Carl V., 129 S. Main St 12,200 Wrenn, Harold B., 151 E. Avenue Fifty 148,000 Wright, Clara, 1644 Golden Gate Ave 44,000 Wright, Edgar R., 848 W. Jefferson St 10,200 Wright, Edward L., 1615 Buckingham Rd 11,000 Wright, Ella Josephine, 1648 Wilcox Ave 24,600 Wright, Emeline M., 1125 Eiden Ave 14,000 Wright, Francis M., San Fernando, Cal 16,000 Wright, Gilbert S., 403 S. Hill St 274,600 Wright, Harold Bell, 955 S. Alvarado St 38,400 Wright, Natalie J., 2834 Sunset PI 9,400 Wright, Reason, 128 Carr St 11,000 Wright, Wm., 1740 Virginia Rd 12,800 Wulze, Mary, 1225 W. Fifth St 14,000 Wylie, Herbert G., 17 Chester PI 375,200 Yakeley, Wilbert P., 1123 W. Sixth St 11,800 Yarnell, Arthur, 4524 Central Ave 64,000 Yaw, W. A., 1880a W. Adams St 10,000 Yeoman, Lora A., 226 W. Shorb Ave., Los Angeles 14,000 Yerington, Harry H., 409 S. Alvarado St 31,600 Yoakum, Finis E., 6044 Echo St 18,000 Cork, Waldo M., 1129 W. Twenty-second St 9,000 Yost, Myrtle K., 2831 N. Broadway 30,800 Young, Clara K., 1845 Allesandro St 24,400 Young, Emily, 156 W. Thirty-third St 12,600 Young, Mary A., 2312 W. Ninth St 36,000 Young, Mary C., 1001 S. Hoover St 1,843,000 Young, Milton K., 512 Union Oil Bldg 36,600 Young, Simon F., 1511 S. Gramercy Pi 10,400 Young, Wm. F., 1104 Van Nuys Bldg 214,400 Young, Wm. Stewart, 573 S. Boyle Ave 256,600 Yount, Samuel E., 315 S. Mariposa Ave 20,000 Yslas, Josephine B. de, 1232 S. Lake St 34,200 Yule, Rose, 1241 W. Sixth St 39,800 Zander, Martha L., 1609% W. Adams St 11,600 LOS ANGELES, CAL. 117 Zemansky, Joseph, 636 S. Serrano Ave $ 39,400 Zemansky, Solomon, 517 S. Main St 16,600 Zens, Catherine, 142 W. Twenty-fifth St 19,200 Zens, John, 465 E. Avenue Twenty-eight 16,400 Zens, Mary E., 356 S. St. Andrews 14,400 Ziegler, Lena, 1626 S. Flower St 57,600 Ziegler, Louis B., 4601 Pasadena Ave 13,400 Ziegler, Wm., 1719 S. Los Angeles St 10,200 Zimbelman, Alfred, 808 E. Adams St 11,000 Zimbelman, Lafayette, 929 S. Union Ave 10,000 Zimmerman, Louis J., 4703 S. Vermont Ave 16,800 Ziser, Herman, 1206 Crown Hill Ave 10,000 Zobelein, Edward, 3685 S. Main St 14,800 Zobelein, John Graf, 1920 N. Main St 148,000 Zolkiver, Isadore, 250 S. Main St 10,400 Zombro, Sumpter F., 418 S. Ardmore Ave ,. 18,000 Zorb, Tony, 1039 Maple Ave 27,200 Zuber, Adolph, 2500 W. Eighth St 21,200 Zuber, Emma C., 2500 W. Eighth St 16,600 Zuber, Hugo, 818 W. Adams St 44,000 Zucca, Vieturia L., 401 N. Los Angeles St 27,400 Zueker, Mary D., 1614 S. Grand Ave 22,000 Zukin, Joseph, 1817 S. Harvard Blvd 56,000 Los Angeles Corporations and Companies Ackerman Co.. 712 S. Broadway $ 12,000 Acme Brass Foundry Co., 860 N. Main St 64,400 Asme Stores Corp., 1236 Factory PI 114,000 Acme White Lead & Color Works, 345 E. Third St 118,400 Adams, Campbell Co., 1734 S. Los Angeles St 132,000 Adams Pipe Works, 2025 Bay St 48,000 Adams & McKee Hdwr. Co., 128 S. Main St 64,000 Adloff Realty Co., 201 Mason Opera House Bldg 63,400 Agricultural Chemical Works, 901 Macy St 67,200 Ahlswede Mfg. Co., 128 N. Los Angeles St 17,400 Ajax Rubber Co. Inc., 1237 S. Olive St 52,000 Alamo Packing Co., 289 Wholesale Term 17,200 Albers Bros. Milling Co., 726 Santa Fe Ave 178,000 Aleo Realty Co., 673 S. Burlington Ave 80,800 Alfred Pure Ice Cream Co., 815 E. Eighteenth St 70,400 Alpine Farm & Dairy Co., 1120 Towne Ave 28,000 American Agricultural Chemical Co., P. O. Box 675 246,000 American Art Leather Co., 1425 S. San Pedro St 21,800 American Bond & Mortgage Co., 1011 Washington Bldg.... 67,100 American Can Co., 4801 Santa Fe Ave 1,668,000 American Cement Products Co., 3248 Long Beach Ave 63,000 American Dental Supply Co., 745 S. Broadway 42,400 American Drug Co., 606 S. Main St 44,400 American Landry Machinery Co., 333 E. Third St 28,200 American Olive Co., 1701 E. Adams St 300,000 American Oil Fields Co., 1034 Security Bldg 12,800 American Photo Slide Co., 900 San Fernando Bldg 38,400 American Pulley Co., 12 Natoma St., San Francisco 20,000 American Pump Co., 420 E. Third St 14,000 American Refrigerating Co., 1830 W. Slauson Ave 60,000 American Stamping & Enam'g Wks., 1900 Santa Fe Ave... 16,600 American Steam Laundry Co., 1047 S. Los Angeles St 88,400 American Trona Corp., 724 S. Spring St 120,000 American Tuna Co., P. O., Box 112, E. San Pedro 87,600 American Type Founders Co., 121 N. Broadway 86,400 Americal Well & Prospecting Co., 407 E. Third St 24,000 Anchor Laundry Co., 1149 Crocker St 125,400 Andrews & Co. Inc., 300 Merritt Bldg 11,400 Andrews Dental Co., C. M., 910 Hollilngsworth Bldg 54,000 LOS ANGELES FIRMS 119 Andrews Talking Machine Co., 350 S. Broadway $ 12,800 Andrews, Toland & Andrews, 916 Union Cil Bldg 11,800 Angelus Hotel Co., Fourth and Spring St 60,000 Angelus Paper Box Co., 751 N. Broadway 13,200 Anthony, Earl C., Inc., 1000 S. Hope St 180,000 Arden Plaster Co., 155 E. Jefferson St 29,000 Arenz-Warren Co. Inc., 212 W. Pico St 26,000 Armacost & Co., 221 E. Fourth St 36,000 Armour & Co., 119 Central Ave 411,200 Armsby Co., J. K., 521 San Fernando Bldg 30,800 Armstrong Holdings Co., 735 1. N. Van Nuys Bldg 38,600 Arnold, Geo. L., Co., 209 Copp Bldg 13,000 Arnott & Co. Inc., 112 S. Los Angeles St 144,000 Arrowhead Springs Co., 1566 E. Washington St 145,000 Army & Navy Store, 530 S. Main St 80,000 Appeal Mfg. Co., 631 S. Los Angeles St 178,000 Asia Co., The, 249 E. First St 44,000 Asphaltum & Oil Refining Co., 2475 E. Ninth St 42,800 Assets Realization Co., 831 Van Nuys Bldg 122,800 Auditorium Co., 427 W. Fifth St 741,400 Austin-Bryant & Carter, 1603 E. Washington St 30,000 Austin-Western Road Machinery Co., 477 E. Third St 21,400 Auto Car Sales Co., 1801 S. Main St 106,800 Auto Club of Southern California, 1344 S. Figueroa St 101,400 Auto Sheet Metal Works, 2004 S. Main St 16,600 Automobile Syndicate Co., 200 Marsh-Strong Bldg 29,400 Auto Theft Signal Sales Co., 1000 S. Hill St 16,800 Automobile Tire Co., 600 S. Olive St 88,800 Axelson Machine Co., P. O. Box 316, Los Angeles 164,000 Babcock Co., W. H., 1202 S. Alvarado St 16,400 Backman Cigar Co., 396 S. Los Angeles St 50,800 Baer Hat Co., Robert, 260 S. Los Angeles St 56,000 Baer Realty Co., 301 Security Bldg 50,000 Bailey Co. Inc., 1318 S. Grand Ave 13,600 Bailey-Schmitz Co., 2107 E. Seventh St 158,000 Baker-Hertzler Co., 6370 Hollywood Blvd 20,200 Baker, H. W. Co., 752 S. Los Angeles St 15,800 Baker Iron Works., 950 N. Broadway 748,000 Baker-Joslyn Co., 330 Azusa 26,400 Baldwin Motor Co., J. V., 1155 S. Olive St 90,000 Balfour-Guthrie & Co., 615 H. W. Hollingsworth Bldg 50,800 Baltimore Hotel Co., 130 E. Fifth St 18,600 Banning Co., 594 Pacific Electric Bldg 24,400 Barbour & Ennis, 514 Exchange Bldg 19,000 Barker Bros., 716 S. Broadway 1,587,000 Barman Cigar Co., Fred, 601 Grosse Bldg 58,000 120 LOS ANGELES FIRMS Barnes Amusement Co., care of W. V. Hill, P. E. Bldg., L. A. $ 42,200 Barton Hospital, Clara, 447 S. Olive St 28,600 Bastheim Co., E., 405 Title Insurance Bldg 46,000 Baumgardt Publishing Co., 1306 E. First St 18,800 Bacon Drug Co., 501 Front St., San Pedro 11,400 Beacon Light Co., 636 S. Hill St 26,600 Beacon Shoe Co., 305 S. Spring St.... 21,000 Bean Spray Pump Co., 131 N. Los Angeles St 11,800 Bearings Service Co., 1156 S. Grand Ave 16,400 Bedell & Ogg Co., 451 San Fernando Rd 42,000 Belridge Oil Co., 617 Merritt Bldg 46,000 Bennett-Montgomery Hardware Co., 403 E. Third St 16,400 Berger & Carter Co., 414 E. Third St 32,800 Bernard Co., S. M., 538 H. W. Hellman Bldg 1,220,000 Biltwell Co., 1035 S. Grand Ave 41,400 Birkle Co., Geo. J., 446 S. Broadway 468,000 Birnbaum Investment Co., 805 S. Spring St 320,000 Blake, Moffit & Towne, 242 S. Los Angeles St 705,200 Blanchard Inv. C., Nathan W., 403 S. Hill St 185,000 Blinn Lumber Co., L. W., 605 Central Bldg 465,200 Blodgett Co., J. L., 526 Cons. Realty Bldg 15,600 Bloom Film Laboratories, 7520 Sunset Blvd 11,000 .Blue Diamond Plaster Co., 2200 E. Sixteenth St 24,000 Bly Bros. & McHilliard Stone Co., 678 Utah St 30,000 B. M. Cafeteria Co., 524 S. Hill St 86,000 Bobrick Chemical Co., 111-117 Gary St 24,000 Boos Bros., 440 S. Hill St 151 200 Boot & Shoe Hospital, 543 S. Main St 21,400 Booth & Boylson, 1147 S. Flower St 12,800 Bostonian Mfg. Co., 724 S. Los Angeles St 13,200 Boswell & Noyes Drug Co., 300 S. Broadway 17,600 Botiller D., Co., 1531 W. Ninth St 348,800 Boyle-Dayton Co., Fifty-flrst and Santa Fe Ave 39,800 Boyle Mfg. Co., Fifty-flrst and Santa Fe Ave 400,000 Bradbury Estate Co.. Bradbury Bldg 990,600 Bradford Baking Co., 405 San Fernando Rd 232,000 Bradley Studio, Wm., 838 S. Hill St 10,200 Bradley Wise Paint Co., 650 Santa Fee Ave 32,800 Braun Corp., 363 New High St 326,000 Brea Gasoline Co., 501 1. W. Hellman Bldg 12,000 Bresee Bros. Co., 855 S. Figueroa St 147,200 Brink Realty Co., Inc., 1035 Van Nuys Bldg 53,000 Bristol Taxi Co., 538 San Julian St 17,000 Broadway Dept. Store, Broadway at Fourth St 66,400 Brockman Building Co., 1210 Washington Bldg 534,000 Brodin Millinery Co., 724 S. Los Angeles St 26,600 LOS ANGELES FIRMS 121 Brooks Co., F. IL, 503 Trust & Savings Bldg $166,400 Brooks Sewing Machine Co., 818 S. Broadway 76,000 Brown & Co., 238 Cons. Realty Bldg 12,000 Brownstein-Louis Co., 716 S. Los Angeles St 350,000 Brown Co., Walter M., 1901 S. Figueroa St 53,000 Brown Estate Co., Wm. C., R. D. 13, Box 300, Los Angeles. . 63,400 Brown & Willett, 1325 S. Flower St 56,000 Brownstein & Co., A., 1001 E. First St 52,000 Brunswick-Balke-Collender Co., 845 S. Los Angeles St 144,000 Brunswig Drug Co., 501 N. Main St 479,800 Brunton Studios, 5341 Melrose Ave 140,000 Bryan & Branderburg Co., 232 E. Fourth St 18,400 Brydon Harness & Saddlery Co., 239 S. Main St 29,400 Bryson Estate Co., 410 Bryson Bldg 202,000 Bullocks, Inc., Broadway at Seventh St 1,736,000 Burkhard Investment Co., 1219 Merchants Natl. Bank Bldg. . 354,000 Burnham Phonograph Mfg. Co., 1929 S. Los Angeles St 14,400 Burr Creamery Co., 798 Towne Ave 46,000 Burroughs Adding Mach. Co., 385 1. W. Hellman Bldg 52,400 Burroughs-White Trunk Co., 1523 E. Washington St 38,000 Burt Motor Car Co., 500 W. Pico St 15,800 Busch Co., A. H., 150 N. Los Angeles St 46,000 Buttonhole Mfg. Co., Boyle & Vernon Ave 40,800 Buttress & McClellan, 205 N. Los Angeles St 42,000 Byron Jackson Iron Works, 336 E. Third St 24,000 Cahuenga Valley Lemon Assn., 6360 Santa Monica Blvd... 16,400 California Auto Parts & Wrecking Co., 1130 S. Main St. . .. 22,000 California Bakers Specialty Co., 2621 Long Beach Ave 15,200 California Boat Building Co., P. O. Box 554, San Pedro 10,800 California Burdett Oxygen Co., 2311 E. Fifty-second St.... 156,000 California Central Creameries, 740 Terminal 35,000 California Chocolate Shops, 217 W. Sixth St 114,000 California Clay Mfg. Co., 235 S. Los Angeles St 35,600 California Club, 453 S. Hill St 252,400 California Commercial Co., 435 S. Los Angeles St 51,400 California Cornice Works, 1610 N. Spring St 126,000 California Cotton Oil Co., Fifty-second and Santa Fe Ave... 322,000 California Dental Supply Co., 412 W. Sixth St 93,400 California Door Co., 237 S. Central Ave 39,600 California Fire Proof Door Co., 1931 S. Los Angeles St.... 60,000 California Fire Proof Storage Co., 2808 W. Pico St 17,600 California Furniture Co., 648 S. Broadway 374,000 California Glass & Paint Co., 510 Commercial St 70,000 California Hardware Co., 500 E. First St 998,000 California Hospital Co., 1414 S. Hope St 264,000 California Implement Co., 124 N. Los Angeles St 25,400 122 LOS ANGELES FIRMS California Jobbing Co., 306 S. Los Angeles St $ 14,600 California Leather Co., 117 N. Main St 90,600 California Lima Bean Growers, Oxnard, Cal 111,600 California Metal Enameling Co., 1406 N. Main St 16,400 California Moline Plow Co., 350 E. First St 132,000 California National Supply Co.. 147-49 N. Lis Angeles St... 546,400 California Oil & Asphalt Co., Box 206, Arcade Sta., L. A... 66,000 California Packing Co., 900 Macy St 126,000 California Paint & Veneer Co., 955 S. Alameda St 41,000 California Pine Box Mfgrs., 710 E. Third St 56,000 California Portland Cement Co., Douglas Bldg 48,000 California Realty Corp., 406 Fay Bldg 22,200 California Sanitary Canning Co., 1583 Industrial St 19,400 California Sea Food Co., E. San Pedro, Cal 71,400 California Soap Co., 2437 E. Ninth St 40,000 California Tissue Mills, Inc., Fifty-seventh & Santa Fe Ave. 260,000 California Truck Co., 322 E. Third St 252,000 California Underwear Co., 822 Wall St 18,800 California Vegetable Packing Co., 1920 E. Vernon Ave 39,200 California Vegetable Union, 712 Union Oil Bldg 67,000 California Walnut Growers Assn., 1326 E. Seventh St 13,800 California Warehouse Co., Inc., 843 Traction 60,000 California Wholesale Grocery Co., 1280 Wholesale St 188,600 Calkins, Co., Inc., 348 N. Main St 36,000 Calnevar Shirt Co., 755 S. Los Angeles St 31,200 Cambria Spring Co., 916 S. Los Angeles St SS.O^IO Calima Canning Co., 902 Corporation Bldg 91,000 Capitol Milling Co., 1231 N. Spring St 296,200 Carpenter Co., J. M., 3316 S. Main St 95,400 Carque Pure Food Co., 1607 Magnolia Ave 11,800 Cashier Cash Register Co., 300 N. Los Angeles St 11,400 Cass-Smurr-Damerel Co., 412 S. Broadway 68,000 Cave-Holding Co., D., 210 Lankershim Bldg .-... 28,000 Central Machine Wrks, Inc., 940 Santee St 21,400 Central Milling Co., 421 Merchants National Bank Bldg... 27,600 Central & Pacific Imp. Corp., 1910 S. Main St 1,400,000 Central Properties Co., 1131 Investment Bldg 938,400 Central Specialties Co., 412 E. Seventh St 17,200 Century Electric Co., 1906 S. Hope St 13,800 Challenge Cream Assn., 511 S. Los Angeles St 18,000 Chambers Drug Co., Inc., 500 S. Main St 36,400 Chandler Ship Building Co., Wilmington 96,800 Chaffee, Co., H. G., Wholesale Terminal 12,800 Channel Commercial Co., 916 E. First St 676,000 Chanslor-Lyon Co., 1200 S. Grand Ave 115,200 Chanslor-Lyon Top Co., 1208 S. Grand Ave 14,000 LOS ANGELES FIRMS .123 Chaplin Film Co., Charlie, 1426 La Brea $ 78,600 Chaplin Studios, Inc., 1426 La Brea Ave 134,400 Chapman Bros. Co., 600 S. Normandie Ave 534,000 Cherrys, Inc., 636 S. Broadway 11,000 Chevrolet Motor Co. of Cal., 412 W. Pico St 200,000 Childrens' Shoe Store. 214 S. Broadway 72,000 Childs Estate C., O. W., 202 Security Bldg 192,400 Chipron Stamp Co., 224 W. First St 16,000 Chotiners, 551 S. Broadway 26,800 Christie Film Co., Inc., 6101 Sunset Blvd 66,000 Christopher Co., L. J., Twenty-first and Los .Angeles St.... 252,000 Churchill Co., O. H., 2201 S. Figueroa St 495,500 Citizens Corp., 554-58 S. Main St 173,800 Citizens Independent Ice & C. S. Co., 658 S. Rio St 80,000 Citizens Truck Co., 700 Turner St 50,000 City Dye Works & Laundry Co., 3000 Central Ave 106,400 City Lumber Co., 980 W. Slauson Ave 14,400 Clampitt & Moss, 959 E. Fourth St 10,000 Clark Bus Line, 516 S. Los Angeles St 30,400 Clark Hotel, 426 S. Hill St 231,200 Claremont Oil Co., 1114 Union Oil Bldg 18,400 Clayburg Bros., 739 Isaacs Bldg 30,800 Cleveland Macaroni Co., 929 Higgins Bldg 39,000 Cleveland Standard Tire Co., 166 W. Pico 26,000 Cleveland Tractor Co., 604 Brockman Bldg 14,600 Cline-Cline Co., 214 W. Third St 40,400 Cline- Stewart Co., 376 S, Los Angeles St 34,600 Climax Co., 1025 Lillian Way 28,000 Cluett-Peabody Co., Inc., 843 S. Los Angeles St 24,000 Clune Theatres Co., 807 Knickerbocker Bldg 54,000 Coast Envelope Co., 739 Wall St 44,000 Coast Fishing Co., P. O. Box 68, Wilmington, Cal 248,000 Cobb Co., M. M., 242 Wholesale Terminal 14,600 Coca Cola Co., Inc., 963 E. Fourth St 126,000 Cohn-Asher Hat Co., 225 S. Los Angeles St 60,600 Cohn, Goldwater Co., 216 S. Los Angeles St 625,000 Cohn, Kaspare, Inc., 200 Garland Bldg 139,600 Cole Mfg. Co., 5956 Pasadena Ave 12,600 Colgan-Henderson Fur. Co., 724 S. Main St 42,000 Colege Boot Shop, 557 S. Broadway 38,000 Collins & Webb, Inc., 412 E. Third St 44,000 Columbia Graphophone Co., 745 S. Broadway 57,400 Columbia Investment Co., 836 Union Oil Bldg 732,000 Columbia Outfitting Co., 435 W. Seventh St 84,000 Columbia Varnish Co., 2460 Cheney St 12,800 Commercial Fire Proof Bldg. Co., 316 Cit. Natl. Bank Bldg. .1,644,000 124 LOS ANGELES FIRMS Consolidated Lumber Co., Wilmington, Cal $376,000 Consolidated Realty Co., Sixth and Hill St 88,800 Constantin Bros., 919 S. Broadway 20,000 The Construction Co., Inc., 1247 S. Olive St 14,400 Consumers Rock-Gravel Co., 1900 E. 26th, Vernon, Cal... 72,000 Continental Securities Co., 1018 Trust & Savings Bldg 51,200 Cooper, Coate & Casey, Dry Goods Co., 700 S. Los Angeles.. 917,400 Cooper Co.. Earl P., 1310 S. Los Angeles St 12,000 Co-operative Optical Co., 621a S. Broadway 19,600 Corbin & Reynolds, 135 E. Jefferson St 25,000 Corona Cinema Co., 902 Baker-Detwiler Bldg 36,400 Corona Development Co., 411 S .Main St 185,000 Corona Pacific Typewriter Co., 533 S. Spring St 23,000 Coulter, B. F. Assn., 504 W. Seventh St 391,200 Coulter Dry Goods Co., 504 W. Seventh St 565,600 Courtney Co., C. H., 602 S. Hill St 15,400 Craig, R. L. & Co., Third and Santa Fe Ave 499,200 Crane Co., 321 E. Third St 612,200 Crescent Creamery Co., 241 Winston St 237,000 Crescent Wharf & Whse. Co., East San Pedro, Cal 28,000 Crocker Cutting Co., 706 Maple Ave 16,000 Crombie & Co., 801 E. First St 113,600 Crown Cork & Seal Co., 210 N. Los Angeles St 24,400 Crown Laundry & Cleaning Co., 1624 Paloma Ave 89,200 Crown-Willamette Paper Co., 839 N. Spring St 72,800 Crystal Market, 330 W. Fifth St 19,000 Crystal Springs Water Co., Sawtelle, Cal 14,200 Cudahy Packing Co., 903 Macy St 466,600 Cunningham-Curtis & Welch, 252 S. Spring St 304,000 Curtin Estate Co., 202^ S. Broadway 523,000 Davidson, Geo. D., Co., 445 S. Spring St 65,200 Day, Henry B., Co., 1228 S. Los Angeles St 20,800 Davidson & Co., N., 400 Grayso Bldg 15,200 Davis Mfg. Co., 1238 S. Flower St 17,400 Davis Standard Bread Co., 1050 Mignonette St 252,600 D. & B. Pump Supply Co., 2625 Humholdt St 192,000 DeBartolo Shoe Co., 554 S. Main St 30,800 DeJough & Cochran, 129 E. Sixth St 14,200 Delta Farms Co., 1011 Washington Bldg 92,200 Denman & Son, A. C., Fourth and Mateo Sts 63,000 Desmonds, Inc., 533 S. Spring St 240,600 Detmer Woolen Co., 325 W. Seventh St 36,600 Detmers Optical Co., 354 S. Broadway 18,200 Diamond Coal Co., 628 Aliso 15,600 Diamond & Co., M., 337 S. Broadway 15,800 LOS ANGELES FIRMS 125 Dillingham Printing Co., 4837 Huntington Dr $ 23,000 Dixon Glass Co., The, 901 E. Thirty-first St 80,400 Dixon & Griswold, 146 N. Los Angeles St 162,000 Dockweiler Estate Co., 1035 Van Nuys Bldg 60,000 Domingues Estate Co., care of 538 H. W. Reliman Bldg 150,000 Donavan & Seamans Co., 743 S. Broadway 62,000 Doran, E. J., Oil Co., 621 T. 1. Bldg 20,800 Double Seal Co., 603 W. Pico 10,600 Downie Bros., Inc.. 644 S. San Pedro St 42,000 Dresslar Hardware Co.. 1147 W. Washington St 22,000 Drapers, 512 S. Main Sa 28,400 Ducommon Hardware Co., 219 Central Ave 1,021,600 Dun & Co., R. G., 800 International Bank Bldg 17,000 Duncan Vail Co., 732 S. Hill St 40,000 Duque Estate Co., T. L., 701 S. New Hampshire Ave 201,000 Dustln Roman Auto Top Co., 1041 S. Figueroa St 13,200 Dyas Co., B. H., Seventh and Olive Sts 84,000 Eagle Shoe Co., 441 S. Main St 16,200 Eagleson Hawkins Co., 116 S. Spring St 22,800 Earl Auto Works, 1257 S. Los Angeles St 150,400 Eastern Outfitting Co., 622 S. Main St 234,000 Eastern Produce Co., 306 N. Los Angeles St 17,400 Eastman Co., Geo. L.. 1522 Cahuenga Ave 16,600 Eccles & Smith. 241 S. Los Angeles St 28,800 Edison Phonograph, Ltd., 407 E. Fourth St 88,000 Eighty-eight Stores Baking Co., 1119 W. Twenty-fifth St... 31,000 Eisner-Johnston Co., 536 S. Spring St 67,600 Elbe Motor Co., 6724 Hollywood Blvd 14,000 Electric Corp., The 836 S. Los Angeles St 52,000 Electric Equipment Co., 1240 S. Hope St 50,000 Electric Lighting Supply Co., 216 W. Third St 24,400 Elite Waist Mfg. Co., 724 S. Los Angeles St 14,200 Emergency Hospital Assn., 418 Crocker St 60,000 Ennis Clothing Co., Chas. W., 620 S. Broadway 24,800 Eno Rubber Co., Geo. W., 1026 S. Los Angeles St 89,000 Ensign Carburetor Co., 217 E. Seventeenth St 42,800 Enteman Jewelry Co., Carl, 444 S. Broadway 62,800 Eshman Co., The, 307 Kerckhoff Bldg 251,600 Eureka Bottle Supply Co., 440 Labory Lane 50,000 Evans & Co., A. E., 1224 S. Flower St 15,600 Everywoman Waist Co., 414% S, Broadway 20,400 Excelsior Laundry, 424 S, Los Angeles St 40,200 Fahy Atterbury Co., 1042 S.Grand Ave 35,600 Fairbanks Morse Co., 423 E. Third St 650,200 Fairbanks Picture Co., Douglas, 5300 Melrose Ave 54,600 Fairchild, Gilmore-Wilton Co., 396 P. E. Bldg 252,400 126 LOS ANGELBS FIRMS Famous Players-Lasky Corp., 201 N. Occidental Blvd $330,000 Faris-Walker, 501 S. Broadway 710,600 Farmers Grain & Milling Co., 2416 Hunter St 33,200 Farmers Loan & Trust Co., 749 S. Spring St 272,400 Fathers, Franciscan, 218 E. Twelfth St 189,000 Faultless Bread Bakery Co., 2464 E. Eighth St 27,000 Fay Security Co., 205 Fay Bldg 90,600 Feagans & Co., 218 W. Fifth St 129,200 Federal Grocery Co., 513 E. Twelfth St 100,200 Fellows & Stewart, Inc., P. O. Box 39, Wilmington, Cal ... 14,600 Ferguson Co., The, 620 Ferguson Bldg 484,000 Fidelity Storage & Moving Co., 1836 Arapahoe St 38,000 Figueroa Street Hotel Co., Sixth and Figueroa st 41,200 Filmusic Co., 1729 Highland Ave 16,200 Fink & Co., Harry, 625 S. Broadway 108,000 Firestone Tire & Rubber Co., 1165 S. Figueroa St 240,000 Fisk Rubber Co., 1003 S. Hope St 136,000 Food Supply Co., 1501 E. Seventh St 44,000 Foots Transfer Co., 606 S. Reason St., San Pedro 14,200 Ford Motor Co., 2060 E. Seventh St 1,074,000 Foreman & Cark, Fifth and Broadway 172,600 Forve-Pettibone Co., Inc., 512 S. Broadway.. 34,0-00 Poster & Kleiser Co., 231 S. San Pedro St 105,400 Foulkes Electrical Co., 603 S. Figueroa St 12,000 Four Wheel Drive Truck Co., 810 S. Olive St 11,400 Fowler Bros., Inc., 747 S. Broadway 150,000 Fox Film Corp., 734 S. Olive St 14,000 Fox Vaudeville Co., Wm., 1401 N. Western Ave 258,000 Francis Dept. Store., 3400 S. Main St 15,800 Franco-American Baking Co., 426 College St 55,600 Frase Electrotype Co., 414 S. Los Angeles St 10,400 Frazee Co., S. R., 637 S. Olive St 11,600 Freeman Co., Jas. J., 1000 S. Grand Ave 11,200 French Sardine Co., East San Pedro, Cal 86,800 Friedman-Berk & Co., 820 S. Broadway 18,800 Friday Morning Club, 940 S. Figueroa St 96,000 Fruit Growers Supply Co., 704 Con. Realty Bldg 53,200 Fryman Hotel Co., Hotel Hayward 282,000 Fuller & Brown, 329 W. Seventh St 11,200 Fulton Engine Works, 1000 Alhambra St 220,000 Fullweight-Fuel Co., 217 P. E. Bldg 38,800 Ganahl Co., Christian, 830 E. First St 654,600 Gans Bros., 211 N. Main St 14,400 Gans & Bro., J. J., 309 S. San Pedro St 90,600 Garbutt & Walsh, Box 212, San Pedro, Cal 18,600 Gates Investment Co., 831 Van Nuys Bldg 42,000 LOS ANGELES FIRMS 127 Gautier Co., 1900 E. Twenty-sixth St., Vernon, Cal 102,000 Gekco Co., 612 S. Broadway 93,600 General Chemical Co., 2433 E. Eighth St 49,800 General Cigar Co., Inc., 394 S. Los Angeles St 156,400 General Electric Co., 724 S. Spring St 353,000 General Motors Truck Co., 1063 S. Figueroa St 26,800 General Petroleum Corp., 1003 Higgins Bldg 880,000 General Pipe Lines Co., Higgins Bldg 364,000 General Saels Corp., 804 Higgins Bldg 13,600 General Service Co., 1500 S. Hope St 19,600 George Co., A. F., 202 N .Los Angeles St 53,200 Germain Estate Co., care of A. R. Kilgore, T. 1. & T. Co.. .. 220,000 Giambastiani Feed & Fuel Co., 750 Kellar St 76,000 Gilmore Co., A. F., 700 Van Nuys Bldg 793,800 Glass Book Binding Co., 438 Wall St 15,600 Globe Dairy Lunch Co., 646 S. Spring St 26,000 Globe Grain & Milling Co., 907 E. Third St 2,300,200 Globe Oil Mills, Fifty-flrst and Santa Fe 908,000 Globe Cales Co., 246 S. Central Ave 12,000 Godfrey Cafeteria Co., 722 S. Broadway 14,200 Golden Rule Store, 114 N. Greenleaf, Whittier, Cal 31,600 Golden State Laundry Co., 403 Mesa St., San Pedro, Cal. . . 71,600 Golden West Packing Co., 2678 Lacy St 31,400 Goldinger Silk Co., 701 Forrester Bldg 38,200 Goldman Co., B. & M., 750 S. Los Angeles St 95,000 Goldstein Co., 704 Higgins Bldg 11,000 Goldwyn Pictures Co., Culver City, Cal 71,400 Goodan-Jenkins Furn. Co., 712 S. Main St 34,800 Goodman & Co., 1920 E. Fifteenth St 34,200 Goodrich Rubber Co., B. F., 946 S. Broadway 362,000 Rood Roads Machinery Co., 931 Santa Fe Ave 11,200 Goodyear Tire & Rubber Co., 1200 S. Olive St 11,200 Gottschalk Co., The, 1401 Albany St 89,600 Graham-Reynolds Electric Co., 300 E. Third St 84,800 Graves Sash & Mill Co., 263 N. Avenue Nineteen 126,000 Gray Co., Marion R., 812 S. Los Angeles St 83,200 Great Western Milling Co., 936 McGarry St 212,000 Green-Marshall Co., 2847 W. Pico St 64,000 Greer-Robbins Co., Twelfth & Flower St 224,000 Grether, W. W. & E., 752 S. Los Angeles St 96,600 Griffin Wheel Co., Fifty-fifth & Santa Fe Sts 380,000 Griffith Studio, D. W., 4500 Sunset Blvd 315,400 Gudes, Inc., 537 S. Broadway 152,000 Guy ton Tire & Rubber Co., W. B., 1013 S. Main St 14,200 Haas-Baruch & Co., 421 E. Second St 1,735,800 Haas Realty Co., 421 E. Second St 1,226,000 128 LOS ANGELES FIRMS Haber & Co., 460 S. Spring St $ 33,400 Hackel, Aaron W., 820 S. Broadway 50,800 Hadley Co., Chas. R., 136 N. Los Angeles St 126,800 Hale Co., J. M., 341 S. Broadway 204,800 Haitt & Co., C., 748 S. Los Angeles St 37,400 Hall-Hass & Vessey, 734 S. Central Ave 13,600 Hall-Martin Co., 206 Stimson Bldg 16,000 Hamburger & Sons, A., Eighth and Broadway 1,340,000 Hamburger Realty Co., 805 S. Spring St 3,931,200 Hamlin, Ralph (Inc.), 1036 S. Flower St 29,600 Hammond Lumber Co., 2010 S. Alameda St 1,106,000 Hampton Productions, Jesse D., 1425 Fleming St 42,200 Hampton Co., Wm. E., 1104-8 Trust & Savings Bldg 60,400 Harbor Boat Building Shops, P. O. Box 95, E. San Pedro. .. 16,600 Harbor Boat Building Shop Co., Fish Harbor, San Pedro... 10,400 Hardware Merchants Syndicate, 229 N. Lis Angeles St.... 26,800 Harper Co., The Chas. F., P. O. Box 885, Los Angeles 28,000 Harper & Reynolds Co., Inc., 152 N. Main St 242,400 Harrell Co., Martha E., 907 Brockman Bldg 297,600 Harris & Frank, 443 S. Spring St 326,000 Harris & Co., F. E., 630 Higgins Bldg 16,600 Harris Oil Co., C. C., 701 College St 100,000 Harron-Rickard & McCone, 225 S. San Pedro St 56,000 Hart Productions, Wm. S., 1215 Bates Ave 76,800 Hartford Windshield Co., 1006 S. Los Angeles St 19,400 Hartwell & Co., R., 329 E, Second St 70,000 Harvard School, 704 Story Bldg 192,000 Harvey Machine Co., 1335 S. Los Angeles St 10,000 Hauser Estate Co., 538 H. W. Hellman Bldg 124,000 Hauser Packing Co., 2300 E. Ninth St 1,072,000 Haverty Co., Thomas, 517 S. Los Angeles St 136,000 Hawley-King Co., 1620 E. Seventh St 42,200 Haworth Picture Co., 824 H. W. Hellman Bldg 26,000 Heidt Fruit Co., 708 S. Central Ave 15,200 Heine Auto Sales Co., 1915 S. Los Angeles St 22,400 Heinz Corp., H. J., 716 Santa Fe Ave 87,600 Helene Millinery, 505 W. Fifth St 14,000 Henderson Motorcycle Sales Co., 907 S. Main St 17,600 Hendrie Rubber Co., 610 L. A. Trust & Savings Bldg 107,600 Hendry Co., C. J., 436 Front St., San Pedro, Cal 78,600 Henry & Nash, 111 E. Fifth St., San Pedro, Cal 11,000 Herberts Machinery & Supply Co., 401 E. Third St 43,400 Herron Co., R. H., 934 N. Alameda St 330,000 Hewes, David Co., 458 S. Spring St 1,100,000 Hey wood Bros. & Wakefield, 211 E. Sixth St 338,000 Hicks-Hagar Estate Co., 202 Security Bldg 184,600 LOS ANGELES FIRMS 129 Xliggins Estate Co, 201 Higgins Bldg $2,025,000 Higgins Mining & Realty Co., 201 Higgins Bldg 185,200 Hill Chemical Co., C. W., 623 S. San Pedro St 22,600 Hill Realty Co., 909 Grattan St 108,000 Hill Bros., 330 N. Los Angeles St 33,000 Hinz & Laudt, Inc., 619i/è S. Broadway 84,200 Hobbs Storage Battery Co., 1231 S. Olive St 37,000 Hoegee Co.,lnc., W. H., 138 S. Main St 117,000 Hoegee Inv. Co., Wm. R., 1702 N. Vermont Ave 36,000 Hoffman Candy Factory, 611 E. Ninth St 16,000 Hoffman Hardware Co., 229 S. Los Angeles St 264,000 Hoffman-Marks Co., 226 S. Main St 98,000 Holabird Electric Co., 218 E. Third St 12,200 Holhrook Co., J. F., 302 N. San Pedro St 21,200 Holhrook Merrill & Stetson Co., 750 N. Spring St 126,000 Hollander & Funk Co., 428 S. Broadway 33,000 Holt Mfg. Co., 115 S. Los Angeles St 61,400 Holton Arms, 405 W. Adams St 11,200 Holtzclaw Co., John B., 701 Title Guarantee Bldg 14,600 Hollywood Fireproof Storage Co., 6780 Hollywood Blvd 38,000 Hollywood Furniture Co., 6413 Hollywood Blvd 12,200 Hollywood Laundry Co., 1502 Cahuenga Ave 43,600 Hollywood Hission Garage, 1728 Highland Ave 14,800 Home Service Co., 787 Towne Ave 550,000 Hondo Oil Co., 617 Merritt Bldg 52,000 Hookstratten Cigar Co., Ed. G., 1. W. Hellman Bldg 16,600 Hori Bros., 231 E. First St 56,000 Howard Brokerage Co., 1031 Central Bldg 87,400 Howard Motor Co., 1734 Cahuenga Ave 10,800 Howard & Smith, Ninth and Olive Sts 49,400 Howe Rubber Co., 1041 S. Olive St 52,000 Howland & Dewey Co., 510 S. Broadway 58,800 Huasteca Petroleum Co., 1015 Security Bldg 36,000 Huh Clothing Co., Inc., 339 S. Spring St 37,400 Hubbard Auto Sales Co., 761 Central Ave 17,800 Huhbell Investment Co., 502 Bullard Bldg 179,600 Huggins Co., J. C., 1004 Santee St 13,400 Hughson Co., Wm. L., 1001 S .Olive St 67,600 Huntington Rubber Co., 106 E. Eighth St 10,400 Hutson Co., C. S., 713 Gladys Ave 29,600 Ice Distributing Co., The, 128% E. Ninth St 65,200 Ide & Co., Geo. P., 739 S. Broadway 33,200 Immaculate Heart College, 5515 Franklin Ave 170,000 Ince Studios, Thos. H., Culver City, Cal 286,000 Indian Refining Co., 425 N. Alameda St 14,200 Industrial Centre Corp., 1104 Trust & Savings Bldg 52,000 130 LOS ANGELES FIRMS Industrial Steel & Pipe Co., 1815 E. Seventh St ^ 10,800 Ingersoll Rand Co., 700 Union Oil Bldg 40,000 lunes Shoe Co., 642 S. Broadway 54,000 International Harvester Co., 831 S. Alameda St 114,000 International Mach. Corp., 1032 S. Olive St 66,000 International Packing Corp. of California, 806 Central Bldg. 619,000 Interstate Oil Co., 1010 W. & C. Bldg 122,000 Illinois Electric Co., 261 S. Los Angeles St 100,000 Illinois Pacific Glass Co., 1717 Industrial St 15,000 Iroquois Bottling Co., 1353 Willow St 20,000 Irving Motor Car Co., 842 S. Olive St 37,200 Italian Food Products Co., 1851 E. Washington St 50,600 Italian Vineyard Co., care of 538 H. W. Hellman Bldg.... 72,000 Jackson Iron Works, 1920 Bay St 12,600 Jacoby Bros., 331 S. Broadway 302,000 Jaffa Co., 742 S. Los Angeles St 14,800 Jantzen-Railsback Co., 242 S. Broadway 47,200 Jefferson Ice Co., 157 E. Jefferson St 28,000 Jeffries Co., Inc., W. P., 117 Winston St 86,800 Jenkins Bros. Co., 234 E. Fourth St 38,600 Jennings Co., F. S., 318 Security Bldg 30,000 Jensen & Shufer, 1375 W. Washington St 11,800 Jevne Co., H., 601 S. Broadway 533,600 Joannes Bros. Co., 800 Traction Ave 240,000 Jonathan Club, Inc., P. E. Bldg 53,600 Johns & Butterworth, 109 E, Eighth St 16,400 Johnson Co., A. P., 208 O. T. Johnson Bldg 1,129,900 Johnson-Carvell & Murphy, 812 E. Third St 51,400 Johnson Foundry & Mch. Wdrks, 1009 N. Main St 24,000 Johnson Corp., O. T., 205 O. T. Johnson Bldg 4,326,600 Johnston Co., Geo. S., 512 S. Broadway 28,600 Jones Book Store, 619 S. Hill St 22,600 Jones-Elselrich Auto Co., 118 W. Pico St 10,400 Jones Co., James, care of 538 H. W. Hellman Bldg 48,000 Jones Sales Co., F. M., 836 S. Main St 28,600 Just-Crackel Rubber Co., 1317 S. Hope St 46,400 Kahn-Beck Co., 600 Aliso St 180,000 Kaplan & Co., Benj., 4 Aristo Bldg 26,600 Kauffman Co., L., 722 San Fernando Bldg 22,000 Kay & Burbank, 1101 S. Figueroa St 31,200 Keaton Tire & Rubber Co., 437 W. Pico St 28,600 Keenan Productions, Frank, 5341 Melrose Ave 15,200 Kellar-Thompson Co., 1222 E. Twenty-eighth St 100,000 Kellaway-Ide Co., 312 E. Third St 14,400 Kelman Electric & Mlg. Co., 1650 Naud St 14,600 Kelly-Springfield Tire Co., 1147 S. Hope St 130,000 LOS ANGELES FIRMS 131 Keniston & Root, 418 W. Sixth St $ 52,800 Kerckhoff Cuzner Mill & Lbr. Co., Box 622, Sta. C 578,000 Kem River Oil Fields Co., 1117 Investment Bldg 22,000 Keystone Iron & Steel Works, 959-73 N. Main St 87,600 Killefer Mlg. Co., 23,09 Santa Fe Ave 98,000 Kimball Co., Frank J., 1860 E. Fifteenth St 64,000 Kincaid Investment Co., 1539 Shatto St 39,200 Kinema Investment Co., 640 S. Grand Ave 26,000 King Edward Hotel Co., 119 E. Fifth St 11,800 King Machine & Mfg. Co., 1171 E. Thirty-second St 18,200 Kingsbaker Bros. Co., 714 Market St 37,400 Kingsley-Mason & Collins Co., 334 S. Spring St 38,000 K. & K. Brick Co., 701 Merchants National Bank Bldg.... 29,400 Kirchner Supply Co., 130 N. Main St 25,000 Kitts & Jackson Co., Inc., 423 S. Main St 22,000 Klauber-Wangenheim Co., 301 E. Fourth St 124,800 Klein-Norton Co., 253 S. Los Angeles 223,600 Klein-Simpson Fruit Co., 750 Market Court 248,000 Kling Co., The, 1607 E. Fifteenth St 14,000 Klingenstein Co., 417 E. Fourth St 120,000 Koehl & Son, John W., 658 S. Anderson St 15,000 Krotona Institute, Vista Del Mar Ave 84,000 Kubach Co., C. J., 701 Merchants National Bank Bldg 42,000 Kyte & Granicher, 235 S. Spring St 21,800 Kwality Feather Co., 823 Santee St 10,400 Lacy Manufacturing Co., 601 Washington Bldg 290,000 Lacy, Wm. & R. S., 601 Washington Bldg 93,200 Lakeview Oil Co., 1114 Union Oil Bldg 28,600 Lake View No. 2 Oil Co., 1014 W. & C. Bldg 13,000 Lasker Bros. Finance Co., 1410 Baker-Detwiler Bldg 68,000 Laughlin Fruit Refiners, 1101 Mateo St 30,800 Laukota-Garriott Co., 635 San Fernando Bldg 10,400 Lawson Mfg. Co., H. W., 746 S. Los Angeles St 26,000 Laughlin Eng. Co., Homer, 2652 Long Beach Ave 44,400 Layne & Bowler Corp., 900 Santa Fe Ave 144,000 Leach Motor Car Co., 1132 S. Grand Ave 141,000 Leavitt Co., J. W., 1150 S. Figueroa St 46,000 Ledhetter & Co., W. M., 601 P. E. Bldg 20,800 Lefflngwell Rancho, 737 Con. Realty Bldg 598,000 Leighton Hotel Co., 2127 W. Sixth St 14,200 Leland Bros. Co., 304 E. Third St 64,000 Levi Co., Simon, Wholesale- Terminal 123,400 Levy Cafe Co., 743 S. Spring St 14,400 Levy & Son, Chas., 446 S. Spring St 43,600 Lichtenherger-Ferguson Co., 219 N. Los Angeles St 316,000 Linen Laundry & Supply Co., 311 Boyd St. 134,000 132 LOS ANGELES FIRMS Link Belt Co., 161 N. Los Angeles St $ 21,000 Listenwalter & Gough, 328 E. Third St 25,800 Little & Co., A. E., 426 S. Broadway 66,400 LrKo Motion Picture Co., 6100 Sunset Blvd 59,000 Llewellyn Iron Works, 1200 N. Main St 1,426,000 Locomobile Co. of America, Twelfth & Figueroa Sts 42,800 Loewy & Co., 512 S. Broadway 14,500 Lord Motor Car Co., 1057 S. Olive St 37,200 Los Angeles Athletic Club, 648 S. Olive St 190,000 Los Angeles Barber Supply Co., 203 E. Seventh St 24,000 Los Angeles Basket Co., 774 Market St 323,800 Los Angeles Brewing Co., 1920 N. Main St 458,000 Los Angeles Brick Co., 503 Security Bldg 270,000 Los Angeles Brush Mfg. Co., 508 E. Seventh St 18,600 Los Angeles Can Co., 301 San Fernando Rd 490,000 Los Angeles Carbonic Co., 514 Molino St 46,0'00 Los Angeles Casket Co., 627 Banning St 144,000 Los Angeles Creamery Co., 538 H. W. Hellman Bldg 331,000 Los Angeles Desk Co., 848-50 S. Hill St 46,000 Los Angeles Engine Works, 923 N. Main St 15,200 Los Angeles Examiner, 1101 S. Broadway 876,000 Los Angeles Fire Alarm Co., 328 Bradbury Bldg 58,000 Los Angeles Foundry Co., 2444 S. Alameda St 78,000 Los Angeles Furniture Co., 420 S. Spring St 135,600 Los Angeles Hat Co., 622 S. Broadway 22,200 Los Angeles Ice & C. S. Co., 689 Mesquite St 1,102,000 Los Angeles Knitting Co., Inc., 3512 San Pedro St 22,400 Los Angeles Laundry Co., 915 Yale St 170,000 Los Angeles Lime Co., 1522 Bay St 34,(H)0 Los Angeles Mlg. Co., 2500 Lenard St 110,000 Los Angeles Military Acodemy, 4800 Huntington Dr 36,000 Los Angeles News Co., 201 N. Los Angeles St 52,000 Los Angeles Olive Growers Assn., 522 Higgins Bldg 386,000 Los Angeles Paper Box Factory, 125 E. Tenth St 38,400 Los Angeles Mfg. Co., Alhambra and N. San Pablo St 150,200 Los Angeles Planing Mill Co., 1800 Industrial St 110,000 Los Angeles Pressed Brick Co., 410 Frost Bldg 200,000 Los Angeles Rock & Gravel Co., 3439 Pasadena Ave 40,600 Los Angeles Rubber Co., 124 E. Third St 30,600 Los Angeles Rubber Stamp Co., 131 S. Spring St 96,000 Los Angeles & San Pedro Transpt. Co., 521 S. San Pedro St. 18,800 Los Angeles Sea Food Co., Box 8, E. San Pedro, Cal 23,200 Los Angeles Seed Co., 637 S. Main St 18,000 Los Angeles Shipping & Drydock Co., Wilmington, Cal 2,202,400 Los Angeles Soap Co., 633 E. First St 1,253,800 Los Angeles Soda Works, 509 Commercial St 22,000 LOS ANGELES FIRMS 133 Los Angeles Stone Co., 1316 Baker-Detwiler Bldg | 29,200 Los Angeles Tanning Ca., 196 Santa Fe Ave 84,000 Los Angeles Telescope Co., 360 S. Los Angeles St 13,200 Los Angeles Towel Service Co., 804 E. Sixth St 11,800 Los Angeles Trailer Co., 1328 Palmetto St 105,000 Los Angeles Transfer Co., 634 Wall St 37,200 Los Angeles Union Terminal Co., 746 S. Central Ave 3,260,000 Los Angeles Valve & Fittings Co., 2741 Compton Ave 103,200 Los Angeles Wall Paper & Paint Co., 528 S. Main St 50,600 Los Angeles Warehouse Co., 316 Commercial St 293,600 Loyola College, 1801 W. Sixteenth St 211,200 Lucey Mfg. Co., 1515 E. Seventh St 426,000 Luitweiler Pumping Engine Co., 707 N. Main St 40,400 Lyons Fireproof Storage, 1950 S. Vermont Ave 105,400 Lyon-McKinney & Smith, 737 S. Hill St 118,400 McBride Printing Co., 316 W. Second St 10,400 McClellan Mfg. Co., Tenth & Los Angeles Sts 32,200 McComas Dry Goods Co., 740 S. Los Angeles St 391,200 •McCormack Co., Chas. R., 533 Van Nuys Bldg 108,000 McCoy Motor Supply Co., 1020 S. Los Angeles St 37,800 McCulley Motor Truck Co., 771 S. San Pedro St 11,400 McCulloch Drug Co., Sixth and Alvarado Sts 48,200 McGuire Cabinet Co., 1514 Hooper Ave 13,000 McKee & Hughes, 440 P. E. Bildg 10,400 McVey Co., H. C., 1027 S. Olive St 13,000 Mabury Co., H. & J., 1028 Van Nuys Bldg 586,000 Machin Shirt Co., 739 S. Broadway 24,000 Mackechnie Bread Co., 2117 Sacramento St 54,000 Madsen Iron Works, 2416 E. Sixteenth St 56,000 Magasinn-Norton Co., 258 S. Los Angeles St 21,400 Magnet Lumber Co., 1721 E. Twenty-fifth St 12,400 Maier, Estate Co., 440 Aliso St 1,020,000 Main Street Co., 911 Union Oil Bldg 1,224,000 Maine Machinery Co., 701 N. Main St 19,000 Maljan Fruit Co., 760 Market St 13,000 Maloof T. S. N. Co., 122 S. Los Angeles St 15,800 Manhattan Furniture Co., 960 McGarry St 97,000 Manning & Co., 312 N. Los Angeles St 17,200 Marble Co., J. M. C., H. W. Hellman Bldg 37,800 Marine Equipment Co., P. O. Box 182, Wilmington, Cal... 54,400 Marine Hardware Co., 509 S. Beacon St., San Pedro, Cal... 124,800 Marine Products Co., 522 Citizens National Bank Bldg 42,000 Marinello Co., 1514 S. Grand Ave 11,000 Marion Milling Co., Owensmouth, Cal 18,600 Markwell & Co., Inc., 300' Citizens National Bank Bldg 12,200 Marlboro School, 5029 W. Third St 95,000 134 LOS ANGELES FIRMS Marsh-Strong BIdg. Co., 1015 Marsh-Strong BIdg $888,000 Marsh & Co., Robert, 200 Marsh-Strong BIdg 107,400 Marston-Greening Co., 1271 E. Sixth St 103,000 Marzo Bros., Inc., 1235 E. Sixth St 11,800 Master Carburetor Co., 922 S. Los Angeles St 55,000 Mathie Brewing Co.y The, 1850 N. Main St 238,000 Mathews Candy Co., 3^3-27 E. Second St 139,000 Maxey Co., Inc., John J., 2640 Romeo St 165,600 Maxwell & Hoffman, 1057 S. Grand Ave 17,000 Maynard Estate Co., 419 S. Commonwealth Ave 80,600 Meese & Gottfried Co., 400 E. Third St 65,000 Meilings, Inc., 315 W. Fourth St 61,600 Melius Bros. & Co., 307 E. Fourth St 113,400 Mercereau Bridge Construction Co., 312 N. Avenue 22 20,000 Merchants Finance Co., Inc., 626 Security BIdg 18,000 Merchants Ice & C. S. Co., 518 Seaton St 290,000 Merrill Corp., The, 801 Ferguson BIdg 22,400 Metro Pictures Corp., 630O Romaine St 160,000 Mexican Petroleum Co., 1015 Security BIdg 92,200 Meyer & Talbott Co., 512 S. Broadway 38,200 Michaelson & Director, 738 S. Los Angeles St 30,000 Michel Tire Co., 306 E. Eighth St 33,400 Midway Peerless Oil Co., 617 Merritt BIdg 22,000 Midwick Country Club, R. D. No. 8, Box 389 290,000 Miller Amusement Co., 810 S. Main St 20,40u Miller Baking Co., 1432 N. Main St 14,200 Miller Box Mfg. Co., 201 N. Avenue Eighteen 92,000 Miller-Chapman Co., Inc., 1320 Washington BIdg 18,600 Miller Mfg. Co., Harry A., 1630 S. Los Angeles St 39,000 Miller Rubber Co., 441 W. Pico St 63,200 Miller Tire Sales Co., 831 S. Olive St 27,200 Mills Iron Works, 929 N. Main St 40,600 Milwaukee Building Co., 316 W. & Cal. BIdg 144,200 Mission Transpt. & Refining Co., 1114 Union Oil BIdg 64,200 Model Shoe Co., 352 S. Broadway 13,200 Mofllt Estate Co., James, 242 S. Los Angeles St 109,200 Mondon & Güstin Co., 3301 S. Main St 34,400 Monroe Tire & Rubber Co., 1010 S. Main St 10,000 Montgomery Bros., 359 S. Broadway 150,000 Montgomery-Mullin Lumber Co., 3123 S. Grand Ave 27,800 Morgan Oyster Co., 329 S. Main St 118,800 Morehouse & Co., 1136 San Fernando Rd 13,600 Moreland Motor Truck Co., 1701 N. Main St 324,000 Morrill Co., Geo. H., 432 Wall St 23,000 Morris & Snow Seed Co., 439 S. Main St 24,400 Morton Co., Robert, Van Nuys, Cal 12,800 LOS ANGELES FIRMS 135 Mt. Vernon Cream Co., 340 N. Main St ? 14,000 Mullen & Bluett Clothing Co., 600 S. Broadway 473,800 Mullen Estate Co., 600 S. Broadway 460,000 Muller & Raas Co., 739 S. Broadway 67,400 Munn Hotel Co., 438 S. Olive St 60,600 Murdock & Jonas, 1548 Industrial St 16,800 Musolino & Berger, 1919 Sacramento 14,000 Mutual Dairy Assn., 1236 Compton Ave 21,800 Myers-Darling-Hinton Co., 736 Market Court 51,600 Myers Mfg. Co., 228 S. Los Angeles St 92,000 National Carbon Co., Inc., 419 E. Second St 14,600 National Chemical Co. of Cal., 526 S. Alameda St 59,400 National Compressed Air Mchy. Co., 314 E. Third St 14,600 National Conduit & Rubber Co., 417 E. Third St 37,400 National Creamery & Produce Co., 548 Colyton St 60,000 National Engraving Co., Box 65, Wilmington, Cal 88,400 National Film Corp. of America, 1116 Lodi St 119,400 National Hardwood Co., 640 Aliso St 68,600 National Ice & Cold Stor. Co., Center and Banning Sts 270,000 National Paper Products Co., Ill Garey 44,000 National Poultry Co., 607 E. Third St 32,400 National Shirt Shops, Inc., 843 S. Los Angeles St 64,200 Neilson & Kittle Canning Co., Ltd., E. San Pedro, Cal 440,000 Nelson Mfg. Co., N. O., 439 E. Third St 217,400 Nelson & Price, Eleventh and Olive Sts 102,000 Nettleton Co., The, 209 W. Fifth St 29,400 Newmark Grain Co., 447 S. Los Angeles St 29,000 Newmark Co., Harris, 1248 Wholesale St 810,000 Newmark & Co., M. A., 1248 Wholesale St 1,002,000 Newmark & Co., P. A.. 398 S. Los Angeles St 130,800 Newmarket Co., 1138 S. Main St 152,200 Neptune Meter Co., 701 E. Third St 152,000 New York Hardware Co., 222 E. Fifth St 86,000 New York Lubricating Oil Co., 723 E. First St 13,200 New York Trading Co., 621 S. Main St 106,000 Neuner Co., 817 S. Los Angeles St 110,000 New Vernon Basket Co., Fifty-second and Santa Ft Ave.... 162,000 Nichol The Tailor, 622 S. Spring St 18,800 Nichols, Loomis Co., 2505 Santa Fe Ave 162,000 Nix & Co., John, 1805 E. Seventh St 22,000 Nordlinger & Sons, S., 631 S. Broadway 288,000 Normandin Bros., 304 E. Fifth St 48,400 North Ontario Packing Co., 1731 E. Ninth St 79,000 Norton Bros. & Morris, 331 S. Los Angeles 186,000 O'Brien Co., Chas. F., 916 Story Bldg 42,000 Obrikat-Meyer Fur. Co., 412 W. Seventh St 109,000 136 LOS ANGELES FIRMS Ogden Packing Co., 1150 E. First St $ 90,000 Olcovich Co., Emil, 235 S. Broadway 493,200 Oliver Chilled Plow Works, 132 Palmetto St 23,000 Oldfleld Tire Co., 1211 S. Hope St 11,800 Omaha Hotel Supply Co., 808 Traction Ave 11,800 Omega Shoe Polish Co., 420 S. Los Angeles St 14,000 A. One Mfg. Co., 304 E. Second St 30,000 Ora Grande Lime & Stone Co., 408 Stimson Bldg 42,200 Orpheum Theater Co., 636 S. Broadway 1,204,000 Osier Racine Rubber Co., 312 W. Pico St 141,200 Otis Elevaator Co., 300 E. Eighth St 38,400 Otoy & Co., C. M., 784 Market Court 10,600 Outer Harbor Dock & Wharf Co., Union Oil Bldg 1,078,000 Overell Fum. Co., J. M., 700 S. Main St 152,600 Overholzer Sons, E. E., 1236 S. Grand Ave 72,400 Owen Bros. & Wells, 825 Security Bldg 29,000 Owen Roofing Co., 915 Santa Fe 10,600 Owl Drug Co., Fifth and Broadway 283,600 Packer & Stone Co., 232 New High St 23,600 Paige-Detroit Motor Car Co., 140 W. Pico St 16,000 Palace Market Co., 611 S. Main St 30,600 Palmovlive Co., The, 323 Black Bldg 37,800 Palos Verdes Syndicate, 501 Title Insurance Bldg 1,460,000 Panama Lubricants Co., 2624 Santa Fe 60,800 Panama Macaroni Co., Culver City, Cal 70,000 Pappas Bros., 768 Central Ave 11,000 Paper Wholesale Co., 949 E. Second St 14,200 Paraffine Co., Inc., The, Vemon and Santa Fe Ave 937,400 Parmelee-Dormann Co., 436 S. Broadway 460,000 Pasadena Electric Express, 423 Commercial 24,400 Pattee & Lett Co., 1110 W. Washington St 114,000 Patten & Davis Lumber Co., 424 S. San Pedro 117,600 Patton Paint Co., 928 S. Main St 38,000 Pacific Auto Exchange, Inc., 432 W. Pico St 35,200 Pacific Auto Spring Co., 1111 W. Pico St 11,000 Pacific Baking Co., 1802 Hooper St 145,600 Pacific Ball Bearing Co., 1406 W. Pico St 14,400 Pacific Casket Co., 715 S. Johnston St ; 106,800 Pacific Coast Biscuit Co., Box 104, Arcade Depot 90,4Q0 Pacific Coast Leather Co., 156 N. Main St 60,0Oö Pacific Coast Sales Book Co., 853 N. Spring St 48,600 Pacific Coast Steel Co., 201 Union Oil Bldg 21,600 Pacific Coffee Stores Co., 202 Laughlin Bldg 53,400 Pacific Commercial Wholesale Co., 923 E. Third St 51,000 Pacific Engraving Co., 627 S. Broadway 33,200 Pacific Gas Radiator Co., 614 S. Grand Ave 12,800 LOS ANGELES FIRMS 137 Pacific Gasoline Co., 504 I. W. Hellman Bldg $ 20,800 Pacific Grain Co., 511 I. W. Hellman Bldg 12,600 Pacific Grocery & Supply Co., 106 S. Los Angeles St 17,000 Pacific Knitting Mills, 303 E. Fourth St 69,400 Pacific Library Binding Co., 210 E. Washington 14,600 Pacific Maccaroni Co., 819 S. Alameda St 23,200 Pacific Metal Works, 649 N. Main St 16,000 Pacific Minerals & Chemical Co., Los Feliz Rd. and S. P. R. R., Tropico, Cal 284,000 Pacific Motor Supply Co., 926 S. Main St 50,000 Pacific Motor Truck Co., 1242 S. Flower St 19,800 Pacific Mutual Life Ins. Co. of Cal., Pac. Mut. Life Bldg.. .1,002,600 Pacific Oil & Lead Co., 2144 Violet St 17,400 Pacific Pipe & Supply Co., 1002 Santa Fe Ave 439,600 Pacific Portable Cons. Co., 1420 S. Hill St 89,400 Pacific Reduction Co., 2654 Lenard St 196,000 Pacific Rock & Gravel Co., 498 P. E. Bldg 106,200 Pacific Rubber Co., 433 W. Pico St 62,800 Pacific Sea Products Co., Fish Harbor, San Pedro, Cal 41,200 Pacific Sewer Pipe Co , 825 E. Seventh St 206,400 Pacific Surgical Mfg. Co., 320 W. Sixth St 34,600 Pacific Trunk Factory, 421 Aliso St 25,000 Pacific Wharf & Storage Co., San Pedro, Cal 10,000 Pacific Wire Rope Co., 1840 E. Fifteenth St 216,000 Pease Inv. Co., Niles, 957 S. Hoover St 85,400 Peck & Chase Co., Inc., 1213 S. Figueroa St 18,600 Peck & Hills Furniture Co., 800 N. Spring St 332,000 Peerless Laundry Co., 5826 S. Main St 143,200 Pennant Oil & Grease Co., 2414 Santa Fe Ave 32,000 Percival Iron Co., 232 Aliso St 82,400 Petermanns Bakery, 230 S. Main St 11,800 Peterson Produce Co., 730 Market St 11,400 Pickford Co., Jack, 5341 Melrose Ave 40,000 Pickford Co., Mary, 534Í Melrose Ave 93,400 Pico Heights Lumber Co., 4800 W. Pico St 55,600 Picoulas Co., Gust., 827 E. Fifth St 38,000 Pierce Desk Co., W. E., 734 S. Spring St 19,000 Pierce Bros. Co., 810 S. Flower St 52,200 Pike Automobile Works, 317 Towne Ave 15,600 Pillsbury Flour Mills Co., 616 Central Bldg 23,200 Pioneer Boiler & Machine Works, 1152 Palmetto St 50,000 Pioneer Lumber Co., 1626 Cosmo St 28,000 Pioneer Paper Co., 247 S. Los Angeles St 822,000 Pioneer Store, 304 Canal St., Wilmington, Cal 10,800 Pioneer Truck & Trans. Co., 422 N. Alameda St 196,000 Pioneer Waterproofing & Roof Co., 319 E. Second St 16,200 138 LOS ANGELES FIRMS Pittsburgh Foundry Co., 4801 S. Alameda St $ 68,000 Phillips Printing Co., 250 E. Fourth St / 24,600 Plant Inv. Co., 819 W. Washington St 23,000 Plumb Tool Mfg. Co., 1119 Santa Fe Ave 18,400 Pohlman Leasehold Co., 1210 Washington Bldg 338,000 Ponet Co., The, 924 Citizens National Bank Bid 60,000 Portage Rubber Co., 410 W, Pico St 33,600 Porter & Brown, 706 Trust & Savings Bldg 15,600 Potter Bros. Co., 1061 N. Alameda St 67,200 Potter Co., E. L., Van Nuys Hotel 98,800 Poultrymen's Co-operative Mill Assn., 1516 Industrial St.. 80,000 Pozzo Construction Co., 421 Macy St 16,400 Price-Cororan-Pflster Co., 2923 Humboldt St 18,000 Pu ritas Coffee & Tea Co., 811 Traction Ave 96,000 Purity Produce Co., 1239 E. Sixth St 20,800 Quality Electric Works, 416 E. Third St , 25,600 Quality Laundry, 1522 Paloma St 19,000 Ralphs Grocery Co., 3550 S. Vermont Ave 309,600 Randolph Marketing Co., 314 Central Bldg 12,200 Raphael Glass Co., 801 S. Los Angeles St 22,800 Raphael Realty Co., R. H., 801 S. Los Angeles St 515,200 Record publishing Co., 612 Wall St 93,400 Reedcraft Co., The, 939 S. Broadway 11,400 Regal Silk Co., Inc., 820 S. Broadway 21,000 Regan Forge & Engineering Co., San Pedro, Cal 76,400 Regan, J. J. & Jos. M., Box 416, San Pedro, Cal. . 29,600 Riech & Lievre, 751 S. Broadway 17,400 Reinhard Bros., 3420 Rowena St 10,600 Remington Typewriter Co., 745 S. Broadway 10,800 Renard & Stacy Electric Co., 813 S. Hill St 18,600 Renshaw-Jones & Sutton Co., 1231 S. San Pedro St 96,000 Reppers Co., T. H., 232 Wholesale Terminal Bldg 126,600 Republic Motor Truck Co., 4800 Santa Fe Ave 474,000 Republic Rubber Co., 165 Second St., San Francisco 80,000 Reynolds Co., E. W., 300 Metropolitan Bldg 132,000 Rice & Sons, Geo., 303 E. Fourth St 13,800 Richards-Neustadt Const. Co., 804 Trust & Savings Bldg.... 30,600 Rimpau Estate Co., 145 S. Broadway 564,000 Rindge Co., Trust & Savings Bldg 1,301,400 Rio Vista Fruit Co., Lankershim, Cal 27,800 Risher Feed & Fuel Co., 6001 Santa Monica 12,000 Rivers Bros. Co., 746 Market Court 290,000 Riverside Portland Cement Co., 640 T. 1 Bldg 58,000 Rix Compressed Air Co., 409 E. Third St 29,000 Roberti Bros., 1346 Long Beach Blvd 181,000 Robinson Co., J. W., Seventh and Grand 1,023,200 LOS ANGELES FIRMS 139 Roeblings Sous Co., John A., 216 S. Alameda $380,000 Roeder Estate Co., Louis, 119% S. Spring St 159,000 Rogers-Brown Co., Baker-Detwiler Bldg 12,000 Rolin Film Co., 406 Court St 14,200 Roman Catholic Bishop, 108 W. Second St 600,800 Rome Wire Co., 833 San Fernando Bldg 22,600 Root Co., A. 1., 1824 E. Fifteenth St 73,000 Rosenberg Oil Co., 1112 Merchants National Bank Bldg 54,600 Rosenthals, Inc., 737 S. Broadway 106,000 Rotary Mfg. Co., 1526 Santa Fe Ave 12,200 Roth Cigar Co., Max, 445 S. Los Angeles St 19,200 Royal Packing Co., 1815 Sacramento St 116,000 Rubber City Clearing House, 860 S. Hill St 30,800 Ruddle & Mennillo, 231 N. Los Angeles St 10,400 Russell-Green-Foell Co., 2644 Compton Ave 29,400 Ryan Fruit Co., 654 Mill St 10,400 Salt Lake Oil Co., 424 P. E. Bldg 39,600 Sanitary Gold Seal Dairy Co., 150 E. Jefferson St 70,800 San demente Sheep Co., 809 Hibernian Bldg 82,400 San Fernando Heights Lemon Co., San Fernando, Cal 16,600 Santa Fe Ave. Mercantile Co., 2600 Santa Fe Ave 137,600 Santa Fee Warehouse Co., 30O Avery St 13,600 San Pedro Lumber Co., Box 621, Sta. C, Los Angeles 473,000 San Pedro Transportation Co., San Pedro, Cal 80,800 Sassy Jane Mfg. Co., 602 M. J. Connell Bldg 66,000 Satterthwaite, Reed & Woods, 919 Bonnie Brae St 37,200 Savage Tire Co., 406 W. Pico St 60,000 Savoy Hotel, 565 S. Grand Ave 51,600 Scarborough Co., W. B., 409 Security Bldg 20,800 Schalk Chemical Co., 351 E. Second St 40,000 Schrim Investment Co., 840 Comomniercial St 66,000 Schumacher Wall Board Co., Fifty-eighth and San Pedro Sts. 44,000 Scott Hardware Co., 240 S. Main St " 10,600 Scriver & Quinn, 200 S. Main St 18,600 Sea Coast Canning Co., Fish Harbor, San Pedro, Cal 392,000 Seelig Co., Sam, 1325 Palmetto St 144,000 Select Picture Corp., 736 S. Olive St 16,800 Selig Polyscope Co., 3800 Mission Rd 67,200 Selznick Pictures Co., 5341 Melrose Ave 49,400 Senegra Co., Philip, 619 S. Utah St 32,000 Service Truck Co., 1719 S. Los Angeles St 11,400 Seventh Street Development Co., 724 Trust & Savings Bldg. . 340',000 Sharp & Fellows Contracting Co., 533 Central Bldg 75,200 Sattuck & Nimmo Whse. Co., 414 Marsh-Strong Bldg 60,000 Scherer Co., R. L., 623 S. Grand Ave. 24,400 Sherman Inv. Co. of Cal., M. ri., 1316 Baker-Detwiler Bldg. . 287,000 140 LOS ANGELES FIRMS Sherwin-Williams Co., 820 Traction Ave $116,000 Sherwood & Sherwood, 346 N. Main St 80,000 Shugers Mfg. Co., 1002 S. Los Angeles St 11,000 Sierra Chemical Co., 405 E. Third St 17,800 Sierra Paper Co., 126 S. Los Angeles St 250,000 Simmons Co., The, 532 S. Alameda St 116,000 Simons Brick Co., 125 W. Third St 381,800 Simpson Construction Co., Wm., 526 Marsh-Strong Bldg... . 18,200 Singer Sewing Machine Co., 828 S. Broadway 82,800 Skinner & Knecht, 761 S. Los Angeles St 32,000 Smart & Final Co., Wiln^ington, Cal 75,400 Smith, Emery & Co., 245 S. Los Angeles St 21,600 Smith Shoe Co., 435 Beacon St., San Pedro, Cal 14,600 Smith Piano Co., 901 S. Grand Ave 17,200 Snow Mfg. Co., 2437 Cheney St 21,600 Southern California Box Co., 2315 Santa Fe Ave 228,000 Southern California Disinfecting Co., 940 S. Main St 10,200 Southern California Edison Co., 306 W. Third St 728,000 Southern California Electric Co., 625 S. Main St...' 32,400 Southern California Fertilizer Co., 606 Kerckhoff Bldg 48,200 Southern aiifornia Fish Co., Fish Harbor, San Pedro, Cal.. . 449,000 Southern California Hardwood Mfg. Co., 1430 S. Alameda St. 420,000 Southern California Iron & Steel Co., Fourth and Mateo St.. 705,200 Southern California Investment Co.. 201 N. Avenue 18 10,600 Southern California Metal & Rubber Co., 2112 Atlantic St... 140,000 Southern California Music Co., 332 S. Broadway 453,000 Southern Califoraia Safe Co., 410 S. Los Angeles St 10,000 Southern California Supply Co., 814 E. Third St 113,200 Southern California Telephone Co., San Francisco 69,800 Southern Coast Canning Co., Fish Harbor, San Pedro, Cal.. 10,000 Southern Crockery Co., S. W. Cor. Fifth and Broadway.... 48,000 Southwest Cattle Loan Co., 915 Citizens Natl. Bank Bldg.... 142,800 Southwestern Commercial Co., 510 E. Fourth St 39,000 Southewestern Dairy Co., R. D. No. 7, Box 932, L. A 22,000 Southwestern Shipbuilding Co., 223 H. W. Hellman Bldg.. .1,640,000 Southwestern Wharf & Storage Co., E. San Pedro, Cal 96,400 Spano Packing Co., Fish Harbor, San Pedro 59,200 Spartan Grocers, 831 San Pedro St 12,200 Sperry Flour Co., 1615 E. Seventh St 366,000 Spohu Cook Co., 340 N. Main St 11,200 Sprague Meter Co., 122 S. Anderson St 14,200 Spreckles Bros. Commercial Co., 200 Cit. Natl. B^nk Bldg.. 274,000 Stability Bldg. Co., 205 O. T. Johnson Bldg 1,340,000 Stafford & Green, 642 S. Main St 21,400 Stafford Packing Co., Foot Fries St., Wilmington, Cal 176,000 Standard Brick Co., Lugo & Soto Sts 14,200 LOS ANGELES FIRMS 141 Standard Cloak & Suit House, 523 S. Broadway $ 16,600 Standard Fireproof BIdg. Co., 1210 Washington Bldg 520,000 Standard Cil Co., Standard Cil Bldg., San Francisco 46,000 Standard Packing Co., R. D, No. 2, Box 103, IjOS Angeles.. 106,000 Stanard Sanitary Mfg. Co., 149 Bluxome, San Francisco... 92,000 Standard Theater Concession Co., 320 S. Main St 11,600 Standard Hoodenware Co., 828 Traction Ave 236,000 Stanley Brokerage Co., 201 Wholesale Terminal Market... 12,000 Stanton & Son, E. J., Box 62, Sta. C, Los Angeels 356,000 State Leather Co., 414 S. Los Angeles St 23.200 Stauffer Chemical Co., 1125 Marsh-Strong Bldg 41,200 Steams Mfg. Co., 1003 N. Main St 23,000 Steen Co., Robert I, 374 S. Los Angeels St 42,400 Steinan Supply Co., Otto, 210 W. Third St 24,600 Stephens Co., Albert M., 914 Merchants National Bank«Bldg. 128,200 Sterling Borax Co., 320 Trust & Savings Bldg 485,200 Sterling Laundry, 777 Clanton St 69,200 Stern Co., Karl, 314 S. Los Angeles St 12,600 Stem Realty Co., 602 Haas Bldg 279,800 Stetson-Barrett Co., 125 Santa Fe Ave 483,200 Stewart Productions, Inc., Anita, 4634 Santa Monica Plvd. . . 36,000 Stewart-Dawes Shoe Co., Inc., 751 S. Los Angeles 270,000 Stewart & Co., J. H., 160 S. Central Ave 14,000 St. Helens Petroleum Co., Ltd., 1117 Investment Bldg 64,000 Stimson Co., C. D., 217 Douglas Bldg 554,000 Stimson Mill Co., 217 Douglas Bldg 110,000 Stockwell Co., L. W., 400 S. Alameda St 208,000 Stoll Bros., 418 N. San Pedro St 26,400 Stowell Hotel Co., 416 S. Spring St 550,000 St. Pierre Bros., 413 S. Spring St 17,000 Stratford Co., The, 825 Merchants National Bank Bldg 45,200 Streeter & Riddell Co., Van Nuys, Cal 17,400 Strohmeyer & Arpe Co., 180 Central Ave 21,800 Studehaker Corp., 1057 S. Grand Ave 118,800 Summers Mfg. Co., 1002 M. J. Connell Bldg 82,800 Sun Drug Co., 927 S. Los Angeles 300,000 Sunkist Candy Co., 4257 S. Vermont Ave 34,200 Sunolime Co., The, R. D. No. 1, San Femando, Cal 400,000 Sunset Paint Co., 627 S. Main St 39,000 Superior Typesetting Co., 420 Wall St 24,000 Swanfeldt Tent & Awning Co., 224 S. Main St 79,600 Sweetser & Baldwin Safe Co., 529 Marsh-Strong Bldg 33,2000 Talhert Whitmore Co., 2620 Lacy St 132,000 Tammen Co., H. H., 112 E. Seventh St 23,000 Taylor Milling Co., 1500 San Fernando Rd 77,60.0 Teague Dmg Co., 332 W. Fourth St 20,200 142 LOS ANGELBS FIRMS Terminal Refrigerating Co., 750 Terminal $ 63,600 Teter & Co., H. E., 591 I. W. Hellman Bldg 17,600 Thayer Decorating Co., 1813 W. Pico St 11,800 Thompson Tire Co., C. Fred, 1239 S. Olive St 51,400 Tibbits-Oldfield Paint Co., 908 S. Main St 42,000 Times-Mirror Co., First and Broadway 1,200.000 Toberman Co., C. E., 6780 Hollywood Blvd 130,000 Torrance-Marshall Co., 111-113 W. Fourth St 357,000 Torrance Window Glass Co , Torrance, Cal 55,200 Towell Investment Co., 637 W. Twenty-third St 52,000 Tractor-Train Co., 1346 Wall St 22,000 Trade Press Room, 122i/^ N. Broadway 23,600 Trippet & Larrimore, 943 S. Hoover St 32,000 Troy Laundry Co., Fourteenth and Main Sts 214,400 Troy Motor Sales Co., 1058 S. Figueroa St 76,800 Trumble Refining Co., 916 Higgins Bldg 12,400 Trustee Co., The 405 Broadway Central Bldg 722,000 Tufts Lyon Arms Co., 428 S. Spring St 74,800 Tupman Co., Wm. I., 3548 S. Vermont St 20,000 Turner & Co., G H., 610 S. San Pedro St 82,000 Turner Oil Co., 1006 California Bldg 34,400 Tyre Bros. Glass Co., 109 N. Los Angeles St 11,800 Uhl Bros., Inc., 641 S. Olive St 46,000 Union Hardware & Metal Co., 411 E. First St 2,723,400 Union Ice Co., 660 S. Alameda St , 292,000 Union Iron Works of L. A., 5125 Santa Fe Ave 236,000 Union Labor News Co., 209 New High St 21,600 Union League Holding Co., Union League Bldg 246,000 Union Lime Co., 1600 Atlantic St 27,200 Union Lithograph Co., 2030 E. Seventh St 118,000 Union Manufacturing Co., 757 S. Los Angeles St 19,600 Union Oil Bldg., 911 Union Oil Bldg 40,00o Union Oil Co. of California, 1114 Union Oil Bldg 298,400 Union Realty Co., 631 S. Spring St 18,400 Union Security Co. of Los Angeles, 400 Hibernian Bldg 623,600 Union Towel & Case Co., 125 N. Anderson St 36,000 Unit System of Heating Co., 1611 S. Main St 14,200 United Casting Co., or. Wilson and Violet Sts 77,000 United Investment Co., 1205 Washington Bldg 68,000 United Motors Service, 1152 S. Grand Ave 40,000 United Oil Co., 1131 Investment Bldg 30,600 United Printing Co., 336 S. San Pedro St 11,200 United States Baking Co., 120 S. Vignes St 22,000 U. S. Electrical Mfg. Co., 300 S. Central Ave 54,200 United States Macaroni Co., 629 N. Spring St 12,600 U. S. Rubber Co., 923 S. Los Angeles St 155,000 LOS ANGELES FIRMS 143 United States Spring Co, 1120 S. Los Angeles St $ 45,600 United States Steel Products Co., Central and Jackson 218,000 United Tuna Packers, Wilmington, Cal 12,000 United Wholesale Grocery Co., 391 E. Second St 366,000 University Club, 800 Cons. Realty Bldg 17,000 Universal Film Mfg. Co., Universal City, Cal 511,600 Vail Co., 520 Metropolitan Bldg 462,000 Vail & Crane Co., 4000 Budlong Ave 170,000 Vallely & Vatcher, 453 S. Los Angeles St 14,600 Valvoline Oil Co., 122 Center St 64.000 Van Camp Sea Food Co., San Pedro, Cal 516,000 Van de Kamps Holland Dutch, 257 Werdin PI 33,200 Van Noy Interstate Co., 365 P. E. Bldg 19,400 Van Nuys Bldg. Co., 1. N., 1011 1. N. Van Nuys Bldg 2,144,000 Ventura Refining Co., 902 Title Insurance Bldg 91,000 Vernon Oil Refining Co., 2500 E. Twenty-sixth St 43,000 Vignolo-Giacommino Co., 177 N. Spring St 13,000 Ville de Paris, Seventh and Olive Sts 815,200 Viole-Lopizich Drug Co., 242 N. Main St 17,600 Vitagraph Co. of California, 1708 Talmadge St 84,000 Vogue Co., Inc., 200 Merritt Bldg 62,000 Von Breton-Rothwell Optical Co., 718 S. Broadway 10,000 Vulcan Coil Co., 239 S. Los Angeles St 29,200 Vulcan Iron & Tool Works, 1590 N. Main St 12,000 Wagner-Woodruff Co., 830 S. Olive St 38,000 Walberg Bros., 403 Lissner Bldg 13,000 Walker Cigar Co., Geo., 212 S. Los Angeles St 73,600 Walters, D. N. & E., 763 S. Los Angeles St 46,000 Warman Steel Casting Co., P. O. Box 608, Sta. C, L. A.... 153,600 Warren & Bailey Co., 359 N. Main St 119,000 Warren Oil Co., 424 Commercial St 24,000 Washbum-Crosby Co., 1132 Citizens National Bank Bldg.. . . 15,400 Washington Bldg. & Imp. Co., 1210 Washington Bldg 634,000 Washington Iron Works, 1924 Sacramento St 122,200 Waterhouse & Lester, 345 N. Los Angeles St 122,800 Wattenback & Wattenback, 233 Canal St., Wilmington, Cal. . 28,800 Watkins Co., Inc., 2227 Maple St 16,800 Wayne Oil Tank & Pump Co., 830 S. Los Angeles St 11,000 Weaver Music Co., 733 S. Grand Ave 16,200 Weber Baking Co., 5823 Crocker St 45,000 Weber Co., O .J., 759 S. Los Angeles St 53,800 Weber Showcase & Fixture Co., 440 Seaton St 272,000 Weinstock-Nichols Co., 1211 S. Olive St 124,000 West American Rubber Co., 400 N. Avenue Nineteen 30,000 West Coast Knitting Mills, Pacific Blvd. and Fruitland Rd. . 236,000 West Coast Oil Co., 424 P. E. Bldg 190,000 144 LOS ANGELES FIRMS West Coast Packing Co., San Pedro, Cal $ 10,000 West Coast Produce Co., Wholesale Terminal Market 18,000 West Coast Tile Co., Fifty-second and Alameda St 106,000 Western Auto Elec. Corp., 440 W. Pico St 69,000 Western Blind & Screen Co., 2700 Long Beach Ave 11,600 Western Cooperage Co., 1919 Bay St 80,000 Western Electric Co., 301 E. Eighth St 284,000 Western Forge & Mfg. Co., Box 114, Arcade Sta., L. A 38,600 Western Hardwood Lumber Co., 2014 E. Fourteenth St.... 196,000 Western Linotyping Co., 230 Court St 41,200 Western Lithograph Co., 600 E. Second St 286,000 Western Mechanical Works, 520 W. Pico St 13,600 Western Mutual Life Assn., 302 Western Mut. Life Bldg. . . 300,000 Western Precipitation Co., 1016 W. Ninth St 12,800 Western Reinforced Concrete Pipe Co., 1611 E. Sixth St... 27,000 Western Wheel Co.. 1625 S. Los Angeles St 35,200 Western Wholesale Drug Co., 200 S. Los Angeles St 1,635,400 Wetherby-Kaiser Shoe Co., 416 W. Seventh St 216,000 Weyl-Zuckerman Co., 1308 E. Seventh St 92,000 Wheat Cabinet Co., 1741 E. Fifteenth St 15,000 Wheeler-Osgood Co., 2135 Bay St 16,000 White Star Canning Co., E. San Pedro, Cal 332,400 White Star Laundry & Supply Co., 868 Traction Ave 58,000 Whiting Co., The, 603 California Bldg 121,400 Whiting-Mead Commercial Co., 415 E. Ninth St 372,000 Whiting Store Fixture Co., 412 E. Ninth St 12,600 Whitlock Co., Ralph G., 326 W. Second St 22,800 Wholesale Typewriter Co., 623 S. Spring St 12,400 Williams Mfg. Co., 125 W. Thirtyfifth St 15,000 Williams-Marvin Shoe Co., 733 S. Los Angeles St 24,800 Williams Ranch Co., H. L., 401 S. Westlake Ave 18,000 Willys-Overland Pacific Co., Eleventh and Hope Sts 274,400 Wilson & Co., 1000 Lyon St., Los Angeles 532,000 Wilson Land Co., 102 S. Spring St 160,000 Wilson Co., W. D., 519 Story Bldg 64,200 Wilson & Willard Mfg. Co., 2035 E Vernon Ave., Vernon.. 187,200 Winchester Box & Label Co., 720 S. San Pedro St 11,600 Winsome Stars Corp., 5431 Melrose St 25,800 Winter Investment Co., 1109 Van Nuys Bldg 19,000 Winton Co., The, 1225 S. Hope St 70,000 Witmer Bros. Co., 404 Wright & Callender Bldg 265,000 Wolfelt Co., C. H., 432 S. Broadway 146,000 Wolfer Printing Co., 428 Wall St 18,800 Wood Lumber Co., E. K., 419 Trust & Savings Bldg 428,400 Wood Mfg. Co., 1617 McGarry St 44,000 Woodill Hülse Electric Co., Ill E. Third St 60.000 LOS ANGELES FIRMS 145 Woodruff Shoe Co., C. H., 511 S. Spring St $ 12,800 Woods-Beckman Lumber Co., Beverly Hills, Cal 31,600 Woodstone Marble & Tile Co., 814 Mer Natl. Bank Bldg... 50,200 Woodward-Bennett Co., Box 112, Station H, Los Angeles.... 186,600 Woolacott Estate, Inc., 261 1, W. Hellman Bldg 216,000 Woolwine Metal Products Co., 2421 E. Eighth St 56,000 Woolworth Co., F. W., 431 S. Broadway 44,600 Worthington Co., Inc., 209 Higgins Bldg 41,200 Wreden Packing & Provision Co., 129 S. Main St 33,000 Wright Callender Andrews Co., 403 S. Hill St 16,800 Wright & Callender Bldg Co., 405 S. Hill St 482,000 Wright Motor Co., lOOl S. Hope St 19,600 Wurster Construction Co., 249 Wholesale Terminal 14,600 Yoakum Co., John E., 3028 N. Broadway 67,800 Y. M. C. A., 715 S. Hope St 940,000 Youngs Market Co., Inc., 638 S. Broadway 128,800 Young & McCallister, Inc., 920 Santee St 18,800 Young Shoe Co., 212 W. Sixth St 51,000 Youell Piano Co., W. W., 610 W. Sixth St 21,800 Zahn Corporation, 128 S. Ardmore Ave 315,200 Zellerbach Paper Co., 113 N. Los Angeles St 316,000 Zellner Piano Co., 808 S. Broadway 37,200 Zobelein Co., 1920 N. Main St 224,800 PASADENA-SOUTH PASADENA Adams, Chas. F., 430 S. Marengo Ave $ 48,400 Allen, Gretchen B. S., care of Staats Macy Co 68,800 Allen, Harry C., 475 E. Colorado St 70,700 Allen, Henry B., 2035 Fremont Ave., South Pasadena 91,000 Allen, Minnie Stephens, 431 Chamber of Commerce 34,000 Allerton, Agnes C., 1025 Highland Ave., South Pasadena... 69,000 Allison, Samuel, 1738 Huntington Dr., South Pasadena... 14,400 Ambrose, Ella E., 68 N. Los Robles Ave 24,600 Amour, M. Cochrane, 809 Linda Vista Ave 117,000 Anderson, Wm. E., 829 Rollins Ave., South Pasadena 15,200 Appel, Alfons A., 813 Fair Oaks, South Pasadena 14,000 Armour, Eleanor, 383 S. Catalina Ave 15,400 Arnold, Otto, 1945 Marengo Ave., South Pasadena 24,000 Arnold, Ralph, 1205 S. Wilson Ave., South Pasadena 65,200 Atkinson, Edwin L., 888 San Raphael 20,000 Avis, Walter M., 255 E. Holt St 16,200 Ayer, Harold O., 5 Westmoreland PI 60,000 Baor, John Willis, 809 Linda Vista Ave 20,000 Baker, Chas. H., Rosalind Rd 278,200 Baker, Wm. C., 501 Bellefontaine St 42,000 Baldwin, Mary E., 422 Summit Ave 10,200 Banks, Lillian Dobbins, 2001 Monterey Rd., South Pasadena 58,800 Barber, Geo. M., 519 Oakland Ave 27,000 Barnes, Ella M., 855 Oak Knoll Circle 27,400 Barry, Edmund D., 229 Orange Grove Ave 26,800 Bartlett, Louis A., 325 N. Holliston St 15,600 Bartlett, Mary K., 159 S. Euclid Ave 72,400 Bassett, Orlando P., 909 Arden Rd 27,600 Bassett, Theophila E., 165 N. Madison Ave 156,400 Bauer, John Andy, 1203 Fair Oaks, South Pasadena 131,200 Baxter, Chas. I., 1199 Wentworth St 20,800 Becherer, Joseph F., 445 E. Holt St 17,600 Behr, Arno, 225 Grand Ave., South Pasadena 39,600 Bell, Louise P., 1330 Hillcrest Ave 42,000 Benedict, Curtis T., 50 Ford Pi 36,000 Benedict, W. Wilfred, 202 Chamber of Commerce Bldg.... 46,200 Bentel, Harriet C., 1627 Milan St., South Pasadena 22,000 Bentz, John C., 49 S. Raymond Ave 50,000 Bettinger, Wm. J., 1144 Hillcrest Ave 96,000 Hetlinger, P. H., 1250 S. El Molino Ave 15,000 PASA DEXA—SOUTH PASADENA, CAL. 147 Bishop, Jerome H., Jr., 546 S. Catalina Ave $ 15,400 Bishop, Thomas W., Box 444, South Pasadena 34,000 Black, James R., 355 Euclid Ave 20,000 Blacker, Nellie C., 1177 Hillcrest Ave ,... 90,000 Blankenhorn, David, 210 E. Colorado St 33,200 Blauvelt, Velma C., 456 La Loma Rd 22,000 Bleecker, John J., 182 S. Hill Ave 42,000 Blinn, Edmund B., 60 Ford PI 59,000 Bloomer, Andrew F., R. D. No. 1, Box 17 24,000 Blumve, John A., 285 S. Lake St 30,000 Boadway, Leslie A., 45 Ford PI 543,800 Boice, Henry S. (Heirs), 1355 S. El Molino Ave 936,000 Bolt, Frank C., 1005 Buena Vista St., South Pasadena 15,200 Boothe, Florence C., 1515 Garfield St., South Pasadena.... 67,400 Bosbyshell, Edward P., 1910 Oak St., S»«>uth Pasadena 300,600 Bowers, Minna L., 115 Bruce Ave 51,000 Brackenridge, Wm. A., 525 S. Orange Grove, So. Pasadena. . 52,600 Braddock, Oscar L., 237 E. Colorado St 30,400 Bragdon, Chas. C., 75 N. Grand Ave 114,000 Bradley, Thomas, 465 S. Grand Ave 318,000 Bradley, Walter H., 1306 Oak Knoll Ave 21,000 Braley, Edgar R., 31 S. Raymond Ave 163,200 Braly Arthur H., 201 S. Orange Grove Ave 40,000 Breuner & Wood, 37 N. Raymond Ave 21,600 Brigham, Laura E., 777 Maple Ave 60,000 Brown, Ella H., 202 Oak Lawn, South Pasadena 24,400 Bryan, Grace M., 1080 Oak Knoll Ave 20,600 Buffum, Harriet M., 375 S. Grand Ave 20,000 Burck, Lawrence B., R. D. No. 1, Box 255, Pasadena 22,600 Burdette, Clara B., 891 S. Orange Grove Ave 547,200 Burke, Wm. E., 1934 Oak St., South Pasadena 29,600 Burkhard, Joseph, R. D. No. 1, Box 244 43,000 Burns, Wm. C., 707 S. Orange Grove Ave 60,000 Busch, Adolphus (Estate), 422 Chamber of Commerce Bldg. 313,200 Busch, Lily, 422 Chamber of Commerce Bldg 240,000 Butterfield, Charlotte M., 1625 Fair Oaks, So. Pasadena.. 28,000 Byrne, Arthur W., 1205 Oakland Ave 17,800 Cain, Margaret B., 825 S. Los Robles Ave 14,600 Campbell, Chas. M"., 1665 E. Orange Grove Ave 52,000 Campbell, E. R., Oak Grove, Pasadena 72,000 Campbell, Harriet, Cor. Orange Grove and Oliver, So. Pas.. 92,600 Campbell, James, 1474 Ros eVilla 17,200 Card, Wm. D., 1185 Wentworth St 22,400 Carter, Frederick B., Jr., 460 Arroyo Dr 20,400 Carter, Helen C., 1375 E. Mountain Ave 12,000 Case, Rollin S., 1142 E. Colorado St 12,00 148 PASADENA—SOUTH PASADENA, CAL. Cass, Alonzo E., Oak and Pair Oaks Ave., So. Pasadena... .$ 25,000 Casterline, De Witt C., 950 N. Los Robles Ave 57,000 Cawston Ostrich Farm, South Pasadena 70,000 Chadwick, Viola C., R. D. No. 1, Box 170 22,600 Chapman, Fred B., R. D. No. 1, Box 60 45,400 Chapman, Mary Louisa, 2007 Ashbourne Dr., So. Pasadena. 28,000 Childs, Mary C., 817 Monterey Rd., South Pasadena 29,400 Chisholm, Thomas, 530 N. Los Robles Ave 30,200 Christensen, Godfrey C., 287 Claremont Dr 22,000 Clapp, Eben P., 300 Elevado Dr 60,400 Clark, Chas. H., 524 N. Fair Oaks Ave 20,000 Clark, Edwin M., 774 S. Orange Grove 21,400 Clark, Rex B., 990 S. El Molino Ave 114,000 Clarke, James F., 406 Worcester St 40,800 Closser, Ophelia V., 1255 Oak Knoll Ave 14,200 Cobb, Charles H., R. D. No. 2, Box 444a 51,000 Coffin, Elsie P. R., R. D. No. 1, Pasadena 33,000 Cohn, Morris, 1325 S. Los Robles Ave 92,000 Colbert, Mary H., 1623 Electric Ave., South Pasadena 62,000 Cole, Mary E., 2 Westmoreland PI 38,000 Cole, Thomas F., 1230 Oakland Ave 113,400 Collier, June E., 851 Monterey Rd., South Pasadena 33,600 Colton, Henry C., 655 Grand Ave., South Pasadena 14,000 Cooper, Wm. E., 1950 Oak St., South Pasadena 21,800 Conaway, Benj. F., 431 Oak Lawn, South Pasadena 29,000 Coppell, Herbert, 1245 S. Grand Ave 134,000 Count, Lucy, 1275 Oakland Ave 31,200 Cowglll, Rebecca S., 1046 Garfield Ave 18,000 Cox, Eyien P., 40 Oak Grove Ave., San Marino 65,000 Crawford, Frank W., R. D. No. 2, Box 480 20,200 Cravens, John S., 1101 S. Orange Grove Ave 344,000 Grippen, Ellery H., 1203 Milan St., South Pasadena 130,200 Crocker, Edward S., 979 S. El Molino Ave 38,000 Crocker, Watson D., 999 N. Madison Ave 10,400 Crosher, Ernest F., Colorado St. at Lake 10,400 Croxon, Frederick T., Bellefontaine Ave 26,000 Cruickshank, Florence V., 1071 S. Orange Grove 167,200 Cruickshank, P. Geo., 1071 S. Orange Grove Ave 90,000 Cuthbert, Arthur, 1620 E. California St 30,000 Culbertson, Cordelia A., 370 Elevado Dr 14,500 Culbertson, Charlotte H., 1131 Columbia St., South Pasadena 13,000 Daggett, Chas. D., Columbia and Rose Ave,, So. Pasadena 50,800 Dale, Frank, 681 S. Orange Grove Ave 111,800 Damon, Geo. A., 516 S. Catalina St 26,600 Danlell, Averill E., R. D. No. 1, Box 59 32,800 Daniels, Julius C., 639 Lester Ave 102,000 PASADENA—SOUTH PASADENA, CAL. 149 Darling, Gilbert A., 265 S. Euclid Ave $ 21,000 Daugherty, Elbert L., 117 W. Union St 28,000 Davis. Emma D., 238 W. Bellevue Dr 26,400 Davis, Richard D., 420 California St 137,400 Dean, George P., 500 Prospect Blvd 20,000 Deming, Lora M., 970 S. Marengo Ave 27,000 Dewey, Nettie A., 351 Congress PI 30,000 Dews, J. Howard, 288 Bellefoutaine Ave 24,400 Dickinson, Lilla, 1646 N. Pair Oaks Ave 27,200 Diess, Emma H., 367 Lincoln Ave 10,600 Dillingham, Caroline P., 406 N. Marengo Ave 51,000 Disbrow, Prank H., 1941 E. Colorado St 23,400 Dixon, Wm. S., 300 Arroyo Dr 23,000 Dobbins. Caroline W., 1300 Garfield St., South Pasadena.. 109,400 Dobbins, Prancis Gore, 1300 S. Los Robles Ave 22,600 Dodge, Jonathan S., 1901 Ramona St., South Pasadena.... 13,000 Dodworth, Calenthe E. (Heirs), care of Arthur A. Dod- worth, Dodworth Bldg 134,000 Douglass, George, 915 Oak iCnoll Circle 41,2(ip Drake, Plorence W., 1270 Hillcrest Ave 32,000 Driscoll, Chas. P., 465 Oakland Ave 10,60' Drummond, Mary P., 312 S. Grand Ave 24,400 Ducey, Clara, 151 S. Hill Ave 14,000 Dull, Lester M., 809 E. California St 25,400 Dunn, Wm. Henry, 34 Holly St 20,000 Durand, Chas. W., 275 Arlington Dr 37,000 Eason, Willis M., Union Bank Bldg., Room 1 74,000 Edgemont Ranch Co., 11 S. Marengo Ave 104,000 Edmands, Lydia C., 1233 Wentworth St 38,600 Edmunds, Mary M., 841 S. Orange Grove Ave 54,000 Eggleston, Chas. B., 1132 S. Orange Grove Ave 46,000 Eliot, Ellen Rowena, 315 S. Hill Ave 68,000 Ellis, Alice B., 303 Slavin Bldg 20,000 Ellsworth, Nellie M., 1298 S. El Molino Ave 18,400 Ely, Anna W., 465" S. El Molino Ave 20,000 Emery, Prank W., 140O Hillcrest Ave 140,500 English, Edith A., 237 Palmetto Dr i.. 24,400 Erwin, James, 1501 S. Marengo Ave 18,400 Evans, Harry M., lO'O Arroyo Terrace 52,600 Everard, Edmund P., 158 Bruce St 20,000 Everett, Torrey, 1221 Arden Rd 28,600 Pairbanks, Prederick C., 217 Oak Lawn 25,400 Parlow, Lewis H., Hotel Maryland 22,000 Penyes, Eva S., 170 N. Orange Grove Ave 87,000 Pertig, Samuel C., 2 Oak Knoll Terrace 130,000 Pisher, Chas. W., 440 Mission St., South Pasadena 28,400 150 PASADENA—SOUTH PASADENA, CAL. Fisk, Arthur G., Oliver and Orange Grove Ave., So. Pasa.. .$ 33,000 Fitch, Frank P., 1226 N. Chester St 13,000 Fitzgerald, Addle T., 358 Grove St 74,000 Fleming, Arthur H., 1003 S. Orange Grove Ave 1,522,200 Fleming, Clarence S., 224 Oak Lawn, South Pasadena 17,000 Fleur, Ernest, 1830 El Molino, South Pasadena 51,800 Fogg, Sarah D. M., 1800 Milan St., South Pasadena 19,000 Fogg, Wm. K., 1254 N. Hill St 72,400 Folsom, Benjamin, 727 S. Orange Grove Ave 26,000 Foote, Charles R., 644 S. Pasadena Ave 22,600 Foote, Thos. H., 1270 S. El Molino Ave 18,600 Ford, Freeman A., 215 S. Grand Ave 135,000 Ford, Tod, Jr., 257 S. Grand Ave 254,600 Foreman, Maggie B., 1228 Milan St., South Pasadena 66,000 Forrester, Fannie T., 676 La Loma St 30,600 Forsman, Stanton W., 344 Bellefontaine Ave 31,000 Foy, Lucinda Macy, San Raphael Heights 52,000 Fraser, Ida E., 567 Jackson St 47,800 Fraser, Robert G., Busch Gardens, Pasadena 12,600 Freeman, Helen D. G., 1330 Hillcrest .\ve 42,000 Freeman, Rose G., 1330 Hillcrest Ave 56,000 Frick, Robert N., 629 Oakland Ave 26,800 Fuller, Henry T., 268 Bellefontaine St 13,600 Fuller, Horace A., 430 San Raphael 58,000 Fundenberg, Geo. B., 727 E. Colorado St 24,800 Gadsden, Julius G., R. D. No. 2, Box 387 22,000 Gamble, David B., 4 Westmoreland PI 89,000 Gapp, John C., 366 Lincoln Ave 26,600 Gardner, Chas. A.. 198 N. Euclid Ave 20,000 Garford, Arthur L., 1126 Hillcrest Ave 62,000 Garvey, Luella Rhodes, 215 Palmetto Dr 66,400 Gates, Charles W., 1025 Arden Rd 80,000 Gates, Clifford C., 1200 Oak Knoll 27,400 Gates, Don F., 1209 Gates Pl., South Pasadena 52,000 Gates, Don S., 515 Monterey Rd., South Pasadena 30,000 Gates, Egbert J., 1120 Buena Vista St., South Pasadena 31,600 Gates, Mary A., 499 Monterey Rd., South Pasadena 30,000 Gates, Peter G., 509 Monterey Rd., South Pasadena 50,000 Gaut, Helen Lukens, 392 Arroyo Dr., Pasadena 30,000 Gaylord, Eleanor H., 686 W. California St 22,000 Gaylord, Robert H., 1814 Virginia Rd 21,000 Gerlach, Walter W., 247 E. Colorado St 23,000 Giddings, Joshua R., 1318 E. Colorado St 96,800 Giebink, Sadie, 1456 Iowa St 50,800 Gifford, Robert L., 1231 S. El Molino Ave 162,800 Gilmore, Marcia, 525 Ladera St 24,000 PASADEXA—SOL'TH PASADENA, CAL. 151 Godber, Harry I-L, 455 N. El Molino Ave $ 20,000 Godfrey, Mary Ayer, 1139 Mound Ave., South Pasadena.... 42,200 Goodell, Rufus R., 1390 Ridgeway St 32,600 Goodhue, Frank B., 311 Waverly Dr 50,800 Goodno, Wm. C., 397 S. El Molino Ave 55,200 Goodrich, Grant A. and Kittie T., R. D. No. 1, New York Ave. 10,800 Goodrich, Hammond H., 762 S. Pasadena Ave 143,800 Goodwin, Abbie A., 64 N. Hudson Ave 39,600 Goodyear, Charles A., 1298 S. El Molino Ave 153,200 Goss, Eva D., 1080 S. El Molino Ave 56,000 Gould, Raymond C., 1009 N. Raymond Ave 30,000 Graves, Katie, 165 N. Pasadena Ave 52,000 Griswold, Julia S. H., 785 S. Orange Grove Ave 28,000 Greble, Edwin, 269 Columbia St 26,000 Greble, Mary D., 269 Columbia St 40,000 Green, Elizabeth A., 1021 Brent Ave., South Pasadena 24,200 Green, Manly P., 150 S. Madison Ave 46,000 Green, Wm. L., 143 N, Orange Grove Ave 47,000 Greenwood, Anna E., 692 Oak Knoll Circle 14,000 Grey, Anabel, 1372 S. El Molino Ave 12,800 Griffith, John E., 645 S. Orange Grove Ave 28,000 Griffith, John E., 74 S. Chester Ave 21,400 Grosse, Hester M., 1133 Buena Vista St., South Pasadena... 38,200 Grosse, John, 30 Ford PI 664,000 Guthrie, Earl B., 1297 Oak Knoll 33,200 Hahm, Edwin F., Boston Bldg 65,200 Hale, Geo. Ellery, 425 Rose Ave 52,000 Hall, Elizabeth, 1050 N. Los Robles Ave 18,400 Hall, George E., 1254 Oak Knoll Ave 54,000 Hall, J. Herbert, 96 B. Colorado St 20,000 Hall, Mary L. N., 71 S. Euclid Ave 23,600 Hamilton, Eddy A., 1508 Fremont Ave., South Pasadena... 20,200 Hamilton, Nathaniel W., Box 186, Pasadena 46,000 Hammond, Augusta, 1529 New York Ave 25,800 Hanchett, Fred M., 1289 Oak Knoll Ave 46,000 Hanna, Camilla, 803 Oakland Ave 16,000 Hansen, Lorenze P., 457 S. El Molino Ave 156,200 Harbert, Wm. S. (Heirs), 1671 N. Raymond Ave 74,600 Harlan, Joseph M., Box 383, Pasadena .- 33,800 Harmon, Hiram, 177 Marion Ave 10,800 Harper, James Nolan, 323 E. Colorado St 23,800 Harris, Ralph, 1180 Oak Knoll Ave 20,800 Hawgood, Harriet E., 423 Oak Lawn, South Pasadena 26,000 Hawks, Frank W., 226 S. Madison Ave 32,600 Hayes, Albert H., 280 S. Grand Ave 35,400 Hayes, Marshall C., R. D. No. 1, Box 73 29,000 152 PASADENA—SOUTH PASADENA, CAL. Hayes, Oren H., 330 Summit Ave $ 50,400 Hayman, Benjamin, 1831 Spruce St., South Pasadena 84,800 Hazard, Eleanor, 259 S. Wilson Ave 16,400 Helm, Isabella F., 1507 N. Lake St 17,600 Henne, Jane L., 1258 Hillcrest Ave 29,400 Henny, Marie C., 1199 Oak Knoll Ave 54,00'0 Henry, Chas. K., 745 S. Orange Grove Ave 31,400 Henry, John H., 1199 Oak Knoll Ave 487,800 Herbert, Ethel T., 1150 Arroyo Dr 29,000 Herihy, David W., Box 199, Pasadena 48,400 Hertel, Herman R., Colorado and Euclid 41,200 Heslop, Francisca, 1622 E. Colorado St 16,000 Hicks, Louise P., 255 Madeline Dr 26,000 Hill, Wm. H., 35 N. Wilson Ave 24,000 Hinds, Dorothy V., 880 La Loma Rd 45,000 Hixon, Joseph M., 1050 Arden Rd 64,000 Hogan, Wm. J., 115 N. El Molino Ave 20,000 Holder, Elizabeth W., 840 S. Orange Grove Ave 48,800 Holm, Paul H., 1150 S. El Molino Ave 25,000 Holmberg, Amanda, 2063 La France Ave., South Pasadena.. 13,000 Holmes, Susanna B. Emery, 141 N. Grand Ave 71,400 Hopkins, Edith Dixon, 343 S. Madison Ave 11,400 Hopkins, Isaac F., 343 S. Madison Ave 11,200 Hotaling, Henry C., 15 Ford PI 46,400 Hoyt, Minnie H., 917 Buena Vista St., South Pasadena 49,000 Hunt, C. L., 59 E. Colorado St 26,000 Hunter, Edward S., 357 Waverly Dr 32,200 Hunter, Gwendolyn M., care of Blankenhorn-Hunter Co.... 49,200 Huntington, Howard, 1079 Old Mill Rd 118,000 Hurst, Harriet M., 203 Oak Lawn, South Pasadena 25,200 Husser, Joseph J., 433 Arlington Dr 46,000 Ingram, Chas. B., 1112 Glendon Way, South Pasadena 40,000 Ingram, Mary B., 1112 Glendon Way, South Pasadena 40,000 Irwin, Theodore, 240 N. Grand Ave., Pasadena 43,000 Isham, Laura W., 460 Bellefontaine Ave 21,200 Jacobs, John H., 1421 E. El Centro Ave, South Pasadena... 32,000 Jardine, John Earl, 1504 S. Marengo Ave 60,600 Jenks, S. Herbert, 1730 N .Fair Oaks Ave 385,000 Jewett, W. K., 1201 Arden Rd 212,000 Johnson, G. Rupert, 850 N. Los Robles Ave 147,800 .Johnson, Isabel G. D., 415 S. Grand Ave 42,400 Johnson, Mary R;, 850 N. Los Robles Ave 11,800 Johnson, Reginald D., 415 S. Hill Ave 13,000 Johnston, Peter E., 169 N. Hollister St 11,800 Johnstone, Kate A., 703 S. Pasadena Ave 82,000 Jones, Elizabeth O., 422 S. Orange Grove Ave 55,000 PASADENA—SOUTH PASADENA, CAL. 153 Jones, Garfield R., 476 Bradford St $ 8,800 Joyce, Josephine H., 1090 Old Mill Rd., R. D. No. 1 18,400 Jones, Moira V., 2011 La France Ave 21,800 Judson, Alicia B., 630 S. Madison Ave 30,000 Keck, Briggs 0., 57 E. Green St 28,000 Keeley, Mary E., R. D. No. 1, Box 32 21,200 Kendall, Bela O., 67 N. Raymond Ave 163,200 Kiehl, John M., 375 N. Raymond Ave 35,400 King, Selina B., 70 S. Euclid Ave 25,000 Klrst, Paulina, 299 N. Marengo Ave 45,000 Kling, Ida, 225 S. Hill St 42,000 Knight, Alpha C., 1612 Lincoln Ave 10,400 Knight, Charles Y., 818 S. Orange Grove Ave 60,000 Knowlton, Elias W., 410 Slavin Bldg 106,600 Kramer, Theodore A., 1725 Milan St., South Pasadena 32,000 Kretchman, Hempe, R. D. No. 2, Box 153 28,200 Krusen, Charles E., 237 S. Los Robles Ave 13,400 Krug, Walter L., 1700 Oak St., South Pasadena 16,400 Kuhl, Theodore, 1601 San Pasqual Ave 21,200 Lacey, Wm. D., 1105 Arden Rd 10,600 Lambert, John, 378 S. Orange Grove Ave 357,500 Landreth, Harold B., 213 Dodworth Bldg 44,600 Banning, John C., 625 Fair Oaks Ave., South Pasadena 18,400 Larsen, Wm., 1375 Ridgeway St 15,000 Laws, Henry, 304 Oak Lawn, South Pasadena 23,000 Ledyard, Francis K., 1361 Ridgeway St 12,800 Le Fevre, Frances B., 915 S. Orange Grove Ave 66,000 LeflBngwell, Chas. W., Box 533, Pasadena 100,000 Leishman, Wm. L.. 251 W. Green St 52,000 Leistikow, Esther E., 1166 Hillcrest Ave 52,000 Leithead, Wm. W., 59 Terrace Dr 30,400 Libhy, Arthur A., 665 S. Orange Grove Ave 30,000 Liddle, Anna McNally, 1636 San Pasqual Ave 106,200 Liebling Peter O., 161 E. Colorado St 53,600 Linnard, Daniel M., Maryland Hotel 58,000 Little, Daniel P. N., 1403 Garfield Ave 39,400 Littlejohn. Wiley J., 970 San Pasqual Ave 16,400 ■Lockwood, Ernest H., 57 S. Raymond Ave 77,600 Lockwood, Hanford N., 230 Palmetto Dr 60,000 Long, Elsa W., R. D. No. 1, Box 458 27,400 Longley, Ada J., 807 Prospect Ave., South Pasadena 28,000 Lord, Sara E., 1415 Milan St., South Pasadena 21,600 Lord, Mary K., 181 S. Madison Ave 24,000 Loring, Wm., Box 219 86,000 Love, Kathleen McB., 1333 Oakland Ave 28,600 Lovejoy, Arthur B., 535 Bellefontaine St 21,000 154 PASADENA—SOUTH PASADENA, CAL. Lowe, Florence D., 1300 Garfield Ave., So. Pasadena $ 47,400 Lowry, Frank K.. 606 San Pasqual Ave 20,000 Lowry, Lewis D., 85 S. Marengo Ave 20,000 Loynachan, John, 742 N. Chester Ave 15,000 Lyon, Clara L., 998 San Pasqual Ave 18,600 Lyon, Hiram R.. 1341 Hillcrest Ave 40,000 Macdonald, Wm. J., 1001 Buena Vista St., South Pasadena.. 26,200 MacDowell, Sophia L. Green, 985 San Pasqual Ave 10,200 Mackenzie, Nettie, 485 B. Washington St 13,800 McAdam, Mary Ann, 1242 E. Colorado St 40,000 McBride, James H., 489 Bellefontaine St 22,000 McBride. Wm. C., 1365 Oakland Ave 106,000 McDearmott. Andrew M., 1050 E. El Molino Ave 28,400 McDougall, Mary B., 250 N. Orange Grove Ave 21,000 McFarland, Hugh, 1327 Oak Rnoll Ave 25,200 ■McGee, Benjamin M., 480 El Dorado St 13,600 McManus, Alice, 745 E. California St 20,200 McNulty, M. Byron, 1091 Arden Rd 14,200 McWilliams, John, 627 S. Euclid Ave 111,200 McWilliams, John, Jr., 1207 S. Pasadena Ave 25,000 Macy, Lloyd R., 78 N. Grand Ave 48,200 Makk, J. Werny, 800 S. Marengo Ave 28,000 Mansfield, Clara B., 70 S .Euclid Ave 25,000 Marble, John E., 1313 Garfield Ave 32,400 Markham, Mary A., 763 S. Pasadena Ave 11,000 Marlin, James R., R. D. No. 1, Box 20 10,600 Marston, Frank A., 560 E. California St 20,000 Martin, James R., R. D. No. 1, Box 20 86,000 Matlier, T. W., Colorado and Marengo 276,000 Mather, Wm. G., 720 San Rafael 67,000 Mattison, Fitch C. E., 295 W. California St 63,200 May, Frank 801 Winona Ave 38,000 Meyers. Mary I.. 484 W. California St 38,800 Meice, Emily I .,299 Bellefontaine St 39,000 Melvin, Elizabeth B., 881 N. Raymond Ave 80,000 Merchant, Edward B., 1193 E. Washington St 13,600 Merrill, Eugene A., 480 S. Orange Grove Ave 25,600 Merritt, Annette W., 359 Elevado Dr 68,000 Merryman, Reuben C.. 875 S. Madison Ave 22,000 Mersereau, Nellie C.. 449 N. Madison Ave . 33,000 Miiler, Carrie Borden, Columbia and Hillside Sts 144,000 Miller. John B., Columbia and Hillside Sts 51,806 Mills, Cora R. L., 83 S. Orange Grove Ave 78,000 Mills. Joseph J., 525 S. Catalina St 16,400 Miltimore, .Minnie C., 1301 Chelton Way, South Pasadena... 9,000 Miltimore, Paul, 1301 Chelton Way, South Pasadena 10,200 PASADENA—SOUTH PASADENA, CAL. 155 Mitchell, John J., 325 W. Bellevue Dr $ 58,600 Moore, Myra D., 785 S. Orange Grove Ave 21,400 Morgan, Wm. (Heirs), 85 S. Marengo Ave 59,000 Morris, Page, 1190 Oak Knoll Ave 27,000 Mothershead, John L., 721 St. John Ave 73,200 Mullins, Rose H., 1030 S. El Molino Ave 29,400 Munsell, Wm. A. O., 1970 El Molino Ave.. South Pasadena... 35,000 Murphy, C. Temple, 1260 Wentworth St 34,000 Murphy, Simon J., Jr., 1234 Oak Knoll Ave 110,400 Murphy, Wm. D., 1299 Hillcrest Ave 29,200 Mushrush, Chas. M., 1239 N. Marengo Ave 52,000 Nash, Wm. R., 27 N. Grand Ave 25,000 Neill, Annie E., 400 Arroyo Terrace 20,000 Neimyer. Jessie M., 1360 San Pasqual Ave 38,000 Newcoinb, Arthur T., 44 S. Marengo Ave 28,200 Newman, Lawrence, 320 Waverly Dr 36,600 Nicholson, Grace, 46 N. Los Robles Ave 50,000 Nicholson, Wm. R., San Pasqual and Hill Ave 28,000 Noble, Arthur, 475 La Loma Rd 34,000 Okie, J. B.. 670 S. Orange Grove Ave 112,000 O'Melveney, Donald, 1306 Garfield St 22,000 Ong, Anderson C., 37 N. Michigan Ave 23,800 Orban, Peter, 85 S. Pasadena Ave 78,000 Orton, Anna B., 154 S. Euclid Ave 22,400 Pardee, Georgia B., 1492 Wentworth St 24,000 Parker, James E., 208 Slavin Bldg 17,400 Parker, John Tyler, 208 Slavin Bldg 17,000 Parker, Miriam M., 572 E. Colorado St 28,000 Parmelee, Z. L., 919 Fair Oaks, South Pasadena 69,800 Partridge, Frank R., 239 N. Orange Grove Ave 41,800 Pashgian, John L., 211 S. El Molino Ave 50,000 Pacock, Martha W., 409 S. Mentor St 31,400 Penny, Fannie E., 90 E. Washington St 17,800 Perry, Constance, 920 E. Colorado St 32,600 Peterson, Wm. Dulon, 1001 Rubio St ' 30,000 Phillips, Eliza S., 338 W. Colorado St 20,400 Phillips, Jane M., 1075 S. El Molino Ave 50,000 Pierce, Elizabeth H., 1450 San Pasqual Ave 16,000 Pillsbury, Alice L., 785 S. El Molino Ave 19,200 Pitcairn, Chas. W., 1151 S. El Molino Ave 28,600 Pitcairn, Bert, Jr., 289 State St 31,000 Pitney, Ruby Chapin, 805 S. El Molino Ave 14,600 Pitzer & Warwick, 21 E. Colorado St 20,800 Piatt, Frank C., 17 S. Marengo Ave 56,000 Pollard. Eusebius, 1601 S. Los Robles Ave 34,000 Pollard, Mary A., R. D. No. 1, Box 10 44,000 156 PASADENA—SOUTH PASADENA, CAL. Pollock, James A., 217 Bellefontaine St $ 44,000 Porter, Anna G., 215 Orange Grove Ave 70,400 Porter, Don C., 215 Orange Grove Ave 11,600 Porter, Joseph M., 510 Prospect Blvd 32,000 Post, Chas. N., 285 Bellefontaine St 37,200 Pratt, Eva J., 164 N. Hudson St 22,000 Prentiss, Elizabeth S., 1188 Hillcrest Ave 76,000 Prindle, Wm. M., 210 E. Colorado St 10,600 Pryor, Flora C.. 227 Oak Lawn, South Pasadena 24,000 Pyle, Ethel D., 21 S. Marengo Ave 18,000 Randall, John M., 1864 Mar Vista 30,200 Rasey, Rose J., N. Euclid Ave 22,000 Rathbun, Geo. A., 1330 Wentworth St 30,000 Raymond, Walter, Raymond Hotel 652,601) Reichsteiner, Ella, 334 Galena St 32,400 Reid, Frank C., 551 N. Hill Ave 8,800 Reighard, Elizabeth G., 272 W. Bellevue St 212,400 Reis, Wm. E., 1240 Oak Knoll Ave 60,000 Rendell, Arthur H., 333 S. Orange Grove Ave 50,000 Reynolds, Arthur G., 575 Lester Blvd 23,000 Reynolds, Mary E., 669 N. Raymond Ave 20,000 Rhodes, Jeremiah M., 195 S. Hill Ave 19,000 Rhodes, Margaret W., 365 W. Bellevue Dr 29,400 Rice, James L., 980 San Pasqual Ave 18,600 Rice, Katherine A., 25 S. Euclid Ave 22,800 Richardson, Aubrey J., 277 E. Bellevue Dr 31,600 Richardson, Clarence B., 1275 N. Mentor St 14,800 Richardson, Roy N., 1828 El Molino Ave., So. Pasadena... 35,000 Richardson, Warren J., 950 New York Ave 11^00 Ringer, Louise, 290 N. Orange Grove Ave 225,600 Rischard, Eugene, 290 S. Michigan Ave 12,000 Rischard, Joseph J., 1200 E. Colorado St 21,400 Roberts, Ivy G., 2019 Fletcher St., South Pasadena 32,000 Roberts, Nellie S., 509 Prospect Blvd 22,000 Roberts, Wm. Humes, 461 E. Colorado St 36,000 Robbins, Edward F., 61 S. Raymond Ave 171,400 Robinson, Francena E.. 815 S. Orange Grove Ave 34,000 Robinson, Jane B., 1125 New York Ave., R. D. No. 1 26,400 Robinson, Laurabella A., 195 S. Grand Ave 82,800 Rodgers, James B., 143 N. Sierra Bonita 12,000 Roehrig, Gavina H., 501 Oakland Ave 18,000 Rogers, John W., R. D. No. 1, Box 83 23,200 Rosenbaum, Mina E., 29 S. Grand Ave 20,000 Rosenberger, Edmund S., 48 S. Fair Oaks Ave 25,600 Ross, Winslow B., 674 Elliott Dr 42,800 Rowan, Laura A., 1170 Hillside Dr 122,000 PASADENA—SOUTH PASADENA, CAL. 157 Rowland, Francis F., 455 La Loma Rd $ 38,000 Rumsey, Geo. D., 851 Fairfield Circle 27,000 Runde, Carl H. W., 1253 N. Fair Oaks Ave 20,000 Rust, Edward H., 1303 Lyndon St., South Pasadena 46,000 Rydall, Ida G., 545 Galena St 18,600 Ryder, Fred L., 179 S. Los Robles Ave 47,400 Sanborn, Samuel P., 999 E. Colorado St 38,600 Sargent, Homer E., 222 Arroyo Terrace 49,400 Scherer, James A. B., 415 S. El Molino Ave 10,200 Schiffman, Rudolph, 318 Chamber of Commerce 183,000 Schleicher, Elizabeth B., 1350 S. Ei Molino Ave 35,300 Schmidt, Frank J., 1929 La Franco St., South Pasadena. . .. 17,000 Schneider, John H., R. D. No. 1, Box 333 24,800 Schräder, Geo., 1800 Mar Vista Ave 14,000 Scott, Joseph, 1199 S. Orange Grove Ave 42,000 Scoville, Chas. B., 545 W. Colorado St 118,600 Scoville, Mary A., 11 N. Orange Grove Ave 69,600 See, Marion W., 306 Bellefontaine St 20,000 Seibert, Amelia, 1199 S. El Molino Ave 72,000 Seyler, Julius V., 2029 Bdgewood Dr., South Pasadena.... 21,600 Shade, Chas. G., 875 S. El Molino Ave 124,000 Shedd, John G., 955 S. Orange Grove Ave 158,000 Sherer, Henry E., 1545 Ramona Ave., South Pasadena.... 21,800 Shideler, Clara B., 1215 Wentworth St 24,000 Shoemaker, Reginald H., 318 St. Louis Block 22,400 Sias, Arthur W., 1250 S. Los Robles Ave 12,600 Simank, Henry J., 915 N. Chester Ave 23,000 Skinner, Henry, 1837 Diamond Ave., South Pasadena 60,400 Simpson, Cyrus M., 216 Chamber of Commerce 24,200 Sinclair, Agnes M., 375 Waverly Dr 22,000 Singer, Emma R., 290 W. California St 76,000 Singer, Geo. Horton, 1365 Hillcrest Ave 51,000 Skillen, Charles M., 409 N. Los Robles Ave 172,000 Slavin, Martha J., 774 N. Marengo Ave 285,200 Smith, Addie M., 1200 N. Wilson Ave 15,000 Smith, Amelia M., 619 Oakland Ave 17,000 Smith, Blanche W., 2023 La France Ave.. So. Pasadena. . . 33,800 Smith, Chas. Linden, 125 S. Orange Grove Ave 24,400 Smith, F. De Witt, 808 S. Madison Ave 20,000 Smith, J. Hoyt, 6 Westmoreland PI 40,600 Smith, Mary Bush, 1234 Hillcrest Ave 28,000 Smith, Wm. Henry, 1525 Columbia St., South Pasadena.... 46,000 Snider, Harrison M., 234 BeHefontaine St 40,000 Spencer, Anna M., 195 N. Greenwood Ave 11,400 Spencer, Minnie L., 1320 Bank St., South Pasadena 21,600 Staats, Wm. R., 55 N. Grand Ave 60,000 158 PASADENA—SOUTH PASADENA, CAL. Stair, Helen, 538 Catalina St $ 13.600 Stalker, James H., 844 E. Villa St 99,000 Stanley, Chas. C., 326 Congress St 22,000 Stanton, Wm., Box 580 282,600 Stearns, Henry A., 810 N. Los Robles Ave 16,600 Stevens, Hattie Brook, Oak Grove near Arden Rd 162,000 Stewart. Hugh F., 1210 Wilson Ave., South Pasadena.... 24,400 Stewart, Milton, 930 El Molino Ave 22,600 Stiles, Frank L., 206 Chamber of Commerce Bldg 119,400 Stimson, G. Lawrence, 207 Oakland Ave 15,300 Stimson, Geo. W., 431 Chamber of Commerce Bldg 279,200 Stimson, Grace W., 431 Chamber of Commerce Bldg 26,200 Stokes, Frank, 1605 Garfield Ave 42,000 Stokes, Nellie B., 1719 Wilson Ave., South Pasadena 22,200 Stone, Claude. R. D. No. 2, Box 230 20,000 Stone, Philip M., 1541 N. Raymond Ave.'. 61,000 Stone, Thomas, 121 S. Euclid Ave 22,600 Story, Grace B., 1145 Hillcrest Ave 50,000 Stott, Ethel D., 441 S. Catalina Ave 21,200 Stratton, I. Harris, 304 Oakland Ave 15,200 Stuart, Holloway I., 875 La Loma Rd 30,000 Sturdivant, Geo. W., 610 Woodland Rd 38,000 Swan, Frances B., 515 E. Colorado St 80,000 Sweet, Muriel W., 1030 San Pasqual Ave 10,400 Swigart, Jacob, R. D. No. 2, Box 324 29,000 Taber, Grace A., 1340 N. Raymond Ave 34,400 Talcott, Eleanor M., 315 S. Orange Grove Ave 24,000 Tanner, Chas. C., 144 W. Colorado St 79,800 Taylor. John F., 300 Bellefontaine St 22,800 Temple, Frank H., 634 E. California St 20,200 Thomas, Franklin. 685 S. El Molino Ave 14,000 Thomason, Jasepr, 366 B. Orange Grove Ave 21,200 Thomson, Anna K., 481 S. Orange Grove Ave 37,800 Thomson. Fannie M., 203 Columbia St 58,000 Thompson, Robert H. (Heirs), R. D. No. 1, Box 63 50,000 Thompson, Teodore C., 403 Catalina St 21,800 Ticer, Laura C., 701 Fair Oaks Ave., So. Pasadena 20,000 Tierney, John, 310 N. Pasadena Ave 39,000 Thomdike, Laurette, R. D. No. 1, Box 86 21,600 Thornton, Araminta, 1372 N. Los Robles Ave 10,600 Thullen, Joseph C., 412 Oak Lawn, South Pasadena 19,200 Thum, Ferdinand, 105 Columbia St 11,000 Thum, F. and W., 123 Columbia St 276,000 Thum, Wm., 123 Columbia St 14,800 Torrance, Jared S., 929 Buena Vista, South Pasadena 68,000 Trask, Gilbert F., 1510 Mission St., South Pasalena 14,600 PASADENA—SOUTH PASADENA, CAL. 159 Treat, Muto C., 98 N. El Molino Ave $ 30,000 Tuthill, Geo. B., 100 S. Chester St 13,600 Unruh, Joseph F., 341 S. Holliston Ave 22,400 Vavra, A. Stephen, R. D. No. 2, Box 126, Canada .Ave 91,400 Valentine, Carrie W., R. D. No. 1, Box 445 22,000 Van Patten, Florence D., 455 San Rafael 25,000 Veghte, Edwin, 1148 Constance Ave 116,000 Volkmar, Walter S., 450 Bradford St 94,000 Von Platen, Maurice, 1091 Oak Knoll Ave 19,000 Vroman, Inc., A. C., 60 E. Colorado St 48,000 Wadsworth, John, 437 S. Orange Ave 21,600 Wagner, Jacob Bernard, 1550 E. Villa St 29,000 Waldo, Flora A., 585 San Rafael 41,000 Walker, Arthur, 1421 Mission St., South Pasadena 10,600 Walkley, Caroline, 596 S. Pasadena Ave 50,000 Wallace, Frank S., 1267 S. El Molino Ave 36,000 Walter, Lillian I., 285 S. Los Robles Ave 27,000 Ward, Geo. E., 1711 S. Fair Oaks Ave., South Pasadena.... 20,000 Ward, Herbert and V. L., 203 St. Louis Blk 144,00'0 Ward, Wm. T., 1844 Monterey Rd., South Pasadena 17,200 Warner, Cecilia Webbe, 328 Bellefontaine St 20,000 Warren, Mary Knapp, 255 S. Hill Ave 19,200 Warwick, Florence T., 1697 San Rafael 14,600 Washburn, E. E., Mission St., South Pasadena 22,200 Waterman, Whitney, R. D. No. 1, Pasadena 22,000 Watson, Clara B., 282 S. Grand Ave 38,800 Wayland, John U., 171 S. Grand Ave 37,400 Webb, Harriet Ada, 1306 Wentworth Ave 74,600 Webb, Hanson H., 124 E. Colorado St 20,000 Webb, Washington P., 614 E. Colorado St 23,000 Weber, Geo. A., 1649 San Pasqual Ave 60,000 Webster, Caroline T., 139 N. El Molino Ave 27,200 West, Wm. Fitzherbert, 1344 Hillcrest Ave 26,400 Wheeler, Rachel A. S., 3 Westmoreland PI 35,600 White, Mabel A., 185 E. Mountain St 20,000 Whiteside, Walter H., 537 S. Orange Grove Ave 48,800 Wilcox, Herbert A., 1563 San Pasqual Ave 14,400 Wilcox, Jennie Hurlburtt, 956 S. Orange Grove Ave 190,000 Wildwood Ranch Co., 11 S. Marengo Ave 96,800 Wilkerson, Grace B., 625 Magnolia Ave 21,000 Williams, John, 755 N. Wilson Ave 11,400 Williams. Wm. J., 244 Madeline Dr 22,000 Wilshire, Mary 800 Elizabeth St 17,600 Wilson, John E., 285 S. Holliston Ave 12,600 Wilson, John M., 26 N. Chester St 10,000 Wilson, John P., 280 Arlington Dr 108,000 160 PASADENA—SOUTH PASADENA—LONG BEACH, CAL. Winship, Chas. A., 75 N. Orange Grove Ave $ 33,800 Witherell, Isabelle P., 307 S. Los Robles Ave 31,000 Wold, Stepben S,, 875 S. EI Molino Ave 50,000 Wotkyns, Walter L., 484 Bellefontaine St 20,000 Wotkyns, Wilbelmina E., 847 S. Grand Ave 21,000 Wright, Wilber L., 159 E. Holt St 68,000 Wrigley, Wm., Jr., 391 S. Orange Grove Ave 154,000 LONG BEACH Afano, Gabriel, 107 E. Seaside Ave $ 21,200 Ablswede, Herbert F., 142 E. Broadway 22,000 Aikins, David B., 1040 Gardenia Ave 35,000 Alexander, Scott A., Alexander Hotel 114,000 Atwood, John B., 415 Marine Bank 20,400 Baldwin, Jonathan, 337 Atlantic Ave 55,200 Barbour, Florence E., 669 E. Seaside Blvd 25,400 Barnes, Geo. N., 1512 E. Eighth St 38,000 Barnett, Job, 1003 American Ave 62,200 Barnett, John B., 34 First PI 18,000 Beck, Elizabeth S., 2414 E. First St 31,200 Belcher, Theresa, 433 E. Twentieth St 31,600 Bixby, Amelia M. E., 22 Pacific Ave 342,000 Bixby, Fred H., R. D. No. 1, Box 10 406,400 Bixby, Florence G., R. D. No. 1, Box 110 25,000 Bixby, Jothem W., 1800 E. Ocean Ave 75,400 Bixby, Llewellyn, 1465 E. Ocean Ave 52,000 Bixby, Margaret H., 1800 E. Ocean Ave 130,000 Bowman, Abe, 2126 E. Seventh St 42,000 Booth, Benjamin A., 52 Linden Ave 34,400 Booth, Chas. F., R. D. No. 1 33,200 Brown, Samuel, 1064 American Ave 58,600 Bruce, Edward S., 445 Daisy Ave 20,000 Bullard, John, 221 W. Third St 32,400 Bulen, David C., 925 Gladys Ave 21,600 Campbell, Geo. E., 131 W. First St 21,000 Campbell, Wm, L. (Estate), 131 W. First St 25,000 LONG BEACH, CAL. 161 Carl, Tobias, 128 W. Eighth St $ 94,600 Carter, Ruth, 304 Cedar Ave 20,800 Cederberg, Swan S., 1520 E. Second St 32,200 Chamberlin, Prank H., R. D. No. 1, Box 220 31,000 Cheroskee, Anton P., 1470 Pine Ave 26,000 Churchill, Herbert H., 353 Cedar Ave 20,000 Cleveland, Edgar H., 221 American Ave 34,400 Clock, Ralph H., 210 Marine Bank 36,000 Collins, Arthur B., 26 Pine Ave 27,200 Coltrin, Lillian, 2103 E. Third St 39,400 Cook, J. B., National Bank of Long Beach 70,600 Cook, Wm. M., National Bank of Long Beach 72,800 Cooper, Larkin Y., 503 E. Ocean Blvd 54,000 Cox, Ezekiel S., 425 E. Second St 29,200 Cox, James G., 535 E. Third St 39,400 Craig, James G., 905 Atlantic Ave 26,700 Craig, John, 2nd, Long Beach Shipbuilding Co 21,200 Craig, John P., Long Beach Shipbuilding Co 64,800 Cross, Prank P., 1034 Cedar Ave 28,800 Curtis, Charlotte, 115 E. Pifth St 30,800 Curtis, Lucy K., 2335 E. Ocean Ave 22,000 Davies, Hugh R., 247 E. Seaside Blvd 33,500 Davis, Benjamin P., 1049 E. Ocean Ave 42,800 Davis, Nellie M., 345 Atlantic Ave 20,000 Daugherty, Chas. J., 431 E. Seaside Blvd 44,400 DeCandres, Thos. L., 940 American Ave 21,200 Delaplain, Lewis O., 348 E. Pourth St 45,800 Denlinger, Reselle B., 615 B. Ocean Ave 26,000 Dennie, Pred L, 1354 E. Pirst St 49,800 Dickens, Ida E., 321 W. Seventh St 36,000 Dodsworth, Alwilda A., 451 W. Ocean Ave 20,600 Dolley, Leland P., 603 E. Sixth St 20,400 Donnell, The (Estate), 53 Linden Ave 46,800 Dostal, John P., 237 E. Ninth St 22,200 Draper, Simeon, 258 Orizaba St 20,000 Eastman, Edward A., 18 Pier PI 63,000 Eilers, Carl H., R. D. No. 2, Box 376 30,600 Ellis, J. Sidney, 2313 Carroll Park, W. Long Beach 32,400 Essley, Oliver P., 440 W. Sixth St 22,200 Parge, Prank L.. 2132 E. Second St 20,000 Perl, Alice B., 26 Kennebec St 21,000 Plagg, Edwin H., 1638 Long Beach Ave 23,200 Poster, Mary, 304 Cedar Ave 20,800 Gamble, Edward R., 27 S. Mira Mar St 80,000 Giles, Alanson, 945 Apple ton St ^ 30,000 Gillette, Edwin J., 127 Pine Ave 23,000 162 LONG BEACH, CAL. Glass, Geo. E., 1250 E. Sixth St $ 36,000 Goldsmith, Mary A., 144 Chestnut Ave 21,600 Green, Robert U., 459 W. Eighth St 27,400 Gridley, Emily B., 1155 B. Ocean Ave 63,000 Groat, Clarence E., 127 E. Ocean Ave 100,500 Grube, Aaron C., 417 E. Seaside Blvd 36,000 Gunby, Edward S., 1849 E. Second St 12,600 Hall, Ella W., 730 Locust Ave 20,600 Hancock, Winifred S., 25 S. Daisy Ave 28,000 Hansen, Renette, 1805 E. Ocean Ave 13,400 Hansen, Sarah H., 78 Atlantic Ave 20,800 Harriman, Helen M., 210 Marine Bank Bldg 79,400 Harriman, T. G., 210 Marine Bank Bldg 36,000 Hatfield, Eva A., 525 W. First St 46,000 Hausland, Mabel C., 330 Cedar Ave 28,800 Hayes, Emma C., 905 American Ave 28,800 Heagerty, Wm. B., 2405 E. Second St 43,400 Healey, Orlena M., 227 E. Ocean Ave 67,000 Heartwell, Chas L., P. O. Box 402 27,000 Heartwell, Vinnie El., P. O. Box 402 20,500 Heim, Louise A., 654 Cedar Ave 22,200 Hibbard, Ella A., 547 Elm Ave 20,200 Hoffman, Abel Pomeroy, 137 Cedar Ave 28,200 Hoffman, Florence L., 137 Cedar Ave 92,400 Holloway, Lou, 925 Elm Ave 44,000 Home, Walter J., 1027 American Ave 145,400 Houser, Margaret S., R. D. No. 1, Box 92 27,000 Howard, Ludisa E., 47 Chestnut Ave 22,400 Hubbard, Omar H., 1250 E. Ocean Ave 38,200 Irvine, Joseph C., 1059 Cedar Ave 25,600 James, Lee, 769 Rose Ave 36,600 Janvier, Luisa S., care of 340 Pine Ave 20,000 Jacques, Isabelle E., 403 W. Sixth St 20,400 John, Edwin M., 1020 E. Second St 66,000 Johnson, Harriet C. H., 323 Cedar Ave 56,400 Kennedy, Silas E., 644 Chestnut Ave 26,800 Kinzel, Henry 1043 Locust Ave 22,000 Lineberger Bros., Room 20, Lineberger Bldg 66,400 Loof, Chas. I. D. (Heirs), 300 Pike 49,200 Lounsberry, Charles, 1143 Locust Ave 26,600 Lovell, Fred and Robert T., 145 W. Fifth St 118,000 Lovell, Judson T., 243 Wisconsin Ave 41,600 Lowe, Herbert N., 238 Junipero St 26,000 Loynes, Richard (Heirs), 243 Chestnut Ave 29,200 Luck, August J., 812 Pine Ave 22,400 Luna, Adelaide O., 429 Linden Ave 41,000 LONG BEACH, CAL. 163 McConnell, John G., care of 654 S. Grand Ave $ 16,800 McCullough, Kate, 1063 American Ave 17,600 McCulloijgh, Wm., 1063 American Ave 58,800 McNeill, Fred, 564 Dayman St 13,600 Malone, Augustine C. (Jack Rabbit Racer and Flyer), 64,000 Maloney, James H., 11 Locust Ave 46,600 Martin, Robert D., 803 E. Eighth St 28,200 Martin, Robert H., 1021 Locust Ave 66,400 Massie, Lee J., 832 Linden Ave 50,800 Merriam, Mary R., P. O. Box 352 36,400 Merrill, Thos. R., Long Beach Shipbuilding Co 20,800 Merrill, Wm. E., 337 E. Fourth St 39,600 Merithew, Jennie M., 46 Chestnut Ave 61,200 Miller, Willard E., 24 Sixth PI 45,500 Mitchell, Geo. S., 419 Daisy Ave 26,000 Mitchell, Hattie H., R. D. No. 2, Box 348 10,600 Moore, Ransom M., 853 Linden Ave 39,600 Morse, Ronsome, M., 11 Locust Ave 46,600 Moulton, W. True, R. D. No. 2, Box 395 27,000 Mullaly, Chas. B., 802 E. Ocean Ave 92,000 Mulholland, J. G., 149 W. First St 54,600 Nedrow, Josiah L., 328 W. Broadway 20,000 Neet, Daniel W., 515 W. First St 40,000 Nielsen, Niels, 250 Pine Ave 41,800 Nelson, Zachariah T., R. D. No. 1, Box 328b 28,400 Newbury, Corles E., N. W. Cor. Ocean and Locust 37,000 Norby, Margaret, 832 Walnut Ave 11,400 Oakford, Richard S., 211 Pine Ave 20,400 0,lmstead, Irwin E., 2026 E. Second St 28,600 Parkinson, Obediah M., 1141 E. Eleventh St 27,000 Patrick Music Co., 333 Pine Ave 41,000 Peasley, Samuel C., 419 E. Fifth St 31,600 Percy, Lutina R. Booth, 427 American Ave 24,800 Peterson, Christian, 947 Cedar Ave 41,000 Pillsbury, Henry L., 73 Cedar Ave 35,600 Porterfield, Walter L., 141 E. Tenth St 164,200 Price, C. H., Hotel Schuyler 20,000 Pritchard, R. L., 465 Nebraska Ave 28,800 Ransom, Morris A., 761 Junipero Ave 43,000 Raymond, Lydia, 208 Marine Bank Bldg 24,000 Reynolds, Reuben, 1255 American Ave 29,600 Reynolds, Walter C., 828 American Ave 18,600 Riehl, Alpheus E., 503 Rose Ave ., 22,600 Riddick, James B., 343 E. First St 27,000 Roberts, Augustus, 257 Molino Ave 54,800 Robinson, Franklin W., 334 E. Ocean Ave 78,600 164 LONG BBACH, CAL. Savery, Mary M., 1212 E. Ocean Ave $ 76,000 Schaeffer, Elizabeth, 259 Maine Ave 24,200 Scheurer, Henry C., 432 American Ave 41,600 Schwartz, Ben, 112 Magnolia Ave 35,800 Scott, Helen Curtis, 2775 E. First St 44,200 Seay, Abraham J. (Heirs), care of 603 B. Eighth St 86,000 Seybert, Chas. W. (Heirs), 351 E. Sixth St 25,400 Shaw, Louise R., 669 Stanley Ave 57,600 Shriver, Clay, 1059 Atlantic Ave 104,000 Slocomb, Edwin P., 386 Molino Ave 21,800 Smith, Henry R., 939 Pacific Ave 37,400 Smith, Irene B., 223 E. Tenth St 20,000 Stanley, Charles H., 205 Chestnut Ave 72,000 Stevens, Ezra M., 808 Linden Ave 24,000 Stewart, Wm. Baldwin, 2233 E. First St 83,200 Terry, Roy A., 301 First National Bank 21,600 Tichenor, Adelaide, 852 E. Ocean Ave 58,000 Therleau, Joseph D., 145 E. Fourth St 26,000 Thompson, Isaac N., 527 E. First St 28,200 Tompkins, Jabez, 1051 Cedar Ave 36,000 Tucker, Ellen, 145 Locust Ave 20,600 Turner, Lyman, 1132 E. Third St 13,000 Upjohns, Wm. CI., 1735 E. Broadway 21,400 Voss, Adolph H., 2509 E. Fourth St 28,000 Walker, Wm., 1973 E. Ocean Ave 20,600 Walters, Guy O., 40 Magnolia Ave 33,400 Ward, Nelson W., 336 Pacific Ave 28,600 Ware, Henry B., 1043 Locust Ave 104,000 Welsh, Elizabeth C., 345 E. Ocean Ave 34,000 Wightman, Wm. C., R. D. No. 2, Box 14 35,200 Williams, Charlotte, 734 Pine Ave 14,000 Wilson, Edward, R. D. No. 2, Long Beach 31,200 Wilson, Robert L., 345 Chestnut Ave 31,000 Wilson, W. Patton, 1275 E. Ocean Ave 114,800 Wolff, Will J., 444 W. Third St 31,400 Wright, Ella S., 845 Lime Ave 13,000 Young, John, 1238 Cedar Ave 79,600 Zech, Matilda, 2135 E. Ocean Ave 24,400 MISCELLANEOUS Abbott, J. Rodney, R. D. 2, San Gabriel, Cal $ 15,400 Adams, Anne Z., R. D. 1, Box 82, El Monte, Gal 22,800 Adams, Guy, R. D. 2, Covina, Cal 20,400 Adams, John Q., R. D. San Antonio, Pomona, Cal 26,400 Adams, Wm. E., Deadwood, S. Dakota 29,000 Aerlck, John, Inglewood, Cal 25,800 Ainsworth, Harry B., care of U. S. Natl. Bank, Portland, Ore. 21,000 Albertson, Emery, 145 N. Painter St., Whittier, Cal 29,600 Allen, Wm. B., 506 S. Marguerita Ave., Alhambra, Cal 19,000 Allen, Edmund L., Ill Pier Ave., Ocean Park 96,000 Allen, Herbert B., Charter Oak, Cal 34,000 Alexander, John R., R. D. 1, San Gabriel, Cal.. ; 12,200 Allison, Chas. H., Box 188, Glendale, Cal 36,000 Alpaugh, Edwin K., R. D. 1, San Gabriel, Cal 48,000 Alvarado, Anna Grazide, R. D. 1, Box 171, Puente, Cal 30,600 Ames, Wiltcie B., San Dlmas, Cal 105,800 Amor, Fidele H., R. D. 1, Puente, Cal 85,200 Anderson, Margaret J., Beverly HiUs Hotel 312,000 Angus, Thomas A., R. D. 1, Box 2l3, El Monte, Cal 24,000 Annette, Floyd H., Lemon St., Whittier, Cal 25,400 Apple, Jefferson P., 300 N. Orange, Glendale, Cal 53,000 Arbuckle, Pearl P., 1010 Trolley Way, Venice, Cal 74,200 Armstrong, Le Roy, Altadena, Cal 33,200 Armstrong, Maude, 1305 Ocean Front, Venice, Cal 43,400 Arostegui, Gregorie, R. D. 8, Box 387, Alhambra, Cal 32,000 Asher, Hugh L., El Monte, Cal 23,200 Ayers, Vanee, Somis, Cal 34,000 Azusa Foothill Citrus Co., Azusa, Cal 335,200 Babbitt, David, Flagstaff, Ariz 378,000 Bacon, Edmund W., R. D. 1, Whittier, Cal 101,600 Bailey, Elmer E., 215 S. Wilson St., Alhambra, Cal 22,200 Bailey, Harlow W., R. F. D., San Dimas, Cal 47,600 Baird, Wm. N., Duarte, Cal 71,200 Baker, Vincent W., Claremont, Cal 38,000, Balaine, Mary, 4 Kensington Terr., Santa Monica, Cal 17,000* Balzhauser, Philip, 343 Eighth St., Pomona, Cal 11,200 Banta, Theadore P., El Centro, Cal 30,800 Baptisto, Anton, Somis, Cal 39,600 Barber, Geo. A .,Rivera, Cal 12,600 Barbour, Irene S., Box 522 Claremont, Cal 17,200 Barilane, Battista, R. D. 1, Box 69, Norwalk, Cal 36,000 166 MISCELLANEOUS Barker, Fred C., R. D. 1, El Monte, Gal $ 17,800 Barlow, Fannie, Rivera, Gal 32,800 Barlow, James, Rivera, Gal 24,800 Barnard, Katherine Clark, N. Vega St., Alhambra, Gal 30,400 Barnett, Anna A., 201 E. Santa Monica Blvd., Sherman, Gal. 10,400 Bartel, John H., First Natnonal Bank, Monrovia, Gal 36,600 Bartlett, Wm. H., Pomona, Gal 36,600 Bassett, Ghas. N., Santa Monica, Gal 276,000 Bassett, Marion L., 503 W. Hadley, Whittier, Gal 34,000 Baughman, Irvin W., Glaremont, Gal 50,000 Baumbach, Ludwig J., 222 S. Catalina, Redondo, Gal 92,000 Baxter, John A., 426 S. Myrtle Ave., Monrovia, Gal 23,400 Baynham, Katherine, Glaremont, Gal 29,600 Bean, Jacob (Heirs), 611 N. Granada, Alhambra, Gal 420,400 Beardsley, Isabella, Azusa, Gal 32,800 Bearce, Byron, A., 101 Eincher Ave., Stockton, Gal 70,000 Beattie, Robt. F., 1208 E. California St., Glendale, Gal 13,000 Beck, Chas. E., Gardena, Gal 11,600 Beck, Frank, R. D. 1, Box 105, Gompton, Gal 54,000 Beck, John, 256 S. Main, Pomona, Gal 22,600 Beckwith, Harry H., Glendora, Gal 36,000 Beem, Abner L., R. D. 1, Gardena, Gal 16,800 Beidler, George, 19 S. La Salle, Chicago, 111 30,000 Bellen, Alfred, Watts, Gal 24,600 Bell, Alphonse, Santa Fe Springs, Gal 24,800 Bell, Charlotte S., Glaremont, Gal 18,200 Bell, Colfax, La Verne, Gal 16,600 Belsley, Moses, Sán Dimas, Gal 18,200 Bender, John, N. Pacific, Glendora, Gal 31,600 Benedict, Pierce E., 1501 Benedict Canyon Dr., Beverly, Gal. 40,000 Bennett, Mel W., La Verne, Gal 22,200 Benson, Nils A., San Dimas, Gal 20,000 Berger, Alice, 2666 Sixth, Ocean Park, Gal 22,400 Berry, Clarence J., 2164 Hyde, San Francisco, Gal 67,600 Bichowsky, Ella M., 237 N. Holt, Pomona, Gal 33,000 Bickel, Jacob, R. D. 1, Whittier, Gal 35,000 Biescar, Geo. and Jos., 448 S. Marengo Ave., Alhambra, Gal.. 20,000 Biescar, Henry, La Grescenta, Gal 70,600 Biller, John G., Spadra, Gal 26,000 Bissell, Harvey J., La Grescenta, Gal 30,000 Blanchard, Sarah J., R. D. 1, Govina, Gal 21,800 Black, Elizabeth R., R. D., San Dimas, Gal 17,400 Blackwell, Ghas. E., La Verne, Gal 28,200 Blaney, Ghas. D., Saratoga, Gal 318,000 Blythe, Vernon, 305 N. Seventh St., Paducah, Ky 11,800 Boadway, Leslie A., San Dimas, Gal 122,000 MISCELLANEOUS 167 Boardman, Hamilton P., 227 Washington, Santa Monica, Cal.$ 10,200 Boehme, Geo. A., Santa Monica, Cal 50,000 Boehme, Nora A., 933 Ocean Ave., Santa Monica, Cal 21,000 Booher, Louise C., Marlanna, Fla 166,000 Borchard, Franz J., Oxnard, Cal 18,000 Boridi, Rosamond, 1431 Ocean Ave., Santa Monica, Cal.... 40,000 Bowles, Harriett, 1437 Ocean Ave., Santa Monica, Cal 13,400 Bowman, Wm. J., W. Alosta St., Gelndora, Cal 38,000 Bowrlng, Arthur, Charter Oak, Cal 31,400 Bowrlng, Wm., Charter Oak, Cal 77,000 Brand, L. C., Burbank, Cal 244,600 Branscom, Earl A., Norwalk, Cal 20,000 Brantly, Henry K., 4057 Palisades, Santa Monica, Cal 10,000 Braun, Henry, 800 S. Glendale Ave., Glendale, Cal 150,000 Briggs, Geo. N., Box 155, Venice, Cal 35,000 Bright, H. v.. La Verne, Cal 78,100 Brocrlck, Laura E., 715 Magnolia, Whlttler, Cal 43,000 Brooks, Chas., E. Central, Sierra Madre, Cal 21,200 Brooks, Ernest, Claremont, Cal 27,200 Brown, Adam, 527 Alta Ave., Santa Monica, Cal 15,200 Brown, Frank, 355 Twenty-second Ave., San Francisco, Cal.. 14,400 Brown, Geo. W., R. D. 1, Box 344, El Monte, Cal 24,000. Brown, Grant A., El Monte, Cal 24,000' Brown, Julius A., 305 Georgiana Ave., Santa Monica, Cal... 32,000 Brown, J. F., 1134 Main St., Riverside, Cal 15,600 Brubaker, Emma F., Azusa, Cal 21,600 Brunner, Louisa, 1621 W. Main St., Alhambra, Cal 35,000 Bryant, Solomon E., Covina, Cal 18,400 Bullock, Geo. M., Rivera, Cal 32,000 Bundy, Francis E., 1400 Second St., Santa Monica, Cal.... 66,000 Bundy, Geo. G., 302 Utah, Santa Monica, Cal 36,000 Bungay, Robert H., 115 Hill, Ocean Park, Cal 21,000 Burbank, Henry G., El Monte, Cal 22,000 Burch, Judson, Route A, Whlttler, Cal 25,800 Burdlck, Henry W., W. Alosta, Azusa, Cal 22,800 Burgess, Chas., R. D. 1, Box 104, Puenta, Cal 36,000 Burke, Frank, Downey, Cal 45,000 Burke, Osburn, Rivera, Cal 67,800 Burkhart, John F., 3403 Casitas, Troplco, Cal 30,000 Burrows, Saille W., Montebello, Cal 14,400 Burt, Grace R., 911 Canyon Dr., Beverly, Cal 39,000 Buttolph, Frank R., Duarte, Cal 21,800 Button. Wm. J., 207 W. Lexington Dr., Glendale, Cal 28,600 Byerly, Perry, Duarte, Cal 15,000 Coldwell, Benjamine F., San Dlmas, Cal 46,400 Callery, Hattle B., Charter Oak, Cal 58,000 168 MISCELLANEOUS Campbell, Josiab M., R. D. 1, Whittler, Cal $ 26,000 Campbell, Robt. B., Box 261, Ontario, Cal 27,600 Carpenter, E. E., Mizpah Hotel, Tonopah, Nev 23,400 Carroll, S. J., Garey Ave., Pomona, Cal 39,400 Carson, John M., R. D. 2, Glendora, Cal 63,000 Cassel, Edward T., San Dimas, Cal 22,000 Casteel, Sophia, Rivera, Cal 20,400 Caswell, Alfred M., 1358 Second, Santa Monica, Cal 16,000 Cate, D. Webster, Rivera, Cal 21,200 Cate, Harlan A., Rivera, Cal 34,000 Cathcart, Estate, R. D. San Antonio Ave., Pomona, Cal.... 40,000 Cavanah, James H., 103 Emerald, Redlands, Cal 36,400 Chaffey, Geo., 205 N. Greenleaf, Whittler, Cal 67,400 Chance, Frank L., S. Grand Ave., Glendora, Cal 66,200 Chapman, Grant, 416 W. Badillo, Covina, Cal 20,000 Chapman, Thomas B., Rivera, Cal 30,000 Chase, Henry W., Paloma Apts., Venice, Cal 122,000 Chase, John B., Bishop, Cal 18,400 Chauncey, Wm. J., Claremont, Cal 21,400 Cherry, Margaret E., 308 Fourth, Santa Monica, Cal 16,000 Chessman, Geo. H., Walnut, Cal 51,200 Childs, Harold L., 150 Marine, Ocean Park, Cal 20,400 Christen, Estelle Porter, 68 Post St., San Francisco, Cal... 140,000 Church, Arthur S., Duarte, Cal 32,000 Church, Frank K., R. D., Puente, Cal 20,000 Ciocca, Battista, El Monte, Cal 20,000 Clapp, Catherine Mills, 238 California Ave., Monrovia, Cal.. 61,400 Clapp, Mills B., Oak Glen, R. D., Yucaipa,, Cal 47,600 Clark, Frank B., Box 41, Hyde Park, Cal 20,000 Clark, Milton L., Duarte, Cal 20,800 Clark, C. Ralph, San Dimas, Cal 14,600 Clark, Theidire, 723 Ocean Front, Venice, Cal 32,000 Clarke, Chauncey D., Orange Rd., Rivera, Cal 42,000 Clarke, Marie R., Orange Rd.,-Rivera, Cal 20,600 Cleminson, Emma., El Monte, Cal 50,000 Cleland, Leafy A., 1920 E. Florence, Florence, Cal 38,000 Cline, Franklin J., Covina, Cal 20,000 Clopine, Wm. E.,' R. D., Covina, Cal 39,600 Cochems, Nicholas, Del Sur, Cal 52,000 Cody, Nelson L. A., La Grand, Cal 10,600 Coffman, Anna L., 443 N. Washington, Whittier, Cal 20,000 Coffman, Edgar R., Irwindale, Cal 23,600 Coffman, Edna E., 1714 Ocean Ave., Santa Monica, Cal 11,200 Cogswell, Prescott F., El Monte, Cal 60,000 Colborn, Isaac R., 231 N. Primrose Ave., Monrovia, Cal 20,000 Cole, Chas. E., R. D. 2, Whittier, Cal 47,000 MISCELLANEOUS 169 Cole, Joseph A., R. D. 2, Whittier, Cal $ 69,200 Collin, Helen M., Hotel Claremont, Berkeley, Cal 29,600 Collins, Herbert E., Covina, Cal 26,000 Coltrin, Ray, 16007 S. Figueroa, Gardena, Cal 10,200 Colver, Chas. P., R. D., Covina, Cal 16,400 Comstock, Andrew, R. D. 2, Box 40, Puenta, Cal 30,000 Conrad, Julius, Torance, Cal 100,400 Cook, Bernard, 334 S. Harvard, Glendale, Cal 12,000 Cooper, Larkin Y., 503 E. Ocean Blvd., Pomona, Cal 36,600 Corry, Chester E., La Verne, Cal 34,000 Coughran, Chas. W., San Gabriel, Cal 40,000 Coughran, Martha 1., R. D. 1, Box 468, San Gabriel, Cal 93,000 Crawford, Albert W., Globe, Ariz 26,400 Crawford, John E., North Pomona, Cal 85,000 Cree, Lewis E., R. D. 1, La Verne, Cai 19,200 Cromwell, Lizzie S., 1525 New Hampshire, Washington, D. C. 45,000 Cross, Geo. E., Puente, Cal 26,000 Cross, Josephine, Puente, Cai 50,400 Crook, John, 421 E. Philadelphia, Whittier, Cal 60,400 Crookshank, David C., 322 E. Holt Ave., Pomona, Cal 88,000 Cruz, Jesus, Compton, Cal 27,400 Cubbison, Sedalia, 1119 N. Main St., Santa Ana, Cal 14,000 Culbertson, Nora L., Kenilworth, Cook Co., Ill 40,200 Cullen, Mary A., Glendora, Cal 58,000 Currier, Alvin T., Walnut, aCl 270,000 Curtis, Anna H., 315 Santa Monica Blvd., Santa Monica, Cai. 62,000 Curtis, Ella Luella, 144 Ninth St., Oakland, Cal 10,400 Curtis, Etta Gillette, La Verne, Cal 24,000 Curtis, Millard F., Lamanda Park, Cal 10,300 Cashing, Margaret, R. D. 1, El Monte, Cal 94,000 Dactwiler, Kasper, R. D. 1, Compton, Cal 26,000 Daily, Thomas, Camarillo, Cal 46,000 Dancer, Robert B., R. D. 1, Puente, Cal 28,000 Davie, R. P., 224 San Vicente, Santa Monica, Cal 14,000 Dawson, Martha A., W. Alosta, Azusa, Cal 29,200 Dear, Helen 1., 114 N. Stoneman, Alhambra, Cal 125,000 Deaver, Thomas H., R. D. 2, Box 63a, Puente, Cal 20,000 Dennis, Wm. J., Azusa, Cal 27,200 Derick, John, Ingle wood. Cal 28,200 Derwin, May H., 380 Kenoak Dr., Pomona, Cal 24,400 Deutsch, Emile, 30 W. Laurel Ave., Sierra Madre 19,600 Devendorf, Fred C., Irwindale, Cal 41,800 Dibble, Wm., R. D., Covina, Cal 28,000 Dick, Frank, 2423 Sixth St., Santa Monica, Cal 116,00 Dickinson, Geo. B., 331 Palisades, Santa Monica, Cai 19,200 Didier, Alphonsine, Puente, Cal 174,000 170 MISCELLANEO US Didier, Louis, Puenle, Cal $ 40,000 Dillingham, Mona E., R. D. 1, San Gabriel, Cal 19,000 Dinsmoor, Adelbert O., R. D.l, El Monte, Cal 32,400 Dinsmore, Jos. H., Box 98, Inglewood, Cal 86,000 Dobbins, Kate W., Roses Rd., San Gabriel, Cal 57,800 Dodd, Wm. O., R. D. 1, Box 42, Puente, Cal 18,400 Dodge, Florence E., 837 Ocean Ave., Santa Monica, Cal 131,400 Dolz, Solomon, Compton, Cal 22,000 Donlon, Chas., Oxnard, Cal 15,600 Donohue, Daniel, Marine and Speedway, Ocean Park, Cal.... 22,000 Doughty, Mrs. P. E., W. Padillo St., Covina, Cal 40,000 Douglas, Joseph H., R. D. 1, San Gabriel 28,000 Downe, Emma Mary, Duarte, Cal 35,000 Dreher, Edward L., R. D. 1, Claremont, Cal 31,400 Drebdel, Joseph, R. D. 2, Covina, Cal 21,000 Drendel, Lawrence, Azusa, Cal 25,200 Duckels, Pidela W., 826 Second, Santa Monica, Cal 12,600 Dudley, Matilda B., 223 Idaho, Santa Monica, Cal 50,000 Dudley, Thos. H., 223 Idaho, Santa Monica, Cal 28,000 Dunn, James T., R. D. 1, Gardena, Cal 28,800 Dunn, Jennie, 1415 Fourth, Santa Monica, Cal 12,000 Dunn, Mary L., R. D. 1, Monrovia, Cal 26,000 Dunham, Henry A., R. D. 2, Whittier, Cal 48,000 Durfee, James D., El Monte, Cal 28,^00 Durfee, James R., El Monte, Cal. 60,000 Durrell, Moses T., Azusa, Cal 50,000 Duy, Fred A., 136 Wave Crest, Venice, Cal 10,000 Eaton, Alice S., 426 Palisades, Santa Monica, Cal 10,000 Earle, Chas. F., Acton, Cal 13,000 Edmondson, John, E. Easy St., Downey, Cal 21,000 Edmonston, Clarence L., Rivera, Cal 41,800 Edmunson, John A., R. D. 1, Puente, Cal 20,400 Edwards, Harry C., McCormick Bank Bldg., Salt Lake, Utah. 74,000 Edwards, E. E. (Heirs), Duarte, Cal 32,000 Eikenberry, Reuben A., R. D. 2, Covina, Cal 22,000 Elliott, Alex, El Monte, Cal 15,200 Elliott, Grace E., 209 E. Pedregosa St., Santa Barbara, Cal.. 12,000 Elliott, James R., R. D. 1, Covina, Cal 24,000 Elliott, Wm. (Heirs), El Monte, Cal 182,000 Ellison, Myrtle E„ 15 Paloma, Venice, Cal 79,200 Eseverri, Dolores, La Habra, Cal 42,600 Espolt, Wm. F., R. D. 1, Whittier, Cal 36,000 Evans, Arthur R., Covina, Cal 28,000 Evans, Herbert J., 234 N. Canyon Blvd., Monrovia, Cal 24,000 Evans, Samuel C., 675 Eighth St., Riverside, Cal 16,000 Evans, Sophia, R. D. 1, Box 14, Whittier, Cal 22,400 MISCELLANEOUS 171 Everett, Ira W., El Monte, Cal $ 12,000 Fach, Florence W., 606 San Vicente, Santa Monica, Cal 13,400 Fackler, Edward, 318 E. Eleventh, Pomona, Cal 20,000 Fackler, Walter C., 318 E. Eleventh, Pomona, Cal 30,000 Fargo, Olive A., 321 N. Mission Dr., San Gabriel, Cal 170,000 Farmer, Edward J., 25 N. Granda, Alhambra, Gal 24,000 Fast, Salathial, 208 Anacapa St., Santa aBrbara, Cal 54,000 Feckler, John J., 444 Tenth, Santa Monica, Cal 19,000 Feddersohn, Peter, Puente, Cal 47,000 Feil, Anna C., 918 Fourth, Santa Monica, Cal 16,600 Fender, John A., First and Garey St., Pomona, Gal 40.000 Ferrero, Joseph, Puente, Cal 84,000 Ferry, Wm., San Dimas, Cal 23,200 Fickewirth, Caroline, R. D. 1, Puente, Cal 164,600 Fields, Will G., San Dimas, Cal 13,800 Fiesel, C. Fred, R. D. 2, Gardena, Cal 20,000 Figueroa, Mary V., 820 S. Verdugo, Glendale, Cal 25,200 Firey, Frank A., 566 N. Gordon, Pomona, Cal 46,00(1 Fitkin, Wm. L., San Dimas, Cal 14,600 Fitzgerald, Emily M., R. D. 1, Whittier, Cal 82,200 Fleming, Margaret, 295 N. Garey, Pomona, Cal 56,uu0 Fleming, Mary L., Geneva, N. Y 85,200 Fleming, Samuel W., San Dimas, Gal 13,800 Flick, Jesie I., Covina, Cal 27,200 Flint, Ruth Grant, Flintridge, Gal 110,000 Flood, Mae, Compton, Cal 28,000 Flower, Jacob, Box 203, Glendale, Cal 35,200 Flynn, W. Earl, R. D. 1, Monrovia, Cal 22,000 Focht, Geo. S., 620 Sav. Bk. Bldg., Cedar Rapids, Iowa.... 10,800 Fones, James R., 144 Pier Ave., Ocean Park, Cal 14,000 Forbes, John J., 276 E. Grand View, Sierra Madre, Cal 23,000 Ford, Frank W., 418 Kenoak, Pomona, Cal 26,000 Fowler, Hardiman D., Duarte, Cal 49,000 Fowler, Joseph, Duarte, Cal 20,000 Fowler, Robert A., 451 W. Central Ave., Sierra Madre, Cal.. 18,200 Fox, Geo. W., R. D. 1, Box 75, Covina, Cal 40,400 Fox, Marion, R. D. 1, Claremont, Cal 20,000 Fox, Samuel I., Lion Clothing Co., San Diego, Cal 16,800 Fox, Wm. A., 250 Columbia Ave., Pomona, Cal 25,000 Francis, Henry H., R. D. 1, Whittier, Cal 20,400 Franklin, J. H. R., 1642 Ocean Ave., Santa Monica, Cal.... 15,600 Franz, Ernest H., Box 42, Lamanda Park, Cal 23,200 Frazier, Frank G., Baldwin Park, Cal 30,000 Freer, Jackson, El Monte, Cal 41,000 French, Eva. J., 10 Oak Grove Ave., San Marino, Gal 23,600 Frost, Edgar A., R. D. A, Box 221, Burbank, Cal 20,000 172 MISCELLANEOUS Fryer, James M., Spadra, Gal $ 70,000 Fryer, Sarah R., Spadra, Gal 30,000 Fuhr, Geo. W., Azusa, Gal 24,000 Fulcher, James, 2630 Washington Blvd., Ocean Park, Gal.... 12,000 Faster, Joseph, Route A, Box 218, Burbank, Gal 26,000 Gage, Herbert R., Topanga, Gal 65,200 Gal, Giovanni, 514 Palisades Ave., Santa Monica, Gai 16,000 Gamberi, Erminio, 1553 Second, Santa Monica, aCl 14,000 Gard, Emerson E., S. Grand, Glendora, Gai 32,600 Gardiner, John P., 1537 Ocean Ave., Santa Monica, Gai 38,000 Garlock, Wesley J., Glaremont, Gal 24,800 Garner, Wm. O., 450 S. Kenoak, Pomona, Gal 21,600 Gamier, Constance A., R. D. 1, Box 121a, Puente, Gal 110,000 Gartz, Adolph F., Altadena, Gal 66,400 Garvie, Alice P. (Heirs), Box 443, Alhambra, Gal 28,000 Gaul, Fred B., San Dimas, Gal 28,800 Gautier, Madeline H., Vernon, Gal 44,800 Gaylord, Mary L., Manhattan Beach, Gal 72,000 Geier, Frank A., R. D. 1, Monrovia, (íai 28,000 Geisler, Robert, R. D. 1, Redondo, Gal 19,200 Genrich, Fred E., 320 Randolph St., Pomona, Gal 35,400 George, Ghas. E., San Dimas, Gal 15,000 George, Robert W., Whittier, Gal 307,400 Gerard, Minta I., 2667 Ocean Front, Ocean Park, Gal 23,000 Gilbert, John M., 717 S. Shamrock, Monrovia, Gal 11,000 Gllman, Herbert S., San Dimas, Gal 19,600 Gilpatrick, Ralph W., San Dimas, Gal 19,200 Gish, John H., R. D. 1, San Gabriel, Gal 14,600 Glazier, Newton, Norwalk, Gal 20,200 Glenn, Thiska L., Puente, Gal 29,400 Glennan, Mary Mclntish, R. D. 1, Box 2, Govina, Gal 42,000 Glenney, Thomas, Duarte, Gal 26,400 Goetz, Henry, R. D. 1, Box 122, San Gabriel, Gal 22,000 Gooch, Thos. L., Rivera, Gal 69,600 Goodfellow, Wm. I., R. F. D., Govina, Gal 17,000 Gordon, Ghas., S. Grand Ave., Glendora, Gal 30,700 Gordon, G. B., Glendora, Gal 30,700 Gordon, Hugh T., Glendora, Gal 42,600 Gorham, Harry M., Santa Monica, Gal 149,000 Gosnell, Ethel, Third and Garey, Pomona, Gal 66,000 Goodge, Herbert J., 333 N. Vega, Alhambra, Gal 20,000 Grace, Walter, Rivera, Gal 25,400 Gradvvell, Frances, 1510 Lexington Rd., Beverly, Gal 44,800 Graham. Oscar H., 817 W. 157, Gardena, Gal 10,000 Granger, Joseph, Merchants Natl. Bank, San Diego, Gal... 112,000 Granger, Ralph, Merchants Natl. Bank, San Diego, Gal.... 64,000 MISCELLANEOUS 173 Graves, Alice H., 320 Huntington Dr., Alhambra, Gal $549,400 Graves, Jackson A., 320 Huntington Dr., Alhambra, Cal 200,600 Gray, Harry, Oak Grove Ave., San Marino, Cal 60,000 Gray, May Martin, 142 Seventh St., Beaumont, Cal 20,800 Gray, W. W., Bvansville, Ind 30,000 Grazide, Frank A., Puente, Cal 40,000 Grazide, Isabel, Puente, Cal 94,000 Grazide, John B., Puente, Cal 22,000 Gregg, Augustus H., Whittier, Cal 27,200 Gregg, Ida M., San Dimas, Cal 29,000 Green, Burton E., 1601 Lexington, Beverly, Cal 198,000 Green, Thomas J., Walnut, Cal 20,000 Greever, Vincent M., Azusa, Cal 30,000 Grettenberg, Sylvester E., Redlands, Cal 63,800 Griffith, A. P. (Heirs), care of E. B. Griffith, Azusa, Cal 116,000 Griffith ,Elbert B., Azusa, Cal 27,000 Griset, John D., R. D. 2, Box 181, Covina, Cal 16,000 Guess, John, R. D. 1, Box 77, El Monte, Cal 18,000 Gulley, James M., 205 Santa Monica Blvd., Sherman, Cal.... 12,000 Gustin, Kate W., 508 Strand, Venice, Cal 10,000 Haas, Lena and Walter F., 400 N. Granada, Alhambra, Col.. 52,400 Hadley, E. W., 2438 Filbert, San Francisco, Cal 17,600 Haines, Chas. J., Box 31, Santa Monica, Cal 41,400 Hall, Clara L., 129 S. Catalina, Redondo, Cal 93,800 Hall, F. W., Lompoc, Cal 12,600 Hall, Wm. G., Glendora, Cal 71,800 Haneman, Theodore H., 640 Strand, Hermosa Beach, Cal.... 25,200 Hanes, Wm. F., Azusa, Cal 22,400 Harah, Amanda F., 3815 Ocean Front, Venice, Cal 54,600 Haris, Henry J., R. D. 1, Gardena, Cal 23,000 Harris, Mary Martin, R. D. Box 86, Puenta, Cal 10,600 Hart, Corine W., Lamanda Park, Cal 141,000 Hart, Elmer W., San Dimas, Cal 31,200 Hart, Wm. E., R. D. 1, Puente, Cal 19,400 Harvey, Harriet, R. D. 1, Santa Barbara, Cal 132,200 Harwood, Frank H., San Dimas, Cal 82,000 Hastings, Chas. H., P. O. Box 128, Sierra Madre, Cal 646,000 Haueter, Edwin O., R. D. 1, Whittier, Cal 20,400 Hawk, Oliver B., 665 N. Main ,Pomona, Cal 28,000 Hawkins, Alphonso B., 711 E. Colorado, Glendale 11,400 Hawkins, Lee B., Moneta, Cal 16,000 Hawkins, T. W., Hollister, Cal 20,600 Hawks, Emma L., San Dimas, Cal 46,000 Hay, Wm., R. F. D. Covina, Cal 15,200 Hayes, John (Heirs), care of E. A. Hayes, El Monte, Cal.... 77,880 Hazzard, Geo. L., Box 128, Whittier, (3al 20,600 174 MISCELLANEOUS Hegardt, Robert B., Downey, Gal $ 23,800 Heide, Henry, 522 E. Cypress Ave., Glendale, Cal 41,800 Henderson, Alice, 204 W. White Oak Ave., Monrovia, Cai.... 40,000 Henderson, M. L., 517 E. Boulevard, Santa Barbara, Cal 37,600 Hendricks, Wm. C., Azusa, Cal 35,61)0 Herbert, Fernando Co., El Monte, Cal 29,000 Heth, Thomas F., Azusa, Cal 26,400 Hevron, Wm. H., Avalon, Catalina Island, Cal 21,200 Hickson, Mary A., 629 E. Hill Ave., Eagle Rock, Cal 22,000 Hirshfeld, Marcus, Ei Monte, Cal 23,000 Hoag, Harriett K., Hotel 5, East Salt Lake City, Utah 23,000 Hodges, Walter L., Ocean View & Shamrock, Monrovia, Cal. 31,200 Hoffman, Edward A., Sierra Madre, Cal 126,600 Holabird, Wm. H., 273 Sturtevant Trail, Sierra Madre, Cal... 49,600 Holladay, Caroline Huntington, San Marino, Cal 55,200 Holm, Adolph, 4077 W. Twenty-third, Venice, Cal 33,000 Holmes, Bernese G., Redlands, Cal 12,400 Holmes, Gustavus S., 1007 Ocean Ave., Santa Monica, Cai.... 18,600 Holsinger, David P., S. Grand, Glendora, Cal 20,000 Hommell, Wm. Y., Glendora, Cal 20,000 Hook, Mary B., 228 Granger Blk., San Diego, Cal 271,600 Hoover, Martin A., 415 Palisades Ave., Santa Monica, Cal. . . 29,400 Houghton, Lake W., Rivera, Cal 40,000 Houghton, Wm. L., Norwaik, Cal 30,800 Houser, Frederick W., 19 W. Pine, Alhambra, Cal 344,000 Heuser, Harvey M., Covina, Cal 62,000 Houser, Irvin D., Covina, Cal 32,000 Houser, John O., Covina, Cal 60,000 'Houser, Sarah Wilde, 19 W. Pine Ave., Alhambra, Cal 14,000 Howard, Horace E , San Dimas, Cal 19,000 Howell, Alfred B., R. F. D., Covina, Cal 20,000 Howell, Wm. H., Box 26, Walnut, Cal 33,000 Howland, Grace E. 1., Inglewood, Cal 534,000 Hubbard, A. G., Box 86, Redlands, Cal 28,000 Hudson, .1. Whitcomb, R. D. 2, Puenta, Cal 100,000 Hudson, V. Lillian, R. D. 2, Puenta, Cai 158,000 Huff, Chas. S., 1609 S. Second, Alhambra, Cal.... 26,000 Hufford, Willis S., 222 W. Second, Pomona, Cal 26,600 Hulbert, Chas. S. 129 Ida, Santa Monica, Cal 88,000 Hull, Mary R. D. 5, Box 648, Glendale, Cal 31,000 Hume, Wm., 2657 Lincoln Blvd., Venice, Cal 41,200 Hummel, Philip J., R. D. 1, Box 99, Covina, Cai 66,000 Humphrey, Emily A., R. D. 1, Santa Barbara, Cal 76,600 Hurst, Chas. J., Route A, Covina, Cal 40,000 Hurwitz, Morris, Charter Oak, Cal 19,200 Hutchins, Leroy B., R. D. 2, Whittier, Cal. 17,000 MISCELLAXEOT^S 175 Hutchinson, Manuel B , 324 Park, Whlttier, Cal $ 26,000 Hutton, Geo. H., 927 Second, Santa Monica, Gal 25,600 Hynes, Mary Josie, 1419 W. Main, Alhambra, Gal 27,400 Ingram, Arthur B., Azusa, Gal 18,800 Isliff, Geo. P., Route A, Whlttier, Gal 24,000 Jackins, Minnie Hance, 2101 Ocean Ave., Ocean Park, Gal... 10,200 Jackson, Arthur E., 1404 Third, Santa Monica, Gal 21,000 Jackson, Curtis, 556 County Rd., Whittier, Gal 20,200 Jackson. Robert, 1141 Second, Santa Monica, Gal 30,600 Jacob, Anna Seymour, 122 S. Greenleaf, Whittier, Gal 23,600 Jamieson, Maude MacDonald, Palm Dr., Glendora, Gal 48,000 Janzen. Albert L., 206 S. Freeman, Inglewood. Gal 28,000 Jarchaw. Joacbin H. P., 116 Mission Dr.. San Gabriel, Gal. . . 33.000 Jeffries, Preda, Route A, Burbank, Gal 60,000 Jeffries, James J., Route A, Box 209, Burbank, Gal 23,200 Jenison, Roy L., Downey, Gal 109,600 Jerome, Ada B., X. Crawford St., Downey, Gal 12,600 Jewett, Orrin S., La Verne, Gal 33,200 Johannsen, Franklin G., R. 1, Monrovia, Gai 16.800 Johnson, Arthur, Sr., 180 N. Canyon Ave., Sierra, Madre, Gal. 24,000 Johnson, Bertha W., R. D. 1, Box 243, Ontario, Gai 25,000 Johnson. G. W., Glaremont, Gai 80,000 Johnson, Genevieve Joyce, Beverly, Gai 250,600 Johnson, Parker T., R. D. 8, Mt. Vernon, Ohio 12,400 Johnson, Paul P., Altadena, Gai 76,400 Johnson, Wm. H., San Dimas, Gai 17,000 Johnston, Julia M., 809 Guendolyn Dr., Beverly Hills. Gai. .. 14,400 Johnston, Wm. A., San Dimas, Cal 75,000 Jones, Geo. M., 137 Marine, Ocean Park, Gal 388,600 Jones, Roy, Box 598, Santa Monica, Gal 122.800 Jones, Wm. A., Azusa, Gal 42,000 Jones, Wm. G., Paloma and Ocean Front, Venice, Gal 30,400 Jones, Willis S., R. D. 6, Glaremont, Gal 52,800 Jordon, Harley M., R. D. 1, Whittier, Gal 24,400 Joyce, Lucy G., Eiden Way, Beverly, Gal 42,000 Judson, Marie L., 27 Ocean Spray, Venice, Gal 12,400 Kane, Fannie W., Box 145, Arcadia, Gal 33,000 Kast, Mary, care of Wm. C. Kast, R. D. 2. Gardena, Gal 27,800 Keeney, James A., Irwindale, Gal 23,600 Keiser, Ghas. L., Whittier, Gal 18,000 Kelly, Mabel, Wildomar, Riverside, Gal 55,600 Kelly, Mike, 3007 Ocean Front, Ocean Park, Gal 52,000 Kenaston, Burt, 123 Georgiana, Santa Monica, Gal 11,400 Kendall, H. M., 205 Ocean Front, Venice, Gal 20,800 Kendis, A. P., 139 Hill St., Ocean Park, Gal 19,600 Kerckhoff, Anton P., Govina, Gal 56,000 176 MISCELLANEOUS Kersting, Chas. S., 523 Ocean Front, Venice, Cai .$ 46,000 Ketchum, Wm. N., 153 San Vicente, Santa Monica, Cal 12,800 Kessler, Ameha, H., 1215 Ocean Front, Venice, Cal 20,000 Keys, Clinton W., El Monte, Cal 30,000 Kid well, Amanda A., E. Sierra Madre, Glendora, Cal 32,200 Killian, Jonas S., El Monte, Cal 180,000 King, Anna, 120 N. Friends, Whittier, Cal 27,040 King, Chas, H., Riverton, Wyo 27,400 King, Geo., R. D. 2, Covina, Cal 18,000 King, John M. (Heirs), R. D. 2, Whittier, Cal 20,200 Kinney, Annie, 123 N. Elk Ave., Glendale, Cal 22,000 Kirk, Laura H., Sunset Blvd., Beverly, Cal 24,800 Kirtland, F. Alherta, Covina, Cal 28,000 Klingerman, Chas., El Monte, Cal 30,000 Knapp, Edward A., Route A, Burbank, Cal 24,000 Knowlton, Willis T., 1017 N. Michigan, Saginaw, Mich 36,000 Kolkhorst, Henry C., 309 S. Hidalgo St., Alhambra, Cal 25,800 Kruse, Marguerita, 305 Venice Canal, Venice, Cal 28,000 Kryder, Alice C. A., La Verne, Cal 18,200 Kyte, Mary M. G., 1003 Ocean Ave., Santa Monica, Cal 131,400 Laage, Henry Geo., 68 E. Mira Monte, Sierra Madre, Cal 20,000 La Fetra, Emma R., N. Ben Lomond, Glendora, Cal 28,200 La Fetra, Stella B., N. Ben Lomond, Glendora, Cal 34,000 La Fetra, Wilbur W., 148 Cottage St., Lockport, N. Y 25,400 Laidlaw, Robert J., R. D. 1, Box 755, San Gabriel, Cal 30,000 Lambert, Reece S., R. D. 1, Whittier, Cal 23,200 Lancaster, Jennie, Duarte, Cal 23,000 Landreth, Lewis, 147 S. Washington, Whittier, Cal 37,600 Lang, Edith, R. D. 2, Box 58, Covina, Cal 34,600 Lane, Geo. F., 303 S. Garfleld, Alhambra, Cal 24,000 Larmer, Jerome W., R. D. 2, Covina, Cal 23,400 Laurendean, Simeon, 401 Marguerita, Santa Monica, Cal.... 11,200 Law, Silas O., 141 Kinney St., Ocean Park Cal 29,200 Lawrence, Edgar A., 675 N. Gordon, Pomona, Cal 28,400 Lawrence^ Elmer W., R. D. 2, Puente, Cal 27,000 Lawrence, Wm., Duarte, Cal 24,000 Lawson, (leo. C., R. D., Box 173, Puente, Cal 20,400 Layman, Fred, Rivera, Cal 20,200 Leach, Agnes Randall, 202 Hollo way Dr., Sherman, Cal 40,600 Lee, Alonzo, W., Box 4, Walnut, Cal 34,000 Le Fevre, Bessie B., 802 Seventh, Santa Monica, Cal 18,600 Leffingwell, Anna Gr., Calabasas, Cal 28,000 Lehmer, Fred C., 242 W. Central Ave., Sierra Madre, Cal... 12,600 Leopold, Ephraim, Rivera, Cal 24,200 Letchworth, Pierre E., Covina, Cal 20,000 Letteau, Geo. H., 609 W. Central Ave., Sierra Madre, Cal... 34,800 MISCELLANEOUS 177 Lewis, Frederick E., Spadra, Gal $120,000 Lewis, Frederick E., 2nd, Spadra, Gal 280,000 Lewis, Olof, Littlerock, Gal 12,400 Lewis, Ralph W., La Verne, Gal 88,000 Lewis, Robert A., Las Verne, Gal 22,600 Levy, Leon, Santa Barbara, Gal 37,000 Lick, Gbas. J., 143 Dwigbt Ave., Ocean Park, Gal 171,000 Lifur, Martin, Sierra Park, Gal 54,000 Lillie, Anna M., 1821 S. Gardena, Glendale, Gal 26,000 Lindley, Kate G., 249% N. Greenleaf, Wbittier, Gal 12,200 Lindsley, Fred W., 1021 Fifth, Santa Monica, Gal 10,600 Litchfield, Ghas. A., 227 N. Glendale, Glendale, Gal — 30,000 Lodge, James E., Gompton, Gal 46,800 Lombard, Harry, Beverly Hills Hotel, Beverly, Gal 90,800 Lombard, H. D., Beverly Hills, Gal 24,000 Long, R. A., 821 R. A. Long Bldg., Kansas Gity, Mo 55,600 Locher, John Jacob, Baldwin Park, Gal 24,000 Loose, Maximus E., care of H. H. Loose, Glendora, Gal 31,600 Lorbeer, James B., 2661 Main St., Ocean Park, Gal 66,000 Lovin, Henry, Kingman, Ariz 24,400 Low, Ghas. H., Riverside, Gal 121,200 Lùkens, Jesse P., 103 N. Verdugo, Glendale, Gal 21,400 McBurney, Benpamin A., Pomona, Gal 25,000 McGall, Thomas, 904 Second, Santa Monica 20,200 McGlain, Nathaniel, 1321 E. Colorado, Glendale, Gal 44,400 McGleod, Rory, 833 Ocean Ave., Santa Monica, Gal 13,400 McGlintock, Andrew E., El Monte, Gal 20,200 McGlintock, John M., Altadena, Cal 32,400 McGlintock, Wm. O., Walnut, Gal 48,000 McGormick, Adelaide G., 406 Adelaide, Santa Monica, Gal... 26,000 McGurdy, Birch H., La Verne, Gal 20,000 McDonald, Alexander S., San Dimas, Gal 21,000 McDonald, Lillian H., 509 S. Fourth, Alhambra, Gal 40,000 McGee, J. Arthur, Box 265, Wbittier, Gal 25,000 McGee, James, 138 S. Bright, Wbittier, Gal 55,200 McGowan, James E., Pomona, Gal 21,200 McGregor, Alex R., Rivera, Gal 21,000 McHann, E. H., San Dimas, Gal 20,200 Mclnerny, Kate J., 3005 Washington Blvd., Ocean Park, Gal. 38,800 McJohnston, Robert P., Beverly, Gal 31,200 McKay, Sherman, N. San Antonio Ave., Pomona, Gal 20,000 McKinnie, Richard L., San Dimas, Gal 13,000 McLaughlin, Ellen A., Gopio Ranch, San Bernardino, Gal... 17,200 McLeod, John D., R. D. 2, San Gabriel, Gal 40,000 McNally, Andrew (Heirs), Altadena, Gal 862,400 McNally, Delia, Altadena, Gal 67,800 178 MISCELLANEOUS McNally, Wallace H., R. D. 1, Huntington Beach, Cal $ 10,000 McNees, Ralph, R. D. 2, Whlttier, Cal 35,600 MacNeil, Louise S., Azusa, Cal 73,200 McSweeny, Eugene D., R. D. 1, Box 77, El Monte, Cal 18,400 Machado, Cristobal S., Box 65, Culver City, Cal 17,000 Macomber, Gladys L., Santa Monica, Cal 12,400 Macready, Mattie D. L., Searchlight, Nev 13,000 Macy, Prank C., Puente, Cal 23,000 Maechlen, Jacob, Covina, Cal 41,000 Maddock, Agnes M., Duarte, Cal 62,800 Maginnis, Earl A., 910 Strand, Hermosa Beach, Cal 36,000 Magrew, Mathew J., 118 Thirty-first St., Hermosa Bch., Cal. 16,800 Markey, Peter, 1021 Broadway, Eagle Rock, Cal 16,400 Marlenee, Chas. S., 301 S. Central, Glendale, Cal 10,000 Marshall, Andrew B., R. D. 1, Box 789, San Gabriel, Cal.... 25,000 Marshall, Olive E., 204 W. White Oak Ave., Monrovia, Cal.. 40,000 Marshall, Wm. P., 204 W. White Oak Ave., Monrovia, Cal.. 56,000 Martin, Eimer B., Downey, Cal 42,000 Martin, Prank, R. D. 1, Whittier, Cai 117,400 Martin, Gaylord J., Manhattan Beach, Cal 40,800 Mathews, Lee R., 336 S. Thomas St., Pomona, Cal 53,200 Mathiessen, P. W., Triumfo, Cal 44,000 Mattinson, Minnie B., 914 Crescent Dr., Beverly, Cal 24,600 Maurer, Philip H., R. D. 1, Box 64, Covina, Cal 20,400 Maxfield, Emma R., Box 73, Covina, Cal 24,000 Maxon, Geo. W., 44 Breeze Ave., Venice, Cal 159,400 Maxson, Benjamin P., R. D. 2, Covina, Cal 30,200 Mayberry, Inez M., R. D. 1, Whittier, Cal 108,000 Mayo, Teresa A., 64 Edgecliffe, Ter., Park Hill, Yonkers, N. Y 12,400 Mayo, Thomas C., R. D. 1, Box 17, Compton, Cal 19,200 Mayo, Wm. R., Compton, Cal 16,600 Mazet, Casimir, El Monte, Cal 17,000 Mehrlnge, John G., 435 Palisades Ave., Santa Monica, Cal... 21,200 Melczer, Joseph, 630 X. Glendale ,Glendale, Cal 69,800 Melton, Oliver C., Windward and Trolley, Venice, Cal 60,000 Mendenhall, Samuel R., R. D. 1, Whittier, Cal 23,400 Menefee, Chas., Covina, Cal 22,600 Mennell, Edwin R., R. D., Whittier, Cal 33,200 Meredith, Louis C., La Verne, Cal î 20,000 Merriam, P. C. and H. R., 2302 S. Garfield, Monterey, Cal... 40,000 Merritt, Hulett C., Jr., Box D, Tulare, Cal 20,200 Mertens, Geo. P., R. D. 2, Inglewood, Cla 30,800 Mertens, Jacob, Inglewood, Cal 26,600 Mertens, Michael J., R. D. 2, Inglewood, Cal 28,400 Metcalf, Elizabeth, 26 Ozone Ave., Venice, Cal 30,600 MISCELLANEOUS 179 Meyer, Victoria M., R. D. 1, Norwalk, Cal 109,000 Michael, Sarah (Heirs), Pomona, Cal 50,000 Michael, Herman, 312 Rose Ave., Venice, Cal 162,000 Middleton, Robert H., Charter Oak, Cal 15,000 Miles, Idella M., Livingston, Mont 10,200 Miles, J. E., 315 Santa Monica Blvd., Santa Monica, Cal... 18,000 Millard, Jay B., 802 Crescent Dr., Beverly, Cal 16,800 Miller, Frank E., San Dimas, Cal 14,400 Miller, Henry A., W. Puenta St., Covina, Cal 38,000 Miller, Hubert M., 206 Sta. Monica Blvd., Santa Monica, Cal. 26,000 Miller, Merrit, H., La Verne, Cal 103,600 Mills, Francis E., El Monte, Cal 24,000 Mindrup, Katie, R. D. 2, Compton, Cal 20,000 Mirande, Sarah, 255 San Bernardino Ave., Pomona, Cal... 28,000 Mitchell, John C., R. D. l,Whittier, Cal 31,000 Mitchell, Maggie, 22 Navy Ave., Ocean Park, Cal 12,000 Mitchell, Pearl B., 10 Kensington Terr., Santa Monica, Cal. 32,000 Mixsell, Raymond, 45 Oak Grove, San Marino, Cal 40,000 Montgomery, Albert M., 1408 Third, Santa Monica, Cal.... 36,000 Montgomery, Edward W., San Dimas, Cal 90,000 Montgomery, James A., Rivera, Cal 24,600 Moore, Cleves M., 126 N. El Molino, Alhambra, Cal 22,600 Moore, Stephen P., Azusa, Cal 24,600 Morgan, Augustus, T., Box 27, Butte, Mont 16,600 Morgan, Virgil K., El Monte, Cal 21,600 Morrison, Alexander J., San Dimas, Cal 23,600 Morrison, Alonzo T., Calabasas, Cal 26,000 Morrison, John W., Calabasas, Cal 24,000 Morrison, John W., San Dimas, Cal 20,000 Morrison, Lorenzo L., Compton, Cal 20,800 Morrison, Mayme E., San Dimas, Cal 16,600 Morton, Caroline F., P. O. Box 194, Sierra Madre, Cal 25,200 Morton, John J., Compton, Cal 74,800 Morse, Minnie E., Compton, Cal 20,400 Moulton, Eder H., San Marino, Cal 74,800 Mount, Wm. E., San Dimas, Cal 19,200 Moynier, Emile, 2216 Sixth St., Ocean Park, Cal 10,800 Muchlenberger, Leo J., 817 Ocean Ave., Santa Monica, Cal. 19,800 Mueller Valentine (Heirs), Box 174, Altadena, Cal 68,400 Mullender, Richard D., Puenta, Cal 24,000 Mulock, Dan, 805 Roses Rd., San Gabriel, Cal 48,800 Mulock, Will C., 805 Roses Rd., San Gabriel, Cal 113,800 Murphy, Fannie, Compton, Cal 29,400 Murphy, Lemuel A., Baldwin Park Cal 18,000 Murphy, Margaret, Globe, Ariz 13,600 Murphy, Mary A., 216 Diamond, Redondo, Cal 40,400 180 MISCELLANEOUS Murphy, Thomas, Red Oak, Iowa $ 20,000 Murphy, V. W., R. D. 1, Box 146, Covina, Gal 20,000 Myers, David R., R. D. 1, Box 170, Compton, Gal 20,000 Myers, Orville, Route A, Box 327, Burbank, Gal 23,000 Myrick, Josiah, Jr., Ojal, Gal 14,600 Naftel, Clarence T., Glaremont, Gal 23,200 Naftel, John A., R. D. San Antonio, Pomona, Gal 20,000 Nebekerm, Byrd A., Santa Monica, Gal 30,000 Neff, Nannie, Altadena, Gal 20,000 Neher, Amos A., San Dimas, Gal 15,000 Nelson, Jos. F. and A. W., 6125 Mesa Dr., Hyde Park, Gal.. 21,400 Neson, John W., 125 W. Elk St., Glendale, Gal 37,000 Netzley, Ira B., Glendora, Gal 25,600 Newhall, Walter S. (Heirs), care Wm. Hazen, Duarte, Gal.. 80,000 Newlan, Anna S., Irwindale, Gal 26,400 Newlove, P. E., 857 Fifth St., Santa Monica, Gal 38,000 Newton, Guy V., Puente, Gal 24,000 Newton, Mary D., 481 W. Highland Ave., Sierra Madre, Gal. 36,800 Nielson, Minnie, 210 Horizon Ave., Venice, Gal 13,200 Nichols, Allen P., Pomona, Gal 30,000 Nichols, Harvey J., 1031 N. Park Ave., Pomona, Gal 42,600 Nichols, James, R. D. 1, Box 73, Gompton, Gal 28,000 Nickle, Clyde L., E. Minnehaha, Glendora^ Gal 25,200 Nicholaus, Henry, 367 W. Doran St., Glendale, Gal 14,600 Noel, Alice A., 409 Wilshire, Santa Monica, C&l 13,600 Nolan, Thomas J., El Monte, Gal 24,000 Norman, Emmet B., R. D. 1, Monrovia, Gal 15,800 North, Herbert, 222 Palisades Ave., Santa Monica, Gal 11,200 Northrup, Eugene D., Duarte, Gal 13,000 Norton, John B., Gompton, Gal 76,000 Novak, James W., 9 Westminster Ave., Venice, Gal 20,400 Noyes, Millie E., R. D. 1, Gardena, Gal 23,400 Nuffer, Henry, R. D. 1, Whittier, Gal 24,000 Oberly, Victoria, Box 625, Monrovia, Gal 26,600 O'Day, John, N. Canyon Blvd., Monrovia, Gal 18,200 Odell, Frank E., W. Bennett Ave., Glendora, Gal 27,200 O'Fallon, Harris T., 1243 Ocean Ave., Santa Monica, Gal... 16,000 Ogden, L. E., 1043 Third, Santa Monica, Gal 40,000 Ogden, Margaret W., Box 284, Santa Monica, Gal 70,000 Ohio Ranch, care of W. R. Powell, Azusa, Gal 31,000 Oldham, Abraham L., R. D. 1, Box 775, San Gabriel, Gal.... 19,000 Olivares, Rosenda A., R. D. Box 202, Puente, Gal 20,600 Olmsted, Milllcent H., R. D. 1, Box 233, San (Jabriel, Gal... 203,800 Olney, George, Govina, Gal 19,400 Orena, Arturo G., Box 654 Santa Barbara, Gal 312,000 Orr, Bertha H., 500 Vega, Alhambra, Gal 27,200 MISCELLAXEOUS 181 Orr, Wm. M., 500 Vega, Alhambra, Cal $ 15,600 Osbome, Fred J., 609 N. Maryland, Glendale, Cal 31,400 Ough, Norwal B., El Monte, Cal 52,000 Overholser, Emma W., Claremont, Cal 13,400 Owen, Katherine W., Tulsa, Okla 12,400 Pachraayr, Alex L., Compton, Cal 19,600 Paige, Chas. E., 268 Orange, Covina, Cal 23,400 Palmer, Frank L., N. Ponoma, Cal 21,000 Palmer, Fred B., Walnut, Cal 21,000 Parker, Clarinda, Dairy, Ore 14,600 Parker, Philip W., 101 N. Central Ave., Glendale, Cal 12,800 Parkinson, Walter K., 915 Mountain, Casa Verdugo, Cal.... 54,400 Patten, Chas. C., R. D. 2, Whittier, Cal 65,000 Patterson, Sylvia B., 123 E. Center St., Pomona, Cal 12,600 Patton, Ruth W., San Marino, Cal 306,600 Patton, Wm. R., Rivera, Cal 21,400 Pearson, Joseph C., R. D. 2, Covina, Cal 25,000 Pearson, Leland L., Ocean View Hotel, Venice, Cal 75,000 Pearson, Mays, San Dimas, Cal 15,800 Peckham, Frank M., 239 N. Central, Glendale, Cal 56,000 Pellissier, Frank, Santa Paula, Cal 69,800 Pellissier, Frank F., R. D. 2, Whittier, Cal 150,000 Peyton, Valentine, La Verne, Cal 39,000 • Pflueger, Gus H., Glendora, Cal 18,000 Phares, Arthur C., San Dimas, Cal 14,600 Phelan, Mary, R. D. 2, Whittier, Cal 57,400 Phillips, Josie I., West Holt Ave., Pomona, Cal 22,600 Phillips, Louis Estate, 305 E. Holt, Pomona, Cal 710,400 Phillips, Robert A., Windward and Ocean Front, Venice, Cal. 30,000 Phillips, Titus, 828 S. Fourth St., Alhambra, Cal 21,800 Phipps, Eldith I., Duarte, Cal 21,000 Pierce, Bertha, 1311 E. Harvard, Glendale, Cal 48,000 Pierce, Isabel W., 689 W. Central Ave., Sierra Madre, Cal... 23,200 Pierce, M. J., Azusa, Cal 10,800 Pilarlo, Aurella Grazide, Box 14, Walnut, Cal 24,000 Pitman, Albert S., R. D. 2, Whittier, Cal 24,000 Pitt, Mary E., 211 Magnolia Ave., Monrovia, Cal 26,400 Plotts, Wm., Box 248, Whittier, Cal 25,200 Poage, Leland S., Azusa, Cal 24,000 Poling, Ira W., R. D. 1, Pomona, Cal 19,000 Polk, Minerva, R. D. 1, Monrovia, Cal 48,600 Pollard, Thomas, El Monte, Cal 23,000 Porter, Benjamin, F., 68 Post, San Francisco, Cal 300,000 Porter, Joseph F., 1500 Grand Ave., Kansas City, Md 19,000 Porter, Millicent, Kewanee, 111 35,400 Price, Chas. N., 409 W. Hillcrest, Monrovia, Cal 320,800 1S2 MISCELLANEOUS Price, Edna, 409 W. Hillcrest, Monrovia, Gal $ 47,600 Prugh, Wm. S., R. D. 2, San Gabriel, Gal 176,000 Pursche, Garl G., R. D. 1, Gardena, Gal 90,000 Puterbaugh, Howard R., R. D. 1, Box 767, San Gabriel, Gal.. 26,000 Quick, John H., Azusa, Gal 23,400 Quinn, Florence, 141 W. Seventy-first St., New York City... 10^600 Quinn, John, R, D. Box 144, Govina, Gal 17,000 Radabaugh, Elmer B., Duarte, Gal 17,200 Ramsaur, B. W.. Azusa, Gal 25,200 Ratner, Alex., R. D. Box 180, Burbank, Gal 12,600 Ravera, John, R. D. 2, Puente, Gal 33,000 Ray, Ghas. E., 901 Gamden Dr., Beverly, Gal 28,600 Raymond, Hattie L., Raymond Hotel, Santa Monica, Gal 20,000 Read, Frances A., Azusa, Gal 22,200 Rebia, John J., R. D. 1, Box 67, Norwalk, Gal 25,200 Rebhain, John R., Irwindale, Gal 26,600 Redman, Cornelius W., 214 E. Bailey, Whittier, Gal 21,800 Reed, James D., 276 E. Badillo, Govina, Gal 20,000 Reeg, Minnie, R. D. 2, Box 111, Govina, Gal 18,000 Reeve, Geo. B. (Heirs), La Mirada, Gal 48,000 Regain, John, 132 E. Orange St., Monrovia, Gal 24,200 Reichard, Daniel, liwindale, Gal 33,000 Reider, Eddy W., Rivera, Gal 49,400 Renaker, Ghas. T., Lime and Myrtle St., Monrovia, Gal... 28,600 Renaker, Emily M., 205 E. Hillcrest, Monrovia, Gal 61,600 Renken, John J., R. D. 1. Whittier, Gal 18,000 Rex, Emma L., 6821 Thomas Blvd., Pittsbuhg, Pa 15,600 Reynolds, Eisberg, La Verne, Gal 70,600 Reynolds, Harriet E., R. D. 1, Govina, Gal 25,800 Reynolds, Stewart H., 128 E. Palm, Monrovia, Gal 14,400 Reynolds, Wm. Herman, R. D. 1, Box 23, Burbank, Gal 33,400 Rice, Eunice, 125 California Ave., Santa Monica, Gal 13,200 Rice, Horatio, B., R. D. 1, Box 166, Gompton, Gal 41,600 Rice, Mary Belle, 814 Fifth Ave., Santa Monica, Gal 28,000 Richardson, Ghas. W., N. Sierra Madre, Glendora, Gal 21,200 Richardson, Fred R., R. D. 1, San Gabriel, Gal 22,800 Richardson, Kate 1., San Gabriel, Gal 35,400 Ridgley, Perry G., 200 S. Catalina, Redondo, Gal 20,000 Riggins, Herbert L., R. D. 1, Whittier, Gal 25,600 Rimpau, Frank T., 414 S. Almansor St., Alhambra, Gal 13,000 Ritz, F. Wm., Irwindale, Gal 24,200 Rives, James G., N. College Ave., Downey, Gal 16,000 Roberts, Flora D., Puente, Gal 21,000 Roberts, Thomas, Rivera, Gal 32,600 Robinson, Geo. J., 35 Oak Grove Ave., San Marino, Gal.... 24,800 Robinson, Harry W., Crescent Dr.. Beverly, Gal 49,000 MISCELLANEOUS 183 Robinson, Samuel H., R. D. 2, Puente, Gal $ 26,000 Robinson, Spencer, 104 S. Glendale, Glendale, Gal 31,000 Romick, John W., Glaremont, Gal 37,600 Root, Siles B., 403 E. Hadley, Whittier, Gal 16,200 Rowland, John A., R. D. Box 166, Puente, Gal 94,800 Rowland, Ramona Y., R. D. 1, Box 126, Puente, Gal 66,000 Rowland, Wm. Y., R. D. 1, Box 172, Puente, Gal 87,200 Rudel, Jacob, R. D. 1, Box 163, San Gabriel, Gal 51,200 Ruggles, Rebecca, Fair Oaks, Gal 50,200 Russell, Josephine S., 129 N. Redondo, Ingle wood. Gal 12,800 Russell, Mary G., Rivera, Gal 20,000 Rutledge, Albert E., R. D. 1, Monrovia, Gal 28,000 Ryder, Alice G., R. D. 1, Monrovia, Gal 19,000 Sanchez, Frank A. (Heirs), 602 Friends Ave., Whittier, Gal. 47,600 Sanchez, Margarita R., 602 N. Friends Ave., Whittier, Gal. . 49,z00 Sanchez, Tomas L., R. D. 2, Whittier, Gal 31,400 Sandercook, Wm., R. D. 2, Gompton, Gal 27,400 Sanders, Nettie E., R. D. 1, Box 199, Govina, Gal 18,400 Sanderson, Ghas., Whittier, Gal 50,000 Sanford, Lillian P., Box 304, Venice, Gal 38,600 Sargent Ranch Go., R. D. 1, Whittier, Gal 60,000 Sarwine, Christian H., Duarte, Gal 15,000 Sawyer, W. H., Worcester, Mas 52,000 Sawyer, Wm. S., R. D. 2, Govina, Gal 40,000 Sawyer, Wm. W., R. D. 2, Box 705, Glendale, Gal 15,000 Schader, Garl F., 135 Arcadia Terr., Santa Monica, Gal 152,000 Schell, John E., 721 Beverly Dr., Beverly, Gal 37,400 Schermerhorn, Ghas. P., 307 Washington Blvd., Santa Monica, Gal 50,200 Schisler, Mary E., San Dimas, Gal 14,800 Scofield, Maud M., 231 N. Milford, Glendale, Gal 29,000 Scoon, Fred H., San Dimas, Gal 15,600 Schoonover, James A., San Gabriel, Gal 23,400 Scotti, Alfredo, R. D. 2, Whittier, Gal 41,800 Sea ver, Carlton, 143 E. Holt, Pomona, Gal 110,000 Sebree, Howard, Box 87, Sierra Madre, Gal 25,400 Seeley, Alfred M., Box 5 ,Govina, Gal 28,600 Seitz, John D., R. D. 2, Govina, Gal 31,400 Selater, Ethel Trigge, 718 Beverly Dr., Beverly, Gal 42,400 Service, Wm. E., 22 N. Hidalgo, Alhambra, Gal 38,000 Sesser, John G., 525 N. Grand, Alhambra, Gal 30,800 Sewell, Blanche M., Altadena, Gal 52,800 Seymour, James H., 601 Ocean Front, Venice, Gal 28,000 Seymour, Pierce T., 429 E. Cypress Ave., Monrovia, Gal. . 19,200 Shade, Eulalia, Rivera, Gal 33,800 Shannon, John G.. R. D. 1, Gardena, Gal 13,800 184 MISCELLANEOUS Sharpless, Benj., R D. 1, Whittier, Cal $ 38,400 Sharpless, Edgar J., 108 N. Friend, Whittier, Cal 41,000 Sharpless, Sarah V., 229 W. Washington, Whittier, Cal 22,400 Shaw, Edward D., Claremont, Cal 21,000 Shaw, Walter K., Duarte, Cal 24,200 Shearon, David, 3010 Main St., Ocean Park, Cal 12,000 Shelton, Judge T., 901 N. Angeleno, Burbank, Cal 76,000 Sherwood, Bertha, 2334 Telegraph Ave., Oakland, Cal 11,000 Shugg, Wm., El Monte, Cal 22,000 Shuler, El. W., San Dimas, Cal 24,600 Shull, Robert L., San Gabriel, San Marino, Cal 24,000 Shuttis, Duane J., Baldwin Park Cal 22,000 Sibley, Luella S., 1514 Trolley way, Venice, Cal 29,000 Silverlake, Roy E., 1402 Third, Santa Monica, Cal 10,800 Simpson, Anna M. H., R. D, 1, Box 195, Covina, Cal 32,000 Simpson, James H., R. D. 1, Box 195, Covina, Cal 15,000 Slack, Eva I., El Monte, Cal 24,000 Slake, Chas. R., Box 17, Walnut, Cal 100,000 Slaughter, Margaret L., El Monte, Cal 24,000 Smith, Archie, Box 33, San Gabriel, Cal 21,200 Smith, C. Edgar, 102 S. Benito, Redondo, Cal 20,800 Smith, Chris., 809 S. Verdugo, Glendale, Cal 21,400 Smith, Clara A., Box 114, Altadena, Cal 56,400 Smith, E. P., 517 Palisades, Santa Monica, Cal 11,200 Smith, Edward W., 521 Kingsley, Pomona, Cal 21,200 Smith, Frank D., La Verne, Cal 20,000 Smith, Fred J., San Bernardino Ave., Pomona, Cal 55,200 Smith, Floyd B., Anaheim, Cal 22,000 Smith, Geo. E., R. D. 1, Gardena, Cal 14,800 Smith, General C., R. D. 2, Puente, Cal 15,000 Smith, James B., R. D., San Dimas, Cal 13,000 Smith, Robert E., Azusa, Cal 51,400 Smith, Sarah H. B., Claremont, Cal 31,200 Smith, Vincent, 434 Tenth, Santa Monica, Cal 12,000 Snaveley, Agnes, 147 E. Vermont, Glendora, Cal 18,600 Snoddy, John B., El Monte, Cal 47,600 Snoddy, Samantha J., 2537 Third St., Ocean Park Cal 40,800 Snodgrass, Larkin (Heirs), R. D. 1, Box 116, Compton, Cal.. 116,000 Sohn, George, Charter Oak, Cal 18,000 Sorensen, Christian, R. D. 2, Whittier, Cal 87,400 Southwick, James G., 200 N. Bright, Whittier, Cal 54,000 Sparks, Alfred T., San Dimas, Cal 13,400 Sparks, Marcus L., 175 W. Pearl, Pomona, Cal 40,600 Speers, Isaac C., 211 Utah, Santa Monica, Cal 14,200 Spellacy, Emma R., 806 Crescent Dr., Beverly, Cal 21,800 Spence, Anna M., 118 S. Primrose, Monrovia, Cal 74,600 MISCELLANEOUS 185 Spencer, James H., 215 Santa Anita St.. San Gabriel, Gal.. .$ 38,600 Spencer, Walter D., Rivera, Gal 20,600 Sperl, Antonin, 314 B. Grand Ave., Pomona, Gal 26,600 Spinks, Wm. A., Duarte, Gal 58,000 Sprinkle, Herbert, Route A, Box 50, Burbank, Gal 22,000 Squier, Chas. L., R. D. 1, Monrovia, Gal 21,000 Sspe, Frederick, Yucaipa, Gal 35,800 Standler, Edward J., Downey, Gal 23,400 Stanfleld, David, R. D. 1, Whittier, Gal 36,000 Stanton, Daniel E., 202 Bicknell Ave., Ocean Park, Gal.... 40,000 Stanton, Edwin, Avalon, Gal 27,600 Stanwood, Sara S., 1207 Fourth, Santa Monica, Gal 34,400 Starr, Joseph B., Azusa, Gal 26,000 St. Clair, Marion, Walnut, Gal 19,000 St. Johns, Clara R., 120 N. Bright, Whittier, Gal 26,000 Stearns, Frederick W., 720 Crescent Dr., Beverly, Gal 104,000 Steele, Christopher G., El Monte, Gal 10,200 Steele, John G., 504 Utah Ave., Santa Monica, Gal 14,000 Stensgard, Mary K., P. 0. Box 542, Pomona, Gal 24,000 Stephens, Albert M., Jr., La Verne, Gal 12,800 Stephens, Benj. F., Duarte, Gal 21,200 Sterrett, Frank E.. Lindsay, Gal 10,600 Stevens, Alfred J., 531 S. Pickering, Whittier, Gal 31,600 Stevens, Henry J., 1014 Crescent Dr., Beverly, Gal 28,000 Stevens, Wesley & Spencer, Burnett, Gal 38,400 Stewart, Joseph B.. 1414 Third, Santa Monica, Gal 12,800 Stockdale, W. D., 808% W. Philadelphia, Whittier, Gal.... 21,000 Stockwell, Laura E., R. D. 1, Box 51, Gompton, Gal 36,000 Story, Francis Q., 501 N. Almansor, Alharabra, Gal 84,200 Story, Wm. P., Rivera, Gal 22,800 Stotler, John B., 26 Arcadia Terr., Santa Monica, Gal 20,400 Stowell, Sheridan A., Charter Oak, Cal 32,400 Straight, Emma G., La Verne, Gal 25,400 Stranbinger, Bertha, Calabasas, Cal 19,000 Stratton, Burt C., La Verne, Cal 30,600 Streeter, Lillian B., Duarte, Cal 27,000 Streshly, Wm. O., Azusa, Cal 24,000 Strickler, Wm., R. D., Covina, Cal 49,600 Strong, Harriett W. R., R. D. 2, Box 5, Whittier, Cal 222,000 Strong, Henry 1125 N. Granada, Alhambra, Cal 19,600 Sucksdorf, Wm., R. D. 1, Whittier, Cal 23,000 Sues, Bernard, 1827 Ocean Ave., Santa Monica, Cal 28,000 Sullivan, Wm., R. D. 1, Box 251, San Gabriel, Cal 58,200 Summers, Fred L,, 322 E. Holt Ave., Pomona, Cal 20,000 Sutton, Stephen D,, NorwaUc, Cal 27,600 Swain, Arthur W., R. D. 1, Whittier, Cal.. 24,000 186 MISCELLANEOUS Swaine, Clare S., R. D. 2, WMttier, Cal $ 20,000 Swall, Wm., 50 Cynthia St., Sherman, Cal 28,600 Sweugart, Mark W., Whittier, Cal 27,600 Swoard, Theresa, 1312 Second, Santa Monica, Cal 10,400 Talsott, Josiah S., 615 Spurgeon St., Santa Ana, Cal....... 30,400 Tangeman, Gottlob D., San Dimas, Cal 44,400 Tapping, Ida B., 695 W. Central, Sierra Madre, Cal 31,400 Täte, Albert E., Cucumonga Ave., Pomona, Cal 26,000 Taylor, Frank H., San Dimas, Cal 14,200 Taylor, Helen M., Altadena, Cal 50,000 Taylor, Lucien S., San Dimas, Cal 35,800 Taylor, Martha, Rivera, Cal 42,400 Teague, Chas. C., Santa Paula, Cal 13,800 Teague, David C., San Dimas, Cal 31,200 Teague, Robert M., San Dimas, Cal 23,000 Teague, Russell W., La Verne, Cal 13,400 Temple, Clara A., Covina, Cal 26,000 Temple, Sarah E., Uplands, Cal 25,000 Temple, Walter P., 5N. Almansor, Alhambra, Cal 34,000 Temple, Walter P., El Monte, Cal 69,200 Thayer, Frank E., R. D. 1, Whittier, Cal 29,200 Thill, Louise A., R. D. 1, Whittier, Cal 22,200 Thomson, L. A., care of Pacific Coast Co., Ocean Park, Cal.. 183,000 Thornburgh, J. Thomas, 213 N. Washington, Whittier, Cal.. 19,400 Thorpe, Lewis S., Covina, Cal 20,400 Tillman, Oliver S., San Dimas, Gal 27,000 Tombes, Mary A., R. D. 2, Fullerton, Cal 16,000 Towne, Allan W., N. Washington, Pomona, Cal 164,000 Traunweiser, Chas. A., Box 247, Santa Monica, Cal 26,000 Tromm, Pauline, 1138 Fifth, Santa Monica, Cal 22,400 Trostle, Wm. E., R. D. 1, Box 759, San Gabriel, Cal 43,600 Tucker, Frank W., Azusa, Cal 19,800 Tweedy, Geo. A., Downey, Cal 21,000 Tweedy, James J., Downey, Cal 64,800 Tweedy, James K., Downey, Cal 21,000 Tweedy, Maurice C., Downey, Cal 21,000 Unruh, David S., Covina, Cal 28,000 Valentine, Mary J., R. D. 1, Box 21, Burbank, Cal 24,600 Vander, Leach Georgia, San Juan Capistrano, Cal 10,600 Van Tress, Sallie, Lexington and Beverly Dr., Beverly, Cal.. 24,000 Van Vraken, Dayton A., 143 Hollister Ave., Ocean Park, Cal. 43,000 Van Wig, Julius E., R. D. 1, Box 83, Puente, Cal 24,000 Vaughan, Ellen S., R. D. 1, Box 49, Compton, Cal 25,000 Vaughn, James D., R. D. 1, Covina, Cal 25,00i Vaught, Chas. H., R. D. 2, Whittier, Cal 26,000 Vedder, Hattie M., Altadena, Cal 25,200 MISCELLANEOUS 187 Vegar, Teresa P. de (Estate), R. D. 1, Pomona, Cal $ 88,600 Verdugo, Rafael A., 219 E. Garfield, Glendale, Cal 20,000 Veysey, Chas. F., 210 Linden Way, Eagle Rock, Cal 19,000 Vincent, Anna M., Merehanson Ave., Pomona, Cal 55,000 Vogel, Herman O., Sierra Madre, Cal 552,200 Vollmer, Louis B., 108 S. Myrtle, Monrovia, Cal 35,200 Vollstadt, Ernest, 1416 Third, Santa Monica, Cal 12,800 Vosherg, Kate S., Azusa, Cal 108,600 Waddell, Edith H., 211 Marguerita, Santa Monica, Cal.... 32,000 Wadsworth, Ella H., Box 127, Altadena, Cal 28,200 Wagner, John, R. D. 1, 161, Hyde Park, Cal 236,800 Waite, Anna M., 427 Ocean Front, Venice, Cai 39,000 Waldron, Nora T., 1219 Randolph, Glendale, Cal 104,000 Walker, Abbie, 41c Horizon Ave., Venice, Cal 15,000 Walker, Eliza, Laurel Canyon, Cal 29,000 Walker, Eliza A., Glendora, Cal 20,800 Walker, Frank H., 921 N. Olive, Alhambra, Cal 34,800 Walker, Henry Y., San Dlmas, Cal 18,600 Walker, Lucy W., Duarte, Cal 42,000 Walker, Samuel M., Baldwin Park, Cal 20,400 Wallace, Luella P., La Verne, Cal 21,000 Wallace, Maria, 135 Kinney, Ovean Park, Cal 10,600 Walton, Frank L., R. D. 2, Compton, Cal 22,000 Ward, Edwin Waldo, 273 E. Highland Ave., Sierra Madre. Cal 46,000 Wardall, Thos., 412 E. Orange St., Monrovia, Cal 47,400 Wardle, Luvenia, M., Westminster, Cal 11,800 Wardlaw, Charlie T., Calexico, Cal 25,200 Wardlaw, John R., Calexico, Cal 18,800 Warner, Chas. G., 637 N. Washington St., Whittier, Cal.... 40,000 Warner, Chas. H., 405 Roses Rd., San Gebriel, Cal 56,400 Warren, Chas C., E. Minnehaha, Glendora, Cal 54,400 Warren, Chas. L., Rivera, Cal 29,000 Warren, Wm. M., Azusa, Cal 36,000 Washburn, Edgar B., Cor, Oak Grove and Rosalind, San Marino, Cal 40,800 Waterpaugh, Eva., 1328 Tenth, Santa Monica, Cal 19,200 Waters, Arthur E., S. Hamilton Ave., Pomona, Cal 24,000 Waters, Chas. M., 1429 Third, Santa Monica, Cal 13,800 Watkins, Cora B., Selkirk Apts., Santa Monica, Cal 24,000 Watkins, Edward L., 34 S. Granada St., Alhambra, Cal 42,600 Watson, David P., R. D., Covina, Cal 20,000 Watts, Seymour L., R, D. 2, Covina, Cal 34,000 Weaver, Rosa E., 674 E. Villa, Santa Monica, Cal 28,600 Weed, Emma C., Gardena, Cal 16,600 Weeks, Franklin W., 31 Olive St,, Sierra Madre, Cal 14,400 188 MISCELLANEOUS Weinreich, Frank A., Puente, Cal $ 22,000 Weller, Carlotta, care of A. T. Wells, Altadena, Cal 37,200 Wells, Arthur T., Altadena, Cal 136,800 Wells, Jennie, Rivera, Cal 48,000 Welsh, Herman L., 1774 Bush, San Francisco, Cal 79,200 West, Clara T., Fullerton, Cal 28,000 West, James J., Glendora, Cal 38,000 Weyse, Henry G., 409 Ocean Ave., Santa Monica, Cal 20,400 Whitcomb, Frank W., Covina, Cal 21,600 White, Arthur A., Rivera, Cal 31,200 White, A. Stanley, 25 Seaside Terr., Santa Monica, Cal 14,000 White, Chas, Richard, 429 Doheny Dr., Sherman, Cal 15,600 Whltmarsh, Henry W., Rivera, Cal 46,800 Whltten, Ray H., 528 Market St., San Francisco, Cal 40,000 Wickland, Chas. F., 29 Lagoon, Venice, Cal 15,800 Wiebers, Doedo T. G., Rivera, Cal 32,000 Wilcox, Fred AI., Lamanda Park, Cal 72,000 Wilcox, Roy F., Cor. Oak and Dewey, Mon te bello. Cal 48,000 Wlleman, Edwin R., R. D. 1, Box 252, San Gabriel, Cal 20,200 Wlley, Elizabeth M., Downey, Cal 18,000 Wilkinson, Frank P., 38 Hansler Bldg., Pomona, Cal 67,000 Williams, Bertram E., R. D. 1, Box 625, San Gabriel, Cal 19,000 Williams, Elolse A., R. D. 1, Box 3, Santa Monica, Cal 28,000 Williams, Helen A. C., 1024 Fourth, Santa Monica, Cal 12,400 Williams, Hobart M., La Verne, Cal 25,600 Williams, Louis, 745 N. Pickering 21,400 Willingham, Mona E., R. D. 1, Box 776, San Gabriel, Cal... 11,800 Wine, Hattie, Box 204, Covina, Cal 24,000 Wingard, Prank L., Orange Cove., Cal 66,800 Wilson, Albert, 122 N. Granada, Alhambra, Cal 14,200 Wilson, Annie, San Marino, Cal 241,200 Wilson, Bingham T., Covina, Cal 19,700 Wilson, Edward C., 937 Fifth, Santa Monica, Cal 18,200 Wilson, Geo. R., Box 21, San Fernando, Cal 21,000 Wilson, J. Auborn, Avalon, Cal 37,000 Wilson, Wm. L., 631 Wilshire, Santa Monica, Cal 13,000 Wltham, Chas. S., San Dlmas, Cal 16,000 Wollman, Harris, 1422 Third, Santa Monica, Cal 12,600 Wood, Agnes E., 712 Canyon Dr., Beverly, Cal 106,000 Wood, Caroline S., 585 W. Central Ave., Sierra Madre, Cal... 16,400 Wood, Clement F., Compton, Cal 20,000 Wood, James, 906 Central Ave., Santa Monica, Cal 12,000 Wood, Wm. P., 1470 E. Wilson, Glendale, Cal 20,000 Woods, Thomas 1., 208 N. Kenilworth, Eagle Rock, Cal 43,800 Woods, Wm. T., R. D. 8, Box 69, Alhambra, Cal 44,000 Woodward, Chas., Rivera, Cal 156,000 MISCELLANEOUS 189 Woodward, Roy R., P. O. Box 173, Whittier, Cal $ 34,000 Woodward, Theophilus, 201 N. Bright, Whittier, Cal 113,000 Wright, Arthur L., 296 Columbia St., Pomona, Cal 23,000 Wright, Alonora, E., Azusa, Cal 38,600 Wright, Julian C., Azusa, Cal 44,000 Yates, Francis F., R. D. Pomona, Cal 21,000 Yingling, Andrew C., Compton, Cal 20,000 Yorba, Maria Antonio, R. D. Box 128, Puente, Cal 52,000 Yorba, Porfirio J., La Verne, Cal 22,000 Young, Elizabeth J., La Verne, Cal 17,000 Young, Philip H., 621 Ocean Front, Venice, Cal 33,000 Young, Wm. H., Duarte, Cal 32,000 Zorn, Elsie B., San Dimas, Cal 17,200 Business 332.6 07^6