Publications of the Society of the Cincinnati in the State of Rhode Island and Providence Plantations NOTES ON THE BADGE OF MERIT OF 1782 HOWARD M. CHAPIN, A.B. ïj» 0* NORTHWESTERN |£ H UNIVERSITY |g ig LIBRARY 3* 5* s« From the library of ¿v <£7* ^7* Dr, C. Brewster Morison §5 m m % • ss $ 35 Purchased May, 1936 2JÎ $ NOTES ON THE BADGE OF MERIT OF 1782 By HOWARD M. CHAPIN, A.B. Librarian Rhode Island Historical Society PUBLISHED BY THE SOCIETY OF THE CINCINNATI in the STATE of RHODE ISLAND and PROVIDENCE PLANTATIONS 1925 The Society of the Cincinnati in The State of Rhode Island and Providence Plantations Instituted June 24, 1783, by the Commissioned Officers of the Rhode Island Continental Line of the Revolution Officers 1924-1925 President, Right Reverend James De Wolf Perry, Jr., D.D. Vice-President, Major Philip Livingston, LL.B. Secretary, George Thurston Spicer, A.M., M.D. Treasurer, Mr. Thomas Arnold Peirce. Assistant Secretary, William Paine Sheffield, A.B. Assistant Treasurer, Mr. Thomas Gardner Stevens Turner. librará NOTES ON THE BADGE OF MERIT OF 1782 By Howard M. Chapín, A.B. Librarian Rhode Island Historical Society ON August 7, 1782, General Washington issued an order creating two military orders of honor. The first of these orders was distinguished by an honorary badge of distinction, sometimes called the "Badge of Merit," which was awarded for length of service. The second order was tö honor distinguished service, and is called the Order of Military Merit, the badge being a purple heart. This badge was also sometimes called the "Badge of Merit," a proceeding that has caused considerable con¬ fusion. An account of the Order of Military Merit has recently (1925) been published by the Society of the Cin¬ cinnati in the State of New Hampshire. The Badge of Merit for faithful service was established by the following order of General Washington, dated Head¬ quarters Newburgh, Wednesday, August 7,1782. * "Honorary Badges of distinction are to be conferred on the veteran Non-commissioned officers and soldiers of the army who have served more than three years with bravery, fidelity and good conduct; for this purpose a narrow piece of white cloth of an angular form is to be fixed to the left arm on the uniform coats; Non-commissioned officers and Soldiers who have served with equal reputation more than six years, are to be distinguished by two pieces of cloth set in parallel to each other in a similar form. Should any who are not entitled to those honors have the insolence to assume the badges of them, they shall be severely punished. On the other hand, it is expected that gallant men who are thus designated will, on all occasions, be treated with considera¬ tion." » On August 11th a second order was issued changing the color of the badge, as follows: « "The badges which Non-commissioned officers and soldiers are permitted to wear on the left arm, as a mark of long and faithful Service, are to be of the same colour with the facings of the Corps they belong to, and not white in every instance, as directed in the orders of the 7th inst." A printed certificate was issued in connection with the Badge of Merit, the recipient's name and other data being filled in with ink. One of these Badge of Merit discharge certificates is in the archives of the Rhode Island Historical Society and reads as follows (the italics representing handwriting) : "By His Excellency "George Washington, Esq; "General and Commander in Chief of the Forces of the United States of America. These are to Certify that the Bearer hereof Henry Axtell Soldier in the Seventh MassUs Regiment, having faithfully served the United States Six years & five Months and being inlisted for the War only, is 4 ii y Iiis Excellency C F O jr,c, E W A S II I N G V O X. F, s q,j a¿J Commander in Chief of the Forces of the United States of Amène». r C R T r F Y Fatt _thc Bearer hereof Regiment, having faithful- jn the » ly fcrved the United States . ind being inlifted f°r the War only, is hereby DtruHAKGiD from the American An y GIVEN at H e a o -0 u a R t ® R * *the .» .. r • I S (• x c £ L L £ K'C Y $ Lo}, sf 4*4-4, j&a&v-s 4.1 REGlSTERED;n die Bcob — - --ti, -.-l_"4eS4ßb .V^ ! — -*»4/ ' . THE above T has been onored with tire Bapce of Me at J05. u * / ? r * /' " i ■/'/ / 7 ^ <3 . ¿xf Year» fa; ^ Service, {/v?".TT/U h¿ ■ fr: ^ ' Certificate issued to Henry' Extil In Rhode Island Historical Society Library , ^ He ad-Qü arters, June 7783. THE within CERTIFICATE ilnll not avail thç Bearer as a Difchargey until the Ratification of thc^ definitive Treaty of Peace ; "previous to which Time, and untii'Proclama- ^ . * tion thereof íhall be made, He is to be confidered a? being or purlçugh. < ■ •t. ■ ■ 1 v I -s;,,,,. ^ •>, r ' >» ^ ! \ / >v U.TTg V i il if' jt v ■. % ¿«r *r -J0. ; J s-.V - Certificate issued to Henry Extil (Reverse) In Rhode Island Historical Society Library G E 01* G E W A S H I K G T O X, Es pj -j %\ >- General and Commander In Chief of the Forces of the United States of America. II E S E are to CERTIFY that the Bearer hereof ¿jti-Á 1 1 " ssiri/~■■ fZt^s,-y / -f.- ' fi in the M- ¿'.s*» ■<£. > Regiment, having EirhM- / iy íerved the United Stateî yeaaj /*"*■ ?* s.sïtf *¿— y t. «' . _ and being iaiiaed for the War only, i» hereby Discharged from the American Army. a» GIVEN at Head-Quarters tha /./f, *** w ' -—-C- — - —— ^ ^ By H i S E x c e l l e n c v î Command^ /»/ í» ^ REGISTERED in the Books of the Regiment, -sisn# Adjutant. THÉ above ¿e y- /. c r - has been honored with the Badge of for 1 Years faithful Service, /?/ _ ^ f S ■'£ """ Certificate issued to Eseck Dexter /// the Shepky Library, Providence ;, HEAD-QÜARTE&S, JuW5 ff' THE within CERTIFICATE fball not aviti the Bearer as a Difchatge, .until the Ratification oí the definitive Tiwtv of Peace ; previous to which Time, and until Pr oclama- tion thereof (hall be made, He is to be coaÛdered a< being oa " -1 t Furlough. V ' .*• :4 GEORGE WASHINGTON. t mri-" ■ • \ Certificate issued to Eseck Dexter (Reverse) In the S fiep ley Library, Providence hereby Discharged from the American Army. Given at Head-Quarters the 9lh day of June 1783 G° Washington By His Excellency's Command J° Trumbull, Geni Sy. Registered in the Books of the Regiment Jona Haskell Adjutant. The Above Henry Axtell has been honored with the Badge of Merit for Six Years faithful Services. J. Brooks Lt. Col0 Comdt 7th Mass* Regt:' On the reverse is : "Head-Quarters, June 9th 1783 "The within Certificate shall not avail the Bearer as a Dis¬ charge, until the Ratification of the definitive Treaty of Peace; previous to which Time, and until Proclamation thereof shall be made, He is to be considered as being on Furlough. George Washington" Lower down on the sheet Henry Extil, who evidently spelled his name Extil instead of Axtell, signed his name, and his wife Anna Extil made her mark. The Shepley Library contains a similar certificate dated June 15, 1783, and certifying the award of the Badge of Merit for six years service to Eseck Dexter, Sergeant Major in the Rhode Island Regiment, whose exact length of service is given as six years, five months and five days. Dexter's certificate is countersigned by J. Greenman, Adjutant of the Rhode Island regiment, and Jeremiah Olney, Lieut.-Col. Comd. . A note in the Magazine of American History in 1881 (Volume VII, pages 298 and 460) calls attention to the fact 5 that the Badge of Merit for six years faithful service was awarded to Allyn Fox, Sergeant in the Second Connecticut Regiment. The certificate of award was apparently at that time in existence. I recently made a canvass of some of the principal his¬ torical libraries in the hope of finding some of these certi¬ ficates of award. The New York Public Library, the New York Historical Society, the Massachusetts Historical Society, and the Connecticut State Library reported no copies found. The Library of Congress has the certificate of award of the Badge of Merit to private Abraham Farrow of the New Jersey Regiment, of which Richard Cox was Major Commandant in 1783, the date of the issuance of the certificate is June 5, 1783, and the award is for six years service. The Essex Institute reports the possession of a photograph of the certificate of Award of the Badge of Merit to Daniel Mulliken of the Sixth Massachusetts Regiment for a service of six years, two months and seven days. This certificate is dated June 7,1783. According to a note on page 85 of the manuscript Regi¬ mental Book in the State Archives at Providence, Jotham Bemus, Corporal of the Light Infantry Company in Col. Olney's Rhode Island Regiment, had served five years and four months up to September 1, 1782, and was entitled to one badge. On May 1,1783, he was entitled to two Badges, i. e. for six years service. On page 89 it is recorded that having served six years, one month and ten days, Jotham Bemus received two badges for faithful service on June 15, 1783. There must be many of these Badge of Merit certificates scattered about the United States in libraries and in private hands and it would be interesting and well worth while to locate and record as many of these certificates as are extant and can be found. 6