I^AJSISAS UJSllON ÜIFE. (Successor to Kansas Mutual Life.) TOPERA, KAN. Life and Endowment Policies. AGE LIMIT—20 to 60. APPLICATION—Copy furnished with all policies. CASH SURRENDER VALUES—Cash values are allowed in the event of lapse after the payment of five annual premiums. DEATH CLAIMS—Payable immediately upon receipt and approval of satisfactory proofs. DIVIDENDS—Payable annually at the end of the second policy year, or, if acçumulation policy, at expiration of period (10. IS or 20 years) selected at time of making application DUELING, SUICIDE OR VIOLATION OF LAW—Death from suicide, sane or insane, or from wilful violation of law within the first two years of the policy, renders it void. GRACE IN PAYMENT OF PREMIUMS—Thirty days al¬ lowed, with interest charged at the rate of six per cent. INCONTESTABILITY—Policy is incontestable after two years, except for non-payment of premium, but military or naval service in time of war, without the consent of the company, re¬ duces the company's liability to the net reserve (Actuaries' four per cent). INTOXICANTS AND NARCOTICS—Applicant agrees ^hat death from the use of intoxicating liquors in the first two years of the policy will render it void. LOANS ON POLICY—After the payment of three annual premiums the company will loan sum stated in the contract, sub¬ ject to payment of one full year's premium in advance. MAXIMUM AMOUNT CARRIED—$20,000. MILITARY AND NAVAL SERVICE—See Incontestability. NON-FORFEITURE CONDITIONS—After three or more annual premiums have been paid, in the event of lapse, the com¬ pany will, without action on part of insured, grant a non-partici¬ pating paid-up policy, or on request within three months from lapse, extend the insurance. (See Cash Values.) OCCUPATION—The insured agrees in his application that in the first two years he will not, without written consent of the company, engage In certain specified occupations. REINSTATEMENT IN CASE OF LAPSE—Policy pro vides for reinstatement within five years (and before the end of the accumulation period) after lapse on payment of arrears, with six per cent interest and satisfactory evidence of good health. RESIDENCE AND TRAVEL—Policyholder warrants that in first two years he will not reside in Torrid Zone. No restric¬ tions on travel. WOMEN—Same terms as men, not exceeding $5000. For additional information see page 8s analysis OF POLICY CONDITIONS OF AMERICAN AND CANADIAN Life Insurance Companies COMPILED FROM OFFICIAL RETURNS PRICE, 8SVESTY-FIVS CB.NT8 PER COPY published by THE SPECTATOR COMPANY, 95 William Street, New York. 1903 36 î.i STt COPYRIGHT, 1903, BV THE SPECTATOR COMPANY NEW YORK >8 O^îi 13^ INTRODUCTION The 1903 edition of Analysis of Policy Conditions is presented with the confidence that it has been improved in such a manner as to render it absolutely essential to agents in their daily work. Several companies are included in the work for the first time, bringing the total up to seventy-one, while a number of ad¬ ditional points regarding policies have been brought out. The salient points of each company's policy are first given in an easily comparative form, with one page devoted to each company. Following this is a section devoted to ad¬ ditional information, covering points either peculiar to individual companies or of minor importance. By the use of the flap at¬ tached to the front and back covers the user of the work is able to compare instantaneously the provisions of the policy of the company in which he is immediately interested with those of any other company. This will be found of great advantage to life insurance agents. Analysis of Policy Conditions is a companion work to our standard publication. The Handy Guide to Premium Rates, Ap¬ plications and Policies, and is compiled in the same careful man¬ ner. Each company incorporated in the book has passed on the matter relating to itself, so that it is practically an official publi¬ cation. With this work constantly at hand the busy field man can immediately decide any point about a company's practice, and the incorporation of the Non-Forfeiture and Anti-Discrim¬ ination or Anti-Rebate laws will enable him to quote the letter of the law on these important points. THE SPECTATOR COMPANY. J.\NUARY 20, 1903. Z jsr ID E 3L . PAGE. .í45tna Life, Hartford, Corui 5, 76 American Central, Indianapolis, Ind 76 Haltimore Life, Baltimore, Md 7 Bankers Life, Lincoln, Neb 8» 76 Bankers Life, New York 9, 77 Berkshire Life, Pittsfield, Mass 10, 77 Boston Mutual, Boston, Mass Ht 77 Canada Life, Toronto, Ont 12, 77 Central Life, Des Moines, la 13, 78 Colonial Life, Jersey City, N. t 14, 78 Columbian National, Boston, Mass 15,79 Confederation Life, Toronto, Ont 16, 79 Connecticut General, Hartford, Conn 17, 79 Connecticut Mutual, Hartford, Conn 18, 79 Conservative Life, Los Angeles, Cal 19, 80 Des Moines Life, Des Moines, la 20, 81 Kquitable of New York 21, 80 Equitable of Iowa, Des Moines 22, 81 Federal Life, Chicago, 111 23, 82 Fidelity Mutual, Philadelphia 24, 82 Franklin Life, Springfield, III 25, 83 Germania Life New York 26, 83 Great West Life, Winnipeg, Man 27, 83 Hartford Life, Hartford, Conn 28, 83 Home Life, New York 29, 84 Illinois Life, Chicago, 111 30,84 Inter-State Life, Indianapolis, Ind 31, 85 John Hancock, Boston, Mass 32, 85 Kansas Union, Topeka 32, 85 Life Insurance Company of Virginia, Richmond 34^ 86 Manhattan Life, New York 35, 86 Maryland Life, Baltimore 36, 86 Massachusetts Mutual, Springfield 37, 87 Meridian Life and Trust, Indianapolis, Ind 38, 87 Metropolitan Life, New York 39 Michigan Mutual. Detroit 40, 87 Minnesota Mutual, St. Paul 41, ^7 Mutual Benefit, Newark, N. J 42, Sí- Mutual Life of Canada, Waterloo, Ont 43, 8S Mutual Life of New York 44, 88 Mutual Reserve Life, New York 45. 89 National Life and Trust, Des Moines, la 46, 89 National of U. S. of A., Chicago, 111 47, 89 National of Vermont. Montpelier 48, 89 New England Mutual, Boston, Mass 49, 90 New York Life, New York 50, 90 North American, Toronto, Ont 51, 90 Northern Central, Toledo, Ohio 52, 91 Northwestern Life and Savings, Des Moines, la 53, 91 Northwestern Mutual, Milwaukee, Wis 54, 91 Pacific Mutual, San Francisco, Cal 55, 92 Penn Mutual, Philadelphia, Pa 56, 93 Phoenix Mutual. Hartford, Conn 57, 93 Provident Life and Trust, Philadelphia, Pa 58 Provident Savings, New York 59, 93 Prudential, Newark, N. J 60, 94 Reserve Loan Life, Indianapolis, Ind 61, 94 Royal Union Mutual, Des Moines, la 62, 94 Security Mutual, Binghamton, N. Y 63, 95 Security Trust and Life, New York 64, 95 South Atlantic, Richmond, Va 65, 96 Standard of Scotland (Canadian office, Montreal) 66 State Life, Indianapolis, Ind 67, 96 State Mutual, Worcester, Mass 68, 97 Sun Life of Canada, Montreal 69, 97 Travelers, Hartford, Conn 70, 97 Union Central, Cincinnati, Ohio 71, 98 Union Mutual, Portland, Me 72, 98 United States Life, New York 73, 98 Washington Life, New York 74, 98 Western and Southern, Cincinnati, Ohio 75 Anti-Discrimination and Non-Forfeiture Lawç 99-119 ANALYSIS ÔF POLICY CONDITIONS. 5 AET^IA life. HARTFORD, CONN. Life and Endowment Policies and Bonds. AGE LIMIT—16 to 6S. APPLICATION—Copy accompanies policy. CASH SURRENDER VALUES—Guaranteed at end of five years and annually thereafter, as specified in policy. DEATH CLAIMS—Payable on receipt and approval of proofs. DIVIDENDS—Payable quinquennially, in cash, but may be allowed to accumulate. DUELING, SUICIDE OR VIOLATION OF LAW—Sui¬ cide in the first policy year voids the contract. GRACE IN PAYMENT OF PREMIUMS—Thirty days. INCONTESTABILITY—Policy incontestable after one year if age was correctly stated, and insured is not engaged in military or naval service. INTOXICANTS AND NARCOTICS—Intemperance within the first year renders contract void. LOANS ON POLICY—Company will loan after three years as per table printed on the contract. MAXIMUM AMOUNT CARRIED—$50,000. MILITARY OR NAVAL SERVICE—Such service, without a permit, prohibited. NON-FORFEITURE CONDITIONS—After three or more years' premiums have been paid, insurance is automatically ex¬ tended for definite period for full amount. In case of death with¬ in three years from date of default the premiums are deducted with interest. Insured may apply within three months from the time when the premium became due for a paid-up non-partici¬ pating policy, or, in event of lapse after five years, may take the cash value. OCCUPATION—No restrictions. (See Military or Naval Service.) REINSTATEMENT IN CASE OF LAPSE-After the ex¬ piration of the days of grace, and within one year from lapse, a new medical examination is required. RESIDENCE AND TRAVEL—The policy is null and void in event of residence or travel, during the first year, north of 60°. or, during the months of July, August, September and October in same year, south of 32° north latitude. Bond contracts do not have this restriction. WOMEN—Are charged an extra rate of $5 per thousand up to age fifty-five, except on endowments of a term of 20 years or less. For additional information see page 76. 6 ANALYSIS OF AME^lCñfl CEHTRAL* LIFE. INDIANAPOLIS, IND. Life and Endowment Policies. AGE LIMIT—21 to 60. APPLICATION—Copy does not accompany policy. CASH SURRENDER VALUES—Guaranteed at end of ac¬ cumulation period. DEATH CLAIMS—Payable within sixty days after acceptance of satisfactory proof. DIVIDENDS—Payable at end of accumulation period and annually thereafter. DUELING, SUICIDE OR VIOLATION OF LAW—Death by suicide in first two years of policy voids the contract. GRACE IN PAYMENT OF PREMIUMS—No provision. INCONTESTABILITY—Policy is incontestable after two years, except as to military and naval service in time of war. INTOXICANTS AND NARCOTICS—No conditions. LOANS ON POLICY—Allowed at any time after payment of premiums for three years, with an interest charge of six per cent in advance, and subject to payment of premium for ensuing year. MAXIMUM AMOUNT CARRIED—$5000. MILITARY AND NAVAL SERVICE—Such service, in time of war, in event of death, reduces company's liability to amount of reserve, unless a permit has been obtained. NON-FORFEITURE CONDITIONS—Extended insurance is granted automatically after three years. Or, insured may, on application within sixty days from lapse, take a paid-up policy. OCCUPATION—Policy is free from restrictions as to occu¬ pation after two years. REINSTATEMENT IN CASE OF LAPSE—Policy may be reinstated at any time on satisfactory certificate of good health, and the payment of arrears, with interest at the rate of six per cent per annum. RESIDENCE AND TRAVEL—In first two years of the pol¬ icy the insured must not, without permission from the com¬ pany, under pain of forfeiture, travel or reside north of the six¬ tieth degree of north latitude on the American continent. WOMEN—Are insured at the same rates as men, under cer¬ tain limitations. For additional "information see page 76. POLICY CONDITIONS. 7 BALTIMORE LIFE. BALTIMORE, MD. Life and Endowment Policies. AGE LIMIT—20 to 60. APPLICATION—Copy accompanies policy. CASH SURRENDER VALUES—Allowed annually after the expiration of three years. DEATH CLAIMS—Payable within twenty-four hours of re¬ ceipt of satisfactory proof. DIVIDENDS—Payable after five years. DUELING, SUICIDE OR VIOLATION OF LAW—Death by suicide, or in consequence of violation of law, in the first two years of the policy, is a risk not assumed by the company. GRACE IN PAYMENT OF PREMIUMS—Ten days al¬ lowed in payment of all premiums, except the first. INCONTESTABILITY—Policy is incontestable after two years, except for fraud or non-payment of premiums. INTOXICANTS AND NARCOTICS—Death in consequence of the use, by the insured, of intoxicating drinks, opiates or narcotics in the first two years of the policy is a risk not assumed by the company. LOANS ON POLICY—Granted after three years up to the limit of the cash value, as specified in the policy, with interest at five per cent per annum in advance. MAXIMUM AMOUNT CARRIED—$5000. MILITARY AND NAVAL SERVICE—Written permission must be obtained for such service in time of war, and an extra premium paid, to continue until a new medical examination is had. In case of death in such service, without having obtained the necessary permit, only the net reserve will be paid. NON-FORFEITURE CONDITIONS—After payment of pre¬ miums for three years, in the event of lapse, the insured may select paid-up insurance or the cash value. OCCUPATION—No conditions. (See Military and Naval Service.) REINSTATEMENT IN CASE OF LAPSE—No provision. RESIDENCE AND TRAVEI^No conditions. WOMEN—Accepted at the same rates as men. 8 ANALYSIS ÔP BA^lI^eFJS ÜIFE. LINCOLN, NEB. Twenty-Year Indemnity Bond. AGE LIMIT—IS to 55- APPLICATION—Copy accompanies policy. CASH SURRENDER VALUES—Payable at the expiration of five-year periods, on application within thirty days thereafter, consisting of the entire American Experience four per cent reserve. DEATH CLAIMS—Payable immediately on receipt of satis¬ factory proofs. DIVIDENDS—Payable at end of twenty years on this form. DUELING, SUICIDE OR VIOLATION OF LAW—No conditions after the second year. GRACE IN PAYMENT OF PREMIUMS—One month allowed. INCONTESTABILITY—Policy incontestable after two years except for non-payment of premiums and provided conditions as to war service are complied with. INTOXICANTS AND NARCOTICS—No conditions. LOANS ON POLICY—After three full annual premiums have been paid company will loan up to one-half the accumulated reserve and surplus. MAXIMUM AMOUNT CARRIED—$10,000. MILITARY AND NAVAL SERVICE—Such service in time of war is prohibited, unless written consent of the com¬ pany be obtained. NON-FORFEITURE CONDITIONS—After two or more years, on surrender within three months from date of default in payment of premium, the company will extend the policy for a term stated in it. Should death occur during the extended term all unpaid premiums will be deducted from the face of the claim. After the policy has been in force three years it may be sur¬ rendered within three months after default for a non-participating paid-up bond for an amount named in the contract. OCCUPATION—Blasting, mining, submarine labor, aero¬ nautic travel, the manufacture or handling of highly inflammable or explosive substances, or service upon any vessel or railroad without the written consent of the company during the first .two >ears voids the policy. REINSTATEMENT IN CASE OF LAPSE—Allowed on payment of arrears with interest at six per cent and production of satisfactory health certificate. RESIDENCE AND TRAVEI^No conditions. WOMEN—Are insured at the same rates as men. For additional information see page 76. POLICY CONDITIONS. BÄflKEf^S LIFE OF NEW YORK- NEW YORK. Twenty-Payment Life Poi.icy. AGE LIMIT—16 to 65. .APPLICATION—Copy accompanies policy. CASH SURRENDER VALUES—Allowed annually, begin¬ ning with end of first policy year, equal to full reserve. DEATH CLAIMS—Payable immediately on receipt of satis¬ factory proofs. DIVIDENDS—Declared annually, beginning with end of sec¬ ond policy year. DUELING, SUICIDE OR VIOLATION OF LAW—Voids policy if death occurs as the result within first two years. GRACE IN PAYMENT OF PREMIUMS—One month allowed, subject to an interest charge of six per cent per annum. INCONTESTABILITY—Policy incontestable after two years, provided premiums are duly paid. INTOXICANTS AND NARCOTICS—No restrictions, but application inquires into habits in this respect LOANS ON POLICY—Allowed annually, beginning with end of first policy year, up to full cash value, interest at five per cent in advance. MAXIMUM AMOUNT CARRIED—$20,000. MILITARY AND NAVAL SERVICE—Such service in tiine of war in first two years voids the policy. NON-FORFEITURE CONDITIONS—Beginning with the end of the first policy year extended, paid-up or cash values may be selected. Policy is automatically non-forfeitable, surplus and reserve value being applied until exhausted to the payment of premiums, meantime payment of premiums may be resumed if desired. OCCUPATION—During first two years insured may not en¬ gage in handling electric wires or dynamos, blasting, mining, submarine labor, aeronautic ascensions, the manufacture of highly explosive or inflammable substances, retailing alcoholic liquors, service on any railroad train or track, switching or coupling cars, or on any steam or other vessel. REINSTATEMENT IN CASE OF LAPSE—No specific provision. Policy is automatically non-forfeitable. (See Non- Forfeiture.) RESIDENCE AND TRAVEL—In the first two policy year? residence or travel outside the Temperate Zone voids the policy WOMEN—Are insured at the same rates as men. For additional information see page 77. 10 ANALYSIS OF BEf^KSHlRE LIFE. PITTSFIELD, MASS. Five-Year Dividend Poucy. AGE LIMIT—20 to 65. APPLICATION—Copy accompanies policy. CASH SURRENDER VALUES—Guaranteed according to Massachusetts non-forfeiture law after third annual premium is paid, on the anniversary of the policy. DEATH CLAIMS—Payable on due notice and proofs of death. DIVIDENDS—Arc declared at end of each five years from date of policy. Post-mortem dividend paid if death occurs after first dividend period. Policies are also issued with annual divi¬ dends after second year. DUELING. SUICIDE OR VIOLATION OF LAW—No conditions. GRACE IN PAYMENT OF PREMIUMS—Thirty days. INCONTESTABILITY—Policy is incontestable after two years subject to payment of premium and observance of pro¬ visions as to military and naval service. INTOXICANTS AND NARCOTICS—No conditions. LOANS ON POLICY—Allowed at any time after the policy has been in force three years, with interest charge of five per cent in advance, premium to be paid to end of next policy year. MAXIMUM AMOUNT CARRIED—$25,000. MILITARY OR NAVAL SERVICE—In time of war with¬ out consent of the company is a risk not assumed. Permits may be obtained. NON-FORFEITURE CONDITIONS—After three or more annual premiums have been paid, the insured can take either the cash value or paid-up insurance, as provided by the Massachu¬ setts non-forfeiture law, or accept extended term insurance. OCCUPATION—Blasting, mining, submarine operations, manufacture, handling or transportation of inflammable or ex¬ plosive substances, service on railroad or steamboat, or other vessel, are risks not assumed by the company without its writ¬ ten consent in the first two years. Aeronautic travel at any time is forbidden. REINSTATEMENT IN CASE OF LAPSE—No provision in policy. Company will reinstate within limited periods on production of satisfactory certificate of good health and payment of premiums with interest. RESIDENCE AND TRAVEL—Residence, travel, or visiting outside the limits of United States, Canada, Europe and the Bermudas and intervening waters is not permitted in the first two years of the policy unless the consent of the company is obtained. WOMEN—No extra charge. For additional information see page 77. POLICY CONDITIONS. 11 BOSTON IVIUTURL LIFE. BOSTON, MASS. Life and Endowment Policies. AGE LIMIT—20 to 60. APPLICATION—Copy accompanies policy. CASH SURRENDER VALUES—Guaranteed annually after premiums for three full years have been paid. DEATH CLAIMS—Payable upon receipt of satisfactory proof. DIVIDENDS—Payable at the expiration of each period of five years. DUELING, SUICIDE OR VIOLATION OF LAW— Death by suicide, sane or insane, within the first two years re¬ duces the liability of the company to the net reserve on the policy. GRACE IN PAYMENT OF PREMIUMS—Thirty days. INCONTESTABILITY—Policy is incontestable after two years, except for fraud, provided the premiums have been duly paid. INTOXICANTS AND NARCOTICS—No restrictions. LOANS ON POLICY—After three years company will loan up to the guaranteed cash surrender value. MAXIMUM AMOUNT CARRIED—$10,000. MILITARY OR NAVAL SERVICE—No conditions. NON-FORFEITURE CONDITIONS—After three or more annual premiums have been paid, in case of default, insured has the option of taking either the cash value, paid-up or extended insurance within ninety days, by due notice being given, other¬ wise only paid-up insurance will be granted. OCCUPATION—Applicant agrees that he will not, without the written consent of the president, engage in a more hazard¬ ous occupation than that named in the application. REINSTATEMENT IN CASE OF LAPSE—No provision. RESIDENCE AND TRAVEL—No restrictions. WOMEN—Are insured at the same rates as men. For additional information see page 77. 12 ANALYSIS OF CANADA LIFE. TORONTO. ONT. Twenty-Payment Life Policy. AGE LIMIT—16 to 60. CASH SURRENDER VALUES—Cash surrender values are allowed annually after the third year. The full reserve is guaran¬ teed on accumulative policies at the end of the period. DEATH CLAIMS—Payable upon receipt and approval of proofs of death. DIVIDENDS—Are declared quinquennially, also at end of fifteen and twenty years. Accumulative surplus policies share in surplus only at the expiration of the accumulative period. DUELING, SUICIDE OR VIOLATION OF LAW—Sui cide, dueling or death at the hands of justice in the first two years of the policy renders it null and void, unless the policy has been effected by one party on the life of another, or where a bona fide assignment has been made. GRACE IN PAYMENT OF PREMIUMS—Thirty days. INCONTESTABILITY—Policies absolutely incontestable after two full years, the age of the insured having been admitted. INTOXICANTS AND NARCOTICS—No provisions. LOANS ON POLICY—Company will loan on the policy after it has been in force three full years, at interest not to exceed Syi per cent per annum. MAXIMUM AMOUNT CARRIED—$40,000. MILITARY OR NAVAL SERVICE—The insured may not enter into military or naval service in time of war in the first two policy years without having obtained consent of the company. NON-FORFEITURE CONDITIONS—After three or more years a paid-up non-participating policy will be issued ; after three or more full years the policy is entitled to a cash surrender value. Policies made automatically non-forfeitable as long as the unin¬ cumbered reserve will cover the unpaid premiums. OCCUPATION—Certain specified occupations without the consent of the company are prohibited during the first two years. REINSTATEMENT IN CASE OF LAPSE—Policies less than three years old may be reinstated within twelve months on satisfactory proof that the parties are still good assurable lives, the payment of the premium and a fine not exceeding óyi per cent per annum. After three years policy is automatically non¬ forfeitable. RESIDENCE AND TRAVEL—During the first two years the insured must not, without first obtaining permission from the company, reside or travel elsewhere than in the United States of America, Dominion of Canada, Newfoundland and Europe. WOMEN—Are insured under certain limitations. For additional information see page 77. POLICY CONDITIONS. 13 CE^TÎ^ALi LIFE OF THE Ü. S. DES MOINES, IOWA. Accumulation Policies. AGE LIMIT—21 to 60. APPLICATION—Copy accompanies policy. CASH SURRENDER VALUES—Allowed annually after the expiration of third policy year. DEATH CLAIMS—Payable upon receipt of satisfactory proofs. DIVIDENDS—Payable at end/of accumulation period, and annually thereafter. DUELING, SUICIDE OR VIOLATION OF LAW—Death in consequence of such acts in the first policy year is a risk not assumed. GRACE IN PAYMENT OF PREMIUMS—After payment of second annual premium, thirty days allowed, with interest at six per cent. INCONTESTABILITY—Policy is incontestable after one year. INTOXICANTS AND NARCOTICS—No conditions. LOANS ON POLICY—Allowed annually after the expiration of the third policy year, subject to payment of ensuing premium, and interest in advance at six per cent. MAXIMUM AMOUNT CARRIED—$10,000. MILITARY OR NAVAL SERVICE—Such service in time of v/ar requires a permit from the company. NON-FORFEITURE CONDITIONS—After three years on surrender of policy within six months from date of default in premium, the cash value or paid-up insurance may be taken. It no application be made extended insurance is automatically allowed. OCCUPATION—Engaging in certain specified occupations is forbidden during the first policy year. REINSTATEMENT IN CASE OF LAPSE—Allowed at any time within six months from date of lapse on payment of arrears with interest at six per cent and the furnishing of satis¬ factory evidence of good health. RESIDENCE AND TRAVEL—During the first year travel is limited to the United States, except by special permit. WOMEN—Accepted at the same rates as men. For additional information see page 78. 14 ANALYSIS OF COLOfllAIi LIFE- JERSEY CITY, N. J. Life and Endowment Policies. AGE LIMIT—20 to 60. APPLICATION—Copy accompanies policy when desired. CASH SURRENDER VALUE—Guaranteed after expiration of three or more policy years. Also at end of accumulation period selected when making application, consisting at that time of o'.ttire reserve and surplus then apportioned. DEATH CLAIMS—Payable immediately on receipt of satis¬ factory proof of death. DIVIDENDS—Payable at end of accumulation period se¬ lected. Policies also participate in profits every five years if continued beyond the distribution period. DUELING, SUICIDE OR VIOLATION OF LAW—Death from suicide or violation of law within one year from date of policy reduces company's liability to sum of premiums paid. GRACE IN PAYMENT OF PREMIUMS—No condition in policy. Company will allow a grace on application to the home office. INCONTESTABILITY—After policy has been in force twt» years it is incontestable if the premiums have been paid, and condition as to military and naval service has been satisfied. INTOXICANTS AND NARCOTICS—No conditions. LOANS—After three full premiums have been paid loans are granted with interest at five per cent, payable in advance. MAXIMUM AMOUNT CARRIED—$25,000. MILITARY OR NAVAL SERVICE—Consent of the com¬ pany required, but insured has the option of a temporary in¬ crease in premium or temporary reduction in amount insured. NON-FORFEITURE CONDITIONS—Policies provide that after three years' premiums have been paid, the policyholder is entitled to a cash surrender value, a paid-up policy, or extended insurance. OCCUPATION—No conditions. (See Military or Naval Service.) REINSTATEMENT IN CASE OF LAPSE—No provision in policy. Company will reinstate on production of a satisfactory certificate of good health and the payment of arrears, with in¬ terest. RESIDENCE AND TRAVEL—No conditions WOMEN—Are charged $5 annually per thousand extra until age 48, except on ten-payment life, ten, fifteen and twenty-year endowment policies. For additional information see page 78. POLICY CONDITIONS. 15 COÜÜIVIBIAH flRTIO^lñL». BOSTON, MASS. Life and Endowment Policies. AGE LIMIT—20 to 60. APPLICATION—Copy accompanies policy if desired. CASH SURRENDER VALUES—Allowed annually com¬ mencing at end of third policy year in accordance with Massa¬ chusetts statutes. DEATH CLAIMS—Payable upon receipt of satisfactory proofs of death. DIVIDENDS—Payable at end of accumulation periods and annually thereafter. DUELING, SUICIDE OR VIOLATION OF LAW— Suicide in the first policy year is a risk not assumed. GRACE IN PAYMENT OF PREMIUM—Thirty days allowed after first policy year, with interest at six per cent. INCONTESTABILITY—Policy is incontestable from date of issue, except for suicide committed within one year. INTOXICANTS AND NARCOTICS—No conditions. LOANS ON POLICY—Allowed annually after the expira¬ tion of the second policy year. MAXIMUM AMOUNT CARRIED—$10,000. MILITARY OR NAVAL SERVICE—No conditions. NON-FORFEITURE—After the third year the insured can take either the cash value, a paid-up policy or extended insur¬ ance. The cash value can also be applied in a variety of meth¬ ods of settlement. OCCUPATION—No conditions. REINSTATEMENT IN CASE OF LAPSE—No provision. RESIDENCE AND TRAVEL—No conditions. WOMEN—Are accepted at the same rates as men. For additional information see page 79. If) ANALYSIS OF CO^IFEDERATION LIFE. TORONTO, ONT. Unconditional Accumulative Policy. AGE LIMIT—16 to 65. APPLICATION—Copy does not accompany policy. CASH SURRENDER VALUES—After three full annual premiums have been paid cash surrender values are allowed. The full reserve is payable at the end of accumulated dividend periods. DE.'VTH CLAIMS—Payable on due proof of death. DIVIDENDS—Are declared and paid at the end of fifteen, twenty or twenty-five years, as desired by applicant. On ordi¬ nary policies quinquennially. DUELING, SUICIDE OR VIOLATION OF LAW—No conditions. GRACE IN PAYMENT OF PREMIUMS—Thirty days al¬ lowed. INCONTESTABILITY—Subject to proof of age, and the payment of premiums, the policy is indisputable after one year. INTOXICANTS AND NARCOTICS—No conditions in policy. LOANS ON POLICY—No provision in policy. MAXIMUM AMOUNT CARRIED—$20,000. MILITARY OR NAVAL SERVICE—No conditions. NON-FORFEITURE CONDITIONS—After three or more annual premiums have been paid the insured is entitled to a paid-up non-participating policy on surrender of original within three months of date of default in payment of premium, or the policy will, without action on the part of the insured, be ex¬ tended for the full amount for the term specified in it. If death occurs in the first three years of such extension, the overdue premiums, with interest at six per cent, will be deducted from the face value of the policy. OCCUPATION—No conditions. REINSTATEMENT IN CASE OF LAPSE—Allowed with¬ in five years on satisfactory evidence of good health and the payment of premiums with interest upon accumulative plans. RESIDENCE AND TRAVEL—No conditions. WOMEN—Insured at ordinary rates, but placed in a separate dividend class. For additional information see page 79. POLICY CONDITIONS. 17 CONNECTICUT GENEF?Ab üipE. HARTFORD, CONN. Twenty-Premium Life Policy. AGE LIMIT—20 to 65. APPLICATION—Copy furnished with policy. CASH SURRENDER VALUES—Guaranteed annually from end of fifth year. DEATH CLAIMS—Payable on receipt of satisfactory proofs. DIVIDENDS—Paid annually beginning with the end of second policy year. Business mainly non-participating. DUELING, SUICIDE OR VIOLATION OF LAW- Death from such causes in the first two years voids the policy. GRACE IN PAYMENT OF PREMIUMS—None. INCONTESTABILITY—No incontestable clause in policy. INTOXICANTS AND NARCOTICS—No conditions. LOANS ON POLICY—Company will loan after policy has been three years in force, with interest at five per cent in ad¬ vance, and on payment of premium to end of ensuing policy year. MAXIMUM AMOUNT CARRIED—$12,500. MILITARY OR NAVAL SERVICE—The policy is null and void if the insured engages in such service in time of war with¬ out the written consent of company. NON-FORFEITURE CONDITIONS—Extended insurance granted without application after three or more years in case of lapse, but in case of death within first three years of such extension term, the unpaid premiums, with interest, will be de¬ ducted. Paid-up non-participating policy granted after three or more years if applied for within three months from date of lapse, according to table printed on policy. Cash surrender values allowed annually after five years. OCCUPATION—The policy becomes null and void if within two years from its date the insured personally engages in blast¬ ing, mining, handling electric wires or tending dynamos, or in the making of explosives, or as an employee on any railroad train, steam or sailing vessel. REINSTATEMENT IN CASE OF LAPSE—Company will revive, within six months from date of lapse, if the insured pro¬ duces satisfactory evidence of continued good health. RESIDENCE AND TRAVEL—^The contract becomes null and void if within two years from its date and without the written consent of the company the insured shall travel or reside without ■the limits of the Temperate Zone. WOMEN—Are insured without extra charge on mutual plan only. For additional information see page 79. 18 ANALYSIS OF COHNEGTICUT .JVlUTUñü IiipE. HARTFORD, CONN. Life and Endowment Policies. AGE LIMIT—16 to 65. APPLICATION—Copy accompanies policy. CASH SURRENDER VALUES—Guaranteed at end of ten years and quinquennially thereafter on application within thirty days after the end of any such period, as per table on policy. DEATH CLAIMS—Payable within thirty days after satis¬ factory proof of death. Company pays its approved claims with¬ out regard to time limitation in policy. DIVIDENDS—Are declared annually, beginning at the end of the first policy year provided the premium due is paid. DUELING, SUICIDE OR VIOLATION OF LAW—Death in committing, or attempting to commit a felony, or in con¬ sequence thereof, or by self-destruction, except upon satisfactory proof that the insured was so far insane as to destroy his re¬ sponsibility therefor, makes the policy void. (See note.) GRACE IN PAYMENT OF PREMIUMS—None. 11 pre¬ miums are not paid when due and there are unused dividends standing to the credit of the policy sufficient to pay at least one quarterly premium, said dividends will be so applied. INCONTESTABILITY—No incontestable clause in policy. INTOXICANTS AND NARCOTICS—1 he policy is null and void if death occurs as result of intemperance. (See note.) LOANS ON POLICY—No provision in policy. MAXIMUM AMOUNT CARRIED—$50,000. MILITARY OR NAVAL SERVICE—Death in such service in time of war without the consent of the company voids the policy. (See note.) NON-FORFEITURE CONDITIONS—Policy becomes paid- up for a definite amount of participating insurance, as stated in it, after two or more annual premiums have been paid. OCCUPATION—Unless the written consent of the company has been obtained, death from any accident or injury received while engaged or employed in certain occupations is excepted from risks insured against. (See note.) REINSTATEMENT IN CASE OF LAPSE—No provision. RESIDENCE AND TRAVEL—Death during or resulting from residence or travel outside the Temperate Zones (except when traveling solely for pleasure or recreation in civilized countries) without consent of company voids policy. (See note.) WOMEN—Are insured on proof of proper insurable interest and charged an extra premium for the first ten years only, be¬ ginning at $6.40 at age 20, running down to $4 per thousand at age 35, but the extra premium does not extend beyond age 45. For additional information see page 791 POLICY CONDITIONS. 19 COISlSEÍ^VflTlVE^ ÜIPE. LOS ANGELES, CAL. Life and Endowment Distribution Policies. AGE LIMIT—21 to 6s. APPLICATION—Copy accompanies policy. CASH SURRENDER VALUES—Allowed annually after four annual premiums have been paid. DEATH CLAIMS—Payable on acceptance of satisfactory proofs of death. DIVIDENDS—Payable at end of distribution periods of ten, fifteen or twenty years, or annually, as elected by insured at time of making application. DUELING, SUICIDE OR VIOLATION OF LAW—Death from such causes in first policy year voids the contract, but net- reserve is returned. GRACE IN PAYMENT OF PREMIUMS—Thirty days. INCONTESTABILITY—Under all risks assumed by com¬ pany policy is incontestable from date of issue, provided pre¬ miums are duly paid. INTOXICANTS AND NARCOTICS—Applicant agrees that he will not, during first five years of policy, use intoxicants or narcotics to the injury of his health, under penalty of reduc¬ ing the policy to the net reserve thereon. LOANS ON POLICY—Allowed after four years, provided premiums have been paid in full to the date of the loan, includ¬ ing one full annual premium in advance, interest being payable in advance at not to exceed six per cent per annum. MAXIMUM AMOUNT CARRIED—$20,000. MILITARY OR NAVAL SERVICE—Such service in time of war is a risk not assumed unless the consent of the company has been obtained. NON-FORFEITURE CONDITIONS—After policy has been in force for three years it may be surrendered for paid-up or extended insurance. Policy is automatically non-lapsing so long as the reserve is sufficient to pay a quarterly premium, and payments of premiums may be resumed at any time, without medical re-examination. OCCUPATION—During first policy year permission to en¬ gage in certain occupations must be obtained from the com¬ pany. REINSTATEMENT IN CASE OF LAPSE—Allowed with¬ in one year from date of lapse. Policy is automatically non- lapsing. (See Non-Forfeiture Conditions). RESIDENCE AND TRAVEL—Travel or residence within the tropical or frigid zone, without the consent of the company, during the first policy year, voids the policy. WOMEN—Are accepted at the same rates as men, except for term insurance. For additional information see page 80. 20 ANALYSIS OF DES MOHSIES LIFE. DES MOINES, lA. Life .^nd Endowment Policies. AGE LIMIT—20 to 60.. APPLICATION—Copy accompanies policy. CÀSH SURRENDER VALUES—Allowed annually after the expiration of the first three policy years, as indorsed on the policy. DEATH CLAIMS—Payable within sixty days after acceptance of satisfactory proofs. DIVIDENDS—Payable at expiration of premium-paying period, or at expiration of twenty years from date of issue, or annually after third year, as agreed upon. DUELING, SUICIDE OR VIOLATION OF LAW—Death from such causes in the first two policy years is a risk not as¬ sumed, and only the premiums paid will be returned. GRACE IN PAYMENT OF PREMIUMS—Thirty days al¬ lowed, with a delinquent charge of ten cents per thousand of insurance. INCONTESTABILITY—Policy is incontestable after two years. INTOXICANTS AND NARCOTICS—Policy may be can¬ celed for habitual intemperance in first two years, on return of premiums paid. LOANS ON POLICY—Allowed annually after the expiration of three years, as specified in the policy, interest not exceeding six per cent. MAXIMUM AMOUNT CARRIED—$10,000. MILITARY OR NAVAL SERVICE—In case of the death of the insured while engaged, or in consequence of having been engaged, in military or naval service in time of war, riot or in¬ surrection, only half the sum insured will be paid. NON-FORFEITURE CONDITIONS—Extended insurance granted automatically after three years, or the insured may take either the paid-up or cash value. OCCUPATION—During the first two years the liability of the company is reduced to the sum of the premiums paid, in case of death while engaged in, or in consequence of having been engaged in, blasting, mining, submarine labor, manufacture of inflammable or explosive substances, or switching or coupling cars upon any railroad. REINSTATEMENT IN CASE OF LAPSE—Allowed on pre¬ sentation of satisfactory evidence of good health. RESIDENCE AND TRAVEL—No restrictions. WOMEN—Accepted at the same rates as men. Limit $2,500. For additional information see page 80. POLICY CONDITIONS. 21 EQUITABLE üipE ASSURANCE SOCIETY. NEW YORK. Guaranteed Cash Value Policies. AGE LIMIT—21 to 6s. APPLICATION—Copy accompanies policy when desired. CASH SURRENDER VALUES—Guaranteed at any time after policy has been in force three years. Paid-up policies may also be surrendered for their cash values at any time. DEATH CLAIMS—Payable immediately upon receipt of sat¬ isfactory proofs of death. DIVIDENDS—Payable at end of accumulation period (ten. fifteen or twenty years) selected when application is made. Poli¬ cies also participate in profits quinquennially if continued beyond accumulation period. DUELING, SUICIDE OR VIOLATION OF LAW—Deai>. from suicide within one year from issue is a risk not assumed. GRACE IN PAYMENT OF PREMIUMS—One month al lowed with an interest charge of five per cent. INCONTESTABILITY—Policy is absolutely incontestable after one year, provided the premiums are paid when due. thai the age has been correctly stated, and that the society's regula¬ tions as to service in war are observed. INTOXICANTS AND NARCOTICS—No conditions LOANS ON POLICY—Loans will be made at any time after the policy has been in force three years, with interest at five per cent in advance. MAXIMUM AMOUNT CARRIED—$250,000. MILITARY OR NAVAL SERVICE—Special class formed for those engaged in active service in time of war. NON-FORFEITURE CONDITIONS—In the event of lapse after three or more annual premiums have been paid, the policy becomes automatically paid-up for the sum stated in it, or the cash surrender value may be taken or the full amount of insur¬ ance extended for a specified term. OCCUPATION—Engaging in certain specified occupations in the first year of the policy renders it null and void. REINSTATEMENT IN CASE OF LAPSE—Company will reinstate at any time on production of satisfactory evidence of good health and the payment of arrears, with interest. RESIDENCE AND TRAVEL—Travel and residence in Mexico-and the Torrid Zone during the first year of the policy (unless issued in Tropical Class) renders it null and void. WOMEN—Are insured at the same rate as men on policies having an accumulation period of 15 or 20 years, but are placed in a separate class for dividends. For additional information see page 80. 2-; ANALYSIS OF EQUITABLE LIFE OF IOWA. DES MOINES. Life Option Policy. AGE LIMIT—20 to 60. APPLICATION—Copy accompanies policy. CASH SURRENDER VALUES—Guaranteed at the end of five-year periods as endorsed on policy. DEATH CLAIMS—Payable on receipt of satisfactory proofs of death and cause. DIVIDENDS—Declared annually, beginning with the end of the second policy year. DUELING, SUICIDE OR VIOLATION OF LAW—Sui¬ cide in the first two years voids the policy. GRACE IN PAYMENT OF PREMIUMS—None. INCONTESTABILITY—After two years policy is incon¬ testable, provided the insured pays the premiums and observes rules of company as to habits and military or naval service. INTOXICANTS AND NARCOTICS—The insured agrees that if he impairs his health by over indulgence in intoxicants or narcotics during the first five policy years the company may cancel the policy by tendering the reserve-on the same to the holder during life, but within one year from date of cancellation. LOANS ON POLICY—After the policy has been in force five years the company will loan an amount stated in it, but no loan of less than $25 nor for less than one year will be made. MAXIMUM AMOUNT CARRIED—$20,000. MILITARY AND NAVAL SERVICE—In the first two years of the policy such service in time of war renders it void. NON-FORFEITURE CONDITIONS—After three or more years' premiums have been paid the policy becomes paid up as a non-participating contract for an amount stated in it without action of the insured in the event of default in the payment of premiums, or on application within three months extended in¬ surance will be granted. (See also Cash Surrender Values.) OCCUPATION—The policy is rendered null and void if within first two years insured engages in certain occupations. REINSTATEMENT IN CASE OF LAPSE—If policy lapses before three annual premiums have been paid, it may be restored within one year. After three annual premiums have been paid it can be restored at any time. RESIDENCE AND TRAVEL—Policy is void if within the first two policy years the insured travels or resides in any part of the Torrid Zone or north of the parallel of 60° north latitude. WOMEN—Accepted at usual rates on ten, fifteen and twenty- year endowments, and on any plan when climacteric is passed. For additional information see page 81. POLICY CONDITIONS. 23 FEDERAL LIFE. CHICAGO, ILL. Life and Endowment Policies. AGE LIMIT—18 to 60. APPLICATION—Copy does not accompany policy. CASH SURRENDER VALUES—Allowed annually after two policy years have elapsed. DEATH CLAIMS—Payable on receipt of satisfactory proofs of death. DIVIDENDS—Payable at end of dividend period selected. DUELING, SUICIDE OR VIOLATION OF LAW—Death in consequence of such acts during the first policy year renders the contract void. GRACE IN PAYMENT OF PREMIUMS—Thirty days. INCONTESTABILITY—Policy is incontestable after the first year, provided the premiums have been duly paid. INTOXICANTS AND NARCOTICS—No conditions. LOANS ON POLICY—Allowed at any time after a whole life policy has been in force two years, with interest, payable in ad¬ vance at the rate of five per cent per annum. On limited life and endowment policies after one year. MAXIMUM AMOUNT CARRIED—$15,000. MILITARY OR NAVAL SERVICE—Such service in time of war requires the written consent of the company and the pay¬ ment of an extra premium. In case of death from such service, without the permit having been obtained, only the reserve on the policy will be paid. NON-FORFEITURE CONDITIONS—After a whole life pol¬ icy has been in force two years, and in case of limited life and endowment policies after one year, it may be extended for a term of years, or a paid-up policy taken, or the cash value. Policy is automatically non-forfeitable, the loan value to its credit being applied to the payment of premiums until exhausted, and pay¬ ment of premiums may be resumed at any time. OCCUPATION—During the first policy year engagement in certain occupations is prohibited. REINSTATEMENT IN CASE OF LAPSE—No specific provision. Policy is automatically non-forfeitable. (See Non- Forfeiture Conditions). RESIDENCE AND TRAVEL—During the first policy year travel or residence outside the temperate zone is forbidden. WOMEN—Are accepted at the same rates as men. For additional information see page 82. 24 ANALYSIS OF fidelity mutual life. PHILADELPHIA, PA. Ordinary Life Policy. AGE LIMIT—21 to 60. APPLICATION—Copy accompanies policy. CASH SURRENDER VALUES—Full reserve guaranteed at end of premium-paying or accumulation periods. (See Loans.) DEATH CLAIMS—Payable within sixty days after the ac¬ ceptance of due and satisfactory proof. DIVIDENDS—Payable annually after the fifth year. DUELING, SUICIDE OR VIOLATION OF LAW—Sui¬ cide within the first two years voids the policy. GRACE IN PAYMENT OF PREMIUMS—Thirty days allowed with interest at the rate of five per cent per annum. INCONTESTABILITY—Policy incontestable after two years. INTOXICANTS AND NARCOTICS—No restrictions. LOANS ON POLICY—Alloweolicy contract of insur¬ ance. 2. And be it enacted, that any person or corporation violating any of the provisions of the preceding section of this act shall, for each and every offense, forfeit and pay the sum of $100 for every $2500 of insurance or frac¬ tion thereof effected by the said policy contract of insurance; such penalty to be sued for and recovered with costs in an action of debt in any court of competent jurisdiction in the county where the offense shall have been com¬ mitted, or in any county where such offender may reside or be served with process, by any person who shall sue for the same; one-half of such penalty shall be for the benefit of the person prosecuting the suit, and the other half shall be paid to the State Treasurer for the benefit of the school fund of the State; and in case the defendant in any suit shall neglect or refuse to pay the amount recovered against him, it shall be lawful for such court in which such judgment has been obtained to issue its process against the body of the defendant and to cause him to be committed to the jail of the county until the judgment and costs are paid, the imprisonment, however, not to exceed sixty days from the date of such commitment. 3. And be it enacted, that no agent, sub-agent or other person against whom final judgment may have been recovered under the second section of this act, shall solicit applications for life insurance in this State, or in any way. directly or indirectly, act as the agent of any life insurance company doing business in this State within two years after the recovery of such final judgment; and any person so offending against the provisions of this section of this act shall be adjudged guilty of a misdemeanor, and on being thereof convicted shall be punished by fine not less than $500 nor exceeding $1000, or by imprisonment for any term not less than thirty days nor more than • ninety days, or both, at the discretion of the court. 4. And be it enacted, that all acts or parts of acts inconsistent herewith are hereby repealed. 6. And be it enacted, that this act shall take effect immediately.—Act of 1895. NEW YORK. No life insurance corporation doing business in this State shall make any discrimination in favor of individuals of the same class or of the same ex¬ pectation of life either in the amount of premium charged or in any return of premium, dividends or other advantages. No agent of any such corpora¬ tion shall make any contract for insurance or agreement as to such contract other than that which is plainly expressed in the policy issued. No such corporation or agent thereof shall pay or allow, or offer to pay or allow as an inducement to any person to insure any rebate of premium, or any special favor or advantage whatever, in the dividends to accrue thereon, or any inducement whatever not specified in the policy. If it shall appear to the satisfaction of the Superintendent of Insurance, after a hearing by him upon due notice, that any corporation is issuing policies or making con¬ tracts that are directly or indirectly in violation of this section, he shall, upon the written approval of the Attorney-General, require such corporation 116 ANTI-DISCRIMINATION AND ANÏI-REBATE LAWS. and its oiiicers and agents to refrain, within twenty days, from making any such policy or contract. No such corporation shall make any agreement with any of its oihcers, trustees or salaried employees whereby it agrees that for any services renaered or to be rendered thereafter by such official, trustee or employee, he shall receive any salary, compensation or emolument that will extend beyond a period of twelve months from the date of such agreement or contract. 11 any such corporation, or officer or agent thereof, shall fail to comply with the provisions of t]»is section, the Superintendent shall, within twenty days after such failure, publish a notice of the fact in the State paper once a week for four weeks, and institute such proceedings in law as may be necessary to restrain such violation of this section.—Sec. 89, chap. 2, Insur¬ ance Laws. OHIO. That no life insurance company doing business in Ohio shall make or per¬ mit any distinction or discrimination in favor of individuals between insur¬ ants of the same class and equal expectation of life in the amount or pay¬ ment of premiums, or rates charged for policies of life or endowment insur¬ ance, or in the dividends or other benefits payable thereon, or in any other of the terms and conditions of the contract it makes; nor shall any such company, or an agent thereof, make any contract of insurance, or agreement as to such contract, other than is plainly expressed m the policy issued thereon; nor shall any such company or agent pay or allow, or offer to pay or allow, any inducement to insurance, any rebate of premium payable on the policy, or any special favor or advantage in the dividends or other benefits to accrue thereon, or any valuable consideration or inducement whatever not specified in the policy contract of insurance. Every corporation or officer or agent thereof who shall violate any of the provisions of this act shall be fined in any sum not exceeding 2500, to be recovered by action in the name of the State, and on collection paid into the county treasury for the benefit of the common school fund. Every officer or agent of any such corporation who shall violate any of the provisions of this act, shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor, and upon conviction thereof, shall be fined in any sum not exceeding {100, or imprisoned in the jail of the county not exceeding thirty days, or both, at the discretion of the court, and shall pay the costs of prosecution. It shall be the duty of the Superintendent of Insurance, upon being sat¬ isfied that any such corporation, or any agent thereof, has violated any ot the provisions of this act, to revoke the license of the company, or agent, so offending, and no license shall be granted to such company, or agent, for one year after such revocation.—Laws of 1889, as amended April, 1893. PENNSYLVANIA. That no life insurance company doing business in Pennsylvania shall make or permit any distinction or discrimination in favor of individuals between insurants of the same class and equal expectation of life in the amount or payment of premiums or rates charged for policies of life or endowment insurance or in the dividends or other benefits payable thereon, or in any other of the terms and conditions of the contracts it makes, nor shall any company or agent thereof make any contract of insurance or agreement as to such contract other than as plainly expressed in the policy issued thereon, nor shall any such company or agent pay or allow, or offer to pay or allow, nor shall any insurant receive directly or indirectly as inducements to insurance, any rebate of premium payable on the policy, or any special favor ANTI-DISCRIMINATION AND ANTI-REBATE LAWS. 117 Qf advantage^in the dividends or other benefit to accrue thereon, or any valuable consideration or inducement whatever not specified in the policy contract of insurance. Any life insurance company, its agent or agents, or any person violating section one of this act shall be guilty of a misdemeanor, and upon convic¬ tion thereof the offender or offenders shall be sentenced to pay a fine ol (500 on each and every violation where the amount of insurance is $25,000 or less, and for every additional $25,000 insurance or less there shall be an addi* tional penalty of $500, and the offender or offenders so convicted shall there¬ upon be disqualified from acting as life insurance agent for the period of three years thereafter, and the fine or fines shall be collected as fines are now by law collectable, one-half to be paid to be informer and one-half to the county treasurer for the benefit of the common school fund in the county where the offense was committed.—Act of 1895. RHODE ISLAND. No life insurance company organized or doing business within this State shall make any distinction or discrimination as to the premiums or rates charged for policies upon the lives of persons insured, except such as shall apply to all persons of the same age, sex, general condition of health, and hope of longevity, nor shall any such company make or require any rebate, diminution or discount upon the sum to be paid on any policy in case of the death of the person insured, nor insert in the policy any condition, nor make any stipulation whereby the person insured shall bind himself, his heirs, executors, administrators and assigns, to accept any less sum than the full value of amount of the policy in case of a claim accruing thereon by reason of the death of the person insured, other than such as are imposed upon all persons in similar cases, and any such stipulation or condition so made or inserted shall be void. Any life insurance company, and any officer or agent of any life insurance company violating any of the provisions of this act shall forfeit a sum not exceeding $100. This act shall not affect any existing contracts. It shall not be lawful for any agent of any life insurance company to make any distinction as to the time and manner of collecting dues upon policies.—Sees. 1, 2, 3, chap. 673, laws of 1888. TENNESSEE. No life insurance company doing business in Tennessee shall make or per¬ mit any distinction or discrimination between insurants of the same class and equal expectation of life in the amount or payment of premiums or rates charged for policies of life or endowment insurance, or in the dividends or other benefits payable thereon, or in any other of the terms and condi¬ tions of the contracts it makes; nor shall any such company, or any agent thereof, make any contract of insurance, or agreement as to such contract, other than is plainly expressed in the policy issued thereon; nor shall any such company or agent pay or allow, or offer to pay or allow, as inducement to insurance, any rèbate of premiums payable on the policy, or any special favor or advantage in the dividends or other benefits to accrue thereon, or any valuable consideration or inducement whatever not specified in the policy contract of insurance. Any life insurance company which shall violate any of the provisions of section 28, shall be fined in a sum not less than one hundred ($100) dollars nor exceeding five hundred ($500) dollars, to be recovered by action by the 118 ANTI-DISCRIMINATION AND ANTI-REBATE LAWS. Insurance Commissioner in the name of the State, and the amount so recovered shall be paid into the State treasury. An officer or agent of any such company who shall violate any of the provisions of said section, shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor, and upon conviction thereof, shall be fined in any sum not less than one hundred ($100) dollars, nor exceeding two hundred ($200) dollars, or imprisoned in the county jail not exceeding thirty (30) days, or both, at the discretion of the court—Act of 1895. VERMONT. No life insurance company doing business in Vermont shall make or per¬ mit any distinction or discrimination in favor of individuals, between insur¬ ants of the same class and equal expectation of life, in the amount or pay¬ ment of premiums, or rates charged for policies of life or endowment insur¬ ance, or in the dividends or other benefits payable thereon, or in any other of the terms and conditions of the contracts it makes; nor shall any such company or any agent thereof make any contract of insurance, or agreement as to such contract, other than is plainly expressed in the policy issued thereon; nor shall any such company or agent pay or allow, or offer to pay or allow, as inducements to insurance, any rebate or premium payable on the policy, or any special favor or advantage in the dividends or other benefit to accrue thereon, or any valuable consideration or inducement whatever not specified in the policy contract of insurance. For violation of any provision of this act (this section) the offender shall be punished by fine of not more than $500.—Sec. 39, revised laws 1890. WEST VIRGINIA. Life insurance companies or associations doing business in this State, shall not make any discrimination in favor of individuals of the same class, and of the same expectation of life, either in the amount of premium charged or any return of premium, dividends or other advantages, and no agent of any such insurance company shall make any contract for insurance or agreement as to such contract of insurance other than that which is plainly expressed in the policy issued, nor shall any such company or agent pay or allow, or offer to pay or allow, as inducement to any person to insure, any rebates of pre¬ mium, or any special favor or advantage whatever, in the dividends to accrue thereon, or any inducement whatever, not specified in the policy- Whenever it shall appear to the satisfaction of the auditor, after a hearing held by him upon due notice, that any company is issuing policies or making contracts that are either directly or indirectly a violation of this act he shall thereupon, with the approval of the Attorney-General, in writing, require said company and its officers and agents to refrain, within twenty days, from making or delivering any such policy or contract, and the making or delivering of any such policy or contract thereafter, shall render such company or person guilty of a misdemeanor, and shall be subject upon conviction, before any court in this State, to a fine of not less than $100 nor more than $500. It is further made the duty of said auditor, in case of the failure of any company, or its officers or agents to comply with the said reqmrement within the twenty days, to publish a notice of the fact in some State newspaper once a week for four weeks.—Anti-rebate Law, passed March, 189L WISCONSIN. No life insurance company doing business in the State of Wisconsin shall make or permit any distinction or discrimination in favor of individtaals, between insurants of the same class and equal expectation of life, in the ANTI-DISCRIMINATION AND ANTI-REBATE LAWS. 119 amount or payment of premiums» or rates charged for policies of life or endowment insurance» or in the dividends or other benefits payable thereon» or in any other of the terms and conditions of the contract it makes; nor shall any such company» or any agent thereof» make any contract of insur¬ ance» or agreement as to such contract, other than as plainly expressed in the policy issued thereon; nor shall any such company or agent pay or allow» or offer to pay or allow» as inducements to insurance» any rebate of premium payable on the policy» or any special favor or advantage in the dividends or other benefits to occur thereon» or any valuable consideration or inducement whatever, not specified in the policy contract of insurance. Whenever it shall appear to the satisfaction of the Insurance Commis¬ sioner» after a hearing held by him upon due notice» that any agent, sub¬ agent» broker or solicitor has, directly or indirectly, violated the provisions of this act, the said Insurance Commissioner shall thereupon revoke the certificate of authority of said agent, sub-agent, broker or solicitor to trans¬ act business in this Sute; and no other certificate shall thereafter be issued to said person for a term of three years from the date of said revocation. This act shall take effect and be in force from and after its passage and publication, and shall apply to all policies of life insurance companies written or issued by them in this State after this act takes effect.-^ecs. 1, 2, 3, chap. 267, laws of 189L WYOMING. Section L No life insurance company doing busines in this Sute shall make or permit any distinction or discrimination in favor of individuals of the same class and equal expectations of life, in the amount or payment of premiums, or rate charged for policies of life or endowment insurance, or in the dividend > or other benefits payable thereon, or in any other of the contracts of insurance it makes, nor shall any such company, or agent thereof, make any contract of insurance or of agreement as to such contract other than as is plainly expressed in the policy issued thereon, nor shall any such company pay or allow, or offer to pay or allow, as inducements to any person to insure his life or that of any others, any rebate of premium pay¬ able on the policy, or any special favor or advantage whatever in the divi¬ dends, or other benefits to accrue thereon, or any valuable consideration or inducement whatever specified in the policy contract of insurance. Section 2. It shall not be lawful for any life insurance company doing business in this Sute» or its representatives to procure for any person seek¬ ing life insurance, a Sute auditor's certificate for the purpose of allowing to such person a rebate. Section 3. Any life insurance company, its agent or agents violating this act shall be guilty of a misdemeanor, and upon conviction thereof the offender or offenders shall be sentenced to pay a fine of five hundred aollars on each and every violation, when the amount of insurance is twenty-five thousand dollars or less, and for every additional twenty-five thousand dol¬ lars or less of insurance, there shall be an additional penalty of five hun¬ dred dollars to be recovered by action in the name of the Sute, and on collection it shall be paid in to the county treasury for the benefit of the common school fund in the county where the offense was committed, and said offender or offenders shall be prohibited from doing business in this State until such fine is paid. Section 4. This act shall take effect and be in force from and after its passage.—An act to Prevent Discrimination in Life Insurance approved January 22» 189L THE SPECTATOR COMPANY PUBLISHERS AND IMPORTERS OP INSURANCE . WORKS. PUBLISHERS OF THE FOLLOWINQ IMPORTANT LIFE PUBLICATIONS : THE SPECTATOR.—An American Review of Insurance; Published Weekly. Price, $4.00 per annum. THE INSURANÍE YEAR BOOK.—Issued July of each year. Price of each volume: Life and Miscellaneous Insurance, $5.00; Fire and Marine Insurance, $5.00; Both volumes when ordered together, $8.00. HANDY GUIDE TO PREMIUM RATES, APPLICATIONS AND POLICIES OF AMERICAN LIFE COMPANIES.—In flexible leather cover. Price, $2.00. Three supplements are issued, in July, October and December. Price to Handy Guide subscribers, 75 cents for the three. Handy Guide and supplements, $2.75. ANALYSIS OF POLICY CONDITIONS.—Price, flexible leather cover, with flaps, 75 cents. PREMIUM RATES OF AMERICAN LIFE INSURANCE COM¬ PANIES.—Price, flexible leather cover, with flaps, 75 cents. PREMIUM RATES AND POLICY CONDITIONS.—Price, flexible leather cover, $1.00. CHARTERS OF AMERICAN LIFE INSURANCE COMPANIES.— Showing the charters and amendments thereto of fifty-two prominent legal reserve companies. Price, hound in sheep, $5.00. MANUAL OF POLICIES ANÖ RATES of Stipulated Premium and Fraternal Life Insurance.—Price, flexible leather cover, $1.50. LIFE AGENTS' CODEX.—Price, $1.50. PRINCIPLES AND PRACTICE OF LIFE INSURANCE.—A Scientific Treatise on Life Insurance, with valuable tables for reference. Prices: Actuaries' Edition, contains 4. 3^ and 3 per cent American Experience Valuation Tables. $5.00. Poclcet Edition (with flexible leather cover), $2.50: Cloth Edition, $2.00. PROMINENT PATRONS OF LIFE INSURANCE.—Price, 50 cents. A B C OF LIFE INSURANCE.—Fourth Edition. Price, $1.00. THE THREE SYSTEMS OF LIFE INSURANCE.—Revised Edition. Price, bound in leather, $2.50. NOTES ON LIFE INSURANCE, by Gustavus W. Smith; a Theoretical and Practical Work, by a writer who thoroughly understood the science of life insurance in all its branches.—Price, $2.00. TALKS WITH LIFE INSURANCE AGENTS.—Price: cloth, $1.50; leather, $2.00 THE ART OF CANVASSING.—Price, flexible leather. $1.60. ELEMENTS OF LIFE INSURANCE.—Price, $2.00; Revised Edition just issued. This publication, with its companion work. Assessment Life Insurance, can bepurchased for $3.00, when ordered together. .ASSESSMENT LIFE INSURANCE.—A companion book 'to Elements of Life Insurance. Price, bound in cloth. $1.50. LIFE INSURANCE SAYINGS.—Price. 75 cents. JOMPENDIUM OF OFFICIAL LIFE INSURANCE REPORTS.— Price, $1.50 in manila, $2.00 in leather. INSURANCE PREMIÜMS AND RESERVES.—Price, 60 cents. LIFE INSURANCE POLICYHOLDERS' POCKET INDEX.—Showii« the statistics of the level premium companies. Price, in manila, & cents; in flexible leather pocket book, 50 cents. POCKET REGISTER of S^ulated Premium and Fraternal Life Insur¬ ance.—Price, in manila, 26 cents; in flexible leather pocket book, 60 cents. DIVIDENDS IN LIFE INSURANCE FROM DATE OF ORGANIZA- TION.—Price, 26 cents. LIFE, TEMPORARY AND DEFERRED ANNUITY VALUES.— American Experience Net 3 and 3Vé per cent, computed by W. C. Wright. Prices: Complete copy of either table (ten cards). $7.50; com¬ plete copy of both tables (twenty cards), $10.00; additional copy of either table, $2.^. BROWN'S COMPLETE DIGEST OF INTEREST, SURPLUS EARN¬ INGS AND EXPENSES IN LIFE INSURANCE.—A work of in- struction and general information for the student of life insurance, general agent and fieldworker^ and book of reference for every official library, comprising the experience of the companies reporting to the Massachusetts Insurance Department for the decades 1882-91 and 1892-01, inclusive. Price, $2.00. HANDY HELPER.—Life Agents* Record Book for interviews and ap¬ pointments. Price, $1.00. RECORD OF LIFE INSURANCE POLICIES.—A handy memorandum book of 32 pages and cover, designed to enable insured persons to record and show the annual cost of the policies they carry. Price, 25 cents; 100 copies. $12.00. PRACTICAL HINTS TO LIFE AGENTS.—Price, 25 cents. INSURANCE ORKS—Continued. SOME PLAIN HINTS TO LIFE INSURANCE SOLICITORS.—Hie life insurance solicitor, whether young in the business or old in service, will profit by these twenty-nine hints. Price, 25 cents. TOO BUSY.-This leaflet is of proper size to slip into an envelope, and so used freely by agents would undoubtedly prove a valuable aid in se¬ curing business. 6c. per copy; 50 copies, $1.25; 100 copies, $2.00; 500 copies $7.00; 1,000 copies, $10.00; 5,000 copies, $45.00; 10,000 copies, $80.00. LIFE INSURANCE AGENTS' VISITS.—-A new publication prepared with a view to enabling solicitors to keep a daily record of visits to prospective applicants. Price per copy, 10 cents; 12 copies, $1.00; 25 copies $1.50; 100 copies, $4.00. THE FORCE OF A GOÔD EXAMPLE.-This leaflet is devoted to an analysis of the reasons why several thousand persons each carry life insurance for more than $50,000. Price per copy, 10 cents; $2.00 per 50; $20.00 per 1,000. $12.00 per 500; $3.00 per 100. LIABILITY OF MEMBERS IN ASSESSMENT INSURANCE ASSO¬ CIATIONS.—A leaflet prepared from a legal standpoint explaining the law of liability of members of benefit or assessment insurance associa¬ tions. Price per copy, 10 cents; $2.00 per 50; $3.00 per 100; $12.00 per 500; $20.00 per 1,000. LIFE POLICY REGISTER AND PREMIUM RECORD.-Prices. $5.00, $8.00 and $15.00. THE UNIVERSAL LIFE INSURANCE FIELD BOOK.—For agents' use. Prices: No. 1, $12.00; No. 2, $10.00; No. 3, $3.00. UNIVERSAL LIFE INSURANCE FIELD CARD.—A useful card for canvassing (in connection with the Field Book). Prices: 250 for 60 cents; 500 for $1.15; 1,000, $2.00. JOYCE ON INSURANCES.—A cyclopaedia of all legal insurance works brought up to date, containing rules and definitions, comparisons^ and conflicting decisions, separate chapters on technical points, pertaining to particular classes of insurance. Four volumes of 1,000 pages each, being a compendium of insurance law. Price, $24.00. PRACTICAL LESSONS IN ACTUARIAL SCIENCE.—A treatise show- ing the methods of ascertaining rates, values, etc., for life insurance policies, embracing several hundred pages of Mortality Tables and other statistical data not obtainable in any other publication. Price, $6.00. THE LIFE INSURANCE EXAMINER.—By the late Charles F. Stillman, M. D. Price, $3.00. AGENTS* WALLET. OR POCKET BOOK.—No. 1 (inside measurement), 9% X 4% inches, 50 cents; No. 2, 10 x 4^/^ inches, 60 cents; No. 3, 11 x 5 inches, 75 cents. Special size, 9% x 5 inches, with two pockets, $1.00. The Catalogue of The Spectator Company presents a full list of leaflets useful in soliciting Life Insurance. CASUALTY INSURANCE. ETC. POCKET REGISTER OF ACCIDENT INSURANCE.—Price, 25 cents. ACCIDENT INSURANCE MANUAL.-Price, flexible leather cover, $1.50. HANDY CHART OF CASUALTY AND OTHER MISCELLANEOUS INSURANCE COMPANIES IN AMERICA.—Price, 25 cents. BENEFITS UNDER ACCIDENT POLICIES.-Price in manila, 25 cents; bound in flexible leather pocket book, 50 cents. "THIS MAY HAPPEN TO YOU."—A handsome little brochure of thirty- two pages, illustrating in verse and by a series of specially drawn pictures, a few of the many accidents that are liable to happen to any person, especially to business men in the pursuit of their daily avoca¬ tions. Price, 25 cents. MANUAL OF LIABILITY INSURANCE.-Price: manila, $1.00; flexible leather cover, $1.50. LAW OF LIABILITY.—A digest of the laws of negligence, with the lead¬ ing decisions of the highest Federal and State Courts directly affecting liability insurance. Price, $5.00. BOURNE'S MULTIPLICATION TABLES.—For multiplying four figures by any number of figures, $1.50. For multiplying three figures by any number of figures, 50 cents on heavy paper, 75 cents on cardboard. the ROBINSONIAN UNIQUE CALCUÏAtOR.-A multiplier and divider. Price, $3.00. ROBINSONIAN FIVE PER CENT INTEREST BOOK.—A new five per cent interest book, by J. Watts Robinson, the author and publisher of the well-known Robinsonian Interest and Calculation Books, will be found extremely useful in this connection. Price, $2.00. SYSTEM AND TABLES OF LIFE INSURANCE.—A treatise developed from the experience and records of thirty American life offices, under the direction of a committee of actuaries. By Levi W. Meech, actuary in charge. Revised edition, 1899. Price per copy, $10.00 Mr. Meech is the author of a valuable series of calculation tables for multiplication and division. Price per copy. $10.00. TABLES OF PROPORTIONAL PARTS.—By David Parks Fackler. Price, $1.00. ALSO NUMEftOUS OTHER VALUABLE INSURANCE WORKS, Sole Agents for all works handled by CHAS. & EDWIN LAYTON of London. A Catalogue of Insurance Publications, with descriptive circulars of the above works, will be forwarded on receipt of 5 cents in stamps. Address THE SPECTATOR COMPANY, 95 William St., New York, THE SPECTATOR; An American Review of Insurance. PUBLISHED V/EEKLY. PRICE, $4.00 PER ANNUM (Estabtishkd 1868.) The Spectator is a live and progressive insurance journal, noted for its pungent and fearless discussion of all matters pertaining to the vast subject of insurance in every branch. In the many years of its existence it has built up a reputation for fair and honest treatment of insurance matters that has made it invaluable to property owners desiring insurance and to insurance men of every class. It contains the latest and freshest insurance news from every quarter, bright and sparkling correspondence from the principal insurance centres of the country, com¬ ments on current insurance events of the day, with special departments showing what the underwriters are doing in the different fields. The most eminent writers on insurance in its various forms are contributors to its columns, and the aim of its proprietors is to present the science of the insurance sys¬ tems in vogue without prejudice to any and in fairness to all. It is in this spirit that Fire, Life, Industrial, Acci¬ dent, Natural Premium Life and Miscellaneous Insurance Companies, Associations and Societies are treated without fear or favor. It also gives the current news from different insurance centres each week, and each number is an epitome of all matters pertaining to insurance. It is the ambition of its proprietors to make The Spectator an invaluable journal to the commercial and business world and to every person identified with the insurance interest in any capacity. Address, THE SPECTATOR COMPANY, 95 William Street, New York. (Telephone Number, "231 John.") KAÎ4SAS U^110^1 ÜIFE. (Successor to Kansas Mutual Life.) TOPEKA, KAN. Life and Endowment Policies. AÜE LIMIT—20 to 60. APPLICATION—Copy furnished with all policies. CASH SURRENDER VALUES—Cash values are allowed in the event of lapse after the pa3rment of five annual premiums. DEATH CLAIMS—Payable immediately upon receipt and approval of satisfactory proofs. DIVIDENDS—Payable annually at the end of the second policy year, or, if accumulation policy, at expiration of period (10, IS or 20 years) selected at time of making application. DUELING, SUICIDE OR VIOLATION OF LAW—Death from suicide, sane or insane, or from wilful violation of law within the first two years of the policy, renders it void. GRACE IN PAYMENT OF PREMIUMS—Thirty days al¬ lowed, with interest charged at the rate of six per cent. INCONTESTABILITY—Policy is incontestable after two years, except for non-payment of premium, but military or naval service in time of war, without the consent of the company, re¬ duces the company's liability to the net reserve (Actuaries' four per cent). INTOXICANTS AND NARCOTICS—Applicant agrees that death from the use of intoxicating liquors in the first two years of the policy will render it void. LOANS ON POLICY—After the payment of three annual premiums the company will loan sum stated m the contract, sub¬ ject to payment of one full year's premium in advance. MAXIMUM AMOUNT CARRIED—$20,000. MILITARY AND NAVAL SERVICE—See Incontestability. NON-FORFEITURE CONDITIONS—After three or more annual premiums have been paid, in the event of lapse, t' e com¬ pany will, without action on part of insured, grant a not partici¬ pating paid-up policy, or on request within three mon js from lapse, extend the insurance. (See Cash Values.) OCCUPATION—^The insured agrees in his application that in the first two years he will not, without written consent of the company, engage in certain specified occupations. REINSTATEMENT IN CASE OF LAPSE—Policy pro vides for reinstatement within five years (and before the end of the accumulation period) after lapse on payment of arrears, with six per cent interest and satisfactory evidence of good health. RÉSIDENCE AND TRAVEL—Policyholder warrants that in first two years he will not reside in Torrid Zone. No restric¬ tions on travel. WOMEN—Same terms as men, not exceeding $5000. For additional information see page Ss