vcP^-H>. NORTHWESTERN UNIVERSITY LIBRARY f Y 4> 4- -4 4- 4* 4 4 4* 4 4 4 4 EVANSTON ILLINOIS rgi ^4444444444444444444444^?{g^ LATIN PRONUNCIATION f £ ,££. M À rte -n CAMBRIDGE: 1871. Entered according fco Act of Congrcep, in the year 1871, by George M Lahe, in the Office of the Librarian of Congress, at Washington. 4.7 .6" uns AN ELEMENTARY LATIN GRAMMAR, BASED ON THE LATEST TEXTS AND GRAMMATI¬ CAL STUDIES. BY GEORGE M. LANE, POPE PROFESSOR OF LATIN IN HARVARD UNIVERSITY. Will be ready, it is expected, in the Autumn of 1872. LATIN PRONUNCIATION. " Ego sic scribendum quidque judico, quomodo sonat. Hie enira est usus litterarum, ut custodiant voces et velut depositum reddant legentibus." Quintil. 1,7,30. " Aliter scribere et aliter pronuntiare vecordis est." Papirianus ap. Cassiodor., p. 2292, 21, P. The exact Pronunciation of the Romans cannot of course now be known. The following may be regarded as a close approximation. In a syllable long by position merely, the vowel has the short sound : e. g. niix as in put, lûx as in rule. Note 1. For the Parasitic n after g, q, and s, see those letters. Note 2. The Greek vowel y (v) is pronounced like the German Ü, French u. Note 3. An intermediate sound between n and i, perhaps not un- VOWELS AND DIPHTHONGS. Vowels. Long. Short. a as in father. e as in Frenchfite. i as in machine. O as in teme. 11 as in rule. a as in the first syllable of papa, e as a in desperate. i as e in report. O as in domestic. 11 as in put. 4 LATIN PRONUNCIATION. like Greek i (" médius quidam u et I litterae sonus: " Quintil. 1, 4, 8,) occurs in many real Latin words in short syllables, as in opt"mus, dec"mus, before m and Labials. Sometimes it is written u, some¬ times I ; t. g. original Ii bet changes to llbet. Diphthongs. "AifpdoyyoL ?Jyovrai, enei&ri ex Svo