1 jj i iir !:••; I' 5";: t?ik •' ' 1 ' !f(Iir' itiHimln •1* • r NORTHWESTERN UNIVERSITY LIBRARY EVANSTON ILLINOIS COLUMBIA THEATRE, CHICAGO, ILL." Al. Hayman and W. j. Davis, - Proprietors, *** Alf. Hayman, - Manager MONDAY EVENING, APRILS 13H?, 1891, FIRST APPEARANCE HERE OF CHARLES FROHMAN'S COMPANY OF NEW "V"ORK, A New Play by Henry C. de Mille and David Belasco, authors of The Wife, The Charity Ball, Lord Chumley, entitled, M6N /IBD W0/AEN "Then gently scan your brother man, Still gentler sister woman ; ISRAEL COHEN, President of the Jefferson National Bank, WILLIAM PRESCOTT, the Cashier, EDWARD SEABURY, the Assistant Cashier. . MR. PENDLETON, Director of the Bank, MR. REYNOLDS, '• " MR. BERGMAN, " " MR. WAYNE, " " CALVIN STEDMAN, Counselor, LYMAN H. WEBB, Bank Examiner, . . STEPHEN RODMAN, Governor of Arizona, ..... COLONEL ZACHARY T. KIP, Member of Congress from New Jersey, SAM DELAFIELD, Mrs. Delafield's Stepson. Aged 26, . ARNOLD KIRKE, Stockbroker, CRAWFORD, Deputy Marshall, . .... DISTRICT MESSENGER No. Si, ROBERTS, Mr. Cohen's Secretary, ...... JOHN, Servant at Mrs. Delafield's, ....... AGNES RODMAN, Daughter of the Governor, .... DORA, William Prescott's Sister, . . . . . . MRS. KATE DELAFIELD, Widow, aged 26, Sam's Stepmother, MARGERY KNOX, Our Cousin from the West. . . . . MRS. JANE PRESCOTT, William's Mother, Though they may gang a kennin' wrang. To step aside is human." FREDERIC DE BELLEVILLE . WILLIAM MORRIS . ORRIN JOHNSON LESLIE ALLEN W. H. TILLARD . ARTHUR HEYDEN . E. MACKEY R. A. ROBERTS . HENRY TALBOT FRANK MORDAUNT . M. A. KENNEDY J. C. BUCKSTONE . EMMETT CORRIGAN . E. J. McCULLOUGH MASTER LOUIS HAINES . A. R. NEWTON RICHARD MARLOW SYDNEY ARMSTRONG MAUDE ADAMS ODETTE TYLER . ETTA HAWKINS ANNIE ADAMS MRS. KIRKE, Wife of Arnold Kirke LILLIAN WHITE LUCY, Servant at Mrs. Prescott's, ................. WINONA SHANNON JULIA, Servant at. Mr Cohen's, GEADYS EURELLE —SYNOPSIS >: ACT I. At Mrs. Prescott's. The close of St. Valentine's Day, 1890. ACT II. The Alhambra Corridor adjoining the Parlors and the Picture Gallery at Mrs. Delafield's. One Week Later. ACT III. The Library in Mr. Cohen's House. After the Reception. THE MIDNIGHT MEETING. ACT IV. At Mrs. Prescott's Three Months Later. ft. f\. I^Oe bar>K if it c;osts a million a day, damme." MEN AND WOMEN. ACT III. MEN AND WOMEN. ACT IV. loue ar)d l?ome,— Sicbc uttb am eignett $>ccrb. MEN AND WOMEN. ACT IV. 812.091 C726S iJ li !l! Ml IIII 111 III llll II 3 5556 006 391 049 SiSii:?.'«:i» III: ♦ i;: t : : : : j ; ' • • :■ • • .v." m ^ {•! 'm «?>*»• !!»i" • « ■ • • •.*. :! '•» -*»?«*.• * *»;*! - - ] ; St lil :• thi Mr ... , .V , ' - - • » • «,* :-v< • , • . :: - ■, - i: J "; i y . . .. , ' ' - 1 :» : ■ * :-H i • ■ ' • i > * - - • . : i: j.j.i i-.-1 - - - > l-M--.*1 Vifutl I i {jtj!-:.j ■ , • • , ... . ■ :■ . :5: •- . m