NORTHWESTERN UNIVERSITY LIBRARY EVANSTON ILLINOIS HAMMOND'S HOME AND OFFICE ATLAS OF THE WORLD I NEW YORK C. S. HAMMOND ^ COMPANY Engravers, Printers and Publishers 1913 1Í if r I ;■ / ALPHABETICAL LIST OF COUNTRIES AND STATES INDICATING THE MAPS IN THE ATLAS ON WHICH THEY ARE SHOWN page Abyssinia 27 Aden 45 Afghanistan 46 Africa 26 Africa, Central and Southern 28 Africa, Northern 27 Alabama 81 Alaska 16 Alberta 10 Algeria 27 Anam 45 Andorra 39 Angola 28 Antarctic Regions 60 Antigua 17 Arabia 45 Arctic Regions 60 Argentina 25 Arizona 119 Arkansas 99 Ascension Island 28 Asia 45 Australia 57 Austria-Hungary 43 Azores Islands 26 Bahama Islands 17 Balkan States 42 Baluchistan 46 Barbados 17 Basutoland 28 Bechuanaland 28 Belgium 36 Belize 22 Bermuda Islands 4 Bhutan 48 Bokhara 46 Bolivia 24 Borneo 56 Brazil 24-25 British Columbia 11 British Honduras 22 British Isles 31 Bulgaria 42 Burma 45 California, Northern 120-121 C lufomia. Southern 122-123 Cambodia 45 Canada 5 Canary Islands 27 Cape Breton Island 6 Cape of Good Hope 28 Cape Verde Islands 26 Caroline Islands 56 Caucasia 44 Celebes 56 Central America 22 Ceylon 48 Chagos Archipelago 3 Chile 24-25 China 50 Cochin China 45 Colombia 24 Colorado 107 Connecticut 66-67 Costa Rica 22 Crete 42 Cuba 18 Curacao 17 Cyprus 45 Dahomey 27 Delaware 74 Denmark 35 District of Columbia 76 Dominica 17 East Africa, British 27 East Africa, German 28 East Africa, Portuguese 28 East Indian Archipelago 56 Eastern Roumelia 42 Ecuador 24 Egypt 27 England 32 Page Erythrea 27 Europe 29 Europe, Central 30 Falkland Islands 25 Fiji Islands , 56 Finland 44 Florida 80 Formosa 50 F ranee 38 Franklin 5 Gambia 27 Georgia 79 Germany 37 Gibraltar 27 Goa 48 Gold Coast 27 Greece 42 Greenland 4 Grenada 17 Guadeloupe 17 Guam 56 Guatemala 22 Guiana, British 24 Guiana, Dutch 24 Guiana, French 24 Guinea, French 27 Guinea, Portuguese 27 Haiti 17 Hawaii 54-55 Honduras 22 Honduras, British 22 Hongkong 50 Hungary 43 Iceland 29 Idaho 116 Illinois 92-93 India 48 Indiana 90-91 Indo-China, French 45 Iowa 94-95 Ireland 34 Italy : . . 40 Ivory Coast 27 Jamaica-. 17, 22 Japan 49 Java 56 Kamerun 27 Kansas 108-109 Keewatin 5 Kentucky 82-83 Kiauchau 50 Kongo, Belgian 27,28 Kongo, French . 27 Kongo, Portuguese 28 Korea 49 Kwanchauwan 50 Kwangtung SO Labrador 5 Leeward Islands 17 Liberia 27 Liechtenstein 43 Louisiana 101 Luxemburg 36 Macao 50 Mackenzie 5 Madagascar 28 Madeira Islands 27 Maine 64 Malta 40 Mancburia 50 Manitoba 9 Mariana Islands 56 Maritime Provinces of Canada 6 Marshall Islands 56 Martinique 17 Maryland 74 Massachusetts 66-67 Mauritius 3 Mexico 20-21 Paos Michigan, North 89 Michigan, South 88 Midway Island 56 Minnesota 96 Miquelon 5 Mississippi 100 Missouri 98 Molucca Islands 56 Monaco 38 Mongolia 50 Montana 114 Montenegro 42 Montserrat 17 Morocco 27 Natal 28 Nebraska 110-111 Nepal ■ 48 Netherlands 36 Nevada 125 New Brunswick 6 New England, Southern 66-67 Newfoundland 6 New Guinea 52 New Hampshire 65 New Hebrides Islands 56 New Jersey 71 New Mexico 118 New South Wales 58 New York, Eastern 68-69 New York, Western 70 New Zealand 57 Nicaragua 22 Nigeria 27 North America 4 North Carolina 77 North Dakota 112 Norway 35 Nova Scotia 6 Nubia 27 Nyassaland Protectorate 28 Oceania 56 Ohio, Northern 84-85 Ohio, Southern 86-87 Oklahoma 106 Oman 45 Ontario 8 Orange River Colony 28 Oregon 124 Pacific Ocean, North 52-53 Palestine, Modem 47 Panama 22 Paraguay 25 Pelew Islands 56 Pennsylvania 72-/3 Persia 46 Pern 24 Philippine Islands 51 Poland 44 Porto Rico 19 Portugal 39 Prince Edward Island 6 Quebec 7 Queensland 59 Reunion 1 Rhode Island 67 Rhodesia 28 Rio de Oro 27 Rio Muni 27 Rodriguez 3 Roumania 42 Russia »... 44 Russia in Asia 45 St. Croix Island 4 St. Helena Island 28 St. John Island 4 St. Lucia 17 St. Pierre Island 6 St. Thomas Island 4 St. Vincent 17 Sakhalin 45, 50 Page Salvador 22 Samoa Islands 56 San Marino 40 Santo Domingo 17 Saskatchewan 10 Scotland 33 Senegal 27 Senegambia 27 Servia 42 Seychelles 3 Siam 45 Siberia 45 Sierra Leone 27 Society Islands 56 Solomon Islands 56 Somali Coast, French 27 Somaliland, British 27 Somaliland, Italian 27 South America 23 South America, Northern Part 24 South America. Southem Part 25 South Australia 57 South Carolina 78 South Dakota 113 Southwest Africa, German 28 Spain 39 Spitzbergen 60 Straits Settlements 56 Sudan 27 Sumatra 56 Swaziland 28 Sweden 35 Switzerland 41 Tasmania 58 Tennessee 82-83 Texas, East 104-105 T exas. West 102-103 Tibet 50 Tobago 17 Togo 27 Tonkin 45 Transvaal 28 Trinidad 24 Tripoli 27 Tunis 27 Turkestan 45 Turkey 42 Turkey in Asia 45 Uganda Protectorate 27 Ungava 5 United South Africa 28 United States, Altitude 128 United States, East 12-13 United States, Political 63 United States, West 14-15 Umguay 25 Utah 117 Venezuela 24 Vermont 65 Victoria 58 Virginia 75 Wales 32 Walfisch Bay 28 Washington 126-127 Weihaiwei 50 West Africa, French 27 Western Australia 57 West Indies 17 West Virginia 76 Windward Islands 17 Wisconsin 97 World on Equivalent Projection 4-5 World on Mercator's Projection 1 Wyoming 115 Yoraba 27 Yukon 5 Zanzibar 28 Zululand 28 NOTE:—The above alphabetical list makes reference only to separate maps, inset maps, and to such land areas as are under separate governuiental control—states, colonies protectorates, etc. For all minor areas and political divisions, cities, towns, islands, etc., consult the marginal indexes attached to the maps. The indexes on the margins of the maps of the grand divisions or continents may be used to locate the larger political divisions, larger islands, and in the case of Africa the tribal sections, native kingdoms, etc. The Ind.xeson the margins of maps of countries, states, etc., give the minor political divisions and the larger cities and towns. To avoid overcrowding and consequent indistinctness some comparatively unimportant places are omitted from the maps; many of these places will be found in the marginal indexes, and their situation on the map may be determined by means of the index reference letters and numbers. Copyright, 1911, by 0. 8. Hammond & Co., New Tork Copyright, 1912, by C. S. Hammond & Co., New York Copyright, 191», by C. S Hammond & Co., New York ATLAS OF THE WOBiLD 854396 WORLD Countries with names of Capitals Abyssinia G® Addis Abeba Afghanistan. .H á Kabul Aiaska..., 02 Juneau Algeria G 4 Algiers Angola G "é Loanda Ai'gentina Ed Buenos Aires Australia B 8 Austria-Hun¬ gary G 3 Vienna, Budapest Baluchistan...H 5 Khelat Belgian Kongo G7 Bouia Bolguim... G3 Bi'ussels Bhutan A 5 Punakha Bokhara H á Bokhara Bolivia E 8 Sucre, La Paz Brazil IÍ 7 Uio de Janeiro British Guiana E 6 Georgetown Bulgaria G á Sofia Canada D 3 Ottawa Chile E9 Santiago China A4 Peking Colombia E Ö Bogota Costa Rica E 6 San Jose Cuba E5 Havana Denmark G 3 Copenhagen Dutch Guiana.E 6 I^ai-amaribo Ecuador E7 Quito Egypt G 5 Cai ro England F3 London BVance G 3. Paris Fr. Guiana... E6 Cayenne French Kongo G 6 Libreville German East Africa G 7 Dar-es-Salaam German South¬ west Africa..G 8 "Windhoek Germany G 3 Berlin Gold Coast F 6 Akera Great Britain and Ireland B'3 London Gi'eece G 4 Athens Guatemala E 6 New Guatemala Haiti E 6. Port au Prince Hawaii „.C 5 Honolulu Honduras EÖ Tegucigalpa India H 5 Delhi [reland F 3 Dublin italy G 4 Rome Japan... Tokio Kamerun.. Buea Liberia Monrovia Liechtenstein.G 3 Vaduz Luxemburg.. .G 3 Luxemburg Madagascar..H 8 Tananarivo Mexico..., DS Mexico Monaco... G4 Monaco Montenegro...G 4 Ceiitiiijo Morocco F í Fez, Morocco Nepal Hi Khatmandu Netherlands...Gi The Hague NewfoundlandEi St. Johns New Zealand..B S Wellington Nicaragua E Í Managua Nigeria Gfl Zungeru Norway G 5 Christiania Oman H 6 Maskat Panama.. E 6 Panama Paraguay E 8 Asuncion Persia H 4 Teheran Pei*u E7 Lima Philippine Isls. A C Manila Porto Rico EC San Juan Portugal.......Fl Lisbon Portuguese East Africa ,.G 8 Lourenco Mai'quez Rhodesia G 8 Salisbury Roumania G 4 Bukharest Russia Ai St. Petersburg Salvador K6 San Salvador San Marino ...G4 San Jlarino Santo Domingo E5 Santo Dominpo Scotland B" S Edinburgh Servia Gl Belgrade Slam A 5 Bangkok Sierra Leone F I Freetown ß H H i $3 il : -*3 s s 5 eS-û 2 t" i-j â i M H O w 1-5 O « w « o H «t! O « s "A O ~ 2 " S ! i è á é ¿I S « • § t ■ C Ö - o 8 ^3 ■2 4? -sS n ATLAS OF THE WORLD ATLAS OF THE WORLD Vardo\^ BAR^'a s Sj Hamhiçrfest'i^ S£A -poster Uiri^aDshaab 'ICEUÀÎÎD Fi^derikshaal C. Ghidley .Reikiavik îamîl FrederikBdu\^(7,/'art'ii't¿í Xbrlä« ^teFsbaíl \HE8RIDES, BurnsH,;, .JfOÄjn llopedale !RELi*iA \ NEWjF^NO- înriéU, strnkhä: Balhaf}^ ráSaB Türke: »B.flaaeliihii It^niore ■King^tuu i-A s TERN •R^ STA h ^YarkVnd. •TSbùzv \>vf e he eu ^ ô' JJegn^N-V V K U s I , "^Ispahan K 0^ "D^V • iffi'raa ^Charles oarannab Ftcksoiivil Inlngton . onl ^.rat AFGHANTbTA.Vf v. (Kandahar \ WeriisnlemN**^ \oi \ Syriak> MADEIRA IS. (Port.) l\t£XICO ' Igidi Desert TROPIC OP CANCER ^/reeron^lX. H CiA C«iyra«i^»'V*v KHarmm\ Aspiin^ •jçIatan 'ipeche V^'°KA|TI «•amaiCA<;:3^C:=Ä^ TOc^^i$v\aVV\o K iiigstun%L-_^ »—DAU/ibbean Had cç \ Y-f 't^ABJAH ^Raa\fadraka IC.Blanco^ ^agpur. o\ % ta yCuttack\\ w^iaidaniliad^ y \ "S 1" ojpN lA \ vO^^aPulipatam. ^'XMe\^rABEHG.A.L ßangalöFev_3:^ad ras iTie£6T> Dehna V Desert -PORTO RICO (Dm ) ^N^*Mj3UA (Pr.) ■ A ^ V<»WC.AI.OUPE Vo T (pX) Ahkaf^ JJ" \Desert cg^ furtet- 'ASaCN VRTINIQUE {y,,) "barbados /i \ (Br.) () irtüf yjinin Ni^idao {Dr.) Bdta îRYT^Èi^ Ab4hi> E G-Vr ^ADAI^ fcABfUfi SUDAN l V ^ FaRhixlftl ¡ 1 ko KANEI » KORTHERNK^ J\akolja<*^ I ^ÎGERTAj Bathurst? / PORT.Ji UACCADIVE IS.'*V7 \ ■.C«l!ciS iKarIkat U (F-.) jï VCEYLON Vc^ombo fmVe G«IU .Cayenne i&:ù\W/ loPjEAST AFEICAl «S) îcj^îaAW X / GÉRÎIAN K «Tabora Ai EAST •fc^aitïihjir i*a Saltm ^ '|'»a "sèr^^iur.v //coMOBö is.o , W/^J' "k.- r€-^'nl,er' Buenaventura} MALDIVE is. n i-' //mo^<;5° A.M. O «iuifo;^ e II ay a: ñ'-Mn \^* St.George —TretjPuntat CHONOS arch¿¿50^ G. o/Penatfm^ MARION I, CROZET IS. QUEEN ADELAIDE) ARCH./ KERGULEN I, ( Ft. ) £f /FALKLAND IS. ^ (ür.) .4 Sir. 'RANGEtU Shig^ .ARCTJ circl: Ortat '^ft^^'Ukmmsïr Okho^ í.,Apíahaita /Ôi lANOORSKI QUEEN CRARLOTIil 5-2r«ffl-á '"^AMUR 'pro Vj^5> OKHi ^dnkhtn^ terulyi^ C.Lopatki 2ouver,[JV Yict^ ilumbia r\ AVlpnii rt7i rchî» [Adiaix C.Mendocino\ LaniSàji^^ [nver y S^acramej \Uuth^i€""^ F.tlWOTth^ Santa ELLOW/ 8E\^ fa ÇA BT?. okohaïua ,Pbocnij i^Dkau9°^gfJ MIDWAY Vf my A., patfiocinio i. 5¡g>eilin .Cantoii CALIPORI BRAMAS 18, lorog ^PPE,R¡ eÔRMÏf tropic of cancer tropic of cancer nfiixtampico * îl^c A( V^ra/Cruz , 'KRUSENSTERN BJCiC HAWAIIAN V ISLANDS ^Hilo (ois.) San 'BlaslÄ,^ REVILLASIBEOO 18. GuadjU^T (Jfí*.) • « Manzanllîiî^i Honolulu -rs jSATANES 18. . BABUYAN IS. ^G.£ngano WAKE I. (O.S.) TfêwTîÛate^^ffl San Sàl,\;TiÏÏ [^PHILIPPINE I ISLANDS ISAMAH (rj Q CLIPRERTON ) c pala/aj COCHIN C7 ;Siam 1 tmbvdia mindanao a' /su LU IS. Malaboa^ CÉLEBES O Al BEA •' '^BAK£RI.(f/.a.) 16j CHRISTMAS 1. (Br.) 6ALAPA60S IS. (g?.) (l LObO GILBERT-' IS. EQUATOR EQUATOR MEMTAWtl 18. PHOENIX IS. (Br), »DMIRALTY IS. '1(5^EW'*' J8" BISMARdK^"E«LENBURS yilHEÚtó ARCH.^"\ ^ c^ougainville TSKrania-Í^^^^ MALDEN I. • (Br.) Makassai gL.'«V INGANO Java Headi STARBUCK I (Br.) ELLICE IS. I (Br.) V 1 MARQUESA (Br.) MALAY' '% guadalcana'r'^ raurol danger is, l'santa cru2 16. keeli.s6 or \ cocos is, 8uw0r0af is. (Br.)' ion donderrytí /savaii '^C.Melviae) SCILLY IS,..liOCIíTY\IS, HOWE ^S).'(Fr.) -HEBVEY IS. LOW ARCHIPELAGO •V;' 'HAO,*'-** I CtMBERt,} •£ast£ri>^ tonga or* •GMUP.. ^ frienOIYIS. jahiti ?ownsvji Condon COOK IS. (Br.) ouke 0f%. gloucester is. }reat Sandy ¿lontWW E.STERN BwrowCrA \ oitiEfiSLAVit '«»LOYALTY IS. 5^ NEW >> s A CALEDONIA lRi«kh^îçton^ V^^^Mary borough -^^ygj.P'pie NorthiVcsf C., tropic of caprï^rn tropic of capricorn AUSffiVl iS. ^ .v. V.lhrquhar^ Xoa rnarvon A\ L I U -•^:îr.:^v-ich4rievnieî Victoria IfL. \ Besch A U S T "^ulcibI A UST R A LI A /¿AAvtlim A y GOMkZ (OA.) BiODAntall^ 'NORFOLK I. jraldtoi y^Ärnworth ^^^JJewcastlc ¡^¿Coolgardie » Port tfrea t xU Australian A^ny \ Bight KERMADECXiS.« (Or.)\ Fremantlciv V.Leeuvnn To nice.^ NORTHS '^îssassJSLAND^ \ (Weymoutbj VsOUTH/ »StAND/^ ^^ceston TASMANIA kZEALA^ IhristchurtÍK :^j)Dimedln ^STEWART I, antipodes macqüarie I. antarctic circle 8ALLENY 'S. KING EOWARD^Ii N.LAND \ Ne» Map of V!n\i on Equlyalent Projection ATLAS OF THE WORLD Aciilin Island .L? Afognak Island C5 Alabama.... .K 6 Alaska C3 Alberta G¿ Al jos Rocks ..G 7 Amdnip Land Q1 Anmnd Ringnes Land J 2 Andros Island L 7 Aoticosti Island M 5 Arizona G 0 Arkansas J 0 Axel Heibeiv Ijind .12 Raffln ... L 3 Baluunu Islands L7 Banks Land .. F2 Rarnnof Island EI Raring Land ..F2 Bathurst Island H2i 'Olioioo w i Pit Beliie K 81'^- Bell Island... K3 /| «•<. i - Bermuda Islands K ' '*c MOI Brass Islands.. F 8 British Columbia F 4 Buck Island ...F9 BylutIsland ..L2 Caicos Islands. L 7 California F 6 Canada H 4 50 i Cape Breton \ / Island N5 xy Central America K8 / ^ Charles Island L 3 j / Chicliagof Island ' Coburg Island La Cockburn Land i K2^ ' Cocos Island. K 9 Coiba Island ..KD r-. Coldeway Island *■ Q3 Colorado H 6 Columbia, District of . L 6 Connecticut ..L6 Costa Rica K8 Cozumel Island K7 Crocker Land H 1 Cuba .. L7 iQ Delaware LÖ Disco Island . .N 3 Eleuthera Island 7- L7 / Ellef Ringnes / Land H 2 / Elllesinere Land / K2 / Farallone Islands / F6 I Florida K7 ¿a Fmiiklin J 2 ^ Geoi-gia K 6 Germania Land Grant Land .. 1 Great Abaco Island L7 | Great Cayman Island K8 Great Tobago Island V?T...E7 30 I Greenland O 2 Grinnel Land ..LI Guadalupe Island G 7 , Guatemala ...J8 Haiti L8 Hall Land ....N 1 Hans IÀ)lÎik ' Islands F 8 ^ Berschel Island / E2 Honduras K 8 Iceland R3 p Idalio G 5 Illinois KÖ "* Indiana K 6 Iowa J 5 Isle of Fines . .K 7 IsleRoyal, ....K5 Jamaica L8 ^ Jost van Dyke ^ Island . ..F8 ¡ Kadiak Island C 4 Kansas J 6 Keewatin. J 3 Kentucky. .K6 King Christian Land P3 King Frederick VlLand 0 3 B King Frederick vniLand..Q2 Klng Oscar Land " K 2 H«NS loi King ■William mass •] Land J 3 Ijibrador.. ..M4 --i .i x w.« « I^ambert Land Q 2 V ivob Coronados g 6 %\y o "%• Ixîuisinna J 6 10 "l'A % \,x$ ' % ■rs> . Luke Fox I^nd ^ ^ Mackenzie. ..0.3 Maine M .I • V -VJ Malpelo Island K 9 Manitoba. .. Jt ■*' 1" Mansfleld Island KS . CAHIBBBAy SEA Markham Island ^ 18 o 1 9 , .Sv Maryland .... L 6 Massachusetts L 5 Slelville IslandG S Mexico H 7 ïlichigan K Minnesota. ...J5 Miquelon Island N5 Mississippi ... .K 6 0 Missouri J G Montana H 5 Mylius Erichsen Land PI Nebraska H Ö Nelson l8land..B3 Nevada G 6 !=■« New Brunswick «o ^ n e»« NewfoundlandN 5« -aS 'a ••«•••-« J x-a ^ :V •J-* .2 c -Ji 1 -tí r H-PaMig 5g| g ; ; ;y.|. :| | J ||| ; :| New Jersey. - .LôIb®-«© o_y -c'? • • : ■•c 3 "ri os ® New Mexico ..H = 5 «"g o c SÄ J.2»"2 ?| || |||l| Norm&n I si a n/t ir .5 .2 c ch.8 S KÔÎ-UÎ °°° O O a, ad. t. 11. 11,11.11. a. 1. p. a. fi oo-â J>ooàaunt* Ft,Reli4QM Peget^ F .Cburekllli Mnc® , -«^Albert' S'""?'« !»• âSiîi4?Oj i»8l3stî L 2««; f ¿ucblo I ''fps » y sao dj, r'^OSAo W Çolondo^ iClliliiiab»!^ — wanta Rosalia ? Lampu ..iA.,"''««! 'UalvcitoD . c o W""-X.--: NORTH AMERICA -£î*ÎÇej AltaS:.® -X! ^**ca»y^ Maaatla^ f'otosi Cam pico ÊNOtlSH STATUTE MILES 0 100 200 300 100 500 KILOMETERS •rienfe»^ ^ vrcfe Uaaunilk ■"«'Mo! BalBa$ Ii. «■ V»í' .Acapuli ^jy-icVs»» _ N „trEi.0.1- (iM.l 1. Venn«« 6. Rhoda lelaad 2. New'Hampshln A Mew Jeney 3. Massaehuaett« 7. Delawan 4. ConnO^ont & JtfaiyUod Bammond'i 6 : 11 Hap of North America.' C.S.Uammood A Co.,.Mew York, Loneit.ude XX West "lOO from J Qreenwlcb 90 '3 3 o a>fd A o*"* o o o"** o 4> o s, 03 œcQCQSQ CO CQ OSoacQ EhHEhShI ATLAS OF THE WORLD 5 Mia-«'«-« &l DOMINION OF CANADA 1911 Census Capitals of Prov¬ inces and Terri¬ tories thus Land surface. Sq. in. 3,619,818 Water surface, Sq. in. 125,756 Pop 7,192,338 PROVINCES ALBERTA.... F11 Area, sq.m.253,540 Pop 374,663 CITIES-TOWNS 44 Caljrary 25 Edmonton* 8 Lethbridpre 6 Medicine Hat 6 Strathcona BRITISH COLUMBIA E 8 Area, sq.m. 312.636 Pop 392,480 CITIES-TOWNS 100 Vancouver 32 Victoria* 13 New Westminster 8 Nanaiiuo 5 Nelson 4 Esquinialt 4 Kamloopis MANITOBA...F 14 Area, sq.m. 251,832 Pop 455,614 CITIES-TOWNS 135 Winnipeg* 14 Brandon 7 St. Boniface " Portage la Prairie o Norwood Grove NEW BRUNS¬ WICK G 20 Area, sq. m, 27,986 Pop 351,888 CITIES-TOWNS 42 St. John 11 Monoton 7 Fredericton* 6 Chatham 4 Campbellton 4 Woodstock NOVA SCOTIA G21 Area, sq. m. 21.428 Pop 492.33» CITIES-TOWNS 47 Halifax* 9 Amherst 7 Sydney Mines 7 Yarmouth " New Gla,«gow 6 ^ring Hill Truro 5 Dartmouth 5 North Sydney 4 Westville ONTARIO....G 17 Area, sq.m. 407,262 Pop.. 2,523,208 CITIES-TOWNS 376 Toronto* 86 Ottawa(*Doin.) 82 Hamilton 46 London 23 Brantford 19 Kingfston 18 Peterboro 18 Windsor 16 Fort Wüliam 15 Berlín 16 Guelph 14 St. Tnomas 13 Owen Sound 13 Stratford 12 St. Catharines 12 West Toronto 11 Chatham 11 Port Arthur 11 Sault Ste. Marie 10 Bellevillo 10 Gait 10 Sarnia 9 Brockville 9 Niagara Falls 9 Woodstock 8 North Bay 7 Collingwood 7 Cornwall 7 Lindsay 7 Orillia 7 Oshawa 6 Barrle 6 Cobalt 6 Kenora 6 Pembroke 6 Smith's Falls 6 Coboui^ 5 Godericn 5 Ingersoil 5 Midland 6 North Toronto 5 Port Hope 6 Wellanii 4 Amprior 4 CarJeton Place 4 Dundas 4 Gananoque 4 Haileybury 4 Hawkesbury 4 Paris 4 Penetan- guishene 4 Perth 4 Petrolia 4 Pieton 4 Preston 4 Renfrew 4 Steel ton 4 Sudbury 4 Trenton 4 Waterloo PRINCE ED¬ WARD ISBÄND G 21 Area, sq. m.. .5,184 Pop 93,722 CITIES-TOWNS 11 Charlottetown* QUEBEC G 19 Area, sq.m. 706.834 Pop 2,002,712 CITIES-TOWNS 466 Montreal 78 Quebec* 30St. Henri 19 Maisonneuve 'MUMMMtjtctceaM^catom^h-teMwtacam ilbouxie /-^ » '^i a»«®®" --^ií5='-=^ -ji-¿---jtl!__ A I i: MIMOU Cent^^'scou/. Grande Cainçuee ^¿f-Viteouüar. /\' j Anse—^fíny f J r-Í2!^!¿';J^r?''''.';''"í^íÍ'^ "/ïïtemai, Vû G L Qipt! E s fiJJ R J j'WTlne~"^^'^c'''¿^^"''-'«'^'^ Milla o ^^^i^Pyrtage Rlvet hu^xsinfacA. í)lTííI>fe C.Anguilli watorr taji -* iiVííeíÍJ' \rd Rockt MAGDALEN Cojfin I. Middltíton El ISLANDS ( To (Quebec (j 'Alright I. ''eptsiq' \Uartlbvg' "«»«jUi Mill Village....Ei' Milton El Musquodoboit Kl New Annan . . F3 New Germany El New Glass:ow..G3 North Sydney..J 2 Oxford K3 Pari-hboi o . . . KS Pictou. GS Poi-tGreville..E3 Port Hastin>fK.H 3 Port Ilawkesbury 'J]P¡ortage I. Amherat I. ^ryentiníL, pJ^""NORT] '..\'.'''"^ííítíf.í \jt V \'^ pPt.Eaouminao Jpper North Capa ^Tif^ish ^C.KUdara {Albertun ^^aoeumpte Hnr. hujiarf rUIXCE EDWARD \\ IXmktowof^ ISLAND Port Hood—H 2 PortMaitland C6 Portinedway. .El I'ort Morien..K2 Port William.Dl PortWilliamsES Pujrwash F3 Ritclieys Cove El Kiver Dunreols H3 River John ....GS St. Petei-s. JS Shelburne D5 Sherbrooke...IIS Shübenactible. B'S Spring Hill F3 SteUarton GS Sydney J2 Sydney Mines .J2 Tatiuiiugouehe F3 Tiverton Cl Trenton GS Truro F 3 Tusket 1)5 Victoria Mines J 2 Wallace F3 Westport Kl Westville GS Weymouth... .1)1 Windsor El Wolfville ES Yarmouth C5 .'*IQ^arUis >1 A T \.«\ A. fSaaPToi" T aö]-9 Pt.Oaqa MotieD f«4u<;eog|}S^ . Kins«cle« fitlnirt ) 'Oruinojau^ IBÜRX' A Gajjeiowii' ! Fre>lerlctoa ^ !Jv/ ^ 'aiukeag "st.VCroIi Hinlopei Johns, ,Can&a^ îiinaa £(um "* Lj««»^allUin idfiMd ysiwaltun / Thants^ U^Chererle / utyu» otc)> ViCElmidal» XlUtW(luQ^:>.$=)r-^ Renfr«*^ Wolvet PRINCE ED¬ WARD ISLAND DISTRICTS Klnira G2 Prince. East...F2 Prince. We8t..E2 Queens F 2 CITIES-TOWNi Alberton Fi Bede<í% I ® * RoWniOMoi^td?'^' p Í- -(48— i^vFortuney Victitria L. CITIES-TOWNJ Pay of Islands !!• IJonavieta.... Li Driius LI Galonear Li Codroy Hl Fortune KL Gambo Kl Grand Falls...Kl HarlMir Grace.L5 Hearts Content L5 IMacentia ... .L5 St Geofifes ...H5 St. Johns L 6 Trinity L5 Railroads Submarine Telegraph Lines —'■■ " ■ - Capitals of Province» @ Capitals of Districts í» Size of type indicates relative importance of places Brunei /| MiquelonCs°'^\ '""'■J r«a Llt.Miquelon^ Pi 'ENINSULÁ. lUmumud'a ti x 11 Map of The Maritime Provinces of Canada. 43- Cupjright.lOlOihy C. 8. Hammond & Co., N. Y. ^C.BnUard .Pierre /•*? 66 Longitude X) West 65 I'roin TE GiecnwicU 64 K;X »C t Ï-r S a c tr^ ^ > h» Ss?5'=g5='5 = E = KÍ^s3 „ O Cï® ?ÏS\ : ■ : ; «a 1 i ; • ; • ~® ; bHfflsbcB^ic^jbr-L^-rT Jventvi lie ES f? LIvei-pool .. . .El l.iK'keport ....E5 Londonderry.. F3 lAn-wuy Mines. J 2 Ixjuisbuiv KS Lunenbura....Kl Mabou H 2 Maitland . .. .F3 Mai-gai-ee Harbor H2 Meteprhan Cl Meteghan River Cl Middle Musquod- ■ 5 CO ^ I o m o , CO -H i" 2» > H r > CO o H hr" W O r Ö ATLAS OF THE WOíU:.D OUEBEC. {Continue^ Matane A 2 Mile End ...• ..E5 Montebello,. ..D5 Montinasfny .. H 4 Montreal E5 Murray Bay ,.H 3 Nápierídlle.... E 5 New Carlisle ..B2 Newport Nicolet F 4 Ormstown Papineauville.D6 * Philomene Gá -, Pierreville ' Plesslsvllle... .04 Pointe Gatineau C5 Pont Roufçe.. .G4 l'ortiii'uf G QUEBEC. COUNTIES. Ârfçenteuil....D ' Arthabaska...G 5 Bagot F Ö Beauee H 5 Beauharnois. .E 5 Bellec'hasse. ..Hé Berthler D 3 Boijaventure..B 2 Brome F f> Chambly E 6 Champlain—F 3 Charlevoix .. H 3 Chateaugfuay. E 1 Chicoutiine.. H 2 Compton G 5 Borcnester •. Brummend •. Gaspe a v Hocnelaga... E 6 Euntinirdon E 6 Ibervüle E 5 Jacques Carter E 5 Jollette l) 4 Eamouraska..J 3 Labelle (' 4 XjaJce Megantlc II 5 Iiapralrie E .■> Ii'Assomption.E 6 liaval E 6 liOvis (Í 4 Lislet H 3 liOtbiniere... (î 4 .Ma.skinouge ..D 3 î Matane A 2 Megautip (i 4 Mia-^isquoi F 6 Montcalm D 4 Montinagny .H 4 Montmorency(Í 3 Napierville.. E 6 Nicolet F 4 Pontiac A4 Portneuf F 4 guebec G 3 ichelien E ü Richmond G 5 Rimouski — K 2 Rouville K 5 Saguenay I 2 Shefford K •■> Sherbrooke.. (î & SouLnges. l> ') St. Hyacinthe.E 5 St. Johns K 6 St. Maurice....E 8 Stanstead G .5 Temiscouata..K 3 Terrebonne.. .D 4 Two Mountains D 6 Vaudreuil D 5 Vercheres E 5 %7rlght C i \7olfe G h ^amaska F 4 ATLAS OF THE WORLD ONTARIO. COUNTIES. Addln|?tOTi....H5 Algoma Liatn^^ Brant H 7 Bruce 0 Ô Uaxleton J 3 Dufferin.. Dundas ... Du!-ham .. Elgin i-^tsex Frontenae D 5 ...J 1 ....F5 ...C 8 ...B 9 H i 2 S 1 o 3 S Pi = ® C g < I § H 5 O » ñ Giengary K 3 Grenrille J 4 Grey D 5 Ilaldimand. ..£ 8 llaliburton....F 3 lialton E 3 Eastings G 4 Huron 0 6 Kent B 9 Lambton B 8 Lanark H 3 I.AaoÍ Stonewall... Fi Stony Mountain 8tratholair....C C Siuartburn....(} 8 Swan Ijike....F2 8 Swan River B3 Teulon F'C The Narrows..E4 Thornhill E8 Treherne E 7 Underhlll C8 Vasaar HO Virden 07 Vista 0 6 Waskada.. . .0 8 Wawaneaa D7 "Wellwood ... .D6 "Weatbourne ..E6 Whitewater...0 0 Winkler F 8 Winni|X'g. .. .G 6 Winnipeg Beach G6 Winnlpegosis.. 0 3 Wood Buy. . E8 bbRbbboR»bbRbwbbbcbcbMCRbbböRRbbbbbbbbob:3bbic~*^CKbc3ö05RQbR se ■«C»OEOeococttoc.9>oc»KOC»~>JCoococec«oo9C«9>»h>»o>90eo>*)Oe«)oe*gcak •4goO>0iaee>u«4->4Oi0>oeoAoa«.)0e9f4aeen<.)9»0>w-4OooeitkOe9aeoi«.40>oi-^»». Oc«e»a»o< >4)^-4»oooooi4C«oe<40ow.o^oe<.toooo«»-4oex9e«49e-40»aoaaoiA^M 00-49 C/I 10 ATLAS OF THE WORLD ALBERTA CITIES-TOWNS Airdrie B4 Alix BS Athabasca Land¬ ing'. B1 Banff Basaano... Bawlf Blackfalda Biairmore. Bowden Bow Island... Burdett Oalifary (Janii*ow Canmore.... ('ardston Carstaii-s— Oayiey (Maresholin.. Cochrane. .. Coleman OrossHeld Davsland.... Didsbury- • • Edmonton... Ersktne Fort Saskatche¬ wan B2 Frank B6 Gleichen.... C5 Granum B6 Grassy Lake. C6 Hardisty C3 — • "• ..B5 ..C2 . BS ...0 2 ...D6 ..CS ..BS ...C2 BS ..B . ...C6 .B6 ..C6 ..C2 High River... lold Holden Innisfail.... Innisfree... Irvine Killam Lacombe... I.Amont.... Langdon... Leduc I.iethbridgo. Macleod Magrath... Manville Medicine Hat..1)5 Morinville B2 iVanton— Okotoks . Olds Penhold IMncher Creek. B6 Ponoka BS Raymond ... C 6 Red Deer BS St. Albert- — Sedgewick CS Stavely B 5 Stettler C Stirling C Stony Plain.. .B Strathcona.. Strathinore. Strome Taber Tofleid Vegreville... Vei'inillion.. tVainwriglit. Walsh Warnei- Wetaskiwiu.. .B 3 SASKATCHE¬ WAN CITIES-TOWNS Aberdeen F 3 Abernethy....O 5 Adanac.... Alameda Allan Antler Areola Asquith Bafcarres. Balgonic .. Battleford Bethune... Bienfait... Biggar. . Bh-ch Hills—l" 2 Bladworth ...F4 Borden ES Bradwell Fi Broadview — H 5 Buchanan.. Bulyea Canom Caiievale. . Carlyle .. . Carnduff... Caron Churchbridge.H 5 Craik F 4 Ci"eelman.... Ü 6 Crooked River OS Fnpar Dana Davidson. . Drinkwater Duhuc. - .. Duck tAke....F3 Dundurn F 4 Earl Gi*ay Ü 4 Elfros Ü 4 Elstow Esterhazy. Kstevan... Etoiiiianii. Fillmore . Fleming... Foam Like.. .G4 Folget H 6 Francis G 5 Frobisher H y Galnesboro.. H 6 Gírvin F 4 Gien Ewen Govan Grayson .. Grenfell u » Griffin G 6 Gull Lake E ô Hague F'3 Haibrite G 6 Hanley F 4 Herbert E5 Reward G 6 Howell F 3 |KBa.3E;s:qKS^qq&;=qr.q'-;qS3i.BqqqE..iBqKfc;qqqiq=^'..í ¿¿¡S :í^=l ATLAS OF THE WORLD 11 WillodL, íFt.Slmpson Mlssloa itreviile heip/ Trout Lake J; 'orte^ r.UwícAa Ronnie 'teenville) }• it Houses 'icfl\ng<épor8ef J flocry frfTS-P*í< -rofJANAO* / i» 'S-hcroftrj BRITISH COLUMBIA L'ärnloop^^ Scale of Wi les faoHndi JRaih'ouds ,, ■ . hnilrodih projected ¡hipoiidtit Telegraph Lines Catiilals 5® Size of type indicates relative importance of places ;Midwaj C;S.HAMMOND & CO., N.Y .OOUüi BRITISH COLUMBIA Cottonwood.. F4 Dawson G 4 Donald G 4 Donfflas C2 Duck F 4 Dyea 0 2 Echo Island.. 1)3 EKnell 02 Emory... F 5 Esouinudt E5 Fernic H 5 Findluy Itapids F3 Fort Connelly E3 FortFrazcr. ..E4 FortGeoi^c. .F4 Fort Grahanie.E 3 Fort Halkett. K 2 Fort McLeod . F3 FortNelson....F2 Fort Rupert . D 4 Fort St. J ames. F 3 Fort St. John. F 3 Fort Steele—G 5 Fort Tonp:ass..D3 Gerinan.sen.-.. E3 Giscome Portage F3 Glenora. D3 Golden G 4 Grand Forks. G 5 Greenville . ..D3 Hammond F 5 Haynes G 5 Hazelton I) 3 Hoi>e F 5 Hudson Hope. F 3 Ishkut River D3 Junenu O 2 Kaniloops F 4 Kasla G 6 Keefer F 4 Keithley F 4 Kelowna F 6 Keremeos F 5 Klllarney G 6 Kisplox River. D 8 Kitkaitfas E3 Kuldo D3 Ku.skonoos (4 5 Ijidysmith .. .E6 Luke Lu llaciie F4 Laketon D 2 Lardo G 4 Lillooet F 4 Lower .Poet D 2 Lytton F 4 Meadows O 2 Hetlakatta.. ..D3 Movie H 5 Nahlin D2 Nakusp G 4 Hanaimo E5 Nelson G 5 New Westminster F 5 Nicola F 4 NoT'lh Bend....F5 Nurih Bulkley.ES North Hofçem.E 3 Okaiiagon G 4 Ont- Hundred and Fifty Mile House F 4 Parkers H 4 Pavillion F 4 Pemberton — F 4 Penmnpton....C2 Penticton......G5 Phillips H 5 Pike 02 Porters Líiiiding Vi Port Essinerton Di. Port Moody... F 5 Poi-t Simpson..D 3 Prince Uupert.DS Princeton F 5 ûuatsino D 4 □uesnol F 4 Quesnel Forks.F 4 ReveJstoke G 4 Richlleld F 4 Rogei-s l'ass .. G 4 R.ossland G ô Rykerts G 5 Salmon Arm. .G 4 pinion House.E4 Sandor G Ö Savona F 4 Seton F 4 Seward 0 2 Seymour G 4 ShuHwap F 4 Sicamous. G 4 Sitka 03 Skagway.. O 2 C4«N in'ÏÏIlhttnV ' CITIES-TOWNS Ainsworth G 5 Albemi ES Alexandria—F 4 Alexis Creek..F4 Allison Andei-Kon.;. Arrowbeaü.. Ashcroft Atlin Barkervllle.. Bellfour Bennett Blackwater.. Boat Encamp¬ ment G 4 Bucks— DS Bulkley House.ES Cape Fox D S Caribou D2 Centre ville—D2 Chief Isadore. H 5 F 5 .F4 G4 F4 02 .F4 G5 02 F4 Ohilkat.. Ohilkoot... Ohilliwack . Clinton Comox... .02 ..B2 ..F5 . .F 4 .ES a: S e...G 3 Haiti E 3 Half Moon Reef B 4 Harbor Island 01 Hobbies or Caxones.. A 3 lies des Saintes G4 Isle of Pines ..B 2 Jamaica C 3 Jardines de la Heina..C 2 Jardines del Rey O 2 Jumentos Keys D 2 La Yache Island K 2 Leeward Islands G 3 Lesser Antilles G 4 Little Abaco Island. .C 1 Little Bahama Bank..C 1 Little Cayman Island..B 3 Little Exuma Island.. D 1 Little Inagua Island..D 2 Long Island .. I) 2 Long Key B 2 LoBFrayle8...G 5 Los Roques.,.F 5 >Ian of war Keys B 4 Maigarita Island F 5 Marie Galante Island.. G 4 Mariguana Island D 2 Martinique...G 4 Mona Island..F 3 Montserrat Island G 3 Xavassa Island D3 Nevis Island..G 3 New Boi'e C 4 North Caicos Island..D 2 New Providence Island.. C 1 Old Providence Island..B 4 Orange Key...C 1 Oi*chilla Island F 5 Oniba Island. E 4 Pearl Keys....B4 Pedro Keys.-.C 3 Plana Keys...I) 2 Porto Rico... - F 3 Providence Island D 2 Quita Sueno Bank..B 4 Redonda Island GS «"O Ä 8g-Pg « * «-i OI-" -e » 18 ATLAS OF THE WORLD cim. Land surface, Sil. m. 44,000 Fop. 1899.. 1,57^,015 PROVINCES. Pop. Thossands. 4S4 La Habana 01 202 Matanzas..D 4 173 Finar del Rio B4 88 CamafTueyO 5 356 Santa Clara fiS 1 327 Oriente...h76 CITIES-TOWNS Pop. Tboniands» 236 Havana. ...03 13 Santiago de OubaK . 36 Matanzas...D 8 30 Cienfuegos B 4 25 Caineguey H 5 21 Cardenas...D S 14 Manzanillo H 6 13 GuanabacoaO 13 Santa CiataË i 12 Sagua la Grande B i 12 Sancti Spiritus F ■ 11 Regla C 11 Trinidad....E 5 8 San Antonio de los Baños..O 4 8 Guiñes O 4 7 Colon E 4 7 Santiago de los Vegas O 3 7 GuantauanioK6 7 Caibarien... P 4 6 Gibara J 5 6 Remedios.. . F 4 6 Guanajay ...C 4 6 Holguin J 6 6 Mananao....O 3 6 Placetas F 4 6 Camajuani..E 4 6 San Luis K 6 6 Güira deMelena 04 s >P i <■■ 1^ i Ô ^ a l Ton Alta 1)2 Tiia Baja E 2 Trujillo Alto . .F 2 Utuado 0 2 Vega Alta D 2 Vega Baja D 2 Vieques Fi Yabucoa FS Yauco BS MEXICO STATES AND TERRITORIES A^ascalientes Campeche O 7 CbtapAa Nfi CblhuHhtiH F2 CoahullH Colima ..G7 Purantfo Qá Federal District K7 Ouanajnato.... J C Guerrero J í HidalRo K6| Jalisco H 6 Lower Californli (Terr.) Cí 3Iexico K Î Michoacan. ... J ' Morelos K7 Nuevo Leon...K4 Oaxaca L 8 Puebla L7 ûueretaro K 6 Quintana Roo _ (Terr.) P7 San LuIsPotosiJ 6 SinaloH F 4 Sonom I) ^ Tabasco N7 Tamaulipas .. K 6 Tepie (Terr.) ..G 6 Tlaxoala K7 Vem Cruz L7 Yucatan P 6 Zacatecas H 6 CITIES-TOWNS Acambaro J 6 Acauceh P 6 Acaponeta .... G 6 Acapulco 18 Acatlan K7 Actopam K 6 Acuitzio J 7 Afrua Prieta...El Airuascal lentes HO Afmjita J tJ Anoine E i Ahuacatlan ...G6 Aliualulco G6 Ahumada Fl Alamos ES Aldama G Allende GS Altar DI *Altata El Alvarado M 7 Ameca GC Amecameca ..K7 Ainozoc L7 Aufranjfueo.... J 7 Apam K 7 Apaseo J 6 ApatzÍngiin...H Apizaco K A randas H f Arlo J 7 Arizpe 1) Ascension Fl Asientos HT Atlixco K' Atotonllco H C Autlan Bacalar P7 Badirafruato .. F 4 Balancan <> f Balsas K7 Batopilas. ...F3 Bustainente Cadereyta . .. K 4 Calklnf <>0 ClalpulaIpam..K7 CaJvillo HO Camarero KS (Campeche 0 7 Canaiiea Dl Canatlan G 4 Candela J8 Canitas H 5 Cartienas K5 Carmen O 7 Casas Grandes E1 Catorce J6 Cedial J5 Celaya.. J6 Cerralvo K Cerritos Jí ChalchicomulaL7 Chalco K7 Chainacuei'o.. .J6 Champoton . 07 ChansautacruzQ? Chapala lf6 Chiapa N r Chlautemitam K7 Chicontepec.. .L6 Chihuahua.... G 2 Chllapa K8 Chilpancin^ro K8 Chinipas E3 Choix KS Cholula K7 Ciudad del Maiz K5 Ciudad Guzman H7 Ciudad Juarez F1 Ciudad PorHrio Diaz J2 Coalcoinan ...H7 Coa te pee L 7 Coatzacoaleos M 7 Cocula H 6 Coeneo J7 Colima H 7 Colotlan H 5 Comacalco N7 Coinitan N8 Comondn .....D8 Compostela ...G6 Concepción....Jl Concordia GC Cópala G 5 Cordoba Ij7 Corta2Uir. Cósala F 4 Cosainaloapam M7^ Coslhuiriachlc F2 Cütija H 7 Coy ame Q2 Coyuca J7 Cuatro denegras Cuautla K7 diera maro J6 Cuemavaca.. .K7 Cuicatlan L8 Culiacan...... .Fl Cumpas E2 Descubridora Gl Doctor Arroyo J 5 Dolores Hidalgo J« Dnrango ' EJutla El Hule. El Oro.. Encarnacio: Ensenada . EK'alon .. Eiatitlan ....H0 TeiH'huanes... G1 Tepejl K0 Tepezala H 0 Tepie G 0 Tetan Kl Tetecala K7 (Teziutlan L7 iTicuI P0 Tierra Bianca . L 7 Tijuana .11 Tlnguindln ...H 7 Tiquila G0 Tixkokob P0 Tixtia.... K8 Tizimin P0 Tlacoiula L8 Tlacotalpau.. - M 7 Tlahuaiilo ....H 3 Tlaltizapam... K 7 Tlaxcala K 7 Tlaxiaco L8 Todos Santos.. D 5 Toluca K 7 Tonala N 8 Topla Fl Topolobampa, E1 Torreon Hl Torres D2 Tortugas K0 Tula (Hldalgo)K 6 lula (Tamaulipas) K 6 Tulancingo ...K6 Tuxmm (Ittichoacan). J 7 Tuxpaju (Tepie) G5 Tuxpam (Vera Cruz) L0 Tuxpan H 7 Tuxtla N8 Union J 7 Ures D2 Urauachic F 3 UniapEun H 7 Velardena H1 Valladolid P6 Valle de Santiago Valles K 5 Valparaiso H 5 Venado J5 Vera Cruz L7 Victoria K 5 Viesca H 4 Villa Alta L8 Vallaldama ....J3 Valla Reyes ...J0 Yautepec K 7 Yecaprxtla....K7 Yureeauro....H6 Zacapoaxtla.. .L 7 Zacalccus H 5 Zticatlan L7 Zachiia L 8 Zacoalco H 0 Zacualtipan...K0 Zamora H 7 Zupotiltic H 7 Zapotlan. H 7 Zaragoza J 2 ZImapan.... .K 0 Zitacuaro '7 Zumpongo-....' 7 22 ATLAS OF THE WORLD BRITISK HONDURAS {^Belize) CITIES-TOWNS Belize C2 Coixjsal CI Omiiif«Walk. B1 PuntA Gorda.. B 3 San Estevan ..CI Stanu Creek...C2 COSTA RICA CITIES-TOWNS .Alajuela E5 CartatfO E 6 Hei*etfia E6 Liberia 1)5 Liinon K5 Piuita Arenas .E 5 San Jose .K C GUATEMALA CITIES-TOWNS Ajlltla. A3 Anmtitlan A 3 Antiffua A 8 Champerico...A 3 Chiqunnula...B8 Coijan A 2 Escuintla A3 Huehuetenaiigo A 2 Istapa A3 Jalapa B3 Liviniçston.... A 2 Maza tenante.. A 8 >'ew Guatemala •A3 Ocos A3 Puerto Barrio8B2 Oueza ltenan(fo A 3 Ketalhaleu....A3 San Jose A3 San Marcos. ...A3 Santa Cruz Guiche A 2 Solola A3 Totonicapan ..A3 Zacapa B2 HONDURAS CITIES-TOWNS Amapala. CI Cutaeanias.... K 3 Cedros OS Choluteca Cá Comayagua ...CS Danli 1)3 Gracias BS Intibuca CS Iríona D2 Juticalpa BS La Bi*ea C4 La Ceiba C2 La F^peranza .03 Iji Paz CS Naoaome .C4 tX'otejjeque ...BS Omoa C2 Pespii-e 04 Puerto Cort€Z.C2 San Lorenzo...04 San Pi'dro.. ..02 Santa Barbara B:' ^nta Ko8a....BS Tegucigalpa...CS Trinidad CS Trujillo Di Yoro Ci Yuscai*an OS NICARAGUA CITIES-TOWNÍ ,\covnpa Di Bluetlelds W. Boa<-o Di Brlto .«Di Chicliigalpa. ..C i Chiiiandega...04 Corinto 04 Cuicnina Ë4 Esteli D4 Gracia a Bios .ES Gmmula B4 Jinotega B4 Jinotepe 1)4 lAX>n 04 Managua 04 Maaaya D4 Matagalpa ....B4 Moinotombo ..04 Posoltega 04 San Juan del Norte (Grey- town) ES San Juan del Sur B6 Sebaco B4 Somoto B4 PANAMA CITIES-TOWNS Agua Dulce ...F6 Boca del Toro .F6 Colon F 6 David F 6 Panama G 6 Porto Bello ...G6 Remedios F6 SALVADOR CITIES-TOWNS Acajutla AS Ahiiachapan ..A3 Chalaienango. B 3 Cojutepeque .. B 3 Gotera 03 La Libertad...B3 La Union 0 4 Nueva San 8alvador....B3 San Miguel....03 San Salvador..B3 Santa Ana B 3 San Vicente.. .B ? SensuntepequeB Î Sonsonate B " Vsulutan I Zacat«coluca.»L * ATLAS OF THE WORLD 23 SOUTH AMERICA Greenwich 60 West rO Longitude X) TINIQUE ier.) A LUCIA (Br.) BARBADOS SOUTH AMERICA I¿PENADA (£r.)i Gulf<^ATU.^^i of ENGUSH STATUTE MILES Cuca. ^¿e\Kotte Jfosquiio, j ^ Qvilf CoVh f~-— ««Íf^'v■,? j Ü' ^ o-i'Cdncha. _ KILOMETERS DCTC] 7~x. Ues'seps i'- „L.ILO I. (Crf.) i'/fKvuá. Maeape .yi Santa\i-aVI ' ^\lbarTa l( ARA'ji gpU^TOP liarccllos Obliloa Loreto Coaryo 'luituba TabaU aMif'fO) l^S.PrnBrjJ rtnHtf,oof. ^auu -cavci" Caila^ '«ra««' h.fcbar-ojäg. »Catrina ■aSívJarawií B.AntonlOjf-"^ of^ th* Madeira VHla Bella [Oeíras"^ ^J r-iila&jt ^UNCIO] .CAPrncORíí CLao^ CaldetV rUal lw®l íesyt inda' .ambpose To Chüe^ :^^;q¿grapo ^ i i S^tU^o del E^! líJ} , Cbtl«' ^ConrienÍM )%Jtaquay f 8 an n aa ^uito «lotAi^ ^ajRntfäa|s.___/ **S U A Y jÍ 'fÄT fP'' ^üi«^ {M i Líwl>ol0!ä%dina .s..Vafja» Gul J^L.'^'ahuel iluapi Puerto N Anc» CHlLOE/ Puerto Uadrin Valdee Pen, "Rawaon G. o! C" GUUECAS CHONOS AS rnjííflo Í jp^C. of Tuto Bay» fGulfof St.George \.^..^Crre« Punta» * V iJpii.-ri(» Deseado >8.VaíW CAMPANAU. \v»ELLlNOf®' trande Bay ^EAST I. Fort Stanley HAHOvi^^V-iÇ); * jELAIDE ASCH-'^ \ desolation \ SANTA INES IcV^íJC \ CLARENCE-1.^ cVil-g»» ,ífTra«í of Magellan S,..» f.iki»""' l\^lERRA DEL FUEGO QUEEN tuntai >„8S«sstort Bay ^ESNE «OCKS / SHAO R0CK8, reT^^áí-wOLLAstON o I . Cape Horn Hammond's 8 z 11 Map of Soutb .Lmcrlca. \ C.S.Hammond Jc Co., New York. 24 ATLAS OF TKE WORLD ATLAS OF THE WORLD 25 SOUTH AMERICA (^Hithern Parí) Mejillopci d«il Nort« 7^ /ÍNoT» V Cvij;n)>r*\ Pardouro' CITIES-TOWNS StA-Annk Ancud C6 Angeles Cö Angol 05 Antufagasta. ..02 Antonlria HS Arauco 05 AKunclon F 2 Bahía Blanca .E6 Blumenau HS Buenos Aires.. F* á Calbueo 0 6 Caldera 0 3 Campinas H 2 Carapequa .... F 3 Castro 0 6 Catamarca I) 3 Cauquenes ... .0 5 Chillan ('6 Colonia F1 Concepción (Argentina) .F4 Doncepciou (Chile) 0 5 Concepción (Paraguay).. F 2 Constitución . 0 5 Copiapo .......0 3 Coquimbo (.'3 Cordoba E4 Coronel ('5 Oornentes F 3 Cuneo 0 4 Curitiba H 3 lH*.«ten'0 113 Fhiearnaoion .. F 3 Fray Rentos .. F 4 Criialeguay F 4 liuaieguaychu F 4 Iquique 0 2 Itajany HS Ju/uy 1)2 Junin 01 Lal'lata F 4 La Uioja D S Linares 0 5 Lota 0 6 Maldonado .... (i 4 Mar del Plata . F 5 Meló (J4 Mendoza 1) 4 Mercedes (Argentina) .D 4 Mej-cedes (Uruguay)...F4 Montevideo ... F 4 Osoriio 0 6 Parana E 4 Parangua H 3 Pai'aquary .... F S Paysandu F 4 Pelotas 0 4 Pergamino... E4 Pica I) 2 Pisagua 01 Porto Alegre..O 4 Port Stanley .. F 8 Posadas F 3 Puerto de Corral 05 Puerto MadrinI) 6 Puerto Moiitt .06 Punta Arena.s .( ' 8 Quillota 0 4 Ranca^ua (^4 Rengo 0 4 Rio Grande do Sul 0 4 Rivera F 4 Rocha (i 4 Rosai-io F. 4 3alta 0 2 Salto F 4 3an Antonio ..0 4 3an Bernardo. .0 4 3án Carlos 0 5 3an Felipe C 4 3an Fernando.04 San Jose F 4 3an Juan 0 4 San Luis I) 4 3an Nicolas ...Et San Pedro F 2 Santa Fe E 4 Santiago 0 4 Santiago del Estero ES Santos M 2 Sao Paulo H 2 Serena 0 3 Taiguen 0 5 Talca 0 5 Talcahuano ...0 5 Taltal 0 3 Temuco 0 5 Tocopilla... ..0 2 Tucuniau 1) 3 Valdivia 0 5 Valparaíso ... .0 4 Villa Hayes ...F2 Villa Pilar ....F3 Villa Rica F 3 Puerto Pacbeoo'î ArantiaDdaTk] or - ..'i, % \ Franca P ' «Sj .fc Ciutwi.Tt \ , I ■•Mi4;TTO.^GROSSO ^Jatabyl TROPJC OF CAP^ICORi« (.'oncrin-iyH luayara' Tapltay O AsuiieloH Pora^oa Í Beiern .Bernardo' \an Salt^ l^\i'ietorn Concepción I e ! Cbaùa Port FtamciM I Totoratil] I Caldet La Saraná' jToBtado fcmplaw Al^TFte^ I. é-hiego ,Tongoy> Taldc dè^ Nabor Pneata) \ Iltapel^ Choapa Ji\^ ConoballV'-'^ .Molletb * VALPARAlSöfc^ / San AntonioRvau Mliipo / / KM: Prfrt Llleo^^"' Mata^ito R.r yft R^to\ Td.Fructaoao^' Rk. Wyaandu' e» '*'^'*¿,8.Frano aco |> lan Lu ^KTB.JUgoif' Et.8.TerMa Carlota S.Rafael Σ^n Gainza. .Caguellue Pt.ïeAerkC^ / pm / ConaUtuclonS IthÍcÍií Fox Bay^K yS-Cariu a D.f^r'^NUBLV TalcihnandçÎ' ioiluepcloj^î^vTnr^ 1 . (%rouoIpWr«Mf«atm \ Aran«b° "ix.ta\r^A!aíi n.i Bu talo Trenque Lauquen /^Sli »1 /'«ro ntbo» oVw Bay ^ ^*TlCi&..4«toni DolorelS ^^uturan«^!! (Mt^leobu Qetieral Acba i|ñiar del Plata JC- ComtnCts ■■ Lcni^uen' Hocbal.b \ l Cautín A; Ft.Argentina! \ Quoull \ >'«ldivb Puerto de Con^ Union B. o^negada B. jPort üm Blas len de Faugonea Queup« a¿«aaniagaa _ . _ . J J ^ 8alp* 8»Ui ¡L.yafi%t«lhuapí ito !•*•' San Matias Gulf ^^■^2j;^Pt.î' Hu.niblin'l. \ «>' L.Óolhua {Cordooa Cotí^^^na Oulf of St.George Via*«»»'"® 1 ^C, Trva Punta» Siecr^Ci ¿ V Pk. Jp3rt\Be»ira IWenfincj .Ata^artW garfil Chunke-alkea Purt S.Julim IC. S. Fran ciaeo d» Paulo SOUTH AAIUKICA (SOUTHERN PAKT) SCALE OF MTLES .^rvendna ^Port QalUyo» of Magellan Ijqiîutifl Atvnaa I A-JiêiahlUin Ii, I • Vc-A««. L Bailroads Submarine Cables Size of type indicates relative importance of places CIBRRJtNrt?' 3BL gBRBITORT Uunmood'a 8 x 11 Map of South America (Soutbera Part) Greenwich Copyright. 1810, by C.8. Hammond & Co. N.T. Longitude 26 ATLAS OF THE WORLD AFRICA Abyssinia G. Adamawa Ei Aderar D4 Adrar B3 Afelele 0 3 Aldabra Islands H Aleeria D Angola E7 Anuobon Island D6 Asawad 0 4 Asben 1)4 Asceusluu Islands B6 Ashanti. 05 Azores Islands A 1 Baifirini E4 Bahr-el-G hazel P5 Barca Bíirotseland.. .F7 Biusutoland ...F8 Bechuanaland Protectorate. .F8 llenguela.. J liissagus Islands B4 Bodele E4 Bonavlsta Island B9 Borkn K 4 Bornu E4 Brava Island .. A 9 C'anai*y Islands B3 Cape Colony .. F 9 Cape Verde Islands 119 Comoro Island: H7 Cosmoledo Is¬ lands H 6 Dahomey 1> fi Damaraland Daj-fnr East Africa, British G5 Eiust Africa, German G6 East Africa, Portuguese. .Q7 Egypt F3 Egyptian Sudan F 4 Erythrea Üá Fernando Po Island Ferro Fezzan i'ogo Island ... French Somali Coast 114 French West Africa 04 FiierteventumBS Futa Jallon....B4 Gambia B4 Gando D4 Gazaland G 8 Gold Coas* —05 Gomera....... .BS Gran Canaria .B3 Guinea, French B4 Guinea, Pf^rtii- gue.sü B4 Gurara 1)3 Gurma I) 4 Hogar D3 Ivory Coast.. .05 Kaarta B4 Kaffi-aria F 9 Kamerun E5 Kanem E 4 Kawar K4 Khai-ga G 3 Kong 06 Kongo, Belgian F6 Kongo, French E6 Kordofan F 4 I.4igos D 5 Lanzarote B . Liberia B5 Loanda E6 Lourenco Mar¬ quez Q8 Madagascar .. H 7 Madeira B2 Mafia Island . .(i6 Maio Island B9 Malta E2 Mashonaland.. G 7 Massina Ö4 Matabeleland.. F7 Mayotta Island H7 Military Territ¬ ories, FrenchDá Morocco 02 Mossamedes... E 7 Mozambique..Q 7 Namaqualand E 8 Natal G 8 Northern Nigeria D4 Nossi Be Island H7 Nubia G 4 Nya.ssaland Protectoi-ate G 7 Orange Free State..F 8 Pslma B 8 Portosanto Pemba Island.G 6 Princes Island I) 5 Rhodesia F 7 Rio de Oro B3 Rio Muni E5 íiainte Man© Island .J 7 Saint Helena Island 07 Saint Jago B9 Saint Nicholas Island B9 Saint Thomas Island D 5 Sal Island ..B9 San Antonio Island A - Seminar BS Senegal B4 Sherboro Island B5 Sierra Leon©.. B 5 St)koto D4 Sokotra Island J 4 Somali Coast, British H 6 Somaliland. Italian .H6 Southern Niger I>5 Southwest Africa, German E 8' Swaziland G 8 Tafilet O 2 Taganet B 4 Tanezruft 0 3 fi : :c : ; :g i •£ j I -'S a- eSv:::^oo _ > H r > œ O H X W O » r Ö to M „,, XpSardinia -OriBUrnA^^j-j—— IglesiagCjWgjiari MICniTElt RA .VZ,VÍ .V ai:A •M0ti";f.''íi5e. /.ViVí NORTHERN AFRICA^/ ^ ^ ^ _^_^CALE_0F_MILE8^j___^_^^ f* 0 100 200 3C0 400 500 600 700 \ 1 BRITISH 1 IGUESË^' m FRENCH 1 |>TALIAN ] ¡TURKISH ¡AFRICAN STATBS ^Rutayàl .í^ean ÇViimWr, Ulcuite Ctpt,, Ionian Sea ^C.rasaero iv4\ctt» BELGIAN 1 / Tríla'i C.Matapan IQuaotcr* {fítla/i £«ki ».tfariam "ismaiUa " Libyan , ai.ib1n-9fR¿n\/\? Der Berapiu-Ël Menwlltö '^'-r .'I^amidx ¿I JUtuijikU Suin» , Kk4 el AjTal Birket el M e<3jiiet- Aw«"« „<. _/i / jRlftimnamet^ StSusa * ij^Monaatir —jfcfai ^ ^fKrrifxa U, ^íulf o/Qabet /. 5*^rsíg rÇtW^ of Sidra \ B ar c a •Wemg» .^Qsgjg* J yv. ^ ■ V^jiîiÂÎ'*7î;ti^,8niio , Smrr £«i«f J^ehalufl lÁgbuat. , "* Shott £• ' AoTuçurl f-A Northern _._,GaklV Desérp^./'-. Rowtts [Moroi'cú* í^t¿^Abuanx'":í;Ool . TniiiO Lowftr ■Jd.Dauta Ï f-rARAV SelkhaqfA %'A .,»♦ l-S TimmimutaÇ /'*•*.• •»"».' t>t* .V"«. » S Ö V.j/v'^lD'KEU'^ I 0 TamentHo '-'^i^-^Inéala > ^ , .. OasU ArganR-,-.-»!:^ V.»rf.r , C. LX,^ hibMíPígS-MSííllZ Tonearu/ki Ghadiime Canary Islands „ b'ta.Lnix *«<1* la l'aima I ^ aa-Câ^cwe«/«, '""-ioÉarabub í Oälnit^wali Oasis of/^ ; Balirieh.' b Soiitherb Aotoni« Galal» 2?^Arreclfe ÎFuertr- A •'entura^^^ .AJ4KANT Egele I Plattau I tendufo, '\pasis of 1*A '.Farafrahl •> B Y A Taiserbo Oásia-'bi'-Kufra- b^fe^awl el Arlah ¿KS^^.A'rab Qelam THE ""ed lOWEH ULE VALLEY i fcl-Qasí>> 1 Oasis of Daktí^l ¡ Oasis-of-l Teb.Radiva-- Aledina rear Dam\ ICotarací'] K,ebabo Yanbo mp^tT -'■"'ÍBOpELAS, '^cms —>7\> í a^ÍKoj^sk5»-»t \ pUinÑnbií^ \/N7b,!an V ¿>ee>rt .BIano9\ Apaiíir I, -Srd Cataract— El Órdfli» * (New D»^goltt)\ » -4tA Catarnl-f* tO KBudBk'^^c Abu W/lîî' Oehna Desert Marse (.Portcndil Biirrunr Gorges Aieroel»^, i:í;'«'S.*hartiiiií\ -Ll-Getenû£hp-/s/Q;)j—^ "MILITARI Dahlak A«Mrai DAMKRGIll JAR TAKONAWI- \ Jt^ilQmra i "lîLo---^ ^ilcn J(^"0 hho^ff'à'el ^ iinf rubutV«fa«<¿^G wlj . »w-oni ■ 1 r v->,-y VV BÄ* SV p'S,%i ' - Mota-^rív ^ M ^ taikí- / ti;H6TTSÓtfALIbAÑñ ". 1 •f'iteWjK ítva; Î!MFIRE,3 jbaA }íoS'Ç ■9 >¿Ehi* tí Rekoi BOMSj DON} Gelldi 6*1WLD^ [Hgiidoxe i JvùiOIajotts ¡ r '"V^v-VlEUTBAl. VWgrounDi V, ,GW"ltat i.G2bi'a2lobik A Si.r9i uZliè^'; Frprtwltft^ ilberfortdg Funkßite-t^ kv.t¡ar - Hamiltonv/Äi BumbetooK^A SIEIIHA LFONE xu SCAIE OF MILES „ Bette Cimmv J*t.Ouadalme$t f^n^DM , 'Milindi ittin|i.' JV®terlo¿ f^impbej?tûwi) ft ■AlrlI'Tnvrn jÚ tarifa Pt, Strait of Gibraltar í/'^< Pt.Blanca Í^a rs,.. . /\y.<. JL /O Loango^v^ik^bí -Kox«o&;^1 KabindaVj^SSS ÄWi P'^yUSCz B. AntonwX w C Ambrisettep ,A »MÜHST' ¡LJajito FksIuTiibl' . - 1ÚÍ3 Uammond I 8 z 11 Map of Nurthem Africa Copyright, 1912, by C.B- Hammond t Co.,y. Y. Uuene'^d L'^o'con lianoT^ C.Shi/ling jjiifinkHfahganyft-a iiKiave yo >« ? NORTHERN AFRICA {Continuée^) O « Z CO >s ^ 3D » -H Robat Is Stanley V^iill8..KS StanU'yviile...K8 Suakin ........Jif Suez Ij 2 Susa (il Tan prier C 1 Tanta L2 Tetuan C 1 Timbo lie Timbuktu I) S Tleineen D2 Tripoli CÍ2 Tunis Fl Victoria FÍ Wadelai L í WadMedaui ..Li Wady Haifa...L 4 Wnsta P 2 Yakoba Gf Yola G 7 Zaprazig L2i Zeilah N 6 ZunffoiM F 7 r C :=! Ci K t-tr ^ r > • ?s t3 c r r ?r sí Pí ^ > K w t? ir« tz: O Ps C f Ii O C U«4tSt9P'S)0000CiSQ0t«9»0i(0M*^K>W9tM*^C(0>'W<-TMl-'«iei*'J<0O0Q«St0o}U 28 ATLAS OF THE WORLD CENTRAL AND SOUTHERN AFRICA CITIES-TOWNS Aliwal, North .F7 Anibriz C8 Andovoranto .Ká Ayrshire G 4 Bagamoyo.... Hi Barberton G6 Beaconsileld...Ë6 Beira H 4 Benjruela 03 Betfik-hem ....Fè Bethulie F7 Blantyre H4 Bloemfonteln .F6 Breinersdoi-p ..G 6 Broken Hill ...F3 Bulawayo F 5 Burgrhersdorp. F 7 Caledon D7 Cape Town. .. I) 7 Charleslown .G6 Chinde H 4 Chiromo G 4 Clareinont P4 Cradofk F 7 Dar-es-Salain.. H 2 Durban <4 5 £astLondon . F7 Ennelo 0 6 Estcourt Fd Faui*esinith ...F6 I<1anai-antsua K5 Fife Ga Fort Beaufort . F7 Fort JaineM m. G 3 Fort Johnston H 3 Gonç7 Swakopnmnd .C5 Taboi-a Gl Tamatave .. . K 4 Tananarive ... K 4 Tanga HI Tati F 5 Taungs F 6 Tete G 4 Uitenhage F 7 Uiiji Gl UTundi G 6 Úmtali G 4 Vereeniging F 6 Victoria G 5 Victoria Falls .F4 Vi-yburg E 6 Vryheid G 6 ■\Vankiea F 4 ■\Varrenton.,..E6 Winbui^ F 6 Windhoek ....D6 Worcester .... D 7 Zanzibar H 2 Zoiiiba G 4 Zuiubo G 4 ATLAS OF THE WORLD 29 EUROPE Aland Islands .F 2 Andorm Fl Austria-Hungai^^ Balearic Islands E5 Belgrium E Boniholm F British Isles...D 3 Bulgaria G 4 Chauuel IslEinds D4 Corsica. E4 Crete G 5 Cyprus H 5 Daçoe G 3^ Denmark F 3 Eastern Koumelia G4 Elba F 4 England D 3 Faroe Islands.D 2 France E4 Germany F 3 Gibraltar D5 Gotland F 3 Greece G 5 Hebrides D3 Helgoland E3 Iceland C2 Ionian Islands G 5 Ireland D 3 Isle of Man.. ..D 3 Italy F 4 Ivlza E3 Jan Mayen Dl Kolguev Island .1Z Lie<'ntenstein .F4 Lofodeu Islands F2 Luxemburg .. .K 4 Malorca E5 Malta F 5 Minoi'ca E5 Monaco E 4 Montenegro... F 4 Netherlands... E 3 Norway F 2 Nova Zembla.. K 1 Oland F 3 Orkney Islands 1)3 Osel G 3 Portugal I) 5 Khodes G 5 Ron mania G 4 Russia J 3 Samos G 5 San Marino F 4 Sardinia E4 ^illy Islands .D 4 Scotland D 3 Servia G 4 Shetland Islands D2 Sicllv F 5 Spain I) 4 Sweden . F 2 Switzerland ...E 4 Syra G 5 Turkey G 4 Vaigach Island KI Wales D3 30 ATLAS OF THE WORLD ATLAS OF THE WORLD 31 uNsr •ETLAH SHETL St.Maffnu* PAPA STOUR « ISLANDS 1 PAPA WESTRAV ^ ' WÊSTI.AyiC,^-\ HOUSAV .^1 ^(/^ANOAY^ ^^TRONSAY '(«^SHAPINSAY >A foulao J MAINLAND ORKNEY ISLANDS ... L hoy/? Sumburgh lid. r ^.RONA^OSHAY H Duncannhay lid. ¡Ffeimick B. (."^liirlair Bap )S.\oas III. Tli'io* B. FLANNAN ts. OH SEVEN HUNTERS^ f SANOAY^ / ' aonegal Bay ^''¿v m^ingt0B> ■JlIfeS'éd IopeÍTUÍ^. ^*^^^dJ^trangford t I^A'Dpatriok t '■(S^St..Ji>hn'o Pt. >/ n''»"«""//• • wonardCAiF 8F UANJ,.»,/ --^^rmuRfeO; 'F^-Z^^onaghaa I ^SI^Gu.l/ion Cavan fi.iiSM -ÖÄ'a *^Fé.íiíürí^/ i/ir^ ACHIL I.I Ci*IIE I. £mlagh f ihiSMtuacA* ^ iwi»«aoF'«L TwflW ri. V ^liritclieila Rosoumi ,L. Cur rib -D-UBUN ^iillHiHore tioiw«! ARAN IST^ / iniShuaan » F I (N'SHEEB / Head ¿.f. Lt»e»nor B^ ^ llUTTOII 7-, , ■Duubog BJ •«"Vborrf^ SSL.B|o^gin . iKildan Wicklow «»'leAiJio Ud. .ings?L7nn\^ SOKAÏieH. 7 SARoitr I.VvJ^ ' Wivr» •t''^ Sj yla»"^ ~ 1 -7 Do-'ey ' o ' Cardigan Bay Allèrent wytl X«op Uead^ . '««V L< Kilkpijuj'* /ripperar/. ^ >U, t'lonmcl i? o ,w Sy" I? ,Cambridge, ^p^wicb ^rntual |BiaeA-M'«'«r' ■cuAsir 1?^^"" , ^*«>1 Hi! UKDl] i^2ú>&9ri tri(f|rwHtP^. )ocMS>Ki}lghtB. d^NsUorcliM BRITISH ISLES |P\\4x«ter^ - ^ \HiA\virihI\9 üa Willy BártuuMif \. ■Rudiuiq ^ e )• ui u u ri f Lyme Bay ^Torquay 5c<»i)n« eeiiiup CHANNEL Seine GUERNSEY' ISLANDS \ JERsè Mannin Stpne lid Through nadruado Other liitilrvad* Submarine Cable» Steamer Kuutee 'iize of tpite oTui tu Size Oj tpi>e ana tuH-}> marki indicate relattee ''<'«?À4V7^^'»'o/ SCILLY 18. A* wocf importance uf pluie», ueiier«llw imfulluw»: "î.'Î.îSsïA- - * Y KINÛSTON-LOJipOK «Î6j_'^' ■ /•wa.TWV.íX'VT SlN«'0N-SiU1HAM^Tqa.*»^ _ 1,000.000 tJi.UTer ® LO^ DOX ^ Q loo.cootoi,»iuu.uou 0 LIVERPOOL^ 2u,iiuoto iüu.uou ®(ireoiiock **" j , 10,000 to ;¡u,.aio * qup«»HstowD / / Loder lu,OOO o Ruthin j jl / L HapiuoniTiS a 11 U*p orBrlilah laM CopTrigh^ 1M6. \>j C.S.HammoiM] & Co., W.T j 10 lî 8 O 6 Longitude 13 West 4 from Gi-eenwieh 2 F 0 East Gr 32 ATLAS OF THE WORLD ENGLAND AND WALES COUNTIES An£rles4-v B 3 Bedford F 4 Berk^ihiI'e E5 Brecknock C6 BuckiiiKlwun ..F5 Cainbiidire...." (Isle of Ely). Cardigan Bá Carmai*then.. .Bö CaiTiarvon ... .B 3 Cheshire D 3 Cornwall B 6 Cuinhei'land . .1) 2 Denbigh 03 Derby E3 Devon 0 Dorset D Durham E Essex G 5 Flint 0 3 Glamorgan 0 5 Gloueester D5 Hampshire E 5 (Isle of Wight). Hercfoid D4 Hertford F 6 Hnntingi)tt('n.K Wi-stcriKinland K ^ tiiuiiiland K CITIES-TCWNS AUnirsas H Alliai H Aihojfu .J H ("¡iiistijuistml .J ('liii^tihchuian J Kksjo j Ktikiipiiiff K . J.>kilstuna....KÍ I , ....H i-Mun J Kiiiiistad J (Jcilc K (iottcnbor-ff ...G Ilnliustaii H Il('lHÍníri)iirg-...H IkTiiosiiiui . ...LÖ lla(likavall....K Jonkoi>iii|Ç H Kalmar K Kai-lshumn ....J Karlakrona.. .K KarlsUid H Koiiini; K Laïulski'oiia ..H Lidkopiiiif .... H Linkopiiiif K Luiea M I.und Ly-st-kil G Maimo H Maricatail J MotaJa J Norikoping.. .K Norrb'ltíü L7 Nykoping ."K" Orcbro J ()ni.skoldsvik..r. Oscarabiumi ..K Oslei-sund J li'imioby .T Sala K 7 Skara !l 7 Skofdo 11 7 So 36 ATLAS OF THE WORLD Amelgnd ^Schiefmonnihoog TerBohelUßS-^ Roode V School V DolftliO Emdeal Weet Terschellli DoUart ^Jakobi VUeland/ ruiiliiipcti Harlinge! SCALE OF MILES OnVtwe«!"!»! illelder. 'Ahl.»'«» 'Wieringen <'Vle(^r Sloton' .ç<"-Odoorn ^«sterben Medembllk 5Ät«V®^ AEokbuizen Blokzljld Vollenhove Schokland t terlMk Alkinaar iBbergeff* Ornme«»! 'NeuenbauM 2t'ort1\ £ba Canal IjmuideE Zanndyp' ^¿illSTERDAM ElbunjA iordhOTD Raalte! ^LUndo oldentaar Nunspoet [uiden \ Naarden Bentheim Nljkerk Apeldoornj ^iti>enhelmj ÎBameTelde Amersfoort ^Doeaburg -y^Ijaaeli jetichem ' Bredevoorto Hook of Holland riloViAx :iiUA ;rs«ijk ?CuîSborpth®P« \ ZHíitán^!? Leerdam Brlelle Nijnies«^ Voorne^ 'Gorlnchcm Onve \Uden Kleve , Cingei^Tg Ichouveir ZlerlkzeaJ Weaer iakkee\ <^meT$ Boreten^ Bterbmit] Büdlich ircdtt feren ,IleImoDti Elndboveo \ rLi-teBUR( Ter IMeuaen HuUt_ Ostend tnjRi i^obokerr leolawl Necrpelt ' ^iluncliciv G)a BEEGIU]Sr Railroads Canals Submarine Cables. _ Size of type indicates relative importance of places Eûtsiscica ATLAS OF THE WORLD 37 - 1 » > 00 i s « S i s" o 11* u. a ® W o o « II < ■ s c. 1 J ca o î ft < E Xi a ce S S p cd C GERMANY STATES ..E3 ..(•4 ..1)4 ,.C2 .1)2 Alsace Lorraine K4 Anhalt Baden Bavaria .... Bremen .... BruJiswick . Hamburg 1)2 Heswe C .3 Lippe C 2 Lui)eck D2 Meckleiiljui-g Schwerin ...D2 Meekienbiirg Stivlitz E 2 Oldenburg 0 2 Prussia F 2 Berlin E2 BrandenburgE2 East Prussia .J 2 Hanover 0 2 Hesse NassauC 3 HohenzollernE4 Pomerania .. F 2 Posen 0 2 Rhenish Prussia B3 Saxony D 3 Silesia O 3 Fleuss Oreiz ... D 3 Reuss Schieiz . D 3 Saxe Altenbui*g 1)3 Saxe Coburg Gotha D 3 Saxe Meiniugeii D3 Saxony, King¬ dom of E 3 Saxony (Saxe Weimar Eise¬ nach) U 3 Schaumburg Lippe 0 2 Schwarzburg Rudolstadt.. I) 3 Schwarzbu rg Soudei-shausen 1)3 Waldeck 0 3 Wuitteinbei*g .1) 4 CITIES-TOWNS Aachen B 3 Allenstein J 2 Altenburg E 3 Aitenesseu B3 Altona C 2 Amberg El AschafrenburgCl Asehereleben . D 3 Augsburg D 4 Baireuth D 4 Bamberg D 4 Barmen B3 Bautzen F 3 Berlin Bernburg . Bciithen .. Bielefeld .. Boeholt ... Bochum ... Bonn Borbwk B 3 Bottrop B3 Boxhagen Hmn- melsburg.... E 2 Brandenbui-g. E 2 Bremen 0 2 Bremerhaven .0 2 Breslau 0 3 Brieg G 3 Bromberg. ...tí 2 Brunswiek ...D3 Buer B 3 Burg E2 Cassel CS Chai'lottenbur^^ ^ Chemnitz E3 Coblenz B3 Cobui-g D3 Colmar B4 Cologne B3 Constance. ...0 5 Copenick... Gothen. Crefeld . Crimmitschau E 3 Banzig Hl Dann.stadt 0 4 Des.sau E 3 Beut-sch Wilmers¬ dorf E2 Dortmund ....B3 Dresden F 3 Dulsberg B 3 Buren B3 Busseldorf B 3 Ebei-swalde ... E 2 .E2 ..1)3 ..H3 .0 2 ..B3 ..B3 ..B3 .E2 ...ES .B3 .D3 .1)3 .B3 H 1 .03 .D 4 .B3 ,..B3 .0 4 .01 .F3 Eiscuaeh . Eisleben... Elberfeld. Elbing ... Erfurt.... Erlangen.. Eschweiler. E.ssen Es.slingen .. Flensburg. . Forst Frankfort on the Main 0 3 Frankfort on tlie Oder F 2 Freiberg E 3 Freiburg C 4 Furth E4 Geestemunde 0 2 Gelsenkirchen B 3 Gera Ü3 lessen 0 3 (íiadbach B 3 Glauchau . Gleiwitz Glogau linesen Görlitz iotha Güttingen D 3 Graudenz H 2 Greifswaid El Greiz E3 Groas Lichter¬ felde ....E2 Gtil)en ........ V 3 Hagen B 3 Halberstadt... 1) 3 Halle Hambui'g .... Hamm Hanau 0 3 Hanover 0 2 Harbui'g O 2 Heidelberg... .0 4 Heilbronn 0 4 Herford 0 2 Herne B 3 Hildesheiin 0 2 Hof r> 3 Korde B 3 Ingolstadt B4 ....E3 .H3 ..GS ..G2 ..F3 ..DB .E3 .1)2 .113 38 ATLAS OF THE WORLD FRANCE DEPARTMENTS Ain F 3 Aisne K2 Ailier E3 Alpes Maiitiraes G fi Ardeche F 4 Ardennes F 2 Allege 1) fi Aube F 2 Aude E ^ Aveyron K4 . Basses Alpes...F4 Basses Pyrenees Cñ Bouches du lihone F5 Calvmlos C 2 Cantal E4 Charente D4 Charente Inférieure ...04 Cher E " Correze D4 Corse (Corsica) H 5 Cote d'Or F 3 Cotes du Nord. B 2 Cieuae E 3 Deux Sevn;8...C3 Dordogne D4 Doubs G 3 Drome F 4 Eui-e D2 Eure et Loir ..D2 Finistère A 2 Gard F 4 Gel's D5 Gironde C4 HauteGaronneD fi Haute Loire. ..K4 Haute Mai-ne..F2 Hautes Alpes. .G _ Haute Saône ..G3 Haute Savoie .G Hautes Pyrenees J) Haute Vienna D4 Haut Rhin ...G 3 Hérault E5 Hle et Vilaine . C 2 Indre 1)3 Indi-e et Loire 1)3 Isere F 4 Jura F 3 Lindes 04 Loire F 4 Loire Inférieur C3 Loiret E 2 Loirit Cher... 1)3 Lot D4 Lot et (baronneD4 Lozere E 4 Maine et Loire C 3 Manche C2 Marne F " Mayenne C2 Meurthe et Moselle G 2 Meuse F Morbihan B3 Nievre E " Nord El Oise E2 Orne 02 Pas de Calais.. El Puy de Dome..E4 Pyrenees Orientales ...ES Rhone F 4 Baone et Loire F S Sartho D2 Savoie G 4 Seine E2 Seine et MarneE2 Seine et Oise ..E2 Seine Inférieure....D Somme E Tarn ES Tarn et Garonne D5 Var.. GS Vaueluse F 4 Vendee C3 Vienne D3 Vos^s G2 Yonne E3 Abbeville El Alfen D 4 Aix F6 Ajaccio H 6 Alais Ë4 Albi ES Aleneon C2 Alfortville E 2 Amiens 1)2 Angers C3 Angouleme ...1)4 Annonay.., Anzin . _. Argenteuil.. ..E2 Arles F 5 Armentieres ..Fil Arraa El Asnieres E 2 Auberviiliers. Fi 2 Aurillac Fi 4 Auxerre Fi 3 Avignon F'.') Bar le Duc F'2 Bastía..., Bayonne Beauvais Belfert.. Besancon Beziers .. Biarritz . Blois Bois-Colombes Fi 2 Bordeaux 0 4 Boulogne D1 Boulogne D2 Bourg F 3 Bourges Fi 3 Brest A 2 Brive I) 4 Bruay FM Caim C 2 Calais D1 Cambrai K 1 Cannes GS Carcassonne ..E S (.iastres ES Cette Fis Chalons FM Chalón sur Saône F3 Chambery ....G4 Chantenay ... .C 3 <'harenton ....E2 Charleville.... P 2 Chartres D 2 Chateauroux..E " * : : ■ «» 2 " • ¿ ■ c : : i M. 1 : ••• • - = • ^ z z - ^ ; ; y M : iî ; -IJs?« c ==l| i| ¿SîSÛâSSïSSs'S i g 11 £ i il iai il i|| ¿Il=fS ATLAS OF THE WORLD 39 ANDORRA Andorra Gl GIBRALTAR Gibraltar D 4 PORTUGAL DISTRICTS Arpiro B2 Bc-ja CS Bra^a B 2 Bratranra C 2 CastelloBranco 03 Coinibi-a B 2 Evora * 0 3 Faro B 4 [(iuarda ('2 .Lelria B3 I Lisbon B3 : Oj>orto B 2 ' Portalefri-e — 0 3 fSantarein B3 Viatina do Cawtello ...B2 Villa Heal 0 2 Vlzeu 0 2 I CITIES-TOWNS AbmntPs B 3 Alhut'eii'a .. .. l> 4 lAldeia Galleffa B 3 Alt'iiKiuer . .. B 3 Aliñada H 3 Alineirim B3 Alpiareu B3 Aveiro Avilîtes Beja Brn(?a Braifanca .. Cain|H) Maior .0 3 Capaidca B 3 Cartaxo B 3 Castello Branco 03 Oeziinbra B3 .B2 .B2 .03 .B2 .02 Ohav Ointni liiiibni .. Coviiha ... Elvas Hstreiuoz.. Evora Faro Fisrueira .. Uuarda Guiinaraes Ilhavo Lajfoa Lag:os Ijaiiu'fço ... Laves Lelria Lisbon. ... Louie Lourical... Ixmrinha.. Ijousa Mariuha Grande B3 Mira B2 Miranda do Corvo B2 Moneara pacho 0 4 Moiu>ln<|ue B 4 Murtoza B 2 0 2 B3 B2 0 2 0 3 0 3 03 B4 ..B2 ..0 2 ..B2 ..B2 ..B4 ..B4 ..02 ..B2 ..B3 ..B3 ..B4 B3 B3 B2 si < s •5 I 5 'S ' 5 , ' ^ • t-'Ä— eötfcc.~ CO •■s|.« = o§Í¿«£ •o • • • ;_© I s ; ; ; • . ■ .O • ' '"o -Ja ■'.«1 = íil :Sl?l i ¿Sit : • jö ■ dB :=^ :•= :_• £ : c Ä a Rio Tinto B 2 Kantarem B 3 Sao ßartoloineu de Messines..B 4 Sao Braz de Alportel 0 4 Ser]m (.'4 Setubal B3 Silves B 4 Sobrelra Formosa 0 3 Soure. B 2 Tavira X4 riioniar.. .B 3 Torres Novas.. B 3 Ton-es V ed ras. B 3 V'^os B2 Vianna do Castello B2 illa Nova de Gaya B 2 Villa .Nova de Poitlinao....B 4 Villa Real 0 2 Villa Keal C 4 Vizeu 0 2 SPAIN PROVINCES Alava El Albacete K3 Alicante F 3 AJnieria E 4 Avila 1)2 lladajoz 0 3 "^.alearlo Islands ^ H3 Barcelona ....H 2 Bui'Kos El ('aceres C 3 Cadiz I) 4 Ca.stellon de la Plana F 2 «Ciudad Real .. E 3 Coi-dova l>3 Coi-una 151 Cuenca E 3 Gerona H 1 Granada E4 uudalajara.. E2 •Guipuscoa El Huelva 0 4 Huesea Fl Jaén E 4 Leon Dl Lérida G 1 Lofíi'ono El Luffo 01 Madrid E 2 Malaga D 4 Mui-eia F4 Navarra Fl T'Oi-ense 01 ■*!Ovi«lo 01 : : : ( : : :palencia Di : I : » : • : ■ Pontevedra...B1 • • -c "—•§ • Salamanca.....D2 t : ■ tiSsiS : «SantaïKÎer Dl ifeSäratrc.'^^ F2 - S 5 _- I 2 - P S i S.2 g o «Seeovia E 2 --r: rr-tr- = = -r=-=-=-r SC=BevlllG D ^ Soria. E lillllllflillllll: c.—r Ä s sTif^Seviiic D 4 Zd"* OTip^iÇîraS ONIdVW NVS g g ui9t|3o^\ g a oiaojjiA 9 3 "BUoniA 8 0 oqjsiiA g a ouwAoáíA BO -BziM^iA 8 0 uuo.iaA Ba B a aoiiWA fa KJ^ipA Ra ouiq.iA I a awipo B V uunx 8 a 081A.1.1X sa iuwi«.ix fÄ fyooaao ppaaaox -unuuv 9.I.IOX 93*** - ■BAOUB.l.l.iX sa !U.«;ÍX sa lumi.isx fd îzzn.i.>x ßa OUIB.WX f 3 Oîuuiwx 9 a esnoul.ís sa oaaiodH BU wzíhIS fa oiuauoH 8 0 wiaix 8 0 í f a -RiaooK fa saidvM g a TOuoiv* ;f 3**OT9Suv ,iu«s ajTioK g a**ouBiinif) UBS f»3U()K 9 a ai«ajuoiv fa iiodouoK ,g V lAopuoK 9 3 -BOipoK g 0 yuapdjv 8 3 "«PK 9 3 -BinssaK 9 a •BJWZZUW 80 ■BUiiwiJHK -bsähk 8 0 WSHK fa Bou'BjaBini.i'K]^ 9 a «iikniK g 0 «nimiK fa-" luoinppiiK 8 a 8 0 8 0 ■BA.Ml'I 8 3 nxa 9 a mw.tri 9 3 ©Î-IOJIHM'I 8 0 u.ioqJf.»'[ » O 8 a ouBpunri sa »»'•»r g 0 -BIOUJI g a i8a o'qqtif) fa «ujAuio 0QH»O£t|O(^O<]OQC>QQQ;pC)â:CS=;g : h MÛmiûiiHMium o o p : £ 3 =.« I ssïïioôôïSs ï J.Ï.: ATLAS OF THE WORLD 41 SWITZERLAND í » s> S g S :re£.£, iiS: ê^llrgi râ: ; =: r?;lj K'^Cr'^CC:5:S':9's3' ÍC to M W» » M tS M » Klmpina ES KiinpohinK...,E2 KiiKteudji GS Mtttchin GS Medjidie GS Niamzu PI Okna Fl OItenitza PS Plat ra Fl Pitesti ES Ployesti F S liimnik ES Roman Fl Rusvede ES Ryiunik PS Hininitza ES Slaiiicu E8 Tchernavoda.. G 2 Tekutohiu F8 Tei-povisk E2 Titvochiu D2 Tiiltcha Cr 2 Tiu-nuMaísrureli E3 Tui-nu Severin 1) 2 ri'schitzenl .. Fa Valeni Wasliii Fl SERVIA CITIES-TOWNS lU-lKiiule ca i'lmpria C S Kraíf«>je%*Htz ..C2 Kruclu-vatz ...C3 Nctrotin D 2 Nissa D 3 Pilot DS Posarevatz....C2 Prckoplie C3 Haiti'hiir D 3 SchalMitz B 8 Sctiu'iiilria ....C2 T<-hat<-liak.....C3 PwhitZii B3 Valiovo C 2 Vrania D s TURKEY CITIES-TOWNS Adrianoplo.. .F4 AJessio .B4 Aiviro .Ci AvTona .Bi Berat .Bá Bietopolie. . .BS Conatantiuople Th'de Airatoli. .Eá .04 J'oinin .Di Drama E¿ Durazzo .Bá El Biixsan ... .B4 (»allijxili .Fi (iontza .Ci (Tumumjini.. .E4 IlMik .03 Istib .D4 Jacova .08 Janina .05 Jenidsclieh.. .Ei Kalkaldeu... .Ci Karato%*a ... .Di Kiuitoria .... .Ci Kavaia .Bi Kavala .Ei Kojani .Ci Komanova... .D3 Koiiitza .04 Kroya .B4 Knnrili .0 4 Eufeh Bureras .F4 Midia .F4 Mitrovitza .. .03 ]\!otuu4 Cuastlaiid 0 4 Palinatia K5 Galicia ) 2 Lower Austria I) 2 Moravia K 2 Salzburg ('3 Silesia K 2 Styria 1) 3 Tyrol and Vonirlherg ..B 3 Upper Austria.C 2 Bosnia and Herzegovina E i CO J— O CITIES-TOWNS Asoh CI Aussig Dl Bíulcn E 2 Banjaluka E4 Bielitz K2 Bjclina F 4 Bocbiiia (} 2 Boryslaw Ii 2 Boigiian Gradiska E4 Bötzen B3 ßrcka F 4 Brodv J1 Brunn E2 Brüx Ol Brzezany .12 Bucza<-z J 2 Budweis I) 2 Carlsbad Cl Chriidiin E 2 Chrz.inow Fl Cilli D3 Czeniowitz ...K2 Derveiit E 4 Dovnbirn B 3 Drohobycz.. ..H 2 Dux C 1 Eger Cl Fbaidsdorf ...E2 Friedck F 2 Gablonz Dl Güding E 2 Gorz C 4 Grasletz C1 Gratz D3 Groerge ..D l Krakow Fl Krems D 2 Knansi«'!" E 2 Kuttenla-rg .. ,1) 2 Laibacb D3 Laim Cl Leitnieritz ... .1) 1 Lemlierg J2 Linz D2 Livno E 5 Mährisch Ostrau Í F2 Mahrisch Sehon- berg E2 Marburg D 3 Modliiig E3 Jlostar F5 Nachod El Neunkirclien..D3 Neu Sande»; . - .G3 Neiititscbein ..E2 Niisle Dl Olinutz E3 Pardubitz ....El Pettau ES Pilsen C2 Pisek D2 Po»lg»»rze Fl P»)la C4 Prague Dl ITcrau E2 Pribram D2 Prietlor E4 Prossnitz E2 Przeniysl H3 Radautz JS Keichi^nberg.. .D1 Kovereilo B 4 Rovigno C4 Runilnirg Dl Rzeszow Gl Saaz C 1 Saint Polten . .D 2 Siilzburg C3 Sanibor H 2 Sarajevo F 5 Sebenií'o D 5 Smicbow Dl Sniatyn J 2 Spalato E5 Stanislaii J2 Sternberg E 2 Steyr D 2 Stry j H 2 Suczawa K 3 Tabor D 2 Tarnopol J 2 Tarnow Gl Teplitz Schönau Cl Tesan j E4 Tesehen F 2 Traunik Eá Trautenau —Dl Trebitsch D2 Trient BS Trieste C4 Troppau F 2 Turn Cl Puzla F 4 Ungarisch Hradisc-h —E2 Vienna K 2 Warnsdorf.. . 1> 1 Wels 1>2 Wiener Neustadt 1)3 Witkowitz ... F 2 I Wrschowitz ... I» l I LIECHTEN- Ii STEIN Vaduz A3 Zara Zizkow . Zbxzow Znaitn . 44 ATLAS OF THE WORLD IN EUROPE AND CAUCASIA C-SritiPi" PROVINCES Aroliangrel H y Astrakhan J 6 Baku ( Trans Caucasia).. J 7 Bessarabia EC Black 8t'a (Trans Cauciisia).. G 7 Ohernigof F / Chei-son F ■ Courland D Daghestan (Tran Caucasia) ..J DonCossackSjITc vince of the. H i EkatennoslaC .G c Elizavetpol (Trans Cauca¬ se) J 8 Erivan (Trans i Caucasia) .H8 Esthonia £é Grodno D5 Kaluga G 5 Kara (Trans Caucasia).. H 7 Kasjin J 4 Kharkof G 6 Kief E6 Kostroina H4 Kovno D4 Kuban (Northern Caucasia)..G6 Kursk G 5 Kutals (Trans Caucasia). H7 Livonia E4 Minsk .. . E8 Mohilef F5 Moscow Gi Nizhni Novgorod H 4 Novgorod .....Fa Olonetz G3. Orel G 5 Orenburg L5 Pensa H 5 Perm L4 Podolia E6 Poltava F 6 Pskof E4 Ryazan H 5 Saint Petersburg IN KUKOPE ANI> CAUCASIA SCALE OF MILES (Joo*e tbureffV f i ßlaef-' Jíetdv^f Kailroada. ^arattger Fu p-ltxlxtp/ii "yàinJtîP Submarine Cables Canals — . Size of type indicates relative / importance of places ^ (^°5geja Kanln Noes (7.CArmt ^ "S Sviatoi IfosB Kiinin\ Penin. Jnâif Cheskaia Bay '¿¡./—J. .C.Orlov I Pono i Peninsula iMeien ij.gploinboU'' ^^Archang«] , P»!S ■ I yaiensl • k/ KTasnolwrsk-^^ A elrt i'e Y^OloQe^^ I j ra ^•«Topoí, «AOa- ™ Sainara KS Saratuf H 5 Simbirsk J S Snuilensk Fá Stavropol (North¬ ern Caucasia) H 6 Tanibof . .H 5 Taurida F6 Terek (Northern Caucasia).. H 7 Tiflisí Trans CaucEisia)..H 7 Tula G 5 Tver G 4 Ufa L .1 Viatka K 4 Vilnn E .■> Vitebsk E 4 Vladimii H 4 Volhynla E 5 Vologda J 3 Voronezh ....Gô Yai'oslaf G 4, Totma IhVolak« ,'Sotnin^ Kadt^ ^oiogdt^ L^SoHgalitch Kologrif Galltcb— TYvtt V .V 1\ M Xi 1 jt ^VüMbuíi \ A •4- M ÍV K.O s T,®-6 m Jk Matarjej-^ yvKogtroifca V i '"*AWtöfaTorshok ' Yaroslal (""peta. Seníenov . Niihni >j^oVgoi lebokaatjS-C.« >K A M . I^TOHÚO í¡ ^oí'ogfc X "¿O Ji t . ^ VI / l iUlIU T® ■ ' n)ukliuf/s^—2 kaiilmol [íarÍÍÍ 'Temnlkof ■rf Gorki f^Obilof f ■oaiLfe gamér* J) íixÍoívísnT^ \ ■H^RNlíio] íidcbgkl Finland Poland . CITIES-TOWNS Abo D3 Akernian.. ...Efi Akhtyrka F5 Alexandiopol. H 7 AlexandiH»vsk.G6 Archangel ....H3 Astrakhan. ...J6 Azof G 6 Baku K 7 Balta E6 Batum H 7 Bendei*>- E6 Berdiañsk. . ..G6 Berditchef E6 Bialystok D5 Bielgorod . ...G5 Bobiuisk E5 Borisoglielisk. H 5 Brest Litovsk .D5 Buturlinovka .H 5 Chelín D5 Cherkasi F6 Chernigof F5 Chem)n F 6 Chisttipol . ..K4 Cronstadt . ...F3 Czenstochowa C5 Dorpat E4 Dunaburg E4 E k ate li nburg.. L 4 Ekaterinodar..G 7 Ekaterinoslaf Ü6 Elizavetgrad .. F 6 Elizavetpol J 7 Erivan H 7 Eupatoria ï' 6 Gomel .. . F 5 Grodno D ,5 Helslngfors. D 3 Irbit M 4 Ismail E 6 Ivanovo H 4 Izhev K 4 Kalisz C5 Kaluga G 5 Kamenetz Podolsk.. .E 6 Kars H 7 Kasan J 4 Kertch G 6 Kharkof G 6 Khotin E 6 Kief E5 Kielee D5 Kisheiief E6 Kolomna G 4 Konotop... ,..F5 Kostroma H 4* Kovel E5ÎÎ Kovno D5® Kozlof .... ., .H 5 Kremenchug.. P 6 Kremenetz.... E 5 Kursk ...G5v Kutais H7> Kuznetzk J5i làbau 04 Ï1 Tt Ajrj^ln /«eilko^J '■""«fe |fa(¿í\^-v ^iefteTeyln»' ^WnluikTV. >PavIovs S'd> VGttTleV 'WMd roygk^ ^enVf S^'r*8i /jlfoutM .V«K /Rrdlang^ dtchl 'S£A OF AZOF tedyieshh R!1 '«ovoToaaleks^^- ' Tengingr^^ TiliaminoTskai^^ Golovinsk l^etroTgk f» ^TlfllSv ^Tbeo* ßare jjugfc»* öu'/ Anaklir^K . A gu "Jv'Akbaiil .g, l^low tM f th$ ^ ¡ah« i/^-=S>5sr iTf; ' Bpeir-» Alexiäar«»!'^ XT^ A ' Ama«!« dicUlfn ^^Saf.Aiiarat ' 17.112>v Nekhltchiyip^ OrduDiK Hammond's 8 z 11 Map of Ruggla in £uiope IfefeHHÛHQfefeOafcpSO 35° Longitude Gr East 40° from ü Greenwich 45° 55° 1 ATLAS OF THE WORLD 45 ASIA Aden -FT Afghanistan .. H 5 AKiuolinsk .... 13 Amur Pi'ovinee N3 Anam L 7 Aiidaimui Islands K7 Arnhin F 6 Asct-r F 7 Assiiin K 6 Babuyan Islands K7 Bahnen Island G 6 Baluchistan .. 11 6 Baslil Islands..N 6 Batanes Islands NO Bennett Islandl' 1 Bering Island.K 3 Bhutan J 6 Bllshnil PI BoholIsland..N 8 Bokhara JI 5 Bonin Islands.P 6 Poinco JI 8 British North Borneo JI 8 Bi unci JI 8 Burma, Lovci K 7 Burma, Uiipei K « Cambodia.. ..L7 Caroline Islands P8 Cebu Island .. .N 7 Celebes N 8 Ceylon J 8 China L 6 Chinese Empire K 5 Chusan Islands N5 Coast Province 03 Cochin China .L 8 Cooper Island R 3 Cyjnus E 5 Betkan 17 Dsungaria J I El Hasa F6 EI Hejaz E6 Fadeyev Island PI Ferghana 14 Formosa N 6 French Indo¬ China L7 Gilolu Island. .N 8 Guam P 8 Hadramaut ...F7 Hainan L 7 Herald Island .81 Hindustan 16 Hondo O 5 Indo-China L7 Irkutsk L 3 Iti-upIsland ..P4 f'Japan 0 5 Kamchatka ...0 3 Khiva H 4 Kiauchau N5 Kiushu Island O 5 Komandui ski Islands R 3 Kouasliuri Island IM Korea N 5 Koteinoi Island 01 Kuria Mui'ia Islands G 7 Kuril Islands..P4 Kwangcliau.. .M 6 Lacradive Islands 17 Leyte Island .. N 7 Ltjzon Island. -N 7 Macao M 6 Malay Peninsula K8 Maldive Islands 18 Manchuria K 4 Marianne Islands P8 Masbate IslaiidN 7 Masirah IslaiidG 6 Mindanao Island X8 Mindoro Island X7 Mongolia L4 Negi OS Lsland .X 7 Neje17 Pana Island .. .N 7 Faronuishlr I..Q 3 Pelew Islands.O 8 Penans Island K 8 Perlni Island. .F 7 Pei*sia (t 5 Philippine Is. .N 7 Polillo island .N 7 juelpiu-t I N h l?iu Klu Is X 6 Sakhalin P 3 Samar Island. .X 7 Samai kand... H 4 Sarawak M 8 Rasllan Island.X 8 Semliialatinsk .1 4 Semireeliinsk ..14 Shikoku I O 5 Slam L 7 Siberia. lAstern >1 3 Siberia, Western 13 Simusir Island Q 4 Sokotra IslandG 7 Straits Settle¬ ments L 8 Sulu Ishmds.. .X 8 Sumatra K 8 Tantalam I... .L 8 Tibet J 5 Tobolsk 12 Tomsk J 3 Tonkin L6 Transi-aspian Province ....G4 Tui^ii H 4 Tui'kestan, Fjistern J 4 Turkestan, Russian H 4 Turkey in AsiaE 5 Uralsk G 4 Ump Island... Q 4 Weihaiwei ....N 5 Wrangell I SI Yakutsk N 2 Yemen F 7 Yeniseisk K2 Yezzo P 4 46 ATLAS OF THE WORLD AFGHANISTAN CITIES-TOWNS Andkhul • Fl Baia Mui'crhab £ 1 Baikh .Fl Baniian .F2 Farah .E2 Felsabad .... Gl Ghasni .F2 Ghurian .E3 Gorl .Fl Hei-at .E2 Jirm Gl Juwain E2 Kabul F 2 Kandahar ... .F2 Kha^h .E2 Kundus Fl Kushk .E2 lÄsh E2 Maimeneh... El Marutshak . El Masar-i-Sherif .FI Narj'ti .Fl Kustak Fl Sflisar .E2 Sheikhabad. .G2 BALUCHISTAN CITIES-TOWNS Anainbar.... F2 Bela .F3 Chaman..... F a Charbor .E3 Gwadar .E3 llarnai .Fa Kalatok.... .E3 Khelat .F3 Kowlar .F3 Kushdil .F2 3fa8tun(? .F3 Omara .E3 Guetta .P3 Saini .E3 buumiani.... .F3 PERSIA CITIES-TOWNS Abadeh 02 Abei*uh .... 02 Abu-Shfhr .. .03 Ahar Bl Ardabil Bi Astrabad.... .01 Ayda .03 Badshlstau. . D2 Bahniinaliad. .D3 Banipur .E3 BaniKi .03 IlarfiTish Ol Bnsidu D3 Binth ,DC Budshnard.. Dl Bunder Abbaa D3 Bunjshird ... .BS Bushlre .03 Oharak .03 Daiub .03 I)ehbid .03 Deniaham... -Ol Deran .E3 Dilem 03 Dilinan AI I)i^ful .B3 Djelfa Bl Faasa .03 Geh .E3 Gwett^r .E3 Hainadan .... .B3 Hanaka .D3 Harau .Bl Ispahan 02 Jask . D3 Jumin .D2 Kashan .02 Kasrkand .... ,E3 Kasvin Ol Kernian .D2 Kerinanshah B2 Khabis .Da Khat .Da Khoi .AI Khoreniabad. .33 Khur .Da Kom .03 Kotshan .Dl Kuhak .E3 Lahidjan.... .01 Lar .03 Linjreh .03 Mahun .• .Da Maku .AI Mara^ra Bl Maraud -Bl Meshed .Dl Mianeh .BI Minab .D3 Mohammera. .B2 Mut^hab ca Nabend .03 Nikh .E2 Niriz .03 Nishapur Dl Resht .Bl Sanges D I Sary .01 Serab .Bl Serena D2 Sliahrud .01 Shiraz .03 Shirvan Dl Shuster B3 Siinnan .01 Sultanabad... .B3 Surabad....... El Tabriz Bl Taniin D3 Tasht 03 Taurun Dl Tebbes D3 Teheran Ol Tun D2 Urmia Bl Ushnu Bl Yesdikha-st. . 02 Yezd 02 MODEIÎX j^Ioghel -iyeh 6CAlE of miles Saida« , Bahnt ^hkebo Hailroads Biblical names are in parCntbeSeS — (Bethlehem) {s.Jordan) Size of type indicates relative importance of places. Surafeofl. ' Ba^nt ^ El KMi^ .Adinn El ItfuÉunitih o El KuD«Hrah Ras En Nakurahi Bainint ( ^Et lluUh leb.Hadirel t Abdeh l^aeiaeb] [&ÍE«h C Ptoiemai^W J"« Acre,AKka6^ (.AchW Li II'- ^ ( ) ft 4e.eehV^//i/ ,„YenJ55^r^_J < ' .(Gho^in^)y^ ÏLoi-rir: Í vT J L — y n' (. ¿-MfjdelM Tuftan'i/a* >. j J ('Rummaneh(^®sr Endor\7'^ 1 V "r\(Nain) \ ¿ ) e'"^' ®SoIam "S ^ ElifJj'íá'' •' YeUa^ e-' ^ 7 (JiiVeei) _/ Tannub°y il ^ ®Nawaí :i4e\V-^ Bcthsald^ ICttnà'ivai' Kaoawat [«ceirlb iZeizui Et KeraË' iWiKeiT^ ô^NQaJara) Ed Deraaho''"^; Taniarah J|y-n^^atyibc1 ^ Pevhcbc?« Y oEr Jllmthe -Saisareilij (Ccsar«a) / Jentn J.Telbon |® fl, (Jit.Mhoa) Kefr Adan, Îi'ahr Jzkanderuful TelUDothini Er Rameb Jl«iii)ua Sebiuit Sainarl /Jeraah"^ /(Gtiraza Dibbia Vanun« Tell el PakkelL Tasufo iKulat et Zerka (Qadda) ojlljilla El Jubetbah oTibneli- Dagui ^y'Ludd Et/Ram lehV ^'ahr Bvbii -- retlio'^sRoaaiiH (D«lhel)0 ® ■—* Kh.Raiyaa-(r. Mukbmaso Yebnah® S'akr Sultereif (Jer^io) TEL itrbSi CJgruaalenLW pHlad*^ , Azotus h.Sata (At-' Dhtberiyeh'' Eamamii Kh:'AUlr [asadaj ORabba ( lîir «s Seba, (iieershci-bai.«^ Level of Meiiterraoean ?«a jKernk Ararah^-^ Teil namtnottd'|-8 z 11 Map óf^Mo3^¡r;^lMt]i>e Copyrlfh iCe 8. H am tnoa J A Co.,»* Tork Kutrao'ho from Longitude C 48 ATLAS CF THE WORLD »«^¿^/■Suníao-' 'kiihiiiî'^îfedu«^ INDIA Iwin Ausèirif^ SCALE OF MILES EallroadB %>^Küa.á •^clikliaijÂuï''^ îe , ^ . Landi Kotalj Submarine Cables ^auahc Canals TV'S Msliunat^-. Sviuiela \so'~ r^-íS^ammu ''T Wj^'''^s Size of type indicates relative importance of places Areerf^^st. 5' \„"#®Thok JaluQS ¡rv^—> eMrtnm«?^ fo'iam^- jiH Oinbo ^ Lyal^j^ loW^arSr j^i>- larl;^]^^ .CASSX y.v^X^^^'íhalrpir _^r8aL-/y''^ ^^"L-'^ahawalpur ^ FN. o«, ^^JAhmodpur SuragáVh --s®* '-''"P°'= .M.h.j,n fe J yjl"'!»«" \ P.F j'tllaiier ip.tblp^ -"KkTTp,," '^'•R/ -S i ,, .iía-CSisat^ K^eiTA Tsario « SÄ? i_4C«íí5i® .ílúraiiaq /jacobal /aripur^ "ggujrWQj P^:nDhi«"VJÄg l^on'^^T^kbnnyf (RáhtV ^ dijiUmnpaV \ ^l|feifaiiu4 \ Wajrnk'hal^d ""? MutV Bhartpur CeípuT; í^'owgons raiaalmer nCishal iVzamgid Q.milioD^ H*??ii%h'ifeniO A., .Scoplir' Arrth. 'wBoIl-rari^ I» i í i.W U 3 SbcrghatlB-'isq:;;^^ naltoDMj^l ^ jKarhàïiSii^I>*»K^i! 5 .'OlIazaribagD \ u ^wAI jf^ ,-?fe fe ¿ungam JlureMfeiad" ?Maiba^ .TR^lC_pF a/Dhilsay llajd^'v ,0 "É rCwCE^I^B^naí'^ S j Iv \Na^lrobauD; \l)haiiira J/omíA« o/ Ahe Mahanadi lariahpur "VeraivaT ^ Dharai Dnman Fao&l- Vljtfbon Tatna BankL Comb^rmere i^ Kjaut-j.ju^ UamrlV Manaung,» Chcdula^ iggorcaut VÄ «3.,T<»'7tls- -jr-o«. fv,— ^ çi" -~___/'"s.Coáaaa IWalabaA-^^ îànd^ ^Nlnoal ^^->y^"'''Öoda^S^nc^ ■y oindur Telgand^lo...-s.^ T y^anjam ¡opalpur lampur. SaUette I;\ á-OJIBAí^ AlibagI daajira BUoiäd'] [alingbpatain »nagianv Thicai'Ole p^imlipatan VizasapaUm Bankot oFp: Dabholpy Bidarofe, ( riZAM'S DQMIOI Márangal V iNLpYeHaní f /iMahabaleahwai ,Sátaia'\ F-FIiIp' Ratcagirl, Vixiadmg ; VRajahwündry Jf yP—KAS ^l^^èraram 'T^Cbcniat >^>^dÍKaeti ^Pondlehery (í'"^. iÇiiddnlbre iPirto >'oTo yorth ÄTuUtmanl Andaman Mulki\ Wanenlcre» -■Çanj^alon IwUassan v (Fr.)\^^^^ji>' "^tacftmunáf ; jfe PP'^ibaJurSi*««?—" ■^""'t^éftS^rlclíInb^feááí pTránqueúir |^rikal(Fr,) rKegapatam iÍtJ2!í "ákñ hcyru Cham1.1l nsmmond'B 8 x U Map oflodia Copjrlght. 1904 bj C.S.riammond 4 Co.,y.r. Sondara. Uoodj Mullaitlru 7 ^ /Tromba Trom1)á¡fJ\ w"í'#í ^-íu .f <%; (Tuticorln Manar * Ihittalaifl QullonCEollaraj^ ^C- i%—TW Aniengtfaí ^ Trlvandrnnis^^' JCoIachelN-^^'"''®" Cape Comorin Nicobat Xrlnkomall TTortf Äaratoor' .CEYLON Ktikaloa Polgah Negombo Colombo Mahalakshm! Breach CantK Th* B- i7>Jk ' Komarlva Jja Ealutard ^ Zitíle Sastae Great Baesas llpmbantol Coramjnukum iabob« Choultry IBT.THOÍME Kolaba SCALE OF MILES from Greenwich INDIA. área sq. m. 1,766,043 Pop 294,361,066 BRITISH PROVINCES. Ajmere B 3 Area sq. m 2,711 Pop 476,912 Andamans and Nicobars F 6 Area sq. m.3,If" Pop 24,6^ Assam. F 3 Area,2« Pop 6,126,843 Baluchistan (British) A3 Area Bq.m.46,804 Pop 308,246 Benfral E S Ai-ea sq. m. 151,185 Pop....74,744,866 Berar. C 4 Area sq.m-17,710 Pop 2,764,016 Bombay (Presi¬ dency) B5 Area sq. lu. 123.064 Pop I8,ö6y,661 Buima F 4 Area sq, in. 236,738 Pop 10,490,624 Central Provinces D 4 Areasq. m 86,469 Pop ....9,876,646 Coorgr ..C 6 Area sq. m .l..'7R2 Pop 180,607 Madras 0 6 Area sq. m. 141,726 Pop 38,209,438 Northwest Fron¬ tier ProvinceB 2 Area sq.m.16,466 Pop .2,125,480 Punjab B Î Area sq.m.97.209 Pop.... 20,330,33" United Provinces B S Area sq. m. 107,164 Pop.... 47,691,782 FEUDATORY STATES. Baluchistan...A 8 Area sq.m.86,511 Pop 732,156 Baroda B 4 Areasq. m..8,099 Pop 1,902,6" Benpral States. E 4 Area sq.m.38,652 Pop 3,743,544 Bombay StatesB 4 Area sq.m 66.761 Pop 6,908,648 Central India.C 4 Area sq.m.78,773 Pop 8,628,781 Central Provinces States C 4 Area sq.m,29,435 Pop 1,996,383 Ilaldarabad ...C 5 Area sq.m 82,698 Pop ....11441,148 Kashmir C 8 Area sq.m.80,900 Pop .... 2,90ôA78 SladrasC 7 Area sq, m..9,969 Pop 4488,086 Mysore 0 6 Area sq.m.29,444 Pop 6,539,399 Punjab States. B 3 Area 8ti.m.86,5f " I'op. 4,424,Si Rajputana B 8 Area sq. m. 127,641 Pop 9,723,301 C. P. States... D 3 Area sq. m..6,079 Pop 802,097 CITIES-TOWNS Pop. SlilliODh 1 Calcutta E 4 Pop. Thoiiiuindi, 776 Bombay...B 6 509 Madras . ■ D 6 448 Ilaldaiabad D 5 264 Luckno'w..D5 209 Benares...D 3 208 Delhi C S 202 Lahore ... B 2 197 Cawnpur. .D 3 188 ABrra C 3 172 Allahabad.D 3 172 Ahinadabad B 4 162 Amrtsar..B 3 160 Jaipur. ...C3 159 BaiiBralore.C 6 157 Howrah ... E 4 I.'iS Poona B 5 134 Patna E 3 131 Bareiily....CS 127 Nagpur ... Ö 1 122 Srinagaj\..C 8 119 Surat B 4 118 Meerut ...C 3 116 Karachi...A 4 105 Madura....C 7 104 Trichiuopoli C« 1(^ Baroda. ...B 4 92 Indore......O 4 90 Dacca F 4 90 Jabalpur...D 4 87 Rawalpindi B 8 8? Multan B 2 84 Peshawar..B 2 79 Mirzapur...D 78 ÄS.;; O 77 Daman B 4^ : : : : : : Sä .. . . . ? J ■ 5 eä c s i2 : 2.C 76 Shahjahanpur g S s ^ âS § ? 75 Bha(¡ra]pur..E kQ 75 Sbolapur.. C 5u%,om«oooc«>.i-> ts« Longitude ATLAS OF THE WORLD 49 JAPAN CITIES-TOWNS Akashi L 6 Akita N4 Aoinori O 3 Asahika P 2 Chiba O 6 Fukui M 6 ^kuoka J 7 Fixkuahiina... .05 Gifu M 6 Hakodate Ü3 Hainaiimtsu .. M 6 Hikone M 6 Hlinedslii L 6 Hlrosaki 0 3 Hiroshima.... K 6 Jamacia M 6 Kagosliiina... .J 8 Kanazawa M 6 Kioto 16 Kobe Le Kochi K7 Kofu N 6 Kokum J 7 Kuiiiaiiiuto —J 7 Kure K 6 Mainif^aiiii.. .K6 Matsiuiiuto M 5 Matsuyaiiia... K 7 Matsuye K 6 Mayebaslii.... N 5 Mito 0 5 Morioka O 4 Nagano N 5 Nagaoka N 5 Nagasaki H 7 Nagoya M 6 Nara L6 Niigata N 5 Okayaina K 6 Qnoiuichi K 6 Osaka I.. 6 Otaru O 2 Otsu L6 Saga J 7 Saaai L 6 Sakata N 4 Sapporo O 2 Sívsebo Il 7 Sondai 0 4 Bhimonoseki ..J 6 Shizuoka. ... NO Takainatsu.. . LO Takaoka M 5 Takasukí N 5 Tokushima.... 1.7 Tokyo N 6 Tottori L6 Toyama M 5 Toyolxashi ... M 6 Tsu M 6 Tsurugaoka... N 4 Utsunomiya... O 5 Wakamatsu ..N5 "Wakayaiiia ...L6 Yaniagata O 4 Yokohama ... .N 6 Yokosuka NO Yonessawa 0 6 CHOSEN CITIES-TOWNS An ju F 4 Cheju O 7 Chemulix) O 6 Chinnampo . .F4 Chongju 0 5 Fusan M C Ilainhi'iing... 0 4 Hwangju F 4 Kwangjti O 6 Masanxpo II 6 Mokpo O 6 Pingyang F 4 Sakju F 4 Seoul G 6 Tongnai..^ HO Wiju F 8 Wousaa Qi 50 ATLAS OF THE WORLD PROVINCES Chehkiang. Chill Fokien Hoiiaii Hunan Hupeh Kansu Kianf^i H 5 Kian^»u I { 4 Kwan^i K 6 Kwangtun^ KweiÄan Kô N'jyanwhei H 4 Shansi ( ; 3 Shantung H 8 Shensû I' 4 Szeohnan K4 Yunnan E6 CITIES-TOWNS Amoy 116 Canton 7 Batíuvn O 3 Batunrras C 4 BeiiííUct C" 2 Bohoi K 6 Bulíican C" 3 Cafrayaii ("2 Capiz D 5 Cavile C 3 Cebú D 5 Cotabato E 7 Dapitan I' 6 Davao K 7 llocos Norte.. .C 1 llocos Sur C 2 lloilo D 5 Isabela C 2 Jolo es Cia La^çuna ....CS Liêpanto-Bontoc C2 Cieyte E 5 Vlanila C3 4Iarinduqiie.-.C 3 Masbate D 4 Vllndoro < " 4 ttisamis E 6 SegTos Occi¬ dental . D 5 i^ros OneatLit 1)5 ^îueva Ecija.. L."3 N'ueva Vizcaya C 2 Pampanga . . C 3 Pangasiiian ... C 3 Paragua B 6 Rizaf C 3 Roinblou.. ...1)4 Samar E4 Soi-sogon D 4 Surigao E6 Tarlac C 3 TawiTawi ....CS Tayabas ('3 Union C2 Zambalca ('3 Ziiiuboauga. ..D 7 PALAUI C. Dojeador ^Bangui Bado. SloaW Cabugui Domlngar Vlga^; Candon BATAX ANÜ BABUYAN ISLANDS SAME SCALE AS large MAP ^ ibayaT/7 BATAN IS 9 rAmulübk] Siimpaloc' >bag«ipj^^ jTanaaUlni^' ^llagan "I 0BATAN ■^SABTAN t CI Tí 0 Tagudln] KamagpaciA/' iBalaoaiiV S.Juaqt- eao cernandq^ t IBUGOS* Ç^oh»gua/_ }ALlNGTÄNG'"lsr ^iHlaíoe B, I BABUYAN CALAYAr Ba«ol BajfL Santa Cruaj? BABUYAN ISLANDS DALUPIRl¡[^ bijutan* ^ •!»lonc»w j.SPaniquij ^CiiulHng^J ltfi?éTaÍU/AC c'amiquin PUISA Hngalan Ma i MANILA V Iba^ Botolaiq (TÇALAUI I. ibulug scale op miles to guam hawaii and sah francisco (CalnupiV NjbT.iA.A. j^^LASAN Ipainanongan Olonc^i itzaE? [NlLi Vofitta'* Carliy ,JOMALIQ BAl|^ Pf.^uzonVii^L MstlYeley caMtGiOOft ilaquas is. incala SCALE OF MILES IcatAwuanes Railroads. SBL. - I*»ci5'N Snbmaxine Cables CITIES-TOWNS Abucay... ....C3 Abulug (' I Agoo C 2 Alaiuinos 1>3 4 Albay 1)4 Alcala ' " 2 Aliaga ('3 Altiinomiii <"3 Angeles ("3 Apálit ("3 Aparri C 1 Aigao 1)6 Astniis I) 5 Bacacay 1)4 Bacarra CI - 12 Bacolod 1>5 Bacolor C 3 Bacon D6 Bacoor C 3 Badoc ,..C2 Bago I) 5 Baguio C 2 Balanga C 3 Balayan ('4 Baler C 3 Banga Do [« Bangued C2 Bangui CI Barili D5 Banigo... E5 Bascy E 5 Batac CI Batan I) 5 Batangas C 4 Bato E4 Bauan C4 Baiiiing C2 - r 10 Bay bay E5 Bayombang.. .(.'3 Binalonan.. ..(!2 Binang CS Boae C 4 Bontoc C2 ' Borongan E 5 Bugason D 5 Bulacan C3 Bulan D 4 [ Burauen E 5 Butuan E6 I ß Cabanatuan... C 3 I Cabancalan ... D 6 I Cabatuan D 5 I Cabiao C 3 I Cadiz Nuevo... I) 5 I Calapaii C4 Calapé 1)6 Calasiao C 2 Calbayog E4 Calivo D 5 . Calumpit C3 ■ ® Camiling 0 3 Candaba C3 Candou C2 Capas C3 Capiz D 5 Carear .1) 5 Carlgara E5 Calbalogan ...E5 Cavapo ..C 3 Cavile C 3 Cayapo 0 3 I O.'uu D5 7 Cervantes 0 2 Claveria CI Colasi I) 5 Concepción ...C3 Cotabato. . ..E7 Dact 1)3 Dagami. .... .E 5 Dugupan (12 Dalaguete.... D6 Danao D 5 -, 6 Dapitan D 6 Dasol B3 Davao E 7 Dingras CI Dolores C 2 Dulag E 5 ' Dumaguete .. D 6 Dumangas ... .D 5 Dmnanjug .. .1) 5 o Escalante D 5 Galera ('4 IGandara E 5 Gapan c 3 Gerona 0 3 Glnigaran ...1)5 Guijulugan ...I) 5 Guindulman ..1)6 ^ ll Guinobatan... D 4 '""^Suiuan F,5 !®^WHagonoy 0 3 : . : ! Ililongos E 5 . dlba U 3 '5 : SIbajay 1>5 io ;3ilagan.. (."2 :-c ¿ oJIollo 1) 5 sr almus . . . 0 3 is.ïgînabanga E 5 •>>íí5Xndang r Infanta c 3 m( Tino Size of type indicates relative importance of places ^ambuno 'Gubfct s,w' (ON S&blsjuJ iRombloa ajidiocan CALAMIANESf CoronV BuSuJOtGA Lgulat ISLAN DS'V calami SEA .ibaioT . "ViCallvo "g«é^gCap|j iroogan jAotag CUYOS IS. lUat* ÏP*8«®euS fJoAquin-i^ ■^toukíc. Cejiaí nilonga? iwOPíMalc u in po Jaoat ^AOM' 'Puerto Prlncesa BUCA8 cacayane6 is. Surigao ' Sea LJi' g^gor CAMIGIÎN .SIQUiJOR 8ag^ \ MIXDANAOt^I^, Pt Tttgolo DipologA Butuan rinatuaa ílabac ^ -TuciinD' ibul^lana^ ! Í^DÍnV^ St.Marlai luinablapgan^ Balabac Strait Illana Bay , rollooty îj' ^ SANÇUEY cagayan OE jolo AN G UTA R Ali ■ÍLis. ÖBan Affustin ¡JUonguilei TAWI Tataan ^ Hammond'i 8x11 Map of Philippine lalnndt Copyright, lÖüS, by O.S. Hammonda Co., N. Y. liBUTU C Longitude 122 East from X) Greenwich 124 i«ioÄc«ei«^*eo^«iQ<©»o»ß>0'OW?H«^eCKs^«ce'S HAWAII CITIES-TOWNS Aiea G 3 Elwle C2 Ewa F 3 Haiku J i Hakalau LC Halawa 13 Halt'i wa F 2 Haniukuapoko J i Haiia J i Hauaiei D 1 Haiiaoepc ....0 2 Hauula G 2 Heeia US Hilo L6 Holualoa I ft Hoiiokaa KÖ Honokohau. ..IS Honolulu G8 Honomu Lft Honuapo Lî Hookena K 7 Hoopuloa K 7 Huelo J 4 Kahuku 0 2 Kahulul J 4 Kailua K 6 Kalae ..18 Kalapana ....M7 Kalaupapa H 3 Kaunakakal .. .13 Kaupo J 4 Kawaihae K5 Kealakekua ..K 6 Kealia D1 Keanae J 4 Keauhou.. ....K 6 Kekaha 0 2 Keoinuku 14 Kihei J 4 Kilauea D 1 Kipahntu J4 Konala KS Koloa D2 Kukaiau L5 Kukuihaele ...K6 Kurtistown .. .Lft Lahaina. 14 Laie O a Lalaniilo K6 Laupahoeboe .L5 Lihue D2 Mahukona....Kö Makawao J 4 Makaweli 02 Makena 14 Mountain View! ' Naalehu K 7 Kapoopoo. . .K7 Olaa Lft Ookala L 5 Paauhau L6 Paauilo L5 Pahala L7 Pahoa Lft Paia J 4 Papaaloa Lft Papaikou Pearl City G 3 Pelekutiu 13 Pei)eekeo Lft Pukoo 13 Piinaluu L7 Puuiieue J 4 Volcano HouseL? Wahiawa P2 Waiakoa J 4 Waialee F 2 Waialua F 2 Waianae F 3 Waikane G 3 Wailuku 14 Waimanalo ...G8 Waiiuea 0 2 Waioliinu K 7 Waipahu F S íííj<-l-3 WW 05 WW W gSaâ ggä&iiii • 5T' S*- ^ 535Z!!z!IZ:!Z!55 ÜÍ 3 5.'?? 3 S'CO ®'5 &• c?iti s»oroffl®reœ» 3 §2^ '5®NEC20CÏ2 i L,» o-c 3"® K " 3-Q 5 o a;< "^5 5 : 111^ K¿ « Ç Eî® a pb^S'^'bS 09 K 1^ * m • m'Q« « g K a s p f'C' .LS: s; » Í g 5 i= -, opit il III »gl >:||i S.IÏ.I »'=> " I Si g§ £■■ g Ë g ®: •' S I- I- 9 |i R: S »: igig": 3 » | IKIL JJJ^LJjLlLlJL|:§l.&Lg= J s i g®®é„i.i<&bKSMa§'>o|'íÍ'«® S''&'^®WnS'Q bK^SffiCBcï, o»£®|g HS'B|H»KK»wgi!^&at»ft«w>^aBat.|w£B§Q w^pli-ttbalbH LSbb M MM»Oi6n^ (fkWWHfcCJiT'HkW'^ lí»'C»Cn ^í»■ "-"»«I es en o» Cn®Hk«fc w »^MOX» cn&s«h <"•■* Cn M rr> «kCÔ Uttk MSi^uh. ATLAS OF THE WORLD 57 AUSTRALIA Archipelago of the Recherche C 6 Avon Islands.. K 3 Barren Island.E 7 Bari'ow Island A 1 Bathurst Island D2 Beagle Islands A 5 Beutinck Island GS Bernier Island A 4 Browse Island C 2 Brunt Island .. E 7 Buccaneer Archipelago C3 Capricorn Grouji Cartier Island 0 2 Cato Island .. .K á Chesterfield Islands. .K3 Ooringa Islands H3 Oroker Island.E 2 Cumberland Isles H 4 Curtis Island . .J 4 Dainpier Aixîhipelago B 3 D'Enti'eeasteaux Islands J 1 Diamond Islands J3 Dirk Hartog Island A 5 Dorre Island ..A 5 Elqho Islands .F 2 Expedition Island 03 Flinders Island E7 t\ii-ueaux Group E7 Goulbum Islands E2 Great Barrier Island L5 Great Barrier Reef H 3 Great Sandy Island J 5 Groote Eylandt F2 Hinchlnbrook Island. ... H 3 Hunter Islands D7 Investigator Group E 6 Eangaroo Island F7 King Island ... D 7 Lacepede Islands C3 Louislade Archipelago .J 2 Maria Island .. E 7 Melville Island E2 Montebello Islands A3 Moreton Island J5 Moriiington Island F 3 Muri-aj" IslandsGl New South Wales H6 New Zealand ..L 7 Noi*th Island.. K 5 Northuinbei'land Isles J 4 Nuyts Archipel¬ ago E 6 Peron Islands. D 2 Prince of Wales Island G 2 GiKHMiKland .. .G 4 llesolution Island J7 Rott! Island ...02 Sandalwood or Sumba Island 01 Sandy Island..0 2 Savu Islands ..0 2 Becretai-y Island J7 Sir Edward Pellew Group F 3 Solander Island J7 South Australia E5 South Australia (Northern Territoiy).. E5 South Island .K6 Stewart Island J 7 Stradbroke Island J 5 Sumba or Sandal- wood Island O 1 Tfigula Island .J 2 Ta.sinania D 7 Thursday Island G2 Trobriand Islands J1 Vanderlin Island F3 Victoria G 7 Wellesley Islands F3 Wessel Islands F 2 WesternAustralia B6 Whidbey Islands E6 Woodlark Island J1 58 ATLAS OF THE WORLD Cunnamulls darburr* ^nglewoQtj/ 'Coun'UiwuidV^iji Callan Stanthurp«^ Balt^deav^ Cundwilllngi Brenda/" Wi>orK>rooia Mungmdi , igledool '¡■^H J/ ÜVR!^ETT\, iWârialià-^. J ^LLIsi, íírabíe^ Grafloa vINGE(r nGcngolg^on A ^0 LIY D E 5 ^(Quabo/hi i^liarbor ■Äaleigh WackSTUla (lambucea) |rri«í B. ^Smoky C. PilllM 1 iadimb; Dunlop «7\ ^,'0-'' \>ÍY A^ïîiiP A ) \ 3ÍpH(ARDTÍ UaiilllAA' çILLARA 'P&Ua-. I Qoo&aiÁ^^ 4- YTJNG^ÜLGRA *1 Jtfí.JUuí-cAÍswyK^ y "pottingkrS^ •rabrin BreetyVv^<^.^ fa. } Bundelafeu¿K;5^^' «¡IS«'"» LANDV^f i« -RRTRRA NIIÜ ífpS^oZZSSjJf, / l^a^Merriwa ipUDÚ V,^ í"*! FARNEliL 8 Glrilambone" ./Jj(^RANKlN ^ i\>o);(eíio«^^. „ .'' \- y^OOROONDARA WBRpNpAyj,.^ 'ARRY Is Cj«k , CANBELEGÔ \ ^5 Port •MACQUAálE^«"»«'«« V Npingh'am <„ <"'«»» 'Ai. ROBIN S Cobu Barrier^ J H OXÎ>^ niddal\ Nevartii^ Njraage .TANDORA' M B A° \FLINDERS T^gU \ \ / Nnr.«»tninÍTO-ÍÍ 'GUJUMI. \\^(KENNEDY ^^^¡»iwtóú'cestél J tL0üCB'?¿B5 Z. vT Q.Bt^ñ^^Sugarloa/Pt. iri»WL^R>rí Stephens äfibri Hunter Nëweastie f ■ Jfaâfuarte S ^^(J^Beach Zakea ^^incuniber ¡ySroken Bdff and Vj Hawkeebury H. ¡Port Jaekeoit [SYDNE.V Ueburst ^en H Cockbara .iienin^^ GSTONE rha1M^ ^venewqrtl^ MU^arjr f I I^- \yá¿^tíí "■■ V-. ó t}iiiM?% ({f C« wen ^ Cawndiint^- 3mNDEE<^ Tandou A^ moosgiel XLAND Nombinnie CUNNINGHAM ) •i^oDdoubUn' W1N D E Y E: Eauabelonj I&shbuknham! Pw^SToogong J o Cut^á I^-WLIKG!/ Hillttci ( (oolagong Mj H'-»#^orbes' - 7] .'^/\ .MitkengßV o Ross KILFSR QTacnal NICHOLSOI rWENTWORTH „..«"S X «Mourquong J ^y^Golgol 1 '^Boollgal S Oj^yiierUII .^^UllI i^Wollongong ^^Hawarra L, ^^Kiama 'SKoalhaven ■J Biyht Sand Bill* MILLEWA Eutfton ?^CÎ^nclto ClyCRENDON'* is I? ./^ V»-. l y 8-^ V ""'^^Mundai lA ffioodrtdjg.ÔÂ-V''''"®* ircutta^ „ \> )i fcfeMU Tu nutiX LE^CH O e"^-^ ::54^''^'f'^iii /Sï>fi ¥ñMÍcha«lag¿L Germadfoo^ ' ' Vi.\"^OoHn*oXL Burn / i^lsandA^^y •g SBUW,;^.N M oulameto Î^ O^tirpt# Boy ^S'^C.St. tieorçe .TOWNSEND NoWangoDllla '5aií lMkc*y% Pipe Clay Plain Wirrcngren Ríatn W E E AH Albacuytad' ' N A K^gstoy^ cUmna M/'ogomi'O karkarooc Lake Tyrrell/? Sea Lakl^ A- nHopetown^ '' c\ RosebeTj I Siran r,rrell Dowoii^^ ITATCHK^!^ CharmV Keningl ^VINÈBSTy^niadulla ^Jerild« ^Berri ;an- DENIScS^N ^Tocut iwal, iSj^ul'iala HUME [LLACIL^!^ îSiir.vs^ I Bocheiie^ KyibtSin. ¡NDIOOl^RODNEV \5:i WolKliJ? lowan Franeeal ^ >'ttflmi 1^1 GotokeO""' - . J _Aj>«l»j' NoTiidV 'NAIW gEdenhoi-e f \. XCLAHsfqNÏ *Ra-K^R*\ Inele-/ St. 9>3à I -•Arnaud>^ Beidfh î-1Ey<Â^ BY/ wwál^to 0»fiij«y« Ci>^«^-oii'o»ßp'^n ^■^^?!f®i^^Jordani§ri«goi( Glcnroy! Penóla. tllurut. • 'ore* llf VlLbE ' ' LeiK/ sllllaitót^ Lj^lUngton ¿Badtben ■ 'yrs^Jtiwrion Pixrt Albert ^^^Snake I, fl Bentley Har. 1 -íl^ér ■pobw. C.Liptrap \ Olennie Ürovp Answer Oron/ ^Vi/Wiunibry .C; IVickhai C.PranklaniO Furneaux Is. •lindera I, Hummock I. Stokes A. Goose /. ¿¿V^Capc Barren I. ^Clarke I. rils Strait I^rtland ■'BooSkalla ^Etldyetone Pt. ^Braisbotm iMourna ÍG'eoraes B. In W^^-Uelena .Three Hummock I. . Hunters Is. {¡¡..bin's 1. XEW SOUTH WALES VICTOKIA AND tasma:ííia Barren 1. \ Stanley Isinlihtub Ty^S^J 'jW.BI.MNGTO^ ITUOTRSE'T 1 ^Mt'Hia Kj-èÎT ^NLEsstbiijA-H. •V'TORNWAlit BbnLom'orid^ »rt-njs^^J^arLU^ "V Rbs S ETL L ¿..^CorlnuayAWEST- ^ ^MORBtANOp NCOLN ibV -MONTA'.t\Y < t -py ¡àWt.-Lyin ft£.SiyCMI^1^,5.. SCALE OF MILES Pieman Reiaiii^ C.SorrclM Railroads g Submarine Cables and Important Overland Telegraph Lines — Size of Type indicates Relative Importance of Places "2 Frey cine t iPkntnsuia Pt. /iibfts^i MOS' \Gyii MontgumeryA .Varia /. J He" Sni nft 'buckinciiam » !, Hob« ■* lYaswan i»jí/fenínetíia Arthur k. ] Camarvgn Jit>ekyPt. Elliot i art'hdr^ Hammond's 8 x 11 Hap of New South Wales, Victoria and Tasmania Copyright, IS>05, by O.S. Hammond & Co., N.Y. 150° Greenwich F* 118" from Ll 112" Longitude 13 NEW SOUTH WALES. Area sq. m. .310,700 Pop 1,354,846 CITIES-TOWNS Fo]). Thousands* ; 112 Sydney....F 3 68 Newcastle..F 3 26 Broken HillA 3 12 Paramatta.F 3 10 Goulbum. .E á 10 Maitland ...F 3 VICTORIA. Area sq. m.. 87,884 Pop 1,201,070 CITIES-TOWNS Pop. Thontands. 63 Melbourne .0 5 43 Ballarat....B 5 30 Bendigo...-C 5 18 Foot8Cray..C 5 18 G«elong....C 6 14 W'mstown.C ß 12 Pt.Melb'rneC 5 TASMANIA. Ares sq. m.. .26,2^ Pop .172,476 CITIES-TOWNS Pop. Thouisndf* 34 HolÄrt D 8 21 launcestonD 7 ATLAS OF THE WORLD 59 iKiriuñn4x /• Trobriaud ¡e. vovnty ^oodinough /. ^ '^^^(^^"'^Fergusaon/. I 7L ¿■^J'StD'Entrecas aoodmoug/S\;^o^anbg /. 0 ¿!ai¿ai r. ^TVirn-oira»»» /• GraDTille« ArtiocA: llatfa teaux Round Ud. ^Jerx-it I. Mularave Ir-, Banke L ,?n VüeadlngW ÁLBANY, 4 o !"'■ il^ôxbwu^' /// h Uixeon Cay i/ocArmuAj^ RT>.D N E Y ' |7j5ç-p:~^Atamac ^Mt.Rodneyf''- , L 7 ^ / ^{•■h y_AUçeílenry WarenÄ, BwllaA^ yp ß{- jl^Tcnlboah ^ SprlSg V.l., -sfnim Ka. ^ e^i^on VHÍSSí •.BELYANIXjdî^^iL Ea^ » fMt.ChantWK Xfrrr-^âÊÊA^^^r' w- F ■ I m- w Pine May Jtf^■yw^yn|B^ n\ V / ,,^11. TJ B|i B PM "^M _cawicorn/ B/^"rove ^ ri^ORTLAE^ Curtie tardti. 'Lady EUiot I. Curtie Channel BavenpcrtO^^y "~~SjCoiip "^'*S Downy^¡4 Mt.Earkèi^:f J Wwwtnlrfc^^^j R«. / Dyi IbdcU; ¿p-.-^fonkira ^''y ^Curia^iáa ^ i 7 E-^iU Y '"syiG^-G e^'EI Y/1 •suri.i -1 jfcwyftö«(hJhdoii s Oy^. 'L.PhUippi^ Herrey Rap. , Z  Sandy Ct^pe '^Tndian i 'ead *fort. Sand, t Z. ! l>orungb | ' Wookltori L.Machattie ¡•bOWEJ \Mt{Playfñ /button'» .liABOUUKCI ^mTwe^ ¿i Wide Bay W'pDouble I. A. Wpio '^.Laguna B. Blrderille' Tftoonbaj^^jta ■ /' Ketria itt. I I ^ Äuilber^L—^ lV)^~/ ,ngiBj5 y^¡Co\aáijU>ime^l^et, m Ag i L MB Rj ?o^«i Hw&bum il Ê ^ ^Dxiaioo \ A/y Í BuruK^ f T' BacH opLÍ \ ' ZT ^'hutioe AiL D E 0\R A Vjl ifceliL WttTÍípn;'2t& JA.-ír*«' l^andslvoroug E Bribiee I. llnBiuTboag zBo&ton B. CAMNINQ ¿)CK;ir.J »tr T II LAKE DISTRICT. p»lby roumßb:' *^Cba>tleton ^ yrTf^Oekabar « Sxxnfl ^ ELGIN", . FtcioJ^f ^ Soufhwood Downe'r-PKi •Í Saroula CUften / I 'MARA °®^pufe Y»nai"S 'Thargomln; .VacUay R p*T^- ;^Bt.Wa^m'tng f ' jBonnaVonna B / C A aSlL L WUge^öaÄ i Mt.Skiltingla -MARSH < _ liigtewfodj jpurün'P A' Butto^^wneM ÓMOR|E ¿Dirran-pl landi ^ t Daree^A»?;^;^—'<5^ * Munglnd Xorth WcMvootookal . Therlinda \ Casino* Plains l^BalliDi WnwiiUonH» S a 11 Map of Queensland Copyright. 1905.1by C.8. Hammond &Co-. N. QUEENSLAND SCALE OF MILES 0 2U 40 60 80 luO 120 140 160 180 Railroads —■ Submarine Cables and Important Overland Telegraph Lines —^ Tokunl.'"' lago Q^£bsf I, . St.Aignan /. O? Louisiade •—e'ac. Archipelago^ Tagu/a l. Marion Reef ^ C. Towneend /iarwi/'s I. l'ort Bawen (Clinton ■* ", ^yvPwC.híanifultl A'lwtot»" il»« r„„rí uTní. ^roup '■ ^^ Bunker Group C Long. 141 r> East 146 K from 148 IT Greenw. 150 60 ATLAS OF THE WORLD H Lbng.70® J Ewt 60® from K 50® Qreenw. L /wES • TAlMl t PEN. Otiutvrt^ /^^ANSEN LEI ^ tC march JEANETTE-^Nir JUN^2, 188lv. \ n/ínsen'a. ^ ^(i$/ / kftj'hest nor+m 0^ V AekuZZI, 1900^ f j e$«8A,' ) WOBTH^eAftY 79 Nordenekloldi 1878-79 « ■ ° » De Long, 1631. Maneen,J898-CC *—I.-A- Srerdr.up, 1998-1002 — Abruzzl, 1899-1900 Keary,1906 ■H.44-»4-Peary. 1909 HL<.B5.70°We»( J 60. from KQreen-.50° iblan oa cuaha Amt Rcirc iT—T-ÍOAI R C T Si <& amuhdsen, «ol i 0ec.1 a-17,1 î1pq shackletoh slfaflthest^soulm ^ee® 23.yjAH.i}i«o ^^1A0S * ANTARCTIC " REGIONS 8HOWING THE ROUTES OF THE MOST IMPORTANT EXPLORATIONS Àcale of Miles "CIRCLEi Amiindwo'i Route I91I-19IZ Cook'» Boot* l??2-17n D' Ur'ille'a HouM 1S33-1SW WUke*» Route 1839.1640 Boat' Boote 1839-1643 Botauof*Cballeii(er" 187Z.1376 — — Sbeckletou'c Boute 191^ BuuteofBelgica" 1386 -4««* BaichgreTÍDk*eBoulel83b.l900 Drrgebkl'-e Boole I»ul.l9n3 Bcoit'e Roaie 1901.1904/ e-w Btnce't Boute J9C2-19^ Litoit« ofPock Ice ptjin«'" 160 Long. D East 160 from E 170Qreen-p Long. 100 Mr'eet J from 160 Green. K ATLAS OF THE WORLD 61 ATLAS OF THE WORLD 63 64 ATLAS OF THE WORLD Mi^E. Lanii surface, Sq. II). 29,!id5 Water surface, Sq. m. 3,115 COUNTIES. Androsrojîjfin.C 7 AroostíK>k F 2 Cumberland.. .C 8 Franklin B 5 Hancock (i G Kennebec D 7 Knox E 7 Lincoln 1) 7 Oxford B 6 Penobscot. ... F 5 Piscataquis.... E 4 Saifadahoc V7 Somerset C 4 Waldo EG Washington .. H 6 York B 9 CITIES-TOWNS Addison H Albion EG Alfred B " Appleton E7 Ashland G 2 Athens 1> " Auburn C 7 Augusta 1)7 Bangor F 6 Bar Harbor... G 7 Bath 1)8 Belfast E7 Berwick B 9 Bethel B7 Biddeford B9 Bingham......!) 5 Blaine 113 Blue Hill F 7 Boothbay II arbor.. P 8 Bowdoinham.. C 7 Brewer F 6 Bridgton B 7 Bristol E 8 Brooklin F 7 Brooks EG Brownlleld B 8 Brunswick C 8 Buckfleld 0 7 Bucksport F 6 Burnham EG Buxton B 8 Calais J 5 Camden F. 7 Canaan D G Canton 0 7 Caribou G 2 Carmel F 6 Casco C 7 Castine F 7 Charleston.... F 6 Chebeaguc Island. .0 8 Cherry field . ..G G China E 7 Clinton ... EG Columbia Falls H 6 Corinna EG Corinth EG Comish B8 Cushing E7 Damanscotta.l) 7 Panforth H 4 Peer Isle F 7 Pexter E5 Pixlield ..CG Pover E6 Durham C8 Eagle I.jike.. .Fl E. Bootlibay.. .1) 8 E. Eddington..F 6 E. Machias J G Kastport J 6 Eliot B9 Ellsworth G 6 Fairfielil PG Farmington. ..('6 Fort Fairfield.II 2 Fort Kent Fl Foxcroft E 5 Frankfort KG Franklin G G Freeport C 8 Friendship.... E 8 Fryeburg B7 Gardiner P7 Garland E5 Georgetown .1)8 Oorhain C 8 Gouldsboro.... O 7 Gray ..C 8 Greene C 7 Greenville.... P 6 Guilford E5 Hallowell D 7 Hampden F 6 Harmony C5 Harrington ..H6 Harrison B7 Hartford C7 Hartiand KG Hennon F 6 Hodgdon H 3 Houltoii H 3 Island Falls...G 3 Jackman C 4 Jay CG Jefferson E 7 Jonesboi'o H G Jonesport HG Kennebunk. ..C8 Kennebunkport C9 Kezar Falls.... B 8 Kingfleld CG Kin^nan G 4 Kittery B 9 Kittery Point B 9 Lagniiige F 5 Lebanon B9 Lee G 5 Leeds C 7 Lewiston C7 Liberty E7 Limenck B8 Limestone H 2 Limington.... B 8 Lincoln G 5 Lincoln ville.. .E 7 Linncus G 3 Lisbon C 7 Lisbon Kalls...P 8 IJttleton ... .H S Livermore C7 Livermore Falla C7 Lovell H 7 Lubec J 6 Machias JC Machiasport... J 6 Madison D6 Mapleton G 2 Mars Hill .».r r .Masanii, ....OSWQ«® Hbpb -■ ■ -ToiioOT ! : • -5 ■ -"CJai ;•?, : Mechanic FaillaCt • ' Milford F 6 " Millbriilui! H6 og Millinoc-ket—Fé^ c: Hilo F 6.gis SC Monmouth.. ..D7t. tál o ® .J o o o o ©o ©.-■ o oji:« u u d í d © © © o © © - í s © o o 3 Dsaaaz» «a a (ioooooofcenCHft.».i.ii.c.ft.6.icc.(i.PHa.B.s.afäS««aK« -■ïôSsi ATLAS OF THE WORLD 65 VERMONT. Land surface, tiq. in. 9,135 Water surface, Sq. in. 430 COUNTIES. Addison .A 3 Beiinlniiton. ..A 5 Caledonia. ...C3 Cliittenden.. .A3 Essex 1) 2 Franklin B 2 Grand Isle. ..A 2 Lamoille B 2 Orangre C 3 Orleans C 2 Rutland A 4 Washinprton ..B 3 Windham ....B .5 Windsor. B 4 CITIES-TOWNS Alburpr A 2 Bakersfleld-.. .B 2 Barnet D 3 Barre ("3 Bai'ton C 2 Barton Landing ( .' 2 Bellows Falls. .B 5 Bennington ..AO Bethel B 4 Bradford 0 4 Brandon A4 Brattleboro ... B 6 Bristol A 3 Burlington A 3 Cambridge... .B 2 Castleton A4 Chelsea 0 4 Chester B 5 Chester Depot.B 5 Danville C 3 Derby C 2 Dorset A 5 E. Berkshire . .B 2 East Fa3rHeld..B2 Enosbui'g Fails B 2 Es8exJunction.\ 3 Fairfax A 2 Fairlleld B 2 Fair Haven ...A4 Groton C 3 Hardwick 0 3 II;.rtford C 4 .■"linesbufg .., A 3 Ilydc Pailc .... B 2 I -doville A 4 Island Pond.. .D 2 Jacksonville... B C Jamaica B 5 JeffersonviIle..B 2 Jericho B 3 Johnson B 2 Ludlow B .5 Lyndon I) 2 Lyndonville.. .1) 2 Mclndoe Falls C 3 Manchester.. A 5 Manchester Center. .A 5 Manchester Depot .B5 Marshflelü C 3 Middlebury ...A3 Milton A 2 Montgomery. - B 2 Montgomery Center. .B 2 Montpeliei- C 3 Mornstown B 2 Morrisvilltt. B ¿ Newlmry C3 Newport CZ North Benning¬ ton.. A ft Northfleld B 3 North Pownal A ft North Troy.. .0 3 Pawlet A 6 Pittsford B 4 Plainfleld .... .C 3 Poultney A 4 Pownal A 6 Proctor B 4 Proctorsville.. B 6 Putney B 6 Queechee C4 Randolph B 4 Readsboro B6 Rich ford B 2 Riehmoiul B 3 Rochester B 4 Rutland B4 St. Albans A 2 St. Jolmsbury D 3 Saxtons River.B 5 South London¬ derry.. B 5 S. Royalton .. C 4 S. Ryegate 0 3 S. Shaftsbury.Aft Springfield—B 6 Stowe B 3 Swanton A 2 Troy C2 Vergennes A3 Wallingford . B5 Waterbury — B 3 Wells River... .C 3 W. Berkshire..B 2 West Burke.. . D 2 W. Charleston C2 West Derby.. C 2 W. Hartford.. .0 4 Westminsti'r B5 West Pawlet A 5 Rutland '.sCwhiteriver- 'J* Junct-.C4 Williatnstown.B 3 Willianisville.. B 6 Wilmington... B 6 Windsor C 5 Winooski A 2 Wolcott 0 2 Woodbury 0 3 Woodstock C 4 NEW HAM^HIRE. Land surface, Sq. m. 9,005 Water surface, Sq. m. 300 COUNTIES. Belknap E 5 I arroll E 4 Cheshire 0 6 Coos E 2 ..D 4 Gmfton.. Hillsboro D 6 IIerrimack....D5 Rockingham.. E 6 ^Strafford Eö = Sullivan C 5 CITIES-TOWNS Alton E6 Amherst DG 66 ATLAS OF THE WOEUL^D ATLAS OF THE WOEiLD 67 COATUfiBy^^^ Squam ^ ** \Sankaty JaGííE8^^Í^X-/V ¿\Head TUCKERNUCK I, ISLAND ''om Neuers Head Complet« Mtp of Southern New Eoglnod. 191U. bj C.S.i(ninmoQd¿ Co., N.Y. Hemmund'a Copyright. W.Swanzej" Weetporty W.Brattleboro 'WilmlnstoD Aniberet, / Newton Jo.,^ F PliUtOW^^ 'indhkui Depot ■^V HdverhillV , ^horo Mcrrlmeck, Brattleborm Wlltut iDarii fridge klltnidâboro celli] Jackionrill ■ PoDeineh'^'\q S.Merrimack (^torford ^■buelot i Winchester iJ^>wnaI [Wm : ftlsdge Oreenrltl«^ tdsborof 'latwlngbui^ Hsllfas •ruus atnmford, -Orov^ Mafoni [Fullersville fatxl'Uin?*8yïî*aX /jFUroTfclan® »&^XMndo*er ^ y\^ Sin Ehicf-^^^CÎÎo, wtt/pAoduTen Boxf»rd. ' ^Ilard Vale ;^o«eil Jr. jo. SV Pl^jden^ '^aierlur\èî"'V"î .Orlswoldrn^sp/ 5h«t{>îi:krille)ej /,t-. N.l'cpjjcrêlJj '^-Townee od Faugu^ ^>"0 Townsend C PeppeieUr id UaregjiiCHoiiii^ ^r^-»ortbá lBANY^ igeoD Core CAP£ STMITMOUTH I. 16<» L.H. k,7-L.H. r^^rnATCMtfli I. .CI^sM^IÎddlesex^^ ^nnCeUôrJî^wô Í^Westford^N,«''''^'* ^ ^^l^ChdmsfordJ A'/Na-ihoba . >X .i(0«rll»loSteJ¿^ ■ y Carlisle ,:N.ArtoD Çjy Vi idwlnavilm Otter Rt> Uontat^iih .Lunenbt HtC 1 i-ANN 'ucester Ltbol Center v'^Templett I^UllMttU V Eastern Pt. ^ypotter\ ianouok'^f'k Q) TAneslrai \y/ HârTOrd uiVa Ù LSí\ >o Naasai Gätes Crossing 'rlnceton^ ^ \ Pratta^. W.Sterlinei -«¿i lterlln¿ fö,;tiÄBOSTO^ •^fftt'lothtoji Beeeh *T CAl* I. ouTCa aSE«ST£B I IDCtfOO iConeort [liosben- Cisils] Ur«ea^ O^InderbooK îNevtnn llook C^ajside 1 ^V^rlbot-o, s-w ' Vv 1? \*c B(^lecoa Cen.*t U ' ChapintiU A sum iilt NorthboaM* Shreysbtííy ¿ Cfíís ÍBOST0.N ^^^udburv a R^'íbecjrt I South bojo^X /Pb.. Dw- cllWlt«! Suockport / Stottvllle 'i'.todrewi :üocks N.BrookfieId Ltttcu^aupAr '4 "JíalCTlew ludiów) r.j5S^ XasAaicalyJ J ^ ÄT^-B''~ywie5'CS * w a^^en^Xo¿X§i8^.,^^ Brooltflem-'^-.»./ {¿uabauy Ptmd\/^\ ,pitdunli J^ndK / i id Y fíCharuon fieedri"» Íroit «1, ^.^Uraflon I íenvUlel S( Cedar Pt. I "^^Ituate ^rsnbush k£«6.« A' Alardlnc IMedfleld J< ^Mcd->k loermon IGraftoo- i E.HollUt$ I Hulilston I Metuaif^ .«i Brídfe^jJ^ hrbbard^ ^udlow»jjCWItce Swi-OR(/ í NH A .,fNorHi»oíf-*''wer/7 "■ kL S»omn Cor. I'arj^¿ Jo' 1 : ¡œ-^ÂÎonfe'"' vaijwu Jeí:ffehaíoa\ V..Ä*, fSrcíontlka í ¡TWalixilc/ ¿J»>«'°fKharonüt«,/ > jTJ.V«;'t"/«ef Äes. K" N.Rai^ '.^s^^Wi i /B.Fi(xt>oro"«Ö Campfllo^* el^ S7>'í;aa,ton Cen.\ ¡j.Eastoa Vj AV7 / (¡••»sH'",'^)irOsKastund«loi5 .^VllfctisSold') \ YIXMaifielffl .wL ) .oK.Ma^eldW.v^dpwat^ n, Sfïïinâi'amo i VSfWviniAjmb/Int.l '^fJrcaff «fAccor /tMvrcap . ,. i^ubw Jexajö ¡Norwell o !wbitl£SíÍU( -^V.SiittonJ^Aífe AnJWp- ifuncAdU'AI ¿pMancbíug ? N. W Ubróham j fWilbrabamg Aoras ,, *' I AlODBOnd I S.Motison] H»pdea . Brimfielc -Briábtwo ^oforlt N.AIarsbi 'Hitchcocl^ltï ^•'^/rHollaSfei Rock •y/wireÄ i^dersd^k v<"n Harber Uarl>ur Sta. ^ví'FratiIrlm idswvrtb/n'Ai/tuflTl JtíViFüi / P"nti \J^Wrelf'tt rrCBeinfiebetn /„ l I Hackgtodb _ Ja CSbelaonvlllew WMn»].wm t • *2. br tnils] frhstrrj L.H Race Point ■Tivoli BostoM;o;M Moni. Iment] Hangol ■BàllIMtB s)aff( rdrilie AfneAo^Míy ' JOHTS fGiirjict.Pí^ lUliV; Trii^ 'Cnloo ' r ^.Hartiand Uerbm STiñpeted?^ Triiro Sta. S.Trun »Saguish Head light LONG eeacH Juoulli Rochu Pt Píalos Adam'sJale /A ÍK^) 1? V :^o.,UtJ-bü^ ] StcadowbiwítÑAXii-f/ ^3' Plaint J^»ed;¿vma;fN.R«ho»K)tkI^\ Ttí¡Lt V AAm»-..«' East Jg. WhlttentouiUoXr ¿tjLiiii *fa:3/, TauutonMvíiJj llH lÄVPftrr^nB î) cN.Dlabû^^^J^ 't!rè ^RAobotb'''*^«'n«*^a o >iW.Digfaton *?)¿ M/rlcki ^^B/R mo Lí iOfelDKXCE / XiiliaaJi^Uç,,^ -U j ^""«.Rcnoboth - C J VL. S (jHortOo T? •'il-, X)^ . A'.ijwaiilenJ-J Somer-H „ - "Í^V^"ans^'á-' J¿Ste«p kírouk" .Oranby L "V Qraobj ySS^n NecP'^ Wix«b^ AviiuJsor Locks c Rainbow «¿wnicAeA* ^nd FàrtJfi'^ K. flÄÄ^ m ryOrraViipiH'ro S r ®' k-O^. .c\.£ NemkJVet. J ^jpefai A.fV ^ maVcr jsta'i ä°e jV^lUngtoD J ) /Thonipti wyboiii^) [echaniinV. 9/\Ü fanonlei Hin Afdnomef Pt. P-Stao!/ Pt. liioad B> *• Billing ^ Sea Ireat Suutli I^ud MWeliaeet cPoDil ^indçi .N.BloomfieK 3/ E^^ilHngtoV WlUlug oác¿, I 7 Ai'hfordL; i^.Wll l^{n ^^Vrcnvllle T îklST W.Äshford^ L oH.t ¿Mt.Hi'pey« ^ M"in«l^Gur,ei8chaplli^^ , «Äid YV '''^EaglevUleï AtwbtdW.-^ Í fi¡OTlCgbÍtl-.^y ' _f 1 Ps- ^¿r o ^ -«mci fuiddleboVo Banville ■^Killiriâ KilIlORl/J Jfc/SUHlI'lkcl/t A P¿ndA Windeori ®" g ^eatofue ^ooAotrf Pt. Peaked Chff ^g.Middf [lilbrook ktaaf K C«ttagr{>roveWilBot »\ÖHART^ . *Í J ingt^gn/stai] Aland ^Uerri! Fueter ilainpttHi Marks Come N.Sterling FCr^staÍ^pr ,S.Scituat< HockanuiÍ£"'^^ 'Naubuo { iS —"^däleonM? TO&tÄb'ttry n/ »merefi«l¿~ I^lai iJW'S.QlastooJiury ij[ ^>£,^,,Í>'HO|»OWO11 1}/ - Marllxir Plains? ¡¿KntPurnaôej ■TMiTJ ^Lon^WIl LCaflbrd)ï Andorf 'E.Sandwici iiltraantle y Wltidbam NSturll ^Columbia :ber8flRd/ tngtonvta, n rl.rcojTiaR^e ISLAND / ilCmrpioiii ÏN ? c >i!y" l k I R HaBorer QjfiK ^•^.Ptanki^.V.^'^ \o ÄPranklln • . VeraalllWW / ^kTantlo I r^i t'SOt^a/riUe \ pi* ^orwjcM' J ^amearlll j 7 ñin />Wrom.walï ~] lä^itfey^—fi^Qlldereieera L^\V. "A' Li?..".. .j^tír^^^^SXcMidJlladdani" ra!iauiPM«lLA.BenvoDUO>S,Yf.. / 1 *j ^kfkll^ 7 N [ La ■^¡H^iddlafierd Center' IviS 0 r.yyyiddlsaeld I ,— CZ\A / HlmnuSr'^SB r^J/AQDurhain f ^rttddam§ fr^ Frenchtow^ Bosra^Ue TVÎb«t*«'V <^ritohvU| tiswoldj MONOMOy ISLAND 'ija. \ ^Rocky «. XRound HUI Pt. ^ «L.H. "O lPmw1ln( „Teatlcl J .»Arcad» LIGHT jíjeíbúrí WMiddleburx r'^^Platt Milli trtoa'-Faime^^ Monomoy Pt. -YÍ^NÓfwioff «• town Fairground Metiaul ant ifclRbt« YÍ^o6«Aa Pt. JNAHESeCr L . ... Garäint Y.¡ S.Merld^^''«' ■«¿W.Cheahlre^fTracy' BUCCONESSET SHOALd ^LIGHT VES&EL tishaum Pt. ioodu^""«*^/" I SaM Inion (^jr^e* "Cheshire Sjv Yaleerlll« Winderme'r^. v'nioope« Jo. Ihitcbaeeilo. ~y'*^\«jixct V JOooeeberry O met Heck .V .1 .V T U C K K r v^.CHOP LIGHT ' Sllak Bluffs f , ctoss /M « o * LIGHT 51 Cape Page • ÛV ^^LKMT 1GH f-*1 Edgarto"n pt^ Bay- Cove. Ferry / T „ OakdaieX 1 , (Montvill^\ ^ ÇDcasvlirb.j -* il^tiUI« 8ta0|j TlSfeuaker Hilfl I'CUrkAkill ? wikel PENIKE8E CUTT 'HUNK Cboete Sel^ p •L.H.'^'ßr.'/rfoH« Pt. 'P'ertaU Pt. iTuguiisott rior rip SHOAL bMIP iPAiïWUE I; tAWENA^ 'V It Carmen ) Cen. ' tLOarmel] Muningtou ladtyme StiiôiPï ""CAester 8t»^3j J^jhesier Deep Riaei*^^ ^^Wlnthrôp »V*. OEeiex sàr ÏTorytono Oeittcr Brook I bÄ'^A \y \ Udlyme IrockwaW^Q^ /vBamburg jf^ayunn MARTHAS labopeo Ulneer Vaterfordn New"! iondonj Vaterford_/ SPENTONS REEP LIGHT VESSEL EYARD: Ll'viut Judith 'Pt.Judith iUMahoi light Cay Head Cliffs^ Oay llead\ prfflplao Mon toi Totofc Baldwin PUoè? Soraere k Center inlet Itepney jtepney Depot Shelton^ HinllioA iQuibnocket Pt. y Golden,Bridge — 8.8alein ^orldàJV î^raopbriin ÄGeofgetoi NO MAN'S LAND A, LITTLE OUtt I. 11"^/? ?HuiibuttJ \i iHaver. \b jÍHudBon Mtraw ^JOsBlnini 3^^-> Ç^Ppnd Pt. 9 >. Weldhee Pt. CHARLES 1. ' mifo'd Pt. .Stratford Pt. 'L.H. ' ^oint Q .«rk.n. Q k® FALKNER IJ? ^ :bappa<)us veetpor South] M Fera FfiKl W.NSVelk £cf^ b.Norw«ltí\V^ Hawtl öme Cherry Hill Eastern I '/oó; GAHOINKRB I. Napsaget Bay •.DINERS BA r lfo')6i(/A Pt. ^L.H. '"'»Zu*?. , wcminon i. »''•NORWALK 18. shiffielo i. Port _CheEterr 'Byram ft« iiJillilllïlIlgpU ;5 fe|S5S5S|êêé Eil &S, ol oil .S3? IsssS IQQ CCQQCDCSñCiQCQCQCQCQ cCQOQCOQQi CONNECTICUT tdind snrface. Sq. m. 4,815 Water surface, m. 146 COUNTIES Fairfield C7 Hartford F 6 Litchfield C6 Middlewïx F7 New Haven ...E7 New London.. N 7 Tolland G5 Windhain J 5 CITIES-TOWNS Addison F6 Andover 06 Ansonia Aahford Avon Baltic Bantam BeEicon Falls. .1)7 Berlin FC Bethany D7 Bethel C7 Bethlehem —1)6 Bloomtleld ....F5 Botaford C7 Bozrahville ...H6 Branford E7 Bridfceport—D8 Brldfrewater . .C6 Bristol K6 Broadbrook... F6 Brookfleld C Brooklleld Center 0/ Brooklyn J5 Bui'linKton F25 Buriiside F5 Canaan Cl Canterbury...116 Canton E5 Central Villafire J6 Chaplin Cheshire .... Chester Clinton Cobalt Colchester ... Colebi'ook .... Collinsvilie... Columbia Coscob Coventry Cromwell Danbury Danielson Darien C8 Deep River... .07 Derby D7 Durham F7 East Berlin F6 EastCaniutn ..C4 Eastfoid H5 East Olastonbu^ East Granby .. F9 East Iladdam..G7 East Hampton G6 East Hartford F5 Easthaven E7 East Kiliingly.J6 East Lyme.... H 7 E. Woodstock H 6 Ellington G5 Eiirttdd F6 Eiwex G7 Fairfield C8 Falls Village ..C6 Farmington ..E6 ForestvTlle E6 Gaylordsville .06 Geo rge tow n... C 7 Gildersleeve. ..F6 Glasgo J6 Glastonbury ..F6 Glenville B8 Granby E6 Greenwich B8 Grosvenor DaleJS Groton H 7 Guilford F7 Haddam F7 Hamburg Q7 Hamden E7 Hampton H 5 Hartford F5 Hawleyville. ..C7 Hazaru ville...F5 Hebron G6 HIgganum ....F7 HocKanum....F6 Hotchkissville D 6 Ivoryton G 7 Jewett City....J6 Kensington. ..E6 Kent C6 Killingly J5 Kiliingworth.. F7 Lebanon H 6 Lime Rock....05 Litchfield D6 LongHlll D7 Lyme G7 Madison F7 Manchester ...F6 Meriden K6 Klianus B8 Middlefield....F6 BÍÍd(lletown...F6 Milford D8 Nlllington ....G7 Monto wese.... E 7 Montvllle H 7 Moodus ..07 Moosup J6 Mt. Carmel....E7 Bit. Carmel Center E7 líyrrtíc J7 Nanbuc F 6 Naugatuck.... D 7 New Britain...E6 New Canaan .. H _ New Haven ...E7 New London..H 7 New Milford ..06 New I'reston ..06 Niantic H 7 Noank J7 Norfolk D5 Noroton Heights B8 Northfleld D6 Northford. ...E7 North Grosvenor Dale .15 North Haven..E7 N. Windham..H6 N. Woodbury .I>6 Norwalk C8 Norwich H 6 Oakville D6 Old Mystic J7 Orangre D7, PineMeadow.. E 5 Fineorchard..F7 Plainfleld J6 Plainville E6. Plant8v111e....E6 Plymouth D6 Pomfret J5 PoqUOBOClC ti.FS 72 80' 78'15 78-46 70 16' 70 80 SOUTHERN NEW ENGLAND MASSACHUSETTS, COA^A'ECTICUT AXD RHODE ISUAA^D State Capitals County Seats ® Size of type indicates relative importance of places. Vievr 1er .'Warshneld iPbHkld Cwu^rStF.) Great ^e xbpe Bay- ^ J|CHAPPA0UI0DICK 1. 'lU^^lAfaSQÙe ¿i MUSKEQET Smith P NANTUCKET Sandy n.\ ^■**f-..ßroue Pt. l.m/ \5u//s Pt Grace ' BLOCK ISLANDL, 2 f-t (To .\ewj>urt Co.lT®'"^'' ' O'ckins Pt> V Black Rock Pt. irbor Pt Greenwich 71' 30 71 16 70 46 R. MASSA¬ CHUSETTS iContinued) North Brookfleld H 3 NoT^h Easton .M 4 Noi'th GraftdiiK 4 North Leominster J2 Norwood >1 4 Onset Ü6 Orange G 2 Oxford J 4 Palmer G 4 Peabmly N 2 Pillalleld DS Plymouth 0 6 Provincetown Q 4 Quincy N 4 Randolph M 4 Rending M 2 Rehoboth M 5 Reveiv N 3 Rockland N 4 Rockpoit O 2 Rutlunl J 3 Salem N 2 Saugus MS Saxonville LS 8«'ituate...,...04 Seekonk L6 Sharon M 4 Sheflield C4 SbelbuiTio Falls E2 Sherbom 1.4 Shirley K2 Shrewsbury .. K 3 Soniei-M't M 5 Someiwillo ....M 3 SoutlilKiro KS South Bralntree M 4 Soutlibridge .. H 4 South t'l-aining- 1mm L 3 South Hiidley .B'S South Hadiey Falls F4 South Weymouth N4 Spencer. J 4 Snringlh-Id....i'4 Btoekl>ridge...C3 Stoncham M 3 Stoiighton ....M 4 Stui biidge H 4 Sutton K 4 Swampscott...N3 Swanwa M 6 Taunton M 5 Tewkhlmry ...M 2 Three Rivers..(j 4 Turnei-sl-alls .F2 Uxbrldge K 4 Vineyard Haven 07 W'akefield ....M 2 Walpole M 4 Wnltham 1,3 Ware H .3 Wareham () 5 Warren II 4 Wateitown... M 3 Webster J 4 Wellesley LS Wellesley Hills 1,3 Westboro K 3 West Boylston J 3 West Bndgo- •wnter.. M4 West Brooklield H 4 Westfield K4 West Me«!for«l M S West New ton .M 3 Weston 1,3 Westport >16 West Springfield F 4 Weymouth N 4 Wh1tinsvlile..K 4 Whitman N4 Willlainsbu rg. E 3 Williamstown 1>2 Winehendon.-ll 2 Winehester ..MS Wiiithi'op N 3 Wobiirn M 3 Worcester J S RHODE ISLAND Land surface, S16 Providence... I, 6 RiverPoint...K 6 «« » nto « U»m•« Riverside L5 513 SSPiJ^í;^ Saylesville ... L5 ' ' "i : ;2 o ; :Slatersvllle... K 6 £-5 T, :© Tiverton M 6 É-S -p, roTlverton M6 vY- -lT-— s *: ©.^Valley Falls...L6 2_g ^ feSWakefleld L7 s< <;=•< < iS-vVarren L6 rs iSzi 5 J7 ©o 00 o o X.6 F l|ii| Pliilrf? fiir^ :s|;Ii : p: f: f: i I i i I ifi 'f'l ¡i i i H I rpr"! °^l;|:^: m 9SS9999999999\ £? g5'ÍS!ÍSa33'S = =.5 s-3 sSsSEiríffSisac I jw.<ñSírií&Tf^ 5s%CB»»dT«ss_rí^ / raiat«jwi:nenburrí'OV^^ 8o A ystmr Eltenb/Tfí ^ Covington mogaao^'i itIUvor \Djlhou*ie L. Aultsburf, Morriiburi t EllenJ BionerW [r^tlenil« {rufbtoD N.Bani > yPluiobtopk f¡ / Brubir Èa)u\ Brookdttb o Roblnaon^ Cardinal fe/"'" I í^'MerrlIl - ^ i/' 4''.'>!Í?fr&:fmSi9'' 1 U A '¿ ; \d8>>^ David Zaonvillo 'Edentoo Qodlr«/ Lon^bo Mallorytowin Louijhlor^ tnbtrrv ^YiMtâowa/ ■.CatamouhtMfí A t S. ol —» Uollywj^l ff.TOíí(*ü-Woon Shine Ar»-?^bjdenbí iHab^wsinith / 'Uk*.Ct«3 ríxTrujl 7o/{in< Tbousand Ic Je. _ Park i'JmaM ¿3 Gananoqu^ Charlotte Kini^toa k A / la FarjreTÍUe&^—£■'# f ( S cfit-ltiTireaoe p,ot*^vfe ¿>7>oSb-irtlefl Ji'-'^RIverrlew /-Orlemn<^p*í^ &**' 'InoonP^P-WuCll^^«"^ /ZckL.)cd^^' ■"^jCKMlera f /^ Storie Mills fj > ( ns m" F I BA R PerclCRlTcry^merno M'"» f^r _^»^£tWUnt llerrlD^^v \ Rogem/^ Delfort m&«w ^-^i^eaeer M, GALLOO raaox^ti Î^doutL. iiréc^DÔfville , Number Four- \U.befian£e Orwell Algosa ' Diamond N'.Bojleston Smwt^lje? I^cona *^1^1 Orwell ;R!ch\aod ys.OtM-áW H'v. 'Umiwd '>WV r.llartrofd \0^ Siairtill» jlo ■' S V »«5» a.laiM 1Ä S'^' ) I oUiuoiHalW: f P.lUouilmL Bow^ «.Trenton Chum, \ fíraTcerm* >? 0»«^' I ' CUaM^CPoiaei Qansevoot lervlue _«.^8.Corlntl N.Orwnflr Coreo! /^rwoRrldC xsorwa/ •^Stratfori^ 0— ¡S' CamaJa Lol-f^ "Emmonsbu^y^ ¿> ®Pitinaîlfl J> P.i.rfi.-Cranl.err/t 'Coiiedi Lek«4 ( ^ruülKke BU-etL« VMor; CItwro ^iceruC. iewport f .Faifftjd ï? ¡i-'tô? &rs-vx"\ ) 1.1111. Kiin,'"i*;,"l UkTDUd ^Culcwui ^WainV. l^awk^ >j„iia^' a,. Jv I Fr»»'"* / jTSaç.-k'.nrigeSi», / \ 1 I oKiiOiboro lA .11: ^ujuetyi OarMk' IfCork Juiiii»tonn OSulli ri]f SummiiL I Bu«L>.iU« '/ «J /Jiiokii-Ult^ fuyderj^JW.Nrwerkl 'Berk» ^es'bruek ^"o'îuÔôi eok'o*- L£»tiÎKlel. D.lU A V'^r^ . .-,>lluini)hr»y»«mr\A JiAidr ^^'j^rrlogloo *BV Oburchtowo/O CrtrKiiwY / ^ o,.,-.oOI«ooMilU /]'■ *\WU ^ l) 5 ■• ~ ,"ir^T^bkeaiek ^A^IIl.WeehiuiU)o^% wÄ-i.1. '^■iv/Jís. í=;f4i» -moot W.Copeke® UA^ ) /T-J / ^'V la Wrltosiillr •UÜOOV J. _aiiiMv.a J '-"fE.llS« { jJWarertlrO W/Tj^f p«, iL'uiotrCra.^'*®'"''!" Bride.Py .yCmi fí^SM ¡Vik%1.o."TI"Í lT,'i,rr»í> """"'jîSiVV ^CUet» iarVlIleO s'EX" >] CHEMUNOÍ iN.OMtauai 9 è { Cbimuag Cro! ¡¿t.Eltaira q ^ Or .-OweuklilU A'. If. Pi J^'UiuieSiïllU .-^Louariwn)' F | ..htia ,Q®'°*Ó'°\, VeU«yjW>im.. a. At • HuepltAl 1 Leo »loo A L-iefo IWltkwovd Eiieoe \V^BlâieUej k? lUartoo 'RreJkuri WMWib>ir> Will.' ^Bidgebury kSlieroa VelUy) 'oHbaroa /| Kell^ 'oyotrtUy'i»' V»- ¡e.Uilibrooi • Ve# PkUoauBB' Lookoutj T^oc^ctob *^Kuî3iUiia^ MUanville- Forest Citj 8CALE OF MILES IVomplon r Inglebart,^ kFelcome Lake Carbondalc pff ^ ^ MaethopeB ■t^WVhhe MÎIU N .M West fü'aog Partj ^oBU>eHiideoe^fK,plOi:ffe aíP/.U-lT^^Nj^Afn ^*Nn»Í.TÍlÚ r.í&^oj ¡FToiuj'kiu^e.s y tOráiuW^ ■ «< í L-JUWrtY "•^'íy^-Bbrurou/ V o-vj£^ T^^/^Rowland ■'cien E^rd gbot^Mj ^ P: rkriT^lct> Hawle^ s í?-* //,• Wret PtrtrlX Highleay Woodburr FkllJ« ^ (VFoodbui/ Suii^k Bcvííi'JC'nifel Vellej'USl, vM\ (Í6t.J^6 W.íle.'^¿Jp& lVÍTMdl.5^ Jr j* klA'>''r "í«»iW ^,.ROerK¿ÍAND> wloe¡^Ug »TDutuOea ^ .^.H;^NewJCUyto„ " S^^/V'0l»O «lUeioJJBof JO'y 't?r35SSá?bí *ort JerTls ü rarem PomUfí^ MllfoK '6«lgliï> Amity Longitude OfKowieb LekrriU« '(«Mrs "/»»' Uoclielle/ » SMiiT, fii-ii, LONG ISLAND L Plp'esedtV;, ^Hiiteid^' 'Uewtbrfîr Sanie Scale ta Main Map VîlORWALK IS. ilk Island 'Sound Feirgreuod* ®n¿J Comtnaok' 1 /v.-jr^T»fT»»ilirî!^ Gi>^Jein« ® V- -^Bmithlowa Breach lieuiipeuge^Lekr tiraré —-=7>-...JW>.rr..k ^ Smlthtot ÇVCW ( ficlleV. ísIti^wrMi^ ■Kiiigflliijlii.^ ^,^J/a>»iaifu| ...• O" Bl.* .J. ,wgMÍ..:„N\-'A S S AJXJ "-•.■'■s'y'i l.iltlfl NM'klv Wllli-tnn yilH-k. -VvO. £ . L'Centrel Pen Piarle« Newark/ ^erdra'city- jSffimefce rr-'J-.iHT.'A^xtvitnTr.'i-'t'f) rr.i.'j-.xn'jiui'ji oocoMWcooicoxaiKrftTroiwT:! c "•S'B'ÎS »'•1 c 2"î??C.:î-w-S-CC c O CO COST—fr CSÍIA S'5'S'3''t o o C t-» T-"S ' 3 = = S3S5^ ■pA3==2.3|5l£S £S 15 Keesevllle N 2 Kinderhook..N 11 Kingston X 13 I,HekawRnna..N 9 Lake Placid...N3 Lancaster C 9 Ijinsinglmrg. .N9 Larclnnont ..N17 La Salle 0 8 Lawrence.... H 17 Le Roy Dy Lestei-shiro ...J 12 lA-wistou B8 Libeity L 13 Id ma E9 Limestone ...012 Lindenliurst.. J17 Little Falls....L8 Little Valley .CU Liverpool H 8 Livingston Manor LIS Livonia E9 Livonia Sta....E9 Lrt C8 Long Beach. .H17 Long Island City N17 Lowvillo J 6 Luzi>nie N 7 Lynbrook H 17 Lyiulouville ..D7 Lyons G 8 MeGraw H 10 Madrid K2 Malone Ml Mamaroneck.N 17 Maiu'liester ...F9 ManhiiKset...H 17 Manlius J 8 Marathon.. ..H 11 Mureelius 119 Mnrgaretville L12 Manon F8 Marlboro N14 Massena L 1 Mattea\van...N 14 MattItuck....K17 May vlllo \ 10 Meclianit'Svilh'N 9 Medina 1)8 Mexico H 7 MiddIeburg..M 10 Middle Granville 07 Mkldlcport....C8 Middletown..M15 Millbrook....Nl3 Millei-ton N13 Milton N14 Mineóla H 17 Minevllle O 4 Mohaw k K 9 Moiru LI Monroe Ml") Monlgomery M 14 MontTeeUo...L14 •Montour FalisGU Moravia II10 Jlon-lsvllio J 9 Mt. KIsoo N16 Mt. Morris....ElO sit. Vernon...N17 Naples F10 Nefliston L9 Newark F 8 Newark Val.. 1112 New Baltimore Nil New Berlin ..KIO New-burgh ...M14 New City M 16 New Hjiitford K 8 New Hyde Park H17 New Paltz....M 14 Newport K8 NewBochelleNlT New York N17 New York Mills Niagara Falls .B8 Norrolk K1 NoidhColUnsClO Nortlnxjrt... .J 16 'aiTytown N16 7C'30' 76*80' a LaodlDg ortinM. OlthTl North Tona- wanda C8 Noiiiiville M8 Norwich J10 Norwood K 2 Nunda ElO Nvaek N 16 Okkfield D8 Ogdensburg ..K2 Olean .D 12 Oneida J 8 Oneonta K 11 Ontario F7 Orient Lie. Oriskany K8 Oriskany FallsK 9 Ossining N 16 Oswego G 7 OU-go Kll Ovid : OweKO H 13\""i llxtiiixi J 11 v\\V«%V^-^ Oy8tiTBaj-...Jl6 " - Painted Post .F 11 Palmyra F 8 Parish ville....L 2 Patehogue....J17 Pawling N 14 Pearl ltÍver..M 16 Peeksklll N15 NEA\^ YORK (Eastern Section) Heinmond'e Complete Mep of New Tork ( Eastern Seotion ) Copjrlgbt, 1010, by C. S. Hammond & Ca. N. Y. state Capital @ County Seats ® Railroads Canals . Size of type indicates relative importance of places ^to«úC6eaw5iS«-'^«5«e;MMM«eoi^'^06-40>~i o ao-•< o *4 f m v» lÄTChmont ..N17 Le Hoy D " Lestei-shire ...J ]. Liberty L 13 Little Falls....L 8 Lockport C 8 Long Island City N17 Lowville J 6 Lyons G - iialone M I Mamaroneck.N 17 Massena L 1 Mattt'awan...NU M echanicsvilleN 9 Wedina DS Middletown-.M 15 Mohawk K i M t. Kisco N 16 Mt. Morris....E10 Mt. Vernon...N 17 Newark F 8 Newbtirgh ...M 14 New KochelieNl? New York N 17 New York Mills K8 Niagara Falls .H 8 Norfolk K 1 No.TarrytownNlÔ No.ToimwandaC 8 Noian it'll J 10 Norwood K 2 Nyaek N 16 Ogdfiisburg ..K 2 Olean D 12 Oneida J 8 Oneonta K 11 Ossining N 16 Oswego G 7 Owcgo H 12 Oxford J 11 Oyster Bay ... J 16 I'alniyra F 8 Patcbogue.. ..J 17 Peekskill N 15 Pemi Yan....F IC Periy E 10 Philniont ....N11 Plattsbwrg O 2 Port Chester..N 17 Port iîeiiry ...O4 Port Jt ffersonJ 17 Port Jervis...L 15 Port Washington H 16 Potsdam L 2 PoughkeepsieN 14 Hensselaer .. .N 10 . iverhead ...K 17 Rochester E8 RoekvilleCen.H17 Rome K 8 Rosendale ...M 13 Rouses Point .O 1 Rye N17 Sag Harbor ..L 17 St. Johnsville .L 8 Salainanca ...012 Sandy Hill ....N7 .Saranao Ijike .M S 'Saratoga Sps. .N 8 Saiigeities ...N12 Sayville 3 17 Sonenectody ..N 9 Schuylerville .N 8 Scotia N 9 Seneca Falls .. G 9 Sidney K 11 Silver Creek.. Bio Solvay H 8 Soutlianipton L17 So. Glens Falls N 7 Spiing VnlleyM Sprlng\-ille ...C 10 Suffern M 16 Svi'aou.ce H 8 Tnriytown ...N16 Ticonderoga. .0 5 Tonawanda ...08 Troy NlO Ttipper Lake. .M 3 rtica K8 Waiden M11 Walton Kr Wappingers Falls Nil Warrensburg .N 7 Wamiw P IC Waterford N 9 Waterloo GO Watertown....J6 Waterviiet... .N 10 Watkins Gil Waverlv G 12 WellsviRe....El2 Westfield A 11 West Haveirtraw M 16 ■Whitehnll 0 6 White I'lains.N 16 Whitesboro .. .K 8 Yonkers N 17 For more complete i»fiejr.««/? margin of\ map "Kew York~\ Eastern Section." I «oi^o60»ta^i^Oi-'00'W390^s*090tjg-"'tataoe«o^coif>*>jH'tOh-^«.ji^»jiníO-.^Qcvitctpa8oe-.i-.j'jootogo<»i>^ooo>e"oecotO)f>-'»c ATLAS OF THE WORLD 71 Milford Peekskiil iuldeiu Bridge yorktowiil 'achuclt Siony Polnl 5ie«» Milford Thlell' Qj Staiiifwd S ûreeiiVÇb' fWhit« PI: ,, Mills Pompioi. Rlveídal. , . PiTOft" "■'"'î't p.SI;:: if-. iroUüSDUrv í5^ ri , M a ^ roneck qÜ ^ Porflandj ;helleV Alancli Cliunk ^^LiuU kl foTshoj o i Bsngof >Fli«ktTÍI)s 'N'ararerh Jr. 1 Belyidi •r!»¿ " afiS UorrIstowll®''iy!!S®?,B's^¿^^ i OBANOE^-ägÄ MsdisoÄi" t£!r5'«n.) Arfc¿^5>^ Roslyn Fluahing Q'"j Hempstead i„wkMn»netß^ Ec) W ;.Piluçkemln vv.i V y/c.rn .'PI 2 Norton' ;„.t.urfClM ftemley P»-AS Ore field' .Bethlehem Is Riegelsvlll^ /Durham Besch nrside ''.Stanton, tosluud ^1 Mills C«.i .M^i'teaüaiil" ^'c,t^uaárt, ^rFrenchio« Tre^xlertown Frledensvllle •Durham MaxatawnVf Motu> [Aninrli ^ Darherti logwood StaJ Tumble Fnllsn Qiiakertown rss-ïS- [sn>iile7 *^,^5b'*kawrfcn«-e*iUe., ingioD Crossln^^ oEelng 8<'iiier«ef^ /Trenton J BIriiiinphaiÄg&^ ^ E^j Yardle.^&l^vi/.^ tUWDo y* MfTrrisvilltSyl Buckinghai^ Doyie^totm yr Telford 'cDutcb »tidlnburi ■ PoltSti F:/t Wash >loktaif Ott>ora 'Sil verton, Lakehurst Ardinore' Kchod« ck 6Lavalle :ta SOrtlej Uirhts fUerkele; 'Seaside 'aik egat Pier Browns. Whiting 'Mvsat Laurelj Pasadena Tabernacle L^noki Chesi i'ondal^' I NUretown Harris. lDdlan,M!Us í t ^Barnegat Ci \_ ,5. «poiub House Point ^^^^Usrvej Cediir!- v City ^JPltnrnegat City J«. m or SiTf P.O. Peahal» fl^ndenburg tsbury Sandy iRidge. "W^í^liTViiiiytüwn Juna^,^tal' flvyslde Lme» Cedur l(u M .lyetia Slutfordvllly rst Crcek_y^' XTtuKtl-^^ ,Batsto Mills ^ -lireenbai Cecil, .Nesco" ^^Do Costa 't^VColwell ,, o^d ' Ule <'>^Eiwood Portetr >rlao CwUr UJ Elmer beach Haveâ Delawarí City ' Egg Harbor City Port Republi«^' íííí* E/y bortc I Bab tBrigantf, Hartnersville Canton o Sew Inlet "l«Jo Finie; Sta Vgt pBridgeti. ' " ^OCMI^Ulg y^'oodrutTs ' M'itlgetoii Euat UridgetoD la|8id>V^ !rV»» l«r>^ ibay* ¿'^Ajiigpurt Ei/'j Uarlw Inlet CI 9nt. Street 7Cedar beach Sta. VpOVEIl Cape lay Cuitrl Dias Cr« Harbor üreeuc^ko ¿r Ptshii« Cl 'Hereford Inlai Wiidwocùi dlybeacti Hammpad's 8^11 IMap-rff Jersey Cop}right,I812, '.by O.S.Haiiiitiond ¿i Co., N. Y. 7t'dU Longitude Greenwich 74* NEW JERSEX SCALE OF MILES KILOMETERS uth Atlantlo Cltn Atlantic city NEW JERSEY. Land surface, Sq. m. 7,525 Water surface, Sq. m. 290 05 I) 2 Cé 0 4 05 COUNTIES Atlantic Beixe^ "Buninpton.. Caiiiilen CajieMay .. Ouiiil>et'Ianc]...B5 Essex D 2 Gloucester B 4 Hudson D 2 Hunterdon....C2 Mercer O 3 Midtlit'M'X 1)8 Moninoiilh 1) .8 > orri.s (; 2 Ocean 1)4 Paasaio 1) 1 Salem ..... Somerset.. Suasex Union Wal•ren..^. •«•«OÍNNíOiON'^iNM«®»« «NeO'^'O N <-< « N »O W M ^ « CC« d CO N N ^^ « , cûûûMQci2:ÂOc:oaûÛMaûoafflgau aGoaaooaoi^ea-aattaoao ■Í i o V a V V 'ArA'A:4,'A aaGaüDüoGocaaacíüGG QÄÜÖOC OGPGOGÜÜGMM MäniiiiiuanV.' ^ ^ Mantua...... : Mitiilewood.. 1 ; > : o ï"? _;*s s ä-ii ¿ _|ï||U cîâ-SÏ^ |.|11l| K X K XXX &< S o; il i, i). CITIES-TOWNS Adelphia I>3 Allendale I) 1 Allentown (J3 Alloway B4 Alpha B2 Arling-ton 1) 2 Ashury B2 Aslniry Park..E3 Ateo O 4 Atlantic City. .D 5 Atlantic High* iaiuis. .P 3 Barncgat......P 4 Bayoniie P 2 Bellevilk' D2 Belmar E 3 Belvidere B2 Berifenfleld... .E 2 Berlin 0 4 Bernar(isville..C2 Beverly 0 8 Blackwood....B4 Blaii*stown... .0 2 Bloointleld .... I) 2 Bloomshui-y... B 2 Boontou P 2 Bordentown.. .0 3 Boundbrook.. .0 2 Bradley Beach E 3 Hranchvilie....Cl Britlifeport....B 4 Brid^ettm B5 Burtiiigtuii....C 3 Butler D 2 Caltlwell ..D 2 Oanulen B 4 Cape May C 6 Cape May 0. H.C 5 Caxlstadt P 2 Carteret P 2 Cedarville B 5 Chatham P 2 Chester C2 Clayton B 4 Clementon 0 4 Cliirside P2 Clifton 1)2 Clinton 0 2 Closter E 2 CollinifRwood..B 4 Columlius 0 3 Cranhiiry 1) 3 Pelanco C .8 Pclawanna... 1)2 PeimisTllle... .C 6 Penville P2 Pividlug Creek B6 Dover C 2 Dunioiit £2 Punellen P 2 East Newark.. 1) 2 East Orange.. 1)2 Katontt»wn... 1)3 Edgewater ....E2 Egg Harbor City..0 4 Elizabeth p 2 Elmer 114 Elwot>d C 4 Englewood E 2 Fairhuven D 3 Fairview E 2 B^armingdale.. P 3 Fiemington....C S Florence 0 3 Fort E 2 Franklin Furnace.. C I Freehold I> .1 Frenehtown.. .B 2 GarlieJd P 2 German Vtilley C 2 GlEUb»boro B 4 Glen Gardner..C 2 Glen Itidge—P 8 Gloucester City B4 Grantwood—P2 Greenwich B 5 Guttenherg . - .P 2 Ilackensack.. .P 2 Haekettstt)wn.C 2 Haddontield... B 4 Haml»urg......C 1 Haminoiiton ..0 4 Harrison P 2 Hasbrouok Heights. D 2 Hawthorne....P 2 Hil>ei-nja P 2 High Bridge. .Ç 2 Highlands— Hightstown..., Hillsdale Hoboken 1)2 Ilollv Ik-ach ...0 6 Hom'well 0.8 Irviiigton D2 JameKburg....P3 Jersey City—D 2 Juliustown... .0 3 Junction C 2 Kearny P 2 Key|H)it D3 LaKehm-st P3 Lakewood ... .P 3 LanilK'rtville. .0 3 Leonia E 2 Little Falls. ...D 2 Little Ferry.. .D 2 Livingston ... .P 2 Lotli D 2 liOtig Branch. .E S Lumherton... .C 4 Lyndhurst.... P2 Mailison P 2 Manaha^^ kin.. i> 4 P3 B 4 P2 , ,0 4 2 Matawan PS Mauriee Kiver.C 5 Ô Maiirieetown. .B .5 ® Mays I..anding.(. > Medford ' ,E3 .03 PI PENN¬ SYLVANIA Land surface. hq. ni. Í4,9S5 Water surface, bq. 111. ^ COUNTIES Adams G 10 AHetrheny A 8 Armstrong ... .L'6 Beaver A 7 Bedford KlO Berks K8 Blair ...K? Bradford H 3 Bucks L8 Butler Cambria Ü7 Cameron K 4 Carbon K« Center KC ChesUT K 10 Clarion ('5 Clearfield Eñ Clinton F5 Columbia Jf) Crawford A3 Cumberland ..GO Dauphin 118 Delaware MO Elk D 4 Erie .\ 2 Fayette lUO Forest 0 3 Franklin ....KIO Fulton E10 Greene A 10 Huntingdon ..E8 Indiana C7 Jefferson C6 Juniata G8 .lackawanna.. K I Lancaster JO Lawrence A 6 Lebanon J 8 Lehigh K7 Luzerne K5 Lycoming tl4 McKean 1)2 Mercer Mifflin F 7 Monroe Ij 5 Montgomery. .L 9 Montour H 5 Northampton L6 Northumberland H 6 Perry G 8 Philadelphia..L 10 Pike L4 Potter F 3 Schuylkill J 7 Snyder .G 7 Somerset CIO Sullivan H 4 Susquehanna..K 2 Tioga G2 Union GO Venango B4 Warren C2 Washington ..AO Wayne L3 Westmoreland C8 Wyoming J 4 York H 10 CITIES-TOWNS Alburtis K 7 Aliquippa A 7 Allegheny. ....A 8 Allentown ....K7 Altoona. E7 Ambler L9 Ambridge A7 Anita. 0 5 Aniiville H a Antrim G 3 Apollo B7 Archbald L 4 Ardmore L JO Arnold B7 Arnot G 3 Ashland J 6 Ashley K5 Aspinwall 117 Alliens 112 Audeiiried J 6 Austin E3 Avalon A 7 Avoca K4 Bangor L6 Banlisville ...A8 Barnesboro ...D7 Beaver A 7 Beaverdale ... I) 8 Beaver Falls .,AO Beaver Meadows K6 Bedford Do Bellefontc .. .F6 Belle V crixiii.. B Ol Bellevue A 7 Bellwood E7 Ben Avon A 7 Bennett.......B7 Berlin ..1) 10 Berwick J 5 Bethlehem ....L7 Big Run 1)6 BirdslH)ro K9 Black Lick ... .i; 8 Blairaville C8 Biakely K4 Blooinsburg ..H5 Blossliurg GS Boyertown ... K 8 Bnickenridge..n 7 Bradiluck B8 Bradford D 2 Bridgeport (Fayette) ...B 10 Bridgei)()ii;(Mont- gomcry) L9 Biidgeville. ...A8 Bridgevvater ..A 7 Bristol M 9 Brockway ville I) 4 Bi-ookvilie ...C5 BrownHel(l...B 10 Brownsville...B9 Brjn Ma%vr....L9 Butler B 6 California B9 Cambridge Springs A 2 Caiii>nsburg...A 8 Canton H 3 Carbondale ...K 3 Carlisle G 9 Carnegie A 8 Can-olltown.. 1)7 Uaiasauqua ..L7 Catawissa ...116 Centralia .. ..J 6 Chaiubersburg F10 Charlerol Bfl Chester L i Cheswick Chicora Clairton Clarendon. Olaridge, Clarion. Clearfield -c - ChftonHts...LlO Coaldaie.... PENN¬ SYLVANIA (Çontinued) ■»arkesburg. .K 10 Pai-sons K5 1 D7 e K 4 yl L6 sbuig....L8 s Station.B 8 I ei liaste L 8 Philadelphia .L 10 Philipsbuig...K6 .V.J 7 II U8 .»—ag U8 Fittston K 4 Plains K4 Plymouth K6 Point Marion B 11 _ trtago D8 PortAllcgany E2 PortCaibon... J 7 Pollstown ....K 9 Poltsville J 7 Pulaski A 6 Ibinxsutawneyi '6 Quakertown ..L8 Radnor L9 Ramcy E6 Rankin Station 118 Rending K 8 Red Lion 1110 Renovo F 4 RevnoblsviUe .1)5 " ro A4 Stroudshurg ..LO Stuigeon A 8 Sugar Notch ..K 5 Siimmithlii ...KO iry HO Susquenatma .K2 Sutersviile B9 Swissvale B8 Sykesvillo D 5 Tamaipia KO Tarentum B 7 Taylor K 4 Telford L8 Throop K 4 Tidioute C3 Titusviile B3 Towamla J 2 Tower City ...H7 Tremont J 7 Trevorton ..:.H0 I'roy H 3 Tunkhannock K3 Tui-tle Creek. .B8 IVrone E7 Lnion City B2 lTniontown...B10 Upland L 10 Upper Lehigh K5 Vnnderhilt B9 Vandeigrift.. .B 7 Vandeigrift Heights B7 Verona B 7 Wall B8 Wiinainie J 6 Warren C2 Washington ..A 9 Watsontown.. H 5 Wayne L9 Waynesboro. F11 Waynesburg .A 10 Weatherly ....KO Wellsboro Q3 W. HethleheinL? "West Bridge- water AT West (lu'sterK 10 West Consho- liocken LO Westtield G 2 West Hazelton J 0 West I.ieesport J 8 West Liberty.. B 8 West Newton .B9 West Pittston. K 4 W«'st View A 8 W.WashingtonA 9 Wi'st Windeld B 6 W.Wyoming. .K 4 White Haven .K 5 White Mills ...L3 Wlconisco .... H 7 Wilcox 1)3 Wilkes-Barre. .K .5 Wilkinsbun?. .B 8 William Penn.L9 Williamsburg .E 8 Williainsport .G4 William.^town H 7 Wilmenllng... B 8 VVinburne E6 -, Willton K4 : J.Womelsdorf.. .J 8 m ¿ : : ^iWomelsdorf.. .J 8 3 ¿5 : I 1 : : Wrightsville ..H 9 ■2 «B— iJatJWyoming K4 •rig > c a aiDüOOOOO O-., — ÄÄ» ÄZ KZÄZZZZZ ZZOOCOCCCcca,a,a« iirt íffflfhr Wrt'fi'IWíBiSlirrr Ih rflHftfiî if fltlPií: • I I IfifffSil-iifr:;!: g; : f; ; : iáii ; ?i i | ia¡ tdwh^^ós'^waái'óbboóbw®bBÓwÓHO®2*5MWMwbbbHWwôbôôwMC'-j®wBOHÖHHaöbobwbö^^bcö^bcbobo' M IfcCd CAMMUta » M CA tatOta^e M W CAM N*MN«MC9£Bt»l^tateM)^tfbt^Mh'Wl»-U)^»'Ml^tO)^-MAk -»«.«r.. II . ■ fMclU^ 'fí^ f'P (/^'' /W fnatllii'Mlllici Í¿ J ¿i íi PBlbtnâyÛeTT«— / t,_ y4r.. * bQulna^nU Berlin J^ Gittjsburj 8ALT. ^ajnesl Hanover. Oxford Bridgcton Lasdenherg TLirlïU'ÔôpViHinH, pgl^lnajlUo' Un. BinintI iäat.illas>ilk«¥ I Laofx \p.O. 9 Vlhurmol A**- /N^ P^CCtO^B ^ ([ .'-L ' Riddleton. Elmer Oteea'gpry ■—TjJ Knicry Uro*e «TU ''^^Ijtudoo J-jj AW* ^^uOcorjc/^ B°aVl T- » r»« Spr. H a thhybUl Toi 'crrjman/r ^ Bbfptierdslownl onejirllu Barper/e Penj O, BijlUown J \jî-."k ' 4iUIpca>( ,<^Millwi] ' I/Bart I.^' AS Point ^... /Niri»olKm^ Fairlee® < Lankfwdf Ulvalvc, lÄcffyt /. Weep IKat tie Creek ;.tCTtOWn "^1 Rolpbe y y I o ^y-en^l Hyy hlnnil Puiut BerrjTilk ^raUtude LteaHÍifg' ;íCai4uie ^dsfccro, '«• o} iTBrid^p-^ jq'ilopegjj» town ^ *£ope^. Qtfl Pt..^^. l{<^ferTUU l/erton ,,Jlola f CuuiVtiirj PoltOD; tbabuig Ikttiv fifia. - (CfLbln^ HoUandfUle Masteno " , BrownsviUe i o I iTarrlngtcii plUe . . ?. Andrew. Ç'«^ Vlllco fr Hlrknian oiSurmans 'm. ^ )ownc^ [Klvcrton PHILT fi- Fariúiuvtui^ ickatoe tatta{M >Lonswoodr J Toodland ^^ÖViilisloc / OTWO JiÁiOBi M. lEllendale reenwoodj T iOir(ile>rjj ' rsK-i^-~ ElkifiMdei i^Boiftoéj [Point LookoutV '\ ®*J \ obbla Henry ✓-'WUàoaU 'Uallwood Size of type indicates relative importance cf places Eammond'l 8; Il Map of Maryland au-l|I>eU«are ^ j Copyright, lull by C.6 Hammond A Cp., N.T. ¡iiilaol^^'^| / West E from Tô^SO' Greenwich E "r> Longitude T7' DELAJVARE. Land surface, Sq. m. 1,960 Water surface. Sq. m. 90 COUNTIES. Kent ...G 2 Newcastle ...Gl Sussex G 3 CITIES-TOWNS Bothel GS Biackbir^ G . Bi'idgcvllle ...GS Camden H 2 Choswold G 8 Christiana ....Gl Claymont .... H 1 Claj'ton 0 3 Concord G 3 Delaware Clty.G 1 l)elinar il 4 Dover II 8 Edgeinívir .. Il 1 Kllendaie II 3 Farmington ..GS Farnhurst ....Gl Feiton G 8 Franlcford ...H Frederioa ....H , Georgetown ..H 3 Greenwood. ...G 3 Harrington....G 8 Ileniy Clay Factory. - G 1 lîockessln.. ..Gl Laurel GS lyowes TIS LíiicoIti HS Marshallton.. .G 1 Middletow'n...G8 Milford HS Millsboro H 3 Milton H 3 Newark G 1 Newcastle G 1 Newport Gl Odessa G 2 Port Penn 0 1 Rehoboth H 8 Rockland G 1 Roxana HS Bt. Georges....G 1 Beaford G 3 Belbyrille H i Smyrna. Gí Stanton G i Townsend G 2 Wilmington...Gl Woodside Q2 Wyoming. G 2 Yorklyn Gl M lew wMcsu Piiec'..ótown...F5 ReiBtfratown..E2 Ridgcly. GS Rising Sun—F^ Rock Hall F RockvUle D Salisbury.. • G St. Michaels...F Savage E Secretary G Bhaipsbiii^....C Sharptown....G 6miIü8burg-..D Snow Hill H Solomons F BtUl Pond F Stockton H Sudlers ville. ..G Sykesville E Taneytüwn....D Tayloielslfuid.F Texaa E Thurmont D Timouium E Towsou E » Trappe F8 Tyaskin Ü ifnlon Bridge. Ü ünÍontowii....D Enlonville D Epper Ittirmount. .0 Epper Falla. ...F t'ppcr Marlboro. .E Vale Summit..B Vienna G "Walkersvillü. .1) Warren E 8 Warwick G8 ■Western Port. .B1 Westminster. .131 Whaley8vjlle..IÍ4 While Williamsp<.>rt. • C 1 Wootibrook E 2 Woodsboro—D1 I I z t 0- > ?in's »0®«* s CO o H ffi Cd § s ATLAS OF THE WORLD 75 VIRGINIA. Ltuid surface. Sq. 111. 40.1-¿5 Water smlaef. Sq. 111. COUNTIES. Accoipae G Albuiiiaile I) Ah'xaiidi'ia ]•: Alleirhaiiy ... IJ Amelia li Amherst C Appomattox . I) Augusta c BaUi c Bedford c Bland A Botetouit C Bruiiswiek î) Buchanan C Bnckingham..l) Campbell c Caroline K Carroll Charles City.. K Charlotte 1) Chesteriield.... K Clarke.... ]) Craig B Cnlpeper K Cum bei land ., I> Dickenson Dinwiddle KlizabethCity.i Lssex .. : Fairfax K Fauquier K Floyd ..B Fluvanna D Franklin Frederick. Giles Gloucester. Gooehlaud. Uiayson A Greene D G reenesville... E Halifax D Hanover E Henrico E Henry c Highland C Isle of Wight.. F James City. ...F King and Queen.. F King George. E King William..E ]•: ft ft 5 5 ..F5 112 .K2 E5 .1)7 1)4 ..F6 Lancaster. Lee Loudoun.... louisa Lunenburg., Madison Mathews Mecklenburg. D Middlesex F Montgomery... B Is'ansemond.... F Nelson D New Kent F Norfolk F Northaíiiptoii..G Northumher- laml F Nottoway D Orange D Page D Patrick B Pitt.^ylvania. C Powhatan E Prince Edward .. I) Prince George. E Princess Aime.F Prince William. . E Pula.«^ki B Rappahannock D Richmond F Hoiuiokc B Rockbrklgi'.. C Rockingiium. 1> Russell C Scott B Shenandoah...D Smyth C Soulhanipton .E Spiotsylvania ».E Stalford E Surry F Sussex E Tazewell C Warren D Warw irk F Washliigtí'n.. C Westmoreland F Wise B Wythe A York F OííOea»..»-! CITIES-TOWNS Abingdon C 2" Acromac G 5 Alexiindi'ia. . Fa Almagro C 7 Amherst C .ft Arlington F 3 Ashland E ft Barton Heights.. Eft Basic City D t Bedford City..C 6 Belfleld E 7 Berkley F 7 Berry ville D 2 Big Stone Gap.B i Blacksburg B ft Blackstone. ..Eft Bowling Green. E4 Boydton. . 1)7 Broadway. -. D3 Buchanan ... CG Buena Vista. ..0 6 Burkes Garden.. A í Burkeville. D 6 Cape Chai-Ir.-. Fft Cedar Blulf . C 1 Charlottesville D4 Chase City.... D 7 Chatham . 0 7 Chincoteagtie Islaml. G ft Christiansburg B6 Clarernont. .. E 6 Clarksvllle. ..D7 Clifton Forge .C 5 Clover D 7 ColonialBeacliF 4 Covington B5 Crewe D 6 Crittenden F 7 Cnljieper D4 Danville C 7 Dayton D4 Dunlin B 6 E. Stone Gap. .B 2 Edinbuig. ... D3 Elkton D 4 Emporia.. - E 7 Ettrirks Eft Fairfax ES 76 ATLAS OF THE WORLD WESl VIRGINIA. Liijd surface, Sq. m. Sl,6á5 Water surface, Sfj. lu. ¿35 COUNTIES. Barbour...... Berkeley...... Boone Braxton Brook?... Cal>eli.. .. <.'alhoun.. Cluy Dondridge... Favetlc Oiiiner Grant Greenbrier . Hampshire... Hancock Hardy Hamson... Jacksuii Jefferson... Kanawha . Lewis Lincoln.... I/Opan McDowell • 3Iarion Marshall — Jfason 3Iei'cer Mineral 31in(?o 3Iononiralia. 3Ionroo Morgan Nicholas Ohio Pendleton.... Pleasants Pocahontas... Preston Putnam Ralcifth Kandolph Ritchie Roane.. Summei's Taylor Tucker TVIer Upshur. ■\V ayne IVebster 3Vctzel 3Virt Wood Wyoming... GITIES-TGWNS Academy F 4 Acme 1) 4 Ada 1)6 Adainston F 2 Albert G 2 Alderson — K 5 Algoma 1) 6 Alvy K 2 Amos Fl Ansted D 4 Aurora (í 2 Austen O 2 Barboursviile .n 4 Barra<'kville...F 1 Bayard .. Be<-kl«'y . Beliiigton Belleville. Belmont... Benwood K 5 Berkeley Springs. .K 1 Bevei lv (i 3 Bluetleld D 6 Bramwell D 6 Bridgeport P 2 Bristol K2 Buckhannon...F 3 Buffalo C 3 Burning Springs D2 Bumsville K 3 Burton Fl Gairo D 2 Cameron L Caniu'lton D 4 Cai>erton E 4 <'entral City..A 3 Cercdo A4 Charleston ....CI Charlestowu. .L 2 Claremont ..,.E 5 Clarksburg.... F 2 Clay Di Clendenin D 3 Coalburg 0 4 Coaldale D 6 f^oaltoiu G 3 Colliers L 5 Coopers D 6 Cottagevllle.. C 8 Crescent D 4 l^vis H Dingess Bö Flagle j> 4 Kîistbank D 4 Kckinau DG Kdgaiton B Eliziibeth D 2 Elk Garden...H . Eikhorn D 6 Elkins G 3 Elienboro..,.. D2 Elm Grove....K 5 Fairmont F.. Farmington.. .P 1 Fayctteville.. .1) 4 Fettcrman.. Flemlngion., Fort Gay ... Ga.s«Hwav Gauley ih idgcl) 4 Glen .lean 1) 6 Glen ville K 3 Gorinania H 2 Grafton G 2 Grantsville D3 Great Cacapon K1 Guynndotte....BS llambieton....G2 Hamlin B 4 Handley D 4 Harpers FeriyL 2 Harrisville D 2 Hartford 0 2 Hedgesville...K 1 Hendricks G 2 ilinton K .5 Hoi-ton G 3 Huntington... A 3 Hurricane B4 laeger 0 6 Independence.G Janelew F Junior • Kanawha Falls_ Kenova. _ . Kcyser S ■ ¿ Keystone......* Kingwood. .. Leun 'Martinsville; . «M^Emporl •^Q^ltc\co.-kV Roaaf^ .wPPriceo' ^CurHtueA L.B nCoroUa s.'l. 1 . •'0 i o-'owva )ui7 f®Unxbore Ookbill P, E «IS^O.IKORA.'nvi g7oqK loN 0 Í f EUisooro Matloji M®/ ¿ur^ÚaoT' reWli®l?"'-4V»^ rbranoh ÜwacTXj! í5TiIterS\ 1 gpcin^liiin ■^^>ï1ajn1' "ï^vld« kRuraltpil K,a',rfcn..l. ¿ÁKcrt Wbltaket gCaauIi Hackwoodj .OKE ID. I 'He i.n l^uoies Oatb '8Md0»j»K^j¿¿iy S " e^ood LuturlobV/ q «^JMttiboro. ijS>. <5 iiiv CXA Tm A :. rDanlap oUclT h ¿^1A, llemao 'Mlzelle; Rodantbe. .'Crosi / d»v> htyLS», ^*^»vricu« î^ia— •" . «íüfíantuí rjî^ ^S»raTi':iuaftor Avon; BuatooS hatt^*£^.Ü ¡Eaglespnngs^ mP: kaonl V wV •>. LÎ^uracoke ? [Oefocult Inltt ^ortair.oulh gay j^^^Lupton GibBonâ 3ffi RICHîiOîiD.^ «iin^líVíL ■otrose^TlîhterlBirf Cà^-î^r i s»<^.po»' in'''rNwN aî\ff OVadancTTj^V/^. LVorkvjjJe. \»^khiL Eäffl I® .Mirerai É ^VnWatci yalkdp ol (f Clajfort CedarcTMk - •■StÄts ICbeAerb« >AV 'WvVÍ Luokuut . FolkRol «j _Holljrldj / /üVRocVjííolnt Ajfje ¿Woodsli^ > ¿combe ' Î7um/> Inltt Il aie lAîouncii Ueville^ £lÍ2at«AtOBt$ 'f Wk ra I© fi u arXiR Ûbor^^ji^Ua Freewd. ^^eùd ?*»ide 'Vriahtsville ■J/ vyew Inlft I federal Pt MsmiTM 10. 4L.II., Cape r»ar SeTlerrilJt Maryril XOETII CAKOLIXA SCALE OF MILES ^Jíurrell InUt r^el^eiîçW, iÄ ^[Niúitália'í State Capital 0 County Seats © .iV'ortb J Size of type Indicates relative importance of places SOUTH I. ií-bbiíp;br'r'?:?íbsb^ j5 bbL,wai«»r3C¡Sc; N. CAROLINA. {Continued) Hope Mills Gr I Hot Sprinirs...D6 Huntei-8ville..C 3 Jackson K 1 Jacksonville. .K i James City K 3 Jamesville ... K2 Jonesboro G 2 Kernersville ..Ü1 Kings Mountain B3 Klnston J 3 La Grange J 3 Laurinbui^...E i Lawndale A3 Leakaville El Lenoir A 2 Lexington D2 Linoolnton....B3 Littleton J1 Louisbui-g HI Lumi)erton....G4 McAdenville ..BS Madison D1 Magnolia J 4 Maiden B . Manteo N2 Marion FC Marshall DC Marshville D3 Matthews C3 Maxton F 4 Mayodan D1 Milton Fl Mocksville C2 Monroe C 4 Moore8ville....C2 Moorehead City L4 Monranton A 2 Moi-veu D 4 Mount Airy.. .01 Mount Oilead .E3 Mount Holly..B 8 Mount Olive..H S Mt. ricnsant . .D 8 Murfreeslwro K 1 Mui-phy A 7 Nashville J ' New hern KS Newport L 4 Newton B2 North Wilkeaboro .B2 Norwood 1) Oxford G 1 Pilot Mountain 01 Pinevllle. . ..0? Plttsboi'o F Plymouth L PnnceviIle....K2 Raleigh G 2 Kamseur E 2 Randlcman... E 2 Red Springs..F4 Reidsville ....El Roanoke Rapids J1 Rockingham..E4 Rocky Mount.J 2 Roi>er L2 Rowland F 4 Roxboro G1 R utherf ordtonA 8 Salisbury D2 Saluda E7 Sanford F2 Scotland NeekK 1 Relma H 2 Shelby A 8 Slier City F 2 Smithfleld.. ..H 2 Snow nil] J 3 Southern Pines Southport H 6 Sparta B1 Spencer D2 Spring Hope..H 2 Statesvllle.. ..02 Stoneville .. ..Dl Tarhoro J 2 Tayloraviile...B2 Thoma8vine...D2 Troy E 3 Wadesboro D 4 Wake Forest.. G1 Warrenton.... H1 Warsaw H 4 Washington ..K 2 Waxhaw 0 4 Wavnesville ..D7 Weldon J1 West Durham.G 2 Whiteville ....G5 Wilkeaboro.. .B1 WiUiani8ton..K 2 Wilmington ..H 6 Wilson J 2 Windsor. ..Kl Winston-Salem D 1 "Winferville ..K 2 Winton LI Yanceyvlile...F 1 77 SO 78 SO 6 30 WESTERN PART KORTII CARORIXA Same Main Map rV/-.. . "Dsnbri !m Hâmmond't 8 x 11 Hap of North Carolin» CopTrlaht, 1911, bj C.8. Hammond k Co . N.T G Long. 78 30 Wetst 11 fro« 78 Green. J > H (A O H X W O vr Vi 78 ATLAS OF THE WORLD SBDTH CAnOLINA. Land surface, Sq. in. 30,170 Water surface, Sq. m. 100 COUNTIES. Abbeville B3 Aiken Dé Andei-son B 2 Baml>ere Barnwell L 6 Beaufort 7 Berkeley II 6 Calhoun F é Charleston... .II Ô Cherokee D 1 Chester E2 Chesterfield... ( J 2 Clarendon (14 Colleton Ffi Darlington 11.3 Dillon 13 Dorchester.... F 5 Edgefield 1)4 Kairlield E3 Florence H 3 Georgetown... .J 5 Greenville C3 Greenwood.. „0 3 Hampton E 6 Horry K 4 Jasper E 6 Kerahaw F 3 Lancaster F 2 Laurens C 2 Lee G 3 Lexington E 4 Marion J 3 Marlboro H 2 Hewberr^" D3 Oconee A 2 Orangebui^... F 4 Pickens B 2 Richland F S Saluda D3 Spartanburg. .D 2 Sumter Q4 Union D2 Williamiburg il 4 York El CITIES-TOWNS Abbeville 03 Adams Run... .G6 Aikeii D4 Alcolu 6 4 Allendale E 5 Alineda F6 Andei-son B2 Appletun E 6 Banibei^ K5 Barnwell K 6 Batesburg E4 Biith D 5 Beaufort F 7 Helton C2 Bennettsville H 2 Bethlehem... H 4 Bishopville (4 3 BlaeksUurg... El Blackstock... E2 Blackville.. ..E5 Blenheim ÏI 2 Bluifton F 7 Blythewood-..F3 Bonneau H 5 Bordeaux (J 4 Bowman P5 Bradley 0 3 Brancliville . . F 5 Brogilon G 4 Brooklfind. .. E4 Bnmson K6 Cades H 4 Calhoun B2 Camdeu P 3 Cameron F 4 Campobello.... Ol Carlisle E2 Carters ville... H 3 Central B2 Chapín E3 Chappells D3 Charleston.... II6 Cheravr H 2 Cherokee Falls Chester E2 (ihesterfield.. .H 2 / m Clifton D2 » 1 Clinton 1)3 Q»g- ciio 112 nil Clover El \ Cokesbury C 3 ) S) ColumbiEu F 4 Converse D1 / gV Conway .7 4 Coronaca.. .03 «, t« ¿ Cottageville.. .G 6 B-1 Cowpens D 2 Cross Hill OS = Darlington H 3 m ^ Denmark E5 Ig a Dillon J 3 Donalds 0 3 S Dovesville H 3 R' , 5 Dtie West C3 ^ =•? Duncan .C 2 A5« Early Branch..F6 Easley B2 Eastover F 4 i« » 5 Edgefield D 4 ^ V"®, Edisto Island..G 6 -¿TlfS Ehrhardt E5 Elko E5 Ellonton D5 Ellorcj F 4 Enoree D 2 V Enterorise ... G 6 h EstiU E6 1 Eutawville..,.G6 „ I"*' Fairfax E 6 X Florones H 3 Foroston G 4 I FortMíll .F2 Fort iiotte F 4 Fonutain Inn..C 2 Gaffnoy D1 < Gesten E4 • Georgetown...J5 S3 rf— Ollbero E4 C Gleudolc D3 f Ole iriSprings.D2 Gourdin H j 0 Govan ...E5 Í Graniteville.. .D4 . Gray Court—C2 <3 2 Greeleyville.. .G 4 Green Pond ... F 5 Greenville C2 Greenwood....C3 | > Greer 0 2 ^ Hagood F 3 k- Hampton E6 "o Hardeevlllc... .E7 1— H arleyville.... G 5 S i— Hartsville . .GS Heath Spring. .F 2 v Helena. D 3 - HickoiyCrove AQbCb; Hodgcc OC • : : : Hollynm G3 : : : : HoncrjPcith...OC 'd : '• Inme:: Cl §3^ : Jimo EC« fc 2 s Ira BCaSll Jefferson GO'S Soi" John;. Island..GG ATLAS OF THE WOBíLD I o; Wilmot GEOPiGIA Rhoiîg^ Gobua Toxawa7i Çkr«UBd IFraokll State Capital ^ Coanty Seats Size of type indicates relative importance of places ITayearille MariciU .Spart finli lilavaas^; .Pter'MotiBU a Pickeoa Rofbucki v<5. -Dalto.iVr '(■ gSprlDft) Lockbart iMarerct Chcatt^ CarlisW fi^flïàaicaJol« , Johntbwn ,'Calhout LO R 1 PïJtlIeDi; Clinton 'An'ierson tLaurcns Hodpy Kidgewaj] :^Rosw< lUiabotb Batc=b\i^ _Monc^^-^ 80Ü. A ^ "leterett Tnutub LINCOLN Amitj Tlubanks y^TAMPBE] X' Fairburiu* Pahn fita rffTr • ^tcsbura 7 Jl»4ïaa y^jL 'CobbhaK ücdüppI Aikeii • Appliok L rALIAFBRRQf. ' Belair Blackviilc^ feadjdale ^UTNAAn^ (i Kalonton •) ilNona^*^ JARREN /ftthwooQ Bboulder Ù»yn^, oS I cCarljle i v'Cu! rerton.-y«'^ Bamberg Barnwrll jasp/EIKF t lllDÎieta\^ ^ W nUTTSi WrensV «>gaM«]nA ^ »V'.LutWfrsvilU MKKlIwRTHR "1 ro„°..k">'„.c Rcanoke •«''^^^Kbrhardt' ^bbins lalkcr. Ztbwlon' 'nj^Hcaboi NtE S'^ l\K E \ ■)(HewooIn t. _ >>WbJte«TiUe feHaBjiltm'i Vv H'arîrjj^; ' 'V Kiitóborof CijntioaQ ¿|¿^bVíjMnei Moble; Mmir» ¡^'atesvilie Gfkjett« Lsaettp . Lawtpnrl rRo8Îer''V Barksdal^*V"<»^ J/ ^«.Auukahoeo/ / SOREVÍlfl ^tOjr-^^SjWani* i Beaouro rRocky FoM Weisman S^Oeeech^ ® *Öeuncc\ Lillian^ novan F.nni^ Ii « J>Iodoo ivainsboro J^cllwoodl njeeka ^ •nthelJJ JJi idrian j.»o' ''^TÁVLORaT, I SumniU"^ irdymont inOEFi \ lAURBNS Entire I Hatoir o iDu^ yy Svalkee. yOreistoonBeehlT« ''© Benlahc 30D^3Yliealoa^ *> ^.....^^^SoÎTencj^ AkbtiuA da^KÜ^' ysiôVMcÇantB re'iireat« ledderiri^t^OT Abbeville fYÍck pearl V Andeeifl-ga«— ^Kormo^ iíafeebSrv'O«..^ > -^Vayorosí V Nètdbain^ Camtlli . Ceiiarl {Schlatt« O Balloon oStubba Donallte.illc ^}}^/% ^ l| Brinsoac^, \ ^ Cy^ne<^ r\ ^•.Baíohrid« llrjntldsvilley<^^^ / Palrcbildp ^ L \ SwSbe'Uy. :GR^ADY C^T tíCO I/A S .Midriva íinBlerland ?,^X?V\ A B,L -Ao mX W-'«S Ä -WaintTtisba kv'*'" ärheLa Okefmoke-i^¿i¡^rj^ ^ iî\ ■"■'■; aIa^ '*pimi6er/anrf /. ^un* f 'Scotchvi Rt-Manr: ííasTlnc* íarianna Cumberlanti ¡SU* Mttoilf iHilliard barrer-" íamonUt I. I^m«/i'a /< lYulec Lcvett ' Thasgaidl [Jasper Monilcrl Madison fuckton L. Blount! DríGuii ATLAÎI ISSUE :ilaTllle ^KTX r- icksonyille tr^ \-OTecnlandS\ W ^^Woodibnd ^bitc Sprluri Haoclcnnj ^Moin Oluäte« Mt Canee W \ Fre^PÎio^hate Minee p_^^g ç S"W.k » », Chorleaton Columbia^ ofOeorgle l l itoamoixl II Ca.. K.\1 HaeaBioad'siS sIP Copyrlfbt, 1910 by GuiUui Lonfiitude K West 83 from IT Greenwich GEORGIA. Land surface, 8q. m. 58,9M Water surface, Sq. m. 495 COUNTIES. Appling .Q 8 Btiker . B9 Baldwin ..E5 Bunks ..1)3 Bartow .B 3 Ben Hill .E8 Berrien ..E9 Bibb .D6 Brooks DIO Bryan ..J8 Bulloch .H7 Burke .H5 Butts ..C£ Calhoun .B9 Canidoii 11 10 Campbell... ..B4 OirrolU .... .A 4 Catoosa ... . A 2 Charlton.... .Ü 10 Chatham... ..J 7 ChattahoocheeB 7 Chattooga... .A 3 Cherokee.... ..08 Clarke .E4 Clay .A 8 Clayton ..0 4 Clinch F 10 Cobb .B4 Coffee ..F8 Colquitt .D9 Columbia.... G 4 Coweta B5 Crawford.... ..06 Crisp .D8 I)ade .A2 Dawson .0 3 Decatur B 10 Dekalb .04 Dodge .E7 Dooly .D7 Doughei-ty.. .0 9 Douglas .B4 Hlarly ..B9 Kohols F 10 Effingham... ..J7 Elbert ..F 3 Emanuel.... Eannin .02 Eayette .B5 Eloyd .A3 Feisty th Fi-analin.... .03 .E3 Fulton .0 4 3ilmer .0 2 jlascock.... .F6 Glynn .H9 Gordon .B3 Br^bdy....... 0 10 Gi'cene .E5 Swinnett.... .04 Babersliam.. ..D2 Hall .D3 Hancock.... .F5 Haralson.... .A4 Harris .B6 Hart F3 Heard .A6 Henry Houston.... .06 .D7 Lrwin .E8 Jackson ..D3 Jasper Jeff Dayia... .D5 ..F8 Jefferson.... .G5 Jenkins .H 6 Johnson. ..F6 Jones .D5 Laurens...... ..F7 Lee ..08 Liberty .H 8 Lincoln .G 4 rx>wnde8.... £10 Lumpkin.... ..C2 ttcDuffie ..PB Uclntosh.... ..J9 Uacon ..07 Uadison ..£3 Marion ..B7 Meiiwether. ..B6 Hiller . B9 Milton ..03 Mitchell ..09 Monroe .D5 Montgomery ..F 7 Morgan ..D5 Murray ..B2 Muscogee.... ..B7 Newton ..D4 Oconee ..£4 Oglethorpe.. ..£4 Paulding.... ..B4 Pickens .03 Pierce ..G9 Pike ..06 Polk ..A 4 Pulaski ,.E7 Putnam ..£6 Quitman.... ..AS Rabun ..£2 Randolph... ..B8 Richmond.. ..G6 Rockdale... ..04 Schley ..C7 ScrcTcn . H6 Spalding... ..05 Stephens.... ..£3 Btewai-t ..B7 Sumter ..C7 Talbot....... ..B6 Taliafciro.. . F4 I^ttnall ..G7 Taylor ..06 Telfair ..F8 Terrell ..B8 Thomas -DIO Tift ..D9 Toombs ..G8 Towns ..D2 Troup ..Â6 Turner ..D8 Twiggs. ...E6 Union ..D2 Upson "Walker...., ..ce ..A2 Walton ..D4 Ware ..09 Warren ..F5 Washington ..P6 Wayne ..119 Wcnster ..B7 White....... ..D2 Whitfleld... ..A2 Wilcox ..... Wilkes ..F 4 Wilkinson . ..EO Worth. ..D9 CITIES-TOWNS Abbeville. EÎ Acworth....... B 3 Adairsrille.... B 3 Adel E9 Adrian, F 6 Albany C 8 Americus C7 AraiTon ...AS Arlington...... B fl Ashbiim. I>^ Athens. E * Atlanta -Ç | Augusta if® Austell -A:* Bainbridge...••*>*• 80 ATLAS OF THE WORLD ^Colquitt 'NaahvlUe 'ajcrose. lUrewe Sound FLOKIDA Homér«ille "ïïârdïwï" ^'eals^Ltmdii 6CALE OF MILES laflTille îattahoo^« luitm&n »Bodde .Mloooaukc Jenterrille V iott HlUc ill«rd»llië StÜS LBetihadeo P.O) L Ammo I ft Bvaii»^ Alibbrty '5* LTruoJM^- ^suwann«? a Shoals § Iveoal AVÎJ-'iMoAlpiàoOc ■""tnJjEmOTÄ i l.BS Pt. St. t^otephfy ilnhatchee I ilatehs , iinCSTlll^iwil ,aW E^ß« ..WlUlatono. Montbrookii- !/■ Y if Morris tew. 1^. 'loV ell ^ kM AkJ". ärcbamari Ile EllswtítkJí)' rvllf^ ( t ^Casmi^ V 'SVèet'AîM^v'iap -t^vValts^^Q Mofiterist» Q ísíÍVra bh&^^alhan IslaneÇ)p. Cana twrai / LWLight Hou84 ■ ^ f /CanATeral iJ^JÄrtesia ( Orlaiidi ^Smlthvlllq' 'MuKlnnon )a(lf (,it) LSiijip^' J o KlMlmmeí OresnpoBdfaau^t^ ^ .Loughiit^'L Ç ^ ^avenportí ?5É2ce¿\Vln^S^ lee! cS2uinai¿n^'¿e. J^TSW'ft Ä 'ÍTKDCj il. Win4^ TropiÄ^ I ^aursl LÇ~} ->^gaw 1 ^WMhinghiFV^ 14 lUe^urncW H LsSfer , IA I V^jSrïàs xaov I nr«n»' \vv itt .V Ursnt OT ^'^Clpud Jo. W^alig^CMirtL *í^2r%\Cupf9ag L. Gallle ^ SUelbourne Besch itiomer ' imee Olnejo ATonp}aik^\ Forti Shi¡i Channtl "íc Light iíouseft í ^0 L mg Loaf^nlcM Saraijutu Kf ( Bai r»(¿úin,Rv i [ i T l^Qardner \ X^íe^ ^^^kr$sáiA Ji.àhild^ l^uii Indian t/tauna ^FortOgdan A % iLiywpool i ^!^Pt Stuafli^^q Aberde&<^ FriUu^ Goäe»^ .Hobe Sound oay ~~ Chanoy Da^ Lake oHTckman Okechobe& Jupiter Cleveland 'unta Horda 'Jf eatvHf ¿oirge Mound^ . )w\ Mubjoor] )enaud AcuiJ-, —-BómtonS —"Bocoratone A ^^'&!oasgoehee^ "^^^'Sluugk^-^y olmmôkalëè I ¿fB-> H ^^--'SEMINOLE'f— 1N D. RIS ."î — FQSöhacklefoAi ¡Pu lllO rndiini Bay jEliieii» Caipsona Run / /b-= ^ Jity Mc Laughlin\ Rogers jfH. Por.c« àt Le,«■ M,fcembfS>, •jafOf Rff , rf.A BAÏOFFLOJ .o^'SA. ÎIDA' ' lelamorsdu ^/McD,Vld.^Ben7LJ^ ^ fS"°M S-A nI/AJ \ ™,di QuintetteC VOood Kanse St^ *<^^««eeLj¿A \M llf ?>ïF il-MillerB- Ai/Ä-Feri FortWcRi FLO^DA. Land surface, Sq. in. 54,310 Water surface, Sq. m. 4,440 COUNTIES Alachua D 3 Baker D1 Bradfoni D2 Brevard F 3 Calhoun Al Citrus I) 3 Clay E3 Columbia .D1 Dade F 6 De Soto E4 Duval El Escambia A 6 Franklin B 2 Ga(re E 3 Oeceola E 3 Palm Beach...F6 Pasco D 3 Pinellas D 4 Polk E 4 Putnam.. £2 8t. John E 2 St. Lucie £4 Santa Kosa... .B 6 Sumter D S Suwanee CI Taylor— C1 Volusia E 2 Wakulla B1 Walton BG Washington... A1 CITIES-TOWUS Abbott D 8 Alachua. D 2 Alton -...C 1 Altoona. E" Alva E5 Anthony D2 Apalocliicola.. A 2 Apopka E3 Arcadia. £4 Archer D 2 Argyie C6i Ariikstrong.... E ?' Arredonda....D 2 Auburndale... .E 3 Avon Park.... E 4 Bagdad B7 Baldwin El Bartow E4 BlountstoAvn.. A1 Bluff Springs.. A C Boardinan D 2 Bonifay A 1 Bowling GreenK í Bradento wn... D 4 Branford 0 2 Bristol B 1 Bronson D 2 Brooks ville.... D 8 Bushncll 1) 3 Callahan r. 1 Campboll E 3 Carrabclle B 2 Caryville C G Cedar Keys....02 Chancy CI ChattimoocheeD l Chester E l Chipley AI Chumuckla... • B C Citra. D2 Clark... D 2 Clearwater....D 4 Cocoa. FL Cocoanut Grove FG Columbia D1 Concord HI Cottondale.... A1 Crawfordville.B 1 Crescent City..E Groom D L Crystal lUver..D C Dade City D3 Daytona F 2 De Funiak Springs.. B 6 De Land E2 Dannollon ....D 2 Dutton D 2 Eau Crallie E 3 Enterprise..... E 3 Estero E 5 Euehceanua... B 6 Eustis E3 Fedortl Point.E 2 Fern indiiia ...El Floral City....D S Fort ricCoy. ...E 2 Fort Meade....E 4 Fort Jlyers ... E 5 Fort Ogden...E 4 Fort Piorce. ...F 4 Fxort White. ...1) 2 Freeport. C 7 Gainesville.. ..D 2 Gary D 4 Genoa 1) 1 Georgetown.. .E 2 Graceville A1 Qrahamsvi:ie..E 2 Grand Ilidge..A 1 Green Cove Springs. .E 2 Greenville C 1 G reonwood.... A 1 Grove Park.. .D 2 Hague D 2 Haines Citv...ES Hampton D 2 Hawthorn E 2 ileriiHiido D 3 Highland E1 High Springs..D 2 Ililliard. El Holder D3 Homeland E 4 Hudson D 8 Hull E4 lamonia B 1 Interlachen. ...E 2 luvorness.. ..D3 Jacksonville ..El Jasper D1 Jennings. . ..Ol Jensen F 4 Judson D 2 Key West E 7 Kings Ferry.. .El Kissimmee E 3 La Crosse D 2 Lake Butler.. .D1 Lake City D1 Lake Oomo.... E 2 Lake Helen... É3 State Capital ^ County Seats © Size of type indicates relative importance of places ALA. Aey Dry Tortugas -C Marquesas Keysc^Xe, Rebecca Shoal Î. U GULF Northwestern Porttoa of FLORIDA Same'««ale as Main Map ill Map of Florida C.S. Hammond St Co., N.Y Longitude from ATLAS OF THE WORLD 81 A'.ABAMA LAnd surface, Sq. m 51,619 Water surface, Sq. m. Tie COUNTIES. Autauga EC Baldwin C» Barbour H* Bibb Dl Blount E f Bullock G 6 Butler. El Calhoun G S Chambers H 6 Cherokee G 2 Chilton E 6 Choctaw B 7 Clarke C 7 Clay G 4 Cleburne G 3 Coffee G 8 Colbert CI Coneculi E8 Coosa F 6 Covington .... P 8 Crenshaw F 7 Cullman EÍ Pale G 8 Pallas P8 Pekaib GS Elmore F ft Escambia .PS Etowah F 2 Fayette C 3 Franklin CS Geneva G 8 Greene C6 Hale C6 Henry H 8 Houston H 8 Jackson Fl Jefferson E 3 Lamar Bd T^auderdalo... .C1 I.awrence P 1 H» Limestone E 1 Lowndes Eft Macon G ft Madison El Marengo C ft Marion CS Marshall F 8 Mobile B9 Monroe P 7 Montgomery.. F ft Morgiin E2 Perry Pft Pickens. B 4 Pike G 7 Randolph H 4 Russell H ft St. Clair F 3 Shelby E 4 Sumter.........B5 Talladega F 4 Tallapoosa... G 6 Tuscaloosa C 4 Walker PS Washington.. .B 8 Wilcox D 7 Winston P Î BITIES-TOWNS Abbeville H 7 Alabama City. G S Albertville.... Fi Alexander City GS Aliceville B 4 Altoona FS Andalusia E8 Anniston GS Ashford H 8 Ashland Q4 Ashville F 3 Athens El Atmore C 8 Attalla FÎ Auburn Gfi Avondale ES Bay Minette...C5 Bear Creek....CS Benton Eft Bessemer P 4 Birmingham.. E 4 BladenSpringsB 7 Blocton P4 Biossburg 1)3 Blount Sprs. .-ES Blountsville...£2 Boaz F 8 Brantley F 7 Brewton D8 Bridgeport. ...Gl Brooks E8 Brookside.... E3 Brooksville....FS Brookwood.. .P 4 Brundidge....Q7 Butler Bft Calera E 4 Camden P 7 Camp Hill G 6 Carbon Hill.... p 8 Cardiff E 3 Carrollton... .B4 Center -G8 Centerville-...D6 Childersburg.. F 4 Citronelle 6 8 Clanton Eft Clayton H 7 Clio G 7 Coal City F 3 Collin8ville....G8 Columbia. ...H8 Columbiana... E 4 Cordova D 8 Corona P 3 Cottondale.... D 4 Oourtland P 1 Cuba B 6 Cullman E 8 Dadeville G 6 Daphne C9 Decatur El Demopolla... .Cft Dolomite D 4 Dora D3 I>othan U 8 Edwardsville. G 8 Elba P8 Ehuore F 6 Ensley E8 EnterpriM... .Gl Epes Bft Eufaula.'*.. .H7 Eutaw.......* .Cft Evergreen.. .Dl Falrhope CI FalkviUe EÍ Faunsdala.... .G i Fayette CS Flomaton.... ,.D9 Florala. FÏ Florence CI Fort Deposit..E7 Fort Payne. ..Gl •0 M «ao« Gadsden F8 3Gainesville. ,.Bi .Gate aty Et «Geneva Oft • Georgiana.. ..E7 • Girara ».Hi -Glenwood F? o.MGoodwaten ..G4 KENmKV. lAnd earface, Sq. m. 40,000 Water surface, Sq. m. 400 COUNTIES. Adair L4 Alien — J 6 Anderson M 3 Ballard 0 4 Barren K5 Bath O 3 Bell O 5 Boone Ml Bourbon N 3 Boyd Q Boyle M Bracken ^ Breathitt P 3 Breckinridge..J 3 Bullitt K3 Butler H 4 Caldwell F 4 Calloway E5 CamplHîll NI Carlisle C 5 Carroll LI Carter F 3 Casey M 4 Christian F 5 Clark N 3 Clay O 4 Clinton L5| Crittenden E 4 Cumberland. .L 5 Daviess G 3 Kdinonson J 4 Elliott P3 EstUl O 3 Fayette N S Fleming 0 3 Floyd Q 3 Franklin 313 Fulton C 5 Gallatin M 1 Garrard M 3 Grant Ml Grave.s..., D& Grayson J 4 Green K 4 Greenup Q1 Hancock H 3 Hardin J 8 Harlan P 5 Harrison N 8 Hart K 4 Henderson F 3 Henry L 8 Hickman C 5 Hopkins F 4 Jackson N 4 Jeffei-son .... K 2 Jessamine. ...MS Johnson 0 3 Kenton M 1 Knott O 4 Knox O 5 Larue E 3 Laurel N 4 lAwreuce Q 8 Lee 0 3 Icslie P 4j Letcher Q 4 Lewis PI Lincoln M 4 Livingston E 4 Logan H 5 Lyon L4 McCrncken.. ..D 4 McCreary M 5 McLean G4 Madison....... .N 3 Uagoflin P3 Marion L 3 Mar.shiill F 6 Martin Q 3 Mason Ol Meado J 3 Menifee 0 3 Mercer M 3 Metcalfe K 4 Monroe Ko Montgomery. • O 8 Morgan P 3 Muhlenbui^...G 4 Nelson K 8 Nicholas N 2 Ohio H 4 Oldham L 2 Owen M 1 Owsley! O 4 Pendleton N 1 Perry P 4 Pike R 3 Powell O 3 Pulaski M 4 Robertson N 1 Kockceistle N 4i Rowan P 8 Russell L 4 Scott M " Shelby L: Simpson H 5 Sijencer L3 Taylor L 4 Todd G 6 Tiigg F 6 Trimble LI Union F 3 Warren J6 Washington.. .L 3 Wayne M 6 Webster F 3 Whitley N 6 Wolfe O 3 Woodford ....M3 CITIES-TOWNS Adairville H 5 Allens ville GS Ashland C ' Auburn !_ Augusta Ol Barbourvüle. .0 6 Bardstown ....KS Bardwell D6 Beattyville....0 3 Bentun E6 Berea NS Bloomfield ....LS Bowling Green H4 Brodhead N4 Brooksvme...01 Burgin MS Burkesville... .L5 Burnside M 5 Butler N1 Cadiz F5 Calhoun. .G S Campbells- ville. .L 4 TENmSEE. Land oui-face, Sq. m. 41,750 Water ourface, Sq. m. 300 COUNTIES. Anderson.... î^dford Benton BJedsoe Blount Bradiez* Campbell..,. Cannon CaiToli Carter Cheatham... Chester Claiborne.... Clav Cocke Cotice Crockett Cumberland, Davidson.... Decatur DoKalb Dickson... Dyer Fayette Fentress Franklin Gibson Giles Grainger Greene Grundy.... Hamblen Hamilton. Hancock Hardeman... Hardin Hawkins .... Haywood Henderson.. Henry .... Hickman Houston Humphreys- Jackson James Jeiferson Johnson Knox Lake Lauderdale.. lÄwrence.... Lewis Lincoln Loudon McMinn McNairj-... . îlacon Madison Marion Marshall Maury Meigs Monroe Montgomery Moore Moi-gan Obion Overton Perry Pickett Polk Putnam Rhea Roane Robertson.... Rutherford.. f» tt «0(iuatchiü.. oevier »nelby smith ..NÖ ....17 ...];6 ...1>7 ()7 . M 8 ..N6 .. J 7 ..]t6 ..(Í 6 ..1)8 ..06 ..KÓ ..P7 ...J8 ..C7 ,..L7 ..116 K7 ..K7 .(i6 ..C6 ..C8 .M6 . .J 8 .D7 .G8 ..06 .t¿6 .K8 .P6 . L8 P5 ..C8 ..E8 Q6 ..C7 ..R7 ..E6 .U7 ..F6 .F6 .K6 ..L8 ..P6 . S6 07 ..B6 ..B7 ..G8 ..G7 .118 ..N7 ..M 8 .1)8 ..J5 .1)7 ,.K8 118 .G7 .JI 7 ..N 8 .06 . J8 .M6 ..C6 ..L6 ..F 7 ..L6 .31 8 .K6 317 .317 .H5 ..J7 .M6 ..L8 .07 ..B8 .K6 Columbus. 05 S Corbin N5 a Corvdon F S e Oovington....Ml 9 - _ C.vnthiana.....N8 te Kâti'n Danville MS «í d » - Q AO IStewait F 5 SalUvaa.....¿.R5 ßnmner. ;J 5 Tipton B 8 Trousdale J 6 Unicoi R 6 Uuion O 6 Van Buren L 7 Warren K 7 Washington ..R6 Wayne F 8 Weakley D 6 White L 7 Williamson... H 7 Wilson J 6 CITIES-TOWNS AdamsvlIIe.... E 8 Alamo C 7 Alexandria... .K 6 Arlington B 8 Ashlaiid Cit3%. G 6 Athens 318 BearSpring.. .F 6 Bellbuckle J 7 Bells C 7 Bluff City R6 Bolivar C 8 Bon Air.. L7 Bradford D 6 Bricevillo N 6 Bristol R 5 Brown!ivillo...C 7 Carthage K 6 Cedar Hill.,..H 5 Centerv'ille F 7 Charleston—318 Charlotte. O 6 Chattanooga.-L 8 Clarksville....(r6 Cleveland 318 Clifton F 8 Clinton N6 Coal Creek, ..X6 Collieiwillo... .B 8 Columbia H 7 Cookeville L 6 Covington. . ..B 7 Cowan K 8 Cumberland City..F 6 Cumberland Gap..O 5 Dandridge .... P 6 Dayton L8 ' ..J8 . G6 .1)6 .N 8 ..D6 ..C6 .116 ..F6 ,.N8 .H8 Decherd Dickson Dresden Dticktown. .. Dj-er Dyersburg.. Elizabetliton. Erin Etowah EkyctteTille. J 84 ATLAS OF THE WORLD OHIO fjand surface, Sq. m. 40,760 Water surface, Sq. ni. 300 COUNTIES Âdams G Ii A.llen C'6 Ashland L 6 Ashtabula K 3 Athens il 13 Auglaize C 7 Belmont R9 Brown E14 Butler 1U2 Carroll Q7 Champaign ... E 9 Clark ElO Clermont D 13 Clinton E12 Columbiana... H 7 Coshocton ....1^8 Crawford J 6 Cuyahoga 04 Darke B9 Defiance 0 4 Delaware H 8 Erie K4 Fairfield Kll Fayette G 11 Franklin H 9 Fulton D3 Gallia L14 Geauga .... ..Q3 Greene EII Guernsey O 9 Hamilton ... .B13 Hancock F 6 Hardin F 7 Harrison Of Henry l5 _ Highland F13 Hocking ,Lll Holmes N 7 Huron K 6 Jackson K 13 Jefferson 118 Knox L Lake P3 Lawrence.... K 15 Licking K9 Logan Ë 8 Lorain il 4 Lucas F 3 Madison......G lO Mahoning,... K6 Marion. H 7 Medina N5 Meigs ... ... M 13 Mercer B 7 Miami D9 Monroe.. Qll Montgomery .C11 Morgan H 11 Mon-ow J 7 Muskingum. .N10 PIO ...J3 ..B5 Mil .Hll .H13 Noble Ottawa .. Paulding.. Perry .. .. Pickaway. Pike Portage.......06 Preble B11 Putnam D 5 Richland K6 Ross H 12 Sandusky H 4 Scioto H 14 Seneca H 5 Shelby C8 Stark P6 Summit O 5 Trumbull 114 Tuscarawas... O 8 Union ....08 Van Wert B6 Vinton K 12 Warren C12 Washington .012 Wayne N 6 Williams BS Wood F4 Wyandot G 6 CITIES-TOWNS Aberdeen ....Fl5 Ada E6 Addyston ....B13 Akron 0 5 Alliance * " Andover s 3 Ansonia B9 Antwerp A 5 Archbold 0 3 Arlington. F6 Ashland L6 Ashley J " Ashtabula R 2 Athens M12 Eainbrldge.. .G 13 Barbe rton O 6 Barnesviile... Q 10 Barnhill .P " Barton R Batavia D13 Beach City....07 Bedford 0 4 Bc'llaire S 9 Belle Center . F 8 Bellefontaine . F 8 Bellevue J 4 Bellville L7 Belpre O 12 Berea N 4 Bergholz R 7 Bethel D 14 Bethesda Q9 Beverly 011 Btanchester ..E12 Blatchford...M 11 Bloomdale ....F Bloomville... .H 5 Bluffton E Bolivar........P 7 Bowerston Q . Bowling GreenF4 Bradford C9 Bradner G 4 Bridgeport....119 Brilliant S 8 Brookfleld S 5 Brookville ..ClO Bryan B 4 Buchtel il 12 Bucyrus J Burton .......Q _ Byesville O 10 Cadiz R 8 Caldwell 011 Caledonia J 7 Cambridge O 9 Camden B11 Campbell....K 15 Canal Dover .,0 7 Canal Fulton .0 6 J ATLAS OF THE WORLD 85 OHIO (.Continued) Norwalk K 5 Norwood C13 Nottingham O.. 3 Oakharbor. ...11 3 Oak Hill K14 Oberlin L4 Ohio City B6 Orrville O 6 Orwell R 3 Osborn D 10 Osnaburg P 6 Ottawa D5 Oxford A 12 PalnesviUe....Q 3 Pataskala....K 10 Paulding B5 Payne A 6 Peebles G 14 Pemberville ..G4 Perrysburg... F 3 PhUo NIO Piketon J13 Pioneer... B3 pjqua C 9 Plain City G 9 Pleasant City 010 Pleasant Ridge Plymouth K 6 Pomeroy M 13 Port Clinton ..J 3 Portsmouth .H15 Powhatan l^.R 10 Prairie Depot .G 4 Proctorvilie. .L16 Prospect H 8 Put m Bay J 3 Quaker City..P 10 □uincy E 8 Ravenna Q 5 Reading C 12 RendviTle..,.Mll Republic J 5 Ricnwood G 8 Ripley E15 Risingsun G 5 Rockford B7 Rocky River..N 3 Roscoe N 8 Roseville M 10 Rossford F 3 Sabina F12 Saint Bernard D13 St. Clairsvílle. R 9 Saint Henry ...B8 Saint Marys,.. C 7 Saint París....E 9 Salem R6 Salineville ....R 7 Sandusky K 4 Sardinia E14 Scio 0 8 SeiotoviUe....J 14 Scott B6 Sebring Q 6 Sekitan A13 Senecaville...P 10 Seville N 5 Shady side—R10 Bharonville .. C 12 Shawnee M 11 Shelby K 6 Sherodsville .. Q 8 Shreve JI7 Sidney D 8 Smithfleld ....R 8 Somerset L10 South Brooklyn 04 South Charleston Fio South Zanesville M 10 Spencer*vIIle.. .C 7 Springfield ...ElO Spring Valley D11 State Soldiers Home K 4 Steubenvllle. ..8 8 Strasburg O 7 Struthers 8 5 Stryker C4 Summerfieid .P11 Swanton E3 Sweden R 3 Sycomore H 6 Sylvania FS Syracuse N 13 Tiffin H5 Tippecanoe City DIO Toledo F 3 Toronto S 8 Trimble M 12 Troy 0 9 Uhrichsvllle ..P8 Union City A 9 Union Furnace L13 Upper Sandusky Urbana E 9 Utiea L9 Van Wert B6 Vermilion L4 Versailles B 9 Wadsworth,..N 5 Wakeman. ...L5 Wapakoneta ..D 7 Warren R 5 Washington 0. H. G 11 Washingtonville 86 Waterville.... F 3 Wauseon D 3 Waverly H 13 Waynesbuig.. Q 7 Waynesfield ..E7 Waynesviile..D 11 Wellington.. M 5 Wellston K 13 Wellsville S 7 West Alexandria B 11 West Carrollton Dil Westerville J 9 West Famiington R4 West Jefferson G10 West Lafayette 09 West Liberty ..E 8 West MansrieldFS West Milton .ClO Weston E 4 West Salem.., M 6 West Toledo . .F3 West Union ..F14 West Unity....03 Whitehouse...E3 Williamsbuig D13 Willoughby...P3 Wilishire A 6 Wilmington. .E12 Winchester ..F14 Winton Place B13 Woodsfleld... Oil ® H So 2ß5Woodviiie.....G 4 «wg vvooster N6 Wyoming C13 Xenia ....... E11 Yellow Springs ElO Youngstown . S 5 Zaleskl L 19 Zanesville.... 3110 86 ATLAS OF THE WORLD V OHIO ¿lOad earface, 8q. TD. 40,700 Water surface, Sq. m. 3ÛU COUNTIES t.d&ms G14 tJlen CO Ashland L6 ashtabula H3 atbens M13 Oufflaize 07 'Beunoiit K9 'Srown E14 )3utler Bia -Oarroll Q7 C3iainpa<;ra ...1Ü9 ^larb ElO Clermont 1> 13 I^llnton El3 Dolumbiana...K 7 Coshoctun ....K8 Crawford J 6 Cuyahoga O 4 Darke B9 Ceflance 04 Delaware . ...H8 Erie K4 Eairfleld .....K11 ?ayette G11 Franklin H 9 Eulton D3 3allla.. L14 3«auga Q3 3reene Ell Guernsey O 9 Gamilton ....BIS 'Sancock F6 iSardin F7 ^rrison 08 Menry D4 Highl^d F13 Hocking LH Holmes N7 Huron K5 ïackson Kl3 Jefferson R8 Knox L8 Lake P3 Lawrence... .K15 Licking K9 Logan £8 Lorain M 4 Lucas F 3 lladison .G10 Mahoning H6 Marion 117 Medina K 5 Meigs U 13 Mercer ........B7 Miami.........D9 Monroe Oil Montgomery .011 Morgan N11 Mon-ow J 7 Muskingum..N10 Noble PIO Ottawa J ' Paulding B Perry Ml Pickaway.... H1 Pike HI Portage QÖ Preble Bll Putnam D5 Iftichland K6 ictoss H12 âandusky H 4 Scioto H 14 Beneca H 5 Shelby 08 Stark P6 duinmlt 06 Trumbull K4 Tuscarawas ...08 Union.. .. ....08 Van Wert B6 Vinton K12 Warren ..012 Washington .012 'Vayne N6 Williams B3 Wood F4 Wyandot G 6 CITIES-TOWNS Aberdeen ....F15 Ada E6 Addyston ....B13 Akron 06 Alliance Q6 Andover a S Ansonia B9 Antwerp A 5 Archbold 03 Arlington. F6 Ashland .......¿6 Ashley J 8 AahUbula R2 Athens M12 Balnbridge.. .G 13 Barberton 0 6 Bamesville.. .010 Bamhili >8 Barton K9 Batavia D13 Beach City ....07 Bedford 04 Bellalre S 9 Belle Center . F 8 Be]]efonUine.F8 Bellevne J 4 Bellvllle L7 Belpre 012 Berea N4 Berghoiz U 7 Bethel 1)14 Bethesda Q9 Beverly 011 Blanchester ..E12 Blatchford...M 11 Bloomdnle ....F6 Bloomville. ...HÔ Bluffton E6 Bolivar P7 Bowerston 0 8 Bowling GreenF4 Bradford CÍ Bradner G 4 Bridgeport.... R 9 Brilliant ..8 8 Brookfleld 8 5 Brookville ..Cir Bryan B i. Buchte! M12 Bncyrus J 0 Burton 0 4 Byesville 010 Cadiz... R8 Caldwell OH Caledonia . ...J7 Cambridge ...09 Camden BH Campbell .K15 Canal Dover ..0 7 Canal Fulton .0 6 Canal Winchester Celio» ....p Canneld R m ooq Îûoqoco Canton - P .i-» ►w .VTi Cardlngton....J 8 t,~ Carey 0 6*^ So"© "poooo ooooooôccc ATLAS OF THE WORLD 87 iCroton of N» Bb«rt.CrMk iL jfl Cooptrdale^ ^.akatomlk^ Karrentoo 'ntomr»»!!». «k>iUa ..ConMTijj iOueraaeyj .TVUUCrsék 'JBhInf ©VA/ C)o«5 n,»„M Martins^ londerryO \.0*J SkulUcrk ol < eO««ll Otwgo^ lysbum 'ennlDal ^0. liecHni- Vjlannock gtClaimlU« ÏV Pj LbjdiT Oldbacnj •Nawark Cntra] Cit; lJaioB,0- {OnbaH ^>^Barn^ville c'Medl«"^ Vw. o \ ItUayt ^ UunUr ^ofwlcbi LoouBt OroT* r JicklcBlewa 7AiUrto»(H«"« AïBnino 9 Sundtlc j >imdsviUe /*■' ytSäpüM C"^PI>>«PWrhMm ilU Bingbam çSniUi Dwigbt S ^Cbalfántá^ ISotmrwt' 7^^ ¿Walta/ _ iloomlnfviyi ■ 'l kW ' /^CU)oaeto»i» y^Sant oiiteUa oüral \ EaglaJUlla iu5,i ^pCT' i/" I NElk jBartlattVy LaymaoP' klatbrep l^Curtit.jc 'si. Marys Barlow* Scotta IhI GrsTel BanJ^ Co&aÜtuUoo^^ law Plymout ntllla oNe« EogUnd ^Decaturvill« ./.Mooarllla Hope^^TV Brigga.^ Flabcri Weit Ualonl OuyflïUls^ ludaoo^""™"^ j ^Anthony J I "IfCardenJ^ttridge MorgaDsrltlO Chats o 'oWoodysrda VlockJrp^;;^ oTuppert | '■'"■■•goj ^\Reedevllli HanlaviÜ« ^S^lcblaad ^ 9r*i Jcjßj^V J PilSmnmiP' .«oo .. !b*" , Mt.Blanoo ITHnhea >B«lls«Uls IPolDtroek' )jcaTU}e ^ jj XCIarion I Macfarlau Olioerton KeyttoB« Graham^ Plaatïi ^Tburmbo R|a Grmodá' jjWalea Cora^ 'Spencer BunUTlUe o Blaxe . \G«g« *^1?? — Northuj 3fo.d...'v TOi..^ Klage^ Uoliito HlUon C; ^liv« Furoaes Duckborti lalU Ripley Iherr tii Gnssaway 'H Tèëît'' " r SaondMti Oraasyridire WJbms®''*'© *>^Öttete _ /» Qaonoi» Cr. Sutton Glenwoud OHIO (Southern Part) SCALE OF MILES ■ )^wioleo ^AtbaUs latlettaburg ' ilarbonrtTlIle Hamlln, Round Dottot I Wlnifrede Hollybom^ OHIO (CoHtinutd) 80®30' tgfiib J IulaH .Baall rinJ^ «Ox xl °Boline Millad _ t a-y^'/.V VanO I Sheldon# —\pinebcr Jackson \) Fur 0 kLS . Rndzelao' * ' -Key 9R * \ Cambad \ ^Hardito Obal B.nn.r'S^ I O - TMidbon I Î \ 7 t urnace !») »' Oak FfílíP'^ SamaoPTillaXy Monroe^ 0 BUkaley Putney State Capitals @ Bailioads Coanty Seats m Canals— — Size of type Indicates relatlTe importance of places Bammond's Complete Map of Ohio. Southem Part. Copyright, 1909, by C.S.Banunond A Co., N.Y. Norwalk K5 Noi-wooti C13 Nottingham O.. 3 Oakhai'bor H 3 Oak Hill K14 Oberlin L4 Ohio ('ity B6 Om'ille Oí Orwell K3 0.slx>rn D 10 O.snaburg .... P 6 Ottawa D 5 Oxford A 12 Paincsvillo....Q3 Pntaskn]a....K 10 Paulding B5 Payne A 5 Peebles G 14 Pemlierville ..G4 Perrysburg ... F 3 Philo NlO Piketon J 13 Pioneer B3 Piqua C9 Plain City Gt Pleasant City 010 Pleasant Ridge Plymouth K 6 Pomeroy M 13 Port Clinton ..J 3 Portsmouth . H 15 Powhatan I*t.R 10 Prairie Depot .G 4 Proetorville. .L16 Prospect H 8 Put in Bay.... J 3 'Quaker City.. P10 ¡uincy E8 'avenna Q5 Reading C 12 RendviTle....M H IK^public J 5 liichwood G 8 Ripley E 15 Klsingsun 0 5 Rockrord B 7 Rocky River..N 3 Roscoe N 8 Rosevillo M 10 Rossford FS Sabina F12 Saint Bernard B13 St. CIaii-svilie.R9 Saint Heni*y ...B8 Saint Marys...C 7 Saint Paris....E 9 Salem U 6 Salinevme....R7 Sandusky K 4 Saixlinia £14 Scio Q8 SciotovlIle....J 14 Scott B 6 Scbring Q 6 Sckitan A 13 Senecavllle...P 10 Seville N5 Shndysido R 10 Sharonville ..C 12 Shawnee M H Shelby K 6 Shcrodsville ..Û8 Shreve........5i 7 Sidney D 8 Smithfleld ....H 8 Someifiet L 10 South Brooklyn 04 South Charleston FIO South Zanesville M 10 Spencer\*íll6 ..C7 Spi'inglIeUl.. .K 10 Spring Valley D 11 "täte Soldiei-s Home K 4 Steubenville...S8 Strasburg O 7 Struthers S5 Strj'ker C 4 Suininerfteld.P 11 Swanton E3 Sweden R2 Sycamore H 6 Sylvania F S Syracuse N 13 Tiffin H 6 Tippecanoe City DIO Toledo F 3 Toronto S 8 Trimble M 12 Troy C9 Uhriehsville ..P8 Union City ...A 9 Union Furnace L 12 Upper Sandusky G6 Urbana E9 Utiea L9 Van Wert B6 Vermilion L4 Versailles B9 Wadsworth ...N5 Wakeman L 5 Wapakoneta.. D 7 Warren . . .R6 Washington C. H. G 11 Washington vil le Waterville F 3 Wauseon D 3 Waverly H 13 Waynesbuig. Q7 WayneaHelcT. E7 Waynesvilie..D II Wellington... M 5 Wellaton K 13 Wellsville S 7 West Alexandria B 11 West Carrollton D II Westeiwille... J9 West Farmington K4 West Jefferson G 10 West Lafayette 09 West Liberty ..E ft West MansrteidFS West Milton.. C10 Weston .E4 West Salem... Jl 6 West Toledo ..F3 West Union ..F14 West Unity....C3 Whitehouse... E 3 Williamsburg D13 Willoughby ...P3 Willahfre A 6 Wilmington, -E12 Winchester ..FI4 Winton I'lace B 13 Wood8fleld...Qll ....Mi ^ 'Wooster NÔ ■?. Wyoming ...,C13 '5 Xenia . ...Ell » Yellow Springs E10 S Youngstown . S 5 t, Znlcski 1-12 o Zanesville....Id 10 MU30 "! »a-i s- «s .s S -«''^5 i^E^Wooster... •p-ais -co , _ 111 «Ii .ï3 I i eg Ma &è à ^ -- iïï Sïi ^ 88 ATLAS OF THE WORLD MICHIGAN. lAiid surface. S(i- m. 57,430 Water surface, Sq. Ill, 1,485 COUNTIES. Alcona H f Alger K 3 Allegan FIO Alpena II 6 Antrim F f Arenac H 7 Baraga C 2 Barry FlO Bay (x 8 Benzie E 6 Berrien E12 Branch F12 Calhoun Fll Cass E12 Charlevoix... F5 Cheboygan... .G 5 Chippewa G 3 Clare G 8 Clinton GIO Crawford G 6 Delta E f Dickinson ....D S Eaton GlO Emmet G 5 Genesee H 9 Gladwin G 7 Gogebic B a Grand Traverse ..F 6 Gratiot G 9 Hillsdale .....G12 Houghton ....0 2 Huron Hi Ingham GIO Ionia FIO Iosco H 7 Iron 0 3 Isabella G 8 Jackson Kala I azoo.. Kalkaska.... Kent Keweenaw.. lAke Lapeer Leelanau.... Lenawee G12 Livingston.... HlO Luce F 3 Mackinac F 3 Macomb JlO Manistee E 7 Marquette D 3 Mason E 7 Mecosta F 8 Menominee... .D 5 Midland G 8 Missaukee .. ..F 6 Monroe Hl2 Montcalm F 9 Montmorency G 5 Muskegon E 9 Newaygo F 8 Oakland HlO Oceana E 8 Ogemaw G 7 Ontonagon. .,.B 3 Osceola F 8 Oscoda G 6 Otsego G 5 Ottawa ElO Presque Isle..H 5 Roscommon..G 7 Baginaw G 9 Saint Claire....TIO Saint Joseph.. Fl2 Sanilac J 9 Schoolcraft... E S Shiawassee... .GIO Tuscola H 9 Van Buren... .Ell Washtenaw .. Hll Wayne Hll Wexford F 7 CITIES-TOWNS Adrian G12 Albion Gil Algonac JlO Allegan FlO Allouez 01 Alma G 9 Alpena H 5 Ann Arbor... .Hll Bad Axe J 8 Baltic CI Bangor Ell Baraga C 2 Battle Creek..Fll Bay City H 8 Beacon C 8 Beldlng F 9 Benton Har¬ bor.. Ell Bessemer A 2 Big Rapids F 8 Birmingham.. IIIO Biissfleld... " Boyne..- .. Buchanan.. Cadillac.... Calumet Caro Carrgllton H 9 Cass City H " Casso polis F12 Champion D a Charlevoix... .P6 Charlotte GIO Cheboygan.... G 4 Chelsea Gil Chesaning ... G Clare . .G _ Coldwater..,. .F12 Constan tine... Fl2 Corunna......GlO Croswell J 9 Crystal Falls..0 8 Decatur Ell Delray Hll Detroit J11 Dollar Bay....0 i Dowagiac E12 Durand HlO East Jordan...F 5 Eastlake E 7 East rawa.s....H 7 Eaton Rapids.Gil Elk Rapids....F 6 Escanaba E 4 Essexville. ...H 8 Evart F 8 Fenton HID Flint - Ford City .. Frankfort .. Fremont Gayiord G 6 Gladstone ....E 4 Glenwood Ell Grand Haven.E 9 Grand Ledge. GIO Grand Marals.F 2^o Grand Rapids FlOöS,^ S Grayling G ö • * -, • Greenville... .F 9 Hamtrarack .. J 1 . . „ . Hancock C l"? « ^ Harbor Beach J 8 o c s, Harbor Sprmg8....F5§g^.bí Hart E .H 9 .Uli .E 6 .E 9 «ICHIGAN. iÇontintud) Highland Park....HU Hillsdale... ^..Gia Holland FIO Holly HIO Houghton Cl Howell HIO Hudson G13 Imlay City....H 9 Ionia., FIO Iron Moun¬ tain 0 4 Iron River....C I Ironwood A 5 l8hpeming....D Ithaca G 9 Jackson ,G11 Jonesville G12 Kalamazoo....Fll Kalkaska.... :.F 6 Lake Linden. C 1 Lake Odessa..FlO Lansing GIO Lapeer H Laurium C Lowell FlO Ludington....E 8 Manistee E 7 Manistique....E 4 Mancelona....F 6 Manchester.. .Hll Marine City. ..JIG Marauette....D 2 Marxian Gil Mason GlO Menominee ...D 5 Midland G 8 Milan Hll Monroe :H12 Horenci G12 Mount Clemens JIO Mount Pleasant G 8 Munising E S Muskegon E 9 Muskegon Heights....E 9 Nashville FlO Negaunee D S Newaygo F 9 Newberry F S Niles L12 Northville....Hll Norway D 4 Onaway G 6 Ontonagon....B 2 Osceola 0 1 Otsego Fll Ovid G 9 Owosso 0 9 Oxford HIO Painesdale C 2 Paw Paw Fll Pentwater. ...ES Petoskey G 5 Flainwell Fll Plymouth Hll Pontine HIO Port Huron....J 9 Portland GlO Quincy G12 Reading G12 Red Jacket... 0 I Reed City F 8 Republic C 8 Rionmond JIO R'iveiTouge. ..Hll Rochester.... HIO Romeo HlO Saginaw G it Saint Charles.G 9 Saint Clair JIC Saint Clair Heights.. Jll Saint Ignace..G 4 Saint Johns...G 9 Saint Joseph. .Ell Saint Louis....G 9 Sault Ste. Mario..G 8 Bebewalng....H 8 Shelby E 8 South Haven..Ell South Range..C 1 Sparta F 9 Springwells.. .Hll Stnmnaugh. ...03 Sturgis F12 Tecumseh ....G12 Three Oaks... .E12 Three Rivers..F12 Traverse City. F 6 Trenton Hll Union City... .Fll Vassar H 9 Vicksburg Fll Vulcan D 4 Wayne Hll West Branch..G 7 Whitehall E 9 Woodmere... .1111 Wyandotte.. Hll Yale J 9 Ypsilanti Hll Zeeland ElO BQffi3bMbi-.Kabb2^bb ZBaxbabbiHisîHbbaKbbBwbRaî^Boî^aBbbbHbH^BBWbBWBbBBsbbbabbbbbbB tebabbbBbbbbbBBgbBHbbbabbbRa ^ eogi •jaaí^«oC(eíet»o«-»s>.Sw«iOow-í»®go«©c«««p»»g#9«(»M«-flOW6e55®«'Qe>M«o»¿Coow-jSc^»t®5«OQ» «»a«©OiS»wo»oOBW«?i«:n5CÍ55o»(»5to-JO>»5w«» S « L oo gíwawwttawwwwwwwwwwww J i. sS-r» o||ooooi£=ii lílai El 22 i-Fs Sí^S - ? fI s^2SSíSgiag?fE'^^£S-í= 5-?ISl5=.= =,l 53 3 S »2« ö-^oböMCJOö^öSbcisbÄbbisS bc3S2^2wM!2®bSf^S^2^S! 400kM <>100 McnAe«o>Qicet9a6Ou*<0-^X"'viMoo t&eii^cneif O9^t^^soiton F 6 Edinburg ....ElO Edwardsport.B 12 Elberfeld.....B 16 Elizabethtown ^ Ell ^ Elkhart El Kllettsville...(; 11 Elnora B12 El wood E6 English DU EtnaGreen ...Di Eugene B 8 Kvansviile.... A 16 Fairland E9 1 Fainnount E6 Fanneishiirg B 11 Farnilaud ....F7 Ferdinand . ..C 16 Flat Ilock E10 _ Flora 0 6 5 Folsomville .. B 15 Fontanet B9 Fort Branch .A 15 / Ci»rnai^rk c /a e 1 Foi-tville E8 / ^ i.\oer —1^. Foi'tWayne...F3 / 0«®® / Fountain City 08 H / Çl J®. FountaintownE9 / w/ r\ Fowler B6 30' PT / \ Fi-ancesvllle...C4 ' , r » / u, Hoopeítonl l. Fmiikfort 0 6 — —— ^ Franklin D10 / E.Lyna Franktim E7 o/ / Fiedericksburçr^^ / Í»' Freelandvllle B12 6 / Rossviift^ Fremont...... Gl / R„..,m4l«An Fi-ench Lick.. CIS / V/V Fnlton D4 / ,, , Gadvcston D 5 / iigpnin^ u Garrett........F 2 ill. /ArnutrOTi^^^''" « • x Ai'l Gaiy B1 / / j Gas City E6 / i. / / V Gaston K6 / / id Geneva G 5 / / S Gentiyvillo ..B15 / •! r ?/ Gilmnn E7 / "1 i ^ Goodland B4 / / / Goshen El I \ ( / (. Gospoit CIO / 1 Ll>anvni^ Grand View ..016 'T' I Olorw/ c. C. C- *\ at Cy Xp Greencastle ...C9 f Otk-oodP" Greenfield E8 / Grcensbuig..F10 / Greens Fork ..F8 PairmountJcJ Greentown....E6 J/ ^.i Greenwood ...D9 'á|'/ Haerri-stown ..F8 .„oih^ftSilrford Hamilton Gl ' — - Hamlet C 2 AT"--..- ——v Hammond A1 \ Hanna C 2 Harlan G 3 llannony B9 Hairod.dim-g.C 11 Hartfoi'd City F 6 o nartavil!e....ElO ^ Haubstadt.. .A 15 Hazletou A14 Hebron B2 :O6Ö'^P52"~-'=9aS?3CI'^oSMöSp3„C^C0ST!l ls*^la^^^ac»^ota^8»eota>^c>^eooo^08'^^L-cal^wo*^>^0(4n Pinelake ' kh-arado oSbrook Benton®)" Summit FairBeld. ^\\e ^ Center Elkhart Jlrimfleld J BALT. /Lapa* Jo," ¡8' ô»/l ^UarriB^ ( c* Unkvillei Trrr3SZl2iÜ2¿¿ •TT • Ileok »n -'-oMulynod K Q s 0 I ! <3unetleo I liMtbu^ I l^oe^ { v\_Tjnar !j)yBaVdsonN^^ iCrown Polnr A'Amour jOedar Lake; Q Crestón **: ¿¿Ihavla o'/^ D Ilamley"^^ i«ïÂ7 ^ 6^-V- Uanoreri U S^K 0 è , Tipfifcanoe L. ' ■Ijnioutl Wolflake gouts Clanricarde )Lowell o \Diawlddi Bourbon^ lUkeV folfcreei* Atwood WQH^ Etna Gret.d Ob«®"--,. noWinoia "ftdar Ik at li.Judsvt beinotte mpiianoe .Voirfnihic^MZ. \ uinkoek«! L Walnut' Çjt? AjIÍDgto| .PienKtun San Pierre Knliuai^ Antwerp Zadoo tMoOlinns iCroealng vLaura ¿ 'Rowland i Columbia Cit^ .'¡WH '•//^Imal \ Jî/ Seraslopol® PL U L V Medaryriile iSllrerlake Collamj Ui Miln Lotber ® ^ Dawkins IgertOD ,îAW\ joAd*il Sfewland | .ewlstoni [St.Anoe PralriflfSwitch W T 0 N( j 8nm,l^ Mount Ajrl | ^Beaver « I » ^«11^^., \citj i \ JulianY á^^otet. r PleasantgrOTe. .ManchMtif . Braoken Jr ojifiîïr iPrancesTlUe Lbolta \ Nlnemlleoj _>/ Sbeldon (Tod«- Su.) oSbowlaj bWagoner I \ OUeado «Äilacy \r--v U A I>eoreA^"^J^ Pulaski; Roanoke MonroevlllS- Hoagland [(Thoraht Blnejgau Lakmide Lucetta! ¡ Bippus vUnfiiig Mardenis DoooranI _ TwilveV 'Lucerne^ MileSíxíS k Moua® ] VVetona X Buffalo Rujal\ Center Hcheißta-)] **23HEry^Andrews o / T¿\ oHarlam H U N T ] ;^;ijrTO-aba.sli »ÄdJ i I4«00l.,lll,'I jmfes'g ÏTrat, S Redbridge Banquop pi^ ^ \| la Fontaine burg^. Earl Park iVQ'U'ei ■ Xniii ^nirarSS- \ Buokdk 'Lochia Chalmns ^iffsb^r^ LlDDgWM ®^meetlo| >Lenl*¡ Oen« o Ponetol .Mllford .Fox Vanburen \ Hanffeld :.^ariou- Mt.Zion imilman' 'Fetrob« Free Fowl«; Brooks^ PittsM _burg^ Bwanlngtd . Kew Corjdon ..Ashgrovex \ Battled »»W.Ic 3^IU0 Octagon >lbum Radnor iîîïiSSf^«-" { MontiourêST' 0 '•?« f a»Ss I W.lafajYtteoJj "¿im I SuLmlt»-^ •i^BurllngtÓ^ 7 oWalker < Weetcliester \y Ample 1 ■'• Hector JoneaboriA Chenei Tille Owasoo" OOeetisgeritl« "K][^Beard Kilmore x-rç T . K06S-H~\ ¡ Edna tiUe ,j UUlf S Cambrl^ ^^^Mull>errJ ' iFt.Recovery tarn ont SalaiDonla) oB,.«n.lai7 kSbarps- \ Tille SununltTÜle r 0\N CurtlsYllle^Ça W'N-llobbs^ j ^ lnd#pendenS"6t Williamspor^ çg^S. WAB. 'v^^ilarshfield ^obnBonTilleA&Foun- . Il .^0^ t*'® teUne^^^çbokmi y ¡r¡¡h«i*>yt "d ARaubV Scnb8ta)i lÙversidojfi •gt-NI ÍRexV . ¿C Jeffereon__^8» \i ï Y -PX Manaon x^Kirkpatrickj^VXT 1« y a yf X^Oolfax y ^tUea [S111av~ Créâtes- Bomnejk\ fPlokardi Newtówa. hinond ^ LOU.' Linden' Kirklin Udi. ¿^mJA D\I Í «»Ä T /O N iAiider.soij iNoliîe^'iUe Jf winchester' ^¿.^^rling'ton 1. V^^atfield i ^-s\C} yu E R Yj a.«i?iA^^ opbann[ CEW. "*l-Bartonlao Bpeneabarg iLynn l. Crete )Ueule Caüln <0 Westrill^ > Steam Corner ¡VdiintsTme^ /BetK.10 Iwblw Welc [Pooesaln ^ j Veil, I Y OouHtA AdTanoe Iritton Carmel I {ingall^ Sbepherdo ^ I own ZionsTllleM i .Liitor \ Traders Poli^*^" Y F.ok J ' 0^s,^'®'"'sburi J V A . ft Fortrlllo 6ia'jfideB"^^Î lerr OBjivawaj y- »p • •« W A*4£:¿ííy //Qition fewport^ L.X Oleloali ^ Cl^loftearlij^ Idreenfleld^ î"- o / L Wwtinod S¡ lile Su-) j^Vj! Heltonrille ..DH^ Hem"yville...El3 îlessville B1 jiilisboro B7 iiobart B1 Hope ElO Howell A16 Hudson Fl Huntertown . .F3 Huntinglmi"gC14 HimtinKtuu...E4 liynu-m Bll liluville C5 1 lulepciulciice. B 6 Indiana Harbor B1 Indianapolis... D8 Ingalls !•> Irvington D9 Jasonville.. .Bll JeSeiiwnviiVeEU JoHetviile D7 Keiuiiillville ..F3 Kentiaiul.'!]!!!B4 Kewaiina D3 Kingman B8 Kingsbury. ..Cl Kiiklin 1)7 Knightstown. E8 Knightsville ..B9 Knox C8 Kokomo D6 Kouts B2 C2 Ladoga 08 Lafayette C6 La Fontaine. ..E6 Lagrange ....Fl Lagro E4 Laketou E4 LaiU'sviile 1) 16 La pol E7 Ijiporto Ol Lirwill F-S Ijiurel F9 Lawrence D8 Lawrencebur^ Leavenworth D16 Lebanon 07 Lcesliurg E8 Lewisvllle F8 LilK'ity G9 Libtîi'ty CenterFô Ligonier... .Ë2 Lima Fl Linden 07 Linton BU Loguns)Hirt... D4 Loogo<)tee....C13 Lo»antviUe....F7 Lowell B8 Lynn G7 Lynnviüe ....BIS Lyons B12 Mticy D 4 Madison F12 Manilla Ë9 Man-iigo 1)14 Marion E6 Markte F4 Mui-sliali B8 Martinsville.. DIO Matthews F6 Maxwell E8 Mecca B9 Medaryville...C3 Medora D 12 Mellott B7 5Ientone U3 Merom All Metamom.... F10 Mexico D 4 Michigan City Cl Middlebury ...F.l Mhidletown ...E7 ïlidtand Uli Milan F11 Milford E2 Miller lU Millei-sburg ...El Milltown D14 Slilroy F10 MI If on FS Mlshawaka ...Dl Mitchell D13 Monon C4 Monroe City.B13 JlonruevUle... G 4 Montc/.uma...B8 Montgomery .B13 Montieello —C5 Montpelicr —F5 Mooresvillo ...D9 Morgantown .D 10 Morocco B4 Morristowu ...E9 Mount Ayr....B4 Mt. Vernon ..A 16 Mulberry 06 Munde F 7 h'iip|)anee E2 Nasli ville IDll national SliliUiry Homo E6 New Albany..E14 Newberry ....012 Newburg B16 NewCainisle ..Ol Newcastle F8 New Hai"mony A15 New Haven F.3 New Market. .C8 New Palestine E9 New Point FIO Newport B8 Nobiesville ....E7 North Judsott.O 8 ¿-CY Câri>*aUmilUp Horton y' 9 P jClIntonI ' N J\ KlbsvUb N. Center Veil* o Haicltrood o iFarmers (ünánii Oaklfln-E f^^^^Flilmore}\ ^ ¡y^reeiiMafl© ÍLlmed^ ^dp«W ^iJi/njuna l ifVj; .^^tnamvillcf ¿Sb I olAtüeioirii ^ J blpi-lttg )rt®\Gwran?W I fvTlUe J r rl^ingtoir-^ ^NoahS W yü>^' Manilla Blaofoi N^* luü !oiinei-sw ^ f'S-L» Xottagít ^/"■xGreeLwood Franoen- Rock p Landend [MoorasTille ^•^ÍF A Y 1 to NuUtowi I I Orange j- j Alpine^ New Salem cHonrorlafLi OasbargO ä B.„uJ Campl>«>b.y^y \CoiUge p\ Cor. .White laoi \ Needl « 'Kaosas lOFalraeld Clovcrdalo Herbemonto j\W RaymondV ^ xV* i»Tj WbHeniob ' Wjnno BrooWnrç^ Ut.Carmal® MpUHOQ \ T O / r I Wakelaod ( j 'cjSProeooft i ^ Nfrffvitleo« Fí anklli^ S,,-, I, •. iBilUílandX C^Y I 3. o < o"—s/» I X Martinarllle vl-'Ji^oïîr^^ i Waltnceí IMoecoal 'Sangal i ®fCunot oSüpe Hill fUarieUa ' f^*l»cToek/x... t. IJ o ÍPvRoek Jf UI. A nb n rnjí^^^tí^ [bdinliurg f /Fiat Ro-k .1 1 ¡Sandusky I Kingrten Trafalgar Samarla •í*®« l>rewd ^Orore o] ' <^pAsbby| //NCW Ti TaíS^ líabain«'^ Qoeportl S^r^ñlÓwn ®> ; /SpearsTílk ¡ /two»»®'® —i-l Youngs town (YonogaSia.) \ Pimento rfPrairleOr.*' lEeller Romon^ j*.eiaons® (luttuD 'Gable ilaeki^wk Ipence^ 47-^PatrlokBbu^'""' Harrison Horace BeverldgeO w* Shcnuaoc tuÎ^ Freeman .jBtandard, 'Melborn Y . Napoleon ^Locks^ng 4/'^ /o^oodjy" if—r"^ fBloomliijri ^ ¡9, I ton r tc/cir Greek ¿ I I Pa,ne^^u|l)am TounoJ î'Sandcrs"^ A 6 £J fsr-'Î^Ay 50 ~J X)harelhiH r«»»'v«t<'n» /New\r Wlsvlllej l^lkMpeakj ' Hotman wiggK EllzabeU» < towy Crosier Nel)^ logtgnO pLooesree \ A-WldUnd Wofthlngti^ ÇB^oAerVyVOtiLyotS d Plumm II Beehunter^yUushrod C ««•Xvl'c.rvff sW'a lesboroi Qrammer \ (GrajsTlll«) ^ i^aynesTllIeV VinMerilIe U I JonesTtlUj >rewerBTÍ U SulIlTaD, Cold SprfaiA CheMe^UlX « , rMarlon^ Housto^ >rreot\ bprajtown* > Fax ton iQrant / Tituerilb NOlean« QaÎTo ° ^ HagAlene Ceobain „ ■ > 1 =E....y^Î b C&./aane¡(í PUlns" Uobbbritbl ^Roblson I ^Dresden ,Bartle(UTltb ^Outhrli Normgn Sta ^ lina^X"" ] -çÇp. 'Mooney .Seyiitonr /A LoTett. ° W eston j . ^Barnes il ' Slateo d îana^ Piriigwinj« £eerieM /fieltonvillel f» Wellner / { Ir ^ /Shawswick { ®.. .r® iO"""''"'AllentrUlJE.Enterpri8eir -Please^to "bUeoningu» Centlr.i.mara®*^"'*"'" .hrtear'/ \ l ^ ^ "Patrlt f "X E R L A NTI Uootefi«ld^--j Marl.lan Uaarllld Longruo /ViTai*^^--.—..f'"« Warsi - ' L ® ® J lyioejard / yy ^ y^MU^go j FoltiBoibwa\ Rldge Vélenla j h/dl^tokm 4^ J M' i SI 9®*" 1 p> iTautpW il Y Oicdford '«••''J. jet*' Medort RussellTille' W^XSwnjioIntO ^ 9A « Crabac (Tocke, SuASeeit^ N.MadlsoD^llad iSOll Glenooe Bloohet u (^ottsburg MiUon. rroliton 3»®' .».1 Orle OraegerUle Lexingtoi (New f [PhIÎbde1(>bl4 \ O I rhtown 1 Xsu-) ! /gS.Boston K yienna Sanders , Saluda I Broue^\lGlays*llle WoribTllle Bedford ,b.U0St0Dl.4.., T 0 m< Bartl^ Washftji Ot' sbem, X Solo® y Ckneroi, ®Ru8k¡' liTonla 7*^1 Peklnl Otlsco] Yonngs Or. Taleetií/ jHardinsburg 8 l^iderlcksbiM^p^^^ Narti^MmrgS { lilmyrao Y i '* ç Bradford I -vo 1 a \ Marengo Haneock 0 1 ^ ^ .. .1 ...^Ramsey .. UJ Iljffiln<-Engllfctíx Pilot Koob tSDenS"^ Ío'>fS_/n « A cniL^i. -f-kX " ° or™„ Î ) ■ " ' o Magoobs . ,,,cB»«dV^^*^'' //B'*^'''*»'ldge/f oK wy.c cbr^ o-®- A¿iR R I „s .uu ° ! ' is^wmrTi^ rQuenrlIle ^ 'rosjKCt Albion X Jc^ S, > BtbDelirlib® llim ilneirnr--=?-7=^^ hifi-S \ ^ \ ] Ji UoUandj Jobnsburg/ yKt ! ]A-Al.^-Jbiand JV jfiersonville L-, —r-^TTi Anoborage iiisville kCbrlstlanshui Mounts Knowlea Oyntbiana Fraokfort ;SiielbyviUe Mariai ilitl ® SLMelni Lovi^i'oii Elisabeth f ^palona Brtnchtilb Dandoo® Ml.PlaMant >»7^ OHUlgrore ffi'grof.o f Btterdam Oantra^ S^itna Glldaa ® INDIANA ShepberdsTllle Brandenberg Weldon: Bardstoim Rock Haven ite] hensport SCALE OF MILES lAddiaon- Irvington OHIO state Capital® County Seats© Size of type indicates relative importance of places. CloT«port Cniontown Hardlnsburr Owensbufo Eliiabetbtown Ceclllan Hammond's Complete Map of Indiana Copyright, 1910, by 0.& Hammond A Co., New Tork 87° IxkngituUe C "West 80°30' fcom 13 Qreeuwlcli !'T3>TJ»^M»t'TJ'T3 tfrOOOCCC; 22 2ffi££.£2 22 ? ^ ' ^|g.3£|& Ipl'gsllll lasMOJi to o > H O H X w o r 0 r > M O "Ti H X m o r Ö to I Scales Mou^ >Wari«D i^^ounoll !p (^Hlll ' oWlftrd ■o( Rook Qme JonmgeviUo \ _ . SBiieBarista LoO^ S^:>ak^ N^:)î r !>tekta^Uls eJU« Hiocbe FDelaware £lero^Q««~5 ^î^reepi Bolton FloroDje Sta. Caecbde Uootloello] Central Cit¿ ShannoiL Lanark SijMtamll piaquoketa Babuu) Marlon ^Onwey Almont Rapids jfc Lisbon Btanwood Uatick Fairfax Clinton sLrrUi plain »DJ CedarW^ /Fen tony Prlnoetonr Cordoî £ldrie"J 'Koweït ^/Kipley^ytoi \^«**^*0oo|w5öw? \9 W°Ni Montlcelloj 'Maroa ;>til\ad»lpi>|| Xshla^ Vlrglnlij gr-—11 Little ind¡an{ {Milo)Iii( krsdalèS Gordo BlicÎTJ^ EiohlaoS '■TBlft (Newport luaket Jncordt ÎRINGFIELTÎ; i Pi i • i : : i : i ?i ®: r"; i ^ : j : ♦ î i : i : • : i ♦ î : • : • o ibaHb2i-.ê^HWL,HÂ^Li^bbt-2H0bHLbWMwSb2sbffi^bHb^^^bii!a WÍ^bbbbbWbffib z ■•t^•>awo<^^aoooeueeeoed«a^90tK^o>^ao•^o>>-'nBCâe}|}Ala■â»Ml^ntooIao>WOo\A^s M O H X X o X r ü > H r > w O O X r Ö VO u> » f B®ton„^WeS Gross Point.... J1 Hamilton B5 Hampshire 61 Hanover Dl Harrisbui^ ..G 10 Harvard . ....Gl Harvey J2 Havana D6 Hawthorne.... J 2 Hebron Hl Henry F 3 Herrin F10 Heywoith G5 Highland E8 Highland ParkJ 1 Highwood Jl Hillsboro F7 Hinsdale J2 Homer J5 Hoojieston J5 Hulls B6 Huntley Hl Hut8onvüle....J7 Illiopolis F6 rva D5 ksonvllle .. D 6 Jerseyville ....D7 Johnston CityGlO Joliet H 2 Jonesboro....Fll Kangley G3 Kankakee J3 Kansas J6 Kelthsburg....C3 Kewanee ES Kinmundy ....G8 Klrkland Gl Kirkwood 04 Knoxville D 4 Lacon F3 Ladd F3 Lagrange J2 LoHarpe C4 Lake Forest ...Jl Lanark El Lansing, J2 La Salle FS Lawrence vil le. J 8 Lebanon B8 Leinont J2 Lena El Le Roy G5 Lewlstown....D5 Lexington ....G4 Libertyvllle ..Hl Lincoln F5 Litchfield E7 Lockport H2 Lombard H2 Lovington G6 Lyons J2 JlcHenry Hl McLeansboro .G9 Mackinaw F4 Macomb C5 Macon F 6 Madison D8 Manito E5 Mansfield G5 Manteno J3 Marengo 01 Marino E8 Marion G10 Marissa E9 Maroa G5 Marseilles.,... G3 Marshall J7 Martinsville ...J7 Ma8coutah....E9 Mason City.... E 5 Mattoon H 7 May wood J2 SlechanicsburgFC Medora D7 Melrose Park ..J2 Mendota F2 Metamora F 4 Metropolis...G11 MlddletQwn...?:5 Milan C3 Milford J4 Mlllstadt D9 Minier F5 Minonk F4 Molina 02 Momence J3 Monmouth.... C 4 Monticello....G5 Morgan Park. .J2 Morris H 3 Morrison D2 Morrisonville .F7 Morton F4 Morton Grove..J 1 Morton Park.. j2 Mound City ..Fll Mounds Fll Moweaqua ....F6 Mt. Carmel J9 Mt. Carroll....El Mt. Morris Fl Mt. Olive E7 Mt. Pulaski....F5 Mt. Sterling...06 Mt. Vernon....G9 Murphysboro F10 Napei-ville....H2 Nashville F 9 National Stock Yards Df Nauvoo B4 Neoga H 7 New Athens...Ei New Baden....E} New Boston... OS Newman J6 Newton H 8 Niles Center... Jl Nilwood E7 Nokomis F7 Normal G 4 S orris City ..H10 orth Alton ..D8 §|2,?ï§8Ssfâ! P p 3 aaa. 5 ^ Ü2.; 2.0 2.»-(P" 2.rt ! ^ • 0*5 : OÍS; p 7 . . : : : «-2 : : r • Í .Bernte« [annibxl ^5! Ctdwell PittsftHd mmer HiU Montezums- blverpW. Zenub^ Louizini >Fxrinere«^lle I ^ I I I J W^gOBflïj ' Hkr rel^J .DIonat Clerk ^ Ï Mb« ind^AUrigSVUrw on Ö OWelr'-qtt ■3 ° uzW )wlin({ Oreen \jy Bwdboiyl j 0 Nefcl Iç. i/ Toledo it 'jC U MB B W iRoslyn? I TFoodberrr^^i^jjj mtltcrest 1 \ KumpsTlllel lymond Vandalia :ates Mozier Mich Nokomis { Tlnnson/U« rrlc] lAii^ AaB«i>oli( V .^teonvillel Wellbville Wlu field .Mootgomerj iVerDon "Werrenton WACASH Herman? iiu® ¿jr-o AllendxJej Labaddle Albion Siegel by C. 8. Hammond & Co.. New York [^Bridges 90°Iiongitude E West 89°30' from E Greenwich 89* ....-.-sfciCOCOCDOSCfiOSCOXOOW 05OTO3Ce057f7ÎBrtR! ß C S'S'SÎS'S'S'gtJ'O'O rtO o o p-p-srp'S'p'i •s 3 5o 3 § g I2.2.» Ô p p 'i s p'N S"S'5B ® 2-»;»î p • ovj (t p ' Si?!ji.bé-bw®bb^bbbbb2,bbtií^^bc-bb^b^p3b«-,^wi >«t«oo9)>«.MO)^tst9'.4M0»«o«ie »eaeo>&e»'-.4Wo«o«eMOiH.r«QBOeOB-)c;iMW»enu4r-w>'(3ea<.)i*0>i ibMbWL,bb|!:wwbobbwbí!ffibbH^é-HHiqbKbM«HÍHÍi3bLti:ba:bbbi 1 b b «H f"Ti w b M t? M ! 94 ATLAS OF THE WORLD IOWA. Lftnd mirface, Sq in. f>6,476 Water si-i íHce, Sq. 11). 650 COUNTIES. Adair F 5 Adams E 6 AManiakee....M 1 Atpanoose.. ..J 6 Andubùii......E 4 Pí-rton ,,,K 3 B)H(:khawk....K 3 Boone G 3 Bremer K 2 Ducharan ....L 2 Buena Vista...Ü 2 Puller J 2 Caihoun E 3 '."arroil E S Cass E 5 Cedar, M 4 Cerro Gcrdo.-H 1 Cherokee C 2 Chickasaw. .K 1 Clarke G 5 Clay D 1 Clayton. .....M2 Clinton N 4 Cawford D 3 Pa las F 4 Davis.,- K 6 Decatur G 6 Delaware M S Des Moines ...M 6 Dickinson D 1 Dubuque N 3 Emmet E 1 Fayette L 2 Floyd J 1 Franklin H 2 Fremont C 6 Greene.. F 3 Grundy J 3 Guthrie E 4 Hamilton G 3 Hancock G 1 Hardin H 3 Harrison C 4 Henry L 5 Howard K 1 Humboldt F 2 Ida G 3 Iowa K 4 Jackson N S Ja^er H 4 Jenerson L 5 Johnson L 4 Jones M 3 Keokuk KS Kossuth Fl Lee M 6 Linn.... L 3 Louisa. M 5 Lucas H 5 Lyon B 1 Madison F 5 Mahaska J 5 Marion H 5 Marshall..... .H 3 Mills C 5 Mitchell J 1 Monona.., B 3 Monroe J 5 Montgomery..D 5 Muscatine M 4 O'Brien........C 1 Osceola ..C 1 Page D 6 Palo Alto E 1 Plymouth B 2 Pocahontas... E 2 Polk G 4 Pottawattamie C5 Poweshiek....J 4 Ringgold F 6 Sac D 3 Scott N 4 Shelby.., D 4 Sioux B 1 Story H S Tama..., J 3 Taylor E 6 Union ....F 6 Van Buren....L 6 Wapello K 5 Warren G 5 Washington ..L 6 Wayne H 6 Webster ..F S Winnebago. ...G 1 Winneshiek,..L 1 Woodbury....B S Worth H 1 Wright G« CITIES-TOWMS Ackley H 2 Adair E 5 Adel F 4 Afton F 6 Ainsworth L 6 Akron A 2 Albia J ô Albion J S Alden H 2 Algona F 1 Allerton II 6 Allison J 2 Alta ]> 2 Alton D 2 Altoona H 4 Amana L 4 Ames G 3 Anamosa M 3 Anita E 6 Ankeny G 4 Anthon 0 3 Aplington J 2 Arlin^on......L 2 Armstrong....F 1 Asbton. C 1 Atlantic D 6 Audubon E 4 Aurelia D 2 Avery J 5 Avoca D 5 Bagley F 4 Bancroft F 1 Batavia K 6 Battle Creek..C 3 Baxter H 4 Bayard... E 4 Beacon J 5 Bedford E 6 Belle Plaine,..K 4 Believiie O 3 Behnond G 2 Bettendorf....N 4 Birmingham..K 6 Blair8town....K 4 Blanchard....D 6 Blockton E 6 Bloomfleld... K 6 Bode.. F 2 Bonaparte.,...L 6 Boone G 3 Brazil J 6 Brighton......L 6 Britt Brooklyn.. Buffalo..... , Buffalo CenterG 1 S Burlington..." Burt Bussey... Buxton.... Calmar.. ATLAS OF THE WORLD 95 Williams Q 2 Williamsburg L 4 'Wilton Juno- Ü tion .......N 4 ■Winfleld M 6 •Winterset F 6 "Winthrop L 9 Woodbine.... C 4 ;£Woodbum. ...G 5 ; <0 Woodward.... G 4 w _ - .-.Œ J ^Wyoming.... M S SESgg;g;2;Zearing..,...H t 96 ATLAS OF THE WORLD Minnesota. Land s^^l•faoe. Sq. ni. TO,205 Water surijice, Sq. m. 4,160 COUNTIES. Aitkin D 4 Anoka 1)5 Becker B 4 Beltrami B 2 Benton D 5 Bigstone A 5 Blue Earth ....C6 Brown C Carlton E 4 Carver D 6 Cass C 3 Chippewa B 5 Chisago E 5 Clay A4 Clearwater.... B 3 Cook F . Cottonwood...B 6 Crow Wing.. - .C 4 Dakola 1)6 Dodge E 7 Douglas B 5 Farioault D 7 Fillmore E7 Freeborn D 7 Goodhue E Grant A 5 Hennepin 1) 5 Houston F 7 Hubbard C3 Isanti I) 6 Itasca D Jackson B 7 Kanabec D 5 Kandiyohi B 6 Kittson A 2 Koochiching. .1) 2 Lac qui I'arie..A 6 Lake F 3 Lesueur D Lincoln A 6 Lyon B 6 McLeod C 6 Mahnomen.... B 3 Marshall A 2 Martin C7 Meeker C5 ¡Millelacs 1)5 Morrison C 4 Mower E 7 Murray B 6 Nicollet 0 6 Nobles B7 Norman A3 Olmsted E6 OttertJiil B 4 Pennington...A 2 Pine E4 Pil>e8tone. AG Polk A3 Pope B 6 Ramsey I) 5 Red Livke A 3 Redwood B 6 Renville B 6 Rice 1) " Rock A 7 Roseau B Saint Louis... ES Scott D 6 Sherburne D 5 Sibley C6 Stearns C 6 Steele D 7 Stevens. A 6 Swift B 5 Todd C4 Traverse....... A 5 Wabasha E " Wadena C4 Waseca D " Washinprton.. .E 5 Watonwan .... C 7 Wilkin A4 Winona F 7 Wright D5 Yellow Medicine B< CITIES-TOWNS Ada A3 Adrian B 7 Aitkin D 4 Akely C . Albert Lea....p 7 Alexandria. Anoka D 5 lAppIeton B5 'Argyle Arlington C Austin E7 Barnesville.... A 4 Belleplaiiie....l)0 Bemidji C3 Benson B 5 Bird Island C6 Biwabik E 3 Blackduck.... C 3 Blooming Prairie.. D 7 Blue Earth..D 7 Brainerd C 4 Breckenridgc..A 4 Brown Valley. A 5 Buffalo I) 5 Buhl E " I Caledonia F 7 .Cambridge—D5 Canby A 6 ' Cannon Falls.. K 6 I Cass Lake C 3 Chaska D6 Chatfield g 7 .Chisholin. Cloquet... Cokato.... Cottonwood.. .B 6 Crookston A3 Dawson A 6, Delano I> 5 Deti-oit B 4 Dodge Center.E 6 DTiluth F 4, East Grand Forks. .A . Eden Valley... C 5 Elbow Lake... B 5 Elk River I) 5 Elmore C 7 Ely F 3 Eveleth E3 Excelsior D 5 Fairfax CG Fairmont C 7 Faribault I) G Farminrton ..DC Fergus lAlls . -B 4 Fort Snelling.. 1) 6 Foœton B 3 Frazee B 4 Glencoe 0 6 Glenwood B 5 Gracevllle A ATLAS OF THE WORLD 97 WISCONSIN Land Burface, Sq. in. Water surface, Sq. m. 1,59t COUNTIES. Adams -. G 8 Ashland E3 Barron C5 Buylleld D3 Brown L7 Buifalo C7 Burnett B4 Calumet K7 Chippewa. D 5 Clark E8 Columbia. H 9 Crawford E9 Dane H 9 DoUffc J 9 Door îl 8 Doutrlas C 3 Dunn C 8 Claire .... 1> 8 Florouco K 4 Fond du Lac. .K 8 Forest J * Grant E19 Green G19 Green Lake.. .11 8 Iowa F 9 Iron F 3 Jackson E 7 JefTcrson J 9 Juneau F 8 Kenosha KIO Kewaunee L 0 La CiHísso D 8 La Fayette.... F19 Langlade II9 Lincoln G 5 Manitowoc L 7 Mamthon G 8 Marinette K 5 Marquette il 8 Milwaukee ... .L 9 Monroe E- 8 Oconto K5 Oneida G 4 Outgainie K 7 Ozaukee L 9 IVpin 0 6 Pierce B 6 Polk B5 Portage H 7 Price F 4 Racine K19 Richland F 9 Rock H19 Rusk D4 St. CToi.x B 5 Sauk G 9 Sawyer D 4 . Sliawano J 8 Sheboygan....L8 . M^pcrtTaylor . .. E5 ^ TreinpoaJeau.. D 7 iowiey* Vernon E 8 , Vilas G 3 -VVal.vorth.... J19 W.ishburn C * Washington . K 9 Waukesha—KIO Waupaca .....J 7 Wan.shara H I WiniKîliago.. .J 7 Wood F 7 CITIES-TOWNS Albany HIO Algoina M 0 Alma C 7 Altoona. D 6 ,\mery B .5 Antlgo H 5 Afipleton K 7 Arcadia C 7 Ashlaiid E "i Augusta D 0 Baldwin B 6 Bangor 1> 8 BaralKK) G 9 Barron C 5 Bayfield E 2 Beaverdain... J 9 Belolt HIO Berlin J 7 Black River Falls .E7 BlooTncr C 5 Boscolwl E 9 Boyd D6 Brandon J 8 Brilli.m L7 BfiMlheiul. Burlington.. - KIO Cadott 1)6 CamplM'llsport KS Ca.shti>ii E 8 Oassville KlO Cedarliurg L 9 Chiiton .. K7 CliipiHîwa Fails D0 Clinton JlO Clintonville ... J 0 (^)lu!nbus. .. Fl 9 Commonwealth K4 Orandoii J 4 Cuba FIO Cu«lahy LIO CuiniKjrland.. .C 4 Darlington.. FIO Relavan JlO De Pere K 7 Dodgeville ... FIO Dorehester F 6 Durand C 0 Eagle River... H 4 Kau Claire D0 Edgeiton ... H10 Klkborn JlO Ellsworth B6 EIroy F 8 Kvansville . HIO FaiiThihl E0 Fenniniore... ElO Florenee K4 Fond «lu I>ac K 8 Fort Atkinson.JlO Fountain Cit3'.0 7 Foxlake J 8 (ialesville . ...D7 Glenwood . .. .B5 Grand Rapids.G 7 Green Bay L0 Greenwood.... E 6 Hartford K 9 Ilay wai-d D 4 Highland F9 Hillsboro F 8 Horicon J 9 Hortr)nvilIe... .17 Hudson A 6 Hurley F 3 Iron River I) 3 Janesville JlO JetTerson.... ..JlO »«Juneau J9 Kaukauna..... K 7 : Kenosha LIO : Kewaunee M 7 J : Kiel K8 : î 5 KiU>ourn G 8 c i La (Grosse D 8 ¿ 2 Ladysmith ... D.*» o Lake (bmeva..KIO LakeiiiiUs J 9 KO 00 r > w o "Ti H X w o ■êsr?; Kóókf:0ú"9>s"aB;ti;K2BO"sSsagBt-'t-'t!tjHH<íBHpbbt<ÍHQá^B0B«9bsHWg!P «ji-t»j>joi)»>g>«^ocH*g)OBte«»*«»iMk*wiM^c»a>Oi»Of*8H»o»oatcftoe>».o>OB09 0»oeti*08 0coii^t6>^oeoH»»>ot«>otMk»«>ft»8c»«>»q»»-»tcMH*oewc»i»>o»co*< oi>^taooww«»»CTti»o»M>*»N* * M.\ NUbubete^ Â?,Î^ k .¿■-•'¿a y bed^5b,Smo*?^ le Rock *\ Meicer^ > 1 w AWord^tt'i Lbc^ d E li I DeUTU MISSOURI AtUnU ^XCardaet^l /» d ,R#tlianv 1-. , VJf SCALE OF MILES Cliblon .UncolB State Capital ^ County Seats 0 Size of type indicates relative importance of places. L^FordîClbg /sinj City Hum ,Mt.Pul«iki LPurdlo'&belby xWeàlherbj •íTffMj .babetba ^llállri lA-ICarlo' Hlawatb« UÄmllj M.,)«UíS„J,i.^k /Oriälri iPRlN'CFÏÈïMiis. l^fo^ÉEu r Grore I Cunnlnghi *^lerceJo. keat V Ruthj^ Weverl. Taylorrlllo ^hlUball Bogardi Glrud «. TWrhlU vàn^ FalU , ^ A iMveae^r^L^jr^ XuToUt )o«dciN ColurobUna BteRImo .Smithboro pnmiDita ?i A 0^ KU^eiewI 'Albambn £direi Clerelaodi * ^FrJ OTallcn B. ^'.Dutiow Sbattuck «Mg tv> ^sbaddi#^^ Dteicij NubvilU Osiiíett ?offejtoii. IhiquvlD JnhnetoB [urphysborm ^nesTilleí P'ULASKI^ w pcy ' I CFUtJlj ^ N // ®Anutr-\^ s ( Í ol-e^* ^ cmooml^i^ RomP B 'V Î OElb» V • Dulen^ [Cubonw DUlud- 'stocktet^ 3 Wajonef lïÎGÎoTer' .Jadwln^ ,_j j Hazletoa 'o ^uecMS^ I I Teiutblej ISabula^ LBYNOIJDÎ Cherokee Í[ "wrII hartvllliP lOLLIIí^RT '(Sjítwot :m'de C\ íumbus] t'N^.E |Z.ln?Sa,l3fe Î'^ÂÂÏÏ.ISÎÎ' ftmlnej« seudej^QwifcoD f P 'h»oiu5>^,^ ¿W^ppepvlu ^Hodsee Fj omWiS^ f/W'yi l-Jt CbBricetM fS^SiPra^ g,' iCtofWV b'sJA wy^^CtuvllleV: ^'oodruff â JV'blteiburch BaDdyvlIle .. », Hercule« i 'C- V. Loagndio\ UiooU* Bte^T«^ k® 0' DOBlpliBatfP^ '1 "i^Qíentó ^/^Nëely^ O- W^so' TI Longitude 92" ,T West 9l''30' JI from Ol" Xj Greenwich 90°30' Northwwrt»,,^ Univsrsiiy LlMrMry ATLAS OF THE WORLD 99 AKKAKSAS SCALE OF MILES Ifarblchill IlArtriUtrö^' State Capital ^ County Seats ® Size of type Indicates relative importance of places .MLVei iGreeBTtlle Oiaik iMónett Pcjlarbluff, Fortjth Cftssrille PlnevUlc rolpbAir IneaTlUc' iNeelysWle Kceola qmmJ ) Chcitert ^HoauUinburgJ'^yij^ Lancasterî CR A (¿^ , Eudj9^ I)Tfr*L7i j jí^Tanbureii c>liaUon . ÇDal /WblùbtD fc"c>í,-vin ¿.iri^JGRnTBl •edith\%>. yíjpw'/ fof^lufftoa' TTra'telly jUetnai^í ÍTuoic: íDOtobia I FatrmounU .Nee^u (OolâmaiAi tphrey OUv'k, (iocketeSS jDjVa Bluft' • Stfejíarkí^^ ^¿«Van \ ÎÎ S -Oèv'J P oD.^ íT\cbnoiAw< Batairille tark»dale ."•Irf.'"' xnia'CIrel« WARD, Tutw^Ie^ CborieetOD' RamMjl s^rklSdi "»■"-iSiS .Edioburg^ *^Ofliä3o"~ tb ( >^<;>PA#t>onUjnhin ^0^>-f7 Moorebead Carroliton / lílrtlí* (' AO^olla \ !^*T«»nd.aO l L-,_AvMW^>j löWilffl^iin i kjw» Ke» Vn M jfLondon 1 Ru,ral / »-■ tgu^ Felsen ladlanola -,Gee inñlU 'CaOMlj Belïooi nPeUribi f bloe iBewW" rsraitl^e. ^tlaadK Durant I lJBdcD_ ^Lockbart- lUajenvillc ^Cherry B3d Marion irradia' RustoD Marshall LancsvUle -Seltb rille' Dlenrille rallulah Bolton VIokaburg (Jacks«) Ashland ! Mansfield' [Gilbert. NCousbatta. 'Rayroon^ (9 «« lO « lO lO-df M CO C3 la 9} n. ) n lO t d o<'« n ub n CQ et'« 03 X) CO'« un ■« ü6aoú«'«ícaú<;p30úe<ísáaoosaaaff<:üüü« 3 Bald Knob.... 1> 3 Batesviile 1)3 Boarden ('5 Bee be D3 Belrue it u Belleville B 3 Benton C 4 Beiitonville ... A 2 Berryvllle B 2 Biggers E 2 Black Rock ... D 2 Blytheville F 3 Bonanza... .A3 Booneville B 3 Bradford I) 3 Brinkley I) 4 Brookland E 3 Cabot C 4 Calico Rock ... O 2 Camden C 5 Carglle O 5 Carlisle D 4 Centerpoint... B 4 Charleston....B S Cherry Valley.E 3 Clarendon 1) 4 Clarksville.... B 3 Clinton C 3 Coal Hill B S (íonvvay O 3 Corning E 2 Cotter (.^2 (Cotton Plant..!) 3 Croasett I) 6 Danville B S Dardanelle ...B 3 Delight B 4 Donning B 3 De Queen A 4 Dennott D 6 De.s Are 1) 4 Devall Bluff... I) 4 De Witt D 4 Dover. R 3 Fiarle E 3 Eldorado 6 Emerson B 6 England D 4 Eudora D 5 EurekaSprs...B 2 Evening Shatie D 2 Fayetteville .. .A 2 Fefs«mthal. ...C5 Fordyce C 5 Foreman A 6 Forrest City...E 3 Fort Smith A3 Fulton B 6 Gentry A 2 Gravette A 2 Green Forest.. B £ GreenwcKKl A 3 Griffithville -.n 3 100 ATLAS OF THE WORLD Nof foij^ Lnke Comoint ^Ktluklej Marianna ."aldwel'l Tbuk-a 4 Clayton/' Stï^o |T U/N I 0 liaudi^- ODubha ® ^ CÄBShi^ l^/StMtf§nrt SnonTS iMaan ' 'Qokl«a Trotters l'ail iloratloi ^ Alttidiner vKob Koy jBtorall 4^1' "i/Farreil ÍClowtBl c 0 ya 0 ] * "ä^Bbetarq ishmatai 'aillatt ^11^ to^ >McOehe« Eu( Montlccllo Oennott 'Mooirose' \'arrolU<» "CafSlI Üeo i^pc Lake *f ProvideQL-«\ Tallulail larrlsvnhiir^N V HarkSsPföl -V' \ ClTdc^ioÄ * jfteo^'ïR JOkaltciaS«^^ ' Corran AMA H^J r\ae»'- IVf." [lattiesDui VliK'içar Ucnc .0 R E\B I^E i ''e Betty^ •sfTrTT t Leak.cavllle'Y ^ 1>»"\ «Hnrklcf Fort A' CuUert' 'l^lolrah ^WarueiiuD [elfotd uton rushy UAtunla Vr/vrrUbui^ • / Ç ^ ! âl\plarvl mSSISSlTPI Wheat I cChioqumi MCNeil ;^'by^Klrr> Ulllard Ladni iFolsom SCALE OF MILES Plnleyc CoTlngton' state Capital County Seats ® Size of type indicates relative importance of places vWoolmt PtTllayou) Í 3luMspu|i^l Á'B A 5 Carrière E 9 ('arrolltoii.... D4 Carthatre E 5 Centervillo.... B 8 Clarksdale 1) 2 t'levelaiul.. .. ('3 Clinton DC Coffeevllle E 2 Coldwater E 1 Columbia E 8 Columbus. . II 3 Como El Corinth Jl 1 (îouitlaïKl K 2 Crawford G 4 Crystal Spriuirs 07 Idekalb G 6 De Soto G 7 Duck Hill E3 Duncan 0 2 Durant E 4 pAstsifle H10 Edwards 0 8 HUisville F 7 Enterprise ... .G 6 Kstabutcliie....F8 El bel F 4 En|MH*a F 3 Karrell C2 Kayetti- B7 F'oi'a D 5 Flord.. ..D 3 Grenaila E Oulfport F 10 Gunnison. ...03 Guntown G 2 Hamlmrir B 7 Handsboro.... GlO Harriston ...0 7 Hattieshunr ..F8 Hazleliurst—D 7 MISSISSIPPI. l.r.nd surface, Svj, m. 4(5,340 Water surface, Sq. m. 470 LOUISIANA. {.ContinuedS) lAbadieville..H7 Lafayette F 6 Lafourche Crossing. .J 7 lAke Arthur..E6 l^ake Charles.. D 6 Lake Providence HI Lanesville D1 Laplace K 6 Lecompte F 4 I.8ville 1)4 Leonville Q e Lettsworth ...G6 Lincecuin F 3 Lions J 6 Livouia G 6 Lockport K 7 Logauspoi-t ...CS Luíing K7 Lutcher J 6 McCall H 8 McDonoughville K 7 MadÍ8onville. .K 6 Mandevilie....K6 Maugham G 2 Manstield 0 2 Mansura F 4 Many 0 3 Marion Fl Marksville.... G 4 Melville G 6 Mermenton ... E 6 WerKouge....G I Minden Dl Monroe Fl Montgomery. .E3 Moreauville.. .G 4 MorganCity..H 7 Napoleonville.H 7 Natcbitoches.. D 3 New Iberia G 8 New Orleans. L7 New Roads...,H 6 Oakdale Eô Oak Ridge .....Gl Opelousas.... F 5 Orange D 4 Faincourtville H 7 Patterson 11 7 Pelican 0 3 Pickering 1) 6 Pinevil.e F 4 Plain Dealing.C 1 Plaquemine . .H 6 Pleasant Hill..03 Pointe a la Hache..L7 Pollock F 4 Poucbatoula..K 8 Provencal D3 Ouitnian E2 Kaceland J 7 Randolph Ë1 Rayne.. F 6 Ray ville Gl Reserve J 6 Robeline D Kosedale G 6 Roseland KS Ruddock K6 Kuston E . St.Rernard L 7 St. Francisville H6 St. Gabriel....H6 Suint James... J 7 St. Joseph H 3 St. .MartmvilleG 6 St. Maurice ...E3 Selina F 3 8hreveport....Cl Simsboro El Slaughter H 5 Slideli L 6 SpringHill D 1 Springville.... J 8 Sun LS Tallulah H 2 Tangipahoa... KS Thihodaux.... J 7 Tioga Torras Tremont. .. Vacherie... Venice Vernon Victoria.... Vidalia Vivian Washington .. G 6 Waterproof...H 3 Welsh E 8 Westlake D 8 WestMonroe. .F1 Westwego K 7 WhiteCastle. -H 6 Wilson H 6 Winnfield E8 Winnsboro... .Q S Zachary H 6 Zimmerman. .E 4 Zwolle.. M^ait^eno»^ e>-4oe^«e-^ v 9i<>i«e>«»><>Mkai>4«MC>>4c»^oe< Morris ...N Motley G 3 ^ Nacogdoches. .N 6 Navarro L 5 RL ■ '■ r. ■' ■ - Newton 0 7 V j Nolan G 5 \ I Nueces.... ...KIO \ \ Ochiltree Gl —\ J , Oldham Ea ( V f / Orange O 7 \ V/ Palo Pinto J5 1 ) \ T / \ Panola N 6 ^-O ( ) Parker K& y' Parmer E3 1 'Oi>i- »■•>¿>c">cao>i.-■ ■ .qtcBM A«oo«^cn»CQP- O Longitude 104 West H) from 1(Ä Greenwich E "u French Cla/toa~ Spring^ >Elova 'MulocVo ^Rogeretowa OCHILTREE¿, I ° '"S^Üohlltree W âw*k* ^~rí>TÁ Shadal&nd Str tfwd Perico^ MJSOOM ' Llpaoomb^— Abbott Pülk N7 Potter F 2 Presidio C 8 Rains M ô Randall F 2 Reagan F 6 ReÎRiver M 4 Reeves D 6 Refugio K 9 Roberts G 2 Robertson .... L 7 Rockwall L5 Runnels G 6 Rusk N5 Sabine 0 6 San Augustine N G San Jacinto.. ..M 7 San Patricio..K 10 Ban Baba J 6 Schleicher G 7 Scurry G 6 Shackelford .. H 6 Shelby N 6 Sherman Fl Smith M ö Somervell.. ..K6 Starr J 11 Stephens J 6 Sterling G 6 Stonewall G 4 Button G 7 Swisher F 3 Tarrant K 5 Taylor H 5 Terrell E7 Terry E 4 Throckmorton H4 Titus N 4 Tom Green u 6 Travis K7 Trinity M 6 Tyler N 7 Upshur. N 5 Upton F 6 Uvalde H 8 Valverde F 8 VanZandt.... M5 Victoria L 9 Walker M 7 Waller M 8 Wai-d D6 Washington.. .L7 Webb H 10 Wharton L 8 Wheeler G 8 Wichita J 3 Wilbarger H 3 Willacy K 11 Williamson.... K 7 Wilson J 8 Winkler E6 Wise K4 Wood M 6 Yoakum E4 Young J 4 Zajiata. H10 Zavalia. H 9 GITIES-TOWNS Abbott K6 Abilene H 5 Alba M 6 Albany H 5 Alice J 10 Alpine D7 Alvarado K5 Alvin M 8 Alvord K 4 Amarillo F 2 Andereon M 7 Angleton M 8 Anson H 5 Arlington K 6 Athens M 6 Atlanta N4 Austin K 7 Balrd H 5 Ballinger 116 Barstow U Bartlett K V Bastrop K7 Bay City L9 Beaumont N 7 Beeville K9 Bells L4 Bellville L8 Belton K 6 Big Sandy.... M5 Big Spring ...F5 Blooming Grove..L 5 Blossom M 4 Boerne J 8 Bonham L4 Bowie K 4 Boyd K 4 BrackettviUo.. G 8 Brady H 6 Brazori ...... M ú Breckenridge..J 5 Bremond L6 Brenham L7 Bridgeport....K4 Bronson 0 6 Brownsville. .K 12 Brownwood. .E Bryan L'. VhtDbà^lilf -^£J"55£!î, Hlggln^ 'Wagon Mound iWalstad 'Glutei >wffgnTe- Çanadw^ Adob« Walla ^Bugbt* rTOHINSOlL^ hwni a ke I Wairoui Solano' ■^Iddlairater hart loeTAle EMPHILL Dunoan j Catallne. Glorieta Channing ■»huai Waahlta Nararie^ Murdo is7 —y uuo [orthfoA^j "Wbeolar^ W"—< ® KeUoa -Y/j WÖ^BLER .£errljl( ^agenta Faltón' Ribera^ Bernallllc Whitadaar Chapelle ^^adian »dW^**^Panhandla Tucumoari om Aiai .oBoydatop "^vC^ Shamrojit .Q^Kiiray. Montoya Jericho Conast Cuervo: Y kaaot« Moriarly Mclntoab (CanyoB ARMSTRtoGi Padtura Hereford Ceta o I Poloduro Wayai^ Wlllard [ßavarlj \ Fanohon o j \i S^TfíHERo^l^ BI V ^Tuaa^-4 Friona 1 Nazareth Dimmltt (i) < CASTRX)- Bortiu BllTttton Tcrrano« Qultagui Corona Sprli^lak^ |g Water' Hurley Plalnriei ' Eichel yMickay Jwewlngej/O^J ( Plateau Hörest I EdeoTlUa^o] ^Floydwht a. Paducalk Giult« I Matado^ I ^prln«.—- Petaraborg BartcÁisitc Chalk Edwarde o oWaka ¿¡kina Iroveariiu' o Aftod DICKENS g)Dickans| cuSr- Indian Divide Captain iLo'rerfto 's' Walnut Guthrie lubbocîr LUE iXlncoln COCHRAN HOCKLEY Roewelt Salinas Alelleo' Meadow o Oaüin« '^Bronoo ® Plains YOAKUM °Aldlo heater jffTahoka/ . L ^YT N N ■« Draw Central! , Matlie'X^ INEWALL -BrownSeld Tularoisi T«b» -<9« l-ske Arthurj otaln P*T~^ .Cloudcroft sCox Canon ¿Russia / Luzon Dome ^ Rotan Dayton' fen Wversl hakewood'- £cllpa«o Semino]^ .oDunn^ 'Wlnaton* .Ol^lara oBeeala HoUebekac Waateils Carlsbad It, .vuini Morris ^ Tincante* ! Shatter Lakso //Water'v ' - 7' le ^Cbamplipn \\ i ' | N OIL AN o ¡TAYtOR j\ \Dora I Inkuin y \ 0 Nolan I V ^ V^Deoker | -, \ Vo*? 8iu„ \ Hylton^ lO Moro o Olga ç>\^Blaokwall duL^ >A .Knott X ' HOWA ^Blg Florence' itarynMl^ planton iermsDia I lolanthe locobasaett^ ,Ft.Bnaa 'î oMnsalattf« I Maria Hagohal Nortonto, ^arfleld •luarei Alfalfa GLASSCOCK Bionte) Togebuev^ 'RUNNmS '^wJBBllingerL ßnrnet .. GâdvrgUi: Calvert... Cameron. Campbell. Canyon... Carthage. Riverton^^ Dixieland /( Mesa S: 1 ElIzarl^S Cl lot ^San £'1Z4«< . {jPabant Water Tierra Blano^ Reagan view < ./jdw" Hermosa StUes 'Samalayuoa Qrondfalls Sargent, ^Knluk tos Medaños <1 Candelaria Clifton Coleman.. • Collinsville. Colorado.... Columbia... Columbus . Comanche.. Boban Hurdle Martici Rankin Sar&gota Ranchero Gibson* Conree M 7 Coolidge L6 Cooper M 4 Corpus Christi KIO Corsicana L 5 Cotulla H 9 Crockett M 6 Orowell H 4 Cuero K8 Cumby M 4 Cashing • ..N 6 Daingerfleld..N4 Dalhart El Dallas L5 Decatur K 4 De Kalb N 4 De Leon J 6 Del Rio G 8 Denison L 4 Denton K 4 Detroit M 4 Devine J 8 Dublin J f) Eagle Lake—L 8 Eagle Pass...-G 9 Eastland J ."> Edna L9 El Campo ...-LS Elgin K7 El Paso A 6 Emory MS Ennls LT> Fairfield L6 Farmersville. .L 4 Farwell E3 Ferris La Fiatonia K 8 Floreaville J 8 Forney L 5 Fort Davis ....D 7 Fort Worth.. .K 5 Franklin L6 Fredericksburg Fti tockto^ (^Wendell wSjJRubio .Valentine Carmen ( 'Ojo Callente Montezumt >OandeUrii 'Rosenfeld 'Cblvalito- Eldrld^ Orand^ TladnoO ConuK Puerto I Presldio^'^ Del NortejT raiuolK jlvo8\ Rancho Nogal Eooantida Frost L 5 Gainesville—K 4 Galveston. ...N8 Garland L 5 Garrison N G Gatesville K6 Georgetown . .K í Giddings ....L7 Gilmer N f* Glen Kose.... Kh Gohithwaite .Jc Goliad K C Gonzales K8 Gordon J 5 Goree H 4 Gorman J 5 Graham J 4 Granimry K 5 Grand Saline..M5 Grand View.. .K 5 Granger.- ....K 7 GraiHs Vine K .5 Greenville. ...M4 Groesbeck .. .1^6 Groveton M 6 Hallettsville.. .L 8 Hamilton J 6 Hamlin G 5 Ha.skell H 4 Garza6 Jan, Puerto Gato ÍSjí^uttto Monier Darling Aldama (MA-V® ■ Eagle Pue^ (AVesterii Part ) SCALE OF MILES 0 5 10 20 30 10 50 State Capital @ County Seats Size of type indicates relative importance of places kllende Henrietta J 4 Hereford E 3 Hico J 6 Hillsboro K 5 Holland K7 Hondo H 8 Honey Qrove..M 4 Houston. Mo Houston Heights M 8 Hubbard L 6 Hughes Springs N4 Humble M 7 Huntsvine....M7 Hatto K7 Iowa Park J4 Iredell K6 Italy L5 Itasca K 5 Jacksboro J 4 Jacksonville. M 8 Jefferson N ñ Jewett L 6 Joshua K 5 Karnes City. .K9 Kaufman L 6 Kemp L 5 Kerens L 5 Kerrville H 7 Killeen K6 Kirbyvilie. ..0 7 Hondo Santa Rosalia de S, Maria j\7>' del Agua Ver.lf. Sierra Slojaâa Lampazos Hammoztd'e Oomplete Map of Texas Copyright 1913, by C.S.Hammond Si Co., New York. Greenwich E C Longitude 104 "West l'n*Ü>í'ítl-3^'tOOOO!z!!z!«!z¡««2g3B PS^œrtOlS-£5S39s»o'^S —O 2 «'►tíS ■? 3 ÍM» è " s-P(fî 5*1 ? wcöi sç ê-it KKKKWWaODMCBOOCCQOCCarCCKODXXI Crv«-r^îyCC03SB'&'i®®î92.S'S^9'pl .s-5 SiS S C S P ers a s51 O r § H X w o r Ü > w o H ii: m o r Ü o w Oreen«; Norm AD Wc«ok» Crowdcr j l>oteAU Tesol» ADAd»rlcoj Wridrnn (CUickDAha îleAlestcr Hobmrt PurceU' Uenveot Wilburton jBΫ» FÍTf ÜAnguniV ^'ait Jlonis Mena lUjnoldB LnntoD Atükaj Cbattanoos» A\(¿u«nah {/Doan« 'Farjoo tllliooth* Aotlen Tanke Ardmore 'R D E M A^N Demelte Waurlka AybertNi^^^/li ing^ ' Harrold^H^ WILBARGER ^ CBuikburnettA^^^^ -EVectra -— lowa^rk ^T'WCMUJAÎU^ |l;ViTUn Marsa^ Naebritle V^iirJ^-hrtAebeeUr ' fPow^er^y tOoUocb 'Direct /"^ Emwe^ iViîitôSl oI>upi«j Harris o Madras klVBR^ Diantha Îoiudaj 'MON,TAGUE jîp '^Mcntasue { 0,1«. Gl.d,V .V Mfll»i.o „ < ;exorkftna )Le«levlli« 'nrestburd ^ÄRossj &UDB«t Wastfork f AnteM ,ib Maïkle^ i^arnwc o JB« 'I^asL- ¡>legar6el lAWord SlidelT I Newcastl^Wi«^ * Ojoplp o. Jx I - PeasW oTeali •"cSStiS fliafotdg»^ "BliaBTiue] Bandais^ ^^'/a"yMrooa\^ VNiWalttrs' \ yltîlN B s Sinclair \An8«>o »• ,7i oVrvHawlwJ Noodle Ttn^j'^r^Zixy/ Stlib° j_ Ft-OriSn' [Benton; >^SHACKS^FORP Acampo AlbanjV-^ ^ !55°^î\ » , .i«v borp/8pr^ "ÖTanbarj^/ÖöAct 'DVoÍA HyO^^O^'D ûodleÎ^*î 'Clebur^et^ ^ P eeUnd"^^' yysomer^^sjj^vflfcenwaj-^ 1, S \ gOUss^^' J I }®^o Klmb^o^^ \: Inffau^^^out Kopperlj,^ yr< Ol ^¿^5è5ëu\o7 Y B 0 S^Q ' A„o, MeridlanVl iMerkiT Eaetland Ülalr« ! lukuio 1 Ä.!' iMoroj Oulon ^ i Duster. A oZouretle Fowler chLÂVom X^RoswcUq romaBj Nom® '1^ ^:rrc»* - lO^/Newbt^* Í ,i tf À o^eneralLy í_!s A ra,N Bj palrmwrtft LIMESTi I \ OrMSbeok UlUanrle« ^içhtmaa« ;-BurkeVU^ ■yàrfà>Ûle Hl?:b° , Prairie -aoup- INÉWTOÎÎ i^UA^ERl I ¿»t^TUleÇ bn^TPaiiJcí Adiui 'Starke, VQajhlU "•o^Landea. ASH^NOn \v^"»»ont ^ P''"'" Ro»i..l L.«.tro..« CaÍYCstBU Bo«lM^ ■fi'ldo ti o Nnz,A^L i 1 Stockdaje Sampl^, 10 N x n / \-Qillctt V-NopalD 1 q\x vof» Westhoff, ' a-HfP'P^r* ÍD-Hanli Amnbion, iTobeyS \cït?vU:R Kenedy ^•CoJfih AlpháX ¿T isatobe Ander o I Gcnuaolowa lUelon ^ NXí'^^Clacl.V ^ Pt.LaiïS'f^ \/C^c/ser ^OVyGroen Lake ^0 A L H C yO Lumarleta jCbrUti ^oodward] iudendall TlvolP i¿^ t^naor ei^a CavoUo t ¡Santo Bay ' Dulls Kauïn :CotuUa '¿iñonto^y^ ^ BopX/^TAGOROA V^SLANO Asberton. [O mullen Catarliu^ Tunaj LlghT*>s5 AU^ A8LAND CwT^mS * ^/MU87 ANo \^Arf«t¿ ^istANO ^r\^. ^Aupee Pow lo^Blttff ilun/ íj Carpa» CA^t¡ iYtSi Cactus ,Daxwln\ ^an Jo^ yRealltos Ajullaieefo Tfe*» Ojuelos Jarita Sueno >drigues I Sarita AtílfHi Altarlata Sanlsidro San Ygnaelol Turcotte 'Katherine Cuerltas Guerrero iZapaU iNorlas (Eastern Part) SCALE OF MILES Delflna Yturrla 0 I Raymoodvllle state Capital ® County Seats Size of type indicates relative importance of places. Silo Grande Qarclu' Monte Christo WU liLjford ' j j JsSebsstlsn ^ I j Vcombes ^Arroyo C ^ [ rA//n\cAMERON 1 J-PFctoando * iMeroedfc \ «Y { ' SaiLtl KwjaSiL^an Benito ^ ^ lEisoitdiL rl \ Camarj OrnllaÀo 'Pantladago ¡LaLomlta CcralTo. Reynvsi^ 1 Hiinimoud's Complete Map of Texas 'Copyriglit, 1913. by C.S. tlammoud &■ Co.. N.Y PapkCtyi* Roslt^ Matamorus Greenwich 96 from West 98 Longitude lOB^ïl'-S'^'dwasDe» .ex ,co«»Oí )i:>©»oo ifnnnHinn^-mnmnnnfnn[nnni'nnnrMínnnnMnnnnMminnrnnmrnnMi •»'B«O«-,ri*^ftÂOSffl'^ZSL,p>ÎÂbg'iÇ5ls«w©p5ÎBrC^®^KKSS0C *Á*)HaCiOei©eooe Morris Ni Motley. G 3 N&cogdoches. .N C Navarre L 5 Newton........07 Nolan G£ Nueces K10 Ochiltree G1 Oldhain E S Orange 0 7 Palü Pinto J 6 Panola Ñ5 Parker K5 l'armer ES Pecos ET Polk N 7 Potter F 8 Presidio C 8 Rains M 5 liatidaU ...FS Reagan F 6 Red River M 4 Reeves D 6 Refugio K9 Robert.s G 8 Robertson ....LT Kockwall L6 Runnels.. G 6 Rusk N6 íiahine 0 6 San .\ugustlne N 6 San Jacinto.. ..M 7 San Patricio..K 10 San Saba. .. J 6 Schleicher. ...G7 Scurry G 6 Shackelford H 5 Shelby N6 Sherman Fl Smith M 6 Somervell.. ..K5 Starr J il Stephens J 6 Sterling G 6 Stonewall .....G 4 Sutton G 7 Swisher FS Tarrant K ö Taylor H 6 Te)-ielJ E7 Terry E4 Throckmorton Ht Titus N t Tom Green....G6 Travis K7 Trinity il 6 T>ier N7 L pshur N 5 Upton..........F 6 Uvalde H Valverde F Van Zandt Mö Victoria L9 Walker.... M7 Waller M 8 Ward D6 Washington.. .L 7 Webb H 10 Wharton L8 Wheeler G 2 Wichita J b Wilbaiger H 8 Willacy K 11 Williamson....K 7 Wilson J 8 Winkler. EÔ Wise Ká Wood M 5 Yoakum Et; Young J 4 Zai>ata H 10 Zavalla U9 GITIES'TOWNSl Abilene.. All>a .... Albany . Alice Alpine Alvarado Alvin Alvord Amarillo. ... Andei-son Angleton Anson Arlington.... Athens Atlanta Austin Raird Ballinger Hi, Bai-stow D 6 Bartlett K7 Rastrop K 7 Bay City L9: Beaumont N 7 Beevllle KO' Bells L4 BelJville L8 Belton K6 Big Sandy M 5 BígSpcíng ...F5 Blooming Grove. .L6 Blossom M 4 Boerne J 8 Bonham Li Bowie K 4 Boyd . .K 4 BnmkettviJle. -G 8 Brady H 6 Brazoria ....M8 Breckenfidge..J 5 Bremond L6 Brenham L7 Bridgeport — K4 Bronson 0 6 * Unownavilln ic ia Brownwooa . .H 6 Bryan L7¡ Burnet J7 Caldwell Li'J Calvert X 7 Cameron L 7 Campbell .Sd Canyou....,,,.i]S Carlha^jc 6 Celeslo .fji Celina. : > 4 Center K Chapel HÍU....L7 Chico K 4 Childress C"; 8 Cisco J 5 Clarendon G 3 ClarksviUe.....M ' Cleburne K C Clifton KC Coleman H " Coninsvme....L Colorado G 5' Columbia M Columbus L _ Comanche J 6 Commerce M 4 i'onroe 7 Coolidge L6 Cooper M4¡ Corpus Christi K 10 Corsicana L5 Cotuila H 9 Crockett M 6 OroweU. H 4 Cuero K ' Cumby M Gushing., NI' Daingeifield xN á' Dalhurt S * Dalhw L Decatur K De Kiilb N De Leon J Del Hie G Iieiiison L Denton K Detroit M I>evine J Dublin J Eagle lAake....L l3l k Cres^ivell H 3 .#Vj 2 Cripple Creek.H 5 scjM—Cucharas J7 . sN '- Del Noite F7 '(g ■ Delta B6 V I Denver HS ^ Dilloii FS |, Durango C8 I ï^ton J 1 Elliert K4 • \ Fldora G S _ S 2 Elizabeth J4 Elkton H 6 • 01 Ellioott K5 \ riMoro js sr- M 1 lyria J S ■CJ 5 Cû Empire G 3 ^4 « - Engle K 8 I I ê ^ Eï'îe J 2 ri 3« Evans Ji r/i l-a « Fair Play... .04 U-l—ws ^ Florence H ft Ih T § Fort Collins..H 1 /I II ' Fort Logan.., HS 0\ Z I Fort Lu pt on... J 2 . I «-•» 1 Fort Morgan ..L2 \î u Fowler K6 -jj iXXX02XXX¡ ATLAS OF THE WORLD KANSAS. Land Surface, 8*]. ID. 81,700 "Water surface, m. 380 COUNTIES. Allen P 6 Anderson P 6 Atchison P i Barber H 7 Barton H 6 Bourbon Q 6 Brown O 2 Butler M 6 Chase M 6 Chautauqua .. N 7 Cherokee Q 7 Cheyenne £ Clark ....F7 Clay L 3 Cloud KS Coffey O 6 Comanche G 7 Cowley... .. .M 7 Crawford 07 Decatur F * Dickinson L 4 Doniphan P 2 Douglas Pi Edwards G 6 Elk N 7 Ellis G 4 Ellsworth J 4 Finney D 5 Ford F 6 Franklin P 4 Geary Ms Gove D 4 Graliam Fa Grant C 6 Gray E 6 Greeley B 4 Greenwood.. .N 6 Hamilton .B 5 Harper J 7 Harvey L 6 Haskell D 6 Hodgeman....F 5 Jackson OS Jefferson P 3 Jewell J 2 Johnson Ó 4 Kearny C 6 Kingman J 6 Kiowa G 6 Labette P 7 Lane D6 Leavenworth..P 3 Lincoln J 3 Linn 05 Logan C 4 Lyon N 6 >loPher8on ...K 5 Marion L 6 Marshall M 2 Meade E 7 Miami Ü i Mitchell J 3 Montgomery..O 7 Mori-is M 4 Morton B 7 Nemaha N 2 Neosho P 6 Ness F 5 Norton F 2 Osage O 4 Osborne H 3 Ottawa Ks Pawnee G 5 Phillips. . ..(12 PottawatoinieN 8 Pratt H 6 Rawlins (J 2 Reno J 8 Republic K 2 Rice J 6 Rilev M 3 Rooks Q 3 Rush G 4 Russell H 4 Saline K 4 Scott D 6 Sedgwick K 6 Seward D 7 Shawnee O 4 Sheridan E S Sherman B 3 Smith H 2 Stafford H 5 Stanton B 6 Stevens C 7 Summer K 7 Thomas ... ...0 3 Trego F 4 Wabaunsee....N 4 Wallace B 4 Washington ..L 2 Wichita C 5 Wilson O 6 Woodson O 6 Wyandotte....Q 3 CITIES-TOWNS Abbyville J e Abilene L 4 Ada K 3 Admire N 4 Agenda L S Agra G 2 Agrícola P 5 Albert H 5 Alden J 6 Alexander... .G 6 Aliceville O 6 Allen N 4 Alma N 3 Almena F í. Altamont P 7 Alta Vista N 4 Alton H 2 Altoona O 6 Americas Ñ 4 Ames L 2 Andale K 6 Andover. L 6 Ansou L 7 Anthony J 7 Arcauia 6 Argentine... Argonia K 7 Arkansas City L 7 Arlington J 6 Arma -.0 6 Arrington.... p 3 A8herville....K 3 Ashland F 7 Assarla .... ..K 4 Atchison P 2 Athol H 2 Atlanta, M 7 Attica J 7 Atwood -D 2 Auburn 0 4 Augusta M 6 ' uln Bassett..... Baxter Sprli Aulne L 5 Aurora L 3 Avoca O 3 Axtell N 2 Badger " Bailyville Baker < Baldwin.... Barnard. CITIES-TOWNS {CotUintted) Narku L 2 National Military llome..P 3 Natoina H 3 Neodesha .0 7 Neosiio Falls..O 6 Ness City F 5 Newton L 6 Nickerson J ô Niotuze N 7 Norcatur E 3 Norton F 2 Nortonville...P 3 Norwich K 7 Oukland O 3 Oakley 3 Oberlin l> 8 Olathe Q * Ouaga N 3 Üpoüs Q Î Osage City. ...O 4 Osawatomie ..0 5 Osborne H 3 Oskaloosa P 3 Oswego P 7 Otis G 4 Ottawa i 4 Overbrook....O 4 Oxford L 7 Ozawkie P 3 Palco B 3 Palmer L 2 Paola O A Parker Oô Parsons P * Pawnee ltock.G 5 Peabody L 5 Perry P 3 Peni N 7 Phillipsburg..G 3 Pittsburg Q 7 Plains D 7 Plainville G 3 Plea8anton....Q 5 Pomona P 4 Portia. H 3 Pratt H 6 Presoott O 5 Pi-eston H 6 Pretty l'rairieK 6 Princeton P 5 i'rotection.. ..F 7 Oueiiemo O 4 Quindaro O 3 Uuiiiter L 3 Hadley Q 6 Ruinoiia L 4 Haiidali J 3 Kaiuloiph M 3 Reading N 4 Republic K 8 Reserve O 3 Kexford D 3 RieUlaiid O 4 Richmond — P 5 Riley M 3 Robinson P 2 Rosedale Q 3 Roseland Q 7 Rossville N 8 Russell H 4 Sabetha O 2 Salfordville...N 5 St. Francis.... B 8 St. John.. ....H 6 St. Mary N 3 St. Paul P 6 Salina K 4 Savonburg....P 6 Mammon O 7 Scandia K 8 Scott D 5 Scra'nton O 4 Sedan N 7 StHlgwick L 6 Beiden D 2 Seiieca N 2 Severance P 2 Severy N 6 Sharon J 7 Biiarou Springs B 4 Shawnee Q 3 Silver Ijike.. .0 3 Skidmore O 7 Smith Center.H 2 Soldier O 2 ^lomon L 1 South Haven..L 7 South Hutchin¬ son. . K 5 Spearville F 6 Spivey .. J 7 Spring Hill... Q i Stafford 1Ï 6 Sterling J 5 StilwelT Q 4 Stippville Q 7 Stockton G 3 Stone City —O 7 Strong II 5 Suinmerlleld. N 2 Sylvan Grove..J 4 Sylvia J 6 Symcuse B 6 Tampa L 4 Tecumseh O 3 Tescott .K 3 Thayer P 7 Tonganoxle...P 3 Topeka O 3 Toi-onto O 6 Towanda M 6 Troy P 2 Turon J 6 Tvro 0 7 Uilail L 7 Uniontown....P 6 Utica Ei 4 Valley Oenter.L 6 Valley Falls...O 3 Vermillion....N 2 Victoria G 4 Wabaunsee N 3 Wakecney —P 4 Wakelleld L 3 "Waidron J 7 Walnut P 6 Walton L 5 Wainego N 3 Washington..M 2 "Waterville M 2 Wathena P 2 Waverly O 6 Webber K 2 Weir Q7 Welda P 5 Wellington. L 7 Welisville P 4 West Mineral..P 7 WestmorelandN 3 Westphalia....? 5 Wetmore O 2 Wheaton N 2 White City....M 4 White Cloud..P 2 White Water. L 6 "Whiting O 2 Wichita L 6 Williamsburg P 6 Wilsey il 4 >At« Wallblll Macy° Roaalle Mearwater Melrib' Cbaotbera llnaide .Martha 'Whltlnf Tonio 0 Delolt Harold Uadar^ 'BoakluA Altona«^ Penlson^ BübbO OaWâîe"**~to.«ÎÎî^\ Meadoi^ Grove^ iorfolk; NeaburoO BanerofO } Baltagh ' ^-'OjhtriJanr ? IB\D i GabUs'A^ • FranclB DIake I Oalamu^ Graule Battie Ur^t 7^- Wamervllleo M A D I s O In o , . Enulaf Emerick ilamazoo Madlaon L~-, oCuQiinÍDBville T Wheelcr o ! ® o ArOeSv.^ I Q Hcadfiuatters Lisle 0 Bartlett | WHEELER 1 St.Clair I Clostert -Bburg Dcvcrce I MoultOD''«^Iiaena EdStun ^urwell Xoret 0 jTaylor a GroveV__/^ "sT Bernard Cooleytoo RoBcvale Akron «1 narlai.. Illburn ■Lindsa^ Altao Hifuiesteadj ! Farnen Spaldiof W.Vulon Primrose I Belfast Leo Valley^ } ,E L B Y 1 ^Gieetoy | 'T(UiMloyConUt Stk I oO'Counor | iCenor St.Ed*aratmer ¡^'\pubU»i y Y Cfentral Cit^ )ant3cbrog\ IqWuÍhÍb st.LHH.»T\y ! —--V—^hapman^/..^^ 1 ClorVa' Asbton iX^jj xAustfn ' i E""""»« fL'rSs^ ^^Georgelown Burroak Lltobfi« oCumro ¡ ^ ScandiaO ¡ / s A' j 'SiNlagfUUé i«li* »'/ -vUsado« Ik iFolsom 1 Glenwood Swedebome Durant 1 Nysted Rookrill» Cjyiazj rd ■ c^^weetwater iilordvlllu —¿rTEk-J ,ArborvlUe| Agnew Giesbanv ;EddyTÍll< "Benedict! Uappsl 4 rquctte " I^BÎîîïê^^\ ^ 'Houston {Otica Xamora^JCL^^ r-rtWaco'^. 8. ^ \ Abb^iroi-^ iGrand Islaiii fueron H A Lt UelrolnA itbot) BartleCt lálSAM I Auror^ Peake .Bradsbaw IjWateriown Amberst okulier liretdale Î^QIenw Sbeltoi Sidney exliigton ■-«.....J^elyn 1 . OvertoB^""*"^ Slinupda] Glbboi llambuiy Lorton, S^<. n Paulb •1 g\ D«y«> ^Iwe \BÄ.. I Willlamsbui^ JtiVCf lu'eBtmark^ Bajdon^ V. «Bertrand ®Holoomb HELPS \ HoldrefeMí-<í¡^ S Allanta y^SacramenSVs C.Lowell s, HeartwelL^ Pleasantbill oPlato Ingles Idoy j PerutM_¿ jwpod Sldl^^ ^ H A^ J jftBrownTilleW jurnp-^-oa^ L Brao»®*'QHjM ^'•rtsplnwaljl "Cook Sterling Rock port 8t.Mary Mótala Mindoi ' Normal^ AxtoU Jeela St.]perotB^g^ ""«bubert > Jo Banda W'D S 0 ferdon^'^°F^> l^íaiég&JrauseTlllo \ iaU,q.- \ Rnio, * ■ BBIne Hili°i? ' Bladen ^ J Rosmonf ïl» WEBSTERr ISedan IAngus Upland >1 Hlldreth V Ast 1 1 ^ I 0 H *5^Klnney».i/*H'*'™'^*'* v...jlasw tl finlrm awn iL/ ^.\V> Liberty A^ookwalter \ f1 O ««»""»•»PMisel-Aacreek Bbafler t MTrP^lddleburg I* AU; #/ !ö I "ti ~r^i" ^twiok Campbell « ^Masoot N ¡H A R L AN „ Hunfley^ ^toCarter j Q. l \OrleiiaB % iPeablcr / ' I' Stoddard/® .Bern iíepuOl' [ ÍSummerfield L Oketo I« : Mina^s.^ Axtell \ V«——^ Seneca Mabaska Webber! Narka Woodruff ^epublio Hunden Etawatbas EairYiew* ^herdahl \f Belleville 'Ealhb 'MaryavUle MorrowviÏÏS^ P Hawortb (Xurr^yw Sta.) Stuttgart Ceutralla iScandia urtland' Greenléa^ PbllUpaburg^ Borto^ I Norway Glade Klrwln Jewell Huilla ^aylord Irring '"»ion sestown vL'llfton .Portia Concordia o'/H^ton Blaine Carlook Ploeoamp H i Percb I Norwood R O & IC < Greenrallcy ° Horsefoot ^ Hammondo Seiden | Toiâwand» Malrem Duff °Ro8e ®8pragg °Butka- Shebeetej " w—'* oPhlljiiÄbi i Gemnlum J Valley® ^ Coburg V A il ^Klton ) ü V A D oWelsaert . Lee Park J ^ 1 c, WestervUleOsOtea> t—— fo ^ V % U' \S HuxIeyT« A An.l.í^ "Xí LoupCitb from Xj Greenwicb Longitude K W est NEBRASKA. {Continued), Ong N 7 Orchard M 3 Ord L 4 Orleans K 7 Osceoiii N 5 Oshkosh D 5 Osmond.......N 3 Overton. J 6 Oxford J 7 P»«® MS Palmer M 5 Palmyra.. Panama... Papilliou Q 6 Pauline M 7. Pawnee City.. Q 7 Paxton F 6 Pender P Peru U Petersburg....N i Phillips M 6 Pickrell P7 Pierce N 8 Pilger O 3 Plann view N 3 Platte Center N 4 Plattsmout h.. Q 6 Pleasant Dalo P 6 Pleasantbill...O 6 Pleasanton....K 6 Plymouth O 7 Polk N 5 i^onca P 2 Powell O 7 Prague ..P 6 Preston R 7 Primrose M 4 r L 6 Ragan K 7 Ralston Q 6 Randolph O 3 Ravenna L 5 liaymond P 6 Reti Cloud L 7 Republican Reynolds O 7 Richland O ö Rising City....O 5 Riverton L 7 Roca P 6 Rockville L 5 Rogers P 5 Rosalie Q 3 Roseland L 7 Royal M 3 Rulo S 7 Rushvilie D 2 Ruskln N 7 Saint Edward N 4 SaintHo1ena..O 2 Saint Paul M 5 Salem Il 7 Sargent K 4 ßaronville N 6 Schuyler...^..O 6 Scotia Ij 6 Scottsbluff.....\ 4 Scrlbner P 4 Seneca GS Seward O ö Shelby O 5 Shelton L 6 Shieícley N 7 Shubort R 7 Sidney 0 6 Silver Creek ..N 6 Sioux 0 8 Sinithfleld J 6 Snyder P 4 South Auburn R 7 South Beiid....Q 6 South Oiiuiha K 6 Spalding M 4 Spencer L 2 Springfield....ó 6 Springviow.... J 8 Stamford J 7 Stanton 0 4 :Staplehurst...O 6 Steele City.. ..P 7 Steinauer 0 7 Stella - Sterling Stockham.. Stoekville . Strang Stratton.. Strom8bui*g...N 5 Stuart K 2 Summer J 6 Superior N 7 Surprise O 6 Sutherland. ..F5 Sutton N 6 k-anton O 7 Syi-aciiso Q 6 Table lvoeU....Q 7 Talinage Il 6 Tamoi*a 0 6 Taylor K 4 Tecumseh Q 7 Tekamah Q 4 Thayer 0 6 Thedford O 4 Thurston P S Tilden Ñ 8 Tobias Trenton Trumbull .. Ulysses ..R 7 . H6 ..N6 .F7 Unadllla 0 8 Union K 8 University Place P 8 Upland L 7 Utica Ó 8 Valentine G 2 Valley Q 6 Valparaiso.. ..P 6 Verdel M 2 Verdigris N 2 Verdón R 7 Vestan Q 7 Virginia Q 7 Wabash Q 6 Waco *. O 8 Wahoo P 6 Wakefield P Wallace F o Walthill.. Washington. .0 8 Waterbury.... PS Waterloo 0 6 Wauneta F 7 Wausa N 9 Waverly P 8 Wayne O S Weeping Water ^ Western 8 7 Weston P 6 Westpoint P 4 Wilber O 7 Wilcox K 7 Wilsonviile...H 7 WiniTcbogo ... P 3 Winnetoon M 2 Winside.. Wisner... Wolbach.. Wood Lake. . Wood River...L 8 Wymore P 7 Wynot 0 2 York N 8 Yutan, GJ ..o 3 ,.P 4 .M 6 ..H 2 112 ATLAS OF THE WORLD f 1 \ "t »il k 1 ■s 1 -f-i o-s "/ :nor.j h mq \Bu8bne9 *bOldb»tB¡ ^j<,'nal Jí^ _ .1 • s 'tY"^ 'u V»"- „FlandÄsan-/ JT'. VIV^5>» StC'-'^^Ee*» ïlofre^ \ ^ r^toadu i «fes,. \ Dalzeir 'teSÎUB«oa .Pie3moDOSu^._ í.^Black Hâwkî^ Benton >0^' —êeilarforlt_2,/-~^ "\| mc ClureX^"^ L. ü Indian Reservation Waat^ jKeyatone/í^., I e^,nln?^Ie ) ^^Îb-:0 ^ IlbMand o C. Okaton 0«; ^Stamfi5rl Reliancei C^ton ^f^'^TvPenning-^ A >kMÔo*®° C9 IÎXËW A H/^J inope^ MP.eonerj(;uii vjjl I i\\8 ra aîîbÂ^ iherman ' irrcliOD Conata 5> Kadoka if®"V °'P / p, ('• ■« íi|Ui;2bp¿liji^*'^'v^" 'r^RlnSw ..' j , ¿,.,rfí^lUón àicjjûT"*^ .•Möhler ,Tnz 0 Eckard oGanible ¡Ardinore Cartock llrlDga /- 'ChaUwortb •#—> — p^v.?RE6ERVi &* labor' ■ Ina /^ßonhÖBime .Qreenwc ¿Tdissi ^niel ^-Loretjbag Butte o Dakota Je. Cbadron AdelS' ^kroi^ River Bris to *r ining Water Gordon .Wwtfield .Crawford ilobrars [HarriaonV^ JIaj Sprinai î/cwcastlc- l"nrton -' JTII DAKOTA Center ^Bloomfletd'' Stuart ^eadferii Alnsworth SCALE Oh MILES 'i^ngplne Creigbton /x^ \ RandoMi;; \yalovie*Jy»-'Vr~ Ü 10 20 3'J 40 50 tW state Capital ^ County Seats « Size of type indicates relative importance of places ' StaSbrd -* I Hair.mond'a Sail Nap of South Dakota I Copyright, l®ll,by a 8. Hammond k Co., X.T. nswicfc ■> Orchard Brui >.EwIng . ^ :. ! ?: Pi I ; ; f: i : f;?: i IT: : i ; : i; i f; : i ; : ; "r ; if s wi^i^ lateen ê i" y >g fí i^i B 2 > * . ® c» , i i X) Longitude 100" West ^3 üom 99" Greenwich SOUTH o DAKOTA. {Continued.") Herrick E4 Heiland GS Highinore HS Hin City A i Hitchcock FS Hosmer £ 2 Hot Springs...A 4 Howard GS Hudson H 4 Humboldt G 4 Hurley G 4 Huron FS Ipswich E 2 Irene G 4 Iroquois GS Java EC Jefferson HC Kadoka..•••• Keystone A á Kimball F á Lake Andes... .F 4 Lake Preston.G 8 Lane F S Langford G 2 Lead. AS Lennox Hi Leola F 2 Leaterville... .G ¿ Letcher F 4 Madison G 4 Marion G 4 Mellette F 2 Menno G 4 Midland CS Mlüiank H 2 Miller E 8 Mi.saionhill....G6 Mitchell F 4 Monroe ..G 4 Montrose G 4 Mount Vernon F 4 Newark G 2 Notthville F 2 Oacoma E 4 Oldham G S Olivet G 4 Onida D8 Parker G 4 Parkston G 4 Peever H 2 Piedmont A3 Pierpoint G 2 Pierre D 8 riankinton....P4 Platte F 4 Pollock D 2 Presho D 4 llamona GS Hapid City....A 3 lledtield FS líevilio H 2 lloubaix. .... A3 Salem G 4 Scotland G 4 Selby D 2 Sioux Falls... .H 4 Sisseton .....'..G 2 South Shore...G 2 Speartlsh AS Spencer G 4 Springfield....F f Stickney F i Strandbui-g.. .H 5 Sturgis A Í Summit H ' Tabor G Í Terraville A S Terry A S Toronto H S Trent H 4 Tripp G 4 Turton F 2 Twin Brooks..H 2 Tyndall G 4 Valley Springs H 4 Vermilion H 6 Vlborg G 4 Vienna G 8 Vila« G 3 Volga. H 8 Volin G 5 Wagner F 4 Wakonda G 4 Warner F 2 Watertown....G S Waubay G 2 Webster. G 2 Weiitworth...H 4 Wessington ...F 8 Wessington Springs. .F S "Wheeler.......F 4 White HS White Lake...F 4 ■WhiteRock...H 2 Whitewood ...A3 "Willow Lake..G S M'ilmot H 2 Winfred G 4 Wolsey F 3 Woonsooket... F 3 Worthing H 4 Yankton 0 5 11 »» W O H X W Í a r Ü Co iye^istow]L....Q9 Libby Al Lima. «...D£ Livingston F à Logan E A Lothrop B 3 Lowrv D 2 McAllister E 4 Maiden O 2 3Ialta J 1 Mammoth D 4 Manhattan....E 4 Martina B 2 Marysville D 3 lleaderville...D 3 Meadow CreekE é Melrose. ......D 4 Miles City L 3 Missoula 0 3 Monarch F Musselshell....J . ^■elhal•t F 3 New Chicago..O 3 Níwlon M" New Year. Q Noxon A 2 Park City H 4 Phillpsbui^....C 8 Plains ...B Poison B Pony Fi 4 Poplar I'l l*owdei*ville.. M 4 Ouaitz B2 lüideislmi^... E3 ilaneher J 3 Ked Lodge.... G 4 liexford .A 1 lUeeville E 2 Kiedel Gl Khnini.... ... D8 Rochester I> 4 RockiTcek.... F 4 ItíM'kvale II 4 Hönau B 2 Rosebud K 3 Hotheimay....(} " Roundup II 8 Hoy G 2 Ruby D4 &U)ra K 4 St. Ignatius...B " 8t. Pauls H 2 St. Peter D Sáltese A 2 Sandeliffs..... H 1 Sandcoulce.... E 2 Saypo D2 Sedan F 4 Sehvay L 4 Shannon E 3 Shawniut G 3 Shelby El Sheridan D 4 Shields F 4 Shirley L3 Sidney M 2 Silesia ri4 Silver D3 Silrerbow D 4 Sixteen F 3 Smelter E2 Seniors B1 Spanish E 4 Springdalo....F4 Staeey L4 Stark BS Stearns PS Steele F 2 Stevensville.. C Slockett E 2 Sula B3 Suunyside E Sun River. E Superior. B 2 Terry E8 Teton L - Thomiïson A 2 TownsM'lui I' «> TroutCieek...A2 Ti-oy - -Al Twin Hndges..p 4 Twodot í 3 rnity ^ 3 Vnniiiilia -J 1 Victor B3 VitglmaClty..E4 Walkerville.. .B3 Warmsprings. 1) 3 AVanicfc G? Wnitotlsh B1 WIdtehall E4 White Sulphur Springs.... !• 3 Wibaux 3 Wiekes 1>3 Willow Creek. K4 Winston 1'' 3 Wisdom C 4 Wolf Creek...I) 3 Wolf Point.. .L 1 Woodslde B 3 York E 3 Zurich H I CO o H X X § s QuamondlJ 8 X 11 Mtp of Montutft. Copyrisfal. 1018. liy C.8. Ilunmond & Co.. N.T. Long. F West 110° from G- Green. i09° ATLAS OF THE WORLD 115 Land surface. Sq. m. i»7,575 Water surface, Sq. m. 315 COUNTIES. Albany ß 5 Bighorn. I> 2 Carl)on F 5 Campbell (i 2 Converse G 3 Crook H 2 Fremont H i Goshen. II i. Hot Springs ..I) 3 Johnson F S Laramie H 6 Lincoln B 1 National Park Heservation..B 2 Natrona F 3 Niobrara H 3 Park 0 2 Platte H 4 Sheridan E 2 Sweetwater ...C 5 Uinta B 5 Washakie E 3 Weston ,H 3 CITIES-TOWNS Afton B4 Aladdin H 2 Âlcova F 4 Aliny .B 5 Arapahoe I) 8 Atlantic City. .L> 4 Auburn A4 Baggs. E 5 Barljer F 2 Basin D2 Bedford B 4 Bennett F 5 Bertha. G 2 Beulah H 2 Big Horn F 2 Big Muddy F 4 Bigpiney B 4 Bigtrails E 3 Binford G 4 Birdseye E 3 Bittere reek.... D 5 Bonanza E 2 Bondurant ...BS Bordeaux H 5 Border B 4 Bosler G 5 Boulder 0 4 Boxelder G 4 Boyd H 2 Bndger B 5 Butt'alo F 2 Burlington. ...D 2 Burntiork C6 Byron D 2 Cambria H 3 Carbon F 5 Carlile H 2 Carney ville.... F 2 Carroll F 2 Cai-ter B 5 Caspar F 4 Cheyenne H 5 Chugwater.... H .■> Clark C 2 Ciearmont F 2 Coburn D2 Cody C2 Cokeville B4 Copperton E 5 Cora C 4 Cowley 1)2 Crestón E 6 Cum berland... B 5 Jfale Creek.. ..G 5 Dallas 1) 4 Dana F 5 Daniel B 4 Dayton ...E2 Diamondvilie..B 5 Dietz F 2 Dillon E5 Dixon E 5 Douglas G 4 Downington...F6 Dubois C 3 Egbert H 5 Elk B3 Elk Wountain..r Einbar I) 3 Encaiiipinent.. F 5 Eothen H 2 Evanston B5 Fairview a 4 Fayette C 4 Fenton D 2 Fontenelle B 4 Fort Fred Steele. E 5 Fort Laramie. H 4 Fort Russell. 11 5 Fort Washakie D3 Fossil B 5 Fouj bear C 2 Frederick H 4 Freedom B4 Freelaud F 4 French F 5 Frewen D5 Frontier B6 Garland D 2 Garrett G 4 Germania I) 2 Gillette G 2 Gleiicoe B 5 Glendo G 4 Glenrock G 4 Granger 05 Granite Canyon G5 Grayrooks II 4 Green River. C5 Greub h' 2 Grever B4 Grovoiit B 3 Guernsey H 4 liailey D 4 Halfway B 4 Hamilton F 2 Hammond G 4 Hampshire....G 3 Hatnsíork B 5 Hanna F 5 Hartville H 4 Hutcreek H 4 Hecia— G5 Holmes F 5 Holt E 3 Horton H 2 Hulett H 2 Hyativillo.... E 2 Inez G 4 lonia D2 Iron Mountain G 5 Ishawooa C 2 Islay il 5 Jackson B 3 Jensen B 4 Kaycee F 3 Keinmerer... B i Kendall BS Keystone F 5 Kirtley H 4 Knight B 5 Lagrange H 5 Lander U 4 Lammie G 5 Leo F 4 Le Roy .B5 Linden H 2 á á iíi ft "é / o. !•' ^ t»jy29|^_S ä ä e« ✓ 116 ATLAS OF THE WORLD iDm Land Surface^ Sq. m. 84,290 Water surface, Sq. in. 510 COUNTIES. Ada Bd Adams B6 Barmock G 7 Bear Lake G 7 Binífliam F 6 Blame ü 6 Boise Cô Bonner B 1 Canyon Bí Cassia E7 Cieanvater. ...CS Custer ÜÖ c . Washington. .B 6 CiriES-TOWNù Acequia E 7 Ah.SHlika B 3 Albion E 7 Almo E 7 American Falls F7 Ammon G 6 Archer G 6 Ai*oo E Ö Atlanta C 6 Badger G 6 Bancroft G 7 Basait F 6 Basin ET Bay 1101*86 D 5 Bellevue D O Bennington...G 7 lUackfoot F 6 Bliss D 7 Bloómington..G 7 Boise B 6 Bonners Ferry B 1 Boyer .B 1 Bridge E 7 Brvan F 6 Buhl D 7 •Burke C Burley E 7 Cabinet Cl Caldwell B 6 Cambridge. ...B 5 Carey E 6; Carmen E 4 Cataldo B Cavendish B 3 Centervillü.... C 6 Challis D 5 Chapín G 6 Cherrycreek .. F 7 t'hester G 6 Chestei*fl«-ld...G 7 Clai'k Foi-k.... B 1 Clayton D 6 Clearwater ....CS Cœur d'Aleñe..B 2 Conant E 7 Cottonwood.. • B 4 Council B 6 Omwford.. —C 5 Culdesac B 3 Cuprum B 4 Custer D 6 Delamar B 0 liempsey G 7 Denver B 4 Desmet B 2 Dewey B 6 Downey F 7 Di'iggs G 6 Dubois F 6 Egin G è Eli» E 7 KlkClty C4 Kminett B 6 Fairview B' 7 Ferdinand B " Filer D7 Firth .. F 6 Fishhaven G 7 Fletcher B 3 Forney I) 5 Franklin G 7 Garden Valley B 5 Gem C 2 Genesee A S Geneva H 7 Georgetown .. G 7 Gitibonsville ..12 4 Gifford BS Gilbert B Glenns Ferry. .C 6 Goo5t-l6i6teO>C3-4liOVSb> «b-teneot-io ATLAS OF THE WORLD 117 Land surfaxje, Sq. in. 8S.190 Water surface, Sq. m. 2,780 CooanC, SCALE OF MILES COUNTIES, Beaver Boxelder Cache Carbon Davis Emery Garfield Grand Iron Juab Kane Millard Morgan Piute Rich Salt Lake San Juan Sanpete Sevier Summit Tooele Uinta Utah Wasatch Washington... Wayne Weber ' Malad City State Capital ^ County Seats ® Military Reservation Boundaries Indian " '• F.orest Reserve •' ^ize of type indicates relative importance of places Samaria, -CokeTills Weston' (FranTcUrf 7a//eíís»<>*^< . TwhMk. 'aft ^ • Acjion'' Rosette "5 : ParkN. ,,^'^i ?VaIloy" il /w( Meafoi« Laketo,vn M ¿Randolpfa /Aj Ore tue Creek ?;^Kolmarl ¡pProinony: Cumberlandiiif. .tjuddJL Cr. Green' River Gartncj £ Carter *•0%« ffMTintaon sâ .Evaiulon (ootellol Strongknob .Mountain Vlc^^ CITIES-TOWNS Abraham B á Adamsville....B5 Alpine C 3 Alta 0 3 American Fork C 3 Aneth E 6 Annabella C 5 Aurora B 5 Axteil C 4 Basin E 6 Bear River Oit;^ ^ Beaver B 5 Benjamin C 3 Bingham Canyon. .B 3 Blutf E6 Bountiful C 3 Brigham C 2 Burrville C 5 Caiueviile C 5 Cannouville.. .B 6 Castle Dale....C 4 Castlegate..... D 4 Castle Rock .. C 2 Cedar City ... A 6 Centerfield ...C 4 Ceiiterville... .C 3 Charlestt>u C 3 Circleville B 5 Ciarkaton B 2 Clearcreek .. -C 4 Clearlake B 4 Cleveland D 4 Clover B 3 Coalville C 3 Collinston B 2 ColCort C 4 Corinne B 2 Cove 0 2 Coy oto B 5 Croydon C 2 Deseret B 4 Desertlake .... D 4 Dewey ville.... B 2 Dragon E 4 Draper C 3 Echo City C 3 Elsinore B 5 Emery.... C 5 Enoch ...AG Enterprise ....AO Ephraim C 4 Escalante C 6 Eui'eka B 4 Fairfield C 3 Fairvievv (? 4 Farmlngtou... H 3 Fayette (J 4 Ferren C 4 Fielding B 2 Fillmore B 5 Fort Duchesne E 3 Fountain Green C4 Freedom 0 4 Fremont (J 5 Frisco A 5 Garden City.. .C 2 Garfield B 3 Garland B 2 Garrison.. ...A5 Giles D5 Glendalc B G Glenwood C 5 Goshen C 4 Grantsville BS Green lliver...D 4 Greenville B 5 Greenwich C 5 Grouse Creek..A 2 Gunnison C 4 Hanksviile.... D5 Harper D 4 Harrisville B 2 Hatch B Ü Heber C 3 Helper D 4 Henefer C 2 Henrieville... .C G Hinkley B 4 Holden B 4 H.oUida3' 0 3 Hoiieyville... .B 2 Hooper 0 2 Hoytsville C 3 Huntington. ..0 4 Huntsvillo C 2 Hyde Park — C 2 Hyrum .C 2 Indiauoia C 4 Jensen E 3 Johnson B G Jo.seph B 5 Juab C 4 Junction B 5 Kamas 0 3 Kanah B 6 Kanarraville. .A 6 Kanosh B 5 Kaysville C 2 Kelton A 2 Kiinberly B 5 King C 2 Kingston B 5 Kooaharein.. .05 Lakepoiiit B 3 Laketown C 2 Layton B 2 Leamington. .B4 Leeds A 6 Lehi C 3 Levan 0 4 Lewiston C 3 Loa ...C 5 Logan C 3 Lyman 0 5 Maeser E 3 Mammoth B 4 Manila E 3 Manti C4 Marysvale B 5 'f^Emon- Bridgeport ^reetv g||HoytsTiii^^ I— WESTERN BarraPAclFic g'û'î/ "AfJ Sj ■;ISjG27^r "'^V r Isón ^1- 13^300^^ i'l , {, 0^^ásBÍ"é^ MarêJt, w Zuffom Dryf0rk0.lT ^ ' \ -)1) Vèrnal®^^^( .CàrboX [ámpi late'au 1 iDuic'h Säv CVusnv! CCupre^s Hills , Ouray fClîntoq^S: Tucker Boulter but i f / Black Rock-- f Í J i <^1 Trout Cr. ipregoa iDoweH MU ajtívWÍnajaDolüS, fiteíSTR 2^/ tôtsar/ ÍpRppVjí Vin'"ko pïbùr^i J .V^J'IúkíO/JA i / V Jc/á>\ 'Fuuiitniii; ICletPf Pjice^ ^olH„, PItch'XQ/ |S Ephcttliu] ilS wfjpw U^ÓU^ v^^terîiïïg'**"^ í Verde <*p¿«ertUke^,, & ^Cleveland White ílirntlngt^ oTS», 1-.^' oodsid^^l' ^v/ Red Plateau 'Orat^evilî?}.^ WCastletlälc' rKf-sss-"^. / ; fclearîake / Holdeap Se^wlthf ^late^ujsunn fWoÀ. ¡son's 7 Mt.Cntk'rk ^f^L^ackrock"' Jita,\\l -V \ Ii .a ^ r '/fSmiths^g^nch StsM )l i'-o. iJ Garrison .-Little sGrandei ^ 2 Dome^^/ ' Surbauk Va 'Flat .„Richardson Jastletoi^í*'"'"' VA'anabël Inviyàrj iu«tiir„íf B : ^ -o®')FrifCo tmontyTH^ùsa^ Lake jMarysváí^-Q ) X^?'' I Tukiilfnikivatty 'Milford-A V Indian} l Pk; ' ►eayer- ^^jMJunctkii ^cle- MlnoravUlê Thermo Tjemfàfii yPyads 'Sulphur Well Slit^tellae /tit .Ai ij^JPuttoricQ Boulder Mt.Penn^h 11000 f MUMIllèr , ["SMUHüInm-f g ö00bv#j mUBHsuMrttfi I ^ « (lf3CK¿-iáf 1 Mt.Li'^naeudx^, ÍLGüdl J ^.--¿^<>11^ Escalante iTripicy Hpnrlcvjjle: ■ Hebron^ Soloipans HawkhisX Swaílow¿i- Park ■% ■ . zx r7 v/i' V A/B j^rOunittefc y ■ A (f Leeds O ^ Jfi Mt.yù h'/CufmiK MrunW^^ ^ INDIAN RESERVATION.fy'^ Monument^'. Knna%' Nauajo Mt. r „10.410 'iàToiver Butte ^ Hammond's 8 z'll.Map of Utah I Copyright, lUlQ by C.S.Hammond & Co., N.Y. Longitude 112 ' 111° Greenwich, West 118 ATLAS OF THE WORLD NEW MEXICO. Land stirface, Sq. in. I!í2,460 Water surface, Sq. m. 120 COUNTIES. Bemainio Cé Chave« E 6 Colfax E2 Curry E é Dona Ana C 6 Kddy EO ümnt A 6 Guadalupe Lincoln Luna McKinley Mora Otero Quay Ulo Arriba.... Rr^ ^ :y •2ï?hl : S Ê ^ ii îlÂlfelt^MCiïrW ¡ W i ^V^cfí-vlj i Ï i ' J Vil - ^SÍíS ÍÍ°^/Í29 ;Öi mVSl i o < sí M ¿4 w « U1 V V Ô z 2 o M i h-i E Q s cí 2 K: ® +a o i5 S ë S ^ â ^ -â ph CH S :: I á 11 ° ^ c8 d d N ® .2 .2 .S ra ce *5 "*5 *0 *» ,5 f5 Ö CQ ^ K )H IS Is ü fq QO ffl T CALIFORNIA. (Ckmft'nued.) Potter Valley, ß 1 PrattviUe D 8 Princeton.... 07 Puente HIS Quartz ElO Quincy E« Hamona J19 Rand.sburg.... H15 Raymond..... Fll Red Bluff 0 6 Redding C 4 Redlands H17 Redondo Gl8 Redwood City .CU Reedley F13 Rial to Hn Richmond... ClO Rio Dell A 6 Rio Vista D 9 lUverdale FIS Riverside Hl8 Rocklin D 8 Rodeo 0 9 RohnerviUe...A4 Rosevllle D 8 Rutherford... .C 9 Sacramento.. .D 8 St. Helena 09 Salinae D18 San Andreas..£ 9 San Bernardino H17 San Diego H20 San Dimas....H17 San Fernando G17 San Francisco CIO San Gabriel. ..617 Sanger FIS San Jacinto... HIS San Jose DU San Juan Bautista.. D19 San Juan Capistrano..H19 San J.eandro.. CIO San Lucas EIS San Luis Obispo E16 San Luis Rey.H19 San Mateo CIO San Miguel... .E14 San Pablo CIO San PasquaIe.H19 San Pedro — G18 San Quentin. .CIO San lmfael....C10 Santa Ana.... H18 Santa BaibaraF17 Santa Clara...Cll Santa Cruz....C12 Santa Maria.. E16 Santa Monica.G17 Santa Paula...F17 Santa Rosa. ...CO Santa Ynez ... E16 Samtoga Cll Saticoy F17 Bausalito ClO Sawtelle G17 Sawyers Bar.. B 3 Scales E 6 Scotia A 6 Scott Bar BS Sebastopol C 9 Selma Fl8 Shasta C4 Sheepranch... -E 9 Sierra City E 6 Sierra Madre. Hl7 Sierravilie. ...E8 Sisson OS Smartville ....D7 Smith River.. - A 2 Sneliing ElO Soldiei-sHomeGn Soledad DIS Somers ville...DIO Sonoma C 9 Sonora ElO Soquel DU Soulsbyville...EIO South Pasadena « ^ G17 South San Fran¬ cisco..ClO Stanford University..Cll Stent ElO Stirling City..DO Stockton DIO Stonyford 0 7 Suisun City. ...CO Suiniuerland.. F17 Sunnyvale Cll Sunolglen DlO Susan ville E5 Sutter D 7 Sutter Creek..E9 Sycamore 0 7 Taylor 0 4 Taylorsville...E6 Tenachapi — Glö Tehama 0 6 Temecula Hl9 Templeton EU Tesla DlO Tiburón CIO Tipton FIS Tollhouse Fll Tómales 0 9 Tracy DlO Traver. FIS Trinidad A S Tropico Q17 Truckee E 7 Tulare FIS Tuolumne ElO Turlock Ell Tustin H18 Ukiah B 7 Upland Hl7 Upper Lake ...0 7 v'aca ville C 9 Vallejo 0 9 Valley Ford.. .0 9 Valley SpringsE 9 Vallieita E 9 Venice G18 Ventura F17 Vina CO Visalia FIS Volcano E 9 Waddington ..A4 Walnut Creek.ClO Walnut Grove.D 9 Washington...E 7 Watsouviile..D12 Watts G18 Weavervllle...C4 Westminster .H19 WestpK)int E 9 Westport B 6 Wheatland.... D 7 Whittier G18 Williams C 7 Willlts B 7 WiUow Ç7 Willowranch.. ^Wilmington. .QI8 ¡Windsor C« 7 Winters C8 á Wood bridge. ..09 3 Woodland.... .D 8 ? Woodside Cll 3 Wrights Dil Ä Yolo D8 Sggej 3 3.S.2.SJS oS'ooqqoqqqooqSoq «3 3 3S5555—i2iJi2.2ssa5sS52 »22.2s25 —32 3 à»®«®®©©® .iS^J.S'oooo ö o o o"sj"cö"eä 5 5 v S 5.2.2 flS'22H335353aa©®® 3 ®.S¿5i:25.22 ¿"o'S 5 o o o o Yreka'^^^^ "**02 SSS le, X XXOOOQOOOOOOOOOOOXXX^XXXXXXXXXxK.x£.Xax axk, Yuto C:ity.V..'.D7 122 ATLAS OF THE WORLD GAUF^RNIA. (And surface, Sq. m. 155,{ Water surface, Sq. m. 2,380 COUNTIES. Alameda DIO Alpine F 8 Amador E9 Butte D 6 Calaveras E 9 Colusa 0 7 Contra Costa.. CIO Del Norte A 2 Eldorsulo E 8 Fresno F12 Glenn C 6 Humboldt B 5 Imperial K19 Inyo H12 Kern F15 Kings. F14 Lake 0 7 Lassen E 4 Los Angeles..-Gif Madera Ell Marin .0 9 Mariposa FIO Menuociuo ... • B 6 Merced.. Ell Modoc E 2 Mono F 9 Monterey D13 Napa 0 9 Nevada E 7 Orange H18 Placer E 7 Plumas E 6 Riverside K18 Sacramento... D 9 San Benito.. ..DI2 San Bernardino JIO San Diego J20 San Francisco Ü10 San Joaquin... D 9 San Luis Obispo E16 San Mateo Oil Santa BarbaraElO Santa Clara.. .Dil Santa Cruz... .Cll Shasta C 4 Sieriu E 6 Siskiyou C f' Solano D ' Sonoma B Stanislaus DIO Sutter D 7 Tehama. C5 Trinity B 6 Tulare FIS Tuolumne F 9 Ventura .F16 Yolo. D8 Yuba D 7 CITIESjJOWNS Adin E 8 Alameda CIO Alhainbra G17 Alma Dil Alturas FS Alvarado CIO Alviso Dli Amador City. .E^ Anaheim H18 Anderson C 5 Augel Island .CIO Angels Camp.. E 9 Antioch DID Aptos D12 Arbuekle C7 Areata A4 Arlington.... H18 Annona FIS Arroyo Grande E15 Artesla G18 Auburn D 8 Avalon G19 Azusa —H17 Bakerstleld ... F15 Balboa H18 Banning J18 Barstow H16 Bayside A4 Beaumont J18 Belmont CIO Belvedere CIO Benicia C*" Ben Lomond.. Cll Berkeley Ó10 Bieber D 3 Biggs D7 Big Oak Flat. ■ ElO Bigplne Gil Bishop Gil Black Diamond D9 Blacks Station D 8 Blue Canyon.. E 7 Blue Lake B 4 Bodie F^ Bostonia J20 Bou Ider Creek Cll Bowers J18 Brentwood... DIO Bridgeport.... F 9 Brownsville.. .D 7 Burbank G17 Burnett G18 Burney D 4 Butte City D 7 • Byroii DIO Calexico K20 Calistoga Ç * Callahan • Cambria D14 Campbell Dil Camptonville.D7 Capay C 8 Carmel D18 Carpintería... F17 Carters ElO Caspar B 7 Castro ville.... D12 Cayucos E16 Cedarville E 2 Centerville—CIO Ceres ElO Cherokee D 6 Chico D6 Chino H19 Claremont.... H17 Clayton DIO Clements D 9 Cloverdaie B 8 Olovis F12 Coachella J18 Coalinga EIS Colfax E7 College City.. .D 8 Collin3ville....D9 Colma CIO Colton Columbia Colusa Compton Concord Coming Corona Coronado.... Cottonwood.. Coulterville.. Covelo Oovina. ATLAS OF THE WORLD 123 ■ Xtaesq Keliol GlMgoi .snnda. CtMcetM fe. /^> AUun Beaga! Amboj. Barstoi^ \ Kramer) SEA belof CALIPORKIA (Southern Part) SCALE OF MILES ¡ABBABA Stato Capital @ County Seats ® National Parks -.-.-i-i-i—i—i — National Forests —«—«—*— Indian Reservations. Size of type indicates relative importance of places. Bammond's Complete Map of California (Southern Copyright, 1912, by O.S.HammoudA Co., N.V CALIFORNIA. (Contintéed.) Potter Valley.3 7 Prattville D B Princeton C 7 Puente HIS Quartz £10 (Juincy E 0 Ramona J19 Randsburg.... H16 Raymond Fil Red Bluff 0 5 Redding C 4 Redlanas H17 Redondo G18 Redwood City.Oll Reedley F12 Rlalto H17 Richmond .... ClO Rio Dell A 5 Rio Vista D 9 Riverdale F13 Riverside H18 Rocklin D 8 Rodeo 0 9 Rohnerville... A 4 Rosevllle D 8 Rutherford... .0 9 Sacramento.. .D 8 St. Helena 0 9 Elinas D12 San Andreas..E9 San Bernardino H17 San Diego H20 San Dimas.... H17 San Fernando G17 San Francisco CIO San Gabriel...617 Sanger F12 San Jacinto.. .H18 San Jose Dil San Juan Bautista. .312 San Juan Capistrano..H19 San Leandro. ■ CIO San Lucas E13 San Luis Obispo E16 San Luis Rey. H19 San Mateo CIO San Miguel....E14 San Pablo CIO San Pasquale.H19 San Pedro .... G18 San Quentin.-ClO San Rafael....CIO ^nta Ana.... H18 Santa BarbaraFl? Santa Clara...Cll Santa Cruz... .C18 Santa Maria..£16 Santa Monica.G17 Santa Paula.. .F17 Santa Rosa.... C 9 Santa Ynez ... E16 Saratoga Cll Saticoy F17 Sausallto CIO Sawtelle G17 Sawyera Bar. .B 3 Scales £ 6 Scotia A 6 Scott Bar BS Sebastopol.... C 9 Selma F12 Shasta C4 Sbeepranch... .E 9 Sierra City.... E 6 Sierra Aladre.H17 Sierra ville. -..E6 Sisson C 3 Smartville.... D 7 Smith River.. .A 2 Snelling ElO Soldiere HomeGl? Soledad DIS Somersville... DIO Sonoma C 9 Sonera ElO Sequel Dil Soulsby ville... ElO South Pasadena G17 South San Fran¬ cisco. .CIO Stanford University. .Cll Stent ElO Stirling City.. D 6 Stockton DIO Stonyford C 7 Sulsun City.... C 9 Suinmerland.. F17 Sunnyvale.... Cll Sunolglen DlO Susan ville E 5 Sutter D7 Sutter Creek..E9 Sycamore C 7 Taylor C 4 Tay lorsville... E 5 Tehachapi ....Gl5 Tehama C 5 Temecula H19 Templeton EU Tesla DIO Tiburón CIO Tipton FIS Tollhouse FU Tomales 0 9 Tracy DIO Traver. FIS Trinidad A 3 Trópico G17 Tnickee E 7 Tulare FIS Tuolumne ElO Turlock Ell Tustin H18 Ukiah B7 Upland Hl7 Opper Lake ...C7 Vaca ville C 9 Vallejo C 9 Valley Ford...C9 Valley SpringsE 9 Vallicita E 9 Venice G18 Ventura F17 Tina C 6 Visalia ..F13 Volcano .E 9 Waddington..A4 Walnut Creek.ClO WalnutGrove.D 9 Washington... E 7 Watsonville ..D12 Watts G18 Weaverville... C 4 Westminster. H19 Westpoint E9 Westport B 6 Wheatland... .D 7 Whittier G18 Williams C7 Willits B7 Willow C 7 Willowranch. .E 2 Wilmington. .618 Windsor 0 8 Winters 0 8 Woodbridge.. .D 9 Woodland D 8 Woodside Oil Wrights DU Yolo. Dt Yountvllle ....G t Yreka Ol Yuba City D7 SOiÔ 124 ATLAS OF THE WORLD OREGON. ¿.aiid surface, 8q. m. 94,6(0 iVater surface, Sq. m. 1,470 COUNTIES. Baker H 3, Benton 1> 3 Clackamas2 Clatsop B 2 Columoia B2 Coos A 4 Crook E 3 Curry A 5 Boutflas C 4 Gilliam E 2 Grant F 3 Harney F ( Hood River...D2 Jackson C6 Josephine B 5 Klamath D5 Lake E 6 Lane 0 4 Lincoln B 3 Linn C 3 Jlalheur H 4 Warion O S Morrow F 2 Multnomah.. ..O 2 Polk B 3 Sherman E 2 Tillamook B2 Umatilla G 2 Union H 2 Wallowa I£ 2 Wasco D 2 Washinfifton... B 2 Wheeler E 8 ratnhm B2 CITIES-TOWNS Adams G 2 Airlie B 3 Albany C 3 Amity B 2 Antelope E 8 Arlington E 2 Ashland 0 6 Astoria B 1 Athena........G 2 Aumsville O S Aurora O 2 Baker City....H S Bandon A 4 Barlow 0 2 Bay City B 2 Beaver Hill.... A 4 Beaverton 0 2 Bonanza D 5 Bourne GS Bridal Veil....02 Brooks 0 2 Brownsville... .0 3 Buena Vista.. .B 3 Burns F 4 Butierville. ...02 Canby 0 2 Canyon City...G 3 Caiiyouvilie... .B Ö Carlton B2 Carson H 3 X^ascade Locks D 2 Central Pomt..O 6 Champoeg 0 2 Cheiiiawa 03 Clackamas..... C 2 Clatskauie B1 Clatsop B1 Clifton B 1 Coburg BS Condon E 2 Coquille A4 Cornelius......B 2 Cornucopia.., < H 2 Corvallis B 3 Cottage Grove B 4 iCove H 2 CrawfordsvilleC 3 Creswell B 4 Dallas B 3 Damascus. O 2 Dayton B 2 Day ville F 3 Drain B 4 Drewsey G 4 Dufur D 2 Dundee 0 2 Echo F 2 Eddy ville BS Elgin G 2 Elkhead B 4 Empire A4 Euterprise II2 Estacada 0 2 Eugene B3 Falls City B 3 Flora H 2 ' Florence A4 Forest Grove..A 2 Fort Klamath O 5 Fossil E 3 Fox Valley.....0 3 Freewater G 2 Gales Creek...B 2 Gardiner A4 Garibaldi B 8 Gaston B 2 Gervais O 2 Glencoe ( ■ 2 Gtendale B 5 Goble Cl Gold Beach.... A 5 Gold HiU B5 Granite G 3 Grant E2 Grants Pass... B 5 Grass Valley.. K 2 Gresham O 2 Haines... G 3 Salsey B 3 ardman F 2 Harri8bui:^....B3 Helix G 2 Heppner F 2 Hermiston..... P 2 Hilgard G 2 HiUstKoro B2 Hood River....D 2 Houlton 0 2 Hubbai'd 0 2 Huntington. ..113 Imbler G 2 Independence-B 3 loue, F 2 Island City....11 2 Jacksonville.. .B 5 Jeiferson B 8 John Day......G S Joseph H 2 Junction City.B 3 Kent E 2 Kerby B 5 Kings Valley.. B 3 Klamath Fails D 5 La Fayette —B 2 La Grande ....G 2 I^kevlew E 6 Langlois A 6 Latourelt FallsC 2 Lebanon 03 Leland B 5 Lexington F 2 Linkville D 6 Unnton 0 2 Lonerock F 2 Long Creek.... G 3 LMÜne H 2 ATLAS OF THE WORLD 125 NEVADA. Land surface, Sq. in. 1UÜ,740 Water surface, Sq. m. COUNTIES. Clark G a Churchill C 3 Douglas B 4 Elko Fx Esmei-alda. ....04 Eureka E 2 Humboldt C 1 Lander 1) 3 Lincoln F 5 Lyon B3 Mineral C 4 Nye E4 Ormsby BS Btoi*ey BS "Washoe B 2 "White Pine. . F 3 CITIES-TOWNS Acoma, G 5 Alamo F 5 Alpine D3 Amos D 1 Antelope E 4 Arthur. F 2 Ashdovvn C 1 Ashineadow.. .E 6 Atwood I) 4 Aui-a El Aurui-a 0 4 Auruin G 3 Austin D 3 Baixjlay G 5 Barnes F 4 Basalt 0 4 Battle Mountain D2 Bauvard G1 Beatty E6 Beaver Fl Belmont E 4 Beowawe E 2 Berlin D 4 Birch F 3 Black Horse...G3 Blaine F 2 Blair D 5 Bonne Clare...D 6 Boyd G 5 Boy er 0 3 Brown G 6 Buckskin B4 Buena Vista. ..06 Buffalo Meadows. .A 2 Bull Frog D 6 Bullion F 2 Bunkorville...H6 Oalieiite G 5 Candelaria.... O 4 Canyon D3 Carlin E 2 Carson City....B 3 Catons D 3 Cave Cieck F2 Charleston.... F 1 Cherry Creek..G 3 Clai-ks B3 Clifford E4 Cluro E 2 Coaldale D4 Cobre Gl Coldcreek F3 Colmiibia D 5 Contact ■- " Cortez Cosgrave D CrcHcent F Crestline G Crystal Springs 126 ATLAS OF THE WORLD TSw'l! Ouiuh^ J ^Maz«)iiiere ^ ^ j rH*lJ-a r» Abbottsford, l'raîrie HuDfinedon J(luiilP Î.Jfe»^"isn i.B./nJIouWt Tei-DOn 1 *'3îàwi«VfcLi I ^ YMootbonw o*' Í lEhilieh >L_ <^caiu/«y San Í Cwat'adju/v.^ Pt. Patridge Oo» ^ Coupevure-^«». wCAMANOfior3C?v Wenaehe L. Naeon Cr. iSt^V^Qs-. Grotto^^ 'CMoade Tunnel stevena Pasa V Cojdc J í iiATpo'lí jNdIit» ^CiÍo^§Tm gCroehj Slurl^io Chiwauki \\ -o-t oreet o/ v \ Kno* ' /Napavíne '^! ^ „Zi" „ EtheU-/SAÍkwno P""" y^snvAr? AWialock/ r* bI Coj^Ï , í».SAoa/n/aíer®ToKelan{ , ^yuiapa B.t Leadbetter Pt,/f i «,< BaZ^^terpâ Ji. Oowlobe Menlo-: jCurtis Hoicomb' jfíVe Eli MoCormick- O^Bterrii Rändle S ÍRlalier kfort Tfahcottj Ooean ParkJ tJ-S.Dlfe Baring Sta.S 'Loomial Oeeaneldei Craaberriíl Bre^.ril Iiî-^te-»(U5eO'*«lOe-ÎN Cheweláh",'.'.*'.P2^^.'^^^^^'?99^'^®^'^Ss^9'5í¿^*'^í¿OC.H ^K>'.S-':0«OOOOftH&-.ÄOSHCC^feWWWCL,Ei.06t.ciiJO Chico E3 ; Chimacum E2 lî Chinook C 6 "o ® --p Christopher...F4 g^Sfi -, . Cicero G 2 ^<35.5 5 § « S" « 4!*: tt=:= 5"S «^'ö 5— ® o Clallam B8 s'^'O.ú^áiíS > H 5 =-i * = » Llaikston Q6 S.S¿—.Sss——^3 o3333 3ooccocoocc;SE0 TlaytouP3 00000000000000000000000000000 ^^ASHINGTOK State Capital @ County Seats ® National Parks -I—i—i—i-i—i—i—I— National Forests —*-x-x-x-x-x->í- Indian Reservations Size of type indicates relative importance of places. Hunmoodle Complete Map of Watbiogton. CoprrI^t,lUll I bj C.S.Hammosd ¿-Co., N.T.- 1-3 Sq H Es. fc H M EN Q C OQ O OCl i; O O K C5 O£4 ic a H:; S5 O a C S íS«J=lí ATLAS OF THE WORLD O'.J E^ a O O E4 c O Ä O Ec E¿ ÍN g Ofe Ä EÍ a O Ï E^ Í5 W Et Et. 2 Es« Es. O O Eö EÚ 9'©iioiOM^^ei^»"«i.'î«o-»iiiîeo«ftw®»CEtCtfeO«C?f0Et.OEMSOEt.Es.üKEd V i , Ä f/ >■ DetioW/p ^ j O'KAÍM0®*®M^ ' o \ Toledo ( /^KadlsoJ mlWBiike^ -i ChlcBgoj toDuqueI Cooncil Bluffs Peoty» 'DanrlUe] ß. Lincoln' 1 *ol««lTlUe, • \3 \\ O R -A Xo l' l^orsdo\ k \ -7*^^ Springs \ l"\ \ ^fnebi<^- y larenworth ïianktoit ^yeleffltiWS Xfolk JtattaDOC ^«mpbls Oklsh^ CoalgaU ¡UotSprlDSS flestoB. (Dallas Ptm Barroi Baton, ; Bonge AnWaio VARIATION OF ALTITUDE ELEVATION ABOVE 10,000 FEET ALTITUDE MAP OF THE UNITED STATES and Fortions of CANADA PROM B,000 TO 10,000 FEET FROM 1,000 TO 6,000 FEET FROM 100 TO 1,000 FEET FR0M-8EA LEVEL TO 100 FEET N3 C» M O H X W O X r 0 PRINCIPAL COUNTRIES OF THE WORLD COÜNTRT Abyssinia Af^hauiatau Audoi-ra Argentina Australia Austria-Hungary Belgium Belgian Kongo Bhutan Bolivia Brazil British Empire Bulgaria Canada Chile China Colombia Costa Kica Cuba Denmark Denmark, Colonies of Ecuador Egypta France France, Colonies of Germany Germany, Colonies of Great Britain and li'eiand. England Ireland Scotland Greece Guatemala Haiti Honduras India Italy Italy. Colonies of Japan Japan, Dependencies of.... Liberia Liechtenstein Luxemburg Mexico Monaco Montenegro Nepal Netherlands Netherlands, Colonies of.. New Zealand Nicaragua Norway Oman Panama Paraguay Persia Peru Portugal Portugal, Colonies of Roumania Russia Russia, Dependencies of... Salvador Sail Marino Santo Domingo Servia Siam Spain Spain, Colonies of Sweden Switzerland Turkey & tributary states b United South Africa United Suites, Continental U, S., Dependencies of Uruguay Venezuela Absolute Monarchy.. Absolute Monarchy . Republie] Republic Commonwealth Limited Monarchy.., Limited Monarchy... Limited Monarchy.. Republic Republic Limited Monai-chy., I.imited Monai-chy., Confederation Republic Republic Republic Republic Republic Limited Monarchy.. Republic Limited Monarchy . Republic Limited Monarchy.. Limited Monarchy., Limited Monarchy.. Republic Republic Republic Limited Monarchy.. Limited Monarchy.. Limited Monarchy..., Republic Monarchy Limited Monarchy.., Republic Limited Monarchy .. Limited Monarchy.., Absolute Monarchy.. Limited Monarchy.., Commonwealth Republic Limited Monarchy... Absolute Monarchy.. Republic Republic Limited Monarchy... Republic Republic Limited Monari'hy.., Absolute Monarchy., Republic Republic Republic Limited Monarchy... Absolute Monarchy., Limited Monarchy... i.imited Monarchy.. Republic [iimited Monarchy.. Confederation Republic Republic . Republic . Addis Abeba . Kabul Lij Yasu Habibullah Khan.. Buenos Aires Vienna, Budapest Brussels Roma Punakha Sucre ; La I'az — Rio de Janeiro ... London Sofia Ottawa Santiago Peking Bogota San Jose Havana Copenhagen Quito Cairo Pai'is Roque Saenz Pena.. Lord Deuman Francis Joseph I.... Albert I Berlin .. London.. PRESENT HEAD Ugyen Wangchuk .... EUodoro VilTazon Hermes da Fonseca. . George V Ferdinand Duke of Connaught.. Ramon Barros Luco.. Yuan Shi-Kai Carlos K. Restrepo.... Ricardo Jimenez Jose Miguel Gomez ... Christian X Leónidas Plaza Abbas Hilmi Armand Fallieres George V.. Athens George I New Guatemala.. Manuel E. Cabreia ... Port ftu Prince ... Tancrede Auguste Tegucigalpa Manuel Bonilla Delhi Charles Ilardinge Rome Victor Emanuele III.. Tokyo . Monrovia..., Vaduz Luxembui^. Mexico Monaco Centin je Khatmandu.. The Hague .. Wellington., Managua . . Chi'istiania. Maskat Panama ...., Asuncion Teheran Lima Lisbon Yoshihito Harunomiya.. Daniel Howard John II Marie Adelaide Fi-ancisco 1. Madero.. Albei-t I Nicholas I -Jang Wilhelmina, Queen... Bukliarest St. Petersburg . San Salvador Ran Marino Santo Domingo .. Belgrade Bangkok Madrid Stockholm Bern Constantinople . Pretoria, CajieT'n Lord Liverpool Luis Mena Haakon VII Seyyid Feysil Belisario Porras Pedro Pena Abu'l Kassim Khan Guillermo Billinghui-st.. Manuel de Arriaga Cai-oll Nicholas 11.. ManuelE. Araujo.. Eladio Victoria Petei* I Chowfa Maha Vajiravudh. Alphonse XIII Gustaf V Ixiuis Forror Mohammed V Viscount Gladstone.... Washington 'Woodrow Wilson.. Montevideo . (!}ai*aca8 . Jose Battle y Ordonez.. . !Jnan Vicente Gomez ... May 15, '11 Oct. 3, '01 Oct. 11,'10 July, '11 Dec. 2, '48 Dec. 23, '09 Aug., '07 Aug. 6, '09 Nov. 15, '10 May 6, '10 Aug. U, '87 Oct. 13, '11 Dec. 23, '10 Feb. 12, '12 July 16, '10 May 8, TO Jan. 24, '09 May '12 Sept." Ï,"'Ï2 " Jan. 8. '92 Jan. 17, '05 June 15, '88 May 6, '10 March 18, '63 March 15, 'II Aug. 8, '12 Nov. 3, '11 Nov. 20. '10 July 29, '00 July 30. '12 Jan. 1, '12 Nov. 12, '68 Feb. 26, '12 Nov. 6, '11 Sept. 10, '89 Aug. 14, '60 May 17, '81 Nov. 23, '90 Aug. 6, '12 Dee. 81, '12 Nov. 18. '05 June 4, '88 July 14, '12 Mar. 1, '12 Mar. 4, '11 Sept. 24. '12 Aug. »11 March 26. '81 Nov. 1, '94 March 1, '11 Dec. 6. '11 June 15, '03 Oct. 23, '10 May 17, '86 Dec. 8. '07 Jan. 1, '12 April 27, '09 Jl iy 30, '10 March 4, '13 March 1, '11 June. '10 SQUARE POPULA- U1LK8 TION 432,432 250,000 176 1.135.840 2,974.581 261,107 11.373 909.654 20,003 615.156 3,270,000 11,467,294 38,080 3.729,665 292,580 4,277,170 438,4:^ 23,000 45,883 15,592 87,174 118,000 400.000 207,054 4,995,125 208,780 1,027,820 121,391 58.626 32,360 30,405 25,064 48,290 10,204 46,400 1,773,« 110,660 185,230 147.655 112,008 40,000 65 998 767,274 8 3,630 54,0U0 12,648 783,000, 104,751 49,200 124.130 82,000 31,670 171,204 628.000 695,733 35^90 802,952 50,720 8,647,657 107,000 7,225 38 19.325 18.650 195,000 194,783 180,580 172,876 15,976 1,177,134 473,184 3.026.789 716,617 72.210 393.976 8,000,000 6,900,000 5,231 6,300,000 4,455,006 51,059,810 7,423,784 15,500,000 250,000 2,049,083 20.000,000 419,401,371 4,349.029 7.204,838 3,248,224 439,214,000 6,031.850 379,533 2,160,112 2,757.076 125,143 1.500,0CQ 11.287,359 39.601.509 61.125.510 64,903,423 14,546.000 45,211,888 36.070,492 4,381,951 4,759.445 2,631,962 1,992,000 2,029,700 553.446 316,019.846 34,686,683 850.0GO 60,296,279 16,562,913 2,120.000 9,854 259,891 16,063,207 19.121 282,000 5,000,000 5,945,155 38.000.000 1,008,468 600,000 2,392,698 800,000 336,742 752.000 9.000,000 4,500,000 5.900.000 9.144,316 6,996.000 163,778,800 1,050,000 1,133,004 11.430 708.000 2,922,058 6,230,000 20,258.548 291,946 5,621.943 3,765,123 30,150,000 5,958,49U 91.972,266 9,143,223 1,140.799 2.713,70j a Under suzerainty of Turkey, but actual administration controlled by Great Britain, b Exclusive of Egypt. PRINCIPAL CITIES OF THE WORLD, Cont'û. PRINCIPAL CITIES OF THE WORLD The following list contains the principil cities of the world. In it will be found approximately all places of more than hirty thousand inhabitants and many of those of from twenty to thirty thousind. The population ngures are from the latest census or are estimates from the most reliable sources. Capitals of countries are indicated by an asterisk (i»). Copyright 1912, by 0. S. Hammond & Co., New York Aachen. Germany. . . 156,143 Aalborg, Denmark... 33,449 Aarhuus, Denmark, . 61,755 Abbeokuta, Yoruba.. 200,000 Aberdare, Wales 50,830 Aberdeen, Scotland.. 163,084 Abersychan, England 24,656 Abertillery, England. 35,415 Abo, Russia 47,000 Accrington, England. 45,029 Acireale, Italy 35.418 Acton, England 57.497 Adalia, Turkey 30,000 Adana. Turk, in Asia. 50.000 Addis Abeba, Abys.*, 35,000 Adelaide, Australia. . 192,294 Aden, Arabia 46,185 Adrianople, Turkey 83,000 Afiun KarahissarTur. 45.000 Agra, India 185,449 Agram, Hungary. . .. 61,002 Aguascalientes, Mex. 44,800 Ahmedabad, India.; . 215,835 Aidin, Turkey in Asia 35,000 Aintab, Turkey in Asia 74,000 Airdrie, Scotland.... 24,388 Aix, France 29,418 Ajmere, India 86,222 Akerman, Russia. .. . 32,470 Akita, Japan 36,294 Akron, Ohio 69,067 Alais, France 27,435 Albacete, Spain 24,667 Albany, N. v.* 100,253 Alcamo, Italy 51,809 Alcoy, Spain 33,729 Aldershot, England.. 35,175 Aleppo, Turk, in Asia 200,000 Alessandria, Italy.... 75,687 Alexandria. Egypt... 332,246 Alexandropol, Russia. 30,616 Alexandrov - Grushev- sky, Russiain Asia 29,000 Algiers, Algeria* 154,049 Alicante. Spain 51.165 Aligarh. India 64.825 Alkmaar, Netherlands. 21,084 Allahabad, India. . . . 171,697 Allenstein, Germany. 33,077 Allentown, Pa 51,913 Almeria. Spain 45,198 Alost, Belgium 35,125 Altamura, Italy 22,729 Altenburg, Germany. 39,977 Altona, Germany 172,533 Altoona. Pa 52,127 Alwar, India 56,771 Amasia, Turkey in Asia 35,000 Ambala, India 80,131 Arnberg, Germany.... 25,222 Amersfoort, Neth Amiens, France Amoy, China Amritsar, India Amsterdam, Neth Amsterdam, N. Y... Ancona, Italy Anderlecht, Belgium. Andijan. Rus. in Asia Andria, Italy Angers, France Angora, Turkey in Asia Angouleme, France. . Antequera, Spain.... Antigua, Guatemala. Antioch, Turkey Antofagasta, Chile.. . Antwerp, Belgium.. . Aomori, Japan Apeldoorn, Neth Apolda, Germany Aquila, Italy Arad, Hungary Arbroath, Scotland. . Archangel, Russia Arequipa, Peru Arezzo, Italy Argao, P. I Argenta, Italy Aries, France Armentieres, France. Arnhem, Neth Arras, France Aschaffenburg, Ger.... Aschersleben, Ger. . . Ascoli, Italy Ashington, England.. Ashkabad, Russia in Asia Ashton-in-Makerfield, England Ashton-under-Lyne, England Asnieres, France. . . . Asti, Italy Aston Manor, Eng... Astrakhan, Russia.. . Asuncion. Paraguay*. Athens, Greece* Atlanta, Ga.* Atlantic City, N. J,. Aubervilliers, France. Auburn, N. Y Auckland, N. Zealand Augsburg, Germany. Augusta. Ga Aurora, 111 Aussig, Austria Austin, Tex* Aux Cayes, Haiti 23,620 93,207 114,000 152,756 566,131 31,267 63,145 64,137 48,000 49,569 83,786 38,000 38,211 31,609 14,000 30,000 69,972 301,766 47,206 35,626 22,592 21,929 63,166 20,648 21,000 40,000 47,498 35.448 20,544 31,010 29,418 64,019 24,921 29,831 28,964 30,631 24,583 36.000 ' 21,543 45.172 42,583 38.045 75,029 147,000 84,000 167,479 154,839 46.150 37,558 34,668 102,676 102,293 41.040 29,807 39,301 29,860 25,000 Auxerre, France 20,931 Aveilino, Italy 23.873 Aversa, Italy 23,477 Avignon, France. . . . 49,304 Ayere, France 23,141 Ayr, Scotland 32,985 Ayuthia, Siam 50,000 Azov, Russia 26,500 Bacup, England Badajoz, Spain. Baden, Germany, Bagdad, Asia. Bahia, Brazil Bahia Blanca, Arg... Bahour, India Baireuth, Germany.. Baku, Russia in Asia. Ballarat, Australia.. . Baltimore, Md Bamberg, Germany.. Bangalore, India. . . . Bangkok, Siam* Bangor, Me Ban jermassin,Borneo Barcellona, Italy Barcelona, Spain. . . . Bareilly, India Barfriish, Persia Bari delle Puglie,Italy Barili, Philippine Is.. Barking Town, Eng.. Barletta, Italy Barmen, Germany.. . Barnaul, Ásia. Barnes, England Barnsley, England... Baroda, India Barquisimeto, Ven... Barranquilla, Col Barrow-in-Furness, England Barry, Wales Basel, Switzerland.. . Basra, Turkey in Asia Bastic, France Batangas, P. I Batavia, Java* Bath, England Batley, England Battle Creek, Mich. .. Batum, Russia Bauan, Philippine I.. Bautzen, Germany. . Baybay, P. I Bay City, Mich Bayonne. France. . . . Bayonne, N. J, Beauvene, France.... Beckenham, England 22,318 33,160 22,066 225.000 230,000 35.000 56,595 34.481 128.000 44,000 558.485 47.810 189.485 628,678 24,803 51,880 23,493 560,000 129,462 50,000 103,522 31,617 31,294 42,022 169,214 33,500 30,377 50,614 99,345 31.476 43,849 63,770 33,763 132,276 50,000 27,338 33,131 138,551 50,721 36,389 25,267 30.000 39,094 32.760 22,990 45.166 27,601 55,545 20,305 31,692 Beddwellty, England. Bedford, England. . . BedIingtonshire,Eng. Beirut, Turk, in Asia. Bekes, Hungary Belfast, Ireland Beifort, France Belgrade. Servia*.. . . Bellary, India Bello Horizonte, Brazil Belluno, Italy Benares, India Bendery, Russia Bendigo, Australia.. . Benevento. Italy.... Benghazi, Turkey... . Benoni, Ù. S. Africa.. Berbera, Br. Somali- land Berchem, Belgium... Berdiansk, Russia. . . Berditchef, Russia... Bergamo, Italy Bergen, Norway Berkeley, Cal Berlat, Roumania. . . Berlin, Canada Berlin, Germany*. . 2, Bern, Switzerland*... Bernburg, Germany.. Besancon, France... . Beuthen, Germany. . Beziers, France Bhagalpur, India.. .. Bhaimagar, India... . Bhopal, India Bialystok, Russia.. . . Biebrich, Germany. . Biel, Switzerland. . . . Bielefeld, Germany. . Bikaner, India Bilbao, Spain Bilston, England.... Bin Dink, Anam Binghamton, N.Y... Birkenhead, England Birmingham, Ala . . . Birmingham,England Bisceglie, Italy Bitlis, Turkey in Asia Bitonto, Italy Blackburn, England. Blackpool, England.. Blagoveschensk, Rus¬ sia in Asia Blaydon, England... Bloemfontein, Q. S. Africa Blois, France , 22.547 39.183 25,440 210,000 42,599 385.492 39.371 89,876 58,247 20,000 20.471 203,804 45,716 42.000 24.314 100,000 32.472 30,000 30,274 29,500 74,989 55,489 76.917 40,434 24.484 15.196 ,071,257 85,651 33,703 57.978 67,718 51,042 74,349 56.442 56,204 76.500 21.199 23,679 78,380 53,078 92,514 25,681 74,400 48.443 130,832 132,685 840,202 30,885 40,000 30,617 133.052 58.371 40,000 31,139 33,890 20.434 Bloomington, 111 25,768 BIyth, England 28.280 Bobruisk. Russia. . . . 35.177 Bocholt. Germany... 26,404 Bochum, Germany... 136,931 Bogota. Colombia*. . 150,000 Asia. 75,000 Boksburg. U. S. Africa 43,626 Bologna. Italy 172,639 Bolton, England. . . . 180,851 Bombay. India 979,445 Bona. Algeria 42,934 Bonn, Germany 87,978 Bootle, England 09,876 Boras, Sweden 21,541 Bordeaux, France 261,678 Borgerhout, Belgium. 49,333 Boston, Mass.* 670,585 Botuchany, Roum , . 34.000 Boulogne-sur-Mer, France 53,128 BouIogne-sur-Seine. France 57,027 Bourg, France 20,248 Bourges, France 45,735 Bournemouth, Eng. . 78.674 Bradford, England... 288,458 Braga, Portugal 24,202 Bralia, Roumania.... 58.392 Brandenburg, Ger. .. 53,595 Brandon, Canada... . 13,839 Brantford, Canada. . 23,132 Breda, Netherlands.. 27,389 Bremen, Germany... 246,827 Bremerhaven, Oer.... 24,140 Brescia, Italy 83,323 Breslau, Germany. .. 512,105 Brest, France 90,540 Brest-Litovsk,Russia. 47,500 Bridgeport, Conn.... 102,054 Bridgetown.Barbados* 35,000 Brleg, Germany 29,035 Brighouse, England.. 20,843 Brighton,. England.. . 131.237 Brindisi, Italy 25,317 Brisbane, Australia.. 143,077 Bristol, England 357,048 Broach, India 42,000 Brockton, Mass 56,878 Broken Hill, Austral. 30,600 Bromberg, Germany. 57,696 Bromley, England.. . 3.3,646 Bronte, Italy 20,366 Brookline, Mass 27.792 Bruges, Belgium 53,285 Brunn, Austria 125,737 Brunswick, Ger 143,534 Brusa, Turk, in Asia. 90,000 Brussels, Belgium*.. 177.078 Bruve, France 20,636 Bucaramanga, Col... 30,000 Budapest, Hungary*. 880,371 Budweis, Austria.. . . 45,137 Buenos Aires, Arg. *1,200,000 Buer, Germany 61,537 Buffalo. N.Y 423.715 Bukharest, Roum.*.. 294,572 Burg, Germany 24,074 Burgos, Spain 31,489 Burlington, Vt 20,468 Burnley, England.... 106,322 Burslem, England.. . 38,766 Burton-upon-Trent, England 48,266 Bury, Imgland 58,648 Butte. Mont 39,165 Byelaya Tserkof, Rus. 54,270 Cadiz, Spain 67,174 Caen, France 46,934 Caerphilly, Wales.... 32,844 Cagliari, Italy 61,013 Cairo, Egypt* 654,476 Calai, Colombia 30,740 Calais, France 72,322 Calcutta, India*. . 1,222,313 Calgary, Canada. . .. 43,704 Calicut, India 78,417 Callao, Peru 31,128 Caltagirome, Italy.. . 44,879 Caltanissetta, Italy.. 41,320 Calumet, Mich 30,000 Camaguey, Cuba. . .. 66,460 Cambrai, France 27,832 Cambridge, England. 40.027 Cambridge, Mass.. .. 104,8.39 Cambuslang, Scotland 24,870 Camden, N.J 94,538 Camiling, P. 1 25,243 Campeche, Mexico... 16,864 Campinas, Brazil.. . . 35.000 Campos, Brazil 40,000 Candia, Crete 22,230 Canea, Crete* 24,537 Cannes, France 30,420 Cannock, England... 28,586 Canterbury, Eng. .. . 24,626 Canton, China... . 1,250,000 Canton, Ohio 50,217 Cape Coast Castle, Gold Coast, Africa 28,948 Cape Haïtien, Haiti.. 29,000 Cape Town, United South Africa*. . . 135,000 Caracas, Venezuela*. 72,429 Carear. P. 1 31.895 Carcassonne, France. 30,689 Cardenas, Cuba 28,576 Cardiff, Wales 182,259 Carlisle, England... . 46,420 Carrara, Italy 42,097 Cartagena, Colombia 27,000 Cartagena, Spain.... 99,871 Cartago, Costa Rica.. 33,879 Casale, Italy 31,793 Caserta, Italy 33,455 Cassaba, Turkey 35,000 Cassel, Germany. . .. 153,078 Castellammare, Italy. 32,841 Castellón, Spain 30,583 Castleford, England . 23,090 Castres. France 27,308 Castrogiovanni, Italy 25,826 Catania, Italy 211,699 Catanzaro, Italy. . . . 34,340 Cawnpur, India 178,557 Cayenne, French Guiana* 13,527 Ceara, Brazil 33,000 Cebu, Philippine I. .. 31,079 Cedar Rapids, Iowa. 32,811 Celaya, Mexico 25,565 ' Celle, Germany 23,263 Central FaUs, R. I.... 22,754 Cerignola, Italy 34,195 Ceaarea,Turkey 54,000 Cesena, Italy 42,240 Cette, France 33,049 Chadderton, England 28,299 Chalón Sur Mame, Fr. 31.367 Chalon-sur-Saone, France 31.550 Chambery, France... 23,027 Chandarnagar, India. 26,000 Changehau, China. .. 500,000 Changsha, China.. . . 230,000 Chantenay, France... 21,671 Chapra, India 45,400 Charleroi, Belgium... 28,177 Charleston, S. C .... 58,833 Charlevilli, France .. 20,702 Charlotte. N. C 34,014 Charloltenburg, Germany 305,978 Charlottetown, Can . 11,203 Charters Towers, Aus¬ tralia 20,976 Chartres, France 23,219 Chatham, England. . 42,250 Chatreaux, France.... 25,437 Chattanooga, Tenn . 44,604 Chaux de Fonds, Switzerland 37,751 Chefu, China 95,000 Chelsea, Mass 32,452 Cheltenham, Eng... . 48,942 Chelyabinsk, Russia. . 45,000 Chemnitz, Germany. 287,340 Chengte, China 100,000 Chepping Wycombe, England 20,387 Cherbourg, France.. . 43,731 Chernigof, Russia. . . 30,000 Cherson, Russia 67,237 Chester, England... . 39,038 Chester, Pa 38,537 Chesterfield, England 37,406 Chicago. Ill 2,185,283 Chicopee, Mass 25,401 Chiengmai. Siam. . .. 60,000 Chieti, Italy 25,628 Chihuahua, Mexico.. 39,061 Chilian, Chile 42,500 Chinandega, Nicr.... 20,000 Chingtu, China. . .. 1,000,000 Chinkiang, China... . 184,000 Chioggia, Italy 30,563 Chiswick, England... 38,697 Chita» Russia in Asia.. 39,000 Cholet, France 20,427 Cholon, Cochin China 138,000 Chorley, England.. . . 30,315 Christchurch, New Zealand 80,193 Christiania, Norway* 243,801 Chungking, China.. . 600,000 Cienfuegos, Cuba.. .. 70,416 Cincinnati, Ohio. . . . 363,591 Citta di Castello, Italy 26,439 Ciudad Guzman, Mex. 17,596 Ciudad Porfirio Diaz, Mexico 16,000 Cleethorpe with Thrun- scoe, England ... 21,417 Clermont. France... . 65,386 Cleveland, Ohio 560,663 Clichy, France 46,676 Clinton, Iowa 25,577 Clydebank, Scotland. 37,547 Coatbridge, Scotland. 43,287 Coban, Guatemala.. . 30,770 Coblenz, Germany.. . 56,487 Coburg, Germany 23,794 Cocanada, India 48,096 Cochabamba, Bolivia 24,512 Coimbatore, India.. . 53,080 Colchester, England.. 4.3,452 Colima, Mexico 25,148 Colmar, Germany. . . 43,808 Colne, England 25,689 Cologne, Germany.. . 516.527 Colombes, France 29,143 Colombia, S. C* 26,319 Colombo, Ceylon*. . . 158,228 Colon, Panama 15,000 Colorado Springs, Colo. 29,078 Columbus, Ohio *... 181.511 Combaconum, India. 59,673 Comiso, Italy 21,873 Como, Italy 44,146 Concepción, Chile.. . 55,554 Concepción.'Paraguay 25,000 Concord, N. H.* 21,497 Conjevaram, India... 46,164 Constantine, Algeria. 58,435 Constantinople, Tur¬ key* 1,200.000 Copenhagen, Den.*. . 462,161 Copenick, Germany.. 30,879 Copparo, Italy 39,267 Corato, Italy 41,573 Cordova, Argentina. 95,000 Cordova, Spain 65,160 Corfu, Greece 28,254 Cork, Ireland 76,632 Corrientes, Argentina 23,904 Coruna, Spain 45,650 Coseley, England.... 22,834 Cosenza, Italy 24,186 Cothen, Germany 23,417 Council Bluffs, Iowa.. 29,292 Courbevoie, France.. 38,138 Courtrai, Belgium.. . 35 689 Coventry, England. . 106,349 Covington, Ky 53.270 Crajova, Roumania.. 45,438 Cranston, R. 1 21,107 Crefeld, Germany. . . 129,406 Cremona, Italy 40,436 Crewe, England 44,970 Crimmitschau, Ger... 28,804 Cristobal, Canal Zone, Panama 6,000 Cronstadt, Russia. . . 60,000 Croydon, England... 169,551 Csaba, Hungary 37,000 129 PRINCIPAL CITIES OF THE WORLD, Continued Cuddalore, India.... 52,216 Cuenca, Ecuador.. .. 40,000 Cuneo, Italy 27,453 Curitiba, Brazil 12,000 Cuttack, India 51,364 Cuyaba, Brazil 15,000 Cuzco, Peru 30.000 Czegled, Hungary. . . 33,942 Czenstochowa, Rus. . 69,525 Czernowitz, Austria.. 87.000 Dacca, India 108,551 Dagupan, P. 1 20,357 Dai Hoku, Formosa.. 87,745 Dalaguete, P. 1 21,354 Dallas, Texas 92,104 Dalny, China 41,333 Daman, India 41,671 Damanhur, Egypt.. . 38,752 Damascus. Turkey in Asia 300,000 Damietta, Egypt. . . . 31,515 Danbury, Conn 20,234 Danville, 111 27,871 Danzig. Germany.... 170,337 Darbhangah, India. . 66,244 Darlington. England. 55,631 Darmstadt, Germany 87,085 Dartford, England... 23,609 Darwen, England.. . . 40,332 Davenport, Iowa.. .. 43,028 Dayton, Ohio 116,577 Debreezin, Hungary. 92,729 Decatur. Ill 31,140 Delft. Netherlands... 34,191 Delhi. India. 232.837 Delmenhorst, Ger 22,480 Denain. France 24,564 Denver, Colo.* 213,381 Derby, England 123,410 Des Moines, Iowa.*. 86,368 Dessau, Germany. . . 56,606 Desterro, Brazil 27,000 Detroit. Mich 465,766 Deventer, Neth 27,787 Devonport, England. 81,678 Dewsbury, England.. 53,351 Diamantina, Brazil.. 15,000 Diarbekr, Turkey in Asia 45,000 Dieppe, France 20,434 Dijon. France 76,847 Doncaster. England.. 30,516 Dordrecht, Neth.... 46,355 Dorpat, Russia 42,421 Dortmund. Germany 214,226 Douai, France 36,314 Douglas, England 21,101 Dover, England 43,645 Drammen, Norway.. 24,904 Dresden, Germany... 546,882 Dublin. Ireland* 309.272 Dubuque. Iowa 38,494 Dudley. England. . . . 51,079 Duisburg, Germany.. 229,483 Duluth, Minn 78,466 Dumanjug, P. 1 22,203 Dumbarton, Scotland 21,989 Dunaburg, Russia.. . 90,000 Dundee, Scotland 165,006 Dunedin, N. Zealand. 64.237 Dunfermline, Scot.... 28,103 Dunkirk, France. . . . 38,891 Durango, Mexico... . 34,085 Durban, U. S. Africa 72,512 Duren, Germany. .. . 32,511 Dusseldorf, Germany 358,728 Ealing. England 61,222 Eastbourne, England. 52,542 ' East Ham, England. 133,487 East London, U. S. Africa 21,000 Easton, Pa 28,523 East Orange, N. J.. . 34,371 East St. Louis, 111. . . 58,547 Ebbw Vale, England. 30.541 Eberswalde, Germany 26.075 Eccles, England 41,944 Ecija, Spain 24,395 Edinburgh, Scotland* 320,315 Edmonton, Canada.. 24,900 Edmonton, England. 64,797 Eger, Austria 23,675 Eisenach, Germany.. 38,353 Eisleben, Germany. . 24,629 Ekaterinburg, Rus.. . 43,000 Ekaterinodar, Russia. 71,000 Ekaterinoslaf, Russia 157,000 Elberfeld, Germany.. 170,195 Elbing, Germany... . 58,636 Elche, Spain 27,380 Elgin. Ill 25,976 Elizabeth, N. J 73.409 Elizavetgrad, Russia. 69,500 Elizavetpol, Russia. . 34,000 Elmira, N. Y 37,176 El Paso, Texas 39,279 Emden, Germany. . . 24,038 Emmen, Netherlands.. 27,665 Empoli, Italy 20,404 Enfield. England.... 56,338 Enschede, Neth 34,201 Epemay. France.... 21,637 Epinal, France 30,042 Erdington, England.. 32,331 Erfurt, Germany... . 111,463 Erie, Pa 66,525 Erith, England 27,750 Erivan, Russia 29,000 Erlinger, Germany... . 24,874 Erzerum, Asia 80,000 Erzingan, Turkey.... 30,000 Eschweiler, Germany 24,718 Eski Chehir, Turkey . 42,860 Elskilstuna, Sweden.. . 28,371 Essen, Germany 294,653 Esslingen, Germany. 32,364 Etterbeek, Belgium.. 33,227 Evansville. Ind 69,647 Everett, Mass 33.484 Exeter, England 48,664 Fabriano, Italy 21,096 Faenza, Italy 40,370 Faizabad, India 54,655 Falkirk, Scotland... . 33.569 Fall River, Mass.. . . 119.295 Farnworth, England. 28,131 Farukhabad, India. . 67,338 Felegyhaza, Hungary 33,408 Felling, England 25,020 Fermo, Italy 20,703 Ferrara, Italy 95,196 Ferrol, Spain 25,281 Fez, Morocco* 140,000 Fianarantsoa, Mada¬ gascar 27,000 Finchley, England... 39,425 Firozpur, India 49,302 Fitchburg, Mass.... 37,826 Fiume, Hungary 49,806 Flensburg, Germany. 60,922 Flint, Mich 38,550 Florence, Italy 232,860 Foggia, Italy 76,534 Fokchany, Roumania. 25,000 Foligno, Italy 26,111 Folkestone. England. 33,502 Forest, Belgium 24,228 Forli, Italy 45,879 Forst, Germany 33,875 Fort-de-France, Mar¬ tinique* 27,015 Fort Wayne, Ind... . 63,933 Fort William, Canada 16,499 Fort Worth, Tex 73,312 Fougeres, France.... 23,537 Frankfort-on-Main, Germany 414,576 Frankfort-on-Oder, Germany 68,277 Frederiksberg, Den.. 97,237 Freetown, Sierra Leone* 37,280 Freiberg, Germany. . 36,237 Freiburg, Germany.. 83,328 Freidenau, Germany.. 34,866 Fremantle, Australia. 19,346 Fuchau, China 624,000 Fukui, Japan 50,155 Fukuoka, Japan 82,106 Fukusbima, Japan.... 33,493 Fulda, Germany 22,487 Funchal, Madeira* .. 20,844 Funfkirchen, Hun.... 49,822 Furstenwalde, Ger... 22,626 Furth, Germany. . . . 66,535 Gainsborough, Eng.. Galatz, Roumania.. . Galle, Ceylon Gallipoli, Turkey.... Galveston, Tex Gardaia, Algeria Gateshead, England . Gaya, India Gaza, Turkey in Asia. Geclong, Australia. ... Geestemünde, Ger... Gefle, Sweden Gelligaer, Wales Gelsenkirchen, Ger. . Geneva, Switzerland. Genoa, Italy Georgetown, British Guiana* Gera, Germany Germiston, U. S. Af¬ rica Ghazipur, India Ghent, Belgium Giarre, Italy Gibraltar, Gibraltar.. Giessen, Germany.... GIfu, Japan Gijon, Spain Gillingham, England. Gilly, Belgium Gioja das Colle, Italy. Girgenti, Italy Glace Bay, Canada.. Gladbach. Germany . Glasgow, Scotland... Glauchau, Germany . Gleiwitz, Germany... Glogau, Ger Glossop, England.. . . Gloucester, England. Gloucester, Mass Gmund, Germany.... Gnesen, Germany. . . Gomel, Russia Gonaives, Haiti Goole, England Göppingen, Germany.. Gorakhpur, India... . Görlitz, Germany.... Gosport and Alver- stoke, England.. Gotha, Germany.... Gottenborg, Sweden. Gottingen, Germany. Gouda, Netherlands... Go van, Scotland Granada, Nicaragua. Granada, Spain Grand Rapids, Mich. Grantham, England . Grasse, France Gratz, Austria Graudenz. Germany. Gravesend, England. Green Bay, Wisconsin. Greenock, Scotland.. Greifswald. Germany Greiz, Germany Grenoble, France.... Grimsby. England... Grodno, Russia Groningen, Neth Groshevik, Russia... Grosswardein, Hun.. Grunberg. Germany. Guadalajara, Mexico. Guanajuato, Mexico. Guayaquil, Ecuador. Gubbio, Italy Guben. Germany... . Guelph, Canada Guildford, England. . Guinobatan.P. I Gwalior, India Gyor, Hungary 20,587 66.000 48,500 30.000 36,981 39,000 116,928 49.921 35,000 28,800 25,102 35,203 35.521 169,513 58,337 272,077 54,891 49,283 54,327 39,429 166,445 26,000 23,915 31.056 41,488 52,226 52,252 24,211 21,721 26,814 16,562 66,414 784,455 25,156 66,981 24,524 21,688 50.035 24,398 21,203 25,339 47,000 18,000 20,332 22,361 64,148 85,806 33,300 39,581 167,813 37.594 24,574 89,725 17,000 77,425 112,571 20,070 20.427 151,781 40,325 28,115 25,236 75,140 24,679 23,245 77,438 74,659 44.000 74,613 42,186 64,169 23,168 118,799 35,147 75.000 26,320 38,593 15,175 23,820 20,027 89,154 43,300 Haarlem, Neth 69,410 Hägen, Germany.. . . 88,605 Hagony, P.I 21,304 Hague, Neth* 271,280 Haidarabad, India,. . 500,623 Haidarabad, India... 69,372 Hakodate, Japan... . 87,875 Halberstadt, Ger... . 46.481 Halifax, Canada 46,619 Halifax, England 101,553 Halle, Germany 180,843 Hamadan, Persia... . 40,000 Hamah, Turkey in Asia 60,000 Hamborn, Germany. 101,703 Hamburg, Germany. 932,166 Hameln, Germany.. . 22,061 Hamilton, Canada.. . 81,969 Hamilton, Ohio 35,279 Hamilton, Scotland.. 38,644 Hamm, Germany... . 43,658 Hanau, Germany.... 37,472 Handsworth, Eng. . . 68,610 Hangchau, China.. . . 600,000 Hankau, China 870,000 Hanley, England. . . . 67.998 Hanoi, Anam* 103,238 Hanover, Germany. . 302,375 Hanyang, China 400,000 Harar, Abyssinia.. , . 40,000 Harbin, China 30,000 Harburg, Germany.. 67,025 Harrisburg, Pa.*.. . . 64,186 Harrogate, England.. 33,703 Hartford, Conn.*... 98.915 Hartlepool, England. 20,618 Haspe. Germany. . . . 23,476 Hastings, England.. . 61,145 Hathras, India 42.578 Havana, Cuba* 319,884 Haverhill, Mass 44,115 Havre, France 136,159 Hazleton, Pa 25,452 Hebburn, England.. . 21,766 Heidelberg, Germany 56.010 Heilbronn, Germany. 42,709 Helder, Netherlands. 27,157 Heisingborg, Sweden. 32,763 Helsingfors, Russia. . 137,000 Hendon, England..., 38,806 Hengelo, Netherlands,. 20,073 Herat, Afghanistan. , 45,000 Hereford, England... 22,568 Herford, Germany.. . 32,527 Herne, Germany. . . . 57,147 Herstsil, Belgium. . . , 22,909 Hertogenbosch ('s) » Netherlands. . . . 34,928 Heston and Isleworth, England 43,313 Heywood, England... 26,697 Hildesheim.Germany 50,239 Hilversum.Neth 31,458 Himeji, Japan 41.028 Hindley, England.... 24,100 Hirosaki, Japan 37,487 Hiroshima, Japan.... 142,763 Hirschberg, Germany 20,564 Hobart, Australia.... 27,719 Hoboken, N. J 70,324 Hodeida, Turkey.... 50,000 Hodmezo-Vasarhely, Hungary 62,445 Hof, Germany 41,001 Hohenfalza,Germany 25,604 Holyoke. Mass 57.730 Hems, Turkey in Asia. 70,000 Hongkong, China... . 421,499 Honolulu, Hawaii*... 52,183 Horde, Germany... . 32,791 Hornsey, England. .. 84,592 Horsens, Denmark.. 23,843 Horst, Germany 20,990 Houston, Tex 78.800 Hove, England 42,173 Howrah, India 157,594 Hubli, India 60,214 Huddersfield.Eng..., 107,821 Hue, Anam 65,000 Huelva, Spain 27,699 Hull. Canada 18,222 Hull, England 277,991 Huntington, W. Va.. 31,161 Hyde, England 33,437 Ibadan, Yoruba 200,000 Ichang, China 55,000 Iglau, Austria 24,423 Iglesias, Italy 21,011 Ilford, England 78,188 Ilkeston, England. . . 31,657 Imola, Italy 32,210 Ince-in-Makerfield, England 22,034 Indianapolis, Ind.*. . 233,650 Indore, India 86,686 Ingolstadt, Germany.. 23,683 Innsbruck, Austria... 27,056 Inowraslow, Ger 26,140 Insterburg, Germany 31,624 Inverness, Scotland.. 22,216 Ipswich, England.. .. 73,932 Iquique, Chile 32,496 Iquitos, Peru 20,000 Irapuato, Mexico 19,640 Irkutsk, Rus. in Asia. 76. 000 Iserlohn. Germany.. . 31.274 Ismail, Russia 33,607 Ispahan, Persia 100,000 Ivanovo-Voznesensk, Russia 107,706 Ivry-sur-Seine.France 38.307 Ixeiles, Belgi"m 72,991 Izhevsk, Russia 41,074 Jabalpur, India 100,651 Jackson, Mich 31,433 Jacksonville, Fla.... 57,699 Taen, Spain 26,894 Jaffa, Turkey in Asia., 50,000 Jaffna, Ceylon 33,879 Jaipur, India 137,098 Jalandhar, India 67,735 Jalapa. Mexico 24,816 Jamestown, N. Y.. .. 31,297 Janina, Turkey 30,000 Janiuay, P. 1 20,738 Jaroslaw, Austria... . 22,641 Jarrow, England. . . . 33,732 Jassy, Roumania. . . . 80,000 Jaunpur, India 42,000 Jeleto, Russia 51,708 Jena, Germany 38,487 Jeremie, Haiti 35,000 Jerez, Spain 62,628 Jersey City, N. J., . . 267,779 Jerusalem, Turkey in Asia 60,000 Jesi, Italy 23,028 Jhansi, India 55,724 Jodhpur, India 60,437 Johannesburg, U. S. Africa 237.220 Johnstown, Pa 55,482 Jokjokarta, Java. . . . 58,229 Joliet, 111 34,670 Jonkoping. Sweden. . 26,971 Joplin, Mo 32,073 Jumet, Belgium 27,956 Kabul, Afghanistan* 70,000 Kagoshima, Japan.. . 63,646 Kaisarieh, Turkey in Asia 72,000 Kaiserslautern, Ger.. 53,803 Kalamazoo, Mich. .. 39,437 Kalgan, China 200.000 Kalisz, Russia 28,000 Kaluga, Russia 52,000 Kamenetz-Podolsk, Russia 40,000 Kanagawa, Japan. . . 110,994 Kandahar, Afg 30,000 Kano, No. Nigeria.. . 100,000 Kansas City, Kan... 82,331 Kansas City, Mo. . . 248,381 Kapstadt, U.S.Africa 67,170 Karachi, India 151,903 Karikal, India 17,350 Karliskrona, Sweden. 27,448 Karlsruhe, Germany. 134,161 Kars, Russia 23,000 Kasan, Russia 162,000 Kaschau, Hungary... 44,211 Kashan, Persia 40,000 Kashgar, China 75,000 Kaslof, Russia 4.S,095 Kasvin, Persia 50,000 Kattowitz, Germany. 43,173 Kecskemet, Hungary. 66,834 Keighley, England.. . 43,487 Kempten, Germany.,. 20,885 Keneh, Egypt 27,478 Kerbela, Asia 65,000 Kerman, Persia 60.000 Kermanshah, Persia. 40,000 Kertch, Russia 49.708 Kettering, England.. 29,972 Khabarovsk, Russia... 15,000 Kharkof, Russia 206,000 Khartum, Egypt 20,956 Khartum North,Egypt 36,294 Khatmandii, Nepal*. 50,000 Kherson, Russia 65,000 Khodjent, Russia in Asia 31,881 Khoi, Persia 35,000 Khotin, Russia 30,429 Kidderminster, Eng.. 24.333 Kief, Russia 323,000 Kiel, Germany 211,627 Kiliss, Turkey 34,000 Kilmarnock, Scot... 34,729 Kimberley,U.S.Africa 30,000 King's Lynn, Eng. . . 20,201 King's Norton, Eng.. 81,153 Kingston, Canada.. . 18,874 Kingston, Jamaica*.. 46,542 Kingston, N. Y 25,908 Kingston-iipon- Thames, Eng. . . 37,975 Kirin, China 250,000 Kirkcaldy, Scotland . 39,600 Kishenef, Russia. . . . 129,000 Kiukiang, China 36,000 Kiungchau, China.. . 42,000 Klausenburg, Hun,. 60.808 Knoxville, Tenu.... 36,346 Kobe, Japan 378.197 Kochi, Japan 38,279 Kofu, Japan 49,882 Kokand, Russia in Asia 99,000 Kokura, Japan 31,615 Kolberg, Germany.. . 24,786 Kolhapur, India 54,373 Kolomea, Austria. . . 42,676 Kom, Persia 40,000 Kongmun, China 62,000 Koniah, Turk, in Asia 44,800 Königsberg,Germany 245,994 Konigshutte, Ger.. . . 72,641 Konstanz, Germany... 27,582 Koslin, Germany.. . . 23,236 Kostroma, Russia. . . 43,000 Kottbus, Germany. . 48,643 Koursk, Russia 57,000 Kovno, Russia 76,000 Krakow, Austria. . . . 151,886 Krasnoyarsk, Russia in Asia 47,000 Kremenchug. Russia. 63,000 Kreuznach, Germany 23,167 Kronstadt, Hungary. 41,056 Krugersdorp, U. S. Africa 53,881 Kuching, Borneo. . . . 25,000 Kuka, No. Nigeria.. . 60,000 Kumamoto, Japan... 61.233 Kumassi, Gold Coast 70,000 Kure, Japan 100,679 Kursk, Russia 81,527 Kurume, Japan 35,928 Kutaia, Turkey 34,000 Kutais, Russia 50,396 Kwala Kangsa, Straits Settlements 77,234 Kyoto, Japan 442,462 La Crosse, Wis 30,417 Laeken, Belgium.... 35,024 Lagos, Nigeria 57,000 La Guaira, Ven 14,000 Lahore, India 228,687 Laibach, Austria. . . . 41,727 La Linea, Spain 31,861 La Louviere, Bel. . .. 21,379 Lambczellec, France. 20,045 Lancaster, England 41,410 Lancaster, Pa .... 47,227 Lanchau, China 500,000 Landsberg, Germany. 39,339 Landshut, Germany... 24,799 Lansing. Mich .♦... . 31,229 Laoag, P. I 34,452 La Paz. Bolivia* 78 856 La Plata, Argentina.. 95.000 La Rochelle, France. 36,371 Lashkar, India 49,952 Lassa, Tibet* 20,000 Launcestown, Austral. 20,838 La Union, Spain 30,275 Lausanne. Switz. ... 64,446 Laval. France 30,252 Lawrence. Mass 85,892 Lecce, Italy 36.310 Le Creuzot, France... 35.587 Leeds, England 445,550 Leeuwarden, Neth... 36.522 Leghorn, Italy 105,322 Lehe, Germany 37,457 Leicester, England.. . 227,222 Leiden. Netherlands. 58.253 Leigh, England 44,103 Leipzig, Germany. . . 587,635 Leith, Scotland 80,489 Leitmeritz, Austria. .. 87,128 Le Mans, France.. .. 69,361 Lemberg, Austria.... 206,113 Lens, France 31,812 Leon, Mexico 63,263 Leon, Nicaragua 62,569 Le Puy, France 21,420 Levallois-Perret, France 68,703 Lewiston, Me 26,247 Lexington, Ky 35,099 Leyton, England. . . . 124.735 Libau, Russia 65,000 Licata, Italy 22,931 Lichtenberg.Germany 81,199 Lieben, Austria 21.375 Liege. Belgium 167,521 Liegnitz, Germany... 66,620 Lierre, Belgium 25,869 Lievini, France 22,070 Lima, Ohio 30.508 Lima. Peru* 140,884 Limerick, Ireland... . 38,403 Limoges, France 92,181 Linares, Spain 36,419 Lincoln, England... . 57,285 Lincoln. Neb.* 43,973 Linden,Germany.... 73,379 Lingayan, P. 1 21,529 Linkoping, Sweden 22,157 Linz, Austria 67,817 Lipa, Philippine I... . 37,934 Lisbon, Portugal*.... 436,450 Lisle. France 217,807 Little Rock, Ark.*. . 45.941 Liverpool, England. . 746,421 Llandovery, Wales... 32,071 Lodi, Italy 27,811 Lodz, Russia 328,500 Lokeren, Belgium 22,675 Lomza, Russia 27,343 London, Canada 46,300 London, England 4,522,961 (Greater)* 7,252,963 Ivondonderry, Ireland 40,799 Longton, England.. . 35,825 Lorain, Ohio 28,883 Lorca, Spain 69.836 Lorient, France 49,039 Los Angeles, Cal. .. . 319,198 Loughborough, Eng.. 22,990 Louisville, Ky 223,928 Louie, Portugal 22,478 Louvain. Belgium. . . 42,123 Lowell, Mass 106,294 Lowestoft, England.. 33,777 Luang-Prabang, Fr. Indo China 40.000 Lübeck, Germany.. . 98,620 Lublin, Russia 59,500 Lucca, Italy 76,137 Lucerne, Switzerland. 39,339 Luckenwalde. Ger. .. 23,476 Lucknow, India 259.798 Ludenscheid, Ger.. . . 32,301 Ludwigshafen, Ger... 83,295 Lugo, Italy 27,415 Lugo, Spam 26,945 Lund, Sweden 20,139 Lüneburg, Germany. 27.790 Luneville. France.... 24,266 Luton, England 49,978 Luxemburg, Luxem¬ burg* 20,848 Lynchburg, Va 29,494 Lynn, Mass 89.336 Lyon, France 523,796 McKeesport, Pa.... 42 694 Maastricht, Neth 37,483 Macao, China 78,627 Macarata, Italy 22,941 Macclesfield, Eng.. . . 34,797 Maceio, Brazil 33,000 Macon, Ga 40,665 Madison, Wisconsin*.. 25,531 Madras, India 518,660 Madrid, Spain* 571,539 Madura, India 134,130 Maebashi, Japan. . . . 34,495 Maesteg, Wales 24,977 Magdeburg, Ger. . . . 279,629 Mahrisch, Austria. . . 30,100 Maidstone, England. 35,475 Maikop, Rus. in Asia. 34,327 Mainz, Germany. . . . 110.634 Maisonneuve, Canada 18,684 Mako, Hungary 34,918 Malaga, Spain 133,045 Malatia, Turkey 60,000 Maiden, Mass 44.404 Malmo, Sweden 88,138 Malstatt-Burbach, Germany 38,554 Managua, Nicaragua* 34,872 Manaos, Brazil 50,000 Manchester, England 714,333 Manchester, N. H... 70.063 Mandalay, India. . . . 138,299 Mangalore, India.... 44,108 Manila, P. I.* 219.928 Manipur, India 67,093 Manissa, Turkey in Asia 40,000 Manizales, Colombia.. 27,375 Mannheim, Germany 193,379 Manresa, Spain 25,121 Mansfield. England.. 36,888 Mansura, Egypt 40,279 Mantua, Italy 32,692 Maracaibo, Ven 50,000 Maranhao, Brazil. . . 32.000 Marash, Asia 50,000 Marburg. Germany.. 21,860 Marchienne-au-Pont, Belgium 21,635 Margate, England.. . 27,085 Maria Theresiopel, Hungary 82,122 Mariupol, Russia.... 32,000 Marsala, Italy 57,567 Marseille, France.. .. 550,619 Marsivan, Turkey. .. 35,900 Martina Franca, Italy. 25,007 Masaya, Nicaragua.. 20,000 Maskat, Arabia 25,000 Massa, Italy 30,895 Matanzas, Cuba 64,385 Matsumoto, Japan... 35,011 Matsuyama, Japan.. 44,166 Matsuye, Japan 36,209 Maubeuge, France... 21,520 Maulman, India.... . 58,446 M ay ag uez, Porto Rico 16,563 Mazatlan, Mexico... 17,852 Mazzaredel Valle, Italy 20,131 Mecca, Turk, in Asia. 80,000 Mechlin, Belgium,... 59,142 Medellin, Colombia.. 60,000 Medford, Mass 23,150 Medina, Tur. in Asia 40,000 Medinet-el-Fayoum, Egypt 37,320 Meerane, Germany. . . 25,466 Meerut, India 116,227 Mehallet-el-Kebir, Egypt 25,473 Mehellah el Kebir, Egypt 47,955 Meiderich, Germany. 33,690 Meissen, Germany... 33,875 Mekinez, Morocco... 56.000 Melbourne, Australia 591,830 Memel, Germany.. .. 21.470 Memphis, Tenn 131,105 Mendoza, Argentina. 39,000 Merida, Mexico 61,999 Menden, Conn 27,265 Merseburg, Germany 21.226 Merthyr Tydfil,Vv^ales 80.990 Meshed, Persia 80,000 Messina, Italy 126.172 Metz, Germany 68,445 Mexico, Mexico*.. . . 470,659 Miagao, P. 1 20,656 Middlesbrough, Eng. 104,767 Middleton, England. 27,980 Milan, Italy 599,200 Milwaukee, Wis 373,857 Minden, Germany. .• 26,454 Minneapolis, Minn. . 301,408 Minnia, Egypt 27,221 Minsk, Russia 100,000 Mirzapur, India 32,446 Miskolcz, Hungary. . 51,459 Mitau, Russia 35,000 Mito, Japan 38,435 Mobile, Ala 51,521 Modena, Italy 70,267 Módica, Italy 48,962 Mohilef, Russia 50,000 Moji, Japan 55,682 MolenbeeX, Belgium. 72.783 Molfetta, Italy 40,135 Mombasa, Br. E.Africa*30,000 Monastir, Turkey.. . 75,000 Monclova, Mexico... 55,000 Mongyr. India 35,880 Monopoli, Italy 22,545 Monreale, Italy 23,778 Möns, Belgium 27,828 Montauban, France.. 30,506 Montceau les Mines,Fr. 26,306 Monterey, Mexico... 81,006 Monte St. Angelo, Italy 21,870 Montevideo, Uru.*.. 343,849 Montgomery, Ala.*. 38,136 Montignies -sur-Sam- bre, Belgium. . . 21,748 Montlucon, France. . 33,799 Montpellier, France.. 80.230 Montreal, Canada.. . 470.480 Montreuil, France. . . 43,217 Monza, Italy 42,599 Moosejaw, Canada. . 13,823 Moradabad, India.. . 81,168 Morebin, France 21,888 Morelia, Mexico... . . 39,116 Morioka, Japan 36.012 Morley, England. . . . 24,282 Morocco, Morocco*.. 60,000 Mors, Germany 23,251 Morshansk, Russia. . 25,913 Moscow, Russia... . 1,335,000 Mosul, Turk, in Asia. 70,000 Motherwell, Scotland 40,378 Mountain Ash, Wales 42,246 Mt. Vernon, N. Y... 30,919 Mouscron, Belgium.. 22,515 Muhlhausen, Ger.. . . 35,091 Mukden. China 158,132 Mülhausen, Germany 94,967 Mulheim-on-Rhine, Germany 53,425 Mulheim-on-Ruhr, Germany 112,580 Multan, India 99,243 Munich, Germany... 595,053 Munster, Germany. . 90,254 Murcia, Spain 124,985 Muskogee, Okla 25,278 Mustapha. Algeria... 38,327 Muttra, India 60,042 Mysore, India 71,306 Nafa, Japan 47,562 Nagano, Japan 39,242 Nagaoka, Japan 35,376 Nagasaki, Japan. . . . 169,941 Nagoya, Japan 378,231 Nagpur, India 101,415 Nagy-Koros, Hun... . 26,535 Nakhichivan, Russia. 40,384 Namangan, Rus. in ^^sia 73 279 Namdinh, Tonkin. . . 30,000 Namur, Belgium. . . . 32,362 Nanchang, China.. . . 300,000 Nancy, France 119,949 Nankin, China 276,000 Nantes, France 170,535 Naples, Italy 723.208 Nara, Japan 32,732 Narbonne, France.. . 24,670 Nashua, N. H 26,005 Nashville, Tenn.*.. . 110.364 Nassau, Bahama I.*. 12.000 Natal. Brazil 10,000 Naumburg, Germany 26.962 Navarre, Spain 28,759 Nawangar, India... . 54.373 130 PRINCIPAL CITIES OF THE WORLD Continued Ne^patam, India... 57,190 Neisse, Germany.... 25.938 Nelson, England. . . . 39,479 Neuchatel, Switz.... 23,741 NeuiUy, France 44,616 Neumunster, Ger.. .. 34,555 Neunldrchen, Ger. . . 34,532 Neuss, Germany. . . . 37,224 Nevers, France 27,673 Newark, N. J 347,469 Newark, Ohio 25,404 New Bedford, Mass. 96,652 New Britain, Conn.. 43,916 Newburgh, N. Y 27,805 Newcastle, Australia. 55,630 Newcastle, England.. 266,603 New Castle, Pa 36,280 Newcastle under Lyme, England 20,204 New Guatemala. Guatemala*. . . . 125,000 New Haven, Conn.. 133,605 New London, Conn... 19,695 New Orleans, La.... 339,075 Newport, England.. . 83,691 Newport, Ky 30,309 Newport, R.I 27,149 New Rochelle, N. v... 28,867 Newton, Mass 39,806 New Weissensee, Ger. 31,944 New Westminster, Canada 13,199 New York, N. Y 4,766,883 Nezhin, Russia 50,737 Niagara Falls, N. Y, 30.445 Nice, France 142,940 Nictheroy, Brazil 35,000 Niigata, J apan 61,616 Nijmegen, Neth 54,803 Nikolaief, Russia. . .. 99,000 Nimes, France 80,437 Ningpo, China 260,000 Niort, France 23,329 Nlssa, Servia 24,949 Niuchwang, China.. . 74,000 Nizhni Novgorod, Russia 92,000 Nizhni Tagilsk, Rus.. 31,449 Nordhausen, Ger.. . . 32,564 Norfolk, Va 67,452 Norkoping, Sweden.. 46,416 Norristown, Pa 27,875 North Adams, Mass... 22,019 Northampton, Eng. . 90,064 Norwich, Conn 20,367 Norwich, England. . . 121,478 Noto, Italy 22,564 Nottingham, Eng.. . . 259,904 Novara, Italy 54,589 Novgorod, Russia. . . 23,500 Novocherkask, Rus.. 32,000 Novorossiisk, Russia in Asia 42,000 Nowawes, Germany... 23,754 Nuka, Russia 24,811 Nuneaton, England.. 37,073 Nuremberg, Ger 332,651 Nyireghyhaza, Hun.. 38,198 Oakland, Cal 150,174 Oaxaca, Mexico 37,469 Oberhausen, Ger. . . . 89,900 Odenburg, Hungary.. 33,590 Odenkirchen, Ger.. . . 20,060 Odense, Denmark. . . 42,237 Odessa, Russia 500,000 Offenbach, Germany. 75,593 Ogden, Utah 25,580 Ogmore and Garw, Wales 26,741 Ohligs, Germany. . . . 27,839 Okayama, Japan. . . . 93,421 Oklahoma, Okla.*.. 64,205 Oldbury, England.. . 32,232 Oldenburg, Germany. 30,115 Oldham, England... . 147,483 Old Margelana, Russia in Asia 46,432 Olmutz, Austria 22,106 Omaha, Neb 124.096 Omdurman, Egypt. . 42,779 Omsk, Russia in Asia. 63,000 Onomichi, Japan.... 30,529 Oporto, Portugal. . . . 167,955 Oppeln, Germany. . . 33,907 Oran, Algeria 106,517 Orange, N.J 29,630 Orebro, Sweden 30.098 Orel. Russia 82,000 Orenburg, Russia.... 74,000 Orfa, Turkey 40,000 Orihuela, Spain 28,530 Orizaba, Mexico 32,894 Orleans. France 72,096 Oruro, Bolivia 20,670 Osaka, Japan 1,117,151 Osh, Russia in Asia.. 43,483 Oshkosh, Wis 33,062 Osnabrück. Germany 65,957 Ostend, Belgium 42,207 Ostuni, Italy 22,997 Otaru, Japan 91,281 Otsu, Japan 42,869 Ottawa, Canada*.... 87.062 Oufa, Russia 64,000 Ouro Preto. Brazil... 59,249 Oviedo, Spain 52,874 Oxford, England 53,048 Pachuca, Mexico.... 38.620 Padang, Sumatra 35,158 Paderborn, Germany. 29,441 Padua, Italy 96,135 Paisley, Scotland.... 84,477 Pakhoi, China 30,000 Palembang, Sumatra. 53,788 Palermo, Italy 341,656 Palma, Spain 68,359 Pamplona, Spain... . 28,886 Panama, Panama*... 40,000 Pantin, France 36,359 Paolicig, China 150,000 Para, Brazil 200,000 Parahiba, Brazil 32,000 Paramaribo, Dutch Guiana* 35,082 Parana, Argentina... 35,857 Paris, France* 2,888,1 10 Parma, Italy 51,919 Partick, Scotland.... 66,848 Partinico, Italy 23,729 Pasadena, Cal 30,291 Passaic, N. J 54,773 Passau, Germany 20,885 Paterson, N. J 125.600 Patiala, India 53,545 Patna, India 136,153 Patras, Greece 37,724 Pau, France 37,149 Pavia, Italy 39,319 Pawtucket, R. 1 51,622 Paysandu, Uruguay.. 28,000 Peking, China* 1,077,209 Pelotas, Brazil 41,591 Pembroke, Ireland.. . 29,260 Penang, Straits Set¬ tlements 94,086 Penge, England 22,330 Pensa, Russia 64,000 Peoria, III 66,950 Perigueux, France. . . 33.548 Perm, Russia 47,000 Pernambuco, Brazil.. 150,000 Perpignan, France... 39,510 Perth, Australia 54,354 Perth, Scotland 35,851 Perth Amboy, N. J.. 32,121 Perugia, Italy 65,818 Pesaro, Italy 27,343 Peshawar, India 97,935 Peterborough, Can... 18,360 Peterborough, Eng... 33,574 Petropolis, Brazil.. . . 20,000 Pforzheim, Germany. 69,084 Philadelphia, Pa.... 1,549,008 Philippopolis, East Roumelia 47,924 Piacenza, Italy 38,523 Piatra, Roumania. .. 25,000 Pietermaritzburg, U. S. Africa .... 30,539 Pilsen, Austria 80,343 Pingyang, Chosen, Jap. 74,213 Pinsk, Russia 27,938 Piotegorek, Russia 46,753 Piotrkof, Russia 37,000 Piraeus, Greece 73,579 Pirmasens, Germany. 38,460 Pisa, Italy 65,215 Pistoja, Italy 62,606 Pittsburgh, Pa 533,905 Pittsfield. Mass 32,121 Plainpalais, Switz.... 30,016 Plauen, Germany.. . . 121,104 Plevna, Bulgaria 23,081 Plock, Russia 30,612 Ployesti, Roumania.. 50,000 Plymouth, England.. 112,030 Pnum Penh, Cam¬ bodia 50,000 Poitiers, France 41,242 Pola, Austria 58,081 Poltava, Russia 50,500 Ponce, Porto Rico. . . 35,005 Pondichery, India. . . 46,738 Pont-y-Pridd,Wales. 43,211 Poole, England 38,885 Poena, India 158,856 Popayan, Colombo 28,448 Port Arthur, China. . 15,195 Port au Prince, Haiti* 100,000 Port Elizabeth, U. S. Africa 31,000 Portland, Me 58.571 Portland, Ore 207,214 Port Louis, Mauritius 50,060 Port Maggiore, Italy.. 20,162 Porto Alegre, Brazil.. 100,000 Port of Spain, Trin.*. 60,000 Porto Novo, Dahomey 19,000 Porto Praya, Cape Verde Islands*.. 20,000 Port Said, Egypt.... 49,884 Portsmouth, Eng.. . . 231,141 Portsmouth, Va 33,190 Posen, Germany 156,691 Potosí, Bolivia 23,450 Potsdam, Germany.. 62,243 Poughkeepsie, N. Y... 27,936 Prague, Austria 223,741 Prato, Italy 51,453 Prenzlau, Germany.. 21,386 Pressburg. Hungary . 78,223 Preston, England.... 117,088 Pretoria, U. S. Africa* 48,609 Prisrend, Turkey.. .. 40,000 Prossnitz. Austria. . . 24,343 Providence, R. I.*. . 224,326 Przemysl, Austria. . . 54,562 Pskof, Russia 31,000 Puebla. Mexico 101,214 Pueblo, Colo 44,395 Puerto Cabello, Ven. 14,000 Puerto Plata, Santo Domingo 17,500 Puket, Siam 174,000 Puteaux, France 32,223 Quebec, Canada 78,190 Quedlinburg, Ger 27,233 Queretaro, Mexico.. . 35,011 Quezaltenango, Guate. 28,940 Quincy, 111 36,587 Quincy, Mass 32,642 Quito, Ecuador* 80,000 Racine, Wis 38,002 Radcliffe, England.. . 26,084 Radom, Russia 32,000 Ragusa, Italy 31,922 Rampur, India 74,316 Ramsgate, England.. 29,603 Randers, Denmark 22,970 Rangoon, India 293,316 Rathenow, Germany. 24,891 Rathmines, Ireland. . 38,190 Ratibor, Germany... 38,424 Ratisbon, Germany.. 52,540 Ravenna, Italy 71,690 Rawalpindi, India. . . 86,483 Rawtenstall, Eng.. . . 30,516 Reading, England. . . 75,198 Reading. Pa 96,071 Recklinghausen,Ger . 53,681 Reggio di Calabria, Italy 42,876 Reggio neir Emilia, Italy 70,499 Regina, Canada 30,213 Reichenbach, Ger... 29,681 Keichenberg, Austria. 36,350 Reigate, England.. . . 28,502 Remscheid, Germany 72,159 Renaix, Belgium 22,303 Rennes, France 79,372 Resht, Persia 60,000 Reus, Spain 26,235 Reutlingen, Germany 29,808 Reval, Russia 69,000 Rheims, France 115,178 Rheydt, Germany. . . 44,003 Rhodes, Turkey 30,000 Rhondda, Wales 152,781 Richmond, England.. 33,221 Richmond, Va.* 127,628 Riga, Russia 283.000 Rimini, Italy 43,203 Rio de Janeiro, Brazil* 1,000,000 Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil 25,000 Rixdorf, Germany... 237,289 Roanne, France 36,697 Roanoke, Va 34.874 Rochdale, England. . 91,428 Rochefort, France. .. 35,019 Rochester, England.. 31,384 Rochester, N. V.. 218,149 Rockford, 111. 45,401 Rodosto, Turkey 40,000 Rome, Italy* 538,634 Roodeport Marais- burg, U.S. Africa 32.458 Rosario, Argentina... 172,000 Rossberg, Germany... 20,023 Rostock, Germany... 65,377 Rostof. Russia 123,000 Rotherham, England. 62,483 Rotterdam, Neth 417,989 Roubaix, France 122,723 Rouen, France 124,987 Roulers, Belgium.... 25,026 Rowley Regis, Eng... 37,000 Royal Leamington Spa, England.. . 26,713 Rugby, England 21,758 Rustchuk, Bulgaria. . 35,823 Rutherglen, Scotland 24,411 Ryazan, Russia 46,122 Saarbrucken, Ger.. . . 105,089 Sacramento, Cal.* . . . 44,696 ^ga, Japan 36,051 Sagar, India 42,330 Saginaw, Mich 50,510 Saharanpur, India. . . 66,254 Saigon, Fr. Cochin China 48,783 St. Brieuc, France 23,081 St. Denis, France... . 71,759 St. Denis, Reunion I.* 23,972 St. Die, France 22,136 St. Etienne, France.. 148.656 St. Gallen, Switz.... 37,869 St. Gilles, Belgium... 63,140 St. Helens, England.. 96,551 St.John, Canada... 42,511 St. Johns, Newfound¬ land* 32,292 St. Joseph, Mo 77,403 St. Josse-ten-Noode, Belgium 31,865 St. Louis, Mo 687,029 St. Louis, Senegal*... 24,070 St. Maur des Fosses,Fr. 33,852 St. Nazaire, France.. 38,267 St. Nicolas, Belgium. 34,774 St. Omer, France .... 20,993 St. Ouen, France... . 41,904 St. Paul, Minn.* 214,744 St.Peter8burg,Rus.* 1,500,000 St. Pierre, Reunion I... 29,481 St. Quentin, France.. 55.571 St. Thomas, Canada. 14,054 Sakai, Japan 61.103 Salamanca, Spain 26,295 Salem, India 59,153 Salem, Mass 43,697 Salerno, Italy 43,426 Salford, England. . . . 231,357 Salisbury, England. . 21,217 Saloniki, Turkey. . . . 173,000 Salta, Argentine 23,284 Saltillo, Mexico 35.063 Salt Lake City, Utah* 92,77 7 Salzburg, Austria 36,188 Samara, Russia 95,000 Samarang, Java 96,600 Samarkand, Russia in Asia 65,000 Samsun, Turkey 35,000 San Antonio, Tex... 96,614 San Carlos, P. 1 27,166 San Diego, Cal 39.578 San Fernando, Spain.. 28,951 San Francisco, Cal. . 416.912 San Jose, Cal 28,946 San Jose, Costa Rica* 51,105 San Juan,Porto Rico* 48,716 San Luis Potosi, Mex. 82,946 San Miguel, Salvador 25 446 San Nicolas, P.I 29.055 SanPablo, P. 1 22,612 San Pier d'Arena, Italy 34,883 San Remo, Italy 21,440 San Salvador, Sal.*.. . 59,000 San Sebastian. Speiin. 47,894 San Severo, Italy. . .. 30.040 Santa Ana, Salvador. 54.912 Santa Cruz, Bolivia... 20,535 Santa Cruz, Canary Islands*. 53,403 Santa Cruz, P. 1 35,030 Santa Fe, Argentina.. [48,000 Santander, Spain.... 65,209 Santiago, Chile* 403,775 Santiago, Spain 24,927 Santiago de Cuba, Cuba 53,614 Santo Domingo, Santo Domingo* 20,000 Santo-, Brazil 35,000 Sao Paulo, Brazil.. . . 400,000 Sapporo, Japan 70,084 Saragossa, Spain 105,788 Sarajevo, Austria.. . . 51,949 Saratof, Russia 198,000 Sasebo, Japan 93,051 Sassari, Italy 43,240 Savannah, Ga 65,064 Savona, Italy 38,355 Scarborough, Eng. . . 37,201 Schaerbeek, Belgium. 82,480 Schenectady, N. Y.. 72,826 Schiedam, Neth 32,024 Schneidemuhl, Ger... 26,126 Schoneberg, Ger 172,823 Schweidnitz, Ger 31,329 Schweinfurt, Ger Schwelm, Germany.. Schwerin, Germany.. Sciacca, Italy Scranton, Pa Seattle, Wash Semipalatinsk, Russia in Asia Sendai, Japan Senigallia, Italy Seoul, Chosen, Jap.*. Seraing, Belgium.... Seres, Turkey Sergievsk, Russia Serpukhof, Russia. . . Setubal, Portugal Sevastopol, Russia.. . Seville, Spain Shahjahanpur, India. Shanghai, China Shasih, China Sheboygan, Wis Sheffield, England. .. Shenandoah, Pa Sherbrooke, Canada. Shidzuoka, Japan Shimonoseki, Japan.. Shipley, England.... Shiraz, Persia Shirbin, Egypt Sholapur, India Shreveport, La Shrewsbury, Eng.. .. Shumla, Bulgaria Shusha, Russia Sialkot, India Siangtan, China Sibonga, P. I Sidi Bel Abbes, Algeria Siegen, Germany.... Siena, Italy Simbirsk, Russia.... Simferopol, Russia.. . Singan, China Singapore, Straits Set¬ tlements Sioux City, Iowa.... Siut, Egypt Sivas, Turk, in Asia.. Skutari,T Asia. Slivno, En. Roumelia Smethwick, England. Smichow, Austria Smolensk. Russia.. .. Smyma.Turk. in Asia Sofia, Bulgaria* Solingen, Germany. . Somerville, Mass. . .. Southall Norwood, England Southampton, Eng... South Bend, Ind. . .. Southend on Sea, England Southgate, England.. South Omaha, Neb.... Southport, England.. Souch Shields, Eng .. Spandau, Germany.. Speyer, Ger Spezia, Italy Spokane, Wash Springfield, 111.*. ... Springfield, Mass.... Springfield, Mo Springfield. Ohio.. . . Srinagar, India Stafford, England.... Stalybridge, England. Stamford, Conn Stanislau, Austria. . . Stanley, England.. . . Stargard, Germany. ; Stauberg, Germany. .. Stavanger, Norway.. Stavropol, Russia in Asia Stendal. Germany. .. Stettin, Germany.. .. Stirling, Scotland.... Stockholm, Sweden*. Stockport, England.. Stockton-on-T ees, England Stoke-upon-Trent, England Stolp, Germany Stralsund, Germany. Strassburg, Germany Stretford, England... Stryj, Austria Stuttgart, Germany.. Suchau, China Sucre, Bolivia* Suez, Egynt Sumy, Russia Sunderland, England. Superior, Wis Surabaya, Java Surakarta, Java Surat, India Sutton, England Sutton in Ashfield, England Sutton in Coldfield, England Swansea, Wales Swatow, China Swindon, England. . Swinton and Pendle- bury, England. . Sydney, Australia. . . Sydney, Canada Syracuse, Italy Syracuse. N. Y Syzran, Russia Szegedin, Hungary... Szekesfejervar, Hungary Szentes, Hungary.. .. Tabriz, Persia Tacoma, Wash Taganrog, Russia.... Taihokie. Formosa, Japan Tainan, Formosa, Japan Takamatsu, Japan.. . Takaoka, Japan Takasaki, Japan Talca, Chile Tambof, Russia 21,882 20,438 42,518 20,090 129,867 237,194 32,000 97,944 23,156 196,643 41,015 32,000 31,413 30,571 22,074 68,000 155.366 71,778 900,000 96,000 26,398 454,632 25,774 16,405 53,616 58,254 27.706 50,000 25,473 61,345 28,015 29,389 22,275 25,656 57.956 850,000 25,848 29,088 27,416 41,659 47,000 62,000 875,000 193,089 47,828 39.642 72.000 45,000 25,141 70,694 47,135 63,500 375.000 102,769 50,536 77,236 26,323 119,012 53,684 62,713 33,612 26,259 51.643 108,649 84,855 23,045 65,612 104,402 51.678 88.926 35.201 46,921 126,344 23.383 26,514 25,138 29.956 23,300 27,551 22,006 37,118 50,000 27,263 236,113 21,200 341,986 108,693 52,154 234,534 33,762 33,988 178,913 42,496 23,300 285,589 500.000 23,416 24,970 28,511 151,159 40.384 150,198 118.378 114.863 21.270 21.707 20,132 114,663 68.000 50,751 30,759 637,102 17,723 40,587 137.249 36,500 118,328 36,625 31,593 200,000 83.743 62,000 118,000 53,794 42.574 33.603 39.961 38,000 52,000 Tammerfors, Russia . 44,000 Tampa, Fla 37,782 Tampico, Mexico.... 20,000 Tamsui, Formosa, Japan 100,000 Tananarivo.Madag'r* 94,813 Tangier, Morocco.... 30,056 Tanjore, India 57,870 Tanta, Egypt 54,437 Taranto, Italy 60,733 Tarbes, France 26,055 Tamopol, Austria. . . 33,871 Tamow, Austria 31.700 Tarragona, Spain.... 26,285 Tashkend, Russia ... 165,000 Taunton, England... 22,561 Taunton, Mass 34,259 Tegucigalpa, Hon¬ duras* 22.137 Teheran, Persia*. . . . 325,000 Tembolong, P. 1 20,136 Temesvar, Hungary . 72,555 Tempelhof, Germany.. 20,732 Teplitz, Austria 24,560 Teramo, Italy 24,538 Temi, Italy 30,641 Terre Haute, Ind. . .. 58,157 Theodosia, Russia. . . 31,000 Thorn, Germany.... 46,227 Tientsin, China 900,000 Tiflis, Russia 197,000 Tilburg, Neth 50,405 Tilsit, Germany 39,013 Tipton, England. .. . 31,756 Tiraspol, Russia 29,323 Timovo, Bulgaria 25,295 Tiumen, Rus. in Asia. 30,000 Tlemcen, Algeria. .. . 39,757 Tobaco, P. 1 21,946 Tobolsk, Russia in Asia 21,000 Todmorden, England 25,404 Tokat, Turk, in Asia. 45,000 Tokushima, Japan.. . 65,561 Tokyo, Japan* 2,186,079 Toledo, Ohio 168,497 Toledo, Spain 23,393 Toluca, Mexico 31,247 Tomsk. Russiain Asia 68,000 Tondo, P.I 39,043 Topeka, Kan.* 43,684 Toronto, Canada.... 376.538 Torquay, England... 38,771 Torre del Greco, Italy 35,299 Torreon, Mexico 13,845 Tortosa, Spain 25,368 Totonicapam, Guate¬ mala 28,310 Tottenham, England. 137,418 Tottori, Japan 32,682 Toulon, France 104,582 Toulouse, France... . 149,576 Tourcoing. France... 82,644 Toumay, Belgium.. . 36.982 Tours, France 73,398 Toyama, Japan 57,437 Toyohashi, Japan 43,980 Trani, Italy 31.800 Trapani, Italy 59,365 Trebizond, Turkey in Asia 51,000 Tredegar, England... 23,601 Trenton, N. J.* 96,815 Treves, Germany.. . . 48,975 Treviso, Italy 41,027 TrichinopoU, India,.. 122,028 Trient, Austria 24,868 Trieste, Austria 229,475 Trikhala, Greece. . .. 17,809 Tripoli, Tripoli* 45,000 Tripoli, Turkey in Asia 48,000 Trivandrum, India... 57,882 Trondhjem, Norway. 45,228 Troy. N. Y 76,813 Troyes, France 55,486 Tsaritsyn, Russia... . 79,759 Tsu, Japan 41,299 Tucuman, Argentina. 66,000 Tula, Russia 110,000 Tunbridge Wells,Eng. 35,697 Tunis, Tunis* 227,519 Turin, Italy 427,733 Tumhout, Belgium.. 23,742 Tver, Russia 60,000 Twickenham, Eng... 29.367 Tynemouth, England 58,816 Uccle, Belgium 26,979 Udaipur, India 45.595 Udine, Italy 47,626 Ufa, Russia 96,295 Ujpest, Hungary. ... 55,197 Ulm, Germany 55,817 Uman, Russia 31,016 Upsala, Sweden 25,620 Uralsk,Russia in Asia 41,000 Urdaneto, P. 1 20,554 Urfa, Turkey in Asia.. 55,000 Urga, China 30,000 Urmia, Persia 35,000 Uskup, Turkey 70,000 Utica, N. V 74,419 Utrecht, Neth 119,006 Utsunomiya, Japan.. 47,114 Valence, France 26,964 Valencia, Spain 233,348 Valencia, Venezuela.. 40,000 Valenciennes, France. 34,766 Valetta, Malta 61,268 Valladolid, Spain. . . . 67,742 Valparaiso, Chile. . .. 196,596 Van, Turkey in Asia.. 35,000 Vancouver, Canada.. 100.401 Vannes, France 23,061 Vama, Bulgaria 41,317 Velbert, Germany... . 23,134 Vellore, India 43,537 Venice, Italy 160,727 Vera Cruz, Mexico.. . 29,164 Vercelli, Italy 54,246 Verdun, France.. .. 21,706 Verona, Italy 81,915 Vers lilies, I'rance... . 60,458 Verviers, Belgium .. . 46,948 Viborg, Russia 24,000 Vicenza. Italy 54,246 Victoria, Brazil 20,000 Victoria, Canada. . . . 31.660 Victoria, Hong Kong.. 217,775 Vieriiii. Austria*. . .2,031,468 \'iersen, Germany. . . 30,172 Vigevano, Italy 23,909 Villa Rica, Paraguay. 30,000 Villeurbanne, France. 42,526 Vilna, Russia 168,000 Vincennes, France... 38,568 Vine del Mar, Chile... 26,262 Vinnitsa, Russia 34,060 Vitebsk, Russia 81.000 Viterbo, Italy 21,292 Vitoria, Spain 32,377 Vittoria, Italy 32,151 Vladikavkas, Russia. 53,000 Vladimir, Russia. . .. 32,000 Vladivostok. Russia in Asia 29.000 Voghena, Italy 20,661 Volo, Greece 23,563 Vologda, Russia 29,000 Volsk, Russia 27,572 Voronezh, Russia... . 65.000 Vyemyi, Russiain Asia 27,000 Vyotka, Russia 42,475 Waco, Texas 26,425 Wakamatsu, Japan. . 39,265 Wakayama, Japan... 77,303 Wakefield, England.. 51,511 Wald, Germany 25,274 Wallasey, England... 78,514 Wallsend, England... 41,461 Walsall, England.... 92,115 Waltham, Mass 27,834 Walthamstow, Eng.. 124,580 Wandsbek, Germany. 35,212 Warrington, England 72,166 Warsaw, Russia 771,000 Warwick, R. 1 26,629 Washington, D. C*.. 331,069 Waterbury, Conn. .. 73,141 Waterford, Ireland... 27.430 Waterloo, Iowa 26,693 Waterloo with Sea- forth, England.. 26,396 Watertown, N. Y 26,730 Watford, England. .. 40,939 Wattenscheid, Ger... 27,636 Wattrelos, France 27,503 Wednesbury, Eng. . . 28,103 Weimar, Germany.. . 34,581 Weissenfels, Ger 33,581 Wellington, New Zea¬ land* 70,729 Wenchau, China 80,000 Werdau, Germany 20,830 Wesel, Germany 24.441 West Bromwich, Eng. 68,332 West Ham, England. 289,030 West Hartlepool, England 63,923 West Hoboken, N. J. 35,403 Weston super Mare, England 23,235 Weymouth and Mel- combe Regis, England 22,324 Wheeling, W. Va ... 41,641 Wichita, Kan 52,450 Widnes, England.... 31,541 Wiener Neustadt, Austria 32,874 Wiesbaden, Germany 109,002 Wigan, England 89,152 Wiju, Chosen, Japan, 20,000 Wilhelmshaven, Ger. 35,044 Wilkes-Barre, Pa.... 67,105 Willesden, England.. 154.214 Williamsport, Pa 31,860 Wilmersdorf, Ger.. .. 109,716 Wilmington, Del.... 87,411 Wilmington, N.C 25,748 Wimbledon, England 54,966 Winchester, Eng 23,378 Windsor, Canada.. .. 17,829 Winnipeg, Canada.. . 136,035 Winterthur, Switz. .. 25,250 Wishaw, Scotland. . . 25,263 Wismar, Germany.... 24,376 Withington, England 36,201 Witten. Germany.. .. 37,450 Wittenberg, Ger 22,419 Wittenberge, Ger.... 20,600 Woking, England.. .. 24,808 Wolstanton United, England 27,335 Wolverhampton, Eng 95,328 Wood Green, Eng.... 49,369 Woonsocket. R. I ... 38,125 Worcester, England.. 47,982 Worcester, Mass .... 145.986 Workington, Eng.. .. 25,092 Worksop, England... 20,387 Worms, Germany.... 46,821 Worthing, England.. 30,305 Wuchang, China. . .. 800,000 Wuchau, China 59,000 Wuhu, China 129,000 Wurzburg, Germany. 84,387 Yakoba, No. Nigeria. 42,234 Vamagata, Japan.... 42,234 Yarkand, China 120,000 Yarmouth, England . 55,905 Yaroslaf, Russia 72,000 Yeisk, Russia 42,313 Yelets, Russia 46,000 Yenhou, China 60,000 Yenpingfu, China 200,000 Vezd, Persia 50,000 Vochau, China 20,000 Yokkaichi, Japan.. .. 30,140 Yokohama, Japan... 394,303 Yokosuka, Japan.. .. 24,750 Yonezawa, Japan 35,380 Yonkers, N. Y 79,803 York. England 82,282 York, Pa 44.750 Voungstown, Ohio... 79.066 Yuriep, Russia 42,308 Zaandam, Neth 24,579 Zacatecas, Mexico... 25,905 Zagazig, Egypt 35,715 Zanesville, Ohio 28,026 Zanzibar, Zanzibari®.. 35.000 Zara, Austria 32,506 Zeitz, Germany 33,093 Zhitomir. Russia. . .. 88.000 Zittau. Germany.... 37.084 Zombor, Austria 29,609 Zurich, Switzerland.. 190,733 Zwickau. Germany... 73,538 Zwolle, Netherlands . 34.055 131 114° I ■JlCt'|:i05i!^iiHi-4:.'ü52|2902 !852 2802 aoloyiK -NES 2906jî 60 28O6J2; *9VU|. PO 2807 21 57 7«76A 8172j3122|3072 3173 302112871 -A- •• «WM .nui SV ^ H -& 3 3076 3026 29 j EXPLANATION »i«.' Numbered squares represent Units of area. The Unit of area in which each place is located, is shown in the accompanying Parcel Post Guide. Using the Zone Scale below, measure from the center of the Unit in which the post-office of departure is located to the nearest boundary of the Unit in which post-office of delivery is located. With the distance in zones thus determined, the rate for any parcel of eleven pounds or less may be calculated from the table in the lower right-hand corner of this map. The Zone Scale maybe reproduced on a separate slip of paper, or an ordinary foot rule, yard- 25^ stick or a blank sheet of paper may be used and applied to the Zone Scale. For example, a foot measure applied to the map, shows distance from center of Unit 3158 (Aberdeen, S. D.) to Unit 3334 (Abilene, Tex.) is 5inches; applying the foot rule to Zone Scale, we see that the rate between these Units is to be calculated on the Fifth Zone basis. 232^ : 3182 3132 3311 3291 G R—K—A-N-S U L 2Ô.S3 2503 2453 2^ 245; 251 £ '¿SI ?621- Î c- '247b 242B -A-Sj/- \ \ F C 2259(2209 2159 p 24%' ^6: i 191113613811 S 2175, 2125 2PZ< -MiSSiSSlífPI 1 2333 202611970 N o\ Domestic Parcel Post Rates. The Parcel Post Law became effective January 1, 1913. For the purpose of carrying this law into effect the 'United States is divided into zones with different rates of postage applicable to each, as follows; 31 I' X I 31451(3^ PARCEL POST MAPI OF THE UNITED STATES SCALE OF MIL"ES 221^ ¿ 50 ÎÔÔ 2ÖÖ 300 O. S . .Hammond & Co. iSngravers, Printers and Publishers New York Copyright, 1913, by C.S.Hanimond & Co., N.Y. SCALE OF ZONES 2nd ZONE 3rd ZONE 4th ZONE 6tb ZONE 6th ZONE 7th ZONE 114' i/s^ i¿^ 1/0° ija' ijs' ijn' 1^4" iji' i¿;; 99^ 8th ZONE INCLUDES BALANCE ( OF U.S. Weight 1st Zone 2d zone rate 1 50 to 150 miles 3d zone rate 150-300 miles ,4th zone rate 1 300-600 1 miles 5th zone rate 600-1000 miles 6th zone rate 1000-1400 miles 7th zone rate 1400-1800 miles 8th zone rate 1 Ail over 11800 miles 1 Local rate Zone rate 50 m. 1 lb. $0.05 S0.05 $0.06 $0.07 $0.08 $0.09 $0.10 $0.11 $0.12 \ 2 lb. .06 .08 .10 .12 .14 .16 .19 .21 .24-^ 3 lb. .07 .11 .14 .17 .20 .23 .28 .31 .36 ' 4 lb. .08 .14 .18 .22 .26 .30 .37 .41 .48 5 lb. .09 .17 .22 .27 .32 .37 .46 .51 .60-® 6 lb. .10 .20 .26 .32 .38 .44 .55 .61 .72 7 lb. .11 .23 .30 .37 .44 .51 .64 .71 .84 8 b. .12 .20 .34 .42 .50 .58 .73 .81 .96^'' 9 b. .13 .29 .38 .47 .56 .65 .82 .91 1.08 10 lb. .14 .32 .42 .52 .62 .72 .91 1.01 1.20, 11 lb. .15 .35 .46 .57 .68 .79 1.00 1.11 1.82Y'' The local rate is applicable to parcels intended for delivery at tlie oClce of mailing or on a rural route starting therefrom. Parcels weighing four ounces or less are subject to the rate of one cent an ounce or fraction of an ounce for any domestic des¬ tination. Those weighing over four ounces are subject to the rates stated in the table above. All matter now classified as third-class matter will not be permitted in the parcel-post mails. A parcel not more than 3 feet, 6 inches, in length may meas-^ ureas much as 2 feet, 6 inches in girth, or around its thickest part. A shorter parcel may be thicker; thus, if it mensures no more than í bree feet in length it may measure as much as three feet in girtn, or around its thickest part. Measurements will be made by means of a six-foot tape line furnished to postmasters-24 by the Department. So much of the tape as is not used in meas¬ uring the length is the measure of maximum girth permissible. Particular attention is invited to the following requiremc.4ts which must be observed in connection with the mailing of parcel- ^ post packages ound or fraction of a pound. if) For delivery within the fifth zone, nine cents for the first pound or fraction of a pound and seven cents for each additional pound or fraction of a pound. (g) For delivery within the sixth zone, ten cents for the first pound or fraction of a pound and nine cents for each additional pound or fraction of a pound. (A) For delivery within the seventh zone, eleven cents for the first F>o"nd or fraction of a pound and ten cents for each additional pound or fraction of a pound. (i) For delivery within the eighth zone and between the Philippine Islands and any portion of the United States, includ¬ ing the District of Columbia and the several Territories and possessions, twelve cents for the first pound or fraction of a pound and twelve cents for each additional pound or fraction Fora full explanation of rates of postage in the first zone, see sec. 3, par. 2, a and b. For rates of postage on parcels containing two or more classes of mail matter, see sec. 12, par. 3. UNMAILABLE MATTER Sec. 16. The following matter is declared nonmailable by law (see sees. 211, 212, and 217 of the Criminal Code of the United States approved March 4, 1909): 1. Matter manifestly obscene, lewd, or lascivious; articles intended for preventing conception or for procuring abortion; articles intended for indecent or immoral purposes; all matter otherwise mailable by law, the outside cover or wrapper of which bears any delineations or language of a libelous, scurrilous, defamatory, or threatening character. All such matter, when deposited in a post office or found in the mails, shall be with¬ drawn and sent to the Division of Dead Letters, with a state¬ ment of the facts. Postmasters must not give opinions as to the mailability of any matter mentioned above, but must sub¬ mit all such questions to the Assistant Attorney General for the Post Office Department. 2. Spirituous, vinous, malted, fermented, or other intoxicating liquors of any kind; poisons of every kind, and articles and com¬ positions containing poison (except as prescribed in sec. 19); foisonous animals, insects, and reptiles; explosives of every ind; Inflammable materials (which are held to include matches, kerosene oil, gasoline, naphtha, benzine, turpentine, denatured alcohol, etc.); infernal machines, and mechanical, chemical, or other devices or compositions which may içnite or explode: disease germs or scabs (except as prescribed in sec. 36); and other natural or artificial articles, compositions, or materials of whatever kind which may kill, or in any wise injure another or damage the mail or other property. Sec. 17. Pistols or revolvers, whether in detached parts or otherwise; live or dead (and not stuffed) animals, birds, or poultry (except as prescribed in sees. 29 and 34); raw hides or pelts, guano, or any article having a bad odor shall not be ad¬ mitted to the mails. Sec. 18. All matter excluded from the mails by paragraph 2 of section 16 and by section 17, when deposited in a post office or found in the mails, shall be treated as prescribed in section 41. PACKING OF PARCELS Sec. 19. Medicines composed wholly or in part of poison or poisons, and anesthetic agents which are not outwardly or of their own force dangerous or injurious to life, health, or propierty, and not in themselves unmailable (see sec. 16), when packed as prescribed in sections 21, 22, and 23, and the package bears the name and address of the manufacturer of or dealer in the article mailed, may be transmitted in the domestic mails from the manufacturer thereof or dealer therein to licensed physi¬ cians, surgeons, pharmacists, and dentists. Sec. 20. Admissible articles which, from their form ornature, might damage other mail matter or equipment, or injure the person of any postal employee, may be mailed when packed in accordance with the foUowing conditions: 2. When not liquid or liquefiable, they must be placed in a bag, box, or removable envelope, or wrapping, made of paper, cloth, parchment, or similar material, and inclosed in a box or tube oi metal or wood, with a sliding, clasp, or screw lid. 3. In case of such articles liable to break, the inner bag, box, envelope, or wrapping must be surrounded by sawdust, excel¬ sior, cotton, or other similar substance.^ Sec. 21. Admissible liquids and oils, in packages not exceed¬ ing eleven pounds in weight, will be accepted for mailing when intended for delivery at the office of mailing or on a rural route starting therefrom, when inclosed in a glass or metal container, securely closed and heavily wrapped, provided it is not necessary to transport them over steam or electric railways. Sec. 22. Admissible liquids and oils, pastes, salves, or other articles easily liquefiable, will be accepted for mailing regardless of distance when they conform to the following conditions: 2. When in glass littles, the quantity must not exceed twelve ounces, liquid measure. "T he bottle must be very strong and must be inclosed in a block or tube of metal, wood, papier- mache, or similar material; and there must be provided between the bottle and the block or tube a cushion of cotton, felt, or other absorbent. The block or tube, if of wood, must be at least three-sixteenths of an inch thick in its thinnest part; if of papier-mache or similar material, it must be at least one- eighth of an inch thick for bottles holding two ounces or less, and at least five thirty-seconds of an inch thick for bottles holding more than two ounces. The block or tube must be rendered water-tight by an application of paraffine or other suitable substance. 3. When in a metal container, the weight of the parcel must not exceed eleven pounds. The container must be hermetically sealed and inclosed in a strong box, and securely wrapped. Sec. 23. Pastes, salves, etc., not easily liquefiable, will be accepted for mailing when inclosed in water-tight metal con¬ tainers and placed in a strong pasteboard or wooden box and securely wrapped. Sec. 24. Manufacturers or dealers intending to transmit articles in considerable quantities should submit to the post¬ master at the mailing office for approval a specimen parcel, showing the manner of packing. Sec. 25. When sharp pointed instruments are offered for mailing, the points must be capped or encased, so that they can not cut through their covering. Blades must be bound so that they will remain firmly attached to each other or within their handles or sockets. Sec. 26. Seeds and other admissible articles, which are liable from their form or nature to loss or damage unless specially protected, may be put up in sealed envelopes of material suffi¬ ciently transparent to show the contents clearly without open¬ ing. Sec. 27. Ink powders, pepper, snuff, or other similar powders, not explosive, or any similar pulverized dry substance ,not poisonous, may be sent in the mails when inclosed in the manner prescribed herein for liquids (see sec. 22), or when inclosed in cases made of metal, wood, papier-mache, or similar material, in such manner as to render impossible the escape of any of the contents. Sec. 28. Flour of all kinds must be put up in such manner as to prevent the package breaking or cracking or the flour being scattered in the mails. Sec. 29. Queen bees, live insects, and dried reptiles may be mailed in accordance with the instructions of the Department of Agriculture as promulgated by the Post Office Department under order number 6242, of May 4, 1912. Sec. 30. Seeds of fruit, nursery stock, and all other plant products for propagation, may be mailed in accordance with the instructions of the Department of Agriculture as promulgated by Post Office Department orders, number 6313, of May 29, 1912; number 6655, of November 16. 1912; and number 6674 of November 27, 1912. Sec. 31. Candies, confectionery, yeast cakes, soap in hard cakes, etc., must be inclosed in boxes and so wrapped as to prevent injury to other mail matter. Sec. 32. Sealed original packages of proprietary articles, such as soaps, tobacco, pills, tablets, etc., put up in fixed quantities by the manufacturer, and not in themselves unmail¬ able, will be accepted for mailing when properly wrapped. Sec. 33. Fragile articles, such as millinery, toys, musical instruments, etc., and articles consisting wholly or in part of glass, or contained in glass, must be securely packed and the parcel stamped or labeled "FR.AGILE." Parcels so labeled must be handled with the greatest possible care. 134 PARCEL POST GUIDE 135 .f;» containing perishable articles must be marked PERISHABLE." Articles likely to spoil witnin the time reasonably required for transpxirtation and delivery must not be accepted for mailing. (See sec. 1.) 2. Butter, lard, and perishable articles such as fish, fresh meats, dressed fowls, vegetables, fruits, berries, and articles of a similar nature which decay quickly, when so packed or wrapped as to prevent damage to other mail matter, will be accepted for local delivery (see sec. 3, par. 2a), either at the office of mailing or on any rural route starting therefrom. When inclosed in an inner cover and a strong outer cover of wood, metal, heavy corrugated pasteboard, or other suitable material, and wrapped so that nothing can escape from the package, they will be accepted for mailing to all offices within the first zone. 3. Butter, lard, or any admissible greasy or oily substance, when intended for delivery at offices beyond the first zone must be packed in accordance with section 22. 4. Vegetables and fruits which do not decay quickly will be accepted for mailing to any zone if packed so as to prevent damage to other mail matter. 5. Eggs will be accepted for local delivery (see sec. 3, par. 2a) when so packed in a basket or other container as to prevent damage to other mail matter. 6. Eggs will be accepted for mailing regardless of distance when each egg is wrapped separately and surrounded with excelsior, cotton, or other suitable material, and packed in a container rnade of double corrugated pasteboard, metal, wood, or other suitable material in such manner as to place each egg on its end and to prevent them from striking together or against the side or top of the container, with an outer cover of double corrugated pastebord, metal, wood, or other suitable material, and wrapped so that nothing can escap>e from the package. All such parceb must be labeled "EGGS." Sec. 35. Salted, dried, smoked, or cured meats and other meat products may be admitted to the mails and may be trans¬ ported, regardless of distance, from one State or Territory or the District of Columbia to another State or Territory or the District of Columbia when the provisions of the act of June 30, 1906, and the regulations promulgated thereunder by the De¬ partment of Agriculture, have been complied with; provided, however, that fresh meat in any form may be transported only within the first zone. (See sec. 34.) Sec. 36. Specimens of dried blood or of diseased tissues or communicable diseases, cultures and tubercular sputum may be mailed in accordance with instructions of the Treasury De- gartment (Bureau of Public Health and Marine-Hospital ervice), as promulgated by the Post Office Department under Order No. 3064, of April 22, 1910. PARCELS IMPROPERLY PACKED Sec. 37. Postmaters must refuse to receive for mailing parcels not properly indorsed, or packed for safe shipment. "HELD FOR POSTAGE," MISDIRECTED MATTER, ETC. Sec. 38. When matter on which the postage is wholly unpaid or insufficiently prepaid is deposited at any free delivery post office for local delivery and the sender is unknown, notice of detention (Form 1543) need not be sent, but such matter shall be delivered to the addressee by the carrier, and the deficient postage collected by means of parcel post postage-due stamps affixed. If the addressee refuses to pay the postage, the matter shall be sent to the Division of Dead Letters. (See sec. 55.) Sec. 39. The following matter, when it can not be returned to the sender, shall be sent from the office of mailing to the Division of Dead Letters: "Held for postage" matter on which the addressee refuses to pay the postage; misdirected and illegibly addressed matter which can not oe dispatched to the addressee; matter which exceeds the limit of weight or size prescribed by law (see sec. 15); and all matter so mutilated or damaged that it can not be forwarded to its destination. Perish¬ able matter must not be sent to the Division of Dead Letters (see sec. 47, p>ar. 3). Sec. 40. When a parcel obviously misdirected is received at the office of mailing and the correct address is later supplied by the sender, credit should be allowed for the amount of postage affixed. If the sender is unknown and the matter is fully pre¬ paid, the correct address may be supplied and the parcel forwarded. Sec. 41. When any article of destructive mail matter (see sees. 16 and 17) is deposited in the post office, or is received for forwarding, the postmaster must not send it to the Division of Dead Letters, but notify the sender that it can not be trans¬ ported by mail. If the sender is not known, the postmaster shall notify the addressee. If, at the expiration of thirty days, it has not been withdrawn, the postmaster shall report the facts to the Fourth Assistant Postmaster General (Division of Dead Letters) and await instructions. Sec. 42. Parcels on which the postage is not prepaid, or is insufficiently paid, which are inadvertently dispatched, must not be stopped in transit or rated up at intermediate offices. Sec. 43. All parcel post matter liable to damage other mail or injure the person of any postal employee, or which is in excess of the prescribed weight or size, which by inadvertence reaches the office of address, shall be delivered, provided the addressee shall furnish the name and address of the sender. If the ad¬ dressee refuses to give the required information, the postmaster shall hold the package subject to the order of the Postmaster General. 2. When any matter is delivered under the provisions of this section, the postmaster shall make report thereof to the First Assistant Postmaster General, giving the date and office of mailing. Deficient postage on parcels m excess of the prescribed weight must be collected by affixing the proper amount in parcel post postage-due stamps. Sec. 44. Postmasters must not affix parcel post postage-due stamps to part paid or unpaid matter until the delivery thereof can be effected. Such stamps must not be affixed to matter for¬ warded by request of the addressee, returned to writer, or sent to the Division of Dead Letters. 2. When postmasters have no parcel post postage-due stamps on hand they must collect the amount of postage due, and as soon as they obtain such stamps an amount equal to the postage collected must be affixed to a sheet of paper, canceled, and for¬ warded to the Third Assistant Postmaster General with a state¬ ment of the facts. Sec. 45. Double rate of i»stage will be charged on parcels reaching their destination with only ordinary, special-delivery, postage-due, or regbtry stamps affixed, or without evidence of any prepayment of postage. In such cases the office of mailing should be reported to the First Assistant Postmaster General. 2. When it is apparent from the wrapper that a stamp has been affixed and has been wholly or partially detached, the post¬ master may assume the postage to have been prepaid. FORWARDING OF PARCELS Sec. 46. Parcels may be remailed or forwarded on the pay¬ ment of additional postage at the rate which would be charge¬ able if they were originally mailed at the forwarding office, in which case the necessary stamps shall be affixed by the for¬ warding postmaster. Payment must be made every time the parcel is forwarded. ARTICLES FOUND LOOSE IN THE MAILS Sec. 61. Postmasters of cities having division headquarters of the Railway Mail Service shall retain for three months articles of value found loose in the mails, when unclaimed, and shall keep a complete record of them for purposes of identification. They are authorized to deliver such matter to the proper claimants, and to take receipts therefor on blanks provided for the purpose, making detailed weekly reports to the Division of Dead Letters. They shall make every effort to identify such articles with losses, and, if possible, to deliver them to the owners. After three months unclaimed articles must be forwarded to the Division of Dead Letters, each article being inclosed in a separate envelope or wrapper, indorsed with a full description and a statement of when and where found. The parcels must be numbered and described on Form 1522 or 1522,'^. Loose money and postage stamps must be separately forwarded by registered mail to the Division of Dead Letters, and not inclosed with fourth-class matter. 2. Postmasters at places not having division headquartere of the Railway Mail Service on receiving money or other articles found loose in the mails shall forward them weekly to the Divi¬ sion of Dead Letters in the manner prescribed in the preceding paragraph, INSURANCE ON PARCELS Sec. 62. A mailable parcel on which the postage is fully prepaid may be insured against loss in an amount equivalent to Its actual value, but not to exceed $50, on payment of a fee of ten cents in parcel post stamps, such stamps to be affixed. 2. When a parcel is insured, the sender will be given a receipt showing the office and date of mailing and number of the parcel. The parcel should be numbered to correspond with the receipt, stamped " INSURED," and an insurance tag securely attached. It will then be treated as ordinary mail until it reaches the office of address, when it must be delivered to the addressee or, unless otherwise directed by the addressee, to the person, firm, or corporation in whose care it is addressed, or to any responsible person to whom the addressee's ordinary mail is customarily delivered, and a receipt obtained therefor on the tag attached to the parcel. When an insured parcel is received without the insurance tag attached, the prescribed receipt should be obtained from the addressee on delivery. 3. A receipt signed by a person other than the addressee must show the name of the addressee as well as that of the person signing it. A signature made by mark (X) must be attested by a reputable witness. 4. When a return receipt is desired by the sender of an in¬ sured parcel the postmaster at the mailing office shall stamp or write across the margin of the insurance tag the words "Return Receipt Desired," and the postmaster at the office of address shall obtain from the addressee a receipt and mail it to the sender. 5. The liability for indemnity shall cease when delivery has been effected. 6. When an insured parcel fails of delivery at the office to which addressed it may be forwarded in accordance with section 46 without the payment of an additional insurance fee. When the parcel is forwarded a duplicate of the tag receipt attached there¬ to shall be filled out showing the name of the office to which it is forwarded, and such duplicate shall be properly filed. 7. The records of insured parcels must be preserved one year. 8. When an insured parcel is lost or rifled and a claim for indemnity is made at the office of mailing, the sender shall be required to file an affidavit showing the number of the parcel, the name of office, the date of mailing, the name and address of the addressee, the contents of the parcel, its actual value, and to whom the insurance should be paid. The postmaster shall certify on this form the record of his office as to the mailing of the parcel and its declared actual value. The form shall be for¬ warded by the postmaster to the postmaster at the office of address, who shall certify thereon whether the parcel had been received and, if so, the disposition made of it. The addressee shall be required to make affidavit on the form that he has not received the parcel or reimbursement therefor. 9. When the addressee makes claim for indemnity, the post¬ master at the office of address shall cause the claimant to make affidavit to the facts on the proper form and, after certifying thereto, shall forward it to the postmaster at the mailing office for completion. 10. The form, when completed, shall be sent promptly to the Third Assistant Postmaster (ieneral for payment of the in¬ demnity. 11. No indemnity shall be paid unless a claim therefor is made within six months from the date the parcel was mailed. 12. All complaints received at a post office regarding the loss or rfiing of insured parcels must be reported immediately^ on Form 1510 to the Post Office Inspector in Charge of the division in which the office is located. REGISTRATION Sec. 63. In view of the provision for the insurance of fourth class mail and the furnishing of receipts for such mail when insured, the necessity for registration is removed and therefore fourth class matter shall not be admitted to the registered mail. PARCEL POST GUIDE OF THE UNITED STATES Giving the Unit numbers of Principal Cities, including all places having 5,000 or more inhabitants To find on the map the location of any place named in this guide, or the Unit in which such place is situated, run your eye along heavy-face^ numerals on the Canadian border until you come to the heavy-face numeral nearest to the desired Unit. Aberdeen, South Dakota, ahown as in Unit 3158, may be quickly located Iby following the heavy-face num¬ erals to 3150 and proceeding down this column to 3158. UNIT Danville, Pa 1017 Danville, Va 1275 Darby, Pa 869 Davenport, Iowa 2415 Dayton, Ky 1770 Dayton, Ohio 1769 Decatur, 111 2219 Defiance, Ohio 1766 DeKalb, 111 2215 Delaware, Ohio 1668 Delray, Mich 1664 Del Rio, Tex 3440 Denison, Tex 3031 Denton, Tex 3082 Denver, Colo 3819 Derby, Conn 666 Des Moines, Iowa 2715 Desoto, Mo 2422 Detroit, Mich 1664 Devils Lake,N.Dak.. .3202 Dickson City, Pa 1068 Dixon, III 2265 Donora, Pa 1312 Dothan, Ala 1886 Douglas, Ariz 4336 Dover, Del 920 Dover, N. H 412 UNIT Aberdeen, S. Dak 3158 Aberdeen, Wash 5705 Abilene, Tex 3334 Ada, Okia 3029 Adams, Mass 663 Adrian, Mich 1765 Akron, Ohio 1516 Alameda, Cal 5573 Albany, Ga 1785 Albany, N. Y 713 Albert Lea, Minn 2661 Albia, Iowa 2616 Albion, Mich 1814 Albion, N. Y 1162 Albuquerque, N. M... .4028 Alexandria, Ind 1918 Alexandria, La 2586 Alexandria, Va 1071 Alhambra, Cal 5180 Allcntown, Pa 867 Alliance, Ohio 1467 Alpena, Mich 1658 Alton, m 2371 Altoona, Pa 1167 Altus, Okla 3279 Amarillo, Tex 3528 Ambridge, Pa 1367 Americus, Ga 1784 Amesbury, Mas.s 413 Amsterdam, N. Y 763 Anaconda, Mont 4606 Anderson, Ind 1918 Anderson, S. C 1629 Andover, Mass 463 Annapolis, Md. 971 Ann Arbor, Mich 1714 Anniston, Ala 1931 Ansonia, Conn 666 Antigo, Wis 2258 Apalachicola, Fla 1839 Appleton, Wis 2160 Archbald, Pa 915 Ardmore, Okla 3080 Argenta, Ark 2579 Argentine, Kan 2820 Arkansas City, Kan... .3074 Arlington, Mass 464 Arlington, N. J 767 Asbury Park, N. j 867 Ashe ville, N. C 1627 Ashland. Ky 1622 UNIT Ashland, Ohio 1567 Ashland, Ore 5614 Ashland, Pa 967 Ashland, Wis 2405 Ashley, Pa 916 Ashtabula, Ohio 1415 Astoria, Ore 5706 Atchison, Kan 2869 Athens, Ga 1681 Athens, Ohio 1570 Athol, Mass 563 Atlanta, Ga 1781 Atlantic (i)ity, N. J.... 770 Attleboro, Mass 465 Auburn, Me 360 Auburn, N. Y 1013 Audenried, Pa 917 Augusta, (ja 1532 Augusta, Me 310 Aurora, 111 2165 Austin, Minn 2611 Austin, Tex 3138 Avoca, Pa 916 Baker, Ore 5109 Bakersfield, Cal 5278 Baliston Spa, N. Y... 712 Baltimore, Md 1020 Bangor, Me 209 Bangor, Pa 867 Barahoo, Wis 2312 Barberton, Ohio 1516 Barre, Vt 6J0 Bartlesvilie, Okla 2925 Batavia, N. Y 1162 Bath, Me 311 Baton Rouge, La 2488 Battle Creek, Mich... .1864 Bay City, Mich 1711 Bayonne, N. J 767 Beardstown, 111 2368 Beatrice, Neb 3018 Beaumont, Tex 2788 Beaverdam, Wis 2212 Beaver Falls, Pa 1367 Bedford, Ind 1971 Belfast, Me 260 Bellaire, Ohio 1418 Bellefontaine, Ohio.... 1718 Belleville, 111 2321 Belleville. N. J 767 Beilevue, Ohio 1616 UNIT BeUerue, Pa 1368 Beliingham, Wash 5551 Bellows FaUs, Vt 562 Beloit, Wis 2263 Belvidere, III 2214 Bemidji, Minn 2804 Bennington, Vt 663 Benton Harbor, Mich. 1964 Benwood, W. Va 1418 Berkeley, Cal 5573 Berkley, Va 975 Berlin, N. H 460 Berlin, Wis 2211 Berwick, Pa 966 Berwyn, 111 2115 Bessemer, Ala 2032 Bessemer, Mich 2356 Bethlehem, Pa 867 Beverly, 413 Biddeford, Me 362 Big Rapids, Mich 1861 Billings, Mont 4207 Biloxi, Miss 2238 Binghamton, N. Y 914 Birmingham, Ala 2031 Bisbee, Ariz 4336 Bismarck, N. D 3405 Bloomfield, N. T 767 Blooraington, III 2218 Bloomington, Ind 2069 Bloomsburg, Pa 966 Bluefield, W. Va 1474 Blue Island, III 2115 Bluffton, Ind 1867 Boise, Idaho 4961 Bonham, Tex 2981 Bonneterre, Mo 2423 Boone, Iowa 2714 Boonton, N. J 767 Boston, Mass 464 Boulder, Colo 3868 Bowling Green, Ky... .1974 Bowling Green. Ohio. .1716 Boyne City, Mich 1858 Bozeman, Mont 4457 Braddock, Pa 1318 Bradford, Pa 1215 Brainerd, Minn 2756 Hrattleboro, Vt 613 Brazil, Ind 2069 Brenbam, Tex 2988 UNIT Brewer, Me 209 Bridgeport, Conn 666 Bridgeton, N. J 870 Bristol, Conn 615 Bristol, Pa 818 Bristol, R. 1 465 Bristol, Tenn 1575 Bristol, Va 1575 Brockton, Mass 464 Brookfield, Mo 2669 Brookhaven, Miss 2385 Brookline, Mass 464 Brownsville, Tex. ...3097 Brownwood, Tex 3235 Brunswick, Ga 1486 Brunswick, Me 311 Bucyrus, Ohio 1617 Buffalo, N. Y 1213 Burlington, Iowa 2467 Burlington, N. J 818 Burlington, N. C 1276 Burlington, Vt 660 Butler, Pa 1317 Butte, Mont 4606 Cadillac, Mich 1860 Cairo, III 2274 Calais, Me 58 (i)alumet, Mich 2154 Cambridge, Md 971 Cambridge, Mass 464 Cambridge, Ohio 1518 Camden, N. J 869 Canal Dover, Ohio... .1467 Canandaigua, N. Y... .1063 Canon City, Colo 3872 Canton, III 2367 Canton, Ohio 1467 Cape Girardeau,Mo.. .2324 Carbondale, 111 2273 Carbondale, Pa 915 Caribou, Me 155 Carlisle, Pa 1068 Carnegie, Pa 1368 Carson City, Nev 5320 Carterville, Mo 2774 Carthage, Mo 2774 Catasauqua, Pa 867 Catskill, N. Y 714 Cedar Falls, Iowa 2563 Cedar Rapids, Iowa.. .2515 Centerville, Iowa J2617 UNIT Central Falls, R. 1 465 Centralia, III 2271 Centraba, Wash 5605 Chambersburg, Pa... .1119 Champaign, 111 2168 Chanute, Kan 2873 Charleroi, Pa 1318 Charles City, Iowa... .2612 Charleston, III 2169 Charleston, S. C 1333 Charleston, W. Va 1522 Charlotte, Mich 1813 Charlotte, N. (j 1428 Charlottesville, Va... .1172 Chattanooga, Tenn... .1878 Cheboygan, Mich 1757 Chehalis, Wash 5605 Chelsea, Mass 464 Cherokee, Iowa 2913 Chester, Pa 869 Chester, S. C 1479 Cheyenne, Wyo 3816 Chicago, 111 ,...2115 Chicago Heights, 111... .2116 Chickasha, Okla 3128 Chicopee, Mass 614 Chicopee Falls, Mass.. . 614 Chillicothe, Mo 2719 Chillicothe, Ohio 1620 Chippewa Falls,Wis... .2459 Chisholm, Minn 2604 Cicero, III 2115 Cincinnati, Ohio 1820 Circleville, Ohio 1619 Claremont, N. H 562 Clarksburg, W. Va... .1370 Clarksville, Tenn 2075 Clearfield, Pa 1166 Cleburne, Tex 3084 Cleveland, Ohio 1515 Cleveland, Tenn 1828 Clifton, Ariz 4282 Clifton, N. J 767 Clifton Forge, Va 1323 Clinton, III 2218 Clinton, Ind 2069 Clinton, Iowa 2365 Clinton, Mass 414 Clinton, Mo 2722 Cloquet, Minn 2555 Coaldale, Pa 917 UNIT Coatesville, Pa 919 Coeur d 'Alane, Idaho.. 5003 Coffeyville, Kan 2924 Cohoes, N. Y 713 Coldwater, Mich..... .1865 Colfax, Iowa 2665 Coliingswood, N. J... . 869 Coliinsville, UI 2321 Collinwood, Ohio 1515 Colorado Springs, Colo. 3821 Columbia, Mo 2571 Columbia, Pa 1018 Columbia, S. C 1481 Columbia, Tenn 2077 Columbus, Ga 1834 Columbus, Ind 1920 Columbus, Miss 2181 Columbus, Neb 3066 (Columbus, Ohio 1619 Concord, N. H 512 Concord, N. C 1428 Conneaut, Ohio 1415 Connellsville, Pa 1318 Connersville, Ind 1869 Conshohocken, Pa 868 Coraopolis, Pa 1367 Cordele, Ga 1735 Corinth, Miss 2229 Corning, Iowa 2817 Corning, N. Y 1064 Corpus Christi, Tex... .3093 Corry, Pa 1315 Corsicana, Tex 2984 Cortland, N. Y 963 Corvallis, Ore 5659 Coshocton, Ohio 1518 (i)ouncil Bluffs, Iowa.. .2916 Covington, Ky 1820 Crafton, Pa 1368 Crawfordsville, Ind... .2018 Crestón, Iowa 2766 Cripple Creek, Colo... .3871 Crookston, Minn 3003 Crowley, La 2588 Cumberland, Md 1219 Dallas, Tex 3033 Dalton. Ga 1829 Danbury, Conn 666 Dan vers, Mass 413 Danville. Ill 2118 Uiuiv^e, Ky 1823 Dover, N. J 817 Dowagiac, Mich 1965 Dublin, Ga 1634 Dubois, Pa 1216 Dubuque, Iowa 2413 Duluth, Minn 2555 Dunkirk, N. Y 1264 Dunmore, Pa 916 Duquesne, Pa 1318 Duquoin, 111 2272 Durango, Colo 4124 Durant, Okla 2981 Durham, N. C 1226 Duryea, Pa 916 E. Chattanooga,Tenn. 1878 East Chicago, Ind. .. .2065 East Cleveland, Ohio.. 1515 Easthampton, Mass... 614 East Hartford, Conn.. 615 East Liverpool, Ohio.. 1417 Easton, Pa 867 East Orange, N.J.... 767 East Pittsburg, Pa... . 1318 Eastport, Me 9 136 PARCEL POST GUIDE UNIT E^st Providence, R. I. 465 East Saint Louis, 111. .2371 East Youngstown, O. . 1416 Eau Claire, Wis 2459 Edwards ville, 111 2321 Elberton, Ga 1630 Elgin, 111 2164 Elizabeth, N. J 767 Elizabeth City, N. C.. 976 Elkhart, Ind 1915 Elkins, W. Va 1321 Elmira, N. Y 1014 El Paso, Texas 3985 El Reno, Okla 3127 Elwood, Ind 1918 Elyria, Ohio 1566 Emporia, Kan 2972 Englewood, N. J 717 Enid, Olda 3126 Ennis, Te.x 3034 Ensley, Ala 2031 Erie, Pa 1364 Escanaba, Mich 2057 Eugene, Ore 5660 Eureka, Cal 5767 Evanston, 111 2114 Evansville, Ind 2123 Eveleth, Minn 2604 Everett, Mass 464 Everett, Wash 5553 Exeter, N. H 413 Fairbury, Neb 3068 Fairfield, Iowa 2516 Fairhaven, Mass 415 Fairmont, W. Va 1370 Fall River, Mass 465 Fargo, N. Dak 3005 Faribault, Minn 2660 Fayetteville, N. C.... 1228 Fergus Falls, Minn.. .2956 Findlay, Ohio 1716 Fitchburg, Mass 513 Fitzgerald, Ga 1685 Flat River Mo 2423 Flint, Mich 1712 Florence, Ala 2129 Florence, S. C 1330 Fond du Lac, Wis... .2161 Ford City, Pa 1317 Forest City, Pa 865 Forest Park, 111 2115 Fort Collins, Colo. .. .3867 Fort Dodge, Iowa. . . .2763 Fort Madison, Iowa...2467 Fort Scott, Kan 2823 Fort Smith, Ark 2778 Fort Wayne, Ind 1866 Fort Worth, Tex 3083 Fostoria, Ohio 1666 Framingham, Mass.. 464 Frankfort, Ind 2018 Frankfort, Ky 1822 Franklin, N. H 512 Franklin, Pa 1316 Frederick, Md 1070 Fredericksburg, Va.... 1072 Fredonia, N. Y 1264 Freeland, Pa 916 Freeport, 111 2314 Freeport, N. Y 717 Fremont, Neb 2966 Fremont, Ohio 1666 Fresno, Cal 5325 Frostburg, Md 1219 Fruitvale, Cal 5718 Fulton, Mo 2521 Fulton, N. Y 962 Gadsden, Ala 1980 Gaffney, S. C 1528 Gainesville, Fla 1589 Gainesville, Ga 1730 Gainesville, Tex 3081 Galena, 111 2364 Galena, Kan 2824 Galesburg, 111 2367 Galion, Ohio 1617 Gallipolis, Ohio 1571 Galveston, Tex 2840 Gardiner, Me 310 Gardner, Mass 513 Garfield. N.J 767 Gary, Ind 2065 Gastonia, N. C 1478 Geneva, N. Y 1013 Georgetown, S. C 1282 Gilberton, Pa 967 Glassport, Pa 1318 GlenCove, N. Y 717 Glens Falls, N.Y 712 Globe, Ariz 4432 Gloucester, Mass 413 Gloucester City, N. J. 869 Gloversville, N. Y. ... 762 Goldfield, Nev 5073 Goldsboro, N. C 1128 Goshen, Ind 1915 Grafton, W. Va 1370 Grand Forks, N. Dak.3053 Grand Haven, Mich... 1962 Grand Island, Neb.... 3167 Grand Junction, Colo. 4220 Grand Rapids, Mich. . 1913 Grand Rapids, Wis. . .2310 Granite City, 111 2371 Great Bend, Kan 3222 Great Falls, Mont. .. .4454 Greeley. Colo 3818 Green Bay, Wis 2159 Greenfield, Mass 613 Greensboro, N. C 1326 Greensburg, Ind 1870 Greensburg, Pa 1318 Greenville, Miss 2482 Greenville, Ohio 1818 Greenville, Pa 1366 Greenville, S. C 1579 Greenville, Tex 2982 Greenwood, Miss 2381 Greenwood, S. C 1580 Griffin, Ga 1782 Grinnell, Iowa 2615 Groveton, Tex 2886 Gulfport, Miss 2288 Guthrie, Okla 3077 Guttenberg, N. J 767 Hackensack, N. J 767 Hagerstown, Md 1119 Hamilton. Ohio 1820 Hammond, Ind 2115 Hammonton, N. J. ... 819 UNIT Hampton, Va 974 Hancock, Mich 2204 Hanford, Cal 5326 Hannibal, Mo 2469 Hanover, Pa 1019 Harrisburg, 111 2223 Harrisburg, Pa 1018 Harrison, N. J 767 Harrisonburg, Va 1222 Hartford, Conn 615 Hartford City, Ind.... 1868 Harvey, 111 2115 Hastings, Mich 1863 Hastings, Neb 3167 Hattiesburg, Miss. . . .2286 Haverhill, Mass 463 Haverstraw, N. Y. . .. 716 Hazleton, Pa 917 Helena, Ark 2429 Helena, Mont 4555 Hempstead, N. Y 717 Henderson, Ky 2123 Herkimer, N. Y 812 Herrin, 111 2273 Hibbing, Minn 2604 Highpoint, N. C 1377 Hillsboro, Tex 3084 Hillsdale, Mich 1815 Hoboken, N, J 767 Holland, Mich 1963 Holyoke, Mass 614 Homestead, Pa 1318 Hoopeston, III 2118 Hoosick Falls, N. Y... 663 Hopkinsville, Ky 2125 Hoquiam, Wash 5705 Hornell, N.Y 1114 Hot Springs, Ark 2679 Houghton, Mich 2204 Houlton, Me 106 Houma, La 2439 Houston, Tex 2889 Houston Heights, Tex. 2889 Hudson, Mass 514 Hudson, N.Y 714 Hudson Falls, N. Y... 712 Hugo, Okla 2880 Huntingdon, Pa 1168 Huntington, Ind 1917 Huntington, N. Y. . . . 667 Huntington, W.Va... 1572 Huntsville, Ala 2C29 Huron, S. Dak 3160 Hutchinson, Kan 3122 Hyde Park, Mass 464 Idaho Falls, Idaho.... 4561 Ilion, N.Y 862 Independence. Kan.. .2924 Independence, Mo. .. .2770 Indiana, Pa 1267 Indiana Harbor, Ind. .2065 Indiana^lis, Ind 1969 Indian Orchard, Mass. 614 lola, Kan 2873 Ionia, Mich 1863 Iowa City, Iowa 2515 Ipswich, Mass 413 Iron Mountain, Mich.2157 Ironton, Ohio 1621 Ironwood, Mich 2356 Irvington, N. J 767 Ishpeming, Mich 2106 Ithaca. N. Y 1014 Jackson, Mich 1764 Jackson, Miss 2384 Jackson, Ohio 1620 Jackson, Tenn 2227 Jacksonville, Fla 1538 acksonville, 111 2369 amestown, N. Y 1264 anesville. Wis 2263 eannette, Pa 1318 efferson City, Mo... .2571 Jetfersonville, Ind 1922 Jersey City, N. J 767 Jersey Shore, Pa 1066 Johnson City, Tenn... 1576 Johnstown, N. Y 762 Johnstown, Pa 1218 Joliet, 111 2165 Jonesboro, Ark 2427 Joplin, Mo 2824 Josephine, Pa 1268 Junction City, Kan... 3020 Juniata, Pa 1167 ICalamazoo, Mich 1914 Kalispell, Mont 4752 Kane, Pa 1215 Kankakee, 111 2116 Kansas City, Kan.... 2820 Kansas City, Mo 2820 Kaukauna, Wis 2160 Kearney, Neb 3267 Keene, N. H 563 Kendallvüle, Ind 2022 Kenosha, Wis 2113 Kenton, Ohio 1717 Keokuk, Iowa 2468 Kewanee, III 2316 Key West, Fla 1549 Kingston, N. Y 715 Kingston, Pa 916 Kinston, N. C 1128 Kirksville, Mo 2618 Knoxville, Pa 1065 Knoxville, Tenn 1727 Kokomo, Ind 1968 Lackawanna, N. Y 1213 Laconia, N. H 461 La Crosse, Wis 2461 La Fayette, Ind 2018 Lafayette, La 2588 La Grande, Ore 5158 Lagrange, Ga 1882 Lagrange, III 2115 Lake Charles, La 2688 Lake City, Fla 1638 Lakewood, Ohio 1515 Lambertville, N. J.... 818 Lancaster, Ohio 1619 Lancaster, Pa 968 Lansford, Pa 917 Lansing, Mich 1813 Laporte, Ind 2015 Laramie, Wyo 3916 Laredo, Tex 3293 LarksviUe, Pa 916 La Salle, III 2266 Las Vegas, N. M 3877 Latrobe, Pa 1268 UNIT Laurel, Miss 2285 Laurens, S. C 1580 Laurium, Mich 2154 Lawrence, Kan 2871 Lawrence, Mass 463 Lawton, Okla 3179 Lead, S. Dak 3710 Leadville, Colo 3970 Leavenworth, Kan... .2820 Lebanon, Ind 1968 Lebanon, N. H 561 Lebanon, Pa 968 Lehighton, Pa 917 Leominster, Mass 513 Lewiston, Idaho 5056 Lewbton, Me 360 Lewistown, Pa 1117 Lexington, Ky 1772 Lexington, Mo 2720 Lima, Ohio 1767 Lincoln, 111 2268 Lincoln, Neb 3017 Linton, Ind 2070 Litchfield, 111 2320 Little Falk, Minn. . . .2757 Little Falk, N. Y 812 Little Rock, Ark 2579 Livingston, Mont 4407 Lock Haven, Pa 1066 Lockport, N. Y 1212 Logan, Ohio 1569 Logan, Utah 4515 Logansport, Ind 1967 Longbeach, Cal 5181 Long Branch, N. J.... 718 Longview, Tex 2834 Lorain, Ohio 1566 Los Angeles, Cal 5180 Louisville, Ky 1922 Lowell, Mass 463 Ludington, Mich 1961 Luzerne, Pa 916 Lynchburg, Va 1274 Lynn, Mass 414 Lyons, Iowa 2365 McAlester, Okla 2929 McComb, Mbs 2386 McKeesport, Pa 1318 McKees Rocks, Pa 1368 McKinney, Tex 3032 Macomb, 111 2418 Macon, Ga 1733 Madison, 111 2371 Madison, Ind 1871 Madison, N. J 767 Madbon, Wb 2262 Madbonville, Ky 2074 Madisonville, Ohio.... 1820 Mahanoy City, Pa... . 967 Maiden, Mass 464 Malone, N. Y 759 Mamaroneck, N. Y... 717 Manchester, N. H. ... 463 Manhattan, Kan 3020 Manistee, Mich 1960 Manbtique, Mich.... 1957 Manitowoc, Wb 2110 Mankato, Minn 2710 Mansfield, Ohio 1617 Maplewood, Mo 2371 Marblehead, Mass.... 413 Marianna, Ark 2429 Marietta, Ga 1831 Marietta, Ohio 1470 Marinette, Wis 2108 Marion, 111 2223 Marion, Ind 1917 Marion, Ohio 1667 Marlboro, Mass 514 Marquette, Mich 2055 Marshall, Mich 1814 Marshall, Mo 2670 Marshall, Tex 2783 Marshalltown, Iowa...2614 Marshfield, Wb 2359 Martinsburg, W. Va. . 1120 Martins Ferry, Ohio. . 1418 Maryville, Mo 2818 Marysville, Cal 5520 Mason City, Iowa.... 2662 Massillon, Ohio 1517 Matteawan, N. Y 715 Mattoon, III 2170 Mayfield, Ky 2225 Maynard, Mass 464 MaysvUle, Ky 1721 Maywood, 111 2115 Meadville, Pa 1365 Mechanicsburg, Pa. . . 1068 Mechanicsville, N. Y.. 713 Medford, Mass 464 Medford, Ore 5614 Medina, N. Y 1162 Melrose, Mass 464 Melrose Park, 111 2115 Memphb, Tenn 2378 Menasha, Wb 2160 Menominee, Mich. . . .2108 Menomonie, Wb 2509 Meriden, Conn 615 Meridian, Mbs 2234 Merrill, Wis 2308 Methuen, Mass 463 Metropolis, III 2224 Mexico, Mo 2520 Miami, Fla 1397 Michigan City, Ind. . .2015 Middleboro, Mass. ... 415 Middlesboro, Ky 1725 Middletown, Conn.... 615 Middletown, N. Y.... 766 Middletown, Ohio.... 1769 Middletown, Pa 1018 Miles City, Mont 3906 Milford, Mass 514 MiUvale, Pa 1368 MUlvUle, N. J 870 Milton, Mass 464 Milton, Pa 1016 Milwaukee, Wis 2112 Minersville. Pa 967 Minneapolis, Minn. . . 2659 Minot, N. Dak 3452 Mishawaka, Ind 1965 Missoula, Mont 4705 Mitchell, S. Dak 3161 Moberly, Mo 2570 MobUe, Ala 2187 Moline, 111 2415 Monessen, Pa 1318 UNIT Monmouth, Hi 2417 Monongahela, Pa 1318 Monroe, La 2584 Monroe, Mich 1665 Montclair, N. J 767 Monterey, Cal 5525 Montgomery, Ala 1984 Montpelier, Vt 610 Moorhead, Minn 3005 Morenci, Ariz 4282 Morgan City, La 2489 Morgantown, W. Va.. 1319 Morristown, N. J 767 Moundsville, W. Va... 1419 Mount Carmel, III. .. .2122 Mt. Carmel, Pa 967 Mt. Clemens, Mich... 1613 Mt. HoUy, N. J 819 Mt. Pleasant, Pa 1318 Mount Vernon, 111... .2222 Mt. Vernon, Ind 2123 Mt. Vernon, N. Y. ... 717 Mt. Vernon, Ohio. . . . 1568 Muncie, Ind 1868 MunhaU, Pa 1318 Murfreesboro, Tenn... 1977 Murphysboro, 111 2273 Muscatine, Iowa 2466 Muskegon, Mich 1962 Muskogee, Okla 2877 Nanticoke, Pa 966 Napa, Cal 5572 Nashua, N. H 463 Nashville, Tenn 2026 Natchez, Mbs 2485 Natick, Mass 464 Natick, R. 1 465 Naugatuck, Conn 666 Nebraska City, Neb...2917 Neenah, Wb 2160 Negaunee, Mich 2106 Nelson ville, Ohio 1570 Nevada, Mo 2773 New Albany, Ind 1922 Newark, N. J 767 Newark, N. Y 1062 Newark, Ohio 1568 New Bedford, Mass... 415 Newbem, N. C 1078 Newberry, S. C 1530 New Brighton, Pa.... 1367 New Britain, Conn. . . 615 New Brunswick, N. J. 768 Newbiirgh, N. Y 766 Newburyport, Mass... 413 Newcastle, Ind 1869 Newcastle, Pa 1367 New Decatur, Ala... .2029 New Haven, Coim.... 616 New Iberia, La 2538 New Kensington, Pa. . 1317 New London, Conn... 566 Newnan, Ga 1832 New Orleans, La 2389 New Philadelphia, O. . 1468 Newport, Ky 1770 Newport, R. 1 466 Newport News, Va. . . 1374 New Rochelle, N.Y... 717 Newton, Iowa 2665 Newton, Kan 3074 Newton, Mass 464 Newton Center, Mass. 464 Newtonville, Mass... . 464 New Ulm, Minn 2760 New York, N. Y 767 Nbgara Falls, N.Y.. .1262 Niles, Mich 1965 Niles, Ohio 1416 Noblesvillc, Ind 1968 Norfolk, Neb 3064 Norfolk, Va 975 Norrbtown, Pa 868 North Adams. Mass. . 663 North Amherst, Mass. 614 Northampton, Mass... 614 Northampton, Pa 867 North Andover, Mass. 463 North Attleboro, Mass 465 No. Birmingham, Ala.2031 North Platte, Neb... .3416 No. Tarrytown, N. Y. 716 No. Tonawanda, N. Y.1212 No. Yakima, Wash. . .5355 Norwalk, Conn 666 Norwalk, Ohio 1616 Norway, Mich 2107 Norwich, Conn 565 Norwich, N.Y 913 Norwood, Mass 464 Norwood, Ohio 1820 Nunda, N. Y 1113 Nutley, N. J 767 Nyack, N. Y 716 Oakland, Cal 5573 Oak Park, 111 2115 Oconto, Wis 2109 Oelwein, Iowa 2513 Ogden, Utah 4516 Ogdensburg, N. Y. . . . 859 Oil City, Pa 1316 Oklahoma, Okla 3128 Oldforge, Pa 916 Oldtown, Me 209 Olean, N. Y 1164 Olney, 111 2171 Olympia, Wash 5604 Olyphant, Pa 916 Omaha, Neb 2916 Oneida, N. Y 912 Oneonta, N. Y 864 Opelika, Ala 1883 Opelousas, La 2587 Orange, N. J 767 Orange, Tex 2738 Orangeburg, S. C 1431 Oshkosh, Wis 2210 O.skaloosa, Iowa 2616 Ossining, N. Y 716 Oswego, N. Y 1012 Ottawa, 111 2216 Ottawa, Kan 2871 Ottumwa, Iowa 2566 Owatonna, Minn 2660 Owego, N. Y 964 Owensboro, Ky 2073 Owosso. Mich 1763 Paducah, Ky 2224 Painesville, Ohio 1465 Palestine, Tex 2935 UNIT Palmer, Mass 564 Pana, 111 2270 Paragould, Ark 2376 Paris, 111 2119 Paris, Ky 1772 Paris, Tex 2931 Park, Tenn 1727 Parkersburg, W. Va... 1520 Parsons, Kan 2874 Pasadena, Cal 5180 Passaic, N. J 767 Paterson, N. J 767 Pawtucket, R. 1 463 Peabodv, Mass 413 Peekskül, N. Y 716 Pékin, 111 2317 Pelzer, S. C 1579 Pensacola, Fla 2088 Peoria, lU 2317 Perry, Iowa 2765 Perth Amboy, N. J. .. 767 Peru, III 2266 Peru, Ind 1967 Petaluma, Cal 5622 Petersburg, Va 1074 Petoskey, Mich 1808 Philadelphia, Pa 869 Phillipsburg, N. J 867 Phoenix, Ala 1884 Phoenix, Ariz 4582 Phoenixville, Pa 918 Pierre, S. Dak 3360 Pinebluff, Ark 2580 Piqua, Ohio 1763 Pitcairn, Pa 1318 Pittsburg, Kan 2824 Pittsburgh, Pa 1368 Pittsfield, Mass 664 Pittston, Pa 916 Plainfield, N. J 767 Plaquemine, La 2488 Plattsburg, N. Y 659 Plattsmouth, Neb. . . .2916 Plymouth, Mass 415 Plymouth, Pa 916 Pocatello, Idaho 4563 Pomona, Cal 5130 Pontiac, 111 2217 Pontiac, Mich 1663 Poplarbluff. Mo 2375 Portage, Wis 2261 Port Arthur, Tex 2739 Port Chester, N. Y.... 716 Port Huron, Mich.... 1563 Port Jervis. N.Y 816 Portland, Ind 1818 Portland, Me 361 Portland, Ore 5607 Portsmouth, N. H.... 412 Portsmouth, Ohio 1621 Portsmouth, Va 975 Pottstown, Pa 918 Pottsville, Pa 967 Poughkeepsie N. Y.... 715 Prescott, Ariz 4579 Princeton, Ind 2122 Princeton, N. J 818 Providence R. 1 465 Provo, Utah 4518 Pueblo, Colo 3822 Pulaski, Va 1424 Punxsutawney, Pa.... 1217 Putnam, Conn 515 Puyallup, Wash 5554 auincy. 111 2469 uincy. Mass 464 Racine, Wb 2113 Rahway, N. J 767 Raleigh, N. C 1227 Raton, N. M 3775 Ravenna, Ohio 1466 Rawhide, Nev 5171 Reading, Mass 463 Reading, Pa 918 RedBank, N. J 768 Redlands, Cal 5080 Red Lodge, Mont. . . .4258 Redoak, Iowa 2866 Red Wing, Minn 2609 Reidsville, N. C 1326 Reno, Nev 5319 Renovo, Pa 1116 Rensselaer, N. Y 713 Revere, Mass 464 Rhinelander, Wis 2257 Richmond, Cal 5573 Richmond, Ind 1819 Richmond, Ky 1773 Richmond, Va 1073 Ridgway, Pa 1216 Ridgewood, N. J 767 Riverside, Cal 5081 Roanoke, Va 1324 Rochester, Minn 2560 Rochester, N. H 412 Rochester, N. Y 1112 Rochester, Pa. ....... 1367 Rockford, 111 2264 Rockhill, S. C 1479 Rock Island, III 2415 Rockland, Me 260 Rock Springs, Wyo.. .4265 Rock ville. Conn .565 Rockymount, N. C.. . 1127 Rome, Ga 1880 Rome, N. Y 862 Roseburg, Ore 5662 Rosedale, Kan 2820 Roswell, N. M 3832 Rumford, Me 409 Rushville, Ind 1869 Rutherford, M. J 767 Rutland, Vt 611 Saco, Me 362 Sacramento, Cal 5471 Saginaw, Mich 1712 Sc. .\lbans, Vt 659 Saint Augustine, Fla.. 1489 St. Charle.s, Mo 2371 St. Clair, Pa 967 St. Cloud, Minn 2757 St. Johns, Ore 5607 St. Johnsbury, Vt. . . . 560 St. Joseph, Mich 1964 St. Joseph, Mo 2819 St. Louis, Mo 2371 St. Marys, Ohio 1767 St. Marys, Pa 1216 St. Paul, Minn 2659 Salamanca, N. Y 1214 UNIT Salem, Mass 413 Salem, N. J 869 Salem, N. C 1376 Salem, Ohio 1417 Salem, Ore 5659 Salina, Kan 3121 Salisbury, Md 922 Salisbury, N. C 1377 Salt Lake City, Utah.4517 San Angelo, Tex 3386 San Antonio, Tex 3190 San Bernardino, Cal. . 5080 San Diego, Cal 5083 Sandusky, Ohio 1616 San Carlos, Ariz 4382 Sanford, Me 412 San Francisco, Cal... .5573 San Jose, Cal 5524 San Lub Obispo, Cal.. 5428 San Pedro, Cal 5181 San Rafael, Cal 5623 Santa Ana, Cal 5131 Santa Barbara, Cal 5330 Santa Cruz, Cal 5575 Santa Fe, N. M 3927 Santa Monica, Cal... .5180 Santa Maria, Cal 5379 Santa Rosa, Cal 5622 Sapulpa, Okla 2977 Saranac Lake, N.Y... 760 Saratoga Springs, N.Y. 712 SaultSte. Marie, Mich.1756 Savannah, Ga 1484 Say re, Pa 1015 Sayreville, N. J 768 Scalp Level, Pa 1218 Schenectady, N. Y... . 713 Schuylkill Haven, Pa. 967 Scottdale, Pa 1318 Scranton, Pa 916 Seattle, Wash 5553 Secaucus, N. J 767 Sedalia, Mo 2671 Selma, Ala 2084 Seneca Falb, N. Y.... 1013 Sewickley, Pa 1367 Seymour, Ind 1921 Shamokin, Pa 1017 Sharon, Pa 1416 Sharpsburg, Pa 1317 Shawnee, Okla 3028 Sheboygan, Wis 2111 Sheffield, Ala 2120 Shelby, Ohio 1617 Shelbyville, Ind 1919 Shelton, Conn 666 Shenandoah, Iowa... .2867 Shenandoah, Pa 967 Sheridan, Wyo 4009 Sherman, Tex 3031 Shreveport, La 2734 Sidney, Ohio 1768 Sioux City, Iowa 2964 Sioux Falls, S. Dak. . .3011 Skowhegan, Me 309 Slatington, Pa 917 Solvay, N. Y 962 Soraersworth, N. H... 412 Soraerville, Mass 464 Soraerville, N. J 817 Sourlake, Tex 2788 South Amboy, N. J. .. 768 South Bend, Ind 1965 South Bethlehem, Pa. 867 Southbridge, Mass.. .. 564 Southfork, Pa 1218 So. Manchester, Conn. 615 So. Milwaukee, Wis. ..2113 So. Norwalk, Conn. . . 666 South Omaha, Neb. . .2916 South Orange, N. J... 767 South Pasadena, Cal. .5180 South Portland, Me... 361 South River, N. J. . . . 768 South St. Paul, Minn.2659 Spartanburg, S. C 1529 Spencer, Mass 514 Spokane, Wash 5053 Spray, N. C 1325 Springfield, 111 2319 Springfield, Mass 614 Springfield, Mo 2674 Springfield, Ohio 1719 Spring Valley, 111 2266 Stamford, Conn 716 Staunton, 111 2320 Staunton, Va 1272 Steelton, Pa 1018 Sterling, 111 2315 Steubenville, Ohio. ... 1418 Stevens Point, Wis. . . 2309 Stillwater, Minn 2608 Stockton, Cal 5473 Stonehara, Mass 464 Stoughton, Wb 2259 Streator, III 2216 Suffolk, Va 1025 Sulphur Springs, Tex.. 2932 Summit, N. J 767 Sumter, S. C 1381 Sunbury, Pa 1017 Superior, Wb 2555 Swampscott, Mass.... 414 Swissvale, Pa 1368 Syracuse, N. Y 962 Tacoma, Wash 5554 Taftville, Conn 565 Talladega, Ala 1982 Tallahassee, Fla 1788 Taraaqua, Pa 917 Tampa, Fla 1593 Tarentum, Pa 1317 Tarrytown, N. Y 716 Taunton, Mass 465 Taylor, Pa 916 Taylor, Tex 3087 Taylorville, 111 2269 Temple, Tex 3086 Terre Haute, Ind 2070 Terrell, Tex 2983 Texarkana, Ark 2782 Texarkana, Tex 2782 Thomasville, Ga 1737 Thompsonville, Conn.. 614 The Dalles, Ore 5457 Three Rivers, Mich. .. 1915 Throop, Pa 916 Thurber, Tex 3184 Tiffin, Ohio 1666 Titusville, Pa 1315 UNIT Toledo, Ohio 1715 Tonawanda, N. Y.... 1212 Topeka, Kan 2920 Torrington, Conn 665 Traverse City, Mich. .1909 Trenton, Mo 2718 Trenton, N. J 818 Trinidad, Colo 3824 Troy, Ala 1935 Troy, N. Y 713 Troy, Ohio 1768 Tucson, Ariz 4434 Tulsa, Okla 2976 Turners Falls, Mass... 613 Turtle Creek, Pa 1368 Tuscaloosa, Ala 2132 Twin Falb, Idaho. . . .4763 Two Harbors, Minn...2504 Two Rivers, Wis 2110 Tyler, Tex 2884 Tyrone, Pa 1167 Uhrichsville, Ohio.... 1468 Union, N. j 767 Union, S. C 1529 Uniontown, Pa 1319 Urbana, III 2168 Urbana, Ohio 1718 Utica, N. Y 862 Valdosta, Ga 1687 Vallejo, Cal 5572 Valley City, N. Dak. .3155 Valparabo, Ind 2066 Vancouver, Wash 5607 Van Wert, Ohio 1817 Venice, Cal 5181 Vicksburg, Miss 2434 Vincennes, Ind 2021 Vineland, N. J 870 Virginia, Minn 2603 Wabash, Ind 1917 Waco, Tex 3085 Wakefield, Mass 463 Walla Walla, Wash.. .5156 Wallingford, Conn.... 616 Waltham, Mass 464 Wapakoneta, Ohio.... 1767 Ware, Mass 564 Warren, Ohio 1416 Warren, Pa 1265 Warren, R. 1 465 Warrensburg, Mo 2721 Washington, D. C 1071 Washington, Ind 2071 Washington, N. C... .1077 Washington Court House, Ohio 1669 Washington, Pa 1368 Waterbury, Conn 665 Waterloo, Iowa 2564 Watertown, Mass 464 Watertown, N. Y 911 Watertown, S. Dak.. .3059 Watertown, Wb......2212 Waterville, Me 309 Watervliet, N. Y 713 Waukegan, 111 2114 Waukesha, Wb 2161 Wausau, Wis 2309 Waverly, N. Y 1014 Waxahachie, Tex 3034 Waycross, Ga 1586 Waynesboro, Pa 1119 Weatherford, Tex 3133 Webb City. Mo 2774 Webster, Mass 514 Webster City, Iowa.. .2714 Webster Groves, Mo. .2371 Weehawken, N. J 767 Wellington, Kan 3074 Welbton, Mo 2371 Wellston, Ohio 1620 Wellsville, Ohio 1417 West Allb, Wis 2162 Westbrook, Me 361 West Chester, Pa 919 Westerly, R. 1 516 Westfiel J, Mass 614 Westfield, N.J 767 West Haven, Conn. . . 616 West Hazleton, Pa 917 West Hoboken, N. J.. 767 West Newton, Mass. . 464 West Orange, N. J 767 West Point, Mbs 2231 West Tampa, Fla 1593 Wheeling, W. Va 1418 Whitch¿ill, N. Y 661 White Plains, N. Y... 716 Whiting, Ind 2065 Whitman, Mass 414 Wichita, Kan 3073 Wichita Falls, Tex.. . .3181 Wilkes Barre, Pa 916 Wibinsburg, Pa 1368 Williamsport, Pa 1066 Willimantic, Conn.... 565 Wilmerding, Pa 1318 Wilmiette, 111 2414 Wilmington, Del 919 Wilmington, N. C. .. .1130 Wilson, N. C 1127 Winchester, Ky in3 Winchester, Mass 464 Winchester, Va 1170 Windber, Pa 1218 Winlield. Kan 3024 Winona, Minn 2510 Winooski, Vt 660 Winsted, Conn 665 Winston Salem, N. C.1376 Winthrop, Mass 464 Winton. Pa 916 Woburn, Mass 464 Woodbridge, N. J 767 Woodbury, N. J 869 Woonsocket, R. 1 514 Wooster, Ohio 1517 Worcester, Mass 514 Wyandotte, Mich 1664 Xenia, Ohio 1719 Yazoo City, Miss 2383 Yoakum, Tex 3090 Yonkers, N.Y 717 York, Neb 3117 York, Pa 1019 Youngstown, Ohio. ... 1416 Ypsilanti, Mich 1714 Zanesville, Ohio 1569 ZioQ City, Hi 2414 INDEX CITIES AND TOWNS OF THE UNITED STATES 1910 CENSUS In this compilation the official population ñgures, as determined by the Thirteenth (l910) Census of the United States, are given for all cities, villages and boroughs separately enum^at^ by the government officials; of the places not separately enumerated by the Census Bureau, and for which there are no government figures obtainable, recent estimates, supplied by local officials and by other reliable authorities, are given. Capitals of states are printed in capital letters, and all places having one hundred or more inhabitants are named. The index references enclosed m parentheses, indicate location of city or village on the accompanying maps. Some comparatively unimportant places have been omitted from the maps to avoid crowding and consequent indistinctness in the engraving; such omitted towns will be found in the list, and their situation on the map, in each case, may readily be determined by means of the index-reference letters and numbers. ALABAMA Abanda, (H4) 100 Abbeville, (H7).... 1,141 Abbott, {Di) 200 Abercrombie, (D5). 350 Abernant, (D4).... 300 Acton, (E4) 1,500 Ada, (F6) 100 Adamsville, (E3) .. 649 Addison, (D2) 100 Adger, (D4) 1,200 Akron, (C5) 100 Alabama City,(G2) 4,313 Alameda, (C7) 200 Alarauchee, (B6).. 100 Alberta, (D6) 150 Albertville, (F2)... 1,544 Aldrich, (E4) 450 Alexander Citv, (G5)l,710 Alexis, (G2) 150 Aliceville, (B4). -.. 640 Allenton, (D7) 200 Almond, (H4) 100 Alpine, (F4) 100 Altoona, (F2) 1,071 America, (D3) 100 Andalusia, (E8) ... 2,480 Anderson, (Dl).... 230 Anniston, (G3)... 12,794 Arab, (E2) 150 Ariton, (G7) 431 Arkadelphia, (E3).. 210 Arlington, (C6) 100 Ashford, (H8) 479 Ashland, (G4) 1,062 Ashville, (F3) 278 Athens, (El) 1,715 Atmore, (C8) 1,060 Attalla, (F2) 2,513 Aubrey, (D4) 300 Auburn, (G5) 1,408 Austinville, (E2).-. 671 Autauga ville, (E6). 313 Avon<ß,le, (E3) 4,500 Baltzell, (C5) 100 Bangor, (E3) 200 Banks, (G7) 307 Bankston, (C3) 100 Barlow Bend, (C7). 200 Barton, (CI) 100 Batesville, (H6).... 143 Battelle, (Gl) 1,600 Bay Minette, (09) . 749 Bear Creek, (C2) .. 600 Beatrice, (D7) 345 Belcher, (H7) 200 Belgreen, (C2) 300 Belknap. (D6) 100 Bellamy, (B6) 500 Belle Ellen, (D4)... 400 Belle Mina, (El)... 100 Belle Sumter, (D4). 100 Belleville, (D8).... 170 Bells Landing, (D7) 100 Bellwood, (GS).... 201 Benton, (E6) 600 Berry, (C3) 372 Bessemer, (D4)... 10,864 Bethany, (B4) 100 Beulah, (H5) 150 Bexar, (B2) 300 Billingsley, (E5)... 256 Birmingham, (E4) 132,685 Bissell, (H2) 150 Black, (G8) 485 Blackwell, (D3) ... 200 Bladen Springs, (B7) 430 Blocton, (D4) 2,800 Blossburg, (E3) 2,000 Blount Sprs, (E3). 300 Blountsville, (E2).. 287 Blue Springs, (G7). 117 Bluffton, (G2) 300 Boaz, (F2) 1,010 Boligee, (B5) 200 Boiling, (E7) 350 Bon Air, (F4) 250 Bon Secour, (CIO). 350 Bradleyton, (F7)... 150 Braehead, (D4) 250 Brantley, (F7) 803 Brewton, (D8) 2,185 Bridgeport, (Gl).. 2,125 Bridgeton, (E4).... 100 Brierfield, (E4).... 2,100 Brighton, (E4) 1,502 Brilliant, (C3) 700 Brompton, (F3) 250 Brooklyn, (E8) 350 Brooks. (F8) 100 Brookside, (E3) ... 623 Brooksville, (F2) .. 100 Brookwood, (D4).. 1,550 Browns, (D6) 200 Brownsboro, (El). 100 Brundidge, (G7)... 815 Buenavista, (D7).. 200 Burleson, (B2) 100 Burnsville, (E6)... 200 Butler, (B6) 250 Cahaba, (D6) 200 Calebee, (G6) 250 Caledonia, (D7)... 200 luoex of the United States, Calera, (E4) 754 Calumet, (D3) 350 Camden, (D7) 648 Campbell, (C7).... 100 Caraphill, (G5).... 896 Capitol Heights,(F6) 403 Carbonhill, (D3)... 1,627 Cardiff, (E3) 426 Carlisle, (F2) 100 Carlowville, (D6).. 200 Carney, (C9) 150 Carrollton, (B4) 444 Castleberry, (D8).. 225 Catherine, (C6).... 200 Cecil, (F6) 100 Cedar Bluff, (G2).. 230 Cedarcove, (D4)... 400 Cedarville, (C5) 250 Center, (G2) 256 Centerville, (D5).. 730 Central, (F5) 100 Central Mills, (D6) 200 Ceylon, (D8) 100 Chambers, (F6) 250 Chatom, (B8) 100 Chelsea, (E4) 100 Chepultepec, (E3). 200 Cherokee, (CI) 269 Chesterfield, (G2). 100 Childersburg, (F4). 449 Chinagrove, (G6).. 150 Choccolocco, (G3). 250 Chunchula, (B9)... 100 Citronelle, (B8) 935 Claiborne, (C7).... 100 Clanton, (E5) 1,123 Clayton, (H7) 1,130 Cleveland, (E2).... 150 Clinton, (C5) 100 Clio, (G7) 580 Cloverdale, (C2)... 150 Coalburg, (E3) 250 Coal City, (F3).... 685 Coal Creek, (D3).. 300 Coaldale, (E3) 500 Coaling, (D4) 250 Coalmont, (E4) 100 Coal Valley, (D3).. 400 Coatopa, (B6) 100 Coatsbend, (G2)... 100 Cobb, (G3) 100 Cochrane, (B4).... 200 Coden, (BIO) 250 Coffee Sprs, (G8).. 503 Coffee ville, (B7)... 100 Collbran, (G2) 100 Collinsville, (G2).. 673 Collirene, (E6) 150 Columbia, (H8)... 1,122 Columbiana, (E4). 1,079 Comer, (H6) 200 Cooper, (E5) 100 Coosada Sta., (F6). 150 Copeland, (B8) 300 Cordova, (D3) 1,747 Corona, (D3) 1,500 Cortelyou, (B8) 200 Cottondale, (D4). - 520 Cottonwood, (H8). 500 Courtland, (Dl)... 478 Covington. (E3) 500 Cowarts, (H8) 150 Cragford, (G4).... 150 Crawford, (H6).... 200 Crews Depot, (B3). 150 Crichton, (B9) 100 Cropwell, (F3) 110 Crossville, (G2)..-. 250 Cuba, (B6) 650 Cullman, (E2) 2,130 Culpepper, (C7)... 100 Curls Station, (B6). 200 Curtiston, (F2) 200 Cusseta, (H5) 150 Cypress, (C5"^ 150 Dadeville, (G5).... 1,193 Daleva, (G8) 200 Daleville, (G8).... 500 Damascus, (F8) 100 Danville, (D2) 220 Daphne, (C9) 700 Davis Creek, (C3). 100 Daviston, (G4) ... 127 Dawson, (G2) 130 Dayton, (C6) 382 De Armanville, (G3) 130 Deatsville, (F5) 194 Decatur, (Dl) 4,228 Deer Creek. (D3).. 297 Deerpark, (B8).... 120 Delmar, (C2) 100 Demopolis, (C6)... 2,417 Deposit, (Ft) 100 Detroit, (B2) 160 Dixons Mills, (C6). 200 Dolive, (C9) 150 Dolomite, (D4) 1,000 Dora, (D3) 916 Doran, (C8) 150 Dothan, (H8).... 7,016 Double Spgs, (1)2). 200 Douglas, (G8) 100 Downs, (G6) 100 Dozier, (F7) 288 Dravo, (G5) 400 Drifton, (D3) 100 Dudleyville, (G5).. 100 Duke, (G3) 150 Duncanville, (D4). 250 Dunham, (E7) 300 Dunnavant, (E3).. 100 Eastaboga, (F3)... 500 East Birmingham, (E3) 500 East Lake, (E3)... 4,100 East Tailassee, (G5)2,000 East Thomas, (E3) 1,500 Eclectic, (G5) 315 Eden, (F3) 165 Edwardsville, (G3) 393 Eflie, (E8) 300 Effort, (F7) 100 Elamvilie, (Gl) 200 Elba, (F8) 1,079 Elbert, (C4) 200 Eldridge, (C3) 120 Eliza, (Gl) 150 Elk, (D2) 100 Elkmont, (El) 188 Elmore, (F5) 300 Elvira, (E4) 250 Elyton, (E3) 1 000 Emauhee, (F4)-... 300 Enon, (H6) 300 Eosley, (E3) 4,850 Enterprise, (G8) 2,322 Epes, (BS) 374 Equality, (F5) 200 Escatawpa. (B8)... 130 Estaboga, (F3) 94 Eufaula, (H7) 4,259 Eunola, (G8) 321 Euphronia, (F6)-.. 100 Eureka, (F3) 130 Eutaw, (C5) 1,001 Evergreen, (D8)... 1,582 Exsho, (B8) 100 Ezra, (D4) 250 Fackler, (Gl) 150 Fairhope, (CIO)... 590 Fair View, (El).... 237 Falkville, (E2) 335 F'armersville, (E6). 100 Fatama, (D7) 100 Faunsdale, (C6)... 352 Fayette, (C3) 636 FayettevUle, (F4)-. 190 Fernbank, (B3) 180 Finchburg, (D7)... 200 Fisk, (El) 300 Fitzpatrick, (G6).. 398 Fivepoints, (H4)..- 200 Flat Creek, (D3)... 600 Flatwood, (D6) 100 Flint, (E2) 197 Flomaton, (D9).... 539 Florala, (F8) 2,439 Florence, (CI) 6,689 Flossy, (Dl) 180 Foley, (CIO) 200 Forest Home, (E7). 300 Forkland, (C5).... 100 Forney, (H2) 120 Fort Davis, (G6).». 200 Fort Deposit, (E7). 893 Fort Payne, ((j2).. 1,317 Fosters, (C4) 110 Franklin, (D7)....« 150 Fredonia, (H5).... 250 Fruitdale, (B8) 250 Fruithurst, (G3)... 257 Fulton, (C7) 518 Furman, (E6) 125 Gadsden, (F3).... 10,557 Gainestown, (C8).. 100 Gainesville, (B5).. 532 Gallion, (C6) 200 Gantt, (E8) 300 Gantts Quarry, (F4) 300 Garden Citv, (E2). 250 Garland, (É7) 250 Gasque, (CIO) 130 Gaston, (B6) 100 Gastonburg, (D6).. 145 Gate City, (E3).... 700 Gateswood, (C9).. 150 Gaylesville, (G2).. 204 Geneva, (G8) 969 Georgiana, (E7)... 999 Geraldine. (G2)... 130 Girard, (H6) 4,214 Glass, (H5) 200 Glenallen, (C3).... 100 Glen Carbon, (E4). 200 Glencoe, (G3) 500 Glenville, (H6).... 320 Glenwood, (F7)— 336 Good Water, (G4). 740 Gordo, (C4> 707 Gordon, (H8) 293 Goshen, (F7) 347 Grace, (E7) 100 Graham, (H4) 200 Grand Bav, (BIO). 200 Granger. (H9) 200 Grasselli, (E4) 1,000 Gravelly Spgs, (CI) 100 GraysvUle, (D3) 428 Greeley, (D4) 300 Green Pond, (D4). 250 Greensboro, (C5).. 2,048 Green Springs, (E4) 100 Greenvifíe, (E7)... 3,377 Grimes, (H8) 100 Grove Hill, (C7)... 300 Guerryton, (H6) 100 Guin, (C3) 356 Guntersville, (F2)-. 1,145 Gurley, (Fl) 750 Gurnee, (D4) 200 Hackleburg, (C2).. 286 Hackneyville, (G4) 150 Haleburg, (H8).... 100 Haleyville, (C2) 1,111 Hamburg, (D5) ... 150 Hamilton, (C2).... 422 Hammac, (D8) 100 Hanceville, (E2)... 464 Hannah, (Gl) 100 Hannon, (G6) 100 Hardaway, (G6) 300 Hargrove, (D4) 350 Harijersville, (F4).. 190 Hartford, (G8).... 1,159 Hartsells, (E2) 1,3 74 Hatchechubbee, (H6) 2 50 Havana, (C5) 140 Hawridge, (G8) 120 Haygood, (F8) 130 Hayneville, (E6)... 400 Headland, (H8)... 1,090 Heliin, (G3) 839 Helena, (E4) 400 Henderson, (F7)... 100 Henryellen, (E3)... 460 Herbert, (E8) 300 Hickory flat, (H4).. 150 Higdon, (Gl) 100 Highland Home, (F7) 100 Highnote, (G8).... 300 Hillman, (E4) 100 Hillsboro, (Dl).... 202 Hixon, (D7) 150 Hobson City, (G3). 344 Hokesbluff, (G3).. 300 Hollins, (F4) 688 Holly Pond, (E2).. 180 Hollywood, (Gl) .. 234 Holt, (C4) 500 Houston, (D2) 200 Howels Crossroads (G2) 100 Huffman, (E3) 100 Hull, (C4) 300 Hunter, (Cl) 100 Huntsville, (El)... 7,611 Hurtsboro, (H6) 7 64 Hyraer, ((¿1) 100 Inverness, (G6) 200 Ireland Hill, (C2).. 230 Ironaton, (G4) 982 Irondale, (E3) 572 Isbell, (C2) 100 Isney, (B7) 150 Isom, (F2) 200 Jackson, (C7) 1,379 Jacksons Gap, (G5) 260 Jacksonville, (G3). 2,231 James, (G6) 400 Jasper, (D3) 2,509 Jefferson, (C6) 210 Jemison, (E5) 413 Jenifer, (G3) 104 Jernigan, (H6) 500 Johns, (D4) 500 Jones, (E5) 100 Jonesboro, (E4) 1,979 Jones Chapel. (D2) 150 Jones Mills, (D8).. 442 Joppa, (E2) 167 Kaolin, (Gl) 100 Keener, (G2) 100 Kego, (D8) 100 Kellerman, (D4)... 100 Kellyton, (G5) 300 Kennedy, (B3) .... 261 Keystone, (E4) 100 Kimberly, (D4).... 800 Kingston. Autauga Co., (E5) 100 Kingston. Jefferson Co., (E3) 300 Kinsey, (H8) 340 Kirkwood, (D3)... 130 Knoxville, (CS).... 100 Ladiga, (G3) 150 Lafayette, (G5) 1,632 Lagarde, (G3) 200 Lahusage. (Gl)— 250 Lamar, (H4) 150 Lambert, (B8) 130 Lamison, (C6) 250 LandersvUle, (D2). 200 Lanett. (H5) 3,820 Langdale. (H5).... 500 Langston, (Gl).... 314 Lanier, (F4) 300 Laoine, (F7) 250 Place. (G6).... 100 Larkin, (Fl) 100 Larkinsville, (Fl).. 220 Latham, (C8)..... 100 Lawley, (E5) 100 Lawrenceville, (H7) 200 Lebanon, (G2).... 160 Leeds, (E3) 810 Leesburg, (G2).... 100 I.«esdale, (E2) 150 Lehigh, (E3) 300 L«ighton, (Cl) 540 Leroy, (B8) 150 Letohatchee, (E6). 300 Liberty, (F2) 100 Lüita, (B6) 200 Lily, (E5) 300 Limrock, (Fl) 200 Lincoln, (F3) 250 Linden, (C6) 1,900 Lineville, (G4) 1,053 Linwood, (G7) 100 Littleton, (E3) 100 Livingston, (B5).. 87? Loachapoka, (F5) . 480 Lockhart, (F8).... 600 Longview,(E4) .... 250 Louisville, (G)7..- 983 Lovick, (E3) 100 Lower Peachtree, (C7) 700 Lowndesboro,( E6) 500 Luthers Store, (C6) 250 Luverne, (F7) 1,384 McCullum, (D3).. 200 McDowell, (C5)... 100 McFall, (F3) 1,000 McGhee, (G2) 250 McKinley, (C6) ... 200 McLendon, (H6) .. 100 McNiel, (D8) 150 McShan, (B4) 100 McWilliams, (E7).. 184 Maben, (D3) 2J0 Madison, (El)..... 426 Madrid, (H8) 100 Magazine, (B9).... 250 Magnolia, (C6) 500 Magnolia Springs, (CIO) 200 Malone, (G4) 150 Malvern, (G8) 100 Manchester, (D3).. 500 Manistee, (D8) 150 Manningham, (E7) 150 Maplesville, (E5).. 500 Marble, (D8) 100 Marbury, (F5) 600 Margaret, (F3) 600 Marion, (D5) 1,834 Marion Jc., (D6).. 200 Maros, (D8)....... 150 Martling, (F2) 160 Marvel, (D4) 400 Marvyn, (H6) 300 Mathews, (F6) 200 Maylene, (E4) 350 Maysville, (Fl).... 220 Mehama, (Dl).... 300 Memphis, (B4)... 200 Meriaianville, (El) 220 Middleton, (F3)... 250 Midland City, (H8) 539 Midway, (G6)..... 464 Millport, (B3) 529 Milltown, (G4).... 100 Minter, (E6) 300 Mitchell Sta., (G6). 350 Mobile, (C9).... 51,521 Monroeville, (D7). 616 Montcalm, (C3) 150 Monterey, (E7).... 300 Montevallo, (E4).. 923 MONTGOMERY, (F6) 38,136 Mooney. (Gl) 100 Moores Br*dg, (C4) 300 Mooresville, (El).. 137 Moro, (E6) 100 Morris, (E3) 299 Morrisville, (G3).. 130 Morrowville, (D5). 140 Motley, (G4) 100 Moniten, (D2) 354 Moundville, (C5).. 253 Mountain Creek, (F5) 300 Mount Andrew, (H7) 300 Mount Hebron, (B5) 150 Mount Hope, (D2). 300 Mount Meigs, (F6) 150 Mount Pleasant, (C8) 100 Mount Sterling, (B6) 100 Mount Vernon, (B8) 800 Mount Willing, (E6) 300 Mulga, (D3) 400 Munford, (G3) 400 Murray,(É3) 1,000 Muscadine. (H3) .. 130 Myrtle, (F6) 100 Nanafalia, (C6) 60O Natural Bridge, (C2) 200 Nauvoo, (C3) 392 Nellie, (D7) 100 Nettleboro, (C7) 110 Newala, (E4) 150 Newbern, (C5) 515 New Brockton, (G8) 328 Newburg, (C2).... 250 New Castle, (E3).. 100 New Decatur, (El). 6,118 New Hope, (Fl) ... 301 New Market, (Fl) . 300 Newriver, (C3) 100 Newsite, (G4) 300 Newton, (G8) 524 New ville, (H8) 522 Nokomis, (C8) 200 Normal, (El) 100 North, (F2) 100 North Birmingham, (E3) 5,500 Northport, (C4)... 500 Notasu'ga, (G5) 512 Nottingham, (F4).. 100 Oakbowery, (G5).. 120 Oakchia, (B6) 100 Oak Grove, (B9).. 100 Oakhill, (D7) 300 Oakman, (D3) 1,065 Octagon, (C6) 100 Odenville, (F3).... 100 Ohatchee, (G3).... 100 Old Spr. Hill, (C6). 100 Oleander, (E2) 100 Olney, (B4) 150 Oneonta, (E3) 609 Ono, (E3) 100 Opelika, (H5) 4,734 Opp, (F8) 863 Orestes, (E7) 150 Orion, (F7) 150 Orrville, (D6) 255 Osceola, (H2) 200 Owassa, (E8) 100 Owens Crossroads, (Fl) 100 Oxanna, (G3) 1,500 Oxford, (G3) 1,090 Oxmoor, (E4) 500 Ozark, (G8) 2,229 Paintrock, (Fl).... 534 Palmetto Beach, (CIO) 330 Palos, (D3) 200 Panola, (B5) 190 Pansey, (H8) 106 Panstone, (H5) 150 Parcoal, (C2) 100 Patsburg, (F7) 150 Patton, (D3) 300 Pearces Mills, (C2) 100 Peekshill, (F3) 100 Pelham, (E4) 100 Pell City, (F3) 530 Pennington, (B6).. 170 Penton, (H4) 150 Pera, (F8) 150 Perduehill, (D7)... 350 Perote, (G7) 240 Perry ville, (D5).... 100 Petrey, (F7) 200 Phoenix, (H6) 4,555 Pickensville, (B4).. 214 Piedmont, (G3).... 2,226 Pierce, (B9) 100 Pigeoncreek, (E7).. 100 Pikeroad, (F6) 100 Pinckard, (G8).... 541 Pineapple, (D7) 627 Pinegrove, (G6)... 200 Pinehiil, (C7) 470 Pine Level, (F6)... 250 Pink, (F8) 150 Pinkney City,(E3). 358 Piper, (D4) 500 Pittsview, (H6) 150 Plantersville, (E5). 150 Plateau, (B9) 200 Pleasant Gap, (G2) 100 Pleasanthill, (E6).. 500 Pleasant Ridge, (B5) 350 Pletcher, (E5) 200 Poarch, (C8) 130 Pocahontas, (C3).. 300 Pointdear, (CIO).. 430 Poley, (F8) 300 Pollard, (D8) 599 Porter, (D3) 200 Portersville, (G2).. 200 Powderly, (E4). 300 Powers, (C5) 250 Prairie, (D6) 180 Prairieville, (C5)... 100 Pratt City, (E3).... 4.000 Prattville, (E6).... 2,222 Prentice. (C6) 200 Pushmataha, (B6). 100 Pyriten, (G4) 600 Quinten, (D3) 100 Radford, (D5) 150 Ragland, (F3) 483 Ramer, (F6) 350 Ramsey, (B5) 300 Randolph, (E5).... 350 Red Bay, (B2).... 472 RedhUl, (F2) 100 Redlevel, (E8) 317 Red Star, (D3) 150 Reform, (C4) 550 Rehoboth, (D6).... 130 Renfroe, (F4) 85 Repton, (D8) 331 Republic, (E3) 350 Richmond, (D6)... 20O Rickey, (D4) 100 Riderville, (E5) 500 Riley, (D7) 200 River Falls, (E8)... 760 River Ridge, (D7). 300 Riverside, (F3) 277 Riverview, (H5)... 200 Roanoke, (H4) 2,034 Robertsdale, (C9).. 300 Robinsons Springs, (F6) 110 Robjohn. (B6) 150 Rocicford, (F5) 1,600 Rock Mills, (H4).. 349 Rock Run, (H3)... 500 Rockwest, (D7).... 150 Rockwood, (C2)... 240 Rogersville, (Dl).. 250 Rosehill, (F8) 100 Rosemary, (C5).... 100 Round Mountain, (G2) 210 Rue, (C4) 200 Russell, (B8) 200 Russellville, (C2).. 2,046 Rutan, (B8) 150 Rutledge, (F7) 230 Saco, (G7) 200 Safford, (D6) 150 Saginaw, (E4) 200 Saint Clair, (E6) 100 Saint Clair Springs, (F3) 150 Saint Elmo, (BIO). 100 Saint Florian, (Cl). 450 Saint Stephens, (B7) 180 Salem, (H5) 150 Samson, (F8) 1,350 Sanders, (H8) 100 Sandusky, (E3).... 491 Sandy, (D5) 100 Sandyridge, (F6)... 200 Sanford, (F8) 742 Saraland, (B9"^ 200 Sawyerville, (C5).. 100 Sayre, (E3) 600 Sayreton, (E3) 600 Schuster, (D7) 100 Scotia, (F6) 150 Scotland, (D7) 100 Scottsboro, (Gl) 1.019 Scotts Station, (D5) 200 Scyrene. (C7) 200 Seale, (H6) 312 Searight, (F8) T20 Searles, (D4) 700 Section, (Gl) 250 Seddon, (F3) 133 Sellers, (F6) 100 Sellersville, (G8)... 100 Selma, (E6) 13,649 Seloca, (E3) 300 Seman, (F5) 100 Seminole, (CIO)... 200 Shady Grove, (F7). 500 Sheffield, (Cl) 4.865 Shelby, (E4) 750 Shiloh, (C6) 100 Short Creek, (D3). 150 Shorter, (G6) 500 Shorterville, (H7).. 100 Shottsville. (B2)... 100 Sistrunk, (FS) 100 Six Mile, (D4) 100 Sligo,(F2) 100 Slocomb, (G8) 896 SIoss, Œ4) 320 Smith Hill. (D4).. 422 Snowdoun, (F6)— 200 Snow Hill. (E?).... 500 Society Hill, (G6).. 100 Somerville, (E2)... 300 South, (E8) 100 Speigner, (F5) 100 Spring Garden, (G3> 300 Springhill, (B9).... 200 Springvalley, (Cl). 100 Springville. (E3)... 350 Stafford. (B4) 650 Stamr), (Gl) 200 Standing Rock, — (H4) 300 Stanton, (E5) 400 Steele. (F3) 100 Stevenson. (Gl)... 574 Stewart, (C5) 300 Stewartsville, (F4). 150 Stockdale. (F4),... 100 Stocks. Mill. (G2>.. 300 Stockton. (C9) 1,400 StoutsM'tn, (E2).. 500 Strata, (F6) 100 Stroud, (H4) 1Û0 Sturkie, (G5) 100 Stutts, (Cl) 100 Styx, (C9) 150 Suggsville, (C7) 340 Sulligent, (B3) 619 Sullingint, (C8).. 150 Sulphur Sprs, (Gl) 100 Summerdale, (CIO) IDO Summerfield, (D6). 450 Summit, (E2)....-.. 150 Sumterville, (B5).. 300 Sunny South, (C7).. 150 Superior, (E4) 130 Suspension, ((Í6).. 100 Sycamore, (F4).... 500 Sykes Mills, (F5).. 100 Sylacauga, (F4)... 1,456 Talladega, (F4)... 5,854 Tailassee, (G6).... 1,347 Taylorsville, (El).. 200 Tecumseh, (H2) 200 Tennille, (G7) 100 Tensaw, (C9) 100 Texas, (C3) 300 Tharin, (F6) 100 Theodore, (B9) 300 Thomas, (E3) 1,500 Thomaston, (C6) 200 Thomasville, (C7). 1,181 Thompson, ((j6).. 263 Thorsby, (E5) 500 Three Notch, (G6). 180 Tilden, (D6) 230 Toulminville, (B9). 150 Towncreek, (Dl).. 344 Townly, (D3) 235 Triana, (El) 200 Trinity, (Dl) 198 Troy, (G7) 4,961 Trussville, (E3) 900 Tunnel Sprs, (D7) 150 Turnbull, (D7) 150 Turner, (F3) 100 Tuscaloosa, (C4).. 8,407 Tuscumbia, (Cl).. 3,324 Tuskegee, (G6)... 2,803 Tuskegee Institute, (G6) 100 Union, (C5) 100 Union (Jrove, (F2 ). 100 Union Sprs, (G6).. 4,055 Uniontown, (C6).. 1,836 University, (C4) 150 Valley Head, (Crl). 300 Vandorn, (C6) 100 Verbena, (F5) 400 Vernon, (B3) 423 Victoria, (G7) 100 Vida, (E5) 150 Vienna. (B4.) 79 Vina, (B2) 110 Vincent, (F4) 995 Vinegar Bend. (A8) 540 Vinemont, (E2) 100 Wadley, (G4) 426 Wadsworth, (FS).. 300 Walker Sprs, (C7). 100 Wallace, (D8) 200 Walnut Grove, (F2) 204 Warrenton, (F2) 130 Warrior, (E3) 660 Warriorstand, (G6) 400 Warsaw, (BS) 150 Waterloo, (Bl) 435 Water Valley, (B7). 100 Watkins, (F3) 200 Watson, (E3) 1.000 Waverly, (G5) 170 Wawbeek, (D8) 200 Weaver, (G3) 100 Webb, (H8) 256 Wedgworth. ÍC5).. 100 Wedowee, (H4't 435 Weogufka, (F4)... 200 Wesobulga, (G4).. 150 West Blocton, (D4) 892 West End, (E4).... 2.500 Wetumpka. (F5)... 1.103 Whatley. (C7) 187 Whistler, (B9) 3,500 W^iteoak Springs, (H7) 249 Whiteplains, fG3). 250 Whitfield. (B6) 200 Whitney. (F3) 100 Wilmer. (B9) 500 Wilsonville, (F4).., 933 Winfield, (C3) 419 Womack Hill. (B7) 100 Woodlawn. (E3).. 3,200 Woodstock, (D4>.. 500 Woodville, (Ft) 800 Woodward, (D4).. 1,000 Wyeth Citv. (F2).. 400 Wylam. fE4) 3,000 Yellow Pine, (B8).. 500 Yolande, (D4) 1,000 York,(B6) 710 Yucca, (Gl) 150 Copyright. 1911, by C. S. Hammond & Co., N. Y. (137) 138 (ARIZONA ~ ARKANSAS) INDEX OF THE UNITED STATES ARIZONA A^ua Caliente, (B5) iOO Alhambra, (CS)... 200 Arivaca, (D7) 150 Arlington, (C5)..,. 100 Ashfork, (C3) 200 Beilevue, (ES) 100 Benson, (E7) 900 Bigbug, (C4) 100 Bisbee, (E7) 9,019 Blackwater, (D5).. 250 Bonita, (F6) 100 Bowie, (F6) 200 Brownell, (C6).... 200 Bryce, (F6) 200 Buckeye, (CS) 400 Campverde, (D4).. 300 Canille, (E7) 200 Casa Blanca, (DS). 1,200 Casagrande, (D6).. 350 Cavecreek, (DS)... 100 Central, (F6) 300 Cerro Colorado, (D7) 200 Chiricahua, (F7),.. 200 Chloride, (A3)..... 470 Christmas, (ES)... 200 Clifton, (FS) 4,874 Cochise, (F6) 100 Cochran, (D5) 100 Columbia, (C4),... 100 Concho, (F4) 260 Congress, (B4). 1,000 Constellation, (C4) 250 Copper Creek, (E6) 100 Cottonwood, (C4). 100 Courtland, (F7)... 500 Crittenden, (E7)... 170 Crowley, (E5) 150 Crown K-ing, (C4). 200 Dome, (A6) 100 Don Luis, (E7).... 250 Douglas, (F7) 6,437 Dudley ville, (E6).. 150 Duncan, (F6) 1,200 Duquesne, (E7)... 150 Eden, (F6) 500 Escuela, (E6) 200 Fairbank, (E7).... 180 Fairview, (Fó) 200 Flagstaff, (D3).... 1,633 Florence, (D5)..,.. 807 Fort Apache, (F5). 300 Fort Huachuca, (E7) 400 Fort Thomas. (£5) 150 Franklin, (F6) 100 Ceronimo, (FS)... 100 Gila Bend, (C6)... 200 Gleeson, (F7) 500 Glendale, (C5)..,. 250 Globe, (ES) 7,083 Grand Canyon, (C2) 250 Greer, (F4) 100 Groom Creek, ((34) 300 Hackberry, (B3)... 100 Hamburg, (E7).... 150 Harshaw, (E7).... 100 Helvetia, (E7) 100 Holbrook, (E4).... 450 Hubbard. (F6).... 100 Humboldt. (C4) 100 Jerome. (C4) 2,393 Junction, (C4) 100 Kelvin, (ES) 350 Kingman, (A3).... 1 000 Lehi, (D5) 300 Liberty, (CS) ISO Lochiel, (E7) 100 Lowell, (F7) 2,500 McCabe, (C4) 300 Mammoth, (E6)... 400 Maricopa, (D5).... 100 Matthews, (F6).... 200 Maxton, (C4) 20O Mesa, (DS) 1,692 Metcalf, (F5) 2,500 Miami. (E5) 300 Middleraarch, (E7) 100 Mohave City, (A3). 180 Morenci, (F5) 5,010 Mowry,(E7) 500 Naco, (F7) 200 Nogales, (E7) 3,514 Octave, (C4) 500 Oro Blanco, (E7).. 100 Owens, (B4) 150 Faraclise, (F7) 100 Parker, (A4) 400 Patagonia, (E7)... 500 Payson, (D4) 170 Pearce, (F7) 700 PHOENIX, (CS). 11,134 Pima, (F6) 500 Pine,(D4) 100 Pinedale, (E4) 100 Pirtleville.(F7).... 1,500 Prescott, (C4) 5,092 Quart75ite, (AS)... 300 Ray,(E5) 100 Rice, (ES) Roosevelt, (DS)... Rosemont, (E7)... Sacaton, (DS) Safford, (F6) Saint David, (E7).. Saint Johns, (F4).. San Carlos, (E5)... Sasco, (D6) Show Low, (F4)... Silverbell, (D6).... Silverking, (D5) — Snowflake, (E4)... Solomonsville, (F6) Springerville, (F4). Supai, (C3) Superior. (D5) Taylor, (E4)...- 300 Tempe, (CS) 1,473 800 Thatcher, (F6).... 904 150 Tombstone, (F7).. 1,552 250 Toreva, (E3) 580 929 Troy, (ES) 520 500 Tubac, (D7)....... 300 1,250 Tucson, (E6) 13,193 5,000 Twin Buttes, (D7). 300 300 Walker. (C4) 150 150 Warren, (F7) 180 700 Wellton, (B6) 200 100 Wenden, (B5) 160 500 Whitehills, (A3)... 100 750 Wickenburg, (CS). 570 600 Willcox, (F6) 500 100 Williams, (C3) 1.267 200 Winslow (E3) 2 381 100 Yuma,(A6) 2.914 ARKANSAS Abbott. (A3) 300 Actus, (A3) 150 Ada, (C3) 100 Adona, (C3) 180 Am,(C4) 100 Aico, (C3) 200 Alexander, (C4)... 141 Alicia, (D3) 168 Alix,(B3) 500 Alleene, (AS) 130 AlIis,(D5) 100 Alma, (A3) 565 Almond, (D3)..... 300 Almyra, (D4) 252 Alpena Pass, (B2). 300 Alpine, (B4) 100 Altheimer, (D4)... 500 Altus, (B3) 659 AIy,(B4) 200 Amity, (B4) 813 Amos,(C2) 150 Antimony, (A4).... 150 Antoine, (B4) 300 Aplin,(C41 200 Appleton, (C3).... 300 Archillion, (E3)... 100 Ard,(B3) 150 Arden, (A5) 400 Argenta, (C4).... 11,138 Arkadelphia, (B4). 2,745 Arkana, (02) 200 Arkansas City,(D5) 1,485 Arkansas Post, (D4) 100 Arkinda.(A5) 160 Armada, (A3) 300 Armorel, (F2) 300 Ashdown, (A5).... 1,247 Ash Flat, (D2) 150 Ashton, (D5) 200 Ashvale, (D4) 100 Askew. (E4) 31 Athelstan, (E3).... 100 Athens. (A4) 115 Alkins,(C3) 1,258 Atlanta, (C5) 150 Augusta, (D3) 1,520 Aurora, (B3) 100 Austin, (C3) 177 Auvergne, (D3).... 150 Ava,(B4) 100 Avoca, (A2) 100 Avon, (A4) 300 Balboa, (D2) 200 Bald Knob, (D3).. 617 Banks, (C5) 200 Banner, (D3)...... 100 Barber, (B3) 100 Bardstown. (E3)... 200 Barfield, (F3) 100 Barling, (A3) 100 Barren Fork, (D3). 350 Barton, (E4) 250 Bates, (A4) 272 Batesville, (D3)... 3,399 Bauxite, (C4) 300 Baxter, (D5) 200 Bay, (E3) 500 Bayou Meto, (D4). 100 Bay Village, (E3).. 100 Bear,(B4) 150 Bearden, (C5) 439 Beaver, (B2) 250 Beebe, (D3) 873 Beebranch, (C3)... 142 Beime,(B5) 500 Belcher, (D3) 100 Bellefonte, (B2)... 300 Bellevüle, (B3).... 335 Belton,(B5) 100 Ben Lomond, (A5). 431 Benton, (C4) 1,708 Bentonville, (A2).. 3,600 Bergman, (C2).... 150 BerryviIle,(B2).... 785 Bertig, (E2) 300 Beryl, (C3) 150 Bethesda, (D3) 200 Bigelow, (C3) 350 Bigflat,(C2) 220 Biggers, (E2) 435 Biglake, (E3) 250 Biscoe, (D4) 250 Bismarck, (B4) 100 Black Fork. (A4).. 100 Black Oak, (E3>... 100 Blackrock, (D2)... 1,078 Black Springs, (B4) 150 Blackton, (D4) 150 Blalock,(C5) 150 Blanchard Springs, (C5) ISO Blevins,(B5) 100 BlissviÏÏe, (D5).... 296 Bloomfield, (A2)... 150 Blue Mountain, (B3) 200 Bluff ton, (B4) 100 Blytheville, (F3)... 3,849 Bodcaw, (B5) 200 Bonanza, (A3) 811 Bono, (E3) 200 Booneville,(B3)... 1,631 Boston, (B3)...... 150 Boughton, (B5).... 100 Box, (C3) 100 Boydsville, (E2)... 200 Boynton, (E3) 350 Bradford, (D3),... 382 Bradley, (B5) 123 Branch, (B3) 271 Brasfield, (D4).... 200 Bratton, (C4) 100 Brentwood, (A3)... 100 Brighton, (E2) 350 Brightwater, (B2).. 100 Brinkley, (D4) 1,740 Brockett, (E2> 140 Brookings, (E2)... 100 Brookland, (E3)... 500 Brownstown, (AS). 200 Bruno, (C2) 100 Bryant, (C4) 91 Buckeye, (E3) 150 Buckner, (B?) 240 Buckrange, (B5)... 220 Buena-Vista, (C5). 180 Buffalo, (C2) 200 Burdctte, (F3) 700 Butler, (F3) 250 Cabool,(C4) 250 Cabot, (C4) 441 Caddo Gap, (B4).. 200 Calamine, (D2).... 130 Calicorock, (C2)... 401 Calion,(C5) 100 Camden, (C5j 3,995 Camp, (D2) 120 Canehill, (A3) 400 Canfteld,(B5) 100 (iaperton, (B3).... 100 Cargile,(C5) 100 Carlisle, (D4) 516 Carrollton, (B2)... 300 Carson, (E3) 100 Carthage, (CII4).... 386 Casa,(B3) 310 Cass.(B3) 100 Casscoe, (D4) 120 Cato,(C4) 120 Caulksville, (B3)... 150 Cauthron, (A4).... 300 Cave City, (D3)... 278 Cedarglades, (B4). 100 CedarvUle, (A3)... 100 Center, (D2) 100 Centerpoint, (B4).. 328 Center Ridge, (C3) 150 Centerville, (B3).., 250 Cerrogordo, (.AS).. 250 Chambersville, (C5) 120 Champagnolle, (C5) lOO Chanel Hill, (A4).. 190 Charleston, (B3)... 576 Cherokee City. (A2) 350 Cherrygrove, ^C4). 100 Cherry Valley, (E3) 300 Chester, (A3) 162 Chickalah, (B3)... 200 Chickasawba, (F3) 250 Chidester, (C5).... 200 Chula, (B4) 300 Cincinnati, (A2)... 100 Clarendon, (D4)... 2,037 Clarkedale, (E3)... 250 Clarksville, (B3)... 1,456 Cleveland, (C3)... 164 Clinton, (C3) 350 Clio, (C5) 450 Coaldale, (A4) 350 Coalhill, (B3) 1.229 Collins, (D5) 197 Columbus, (B5)... 200 Combs, (B3) 200 Conway, (C3) 2,794 Cornerstone, (D4). 250 Comerville, (D5).. 130 Coming, (E2) 1,439 Cotter, (C2) 894 Cotton^jant, (D3). 1,081 Countiss,(E4) 150 Cove, (A4) 400 Crawfordville, (E3) 150 Crittenden, (E3)... 100 Crosses, (B3) 100 Crossett, (D5) 2,038 Culp,(C2) 160 Cummins, (D4). • • 500 Curtis, (B4) 200 Cusbman, (D3).... 244 Dabney, (C3) 200 Daisy, (B4) 136 Dalark,(C4) 231 Damascus, (C3)... 100 Danville, (B3) 803 Dardanelle, (B3).. 1,757 Datto, (E2) 244 Dayton, (A3) 100 DeAnn,(B5) 100 Decatur, (A2) 246 Deckerville, (E3)... 76 Deer,(B3) 250 Defiance, (D3).... 100 Delaney, (B3) 150 Delight, (B4) 539 DeU,(E3) 162 Denning, (B3) 757 De Queen, (A4)... 2,018 Dermott, (D5) 1,662 Deroche, (B4) 100 Desarc, (D4) 1,061 Devall Bluff, (D4). 924 De View, (D3) 100 Dewey, (D3) 100 De Witt, (D4) 831 Diaz, (D3) 100 Dierks, (A4) 272 Dob, (C5) 100 DoddCity.(C2)... 250 Donaldson, (C4)... 100 Douglas, (D4) 298 Dover, (B3) 385 Drakes Creek, (B2) 200 Draughon, (C5),.. 300 Dryden, (É3) 100 Dumas, (D5) 519 Dunnington, (D3). 100 Dutton, (B3) 130 Dyer, (A3) 433 Eagle Mills, (C5).. 1,200 Eagleton, (A4).... 100 Eago,(C3) 100 Earl, (E3) 1,542 East Sylaraore, (C3) 150 Echo, (A3) 100 Edgemont, (C3)... 342 Edmondson, (E3).. 150 Egger, (B4) 100 Egypt, (E3) 100 Eldorado. (C5).... 4,202 Elizabeth, (C2).... 200 Elkins,(B2) 100 Elliott, (C5) 130 EUisville, (C5) 100 Elmore, ((34) 200 El Paso, (C3) 200 Emerson, (B5) 600 Emmet, (B5) 270 England, (D4) 1,407 English, (D4) 250 Enola,(C3) 100 Esau, (C3) 292 Estico, (D3) 150 Eudora, (D5) 606 Eureka Sprs., (B2). 3,228 Evadale, (E3) 150 Evansville, (A3) 150 Evening Shade, (D2) 289 Everton, (B2) 170 Fairoaks, (E3).... 53 Fairview, (C5) 250 Falcon, (B5) 100 Famous, (B3) 100 Farmington, (A2).. 170 Fayetteville, (A2).. 4,471 Felsenthal, (CS)... 273 Fir.(B4) 100 Fisher, (E3) 165 Flippin, (C2) 150 Fordyce, (C5) 2,794 Foreman, (A5) 1,000 Forrest City, (E3).. 2,484 Fort Smith, (A3).. 23,975 Fouke,(B5) 300 Fountainhill, (D5). KX) Fourche, (C4) 246 Fourche Dam, (C4) 120 Franklin, (D2).... 150 Frostville,(B5).... 177 Fulton, (B5) 647 Gainesville, (E2).. 300 Garfield, (B2) 150 Garland, (B5) 277 Gamer, (D3) 150 Garrettson. (D4).. 200 Gassville, (02).... 198 Gentry, (A2) 668 Germantown, (03) KX) Gethsemane, (D4). 5(X) Gifford, (04) 200 GUkey, (B4) 100 Gill, (E4^ 100 Gniett.(D4) 256 Gillham,(A4) 291 Giimore, (E3) 250 Glenwoi^, (B4)... 850 Golden Lake, (£3). 100 Goshen, (.A2)...... 130 Gonld, (D5) 57 Grace, (C4) 100 Grady, (D4) 180 Grandfield,(B4)... 170 Grand Lake, (D5). 250 GrannLs, (A4) 350 Grapevine, (04)... 200 Graphic, (A3) 100 Grassy Lake, (E3).. 100 Gravelly,(B4) 130 Gravette, ( A2) 569 Grays, (D3) 136 Graysonia, (B4),.. 771 Greenbrier, (03)... 250 Greenfield, (E3)... 300 Green Forest, (B2). 635 Green way, (E2)... 390 Greenwood, (A3).. 1,124 Griffin, (05) 150 Griffithville, (D3).. 202 Grubbs, (D3) 178 Guion, (D3) 296 Gurdon,(B5) 1,284 Guy, (03) 350 Hackett, (A3) 363 Hagarville, (B3)... 150 Halley. (D5) 257 Halliday, (E2) 100 Hamburg, (D5)... 1,787 Hampton, (C5).... 353 Happy, (E3) 100 Hardy, (D2) 329 Harlow, (C5) 100 Harrell, (C5) 300 Harrisburg, (E3).. 942 Harrison, (B2) 1,602 Hartford, (A3) 1,780 Hartman, (B3).... 500 Hatfield, (A4) 300 Havana, (B3) 621 Haynes, (E4) 350 Hazen, (D4) 687 Healing Sprs., (A2). 100 Heber Springs, (C3) 1,500 Hector, (C3) 120 Helena, (E4) 8,772 Hensley, (C4) 500 Hermitage, (C5)... 247 Hickman, (F3) 150 Hickory Plains, (D4) 250 Hickoryridge, (E3) 130 Higden, (C3) 336 Higginson, (D3) 192 Hiilsboro, (C5) 100 Hilltop, (B2) 100 Hindsville, (B2)... 100 Hiram, (D3) 150 Hiwasse, (A2) 130 Hobbs, (A3) 100 Holland, (C3)..... 2(K) HollU,(B4) 100 Hollygrove, (D4).. 536 Holly Springs, (C5) 110 Hollywood, (B4)... 180 Homan, (B5) 250 Hope,(B5) 3,639 Horatio, (A5) 605 Hot Springs, (B4). 14,434 Houston, (C3) 250 Howell, (D3) 150 Hoxie, (D2) 915 Hudspeth, (D5)... 131 Huffman, (F3) KX) Humphrev, (D4).. 380 Hunt, (B3) 100 Hunter, (D3) 508 Huntington, (A3).. 1,700 Huntsville, (B2)... 540 Huttig, (C5) 1,240 Imboden, (D2).... 600 Iuka,(C2) 200 Tacksonport, (D3). 373 Jacksonville, (C4). 250 Jakajones, (B5)... 100 Jamestown, (D3).. 114 Jasper, (B3) 242 Jeannette, (E3) 200 Jennv T.ind, (A3).. 500 Jericho, (E3) 200 "erusalem. (C3) 150 ohnsonville, (E4). 88 dhnsville. (C5)... 100 "oiner, (E3) 200 bnesboro, (E3).. 7,123 udsonia, (D3).... 746 unction City, (C5) 1,065 Kearney, (C4) 350 Kedron,(C4) 130 Kensett, (D3) 200 Kenyon, (D3) 100 Keo,(D4).... 150 Kerrs, (C4) 300 Kimberly, (B4) 131 King, (A4) 100 Kingdon Sprs., (C2) 150 Kingsland, (C5)... 445 Kingston, (B2).... 150 Kingsville, (D2)... 120 Kirby,(B4) 100 Knob,(E2) 250 Knobel,(E2) 362 Knowlton, (E4)..,. 250 KnoxvilIe,(B3).,.. 300 Lacey,(D5) 100 Laconia, (D4) 130 La Crosse, (D2)... 100 Ladd, (D4) 200 Lagrange, (E4).... 310 Lake City, (E3)... 448 Lake Dick, (D4)... 500 Lake Farm, (D4).. 200 Lake Village, (D5). 1,074 Lamar, (B3) 520 Lambethville, (E3) 100 Unark,(C5) 120 Landis, (C3) 150 I-aneburg, (B5).-.. 100 Lane HUT, (A3).... 180 Langford, (D4).... 100 Laurel, (B3) 250 Lavaca, (A3) 350 Leadhill, (C2) 700 Leland, (D5) 200 Leola, (C4) 398 Lepanto, (E3) 154 Leslie, (C3) 1,898 Lester, (C5) 300 Lewisville, (B5)... 1,200 Limestone, (B3)... 100 Lincoln, (A3) 292 LITTLE ROCK, (C4) 45,941 Lockesburg, (A5).. 748 Lollie, (C3) 100 London, (B3) 303 Lonoke, (D4) 1,547 Lonsdale, (C4).... 200 Lowell, (A2) 193 Lucky, (B4) 100 Lumber, (B5) 150 Lunsford, (E3) 150 Luxora, (F3) 677 McArthur, (D5)... 100 McCrory, (D3).... 637 McFerrin, (F3) 100 McGehee,(D5).... 1,157 McGrew, (D4) 250 McNab,(B5) 271 McNeil, (B 5) 482 Maberry, (D3) 100 Madison, (E3) 400 Magazine, (B3) 968 Magness, (D3) 216 Magnolia, (B5). 2,045 Malvern, (C4) 2,778 Mammoth Spr, (D2) 817 Mandeville, (B5).. 200 Manila, (E3) 562 Mansfield, (A3)... 816 Marcella, (D3).... 100 Marianna, (E4)... 4,810 Marion, (E3) 300 Marked Tree, (E3) 2,026 Marmaduke, (È2). 780 Marshall, (C3) 558 Marvell, (E4) 556 Maumee, (C2)..... 100 Maynard, (E2).... 295 Maysville, (A2).... 300 Meg,(B3) 160 Melbourne, (D2).. 282 Mena, (A4) 3,953 Midland, (A3) 639 Millard, (B3) 200 Miller, (C3) 100 Millville, (C5) 800 Mineral Sprs., (B5) 432 Mintum, (E3) 251 Moark, (E2) 110 Monette, (E3) 559 Monroe, (D4) 100 Montana, (B3) 100 Mount Nelw, (B3) 10 Monte Ne, (A2)... 95 Monticello, (D5)... 2,274 Montrose. (D'^L... 250 Morganton, (03).. 150 Moro, (E4) 100 MorreU, (D5) 500 Morrülton,(C3)... 2,424 Morris Ferry, (A5). 150 Morrison Bluff, (133) 100 Mountainburg, (A3) 100 Mountain Home, (C2) 446 Mountain View, (C3) 272 Mount Ida, (B4)... 200 Mount Nebo, (B3) 10 Mount Olive, (C3). 100 Mount Pisgah, (D3) 100 Mount Vernon, (C3) 250 Mulberry, (B3).... 722 Murfreesboro, (B4) 516 Nashville, (BS) 2,374 Natural Steps, (C4) 100 Neal Springs, (A5). 200 Nettieton, (E3).... 1,080 Newark, (D3) 595 Newburg, (D3) 100 New Edinburg, (CS) 440 Newhope, (B4).... 130 New Lewisville, (BS) 975 New Lx)ndon, (C5). 100 Newport, (D3).... 3,557 Noble Lake, (D4).. 100 Norfork, (C2) 200 Norphlet, (C5).... 110 Oakhill,(B2) 120 Oakland, (02) 100 Ogamaw, (B5)..., 200 Ogden, (A5) 397 Okean, (E2) 100 Okolona, (BS) 399 Ola, (B3) 516 Olypbant, (D3).... 120 Oma,(B4) 100 Omaha, (B2) 500 Onalaska, ((J5). 150 Osage, (B2) 140 Osage Mills, (A2).. 110 Osceola, (E3) 1,769 Owensville, (C4)... 110 Oxford, (D2) 110 Ozan, (BS) 129 Ozark, (B3) 1 146 Palestine, (E4).... 173 Pangburn, (D3)... 130 Paragould, (E2)... 5,248 Paraloma, (BS) 194 Paris, (B3) 1,497 Parkdale, (DS).... 383 Parkin, (E3) 150 Paroquet, (D3) 100 Patmos, (BS) 150 Peach Orchard, (E2) 300 Pearcy, (B4) 200 Pea Ridge, (A2)... 200 Pecan Point, (E3).. 200 Pékin, (E3) 150 Pennington, (D3).. 250 Penrose, (D3) 100 Perla, (C4) 250 Perry. (C3) 300 Perryville, (C3) 355 Pettigrew, (B3).... 450 Pfeiffer, (D3) 120 Piggott,{E2) 1,150 Pike,(B4) 335 Pindall,(C2) 200 Pine Bluff, (C4).. 15,102 Piney, (B3) 120 Pinnacle, (C4) 100 Pitts, (E3) 150 Plainview, (B4) 853 Pleasant Plains, (1)3 ) 151 Plumerville, (C3).. 495 Pocahontas, (D2).. 1,547 Poole, (05) IOO Poplar Grove, (E4) 150 Portia, (D2) 367 Portland, (D5).... 823 Pottsville, (C3) 205 Poughkeepsie, (D2) 200 Powhatan, (D2)... 191 Prairie Creek, (A3) 300 Prairie Grove, (A3) 774 Prairie View, (B3). 200 Prattsville, (C4)... 100 Prescott, (B5) 2,705 Princeton, (C5).... 132 Proctor. (E3) 100 Prove, (.^4") 200 Pulaski Heights, (C4) 683 Quitman, (C3) 471 Raggio City, (E4). 65 Rat cliff (B3) 175 Ra vana, (A5) 200 Ravenden, (D2)... 350 Ravenden Springs, (D2) 189 ReadIand,(D5).... 214 Rector, (E2) 1,859 Redfield.(C4) 278 Red Fork, (D5)..., ISO Redleaf, (DS) 100 Redrock, (B3) 100 Reed,(D2) 100 Refuge, (D5) 100 Remmel, (D3) 300 Reyno, (E2) 290 Rhea. (A2) 100 Riceville,(E3) 100 Richmond, (A5) 300 Rich Mountain, (A4) 100 Ridge, (E3) 100 Risen, (C5) 725 Riverside, (D3).... 100 Robrov, (D4) 150 Rock Creek, (B4).. 150 Rocky Comfort, (C5) 612 Rodney, (C2) 100 Roe,(D4) 100 Rogers, (A2) 2,820 Rondo, (EÍ4) 150 Rosboro, (B4) 500 Rose Bud, (C3). 110 Rosston, (B5) 200 Rover, (B4) 200 Royal, (B4) 100 Rudy, (A3) 100 Russell, (D3) 147 Russellville, (B3).,2,936 Saginaw, (C4) 250 Saint Charles, (D4) 150 Saint Francis, (E2) 459 Saint James, (D3). 300 Saint Joe, (C2) 159 Saint Paul, (B3) 430 Saint Vincent, (C3) 500 Salado, (D3) IOO Salem, (D2) 800 Sans Souci, (F3)... 160 Saratoga, (B5) 400 Sayre, (B5) 150 Scanlan, (E3) 100 Schaal, (B5) 100 Scotland, (C3) 100 Scott, (C4) 100 Scottsville, (B3)... 100 Searcy, (D3) 2,331 Sedgwick, (E3) 96 Selma, (D5) 130 Settlement, ((33)... 150 Seyppel, (E4) 250 Sheridan, (C4) 481 Sherrill, (C4), 350 Shiloh,(C3) 251 Sidney, (D2) 100 Sidon, (D3) 100 Silica, (C4) 200 SiloamSprs., (A2). 2,405 Slocomb, (C4) 100 Smackover, (C5)... 150 Smithdale, (E3).., 100 Smithville, (D2)... 300 Snow Lake, (D4).. 150 South Bend, (D5). 185 South Fork, (D2).. 150 Spadra, (B3) 250 Spielerville, (B3)... 100 Spotville, (B5) 100 Springdale, (A2)... 1,755 Springfield, (C3)... 300 Springhill, (BS).... ICO Springtown, (A2).. 140 Stamps, (BÓ 2,316 Staple, (DS) 200 Star City, (D5).... 396 Staves, ((34) 150 Stephens, (C5) 572 Sterling, (DS) 6CX) Strawberry, (D3).. 100 Strong, (C5) 465 Stroud, (C4) 100 Stuttgart, (D4).... 2,740 Sub Rosa, (B3).... 100 Success, (E2) 379 Sugar Grove, (B3). 200 Sugar Loaf, (C3).. 1,126 Sulphur Rock, (D3) 252 Sulphur Sprs., (A2) 500 Summit, (C2) 150 Sunnyside, (D5)... 500 Supply, (E2) 150 Swan Lake, (D4).. 250 Sweet Home, (C4). 100 Swiften, (D3) 290 Taylor, (B5) 100 Texarkana, (B5). 5,655 Thomey, (B3) 200 Thornton, (C5).... 611 Three Creeks, (C5) 150 Tülar,(D5) 180 Timbo, (C3) 100 Tinsman, (C5).... 100 ToUviUe, (D4) 100 Tomberlins, (D4),. 100 Tontitown, (A2)... 100 Tracy, (C2) 100 Traskwood, (C4).. 228 Trenton, (E4) 150 Troy, (B5) 100 Trumann, (E3).... 300 Tucker, (C4) 200 Tuckerman, (D3).. 583 Tulip, (C4) 180 Tupelo, (D3) 205 Turin, (C4) 100 Turner, (D4) 100 Turrell, (E3) 200 Tuttleton, (E3).... 100 Twin Creek, (D2). 150 Tyro, (DS) 150 Tyron7.a, (E3) 250 Ulm, (D4) 115 Umpire, (A4) 136 Union, (D2) 200 Uniontown, (A3).. 200 Upland, (C5) 52 Valley Springs, (82) 200 Van Buren, (A3)... 3,878 Vandervoort, (A4). 350 Vanndale, (E3) 500 Vamer, (D4) 920 Victor, (D3) 200 Village, (C5) 100 Vin,(C2) 100 Vincent, (E^) 200 Vineyard, (E4).... 250 Viola, (D2) 280 Wabash, (E4) 100 Wabbaseka, (D4).. 250 Walcott, (E2) 149 Waldo, (B5) 597 Waldron, (A4) 900 Wallaceburg, (B5). 100 Walnut Hill, (B5).. 300 Walnut Lake, (D5) 100 Walnutridge, (E2) 1,798 Walnut Tree, (B3). 200 Ward, (D3) 150 Ware, (R5) 180 Wareagle, (A2) 2(X) Warm Springs, (E2) 100 Warren, (C5) 2,057 Warsaw, (C4) 200 Washington, (B5).. 399 Webb City, (B3)... 200 Weiner, (É3) 232 Welch. (B4) 100 Weldon, (D3) 250 Wesley, (B2) 100 Wesson, (C5)...... 694 Western Grove, (C2) 100 West Fork, (A3)... 200 West Hartford, (A4) 200 West Point, (D3).. 116 Wheetley, (D4) 330 Whelen Srffs.tiBS). 200 White Cliffs, (B5). 42 Whitener, (B2).... KX) Wiekes, (A4) 200 Wideman, (C2).... 200 Wideners, (E3).... 245 Wild Cherry, (C2). 150 Willcockson, (B2), 100 WilUford, (D2) 130 Wilmar, (DS) 929 Wilmot, (D5) 622 Wilson, (E3)...... 500 Wilton, (AS) 294 Winchester, (D5).. 300 Wing,(B4) 150 Winslow, (A3) 289 Winthrop, (A5).... 600 Witcherville, (,A3). 110 Witherspoon, (C4). 130 Wiville, (D3) 100 Womble, (B4) 552 Woodberry, (C5).. 100 Woodson, (C4).... 300 Wooster, (C3) 100 Wrightsville, (C4). 300 Wyanoka, (E3).... 500 Wynne, (E3) 2,353 Ye'llville, (02) 463 Yorktown, (I)4L.. 180 Youngtown, (D5).. 136 Zebulum, (B4) 100 Zinc, (C2) 173 INDEX OF THE UNITED STATES (CALIFORNIA) 139 CALIFORNIA Acampo, (D9). • • * à 200 Acton, (GU) ISO Adin,(E3) 500 Ager, (C2) 75 Agnew, (Cll) 100 Agua Caliente, CC9) ICQ Ahwahnee, (Fil).. 150 Alameda, ((^10).. 23,383 Alamitos ßay, (G18) 150 Alamo, (ClO) 80 Albany,(ClO).... 808 Albion, (B7) 500 Alcatraz, (CIO) 200 Alexander Valley, (C8) 70 Alhambra, (G17).. 5,021 Alleghany, (E7)-.. 200 Allen Springs, (C7) 80 Aliensworth, (F14)_ 80 Alliance, (A4) 95 Alma, (Dil) 300 Almond, Ü19) 95 Alpaugh, (F14) 250 Alpine, (J20) 100 Altadena, (G17)... 100 AltavUle, (E9) 100 Alton, (A4) 200 Alturas, (EÍ3) 916 Alvarado, ((jl0>... 800 Alviso, (Dil) 402 Amadea City, (E9). 850 Amboy, (K16) 75 Amedee, (E5) 100 Amsterdam, (Ell). ISO Anaheim, (H18)... 2,628 Anderson, (C5) 840 Angel Island, (CIO) 350 Angels Camp, (E9) 3,900 Angwio, (C9) 95 Antelope, (D8) 100 Anüoch,(D10>...- 1,124 Aptos, (D12) 340 Arbuclde, (<Í7) 750 Arcadia, (H17).... 696 Areata, (A4) 1,121 Armona, (F13) 150 Aromas, (D12). ... 300 Arrowhead Sidings, (H17) 200 Arroyo Grande, (E15) 900 Artesia, (G18) 500 Atlanta, (DIO) 90 Atlas, (C9) 100 Atwater, (Ell)—. 150 Auberry, (Fll) 110 Auburn, (D8) 2,376 Aukum, (E8) 100 Avalon, (Gl 9) 1,000 Azusa, (H17) 1,477 Badger, (F 12) 170 Bagby, (FIO) 75 Bagdad, (K.16).... 140 Bakersheld, (Fl5) 12,727 Balboa, (H18) 500 Baldwin Park, CH17) 100 Ballarat, (H13) 75 Ballard, (E16) 100 Ballena. (G17).... 250 Balls Ferry. (C5>.- 70 Banning. (J18)—. 1,000 Banta,(D10) 100 Barnwell, (K.15)-.. 100 Barstow, (H16).... 500 Bartlett Springs, (C7) 80 Batavia, (D9) HO Bates, (Fl I) 150 Bay City, (Gl8)... 150 Bayles,(C4) HO Bay Point, (D9>-.- 100 Bayside, (A4) 100 Bear Valley, (ElO). 220 Beatrice, (A4) 70 Beaumont, (J18).. 550 Beckwith, (E6).... 100 Beiden, (E6> 75 Bellota, (D9) 85 Belmont, (CIO).... 450 Belvedere, (ClO)... 481 Benicia, (C9) 2,360 Ben Lomond, (CI 1) 500 Benton, (GIO)..— 100 Berdan, (D6) 85 Berenda, (EH) 75 Beresford, (CIO)— 80 Berkeley, (CIO).. 40,434 Berros, <.E15) 130 Berrycreek, (D6>.. 100 Bethany, (DIO)— 70 Betteravia, (E16).. 100 Beverly, (G17).... 250 Bieber, (D3) 660 Big Bar. (B4) 90 Biggs, (D7) 403 Big Oak Flat. (ElO) 350 Bigpine, (GH) 250 Big Trees. (E9) 100 Bijou, (E8) 100 Birds Landing, (D9) 100 Bishop, (GH) 1,190 Bitterwater, (D12). 150 Black Diamond, (D9) 2,372 Blacks Station, (D8) 380 Blake. (K16> 70 Blanco, (D12) 85 Blocksburg, (B5).. 350 Bloomfield, (C9)... 250 Bloomington. (HI7) 95 Blue (Zanvon, (E7). 300 Blue Lake. (B4)... 800 Blythe.(L18) 200 Boca, (E7) 220 Bodega, (C9) 160 Bodie, (F9) 1,600 Bolinas, (ClO) 140 Boonville, (B7) 190 Bostonia, (J20)... - 400 Boulder Creek, (Cll) 544 BouldinIs,(D9)... 100 Bowles, (F12) 90 Bowman, (DS) 80 Bradley, (E!4).... 100 Brandy City, (E7)- 100 Branscomb, {B6)-. 70 Brawley, (K20)... » 881 Brentwood, (DIG). 330 Bridgeport, (F9),.. 240 Bridgeviile, (B5)... 75 Broderick, (D8)... 800 Brooks, (C8) 140 Brown, (Gl5) 200 Browns Valley, (D7) 170 Brownsville, (D7).. 360 Brush Creek, (D6). 120 Brynmawr, (H17). 190 Buena Park, (H18) 200 BuUardsBar, (D7). 110 Bulwinkle, (A3)... 200 Burbank, (GI7).., 400 Burlingame, (ClO). 1,565 Burnett, (Gi8) 500 Bumey, (D4) 220 Butcher Kanch,(E8) 150 Butte City, (D7)... 350 Byron, (DIG) 350 Cúilaveritas, (E9).- 70 Calexico, (K20)... 797 Caliente, (GIS) 70 Calistoga, (C8) 751 Callahan, (C3) 120 Calpeila, (B7) 100 (tizona, (L16) 70 Comanche, (E9).,. 140 Cambria, (D14) 350 Campbell, (Dil).. 400 Campo, (J20) 200 Campo Seco, (E9). 200 Camptonville, (D7) 390 Canby, (E3/ 190 Capay,(C8) 350 Capitola, (C12) 100 Carmel, (DI2) SCO (^rpinteria. (Fl7). 300 deters, (ElO) 900 Casmalia, (£16) 75 C:aspar, (B7) 290 Castroville, (D12). 800 Cayucos, (E15) 400 Cazadero, (B91 95 Cedarviile, (E2) 840 Centerville, (CIO).. 700 Ceres, (ElO) 200 Challenge. (D7)... 95 Charter Oak, (H17) 200 Cherokee, (D6) 260 Chico, (D6) 3,750 Chinese Camp, (ElO) 200 Chino, (Hl8) 1,444 Chittenden, (D12). 70 Christine. ÍB7) HO Chualar,(Dl2) 140 Chula Vista, (H20) 100 (!)laremont, (H17).. 1,U4 Clarksburg, (D9).. 100 C^Iarksville, (D8)... 120 Clay, (D9) 70 Clayton, (DID) 320 Clearwater, ((il8). 250 Clements, (D9) 320 Cleone, (H7) 100 Clinton, (E5) 300 Clio.(E6) 100 Clippergap. (E8)— 95 Clipper Mills, (D7) 120 Cloverdale, (B8) 823 Clovis,(Fí2) 500 Coachella, (j 18) 1,500 Coalinga, (ÉI3)... 4,199 Colegrove, (G17)-. 200 Colfax, (E7) 620 (College City, (D8). 210 CoUinsville, (D9).. 300 Colma, (CIO) 500 Coloma, (E8) 100 Colton, (H17) 3,980 (Columbia, (E9).... 500 Columbia Hill, (E7) 130 Colusa, (C7) 1,582 Comptche, ÍB7) 98 Compton, (G18) 922 Concord, (CIO).... 703 Copj)eropolis, (ElO) 420 Coram, (C4) 666 Corcoran, (F13) 100 Cordelia, (C9) 350 Corning, (C6) 972 Cornwall, (D9) 85 Corona, (H18) 3,540 Coronado, (H20).. 1,477 Corralitos, (D12).. 180 Corte Madera, (C^IO) 360 Cosurane, (D9) 70 Cotati, (C^9) 75 Cottonwood, (C5). 460 Coulterville, (ElO). 350 County Farm, (G20) 230 Courtland, (D9)... 160 Covelo. (Bó) 300 Covina, (HI7) 1,652 Coyote, (D11) 230 C^zzens, (B8) 200 Craft, (G15) 200 Crahonville, (Hi 7) 100 Crescent City, (A2) 1,114 Crescent Mills, (D5) 300 Crestón, (El 5) 200 Crockett, (C9) 1,800 Crows Ldg, (DH). 130 Cucaraonga, (H17) 300 Cypress, (HI8) 200 Daggett, (J16) 450 Danby.(Kl6) 70 Danville, (DIG).... 200 Darwin, (HÍ3).... 150 Daunt, (G13) 250 Davenport, (CH).. 100 Davis, (D8) 830 Deadwood, (C4)... 100 Decoto.(Dl01 260 Dehesa, (J20) 100 Delano, (F 14) 440 DeLuz, (H19) 90 DeIMar,(H20).... 250 Del Monte. (D12). 85 Del Rey, (F12) 130 Denair, (ElO) 100 Descanso. (T20) 95 Diamond Spr, (E8). 320 Dinuba, (F13) 970 Dixon, (D9) 827 Dobbins, (D7).,.. 70 Dolgeville, (G17).. 750 Dorris, (D2) 214 Dos Palos, (E12).. 550 Dougherty, (D10).. 150 Douglasilat, (£9).. 100 Downey, (G18) 1,500 Downieville, (E6).. 650 Drytown, (E9) 270 Duarte, (H17) 600 Ducor, (F14) 75 Dulzura, (J20).... 100 Duncans Mills, (B9) 300 Dunnigan, (D8)... 260 Dunsmuir, (C3)... 1,719 Durham, (D6) 250 Dutch Flat, (E7)... 400 Eagleville,(E3).... 400 Eariimart, (F14).. 75 Fiast Highlands, (H17) 170 Easton, (CIO) 100 East San Jose, .... (Dil) 1,661 East San Pedro, (018) 390 Eaton, (F12) 100 Edgewood, (C3).... 200 Edna, (E15) 95 ElCajon,(J20) 500 EI Casco, (H18)... 100 El Centro, (K20).. 1,610 Eldorado, (E8).... 360 Eldridge, (C9) 800 Elizabeth Lake, (G16) 70 Elk, (37) 400 Elk Creek, (C6).,. 260 Elk Grove, (D9) 470 Elmhurst, (ClO),.. 1,500 Elmira, (1)9) 380 El Modeno, (HIS). 200 El Monte, (G17)... 350 El Portal, (FIG)... 75 ElRio, (F17) 250 Elsinore, (HIS) 488 El Verano (C9) 150 Emeryville, (CIO).. 2,613 Emigrant Gap, (E7) 140 Emmaton, (D9) 100 Encanto, (H20) 260 Encinitas, (H19)... 270 Escondido, (H19).. 1,334 Esjiarto, (D8) 120 Etiwanda, (H17).. 170 Etna, (C3) 518 Etna Mills, (C3)... 650 Etta, (£6) 210 Eurekk, (A4) 11,845 Evergreen, (Dil).. 210 Exchequer, (ElO).. 65 Exeter, (F13) 500 Fairfield, (D9) 834 Fairoaks, (D8)..,. 500 Fair Play, (E8) 70 Fall Brook. (H19).. 300 Fallriver Mills,CD4) 350 Famoso, (F14) 100 Farmersville, (F13) 140 Farmington, (ElO). 250 Felix. (E9) 75 Felton, (CH) 450 Ferndííle, (A4) 905 Fields Landing.(A4) 95 Fillmore, (G17).... 130 Firebaugh, (Eli).. 300 Fish Rock, (B8)... 95 Florence, (Gl8)... 900 Florin, (D9) 500 Floriston, (E7) 70 Folsom City, (D8). 1,500 Forbestown, (D6).. 260 Forest, (E7) 350 Foresthill, (E7) 660 Forest Home, (JH) 100 Forestville, (C8) 220 Fort Bidwell, (É2). 410 Fort Bragg,(B7)... 2,408 Fort Jones, (C2) 316 Fort Ross, {B9) 75 Fortuna, (A4) 883 Foster, tj20) 85 Fosteria, (E9) 400 Fowler, (F12) 675 Foxen, (E16) 90 Franklin, (D9).... 250 Fredalba, (H17)... 200 Freedom, (Dl2)... 100 Freeport, (D9) 140 Freestone, (C9).... 100 French Camp, (DID) 280 French Corral, (D7) 250 French Gulch, (C4) 150 Freshwater, (A4).. 140 Fresno, (F12) 24,892 Fresno Flats, (FH) 180 Friant, (F12) 90 Fruit vale, (CIO).. 5,000 Fullerton, (H18)... 1,725 Fulton, (C9) 400 Gait, (D9) 1,150 Garbcrville, (B5).. 350 Gardena, (G18)... 100 Garden (irove, (H18) 400 Garden Valley,(E8) 150 Garey.(El6) 100 Garvalia, (G17)... 100 Gaviota, (El7) 160 Georgetown, (E8). 730 Germantown, (C6) 240 (jeyserville, (C8).. 400 Giant, (C9) 75 Gibsonville, (E6).. 200 Gilroy, (DH) 2,437 Glenblair, (B7) 150 Glenbrook,(C8)... 170 Glendale, Humboldt Co., (A4) 150 Glend.ale, Los Ange¬ les Co., (G17)... 2.746 Glendora, (H17)... 1,500 Glen Ellen, (C9)... 1,250 Glen Frazer, (ClO) 100 Glenwood, (D11 ).. 100 Gold Run, (E7)... 100 (^Ieta,(Fl7) 500 Gonzales, (Dli)... 600 Grafton (D8) 370 (^rand Island, (D7) 130 Grandville, (B9)... 100 Grangeville, (F13). 180 Graniteville, CE7).. 250 Grass Valley, (D7). 4,520 (ireenview, (C2)... 100 Greenville. (E5K.. 400 Greenwood, Eldo¬ rado Co., (E8).. 360 Greenwood, Men¬ docino Co., (B7) 500 Gridley, (D7) 987 Grizzly Blufif, (.^4), 150 Grizzly Flats. (E8). 250 Groveland, (ElO).. 180 Grub Gulch, (Fll) 160 Guadaloupe, (£16) 500 Gualala, (B8) 200 Guemeville, (B9).. 800 Guernsey, (F13) 95 Guinda, (C8) 100 Gwimnine, (E9)... 250 Halcyon, (E15) 70 Halfmoon Bay, (Cll) 1,500 HaJleck, (H61) Í00 Hamburg,(B2) 100 Hanford, (F13) 4,829 Happy Camp,(B2). 200 Harper, (H18) 150 Harrison, (CH)... 250 Hart, (K15) 75 Havilah, (G15) 70 Hawthorne, (Gl8). 200 Hayfork, (B4) 140 Haywards, (CjlO).. 2,746 Hazel Creek, (C3). 240 Healdsburg, (C8).. 2,011 Hemet, ÍH18) 992 Henderson. (D4) 70 Henlev, (C2) 150 Hercules, (C9) 279 Harmon, (G17) 450 Hermosa Beach, (G18) 679 Hesperia, (Hi7) 95 Hickman, (ElO) 100 Highgrove, (H18).. 200 Highland, (H17)... 1,700 Hilts, (C2) 70 Hollisler, (D12)... 2,308 Hollywood, (G17). 1,400 Holtville, (K20)... 729 Honcut,(D7) 420 Hopland, (B8) 800 Hornbrook, ((^2).. 150 Hornitos, (EH)... 160 Horsecreek, (C2).. 75 Howland Flat, (É6) 100 Hueneme, (F17) 800 Huntington Beach, (GI8) 815 Huntington Park, (G18) 1,299 Hurlelon, (D7) 150 Huron. (E13) 70 Hyde Park, (Gl8). 150 Hydesville, (A4)... 360 Igerna, (C3) 200 Igo,(C5) 180 Imperial, (K20)... 1,257 Imperial Beach, (H20) 200 Independence, (G12) 550 Indian Falls, (E6).. 70 Indio, (J 18) 250 Inglenook. (B7) 75 Inglewood, (G18)., 1,536 Inskip, (D6) 95 Inwood, (D4) 150 lone, ^,£9) 880 Iowa Hill, (E7).... 460 Irvington, (DIO)... 1.000 Irwin City, (Ell).. 95 Irwindale, (H17).. 150 Isabella. (Gl4) 70 Isleton, (D9) 100 Jacinto, (C6) 80 Jackson, (E9) 2,035 Jacksonyille, (ElO) 70 iamesburg, (D13). 180 amestown, (ElO). 600 amiil, (J20) 75 Janesville, (E5).... 100 Jenny Lind. (E9).. 100 Johannesburg, (HIS) 300 Tohnsville, (E6) 360 Jolon, (D14) 250 Judson,(Hl6) 70 Julian, (JI9) 300 Junction City, (34) 180 Keeler, (H13) 70 Kecne, (Gl 5) 75 Kelseyville, (C8)... 900 Kelso, (K15) 150 Kennett, (C4) 2,500 Kenwood, (C9) 100 Kerman. (E12) 100 Kem,(G15) 2,100 Kern ville, (GI4)... 260 Keswick, (C4) 2,000 Kimberly, (C4) 270 King City, (D13).. 540 Kingriver, (F12)... 70 Kingsburg, (F12 ).. 63 4 Klamathon, (C2).. 380 Klau,(El4) 200 KnightsFerry,(El0) 750 Kramer, (HI5).... 100 La Canada, ((jI7). 250 La Crescenta, (G17) 200 Lafayette. (CIO)... 90 I.aGrange, (ElO).. 290 La Habra, (H18).. 230 La Honda. (CH).. 85 La Jolla, (H20)..., 100 Lake City, (E2).... 100 I.ÄkeDort, (C7).... 870 Lakeside, (J20).... 100 Lakeville. (C9) 85 La Manda Park, (G17) 250 La Mesa, (H20)... 500 La Mirada, (HIS). 200 Lancaster, (Gl6).. 130 La Porte, (D6).... 100 Larkspur, (CIO) 594 Las Palmas, (F12). ISO Lathrop,(DlO) 270 Laton, (F13) 400 Latrobe, (D8) 260 Laurel, (CI 1) 75 Laverne, (CIO).... 300 Lawndale, (Gl8).. 190 Lawrence, (Dil).. 200 Laws, (GH) 95 Laytonville, (B6).. 100 Lee, (J12) 250 Le Grand, (EH)... 100 Leliter, (F14) ICQ Lemongrove, (H20) 180 Lemoore, (F13)... 1,000 Lewiston, (C4) 240 Likely, (E3) 90 Lincoln, (D8) 1,402 Linden, (D9) 150 Lindsay, (F13).... 1,814 Linne, (El4) 100 Little Lake, (GH). 200 Little River, (B7).. 15C Little Shasta, (C2). 500 Live Oak, (D7) 350 Livermore, (DIO).. 2,030 Livingston, (EH).. 95 Lockeford, (D9)... 610 Lodi, (D9) 2,697 Loleta, (A4) 100 Loma Prieta. (D 11) 100 Lompoc, (E16) 1,482 Lone Pine, (G12).. 25o Longbeach, (G18) 17,809 Long Valley, (E6).. 250 Loomis, (D8) 310 Lordsburg, (H17).. 954 Los Alamitos, (G18) 300 Los Alamos, (El6). 610 Los Angeles, (G17) 319,198 Los Banos, (El 1).. 745 Los Gatos, (Cll).. 2,232 Los Nietos, (G18). 100 Los Olivos, (E16).. 200 Lotus, (E8) 150 Lower Lake, (C8). 500 Ix)wrey, (C6) 100 Loyalton, (E6) 983 Lundy, (F9) 150 Lynch, (E14) 75 McKittrick, (F15). 200 McPherson, (H18). 100 Macdoel, (C2) 75 Madera, (E12).... 2,404 Madison, (C8) 150 Magalia, (D6) 300 Maine Prairie, (D9) 150 Malaga, (F12) 95 Maltermoro, (F12). 80 Mammoth, ((I!4) 650 Manchester, (B8).. 100 Manhattan, (G18). 100 Maricopa, (F15)... 5o6 Mariposa, (Fll)... 450 Markleeville, (F8). 150 Marshall, (C9) 70 Martinez, (C9) 2,115 Marysville, (D7)... 5,430 Matilij'a, (F17)... - 100 Maxwell, (C7) 350 Mayfield, (CH)... 1,041 Melitta, (C9) 200 Mendocino, (B7).. 1,250 Menlo Park, (CI 1). 800 Mentone, (H17)... 300 Merced, (Ell) 3,102 Merced FaIls,(ElQ) 100 Meridian, (D7).... 200 Merrillville, (E4).. 170 Mesa Grande, San Diego Co., (J 19) 100 Mesa Grande, Sonoma Co., (B9) 100 Metz,(D13) 100 Michigan Bar, (E9) 140 Michigan Bluff, (E7) 480 Middletown, (C8). 710 Midland, (F15) 500 Milford, (E5) 130 Millbrae.(ClO),... 240 Mills College, (CIO) 350 Mill Valley, (CIO). 2,551 MiUviiie,(C4) 340 Milpitas, (Dl 1).... 400 Milton, (E9) 400 Miramar, (H20) 100 Mission San Jose, (DIO) 900 Modesto, (DIO)... 4.034 Mohawk, (E6) 80 Mojave, (Gl5) 280 Mokelumne Hill, (E9) 1,000 Moneta. (G18) 95 Monrovia, (H17).. 3,576 Montague, (C2) 274 Montalvo, (F17) 150 ontara, (CH) 100 Montecito, (F17).. 800 Monterey, (D12).. 4,923 Monte Vista. (G17) 140 Montgomery Clreek, (D4) 150 Monticello, (C8) 230 Moores Flat, (E7). 120 Morgan Hill, (Dl 1) 607 Morro, (El5) 100 Moss, (D12) 100 Mott.(C3).....:.. 220 Mountain View, (CH) 1,161 Mount Eden, (CIO) 90 Mount Hebron, (D2) 100 Murphy, (E9) 750 Murrietta, (HIS).. 150 Naj», (C9) 5,791 National City, (H20) 1,733 Natividad, (B12).. 85 Navarro, (B7) 170 Neçdles, (L16).... 1,500 Nelson, (Dó) 100 Nevada City, (E7). 2,689 New Almadén, (DH) 700 Newark, (Cl) 500 Newberry Park,(G17) 90 Newcastle, (D8)... 500 NewhaU,(Gl7) 500 Newman, (DH)... 892 Newport Beach, (H18) 445 Newville, (C6) 100 Nicasio, (C9) 150 Nicolaus, (D8).... 130 Niles, (DIO) 1,500 Nipomo, (El5).... 260 Nipton, (K15) 75 Nord,(D6) 150 Nordhoflf, (Fl7)... 220 Norman, (C7) 250 North Bloomûeld, (E7) 600 Northbranch ,(E9), 80 North Columbia, (D7) 100 North Cucamonga, (H17) 70 Northfork, (Fll).. 130 North San Diego, (H20) 250 North San Juan, (D7) 300 Northwestern, (B7) 110 Nortonville, (DIO). 95 Norwalk, (G18)... 5/0 Novato, (C9) 400 Noyo, (B7) 100 Oak Bar, (C2) 95 Oakdale,(E10) 1,035 Oakland, (CIO). 150,174 Oakley, (D9) 250 Oakville, (C9) 100 Oat Hill, (C8) 200 Occidental, (C9)... 200 Ocean Beach, (H20) 150 Océano, (£15) 250 Oceanpark, (G18). 3,119 Oceanside, (H19).. 673 Ocean View, (CIO) 1,000 Ockenden, (Fll) 70 Olancha, (H13) 170 Oleander, (F12)... 140 Giema, (C9) 300 01eta,(E9) 340 Olig, (F15) 110 Olive, (HI8) 100 Olivenhain, (H19). 120 Ono. (CS) 95 Ontario, (H17) 4.274 Ophir,(D8) 170 Orange, (HIS) 2,920 Orcutt, (E16) 75 Oregon House,(D7) 240 Orland, (C6) 836 Orleans, (B3) 170 Orosi.(F13) 500 Oroville, (D7) 3,859 Otay, (H20) 130 OtU,(J16) 100 Oxnard, (Fl7) 2,555 Pacheco, (CIO) 250 Pacific Beach, (H20) 90 Pacific Grove,(Dl2)2,384 Paicines, (D12) 75 Paige, (F13) 400 Pajaro, (D12) 100 Pala,(Hl9) 100 Palmdale, (G16) 75 Palms, (G17) 150 Palm Springs, 018) 100 Palo Alto, (CH)... 4,486 Palo Cedro, (C5).. 100 Palo Verde, 0.il9). 150 Panoche. (E12) 95 Parkfield, (£14)... 260 Parlier, (F12) 500 Pasadena, (Gl7). 30,291 Paskenta, (C6).... 100 Paso Robles, (EI4) 1,441 Penryn, (D8) 250 Perkins, (D8) 250 Perris,(Hí8) 500 Pescadero, (Cll).. 1,000 Petaluma, (C9) 5,880 Peters, (DIO) 150 Petrolia, (A5) 250 Phillipsville, (B5).- 75 Picacho. (L20).... 260 Pico. (G18) 70 Piedmont,(ClO) .. 1,719 Pike,(D7) 260 Pilot Hill. (E8) 130 Pinchot, (G17) 250 Pine Grove, (E9).. 190 Pinole, (C9) 798 Piru, (G17) 200 Fismo, (EI5) 70 Pitt, (C4) 300 Pittville, (D3) 160 Placerville. (E8) 1,914 Piainfield,(D8).... 170 Piano Del Ray,(G13) 130 Plantation, (B8)... 110 Phya, (G18) 75 Pleasantgrove, (D8) 170 Pleasanton, (DIG). 1,254 Pleasant Valley,(E8) 260 Pleyto, (Din 80 Plymouth, (E9).... 1,500 Point Arena, (B8).. 497 Point Loma, (H20) 100 Point Reyes, (B9).. 200 Point Reyes Station, (C9) 100 Pomona, (H17).,. 10,207 Pope Valley, (C8).. 310 Poplar, (FÍ3) 110 Port Costa, (C9)... 1,000 Portersville, (G13). 2,696 Port Kenyon, (A4). 210 Potter Valley, (B7). 576 Poway, (H20) 180 Pozo,(El5) 100 Prado. (HIS) 150 Prattville, (D5).... 290 Princeton, (C7). 310 Prospect Park, (G17) 100 Puente, (H17) 250 Quartz, (ElO) 200 Quincy, (E6) 520 Ramona, (J19).... 200 Randsburg, (HIS). 1,000 Ranlett, (E9) 100 Raymond, (Fll)... 500 Red Bluff, (C5) 3,530 Redding, (C4) 3,572 Redlands, (H17).. 10,449 Redondo Beach, (G18) 2,935 Redwood City, (CH) :,442 Reediey, (F12) 1,800 Relief, (E7) 150 Requa, (A2) 400 Retreat, (C3) 600 Rialto, (H17) 200 Richmond, (ClO).. 6,802 Rio Dell, (AS) 260 Rio Vista, (D9) 884 Ripoa,(DI0) 160 Riverdale, (F13)... 280 Riverside, (H18).. 15,212 Rocklin, (D8) 1,026 Rodeo, (C9) 100 Rohnervilie, (A4).. 600 Roseboro, (G17)... 200 Rosedale, (F15)... 100 Rosevilie, (D8) 2,608 Ross, (ClO) 556 Rough and Ready, (D7) 140 Round Mountain, (D4) 130 Round Valley, (G H ) 200 Russe! City, (CIO). 200 Rust, (CIO) 500 Rutherford, (C9).. 200 Ryan, (J 13) 130 SACRAMENTO, (D8) 44,696 Saint Helena, (C9). 1,603 Saint John, (C6) 140 Salinas, (D12) 3,736 Samoa, (A4) 130 San Andreas, (E9). 1,700 San Anselmo, (CIO) 1,531 San Ardo, (D13)... 100 San Bernardino, (H17) 12,779 San Bruno, (CIO).. 200 San Carlos, (CH).. 100 San Diego, (H20). 39,578 San Dimas, (H17). 800 San Fernando, (G17) 1,100 San Filipe, (DH).. 300 San Francisco, (CIO) 416,912 San Gabriel, (G17) 700 Sanger, (F12) 2,000 San Gregorio, (CZH) 100 San Jacinto, (HIS). 898 San Jose, (DH).. 28,946 San Juan, (D12).. 326 San Juan Bautista, (D12) 650 San Jtian Capis- trano, (Hl9).... 500 San Leandro, (CIO) 3,471 San Lorenzo, (CIO) 350 San Lucas, (£13).. 550 San Luis Obispo (£15) 5,157 San Luis Rey, (HI9) 300 San Martin, (D11). 400 San Mateo, (CIO).. 4,384 San Miguel, (E14). 600 San Pablo, (CIO).. 500 San Pedro, (G18).. 6,000 San Quentin, (CIO) 300 San Rafael, (ClO).. 5,934 San Ramon, (DIO). 100 San Simeon, (D14). 100 Santa Ana, (H18).. 8,429 Santa Anita, (G17) 100 Santa Barbara, (F17) 11,659 Santa Clara, (CH). 4,348 Santa Cruz, (C12) 11,146 Santa Fe Springs, (G18) 100 Santa Margarita, (E15) 200 Santa Maria, (£16)2,260 Santa Monica, (G17) 7,847 Santa Paula. (F17). 2,216 Santa Rita, (E16).. 150 Santa Rosa, (C9).. 7,817 Santa Ynez, (E16). 250 Saratoga, (Cll) 1,500 Saticoy, (F17) 400 Sausalito, (ClO)... 2,383 Sawtelle, (G17) 2,143 Sawyers Bar, {B3). 270 Scales. (E6) 220 Scotia, (AS) 500 Scott Bar, (B2) 200 Sebastopol, (C9) 1,233 Seiad Valley, (B2). 130 Selby, (C9) 130 Selma, (F12) 1,750 Shasta, (C4) 640 Shasta Springs, (C3) 100 Sheepranch, (E9).. 250 Sheridan, (D8) 240 Shingle, (ES) 200 Shingletown, (D5). 130 Shorb, (G17) 100 Sierra City, (E6) 500 Sierra Madre,(H17) 1,303 Sierraville, (E6)... 350 Silver Lake, (J15). 200 Simons, (G18) 300 Sisson, (C3) 636 Sites, (C7) 100 Smartville, (D7)... 500 Smith River, (A2).. 700 Snelling, (ElO) 400 Soda Bay, (C8).... 500 Soldiers Home, (G17) 2,300 Soledad, (D13). 510 Somerset, (G18)... 200 Somersviile, (DlO). 100 Sonoma, (C9) 957 Sonora, (ElO) 2,029 Soque!, (Dil) 430 Soulsbyviiie, (ElO). 250 South Pasadena, (G17) 4,649 South San Fran¬ cisco, (CIO) 1,989 Spadra, (H18) 100 Spaulding, (G18).. 150 Spenceville, (D7).. 170 Spreckels, (D12)... 100 Standish, (£5) 100 Stanford University, (CH) 750 Stege, (CIO) 500 Stent, (ElO) 100 Stirling City, (D6). 100 Stockton, (DIO).. 23,253 Stonyford, (C7 ).... 300 Strawberry Valley, (D6) 160 SuisunCity, (D9).. 641 Sulphur Creek, (C7) 210 Summerland, (Fl 7) 250 Sunny South, (E7). 250 Sunnyvale, (C H ).. 2 50 Sunolglen, (DIG).. 350 Sunset Beach, (G18) 100 Surrey, (G17) 100 Susanville, (E5) 688 Sutter, (D7) 400 SuttercTeek, (E9).. 2,000 Sweetland, (D7) 250 Sycamore, (C7).... 250 Tablerock, (E6)... 100 Taylor, (C4) 1,500 TaylorsvUle, (E5).. 250 Tehachapi, (Gl5). 385 Tehama, (C5) 221 Temecula, (HIS).. 220 Templeton, (E14). 380 Terminal, (G18)... 100 Terminous, (D9).. 250 Thermal, (J 18).... 700 Thomasson, (C9).. 300 Thornton, (D9). .. 150 Threerivers, (G13). 100 Throop, (B8) 100 Tia Juana, (J20).. 100 Tiburón, (CIO) 260 Tipton, (F13) 450 Tobin, (CIO) 250 Tollhouse, íFH).. 270 Tomales, (C9)..... 420 Towle, (E7) 150 Tracy, (DIO) 430 Traver, (F13) 100 Tres Pinos, (D12). 240 Trópico, (G17).... 100 Truckee, (E7) 1,250 Tulare, (F13) 2,758 Tuolumne, (ElO).. 1,000 Turlock,(EH) 1,573 Tustin, (HIS) 800 Ukiah, (B7) 2.136 Upland, (Hl7) 2,384 Upper Lake, (C7).. 210 Urban, (E8) 300 Vacavilie, (C9).... 1,177 Vallejo, (C9) 11,340 Valleton, (E4) ISO Valley Ford, (C9).. 150 Valley Springs, (E9) 380 Vallicita, (E9) 250 Valyermo, (H17).. 300 Varain, (ElO) 100 Venice, (G18) 5,000 Ventura, (F17).... 2,945 Vernon. (G18) 772 Victorville, (H17).. 100 Vina.CCó) 220 Vineburg, (C9).... 200 Visalia, {Fl3) 4,550 Vista Grande, (CH) 100 Volcano, (E9) 450 Waddington, (A4). 100 Wallace, (E9) 100 Walnut Creek, (CIO) 550 Walnut Grove, (D9) 100 Washington, (E7).. 430 Waterman, (E9) 190 Watsonville, (D12) 4,446 Watts, (G18) 1 922 Weiiverville, (C4).. 1,100 Westminster, (HIS) 580 Westpoint, (E9)... 100 Westport, (B6) 730 West Saticoy, (Fl 7) 100 Wheatland, (D7).. 481 Whitehouse, (C4).. 300 Wbitesboro, (B7).. 160 Whitlock, (ElO)..- 120 Whittier, (H18) 4,550 Wilbur Sprs,(C7) .. 100 Wildomar, (H18).. 100 Williams, ((37) 600 Willits, (B7) 1,153 Willow, (C7) 1,139 Wilmington, (G18) 200 Windsor, (C8) 620 Winehaven, (DIO). 150 Winters, (CS) 910 Witch Creek, (J 19) 100 Woodbridge, (D9). 20^ Woodland, (D8)... 3,187 Woodside, (Cl 1)... 250 Wrights, (DH) 370 Yolo,(D8) 370 Yosemite, (FIO) 100 Yountville, (C9) 310 Yreka, (C2) 1,134 Yuba City, (D7) 1,160 140 (COI ORADO-CONNECTICUT-DELAWARE) INDEX OF THE UNITED STATES COEORADO A«iiilar,(J8) 858 A¿ron. (M2) 647 Alamosa, (G8) 3,013 Alma, CF4) 301 Altman, CH5) 145 Altona, (H2) 110 Ames. (07) 150 Amity, (06) 250 Anaconda, 164 Animas, (CS) 200 Antonito, CG8) 681 Argo, (J3) 200 Arloa, (138) 200 Arrow, (G3) 26 Arvada, (H3) 840 Aspen, (E4) 1,834 Atwoc^, (Mi) 250 Auit,(Jl) 569 Aurora, (J3) 679 AvondaIe,(K6).... 250 Bald Mountain, (G3) 800 Basalt, (E4) 235 Bayfield, (C8) 227 Beacon, (J8) 350 Bellvue,(Hl) 104 Berthoud,(H2).... 758 Berwind, (J8) 600 Beulah, (J6) 300 Blackhawk, (G3).. 668 Blanca. (H7) 350 Bonanza, (F6) 96 Boulder, (H2) 9,539 Breckenridge, (F4) 834 Brighton, (13) 850 Brodhead, (18) 350 Brookside, (H6)... 200 Brush, (L2) 997 Buenavkta, (F5)... 1,041 Buffalo Creek, (H4) ISO Burlington, (04).. 368 Byers,(K3) 130 Calcite, (G6) 200 Calhan,(K4) 130 Cameron, (H5) 146 Campbird, (C7)— 170 Canfield.(H2) 120 Canon City, (H6).. 5,162 Capitol City, (D6). 150 Capulin, (F8) 600 Carbondaie, (D4).. 284 Cardiff, (U3) 180 Carnero, (F7) 250 CaiT,(Jl) 100 Castlerock, (J4)... 365 Cedar Edge, (C5).. 295 Center. (F7) 385 Central City, (G3). 1,782 Cheyenne VVelis, (Ü5) 270 Chivington, (N5).. 130 Chromo, (E8) 130 Coalcreek, (H6).-. 676 Cokedale, (j8) 500 Collbran, (C4) 156 Colorado City, (J 5) 4,333 Colorado Springs, (JO 29,078 Como, (G4) 411 Conejos, (F8) 158 Cortez, (A8) 565 Cotopaxi, (G6)... 120 Coventry, (B6)..,. 400 Craig, (CI) 392 Crawford. (C5) ... 200 Creede (aty), (E7) 741 Creede, (town).... 129 Cresteci Butte, (E5) 904 Crestone, (G7).... 231 Cripple Creek, (HS) 6,206 Crisman (H2) 100 Cucharas, *.J7) 350 Curtis. (J 5) 500 Dacono, (J2) 180 De Buque, (B4) 149 Deckers, (H4) 100 Deep Creek, (El).. 100 Delagua, (J8) 958 Del Norte, (F7).... 840 Delta, (BS) 2,388 DENVER, (H3) 213.381 Dillon, (F3) 134 Divide, (H5) 150 Dolores, (A8) 320 Doyleville. (E6) 150 Dunton, (B7) 100 Durango, (C8) 4,686 Eads, (N5) 200 Eagle, (E3) 186 Eaton, (Jl) 1,157 Edgewater, (H3 )... 712 Edith, (E8) 293 Elbert, (K4) 150 Eldora, (G3) 81 Elizabeth, tj4) 194 Elkton, (H5) 300 Ei Moro, 08) 350 Emma, (D4) 100 Empire, (G3) 179 Engle, (K8) 800 Englewood, (J3)... 2,983 Erie, (J2) 596 Espinoza, (G8).... 400 Estes Park, (G2)... 300 Eureka, (C7) 87 Evans, (J2) 600 Fivergreen, (H3)... 150 Fair Play, (G4) 265 Firestone, (J2) 110 Flagler, (M4) 100 Florence, (H6) 2,712 Floresta, (D5) 150 Florissant, (H5)... 268 Forbes, (18) 400 Fort Collins, (HI). 8.210 Fort Garland, (H8) 200 Fort Logan, (H3).. 2,500 FortLupton, (T2).. 614 Fort Morgan. (L2), 2,800 Fountain, (J5) 431 Fowler, (K6) 925 Frederick, (H2).... 266 Freshwater, (G 5).. 42 Frisco, (F3) 81 Fruita, (A4) 881 Galatea, (M5) 200 Gardner, (H7) 150 Garfield, (F5) 100 Gary, (L2) 200 Georgetown, (G3). 950 Gillett,(H5) 33 GiIman,(F3) 350 Glenwoijd Springs, (D3) 2,019 Golden. (H3) 2,477 Goldfield, (H5).... 1,112 GoldhiU,(H2) ISO Gorham, (H3) 350 Granada, (06) 359 Granby, (G2) 40 Grand Jc, (A4) 7,754 Grand Lake, (G2). 100 Grand Valley, (B3) 300 Granite, (F4) 350 Graycreek, (K8)... 576 Greeley, (J2) 8,179 Green Mountain Falls, (J5) 30 Grommet, (C8).. -. 400 Guffey, (G5) 300 Gulch, (D4) 400 Gunnison, (D5) 1,026 Gypsum. (E3) 300 Hahns Peak, (Dl). 100 Hartman, (06) 130 Hastings, (J8) 693 Haxtum, (NI) 341 Hayden, (D2) 314 Heiberger, (C4)... 100 Henderson, (J3)... 200 Hesperus, (B8).... 200 Higbee, (M7) 170 Highpark, (H5)... 250 Hillrose, (M2) 100 Holly, (06) 724 Holyoke, (Ol) 659 Hooper, (G7) 131 Hotchkiss, (C5).... 600 Howard, (G6) 170 Howardsville, (D7) 300 Hoyt, (K2) 100 Hugo, (M4) 343 Idaho Springs, (G3) 2,154 Iliff,(Ml) 150 Independence, (H5) 800 Ironton, (C7) 48 Tacks Cabin, (E5). 100 Jamestown. (H2).. 157 Jasper, (F8) 300 Johnstown. (J2) 198 luanita. (D8) 100 Julesburg. (Ol) 962 Kersey, (J2) 304 Kiowa, (K 4) 100 Kline, (B8) 500 Kokomo, (F4) 183 Kremmling, (E2).. 141 Lafayette, (H3).... 1,892 Laird, (02) 100 Lajara, (G8) 448 La Junta, (L7) 4,154 Lake City, (D6) 405 Lakeside, (E3). 103 Lamar, (N6) 2,977 La Plata, (C8) 100 Laporte, (Hi) 120 La Salle, (J2) 150 Las Animas. (M6). 2,008 Lasauses, (G8) 160 Lavalley, (HS) 190 La Veta, (H7) 691 Lawrence, (H5)... 62 Lawson, (G3) 100 Leadville, (F4) 7,508 Lime, (J6) 100 Limon, (L4) 534 Littleton, (J3) 1,373 Loma, (A4) 800 Longmont, (J2) 4,256 Loretto, (H3) 170 Louisville, (H3) 1,706 Louviers, (H3) 300 Loveland, (H2) 3,651 Lujane, (C6) 200 Lyons, (H2) 632 Magnolia, (H3).... 100 Maitland.(J7) 350 Majestic, (J8) 150 Manassa, (G8) 788 Mancos, (B8) 567 Manitou, (J5) 1,357 Mai^zanola, (L6).. 428 Marble, (D4) 782 Mead,(J2) 114 Meeker, (C2) 807 Merino, (M2) 100 Mesa. (B4) 100 Milliken, (J2) 100 Minturn, (F3) 241 Mirage, (G6) 120 Moffat, (G6) 100 Molina. (B4) 100 Mont.lair. (J3) 410 Monte Vista, (F7). 2,544 Montezuma, (G3). 134 Montrose, (C6).... 3,254 Monument, (J4)... 149 Morrison, (H3).... 251 Mosca, (G7) 150 Mountain View( J 5) 3 90 Mount Morrison, (H3) 350 Nederland. (H3)... 446 Nevada ville, (G3). 367 Newcastle, (C3)... 493 Newett, (G5) 100 Niwot, (H2) 100 North Creede, (E7) 200 North Longmont, (H2) 260 Norwood, (B6) 212 Nunn,(Jl) 143 Oak Creek, (E2)... 222 Ohio,(E5) 153 Olathe, (C5) 458 Ophir. (C7) 124 Ordvvay, (L6) 705 Ortiz, (F8) 500 Osier, (F8) 130 Ouray, (C6) 1.644 Overland, (H3). 250 Overton, (J6) 180 Oxford, (C8) 500 Pagosa Jc, (G8),... 100 Pagosa S prs, (E8).. 669 Paisaje, (G8) 200 Palisades, (B4).... 900 Palmer, (J4) 150 Palmer Lake, (J4). 163 Paonia, (C5) 1,007 Parker, (J3) 100 Parlin, (E5) 100 Perigo, (G3) 200 Perlas, (C8) 150 Petersburg, (J3)... 100 Piedmont, (J8).... 100 Pierce, (Jl) 350 Pine, (H4) 100 Pinon, (T6) 100 Pitkin, (E5) 250 Platteville, (J2) 430 PonchoSprin 271 Lewes, (H3) 2,158 Lincoln, (H3) 400 Little Creek, (H2L 285 Magnolia, (H2) 210 Marshallton, (Gl). 430 Middletown, (G2). 1,399 Midway, (H3) 100 Milford, (H3) 2,603 Millsboro,(H3).... 451 Millville, (H3) 193 Milton, (H3) 1,038 Montchanin, vGl). 130 Mount Cuba, (Gl). 100 Mount PIeasant,(Gl) 200 Nassau, (H3) 150 Newark, (Gl) 1,913 Newcastle, (ól)... 3,351 Newport, ((rl) 722 Oakel, (G3) 100 Ocean View, (H3). 302 Odessa, (G2) 585 Omar, (H3) 100 Port Penn, ((il)... 299 Redlion, (C*l) 100 Rehoboth, (H3) 327 Risingsun, (G2)... 300 Rockland, (Gl).... 400 Roxana, (H3) 155 Saint Georges, (Gi) 264 Seaford, (G3) 2,108 Selbyville, (H4).... 342 Smyrna, ((j2) 1,843 Stanton, (Gl) 300 Stockley, (H3) 170 Summit Bridge, (Gl) 130 Taylors Bridge, (G2) 250 Townsend, ((j2)... 494 Viola, (G2) 250 Whitesville, ((54).. 1OO Willowgrove, (G2). 200 Wilmington, ((51) 87,411 Winterthur, (Gl).. 220 Wooddale, ((jl)... 200 Woodland, (G3)... 270 Woodside, (G2)..,, 300 Wyoming, (G2).... 517 Yorklyn, ((51) 330 DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA WASHINGTON, (D3) 331.06» INDEX OF THE UNITED STATES FLORIDA (FLORIDA — GEORGIA) 141 Drayton Island, (E2) 100 Dunedin, (D3) 256 Dunnellon, (D2)... 1,227 Durbin, (ßl) 100 Dutton, (D2) 300 Duval, (El) 100 Eagle Lake, (E4).. 100 East Palatka, (E2) 100 Eatonville, (E3)... 108 Eau Gallic, (F3),.. 329 Ebb, (CI) 100 Ebro, (07) 100 Eden, (F4) 230 Egmont, (D4) 100 Eldridge, (E2) 110 Elkton, (E2) 100 Ellaville, (CI) 150 EUenton, (D4) 200 Ellzey, (D2) 250 Emporia, (E2) 120 Enterprise, (E3)... 200 Escambia, (A7) 100 Estero, (E5) 170 Estiffanulga, (Bl) 100 Esto, (Al) 340 Etna, (D3) 300 Eulalia, (El) 100 Eureka, (E2) 500 Eustis, (E3) 910 Eve, (D2) 100 Evinston, (D2).... 100 Fairbanks, (D2) 100 Fairfield, (D2) 120 Falmouth, (CI).... 110 Fanlew, (Bl) 100 Federal Point, (E2) 147 Fernandina, (El).. 3,482 Fessenden, (D2)... 300 Festus, (CI) 300 Flemington, (D2).. 200 Florahome, (E2)... 150 Floral Bluff, (El).. 100 Floral City, (D3).. 488 FogartyviUe, (D4). 250 Forest City, (E3).. 130 Fort Dade, (D4).. 100 Fort De Soto, (D4) 150 Fort George, (El), 100 Fort Green, (E4)., 100 Fort Lauderdale, (F5) 130 Fort McCoy, (E2). 150 Fort Meade, (E4).. 1,165 Fort Myers, (E5).. 2,463 FortOgden, (E4).. 420 Fort Pierce. (F4)... 1,333 Fort White, (D2).. 329 Fountain, (Al) 100 Francis, (E2) 250 Freeman, (D3).... 100 Freeport, (C7) 800 Fruitland Park, (D3) 150 Fulton, (El) 300 Gainesville, (D2).. 6,183 Gamiers, (B7) • 200 Garrett. (D3) 100 Gary, (D4) 350 Genoa, (Dl) 100 Georgetown, (E2). 200 Georgiana, (F3).-. 110 Gillette, (D4) 100 Glen Saint Mary, (Dl) 150 Glenwood, (E2)... 100 Goldsboro, (E3)... 286 Gotha, (E3) 100 Gouiding, (A7) 100 Graceville, (Al)... 734 Graham, (D2) 150 Grahamsviile, (E2). 200 Grandin, (E2) 100 Grand Island, (E3) 100 Grand Ridge, (B1). 300 Greencove Springs, (E2) 1,319 Greensboro, (B1 ).. 175 Greenville, (Cl) 751 Greenwood, (Al).. 400 Gretna, (Bl) 201 Griffin, (E3) 150 Grove City, (DS).. 180 Grove Park, (D2).. 170 Gulf Hammock, (D2) 100 Hague, (D2) 200 Haines City. (E3).. 100 Hallandale, (F5j,.. 100 Hamburg, (C)l).,.. 330 Hampton, (D2) 265 Hampton Sprs, (Cl) 100 Harney, (D3) 200 Harwood, (E2) 100 Hastings, (E2) ... 399 Havana, (Bl) 432 Hawks Park, (F3). 100 Hawthorn, (F2)... 324 Hernando, (D3)... 592 Hihernia, (El) 100 Highland, (El) 300 High Springs, (D2) 1,468 HiUiard, (El) 230 Holder, (D3) 370 Hollister, (E2) 200 Holly Hill, (E2)... 207 Homeland, (E4)... 200 Homosassa, (D3).. ISO Hosford, (Bl) 370 Hudson, (D3) 210 Hull, (E4) 170 Huntington, (E2).. 100 Hurds, (E2) 130 lamonia, (Bl) 190 Inglis, (D2) 300 Interlachen, (E2).. 263 Inverness, (D3).... 350 Inwood, (Bl) 130 Islamorada, (F7).. 150 Island Grove, (D2) 170 Istachatta, (D3) 230 Jacksonville. (El) 57,699 Tanney, (D2) 100 Jasper, (Dl) 1,730 Jennings, (Cl) 480 Jensen, (F4) 200 Johnstown, (Dl).. 120 Jonesville, (D2)... 230 Judson, (D2) 160 Juliette, (D2) 110 Kathleen, (D3).... 120 Kendrick, (D2).... 100 Kent, (Dl) 100 Keuka, (E2) 100 Keystone Park, (D3) 100 Key West, (E7)... 19,945 Kings Ferry, (El).. 230 Kingsford, (E4)... 150 Kingston, (E2).... 200 Kirkwood, (D2)... 110 Kissimmee, (E3)... 2,157 GEORGIA Alachua, (D2) 610 Alalia, (D4) 460 Albert, (E3) 100 Albion, (D2) ISO Alford's, (Al) 150 Altha, (Al) 100 Alton, (Cl) 300 Altoona, (E3) 200 Alva, (E5) 300 Anclote, (D3) 100 Anthony, (D2) 442 Apalachicola, (.\2) 3,065 Apopka, (E3) 410 Arcadia, (E4) 1,736 Arch Creek, (F6). - 200 Archer, (D2) 468 Argyle, (C6) 250 Armstrong, (E2)... 200 Arran, (Bl) 130 Arredonda, (D2)... 300 Ashmore, (Bl) 150 Ashton, (E3) 200 Ashville, (Cl) 250 Auburndale, (E3).. 250 Aucilla, (Cl) 500 Avonpark, (E4).... 230 Bagdad, (B7) 500 Bakers Mill, (Dl).. 100 Baldwin, (El) 620 Barberville, (E2).. 100 Bartow, (E4) 2,662 Bascom, (Al) 100 Bassenger, (F4)... 360 Baxter, (Dl) 130 Bayard, (El) 130 Bayridge, (E3) 140 Belk, (04) 100 BeU,(D2) 243 Belleair, (D4) 130 Belleview, (D2).... 190 Bellville, (Cl) 130 Belmore, (E2) 270 Benhaden, (Bl)... 100 Benton, (Dl) 100 Beresford, (E2).... 100 Blackman, (B6)... 250 Blackpoint, (F6)... 250 Bland, (D2) 100 Blitchton, (D2).... 200 Blount, (D4J 760 Blountstown, (Al). 546 Bluffsprings, (A6). 700 Boardman, (D2)... 150 Bonifay, (Al) 922 Boulogne, (El) 100 Bowling Green, (E4) 422 Boynton, (F5) 200 Bradentown, (D4). 1,886 Brandon, (D4).... 100 Branford, (D2) - 620 Bristol, (Bl) 800 Bronson. (D2) 800 Brooksville, (D3).. 979 Bryceville, (Dl) 100 Buckingham, (E5). 170 Buena Vista. (F6).. 100 Bushnell. (D3).... 940 Byrd, (E2) 200 Callahan, (El) 440 Calvary, (D2) 180 Campbell, (E3).... 300 Campbellton. (Al). 100 Campville. (D2)... 260 Candler, (E2) 200 Capps, (CD 300 Abbeville, (E8) • a • « 1,201 Aeree, (D9) 200 Acworth, (B3) 1,043 Ada, (D8) 100 Adabelle, (H7).... 100 Adairsville, (B3)... 751 Adel,(E9) 1,092 Adrian, (F6) 816 Aikenton, (D5)—. 99 Alley, (F7) 306 Aimar, (H8) 100 Ainslie, (E7) 200 Alamo, (F7) 249 Albany ,(C8) 8,190 Alexanderville, (FIO) 200 Aline. (G7) 100 Aliapa^, (E9).— 532 Aliatoona, (B3).— 100 Allentown, (E6) — 150 Alpharetta, (C3)— 356 Altamaha. (G8).... 100 Alto. (D2) 109 Ambrose, (F8) 100 Americus, (C7) 8,063 Amsterdam. (CIO). 250 Andersonville, (C7) 174 Apalachee, (D4)... 481 Appling, (G5) 200 Arabi, (D8) 433 Aragon, (A3) 1,200 Arcadia, (J8) 150 Argyle, (F9) 280 Arlington, (B9) 1,308 Armena, (C8) 162 Ashburn, (D8) 2,214 Ateo, (B3) 200 Athens, (E4) 14,913 Atkinson, (H9) 200 ATLANTA, (C4) 154,839 Atlanta Heights, (C4) 100 Attapulgus, (BIO).. 360 Atwater, (C6) 59 Auburn. (D3) 217 Augusta, (H5).... 41,040 Auraria, (C3) 150 Austell, (B4) 7,55 Autreyvfile, (D9).. 200 Avalon, (E3) 60 Captiva, (D5) 150 Carrabelle, (B2)... 900 Gary ville, (C6).... 150 Cassia, (E3) 100 Caxambus, (E6 J 100 Cedar Keys, ((^2).. 864 Center Hill, (E3).. 299 Centerville, (Bl)... 110 Century, (A6) 100 Chaires, (Bl) 180 Champaign, (Cl).. 100 Charlotte Harbor, (D4) 270 ChasevUle, (El)... 250 Chattahoochee, (Bl) 500 Cherrylake, (Cl).. HO Chester, (El) 310 Chipley, (Al) 1,099 Christina, (E4).... 200 Christmas, (E3)... 200 Chuluota, (E3) 200 Chumuckla, (B6),. 300 Citra, (D2) 394 Citronelle, (D3)... 550 Citypoint, (F3).... 150 Clark, (D2) 100 Clarksville, (Al) 400 Clearwater, (D4).. 1,171 Clermont, (E3).... 300 Cleveland, (E5).,. 150 Cocoa, (F3) 613 Cocoanutgrove,(F6) 850 Coldwater, (A6)... 100 Coleman, (D3) 387 Columbia, (Dl)... 200 Concord, (Bl) 250 Conway, (E3) 310 Cook, (Al) 150 Coquina, (El) 150 Cottagehill, (A6)... 130 Cottondale, (Al)... 500 Courtenay, (F3)... 130 Cow Creek, (FD.. 100 Crainlyn, (E7) 130 Crawford, (El).... 100 Crawfordville, (Bl) 300 Crescent City, (E2) 677 Crestview, (B6).... 100 Crewsville, (E4)... 420 Groom, (D3) 300 Cross Bayou, (D4). 100 Crows Bluff, (E3).. 100 Crystal River, (DD 663 Cutler, (F6) 150 Cypress, (Al) 100 Dade City, (D3)... 1,066 Daisy, (E2) 100 Dallas, (D3) 200 Dania. (F5) 283 Darlington, (C6)... 100 Day, (CD 250 Daytona, (D2) .... 3,082 Davtona Beach, (F2) 331 De Funiak Springs, (B6) 2,017 De Land, (E2) 2,812 Deleon Sprs,(E2).. 216 Dellwood, (Al) 200 Delta, (A6) 110 Denaud, (E5) 100 DeVon, (D2) 150 Dexter. (E2) 150 Doublesink. (D2).. 100 Dover, (D3) 110 Dowling Park, (DO 200 Avera,(G5)....... 228 Babcock, (B9) 402 Baconton, (C8).... 391 Baden, (DIO) 300 Bainbridge, (BIO). 4,217 Bairdstown, (E4).. 100 Baldwin, (D3) 280 Ball Ground, ((33). 448 Bamboo, (H9) 300 Banning, (A4) 470 Bannockbum, (E9) 350 BarnesvUIe, (C5).. 3,068 Barnett, (F5) 450 Barney, (DIO) 303 Bartow, (F6) 384 Barwick, (DIO).... 381 Batson, (E7) 100 Battle HUl, (C4)... 300 Baxley, (G8) 831 Beach, (F9) 358 Beards Creek, (H8) 150 Beaumont, (A2)... 150 Belfast, (J8) 300 Bellton, (D3) 193 Bellville, (G7) 400 Bemiss, (ElO) 100 Bethlehem, (D4)... 209 Between, (D4)..., 104 Beverly, (F3) 14 Bibb City, (B7)... 463 Big Creek, (C3)... 200 Bingen, (BIO) 200 Birmingham, (C3). lOO Bishop, (E4) 268 Blackshear, (G9).. 1,235 Blairsville, (D2)... 203 Blakely, (A9) 1,838 Blanton, (ElO) 100 Bloomingdale, (J7) 100 Blue Ridge, (C2).. 898 Bluffton, (BS) 325 Blythe, (G5) 100 Bochee, (B3) 300 Bogart, (D4) 257 Bold Springs, (D4) 111 Bolingbroke, (D6). 144 Bolton, (C4) 150 Bolway, (A3) 100 Boston, (DIO) 1,130 Bostwick, (D4).... 333 Bowdon, (A4) 541 Bowersville, (E3).. 398 Bowman, (E3)..,., 738 Boxspring, (B6)... 100 Boyd. (J6) 100 Boykin, (B9) 64 Brag, (H7) 100 Braganza, (G9)..., 100 Braswell, (B3).... 95 Bremen, (A4) « 890 Brentwood, (G8).. 100 Brewton, (F6) 214 Bridgeboro, (D9).. 350 Bridgetown, (E9).. 130 Brinson, (BIO).... 707 Bristol, (G9) 198 Bronwood, (C8).,. 465 Brooklet, (H7) 361 Brooks, (C5) 200 Broxten, (F8) 1,040 Brunswick, (J9).. 10,182 Buchanan, (A4)... 462 Buckhead, (E4)... 384 Buenavista, (C7)-- 1.016 Buford, (D3) 1,683 Bullochville, (B6).. 204 Burroughs, (J8)... 130 Burtsboro, (C2)... 250 Burwell. (A4) 150 Bushnell, (F8) 173 Butler, (C6) 705 Butts, (G6) 100 Byromville, (D7).- 300 Byron, (D6) 300 Cadwell, (E7) 154 Cairo, (CIO) 1,505 Calhoun, (B3) 1,652 Camak, (F5) 241 Camilla, (C9) 1,827 Campania, (GD- • • 300 Campbellton. (B4)- 110 Campton, (D4) ... 145 Canoe Station, (G7) 100 Canon, (E3) 728 Canton, (B3) 2,002 Capel, (CIO) 100 Cantolo, (H6) 100 Carbondale, (B2).. 100 Carl, (D3) 166 Carlton, (E3) 325 Camesville, (E3).. 322 Caroline, (B7) 150 Carrollton, (A4)... 3,297 Carrs Station, (E5) 100 Carsonvillc, (C6).. lOu Cartecay, (CD--.. 150 Cartersville, (B3)-- 4,067 Cass Station, (B3). 150 Cassville, (B3).... 500 Cavespring, (A3).. 805 Cecü,(E9) 354 Cedartown, (A4)... 3,551 Cement, (B3) 100 Center, (E3) 208 Centralhatchee(A5) 119 Chalybeate, (B6).. 147 Chamblee, (C4)... 129 Charing, (C7) 100 Chatsworth, (B2).. 314 Chattahoochee, (C4) 1,000 Chauncey, (E7)..« 350 Cherokee, (B3).... 100 Chester, (E7) 278 Chestlehurst, (C5). 150 Chestnut Mountain, (D3) too Chickamauga, (A2) 312 China Hill, (E8)... 180 Chipley, (B6) 742 Clarkesville,(D2).. 528 Clarkston, (C4).... 349 Claxton, (H7) 1,008 Clayton, (E2) 541 Clelland, (E9) 150 Cleveland, (D2)... 200 Clifton, (J8) 800 Climax, (CIO) 328 Clinton, (D6) 350 Clyde, (J7) 100 Cly(f, (J7) 200 Coal Mountain, (C3) 100 Cobbtown, ((>7) 254 Cochran, (E7) 1,638 Coffee, (G9) 150 Cohutta, (B2) 320 Colbert, (E3) 255 Cole City, (At).... 700 Coleman, (B8) 354 (^ollegepark. (C4). 2,173 Collins. (G7) 327 Colnuitt. (B9) 600 Columbus, (B7^.. 20,554 Comer, (E3) 868 Commerce, (E3)... 2,238 Concord, (CS) 450 Komoko, (D2) 200 Labelle, (E5) 100 Lacoochee, (D3)... 150 La Crosse, (D2)— 350 Lady Lake, (E3)... 110 L»ake Butler, (Dl). 685 Lake City, (Dl)... 5,032 Lake Como, (E2).. 200 Lake Helen, (E3).. 646 Lake Jackson, (Bl) 100 Lakeland, (D3) 3,719 Lake Maitland, (E3) 157 Lake Mary, (E3).. 100 Lake Weir, (E2)... 100 Lake wood, (E6)., 360 Lamont, (Cl) 490 Largo, (D4) 291 Laurelhill, (B6).,.. 316 Lawtey, (Dl) 492 Lecanto, (D3) 130 Lee, (Cl) 300 Leesburg, (E3) 991 Lemon City, (F6).. 600 Lessie, (El) 150 Levon, (D3) 300 Levyville, (D2) 400 Limona, (D4) 100 Lisbon, (E3) 200 Little River, (F6).. 300 Liveoak, (Cl) 3,450 Lloyd, (Bl) 300 Lochloosa, (D2)... 110 Longwood, (E3)... 200 Loretto, (El) 100 Lotus, (F3) 100 Loughman, (E3)... 100 Lovett, (Cl) 150 Lowell, (D2) 100 Lukens, (C2) 200 Lulu, (Dl) 100 Lumberton, (D3).. 200 Luraville, (Ci).... 320 McAlpin, (Dl).... 100 Mcintosh, (D2)--. 300 McRae, (E2) 100 Macclenny, (Dl)-- 388 Madison, (Cl) 1,560 Maitland, (E3).... 140 Manatee, (D4).... 988 Manavista, (D4).. . 100 Mandarin, (El)... 550 Maple, (D3) 150 Marco, (E5) 100 Margaretta, (Dl).. 100 Marianna, (Al)-.- 1,915 Martel, (D2) 160 Mascotte, (E3),... 100 Mayo, (Cl) 578 Mayport, (El) 441 Maytown, (F3).... 100 Melbourne, (F3)... 157 Melrose, (D2) 245 Meredith, (D2).... 400 Miakka, (D4) 100 Miami, (F6) 5,471 Micanopy, (D2)... 613 Mrccosukee, (BD.. 130 Middleburg, (El).. 340 Midland, (E4) 100 Midway, (Bl) 150 Millcreek, (E2) 100 Milligan, (B6) 100 Millvicw, (A7) 500 Millville, (Al) 1,200 Milton, (B6) 831 Minneola, (E3).... 150 Condor, (F6) 100 Conley,(C4) 100 Constantine, (D3). 100 Conyers, (D4) 1,919 Cook.svüle, (A5)... 100 Coolidge, (DlO)... 303 Cordele, (D8) 5,883 Corinth, (A5) 147 Cork,(D5) 150 Cornelia, (E3) 1,114 Corsica, (G7) ISO Cotton, (C9) 290 Council, (FIO) 250 Covington, (D4) 2,697 Covington Mills, (D4) ISO Grandau, (B2) 220 Crawford, (E4).... 871 Crawfordville, (F5) 688 Creighton, (C3)-..« 300 Crest, (C6) 159 Crosland, (D9).... 198 Culloden, (C6).... 365 Culverton, (F5) 340 Gumming, (C3).... 305 Cusseta, (B7) 341 Cuthbert, (B8) 3,210 (iyrene, (BIO) 150 Dacula, (D4) 169 Daifin, (H6) 100 Dahlonega, (C3)... 829 Daisy, (H7) 200 Dallas, (B4) 1,259 Dalton, (A2) 5,324 Damascus, (B9)... 100 Danburg, (F4) 272 Dand,(F9) 200 Danielsville, (ES).. 323 Danville, (E6) 299 Darien, (J9) 1,391 Dasher, (ElO) 100 Davisboro, (F6)... 589 Dawson, (C8) 3,827 Dawsonville, (C2) . 179 Dearing, (GS) 100 Debruce, (H5) 100 Decatur, (C4) 2.466 Deépstep (F6) 149 Deercourt, (E2).... 100 Delko, (BIO) too Demorest. (E2).... 760 Denton, (F8"^ 300 Modello, (F6) 100 Molino, (A6) 220 Montbrook, (D2).. 295 Montevista, (E3).. 180 Monticello, (Cl)... 1,829 Montverde, (E3)... 120 Alorriston, (D2)... 296 Morse, (E3) 280 Moseley Hall, (Cl) 300 Mossbluff, (E2).... 280 Mount Dora, (E3). 371 Mount Pleasant, (Bl) 250 Mulat, (B6) 100 Mulberry, (D4).... 1,418 Muscogee, (A6).... 100 Naranja, (F6) 500 Narcoossee, (E3).. 120 Nashua, (E2) 200 Nassauville, (El).. 100 Needmore, (D3) 130 New Augustine, (E2) 1,284 New Berlin, (El).. 230 Newberry, (D2)... 816 New River, (D2)... 130 New Smyrna, (F2). 1,121 Newtown, (D2).... 300 Niceville, (B7) ... 150 Nichols, (D4) 500 Nixon, (Al) 180 Nocatee, (E4) 250 Noma, (Al) 806 Norwalk, (É2) 120 OakhiIl,(F3) 100 Oakland, (E3) 211 O'Brien, (Dl) 280 Ocala,(D2) 4,370 Ocoee, (E3) 130 Ojus, (F6) 150 Okahumpka, (E3). 200 Olive, (A7).. 100 Olney, (F4) 150 Olustee, (Dl) 300 Orangebend, (ES). 100 Orange City, (E3). 490 Orange Heigdts, (D2) 150 Orangepark, (El). 372 Orange Sprs, (E2).. 200 Orient, (D4) 300 Orlando, (E3) 3,894 Ormond, (E2) 780 Osteon, (E3) 300 Oviedo, (E3) 550 Oxford, (D3) 330 Pablo Beach, (El). 249 Paisley, (E3) 100 Palatka, (E2) 3,779 Palatka Heights, (E2) 367 Palm Beach, (F5).. 400 Palmetto, (D4) 773 Panama City, (El) 422 Panama Park, (EJ.) 100 Panasoffkee, (D3). 200 Paola, (E3) 100 Parish, (D4) 100 Pauway, (E3) 200 Pedro, (D3) 250 Pensacola, (B7).. 22,982 Perry, (Cl) 1,012 Picolata, (E2) 200 Piedmont, (E3).... 100 Pierce, (E4) 200 Pierson, (E2) 250 Pme,(D2) 120 Desoto, (08) 228 Devereux, (F5).... 250 Dexter, (F7) 550 Dickey, (B9) 173 Diffee, (BIO) 400 Diliard, (E2) 106 Dixie, (DlO) 242 Doctor Town, (HS) 100 Dodge, (A2) 700 Doerun, (D9) 630 Donald, (H8) 150 Donalsonville, (B9) 747 Dooling. (D7) 163 Doraville, (C4).... 147 Dorchester, (J8)... 250 Douglas, (F9) 3,550 Douglasville, (B4). 1,462 Dover, (H6) 150 Draketown, (A4).. 100 Dublin, (F7) 5,795 Duluth, (C3) 469 Du Pont, (F9) 342 East ElHjay, (C2).. 291 East Lake (C4) 73 Eastman, (E7) 2,355 East Point, (B4) 3,682 East Thomaston, (C6) 385 Eastville, (D4).... 127 Eatonton, (E5) 2,036 Eden, (J7) 100 Edgewood, (C4)... 2,600 Edison, (B8) 841 Edith, (FIO) 100 Egan,(C4) 200 E^ypt, (J7) 400 Elberton, (E3) 6,483 Eldorendo, (B9) 130 Elizabeth, (B4).... 123 Elko, (D7) 273 Ellabell, (J7) 250 Ellaville, (C7) 672 Ellerslie, (B6) 100 Ellijav, (02) 659 Elmodel, (B9) 150 Elsie, (G9) 300 Emerson, (B3) 316 Emit, (H7) 100 Emoire. (E7) 250 Enal, (H7) 100 Enecks, (T6) 150 Enigma, (E9) 338 Pine Barren, (A6)., 300 Pinecastle, (E3).., 100 Pinehurst, (El).... 150 Pinemount, (Dl).. 200 Pinetta, (Cl) 100 Plant City, (D3)... 2,481 Planter, (F6) 300 Piatt, (D4) 200 Point Washington, (B7) 300 Pomona, (E2) 301 Ponce De Leon, (C6) 200 Ponce Park, (F2).. 150 Portland, (B6) 100 Port Orange, (E2). 200 Port Tampa, (D4). 100 Port Tampa City, (D4) 1,343 Potolo,(C6) 100 Princeton, (F6) 100 Providence, (D2).. 300 Punta Gorda, (ES). 1,012 Putnam Hall, (E2). 100 Quincy, (Bl) 3,204 Reddick, (D2) 498 Redland, (F6) 130 Redlevel, (D2) ISO Rio, (F4) 100 River Je, (Bl) 100 Rochelle, (D2) 200 Rockledge, (F3)... 100 Rockwell, (D2).... 100 Rosalie, (E4) 100 Rosewood, (D2) 300 Sagano, (D3) 150 Saint Andrew, (AI) 675 Saint Augustine, (E2) 5,494 Saint Catherine, (D3) 100 Saint Cloud, (E3).. 600 Saint Francis, (E2) 100 Saint Joseph, (D3). 200 Saint Leo, (D3) 100 Saint Marks, (Bl). 200 Saint Nicholas, (El) 350 Saint Petersburg, (D4) 4,127 Sampson, (D2).... 100 San Antonio, (D3). 131 Sanborn, (Bl) 150 Sanderson, (Dl)... 100 Sanford, (E3) 3,570 Sanibel, (D5) 100 San Mateo, (E2) 110 Sarasota, (D4) 840 Seabreeze, (F2).... 308 Sebastian, (F4).... 220 Seffner, (D3) 300 Seville, (E2) 200 Shady Grove, (Cl). 100 Silas,(C6) 200 Silver Spring, (E2). 100 Smithcreek, (Bl).. 150 Sneads, (Bl) 506 Socrum, (E3) 160 Sopchoppy, (Bl)... 192 Sorrento, (E3) 210 South Jacksonville, (El) 1,147 South Lake Weir, (D3) 100 South Port, (Al) 200 Spring Garden, (E2) 250 Enterprise, (E5).. . 100 Epworth, (C2).... 218 Esomhill, (A4). ... 150 Eton, (B2) 307 Etna, (A4) 80 Eudora, (D5) 200 Euharlee, (B3) 200 Evelyn, (J 9) 200 Everett City, (H9). 150 Ewing, (FIO) 200 Experiment, (CS).. 500 Faceville, (BIO)... 330 Fairburn, (B4).... 1,395 Fairfax, (F9) 100 Fairmount, (B3)... 326 Fargo, (FÍO) 300 Farmdale, (B5).... 100 Farmington, (E4).. 300 Fayetteville, (B5).. 709 Felton, (A4) 100 Ficklin, (F4) 211 Finleyson, (D7).... 232 Fish, (A4) 100 Fitzgerald, (E8)... 5,795 Fleming, (J8) 200 Flemington, (H8).. 100 Flint, (C9) 100 FIntstone, (A2) 142 Flippen, (C4) 150 Florence, (A7) 150 Flovilla, (D5) 495 Flowery Branch, (D3) 373 Folkston, (GIG)... 355 Folsom, (B3) 100 Forest Park, (C4).. 173 Forsyth, (D5) 2,208 Fort Gaines, (A8).. 1,320 Fort Screven. (J8). 500 Fort Valley, (D6).. 2,697 Fowlstown, (BIO).. 250 Franklin. ÍA5) 340 Frazier, (E7) 95 Freehomes. (C3)... 200 Freemansville, (C3) 100 Fruitland, (FIO)... 200 Fry.(C2) 326 Funston, (D9) 236 Gainesville, (D3).. 5,925 Gardi, (H9) 100 Garfield, (G6) 319 Gay, (B5).- 210 Springhill, (Bl).... 200 Starke. (D2) 1,135 Steinhatchee, (C2). 150 Stuart, (F4) 500 Summerfield, (D2). 230 Summit, (E2) 120 Sumterville, (E3).. 200 Survey, (E5) 200 Sutherland, (D3).. 100 Suwanee, (Cl) 200 Svea, (B6) 150 Sweetwater, (E4).. 150 TALLAHASSEE, (Bl) 5,018 Tampa, (D4) 37,782 Tangerine, (E3)... 100 Tarpon Sprs, (D3). 2,212 Tavares, (E3) 175 Taylorville, (E3)... 100 Telogia, (Bl) 300 Terrell, (D3) ISO Thonotosassa, (D3) 300 Titusville,(F3).... 868 Tompkins, (Al)... 200 Trenton, (D2) 304 TrUby, (D3) 290 Turners, (ES) 100 Tyler, (D2) 300 Umatilla, (E3).... 283 Verdie, (El) 100 Vereen, (Bl) 100 Vernon, (Al) 160 Vicksburg, (Al) 300 Waldo, (D2) 540 WalkiIl,(E2) 150 Warrington, (B7).. 2,200 Watertown, (Dl).. 250 Wauchula, (E4) .. 1,099 Waukeenah, (Cl).. 300 Wausau, (Al) 400 Webster, (D3) 301 Weirsdale, (E3).,., 150 Welaka, (E2) 294 Welcome, (D4) 100 Wellborn, (DO.... 247 West Bay, (C7) 100 Westlake, (Cl).... 350 West Palm Beach, (F5) 1,743 West Pompano, (F5) 269 West Tampa, (D4) 8,258 Westville, (C6).... 870 Wewahitchka, (Al) 250 White City, (F4)... 350 White Springs, (Dl) 1,177 Whitfield, (B7) 250 Wildwood, (D3)... 329 Willeford, (D2).,.. 200 Williston, (D2).... 371 Wilmarth, (Cl).... 180 Windsor, (D2) 300 Winter Garden, (E3) 351 Winterhaven,(E3). 410 Winter Park, (E3), 570 Wiscon, (D3) 100 Woodville, (Bl)... 100 Yalaha, (E3) 100 Youkon, (El) 150 Yulee,(El) 250 Zellwood, (E3).... 100 Zephyrhills, (D3).. 500 Zorfo,(E4) 171 Zuber, (D2) 100 Geneva, (B6) 210 Georgetown, (A8). 313 Gibson, (F5) 367 GiilsvUle, (D3).... 216 Girard, (HS) 227 Glenmore, (F9).... 200 Glennville, (H8) 640 Glenwood, (F7),.. 347 Glovers, (DS) ISO Godfrey, (E5) 337 Goodhope, (D4)... 151 Gooding, (H7)..... 130 Gordon, (E6) 702 Gordy, (D9) 100 Graham, (G8) 193 Grantville, (B5)... 1,132 Gratis, (D4) 95 Gray, (D5) 100 Graymont, (G7)... 4Í7 Grayson, (D4) 278 Graysviile, (A2)... 152 Green, (H7) 100 Greensboro, (E5).. 2,120 Greenville, (B5)... 909 Greshamville, (E4) 150 Griffin, (C5) 7,478 Griswoldville, (E6) 100 Grovania, (D7) 6l Groveland, (H7)... 350 Grovetown, (G5).. 558 Guysie, (F9) 150 Guyton, (J7) 545 Habersham, (D2).. 200 Haddock, (E6).... 312 Hagan, (H7) 784 Hahira, (ElO) 650 Halcyondale, (J6).. 100 Hamilton, (B6).... 403 Hammett, (C6).... 250 Hampton, (C5).... 1,093 Hapeville, (C4) 864 Haralson, (B5) 174 Harlem, (G5) 736 Harrison, (F6) 383 Harrisonville, (G5) 1,882 Hartsfield, (D9)... 150 Hartwell, CF3) 2,007 Harvest, (D2) 200 Harville, (H7) 100 Hastv. (F9) 100 Hawkinsville. (E7). 3,420 Hayneville, (D7)... 100 142 (GEORGIA-IDAHO-ILLINOIS) INDEX OF THE UNITED STATES Hazlehurst, (F8)... 1,181 Heardville, (C3) 100 Heartsease, (E9)... 100 Helena, (F8) 890 Hemphill, (C4) 100 Henderson, (D7),.. 130 Hephzibah, (G5).. 656 Hermann, (H9) 190 Hemdon, (H6) 100 Herod, (C8) 214 Hiawassee, (D2) 226 Hickox, (H9) 231 Higgston. (F7) 207 High Shoals, (E4).. 550 High Tower, (C3).. 100 HiUsboro.CDS) 209 Hilton, (A9) 93 Hinesvifle, (H8)... 174 Hiram, (B4) 254 Hvett, (F6) 165 Ludowici, (H8). 541 LudvUle, (B3) 100 Luella, (C5) 100 Lula, (D3) 309 Lulaton.(H9) 150 Lumber City, (F8). 1,195 Lumpkin, (B7).... 1,140 Luthersville, (B5).. 349 Lyerly,(A3) 322 Lyons, (G7) 927 Lytle, (A2) 200 McCall, (B3) 100 McCan, (H8) 100 McOysville (C2)., 1,253 McDonald, (F9)... 250 McDonough, (C5). 882 Mcintosh, (J8).... 310 McKinnon, (H9).. 100 McRae, (F8) 1,160 McRaeville, (CIO). 100 Mabel, (H9) 150 Mableton, (B4).,.. 300 Machen, (D5) 160 MachineryCity(B4) 74 Macon, (D6) 40,665 Maiiison, (E4) 2,412 Madras, (B5) 100 Malone, (D8) 300 Malvern, (G6) 100 Manassas, (H7).... 200 Manchester, (B6^.. 922 Manor, (F9) 270 Carey, (E6) 700 Carmen, (E4) 200 Castle Creek. (B6). 100 CataIdo,(B2) 100 Cavendish, (B3).... 100 Centerville, (C6)... 130 Central, (G7) 100 Challis, (D5) 338 Chapin,(G6) 130 Cherrycreek, (F7)... 100 Chester, (G6) 250 Chesterfield, (G7)... 330 ChUly,(E5) 110 Clarkfork,(Bl).... 100 Clawson, (G6),,... 310 Clayton, (D5) 100 Clearwater, (C3)... 100 Cleveland, (G7).... 150 Clifton, (F7) 500 Coeur d'Aleñe, (B2) 7,291 Colburn,(Bl) 100 Conant, (E7) 100 Concord, (C4) 100 Cottonwood, (B4). 555 Council, (B5) 312 Crawford, (C5).... 100 Culdesac, (B3) 436 Cuprum, (B4) 100 Custer, (D5) 200 Delamar, (B6) 500 Dempsey, (G7).... 310 Denver. (B4) 100 Desmet. (B2) 200 Dewey, (B6) 150 Downev. (F7) 300 Driggs,(G6) 250 Dubois, (F5) 200 Eagle, (B6) 150 Mansfield, (D5)... 589 Mapieton.see Cot¬ ton 290 Marblehill, (C3)... 400 Marietta, (B4) 5,949 Marion, ((Í2) 300 Marlow, (J7) 100 Marshaiiville, (C7). 1,082 Martin, (E3) 377 Mason, (A5) 100 Massee, (E9) 150 Matthews, (G5)... 210 Maxeys, (E4) 334 Mayfield, (F5) 100 Maysville, (E3) 805 Meansville, (C5)... 233 Mears, (H6) 130 Meigs, (C9) 697 Meinhard, (J7).... 140 Meldrim ,(J7) 3 00 Melrose, (ElO).... 100 Menlo, (A3) 276 Meriwether, (E5).. 100 Merrillvilie. (DIO). 109 Mesena,(FS) 150 Metcalf, (DIO).... 314 Metter, (G7) 408 Midland, (B6) 110 Midville, (G6) 603 Milan, (E8) 287 Milford,(C9) 100 MUledgeville, (E5). 4,385 Millen, (H6) 2,030 Millerville, (E7)... 400 Millhaven,(H6)... 1,000 Mill Ray, (H7).... 100 Mültown, (E9).... 1,247 Millwood, (F9).... 100 Milner,(C5) 400 Milstead, (C4) 900 Mineóla, (ElO).... 100 Mineralbluff, (C2). 338 Mitchell, (F5) 212 Mobley,(H6) 150 Modoc, (G6) 200 Moleña, (C5) 398 Moniac, (GIO) 184 Monroe, (D4) 3.029 Monte, (G7) 300 Montezuma, (D7). 1,630 Monticello, (D5)... 1.508 Moreland,(B5).... 312 Morgan, (B9) 302 Morganton, (C2).. 195 Morrison, (H7).... 100 Morrow, (C4) 250 Morven, (DIO).... 383 Moultrie, (D9).... 3,349 Mountain City, (E2) 158 Mountain Scene, (D2) 250 Mount Airy, (E2).. 256 Mount Vernon, (F7) 605 Mountville, (B5)... 226 Moye, (B8) 100 Musella, (C6) 100 Myers, (H7) 100 Myrtle, (D7) 100 Mystic*, (E8) 140 Nacoochee, (D2)... 200 Nahunta, (G9).... 150 Nashville, (E9)..,. 990 Naylor, (ElO) 538 Egin,(G6) 130 Elba,(E7) 300 Elk City, (C4) 200 Emmett, (B6) 1,351 Fairview, (F7) 400 Farnum, (G6) 200 Featherviile, (C6).. 100 Ferciinand, (B3).... 140 Filer, (D7) 214 Firth, (F6) 100 Fishhaven,(G7)... 100 Fletcher, (B3) 150 Forney, (D5) 100 Franklin, (G7) 534 Fruitland,(B5).... 100 Garden VaUey,(B 5) 150 Gem,(C2) 375 Genesee, (A3) 742 Geneva, (H7) 170 Gentile Valley, (F7) 200 Georgetown, (G7).. 410 Gibbonsville, (E4). 500 Gibbs, (B2) 100 Gifford, (B3) 153 Gilbert, (B3) 100 Gilmore,(E5) 100 Glenns Ferry, (C6) 800 Glenwood, (C4).... 100 Gooding, (D6) 1,444 Grangeville, (C4). . 1,534 Granite, (Bl) 250 Grant, (F6) 200 Gray,(G6) 200 Haden, (G6) 500 Hagerman, (D7)... 100 Hailey, (D6) 1,231 Harpster, (C3) 100 Harrisburg, (C3)... 110 Harrison, (B2) 932 Needham,(G9).... 150 NeUievüle, (G5)... 503 Nellwood, (H7).... 100 Nelson, (C3) 550 Newborn, (D4).... 475 NeweU, (HlOl 200 New England City, (Al) 139 New Holland, (D3) 2,000 Newnan, (B5) 5,548 Newton, (C9) 364 Nicholls, (F9) 720 Nicholson, (E3)... 167 NieUy,(F8) 200 Nile, (DIO) 200 Nona, (E5) 350 Norcross, (C4) 968 Norman Park, (D9) 648 Norristown, (F7) .. 87 North Rome, (A3). 300 Norwood, (F5).... 340 Nuberg, (F3) 100 Nunez, (G7) 174 Nye, (F5) 300 Oakfield, (D8) 276 Oakhurst, (C4).... 233 Oakland, (B5) 100 Oak Park, (G7)... 144 Oakwood, (D3).... 110 Ochlochnee, (ClO). 350 OcUla, (E8) 2,017 Odessadale, (B5).. 161 Odum, (G8) 258 Offerman, (G9).... 483 Ogeechee, (H6).... 130 Oglethorpe, (C7).. 924 Ohoopee, (G7) .... 101 Ola,(C5) 150 Oliver, (J6) 243 Olympia, (ElO).... 200 Omaha, (B7) 209 Omega, (D9) 274 Orange, (C3) 100 Orchard Hill, (C5). 100 Orland, (F7) 457 Orsman, (A3) 100 Osierfield,(E8).... 300 Ousley, (ElO) 100 Owensbyville, (AS) 150 Owens Ferrv, (HIO) 200 Oxford, (D5) 655 Ozell,(D10) 200 Palmetto, (B4) 922 Parish, (H7) 100 Parrott, (B8) 360 Patten, (DIO) 32 Patterson, (G9).... 264 Pavo, (DIO) 572 Payne, (B3) 100 Pearson, (F9) 558 Pelham, (C9) 1,880 Pembroke, (H7)... 467 Pendergrass, (D3). 239 Penfield, (E4) 475 Pepperton, (D5)... 454 Perkins, (H6) 230 Perry, (D7) 649 Pettvvme,(G9).... 150 Pfeiffer, (J6) 150 Phinizv, (G4) 100 Pidcock.(DlO).... 310 Pinebloom, (F9)... 200 Pinegrove, (G8)... 150 Pinehurst, (D7).... 451 Pine view, (E7) 708 Pinia, (D8) 100 Pitts, (D8) 279 Plaias,(C7) 400 Plainville, (B3) 148 Pleasant Hill, (C6). 110 Point Peter, (E4)... 150 Pooler, (J7) 337 Popes Ferry, (D6). 100 Poplar, (C6) 100 Portal, (H7) 200 Porterdale, (D4)... 1,000 PottervUle, (C7)... 300 Poiüan, (D9) 652 Powder Sprs, (B4).. 315 Powelton, (F5).... 100 Powersville, (D6).. 100 Prattsburg, (C6)... 100 Preston, (B7) 259 Pretoria, (C8) 369 Pride, (F5) 100 Primrose, (B5).... 57 Princeton, (E4)... 63 Princeton, (D4).... 250 Pulaski, (H7) 207 Quitman, (DIO)... 3,915 Raccoon Mills, (A3) 113 Raleigh, (B6) 150 Raymond, (B5).... 150 Rays Mill, (E9)... 300 Rebecca, (D8) 252 Rebie, (E7) 200 Redan, (C4) 120 Redoak, (B4) 100 Register, (H7) 300 Reicisville, (G7).... 454 Remerton, (ElO)... 200 Rentz, (F7) 275 Resaca, (B2) 112 Resource, (T6) 150 Reynolds, (C6).... 521 Rhine, (E8) 321 Richland, (B7).... 1,250 Richwood, (D7)... 300 Riddleville, (F6)... 140 Ridgeville,(J9).... 300 Rincón, (J7) 100 Ringgold, (A2).... 398 Rising Fawn, (Al). 225 Ritch,(G8) 210 Riverdale, (C4).,.. 139 Riverside, U)9).... 170 Roberta, (C6) 227 Rochelle, (E8) 860 Rockingham, ((>9). 100 Rockledge. (F7)... 152 Rockmart, {B3)... 1,034 Rocky Ford, (H6), 385 Rocky Mount (B5) 61 Rogers, (G6) 300 Rolston, (C2) 100 Rome, (A3) 12,099 Roopville, (A5).... 173 Rosewood, (G8)... 100 Rossville, (Al) 1,059 Roswell, (C3) 1,158 Roundoak, (D 5)... 100 Roy, (C2) 300 Royston, (E3) 1,422 Ruckersville, (F3). 88 Rural Vale, (B2)... 100 Ruskin, (G9) 100 IDAHO Harvard, (B3) 100 Hatch, (G7) 100 Hayden Lake, (B2) 100 Heyburn, (E7) 440 Holbrook, (F7).... 100 Hope, (Bl) 215 Horseshoe Bend, (B6) 200 Idaho City, (C^6) 262 Idaho Falls, (F6)... 4,827 Ilo,(B3) 209 Independence, (F6) 300 Indian Valley, (B 5) 100 Inkom,(F7) 200 Iona,(G6) 353 Irwin, (G6) 250 Island, (D7) 130 Jackson, (E7) 130 Jerome, (D7) 970 Juliaetta, (B3) 414 Junction, (E5) 100 Kamiah, (C3) 324 Kellogg, (B2) 1,273 Kendrick, (B3).... 543 Ketchum, (D6) 200 Kenterville, (B3)... 100 Kimberly, (D7).... 100 King Hill, (C6).... 100 Kingston, (B2) 100 Kippen, (B3) Ill Kooskia, (C3) 301 Kootenai, (Bl) 250 Laclede, (Bl) 150 Lago, (G7) 420 Lakeview, (B2).... 100 Lane, (B2) 200 Lapwa'i, (B3) 500 - • 100 I^rdo, (B5). Leland,(B3) 500 Lenox, (C6) 100 Lewiston, (A3) 6,043 I^wisville, (F6).... 346 Liberty. (G7) 100 Lincoln, (G6) 400 Lookout, (B3) 200 Lorenzo, (F6) 230 Lost River, (E6)... 300 Lund,(G7) 200 Lyman, (G6) 400 McArthur,(Bl).... 100 McCammon, (F7).. 321 Mackay, (E6) 638 MaladCity,(F7)... 1,303 Manard, (D6) 150 Marion, (E7) 500 Market Lake, (F6). 180 Marysvüle,(G5)... 298 May, (E5) 100 Meadows, (B4).... 250 Menan, (F6) 294 Meridian, (B6) 1,000 Middleton, (B6)... 450 Midvale, (B5) 100 Milner, (E7) 200 Minidoka, (E7).... 100 Minkcreek, (G7)... 200 Möhler, (B3) 500 Montpelier, (G7)... 1,924 Moore, (E6) 100 Moravia, (Bl) 100 Moscow, (A3) 3,670 Mountain Home, (C6) 1,411 Mount Idaho, (C4) 100 Mullan, (C2) 1,667 Murphy, (B6) 100 Murray, (C2) 500 Murtaugh, (D7) 100 Nampa, (B6) 4,205 Russell, (D3) 120 Rutledge, (L>4).... 696 Saint Charles, (B5) 91 Saint Clair, (GS). -. 200 Saint George, (GIO) 272 Saint Marks, (B5). 54 Saint Marys, (HIO) 691 Saint Simons Mills, (J9) 230 Sale City, (C9) 402 Sandersville, (F6).. 2,641 Sargent, (B5) 200 Sasser, (CS) 441 Satilla Bluff, (HIO) 300 Savannah, (J7)... 65,064 Scarboro, (H6).... 150 Scotland, (F8) 150 Scott, (F7) 212 Scottdale, (C4).... 400 Scottsboro. (E6)— 150 Screven, (H9) 276 Seabrook, (J8) 100 Seney, (A3) 120 Senoia, (B5) 1,111 Sessoms, (G8) 100 SevUle, (D8) 193 Shadydale, (D5)— 344 Sharon, (F5) 246 Sharpe,(A2) 100 Sharpsburg, (B5).. 166 Shaw,(A2) 100 Shearwood,(H7)... 270 Shellman, (B8).... 985 Sheltonviile, (C3).. 150 Shiloh,(B6) 250 Shingler,(D9) 100 Siloam, (E5) 300 Slate, (E3) 500 Smarrs, (D6) 300 Smiley, (H8) 100 Smithonia, (E4)... 266 Smithvüle, (C8) ... 574 Smyrna, (B4) 59y Snapping Shoals, (D4) 250 Snider, (C2) 100 Snow, (D7) 300 Social Circle, (DS). 1,590 Sonoraville, (B3)... 100 Soperton, (F7) 469 Southwell, (H7).... 100 Spann, (F6) 100 Sparks, (E9) 842 Sparta, (F5) 1,715 Spread, (G5) 370 Springfield, (J7)... 504 Springhaven, (F7). 100 Springplace, (B2).. 242 Springvale, (B8)... 162 Starrsville, (D4) 400 Statenville, (ElO).. 150 Statesboro, (H7)... 2,529 Statham,(D4) 621 Staunton, (E9) 100 Stellaville,(G5).... 149 Stephens, (E4)..... 100 Sterling, (H9) 171 Stevens Pottery, (E6) 200 Stilesboro, (B3).,., 200 Stiilmore, ((j7)..., 645 Stillwell, (J7) 100 Naples, (Bl) 250 Neeley,(F7) 160 New Plymouth, (B6) 274 Nezperce, (B3) 599 Niter, (G7) 400 Notus, (B6) 100 Nounan, ((j7) 100 Oakley, (D7) 911 Oneida, (F7) 100 Ora, (G5) 100 Orchard, (B6) 100 Oreana, (B6) 300 Orofino, (B3) 384 Osburn, (C2) 100 Ovid,(G7) 350 Oxford, (F7) 640 Paragon, (C2) 100 Paris, (G7) 1,038 Parker, (G6) 432 Parma, (B6) 338 Payette, (B5) 1,948 Pearl, (B6) 123 Pebble, (G7) 100 Peck,(B3) 236 Perrv, (G7) 100 Picabo,(D6) 130 Pierce, (03) 220 Pioneer^le, (C6).. 100 Placerville, (C6)... 187 Piano, (G6) 180 Pocatello, (F7) 9,110 Pollock, (B4) too Ponderay, (Bl) 100 Postfalls, (B2) 658 Potlatch, (B3) 1.500 Preston, (G ^ 2,110 Priest River, (Bl).. 248 Princeton, (B3).... 200 Stilson, (H7) 150 Stinson, (B6) 100 Stockbridge, (C4).. 200 Stockton, (ElO).... 200 Stone Mountain, (C4) 1,062 Stonewall, (B4).... 170 Sugar Valley, (A2). 197 Summertown, (G6) 125 Summerville, (A2). 657 SummervUlc, (G5). 4,361 Summit, (G6) 566 Sumner, (1)9) 336 Sunnyside, ((¿5)... 200 Surrency, (G8).... 259 Suwanee, (C3) 250 Swainsboro, (G6).. 1,313 Swords, (E4) 107 Sycamore, (D8).... 296 Sylvania, (H6) 1,400 Sylvester, (D8).... 1,447 Talbotton, (C6)... 1,081 Talking Rock, (B3) 108 Tallapoosa, (A4).. 2,117 Tallulah Falls, (E2) 85 Taimo, (D3) 150 Tarboro, (H9) 150 Tarrytown, ((J7).. 236 Tarver, (FIO) 150 Tate,(C3) 500 Taylors Creek, (H8) 140 Taylorsville, (B3).. 197 Tazewell, (C7) 130 Temple, (A4) 711 Tempy, (D9) 100 Tennga, (B2) 145 Tennille, (F6) 1,622 Texas, (A5) 150 Thebes, (J8) 300 Thelma.(FlO) 200 The Rock, (C6).... 138 Thomaston, (C6).. 1,645 Thomasville, (CIO) 6,727 Thomson, (G5).... 2,151 Thunderbolt, (J7). 750 Tifton, (D9) 2,381 Tiger. (E2) 2,381 Tignall, (F4) 320 TUton, (B2) 242 Toccoa, (E2) 3,120 Toomsboro, (E6).. 404 Towns, (F8) 150 Traders Hill, (GIO) 100 Trenton, (Al) 302 Trion.(A2) 1,721 Tunnelhill, (B2)... 295 Turin, (B5) 263 Turman, (B9) 100 Tybee,(J7) 786 Tyrone, (F4) 100 Tyty, (D8) 276 Unadilla, (D7) 1,003 Union (jity, (B4)... 534 Unionpoint, (E4).. 1,363 Upton, (F9) 200 Valambrosa, (E7).. 100 Valdosta, (ElO)... 7,656 Van Wert, (A4)... 189 Vamells Station, (B2) 100 Vidalia, (G7) 1,776 Prospect, (G6) 200 Quartzburg, (C5).. 100 Rathdrum, (A2)... 725 Raymond, (H7).... 150 Reno, (F5) 200 Rexburg, (G6) 1,893 Reynolds, (B6) 100 Richfield, (D6) 158 Rigby, (G6) 555 RoDCTts, (F6) 192 Robin, (F7) 250 Rockcreek, (D7)... 180 Rockybar, (C6).... 200 Roosevelt, (C5).... 110 Roseberry, (C5).... 120 Roseworth, (D7)... 100 Rossfork, (F6) 1,400 Rudy, (G6) 200 Rupert, (E7) 297 Saint Anthony, (GS) 1,238 Saint Charles, (G7) 600 Saint Joe, (B2) 540 Saint Maries, (B2). 869 Salmon, (E4) 1,434 Salubria, (B5) 300 Samaria, (F7) 366 Sandpoint, (Bl).... 2,993 Santa, (B2) 100 Shelley, (F6) 537 Shoshone, (D7).... 1,155 Silver City, (B6)... 1,300 Soda Springs, (G7) 501 Soldier, (D6) 266 South Boise, (B6).. 885 Southwick, (B3).. 300 Spencer, (F5) 150 Spirit Lake, (B2)... 907 Springston, (B2)... 150 Vidette,(G5) 75 Vienna, (D7) 1,564 Villanow, (A2) 100 VülaKica,(B4).... 825 Vinings, (C4) 250 Vivian, (J6) 100 Waco, (A4) 326 Wadley, (G6) 872 Waiden, (D6) 140 Waleska, (B3) 243 Walnutgrove, (D4), 112 Walter, (G_5) 100 Walthourville, (H8) 100 Waresboro, (F9) 149 Waring, (E5) 100 Warm Springs, (B6) 100 Warrenton, (F5)... 1,368 Warthen,(F5) 151 Warwick, (D8).... 226 Washington, (F4).. 3,065 Wassaw, (J7) 543 WatkinsvUle, (E4). 483 Waverly Hall, (B6) 300 Waycross, (G9)... 14,485 Waynesboro, (G5). 2,729 Waynesville, (H9). 420 Waynmanville, (C6) 320 Wayside, (D5) 100 Ways Station, (78). 100 West Buford. (DS) 250 Weston, (B7) 319 Westpoint, (A6)... 1,906 Whaley, (F5) 100 Whigham, (C10)... 627 Whitehall, (E4).... 230 Whitepiains, (E5).. 407 Whitesburg, (B4).. 315 White Sulphur Sprs, (B6) 50 Whitesville, (A6)... 100 Wilcox, (F8) 130 Willacoochee, (E9) 960 WiIlett,(B7) 100 Williamson, (CZS).. 179 Wilmot, (A2) 100 Wilsonv ille, (F9),.. 100 Winder, (D4) 2,443 Winokur, (G9).... 204 Winston, (B4) 168 Winterville, (E4)... 465 Withers, (FIO) 100 Woodbine, (HlO)., 155 Woodbury, (B5)... 917 Woodcliff', (H6).... 100 Woodland, (C6)... 189 Woodstock, (B3).. 442 Woodville, (E4)... 250 Wooster, (B5) 100 Worth, (D8) 169 Worth ville, (D 5)... 150 Wray, (E8) 400 Wrayswood, (E4).. 100 Wrens, (G5) 616 Wrightsville, (F6).. 1,389 Yatesville, (C6) 366 Yorkville, (B4).... 120 Young Harris, (D2) 283 Zaidee, (G7) 200 Zebulon, (C5) 602 Zeigier, (H6) 100 Squirrel, (G6) 200 Star,(B6) 300 Stites,(B3) 300 Sublett, (E7) 130 Sugar, (G6) 39l Sweet, (B6) 150 Tahoc, (C3) 100 Teton, (G6) 700 Thatcher, (F7) 100 Thornton, (G6).... 400 Thurman, (C6).... 100 Tilden, (F6) 180 Treasureton, (G7). 150 Troy, (B3) 543 Twin Falls, (D7)... 5,258 Twinsprings, (C6). 100 Tyson, (B2) 100 Ulysses. (D4) 100 Union, (G6) 100 Vanwyck,(B5) 279 Victor, (G6) 300 Vollmer, (B3) .... 332 Wallace, (C2) 3,000 Wardner, (B2) 1,369 Warren, (CA) 100 Wayan, (G7) 120 Weiser, (A5) 2,600 Wendell, (D7) 482 Weston, (F7) 398 Whitebird, (B4) 500 MTiitney, (G7) 200 Wilson, (B6) 100 Winchester, (B3)... 500 Winona, (G4) 100 '"'oodland, (C3) 150 v>^oodruff, (F7) 100 Woodville, (F6) 140 Yellowjacket, (D5) 110 Yuma, (F6) 150 ILLINOIS Abingdon, CD4).. •. 2,464 Adair, (C5) 300 Adams, (B6) 250 Addieville, (E9).... 269 Addison, (H2> 579 Adeline, (Fl) 155 Akin, (G 10) 200 Albany, (D2) 618 Albion, (H9) 1,281 AIden,(Gl) 200 Alcdo,(C3) 2,144 Alexander, (D6)... 200 Alexis, (C3) 829 Algonquin, (HI) 642 Alhambra, CE8)... 433 Allendale, (J8) 350 Allentown, (F4).... 100 AUenville. CH6).... 245 AÜerton. Ob) • ••• 364 Alma,(G8) 380 Alpha. (D3) 358 Alsey.(D6) . . 150 Altamont, (G7).... 1,328 Alton, (D8) 17,528 Altona, (D3) 528 Alto Pass, (FIO)— 551 Alvin, (J5) 319 Amboy, (F2) 1,749 Ambrose, (C5) 100 Anchor, ((j4) 250 Ancona, (G3) 150 Andalusia, (C3) 299 Andover, (D3) 222 Anna, (Fll) 2,809 Annapolis, (T7).... 200 Anna wan. (E3).... 398 Antioch, (Hi) .... 682 Apple River, (DI). 581 Appieton, (D4) 150 Areola, ÍH6) 2,100 Arenzville. (D6)... 518 Argenta. (G6) 519 Argo. (J2) 100 Argyle, ((jl) 150 Arlington, (F3).... 370 Arlington Heights, (HI) 1,943 Armington, (F5) 327 Armstrong, (J5)... 300 Arrowsmith, (G5). 366 Arthur, (H6) 1,080 Ashkum, (H4) 416 Ashland, (D6) 1,096 Ashley, (F9) 913 Ashmore, (H6).... 511 Ashton, (F2) 779 Assumption, (F6).. 1,918 Astoria, (D5) 1,357 Athens, (E6) 1,340 Athensville, (D7).. 200 Atkinson, (D3) 80S Atlanta, (F5) 1,367 Atterberry, (E5) 100 Atwater, (E7) 130 Atwood. (H6) 659 Auburn, (E6) 1,814 Augusta, (C5) 1,146 Aurora, (H2) 29,807 Ava. (FIO) 780 Avena, (G8) 130 Averyville, (E4)... 2,668 Aviston, (E8) 397 Avon, (D4) 865 Baden Baden, (E8) 200 Bader, (D5) 120 BaileyvUle, (El)... 400 Baker, (G2) 150 Balcom, (Fll) 100 Baldwin. (E9) 358 Banner, CE4) 111 Barclay, (E6) 252 Bardolph.(C4).... 188 Barnett,(E7) ISO Barrington, (HI).. 1,444 Barrow, (D6) 110 Barry, (B6) 1,647 Barstow, (D2) 100 Bartelso, (F8) 344 Bartlett. (Hi).,..« 408 Bartonville, (E4)... 1,200 Basco. (BS) 255 Batavia, (H2) 4,436 Batchtown, ((J7).,. 300 Bates, CE6) 100 Bath, (D5) 475 Baylis, (C6) 385 Beardstown, (D5). 6,107 Beason,(F5) 300 Beavercreek. (F8). 150 Beaverville, (J4)— 401 Beckemever. (F8).. 764 Beecher, (T3) . 543 Beecher (iitv, (G7). 355 Belgium, (T5) 433 Belknap, (Gil).... 404 Bellair, (T?) 100 Belle Prairie. (G9). 87 Belle Rive, (G9)... 312 Belleview, (C7) 100 Belleville, (E8L.. 21,122 Bellewood (J2).... 943 Bellflower, (G5)... 394 Beilmont, (J9) 550 Belvidere, (Gl).... 7,253 Bement, (G6) 1,530 Benbow City, ("*8) 205 Benid,(E7) 1,9.2 Bensenville, (J2)... 443 Benson, (F4) 362 Bentley, (B5) 89 Benton, (GlO) 2,675 Berdan, (D7) 100 Berlin, (E6) 251 Bemadotte. (D5).. 200 Bemice, (J2) 150 Berwick, (C4) 150 Berwvn, (T2) 5,841 Bethalto, (D8> 447 Bethamy, (G6) 859 Beverly, ((j6) 100 Bible Grove, (H8). 200 Biggsville, (C!4) 400 Big Rock, (G2).... 250 Bingham, (F7)... . 191 Birds, (J8) 382 Birkner, (D8) 400 Bishop Hill, (D3).. 289 Bismarck, (J5).. . 200 Blackstone, (G3)., 250 Blair, (E9) 100 Blandinsville, (C4). 987 Bloomfield, (Gil). 100 Bloomingdale, (H2) 462 Bloomington, (F5) 25,768 Blue Island, (J2).. 8,043 Blue Mound, (F6). /DO Bluffs. (C6) 766 Bluffsprines, (Lj). 220 Bluford, (G9) ISO Bolton. (GIG) 485 Bondville, (H5).... 250 Bone Gap, (H9)... 517 Bonfield. (H3) 162 Bonnie. (G9) 150 Boody, (F6) Borton, (J6) Boulder, (F8) Bourbon, (H6) Bourbonais, (J3).. i Bowen, (B5) i Boyleston, (H9).... Braceville, (H3)... ' Bradford, (E3) Bradley, 03) 1,' Braidwood, (H3).. 1,' Breckenridge, (F6) Breeds, (E4) Breese, (E8) 2,'. Bremen, (ElO).... 1 Brereton. (D4) ( Briarbluff, (D3)... 1 Bridgeport, (J8L - 2,i Brighton. (D7),... Í Brimfield. (E4)..., Î Bristol, (H2) ¿ Broadlands, (H6).. 4 INDEX OF THE UNITED STATES (ILLINOIS) 143 Broadwell, (ES)... 246 BroctoD, (J6) 558 Brooktield, 02)... 2,186 Brooklyn, (Do) ... 1,569 Brooklyn, (C5) 300 Brookport, (Gil).. 1,443 Brookville, (El) 430 Brookville, ( Î5)... 398 Broughton, (GlO). 470 Browning, (D5)... 551 Browns, (H9) 419 Brownstown, (G8). 415 Bruce, (G6) 130 Brussels, (C8) 283 Bryant, (D5) 237 Buckingham, (H3). 272 Buckley, (H4) 495 Buda, (E3) 887 Buffalo, (F6) 475 Buncombe, (Fll).. 150 Bunker Hill, (E7).. 1,046 Bureau, (F3) 534 Burksvülc, (D9)... 187 Burlington, (Gl)... 282 Burnham, (J2) 328 Burnside, (B4) 300 Burnt Prairie, (H9) 350 Burton, (B6) 110 Bush, (FIO) 565 Bushnell, (C4) 2,619 Bushton, (H6) 130 Buüer, (E7) 233 Byron, (Fl) 932 Cabery,(H4) 321 Cable, (C3) 360 Cadwell, (G6) 100 Cabokia, (D8) 300 Cairo, (Fll) 14,548 Caledonia, (Gl)... 290 C:alhoun, (H8) 300 Camargo, (H6) 323 Cambridge, (D3).. 1,272 Camden, (C5) 190 Cameron, (C4).... 310 Campbell Hill, (ElO) 414 Campgrove, (E3).. 100 Camp Point, (B5).. 1,148 Campus, (H3) 241 Canton, (D4) 10,453 Cantrall, (E6) 318 Capron, (Gl) 562 Carbon Cliff, (D3). 366 Carbondale, (FIOK 5,411 Carbon Hill, (H3). 820 C:ardiff,(H3) 1,031 Carlinville, (E7).., 3,616 Carlock, (F4) 400 Carlyle, (F8) 1,982 Carman, (B4) 310 Carmi,(H9) 2,833 Carpenter, (E8)... 200 Carpentersville, (HI) 1,128 Carriers Mills,(GlO)l,558 Carrollton, (D7)... 2,323 CartervUle, (FlO).. 2,971 Carthage, (B5).... 2,373 Cary Station, (HI). 679 Casey, (J7) 2,157 Caseyville, (E8) 613 Casner, (G6) 100 Castleton, (E3) 200 Catlin,(J5) 952 Cave in Rock, (HI 1) 306 Cayuga, (G4) 220 Cedar Point, (F3).. 545 Cedarville, (El)... 311 Centerville Station, (D8) 310 Central City, (H3) 287 Central City, (F8). 1,179 Centraiia, (F8) 9,680 Cerro Gordo, (G6). 876 Chadwick, (El)... 527 Chambersburg, (C6) 310 Champaign, (H5). 12,421 Chana, (F2) 320 Chandlerville, (D5) 884 Channahon, (H3).. 208 Chapin, (D6) 552 Charleston, (H7).- 5,884 Chatham, (E6) 666 Chatsworth, (H4).. 1,112 Chauncey, (J8).... 100 Chebanse, (J4) 590 ChCmung, (Gl) 500 CheneyvUle, (J5).. 120 Chenoa, (G4) 1,314 Cherry, (F3) 1,048 Cherry Point, (J6). 170 Cherry VaUey, (01) 433 Chester, (ElO) 2,747 Chesterfield, (D7), 364 Chesterville, (H6).. 100 Chestnut, (F5) 300 Chicago, (J2)..2,185,283 Chicago Heights, (J2) 14,525 Chicago Ridge, (J2) 100 Chili. (B5) 100 Chillicothe, (F4)... 1,851 Choat,(Gll) 120 Chrisman, (J6) 1,193 Christopher, (FlO). 1,825 Cicero, (J2) 14,557 Cbco, (G5) 379 Cisne, (H8) 373 Cissna Park, (J4).. 652 Claremont, (H8)... 186 aarence, (J 5) 260 Clarke City, (H3).. 230 Clarksdale,(F7)... 200 Clay City, (H8).... 837 Clayton, (C5) 940 ClaytonvUle, (J4).. 220 Cleveland, (D2)— 150 Clifford. (FlO) 330 Clifton. (T4) 634 Clinton, feS) 5,165 Cioverdale, (H2)... 100 Clvde,(T2) 1,000 Coal City, (H3).,.. 2,667 Coal Valley, (D3).. 190 Coatsburg, (B5)— 262 Cobden, (FlO) 988 Coffeen, (F7) 980 Colchester. (C5)— 1,445 Coleta. (E2) 300 Colfax. (G4) 965 Collinsville, (E8)é. 7,478 Collison, (J5) 250 Colona, (D3) 217 Columbia, (D9)... 2,0/6 Columbus, (B5)... 134 Colusa, (B4) 200 Como, (E2) 200 Compton, (F2).... 387 Concord, (D6) 160 Congervilie, (F4).. 150 Congress Park, (J2) 300 Cooks Mills, (H6). 180 Cooksville, (G4)... 332 Cooperstown, (C6). 200 Cora, (ElO) 100 Cordova, (D2) 324 Corinth, (GlO) 100 Cornell, (G3) 536 Cornland, (F6).... 150 Cortland, (G2).... 207 Cottonwood, (HIO) 180 Coulterville, (E9).. 949 Cowden, (G7) 711 Crab Orchard, (GlO) 200 Craig. (F9) 250 Crainville, (F10)... 446 CrealSprings, (GlO) 936 Crescent City, (J4). 341 Crestón, (G2) 323 Crete, (J3) 840 Crockettsville, (F3) 100 Cropsey, (G4) 250 Crossville, (H9) 574 Crotty, (G3) 1.005 Cruger. (F4) 100 Crystal Lake, (HI) 1,242 Cuba, (D4) 2,019 Cullom,(H4) 579 Curran, (E6) 130 Custer, (F6) 110 Custer Park, (H3). 100 Cutler, (E9) 324 Cypress, (F11 ) 311 Daninda, (D4) 150 Dahlgren, (G9).... 654 Dakota, (Fl) 227 Dallas City, (B4).. 1,288 DaltonCity, (G6).. 400 Dalzeil, (F3) 949 Damiansville, (£8). 120 Dana,(G4) 254 Danforth, (H4),... 410 Danvers, (F4) 593 Danville, (J5) 27,871 Darmstadt, (E9)... 510 Darwin, (J7) 280 Davis, (Fl) 352 Davis Junction, (Fl) 250 Dawson, (F6) 620 Dayton, (G3) 300 Decatur, (G6) 31,140 Deer Creek, (F4).. 332 Deerfield, (JO 476 Deer Grove, (E2).. 100 De Kalb, (G2) 8,102 Delafield. (G9).... ISO De Land, (G5).... 503 Delavan, (E5) 1,175 Delhi, (D7) 130 De Long, (D4) 300 Dennison, ( J 7 ).... 180 Denver, (B5) 200 Depue,(F3) 1,339 De Soto, (FlO) 644 Des Plaines, (Jl).. 2.348 Detroit, (C6) 127 Dewey, (H5) 150 Dewitt, (G5) 220 Dewmaine, (FlO).. 900 Diamond, (H3).... 255 Dieterich, (H7).... 493 Dillon, (E5) 150 Diona.(H7) 100 Disco, (C4) 150 Divernon, (E6) 1,519 Dix,(G9) 200 Dixon, (E2) 7,216 Dolton, (J2) 1,869 Dongola, (Fll) 702 Donnellson, (F7).. 405 Donovan, (J4) 346 Dorans, (H6) 400 Dorchester, (E7)... 102 DorrisviUe. (GlO).. 1,184 Douglas, (D4) 110 Dover, (F3) 181 Dow, (D7) 250 Downers Grove, (J2) 2,601 Downs, (G5) 300 Drexel, (J2) 100 Dubois, (F9) 351 Dudley, (J6) 180 Duncan, (E4) 110 Duncans Mills, (D5) 150 Dundas, (H8) 230 Dundee, (HI) 4,109 Dunfermline, (E5). 500 Dunlap, (E4) 160 Dupo,(D8) 433 Duquoin, (F9) 5,454 Durand, (Fl) 527 Dwight, (H3) 2,156 Earlville, (G2) 1,059 East Alton. (D8)... 584 East Brooklyn, (H3) 446 East Carondelet, (D8) 212 East Dubuque,(Cl) 1,253 East Dundee. (HI) 1,405 East Galesburg, (D4) 753 East Grove, (H2).. 110 East Lvnn, (J5).... 360 East MoHne, (D2). 2,665 Easton, (E5) 407 East Peoria. (E4).. 1,493 East St.Louis,(D8)58,S47 East Wenona, (F3) 367 East Wood River, (D8) 400 Eaton, (J7) 350 Eddvville, (GlO)... 145 Edelstein. (E4). 130 Edgar, (J6) 200 Edgewood, (G8)... 419 Edinburg, (F6) 918 Edison, (Jl) 543 Edwards, (E4) 210 Edwardsvilie, (E8). 5,014 Etiingham, (G7)... 3,898 EUeen, (H3) 677 Ela, (HI) 100 Elburn, (G2) 613 Elco, (Fll) 200 ElDara,(C6) 195 Eldena, (F2) 130 Eldorado, (H1Ü)... 3,366 Eldred, (C/) 241 Eieroy, (El) 100 Elgin, (HI) 25,976 Elizabeth, (Dl).... 703 Elizabethtown, (Hll) 633 Elkhart. (F5) 418 ElkvUle, (FlO) 732 Elliott, (.H5) 371 Eliiottstown, (H8)- 100 Ellisgrove, (E9).... 252 Ellisville, (D4) 218 Ellsworth, (G5),... 220 Elmhurst, (J2).... 2,360 Elmore, (E4) 190 Elmwood, (E4).... 1,390 El Paso, (F4) 1,470 Elsah,(D8) 267 Elvaston, (B5) 250 Elwood, (H3) 211 Emden, (F5) 411 Emington, (H4)... 190 Emma, (HIO) 180 Enfield, (H9) 927 Enterprise, (H8)... 150 Equality, (HIO).,.. 1,180 Erie, (D2) 804 Esmond, (Gl) 250 Essex, (H3) 342 Etna,(H7) 100 Eureka, (F4) 1,525 Evanston, (Jl)... 24,978 EvansvUle, (E9)... 562 Evarts, (Fl) 100 Everett, (Jl) 160 Evergreen Park, (J2) 424 Ewing, (G9) 317 Exeter, (D6) 201 Fairbury, (G4) 2,505 Fairdale, (Gl) 250 Fairfield, (H9) 2,479 Fairland, (H6) 250 Fairmount, (J5) 847 Fairview, (J2) 150 Fairview, (D4) 482 Fairview Landing, (Hll) 200 Fair Weather, (C6) 200 Fancher, (G7) 215 Fancy Prairie, (E5) 100 Fanden, (C5) 130 Farina, (G8) 774 Farmer City, (G5). 1,603 Farmersville, (E7). 533 Farmington, (E4).. 2,421 Fayette, (D7) 180 Fayetteville, (E9).. 228 Fay ville, (Fll).... 140 Fenton, (D2) 200 Ferris, (B5) 299 Fiatt,(D4) 250 Fidelity, (D7) 211 Fieldon, (C7) 227 Fillmore, (F7) 499 Findlay, (G6) 827 Fisher, (H5) 850 Fishhook, (C6).... 130 Fithian, (J5) 386 Flanagan, (G4).... 590 Flat Rock, (J8) 840 Flora, (G8) 2,704 Floraville, (D9) 300 Florence, (C6) 150 Florence Sta, (El).. 100 Florid, (F3) 100 FoosIand,iH5>.... 300 Fordville, (FIÓ)... 385 Fordyce, (FIO).... 392 Forest City, (E5).. 306 Forest Park, (J2).. 6,594 Forrest, (H4) 967 Forreston, (El) 870 Forsyth, (F6) 200 Fort Sheridan, (Jl) 1,800 Fosterburg, (D8).. 90 Fountain Green, (C5) 250 Fowler, (B5) 210 Fox Lake, (HI).... 400 Frankfort, (J3) 273 Franklin, (D6).... 696 Franklin Grove, (F2) 572 Franklin Park, (J2) 683 Frederick, (D5).... 300 Freeburg, (E9).... 1,397 Freedom, (G3).... 100 Freeport, (El) 17,567 French Village,(D8) 1,000 FriendsvUle, (J9).. 380 Fullersburg, (J2).. 500 Fulton, (D2) 2,174 Galatia. (GlO) 745 Gale, (Fll) 200 Galena, (Dl) 4,835 Galesburg, (D4).. 22,089 Galesville, (G5)... 100 Gait, fE2) 100 Galva, (D3) 2,498 Garden Prairie, (Gl) 200 Gardner, (H3) 946 Garrett. (H6) 290 Gary. (J2) 200 Gaskins City, ((jlO) 685 Gays.(G7) 322 Geneseo, (D3) 3,199 Geneva. (H2) 2,451 Genoa, (Gl) 1,2 57 Georgetown, (J6).. 2,307 Germantown, (E8) 711 German Valley, (Fl) 144 Gibson City, (H5). 2,086 GIfford, (H5) 650 Gilberts, (HI) 268 Gilchrist, (C3) 150 Gillespie, (E7) 2,241 Gilman. (J4) 1.305 Gilson, (D4) 200 Girard, (E7) 1,891 Gladstone, (B4)... 385 Glasford, (£4) 625 Glasgow, (D6) 215 Gienarm, (E6) 200 Glen Carbon, (E8). 1,220 Glencoe, (Jl) 1,899 Glenellyn, (H2) 1,763 Glenview, (Jl) 652 Glenwood, (J2) 581 Godfrey, (D8) 68 Godley, (H3) 194 Golconda, (Hll).. 1,088 Golden, (B5) 579 Golden Eagle, (C8) 150 Goldengate, (H9).. 311 Golf,(Jl) 500 Goodenow, (J3) 200 Goodfield, (F4) 100 Good Hope, (C4).. 361 Goodwine, (J4) 100 Goreville, (GlO) 554 Gossett, (HlO) 130 Grafton, (D8) 1,116 Grand Chain, (Gl 1) 580 Grand Detour, (F2) 300 Grand Ridge, (G3) 403 Grand Tower,(ElO) 873 Grand view, (J6) 210 Granite City, (D8). 9,903 Grantfork, (E8) 100 Grantpark, (J3) 692 Grantsburg, (Gl 1). 300 Grant Works, (J2). 500 Granville, (F3) 1,391 Grape Creek, (J 5). 740 Graymont, (G4)... 120 Grayslake, (HI) 603 Grayson, (HlO) 200 Grayville, (H9) 1,940 Greenbush, (C4)... 140 Greenfield, (D7) 1,161 Green River, (D3). 110 Greenup, (H7) 1,224 Green Valley, (E5). 400 Greenview, (E5) 921 Greenville, (F8) 3,178 Greenwood, (HI).. 100 Gridley, (G4) 750 Griggsville, (C6) 1,262 Grossdale,(J2) 1,300 Gross Point, (J 1 ).. 1,008 Grove City (F6)... 170 Groveland, (F4) 200 Gurnee, (Jl) 150 Hagaman, (D7) 100 Hagarstown, (F8).. 140 Hainesville, (HI).. 66 Haldane, (El) 150 Half Day, (Jl) 180 Hallidayboro, (FlO) 250 Hallsville, (F5).... 100 Hamburg, (C7).... 335 Hamilton, (B5).... 1,627 Hamlet, (C3) 100 Hamletsburg, (Gil) 215 Hammond, (G6)..- 492 Hampshire. (Gl).. 697 Hampton, (D2) 348 Hanaford, (GlO).. 100 Hanna City, (E4).. 450 Hanover, (Dl) 650 Hardin, (C7) 654 Harmon, (E2) 162 Harmony, (Gl).... 100 Harrisburg, (GlO). 5,309 Harrison, (Fl) 100 Harrisonville, (D9) 130 Harristown, (F6).. 200 Hartsburg, (F5)... 350 Harvard, (Gl) 3,008 Harvel, (E7) 396 Harvey, (J2) 7,227 Havana, (D5) 3,525 Hazel Crest, (J2).. 400 Hazel Dell, (H7)... 200 Hebron, (HI) 644 Hecker, (E9) 187 Henderson, (D3).. 171 Hennepin, (F3). 451 Henning, (J5) 364 Henry, (F3) 1,687 Henton, (G7) 150 Herbert, (Gl) 100 Hermon, (D4) 100 Herrick, (G7) 618 Herrin, (FlO) 6,861 Herscher, (H3) 461 Hersman, (C6) 150 Hettick, (D7) 306 Heyworth, (Ct5) 681 Hidalgo. (H7) 190 Highland, (E8) 2,675 Highland Park, (Jl) 4,209 Highwood, (Jl) 1,219 Hildreth, (J6) 100 Hillerman, ((ill).. 500 Hillery(J5) 35f Hillsboro, (F7) .... 3,424 Hillsdale, (D2) 250 Hillside, (J2) 328 Hillview, (C7) 309 Hinckley, (G2).... 661 Hindsboro, (H6)... 498 Hinsdale, (J2) 2,451 Hodgkins, ( T2) 480 Holcomb, (Fl).... 140 Holder, (G5) 130 Hollowayville, (F3) 196 Hollywood, (J2) 100 Homer, (J5) 1,086 Homewood, (J2)... 713 Honey Bend, (E7). 150 Hoop>eston, (T5)... 4,698 Hooppole, (E2) 130 Hopedale, (F5).... 586 Horace, (J6) 100 Hornsby, (E7) 190 Houston, (E9) 150 Hoyleton, (F9) 451 Hubbard \Voods,(Jl) 300 Hudson, fF4) 375 Huey, (F8) 205 Hull, (36) 541 Humboldt, (H6)... 356 Hume. (J6) 572 Humrick, (J6) 200 Hunt. (H7) 235 Huntley, (HI) 773 Huntsville, (C5)... 120 Hurst, (FlO)...... 345 Hutsonville, (J7).. 722 Illinois City, (C3).. 130 Illiopolis, (F6) 849 lna,(G9) 484 Indianola, (J6).... 365 Industry, (C5) 580 Ingleside, (Hi).... 100 Ingraham, (H8)... 200 Ida, (G8) 380 Ipava, (D5) 652 Iroquois, (J4) 286 Irving, (F7) 678 Irvington, (F9) 223 Irwin, (J3) 200 Isabel, (J6) 230 Itasca, (H2) 333 luka, (G8) 364 Ivesdale, (H6) 429 Ivy Landing, (D9). 100 Jacksonville, (D6) 15,326 Jamaica, (J6) 150 Jamestown, (E8).. 150 Janesville, (H7).... 300 Jeffersonville, (H9) 237 Jerseyville, (D7)... 4,113 Jewett, (H7) 366 Tohannisburg, (E9) 150 Johnsburg, (HI)... 500 JohnsonvUle, (G8). 225 Johnston City, (GlO) 3,248 Joliet, (H2) 34,670 Jonesboro, (Fll).. 1,169 Joppa, (Gil) 734 Joy,(C3) 516 Junction, (HlO)... 300 Kampsville, (C7).. 506 Kane,(D7) 521 Kaneville,(G2).... 150 Kangley, (G3) 380 Kankakee, (J3)... 13,986 Kansas, (J6) 945 Kappa, (F4) 142 Karbers Ridge,(HlO) 300 Karnak,(Fll) 250 Kasbeer,(E2) 200 Kaskaskia,(E10).. 142 Keenes, (G9) 220 Keensburg, (79) 405 Keithsburg, (C3).. 1,515 Kell,(G9) 250 Kemper, (D7) 100 Kempton, (H4) 269 Kenirworth,(Jl)... 881 Kenney, (F5) 570 Kent, (El) 150 Kewanee, (E3) 9,307 Keyesport, (F8)... 670 Kickapoo,(E4).... 270 Kilbourne, (D5)... 424 Kinderhook,(B6).. 371 Kings. (F2) 150 Kingston, (Gl).... 294 Kingston Mines, (E4) 492 Kinmundy, (G8)-. 997 Kinsman, (G3) 219 Kirkland,(Gl).... 685 Kirksville, (G6)... 250 Kirkwood, (C4) 926 Knoxville, (D4) 1,818 Kolze, (J2) 500 Kramm, (E4) 130 LaClede, (G8).... 200 Lacon,(F3) 1,495 Ladd, (F3) 1,910 La Fayette, (D3).. 287 Lafox,(H2) 110 Lagrange, (j2).... 5,282 Lagrange Park, (J2) 1,131 La Harpe, (C4) 1,349 Lake Bluff, (J1)... 726 Lake City, (G6)... 200 Lake F crest, ( J1 ) •. 3,349 Lakefork, (F6V ... 150 Lake Villa, (HI)... 342 Lake Zurich, (HI). 304 Lambert, (J2) 230 Lamoille. (F2) 555 Lanark,(EI) 1,175 Lancaster, (J8) 200 Lane, (G5) 200 Lansing, (J2) 1,060 La Place, (G6).... 300 La Prairie. (C5)... 187 La Rose, (F4) 415 La Salle, (F3).... 11,537 Latham, (F6) 438 Laura, (E4) 110 Lawndale,(F5).... 20O Lawn Ridge, (E3). ISO Lawrenceville, (J8) 3,235 Leaf River, (Fl) 469 Lebanon, (E8).... 1,907 Ledford, (GlO) ... 599 Lee, (G2) 303 Lee Center, (F2)... 310 Leland, (G2) 545 Lemont, (J2) 2,284 Lena, (El) 1,168 Lenz, (E8) 20O Lenzburg, (E9) 463 Leonore, ((j3) 203 L'Erable, (J4).... 145 L^ma, (H7) 391 LeRDy,(G5) 1,702 Lewistown, (D5)... 2,312 Lexington, (G4)— 1,318 Liberty, (B6) 500 Libertyville, (HI).. 1,724 Lickcreek,(F10)... 100 Lilvlake, (H2) 100 Lima, (B5) 797 Lincoln, (F5) 10,892 Lindenwood, (Fl). 300 Lisbon, (G3) 197 Lisle. (H2) 100 Litchfield, (E7).... 5,971 Literberry, (D6)... 150 Littleton, (C5) 300 Little York. (C3).. 358 Liverpool, (D5).... ISO Livingston. (E8)— 1,092 Loami, (E6) 530 Lockport, (H2).... 2,555 Locust Grove, (GlO) 100 Lo^, (H4) 603 Lodge, (G5)«4«4... 100 Lomax, (B4) 150 Lombard, (H2) 883 Lombard ville, (E3) 170 London Mills, (D4) 555 Long Point, (G3).. 239 Long Prairie, (G9). 130 Longview, (Hö)... 257 Loogootee,(G8) 140 Loraine, (B5) 417 Lostant. (F3) 458 LiOuLsville, (H8) 670 Lovejoy, (D8) 1,500 Lovington, (G6)... 1,011 Lowder, (E6) 150 Lowpoint, (F4) 150 Loxa, (H6) 130 Ludlow, (HS) 305 Lyndon, (E2) 390 Lynn Center, (D3). 100 Lynnville, (D6) 94 Lyons, (J2) 1,483 McClure, (Fll).... 300 McConnell, (El).. 250 McDowell, (G4)... 130 McHenry, (Hi).... 1,031 McKeen, (J7) 100 McLean, (F5) 707 McLeansboro, (G9) 1,796 McNabb, (F3).... 150 Macedonia, (G9).. 285 Mackinaw, (F4)... 725 Macomb, (C5).... 5,774 Macon, (F6) 683 Madison, (D8) 5,046 Maeystown, (D9).. 284 Magnolia, (F3) 368 Mahomet, (H5).... 565 Makanda, (FlO) 400 Maiden, (F3) 255 Malta, (G2) 450 Manchester, (D6).. 480 Manhattan, (J3)... 443 Manheim, (J2).... 150 Manito, (E5) 696 Manlius, (E3) 218 Mansfield, (Cj5)— 681 Manteno, (J3) 1,229 Maple Park, (G2). 389 Mapleton, (E4) 170 Maquon, (D4) 472 Marblehead, (B6). 150 Marcelline, (B5). .. 140 Marengo, (Gl) 1,936 Marietta, (D4).... 329 Marine, (E8) 685 Marion, (GlO) 7,093 Marissa, (E9) 2,004 Mark. (F3) 1,025 Marley, (J2) 100 Maroa, (G5) 1,160 Marquette, (F3)... 494 Marseilles, (G3) 3,291 Marshall, (J7) 2,569 Martinsville, (J7).. 1,500 Martinton, (J4) 3 12 ' Marysville, (J 5) .. 742 Maryville, (E8) 729 Mascoutah, (E9).. 2,081 Mason, (G8) 345 Mason City, (E5).. 1,842 Massac, (Gil).... 150 Matteson, (J2) 461 Mattoon, (H7)... 11,456 Maunie, (H9) 512 Maysville, (C6) 190 Mayton, (D4) 100 Maywood, (J2).... 8,033 Mazon,(H3) 471 Meadows, (G4).... 180 Mechanicsburg, (F6) 417 Media, (C4) 226 Medora, (D7) 444 Melrose, (J7) 100 Melrose Park, (J2). 4,806 Melvin, (H4) 509 Menden, (B5) 640 Mendota, (F2) 3,806 Meppen, (C8) 150 Meredosia, (C6)— 951 Merriam, (H9).... 150 Merrimac, (D9)— 150 Mcrritt, (D6) 170 Metamora, (F4)... 694 Metcalf, (J6) 449 Metropolis, ((ill). 4,655 Meyer, (B5) 180 Middlegrove, (D4). 200 Middletown, (E5). 751 Midland City, (F5) 200 Milan, (C3) 727 Miles Station, (D7) 100 Milford, (J4) 1,316 Millbrook, (G2)... 150 Millbum, (HI).... 150 Millcreek, (Fll)... 221 Milledgeville,(E2). 630 Millersburg, (E8) . 417 Millersburg, (C3).. 310 Millington, (G2)... 223 Mill Shoals. (H9).. 700 Millstadt, (D9) 1,140 Milmine, (G6) 200 Milton, (C6) 330 Mineral, (E3) 349 Minier, (F5) 690 Minonk, (F4) 2,070 Minooka, ÍH3) 361 Mitchellsville, (GlO) 20O Moccasin, (G7).... 150 Mode, (G7) 100 Modesto, (E7) 298 Modoc, (D9) 190 Mokena, (J2) 359 Moline, (C2) 24,199 Momence. (J3).... 2,201 Monee, (J3) 411 Monica, (E4) 120 Monmouth, (C4).. 9,128 Monroe Center. (Fl) 250 Montgomery. (H2). 371 Monticello.*(G5)... 1,981 Montrose, (H7).... 347 Morgan Park, (J2). 3,694 Moro, (E8) 200 Morris, (H3) 4,563 Morrison, (D2)..., 2,410 Morrisonville, (F7) 1,126 Morton, (F4) 1,004 Morton Grove, ( J1 ) 83 6 Morton Park, ij2). 1,000 Mossville, (E4) 150 Mound City, (Fll) 2,837 Mounds, (Fll) 1,686 Mound Station,(C5) 194 Mount Auburn, (F6) 463 Mount Carmel,(J9) 6,934 Mount Carroll,(El) 1,759 Mount Erie, (H8).. 299 Mount Greenwood, (J2) 276 Mount Morris, (Fl) 1,132 Mount Olive, (E7). 3,501 Mount Palatine,(F3) 100 Mount Pulaski,(F5) 1,511 Mount Sterling, (C6) 1,986 Mount Vernon, (G9) 8,007 Mount Zion, (06). 330 Moweaqua, (F6)... 1,513 Mozier, (C7) 300 Mulberry Grove, (F8) 716 Mulkeytown, (FlO) 250 Muncie, (J5) 251 Murdock, (H6).... 350 Murphysboro, (FlO) 7,485 MurrayvUle, (D6). 450 Nachusa, (F2) 180 Nameoki, (D8).... 200 Naperville, (H2)-.. 3,449 Naples, (C6) 457 Nashville, (F9) 2,135 National City, (D8) 253 National Stock Yards, (D8) 2,700 Natrona, (E5) 100 Nauvoo, (B4) 1,020 Nebo, (C7) 520 Nekoma, (D3) 150 Nelson, (E2) 130 Neoga, (H7) 1,074 Neponset, (E3) 542 Nevada, (G3) 150 Newark, (G2) 406 New Athens, (E9). 1,131 New Baden, (E8).. 1,372 New Bedford, (E2) 250 New Berlin, (E6).. 690 New Boston, (C3). 718 New Bumside, (GlO). 369 New Canton, (B6). 473 New Columbia, (Gil) 160 New Douglas, (E8) 499 New Grand Chain, (Fll) 490 New Hartford, (C6) 200 Newhaven, (HIO).. 514 New Hebron, (J8). 100 New Holland, (E5) 387 New Lebanon, (G1) 100 New Lenox, (J2).. 200 New Liberty, (Hll) 100 Newman, (j6) 1,264 New Memphis, (E9) 243 New Milford, (Fl). 200 New Minden, (F9). 245 New Philadelphia, (D4) 300 New Salem (C6)... 260 Newton, (H8) 2,108 New Windsor, (D3) 660 Niantic, (F6) 685 Niles,(Jl) 569 Niles Center, (Jl).. 568 Nilwood, (E7) 401 Niota, (B4) 150 Noble, (H8) 618 Nokomis, (F7) 1,872 Nora, (El) 251 Normal, (G4) 4,024 Norris, (D4) 560 Norris City, (HIO). 1,055 North Alton, (D8). 1,200 North Aurora, (H2) 352 North Chicago, (Jl)3,306 North Chillicothe, (E4) 911 North Crystal Lake, (HI) 689 North Henderson, (C3) 200 North Utica, (F3). 976 Nunda,(Hl) 750 Oakdale, (F9) 150 Oakford,(E5) 317 Oak Glen, (J2) 260 OakHill,(E4) 140 Oakland, (H6).... 1,159 Oaklawn,(J2) 287 Oakley, (G6) 81 Oak Park, (J2) 19,444 Oakwood, (J5)-... 423 Oblong, (J8) 1,482 Oconee, (F7) 293 Odell,(G3) 1,035 Odin, (F8) 1,400 O'Fallon, (E8).... 2,018 Ogden, (JS) 428 Oglesby, (F3) 3,600 Ohio, (F2) 527 Ohlman, (F7) 200 OkawvUle, (É9)... 579 Old Marissa, (E9). 314 Old Ripley, (E8)... 146 Olive Branch, (Fll) 150 Oliver, (J7) 100 Olmsted, (Fll) 288 01ney,(H8) 5,011 Omaha, (HIO) 586 Onarga, CT4) 1,273 Oneco, (El) 100 Oneida, (D3) 589 Ontarioville, (HI). 150 Opdvke,(G9) 170 •Ophiem,(D3) 100 Oquawlm. (C4) 907 Orangeviile. (El).. 370 Oraville, (FlO).... 160 Orchard Place, (J2) 150 Oreana, {G6) 100 Oregon, fF2) 2,180 Orion. (D3) 655 Orland, (J2) 369 Osco,(D3) 100 OskaIoosa,(G8)... 100 Oswego. (H2) 600 Ottawa, (G3) 9,535 Otterville,(D7).... 179 Owaneco, (F7) 365 Ozark, (GlO) 110 Palatine, (HI) 1,144 Palestine, (J8) 1,399 Palmer, (F7) 404 Palmyra, (D7) 873 Paloma, (B5) 130 Palos Park, (J2)... 300 Pana, (F7) 6,055 Panama, (F7) 708 Panola, (G4) 108 Papineau, 0^) 183 Paris, (J6) 7,664 Parker (GlO) 250 Parkersburg, (H8). 238 Park Ridge, (Jl)... 2,009 Paixish, (GlO) 250 Patoka, (F8) 676 Patterson, (C7) 200 Pawnee, (E6) 1,399 Pawpaw, (G2) 709 Paxton, (H5) 2,917 Payson, (B6) 467 Pearl, (C7) 842 Pearl City, (El)... 485 Pecatonica, (Fl)... 1,022 Pékin, (E4) 9.897 Penfield, (J5) 300 Peoria, (E4) 66,950 Peoria Heights, (E4) 582 Peotone, (J3) 1,207 Percy, (E9) 1,033 Perry, (C6) 649 Peru, (F3) 7,984 Pesotum, (H6) 376 Petersburg, (E5)... 2,587 Philadelphia, (D6). 550 Phillipstown, (H9). 105 Philo, (H6) 562 Phoenix, (J2) 679 Piasa, (D7) 100 Pierron, (E8) 150 Pierson Station, (G6) 180 Pinckneyville, (F9) 2,722 Pingree Grove, (HI) 135 Pinkstaff, (J8) 150 Piper City, (H4)... 663 Pistakee, (HI) 500 Pittsburg, (GlO)... 227 Pittslieid, (C6) 2,095 Pittwood, (J4) 300 Plainfield, (H2).... 1,019 Plainview, (E7) ISO Plainville, (IJ6)-... 251 Piano, (G2) 1,627 Plattville, (H2).... 150 Pleasant Hill, (C7). 576 Pleasant Mound, (F8) 200 Pleasant Plains, (E6) 625 Pleasant View, (C5) 150 Plumfield, (GlO).. 200 Plum River, (Dl).. 200 Plymouth, (C5).... 829 Pocahontas, (E8).. 749 Polo, (E2) 1,829 Pomona, (FlO).... 200 Pontiac, (G4) 6,090 Pontoosuc, (B4)... 285 Poplar Grove, (Gl) 297 Port Byron, (D2).. 642 Porterville, (J7).... 200 Portland, (F3) 3,194 Posen, (J 2) 343 Potomac, (J 5) 800 Pottstown, (E4)... 300 Prairie Center, (03) 100 Prairie City, (1)4).. 719 Prairie du Rocher, (D9) 511 Prairietown, (E8).. 150 Preemption, (C3).. 250 Prentice, (E6) 160 Preston, (E9) 110 Princeton, (F3) 4,131 Princeville, (E4)... 785 Prophetstown, (E2) 1,083 Pulaski, (Fll) 592 Putnam, {F3) 250 Quincy, (B6) 36,587 Radom, (F9) 310 Raleigh, (GlO) 238 Ramsey, (F7) 769 Randall, (D4) 800 Rankin, (J5) 858 Ransom, (G3) 370 Rantoul, (HS) 1,384 Rapatee, (D4) 200 Rapids City, (D2)- 143 Rardin, (H6) 250 Raritan, (C4) 930 Ravinia, (Jl) 500 Ray, (D5) 200 Raymona, (E7) 881 Red Bud, (D9).... 1,240 Reddick, (H3) 288 Redmon, Q^) 240 Red Oak, (El) 110 Reed City, (E4) 130 Reeves, (FlO) 658 Renault, (D9) 241 Reno, (F8) 200 Rentchler, (E8) 100 Reynolds, (C3) 367 Richmond, (HI) 554 Richview, (F9) 366 Ridge Farm, (J6).. 967 Ridgefield, (HI)... 200 Ridge Prairie, (E8) 360 Ridgway, (HID)... 1,054 Ridott, (Fl) 173 Riggston, (D6) 110 Rinard, (G8) 100 Ringwood, (HI) 300 Rio, (D3) 300 Ripley, (05) 234 Ritchey, (H3) 100 Riverdale, (J 2) 917 River Forest, (12).. 2,456 River Grove, (J2).. 418 Riverside, (J2).-.. 1.702 Riverton, (E6) 1,911 Riverview, ( J1) 312 Roanoke, (F4). ... 1,311 144 (ILLINOIS — INDIANA) INDEX OF THE UNITED STATES Roberts, (H4) 466 Robinson, (T7).... 3,863 Rochelle, (F2) 2,732 Rochester, (E6).... 444 Rockbridge, (D7).. 275 Rock City, (Fl).... 122 Rockdale, (H2) ... 1,101 Rockefeller, (HI).. 358 Rock Falls, (E2)... 2,657 Rockford, (Fl) 45,401 Rock Grove, (El).. 180 Rock Island, (C3) 24,335 Rockport, (C6) 300 Rockton, (Fl) 841 Rockwood, (ElO).. 140 Rollins, (Hl) 200 Rome (G9) 233 Rome, (F4) 200 Romeoville, (H2).. 98 Roodhouse, (D7).. 2,171 Roscoe, (Gl) 500 Rose Hill, (H 7) 229 Roselle, (Hl) 400 Rosemond, (^F7)... 300 Roseville. (C4).... 882 Rosiclare, (H11)... 609 Rossville, (J5) 1,422 Round Grove, (E2) 150 Round Lake, (Hl). 182 Royalton, (FlO)... 357 Rozetta, (C4) 200 Ruma, (E9) 138 Rushville. (CS) 2,422 RussellvUle,(J8)... 257 Rutland, (F4)..... 754 Sacramento, (H9).. 150 Sadorus, (H6) 336 Sailor Springs, (H8) 388 Saint Anne, (J3)... 1,065 Saint Augustine, (D4) 187 Saint Charles, (H2) 4,046 Saint David, (DS). 915 Saint Elmo, (G7).. 1,227 Sainte Marie, (H8). 450 Saint Francisville, (J8) 1,391 Saint George, (J3). 100 Saint Jacob, (E8).. 534 Saint John, (F9)... 370 Saint Joseph, (H5). 681 Saint Libory, (E9). 328 Saint Peter, (G8).. 313 Saint Kose, (E8)... 150 Salem, (G8) 2,669 Saline, (E8) 112 Saline Mines, (HIO) 100 Salisbury, (E6).... 150 Samoth, ((j11).... 150 Sandoval, (F8).... 1,563 Sandusky, (Fll)... 150 Sandwich, (02).... 2,557 San Jose, (E5) 446 Sato, (FIO) 49 Saunemin, (H4) 357 Savanna, (Dl) 3,691 Savoy, (H5) 300 Sawyersviile, (E7). 445 Saybrook, ((j5) 805 Scales Mound, (Dl) 388 Schaumberg, (Hl). 180 Schräm City, (F7) 516 Sciota. (C4) 160 Scottland, (J6).... 400 Scottvüle, (D7).... 301 Sears, (C3) 236 Seaton, (C3) 326 Seatonville, (F3)... 1,370 Secor, (F4) 358 Seehom, (B6) 150 Seneca, ((j3) 2,100 Serena, ((Í3) 150 Sesser, (F9) 1,292 Seward, (Fl) 100 Seymour, (H5).... 220 Shabbona, (G2)... 594 Shabbona (jrove, (G2) 100 Shannon, (El) 633 Shattuc, (F8) 100 Shawneetown, (HIO) 1,863 Sheffield, (E3) 1,009 ShelbyvUle, (G7).. 3,590 Spring Forest, (J2) 334 Spring Garden, CG9) 300 Spring Grove, (Hl) 203 Spring Hill, (D2) .. 100 Spring Valley, (F3) 7,035 Standard, (F3).... 793 Stanford, (F5) 525 Staunton, (E7).... 5,048 Steeleville, (E9).... 708 Steelton, (J5) 300 Steger, (J3) 2,161 Sterling, (E2) 7,467 Steward, (G2) 353 Stewardson, (G7).. 720 Stickney, (J2) 100 Stillman Valley, (Fl) 550 StUlwell, (B5) 250 Stockland, 04).... 160 Stockton, (El) 1,096 Stone Church, (E9) 100 Stonefort, (G 10) — 500 Stonington, (F6)... 1,118 Stoy, (J8) 488 Strasburg, (G7).... 526 Strawn, (H4) 277 Streator, (G3).-.. 14,253 Stronghurst, (C4).. 762 Sublette, (F2) 287 Sugar Grove, (H2). 150 Sullivan, (G6) 2,621 Summerfield, (E8). 337 Summer Hill, (C6). 170 Summit, (J2) 949 Summum, (D5)... 200 Sumner, (J8) 1,413 Sunfield, {^F9) 150 Swan Creek, (C4).. 150 Swansea, (E8) 889 Swedona, (D3).... 97 Sweetwater, (E5).. 150 Sycamore, (G2).... 3,926 Symerton, (H3).... 157 Table Grove, (DS). 544 Taft, (F3) 400 Tallula, (E6) 742 Tamaroa, (F9).... 910 Tamms, (Fll) 400 Tampico, (E2) 849 Taylor Sprs, (F7). 380 Taylorvilfe, (F6)... 5,446 Techny, (Jl) 330 Tennessee, (C5)... 274 Terre Haute, (C4) . 180 Tessville, (Jl) 359 Teutopolis, (H7)... 592 Thackery, (H9).... 200 Thawville, (H4)... 318 Thayer, (E6) 1,012 Thebes, (Fll) 717 Thomas, (E2) 200 Thomasboroj (H5). 321 Thompsonville,(G10) 573 Thomson, (D2).... 487 Thornton, (J2).... 1,030 Tice, (E5) 200 Tilden, (E9) 774 TUton, (J5) 710 Time,(C6) 158 Timewell, (C5).... 230 Tinley Park, (J2).. 309 Tioga, (B5) 300 Tiskilwa, (E3) 857 Todds Point, (Cîè). 100 Toledo, (H7) 900 Tolono, (H6) 760 Toluca, (F4) 2,407 Tónica, (F3) 483 Topeka, (ES) 130 Torino, (H3) 514 Toulon, (E3) 1,208 Towanda, (G4).... 404 Tower Hill, (G7).. 1,040 Tremont, (F4) 782 Trenton, (E8) 1,694 Trilla, (H7) 260 Trimble, (T7) 130 Triumph, (G2) ISO Trivoli, (E4) 150 Troy, (E8) 1,447 Troy CJrove, (F3).. 289 Tunnel Hill, (GlO). 150 Tuscola, (H6) 2,453 Ullin, (Fll) 670 Union, (Gl) 432 Wasson, (GlO) 350 Wataga, (D3) 444 Waterloo, (D9) 2,091 Waterman, (G2)... 398 Watertown, (D2).. 525 Watseka, (J4) 2,476 Watson, (07) 330 Wauconda, (til)... 368 Waukegan, (JO-« 16,069 Waverly, (E6) 1,538 Wayne, (H2) 150 Wayne City, (G9).. 620 Waynesville, (F5).. 546 Webster, (B5) 100 Wedron, (G3) 200 Weldon, (G5) 521 Wellington, (J4)... 300 Wenona, (F3) 1,442 West Brooklyn, (F2) 266 West Chicago, (H2) 2,378 West Dundee, (HI) 1,380 Western Springs, (J2) 905 Westervelt, (G7)... 180 Westfield, (J7) 927 West Frankfort, (GlO) 2,111 West Hammond, (J2) 4,948 West Jersey, (E3).. 100 West Liberty, (H8) 220 Weston, (G4) 260 West Point, (B5)... 292 West Salem, (H8).. 725 West Union, (J7).. 400 Westville, (J5) 2,607 West York, (J7)... 300 Wetaug, (Fll) 218 Wethersfield, (E3). 1,593 Wheaton, (H2).... 3,423 Wheeler, (H7) 255 Wheeling, (J 1) 260 Whiteash, (GlO)... 353 White City, (E7) .. 421 White Hall, (D7).. 2,854 White Heath, (H5). 200 Whiterock, (Fl)... 100 Wiehert, (J3) 130 Williamsûeld, (D4) 480 Williamson, (E8) .. 648 Williamsville, (i-ó). 600 Wülisvüle, (ElO)... 1,082 Willow HUI, (J8).. 444 c : »crt Wiimette, (Jl) 4,943 Wilmington, (D7). 204 Wilmington, (H3). 1,450 Winchester, (D6).. 1,639 Windsor, (G7) 987 Winfield,(H2) 150 Wing, (H4) 120 Winnebago, (Fl).. 415 Winnetka, Ql) 3,168 Winslow, (El) 426 Winthrop Harbor, (Jl) 439 Wireton Park, (J2) 150 Witt, (F7) 2,170 Wobum, (F8) 250 Wolcott, (E4) 100 W'olrab Mills, (HlO) 140 Womac, (E7). 170 Woodbine, (Dl)... 100 Woodburn, (D7)... 175 Woodhull, (D3)... 692 Woodland, (J4) 295 W'oodlawn, (F9) 315 Woodriver, (D8)... 84 Woodson, (D6) 257 Woodstock, (Hi).. 4,331 Woodworth, (J4).. 150 Woosung, (E2).... 100 Worden, (E8) 1,082 Worth, (J2) 200 Wrights, (D7) 200 Wyanet, (E3) 872 Wyoming, (E3) 1,506 Xenia, (G8) 634 Yale, (H7) 120 Yates City, (D4)... 586 York, (J7) 169 Yorkvirie,(H2).... 431 Youngstown, (C4). 100 Zeigler, (FlO) 500 ZionCity, (Jl) 4,789 Abington, (F9) 150 Acton, (E9) 400 Adams, (ElO) 400 Adamsboro, (D4).. 150 Advance, C8 416 Adyevüle,(C15L... 100 Aetna, (Bl) 161 Akron, (D3)....... 800 Alamo, (B8) 209 Alaska, (CIO) 200 Albany, (F6) 1,289 Albion, (F2) 1,213 Aldrich, (A15) 150 Alert, (Ell) 250 Alexandria, (E6)... 5,096 Alfordsvüle, (B13). 200 Algiers, (Bl4) 100 Alquina, (F9) 100 Altoga, (C14) 250 Alton, (DIS) 161 Altona, (F2) 349 Ambia, (A6) 359 Amboy, (E5) 521 Amity, (DIO) 100 Amo, (C9) 500 Anderson, (E7)... 22,476 Andersonville, (FlO) 330 Andrews, (E4) 957 Angola, (Gl) 2,610 Annapolis, (B8).... 240 Anoka, (D5) 100 Anthony, (F6) 100 Arba,(G7) 150 Arcadia, (E7) 990 Areola, (F3) 380 Argos. (D3) 1,088 Arlington, (E9).... 400 Aroma, (E7) 120 Arthur, (B14) 400 Ashboro, (BIO).... 200 Ashersville, (BIO).. 400 Ashland, (F8) 100 Ashley, (Fl) 639 Athens, (D3) 150 Atherton, (B9) 300 Atlanta, (E7) 876 Attica, (B6) 3,335 Atwood, (E2)...... 350 Auburn, (F2) 3,919 Auburn Jc, (F2)... 200 Augusta, (B14).... 250 Aurora, (Gil) 4,410 Austin, (E13) 410 Avüla, (F2) 579 Avoca, (C12) 500 Avon, (D9) 100 Avonburg, (F12)... 100 Ayrshire, (B14).... 410 Azalia(Ell) 120 Bainbridge, (C8)... 449 Balbec, (F5) 100 Baldwin, (G3) 130 Barbers Mills, (F4) 150 Barbersville, (F12). 100 Bargersville, (D9).. 100 Barnard, (C8) 100 Batesville, (FlO)... 2,151 Battle Ground,(C5) 443 BeanBIossom,(D10) 230 Beck, (Dil) 100 Bedford, (D12).... 8,716 Beech Grove, (D9) 568 Belle Union, (C9) 100 Belleville, (<39) 300 Bellmore, (B8) 300 Ben Davis, (D9)... 150 Benham, (F12).... 100 Bennington, (Fl2) 100 Benton, (El)...... 200 Bentonville, (F9)... 100 Benwood, (B9) 100 Berne, (G5) 1,316 Bethel, (G8) 120 Bethlehem, (E13).. 100 Bicknell, (B12) 2,794 Bigspring, (D8).... 100 BUlingsville, (G9).. 100 Bippus, (E4) 350 Birdseye, (C14).... 439 Blackhawk,(B10).. 130 Blairsville, (A15)... 160 Bloomfield,(Cll).- 2,069 Bloomingdale, (B8) 528 Blooming Grove, (F9) 130 Bloomingport, (F7) 120 Bloomington, (Cll) 8,838 BlountsviUe, (F7).. 200 Blue, (G12) 100 Blueridge, (E9).... 230 Blue River, (E13). 100 Bluffton, (F5) 4,987 Boggstown, (E9)... 200 Bono, (D13) 150 Boonville, (B15)... 3,934 Borden, (E14) 430 Boston, (G8)...... 122 Boswell, (B5) 814 Boundary, ((j6).... 200 Bourbon, (D2) 1,163 Bovine, (B14) 100 Bowling Green,(ClO) 336 Boxley, (D7) 150 Boyleston, (D6).... 150 Bradford, (D14)... 200 Branchville, (CI 5) 100 BrazU, (B9) 9,340 Bremen, (D2) 2,008 Brewersville, (Ell). 130 Bridgeport, (D9)... 400 Bridgeton, (B9).... 250 Bright, (Gil) 100 Brimfield, (F2) 300 Bringhurst, (D5)... 400 Bristol, (El) 535 Bristow, (CIS) 150 Broad Ripple, (D8) 770 Bronson, (F7) 300 Brook, (B4) 1,067 Brookfield, (E9).... 400 Brooklyn, (D9) 572 Brooksburg, (F13) 150 Brookston, (C5) ... 907 BrookviUe, (FlO)... 2,169 Brownsburg, (D8). 876 Brownstown, (D12) 1,492 Browns Valley,(B8) 130 Brownsville, (G9).. 300 Bruce Lake, (D3).. 350 Bruceville, (B13)... 400 Bryant, (G5) 400 Bryant Creek,(DIO) 150 Buck Creek, (C6).. 2 50 Buell, (Bll) 300 Buffalo, (C4) 100 Buffalovüle, (C15) 150 Punker Hill, (D5). 668 Burket, (E3) 400 Burlington, (D6)... 800 Burnett, B9) 120 Bumettsville, (C5).. 489 Burney, (ElO) 210 Burns City, (C12). 200 Burr Oak, (D3).... 100 Burrows, (C5) 150 Butler, (G2) 1,818 Butlerville, (Fl)... 300 Byrneville, (D14)... 100 Cadiz, (E8) 209 (Cambridge City, (F8) 2,237 Camden, (D5) 557 Cammack, (E7).... 200 Campbellsburg, (D13) 666 Canaan, (F12) 200 Cannelburg, (C13). 300 Cannelton, (C16).. 2,130 Canton, (D13) 200 Carbon, (B9) 493 Cardonia, (B9) 500 Carlisle, (312) 850 Carlos, (F7) 110 Carmel, (D8) 626 Carpentersville, iCS) 250 Sheldon, (J4) 1,143 Sheldons (jrove, (D5) 150 Sheridan, (G2).... 506 Sherman, (E6) 150 Shermervilie, (Jl). 441 Sherrard, (D3) 906 Shetlerviile, (Hll). 250 Shiloh, (E8) 395 Shipman, (D7).... 392 Shirland, (Fl) 100 Shirley, (F5) 120 Shobonier, (F8).... 306 Shumway, (G7)... 291 Sibley, (H4) 385 Sidell,(J6) 741 Sidney, (HS) 481 Sigel,(G7) 308 Silvis, (D3) 1,163 Simpson, (Gil).... 161 Sims, (G9) 399 Smith boro, (F8)... 301 Smithfield, (D4)... 389 Sraithshire, (C4)... 250 Smithton, (D9).... 380 Sollitt, (J3) 100 Solon Müls, (HI).. 160 Somonauk, (G2)— 591 Sorento, (E8) 1,018 South Beloit, (Fl). 600 South Chicago Heights, (J3)... 552 South Elgin, (HI).. 580 South Heights, ((^3) 250 South Holland, (J2) 1,065 South Wilmington, (H3) 2.403 Sparland, (F3) 461 Sparta, (E9) 3,081 Spaulding, (E6)-.. 308 Speer, (E3) 100 Spencer, (J3) 110 Spillertown, (GlO). 249 Springbay, (F4)... 119 Springerton, (H9).. 415 SPRINGFIELD, (E6) 5L678 Carrollton, (E9).... 400 C^artersburg, (D9).. 300 Carthage, (E9) 873 Cass, (Bll) 300 CassviUe, (D5) 100 Castleton, (D8).... 194 Cataract, (ClO).... 150 Catlin, (39) 200 Cayuga, (38) 911 Cedar Grove, ((>10) 300 Cedar Lake, (32).. 400 Cedarville, (F3).... 120 Celestine, ((>14).... 130 Cementville, (E14). 650 Center, (D6) 300 Centerpoint, (BIO). 414 Centerton, (D9).... 300 Center Valley, (C9). 100 Centerville, (F8)... 1,019 Ceylon, (G5) 100 Chalmers, (C5) 513 (>hambersburg, (D13) 100 Chandler, (B15).... 150 Charlestown, (E14) 864 (Charlottesville, (E8) 450 Chester, (G8) 140 Chesterfield, (E7).. 285 Chesterton, (31)... 1,400 Chestnut Ridge, (E12) 100 ChUi,(D4) 250 China, (Fl2) 250 Chrisney, (BIS).... 524 Churubusco, (Ó).. 870 Cicero, (D7) 990 Clarke Station,(Bl) 100 Clarksburg, (FlO).. 450 Clarkshin,(C7).... 463 ClarksvUle, (E14).. 2,743 ClarksvilIe,(E7)... 200 ClayCity, (BIO)... 1,213 Claypool, (E3) 408 Claysburg, (E14)... 380 Clayton, (C9) 497 Clear Creek, (Cll). lOO Clear Sprs, (D12) . 210 Clermont, (D8).... 205 Cleveland, (E8).... 130 Clifford, (ElO) 210 Clifty, (ElO) 250 Clinton, (B9) 6,229 Cloverdale, (C9)... 624 Cloverland, (B9)... 150 Clymers, (DS) 160 Coal Bluff, (39).... 600 Coal City, (311)... 300 Coal Creek, (37)... 250 Coatesville, (C9)... 472 Cochran, (Gil).... 900 (>oesse, (F3) 250 Colburn.(C5) 300 Colfax, (C7) 801 Collamer, (E3) 150 College Park, (F4). 103 Collett, (G6) 200 Collins, (F3) 100 Coloma, (38) 200 Columbia City, (E3) 3,448 Columbus, (Ell)... 8,813 Commiskev, (El2). 100 Connersvilie, (F9).. 7,738 Converse, (E5) 1,164 Cooper, (Dil) 150 Correct, (Fll) 150 Cortland,(E12).... 200 Corunna, (F2) 318 Cory, (310) 300 Corydon, (D15).... 1,703 (>ovington, (37).... 2,069 Cowan, (F7) 200 Coxs Mills, (G8)... 150 (Zoxville, (B9) 400 Craigviile, (F4) 200 Crandall,(Dl4).... 133 Crawfordsville, (C7) 9,371 Crestón, (32) 150 Crisman, (Bl) 200 Crocker, (Bl) 150 Cromwell, (E2) 520 Cross Plains, (I'M2). 140 Crothersville, (E12) 1,038 Crowleyville, (A14) 100 Crown Point, (32). 2,526 Crumstown, (Dl).. 120 Cuba, (CIO) 150 Culver, (D3) 810 Cumback,(B13)... 300 Cumberland, (E8). 300 Cunot, (CIO) 150 Curryville, (F4) 140 Curtisville, (E6).... 150 Cutler, (C5) 160 Cynthiana, (AIS)... 610 Dale, (C15) 583 Daleville, (E7) 630 Dana, (A8) 748 Danville, (C8) 1,640 Darlington, (C7)... 780 Davis, (C2) 150 Dayton, (C6) 700 Dayville, (B16).... 150 Decatur, (G4) 4,471 Decker, (313) 800 Deedsvilie, (D4)... 130 Deerfield, (F7) 100 De Gonia Springs, (315) 100 Delaware, (Fll)... 200 Delong, (D3) 300 Delphi, (C5) 2,161 Deming, (D7) 150 Demotte, (33) 250 Denham, (C3) 100 Denver, (D4) 900 Depauw, (D14).... 130 Deputy, (E12) 250 Derby, (C15) 180 Diamond, (B9) 1,070 Dickeyville, (315).. 250 Dillsboro, (Fll).... 425 Disko, (E4) 100 Donaldson, (D2)... 100 Dora, (E4) 100 Dover, (Gil) 200 Doverhill, (C13)... 300 Dresden, (C12).... 100 Dublin, (F8) 704 Dubois, (C14) 100 Dugger, (Bll) 1,226 Dundee, (F5) 100 Dundee, (E6) 200 Dune Park, (31)... 150 Dunkirk, (F6) 3,031 Dunlaps, (El) 100 Dunlapsville, (F9). 100 Dunn, (35) 120 Dunreith, (F8) 181 Dupont, (E12) 180 Dyer, (A2) 500 Eagletown, (D7)... 300 Earl Park, (B5) 609 East Chicago, (31) 19,098 East Conners^le, (F9) 706 East Gary, (Bl).... 484 East Germantown, (F8) 302 Eaton, (F6) 1,428 Eck, (D8) 130 Eckerty, ((>14) 210 Economy, (F8) 310 Edgerton, (G3) 300 Edinburg, (ElO)... 2,040 Edwards, (39) 150 Ekiwardsport, (312) 800 Edwardsville, (Ei4) 170 Effner,(B4) 150 Ehrmandale, (B9).. 200 Ekin, (D7) 100 Elberfeld, (B15).... 438 Elizabeth, (El5)... 238 Elizabethtown, (Ell) 350 ElizavUle, (D7).... 130 Elkhart. (El) 19,282 Ellettsvüle,(Cll).. 676 Elnora, (B12) 961 Elrod,(Fll) 130 Elston, (C6) 100 Elwood, (E6) 11,028 Eminence, (C9).... 300 EnglUh,(Dl4) 583 English Lake, (C2). 100 Epsom, (B12) 100 Etna (ireen, (D2).. 431 Eugene, (B8) 450 Eureka, (316) 150 Evansville, (A16) 69,647 Everton, (F9) 180 Ewing, (D12) 2,500 Fairbanks, (Al 1)... ISO Fairfield, (G9) 250 Fairland, (E9) 700 Fairmount, (E6) 2,506 Fair Oaks, (B3).... 350 Fairview, (F6) 110 Fairview Park,.... (B9) 630 Falmouth, (F9).... 180 Farmer, (Cll) 150 Farmersburg, (Bll) 1,115 Farmers Retreat, (F12) 150 Farmland, (F7).... 907 Fayetteville, (C12). ISO Ferdinand, (C15)... 827 Fillmore, (C9) 180 Fincastle, (C8) 180 Fishers, (E8) 188 Fishersburg, (E7).. 20O Flat Rock, (ElO)... 400 Flint, (Fl) 130 Flora, (C5) 1,386 Florence, (G12).... 250 Florida, (E7) 20O Floyds Knobs, (E14) 350 Folsomville, (Bl5). 410 Fontanel, (B9) 70O Foresman, (34).... 130 Forest, (D6) 300 ForesthiIl,(Ell)... Ill Fort Branch, (A15). 1,182 Fort Ritner, (D12).. 110 Fortville, (E8) 1,174 Fort Wayne, (F3). 63,933 Fountain City, ((j8) 443 Fountaintown, (E9) 460 Fowler, (B5) 1,491 Fowlerton, (E6).... 293 Francesvilie, (C4).. 729 Francisco, (314)— 407 Frankfort, (C6).... 8,634 Franklin, (DIO).... 4,502 Frankton, (E7) 936 Fredericksburg, (C7) 300 Fredericksburg, (D14) 271 Freedom, (Cll).... 300 Freeland Park, (A5).... 200 Freelandville, (312) 500 Freeport, (E9) 100 Freetown, (D12)... 300 Fremont, (Gl) 694 French Lick, (C13). 1,803 Friendship, (F12).. 250 Friendswood, (D9). 100 Fulda, (CIS) 150 Fulton, (D4) 296 Fumessville, (Bl).. 150 Galena, (El4) 200 Galveston, (D5).... 658 Garrett, (F2) 4,149 Gary, (Bl) 16,802 Gas City, (E6) 3,224 Gaston, (E6) 638 Geetingsville, (D6). 100 (ieneva, (G5) 1,140 Geneva, (ElO) 150 Union Hill, (H3)... 250 Unionville, (Gil).. 300 Unity, (Fll) 150 Upper Alton, (D8). 2,918 Urbana, (H5) 8,245 Ursa, (35) 170 Utica, (F3) 1,500 Valier, (F9) 200 Valley, (C6) 800 Vandalia, (F8) 2,974 VanOrin,(F2) 190 Varna, (F3) 406 Venedy, (E9) 160 Venice, (D8) 3,718 Vera, (F7) 130 Vergennes, (FlO).. 342 Vermüion, (J6).... 287 Vermilion Grove,(J6) 200 Vermont, (D5) 1,118 Vernon, (F8) 333 Verona, (G3) 300 Versailles, (C6).... 557 Victoria, (D3) 334 Vienna, (Gil) 1,124 Villa Grove, (H6).. 1,828 Villaridge, (Fll)... 700 Viola, (C3) 760 Virden, (E7) 4,000 Virginia, (D6) 1,501 Volo, (HI) 180 Wadsworth, Ol)... 150 Waggoner, (E7)... 270 Waldron, (J3) 261 Walnut, (E2) 763 Walnut Hill, (F8).. 160 Walpole, (GlO) 130 Waishville, (E7)... 169 Waltonville, (F9).. 250 Wanlock, (C3) ISO Wapella, (G5) 498 Warren, (El) 1,331 Warrensburg, (F6). 504 Warrenville, (H2).. 100 Warsaw, (B5) 2,254 Wasco, (H2) 150 Washburn, (F4)... 777 Washington, (F4).. 1,530 Gentryville, (315).. 383 Georgetown, (D5).. 130 Georgetown, (E14). 331 Gessie, (B7) 160 Gibson, (Bl) 100 Gilead, (D4) 160 Gilman, (E7) 500 Gilmour, (Bll).... 150 Ging,(F9) 130 Glendora, (Bll)... 100 Glenwood, (F9). 266 Goeglein, (F3) 100 Goldsmith, (D6)... 230 Goodland, (B4) 1,105 Goshen, (El) 8,514 Gosport, (CIO) 776 Grabill, (G3) 130 Grammer, (Ell)... 100 Grand View, (C16). 735 Grantsburg, (D14). 200 Granville, (F6) 100 Grass Creek, (D4). 200 Grasselli, (Bl) 200 Graysville, (All)... 100 Greencastle, (C9).. 3,790 Greendale, ((>11).. 697 Greene, (G6) 100 Greenfield, (E8).... 4,448 Greenhill, (B6).... 170 Greensboro, (F8).... 250 Greensburg, (FlO).. 5,420 Greens Fork, (F8).. 400 Greentown, (E6)... 1,166 (jreenville, (E14).... 227 Greenwood, (D9).. 1,608 Griffin, (A15) 275 Griffith, (B2) 523 Groveland, (C8)... 100 Guilford, (Gil).... 250 Guthrie, (C12) 200 Gwynneville, (E9). 200 Hackleman, (E6)-. 100 Hagerstown, (F8).. 936 Hall, (C9) 200 Hamilton, (Gl).... 800 Hamlet, (C2) 579 Hammond. (Al).. 20,925 Hanfield, (E5) 150 Hanna, (C2) 500 Hanover, (F13) 356 Hardinsburg, (D14) 254 Harlan, (G3) 900 Harmony, (B9).... 1,200 Harrisville, (G7)... 100 Harrodsburg, (Cll) 400 Hartford, (Gil).... 150 Hartford Citv, (F6) 6,187 Hartsville,(E10).... 358 Hartwell, (314).... 300 Hatfield, (316) 200 Haubstadt, (A15).. 500 Hayden, (E12) 300 Haysville, (C14).... 200 Hazelwoc^, (C9)... 100 Hazlcton, (AI4).-.. 648 Headlee,(C4) 150 Hebron, (32) 821 Hecia, (E3) 200 Helmer, (Fl) 150 Helmsburg, (DIO).. 100 Heltonville, (D12).. 600 Hemlock, (D6) 300 Henryville, (Eli)... 400 Herbst. (E5) 250 Hessville, (Bl) 400 Hibbard, (D3) 200 Highland,(Bl).... 500 Hillham, (C13) 220 Hillisburg, (D6).... 300 Hillsboro, (B7) 528 Hillsdale, (B8) 200 Hoagland, (G4).... 300 Hobart, (31)..:... 1,753 Hobbieville, (C12).. 200 Hobbs, (E6) 200 Holland, (315) 300 Hollandsburg, (B8) 100 Holton, (Fll) 280 Homer, (E9) 130 Honey Creek, (F7). 190 Hoosierville, (BIO). 150 Hoover, (D4) 150 Hope, (ElO) 1,223 Hortonville, (D7)... 200 Hosmer, (B14) 130 Houston, (Dil) 120 Howe, (Fl) 800 Howell, (A16) 2,100 Howesviile, (Bll).. 3{X) Howlands, (D8).... 150 Hudson, (Fl) 390 Huntertown. (F3).. 4(X) Huntingburg, (C14) 2,464 Huntington, (E4).. 10,272 HuntsvUle, (E8).... 160 Huron, (C13) 197 Hymera, (Bll)..... 1,515 IdavUle, (C5) 500 Ijamsville, (E4).... 170 Independence, (B6) 500 Indiana Harbor, (31) 4,850 INDIANAPOLIS, (D8) 233,650 Indian Sprs, (C12). 250 Ingalls, (E8) 322 Inglefield, (A15)... 150 Inwood, (D2) 300 Ireland, (B14) 280 Irvington, (D9).... 1,500 Jackson, (D6) 100 Jacksonburg, (F8).. 100 Jackson Hill, (Bll) 300 Jalapa, (E5) 150 Jamestown, (C8)... 690 Jasonville, (B11)... 3,295 Jasper, (C14) 2,196 Jefferson, (C6) 310 Jeffersonville, (E14) 10,412 Jerome, (E6) 200 Jessup, (39) 150 Jolietville, (D7) 350 Jonesboro, (E6).... 1,573 Jonesville, (Ell)... 213 Judson, (B8) 141 ICempton, (D6) 600 Kencfallville, (F2).. 4,981 Kennard, (E8) 449 Kentland, (34) 1,209 Kewanna, (D3).... 728 Keystone, (F5) 242 Killion, (C13) 150 Kilimore, (D6) 100 Kimmell, (E2) 300 King, (A14) 100 Kingman, (B8) 535 Kingsbury, (CI)... 250 Kingsland, (F4) 100 Kinzie, (E3) 150 Kirklin, (D7) 699 Klondike, (C6) 120 Knightstown, (E8). 2,008 Knightsville, (B9).. 1,081 Knox, (C2) 1,644 Kokomo, (D5).... 17,010 Koleen, (C12) 150 Kouts, (32) 500 Kramer, (36) 200 Kratzville, (A16)... 100 Kurtz, (D12) 300 Kyana, (C14) 130 Laconia, (D15).... 82 Lacrosse, (C2) 400 Lacy, (C13) 200 Ladoga, (C8) 1,148 Lafayette, (C6) 20,081 La Fontaine, (E5).. 683 Lagrange, (Fl) 1,772 Lagro, (E4) 463 Laketon. (É4) 700 Lake Village, (B3).. 150 Ijakeville, (Dl).... 227 Lancaster, (F4)..,. 200 Lancaster, (E12)... 100 Landess. (E5)...,. 200 Lanesville, (D15)... 290 Laotto, (F2) 350 Lapaz, (D2) 390 Lapel, (E7) 1,045 Laporte, (Cl) 10,525 Larwill, (E3) 400 Laud, (F3) 320 Laurel, (F9) 503 Lawrence, (D8).... 400 Lawrenceburg, (Gil) 3,930 Lawrenceville, (GlO) 100 Leavenworth, (D15) 690 Lebanon, (C7) 5,474 Leesburg, (E2) 401 Leesville, (D12)... 150 Leisure, (E6) 180 Leiters Ford, (D3). 200 Lena, (39) 340 Leo, (F3) 300 Leopold, (C15) 600 Leroy, (32) 150 Lester, (C12) 250 Letts, (Ell) 180 Lewis, (310) 230 Lewisvüle, (F8) 446 Lexington, (E13).. 330 Liberty, (G9) 1,338 Liberty Center, (F5) 400 Liberty Mills, (E3). 300 Ligonier, (E2) 2,173 Lima, (Fl) 600 Lincoln, (D5) 200 Lincoln City, (C15) 150 Lincolnville, (E5).. 150 Linden, (C7) 556 Linngrove, (F5)... 150 Linton, (Bll) 5,906 Linwood, (E7) 130 Lisbon, (F2) 150 Littles, (314) 350 Little York, (E13). 195 Livonia, (D13) 197 Lizton, (C8) 224 Lochiel,(B5) 150 Lockspring, (Fll). 250 Logansix>rt. (D4). 19,050 London, (E9) 200 Loogootee, ((>13).. 2,154 Losantville, (F7)... 600 Lowell, (B2) 1,235 Lucerne, (D4) 230 Lynn, (G7) 917 Lynnville, (B15)... 297 Lyons, (B12) 993 Lyons Station, (F9) 150 Lyonton, (311).... 300 McCool, (Bl) 150 McCordsville, (E8) 300 Mace, (C7) 300 Macy, (D4) 320 Madison, (F12) 6,934 Mahalasvüle, (DIO) 260 Majenica, (F5) 300 Manchester, (Fll). 450 Manhattan, (C9).. 100 Manilla, (E9) 400 Mansfield, (B9) 300 Manson, (C7) 200 Maples, (F3) 150 Maplewood, (C8).. 100 Marblehill, (F13).. 100 Marco, (312) 300 Marengo, (D14) 686 MariahHill,(Cl5). 100 Marietta, (ElO).... 280 Marion, (E5) 19,359 Markland, (F12)... 150 Markle, (F4) 820 Markleville, (E8).. 250 Marshall, (B8) 334 Marshfield, (37)... 300 Martinsville, (DlO) 4,529 Martz, (BIO) 40O Marysville, (E13).. 220 INDEX OF THE UNITED STATES (INDIANA - IOWA) 145 Matthews, (F6).... 688 Mauckport, (D15). 279 Max, (C7) 100 Maxinkuckee, (D3) ICQ Maxville, (C16)..,. 100 Maxwell, (E8) 400 Mays, (F9) 200 Maywo(xl, (D9) 130 Mecca, (B9) 1,200 Mechanicsburg, Hoone Co., (D7) 100 MechaDicsburg, Henry Co.. (E7) 200 MedaryvUle, (C3).. 710 Medora, (D12) 800 Mellott, (B7) 372 Memphis, (E14) 200 Mentone, (D3) 728 Merom, (All) 521 Merrillvüle, (,B2).. 200 Metamora, (FIO).. 300 Metz, (Gl) 400 Mexico, (D4) 500 Miami, (D5) 300 Michael, (E5) 130 Michigan City, (CI) 19,027 Michigantown, (D6) 395 Middlebury, (El).. 600 Middlefork, (D6).. 100 Middletown, (E7). 1,174 Midland, (BlI).... 500 Mier, (E5) 300 Milan, (Fll) 557 Mildred, (Bll) 100 Milford, Decatur Co., (ElO) 169 Milford, Kosciusko Co., (E2) 814 Mill Creek, (CI)... 100 Miller, (Bl) 638 Millersburg, (El).. 428 Millersburgh, (B15) 130 Millersville, (D8).. 200 Millgrove, (F6).... 250 Millhousen, CFll). 211 Miiltown, (D14)... 586 Mill ville, (F8) 200 Milners Corners,(E18) 150 Milroy, (FIO) 760 Milton, (F8) 601 Mineral, (C12).... 150 Mishawaka, (Dl). 11,886 Mitchell, (D13) 3,438 Modoc, (F7) 261 Mohawk, (É8).... 150 Mongo, (Fl) 150 Monon, (C4) 1,184 Monroe, (05) 334 Monroe City, (B13) 630 Monroeville, (G4). 910 Monrovia, (D9)... 400 Monterey, (D3)... 260 Montezuma, (B8).. 1,537 Montgomery, (B13) 511 Monticello, (C5) 2,168 Montmorenci, (B6) 330 Montpelier, (F5)..- 2,786 Moorefield, (F12).. 94 Mooreland, (F8)... 455 Mcwrcs Hill, (Fll). 424 M(X)resville, (D9).. 1,608 Moral, (E9) 200 Moran, (C6) 270 Morgantown, (DIO) 667 Morocco, (B4) 927 Morris, (FIO) 350 Morristown, (E9).. 622 Moscow, (ElO) 200 Mount Aubum,(E10) 167 Mount Ayr, (B4).. 231 Mount Carmel, ((>10)142 Mount Comfort,(E8) 100 Mount Etna, (E5). 148 Mount Meridian, (C9) 150 Mount Sterling, (F12)180 Mount Summit,(F7) 300 Mount Vernon, (A16) 5,563 Mount Zion, (F5).. 300 Mulberry, (C6).... 800 Muncie, (F7) 24,005 Munster, (Al) 543 Muren, (B14) 100 Murray, (F5) 180 Nabb, (E13) 100 Napoleon, (Fll) 400 Nappanee, (E2)... 2,260 Nashville, (Dil)... 354 National Military Home, (E5) 2,300 Nebraska,(Fll) 150 Needhara, (D9).... 200 Needmore, Brown Co., (Dil) 100 Needmore, Lawrence Co., (C12) 100 New Albany,(E14) 20,629 New Alsace, (Gl 1). 200 New Amsterclam, (DIS) 134 Newark, (Cll) 150 New Augusta, (D8) 300 New Bellsville, (Dil) 150 Newbern, (Ell) 250 Newberry, (C12)... 455 New Bethel, (D9).. 200 New Britten, (E8). 110 Newburg, (BI6)... 1,097 New Carlisle, (CI). 612 Newcastle, (F8)... 9,446 New Chicago, (Bl) 105 NewCorydon, (G5) 200 New Goshen, (B9). 180 New Harmony, (A15) 1,229 New Haven, (F3).. 1.038 New Lancaster,(E7) 130 New Lebanon, (Bll) 100 New Lisbon, (F8).. 190 New London, (D6) ISO New Marion, (Fll) 200 New Market, (C8). 334 New Maysville, ((^8) 150 New Middletown, (D15) 145 New Mount Pleasant, (F6) ISO New Palestine, (E9) 450 New Paris, (E2) 400 New Pekin, (D13). 246 New Philadelphia, (E13) ISO New Point, (FIO).. 341 Newport. (B8) 732 New Providence,.. (E14) 350 New Richmond, (C7) 464 New Ross, (C8).... 296 New Salem, (F9).. 200 NewSalisbury,(Dl4) 150 Newton Stewart, (C14) 100 Newtonville, (C16). 150 Newtown, (B7> 350 New Trenton, (Gl0) 300 Newville, (G2) .... 100 New Washington, . (E13) 270 New Waverly, (D4) 300 New Winchester, (C9) 170 Ninemile, (F4) 100 Nineveh, (DlO) 300 Noah, (E9) 150 Noblesville, (E7).. 5,073 Normal City,(F7).. 1,122 Normanda. (D6)... 150 Norman Station, (D12) 150 Northgrove, (E5).. 400 North Judson, (<>3) 1,143 North Liberty, (Dl) 681 North Madison, (F13) 900 North Manchester, (E4) 2,428 North Salem, (C8). 569 North Vernon, (Ell) 2,915 North Webster, (E2') 400 Norway, (C5) 150 Norwood, (D8) 400 Notre Dame, (Dl). 1,200 Nottingham, (F5).. 110 Nyesville, (B8).... 100 Oakford, (D6) 150 Oakland City, (B14) 2,370 Oaklandon, (E8).. 360 Oaktown. (Bl2)... 608 Oakville, (F7) 200 Ober,(C3) 200 Ockley, (C6) 150 Odell, (B6) 100 Odon, (B12) 1,064 Ogden, (F8) 300 Ohio Falls, (E14).. 240 Oldenburg, (FIO).. 956 Oliver, (A15) 100 Omega, (E7) 100 Ontario, (Fl) 200 Onward, (D5) 200 Oolitic, (C12) 1,079 Ora, (C3) 250 Orange, (F9) 200 Orangeville, (CI3). 100 Orestes, (E6) 420 Oriole.(C15) 150 Orland (Fl) 500 Orleans, (Dl3).... 1,367 Orrville,(A14) 100 Osceola, (Dl) 260 Osgood, (Fll) 1,169 Ossian, (F4) 661 Oswego,l(E2) 100 Otis. (CI) 250 Otisco, (E13) 220 Otterbein, (B6).... 652 Otwell, (B14) 300 Ovid, (E8) 100 Owensburg, ((>12). 450 Owensville, (A14). 1,237 Oxford, (B5) 1,010 Packerton, (E3)... 300 Palestine, (E3) 100 Palmyra, (D14).... 252 Paoli, (D13) 1,278 Paragon, (ClO) 409 Paris Crossing, (E12) 500 Parker, (F7) 800 Parkersburg, (C8). 130 Parr, (B3) 300 Patoka, (A14) 657 Patricksburg, (CIO) 400 Patriot, (G12) 340 Patton, (C5) 100 Paxton, (Bll) 170 Pekin, (D13) 150 Pence, (B6) 110 Pendleton, (E8)... 1,293 Pennville, (F6) 800 Peoria, (P25) 100 PerkinsvUle,(E7).. 300 Perrysville, (B7)... 650 Perth, (B9) 700 Peru, (D4) 10,910 Petersburg, (B14).. 2,170 Philadelphia, (E8). 200 Pickard, (D7) 300 Pierceton, (E3).. ¿. 817 Pierceville, (Fll).. 200 Pikespeak, (Dil).. 100 Pikeville, (B14)... 110 Pimento,(BlO) 100 Pine VÜlage,(B6).. 352 Pittsboro, (D8).... 408 Pittsburg, (C5).... 400 Plainfield, (D9) 1,303 Plainville, (B12) 500 Pleasant Lake, (Gl) 600 Pleasant Mills, (G4) 250 Pleasant Plain, (E5) 100 Pleasantville, Pike Co.,(B15) 300 Pleasantville, Sulli¬ van Co., (B12) . 230 Plumtree, (F5) 150 Plymouth, (D2)... 3,838 Poe,(F4) 100 Point Isabel, (E6) . 200 Poland, (CIO) 160 Poneto, (F5) 308 Porter, (Bl) 524 Portersville, (B14). 150 Port Fulton, (El4) 1,060 Portland, Fountain Co., (B7) 100 Portland, Jay Co., (G6) 5,130 Poseyville, (A15).. 780 Powers, (F6) 120 Prairie Creek, (B10) 160 Prairieton, (BIO).. 300 Preble, (F4) 120 Prescott, (ElO)—. 100 Princeton, (A14)... 6,448 Pulaski, (C4) 100 Putnamville, (C9).. 300 Pyrmont, (C6) 130 Queensville, (Ell). 120 (Juincy, (CIO) 300 Radley, (E6) 100 Radnor, (C5) 220 Raglesville, (B12).. 150 Rainsville, (B6).... 150 Raleigh, (F8) 160 Ramsey, (014).... 100 Raub, (B5) 250 Ray, (Gl) 300 Raysville, (E8).... 500 Redkey,CF6) 1,714 Reed,(F7). 100 Reelsville, (C9) 200 Reese Mill, (D7)... 130 Reiffsburg, (F5) 100 Remington, (B4).. 982 Reno, (C9) 100 Rensselaer, (B4)... 2,393 Rexville, (F12) 100 Reynolds, (C5).... 377 Richland, Rush Co., (FIO) 100 Richland, Spencer Co., (B16) 300 Richmond, (G8).. 22,324 RIchvalley, (E4)... 150 Ridgeview, (D4) .. 440 Ridgeville, (F6).,.. 1,302 Rigdon, (E6) 210 Riley, (BIO) 550 Rising Sun, ((>12). 1,513 River Park, (Dl).. 1,505 Riverside, (F7) 863 Roachdale, (C8) 849 Roann, (E4) 447 Roanoke, (F4) 699 Roby.(Bl) 320 Rochester, (D3) 3,364 Rock Creek, (F4).. 100 Rockfield, (C5) 300 Rockford, (E12)... 200 Rocklane, (D9).... 130 Rockport, (B16)... 2,736 Rockville, (B8).... 1,943 Roll, (F5) 100 Rolling Prairie,(Cl) 400 Rome, (C16) 150 Rome City, (F2)... 450 Romney, (C7) 200 Romona, (CIO) 100 Roseburgh, (E5)... 150 Rosedale, (B9).... 1,166 Róselawn, (B3). 300 Rosston, (D7)..... 150 Rossville, (C6) 677 Royal Center, (C4) 909 Royalton, (D8).... 100 Royerton, (F6) 300 Rushville, (F9) 4,925 Russell ville, (C8).. 443 Russiaville, (D6).. 800 Saint Anthony, (C14) 150 Saint Bernice, (A9) 130 Saint Joe, (G2) 391 Saint John, (B2) 200 Saint Joseph Hill, (E14) 100 Saint Leon, (GIO). 261 Saint Louis, (ElO). 100 Saint Louis Crossing, (ElO) 200 Saint Marys, (A9).. 200 Saint Maurice, (FIO) 150 Saint Meinrad, (C15) 538 Saint Omer, (ElO). 390 Saint Paul, (ElO).. 1 400 Saint Peters. (FlO). 200 Saint Wendells, (A15) 130 Salamonia, (G6)... 169 Salem, Jay Co., (G6) 100 Salem, Washington Co., (D13) 2,283 Salem Center, (Fl). 200 Saline City, (BIO).. 350 Saltillo, (D13) 162 Sandbom, (B12)... 445 Sandford, (A9).... 2 50 Sandusky, (FIO)... 2(K) San Pierre, (C3)... 400 Santa Fe, (D5) 100 Saratoga, (G7) 410 Sardinia, (Ell) 180 Scalesville, (B15).. 100 Schererville, (B2).. 250 Schnellville, (C14). 200 Scipio, (Ell) 250 Scircleville, (D6)... 250 Scotland, (C12) 200 Scottsburg, (E13).. 1,669 Sedalia. (C6) 400 Seelyville, (BIO)... 1,188 Seilersburg, (E14). 676 Selma,(F7) 350 Selvin,(B15) 300 Servia, (E4) 300 Seymour, (E12).... 6,303* Shakespeare, (E2). 150 Shannondale, (C7). 120 Sharpsville, (D6).. 700 Shelburn, (Bll) 2,055 Shelby, (B3) 200 ShelbyvUle, (E9)... 9,500 Sheldon, (F4) 200 Sheridan, (D7) 1,768 Shideler, (F6) 200 Shipshewana, (El). 500 Shirley, (E8) 1,519 Shirley City, (G3). 375 Shoals, (C13) 1,015 Shrock, (El) 100 Sidney, (E3) 400 Silver Grove, (E14) 783 Silverlake, (E3).... 493 Sims, (E5) 250 Smithland, (ElO).. 150 Smithville, (Cll).. 400 Snyder, (E8) 150 Solsberry, (Cll) 200 Somerset, (E5) 310 Somerville, (B14).. 100 South Bend, (Dl). 53,684 South Milford, (Fl) 380 South Peru, (D4)... 866 Southport, (D9) 352 South Whitley, (E3) 1,176 Spades, (Fll) 100 Sparksville, (D12). 150 Spartanburg, (G7). 300 Spearsville, (DIO). 150 Spencer, ((>10) 2,150 Spencerville, (G2). 300 Spiceland, (F8) 622 Spring Grove, (G8) 122 Springport, (F7)... 150 Springville, (C12).. 300 Stanford, (Cl 1).... 100 Star City, (C4).... 450 State Line, (B7)... 194 Staunton, (Bio)... 746 Stendal, (B14) 250 Stevenson, (B15).. 140 Stewartsville, (A15) 300 Stilesville, (C9) 400 Stillwell, (Cl) 300 Stinesville, (CIO).. 497 Stips Hill, (FIO) 110 Stockwell, (C6) 500 Stonebluff, (B7)... 300 Stonington, (D13). 100 Straughn, (F8).... 234 Strawtown, (E7)... 100 Stroh, (Fl) 500 Sullivan, (Bll).... 4,115 Sulphur Springs, (F8) 209 Summit Grove, (B9) 100 Summitville, (E6).. 1,387 Sunman, (Fll).... 353 Surprise, (D12).... 100 Swan, (F2) 100 Swanington, (B 5).. 150 Swayzee, (E5) 836 Sweetsers, (E5) 740 Switz City, (Bll).. 600 Sycamore, (E5).... 300 Sylvania, (B8) 300 Syracuse, (E2) 1,379 Talbot, (B5) 150 Talma, (D3) 150 Tampico, (E12)... 170 Tangier, (B8) 300 Taswell, (C14) 200 Taylorsville, (ElO). 500 Teegarden, (D2)... 200 Tefft, (C3) 200 Tell City, (C16)... 3,369 Templeton, (B5)... 30O Tennyson, (B15).. 371 Terhune, (D7).... 150 Terre Haute,(BIO) 58,157 Tetersburg, (D6).. 100 Thayer, (B3) 200 Thorntown, (C7).. 1,508 Tiosa, (D3) 150 Tippecanoe, (D3).. 400 Tipton, (D6) 4,075 Tobinsport, (C16). 300 Tocsin, (F4) 120 Tolleston, (Bl).— 1,000 Topeka, (El) 500 Tracy, (C2) 100 Trafalgar, (DIO)... 400 Treaty, (É5) 100 Trenton, (F6) 3C0 Trinity Springs, (C12)100 Troy, (G16) 510 Tunnellton, (D12). 240 Turner, (B9) 300 Twelve Mile, (D4). 200 Tyner, (D2) 200 Ubee, (F4) 200 Underwood, (E13). 130 Union, (B14) 300 Union (>ity, (G7).. 3,209 Uniondale, (F4)... 189 Union Mills, (C2).. 500 Unionport, (F7) 100 Unionville, (Dl 1).. 100 University Heights, (B9) 102 Upland, (F6) 1,080 Upton, (A16) 250 Urbana, (E4) 300 Utica, (E14) 400 Valeene, (D14) 100 Valley Mills, (D9). 150 Vallonia, (D12).... 550 Valparaiso (B2) 6,987 Vanburen, (E5).... 1,189 Van Buren, (El)... 130 Veedersburg, (BÖ. 1,757 Velpen, (B14) 250 Vera Cruz, (F5)... 133 Vernon, (E12) 453 Versailles, (Fll)... 486 Vevay, (F12) 1,256 Vienna, (E13) 200 Vincennes, (B13). 14,895 Vistula, (El) 100 Wabash, (E4) 8,687 Wadena, (B5'» 100 Wadesville, (A15).. 1,000 Wagoner, (D4).... 100 Wailesboro, (Ell). 160 Wakarusa, (Dl)... 859 Waldron,(ElO).... 400 Walkerton, (C2)... 1,003 Wallace. CB8) 116 Wallen, (F3) 150 Walnut, (D3) 150 Walton, (D5) 579 Wanatah, (C2).... 800 Warren, (F5) 1,189 Warrington, (E8).. 300 Warsaw, (E3) 4.430 Washington,(B13). 7,854 Waterford, (Cl) 150 Waterford Mills, (El) 150 Waterloo, (F2) 1,167 Waterman, (B8)... 200 Watson, (El4) 250 Waveland, (B8)... 676 Waverly, (D9) 130 Wawaka, (F2) 400 Wawpecong, (D5). 210 Waymansville, (Dil) 110 Waynesburg, (Ell) 100 Waynesville, (Ell). 110 Waynetown, (B7).. 734 Webster, (G8) 300 Weisburg, (Fll)... 100 Wellsboro, (C2) 200 West Baden, ((>13) 746 West College Corner, (G9) 432 Westfield,(D7).... 700 West Fork, (C15).. 200 West Harrison, (GIO) 281 West Lafayette,... (C6) 3,867 West Lebanon, (B6) 642 West Middleton, (D6) 200 West Newton, (D9) 400 Westpoint, (B6) 300 Westport, (Ell)... 675 West Terre Haute, (BIO) 3,083 Westville, (Cl).... 503 Wheatfield,(B3)... 357 Wheatland, (B13). 400 Wheeler, (Bl) 250 Wheeling, (F6) 110 Whitcomb, (GIO.).. 100 Whiteland, (D9)... 343 Whitelick, (D8) 200 Whitestown, (D8). 800 Whitesville, (C8).. 120 White Water, (G8). 112 Whiting, (Bl) 6,587 Wilbur, (C9) 100 Wilfred, (Bll) 150 W^ilkinson, (E8)... 500 Williams, (C12)... 350 Williamsburg, (F8). 300 Williamsport, (B6). 1,243 Williamstown, (FIO) 120 Willow, (E8) 140 Wilmington, (Gil) 150 Winamac, (C3) 1,607 Winchester, (F7).. 4,266 Windfall. (E6) 899 Windsor, (F7) 120 Wingate,(B7) 446 Winona, (C3) 100 Winona Lake, (E3) 1,000 Winslow, (B14) 932 Winthrop, (B6). 100 Witt, (GIO) 100 Wolcott, (B5) 873 Wolcottville, (Fl).. 627 Wolrtake, (E2) 450 Woodburn, (G3)... 300 Woodbury, (E8)... 120 Woodland, (Dl)... 100 Woodruff, (D8) ... 833 Worthington, (Bll) 1,732 Wyatt. (Dl) 130 Yankeetown, (B16) 180 Veddo, (B7) 200 Venne, (C13) 150 Yeoman, (C5) 180 Yorktown, (E7)... 1,100 Yorkville, (Gil)... 150 Young America, (D5) 500 Youno, (Dil) 100 Yountsville, (B7).. 130 Zanesville, (F4).... 300 Zenas, (Fll) 100 Zionsville, (D8).... 840 Zipp, (Al5) 100 IOWA Abbott, (H 3) 100 Abingdon, (K5)... 200 Ackley, (tI2) 1,244 Ackworth, (H5)... 119 Adair, (E5) 900 Adaza, (F3) 110 Adel, (F4) 1,289 Afton, (F5) 1,014 Agency, (K6) 322 Ainsworth, (L5) 408 Akron, (A2) 1,130 Albert (>ity, (E2).. 261 Albia, (J5) 4,969 Albion, (J3) 457 Albumett, (L3)... . 250 Alden, (H2) 699 Alexander, (H2)... 262 Algona, (Fl) 2,908 Alterton, (J6) 862 Allison, (T2) 495 Alta, (D2) 959 Altavista, (Kl) 356 Alton, (B2) 1,046 Altoona, (H4) 438 Alvord, (Bl) 283 Amana, (L4) 700 Amber, (M3) 100 Ames, (G3) 4,223 Anamosa, (M3) 2,983 Andrew, (N3) 307 Angus, (F4) 248 Anita. (E5) 1,118 Ankeny, ((j4) 445 Anthon, (C3) 635 Aplington, (J2) 448 Arcadia, (D3) 390 Archer, (Cl) 351 Aredale, (J2) 100 Arion, (D4) 168 Arispe,(F6) 155 Arlington. (L2).... 678 Armah, (K4) 200 Armstrong, (Fl) 586 Arnold, (F2) 260 Arnolds Park, (Dl) 273 Arthur, (D3) 215 Ashton, (Cl) 518 Aspinwall, (D4) 200 Atalissa, (M4) 220 Athelstan, (E6) 148 Atkins. (I4) 220 Atlantic, (D5) 4,560 Attica. (H 5) 110 Auburn, (E^) 399 Audubon, (F4) 1,928 Augusta, (M6) 100 Aurcli»,(D2) 625 Aurora, (L2) 287 Avery, (J 5) 560 Avoca, (D5) 1,520 Ayrshire, (El) 337 Badger, (F2) 212 Bagley, (F4) 488 BaUey, (Jl) 226 Baldwin, (N3) 229 Bancroft, (Fl) 830 Barnes City, (J5)... 307 Barnum, (F2) 154 Bartlett, (C6) 120 Bassett, (Kl) 130 Batavia.(K6) 560 Battle Creek, (C3). 527 Baxter, (H4) 527 Bayard .(E4) 539 Bayñeld, (M5) 100 Beacon, (J 5) 623 Beaconsfîeld, (F6). 148 Beaman, (J3) 2 20 Bear Creek, (J6)... 100 Beaver, (F3) 150 Bedford. (E6) 1,883 Belknap, (K6) 100 Belle plaine, (K4) . 3,121 Bellevue, (03) 1,776 Belmond, (G2) 1,224 Bennett, (N4) 243 Bentley, (CS). 130 Benton,(F6) 191 Bentonsport, (L6). 141 Berkley, (F4) lOO Berlin, (J3) 150 Bernard, (N3) 95 Bertram, (M4) 200 Bettendorf, (N4).. 909 Bevington, (G5)... 220 Big Rock, (N4) 120 Birmingham, (K6). 572 Blairsburg, (G2) 241 Blairstown, (K4).. 532 Blakesburg, (J6) .. 344 Blanchard, (D6)... 408 Blencoe, (B4) 283 Blockton, (E6) 648 Bloomfield, (K6)... 2,028 Blue Grass, (N4).. 223 Blyth, (J5) 100 Bode, (F2) 419 Bolton, (J 5) 200 Bonaparte, (L6)... 597 Bondurant, (H4).. 287 Boone, (G3) 10,347 Booneville, (F4)... 100 Bouton. (F5) 100 Boxholm, (F3) 150 Boyden, (Bl) 364 BraddyvUle, (E6).. 283 Bradgate, (F2).... 175 Brandon, (K3) .... 200 Brayton, (E4) 137 Brazil, (J6) 710 Breda, (E3)....... 374 Bridgewater. (E5). 365 Brighton, (L5).... 776 Bristow, (J2) 291 Britt, (Gl) 1,303 Bromley, (H3) 150 Bronson, (B3) 100 Brooklyn, (K4) 1,233 Brooks, (E6) 120 Brushy, (G3) 100 Bryant, (04) 100 Buckeye, (H3) 140 Buckgrove, (D4)... 87 Buffalo, (N5) 456 Buffalo Center. (Gl) 7.-3 Burchinal, (H 1)... 100 Burlington (M6). 24,324 Burnside, (F3) 100 Burroak, (LI) 300 Burt, (Fl) 495 Bussey, ((j5) 669 Buxton, (J5) 3,000 Cairo, (MS) 100 Calamus, (N4) 270 Callender, (F3).... 321 Calliope,f(Bl) 100 Calmar, (LI) 849 Calumet, (C2) 242 Camanche, (04)... 629 Cambria, (H6).... 120 Cambridge, (H4).. 696 Canton, (N3) 150 Cantril, (K6) 445 Carbon, (E5) 246 Carbondale, (G4).. 130 Carlisle, (GS) 592 Carnarvon, (E3).., 150 Carpenter, (HI) 121 Carroll, (E3) 3,546 (^rson, (D5) 640 Cascade, (M3) .... 1,268 Casey, (E4) 735 Castalia, (LI) 230 Castaña, (C3) 364 Castle Grove, (M3) 750 Cedar, (J5) 100 Cedar Bluff, (M4). 100 Cedar Falls, (K2).. 5,012 Cedar Rapids, (L4) 32,811 Cedar Valley, (M4) 130 Center Junction, (.M3) 199 Centerpoint, (L3).. 802 Centerville, (J6).. 6,936 Central City, (L3). 558 Centraba, (N3)... 100 Chapin, (.H2) 250 Chariton, (H5) 3,794 Charles City, (Jl). 5,892 Charleston, (L6).. 200 Charlotte, (04) 356 Charter Oak, (C3). 734 Chatsworth, (B2).. 131 Chelsea, (K4) 507 Cherokee, (C2).... 4,884 Chester, (Kl) 266 Chester Center, (J4) 100 Chillicothe, (J5)... 181 Churdan, (E3) 667 Cincinnati, (J6)... 1,355 Clare, (F2) 299 Clarence, ( M4).... 662 Clarinda, (D6) 3,832 Clarion, (G2) 2,065 Clarkdale,(J6).... 200 Clarksville, (J2)... 895 Clay,(L5) 200 Clayton, (M2).... 145 Clearfield, (E6).... 625 Clear Lake, (HI).. 2,014 Cleghom, (C2).... 186 demons, (H3) 213 Clermont,(LI ).... 510 Clevelana, (GS)... 59 Clinton, (04) 25,577 Clio,(H6) 178 Clutier, (K3) 186 Coalfield, (J5) 400 Coalville, (F3) 350 Coburg, (D6) 177 Coggon, (L3) 471 Coin, (D6) 591 Colesburg, (M2)... 271 Colfax, (H4) 2,524 College Sprs, (D6) . 626 Collins, (H4) 521 Colo, (H3) 463 Columbia, (H5) 200 ColumbusCity.(M5) 375 Cüolumbus Jc, (M5) 1,185 Commerce, (G4) 200 Conesville, (M5)... 347 Conover, (LI) 170 Conrad, (T3) 549 Conway, {E6) 283 Coon Rapids, (E4). 1,084 Cooper, (F4) 150 Coppock, (L5i.105 Coralville, (L4) 151 Corning, (E6) 1,702 Correctionville,(C3) 893 Corwith, (G2) 455 Corydon, (H6) 1,669 Cotter, (M5) 200 Coulter, (H2) 198 Council Bluffs, (CS) 29,292 Crawfordsville, (LS) 322 Crescent, (C5) 380 Cresco, (Kl) 2,658 Crestón, (F5) 6,924 Cricket, (J5) 250 Cromwell. (F5).... 208 Croton, (L6) 100 Crystal Lake, (Gl) 143 Cumberland, (E5).. 552 Gumming, (G5)... 200 Curlew, (E2) 161 Gushing, (C3) 254 Cylinder, (Fl) 129 Dahlonega, tK5)... 470 Dakotah, (F2) 391 Dallas, (H5) 300 Dallas Center, (G4) 769 Dana, (F3) 183 Danbury, fC3) 558 Danville, (M6) 263 Darbyville, ( 76)... 200 Davenport, (^74). 43,028 David, (Jl) 110 Davis City, (G6)... 489 Dawson, (F4) 275 Dayton, (F3) 717 Daytonville, (LS).. 100 Decatur, (G6) 311 Decorah, (LI) 3,592 Dedham, (E4) 355 Deep River, (K4).. 467 Defiance, (D4) 411 Delaware, (M3) 260 Delhi, (M3) 375 Delmar, (N4) 548 Deloit, (D3) 208 Delphos,(F6) 140 Delta, (K5) 728 Denison, (D3) 3,133 Denmark, (M6) 400 Denver, (K2) 224 Derby, (H6) 326 DES MOINES, (G4) 86,368 De Soto, (F4) 356 De Witt, (N4) 1,634 Dexter, (F4) 767 Diagonal, iF6) 509 Diamond, (H6) 100 Dickens. (Dl) 255 Dike, (J3) 286 Dixon, (N4) 400 Dodgeville, (M6) ,. 100 Dolliver, tEl) 107 Donnellson, (L6)... 337 Doon, vBl) 581 Douds Leando, (K6) 1,000 Dougherty, (H2)... 171 Douglass, (Ll ).... 300 Dow City, (C4).... 462 Downey, (M4) 150 Dows, (G2) 8 2 Drakesville, (K6).. 249 Dubuque, (N2)... 38,494 Dumont, (J2) 550 Duncombe, (G2).. 418 Dundee, (L2) 200 Dunkerton, (K2).. 276 Dunlap, (C4) 1,155 Dunreath, (H5).... 250 Durango, (N2) 100 Durant, (N4) 720 Durham, (J5) 100 Dyersville, (M3) 1,511 Dysart, (K3) 906 Eagle Center, (K3) 150 Eagle Grove, (G2). 3,387 Earlham, (F5) 749 Ehrling, (D4) 323 Earlville, (M3) 552 Early, (D3) 500 East Peru, (G5).... 371 East Pleasant Plain, (L5) 150 Eddyville, (J5) 1,085 Edenville, (ÍI4) 448 Edge wood, (M2).. 555 Ehler, (M 3) 100 Elberon, (K3) 336 Eldon, (K6) 2,024 Eldora, (H3) 1,995 El Dorado, (Ll)... 150 Eldridge, (N4) 217 Elgin. (L2) 564 Elkader, (M2) 1,181 Elkhart, (G4) 132 Elk Horn, (D4).... 350 Elkport, (M2) 210 Elliott, (D5) 5 8 Ellston, (F6) 205 Ellsworth. (G3) 406 Elma, (Kl) 807 Elwood, (N4) 180 Ely,(L4) 161 Emerson, (D5) 478 Emmetsburg. (El) 2,325 Enterprise, (G4) 350 Epworth, (N3) .... 520 Essex, (D6) 776 Estherville, (El)... 3,404 Evans, (J5) 670 Eveland, (J5) 200 Everist, (J5) 500 Everly, (Dl) 392 Exira, (E4) 787 Exline, (J6) 660 Fairbank, (K2). 618 Fairfax, (L4) 260 Fairfield, (L6) 4,970 Fairport, (N5) 210 Fairview, (M3) 250 Fanslers, (F4) 100 Farley, (M3) 676 Farmersburg, (M2) 259 Farmington, (L6) ..1,165 Farnhamville, (F3) 332 Farragut, (D6) 431 Farson, (K5) 100 Fayette, (L2) 1,112 Fenton, (Fl) 211 Fergusori, (J4) .... 127 Fertile, (Hi) 207 Festina, (LI) 130 Finchíord, (J2).... 110 Flagler, (H5) 400 Floris. (K6) 360 Floyd, (Jl) 332 Fonda, (E2) 978 Fontanelle, (E5)... 789 Forbush, (J6) 100 Forest City, (Gl)... 1,691 Fort Atkinson, (Kl) 289 Fort Dodge, (F2). 15,543 Fort Madison, (M6) 8,900 Foster, (J6) 276 Fostoria, (Dl) 150 Fraker, (J5) .' 400 Franklin, (L6) 138 Frankville, (Ll)... 200 Eraser, (G3).. 537 Fredericksburg, (K2) 558 Frederika, (K2) — 149 Fredonia, (M5) 250 Fredric, (J5) 150 Fremont, (K5) 501 French (>reek, (M2) 100 Fruitland, t,M5) 250 Fulton, (N3) ISO Galesburg, (J4) 200 Galland, (M7) 100 Galt,(G2) 250 Galva, (D2) 357 Garber, (M2) 131 Garden (jrove, (G6) 611 Garnavillo, (M2)... 342 Garner, (Gl) 1,028 Garrison, (K3) 438 Garwin, (J3) 425 Geneva, (H2) 199 George, (Cl) 606 Germania, (Fl) 436 Giard, (Ml) 150 Gibson, (K5) 100 Gifford, (H3) 130 Gilbert Sta, (G3).. 235 Gilbertville, (K3)... 200 Gilman, (J4) 430 Gilmore City, (E2) 689 GIvin, (J5) 400 Gladbrook, (J3).... 869 Glasgow, (L6) 100 Glenwood, (C5).... 4,052 Glidden, (E3) 850 Goldfield, (G2) 618 Goodell, (G2) 240 Goose Lake, (04). 110 Gowrie, (F3) 829 Graettinger, (El).. 556 Grafton, (HI) 183 Grand Jc, (F3) 1,012 Grand Mound, (N4) 428 Grand River, (G6) 333 Grandview, (M5).. 374 Granger, (G4) 225 Grant, (D5) 250 Grant City, (E3)... 162 Granville, (C2).... 400 Gravity, (E6) 475 Gray, (D4) 148 Greeley, (M2). 383 Greencastle, ^4).. 150 Greene, (J2) 1,150 Greenfield, (F5) 1,379 Green Island, (03). 128 Green Mtn, (J3)... 100 Green\ille, (D1) 150 Grimes, (G4) 733 Grinnell. (J4) 5,036 Griswold, (D5) 949 Grovehill, (K2) 100 Grundy (>enter, (J3) 1,354 Gruver, (El) 130 Guernsey. (K4) 143 Guthrie Center, (E4) 1,337 Guttenberg. (M2).. 1,873 Halbur, (E4) 147 146 (IOWA - KANSAS) INDEX OF THE UNITED STATES Haie, (M3) 930 Hamburg, (C6) 1,817 Hamilton, (J5) 391 Hampton, (H2).... 2,617 Hancock, (D 5) 250 Hanley, (G5) 100 Hanlontown, (Hl). 129 Hansell, (H2) UQ Harcourt, (F3) 247 Hardy, (F2) loo Harlan, (D4) 2,570 Harper, (KS) 232 Harpers Ferry, (Ml) 297 Harris, (Dl) 239 Hartfordi (H5) 150 Hartley, (Dl) 1,106 Hartwick, (K4).... ISO Harvard, (H6) 130 Harvey, (J5) 346 Haskins, (LS) ISO Hastings, (D5) 393 Havelock, (E2).... 241 Hawarden, (A2)... 2,107 Hawkeye, (L2) 510 Hawleyville, (E6).. 140 Hayesville, (KS)... 130 Hayfield, (Gl) 130 Hazieton, (L2) 444 Hedrlck, (KS) 978 Henderson, (C5)... 240 Hepburn, (D6) 110 Hesper, (Li) 200 High, (L4) ISO Highland Center,(KS) 160 Highlandville, (LI) ISO Hins,(L4) 195 Hillsboro, (L6) .... 330 Hillsdale, (CS) 80 Hinton, (B2) 329 Hiteman, (TS) 1,200 Hocking, (J6) 1,400 HollancT, (J3) 168 Holstein, (C2) 936 Holy Gross (M2).. 143 Homestea i, (L4)... 300 Hopeville, (G6).,.. 103 Hopkinton, (M3)... 797 Hornick, (B3) 245 Hospers, (Ol) 581 Hubbard, (H3).... 568 Hudson, (K3) 372 Hull, (Bl) 658 Humboldt, (F2)..,. 1,809 Humeston, (H6)... 1,006 Huntington, (El).. 100 Huron, (MS) 100 Hurstville, (N3)... 200 Huxley, (G4) 336 Hynes, (J5) 500 Iconium, (H6) 120 Idagrove, (03) 1,874 Imogene, (D6) 341 Incline, (G3) 500 Independence, (L3) 3,517 Indianapolis, (K.5).. 120 Indianola, (GS) 3,283 Inwood, (Bl)...... 595 Ion, (Ml) 100 lonia, (Kl) 298 lowaCÎenter, (H4). 100 Iowa City, (L4)... 10,091 Iowa Falls, (H2)... 2,797 Ira, (H4) ISO Ireton, (B2) 63 t Irving, (K4) 150 Irwin, (D4) 278 Jackson Je.,(Li).. 160 Jamaica, (F4) 379 Jamestown. (NTS).. 200 Janesville, (K2).... 269 Jefferson, (F3) 2,477 Jerome, (H6) 380 Jesup, (K3) 697 Jewell, (G3) 941 Joice, (HI) 200 JoUey. (E3) 250 Kalo, (Fjj 350 Kalona, (L5) 466 Kamrar, (G3) 262 Kanawha, (G2). •., 398 Kellerton, (F6)... . 503 Kelley,(G4) 231 Kellogg, (14) 610 Kendallville, (LI).. 100 Kensett, (HI) 360 Kent, (F6) 158 Kenwood Park,^L3) 376 Keokuk, (M7) 14,008 Keosauqua, (Ló) ...1,009 Keota, (L5) 988 Kesley, (J2) 130 Keswick, (K.5) 330 Keystone, (K4).... 412 Key West, (N3).... 140 Kimballton, (D4) . 271 Kingsley, (C2) 977 Kinross, (LS) 142 Kirkman, (D4) 180 Kirkville,(K5) 299 Kiron, (D3) 207 Klemme,((jl) 306 Knierim, (F3) .... 220 Knowlton, (F6).... 193 Knoxville, (HS) 3,190 Kossuth, (M5) .... 250 Koszta, (K4) 100 Lacona, (HS) 517 Laddsdale, (K6)... 250 Ladora, (K.4) 260 Lake City, (E3).... 2,043 LakeMills, (Gl)... 1,214 Lake Park, (Dl)... 552 Lakeview, (D3).... 514 Lamoille, (H3) 120 Lamoni, (G6) 1,541 Lamont, (L2) 571 Lamotte, (N3) 288 Lancaster, (KS)... 150 Lanesboro, (E3).,. 268 Lansing, (Ml) 1,542 Laporte City, (K3). 1,233 Larchwood, (B1)... 434 Larrabee, (C2) 158 Latimer, (H2) 378 Laurel, (J4) 179 Latirens, (E2) 817 Lawler, (Kl) 601 Lawton, (B3) 138 Leando, (K6) 180 Le Claire, (04).... 690 Ledyard, (Fl) 222 Legrand, ( 14 ) 338 Lehigh, (F3) 928 Leighton, (J5) 200 Leland, (Gl) 188 Lemars, (B2) 4,157 Lenox, (E6) 1,274 Leon,(G6) 1,991 Le Roy, (G6) 185 Lester, (Bl) 244 Letts, (.VÍ5) 433 Lewis, (D5) 603 Liberty, (G5) 100 Libertyville, (L6).. 300 Lidderdale, (E3>... 114 Limespring, (Kl).. 498 Linden, (F4) 31.5 Lineville, (H6)..... 600 Linnburg, (F3) —. 30O Linn Grove, (D2).. 500 Lisbon, (M4) 846 Liscomb, (J3) 354 Littleport, (M2)... 166 Little Rock, (CI).. 471 Little Sioux, (C4).. 390 Littletc«n, (L2) 100 livermore, (F2)... 578 Livingston. (H6)... 100 Lockman, (J5) 300 Lockridge, (L6)... 150 Logan, ((¿4) 1,453 Lohrville, (E3) 674 Lone Rock, (Fl)... 150 Lone Tree, (.M5) .. 782 Long Grove, (N4) . 230 Lorimor, (F5) 645 Lost Nation, (N4). 523 Loveland, (C5).... 150 Lovilia, (J5) 552 Lowden, L^4) 584 Lowell, (M6) 150 Low Moor, (04)... 253 Luana, (Ml) 130 Lucas, (H5) 666 Luther, (G4) 130 Luton, (B3) 200 Luverne, (F2) 501 Luxemburg, (M2).. 170 Luzerne, (K4) 160 Lynnville, (J4) 370 Lyons, (04jl Pop. included in Clinton Lytton, (E3) 200 McCallsburg, (H3) 309 McCausland, (04). 110 McClelland, (C5).. 134 McGregor, (Ml).. 1,259 Mclntire, (Jl) 487 Macedonia, (D5),. 357 Macksburg, (F5).. 197 Madrid, (G4) 1,191 Magnolia, (.C4).... 230 Malcom, (J4) 377 Mallard, (E2) 331 Maloy, (F6) 127 Malvern, (C^6) 1,154 Manchester, (M3).. 2,758 Manilla, (D4) 875 Manly, (HI) 346 Manning, (D4).... 1,434 Manson, (E2) 1,236 Maple River, (E3). 100 Mapleton, ((33).... 1,100 Maquoketa, (N3). 3,570 Marathon, (D2)... 532 Marble Rock, (J2). 480 Marcus, (C2) 896 Marengo, (K4) .... 1.786 Marion, (L3) 4,400 Marne, (DS)....... 266 Marshalltown, (J3) 13,374 Martelle, (M3) 178 Martinsburg, (KS). 285 Marysville, (J5).... 319 Mason City, (HI). 11,230 Masonville, (L3) .. 282 Massena, (E5).... 490 Massillon, (N4)... 100 Matlock, ((31) 118 Maurice, (B2) 290 Maxwell, (H4) 754 Maynard, (L2).... 382 Maysville, (N4) 100 Mechanicsville, (M4) 817 Mediapolis, (M5).. 858 Melbourne, (H4).- 423 Melrose, (H6) 459 Meltonville, (HI).. 100 Mel vin, (CI) 195 Menlo, (F4) 382 Meriden, ((32) 246 Merrill, (B2) 520 Meservey, (H2).... 193 Meyer, ( J1) 387 Middletown, (M6) 110 Miles, (03) 334 Milford, (DI) 575 Miller, (Gl) 150 Millersburg, (K4).. 260 Millville, (M2) 100 Milo,(H5) 519 Milton, (K6) 913 Minburn, (F4) 388 iviinden, (C5)....., 423 Mineóla, (CS) 100 Mineral Ridge, (G3) 120 Minerva, (H3) 100 Mingo, (H4) 246 Missouri Valley, (C4) 3,187 Mitchell, (Jl) 231 MitchellviUe, (H4). 869 Modale, (C4) 387 Moingona, ((33)... 250 Mondamin, (C4).. 420 Moneta, (Dl) 44 Monmouth, (N3)... 221 Monona, (Ml) 792 Monroe, (H4) 800 Montezuma, (K4).. 1,172 Monticello, (M3)... 2,043 Montour, (J3) 383 Montpelier, (N5)... 150 Montrose, (M6) 08 Mooar, (M7) 150 Moorhead, (C4)... 366 Moorland, (F3).... 137 Moravia, (J6) 682 Morley, (M3) 100 Morning Sun, (MS) 897 Morrison, (J3) Ii3 Morse, (M4) 100 Moscow, (M4) .... 280 Moulton, (J6) 1,233 Mount Auburn, (K3) 228 Mountayr, (F6)... 1,646 Mount Etna, (E5). 130 Mount Pleasant, (L6) 3,874 Mount Sterling,(^L6) 232 Mount Union, (M5) 195 Mount Vernon,(M4)l,532 Moville, (B3) 552 Muchakinock,(J5). 150 Murray, (G5) 796 Muscatine, (M5).. 16,178 Mystic, (J6) 2,663 Nashua, (K2) 1,102 National, (M2)..,. 130 Nemaha, (D2) 100 Neola, (C5) 926 Nevada, (H4) 2,138 Nevinville, (E5) 120 New Albin, (M1).. 588 Newell, (E2) 728 Newhall, (L4) 230 New Hampton,(Kl)2,275 New Hartiord,(J2). 482 New London, (M6) 1,144 New Market, (E6) . 673 New Providence,(H3) 246 New Sharon, (J5).. 1,122 Newton, (H4) 4,616 New Vienna, (M2). 188 New Virginia, (G5). 396 Nichols, (M5) 396 Nilesville, (Jl) 1(X) Nodaway, (E6) 323 Nora Springs, (Jl). 985 Norman, (HI)..... 100 Northboro, (D6)... 197 North Buena Vista (M2) 162 North English, (K4) 848 North Liberty, (L 4) 100 North McGregor, (Ml) 588 North Washington, (Kl) 132 Northwood, (HI).. 1,264 Norwalk, ((j5) 315 Norway, (L4) 479 Numa, (J6) 659 Oakland, (D5) 1,105 Oakville, (MS).... 389 Oasis, (M4) 100 Ocheyedan, (CI).. 595 Odebolt, (D3) 1,283 Oelwein, (L2) 6,028 Ogden, (F3) 1,298 Okoboji, (Dl) 170 Olds, (L5) 165 Oiin, (M4) 659 Ollie, (K5) 289 Onawa, (B3) 2,026 Onslow, (M3) 214 Ontario, (G3) 100 Orange City, (Bl). 1,374 Orchard, (J 1) 100 Orient, (F5) 373 Orleans, (Dl) 105 Osage, (J 1) 2,445 Osceola, (CÍ5) 2,416 Oskaloosa, (J5).... 9,466 Ossian, (LI) 749 Osterdock, (M2)... 97 Otho, (F3) 100 Otley, (J5) 300 Oto, (C3) 268 Otranto Station,(Jl) 100 Otter Creek, (N3).. 150 Ottosen, (F2) 147 Ottumwa, (J5)... 22,012 Owasa, (H3) 150 Oxford, (L4) 614 Oxford Jc., (N4)..- 822 Oxford Mills, (M4). 170 Oyens, (B2) 94 Pacific Junction,(C5) 501 Packwood, (K5).... 264 Palmer, (E2) 177 Palmyra, (H5) 150 Palo,(L3) 208 Panama, (C4) 232 Panora, (F4) 1,080 Paris, (L3) 100 Parkersburg, (J2).. 938 Parnell, (K4) 369 Paton. (F3) 358 Patterson, (G5).... 147 Paullina, (C2) 796 Pella, (J5) 3,021 Peoria, (J5) 100 Percival, (C^6) 150 Perlee, (L5) 100 Perry, (F4) 4,630 Persia, (C4) 358 Peterson, (D 2) 480 Pierson, (C2) 416 Pilot Mound, ((33). 347 Pioneer, (F2) 92 Pisgah, (C4) 212 Pittsburg, (K6).... 100 Plainfield, (K2).... 288 Plainview, (N4) ... 200 Piano, (H6) 150 Pleasant Grove,(M6) 150 Pleasanton, (G6)... 200 Pleasant Plain, (LS) 174 Pleasant Valley, (04) 300 Pleasantville, (H5). 691 Plover, (E2) 200 Plymouth, (HI).... 358 Pocahontas, (E2) . - 987 Polk, (G4) 310 Pomeroy, (E2) .... 815 Popejoy, (H2) 2(X) Portsmouth, (D4).. 347 Postville, (H) 952 Prairieburg, (M3).. 187 Prairie Citv, (H4).. 764 Prescott, (È5) 426 Preston. (03) 642 Prlmghar, (C1).... 733 Primrose, (L6) 160 Princeton, (04).... 379 Promise City, (H6). 274 Protivin, (Kl) 163 Pulaski, (K6) 382 Quarry, (J3) 230 (Juasqueton, (L3). 394 (Juimby, (C2) 268 (^uincy, (E5) 70 Radcliffe, (H3) 660 Rake, (Gl) 163 Ralston, (É3) 175 Randalia, (L2).... 123 Randall, (G3) 200 Randolph, (C6).... 304 Rathbun, (J6) 382 Raymond, (K3) 130 Readlyn, (K2) 227 Reasnor, (J4) 250 Redding, (F6) 269 Redfield, (F4) 659 Redoak, (D5) 4,830 Reinbeck, (J3) 1,205 Rembrandt, (D2).. 128 Remsen, (C2) 1,076 Renwick, (F2) 372 Rhodes, (114) 500 Riceville. (Jl) 844 Richland, (L5).... 613 Richmond, (L5)... 150 Rickardsville, (N2) 200 Ricketts, (C3) 102 Ridgeway, (Kl)... 354 Rinard, (E3) 100 Ringsted, (El) 313 Rippey, (F4) 407 Riverside, (L5).... 652 Riverton, (C6) 583 Rochester, (M4)... 240 Rockdale, (N 3) .... 140 Rock Falls. (HI).. 87 Rockford, (J 1) 916 Rock Rapids, (Bl) 2,005 Rock Valley. (Bl). 1,198 Rockwell (H2)... 700 Rockwell City,(E3) 1528 Rodman, (El) 131 Rodney, (B3) 163 Roland, (H3) 641 Rolfe, (F2) 654 Rome, (L6) 155 Rose Hill, (K5).... 269 Ross, (E4) 100 Rossie, (Dl) 100 RossvUIe, (Ml).... 150 Rowan, (G 2) 256 Rowley, (L3) 200 Royal, (Dl) 300 Rudd,(Jl) 296 Runnells, (H4).... 424 Russell, (H6) 612 Ruthven, (El) 655 Rutland, (F2) 212 Ryan, (M3) 511 Sabula, (03) 918 Sac City, (E3) 2,201 Saint Ansgar, (Jl).. 747 Saint Anthony, (H3) 199 Saint Benedict, (Fl) 100 Saint Charles, (G5). 399 Saint Donatus, (N3) 150 Saint Lucas, (Li).. 138 Saint Olaf, (M2).. 170 Saint Paul, (M3).. 62 Salem, (L6) 501 Salina, (L5) 150 Salix, (B3) 390 Sanborn, (Cl) 1,174 Sandspring, (M3).. 200 Sandyville, (H5)... 120 Saratoga, (Kl) 100 Scarville, (Gl) 129 Schaller, (D2) 646 Schleswig, (D3).... 455 Scotch Grove, (M3) 100 Scranton, (E3) 845 Searsboro, (J4).... 226 Selma, (K6) 200 Seney, (B2) 100 Sergeant Bluff, (B3) 525 Sewal, (H6) 200 Sexton, (Fl) 150 Seymour, (H6) 2,290 Shambaugh, (D6).. 245 Shannon City, (F6) 292 Sharon Center, (L4) 100 Sharpsburg, (E6).. 181 Sheffield, (H2) 824 Shelby, (D4) 586 Sheldahl, (G4) 202 Sheldon, (Cl)..... 2,941 Shellrock, (J2) 741 Shellsburg, (L3) 527 Shenandoah, (D6). 4,976 Sherrill, (N2) 120 Shueyville, (L4)... 150 Sibley, (Cl) 1,330 Sidney, (C6) 1,019 Sigourney, (K5) ... 2,032 Silver City, (C5)... 416 Sioux Center, (Bl). 1,064 Sioux City, (B2).. 47,828 Sioux Rapids, (D2) 868 Slater, (G4) 473 Sloan, (B3) 547 Smithland, (C3)... 334 Soldier, (C4) 167 Solon, (M4) 450 Somere, (F3) 169 South Amana, (K4) 300 South English, (K5) 338 Spencer, (Dl) 3,005 Spillville, (Kl) 320 Spirit Lake, (Dl),. 1,162 Spragueville, (03)- 180 Spring Brook, (03) 217 Springdale, (M4).. 200 Springhill, (G5).... 94 Springville, (M3).. 588 Stacyville, (J 1) 407 Stanhope, (G3) 281 Stanley, (L2) 200 Stanton, (D6) 653 Stanwood, (M4) 511 State Center, (H3). 898 Steamboat Rock,(H3)378 Sterling, (03) 300 Stiles, (K6) 100 Stilson, (Gl) 150 Stockport, (L6).... 265 Stockton, (N4) 138 Stone City, (M3).., 600 Storm Lake, (D2).. 2,428 Story City, (Cj3).... 1,387 Stout, (J2) 100 Stratford, (G3) 554 Strawberry Point, (L2) 1,052 Struble, (B2) 327 Stuart, (F4) 1,826 Sully, (J4) 282 Sulphur Springs,(D2) 100 Summerset, (H5)... 300 Summitville, (M7) . 200 Sumner, (K2) 1,404 Sunbury, (N4) 100 Superior, (El) 154 S utherland, ( D 2 )... 664 Swaledale, (H2).... 235 Swan,(H5) 292 Swea City, (Fl) 402 Swedesburg. (L5).. 100 Sweetland, (MS)... 100 Tabor, (C6) 909 Taintor, 05) 100 Talleyrand, (K5).. 100 Tama, (J4) 2,290 Tara, (F2) 100 Templeton, (E4)... 278 Terril, (El) 253 Thayer, (F5) 198 Thornjîson, (Gl)... 500 Thor,(F2) 271 Thornburg, (K5) .. 233 Thornton, ÍH2) ... 271 Thurman, (C6) 336 Ticonic, (C3) 120 Tiffin, (L4)... 176 Tingley, vF6) 380 Tipton, (M4) 2,048 Titonka, (Fl) 278 Toddville,(L3).... 180 Toledo, (J31 1,626 Toolsboro, (M5)... 150 Tracy, (J5) 200 Traer, (K3) 1,373 Trenton, (L5) 200 Treynor, (C5) 122 Tripoli. (K2) 755 Troy, (K6) 180 Troy Mills, (L3).... 180 Truro, (G 5) 310 Turin, (C3) 154 Udell, (J6) 186 Underwood, (C!5)... 271 Union. (H3) 540 Unionville, (J6) ... 300 Urbana, (L3) 306 Ute,(C3) 490 Vail,(D3) 631 Valeria, (H4) 150 Valley Jc., (G4)... 2,573 Vancleve, (J4) .... 150 Vandalia, (H4) 100 Van Horn, (K3) ... 444 Vanmeter, (G4).... 386 Van Wert, (G6).... 461 Varina, (E2) 183 Ventura, (HI)..... 150 Vernon, (L6) 280 Victor, (K4) 640 Village Creek, (Ml) 170 Villisca, (E6) 2,039 Vincennes, (L7)— 100 Vincent, (F2) 215 Vining, (K3) 150 Vinton, (K3) 3,336 Viola, (M3) 230 Volga, (L2) 416 Voorhies, (K3) 100 Wadena, (L2) 253 Walcott, (N4) 416 Walford, (L4) .... 130 Walker, (L3) 517 Wallingford, (El).. 170 Wall Lake, (D3).... 5;1 Walnut, (D5) 950 Wapello, CMS) 1,326 Ward, (J5) 100 Ware, (E2) 100 Washington. (L5).. 4,380 Washta, (C2) 410 Waterloo, (K2) 26,693 Waterville, (Ml)... 130 Watkins, (K4) 200 Waubeek, (L3).... 230 Waucoma, (Ll).... 433 Waukee, (G4) 340 Waukon, (Ml).... 2,025 Waverly, (J2) 3,205 Wayland, (L5) 550 Webb, (E2) 150 Webster, (K5) 127 Webster City. (G3) 5,208 Weldon, (G6) 308 Wellman,(L5) 724 Wellsburg, (J3) ... 288 Welton,(N4) 69 Wesley, (Fl) 457 West,(L4) 230 West Bend, (F2)... 679 West Branch, (M4) 643 West Burlington, (M6) 1,206 West Chester, (L5) 222 Western College,(L4) 200 Westfield, (A2) 143 Westgate, (L2).... 232 West Grove. (J6).. 860 West Liberty, (M4) 1,666 West Mitchell, (Jl) 126 Weston, (C5) 100 Westphalia, (D4)... 150 West Point,(M6).. 570 Westside, (D3) 367 West Union, (L2).. 1,652 Wever, (M6) 100 Whatcheer, (K5)... 1,720 Wheatland, (N4)... 539 White City, (J5).. 500 White Sulphur,vN5) 250 Whiting, (B3) 576 Whittemore, (Fl).. 518 Whitten, (J3) 219 Whittier, (L3) 150 Williams, (G2) 457 Williamsburg, (L4) l,06fl Wilton Jc.. (N4)... 1,157 Winfield,tM5) 934 Winterset, (FS) ... 2,818 Winthrop, (L3). 529 Wiota, (E5) 239 Woden, (Gl) 162 Woodbine, (C4)... 1,538 Woodburn, (G5)... 420 Woodland, (G6)... 150 Woodward, (G4) .. 712 Woolstock, (G2).... 264 Worthington, (M3) 314 Wright, (K5) 140 Wyoming, (M3)... 72! Yale, (F4) 273 Yarmouth, (M5). 100 Yetter, (E3) 107 Yorktown, (D6) ... 228 2^aring. (H3) 461 Zwingle, (N3) 69 KANSAS Abbyville, (J6).... 250 Abilene, (L4) 4,118 Ada, (K3) 250 Admire, (N4) 210 Agenda, (L2) 100 Agra, (G2) 347 Agrícola, (P5) 150 Albert, (H5) 225 Alden, (J5) 260 Alexander, ((is)... 120 Aliceville, (05).... 140 Allen, (N4) 286 Alma, (N3) 1,010 Almena, (F2) 702 Altamont, (P7).... 606 Alta Vista, (N4).... 499 Alton, (H2) 414 Altoona, (06) 1,462 Americus, (N4).... 451 Ames, (L2) 100 Andale, (K6) 237 Andover, (L6) 100 Anson, (L7) 100 Anthony, (J7) 2,669 Arcadia, (Q6) 694 Argentine, (<33)... 4,850 Argonia, (K7) 466 Arkansas City, (L7) 7,508 Arlington, (J6) 450 Arma, (Q6) 327 Arrington, (P3) 200 Asherville, (K3).... 150 Ashland, (F7) 910 Assaria, (K4) 246 Atchison, (P2).... 16,429 Athol, (H2) 275 Atlanta, (M7) 330 Attica, (J7) 737 Atwood, (D2) 680 Auburn, (04) lOO Augusta, (M6).... 1,235 Aulne, (L5) 160 Aurora, (L3) 269 Avoca, (03) 150 Axtell, (N2) 748 Badger, (Q7) 175 Baileyville, (N2)... 200 Baker, (02) 150 Baldwin, (P4) 1,386 Bancroft, (02) 150 Barclay, (04) 150 Barnard, (J3) 425 Barnes, (M2) 454 Barrett, (N2) 100 Bartlett, (P7) 249 Basehor, (Q3) 200 Bassett, (P6) 415 Bavaria, (K4) 130 Baxter Six's, (Q7).. 1,598 Bazine, (FS). 120 Beagle, (PS) 200 Beattie, (N2) 497 Beaumont, (M6).. 230 Bellaire, (H2) 140 Belle Plaine, (L7).. 849 Belleville, (K2) 2,224 Belmont, (K6),... 140 Beloit,(J3) 3,082 Belpre, ((Í6) 485 Bel vue, (N3) 170 Bendena, (P2) 130 Benedict, (06).... 215 Bennington, (K.3).. 386 Bentley, (L6) 130 Benton, (L6) 240 Bern, (N2) 300 Bethel, (Q3) 100 Beulah, (Q7) 100 Beverly, (KÍ) 335 Bigelow, (N2) 180 Bird City, (B2) 190 Bison, (G4) 350 Black Wolf, (J4).. 110 Blaine, (N2) 250 Bloom, (F6) 100 Blue Mound, (Q5). 596 Blue Rapids, (M2) 1,756 Bluff City, (K7).. . 307 Bogue, (F3) 100 Boicourt, (Q5) 110 Bonner Sprs, (Q3). 1,462 Braziiton, (Q6)... 120 Breezy Hill. (Q6).. 200 Bremen, (M2).... 175 Brewster, (C3) 500 Bridgeport, (K4)... 100 Bronson, (P6) 595 Brookville, (K4)... 280 Broughton, (L3)... 120 Brownell, (F4).... 175 Bucklin, (F6) 696 Bucyrus, (Q4) 150 Buffalo, (06) 807 Buffville, (07).... 250 Buhler, (K5) 375 Bunkerhill, (H4)... 242 Burden, (M7) 424 Burdett, (GS) 200 Burdick, (M4).... 210 Burlingame, (04).. 1,422 Burlington, (05). .2,180 Burns, (MS) 489 Burroak, (J2) 1,132 Burrton, (K5) 689 Busby, (N7) 75 Bushong, (N4).... 150 Bushton, (J5) 222 Caldwell, (K7) 2,205 Cambridge, (M7).. 230 Caney, (07) 3,597 Canton, (LS) 684 C^rbondale, (04).. 461 Carlton, (L4) 150 Carlyle, (P6) 210 Carneiro, (J4) 100 Carona, (Q7) 400 Cassoday, (M5)— 225 C:astleton. (K6).... 200 Cawker Citv, (J2) . 870 Cedar, (H 2) 350 Cedar Bluffs, (E2). 130 Cedar Junction(Q4) 160 Cedar Point, (M5). 250 Cedar Vale, (N7).. 948 Centerville, ((¿5)... 200 Centralia, (N2).... 665 Centropolis,(P4).. 100 Chanute, (P6) 9,272 Chapman, (M4)... 781 Chase, (J5) 263 Chautauqua, (N7). 348 (Jheney, (^K6) 734 Cherokee, (Q7).... 1,452 Cherryvale, (07).. 4,304 Chetopa, (P7) 1,548 Chicopee, (Q7) 1,200 Cimarron, (E6).... 587 Circleville, (03)... 265 Claflin,(H4) 554 Clay Center, (L3).. 3,438 Clayton, (E2) 191 Clearwater, (L6)... 569 Cleburne, (M2)... 170 Clements, (MS)... 150 Clifton, (L2) 614 Climax, (N6) 100 Clinton, (P4) 150 Cloverdale, (N7)... 100 Clyde, (L2) 1,057 Coats, (H6) 269 Codell, (G3) 100 Coffeyville,(07).. 12,687 Colby, (C3) 1,130 Coldwater, (G7)... 684 Collyer, (E3) 200 Colony. (P5) 530 (i^olumbus, (Q7)... 3,064 Colwich, (K6) 258 Concordia, (K2)... 4,415 Conway, (K5) 100 Conwav Sprs, (K7) 1,292 Coolidge, (B5) 145 Corbin, (L7) 180 Corning, (N2) 411 Corwin, (J7) 120 (i^ottonwood Falls, (MS) 899 Council (îrove,(M4) 2,545 Courtland, (K2)... 454 Coyville, (06) 227 Crestline, (Q7)..,. 200 Croweburg, (Q6).. 300 Cuba, (L2) 466 Cullison, (H6) 151 Culver. (K4) 326 Cummmgs, (P3).. 150 Cunningham, (J6). 395 Curranville, (Q6).. 773 Damar, (F3) 200 Danville, (K7) 150 Dearing, (07) 250 Deerfield, (C6).... 152 Delavan, (M4).... 100 Delia, (03) 110 Delphos, (K3) 767 Denison, (03) 295 Dennis, (P7) 200 Densmore, (F2)... 150 Denton, (P2) 337 Derby, (L6) 235 De Soto, (Q4) 337 Detroh, (L4) 150 Devon, (Q6) 200 Dexter, (M7) 512 Dighton, (E5) 370 Dillon, (L4) 100 Dodge City, (F6).. 3,214 Doniphan, (P2)... 134 Dorrance, (H4) 281 Douglass, (M6).... 657 Dover, (04) 110 Downs, (H2) 1,427 Dresden. (E2) 200 Dunavant, (P3) ICQ Dunkirk, (Q7) 400 Dunlap, (N4) 333 Durham, (L5) 268 Dwight, (M4) 298 Earleton, (06) 230 Easton, (P3) 310 Edgerton, (Q4) 443 Edmond, (F2) 250 Edna,(P7) 489 Edwardsville, (Q3). 250 Effingham, (P2)... 674 Elbing, (LS) 100 Eldorado, (M6).... 3,129 Elgin, (N7) 400 Elk City, (07) 659 Elkfalls, (N7) 271 Ellinwood, (H5).... 976 Ellis, (F4) 1,404 Ellsworth, (J4) 2,041 EIradale, (M5) 253 Elmo,(L4) 200 Elsmore, (P6) 216 Elwood, (Q2) 636 Emmett, (N3) 200 Empire City, (Q7). 600 Emporia, (N5) 9,058 Englevale, (Q6)— 380 Englewood, (F7)... 518 Enterprise, (L4) 706 Erie, (P6) 1,300 Esbon, (J2) 347 Eskridge, (N4) 797 Eudora, (P4) 640 Eureka, (N6) 2,333 Everest, (P2) 436 Fairmount, (Q3)... 100 Fairview, (02) 386 Fall River, (06).... 383 Falun, (K4) 150 Farlington, (Q6L.- 120 Farlinville, (Q5)... 100 Floral, (M7) 110 Florence, (M5) 1,168 Fontana, (QS) 246 Ford, (F6) 205 Formoso, (J2) 453 Fort Dodge, (F6).. 300 Fort Leavenworth, (Q3) 2,500 Fort Riley, (M3)... 3,500 Fort Scott, (04)... 10,463 Fostoria, (M3) 100 Fowler, (E7) 473 Frankfort, (M2)... 1,426 Franklin, (Q6)... .. 350 Frederick, (J5) 151 Fredonia, (06) 3,040 Freeport, (K7).... 161 Friend, (D5) 100 Frontenac, (Q7).... 3,396 Fuller, (Q6) 600 Fulton, (Q6) 416 Galena, (Q7) 6,096 Galesburg, (P7) 183 Galva,(K5) 322 Garden City, (D6).. 3,171 Garden Plain, (K6) 296 (Jardner, (Q4) 514 Garfield, (G5) 333 Garland, (Q6) 350 Gamett, (P5) 2,334 Garrison, (M3) 150 Gas, (P6) 1,281 Gaylord, (H2) 308 Gem,(D3) 250 Geneseo, (J5) 566 Geneva, (PS) 130 Geuda Sprs, (L7).. 254 Girard, (Q6) 2,446 Glade, (G2) 200 Glaseo, (K3) 720 Glen Elder, (J2)... 565 Goddard,(K6).... 225 Goessel, (L5) ISO Goff,(02) 422 Goodland, (B3) 1,993 Gorham, (H4) 200 Gove, (D4) 196 Grainfield, (E3) 309 Grantville, (03) 200 Great Bend, (H5).. 4,622 Greeley, (P5) 492 Green, (L3) 289 Greenleaf, (M2) 781 Greensburg, (G6).. 1,199 Grenola, (N7) 532 Gridley, (05) 200 Grinnell, (D3).. 200 Gross, (Q6) 150 Gypsum, (L4) 623 Haddam, (L2) 403 Hallôwell, (P7).... 250 Halls Summit, (05) 150 Halstead, (K6) 1,004 Hamilton, (N6) 325 Hamlin, (02) 208 Hanover, (M2) 1,039 Hanston, (F5) 250 Hardtner, (H7)... 200 Harlan, (H2) 130 Harper, (K7) 1,638 Harris, (P5) 180 Hartford, (N5) 589 Harveyville, (N4).. 33l Havana, (07) 227 Haven, (K6) 528 Havensville, (N3).. 412 Haviland, (G6) 568 Hays, (G4) 1,961 Hazelton, (J7) 315 Healy, (D4) 180 Heiger, (H5) 100 Hepler, (^) 276 Herington, (M4)... 3,273 Herkimer, (M2) 200 Hemdon, (D2) 273 Hesston, (L5) ISO Hewins, (N7) 230 Hiattville, (Q6) 190 Hiawatha, (P2).... 2,974 Highland, (P2) 763 Hill City, (F3) 983 Hillsboro, (L5) 1,134 Hillsdale, (Q4) 260 Hoisington, (H4)... 1,975 Hollenberg. (M2).. 200 Holliday, (Q3) 200 Holton, (03) 2,842 Holyrood, (J4) 361 Home, (M2) 200 Homewocxi, (P4).. 110 Hope, (L4) 567 Horace, (B5) 189 Horton, (02) 3,600 Howard, (N7) 1,163 Hoxie, (E3) 532 INDEX OF THE UNITED STATES (KANSAS - KENTUCKY) 147 Hoyt,(03) 350 Hudson. (H5) 253 Hugoton. (C7) 105 Humboldt, ( Po)... 2,548 Huanewell, (L/)... 208 Huron. (P2) 200 Hutchinson, (K.5). 16,364 Idana, (L3) 200 Independence, (Ü7) 10,480 Industry, (L3) 200 Ingalls, (E6) 20O Inman, (K5) 484 Iola.(P6) 9,032 Ionia, (J2) 200 Iowa Point, (1*2)... 200 Irving, (M2) 409 Isabel, (H7) 222 Iuka,(H6) 228 Jamestown, (K2).. 462 Jarbalo, (P3) 100 Jefferson, (07) 100 Jennings, (E2) 259 Jetmore, (F5) 317 Jewell, (J2) 839 Johnson, (R6) 100 Junction Ciiy,(M3) 5,598 Kackley, (K2) 200 Kasona, (E2) 100 Kanopoiis, (J4).... 577 Kanorado, (B3)... 100 Kansas City, (Q3) 82,331 Keats, (M3) 100 Keene, (N4) lOO Kelly, (02) 200 Kensington, (H2)... 497 Kickapoo, (Q3).... 150 Kimbal, (P6) 160 Kincaid,(PS) 426 Kingman, (J6) 2,570 Kingsdown, (F6).. 100 Kinsley, (G6) 1.547 Kiowa, (J7) 1,520 Kipp, (L4) 110 Kirwin, (G2) 626 Labette, (P7) 350 Lacrosse, (G4) .... 806 La Cygne, (Q5).... 957 Lafontaine, (07)... 180 U Harpe, (P6) 2,080 Lake City, (H6).... 150 Lakin,(C6) 337 Lancaster, (P2).... 220 Lane.(P5) 272 Langdon, (J6) 220 Lansing, (Q3) 800 Larkinburg, (03).. ISO Lamed. (G5) 2.911 Latham, (M6) 364 Lawrence, (P4)... 12,374 Leavenworth, (P3) 19,363 Lebanon, (H2) 731 Le bo. (05) 560 Lecompton, (P3)... 3 >6 I^ehigh, (L5) 385 Le Loup, (P4) 100 Lenape, (Q3) 150 L.enexa, (Q4) 383 Lenora, (E2) 454 Leon, (M6) 494 Leona, (P2) 250 Leonardville, (NI3) 376 Leoti, (C5) 288 Le Roy, (05) 861 Lewis, ((j6) 557 Liberal, (C7) 1.716 Liberty, (07) 385 Liebeathal, (G4)... 200 Lillis, (N2) 100 Lincoln, (J3) 1,508 Lincolnville, (M5). 270 Lindsborg, (K4)... 1,939 Linn,(L2) 400 Linwood, (P3).... 323 Little River, (K.5)., 661 Logan, (F2) 714 Lone Elm, (P5)... 150 Longford, (L3) 200 Long Island, (F2). 291 Longton, (N7) 611 Lorraine, (J4) 200 Lost Springs, (L4). 276 Louisburg, (Q4) 603 Louisville, (N3).... 246 Lovewell, (J2).... 150 Lowell, (Q7) 200 Lucas, (H3) 573 Ludell. (D2) 100 Luray, (H3) 341 Lyndon, (04) 763 Lyons, (J5) 2,071 McCracken, (G4).. 371 McCune,(P7) 736 McDonald, (C2)... 200 McFarland, (N3).. 388 McLouth,(P3). ... 571 Mcpherson, (KS) . 3,546 Macksville, (H6)... 626 Madison, (N5)..... 721 Mahaska, (L2) 246 Maize, (L6) 200 Manchester, (L3).. 250 Manhattan, (M3). 5,722 Mankato, (J2) 1,155 Maple City, (M7)., 100 MaplehUl,(N3).... 277 Mapleton, (Q6),.., 230 Marienthal, (C4).. 150 Adairville.(H5)... 683 Adams, (Q2) 150 Addison, (H3) 100 Adolphus,(J5) 100 Afton, ((¿2) 130 Akersviile, (K5).... 130 Albany, (L5) 579 Alexandria, (Nl)... 353 Allen Springs, (J 5). 100 Allensville, ((¿5)... 436 Almo.(E5) 130 Alphoretta, (Q3)... 110 Alpine, (MS) 300 Alton, (M2) 150 Alvaton,(J5) 200 Ambrose, (M3).... 150 Ammie, (04) 110 Amos,(J5) 400 Anchorage, (K2)... 384 Anthoston, (F3).... 100 Arlington, (D5).... 555 Arnoldton, (F3).... 100 Artemus. (OS) 170 Asbury. (N3) 200 Ashbyburg, (G3)... 150 Ashcamp. (R4) 100 Ashland. (Ql) 8,688 Athens, (N3) 197 Athertonville, (K3) 300 Athol (03) 100 Aubum, (H5) 631 Augusta, (CD 1,787 Backbone, (Q2).... 100 Bagdad, (L2) 184 Bandana, (C4) 337 BarbourviIle,(05).. 1,633 Bardstown, (K3)... 2,126 Bardstown To. (K3) 100 Bard well, (D5) 1,087 Barlow, (C4) 532 Barnetts Creek, (Q3) 230 Barnsley. (G4) 357 Barrenfork, (N5)... 500 Baskett, (G3) 270 Battle Run, (02)... 130 Baxter, (P5) 100 Bear Wallow. (K4). 100 Beattyville, (03)... 1,"60 Beaverdam, (H4)... 762 Bedford, (LI) 269 Beech Grove.(G3). 208 Belleview, (Ml).... 120 Bellevue, (Nl) 6,683 BelljeUico,(05).... 100 Benton. (E5) 824 Berea, (N3) 1,510 Berlin, (Nl) 130 Bernstadt. (N4) 400 Berry, (Nl) 339 Bethel, (02) 180 Bethelridge, (M4)... 100 Bethlehem, (L2).. 68 Betsy Lavne, (Q3).. ICO Bevier, (G4) 200 Bewlevville, (13)... 170 BigClifty,(J3) 260 Bigcreek, (04) 100 Bigfork, (P4) 100 Big Spring, (J3)... 300 Birdsville, (E4L ... 200 Birmingham, (E5).. 349 Blackford, (F4) 449 Blame, (Q2) 136 Blanche, (05) 300 Blandville. (D5).... 229 Bledsoe, (Q4)...... 100 Bloomfietd, (L3)... 352 Bloomington, (P3).. 300 Bluff City, (G3).... 132 Boaz, (D5) 100 Bob.(Q3) 150 Bohon, (M3) 110 Boldman,(Q3) 100 Bonanza, (Q3) 200 Bonayr, (J4) 150 Bonham, (N4) 200 Bonnieville, (K4)... 257 Booneville, (04)... 236 Boonsboro, (N3)... 150 Bordley, (F3) 150 Boston, (K3) 170 Boston Sta, (Nl) .. 93 Bosworth. (OS).... 400 Botland, (L3) 200 Bowen, (03) 100 Bowling Green, (H4) 9,173 Boxville,(F3) 120 Boyd,(Nl) 130 BoydsvUle,(D5)... 100 Bradfordsville, (L4) 330 Bradshaw, (04).... 300 Brandenberg, (J3). 482 BrassSeld, (N3).... 100 Breeding, (L4) 140 Bremen, (G4) 254 Brent, (Nl) 300 Briensburg, (E5)... 77 Brighton, (N2) 460 Brocade. (MS) 100 .Brodhead, (N4).... 477 Bromley. (Ml) 819 Bronston. (M5).... 130 Brooks, (K2) 100 Brooksville, (Ol)... 492 Browder, (CJ4) 100 Brownsboro, (K2).. 150 Brownsville, (J4)... 313 Bruce, (J5) 250 Bruin, (Q2) 130 Brushart. (Pi) 150 Bryantsville, (M3).. 85 Buchanan, (Q2).... 100 Buckeye, (M3) 160 Buckhorn, (P4) 100 Buckner, (L2) 150 Buffalo. (K3) 298 Bulah, (D5) 200 Bunch, (N4) 100 Bürgin, (M3) 679 Burkesville. ( L5)... 817 Barkley, (C5) 183 Burlington, (Ml)... 172 Burning Sprs, (04) 100 Bumside, (MS).... 1,117 Bush, (04) 100 Busseyville, (Q2)... 100 Butler, (Nl) 426 Cadiz, (F3) 1,005 Cairnes (05) 200 Cairo, (F3) 121 Calhoun, (G3) 742 California, (Nl).... 248 Calvert City. (E4).- 124 Camargo. (02) 140 Campbellsburg, (Ll) 269 Campbellsville,(L4) 1,206 Camp Nelson, LM3) 600 Carapsprings, (Nl). 130 Campton, (03).... 326 Marion, (MS) 1,841 Marquette. (K.4)... 7l5 Marysville, (M2).. 2 260 MatfieldGreen,(N5) 220 Mayetta, (03) 337 Mayfield, (K7) 200 Meade, (E7) 664 Medicine Lodge, (H7) 1,229 Melrose. (Q7) 200 Melvem, ((04) 505 Menio, (D3) 100 Meriden, (03) 467 Merriam. (Q3) 150 Michigan Valley.(O4)100 Midway, (Q7) 500 Milan, (K7) 350 Mildred, (Po) 375 Milford,(M3) 200 Milton, (K7) 150 Millonvale, (K3).. 829 Mineral, (Q7) 1.770 Minneapolis, (K3). 1.895 Minneola, (F7). 348 Moline, (N7) 808 Monmouth, (Q7)... 150 Montana, (P7) .... 180 Mont Ida, (P5).... 150 Montrose, (J2) 120 Monument, (C3) . 100 Moran (P6) 559 Morehead, (P7) ... 150 Morganville. (L3).. 285 Morland. (E3) 237 Morrill, (02) 398 Morrowville, (L2). 200 Mound City, (Q5). 698 Moundridge, (K.5). 626 Mound Valley,(P7). 956 Mount Hope, (K6). 519 Mulberry, (Q6) .... 997 Mullinville, (G6)... 289 Mulvane, (L7) 1,084 Munden, (L2) .... 275 Muniot, (G4) 110 Murdock (K6).... 150 Muscotah, (P2) ... 491 Narka.(L2) 278 Nashville,(J7) .... 330 National Military Home (P3) 2,500 Natoma, (H3) 407 Navarre, (L4).... 130 Neal, (N6) 180 Nelson, (Q7) 100 Neodesha, (07;— 2,872 Neosho Falls. (06). 571 Neosho Rapids, (OS) 256 Ness City, (F5) .... 712 Canada, (R3) 300 Cando, (Q2) 100 Cane Spring, (K3). 180 Cane Valley, (L4).. 163 Caney, (P3) 480 Caneyville, (J4).... 430 Canmer, (K4) 131 Cannel City, (P3).. 200 Carbondale, (F4).... 200 Carlisle, (N2) 1,293 (iarrollton, (Ll).... 1,906 Carrsville. (E4) 298 Carter, (P2) 259 Carthage, (Nl).... 100 Caseyville, (E3).... 230 Catawba, (Nl) 130 Catlettsburg, (Q2). 3,520 Causey, (P4) 100 C:aveCity,(K4).... 645 Cayce,(CS) 250 Center, (K4) 100 (Tenter Point, (K5), 100 Centertown, (H4).. 299 Centerville, (N2).. 200 Central City, (G4). 2,545 Cerulean. (F5) 272 Chaplin, (U) 170 Charley, (Q3) 100 (Thatham, (Ol).... 130 Chesley, (G4) 200 Chester, (N4) 300 Chicago, (L3) 155 Chinqtupin Rough, (04) 100 Christianburg, (L2) 150 Cicero, (M2) 250 (Tircle Citv, (F4) 100 Clahill,((^l) 200 Clarkson, (13) 376 riaryville.íNl).... 100 Clay,(F4) 1,098 Clay City, (03).... 581 Clayhole,(P4) 150 Claysville, (Nl) 110 ClaySwitch, (D5).. 200 Clay Village. (L2).. 130 Clearfield. (P2).... 200 Clemmons, (P3).... 100 Clermont, (K3).... 200 Clinton, (D5) 1,497 Clintonville, (N2).. 100 Clover, (Q5) 150 (Tlover Bottom, (N3) 150 Cloverport, (H3)... 1,403 Coalmont, (N5)... 100 Coalport, (OS).... 280 (Toalrun, (Q4) 150 Coalton, (Q2) 400 Cold Spring, (Nl). 600 Coiesburg. (K3)— 200 Collegehill, (N3)... 250 Colly, (Q4) 200 Colo,(N4) 100 Colson, (Q4) 300 Columbia, (L4).... 1,022 (Tolumbus, (C5)... 970 Commercial. (F3)-. 190 Concord, (PI) 213 Concordia. (J2) 150 Connersville, (N2). 100 Conway, (N4) 200 Coolidge, (NS) 200 Corbin,(N5) 2,589 Corinth, (M2) 252 Comishville, (M3). 300 Corydon, (F3) 942 Netawaka. (02)... 250 New Albany, ((36). 213 New Cambria, (K4) 200 New Lancaster, (Q5) 100 New Salem, (M7). 100 Newton. (L5) 7,862 New Ulysses, (C6). 200 Nickerson, (J5) ... 1,195 Niles, (L4) 160 Niotaze. (N7) 317 Norcatur, (E2) 482 Northbranch. (J2) 150 Norton, (F2) 1,787 Nortonville. (P3) .. 638 Norway. (K2) 100 Norwich, (K7) 392 Oakhill, (L3) 200 Oakland, (03).... 1,465 Oakley. (D3) 681 Oak Valley. (N7)... 210 Oberlin. (02) 1,157 Offerle. (F6) 100 Ogden, (M3) 230 Oketo,(M2) 253 Olathe, (Q4) 3,272 Olivet, (05) 150 Olmitz, (H4) 150 01pe,(N5). 215 Olsburg, (M3).... 230 Onaga, (N3) 759 Oneida. (C2) 211 Opolis, (Q7) 350 Oronoqiie, (F2)... 100 Osage (Tity, (04).. 2,432 Osawatomie. (Q5). 4,046 Osborne, (H3) 1,566 Oskaloosa, (P3) ... 851 Oswego, (P7) 2,713 Otego. (J2) 200 Otis, (G4) laO Ottawa, (PO 7,650 Ottumwa, (05) 130 Overbrook, (04)... 580 Overland Park, ((¿4) 150 Oxford, (L7) 624 Ozawkie, (P3) 290 Padonia, (02) 100 Palacky, (J4) 100 Palco,'(F3) 279 Palmer, (L2) 300 Paola, (Q4) 3,207 Paradise. (H3) 150 Parker. (Q5) 398 Parkerville, (M4).. 157 Parsons, (P7) 12,463 Partrldge.(j6), .. 246 Pawnee Rock, (G5) 458 Pawnee Station, (Q6) 100 Paxico, (N3) 240 Peabody.(L5) 1,416 Peck,(L7) 150 Penalosa, (Jó) 130 Peoria, (P4) 160 Perry, (P3) 400 Perth. (L7) 200 Peru, (N7) 575 Peterton, (04).... 200 Petrolia, (06) 100 Pfeifer, (G4) 250 PhilUpsburg, (G2). 1,302 Piedmont, (N6).... 200 Pierceville,(D6).,. 130 Piper, (Q3) 100 Piqua, (06) 200 Pittsburg, (Q7 )... 14,7 55 Plains, (1)7) 333 Plainville, (G3).... 1,090 Pleasanton, (Q5).. 1,373 Plevna. (J6) 150 Plymouth. (N5),... 100 Pomona, (P4) 523 Portis,(H2) 304 Potter. (P3) 150 Potwin, (M6) 249 Powhattan, (02).. 216 Prairie View, (G2). 191 Pratt, (H6) 3,302 Prescott, (Q5) 255 Preston, (H6) 278 Pretty Prairie, (K6) 327 Princeton, (PS) 270 Protection, (F7) 390 PurcelI.(P2) 100 Quenemo, (04) 556 Quincy, (N6) 200 (Juindaro, (Q3K... 300 (Juinter, (E3) 450 Radley, (Q6) 500 Rago.(J7) 110 Ramona, (L4) 265 Randall, (J2) 325 Randolph, (M3)... 455 Ransom, (F4) 204 Ransomville, (P5). 200 Rantoul,(P4) 200 Raymond, (J5) 150 Reading, (N4) 289 Redfield, (Q6) 232 Reece, (N6) ...... 200 Reno, (P3) 120 Republic, (K2).... 450 Reserve, (02) 300 Rexford, (D3) 300 Richfield, (B7).... 53 Richland, (04).... 250 Richmond, (P5)... 425 Riley, (M3) 343 Robinson, (P2) 492 Rock,(M7) 140 Rockcreek, (03). .. 200 Rome, (L7) 100 Rosalia, (M6) 110 Rosedale, (Q3).... 5,960 Roseland, (Q7).... 396 Rossville, (N3).... 672 Rozel; (G5) 160 Rushcenter, (G5).. 200 Russell, (H4) 1,692 Russell Springs. (C4) 82 Sabetha, (02) 1,768 Saffordville, (N5).. 250 Saint Francis, (B2) 492 Saint George, (N3). 230 Saint John. (H5)... 1,785 Saint Joseph. (L2). 100 Saint Marks, (K6). 100 Saint Marys. (N3).. 1,397 Saint Paul, (P6) ... 927 Saint Peter, (E3)... 150 Salina, (K4) 9.688 Santa Fe, (D6) 200 Savonburg, (P6)... 257 Sawyer, (H6) 180 Saxman,(j5) 125 Scammon, ((^7) 2,233 Scandia. (K2) 579 Schoenchen, (G4).. 200 Scott. (D5) 918 Scottsville, (J2)..,. 248 Scranton, (04) 770 Sedan, (N7) 1,211 Sedgwick. (L6) 626 Seiden, (02) 297 Seneca, (N2) 1.806 Severance, (P2) 383 Severy, (N6) 608 Seward, (H5) 110 Sharon, (J7) 350 Sharon Springs, (B4) 440 Shawnee, (Q3) 450 Sherman, (P7) 150 Sherwin Jc, (P7)... 100 Shorey, (03) 130 Silverdale,(M7)., 110 Silver Lake, (03).. 260 Simpson, (K3).... 211 Skiddy, (M4) 100 Skidmore, (Q7).... 250 Smith Center, (H2) 1,292 Smolan,(K4) 130 Soldier, (02) 358 Solomon, (L4) 949 Somerset, (Q4) 130 South Haven. (L7). 483 South Hutchinson, (K5) 387 South Park, (Q3).. 150 KENTUCKY Covington, (Ml). 53,270 Cowan, (02) 190 Crab Orchard, (M4) 467 Cranenest, (05)... 100 (Trayne, (E4) 130 Crescent Sprs,(Ml). 350 Crestwood, (L2)... 150 Crider, (E4) 100 Crittenden, (Ml).. 189 Crofton, (F4) 402 Cromwell, (H4) 163 Crooks, (02) 130 Cropper, (L2) 159 Crossland, (E5) 180 Crow,(P4) 100 Crutchfield, (C5).. 100 (Zulver, (Q2) 100 Cunningham, (D5) 250 Curdsville, (G3)... 235 Curlew, (E3) 100 Cutshin, (P4) 100 Cynthiana, (N2) 3,603 Cyrus, (P3) 130 Daley, (P4) 300 Dalton, (F4) 160 Dan, (P3) 100 Daniel Boone, (F4) 150 Danville, (M3).... 5,420 Dawson Sprs,(F4) . 1,350 Dayton, (Nl) 6,979 Deanefield, (H3)... 75 Defoe, (L2) 141 Dekoven, (E3) 600 Democrat, (Q4)... 100 De Mossville, (Nl). 150 Denton, (Q2) 540 Denver, (Q3) 130 Dexter, (E5) 260 Dishman, (N5).... 200 Dixon. (F3) 741 Donerail, (N2).... 100 Doudton, (Nl).... 100 Dover, (Ol) 386 Downingsville. (MI) 100 Drakesboro, (G4).. 1,126 Dry Creek. (Q4) 100 Dryridge, (Ml) 300 Dublin, (D5) 125 Duncan, (M3) 130 Dundee, (H3) 200 Dunmor, (G4) 138 Dunnville, (M4) 144 Durbin, ((^2) 300 Dwale, (Q3) 150 Dycusburg, (E4) 176 Eagle Station, (Ml) 130 Earles, (G4) 130 Earlington, (F4) 3,931 East Bernstadt, (N4) 698 East Fork, (K4)... 100 East Point, (Q3) 250 Eastview, (J3) 77 Echols. (H4) 330 Eddyville, (E4) 1,442 Eden, (Q3) 381 Edmonton, (K4)... 250 Ekron.(J3) 163 Elic, (Q4) 100 Elizabethtown. (K3) 1,970 Elizaville, (02) 135 Elkatawa, (P3) 130 Elkhorn. (L4) 94 Elkton, fG5) 1,228 Elliottville, (P2) 140 Ellisburg, (M4).... 330 Elliston. (.MI) 100 Elmville, (M2) 100 Elsmere, (Ml) WO Elvira, (04) 300 Elys. (OS) 150 Emanuel, (05) 100 Eminence, (L2) 1,274 Emma, ((¿3) 100 Empire, (G4) 200 English, (Ll) 130 Epworth, (Ol) 200 Erlanger, (M 1 ).... 700 Est, ((^4) 100 Etty, (Q4) 100 Eubank. (.M4) 182 Evelyn, (03) 100 Ever, (P3) 150 Ewing, (02) 300 Ezel,(P3) 128 Fairfield, (L3) 292 Fairview, (G5).... 108 Falcon, (P3) 200 Fallsburg, (Q2).... 134 Falls of Roufh, (H3) 250 Falmouth, (Nl)... 1,180 Fancy Farm, (D5). 200 Farmers, (02) 427 Farmington, (D5)., 136 Ferguson, (M4).... 404 Fielden,(Q2) 130 Finley, (L4) 100 Firebrick. (PI) 310 Fireclay, (P2) 350 Fiskburg. (Ml) 250 Fitch, (P2) 300 Flambeau, (Q3) 100 Flanagan, (N3) 100 Flatgap, ((^3) 68 Flat Lick, (05).... 250 Flatrock, (MS) 150 Flemingsburg. (02) 1,219 Flippin, (K5) 180 Florence, (Ml) 250 Florence Sta, (D5). 100 Floydsburg, (L2).. 100 Folsom, (Ml) 100 Folsomdale, (D5).. 250 Ford,(N3) 702 Fordsville, (H3) 649 Forks of Elkhom, (M2) 190 Fortbranch, (P4).. 300 Fort Mitchell,(Ml) 80 Fort Thomas, (Nl) 500 Foster. (Nl) 158 Fountain Run, (K5) 188 Fourmile, Í05).... 130 Foxport, (02) 150 Fraley. (P2) 100 FRANKFORT, (M2) 10,465 Franklin, (H5).... 3,063 Fredonia, (E4) 421 Frenchburg. (03).. 172 Fulton, (D5) 2,575 Gallup, (Q2) lOO Gamaliel, (K5).... 130 Gapville. (Q3) 180 Garnettsville, (J3). 20O (jarrison. (PI) 200 Gauley,(N4) 100 Geneva, (F3) 100 Georges Creek. (Q3) 130 Georgetown. (N2). 4,533 Germantown, (Ol) 287 Gest, (M2) 87 Gethsemane, (K3). 130 Ghent, (LI) 421 Gilbertsville, (E5). 458 Gilead, (03) 100 Gillmoré, (P3) 130 Gimlet, (P2) 100 Glasgow, (K4) 2,316 Glasgow Jc, (J4) .. 303 Glencaim, (03)... 130 Glencoe, (Ml) 237 Glendale, (K3) 150 Glen Dean, (J3L.. 200 Glensboro, (L3) 250 Glenville, (G3) 100 Gordonsville, (05). 43 Gourd, (P4) 300 Gracey,(F5) 157 Gradyville, ( L4)... 190 Graefenburg, (L2). 170 Grahamton, (J3).. 330 Grand Rivers, (É4) 300 Grange City, (02). 106 Gratz.(M2) 213 Gravity. (05) 100 Gray.(05) 400 Grayfox, (P3) 100 Grayson, (Q2) 735 Great Crossings, (.M2) 130 Greensburg, (K4).. 450 Greenup, ((51) 680 Greenville, (04)... 1,604 Greenwood, (N5).. 400 Grit, (04) 300 Grove Center.(E3). 130 Grundy, (M4) 100 Guage, (P3) 130 Gubser (Nl) 150 Gusten, 03) 130 Guthrie. (G5) 1,096 Hadensville. (G5).. 130 Hailewell, (C5) 100 Haldeman. (P2) 200 Halifax, (J5) 100 Halsey, (N5) 300 Hamby Sta, (F4)... 200 Hampton, (E4).... 150 Hanly, (M3) 100 Hanson, (C54) 509 Hardin, (E5) 366 Hardinsburg. (J3).. 737 Hardyville. (K4)... 210 Harlan, tP5) 500 Hamed, (J3) 100 Harrisonville, (L2). 100 Harrodsburg. (M3) 3,147 Hartford, (H4) 976 Hartley, (Q4) 100 Hawesville. (H3)... 1,002 Haynes, (N4) 100 Hazard, (P4) 537 Hazel, (E5) 300 Hazel (îreen, (P3).. 257 Head Quarters, (N2) 100 Hebbardsville, (G3) 350 Hebron, (MI) 100 Hedges, (N2) 100 Heights, (E5) 130 Heilier. (Q4) 525 Hematite. (E5) 250 Henderson, (F3). - 11,452 Hendricks, (P3) 130 Henshaw. (E3) 300 Hemdon, ÍF5) 150 Hosier, (M2) 100 Sparks, (P2) 130 Spearville, (F6) 576 Speed, (G2) 100 Spivey, (J7) 252 Spring Hill, (Q4).. 605 Stafford, (H6) 1,927 Stanley, (Q4) 200 Stanton, (Q5) 100 Stark. (P6) 191 Sterling, (J5) 2,133 Stilwell. (Qi) 300 Siippville, (Q7) 250 Stoclcdale, (.\13) 110 Stockholm, (B4)... 100 Stockton, (G3 ; 1,317 Stone City, (Q7 )... 500 Strawn, (05) 150 Strong, (M5) 762 Summerfield. (N2) 554 Sun City, (H7)... 130 Sycamore, (07) 140 Sylvan Grove, (J4) 464 Sylvia, (J6) 634 Syracuse, (B6) 1,126 Tabiemound. (Q7) 200 Talmage. (L3) 150 Taimo, (K2) 200 Tampa, (L4) 256 Tecumseh, ((53) 300 Tescott.(K3) 421 Thayer, (P7) 542 Tipton, (J3) 200 Toledo, (N5) 50 Tonganoxie, (P3) . 1,018 TOPEKA, (03).. 43,684 Toronto, (06) 627 Towanda, (M6) 275 Tradingpost, ((¿S). 130 Traer, (D2) 100 Tribune. (B5) 158 Troy, (P2) 940 Turck. (Q7) 110 Turner, ((33) 230 Turon, (J6) 572 Tyro, (07) 603 Udall,(L7) 330 Uniontown.(P6) .. 256 Urbana. (P6; 100 Utica, (E4) 300 Valeda, (P7) 130 Valley Center. (L6) 381 Valley Falls, (03).. 1,129 Vance, (Q3) 100 Vassar, (04) 130 Vermillion, (N2) .. 366 Vernon, (06) 110 Vesper, (J3) 100 Victoria, (G4) 1,500 Vining, (L2) 191 Hickman. (C5) 2,736 Hickory (jrove,(D5) 148 High Bridge, (M3). 200 Highland, ( M4) 100 Highland Park,(K2) 1,977 Highway, (L5) 100 Hilda. (02) 100 Hillsboro, (02) 182 Hillside, (G4) 500 Hindman, (Q4) 370 Hinkleville, (D4)... 100 Hiseville. (K4) 179 Hodgenville, (K3).. 744 Holland, (J5) 150 Hopkinsville, (G5). 9,419 Horse Branch, (H4) 103 Horse Cave, (K4).. 881 Hortense, (P3) 100 Horton, (H4) 150 Humble, (L4) 100 Huntsville, (H4) 118 Hustonville, (M4).. 384 Hutchison. (N2) 100 Hyden, (P4) 316 Ibex,(P2) 100 Idamay, (03) 200 Independence,(Ml) 153 Inez, (Q3) 100 Irvine, (03) 272 Irvington, (73) 665 Island, (G4) 647 Jackson, (P3) 1,346 [acksonville, (N2).. 120 fackstown, (N2)... 100 'amestown, (L5)... 177 effersontown, (K2) 345 effersonville. (03) 86 jellico Creek, (N5) 546 iericho, (L2) 100 iohnsville, (Nl) 180 Jonesville, (Ml).... 648 Jordan. ((TS) 130 Josephine, (M2) 100 Junction City,(M3) 747 Keene, (M3) 650 Kelly. (G5) 200 Kensee, (N5) 200 Kenton, (Nl) 100 Kevil, (D4) 200 Kewanee,(Q4) 200 Keysburg, (G5) 180 Kidds Store, (M4). 300 KiddvÜle, (N3) 150 Kings Mtn, (M4).. 350 Kingston, (N3). 130 Kirby, (P4) 100 Kirkmansville,(G5) 200 Kirksey, (ES) 200 Kirksville, (N3).... 180 Knifley, (L4) 100 Knob Lick, (K4)... 100 Knottsviile, (H3)... 212 Kohler, (Nl) 150 Kuttawa, (£4) 889 La Center, (C4) 426 Lackey, ((j4) ISO La Fayette, (F5)... 266 La Grange, (L2) 1,152 Lair, (N2) 120 I.airsville, (L5) 12 Lakeville, (P3) 150 Lamasco, (F5) 180 I.ancaster, (M3) 1,507 Lane, (P3) 130 Latonia,(Nl) 3,000 La wTenceburg,(M2) 1,723 Viola. (K6) 156 Virgil, (N6) 150 Vliets, (N2) 200 Wabaunsee, (N3).. 260 Wakarusa, (04)... 100 Wakeeney, G'4).., 883 Wakefield, (U)... 514 Waldo, (H3) 200 Waldron. (J7) 262 Walnut, (P6) 639 Walton, (L5) 357 Wamego, (N3j 1,714 Washington, (M 2). 1,547 Waterville, (M2).. 704 Wathena, (P2).... 777 Wauncta, (N7).... 150 Waverly,(05) 751 Wayne, (L2) 120 Webber, (K2) 300 Webster, (G3) 200 Weir,(Q7) 2,289 Welda, (PS) 250 Wellington, (L7) .. 7,034 Wellsford, (G6)... 100 Wellsville, (P4) 648 West Mineral. (P7) 1,700 Weslm-»reland,(N3) 484 Westphalia, (P5) .. 500 Wetmore, (02).... 483 Wheaton, (N2).... 250 White Church, (Q3) 100 White City, (M4).. 506 Whitecloud,(P2) ..1,119 Whitewater, (L6).. 518 Whiting, (02) 426 Wichita, (L6).... 52,450 Wilder, (Q3) 100 Willard, (03) 200 Williamsburg. (P5) 399 Williamstown, (P3) 100 Willis. (02) 188 Wilmorc, ((j7). ... 125 Wilmot, (M7) 100 Wilsey, (M4) 400 Wilson. (J4) 981 Winchester, (P3),. 456 Windom, (K5) 176 W'infield, (M7).... 6,700 Winona, (C3) 150 Wolcott, (Q3) 150 Woodbine, (M4).. 250 Woodruff, (G2) 200 Woodston, (G3)... 299 Xenia, (P6) 100 Yale, ((J?) 800 Yates Center, (06) 2,024 Yocemento, (G4).. 200 Zenda, (J7) 200 Zurich, (G3) 100 Lawton,(P2) 13t Layman, (P5) 20\ Laynesville, (Q3)... 10( Leadingham, (P2).. KM Lebanon, (L3) 3,071 Lebanon Jc, (k3).. 801 Lee City, (P3) 26' Leesburg, (N2) 10( Legal, (N5) 10( Leighton, (03) 1S( Lcitchfield, (J4).... 1,05^ Lenoxburg, (Nl)... 6; Leon, (P2) 13( Lesbas, (N4) 20( Leslie, (LS) 15( Lester, (Q4) 10( Levee. (03) 13( Lewisburg, (G5)... 25; Lewisport,(H3) 5 ( Lexington, (N2).. 35,09< Liberty, (M4) 33( Lick Falls, (P2) 10( Lida,(04) 10( Lily, (N4) 161 Lima, (Q4) 10( Linecreek, (N4).... 13( Lisman, (F4) 15^ Lite, (N4) 10( Little, (Ql) 20i Little Cypress, (E4) 10( Little Hickman,(M3) 25( Liltlerock, (N2).... 20( Livermore, (G4) 1,22( Livingston, ( N4)... 681 Locknane, (N3).... 13( Lockport, (M2).... 15; Logana, (N3) 10Í Lola, (E4) 10( London, (N4) 1,631 Longlick, (M2).... 10( Long Ridge, (Ml).. IOC Loretto, (L3) 14C Lot,(N5) 25C Louisa, (Q2) 1,3 5( Ixiuisville, (K2).. 223,92S Lovelaceville, (Di) 40C Lowder, (P2) IOC Lowell, (N3) 15C Lower Greasy,((j3) 12C Lowes,(D5) 20C Ludlow, (Ml) 4,163 Lusby, (Ml) 190 Luzerne, (G4) 102 Lynnville, (D5)... US McAfee, (M3) IOC McDaniels, (J3)... ICO McHenry, (H4).... 530 McKee, (N4) 14i McKinney, (M4)... 3O0 McKinneysburg, (Nl) 100 McNary, (G4) 100 McNeal,(Q2) 250 Maceo, (H3) 100 Mackoy, (Ql) IQO Mackville, (L3) 190 Madisonville, (F4). 4,966 Maggard, ((j4) 100 Magnolia, (K4).... 100 Mains, (Nl). 100 Manchester, (04).. 626 Mannington, (F4).. J 30 Mannsville, (L4)... 109 Maplesville. (N4).. 100 Marion, (E4) 1,627 Marlow, (L5) 100 148 (KENTUCKY - LOUISIANA) INDEX OF THE UNITED STATES Marrow Bone, (K5). 130 Martha, (Q2) 130 Martinsburg, (P2).. 160 Marydell, (04) 100 Mason, (Ml) 130 Maxon Mill, (D4)... 300 Mayfield, (D5) 5,916 Mays Lick, (Ol)... - 308 Maysville, (Ol). 6,141 Maytown, (P3) 140 Maywood, (M4) 100 Melber, (D5) 150 Melbourne, (Nl)... - 100 Mentor, (Nl) 250 Mercer, (G4) 1,200 Middleburg, (M4) .. <8 Middlesboro, (05)..7,305 Middletown, (K2). . 380 Midway, (M2) 937 Milburn, (D5) 207 Milford, (Nl) 180 Milledgeville, (M3) 100 Millersburg, (N2)... 799 Millerstown, (J4)— 160 Milltown, (L4) 130 Milton, (Ll) 355 Minerva, (Ol) 154 Mining City, (H4). .250 Mitchellsburg, (L3). 290 Monroe, (K4) 120 Monterey, (M2) 260 Monticello, (MS)...1,338 Moorefield, (02). ... 200 Moores C)reek, (04). 100 Moores Ferry, (02) . 500 Morehead, (P2) ....1,105 Moreland, (M4)..,. 250 Morganfield, (F3)...2,725 Morgantown, (H4).- 569 MorningView,(Ml) . 100 Morrow, (MS) 100 Mortons Gap, (G4) 1,266 Mortonsville, (M3) . 200 Moscow, (C5) 500 Moseleyville, (G3).. 100 Mountain Ash, (N5) 100 Mt. Carmel, (02)... 81 Mt. Eden, (L2) 157 Mt.Olivet, (Nl).... 321 Mt. Pleasant, (PS).. 657 Mt. Sterling, (02)..3,932 Mt. Vernon, (N4)... 930 Mt. Washington, (L2) 1,400 Mouthcard, (R4). .. 250 Mullis, (N5) 100 Munfordville, (K.4) . 475 Murphysville, (Ol) . 860 Murray, (E5) 2,089 Myers, (02) 200 Nancy, (M4) 100 Nealy, (Q4) 100 Nebo, (F4) 298 Nelsonville, (K3). .. 150 Nepton, (02) 235 Nerinx, (L3) 200 Nevada, (M3) 200 New Castle, (L2). .. 468 New Columbus, (M2) 118 Newcombe, (P2) 100 Newfoundland, (P2) 72 New Haven, (K.3)... 405 New Hope, (K3).... 240 New Liberty, (Ml) . 214 Newmarket, (L3)... 7 Newport, (Nl). 30,309 New Roe, (T5) 130 Newtown, (N2) 150 Nicholasville, (M3) 2,935 Nolin, (K3) 150 Normal, (Q2) 300 No. Fork, (Ol) 200 No. Middletown, (N2) 390 No. Pleasureville, (L2) 235 Nortonville, (G4)... 254 Oakdale, (03) 100 Oakdale, (K2) ....2,073 Oakland, (J4) 257 Oakton, (C5) 200 Oak View, (Q2) 100 Oakwood, (02) 130 Oddville, (N2) 120 Olin, (04) 200 Olive Hill, (P2) 1,132 Olympia, (02) 200 Omaha, (Q4) 150 Omer, (P3) 130 Oppy, (R3) 150 Orangeburg, (Ol) 100 Ovenfork, (Q4) 100 Owensboro, (H3) .16,011 Owenton, (Ml). 1,024 Owingsville, (02) .. 942 Packarci, (N5) 150 Pactolus, (Q2) 130 Paducah, (D4) .. .22,760 Paint Lick, (N3) 270 Paintsville, (Q3) 942 Paisley, (M5) 130 Panola, (N3) 130 Paradise, (G4) 91 Parina, (Nl) 100 Paris, (N2) 5,859 Parkers Lake, (N5).. 200 Parksville, (M3) 200 Patesville, (H3) 300 Pawpaw, (R4) 150 Peach0»"chard, (Q3). 500 Pellville, (H3) 104 Pembroke, (G5). ... 731 Penrod, (G4) 68 Peoples, (N4) 100 Perryville, (M3) 407 Petersburg, (Ml)... 393 Pettit, (G3) .• 200 Pewee Valley, (L2).. 651 Peytona, (L2) 100 Peytontown, (N3). . 200 Phelps, (R3) 150 Pikeville, (R4) 1,280 Pilotoak, (D5) 100 Pinckard, (M3) 100 Pinckneyville, (E4). 100 Pine Grove, (N2)... 130 Pinehill, (N4) 500 Pine Knot, (N5).... 200 Pineville, (05) 2,161 Pink, (M3) 130 Pittsburg, (N4) 934 Pleasant Home, (M2) 100 Pleasant View, (N5). 500 Pleasure Ridge Park, (K2) 200 Pleasureville, (L2). . 522 Plummers landing, (02) 110 Poindexter, (N2).... 120 Pollard, (Q2) 1,500 Poole, (F3) 179 Poorfork, ((^5) 150 Poplar Grove, (Ml). 150 Poplar Plains, (02).. 190 Portersburg, (04). .. 100 Port Royal, (Ll).... 152 Potter, (Q2) 100 Pottertown, (E5). .. 100 Powderly, (G4) 300 Praise, (R4) 300 Preachersville, (M3). 100 Prestonsburg, (Q3).1,120 Prestonville, (Ll)... 162 Priceville, (J4) 110 Princess, (Q2) 300 Princeton, (F4). 3,015 Proctor, (03) 143 Providence, (F4) 2,084 Pryorsburg, (D5) 242 Puncheon, (Q4) 300 Quincy, (PI) 285 Quinton, (M5) 500 Rail, (03) 120 Randville, (P2) 250 Raywick, (L3) 182 Rectorville, (Ol).... 150 Redash, (N5) 500 Redfox, (Q4) 150 Regina, (R4) 200 Render, (H4) 300 Rice, (Q2) 150 Richardson, (Q3). .. ISO Richmond, (N3).... 5,340 Rich Pond, (H5)... 115 Riley, (L3) 130 Rim, (05) 100 Rineyville, (J3) 100 Ringos Mills, (02). . 130 Riverton, (Ql) 200 Road, (P2) 100 Robard, (F3) 334 Robinet, (N4) 200 Robinson Creek, (Q4) 250 Rochester, (H4) 437 Rockfield, (H5) 230 Rockport, (H4) 658 Rocky Hill, (J5) 120 Rocky Hill Station, (J4) 138 Rolling Fork, (M4) . 130 Rose Hill, (M3) 100 Rosewood, (G4).... 89 Rosine, (H4) 166 Rosslyn, (03) 100 Rothwell, (03) 130 Rowland, (M3) 500 Rowletts, (K4) 233 Ruddels Mills, (N2). 320 Rumsey, (G3) 413 Rural, (R3) 200 Rush, (Q2) 300 Russell, (Ql) 1,038 Russell Springs, (L4) 104 Russell ville, (H 5). .3,111 Sacramento, (G4). .. 438 Sadieville, (M2) 467 St. Catharine, (L3).. 130 St. Charles, (F4).... 660 St. Helens, (03) 151 St. Mary, (L3) 154 St. Matthews, (K2). 160 Salem, (E4) 320 Salt Lick, (02) 532 Salvisa, (M3) 300 Salyersville, (P3). .. 310 Sams, (03) 100 Samuels, (K3) 190 Sanders, (Ll) 250 Sandyfork, (OS).... 250 Sandy Hook, (P2)... 190 Sardis, (01) 261 Saxton, (N5) 100 ScienceHill, (M4)... 257 Scottsburg, (F4) 100 Scottsville, (J5).... 1.327 Scranton, (03) 100 Sebree, (F3) 1.500 Sedalia, (D5) 250 Select, (H4) 100 Seventy Six, (L5)... 150 Shady Grove, (F4).. 240 Shannondale, (M2) . 200 Sharongrove, (G5).. 300 Sharpsburg, (02). .. 410 Shawhan, (N2) 300 Shelby City, (M3). . 280 Shelbyville, (L2)...3,412 Shepherdsville, (K2) 318 Sherburne, (02) 253 Sherman, (Ml) 300 Shively, (K2) 200 Short Creek, (J3) 130 Shrewsbury, (J4). .. 100 Sidney, (R3) 100 Silvercreek, (N3). .. 150 Simcoe, (03) 100 Simpsonville, (L2). . 185 Skaggs, (Q2) 100 Skilesville, (H4).... 53 Slade, (03) 400 Slaughterville, (G4). 443 Sloans Valley, (M5). 200 Smithfield, (L2). ... 350 Smithland, (E4) 557 Smith Mills, (F3)... 300 SmithsGrove, (J4).. 726 Somerset, (M4) 4.491 Sonora, (K3) 250 Sorgho, (G3) 130 So. Carrollton, (G4). 365 So. Elkhorn, (M2). . 100 Southgate, (Nl) 627 So. Park, (K2) 100 So. Portsmouth, (PI) 660 Sparks Quarry, (N4) 100 Sparta, (Ml) 107 Spottsville, (G3).... 448 Springfield, (L3) 1,329 Springlake, (Nl) 100 Spring Lick, (H4).... 190 Spurlington, (L4)... 130 Stamping Ground, (M2) 381 Stanford, (M3) 1,532 Stanton, (03) 278 Stearns, (N5) 100 Stephens, (Q2) 130 Stephensburg, (73).. 130 Stephensport, ^3) . 205 Stepstone, (02) 150 Stewartsville, (MI) . 200 Stinson, (Q2) 200 Stithton, (K3) 300 Stonewall, (M2) 100 S towers, (H5) 120 Sturgis, (F3) 1,467 Sulphur, (Ll) 255 Summer Shade, (K5) 250 Summersville, (K4). 320 Sweeden, (J4) 100 Switxer, (M2) 380 Talcum, (P4) 200 Taylor Mines, (H4). 430 Taylorsport, (Ml). . 150 Taylorsville, (L3)... 622 Templer, (N4) 200 Texas, (L3) 130 Thealka, (Q3) 100 The Ridge, (P2).... 150 Thor, (P2) 100 Thornton, (Q4) 100 Tiline, (E4) 100 Tilton, (02) 113 Tolesboro, (Ol) 400 Tolu, (E4) 180 Tompkinsville, (K5) 639 Torchlight, (Q2).... 200 Towers, (Ml) 100 Travellers Rest (04). 200 Trenton, (G5) 653 Troy, (M3) 100 Turners Station,(Ll) 115 Tumersville, (M4).. 200 Tyler, (D4) 500 Tvner, (04) 130 Tyrone, (M2) 544 Union, (Ml) 280 Uniontown, (F3).. .1,356 Upton, (K4) 141 Urban, (04) 400 Utica, (G3) 300 Valley Station, (K2). 210 Valleyview, (N3). .. 630 Vanceburg, (PI). ..1,145 Vanderbur'^. (F4)... 150 Van Lear, (Q3) 100 Verona, (Ml) 200 Versailles, (M2) ...2,268 Vine Grove, (K3).... 570 Virgie, (Q4) 130 Visalia, (Nl) 250 Viva, (N4) 250 Wabd, (N4) 100 Waco, (N3) 210 Waddy, (L2) 254 Wakefield, (L3) 130 Wallace, (M2) 130 Wallins Creek, (P5). 150 Wallonia, (F5) 100 Wallsend, (05) 500 Walnut Grove, (P2) 174 Walton, (Ml) 650 Warfield, (R3) 100 Warsaw, (Ml) 900 Washington, (Ol)... 433 Wasioto, (05) 300 Waterford, (L2) 210 Watervallev, (D5). . 228 Waverlv, (F3) 311 Webbville, (Q2). ... 200 Wellsburg, (Ol). ... 150 Wentz, (P4) 200 W.Covington,(Ml) 1,751 W. Irvine, (03) 150 W. Liberty, (P3) 442 W.Louisville, (G3).. 192 Weston, (E3) 140 West Point, (K3).... 782 Westport, (L2) 300 Wheatcroft, (F4). .. 490 Whitehouse, (Q3)... 150 White Mills, (K3)... 100 Whiteoak, (P3) 130 Whiteplains, (G4)... 281 Whitepost, (R3). 100 Whitesburg, (Q4)... 321 White Sulphur, (M2) 100 Whitesville, (H3)... 452 Whitley, (N5) 157 Wickliffe, (C5) 989 Wildie, (N4) 100 Willard, (Q2) 17 < Williamsburg, (N5) 2,004 Williamsport, ((¿3). . 200 Williamstown, (Nl). 800 Willisburg, (L3). — 150 Wilmore, (M3) 1,000 Wilsonville, (L2).... 150 Wilton, (N5) 200 Winchester, (N3)...7,156 Wingo, (D5) 404 Wisemantown, (03) 100 Wolf, (P2) 300 Wolf Creek, (J2).... 150 Woodbine. (N5).... 100 Woodbum, (H5).... 217 Woodbury, (H4) 173 Woods, (Q3) 100 Woodville, (D4) ... 250 Worley, (MS) 150 Worthville, (Ml). .. 326 Wurtland, (Ql) 190 Xena, (03) 130 Yaho, (N4) 100 Yale, (P2) 200 Yelvington, (H3). .. 400 Yosemite, (M4) 98 Yost, (04) 150 Zion, (F3) 224 LOUISIANA Abbevüle, (F7) 2,907 Abita Springs, (L6) . 365 Acy, (J6) 500 Adeline, (G7) 800 Albemarle, (H7).... 1,200 Alberta, (D2) 500 Alden Bridge, (CI).. 500 Alexandria, (F4)...ll,213 Allemands, (,K7) .... 500 Alto, (G2) 150 Alton, (L6) 100 Ama, (K7) 800 Amelia, (H7) 400 Amesville, (K.7) 200 Amita, (K5) 1,677 Anchor, (H5) 300 Andrew, (F6) 150 Angie, (L5) 346 Anäey, (E2) 600 .Antrim, (CI) 350 Arabi, (L7) 250 Arbroth, (H5) 300 Arcadia, (El) 1,079 Areola, (K5) 100 Ariel, (77) 100 Arnaud ville, (G6)... 279 Ashland, (D2) 200 Athens, (Dl) 514 Atkins, (D2) 300 Atlanta, (E3) 311 Avery Island, (G7).. .200 Avoca, (H7) 200 Ayers, (D4) 250 Baldwin, (H7) 1,000 Bancroft, (C5) 200 Barataría, (K/) 300 Barham, (D4) 250 Baskin, (G2) 150 Bastrop, (Gl) 854 Batchelor, (G5). — 200 BATON ROUGE, (H6) 14,897 Bayou Barbary, (J6) 150 Bayou Chicot, (F5). 150 BayouGoula, (H6).1,000 Bayou Sara, (H5)... 630 Baywood, (J5) 300 Betair, (LT^ 600 Belcher, (CI) 200 Bell City, (E6) 330 Belle .Alliance,(H6). 1,000 Belledean, (F4) 400 Belle Helene, (J6)... 300 Belie Rose, (H6).... 500 Benson, (C3) 320 Bentley, (E4) 200 Benton, (CI) 318 Bermucia, (E3) 100 Bernice, (El) 781 Bertrandville, (L7).. 300 Berwick, (H7) 2,183 Bethany, (B2) 250 Bienville, (E2) 606 Bigcanê, (G5) 230 Blairstown, (75) 100 Blanchard, (CI).,.. 200 Bogalusa, (I.>5) 1,850 Boleyn, (D3) 350 Bolinger, (CI) 300 Bonami, (D5) 300 Bonita, (Gl) 273 Bordelonville, (G4) . 200 Bossier, (Cl) 775 Bourg, 07) 500 Boutte, (K7) 300 Bowie, (77) 1,200 Boyce, (E4) 865 Breaux Bridge,(G6)l,339 Brockdale, (K4) 100 Broussard, (G6). 499 Brünett, (HI) 100 Bnisley T.anding, (H6) 390 Bryceland, (E2). ... 250 Buckeye, (F4) 100 Bunkie, (F5) 1,765 Buras, (L8) 500 Burnside, (J6) 100 Burton, (J7) 400 Cades, (06) 200 Calhoun, (Fl) 260 Cameron, (D7) 200 Campti, (D3) 664 Canton, (E5) 100 Carenero, (F6) 609 Carson, (D5) 500 Carville, (H6) 300 Caspiana, (C2) 250 Castor, (D2) 150 Cataro, (F5) 200 Cecilia, (G6) 130 Centerville, (H7). .. 500 Central, (76) 200 Chacahoula, (J7). .. 100 Chalmette, (L7) 100 Charenton, (G7).... 400 Chatham, (F2) 181 Chauvin, (J8) 320 Cheneyville, (F4). .. 498 Chcniere, (Fl) 230 Choudrant, (El).... 200 Church Point, (F6) . 481 Cinclare, (H6) 400 Clarks, (F2) 750 Clinton, (J5) 918 Clio, (J6) 220 Cioutierville, (E3). . 300 Colfax, (E3) 1,049 Collinston, (Gl) 333 Columbia, (F2) 500 Convent, (76) 500 Converse, (C3) 200 Cooper, (D4) 300 Cottonport, (F5).... 866 Cotton Valley, (Cl). 750 Coushatta, (D2).... 564 Covington, (K6). ..2,601 Crawford, (G7) 250 Crescent, (H6) 150 Crosskeys, (C2) 200 Crowley, (F6) 5,099 Cutoff, (K7) 200 Cypremort, (G7).... 200 Daisy, (L8) 100 Darrow, (H6) 500 Delcambre, (F7).... 308 Delhi, (G2) 685 Delta, (J2) 200 Denham Springs,(J5) 574 Denson, (J6) 100 De QuineV, (D6) 715 De Ridder, (D5). ..2,100 Diamond, (L7) 300 Dido. (E5) 200 Dime, (L7) 200 Dod^n, (E2) 845 Donaldsonville,(H6)4,090 Donner, (J7) 200 Dorcyville, (H6). ... 200 Doss, (Gl) 100 Doyline, (Di) 150 Dry Prong, (E3).... 100 Dubach, (El) 714 Dubberly, (Dl) 200 Dubuisson, (F5) 250 Dunbar, (L6) 200 Duson, (F6) 120 Dutch Town, (T '.,).,. 100 Duty, (G3) 100 Dykesville, (Dl) 100 East Point, (D2).... 100 Echo. (F4) 238 Edgard, (J7) 500 Edna, (E6) 200 Egan, (F6) 100 Elizabeth, (E5) 200 Ellendale, (J7) 100 Elton, (E6) 100 Empire, (L8) 270 Engel wood, (H2).. . 100 Eola, (F5) 400 Erath, (F7) 575 Eros, (F2) 898 Esther, (F7) 100 Estherwood, (F6)... 544 Eunice, (F6) 1,684 Evangeline, (F6). 400 Evans, (D5) 230 Evergreen, (F5).. .. 299 Fairmount, (E4). ... 200 Farmerville, (Fl)— 598 Ferriday, (G3) 577 Fisher, (D4) 200 Flora, (K3) 100 Florence, (G3) 110 Florien, (D4) 250 Floyd, (HI) 200 Folsom, (K5) 100 Fordoche, (G5) 200 Forest HÜ1, (E4).... 200 Fortjesup, (D3).... 100 Foster, (H7) 100 Franklin, (G7) 3,857 Franklinton, (KS)... 814 Frierson, (C2) 300 Fullerton, (E4) 1,238 Fulton, (D6) 150 Gansville, (É2) 100 Garden City, (H7).. 500 Garyville, (J6) 1,000 (iassler, (E6) 100 Geismar, (76) 250 Genesee, (K5) 600 Gheens, (K7) 500 Gibsland, (Dl) 1,065 Gibson, (H7) 200 Gilbert, (G2) 250 Gilliam, (Cl) 150 Gillis, (D6) 100 Girard, (G2) 100 Gladis, (K5) 500 Glencoe, (Gñ 100 Glenmora, (E5) 100 Glenwild, (H7) 500 Gloster, (C2) 130 Goldonna, (E2) 150 Gonzales, (J6) 150 Good Pine, (F3) 500 Gordon, (Dl) 100 Grace, (E3) 250 Gramercy, (J6) 100 Grand Cane, (C2)... 485 Grand Coteau, ((j6). 392 Grand Isle, (LB).... 350 Grappes Bluff, (DS). 300 (îrayson, (F2) 200 Greensbrng, (J5). 268 Greenwood, (B2).. . 250 Gretna, (K7) 3,700 Grosse Tete, (G6)... 500 Gueydan, (E7) 1,081 Gulletts Station,(J5) 200 Hackberry, (D7).... 200 Hackley, (K5) 100 Hadlev, (C2) 100 Hahnville, (K7). ... 300 Haile, (Fl) 120 Hall City, (C5) 800 Hammond, (K5)...2,942 Hard Times Landing (H2) 200 Harrisonburg, (G3) . 361 Harvey, (K7) 340 Haughton, (D2).... 249 Hawthorn, (D4L .. . 200 Haynesville, (Dl)... 663 Head of Island, (J 6). 100 Hecker, (D6) 400 Hermitage, (H5).... 200 Hessmer, (F4) 100 Hineston, (E4) 150 Hobart, (J6) 130 Hodge, (E2) 300 Hohen Solms, (H6).. 170 Holly, (C2) 400 Homeplace, (L8) 180 Homer, (El) 1,855 Hope, (D2) 200 Hopedale, (L7) 100 Hope Villa, (H6).... 100 Hornbeck, (1)4).. .. 459 Hosston, (Cl) 100 Houma, (J7) 5,024 Howcott, (F3) 500 Husser, (K5) 200 Hydropolis, (F4).... 500 Ida, ((fl) 600 Independence, (K5) 1,004 Indian Village, (H6), 100 Iota, (E6) 769 Iowa, (E6) 100 Irish Bend, (H7).... 150 iackson, (H5) 2,146 acoby, (G5) 280 eanerette, (G7)... .2,206 ena, (F3) 689 ennings, (E6) 3,925 esuitBend, (K7)... 350 ones, (Gl) 100 onesboro, (E2). ...1,134 Jonesville, (G3) 287 Junction C^ity, (El) . 396 Kaplan, (F6) 315 Keatchie, (C2) 500 Keithville, (C2) 100 Kelloggs Landing, (H2) 350 Kelly, (F3) 150 Kenner, (K6) 1,500 Kentwood, (75) 3,609 Kilbourne, (HI) 150 Kinder, (E6) 635 Kingston, (C2) 500 Kipling, (D5) 200 Klotzviiie, (H6) 500 Knowlton, (H6). ... 100 Laark, (HI) 120 Labadievilie, (H7). . 500 Lacomb, (K6) 600 Lafayette, (F6) 6,392 Lafourche Crossing, (J7) 400 Lake, (J6) 300 Lake Arthur, (E6)..1,093 Lake Charles,(D6)ll,449 Lakeland, (H5) 100 Lake Providence, (HI) 1,568 Lakeside, (E6) 230 Lamourie, (F4) 150 Lanesville, (Dl) 400 Laplace, (K6) 320 L'Argent, (H3) 200 I.arose, (K7) 190 Lauderdale, (J6).... 100 Laura, (H7) 200 Lawrence, (L7) 150 Lecompte, (F4) 1,058 Leesville, (1)4) ... .2,043 Lena Station, (E4).. 200 Leonville, (G6) 300 I^ttsworth, (G5). .. 750 I.ewiston, (K5) 100 Libertyhill, (E2).... 150 Lillie, (El) 150 Lions, (J6) 200 Lisbon, (£1) 100 Livonia, (G5) 300 Lobdell, (H6) 500 Lockport, (K7) 669 Lofton, (E3) 200 Logansport, (C3). .. 420 Logtown, (F2) 200 Lonepine, (F5) 130 Longbridge, (F4). .. 500 Ix)ngleaf, (E5) 500 Ix)ngstreet, (B2).... 100 Longwood, (HI) 250 Loreauville, (G6). .. 291 Loring, (C3) 700 Ludington, (D5).... 300 Ludivine, (K7) 200 Luiing, (K7) 350 Lutcher, (J6) 1800 McCall, (fió) 700 McDonoghvüIe, (K7) 2,700 McNutt, (E4) 100 Madisonville, (K6). 1,028 Magda, (F4) 100 Maillard, (G7) 200 Mamou, (F5) 100 Manchar, (H6) 150 Mandeville, (K.6)... 1,166 Mangham, ((j2) 470 Mansfield, (C2) 1,799 Manske, (L5) 150 Mansura, (F4) 695 Many, (C!3) 683 Marco, (E3) 300 Maiingouin, (G6). .. 447 Marion, (Fl) 226 Marksville. (G4)... 1,076 Marthaville, (D3)... 285 Mathews, (J7) 1,300 Maud, (L6) 150 Maurepas, (J6) 150 Maxie, (F6) líK) Melville, (G5) 1,093 Mermenton, (£6)... 323 Mer Rouge, (Gl). .. 536 Midland, (E6) 200 Miliikens, (Hi) 200 Milton, (F6) 200 Minden, (Dl) 3002 Mira, (Cl) 150 Moberly, (K7) 500 Monroe, (Fl) 10,209 Montegut, (K8). ... 150 Montgomery, (E3).. 174 Montpelier, (J5) 600 Montrose, (D3) 250 Mooringsport, (Bl). 700 Moreauville, (G4)... 728 Morgan City, (H7). 5,477 Morganza, ((j5). 296 Morrow, (F5) 150 Morse, (F6) 237 Mossville, (D5) 200 Mt. Airy, (J6) 150 Mt. Lebanon, •(D2). 250 Myrtistown, (Bl). . 250 Nairn, (L8) 300 Naomi, (K7) 220 Napoleonville, (H7) 1201 NataJbany, (K5).... 150 Natchitoches, (D3) 2,532 Neame, (D5) 500 Neptune, (LB) 300 Newellton, (H3) 424 New Iberia, (G6)... 7,499 Newlin, (D5) 200 New OrIeans,(L7)339,075 New Roads, (H5). .1,352 New Verda, (E3). .. 182 NichoUs, (L8) 250 Noble, (C3) 453 Oakdale, (E5) 500 Oak Grove, (Hi).... 398 Oaklev, (G3) 100 Oak Ridge, (Gl).... 332 Oberlin, (E5) 232 Oil City, (Cl) 400 Olivier, (G7) 100 Olla, (F3) 260 Opelousas, (F5) 4,623 Orange, (1)4) 400 Ouachita, (Fl) 100 Oxford, (C3) 150 Paincourtville, (H7). 550 Parcperdue, (F6). .. 200 Parks, (G6) 350 Patterson, (H7).. - .2,993 Pearl, (D6) 200 Pearl River, (1.6). .. 277 Pelican, (C3) 300 Perry, (F7) 100 Phoenix, (L7) 100 Pickering, (D5) 750 Pineville, (F4) 1,202 Pioneer, (HI) 151 Pitkin, (È5) 150 Plain Dealing, (Cl) . 474 Plaquemine, (H6)...4,955 Plattenville, (J7;.... 150 Plaucheville, (G5)... 380 Pleasant Hill, (C3), . 442 Point alaHache,(L7)500 Point Pleasant, (H2) 130 Pollock, (F4) 675 Ponchatoula, (K6) . 1,055 Port Allen, (H6).... 750 Port Barre, (G5).... 600 Port Barrow, (J6)... 800 Port Eads, (M8) 200 Port Hudson, (H5).. 350 Port Vincent, (J6). . 200 Potash, (L8) 320 Potier, (G6) 100 Powhatan, (D3) ... 200 Prairieville, (J6).... 200 Pride, (J5) 150 Provencal, (D3). ... 262 Quitman, (E2) 215 Raccourci, (G5). ... 100 Raceland, (J7) 700 Ramos, (H7) 250 Ramsay, (K5) 425 Randall, (G¿) 300 Randolph, (El) 500 Rayne, (F6) 2,247 Rayville, (Gl) 1,079 Reserve, (J6) 400 Riceville, (E6) 150 Richardsontown, (L5) 319 Ringgold, (D2) 400 Rio, (L5) 265 Robeline, (D3) 438 Rochelle, (F3) 600 Rodessa, (Bl) 100 Rogillioville, (H5)... 100 Roosevelt, (HI).... 100 Rosedale, (G6) 400 Roseland, (K5) 586 Rosepine, (D5) 325 Routon, (F3) 150 Ruddock, (K6) 900 Ruston, (E2) 3377 Rustville, (D4) 250 Saint Amant, (J6)... 150 Saint Amelia, (J7)... 250 Saint Bernard, (L7). 500 Saint Francisville, (H5) 966 Saint Gabriel, (H6).. 750 Saint James, (J7). .. 150 Saint Joseph, (H3). . 740 St. Martinville, (G6) 2,318 Saint Maurice, (E3). 100 Saint Patricks, (]7). 200 Saint Rose, (K7) 500 Saint Tammany,(L6) 280 Saline, (D2) 346 Sarepta, (Dl) 300 Scanlon, (K5) 100 Scott, (F6) 239 Sellers, (K6) 200 Selma, (F3) 800 Seymourville, (H6).. 500 Shamrock, (D3). ... 150 Shongaloo, (Dl). 100 Shreveport, (Cl). .28,015 Simsboro, (El) 282 Singer, (D5) 100 Slabtown, (D5) 150 Slaughter, (H5) 287 Slidell, (L6) 2,188 Smithland, (G5).... 100 Smoke Bend, (H6).. 600 Solitude, (H5) 200 Spe^sville, (El).... 120 Springfield, (J6). ... 250 Springhill, (Dl) 750 Springville, (J6). ... 100 Stables, (D4) 600 Stamboul, (HI) 300 Standard, (F3) 300 Stariding, (L6) 200 Sterlington, (Fl).... 400 Stevenson, (Gl). ... 100 Stonewall, (C2) ISO Stonypoint, (J5) 100 Strader, (K6) 200 Strange, (E3) 150 Sulphur, (1)6) 350 Summerfield, (El). . 100 Sun, (L5) 250 Simrise, (L8) 100 Sunset, (F6) 377 Sycamore, (E4) 200 Tallulah, (H2) 847 Tangipahoa, (KS)... 394 Thibodaux, (J7) 3824 Thomastown, (J2). . 120 Timberton, (J6). ... 500 Tioga, (F4) 633 Torras, (GS) 500 Tremont, (Fl) 500 Trenton, (C3) 100 Trilby, (F6) 100 Trout, (F3) 500 Tullos, (F3) 100 Turkev Creek, U''5). 100 Tyne, (D3) 100 Uraniaj (F3) 250 Vacherie, (J7) 250 Venice, (M8) 600 Verda, (E3) 250 Vernon, (E2) 100 Victoria, (D3) 350 Vidalia, (H3) 1.345 Vienna, (El) 500 VillePlatte, (F5).... 603 Vinton, (D6) 800 Vivian, (Cl) 826 Walker, (J5) 592 Wallace, (j7) 300 Walls Ivake, (K5)... 200 Ward, (E5) ISO Warnerton, (K5).... 150 Washington, (GS).. 1,528 Waterproof, (H3) 445 Weeks, (G7) 200 Welcome, (J6) 100 Welsh, (E6) 1,250 Westlake, (D6) 1,700 West Monroe, (Fl). 1,127 Westwego, (K7) 700 Wetzler, (E5) 100 White Castle, (H6) 2,289 YTiitehall, (J6) 200 Wilcox, (H5) 100 Wilson, (H5) 762 Winnfield, (E3) 2,925 Winnsboro, (G2).... 821 Winona, (E2) 200 Wyatt, (E2) 300 Yellow Pine, (D2).. 1,000 Youngsville, (F6)... 328 Zachary, (H5) 419 Zimmerman, (E4)... 500 Zwolle, (C3) 973 INDEX OF THE UNITED STATES MAINE (MAINE) 149 Abbot, (D5) 100 Abbot Village, (D5). 550 Acadia, (H2) 550 Acton, (ÜÄ) 425 Adcüson, (H6) 420 Albany, (¿7) SaO Albion, (£6) 650 Alexander, (HS).... 300 Alfred, (B8) 650 i^iegash, (£1) 100 Aliens Mills, (C6)... 100 Alna, (D7) 300 Alton, (F5) 200 Amherst, (G6) 225 Amity, (H4) 100 Andover, (B6) 520 Anson, (D6) 250 Appleton, (E7) 600 Argyle, (F5) 175 Arrowsic, (D8) 10Ü Ashdaie, (E)8) 100 Ashland, (G2) 1,500 Ash Point, (£7) 130 Asbvüle (G6) 100 Athens, (D6) 650 Atkinson, (£5) 280 Atlantic, (G7) 250 Auburn, (C7) 15,064 AUGUSTA, (D7).13,211 Aurora, (G6) 100 Bailey Island, (D8). 510 Bald Mountain, (C6) too Bancroft, (G4) 140 Bangor, (F6) 24,803 Bar Harbor, (G7). .3,000 Baring, Ü^) Bar Mills, (B8) 140 Bath, (D8) 9,396 Bauneg Beg, (B9)... 110 Beals, (J6) 500 Belfast, (£7) 4,618 Belgrade, (07) 450 Belgrade Lakes, (D6) 300 Belmont, (£7) 340 Bemis, (Bó) 200 Benedicta, (G4). ... 210 Benton, (D6) 530 Benton Falls, (D6).. 240 Benton Station, (D6) 150 Berry Mills, (B6)... 250 Berwick, (B9) 2,000 Berwick Branch, (B9) 130 Bethel, (B7) 834 Biddeford, (B9)... 17,0/9 Biddeford Pool, (C9) 430 Bingham, (D5) 700 Birches, (B6) 120 Birch Harbor, (G6). 100 Blaine, (H2) 625 Blanchard, (D5).... 125 BluehiU, (F7) 1,100 BluehiU Falls, (G6). 130 Bolsters Mills, (B7) . 350 Boothbay, (D8). ... 320 Boothbay Harbor (D8) 1,803 Boundary, (H3). ... 363 Bowdoin Center, (D7) 350 Bowdoinham, (C7).1,200 Bowerbank, (£5). .. 65 Bowery Beach,(H9). 300 Boyd Lake, (F5).... 120 Bradford, (FS) 500 Bradford Center, (F5) 130 Bradley, (F6) 290 Bremen, (£7) 330 Brewer, (F6) 5,667 Bridgewater Center, (G3) 590 Bridgtoo, (87) 1,474 Brighton, (D5) 203 Bristol. (ES) 703 Broad Cove, (D7)... 133 Brooklin, (F7) 453 Brooks, (£6) 673 Brooksville, (F7).... 353 Brookton, (H4) 175 Brownîîld, (BS).... 703 Brownville, (£5)... .1,333 BrownvilleJc,(E5).. 333 Brunswick, (C8)... .5,341 Bryant Pond, (BO* • 253 Buckfield, (C7) 357 Bucks Harbor, (jó) . 150 Bucksport, (F6)... .1,830 Backsport Cîenter, (F6) ISO Bunganuc, ((^8). ... 133 Bunkerhill, (D7).... 123 Burdin, (D5) 130 Burkettvîlle, (£7)... 133 Burleigh, (G3) 253 Burlington, (GS).... 333 Burnham, (£6) 693 Buxton, (B8) 53) Buxton (Jsnter, (B9) 103 Byron, (B6) HO Calais, (TS) 6,116 Cambriíige, (D5) ... 300 Camden. (£7) 2,930 Camp Ellis, (C9).... ISO Canaan, (D6) 800 Canton, (C7) 853 Canton Point, (C7), 103 Cape Elizab3th.(T9). 703 Cape Jellisoi, (F7>. 1,203 Cape Nsddick, (B9). 233 Cape Porpoise, (C9). 603 Cape Rozisr, (F7).163 Capitol, (DS> 150 Caratunk. (C5) 223 Cardville, (F5) 10) Caribou, (G2) 4,733 Carmel, (F6) 833 Carroll, (GS) 403 Carthage, (B6) 150 Gary, (H4) 300 Casco, (B7) 503 Cashs Comer. (C8). 280 Çastine, (F73 650 CastlehiM. (G2) 490 Caswell Planta,(Hl). 380 Center Belmont,(E7) 140 Center Lebanon, (89) 100 Center Lincolnviile, (£/) 350 Center Lovell, (B7) . 260 Center MontviUe, (£/) 360 Charleston, (FS).... 800 Charlotte, (J 5) 200 Chase MÜls, (C7)... 200 Chebeague island, (Cd) 500 Chelsea, (D7) 900 Cherryueld, (G6)... 1,400 Chester, (F5) 300 Chesterville, (C6)... 250 China, (E7) 550 Chisholm, (C7) 800 Christmas Cove, (D8) 120 Citypoint, (£7) 180 Clarks Mill, (88) ... 120 Cleveland, (Gl). ... 100 Cliff Island, (C8). .. 180 Clifton, (F6) 150 Clinton, (E6) 1,200 Columbia, (H6) 520 Columbia Falls,(H6) 600 Cooper, (J5) 125 Coopers Mills, (D7). 350 Corea, (G 7) 180 Corinna, (E6) 1,100 Corinth, (£6) 240 Cornish, (B8) 875 Cornville, (D6) 460 Costigan, (F5) 240 Cousins Is, (C8) 100 Cranberry Isles,(G7) 180 Crawford, (HS) 100 Cross Hill, (D7) 120 Crouseville, (G2/. .. 280 Cumberland, (C8). . 180 Cumberland Center, (C8) 680 Cumberland Mills, (C8) 2,500 Cundys Harbor,(D8) 150 Curtis Corner, (C7). 100 Cushiag, (£7) 200 Cutler, (J6) 470 Damariscotta, (E7) . 550 Damariscotta Mills, (D7) 150 Danforth, (H4) 1,200 Danville, (C7) 150 Darkharbor, (F7)... 150 Davidson, (F4) 200 Dayton, (B8) 300 Dead River, (C5)... 85 Deadwater, (D5). .. 300 Dedham, (F6) 290 Deer Isle, (F7) 1,600 Denmark, (B8) 380 Dennysville, O^). •• 400 Detroit, (E6) 400 Dexter, (£5) 3,200 Dickvale, (B6) 100 Dixfield, (C6) 570 Dixfteld Center, (C6) 180 Dixmont, (£6) 350 Dixmont Center, (£6) 100 Dormán, (H6) 200 Dover, (£5) 1,800 Dover South Mills, (£5) 220 Dresden. (D7) 330 Dresden Mills, (D7). 230 Dryden, (C6) 200 Dry Mills, (C8) 100 Durham, (C8) 590 Dyerbrook, (G3).... 250 Eagle L^ke, (Fl).... 700 Eagle Lake Mills, (Fl) 100 E. Andover, (B6)... 100 E. Auburn, (C7).... 150 E. Baldwin, (BS). .. 350 E.Bangor, (F6). ... 150 E. Benton, (D6),... 220 E. Bethel, (B7) 140 E. BluehiU, (G7).... 100 E. Boothbay, (D8).. 500 E. Bowdoinham, (C7) 100 Eastbrook, (G6).... 175 E. Brown&eld, (BS). 175 E. Corinna, (F6).... 150 E. Corinth, (E5).... 525 E. Denmark, (B8). . 180 E. Dixheld, (C6).... 250 E. Dixmont, (F6)... 100 E.Dover, (£5) ISO E. Eddington, (F6) . 450 E, Edgecomb, (D8). 100 E. Franklin, (G6)... 100 E. Friendship, (£8). 100 E. Fryeburg, (B7)... 100 E.Gray, (08) 100 E. Hampcien, (F6).. 150 E. Harpswell, (D8).. 240 E. Hebron, (C7) 100 E. Hiram, (33) 210 E. Holden, (F6).... 210 E. Jackson, (E6).... 175 E. Knox, (E7) 143 E. Lamoine, (G6)... 150 E. Lebinon, (B9). .. 180 E. Limington, (B8).. 103 E. Livermore, (C7).. 200 E. Livermore Mills, (C7) 180 E. Lowell, (GS) 200 E. Machias, (¿6).. .1,300 E. Madison, (l)6). .. 560 E. Madrid. (B6) 100 E-Mercer, (D6) 100 E. Millinocket, (F4). 850 E. Monmouth,(C7) . 100 E. Newcastle, (D8).. 100 E. Newport, (E6)... 100 Easton, (H2) 320 E. Orland, (F6) 450 E. OrrinSiCon, (F6).. 200 E.Otisfield, (B7).... 220 E. Palermo, (E7b .150 E. Parsonfield, (38). ISO E. Pittston, (D7). .. 83 E. Poland, (C7) 175 Eastport, (Jô) 4,961 E. Raymond, (C8).. 125 E. Sangerville, (£5). 4Ü0 E. Sebago, (b8) 200 E. Stoneham, (37).. 120 E.Sullivan, (G6). .. 250 E.Sumner, (C7) .... 300 E. Surry, (G6) 190 E. Union, (E7) ICQ E. Vassalboro, (1)7), 350 E. Waterboro, (BS) , 130 E. Waterford, (B7).. 200 E. Wilton, (C6) 430 E. Winn, (G5) 150 Eaton, (114) 150 Eddington, (F6).... 100 Eden, (G7) 100 Edes Falls, (B7) 130 Edgecomb, (DS). ... 100 Eggemoggin, (G6). . 100 Egypt, (06) 100 Eliot, (B9) 650 Ellsworth, (G6)... .3,549 Ellsworth Falls, (G6) 420 Elmore, (ES) 120 Elms, (B9) 120 Emery Mills, (B8). . 120 Enfield, (F5) 390 Etna, (E6) 350 Eustis, (B5) 150 Exeter, (E6) 700 Fairbanks, (C6) ... 300 Fairfield, (D6) 2,801 Fairfield Center, (D6) 140 F.almouth, (C8) 250 Falmouth Foreside, (C8) 240 Farmingdale, (D7).. 750 Farmington, (C6).. 1,240 Farmington Falls, (D6) 430 Fayette, (C7) 300 Five Islands, (D8). . 200 Flagstaff, (C5) 110 Forest City, (H4)... 65 Ft. Fairfield, (H2) .1,620 Fort Kent, (Fl) ...3,000 Foxcroft, (ES) 1,800 Frankfort, (F6) 800 Franklin, (G6) 700 Freedom, (E6) 300 Freeman, (C6) 310 Freeport, (C8) 965 Frenchboro, (G7)... 85 Frenchville, (Gl). .. 840 Friendship, (E8). ... 600 Fryeburg, (B8) 540 Fryeburg Center, (B7) 240 Gardiner, (D7) 5,311 Garland, (ES) 550 Georgetown, (D8)... 500 Gerard, (C4) 100 Gilbertville, (C7). .. 250 Gilead, (B7) 200 Glencove, (E7) 100 Glendon, (D7) 120 Glenmere, (E8) 100 Glenwood, (G4). ... 100 Goldenridge, (G4)... 100 Goodrich, (H2) 250 Goodwins Mills,(BS) 550 Gore, (B8) 230 Gorham, (C8) 2,200 Gouldsboro, (G7)... 350 Grand Isle, (Gl).... 430 Grandlake Stream, (H5) 125 Grange, (E6) 120 Gray, (C8) 800 Great Works, (F6).. 400 Greenbush, (F5).... 200 Greene, (C7) 680 Greenfield, (F5). ... 160 Greenville, (D5)... .1,200 GreenvmeTc,(D5) .. 200 Greenwood, (B7). 600 Grimes, (H2) 130 Groveville, (B8) 100 Guilford, (E5) 1,600 HainesLanding,(B6) 100 Halldale, (E6) 180 Hallowell, (D7)... 2,864 Hall Quarry, (G7) .. 150 Hamlm, (HI) 500 Hampden, (F6) 1,500 Hampden Center, (F6) 150 Hampden Highlands, (F6) 250 Hancock, (G6) 300 Hancock Point, (G7) 100 Hanover, (B6) 150 Harbor, (B7) 210 Harmony, (D5) 600 Harpswell Center, (D8) too Harrington, (H6)... 800 Harrison, (B7) 550 Hartford, (C7) 500 Hartland, (E6).... 1,100 Hastings, (A7) 230 Haven, (F7) 100 Haynesville, (G4).., 250 Haywood, (G2) 400 Headtide, (D7) 100 Hebron, (C7) 300 Hebron Station, (C7) 150 Hermon, (F6) 810 Heron Island, (E8).. 180 Kersey, (G3) 160 Highisle, (E7) 380 Highland Lake, (G7) 320 Hillman, (G3) 200 Hincklev, (D6) 100 Hiram, (B8) 400 Hodgdon, (H3) 1,100 Holden. (F6) 100 Holeb, (C4) 120 Hollis, (B8) 250 Hoilis Center, (BS).. 300 Holt Mills. E5) 100 Hone. (E7) 150 Houlton, (H3) 5,700 Howe Brook, (G3). . 180 Howes Corner, (C7). 190 Howland, (F5) 250 Hudson, (F5) 350 Hulls Cove, ((Í7). .. 100 Hurricane Island, (F8) 200 Iceboro, (D7) 130 Indian River, (H6).. 200 Industry, (C6) 200 Intervale, (C8) 150 Island Falls, (G3). .lyóOO Isle au Haut, (F7). . 125 Islesboro, (F7) 280 Isiesford, (G7) 150 "ackman, (C4) 350 ackson, (E6) 200 acksonville, (J6)— 100 ay, (C6) 280 efferson, (D7) 800 emtland, (G2) 300 ..oice, (D7) 220 jonesboro, (H6). ... 450 Tonesport, (H6).... 1,600 Katahdiu Iron Works, (E5) 60 Keegan, (HI) 700 Keens Mills, (C7)... 100 Kenduskeag, (E6)... 430 Kennebunk, (B9)...2,500 Kennebunk Beach, (C9) ICQ Kennebunkpor t, (C9) 2,400 KentsHill, (C7). ... 250 Kezar Falls, (B8)... 500 Kingfield, (C6) 700 Kingman, (G4) 675 Kingsbury, (D5).— 100 Kittery, (B9) 2600 Kittery Depot, (B9). 150 Kitterypcint, (B9).. 700 Knightsville, (H8). . 600 Knox, (E6) 270 Knox Station, (E6).. 250 Lagrange, (F5) 500 Lake Moxie, (D5)... 100 Lakeside, (D7) 100 Lakeview, (F5) 230 Lakewood, 0^7) 100 Lambert Lake, (H5). 100 Lamoine, (G7) 175 Lamoine Beach, (G7) 100 Larrabee, (J6) 100 Lawry, (E7) 100 Lebanon, (B9) 500 Lee, (G5) 675 Leeds, (C7) 500 Leeds Jc,(C7) 100 Levant, (E6) 300 Lewiston, (07)... .26,247 Lexington, (D5) 175 Liberty, (E7) 425 Ligonia, (H8) 250 Limerick, (B8) 800 Limestone, (H2).... 240 Limington, (BB) 500 Lincoln, (Cj5) 1,167 Lincoln Center, (G5) 300 Lincolnviile, (E7)... 600 Linekin, (D8) 100 Linneus, (G3) 250 Lisbon. (C7) 1,600 Lisbon Center, ((37). 100 Lisbon Falls, (D8)..2,300 Litchfield, (D7) 225 Litchfield Corners, (D7) 425 Litchfield Plains, (D7) 100 Little Deer Isle, (F7) 200 Littlefield, (E6) 100 Littleton, (H3) 930 Livermore, (C7).... 850 Livermore Falls, (C7) 2,200 Locke Mills, (B7)... 180 Longcove, (ES) 300 Long Island, ((1^8)... 280 Long Island, (G7)... 100 Loudville, (E8) ... 130 Lovell, (B7) 500 Lowell, (F5) 200 Lower (jrand Isle, (Gl) 400 Lubec, (J6) 3100 Ludlow, (G3) 400 McKinley, (G7) 250 Machias, (J6) 2,000 Machiasport, (H6).. 1100 Macwahoc, (G4) 100 Macy, (B6) 200 Madawaska, (Gl)... 300 Madison, (D6) 2,408 Madison Center, (D6) 120 Madrid, (C6) 125 Mainstream, (D6). . 200 Manchester, (D7)... 530 Manset, fG7) 230 Maple, (F5) 100 Maplegrove, (H2)... 300 Mapleton, (G2) 500 Maplewood, (B8)... 100 Maranacook, (C7). . 120 Mariaville, (G6).... 125 Mars Hill, (G2) 1,500 Martin, (E8) 150 Martinsville, (E8)... 100 Masardis, (Gl) 600 Matinicus, (F8) 150 Mittawamkeag.(G4) 450 Mechanic Falls,(C7)l,600 Meddybemos, (J5). . 100 Medford Center, (F5) 200 Medomak, (D8).... 390 Medway, (F4) 300 Mercer, (D6) 275 Mexico, (B6) 330 Milford, (F6) 600 Millbridge, (H6). ..1.475 Millinocket. fF4). ..3.200 Milltown, (jS) 1.500 Milo, (FS) 2,400 Milo Jc. (E5) 100 Milton Plantation, (B7) ISO Minot. (C7) 200 Minturn, (F7) 150 Monarda, (G4) 200 Monhegan, (E8).... 100 Monmouth, (D7L• • 850 Monroe, (E6) 830 Monson, (D5) 800 Montague, (F5). 150 Monticello, (H3)... 1,200 Montville, (È7) 600 Moody, (B9) 120 Moose River, (C4).. 200 Morrill, (E7) 300 Moscow, (D5) 300 Mountainview,(B5). 100 Mt. Chase, (F4) 175 Mt. Desert, (G7). .. 400 Mt. Desert Ferry, (G7) 100 Mt. Vernon, (D7)... 700 Muscongus Bay, (D7) 610 Myrick, (F3) 200 Naples, (B8) 650 Naskeag, (F7) 150 Newburg, (E6) 150 Newburg Center, (F6) 180 Newcastle, (E7). 540 Newfield, (D8) 300 New Gloucester, (C8) 600 Newhall, (B8) 150 Newharbor, (E8). .. 300 New Limerick, (H3). 400 Newport, (E6) 1,650 New Portland, ((36). 400 Newry, (B7) 100 New Sharon, ((36)... 850 New Sweden, (G2).. 510 New Vineyard, (C6). 500 Nobleboro, (E7) 600 Norridgewock, (D6)l,500 No. Amity, (H4). 200 No. Anson, (D6)... 1,200 No. Appleton, (E7) . 100 No. Auburn, (C37)... 200 No. Bath, (D8) 100 No. Belgrade, (D6) . 240 No. Berwick, (B9).. 1,700 No. Bethel, (B7).... 100 No. Bradford, (E5). 200 No. Brewer, (F6). .. 150 No. Bridgton, (B7).. 400 No. Brooklin, (F7).. 100 No. Brooksville, (F7) 160 No. Buckfield, (C7) . 300 No. Bucksport, (F6). 130 No. Carmel, (F6)... 150 No. Castine, (F7).. . 225 No. Chesterville, (C6) 200 No. Cornville, (D6). 200 No. Cushing, (E7). , 100 No. Cutler, (J6) 200 No. Deer Isle, (F7).. 250 No. Dexter, (ES). .. 240 No. Dixmont, (E6).. 150 Northeast Harbor, (G7) 600 No. Edgecomb, (D8) 250 No. Ellsworth, (06). 150 No. Fairfield, (D6). . 150 Northfield, (H6).... 70 No. Fryeburg, (B7) . 210 No. Gorham, ((38). . 180 No. Gray, (C8) 100 No. Hancock, (G7).. 100 No. Harpswell, (D8) 120 No. Haven, (F7).... 400 No. Hermon, (F6). , 140 No. Islesboro, (F7).. 630 No.jay, (C6) 450 No. Lebanon, (B9).. 180 No. Leeds, (C7) 100 No. Limington, (B8) 200 No. Livermore, (C7). 100 No. Lovell, (B7) 100 No. Lubec, (J6) 280 No. Monmouth,(D7) 250 No. Newburg, (F6). 125 No. Newcastle, (D7) 200 No. New Portland, (D6) 400 No. Newry, (B6).... 125 No. Nobleboro, (D7) 100 No. Orrington, (F6). 120 No. Palermo, (E7).. 130 No. Paris, (C7) 100 No. Parsonfield,(B8) 150 No. Penobscot, (F6). 100 No. Perry, (J5) 200 Northport, (E7) 375 Northport Camp Ground, (F7) 100 No. Pownal, (C8).. - 125 No. Raymond, (C8). 125 No. Rumford, (B7) . 100 No. Scarboro, (C8).. 300 No. Searsmont, (£7) 190 No. Searsport, (F7).. 100 No. Sebago, (B8). .. 100 No. Sedgwick, (F7) . 100 No. Shapleigh, (B8). 300 No. Sidney, (C7).... 100 No. Sullivan, (G6).. 140 No. Troy. (E6) 140 No. Turner, ((37). .. 180 No. Union, (E7).... 100 No. Vassalboro,(D7) 700 No. Waldoboro,(E7) 200 No. Waterboro,(B8). 200 No. Waterford,(B7). 225 No. Wavne, (C7). .. 100 No. Whitefield, (D7) 300 No. Windham. (CS). 350 No. Windsor, (D7).. 140 No. Woodstock,(B7) 200 No. Yarmouth, (C8) 300 Norway, (B7) 2,215 Oakfield, (G3) 720 Oakland. (D6) 2,100 Oaks, (B7) 420 Oceanpark, (C9).... 120 OceanvIHe, (F7). ... 200 0«mnquit, (B9) 375 Olamon, (FS) 100 Old Orchard, (C8). . 760 Oldtown, (F6). ....6,317 Oquossoc, (B6) 100 Orient, (H4) 130 Orland, (F6). 700 Orono, (F6) 3,4U0 Orrington, (F6) 500 Orrs Island, (D8)... 300 Otis, (G6).. 100 Olisfield, (B7) 130 Ottercreek, (G7).... 150 Owls Head, (E7).... 150 Oxbow, (03) 100 Oxford, (C7) 473 Palermo, (E7) 350 Palmyra, (E6) 700 Paris, (C7) 300 Paris Hill, (C7) 262 Parker head, (D8)... 130 Parkman, (E5) 600 Parsonsfield, (B8) .. 150 Passadumkeag, (F5) 410 Pattagumpus, (F4).. 100 Patten, (F4) 500 Peak Island, (B8)... 540 Pejepscot, (D8) 200 Pemaquid, (E8) 380 Pemaquid Beach, (E8) 120 Pemaquid Point, (E8) 120 Pembroke, (J6) 700 Penobscot, (F7). ... 600 Perham, (G2) 730 Perry, (J6) 570 Peru, (C7) 250 Phair, (H3) 100 Phillips, (C6) 823 Phippsburg, (D8)... 500 Pinepoint, (CS) 350 Pittsfield, (£6) 2,231 Pittston, (D7) 740 Pleasantdale, (C8).. 850 Pleasant Island,(B6) 100 Pleasant Point, (E8). 200 Pleasantville, (E7).. 100 Plymouth, (F6) 500 Poland, (C7) 275 Pond Cove, (H9). .. 130 Poors Mills, F6) 100 Popham Beach,(D8) 290 Portage, (G2) 450 Port Clyde, (E8) 400 Porter, (B8) 250 Portland, (C8)... .58:571 Pownal, (C8) 200 Prentiss, (G5) 410 Presque Isle, (G2)..2,938 Prides Corner, B8).. 100 Princeton, (H5)....1,000 Prospect, (F6) 250 Prospect Ferry, (F6) 275 Prospect Harbor, (G7) 200 Prouts Neck, (C8). . 350 Pulpit Harbor, (F7). 100 Randolph, (D7). ...1,000 Rangeley, (B6) 695 Raymond, (C8) 350 Razorville, (E7). ... 150 Readfield, (D7) 500 Readfield Depot, (D7) 100 Redbeach, (J5) 600 Redding, (B7) 110 Richmond, (D7).... 1,650 Richmond Corner, (D7) 100 Ridlonville, (B6).... 800 Riggsville, (D8). ... 180 Riley, (C7) ISO Ripley, (E5) 250 Riverside, (D7) 200 Robbinston, (J5).... 350 Robinsons, (H3) 325 Rockland, (E7) 8,174 Rockport, (E7) 1,600 Rockville, (E7) 100 Rome,(D6) 375 Roque Bluffs, (J6). . 100 Roundpond, (D8)... 450 Roxbury, (B6) 150 Roxie, (H4) 110 Rumford, (B6) 5,427 Rumford Center, (B7) 150 Rumford Corner, (B7) 310 Rumford Falls, (06)5,427 Rumford, Point,(B7) 300 Sabattus, (C7) 1,200 Sabbathday Lake, (C8) 100 Saco, (CS)... 6,583 St. Agatha, (Gl).... 300 St. Albans, (E6) 500 St. David, (Gl) 400 St. Francis, (Fl).... 470 St.George. (E7).... 150 St. John Plantation, (Fl) 300 Salem, (C6) ISO Salisbury, {Gl 100 Sandycreek, (B7) 280 Sandypoint, (F7). .. 370 Sanford, (B9) 6,800 Sangerville, (E5) 800 Sargentville, (F7)... 200 Scarboro, (C8) 350 Scarboro Beach, (H9) 150 Seal Cove, (G7) 140 Seal Harbor, (G7)... 300 Searsmont, (E7) 450 Searsport, (F7) 1,250 Sebago, (B8) 200 Sebago Lake, (B8).. 200 Sebee, (E5) 200 Sedgwick. (F7) 550 Shapleigh, (R8) 200 Shawmut, (Dó) 600 SheeDscott. fD7),... 175 Sheridan, (G2) 300 Sherman, (G4) ICQ Sherman Mills, (G4). 800 Sherman Station, ÍF4) 360 Shiloh, (07) 100 Shirley Mills, (DS).. 250 Sidney, (D7) 500 Silvers Mills, . 3iO Skowhegan, (D6).. 5,200 Small Point beach, (D8) 130 Smithfield, (D6) 300 Smyrna Milis, (G3). 180 Snow Corner, (Bö). . 180 Snows Falls, (b7).,. 250 Soldier Pond, (Gl).. 100 Solon, (D6) 1,000 Somerset, (D') 210 Someryille, (E7) 150 Sorrento, (07) 130 So. Acton, (B9) 100 So. Addiscii, (H6)... 190 So. Atkinson, (FS).. 100 So. Berwick, (B9). .2,700 So BluehiU, (F7). .. 100 Sc. Brewer, (F6).... 980 So. Bridgton, (B8).. 350 So. Bristol, (D8). ... SCO So. Brooksville, (F7) 260 So. Buxton, (B8).... 100 So. Carthage, (C6).. 100 So. Casco, (C8) 100 So. Chesterville, (C7) 100 So. China, (D7) 230 So. Corinth, (E6)... 200 So. Cushing, (E7).,, 130 So. Deer Isle, (£*7)... 450 So. Dover, (È5) 200 So. Durham, (C8)... 180 So. Eliot, (B9) 800 So. Etna, (E6) 100 So. Exeter, (E6) 120 So. Freeport, (C8) ... 150 So. Gardiner, (D7).. 490 So. Gouldsboro, (G7) 180 So. Hancock, (C7)... 100 So. Harpswell, (CS). 250 So. Hiram, (B8) 250 So. Hollis, (B8) 130 So. Hope, (E7) 250 So. Jefferson, (D8). . 150 So. Lagrange, (FS).. 100 So. Lebanon, (B9)... 100 So. Levant, (E6).... 200 So. Liberty, (E7) 150 So. Limington, (B8). 100 So. Lincoln, (G5).... 150 So. Litchfield, (07).. 100 So. Livermore, (C7).. 120 So. Lubec, (J6) 100 So. Monmouth, (D7) 100 So. Montville, (E7).. 200 So. Newburg, (F6).. 125 Sc. Newcastle, (D 7). 100 So. Orrington, (F6).. 300 So. Paris, (B7) 1,542 So. Penobscot, (F7). 100 So. Poland, (C7).... 375 Southport, (D8) 250 So. Portland, (C8)..7,471 So. Presque Isle, (G2) 200 So. Robbinston, (J 5). 250 So. Sanford, (B9)... 100 So. Somerville, (E7), 120 So. Springfield, (H5) 100 So. Standish, (B8),.. 180 So. Surry, (F7) 200 So. Thomaston, (E7) 500 So. Union, (E7) 100 So. Vassalboro, (C7). 500 So. Waldoboro, (E7). 150 So. Warren, (E7).... 100 So. Waterford, (B7). 225 Southwest Harbor, (G7) 850 So. Windham, (C8). 1,200 So. Windsor, (D7)... 150 Springfield, ((ÎS).... 300 Springvale, (B9)... .2,000 Sprucehead, (E7)... 100 Staceyville, (F4).... 100 Standish, (B8) 800 Stark, (D6) 300 Steep Falls, (B8)..., 400 Stetson, (E6) 350 Steuben, (H7) 760 Stickney Comer, (E7) 130 Stillwater, (F6) 100 Stockholm, (Gl).... 380 Stockton Springs, (F7) 700 Stonington, (F7).. .1,900 Stow, (B7) 150 Stratton, (C5) 300 Strickland, (C7) 340 Strong, (C6) 630 Stroudwater, (G8)... 500 Sullivan, (G6) 225 Sumner, (B7) 150 Sunset, (F7) 300 Sunshine, (F7) 150 Surry, (F7) 500 Swans Island, (G7).. 300 Swanville, (F7) 200 Sweden, (B7) 150 Temple, (C6) 200 Tenants Harbor, (E8) 1,700 The Forks, (D5).... 240 Thomaston, (E7)...2,100 Thorndike, (E6).... 500 Topsfield, (HS) 150 'I'opsham, (C8) 1,700 Tremont, (07) 300 Trenton, (G6) ISO Trevett. (DS) 100 Troy, (E6) 380 Turner, (C7) 950 Turner Center, (C7). 130 Union, (E7) 850 Unionville, (G6). -.. 130 Unity, (E6) 825 Upper Frenchville, (01) 250 Upper Gloucester, (C8) 300 Upper Madawaska, (Gl) 1.400 Upton. (B6"> 150 Vanburen, (HI)... .3,000 Vanceboro, (J4) 500 Vassalboro, (D7)..,. 180 Veazie, (B'6) 200 Vienna, (D7) ISO Vinalhaven, (F7).. .2,200 Waite, (H5) 100 Waldo. (E7) 200 Waldoboro, (E7).. .2,200 Waldo Station, (E7). 470 Wales, (C7) 270 VVallagrass, (Gl) 600 Walnut Hill, (C8)... 600 Walpole, (DS) 100 Waltham, (G6) 100 Warren, (E7) 1,400 Washburn, (G2) 500 Washington, (E7)... 375 Waterboro, (B8).... 700 Waterford, (B7) 210 Waterville, (D6)...11,458 Wayne, (C7) 400 Webbs MÜls, (B8)... 200 Weeks MÜls, (D7)... 350 Welchville, (C7) 180 Weld, (C6) 500 Wellington, (D5)— 200 Wells, (B9) 1,200 Wellsbranch, (B9)... 110 Wells Depot, (Bv)... ISO Wesley, (H6) 100 W. Athens, (D6).,.. 150 \V. Auburn, (C7).... 100 W. Baldwin, (B8)... 400 W. Bath, (D8) 100 W. Bethel, (B7) 240 W. Boothbay Harbor, (D8) 100 W. Bowdoin, (C7)... 425 W. Brighton, (D6).. 200 Westbrook, (C8) 8,281 W. Brooklin, (F7)... 200 W. Brooksville, (F7) 200 W. Buxton, (B8).... 800 W. Charleston, (E5). 180 W. Cumberland, (C8) 240 W. Denmark, (B8)... 200 W. Dresden, (D7)... 220 W. Durham, (C8)... 250 W. Eden, (G7) 100 W. Enfield, (G5).... 100 W. Falmouth, (C8).. 780 W. Farmington, (C6).., 390 Westfield, (G2) 500 W. Franklin, (G6)... 300 W. Gardiner, (D7).. 200 W.Garland, (E5)... 100 W. Gorham, (C8)... 320 W. Gouldsboro, (G7) 210 W. Gray, (C8) 100 W. Hampden, (F6).. 120 W. Hancock, (G6)... 100 W. Harpswell, (C8).- 120 W. Harrington, (li6) 100 W. Hollis, (BS) 100 W. Jonesport, (H6).. 400 W. Kennebunk, (L9) 300 W. Lebanon, (B9\.. 180 W. I-eeds, (C7)..... 100 W. Levant, (E6).... 140 W. Lubec, (J 6) 100 W. Mills, (C6) 200 W. Minot, (C7) 400 W. Mount Vernon, (D7) 100 W. Newfield, (B8).... 175 Weston, (H4) 100 W. Palmyra, (E6)... 210 W. Paris, (B 7) 700 W. Pembroke, (J6).. 600 W.Penobscot, (Í6).. 100 W. Peru, (B7) 350 W. Poland, (C7).... 475 Westport, (D8) ISO W. Pownal, (C8).... 200 W. Rockport, (E7).. 200 W. Scarboro, (08)... 400 W. Searsmont, (E7). 100 W. Sedgwick, (F7).. 150 W.Sidney, (D7).... 280 W. Southport, (D8). 100 W.Sullivan, (06)... 375 W.Sumner, (C7) 250 W. Tremont, (G7)... 100 W.Troy, (E6) 120 W. Waldoboro, (E7). 250 W. Warren, (E7).... 100 W. Washington, (E7) 100 W. Winterport, (F6) 130 W. Woolwich, (D8).. 130 Whitefield, (D7).... 300 Whiterock, (C8).... 280 Whiting, (J6) 300 Whitneyville, (H6).. 150 Willard, (C8) 500 Willimantic, (E5)... 200 Wilsons Mills, (A6).. 100 Wilton, (C6) 1,000 Windham Center, (C8) 200 Windsor, (D7) 180 Windsorvüle, (D7).. 110 W inn, (G5) 450 Winnecook, (E6) 290 W'innegance, (D8)... 300 Winslow, (D6) 1,000 Winslows MÜls, (E7) 400 Winter Harbor, (G7) 230 Winterport, (F6).. .1,300 Winthrop, (C7) 1,500 Winthrop Center, (D7). 150 Wiscasset, (D7) 900 Woodland, (J5) 600 Woodville, (F5) 100 Woolwich, (D8) 200 Wyman, (H6). 260 Wytopitlock, (G4).. 110 Yarmouth, (C8) 700 Yarmouthville, (C8) 1.600 York Beach, (B9)... 200 York Corner, (B9).. 250 York Harbor, (B9)..1,200 York Village, (B9)...U100 150 (MARYl^AND - MASSACHUSETTS) INDEX OF THE UNITED STATES MARYLAND Aberdeen, (Fl) 616 Abingdon, (F2) 200 Accident, (B4) 200 Adamstown, (D2)... 200 Admiral, (£2) 120 Aireys, (Fi) 100 Alberton, (E2) 750 Alesia, (El) 100 Allegany, (C4) 100 Allen, (G4) 300 Andrews, (F4) 200 ANN .POUS, (E3) 8,609 Armapolisjc, (É2).. 100 Antietam, (C2) 190 Aquasco, (ES) 350 Anington, (E2). ... 1,000 Arundel on the Bay, (F3) 9 Ashland, (El) 150 Atholton, (E2).. .. 100 Baden, (E3) 150 Baldwin, (Fl) 300 Baltimore, (E2). .558,485 Barclay, ^G2) 150 BamesvUle, (D2). .. 200 aarton, (B4) 2,000 Bay View, (Gl) 290 Beachviile, (F4). ... 100 Beckleysvillc, (El).. 150 Belair, (Fl) 1,005 Beialton, (E4) 100 Belfast, (£1) 150 EícUevue, (F3) 150 Benedict, (E3) 110 Benévola, (Cl) 120 Bengies, (F2) 100 Bentley Springs,(El) 150 Berlin, (H4) 1,317 Berwyn, (E3) 700 Bcthesda, (D3) 250 Betterton, (F2) 303 Big Pool, (Cl) 200 Bishop, (H4) 200 Bishops Ilead, (F4). 150 Bishopville, (fl4). .. 262 Bivalve, (C4) 500 Blackrock, (E2).... 180 Bladensburg, (£3). . 460 Bloomington, (B4).. 372 Blue Mountain,(Dl) 150 Bolivar, (C2) 100 Boonsboro, (CI).... 759 Boothbyhill, (F2)... 140 Bowens, (EÍ) 140 Bowie, (E3) 496 Boyds,(D2) 180 Bozman, (F3) 140 Bradshaw, (F2) 500 Branchville, (E2)— 150 BreathedsvUle, (Cl). 100 Brentwood, (E3).... 100 Bridgetown, (G2)... 19 Brighton, (D2) 100 Brookevilie, (B2). .. 835 Brooklandvilie, (E2) 300 Brooklyn, (E2) 1,200 Brookview, (G3). 100 Browningsville, (D2) 110 Bruccvilie, (Dl) 150 Brunswick, (C2V ..3,721 Buckeystown, (D2). 420 Budds Creek, (E4).. 100 Burkittsviile, (C2).. 228 Burnt Mills, (£2)... 100 Burrsville, (G3) 130 Butler, (B2) 150 Calvarv, (F2) 100 Calvert, (Gl) 200 Cambridge, (F3)., .6,407 Capitol Heights, (E3) 150 Cardiif, (Fl) 500 Carlos, (B4) 670 Carlos Jc, (B4) 500 Carroll, (È2) 2,000 Carrollton, (El) 150 Castletou, (Fl) 100 Catoctin, (Dl) 300 Catonsville, (Ê2). ..4,500 Cavetown, (Cl).... 150 Cearfoss, (Cl) 100 Cecilton, (G2) 518 Cedar Grove, (D2).. 100 Centerville, (F2)... .1,435 Chaptico, (E4) 100 Charlestown, (Gl)... 274 Chase, (F2) 300 Cherry HUÍ, (Gl)... 350 Chesapeake Beach, (E3) 100 Chesapeake City, (Gl) 1,016 Chesapeake jc, (D2) 800 Chester, (F3) 350 Chestertown, (F2)..2,735 Chevy Chase, (D3) 250 ChewsvUIe, (Cl).... 130 Childs, (Gl) 100 Chillum, (E3) 200 Choptank, (G3).. .. 230 Church Creek, (F3). 400 Church Hill, (G2)... 306 Churchton, (E2).... 500 Churchville, (Fl)... 200 Clara, (G4) 100 Clarksburg, (D2). .. 170 Clear Spring, (Cl).. 521 (Clinton, (E3) 100 CockeysvUle, (E2).-1,500 Colgate, (E2) 100 College Park, (E3).. 130 Colora, (Fl) 150 Conococheague, (Cl) 100 Conowingo, (Fl).... 300 Cordova, (F3) 110 Cornersville, (F3)... 100 CorriganvUle, (C4). . 200 Cowentown, (Gl)... 190 Crapo, (F4) 150 Creagerstown, (Dl). 140 Crellin, (Ai) 200 Crisfield, (G5) 3,468 Croon, (E3) 100 Crumpton, (G2).... 228 CubHUl, (E2) ISO Cumberland, ((^4) 21,839 Damascus, (D2).— 170 Dames Quarter,(G4) 350 Dargan, ((^2) 100 Darlington, (Fl) 205 Darnestown, (D2). . 100 Dawsonville, (D2). . 110 Deal Island, (G4). .2,000 Deer Park, (B4).... 988 Delmar, (G4) 959 Denton, (G3) 1,481 Detour, (Dl) 140 Dickerson, (D2).... 230 Dickeyville, (E2). .. 800 Dorsey, (E2) 180 Downsvillc, (Cl).... 140 Dublin, (FÍ) 130 E. Brooklyn, (E2)... 850 E. New Market,(G3) 280 Easton, (F3) 3,083 Eastport, (F3) 1,500 Eccleston, (E2) 350 Eckhart Mines,(C4) 1,700 Eden, CG4) 150 EdesvUle, (F2) 140 Edgemont, (Dl) 150 Edgewood, (F2). ... 100 Eldorado, (G3) 200 ElkMUls, Gl) 300 Elk Ridge, (E2) ...1,000 Elkton, (Gl) 2,487 Ellerslie, (C4) 750 Ellicott City, (E2). 1,151 Elliott, (G4) 400 Emmitsburg, (Dl). 1,054 Ewell, (F4) 730 Fairfield, (E2) 400 Fairlee, (F2) 120 Fairmount, (G4).... 300 Fairplay, (Bl) 100 Fallston, (Fl) 180 Farmington, (Fl)... 100 Faulkner, (D3) 300 Federalsburg, (G3). 1,050 Finksburg, (El). — 150 Fishing Creek, (F4) . 650 Flint Stone, (Al)-. . 320 Fords Store, (F3)... 1,200 Forest Glen, (D2)... 100 Forest Hill, (Fl).... 350 ForestvUle, (E3).... 200 Fork, (F2) 300 Fort Washington, (D2) 400 Four Locks, (Cl). ... 750 Franklin Mines,(D3) 200 Franklinville, (E2).. 100 Frederick, (D2)... 10,411 Freedom, (E2) 100 Friendsville, (A4)... 466 Frizellburg, (Dl) 150 Frostburg, (B4).... 6,028 Fruitland, (G4) .... 350 Fulford, (Fl) 100 Fullerton, (E2) 500 Funkstown, (Cl).. . 568 Gaithersburg, (D2). 625 Galena, (G2) 262 Galestown, (G3).... 230 Galloways, (E3).... 250 Camber, (E2) 230 Gardenville, (E2) 600 Garrett Park, (D2).. 185 Garrison, (E2) 150 Germantown, (D2).. 150 Gilpen, (Al) 140 Girdletree, (H4) 325 Glenarm, (F2) 100 Glenburnie, (E2).... 100 Glencoe, (El) 200 Glen Echo, (D3).... 203 Glenelg, (E2) 200 Glenndale, (E3).. .. 100 Glcnville, (Fl) 100 Glyndon, (E2) 470 Golden HUl, (F4)... 150 Golden King, (E2).. 300 Goldsboro, (G2) 201 Gorsuchs ÁlülsXEl). 100 Govanstown, (E2).. 1,500 Graceham, (Dl) 200 Grange, (E2) 200 Gramtc, (E2) 800 Grantsville, (B4).... 248 Greensboro, (G2)... 609 Guard, (A4) ISO Guilford, (E2) 500 Habnab, (G4) 200 Hagerstown, (Cl). 16,507 Halethorp, (.E2). 300 Hamilton, (E^. 1,500 Hampstead, (El)... 555 Hancock, (Bl) 893 Hanover, (E2) 100 Harford Furnace, (F2) 100 Harmans, (E2) 300 Harmony, (Dl) 150 Harney, (Dl) 170 Harrisonville, (E2).. 400 Havre de Grace, (Fl) 4,212 Hayden, (G2) 150 Hazen, (Al) 100 Hebron, (G4) 150 Henderson, (G2).... 150 Hereford, (E2) 300 Hillsboro, (G3) 209 Hillsdale, (E2) 800 HUl Top, (D4) 100 Holbrook, (E2) 100 Holland Island,(F4). 100 Hollywood, (E4).... 250 Homestead, (E2). .. 800 Hoojiersville, (F4).. 300 Hopewell, (G4) 100 HoucksvUIe, (El)... 100 Howardsviile, (E2).. 300 HugliesvUle, (E3)... 250 Hurlock, (G3) 516 Hurry, (E4) 100 Hyattstown, (D2)... 98 HyattsvUle, (E3) ..1,917 Ilchester, (E2) 330 Ingleside, (G2) 250 james, (F3) 250 arrettsvillc, (Fl)... 150 efferson, (C2) 350 Jennings, (B4) 150 Jessups, (E2) 150 Jesterville, (G4). ... 300 JohnsvUle, (Dl). ... 180 iCeedysville, (C2) 367 Keeptryst, (C2).. .. 300 Kennedyville, (F2).. 300 Kensington, (D2)... 689 Keymar, (Dl) 200 Kingston, (G4) 100 Kingsville, (F2). 210 Kitzmiller, (B4). 865 Klej Grange, (H4). . 100 Knoxville, (C2) 320 Lakesville, (F4) 150 Laraotte, (E2) 100 I..ansdowne, (E2).... 600 Lapidum, (Fl) 100 Laplata, (E3). 269 LauravUle, (E2) ... 1,000 Laurel, (E2) 2,415 Laytonsvllle, (D2).. 133 Leitersburg, (Cl)... 350 Leonardtown, (E4).. 526 Level, (Fl) 150 Lewisdale, (D2).. .. 100 Lewistown, (Dl).... 230 liberty Grove, (Fl). 130 Libertytown, (Dl).. 700 Lime KUn, (D2). 1,000 Linden, (D2) 100 LindnersvUle, (C4).. 500 Lineboro, (El) 100 Lisbon, (D2) 150 Little Orleans, ÇA1). 140 Loch Lynn Heights, (B4) 216 Lonaconing, (B4).. 1,553 Long Green, (F2) 200 Loreley, (F2) 200 Lower Marlboro, (E3) 180 Luke, (B4) 500 LuthervUle, (E2).... 800 Lynch, (F2; 150 McDonogh, (E2). .. 200 Madison, (F4) 350 Madonna, (El) 130 Magnolia, (F2) 100 Manchester, (El)... 523 Manor. (E2) 100 Mardela Springs, (G4) 300 Marion Station, • (G4) 280 Marriottsville, (D2). 100 Marshall Hall, (D4). 100 Marydel, (G2) 300 Maryland Line, (El) 150 Massey, (02) 130 Maugansville. (Cl) . 200 Mayfield (E2) 130 Mayo, (F3) 200 Meadows, (E3) 300 MechanicsvUle, (E4) 500 MerrUl, (B4) 100 Middleburg, (Dl)... 120 Middleriver, (F2)... 100 Middletown, (C2)... 692 Midland, (B4) 1,173 Midlothian, (B4).. . 100 Millersville, (E2). ., 100 MUlington, (G2).... 399 Mitchellville, (E2).. 150 Monie, (G4) 200 Monkton, (El) 300 Morgan, (E2) 100 Moscow Mills, (B4) . 100 Motters^ (Dl) 200 Mountain Lake Park (B4) 335 Mt, Airy, (D2) 622 Mt. Carmel, (El),. . 100 Mt. Pleasant, (Dl).. 190 Mt. Rainier, (È3). .1,242 Mt. Savage, (B4).. 3,600 Mt. Vernon, (G4)... 460 Mt.Washington, (E2) 1,600 Mt. Wimms, (E2).. 1,500 Muirkirk, (E2) 150 Myersville, (Cl).... 280 Nanticoke, (G4).... 300 Neavitt, (F3) 300 Newark, (H4) 200 New London, (D2).. 140 Newmarket, (D2)... 320 New Windsor, (Dl). 446 Norbeck, (D2) 100 No. Beach, (E3) 200 No. Branch, (E2)... 200 Northeast, (Gl). ... 974 Nottingham, (E3)... 110 Oakland, (.\4) 1,366 Ocean, (B4) 1,300 Ocean City, (H4)— 476 Oella, (E2) 670 Oldtown, (C4) 150 Orangeville, (E2). . 1,500 Oriole, (G4) 400 Ottaway, (A4) 100 Overlea, (F2) 100 Owiiigs MUls, (E2).. 300 Oxford. (F3) 1,191 Parkhall, (F4) 100 Park MUls, (D2).... 100 Parkton, (El) 300 Parkville, (E2) 200 Parole, (E3) 300 Parsonsburg, (G4). . 200 Patapsco, (£1) 250 Pekin. (B4) 200 Perry Hall, (F2).... 250 Ferryman, (F2) 350 Perryville, (Fl) 635 Petersvüle, (C2).... 200 Phoenix, (El) 500 PikesvUle,(E2) 1,200 PUot, (Fl) 100 Piscataway, (E3). .. 73 Pisgah, (D3) 230 Pittsville, (H4) 300 Pleasant Valley ,(D1) 100 Pocomoke City, (G4) 2,369 Point of Rocks, (C2). 460 Pomfret, (E3) 100 Pomonkey, (D3).... 250 Pondsville, (Cl).,.. 200 Poolesville, (1)2).... 175 Port Deposit, (Fl).. 1,394 Port Republic, (F3). 140 Port Tobacco, (E4).. 100 Powhatan, (E2).. .. 500 Preston, (G3) 288 Prince Frederick- town, (F3) 220 Princess Anne, (G4) 1,006 Principio, (Fl) 120 Principio Furnace, (Fl). 500 Providence, (Gl). .. 100 Purdum, (D2) 100 PylesvUle, (Fl) 100 Quantico, (G4) 200 Queen Anne, (G3)... 200 Queenstown, (F^... 279 Randallstown, (£2). .130 Raspeburg, (E2).... 500 Kawlings, (C4) 100 Reckord, (F2) 180 Keisterstown, (E2). 1,000 Relay, (E2) 2,000 Rhodes Point, (G5). 250 Rider, (E2) 300 Ridge, (F4) 180 Ridgeiy, (G3) 943 Ringgold, (Cl) 300 Rising Sun, (Fl).... 416 Ritchie, (E3) 100 Rivcrton, (G4) 130 Rockhall, (F2) 781 Rock Point, (E4).... 300 Rockville, (1)2) 1,181 Rohrersville, (C2)... 150 Rosedale, (E2) 300 Rossville, (E2) 600 KowlandsvUle, (Fl). 170 Roxbury, (Cl) 100 Royaloak, (F3) 220 Rumbley, (G4) 150 Ruxton, (E2) 350 SabillasviUe, (Dl)... 200 St. Georges I^and, (E4) 130 St. Helena, (F2) 150 St. Inigoes, (F4) 300 St. Leonard, (F4) 100 St. Margarets, (E3). 150 St. Martin, (H4).... 100 St. Michaels, (F3).. 1,517 Salisbury, (G4)., ..6,690 Sang Run, (A4) 100 Sassafras, (G2) 210 Savage, (E2) 1,000 Secretary, ((j3) 409 Security, (Cl) 300 Sclbys,yort, (A4).... 300 Sewell, (F2) 120 Shaft, (B4) 150 Sharpsburg, (C2), .. 960 Sharptown, (G3) ... 722 Showell, (H4) 130 Silver Run, (Dl).... 100 Singerly, (Gl) 100 Smithsburg, (Dl)... 481 Smithville, (G3) 100 Snow HUl, (H4) .. .1,844 Sellers, (F4) 100 Solomons, (F4) 318 Somerset, (D2) 173 So. Baltimore,(E2) .2,600 Span"owsPoint,(F2) 4,(X)0 Spielman, (Cl) 100 State Sanatorium, (Dl) 250 Stevenson, (E2).... 130 Stevensville, (F3)... 350 Stillpond, (F2) 400 Stockton, (H4) 260 Sudbrook Park, (E2) 250 Sudlcrsville, (G2)... 247 Sudley, (E3) 150 Suitland, (E3) 200 Sunny Brook, (El).. 150 Swanton, (B4) 100 Sykesville, (E2).. 565 Takoma, (D3) 1,159 Taneytown, (Dl)... 824 Taylor, (Fl) 280 Taylors Island, (F4). lOG TaylorsvUle, (Dl)... 21C TemplevUle, (G2)... 150 Texas, (E2) 1,000 Thurmont, (Dl).... 903 Tilghman, (F3) 500 Timonium, (E2).... 280 ToddvUle, (G4) 200 TompkinsvUle, (E4). 200 Town Point, (G2).... 130 Towson, (P)2) 3,700 Trappe, (F3) 273 Trego, (C2) 100 Tunis Mills, (F3). .. 200 Tuxedo, (E3) 100 Tyaskin, (G4) 200 Union Bridge, (Dl). 804 Union MUls, (Dl)... 350 Uniontown, (Dl), .. 450 Unionville, (D2) 280 Unity, (D2) 100 Upper Fairmount, (G4) 670 Upper Falls, (F2)... 480 Upper Marlboro, (E3) 361 Urbana, (D2) 300 Vale Summit, (B4).. 800 Vienna, (G4) 332 V/aldorf, (E3) 100 Walkersville, (D2).. 582 Wallman, (A4) 200 Wango, (H4) 150 Warheldburg, (Dl) . 150 Warren, (L2) 680 Warwick, (G2) 350 Waverly, (E2) 2,000 Webster, (Fl) 180 Western Port, (B4).2,702 Westminster, (El)..3,295 Westover, (G4) 100 Westport, (E2) 1,000 Westwood, (E3).... 110 Wetipquin, (G4).... 300 Weverton, (C2) 150 WhaleysviUe, (H4).. 330 Whiteiord, (Fl).. .. 200 WhitcIIall, (El).... 500 White Haven, (G4) . 100 White Marsh, (F2).. 300 Wicomico, (E4) .... 150 Widgeon, (G4) 130 Willards, (H4) 200 WUliamsburg, (CÍ3). 150 WUliamsport, (Cl). .1571 WUliston, (G3) 180 Wingate, (04) 250 Wolfsvilie, (C2) 100 Woodbeiry, (E2) .13,000 Woodbine, (D2).... 130 Woodbrook, (E2) 430 Woodensburg, (El). 140 Woodlawn, (Í1) 250 Woodsboro, (1)1)... 600 Woodstock, (E2).... 210 WoodwardvUle, (E2) 100 Woolford, (F3) 130 Worton, (F2) 210 Wye Mills, (F3) 160 Wynne (F4) 200 Zion, (Gl) 150 MASSACHUSETTS Abington, (N4) 2800 Acoaxet, (M7) 150 Acton, (L3) 240 Acushnet, (N6) 700 Adams, (D2) 11,900 Adamsdale, (L5).... 200 Agawam, (F4) 1,500 Afford, (C4) 100 AUerton, (N3) 300 Amesbury, (Nl) 8,000 Amherst, (F3) 3,200 Andover, (M2) 6,100 Annisquam, (02). .. 550 Arlington, (M3) 8,900 Arlington Heights, (xMi) 2,200 Asbury Grove, (N2). 210 Ashburiiham, (J2). . 810 Ashby, (J2) 600 Ashfield, (E2) 600 Ashland, (L3) 1,510 Ashley Fails, (C4)... 160 A-ssinippi, (N4) 240 Assonet, (M5) 1,200 Athol. (H2) 6,000 Attleboro, (L5)—12,400 Attieboro Falls, (L5) 810 Auburn, (J4) 700 Auburndale, (M3) .1,500 Avon, (M4) 1,000 Ayer. (K2) 2,610 BaldwinsvUle, (H2).1,500 Ballard Vale, (M2).. 540 Bancroft, (D3) 240 Barnstable, (P6).... 500 Barre, (H3) 1,700 Barre Plains, (H3).. 150 Bay State, (F3) 450 Bay View, (02) 200 Becket, (D3) 400 Bedford, (M3) 910 Beechwood, (N4)... 100 Belchertown, (G3).. 1,410 Bellingham, (L4). .. 580 Belmont, (M3) 3,910 Berkley, (MS) 290 Berlin, (K3) 600 Bcmardston, (F2)... 500 Beverly, (N2) 18,650 Beverl y Farms, (N2) 1,000 BUlerica, (M2) 2,000 Blackinton, (D2). .. 800 Blackstone. (K4) ..3,400 Blandford, (E4) 500 Bolton, (K3) 350 BondsvUle, (G4).... 1,750 BOSTON, (M3) 670,585 Bourne, (06) 450 Bournedale, (OS)... 100 Boxford, (M2) 470 Boylston Center, (K3) 650 Bradstreet, (F3).... 240 Braintree, (M4) .. .2,600 Brant Rock, (04)... 300 Brewster, ((^5) 175 Bridgewater, (MS) .3,000 Brier, (E2) 100 BriggsvUle, (D2).... 410 Brimfieid, (H4) 700 Brockton, (N4). ..56,878 Brookfield, (M4). ..1,500 Brookline, (M3).. .27,792 Brookvüle, (M4).... 210 BryantvUle, (N4) 300 Buckland, (E2) 800 Burlington, (M2)... 250 Buzzards Bay, (06). 400 Byfield, (Nl) 880 Cambridge,(M3). 104,839 Canton, (M4) 3,700 Canton Jc,(M4) 500 Carlisle, (L2) 300 Carver, (N5) 400 Caryviiie, (L4) 580 Catamet, (06) 100 Centerville, (P6J 450 Central Vüíage,(M6) 250 Charlemont, (E2). .. 850 Charles River, (M3). 100 Charlton, (J4) 490 Charlton City, (H4). 500 Charlton Depot,(H4) 400 Chartley, (M5) 800 Chatham, (R6) 1,000 Chelmsford, (L2)... 1,900 Chelsea. (M3) 32,452 Cherry Valley, (J4). 1,200 Cheshire, (D2) 800 Chester, (E3) 1.000 Chesterfield, (E3)... 400 Chicopee, (F4) ...25,401 Chicopee Falls,(F4).8,500 Chilmark, (07) 150 Chiltonville, (05)... 450 City MUls, (L4). ... 310 Clarksburg, (D2). ,. 500 Clifford, (N6) 100 Cliftondale, (U3) ..3,500 Clinton, (K3) ....13,000 Cochesett, (M4).... 7 50 Cochituate, (L3).. .1,300 Cohasset, (N3) 1,000 Coldbrook Springs, (H3) 220 Colerain, (F2) 1,200 CollinsvUle, (L2) 1,200 Concord, (L3) 3,450 Concord Jt, (L3)... 1,850 Conway, (F2) 800 CordavUle, (K3).... 220 Cotuit, (P6) 660 Cummaquid, (P6)... 150 Cummington, (E3).. 400 Gushing, (Nl) 160 Cushman, (F3) 100 Dalton, (D3) 3,000 Dana, (H3) 180 Danvers, (N2) 7,950 Danversport, (N2) .1,000 Dartmouth, (M6)-. 1,600 Davis, (F2) 210 Dedhnm, (M4) 3,9(X) Deerfield. (F2) ....1,100 Dennis, (Q6) 280 Dennis Port, (Q6)... 560 Dighton, (M5) 950 Dodge, (J4) 250 Dodgevifle, (L5).... 250 Douglass, (T4) 610 Dover, (L4) 540 Dracut, (L2) 2,100 Drury, (D2) 360 Dudley, (J4) 2,550 Dunstable, (K2) 350 Duxbury, (04) 825 Dwight, (G3) 310 E. Acton. (L3) 200 E. Blackstone, (L4). lOO E. Boxford, (N2)... 100 E. Braintree, (M4) .1,200 E. Brewster, (Q5)... 100 E. Bridgewater,(N4)2900 E. Brimfieid, (H4). . 110 E. Brookfield, (H4) . 625 E. Dedham, (M4).. 3,800 E. Dennis, (Q5) 20O E. Douglass, (K4).. 1,500 E. Falmouth, (06).. 240 E. Foxboro, (M4)... 100 E. Freetown, (N5).. 200 Eastham, (R5) 280 Easthampton,(F3).. 8,110 E. Harwich, (<26)... 180 E. Holliston, (L4)... 100 E. Hubbardston,(J3) 120 E.Lee, (D3) 580 E. Lexington, (M3) . 840 E. Long Meadow, (G4) 800 E. Mansfield, (M4) . 210 E. Mattapoisett, (N6) 100 E.Milton, (M3).... 1,700 E. Northfield, (G2).. 790 E. Norton, (MS).... 150 Easton, (M4) 700 Easton Center, (M4) 120 Eastondale, (M4)... 380 E. Orleans, (R5) 280 E.Otis, (D4) 110 E. Pembroke, (N4).. 100 E. Pepperell, (K2)..2,400 E. Princeton, (J3).. 160 E. Sandwich, (06). . 100 E. Saugus, (M3).... 960 E.Taunton, (M5).. 1,000 E. Templeton, (H2).. 7 50 E. Walpole, (M4)... 710 E. Wareham, (05).. 350 E. Weymouth, (N4)4,000 E. Whately, (F3). .. 100 EddyvUle, (N5) 120 Edgartown, (07)... 1,000 Egypt, (04) 210 Elmwood, (N4) 100 Enfield, (G3) 600 Erving, (G2) 700 Essex, (N2) 950 Everett, (M3) 33,484 Fairhaven, (N6)... .4,980 Fairview, (F4) 220 Fall River, (M6).119,295 Falmouth, (06) ...1,525 Farley, (G2) 330 Farnumsviile, (K4).. 480 FayvUle, (K3) 420 Feeding HUls, (F4).1,300 FishervUle, (K4).... 780 Fiskdale, (H4) 1,200 Fitchburg, (J2).... 37,826 Florence, (F3) 3,000 Forestdale, (06) 100 Forge VUlage, (K2) . 200 Foxboro, (L4) 3,000 Framingham, (L3).. 2,000 Franklin, (L4) 4,500 Franklin, (M3) 200 Furnace, (H3) 180 Gardner, (H2) 13,910 Gay Head, (N7) 100 Georgetown, (N2).. 1,500 GUbertville, (H3).. .2,250 GUI, (F2) 580 Gleasondale, (K3)... 710 Glendale, (C3) 100 Globe VUlage, (H4). 2,300 Gloucester, (02).. .24,398 Goshen, (E3) 100 Grafton, (K4) 1,250 Granby, (G3) 500 Graniteville, (L2). . 1,200 Granville, (F4) 500 Great Barrington, (C4) 3,500 Greenbush, (04).... 200 Greenfield, (F2)... .9,910 Green Harbor,(04).. 150 Greenwich, (G3).... 300 Greenwich VUlage, (G3) 100 Greenwood, (M3)... 400 GriswoldvUle, (F2). . 110 Groton, (K2) 1,750 Groveland, (Ml) 1,900 Hadley, (F3) 1,650 Halifax, (N5) 400 HamUton, (N2) .1,310 Hampden, (04) 450 Hancock, (C2) 350 Hanover, (N4) 680 Hanover Center, (N4) 100 Hanson, (N4) 600 Harding, (L4) 210 Hardwick, (H3). ... 920 Harvard, (K2) 750 Harwich, (Q6) 680 Harwich Port, (Q6). 480 Hatfield, (F3) 1,300 Hatherly, (N4) 100 Hathorne, (M2) 100 HaverhUl, (Ml) ..44,115 Hawley, (E2) 350 Hayden Row, (K4) . 100 HaydenvUle, (F3). .1,100 Heatn, (E2) 220 HebronvUle, (L5)... 800 Hingham, (N4). - , .3,400 Hingham Center, (Ñ4) 700 Hinsdale, (D3) 1,000 Holbrook, (M4) ...2,200 Holden, (J3) 900 Holliston, (L4) 2,000 Holyoke, (F4) 57,730 Hopedale, (K4).... 1,500 Hopkinton, (L4). ..2,000 HortonvUle, (M5)... 500 Housatonic, (C3)...2,200 Hubbardston, (H3) . 800 Hudson, (K3) 5,200 Hull, (N3) 650 Huntington, (E4) ..1,300 Hyannis, (P6) 1,500 Hyannis Port, (P6) . 150 Hyde Park, (M3).. 14,507 Indian Orchard, (G4) 6,200 Ipswich, N2) 5,000 Islington, (M4) 150 Jefferson, 03) 900 Kendal Green, (L3) . 600 Kingston, (05) 1,950 Lake Pleasant, (G2). 150 Lakeville, (N5) 1,000 Lancaster, (K3) ... 1,400 Lanesboro, (C2).... 750 Lanesville, (02)... .1,000 Lawrence, (M2).. .85,892 Lee, (D3) 3,000 Leeds, (F3) 1,100 Leicester, (J3) 1,500 Lenox, (C3) 2,200 Lenox Dale, (D3)... 500 Leominstei, (J2).. 14,910 Leverett, (G3) 410 Lexington, (M3). ..3,600 Leyden, (F2) 290 Lincoln, (L3) 560 Linwood, (K4) 1,400 Littleton, (K2) 820 Littleton Common, (K2) 400 Longmeadow, (F4).. 700 Long Plain, (N6).... 230 Loudville, (F3) 130 Lowell, (L2) 106,294 Ludlow, (G4) 3,350 Ludlow Center, (G4) 560 Lunenburg, (K2).... 700 Lynn, (N3) 89,336 Lynnfield, (N2) 375 Lynnfield Center, (M2) 380 Lyonsville, (F2). ... 260 Magnolia, (02) 800 Maiden, (M5) 44,404 Manchaug, (K4).. .1,600 Manchester, (N2)..2,500 Manomet, (OS) 450 Mansfield, (M4)... .4,310 Marblebead, (N2)..7,010 Marion, (N6) 900 Marlboro, K3) 14,579 Marshfield, (04).... 590 Marshfield Hills, (04) 500 Marstons MUls, (P6) 150 Mashpee, (06) 150 Matfield, (M4) 300 Mattapoisett, (N6) . 800 Maynard, (L3) 5,910 Medfield, (L4) 3,010 Medford, (M3)... .23,150 Medway, (L4) 1,400 Melrose, (M3).... 15,715 Melrose Highlands, (M3) 4,200 Menden, (K4) 450 Merrick, (F4) 1,300 Merrimac, (Ml)... .1,910 Merrimacport, (Ml) 150 Methuen, (M2) 9,110 Middleboro, (N5). .5,700 Middlefield, (D3). .. 170 Middleton, (M2)... 930 Milford, (K4) 12,910 Milibrook, (04) ISO Miilbury, (K4) 4,000 Millers Falls, (G2).. 400 MUlington, (03).... 260 Millis, (L4) 750 Mill River, (D4).... 210 MillvUIe, (K4) 2,000 Millwood, (N2) 100 Milton, (M3) 7,210 Mittineague, (F4). .3,000 Monroe Bridge, (E2) 200 Monson, (04) 3,500 Montague, (G2) 500 Montague City, (F2) 400 Monterey, (D4). ... 200 Montgomery, (E4).. 100 MontviUe, (D4). ... 170 Monument Beach, (06) 250 Mt. Blue, (N4) 150 Mt. Hermon, (F2). . 150 Mt.Tom, (F3) 260 Mundale, (E4) 210 Myricks, (MS) 650 Nahant, (N3) 980 Nantasket, (N3). ..1,400 Nantucket, (Q7), ..2,700 Natick, (L3) 8,900 Needham, (L3). ...2r?00 Needham Heights, (M3) 1,500 New Bedford, (N6) 96,652 New Boston, (D4). . 190 New Braintree, (H3) 250 Newbury, (Nl) 910 Newburyport, (Nl) 14,949 New Lenox, (D3)... 280 New Marlboro, (D4) 700 New Salem, (G3). .. 156 Newton, (M3) 39,806 Newton Center, (M3) 6,000 Newton Highlands, (M3) 4,000 Newton Lower Falls, (L3) 2,300 Newton Upper Falls, (M3) 3,600 Newtonville, (M3) .5,700 Nobscot, (L3) 200 Norfolk, (L4) 610 No. Abington,(N4).2,300 No. Acton, (L2) 100 No. Adams, (D2). 22,019 No. Amherst, (F3) .1,500 Northampton, (F3) 19,431 No. Andover, (M2) 5,210 No. Attleboro, (L5) 7,910 No. Bellingham,tL4) 490 No. BUlerica, (L2). . 630 No. Blandford, (E4) 160 Northboro, (K3).. .1,700 No. Brewster, (Q5).. 125 Nortbbridge, (K4) .1,500 Northbridge Center, (K4) 200 No. Brookfield, (H3) 1800 No. Carver, (N5)... 500 No. Chelmsford,a2)1700 No. Dana, (03) 480 No. Dartmouth, (M6) 1,500 No. Dighton, (MS). 1,000 No. Duxbury, (04).. 100 No. Eastham, (Q5).. 160 No. Easton, (M4). .3,200 INDEX OE THE UNITED STATES (Massachusetts — Michigan) 151 No. Egremont, (C4). 125 Oak Blufls, (07).... 1,000 Richmond, (CJ) 460 Sixteen Acres, (G4) . 250 No. Faimouth, (06). 240 Oakdale, (J3) 800 Richmond Furnace, Smiths, CG3) 150 Northfieid, (G2) 600 Oakham, (H3) 310 (C3) 150 Somerset, (MS) 910 Northheid Farms Onset, (Ó6)........ 1,600 Ridge Hiil, (N4).... 150 Somerville, (M3).. 77,236 (G2) 220 Orange, (G2) 4,000 Riverside, (F2) 260 So. Acton, (L3) 800 No. Grafton, (K4)..2,400 Orleans, (Q5) 680 Rochdale, (J4) 450 So. Amherst, (F3)... 100 No. Hadley, (F3)... 250 Osterville, (P6) ... 500 Rochester, (N6). ... 900 Southampton, (E4) . 250 No. Hanover, (N4).. 230 Otis, (D4) 330 Rock, (N5) 440 So. Ashbumham No. Hanson, (N4)... 200 Otter River, (H2)... 560 Rockland, (N4) 4,000 (J2) 1,000 No. Harwich, (Q6).. 180 Oxford, (14) 1,750 Rockport, (02) 3,250 So. Ashiield, (E2)... 270 No. Hatfield, (F3). . 150 Palmer, (G4) 5,950 Rockville, (L4) 300 So. Athol, (H2) 150 No. Leominster, Paxton, (J3) 150 Rowe, (E2) 150 So. Attieboro, (L5).. 550 (J2) 1,910 Peabody, (N2) ...14,910 Rowley, (N2) 1,000 So. Barre, (H3) 450 No. Leverett, (G2).. 190 Pelham, (G3) 150 Royalston, (HI).... 200 So. Berlin, (K3). ... 100 No. Le.xington, (L3). 100 Pembroke, (N4) 570 Russell, (E4) 550 So. Billerica, (M2). . 100 No. Marsh&eld, (N4) 100 Pepperell, (K2) 500 Rutland, (J3) 1,200 Southboro, (K3).... 900 No. Middlehoro, Peru, (D3) 150 Sagamore, (05) 330 So. Braintree, (M4) 3,000 (N5 ) 300 Petersham, (H3).... 610 Salem, (N2) 43,697 Southbridge, (H4) 10,210 No. Orange, (G2)... 290 Phillipston, (H2) 280 Salisbury, (Nl) 840 So. Carver, (N5) 440 No. Oxford, (J4). . 700 Pigeon Cove, (02). . 900 Salisbury Beach, So. Chatham, (Q6).. 290 No. Pembroke, (N4) 300 Pittsfield, (D3)... .32,121 (Nl) 630 So. Chelmsford, (L2) 300 No. Plymouth,(05).1,000 Plainfield, (E2) 200 SandisUeld, (D4) 150 So. Dartmouth, (N6) 600 No. Prescott, (G3).. 120 Plainville, (L4) 1,200 Sandwich, (OS). ... 1,000 So. Deerfieid, (F3).. 930 No. Raynham, (M5) 570 Pleasant Lake, (1)6). 100 Saugus, (.M3) 1,500 So. Dennis, (Q6) 225 No. Reading, (M2).. 910 Plymouth, (05).. .11,200 Saundersville, (K4) . 680 So. Duxbury, (04).. 325 No. Rehoboth,(M5). 210 Plyiapton, (NS). ... 250 Savoy, (D2) 260 So. Easton, (M4). .. 700 No. Rochester,(N5). 100 Pocasset, (06) 330 Savoy Center, (D2) . 170 So. Egremont, (C4) . 400 No. Rutland, (T3)... 120 Ponkapog, (M4) 300 Saxonville, (L3). ... 1500 So. Essex, (N2) 600 No. Scituate, (N4).. 1,000 Pottersville, (M5)... 510 Scituate, (04) 1,150 Southfield, (D4) 180 No. Stoughton,(M4) 280 Pratts Jc, (j3) 100 Scotland, (.MS) 190 So. Framingham, No. Sudbury, (L3).. 100 Prescott, (G3) 150 Seekonk, (LS) 910 (L3) 9,100 No. Swansea, (LS).. 100 Prides Crossing,(N2) 100 Segreganset, (M5). . 100 So. Groveland, No. Tisburv, (07)... 100 Princeton, (J3) 500 Sharon, (M4) 910 (M2) 300 No. Truro, (Q4). ... 300 Princeton Depot, Shawmut, (N6) 100 So. Hadley, (F3).. .1,400 No. Uxbridge, (K4). 560 (73) 100 Sheffield, (C4) 1,200 So Hadley Falls, No. Westport, (M6). 500 Provincetown,(Q4).4,000 Shelburne, (F2) 100 (F4) 3,400 No. Weymouth, Quinapoxet, (13) 275 Shelburne Falls, E2)l,300 So. Hamilton, (N2) . 820 (N4) . 900 Quincy, (N4)l 32,642 Sheldonville, (L4)... 180 So. Hanover, (N4).. 530 No. Wiibraham', Quissett, (06) 180 Sherborn, (L4) 600 So. Hanson, (N4)... 660 (G4) 570 Randolph, (M4)... .4,000 Shirley, (K2) 1,200 So. Harwich, (Q6)... 280 No. Wilmington, Raynham, (M5) 1,100 Shirley Center, (K2) 200 So. Hingham, (N4).. 700 (M2) 300 Reading, (M2) 4,910 Shrewsbury, (K3)... 600 So. Hyannis, (P6)... 110 Norton, (MS) 950 Readville, (M4) .. .1,000 Shutesbury, (G3)... 150 So. Lancaster, (K3). 800 Norwell, (N4) 940 Rehoboth, (MS).... 1,310 Siasconset, (R7) 200 So. Lee, (C3) 390 Norwood, (M4) 7,910 Revere, (N3) 18,219 Silver Lake, (N4)... 260 So. Lincoln, (L3) 570 MICH Acme. (F6) 100 Bay City, (118).. .45,166 Butternut, (G9) 250 Conklin, (F9) 200 Ada, (FIO) 300 Bay Mills, (G3) 200 Buttersville, (E8)... 300 Constantino, (F12) 1,244 Adair, (JIO) 200 Bay Port, (H8) 150 Byron, (GIO) 427 Conway, (G5) 150 Adamsville, (F12).. 100 Bayshore, (F5) 300 Byron Center, (FIO) 200 Cooks, (E4) 800 Addison, (Gil) 474 Bay Side, (H8) 300 Cadillac, (FT) 8,375 Cooper, (Fll) 250 Adrian, (G12) 10,763 Beacon, ((13) 1,000 Caledonia, (FIO)— 422 Coopersville, (F9).. 814 Afton, (G5) 100 Beacon Hill, (Cil)... 150 California, (G12)... 200 Copemish, (F7) 4ro Agnew, (ElO) 130 Beal City, (G8) 120 Calumet, (CI) 30,000 Copper City, (CI).. 160 Ahmeek, (CI) 766 Bear Lake, (E7).... 504 Cambria, (C, 12)—. 350 Copper Falls Mine, Ainger, (Gil) 100 Beaverlon, (G8) 418 Camden, (G12) 392 (CD ISO Akron, (H8) 500 Bedford, (Fl 1) 230 Campbells Corners, Copper Harbor, (Dl) 100 Alabaster, (H7) 600 Beech, (Hll) 200 (G7) 100 Coral, (F9) 500 Alamo, (Fll) 120 Belding, (F9) 4,119 Canandaigua, (G12) 150 Cornell, (D4) 100 Alanson, (G5) 473 Bellairc (F6) 1,050 Cannonshurg, (F9) . 150 Corunna, (GIO).... 1,384 Alaska, (FIO) 300 Bell Branch, (Hll).. 130 Capac, (J9) 761 Covert, (Ell) 360 Alba, (G6) 600 Belleville, (Hll) 486 Carleton, (HI 1).... 500 Cross Village, (F4).. 500 Albion, (Gil) 5,833 Bellevue, (Fll) 930 Carlisle, (GIO) 100 Croswell, (J9) 1,380 Alden, (F6) 600 Belmont, (F9) 110 Carlshend, (D3) 150 Croton, (F9) 55 Alfred, (D3) 100 Bendon, (F6) 130 Carney, (D4) 400 Crump, (G8) 3.50 Algonac, (JIO) 1,204 Bennington. (GIO).. 270 Caro, (H9) 2,272 Crystal, (G9) 300 Alicia, (G9; ISO Benona, (F,8) 120 Carplake, (G4) 150 Crystal Falls, (C3).3,775 Allegan, (FIO) 3,419 Bentley, (G8) 100 Carrolllon, (H9).. .2,200 Crystal Valley, (E8) 100 Allen, (Gl2) 550 Benton Harbor, Carson City, (G9).. 808 Culver, (F6) 200 Allendale," (FIO).... 200 (Ell) 9,185 Carsonville, (J9) 401 Custer, (E8) 277 Allenton, (JIO) 150 Benzonia, (E6). 563 Cascade, (F'lO) 150 Dafoe, (H5) 100 Allenville, fG4) 100 Bergland, (B2) 200 Caseville, (H8) 442 Daggett, (D5) 228 Allouez, (CI) 1,150 Berlamont, (Fll)... 120 Casnovia, (F'9) 308 Dailey, (E12) 150 Alma, (G9) 2,757 Berlin, (F9) 340 Cass City, (H8) 1,126 Dale, (G8) 100 Almont, (HIO) 675 Berrien Center,(E12) 200 Cassopolis, (F12)... 1,358 Dalton, (E9) 100 Alpena, (H5) 12,706 Berrien Springs, Cathro, (H5) 140 Dansville, (GlO) 349 Alston, (C2) 100 (E12) 880 Cecil, (G4) 150 Davis. (JIO) 200 Alto, (FIO) 350 Berville, (JIO) 150 Cedar, (F6) 400 Davisburg. (HIO)... 300 Altona, (F8) 170 Bessemer, (.A2) 4,583 Cedarlake, (G9) 200 Davison, (H9) 673 Amadore, (J9) ISO Beulah, (E6) 400 Cedar River, (D5)... 500 Dayton, (E12) 100 .'masa, (C.3) 400 Big Bay, (D2) 300 Cedarrun,(F6) 260 Dearborn. (HI 1) 911 Amble, (F9) 100 Big Beaver, (H10)... 200 Cedar Springs, (F9). 947 Decatur, (Ell) .... 1,286 Amsden, (F9) 100 Big Rapids, (F8).. .4,519 Cedarville. (G3) 150 Decker, (H9) 100 Amy, (HIO) 180 Bigrock, (CIS) 100 Cement City, (Cll 1). 500 Deckerville, (J8) 628 Anchorville, (JIO)... 420 Bingham, (F'6) 100 Center Line, (Hll).. 100 Deerfieid, (HI 2) 443 Anderson, (GIO)... 200 Birch, (D2) 600 Centerville, (F'n). . 613 Defiance, (D3) 200 Angola, (F7) 150 Birch Run, (H9).... 170 Central Lake, (F5).. 813 Deford, (H8) 200 Ann Arbor, (Hll).14,817 Birmingham, (HIO) 1,607 Ceresco, (F'l 1) 350 Delaware Mine, (CI) 200 Applegate, (J9) 155 Blackmar, (H9)... . 100 Champion, (D2)—1,500 Delhi Mills, (Hll) .. 200 Arcadia, (E6) 400 Blaine, (J9) 130 Channing, (C3) 500 Dell, (G3) 100 Arenac, (H7).... 150 Blanchard, (F8) 220 Charlevoix, (F"5).. .2,420 Delray, (Hll) 7,500 Argyle, (J8) ISO Blaney, (K3) 250 Charlotte, (GIO).. .4,886 Delta, (GIO) 280 Armada, (JIO) 748 Blissfield, (H12).. .. 1.474 Chase, (F8).. 200 Delton, (Fll) .300 Ashland, (F9) 100 Bloomingdale, (Fll) 501 Chassell, (C2) 500 Demmon, (CI) 200 A.shley,(G9) 513 Boardman, (F6) .... 524 Chatham, (E3) 750 Denton, (Hll) 140 Ashton, (F8) 200 Bolton, (H5) 100 Cheboygan, (G4).. .6,859 Derby, (Ell) 100 Assinins {C2) 150 Bomanville, (G7)... 100 Chelsea, (Gil) 1,764 Detour, (H4) 721 Athens,(Fll) 631 Boon, (F7) 300 Chesaning, (G9) ... 1.363 Detroit, (Jll)... .465,766 Atlanta, (G5).. . 250 Borland, (F8).*. 500 Cheshire, (Fl 1) 100 Devils Lake, (Gil).. 100 Atlantic Mine, (Cl) 250 Boyne, (F5) 5,218 Chester, (GIO) 120 Deward, (G6) 300 Atlas, (HIO) 180 Boyne Falls, (G5).. 325 Chief, (E7) 150 Dewings, (F7) 100 Attica, (H9) 400 Bradley, (FIO) 150 Childsdale, (F9) 100 De Witt, (GIO) 450 Auburn, (G8) 300 Branch, (E8) 130 Chippewa I-ake, Dexter, (Hll) 726 An Gres, (H7) 252 Brant, (G9) 150 (F"8) 300 Diamond Springs, Augusta, (Fll) 494 Breckenridge, (G9). 595 Clare, (G8) 1,350 (FIO) 100 Aurelius, (GIO) 150 Breedsville, (El 1) .. 219 Clarion, (G5) 200 Dice, (G9) 300 All Sable, (H7) 648 Brest, (H12) 130 Clarkston, (HIO). .. 345 Dick (G3) 200 Au Train, (E3) 100 Brethren, (F'7) 130 Clarksville, (FIO)... 380 Dighton, (F7) 400 Averill, (G8) 300 Bridgeport, (H9) 340 Clawson (HIO) .... 200 Dimondale, (GIO)... 341 Avoca, (J9) 250 Bridgewater, (HI 1) . 100 Claybanks, (E8) 100 Diorite, (D2) 400 Avondale, (F7) 100 Bridgman, (E12)... 250 Clayton, (G12) 372 Disco, (JIO) 100 Axin, (F7) 500 Brier, (G8) 160 Clilford, (H9) 308 Dollar Bay, (Cl) ...2,000 Azalia, (Hll) 130 Brighton, (HIO) 767, (Fl 1) 425 Dollarville, (F3) 400 BadA.xe, (J8) 1,559 Brimley, (G3) 500 Clinton, (Hll) 1,011 Dolph, (G7) 100 Bagley, (D4) 100 Brinton, (F'8) 100 Clio, (H9) 810 Dorr, (FIO) 350 Bagnall, (F7) 250 Britton, (Hll) 370 Cloverdaie, (FIO)... 100 Doster, (Fll) 150 Bailey, (F9) 350 Brockway, (J9) 130 Clyde, (HIO) 210 Douglas, (ElO) 485 Bainhridge, (Ell) .. 100 Bronson, (F~12) 1,020 Coalwood, (È3). ... 280 Dowagiac, (E12) .. .5,088 Baldwin, (F8) 502 Brooklyn, (Gil) .. . 602 Cobmoosa, (E8) 150 Dowling, (Fll) 140 Baltic, (CT) 2,500 Brown City, (J9)... 690 Cohoctah, (HIO) 100 Downington, (J8) 140 Bancroft, (GIO) 543 Brunswick, (E^P) 150 Coldwater. (F12).. .5,945 Drayton Plains, Bangor, (Ell) 1,158 Brutus, (G5) 150 Coleman, ((x8) 909 (HIO) 320 Bankers, (G12) 100 Buchanan, (E12)... 1,831 Collins, (FIO) 100 Drenthe, (FIO) 600 Bannister, (G9) . . .400 Buckley, (F7) 464 Coloma, (Ell) 701 Drummond, (H3) . . 300 Baraga,(C2) 1,071 Bunker Hill, (Gl 1) . 100 Colon, (F12) 853 Drydcii, (H10) 371 Barker Creek, (F6) . 200 Burdickville, (F'6).. . 160 Culumbiaville. (H9). 369 Dundee, (H12) 1,070 Bark River, (D4)... 780 Burlington, (FT 1).. 237 Colwood, (H8) 100 Dunningville, (FIO). 100 Baroda, (E12) 248 Burnips Corners, Commerce, (HIO)... 250 Du Plain, (G9) 140 Barryton, (F8) 411 (FIO) 200 Comstock, (Fl 1).... 200 Durand, (BIO) 2,315 Bath, (GIO) 300 Burroak, (F"12) 752 Comstock Park, Dutton, (FIO) 130 Battle Creek, Burt, (H9) 200 (F9) 300 E.agle, (GIO) 133 (Fll) 25,267 Burton, ((310) 130 Concord, (GlI) 543 Eagle Harbor, (Cl).. 250 So. Middlehoro (N5) 440 Thorndike, (G4) 1,200 W. Auburn, (J4) 200 W. Springfield, (F4)3,800 So. Middleton, (M2) 100 Three Rivers, (G4).. 800 W. Barnstable,(P6). 330 VV Sterling, (J3) 110 So. Milford, (K4)... 130 Tolland, (D4) 100 W. Berlin, (K3) 120 W. Stockbridge, So. Natick, (L3).... 900 Topsfield, (N2) 810 Westboro, (K3) 4,500 (C3) 800 So. Orleans, (R5)... 110 Townsend, (K2) 940 W. Boxford, (M2)... 100 W. Stoughton, (M4). 400 So, Rehobothe, (M5) 310 Townsend ilarbor, W. Boyiston, (J3)... 400 W. Sutton, (J4) 220 So. Royalston, (H2) 500 (K2) 280 W. Brewster, (Q5). . 140 W. Tisbury, (07)... 200 So. ISherbom, (L4).. 400 Truro, (Q4) 300 W. Briclgewater, W. Townsend, (K2). 475 So. Sudbury, (L3).. 700 Tully, (G2) 110 (M4) ...1,000 W. Upton, (K4) 1,000 So. Swansea. (M6).. 1.30 Turners Falls, (F2).5,200 W. Brookfield, (H4). 800 Westvale, (L3) 100 Southville, (K3) 150 Tyngsboro, (L2) 100 W. Chatham, (K6).. 250 W. Wareham, (N5) . 350 So. Walpole, (M4).. 300 Tyringham, (D4)... 100 W. Chelmsford,(L2). 500 W. Warren, (H4)... 1,100 So. Wareham, (05) . 200 Unionville, (L4) 100 W. Cummington, W. W hately, (F'3)... 350 So. Welltieet, (R5).. 100 Upton, (K4) 880 (E3). 230 Westwood, (M4) 500 So. Westport, (M6) . 200 Uxbridge, (K4) 3.000 Westdaie, (N4) 100 Weymouth, (N4).. .3,500 So. Weymouth,(N4)4,000 Van Deusen, (C4).. . 125 W. Dennis, (Q6) 580 Whately, (F3) 340 Southwick, (E4) 500 Vineyard Haven, W. Dudley, (H4). .. 150 Wheelwright, (H3).. 100 So. WiUiamstown, (07) 810 W. Duxburv, (N4).. 375 White Valley, (H3).. 200 (C2) 100 Waban, (M3) 500 W. Falmouth, (06) . 260 Whitinsvilie, (K4). 4,500 So. Worthington, Wadsworth, (L4). .. 110 W. Farms, (FT) 150 Whitman, (N4) 6,000 (E3) 130 Wakefield, (M2)... 11,310 Westfield, (E4)... .15,000 Wiibraham, (G4)... 1,000 So. Yarmouth, (Q6). 590 Wales, (H4) 200 Westford, (L2) 950 Wilkinsonville, 04). 400 Spencer, (14) 6,500 Walpole, (M4) 2,500 W. Groton, (K2) 325 Williamsburg, (E3).. 850 Springfield, (F4). .88,926 Waltham, (L3) .. .27,834 Westhampton, (FT). 200 WiUiamstown, State F'arm, (N5)... 100 Wamesit, (M2) 150 W. Hanover, (N4). . 460 (D2) 3,000 State Line, (C3) 110 Waquoit, (06) 130 W. Harwich, ((26)... 280 WiUiamstown Sta- Sterling, (J3) 850 Ward Hill, (M2) 100 W. Hatfield, (F"3)... 100 tion, (D2) 500 Still River, (K3) 200 Ware (H3) 8,000 W. Leyden, (F"2) 130 Williamsville, (113).. 120 Stockbridge, (C3). .1,700 Wareham, (OS) 1,200 W. Mansfield, (L4).. 610 Willimansett, (F4) . 1,400 Stoneham, (M3). . .6,910 Warren, (H4) 3,000 W. Medford, (M3) .4 000 Wilmington, (M2)..1,200 Stonybrook, (L3)... 100 Warwick, (G2) 400 W. Medway, (L4). .1,250 Winchendon, (H2)..4,100 Stoughton, (M4).. .4,000 Washington, (D3)... 150 'W. Millbury, (J4)... 530 Winchendon Springs, Stow, (K3) 710 Watertown, (M3). 12,800 Westminster, (J2).. 1,000 (H2) 900 Sturbridge, (H4) 650 Waterville, (H2).... 600 Westminster Depot, Winchester, (M3). .6,000 Sudbury, (U) 310 Waverly, (M3) 1,500 (J2) 350 Windsor, (D2) 350 Sunderland, (F3). .. 200 Wayland, (L3) 825 W. Newbury, (Nl).. 910 Winthrop, (N3)... 10,132 Sutton, (K4) 600 Webster, (J4) 10,210 W. Newton, (M3). .7,200 Woburn, (M3) 15,308 Swampscott, (N3). 5,910 Wellesley, (L3) 2,700 Weston, (IT) 1,200 Woods Hole, (06)... 375 Swansea, (M6) 550 Wellesley Hills,(L3) 2,000 W. Orange, (G2) 220 Woodville, (K4) 300 Swansea Center, Welllleet. (Q5) 850 W. Peabody, (M2).. 410 Worcester, (J3). . 145,986 (M5) 570 Wendell, (G2) 230 W. Pittsfield, (C3).. 400 Woronoco, (E4). ... 350 Taunton, (M5)... 34,259 Wendell Depot, Westport, (M6).... 1,600 Worthington, (E3).. 350 Teaticket, (06) 100 (G2) 200 'Westport Point, Wrentham, (L4).... 1,000 Templeton, (H2) 490 Wenham, (N2) 710 (M6) 300 Yarmouth, (Q6) 150 Tewksbury, (M2). .. 500 W. Acton, (L3) 720 W. Rutland, (J3). .. 400 Yarmouth Port,(P6). 600 IGAN Eagle River, (Cl)... 180 Fox, (D5) 150 Güstin, (H6) 1 >0 Interlochen, (F6)... 500 Eames, (HID) 100 Francisco, (Gil) ... 130 Owinn, (D3) 1,000 Ionia, (FIO) 5,030 East Grand Rapids, Frankenlust, ((Î8)... 200 Hadley, (HIO) 330 Iosco, (GlO) 120 (FlO) 800 Frankenmuth, (H9). 693 Haff. (G3) 25C Iron Mountain, E. Jordan, (F5) . ...2,516 Frankfort, (E6).... 1,555 Hagensville, (H5)... 100 (C4) 9,216 E.Lake,(E7) 3,200 Franklin, (HIO) 150 Hafre (F7) 100 Iron River, (C3).... 2,450 E. Lansing, (GlO)... 802 Fraser, (JIO) 220 Hale, (H7) 100 Irontou, (F5) ISO E. Leroy, (Fll) 100 Freda, (Cl) 500 Halfway, (Jll) 700 Ironwood, (A3)... 12,821 Eastmanville, (F9).. 150 Frederic, (G6) 400 Hamburg, (Hll).... 250 Irving, (FIO) 100 E. Paris, (FIOI 100 Freeland, (G8) 450 Hamilton, (FIO).... 280 Isabella, (E4) 200 Eastport, (F5) 200 Freeport, (FlO) 460 Hammond. (G5)... - 110 Ishpeming, (D2). ..12,448 E. Saugatuck, (ElO). 300 Free Soil, (E7) 250 Hamtramck, (Jll).3,559 Ithaca, (G9) 1,876 E.T.awas, (H7). ...1,452 Fremont, (E9) 2,009 Hancock, (Cl) 8,981 Iva, (G9) ISO Eastwood, (G9).. 100 Frey, (F7) 150 Hand Station, (Hll) 100 Jackson, (GlI)... .31,433 Eaton Rapids,(Gl 1)2,094 Frontier, ((Í12) 230 Hanover, (Gil) .... 364 Jacobsville, (C2).... 800 Eau Claire, (E12)... 307 Fruitport, (E9) 330 Harbor Beach, Jamestown, (FIO).. 300 Eckford, (Gil) 120 Fulton, (Fll) 350 (J8) 1,556 Jasper, (G12) 300 Ecorse. (Hll) 1,063 Gagetown, (H8).... 358 Harbor Springs, Jeddo, (J9) 130 Edenville, (G8) ISO Gaines, (HIO) 238 (F5) 1,805 Jenison, (FIO) 300 Edgerton, (F9) 150 (îalesburg, (Fll) ... 656 Hardgrove, (G6) ... 100 Jennings, (F7) 1,200 Edmore, (F9) 752 Galien, (El2) 405 Hardwood, (D4).... 150 Jerome, (Gil) 190 E Jwardsburg, (F12). 500 Ganges, (EIO) 100 Harriette, (F7) 3 36 Johannesburg, (G6). 700 Elk Rapids. (F6) ... 1,673 Garden, (E4) 497 Harris, (D4) 200 Jones, (F12) 2'^0 Elkton, (H8> 553 Garnet, (F3) 250 Harrison, (G7) 543 Jonesville, (G12)... 1,396 Ellsworth, (F5) 380 Gatesville, (G3) 300 Harrisville, (H6).... 444 Joyfield, (E6) 100 Elmer, (J9) 110 Gaylord, (G5) 1,538 Hart, (E8) 1.555 Judds Corners, (H9) 180 Elm Hall, (G9) 370 Geddes,(Hll) 120 Hartford, (Ell).... 1,268 Kalamazoo, Elmira, (G5) 500 Geneva. (G12) 110 Hartland, (H10).... 220 (Fll) 39,437 Eloise, (Hll) 770 Gera, (H9) 100 Hartwick, (F7) 150 Kalamo, (Hll) 140 Elsie, (G9) 592 Germfask, (F3) .. .. 210 Harvey, (D2) 100 Kaleva, (F7) 150 Elwell, (G9) 120 Gert, (H12) 200 Haslett, (GlO) 200 Kalkaska, (F6) .... 1,415 Ely, (G4) 230 (Gibraltar, (Hll).... 180 Hastings, (FIO)... .4,383 Kawkawlin, ((j8)... 250 Emerson, (F2) 100 Gilcad, (F12) 100 Hebron, (G4) 100 Kearsarge, (Cl).... 800 Emmett, (J9) 292 Gilford. (H9) 100 Hemlock, (G9) 250 Keeler, (Ell) 190 Empire, (E6) 578 Gills Pier. (F5) 150 Henderson, (G9)... 100 Kendall, (Fll) 200 Engadiue, (F3)..... 150 Giiard, (Fll) 250 Henrietta, (Gil).... 200 Kent City, (F9).... 467 Erie, (H12) 350 Gladstone, (E4) 4,211 Henry, (E6) 100 Kenton, (C3) 500 Escanaba, (E4) . . 13,194 Gladwin, ((j8) 988 Herman, (C2) 300 Kewadin, (F6) 150 Essex, (F5) 150 Glen Arbor, (É6) ... 300 Hermansvillc, (D4). 1,200 Keystone, (F6) 100 Essexville, (H8).... 1,477 Glendale, (Fll) 180 Hersey, (F8) 310 Killmaster, (H6).... 100 Estey, (G8) 150 Glendora, (E12) 100 Hesperia, (E8) 462 Kinde, (JS) 360 Eureka, (G9) 210 Glenhaven. (E6).... 100 Hessel, (G3) 200 Kinderhook, (F12).. 200 Evans, (F9> 100 Glenn, (ElO) 300 Hickory Corners, Kingsley, (F6) 497 Evart, (18) 1,386 Glennie, (H6) 100 (Fll) 170 Kingston, (H9) 302 Ewen, (B2) 350 Glenwooa, (Ell).... 1,200 Highland, (HlO).... 350 Kipling, (E4) 400 Fairfax, (F12) 200 Gobleville, (Fll)... 537 Highland Park, Koss, (1)5) 150 Fairfield, (G12) 350 Goodclls, (J9) 150 (Hll) 4,120 Kreetan, (H4) 200 Fairgrove, (H8) 437 Good Harbor, (F6).. 150 Hilliards, (FlO) 100 Labarge, (FIO) ICQ Fair Haven, (JIO)... 300 Goodhart, (F4) 100 Hillman, (H5) 411 Lacota, (Ell) 100 Fairview, (H6) 200 Goodrich, (HIO).... 300 Hillsdale, (G12)... .5,001 Laingsburg, (GlO)... 703 Faithom, (D4) 150 GoodwcH, (F8) 180 Hilltop, (El 1) 225 Lake, (F8) 200 Falmouth, (F7) 180 Gordonville. (G8)... 100 Hinchman, (E12)... 100 Lake Ann, (F6). ... 171 Fargo, (J9) 300 Gould City, (F3).... 150 Hitchcock, (F5) ... 150 I.ake City, (F7) 740 Farmington, (Hll).. 564 Goweu, (F9) 160 Holland, (FlO).... 10,490 Lake Linden, (Cl). 2,.325 Farwell, (G8) 522 Graafschap, (ElO).. 200 Hollowav, (HÍ2).... 100 LakeOdessa,(FlO) 1,222 Fawn River. (F12)... 130 Grace, (G5) 150 Holly, (HlO) 1,537 Lakeview, (F9) 954 Fennville, (ElO) ... 533 Grana Blanc, (HIO), 300 Holt, (GIO) 350 Lakewood, (G4) 200 Fenton. (HIO) 2,331 Grand Haven, Helton, (E9) 300 I.amb, (JIO) 200 Fenwitk, (F9) 180 (E9) 5,856 Homer, (Gil) 1,008 Lambertville, (H12). 200 Fergus, (G9) 130 Grand Junction, Homestead, (E6)... 100 Lament, (F9) 400 Ferry, (E8) 150 (Eli) 180 Honor, (E6) 500 Langston, (F9) 150 Ferrysburg, (E9).... 450 Grand Ledge, (G10)2,893 Hooper, (FIO) 100 I.'Anse, (C2) 708 Fife I.ake, (F6) 340 Grand Marais, (F2) 2,500 Hopkins, (FIO) 400 LANSING, (GIG) 31,229 Filer City, (E7) .... 500 Grand Rapids, Horton, (Gil) 380 Lapeer, (H9) 3,946 Fillmore Center, (FIO) 112,571 Houghton, (Cl) 5,113 Laporte, (G9) 130 (FIO) 200 Grandville, (FIO)... 680 HoughtonI^ke, Laramie, (G3) 570 Flanders, (H5) 100 Grant. CF9) 428 (07) 1.30 La Rocque, (G5).... 200 Flatrock, (Hll) 650 Grasslake, (Gil).... 760 Howard City,(F9). 1,046 LaSalle, (1112) 100 Fleming, (GIO) 130 Grattan, (F9) 220 Howell, (HIO) 2,338 Lathrop, (D3) ISO Flint, (H9) 38,550 Grawn, (F6) 250 Howlett,(HlI) 100 I..aurium, (Cl) 8,537 Flowercreek, (E9)... 100 Grayling,(Cî6) 1,775 HubbardLake, Lawrence, (Ell).... 663 Flowcrfield, (Fll).. 100 Greenfield, (Hll)... 100 (H6) 200 Lawton,(Fll) 1,042 Flushing, (H9) 938 Greengardeii, (D3).. 250 Hubbardston, (G9). 450 Layton Comers, Ford City, (Hll)...1,689 Greenlake, (FIO) .,. 150 Hubbell, (Cl) 1,059 (09) 100 Ford River, (D4).... 300 Greenland, (B2) 600 Hudson, (G12) 2,178 Leaton, (G8). 100 Forester, (J9) 120 Greenville, (F9). ...4,045 Hudsonville, (FIO). 300 Leetsville, (F6) .,.. 100 Forest Grove. (FIO). 100 Gregory, (Gil) 250 Humboldt, (D2).... 270 Ugrand, (G5) 250 Forest Hill, (G9)— 130 (irind Stone City, Hungerford, (F8)... 120 Iceland, (F5) 400 ForesLville, (J8).... 234 (J7) 500 Hunters Creek, Lennon, (H j) 100 Fofsyth, (D3) 150 Groscap, (G4) 230 (HIO) 120 Lenox,(JK, 350 Foster City, (D4)— 300 Grosse lie, (Hll) 700 Ida, (H12) 230 Leonard ilO) 313 Fosters, (H9) 150 Grosse Pointe, (Jll) 830 Imlay City, (H9).. .1,174 l«oni,(G-l) 150 Fostoria, (H9) 400 Crosse Pointe Indian Riv »r, (G5).. 350 I.ennidas, (Fll) 300 Fountain, (E7) 250 Farms, (Jll)..... 862 Ingalls, (D:) 530 Leroy, (F7) 331 Fowler, (G9) 476 Crosse Pointe Park, Inkster, (H*. 1) 240 Leslie, (Gil) 1,032 Fowlervüle, (GIO) . , 905 (Jll) 290 Inland, (F6) 100 Levering, (G4) 352 152 Lewiston, (G6) 550 Lexington, (J9) 519 Liberty, (Gil) 200 Lincoln, (H6) 122 Linden, (HIO)...... 550 Linkvillc, (H8) 100 Linwood, (G8) 200 Lisbon, (F9) 96 Litchfield, iG 11).... 660 Locke, (GIO) 190 Long Rapids, (H5).. 200 Loomis, (G8) 300 ¡..oretto, (D4) 600 Lott, (H6) 300 Lüvells, (G6) 100 Lowell, (rlO) 1,761 Lucas, (F7) 250 Ludington, (E8). ...9,132 Lum,rH9)... 250 T'lpton, (G7) 180 Luther, (F7) 626 Lyons, (GIO) 611 McBam, (F7) 546 McBrides. (F9) 236 McMillan, (F3) 200 Mackinac Island, (G4) 714 Mackinaw, (G4). ... 697 Macomb. (J 10) 200 Macon, (HI 1) 240 Madison, (HIO).... 130 Maltby, (G7) 100 Mancelona, (F6) ... 1,200 Manchester, (Hll).1,047 Mandan, (Dl) 100 Manistee. (E7).12,381 Manistique (E4)...4,724 Mantón, (F7) 1,069 Maple City, (F6)... 200 Maplegrove, (FIO).. 100 Maple Rapids, (G9). 529 Mapleridge, (H7)... 150 Marcellus, (Fl 1) .. .1,047 Marengo, (Gl 1).... 100 Marenisco. (B3)—. 250 Marine City, (J10).3,770 Marion, (F7) 767 Markey, (G7) 100 Marlboro, (F8) 57 Mariette. (J9) 1.062 Marquette, (D2).. 11,503 Marshall, (Gil) ...4,236 Martin. (FIO) 450 Marysville, (JIO)... 270 Mason, (GIU) 1,742 Masonville, (E4). . . 100 M.iss, (B2) 1,000 Matherton, (G9). .. 300 Mattawan, (Fl')... 300 Maxton, (113) 200 Maybee, (Hll) 310 Mayfield, (F6' 160 Mayville, (H9) 687 Me.ade, (TIO) 100 Mears, t.E8) 450 Meauwataka, (F7) . 110 Mecosta, (1'8) 352 Medina, (G12) 130 Melvin, (J9) 242 Memphis,\J10)... . 557 Mendon, (F12) 768 NIenominee, (D5) 10,507 .Mentha, (Fll) 150 Meridian, (GIO).. . . 200 Merrill, (G9) 505 .Mesick, (F7) 510 Metamora. (HIO)... 276 (MICHIGAN—MINNESOTA) INDEX OF THE UNITED STATES Metropolitan, (D3).. 500 Met^c, (H5) 150 Michigamme, (C2).. 970 Middleton, (G9).... 450 Middleville, (FIO).. 804 Midland, (G8) 2,527 Mikado, (H6) 100 Milan, (Hll) 1,355 Milford,(H10) 973 Miilbrook, (F8) 400 Millburg, (Ei 1). ... 100 Alillersburg, (G5)... 519 Millett, (GICÔ 200 Millington, (ii9).... 623 Minard, (Gil) 100 Minden City, (J8).. 332 Minerlake, (FIO)... 120 Mio, (G6) 200 Moddersville, (G7),. 200 Mohawk, (CI) 1,000 Molina, (FIO) 180 Monroe, (H12) ... .6,893 Monroe Center,i.F6) 100 Montague, (E9).... 942 Monterey, (FIO). .. 200 Montgomery, (G12) 362 Montrose, (H9) 443 Moorcstown, (G7).. 100 Morenci, (G12) 1,515 Morley, (F9) 337 Morrice, (GIO)..... .470 Moscow, (Gil) 200 Mosherville, (Gil). 500 Mottville, (F12).... 200 Mount Clemens, UIO) 7,707 Mount Morris, (H9) 513 Mount Pleasant, (G8) 3,972 Muir, (G9) 463 MuUiken, (GIO) 312 Munger, (H8) 200 Munising, (E3)... .2,952 Munith, (Gil) 200 Muskegon, (E9).. .24,062 Muskegon Heights, (E9) 1,690 Nadeau, 04) 1,000 Nahma, (E4) 700 Nankin, (Hll) 100 Napoleon, (Gil) ... 370 Nashville, (P'lO),. .1,346 National Mine, vD3) 700 Naubinway, (F3)... 250 Navirre, (Hll) 400 Nazareth, G'l 1).... 160 Negaunee, (D3).... 8,460 Nessen City, (F6). . 150 Newaygo, (F9). .. .1,207 New Baltimore, (JIO) 920 Newberry, (F"3) 1,182 New Boston, (Hll). 220 New Buffalo, (E12). 528 New Era, (E8) 230 New Haven, (JIO). . 478 New Holland, (ElO) 100 New Hudson, (HI 1). 150 New Lothrop, Í09).. 310 Newport, (1512) 450 New Richmond, (ElO) 100 NewTrov, (£12). .. 400 Niles, (EÍ2) 5,156 Nirvana, (F8) 120 No. Adams, (G12).. 440 No. Bradley, (G8).. 100 No. Branch, (H9)... 717 No. Detroit, (H11).. 250 No. Manitou Island, (F5) 100 No. Morenci, (.G12). 100 No. Muskegon, (E9) 352 Northport, (FS) 524 Northstar, (G9).... 300 Northville, (Hll). .1,665 Norvell, (Gl 1) 150 Norway. (D4) 4,974 Norwood, (F5) 170 Nottawa, (F12). ... 300 Novi, (Hll) 300 Nunica, (E9) 400 Oak, (Hll) 150 Oakgrove, (HIO) 200 Oakhill, (E7) 300 Oakland, (FIO) 100 Oakley, (G9) 237 Oakwood, (HID).... 120 Oakwood. (Hll).... 781 Oden, (G5) 150 Ogden Center, (H12) 100 Ogontz, (E4) 200 Ojibway, (CI) 240 Okemos, (GIO) 190 Old Mission, (F6)... 200 Olivet, (Gil) 627 Omena, (F5) 100 Omer, (H7) 367 Orno, (JIO). 150 Onaway, (G5) 2,702 Onekama, (E7) 324 Onondaga, (GIF) ... 400 Onota, (E3) 140 Onsted, (Gil) 398 Ontonagon, (B2)—1,964 Orion, (HIO) 717 Orleans, (F9) 150 Orono, (F8) 100 Ortonville, t,H10)..'. 377 Osceola, (CI) 1.400 Oscoda, (H7) 864 Oshtemo, (Fll). ... 100 Osseo. (012) 390 Ossineke, (H6) 100 Olisco, (F9) 200 Otisville, (H9) 312 Otsego, (Fll) 2,812 Otsego Dike, (G6) .. 100 Ottawa Dike, (H12). 210 Otter Lake, (H9).... 273 Overisel, (FIO) 200 Ovid, (G9) 1,078 Owendale, (H8) 285 Owosso, (G9) 9,639 Oxford, (HIO) 1,191 Paavola, (CI) 3.50 Paines, ((j9) 210 Painesdale, (C2).... 1,250 Palmer, (D3) 880 Palms, (J8) 300 Palmyra. (H12) 230 Palo, (G9) 330 Paris, (F8) 3.50 Parkington, (E3) .. . 100 Parklake. (F7) 250 Parkville, (Fl 1).... 160 Parma, (Gil) 509 Parshallville. (HIO). 400 Partello, (Gil) 140 Paw Paw, (Fll).... 1,643 Pave, (J 11) 300 Payment, (G2) 100 Pearlbeach, iJlO). Pcarline, (FIO)... Peck,(J9) Pellston, (G4)... .. Penn, (FÍ2) Pentoga, (L4) Pentwater. (E8)... Pcquaming, (C2)., Perkins, (D3) Pcrrinton, (G9) .. Perronville. (D4). Perry, (GIO) .... Peters, (J 10) Petersburg, (HI2). Pctoskey, (G5)... Pewamo, (G9) .. . Phelps, (F5) Pickiord, (G3).... Picrport, (E7).... Pierson, (F9) Pigeon, (H8) Pikes Peak, (Hll). Pinckney, (Hll)... Pinconning, (118). Pinecreek, (Fll)... Pine Grove Mills, (Fll) Pine River. (KB).. Pinerun, (H9) Pinnebog, (H8).... Pipestone, (Ell).. Piitsford, (Gl2)... Plainiield, (GIO).. Plainwell, (Fll)... Pleasant Valley, (G8) Plymouth, (Hll).. Point Mills, (CI). Pokagon, (E12) .. Pomona, (F7).... Pompeii, (G9).... Pontiac, (HIO) ... Portage, (Fll). .. Port Austin, (H7) Port Hope, (J8).. Port Huron, (J9).. Portland. (GIO)... Port Sanilac, (J9).. Posen, (H5) Potterville, (GIO) Powers, (U4) Prairicville, (FIO/ . Prattville. (G12).., Prescott, (H7).... Princeton, (D3)... Prosper, (G7) Frovemont, (F5). . Pulaski, ((jll)...., Pullman, (El 1)... Quimby, (FIO)... Quincy, (Gl 2) Quinnesec, (C4) ... Räber, (G3) Raisinville, (H12). Ramsay, (B3) Ransom, (GI2)... Rapid City, (F6).. Rapid River, (E4). Ravenna, (F9). . .. Ray Center, (JIO). Reading, (G12)... Ready, (H9) Redford, (Hll).... Red Jacket, (CI).. Pedridge, (CI) Reed City, (F8). . Reeman, (E9) . 200 Reese, (H9) 465 . 150 Remus, (F8) 450 . 274 Republic, (C3) 2,400 .1,089 Rexton, (F3) 300 . 120 Richfield, (H9) 120 . 300 Richland, (Fll) 278 .1,129 Richmond, (JIO)...1.277 . 350 Richmondville, (J8). 200 . 400 Richviile, (H9) 250 . 288 Ridgewav, (Hll) 300 . 200 Riga, (H12) 250 . 720 Riggsville, (G4) 200 . 100 Riley, (GIG) 100 . 490 Riley Center, (JIO).. 200 .4,778 Riverdale, (G9).... 400 . 289 Riverrouge, (Hll)..4,163 . 150 Riverside, (Ell).... 150 . 400 Rives Junction, . 160 (Gil) 200 . 183 Robinson, (F9) 150 . 687 Rochester, (HIO)... 1,516 . 210 Rock, (D3) 150 . 477 Rockford, (F9) 843 . 677 Rockland, (B2) 1,000 . 100 Rockwood, (Hll)... 500 Rodney, (F8) 220 . 170 Rogers, (H5) 705 . 200 Romeo, (HlO) 1,787 . 200 Romulus, (H11).... 150 . 200 Roscommon, (G6) .. 425 .. 100 Rosebush, (08) 200 . 450 Rose City, (G7) 542 .. 210 Roseville, (Jll) 500 . 1,493 Rothbury, (E8) 200 Roxana, (GIO) 150 .. 100 RoyalOak, vHll). .1,071 . 1,671 Royalton, (Eli) 100 .. 200 Ruby, (J9) 120 . . 300 Rudyard, (G3) 100 .. 2U0 Rumelv, (D3) 200 . 300 Ruth, (J8) 150 14,532 Saganing, (H8) 300 .. 160 Saginaw, (G9) 50,510 533 Sagola, (C3) 360 344 St. Charles, (G9).... 1,451 18,863 St. Clair, (JIO) 2,633 . 1,832 St. Clair Flats, 216 (Jll) 130 . 263 St. Clair Heights, .. 430 (111) 1,252 .. 520 St. Helen, (G7) 130 . 250 St. Ignace, (G4)...2,118 ,. 300 St. Jacques. (E4)... 300 .. 600 St. Tames, (F4) 500 .. 250 St.Johns,(G9) 3,154 .. 200 St. Joseph. (Ell)...5,936 250 St. Louis, (G9) 1,940 .. 250 Salem, (Hll) 160 .. 100 Saline. (Hll) 816 .. 100 oJJing, (G6) 150 .1,347 Samaria. (HI2) 100 ,.1,000 Sand Lake, (F9).... 370 100 Sands, (D3) 270 .. 120 Sandusky, (J9) 993 .. 150 Sanford. (08) 120 .. 700 Sanilac Center, .. 400 (J9) 610 .. 660 Sans Souci, (JIG) . .. 100 .. 500 Santiago, (FI7) 100 .. 110 Saranac, (FIO) 845 .1,102 SaugaturV, (ElO) 621 .. 550 Sault Sainte Marie, .. 328 (G3) 12,615 .4,211 Sawvcr, (F.12) 300 ,. 400 Schaffer, (D4) 200 .1,690 Schoolcraft, (Fll)... 816 .. 250 Scofield, (Hll) 230 Scotts. (Fll) 3.50 Scottville, (E8) 891 Sears, (F8) 200 Sebewa, (GIO) 300 Sebewaing, (H8).... 1,347 Seney, (E3) 150 Shabbona, (J8) 100 Shaftsburg, (GIO)... 300 Shelby, (E8) 1,260 Shelbyville, (FIO)... 100 Shelldrake, (F2) 100 Shepardsville, (GIO). 150 Shepherd, (G8) 835 Sheridan, vF9) 436 Sherman, (F7) ..... 260 Sherman City, (G8). 250 Sherwood, (F12).. . . 346 Shingleton, (E3).... 100 Sibley, (Hll) 550 Sidnaw, (C3) 130 Sidney, (F9) 100 Sigsbee, (G6) 100 Silverwood, (H9).... 200 Simmons, (F3) 250 Sixlakes, (F9) 280 Skance, (C2) 270 Slocum, (F9) 6(X) Smiths Creek,(JIO).. 100 Smyrna, (F9) 240 Sodus, (Ell) 120 Somerset, (Gl 1) 100 Somerset (Center, (Gil) 200 So. Blendon, (FlO).. 100 So. Boardman, (F6). 600 Southfield. (Hll)... 150 So. Frankfort, (E6).. 681 So. Haven, (Ell)..3,577 So. Lyon, (Hll).... 615 So. Manitou, (E5)... 150 So. Range, (CI). ...1,097 So. Kockwood, (Hl 1) 320 Spalding, ÍD4) 500 Sparta, (F9) 1,203 Spencer, (F6) 200 Spring Arbor, (Gil) 250 Spnnglake, (E9).... 802 Springport, (Gil)... 534 Springville, (Gil)... 120 Springwells, (Hll)..1,500 Spruce, ÍH6) 340 Stambaugh, (C3)...1,322 Standish, (G8) 828 Stanton, (F9) 1,012 Stanwood, (F8) .... 185 Stephenson, (D5),.. 527 Sterling, (G7) 160 Steuben, (E3) 100 Stevensville, (Ell).. 243 Stittsville, (G7). .. , 200 Stockbridge, ( 311).. 663 Stonington, (E4). . . 400 Stormer, (F6) 200 Stratford, (G7) 120 Stronach, (E7) 380 Strongs, (G3) 100 Sturgeon Bay, (F4) . 110 Sturgis, (F12) 3,635 Sullivan. (E9) 100 Summit City, (F6).. 100 Sumner, (G9) 300 Sumnerville, (E12l. 150 Suntield, (GIO) 385 Suttons Bay, (F6) . . 402 Swan Creek, (G9).. . 100 Swartz Creek, (HIO) 140 Tallman, (E8) 100 Tawas City, (H7)...1,061 Taymouth, (H9).... 110 Tebo, (CÎ8J 100 Tecumseh, (G12).. .2,332 Tekonsha, (Fll) . . . 573 Temperance, (H12).. 200 Temple, (G7) 300 Thomas, (HlO) 400 Thonipson, (E4) ... 250 Thompsonville,(E6). 815 Thorice, (G3) 200 Thornville, (HIO)... 250 Three Oaks, (E12).. 1,175 Three Rivers, (F12) 5,072 Tipton, (Gil) 150 Tompkins, (Gil)... 150 Topinabee, (G5).... 100 Torch Lake, (F5)... 100 Tower, (G5) 545 Traverse City, (F6J 12,115 Trenary, (D3) 100 Trent, (F9) 100 Trenton, (Hll)... . 1,224 Trimountain, (CI).. 100 Trout Creek, (C2).. 600 Troutlake, (G3) 250 Trov, (HIO) 110 Trufant, (F9) 390 Turin, (D3) 150 Turner. (H7) 500 Tuscola, (H 9) 26C Tustin, (F7) 3 71 Twining, (H7).... .. 267 Twin Lake, (E9).... 200 Tyre.(J9) 170 Ubly, (J8) 442 Unadilla, (Gil)-... 170 Union, (F12) 130 Union City, (Fll).. 1,340 Union Pier, (E12)... 150 Unionville, (H8) 456 Upton Works, (JIO). 170 Utica, (HIO) 496 Valley Center, (J9) 130 Van. (G4) 200 Vandalia, (F12).... 371 Vanderbilt, (G5) ... 523 Vans Harbor, (E4).. 200 Vassar. (H9) 1,659 Vergennes, (F9).... 100 Vermontville, (GIO). 650 Vernon, (GIO) 435 Verona Mills. (J8). . 130 Vestaburg, (G9).... 440 Vickeryville, (G9).. 180 Vicksburg, (Fll)... 1,624 Victoria, (B2) 400 Viola. (F3) 250 Vogel Center, (G7).. 150 VoUnia, (Fll) 100 Vriesland, (FIO). ... 250 Vulcan, (D4) 1,500 Wacousta, (GIO^ — 200 Wahjamega, (H9)... 100 Wakefield, (B3) 714 Wakelee, (F12)... . 100 Walburg, (H6). .. . 100 Waldenburg, (JIO).. 350 Waldron. (G12).... 435 Wales. (JIO) 130 Walkers Point (04). 200 Walkerville, ÍE8)... 371 Walled I.ake, (HIO). 140 Wallin, (F6) 100 Walloon Lake, (G5). 300 Walton, (F6) 250 Waltz, (Hll) 250 Warren, (HIO) 297 Wasepi, (F12) 100 Washington, (J 10).. 230 W aterford, (HlO)... 250 Waterloo, (Gil).. . . 110 Waters, (G6) 200 Watersmeet, (B3)... 550 Watervliet, (Ell)... 728 Watrou.sville, (H9) 250 Watson, (Fll) 100 Waucedah, (D4).... 250 Waylaud, (FIO).... 725 Wayne, (Hll) 1,263 Weadock, (G4) 130 Webberville, (GIO) . 349 Weidman, (F8). . .. 500 Wells, (D4) 150 W. Bay City, (H8J Pop. inc. in Bay City W. Branch, (G7)... 1,276 Westhaven, (G9) ... 170 W.Highland, (HIO). 100 W.Olive, (ElO) 100 Weston, (G12) 260 Westphalia, (GIO) .. 366 W. Sebewa, (FIO). . 130 W. Sumpter, (Hll). 130 W. Windsor, (GIO) . 260 Westwood, (F6).... 130 Wetmore, (E3) 330 Wetzell, (G6) 250 Wexford, (F7) 250 Wheeler, (G9) 250 Whitecloud, (F8)... 648 Whiteford C^enter, (H12) 100 Whitehall, (E9).... 1,437 White Pigeon, (F12) 667 Whiterock. (J8) 100 Whitmore Lake, (Hll) 350 W'Wtney, (D4) 100 Whittaker, (Hll).. . 100 Whittemore, (H7).. 218 Wildwood, (G5) 130 Williams, (Fll) 120 Williamsburg, (F6) . 300 Williamston, (GtO).1,042 Wiiliamsville, (F12). 150 Willis, (Hll) 110 Willow, (Hll) 100 W'ilmot, (H9) 130 Wilson, (D4) 500 WTnn, (G8) 2.50 Winona, ÍC2) 120 Winters, (E3) 200 Wixon, (HIO) 200 Wolverine, ((j5) .... 794 Woodland, (FIO)... 304 WiK)dmere, (Hll). .5,100 Wood ville, (F8) 250 Worden, (Hin 100 Wyandotte, (Hll)..8,287 Wvman, (G9) 200 Yale,(J9) 1,223 Yalmar, (D3) 150 York, (Hll) ISO Yorkville, (Fll) 180 Ypsilanti, (Hll). • .6,230 Yuma. (F7) ISO Zeeland, (ElO) 1,982 Zilwaukee, (H8).... 920 MINNESOTA Ada, (A3). 1,432 Adams, (E7) 576 Adrian, (B7) 1,112 Afton,(E6) 300 Agder, (A2) 130 Aitkin, (D4) 1.638 Akely, (C3) 2,000 Albany, (CS) 657 Albert Lea, (D7).-. 6,192 Albertville, (D5).-. 250 Albora, (E3) 130 Alden, (D7) 544 Aldrich, (C4) 100 Alexandria, (B5)— 3,001 Alma City, (D7).- 130 Alpha, (C7) 223 Altura, (E6) 200 Alvarado, (A2) 128 Amboy, (CD 435 Annandale, (C5) 624 Anoka, (D5) 3,972 \ppIeton, (B5) 1,221 Arago, (B3) 210 Arco, (A6) 97 Areyle. (A2) 744 Arlington, (C6) 733 Arnold, (E4)_ 400 Ashby, (B4) 334 Atkinson, (E4) 320 Atwater, (C5) 600 Audubon, (B4) 300 Aurora, (E3) 1,919 Austin, (E7) 6,960 Avoca, (B7) 212 Avon, ((J5) 277 Backus, (C4) 184 Badger. (A2) - 395 Bagrey. (B3) 801 Balaton, (B6) 364 Banning, (E4) 149 Barnesville, (A4)..- 1,353 Bamum, (E4) 262 Barr-rt, (B5) 278 Barr- (A5) 105 Bath. (D7) 860 Battle Lake, (B4). _ 567 Baudette, (C2)_ 897 Baylake, (D4) lot Beardsley, (A5). 481 Beaver, (E6) 200 Beaverbay, (F3) 170 Beavercreek, (A7).- 195 Becker. (D5) 210 Belgrade, (C5) 448 Belleplaine, (D6)... 1,204 Bellingham, (A5)-- 1.359 Beltrami, (A3) 149 Belview, (B6)-»--- 290 Bemidji, (C3) 5,099 Bena. (C3) 179 Benson, (B5) 1,677 Benton, (D6) 42 Berg,(D6) 100 Bern, (E6) 100 Bertha, (C4) 296 Bethel, (D5) 221 Bigelow, (B7) — -- 195 Big Falls, (D2) 325 Bigfork,(D3) 167 Big Lake, (D5) 229 Bingham Lake,(B7) 285 Birdlsland, (C6).._ 931 Biwabik, (E3) 1,690 Blackdu.:k. (C3)..- 942 Blakeley, (D6)... - 230 Blooming Prairie, (D7) 854 Blue Earth, (D7)... 2,319 Bluffton, (B4) 148 Borup, (A3). 100 Bovey, (D3) 1,377 Bowlus, (C5) 164 Boyd, (B 6) 431 Braham, (D5) 406 Brainerd, (C4). 8,526 Brandon, (B5) 276 Breckenridge, (A4) 1,840 Brewster, (B7) 311 Bricelyn, (D7) 352 Bronson, (A2) 101 Brookpark, (É5)— 200 Brooks. (B3) 130 Brookston, (E4) 160 Brooten, (B5)---— 562 Browerville, (C4)._ 633 Brownsdale, (E7) - - 264 Brownsville, (F7).- 361 Brownton, (C6). 509 Brown Valley, (A5). 1,058 Bruno, (E4) - 229 Buckman, (D5L_-- 137 Buffalo, (C5) 1.227 A, ffalolake (C6).- 371 Bu- -um, (C5) 217 Butt^.jeld, (C7)..- 377 Byron, (E6) 272 Caledonia, (F7j 1,372 Buhl, (E3D- 1,005 Callaway, (B4) 276 Calumet, (D3)---- 245 Cambridge, (D5)._. 900 Campbell, (A4)..._ 303 Canby, (A6) 1,528 Cannon Falls, (£6). 1,385 Canton, (F7)- 345 Carimona, (E7) 100 Carlos, (B5) 167 Carlton, (E4) 597 Carver, (D6) 571 Cass Lake, (C3)— 2,011 Center City, (E5).. 252 CenterviUe, (D5).-. 200 Ceylon, (C7) 330 Champlin, (D5) 350 Chandler, (B7) 225 Chanhassen, (D6).. 164 Chaska, (D6). 2,050 Chatfield, (E7) 1,228 Ciisago (^ity, (E5). 276 Chisholm, (E3) 7,684 Chokio,(A5) 328 Clara City, (B6)... 587 Claremont, (E6) 275 Clarissa. (C4) 364 Clarkfield, (B6).... 603 Clear Lake, (D5)... 263 Clearwater, (C5).-. 311 Clements, (C6) 132 Cleveland, (D6)— 212 Climax, (A3) 269 Clinton, (A5) 384 ClitheraU, (B4) 187 Clontarf, (B5) 153 Cloquet, (E4) 7,031 Cobden, (C6) 87 Cohasset, (D3) 521 Cokato,(C5) 718 Coldspring, (C5)— 594 Coleraine, (D3) 1,613 Collegeville (C5)... 100 Cologne, (D6) 390 Columbia Heights, (D5) 590 Comfrey, (B6) 238 Comstock, (A4) 200 Concord, (E6) 130 Correll, (A5) 102 Cort, (D3) 100 Costin, (D4) 231 Cottage Grove,(E6) 130 Cotton, (E3) 240 Cottonwood, (B6).. 770 Courtland, (C6)... 208 Cromwell, (E4) 143 Crookston, (A3).-. 7,559 Crystal Bay, (D6).- 160 Culver, (E4) 220 Carrie, (B6) 329 Cyrus, (B5) 272 Dakota, (F 7) 150 Dalton, (B4) 175 Danube, (B6) 217 Danvers, (B5) 215 Darfur, (C6) 72 Dassel, (C5) 643 Dawson, (A6) 1,318 Dayton, (D5) 343 Deep Haven, (D6)- 234 Deercreek, (B4) 313 Deer River, (D3)-- 900 Deerwood, (D4)..- 586 Degraff, (B5)..---- 215 Delano, (D5) 1,031 Delavan, (C7) 284 Delhi, (B6) 159 Dennison, (E6) 184 Dent, (B4) 244 Detroit, (B4)._---- 2,807 Dexter, (E7) 281 Dilworth, (A4) 500 Dodge Center, (E6) 957 Donaldson, (A2)— 132 Donnelly, (A5) 276 Doran, (A4)—93 Dover, (E7) 233 Dresbach, (F7) 174 Dresselville, (D6).. 130 Drummond, (F3) 100 Duluth, (F4) 78,466 Dumfries, (E6) 100 Dumont, (A5) 188 Dundas, (D6).---- 357 Dundee, (B7) 175 Dunnell, (C7) 170 Eagle Bend, (C4).. 551 Eagle Lake, (D6).. 231 Eait Grand Forks, (A3) 2,533 Easton, (D7) 262 East St. Cloud, (C5) 600 Echo, (B6) 430 Eden Valley. (C5).. 740 Edgerton, (A7).... 381 Edina Mills, (D6).. 1,191 Eitzen. (F7) 110 Elba, (E6) 151 Elbow Lake, ÍA5)-- 776 Elgin, (E6) 324 Elizabeth, (A4).... 169 Elk River, (D5).-. 859 Elkton, (E7) 86 Ellendale, (D7) 261 Ellsworth, (B7).... 536 Elmore, (C7) 795 Ely, (F3) 3,572 Elysian, (D6) 345 Emmons, (D7) 223 Erhard, (A4) 100 Erskine, (B3) 324 Euclid, (A3) 140 Eureka, (D6) 100 Evan, (C6) 112 Evansville, (B4) 389 Eveleth, (E3) 7,036 Excelsior, (D6) 1,015 Eyota, (E6) 423 Fairfax, (06) 815 Fair Haven, (CS).. 160 Fairmont, (C7) 2,958 FaU Lake, (E4).... 426 Faribault, (D6) 9,001 Farley, (C3) 43 Farmington, (D6)._ 1,024 Farris, (C3) 143 Farwell, (B5) 141 Feeiey, (D3) 300 Felton, (A3) 149 Fergus Falls. (B4).. 6,887 Fertile, (A3) 614 Finlayson, (D4) 186 Fisher. (A3) 328 Floodwood, (D4)., 481 Florence, (A6) 120 Foley, (D5) 710 Fond du Lac, (E4). 350 Forada, (B5) 66 Forest City, (C5)-- 150 Forestlake, (E5)— 540 Foreston, (D5) 204 Fort Snelling, (D6). 800 Fosston, (B3) 1,075 Fountain, (E7) 321 Fowlds, (C3) 39 Foxhome, (A4) 206 Franklin. (06) 439 Frazee, (B4) 1,645 Freeborn, (D7) 130 Freep>ort, (CS) 450 Fridley, (D5) 200 Frontenac, (E6) 280 Frost, (D7) 138 Fulda, (B7) 743 Funkley, (03) 59 Garden City, (06). 290 Garfield, (B5) 160 Garvin, (B6D 120 Gary, (A3) 251 Gaylord, ÍC6) 610 Geneva, (D7)....- 140 Gentllly, (A3) 100 Georgetown, (A3).. 182 Ghent, (B6) 210 Gibbon (C6) 533 Gilbert, (E4) 1,700 Gilman, (05) 120 Gladstone, ÍD6) 500 Glencoe, (C6) 1,788 Glenville, (D7) 368 Glenwood, (B5) 2,161 Glyndon, (A4) 295 Golden Valley, (D5) 692 Goodhue, (E6) 408 Good Thunder,(D6) 419 Gordonsville, (D7). 140 Gracevilie, (A5) 987 Granada, (C7) 333 Grand FaCs, (D2).. 100 Grand Marais, (F2) 355 Grand Meadow, (E7) 552 Grand Portage, (G2) 100 Grand Rapids, (D3) 2,230 Granger, (E7) 120 Granite FaUs, (B6). 1.454 Grasston, (D5) 189 Greenbush, (A2)... 274 Green Isle, ((^6) 256 Grey Eagle, (C5).. 378 Grove City, (05). - 351 Grove Lake, (BS).. 140 Hackensack, (C4).. 84 Hadley, (B7) 136 HaUock, (A2) 910 HaUtad, (A3) 494 Hamburg, (D6)— 153 Hamilton, (D6)... 271 Hammond, (E6) 241 Hampton, (E6) 190 Hancock, (B5) 524 Hanley Falls, (B6). 275 Hanover, (D5) 267 Hanska, (C6) - 310 Hardwick, (A7) 292 Harmony, (£7) 655 Harris, (E5) 673 Hartland, (D7)-... 227 Hastings, (E6) 3,983 Hawley, (A4) 800 Hayfield, (E7) 586 Hazelrun, (B6) 121 Hector, (C6) 866 Heidelberg, (D6)... Ill Henderson, (C6) 753 Hendricks, (A6) 406 Hendrum, (A3) 355 Henning, (B4). 603 Herman, (A5) 604 Heron Lake, (B7)-- 803 Hewitt, (C4) 322 Hibbing, (D3) 8.832 High Forest, (E7).. 127 HiU City, (D4) 220 Hills, (A7) 398 Hinckley, (E4) 673 Hitterdal, (A4) 170 Hoffman, (B5) 391 Hokah, (F7)? 400 Holdingford, (CS).. 276 Holland, (A6) 293 Holloway, (BS) 215 Holman, (D3) 88 Holmes City, (B5). 100 Homer, (F6) 100 Hopkins, (D6). 3,200 Houston, (F7) 700 Hovland, (G2) 220 Howard Lake, (C5) 626 Hubbard, (B4) 300 Hugo, (D5) 264 Humboldt, (A2) 130 Huntley, (C7) ISO Hutchinson, (C6).- 2,368 Independence, (É4) 100 International Falls, (D2)._ 1,487 Invergrove, (D6).._ 200 lona, (B7) 300 Iron Junction, (E3). 76 Isanti, (D5) 316 Island Lake, (C3).. 41 Ivanhoe, (A6) 484 Jackson, (C7) 1,907 Janesville. (D6)_..- 1,173 Jasper, (A7) 704 Je^rs, (B6) 227 Jenkins, (C4) 130 Johnson, (A5) 192 Jordan, (D6) 1,151 Kalavala, (E4) 100 Kandiyohi, (CS) 185 Karlstad, (A2) 138 Kasota, (D6). 700 Kasson, (E6) 932 Keewatin, (D3). 695 Kelliher, (C3) 294 Kellogg, (E6) 372 Kelsey, (E3) 100 Kennedy, (A2) 232 Kenneth, (A7) 100 Kensington, (B5).. 244 Kent, (A4) 238 Kenyon, (D6) 1,237 Kerkhoven, (B5)... 432 Kiester, (D7) 258 Kilkenny, (D6) 208 Kimball, (C5) 312 Kinbrae, (B7) 137 Kingston, (C5) 250 Kinney, (E3) 800 Knife River, (F4).. 491 Lac qui Parle, (B5). 100 La Crescent, (F7).- 372 Lafayette, (C6) 195 Lake Benton, (A6). 844 Lake City, (E6) 3,142 Lake Crystal, (C6).. 1,055 Lakefield, (B7) 924 LakeFremont, (D5) 175 Lakeland, (E6) 400 Lake Park, (A4)..- 740 Lakeville. (D6).... 385 Lake Wilson, (BT). 219 Lambert, (B3) 109 Lamberton, (B6).- 652 Lancaster, (A2)— 204 Lanesboro, (E7) 987 Lansing, (D7) 100 Laporte, (C3) 140 Laprairie, (D3) 48 Lengby, (B3) 167 Leroy. (£7).. 702 Lester Prairie, (C6). 420 Lesueur, (D6) 1,755 Lesueur Center, (D6) 741 Lewiston, (F7).--- 473 Lewisville, (C7)— 218 Lexington, (D6)..- 100 Lindstrom, (E5)— 522 Lismore, (BÙ 268 Litchfield. (C5)-... 2,333 Little Falls, (CS)... 6,078 Little Fork (D2)... 104 Long Lake, (D6)— 161 INDEX OF THE UNITED STATES (MIN NESOT A—MISSISSIPPI) 153 Long Prairie, (C5).. 1,250 Longville, (C3) 100 Lonsdale, (D6) 271 Louisburg, (A5) 88 Lowry, (Ü5) 252 Lucan, (B6) 98 Luce, (B4) 139 Luverne, (A7) 2,540 Lyle, (E7) 552 Lynd, (B6) 200 McGregor, (D4) 126 Mcintosh, (B3) 634 McKinlev, (E3) 411 Mabel. (F7) 549 Madelia, (C6) 1,273 Madison, (A5) 1,811 Madison Lake,(D6) 335 Magnolia, (B7) 189 Mahnomen, (B3)-_ 796 Mallard, (B3) 78 Manitoba Junction, (A4) 210 Mankato, (D6) 10,365 Mantorville, (E6)410 Maplebay, (A3) 110 Maplelake, (D5) 522 Maple Plain, (D5)- 230 Mapleton, (C^7) 809 Marble, (D3) 887 Marietta, (AS) 338 Marine Mills, (E5). 491 Marshall. (B6) 2,152 Mayer, (D6) 161 Maynard, (B6) 386 Mazeppa, (E6) 4U Medford, (D6) 140 Meiregrove, (C5) 163 Melrose, (C5) 2,591 Menahga, (B4) 346 Mendota, (D6) 245 Mentor, (A3) 222 Meriden, (D6) 100 Mesaba, (E3) 84 Middle River, (A2). 149 Midway, (E4) 100 Milaca, (DS) 1,102 Milan, (B5) 468 Millerville, (B4) 150 MiilviUe, (E6).,-.- 156 Milroy, (B6) 137 Minneapolis, (D6)301,408 Minneiska, (F6) 395 Minneota, (A6) 819 Minnesota City, (F6) 211 Minnesota Lake, (Ü7) 445 Minnetonka, (D6). 110 Minnetonka Beach, (D6) 166 Mizpah, (C3) 149 Molde, (F4) 100 Monterey, (C7) 177 Montevideo, (B6).. 3,056 Montgomery, (D6). 1,267 Monticello, (D5).-- 858 Montrose, (D5) 284 Moorhead, (A4) 4,840 Mooselake, (E4) 526 Mora. (D5) 892 Morgan, ((i)6) 553 Morris, (B5) 1,685 Morristown, (D6).. 592 Morton, (C6) 761 Motley. (C4) 428 Mound, (D6) 300 Mountain Lake, (B7) 1,081 Mount Iron, (£3).. 1,343 Munger, (E4) 150 Murdock, (B5) 288 Nary, (C3) 49 Nashua, (A4) 271 Nashwauk, (D3)..- 2,080 Nassau, (A5) 213 Nelson, (B5) 157 Nerstrand, (E6) 292 Nevis, (04) 238 New Auburn, (06), 261 New Brighton, (D5) 375 New Duluth, (E4)._ 800 Newfolden, (A2) 200 New Germany, (06) 210 New London, (B5)- 418 New Market, (D6), 901 New Munich, (05). 190 Newport, (E6) 370 New Prague, (D6).. 1,554 New Richland,(D7) 685 New Trier, (E6)... 144 New Ulm, (06) 5,648 New York Mills,(B4; 474 Nicollet, (06) 338 Nielsville, (A3) 100 Norcross, (A5) 177 Northbranch, (ES). 642 Northfield, (D6) 3,265 North Mankato, (06) 1,279 Northome. (03) 206 North Prairie, (05). 100 NorthRedwood,(B6) 143 North Saint Paul, (D5) 1,404 Norwood, (06) 522 Nymore, (03) 834 Oakland, (D7) 110 Odessa, (A5) 235 Odin, (07) 139 Ogema, (A3) 171 Ogilvie, (D5). 270 OKvia, (B6).960 Onamia, (D4) 314 Orleans, (A2) 100 Ormsby, (07) 112 Oronoco, (E6) 220 Ortonville, (A5) 1,774 Osakis, (B5). 1,013 Oslo, (A2) 344 Osseo, (D5) 390 Ostrander, (E7) 180 Ottawa, (D6) 240 Ottertail, (B4) 176 Owatonna, (D6) 5,658 Parkers Prairie, (B4) 383 Park Rapids, (04) _ 1,801 PaynesviUe, (05) 901 Pelan, (A2) 150 Pelican Rapids,(A4)l,019 Pemberton, (D7).. 100 Pennock, (B5) 189 Pequot, (04) 260 Perham, (B4) 1,376 Perley, (A3) 188 Peterson, (F7) 266 Petrell, (E3) 250 Philbrook, (04) 100 Pickwick, (F7) - 150 Pierz, (05) 545 Pike, (E3) 100 Pillager, (04) 216 Pine City, (E5) 1,258 Pine Island, (E6)., 834 Pine River, (04) 329 Pipestone, (A7) 2,475 Plainview, (E6). 1,175 Plato, (06) 238 Plummer, (B3) 139 Porter, (A6) 253 Potsdam, (E6) 100 Powers, (D3) 300 Preston, (E7) 1,193 Princeton, (D5) 1,555 Prior Lake, (D6)... 162 Proctor, (E4) 2,243 Prosper, (F7) 100 Racine, (E7) 230 Rainy Lake Oity, (D2) 25 Randall, (04) 195 Randolph, (E6) 182 Ranier, (D2) 190 Raymond, (B5) 334 Reading, (B7) 120 Redby, (03) 92 Red Lake FaUs,(A3) 1,757 Red Wing, (E6) 9,048 Redwood Falls,(B6) 1,666 Reeds, (E6) 280 Reno, (F7) 110 Renvüle, (B6) 1,182 Revere, (B6) 134 Rice, (05) 262 Richdale, (B4) 150 Richfield, (D6) 2,673 Richland, (D6) 100 Richmond, (05) 563 Rich Valley, (D6).- 100 Richville, (B4) 255 Robbinsdale, (D5)- 765 Rochester, (E6) 7,844 Rockcreek, (E5)... 150 Rockford, (D5) 287 Rockville, (05)* 127 Rollingstone, (F6)_ 205 Ronneby, (D5) 132 Roosevelt, (B2). 252 Roscoe, (05) 130 Roseau, (B2) 644 Rose Creek, (E7)-, 202 Rosemount, (D6).. 238 Rothsay, (A4) 343 Round Lake, (B7). 237 Royallon, (05) *»76 Rush Oity, (E5) 964 Rushford (city), (F7) 1,011 Rushford (village). 686 Rushmore, (B7)-., 237 Russell, (B6) 262 Ruthton, (A6) 290 Rutledge, (E4) 89 Sabin, (A4) 300 Sacred Heart, (B6). 587 Saint Bonifacius,(D6) 275 Saint Charles, (E7) 1,159 Saint Clair, (06)... 323 Saint Cloud, (05)..10,600 Saint Francis, (D5). 370 Saint Hilaire, (A2). 468 Saint James, (06).. 2,102 Saint Joseph, (05) . 706 Saint Louis Park, (D6) 1,743 Saint Martin, (05) - 177 Saint Michael, (D5) 401 Saint Michael Sta¬ tion, (D5) 222 SAINTPAUL, (E6) 214,744 Saint Paul Park, (E6) 832 Saint Peter, (06). 4,176 Saint Vincent, (A2) 328 Sanborn, (B6) 462 Sandstone, (E4) 1,818 Sargeant, (E7) 76 Sartell, (05) 240 Sauk Center, (05) . 2,154 Sauk Rapids, (05). 1,745 Savage, (D6) 100 Scanlon, (E4) 572 Seaforth, (B6) 158 Sebeka, (B4) 428 Sedan, (B5) 127 Sellwood, (F3X--.- 100 Shakopee, (D6) 2,302 Shelly, (A3) 195 Sherburn, (07) 814 Shevlin, (B3) 172 Shieldsville, (06).. 100 Silver Lake, (06) _ _ 382 Skibo, (F3)_ 200 Slayton, (B7) 850 Sleepy Eye, (06)... 2,247 Solway, (B3) 85 South Haven, (05). 287 South Park, (D6).. 500 South Saint Paul, (D6) 4.510 South Stillwater, (E5) 1,343 Sparta, (E3) 1,050 Spicer, (05) 228 Spooner, (02) 668 Springfield, (B6) 1,482 Springgrove, (F7L- 620 Springhill, (05) 100 Spring Lake, (D5).. 200 Springpark, (D6).. 100 Spring Vale, (D5)-- 100 Spring Valley, (E7). 1,817 Staples, (04) 2,558 Starbuck, (B5) 497 Steen, (A7) 100 Stephen, (A2) 618 Stevenson, (D3) 200 Stewart, (06) 412 Stewartville, (E7).. 794 Stillwater, (E5)---10,198 Stockton, (F6) 100 Sturgeon Lake,(E4) 183 Sundby, (E4) 200 Sunrise, (E5).-_..- 130 Swanville, (05) 397 Taconite, (D3) 549 Taopi, (E7) - 140 Taunton, (A6). 205 Taylor's Falls, (E5) 454 Tenney, (A4) 185 Tenstrike, (03) 250 Terrebonne, (A3)._ 200 Thief River Falls, (A2) 3,714 Thomson, (E4) 169 Tintah, (A5) 217 Tonka Bay, (E6).. 107 Torah, (05) 660 Tower, (E3) 1,111 Tracy, (B6) 1,876 Triumph, (07) 243 Trosky, (A7) 181 Truman, (07) 451 Turtle River, (03). 108 Twin Valley, (A3).. 543 Two Harbors, (F3). 4,990 Tyler, (A6) 614 Ulen, (A3) 438 Underwood, (B4).. 150 Utica, (F7)._ 172 Valley Creek, (Eó). 130 Vasa, (E6). 200 Verdi, (A4) 150 Vergas, (B4) 237 Vermillion, (D6) 161 Verndale, (B4) 538 Vernon Center, (07) 289 Veseli, (D6).. 300 Vesta, (B6) 243 ViUard, (B5) 260 Vining, (B4) 212 Viola, (E6) 140 Virginia, (E3) 10,473 Wabasha, (E6) 2,622 Wabasso, (B6) 343 Waconia, (D6) 817 Wadena, (B4) 1,820 Wahkon, (D4). 260 Waite Park, (C;5).- 406 Walker, (03) 917 Walnut Grove, (B6) 366 Walters, (D7) 103 Waltham, (E7) 170 Wanamingo, (E6). 120 Wanda, (B6) 129 Warren, (A2). 1,613 Warroad, (B2) 927 Warsaw, (D6) 150 Waseca, (D6) .3,054 Washington, (E7).- 100 Wasioja, (E6) 140 Waterford, (D6) 150 Watertown, (D6).. 465 Waterville, (D6) 1,273 Watkins, (05) 366 Watson. (B5) 152 Waubun, (B3) 230 Waverly, (05) 460 Wayzata, (D6) 492 Weaver, (F6) 140 Welcome, (07) 543 Wells. (D7) 1,755 WendeÜ, (B4) 175 Wesely, (D6) 235 Westbrook, (B6) 429 West Concord, (E6) 584 West Minneapolis, (D6).__ 3,022 West Saint Paul, (D6)._ 2.660 West Union, (B5)-- 161 Whalan, (E7) 121 Wheatland, (D6).. 85 Wheaton, (A5) 1,300 White Bear Lake, (D5) 1,505 White Earth, (B3) - 350 Wüder, (B7) 95 Willmar, (05) 4,135 Willow River, (E4). 212 Wilmont, (B7) 258 Wilt-on, (03). 215 Windom, (B7) 1,749 Winger, (B3) 150 Winnebago, (07)... 1,554 Winona, (F6) 18,583 Winsted, (06) 296 Winthrop, (06) 1,043 Winton, (F3) 430 Witoka, (F7) ISO Wolverton, (A4) 150 Woodlake, (B6) 292 Woodstock, (A7).. 226 Worthington, (B7)_ 2,385 Wrenshall, (E4) 100 Wykoff, (E7) 456 Wyoming, (E5). 207 Young America, .(D6) 303 Zimmerman, (DS).. 150 Zumbro Falls, (E6) 208 Zumbrota, (£6) 1,138 MISSISSIPPI Abbevüle, (E2) 243 Aberdeen, (H3) 3,7U8 Ackerman, (F4)... .1,398 Acona, (L)4) 150 Adair, (D4) 250 Agricultural College, (G4) 200 Airey, (F9) 110 Albertson, (F7) 328 Alcorn, (37) 600 Algoma, (F2) 152 Ailigator, (02) 200 Alonzo, (D6) 100 Amacker, (E9) 150 Amory, (H3) 2,122 Anding, (D5) 150 Anguilla, (05) 500 Arbo, (E7) 200 Arcadia, (B5) 300 Areola, (04) 512 ArkabutLa, (Dl) 217 Artesii, (G4), 535 Ashland, (Fl) 146 Aüanta. (F3) 100 Austin, (Dl) 105 Baird, (C3) 192 Baldwyn, (G2) 787 Banks, (Dl) 300 Banner, (F2) 116 Barlow, (07) 171 Bassfield, (E8) 344 Uatesville, (E2) 774 Baxterville, (E8)— 200 BaySt. Louis, (Fl0)3,388 Bay Springs. (F7)... 836 Beaumont, (G8). — 250 Beauregird, (D7).. . 240 Beiden, (G2) 220 Belen, (D2) 193 Bellefontaine, (F3).. 160 Belle Prairie, (D4).. 350 Belmont, (HI) 367 Bel/oni, (04) 1,059 Benoit, (03) 412 Benton. (D5) 2D0 Benconia, (D5) 180 Berclair, (D4) ISO Beulah, (B3) 369 Bexley, (G9) 150 Bigbee, (H2) 100 Bigbee Valley, (H4)- 100 Biloxi, (GIO) 8,049 Binnsville, (H5) 500 Birmingham, (G2).. 180 Black Hawk, (D4).. 140 Blaine, (03) 150 Blue Lake, (D3) 2U0 Blue Mountain,(Gl) 650 Blue Springs, (G2).. 167 Bogue Oliitto, (D8) . 841 Bolivar, (B3) 120 Bolton, (D6) 632 Bond, (F9) 536 Bonhomie, (F8) 300 Booneville, (Gl).... 1,337 Booth, (05) 250 Bordeaux, (FIO).... 100 Boyd, (D8) 250 Boyle, (03) 444 Bradley, (04) 100 Brandon, (E6) 720 Braxton. ÍD6) 286 Brazelia, (H4) 110 Brevoort, (05) 100 Brookhaven, (D7) .5.293 Brooklyn, (F8) 200 Brookville, (G4).. .. 850 Bucatunna, (G7).... 421 Buena Vista, (G3). .231 Burnsvüle, (Hl).... 336 Byhalia, (El) 511 Bynum, (E8) 100 Caledonia, (H3). ... 137 Calhoun Oity, (F3) . 477 Camden, (E5) 170 Canton, (i)5) 3,929 Carolina, (B5) 110 Carpenter, (06).... 150 Garriere, (E9) 200 Carroll ton, (D4) 608 Carson, (E7) ISO Carthage, (E5) 315 Cascilla, (D3) 85 Oato, (E6) 180 Cedar Bluff, (G3)... 216 Oenterville, (B8) 865 Chancy, (D2) 250 Charleston, (D2)... 1,834 Cherry Creek, (F2).. 100 Chester, (F4) 62 Chesterviile, (G2)... 130 Ohotard, (05) 100 Ohritton, (02) 250 Chulahoma, (El) 100 Chunky, (F6) 280 Clarksburg, (E6).... 100 Clarksdale, (D2)...4,079 Clarkson, (F3) 100 Claude, (E8) 200 Cleveland, (03).... 1,001 OliftonvUle, (H4)... 100 Clinton, (D6) 767 CloverhUl, (D2) 230 Clyde, (E8) 100 Coahoma, (02) 211 Cockrum, (El) 150 Coffeeville, (E3).... 421 Ooldwater, (El) 774 Coles, (08) 100 Collins, (E7) 2,581 Columbia. (E8) 2,029 Columbus, (H3).. ..8,988 Oomo, (El) 905 Conehatta, (F6) 152 Oooperville, (E6). .. 100 Coral, (E8) 100 Corinth, (Hi) 5,020 Cotton Plant, (Gl).. 110 Oouriland, (E2). ... 304 Craig, (05) 500 Oravriord, (G4) 396 Crenshaw, (D2). . .. 358 Crossroads, (G9) 300 Cruger, (D4) 100 Crystal Sprs, (07).1,343 Cude, (D4) 150 Dahomy, (B3) 100 Daleville, (G5) 100 Dancy, (F3) 143 Darden, (F2) 200 Darling, (D2) 150 Decatur, (F6) 283 Deesen, (02) 100 Dekalb, (G5) 250 DeLUIe, (FIG) 100 Dmnis, (HI) 147 Derma, (F3) 383 De Soto, (G7) 240 Dixon. 0^5) 110 Dio-, (E7). 284 Doddsville, (D3) ... 200 Donavan, (G9) 100 Drew, (03) 278 Dry Grove, (06).... 250 Dublin. (102) 150 Duck Hill, (E3) 499 Dumas, (Gl) 130 Duncan, (02) 284 Duncansby, (B5). .. 180 Dundee, (UI) 150 Durant, (£4) 1,881 Eastside, (H1Ü) 819 Ebenezer, (05) 130 Ecru, (F2) 475 Eddiceton, (08). ... 350 Eden, (D5) 176 Edinburg, (FS) 250 Edith, (H8) 100 Edwards, (06) 589 Egypt, (G3) 110 Elarbee, (F9) 250 Elliott, (E3) 161 Ellisville, (F7) 2,446 Elizey, (F3) 110 Elwood, (G6) 200 Endville, (G2) 450 Enid, (Ë2) 191 Enterprise, (G6) 877 Epps, (F8) 290 Essex, (D2) 100 Estabutchie, (F8)... 631 Ethel, (F4) 400 Eudora, (Dl) 110 Eupora, (F3) 896 Evmsville, (Dl).... 100 Fairport, (G4). 100 Fair River, (D7).... 100 Falcon, (D2) 130 Falkner, (Gl) 148 Fannin, (E6) 200 Farrell, (02) 250 Fayette, (B7) 775 Fearns Springs,(G4). 130 Fentress, (F4) 67 Flora, (U5) 747 Florence, (D6) 260 Forest, (E6) 1,136 Fort .'\dams, (A8)... 133 French Camps, (F4). 220 Friar Point, (02)., . 875 Fulton, (H2) 194 GainesvUle, (ElO) 150 Gallman, (D7) 188 Gandsi, (E7) 232 Garlandville, (F6)... 100 Gattman, (H3) 155 Gautier, (GlO) 100 Geeville, (Gl) 200 Gibson, (G3) 200 Gilford, (G7) 165 Gillsburg, (08) 200 Gitano, (F7) 100 Glen Allen. (B4) 2.50 Glendora, (D3) 207 G oster, (08) 1,486 Gluckstadt, (D6). .. 100 Golden, (Hl) 209 Good Hope, (ES). .. 200 Goodman, (E5) 603 Grand Gulf, (B6)... 200 Graysport, (E3) 1,409 Green Grove, (02).. 400 Greenville, (B4) 9,610 Greenwood. (D3).. 5,836 Grenada, (E3) 2 814 Gulf. (G8) 250 Gulfport, (FIO)... .6 386 Gunnison. (03) 515 Guntown. (G2) 330 Hale, (G7) 100 Hamburg, (B7) 234 Bandsboro, (GIO)... 907 Hardy Station, (E3). 166 Ilariel, (F9) 100 Harperville, (E6). .. 179 Harriston, (07) 253 Hattiesburg, (F8) .11,733 Hazlehurst, (D7).. 2,056 Heidelberg, (G7).... 477 Hermanville, (07). . 300 Hernando, (El) 660 Hickman, (E8) 150 Hickory, (G6) 600 Hickory Flat, (Fl).. 261 Highlandale, (133) .. 200 Highpoint, (F4). ... 104 Hilisboro, (E6) 180 Hinchcüíf, (Ü2).. .. 100 Hiwannee, (G7). . .. 217 Holcomb, (D3) 152 Hollandale, (04) 481 Holly Ridge, (04)... 163 Holly Springs, (El)2,192 Hollywood, (Dl).... 300 Home Park, (D5)... 150 Homewood, (F6).... 100 Horn L.ike, (El). 200 Iloulka, (G2) 389 Houston, (F3) 1,400 Howard, (D4) 120 Howison, (F9) 400 Hub, (E8) 200 Hurl-y, (H9) 120 Huron, (08) 100 Inda, (F9) 300 Independence, (El). 106 Indianola, (04). ...1,098 Ingomar, (F2) 234 Inverness, (04) 221 Isola, (04) 478 Ittabena, (D4) 1,427 luka. (Hi) 1.221 lAOKSON, (D6) 21.262 Jacobs, (B7) 500 Jessie, (E5) 150 Johnstons Station, (08) 170 Jonestown, (D2).... 360 Keel, (F2) 1,000 Kendrick, (HI). 100 Kilmichael, (E4).... 380 Kiln, (FIO) 150 Kipling, (G5) 200 Kirkville, (H2) 500 Knoxville, (B8) 168 Kola, (E7) 100 Kosciusko, (E4)... .2,385 Kossuth, (Gl) 193 Ladner, (F9) 130 Lafavette Springs, (F2) 140 T.ake, (F6) 429 Lake Como, (F7). .. 150 Lakeshore, (ElO). .. 200 Lamar, (Fl) 75 I.^mbert, (D2) 573 I.atonia, (H9) 200 Lauderdale, (H5) 500 Laurel, (F7). 8,465 Lawrence, (Fó) 200 Leaf, (G8) 100 Leakesville, (G8). .. 466 Learned. (06) 134 Leland, (04) 1,547 Lena, (E5) 200 I./eota Landing, (B4). 300 I^exington. (E4) .. .2,428 Liberty, (08) 556 Little Springs, (08). 200 Lizana, (F9) 150 Lockhart. (Gó) 100 Ix)gtown, (ElO) 650 Long Beach, (FIG).. 1,026 Longtown, (Dl).... 250 Longview, (G4) 190 Lorena, (F6) 200 Lorenzen, (05) 150 Lorraine, (FIO) 150 Louin, (F6) 523 Louise. (D5) 69 Louisville, (F4)... .1,181 Love Station, (El) 108 Lucedale, (G9) 797 Lucien, (D7) 153 Ludlow, (E5) 150 Lula, (D2) 160 Lximberton, (E9)...2,122 Lyman, (FIO) 100 Lynn Creek, (G4)... 100 Lyon, (D2) 223 I.ytal, (Ol) 200 McOall Creek, (07). ISO McOomb, (08) 6,237 McOool, (F4) 422 McHenry, (F9) 627 MaLain, (G8) 250 McLaurin, (F8) 500 McNair, (07) 200 McNeill, (E9) 300 Maben, (F3) 539 Macon, (G4). 2,024 Madison Station, (D6) 450 Magee, (E7) 685 Magnolia, (D8).... 1,823 Malcum, (D7) 100 Mantachie, (H2).... 161 Mantee, (F3) 222 Marathon, (04).. .. 300 Marie, (03) 200 Marietta, (HI) 146 Marion Station,(G6) 150 Marks, (D2) 670 Martin, (07) 151 Mashuiaville. (G4). . 150 Matagorda, (02).... 500 Mathiston, (F3).... 576 Mayer^ville, (B5)... 185 Mayhew, (G4) 180 MeadvUle. ((¿8) 260 Meehan Jc, (G6).. . 100 Mendenhall, (E7). .. 606 Meridian, (G6)... .23,285 Merigold, (03) 241 Merrill, (G9) 328 Michigan City, (Fl). 54 Mico, (F7) 400 Midnight, (D4) 200 Millard, (E9) 200 Miller (El) 150 Minter City, (D3). . 300 Mish, (E7) 100 Mississippi City, (FIO) 500 Mize, (E7) 321 Monticello, (D7).... 450 ^lontpolier, (G3). . . 100 Montrose, (F6) 427 Mworhead, (D4).... 506 Morton, (E6) 374 Moselle, (F7) 241 Moss, (F7) 150 Moss Point, (GIO)..3,054 Mound Bavou, (03). 537 Mt. Carmel, (E7)... 200 Mt.Olive, (E7).... 1,077 Mt. Pleasant, (El).. 130 Muldon, (G3) 300 Mullonville, (E5)... 100 Myrtle, (Fl) 255 Napanee, (04) 300 Natchez, (B7)... .11,791 Nesbitt, (El) 122 Neshoba, (F5) 200 Nettleton, (G2) 733 New Albany, (F2). 2,032 New Augusta, (F8) . 400 New Hebron, (1)7).. 191 Newton, (F6) 1,878 Newtonia, (B8) 200 Nicholson. (E9) 348 Nola, (D7) 130 Norlield, (08). 889 No. Carrollton, (E3) 302 No. Greenwood, (D3) 269 Noxapater, (F4). 311 Nugent, (FIO) 100 Oakland. (F.2) 351 Oak Vale, (E8) 298 Ocean Springs, (GIO) 1,472 Odile, (E8) 100 Ofahoma, (E5) 100 Okoloiia, (G2) 2,584 Olive Branch, (El).. 221 Oma Station, (D7).. 100 Ora, (E7) 462 Orange Grove, (HlO) 100 Orvisburg, (F9) 187 Osyka, (08) 824 Ovett, (G8) 383 Owens, (E4) 130 Oxford, (F2) 2,014 Pace, (03) 100 Pachuta, (G6) 187 Paden, (HI) 186 Paris, (F2) 137 Pascagoula, (HlO). 3,379 Pass Christian, (FIO) 2,458 Paulding, (F6) 150 Pearlhaven, (D7)... 499 Pearlington, (ElO).. 300 Pelahatchee, (E6)... 943 Penton, (Dl) 100 Percy, (04) 200 Perkinston, (F9).... 3 50 Perthshire, (03) 400 Pheba, (G3) 282 Philadelphia, (B'S).. 1,209 Philipp, (D3)....... 200 Picayune. (E9) 846 Pickens, (1)5) 619 Pine Bur, (E8) 250 Finóla, (D7) 241 Pittman, (E8) 150 Pittsborc, (F3) 249 Plantersville, (G2).. 165 Pleasant Hill, (El).. 182 Pocahontas, (D6) .. 130 Pontotoc, (F2) 1,277 Pope, (E2) 163 Poplar Springs, (G2) 53 Poplarvifle, (F9). .. 1,272 Port Gibson, (B7)..2,252 Potosi, (05) 500 Potts Camp, (Fl) .. 312 Prairie, (G3) 160 Prairie Point, (H4).. 250 Prentiss, (E7) 640 PulaskL (E6) 280 Purvis. CF8) 724 Quitman, CG6) 950 Raleigh, (E6) 300 Randolph, (F2)... . 162 Rara Avis, (H2) 150 Raymond. (06). ... 579 RecliLse, (F9) 100 Reform, (F4) 114 Richburg, (F8) 200 Richton, (GS) 1,250 RidgeUnd, (D6).... 158 Rienzi, (Gl) 434 Ripley, (Fl) 767 Robinsonville, (Dl). 300 Rodney, (B7) 338 Rolling Fork, (05). 1,000 Rome, (03) 148 Rosedale, (03) 1,103 RoseHUl, (G6) 300 Rosotta, (B8) 150 Roxie, (38) 294 Ruleville. (D3) 451 Rural Hill, (F4) 250 Rusk, (G2) 100 Russum, (B7) 120 Sabougia, (F3) 150 Sallis, (E4) 247 SaltUlo, (G2) 306 Sandersvüle, (G7)... 604 Sandy Hook, (E8). . 100 Sanford, (F8) 300 Sarah, (Dl) 100 Sara toga, (E7) 150 Sardis, (E2) 1,406 Sarepta, (F2) 162 Satartia, (D5) 187 Saucier, (F9) 255 Schlater, (D3) 250 Scobey, (E3). 165 Scouba, (G5) 322 Seminary, (E7) 526 Senatobia, (El).... 1,275 Sessums, (G4) 100 Shannon, (G2) 564 Sharon, (ES) 240 Shaw, (03) 871 Shelby, (03) 645 Sherman, (G2) 553 Shiloh, (B5) 100 Shivers. (E7) 198 Shubuta, (G7) 1,168 Shuqualak, (G5).... 636 Sidon, (D4) 391 Silver City, (04) 341 Silver Creek, (E7). . 544 Silver Springs, (Crl). 300 Slate Spring, (F3)... 175 Smithville, (H2) 179 Sontag, (D7) 100 Soso, (F7) 162 So. Pascagoula, (HlO) 900 Spanish Fort. (05)., 200 Springville, (F2).... 100 Standing Pine, (E.S). 200 Star. (D6) 130 Starkville, (G4) 2,698 State Line, (CtS). ... 363 Stewart, (F4) 188 Stoneville, (04), . .. 200 Stonewall, (G6).... 1,000 Stonington, (07) 150 Strayhom. (Dl) 137 Stringer, (F7) 267 Strongs, (G3) 100 Sturgis, (F4) 321 Summerland. (F7).. 100 Summit, (08) 1,471 Sumner, (D3) 364 Sumrall, (£8) 2.046 Sunflower, (03) 200 Sycamore, (G3). ... 100 Sylvarena, (F6) 200 Taylor, (E2) 147 Taylorsville, (F7)... 623 Tchula, (Ü4) 478 Terry, (D6) 473 Thaxton, (F2) 143 Thornton, (D4) 64 Thrasher, (Gl) 100 Tibbee Station, (G3) 100 Tilden, (H2) 100 Til.atoba, (E3) 163 Tishomingo, (HI)... 212 Tbccopola, (F2).... 233 Tocowa, (E2) 57 Tomnolen, (F4)..., 198 Toomsuba, (H6). ... 300 Trenton, (E6) 200 Troy, (G2) 85 Tula, (F2) 151 Tunica, (Dl) 555 Tupelo, (G2) 3,881 Tutwiler, (D2) 410 Tylertown, (D8).... 795 Tyro, (El) 100 Union, (F5) 693 Union Church, (07). 150 Upton, (E7) 100 Uriel, (G7) 140 Urica, (06) 572 Vaiden, (E4) 713 Valley, (D5) 100 Vance, (D2) 180 Vacdaman, (F3).... 439 Vaughan, (D5) 130 Verna, (D8) 100 Vernal, (GS) 200 Verona, (G2) 558 Vicksburg, (06)...20,814 Vosburg, (G7) 200 Wahalak, (G5) 107 Waldo, (F5) 100 Wallfield, (F2) 100 Walls, (Dl) 200 Walnut Grove, (F5). 199 Walthall, (F3) 171 Wanilla, (D7) 100 Warrenton, (06).... 200 Washington, (B7)... 100 Waterford, (Fl) 130 Water Valley, (E2).4,27S Waveland, (FIO). . , 554 Waynesboro, (G7).. 652 Weathersby, (E7)... 175 Webb, (D3) 292 Weir, (F4) 220 Wesson, (D7) 2,024 West, (E4) 276 W. Pascagoula,(HlO) 300 W.Point. (G3) 4,864 Wheeler, (Gl) 181 Whitesand, (É7).... 300 Wiggins, (F9) 980 Wiikesburg, (E8)... 150 Williamsburg, (E7).. 100 Wilsonville, (07). . . 153 Wiiibom, (Fl) 103 Winchester, (u7) 353 Winona, (E4) 2^512 Winterville, (64)... 150 Wisdom, ("09) 200 WUner,,700 160 1,252 767 382 200 82 1,585 500 700 458 100 (MISSOURI) INDEX OF THE UNITED STATES MISSOURI Braymer, (E2) 1,027 Breckenridge, (E2). 1,025 Brewer, (N6) 200 Brewerville, (N6) 181 Bridgeton, (M4) 129 Brighton, (F7) 150 Brimson, (El) 104 Broadwater, (N8)... 150 Bronaugh, (D6).... 263 Brookfield, (G2) . . .5,749 Brookline Station, (F7) 300 Browning, (Fl) 629 Browuington, (E5).. 348 Brownwood, (M7).. 180 Brumley, (H5) 200 Bruner, (G 7) 100 Brunswick, (F3). . . 1,606 Buckeye, (08; 200 BucUin, (G2) 790 Buckner, (D3) 410 Buffalo, (F6) 820 Bunceton, (G4) 788 Bunker, (K7) 606 Burfordville, (îs^7). . 114 Burgess, (C6) 249 Burlington To, (CI). 942 Bumhara, (T8) 73 Butler, (D5) 2,894 Butterfield, (E8).... 100 Bynumville, (G2)... 100 Cabool, (H7) 789 Cadet, (L6) 170 Cagle, (C7) 800 Gainesville, (El).... 887 C.airo, (H2) 220 Caledonia, (L6) 128 Calhoun. (E5) 684 California, (G4). ...2,154 Callao, (G2) 526 Cal wood, (J4) 150 Camden, (1)3) 477 Camden Point, (C3) 169 Cameron, (D2) 2,980 Campbell, (M8).... 1,781 Canalou, (N8) 296 Canton, (Kl) 2,218 Cape Girardeau, (07) 8,475 Caplinger Mills, (E6) 130 Cardwell, (A8) 874 Carl Junction, (C7).I,1 IS Carrollton, (E3)... .3,452 Carterville, (D7). 4,539 (Tarthage, (D7).. . .9,483 Caruthersville, (C^8)3,655 Cassville, (E8) 781 Catawissa, (L5).... 130 Cedar City, (H4)... 208 Cedargap, (G7) 112 Cedar Springs, (E6). 150 Cedar V.alley, (F8).. 300 Cement City, (D3).. 250 Centaur Station, (L4) 150 Center, 02) 540 Centertown, (H4)... 285 Centerview, (E4)... 400 Centerville, (L7). .. 500 Central City, (C7).. 200 Centralia, (H3) ....2,116 Chadwick, (G8).... 150 Chaffee, (N7) 2,082 Chamois, (J4) 649 Charity, (16) 130 Charleston, (08).. .3,144 Chesterfield, (L4) 130 Chilhowee, (E4).... 425 Chillicothe, (F2;. ..6,265 Chilton, (L8) 130 Chitwood, (C7).... 1,600 Chula. (E2) 384 Clarence, (H2) 1,322 Clark, (H3) 300 Clarksburg, (G4)... 399 Clarksdale, (C21.... 416 Clarksville, (È3).... 918 Clarkton, (N8) 682 Claryville, (N6). 140 Clayton, (M4) 1,500 Clayton, (C6) 49 Clearmont, (Cn.... 263 Cleveland, (C4).. .. 200 Clever, (E7) 248 Clifton City, (G4)... 150 Cliftonhill, (G3) 400 Climax Springs, (F5) 250 Clinton, (E5) 4,992 Clyde, (CI) 368 Coatsville, (Gl). ... 140 Coffey, (El) 50O Cole Camp. (F5).... 910 College Mound, (G2) 230 Collins, (E6) 259 Coloma, (F2) 200 Columbia, (H4). . . 9,662 Columbus, (E4). ... 190 Commerce, (07).... 544 Conception, (Cl)... 200 Concordia, (È41. ... 931 Connelsville, (Gl). . 652 Conran, (N8) 196 Conway, (G6) 394 Cooter, (B8) 300 Cora, (Fl) 110 Corder. (E3) 649 Coming, (Bl) 253 Cosby,"(C2) 170 Cottleville, (L4).... 280 Cottonplant, (B8).. 100 Cottonwood Point, (B8) 170 Courtney, (D3) 100 Covington, (B8).— 150 Cowgill, (E2) 363 Craig, (Bl) 621 Crane, (F8) 1,002 Creighton, (D5).... 400 Crescent, (1.4) 100 Creve Coeur, (L4).. 400 Crocker,(H6) 500 Cross Timbers, (F5). 500 Crowder, (N8) 288 Cruise, (L5) 100 Crystal City, (M5). 1,800 Cuba, (K5) 619 Cunningham, (F2).. 200 Currentview, (L8).. 100 Cun-yville, (K3).... 238 Cyrene, (K3) 94 Dadeville, (E7) 401 Dallas, (04) 130 Dalton, (F3) 261 Danville, (J 4) 113 Darlington, (Dl). .. 352 Dawn, (E2) 400 Dawson, (H7) 140 Dean Lake, (F2) 186 Dearborn, (C2) 499 De Camp, (J6) 130 Decpwater, (E5) 1,398 Deerfield, (06) 129 Deering, (B8) 500 Dekalb, (C2) 391 Delassus, (M6) 150 Denver, (Dl) 450 Dcray, (N7) 175 Desarc, (L7) 287 Desloge, (L6) 4,000 Desoto, (L5) 4,721 Desperes, (M4) 600 Dewitl, (F3) 423 Dexter, (M8) 2,322 Diamond, (D8) 500 Diehlstadt, Í08).... 160 Dillard, (K6) 100 Dixon, (H5) 715 Dodson, (C4) 150 Doerun Junction, (M6) 1,200 Dongola, (N7) 72 Doniphan, (L8). ..1,222 Dover, (E3) 214 Downing, (HI) 513 Dresden, (F4) 180 Drexel, (C5) 512 Dudley, (M8) 150 Duenweg, (D7). ...2,500 Duncan, (G7) 200 Duncans Bridge, (H2) 100 Dunlap, (Fl)....... 150 Dunnegan, (F6).... 250 Durham, (J2) 200 Dykes, (H7) 240 Eagleville, (El). . .. 330 E.Atchison, (B2)... 160 E. Bonneterre, (L^). 180 E.Lynne, (D4) 277 Easton, (C2) 225 E. Prairie, (OS).... 1,500 Ebenezer, (F7) 100 Economy, (H2)..... 110 Edgar Springs, 06) 100 Edgerton, (C2) 534 Edgewood, (K3).... 100 Edma, (HO 1,562 Edinburg, (El) 200 Edna,(07) 1,209 Eldon, (G5) 1,999 Eldorado Springs, (E6) 2,503 Elkton, (F6) 130 Ellington, (L7; 500 Elliott, (G3) 200 Ellsinore, (L8) 350 Elmer, (G2) 512 Elmira, (D2) 150 Elmo, (Bl) 342 Elsberry, (L3) 1,018 Elsey. (E8) 130 Elston, (H4) 110 Elvins, (L6) 2,071 Emden, (J2) 100 Eminence, (!^K7).... 400 Emma, (F4) 100 Eolia, (L3) 343 Essex, (N8) 548 Esther, (M6) 800 Ethel, (G2) 423 Eugene, (H5) 195 Eureka, (L5) 500 Everton, (E7) 522 Evona, (Dl) 130 F.wing, (Jl) 327 Excello, (H2) 150 Excelsior, (G5) 130 Excelsior Springs, (D3) 3,900 Exeter, (D8) 375 Fairfax, (Bl) 666 Fairfield, (F5) 150 Fairgrove, (F7) 150 Fairhaven, (D6). — 62 Fairmont, 01) 300 Fairpiay, (E6) 421 Fairport, (D2) 250 Fairv'iew, (D8) 300 Fair\dlle, (F3) 130 Färber, (J3) 305 Farley, (C3) 96 Farmington, (M6) .2,613 Faucett, (02) 130 Fayette, (G3) 2,586 Fayetteville, (E4)... 200 Federal, (M6) 499 Fenton, (M4) 172 Ferguson, (M4).... 1,658 Fernridge, fL4) 150 Fertile, (L5) 100 Festus, (M5) 2.556 Fillmore, (CIl) 232 Fisk, (M8) I,n00 Flag Springs, (Cl).. 110 Flat River, (L6)... .5,112 Fleming, (E3) 650 Flemingtoii, (F6)... 250 Florida, (J3) 200 Florisant, (M4) 765 Foley, (L3) 227 Fortes, (B2) 600 Fordland. (G7) 200 Forest City, (B2)... 534 Foiest Park, (E8)... 478 Foristell, (K4) 250 Fornfelt, (N7) 1,200 Forsyth, (F8). 187 Fortuna, (G4) 203 Foster, (C5) 318 Fox, (E3) 100 Frankclay, (L6).... 350 Frankford, (K3).... 293 Franklin Junction, (G3) 200 Fredericktown, (\16) 2,632 Freeburg, (J5) 331 Freeman, (C4) 251 Freistatt, (E7) 250 Fremont, (K8) 150 Fxench Village, (M6) 200 Frisco, (N8) 200 Fristoe, (F5) 100 Frohna, (N6) 200 Fruitland, (N7).. . . 230 Fulton, (J4) 5.228 Gainesville, (H8). .. 195 Galena, (E8) 353 Galcsburg, (D7)—. 100 Gallatin, (E2) 1,825 Gait, (Fl) 583 Garden City, (D4).. 713 Gasconade, (J4).... 100 Gatewood, (KS).... 110 Gayoso, (B8) 150 Gentry, (Dl) 226 (iientryvUle, (Dl)... 250 Georgetowm, (F4)... 100 Gerald, (K5) 225 Germantown, (E5).. 100 Gerster, (E6) 150 Gibbs. (HI) 226 Gibson, (M8) 143 Gideon, (N8) 702 Gifford, (GO 58 Gilliam, (F3) 299 Gilman (^ity, (El)-• 537 Glasgow, (G3) 1,507 Glenallen, (M7) 106 Glendale, (M4)..... 800 Glensted, (G4) 150 Glenwood, (Gl)-•• • 375 Golden, (E8) 150 GoldenCity, (D7) .. 882 GoochMiii. (G4)... 130 Goodman, (C8) .... 100 Goodson, (F6) 110 Gordonville, (N7)... 170 Gorin, (HI) 84 Gower, (C2) 370 Graham, (Bl) 365 Grain Valley, (D4).. 133 Granby, (DS) 2.442 Grandm, (L8) 1,000 Grand Pass, (E3)... 200 Grandview, (D4)... 2 50 Granger, (J 1) 250 Granitevilfe, (L6) .. 1,000 Grant City, (Dl)... 1,207 Granville, (H2) ISO Graphite, (M7) 200 Graysboro, (07).... 180 Grayson, (C2) 130 Gray Summit, (L5). 240 Greenbrier, (M7)... 100 Greencastle, (Gl)... 454 Creen City, (Fl).... 844 Greenfield, (E7).... 1,434 Greenridge, (F4).... 436 Oreentop, (Gl) 275 Greenville, (M7).... 914 Greenwood, (D4)... 300 Gregg, (C7) 400 Grover, (L4) 100 Guilford. (Cl) 207 Gunn City. (D4)... 150 Guthrie, (H4) 130 Hale, (F2) 587 Half Rock, (Fl).... 130 Halleck, (C2) 130 Halls, (C2) 150 Hallsville, (H3) 195 Hamburg, (L4) 200 Hamilton, (E2) 1,761 Hancock, (H6) 120 Hannibal, (K2)... 18,341 Hardin, (E3) 635 Harlem. (C3) 360 Harris, (Fl) 395 Harrisburg, (H3)... 146 Harrisonville, (D4). 1,947 Hartsburg, (H4) 175 Hartshorn, (H7).... 250 Hartville, (G7) 507 Hartwell, (E5) 100 Har\'ieU, (M8) 201 Harwood, (D6) 208 Hatfield, (Dl) 150 Hawk Point, (K4). . 299 Hayti, (B8) 1.057 Hayward, (B8) 150 Hazclrun, (M6) 100 Helena, (C2) 200 Helwig, (B2) 100 Hematite, (L5) 300 Hemple, (D2) 130 Henderson, (F7).... 200 Hender.son Mound, (OS) 191 Hendrickson, (L8).. 200 Henley, (H5) 150 Henrietta, (D31. . .. 443 Herculaneum, (M5). 300 Hermann, (K4) 1,592 Hermitage, (F6). 300 Hibbard, i08"> 1,243 Hickman Mills, (C4) 200 Higbee, (H3) 1.215 Higginsville. (E3). .2,628 High Hill, (K4) 300 Highiandville, (F8).. 100 Kighooint, (G5) 190 Hillsboro, a.5) 261 Hillside, (M4) 250 Hinton. (H3) 180 Hiram,(M?) 140 Hogan, 'L6) 100 Holcomb, (B8) 279 Holden, (E4) 2,007 Holland, (B8 ' 280 Holliday, (H3) 262 Hollywood, (B8) 36 Holstein, (K4) 400 Holt, (D3) 336 Holts Summit (H4). 130 Hopewell Academy, (K4) 260 Hopkins, (Cl) 909 Homersville, (B8). . 390 Hough, (08) 250 Houston, (J7) 644 Houstonia, (F4).... 349 Howard, (C7)...... 300 HoweU, (L4) 100 Hughesville, (F4)— 200 Hulston, (E7) 100 Humaasville, (E6).. 913 Hume, (C5) 514 Humphreys, (Fl)— 292 Huunewell, (J2).... 406 Hunterville, (N8).. . 230 Hvmtsdale, (H4).... 91 Huntsville,(G3)... 2,247 Hurdland, (HI).... 322 Hurley, (F8) 100 Hutton Valley, (J8). 100 Hyman, (N8) 100 lantha, (D7) 250 Iberia, (H5) 428 Idalia, (N8) 200 lllmo, (N7) 976 Independence, (D3)9,859 Ionia, ÍF4) 100 Irondale. (L6) 338 Iron ton, (L6) 721 Jackson, (N7) 2,105 TacksonvUle, (G2). . 200 iameson, (Dl) 358 amesport, (E2).... 611 amestown, (G4)... 305 ane, (D8) 200 asper, (1)7) 664 Tefferson Barracks, (M5) 800 JEFFERSON CITY. (H4) 11,850 Jennings, (M4) 800 Jerico Springs, (D6). 395 Jerome, (J6) 100 Johnstown, (D5).... 84 Jonesburg, (K4) 456 Joplin, (D7) 32,073 Josenhville, (L4).... 260 Kahoka, (Jl) 1,758 KansasCity,(D3) 248,381 Kearney, (D3) 631 Keener, (L8) 150 Kelso, (N7) 190 Kennett, (B8) 3,033 Kenoma, (D7) 100 Keota.(G2) 750 Keystone, (D2) 100 Keytesville, (G3)... 963 Kidder, (D2> 306 Kimmswick, (MS).. 235 Kingbee. (L8) 150 King City, (Dl)..,. 966 Kingston, (D2) 535 Kingsville, (D4).... 238 Kinloch, (M4) 350 Kirbyville, (F8) 100 KirksvUle, (HI)....6,347 Kirkwood, (M4).. .4,171 Kissee Mills, (F8)... 100 Knoblick, (M6) 260 Knobnoster, (E4)... 670 Knobview, (J5) 260 Kr-ox City,(Jl).... 395 Koeltztown, ( Í5)... 250 Koshkonong, (J8)... 452 Labelle, (Jl) 1,017 Laclede, (F2) 740 I.addonia, (J3) 614 La Due, (E5) 310 Lafiin, (N7) 100 Lagrange, (Jl) 1,360 Lakenan, (H2) 137 Lamar, (D7) 2,316 Lamente, (F4) 684 Lancaster, (Hi).... 964 Laplata, (HO 1,605 Laredo. (El) 758 I.arussell, (D7) 261 I.atham, (G4) 250 Lathrop, (D2) 1,0.38 Latour, (D4) 130 LawTenceburg, (E7). 100 Lawson, (D3) 604 Leadwood, (L6).... 700 Leasburg, (K5) 200 Lebanon, (G6) 2,430 Lecoma, (J6) 200 Leeds, (C3). 100 Leeper, (L7) 500 Lees Summit, (D4).1,455 Leesville, (E5) 150 Leeton, (E4) 420 Lemonville, (Fl). .. 150 Leonard, (H2) 180 Leslie. (K5) 200 Lesterville, (L7).... 250 Levasy, (D3) 66 Lewis Station, (E5). 250 Lewistown, (Tl) 405 Lexington. (È3)....5,242 Lexington Junction, (E3) 500 Liberal, (D6) 800 Liberty, (D3) 2,980 Libertyville, (M6).. 100 Licking, (J7) 351 Lilbourn, (N"8) 484 Lincoln, (F5) 336 Linden, (C3) 200 Linkville, (C3) 100 Linn, (J5) 482 Linncreek, (GS).... 435 Linneus, (F2) 832 Lisbon, (G3) 100 Lithium, (N6) 98 Littlerock, (G3).... 150 Livonia, (Gl) 250| Lock Spring. ÍE2).. . 255 Lockwood. (D7).... 961 Logan. (E7) 100 Lohman, (H4) 100 Loneiack, (D4).. .. 140 Longlane, (G6) 140 Longtown, (N6).... 158 l.ongwood, (F4).... 200 Loosecreek, (J4).... 100 Louisburg, (F6)... . 100 Louisiana, (L3)... .4,454 Lowndes, (M7) 130 Lowry City, (E5)... 462 Low Wossie, (K7). . 100 Lucerne, (Fl) 264 Ludlow, (E2) 380 Lupus, (G4) 164 Luray, (Jl) 163 Lutesville, (M7).... 551 Luxemberg, (M4) .. 150 McCredic, (J4) 200 McFall, (Dl) 385 McCJirk, (G4) 100 McKittrick. (J4)... 127 Macks Creek, (G6). ISO Macon, (H2) 3.584 Madison, (H3) 638 Maitland, (Bl)..... 7.36 Maiden, (N8) 2,116 Malta Bend, (F3)... 399 Manchester, (M4).. 630 Manes, (H7) 110 Manley, (B8) 100 Mansfield, (G7) 477 Maplewood, (M4).'4,976 Marblehill, (M7)... 313 Marceline, (G2). ...3,920 Marionville, (É7). 1,272 Marquand, (M7)... 339 Marshall, (F3) 4,869 Marshfield, (G7). .'1,193 Marston, (N8) 258 Marthasville, (L4)., .300 Martinsburg, (J3)... 436 Martinstown, (Gl).. 150 Martinsville, (Dl).. 88 Marys Home, (HS). 100 Mary\ille. (Cl)....4,762 Mascot, (F7) 200 Matthews, (N8). ... 237 MaxviUe, (MS) 140 Maysville, ÍD2).... 1,051 Mayview, (E3) 308 Maywood, (J2) 250 Meadville, (F2).... 580 Medill, (Jl) 130 Medoc, (D7) 1^0 Mehlville, (M4) 340 Mellwurne, (El).... Ill Memphis, (Hi).... 1,984 Menoon, (F2) 408 Mendota, (Gl) 800 Meramec Highlands, (M4) 150 Mercer. (EI) 5.33 Merwln, (C5) 195 Meta, (H5) 399 Metz,(D6) 240 Mexico, (J3) 5.939 Miami, (F3; 431 Miami Station,(F3). 100 Middlebrook, (L6.) 80 Middlegrove, (H3 ).. 88 Middletown, (K3).. 323 Midland, (M4) 300 Milan, (Fl) 2,191 Milford,(D6) 250 Millard. (Gl) 170 Miller, (E7) 343 Millersville,(N7)... 99 Mingrove,(El) 280 Millspring. (L7).... 230 Mill ville. (E3) 110 Milo,(D6) 128 Min.iville, (D3). ... 140 Mindeninine.s, (D7). 591 Mine Lamotte, (M6) 400 Mineóla, (J4) 170 Mineralpoint, G-6).. 290 Mirabile, (D2) 250 Missouri City, (D3). 559 Mitchell, (J6) 100 Mobcrly, (H3)... .10,923 Modcna, (El) Ill Mokane, (J4) 646 Monarch, (L4) 250 Monegaw Springs, (E5) 122 Munett, (E8) 4,177 Monroe Citv, (J2).. 1,949 Monleer, (K8) 130 Montevallo, (D6)... 146 Montgomery City, (J4) 1,789 Monticello, (Jl).... 283 Montrose, (D5).... 667 Montserrat, (E4).., 157 Moody, (HS) 150 M... 247 Moun taingrove(H 7 ) 1,7 2 2 Mountainview, (J7). 552 Mt. Leonard, fF3;.. 250 Mt. Moriah. (EI)... 350 Mt. Pleasant. (M4). 500 Mt. Vernon, (E7).. 1.161 Mt. Washington,(D3) 150 Mumford ÍF7).. .. tOO Napier, (Bl) 120 Napoleon, (DS). . . . 146 Napton, (G3) 150 Nashville, (D7) 110 Naylor, (L8) 406 Neck, (D7) 528 Neelyviiie, (MS). .. 241 Nelson, (F4) 480 Neosho, (D8) 3,661 Nettleton, (E2) 200 Nevada, (D6) 7,176 Newark, 01) 217 New Bloomfield,(J4) 300 New Boston, (G2;.. 100 Newburg, (jó) 932 New Cambria, ((^2) 387 New Conception, (Cl) 132 New Florence, (K3). 424 New Frankfort, (F3) 250 New Franklin, (G3). 794 New Himburg. (N7) 120 NewHampton,(Dl). 456 Newhaven, (K4).... 855 Newhope, (L3) 160 New Lebanon, (G4) 100 New London, (K2).. 942 New Madrid, (N8). 1,882 Newmarket, (C3).., 120 New Melle, (L4).... 250 New Offenburg,(M6) 350 New Point, (Bl).... 100 Newfxirt, (D6) 100 Newtonia, (D8).. 293 Newtown, (Fl) 261 Niangua, (G7) 250 Nichols, (F7) 200 Nixa, (F7) 276 Nodaway, (C2) 100 Noel, (C8) 300 Norborne, (E3) 1,241 Normandy, (M4)— 200 No.Salem, (Gl).... 130 Northview, (G7).... 78 Norwood, (H7) 250 Novelty, (HI) 232 Novinger, (Gl) 1,711 Nursery, (M4)..... 100 Nve, (M8) 130 Oakgrove, (D4).... 641 Oakhill, (K5) 130 Oakridge, (N6).... 256 Oakville, (M5) 500 Oakwood, (K2) 400 Odessa, (E4).. ... 1,531 OTallon, (L4) 600 Chiman, (K^ 180 Old Mines, 0-5) 400 Old Monroe, (l^).. - 251 Old Orchard, (M4).2,500 Olean, (H5) 214 Olivette, (M4) 300 01ney,(K3) 170 Oran, (N7) 1,023 Oregon, (Bl) 1,002 Oronogo, (D7) 1,912 Orrick, (D3) 435 Osage City, (jS)... 220 Osaka, (G8) 130 Osborn, (D2) 360 Osceola (E5) 1,114 Osgood, (Fl) 204 Otterviile, (G4).... 453 Overland, (M4).... 500 Owensville, (K5)... 677 Oxford, (Cl) 130 Oxly, (L8). 200 Ozark, (F7) 813 Pacific, (L5) 1,418 Palmer, (1.6) 100 Palmyra, (J21 2,168 Panama, (D5) 400 Papinsville, (D5)... 87 Paradise, (D3) 100 Paris, (J3) 1,474 Parkville, (C3) 765 Parma, (N8) 905 P.arnell, (CD 438 Pascóla, (B8) 130 Patsy, tK6) 100 Patterson, ^.<7) 150 Patton, (M6) 230 Pattonsburg, (Dl). 1,044 Paulding, (A8) ISO Paynesville, (L3)... 370 Peculiar, ((¿4). 205 Peers, (K4) 100 Perrin, (D2) 130 Perry, (J3) 895 Perryville, (N6).... 1,708 Pevcly. (MS) 130 Phelps, (E7) 170 Phelps City, (Al)... 97 Phenix, (É7) 450 Philadelphia, 02).. • 199 Phillipsburg, (06).. 200 Pickering, (Cl) 264 Piedmont, (L7). ...1,154 Pierce (Tity, (E8). . 2,043 Pilotgrovc. (G4).... 654 Piiotknob, (L6).. .. 445 Pine Lawn. (M4)... 200 PinevUle. (D8) 500 Pioneer, (D8) 100 Pittsburg, (F6) 100 Platte dity, (C3). .. 763 Plattsburg, (D2)... 1,650 Pleasant Green, (F4) 68 Pleasant Hill, (D4). 2,065 Pleasant Hope, (F7). 300 Pocahontas, (.^T)... 239 Pt. Pleasant. (N8).. 99 Pollock. (Fl) 200 Polo, (E2) 526 Pomona. (J8) 200 Ponce de Leon, (F8) 250 Poplarbluff, (L8)...6,916 Portage Des Sioux, (M4) 218 Portagevilic, (C8)... 987 Portland, Q4) 280 Postoak (E4) 100 Polosi, (L6) 772 Powersville, (Fl)— 500 Prairie Hill, (G2)... 113 Prairie Home, (H4). 184 Preston, (F6) 100 Princeton, (El).... 1,385 Prospect Hill. (M4) 150 Prosperity, (D7)... 1,200 Protem, (G8) 100 Piircell, (D7) 994 Purdin, (F2) 337 Purdy, (E8) 459 Puxico, (M8) 814 Queen City, (Gl)... 701 Quincy, (F5) 190 (Juitman, (Bl) 231 Qulin, (M8) 530 Racine, (C8) 110 Racola, (L5) 100 Randolph, (C3) 123 Ravanna, (El) 251 Ravenwood, (CD.. 341 Raymondville, (J7). 100 Raymore, (D4) 218 Rayville, (D3) 239 Rea, (Cl) 210 Redbhd, (J5) lOi) Reeds. (D7)... 298 Reeds Spring, (F8).. 300 Reger, (FD 250 Rembert, (G7) 250 Renick, to) 213 Republic, (E7) 884 Revere, (Jl) 196 Reynolds, (K7) 250 Rhineland, (J4) 190 Richards, (D6) 303 Rich Fountain, (J5). 130 Richhill, (T>5) 2,755 Richland, (H6) 884 Richmond, (E3)....3,6^4 Rlchwoods, (L5).... 180 Ridgeway, (Dl).... 841 Rbco, (N8) 100 Ritchey, (D8) 310 River Aux Vases, (M6) 170 Roanoke, (G3) 110 Rocheport, (H4).... 434 Rochester, (C2).... 200 Rockhill. (M4) 150 Rockport, (BD 1,053 Rockview, (N7).... 130 Rockville, (D5) 566 Rocky Comfort, (D8) 300 Rogersville, (F7).... 650 Rolla, (J6) 2,261 Rombauer, (M8)... 200 Roscoe, (E6) 182 Rosebud. (K5) 200 Rosendale, (Cl).... 359 Rothville, (F2) 245 Rush Hill, Q3) 168 Rushvi'le, (B2)..... 566 Russellville, (G4).,. 335 Rutledge, (HI) 418 St. Aubert, (J4) 100 St. Catharine, (F2). 127 St. Charles, (M4)..9,437 St. Clair, (K5) 397 Ste.Genevieve,(N6) 1.967 St. Elizabeth, (H5). 150 St. Francisville, ^*1) 10Û St. Francois,(M6). .1,400 St. James, (J5) 1,100 St. John, ;f1) 190 St. Joseph, CC2)...77,403 St. Louis, (M4)..687,029 St. Marys, (M6).... 702 St. Paul, (L4) 200 St. Peters, (L4) 269 St. Thomas, (H5)... 130 Salem, (ED 349 Salem, (K6) 1,796 Salbbury, (G3). ...1,834 Sandyhook, (G4)... 71 Santa Fe, (J3)...... 130 Sappington, (M4)... 100 Sarcoxie, (D7) 1,311 Sargent, (J7) 180 Savannah, (C2) 1,583 Saverton, (K2) 120 Sawyer, (M8) 100 Schell Citv, (D5)... 562 Schlicht, (H6) 100 Scotland, (D7)..... 150 Sedalh, (F4) 17,822 Sedgewick ville, (N6) 130 Seligman, (D8) 400 Senatli, (A8) 1,029 Seneca, (C8) 981 Seventyslx, (N6) 150 Seymour, (G7) 590 Shawneetown, (N6). 120 Shelbina, (H2) 2,174 Shelbyville, (H2)... 685 Sheldon, (D6) 528 Sheridan, (Cl) 409 Sibley, (D3) 200 Sikeston, (N8). ...3,327 Silex, (K3) 276 Siloam Springs, (H8) 86 Simmons, (H7) 140 Skidmdre, (Bl) 562 Slater, (F3) 3,238 Sligo, (K6) 300 Smithfield, (C7).... 500 Sraiihton, (F4) 346 Smithville, (D3).... 680 So. Gifford, (G2)... 148 So. Gorin. (HI) 746 So. Greenfield, (E7). 274 So. Lineville. (Fl).. 77 Southwest, (D8).... 483 Sparta, (F7) 271 Speed, (G4) 100 Spickard, (El) 638 Spoonerville, (M8).. 241 Sprague, (C5) 156 Spring City, (C8)... 150 Springfield, (F7). .35,201 Spring Fork, (F4)... 130 Spring Garden,(H5). 60 Sprott. (M6) 150 Spurgeon., (D8) 250 Stahl, (Gl) 300 Stanbcrry (CD... 2,121 Steele, (B8)........ 500 INL)£X OF XHK UNITED STATES (Missouri—montana—Nebraska) 155 Steelville, (K6) 773 Steffenville, (J2).... 120 Stella, $08) 180 Stephens Store,(H4) 150 Stewartsvil'e, (D2). 543 Stockton, (E6)r.... 590 Stotesbury, (C6)..., 159 Stotts City, (E7)... 548 Stoutland, (G6).... 250 Stoutsville, 315 Stover, (F5) 386 Strafford, (F7).... 300 Strasburg, (D4).... 350 Stratmann, (M4).. 600 Sturgeon, (H3) 663 Sue City, (112) 100 Sugar Creek, (D3).. 500 SuUivan, (¿5"* 934 Sulphur Sprs, (MS) 200 Summersviile, OO»» 236 Sumner, tl'2) 394 Swedeburg, (H6)... 100 Sweetsprings, (F4) .1,122 Syenite, (M6) 200 Syracuse, (G4) 193 Taberville, (E5).... 150 Taneyville, (G8).... 100 Taos, (H4) 100 Tarkio, (Bl) 1,966 Tebbetts, (J4) 200 Tereslta, (J8) 150 Thayer, ÍK8) 1,613 Thomas Hill, (G3).. 100 Thomasville, (J8)... 100 Tiff City. (C8) 57 Tina, (F2) 304 Tindall, (El) 100 Tipton, (G4) 1,273 Tracy, (C3) 176 Treloar, (K4) 43 Trenton, (El) 5,656 Trimble, (D3) 222 Triplett. (F2) 473 Troy. (K4) 1,120 Truxton, (K.3) 280 Turney, (D2) 212 Tuscumbia, (H5)... 285 Tuxedo, (M4) 800 Tvler, (B8) 180 Uiman, (H5) 120 Union, (L5) 934 Union Star, (D2)... 388 Uniontown, (N6) .. 210 Unionviile, (Fl)..-.2,000 University, (M4)...2,417 Urbana, (F6) 150 Urith, (D5) 484 Utica, (E2) 500 Vallevpark, (M4)... 1,800 Vanburen, (L7) 400 Vandalia, (K3) 1,595 Vanduser, (N8) 388 Verona, (E8) 446 Versailles, (G5) 1,598 Vibbard. (D3) 110 Vichy, (J5) 200 Victoria, (L5) 190 Vienna, (H5) 300 Villaridge, (L5)..: 150 Viola, (E8) 100 Vista, (E5) 100 Waco, (C7) 150 Wakenda, (F3) 279 Waldron, (03) 160 Walker, (D6) 364 Wallace, (C2) 160 Walnutgrove, (E7) 600 Wappapello, (M8).. 180 Warren, (J2) 100 Warrensburg, (E4;.4,689 Warrenton, (K4). .. 795 Warsaw, (F5) 824 Washburn, (E8) 219 Washington, (K4)..3,670 Watson, (Al) 245 Waverlv, (E3) 777 W^ayland, (Jl) 384 Waynesville, :H6) 257 Weatherby, (D2)... 171 Weaubleau, (F6).. . 347 Webb City, (C7)..ll,817 Webster Groves, (M4) 7,080 Wellington, (D3)... 558 Wellston, (M4)... .7.312 WellsvülC; (J3) 1,104 Wentworth, (D7)... 154 Wentzville, (L4).... 539 Westalton, (M41.... 300 Westboro. (BI) 333 Westfork, (K7).. .. 120 Wcstline, (C4) 120 Weston, (C3) 1,019 Westphalia, (J5).... 321 W'cstplains, (J8).... 2,914 Westvüle, (G2) 150 Wheatland, (F6).... 400 Wheeling, (F2) 490 Whiteoak, (B8) 250 Whiteside, (K3).... 129 Whitesville, (Cl)... 290 Whitewater, (N7)... 250 Whitham (F2) 250 Whiting, (08) 242 Wilby, (M8) 200 Wilcox, (Cl) 100 Wiilari (F7) 160 Williamsburg, (J4).. 140 Wiliumstown, (Jl) 204 Wiilhmsville, (L8). 477 Willmaths ville, (HI) 100 Wi'.lowsprings, (HS) 1,401 Wilton, (H4) 120 Winchester, (Kl)... 150 Windom, (M4) 100 Windsor, (E4).....2.241 Winficld, (L3) 422 Winigan, (Gl) 170 Winkler, (J6) 100 Winston, (D2).. .. 257 Wittenberg, (Né)... 87 Wooldridge, (G4)... 119 Woollam, (T5) 160 Worland, (C5) 159 Worth, (DO 150 Worthinglon, (Gl) « 200 Wright City. (K4).. 377 Wyaconda, (JO;... 480 Wylie, (D8) 200 Zalma, (M7) 200 Zincite, (C7) 1,000 MONTANA Albright, (F2) 130 Alder, (D4) 150 Aldridge. (E4) 300 Anaconda, (C3) 10,134 Ar go, (E3) 110 Arlec, (B2) 100 Armington, (F2) 100 Armstead, (DS) 300 Augusta. (D2) 240 Avon, (D3) 100 Bain ville, (Ml)--- 150 Baldbutte, (D3) 150 Ballantine, (H4) 100 Bannack, (CT4) 150 Basin, (D3) 650 Bearcreek, (G4) 302 Bearmouth, (C3).. 100 Belfry, (04) 150 Belgrade. (E4) 561 Belknap, (A2) 100 Belt, (F2) 1,158 Bemice, (D3) 100 Bigfork, (Cl) 400 Big Sandy, (Fl) 100 Bigtimber, (F4) 1,022 Billings, (H4) 10,031 BlossBurg, (D3) 250 Bonner, fci)...... 700 Boulder, (D3) 1,300 Bowler, (H4) 100 Bozeman, (F4) 5,107 Bridger, (04) 514 Briston, (C4) 100 Broadview, (H3) 200 Browning, (Cl). 100 Butte, (D4) 39,165 Cameron. (E4) 100 Canyon Ferry, (E3) 100 Carroll, (03) 750 Cascade, (E2) 400 Castle, (F3) 100 Centerville, (D4)._. 2,500 Chestnut, (E4) 150 Chinook, (Gl) 780 Chouteau, (D2) 570 Clancey, (E3) 300 CoalvUle, (04) 200 Columbia Falls, {Cl).60l Columbus. (G4).— 521 Conrad, (El). 888 Cooke, (F4) 100 Corbin, (D3) 150 Craig, (D2) 100 Crow Agency, (J4)- 100 Culbertson, (Ml)__ 528 Cut Bank, (Dl).-- 250 Dagmar, (Ml) 200 Dayton, (B2)_.__- 100 Deborgia, (A2) 150 Deer Lodge, (D3).- 2,570 DiUon, (D4) 1,835 Divide, (D4) 100 Dodson, (HI) 100 Drummond, (D3)-- 350 Dupuyer, (Dl) 380 East Helena, (E3).. 1,200 Eddy, (A2) 100 Ekal^a, (M4) 180 Electric, (F4) 400 Elkhom, (E3) ISO Elkpark, (D3) 100 Elliston, (D3) 200 Eureka, (Bl) 603 Fairview, (M2) 100 Fallon, (L3) lOO Family, (Dl) 130 Forsyth, (K3) 1.398 Fort Benton, (F2) . 1,004 FortKeogh, (L3)-- 100 Fort Magmnis,(G2) 100 Fort Shaw, (E2) _ , , 380 Frenchtown, (B3)._ 300 Fromberg, (H4).._- 300 Cardin J, (F5) 500 Gamefll, (G3) ISO Garnet, (C3) 250 Garrison, (D3) 100 Gateway, (Bl) 150 Gilt Edge, (02).... 300 Glasgow, (Kl) 1,158 Olendive, (M2) 2,428 Gould, (D3) 100 Granite, (C3) 350 Grant, (C4) 100 Grantsdale, (B3)._- 190 GreatFalls, (E2)_.13,948 Gregson, (D4). 100 Hamilton, (B3) 2,240 Hardin, (T4) 250 Harlem. (HI) 383 Harlowton, (G3).-- 770 Harrison, (E4) 150 Hassel, (E3) 100 Havre, (Gl) 3,624 Hays. (HI) 500 HELENA, (E3)...12,515 Henderson, (A2) 200 Heron, (Al) 150 Highwo^, (F2) 100 Hinsdale, (Kl) 180 Hobson, (G2) 200 Hoffman, (Fi) 200 Hogan, (D2).- 100 Huntley, (H4) 250 Hylent, (A2) 250 Iron Mountain,(A2) 310 Ismay, {M3) 300 Iardine, (F4) 110 efferson City, (E3) 100 ennings, (Al) 100 essup, (Bl) 200 ocko, (B2) 550 oliet, (G4) 389 udithGap, (G3).. 200 unction, (J3) 100 Lalispell, (Bl). 5,549 Kendall. (G2) 1,200 Lamedeer. (K4)...- 1,550 Laurel, (H4) 806 Laurin, (D4) 100 Lavina, (G3) 100 Lewistown, (G2)... 2,992 Libby, (Al) 630 Lima. (D5) 390 Livingston, (F4) 5,359 Logan, (E4) 150 Lothrop. (B3) 250 Maiden, (G2) 100 Malta, (Jl) 433 Mammoth, (D4)... 100 Manhattan, (E4).- 300 Marsrsville, (D3)..- 2,000 MeaderviUe, (D3).- 1,850 Meadow Creek, (E4) 100 Melrose, (D4) 200 Melstone, (J3). 200 Miles City, (L3)... 4,697 Missoula, (C3).._.12,869 Monarch, (F2) 300 Mondak, (Ml) 350 Moore. (G2) 573 Musselshell, (J3).- ISO Neihart, (F3) 268 New Chicago, (C3). 200 Noxon, (A2)-. - 100 Oldham, (Fl) 150 Paradise, (B2). 250 Park City, (H4)... 400 Philipsburg, (C3)..- 1,109 PUins, (B2) 481 Poison, (B2) 300 Pony, (E4) 369 Poplar, (LI) 200 Radereburg, (E3)-- 370 Rancher, (J3) 130 RedL^ge, (G4)._, 4,860 Riedel. (Gl) 150 Rimini, (D3) - 100 Rocker, (D4). 100 Rosebud, (K3) 250 Roundup, (H3) 1,513 Ruby, (D4) 200 Saco, (Jl) 200 Saint Peter, (D2).. 380 Saint Regis, (A2).- 350 Sáltese, (A2) 350 Sandcoulee, (£2)... 2,000 Shannon, (E3) 100 Shelby, (El) 200 Sheridan, (D4)_-__ 399 Shirley, (L3) 100 Sidney, (M2). 300 Silesia, (H4) 110 Silverl^w, (D4) 100 Smelter, (E2) 210 Snowshoe, (Al). 100 Somers, (BI) 750 Stacey, (L4) 130 Stanford, (F2) 200 Stevensville, (C3)-_ 796 Stockett. (E2) 1,400 Storrs, (F4) 100 Sun River, (E2) 450 Superior, (B2) 150 Sweetgrass, (Dl)... 200 Taft, (A2) 100 Terry, (L3) 700 Thompson, (A2) 500 Thompson Falls, (A2) 325 Three Forks, (E4).. 674 Toston, (E3) 150 Townsend, (E3) 759 Trident, (E4) 150 Troy, (Al). 200 Twin Bridges, (D4). 491 Twodot, (F3).-.-. 200 Victor, (B3) 374 Virginia City, (E4)- 467 Walkerville, (D3).. 2,491 Warmsprings, (D3) 100 Washoe, (G4).. 300 Whitefish, (Bl) 1,479 Whitehall, (E4)..- 417 White Sulphur Springs, (F3) 417 Wibaux, (M3) 487 Wiekes, (D3) 200 Willow Creek, (E4). 200 Windham, (F2) 100 Winston, (E3) 150 Wisdom, (C4) 250 Zortman, (H2) 350 NEBRASKA Abie, (P5) 210 Adams, (P7) 647 Ainsworth, G2). 1,045 Albion. (M4) 1,584 Aida, {L6) 100 Alexandria, (07)— 447 AUen, (P3) 371 Alliance, (C3) 3,105 Alma, (K7) 1,066 Alvo, (Q6) 230 Amherst, (K6) 256 Anoka, (L2) 145 Anselmo, G4) 351 Ansley, (KS) 700 Arapahoe, G7) 901 Arcadia, (K5) 618 Arlington, (Q5) 645 Armour, (Q7) 100 Arnold, (H5) 231 Ashland, (Q5) 1,379 Ashton, (L5) 404 Asylum, (P6). 600 Atkinson, (L2) 810 Atlanta, (J7) 250 Auburn, (R7) 2,729 Aurora, (M6) 2,630 Avoca, (Q6). 249 Axtell, (K7) 394 Ayr, (M7) 142 Bancroft, (P3) H2 Barada, (R7) 118 Bamston, (P7) 228 Bartlett, (L4) 100 Bartley, (H7) 511 Bassett, (K2) - 383 BatÜe Creek, (N4). 597 Bayard, (B4) - 261 BazUeMflls, (N2).- 77 Beatrice, (PÚ 9,356 Beaver City, (J7).- 975 Beaver Crossing, (06) 542 Bee, (05) 207 Beemer, (P4) 494 Beiden, (03) 247 Belgrade, (xM5) 400 Bellevue, (R5) 596 Bellwood, (05) 397 Belvidere, (N7) 475 Benedict, (i^6) 336 Benkelman, (FT"..- 538 Bennet, (P6) - 457 Bennington, (Q5).- 276 Benson, (Q5) 3,170 Berlin, (Q6) 196 Bertrand, (J6) 643 Berwyn, (J5) 100 Bethany, (P6) 948 Bigspring, (DS) 140 Bladen, (L7) 494 Blair, (Q4) 2,584 Bloomffeld, (N2)— 1,264 Bloomington, (K7). 507 BlueHilLCM?)-- 761 Blue Springs, (P7)- 712 Boelus. (L5) 233 Bostwick, (M7). ISO Bradshaw, (N6)-__ 359 Brady. (H5) 308 Brainard, (05) 465 Brewster, (J4). 230 Bridgeport, (B4)..- 541 Bristow, (L2) 175 Brock, (R7) 434 Broken Bow, (J5)-. 2,260 Brownville, (R7)— 457 Brule, (E5) 120 Brüning, (N7). 353 Bruno, (P5) 245 Brunswick, (M3).- 278 Burchard, (Ql) - 315 Burkett, (M6) 400 Burr, (Q6) 113 Burton, (J2) - 100 BurweU, (K4) 915 Butte, (L2) 550 Byron, (N7) 184 Cairo, (L5) 364 Callaway, (JS) 765 Cambridge, (H7).-- 1,029 Campbell, (L7)-.. 573 Carleton, (N7) 410 Carroll, (03)-- 382 Cedar Bluffs, (P5).. 500 Cedar Creek, (OS)._ 180 Cedar Rapids, ^4) 576 Center, (N2) 119 Central City, (M5). 2,428 Ceresco, (P5) 296 Chadron, (C2) 2,687 Chapman, (M5)— 266 Chappell, (D5) 329 Cheney, (P6). 100 Chester, (N7) 560 Clarks, (N5) 605 Clarkson, (04) 647 CUtonia, (P7) 233 Clay Center, (N6).. 1,065 Clearwater, (M3)-. 414 Cody, (F2) 185 Coleridge, (02) 535 Collegeview, (P6).. 1,508 Colon, (P5) 160 Columbus, (OS) 5,014 Comstock, (K4)— 323 Concord, (P3) 198 Cook, (Q7) 387 Cordova, (06) 201 Comlea. (N4) 90 Cortland, (PÚ 364 Cotesfield, (LS) 150 Cowles, (M7) 190 Cozad, (J6) 1,096 Crab Orchard, (P7). 274 Craig, (04) 339 Crawford, (B2)-„ 1,323 Creighton, (N3) 1,373 Crestón, (04) 338 Crete, (06) 2,404 Crofton, (N2) 610 Crookston, (G2) lOO Culbertson, (G7).. 580 Curtis, (G6) 613 Dakota, (P3) 474 Dalton, (CS) 207 Danbury, (H7) 268 Dannebrog, (MS).. 380 Darr, (J6) 32 Davenport, (N7)... 484 Davey, (P6) 120 David City, (05)... 2,177 Dawson, (R7) 340 Daykin, (07).-.-.. 220 Decatur, (Q4) 782 Deshler, (N7) 609 Deweese, (M7)- 200 DeWitt, (P7) 675 Diller, (P7) 506 Dixon, (P3) 217 Dodge, (P4) 661 Doniphan, (M6) 399 Dorchester, (06)... 610 Douglas, (06) 305 Du Bois, (Q7) 339 Dunbar. (Ç)6) 216 Duncan, (NS) 100 Dundee, (R5) 1,023 Dunning, (H4) 120 Dwight, (05). 184 Eagle, (Q6) 360 Eddyville, (J5) 254 Edgar, (N7) 1,080 Edison, 07) 334 Elba, (L5) 302 Elgin, (M4) 606 Elk Creek, (Q7)..- 240 Elkhom, (Q5) 291 Elm Creek, (K6)... 620 Elmwood, (Q6) 635 Elsie, (F6) 160 Elwood, 06) 464 Emerson, (P3) 838 Endicott, (07) 204 Ericson; (L4). 100 Eustis, (H6) 403 Ewing, (M3)_..--- 440 Exeter, (06) 916 Fairbury, (07) 5.294 Fairfield, (M7)..-. 1,054 Fairmont, (N6).— 921 Falls City, (R7).-.. 3,255 Famam, (H6) 462 Farwell, (L5) 246 Filley, (P7) 194 Firth, (P6) 343 Florence, (Q5) 1,526 Fontanelle, (Q4)— 100 Fort Calhoun, (Q5). 324 Fort Crook, (RS)... 203 Fort Robinson, (A2) 220 Foster, (N3) 122 Franklin, (L7) 949 Fremont, (P5)..-_. 8,718 Friend, (06) 1,261 Fullerton, (N5) 1,638 Gandy, (H5) 200 Garrison, (05) 177 Geneva, (N6)-- 1,741 Genoa, (NS) 1,376 Gering, (A4^ - 627 Germantown, (P6)- 275 Gibbon. (L6) 718 Gilead. (07) 181 Giltner, (M6) 300 Gladstone, (07)-.. 100 Glenville, (M6).--- 304 Goehner,(06) 110 Gordon, (D2) 920 Gothenburg, (H6).. 1,730 Grafton, (N6) 353 GrandIsland,(M6) 10,326 Grant, (E6) 358 Greeley, (M4) 845 Greenwood, (Q6)._- 387 Gresham, (OS) 344 Gretna, (Q5) 484 Gross, (L2) 111 Guide Rock, (M7)- 690 Hadar, (N3) 140 Haigler, (E7) 205 Halfam, (P6) 168 Hampton, (N6). 383 Harbme, (P7) 150 Hardy, (N7) 496 Harrisburg, (A4)... 140 Harrison, (A2) 186 Hartington, (02)... 1,413 Harvard, (M6) 1,102 Hastings, (M6) 9,338 Havelock, (P6)..-2,680 Hayes Center, (F6). 330 Hay Springs, (C!2).. 408 HeartweU, (L6)-.. 100 Hebron, (N7) 1,778 Hemingford, (B3).- 272 Henderson, (N6)— 391 Hendley, (J7) 238 Herman, (04) 345 Hershey, (GS). 332 Hickman, (P6) 388 Hildreth, (K7) 450 Holbrook, (H7).-.. 414 Holdrege. (K7)..-3,030 HolmesvUle, (P7).. 170 Holstein, (L7) 323 Homer, (P3) 397 Hooper, (P4) 741 Hordville, (NS).... 130 Hoskins, (03) 262 Howe. (R7) 160 Howell, (04) 800 Hubbard, (P3) 150 Hubbell, (N7) 295 Humboldt, (R7)— 1,176 Humphrey, (04)— 868 Huntmgton, (M6).- 410 Huntíey, (K7) 190 Hyannis, (E4) 262 Imperial, (E6). 402 Inavale, (L7) 130 Indianola, (H7).-.. 681 Inland, (M6). 100 Inman, (L3) 230 Ithaca. (P5) 171 Iackson, (P3) 290 arisen, (07) 308 ohnson, (R7) 273 ohnstown, (J2) 200 ulian. (R6) 168 uniata, (L6) 471 Kearney, (K6) 6,202 Kenesaw, (L6). 657 Kennard, (Q5) 319 Rilgore, (G2) 130 Kimball, (AS) 454 Lanham, (P7) 120 Laurel, (03) 514 Lawrence, (M7) 475 Lebanon, (H7) 197 Leigh, (04) 567 Leshara, (Q5) 86 Lewellen.a^S) 120 Lewiston, (07) 130 Lexington, (J6). 2,059 Liberty, (P7) 394 LINCOLN. (P6)..43,973 Lindsay, (N4) 465 Linwood, (P5)._.-- 329 Litchfield, (K5)...- 403 Lodgepole, (C5) 245 Long Pine, 02) 781 Loomis, (K7)..--. 284 Loretto, (N4) 100 Lorton, (Q6) 115 Louisville, (Q6) 778 Loup City, (K5)— 1,128 Lushton, (N6) 205 Lynch, (M2) 583 Lyons, (Q4) 865 McCook, (G7) 3,765 McCool Junction, (N6) 369 McLean, (N3) 130 Madison, (N4) 1,708 Madrid, (E6) 124 Magnet, (N3) 178 Malcolm, (P6) 100 Malmo, (P5)-_.--- 214 Manlcy, (Q6) 180 Marion. (G7) 180 Marquette, (N6)... 290 Martinsburg, (P2)- 291 Mason City, (K5)._ 480 Maxwell, (H5) 289 Maywood, (G6)— 443 Mead, ÍQ5) 330 Meadow Grove, (N3) 388 Memphis, ((25) 162 Mema, (J5) 459 Merriman, (E2)— 254 Milford, (06) 716 Millard, (Q5) 260 Miller. (K6) 330 Milligan, (07) 336 Minatare, {B4) 338 Minden, (L7) 1,550 Mitchell, (A4) 64Ü Monowi, (M2) 109 Monroe, (NS) 282 Moorefield, (H6).__ 180 Morrill, (A4) 346 Morse Bluff, (PS).. 196 Mount Clare, (M 7 \ 130 Mullen, (F3) 180 Murdock, «36) 222 Murray, (R6) 210 Naper, (K2) 300 Naponee, (K7) 200 Nebraska City,(R6) 5,488 Nehawka, (Q6) - 200 Neligh, (M3) 1,566 Nelson, (M7) 978 Nemaha, (R7) 325 Newcastle, (P2)._- 436 Newman Grove, (N4) 850 Newport, (K2) 268 Nickerson, (P4) 140 Niobrara, (N2) 822 Nora, (M7) 100 Norfolk, (N3) 6,025 Norman, (L7) 130 North Bend, (P4).. 1,105 North Loup, (LS).- 519 North Platte, (G5). 4,793 Oak, (N7) 237 Oakdale, (N3) 631 Oakland, (Q4) 1,073 Oconto, (J5) 245 Octavia, (05) 150 Odell, (P7) 427 Ogallala, (ES) 643 Ohiowa, (07) 373 Omaha, (R5) 124,096 O'Neill. (L3) 2,089 Ong, (N7) 285 Orchard, (M3) 532 Ord, (L4) 1,960 Orleans, (K7) 942 Osceola. (N5) 1,105 Oshkosh, (DS) 180 Osmond, (N3). 567 Overton, 06) 574 Oxford. (J7). 593 Page, (M3) 300 Palisade, (F7) 380 Palmer, (MS) 373 Palmyra, (Q6). 334 Panama, (P6) 230 Papillion, (Q5) 624 Pauline, (M7) 150 Pawnee (^ity, (Q7)- 1,610 Paxton, (F5) 150 Pender, (P3) 804 Peru, (R7) 950 Petersburg, (N4). 533 PhiUips, (M6) 274 PickreU, (P7) 120 Pierce, (N3) 1,200 Pilger, (03) 471 Plainview, (N3) 941 Platte Center, (N4) 388 Plattsmouth, ((36). 4,287 Pleasant Dale, (P6) 257 Pleasanthill, (06).. 140 Pleasanton, (KS).. 252 Plymouth. (07)..-- 438 Polk. (N5) 396 Ponca, (P2) 1,000 Poole, (K6) 100 Potter, (B 5) 100 Powel, (07) 150 Prague, (P5) 394 Preston, (RÚ 122 Primrose, (M4) 158 Prosser, (L6) 163 Ragan, (K7) 214 Ralston, (Q5) 200 Randolph, (03)._-- 1,137 Ravenna, (L5) - 1,359 Raymond, (P6). 236 Red Cloud, (L7)-.. 1.686 Republican City, (K7) 476 Reynolds, (07) 246 Richland, (05) 156 Rising City, (05)-- 456 Riverton, (L7) 369 Roca, (P6) 129 Rockville, (LS)--.- 201 Rogers, (P5) 155 Rosalie, ((33) 147 Roseland, (L7) 249 Royal, (M3) 130 Rulo, (S7) 661 RushviUe, (D2)... 633 Ruskin, (N7). 339 Saint Edward, (N4) 814 Saint Helena. (02). 148 SaintPaul, (M5)..- 1,336 Salem, (R7) 391 Sargent, (K4) 651 Saronville, (N6) 130 Schuyler, (OS) 2,152 Scotia, (L5) 328 Scottsbluff, (A4)._- 1,746 Scribner, (P4) 891 Seneca, (Ci3) 150 Seward, (06).. 2,106 Shelby, (OS) 503 Shelton, (L6) 1,005 Shickley, (N7) 429 Sholes, (03) 100 Shubert, (R7) 311 Sidney, (C5) 1,185 Silver Creek, (NS). 379 Sioux, (03) 1,196 Smartv^e, (07) 100 Smithfield, 06) 190 Snyder, (P4) 314 South Auburn, (R7) 800 South Bend, (Q5)._ 125 South Omaha, (R5)26,259 Spalding, (M4) 637 Spencer, (L2) 671 Springfield, (05) 463 Springview, (J2) 216 Stamford, (J7). 301 Stanton, (04) 1,342 Staplehurst, (05)-- 228 Steele City, (P7)-.- 300 Steinauer, (Q7) 248 Stella, (R7) 430 Sterling, (Q7) 714 Stockh^, (N6) 601 Stockviile. (H6).-.. 232 Strang, (N6) 238 Stratton, (F7) 367 Strorasburg, (N5).- 1,355 Stuart, (K2) 467 Sumner, (J6) 321 Superior, (N7) 2,106 Surprise, (05) 323 Sutherland, (F5).-- 447 Sutton, (N6) 1,702 Swanton, (07). 285 Syracuse, (Q6) 842 Table Rock, (Q7).. 814 Talmage, (R6) 461 Tamora, (06) 205 Tamov, (N4) 121 Taylor, (K4) 200 Tecumseh,(Q7). 1,748 Tekamah, ((24) 1,524 Thayer, (04) 180 Thedford, (G4) 230 Thurston, (P3) 112 Tüden, (N3) 901 Tobias, (07) 445 Trenton, (F7) 497 Trumbull. (M6) 180 Tryon, (G4) 100 Uehling, (Q4) 228 Ulysses, (05) 551 Unadilla. ((26). 209 Union, (R6) 302 University Place, (P6) 3,200 Upland, (L7) 390 Utica, (06) 520 Valentine, (02)... 1,098 Valley, (Q5) 810 Valparaiso, (P5) 560 Verdel, (M2) 162 Verdigris, (N2) 403 Verdón, (R7) 406 Vesta. ((27) 140 Virginia, (07) 154 Wabash, (Q6) 120 Waco, (06) 293 Wahoo, (P5) 2,168 Wakefield. (P3).-.. 861 Wallace. (F6) 175 Walthill, (Q3) 810 Warnerville, (N4)._ 100 Washington, (Q5).- 130 Waterbury, (P3) 199 Waterloo, (Q5) 402 Wauneta, (F7) 327 Wausa, (N2) 604 Waverly, (P6) 297 Wayne, (03) 2,140 Weeping Water, (06).-. 1,067 Wellfleet, (G6) 100 Western, (07) 499 West Lincoln, (P6). 200 Weston, (P5) 432 Westpoint, (P4) 1,776 WUber, (07) 1,219 Wilcox, (K7) 382 WUsonville, (H7)_- 385 Winnebago, (P3).- 355 Winnetoon. (M2).. 220 Winside, (03) 450 Wisner. (P4) 1,C81 Wolbach, (MS) 2jO Wood Lake. (H2).. 198 Wood River, (L6).. 796 Wymote, (P7) 2,613 Wynot,(02) 258 York, (N6) 6,235 Yutan, (Q5) 353 156 (NEVADA-NEW HAMPSHIRE-NEW lERSEY) INDEX OE THE UNITED STATES NEVADA Atlanta, (G4) 200 Austin, (D3) 1,300 Bannock, (E2) 250 Battle Mountain, (D2) 400 Bauvard, (Gl) 200 Beatty, (E6) 300 Blackhorse, (G3).. 300 Blair, (D5) 500 Buckskin, (B4) 200 Bunkervüle, (G6)._ 100 Caliente, (G5) 500 Carlin, (E2) 420 CARSON CITY, (B3) 2.466 Cherry Creek, (G3) 350 Columbia, (D5) 1,000 Contact, (Gl) 150 Cortez, (E2) 110 Crescent, (F7) 100 Currie. (G2) 100 Dayton, (B3) 580 Defamar, (G5) 700 Dutchcreek, (C4).. 200 East Ely, (G3) 1,500 Edgemont, (£1)... 100 Elko, (F2) 1,677 Ely, (G3) 2,055 Empire, (B3) 330 Eureka, (F3) 1,800 Fallon. (C3) 741 Farrell, (D2) 200 Franktown, fB3)., 120 Gardnerviile, (B4). 210 Genoa, (B3) 440 Gillis, (C4)._ 100 Glenbrook, (A3) 230 Golconda, (D2)__. 800 Goldbug, (C2).... 150 Goldfield, (DS) 4.838 Gold Hill, (B3) 2,100 Goodsprings, (F7). 100 Granite, (C4) 200 Hamilton, (F3) 300 Hawthorne, (C4).. 1,000 Hiko, (F5) 100 Hill Top, (E2) 100 Horn Silver, (D5). _ 1,000 Imlay, (C2) 250 Jumbo, (B3) 100 Las Vegas, (G6) 1,500 Lee, (F2) 150 Lida,(D5) 230 Lovelocks, (C2) 1,000 Lucky Boy, (C4). - 800 McGill, ÍG3) 2,200 Manhattan, (E4).. 750 Marble, (C4) 100 Mason, (B3) 150 Mazuma, (C2) 200 Melvin, (G3) 150 Mizpah, (G2) 150 Morning Star, (B4) 100 Mountain City, (Fl) 130 Nelson. (G7) 250 Owyhee, (El) 500 Palisade, (E2) 150 Panaca, (G5) 350 Paradise Valley, (Dl) 600 Pinegrove, (B4) 200 Pioche, (GS) 1,000 Pioneer, (E4) 1,200 Prospect, (E3) 150 Pyramid, (B2) 150 Ramsey, (B3) 120 Rawhide, (C4),,.. 5,100 Reipetown, (F3) 100 Reno, (B3) 10,867 Rhyolite, (D6) 800 Round Mountain, (E4) 600 Ruby Valley, (F2). 100 Schurz, (C4) 600 Searchlight, (G7)-. 387 Seven Troughs, (C2) 100 Sheridan, (B4) 110 Silver (Ti^, (B3) 350 Sparks, (B3) 2,500 Stillwater, iC3) 220 Sweetwater. (B4)_. 150 Tonopah, (D4) 3,900 Tuscarora, (El) 300 Unionville, (C2).._ 100 Verdi, (A3) 500 Vernon, (C2) 150 Virginia City, (B3). 2,244 Wadsworth, (B3)-. 800 Wells, (Fl) 260 Whiterock, (El) 150 Winnemucca, (D2)- 1,786 Yerington, (B4).,. 682 NEW HAMPSHIRE Acworth, (C5) 250 Alexandria, (D4)..., 510 Allenstown, (E5),... 200 Alstead, (C5).. 320 Aistead Center, (C5) 100 Alton, (E5) 850 Altonbay, (E5) 300 Amherst, (D6) 900 Andover, (D5) 350 Antrim, (D5) 900 Apthorp, (D3) 100 Ashland, (D4) 1,390 Ashuelot, (C6) 380 Atkinson, (E6) 275 AtkinsonDepot,(£6) 100 Auburn, (E5) 550 Bank Village, (D6).. 100 Barnstead, (E5) 480 Barrington, (E5).... 600 Bartlett, (E3) 720 Bath, (D3) 910 Bedford, (D6). 600 Belmont, (E5) 800 Bennington, (D5)... 500 Benton, (D3) 100 Berlin, (E3) 11,780 Berlin Mills. (E3)... 1,200 Bethlehem, (D3)... 1,100 Boscawen, (OS) 200 Bow, (D5) 320 Bow Mills, (D5) 300 Bradford, (DS) 600 Brentwood, (E6) 450 Bridgewater, (D4)... 100 Bristol, (D4) 1,200 Brookfield, (E4) 100 Brookline, (D6) 300 Campton, (D4) 500 Canaan, (C4) 1,000 Canaan Center, (C4) 150 Canaan Street, (D4). 150 Candía, (ES) 300 Candía Village, (ES) 150 Canobie Lake, (E6). 100 Canterbury, (D5)... 560 Carroll, (D3) 200 Center Barnstead, (E5) 500 Center Conway, (E4) 200 Center Effingham, (E4) 100 Center Harbor, (E4) 300 Center Sandwich, (D4) 350 Center Strafford, (E5) 250 Center Tuftonboro, (E4) 180 Charlestown, (C5)..1,000 Chatham, (E3) 150 Chesham, (C6) 110 Chester, (E6) 800 Chesterfield, (C6) 190 Chichester, (E5) 160 Chocorua, (E4) 100 Claremont, (C5) 6,800 Claremontjc, (CS). 100 Clarksville, (El).... 100 Colebrook, (D2)... .1,200 Columbia, (D2).., 580 CONCORD. (D5) 21,497 Contoocook, (D5).. 940 Conway, (E4) 1,100 Coos, (D2) 425 Cornish, (C5) 200 Cornish Flat, (C4).. 450 Crawford House,(E3) 130 Croydon, (C5) 175 Croydon Flat, (CS).. 100 Crystal, (E2) 100 Dal ton, (D3) 275 Danbury, (D4) 390 Danville, (E6) 150 Davisville, (D5).... 200 Deerfield, (E5) 400 DeerñeldCenter,(E5) 350 Deering, (D5) 100 Derry, (E6) 2,500 Derry Village, (E6).. 500 Dorchester, (D4).... 210 Dover, (F5) 13,247 Dover Point, (F5).. 1,000 Drewsville, (C5) 125 Dublin, (C6) 400 Dummer, (E2) 100 Dunbarton, (D5).... 460 Durham, (F5) 500 E. Alstead, (C5).... 125 E. Andover, (D5)... 350 E. Barrington, (F5). 550 E. Candía, (E5) 450 E. Canterbury, (D5) 100 E. Concord, (E5).... 500 E. Conway, (E4)... 100 E. Deering, (D5).... 190 E. Derry, (E6) 590 E. Grafton, (D4).... 280 E. Hampstead, (E6). 200 E. Haverhill. (D3).. 100 E. Jaffrey, (D6) 1,700 E. Kingston, (E6)... 300 E. Lempster, (CS)... 150 Easton, (D3) 200 E. Pembroke, (ES).. 100 E. Rindge, (D6).... 135 E. Rochester, (F5).. 1,200 E. Sullivan, (C6).... 200 E. Swanzev, (C6) 300 E.Tilton, (E5) 390 E. Wakefield, (F4).. 150 E. Washington,(C5). 100 E. Weare, (D5) 340 E. Wolfboro, (E4)... 150 Eaton Center, (E4) 150 Effingham, (F4) 100 Effingham Falls,(F4) 150 Elkins, (D5) 170 Elm wood, (D6) 100 Enfield, (C4) 690 Enfield Center, (C4). 610 Epping, (E5) 1,100 Epsom, (E5) 260 Errol, (E2) 190 Etna, (C4) 150 Exeter, (F6) 4,800 Fabyan House, (E3). 250 Farmington, (E5)...2,000 Fitzwilliam, (C6).... 450 Fitzwilliam Depot, (C6) 500 Francestown, (D6)... 300 Franconia, (D3).... 460 Franklin, (D5) 6,132 Franklin Falls, (DS). 100 Freedom, (E4) 510 Fremont, (E6) 400 Gaza, (D4) 190 Georges Mills, (C5).. 200 Gilford, (E4) 100 Gilmanton, (E5).... 350 Gilmanton Iron Works, (E5)....: 500 Gilsum, (C5) 400 Glen, (E3) 150 Goffs Falls, (E6).... 200 Goffstown, (D5)... .2,100 Gonic, (E5) 460 Gorham, (E3) 1,000 Goshen, (C5) 175 Gossville, (E5) 260 Grafton, (D4) 230 Grafton Center,(C4) 100 Grantham, (C5).... 225 Grasmere, (D5) 400 Greenfield, (D6).... 300 Greenland, (F5) 450 Greenland Depot, (F5) 100 Greenville, (D6)... .1,000 Groton, (D4) 140 Groveton, (E2) 1,900 Guild, (C5) 100 Hampstead, (E6)... 330 Hampton, (F6) 900 Hampton Falls,(F6). 450 Hancock, (C6) 550 Hanover, (C4) 1,500 Harrisville, (C6).... 420 Haverhill, (C3) 340 Hebron, (D4) 190 Henniker, (DS) 1,225 Hill, (D4) 250 Hillsboro, (D5) 840 Hillsboro Bridge, (D5) 780 Hillsboro Lower Vülage, (D5) 280 Hillsboro Upper Village, (C5) 100 Hinsdale, (C6) 1,200 Holderness, (D4) 610 Hollis, (D6) 860 Hookset, (É5) 500 Hopkinton, (D5).... 540 Horns Mills, (F4)... 100 Hudson, (E6) 600 Hudson Center,(E6). 270 Intervale, (E3) 200 Jackson, (E3) 400 Jaffrey, (C6) 120 Jefferson, (E3) 600 Jefferson Highland, (E3) 150 Kearsarge, (E3) 130 Keene, (C6) 10,068 Kensington, (F6).... 250 Kingston, (E6) 950 Laconia, (E4) 10,183 Lakeport, (E4) 500 Lancaster, (D2)... .2,900 Landaff, (D3) 100 Langdon, (C5) 250 Laurel, (D6) 100 Leavitts Hill, (E5).. 100 Lebanon, (C4) 4,500 Lee, (E5). 200 Lempster, (C5) 200 Lincoln, (D3) 400 Lisbon, (D3) 1,800 Little Boarshead, (F6) 100 Littleton, (D3) 3,059 Livermore,.(E3) 51 Lockhaven, (C4).... 100 Londonderry, (E6). 1,000 Long Island, (£4)... 150 Loudon, (E5) 800 Lower Bartlett, (E3) 150 Lyman, (D3) 150 Lyme, (C14) 760 Lyme Center, (C4).. 150 Lyndeboro, (D6).... 100 Madbury, (F5) 230 Madison, (E4) 200 Manchester, (E6).70,063 Marlboro, (C6) 1,000 Marlboro Depot,(C6) 300 Marlow. (CS) 300 Mascoma, (C4) 100 Mason, (D6) 190 Meadows, (E3) 180 Melvin Village, (,E4) 295 Meredith, (L)4) 1,410 Meredith Center, (D4) 150 Meriden, (C4) 500 Merrimack, (D6).... 420 Middleton, (E5).... 100 MUan, (E2) 475 MUford, (D6) 3,200 Mill Village, (CS)... 100 Milton, (F5) 750 Milton Mills, (F4)... 730 Monroe, (D3) 275 Montcalm, (C4) 100 Mont Vernon, (D6). 200 Moultonboro, (E4).. 660 Moultonville, (E4).. 300 Mountainview, (E4). 300 Munsonville, (C5).... 100 Nashua, (D6) 26,005 Nelson, (C6) 100 New Boston, (D6)..- 800 New Castle, (F5) 450 New Durham, (E5).. 450 Newfields, (F5) 380 New Hampton, (D4) 630 Newington, (F5).... 150 New Ipswich, (D6).. 810 New London, (C5).. 600 Newmarket, (F5).. .3,200 Newport, (C5) 3,200 Newton, (E6) 750 Newtonjc, (E6) 180 No. Boscawen, (D5). 100 No. Branch, (D5)... 100 No. Charlestown, (C5) 240 No. Chichester,(E5). 360 No. Conway, (E3)..2,000 No. Danville, (E6).. 150 Northfield, (D5) 800 No. Groton, (D4)... 140 No. Hampton, (F6). 720 No. Haverhill, (D3). 440 No. Lisbon, (D3).... 100 No. Monroe, (D3).... 110 No. Newjwrt, (C5).. 190 No. Nottingham, (E5) 100 No. Richmond, (C6) 100 No. Rochester, (F5). 100 No. Salem, (E6) 400 No. Sanbornton, (D4) 430 No. Sandwich, (È4). 100 No. Sutton, (D5).... 140 Northumberlana, (E2) 180 No. Wakefield, (F4). 150 No. Walpole, (C5).. 1,700 No. Weare, (D5)..., 540 Northwoocl, (E5) 500 Northwood Center, (E5) ISO Northwood Narrows, (E5) 150 Northwood Ridge, (E5) 150 North Woodstock, (D3) 400 Nottingham, (E5)... 350 Orford, (C4) 475 OrfordvUle, (C4).... 210 Ossipee, (E4) 300 Parkhill, (C6) 200 Pattenville, (D3).... 100 Pelham, (E6) 500 Pembroke, (E5) 100 Penacook, (DS) 900 Pequaket, (E4) 100 Percy, (E2) 140 Peterboro, (D6) 1,650 Piercebridge, (D3).. 100 Piermont, (C4) 500 Pike, (D3) 340 Pittsburg, (El) 590 Pittsfield, (E5) 2,000 Plainfield, (C4) 450 Plaistow, (E6) 800 Plymouth, (D4)... .1,500 Ponemah, (D6) 100 Portsmouth, (F5)..11,269 Potterplace, (D5)... 300 Pratts, (D6) 100 Randolph, (E3) 110 Raymond, (ES) 800 Redstone, (E3) 100 Reeds Ferry, (D6)... 320 Richmond, (C6) 200 Rindge, (D6) 260 Riverdale, (D5) 100 Riverton, (E3) 100 Robys Corner, (D5). 150 Rochester, (F5) 8,868 Rockingham, (F5)... 100 Rollinsford, (F5)... 1,000 Rumney, (D4) 300 Rumney Depot, (D4) 240 Rye, (F5) 600 Rye Beach, (F6).... 150 Rye North Beach, (F5) 100 Salem, (E6) 850 Salem Depot, (E6).. 700 Salisbury, (D5) 140 Salisbury Hgts, (D5) 140 Salmon Falls, (F5).. 800 Sanbornton, (D 5)... 150 Sanbornville, (F4)... 125 Sandown, (E6) 300 Sandwich, (E4) 300 Scott, (D3) 125 Seabrook, (F6) 1,000 Shelburne, (E3) 290 Short Falls, (E5). 140 Silver Lake, (E4).... 300 Smithtown, (F6).... 100 Snowville, (E4) 220 Somersworth, (F5)..6,704 So. Acworth, (C5)... 250 So. Barnstead, (E5).. 100 So. Barrington, (E5) 100 So. Charlestown, (C5) 280 So. Cornish, (C5) 110 So. Danbury, (D5)... 120 So. Danville, (E6)... 180 So. Deerfiela, (E5).. 100 So. Effingham, (F4). 100 So. Hampton, (F6).. 100 So. Kingston, (E6).. 140 So.Lee, (E5) 200 So. Lyndeboro, (D6) 520 So. Merrimack, (D6) 110 So. Newbury, (D5).. 100 So. Seabrook, (F6). . 100 So. Stoddard, (C5).. 100 So. Sutton, (D5)... . 120 So. Tamworth, (E4). 290 So. Weare, (D5) 100 So. Wolfboro, (E4).. 150 Spofford, (C6) 260 Springfield, (D4). 200 Stark, (E2) 140 State Line, (C6) 180 Stewartstown, (E2).. 110 Stoddard, (C5) 125 Strafford, (E5) 350 Strafford Corner, (E5) 100 Stratford, (D2) 370 Stratham, (F5) 400 Sugarhill, (D3) 380 Sunapee, (C5) 700 Suncook, (E5) 2,700 Surry, (C5) 150 Sutton, (D5) 340 Swanzey, (C6) 300 Swiftwater, (D3).... 100 Tamworth, (E4).... 380 Temple, (D6) 150 The Weirs, (E4).... 550 Thornton, (D4) 130 Thorntons Ferry, (D6) 130 Til ton, (D5) 1,340 Troy, (C6) 1,000 Tuftonboro, (E4)... 100 TwinMountain,(D3) 260 Union, (E4) 400 Unity, (C5) 200 Wakefield, (F4) 150 Walpole, (C5) 800 Warner, (D5) 84o Warren, (Ü4) 690 Washington, (C5)... 220 Water Village, (E4) 130 Weare, (DS) 240 Webster, (D5)....... 300 Wentworth, (D4) 500 W. Alton, (E4) 100 W. Andover, (D5)... 180 W. Brentwood, (E6). 200 W. Campton, (D4).. 200 W. Canaan, (C4) 100 W. Chesterfield, (C6) 260 W. Claremont, (C5). 500 W. Concord, (D5).. 1,200 W. Epping, (E5) 450 W. Hampstead,(E6). 200 W. Henniker, (D5).. 100 W. Lebanon, (C4)... 500 W. Milan, (E2) 390 Westmoreland, (C6)..380 Westmoreland Depot. (C5) 130 W.Nottingham, (E5) 100 W. Ossipee, (E4) 300 W. Peterboro, (C6) . 540 Westport, (C6) 100 W. Rindge, (D6) 260 W. Rumney, (D4). . 240 W. Rye, (F5) 100 W.Salisbury, (D5).. 120 W. Springfield, (C5). 20O W. Stewartstown, (E2) 1,000 W. Swanzey, (C6)... 770 W. Thornton, (D4) . 360 Westville, (E6) 300 W. Wilton, (D6). ... 100 W. Windham, (E6) . 100 Whiteface, (E4). ... 100 Whitefield, (D3).... 1,575 Wilmot, (D5) 250 Wilmot Flat, (D5).. 250 Wilton, (D6) 1,300 Winchester, (C6) ..1,900 Windham, (E6)..... 350 Windham Depot, (E6) 200 W'inona, (D4) 135 Wolfboro Falls. (E4) 300 Wolfeboro, (E4).... 1,700 Woodman, (F4). .. . 100 Woodstock, (D4). .. 200 Woodsville, (D3) ..2,100 NEW JERSEY Absecon, (D5) 781 Adelphia, (D3) 450 Aldine, (B4) ISO Allaire, (D3) 100 Allamuchy, (C2) 200 Allendale, (Dl) 937 Allenhurst, (E3) 306 Allentown, (C3) 634 Allenwood, (D3).... 160 Alliance, (B5) 400 AUoway, (B4) 600 Almonesson, (B4)... 200 Alpha, (B2) 700 Alpine, (E2) 377 Ancora, (C4) 300 Andover, (C2) 884 Anglesea, (C5) 170 Annandale, (C2).... 380 Anthony, (C2) 100 Ardena, (D3) 500 Arlington, (D2)... .6,000 Asbury, (B2) 580 Asbury Park, (E3).10,150 Ashland, (C4) 320 Ateo, (C4) 600 Athenia, (D2) 410 Adantic City,(D5)46,150 Atlantic Highlands, (D3) 1,645 Atsion, (C4) 100 Auburn, (B4) 180 Audubon, (B4) 1,343 Aura, (B4) 130 Avalon, (C5) 230 Avenel, (D2) 100 Avon, (D3) 426 Baptistown, (C2)... 120 Bargaintown, (C5).. 100 Bamegat. (D4) 850 Barnegat City, (D4). 70 Bamsboro, (B4).... 200 Barrington, (B4).... 150 Basking Ridge, (C2). 640 Bayhead, (D3) 281 Bayonne, (D2)... .55,545 Bayville, (D4) 200 Beach Haven, (D4).. 272 Beatyestown, (C2).. 170 Bedminster, ((^2)... 130 Beemerville, (Cl).. . 250 Beesleys Point, (C5). 175 Belford, (D3) 250 Belleplain, (C5) 100 Belle-'Ule, (D2) 8,500 Belm,^ , (E3) 1,433 Belvidere, (B2) 1,764 Bergenfield, (E2)....1,991 Berkeley Hgts, (D2). 300 Berlin, (C4) 800 Bernardsville, (C2). 1,000 Beverly, (C3) 2,140 Billingsport, (B4)... 100 Birmingham, (C4)... 220 Bivalve, (B5) 220 BlackwellsMills,(C3)230 Blackwood, (B4) 600 Blairstown, (C2) 800 Bloomfield, (D2). .15,070 Bloomingdale, (Dl). 340 Bloomsbury, (B2)... 600 Blue Anchor, (C4)... 250 Bogota, (D2) 1,125 Boonton, (D2) 4,930 Bordentown, (C3). .4,250 Boundbrook, (C2)...3,970 Bradevelt, (D3) 150 Bradley Beach, (E3)l,807 Branchville, (Cl) 663 Bridgeboro, (C3).... 280 Bridgeport, (D4).... 280 Bridgeport, (B4).... 640 Bridgeton, (BS)... 14,209 Bridgeville, (B2).... 100 Brielle, (D3) 330 Brigantine, (D5). 67 Broadway, (C2) 200 Brookdale, (D2).... 250 Brookside, (C2) 160 Browns Mills, (C4)... 300 Browntown, (D3)... 200 Budd Lake, (C2).... 120 Buddtown, (C4).... 250 Burleigh, (C5) 150 Burlington, (C3).. .8,336 Burrsville, (D3) 200 Butler, (D2) 2,265 Buttzville, (C2) 330 Caldwell, (D2) 2,236 Califon, (C2) 500 Camden, (B4) 94,538 Campgaw, (Dl) 100 Canton, (B5) 190 Cape May, (C5)... .2,471 Cape May Court House, (C5) 800 Cape May Point, (CS) 162 Carlstadt, (D2)... .3,807 Carmel, (B5) 750 Carpeitersyil'e, (B2) 210 Carteret, (D2) 3,500 Cassville, (D3) 220 Cedarbrook, (C4)... 400 Cedar Grove, (D2).. 670 Cedar Lake, (C4) 110 Cedarville, (B5).... 1,500 Centerton, (C4) 100 Centerton, (B4) 130 Changewater, (C2).. 210 Chapel Hill, (D3)... 200 Charlotteburg, (Dl). 100 Chatham, (D2) 1,874 Chatsworth, (D4)... 150 Cheesequake, (D3).. 200 Chesilhurst, (C4).... 246 Chester, (C2) 1,100 Chesterfield, (C3)... 150 Chews, (B4).. 440 Chrome, ID2) 100 Cinnaminson, (B4).. 150 Clarksboro, (B4).... 200 Clarksburg, (D3)... 250 Clayton, (B4) 1,926 Clementon, (C4).... 500 Clermont, (C5) 300 Cliffside, (D2) 3,394 Cliffwood, (D3)..... 130 Clifton, (D2) 8,100 Clinton, (C2) 836 Closter, (E2) 1,483 Cokesbury, (C2).... 100 Cold Spring, (C5)... 150 ColesvUle, (Cl) 200 Collingswood, (B4). 4,795 Colonia, (D2) 100 Colts Neck, (D3).... 150 Columbia, (B2) 200 Columbus, (C3) 590 Cookstown, (C3).... 180 Copperhill, (C3).... 100 Coytesville, (E2).... 750 Cranbury, (D3) 800 Cranford, (D2) 1,000 Creamridge, (D3)... 100 Cresskill, (E2) 550 Crosskeys, (B4) 250 Crosswicks, (C3). 400 Croton, (C2) 110 Daretown, (B4) ISO Dayton, (G3) 390 Deal, (D3) 273 Deal Beach, (E3) 180 Deerfield Street,(B4) 150 Delair, (B4) 230 Delanco, (C3) 750 Delawanna, (D2)... 710 Delaware, (B2) 440 Delford, (D2) 1,005 Delmont, (C5) 175 Demarest, (E2) 560 Dennisville, (C5) 300 Denville, (D2) 630 DiasCreek, (C5).... 250 Dividing Creek, (BS) 500 Dorchester, (C5) 100 Dorothy, (C5) 200 Dover, (C2) 7,468 Drakestown, (D2)... 200 Dumont, (E2) 1,783 Dundee I.ake, (D2). 400 Dunellen, (D2) 1,990 Dutchneck, (C3).... 100 Eastcreek, (C5)..... 100 E. MUlstone, (C2)... 356 E. Newark, (D2).. .3,163 E. Nutley, (D2) 700 E.Orange, (D2).. .34,371 E. Rutherford, (D2)4,27S Eatontown, (D3)... 1,200 Edgewater, (E2)... .2,655 Edgewater Park,(C3) 200 Egg Harbor City, (C4) 2,181 Elberon, (E3) 100 Eldora, (C5) 100 Elizabeth, (D2).. .73,409 Ellisburg, (B4) 110 Ellisdale, (C3) 275 Elm, (C4) 230 Elmer, (B4) 1,167 Elwood, (C4) 150 Emerson, (D2) 767 Englewood, (E2).. .9,924 Englewood Cliffs, (E2) 410 English Creek, (C5). 300 Englishtown, (D3).. 468 Erma, (C5) 230 Essex Fells, (D2).... 442 Estelville. (C5) 100 Everett, (D3) 100 Everittstown, (B2).. 150 Evesboro, (C4) 100 Ewan, (B4) 250 Fairfield. (D2) 150 Fairhavqp, (D3) 1,100 Fairlawn, (D2) 120 Fairmount, (C2) 100 Fairton, (B5) 500 Fairview, (E2) 2,441 Fanwood, (D2) 471 Far Hills, (C2) 300 Farmingdale, (D3)... 416 Fieldsboro, (C3) 480 Finderne, (C2) 100 Finesville, (B2) 150 Fishing Creek, (C5).. 180 Flanders, (C2) 510 Flatbrookville, (Cl).. 100 Flemington, (C3)... .2,693 Florence, (C3) 1,800 Florham Park, (D2).. 558 Folsom, (C4) 232 Fords, (D2) 750 Forked River, (D4)... 500 Fort Lee, (E2) 4,472 Franklin Furnace, (Cl) 1,800 Franklin Park, (C3).. 230 Franklinville, (B4)... 300 Freehold, (D3) 3,233 Frenchtown, (B2).... 984 Freneau, (D3) 200 Garfield, (D2) 10,213 Garwood, (D2) 1,118 Georgetown, (C3).... 100 German Valley, ((^2) 580 Gibbsboro, (C4) 300 Gibbstown, (B4) 200 Glassboro, (B4) 2,100 Glendola, (D3) 250 Glen Gardner, (C2)... 600 Glen Ridge, (D2)....3,260 Glen Rock, (D2).... 1,055 Glenwood, (Dl) 300 Gloucester City, (B4) 9,462 Goshen, (C5) 350 Grantwood, (E2).... 1,600 Great Meadows, (C2) 150 Greencreek, (C5) 200 Greenpond, (C2) 100 Green Vülage, (D2).. 170 Greenwich, (B5) 1,000 Grenloch, (B4) 200 Griggstown, (C3)... - 330 Groveville, (C3) 300 Guttenberg, (D2) 5,647 Hackensack, (D2).. 14,050 Hackettstown, (C2).2,715 Haddonfield, (B4)...4,142 Haddon Hgts, (B4). 1,452 Hainesburg, (Bl).... 300 Hainesport, {C4) 500 Hainesville, (CI) 300 Haledon, (D2). 2,560 Haleyville, (BS) 330 Hamburg, (Cl> 800 Hamilton, (D3).,.... 250 Hamilton Sq, (C3).... 43C Hammonton, (C4)... 5,088 Hampton, (C2) 914 Hancocks Bridge, (B4) 130 Hanover, (D2) 400 Hanover Neck, (D2). 220 Hardingville, (B4)... 100 Hardwick, (Cl) 100 Harlingen, (C3) 200 Harmony, (B2) 250 Harrington, (E2) 150 Harrington Park, (E2) 377 Harrison, (D2) 14,498 Harrisonville, (B4).,. 300 Hartford, (C4) 100 Harvey Cedars, (D4) 33 Hasbrouck Heights, (D2) 2,155 Haskell, (Dl) 200 Haworth, (D2) 588 Hawthorne, (D2).. .3,400 Hazen, (B2) 180 Hazlet, (D3) 200 Heislerville, (C5).... 420 Helmetta, (D3) 661 Herbertsville, (D3).. 200 Hewitt, (Dl) 210 Hibernia, (D2) 1,400 High Bridge, (C2).. 1,545 Highland Park, (D3) 1,517 Highlands, (E3)... .1,386 Hightstown, (C3)....1,879 Highwood, (E2) 400 Hillsdale, (Dl) 950 Hilton, (D2) 220 Hoboken, (D2)... .70,324 Hohokus, (Dl) 488 Holland, (B2) 100 Holly Beach, ((r5)...l,901 Holmdel, (D3) 850 Holmeson, (D3) 100 Homestead, (D2) 350 Hopatcong, (C2).... 146 Hope, (C2) 350 Hopewell, (C3) 1,073 Homerstown, (D3).. 200 Hudson Hgts, (D2) 1,500 Hurffville, (B4) 200 Hyson, (D3) 150 Imlaystown, (D3)... 150 lona, (B4) 100 Irvington, (D2).... 11,877 Iselin, (D2) 100 Island Heights, (D4) 313 acksonvUle, (C3)... 100 acobstown, (C3)... 100 amesburg, (D3) 2,075 anvier, (B4) 200 efferson, (B4)...... 110 enkins, (D4) 109 ersey City, (D2).267,707 INDEX OF THE UNITED STATES (NEWJERSEY—NEW MEXICO—NEW YORK) 157 Jobstown, (C3) 200 Johnsonburg, (C2).. 150 iuliustown, (C3).. .1,000 Leansburg, (D3).... 500 Kearny, (D2) 18,659 Kenilworth, (D2)... 779 Kenvil, (C2) 350 Keyport, (D3) 3,554 Kingsiand, (D2)..., 800 Kingston, (C3) 300 Kingwood, (C3) 100 Klnkora, (C3) 100 Kirkwood, (C4) 160 Kresson, (C4) 300 La Fayette, (Cl).... 400 Lake Como, (E3) 230 Lakehurst, (D3)... .1,000 Lakewood, (D3)... .4,000 Lambertvüle, (C3)..4,657 Landing, (C2) 120 Landisvüle, (C4).... 140 Lanoka, (D4) 200 Laurel Springs, (B4) 230 Lavallette, (D4).... 42 Lawnside, (B4) 300 Lawrence St i, (C3).. 250 Lawrenceville, (C3). 300 Layton, (Cl) 320 Lebanon, (C2) 360 Ledgewood, (C2).... 400 Leeds Point, (D5)... 300 Leesburg, (C5) 250 Leonardo, (D3) 200 LeonardvUle, (D3),. 150 Leonia, (E2) 1,486 Liberty Corner, (C2) 260 Lincoln, (C2) 200 Lincroft, (D3) 100 Linden, (D2) 610 Linden Wold, (04)... 300 Linwood, (C5) 602 Little Falls, (D2)...3,600 Little Ferry, (D2). .2,541 Little Silver, (D3)... 400 Littleton, (D2) 350 Little York, (B2).... 150 Livingston, (D2).... 550 Locust, (D3) 150 Lodi, (D2) 4,138 Long Branch, (£3)13,293 Longport, (D 5) 118 Lower Bank, (C4)... 150 Lower Squankum, (D3) 250 Ludlow, (B2) 200 Lumberton, (C4).... 850 Lyndhurst, ... 1,350 Lyons Farms, (D2).. 400 McAfee Valley, (Dl) 200 McKeeCity, (C5)... 140 Madison, (1)2) 4,658 Alagnolia, (B4) 400 Mahwah, (Dl) 550 Aiaine Avenue, (C5). 150 Malaga, (B4) 400 Alanahawkin, (D4).. 700 Alanalapan, (D3)... 300 Alanasquan, (D3).. 1,582 Mantua, (B4) 750 Maplcshade, (C4)... 200 Maplewood, (D2),., 600 Marcella, (D2) 130 Margate City, (1)5). 129 Marlboro, (D3) 400 Marlton, (C4) 700 Marmora, (C5) 200 Martinsville, (C2).., 150 Masonville, (C4).... 150 Matawan, (D3) .1,646 Maurer, (D2) 520 Maurice River, (C5)l,100 Mauricetown, (B5).. 560 Mayetti, »D4) 100 Mays Landing. (C5) 1,800 Maywood, (D2) 889 Medford, (C4) 1,200 Mendham, (C2).... 1,129 Menlo Park, (D2)... 350 Merchantville, (B4) 1,996 Metuchen, (D2)... .2,138 Mickleton, (B4) 130 Middlebush, (C3)... 130 Middletown, (D3).,. 200 Middle Valley, (C2). 200 Midland Park, (D2)2,001 Midvale (Dl) 420 Miiford, (B2) 670 Millbrook, (Cl) 100 Millburn, (D2) 3,000 Millington, (C2) 300 Millstone, (C3) 157 Milltown, (D3) 1,584 Millville, (B5) 12,451 Milton, (Cl) 330 Minebrook, (C2).... 100 Minotola, (C5) 500 Monmouth Beach, (D3) 485 Monmouth Jc, (C3) 400 Monroe, (Cl) 100 Monroeville, (B4)... 110 Montague, (Cl) 200 Montclair, (D2).. .21,550 Montvale, (El) 522 Montville, (D2) 690 Moonachie, (D2) 638 Moorestown, (C4)...4,000 Morganville, (D3)... 180 Morris Plains, (C2).. 450 Morristown, (D2). 12,507 Mountainside, (D2).. 362 Mountainview, (D2) 420 Mountainville, (C2). 150 Mt. Airy, (C3) 100 Mt. Arlington, (C2). .277 Mt. Bethel, (C2).... 200 Mt. Ephraim, (B4).. 300 Mt. Freedom, (C2).. 200 Mt. Holly, (C3) 4,800 Mt. Hope, (D2) 390 Mt. Laurel, (C4).... 250 Mt. Olive, (C2) 100 Mt. Pleasant, (B2)... 150 Mt. Rose, (C3) 120 Mt.Tabdk, (D2).... 200 Mullica HUl, (B4)... 510 Murray Hül,(D2)... 100 National Park, (B4). 325 Naughright, (C2).... 220 Navesink, (D3) 600 Neptune City, (D3). 483 Nesco, (C4) 100 Neshanic, (C3) 300 Netcong, (C2) 1,532 Newark, (D2) 347,469 New Bedford, (D3).. 230 Newbridge, (D2).... 530 New Brunswick, (D3) 23,388 New Durham, (D2) 4,100 New Egypt, (C3)... 800 Newfield. (B4) 500 Newfoundland, (Dl) 570 New German town, (C2) 300 New (iretna, (D4)... 450 New Hampton, (C2)..130 New Lisbon, (C4)... 130 New Market, (D2)... 500 New Miiford, (E2).. 300 New Monmouth, (D3) 100 Newport, (B5) 850 New Providence, (D2) 873 Newton, ((31) 4,467 Newtonville, (C4)... 100 New Vernon, (C2)... 110 New Village, (B2)... 150 Norma. (B5) 100 No. Arlington, (D2). 437 No. Branch, (C2)... 250 No. Caldwell, (D2).. 595 Northfield, (C5).... 866 No. Hackeasack, (D2) 350 No. Haledon, (D2).. 749 No. Paterson, (D2). 1,300 No. Plainiield, (D2)6,117 Northvale, (E2) 300 No. Wildwood, (C5). 833 Norwood, (E2) 564 Nulley, (D2) 6,009 Oakhurst, (D3) 300 Oakland, (Dl) 568 Oaklyn, (B4) 653 Oak Kiage, (Dl).... 110 Oak Tree, (D2) 200 Ocean City, (C5).... 1,950 Ocean Grove, (E3).. 3,100 Oceanic, (D3) 600 Oceanport, (D3') 400 Oceanview, (C5).... 150 Oceanville, (D5).... 300 Ogdensburg, (Cl)... 620 Old Bridge, (D3)... 1,000 Old Tappan, (E2)... 305 Oradell, (E2) 800 Orange, (D2) 29,630 Ormond, (C5) 100 Orston, (B4) 180 Osbornsville, (D3)... 660 Ottens, (C5) 100 Overbrook, (B4).... 150 Oxford, (C2) 2,600 Palisade, (E2) 250 Palisades Park,(E2)l,411 Palmyra, (B3) 2,500 Papakating, (Cl)... 100 Parkertown, (D4)... 150 Park Ridge, (El)... 1,401 Parlin, (D3) 150 Parry, (B4) 130 Parsippany, (D2)... 230 Passaic, (D2) 54,773 Paterson, (D2)... 125,600 Pattenburg, (C2).... 300 Paulsboro, (B4)... .2,121 Peapack, (C2) 270 Pedricktown, (B4).. 600 Peermont, ((35) 100 Peetzburg, (E2) 370 Pemberton, (C4)... - 797 Penn Grove, (B4)...2,118 Pennington, (C3)... 722 Pennsville, (A4) 400 Pensauken, (B4).... 500 Penwell, (C2) 250 Pe-rineville, (D3)... 200 Perth Amboy,(D3)32,121 Petersburg, (C5) 180 Phillipsburg, (B2). 13,903 Pine Brook, (D2)... 280 Pitman, (B4) 1,950 Pittsgrove, (B4).... 110 Pittstown, (C2) 150 Plainiield, (D2).. .20,550 Pieasiint Mills, (C4). 100 Pleasantville, ((J5).. 4,390 Pluckemin, (C2) 150 Pt. Pleasant, (D3)... 650 Pt. Pleasant Beach, (D3) 1,003 PointvUle, (C3) 300 Pompton Lakes, (Dl) 1,060 Pompton Plains,(D2) 320 Porchtown, (B4).... 180 Port Colden, (C2)... 310 Port Elizabeth, (C5). 200 Port Monmouth, (D3) 650 Port Morris, (C2).... 560 Port Murry, (C2)... 310 Port Norris, (B5)... 1,350 Port Republic, (C4). 405 Pottersville, (C2)... 200 Princeton, (C3) 5,136 Prospect Park, (D2)2,719 Prospect Plains, (C3) 100 Prospertown, (D3).. 100 Quakertown, (B2)... 250 (Juinton, (B4) 900 Rahway, (D2) 9,337 Ramsey, (Dl) 1,667 Rancocas, (C3) 330 Raritan, (C2) 3,672 Readington, (C3) 200 Reaville, (C3) 300 Red Bank, (D3)... .7,398 Richfield, (D2) 210 Richland, (C5) 180 Richwood, (B4) 180 Ridgefield, (E2) 966 Ridgefield Pk, (E2) 3,000 Ridgewood, (D2).. ..5,416 RiegelsvUle, (B2).... 500 Ringoes, (C3) 330 Ringwood Manor, (Dl) 210 Rio Grande, (C5)... 250 Risley, (C5) 200 River Edge, (D2)... 380 Riverside, (D2) 736 Riverside, (C3) 3,800 Riverton, (C3) 1,788 Rivervale, (Dl) 350 Roadstown, (B5).... 220 Robbinsville, (C3)... 130 Rochelle Park, (D2). 300 Rockaway, (D2)... .1,902 Rocksburg, (B2).,.. 100 Rocky Hill, (C3).... 502 Roebling, (C3) 750 Roosevelt, (D2)... .5,786 Roseland, (D2) 486 Roselle, (D2) 2,725 Roselle Park, (D2).. 3,138 Rosenhayn, (B5).... 600 Rumson, (D3) 1,449 Rustic, (C2) 100 Rutherford, (D2).. .7,045 Saddle River, (Dl).. 483 Salem, (B4) 6,614 Sayreville, (D3) 5,000 Schooleys Alountain, (C2) 180 Scotch Plains, (D2) 1,000 Scullville, (C5) 200 Seabright, (E3) 1,220 Sea Isle City, (C5).. 551 Seaside Park, (D4).. 101 Seaville, (C5) 200 Secaucus, (D2) 4,740 Sergeantville, (<33).. 200 Sewaren, (D2) 100 Sewell, (B4) 200 Shadyside, (E2) 800 Sharptown, (B4) 230 Shiloh, (B5) 400 Short Hills, (D2).... 350 Shrewsbury, (D3)... 400 Sicklerville, (B4) 230 Silver Lake, (D2)... 250 SUverton, (D3) 100 Singac, (D2) 210 Smiths Landmg,(C5) 400 Smithville, (C4) 375 Somers Point, (C5)... 604 Somerville, (C2) 5,060 South Amboy, (D3)7,007 Southard, (D3) 400 So. Boundbrook, (C2) 1,024 So. Branch, (C2) 200 So. Cape Alay, (C5). 7 So. Dennis, (C5).- 200 So.Orange, (D2).. .0,014 So. PlaiiÄeld, (D2).. 300 So. River, (D3) 4,772 So. Seaville, (C5).... 300 So. Vineland, (C5).. 500 Sparta, (Cl) 800 Spotswood, (D3).... 623 Springfield, (D2).... 600 Spring Lake, (E3)... 853 Springtown, (B2)... 330 Stanhope, (C2) 1,031 Stanley, (D2) 210 Stanton, (C2) 120 Stanwick, (C4) 400 Steelmanville, ((¿5).. 300 Stephensburg, (C2).. 180 Stewartsville, (B2).. 560 Stillwater, (Cl) 120 Stirling, (C2) 540 Stockholm, (Dl).... 430 Stockton, (C3) 60S Stone Harbor, (C5).. 100 Stoutsburg, (C3).... 100 Stratford, (B4) 100 Succasunna, (C2)... 610 Summit, (D2) 7,500 Surf City, (D4) 40 Sussex, ((¿1) 1,212 Swainton, (C5) 310 Swedesboro, (B4)... 1,477 Sykesviile, (C3) 130, (C4) 480 Tenafly, (E2) 2,756 Tennent, (D3) 100 Thorofare, (B4) 130 Three Bridges, (C2) 300 Tinton Falls, (D3).... 200 Titusville, (C3) 300 Toms River, (D4). .2,200 Totowa, (D2) 1,130 Towaco, (D2) 150 Townley, (D2) 300 Tremley, (D2) 150 TRENTON, (03). 96,815 Troyhills, (D2) 110 Tuckahoe, (C5) 800 Tuckerton, (D4)—1,268 Tumersville, (B4)... 180 Union, (D2) 21,023 Union, (D2) 1,900 Upper Montclair, (D2) 1,100 Upper Saddle River, (Dl) 273 Vanhiseville, (D3)... 320 Vauxhall, (D2) 600 Ventnor, (D5) 491 Vernon, (Dl) 200 Verona, (D2) 1,675 Vienna, (C2) 300 VUlapark, (D3) 100 Vincentown, (C4)... 900 Vineland, (B5) 5,282 Waldwick, (Dl) 900 Wallington, (D2).. .3,448 Wallpack Center, (Cl) 100 Wanaque, (Dl) 400 W'aretown, (D4).... 300 Warren Paper Mills, (B2) 150 Warrenville, (C2)... 130 Washington, (C2)..3,567 Watchung, (D2).,.. 100 Waterford Works, (C4) 300 Waterloo, (C2) 130 Wayne, (D2) 210 Wayside, (D3) 200 Weehawken, (D2). 11,223 Wenonah, (B4) 645 W. Caldwell, (D2)... 494 West Cape Alay, (C5) 844 W. Collingswood, (B4) 600 W.Creek, (D4) 275 West End, (E3) 150 Westfield, (D2) 6,420 W. Freehold, (D3).. 230 West Hoboken, (D2) 35,403 W. Long Branch, (D3) 879 W. Aíüford, (Dl)... 210 W'estmont, (B4) 280 West New York, (D2) 13,560 W.Orange, (D2). .10,980 W. Paterson, (D2). - 400 W. Point Pleasant, (D3) 290 W. Portal, (B2) 250 Westville, (B4) 800 Westwood, (D2) 1,870 Weymouth, (C4).. .1,000 Wharton, (C2) 2,983 Whippany, (D2).... 970 White House, {C2).. 100 White House Station, (C2) 350 Whitesboro, (C5)... 120 Whitesville, (D3)... 200 Wilburtha, (C3).... 200 Wüdwood, (C6) 103 Wildwood Crest, (C5)100 ^\iIli^mstown, (C4).1,600 Windsor, (C3) 300 Winslow, (C4) 250 Woodbine, (C5) 2,399 Woodbridge, (D2)...4,500 Woodbury, (B4)... .4,642 Woodcliff, (Dl) 470 Woodcliff Lake, (Dl) 520 Woodlynne, (B4).... 500 Wood Ridge, (D2)... 1,043 Woodstown, (B4)... 1,613 Woodsville, (C3).... 100 Wortendyke, (Dl).. 450 Wrightstown, (C3)... 220 Wyckoff, (Dl) 390 Yardville, (C3) 350 Yorktown, (B4).... 180 NEW MEXICO Abiqulu, (C2) 500 Acme, (E5) 120 Alameda, (C3) 400 Aiamogordo, (C6).. 3,600 Albert, (F3) 180 Albuquerque, (C3).11,020 Alcalde, (D2) 300 Algodones, (C3) 280 Alma, (A5) 130 Anthony, (C6) 250 Anton Chico, (E3). 850 Arroyohondo, (D2) 490 Arroyo Seco, (D2). 400 Artesia, (E6) 1,883 Atrisco, (03) 540 Aurora, (D2) 100 Aztec, (A2)-, 509 Baldy, (D2) 120 Bayard. (A6) 200 Befen, (C4) 680 Bent, (DS) 300 Bernalillo. (C3) 770 Beulah, (D3) 200 Bibo. (B3) 200 Bland, (C3) 620 Bloomfield, (B2)..- 250 Blossburg, (E2) 190 Bonito, (D5)...._- 300 Brice, (C6) 100 Buckman, (C3) 200 Canjilon, (C2).... 100 Capitan, (D5) 100 Carlsbad, (E6) 1,736 Carrizozo, (D5)... 750 Carthage. (C5) 150 Casasalazar, (B3).. 130 Casaus, (D3).-.--- 200 Catskill, (E2) 640 Cedarhill. (B2) 180 Central, (A6) 510 CerriUos, (C3) llO Cerro, (D2) 500 Chacon, (D2) 200 Chama, (C2) 300 Chamberino, (C6).. 600 Chamisal. (D2) 150 Chamita, (D2) 410 Chaperito, (E3) 380 Charlotte, (F4) ISO ChUili,(C4) 400 Chimayo, (D3) 320 (iüimarron, (E2) 940 Clarkville. (A3)... 250 Clayton. (F2) 970 Cleveland, (D3) 620 Cloudcroft, (D6).. 250 Clevis. (F4) 3,255 Cochiti, (C3) 300 Colmor, (E2) 240 Colorado, (B6) 750 Cooks. (B6) 510 Cooney, (A5) 200 Copper, (C3) 200 Cordova, (D2) 350 Corona, (04) 200 Costüla, (D2).:... 50O Coyote, (C2) 370 Cubero, (B3) 350 Cuchillo, (B5) 200 CTuervo, (E3) 300 Dawson, (E2) 100 Dayton, (E6) 280 Deming. (B6) 1,864 Des Moines, (F2).. 200 Dexter, (E5) 242 Domingo, (C3) — . 100 Dona Ana, (C6) 750 Dorsey, (E2) 220 Duran, (D4) 150 East Las Vegas,(E3) 3,755 Elida, (F5) 327 Elizabethtown, (D2) 580 El Rito. (C2) 650 Endee,(F3) 290 Española, (C3) 550 Estancia, (D4) 517 Fairview, (B5) 240 Farmington, (A2)._ 785 Fierro, (A6) 700 Floravista, (B2) 240 Folsom, (F2) 484 Fort Bayard, (A6). 550 Fort Stanton, (D5). 200 Fort Sumner, (E4). 400 Fort Wingate. (A3). 550 Fruitland, (A2) 450 Galisteo, (D3) 730 Gallina, (C2) 260 Gallup, (A3) 2.204 Gardiner. (E2) 970 Gibson. (A3) 400 Gila, (A6) 350 Glenwood, (A5) 100 Glorieta, (D3) 250 Ciolden, (C3) 330 Grady, (F4) 120 Guadalupita, (D2), 300 Guillou, (D3) 580 Guique, (D2) 400 Hagerman. (E5) 449 Hatch, (B6)_ 100 Heaton, (A3) 300 Hillsboro, (B6) 1,000 Hodges, (D2) 200 Hope. (E6) 417 Hurlburt, (D5) 100 Ildefonzo. (C3) 100 Isidor, (E3) 200 Isleta, (C4) 1,000 Jarales, (C4) 850 Temes, (C3) 525 Jemez Springs, (C3) 200 Jicarilla, (D5) 130 KeUy, (B4) 620 Kingston, (B6) 290 I.acueva, (D3) 570 Laguna, (B4) 1,000 Laioya. (C4) 350 Lake Arthur, (E5)_ 344 Lake Valley, (B6).. 220 Lakewood. (E6) 250 Laluz, (D5) 450 La Mesa. (C6) 300 Lamy, (D3) ISO Laplata. (A2) 230 Largo, (B2)__ 450 Lascruces, (C6) 3.836 Las Palomas, (BS). 230 Las Vegas, (D3)— 3,179 Lemitar, (B4) 430 Liberty, (A2) 250 Lincoln, (D5) 1,100 Lobo,(D2). 100 Logan, (F3) 100 Lordsburg, (A6) 1,000 Los Lunas, (C4) 460 Lucero, (D 2) 200 Lumberton, (C2)._ 470 Luna. (AS) 200 Madrid, (C3) 430 Magdalena, (B4).. 900 Manzano, (C4) 650 MaxweU, (E2) 270 Mayhill, (D6) 290 Melrose, (F4) 1,000 Mescalero. (DS). 160 Mesilla, (C!6) 1,300 Miera, (F2) 450 Milligan, (B5). 300 Mimbres, (B6) .. 300 Mogollen, (AS) 600 Monere, (C2) 180 Monticello, (B5). 400 Montoya, ÍF3)-300 Mora, (D3) 1,400 Mountain Park, (D6). 320 Nara Visa, (F3).-.- 200 Nogal, (D5) 170 Nutt, (B6) 100 Ocate, (E2) 200 01dAlbuquerque(C3). 750 Organ, (C6) 260 Orogrande, (D6).--- 400 Pajarito, (C3)_. 390 Paraje. (BS) 290 Parkview, (C2)...-. 820 Pecos, (D3) ... 540 Penablanca, (C3)..- 100 Peñasco, (D2).. 890 Peralta. ^C4) 570 Petaca, (D2) 350 Picacho, (E5)...... 390 Pines, (C3) 150 Pinos Altos, (A6).,.. 1,100 Placitas, (C3) 200 Pojuaque, (1)3).... 800 Polvadera, (B4).... 420 Portales, (F4) 1,292 Puerto deLuna,(E4) 1,100 Punta, (D4)....... 100 Putnam, (B2)- 200 Questa, (D2) 650 Ranches of Taos, (D2)._ 1,400 Raton, (E2) 4,539 Red River. (D2)-.-. 210 Redrock, (A6) ... 190 Ricardo, (E4) ... 150 Rincón. (C6)....... 280 Rosedale, (B5) 150 Roswell, (E5)..--.- 6,172 Roy, (E3) 400 Ruidoso, (DS) 350 Sabinal, (C4) 320 San Acacia, (B4)... 460 San Antonio, (C4).. 370 San Antonio, (C5).. 650 Sandoval, (C3)..... 620 San Jose, (D3) 610 San Juan, (C4) 400 San Lorenzo, (B6)., 330 San Marcial, (B5).. 1,000 San Mateo, (B3) 330 San Pedro, (C3)..-- 460 San Rafael, (A3).... 700 Santa Cruz, (D3),.. 680 SANTA FE, (C3)... 5,072 Santa Rita, (B6). 1,900 Santa Rosa. (£4)... 1,000 SapeUo, (¿>3)....-, 360 Sawyer, (B4)....... 500 Seama, (B3) ; 220 Sherman, (B6)...... 100 Silver City, (A6).... 3,217 Socorro, (C4)--. 1,560 Springer, (E2) 550 Steeplerock, (.A6)._ 100 Steins, (.A6) 150 Tajique, (C4) 320 Taos, (D2) 1,400 TecoloteL(D3)-. 510 Texico, (F4) 409 TierTaAmarilla,(C2). 850 Tome, (C4) 1,000 Torreen, (C4) 100 Truchas, (D2) 100 Tucumcari, (F3) 2,526 Tularosa, (C5). ... 760 Tyrone, (A6) ... 250 Valencia, (C4) _.... 460 VaUecitos, (C2) .... 620 Variadero, (E3) 300 Wagonmound, (E3). 900 Watrous, (E3) 250 Weed. (D6) 520 Whiteoaks, (DS)... 300 Wülard, (D4)...;.. 150 Zuni, (A3) 1,300 NEW YORK Academy, (F9) 120 Accord, (M13) 380 Acidalia, (K13) 130 Acra, (Mil) 110 Adams, (H5) 1,458 Adams Basin, (F8).. 270 Adams Center, (J5). 650 Addison, (F12) 2,004 Adrian, (E12) 500 Afton, (J12) 729 Akin, (M9) 600 Akron, (C9) 1,677 Alabama, (D8) 230 ALBANY, (NIC) 100,253 Albion, (DS) 5,016 Alburg, (LI) 360 Alcove, (Nil) 100 Alden, (C9) 828 Alden Center, (C9).. 150 Alder Creek, (K7)... 150 Alexander, (D9) 212 Alexandria Bay,(J3)l,899 Alfred, (Ell) 759 Alfred Station, (Ell) 140 Allaben, (M12) 250 Allegany, (D12).... 1,286 Allenshill, (F9) 220 Allentown, (D12)... 660 Ailigerville, (M13).. 250 Alloway, (F8) 100 Alma, (D12) 159 Almond, (Ell) 680 Alpine, (Gil) 180 Alplaus, (N9) 120 Alps, (N10) 150 Alseu. (N12) 100 Altamont, (MIO).... 674 Altay, (Gil) 200 Altmar, (H6) 363 Alton, (G8) 350 Altona, (Nl) 500 Alvord, (M7) 130 Amagansett, (L17).. 600 Amawalk, (N15).... 200 Amber, (H9) 150 Amboy Center, (J7). 100 Amenla, (N13) 1,200 Amenia Union, (N13) 100 Ames, (L9) 160 Amityville, Q17).. .2,517 Amsterdam, (M9).31,7.67 Ancram, (N12) 350 Andes, (L12) 414 Andover, (E12) 1,136 Angelica, (Dil)... ,1,056 Angola, (BIO) 898 Annandale, (N12)... 130 Antwerp, (J4) 974 Apalachin, (H12)... 400 Appleton, (C7) 200 Apulia, (H9) 150 Apulia Station, (H9) 160 Aquebogue, (K17)... 320 Aquetuck, (Nil).... 250 Arcade, (DIO) 1,294 Arden, (M15) 200 Ardsley, (N16) 537 Arena, (L12) 200 Argusville, (M9).... 150 Argyle, (08) 231 Arkport, (Ell) 400 Arkville, (L12) 430 Arlington, (N14).... 750 Armonk, (N16) 270 Armor. (.C10) 110 Ashford, (Cll) 300 Ashland, (Mil) 780 Ashton, (M13) 150 Ashville, (B12) 400 Ashwood, (D7) 100 Athens, (N12) 1,956 Athol, (N7) 110 Athol Springs, (C9). 300 Atlanta, (FlO) 290 Attica, (D9) 1,869 Atwood, (M13) 200 Auburn, (G9) 34,668 Augusta, (K9) 300 Aurelius, (G9) 100 Auriesville, (M9L... 130 Aurora, (G9) 493 Ausable Chasm, (02 ) 500 Ausable Forks,(N3)2,600 Austerlitz, (Oil) 100 Averillpark, (NIO).. 450 Avoca, (Fll) 1,057 Avon, (E9) 2,053 Awosting, (M14).... 500 Babylon, (J17) 2,600 Bacon Hill, (N8).... 200 Bainbridge, (Jll)....1,159 Baiting Hollow, (K17) 250 Baldwin, (H17) 3,000 Baldwinsville, (H8).3,099 Ballston Lake,(N9). 200 Ballston Spa, (N8)..4,138 Bangall, (N13) 150 Bangor, (Ml) 600 Banksville, (N16)... 150 Bardonia, (N16).... 100 Barker, (C7) 441 Barkersville, (M8).. 100 Barnard, (E8) 150 Bamerville, (MIO).. 100 Barnes, (Gil) 130 Barnes (Vomers, (J5) 200 Barre Center, (D8).. 200 Barrytown, (N12)... 400 Barryville, (L15).... 300 Bartlett, (K8) 150 Barton, (H12) 200 Batavia, (D9) 11,613 Batchellerville, (M8).150 Bath, (Fll) 3,884 Battenville, (08).... 280 Bay Pond, (M3).... 150 Bayport, (J17) 740 Bay Shore, (J17).. .3.400 Bayville, (J16) 500 Beach Ridge, (CÜ8).. 100 Beaver Dams, (Gil) 500 Beaver Falls, (K5).. 800 Bedford, (N16) 300 Bedford Hills, (N16) 600 Beekman, (NI4).... 250 Beerston, (K12) 150 Beiden, (J12) 100 Belfast, (Dil) 900 Beifort, (K5) 100 Belgium, (H8) 180 Belfelsle, (H8) 330 Bellevüle, (H5) 344 Bellevue, (C9) 400 Bellmore, (H17).... 600 Bellona, (FlO) 250 Bellport, (K17) 419 Bellvale, (M15) 350 Belmont, (D12) 1,094 Belmont Center, (Ml) 300 Belvidere, (Dil).... 200 Bemis Hgts, (N9)... 100 Bemus Point, (B12). 150 Bennettsburg, (Gil)..110 Bennettsville, (K12). 130 Bennington, (D9)... 300 Benson Mines, (L4). 900 Benton Center, (FlO) 140 Bergen, (E8) 637 Bergholtz, (C8) 190 Berkshire, (Hi 1).... 500 Berlin, (OlO) 700 Berne, (MIO) 350 Bernhards Bay, (J7). 150 Bethany, (D9) 160 Bethel, (Li4) 300 Bidwell, (F8) 200 Bigcreek, (Ell) 500 Big Flats, (G12).... 700 Big Indian, (M12)... 130 Bigtree, (C9) 210 Binghamton, (J 12)48,443 Binnewater, (M13). 400 Bishop Street, (H5). 140 Blackbrook, (N3)... 200 Black Creek, (Dil). 130 Black River, (J5)... 916 Blaine, (L9) 100 Blasdell, (C9) 849 Blauvelt, (N16) 350 Bleecker, (M8) 530 Bliss, (DIO) 400 Blodgett Mills, (HlO) 150 Bloomingburg,iM14) 500 Bloomingdale, (M3). 382 Blooming Grove, (M15) 120 Bloomington, (M13) 400 Bloomvifie, (LI 1)... 350 Blossom, (C9) 150 Blossvale, (J7) 120 Blue Point, (J 17).,. 500 Bohemia, (J17) 300 Bolivar, (D12) 1,318 Bolton, (N6) 300 Bolton Landing,(N6) 400 Bombay, (Ll) 350 Boomertown, (B12). 100 Boonville, (K7).... 1,794 Boquet, (03) 250 Border City, (G9)... 200 Borodino, (H9) 200 Boston, (ClO) 500 Bouckville, O^) 250 Bovina Center, (Lll) 190 Bowens Comers, (H7) 190 Bowmansville, (C9). 300 Bradford, (Fll) 300 Brainard, (NIO) 200 Brainard Sta, (OlO). 130 Brainardsville, (Ml) 200 Branchport, (FlO)... 300 Brant, (BIO) 250 Brasher Falls, (Ll).. 600 Brasher Iron Works, (Ll) 100 Breakabeen, (MlO)., 200 Breesport, (G12).... 500 Brentwood, (J17)... 800 Brewerton, (H8).... 630 Brewster, (N15).... 1,296 Briarclifi Manor, (N16) 950 Bridgehampton, (L17) 1,500 Bridgeport, (J8) 40O Bridgewater, (K9)... 245 Brier Hill, (J2) 200 Brighton, (E8) 1,000 Bristol, (F9) 150 Bristol Center, (F9). 150 Broadalbin, (M8)... 800 Brockport, (E8)... .3,579 Brocton, (Bll) 1,181 Bronxville, (N17)....1,863 Brookdale, (Ll) 100 Brookfield, (K9).... 395 Brook Haven, (Kl7) 350 Brockton, (Hll).... 300 Brookview, (NIO)... 200 Broome Center, (Mil) 150 Brown Sta, (M13)... 150 Brownville, 04) 854 Brushton, (Ml) 660 Buchanan, (N15) 300 Bucksbridge, (K2).. 100 Buffalo, (C9) 423,715 Bullville, (M14) 100 Bundy Crossing, ÍH7) 190 Burden, (Nl 2) 100 Burdett, (Gil) 382 Burke, (Ml) 300 Burlingham. (M14). 200 Burlington Flats, (KIO) .'00 Burnhams, (Bll)... 100 Burnt Hills,(N9)... 180 Burrs Mills, 0 5).. . 130 Burt. (C7) 100 BurtonsvUle, (M9) .. 130 58 (NEW YORK) INDEX OF THE UNITED STATES Bushnellsville, (M12) 150 bushvUle, (L14) 130 buskirk Bridge, (09) 320 Busti, (Bi2) 300 Byron, (Ü8) 350 Cadiz, (DU) 100 (Jadosia, (K.13) 5J0 Cairo. (Nil) 800 Caledonia, (E9) 1,290 Callicoon, (K.13).... 800 Callicoon (Center, (L13) 250 C^verton, (K.17)— 210 Cambridge, (08).. -1,528 Camden '7) 2,170 Cameroi. .12)..,.. 500 Camillus, viiS) 763 Campbell, (F12).... 500 Campbell Hall, (M15) 140 Canaan, (Oil) 220 Canajoharie, (L9)..2,273 Caoandaigua, (FO)..7,.2l7 C^auaôr-ica, (E' . 754 (3anaä..>...a, 'J8)... .3,247 Candor, (H12) 737 Caneadea, (Dil).... 450 Canisteo, (E12). .. .2,259 Cannonsville, (K12). 300 C^oga, (G9) 150 Canton, (K2) 2,701 C^pe Vincent, (H4).1,155 C^(»^on, (K8) 600 Cardiff, (H9) 100 Carlisle, (M9) 300 Carman, (N9) 450 Carme., (Nl5) 800 Choline, (HII) 200 (Caroline Center, (Hll) 200 Caroline Depot, (Hll) 100 Carrollton, (C12)... 200 Carthage, (T5) 3,563 Cascade Valley, (J12) 100 C^sadaga, (Bll)... 430 Cassville, (K9) 200 Castile, (DIO) 1,040 Castle Creek. (J12).. 200 C^astleton, (NIO)... 1,396 C^torland, (J 5).... 300 Catatonk, (H^12).... 200 Catharine, (Gil).... 100 Cato, (G8) 374 Catón, (F12) 200 Catskill, (N12) 5.296 Cattaraugus, (Cll) 1,165 (^ughdenoy, (H7).. 250 Cayuga, (G9) 348 Cayuta, (Gil) 100 Oyutaville, (Gil).. 110 C^awnovia, (T9). 1,861 Cedar Hill, (NIO)... 200 Cedarhurst, (H17).. 900 Cedarvale, (H9).... 200 Odarville, (K9). 150 Celoron, (B12) 619 Cementon, (N12)... 600 Center Berlin, (OlO) 100 Center Brunswick, (N9) 130 Center Cambridge, (09) 360 Center Lisle, (Hll).. 230 Center Moriches, (K17) 1,600 Centerport, (J16)... 490 Onter Village, (J 12) 150 C^nterville, (Dil).... 150 CentervUle Station, (L14) 800 Central Bridge,(M10)400 Centralia, (B11).... 150 Ontral Islip, (J17). 400 Central Park, (N17). 530 Central Square,(H7) 429 Ontral Valley,(M15) 800 Ceres, (D12) 350 Chadwicks, (K8).... 380 Chafee. (DIO) 200 Champion, (T5) 200 Champ>lain, (Ol)... 1,280 Chapín, (F9) 300 Chappaqua, (N16).. 900 Charleston Four Corners, (M9).... 110 Charlotte, (E8) 1,938 (Tharlotteville, (LlO) 250 Charlton, (N9) 100 Chase Mills, (Kl)... 110 Chateaugay, (Ml).. 1,045 Chateaugay Lake, (Ml) 220 Chatham, (N11)... .2,251 (Chatham Center, (Nil) 220 Chaumont, (H4).... 708 Chauncey, (N16).... 200 Chautauqua, (B12).. 500 Chazy, (Ol) 700 ChazyLake,(N2)... 200 Chelsea, (N14) 200 Chemung, (G12).... 390 Chenango Bridge, (J12) 250 Chenango Forks, (J12) 500 Chepachet, (K9) 100 Cherry Creek, (Bll) 606 Cherry Valley, (L9). 792 Cheshire, (F9) 200 Chester, (M15) 1,210 Chestertown, (N6).. 300 Chesterville, (MIO).. 170 Cheviot, (N12) 140 Chichester, (Ml2)... 600 Cbüi. (E8) 100 Chipmonk, (Cl2). .. 150 Chippewa Bay, (J3). 120 Chittenango, (J8)... 678 Chittenango Falls, (J9) 200 Chittenango Station, (J8) 150 Churchtown, (N12). 130 Churchville, (E8)... 565 Churubusco, (Nl)... 120 Cicero, (H8) 400 Cincinnatus, (JIO).. 400 Circlevüle, (M14)... 120 Clarence, (C9) 500 Clarence Center,(C8) 400 Clarendon, (D8).... 100 Clark Mills, (K8).... 600 Clarkson, (E8) 300 Clarksville, (NiO)... 400 Claryville, (L13).... 130 Claverack, (N12) 400 Claverhouse, (E7)... 400 Clayburg, (N2) 150 Clayton, (H4) 1,941 (¿layville, (K9) 649 Clemons, (06) 320 Clermont, (N12) 120 Cleveland, (J 8) 687 Clifton, (E8) 250 Clifton Park, (N9).. 120 Clifton Springs,(F9)l,600 Clinton, (K.8) 1,236 Clinton Corners, (N13) 320 Clintondale, (M14). 1,000 Clinton Hollow,(Nl3)300 Clintonville, (N3)... 260 Clockville, (18) 180 Clove, (N14) 130 Clove Valley, (N14). 130 Clyde, (G8) 2,695 Clymer, (A12) 450 Cobleskill, (MIO)...2,088 Cochecton, (K13)... 190 Cochecton (Je.iter, (L14) 100 Coeymans, (Nl 1)....1,000 Coeymans Hollow (Nil) 410 Cohocton, (FlO).... 838 Cohoes, (N9) 24,709 Cold Brook, (K8)... 358 Colden, (CIO) 400 ColdSpring, (N15)..2,549 Cold Spring Haibor, (J16) 750 Cold Water, (E8)... 200 Colliersville, (KlO).. 100 Collins, (CIO) 200 Collins Center, (Cll) 350 Collinsville, (K6).... 100 Colosse, (H7) 150 Colton, (L2) 700 Columbiaville, (Nil) 300 Columbus, (KlO)... 100 Commack, (J17)... . 300 Comstock, (07) 150 Concord, (CIO) 150 Conesxis, (ElO) 500 Conesville, (Mil)... 730 Conewango, (B12).. 200 Conewango Valley, (B12) 200 Congers, (N16) 700 Conklingville, (N7).. 150 ConneUy, (N13).... 800 Conquest, (G8) 100 Constable, (Ml).... 200 Constableville, (K6). 407 (Konstantia, (J7).... 260 Cooks Falls, (L13).. 400 (Kooley, (L13) 100 Coomer, (C7) 120 (Koopers Plains,(F12) 300 (Kooperstown, (Ll0)2,484 Cooperstown Jc,(Ll 1)450 Coopersville, (Ol)... 120 Copake, (xN12) 200 Copake Falls, (N12). 300 Copenhagen, (J5)... 585 Copiague, (J17) 200 Coram, (K17) 160 CorbettsvUle, 012).. 200 Corfu. (D9) 413 Corinth, (N8) 2,166 Corning, (F12)... .13,730 Cornwall, (M15).. .2,658 Cornwall Ldg, (N15) 300 Cornwall-on-the- Hudson, (N15).. .1,400 Cortland, (HIO).. .11,504 Cossayuna, (08).... 210 Cottage, (Bll) 110 County Line, (D7).. 100 Coventry, (J 11) 150 Covert, (GIO) 200 Covington, (D9).... 100 Cowlesville, (D9)... 200 Coxsackie, (Nil)...2,494 Cragsmoor, (M14).. 100 Craigsville, (M15)... ISO Cranesville, (M9)... 100 Crary Mills, (K2)... 120 Craryville, (N12)... 130 Craterclub, (03).... 200 Crawford, (M14).... 140 Creek Locks, (M13). 500 Crescent, (N9) 320 Crittenden, (D9)... . 150 Croghan, (K5) 621 Cropseyviile, (Ñ10). 210 Cross River, (N15).. 100 Croton Falls, (N15). 450 Croton-on-Hudson, (N16) 1,806 Crown Point, (05)..1,900 Crown Point (Kenter, (05) 200 Crugers, (N16) 210 Crystalrun, (M15).. 150 Crystal Spring, (Fll) 150 Cuba, (D12) 1,556 Cuddebackville,(L15) 150 Cutchogue, (L17)... 850 Cuyler, (JIO) 130 Cuylerville, (E9).... 250 Dahlia, (L13) 200 Dale, (D9) 180 Dalton, (ElO) 530 Damascus, (J12) 200 Danby, (Hll) 100 Dannemora. (N2). ..1,146 Dansvüle, (ElO)... .3,938 Darien, (D9) 200 DarienCenter,(D9). 200 Davenport, (LI 1)... 400 Davenport Center, (Lll) 180 DaysviUe, (H6) 130 Dayton, (Cll) 500 Deansboro, (K.9) 250 Debruce, (Ll3) 250 Deerlield, (K8) 760 Deerhead, (N3) 300 Deer River, (J5) 200 Deferiet, (J4) 800 Degrasse, (K3) 100 Dekalb, (K2) 130 Dekalb Jc, (K2) 450 DeLancey, (L12) 200 Delanson, (M9) 450 Delevan, (Cll) 750 Delhi, (Lll) 1,736 Dellwood, (C9) 120 Delmar, (NIO) 400 Delphi Falls,(J9).... 230 Delta. (K7) 120 Demster, (H6) 500 Denmark, (J5) 100 Depauville, (H4).... 350 Depew. (C9) 3,921 De Peyster, (K2).... 100 Deposit, (K12) 1,864 Derby, (ClO) 250 Derrick, (L3) 350 De Ruyter, (jlO).... 538 Devereaux Station, (Cll) 100 De Witt, (H8) ISO Dewittville, (Bll)... 150 Dexter, (H4) 1,005 Dickinson Center, (L2) 200 Disco, (N2) 110 Dobbs Ferry, (N16)3,455 Dolgeville, (L8)....2,685 Dorloo, (LlO) 200 Dormansville, (NIO) 100 Dover Plains, (N14). 800 Downsville, (L12)... 550 Dresden, (CKlO) 345 DresdenSta, (06).. 250 DresservUle, (HIO).. 150 Drybrook, (Ll2).... 120 Dryden, (HIO) 709 Duane, (M2) 370 Duane-sburg, (M9).. 200 Dundee, (GIO) 1,228 Dunhams Basin,(N7) 150 Dunkirk, (Bll)... 17,221 Dunraven, (L12).... 100 Durham, (Mil) 280 Durhamville, (J8)... 800 Dutchess Jc, (N15).. 500 Dykemans, (NIS)... 130 Eagle, (DIO) 160 E^gle Bridge, (09).. 300 Eagle Harbor, (D8). 320 Eagle Mills, (NIO).. 500 Eagle Nest, (L5) 100 Earlville, (JIO) 874 E. Amherst, (C8)... 150 E. Aurora, (09)....2,781 E. Avon, (E9) 250 E. Beekmantown, (Nl) 150 E. Bethany, (D9)... 200 E. Bloomfield, (F9).. 700 E. Branch, (K12)... 300 E. Chatham, (Nil).. 200 E. Cobleskill, (MIO). 100 E. Durham, (Mil).. 250 E.Eden, (CIO) 110 E. Elma, (C9) 100 E. Florence, (J7).... 200 E.Galway, (N8).... 130 E.Greenbush, (NIO) 160 E.Greenwich, (08).. 150 E.Groveland, (ElO). 210 E.Guilford, (Kll).. 150 E. Hamilton, (K9).. 100 E. Hampton, (L17).2,100 E. Hartford, (07)... 200 E. Hounsfield, (H5).. 100 E. Islip, (J17) 1,000 E. Jewett, (M12).... 100 E. Kingston, (N13).. 400 E. Koy, (DIO) 150 E. Lansing, (HlO)... 130 E. Marion, (L16).... 400 E. Meredith, (Lll).. 300 E.Moriches, (K17).. 850 E. Nassau, (NIO)... 200 E. North port, (J 16). 300 E. Norwich, (J16)... 500 Easton, (08) 200 E.Onondaga, (H8).. 400 E.Otto, (Cll) 300 E. Palmyra, (F8).... 250 E. Park, (N13) 200 E. Patchogue, (K17)..250 E. Pembroke, (D9).. 500 E. Pharsalia, (jlO).. 120 E. Pitcairn, (K4) 130 E. Poestenkill, (OlO) 100 E^tport, (K17) 400 E.Quogue, (K17)... 300 E. Randolph, (C12). 593 E. Rochester, (E8)..2,398 E. Rockaway,(H17)l,200 E. Rodman, (J5) 106 E.Schodack, (NIO). 200 E. Schuyler, (K8)... 130 E. Setauket, (J16).... 690 E. Shelby, (D8) 150 E. Springfield, (L9).. 200 E.Steuben, (K7).... 100 E. Syracuse, (H8)..3,274 Eastview, (N16).... ISO E. Williamson, (F7). 100 E. Williston, (H17).. 100 E. Wilson, (C8) 150 E. Windham, (Mil) 100 Eastwood, (H8) 810 E. Worcester, (LlO). 500 Eaton, (J9) 2,500 Ebenezer, (C9) 500 Eddyville, (Cll).... 220 Eddyville, (M13).-. 600 Eden, (CIO) 700 Eden Valley, (CIO).. 150 Edenville, (MIS).... 150 Edinburg, (M8) 300 Edmeston, (KlO)... 800 Edwards, (K3) 476 EdwardsvUle, (J2)... 110 Eggertsville, (C9)... 300 Egypt, (F8) 300 Elba, (D8) 351 Elbridge, (H8) 462 Eldred, (M14) 150 Elizabethtown,(N4). 505 Elizaville, (N12).... 110 Elkbrook, (K13) 200 Elk Creek, (LlO).... 100 Ellenburg, (Nl)... .3,400 Ellenburg Center, (Nl) 250 Ellenburg Depot, (Nl) 180 Ellenville, (M14).. .3,114 Ellicottville, (Cll).. 985 Ellington, (B12). ... 500 Ellisburg, (H6) 702 Elma, (C9) 250 Elmira, (G12) 37,176 Elmira Hgts, (G12).2,732 Elmont, (H17) 150 Elmsford, (N16).... 550 Elnora, (N9) 180 Elton, (DID 100 Emerick, (N9) 500 Emeryville, (K3),... 200 Eminence, (LlO) 170 Emmonsburg, (L8).. 100 Empire, (Nil) 200 Endicott, (H12)....2,408 Enfield Center,(Gll) 220 Ephratah, (L8) 500 Erieville, (J9) 250 Erin, (G12) 250 Erwin, (F12) 250 Esopus, (N13) 250 Esperance, (M9).... 263 Essex, (03) 500 Etna, (Hll) 380 Euclid, (H8) 200 Evans, (BIO) 200 Evans Mills, (J4)... 450 Fabius, (J9) 344 Fairfield, (L8) 250 Fairground, (J 17)... 200 Fair Haven, (G7).... 571 Fairport, (F8) 3,112 Fairville, (F8) 180 Falconer, (B12) 2,141 Fallsburg, (L14). ... 100 Farmersville, (DlI). 280 Farmersville Station, (Dil) 200 Farmingdale, (J17). 1,567 Farmington, (F9)... 130 Famham, (BIO).... 540 Faust, (L4) 300 Fawns, (M12) 100 Fayette, (G9) 250 Fayetteville, (J8).. .1,481 Felts Mills, (J4) 400 Fentonville, (B12). . 100 Ferndale, (L13) 150 Femwood, (H7). ... 200 Fillmore, (D11) 400 Findley Lake, (A12). 400 Fine, (K4) 300 Firthcliffe, (M15)... 300 Fishers, (F8) 200 Fishers Island, (M16) 300 Fishkill, (N14) 516 Fishkill Landing, (N14) 3,902 Fishkill Plains,(N14) 170 Fishs Eddy, (K13).. 230 Five Corners, (GIO). 150 Flackville, (K2) 100 Flagg, (N3) 200 Flat Creek, (L9) 130 Fleischmanns, (L12). 200 Fleming, (G9) 350 Flemingsville, (H12) 100 Flint, (F9) 100 Floral Park, (N17) .1,225 Florence, (J7) 250 Florida, (M15) 560 Floyd, (K7) 250 Fluvanna, (B12).... 120 Fly Creek, (LlO).... 250 Fonda, (M9) 1,100 Forest, (Nl) 110 Forestburg. (L14)... 100 Forest Home, (Hll)- 130 Forestport, (K7).... 507 Forestville, (Bll)... 721 Forks, (C9) 3,300 Forsyth, (All) 120 Fort Ann, (N7) 436 Ft. Covington, (Ml) 877 Ft. Covington Cen¬ ter, (Ml) 100 Ft. Edward, (N7). .3,762 Ft. Herkimer, (L8).. 120 Ft. Hunter, (M9). .. 700 Ft. Jackson, (L2)... 160 Ft. Miller, (N8) 300 Ft. Montgomery, (M15) 220 Ft. Plain, (L9) 2,762 Ft. Salonga, (J16)... 100 Fosterdale, (L14)... 110 Fowler, (K3) 100 Fowlerville, (E9).... 390 Frankfort, (K8). ...3,303 Franklin, (Kll). ... 473 Franklin Springs, (K8) 350 Franklinton, (MIO). 150 Franklinville, (Dll)l»568 Fredonia, (Bll)... .5,285 Freehold, (Mil).... 240 Freeman, (F12) 500 Freeport, (H17)... .4,836 Freetown Corners, (HIO) 540 Freeville, (HIO). ... 318 Fremont Center, (K13) 300 French Mountain, (N7) 110 French Woods,(K13) 120 Frewsburg, (B12)... 800 Friendship, (D12). .1,218 Frontier, (Nl) 120 Fruit Valley, (G7)... 100 Fuller\ ille Iron¬ works, (K3) 130 Fulton, (H7) 10,480 Fulton Chain, (K6). 200 Fultonham, (^110).. 150 Fullonville, (M9) 812 Gabriels, (M3) 220 Gaines, (D7) 200 Gainesville, (DIO)... 327 Gallupville, (MlO).. 260 Galway, (M8) 112 Ganahgote, (M14).. 100 Gansevoort, (N8)... 200 Garden (Kity, (H17). 580 Gardenville, (C9) 700 Gardiner, (M14). ... 350 Garfield, (OlO) 400 Garnerville, (M16) .1,300 Garrattsville, (KlO). 230 Garrison, (N15). ... 500 Gasport, ((j8) 380 Gates, (E8) 100 Geneseo, (É9) 2,067 Geneva, (F9) 12,446 Genoa, (GIO) 450 Georgetown, (J9) 900 Germantown, (N12). 800 Gerry, (B12) 200 Getzville, (C8) 500 Ghent, (Nil) 300 Gibson, (G12) 280 Gilbert Mils, (H7).. 100 Gilbertsville, (Kll) . 455 Gilboa, (Mil) 400 Gile, (L2) 200 Glaseo, (N12) 1,600 Glen, (M9) 350 Glenburnie, (05).... 100 Glenco Mills, (N12). 100 Glen Cove, (H16). .7,600 Glenfield, (K6) 180 Glenham, (N14).... 800 Glen Head, (N17)... 150 Glenmont, (NIO). .. 150 Glenora, (Gil) 100 Glcnpark, (J5) 522 Glens Falls, (N7).. 15,243 Glen Spey, (L14). .. 100 Glenville, (M9) 250 Glen Wild, (L14). .. 160 Glenwood, (CIO).... 120 Glenwood Landing, (H16) 350 Gloversville, (M8).20,642 Goldenbridge, (N15) 150 Good Ground,(L17)1,000 Goodrich, (K12) 250 Gorham, (F9) 300 Goshen, (M15) 3,081 Goulds, (K13) 100 Gouverneur, (K3). .4,128 Gowanda, (Cll).'..2,012 Grafton, (09) 500 Grahamsville, (L13). 300 Grand Gorge, (Lll). 250 Grand Island, (C9).. 300 Grandview, (N'16). . 368 Grangerviile, (N8).. 100 Grant, (K7) 100 Granville, (07) 3,920 Grapeville, (Nl 1)... 250 Grassy Point,(M16). 700 Gravesville, (K7)... 170 Gray, (L7) 100 Great Bend, (J4).... 300 Great Neck, (HÍ6). 2,0(X) Great Neck Station, (H16) 200 Great River, G17).. 150 Great Valley, (C12). 210 Greece, (E7) 250 Greene, (J 11) 1,275 Greenfield Center, (N8) 150 Green Haven, (N14). 1(X) Green Island, (NIO) 4,737 Green Lawn, (J 17).. 400 Greenport, (L17). ..3,089 Greenville, (Mil)... 350 Greenwich, (08)—2,314 Greenwood, (E12). . 5(X) Greenwood Lake, (xM16) 150 Greig, (K6) 100 Greycourt, (M15)... 100 Griffin, (M7) 100 Griffin Corner8,(Ll2) 400 Griffins Mills, (CIO). 100 Grooms, (N9) 130 Groton, (HIO) 1,260 Groveland Station, (ElO) 250 Guilderland, (NIO).. 150 Guilderland Center, (NIO) 220 Guilford, (Jll) 4O0 Guilford Center, (Kll) 100 Gulf Summit, (JI2). 100 Hadley, (N7) 350 Hagaman. (M9) 875 Hague, (N6) 150 Hailesboro, (K3).... 180 Haines Falls, (M12). 250 Halcottsville, (L12). 120 Hale Eddy, (K12)... 200 Halesite, (J16) 500 Halfmoon, (N9). ... 150 Hall, (F9) 330 Hallsport, (E12).... 100 Hallsville, (L9) 110 Halsey Valley, (H12) 300 Hamburg, ((jlO). ...2,134 Hamden, (L12) 380 Hamilton, (J9) 1,689 Hamlet, (Bll) 200 Hamlin, (E7) 350 Hammond, (J3). 404 Hammonds port, (Fll) 1,254 Hampton, (06) 680 Hancock, (K13)... .1,329 Hankins, (K13) 170 Hannawa Falls, (K2) 300 Hannibal, (G7) 330 Hannibal Center, (G7) 250 Harbor, (K8) 100 Harford, (Hll) 680 Harford Mills, (HI 1) 200 Harpursville, (J 12).. 450 Harriman, (M15)... 170 Harris, (Ll3) 100 HarrisHill. (C9).... 100 Harrison, (N17) 1,500 Harrisville, (K.4).... 921 Harrower, (M9). ... 250 Hartford, (07) 700 Hartland, (C7) 350 Hart Lot, (H9) 300 Hartman, (N7) 100 Hartsdale, (N16). .. 700 Hartwick, (KlO) 600 Hartwick Seminary, (LlO) 100 Harvard, (K12) 100 Hasbrouck, (L13)... 120 Haskinville, (Ell). . 130 Hastings, (H7) 300 Hastings upon Hud¬ son, (N17)... ...4,552 Hauppauge, (J17)... 200 Haven, (L14) 100 Haverstraw, (N16).5,669 Hawkeye, (N2) 100 Hawkinsville, (K6).. 300 Hawthorne, (N16).. 350 Hayt Corners,(GlO). 130 Hazel, (L13) 100 Hebron, (07) 170 Hecla Works, (K8).. 300 Hector, (GlO) 150 Hedgesville, (F12). . 130 Helena, (Ll) 150 Hemlock, (E9) 300 Hempstead, (H17)..4,964 Henderson, (H5).... 340 Henderson Harbor, (HS) 200 Henrietta, (E8) 190 Hensonville, (Mil) . 200 Herkimer, (L8) 7,520 Hermitage, (DIO),.. 200 Hermon, (K3) 587 Herring, (J4) 150 Heuvelton, (K2).... 500 Hewittville, (K2)... 260 Hewlett, (H17) 510 Hicks, (G12) 150 Hicksville, (J 17) 4,000 High Falls, (M13)... 700 Highland, (Nl4). .,2,000 Highland Falls, (N15) 2,470 Highland Mills, (M15) 500 High View, (L14)... 150 High Woods, (M12). 150 Hillburn, (Ml6) 1,090 Hillsdale, (Nl 2) 500 Hillside, (N16) 600 Hillview, (N7) 150 Hilton, (E7) 627 Himrod, (GlO) 310 Hinckley, (K7) 600 Hindsburg, (D8).... 200 Hinmansville, (H7). 150 Hinsdale, (D12). ... 200 Hoag Corners, (NlO) 260 Hobart, (Lll) 544 Hoffmans, (M9).... 130 Hoffmeister, (L7)... 170 Hogansburg, (Li)... 340 Holbrook, (jl7). ... 200 Holcomb, (F9) 200 Holland, (ClO) 700 Holland Patent, Holley, (D8) 1,679 Hollowrville, (N12).. 130 Holmesville, (KlO).. 250 Holtsville, (J17).... 140 Homer, (HlO)..... .2,695 Honeoye, (ElO) 400 Honeoye Falls, (E9)l,169 Hoosick, (09) 300 Hoosick Falls, (09). 5,532 Hope, (M7) 100 Hopewell, (F9) 100 Hopewell Junction, (N14) 300 Hopkinton, (L2).... 200 Horicon, (N6) 300 Hornby, (F12) 140 Hornell, (Ell) 13,617 Horseheads, (G12).. 1,778 Horton, (L13) ICX) Hortonville, (K13).. 100 Houghton, (Dil)... 120 Howard, (Ell) 300 Howe Cave, (MlO).. 130 Howells, (M15) 250 Hubbardsville, (K9). 400 Hudson, (Nil) 11,417 Hudson Falls, (N7). 5,189 Hughsonville, (N14). 680 Huguenot, (Ll 5) 130 Hulburton, (D7).... 400 Hume, (Dil) 390 Humphrey, (C12)... 150 Humphrey Center, (C12) 100 Humphreysville, (N12) 130 Hunt, (ElO) 140 Hunter, (M12) 408 Hunters Land, (MlO) 170 Huntington, (J16). .5,000 Hunts Corners, (Hll) 170 Hurley, (M13) 400 Hurleyville, (Ll4)... 500 Huron, (G8) 200 Hyde Park, (N13). . 700 Hyde Park, (LlO)... 100 Hyndsville, (LlO)... 130 Ilion, (K8) 6,588 Independence, (EI2) 100 Indian Falls, (D8)... 260 Indian Fields, (Nil). 160 Indian Lake, (M5).. 300 Ingham Mills. (L8).. 100 Ingleside, (FlO) 130 Inlet. (L5) 170 Interlaken, (GIO)... 693 Inwood, (Hl7'i 2,000 Ionia, (F9) 210 Ira, (G8) 200 Irona, (Nl) 200 Irondequoit, (E8) .. 200 Ironville, (N5) 300 Irving, (BIO) 300 Irvington, (N16).. .2,319 Ischua, (D12) 250 Islip, (JI7) 2,300 Italy, (FlO) 100 Italyhill, (FlO) 170 Ithaca, (Gil) 14,802 Jackson Corners, (N12) 100 Jacksonville. (GIO),. 180 Jamesport, (K17)... 340 Jamestown, (B12).31,297 Jamesville, (H9),... 500 jasper, (El2) 400 Java, (DlO) 100 Java Center, (D10).. 150 Java Village, (DIO). 150 Jay, (N3) 200 Jeddo, (D7) 350 Jefferson, (Ll 1) 550 Jefferson Valley, (N15) 130 Teffersonville, (L13). 320 Jenksviile, (Hll). -• 110 Jericho, (H17) 450 Jerusalem, (NlO). .. 250 jewett, (Mil) 220 Jewettville, (ClO)... 300 Johnsburg, (N6),... 350 Johnson, (M15) 200 Johnsonburg, (DIO) 400 Johnson Creek, (C8). 200 Jchnsonvile, (09)...550 Iohnstown, (M8).. 10,447 onespoint, (N15)... 180 onesville, (N9) 150 ordan, (H8) 978 ordanville, (L9).... 250 oy, (F8) 150 unius, (G9) 120 Lalurah, (K4) 100 Kanena, (Fll) 200 Kasoag, (J7) 130 Katonah, (N15). 1,500 Katsbaan, (N12b... 130 Kattelville, (J12).100 Keane, (N3) 200 Keene Valley, (N4).. 420 Keeseville, (N2). 1,835 Kelsey, (K12) 100 Kendall, (D7) 400 Kendall Mills, (D7) . 330 Kenmore, (C9) 1,020 Kennedy, (B12). ... 600 Kenoza I.ake, (LI4). 120 Kensico, (K16) 130 Kenwood, (J8) 600 Kenyonville, (D7). . 100 Kerhonkson, (M13). 350 Kiamesha, (L14). 100 Killawog, (Hll) 340 Kill Buck, (C12).... 250 Kinderhook, (N11 ).. 698 King Ferry, (GlO) .. 320 Kingsbury, (N7) 160 Kings Park, (J16)... 500 Kingston, (N13).. 25,908 Kirkland, (K8) 150 Kirkville, (J8) 250 Kirkwood, (J12) 200 Knapp Creek, (CI2). 200 Knowlesville, (D7)., 320 Knox, (MlO) 300 Knoxboro, (K9). .., 260 Kortright, (Lll).... 130 Kripplebush, (M13). 200 Kuckville, (D7) 130 Kyserike, (MÍ3).... 100 Lackawack, (M13).. 150 Lackawanna, (C9) 14,549 Lacona, (H6) 443 La Fargeville, (H4) « 480 Lafayette, (H9) 100 Lafayetteville, (N13) 100 Lagrangeville, (N14) 200 Lake Delaware, (Li2) 100 Lake George, (N7)., 632 Lake Grove, (J17). . 440 Lake Huntington, (LI4) 300 Lake Katrine, (N13) 500 Lakemont, (GlO) 150 Lake Placid, (N3). .1,682 Lake Pleasant, (M7) 200 Lakepiort, (J8) 100 Lakeside, (F7) 100 Lake View, (ClO)... 500 Lakeville, (E9) 480 Lakewood, (B12). .. 564 Lamont, (DIO) 180 Lancaster, (C9)... .4,364 Lanes ville, (Ml 2)... 100 Langford. (CIO) 220 Lansing, (H7) 200 Lansingville, (GIO). 130 Laona, (Bll) 150 Larchmont, (N17)..1,958 La Salle, (C8) 1,299 Lassellsville, (L8)... 300 Laurens, (KlO) 242 Lawrence, (H17)... 1,189 Lawrenceville, (Ll) . 300 Lawyersville, (LlO) . 250 Lebanon, (J 9) 180 Lebanon Springs, (Oil) 550 Lee, (J7) 150 Lee (Kenter, (J7).... 330 Leeds, (Nil) 300 Le Fever Falls, (MI3) 300 Lehigh, (D9) 100 Leibhardt, (M13)... 200 L«nox, (J8) 100 Leon. (Bll) 250 Leonardsville, (K9). 3S> Le Roy, (D9) ..3,771 Lestershire, (J 12).. .3,775 Levanna, (G9; 100 Levant, (B12). 700 Lewbeach, (L12) 100 Lewis, (N3) 200 Lewiston, (B8) 713 Lexington, Mil)-•. 300 Liberty, (L13) 2.072 Lilly Dale, (Bll)- .. 250 Lima, (E9) 866 Lime I^ke, (D11)-• 150 Limerick, (H4) 130 Limestone, (C12)... 684 Lincklaen, (J 10)..., 250 Linden, (D9) 160 Lindenhurst, (J17). 1,800 Lindley, (F12) 270 Linlithgo, (N12).... 200 Lisbon, (K2) 150 Lisle. (Hll) 329 Little Falls, (L8). .12,273 Little Genesee, (D12) 250 Little Valley, (Cll). 1.368 LittleYork, (HIO). . 150 Liverpool, (H8)... .1,388 Livingston, (N12).,. 250 Livingston Manor, (L13) 1,000 Livingstonvi..e, (Mil) . 300 Livonia, (E9) 823 Livonia Center, (E9) 200 Lobdell, (N2) 250 Loch Muller, (N5).. 100 Loch Sheldrake, (L13) 100 Lock Berlin, (G8)... 110 Locke, (HlO) 450 Lockport, (C8).... 17,970 Lockwood, (G 12)... 190 Locust Valley, (H16) 450 Lodi, (GlO) 480 Lodi Center, (GlO).. 100 Logan, (Gil) 100 Long Beach, (H17).. 100 Long Eddy, (K13).. 700 Long Lake, (MS). .. 400 Loomis, (LIS) 200 Loon Lake, (M2). .. lOO Lordviile, (K13).... 200 Lorraine, (J 5) 300 Loudonville, (Nl()).. 500 Louisville, (Kl) 350 Lounsberry, (H12).. 150 Lowell, (J8) 150 Lowman, (G12) 100 Lowville, (J5) 2,940 Loyd, (N14) 200 Ludingtonville, ^ (N14) 140 Ludlowville,(GlO).. 260 Luzerne, (N7) 900 Lycoming, (H7) 200 Lynbrook, (Hl7) ..2,800 Lyndonville, (D7)... 647 Lyons, (08) 4,460 Lyonsdale. (K6).... 150 Lyons Falls, (K6).759 Lysander, (H8)...... 250 McCIure Settlement, (K12) 100 M cConnellsv ¡lie, (J7) 200 McDonough, (JIO).. 300 McGowan, (K8).... 100 McGraw, (HlO) ... 931 McKeever, (K6).... 130 McLean, (HlO) 400 Macedón, (F8) 536 Macedón Center, (F8) 160 Machías, (Cll) 600 Macomb, (13) ISO Madalin, (N12) 600 Madison, (K9) 309 Madrid, (K2) 920 Madrid Springs, (K2) 250 Mahopac, (N15).... 400 Mahopac Falls, (N15) 140 Maine, (H12) 400 Maiden Bridge, (Nil) 210 Maiden on Hudson, (N12) 240 Mallory, (H7) 270 Malone, (Ml) 6,467 Maltaville, (N9).... 100 Mamaroneck, (N17) 5,699 Manchester. (F9)... .881 Manchester Bridge, (N14) 100 Manchester Center, (F9) 110 Manhasset, (H17).. 1,050 Manitou, (N15) 250 Manlius, (J8) 1,314 Manlius Center, (J8) 100 Mannsville, (H6)... 330 Manorkill, (Mil)... 250 Manorton, (N12)... 100 Manorville, (K17) .. 550 Maplestreet, (07)... 160 Maple View, (H7)... 150 Marathon, (Hll)-- .1,079 Marcellus, (H9) .... 917 Marcellus Falls, (H8) 150 Marcy, (K8) 100 Margaretville, L12). 669 Mariaville, (M9)..,. 170 Marietta, (H9) 150 Marilla, ((K9) 400 Marion, (F8) 800 Markhams, (Bll)... 100 Marlboro, (NI4) 920 Marshville, (L9).... 120 Martinsburg, (K5).. 300 Martinsville. (C8)... ICQ Martville, ((j8) 150 Maryland, (LlO). 220 INDEX OF THE UNITED STATES (NEW YORK) 159 Masonville, (KU). . 350 Massapequa, (J17).. 500 Massena, (LI) 2,951 Masseoa Springs, (Ll) 200 Matteawan, (N14) .6,727 Mattituck, (L17)...1,200 Maybrook, (M14)... 250 Mayfield, (M8) 590 Maynard, (K8) 100 Mayville, (All) ...1,122 Mechanicstown, (M15) 100 Mechanicsville,(N9)6,634 Mecklenburg, (Gil). 400 Meco, (M8) 200 Medford Station, (K17) 250 Medina. (D8) 5,683 Medusa, (Mil) 250 Medway, (Nil). 120 Mellenville, (N12). . 600 Melrose, (N9) 300 Melville, (J16) 200 Memphis, (H8) 200 Mendon, (E8) 220 Meridale, (Lll) 150 Meridian, (G8) 326 Merrick, (H17) 520 Merrillsville, (J8)... 130 Messengerville, (Hll)120 Mettacahonts,(Ml3) 100 Mexico, (H7) 1,233 Middleburg, (MIO) 1,114 Middle Falls, (08). . 420 Middlefield, (LIO) .. 270 Middiefield Center, (L-)) 100 Middle Granville, (07) 700 Middle (>rove, (N8). 2 50 Middle Hope, (M14) 300 Middle Island, (K17) 290 Middleport, (C8)... 1,530 Middlesex, (FIO) ... 350 Middletown,(M15)l5,313 Middleville, (L8). .. 625 MUan, (N13) 100 Milford, (LIO) 511 Millbrook, (NI3)... 1,136 Miller Place, (K16).. 130 Millers Mills, (K9).. 100 Millersport, (C8). .. 110 Millerton, (N13) 858 Millgrove, (C9) 200 MÜlneck, Qló) 100 Mill Point, (M9) ... 100 Mill Port, (G12) 500 Millville, (D8) 160 Millwood, (NI6). 100 Milo Center, (GIO).. 120 Milton, (N14) 1,200 Mina, (A12) 250 Minaville, (M9). ... 260 Minden, (L9) 100 Mindenville, (L9)... 140 Mineóla, (H17) 1,981 Mineral Springs, (MIO) 130 Minerva, (N5) 200 Minetto, (H7) 120 Mineville, (04). . ..2,000 Minisink, (LI 5) 30O Minoa, (J8) 300 Mitcheliville,lFll) . 300 Modeltown, (C8). .. 200 Modena, (M14) 250 Mohawk, (K9) 2,079 Mohegan Lake, (N15) 100 Moira, (Ll) 620 Mcmgaup, (LIS) 100 Mongaup Valley, (L14) 110 Monroe, (M15) 1,195 Monsey, (M16) 300 Monterey, (Fl 1) 300 Montezuma, (G ^)... 350 Montgomery, (M14) 941 Monticelio, (L14). .1,941 Montour Falls, (Gil) 1,208 Montrose, (N16).... 200 Mooers, (Nl) 560 MooersForks, (Nl). 190 Moores Mill, (Nl4). 150 Moravia, (HIO) 1,324 Morehouseville,(L7). 220 Moreland. (Gil) 1 DO Morganville, (D8). . 180 Moriah, (N4) 1,000 Moriah Center,(N4). 180 Moriches, (K17).... 200 Morley, (K2) 500 Morris, (KlO) 535 Morrisonville, (N2) . 320 Morristown, (J2). .. 540 Morrisville, (J9) 500 Morton, (D7) 120 Morton Corners, (CIO) 200 Moscow, (E9) 304 MosesKill, (N8).... 150 Mossyelen, (Fl2)... 200 Mottville, (H9) 600 M'-mtTin Dale, (M14) 300 Mountainville, (M15) 450 Mt. Kisco, (N16)...2,802 Mt.Lebanon, (Oil). 170 Mt. Morris, (ElO). 2,782 Mt. Riga, (NI3).... 100 Mt. Ross, (N12).... 100 Mt. Sinai. (K16).... 280 Mt. Tremper, (M12) 170 Mt. Upton, (KU)... 350 Mt. Vernon, (N17)30,919 Mt. Vision, (KlO)... 250 Muitzeskill. (Nil).. 180 Mumford, (E8) 460 Munnsville. (T9).... 400 Mvcenae, (J8) 150 Mvers, (HlO) 100 Nanuet, (M16) 700 Namnoch. (M14)... 650 Naples, (FIO) 1,093 Napoli, (C12) 100 Narrowsburg, (K14). 400 Nassau, (NlO) 529 Natural Bridge,(K4) 400 Naumburg, (K.5).... 200 Navarino, (H9) ISO Nelliston, (L9) 737 Nelson, (T9) 110 Nelsonvifle, (N15). . 765 Nepera Park, (N17). 100 Nesconset, (T17).... 150 Neversink, (L13). .. 300 New Albion, (Cll).. 200 Newark, (F8) 6,227 Newark Valley, (H12) 1,466 New Baltimore, (Nil) 800 New Berlin, (KlO).. 1,114 New Bremen, (K5).. 300 New Bridge, (L3)... 200 Newburgh, (M14).27,805 New Centerville,(J6) 100 New City, (M16)... 450 Newcorab, (M4).... 300 Newfane, (C7) 500 Newfield, (Gil). ... 354 New Hackensack, (N14) 130 New Hamburg,(N14) 500 New Hampton, (M15) 260 New Hartford,(K8).1,195 New Haven, (H7)... 200 New Hope, (H9).... 100 New Hyde Park, (H17) 1,000 NewLebanon,(Oll). 400 New Lebanon Center, (Oil) 130 New Lisbon, (KlO) . 200 New Ix)ndon, (J8). . 108 Newman, (N3) 300 New Milford, (Ml6) 130 NewOregon, (CIO) . 170 New Paltz, (M14).. 1,230 Newport, (K8) 583 New Rochelle, (N17) 28,867 New Russia, (N4)... 150 New Salem, (NiO).. 170 New Scotland, (NlO) 240 New Suffolk, (L17).. 250 Newtonfalls, (L4). .. 400 Newtonville, (NlO) . 250 Newville, (L9) 150 New Windsor,(M15) 610 New Woodstock, (J9) 330 NewYork,(Nl 7)4.766.883 New York Mills, (K8) 2,600 Niagara Falls, (B8) 30,445 Niagara University, (B8) 250 Nichols, (HI 2) 533 Nicholville, (L2). ... 300 Nile, (D12) 200 Niles, (H9) 180 Nineveh, (J12) 450 Nineveh Jc, ^12).... 180 Niobe, (B12) 200 Niskayuna, (N9).... 300 Niverville, (NU). .. 220 Norfolk, (Kl) 1,600 Northampton, (M8). 500 No. Argyle, (07)— 210 No. Bangor, (Ml)... 400 No.Bay, (J8) 350 No. Bergen, (D8)... 140 No. Blenheim, (Mil) 530 No. Bloomfield,(E9). 140 No. Boston, (CIO). . 200 No. Branch, (L13).. 250 No.BrookfieId,(K9). 350 No. Chatham, (Nil) 180 No. Chemung, (G12) 140 No. Chili, (E8) 300 No. Cohocton, (FlO) 350 No. Collins, (CIO). . 700 No. Creek, (M6).... 450 No.Cuba, (D12).... 160 No. Easton, (N8)... 120 No. Elba, (N3) 100 No. Evans, (ClO)... 300 No. Fair Haven, (G7) 300 No. Fenton, (J12)... 100 Northfield, (Kll)... 100 No. Germantown, (N12) 300 No. Granville, (07) . 630 No. Greece, (E8).... 120 No. Hamden, (KU). 130 Mo.H\nnibd.íG7).. 200 No. Harpersñeld, (Lll) 110 No. Hebron, (07)... 300 No. Hoosick, (09). . 490 No. Hudson. (N5). . 200 No. Java, (DIO). ... 300 No. Lansing, (HIO) . 120 No. Lawrence, (Ll) . 500 No. Manlius, (T8)... 150 No. Norwich, (JIG) . 120 No. Pelham, (N17). 1,311 No. Petersburg, (09) 20O No. Pharsalia, (JIO). 200 No. Pitcher, (JIO)... 130 Northport, (J16).. .2,096 No. Ridge, (C8) 120 No. River, (M6) 170 No. Rose, (G8) 400 No. Rush, (E8) 100 No Rus-sell, (K2)... 150 No. Salem, (N15)... 200 No Sanford, (K12). 100 No. Scriba, (H7) 100 No. Stockholm.(Ll). 300 No. Syracuse, (H8). 300 No. Tarrytown, (N16) 5,421 No. Tooawanda, (C8) 11,955 Northumberland, (N8) 150 Northville, (M8).. .1,130 No. Western, (K7).. 180 No. White I^ke, (L14) 100 No. Wilna, (J4) 110 Northwood, (K7)... 150 Norton Hill, (Mil) . 130 Norway, (L8) 100 Norwich, (JIO) 7,422 Norwood, (K2) 1,993 Nunda, (ElO) 1,043 Nyack, (N16) 4,619 Oakdale Station, (J17) 190 Oakfield, (D8) 1,236 Oak Hill, (Mil) 15Ó Oakland, (ElO) 20 Oaks Corners. (!:■ V;.. 3(X) Oaksville, (LIO). ... 150 Ocean Side, (H17). . 500 Odessa, (Gil) 330 Ogdensburg, (K2). 15,933 Olcott, (C7) 250 Old Chatham, (Nil) 300 Old Forge, (L6) 465 OldWestburv, (H17)250 Olean, (D12) 14,743 Olive, (MI3) 150 Oliveljridge, (M13).. 200 Olmstedville, (N5).. 200 Omar, (J3) 110 Onchiota, (M2) 100 Oneida, (J8) 8,317 Oneida Castle, (J8).. 393 Oneida Valley, (J8).. 400 Oneonta, (Kl I) .9,491 Onondaga, (H8) 250 Onondaga Castle, (H9) 100 Onondaga Valley, (H9) 500 Onoville, (C12) 600 Ontario, (F7) 400 Ontario Center,(F8). 300 Oppenheim, (L8). .. 100 Oquaga Lake, (J12). 100 Oramel, (DU) 131 Orangeburg, (N16).. 300 Orchard Park, (C9) . 800 Oregon, (N15) 100 Orient, (LI6) 880 Oriskany, (K8) 1,200 Oriskany Falls, (K9) 892 Orleans, (F9) 190 Orleans Four Cor¬ ners, (J4) 100 Orwell, (J6) 400 Osborn Bridge,(M8). 110 Oscawana, (N16). .. 130 Osceola, (J6) 130 Ossining, (N16).... 11,480 Oswegatchie, (K4).. 400 Oswego, (G7) 23,368 Oswego Center,(G7). 250 Oswego Falls, (H7) .3,100 Otego, (KU) 676 Otisco, (H9) 100 Otisville, (LIS) 250 Otselic, (JIO) 150 Otto, (Cll) 400 Ouaquaga, (J12).... 200 Ovid, (GIO) 548 Owasco, (H9) 200 Owego, (Hl2) 4,633 Oxbow, (J3) 250 Oxford, (J 11) 1,654 Oyster Bay, (J16). .3,800 Pacama, (M13) 150 Pagebrook, (J U). .. 250 Painted Post, (F12).1,224 Palatine Bridge, (L9) 392 Palenvüle, (M12)... 600 Palermo, (H7) 120 Palisades, (NÍ6).... 300 Palmyra, (F8) 2,268 Pamelia Four Cor¬ ners, (J4) 200 Panama. (B12) 337 Paris, (K9) 200 Parish, (H7) 490 ParishvUle, (L2)—. 710 Parkers, (J6) 150 Parksville. (L13).... 250 Parma, (E8) 150 Parma Center, (E8). 160 Patchin, (CIO) 150 Patchogue, (J17).. .3,824 Pattens Mills, (N7). 250 Patterson, (N14)— 800 Pattersonville,(M9). 100 Pavilion, (D9) 400 Pawling, (N14) 848 Peabrook, (KI3).... 100 Peakville, (K13).... 200 Pearl River, (M16). 1,500 Peconic, (L17) 600 Peekskill, (N15)... 15,245 Pekín, (C8) 100 Pelham, (N17) 681 Pelham Manor, (N17)....-. 852 Pembroke, (D8) 350 Pendleton. (C8) 250 Penfield, (F8) 700 Pennellville, (H7)... 250 Penn Yan, (FIO).. .4,597 Peoria, (E9) 100 Perch River, (H4)... 120 Perkinsville, (ElO).. 400 Perry, (ElO) 4,388 Perry Center,(DIO) . 160 Perry City, (Gil)... 140 Perrysbure, (Cll)... 300 Peirys Mills, (Nl). . 280 Perryville, (J8) 200 Perth, (M8) 150 Peru, (N2) 300 Peru ville, (HIO).... 250 Peterboro, (J9) 330 Petersburg, (09).... 400 Pharsalia, (JIO) 140 PhelDS, (F9) 1,354 Philadelphia, (T4)... 842 Phillipsport. (M14). 150 Philmont, (Nil). ..1,813 Phoenicia, (M12)... 700 Phoenix, (H8) 1,642 Phoenix Mills,(L10), 120 Pierceiield, (L4). ... 750 Piermont, (NI6). ..1,380 Pierrepont, (K2) 200 Pierrepont Manor, (H6) 250 Piffard, (E9) 250 Pike, (DIO) 422 Pillar Point, (HS)... 150 Pine Bush, (M14)... 500 Pine City, (G12).... 200 Pine Hill, (M12).... 417 Pinelake, (M8) 110 Pine Plains, (N13).. 1,600 Pine Valley, (Gl2).. 200 Pineville, (K12). ... 100 Pitcairn, (K4) 130 Pitcher, (J 10) 150 Pittsford, (E8) 1,205 Pittstown, (09) 100 Plainville, (H8) 250 Plattekill, (M14).... 200 Plattsburg, (02). .11,138 Pleasantbrook, (LIO) 130 Pleasant Plains, (N13) 490 PleasantValley,(N14) 427 Pleasantville, (N16)2,207 Plessis, (J3) 240 Plymouth, (JIO).... 100 Poestenkill, (NlO). . 300 Pt. Chautauqua, (Bll) 200 Pt. Peninsula,(H5).. 110 Pt. Rock. (J7) 100 Poland, (K8) 332 Pomona, (M16) 150 Pompey, (H9) 300 Pompey Center, (J9) 100 Pona Eddy, (Ll5). - 250 Pontiac, (CIO)...... 110 Pool ville, (JIO) 250 Pope Mills. (J3). ... 130 Poplar Ridge, (GlO). 180 Portageville, (DIO) . 450 Port Byron, (G8).. .1,085 Port Chester, (N17) 12,809 Port Crane, (J 12)... 500 Port Dickinson, (J12)437 Porter, (07) 100 Porter Corners,(N8). 210 Po.t Ewen, (N13). .1,600 Port Gibson, (F8)... 400 Port Henry, (04).. .2,266 Port Jefferson, (K16) 2,800 Port Jefferson Sta¬ tion, (K17) 200 Port Jervis, (L15). .9,564 Port Kent, (02) 140 Portland, (Bll) 500 Portlandville, (KlO). 180 PortLeyden, (K6).. 764 Portville, (D12) 758 Port Washington, (H16) 3,200 Potsdam, (L2) 4,036 Potter, (FIO) 150 Potter Hill, (09).... 150 Potter Hollow,(Mil) 150 Pottersville, (N6)... 320 Poughkeepsie, (N14) 27,936 Poughquag, ( N14).. 120 Prattsburg, (FIO)... 684 Pratts Hollow. (J9) . 110 Prattsville, (Mil)... 380 Preble, (HIO) 300 Presho, (F12) 300 Preston, (JIO) 200 Preston Hollow, (Mil) 250 Prospect, (K7) 278 Protection, (CIO)... 200 Pulaski, (H6) 1,788 Pulteney, (FIO) 200 Pultneyville, (F7)... 250 Purdy Station,(N15) 230 Purling, (Mil) 180 Pyrites, (K2) 200 Quaker Springs,(N8) 180 Quaker Street,(MIO) 420 Quarryville, (M12).. 350 Queensbury, (N7)... 100 Quogue, (K17) 190 Racket River, (Ll). . 100 Ramapo, (M16). ... 500 Randall, (M9) 120 Randallsville, (J9). ..250 Randolph. (C12)... 1,298 Ransomville, (C7). . 500 Rapids, (C8) 110 Rathbone, (F12) 180 Ravena, (Nil) 1,300 Raymertown, (N9).. 150 Raymond, (C8) 150 Raymondville, (Kl). 700 Readburn, (K12). .. 200 Reading Center, (Gil) 240 Red Creek, (G7). ... 457 Redfield, (76) 350 Redford, (N2) 150 Red Hook, (N13)... 960 Red House, (C12)... 500 Redwood, (J3) 500 Reed Corners, (F9). 100 Remsen, (K7) 421 Rensselaer, (NlO). 10,711 Rensselaer Falls, (K2) 440 Rensselaerville, (MIO) 600 Reserve, (C9) 600 Result, (Nil) 200 Retsof, (E9) 100 Rex, (L9) 150 Rexford Fl-ts, (N9). 400 Rexville, (E12) 180 Reynoldston, (Ml).. 150 Revnoldsville. (Oil) 200 Rhinebeck, (N13).. 1,548 Rhinecliff, (N13).... 600 Richburg, (ni2). ... 451 Richfield, (K9) 25o Richfield Sprs, (L9).1,503 Richford, (Hll) 350 Richland, (H6) 400 Richmondville, (LlO) 599 Richville, (K3) 307 Ridgebury, (M15)... 100 Ridgeway, (D7). ... 300 Rifton, (M13) 745 Ripley, (All) 1,000 Riverhead, (K17) ..2,800 Rochester, (E8) 218,149 Rock City, (N13)... 100 Rock City Falls, (N8) 220 Rockdale. (KU).... 100 Rock Glen, (DIO)... 200 Rockland, (L13).... 300 Rockland Lake, (N16) 550 Rock Rift, (K12). .. 200 RockStream,(Gll). 200 Rock Valley, (K13) . 180 Rockville Center, (H17) 3,667 Rockwells Mills, (KU) 100 Rockwood, (L8) 330 Rocky Point, (K16). 200 Rodman, (J5) 200 Rome, (K8) 20,497 Romulus, (G9) 250 Ronkonkoma, (J17). 200 Roosevelt, (H17) ..1,000 Roscoc, (L13) 1,000 Rose, (G8) 900 Roseooom, (LlO). ., 200 Rose Hill, (H9) 130 Rosendale, (M13).. 1,125 Roseton, (M14) 2,000 Roslyn, (H17) 1,800 Rossburg, (DU) 100 Rossie, (J3) 100 Rossler, (C9) 250 Rossman, (Nl 1).... ISO Rotterdam Jc, (M9). 300 Round Lake, (N9).. 300 Rouses Pt, (Ol).. ..1,638 Roxbury, (LU) 500 Royalton, (C8) 150 Ruby, (M12) 290 Ruralgrove, (M9)... 230 Rush, (E9) 300 Rushford, (DU).... 600 Rushville, (FlO).... 463 Russell, (K3) 400 Russia, (K7) 100 Rye, (N17) 3,964 Sabael, (M6) 100 Sacket Harbor.(H5). 868 Sag Harbor, (L17)..3,408 St. James, (J17). ... 350 St. Johns. (M16).... 300 St. Johnsburg, (C8), 150 St. Johnsville, (L8). 2,536 St. Lawrence, (H4).. 170 St. Regis Falls, (L2)l,500 St. Remy, (N13).... 250 Salamanca, (C12). . 5,792 Salem, (08) 1,250 Salem Center, (N15) 150 Salisbury, (L8) 200 Salisbury Center,(L8)300 Salisbury Mills, (M15) 350 Salt Point, (N13)... 200 SaltSpringville. (L9) 150 Sammonsville,(M9). 330 Samsonville, (K13).. 200 Sanborn, (C8) 280 Sand Lake, (NlO)... 400 Sandusky, (D11).... 300 Sandy Creek, (H6). . 617 Sanford Comers,(J4) 110 San^erfield, (K9). .. 250 Sanitaria Springs, (J 12) 200 Santa Clara, (M2). . 300 Saranac, (N2) 800 Saranac Lake, (M3)4,983 Saratoga Springs, (N8) 12,693 Sardinia, (CIO) 500 Saugerties, (N12)... 3,929 Sauquoit, (K9) 600 Savannah, (G8) 521 Savona, (Fll) 587 Sawkill, (M13) 100 Sayville, (J 17) 3,200 Scarboro, (N16). 110 Scarsdale, (N17). ..1,000 Schaghticoke, (N9) . 765 Schenectady, (N9)72,826 Schenevus, (LlO). .. 576 Schodack Center, (NlO) 100 Schodack Landing, (Nil) 400 Schoharie, (MIO)— 996 Schroon La^ke, (N5). 800 Schroon River, (N5) 130 Schuyler Falls, (N2). 300 Schuyler Lake,(K9). 350 Schuylerville, (N8). 1,614 Scio, (E17), 800 Sciota, (ÎN*> 100 Scipio, (GlO) 100 Scipioville, (G9).... 20O Scotia, (N9) 2.957 Scott, (HIO) 100 Scottsburg, (ElO)... 300 Scottsville, (E8) 800 Scriba, (H7) 200 Sea Cliff, (H16) 1,694 Seaford. (H17) 720 Searsville, (M14). .. lOO Seaverton, (L2) 200 Seely Creek. (G12). . 150 Selkirk, (NlO) 200 Sempronius, (H9). .. 100 Seneca Castle, (F9) . 300 Seneca Falls, (G9) .6,588 Seneca Hill, (H7)... 110 Sennett, (G9) 100 Setauket, (J 16) 600 Seward, (T.IO) 800 Shakers, (NlO) 140 Shandaken (M12).. . 240 Sharon, (LlO) 100 Sharon Springs,(L9). 459 Shavertown, (L12).. 130 Shelby, (D8) 300 Sheldon, (DIO) 100 Sheldrake Springs, (GlO) 200 Shelter Island, (L17) 400 Shelter Island Heights, (L17).... 500 Sherburne, (KlO)... 960 Sherburne Four Corners, (JIO).... 100 Sheridan, (BIO) 250 Sherman, (A12) 836 Sherman Park, (N16) 423 Sherrill, (J8) 300 Sherwood, (G9) 160 Shokan, (M13) 400 Shongo, (E12) 150 Shoreham, (K17). .. 100 Shortsville, (F9). .1,112 Short Tract, (DU).. MO Shrub Oak, (N15)... 320 Shushan, (08) 500 Sidney, (Kll) 2,507 Sidney Center,(KU) 400 Silver Creek, (BIO).2,512 Silver Springs,(DIO) 974 Sinclairville, (BU).. 542 Skaneateles, (H9). .1,615 Skaneateles Falls, (H9) 500 Slate Hill, (L15).... 130 Slaterville Springs, (Hll) 400 Slateville, (07) 130 Slide Mountain, (M12) 100 Slingerlands, (NlO) . 500 Sloan, (C9) 1,259 Sloansville, (M9). .. 200 Sloatsburg, (M16) .1,150 Smithboro, (H12)... 250 Smiths Basin, (07).. 250 Smiths Mills, (BIO). 180 Smithtown, (J17)... 300 Smithtown Branch, (J17) 530 Sraithville. (H5).... 200 Smithville Flats,(Jll)300 Smithville South, (H17) 600 Smyrna, (JIO) 257 Sodom, (M6) 200 Sodus, (F8) 1,800 Sodus Center, (F8) .. 350 Sodus Point, (F7)... 700 Solon, (HIO) 250 Solsville, (79) 100 Solvay, (H8) 5,139 Somers, (N15) 100 Somerset, (C7) 300 Somerville, (J3) 150 Sonora, (FU) 150 Son yea, (ElO) 350 So. Alabama, (D8).. 110 Southampton, (L17)2,509 So. Argyle, (08) 280 So. Bay, (J8) 180 So. Bay. (06) 110 So. Berlin, (OlO).... 200 So. Berne, (MIO). .. 100 So. Bethlehem,(NlO) 500 So. Bloomfield,(F9) . 200 So. Butler, (G8) 350 So. Byron, (D8). ... 250 So. Cairo, (Nil).... 120 So. Cambridge,(N9). 200 So. Col ton, (L2) 250 So. Columbia, (L9).. 140 So. Corinth, (N8)... 200 So. Dansville, (El 1). 180 So. Dayton, (Bll).. 600 So. Easton, (N9).... 180 So. Edmeston, (KlO) 200 So. Edwards, (K3).. 150 So. Fallsburg, (L14). 400 Southfields, (M16).. 100 So. Glens FaUs,(N7)2,247 So. Granville, (07).. 180 So. Hannibal, (G7).. 100 South Hartford, (07) 320 So. Jamesport, (K17) 300 So. Kortright, (Ll 1). 100 South Lansing, (Gl0)100 So. Livonia, (E9). .. 150 So. Millbrook, (N13) 200 So. New Berlin,(KlO) 400 So. Nyack, (N16) ..2,068 Southold, (L17) 1,600 So. Onondaga, (H9). 250 So.Otselic, (JIO).... 300 So. Oxford, (Jll). .. 120 Southport, ((j12). .. 250 So. Pulteney, (FIO) . 110 So. Ripley, (A12)... 100 So. Rutland, (J5)... 150 So.Salem, (N15)... 120 So. Schenectady, (M9) 400 So. Schodack, (NlO) 150 So. Scriba, (H7) 180 So. Sodus, (G8) 150 So. Stockton, (B11). 100 So. Trenton, (K8)... 100 So. Valley, (LIO).... 100 So. Wales, (CIO).... 300 So. Westerlo, (Ml 1). 150 Southwest Oswego, (G7) 320 So. Worcester, (LlO) 180 Spafford, (H9) 450 Sparkill, (Nl 6) 950 Sparrow Bush. (Ll 5) 400 Speedsville. (Hll). . 150 Spencer, (H12) 5W Spencerport, (E8).. 1,000 Spencertown, (NU). 320 Speonk, (KI7) 200 Split Rock, (H8).... 300 Spragueville, (K3). . 200 Sprakers, (M9) 220 Spring Brook, (C9). . 200 Springfield, (L9) 100 Springfield Center, (L9) 280 Spring Glen, (M14) . 210 Springlake, (G8) 100 Springs, (L17) 340 Spring Valley, (M16) 2,353 Springville, (ClO). .2,246 Springwater, (ElO).. 600 Staatsburg, (N13)... 400 Stacy Basin, (J8). .. 100 Stafford, (D9) 180 Stamford, (Ll 1)—. 973 Stanards, (E12) 180 Stanfordville, (N13). 400 Stiuilev, (F9) 450 Star, (Nl) 150 Starkey, (GlO) 150 Starkville, (L9) 200 Starlake, (K4) 200 Steamburg, (C12)... 250 Steele, (G9) 3^0 Stephens Mills,(Ell) 130 Stephentown, (OlO). 250 Stephentown Center, (OlO) 200 Sterling, (G7) 380 Sterlingbush, (J4)... 110 Sterlington, (M16).. 130 Sterling Valley, (G7) 110 Sterlingville, (J4)... 100 Steuben, (K7) 100 Stevensville, (L14).. 150 Stillwater, (N9).... 1,004 Stittville, (K8) 350 Stockbridge, (J9). .. 300 Stockpc»rt, (Nil). .. 700 Stockton, (Bll).... 600 Stone Arabia, (L9).. 110 Stone Mills, (J4).... 110 Stone Ridge, (M13). 230 Stony Brook, (717).. 550 Stony Creek, (N7).. 350 Stony Hollow, (M13) 120 Stony Point, (M16). 950 Storm King, (N15).. 150 Stormville, (N14)... 150 Stottville, (Nil). ... 720 Stow, (B12) 100 Stratford, (L8) 300 Streetroad, (05) 200 Strykersville, (DIO). 530 Stuyvesant, (NU).. 400 Stuyvesant Falls, (Nil) 930 Suffern, (Ml6) 2,663 Sugar Loaf, (M15).. 110 Sullivan ville, (Gl 2). 150 Summer Hill, (HIO). 750 Summit, (LlO) 300 Summitville, (M14). 220 Swain, (Ell) 180 Swartwood, (G12). . 100 Swormville, (C8).... 300 Sylvan Beach, (J8).. 169 Syosset, (J17) 400 Syracuse, (H8)... 137,249 Taberg, (J7) 370 Taborton, (OlO).... 200 Talcottville, (K6)... 150 Tallman, (M16) 210 Tannersville, (M12). 660 Tappan, (N16) 300 Tarrytown, (N16)..5,600 Taylor, (JIO) 100 Tebo, (L2) 100 TcrryvUle, (J17).... 150 Texas, (H6) 150 Texas Valley, OH)- 160 Theresa, (J 4) 932 Thiells, (M16) 300 Thompsonville,(Ll4) 200 Thomson, (N8) 100 Three Mile Bay, (H4) 400 Throop, (G9) 200 Thurman, (N7) 230 Thurston, (F12) 130 Ticonderoga, (05)..2,475 Tülson, (M13) 100 Tilly Foster, (N15).. 200 Tioga Center, (Hl2). 300 Tivoli, (N12) 1,034 Toddsville, (KlO). .. 300 Tomhannock, (09) . ISO Tomkins Cove, (M16) 1,200 Tonawanda, (C8). .8,290 Towners, (N15) 150 Town Line, (C9).... 350 Townsend, (Gil)... 170 Townsendville,(GlO) 100 Treadwell, (Kll). .. 280 Trenton, (K7) 289 Triangle, (Jll) 130 Tribes Hill, (M9)... 400 Troupsburg, (E12).. 230 Trout Creek, (K12). ISO Trout River, (Ml).. 210 Troy, (NlO) 76,813 Trudeau, (M3) 230 Tnimansburg,(G 10)1,188 Truthville, (07) 200 Truxton, (HlO) 700 Tuckahoe, (N17)... 2,722 Tully, (H9) 551 Tunesassa, (C12). .. 200 Tupper Lake, (M4).3,067 Turin, (K6) 349 Tumwood, (L12). .. 300 Tuscarora, (ElO). .. 130 Tuxedo Park,(M16)2,000 Tyre, (09) 100 Tyrone, (Fll) 400 Ulster Heights, (M13) 110 Ulster Park, (M13). 120 Unadilla, (Kll).... 1,009 Unadilla Forks,(K9). 200 Uncas, (N6) ISO Union. (H12) 1,544 Union (Tenter,(H12). 200 Union Grove. (Ll 2). 20O Union Hill, (F8).... 100 Union Springs, (G9). 798 Union Valley, (JIO). 170 Unionville, (LIS). .. 351 Upper 7ay,(N3).... 500 Upper Lisle, (Jll)... 100 Upper Nyack, (N16) 591 Upper Red Hook, (N12) 180 Urbana, (Fll) 100 Urlton, (Nil) 190 Utica, (K8) 74.419 Vail Gate, (M15). .. 100 Vail Mills, (M8).... 110 Valatie, (Nil) 1,219 Valhalla, (N16) 600 Valley Cottage, (MI6) 20b Valley Falls, (N9)... 835 Valley Stream, (H17) 2,800 Vallonia Springs, (J12) 150 Valois, (GlO) 300 Vandalia, (CI2) 110 VanEtten, (G12)... 476 VanhornesviIle,(L^). 250 Varrr.(HU) 200 Var^sD'LTg, (DIO)... 400 Vegi,(Ll2) 100 Venice, (G9) 100 VeniceCenter, (GlO) 150 Verbank, (N14) 150 Verbank Village, (N14) 150 Vermillion, (H7).... 200 Vernon, (J8) 451 Vernon Center, (J8). 210 Verona, (J8) 300 Verona Station, (J8). 100 Verplanck, (N16)... 1,000 Versailles, (CIO).... 200 Vesper, (H9) 210 Vestal, (H12) 230 Vestal Center, (J12). 300 Veteran, (M12) 400 Victor, (F9) 881 Victory, (G8) 380 Victory Mills, (N8) . 748 Vienna, (77) 150 Virgil, (HIO) 200 Vischer Ferry, (N9). 190 Vista, (N16) 120 Volney, (H7) 110 Voorheesville, (NlO) 533 Waddington, (Kl).. 731 Wadhams, (04) 170 Wading River, (Kl7) 400 Wainscott, (L17). .. 150 Waiden, (M14) 4,004 Wales, (DIO) 130 Wales Center, (C9).. 200 Walesville, (K8) 130 Walker Valley,(M14) 170 Wallace, (Fll) 320 Wallkill, (M14) 700 Walloomsac, (09)... 150 Walton, (K12) 3,103 Walworth, (F8) 450 Wampsville, (J8) 212 Wanakena, (L4).... 200 Wantagh, 017) 710 Wappingers Falls, (N14) 3,195 Warner, (H8) 500 Warnerville (LlO).. 260 Warren, (L9) 100 WaiTensburg,(N7).. 3,100 Warrens Corners,(C8)200 Warsaw, (DlO) 3,206 Warwick, (M16). . .2,318 Washington Hollow, (N13) 250 Washington Mills, (K8) 300 Washingtonville, (M15) 631 Wassaic, (N13) 250 Waterburg, (GlO)... 110 Waterford, (N9) 3,245 Waterloo, (G9) 3,931 Water Mill, (Ll 7)... 300 W'aterport, (D7).... 320 Watertown, (J5). .26,730 Watervale, (J9) 1(X) Watervalley, (ClO). 100 Waterville, (K9). ..1,410 Watervliet, (NlO). 15,074 Watkims, (Gil) 2,817 Watson, (K5) 130 W^atts Flats, (B12).. 400 Waverly, (G12)... .4,855 Wawarsing, (M13).. 200 Wayland, (ElO) 1,392 Wayne, (Fll) 190 Webb Mills, (G12).. 200 Webster, (F8) 1,032 Webster Crossing, (ElO) 170 Weedsport, (G8)... 1,344 Wegatchie, (J3) 210 Wells, (M7) 400 Wells Bridge, (Kl 1). 200 Wellsburg, (G12). .. 432 Wellsville, (E12)...4,382 Wesley, (Cll) 150 West. (Cll) 200 W. Almond, (Ell).. 100 W. Amboy, (J7).... 100 W. Bangor. (Ml)... 110 W. Barre, (T>8) 100 W. Berne, (MIO). .. 220 W. Bloomfield, (E9). 300 W. Branch. (K7)... 170 W. Burlington,(KID) 100 Westbury, (G8) 350 Westbury, (H17)— 390 W. Camp, (N12).... 250 W. Candor, (Hi2). . 130 W. Carthage, (J5). .1,393 W. Charlton, (M9).. 100 W. Chazy, (Nl) 250 W. Clarksville, (D12) 100 W. Colesville, (JI2). 100 W, ConesvilIe,(MU) 100 W. Coxsackie, (Nil) 500 Westdale, (J 7) 200 W. Danby, (Gil)... 300 W. Davenport, (Lll) 120 W.Eaton, (J9).. .. 500 W. Edmeston. (K9). 220 Westemville, (K7).. 300^ 160 (NEW YORK—N. CAROLINA—N. DAKOTA) INDEX OF THE UNITED STATES W. Exeter, (K9).... 150 W. Falls. (CIO) 300 Westfield, (Al 1)... .2,985 Westford, (LIO) 100 W. Fort Aim, (N7).. 200 W.Fulton, (MIO)... 210 W.Galway, (M9). .. 300 W. Granville Cor¬ ners, (O 7) 300 W.Hampton, (K17) 450 W. Hampton Beach, (K17) 250 W. Haverstraw, (M16) 2,369 W. Hebron, (07).... 200 W. Henrietta, (E8).. 130 W. Hoosick, (09)... 180 W. Hurley, (M13). . 520 W. Kendall, (D7)... 150 W. Kill, (M12) 200 W. Laurens, (KIO).. 100 W.Lebanon, (OH). 100 W. Leyden, (K7). . - 600 W. Milton, (N8).... 200 W. Monroe, (H7)... 180 Westmoreland, (K8) 350 W. Nyack, (.M16)... 230 Weston, (Fll) 300 W.Oneonta, (Kll). 300 Westons Mills (D12) 500 W. Park, (N13) 180 W. Pierpont, (K2). . 100 W. Plattsburg, (N2). 120 W. Point, (M15)... 1,200 Westport, (04) 692 W. Potsdam, (K2).. 180 W. Rush, (E9) 200 W. Salamanca,(C12) 530 W. Sand Lake,(NIO) 300 W.Saugerties, (M12) 200 W. Sayville, (J17).,. 900 W.Schuyler, (K8). . 120 W. Shokan, (M13).. 100 W. Stephentown, (OlO) 380 W. Stockholm, (L2). 210 Westtown, (L15).... 200 W. Township, (MIO) 100 V* . V ttiicy, . . ti\j . V ienna, 08). ... 140 Westview, (LlO).... 150 Westville Center, (Ml) 300 W. Walworth, (F8) . 300 W. Webster, (F8)... 210 W. Winfield, (K9)... 726 Wethersfield Springs, (DIO) 200 Wevertown, (N6)... 230 Whallonsburg, (03). 160 Wheeler, (FlI) 200 Whippleville, (Ml).. 200 White (¿reek, (09).. 500 Whitehall, (06) 4,917 (K6) 250 White Plains,(N 16) 15,949 Whiteport, (M13)... 600 Whitesboro, (K8).. .2,375 White Sulphur Springs, (Ll3) 250 Whitesville, (E12). . 400 Whitfield, (M13).... 200 Whitney Crossings, (Ell) 130 Whitneypoint,(Hll) 744 Willard, (GlO) 200 Willet, (Jll) 300 Williamson, (F7).... 650 Williarastown, (j7).. 600 NORTH CAROLINA Williamsville, (C9) .1,105 Willow, (N12) 200 Willowemoc, (L13).. 250 Willowvale, (K.8).... 400 Willsboro, (03) 650 Willseyville, (Hll).. 550 Wilmington, (N3)... 100 Wilmurt, (L7) 150 Wilson, (C7) 655 Wilton, (N8) 180 Windham, (Mil)... 350 Windsor, (J12) 637 Winfield, (K9) 150 Wingdale, (N13).... 150 Winthrop, (Li) 350 Wiscoy, (DIO) 270 Wolcott, (G8) Wolcottsburg, (C8 ) Woicottsville, (C8). Wood bourne, (L13) Woodbury, (J17). . Woodhull, (F12)... Wocximere, (H17).. W^oodstock, (M12). Wood ville, (H5)... Worcester, (LlO)... Worth, (J5) Wrights Corners, (C8) Wurtsboro, (M14). Wynantskill, (NIO) 1 216 Wyomanock, (OlO) . 150 . 250 Wyoming, (D9) 580 . 800 Yale, (G9) 100 Yaphank, (K17) 570 . 350 Yates, (D7) 150 . 300 Yonkers, (N17)...79,803 . 316 York, (E9) 500 . 600 Yorkshire, (DIO). .. 300 . 350 Yorktown, (N15)-.. 100 . 100 Yorktown Heights, .1,500 (N15) 1,250 . 320 Yorkville, (K8) 691 Youngs, (Kll) 120 . 200 Youngstown, (B7). . 556 . 478 Youngsville, (L13).. 280 . 160 Zurich, (F8) 200 Abbottsburg, (G4). 159 Aberdeen, (F3) 794 Advance, (C2) 283 AhosÛe, (LI) 924 Albemarle, (D3)— 2,116 Alexander, (D6) 118 Alexis, (B3) no Almond, (B7) 98 Aitamahaw, (Fl).. 300 Andrews, (B7) 936 Angler, (G2) 221 Ansonville, (D3) 486 Apalachia, (N8)— 100 Apex, (G2) 681 Archdale. (D2) 145 Arden, (E7) 151 Ashboro, (E2) 1,865 AshevUIe, (D6)..- 18,762 Atlantic, (M4) 524 Aulander, (Kl)--— 543 Aurora, (L3) 440 AutryviUe, (G3) 77 Avoca, (LI) 150 Avon, (N3) 400 Ayden, (K3) 990 Aydlett, (Nl) 300 A^lea, (E6) IOC* Bailey, (H2) 195 BakersviUe, (E5).. 416 Balsam Grove, (D7) 190 Barco, (Ml) 100 Barium Springs, (02) 110 Baitlett, (Ml) 150 Bath, (L3) 283 Battleboro, ai)--. 211 Bayboro, (L3),..— 370 Beargrass, (K2)._. 56 Beamort, (L4) .2,483 BeeLog, ÍE6) 300 Bee Tree, (E6) 200 Belcross, (Ml) 150 Belhaven, (L2).._. 2,863 Belmont, (B3),..-1»176 Belviderc, (Ll).... 100 Belwood, (A2) 140 Benson, (H3) 800 Bessemer City, (B3) 1,529 Bethania, (Dl) 110 Bethel, (K2) 469 Big Lick, (D3) 162 Biltmore, (D6) 173 Biscoe, (E3) 265 Blackcreek, (J2)— 219 Black Mountain, (E6) 311 Bladenboro, (G4).. 276 Blowing Rock, (Al) 261 Bluemont, (D6) 200 Bluff, (D6) 140 Boardman, (G5)--. 796 Bonlee, (F2).-.--- 130 Bonnerton, (L3) 100 Bonsai, (G2) 85 Boomer, (Bl) 100 Boone, (Al) 179 Boonfoid, (E6) 100 Boonville, (CD 282 Bosley, (Ll) 100 Bostic, (A3)- 209 Brevard, (D7) 919 Bridgersville, (J2). 50 Bridgeton, (K3)— 348 Bridgewater, (A2). 200 Broadway, (G3) 149 Brookford. (B2)... 725 Browns Summit, (El) - 100 Bryson City, (B7)- 612 Buffailo City, (N2)- 200 Buies, (F4/.—— 66 Buies Creek, (G3).. 249 Burgaw, (J4) 956 Burlington, (Fl) 4,808 BumsvUle, (E6) 422 Buxton, (N3)..... 300 Bjmum, (F2) 150 Cambro, (03) 150 Camden, (Ml) 100 Cameron, (F3) 259 Canaan, (Ml) lOO Candor, (E3) 160 Canton, (D6) 1,393 Capelsie. (E3) 400 Caroleen, (A3) 1,892 (Carthage, (F3) 863 Cary, (G2) 383 Casar, (A2) 30O Cash Comer, (L3). 130 Castalia, GD 219 Catawba. (32) 222 Cedar Falls. (E2).. 222 Central Falls, (E2) 500 Cerrogordo, (GS).. 323 Chadboum, (G5).. 1,242 Chalklevel,(G2)... 100 Chapel Hill, (F2).. 1,149 Charlotte, (C3)...34,014 Cherry, (M2) 76 Cherryfield, (D7).. 200 Cherryville, (B3).. 1,153 Chestnutridge, (CI) 100 China Grove, (C2). 852 Chinquapin, Ü4).. 350 Chocowinity, (K2). 127 Cisco, (Ll) 100 Clareraont, (B2)-.. 297 Clarendon, (G5)..- 147 Clarkton, (05) 276 Clayton. (H2) 1,441 Clemmons, (D2) 100 Cleveland, (C2) 426 Cleveland Mills, (A3) 400 Cliffside, (A3) 1.000 Clinton, (H4) 1,101 Clyde, {D7) 344 Coats, (G3) 169 Coinjock,(Ml) 150 Colerain, (Ll) 189 Coleridge. (E2) 100 Colfax, (El) 100 Colington, (Nl) 200 Coilettsville, (A2)., 80 Columbia, (M2) 848 Columbus, (E7) 122 Como, (Kl) 300 Concord, (C3) 8,715 Conetoe, (K2) 158 Connellys Springs, (A2) 500 Conover, (B2) 421 Contentnea, (J2).. 246 Conway, (Kl) 240 Cooleemee, (C2) 2,000 CopeUnd, (CI) 100 Cordova, (E4) 650 Corepoint, (L3) 120 (¿omelius, (C3) 833 Corolla, (NI) 100 Council, (H5) 74 Cove City, (K3)... 308 Cranberry, (F5) 400 Creedmoor, (Gl)-- 324 Crestón, (Al) 100 Creswell, (M2) 329 Cronly, (H5) 289 Crouse, (B3) 175 Crumpler, (Bl) 100 Cullasaja. (C7)..-. 250 Cumberland, (G3). 300 Cumnock, (F2) 200 Currituck, (Nl) 200 Dallas, (B3) 1,065 Danbury, (Dl) 400 Davidson, (C3) 1,056 Davidsons River, (D7) 150 Davis, (L4) 250 Daybook, (E6) 300 DeUwood, (C6) 150 Denton, (D2) 320 Denver, (B2) 282 Deppe, (K4) 130 Derita, (C3) 100 Dillsboro, (C7).... 277 Dobson, (Cl) 360 Double Shoal, (A3) 100 Dover, (K3) 737 Draper, (El) 1,000 Drexel, (A2) 200 Drumhill, (Ll) 100 Duck, (Ml) 100 Dudley, (H3) 164 Duke, (G3) 500 Dunn, (G3) 1,823 Durham, (G2)... 18,241 Eagle Rock, (H2) 100 Eagle Springs, (E3) 100 Earl, (B3) 100 Earleys, (Kl) 300 East Bend. (Dl)... 522 East Durham, (G2) 1,500 East Kings Moun¬ tain, (B3) 383 Eastlake, (N2) 600 East Laurinburg, (F4) 577 East Lumberton, (G4) 881 East Monbo, (C2)- 250 East Spencer, (D2) 1,729 Edenton, (Ll) 2,789 Edgemont, (A2)-.- 100 Edward, (L3) 171 Elhanan. (E6) 150 Elizabeth City, (Ml) 8,412 Elizabethtown, (G4) 117 Elkin, (Cl) 886 Elkpark, (E5) 377 Ellenboro, (A3) 293 Ellerbe, (E3) 100 Elm City, (J2) 590 Elm Grove, {Gl).. 200 Elmwood, (02) 150 Elon College, (El)- 200 Elrod, (F4) 170 Embro, (HI) 160 Endon, (F3) 120 Enfield, (JI) 1,167 Engelhard, (N2) 300 EnochvUle, (C2) 81 Eure, (Ll) 100 Eureka, a2) 162 Everetts, (K2) 146 Evergreen, (G5) 248 Excelsior, (H5) 130 Fairbluff, (F5) 441 Fairfield, (M2) 600 Fairmont, (F5) 730 Fairview, (E7) 130 Faison, (H3) 519 Faith, (D2) 800 Falkland, (K2) 132 Falls, (G2) 130 Fallston, (B3^ 200 Farmin^on, (Cl)-- 150 Farmville, (T2) 816 Fayettcville, (G3) 7,045 Flatrock, (E7) 300 Flat Shoal, (CD--- 100 Floral College, (F4) 190 Forest City, (A3).- 1,592 Forestville, (H2).. 137 Fort Bamwell, (K3) 140 Fort Landing, (M2) 300 Fountain, (\2) 189 Fouroaks,(H3).... 329 Franklin, (C7) 379 Franklinton, (HI)- 809 Frankiinville, (E2L 500 Fremont, (H2) 951 Frisco, (N3) 250 Fuquay Springs, (G2) 127 Garland, (H4) 100 Gamer, (G2) 284 Garysburg, (Jl) 169 Gaston, (E6) 100 Gastonia, (B3). 5,759 Gates, (Ll) 150 Gatesville, (Ll)-.- 203 Germanton, (Dl)-- 154 Gibson, (E4) 800 Gibsonville, (El)- - 1,162 Gilkey, (A3) 200 Glen Alpine, (A2)._ 308 Glenwood, (El) 200 Glenwood, (F6) 119 Godwin, (G3) 102 Goldhill, (D2) 304 Goldpoint, (K2) 126 Goldsboro, (J3) 6,107 Cioldston, (F2) 240 Grace, (D6)_ 100 Graham, (Fl) 2,504 Grandy, (NI) 100 Grange, (D7) 100 Granite Falls, (B2) 381 Granite Quarry, (D2) 363 Graphiteville, (E6) 100 Grassy Creek, (Cl) 100 Greenmountain, (E5) 100 Green Park, (Al)-- 100 Greensboro, (El). 15,895 Greenville, (K2) 4,101 Gregory, (Ml) 150 Griffin, (N2) 200 Grifton, (K3) 291 Grimesland, (K2).. 330 Grover, (B3) 209 Guilford, (El) 130 Guilford College, (ED- 200 GuU, (F2) 200 Gumneck, (M2) 800 Guyton, (G4) 160 Hadley, (F2) 100 Halifax, (Jl) 314 Hallsboro, (GS) 180 Hamilton, (K2)..- 452 Hamlet, (E4) 2,173 Hamptonville, (Cl) 100 Harbinger. (Nl) 500 Hardin Mills, (B3). 230 Harkers Island, (L4) 200 Harlowe, (L4)..... 250 Harmony, (C2) 200 Harrellsville, (Ll). 48 Harrisburg, (C3)-- 100 Hassell, (K2) 100 Hatteras, (N3) 600 Hawriver, (Fl) 1,200 Hayesville, (B7) 98 Haywood, (F2) 162 Hazelwood, ((¿7).. 428 Helton, (Bl) 200 Henderson, (HI)--4,503 Hendersonville, (E7) 2,818 Heno, (Fl) 100 Henrietta, (A3) 1,856 Henry, (B2) 100 Hertford, (Ll) 1,841 Hickory, (B2) 3,716 Hiddenite, (B2) 250 Highfalls, (F3) 150 Highlands, (B2) 487 Highlands, (C7) 267 Highpoint, (D2) 9,525 Highshoals, (B3).. 1,000 Hildebran, (A2) 140 Hillsboro. (Fl) 857 Hobbsville, (Ll)--- 150 Hobgood, (Kl) 165 Hoffman, (F3) 175 Hollysprings, (G2). 261 Hookerton, (J3) 204 Hoover Hill, (E2).. 200 Hope Mills, (G4).. 964 Hot Springs, (D6). 443 Howard, (L2) 200 Hudson, (B2L---- 411 Huntdale, (E5) 200 Huntersville, (C3)- 591 Ic'uiorlee, (C4) 398 Inanda, (D6) 180 Indiantrail, (C3). _ 154 Ingold, (H4) 124 lola, (E3) 100 Iron Station, (B3)- 150 Ivanhoe, (H4) 170 Jackson, (Kl) 527 Jackson Hill, (D2)_ 150 Jacksonville, (K4). 505 James City, (K3).. 1,500 Jamestown, (E2).. 150 Jamesville, (K2) 398 Jarvis, (Bl) 100 Jarvisburg, (Nl)-- 400 Jason, G3) 60 Jefferson, (Bl) 184 Jonesboro, (G2) 799 Jonesville, (Cl) 200 Juniper, (N2) 200 Jupiter, (D6) 100 Kannapolis, (C3). . 500 Keelsville, (K2)._. 85 Kelford, (Kl) 316 Kenansville, G^)-- 270 Kenly, (H2) 726 Kemersville, (Dl)- 1,128 Key ser, (E3) 170 Kimesville, (E2) ISO King, (Dl) 100 Kingsdale, (F4) 150 Kimts Mountain, ÍB3) 2,218 Kinston, (K3) 6,995 Kipling, (G2) 150 KittrelU (HI) 242 Kitty Hawk, (Nl). 350 Knotts Island, (Nl) 800 Lagrange, G3) 1,007 Lake Comfort, (M3)- 300 Lake Landing,(M3) 300 Lake Tozaway, (D7) 100 Lakeview, (F3) 100 Lakewood, (E7) 100 Landis, (C2) 500 Lasker, (Kl) 203 Lattimore, (A3) 297 Laurelhill, (E4) 350 L.aurinburg, (£4).- 2,322 Lawndale, (A3) 350 I.caksville, (El) 1,127 Leasburg, (Fl) 30O Leechville, (L2) 151 Lcggett, G2) 140 Leicester, (D6) 153 l.enoir, (A2) 3,364 Lewara, (E4) 279 Lewiston, (Kl) 262 Lexington, (D2) 4,163 Liberty, (E2) 474 Liledoun, (B2) 100 Lilesville, (E3) 286 Lillington, (G3) 380 Lilly, (Ml) 300 Lincolnton, (B3)--2,413 Linville, (F5) 250 Linwood, (D2) 150 Littleton, UD 1,152 NORTH Longisland, (B2).. 200 Long View, (B2) 243 Louisburg, (HI) 1,775 Lowell, (B3) 876 Lowesville, (C3) 150 Lucama, (H2) 266 Lumber Bridge, (F4) 165 Lumberton, (G4).. 2,230 Lynn, (E7) 200 McAdenville. (B3). 983 McFarlan, (D4) 186 McGuire, (Al) 100 Macclesfield, (J2 ).. 110 Mackey Ferry, (L2) 230 Macon, (Hi) 189 Madison, (Dl) 1,033 Maggie, (C6) ISO Magnetic City, (E5) 100 Magnolia, (J4) 653 Maiden, (B2) 664 Makelyville, (M3)- 150 Mamie, (Nl) 100 Manchester, (G3)_. 200 Manly, (F3) 220 Manns Harbor, (N2) 300 Manteo, (N2) 408 Maple, (Ml) ISO Mapleton, (Kl) 52 Margarette^le, (Kl) 107 Marietta, (F5) 100 Marion, (F6) 1,519 Mariposa, (B3) 100 Marlboro, (J2) 225 Marehall, (D6) 802 Mars Hill, (D6)... 301 Marshville, (D3)-- 499 Mashoes, (N2).... 100 Matthews, (C3) 396 Maxton, (F4) 1,321 Mayesworth, (B3). 200 Mayodan, (Dl)._. 874 Maysville, (K4) 345 Mebane, (Fl) 693 Medlin, (B6) 100 Menola, (Kl) 150 Merryhill, (Ll)---- 170 Merry Oaks, (G2)- 769 Mica, (E6) 100 Micaville, (E6) 100 Micro, (H2) 74 Middleburg, (HI). 117 Middlesex, (H2) 467 Middletown, (M3). 200 Mill Spring, (E7).- 150 Milton, (Fl) 419 Mineral Springs, (C4) 86 Mint Hill, (C3)-.- 194 Mintonsville, (Ll). 100 Mocksville, ((^2)..1,063 Monbo, (C2) 150 Moncure, (G2) 100 Monroe, (C4) 4,082 Mon Swamp, (M2) 200 Montezuma, (F5).. 254 Mooresboro, (A3).. 198 Mooresville, (C2)._ 3,400 Morehead (¿ity, (L4) 2,039 Morganton, (A2) .. 2,712 MorrisviUe, ((52).. 151 Mortimer, (Al) 261 Morven, (D4) 498 Mountain Island, (B3) 347 Mountairy, (CD--3,844 Mount Bethel, (B2) 100 Mount Gilead, (E3) 723 Mount Holly, (B3) 526 Mount Mitchell, (E6).._ 100 Mount Olive, ÍH3). 1,071 Mount Pleasant, (D3) 753 Mount Tabor, (G5) 418 Moyock, (Ml) 200 Murfreeslwro, (Kl) 809 Murphy, (A7) 977 Nash^le, (J2) 750 Neabville, (F6) 100 Nebo, (F6)_ 160 Newbem, (K3) 9,961 Newell, (C3) 100 Newhill, ((52) 95 Newlife, (Bl) 100 New Light, (Gl) 150 New London, (03). 312 Newport, (L4) 321 Newton, (B2) 2,316 Newtown Grove, . (H3) 73 DAKOTA North Charlotte, (C3) 1,500 North Harlowe, (L4) 220 Northwilkesboro, (B2) 1,902 Norwood, (D3) 928 Oak City, (K2) 251 Oak Ridge, (D1 ) 190 Ocracoke, (M3) 600 Ola, (C6) 100 Old Fort, (E6) 778 Olds, (Ml) 100 Old Sparta, (J2)... 220 Oldtrap, (Nl) 300 Olin, (C2) 200 Olive Branch, (D3) 100 Orehill, (F2) 94 Oriental, (L3) 645 Osgood, (F2) 100 Otila, (Nl)- 150 Ottanola, (E7).... 130 Oxford, (Gl) 3,018 Pactolus, (K2) 154 Paintrock, (D6) 100 Palmyra, (Kl) 94 Pantego, (L2) 324 Parkersburg, (H4). 67 Parkewood, (F3).. 200 Parkton, ((j4) 219 Parmele, (K2) 272 Patterson, (A2)... 86 Patterson Springs, (B3) 100 Peachland, (D3) 232 Peedee, (E4) 628 Pelham, (Fl) 150 Pembroke, (F4) 258 Pendleton, (KD--- 62 Pensacola, (E6).-. ISO Phenoy, (E5).,... 100 Pikevule, G3) 210 Pilot, (H2) 100 Pilotmountain, (CD 652 Pinebluff, (E3) 92 Pinelevel, {H2) 394 Pinelog, (B7) 100 Pinetops, (J2) 211 Pinetown, (L2) 412 Pineview, (G3) 200 Pineville, ((¿3) 688 Pink Hill, (J3) 58 Pinnacle, (Cl) 400 Pisgah Forest, (D7) 150 Pittsboro, (F2) 502 Pleasant Hill, GD- 170 Plymouth, (L2) 2,165 Point Caswell, (H5) 115 Point Harbor, (Nl) 200 Polkton, (D3) 287 Polkville, (A3) 100 Polloksville, (K4).. 227 Pomona, (El) 500 Poplarbranch, (Nl) 200 Potecasi, (Kl) 130 Pousville, (HI) 100 Powells Point, (Nl) 400 Powellsville, (Ll)-- 75 Princeton, (H3) 354 Princeville, (K2).. 627 Proctor, (B7) 200 Pungo, (L2) 300 Raeford, (F4) 580 RALEIGH, (G2). 19,218 Ramseur, (E2) 1,022 Randleman, (E2).. 1,950 Red Hill, (E5) 100 Red Springs, (F4).. 1,089 Reidsville, (El) 4,828 Rennert, (G4) 179 Rhodhiss, (B2) 370 Richfield, (D3) 210 Richlands, (J4) 445 Rich Square, (Kl)- 367 Ridge way, (HI) 300 Ringwood, GD 147 Ripple, (Bl) 150 Roanoke Rapids, GD 1,670 Roaring River, (Bl) 100 Robbinsville, (B7). 122 Roberdell, (E4) 422 Robersonville, (K2) 616 Rockingham, (È4). 2,155 Rockwell, (D2) 100 Rockymount, (T2). 8,051 Rockymount Mills, G2)-- 480 Rocky point, G5)-- 300 Rodanthe, (N2)._. 150 Roe, (M4).. 150 Rolesville, (H2) 170 Ronda, (Cl) 150 Roper, (L2) 819 Roseboro, (G4) 183 Rosedale, (Ml) 150 Rosehili, (j4) 364 Rosman, (1)7) 145 Rougemont, (Fl)-- 150 Rowland, (F4) 787 Roxboro, (Gl) 1,425 Roxobel, (Kl) 491 Royall Cotton Mills, (Gl) 437 Ruffin, (El) 250 Ruralhall, (Dl) 300 Rutherford College, (A2) 200 Rutherfordton, (A3) 1,062 Saginaw, (E5) 300 Samt Helena, (J4). 250 Saint Pauls, (G4).. 419 Salem, (Dl) 5,533 Salisbury, (D2) 7,153 Saluda, (E7) 235 Salvo, (N2) 100 Sandy Ridge, (Dl). 250 Sanford, (F2) 2,282 Saratoga, G2) 136 Sarem, (Ll) 100 Scotland Neck, (Kl)--- 1,726 Scranton, (M3) 200 Seaboard, (Kl) 280 Seagull, (Ml) 150 Selma, (H2) 1,331 Selwin, (Ll) 100 Seph, (C6) 140 Sevensprings, G3)- 250 Severn," (Kl) 100 Shallotte, (H6) 139 Sharpsburg, G2)-- 121 Shawboro, (Ml) 150 Shelby, (A3) 3,127 Shelmerdine, (K3). 400 Shiloh, (Ml) 130 Shore, (Cl) 308 Sidney, (L3) 150 Siler City, (F2) 895 Siloam, (CD 130 Skyco, (N2) 100 Skyland, (D7) 150 Sladesville, (L3) 150 Smithfield, (H2)... 1,347 Smokemont, (C6).. 100 Smyrna, (L4) 110 Sneads Ferry, (K4) 140 Snowden, (Ml) 100 Snow Hill, G3) - 450 Sound, (L2) 300 South Biltmore, (D6).. 238 South Creek, (L3). 800 Southern Pines, (F3).- 542 South Mills, (Ml)- 300 Southport, (H6) 1,484 Southside, (B3) 200 South Wadesboro, (D4) 202 Sparta, (Bl) 199 Spencer, (D2) 1,915 Spoutsprings, (03). 100 Spray, (El) 6,000 Spring Hope, (H2). 1,246 Staley, (E2) 150 Stallings, (HI) 150 Stanley, (B3) 321 Stantonsburg, G2)- 204 Star, (E3) 239 Stateroad, ((¿1) 120 Statesville, (C2) 4,599 Stecoah, (B7) 130 Steeds, (E3)--.... 200 Stem, (Gl) 100 Stokesdale, (El) 159 Stoneville, (Dl) 404 Stonewall, (L3) 161 Stony Point, (C2)_, 150 Stout, (C3) 82 Stovall, (Gl)-----. 305 Stubbs, (A3) 300 Sturapypoint, (N2) 200 Sugar Grove, (Al)- 200 Summerfield, (El). 250 Sunbury, (Ll) 200 Supply, (H6) 150 Swanquarter, (M3) 185 Swansboro, (K4). . 390 Swepsonville, (F2). 520 Swiss, (E6) 120 Sycamore, (N2) 120 Sylva, (C7) 698 Tabor, (G5) 200 Taft, (D6) 130 Tamarack, (Al) 250 Tarboro, (T2) 4,129 Taylorsville. (B2)662 Teacheys, (H4) 154 Terrapin, GD 120 Thelma, GD 130 Thomas, (H4) 150 Thomasville, (D2). 3,877 Tillery, (Jl) 269 Topsy, (Ll) - 100 Townsville, (HI)-- 200 Trenton, (K3) 331 Trinity, (E2) 332 Trivett, (Al) 100 Troutmans, (C2).. 200 Troy, (E3) 1,055 Tryon, (E7) 700 Tumersburg, (C2). 100 Tyner, (Ll) 50O Union, (Ll) 139 "Union Mills, (A3).. 155 Valdese, (A2) 200 Vanceboro, (K3).- 392 Vandemere, (L3)-. 296 Vass, (F3) 273 Vaughan, Gl) 420 Waco, (B3) 185 Wadesl^ro, (D4).. 2,376 Wades Point, (L3). 100 Wakefield, (H2)-.- 287 Wake Forest, (Gl) - 1,443 Walkertown, (Dl). 400 Wallace, (H4) 444 Walnut, (D6) 215 Walnutcove, (D1 ) - 480 Walstonburg, (J2). 127 Wanchese, (N2) 800 Warren Plains, (HI) 130 Warrcnsville, (Bl)- 100 Warrcnton, (Hi)-- 807 Warsaw, (H4) 723 Washington, (K2). 6,211 Waterlily, (Nl) ISO Watha, G4) 200 Waxhaw, (C4) 602 Waynesvilie, (D7). 2,008 Weaverville, (D6). 442 Webbs, (B2) 100 Webster. (C7) 300 Weeksville, (Ml)-- 100 Weldon, (Jl) 1,999 Wendell, (H2) 759 Wentworth, (El)-- 250 West Durham, (F2) 2,000 West End, (F3) lOO West Hickory, (B2) 846 West Lumberton, (G4).. 231 W^est Raleigh, (G2) 120 Whaley, (Al) 150 Whitakers, (Jl) 775 Whitehall, (H4)... 120 Whitehall, G3) 179 White Plains, (Cl). 250 Whiteville, (G5) 1,368 Whitnel, (A2) 100 Whitney, (D3) 1,500 Whittier, (C7) 216 Wilbanks, G2) 45 Wilkesboro, (Bl)-- 799 Wilkins, (Gl) 100 Willardville, (GD-- 100 Willeyton, ^1) 100 Williams, (Dl) 53 Williamsboro, (Hi) 190 Williamston, (K2). 1,574 Wilmington, (H5) 25,748 Wilmot, (C7) 100 Wilson, (J2) 6,717 Windsor, (Kl) 684 Windy Gap, (Bl)-- 100 Winfall, (Ml) 289 Wingate, (D3) 353 WinstonSalem,(Dl) Pop. Salem 5,533; Winston 17,167 Winterville, (K2).. 484 Winton, (Ll) 624 Wit, (M4) 130 Woodard, (L2) 300 Woodland, (Kl)... 312 Woodleaf, fC2) 187 Woodleigf, (Ml)-- 300 WoodvilTe, (Ml) 100 Worthville, (E2) 393 Wrightsville, (J5).. 270 Wrightsville Beach, (J5)-- 54 W3rsocking, (M3).. 800 Yadkin College, (D2) 130 Yadkinville, (Cl)-- 432 Ymceyville, (Fl).. 338 Yeatesville, (L2)._ 100 YoungsvDle, (HI). 431 Zabulón, (H2) 483 Zephyr, (CD 300 Abercrombie, (H6). 299 Adams, (F3) 338 Adrian, (F6) lOO Adce, (06) 130 Almont, (C)6)...... 500 Ambrose, (A2) 320 Anamoose, (D4) 669 Aneta. (F4) 654 Antler, (C2) 342 Ardoch (G3) 271 Arthur, (G5) 100 Amlla, (G4) 100 Ashley. (E7) 682 Ayr, (G5) 100 Balfour, (D4) 399 Bantry, (D3)..., 200 Barlow. (E4) 300 Barney, (G6) 150 Bartlett, (F3) 120 Barton, (D2) 202 Bathgate, (G2) 328 Beach, (A6) 1,003 Belfield, (A6). 400 Bergen, (D4) 150 Berlin, (F7) 137 Berthold, (C3) 454 Berwick, (D3)-,... 260 Binford, (F4) 275 Bisbec, (E2) 444 BISMARCK, (D6). 5,443 Blabon, (G5) 100 Blackwater, (C4).. 130 Bottineau, (D2) 1,331 Bowbells, (B2) 651 Bowdon, (E4) 302 Bowesmont. (G2).. 200 Bowman, (A7) 481 Braddock, (D6) 200 Brinsmade, (E3)_, 203 Brocket, (F3) 186 Buffalo, (G6) 241 Buford, (A4) 160 Burlington, (C3)_.. 200 Buxton, (G4) 330 Caledonia, (H5) 250 Calvin, (F2) 300 Cando, (E3) 1,332 Canton, (G2) 115 Carpió, (C3) 257 Carrington, (E5),.. 1,217 Casselton, (Cj6).... 1,553 Cathay, (E4)....._ 225 Cavalier, (G2). 652 Cayuga, (G7) 175 Center, (C5) 100 Chaffee, (G6) 120 Christine, (H6) 210 Churchs, Ferry(E3) 457 Cleveland, (E6) 140 Clifford, (G5) 200 Clyde, (F2) 100 Coal Harbor, (C4).. 120 Cogswell, (G7) 418 Colgate, (G5) 130 Columbus, (B2) 225 (¿onway, (G3) 184 Cooperstown,(F5)- 1,019 Coteau, (B2) 150 Courtenay, (F5) 539 Crary, (F3) 279 Crosby, (A2) 206 Crystal, (G2) 376 INDEX OF THE UNITED STATES (NORTH DAKOTA—OiHO) 161 Cumings, (H4) 130 Davenport, (G6)... 226 Dawson, {E6) 200 Dazey, (F5) 265 Deenng, (D3) 150 DeLamere, {G7).-. 100 Denbigh, (D3) 100 Denhoff, (D5) 340 Deslacs, ÍC3) 160 Devils Lake, (F3).. 5,157 Dickey, (F6) 187 Dickinson, (B6). 3,678 Dogiien, (D4) 320 Donnybrook, (C3)_ 297 Douglas, (C4) 171 Doyon, {F3) 200 Drake, (D4) 348 Drayton, (G2) 587 Dresden, (F2) 220 Driscoll, (D6) 180 Dunseith, (D2) 478 Dwight, (H7) 150 Eckelson, (F6) 100 Eckman, (C3) 84 Edgeley, (F7) 749 Edinburg, (G2) 300 Edmore, {F3) 344 Edmuntis, (E5) 120 Egeland, (E2) 266 Elbowoods, (B4).. 150 EUendale, (F8) 1,389 Emerado, (G4)_. 230 Enderlin, (G6). 1,540 Englevale, (G7)._.. 100 Epping, {A3) 100 Esmonil, (E3) 353 Fairciale, (F3) 140 Fairmount, (H7).- 387 Fargo, (H6) 14,331 Fassenden, (E4) 713 Fingal, (G6) 360 Finley, (G4) 516 Flaxton, (B2) 301 Forbes, (F8) 221 Forest River, (03). 233 Forman, (G7) 352 Fort Ransom, (G7) 100 Fort Yates, (D7)--. 350 Fullerton, (F7) 206 Gackle, (E6) 300 Galchutt, (H7) 100 Gaiesburg, (G5) 250 Gardena, (1)2) 119 Gardner, (G5) 250 Garrison, (C4)__... 406 Geneseo, (G7) 200 Gilby, (G3) 320 Gladstone, (B6). 240 Glenburn, (C2) 268 Glenullin, (C6) 921 Goodrich, (D4) 410 Grafton, (G3) 2,229 Grand Forks, (G4) 12,478 Grand Harbor, (E3) 120 Grandin, {G5) 330 Grano, (C2)_ ISO Granville, (D3) 455 Great Bend, (H7).. 191 Gwinner, (G7). 300 Hague, (E7) 183 Hamilton, (G2)-... 213 Hampden, (F2) 230 Hankinson, (H7).-. 1503 Hannaford, (F5) 340 Hannah, (Fl) 550 Hansboro, (E2) 320 Hartland, (C3) 100 Harvey, (D4) 1,443 Hastings, (F6) 120 Hatton, (G4) ... 666 Havana, (G8) 387 Haynes, (B8) 100 Hazelton, (D6) 150 Heaton, (E5) 190 Hebron, (B6) 597 Hensel, (G2) 120 Hettinger, (B7) 766 Hülsboro, (G5) 1,237 Hoople, (02) 175 Hope, (G5) 909 Horace, (H6) 100 Hunter, (G5) 365 Inkster. (G3) 353 Jamestown, (F6).._ 4,358 oliette, (G2) 100 ud, (F6) 100 Kathryn, (F6)-_... 260 Kenmare, (B2) 1,437 Kensal, (F5) 456 Kermit, (A2) 108 Kindred, (H6) 310 Knox, (E3) 330 Kramer, (D2) 181 Kulra, (F7) 645 Dakota, (F3)- 1,023 Lamoure, (F7) 929 Langdon, (F2) 1,214 Lankin, (G3) 341 Lansford, (C2) 456 Larimore, (G4) 1,224 Larvik, (D7) 100 Lawton, (F3) 160 Leal, (F5) 100 Leeds, (E3) 682 Lehigh, (B6) 100 Lehr, (E7)- 182 Leonard, (G6) 190 Lidgerwood, (G7)._ 1,019 Lignite, (B2) 150 Linton, (D7) 644 Lisbon. (G7). 1,758 Litchville, (F6) 484 Lonetree, (C3) 190 Lucc^, (G6) 100 Ludden, (F8) 109 McClusky, (D4) 517 McHenry, (F4) 398 McVille, (F4) 310 Maddock, (E4) 378 Mandan, (D6)_. 3,873 Manfred, (E4) 130 Mannhaven, (C5).- 120 Manning, (B5) 100 Manvel, (G3). 200 Mapleton. (H6) 207 Marion, CF6) 120 Marmarth, (A7) 790 Martin, (D4) ... 100 Max, ÍC4) 285 Maxbass, (C2) 240 Mayville, (G4) 1,070 Medina, (E6) 343 Medora, (A6) 100 Mekinock, (G3) 200 MelviUe, (E5) 150 Mercer, (D4) 150 Merricourt, (F7)..- 78 Michigan, (F4) 449 Milnor, (G7) 641 Milton, (F2) 410 Minnewaukan, (E3) 510 Minot, (C3) 6,188 Minto, (G3). 701 Mohall, (C2) 493 Monango, (F7) 238 Montpeiier, (F6)._. 100 Mooreton, (H7) 160 Mott, (B7) 100 Mountain, (G2) 150 Munich, (F2) 230 Mylo. (E2) 98 Napoleon, (E6) 320 Neche, (G2) 528 Nekoma, (F2) 120 Newburg, (D2) 102 New Rockford, (F4) 880 New Salem, (C6)._. 621 Niagara, (G4) 157 Niobe, (B2) 200 Nome, (G6) 218 Noonan, (A2) 153 Norma, (C2) 100 North Minot, (C3). 432 Northwood, (G4).. 769 Norwich, (D3) 180 Oakes, (F7) 1,499 Oberon, (E4) 320 Olga, (F2) 200 Omemee, (D2) 332 Oriska, (G6) 160 Osnabrock, (F2) 253 Overly, (D2) 182 Page, (G5) 479 Palermo, (B3) 177 Park River, (G3).-_ 1,008 Pekin, (F4) 100 Pembina, (G2) 717 Penn, (E3) 100 Perth, (E2) 221 Petersburg, (F4) 353 Pingree, (F5) 250 Pisek, (G3) 312 Plaza, (C3) 224 Portal, (B2) 491 Portland, (G5). 561 Powers Lake, (B2)_ 100 Ray, (A3) 436 Reeder, (87) 198 Reynolds, (G4) 412 Richardton, (B6)-_ 647 Rock Lake, (E2) 194 Rolette, (E2). 408 Rolla, (E2) 587 Rugby, (E3) 1,630 Ruso, (D4) Russell, (D2) Rutland, (G7) Ryder, (C4) Saint John, (E2) Saint Thomas, (G2) Sanborn, (F6) Sarles, (E2)-_ Sawyer, (C3) Schäfer, (A4) Scranton, (A7) Sentinel Butte, (A6) Sharon, (G4) SheMon, (G6) Sherbrooke, (G5)__ Sherwood, (C2) Sheyenne, (E4) Sims, (C6) Souris, (D2) Spiritwood, (F6) Stanley, (B3) Stanton, (C5) Starkweather, (F2) Steele, (E6) Sterling, (D6) Strasburg, (D7). Streeter, (E6) Surrey, {C!3) Sweet Briar, (C6)__ ^keston, (E5) lagus, (C3) Thompson, (04) IUI iioga, zuj 224 ToUey, (C2) 250 338 Tolna, (F4) 209 424 Tower City, (G6)_. 452 513 Towner, (D3) 691 390 Turtle Lake, (D4).. 200 346 Underwood, (C5)._ 422 327 Upham, (D2) 296 150 Valley City, 214 (F6) 4,606 Velva, (D3) 837 ISO Verona, (F7) 235 304 Wahpeton, (H7) 2,467 358 Walcott, (G6) 250 100 Wales, (F2) 230 328 Walhalla, (G2) 592 320 Walum, (F5) 100 86 Warwick, (F4) 180 267 Washburn, (D5) 657 250 Webster, (F3) 100 518 Westhope, (C2) 592 100 Wheatland, (G6)... 520 Wheelock, (A3) 100 246 White Earth, 500 (B3) 264 100 Williston, (A3) 3,124 273 Willow City, (D2).. 623 100 Wilton, (D5) 437 120 Wimbledon, (F5).. 571 100 Wishek, (E7) 432 276 Wyndmere, {G7).-_ 439 105 York, (E3) 300 360 Zeeland, (É8). 193 OHIO Abbeyville, (N5)... 160 Aberdeen, (Fl 5). 568 Academia, (I^) 300 Ada, (E6) 2,465 Adams Mills, (N9).. 150 Adamsville. (N9)... 176 Adario, (K6) 100 Addison, (M14).... 220 Addyston, (B13).. .1,543 Adelphi, (J12) 407 Adena, (R9) 570 Adrian, (G5) 210 Agosta, (G7) 304 Aid, (LIS) 200 Aitch, (Qll) 110 Akron, (OS) 69,067 Albany, (M13) 546 Alcony, (D9) 130 Alexandersvtlle, (Cll)180 Alexandria, (K9) 414 Alger, (E7) 730 Alikanna, (88 • 100 Allensville, (K13)... 220 Allentown, (D6) ... 110 Alliance, (Q6) 15,083 Alpha, (Dil) 180 Alton, (HIO) 110 Alvada, (G5) 160 Alvordton, (C3). ... 402 Amanda, (ICll).. .. 484 Amboy, (S2) 300 Amelia, (D13) 417 Amesvi.le, (N12)... 267 Amherst, (M4)... .2,106 Amsden, (0*5) 150 Amsterdam, (R8). .1,041 Andersonville, (J 12). 200 Andover, (S3) 902 Anna, (D8) 460 Annapolis, (R8).. .. 200 Ansonia, (B9) 656 Antioch, (Qll) 169 Antiquity, (N14). .. 300 Antrim, (P9) 150 Antwerp, (A5) 1,187 Apple Creek, (N6).. 400 Applegrove, (N14).. 100 Appleton, (K9) 100 Arabia, (LIS) 100 Arcadia, (G5) 380 Arcanum, (BIO).... 1,361 Archbold, (C3) 1,082 Arion, (HI4) 200 Arlington, (F6) 798 Arlington, (CIO). ... 200 Arlington Heights, (C13) 468 Arnettsvi e, (BIO). 240 Arnheim, (E14) 100 Arnold, (H9) 100 Asbury, (C13) 150 Ashland, (L6) 6,795 Ashley, (J8) 706 Ashtabula, (R2).. .18,266 Ashville, (Jll) 972 Athalia, (LIS) 226 Athens, (M12) 5,463 Atlanta, (HI 1) 140 Atlas, (QIO) 100 Attica, (J5) 719 Atwater, (Q5) 300 Atwater (Leiter, (Q5) 100 Auburn, (Q4) 100 Augusta, (Q7) 300 Auitman, (P6) 250 Aurora, (P4) 600 Aurora Station, (P4) 600 Austinburg, (R2). .. 300 Austintown, (R5)... 200 Ava, (010) 500 Avery, (K4) 100 Avon, (M4) 750 Axline, (MIO). 450 AyersviUe, (C5) 100 Bachman, (CIO) 200 Bainbridge, (P4) 100 Bainbridge, (G13)... 883 Bairdstown, (F5). .. 240 Bakersville, (08).... 290 Baltic. (08) 377 Baltimore, (KIO). .. 551 Baltimore, (CIO).... 400 Bantam, (D13) 200 Barberton, (06)... .9,410 Barlow, (012) 150 BamesvUle, (QIO). .4,233 Bamhill. (P8) 506 Barryvillc, ((^6) 200 Bartiett, (N12) 200 Barton, (R9) 800 Bascom, (G5) 380 Basil, (KIO) 504 Batavia, (Dl3) 1,034 Batesville, (QlO)..., 282 Bath, (OS) 100 Batson, (B5) 130 Bayard, (Q7) 140 Bay, (04) 43) Bavs, (F4) 200 Beach City, (07). .. 671 Beach Park, M4). ., 200 Beallsville, (QlO). .. 564 Beamsville, (B9) 150 Beasleys Fork, (F15) 150 Beaver, (J13) 286 Beaverdam, (E6). .. 455 Bedford, (04) 1,783 Beidler, (P8) 150 Beiden, (M4) 150 Bell, (F13) 200 Bellaire, (S9) 12,946 Bellbrook, (Dil).... 283 Belle Center, (F8) . . 889 Bellefontaine, (F8) .8,238 Belle Valley, (OlO).. 689 Bellevue, (74) 5,209 Bellpoint, (H9) .... 130 Bell ville, (L7) 1,056 Belmont, (Q9) 572 Belmore, (E5) 298 Beloit, (R6) 510 Belpre, (012) 1,249 Benton, (H6)....... 120 Benton, (N7) 300 Benton Ridge, (E5). 352 Beutonville, (F15). . 250 Benwood, (Rll).... 100 Berea, (N4) 2,609 Bergholz, (R7) 1,011 Berkey, (E3) 100 Berkshire, (J9) 100 Berlin, (N7) 280 Berlin Center, (R5).. 200 Berlin Crossroads, (K13) 300 Berlin Heights, (L4). 554 Berlinville, (L4) 120 Berne, (Pll) 470 Bertha, (H14) 200 Berwick, (G5) 150 Bethany, (C12) 200 Bethel, (D14) 1,201 Bethesda, (Q9) 1,300 Bettsvillc, (H5) 486 Beverly, (Oil) 720 Bexley, (JIO) 682 Bidwell, (LÍ4) 500 Bigplain, (GIO) 140 Bigprairie, (M7) 200 Bigsprings, (F8) 250 Birmingham, (L4). . 300 Bish)pvi!le. (Nil)., 100 Blachleyville, (M6) . 120 Bladensburg, (M8). 300 Blaine, (R9) 170 Blairmont, (R9). -.. 150 Blakeslee, (A3) 169 Blanchester, (E12) 1,813 Blatchford, (Mil). . 250 Blissfield, (N8) 100 Bloom Center, (E8). 100 Bloomdale, (FS) 602 Bloomer, (C9) 100 Bloomfield, (R8) 185 Bloomñeld, (NIO).. 200 Bloomingburg, (Gil) 610 Bloomingdale, (R8). 300 Bloomington, (Fl 1). 210 Bloomville, (HS).... 754 Blue Rock, (NIO)... 120 Bluestone, (P3) 250 Bluffton, (E6) 1,953 Boardman, (S5) 100 Bogart, (K4) 100 Bolivar, (P7) 567 Boneta, (N5) 100 Bono, (G3) 150 Book waiter, (Fl 1) .. 250 Booth, (09) 100 Boston, (Di3) 289 Boston, (04) 260 Botkins, (D8) 579 Botzum, (OS) 100 Boughtonville, (K5)..150 Bourneville, (HI2).. 142 Bowerston, (Q8).... 514 BowersviMe. (Ell). 207 Bowling Green, (F4)5,222 Braceville, (R5). 200 Bradbury, (M13)... 100 Bradford, (C9) 1,844 Bradner, (G4) 890 Bradrick, (L16) 250 Branch Hill, (D13).. 100 Brandon, (K8) 200 Brandt, (DIO) 240 Br teiahl, (04)... 690 Brecksville, (04). 950 Bremen, (Lll) 925 Brewster, (07) 200 Brice, (JIO) 150 Briceton, (B5) 200 Bridgeport, (R9)....3,974 Bridgewater Center, (B3) 100 Briggsdile, (HIO).. 200 Brighton, (FIO) 130 Brighton, (L5) 100 BrUliant, ÍS8) 742 Brimfield, (P5) 500 Brinkhaven, (M8). . 341 Bristolville, (R4).... 950 Broadway, (G8). 230 Broadwell, (Nl2)... 350 Brokensword, (H6). 170 Brookfield, (S5) 900 Brooklyn, (04) 1,700 Brooklyn Hgts, (04) 400 Brookside, (R9). ... 383 Brookville, (CIO).. .1,187 Broughton, (BS).... 195 Brownhelm, (L4). .. 200 Brownhelm Station, (L4) 200 Brownsville, (LlO).. 350 Brunswick, (N4) 100 Bryan, (B4) 3,641 Buchtel, (M12) 1,180 Buckeye City, (M8). 269 Buckland, (CI) 304 Bucyrus, (J6) 8,122 Buena Vista, (G15) . 400 Buffalo, (PIO) 950 Buford, (E13) 160 Burbank, (N6) 351 Burghill, (S4) 400 Burgoon, (H4) 230 Burkettsville, (B8).. 236 Burlington, (Ll6)... 300 Burton, (Q4) 650 Burton City, (06)... 200 Butler, (L7) 730 Butlerviile. (D12). 96 Byer, (K13) 200 Byesville, (OlO)... .3,156 Byhalia, (G8) 250 Cable, (F9) 200 Cadiz, (R8) 1,971 Cadwallader, tP9). - 130 Calais, (PIO) 87 Calcutta, (S7) 150 Caldwell, (Oil) 1,430 Caledonia, (J7) 562 Calla, (R6) 100 Cambridge, (09). .11,327 Camden, (BÍ1) 899 Cameron, (RIO) 200 Campbell, (K.15) 950 Campbells town, (A 10) 100 Camp Dennison, (D13) 365 Canaan, (N6) 130 Canal Dover, (07) .6,621 Canal Fulton, (06).. 978 Cana Lewisvílle,(N8) 300 Canal Winchester, (JIO) 740 Canfield, (R5) 685 Cannelville, (NIO).. 451 Canton, (P6) 50,217 Carbondale, (L12). . 500 Carbon HUl, (L12).. 600 Cardington, (J8)—1,349 Carey, (G6) 2,225 Carlisle, (Pll) 116 Carlisle, (Cll) 260 Carlton, (M14) 200 Carman, (R8) 180 Carrington, (Mil).. 200 Carroll, (KlO) 284 Carrollton, (Q7).... 1,730 Carrothers, (J6). 120 Carthage, ((^13) 3,618 Carthagena, (B8)... 200 Carysville, (E9). ... 100 Cassella, (B8) 200 Casstown, (D9) 265 Castalia, (J4) 500 Castine, (BIO) 142 Catawba, (FIO) 2.34 Catawba Island, (J3) 800 Cecil, (B5) 290 Cedarville, (Ell). ..1,059 Celina, (B7) 3,493 Center Belpre, (012) 150 Centerburg, (K8)... 723 Centerfield, (F12)... 150 Center Village, (J9). 150 Centerville, (L14)... 143 Centerville, (D11). .353 Ceylon, (L4) 300 Chagrin Falls, (P4). 1,931 Chambersburg,(M15) 209 Chambersburg, (DIO)IOO Chandlersville, (NIO) 300 Chapman, (K13) 150 Chardon, (Q3) 1,542 Charlestown, (Q5). . 600 Chatfield, (J6) 270 Chatham, (MS) 950 Chattanooga, (A7).. 110 Chauncey, (M12)... 821 Cherry Valley, (S3) . 250 Chesapeake, (LlO).. 541 Cheshire, (J9) 120 Cheshire, (M14).... 300 Chester, (N13) 150 Chesterhill, (N12)... 410 Chesterland, (P3)... 150 Chesterville, (K8)... 229 Cheviot, (Ii 13) 1,930 Chicago, (J5) 2,950 Chicago Junction, see Chic g->.. ..2,950 Chickasaw, (C8).... 309 Chillicothe, (J12).. 14,508 Chilo, (D14) 260 (Thippewa LÁke, (N5) 180 Christiansburg, (D9) 380 Churchill, (S5) 200 Cincinnati,(C13). 363,591 Circleville, (til). ..6,744 C'aibome, (G8).... 150 Claridon, (Q3) 800 Clarington, (RIO)... 784 Clark, (N8) 300 Clarksburg, (H12) . 558 Clarksfield, (L5).... 300 Clarkson, (S7) 140 Cllarksville, (E12)... 425 Clay, (K14) 150 Clay Center, (G3)... 300 Claysville, (OlO) 130 Clayton, (CIO)..,... 430 Clearport, (Kll) 130 Clermontville, (D14) 100 Cleveland, (N3)..560,663 Cleveland Hgts,(03)2.9S5 Cleves, (B13) 1,423 Clifton, (ElO) 239 Clinton, (06) 305 Cloverdale, (C5). ... 222 Clyde, (H4) 2,815 Coalburg, (S5) 300 Coalgrove, (K15).. .1,759 Coal Run, (Oil).... 200 Coalton, (K13) 1,111 Coitsville, (S5) 200 Colby, (J4) 130 Coldwater, (B8) 869 Colebrook, (R3).... 400 C^oletown, (B9) 100 College Corner,(All) 379 College HUl, (C13).. 1,979 Collins. (K.4) 300 (iollinsville, (Bll)... 200 Collinwood, (03). ..4,850 Colton, (E4) 130 Columbia Center, (KIO) 220 Columbiana, (S6). .1,582 COLUMBUS, (JIO) 181,511 Columbas Grove, (D6)... ..1,802 Commercial Point, (HIO) 234 Concord, (Q3) 150 Condit, (J9) 220 Conesville. (N9).... 400 Congress, (M6) 164 Conneaut, (S2) 8,319 Conotton, (Q8)..... 100 Conover, (D9) 200 Continental, (C5).. 1,074 Convoy, (B6) 741 Coolville, (N13) 370 Coooe sville, (HI4). 130 Copley, (OS) 300 Copopa, (N4) 100 Comersburg, (R5). .250 Corning, (Mil) 1,564 Corsica, (K7) 200 Cortland, (R4) 612 Corwin, (Dil) 146 Coshocton, (N8). ...9,603 Covington, (C9)... .1,848 Cozaddale, (D13)... 180 Craig, (09) 100 Cranenest, (Qll). .. 200 Crescent, (R9) 100 Crescentville, (C12). 150 Crestline, (J6) 3,807 Crestón, (N6) 970 Cridersville, (D7)... 526 Cromers, (H5) 100 Crooksville, (MIO) .3,028 Croton, (K9) 410 Crown City, (L15)^. 295 Crystal Spring, (P6). 400 Cuba, (E12) 180 Cumberland, (OlO) . 609 Curtice, (G3) 400 Custar, (E4) 345 Cuyahoga Falls,(P5)4,020 Cygnet, (F5) 699 Cynthiana, (G13)... 180 Dalton, (06) 599 Damascus, (R6) 400 Danbury, (J4) 150 Danford, (09) 200 Danville, (L8) 373 Darbyville, (HI 1).. 233 Darrowville, (P5)... 150 Darrtown, (B12).,.. 300 Dawn, (B9) 150 Dayton, (Dil).. .116,577 Dean, (Dil) 170 Deavertown, (Nil). 223 Decatur. (F14) 300 Decliff, (G7) 100 Deerfield, (Q5) 480 Deer Park, (CÍ3). .. 300 DeersvUle, (Q8) 187 Defiance, (C4) 7,327 Degraff, (E8) 1,082 Delaware, (H8) 9,076 Delhi, (B13) 872 Dell, (P12) 150 Dellroy, (Q7) 373 Delphos, (C6) 5,038 Delta, (D3) 1,689 Democracy, (L8). .. 180 Demos, (RIO) 190 Dennison, (P8) 4,008 Dent, (B13) 200 Derby, (HIO) 300 Derwent, (OlO) 500 Deshler, (E5) 1,515 Deunquat, (H6) 200 Dexter, (M13) 280 Dexter Ci^, (Oil).. 235 Dialton, (ElO) 130 Diamond, (Q5) 250 Dillonvale, (R9)... .1,519 Dixie, (Mil) 150 Dixon, (A6) 300 Doanville, (M12) 700 Dodgeville, (R3).... 200 Dodson, (CIO) 100 Dodsonville, (E13).. 230 Dola, (F6) 200 Donnelsville, (ElO). 202 Dorset, (S3) 200 Dover, (N4) 300 Dowling, (F4) 100 Dow. i gton, (M13) 130 Doylestown, (06). .. 877 Drakes, (Mil) 100 Dresden, (M9) 1,549 Drül, (R9) 300 Dublin, (H9) 239 Dunbridge, (F4).. .. 200 Duncan Falls, (NIO) 250 Dundas, (K13) 200 Dundee, (07) 350 Dungannon, (R7). .. 150 Dunglen, (R9) 200 Dunkirk, (F6) 1,109 Pupont, (C5) 334 Eagle Cliff, (N3).... 100 East Akron, (P5). .. 100 East Claridon, (Q3). 100 E. Cleveland, (03)..9.179 E. Columbus, (JIO) . 100 East Fairfield, (86).. 300 E. Greenville, (06).. 400 E. Lewistown, (86).. 100 East Liberty, (F8).. 500 East Liberty, (06).. 100 E.Liverpool, (S7).20,387 E. Monroe, (G12)... 150 E. Norwalk, (K4)... 100 Easton, (06) 180 East Orwell, (R3)... 700 E. Palestine, (S6)... 3,537 E. Plymouth, (R2).. 200 E. Ringgold, (J 11).. 180 E. Rochester, (R7).. 250 E. Sparta, (P7) 250 E. Springfield, (R8). 300 E. Townsend, (L5).. 100 E. Trumbull, (R3).. 180 K St V iew, (N4) 479 E.Youngstown,(S5) 4,972 Eaton, (Bll) 3,187 Eber, (Gil) 100 Eckmansville, (Fl4). 100 Edenton, (D13) 330 Edgerton, (B4) 1,072 Edinburg, {Q5) 150 Edison, (J7) 387 Edlam, (M7) 100 Edon, (A3) 678 Effort, (K14) 200 Elba, (Pll) 350 Eldorado, (BIO).... 321 Elgin, (B7) 129 Ell, (Fl 1) 100 Elida, (D6) 447 Elizabethtown, (A13)300 Elk Fork, (L12), ... 150 Elkton, (S6) 160 Ellerton, (Cll) 130 Elliottsville, (S8). .. 150 Elliston, (G3) 130 Ellsberry, (F15). 100 Ellsworth, (R5) 600 Elmore, (G4) 937 ElmwoodPl,(B13) 3,423 Elton, (07) 130 Elyria, (M4) 14,825 Empire, (S7) 509 Englewood, (CIO)... 250 Enon, (ElO) 249 Era, (HI 1) 140 Erhart, (N5) 100 Etna, (KIO) 300 Euclid, (03) 1,953 Euphemia, (BIO). .. 300 Eureka, (M15) 200 Evansport, (C4) 350 Everett, (05) 100 Ewington, (L13),... 130 Excello, (C12) 200 Fairfax, (F13) ilO Fairfield, (DIO) 292 Fairhaven. (All) 200 Fairlawn, (05) 100 Fairmount, (03). 300 Fairpoint, (R9) 150 FairportHarbor, (Q2) 2,263 Fairview, (P9) 346 Farmdale, (S4) 300 Farmer, (B4) 370 Farmers Station, (E12) 130 FarmersvUIe, (Cll). 437 Farnham, (S2) 100 Fayette, (CZ) 915 Fayetteville, (E13).. 370 Feesburg, (E14). 150 Felicity, (D14) 578 Fernbank, (B13). 305 Fidelity, (ClO) 300 Fields, (N4) 100 Fincastle, (F14). 120 Findlay, (FS) 14,858 FitchvUle, ((K5).,.. 137 FivemUe, (E13) 200 Fivep)oints, (Hll)... 220 Fiat Rock, (J5) 350 Fletcher, (D9) 376 Floodwood, (M12).. 450 Florencedale, (R8).. 300 Florida, (D4) 234 Flushing, (Q9) 868 Fly, (Qll) 100 Folger, (M4) 400 FootvUle. (R3). ..... 250 Foraker (F7) 250 Ford. (Q4) 150 Forest, (G6) 1,285 Forestville (C13)... 200 Fort Jefferson, (B9). 100 Fort Jennings, (C6). 336 Fort Loramie, (C8) . 489 Fort Recovery,(A8) 1,193 Fort Seneca, (H5)... 100 Foster, (D12) 320 Fostoria, (G5) 9,597 Fowler, (S4) 180 Frankfort, (H12). .. 734 Franklin, (Cll) 2,659 Franklin Sq. (R6). . 300 Franklin Station (N9)250 Frazeysburg, (L9) .. 614 Fredericksburg, (N7) 507 Fredericktown,(K.8) 1,021 Freedom Station,(Q5)120 Freeman, (S7) 100 Freeport, (Q9) 624 Freeport, (G4) 733 Fremont, (H4) 9,939 French, (H 15) 190 Fresno, (08) 290 Frost, (N12) 390 Fruitdale, (G12).... 100 Fruithill, (C13) 150 Fryburg, (D7) 180 Fulda, (Pll) 120 Fullertown, (P4).... 100 Fulton, (J8) 330 Fultonham, (MIO).. 340 Gahanna, (J9) 294 Galena, (J9) 640 Galion, (J7) 7,214 Gallia, (K14) 140 GaIlip)olis, (L14). .. 5,560 Galloway, (HIO).... 250 Gambier, (L8) 537 Ganges, (K6) 100 Gano, (C12) 110 Garfield, (R6) 250 Garrettsville, (Q4).. 1,001 Gates Mm, (P3) 300 Gaysport, (NIO).... 200 Geneva, (R2) 2,496 Genoa, ((J3) 817 GeorgesvUle, (HIO) . 300 Georgetown, (£14).1,580 Germano, (R8) 300 Germantown, (Cll) 1,778 Getaway, (L16) 130 Gettysburg, (B9). . - 320 Geyer, (D7) 140 Ghent, (05) 180 Gibsonburg, (G4). .1,864 Gilboa, (E5) 345 Gillespieville, (J13),. 230 Gilmore, (P8) 280 Ginghamsburg,(D10) 150 Girard, (S5) 3,736 Glandorf, (D5) 558 Glencoe, (RIO) 280 Glendale, (B12) 1,741 Glenford, (LlO) 180 Glenmont, (M7) 269 Glenmore, (B6) 200 Glenroy, (K13) 800 G'e iwi low, (P4)... ISO Glouster, (Ml 1)... .2,527 Glynwood, (C7). ... 200 Gnadenhutten, (P8). 560 Goes, (ElO) 110 Gomer, (D6) 220 Good Hope, (G12).. 280 Goosetown, (K12).. 100 Gordon, (BIO) 181 Gore, (Lll) 200 Goshen, (D13) 400 Gracey, (P12) 150 Grafton, (M4) 955 Grand Rapids, (E4). 574 Grand River, (P3). . 201 Grandview, (Qll)... 200 Grandv iewHgts, (H9) 489 Granger, (N5) 100 Grant, (F7) 100 (iranville, (K9). 1,394 Gratiot, (LlO) 250 Gratis, (Bll) 410 Graysville, (Qll). .. 166 Graytown, (G3). 150 Greasyridge, (L15).. 100 Greatbend, (N14)... 160 Green Camp, (G7). . 308 Greenfield, (G12).. .4,228 Greenford, (R6). ... 200 Greenland, (H12)... 130 Greensburg, (R4)... 200 Greenspring, (H5). ..833 Greentown, (P6). 350 Greenville, (B9)... .6,237 Greenwich, (L5). 876 Greer, (M7) 100 Grelton, (E4) 210 Gresham, (N4) 200 Griffith, (Qll) 150 Griggs, (R2) 100 Groest^ck, (B13)... 350 Grove, (Q4) 100 Grove City, (HlO).. 837 Groveport, (JIO).... 643 Grover, (S9) 366 Grover Hill, (B6)... 676 Gusta vas, (S4) 250 Gutman, (D7) 100 Guysville, (N12).... 180 Gypsum, (J3) 660 Hafisviile, (J12).. .. 280 Hamden, (L13). 1,019 Hamersville, (D14).. 276 Hametown, (06). 150 Hamilton, (B12). .35,279 Hamler, (DS) 596 Hamlet, (D13) 250 Hammansburg, (F5) 200 Hammondsvilie,(R7) 400 Hampden, (Q3) 200 H.inford, (HIO) 361 Hanging Rock, (K15)662 Hannibal, (Rll).... 500 Hanover, (M9) 331 Hanoverton, (R7)... 317 Harlem Springs, (Q7) 250 Harper, (F8) 150 Harpersville, (R9). . 180 Harpster, (G7) 239 Harriettsville, (Pll). 250 Harris, (LI 4) 100 Harrisburg, (HIO)... 286 Harrison, (A12) 1,368 HarrisonvUIe, (M13) 300 Harrisville, (R9).. 364 Harrod, (E7) 474 Harshman, (DlO)... 300 Hartford, set Croton 410 Hartford, (S4) 300 Hartland, (K5) 100 Hartsgrove, (R3)... 800 Hartville, (P6) 350 Hartwell, (B13) 2,823 Harveysburg, (E12). 359 Haskins, (F4) 391 Hatton, (G5) 100 Havana, (J5) 200 Haverhill, (J15).... 100 Haviland, (B5) 233 Hawk, (L13) 100 Haydenville, (L12).. 400 Hayesville, (L6) 338 Hazael, (N13) 150 Hazlewood, (C12)... 400 HebbardsviIle,(Ml2) 150 Hebron, (KIO) 677 Hedges, (B5) 100 Helena, (04) 305 Hemlock, (Mil) 452 Hendry.sburg, (Q9).. 450 Henley, (Hl4) 180 Hepburn, (G7) 250 Heslop, (P12) 300 Hessville, (H4) 250 Hicksville, (A4) 2,395 Higby, Q13) lOO Higginsport, (D14).. 417 Highland, (F12).... 272 Hillgrove, (A9) 200 Hilliards, (H9) 370 Hülsboro, (F13). 4,296 H-.ickley, (N5) 280 TTiram, (Q4) 422 Hockingp>ort, (N13). .230 Holgate, (D4) 1,095 Holland, (F3) 200 Hollansburg, (AlO).. 287 Hollister, (Mil).,.. 500 Holloway, (Q9) 786 Holmesville, (N7)... 320 Homer, (K9) 400 Homerville, (M5)... 130 Homeworth, (Q6). .. 400 Hooker, (Kll) 150 Hopedale, (R8) 391 Hopewell, (MlO).... 280 Houcktown, (F6) 150 Houston, (C9) 250 Howard, (L8) 300 Howenstine, (P7)... 150 Hoytville, (E5) 404 Hubbard, (S5) 1,699 Hudson, (P4) 1,021 Hughes, (C12) 150 Hume, (D7) 200 Huntington, (M5).. 650 Huntsburg, ((Î3),... 800 Huntsville, (E8).... 328 Huron, (K4) 1,756 162 (OHIO) INDEX OF THE UNITED STATES Iberia, ÍJ7) 200 Idaho, (H13) 100 Independence, (04). 950 Idlewood, (04y.... 221 Inghams, (¿12) 100 Ingomar, (Bll) 100 Inland, (P6) 250 Irondale, 1,250 ironspot, (MIO) 400 Ironton, (K.15). 13,147 Irwin, (G9) 130 Isle Saint George,(J3)140 Isleta. (08) 150 Ithaca, (BIO) 100 Ivorydale, (B13).... 700 Jacken, (K13) 5,468 acksonboro, (Bll) . 55 ackson Center, (D8) 685 'acksontown, (LlO). 300 acksonville, (G14). 100 !acksonville,(M12). 1,285 acobsburg, (RIO). . 150 ■amestown, (£11).. 1,133 asper, (H13) 250 ava, (E3) 100 efferson, (R3) 1,461 effersonville, (Fll). 716 elloway, (L7) 150 enera, (F6) 259 eróme, (H9) 100 eromesville, (M6).. 314 erry City, (F5). ... 458 ersey, (K9) 200 enisaiem, (QlO).... 242 •ewcll,(C4) 130 ewett, (Q8) 917 ■obs,(M12) 700 ohn^n, (06) 200 bhnsonville, (S4)... 600 ^ohnstown, (K9).... 805 ' bhnsville, (CI 1).... 200 . oUy, (Qll) 100 oyce, (08) 210 unction, (C5) 200 unction City, (Lll) 811 ustus, (07) 380 kalida, (D6) 770 Kamms, (N4) 280 Kanauga, (M14).... 150 Kansas, (G5) 400 Keene, (N8) 150 Kelleys Is, (K3)...1,017 KelloggsvlUe, (S2¿ . 300 Kenmore, (05) 1,561 Kennard, (F9) 150 Kennedy, (C13) 260 Kennedy Heights, (B13) 598 Kennon.(Q9) 100 Keononsburg, (PIO).. 100 Kensington, (R7)... 400 Kent. (P5) 4,488 Kenton, (F7) 7,185 KetllersvUle, (C8). . 149 Keystone, (¿14).... 150 Kiefervüle, (D5).... 120 KUbourne, (J8) 250 KUgore, (R8) 300 Killbuck, (N8) 400 Kimberly, (M12). .. 200 Kimbolton, (09).... 277 Kings Creek, (E9¿ . 200 Kings MUls, (D12).. 750 Kingston, (J 12) 813 Kingsville, (S2) 600 Kingsway, (H4). ... 100 Kinsman, (S4) 900 KipJing, (PIO) 300 Kipton, (L4) 250 Kirby,(G6) 136 Kirkersvüle. (KIO).. 297 Kirkpatrick, (H7¿.. 100 Kirtland, (P3)... ... 210 KnoxvUe, (58) 100 Kossuth, (C7) 123 Krumroy, (P5) 100 Kunkle. (B3) 450 Kyger, (M13) 150 Kyfes Corners, (85). 230 Lacarne, (H3) 100 Lafayette, (E6) 418 Lafayette, (M6).... 150 Lafayette, (GIO)..., 200 Lafayette, (N5) 100 Lagrange, (M5) 467 Laings, ((311). ..... 100 Lake, (P^ 240 Lakeside, (¿3) 300 Lakeview, (E8)..... 528 Lakeville, (M7) 150 Lakewood, (N3)... 15,181 Lamartine, (Q8).... 150 Lamira, (Q9) 110 Lancaster, (Kll). .13,093 Landeck, ((36) 100 Lansing, (S9) 300 Larue, (G7) 772 Latham, (G13) 100 Lathrop, (N12)..... 200 Latty, (B5) 339 Laura, (ClO) 302 Uurel, (D14) 200 Laureiville, (¿12).. 457 Lawrenceville, (E10> 100 Lawshe, (G14) 300 Leavittsburg, (R5).. 300 Lebanon, (D12)... .2,698 Leesburg, (Fl. .. 828 Lees Creek, (F12)... 150 LeesvUle, CQ8) 194 Leesville Cross Roads, a6) 115 Leetonîa, (S6) 2,665 Leipsic, (ES) 1,773 Lema-t, (H6) 100 Lemoyne, (G4)..... 300 Lena. (D9) 170 Leon, (S3) 100 Leonard, (J10) 130 Leroy, (N5) 192 Letart Falls, (N14) . 500 Levanna, (E14) 300 Levering, (K7) 100 Lewisburg, (BIO)... 672 Lewis Center, (J9).. 300 Lewistown, (E8).... 200 Lewisvflle, (Qll).... 291 Lexington, (¿7).... 654 Obcrty. (CU) 230 Liberty Center, (E4) 647 Lightsville, (A8).... 3tX) Lilly Chapel, (GIO). 400 Lima, (D7) 30,508 Limaville, (Q6) 136 Lime City, (F3) .... 150 Limestone, (H3).... 200 Lindale, (D14) 100 Linden Heights, 09) 991 Lindentree, (Q7).... 100 Lindenville, (S3).... 800 Lindsey, (H4) 501 Linndale, (04) 512 LinnvUle, (LlO) 100 Linton Mills, (Q9¿ . 150 Linworth, (H9) 170 Lisbon, (R6) 3,084 Litchfield, (M5) 200 Lithopolis, (J 10).. .. 331 Little Hocking, (013) 350 Little Sandusky,(G6) 136 Lloyd, (Q5) 150 Lock, (K8) 100 Lockbourne, (J 10¿ . 307 Ixjckington, (09). .. 166 Lockiand, (C13)... .3.439 Lockwood, (R4).... 300 Locust Chômer, (C13) 150 Locust Grove, (G14) 200 Lodi, (N5) 1,015 Logan, (Lll) 4,850 Ixjganville, (E8) 180 London, ((jlO) 3,530 Londonderry, (P >)• • 100 Long Bottom, (N13) 150 Longstreth, (Mi2).. 500 Lorain, (M4) 28,883 Lor .mie, (C8) 489 Lordstown, (R5).... 100 Lore City, (P10¿ ... 609 Loudonville, (L7). .1,804 Louisvil.e, (P6) —. 1,678 Loveland. (Dl) .. . .1,421 Lowell, (Oil) 569 Lowellville, (S5)... .1,592 Lower Salem, (PI 1). 287 LoyalOak,(05) 130 Loydsville. ((¿9).... 150 Lucas, (L7) 272 Lucasburg, (OlO)... 400 Lucasville, (J14).... 260 Luckey, (F4) 500 Ludlow Falls, (CIO) 300 Luhrig, (M12) 400 Lykens, (H6) 200 Lynchburg, (E13).—923 Lyndon, (G12) 150 Lyons, (D3) 408 Lyra, (K14) 160 Mc.4rthur, (L13)... 1,107 McClainvUle, (R9).. 200 McClure, (E4) 547 McComb, (E5) 1,088 McConndsvUle, (Nil) 1,831 McCuneville, (LI I). 300 McCutchenville, ((j6)350 McDermott, (H14).. 200 McDonaldsville, (P6) 120 McGuffey, (E7). ... 491 McLuney, (Ml 1)... 100 Macedonia, (P4).... 500 Mack, (B13) 150 Macksburg, (Pll)... 454 Macon, (F14) 110 Madeira, (C13) 550 Madison, (Q2) 863 Madisonburg, (N6) . 180 Madison .Mills, (Gil) 150 Madisonville, (C13) 5,193 Magnetic Springs, (G8) 155 Magnolia, ?P7) 556 Magrew, (E9) 250 Maholm, (Lll) 200 Maineville, (Di2)... 245 Malaga, (QIC) 150 Malinta, (D4) 345 Mallet Creek, (N5) . 400 Malta, (Nil) 971 Malvern, (Q7) 753 Manchester, (F15). 1,966 Mandale, (C5) 130 Mansfield, (K6). ..20,768 Mantua, (Q4) 721 Maplcshade, (M14). 400 Mapleton, (P6) 120 Maplewood, (D8).. 150 Marathon, (D13)... 150 Marbleciiff, (HIO). . 88 Marblehead, (K3).. 1,172 Marchand, (P6). ... 100 Marengo, (J8) 283 Maria Stein, (C8)... 500 Marietta, (012). ..12,923 Marion, (H7) 18,232 Mark Center, (B4).. 300 Marlboro, (Q6) 250 Marseilles, (G7¿ ... 225 Marshall, (G13) 100 Marshallville, (06).. 294 Martel, (T7) 160 Martin, (G3) 400 Martinsburg, G-9). . 252 Martias Ferry, (S9) 9,133 Martinsville, (E12).. 334 MarysvUle, (Ct9). . .3,576 Mason, ((^12) 737 MassieviUe, U12)... 250 Massilbn, (;06).... 13,879 Masterton, (Pll)... 100 Maud, (Ci2) 150 Maumee, (F3) 2,307 Maximo, (Q6) 190 Mayfield, (P3) 500 Maynard, (R9) 400 Meander, (R5) 100 Means, (R8) 100 Mecca, (84) 250 Mechan icsburg,(F9) 1,446 Mechanic8town,(R7) 250 Medina, (N5) 2,734 Medway,?D10) 250 Meeker (G7) 130 Melbexn (B4) 300 Melgen, (LlO) 100 MelmOTe. (H5) 250 Melrose (C5) 317 Mendon, (B7) 621 Mentor, (P3) 732 Mercer, (B7) 300 Mermiil, (F4J 300 Mesjpjtami.i. (R4), fcOO Metamora, (E3).... 475 Metz,(P5) 100 Mexico, (H6) 120 Miami, (B13) 400 Miamisburg, (Cll) 4,271 Miamiville, (C13)... 250 Middle Bass, (J3)... 200 Middlebourne, (P9). 100 Middlebranch, (P6). 260 Middleburg, (F8)... 350 Middlecreek, (Pll).. 100 Middlefieid, ((^4). .. 640 Middle Point, (C6).. 607 Mlddleport, (MI3).3,194 Middletown, (C12)13,152 Middletown, (PIO).. 180 Midland, (£12) 327 Midvaie, (P8) 680 Midway, (Gil) 483 Mi'ïliD, (L6) 153 Milan, (K4) 696 Milford, (Di3) 1.321 Milford Center, (G9) 685 Mlllbury, (G3) 276 Milledgeville, (Fll). 187 Miller, (L15) 350 Miller City, (D5)... 218 MUlersburg, (N7) ..2,020 Millersport, (LlO)... 260 MUlerstown, (E9)... 280 Millersville, (G4). .. 200 Millfield, (M12) 150 Mülville, (B12) 250 Miluersville, (P9¿.. 150 Milo, (HIO) 2,000 Milton Center, (E4). 350 Miltonsburg, (QlO) . 92 Miltonville, (B12)... 100 Mineral, (M12) 310 Mineral City, (P7).. 1,032 Mineral Ridge,(R5). 759 Minersville, (N13).. 950 Minerton. (L13).... 120 Minerva. (Q7) 1,396 Mingo, (F9). 200 Mingo Jc. (88) 4,049 Minster, (C8) 1,583 Misco, (Mil) 200 Mishler, (P6) 100 Mogadore, (P5) 438 Mohican, (M7) 150 Momeneetown, (F3). 200 Monclova, (E3) 250 Monday, (MI2). . 400 Monfort, (B13) 500 Monroe, (C12) 255 Monroe Center, (S2) 210 MonroevUle, (¿5).. 1,152 Monterey, (D13).. . 100 Montezuma, (B8)... 228 Montgomery, (C13). 800 Montpelier, (B3)...2,759 Montra, (D8) 180 Montreal, (K16).... 100 Montrose, (05) 110 Montville, (Q3) 600 Moons, (G12) 100 Moorefield, (Q9).. 190 Morning Sun, (Bll). 100 Morral, (H7) 334 Morristown, (Q9)... 2 0 Morrisville, (E12)... 100 Morrow, (D12) 832 Mortimer, (F5) 100 Moscow, (D14) 327 Mossnm, (P12) 180 Moulton, (C7) 100 Mountairy, (B13).. - 497 Mt. Blanchard, (F6). 4SI Mt. Carmel, (C13).. 240 Mt.Cory, (E6) 290 Mt. Eaton, (07).... 208 Mt. Ephraim, (PIO). 230 Mt.GUead, (J7).... 1,673 Mt. Healthy, (B13).1,799 Mt. Tferon. (^B9).... 100 Mt.HoIly,(D13)... 100 Mt. Holly, (C12). .. 100 Mt.IIope,(N7) 130 Mt. Liberty, (Q9)... 100 Mt. Liberty, (K8)... 200 Mt. Grab, (£13).... 539 Mt. Perry, (MIO)... 150 Mt. Pleasant, (R9).. 701 Mt. Sterling, (Gll)l,071 Mt. Summit, (C13) . 150 Mt. Vernon, (K8), .9,087 Mt. Victory, (F7).740 Mt. Washington, (C13) 984 Mowrystown, (F13). 326 Moxahala, (Mil)... 400 Mulberry, (D13).... 100 Mummaville, (ClO). 130 Mangan, (F4) 180 Munroe Falls, (P5).. 300 Munson, (M5) 200 Murray, (Mil). ... 1,386 Museville, (NlO).... 100 Mutual, (F9) 134 Nankin, (L6) 180 Napoleon, (D4)... .4,007 Nashport, (M9). ... 190 NashviUe, (M7). ... 268 Navane, (P7) 1,357 Neapolis, (E4) 100 Nebraska (J 11) 100 Neffs, (R9) 100 Nerley,(S6) 520 NelUe, (M8) 133 Nelson, (Q4) 100 Nelsonville, (L12). .6,082 Neptune, (B7) 160 Nevada, (H6) 889 Nevüle, (D14) 200 New Albany, (J9).., 215 New Albany, (R6) . 200 New Alexandria, ( 8)180 New Antioch, (F ). 230 Newark, (L9) 25,404 New Athens, (Q9)... 376 New Baltimore, (B12)I70 New Baltimore, (Q6) 250 New Bavaria, (D5).. 400 New Bedford, (N8¿. 180 New Berlin, (P6).... 865 New Bloomington, see AgoStj. 304 New Boston, (D13). 400 New Boston, (J 14) .1,858 New Bremen, (C8). 1,586 New Buffalo, (S6)... 200 Newburg, (04) 5,813 Newburg Hgcs, (04; 940 New Biu-lington, (Ell) 320 New Burlington, (B13) 300 New Carlisle, (Dl0)l,058 New Castle, (M8).. 300 New Comerstown, (08) 2,943 New Concord,(O10). 683 New Cumberland, (P7) 150 New Dover, (G9)... 250 New Garden, (R7).. 200 New Hagcrstown, (Q8) 110 New Hampshire,(E7) 300 New Harmony,(E13) 100 New Haven, (B12).. 230 New Haven, (K5)... 180 New Holland, (Hll) 804 Newhope, (EÍ4) 140 New Hope, (Bll).... 200 New Jasper, (Ell).. 100 New J enisaiem, (F8) 130 New Knoxville, (C8) 487 Newl^banon, (ClO) 227 NewI,ebanon, ((311) 202 New Lexington, (Mil) 2.559 New Lexington(Bll) 150 New London, (L5).. 1,557 New Lyme, (R3).... 100 New Madison, (BIO) 628 Newman (06) 100 New Market, (F13). 130 New Marshfield, (M13) 400 New Martinsburg, (G12) 200 New Matamoras, (Qll) 711 New Middletown, (86) 200 New Milford, (Q5).. 100 New Moorefield,(F10)230 New Moscow, (N9) . 130 New Palestine, (C14) 100 New Paris, (AlO). .. 870 New Petersburg, (G12) 220 New Philadelphia, (P8) 8,542 New Pittsburg,(Ll2) 300 NewPittsburg,(M6). 120 New Plymouth,(L12) 170 Newport, (F14) 300 Newport, (C9) 200 Newport, (P12) 300 New Portage, (05).. 100 New Richland, (E8). 200 New Richmond, (D14) 1,733 New Riegel, (G5)... 268 New Rumley, (R8).. 180 New Salem, (LlO)... 149 New Salisbury, (87). 100 New Somerset, (S8L 100 New Springfield,(86) 400 New Straitsville, (Kll) 2,242 Newton Falls, (R5). 757 NewtonsvUIe, (D13). 142 Newtown, (Ç13).... 546 New Trenton, (R9) . 100 New Vienna, (F12).. 793 Newville, (L7) 100 New Washington, (J6) 889 New Waterforcl, (S6) 509 New Weston, (B8).. 258 Ney, (B4) 298 Nicholsville, (D14).. ISO Niles. (S5) 8,361 Nimisila, (06) 200 Nipgen, (H13) 110 Norman, (L9) 200 No. Baltimore, (F5)2,503 No.Bend, (B13).... 560 No. Benton, (Q6) 150 No. Bloomficla. {R4) 780 No. Bristol, (R4). .. 200 No.Creek, (D5).... 100 No.Dover, (N3).... 200 No. Eaton, (N4) 100 No. Fairfield, (KS).. 500 Northñeld, (04).,.. ISO No. Georgetown, (Q6) 240 No. Hampton, (ElO) 400 No. Industry. (P7).. 250 No. Tackson, (R5). . 400 No. Kingsville, (82). 400 No. Lawrence, (06) 1,200 No. Lewisburg, (F9). 793 No. Liberty, (F14).. 300 No. Liberty, (L7)... 130 No. Lima, (S6) 300 No. Madison, (Q2).. 200 No. Monroeville,iK4) 100 No. Olmsted, (N4) ,1,030 No. Randall, (04)... 62 No. Ridgeville, (N4) 400 No. Robinson, (J6).. 155 No. Royalton, (04) . 150 No. Solon, (P4) 120 No. Star, (B8) 150 Norton. (H8) 130 Norwalk, (K5) 7,858 Norwich. (NlO) 186 Norwood, (C13)... 16,185 Nottingham, (03).. 2,387 Nova, CL5) 250 Novelty, (P4) 200 Oakfield, (R4) 300 Oakharbw, (H3).. .1,559 Oak Hill, (K14).... 1,148 Oakland, (E12) 190 Oakley, (B13) 1,639 Oakwood. (DIG).... 358 Oakwood, (CS) 496 Oberlin, (L4) 4,365 Oceoia, (H6) 180 OcU, (Fll) 91 Ogontz, (L4) 160 Ohio City, (B6) 860 Okeana, (A12) 120 Okolona, (C4) 100 Olbers, (M12) 180 Old Fort, (H5) 200 Olena, (K5) 150 Olive Branch, (D13). 200 Olive Furnace, (K14) 250 OliveGreen, (J8). .. 130 Olivegrecn, (Oil)... 100 Olivesburg, (L6).... 200 Olivett, (Q9) 130 Olmsted Falls, (N4).394 Omega, (J 13) 300 Oneida. (Q7) 130 Ontario, (K7) 140 Opperman, (OlO)... 190 OrangevUle, (S4) 185 Orbiston, (M12).,.. 600 Oregonia, (D12) 120 O.eville, (Lll) 100 Orient. (HIO) 250 Orrville, (06) 3,101 Ort, (K15) 150 Orwell, (R3) 800 Osb.rn, (DIG) 866 Osgood, (C8) 214 Osnaburg, (P6) 448 Ostrander, (G8) 431 Otho, (NlO) 100 Otsego, (N9) 250 Ottawa, (D5) 2,182 Ottokee, (D3) 100 Ottoville, (C6) 477 Otway, (H14) 234 OutvUle, (KlO) 110 Overton, (M6) ISO Owens, (H7) 600 Owensville, (DI3)... 400 Oxford, (A12) 2,017 Padanaram, (S3).... 100 Painesville, (Q3). . .5,501 Paint, (G13) 100 Painter Creek. (BIO) 110 Paintersville, (Ell) . 130 Palestine, (A9) 216 Palestine, (D8) 210 Palmyra, (QS) 950 Pancoastburg, (Gil) 200 Pandora, (E6) 562 Pansy, (E12) 100 Paris, (Q6) 300 Parkman, (Q4) 300 Parlett, (R8) 150 Parma, (N4) 150 Pataskala, (¿10). .. 800 Patriot, (L14) 120 Patterson, (F6) 191 Paulding, (B5) 2,081 Payne, (A5) 1,207 Peebles, (G14) 921 Pemberton, (D8). .. 300 Pemberville, (G4L .1,006 Penfield, (M5) 100 Peninsula, (05) 536 Pennsville, (Nil)... 250 Peoria, (G8) 130 Perintown, (D13)... 270 Perkins, (S5) 100 Perry, (Q3) 500 Perrysburg, (F3)—1,913 Perrysvilie, (L7) 541 Perryton. (M9;. 200 Peru, (K5) 100 Petersburg, (S6).... 600 Petrea, (K13) 100 Pettisville, (D3).. -. 300 Phalanx, (R4) 100 Pharisburg, (G8).... 250 Phillipsburg, (CZIO).. 343 Philo, (NlO) 495 Philothea, (B8) 100 Phoneton, (DIO).... 150 Pickerington, (¿10). 310 Piedmont, (Q9) 280 Pierpont, (S2) 250 Pigeonrun, ÍQ6). ... 150 Pike Run, (PS) 810 Piketon, (J13) 66S Pikeville, (B9) 100 Pinegrove, (L14) 100 Pioneer, (B3) 660 Piqua, (C9) 13,388 Pitchin, (£10) 140 Pitsburg. (BIO) 240 Pittsfield (MS) 100 Plain, (M6) 100 Plain City, (G9).... 1,407 Plainfield, (09) 215 PlainvUle, (C13).... 250 Piano, (G12) 100 Plants, (N14) 100 Plattsburg, (FlO)... 150 Plattsville, (D9) 130 Pleasant Bend, (D5). 100 Pleasant City, (OlO) 788 Pleasant Hill, (C9) . 571 Pleasant Home, (M6) 100 Pleasanton, (M12). - 150 Pleasant Plain, (D12) 200 Pleasant Ridge, (B13) 1,769 Pleasant Run, (B12) 150 Pleasantville, (KIO). 608 Plymouth, (¿6). 1,314 Point Isabel. (D14) . 120 Point Place, (G3)... 100 Point Pleasant,(D14) 170 Poland, (S5) 367 Polk, (M6) 250 Pomeroy, (M13).-.4,023 Poplar, (H6) 100 Portage, (F4) 450 Port Clinton, (J3). .3,007 Portersville, (NII). 100 Port Homer, (S7)... ISO Port Jefferson, (D8). 233. Portland, (N13¿ ... 150 Portsmouth, (H15)23,481 Port Washington, (P8) 421 Port William, (Ell). 298 Potsdam, (CIO) 140 Pottersburg, ((¿9)... 1 SO Powell, (H9) 250 Powellsville, (J15). . 130 Powhatan Pt, (RIO). 380 Prairie Depot, (G4).l,350 Prall, (E13) 150 Pricetown, (El3). .. 106 Proctorvhle, (LI6).. 577 Progress, (AlO) 200 Prospect, (H8) 945 Prout, (K4) 100 Pulaski, (B3) 200 Put in Bay, (J3).... 259 Pyrmont, (CID). 300 Quaker City, (PIO). .746 Quincy, (E8) 594 Raab, (E3) 250 Racine, (N14) 540 Radcliff, (L13) 150 Radnor, (H8) 250 Ragersville, (08).... 200 Rainsboro, (Gi3) 220 Ramsey, (R9) 100 Randolph, (Q5) 300 Range, (Gil) 250 Rapids, (Q4) 250 Karden, (H14) 350 Rathbone, (H9) 100 Ravenna, (Q5) 5,310 Rawson, (E6) 470 Ray, (K13) 200 Rayland, (S9) 300 Raymond, (GS) 350 Reading, (C12) 3,985 Redfield, (MIO) 250 Redlion, (Dl2) 150 Reedsburg, (M6). .. 120 Reedsville, (N13)... 250 Reesville, (F12) 280 Rehoboth, (Mil). -. 200 Reily, (A12) 390 Reinersville, (Oll).. 200 Remington, (C13)... 100 Rendville, (Mil). .. 623 Renner, (H9) 200 Republic, (J5) 475 Reynoldsburg, (JIO). 431 Rhodesdale, (S8%... 300 Richmond, (R8).... 372 Richmond, seeGrand River 203 Richmond Center, (S3) 150 Richmond Dale,(J13) 350 Richville, (P6) 200 Richwood,(G8).... 1,729 Ridgeville Corners, (C4) 250 Ridgeway, (F7) 427 Rimer, (D6) IDO Rio Grande, (LI4). . 150 Riota, (AlO) 150 Ripley, (EIS) 1,840 Risingsun, ((j5) 599 Rittman, (N6) 300 River Styx, (N5)— 100 Rix Mills, (QlO)..., 200 Roachester, (D12). . 120 RobertsvUle, (Q6)... 250 Robins. (PIO) 500 Robyville, (R9) 100 Rochester, (LS) 186 Rockbridge, (¿11).. 350 Rockcamp, (K15)... 120 Rock Creek, (R3) 455 Rockcreek Station, (R3) 200 Rockford, (B7) 1,186 Rockland, (012)...- 200 Rockport, (E6) 100 Rockport, (N4) 3,179 Rockyridge, (G3)... 349 Rocky River, (Ñ3) .1,174 Rogers, (S6) 258 Rollersville, (G4). .. 130 Rome, see Stout 243 Rome, (R3) 600 Rome, (K6) 120 Rootstown, (P5).... 200 Roscoe, (N8) 595 Rosehill, (A8) 100 Rosemont, (R5). — 100 Roseville, (MID).. .2,113 Rosewood, (E9). ... 250 Ross,(B12) 330 Rossburg, (B8) 261 Rossford, (F3) 1,000 Rossmoyne, (C13). . 300 Roswell,(P8) 514 Roundhead, (E7)... 400 Rows, (M6) 100 Roxabell, (H12¿ ... 250 Royalton, (J 11) 200 Rudolph, (F4) 500 Ruraldale,(M10)... 300 Rushmore, (D6).... 250 Rush Run, (S9) 200 Rushsylvania, (F8).. 560 Rushville, (LÍO) 246 Russell, (F13) 150 Russellville, (E14¿ . 438 Russia, (C9) 350 Rutland, (M13) 300 Sabina. (F12) 1,514 St. Bernard, (B13) .5,002 St. Clair, (87) 100 St. Clairsville, (R9¿1,393 St. Henry, (B8) 560 St. Johns, (D7) 350 St. Louisville, (L9).. 244 St. Marys, (C7)... .5,732 St. Paris, (E9) 1,261 Salem, (R6) 8,943 Salem Center. (LÍ3). 100 Silcsville, (PIO).... 265 Salinevüle, (R7)... .2,403 Saltillo, (MIO) 100 Saltpetre, (Pll) 100 Sample, (R5) 100 Sandhill, (K4) 100 Sandriin, (Mil).— 350 Sandusky, (K4).. .19.989 SandyviUe, (P7).... 280 Santa Fe, (ES) 200 Santoy, (Mil). 300 Sarahsville. (PIG)... 281 Sardinia, (E14) 534 Sardls, (Rll) 380 Sater,(B12) 100 Savannah, (L6) 262 Saybrook, (R2) .... 250 Sayler Park, (B13.. 877 Scio, (Q8) 958 Sciota, (J 14) 200 Sciota Furnace.(J14) 140 Sciotoville, (J14) 1,300 Scotch Ridge, (F4).. 100 Scott, (B6) 472 Scroggsfield,(R7)... 100 Seaman, (F14) 250 Sebring, (Q6) 2,104 Sedalia, (Gil) 500 Sekitan, (A13) 1,700 Seiden, (G12) 100 Selma, (ElO) 200 Senecaville, (PIG).-. 893 Seven Mile, (B12)... 340 Sevüle, (N5) 602 Sewellsville, (Q9). .. 140 Shadeville, (HlO)... 150 Shadyside, (RIO). ., 950 Shalersville, (Q5). .. 200 Shandon, (B12) 350 Shanesville, (07)... - 334 Sharon, (Oil) 200 Sharon Center, (05). 150 Sharonviile, ((312). . 710 Sharpsburg, (N12).. 150 Shauck, (K7) 300 Shawnee, (Mil)... .2,280 Shawtown, (E5L 140 Shelby, (K6) 4,903 Sheparcl, (J 10) 400 Sheridan, (K16) 200 Sherodsville, (Q8)... 721 Sherritts, (K15).... 200 Sherwood, (B4) 566 Shiloh, (K6) 555 Short Creek, (R9)... 200 Shreve, (M7) 1,016 Siam,(J5) 150 Sidney, (D8) 6,607 Silverton, ((313). 459 Sinai, (J 13) 200 Sinking Spring,(G13) 187 Smithfield, (R8) 589 Smithville, (N6) 447 Smyrna, (P9) 100 Snowville, (M13¿ .. 150 Socialville, (C12¿ .. 100 Sodom, (84) 350 Somerdsde, (P7). ... 300 Somerset, (LlO).... 1,286 Somerton, (Ql()). ... 200 Somerville,(Bli) 349 Sonora, (NlO) 200 So. Eloomfield (Hll) 212 So. Bloomingville, (K12) 200 So.Charleston (FIG) 1,181 So. Euclid, (P3). ... 300 Southington, (R5). . 200 So. Iwebanon, (D12). 626 So. Newburg, (04) 1,273 So. New Lyme. (R3). 300 So.Olive, (Pll) 150 So. Perry, (K12)... 180 So. Plymouth, (Fll). 100 So. Point, (¿Í6).... 316 So. Salem, (Gl2).... 211 So. Solon, (Fll) 420 So. Vienna. (FlO)... 270 So. Webster, (K14).. 499 So. Woodbury, (J8) . 150 So. Zanesville,(M10) 853 Sparta, (K8) 191 Speidel, (QlO) 100 Spencer, (MS) 500 Spencerville, (C7).. 1,748 Springboro, (Dil) ....355 Springdale, (B12)— 280 Springfield, (ElO) .46,921 Springhill, (E9) 127 Spring Mountain, (M8) 100 Springvalley, (Dl 1). 443 Stafford, (Pll) 174 Startle, (R9) 400 Station Fifteen, (Q8) 150 Staunton, (G12) 120 Steel, (R9) 500 Sterling, (N6) 380 Steuben, (K5) 100 Steubenville,(S8). .22,391 Stewart. (N12) 340 Stewartsville, (R9).. 5(K) Stillwater, (P8) 230 Stockdale,(J14)..,. 250 Stockport, (Nll¿ .. 438 Stockton, (B12). ... 130 Stone Creek, (08)... 144 Stony Ridge, (F3)... 300 Stout, (G15) 243 Stoutsville, (Jll). .. 400 Stovertown, (NlO).. 150 Strasburg, (07)— 835 Strectsboro, (P5). .. 200 Strongsville, (N4)... 250 Struthers, (S5) 3,370 Stryker, (C4) 1,026 Suffield, (P5) 100 Sugarcreek, (08).... 389 Sugar Grove, (Kll) . 368 Sugar Ridge, (F4)... 150 Sullivan, M5) 150 Sulphur Springs, (J6) 350 Summerfield, (Pll) . 489 Summerford, (GIG). 200 Summerside, (013)., 100 Summersville, (G8) . 300 Summit Station, (KIO) 190 Sunbury, (J9) 485 Superior, (K15) 200 S wanton, (E3) 1,058 Sycamore, (H6) 977 Sylvania, (F3) 1,002 SymmesCTomers, (B12) 140 Syracuse, (N13) 1,250 Tacoma, (QlO) 150 Tailmadge, (P5).... 500 Tarton, (Jll) 302 Taylorsburg, (ClO).. 100 Taylorsville, see Philo 495 Tedrow, (D3) 350 Teegaraen, (R6). 100 Tern perancev file, (QlO) 200 Terrace Park, (CIS). 448 Terre Haute, (E9). . 100 The Bend, (B4) 103 The Plains, (M12). . 140 Thomastown, (P5).. 2()0 Thompson, (Q3) 100 ThomviUe, (LlO) 411 Thurman, (L14).... 500* Thurston, (KIO).... 300 Tiffin, (H5) 11,894 Tiltonsville, (S^.... 150 Tippecanoe, ((^8) 450 Tipjxîcanoe City, (DIG) 2,038 Tiro, (J6) 321 Toboso, (M9) 150 Toledo, (F3) 168,497 Tontogany, (F4).,.. 314 Torch, (N13) 100 Toronto, (88) 4,271 Tracy, (P8) 400 Tradersville, (Gil).. 100 Trebeins, (El 1) 100 Tremont City, (E9) . 450 Trenton, (C12) 564 Trilbv, (F3) 150 Trimble, (M12) 711 Trinway, (M9) 300 Triumph, (R4) 100 Trotwood, (CÍO).... 348 Trowbridge, (G3).. . 200 Troy, (C9) 6,122 Trumbull, (R3) 100 Tappers Plains, (N 13)200 Tuscarawas, (P8) ,. 471 Twinsburg, (P4L... 250 Uhrichsville, (P8) ..4,751 Union, (CIO) 250 Union City, (A9)... 1,595 Union Furnace, (L12)700 Unionport, (R8) 250 Union Station, (K9). 100 Uniontown, (Q9).... 120 Uniontown, (MIO)., 210 Union ville, (k2) 300 UnionviUe Center, (G9) 239 Uniopolis, (D7) 245 Unity, (S6) 300 Upper Sandusky, (G6) 3,779 Urbana, (E9) 7,739 Utica, (L9) 1,729 ValleyCity, (N5)... 250 Vanburen, (F5) 303 Vandalia, (DIO).... 221 Vanlue, (G6) 400 Van Wert, (B6) 7,157 Vaughnsville, (D6).. 300 Venedocia, (C6). 247 Venice, (J4) 100 Vermilion, (L4) 1,369 Verona, (CIO) 250 Versailles, (B9) 1,580 Vickery, (J4) 200 Vienna, (110) 368 Vienna, (85) i 50 Vigo, (J13) 200 Villa, (ElO) 100 Vincent, (012) 250 Vinton, (L14) 324 Wabash, (R8) 100 Wabash, (A7) 300 Waco, (P7) 200 Wadsworth, (N5) . .3,073 Wagram, (¿Î0) 100 Wainwright, (P8)... 350 Wakeman, Ô..5) 930 Walbrldge, (G3) 50O Waldo, (H8) 319 Walhonding, (M8).. 110 Walkers, (87) 200 Walnut Creek, (N7). 150 Walnutrun, (GIO)... 210 Walton, (G12) 100 Wapiakoneta, (D7) .5,349 Warner, (Pll) 200 Wamock, (R9) 160 Warren, (R5) 11,081 Wairensburg, GI8).. 100 Warrensville, (P4). . 150 Warrenton, (S9).,.. 300 Warsaw, (MS) 512 Warwick, (06) 500 Washington, (P9)... 366 Washington Court House, (Gil)....7,277 Washingtonville,(S6) 957 Waterford, (Oil)... 300 Waterloo, (¿15)..... 150 Watertown, (012). . 200 Waterville, (F3) 834 Wauseon, (D3) 2,650 Waverly. (H13).... 1,803 Wayland, (QS) 100 Waynesburg, (Q7)» • 760 Waynesfield, (E7)... 542 Waynesville, (DU) . 705 WeaversCorners,(J5) ISO Weavers Station, (B9) 120 Webster, (B9) 250 Weldon, (S4) 200 Wellington, (MS). .2,131 Wellston, (K13).,..6,875 Wellsville, (87) 7,769 Welshfield, (Q4).... 950 Wengerlawn, (BIO) , 130 W. Alexandria, (BID 1,030 W. Andover, (S3)... 300 W. Austintown, (R5) 150 W. Bedford, (M8)... 130 Westboro, (E12).... 300 W. Brookfield, (06) . 300 W.Cairo, (D6) 386 W. Carlisle, (M9)... 180 W.Carroi:ton,(DI 1)1.285 W. Charleston,(DIG).130 W.Chester, (C12). . 300 W, Clarksfield, (L5) 200 W. Dover, (N4). ... 300 W. Elkton, (Bll)... 230 Western Star, (OS).. 154 Westervflle, (J9). , .1,903 W. Farmington,(R4) 446 Westfield, (J8) 140 W. Independence, (F5) 130 W. Jefferson, (GIG).!,043 840 180 300 253 ,288 100 445 913 200 100 1300 ,349 376 150 493 ,279 366 150 100 200 786 240 100 303 645 120 ,821 ,688 200 200 100 ,439 100 IDO ,273 950 713 150 ,618 200 120 511 381 ,968 130 420 150 170 ISO ISO 100 266 ,181 326 200 855 120 513 378 420 265 220 307 524 280 220 384 335 ,266 508 629 100 131 100 508 100 535 483 ,334 828 679 100 160 259 339 150 150 428 ,667 696 150 205 100 ,275 100 130 407 175 317 ,020 26 ,599 586 160 190 144 ,742 100 ,803 300 69 281 149 386 536 150 77 200 120 919 100 904 49 200 100 587 364 149 INDEX OF THE UNITED STATES (OHIO—OKLAHOMA—OREGON) 163 Wicl;, (S3) 200 Wickliffe, (P3) 500 WUberforce (Ell).. 300 Wilkesville, (L13)... 203 Wilki.-.s, (L9) 100 Williamsburg, (D13) 948 Williams Center, (B4) 100 Williamsfield, (S3).. 200 Williamsport, (Hi 1). 536 Williamstown, (F6) . 100 WiUiston, (G3) 100 Willoughby, (P3).. .2,072 Willow, (04) 230 Willshire, (A6) 653 Wilmington, (E12) .4,491 WUmot, (07) 258 Winchester, (FI4)... 927 Windham, (Q5) 261 Windsor, (R3) 700 Windsor Mills, (Q3). 150 Winesburg, (07) .. 250 Winfield, (07) 100 Winona, (R6> 180 Winterset, (P9) 200 WintersvUle, (S8)... lOO Withamsville, (C13) 390 Wolf Run, (R8) 100 Wood, (B12) 130 Woodington, (B9).. 300 Woodland, (G8) 120 Woodlawn, (B12)... 250 WWsfield.(Qll).. 2,502 Woodstock, (F9).... 310 Woodville, (G4). ... 807 Wooster, (X6) 6,136 Worthingtoii, (H9).. 547 Wren, (A6) 277 Wrightsville, (F15 130 Wyandot, (H7) 160 Wynant, (08) 100 Wyoming, (€13)... 1,893 Xenia, (Ell) 8,706 Yellow Bud, (J12) .. 250 Yellow Springs, (ElO) 1,360 York,(G8) 100 Yorkshire, (B8) 182 YorkviUe, (S9) 100 Young, (H14) 100 Youngstown, (S5) .....79,066 Zaleski, (LI2) 476 Zanesfield, (F8)..... 2 50 ZanesviUe, (MÍO) .28,026 Zimmerman, (Dil) . 160 Zoar,(P7) 182 Zoar Station, (P7).. 200 OKLAHOMA W. Millgrove, (F5).. 191 W.Milton, (CIO)... 1,207 Westminster, (E7).. 200 W. Newton, (E7)... 200 Weston, (E4) 913 W. Park, (N4) 300 W. Richfield, (05). . 250 W. RushvUle, (LIO). 147 W. Salem, (M6) 642 W.Sonora, (BIO)... 200 VV.Toledo, (F3)....2,500 W. Union. (F14). ..1,080 Broken Arrow, (Jt). 1,576 Bromide, (G6) 200 Brooken, (K4) 200 Buck.GS) 500 Buffalo, (Al) 282 Butler, {B3) 100 Byars, (F5) 487 Byron, (Dl) 286 Cache, (C5)--. 317 Caddo, (H6) 1,143 Cade,(J6) 110 Calera, (H7) 575 Calumet, (D3) 160 Calvin, (H5) 570 Cameron, (L4)__._ 206 Canadian, (T4) 481 Caney, (H6) - _ 295 Canton, (C2) 703 Canute, (B4) 250 Capitol Hill, (£4).. 1,500 C^pron, (CI). 150 Carbon, (T5) 490 Carmen, (^Dl)---.- 883 Carnegie, (C4). 835 Carney, (G3)_. 260 Carrier, (D2). 250 Cashion, (E3) 289 Castle, (H3) 294 Catoosa, G2) 404 Cement, (DS)--,— 770 Center, (GS) 150 Centrahoma, (HS). 6(X) Centralia, (Kl).... 387 Ceres, (F2) 120 Cestos, (B2) 200 Chandler, (G3) 2,024 Chant, (K4) 882 Chattanooga, (C6) 471 Cbecotah, (^4). 1,683 Chelsea, 0^1) 1,350 Cherokee, (Dl) 2,016 Cheyenne, (A3). 468 Chickasha, (E4)..10,320 Chilocco, (Gl) 500 Choctaw, (F4) 242 Choska,a3) 100 Choteau, (K2) 483 Claremore, (J2) 2,866 ClarksviUe. (J3)... 388 Clayton, (K5) 100 Clearview, (H4) 100 Cleo, (D2) 425 Cleveland, (H2) 1,310 Cliff, (G6) 100 Clinton, (C4) 2,781 Cloud Chief. (C4).. 100 Coalgate, (H6) 3,255 Colbert, (H7) 200 Collinsville, (J2) 1,324 Comanche, (E6) 1,301 ConnerviUe, ((î6). . 160 Cooperton, (C5) 76 Copan, (Jl)._. 307 CordeU, (C4) 1,950 Cornish, (E6) 489 Clovington, (E2) 183 Coweta, a3) 1,187 Cowiington, (L4)-. 378 Coyle,(F3) 413 Craig, as) 200 Crescent, (E3) 903 Cropper, CE2) 120 Cross. (Fl) 220 Crowder, (J4) 529 Cumberland, (Cî6)- 450 Curtis, (B2) 150 Cushing, (G3) 1,072 Custer, (C3) 854 Daconu, (CI) 146 Carlton, (B2). ...• 386 Carson, (H3).,-.. 200 C^ascade Locks, (D2) 280 Cedar MUI, (C2)... 100 Centralpoint, (CS). 761 Champoeg, (C2)_.. 100 Chemawa, (C3) 600 Cladcamas, (C2)-- 100 Clatskanie, (Bl)... 747 Clatsop, (Bl) 220 Clifton, (Bl) 130 Cline Falls, (D3).- 30 Coburg, (B3) 613 Condon, (E2) 1,009 Copperfield, GS).— 250 CoquiUe, (A4) 1,398 Cornelius, (B2) 459 Cornucopia, (H2).. 150 Corvallis, (B3) 4,552 Cottagegrove, (B4). 1,834 Cove, (H2) 433 Cra^ordsville,(C3) 130 Creswell, (B4) 367 Dallas, (B3) 2,124 Damascus, (C2)_-- 100 Dayton, (B2) 453 Dayville. (F3) 150 Deerhom, (C3) 100 Deer Island, (C2)., 100 Deschutes, (D3) 64 Detroit, (C3).- 100 Dilley, (B2) 100 Drain, (B4) 335 Drewsey, (G4) 82 Dufur, (D2) 523 Dundee, (C2)_-- 196 Durkee. CH3) 100 Eagle Point, (C5).- 120 W. Unity, (C3) 980 Westview, (N4) 600 W. Wheeling, (S9). . 250 Wetzel, (C6) 100 Weymouth, (N5)... 300 Wharton, (G6) 485 Wheelersburg, OlS). 250 Wheldon, (K13).... 280 Whipple, (Pll) 150 White Cottage, (MIO) 300 WÙtehouse, (E3)... 506 Dale, (F4) 250 Da venF)ort, ( G3 ) - - - 3 94 Daviden, (B6) 361 Davis, (F5)-_. 1,416 Dawson, (J2) 300 Deer Creek, (El)__ 166 Delaware, (ji) 662 Depew, (H3) 100 Devol, (C6) 300 Dewey, Gl) 1,344 Dibble, (E4) 190 Dill, (B4).._: 240 Dougherty, (F6) 278 Douglas, (£2) 132 Dover, (E3). 450 Dow, GS) 900 Doxey,(A4) 100 Dragger, (L2) 150 Drumraond, (E2).. 150 Duncan, (D6) 2,477 Durant, (H6) 5,330 Durwood, (F6) 230 Dustin, (H4) 579 Eagle C:ity,(C3)..- 230 Earl,(G6) 230 Earlslwro, (G4)... 388 Eddy, (El) 100 Edmond, (E3) 2,090 Eldorado, (A6) .... 926 Elgin, (05) 178 Elk City, (B4) 3,165 El Reno, (D3) 7,872 Emet, (06) 500 Enid, (E2) 13,799 Enterprise, (K4) 500 Erick,(A4) 915 Erin Springs, (E5)- 300 Eufaula, G4) 1,307 Evans,.G2).-. 100 Fairfax, (Gl) 819 Fairland, (Li )...,. 569 Fairmont, (E2) 150 Fairview, (C2) 2,020 Fallu, (F3) 248 Fame, G4) ISO Fanshawe, (L5). 130 Fargo, (A2) 341 Faxon, (C6). 215 Fay, (C3) 200 Featherston, (K4).. 100 Fitzhugh, (G5) 260 Fletcher, (D5) 374 Foraker, (Gl)__._. 415 Fort Cobb, (D4)... 382 Fort Gibson, (K3).. 1,314 Fort Sill, ÍD5) 2,500 FortTowson, (K6) 697 Foss, (B4) 525 Foster, (F5) 150 Foyil.G2) 250 FrancU, (G5) 931 Franks, (G5) 100 Frederick, (C6) 3,027 Gage, (A2) 924 Gans, (L4) 351 Garber, (E2) 382 Garvin, (L7) 957 Geary, (D3) 1,452 Gerónimo, (D6) 186 Glencoe,(C2) 373 Glenn, (F6) 100 Glenpool, G3) l.SOO Golconda, (K4) 100 Goitry,(Dl) 320 Goodwater, (L7)._- 100 Gore, (K3)_ 316 Gotebo, (C4) 740 Gowen, (KS)------ 100 Gracemont, D4). . . 220 Eastside, (A4)-. —. 252 Echo, (F2)._ 400 EddyviUe, (B3).-- 100 Elgin, (G2)- 1,120 Elkhead, (B4) 100 Elkton, (B4) 150 Empire, (A4) 147 Enterprise, (H2)-.-1,242 Estacada, (C2)-.-. 405 Eugene, (B3) 9,009 Fairview, (C2) 204 Falls City, (B3)... 969 Flora, (H2) 100 Florence, (A4) 311 Forestgrove, (B2)-- 1,772 Fort Klamath, (CS) 200 Fort Stevens, (Al)- 300 Fossü, (E3) 421 Freewater, (G2) 532 Gaiescreek, (B2)-— 120 Gardiner, (A4)--.. 391 Garibaldi, (B2) 200 Gaston, (B2) 150 Gates, (C3) 100 GervaU, (C2) 276 Glencoe, (C2)-- 150 Glendale, (B5) 646 Gohle, (CI) 160 Goldbeach, (A5) 150 CxoldhiU, (B5) 423 Granite, (G3)- 89 Grant, (E2) 210 Grants Pass, (B5).- 3,897 Grass Valley, (£2), 342 Greenhorn, (G3) 28 Gresham, ((Í2) 540 Haines, (G3) 423 Halfway, (H3).... 186 Graham, (F6) 100 Grand, (A3) 130 Grandfield, (C6)-- 830 Granite, (B5) 1,229 Grant, G7) 416 Grayson, (J3) 1,000 Grove, (LI) 888 Guertie, (H5) - 305 Guthrie, (F3) >--11,654 (îuymon, (B7) 1,342 HaileyviUe, GS)-- - 2,024 Hillett,(G2) 147 Hanna, (J4) 200 Hanson, (L4). 230 Hardy, ((j1) 101 Harrah, (F4) 356 Harris, (L7) 100 Hart,(G5) 130 Hartshome, (j5).-_ 2,963 HaskeU, G3) - 857 Hasrikgs, (D6) 727 Hattonville, (Ll).. 500 Haworth (1.7) 200 Headrick, (B5) 2/0 Healdton, (E6) 170 Heavener, (L5). 780 Helena, (Dl) 760 Henderson, (F4)-— 100 Hennessey, (E2) 1,665 Henryetta, 014) 1,671 Hewitt, (F6)-_- 100 Hickory, (05) 350 HiIl,(L4) 200 Hillsdale, (El) 140 Hinton, ÍD4) 686 Hitchcock, (D3),-- 275 Hitchita,G4) 150 Hobart, (B4) 3.845 Hochatown, (L6).. 500 Hoffman, G4) 307 Holdenvüle, (H4)-- 2,296 HoUU.ÍAS) 964 Homestead, (D2)-, 300 Hominy, (H2) 760 Hooker, (B7). 525 Howe,(L5) 538 Hoyt,(K4) 200 Hughart, (K4) 600 Hugo, (K7) 4,582 Hulbert, (K3) 300 Hunter, (El) 341 Hydro, (C3) 562 Idabel, (L7) 1,493 lUinoU, (K3) 300 Independence, (C3) 300 Indiahoma, (C5)-- 188 Indianola, (J4) 481 Ingersoll, (Dl) 253 Inola, (J2) 405 efferson, (El)- 281 enks, (113) 290 ennings, (H2) 361 esse, (GS) 100 et, (Dl) 365 Johnson, (F5) 230 Tones, (F3) -— 163 ^nima, (K4) 200 Kansas, (L2) 110 Kaw, (Gl) 595 KellyviUe, (H3).-. 130 Kemp, (H7) 336 Kendrick. (G3)---- 280 Kenton, (A7) 100 Keokuk FaUs, (G4) 210 Keota, fL4) 200 Keystone, (H2) 273 Kiefer, (H3) 1,197 Kiel, (D3) 100 Kildare, (Fl) 216 Kingfisher, CE3) 2,538 Kingston, (G6) - 439 Kinta,(K4) 300 Kiowa, G5)-- —--- 1,021 Konawa, ((j5) 761 Kosoma, G6) 200 Krebs, G5) 2,884 Kremlin, (El) 253 KuIIy Chaha, (L4). 130 Lahoma, (D2) 275 Lakemp, (B7) 300 Lamar, (114) 300 Lambert, (Cl)- 127 Lamont, (El) 635 Langston, (F3) 339 Lawton, (D5) 7,788 Lebanon, (G7) - 200 Leflore, (K5) - 300 Lehigh, (H6) 1,880 Lenapab, GO 412 Lenora, (B2) 250 Leon, (F7) 197 Leonard, G3) 100 Lexington, (F4).-, 768 Lincolnvilíe, (Li)-- 300 Lindsay, (E5) 1,156 Lctckridge, (E3)--. 210 Loco, (E6) - 350 Ix}ne (irove, (F6),- 222 Lone Wolf. (B5)... 677 Long, (L3) 170 Longdale, (D2)--.- 296 Lookeba, (D4),---- 217 Loveland, (C6)---- 300 Ix»veII, (E2) 220 Lowrey, CL2). 260 Lucien, (F2) 100 Luther, (F3).---— 310 Lutie, (K5) 500 McAlester, (J5)-. 12,954 McComb, (G4).¿.- 166 McCurtain, (K4)-- 526 McLam,(K3) 100 McLoud, (F4) 638 McMillan, (G6)... 150 MacArthur, (B3)-- 300 Madill, (G6) 1,564 Manchester, (El)-- 271 Mangum, (B5) 3,667 Manitou, (B6) 412 Mannford, (H2) 220 Mannsville, (G6)-- 515 Maramec, (G2) 224 Marble City, (L3)- 342 Marietta, (F7) 1,546 Mark, (K2) 300 Marlow, (E5) 1,965 MarshaU, (E2) 450 Martha, (BS)-..-- 100 Maud, (G4)--- —— 503 Maxwell, (G5) - 1(X) Maysville, (F5).--- 476 Mead, (G7) 250 Medford, (El) 1,110 Meeker, ((j3) 349 Meno, (D2) ... 69 Meridian, (F3) 199 Miami, (Ll)--,--- 2,907 Midland, (G5) 200 Midway, (H6).--- 200 Milbum, (G6) 438 Mill Creek, (G6).-. 626 Milton, (L4) 200 Mineo, (E4) 706 Mission Mines, (Ll) 200 Mohawk, (J2)----- 200 Monroe, (L5)----- 180 Moore, fE4) 225 Mooreland, (B2)... 493 Morris, G3) 470 Morrison, (F2) 327 Mounds, (H3) 701 Mountain Park, (C5) 449 Mountain View, (C4) 855 Moyers, G6) 200 Muldrow, (L4) 671 Mulhall, (F2) 441 Muse, (L5) 150 Muskogee, (K3).-.25,278 Mustang, (E4) 170 Mutual, (B2) 264 Nardin. (Fl) 277 Nashville, (El) 348 Navina, (£3) 119 Newalla, (F4) 130 Newkirk, (Fl) 1,992 New Marshill, (E2) 480 Ninnekah, (D5)_-. 230 Noble, (F4) 403 Norman, (E4) 3,724 North Enid, (E2)-. 128 Norton, (G6) 100 Nowata, GÓ-' 3,672 Oakland, TG6). 366 Oakwood, (C3) 199 Oberlin, (J7) 200 Ochelata, (HI) 550 Oconee, (H6).---._ 100 OdeU, (L7) 100 Okarche, (E3) 402 O'Keene, (D2). 920 Okemah, (H4). 1,389 CKLAHOMA(E4)64,205 Okmulgee, (H3) 4,176 Oktaha, (K3). 324 Olney, (H6) 100 Olustee, (B5) 850 Oologah, G2) - 255 Orlando, (F2) 340 Orr,(E6) 270 Otoe, (F2) 400 Overbrook, (F6) 100 Owasso, (J2)----.- 373 Paden, (G4)------ 419 Page,(L5) 100 Panama, (L4) 310 Paoli,(F5) 239 Parkland, (G3) - 100 Pauls VaUey, (F5).- 2,689 Pawhuska, (HI)--- 2,776 Pawnee, (G2) 2,161 Payson, (G4) 140 Peckham, (Fl) - 150 Peggs,(K2) 263 Peoria, (Ll) 135 Perkins, (F3). - 603 Perry, (F2) 3,133 Petersburg, (£7).--- 100 Phillips, (H6) 680 Piedmont, (E3)_.-- 255 Pike,(F7) 130 Pittsburg, G5)--.- 150 Platter, (G7) 130 Pocahontas, G5).-- 140 Pocasset, (E4).200 Ponca, (Fl) 2,521 Pondcreek, (El) 1,113 Pontotoc, (G6)... - 380 Pooleville, (F6) 150 Port, (B4) 100 Porter, G3) - 637 Porum, (K4) 548 Poteau, (L4)--- 1,830 Powell, (07) 100 Prague, (G4) 1,025 Price, (G4). 500 Pryor. fK2) 1,798 Purcell, (F5) 2,740 Purdy, (ES),. 250 Putnam, (C3) 230 Quapaw, (Ll) 350 uay, (G2) 200 uinlan, (B2) 355 uinton, (K4)-, 697 Ralston, (Gl) 597 Ramona, Gl)-- '25 Randlett, (D6) 574 Randolph, (G6) 100 Ra via, (G6) 556 Reagan, (G6) - 160 Redbird, G3)----- 200 Red Fork, (H2) 350 Red Oak, (KS) 398 Redrock, (F2) 378 ReevesvUle, (K3)-- 30O Reichert, (L5) 100 Remy, (L4) 200 Renfrow, (El) 207 Rentiesville, CK4) , 411 Rex, (K3) 150 Ringwood, (D2) 271 Ripley, (CÍ2)...... 368 Rocky, (C4) 378 Roff, (G5) 1,044 Roland, (L4) 228 Romulus, (G4). . . - 200 Roosevelt, (C5), . - 298 Rush Springs, (E5). 823 Ryan, (E6) 1,207 Sac & Fox Agency, (03) 100 Sacred Heart, (G4) 100 Salina, (K2) 250 Sallisaw, (L4)....- 2,479 Saltfork, (El) 20O Sans Bois, (K4).... 200 Sapulpa, (H2)- 8,283 Sasakwa, (H5)---. 241 Savanna, (JS) 200 Sawyer, (K6). 100 Sayre, (A4)--_---- 1,881 Scipio, G4) - - - - 300 Scullin, (G5) 73 SeiIing,(C2) 352 Seminole, (G4)... - 476 Sentinel, (B4)... — 857 Seward, (F3)-.-.— 159 Shadypomt, (L4)-- 100 Shattuck, (A2)--_- 1,231 Shawnee, (G4).---12,474 Short, (L3) 200 SÜO, (H6) 152 Skedee, (02) 289 Sk'atook. (H2) _ . . . 606 Snyder, (C5) 1,122 Soper, G6). 233 Southard, (D2) 150 So. Coffeyiille, (Jl) 196 Sparks, (G3) 421 Spencer, (F4) - _ - - - 240 Spiro, {L4) .... 1,173 Springer, (F6) 300 Stanley, (K5) 200 Sterling, (D5)---— 276 Stidhim, (J4) —... 116 Stigler, CK4) 1,583 Stillwater, (F2)._-_ 3,444 Stüwell, (L3) 1,039 Stonewall, (H5)--- 494 Stratford, (G5) 685 Stringtown, (J6) 200 Stroud, (G3) 1,220 Sugden, (E6).....- 321 Sulphur, (F5) -.3,684 Supply, (Al) - 180 Sutter, (L4) - - 350 Taft, (J3) 352 Tahlequah, (L3) 2,891 Talala.GD 340 Talihina, (L5) 491 Taloga, (C2) 468 Tamalú, (K4) 498 Tecumseh, {G4) 1,626 Teller, (06) 200 Temple, (D6) 852 Terlton, (H2) 100 Terral, (E7). 573 Texanna, (K4)---- 180 Texhoma, (B7),-— 372 Texmo, (B3) 130 Texola, (A4) 361 Thackerville, (F7).. 190 Thomas, (C3) 1,371 Tipton, (B6) 441 Tishomingo, (G6)_. 1,408 Tonkawa, (Fl) 1,776 Troy, (G6) 100 Tryon, (G3) 176 Tulsa, (H2) 18,182 Tupelo, (H5) 387 Tushka,ai6) 300 Tuskahoma, (K5).. 130 Tussy, (E6) 130 Tuttle, (E4) 794 Tyrone, (B7) 100 Unchuka, (H5) 100 Umon, (E4) 220 Vaillant, (K6) 656 Vera,G2) 312 Verden, (D4) 524 Vian, (L4) 794 Vinita, (Kl) 4,082 Wade,(H7) 240 Wagoner, (K3) 4,018 Wamwright, (J3) 130 Wakita, (El) 405 Walker, (F5) 150 Walter, (D6) 1,377 Wanette, (G5), 677 Wann, (Jl) 286 Wapanucka, (H6).- 948 Warner, (K4) 370 Washunga, (Gl) 260 Watonga, (D3) 1,723 Waukomis, (E2) 533 Waurika, (£6)...-. 2,928 Wayne. (F5) 332 Waynoka, (Cl) 1,160 Weatherford, (C3). 2,118 Webbers Falls, (K4) 380 Welch, (Kl) 684 Weleetka, (H4).-- 1,229 Wellston, (F3) 590 West Tulsa, (J2) 300 Westville, (L2) 802 Wetumka, (H4)..-. 1,190 Wewoka, (H4) 1,022 Wheatland, (E4).-- 150 Whitehead, (F5) .. 100 Whitefield, (K4) 350 Wilburton, (K5)--2,277 Wild Cat, (T4) 411 Wilkerson, (£4) ... 100 Williams, (L4).... 400 Willis, (G7) 130 Wister, (L5) ... 498 Witcher, (F3) . 150 Woodford, (F6) 150 Woodville, (G7)... 389 Woodward, (A2)..- 2,696 Wyandotte, (Ll)... 255 Wybark, (K3) 200 Wynnewood, (FS).. 2,002 Yale, (G2) 685 Yeager, (H4) 231 Yukon, (E4) 1,018 ORE Halsey, (B3)...... 337 Hamilton, (F3) 100 Hammond, (Al)_.. 100 Hardman, (F2) 200 Hamey, ((j4) 58 Harrisburg, (B3)-, 453 Helix, (G2) 109 Reppner, (F2) 880 Hermiston, (F2) 647 Hügard, (G2) 190 HUfsboro, (B2) 2.016 Hillsdale, (C2) 100 Hood River, (D2)—2,331 Houlton, (C2) 347 Hubbard, (C2) 283 Huntington, (H3)- 680 Imbler, (G2) 300 Independence, (B3) 1,160 lone, (F2) 239 Irrigon, (F2) 100 Island City, (H2).. 166 Jacksonville, (B5)- 785 Jefferson, (B3) 415 John Day, (G3)-.- 258 Jordan Valley, G5) 150 Joseph, (H2) 725 junction City, (B3) 759 Kamela, (G2)_-_-. 100 Kent, (E2) 150 Kerby, (B5) 120 Kings VaUey, (B3)- 100 Klamath F^ls,(D5) 2,758 Knappa, (Bl) 180 Lafayette, (B2) 412 La Grande. (G2).,. 4,843 Laidlaw, (DS) 49 Lakeview, (ES) 1,253 Langlois, (Á5) 150 UON Latourell Falls,(C2) 100 Lebanon, (C3) -- 1,820 Leland, (B5)----— 110 Lents, (C2) 500 Lexington, (F2)-.- 185 Linkvdle, (D5) - 350 Linnton, (C2) 1,165 Lonerock, (F2) 70 Longcreek, (G3) 86 Lostlne, (H2) 230 Lyons, ((^3) 150 Lytic, (D3) 162 McCoy, (B2) 100 McEwen, (G3) 110 McMinnvüle, (B2)- 2,400 Madras, (D3) 364 Marcóla, (C3) 200 Marion, (B3) 120 Marshfield, (A4).,. 2,980 Mayger, (Bl) 110 Mayville, (E2) ISO Meacham, (G2)... 100 Medford, (C5) 8,840 Mehama, (C3) 100 Melrose, (B4) 100 Merlin, (B5) 150 Merrill, (D5) 200 MiUCity, (C3) 500 Milton, (G2) 1,280 Milwaukee, (C2) 860 Mist, (B2) 250 MitcheU, (E3) 210 Monmouth, (B3)-- 493 Monroe, (B3) 340 Montavilla, (C2).. 780 Monument, (F3)..- 119 More, (E2) 378 Mosier, (D2) 150 Mount Angel, (C2) 545 Mount Tabor, (C2) 1,500 Myrtlecreek, (B4), 429 Myrtlepoint, (A4), 836 Needy, (C2) 100 Nehalem, (B2) 119 New Astoria, (Bl). 957 Newberg, (B2) 2,260 New Era. (C2) 200 New Pine Creek, (E5) 200 Newport, (A3) 721 North Bend, (A4) 2,078 North Powder, (G2) 455 NorthYamhiU,(B2) 450 Nyssa, (H4) 449 Oakland. (B4) 467 Olney, (Bl) 180 Ontario, (H3) 1,248 Oregon City, (C2).4,287 Orient, (C2) 300 Oswego. (C2) 1,107 Paisley, (E5) 200 Parkersburg, (A4)- 100 Parkplace, (€2)... 200 Pendleton. (G2)--, 4,460 Peoria, (B3)...... 100 Perry, (G2) 300 Perrydale, (B3) 100 Philomath, (B3) 505 Phoenix. (C5) 250 PUotrock, (G2) 197 Pine, (H3) 150 Portland, (C2).„207,214 Port Orford, (AS)-- lOO Prairie City, (G3)— 348 Prineville. (E3) 1,042 Prosper, (A4)_.... 250 Rainier, (Cl)..... 1,359 Richland, (H3) 334 Rickreall, (B3)--— 130 Riddle, (B5) 187 Roseburg, (B4).... 4,738 Rosland, (1)4)..... 126 Ruíus, (E2) 100 Saint Helen, (C2).. 742 Saint Johns, (C2)-- 4,872 Saint Paiil, (C)2) 103 SALEM, (C3) 14,094 Scappoose, (C2)-.- 200 SchoUs, (C2) 150 Sdo, (C3) 295 Scottsburg, (B4) ... 200 Scotts Mills, {C2)-. 250 Seaside, (B2) 1,121 Shaniko, (E3) 495 Shedds, (B3) 120 Sheridan, (B2).... 1,021 Sherwood, (C2)... 115 SUetz, (B3) 100 Siiveriake, (E4) 150 Silverton, (C3)..-- 1,588 Sodaville, (C3K--- 110 Springfield, (CS) --1,838 Stanfield, (F2) 318 Stayton, (C3)--.-. 703 Sublimity, (C3) — 138 SummerT^e, (G2). 237 Sumpter, (G3) 643 Sweet Home, (C3)- 202 Tangent, (B3)---- 130 TheDaUes, (D2)--4,880 Thurston, (C3)-.— 100 Tillamook, (B2) — 1,352 Toledo, (B3) 541 Troutdale, (C2)-.. 309 Tualitin, (C2) 120 Turner, (B3) 191 Tygh Valley, Ukiah, (G2) 110 Umatilla, (F2).--. 198 Union, (H2) 1,483 Vale,(H4) 396 Vemonia, (B2)-.-. 69 Waldo, (B5) 100 Wallowa. (H2) 793 Wamic,(D2) 100 Warren, (C2) 100 Warrendale, (D2)-_ 150 Warrenton, (Al).. 339 Wasco, (E2) 386 Waterloo, (C3) 83 Wedderbum, (AS)- 100 Wendling, (C3) 300 WestfaU, (H4) 140 Weston, (G2) 499 Westport, (Bl) 150 West Portland, (C2) 100 West Seaside, (B2)- 149 Whiteson, (B2) 100 Whitney, (G3) 55 WUbur, (B4) 150 Wüderville, (BS).. 100 Willamette. (C2).-. 317 Willamina, (B2)-„ 376 Woodbum, (C2)-. 1,616 Woods, (A2) 100 Woodville, (B5).-- 110 Yamhill, (B2) 325 Yankton, ÍC2) 130 Yaquina, (A3) - 300 YoDcaUa. (B4).... 233 164 (PENNSYLVANIA) INDEX OF THE UNITED STATES PENNSYLVANIA Aaronsburg, (G^.. • 300 Abbottstown, (HIO). 400 Abington, (L9) 400 AbrabamsvUle, (L2). 100 Abrams, (L9) 150 Academia, (G7).... 240 Academy Corners, (G2) 150 Ackermanville,(L6) ^ 350 Acosta, (C9) 200 Adah, (BIO) 500 Adarasburg, (B8)... 300 Adamstown, (J9). .. 675 Adarnsville, (A3).... 200 Addiagham, (LIO).. 100 Addison, (CI 1) 230 Adelaide, (B9) 500 Admire, (HIO) 150 Adrian, (B6)..* 100 Airville, (JIO) 100 Airydale, (F8) 100 Aitch, (E8) 200 Akron, (J9) 719 Alba, (H3) 150 Albion, (A2) 1,534 Alburtis, (K7) 900 Aldan, (LIO) 661 Aiden Station, (K5). 200 Aldenville, (L3) 130 Alderson, (J4), 400 Aleppo, (AlO) 100 Alexandria, (E7).... 432 Aliquippa, (A7)... .1,743 Allemans, (E7) 100 Allen, (G9) 350 Allenport, (B9) 1,500 Aliens Mills, (D5)... 200 AllensviUe, (F7) 290 Alientown, (K.7)... 51,913 Allenwood, (H5).... 300 Allison Park, (B7)... 350 Allport, (E6) 400 Almedia, (J 5) 200 Altoona, (E7) 52,127 Alum Bank, (D9).. . 320 Alverton, (B9) 600 Ambersons Valley, (F9) 450 Ambler, (L9) 2,649 Ambridge, (A7). ...5,205 Amity, (A9) 250 Amsbry, (DÔ ^60 Andalusia, (M9).... 300 Anita, (C5) 3,000 Annville, (H8) 3,000 Ansonville, (D6).... 450 Antes Fort, (G5).... 300 Antrim, (G3) 1,500 Apollo, (B7) 3.006 Applewold, (B6)... - 300 Aquashicola, (lC6)... 300 Aram, (GIO) 250 Ararat, (K.2) 500 Arcadia, (D6) 1,400 Archbald, (L4) 7,194 Ardara, (B8) 400 Arden, (A9) 400 Ardmore, (LID) 3,800 Arendtsville, (GIO).. 383 Argentine, (B5) 500 Ariel, (¿^) 400 Aristes, (J 6) 400 Armagh, (C8) 82 Armbrust, (B9) 350 Arnold, (B7) 1,818 Arnot, (G3) 3,500 Arona, (B8) 683 Arrow, (D9) 300 Arroyo, (D4) 200 Artz, (H7) 300 Ashbourne, (L9).... 650 Asherton, (H6) 200 Ashfteld, (K6) 100 Ashland, (J6) 6,855 Ashley, (h.5) 5,601 Ashtola. (D9) 100 Ashville, (D7) 384 Askam. (K.5) 600 Aspinwail, (B7). ...2,592 Aston Mills, (LIO).. 400 Ateo, (L3) 100 Atglen, (KIO) 546 Athens, (H2) 3,796 Athol, (K8) 230 Atkinsons Müls, (F8) 120 Atlantic, (A3) 200 Atlas, (T6) 1,000 Atwood, (C6) 191 Auburn, (T7) 921 Audenried, (J6).... 5,000 Audubon, (L9) 100 Aughwick Mills, (F8) 500 Austin, (E3) 2,941 Austinburg, (Fl)... . 100 Austinville, (H2).... 130 Avaloh, (A7) 4,317 Avella, (A8) 500 Avis, (G5) 796 Avoca, (K4) 4,634 Avon, (J8).... 400 Avondale, (KIO) 668 Avonia, (AO 200 Avonmore, (C7).... 1,262 Avoy, (L4) 150 Axemann, (F6) 200 BachmanvUle, (H9). 260 Baden. (A7) 601 Baggaley, (C9) 1,000 Bainbridge, (H9).... 800 Baird, (B9) 300 Bakers Summit, (E8) 200 Bakerstown, (B7)... 300 Bakersville, (C9).... 100 Bala, (LIO) 200 Bald Eagle, (E7).... 300 Baldmount, (K4)... 170 Balls Mills, (G4).... 120 Bally, (K8) 300 Baiser, (B7) 100 Bangor, (L6) 5,369 Banksville, (A8)... .1,300 Banning, (B9) 200 Barbara, (E8) 200 Barclay, (H3) 500 Bard well, (K3) 200 Bareville, (J9) 220 Barker, (LIO) 100 Barkeyville, (B5)... 150 Barnes, (D3) 350 Barnesboro, (D7)...3,53S Barneston, (K9).... 120 Barnesville, (K6).... 200 Barree, (E7) 240 Barry, (J7) 100 Bart, (JIO) 220 Bartonsville, (L5).... 250 Bartville, (JIO) 210 Bastress, (G5) 150 Bath, (L7) 1,057 Baumstown, (K8)... 170 Beachhave.i, 0^)- • ♦ 400 Beachlake, (L3) 250 Beachly, (CIO) 200 Beadling, (A8) 700 Beallsville, (B9) 407 Beargap, (H6) 120 Bear Lake, (C2) 221 Beartown, (K9) 170 Beaumont, (K4).... 190 Beaver, (A7) 3,456 Beaver Center, (A2) 150 Beaverdale, (D8).. .1,200 Beaver F ills, (A6)12,191 Beaver Meadows, (KÓ) 1,530 Beaver Springs, (G7) 450 Beavertown, ((>7)... 800 Beavervalley, (J6)... 500 Bechtelsville, (K,8).. 417 Beckersville, (K9)... 250 Becks MUls,(A9)... 100 Bedford, (D9) 2,235 Bedminster, (L.8).... 100 Beechcliff, (A8) 300 Beech Creek. (FS).... 584 Beechtree, (D5) 600 Beechview, (A8).... 1,500 Belfast, (L6) 300 Bellaire, (H9) 100 Bellasylva, (J4) 100 Bellefonte, (F6)... .4,145 Bellegrove, (H8).... 150 Belle Vernon, (B9).2,372 Belleville, (F7) 400 Bellevue, (A7) 6,323 Bellrun, (E2) 150 Bells Landing, (D6). 200 Bellwood, (E7) 2,277 Belsano. (D7) 200 Belsana Mills, (£6).. 200 Ben Avon, (A7).... 1,828 Bendersville, (GIO)... 355 Benezett, (E4) 400 Bennett, (B7) 8,000 Bennington Furnace, (D7) 200 Benore, (F6) 200 Bensalem, (M9).... 100 Benson, (D9) 387 Bentley Creek, (H2). 150 Bentleyville, (B9).. 1,922 Benton, (J5) 719 Beringer, (D7) 150 Berkley, (CIO) 100 Berks, (J7) 200 Berlin, (DlO) 1,336 Beriinsville, (K6)... 500 Bermudian, (G9).... 110 Berne, (J7) 100 Bernharts, (K.8) 110 Bernice, (J4) 600 Bernville, 0®) ^^8 Berrysburg, (H7)... 377 Berwick, (GIO) 332 Berwick, (J5) 5,357 Berwinsdale, (D6)... 150 Berwyn, (L9) 1,000 Bessemer, (A6) 500 Best, (K7) 150 Bethany, (L3) 130 Bethayres, (L9) 350 Bethel, (J8) 700 Bethel, (A5) 160 Bethesda, (JIO) 150 Bethlehem, (L7)..12,837 Biglerville, (GIO)... 386 Bigpond, (H2) 100 Big Run, (D5) 1,032 Big Shanty, (D2)... 220 Bigspring, (G9) 150 Bingen, (L?) 250 Binkley,(J9) 250 Birchardville, (K2). 100 Birchrunville, (K9). 130 Bird in Hand, (J9).. 250 Birdsboro, (K9),.. .2,930 Birdville, (B7) 200 Birmingham, (E7)... 196 Bishop, (A8) 500 Bismarck, (J8) 700 Bittersville, (HIO)... 100 Bitumen, (F4) 400 Blackash, (B3) 180 Blackhorse, (KIO)... 330 Black Lick, (C8)... 1,500 Blacklog, (F8) 200 Blackwalnut, (J3)... 100 Blain, (F8) 326 Blain City, (D6)... 540 Blainsport, (J8) 180 Blairs Mills, (F9)— 100 Blair Station, (A8).. 400 Blairsville, (C8)... .3,572 Blairsville Intersection, (C8) 400 Blakely, (K4) 5,345 Blakeslee, (K5) 200 Blanchard, (FS) 550 Blandburg, (E7).... 1,800 Blandón, (K8) 600 Bloomfield, (G8).... 762 Bloomingdale, (J 5).. 200 Blooming Glen, (L8) 300 Blooming Grove,(L4) 200 Blooming Valley,(A3)150 Bloomsburg, (H5)..7,413 Bloserville, (CjÇ).... 130 Bioosburg, (G3)... .2,303 Blue Ball, (J9) 200 Bluebell, (L9) 150 Blythedale, (B9).... 800 Boalsburg, (F6) 300 Bodines, (H4) 200 Boiling Springs, (G9) 500 Bolivar, (C8) 518 Bonneauville, (GlO). 200 Bonnybrook, (G9)... 100 Bonneville, (G5) 140 Booth Comer, (K.10) 140 Boquet, (B8) 130 Boston, (B8) 800 Boswell, (D9) 1,878 Bourne, (H2) 100 BowerHU1,(A8).... 300 Bowers, (K,8) 200 Bowersville, (D6)... 180 Bowmansdale, (H9). 240 Bowmanstown, (K6) 400 Bowmamiville, (J9).. 250 Boyce Station, (A8). 100 Boyers, (B5) 200 Boyertown, (KB). ..2,433 Bracken, (D8) 400 Brackenridge, (B7). 3,134 Braddock, (B8)... 19,357 Bradenville, (C8).. .1,000 Bradford, (D2).... 14,544 Bradys Bend, (B5).. 500 Braeburn, (B7) 200 Braman, (L2) 100 Branch Dale, 07)... 750 Brandonville, 06).. 200 Brandt, (L2) 400 Brand y wine Manor, (K9) 100 Brandywine Summit, (KIO) 200 Braznell, (B9) 200 Breadysville, (L9).., 100 Breinigsville, (K7).. 200 Breslau, (K5) 200 Brickerville, (J9).... 200 Bridgeport, (BIO). .3,400 Bridgeport, (L9)...3,860 Bridgeton, (JIO) 500 Bridge Valley, (L8).. 160 Bridgeville, (A8)...1,983 Bridgewater, (A7). .1,562 Brinton, (B8) 400 Brisbin, (E6) 459 Bristol, (M9) 9,256 Bristoria, (AlO) 150 Broadaxe, (L9) 160 Broad Ford, (B9)... 500 Broad Mountain, (J 7) 800 Broadtop, (E9) 478 Brockport, (D4)..., 400 Brockton, (J7) 300 Brockwayviile, (D4)l,898 BrcKlbecks, (HlO)... 100 Brodheadsville, (L6) 650 Brookfield, (F2) 100 Brook Haven, (LlO). 100 Brookland, (F2) 120 Brookline, (A8) 180 Brooklyn, (K.2) 300 Brookston, (C3).... 500 Brookville, (C5)... .3 003 Broomall, (LlO) 140 Broughton, (A8)....2,000 Brownfield, (BIO).. 1,500 Brownsdale, (B6)... 100 Brownstown, (D8).. 1,300 Brownstown, (J9).. 600 Brow.isville, (1^8)... 200 Brownsville, (B9)..2,324 Bruceton, (A8) 500 Bruin. (B5j 539 Brumbaugh, (E9)... 100 Brumfieldville, (K8) 320 Bmnnerville, (J9)... 500 Brush Creek, (A6).. 110 Brush Valley, (C7).. 250 Bryansville, (Jll) .. 120 Bryn Athyn, (L9).. 130 Bryn Mawr, (L9)..3,100 Buckglen, (J6) 200 Buckharn, (H5) 170 Buckingham, (L8).. 180 Buck Mtn, ÍJ6).... 300 Bucknell. (H6) 100 Bu Ma Vista, (B8).. 500 Bufifilo Mills, (DIO) 200 Buff do Roads, (G6) 200 i uff ilorun, (E6).... 120 Bulger. (A8) 1,200 Bullis Mills. (E2)... 120 Bumpville, (J2).... 150 Bu.ikerhül. (J8) 150 Bunola, (B9) 300 Burdine, (A8) 300 Burgettstown, (A8).l,268 Burlington, (H2).... 142 Burnham, (F7) 700 Burnside, (D6) 493 Burnt Cabins, (F9). 120 Burnwood, (K2).... 120 Burrows, (D3) 180 Bursonville, (L7).... 170 Bushkill, (L5) 130 Butler, (B6) 20,728 Buttonwood, (G3)... 200 Butztown, (L7) 200 Byrnedale, (D4).... 600 Cabot, (B6) 200 Cains, (K9) 150 Caledonia, (E4) 260 California, (L8) 120 California, (B9)... .2,230 Callensburg, (B 5)... 198 Callery, (A7) 235 Calumet, (B9) 500 Camargo, (JIG) 180 Cambra, (J5) 100 Cambridge, (K9).... 130 Cambridge Springs, (A2) 1,514 Lamden, (B8) 300' Cameron, (E4) 300 Cammal, (G4) 700 Campbelitown, (H8) 280 Camp Hill, (AS) 150 Camphill, (H9) 875 Camptown, (J3).... 230 Canadensis, (L5).... 250 Candor, (A8) 200 Cannelton, (A6).... 300 Canoe Camp, (G2).. 140 Canoe Run, (E4).... 300 Canonsburg, (A8)...3,891 Canton, (H3) 1,637 Carbon, (B8) 600 Carbondale, (K3). 17,040 Cardiff Mines, (D4). 300 Cardington, (LlO).. 400 Carlisle, (G9) 10,303 Carmichaels, (AlO).. 478 Carnegie, (.A8).... 10,009 Carnot, (A7) 200 Cart, (B6) 200 Carrick, (B8) 6,117 Carroll, (G5) 100 Carrolltown, (D7).. 1,348 Cartwright, (D4)... 1,000 Carversville, (L8)... 170 Carverton, (K4).... 200 Cashtown, (GlO).... 170 Cassandra, (D8).... 306 Casselman, (ClO).. , 166 Cassville, (E8) 165 Castle Fin, (JIO).... 100 Castle Shannon, (AS) 2,600 Cataract, (E5) 100 Catasauqua, (L7)....5,250 Catawissa, (H6).... 1,930 Catfish, (B5) 200 Cato, (F5) 300 Cecil, (A8) 1,500 Cedarlane, (K9).... 100 Cedarrun, (G3) 100 Cedarville, (K9).... 240 Celia, (A6) 200 Cementon, (K7)... .2,000 Centerbridge, (M8).. 160 Centerhall, (F6)..., 500 CenterMoreland,(K4) 110 Centerport, (J8).... Ill Centerroad Station, (A3)..: 130 Center Square, (L9). 300 Center Valley, (L7) .500 Centerville, (B3).... 264 (ienterville, (B9).... 1,413 Central, (J4) 100 Centralia, (J6) 2,429 Cetronia, (L7) 200 Chadds Ford, (KIO) 300 Chalfont, (U) 303 Challenge, (D4).... . 100 Chambersburg, (FIG) 11,800 ChambersvUle, (C7). 600 Chandlers Valley, (C2) 200 Chaneysville, (ElO). 200 Chapel, (KB) 100 Chapman, (L7) 253 Chapman, (H7) 320 Chapman Quarries, (L7) 350 Chapmans Run, (ElO) 100 Charleroi, (B9) 9,615 Charleston, (A5).... 190 Chatham, (KlO).... 190 Chauncy, (K.5) 400 Cheat Haven, (Bll). 200 Chelsea, (LlO) 100 Cheltenham, (L9)... 400 Cherry Flats, (G3).. 130 Cherry Hill, (A2)... 150 Cherry Hill, (L7).... 100 Cherry Mills, (H3)... 140 (Sherry Tree, (D7)... 439 Cherrytree, (B3).... 100 Cherry Valley, (B5). 113 Cherry Valley, (A8) 1,400 Cherryviile, (K6)... 300 Chester, (LlO) 38,537 Chester Heights, (LIO) 130 Chester Hill, (E6)... 648 Chester Springs,(K9) 180 Chester Valley, (L9) 160 Chest Springs, (D7). 174 Cheswick, (B7) 317 C^hewton, (A6) 300 Cheyney, (KlO) 230 Chickies, (J9) 250 Chicora, (B6) 1,700 Childs, (K3) 100 Chilllsquaque, (H6). 160 Chinchilla, (K4).... 320 Choconut, (J2) 250 Christiana, (JIO)--• • 034 Churchtown, (K9).. 300 Churchville, (L9)... 260 Circleville, (B8) 100 Clair, (E8) 100 Clairton, (38) 3,326 Clarence, (F5) 100 Clarendon, (C2).... 933 Claridge, (B8) 2,200 Clarington, (C4).... 500 Clarion, (C5) 2,612 Clark. (A4) 300 Clarksburg, (C7).... 200 Clarks Green, (K4).. 210 Ciarks Summit, (K4) 500 Clarksville, (AlO)... 208 ciarksville, (A4).... 216 Claussville, (K7).... 400 Clay, (J9) 110 Claysburg, (D8).... 200 Claysville, (A9)... .1,045 Clayton, (K8) 320 Claytonia, (AS) 250 Clearfield, (E5) 6,851 ClearvUle, (ElO)... • 150 Curtin, (H7) 100 (Clermont, (E3) 300 Cleversburg, (G9)... 130 Clifford, (K3) 200 Clifton, (A8) 300 Clifton Heights, (LIO) 3,155 Climax, (C5) 150 Clinton, (A7) 300 Clinton, (L3) 250 Clintondale, (G5)... 220 Clintonville, (BS)... 335 Cloe, (D6) 200 Clovercreek, (E8)... 110 Clymer, (C7) 1,753 Coal Bluff, (A9) 500 Coal Castle, (J7)... 200 Coal Center, (B9)... 816 Coaldale, (E9) 311 Coaldale, (K6) 5,154 Coal Glen, (DS) 300 CoalhUl, (B4) 100 Coalmont, (E9) 228 Coalport, (D7) 876 Coalridge, (K4) 200 Coalrun, (ClO) 250 Coaltown, (B5) ISO Coal Valley, (B8)... 250 Coatesville, (K10).ll,084 Coburn, (G6) 200 Cocalico, (J8) 150 Cochranton, (A3)... 695 Cochranviile, (KlO). 250 Cocolamus, (G7).... 100 Codorus, (HIO) 420 Coffeetown, (L7).... 500 Cogan House, (04).. 400 Cogan Station, (G4). 200 Cohn, (G6) 200 Cokeburg, (A9) 1,302 Cokeville, (C8) 409 Colebrook, (19) 140 Colegrove, (É3) 100 Colesburg, (F2) 200 Coleville, (D2) 100 Collamer, (KlO).... 150 College Hill, (A6)... 1,787 CoUegeville, (L9).... 621 Collingdale, (LlO).. 1,361 Collins, (H9) ISO Collomsville, (G5)... 170 Colmar, (L8) 150 Coîona, (A7) 1,000 Columbia. (J9).. 11,454 Columbia Cross Roads. (H2) 200 Columbus. (B2).... 346 Colwyn, (LIO) 1,584 Concord, (F9) 170 Concordviile, (KlO). 400 Conemaugh, (D8). .3,500 Conestoga, (J 10).... 600 Conlluence, (CIO)... 890 Conifer, (C5) 300 ConneautLake, (A3) 725 Conneautville, (A2). 867 Connellsville, (B9) 12,845 Conoquenessing, (A6) 400 Conrad, (F3) 360 Conshohocken, (L9)7,480 Conway, (A7) 1,483 Conyngham, (J6).... 406 Cookport, (D7) ISO Cooksburg, ((34)... . 150 Coolbaughs, (L5)... 100 Coolspring, (C5).... ISO Coopersburg, (L7).., 683 Cooperstown, (B3).. 181 Coplay, (L7) 2,670 Coral, (C7) 700 Coraopolis, C^7)....5,252 Cordelia, (J9) 150 Complanter, (D2).... 200 Cornwall, (J8) 300 Corry, (B2) 5,991 Corsica, (C5) 301 Cortez, (L4) 200 Corydon, (D2) 500 Cory ville, (E3) 300 Costello, (E3) 900 Coudersport, (F2). .3,100 Coulters, (B8) 600 Coupon, (D7) 500 Courtdale, (K4) 548 Courtney, (A9) 600 Cove Forge, (E8)... 100 Coventryville, (K.9), 100 Covington, (G3).... 340 Covode. (C6) 200 Cowan, (H6) 110 Cowanesque, (G2).». 330 Cowanshannoc, (C6) 200 Cowansville, (B6)... 200 Crabtree, (C8) 200 Crafton, (AS) 4,583 Craigsville, (B6).... 280 Craley, (HIO) 150 Cramer, (C8) 160 Cranberry, (B4).... 200 Cranesville, (A2).... 200 Creamery, (L9) 150 Creekside, (C7) 563 Crcighton, (B7) 600 Crenshaw, (D5) 400 Cresco, (L5) 200 Cressman, (L8) 300 Cresson, (D8) 1,470 Cressona, (J7) 1,837 Creswell, (JIO) 120 Crooked Creek, (G2) 150 Crosby, (E3) 100 Cross Creek, ( A8)... 150 Cross Fork, (F4).... 800 Crosskill Mills. (J8). 100 Cross Roads, (L7)... 100 Crossroads, (HIO)... 158 Crothers, (A9) 100 Crumlynne, (LIO)... 600 Cumberland Valley, (DIO) 130 Cumbola, 07) 730 Curllsville, ((35) 98 Curry Run, (D6).... 200 Curwensvilie, (D5)... 2,549 Custards, (A3) 100 Custer City, (D2)... 200 Cymbria Mines, (D7) 300 Cynwyd, (L9) 150 Daguscahonda, (D4) 200 Dagus Mines, (D4). 800 Dahoga, (D3) 200 Daisytown, (1)8).... 382 Daisytown, (B9).... 500 Dale, (K8) 1,000 Dale, (D8) 2,285 DalevÜle, (Lf4) 250 Dallas, (K4) 576 Dallastown, (HIO).. 1,884 Dalmatia, (H7) 350 Dalton, (K3) 767 Damascus, (L3) 140 Danboro, (L8) 150 Danielsville, (K6).. 1,000 Danville, (H6) 7,517 Darby, (LlO) 6,305 Darlington, (A6).... 311 Darragh, (B8) 1,500 Dauberville, (J8) 100 Dauphin, (H8) 545 Davidsburg, (HIO).. 130 Davisville, (L9) 100 Dawson, (B9) 848 Dayton, (C6) 809 Dean, (D7) 380 DeanvÜle, (C6) 100 Deckers Point, (C6). 100 Deegan, (B5) 400 Deemston, (A9) 477 Deep Valley, (AlO).. 130 Defiance, (E9) 330 Delabole, (L6) 130 De Lancey, (D6).... 200 Delano, (J6) 100 Delaware Water (jap, (L6) 446 Delmont, (B8) 500 Delta, (Jll) 881 Dempseytown, (B3). 150 Demuncú Corners, (K4) 100 Dents Run, (E4).... 400 Denver, (J9) 1,000 Deodate, (H9) 200 Derrick City, (D2).. 200 Derry, (C8) 2,954 Derry Church, (H8) 250 Desire, (D5) 500 Devon, (L9) 300 Dewart, (H5) 250 DeYoung, (D3) 300 Dick, (B8) 100 Dickerson Run, (B9) SCO Dickinson, (G9) 800 Dickson City. (K4). 9,331 Dillsburg, (H9) 853 Dimock, (K3) 100 Dingmans Ferry, (M5) Dixmont, (A7) 1,200 Dixon, (K3) 130 DixonvUle, (C7).... 800 Doe Run, (KIO) 220 Dolington, (M9)..., 130 Donaldson, (J7)....1,100 Donegal, (C9) 147 Donora, (B9) 8,174 Dormont, (A8) 1,115 Dornsife, (H7) 110 Dorranceton, (K4).. 4,046 Dorseyville, (B7).... 500 Douglassville, (K8).. 130 Dover, (H9) 576 Downieville, (B7)... 200 Downingtown, (K9) 3.326 Doylesburg, (F9).... 100 Doylestown, (L8)....3,304 Draketown, (CIO).... 120 Draper, (G3) 140 Dravosburg, (B8)... 1,895 Drehersville, (K7)... 420 Dresher, (L9) 300 Drifton, (K5) 2,500 Driftwood, (E4).... 517 Drinker, (L4) 100 Drummond, (1)4)... 150 Drums, (J5) 900 Dry Run, (F9) 170 Dublin, (L8) 360 Dubois, (D5) 12,623 Duboistown, (G5).. 682 Dudley, (E9) 440 Duke Center, (E2).. 600 Dunbar, (BIO) 1,970 Duncannon, (G8)....1,474 Duncansville, (E8)..l,263 Dundaff, (K3) 150 Dunkard, (All) 200 Dunlevy, (B9) 300 Dunlo, (D8) 2,500 Dunmore, (K4).. .17,615 Dupont, (K4) 500 Duquesne, (B8).. .15,727 Durham, (L7) 200 Durlach. (J9) 150 Duryea, (K4) 7,487 Dushore, (J3) 813 Dutch Hill, (B5).... 250 Dysart, (D7) 200 Eagles Mere, (H4).. 184 Eagieville, (L9) 160 Earlston, (E9) 500 Earlville, (K8) 300 E. Altoona, (E7)... 1,200 E. Bangor, (L6)... .1,186 E. Bellevue, (A8)... 250 E. Benton, (K.3).... 200 E. Berlin, (HIO).... 672 E. Brady. (B6> 1,493 E. Branch, (B2) 100 E. Broadtop, (E9)... 100 Eastbrook, (A5).... 200 E. Buffer, (B6) SCO E. Canton, (H3).... 130 E. (Charleston, (G2). 150 E. Conemaugh,(D8)S,046 E.Coventry, (K9).. 300 E. Downingtown, (K9) 2,000 E. Earl, (J9) 150 E. Freedom, (D8)... 330 E. Greensburg, (B8)l,500 E. Greenville, (L8)..1,235 E. Hanover, (H8)... 330 E. Hickory, (C3).... 350 Eastlemon, (K3).... 100 E. McKeesport, (B8) 2,118 £. Maucb Chunk, (K6) 3,548 E. Nantmeal, (K9).. 200 E. Newcastle, (A6).. 200 Easton, (L7) 28,523 E. Petersburg, (J9).. 600 E. Pittsburg, (B8)...5,61S E. Prospect, (HIO)...316 E. Riverside, (BIO).. 100 E. Rochester, (A7).. 718 East Side, (K5) 220 E. Smethport, (E2).. 250 E. Smithfield, (H2).. 300 E.Springfield, (A2).. 348 E. Strouasburg,(L5)3,330 E.Texas, (K7) 300 E.Titusville, (B3)... 200 E.Troy, (H3) 210 Eastvale, (A6) 322 E. VandergriH, (B7)l,852 East Washington, (A9) 1,300 E. Waterford, (F8).. 160 E. Waynesburg, (AlO) 906 Eatonville, (J3) 170 Eau Claire, (B5).,.. 347 Ebensburg, (D8)... 1.978 Eberlys Mill, (H9)... 110 Ebervale, (K5) 710 Eckley, (K6) 500 Economy, (A7) 500 Eddington, (M9).... 200 Eddystone, (LlO)....1,167 Eddyville, (C6) 130 Edella, (K3) 150 HMelman, (L6) 100 Eden, (M9) 500 Edenbom, (BIO).... 150 Edenburg, (B4) 616 Edgegrove, (Gil)... 150 Edgehill, (L9)) 650 Edgemont, (LIO).... 160 Edgewood, (B8)... .2,596 Edgeworth, (A7). ..1,229 Edinboro, (A2) 666 Edinburg. (A5) 440 Edri. (C7) 500 Edwardsvillc, (K4).8,407 Effort, (L6) 110 Egypt. (K7) 1,000 Enrenfeld, (D8) 400 Elam, (KIO) 130 Elbinsville, (Ell)... 320 Elbon, (D4) 300 Elco, (B9) 944 Eldersville, (A8),.., 130 Elderton, (C7) 285 El Dorado, (E8).... 300 Eldred, (E2) 1,235 Eldredsville, (H3 )... 100 Eleanor, (D5) 500 Elgin, (B2) 148 Elimsport, (G5) 400 Elizabeth, (B8) 2,311 Elizabethtown,(H9)2,S87 Elizabethville, (H7)l,039 Elk City, (B4) 100 Elk Grove, (J4) 100 Elkhom, (B9) 200 Elk Lake, (J3) 200 Elkland, (Gl) 1,175 Elk Lick, (CIl) 1,200 Ellenton, (H3) 100 Elliott. (A8) 4,200 Eliiottsburg, (G8)... 140 Elliotts Mills, (A5).. 650 Elliottson, (G9) 110 Ellisburg, (F2) 130 Ellsworth, (B9)....2,084 Ellwood City, (A6). 3,902 Elm, (H9) 100 Elmer, (F2) 200 EÍmhurst, (K4) 379 Elmora, (D7) 1,000 Elrama, (B9) 200 Elrov, (L8) 250 Elton, (D8) 250 EÍverson, (K9) 350 Elwyn, (LlO) 150 EÍysburg, (H6) 200 Emaus, (L7) 3,501 Embreeville, (KIO).. 130 Emeigh, (D7) 400 Emerald, (K7) 200 Emerickville, (CS).. 180 Emigsville, (H9).... 200 Emlentcn, (B5). ...1,110 Emporium, (E3)....2,916 Emsworth, (A7).... 1,510 Endeavor, (C3) 400 Enders, (H8) 100 EnglesviUe, (K8).... 100 English Center, (G4) 600 Enhaut, (H9) 450 Enon Valley, (A6),.. 354 Enterline, (H8) 120 Enterprise, (B3).... 600 Entriken, (E8) 180 Ephrata, (J9) 3,192 Epton, (B8) 300 £:|uinunk, (L2) 400 Erdon, (E7) 900 Erie, (Al) 66,525 Eriton, (D5) 150 Ernest, (C7) 1,000 Erwinna, (L7) 140 Eshbach, (K8) 200 Eshcol, (G8) 100 Eshbach, (KB) 200 Eshcol, (G8) 100 Espy, (J5) 690 Essington, (LlO).... 100 Etna, (B7) 5,830 Etters, (H9) 390 Euclid, (B5) 200 Eureka, (L9) 130 Evansburg, (A6) 1,339 Evans City, (A6)... 1,600 Everett, (E9) 1,725 Evergreen, (J3) 150 Eversen, (B9) 1,759 Ewingviile, (A8).... 350 Excelsior, (H7) 1,650 Exchange, (H5) 250 Exeter, ÍK.4) 3,537 Exeter Borough, (K4) 2.000 Expedit, (D7) 1,500 Export, (B8) 3,000 Eyers Grove, (H5).. 100 Eynon, (K3) 350 Factoryville, (K3)... 759 Fairbank, (BIO).... 400 Fairchance, (BIO). .1,760 Faírdale, (K2) 400 Fairfield, (GIO) 373 Fairfield Center,(H4) 110 Fairhaven, (A8) 800 Fairhope, (DlO).... 250 Fairland, (J9) 110 Fairmount, (jlO).... 100 FairmountCity,((i:5) 700 Fairoaks, (A7) 225 Fairview, (BS) 167 Fairview, (Al) 349 Fairville, (KlO) 100 Fallbrook, (G3) 172 Fallentimber, (D7).. 200 Falling Springs, (GS) 870 Falls, (K4) 110 Falls Creek, (D5)... 1,204 Fallsington, (M9)... 300 Fallston, (A7) 555 Falmouth, (H9) 210 Fannettsburg, (F^. .320 Farmers Valley, (D2) 100 Farmersville, (J9)... 370 Farrandsville, (F5),, 350 Fawngrove, (Jll)... 240 Fayette City, (B9)..2,005 Fayetteville, (FlO)... 600 Feasterville, (L9)... 200 Federal, (A8) 1,000 Feiton, (HlO) 241 Ferndale, (L7) 230 Ferndale, (D8) 514 Fernwood, (LlO).... 800 Ferris, (B5) 200 Fertigs, (B4) 100 Fields Station, (G4). 200 Filer, (A4) 200 Finleyviile, (AS).... 644 Fisher, (C4) 200 Fishers Ferry, (H6). 200 Fishertown, (D9).... 150 Fishervüle, (H7).... 160 Fishing Creek, (TS).. 220 Fitzwatertown, (L9) 320 Fiveforks, (FlO),. 100 Five-MUe House, (K8) 100 Fivepoints, (A5)..., 200 Fiatwoods, (B9).... 130 Fleetville, (K3) 250 Fleetwood, (K8).,.. 1,394 Fleming, (F6) 360 Flemington, (F5).. .1,022 Flicksville, (L6) 100 Floreffe, (B8) 500 Florence, (A8) 330 Florenza, (D5) 500 Florin, (H9) 800 Flourtown, CL9).... 500 Floyd, (B4) 230 Fogelsville, (K7).,.. 400 Folcroft, (LlO) 150 Folsom, (LlO) 100 Fontana, (J8) 200 Footdale, (BIO) 800 Forbes Road, (C8).. 400 Force, (D4) 350 Ford City, (B6)... .4,850 Forest City, (L3).. .5,749 Forest Grove, (I^).. 130 Forest Lake, (K2)... 250 Forestville, (B5).,.. 100 Forkston, (J3) 260 Forks ville, (H4) 109 Fort Hunter, (H8).. 630 Fort Littleton, (F9). 110 Fort Loudon, (FIO). 330 Fortney, (H9) 130 Fort Washington, (L9) 600 Fortyfort, (K4) 2,353 FountainDaIe,(Gll) 250 Fountain Hill, (L7).1,388 Fountain Springs, (J7) 40O Foxburg. (BS) 750 Frackville, G6) 3,118 Frank, (B8) 500 Frankfort Springs, (AS) 144 Franklin, (D8) 2,102 Franklin, (B4) 9,767 Franklin Corners, (A2) 200 Franklin Forks,(K2) 100 Franklintown, (G9). 216 Tranklinville, (E7).. 120 Frankstown, (E8)... 200 Frazer, (K9) 100 Fredeil, (BS) Frederick, (KS) 310 INDEX OF THE UNITED STATES (PENNSYLVANIA) 165 Fredericksburg, (J8) 770 Fredericktown, (Â9)l,000 Fredonia, (A4) 443 Freeburg, (H7) 680 Freed, (C9) 300 Freedom, (A7) 3,060 Freehold, (C2) 110 Freelaud, {K.5) 6,197 Freeman, (K8) 100 Freemansburg, (L7). 867 Freeport, (B7) 2,24J Frenchviile, (E5)— 220 Fricks, (L8) 100 Friedens, (C9) 300 Friedensburg, (J7).. 600 Friendsville, (J2) 103 Frisco, (A6) 100 Fritztown, (J9) 100 Frostburg, (C6) 400 Fryburg, (C4) 300 Fuller, (C5) 100 Fullerton, (L7) 750 Fulton House, (J 10). 150 Furniss, CJIO) 130 Gaines, (F3) 1,000 Galeton, (F3) 4,027 Gallatin, (Ü9) 300 Gallitzin, (Ü8) 3,504 Ganister, (ES) 100 Gans, (BU) 200 Gap, (J 10) 800 Gardeau, (E3) 100 Gardenville, (L8)... 200 Garheld, (J8) 150 Garland, (C2) 300 Garmans Mills, (D7) ISO Garrett, (CIO) 848 Garrcttford, (LIO).. 220 Garwood, (B9'^ 100 Gastonville, (AS).... 650 Gastown, (C7) 150 Gatchellville, (Hll). 160 Gates, (BIO) 400 Gatesburg, (E7). 100 Gayly, (A8) 100 Gaysport, (E8) 917 Gazzam, (L>6) 250 Geigertown, (K.9)... 330 (îeistown, (D3) 100 (îelatt, (K.2) 300 Genesee, (F2) 350 (Geneva, (A3) 236 Georgetown, (A7)... 269 Germania, (F3) 300 Germaosville, (K.7).. 130 Gettysburg, (G10).. 4,030 Gibraltar, (K.8) 400 Gibson. (K2) 250 Gibsonia, (.\7) 130 Gibsonton, (B9) 300 Gübert, (L6) 130 Gilberton, (J6) 5,401 GUbertsville. (K8)... 500 Gillespie, (B9) 1,000 Gillett, (H2) 200 Ginter, (E6) 100 Gipsy, (D6) 300 Girard, (Al) 1,165 (Girard Manor, (J6).. 200 Girardville, (J6)... .4,396 Girdland, (L3) 140 Gladden, (A8) 300 Gladdens, (D to).... 410 Glade, (CIO) 130 Glade Mills, (B7)... 300 Gladerun, (C2) 600 Gladwyne, (L9) 1,000 Glasgow, (A7) 203 (Glasgow, (E7) 200 (jlassmere, (B7).... 1,200 (^lassport, (B8) 5,540 Gleasonton, (F4).... 400 Glenburn, (K3) 319 Glen Campbell,(D6) 1,099 Glen Carfcion, (J7)... 100 Glendale, (A7) 500 Glendon, (L7) 823 Glen&eld, (A7) 984 Cjlenhazel, (D3) 500 Glenhope, (D6) 237 Gleniron, (G6) 100 Gleiüoch, (K9) 160 Glenlyon, (J5) 3,500 Glen Mills, (LIO)... 350 Glenmoore,(K9) 180 Glen Olden, (LlO).. 1,157 Glen Richey, (D6).. 710 Glen Riddle, (LlO).. .330 Glen Rock, (HIO) ...1,263 Glenroy, (JIO) 110 Glenshaw, (B7) 100 Glenside, (L9) 1,500 Glenunion, (F5) 150 GlenvUle, (Hll).... 130 Glenwhite, (D7).... 200 Glenwillard, (A7) 400 Glenwood, (K3) 100 Globe .MUls, (G6)... 350 (jodard, (Al) 100 Goldsboro, (H9)..., 434 (Joodville, CK9) 200 Gordon, (j?) 1,185 Gordonvifie, (J9) 400 Goshen, (JIO) 120 Goshenville, (KlO).. 120 Goughlersville, (J9) 100 Gouldsboro, (K5)... 84 Gouldsboro, (L4).... 250 Gowen, (T6) 500 Gowen City, (H6)... 300 Gracedale, (K.5) 300 Graceton, (C7) 700 Gradyville, (LlO)... 100 Grafton, (E8) 190 Grampian, (D6) 666 Grand Tunnel, (T5).. 200 Grand Valley, (C3).. 290 Granitehill. (GIG)... 100 Grantville, (H8). 220 Granville, (F7) 200 Granville Center, (H3) 170 Grapeville, (B8).... 140 Grassflat, (E6) 1,000 Graterford, (L9) 180 Gratz, (H7) 536 Gratztown, (39).... 200 Gravity, (L4) 150 Grays Landing, (310)200 Graysville, (E7) 160 Greason, (G9) 100 Great Belt, (B6).... 100 Great Bend, (K2)... 788 Greece City, (B6)... 100 Greeley, (L4) 200 Greenbrier, (H7)— 160 Greencastle, (FIO).. 1,919 Greene, (J 10) 200 Greenfield, (Bl) 100 Greenfield, (A5) 300 Greengrove, (K3)... 180 Greenlane, (K8) 372 Greenock, (B8) 750 Greensboro, (BIO)... 442 Greensburg, (C8).. 13,012 Greenspring, (F9)... 100 Green Tree, ( A8) ...1,143 Green Village, (F9).. 210 Greenville, (A4)... .5,909 Grill. (K8) 200 Grimville, (K7) 160 Grindstone, (B9).... 500 Groffs Store, (J9)... 180 Grovania, (H6) 200 Grove City, (A5).. .3,674 Grover, (H3) 300 Ciroveton, (A7) 390 Guffey, (D3) 100 Gulf Mills, (L9) 800 Guthriesville, (K9).. 220 Guths Station, (K7). 300 Guys Mills, (B3).... 300 Gwynedd, (L9) 150 Haafsville, (K7) 100 Haas, (J7) 250 Hackett, (A9) 500 HaddenvUle, (BIO).. 100 Hadley, (A4) 300 Haffey, (B7) 120 Hagersville, (L8)... . 300 Hahntown, (J9).... 150 Hahntown, (B8).... 600 Halifax, (H8) 745 Hallam, (H9) 472 Hallstead, (K2) 1,538 Hallton, (D4) 500 Hamburg, (K7) 2,301 Hamill, (C6) 200 Hamilton, (C6) 350 Hamlin, (T8) 170 Hamlin, (L4) 200 Hammersley Fork, (F4) 160 Hammett, (Bl) 400 Hammond, (G2).... 100 Hamorton, (KlO)... 250 Hampton, (GIO).... 190 Hannastown, (B8).. 500 Hanover, (HIO) 7,057 Hanoverdale, (H8).. 120 Hanover Jc, (HlO).. 200 Harbour Creek,(Bl). 100 Harding, (K4) 150 Harford, (K2) 300 Harlansburg, (A5)... 250 Harleigh, (K5) 550 Harleysville, (L8)... 350 Harmarville, (B7)... 780 Harmonsburg, (A3). 100 Harmony, (A6) 673 HARRISBURG. (HS) 64.186 Harrison City, (B8). 250 Harrison Valley, (F2) 600 Harrisville, (B5) 352 Hartleton, (G6) 160 Hartley, (HIO) 250 Hartstown, (A3).... 135 Hartsville, (L9) 100 Harveys, (AlO) 250 Harveyville, (J5)— 280 Hastings, (D7) 2,125 Hatboro, (L9) 963 Hatchery, (K6) 100 Hatfield, (L8) 705 Hauto,(K6) 500 Haveriord, (L9) 580 Hawk Run, (E6).... 690 Hawley, (L4) 2,018 Hawthorn, (C5) 569 Haydentown, (BIO).. ISO Havnie. (B4) 200 Hays, (B8) 1,888 Hay* Mill, (DIO).... 100 Haysville, (A7) 166 Hazeldell, (A6) 1,168 Hazelhurst, (D3)... 1,000 Hazlctcn, (J6)....25,452 Hazzard, (B9) 300 Heckton Mills, (H8) 110 Hecktown, (L6) 200 Hecla, (K7) 120 Hegins, (H7) 330 Heidelberg, (A8)... 1,848 Heidlersburg, (GIO). 300 Heilmandale, (J8)... 150 Heilwood, (D7).... 1,000 Helfenstein, (J7)..., 200 Hellam, (H9) 300 Hcilertown, (L7) 915 Helvetia, (D5) 200 Henderson, (A4).... 130 Henrietta, (E9) 100 Hensel, (JIO) 100 Hepburnville, (G4).. 100 Hepler, (H7) 130 Hereford. (K8) 170 Herminie, (B8) 800 Herndon, (H7) 620 Herrick Center, (K3) 410 Herrickville, (J2).... 280 Herrville, (JIO) 200 Hershey, (H8) 350 Hetlerviile, (JS) 250 Hickernell, (A2).... 150 Hickman, (A8) 500 Hickory, (A8) 210 Hickory Corners, (H7) 100 Hicks Run. (E4).... 300 High Spire, (H9)... 1,669 Highville, (JIO) 100 Hilliards, (B5) 200 Hülsdale, (D6) 400 Hillsgrove, (H4).... 550 Hillside, (C8) 130 Hillsville, (A5) 200 Hinkletown, (J9)— 180 Hites, (B7) 300 Hobbie, (J5) 100 Hoboken, (B7) 700 Hogestown, (Cj9)— 150 Hokendauqua, (K7). 800 Hollidaysburg, (E8)3,734 Hoolinger, (J9) 150 Hollistervilie, (L4).. 300 Hollsopple, (D9).... 450 Holtz, (HIO) 200 Home, (C6) 130 Homer City, (C7)... 985 Homestead, (B8)...18,713 Honesdale, (L3) 2,945 Honeybrook, (K9).. 581 Honey Grove, (F8).. 250 Honor, {A6) 200 Hooker, (B5) 100 Hookstown, (A7).... 250 Hoopeston, (L9).... 250 Hooverhursl, (D6).. 100 Hooversvillc, (D9).. 990 Hopbottom, (K3)... 364 Hopeland, (T9) 200 Hopewell, (E9) 590 Hopewell, (KlO).... 136 Hopewell (Cotton Works, (KlO) 300 Hoppenville, (L8)... 150 Hopwood, (BIO).... 800 Horatio, (CO) 1,200 Horsham, (L9) 220 Hortons, (D6) 130 Hosensack, (L8)..., 100 Host, (J8) 120 Hostetter, (C8) 800 Houserville, (F6).... 160 Houston, (A9) 793 Houtzdale, (E6). 1,434 Howard, (F5) 667 Hoytdale, (A6) 400 Hoytville, (G3) 700 Hublersburg, (F6)... 180 Hudson, (K5) 2,000 Huefner, (C4) 100 Huey, (C5) 250 Huff, (C8) ISO Huffs Station, (B8).. 650 Hughestown, (K4)..2,024 Hughesville, (H5).. 1,650 Hughs, (Î4) 100 Hulmeville, (M9).... 468 Humbert, (CIO) 300 Hummelstown,(H9)2,128 Hunkers, (B9) 150 Hunlock Creek, (J5) 530 Hunterstown, (GIO). 190 Huntersville, (H4),. 190 Huntingdon, (F8)..6,861 Huntingdon Valley, (L9) 250 Huntington Mills, (J5) 350 Huntsdale, (0*9).... 300 Hustontown, (F9)... 140 Hutchins, (D3) 200 Hyde, (D5) 250 Hyde Park, (B7).... 315 Hydetown, (B3).... 413 Hyndman, (DIO).. .1,164 Hyner, (F4) 220 Ickesburg, (G8) 410 Idamar, (C7) 800 Idaville, (G9) 110 Idlepark, (C8) 200 Idlewood, (A8) 600 Imperial, (A8) 800 Independence, (A8). 250 Indiana, (C7) 5,749 Indian Creek, (ClO). 200 Industry, (A7) 300 Ingram, (A8) 2,037 Inkerman, (K4) 500 Instanter, (D3) 400 Intercourse, (J9).... 320 Ida, (H5) 110 Irish Ripple, (A6)... 300 Irishtown, (GIO).... 120 Ironbridge, (L9).... 230 Ironton, (K7) 200 Irvineton, (C2) 240 Irvona, (D6) 800 Irwin, (B8) 2,886 Iselin, (C7) 200 Isett. (E7) 200 Ivanhoe, (A9) 500 Ivarea, (A2) 150 Ivison, (D7) 150 Ivyland, (L9) 247 Jackson, (K2) 250 Jackson (Center, (A4) 269 acksonville, ((^7)... 87 acksonville, (K7)... 250 acksonville, (B8)... 500 acobs Creek, (B9).. 250 acobus, (HIO) 260 ames City, (D3) 450 ames Creek, (E8).. 330 amestown, (D8).... 500 amestown, (A4).... 822 .amison City, (J4).. 500 jarrettown, (L9).... 200 Jeanesville, (K6)... 1,300 eannette, (B8) 8,077 eddo, (K6) 377 efferson, (AlO) 357 efferson, (HIO) 347 efferson C!en, (B6). 110 effersonville, (L9).. 380 enkintown, (L9).. .2,968 enners, (C9) 250 ennerstown, (C9)... 109 enningsville, (J3)... 240 ermyn, (K3) 3,158 erome, (C9) 1,000 ersey Mills, ((^4)... 400 ersey Shore, (G5).. 5,381 ersey town, (H5)... 200 essup, (K4) 1,300 banna, (K9) 500 bb, (B8) 400 bhnetta, (B7) 662 bhnsonburg, tD4) 4,334 Johnsonville, (L6)... 150 Johnstown, (D8). .55,482 johnsville, (L9) 200 Joliett, (J7) 200 Jones Mills, (C9) 110 Jones Station, (B8).. 300 Jonestown, (J8) 603 Josephine, (C7) 4,850 Julian, (F"6) 200 Jumonville, (BIO)... 350 Junction, (J9) 130 Juneau, (D6) 100 Juniata, (E7) 5,285 Juniataville, (BIO).. 750 Justus, (K4) 200 Kane, (D3) 6,626 Kanesholm, (D3) 100 Kaneville, (B3) 200 Kantner, (D9) 300 Kantz, (H6) 150 Karns City, (B5).... 283 Karthaus, (E5) 700 Kaseville, (H5) 150 Kassonbrook, (J4)... 100 Katellen, (L6) ISO Kauffman, (FIO).... 120 Kaylor, (B6) 1,000 Kearney, (E9) 200 Keating Summit, (E3) 200 Kecksburg, (C9).... 180 Keeneyville, (G2)... 230 Keim, (CIO) 180 Keister Works, (BIO) 1,200 Kelayres, (J6) 1,500 Keilam, (L2) 150 Kellers Church, (L8) 150 Kellettville, (C3).... 430 Kellypoint, (G6).... 120 Kelly Station, (B7).. 200 Kelton, (KlO) 180 KemblesvUle, (Kll). 210 Kenilworth, (K9) 300 Kennard, (A4) 150 Kennerdell, (B4) 150 Kennett Sq, (KlO). 2,049 Kent, (C7) 130 Keown, (A7) 200 Kerrmoor, (D6) 130 Kersey, (D4) 600 Keystone Jc, (DIO). 150 Khedive, (AlO) 100 Kifertown, (B9) 200 Kimberton, (K9).... 200 Kimble, (U) ISO Kimmelton, (D9) 200 Kinderhook, (H9)... 130 King of Prussia,(L9) 100 Kingsdale, (Gil).... 110 Kingsley, (K2) 200 Kingston, (K4) 6,449 Kintnersville, (L7).. 110 Kinzers, (JIO) 100 Kinzua, (D2) 900 Kirby, (AlO) 100 Kirks Mills. (Jll)... 180 Kirkwood, (J 10).... 200 Kishacoquillas, (F7) 100 Kittanning, (C6).. .4,311 Kittanning Point, (E8) ISO Klecknersville, (L6). 150 Kleinfel tersville, (J8) 190 Knapp, (G3) 250 Knights, (C8) 500 Knowlton, (LlO). 100 Knox, (BS) 900 Knox Dale. (C5).... 300 Knoxville, (B8)... .5,651 Knoxville, (G2) 840 Koppel, (A6) 150 Kossuth, (B4) 100 Kratzerville, (H6)... 200 Kreamer, (116) 160 Kreidersville, (L7),. 150 Kresgeville, (K6).... 200 Kress, (G2) 150 Kricks Mill, (J8).... 150 Kulpsville, (L9) 330 Kunckle, (K4) 160 Kunkletown, (L6)... 200 Kushequa, (D3).... 500 Kutztown, (K7). 2,360 Kylertown, (E5).... 400 Laanna, (I^) 150 La Belle, (B9) 1,000 Laboratory, (A9).... 200 lAceyville, (J3) 479 Lackawaxen, (M4).. 500 Ladona, (F2) 200 Lafayette Hill, (L9). 550 Laflin, (K4) 528 Lahaska, (L8) 200 Lairdsville, (H5).... 300 La Jose, (D6) 360 Lake Cary,(K3).... 100 Lake (^omo, (L2).... 200 Lakemont, (È8). 1,200 Laketon, (J4) 100 Lamar, (F5) 230 Lamartine, (B5) 350 Lamberton, (BIO)... 600 Lambs (Treek, ((Í2).. 200 Lampeter, (JIO) 400 Lancaster, (J9)... .47,227 Landenberg, (Kll).. 700 Lander, (C2) 300 Landingville, (J7)... 268 Landisburg, (G8)— 252 Landis Valley, (J9).. 250 Landisville, (J9).... 600 Landrus, ((j3) 500 Landstreet, (D9).... 150 Lanesboro, (K2).... 7n Lanes Mills, (D5)... 130 Langhorne, (M9).... 895 Langhorne Manor, (M9) 170 Lansdale, (L9) 3,551 Lansdowne, (LlO). .4,066 Lanse, (E6) 500 Lansford, (K6) 8,321 La^ume, (K3) 258 Laporte, (J4) 245 Lapps, (K9) 120 Laauin. (H3") 200 Large, (B8) 3oO Larimer, (B8) 1,700 Larke, (E8) 150 LarksvUle, (K4)... .9,288 Larrys Creek, (G5).. 310 Lash, (B9) 250 Latrobe, (C8) 8,777 Lattimer Mines, (K5) 1,500 Laughlintown, (C9). 150 Laurel Run, (K5)... 790 Laurelton, (G6) 310 Laurys Station, (K7) 200 Lavelle, (J7) 600 Lawn, (H9) 200 Lawrence, (A8) 160 Lawrenceville, (G2). 549 Lawsonham, (C5)... 150 Lawsville Center, (K2) 130 Lawton, (J2) 100 Layton, (B9) 300 Leacock, (J9) 350 Leaman Place, (J9).. 100 Lebanon, (J8) 19,240 Leboeuf, (B2) 130 Leckrone, (BIO).... 500 Lecontes Mills, (E5). 300 Lederach, (L8) 130 Ledgedale, (L4) 180 Ledger, (J9) 100 Leechburg, (B7)... .3,624 Leechs Corners, (A4) 150 Leeper, (C4) 250 Leesburg, (A5) 200 Lees Crossroads,(G9) 420 Leesport, (J8) 600 Leetonia, (F3) 300 Leetsdale, (A7) 1,904 Lehigh Tannery, (K5) 150 Lehighton, (K6)... .5,316 Lehman, (J4) 200 Leidy, (F4) 100 Leinbachs, (J8) 160 Leisenring, (BIO).. .1,050 Leith, (BIO) 850 Leithsville, (L7) 140 Lemast'ers, (FIO).... 160 Lemont, (F6) 120 Lemont Furnace, (BIO) 1,100 Lemoyne, (H9) 1,393 Lenhartsville, (K7).. 153 Lenni Mills, (LlO)... 490 Lenover, (KlO) 100 Leola, (J9) 100 Leolyn, (H3) 200 Leona, (H2) 110 Leraysville, (J2).... 326 Le Roy, (H3) 250 Levin, (L8) 100 Lewis, (B7) 130 Lewisberry, (H9).... 233 Lewisburg, (H6)..., 3,081 Lewis Run, (D2),... 500 Lewistown, (F7)... .8,166 Lewisville, (Kll).... 300 Lewisville, (F2) 579 Lexington, (J9) 300 Liberty, (G3) 253 Liberty Sq, (JlO).... 160 Library, (A7) 100 Lickdale, (J8) 230 Lickingville, (C4)... 30C Lightstreet, (J5).... 300 Ligonier, (C9) 1,575 Lilly. (D8) 1,638 Lima, (LlO). 640 Limeport, (L7) 130 Limerick, (K9) 400 Lime Riage, 05).... 400 Limestone, (C5).... 250 Lime Valley, (JIO).. 150 Lincoln, (J9) 450 Lincoln Place, (B8) 1,000 Lincoln University, (KlO) 300 Lincolnville, (B2)... 250 Linden, (G5) 350 Lindsey, (D6) 2,500 Line Lexington, (L8) 500 Line Mountain, (H7) 120 Linesville, (A3) 833 Linfield, (K9) 400 Linglestown, (H8)... 700 Linhart, (B8) 400 Linwood Sta, (LIO).. 900 Lionville, (K9) 250 Lisburn, (H9) 240 Listie, (D9) 500 Listonburg, (Cll)... 250 Litchfield, (J2) 100 Lititz, (J9) 2,082 Little Britain, (JIO). 200 Little Cooley, (B3).. 130 Little Gap, (K6).... 200 Little Marsh, (02).. 280 Little Meadows, (J2) 156 LittleOley, (K8).... 250 Littles Corners, (A3) 150 Littlcstown, (Gil).. 1,347 Litzenberg, (K7).... 150 Livermore, (C8).... 124 Liverpool, (G7) 596 Llanerch, (LIO) 200 Llanwellyn, (LlO)... 400 Llewellyn, 07) 500 Lloyd, (G3) 250 Lloydell, (D8) 800 Lobachsville, (K8).. 180 Lockhaven, (F5) — 7,772 Lock No. 4, (B9).... 600 Lockport Sta, ((38).. 150 Locustdale, (J7)..., 1,000 Locust Gap, (J7).. .1,700 Locust Valley, (L7).. 160 Lofty. (J6) 200 Logans Ferry, (B7).. 200 Logansport, (B7).... 100 Loganton, (G5) 375 Loganville, (HIO)... 298 Loleta, (C4) 200 London, (A5) 100 London Grove, (KlO) 100 Lonepine, (A9) 150 Long Branch, (B9) 273 Longlevel, (JIO).... 100 Longswamp, (K7)... 200 Lookout, (L2) 300 Lopez, (J4) 1,400 Loretto, (D7) 246 Lost Creek, (J6).... 1,500 Lottsville, (C2) 200 Loupurex, (A8) 1,000 Loveioy, (D7) 400 Loveiton, (J3) 100 Loveville, (E7) 130 Ix>wber, (B8) 700 Lower Providence, (L9) 220 Lowhill, (K7) 140 Lowville, (Bl) 130 Loyalhanna, (C8)... 900 Loyalsock, (H5).... 1,050 Loysburg, (E9) 310 Loysville, (G8) 360 Lucesco, (B7) 100 Lucmda, (C4) 300 Ludlow, (D3) 700 Lumber City, (D6).. 363 Lumberville, (L8)... 250 Lundys Lane, (A2).. 400 Lungerville, (H4)... 140 Luthersburg, (D5).. 460 Luxor, (C8) 200 Luzerne, (K4) 5,426 Lycippus, (C9) 120 Lykens, (H7) 2,943 Lyndora, (B6) 3,000 Lynnport, (K7) 150 Lyon Station, (K8).. 540 McAdoo, (J6) 3,389 McAlevys Fort, (F7) 100 McAlisterville, (G7). 560 McCall Ferry, (JIO). 500 McCance, (C8) 530 McClellandtown, (BIO) 800 McClure, (G7) 200 McConnellsburg, (ElO) 579 McConnells Mills, (A8) 180 McConnellstown, (E8) 310 McCoysville, (F8).... 140 McCracken, (AlO).. 100 McDonald, (A8)... .2,543 McElhattan, (G5)... 250 McEwensville,(H5).. 209 McGees Mills, (D6). 250 McGovern, (A9).... 150 McGrann, (C6) 300 McGraw, (C3) 150 McKean, (A2) 350 McKeansburg, (K7). 320 McKee, (E8) 180 McKees Half Falls, (H7) 250 McKeesport, (B8).42,694 McKees Rocks, (A8) 14,702 McKinley, (L9) 600 McKnightstown, (GIO) 130 McLallan Comers, (A2) 100 McMahan, (B9).... 813 McMurray, (A8).... 100 McSherrystown, (GIO) 1,724 McSjîarran, (J11)... 200 McVeytown, (F8)... 514 Macdonaldton, (DIO) 1,000 Mackeyville, (G5)... 170 Macungie, (K7) 772 Madeline, (D6) 300 Madera, (E6) 1,200 Madison, (B9) 421 Madisonburg, (F6).. 170 Mahaffey, (D6) 754 Mahanoy, (H7) 150 Mahanoy City, (T6) 15,936 Mahanoy Plane, (T6) 2,000 Mahoning, (C6) 200 Maiden (3reek, (K8). 100 Maiden Creek Station, (K8) 100 Mainesburg, (H2)... 250 Mainville, (T6) 800 Maitland, (G7) 150 Maltby, (K4) 2,700 Malvern, (L9) 1,125 Mammoth, (C9)—1,000 Manada Hill, (H8).. 150 Manchester, (H9)... 547 Manheim, (J9) 2,202 Manns Choice, (D9) 341 Manoa, (LIO) 500 Manor, (B8) 1,039 Manorville. (C6).... 545 Manown, (B9; 500 Mansfield, (G2).,. .1,645 Mapleton, (F8) 752 Mapleton Depot, (F8) 770 Mapletown, (BIO)... 130 Mapelwood, (L4),.. 200 Marburg, (HIO).... 150 Marchand, (C6).... 110 Marcushook, (LlO). 1,573 Marguerite, (C9).... 500 Mananna, (A9)... .1,363 Marienville, (C4).. .1,300 Marietta, (H9) 2,079 Marion, (FlO) 260 Marion (Center, (C6) 366 MarionHgts, (J6)..I,362 Markelsville, (G8)... 250 Markes, (FIO) 180 Markham, (KlO).... 130 Marklesburg, (E8).. 211 Markleysburg, (BID 227 Marple, (LIO) HO Mars, (A7) 1,215 Marsh, (K9) 230 Marshalls Creek, (L5) 230 Marshallton, (KlO).. 500 Marshwood, (K4)... 350 Marsteller, (D7).... 1,000 Martha Fmnace, (E6) 170 Martin, (BIO) 800 Mariindale, (J9).... 140 Martinsburg, (E8L • 920 Martins Corner,(K9) 100 Martins Creek, (L6). 300 Marvindale, (D3)... 100 Marysville, (H8).,. 1,693 Masontown, (BIO).. 890 Masten, (H3) 300 Mastersonville, (J9). 130 Masthope, (L3) 170 Matamoros, (M4). .1,388 Mattawana, (F8)... 320 Mauch Chunk, (K6) 3,952 Maud, (M9) 240 Mausdale, (H6) 100 Maxatawny, (K.7)... 200 Mayburg, (C3) 200 Mayfield, (L3) 3,662 Maytown, (H9) 900 Mazeppa, (G6) 140 Meadowbrook, (L9). 250 Meadow Lands,(A9) 500 Meadville, (A3)... 12,780 Mechanic Grove, (JIO).. 150 Mechanicsburg, (H9) 4,469 Mechanicsburg,(C7) 159 Mechanics Valley, (L8) 130 Mechanicsville,(M8) 200 Media, (LlO) 3,562 Medix Run, (E4) 400 Mehoopany, (J3),... 600 Melrose Park, (L9).. 200 Mench, (ElO) 150 Menges Mills, (HlO) 120 Mercer, (A5) 2,026 Mercersburg, (FlO).1,410 Meredith, (C6) 100 Merion Sta, (L9).... 600 Merionville, (L9).... 150 Mertztown, (K8).... 700 Meshoppen, (J3).... 630 Messmore, (BIO).... 200 Mexico, iGl) 220 Meyersdale, (DlO)..3,74l Middleboro, (A2)... 207 Middleburg, (G6)... 521 Middlebury Center, (G2) 130 Middlecreek, (G6)... 140 Middleport, (J7).. .1,100 Middlesex, (G9) 130 Middle Spring, (F9). 160 Middletown, (H9)...5,374 Midland, (A7) 1,244 Midway, (A8) 941 Mifflin. (G7) 1,050 Mifilinburg, ('"i ).. .1,559 Mifflintown. t'i )... 954 MiUinville, (Í.:). .. 600 Milan, (H2) 130 Milanville, (iX) 200 Mildred, (J4) 200 Milerun, (H6) 110 Milesburg, (F6) 531 Milford, (M4) 872 Milford Square, (L8) 200 Milford Sta, (CIO)... 100 Millbourne. (LlO)... 322 Mill Citv, (K4) 350 Mill Creek, (F8).... 308 Millersburg, (H7)...2,394 Millers Sta, (A2).... 100 Millerstown, (B6)... 993 Millerstown, CG7)... 549 Millersville, (JIO)...2,000 Millerton, (H2) 450 Millgrove, (T6) 700 Millhall, (F5) 1,043 Mülheim, (F6) 626 Millmont, (G6) 190 Millport, (E2) 150 Millrift, (M4) 150 Mill Run, (CIO) 200 Mills, (F2) 500 Millsboro, (AlO)....1,000 Millstone, (C4) 300 Millvale, (B8) 7,861 Mill Village, (B2)... 290 Millville, (H5) 611 Mill way. (J 9) 120 Millwood, (C8) 400 Milroy, (F7) 1,500 Milton, (H5) 7,460 Milton Grove, (J9).. 200 Mina, (E3).. 500 Mineral Point, (D8). 250 Miners Mills, (K5)..3,159 Minersville, (J7) 7,240 Mines, (E8) 200 Minooka, (K4) 3,000 Mitchells Mills, (07) 200 Modena, (KlO) 130 Mohnton, (K8) 1,536 Mohrsville, (J8) 240 Mollenauer, (A8)— 500 Monaca, (A7) 3,376 Monessen, (B9)... 11,775 Monocacy, (K9) 260 Monongahela, (B9) 7,598 Monroe, (J3) 403 Monroe, (B5) 150 Monrocton, (J3) 500 Mont Alto, (FIO)... 830 Montandon, (H6)... 720 Mont Clare, (L9)— 810 Monterey, (K7) 180 Montgomery, (H5). 1,490 Montgomery Ferry, (G7) 130 Montoursville,(G4) 1,904 Montrose, (B7) 200 Montrose, (K2).,. .1,914 Moon Run, (AS)... 1,200 Moores, (LIO) 1,800 Moorhead ville, (Bl) 300 Moosic. (K4) 3,964 Mooween, (C7) 200 ivioravia, iw Morea Colliery, (J6) 838 Moredale, (G9) 150 Moreland, (H5) 210 Morgan, (A8) 3,000 Morgans Hill, (L6).. 100 Morgans, Sta, (B9).. 250 Morgantown, (K9).. 200 Morganza, (A8)... .1,000 Morris, (G3) 700 Morrisdaie Mines, (E6) 670 Morris Run, (H3). .2,300 Morrisville, (M9).. .2,002 Morstein, (K9) 150 Morton, (LlO) 1,071 Mortonville, (KlO).. 130 Morwood, (L8) 100 Moscow, (K4) 650 Moselem, (K7) 200 Mosgrove, (C6) 200 Moshannon, (E5)... 140 Mosiertown, (A2).,. 200 Mount Aetna, (J8)... 330 Mountaindale, (E7). .350 Mountain Eagle, (F6) 150 Mountainhome, (L5) 200 Mountaintop, (K5) 1,200 Mountainvilie, (L7). 600 Mount Alton, (D2).. 300 Mount Bethel, (L6). 400 Mount Braddock, (BIO) 1,000 Mount Carbon, (J7). 335 Mount Carmel, (J6) 17,532 Mount Holly Storings. (G9) 1,2/2 Mount Hope, (J9)... lOO Mount Jackk>n, (A6) 600 Mount Jewett,(D3) 1,771 Mount Joy, (H9)...2,166 Mount Lebanon,(A8) 500 Mount Morris, (All) 382 Mount Nebo, (JIG).. 120 Mount Oliver,(A8)..4,241 Mount Penn, (K8).. 785 Mt. Pleasant, (B9)..5,812 Mt. Pleasant Mills, (G7) 250 Mount Pocono,(L5) 200 Mountrock, (G9) 140 Mt. Sterling, (BIO).. 500 Mount Union, (F8) 3,338 Mountville, (J9).... 803 Mount Wolf, (H8).. 200 Mount Zion, (J8)... 500 Moyer, (B9) 600 Muddy Creek Forks, (JIO) 200 Mummasburg, (GlO) 110 Muncy, (H5) 1,904 Muncy Valley, (H4). 300 Munhall, (B8) 5,185 Munson Sta, (£6)... 500 Murrell, (J9) 250 Murrysviile, (B8)... 250 Mustard, (B9) 300 Mutual, (B9) 800 Myerstown, (J8)...3,800 Myra, (D8) 400 Nansen, (D3) 300 Nanticoke, (K.5)... 18,877 Nantmeal \ iiiage, (K9) 200 NantyGlo, (D8)... 1,000 Narberth, (L9) 1,790 Nasby, (Bl) 100 Nashville, (HlO).... 150 Natalie, (H6) 250 Natrona, (B7) 4,000 Nauvoo, (Ci3) 20O Nazareth, (L7) 3,978 Nebraska, (C4) 250 Neffs, (K7) 200 Neffsville, (J9) 400 Kegley, (B8) 230 Nelson, (G2). 448 Nescopeck, (J5)... .1,578 Neshaminy, (L9).... 100 Neshannock, (A5)... 300 Neshannock Falls, (AS) 108 Nesquehoning, (K6)2,500 Nettleton, (D7) 250 Nevilton, (A7) 300 New Albany, (J3).... 413 New Alexandria, (C8) 505 New Baltimore, (DIO) 177 New Bedford, (AS).. 200 New Berlin, (06)... 527 New Berlinville,(K8) 300 Newberrytown,(H9) 300 New Bethlehem, (C5) 1,625 New Bloomfield, (G8) 1,000 New Boston, (16)... 820 New BridgevUle, (JIO) 200 New Brighton, (A6) 8,329 New Britain, (L8)... 120 New Buenavista, (D9) 130 New Buffalo, (H8).. 135 Newburg, (D6) 274 Newburg, (F9) 264 Newcastle, (A5).. .36,280 New Centerville, (L9) 110 New Centerville, (CIO) iO( Newchester, (GIO).. 25( New Columbia,(H5) 40C New Columbus, Ü5) 175 Newcomer, (B10)....!,000 New Cuml^rland, (H9) 1,472 New Danville, (JIO) 120 New Derry, (C8)— 166 (PENNSYLVANIA) INDEX OF THE UNITED STATES PinevUle, (MS) 109 New Eagle, {B9). 400 Newell, (B9) 400 New England, (B8).. 450 New Enterprise,(E9) 210 New Era, (J3) 150 New Florence, (C8). 717 Newfoundland, (L4). 900 New Franklin, (FIO). 130 New Freedom,(Hi 1) 726 New Freeport, (AlO) 200 New Galilee, (A6)... 453 New Geneva, (BIO). 290 New Germantown, (F8) 200 New Grenada, (E9>. 100 New Hamburg, (A4) 100 New Hanover, (K.8). 510 Newhaven, (B9)—2,600 New Holland, (J9)..1,106 Newhope, (M8).... 1,083 New Jerusalem, (K8) 250 New Kensington, (B7) 7,707 New Kingstown,(G9) 330 New Lebanon, (A4). 164 Newlin, (J6) 200 New London, (KlO). 150 New Mahoning, (K6) 150 Newmanstown, (J8). 7/0 New Mayville, (C5). 150 New Milford, (K2).. 654 New Millport, (D6). 250 New Oxford, (GIO).. 838 New Paris, (D9) 194 Newjxirk, nil) 160 New Philadeli^ia, 07) 2,512 Newport, (G8) 2,009 NewportvUle, (M9).. 300 New Providence, OlO) 200 New Ringgold, CK7). 266 Newry, (E8) 380 New Salem, (C5) 100 New Salem, (BIO)... 500 New Salem, (B8) 424 New Salem, iHlO).. 248 New SheflSeld, (A7).. 200 New St^tor^ (B9).. 300 New Tex^ (B7).... 100 Newtonburg, (D6).. 150 Newton HamiltOQ, (F8) 340 Newtown, (M9)... .1,675 Newtown, (J7) 350 Newtown Mflls,(C3) 100 Newtown'" •, (LIO). ISO New Tripoli, (K7).... 500 Newville, (G9) 1,449 New Washington, (D6) 174 New Wilntington, (AS) 758 Nicholson, (K3) 852 Nickel Mines, (J 10). 200 Nicktown, (D7) ISO NUes Val'ey, (G2)... 20P Nineveh, (AlO) 25Ô Nittany, (F6) 180 Noblestown, (A8)... 1,000 Nordmont, (J4) 100 Normal, {K6) 130 Normal ville, (CIO).. 140. Norristowo, (L^...27,875 Northampton, (L7).8,729 Northampton Heights, (L7) 1,037 No. Belle Vernon, (B9) 1,522 Northbend, (F4) 800 No. Berwick, (J5)... 100 No. Braddock, (B8) 11,824 Northbrook, (KlO).. 130 No. Catasauqua, (L7) 2,030 No. Charleroi, (B9).l,008 No. East, (Bl) 2,672 No. Freedom, (C5).. 130 No. Girard, lAl) 750 No. Irwin, (B8) 646 No. Jackson, (K2)... 100 No. Liberty, (AS)... 150 No. Mehoopany. (J3) 300 No. Mountain, (H4). 200 No. Pinegrove, (C4). 250 No. Rome, (J2) 100 No. Sewickly, (A6).. 300 No. SpHringfield, (Al) ISO No. Star, (A8) 500 No. Towanda, (J2).- 910 Northumberland, (H6) 3,517 Northville, (Bl).... 120 No. Wales, (L9)... .1,710 No. Warren, (C2)... 650 No. Wa3hington,(B5) 200 No. Water Gap, (L5) 200 No. York, (HIO)...1,902 Norwood, (LI 0).... 1,668 Norwood Station, (LIO) 1,400 Nottmghana,fKII).. 150 Nowrytown, (07)... 500 Noxen, (J4) 800 Nuangola, (K5) 124 Numidia, (Jd> 300 Nuremberg, f J6).... 700 Oakbotton», (J 10)... 300 Oakbrook, (K8) 200 Oakdalc, (A8) 1,353 Oak Hall Sti. (F6).. 210 OakhiIl.(JIO> 300 Oakland, (C6) 360 Oakland, (K2> 915 Oakmont, (37) 3,436 Oak Ridge, (C5).... 900 Oaks. (L9> 120 OakStation. (A8)... 250 Oakview, (LIO) 400 Oakville, fG9)...... 130 Obelisk, (K8) 250 Oberlin. (H9) 550 Obold, (J8) 250 Octoram, (110) 100 Odenthal, (D8) 300 Ogden. 4L16) 110 Ogdensburg, (G3)... 300 Ogontz, (L9) 300 Ogontz School, (L9). 300 Ohiopyle, (CIO) 535 OÜ City, (B4) 15,657 Olanta, (D6) 300 Oldforge, (K4).... 11,324 Old Zionsville, (K.8). 150 Oley, (K8) 650 Oliphamt furnace, (BIO) 200 Oliver, (BIO) 1,000 Olivers Mills, (K5).. 500 Olyphant, (K4)....8,505 Oneida, (J 6) 1,200 Onnalinda, (D8) 500 Ono, (H8) 120 Onondaga, (D6) 500 Onset, (H8) 180 Option, (B8) 250 Orangeville. (J5).... 399 Orbisonia, (F9) 618 Oreñeld, (K7) 250 Oregon, (J9) 500 OreHUl, (E8) 150 Oreland, (L9) 200 Orient, (BIO) 1,600 Oriental, (G7) 120 Oriole, (G5) 120 Ormsby, (D2) 300 Orrstown, (F9) 247 Orson, (L2) 530 Orviston, (F5) 500 Orwell, (J2) 120 Orwigsburg, (J7).... 1,801 Orwin, (H7) 300 Osburn, (A7) 425 Osceola, (G2) 591 Osceola Mills, (E6). 2,437 Oshanter, (D6) 400 Osterburg, (D9) 150 Osterhout, (K3) ISO Oswayo, (E2) 382 Otto, (B8) 120 Ottsville, (L8) 300 Oval, (G5) 220 Oxford, (KlO) 2,390 Oxford Valley, (M9) 250 Packerton, (K6).... 500 Paint, (D9) 999 Paintersville, (G7).. 100 Palm, (K8) ISO Palmer, (A2) 100 Palmerton, (K6) 1,000 Palmyra, (H8) 2,000 Palo Alto, (J7) 1,873 Panic, (D5) 200 Pansy, (05) 150 Paoli, (L9) 240 Paradise, (J 10) 410 Paradise Valley, (L5) 130 Pardoe, (A5) 400 Pardus, (D5) 250 Paris, (A8) 150 Parker Ford, (K9)... 200 Parkers Landing, (35) 1,244 Parkersville, (KlO)., 100 Parkesbiirg, (KlO).. 2,522 Parkland, (M9) 100 Parkplace, (J6) 200 Parnassus, (B7)... .2,578 Parryville, (K6) 590 Parsons, (K5) 4,338 Parthenia, (C2) 150 Passmore, (K8) 250 Patchinsville, (D6).. ISO Patterson, (G7) 885 Patterson Hgts, (A6) 367 Patton, (D7) 3,907 Paulton, (B7) 500 Paupac, (L4) 160 Paxton, (H7) 100 Paxtonville, (G6) 210 Peach Bottom, (Jll) 150 Peale, (ES) 800 Peckville, (K4) 4,200 Peely, (KS) 1,000 Pen Argyl, (L6)... .3,967 Penbrook, (H8) 1,462 Pencoyd, (L9) 800 Penfield, (D5) 800 Penllyn, (L9) 130 Perm, (B8) 1,043 Penn Run, (C7) 200 Permsburg, (L8) 1,141 Penns Creek, (G6).. 270 Pennsdale, (H4).... 200 Penns Park, (M8)... 150 Penns Station, (B8) 1,500 Pennsville, (B9) 300 Pennsylvania Furnace, (F7) 300 Pennvailey, (M9)... 150 Penryn, (J9) 200 Pensyl, (J6) 500 Peoples, (J7) lOo Pequea, (K,9) 200 Pequea Creek, (JIO). 200 Percy, (BIO) 500 Perkasie. (L8) 2,779 Perkiomenville, (K8) 230 Perryopolis, (B9).... 600 Perrysville, (A7).... 300 Petersburg, (E7) 70S Peterscreek, (Jll)... 200 Petroleum Center, (B3) 200 Petrolia, (B5) 360 Pfouts Valley, (G7).. 100 Philadelphia, (LIO) 1,549,008 Philipsburg, (E6).. .3,585 Philipston, (BS) 500 Phoenix, (C6) 130 Phoenixville, (K9).10,743 Picture Rocks, (H4). 576 Pikesville, (KB) 150 Piketown, (H8) 130 Pillow, (H7) 450 Pine Bank, (AlO)... 200 Pine Forge. (K8)... . 160 Pineglen, (E5) 210 Pinegrove, (J7)... .1,352 Pinesrrove Furnace, (G9) 300 Pinegrove Mills,(F7) 330 Pine Station, (G5)... 200 Pinkerton, (ClO).... 210 Pipersville, (L8) 220 Pitcairn, (B8) 4,975 Pitman, (H7) 210 Pittock, (A8) 1,500 Pittsburg, (B8)....533,90S Pittslield, (C2) 300 Pittston, (K4) 16,267 Pittsviile, (B4) 110 Plainlield, CG9) 260 Plaingrove, (AS).... 670 Plains, (K4) 2,000 PlainsvUle, (K4) 210 Platea, (A2) 220 Pleasant Gap, (F6).. 400 Pleasant Grove,(J 11) 100 Pleasant HUl, (A6).. 100 Pleasant Mount,(L3) 200 Pleasant Run, (K8). 110 Pleasant Unity, (C9) 630 Pleasant Valley,(L7) 100 Pleasant Valley,(B8) 300 Pleasantview, (F8).. 130 Pleasantville, (E9).. 191 Pleasantville, (B3).. 702 Plumer, (B3) 100 Plumsteadville, (L8) 600 Plumvüle, (C6) 414 Plymouth, (K5)... 16,996 Plymouth Meeting, (L9) 800 Pocahontas, (Dl 1).. 100 Point Marion,(Bl 1)1,369 Point Pleasant, (L8). 300 Polk, (B4) 2,065 Pollock, (B5) 250 Pomeroy, (KlO).... 300 Pond Eddy, (M4)... 200 Pont. (A2) 100 Portage, (D8) 2,954 Portage Creek, (E3). 100 Port Allegany, (E2) 1,972 Port Carbon, (J7)..2,678 Port Clinton, (K7).. 491 Portersville, (A6)... 170 Port Griffith, (K4).. 200 Port Kennedy,(L9). 1,000 Portland, (L6) 649 Portland Mills,(D4). 750 Port Matilda, (E6).. 310 Port Perry, (B8).... 1,300 Port Providence, (L9) 300 Port Royal, (G7).... 535 Port Royal, (B9).... 400 Port Trevorton, (H7) 450 Portvue, (B8) 1,978 Potterbrook, (F2)... 200 Potterdale, (E5) 120 Potters Mills, (F6).. 320 Potterville, (J2) 130 Potts Grove, (H5)... 180 Pottstown, (K.9).. 15,599 Pottstown Landing, (K9) 200 PottsvUle, (J7)....20,236 Powell, (H3) 300 Powelton, (E6) 150 Powls Valley, (H8).. 230 PrescottvUle, (D5).. 300 Presto, (B8) 250 Priceburg, (K4) 500 Pricedale, (B9) 1,000 Pricetown, (K8) 410 Primrose, (A8) 200 Princeton, (A6) 300 Pringle, (K4) 300 Proctor, (H4) 350 Progress, (H8) 300 Prompton, (1.3) 263 Prospect, (A6) 346 Prospect Park, (LIO) 1,655 Prospectville, (L9).. 160 Prosperity, (A9).... 180 Providence Sq, (L9) 100 Pulaski, (AS) 400 Punxsutawney,(C6)9,058 Puritan, (D8) 450 Putneyville, (C6)... 150 Quakake, (J6) 500 Quakertown, (L8). .3,801 Quarryville, (J 10)... 739 Queen, (08) 120 Queen Junction, (B6) 200 Queenstown, (B5)... 72 Quincy, (FIO) 500 Raccoon, (A8) 100 Racine, (A6) 200 Radnor, (L9) 3,000 Railroad, (Hll) 308 Rainsburg, (DIO)... 203 Ralston, (H4) 900 Ramey, (E6) 1,045 Ramsaytown, (CS).. 600 Randolph, (A3) 170 Rankin Sta, (B8)..6,042 Ranshaw, (H6) 200 Rathmel, (D5) 1,000 Rattigan, (B6) 200 RaubsvUle, (L7).... 100 Rauchtown, (G5)... 200 Ravenrun, (J6) 500 Ravine, (J7) 300 Rawlinsville, (JIO).. 180 RaysHill, (ElO).... 100 Reading, (Ksj... .96,071 Reamstown, (T9)— 800 Rebersburg, (F6).... 250 Rebuck, (H7) 400 Redbank, (B5) 100 Redrlyffe, (C4) 150 Redhill, (K8) 664 Redington, (L7) 360 Redland, (GlO) ISO Red Lion, (HIO)... .2,092 Redman Mil's, (B8). 500 Red Rock, (D2) 130 Redrun, (J9) 150 Reedsville, (F7) 310 Refton, (JIO) 100 Register, (J5) 170 Rehrersburg, (18)... 510 Reiner City, (H7)... 250 Reinholds Sta, (J8). 160 Reissing, (A8) 350 Relay. (HIO) 130 Remlu, (L9) 100 Kendham, (K4) 500 Renfrew, (B6) 500 Rennerdale, (A8).... 300 Reno, (B4) 350 Renovo, (F4) 4,621 Republic, (BIO) 1,000 Reynolds, (K7) 110 Reynoldsvüle, (D 5) .3,189 Rheems, (H9) 250 Rhodes, (J6) 250 Rhone, (KS) 200 Rices Landing, (AlO) 671 RicevUle, (B2) 121 Richardsville, (C5).. 150 Richboro, (M9) 230 Richfield, (G7) 230 Rich Hill, (L8) 100 Richland, (J8) 722 Richland Center, (L8) 1,000 Richlandtown, (L8). 562 Richmond, (L6) 100 Ricketts, (J4) 250 Riddlesburg, (E9)... 230 Ridgway, (D4) 5,408 Ridley Park, (LlO). 1,761 Riegelsville, (L7).... 700 Rimer, (B6) 150 Rimersburg, (C5)... 855 Ringdale, (J4) 100 Ringgold, (C5) 130 Ringtown, (J6) 723 Rittersville, (L7).... 250 Riverside, (H6) 429 River View, (B9) 400 Rixford, (D2) 500 Roaring Branch,(H3) 450 Roaring Creek, (J6). 700 Roaring Spring, (E8) 1,903 RobbinsSta, (B8).. 150 Robertsdale, (E9)... 600 Robesonia, 08) 400 Robinson, (C8) 600 Rochester, (A7) 5,903 Rochester Mills, (D6) 300 Rock, (J7) 130 Rockdale, 0.10).... 1,500 Rockdale Mills, (D5) 160 Rockglen, (J6) 300 Rockhill, (F9) 504 Rockhill Furnace, (F9) 570 Rockland, (B4) 520 Rockledge, (L9) 879 Rockport, (K6) 180 Rockton, (DS) 100 Rockwood, (CIO)... 1,300 Rockygrove, (B4)... 500 Rodfield, (B8) 250 Rodney, (C9) 200 Roelofs, (M9) 200 Rogersviile, (AlO)... 400 Rohrerstown, (J9)... 600 Rohrsburg, (J5) 200 Rolfe, (D3) 300 Rome, (J2) 222 Romola, (F5) 200 Ronco, (BIO) 1,000 Ronks, 09) 200 Rootville, (B2) 100 Roscoe, (B9) 1,450 Rose Bud, (D6) 1,000 Rosecrans, (G5) 130 Rosedale, (D8) 419 Rosemont, (L9) 1,000 Rose Point, (.^6),... 250 Roseto, (L6) 200 Roslyn, (L9) 100 Rossiter, (D6) 3,000 Rosston, (B7) 100 Rothsville, (J9) 450 Rough and Ready, (H7) 130 Roulette, (E2) 1,500 Rouseville, (134) 643 Rouzerville, (Fl i)... 300 Rowland, (M0 300 Roxbury, (D8) 1,000 Royalton, (H9) 1,033 Royer, (E8) 200 Royersford, (L9). ..3,073 Ruffs Dale, (B9) 650 Rupert, (J6) 500 Rupp. (J6) 250 Rural Valley, (C6).. 763 Rush, (J2) 120 Rushland, (M9) 100 Rushtown, (H6).... 110 Rushville, (J2) 150 Russell, (C2) 540 Russellton, (B7).... 800 Russellvüle, (KlO).. 110 Rutland, (H2) 300 Rutledge, (LlO) 523 Ryde, (F8) 100 Sabbath Rest, (E7).. 380 Sabinsvñle, (F2) 600 Sabula, (D5) 1,300 Sacramento, (H7)... 150 Sadsburyville, (KlO) 300 Saegerstown, (A3)... 712 Saegersville, (K7)... 100 Safe Harbor, (JIO).. 250 Sagamore, (C6) 2,100 Saginaw, (H9) 200 Sagon, (H6) 300 St. Augustine, (D7). 760 St. Benedict, (D7)... 900 St. Bonifacius, (D7). 300 St. Clair, (B8) 5,640 St. Clair, (J7) 6,455 St. ciairsville, (E9).. 101 St. Davids, (L9).... 200 St. Marys, (D4) 6,346 St. Michael, (D8)... 250 St. Nicholas. (76)... 1,200 St. Peters, (K9) 500 St. Petersburg. (B5). 453 St.Thomas, (FIO)... 500 Salem, (H6) 120 Salem ville, (E9) 100 Salfordville, CL8).... 170 Salina, (B7) 800 Salisburv. (CIO) 885 Salix. (D8) 200 Salladasburg, (G4)... 280 Salona, (GS) 400 Salter, CE9) 100 Saltillo, (F9) 410 Saltsburg, (C8) 1,044 Salunga, (J9) 300 Sample Run, (C7)... 300 Sanatoga, (K9) 350 Sand Patch, (DIO).. 150 Sandy Creek, (B7).. 190 Sandy Lake, (A4)... 639 Sandy Ridge, (E6).. 400 Sandy Run, (K5)... 300 Sandy Valley, (D5).. 150 Sankertown, (D8)... 687 Sarver, (B7) 1,150 Sassamansville, (K8) 160 Saucona, (L7) 350 Sawyer City, (D2).. 200 Saxman, (D7) 300 Saxonburg, (B7) 345 Saxton, (E9) 1,195 Saybrook, (C3) 100 Saylorsburg, (L6)... 120 Sayre, (H2) 6,426 Scalp Level, (D9)... 1,424 Scarlets Mill, (K9) . 150 Scenery Hill, (A9)... 400 Schaefferstown, HS).. 700 Scheib, (H7) 200 Schellburg, (D9) 314 Schenley Sta, (B7).. .150 Schnecl¿ville, (K7).. 230 Schoeneck, (J9) 300 Schuylkill Haven, (J7) 4,747 Schwenkville, (L9).. 381 Sciota, (L6) 150 Scotch hill, (C4) 100 Scotland, (FIO) 230 Scottdale, (B9) 5,456 Scott Haven, (^B8)... 8u0 Scranton, (K4).. .129,8o7 Seanor, (D9) 600 Searights, (BIO) 100 Seek, (K6) 810 Seelyville, (L3) 650 Seidersville, (L7)... - 150 Seisholtzville, (K8).. 410 Seitzland, (HlO) 210 Selinsgrove, (H6).. .1,473 Sellersville, (L8) 1,572 Seneca, (B4) 250 Sevenpoints, (H6).., 220 Sevenstars, (GIG)... 120 Seven Valleys, (HlO) 365 Seward, (C8) 548 Sewickley, (A7). 4,479 Shadegap, (F9) 143 Shadygrove, (FIO).. 120 Shaft, (J 6) 1,600 Shafton, (B8) 350 Shamokin, (H6)... 19,588 Shamokin Dam,(H6) 500 Shamrock Sta, (K.7). 130 Shanesville, (K8) 110 Shanksville, (D9) 710 Shannondale, (C5).. 130 Sharon, (A5) 15,270 Sharon Hill, (LIO)..1,401 Sharpsburg, (B7)...8,153 Sharpsville, (A4).. .3,634 Sharltesville, (77)... 600 Shavertown, (K4).,. 100 Shawmut, (D4) 500 Shawnee on Delaware, (L5) 150 Sheakleyville, (A4).. 126 Shearers Cross Roads, (B7) 200 Sheffield, (C3) 1,900 Shelocta, (C7) 117 Shenandoah, Q6)..25,774 Shenango, (A4) 130 Shepherdstown, (H9) 140 Sheppton, (J6) 1,000 Sheridan, (J8) 260 Sheridan. (H7) 1,000 Sheridanville, (A8)..3,000 Sherman, (L2) 250 Shermans Dale, (G8) 450 Shermansville, (A3). 150 Sherrett, (B6) 150 Sherwin, (B5) 130 Sheshequin, (J2)..,. 210 Shickshmny, O^)- • 1,917 Shields, (A7) 225 Shillington, (K8).. .1,427 Shimervüle, (K7) 100 Shinglehouse, (E2)..1,598 Shintown, (F4) 150 Shippensburg, (F9) 3,457 Shippensville, (C4).. 378 Shippingport, (A7)... 150 Shiremanstown, (G9) 545 Shireoaks, (B9) 100 Shirleysburg, (F8)... 256 Shoemakersville, (J8) 630 Shoenersville (K7).. 130 Shohola, (M4) 100 Shrewsbury, (HIO).. 598 Shunk. (H3) 300 Sidney, (D6) 150 Siegfried, (L7) 2,800 Sigel,(C4) ISO Sigst^, (AlO) 100 SUvara, (J3) 150 Silverbrook, (J6) 1,200 Silver Creek, (J7)....l,700 Silverdale, (L8) 232 Sil verspring, (J9).... 200 Simpson, (K3) 2,200 Sinking Spring, (J8). 600 Sinnamahoning, (E4) 700 Sitka, (BIO) 100 Siverly, (B4) 1,616 Sixmile Run, (E9)... 350 Skinners Eddy, (J3). 200 Skippack, (L9) 360 Slatedale, (K7) 700 Siateford, (L6) 100 Slate Lick, (B6) 200 Slatenin, (orting Hill, (J9)... 160 Spraggs, (AlO) 100 Sprankle Mills. (CS). 100 Springhorn, (A2) 614 Spring City, (K9)...2,880 Springcreek, (B2)... 300 Springdale, (B7) 1,999 Springet, (H9) 400 Spring Forge, (H10)l,500 Spring Garden, (A80,1OO Spring Grove,(HlO)l,152 Springhope, (D9)... 110 Spring House, (L9)... 150 Spring Mills, (F6)... 300 Springmount, (L8).. 250 Springs, (Cll) 150 Springtown, (L7).... 300 Springville, (K3). 200 Spruce Creek, (E7).. 220 Sprucegrove, (J 10).. 130 Stahlstown, (C9).... 150 Standing Stone, (J2) 200 Stanton, (C5) 200 Starford, (D7) 400 Starjunction, (B9)..3,000 Starners, (G9) 200 Starrucca, (K2) 381 State College, (F6)..1,425 Stateline, (FIl) 240 Stauffer, (C9) 500 Steamburg, (A3). 200 Steckman, (KlO).... 200 Steelton, (H9) 14,246 Steinsville, (K7).... 130 Stembersville, (K6).. 150 Sterling, (L4) 400 Sterling Run, (E4).. 410 Sterrettania, (Al)... 100 Sterretts Gap, (G8).. 130 Stetlersville, (K7)... 100 Stevens, (79) 390 Stevensville, (J2)... 300 Stewartstown, (Hll) 674 Stickney, (D2) 200 Stiles, (K7) 300 Stillwater, (75) 179 Stockdale, (B9) 761 Stockertown, (L7)... 426 Stockton, (K6) 200 Stokesdale, (G2).... 130 Stoneboro, (A4).... 1,074 Stone Church, (L6).. 120 Stoneham, (C2) 200 Stonehenge, (F107.... 100 Stonerstown, (E9).... 250 Stony Creek Mills, (K8) 150 Stonyfork, (G3) 150 Stony Run, (K7)... - 130 Stoops Ferry, (A7),. 100 Stormstown, (E6)... 300 Stouchsburg, (J8)... 400 Stouts, (L7). 100 Stoyestown, (D9),.. 355 Strafford, {L9) 200 Straight, (D3) 300 Strangford, (C8).... 300 Strasburg, (JIO) 885 StrattonvUle, (C5).. 376 Strausstown, (J8)... 400 Strickersville, (K11). 130 Strinestown, (H9)... 100 Strong, (J6) 700 Strongstown, (D7).. 100 Stroudsburg, (L6). .4,379 Stull, (J4) 100 Sturgeon, (A8) 1,200 Suedberg, (J7) 510 Sugargrove, fC2)— 459 Sugarhill, (D5) 100 Sugarloaf, (J6) 200 Sugar Notch, (K5)..2,439 Sugarrun, 03) 200 Sugartown, (KlO)... 160 Summerhill, (D8)... 863 Summerville, (C5)... 609 Summit, (D8)... Î.. 210 Summithill, (K6)...4,209 Summit MUls, (ClO). 200 Summit Sta, (J7)... 130 Sumneytown, (L8).. 280 Sunbury, (H6).... 13,770 Sunderlinville, (F2).. 100 Sunny Side, (B9) 200 Sunset, (A9) 130 Superior, (C8) SCO Surgeons Hall, (A8). 100 Susquehanna, (K2). 3,478 Sutersville, (B9). 917 Swan ville, (Al) 100 Swarthmore, (LIO). 1,899 Swartzville, (79) 130 Swedeland, (L9).... 550 Sweden Valley, (F3). 100 Sweet Valley, (J4)... 200 Swissvale, (B8) 7,381 Swoyers, (K4) 2,850 Swoyersville, (K4).. 5,396 Sybertsville, (J5) 100 Sygan, (A8) 1,500 Sykesville, (D5) 1,756 Sylvan, (Fl I) 200 Syivania, (H2) 217 Tafton, (L4) 130 Talmage, (J9) 190 Tamaqua, (K6) 9,462 Tanners Falls, (I^).. 210 Tannersville, (L5)... 400 Tarentum, (B7) 7,414 Tarrs, (B9) 500 Tatainy, (L7) 512 Taylor, (K4) 9,060 Tayloria, (JlO) 150 Taylorstown, (A9).. 400 Taylorsville, (ÀI8)... 100 Taylorsviiie, '^D7)... 100 Telford, (L8) 207 Temple, (K8) 400 Templeton, (C6).... 600 Tenmile, (A9) 150 Tenmile Bottom, (B4) 300 Terrace, (B8) 600 Terrehill, (J9) 882 Thomasvilfe, (HIO).. 400 Thompson, (K2) 322 Thompsontown,(G7) 293 Thornburg, (A8) 230 Thomdale, (KlO)... 150 Thornhill, (A7) 400 Thornton, (KlO) 100 Three Springs, (F9). 248 Threetuns, 0.9)... 150 Throop, (K4) 5,133 Thurston, (K4) 100 Tidioute, (C3) 1,324 Tilden, (HIO) 100 Timblin, (C6) 150 Tioga, (G2) 533 Tiona, (C3) 300 Tionesta, (C4) 803 Tipton, (E7) 400 Titusville, (B3) 8,533 Tivoli, (H4) 130 Tobyhanna, (L5) 600 Topton, (K7) 809 Toughkenamon, (KlO) 250 Powanda, (J2) 4,281 Power City, (H7)....2,325 rownhUl,(J5) 150 Townline, (75) 100 Townville, (B3) 317 Trafford, (B8) 1,959 Trainer, (LlO) 200 Transfer, (A4) 400 Trappe, (K9) 398 Trauger, (C9) 1,200 Tredyffrin, (K9).... 400 Treichlers, (K7) 250 Tremont, (J7) 2,067 1 resckow, (K6) 500 Trestle, (B8) 200 Treveskyn, A8 ) 2,500 Trevorton, (H6)... 2,000 Trevose, (M9) 150 Trexler, (K7) ISO Trexlertown, (K7)... 480 Troughcreek, (E9).. 380 Trou trun, (G4) 290 Troutville, (D5) 260 Troxelville, (G6) 100 Troy, (H2) 1,288 TrucksvUle, (K4)... 200 Truemans, (C3) 200 Trumbauersville, (L8) 611 Tryonville, (B3).... 200 Tuckerton, (K8) 150 Tullytown, (M9) 622 Tuipehocken, (J8).... 290 Tunkhannock, (K3)l,598 TunnelhUl, (D8)...- 661 Tunnelton, (C8).... 200 Turbotville, (HS)... 365 Turkey City, (B5).. 150 Turtle Creek, (B8).4,Ç95 Turtlepoint, (E2)... 100 Tuscarora, (J6) 700 Twilight, (B9) 468 Tyler, (D5) 1,500 Tyler Hill, (L3) 130 Tylersburg, (C4) 250 Tylersport, (L8).... 360 Tylersville, (G6).... 160 Tyrone, (E7) 7,176 Uhlerstown, (L7).... 100 Uledi, (BIO) 1,500 Ulster, (H2) 300 Ulysses, (F2) 900 UnamÍ3,(Cll) 250 Undercliff, (A8) 150 Union City, (B2)....3,684 Uniondale, (K3) 355 Union Deposit, (H8) 480 Lnion Furnace, (E7) 200 Union Grove, (J9>... 200 Uniontown, {H7).... 291 Uniontown, (BIO) 13,344 Unionvüle, (A7).... 150 Unionville, (F6) 343 Unionville, (KlO)... 500 United, (B9) 500 Unity Station, (B7). 500 Universal, (B8) 800 Uplaná, (LIO) 2,221 Upper Black Eddy, tL8) 250 Upper Darby, (LIO). 500 Upper Lehigh, (K5). 650 Upper Mid^etown, (BIO) 130 Upper Providence, (LIO) 250 Upper Strasburg,(F9) 250 Upton, (FIG) 180 Urban, (H7) 130 Urey, (D6) 200 Ursina, (ClO) 338 Utahville, (E7) 300 Utica, (B4) 265 Uwchland, (K9).... 200 Valencia, (B7) 240 Valier, (C6) 600 Valley Forge, (L9).. 300 Valley View, (H7)... 500 Vallonia, (A3) 670 Vanderbilt, (B9) 1,198 Vandergrift, (B7).. ,3,876 Vandergrift Heights, (B7) 3,438 Vandling, (K3) 985 Van Meter, (B9).... 400 VanOrmer, (D7).... 600 Vanport, (A7) 300 Vanwert, (G7) 450 Varden, (L4) 170 Venango, (A2) 251 Venetia, (A8) 500 Venice, (A^ 180 Veracruz, (L7) 130 Verona. (B7) 2,849 Versailles, (B8) 1,487 Viaduct, (DS) 100 Vicksburg, (Gój..... 130 Village Green, (LlO). 240 V illanova, (L9) 200 Vintage, (J 10) 300 Vintondale, (D8)....1,410 Virginviile, (K7).... 100 Volant, (AS) 185 Vose, (K3) 150 Wagner, (G7) 170 Wakefield, (Jll) 220 Walkers Müls, (A8). 500 Wall, (B8) 1,962 Wallace, (K9)....... 100 Wallaceton, (E6).... 324 Wallingford, (LIO)., 100 Wallisrun, (G4) 150 Walnut, (G7) 150 Walnut Bottom,(G9) 250 Walnutport, (K7).. 1,039 Walsall, (D8) 150 Walston, (C6) 2,000 Walters, (L7) 100 Waltersburg, (BIO),. 500 Walters Park, (J8).. 200 Wampum, (A6) 980 Wanamakers, (K7).. 130 Wanamie, 05) 1,500 Wapwallopcn, (J5).. 300 Ward, (LlO) 120 Warfordsburg, (Ell) 100 Warren, (C2) 11,080 Warren Center, (J2). 150 Warrendale, (A7)... 1,000 Warrensville, (G4).. 700 Warrior Run, (Ky. 1,251 Warriors Mark, (E7) 300 Warsaw, (D5) 100 Warwick, (K9) 250 Washington, (JIG).. 560 Washington, (A9). 18,778 Washingtonboro, (JIO) 730 Washingtonviile, (H5) 183 Waterford, (A2) 724 Waterside, (E9) 200 Waterstreet, (E7)... 100 Waterville, (G4) 150 Watsontown, (H5)..1,950 Wattersonville, (B6) 150 Wattsburg, (B2) 283 Waverly, (K3) 515 Waymart, (L3) 412 Wayne, (L9) 3,000 Waynesboro, (Fll) 7,199 Waynesburg, (AlO) 3,545 Weatherly, (K6)....2,501 Weaversville, (L7).. 190 Webster, (B9) 1,000 Webster Mills, (ElO) 100 Weedville, (D4) 300 Wehnim, (C8) 600 Weikert, (G6) 100 Weisel, (L8) 180 Weisenburg, (K7).-. ICO Weissport, (K6) 638 Weidbank, (C2)-,... 200 Weldon, (L9) 300 Wellersburg, (DU) 193 Wells, (H2). 100 Wellsboro, -.. 500 Autun, (B2) ISO Bamberg, (E5) 1,937 Barnwell, (E5) 1,324 Batesburg, (E4) 1,995 Batesville. (C2)-., 150 Bath. (D5)- 500 Beaufort. (F7) 2.486 Belton, (C2)_- 1,652 Bennettsviile, (H2) 2,646 Bessie, (C2> 250 Bethune, (G3) 317 Bingham, (J3> 196 Bishopsdlle, (G3)-_ 1,659 Blacksburg, (El).. 1,119 Blackstock, (E2>.. 192 Blackville. (E5>-,. 1.278 Blaney, (F3) 100 Blenheim, (H2).-- 228 Bluffton, (F7) 577 Blythewood, (F3).. 100 Bolen. (F4).- 160 Bonneau, (H5) 100 Bordeaux, (C4) 200 Bowman, (F5) 327 Bradley, (C3> 279 Branch>^e. (F5> 1,471 Brandon, (C2) 300 Brighton. (E6> 190 BrightsviUe.(H2>.. 100 Brunsen, (E6) 610 Bucklick, (F3)-.._ 400 Buffalo, (D2) 200 Burton, (F7)---._. 100 Cades, (H4) 100 Calhoun, (B2> 215 Calhoun Falls, (B3) 296 (jamden, (F3) 3,569 Cameron, (F4) 421 Campobello. (CI).. 255 Carlisle, (E2) 367 (ilartersviUe, 4H3).. 320 Cateechee, (B2)-.. 300 Cayce, (E4) 180 Cedarspring, (D2)_ 150 Central, (B2) 886 (Chapín, (E3) 345 ChappeUs, (D3) 150 Charleston, (H6). .58,833 Cheraw, (H2) 2,873 Cherokee, (Dl)— 150 Cherokee Falls, (Dl) 591 Chester, (E2) 4,754 Chesterfield, (G2). 618 darks HÜI, (C4).. 100 Clifton, (D2) 1,700 Clinton. (D3) 3,272 Clio, (H2) 780 Clover, (El) 1,207 Cokesbury, (C3)..- 756 Colemans, (D3) 150 CoIUers, (C4) 150 COLUMBIA, (F4)26,319 Congaree, (F4) 100 Connors, ((j5)_.... 100 Converse, (Dl).l..*1,000 Conway, (J4) 1,228 Cope,(F5) 174 Cordesville, (H5)-- 130 Corooaca, (C3) 199 Cottageville, (06). 418 Cowpens, (D2) 1,101 (ilrocketville, (E6)- 200 Cromer, (D3) 100 Cross Anchor, (D2) 200 CrosshiU, (C3) 558 Crosskeys, (D2) 120 Dantzler, (F5) 130 DarUngton, (H3).. 3,789 Denmark, (ES).... 1,075 Dillon. (J3) 1,757 Donalds. (C3) 268 Dovesville. (H3)... 169 Drayton, (D2) 200 Duewest, (C3) 672 Dunbar, (H2) 150 Duncan, (C2) 190 Dunklin, (C2) 200 Earlybranch, (F6)- 160 Easley, (B2) 2.983 Eastover, (F4) 237 Eau Claire, (F4)... 1,234 Ebenezer, (H3) 420 Ebenezer, (E2) 190 Edgefield. (D4).... 1,771 Edgmoor, (F2) 113 Edisto Island, (06) 620 Ehrhardt, (E5),-., 315 Elko, (E5) 114 Ellenton, (D5) 367 Elliott, (G3) 500 Elloree, (F4) 540 Enoree, (D2) 1,000 Enterprise, (G6) 200 Estill, (E6) 460 Ethel, (G6) 100 EutawviUe, (G5). _ 405 Exchange, (G6) 300 Fairfax, (E6) 499 Fairforest, (C2) 300 Fairmont, (C2) 100 Fair Play, (A2) 100 Ferguson, (GS) 100 Field, (B2) 100 Fingerville, (CI) 300 Florence, (H3) 7,057 Foresten, (G4) 115 Fork, (J3) 134 Forkshoals, (C2)_. 360 Fort Lawn, (F2)... 204 Fort Mill, (F2) 1,616 Fort Motte, (F4)_. 392 Fortner, (Bl) 200 Fountain Inn. (C2) 979 Frogmore, (F7) 100 Furman, (É6) 100 Gaffney, (Dl) 4,767 Gaston, (E4) 150 (Georgetown, GS).. 5,530 Gilbert, (E4) 450 Glendale. (D2) 800 Glenn Springs, (D2) 178 Godbold, G4) 100 Goldville, (D3) 210 Crolightly, (D2) 300 Gourdin, (HS) 200 (Govan, (ES) Ill (Gowens^le, (Cl).. 100 Grahamville, (FÚ. 300 Graniteville, (D4). 2,500 Graycourt. (C2) 284 Great Falls, (F2).. 200 Greeleyville, (G4). 630 Greenpond, (F6)_. 560 Greenville, (C2)..15,H1 Greenwood, (C3).. 6,614 Greer, (C2) 1,673 (Giover, (FS) 67 Gurley, (K3) 100 Hagood, (F3) 300 Hamburg. (D5) 490 Hamer, (J3) 150 Hampton. (E6) 748 Hardeeville, (E7).- 650 Harleyville, (GS)... 190 Harmon, (D3) 150 Harper, (H5) 1(X) Hartsville, (G3) 2,365 Haskell, (J4) 100 Heath Spring, (F2) 452 Hebron, (H4) 100 Helena, (D3) 425 Henderson ville, (F6) 319 Hickory Grove,(El) 285 Highland, (Cl) 200 Hodges. (03) 266 HollyhUl, (G5) 342 Honeapath, (C3)--1,763 Huntersville, (02). 250 Inman, (Cl) 474 Irmo, (E3) 267 Iva. (B3)._ 894 Tackson, (D5) 150 Tacksonboro, (G6). 54 fames Island, (H6) 250 iedburg, (G5) 110 fefferson, (G2) 390 Tohns Island, (G6). 1,000 fohnston, (D4) 943 fonesvUle. (D2) 969 Tordan, (04)- 300 [Cathwood, (DS) 200 Kelton, (D2) 92 Kemper, G3) 62 Kershaw, (F2) 682 Killian, (F3) 110 Kings Creek, (El). 100 Kingstree. (H4) 1,372 Kline, (E5)- 199 Ladies Island, (F7) 100 Lake City, (H4) 1,074 Lamar, (G3) 592 Lancaster, (F2) 2,098 Lando, (E2) 200 Landrum, (Cl) 449 Lane, (H4) 100 X-angíey, (DS) 1,000 Latta, (J3) 1,358 Laurel, (J4) 200 Laurens. (C^3) 4,818 Leeds. (E2) 350 Leesville, (D4) 980 Lena, (E6) 100 Lenud, (H5) 250 Levys, (E7) 200 Lewiedale, fE4) 162 Lexington, (E4) 709 Liberty. (B2) 1,058 Libertyhill, (F3) 200 Lincolnville, (G5).. 341 Aberdeen, ♦F2)... 10,753 Akaska, (D2) 114 Albee, (H2) 131 Alcester, (H4) 409 Alexandria, (G4)... 955 Alpena, (F3) 417 Altamont, (H3L— 110 Andover, tG2) 445 Ardraore, (A4) 146 Arlington, (G3)_.-- 791 Armour, (F4) 968 Artas, (E2>- 220 Artesian, (G4), 583 Ashton, (F3) - 430 Athol,(F2)_ ISO Aurora, (H3) 236 Avon, i(G4)__. 4SI Baltic, (H4) 278 Bancroft, (G3) 100 Bcllefourcbe, fA3).- 1,352 Belvidere, (C4)..-. 150 Bemis, (H3) 100 Beresford, (H4) 1,117 Bigstone City, (H2) 551 Bijou Hills, (E4) 100 Bison, (B2) 100 Black Hawk, (A3)- 100 Blunt, (D3) 566 Bonesteel, (E4)_.-- 563 Bowdle, (E2) 671 Bradley, (G2) 351 Brandt, (H3) 158 Brentford. (F2)._. 150 Bridgewater, (G4). 934 Bristol, (G2) 444 Britton. (G2) 901 Broadland, (F3) 150 Brookings. (H3) 2,971 Bruce. (H3) 262 Bfyant, (03) 645 Buffalo, (A2) ISO Buffalogap, (A4)._- 280 Burke, (E4) 311 Bushneil, (H3) 200 Butler, (G2) 200 (Gamp Crook, (A2). 120 Canastota, ((j4) 409 (Ganova, ((j4) 311 (Ganton. (H4) 2,103 Carlyle, (E2) 100 Carthage, (03^ 554 Castlewood, (03) -. 594 Cavour, (G3^ 408 Centerville, (H4) 971 Central City, (A3). 296 Chamberlain, (E4). 1,277 Chancellor, (H4).. . 160 Chelsea, (F2) 100 Chester, (G4) 160 SOUTH DAKOTA 168 (SOUTH DAKOTA—TENNESSEE—TEXAS) INDEX OF THE UNITED STATES Kidjka, (C4) 222 Kennebec. (E4) 252 Keystone, (A4) 320 Kimball, (F4) 713 Kranzburg, (H3)..- 100 Lake Andes, (F4) 920 Lake Norden, (G3) 202 Lake Preston, (G3). 1,007 Lamro, (E4) 350 Lane, (F3) 294 Langford. (G2) 463 Lead, (A3) 8,392 Lebanon, (E2) 420 Lebeau, (D2) 210 Lemmon, (B2) 1,255 Lennox, (H4) 745 Leola, (F2) 484 Lesterville, (G4) 279 Letcher, (F4) 402 Lily,(G2) 175 Little Eagle. (D2).. 400 Lowry, (E2) 90 Mcintosh, (C2) 409 Madison, ((j4) 3,137 Manchester, (G3)-- 140 Mansfield, (F2) 150 Marion, (G4) 462 Marvin, (H2) 100 Meadow, (B2) 100 Meckling, (G5) 190 Mellette, (F2) 472 Menno, ((j4) 621 Midland. (C3).^.. 210 Milbank, (H2) 2,015 Miller. (E3) 1,202 Missionhill,(G5)... 200 Mitchell, (F4) 6,515 Mobridge, (D2) 1,200 Monroe, (G4) 169 Montrose, (G4). 442 Morristown, (C2)-- 222 Mound City, (E2)_ 100 Mount Vernon, (F4) 614 Murdo, (D3) 372 Naples, (G3) 130 Nemo, (A3) 100 Newark, ((j2) 100 Nora, (HS) 100 Norden, (G3) 190 Northville, (F2)... 392 Oacoma, (E4) 235 Oelrichs, (A4) 150 Oldham, (G3) 355 Olivet, (G4) 133 Onaka, (E2) 120 Onida, (D3) 319 Orient, (E3) 180 Ortley, (G2) 192 Parker, (G4) 1,224 Parkston, (G4),... 970 Peever, (H2) 140 PhUip, (C3). 578 Piedmont, (A3) 100 Pierpont, (G2) 314 PIERRE, (D3) 3,656 Plankinton, (F4) 712 Platte, (F4). 1,115 Pollock, (D2) 304 Presho, (D4) 635 Pukwana, (E4) 164 Quinn, (B3).. 250 Ramona, (G3) 312 Rapid City, (A3).-. 3,854 Raymond, (G3) 241 Redfem, (A4) 100 Redfield,(F3) 3,060 Ree Heights, (E3)._ 150 Reliance, (E4) 100 Revillo, (ÍI2) 332 Rockham, (F3) 286 Roscoe, (E2) 357 Rosebud, (D4) 110 Roswell, (G3) 167 Roubaix, (A3) 100 Rowena, (H4) 100 Running Water,(G5) 200 Rutland, (H3) 160 Saint Lawrence, (K3) 305 Saint Onge, (A3).-. 140 Salem, (G4) 1,097 Scenic, (B4) 130 Scotland, (G4) 1,102 Selby, (D2) 558 Seneca, (E2) 321 Sherman, (H4) 138 Sioux Falls, (H4)..14,094 Sisseton, (G2) 1,397 Southshore, (G2)._ 335 So.SiouxFalls, (H4) 132 Spearfish, (A3) 1,130 Spencer, (G4) 506 Springfield, (F5) 675 Stickney, (F4) 310 Stockholm, (H2) 200 Strandburg, (H2)._ 160 Stratford, (F2) 100 Sturgis, (A3) 1,739 Summit, (H2) 545 Tabor, (G5) 273 Tea, (H4) 134 Terraville, (A3) 560 Terry, (A3) 600 Tolstoy, (E2) 142 Toronto, (H3) 424 Trent, (H4) 200 Tripp, (G4) 675 Tulare, (F3) 250 Turton,(F2) 240 Twinbrooks, (H2). 190 Tyndall, (G4) 1,107 Utica,(G5) 103 Valley Springs, (H4) 331 Veblen,(G2) 173 Verdón, (F2) 136 Vermilion, (HS)....'2,187 Viborg, (04) 410 Vienna, (G3) 453 Vilas, (G3) 160 Virgil, (F3) 120 Volga, (H3) 568 Volin, (G5) 286 Wagner, (F4) 964 WaWda, (G4).... 326 Wall, (B4) 167 Wallace, (G2) 207 Ward,(H3) 72 Warner, (F2) 150 Wasta, (B3) 130 Watertown, (G3)._ 7,010 Waubay, (G2) 803 Webster, (G2) I,7l3 Wentworth, (H4). - 329 We5«ington, (F3)._ 576 WessingtonSprs(F3)l,093 Weton^, (F2) lOO Wheeler, (F4) lOO White, (H3) 468 Whitehorse, (D2)>_ 900 White Lake, (F4),. 507 Whiterock, (H2) 368 Whitewood, (A3)., 390 Willow Lake, ((53). 43? Wümot, (H2) 427 Winfred, (G4)_-.. 243 Witten, (E4) 250 Wolsey, (F3) 436 Woonsocket, (F3).. 1.027 Worthing, (114)... 179 Yale, (G3) 120 Yankton, (G5) 3,787 TENNESSEE Adams, (05) 542 Adamsville, (Ê8).. 700 Aetna, (07) 150 Afton, (06) 120 Agee, (N6) 100 Alamo. (Cy 340 Alanthus, (r5) 100 Alexandria, (K6).. 800 Algood, (L6) 180 Mardt, (M6) 330 AUens Creek, (F8) 490 AUisona, (H7) 100 Almy,(M6) 240 Altamont, (K8) 140 Alto, (K8) 150 Altonpark, (L8) 400 Anderson, (K8) 300 Anthras, (N5) 150 Apison, (L8) 120 Arcadia, (R5) 200 Arlington, (B8) 477 Arthur, (05) 200 Asbury,(07).w 100 Ashland City, (G6) 641 Ashport. (B7) 600 Aspen Hill, (08)... 200 Athens, (M8) 2,264 Atoka, (B8) 250 Atpontley, (L7)— 400 Atwood, (D7) 200 Auburn, (J7) 140 Auioq, (B8) 140 Avondale, (L8) 1,000 Await, 08) 180 Baileyton, (06) — 250 Bakerville, (F7)... 170 Ballcamp, (N7) 200 Barley, (A8) 150 Bamville, (G8) 150 Barr, (B7) 200 Bartlett, (B8) 263 Baxter, (K6) - 200 Beans Creek, (J8)-- 150 Beardstown, (F7)-. 200 Bear Spring, (F6).. 500 Beechgrove. (J7)-- 100 Beersheba Springs, (K8; 140 Belfast. (H8) 110 Bellbuckle, (J7)— 466 Belle view, (H6) 180 Bells. (C7) 753 Belisburg, (06) —- 210 Belltown, (N8) 150 BeüviUe, (H8) 100 Bemis, (D7) 650 Bennett, (N6) 100 Benton, (M8) 200 Bessie, (B6) ISO Bethel, (G8) 170 Bethel Springs,(D8) 200 Bethpage, (J6) 170 Big Rock, (F5) 130 Big Sandy, (E6)..- 380 Binghamton, (B8). 1,673 Biri^wood, (M8)_- 100 Blanche, (H8) 250 Block, (N6)- 100 B'x>mingdale, ÍQ5) 100 Pioomington Springs, (K6) 166 Blountville, (R5).. 230 Blue Gem, (M6)-.. 100 Bluff City, (R6)... 540 Bolivar, (C8) 1,070 Bon Air, (L7) 517 Boyds Creek. (07). 100 Braden, ((58) 150 Bradford, (D6) 500 Bransford, (J6) 120 Brazil, (D7) 160 Briceville, (N6) 1,400 Brighton, (B8) 220 Bristol, (R5) 7,148 Brownsville, (C7).. 2,882 Brunswick. (B8)... 250 Brushy Mountain, (M6) 858 Buckeye, (N6) 100 Buena Vista, (E7). 120 Buffalo VaUey,(K6) 120 Bullsgap, (P6) 130 Bumpus Mills, (F5) 130 Bunker Hill, (H8). 120 Buntyn, (B8) 500 Bums, (G6) 250 Burwood, (H7) ISO Butler, (S6) 499 Byrdstown, (L5).. 100 Cades, (D7) 161 CainsvUle, (J7) 200 Calhoun, (M8) 220 Camden, (E6) 692 Campbells, (G8)... 100 (5ampbellsville,(G8) 150 (5aneybranch, (Q6) 150 Capleville, (B8)... 150 Cardiff, (M7) 120 Carlisle, (F6) 150 Carlock, (M8) 100 Carters Creek, (H7) 150 Carthage, (K6) 904 CaryviUe, (N6) 250 Castalian Springs, (J6) 150 (5atlettsburg, (07). 100 Cedar HiU,(H5).-. 500 Celina, (K5) 380 Centerville. (F7).. 1,097 Chapel Hill, (H7).. 170 Charleston, (M8).. 400 Charlotte. (G6)... 236 Chaska, (N5) 100 Chattanooga, (L8) 44,604 Cherry, (B 7) - 100 Cherry Valley, (J6) 100 Chesterfield, (E7).. 100 Crhestnut Hill, (P7) 100 Chestnut Mound, (K6) 230 Chic, (B7) 100 Christiana, (J7) 150 Clairfield, (05) 200 Clarksburg, (E7)_. 230 Clarksville, (G5).. 8,548 Claybrook, (D7)... 150 Clear Water, (M7). 300 Cleveland. (M8)-.. 5,549 Chfton, (F8) 711 Clifty, (L7) 596 Clinton, (N6) 1.090 Coal Creek, (N6).. 1,102 Coal Field, (M6).. 300 Coalmont, (K8) 250 CogHUl, (M8) 100 Ccrfesville, (S6) 100 College Grove. (H7) 130 CoUierville, (B8) 802 Columbia, (H7) ...5,754 Como, (D6) 160 Conasauga, (M8).. 100 Concord, (N7) 500 CookeviUe, (L6).-. 1,848 Copperhill, (N8)-. 1,500 ComersviUe, (H8) _ 290 Cottagegrove, (E6) 215 Countyhne, (jS)— 150 Covington, (B7) 2,990 Cowan, (K8) 630 Crab Orchard, (M7) 300 Crainesville, (D8). 100 Crandull, (SS) 150 Crossbridges, (G7). 110 Cross Plains, (H5)_ 110 Crossville, (M7)-_- 763 Culleoka, (08) 340 Cumberland City, (F6) 600 Cumberland Fur¬ nace, (06) 300 Cumberland Gap, (05) 347 Curryhee, (07) 100 Curve, (C7) 100 Daisy, (L8) 370 Dancyville, (C8)_- 100 Dandridge, (P6)... 447 Dante, (06) 150 Danville, (F6) 110 Darden, (E7) 200 Darks Mill, (H7).. 100 Daysville, (M7)— 100 Dayton, (L8) 1,991 Decatur, (M7) 165 Decaturvüle, (E7)_ 300 Decherd, QS) 1,022 Deer Lodge, (M6)- 150 Deliróse, ^8) 150 Del Rio, (P7) 100 Denmark, (D7) 300 Deposit, (N6) 100 Detroit, (B7) 100 Dickson, (G6) 1,850 Difficult, (K6) 280 Dixon Spring, (J6). 250 Dock, (P6) 100 Dorton, (M7) 100 Double Bridges, (B7) 100 Double Springs, (K6) 140 Dover, (F6) 480 Dowelltown, (K6)_ 240 Doyle, (R7) 240 Dresden, (D6) 708 Drokes, (R6) 150 Ducktown, (N8)... 1,500 Dunlap, (L8) 1,166 Durhamville, (B7). 150 Dyer, (D6) 1,166 Dyersburg, (C6)— 4,149 Eads, (P3) 81 Eagleville, (H7)— 380 East Chattanooga, (L8) 5,000 Eastlake, (L8) 250 Eastland, (L7) 334 Eaton, (C7) 130 Ebenezer, (N7) lOO Echo, 06).- 100 Eden wold, (H6)..- 150 Elizabethton, (R6)- 2,478 Elkton, (H8) 179 Elk Valley, (N6)..- 200 Ellejoy, (07) 100 Ellendale, (B8)..-. 58 Elora,(J8)- 100 Elva, (M5) 100 Embreeville, (Q6) _ 300 Emorygap, (M7).- 150 Englewood, (M8)._ 600 Enville, (E8) 140 Erin, (F6) 943 Erwin, (R6) 1,149 Estill Springs, CJ8). 160 Ethridge, (G8) 180 Etowah, (N8) 1,685 Eurekaton, (C8)— 150 Evensville, (M7).. 200 Fall Branch, (R6).. 120 FaUcreek, (H7).--. 120 Farmington, (H7). 150 Fayetteville, (H8) _ 3,439 Ferro, (F8) 200 Fetzerton, (M8) 130 Finley, (B6) 304 FLsh Spring, (R6).. 100 Flippin, (B7) 100 Flynnslick,(K6)..- 150 Fogal, (N6) 100 FordviUe, (R6) 100 Forest HiU, (B8)... 650 Forkridge, (05) 300 Fostervule, (J7) 360 Fountain C^ity,(N6) 500 Fountain Head, (H5) 170 Fowlkes, (B7) 240 Foxbluff, (G6) 100 Foxbranch, (P5) 230 Franklin, (H7) 2,924 Friendship, (C7)... 270 FriendsviUe, (N7) . 500 Fulton, (B7) 100 Gadsden, (D7) 270 Gainesboro, (K6)_. 408 Gallatin, 06) 2,399 GaUaway, (B8) 100 Gardner, (D6) 260 Gates, (C7) 292 Gatliff, (N6) 150 Georgetown, (M8)- 150 Germantown, (B8). 247 Gibson, (D7) 250 Glass, (C6)_ 250 Oleason, (D6) 388 Glen Cliff, (H6).-. 150 Olendale, (07) 100 Olenmary, (M6) • 500 Glenraven, (H5) 100 Glimp, (B7) 100 Godwin, (07) 100 Golddust, (B7) 200 Goodlettsville, (H6) 1,000 Goodrich, (F7) 360 Gordonsburg, (G7) 422 Gordonsville, (K6)_ 245 Graham, (F7) 100 Grand Junction, (C8) 491 Granville, (K6) 230 Oraveston, (06) 100 Graysville, (L8).-. 390 Green Brier, (H6)._ 522 Greeneville, (Q6), 1,920 Greenfield, (D6)._- 1,516 Orimsley, (L6)..._ 140 Gruetii, (K8) 300 Guelph, (C6) 200 Guild, (K8) 500 Habersham, (N6),- 130 Hales Point, (B7)-- 200 HaUs, (C7) 882 Hamburg, (E8) 150 Hampton, (R6)— 600 Hardin Valley. (N7) 100 Harrican, (K8)-.-- 150 Harriman, (N7)—3,061 Harrison, (L8) 200 Hartsvilie, (J6) 1,000 Haysville, U5) 100 Hebbertsburg,(M6) 100 Heiskell, (N6) 200 Helenwood, (M6).. 300 Henderson, (D8)-, 1,087 Hendersons Cross Roads, (J6) 100 HendersonvilIe,(H6) 220 Henning, (B7) 582 Henry, (E6) 198 Henryville, (G8)_-- 150 Hickman, (K6) 280 Hickory Valley, (C8) 200 Highcliff, (N5) 500 Hilham, (L6) 200 HUI City, (L8) 600 Hinkledale, (D6).. 100 Hohenwaid, (F7)-- 500 HoUaday, (E7) 190 HoUowrock, (E6).._ 270 Horabeak, (C6)— 400 Horsecreek, (Q6).- 100 Huffmans, (M6) 100 Huml^Idt, (D7) 3,446 Huntingdon, (E7). 1,112 Huntland, (J8) 400 Huntsville, (M6).. 300 Hurricane Mills, (F7) 100 Idaville, (BS) 100 Indian Mound, (F5) 100 Indian Springs,(R5) 300 Inman, (L8) 620 Iron City, (F8) 410 Isabella, (N8) 500 Isoline, (L6) 253 Iacksboro, (N6) 834 ackson, (D7) 15,779 amestown, (M6).. 350 asper, (K8) 1,000 earoldstown, (Q6). 100 efferson City, (P6) 1,328 eUico, (N5) 1,862 ockey, (06) 100 Johnson City, (Q6) 8,502 Johnsonvüle, (F6) . 330 Jonesboro, (Q6) 806 Kelso, (H8) 130 Kenton, (C6) 815 Kerrville, (B8) 220 Kimberlin Heights, (07) 100 Kimmins, (F7)_... 300 Kingsport, (Q5) 350 Kingston, (N7) 824 Kingston Sprs, (G6) 130 Knoxville, {N7) 36,346 Lafayette, (K5) 678 Lafollette, (N6) 2,816 Lagrange, (C8) 308 Laguardo, 06) 100 Lancing, (M6) 100 Laurel Bloomery, (S5) 210 Laurelhill, (K6) 210 La Vergne, (H6) 200 Law, (D7) 100 Lawrcnceburg, (G8) 1,687 Lebanon, (J6) 3,659 Lenoir City, (N7)-- 3,392 Lenox, (C6) 500 Lewisburg, (H8) 1,830 Lexington, (E7)— 1,497 Liberty, (K6) 330 Limestone, (Q6) 200 Limestone Cove, (R6) 200 Linden, (F7) 330 Livingston, (L6) 1,421 Lobelville, (F7) ... 280 Longview, (J7) 180 Lonsdale, (07) 2,391 Lookout Mountain, (L9) 631 Loretto, (G8) lOO Loudon, (N7) 995 LouisvUle, (N7)... 320 Lovedale, (Q5) 200 Lucy, (B8) 100 Luray, (D7) 200 Luttrell, (06) 500 Lynchburg, (J8)— 408 Lynnville, ((j8) 596 McClays, (N8) 100 McEwen, (F6) 661 McKenzie, (E6)... 1,322 McLemoresville, (D7) 300 McMillan, (06)... 130 McMinnville, (K7) 2,299 McNairy, (D8) 150 Macon, (C8) 200 Madisonville, (N7) 700 Malesus, (D7) 100 Manchester, 08) - - 963 Manlyville, (E6) .. 110 Martin. (D6) 2,228 Martins Mills, (F8) 200 Maryville, (07)... 2,381 Mason, (C8) 391 Maury City, (C7).. 250 Mayland, tL6) 192 Maynardville, (06) 200 Medina, (D7) 320 Medon,(D8) 250 Meeks, (K8) 300 Memphis, (A8) ..131,105 Mengelwood, (B6). 300 Middleton, (D8) 273 MUan, (D7) 1,605 Milledgeville, (E8). 130 Milligan CoUege, (R6) 300 Millington, (B8) 554 Millstone, (M7)... 200 Miser, (N7) 130 Mitchell, (H5) 150 Mohawk, (P6) 300 Molino, (H8) 100 Mont Eagle, (K8). 600 Monterey, (L6) 1,107 Montlake, (L8) 230 Mooresburg, (P6)._ 200 Morganton, (N7).- 100 Morrison, (K7) 149 Vlorristown, (P6)._ 4,007 Mascow, (C8) 211 Mosheim, ((36) 500 Moss, (K5) 130 Mountain City,(S6) 592 Mountain View, (07) 1,436 Mountpleasant, (G7) 1.973 Mulberry, (J8) 210 Mulberry Gap, (P5) 200 Munford, ÍB8) 329 Murfreesboro, (J7)- 4,679 Nance, (J7) 110 NASHVILLE, (H6) 110,364 National Soldiers Home, (R6) 100 Neva, (S6) 120 Newbem, (C6) 1,602 Newcomb, (N5) 500 New Market, (P6). 700 New Middleton, (K6) 290 Newport, (P7) 2,003 New Prospect, (06) 120 New Providence, (G5) 820 New River, (M6)_. 300 Newsoms Station, (G6) ISO New Tazewell, (06) 150 Niota, (M7) 150 Nixon, (E8) 100 Nolensville, (H7)-. 150 Norma, (N6) 300 Normandy, 08) 300 Nunnelly, (G7) 500 Oakdale, (M7) 200 OakHUl, (L6) 120 Oakland, ÍC8) 350 Oakplain, (G6) 100 OakvUle, (B8) 160 Obion, (C6) 1,293 Oldfort, (M8) 100 Oliver Springs,(N6) 573 Oneida, (M5) 500 Only, (F7) 300 Ooltewah, (L8) 500 Orchard Knob, (L8) 1,000 Orlinda, (H5) 200 Orme, (K8) 653 Ottway, (06) 100 PalmersvilTe, (D6). 120 Paris, (E6) 3,881 Park, (07) 5,126 Parrottsville, (P6).. 200 Parsons, (E7) 700 Patterson Mills,(Q7) 100 Pearley. (B8) 200 Perryviile, (F7) 110 Persia, (Q6) 100 Petersburg, (H8).. 379 Petros, (N6) 1,000 Philadelphia, (N7)- 300 Pickwick, (E8) 350 Pigeonforge, (07).. 200 Pikeville, (L7) 400 Piljerk, (B7) 100 Pinewood, (G7) 600 Pinhook Landing, (M7) 100 Pinson, (D8)..-... 300 Pioneer, (N6) 230 Pleasant Hill, (L7). 227 PleasantShade,(K6) 250 PleasantView,(H6). 350 Pless, (N6) 100 Portland, (J5) 579 Powell Station,(N6) 300 Probst, (N8) 150 Prospect Station, (118) 200 Pruden, (OS) 100 Pulaski, (H8) 2,928 Puryear, (E6) 254 Quebeck, (K7) 150 Raleigh, (B8) 240 RaLstons Station, (D6) 100 Ramer, (D8) 150 Randolph, (B7)..- 100 Ravenscroft, (L7) . 481 Readyyille, (J7) lOO Redboiling Springs, (K5) 200 Rhea Springs, (M7) 300 Rheatown, ((¿6) 154 Rialto, (B7) 110 Riceville, (M8) 400 Richard City, (K8) 324 Rickman, (L6) 100 Ridgedale, (L8).-- 1,500 Ridgely, (B6) 519 Ripley, (B7) 2,011 tóves, (C6) 468 Roan Mountain, (R6) 300 Robbins, (M6) 400 Rockford, (07).-- 500 Rock Island, (K7).. 100 Rockwood, (M7).. 3,660 Roellen, (C6) 150 Rogersville, (P6).. 1,242 Rome, (J6) 300 Roope, (K8) 200 Rossville, (C8) 142 Rugby, (M6) 250 Ruskin, (F6) 200 Russellville, (P6)_. 200 Rutherford, (D6).- 766 Rutledge, (P6) 500 Saint (ilair, (P6) 360 Saint Elmo, (L8).- 2,426 Saint Joseph, (G8). 250 Sale Creek, (L8)... 500 Saltillo, (E8) 360 Samburg, (C!6) 111 Santa Fe, (G7) 270 Sardis, (E8) 400 Saulsbuw, (C8) 199 Savannah, (E8) 2,100 Scivally, a8) 200 Scotts HUI, (E7)... 250 Selmer, (D8) 529 Sequatchie, (K8).. 100 Sevierville, (07) 675 Sewanee, (K8) 500 Shadeland, (M6).. 200 Shallowford, (L8).. 250 Sharon, (D6) 608 Shawanee, (05) 200 Shelby ville, (H8).. 2,869 Shepherd, (L8) 100 Sherwood, (K8) 400 Shopspring, (J6) 100 Shouns, (S6) 200 Shultz, (P7) 100 Smithville, (K7) 800 Smoky Junction, (N6) - 200 Smyrna, (H7) 220 SneedviUe, (P5)... 200 Soddy, (L8) 1,200 Soraerville, (C8). -- 1,387 South Fulton, (D6) 1,391 ^uth Pittsburg, (K8) 2,106 Southside, (G6) 300 SparU, (K7) 1,409 Speedwell, (06) 200 Spencer, (L7) 210 Spot, (F7) 450 Spring City, (M7). 1,039 Springcreex, (D7) . 200 Springfield, (H5)_. 2,085 Spring HUl, (G7)-- 695 Springville, (E6) 120 Stacy, (Q6) 100 Stanton, (C8) 500 Statesville, (J6) 120 Stewart, (F6) 180 Stokes, (C7) 100 Strathmore, (G8).. 200 Straw Plains, (06). 150 Sugar Tree, (E7).. 200 Summertown, (G8) 400 Summitville, (J7).- 130 Sunbright, (M6) 220 Sutherland, (S5) 200 Sweetwater, (N7).. 1,850 Sycamore, (H6) 200 Talbott, (P6) 20O Tampa, (P7) 100 Tampico, (P6) 130 Tarlton, (K7) 100 Tasso, (M8)- 130 Tazewell, (06) 886 Telford, (Q6) 150 Teller. (06) 250 Teilico Plains, (N8) 300 Temperance Hall, (K6) 180 Thomastown, (A8). 391 Thompsons Station, (H7) 200 Tiptonvillc, (C6).. 843 Tomscreek, (17).. 100 Toone, (D8)- 245 Townsend, (07)... 800 Toy, (M8) 100 Tracy City, (K8).. 3,100 Trade, (S6) 130 Trenton, (C7) 2,402 TrentviUe, (06)... ISO Trezevant, (D6) 500 Trimble, (C6) 556 Troy, (C6) 529 TuUahoma, (J8)... 3,049 Tusculum, (Q6)— 150 Unicoi, (R6) 250 Union City, (C6)-. 4,389 Unionville, (H7)... 220 Upton vüle, (D8)-. lOO Vandever, (L7) 100 Vaughtsville, (S6). 100 Verona, (H7) 110 Victoria, (K8) 300 Vildo, (C8) 120 VioU, (K7) 177 Vonore, (N7) - 200 Waldensia, (M7).. 500 Walnut Grove, (E8) 500 Walterhill.(J7),... 120 Warner, (G7) 600 Wartburg, (M6)... 210 Wartrace, (J7) 659 Watauga. (R6) 100 Watauga Valley, (R6)- 150 Watertown, (J6)— 517 Watson, (M6) 100 Wauhatchie, (L8)-. 100 Waverly, (F6) 947 Wayland Springs, (F8) 130 Waynesboro, (F8). 357 Weavers Store, (F5) 120 Welch Station, (L6) 150 Wellwood, (C7)... 200 Westmoreland, (J5) 298 Westpoint, (F8)... 370 Westport, (E7).-.. 200 Wetmore, (N8) 100 Wheat, (N7) 100 White Bluffs, (G6). 419 White Fern, (D7).. 100 White House, (H6) 100 Whitepine, (P6) 500 Whites Bend, (H6). 200 Whitesburg, (P6).. 400 Whites Creek, (H6) 100 Whiteside, (K8)... 650 Whiteville, (C8)-.- 741 Whittle Springs, (06) 200 Whitwell, (K8) 3,000 Wier, Ü6)- 130 Wilder, (L6) 300 Wülette, (K6) 250 Wmiston, (C8) 170 Willow Grove, (L5) 130 Winchester, (J8) 1,351 Winesap, (L7) 150 Winfield, (M5)-.. 200 Winona, (N6) 350 Witts Foundry, (P6) 250 Woodbury, iJ7) 609 Woodland Mills, (C6) 250 Woodville, (C7)... 100 Wooldridge, (N5) . 600 Xenophon, (P5) 100 Yorkville, (C6) 30O Yuma. (E7) 130 TEXAS Abbie, (H5) 200 Abbott, (K6) 850 Abcrnathy, (F3).... 100 Abilene, (H5) 9,204 Abram. (Jll) 200 Acme, (H3) 300 Acton, (K5) 150 Addison, (LS) 100 Adkins. (J8) 200 Adrian, (E2) 100 AdsuU(07) 250 Agüitares. (HlO).... 300 Airline, (MS) 200 Aiax, (N5) 130 Alamo Mills, (N4). . 100 Alanre^, (G2) 250 Alba, (MS) 1,200 Albany, (H5) 2,000 Aldine, (M8) 150 Aldridge, (N6) 600 Aledo, (K5) 500 Alexander, (J 5) 500 Alice, (J 10) 2,136 Alief, (M8) 150 Allen, (L4) 350 Alienfarm, (L7) 100 Alleyton, (L8) 250 Alliance, (L4) 150 Alma, (L5) 150 Almeda, ÍM8) 250 Almira, (N4) 100 Almont, (N4) 100 Alpine, (D7) 1,500 Altair, (U) 200 Alta Loma, (M8). .. 400 Alto, (M6) 500 Alvarado, (KS).. ..1,155 Alvin, (M8) 1,453 Alvord, (K4) 2,000 Amarillo, (F2) 9,957 Amelia, (N7) KX) Ammannsville, (L8). 300 Amphion, (J9) 250 Anahuac, (N8) 500 Anchor, (M8) 100 Anderson, (M7), ... 600 Angelita, (KIO) 100 Angleton, (M8) 1,500 Anna, (L4).. 300 Anneta, (K5) 100 Annona, (N4) 500 Anson, (H5) 1,842 Antelope, (J4) 150 Anti, (N4) 100 Appleby, (N6) 250 Apple Springs, (M6) 300 Aquilla, (K6) 310 Aransas Pass, (K10) 1,197 Arcadia, (M8) 300 Archer City, (J4). .. 825 Ardath, (L4) 100 .Agenta, (K9) 120 Argo, (N4) 230 Argyle, (K4) 250 Arlington, (K5)... .1,794 Arneckeville, (K9).. 250 Arnold, (L4) 150 Arp, (M5) 350 Arroyo, (K12) 500 Artesia, (H9) 100 Arthur City, (M4).. 150 Ash, (M6) 150 Ashby, (L9) 150 Asherton, (H9) 100 Ashland, (V5) 200 Askew, (M4) 250 Aspermont, (G4).... 800 Ater, (K6) 100 Athens, (M5) 2,261 Atlanta. (N4) 1,604 Atoka, (H5) 100 Attoyac, (N6) 130 Aubrey, (K4) 8(X) Auburn, (K5) 100 Audubon, (K4) 100 Augusta, (M6) 120 AUSTIN, (K7). ..29,860 Authon,(K5) 100 Avalon, (L5) 300 Avery, (N4) 300 Avinger, (N5) 320 Avoca, (H5) 100 Axtell, (L6) 290 Azle,(K5) 140 Baber, (N6) 200 Babyhead, (J7) 100 Bagwell, (M4) 300 Bailey, (L4) 300 Baileyvüle, (L6).... 250 Baird, (H5) 1,710 Bala, (G4) 100 Bald Prairie, (L6)... 130 Baldwin, (N5) 100 Ballinger, (G6) 3,536 Balsora, (K4) 100 Bandera, (H8) 370 Bangs, (H6) 512 Banquete, (KlO) 100 Bardwell, (L5) 100 Barksdale, (G8). 600 Barry, (L5) 300 Barstow, (D6). 690 Bartlett, (K7) 1,815 Bartonville, (K4)... 300 Bastrop, (K7) 1,707 BatesvUle, (H9) 20O Batson, (N7) 800 Battle, (L6) 100 Bay City, (L9) 3,156 Bazette, (L5) 130 Beattie, (J6) 100 Beaukiss, (K7) 140 Beaumont, (N7). .20,640 Bebe, (K8) 100 Beckville, (N5) 650 Bedias, (M7) 500 Beeville, (K9> 3,269 Belcher, (K4) 181 INDEX OF THE UNITED STATES (TEXAS) 169 tieIcherville,(K4)... 200 ßellevue, (j4) 600 Bells, (L4) 496 Bellville. (L8) 1,500 Belmont, (K8) 150 Belott. (M6) 200 Beiton, (K6) 4,164 Benarnold, (L7). ... 200 Benavides, (JIO).... 500 Benford, (N6) 250 Ben Franklin, (M4). 500 Benhur, (L6) 200 Benjamin, (H4) 500 Benton, (J8) 100 Ben Wheeler, (M5) . 350 Berdair, (K9) 150 Bernardo, (L8) 100 Bertram, (J7) 500 Bessmay, (07) 850 Bettle, (N5) 100 Beverly, (F3) 100 Biardstown, (M4).. • 100 Bibb, (J6) 100 Biegel, (L^) 100 Bigbend, (D8) 300 Big Creek, (N7). ... 400 Big Sandy, (MS)... 1,200 Big Spring, (F'^).-. .4,102 Billington, (L >) 200 Birch, (L7) 300 Birdville. (KS.. .... 100 Birthright, (M4).... 100 Bivins, (N4) 150 Blackfoot, (M6).... 500 Blackwell, (G5)..... 400 Blanco, (J7) 600 Blanconia, (K.9). ... 200 Blanket, (J6) 500 Bleiblerville, (L7),.. 500 Blessing, (L9) 200 Bloomburg, (04).... 500 Blooming (irove, (L5) 906 Blossom, (M4). .... 871 Bluegrove, (J4) 100 Blueridge, (£>1) 4^0 Bluff, (I^) 200 Bluff Dale, QS) 700 Blum, (K5) 500 Boerne, (J8) 886 Bogata, (M4) 400 Bolivar, (K4) HO Bomarton, (H4).... 600 Bonham, (I^) Bonita, (K.4). 200 Bonney, (M8) 200 Bonus, (l^) 600 Bon Wier, (07) 100 Boonsville, (.K.4).... 200 Boston, (N4) 300 Bovina, (E3) 100 Bowden, (M4)...... 130 Bowie, (K4) 2,874 Boyce, (L5) 100 Boyd, (K4) 800 Brackettville, (G8).2,100 Bradford, (M6) 250 Bradshaw, (H5). — ISO Brady. (H6) 2.669 Bragg, (N7) . 100 Branchville, (L7). .. 400 Brandon, (KS) 401 Brashear, (M4) 300 Brazoria, (M8) 800 Brazos, (J5) 100 Breckenridge, (J5).. 1,000 Bremond, (L6) - ...1,000 Brenhara, (L7) 4,718 Bridgeport, (K4). ..2,000 Brighton, (KIO).... 100 Bristc4, (L5) 350 Britton,(K5) 200 Broadway, (M4).... 200 Brock, (K5) ISO Brogado, (D6)...... 150 Bronson, (06) 1,000 Bronte, (G6) 635 Brookeland, (N6)).. 800 Brooklyn Heights, (KS) 500 Brookshire, (MS)... 200 Brookston, (M4).... 360 Browndel, (06) 500 Brownfieid, (E4).... 500 Brownsboro, (MS).. 160 Brownsville, (K12)10,517 Brownwood, (H6). .6,967 Bruceville, (K6).... 600 Bryan, (L7) 4,132 Bryans Mill, (N4).. 100 Bryson, (J4) 250 Buck, (N7) 400 Buckholts, (K7).... 100 Buda, (K7) 250 Buffalo, (M6) 300 Buffalo Gap, (H5). . 500 Bullard, (M5) 400 Bui verde, (J8) 250 Buna, (07) 500 Burkburnett, (J3).. 1,500 Burke, (N6) 200 Burkett, (H5) 300 Burkeville, (06)...o 200 Burleson, (K.5) 500 Burlington, (K7).... 400 Burnet, (J7) 981 Burns, (K4) 1Ö0 Burton, (L7) 400 Butler, (M6) 110 Byers, (J3) 600 Bynum, (L6) 150 Caddo, (T5) 200 Caddo Mills, (L4)... 450 C^ain, (L5)... 100 Calaveras, (J8) 200 Caldwell, (L7) 1,476 C:all.(07) 1,000 Callis. (L4) 300 Callisburg, (K4).... 100 Calvert, (L7) 2,579 Cameron, (L7) 3,263 Omüla, (M7) 200 Campbell, (M4). 700 Campbell ton, (J 9), . 200 Camp San Saba, (H6) 180 Canad Ian, (G2 ).... 1,648 Candelaria, (C7)»... 500 Caney, (M9) 220 Canton, (MS) 500 Canyon, (F3) 1,400 Carbon, (JS) 479 Carbondale, (N4).. . ■^.jU Carl, (K7) 100 Carlisle, (M7) 500 Carlos, (L7).... ... 150 Carlsbad. (G6) ... 200 Carlton, (J6) 250 Carmine, (L7) ..... 300 Carmena, (N 200 Caro, (N6) 1,250 Carricitos, (K 1). .. 250 Carrizo Springs,(H9) 600 Carroll. (MS) 250 Carroll ton, (L5). ... 400 Carson, (L4) 150 Carthage, (N5) 2,250 Casablanca, (JIO)... 100 Cason, (N4) 350 Cass, (04) 100 Castroville, (J8) 500 Cathrons Store,(M4) 150 (3at Spring, (L8).... 300 Cedar Bayou, (N8). 400 Cedar Creek, (K7).. 390 Cedar Hill, (L5).... 300 Cedar Mills, (L4) .. 100 Cele, (K7) 200 Celeste, (L4) 821 Celina, (L4) 724 Cement, (L5) 503 Center, (N6) 1 684 (Center City, (J6). .. 100 Center Point, (H8).. 500 Centerville, (M6)... 300 Centraba, (M6)..... 150 Cestohowa, (K8)... . 200 Chandler, (M5) 300 Channing, (E2) 500 Chapel Hill, (L7). .. 600 Chapin, (J 11) 200 Charco, (K9) 800 Charleston, (M4).., 200 Cherokee, (J7) 250 Cherryspring, (J7).. 150 Chester, (N7) 300 Chico, (K4) 1,200 Chicota. (M4) 100 (Childress, (G3) 3,818 Chillicothe. (H3)...1,207 Chilton, (L6) 500 China, (N7) 400 China Spring, (K6).. 300 Chireno, (N6) 250 Chisholm, (L5) 250 Chriesman, (L7).... 200 Christine, (J8) 100 Christoval, (G6).... 200 Church Hill, (N5)... 100 Cibolo, (78) 200 Circhvilie. (K7).... 150 Cisco, (J5) 2,410 Clairemont, (G4), 200 Clairette, (jS) 150 Claren., 150 Point Isabel, {K.11). 400 PoUok, (N6> 150 PoUy, (H8) 200 Ponta, (M6) 100 Pontotoc, (J7) 250 Pool/üie, (KS) SOG Port Arthur, (08). _ 7,663 Port Bolivar, (N8). 100 Portland. (KIO)--. 200 Port Lavaca, (L9). 1,699 Post, (F4).. 100 Postoak, ÍJ4) 200 Postoak Point, (L8) 100 Potosi, (H5) 140 PottsbK>ro, (L4) 313 Pottsvilie, CJ6) 100 Powell, (L5) 100 Poyner, (MS) 100 Praha,(K8) 100 Prairie HiU,(L6>... 200 Prairie Lea, (K8). — 300 Prairieview, (M7)- 500 PrairievJle, (LS) 120 Premont, (JIO) 100 Presidio, (C8) 300 Preston, (L4) 150 Pritchett. (N5) 200 Proctor, (j6) 300 Progreso, (Jll>»._. 300 Prospect, (J4) 100 Prosper, (L4)._.... 300 Provident (3ty, (L8) ISO Purdon, (L6) ... 150 Puriey, (M4) 100 Putnam, (HS). 500 Pyburo, \L6) 100 (Duaü, (G3) 150 ^nah, (H3) 3,127 Quarton, (F2) -, 100 Queen City, (N4>.. 388 Quemado, (G9).._. 100 Quihi,(H8> 200 Quinlan, (LS) 537 Quintana, (M9).-.. 300 Quitman, (M5).... 400 Räbke, (K8) 400 Ragley, (NS) 500 Rambow, (K5) 100 Ramirena, (J9) 200 Rancho, (K8) 250 Randado, Ü10).... 350 Randolph, (L4) 400 Ranger, (J5) 1,000 Ratcliff, (M6) 130 Ravenna, (L4) 280 Raymondville,(Kll) 450 Raywood, (N7) 200 Reagan, (L6) 400 Reafitos, (JlO). 300 Red Oak, (L5) 350 Red Rock, (K8).... 550 Redwater, (N4). 300 Reedville, (K8) 100 Refugio, (K,9) 500 Remüg, (06) 750 Renner, (L4) 300 Re3molds, (MS) 100 Rheingold, 07). 300 Rhome, (K4) 600 Rhonesboro, (MS). 250 Rice, (L5) 300 Richardson, (L5)._. 200 Richland, (L6) 350 Richland Springs, (J6) 150 Richmond, (M8) 1,371 Rienri, (1.6) 300 Riesel, (L6) 550 Ringgold, (J4).. 400 Rio Frio, (H8) 100 Rio Grande, (Jll).. 2,300 Riovista, (K5) 500 Ripley, (M4) 100 Rising Star, (J5) 640 Riviera, (KIO) 200 Roanoke, (K4) 400 Roans Prairie, (M7) 250 Robert Lee, (G6)... 1,800 Robstown, (KIO)... 130 Roby, (G5) 900 Rochester, (H4)... 500 Rock Creek. aS).-. 500 Rockdale, (K7)..-2,073 Rockhill, (L4) 150 Rock Island, (L8). _ 500 Rockland, ^N6) 200 Rockport, (L9) 1,382 Rocksprings, (G7).. 750 Rockwall, (L5) 1,136 Roda, CL6) 250 Roganville, (07) 200 Rogers, (K7) 1,275 Roma, (Jll). 600 Romney, (JS) 100 Rosalie, (M4) 300 Rosanky, (K8) 100 Roscoe, (G5) 941 Rosebud, (K6) 1,472 Rosehill, (M7) 300 Rosenl^rg, (MS)... 1,198 Rosewood, (NS) 300 Rosser, (LS) 200 Rosston, (K4) 300 Rossvüle, (J8) 300 Rotan, (GS) 1,126 Round Mountain, a7) ISO Round Rock, (K7). 900 Round Top, (L7)._- 300 Rowena, (G6) 300 Rowlett, (LS) 100 Roxton, (M4) 600 RoyseClity, (L5)._. 1,210 Royston, (Gr5). 250 Rule, (H4) 891 Ruliff, (07) 100 Runge, (K9) 1,200 Rusk, (M6) 1,558 Rutersville, (L8) 100 RyaU, (M7) 200 Rye, (N7) 300 Sabinal, (H8) 1,640 Sabine, (08) 350 Sabine Pass, (N8)-. 400 Sacul, (Ni) 100 Sadler, (L4) 400 Sage, (J7) 300 Sagerton, (H4) 500 Saginaw, (KS) 100 Samt Hedwig, (J8)- 500 Saint Jo,ÍK4) 822 Salado, (K7) 400 Salesville, (J5). 100 Samfordyce, (Jll).. 100 Samuel, (L7) 200 San Angelo, (G6).. 10,321 San Antonio, (J8).96,614 Sun Augustine, (N6) 1,204 San Benito, (KU). 1,000 Sand, (K7) 100 Sanderson, (E7) 700 Sandia, (KIO) 500 San Diego, (JIO).. 2,500 Sandy, a7) 100 San Elizario, (A6). 834 San Felipe, (L8) 206 San Gabriel, (K7).. 100 Sanger, (K4) 800 San Juan, (Jll) 100 San Leon, (N8) 100 San Marcos, (J8)..4,071 San Patricio, (KIO) 320 San Saba, (J6) 1,500 Sansom, (H8) 478 Santa Anna, (H6).. 1,453 Santa Maria, (KU) 250 Santo, (JS) ... 500 San Ygnacio, (HlO) 500 Saragosa, (D6) 100 Saraivo, (L5) 100 Saratoga, (N7) 1,000 Sarco Creek, (K9). 600 Sarita, (KIO) IJO Saron, (M6) 500 Sartartia, (M8) 150 Satum, (K8) 110 Savoy, (L4) 328 Schertz, (J8) 350 Schulenburg, (L8). 1,091 Schumanville, 08). 300 Scotland, 04) 300 Scottsville, (N5) 100 Scranton, (H5) 300 Scurry, (L5) 250 5>eabrook, (N8) 100 Seadriít, (L9) 100 Scagoville, (L5)_.. 300 Sealy, (L8) 1,700 Sebree, (K4) 100 Seguin, (K8) 3,116 Selfs, (M4) 100 Seminole, (E5) 500 Senior, (J8) 100 Sevenoaks, (N7) 100 Seymour, (H4) 2,029 Shaeffer, (JiO).--- 150 Shafter, (C8) 1,000 Shafter Lake, (E5). 400 Shamrock, (G2) 600 Shannon, (J4) 100 Sharp, (L7) 100 Sharpsburg, (KIO). 150 Sheifield, (F7) 130 Shelby, (L7) 200 Shelbvviile, (06).. 200 Sheldon, (M8) 100 Shepherd, (M7)... 350 Sherley, (M4) 100 Sherman, (L4) 12,412 Sherwooti, (G6) 700 Shiner, vK8) 1,096 Shiro, (M7) 250 Sierra Blanca, (B6) 320 Sikbee, (N7) 150 Silverton, (F3) 700 Simmons, (J9)-.-- 130 Simms, (N4) 150 Simpsonville, (M5) 190 Sinton, (K9) 1,500 Sipe Springs, (J5)._ 300 Sisteraale, (J8) 150 Skidmore, (K9) 1,000 Slay den, (K8) 100 SlideU, (K4) 150 Smiley, tK8)- 1,000 Smithfield, (K5)-.. 150 Smithville, (K8) 3,167 Smyrna, (N6)..... 300 Snyder, (G5) 2,514 Socorro, (A6) 1,147 Solms, aS) 100 ^merset, (J8) 300 Somerville, (L7) 2,500 Sonora, (G7)------ 800 Sourlake, (N7i 6,000 South Houston, (M8) 700 Southmayd, (L4).. 180 Spanish Camp, (L8) 100 Spanish Fort, (K4). 250 Spofford, (G8) 130 Spring, (M7) 150 Springbranch, (J8). 150 Spring Creek, (H4). 130 Springfield, (JIO).. 100 Springtown, (K5).. 700 Sprinkle, (K7) 100 Spurger, (N7) 100 Stack, (N6) 150 Stacy, (H6) 200 Stamford, (HS).._. 3,902 Standart, (G8) 150 Stanton, (F5). 1,400 Staples, (K8) 140 Star, a6) 159 Starrville, (M5) 120 Steeles Store, (L7).- 100 Steep Creek, (N6)_ ISO Stephenville. (JS).. 2,561 Sterling City, (G6). 800 Stiles, (F6) 150 Stockdale, (KS).... 1,250 Stoneburg, (K4) 100 Stoneham, (M7) 250 Stonewall, (J7)---. 200 Story, (G2) 100 Stowell, (N8) 150 Stranger, (L6). 100 Stratford, (El) 520 Strawn, (J5) 1,000 Straws Mill, (K6)__ 150 Streetman, (L6) 100 String, (K6) 250 String Prairie, (K8) 150 Stuebner, (M7) 200 Sublime, (L8).-._. 200 Sullivan, (K8) 200 Sulphur Bluff, (M4) 250 Sulphur Springs, (M4) 5,151 Summerfield, (M6). 330 Summers Mills, (K7) 220 Sumner, (M4) 100 Sunnyside, (M8).-- 100 Sunset. (K4) 650 Sunshine, (KIO) 200 Sutherland Springs, (J8) 750 Swan, (M5) 200 SwannvUle, (N6)... 150 Sweet Home, (L8).. 500 Sweet Water, (G5)_ 4,176 Swift, (N6) 150 Sylvester, (G5) 150 "íádmor, (M6). 100 Taft, (KIO) lOO Tahoka, (F4). 800 Tally, (N5) 100 Talpa, (H6) 1,200 Tamina,(M7) 100 Tarkington Prairie, (M7) 500 Tascosa, (£2)..... 100 Tatura, (N5)--..-- 300 Taylor, (K7) 5,314 Taylorsville, (K8).. 100 Teague, (L6) 3,288 Tehuacana, (L6)._. 425 Temple, (K6) 10,993 Tenaha, (N6) 491 Tennessee Colony, (M6) 100 Tennyson, (G6) 100 Terlingua, (D8).— 200 Terrell, (L5).- 7,050 Texarkana, (04) 9,790 Texas City, (N8)._- 400 Texla, (07)- 500 Texline, (El) 100 The Grove, (K6).„ 100 Theta, (M4) 400 Thomaston, (K9).- 300 Thompsons, (M8)_ 100 Thomdale, (K7) 600 Thornton, (L6) 678 Thorp Spring, (K5). 400 Throckmorton, (H4) 600 Thurber, (JS) 4,500 Tilden, a9) 500 Timpson, (N6)._.._ 1,528 Tioga, (L4) 1,600 Tivoli, (L9) 130 Tobey, a9) 100 Todd, (M7)_ 100 Tokeen, (H5) 200 Tolar, (K5) 455 Tolbert, (H3) 200 TomBaU, (MS).... 130 Tom Bean, (L4)... 288 Tool, (L5) 100 Toomey, (N6)-.,.. 100 Torrecillas, (JIO)... 100 Townbluff, (N7)... 300 Toyah, (D6) 1,052 Tracy, (K7) 200 Travis. (L6) 100 Trent, (H5) 200 Trenton, (L4) 550 Trinity, (M7) 850 Trinity Mills, (L5). 200 Trotti, (07) 350 Troup. (M5) 1,126 Troy, (K6) 500 Trumbull, (L5) 100 Truscott, (114) 200 Tulia, (F3) 1,216 Tulip, (1.4) 120 Tundra, (MS) 100 Tunis, (L7) 200 Turlington, (M6),. 100 Tumersville, (K6)., 130 Turpentine, (N6).. 100 Turtle Bayou, (N8). 400 Tye, (H5) 250 Tyler, (M5) 10,400 Union, (K8) 100 Unitia, (M4) 180 Upton, (K7) 500 Utopia, (H8)...--- 200 Uvalde, (H8) 3,998 Valentine, ((1)7).— 200 Valera,(H6) 100 Valley Mills. (K6).. 708 Valleyspring, (J7).- 100 Valley View, (K4).- 350 Van Alstyne, (L4)._ 1,441 Vandalia, (Sr4) 100 Vandyke, (J6) 100 VanHom, (C6)...- 150 Van Vleck, (M8)... 200 Vashti, (J4) 100 Vaughan, (K6) 100 Velasco, (M9) 1,500 Venus, (K5) 495 Vernon, (H3). 3,195 Verona, (L4) 100 Vesey, (N4) 100 Victoria, (L9) 3,673 View.aS) 450 Village Mills, (N7)- 400 Vincent, (F5) 200 Vineyard, (K4) 150 Voss, (H6) 700 Waco, (K6) 26,425 Wade, (K8) 150 Wadsworth, (M9)._ 100 Waelder, (K8) 1,400 Walburg, (K7) '150 Waldrip, (H6) 250 Waller. (M7) 400 Wallis Station, (L8).- 880 Wallisville, (N8).- 350 Walnut Sprs, (K5). 1,340 Warda, (L7) 100 Waring, (J8) 100 Warren, (N7) 600 Warrenton, (L7) 400 Washington, (L7)-- 300 Waskom, (05) 500 Waterloo, (K8) 150 Waterman, (N6).__ 476 Water Valley, (G6) 150 Walters, (K7) 100 Waiikegan,(M7).-. 500 WaverIy,(M7) 200 Waxabachie, (LS)_. 6,205 Weatherford, (K5). 5,074 Webberville, (K7).. 320 Weesatche, (K9) 100 Weimar, (L8) 906 Weinert, (H4) 200 Welcome, (L7) 230 Weldon, (M6) 150 Wellborn, (L7) 400 Wellington, (G3)._. 576 Wells, (N6) 150 Weser, (K9) 110 Wesley, (L7) 200 West, (K.6) 1,645 Westbrook, (F5)... 200 West Columbia, (M8) 200 Westhoff, (K8) 100 Westminster, (L4) _ 380 Weston, (L4) 250 Westphalia, (K6).- 100 Westpoint, (K8) 300 Westville. (M7). 100 Wharton, (L8) 1,505 Wheatland, (L4).-. 100 Wheeler, ((j2) 100 Wheclock, (L7) 130 Whitehall, (M7)... 100 Whitehouse, (MS).- 250 Whiterock, (L4) 130 Whitesboro, (L4).. 1,219 Whitewright, (L4). 1,563 Whitney, (K6)..... 766 Whitt, ÍK5) 500 Wichita Falls, (J4). 8,200 Wilburton, (M7)... 250 Wildorado, (E2)... 180 Williams, (N7) 200 Willis, (M7) 1,500 WiUowCity, (J7).- 130 Wülspoint.(M5)... 1,398 Wilmer, (L5) 250 Wilson, (J6) 200 Winchell, (H6) 250 ■UMnchester, (L7).. . 400 Windom, (M4) 400 Winfield,(M4) 600 Wingate, (G6) 200 Winnie, (N8) 200 Winnslwro, (M5).. 1,741 Winona, (M5) 300 Winters, (H5) 1,347 Wokaty, (K7) 300 Wolfe City, (L4)-.. 1,402 Woodbme, (K4)... 100 Woodbury, (K5)..- 200 Woodland, (M4)... 220 Woodlawn, (N5).-- 300 Woods, (N5) 100 Woodsboro, (K9).. 500 Wood ville, (N 7)... 900 Wootan Wells, (L6) 130 Wortham, (L6) 899 Worthing, (L8) 100 Wrightsl^ro, (K8). 100 Wylie, (L5) 620 Yantis, (M5) 180 Yoakum, (K8) 4,657 Yorktown, (K8)... 1,180 Ysleta, (A6) 2,000 Yturria, (Kll) 200 Zapata, (HI 1) 200 Zephyr, (J6) 300 Zigzag. QS) 100 Zionsville, (L7)..-. 210 ZoTTï, (K8) 200 Zuehl, a«) 200 Zulch, (L7> 150 UTAH Abraiiaro, |B4).... 100 Adansville, (BS).. 180 Alexander, (D3) 100 Alpine, (C3)....-. 496 Alta. (03) 300 Amûican Fork, (03) 2,797 Aneth, (E6) 100 Annat^l;^ (CS)... 300 Aurora, (05)....— 400 Avon. (C2) 170 AxteU, (C4> 180 Basin, (£5)... 100 Bear River City. (B2) 463 Beaver, (B5) 1,899 Benjamin. (0)3) 800 Bingham Canyon, (B3) 2,881 Blaine. (32) 200 Bluff. (E6> 190 Boneta, (D3) 200 Bountiful, (C:3> 1,677 Bridgeport, (É3) 100 Brigham, (CI) 3.685 Brinton, (C3)..... 500 Burrville, (05) .* 150 Cache Junction, (B2> lOO Oaneville, (05)... 150 Oalderpark, |C3).- 100 Cannon ville, (Bó). 200 (Carbonate, (C3)— 100 Castíedale, (C4)... 693 Castlegate, (D4)_ .. 1,500 Castle Rock. (02). 200 Cedar City. ;mouth, (B2)--. 250 Point Lcwkout, (B2) 150 Portage, (B2) 400 Price, (D4) 1,021 Promontory, (B2)- 200 Providence, ((I)2)__ 1,020 Prove, (C3) 8,925 Provo Bench, (C3). 600 Ranch, (B6)- 200 Randolph, (C2)_.- 533 Redmond, (C4) 547 Richfield. (BS) 2,559 Richmond, (C2)... 1,562 Riter. (B3) 300 Riverdale, (C2)_-- 300 Riverside, (B2) 250 Riverton, (C3) 700 Robinson, (B4) 400 Rockport, (C3) 110 Rockville, (A6) 230 Roy, (B2) 250 Saint (ieorge, (A6). 1,769 Saint John, (B3) 200 Salem, (C3) 693 Salina, (C5) 1,082 SALT LAKE CITY, (B3) 92,777 Sandy, (C3) 1,037 Santa Clara, (A6).. 300 Santaquin, ((^4) 915 Scipio, (B4) 546 Scofield, (C4) 750 Sevier, (BS) 130 Sigurd, (B5) 150 Silver City. (B4)... 800 Smithfield, (C2)... 1,865 Snowville, (B2) 150 South Jordan, (C3) 700 Spanish Fork, (C3) 3,464 Spnng City, (C4)_- 1,100 Spring Glenn, (1)4) 200 Springville, ((^3) 3,356 Stancfrod, (A2) 150 Stateline, (A5) 100 Sterling, (C4) 300 Stockton, (B3) 258 Sugarhouse, (C3).. 1,500 Summit, (A6) ICD Sunnyside, (D4) 750 Sunshine, (B3) 100 Syracuse, (B2) 500) Tavlorsville, (C3)_. 550 Teâsdale, (C5) 150; Theodore, (D3) 300 Thbtle, IC3) 200 Thurber, (CS) 280 Tooele, (B3) 3,753 TopUff, (B3) 100 Toqucrville, 4A6).. 350 Toney, (C5> 100 Tremonton, (B2)__ 303 Trenton, (B2) 300 Tropic, (B6).-. 358 Tucker, (C4) 150 Uinta, (C2) 230 Union, (C3) 700 Upton, (C3) 250 Utahn, (D3) 100 Venice, (CS) 140 Vermilion, (BS)... 110 Vernal, (E3) 836 Vemon, (B3) 150 Virgin, (A6) 100 Wales, (C4) 294 Wallsburg, (C3)--. 550 Wanship, (C3) 230 Washakie, (B2).,. 200 Washington, (A6)- 424 Weber, (B2) 500 Wellington, (D4).. 358 WeUsvüle, (C2),.. 1,195 Wendover, (A3) 100 West Portage, (B2) 120 Westwater, (E4}.._ 100 Wheeler, (A6) 120 Whiterocks, ^3).. 100 Willard, (C2) 577 Wilson, (C2) 350 Winterquarters, :• (C4) 2oe Woodland, ((^3)... 300 Woodruff, (C2) 500 Woods Cross, (B3). 1,000 Woodside, (D4) 300 Yost, (A2> 100 VERMONT ktmant, |C3).... 150 Idison, (A3) 575 3any, 530 Durg, ÍA2) 425 3urg Center, W2) 200 bürg Springs, ÍA2) 425 asden, CB5)-. 190 idover, |B5) 250 Ungton, (A3)— 400 cutneyvilie, ICS) 200 hens, (B5) 100 kemfield. ffia).. 600 mard, (B4> 475 xnet, 550 jrc. 10,734 jtoa, 1,330 .rtonsville, (BS). 200 5in Harbor, (A3) 100 lecher Falls, (E2) 350 Beidens, (A3) 200 BellowsFalls, (B5). 4,883 Belvidere, (B2).... 280 Belvidere Center, (B2) 110 Bennington, (A6).. 6,211 Bennington (I)enter, (A6) 42 Benson, (A4) 800 Berkshire, (B2)...- 180 Berlin, (B3) 100 Bethel. (B4) 1,500 Binghamvüle, (B2) 100 Bloomfield, (D2)-, 200 Bolton, (B3) 210 Boltonville, (C3).. 100 Bomoscen, (A4) 100 Bondville, (B5) 300 Bradford, (C4) 631 Braintree, (B4).... 450 Branch, (C2) 100 Brandon, (A4) 1,608 Brattieboro, (B6)_.6,517 Bridgewater, (B4). 350 Bridgewater Cor¬ ners, (34) 200 Bridport, (A4) 750 Bristol, (A3) 1,180 Brookfield, (B3) 500 Brookline, (B5) 100 Brownington, (C2)- 230 Brownington Cen¬ ter, CC2) 220 Brownsville, (CS).. 520 Burke, (D2) 150 Burlington, (A3)..20,468 Cabot, (C3) 227 CadysFalls, (B2).. 120 Calais, (C3) 200 Cambridge, (B2)_. 595 Cambridge Junc¬ tion, (B2) 120 Cambridgeport, (B5) 100 Canaan, (D2) 275 Castleton, (A4)... 1,000 Cavendish, (BS)... 575 Center Rutland, (A4) 600 Central. (D2) 100 Charlotte, (A3) 1,000 Œelsea, ÍC4) 800 Chester, (B5) 666 (Zhester Depot,(B5) 700 ChimneyPoint,(A3) 100 Chippenhook, (A4) 100 Chittenden, (B4).. 350 Clarendon, (B4)--- 100 Dummerston, (36). Clarendon Springs, Duxbury, (B3)—- (B4) 180 East Alburg, (A2). Colchester, (A2).._ 300 EastArlington,(A5) Concord, (D3) 339 East Barnard, (B4) Copperfield, (C4).. 100 East Bamet, (C3). Corinth, (03) 420 East Barre, (03).. Cornwall, (A4) 475 East Berkshire,(B2) Coventry, (C2) 550 East Bethel, (34).. Craftsbury, (C2).. 425 East Braintree,(B3) Cuttingsville, (B5)_ 350 East Brookfield, Danby, (B5) 800 (33) Danby Four Cor- East Burke, (D2).. ners, (A5) 170 East Calais, (03). . Danville, (C3) 830 East Charleston, Davis Bridge, (B6). 100 (D2) Derbv, (C2) 316 East Charlotte,(A3) Derby Line. (C2).. 390 EastClarendon,(B4) Dorset, (A5) 600 East Concord, (D3) 120 East Corinth, (C3). 420 400 East Craftsbury, 200 (C2) 100 600 East Dorset, (35).. 600 175 East Dover, (B6).. 100 270 East Dummerston, 900 (B6)._ 200 750 East Fairfield, (B2) 1,000 220 East Fletcher, (B2) 100 250 East Franklin, (Bl) 150 East Georgia, (A2). 100 200 East Granville,(B3) 100 400 EastHardwick,(C2) 470 600 East Haven, (D2).. 100 East Highgate, (B2) 300 350 East Jamaica, (B5) 100 100 East Johnson, (B2) 300 200 East Middlebury, 100 (A4) 350 East Monkton4l\3) 100 East Montpelier, (C3) 500 East Peacham, CC3) 200 East Poultney, (A4) 300 £astRandolph,(B4) 200 East Richford, (B2) 150 East Roxbury, (B3) 150 East Rup>ert, (AS). 100 East Ryegate, (C3) 200 East Thetford, {C4) 130 East Wallingford, (B5) 280 Eden, 100 Grafton, (B5) 650 Granby, (D2) 85 Grand Isle. (A2)._. 700 Graniteville, (C3).. 400 Gran^^lle, (B4)__., 300 Green River, (B6>_ 500 Greensboro, (C2)_. 500 Greensboro Bend,, (C2) 300 Groton, (C3> 820 Guildhall, (D2> ... 290 Guilford, (B6) 200 Halifax. (B6> 225 Hancock. elier, (C3) 400 North Pomfret, (B4) 100 North Pownal, (A6) 600 North Randolph, (B4) 180 North Sheldon, (B2) 110 North Sherburne, (B4) 100 North Shrewsbury, (B4)... 350 North Springfield, (B5)_ 430 North Thetford, (C4) 250 North Troy, (C2).. 771 North Tunbridge, (C4) , 500 North Williston, (A3) 550 North Wolcott, (C2) 170 Norton Mills, (D2.) 150 Norwich, (C4) 1,000 Orange, (C)3) 500 Orleans, (C2) 1,131 Orwell, (A4) 800 Panton, (A3) 250 Passumpsic, (D3).. 250 Pawlet, (A5) 840 Peacham, (C3) 300 Perkinsville, (B5)._ 600 Peru, (B5) 100 Pittsfield, (B4) 300 Pittsford, (B4) 1,200 Pittsford Mills, (B4) 400 Plainfield, (C3) 388 Pleasant Valley, (B2) 100 Plymouth, (B4) 125 Plymouth Union, (B4) 200 Pomfret, (B4) 100 Pompanoosuc, (C4) 150 PostMüls, (C4)... 250 Poultney, (A4) 1,474 Pownal, (A6) 800 Proctor, (B4). 2,756 Proctorsville, (B5). 575 Putnamville, (B3)- 100 Putney, (B 6) 700 Quechee, (C4) 300 Randolph, (B4). 1,787 Randolph Center, (B4) 200 Rawsonville, (BS).- 100 Reading, (B5) 100 Readsboro, (B6) 835 Richford, (B2) 1,948 Richmond, (B3) 828 Richville, (A4) 400 Ripton, ÍA4) 375 Riverside, (A2) 100 Rochester, (B4) 1,000 Rockingham, (B5)_ 100 Roxbury, (B3) 400 Royalton, (B4) 330 Rupert, (A5) 400 Rutland, (B4) 13,546 Ryegate, (C3) 150 Saint Albans, (A2). 6,381 Saint Albans Bay, (A2) 110 Saint Johnsbury, p3) 6,693 Saint Johnsbury Center, (D3) 300 Saint Johnsbury East, (D3) 150 Salisbury, (A4) 350 Sandgate, (A5) 150 Saxtons River, (B5) 1,000 Searsburg, (B6) 100 Sharon, (04) 500 Sheffield, (C2) 500 Shelbume, (A3). 1,000 Sheldon, (B2) 1,000 Sheldon Springs, (B2) 110 Sherburne, (B4) 250 Shoreham, (A4) 550 South Albany, (C2) 330 South Barre, (B3).. 300 South Burlington, (A3) 300 South Cabot, (C3). 250 South Danville, (C3) 150 South Dorset, (A5). 200 South Hero, l'A2) _. 550 South Lincoln, (B3) 200 South Londonderry, (B5) 500 South Lunenburg, (D3) 350 South Newbury, (C3) 230 South Newfane, (B6) 110 South Northfield, (B3) 150 South Peacham, (C3) 200 South Pomfret, (B4). 450 South Poultney, (A5) 110 South Randolph, (B4) 100 South Royalton, (C4) 1,100 South Ryegate...... (C3) 373 South Shaftsbury, (A6) 1,500 South Starksboro, (A3) 100 South Strafford, (C4).- 350 South Vernon, (B6) 200 South Waiden, (C3) 200 South Wallingford, (A5) 200 South Wardsboro, (B5) 100 South Wheelock, (C2) 100 South Whitingham, (B6) 100 South Windham, (B5) 100 South Woodbury, (C3) 100 South Woodstock, (B4) 100 Springfield, (B5) 3,250 Stamford, (A6) 450 Stannard, (C2) 100 Starksboro, (A3)— 675 Stevens Mills, (B2) 130 Stodcbridge, (B4)._ 280 Stowe, (B3) 566 Strafford, (C4) 350 Stratton, (B5) 75 Sudbury, (A4) 150 Sunderland, (AS).. 250 Sutton, (C2) 300 Swanton, (A2) 1,236 Taftsville, (C4) 300 Talcott, (A3) 200 Thetford, (C4) 100 Thetford Center, (C4) 230 Tice,(C2) 200 Tinmouth, (A5)..- 200 Topsham, (C3) 300 Townshend, (B5).. 625 Troy, (C2) 600 Tunbridge, (B4) 300 Tyson, (B5) 100 Underbill, (B2) 700 Underbill Center, (B3) 140 Union Village, (C4). 180 Vergences, (A3) 1,483 Vernon, (B6) 180 Vershire, ((T4) 300 Victory, (D2) 100 Waitsfield, (B3).-. 600 Waits River, (C3). 150 Waiden, (C3) 370 Wallingford, (B5).. 1,100 Wallis Pond, (D2). 140 Wardsboro, (B5).- 225 Warren, (B3) 730 Washington, (C3).. 700 Waterbury, (B3) 1,377 Waterbury Center, (B3) 500 Waterford, (D3) 510 Waterville, (B2) 400 Websterville, (C3). 100 WeUs, (A5) 500 Wells River, (C3)._ 608 West Arlington, (A5) 200 West Barnet, (C3)- 300 West Berkshire, (B2) 300 West Berlin, (B3).. 520 West Bolton, (B3)., 180 West Brattleboro, (B6) 500 West Bridgewater, (B4) 250 West Brookfield, (B3) 150 West Burke, (D2). 600 West Charleston, (C2) - 600 West Cornwall, (A4) 210 West Danville, (C3) 400 West Derby, (C2).. 1,109 West Dover, (B6)- 200 West DummergtOB, (B6) 275 West Enosburg, (B2) 160 West Fairlee, (C4). 400 Westfield, (C2) 500 Westford, (A2) 800 West Georgia, (A2), 200 West Halifax, (B6). 350 West Hartford, (C4) 400 West Haven, (A4) . 300 West Lincoln, (B3) 200 West Milton, (A2)- 100 Westminster, (B5)- 850 Westminster Sta¬ tion, (B5) 200 Westminster West, (B5) 250 Westmore, (D2) 200 West Newbury, (C3) 100 Weston, (B5) 500 West Pawlet, (A5). 900 West Rupert, (AS). 300 West Rutland, (A4) 2,000 West Topsham, (C3) 375 West Townshend, (B5) 125 West Wardsboro, (B5) 150 West Woodstock, ÍB4) 100 Weybridge, (A3)-- 450 Wheelock, (C2)..- 370 White River Junc¬ tion, (C4) 2,500 Whiting, (A4) 200 Whitingham, (B6). 300 Wilder, (C4) 370 Williamstown, (B3) 800 Williamsville, (B6)_ 400 Williston, (A3) 200 Willoughby, (D2)._ 100 Wilmington, (B6)_- 430 Windham, (B5) 200 Windsor, (C5) 1,906 Winooski, (A2) 4,520 Wolcott, (C2) 800 Woodbury, (C3) 650 Woodford. (A6)..- 100 Woodstock, (C4).. 1,383 Worcester, (B3).. 500 VIRGINIA Abbie. - ISO Amburg, (F5)-—- 150 Amelia, (D6) 440 Amherst, (C5> 550 Amissville, (D3)— 100 Anchor, (F7) 200 Appalachia, (B2)_- 1,090 Appomattox, (D6)- 200 Areola, (E3) 100 Arlington, (F3> 1,000 Arringdale, (E7>— 100 Ashbum, (E2) 220 Ashland, (E5) 1,324 Atlantic, (G5> 250 Axton, (C7) 100 Aylett. (ES) 160 Azen, (C2) 130 Bacons (Tastle, (F^ 150 Ballston. (E3) 800 Banner, (B2) 100 Barhamsville, (PÄ_ 250 Barton Heights» (E5) M88 Basic City, (D4>.. - 1,632 Baskerville, (D7ji. . 110 Bay Port, (F5) 150 Bcaleton, (E3) 250 Beamon, (F7> 100 Bedford City, (C6)- 2,508 Bedford Springs, (C6) - 150 BeUe Haven, (G5>. 296 Belspring, (B6> 360 Bennettcreek, (FT) 100 Bent (>eek, (D6).. 100 Bcntonville, (D3).- 200 Berkley, (F7) 5v700 Bermuda Hxmdret^ (E6) Í30 BenyviDe, C)2>— 876 Big Island, (CS)-.. 230 Bigstone (xapK CB2) 2,590 Birdsnest, (Go)—— 150 Blackey, (CI) 150 Black Mountaia, (A2) - 100 Blacksburg, _- 875 Blackstone, fe6)._, 1,486 Blackwood, (BZX- - 550 Blairs, (E6) 250 Blakes, (F6) 150 Bland, (A6> 247 Blossom Hin, (FTÎ- 100 Bloxom, (G5) 130 Bluemont, (E*2^ 200 Boaz, (FT) too Boissevain.'fCI) 200 Bondtown, (B2) 305 BoscobeK (E5) tOO Bowers Hill. (F7>-. 100 Bowling Green,(B4) 433 Boyce, (D2) 300 Boydton^ (07)! 421 Boykins, . 505 BranchviUe, (E7)-- 239 Brandy Stetion, (D4) 210 Brentsville, {E3) 100 Brewster, (B2) - 300 Bridgetown, (G6),. 300 Bridgewater, (C4).- 859 Bristol, (B2) 6,247 Bristow, (E3) 300 Broadcreek, (F7)-- 500 Broadway, (D3) 416 Brooke, (E4) 120 Brookneal, (D6)— 504 Brownsburg, (C5).- 330 Browntown, (D3).- 170 Bruce, (F7) 150 Bnicetown, (D2)..- 480 Buchanan, (C6)— 792 Buchhorn, (F7) 150 Buckingham, (D5)- 400 Buckroe Beach, (F6) 150 Buell, (F7) 250 Buenavista, (C5)._ 3,245 Buffalo Forge, (C5) 100 Buffalo Station, (D5)--. - 300 Burgess Store, (F5) 150 Burkes Garden, (A6) 250 Burketown, (D4)._ 100 Burkeville, (D6) 653 Bushy, (F5) 100 Byrdville, (C7) 100 Cabinpoiat, (E6).._ 120 CaUaghan,{B5)..- 100 Callands, (C7) 150 CTalverton, (E3)— 100 Cambria, (B6) 535 Cape Charles, (FS). 1,948 Cape Henry, (G7).- 200 Capeville, (G6) 100 Cappahosic, (F6)-. 200 Capron, (E7) 150 (Cardinal, (F6). - 100 Carlin, (E4) 150 Carrollton, (F7)— 100 Carrsville, (F7) 150 (Taitersville, (DS).. 240 (TartWrights Wharf, (F7) 100 Cascade, (C7) 190 CastlewcM^, (B2).._ 130 Catlett, (E3) 150 (Tave Spring, (B6).- 180 Cedarbluff, (CI)-.- 250 Center Cross, (F5)- 100 Chance, (F4) 100 Charles City, (E6)- 100 Charlotte (Tourt House. (D6) 329 Charlottesville,(D4)6,765 Chase City, (D7).-- 1,662 Chatham, (C7) 1,113 Chatham Hill, (C2) 100 Cheaden, (F5) 100 Cheriton, (G6) 150 Cherrydale, (E3).., 200 Chester, (E6) 240 Chesteiffield, (E6).- 100 Chestnutfork, (C6). 130 Chilhowie, (C2)... 300 Chincoteague Is¬ land, (G5) 1.419 Christiansburg,(B6) 1,568 Chuckatuck, (F7).- 100 Churchland, (F7). _ 1,000 Churchville, (C4L - 250 Citypoint, (E6) 490 Claremont, (E6) 630 Clarendon, (E3) - - - 400 ClarksviUe,(D7)... 794 Clayville, (E6) 250 Clearbrook, (D2)__ 100 Cleveland, (B2).., 100 Clifford, (D5) 180 Cliftonforge, (C5).. 5,748 Clifton Station,(E3) 204 Clinchport, (B2)... 252 Clintwood, ÍB1) 342 Clover, (D7) 258 Clcverdale, (C6) 100 Cobbs Creek, (F6). 200 Coebum, (B2) 645 Coke, (F6)_ 150 Coles Ferry, (C7).. 150 Collierstown, (C5). 400 Colonial Beach,(F4) 721 Columbia, (DS) 157 Concord Depot, (D6)._- 160 Cooper, (F5) 100 CopperHUl, (B6)._ 100 Comland, (F7) 200 Coulwood, (Bl)-.- 280 Courtland, (E7) 283 Covesville, (D5) 200 Covington, (B5) 4,234 Craigsville, (C4) ISO Crewe, (D6) 1,802 Cricket Hill, (F6).. 180 (Trittenden, (F7) 800 Crockett, (A7) 200 Crozet, (D4) 280 Culpeper, (D4) 1,795 Cumt«rland, (D5)- 100 Damascus, (C2) 1,299 Dandy, (F6) 200 Dante, (B2) 800 Danville, (C7)..-. 19,020 Darbyville, (A2) 100 Dare, (F6) 200 Davis Wharf, (G5)- 100 Dayton, (D4) 516 Deepcreek, (F7) 700 Eelaplane, (E3) 100 Deltaville, (F5)..-. 700 Denbigh, (F6) 400 Dendron, (F6) 1,653 Dexter, (B2) 100 Dillwyn, (D5) 110 Dinwiddie. (E6)._. 130 Disputanta, (£6).. 120 Dogue, (E4)- 100 Dona.(A2) 130 Doran, (CI) 100 Dorchester, (B2) 150 Downings, (F5) ISO Drakes Branch, (D7) 703 Dranesville, (E2)-- 150 Drewryville, (E7).. 120 Driver, (F7) 200 Dryden, (A2) 100 Dryfork, (C7) 119 Dublin, (B6) 350 Duffield, (B2) 122 Dumfries, (E3) 158 Dungannon, (B2)__, 200 Dunnsville, (FS) 200 Dutton, (F6) 100 Eaglerock, (C5). 500 Earlehurst, (B5) 100 Earnest, (F6) 600 East Falls (Thurch, (E3) 1,000 East Radford, (B6). 2,100 East Stone Gap, (B2) 397 Eastview, (B 7) 200 East ville, (G6) 322 Eastville Station, (G6) 200 Edgar, (E5) 200 Edmburg, (D3) 574 Edom. (D4) 150 Eggleston, (B6) 100 Elba, (C7).-- 330 Elk Creek, (A7)..- 100 Elkton, (D4) 873 Elliston, (B6) 300 Elwood, (F7) 150 Emory, (C2) 180 Emporia, (E7) 2,018 Enoch, (F5) 100 Esmont, (D5) 500 Esserville, (Bl) 100 Ettricks, (E6) 1,200 Everets, (F7) 100 Evington, (C6) 100 Exmore, ((j6) 100 Faber, (D5) 100 Fairfax, (E3) 413 Fairfield, (C5) 180 Fairview, (B2) 150 Fairwood, (C2) 200 Falls (Thurch, (E3) _ 1,128 FallsMiUs, (A6)_.. 130 Falmouth, (E4) 300 Farley, (D6) 150 FarmviUe, (D6) 2,971 Fayerdale, (B7) 150 Fentress, (F7) 250 Fergussons Wharf» (F6) 150 Fincastle, (C5) 479 Fishersville, (C4).- 100 Flake, (E7) 200 Flinthill, (D3) 240 Floyd, (B7) 369 Ford, (E6)._ 200 Fordwick, (C4) 600 Forest Depot, (C6). 110 Forestville, (D3) 200 Fork Union, (D5)._ 110 Fort Blackmore, (B2) 210 Fort Hunt, (E3) 400 Fort Myer, (E3) 1,000 Fortress Monroe, (F7) 1,804 Fosters Falls, (B7). 300 Foxhill,(F6) 700 Franklin, (F7) 2.271 Franklin City, (G5) 200 Franktown, ((j6).._ 300 Fredericksburg, (E4) 5,874 Fredericks Hall, (E4) 140 Fries, (A7) 1,775 Front Royal, (D3). 1,133 FugatesHill,(B2).. ISO Gamesville, (E3) 140 Galax, (B7) 755 Gate City, (B2)... 599 Genito, (E6) 200 Gertie, (F7) 250 Gilmerton, (F7) 600 Glade Spring, (C2). 324 Glamorgan, (Bl).-. 150 Glasgow, ((T5) 407 Glencarl3m, (E6).-- 150 Glen WUton, (C5).- 300 Gloucester, (F6) 200 (Gloucester Point, (F6) 100 Goochland, (E5)-.. 120 Goodes, (C6) 150 Gordonsville, (D4)- 564 Goshen, (C5) 165 Grace, (F7) 200 Grafton, (F6) 150 Graham, (A6) 1,917 Grahams Forge, (B7) 200 Granite. (E6) 180 Gray, (E7) 200 Greatbridge, (F7).- 200 Greenback ville, (G5) 500 Greenville, (C5) 350 Gressitt, (F5) 300 Greta. (G5) 100 Grimstead, (F6) 300 Grottoes, (D4) 700 Grundy, ((31) 264 Gwynn, (F6) 500 Hale Ford, (C6)... 110 Hales Mül, (B2)..- 120 Hallieford, (F6) 250 Halls Hill, (E3) 400 Hallwood, (05) 150 Hamburg, (D3) 100 HamUton, (E2) 315 Hampden Sidney, (D6) 500 Hampton, (F6) 5,505 Hanover, (E5) 100 Harborton, (G5) 350 Harmony Village, (F5) 150 Harpersville, (F6).- 800 Harris Grove, (F6) _ 300 Harrisonburg, (D4) 4,879 Hartsock, (B2) 100 Havelock, (F5) 100 Hayes Store, (F6)__ 150 Haymarket, (E3)-- 162 Hazel, (C2) 130 Hearing, (F7) 100 Heathsville, (F5).-. 200 Heflin,(E4) 100 Hemlock, (B6) 100 Herald. (Bl) 100 Herbert, (F7) 100 Herndon, (E3) 802 Hickory, (F7) 150 Hicks Wharf, (F6)- 290 Highland Park, (E5) 1,817 Hillsboro, (E2) 138 Hillsville, (B7) 288 Hiltons, (B2) 100 Holladay, (E4) 100 Holland, (F7) 236 Holstein Mills, (C2) 500 Homer, (B 2) 100 Honaker, ((T2) 869 Hopkins, (G5). 100 Homtown, (G5) 200 Hot Springs, (C4)_. 1,000 Houston, (D7) 516 Howardsvilie, (D5). 300 Hudgins, CF6) 100 Independence, (A7) 190 Indian, (Cl) 130 Indiancreek, (F7)-. 250 Indianrock, (C6) 100 Iron Gate, (C5). 600 Irvington, (F5) 1,000 Islandford, (D4) 250 Isle of Wight, (F7)- 100 Ivanhoe, (Bl) 600 Ivor, (F7) 200 Ivy DeFK)t, (D4) 150 Ivyview, (C7) 100 James River, (C6).. 500 ames Store, (F6).. 100 amesville, (G6) 250 Jarratt, (E7)--—- 180 Java,(C7) 280 Jeffersonton, (E3)- 160 Jetersville, (D6) 200 Jones, (CD Jonesville, (A2).— 383 Joplin, (E3) 100 Jordan Mines, (B5) 100 Kasey, (C6) - 300 Keezietown, (D4)-_ 200 Keller, (05) 200 Kemps'Nffile, (F7)._ 200 Kenbridge, (D7)— 196 Keokee, (B2) 500 Keysville, (D6) 432 Kilmarnock, (F5)._ 400 King and Queen Court House,(F5) 100 King George, (E4) _ 100 King William, (E5). 100 Kinsale, (F4) 110 Konnarock, (C2)._ 300 Lacey Spring, (D3) 150 Lacrosse, (D7) 281 Lafayette, (B6) 130 Lamberts Point, (F7) 3,000 Lancaster, (F5) 200 Land, (F7).-- 100 Lanesville, (F5) 120 Langley, (E3) 110 LantzMills, (D3).. 120 Laurel Grove, (C7). 250 I^urencevlUe, (E7). 1,733 Leatherwood, (C7)- 100 Lebanon, (C2). 366 Leehall, (F6) 100 Lee Mont, (G5) 200 Leesburg, (E2) 1,597 Lester Manor, (E5) 100 Lewinsville, (E3).-_ 120 Lexington, (C5) 2,931 Lincoln, (E2) 200 Linden, (1)3) 120 Link, (F7)- 100 LinviUe, (D4) 230 Lithia, ÍC6).... - 100 Litwalton, (F5) 100 Lively, (F5) 100 Locustcreek, (E5).- 130 Locust Dale, (D4).- 130 LocustHilI,(FS)... 100 Locust Lane, (B2)._ 150 Locustville, ((j5).. - 180 Londonbridge, (F7) 100 Loneoak, (C7) 150 Long Glade, ((T4). _ 100 Lorton, (E3) 150 Lot, (F5) 130 Lotus, (B2) 200 Louisa, (D4) 172 Lovettsville, (E2)__ 192 Lovingston, (D5).. 360 Lowmoor, (C5) 1,000 Lowry,(C6) 100 Lunenburg, (D7)... 130 Luray, (D3) 1,218 Lynchburg, (C6).. 29,494 Lynch Station, (C6) 100 Lynhams, (F5) 200 Lynnhaven, (F7).-- 300 McDoweU, (C4)-.. 139 McGahej^ville, (D4) 400 McHolt, (D7) 150 Mabe, (B2) 100 Machipongo, (G6). 100 Madison, (D4). . - . 500 Magnet. (F7) 100 Magnolia, (F 7) 100 Major, (A7) 100 Manakin, (E5) 250 Manassas, (E3) 1,217 Manchester, (E6) Pop. inc. in Rich¬ mond. Maness, (B2) ISO Mappsville, {G5).__ 170 Marion, (C2). 2,727 Markham, (E3) 100 Marksville, (D3)— 100 Marllwro, (D2) 100 Marshall, (E3) 280 Martinsville, (C7)._ 3,368 Marysviile, (C6) 100 Maryus, (F6) 200 Massey, (G5) 100 Massies Mill, (C5). 180 Mathews, (F6) 340 Matoaca, (E6) 780 Maurertown, (D3)_ 120 MaxMeadows, (A6) 750 Meadowview, (C2). 100 Meadowville, (E6)_ 200 Mechanicsburg, (B6) 97 Meherrin, (D6) 200 Melfa, (G5) 100 Menchville, (F6).__ 200 Mendota, (B2) 200 Merrimac Mines, (B6) 100 Messick, (F6) 500 Meyer, (Bl) 100 Middlebrook, (C4). 370 Middleburg, (E3).. 263 Middletown, (D2)_ 363 Midlothian, (E6)._ 370 Milford, (E4) 100 Millboro, (C5) 110 Millenbeck, (F5) 100 Miller School, (D5). 300 Millwood, ÍD2) 480 Mineral, (E4) 86 Minor, (F5) 110 Mobjack, (F6) 200 Monaskon, (F5) 100 Monterey, (C4) 240 Montgomery, (C2). 100 Montpelier, (E5) 150 Montross, (F4) 400 Montvale, (C6) 200 Moonlight, (F7) 100 Moorings, (F6) 360 Morrison, (F6) 500 Mossycreek, (C4)__ 100 Mount Clinton,(C4) 200 Mount Crawford, (D4) 228 Mount Jackson, (D3) 479 Mount Laurel, (D7) 100 Mount Sidney, (C4) 221 Mount Solon, (C4). 160 Mulberry Island, (F6) 350 Munden, (G7) 100 Narrows, (B6) 975 Nassawadox, (G6). 200 National Soldiers Home, (F6) 3,800 Natural Bridge, (C5) 100 Nealy Ridge, (Bl).- 100 Nelwood, (E6) ISO Nest,(F6) 100 New Baltimore, (E3) - 100 Newbcrn. (B6) 160 New Canton, (D5) 130 Newcastle, (B6) 733 Newchurch, (G5)-- 130 New Glasgow, (C5) 150 New Hope, (D4)..- 106 New Kent, (F6).-- 100 Newland, (F4) 120 Newmarket, (D3X- 638 Newpoint, (F6) 300 Newport, (B6) 200 Newport News, (F7) -20,205 New River Depot, (B6).__ 500 News Ferry, (C7)-- 170 Newsoms, (E7) 160 Newtown, (E5) ISO Nickeisville.(B2)-- 150 Nimmo, (F7) 100 Norfolk, (F7) 67,452 North, (F6) 500 North Emporia, (E7) 600 North Newport News, (F6) 100 North TazeweU, (Cl) 342 Norton. (B2) 1.866 Norwood, (D5) 180 Nottoway, (D6)— 220 Nunley,(B2) 150 Numeysville, (F7)- 100 Nutts^e, (F5).— 100 Oakhall, (G5) 100 Gccoquan, (E3).--- 246 Oceanview, CF7) 246 Ocoonita, lA2) 150 Odd, (F6) 200 Old Church, (E5)-. 100 Oldtown, (B7) 100 Olinger, (B2) 100 Omega. (D7) 130 Onancock, (G5)— 1,001 Onley, (G5) 100 Orange, (D4). 674 Oriean, (E3) 110 Osaka, (B2) 300 Oyster Point, (F6). 150 Ozeana, (F5) 100 Paeonian Springs, (E2) 120 Painter, (G5)_- 300 Palmer, (F5) 200 Palmyra, (D5). 190 Pamplin (Tity, (D6) 168 Paris, (E3) 180 Parksley, (G5). 500 Pearisburg, (B6) 470 Peers. (E5) 200 Pembroke, (B6) 100 PenningtonGap,tB2) 792 Petersburg, (E6)..24,127 Philomont, (E2)— 160 Phoebus, (F6) 2,394 Püct, (B6) — 100 Pine Beach, (F7), - - 300 Pinners, (F7) 1,500 Plainview, (F5).— 150 Pleasant Ridge, (F7) 100 Plumpoint, (F6)— 100 Pocahontas, (A6}-- 2,452 Poolville, 200 Kellnersville, (L7).. 440 Kempstcr, (HS).-_, 200 Kendall. ÍF8) 477 Kennan, (E4) 184 Kenosha, (LIO)...21,371 Kewaskura, (K8).. 625 Kewaunee, (M7)... 1,839 Kiel, (K8) 1,244 Kilbourn, (G8) 1,170 Kimberly. (K7).,. 200 Kingston, (H8) 210 Knapp, (B6) 413 Kohfsville, (K9) 100 Lac du Flamt^u, (F3) 200 La Crosse, (D8)... 30,417 Ladysmith, (DS) . _ 2,352 La Farge, (E8) 654 La Grange. (JIO) 100 Lake Beulah, (KIO) 100 Lake Geneva, (KIO) 3,079 Lakemills, (J9) 1,672 Lake Nebagamon, (C3) 483 Lamartine, (J8). 150 Lancaster, (ElO) 2,329 Laney, ÍK6) 100 Langlade, {J5). 100 Lannon, (K9) 450 Laona, (J4) 700 LaRue, (G9). 250 Lavalle, (F8) 421 I,eadmine, (FIO) 200 Leeman, (K6) 100 Lemonweir, (F8)... 100 Lena, (L6) 350 Leon, (E8) 100 Le Roy, (J8) 100 Levis, (D6) 200 Lima Center, (JlO). 180 Limeridge, (F9). 250 Lincoln, (L6) 100 Linden, (FIO) 580 Lindsey, (F6) 100 Little Chute, (K7)_ 1,354 Little Prairie, (KIO) 100 Little Suamico, (L6) 300 Little Wolf, (J7)... 100 Livingston, (FIO)._ 600 Lodi, (09) 1,044 Loganville, (F9) 260 Lonrville. (H7) 300 Lomira, (K8) 529 London, (J9) 180 Lone Rock, (F9) 497 Lost Creek, (B6) 100 Louisbuiv, (ElO).. 200 Lowell, (t9) 318 Loyal, (F6) 677 Lublin, (ES) 100 Luck, d a C3 ■g ■g Liverpool 711 675 8,624 187 6,223 2,854 924 6,258 6,076 487 2,124 210 942 4,023 503 9,651 638 11,018 4,525 8,086 845 5,158 M 18,517 10,394 8,211 463 x 8,747 11,113 London 201 180 8,801 663 6,260 8,088 409 6,294 6,117 227 2,161 745 427 4,259 194 9,688 638 11,055 4,761 8,270 809 5,204 18,568 10,487 8,248 201 H 8,793 11,150 Manila 9,667 9,631 11,580 9,576 8,798 11,293 9,880 10,546 6,801 9,871 7,804 9,658 9,898 12,325 9,440 640 9,554 9,591 T 4,511 12,827 11,584 9,828 10,021 6,238 1,180 1,485 9,421 10,406 1,768 Melbourne 11,131 11,095 11,W 11,043 6,585 12,584 11,344 9,099 5,814 10,885 9,268 11,122 11,862 12,512 10,904 5,031 11,018 11,055 18,140 12,586 10,792 8,827 6,966 5,284 8,828 10,^5 6,280 4,875 Montreal 8,817 8,281 2,715 2,645 8,141 1,222 3,580 6,421 7,108 8,086 4,042 2,693 8,548 2,475 8,102 11,569 2,760 8,241 12,^6 2,977 1,451 2,944 5,881 18,690 12,312 10,129 3,062 « 8,290 18,081 New Orleans 4,837 4,801 2,115 4,401 9,502 1,924 5,050 6,255 7,847 4,581 5,897 4,447 5,068 597 4,622 12,W 4,525 4,761 18,140 1,699 4,464 5,160 18,524 18,667 11,484 4,582 M 8,754 14,386 Newport News 8,514 8,478 1,699 8,080 8,807 550 8,727 5,774 6,789 8,288 4,208 8,126 8,745 988 8,299 11,785 8,204 8,488 12,579 1,490 286 8,141 4,590 18,048 12,478 10^295 8,259 8,278 18,208 New York 8,846 3,810 1,825 2,912 8,158 879 8,559 5,838 6,995 8,065 4,054 2,959 8,577 1,227 8,181 11,580 8,058 8,270 11,586 1,699 2,978 4,748 M 18,107 18,324 10,141 8,091 M 8,887 18,W2 Panama M 11,383 M 11,847 M 9,182 « 11,274 12,386 M 10,817 11,596 H 5,280 n 7,961 M 11,087 H 11,148 » 11,858 H 11,614 10,682 H 11,156 9,824 M 11,261 M 11,807 7,949 M 11,268 10,851 n 11,042 M 6,158 8,277 8,672 18,405 M 11,187 2,615 7,702 Para 4,819 4,198 1,142 4,056 8,262 2,948 4,442 8,235 4,880 3,988 4,163 4,138 4,460 2,577 4,010 11,204 4,048 4,153 10,120 8,186 2,915 3,888 2,145 10,504 11,947 10,250 8,988 M 5,784 12,666 Philadelphia 8,482 8,446 1,828 3,048 8,284 517 8,694 5,870 6,861 8,201 4,185 3,094 8,712 1,158 8,267 11,712 8,172 8,406 12,652 1,660 284 8,109 4,782 M 18,141 12,455 10,272 8,227 M 8,871 13,174 Plymouth 885 849 8,594 860 5,997 2,791 598 6,029 5,852 108 1,898 442 616 8,962 175 9,425 845 809 10,792 4,464 2,978 4,989 18,300 10,168 7,985 129 8,580 10,887 Portland (Me.) 8,086 8,050 1,927 2,652 7,912 98 8,299 5,849 6,787 2,805 8,807 2,698 8,817 1,470 2,871 11,384 2,776 8,010 12,579 1,972 427 2,718 4,759 M 18,118 12,077 9,894 2,881 8,348 12,796 Rio de Janeiro 5,280 5,244 8,079 5,168 7,824 4,714 5,501 1,185 3,265 4,984 5,040 5,250 5,519 4,579 5,061 11,118 5,158 5,204 8,827 5,160 4,748 4,939 8,414 10,861 8,851 5,084 8,644 11,580 St. Petersburg 1,070 1,^65 4,888 1,606 7,358 4,052 951 7,381 7,204 1,811 8,248 1,648 860 5,846 1,275 K S 10,755 1,716 1,207 12,142 5,848 4,284 1,896 6,299 14,650 11,518 9,885 1,277 9,880 12,287 St. Thomas 3,846 3,810 440 3,586 8,265 1,516 4,059 4,629 5,708 8,570 4,160 8,668 4,077 1,040 8,689 11,W 8,578 8,770 11,499 1,590 1,485 8,478 8,589 11,898 12,480 10,247 3,591 7,128 18,149 San Francisco 13,639 18,608 M 11,488 M 13,527 9,780 18,073 18,8.52 7,586 10,217 13,848 18,399 18,609 18,870 12,974 18,412 6,041 H 18,517 18^568 6,966 13,524 H 18,107 13,300 H 8,414 5,491 7,880 13,398 5,140 4,521 San Juan 8,867 3,831 502 8,600 8,807 1,480 4,080 4,694 5,778 3,583 4,202 8,681 4,098 975 8,652 11,780 3,588 8,791 11,564 1,525 1,428 8,494 3,604 11,968 12,478 10,289 8,612 M 7,198 18,192 Savannah 3,916 8,880 1,648 3,443 8,640 928 4,129 5,820 6,860 8,684 4,585 8,489 4,147 684 8,701 12,062 8,618 8,840 12,650 1,186 695 8,548 4,730 18,089 12,805 10,622 8,661 H 8,819 18,524 Seattle 14,418 M 14,382 M 12,217 14,306 9,515 18,852 14Í681 M 8,815 10,996 14,"22 18,509 14,888 14,649 18,758 u 14,191 5,779 14,296 14,342 7,826 14,308 13,886 14,079 H 9,198 799 5,209 7,068 14,092 5,917 4,259 Shanghai 10,507 10,471 12,870 10,585 4,688 12,183 10,720 11,380 7,641 10,211 8,644 10,498 10,788 13,165 10,280 858 10,^4 10,487 5,284 18,667 12,324 10,168 10,861 5,491 2,183 10,267 10,266 1,080 Singapore 8,824 8,288 10,187 8,288 2,450 9,ko 8,587 9,876 5,631 8,028 6,461 8,815 8,555 10,982 8,097 1,440 8,211 8,248 8,828 11,484 10,141 7,985 8,851 7,880 2,188 8,078 10,899 2,902 Southampton 277 288 8,622 488 6,090 2,909 479 6,124 5,947 88 1,991 570 497 4,080 105 9,518 468 201 10,885 4,582 8,091 129 5,084 13,393 10,261 8,078 8,623 10,980 Suez 8,376 3,840 5,289 8,285 2,960 5,002 3,589 8,154 5,259 3,080 1,518 3,367 8,607 6,084 8,157 6,888 8,263 8,300 7,755 6,586 5,198 3,087 6,179 12,278 7,181 4,948 8,180 9,768 7,850 Valparaiso 8,869 M 8,888 M 6,668 M 8,757 M 9,875 M 8,808 9,082 M 2,766 M 5,447 M 8,578 8,626 8,889 M 9,100 M 8,168 8,642 10,586 M 8,747 M 8,798 6,280 M 8,754 M 8,887 8,580 M 8,644 5,188 10,266 10,899 M 8,628 9,889 Yokohama 11,226 11,190 18,089 11,185 5,852 12,852 11,439 12,105 8,860 10,980 9,868 11,217 11,457 18,W 10,999 1,580 11,118 11,150 4,875 14,386 18,043 10,887 11,580 4,521 1,080 2,902 10,980 9,889 w O H X t?d K. via Kiel Canal. S, via Suez Canal. C, via Cape Town. M, via Strait of Magellan. II, via Cape Horn. T, via Torres Strait. FIFTH CENSUS OF THE DOMINION OF CANADA TAKEN IN THE YEAR 1911 PROVINCES AND TERRITORIES Provinces and Territories POPULATION Per Cent of Increase Provinces and Territories POPULATION Per Cent of Increase 1911 1901 1891 1911 1901 1891 1901 to 1911 1891 to 1901 1901 to 1911 1 1891 to 1901 374,663 392,480 455.614 351,bS9 492,338 2,523,208 93,728 73,258 178,657 255,211 331,120 459,574 2,182,947 103,259 125,277 98,173 152,506 321,263 450,396 2.114,321 109,078 411.4 119.6 78.5 6.2 7.1 15.5 (a)9.2 189.8 81.9 67.3 3.0 2.0 3.2 (a) 5.3 2,002,712 2.066 492,432 8,512 16,951 7,206,593 1,648,398 2,405 91,279 27,219 20.129 5,373.956 1,488,535 21.3 (a)14.0 439.4 (a)68.7 (a)15.7 34.2 10.7 7T8'.6 lY.l 11,150 4,7701699 Prince Edward Island (a) Deere ise. NOTE. This txble is complete for the whole of Canada except two subdistricts in Saskatchewan, ten in British Columbia and a few subdbtricts in Yukon Territory. CITIES AND TOWNS The following list names in alphabetical order, all incorp .rated places, and approximately all cities and towns in the Dominion of Canada having two hundred or more inhabitants, at extreme right of column are the latest available ceasus figures, or recent estimates. Capitals of Provinces are in capital letters. The numerals ALBERTA Acme 181 Aetna 164 Airdrie 164 Alix 267 Athabasca Ldg... 227 Banff Ö37 Bankhead 694 Barnwell 200 Barons 75 Bassano 640 Bawlf 270 Bellevue 463 Bickerdike 150 Blackfaids 160 Blairmore 1,137 Bowden 178 Bow Island 307 Brooks. 486 Bruederheim 132 Burdette 200 Calgary Camrose 1 p686 Canmore 754 Cardiff 246 Cardston 1,207 Carmangay 286 Carstairs 270 Castor 1,659 Cayley 126 Champion 200 Chaton 65 Claresholm 809 Cochrane 395 Coleman 1,557 Cowley 142 Crossfield 262 Daysland 349 Diamond City... 610 Didsbury 726 EDMONTON... 24,900 Edson 497 Elm Park 140 Entwistle....... 140 Erskine 131 Evarts 25 Exshaw 250 Ferintosh 76 Ft. Saskatchewan 782 Frank 806 Gadsby 213 Gleichen 583 Granum 250 Grassy Lake 247 Grouard 447 Hardieville 300 Hardisty 351 High River 1,182 Hillcrest 481 Holden Ill Innisfaii 602 Innisfree 100 Irvine 372 Islay 90 Kiilam 197 Kimball 250 Lacombe 1,029 Lamont 197 Langdon 159 Lavoy 127 Leduc 623 Lethbridge 8,050 Lignite 300 Lille 303 Lloydminster... . 222 Macleod 1,844 Magrath 995 Mannville 169 Medicine Hat... . 5,608 Millet 162 Monarch 200 Morinville 385 Mountain View.. 89 Mandare 162 Munson 92 Nanton 671 ALBERTA Cont'd. New Norway.... 61 North Edmonton. 404 North Red Deer.. 304 Ohaton 55 CJkotoks 516 Olds... 927 Passburg 305 Penhold 94 Pincher 116 Pincher Creek. .. 1,027 Pincher Station. . 200 Ponoka 642 Provost 329 Queenston 666 Raymond 1,465 Redcliffe 220 Red Deer 2,118 Ryley 110 St. Albert 614 Sedgewick 331 Stañord 985 Stavely 245 Stettler 1,444 Stirling 514 Stony Plain 605 Strathcona 6,579 Strathmore 531 Strome 192 Taber 1,400 Tofield 586 Trochu 353 Vegreville 1,029 Vermilion 625 Victoria Place ... 41 Viking 153 Wainwright 788 Walsh 200 Warner 321 West Edmonton. 181 Wetaskiwin 2,411 BR. COLUMBIA Abbotsford 300 Agassiz 300 Ahousaht 27.5 Ainsworth 300 Alberni 891 Alert Bay 210 Anaconda 300 Armstrong 810 Arrowhead 500 Ashcroft 500 Atlin 300 Barkerville 300 Barnet 300 Beaconsfield 300 Beaver Lake 300 Bellabella 250 Blaine 200 Brechin.200 Camborne 250 Canoe Pass 200 Central Park.... 400 Chemainus 500 Chilliwack 1,657 Clayoquot Sound. 650 Clo-oose 200 Cloverdale 200 Cobble Hill 250 Comaplix 250 Comox 300 Corbin 400 Cranbrook 3.090 Crestón 250 Cumberland 1,237 Duncans 500 Eholt 300 Enderby 83.5 Erie 200 Esquimalt 4,001 Extension Mines. 250 Fairview 300 Ferguson 200 Femie 3,146 BR. COL. Cont'd. Fort Steele 276 Golden 932 Grand Forks 1,577 Greenwood 778 Hedley 300 Hosmer 2,019 Jedway 300 Kamloops 3,772 Kaslo 722 Kelowna 1,663 Kincollth 250 Kingcome Inlet. . 200 Kit-A-Maat 250 Kitchener 200 Kyuquot 400 Ladner 800 Ladysmith 3,295 Langley 200 Langley Prairie. . 300 Lulu Island 300 Lytton 200 Marys ville 300 Merritt 703 Michel 1.515 Midway 200 Mission City 500 Mosquito Harbor. 300 Moyie 500 Nakusp 347 Nanalmo 8,168 Nelson 4,476 New Denver 250 New Michel 662 New West¬ minster 13,199 Northfield 200 No. Vancouver.. 8,196 Peachland 300 Penticton 750 Phoenix 662 Point Grey 4,320 Port Essington.. . 350 Port Hammond.. 250 Port Haitóy 200 Prince Rupert. . . 4,184 Princeton 400 Quatsino 200 , Quatsino Sound.. 200 Revelstoke 3,017 Rossland 2,826 Salmon Arm 400 Sandon 151 Sechelt 350 Slocan 189 So. Vancouver.. 16,126 Steveston 1,100 Stewart 800 Summerland 800 Telegraph Creek. 270 Trail 1,460 Trout Lake City. 350 Vancouver.... 100,401 Vernon 2,671 VICTORIA 31,660 Wardner 250 Wellington 3.50 Ymir 650 MANITOBA Alexander 300 Altona 400 Arden 200 Austin 250 Baldar 400 Beausejour 847 Belmont 300 Benito 200 Binscarth 250 Birtle 437 Boissevain 918 Brandon 13,839 Carberry 878 Carman 1,271 Cartwright 300 Crystal City 500 MANITOBA Cont'd. Cypress River. . . 305 Dauphin 2,815 Deloraine 808 Dominion City... 225 Dunrea 200 Elgin 350 Elkhorn 574 Elm Creek 250 Emerson 1,043 Garson 200 Gilbert Plains.... 542 Gimli 496 Gladstone 782 Glenboro 650 Grandview 637 Gretna 519 Griswold 300 Hamiota 565 Hartney 623 Holland 361 Inkster 200 Killarney 1.010 Koland 433 La Riviere 200 Lauder 200 Letellier 225 McGregor 450 Manitou 639 Melita 690 Miami 350 Miniota 300 Minnedosa 1,483 Morden 1,130 Morris 598 Napinka 326 Neepawa 1,864 Newdale 200 Ninga 300 Norwood Grove.. 5,000 Oak Lake 449 Oak River 200 Pierson 200 Pilot Mound 457 Plumas 225 Plum Coulee. . . . 380 Portage la Prairie 5,892 Rapid City 580 Rathwell 200 Reston 416 Rivers 950 Roblin 350 Roland 500 Rosenfeld 200 Russell 562 St. Boniface 7,483 St. Charles 200 Ste. Anne des Chenes 300 St. Jean Baptiste 250 St. Laurent 581 St. Pierre 200 Selkirk 2,977 Shoal Lake 591 Somerset 250 Souris 1,854 Stonewall 1,005 Stony Mountain. 200 Strathclair 200 Swan Lake 200 Swan River 574 Transcona 300 Treherne 600 Tyndall 200 Virden 1.550 Waskada 200 Wawanesa 375 Winkler 458 WINNIPEG... 136,035 Winnipeg Beach.. 245 Winnipegosis 518 NEW BRUNSWICK Albert 350 N. B. Cont'd. Albert Mines. ... 200 Alma 250 Andover 289 Apohaqui 300 Armstrongs Brook 250 Aroostook Jc 500 Back Bay 200 Bale Verte 300 Baillie 600 Balmoral 600 Barachois 300 Barnaby River.. . 200 Barnesville 300 Bass River 300 Bath 500 Bathurst 960 Bay du Vin 300 Beaver Harbor... 270 Belledune 400 Belledune River.. 200 Benton 200 Berrys Mills 500 Berwick 200 Black River 300 Blacks Harbor... 300 Blackville 450 Blissfield 250 Biissville 300 Bloomfíeld 400 Bloomfield, Kings 200 Boiestown 250 Bonney River... . 200 Botsford Portage. 250 Bristol 300 Buctouche 500 Butternut Ridge. 600 Calhoun 200 Cambridge 200 Campbellton 3,817 Campo Bello. . . . 1,400 Cape Bald 300 Caraquet.. 2,800 Centreville 1,000 Chatham . 4,666 Chipman 350 Clair.'. 200 CUfton 200 Coates Mill 200 Cocagne 900 Coldstream 300 Coles Island 300 Collina 350 Cormierville 500 Com Hill 300 Coverdale 250 Dalhousie 1,650 Dawson Settlement... 250 Debec Junction. . 200 Deer Island 1,500 Derby 200 De Wolfe Corner. 200 Doaktown 400 Dorchester 1,080 Douglas 200 Douglass Harbor. 200 Douglastown 500 Dupuis Corner.. . 400 East Florenceville 200 Edmundston 1,821 Eel River Crossing 400 Elgin 250 Fairvllle 2,000 Florenceville 350 Foxcreek 500 Fredericton 7,208 Fredericton function 750 Gagetown 233 Gardner's Creek 200 Gibson 1,500 Glassville 200 Grand Ance 700 Grand Falls 1,280 N. B. Cont'd. Grand Manan.... 3,000 Great Shemogue 300 Green River Sta. . 200 Hammond Vale.. 200 Hampstead 250 Hampton 554 Harcourt 400 Hartland 1,000 Harvey 1,800 Harvey Station.. 200 Hawkshaw 300 Head of Millstream. ... 600 Hillsborough 911 Hopewell Cape... 300 Hopewell Hill.... 200 Irishtown 200 Jolicure 250 Kingston 500 Kirkland 200 Kouchibouguac. . 600 Lameque 375 Lepreau 300 L'Etete 200 Lewisville 360 Little Shippegan. 250 Loggieville 800 Lower Caraquet.. 1,500 Lower Newcastle 250 Lower Prince William 400 Lower Southamp¬ ton 200 Lower Woodstock 250 McAdam Junction 1,000 McDougall'a Settlement 300 McL^d's Mills.. 250 MarkhamviUe.... 300 Marysville 1,837 Mascarene 300 Mechanic's Settlement 250 Melrose 200 Memramcook ... 300 Middle Southampton.. 600 Milford 600 Millerton 400 Millidgeville 300 Millstream 400 Militown 1,804 Millville 300 Miscou Harbour. 250 Monoton 11,345 Moore's Mills.. .. 300 Mt. Carmel 200 Musquash 250 Nashwaaksis 225 Nelson 200 Newcastle 2,945 New Denmark... 500 New Jerusalem... 250 New Mills 200 North Esk 500 Norton 220 Notre Dame 400 Oak Bay 750 Oak Point 200 Oromocto 250 Pelletiers Mills... 200 Pennfield Centre. 1,000 Penobsquis 300 Perth 200 Petersville Church 200 Petitcodiac 750 Petit Rocher 250 Point de Bute... - 250 Port Elgin 800 Prince William... 200 Randolph 300 Red Rapids 200 Renous River.... 2^ Rexton N. B. Cont'd. Richibucto 871 Richibucto Village 300 Richmond Corner 275 Riordon 700 River Charlo 350 Riverside 250 Robichaud 360 Rolling Dam 500 Rothesay 300 Round Hill 300 Rusagornis 200 Sackville 2,039 St. Andrews 987 St. Anthony 200 St. Basil 1,600 Sainte Croix 300 St. George 988 St. Jacques 200 St. John 42,511 St. Joseph 400 St. Josephs 200 St. Leonard's.... 276 St. Louis 400 St. Martins 3,000 St. Paul 600 St. Stephen 2,836 Salisbury 300 Scoudouc 200 Second Falls 600 Shediac 1,442 Sheffield 350 Shippegan 600 Southampton.. .. 300 Springfield, Kings 300 Springfield, York. 300 Springhill 250 Stonehaven 300 Sussex 1,906 Sussex Corner.... 300 Tabusintac 600 Tracadie 2,600 Tracey Station... 250 Upham 200 Upper Dorchester 250 Upper Gagetown 200 Upper Sackville.. 250 Village St. Jean.. 250 Waterford 1,450 Welsford 200 West Branch St. Nicholas River 500 Westfield Beach.. 200 White's Cove.... 200 Wickham 250 Windsor 200 Woodstock 3,856 Young's Cove.... 300 NOVA SCOTIA Acaciaville 200 Advocate Harbor 850 Amherst 8,973 Annapolis Royal. 1,019 Antigonish 1,787 Apple River 400 Arcadia 300 Arichat 800 Arisaig 200 Aspen 400 Atwood's Brook.. 200 Auburn 200 Avonport 220 Aylesford 350 Baccaro 250 Baddeck 1,650 Bailey's Brook... 250 Baker Settlement 200 Balmoral Mills... 250 Barney's River,.. 400 177 200 700 500 400 300 300 200 250 400 200 .475 300 700 250 200 300 300 300 500 ,000 200 250 200 300 200 350 250 300 .200 996 200 ,775 500 300 200 300 300 250 300 400 250 300 500 200 800 .617 300 250 350 200 200 300 350 500 200 200 300 900 300 200 200 600 200 ,000 300 250 200 300 400 500 200 325 250 250 250 .058 400 200 200 300 ,247 300 200 ,589 200 200 300 250 600 .000 250 200 600 200 250 350 250 200 400 250 200 250 200 250 625 200 220 300 200 ,400 832 300 ,750 200 350 200 225 200 ►.562 650 400 500 t'd. 775 1,000 400 1,624 200 1,669 5,175 200 1,106 3,874 482 11,969 300 2,342 200 300 1,491 500 400 300 883 1,436 4,400 350 250 200 700 300 792 309 2,368 200 600 200 500 450 250 502 350 700 200 350 350 400 350 2.358 300 200 4,763 350 300 300 200 350 849 200 510 250 200 200 812 400 1,242 250 1,192 200 6,158 250 435 450 250 200 1,956 500 8.874 200 1,427 650 300 350 250 1,397 200 350 500 737 624 200 400 200 428 2,652 200 200 6,964 450 500 200 2,289 275 1,208 250 250 t6,300 300 300 1,347 500 200 709 967 200 500 500 200 200 250 300 1,058 300 200 400 300 200 200 250 450 CITIES AND TOWNS OF THE DOMINION OF CANADA N. S. Cont'd. Grand Desert.. . . 530 Grand Etang.... 400 Grand Mira So... 300 Grand Narrows. . 250 Grand Pre 250 Granville Centre. 300 Granville Ferry. . 320 Great Village.... 2,000 Greenfield 200 Green Harbor.... 300 Green Hill 200 Grosses Coques. . 500 Guysborough. .. . 1,000 Guysborough Intervale 300 HALIFAX 46,619 Hammond's Plains 300 Hantsport 686 Harmony Mills. . 200 Havre Boucher. . 700 Hay's River 200 Hazel Hill 450 Head of Jordan River 600 Head of St. « Margaret's Bay 300 Heatherton 200 Hebron 500 Herring Cove... . 325 Hopewell 300 Hortonville 425 Hubbards 450 Ingonish 400 Inverness 2,719 Irish Cove 300 Iron Mines 200 Isaac's Harbor... 500 Jeddore Oyster Ponds 300 Joggin Mines.... 500 Jordan Branch.. . 2.50 Judique 300 Kemptville 200 Kennetcook Corner 2.50 Kentville 2,304 Kingsbury 225 Kinsman's Corners 300 La Have 200 La Have Island.. 200 Lake Ainslie 250 Lake Vale 350 L'Ardoise 750 Larry's River... . 600 Lawrencetown... 280 Leitches Creek... 300 Lingan 300 Linwood 200 Liscomb 500 Little Bras d'or.. 200 Little Bras d'or (South Side) .. 200 Little Brook 400 Little Dover 300 Little Lorraine.. . 500 Little Narrows.. . 300 Little River 350 Little River Cheticamp 500 Little River Mus¬ quodoboit 550 Liverpool 2,109 Lochaber 200 Loch Lomond. .. 250 Lockeport 784 Logan ville 250 Londonderry.... 1,500 Londonderry Station 200 Long Point 250 Louisburg 1,006 Louisdale 200 Lower Argyle.. 825 Lower Barney's River 200 Lower E. Pubnico 300 Lower Economy. 200 Lower l'Ardoise. 750 Lower Onslow. .. 650 Lower Sackville.. 500 Lower Sandy Point 250 Lower Selmah. .. 200 Lower Ship Harbor 250 Lower Stewiacke. 600 Lower West Pubnico 250 Lower Wood Harbor 600 Lunenburg 2,681 Lyons Brook.... 200 McKinnon's Har¬ bor 300 Mabou 600 Macean 250 Mahone Bay.... 800 Main-a-Dieu 300 Maitland 300 Maitland, Hants. 600 Maplewood 200 Marble Mountain 300 Margaree Harbor 500 Margaretsville... 300 Marie Joseph.... 500 Marion Bridge... 2.50 Marriott's Cove . 250 Martin's River... 200 Mass Town 250 Mavillette 200 Meagher's Grant 250 Melvern Square . 400 Merigomish 400 Meteghan 2,400 Meteghan River. 400 Meteghan Station , 250 Middle Lahave Ferry 300 N. S. Cont'd. Middle Musquodoboit. ■ ■ 1,000 Middleton 827 Milford Station. . 50Ü Mill Cove 200 Millsville 200 Mill Village 721 Milton 1,100 Minudie 600 Mira Ferry 350 Mira Gut 350 Mochelle 200 Moose River Gold Mines.... 400 Morristown 200 Moser's River 250 Mount Hanly.. .. 200 Mulgrave 700 Musquodoboit Harbor 1,150 Necum Teuch. . . 400 Neils Harbor. . .. 300 New Aberdeen... 600 New Albany 200 New Germany... 1.500 New Glasgow.... 6,383 New Harbor 250 Newport 400 Newport Landing 500 New Waterford.. 3,000 Nictaux Falls... . 800 Nine Mile River. 300 Noel 300 No. Brookfield... 200 North East Harbor 250 Northfield 250 North River 300 North Salem 200 North Sydney... 5,418 Osborne 200 Owl's Head Harbor 200 Oxford 1,392 Paradise 350 Parrsboro 2,856 Petite de Grat Bridge 350 Petite Riviere Bridge 600 Pictou 3,179 Pleasant Bay. . .. 275 Pleasant Harbor. 200 Pleasant River.. . 250 Pleasant Valley.. 430 Point Cross 200 Portapique 200 Port Dufferin.... 600 Port Felix 200 Port George 200 Port Greville. ... 450 Port Hastings.... 600 Port Hawkes- bury 684 Port Hillford 500 Port Hood 1,078 Port Joli 200 Port La Tour.... 200 Port Lome 300 Port Maitland. .. 975 Port Malcolm.... 350 Port Medway.... 600 Port Morien 2,000 Portuguese Cove. 600 Port Wade 200 Port Williams.. .. 550 Poulamond 200 Princeport 200 Prospect 700 Pubnico Head. . . 911 Pugwash 700 Quinan 300 Rawdon 250 Reserve Mines... 1,200 River Bourgeois.. 950 River Dennis.... 300 River Dennis Centre 300 River Hebert.... 400 River John 500 River Philip 200 Riverport 200 Riverside Corner 200 Rockingham Station 200 Rocklin 200 Rockville 200 Rose Bay 250 Round Hill 200 Sable River 200 St. Bernard 200 St. Peter's 1,000 Salmon River.... , 250 Salt Springs 400 Sambro , 400 Sandford 250 Sandy Cove 400 Sandy Point 600 Saulnierville 400 Scotch Village. . . . 200 Scotts Bay 250 Seabright 300 Selmah 250 Sheet Harbor.... , 375 Shelbume 1,435 Sherbrooke 600 Shinimecas Bridge 250 Shubenacadie.. 1,475 Shunacadie 200 Sluice Point 250 Somerset 240 Sonora 300 South Alton. ... 300 Southampton. .. . 225 So. Farmington. . 2.')0 So. Maitland. . . . 300 So. Ohio 300 Springhaven.. . . 200 Spring Hill 5.713 N. S. Cont'd. Springville 350 Spry Bay 200 Steilarton 3,910 Stewartdale 350 Stewiack 633 Summerville 300 Sunnybrae 200 Sydney 17,723 Sydney Mines... 7,470 Sydney River.... 200 Tancook Island.. 700 Tangier 900 Tatamagouche... 500 The Falls 300 Thompson's Station 250 Thorbum 500 Tidnish 300 Tiverton 250 Tomkinsville. . . . 200 Toney Mills 200 Torbay 300 Torbrook 300 Torbrook Mines.. 200 Trenton 1,749 Truro 6,107 Tusket 450 Two Rivers 200 Upper Kennetcook. . . 200 Upper Middleboro.... 200 Upper Musquodoboit. 1,500 Upper New Harbor 200 Upper Newport.. 200 Upper Port La Tour 300 Upper Rawdon. . 350 Upper Stewiacke. 250 Victoria Beach... 300 Victoria Mines.. . 350 Walkerville 200 Wallace 400 Walton 600 Waterville 300 Waverley 600 Wedgeix>rt 1,392 Wentworth Station 700 Wentzells Lake. . 200 West Bay 200 Westchester 200 West New Annan 300 West Newdy Quoddy 250 Westport 600 West Pubnico... . 1,150 West River 200 West River Station 200 Westville 4,417 Weymouth 600 Weymouth North 500 White Rock Mills 200 Whycocomagh... 400 Wilmot 200 Windsor 3,452 Windsor Jc., 200 Wine Harbor. . .. 200 Wolfville 1,458 Yarmouth 6,600 ONTARIO Acton 1,720 Admaston 2,300 Againcourt 200 Ahmic Harbour.. 200 Ailsa Craig 568 Alexandria 2,323 Alfred 800 Allenford 300 Alliston 1,279 Alma 200 Almonte 2,452 Alton 600 Alvinston 806 Ameliasburg 250 Amherstburg.... 2,560 Amigari 200 Ancaster 300 Angus 250 Appin 200 Apple Hill 300 Appleton 250 Arden 800 Arkona 424 Arnprior 4,405 Arthur 1,102 Ashton 250 Athens 802 Atwood 500 Aultsville 1,800 Aurora 1,901 Avening 200 Avonmore 400 Aylmer 2,102 Ayr 823 Ayton 450 Baden 800 Bailieboro 200 Ballinafad 200 Baltimore 250 Bancroft 625 Barrie 6,420 Barriefield 500 Bartonville 300 Bath 347 Battersea 300 Bayfield 477 Baysville 200 Beachburg 500 Beachville 500 Beamsville 1,096 Bearbrook 200 Bea verton 1,015 Beeton 564 Belgrave 200 Belle River 520 ONTARIO Cont'd. Belleville 9.876 Belmont 600 Belmore 200 Belwood 246 Berkeley 200 Berlin 15,196 Berwick 200 Bethany 450 Billings Bridge.. . 300 Biscotasing 500 Blackburn 200 Blair 200 Blenheim 1,387 Blind River 2,558 Bloomfield 610 Bloomsburg 200 Bluevale 300 Blyth 704 Bobcaygeon 1,000 Bolton 712 Bondhead 450 Bonfield 484 Bookton 200 Boston 250 Bothwell 690 Bourget 500 Bowmanville. . . . 2,814 Bracebridge 2,776 Bradford 946 Braeside 600 Brampton 3,412 Brantford 23,132 Brechin 300 Breslau 200 Bridgeburg 1,770 Bridgenorth 200 Bridgeport 300 Brigden 600 Bright 450 Brighton 1,320 Britannia Bay. .. 250 Brockville 9,374 Bronte 300 Brooklin 500 Brougham 250 Brownsville 300 Brucefield 200 Bruce Mines 689 Brussels 902 Burford 750 Burgessville 300 Burk's Falls 976 Burlington 1,831 Burritt's Rapids.. 250 Bush Glen 200 Byng 200 Byng Inlet 800 Byron 200 Cache Bay 889 Cainsville 300 Caintown 200 Calabogie 400 Caledon East... . 400 Caledonia 952 Callender 700 Camden East.. . . 600 Camlachie 225 Campbellford.. .. 3,051 Campbellville . .. 200 Canifton 300 Cannamore 200 Cannington 948 Cape Croker 500 Cardinal 1,111 Cargill 500 Carleton Place... 3,621 Carlisle 200 Carp 200 Casselman 956 Castleton 450 Cataraqui 300 Cavanville 200 Cayuga 736 Cedar Dale 400 Cedar Grove 250 Centralia 250 Centreville 300 Chantry 400 Chapleau 1,500 Charlton 250 Chatham 10,770 Chatsworth 357 Cheapside 200 Chelmsford 550 Cheltenham 250 Chepstowe 200 Cherry Valley. . . 200 Chesley 1,734 Chesterville 883 Chippawa 707 Christian Island.. 250 Chute a Blondeau 400 Clandeboye 200 Claremont 500 Clarence Creek... 200 Clarksburg 700 Clarkstown 300 Clifford 595 Clinton 2,254 Cobalt 5,638 Cobden 762 Coboconk 600 Cobourg 5,074 Cochrane 1,715 Cockburn Island. 275 Colbome 999 Coldwater 649 Colebrook 200 Collingwood 7,090 Collin's Bay 200 Comber 600 Conestogo 400 Connaught 500 Consecon 600 Conway 1,500 Cookstown 600 Cooksville 400 Copetown 200 ONTARIO Cont'd. Copleston 200 Copper Cliff 3,082 Corbetton 200 Cordova Mines. . 550 Cornwall 6,598 Corunna 300 Courtland 300 Courtright 375 Credit Forks 200 Crediton 750 Creemore 643 Creighton Mine.. 300 Crysler 1,100 Culloden 200 Cumberland 300 Cummings' Bridge 2,000 Cundles. 200 Curran 300 Cutler 400 Dash wood 600 Deer Park 900 Delaware 300 Delhi 825 Delta 500 Demorestville.. .. 200 Denbigh 200 Depot Harbor. . . 657 Deseronto 2,013 Dickinson's Landing 300 Dixie 450 Dominionville.... 200 Donald 400 Doon 500 Dorchester Station 500 Dorion 300 Douglas 500 Drayton 706 Dresden 1,551 Drumbo 500 Dryden 715 Duart 200 Dublin 350 Dunchurch 300 Dundalk 687 Dundas 4,299 Dundela 200 Dungannon 300 Dunnville 2,861 Dunvegan 250 Durham 1,581 Dutton 836 Earlscourt 400 Easton's Corner.. 200 E. Toronto 3,500 Eastview 3,169 Echo Place 350 Egan ville 1,189 Egmondville 800 Elgin 300 Elginburg 200 Elk Lake 1.000 Elmira 1,782 Elmvale 900 Elmwood 600 Elora 1,197 Embro 477 Embrun 450 Emo 200 Emsdale 250 Englehart 670 Enterprise 500 Erin 611 Erindale 250 Essex 1,353 Ethel 250 Everett 200 Everton 200 Excelsior 350 Exeter 1,555 Fairfield East.. .. 200 Falls View 200 Farran's Point. . . 400 Fenelon Falls.. . . 1,053 Fergus 1,534 Finch 411 Fingal 400 Fitzroy Harbor. . 250 Flesherton 600 Fletcher 200 Flinton 200 Floradale 250 Florence 400 Fonthill 250 Fordwich 700 Forest 1,445 Forester's Falls... 250 F ormosa 500 Fort Erie 1,146 Fort Frances. . . . 1,611 Fort William. . . 16,499 Fournier 375 Foxboro 300 Frankford 700 Frankville 250 Freelton 250 F'rench River.. . . 140 Fullarton 200 Gait 10,299 Gananoque 3,804 Garden Hill 250 Garden Island. . . 150 Garden River. .. 1,500 Garson Mine.... 300 Georgetown 1,583 Glammis 225 Glenallan 300 Glencoe 841 Glen Morris 200 Glen Robertson.. 250 Glen Williams. .. 400 Goderich 4,522 Goodwood 300 Gore Bay 703 Gorrie 550 Gowganda 400 Grafton 400 it'd. 500 400 925 909 600 866 375 864 400 1,524 759 200 2,811 800 300 300 993 1,670 400 200 850 200 200 200 4,663 1,000 250 400 200 793 600 1,654 826 1,373 250 1.766 200 350 300 250 400 350 300 1,696 300 250 300 500 400 1,839 200 450 200 200 200 2,807 250 300 466 469 465 377 655 300 1,484 300 2,108 250 2,996 200 250 300 1,318 9,243 200 200 250 300 500 7,737 200 300 250 250 5.362 400 1,112 811 300 200 200 2,372 250 700 250 646 505 2,340 6,828 200 200 800 300 200 7,436 400 $6,340 750 L2,558 500 830 600 1,665 4,098 1,289 3,429 650 5.626 200 3,568 3,588 L8,360 3,518 200 300 900 3,564 250 CITIES AND TOWNS OF THE DOMINION OF CANADA 179 ONTARIO Cont'd. Plantagenet 475 Plattsville 600 Plevna 200 Point Anne 200 Point Edward. . . 874 Ponty Pool 350 Port Arthur. .. . 11,220 Port Burwell.... 700 Port Carling 378 Port Colborne. .. 1,624 Port Credit 600 Port Dalhousie... 1,152 Port Dover 1,138 Port Elgin 1,235 Port Elmsley.... 200 Port Hope 5,092 Port Lambton. .. 350 Portland 300 Port Perry 1,148 Port Robinson 500 Port Rowan 721 Portsmouth 1,786 Port Stanley 891 Powassan 644 Prescott 2,801 Preston 3,883 Priceville 300 Prince Albert.... 300 Princeton 500 Quadville 250 Queensville 250 Rainham Centre. 200 Rainy River 1,578 Rankin 200 Rednersville 200 Renfrew 3,846 Richards* Landing 300 Richmond 428 i^chmond Hill.. . 652 Ridgetown 1,954 Ridgeway 800 Ripley 650 Robiin 200 Rockland 3,397 Rockport 300 Rockton 200 Rockwood 600 Rodney 676 Rosemont 200 Rosseau 250 Rothsay 200 Routhier 300 Rowena 200 Russell 600 St. Amour 400 St. Andrews W.,. 200 St. Anne de Prescott 1,500 St. Catharines.. 12,484 St. Clements 350 St. David's 200 St. Eugene 350 St. George 950 St. Isidore de Prescott.. . . 550 St. Jacob's 500 St. Marys 3,388 St. Onge 2.50 St. Paschal Baylon 300 St. Thomas 14,054 St. Williams 200 Salem 500 Saltford 200 Sand Point 350 Sandwich 2.302 Sarnia 9,947 Saiilt Ste. Marie 10,984 Scarboro Jc 200 Schömberg 300 Schreiber 600 Scotland 400 Seaforth 1,983 Sebringville 500 Seeley's Bay 200 Selby 225 Selkirk 400 Severn Bridge.. . 300 Shakespeare 450 Shallow Lake. . . 509 Shannonville 400 Sharbot Lake.... 450 Sharpton 200 Shedden 350 Sheffield 200 Shelburne 1,113 Sherkston 200 Simcoe 3,227 Singhampton.... 200 Slate River 300 Smithfield 200 Smiths Falls 6,370 Smithville 600 Sombra 400 Southampton-... 1,685 So. Cower 200 So. Indian 350 So. Mountain.. .. 400 So. River 593 So. Woodslee.... 300 Spanish Mills... . 200 Spanish Station.. 200 Sparta 400 Spencerville 400 Spragge 400 Springbrook 200 Springfield 454 Springford 350 Stamford 300 Staples 500 Stayner 1,039 Steelton 3,936 Stella 2.50 Stevensville 300 Stewart Town... 900 Stirling 848 Stittville 200 Stoney Creek. . . . 500 ONTARIO Cont'd. Stoney Point. . . . 350 Stouffville . 1,034 Straffordville. . . . 300 Stratford 12,946 Strathcona . 350 Strathroy . 2,823 Streetsville . 543 Stroud . 200 Sturgeon Bay.. . . 200 Sturgeon Falls.. . 2,199 Sudburv . 4,150 Summerstown.. , 250 Summerstown Station . 2.50 Sunderland . 600 Sundridge . 420 Sutton West.... . 753 Swansea . 200 Sydenham . 600 Tagona . 350 Tamworth . 800 . 551 Tavistock . 981 Tecumseh . 250 Teeswater . 854 Teeterviile . 300 Thamesford. .,. . 400 Thamesville. ... . 807 Thedford . 559 Thessalon . 1,945 Thornbury . 791 Thorndale . 500 Thomhill . 8,50 Thornton . 200 Thorold . 2,273 Tilbury, (Essex) . 406 Tilbury, tKent). . 962 Tilsonburg . 2,758 Tiverton . 342 Todmorden . 800 Toledo . 450 Tomstown . 200 TORONTO . .. 377.638 Tottenham . 517 Trenton . 3,988 Trout Creek.. . . . 400 Tyrone . 200 Udora . 250 Uffington . 350 Union . 300 Unionville . 500 Uxbridge . 1,433 Vanessa . 200 Vankleek Hill... . 1,577 Vars . 400 Ventnor . 200 Verner . 500 Vernon . 250 Verona . 250 Victoria Harbor. . 1,616 Victoria Mines.. . 600 Victoria Road .. . 2.50 Vienna . 332 Vittoria . 525 Waldemar.. <.,. . 200 Wales . 400 Walkerton . 2,601 Walkerville . 3,302 Wallaceburg.... . 3,437 Wallacetown . 350 Walsingham Centre 400 Wardsville . 240 Warkworth . 800 Warren . 500 Washago . 300 Waterdown . 756 Waterford . 1,083 Waterloo . 4,359 Watford . 1,092 Waubaushene... . 1,000 Webbwood . 657 Welland . 5,318 Wellandport.... . 250 Wellesley . 700 Wellington . 785 Wendover . 250 Westboro . 500 W. Flamboro... . 350 W. Lome . 740 Westmeath . 250 Weston . 1,875 Westport . 803 W. Toronto.... 12,000 Whamcliffe. . .. . 300 Wheatley . 600 Whitbv 2,248 Whitechurch.... White River.... . 500 Whitevale . 250 Whitney . 2,000 Wiarton . 2,266 Wikwemikong. . . 900 Wilkesport . 200 Williamsburgh.. . 300 Williamsford... . . 300 Williamstown.. . . 600 Wilton . 250 Winchester . 1,143 Winchester Springs 400 Windham Centre. 250 Windsor 17,829 Wingham Winona Wolfe Island... . 500 Wol verton . 225 Woodbridge.... . 607 Woodstock... . . 9,320 Woodville . 394 Wooler . 300 Worthington. . . . 250 Wroxeter . 366 Wychwood . 700 Wyebridge . 250 Wyoming . 569 Varker . 500 York . 400 Zephyr . 200 Zurich PRINCE EDWARD ISLAND Abrams Village. . 350 Alberton 700 Bedeque 300 Breadalbane 200 Caledonia 200 Cape Traverse... 250 Cardigan 250 Carleton 200 Cavendish 200 CHARLOTTE- TOWN 11,203 Coleman 300 Crapaud 400 Flat River 250 Georgetown 1,010 Hunter River.... 250 Kensington 500 Kildare 450 Mill River 200 Montague 800 Montrose 200 Mount Stewart. . 300 Murray Harbor.. 200 No. Rustico 750 Orwell 250 Pinette 400 Rustico 400 St. Eleanors 400 St. Louis Station. 200 Souris 1,089 Suffolk 200 Summerside 2,678 Tignish 450 Tryon 500 Tyne Valley 200 Valleyfield 200 Victoria 400 QUEBEC Abbotsford 1,000 Abenakis Springs. 2,OCO Abercorn 2f0 Acton Vale 1,402 Adams ville 375 Adderley 800 Adstock 500 Agnes 417 Ahuntsic 944 Amqui 1,070 Andreville 428 Ange Gardien.. .. 1,450 Ange Gardien de Rouville 390 Angeline 300 Angers 1,500 Anjou 200 Annaville 243 Armagh 3,000 Arthabaska 1,478 Arundel 625 Asbestos 2,224 Ascot Corner. . .. 770 Athelstan 200 Auvergne 450 Avignon 1,000 Ayer's Cliff 316 Aylmer 3,109 Aylwin 200 Bagotville 1,011 Baje de Shawenegan... 1,024 Baillargeon 1,000 Barachois de Malbaie 1,000 Barnston 200 Bas du Sault.... 250 Batiscan 1,100 Beaconsfield 375 Beauce Junction. 300 Beauceville 1,677 Beauceville East.. 500 Beauhamois 2,015 Beaulac 431 Beaulieu 325 Beaumont 200 Beauport 5,775 Beaupré 200 Beaurivage 1,607 Becancour 311 Bedford 1,432 Beebe 808 Beebe Junction.. 200 Beech Ridge 250 Belisle's Mills.... 950 Belle Riviere. . . . 400 Belœil 1,501 Beranger 200 Bergerville 600 Bernierville 628 Bersimis 700 Berthier 1,335 Berthier Junction 225 Berthierville 1,350 Bic 2,500 Bienville 1,004 Black Lake 2,645 Blanche 200 Boileau 500 Bolton Centre... 300 Bonaventure River 1,200 Bord a Plouffe... 700 Bordeaux 994 Boucherville 1 097 Boucliette 1,100 Bourg Louis 3,000 Breakeyville 4,000 Bridgeville 200 Brigham 300 Broadlands 200 Brome 548 Bromptonville. . . 1,239 Brookdale 600 Brownsburgh. .. . 525 Bryson 477 Buckingham 3,854 Buckland 350 QUEBEC Cont'd. Bury 200 Cabano 250 Cacouna 517 Calumet 650 Calumet Island. . 1,500 Campbell's Bay.. 447 Canrobert 229 Cap a la Baleine. 300 Cap Chatte 930 Cap des Rosier... 700 Cape Cove 2,000 Cape Despair.... 200 Capelton 600 Caplin River. . . . 475 Cap Magdeleine.. 375 Cap-Rouge 500 Cap St. Ignace... 2,650 Cap St. Martin.. 250 Cap Sante 1,300 Capucins 200 Cariboo Islands.. 200 Carillon 188 Carleton 1,500 Cartier 1,216 Cartierville 905 Cascades Point. . 400 Caughnawaga.... 2,000 Causapscal 1,400 Cedar Hall 1,500 Cedars 350 Chambly Basin. . 900 Chambly Canton. 857 Champlain 1,680 Chantelle 300 Chapeau 277 Charlemagne. . .. 776 Charlesbourg. . .. 2,000 Chartierville 800 Chateauguay. ... 600 Chateauguay Basin 400 Chateau Richer.. 1,350 Chaudiere Station 200 Chelsea 200 Cheneville 505 Cherry River.... 300 Chester/ille 263 Chicot 675 Chicoutimi 5,880 Christieville 200 Clarenceville 450 Coaticook 3,165 Como 898 Compton 382 Contrecœur 624 Cookshire 996 Corner of the Beach 300 Coteau du Lac.. . 428 Coteau Landing.. 385 Coteau Station... 643 Cote des Neiges.. 2,447 Cote Rouge 250 Cote St. Luc 303 Cote St. Michel.. 500 Cote St. Vincent. 350 Cowansville 881 Cross Point 700 Cushing 280 Dalhousie Station 400 Dalibaire 1,500 Dalling 200 Danby 200 Danville 1.331 Daveluyville 294 De Lorimier 1,275 De Ramsay 300 Des Chaînons.... 1,161 Deschambault. .. 1,200 Deschenes Mills.. 200 D'Israël! 1,606 Dixville 404 Dorion 631 Dorval 1,005 Douglastown. , .. 1,100 Drummondville.. 1,725 Dunham 296 Dunkin 200 E. Angus 1,400 E. Broughton.. .. 1,000 E. Clifton 650 E. Farnham 400 Eastman 607 E. Temoleton.... 500 Eaton 250 Echo Vale 200 Egypte 400 Emile ville 200 Escuminac 400 Eustis 300 Fabre 200 Famham 3,560 Farnham Centre. 250 Farrelton 300 Father Point 250 Fermond 65 Fitch Bay 500 Fort Coulonge ... 811 Foster 200 Fox River 1,360 Frarapton 400 Franklin Centre. 350 Fraserville 6,774 Frelighsburg 282 Frost Village 225 Gagne 250 Garthby 800 Gascon 500 Gaspe 606 Gaspe Bay So 400 Gentilly 430 Georgeville 250 Girard 250 Glen Murray 200 Glen Sutton 400 Gould 250 Gracefield 300 Granby 4,750 Grand Cascapedia 450 QUEBEC Con.fd Grand Baie.. . . 1.355 Grande Freniere. . 310 Grand Ligne.. . . 200 Grand Mere.. . . 4,783 Grand Metis. . . . 250 Grand Pabos. . . . 600 Grand River ... . 2,500 Grand Saint Esprit 360 Grand Vallee. .., . 325 Green River 200 Grenville 1,383 Grondines 1,100 Hatley 498 Hebertville 655 Hebertville Sta . . 737 Hemmingford.. .. 313 Henryville 1.000 Herbertville 655 Holland's Mills.. 400 Honoreville 500 Hopetown 2,000 Howiek 230 Huberdeau 350 Hudson 650 Hull 18.222 Hunterstown. . . , 800 Huntingdon 1,265 Huntingville , 250 Huron 368 Iberville 1,905 Inverness 194 Iron Hill 300 Ironside 300 Island Brook. . .. 400 Isle au Noix 2,200 Isle aux Coudres. 1,200 Isle aux Grues. . . 800 Isle Bizard 800 Isle Dupas 375 Isle Perrot 360 Isle Verte 2,2.50 Johnville 300 Joliette 6.346 Jonquiere 2,354 Kamouraska 519 Kelso 1,100 Kiamika 700 Kildare 1,800 Kingsbury 263 Kingsey Falls.... 300 Knowlton 865 La Baie 2.200 Labelle 826 Lacadie 1,500 Lac a la Tortue. 350 Lac au Saummon 1.171 Lac aux Sables... 675 Lac Bellemarre .. 300 La Chapelle 200 Lachenaie 650 Lachine 10,669 Lachute 2,407 Lac Megantic . .. 2,399 Lacolle 1,000 La Conception... 500 La Conception Station 600 Lake Alymer.... 1,100 Lake Beauport... 250 Lake Etchemin .. 1,500 Lakefield 200 Lake Megantic... 2,399 Lake Weedon.... 607 Lambton 1,650 Landrevillc 200 Langevin 1,000 L'Annonciation .. 622 Lanoraie 600 L'Anse a Giles... 300 L'Anse au Beaufils 200 L'Anse au Foin... 500 La Patrie 850 La Petite Riviere 200 La Plaine 400 Laprairie 2,388 La Presentation.. 300 Larochelle 391 L'Assomption ... 1,747 La Tuque 2,934 Laurentides 1,128 Laurierville 399 Lauzon .. 3,978 Laval 323 l^valtrie 900 L'Avenir 1,200 La Visitation.... 430 Lawrenceville.. ., . 226 Leclercville 530 I..eeds Village.... , 200 Lemieux 200 Lennoxville 1.211 L'Epiphanie .... 1,700 Les Eboulements. 3,000 Les E^cureuils... . 200 Les Escoumains.. . 800 Levis . 7.452 Liniere . 300 L'Islet 2,450 Little Cascapedia 400 Little Metis.... . 500 Little Metis Station . 300 Little Pabos... . 400 Little River E... . 200 Little River W.. . 250 Lochaber Bay. . . 800 Longue Pointe.. . 3,037 Longueuil 3,972 Lorette Lorraineville.. . . , 300 Lost River 300 Lotbiniere 1,600 Louiseville 1,675 Lower Ireland .. . 850 Magdalen Islands 3,700 QUEBEC Cont'd. Magog 3,978 Maisonneuve. .. 18,674 Malbaie 1,449 Mai-Bay 275 Manche d'Epec , . 200 Mandaville . 400 Maniwaki . 546 Manseau 900 Mansonville.... 420 Maple Grove... . 550 Marbleton 681 Maria 4.000 Maria Capes. 600 Maria East 200 Marieville 1,587 Marsboro Martin ville 404 Mascouche 2,250 Mascouche Rapids , 200 Masham Mills. .. . 400 Maskinonee 775 Massawippl 200 Masson 1,034 Massueville 776 Mastai 200 Matane 1,850 Mata pedia...... 350 Mawcook 350 Melbourne 314 Melocheville 250 Milton E 200 Mingan 600 Mirabel 350 Miranda 200 Mistassini 750 Moisie 351 Mominique 548 Montcalm 350 Montcalm, (Montcalm) .... 400 Montebello 954 Montfort 400 Mont Joli 2,141 Mont Laurier.. .. 752 Mont Louis 300 Montmagny 2,616 Montmorency. . . 1,717 Montreal 466.197 Montreal So 790 Montreal West.. . 703 Mont St. Hilaire. 475 Morin Flats 380 Moulin Charette. 220 Mount Carmel.. . 1,075 Mount Johnson.. 450 Mt, Royal Vale.. 400 Murray Bay 4,600 Namur 300 Napierville 691 Neuville 1,500 New bois 875 New Carlisle 1,160 New Glasgow... . 131 New Liverpool.. . 3,400 Newport 1,000 New Richmond.. 3,000 New Richmond Station 400 New Rocklands.. 176 Nicolet 2,593 Nomininque 600 No. Clarendon.., 200 No. Ham 1.800 No. Hatley 250 No. Nation Mills. . 200 No. Onslow 1,200 No. Stanbridge. . 250 No. Stukely 2,000 No. Wakefield... 250 Norton Creek.... 250 Notre-Dame de Graces W 5,217 Notre Dame de Rimouski 400 Notre Dame des Bois 960 Notre Dame de Stanbridge. . .. 768 Notre Dame du Lac 1,250 Notre Dame du Laus 600 Notre Dame du Portage 700 Nouvelle 2,000 Noyan 460 O'Donnells Siding 900 Oka 584 Ormstown 782 Otter Lake 500 Outremont 4,820 Papineauville.. . . 1,015 Paquetteville..., , 1,000 Paspebiac . 1,500 Pentacost River. . 320 Perce , 2,300 Perkins . 350 Petit Bois 300 Petite Mascouche.. . 200 Petite Matane.. . 450 Petit Metis.... 285 Phillipsburg. .. . , 347 Piapolis . 536 Piedmont . 600 Pierreville . 1,363 Pigeon Hill . 260 Pike River 220 Pincourt 300 Piopolis , 500 Plaisance . 300 Plessisville . 1.5.'>9 Point au Pic... . . 617 Pointe a Calumet 250 Pointe au Chene 450 CITIES AND TOWNS OF THE DOMINION OF CANADA QUEBEC Cont'd. Pointe aux Trembles 1,167 . Pointe Bleue .... 400 Pointe Claire.... 793 Pointe du Lac... 1,275 Pointe Gatineau.. 1,751 Point Fortune. . . 311 Point St. Peter... 1,000 Pontbriand 600 Pont Chateau.... 425 Pont de Maskinonge. . . 900 Pont Rouge 1,600 PontViau 700 Portage du Fort.. 365 Port Daniel Centre 1,500 Portneuf 1,450 Portneuf 300 Portneuf Station. 200. Powers' Court. . . 220 Precieux Sang. . - 525 PrinceviUe 752 Providence 894 QUEBEC 78,067 Quyon 806 Radford 300 Radnor Forges.. . 350 Radstock 650 Rapide de rOrignal 1,000 Rawdon 1,425 Restigouche 625 Riceburg 250 RichardviUe 1,300 Richelieu........ 332 Richmond 2,175 Rigaud 856 Rimouski 3,097 Ripon 1,500 River Beaudette. 275 Riviere a Claude. 250 Riviere Beaudette 368 lüviere Bois Clair 1,275 Riviere Desert. . . 500 Riviere du Loup.. 6,733 Riviere Gentilly.. 250 Riviere la Magdelaine.. . . 200 Riviere Quelle. . . 1,600 Riviere St. Jean . 250 Rivieres des Prairies 750 Riviere Trois Pistoles 500 Robertsonville... 603 Roberval 1,737 Robitaille 400 ^chon. 200 Rock Forest 200 Rock Island 861 Rougemont Sta... 300 Roxton Falls 873 Roxton Pond.... 500 Ruisseau a Sem.. 200 Ruisseau le Blanc 325 Sabrevois 200 Sacre-Cceur de Jesus 996 Sacre-Coeur de Marie 800 St. Adelphe de Champlain.... 800 St. Adrien 500 St. Agapit 300 St. Aime 2,000 St. Alban 2,150 St. Albert 450 St. Alexandre, (Iberville).... 1,500 St. Alexandre. .. 1,760 St. Alexis de Montcalm. ... 1,850 St. Alexis des Monts 1,150 St. Alphonse. . . . 930 St. Alphonse de Granby 500 St. Anaclet 800 St. Andre.. v .... 1,300 St. Andre Avelin.. 3,500 St. Andre Restigouche.... 400 St. Andrews Eastl,0(X) St. Anicet 200 St. Anne 799 St. Anselme 2,000 St. Antoine 1,600 St. Antoine Abbe. 200 St. Antoine de Tilly 1,250 St. Antonin 1,500 St. Appollinaire.. 1,000 St. Armand Station 350 St. Arsene 1,500 St. Aubert 1,700 St. Augustin 1,215 St. Barnabe,(Hya) 980 St. Barnabe 2,100 St. Barthelemi... 600 St. Basile 350 St. BazileleGrand 760 St. Benoit 345 St. Benoit Labre. 300 St. Bernard 1,600 St. Blaise 400 St. Bonaventura. 1,450 St. Boniface de Shawinigan.. .. 1.250 St. Bruno, (Chambly).... 195 St. Bruno, (Chicou- tirai) 373 St. Bruno (Kamouraska).. 725 St. Camille 1,100 St. Canute 575 QUEBEC Cont'd. St. Casimir 3,000 St Cecilede MashamOOO St. Celestin 1,900 St. Cesaire 941 St. Charles (Benechasse). 2,100 St. Charles. (St. Hyacinthe).... 900 St. Charles de Caplin 230 St. Christine 600 St. Chrysostome. 600 St. Claude 220 St. Clet 475 St. Cceurde Marie 700 St. Columbin. . .. 800 St. Come 1,000 St. Constant 1,700 St. Cunegonde.. .11,177 St. Cuthbert 3,150 St. CuthbertSta.. 275 St. Cyrille 711 St. Cyrille de Wendover 500 St. Damase 1,075 St. Damase, (St. Hyacinthe) .. 2,000 St. Damase des Aulnais 1,000 St. David 1,800 St. David de l'Aube Riviere. 200 St. Denis 950 St. Denis, (St. Hyacinthe) 733 St. Didace 1,300 St. Dominique... 1,850 St. Donat 800 St. Donat de Montcalm 325 Ste. Adelaide de Pabos 600 Ste. Adele 2,050 Ste. Agathe 376 Ste. Agathe des Monts 2,020 Ste. Agnes de Charlevoix. . .. 1,750 Ste. Anastasie. . . 1,300 Ste. Angele 400 Ste. Angele de Laval 900 Ste. Angele de Monnoir 1,350 Ste. Anne de Beaupré 1,326 Ste. Anne de Bellevue 1,416 Ste. Anne de la • Perade 2,850 Ste. Anne de la Pocatiere 2,500 Ste. Anne des Monts 1,300 Ste. Anne des Plaines 1,325 Ste. Beatrix 1,890 Ste. Brigide 1,630 Ste. Brigitte des Saults 550 Ste. Calixte de Kilkenny 1,180 Ste. Catherine. .. 1,100 Ste. Cecile d'Levrard500 Ste. Cecile de Whitton 600 Ste. Claire 1,600 Ste. Clothilde.. .. 375 Ste. Croix 2.300 Ste. Dorothee.... 850 St. Edouard 300 Ste. Edwidge. . . . 1,000 Ste. Elizabeth. . . 490 Ste. Elizabeth de Warwick 450 Ste. Famille 775 Ste. Felicite 2,000 Ste. Flavie 1,200 Ste. Flavie Sta... 800 Ste. Flore 350 Ste. Foye 1,150 Ste. Françoise. . . 200 Ste. Genevieve... 300 Ste. Genevieve de Batiscan...... 1,000 Ste. Gertrude.... 1.750 Ste. Helene,(B'got) 1,000 Ste. Helene 1,275 Ste. Helene de Chester 1,050 Ste. Henedine.... 1,100 Ste. Hippolyte de Kilkenny 850 Ste. Julie 1,350 Ste. Julienne 1,100 Ste. Justine de Newton 500 St. Eleuthere. .. . 1,200 St. Elie 1,300 St. Eloi 1,300 Ste. Louise 900 Ste. Luce..' 700 Ste. Luce Sta..... 500 Ste. Lucie de Doncaster 1.350 St. Elzear 300 St. Elzear de Laval 725 Ste. Madeleine.. . 1,050 Ste. Malachi 2,000 Ste. Marguerite (Dorchester) . . 1,000 Ste. Marguerite.. 850 Ste. Marie 3,000 Ste. Marie de Blandford 450 Ste. Marie Salomee 580 Ste. Marthe 1,300 QUEBEC Cont'd. Ste. Martine 1,700 Ste. Melanie 700 St. Emile de Montcalm 275 St. Emile de Suffolk 1,350 St. Emilie de l'Energie 200 Ste. Monique (Nicolet) 1,900 Ste. Monique.... 575 Ste. Perpetúe.... 1,100 Ste. Perpetúe, (L. Islet) 1,175 Ste. Philomene... 250 St. Ephrem 509 St. Epiphane. ... 1,200 Ste. Rosaire 775 Ste. Rosalie 1,500 Ste. Rose 1,868 Ste. Rose du Degele 625 Ste. Scholastique 757 Ste. Sophie 1,150 St. Esprit 1,960 Ste. Thecle 1.800 Ste. Theodosie... 500 Ste. Therese 2,120 St. Etienne des Gres 2,000 St. Eugene 1,000 Ste. Ursule 2,000 St. Eustache 996 St. Evariste de Forsyth 1,500 Ste. Victoire 200 St. Fabien 250 St. Faustin 600 St. Felicien 581 St. Felix de Kingsey 500 St. Felix de Valois 2,200 St. Ferdinand.. .. 2,200 St. Fereol 1,050 St. Fidele 900 St. Flavien 1,500 St. Fortunat 800 St. Francois 2,000 St. Francois de SaUe 900 St. Francois d'Orleans 550 St. Francois du Lac 2,200 St. Francois Xavier de Brompton .. 850 St. Frederick 375 St. Gabriel de Brandon 1,602 St. George de Malbaie 630 St. George de Windsor 1,550 St. Georges 1,410 St. Germain de Grantham 3,100 St. Germain de Kamouraska.. . 700 St. Gervais 2,000 St. Giles 730 St. Grégoire 1,800 St. Guillaume. 905 St. Guillaume d'Upton 2,975 St. Henri 30,337 St. Henri, (Levis) 2,200 St. Hermas 600 St. Hermenegilde. 200 St. Hilaire 1,650 St. Hilarión 3,000 St. Hubert, (Chambiy).. .. 1,100 St. Hubert 500 St. Hughes 2,000 St. Hugues 470 St. Hyacinthe... . 9,797 St. Ignace de Loyola 2,50 St. Irenée 1,075 St. Isidore, (Dorchester) .. 2,300 St. Isidore 1,900 St. Isidore Jc 200 St. Jacques 2,600 St. Jacques le Mineur 1.2(X) St. Janvier 1,125 St. Jean 5,903 St. Jean Baptiste. 1,500 St. Jean Chrysostome. 600 St. Jean de Dieu. 1,080 St. Jean de Matha 2,700 St. Jean d'Orleans 1,200 St. Jean l'Evangeliste... 2,000 St. Jean Port Joli 2,000 St. Jerome, (Chi- coutimi) 719 St. Jerome 3,473 St. Jerome de Matane 2,056 St. Joachim 875 St. Johns 6,500 St. Joseph (Beauce) 1,440 St. Joseph, (Richilieu).... 1,416 St. Joseph 614 St. Josephd'Alma 1,500 St. Joseph de Sorel 400 St. Joseph de Boulanges 887 St. Joseph du Lac 450 St. Jovite 1,200 St. Jovite Station 250 St. Jude 600 QUEBEC Cont'd. St. Justin 1,650 St. Lambert 3,344 St. Laurent 1,860 St. Laurent d'Orleans 760 St. Lazare 2,200 St. Lazare de Vaudreuil. .... 1,450 St. Leon 1,625 St. Leonard 1,775 St. Liboire 5.50 St. Liguori 1,125 St. Louis de Bonsecour 630 St. Louis de Gonzague 700 St. Louis de Ha Ha 450 St. Louis de Mile End.. .. 10.950 St. Luc. . 650 St. Ludger 1,300 St. Majoric 500 St. Malo 200 St. Marc 950 St. Marcel,(LHslet) 300 St. Marcel 950 St. Martin 446 St. Mathias 300 St. Mathieu 1,000 St. Maurice 400 St. Maurice Forges 350 St. Michel 2,000 St. Michel,(Napier- ville) 1,700 St. Michel de Rougemont.. .. 1,050 St. Michel des Saints 850 St. Michel de Wentworth.... 375 St. Modeste 1,000 St. Moise 637 St. Narcisse 2,500 St. Nazaire, (Bagot) 1,000 St. Nazaire 500 St. Nicholas 400 St. Norbert 275 St. Norbert, (Berthier) 375 St. Octave 1.300 St. Odilon 1,500 St. Omer 500 St. Onezime 900 St. Ours 622 St. Pacome 1,500 St. Pamphile. . . . 1,800 St. Paschal 2,350 St. Paul de Chester 2,000 St. Paul de la Croix 1,000 St. Paul d'Industrie... . 1,375 St. Paul du Buton 1,400 St. Paulin 1,875 St. PaulI'Hermite 200 St Paul's Bay... 1,857 St. Petronille... . 477 St. Philemon. . . . 400 St. Philippe 200 St. Philippe d'Argenteuil... 375 St. Philomene de Fortierville.... 1,600 St. Pie 768 St. Pie de Guire.. 680 St. Pierre aux Liens 2,201 St. Pierre Baptiste 1,100 St. Pierre de Wakefield 250 St. Pierre d'Orleans 630 St. Pierre les Becquets 2,000 St. Pierre Montmagny... 1,400 St. Placide 575 St. Polycarpe.... 467 St. Prospere 1,300 St. Prospere de Dorchester.... 800 St. Prudentienne. 510 St. Raphael 2,700 St. Raymond. . .. 1,653 St. Redempteur.. 375 St. Remi 1,021 St. Remi d'Amherst .... 1,000 St. Remi de Tingwick 950 St. Robert 1,400 St. Ro:h 900 St. Roch des Aulnais 1,500 St. Roch I'Achigan 2,375 St. Romain 600 St. Romuald 3,575 St. Samuel de Gayhurst 850 St. Sauveur des Montagnes. .. . 1,560 St. Sebastien.... 300 St. Sebastien de Beauce 600 St. Severe 800 St. Severin de Beaurivage.... 1,100 St. Simeon 512 St. Simon, (Bagot) 1,160 St. Simon 1,200 St. Sixte 500 St. Stanislas 4,000 St. Stanislas de Kostka 200 QUEBEC Cont'd. St. Sulpice 700 St. Sylvestre 3,(X)0 St. Theodore d'Acton 1,200 St. Theodore de Chertsey 1,425 St. Thomas d'Aquin 200 St. Thomas de Joliette 250 St. Timothee.... 450 St. Timothee de Champlain.... 900 St. Tite 1,438 St. Tite des Caps. 1,025 St. Ubalde 1,400 St. Urbain 300 St. Valentin 300 St. Valerien 300 St. Valier 600 St. Valier Station 600 St. Victor de Tring 2,000 St. Vincent de Paul 1,492 St. Wenceslas.. . . 1,675 St. Zephirin 1,750 St. Zotique 400 Sandy Bay 3,500 Sandy Beach Centre 500 Saraguayville.... 275 Sault au Recollet 1,311 Sawyerville 432 Scotstown 933 Scott Jc., 200 Seal Cove 200 Senneville 418 Sept Isles 612 Shawbridge 255 Shawenegan Falls 4,265 Shaw ville 715 Sherbrooke 16,405 Sherrington 450 Shigawake 875 Shrewsbury 225 Sillery Cove 500 Silver Creek 2.50 Sorel 8.420 So. Durham 1,150 So. Ham 500 So. Stukely 360 Spring Hill 500 Stanbridge 900 Stanbridge East.. 600 Stanbridge Station 3(X) Standon 1,600 Stanfold 2,300 Stanstead 837 Stoke Centre.... 300 Stonefield 285 Stonehara 400 Summerlea 161 Sutton 986 Suifield 200 Sweetsburgh 305 Tadousac 611 Terrebonne 1,900 'Thetford Mines.. 7,261 Three Rivers. . . 13,691 Thurso 601 Tingwick 2,150 Tremblay 2,500 "Trois Pistoles.... 3,000 "Trois Saumons.. . 400 Trout Brook 350 Trout River 300 Turcot 200 Ul verton 200 Upton 746 Valcartier . 1,.500 Valcourt 225 Val des Bois .... 500 Valleyfield 9.449 Valois 400 Valracine 200 Varennes 820 Vaudreuil 444 Vaudreuil Station 300 Vercheres 725 Verdun 11,629 Vemet 200 Versailles 200 Viau ViUe 200 Victoriaville 3,028 Village des Aulnais 1,500 Village Richelieu. 400 Ville Marie 850 Villeray 1,162 Villers 330 Ville St. Pierre.. . 1,500 Vincennes 500 Vinton 400 Wabassee 200 Wakefield 250 Warden 250 Warwick 928 Waterloo 1,886 Waterville 1,0.54 Ways' Mills 2.50 Weedon 500 Weedon Centre. . 836 Weedon Station.. 2,000 W. Brome 200 W. Broughton. .. 4,500 Westbury 330 Westmount 14,579 W. Shefford 363 Wheatland 450 Wickham West . . 1,200 Windsor Mills. . . 2,2.33 Wobum 350 Wotton 1,'750 Wright 300 Yamachiche 965 Yamaska 695 SASKATCHEWAN Aberdeen . 240 Abernethy . 273 Adanac 73 Alameda . 282 Allan . 139 Alsask . 175 Amulet . 63 Antler . 138 Areola , 794 Asquith 199 Atwater 57 Aylesbury 72 Balcarres 348 Balgonie 368 Barrows 350 Battleford 1,335 Belle Piain 82 Bender 45 Biggar 315 Big River 516 Birch Hills 145 Birmingham 31 Blad worth 164 Borden 96 Bounty 59 Bredenbury 102 Broadview 702 Brock 117 Broderick 130 Brownlee 171 Bruno 37 Buchanan 228 Bulyea , 117 Calder Sta . 60 Candiac 30 Canora 435 Carievale . 188 Carlyle 358 Carnduflf 469 Caron . 222 Chamberlain 71 Churchbridge... , 90 Clavet 37 Coblenx 93 Colgate . 95 Colonsay 95 . 435 Craven 77 . 100 Cupar . 223 Dana . 78 Davidson . 389 Delisle . 234 Delmas 68 Denzile 52 Dislev 99 Drake 66 Drinkwater , 203 Dubuc . 161 Duck Lake , 379 Dundum , 239 Duval 81 Dysart 61 Earl Grey . 154 Edam 53 Elbow , 221 Elfros . 103 Elstow , 114 Esterbazy , 258 Estevan . 1,981 Eyebrow 182 Fairlight 96 Fenwood 51 Fielding 77 Fillmore . 187 Fleming . 270 Foain Lake , 185 Forget . 267 Fort Qu'Appelle. 285 Forward 141 Francis . 263 Frobisher . 120 Galnsboro . 247 Girvin . 39 Glenavon 130 Glen Ewen . 168 Glensike 54 Goodeve 71 Goodwater 75 Govan . 390 Grand Coulee.. . 82 Grayson . 124 Grenfell . 709 Griffin . 109 Guernsey . 175 Gull Lake . 606 Hague... : . 300 Haibrite . 239 Hanley . 381 Harris . 106 Hawarden . 126 Herbert . 559 Heward . 132 Howell . 112 Hubbard . 45 Hudson Bay Jc., . 215 Humboldt . 859 Hurburt . 559 Imperial . 2,50 Indian Head.... . 1,285 Invermay . 93 Ituma 95 Jansen 63 Jasmin . 130 Kamsack . 473 Keeler 74 Kelliher . 220 Kena?ton . 185 Kennedy . 164 Kerr Robert.... . 320 Killaly 92 Kindersley . 456 Kinistino . 166 Kinley 51 Kipling . 237 Kisbey . 209 Kronan 106 SASK. Cont'd. Laird 19S Lampman 96 Landis 127 Lang 301 Langenburg 220 Langham 389 Lanigan 392 Lashburn 232 Laura 82 Lemberg 303 Leney 5*7 Le Ross 114 Uslie 126 Lipton 273 Lloydminster.... 441 Lockwood 101. Lorebum 135 Lumsden 695 Luseland 104 McTaggart 134 Macklin 322, Macoun 208' Maidstone 92 Manor 289 Maple Creek.... 936 Margo 83 Markinche 54 Marquiss 88 Maryfield 209 Maymont. 121 Melfort 699 Melville 1,816 Midale 156 Milestone 436 Montmartre 201 Moosejaw 13,823 Moosomin 1,143 Morse 290 Mortlach 219 Muenster 52 Netherhiil 80 Neudorf 326 Nokomis 374 No. Battleford... 2,105 No. Portal 176 Odessa 77 Ogema 171 Osage 72 Osier 62 Outlook 685 Oxbow 630 Paynton 121 Pelly 82 Pense 236 Perdue 155 Plenty 128 Prince Albert... . 6,254 Punnichy 73 Qu'Appelle Sta... 851 Quill I^ke 163 Quinton 76 Radisson 305 Rad ville 233 Ray more 126 Redvers 200 REGINA 30,213 Rocanvílle 266 Roche Percee.... 162 Roche Perin 162 Rosetown 317 Rosthern 1,172 Rouleau 679 Saltcoats 432 Salvador 49 Saskatoon 12,004 Scott 420 Sedley 221 Semans 194 Sheho 107 Shellbrook 198 Sintaluta 391 Southey 157 Springside 123 Spyhill 71 Star City 132 Stockholm 100 Stomoway 52 Stoughton 311 Strassburg 811 Summerbury. ... 79 Sutherland 421 Swift Current.. .. 1,852 Tantallon 115 Täte 54 Taylorton 350 Tessier 67 Theodore 1^3 "Tisdale 250 Togo III Tompkins 90 Tugaske 2Q4 Tuxford 121 Tyvan 184 Unity 149 Venn 58 Viscount 72 Vonda 268 Wadena 255 Waldron 114 Wapella 485 Warman 149 Watrous 781 Watson 211 Wauchope 127 Wawota 200 Webb 75 Weiwyn 139 Weybum 2,210 Whitewood 447 Wilcox 262 Wilkie 537 Windthorst 208 Wolseley 961 Wynyard 515 Yellow Grass.... 4.59 Yorkton 2,309 Young 73 Zealandia 264 Zelma 47 WEATHER BUREAU AND LAWS OF WEATHER FORECASTING By A, J. HENRY, Professor of Meteorology, Weather Bureau. The Signal System.—The Weather Bu¬ reau of the United States furnishes daily weather bulletins from its Washington office to the number of 100,000 or more, which contain forecasts of the weather throughout the country. These bulletins are sent by telegraph to the various weather stations, to railway officials, postmasters and others interested in weather conditions, all of whom are ex¬ pected to communicate their forecasts to the public. This is done by means of small flags, conspicuously displayed, and five in number. No. 1. White flag: means clear or fair weather. No. 2. Blue flag: means rain or snow. No. 3. White and blue flag: means local rain or snow. No. 4. Black triangular flag: is the temperature flag. No. 5. White flag with black square in center : means cold wave. When No. 4 is placed above No. 1, 2 or 3 it indicates warmer ; when below, colder; when not displayed, the tempera¬ ture is expected to remain about station¬ ary. During the late spring and early fall the cold wave flag is also used to in¬ dicate anticipated frosts. Storm Warning Flags.—There is also a system of flags whose use warns for storms. One of these is a simple pennant, whose position as to the other flag indi¬ cates wind directions. When the pennant is above the flag, the wind is northwest; when below, southwest ; when the pennant is a dark one and above, the wind is northeast ; when beneath, southeast. A red flag with a black centre indicates that a storm of marked violence is ex¬ pected. The pennants displayed with the flags indicate the direction of the wind: red, easterly (from northeast to south) ; white, westerly (from southwest to north). The pennant above the flag indicates that the wind is expected to blow from the northerly quadrants ; below, from the southerly quadrants. By night a red light indicates easterly winds, and a white light above a red ligbt, westerly winds. Two red flags, with black centres, dis¬ played one above the other, indicate the expected approach of tropical hurricanes, and also of those extremely severe and dangerous storms which occasionally move across the lakes and northern At¬ lantic coast. Hiirricane warnings are not displayed at night. Steam Whistle Signals.—A warning of from fifteen to twenty seconds' duration is sounded to attract attention. After this warning the longer blasts (of from four to six seconds' duration) refer to weather, and shorter blasts (of from one to three seconds' duration) refer to temperature; those for weather are sounded first. One long blast indicates fair weather; two long blasts, rain or snow; three long blasts, local rain or snow ; one short blast, lower temnerature ; two short blasts, higher temperature ; three short blasts, cold wave. Thermometers Compared.—There are three kinds of thermometers, with vary¬ ing scales, in general use throughout the world—the Fahrenheit, boiling point, 212 degrees, freezing point, 32 degrees. Ee- aumur, freezing point, zero ; boiling point, eighty degrees. Centigrade, freezing point, zero; boiling point, 100 degrees. The degrees on one scale are reduced to their equivalents on another by these formulas : Fahrenheit to Eeaumur — Subtract thirty-two, multiply by four-ninths. Fahrenheit to Centigrade—Subtract thirty-two, multiply by five-ninths. Eeaumur to Fahrenheit—Multiply by nine-fourths, add thirty-two. Eeaumur to Centigrade—Multiply by five-fourths. Centigrade to Fahrenheit—Multiply by nine-fifths, add thirty-two. Centigrade to Eeaumur—Multiply by four-fifths. Time for Forecasting..^—The time at the disposal of the forecast official of the Weather Bureau at the central office in Washington City for the purpose of fore¬ casting probable weather changes, cold waves, and severe storms, is about thirty minutes in the morning and forty at night. It is impossible in this short time f o do more than express the character of the anticipated changes for each State or district east of the Eocky Mountains in any but the most general terms. The local or State forecast official, on the other hand, is concerned with but a single dis¬ trict. He is at liberty to amplify the national forecasts or to put forth a state¬ ment of his own, in which the anticipated changes may be given in as much detail as the conditions seem to justify. Persons who use the forecasts con¬ stantly should cultivate the habit of care¬ fully noting the weather changes in their respective localities, especially the se¬ quence in which such changes occur, for it is only by acquiring a knowledge of local weather signs that they can use gov¬ ernment forecasts to the best advantage. Daily Weather Forecasts.—The Weather Bureau issues from its Washington office two forecasts daily, at about 10 a. m. and 10 p. m. respectively. The observations 181 on which the forecasts are based art made at 8 a. m. and 8 p. m.. Eastern standard time. The morning forecast covers a period of twenty-four hours, be¬ ginning at 8 p. m. of the day on which the forecast is issued; The first twelve hours of the period are always referred to as "to¬ night;" the second is given the name of the day to which it may refer. Thus, "Fair to-night and Tuesday" would be the form of a forecast issued at 10 a. m. Monday. "To-night" in this case would begin at 8 p. m. Monday and run until 8 a. m. Tuesday, while Tuesday would end at 8 p. m. of that day, not midnight, as some might suppose. The forecast made at 10 p. m. is for a period of forty-eight hours. A forecast made on Monday night would take the form "Partly cloudy Tues¬ day and Wednesday." This forecast, it will be observed, does not apply to the night of either Tuesday or Wednesday. Fair Weather.—"Fair weather"—that is, the absence of rain or snow—is indi¬ cated by several terms. Tlie first of these is the word itself. It may be used singly or be preceded by the word "generally." "Generally fair," as used by the fore¬ caster, is less positive than "fair" alone. It signifies that the probability of fair weather over the whole district and for the entire period is not so great as when "fair" alone is used. Partly Cloudy.—"Partly cloudy" is another expression that is used when the indications favor cloud but no precipita¬ tion. "Threatening" is used when in the judgment of the forecaster the weather will be overcast and gloomy, with the ap¬ pearance of rain or snow at any moment, yet a measurahle amount of precipitation is not anticipated. Rain or Snow.—A forecast of "rain" or "snow" may be expressed in various ways. In the late fall, early spring, and the win¬ ter season it is commonly indicated by the single word "rain" or "snow," as the case may be, thus: "Eain to-night." And when used in this form it is expected that the rain will continue for several hours. In other seasons of the year any one of the following terms, viz., "local rain," "showers," and "thunder storms," may be used. Local rains and showers are almost identical in meaning. The word "thunder storm," of course, carries its own significance. Any one of these terms indieates that the rain will not be general over the whole State or district. The most marked feature of precipitation in the warm season, as compared with the cold,. is its unequal distribution over re¬ latively small areas. A shower cloud may form and pass over several counties or it WEATHER BUREAU AND LAWS OF WEATHER FORECASTING may dissipate within five miles of its origin. Indeed, we may say that it is only in exceptional cases that general and continuous rains fall in the summer sea¬ son. In some seasons local rains may oc¬ cur in some part of a State every day of the month, but the science of meterology is not yet far enough advanced to delimit the path of a local shower and the exact time of its oecurrence. Precipitation.—Forecasts of local rains, showers, or thunder storms indicate that the conditions are favorable for the oc¬ currence of precipitation in the district and for the given period. Clearing.—"Clearing" is a word fre¬ quently used which carries a broader meaning than the word itself signifies, viz., the occurrence of precipitation in the early part of the period; thus "Clearing to-night" would indicate that rain or snow, whichever might be falling at the beginning of the period, would cease shortly thereafter and that the weather would be clear during the greater part of the time. Local Signs.—Persons whose working hours are largely spent in the open air soon become familiar with the changing aspects of the sky and the condition of the atmosphere as to its moisture content, viz., whether relatively dry or humid. If careful observers of natural phenomena, they note also the shift of the wind and the sequence of weather which follows. In this way and without special effort a fund of weather-wisdom is soon acquired which needs only to be properly correlated in order to serve a most useful purpose. The greatest advantage will naturally ac¬ crue to the individual who reads and ac¬ curately interprets not only the govern¬ ment forecasts, but also the local weather signs. Clouds.—Clouds are formed from the moisture that is always in the air, in vary¬ ing quantities, even over the desert. Like the air itself, the moisture that is within it is invisible so long as it remains in the form of a gas. When a mass of air is cooled by any means whatsoever a por¬ tion of its water vapor is condensed and becomes visible—a mist or cloud is formed. A familiar illustration of cloud formation in nature is afforded when a current of warm, moist air strikes a cold mountain. The colder surface of the mountain condenses some of the moisture that is in the air, forming a cloud which frequently obscures the top of the moun¬ tain and floats away in the prevailing winds. This simple phenomenon indicates to an observer on the leeward side of the mountain that a warm, moist current of air, with probably rain or snow, is ap¬ proaching. In some parts of the world the formation of a cloud cap on a moun¬ tain top is not an indication of precipita¬ tion, yet in the majority of cases it is be¬ lieved to be a reliable prognostic of falling weather. In general, the formation of cloud after a clear spell is the first sign of coming rain. Unfortunately, there is no definite interval between the time of the first appearance of clouds and the occurrence of rain. Eain may not fall for several days after the first appearance of clouds, and, on the other hand, it may begin within two or three hours after the first cloud makes its appearance. Temperature and Moisture.—An in¬ crease in the amount of moisture in the air is indicated in various ways. It is especially noticeable to the senses when coupled with a high temperature. Man does not need a thermometer to tell him that the air is oppressively warm, nor a hygrometer to tell him that there is an unusual amount of moisture present. A pitcher of ice water on a hot summer day is not a bad sort of hygrometer. The pitcher is naturally cooler than the sur¬ rounding air, and consequently some of the water vapor in the air is condensed and collects on the outside of the pitcher. It will be remembered that water vapor changes to the liquid state when the air is cooled below a certain point. The prin¬ ciple illustrated by the pitcher of ice water is repeated on a grand seale in na¬ ture every time rain or snow falls. First, there is the cooling of the air and the for¬ mation of cloud, the latter being com¬ posed of minute particles of water ; second, there is the further cooling of the cloud mass, so that its particles join to form small raindrops, which fall to the earth by their own weight. When a rain cloud strikes the top of a mountain, rain does not necessarily fall, but small mist-like particles of water are deposited on the relatively colder surfaces of the rocks and other objects on the mountain sides and top. These particles coalesce and run down the sides of the objects on which they are deposited precisely as frequently happens on a pitcher of ice water on a warm, humid day. If the mountain were warmer than the cloud mass there would be no condensation, but some of the moisture of the cloud would be evapo¬ rated and float away in the prevailing winds. Summer Moisture.—An unusual amount of moisture in the air in summer pro¬ duces a feeling of closeness; physical la¬ bor is more enervating than when the air is dry and crisp. The change from sultry, oppressive weather is nearly always brought about by a series of thunder¬ storms, sometimes lasting over two days. Summary.—Summarizing the indica¬ tions that may be drawn from the tem¬ perature and moisture of the air, it would appear that an increase in the amount of moisture in the air is a sign of a change from fair to foul weather, both winter and summer. In the colder months an in¬ crease in the temperature of the air above the average for the season, coupled with an increase in moisture, is a sign of rain or snow within twenty-four to forty-eight hours. In the summer an increase of temperature alone is not always an indi¬ cation of rain. But these are not infalli¬ ble rules. The old proverb "All signs fail in dry weather" is as true to-day as when first formulated. Wind and Its Changes.—The wind is less prophetic in character than the clouds. since it is affected by the form of the land over which it blows. Thus, it has a ten¬ dency to blow up a valley in the daytime and in the contrary direction at night, no matter in what direction the valley may extend. Winds also have a tendency to blow toward and up the sides of a moun¬ tain slope in the daytime and down the side of a mountain at night, and this movement of the air generally extends for some distance out from the foot of the mountain on the level slopes. There are also the well-known land and sea breezes of all countries where, during the twenty- four hours of the day, the temperature of the land becomes alternately warmer and colder than that of the sea. These winds (valley, mountain, land and sea breezes) are called diurnal winds. They are caused by differences in temperature that are not general, but confined to the valley or mountain slope of a particular locality. In order that these differences of temper¬ ature may arise there must be clear weather and unobstructed sunshine. It is easily seen then that all such winds must be most active in fair weather, and that when they cease, or fail to appear at the usual time, the atmosphere as a whole must have come under an influence greater than that which produced the di¬ urnal winds. Noting the Winds.—In the open coun¬ try or other exposed situation where the true direction of the wind can be deter¬ mined, it should be noticed first, what is the prevailing direction of the wind in fair weather, and what is the direction from which storms usually come. The di¬ rection of the wind during the twenty- four hours immediately preceding tlie storm should be especially noticed. To do this a short journal or diary of the weather should be kept. The direction of approach of storms in the United States varies in different localities. It is quite important that each observer determine for his immediate neighborhood the shift of the wind with the approach of storms, during the colder months at least. Warm Month Winds.—In the warm months the winds are light and rather variable, and changes in direction have not the same importance as in the colder months. The rain of summer generally occurs in connection with thunder storms ; it will be found that these are most fre¬ quent for a certain direction and with the wind in a particular quarter. Beyond the fact that more thunder storms come from a westerly quarter than from any other direction, little can be said that will be of value in forecasting their approach by the direction of the surface winds only. The coming of a thunderstorm can gen¬ erally be foretold a few hours in advance by the form and movement of the clouds. Winter Winds.—In the colder months, viz., November, December, January, Feb¬ ruary, March and April, the winds are stronger than at other seasons of the year, and storms also move with greater rapidity. The signs of falling weather in the colder months are the formation WEATHER BUREAU AND LAWS OF WEATHER FORECASTING 183 of a high sheet cloud covering the whole sky, an increase in the temperature and moisture of the air, and the change of the wind to some easterly quarter. The pre¬ cise direction that the wind takes, whether northeast, east or southeast, varies for different localities and the direction from which the storm is approaching. In New England, the Middle States, and the Ohio Valley northeasterly winds precede storms that approach from the southwest, and southeasterly winds precede storms that approach by way of the Lake region. On the Pacific coast southeasterly and southerly winds precede rain storms. In Wyoming and other Northwestern States the heavy snowstorms of winter and spring generally come from the north or northwest with a strong wind from the same direction, The direction of the win^ depends very much on the position of traveling storms that pass across the country. Winter Storms.—The storms of the cold season have certain well-marked char¬ acteristics that should be easily recognized by every worker in the open air. These are: (1) The changes in the aspect of the sky; (2) the direction of the wind be¬ fore, during and after the storm; and (3) the shift of the wind, whether with or against the sun. The clouds that precede the storm by from twenty-four to thirty-six hours are almost invariably light and wispy cirrus. Soon after the appearance of clouds of this class a sheet cloud forms at a slightly lower elevation and gradually thickens until the sun is hidden. The subsequent clouds are much darker than those above mentioned, and appear to form at much lower elevations. When the sky becomes overcast the wind gener¬ ally freshens, the temperature rises, and the air becomes humid ; in popular speech, "it feels like rain." Low and High Pressure.—The weather experienced from day to day depends upon the frequency and the course fol¬ lowed by areas of low pressure, and the succeeding areas of high pressure which generally follow them. These are exceed¬ ingly variable both as to direction and rate of movement. Some move rapidly from the Northeastern Eocky Mountain slope to thhe maritime provinces of Can¬ ada at a uniform rate, while others have a rapid rate of progression at the begin¬ ning, but quickly slow down and finally cease to move. DESCRIPTIVE GAZETTEER OF THE PRINCIPAL CITIES OF THE WORLD Aachen, {Ft, Aix-la-Chapelle), Germany (Prussia), is an important industrial and commercial center, with iron and steel works and noted manufactories of woollen, cloth, chemicals, glass, and machinery. Large coal fields are in the neighborhood. It has several hot and cold mineral springs well-known since the time of Charlemagne. Aachen is rich in historical associations. It has a famous ancient cathedral, which contains the tomb of Charle¬ magne, who greatly favored the town, and who died here in 814. From 813 to 1531 the German emperors were crowned here, and the coronation hall, where the banquet after the coronation took place and which is located in the city hall, has been now restored according to its original form. Two celebrated treaties of peace were concluded here; one in 1668 between France and Spain, by which France secured a portion of Flanders; and one in 1748, which terminated the war of the Aus¬ trian Succession. A famous congress of the princip¿.l European Powers took place here in 1818, in order to settle the affairs of Europe after the final overthrow of Napoleon. Aalborg, Denmark (Jutland), is a seaport with im¬ portant fisheries and an active export in agricultural produce. It is the seat of a bishop. Aarhuus, Denmark (Jutland), is a seaport with a large transit trade. It is a bishop's see, and contains a fine Gothic cathedral dating from the 13th century. Abbeokuta, Southern Nigeria, Africa, is a town with an extensive trade, situated 60 miles from Lagos on the Guinea coast, with which it is connected by railroad. Aberdare, Wales (Glamorgan), has extensive col¬ lieries, and iron and tin works. Aberdeen, Scotland (Aberdeèn), is a seaport and the chief city in the North of Scotland. It is a pretty city, built chiefly of granite and hence ca'led "the Granite City." The principal industries are salmon and herring fisheries, fish-curing, engineering, granite-polish- ing, and the manufacture of papier, leather^ combs, woollens, and cottons. It has a university. Aberdeen, South Dakota (c. h. Brown Co.), is an Important railroad and trade center in a prospierous agricultural section. Abo, Russia (Finland), is a seapiort and coaling sta¬ tion, and has large exports of timber and iron. It is the seat of an archbishop. Accrlngton, England (Lancashire), lias extensive cotton mills, calico-printing works, iron-foundries, and manufacture of chemicals. Coal-mines are nearby Aclreale, Italy (Catania), is a seaside health resort located at the foot of Mt. Etna, and has several mineral springs. The famous cave of Polyphemus and the grotto of Galatea are in the neighborhood. It is the seat of a bishop. Acton, England (Middlesex), is a suburb of London, situated 8 miles west of St. Paul's Cathedral. Adams, Massachusetts (Berkshire Co.), contains manufactories of soap, cotton warp, etc. Adana, Turkev in Asia (cap. Adana), has a large trade in wool, wheat, and wine, and is connected by railroad with Mersina, a p>ort on the Mediterranean. Addis Abeba, cap. Abyssinia (Shoa), has an exten¬ sive trade. A treaty of peace was signed here in 1896 between Abyssinia and Italy, by which Italy renounced her claim of a protectorate over Abyssinia. Adelaide, cap. South Australia, Australia, is spaciously laid out on a large plain at the base of Mount Lofty range, and is about 7i miles from its seaport. Fort Adelaide. It has a university, a botanical and zoological garden, and chief among its public buildings are the parliament houses, government offices, city hall, museum, and library. It is the seat of an Anglican and of a Roman Catholic bishop. Adelaide is the great emporium of trade for South Australia, and ex- piorts large quantities of wool, wheat, fiour, wine, and copper ore. Aden, Arabia, is a 8trond|y fortified seapxirt and coaling station belonging to England. It is of great strategic and commercial impiortance esp>ecially since the opening of the Suez Canal. The principal exports are coffee, gums, spices, pearls, ostrich feathers, and bides. Adrian. Michigan (c. h. Lenawee Co.), is a trade center and manutacturing town, and has a college and a state industrial school for girls. Adrianople, Turkey (cap. Adrianople), is one of the principal commercial cities of Turkey in Europe, with manufactures of silk and tobacco, and large trade in perfumes and wine. It was the capital of the Turkish Empire from 1366 to 1453, and contains a beautiful mosque and a palace. It was occupied by the Russians during the Russo-Turkisb war of 1829, and the treaty of peace, which concluded that war, was signed here. It was again occupied by the Russians during the Ru^so- Turkish war of 1877-8. Agra, India (United Provinces), Is a fortified town, a great railroad center, and one of the leading commer- cim places in the northwestern part of^ India. The leading manufactures are gold lace and inlaid mosaic work, and the principal articles of trade are cotton, wheat, salt, tobacco, and sugar. Agra was the capital of the Mogul Empire from the beginning of the 16th Abbreviations; cap. = capital; c. h. = county seat century to 1658. and it has conserved from that period some magnificent buildings. Of these the Taj Mahal is famous as a gem of Indian architecture in a setting of beautiful gardens. It is a mosque-like mausoleum, built in the 17th century by the Emperor Shah Jehan, commemoration of his favorite queen. It is of white marble with dome and minarets and is ornamented with the exquisite mosaics for which Agra is still famous. The Moti-AIasjid, or "Pearl Mosque, " closely rivals in beauty the Taj Mahal. Agram, Hungary (cap. Croatia and Slavonia), is the chief city of Croatia, and an archiépiscopal see. It has manufactures of linen, tobacco, and hides. It has a university, a national museum, and a fine (3othic cathedral, dating partly from the 11th century. Aguascallentes, Mexico (cap. Aguascalientes), is famous for the hot springs from which it derives its name. It has large smelters, railway shops, and an active trade. Ahmadabad, India (Bombay), has manufactures of cotton , gold-brocaded silks, pottery, paper, and tin. It was founded in 1412, and was formerly a city of great splendor, but has now fallen into decay. Its architectural remains, however, are even now magnifi¬ cent, and often exhibit striking combinations of Jain and Saracenic characteristics. The most important buildings are the Great Mosque, adorned with two superbly decorated minarets; and the Ivory Mosque, so called because, although built of marble, it is lined with ivory and inlaid with gems. Aidln, Turkey in Asia (Aidin), has manufactures of morocco leather and considerable trade in figs, olives, antl granes. Alx, France (Bouches-du-Rhftne), is the seat of an archbishop and has a university, a large library, and an old cathedral. The town has grown up around a hot sa'-ne spring known before the Roman "nvaslon. Pro¬ duces olive-oil and wine, and manufactu es hats. AtX-les-Bains, France (Savoie), is a famous health resort, with numerous warm mineral springs. A]acclO, France (cap. Corsica), is famous as the birthplace of Napoleon. It is a seaport with a good harbor, and has a large trade in olive-oil and wine as well as important anchovy and pearl fisheries. It is a favorite winter health resort. It is the seat of a bishop. Ajmere, India (Rajputana). is an ancient city and famous place of pilgrimage, containing the tomb of a Mahommedan saint of toe 13th entury. It exports large quantities of cotton. Akertnan, Russia (Bessarabia), Is a fortified sea¬ port with a good harbor. It has large fishing establish¬ ments, and exports a good wine produced in the neigh¬ borhood. Akita, Japan (cap. Akita), is a seaport w'tb large exports of rice and manufactures of cloth and silk. Akron, Ohio (c. h. Summit Ck).), has manufactures of cereals, woollens, agricultural implements, and auto¬ mobile tires; has large printing works and a college. Alameda, California (Alameda Co.), is a suburb of Oakland, with pleasant gardens ana homes. There is some shipbuilding here. Albany, cap. New York (c. h. Albany Co.), is a city expanded from one of the earliest foreign settlements in the United States, having been started in 1540 by the French and carried on by the Dutch, who erected Fort Orange. It was captured by the English in 1664, and then named in honor of the Duke of Albany. Situated near the head of navigation of the Hudson River, connected by canals with the Great Lakes and the Lake Champlain system, and being at the junction of several railroad lines, Albany has com¬ mercial importance. Its leading industries are print'ng, bookbinding, brewing, and the manufacture of stoves and other metal articles. Among its prominent build¬ ings are the State Capitol, completed in 1898, which cost nearlj^ $25,000,600; and the Education Building, which contains, besides the offices of the State Department of Education, a valuable Library of over 500,000 volumes, a Library School, and a Museum of Natural History, all under State control. Other prominent buildings are the Cathedral of All Saints, Dudley Observatory, and the City Hall, designed by H. H. Richardson. Albuquerque, New Mexico (c. h. Bernalillo Cki.), is the largest city of New Mexico, and an important railroad and trade center. It is the seat of the Univer¬ sity of New Mexico. Gold, silver, and copper mines are in the vicinity. Alcamo, Italy (Trapani), is an ancient city of Sicily, built on the north slope of Mt. Bonifato, and contains many interesting ruins of mediseval bu Idings. Alcoy, Spain (Alicante), is an important industrial town, with manufactures of cloth, linen, matches, and paper—especial^ cigarette-paper. Aldersbot, England (Hampshire), has nearby the largest military camp in England. Aleppo, Turkey in Asia (cap. Aleppo), is an impor¬ tant and historic trade center of Northern Syria, and one of the prettiest cities of the East, with clean, well- paved streets, stately buildings and numerous mosques with their fine cupolas and m'narets. Its Italianized name is reminiscent of the trade relations with Venice, active to the close of the 15th century, when the dis- Cotnrriaht, 1911^ bv C. S. Hammond & Co.. N. Y. 184 covery of the Cape route to India deprived Aleppo of its position as the principal emporium of trade between Asia and Europe. Its trade is still very extensive, and it has, besides manufactures of silks, cottons, car¬ pets, gold and silver threadstuffs, soap, and leather goods. Its port is Alexandretta, on the Mediterranean about 70 miles to the west. Alessandria, Italy (cap. Alessandria), is the strong¬ est fortified town in Northern Italy and an important railroad center. It has manufactures of silk, linen, hats, and macaroni, and carries on an active trade. It is the seat of a bishop. Near Alessandria took place in 1800 the famous battle of Marengo. Alexandria, Egypt, is the principal port and coal¬ ing station of the country, and one of the chief com¬ mercial places on the Mediterranean, with large exports of cotton, cotton-seed, sugar, dates, tobacco, etc. It is the seat of a Roman Catholic archbishop. Alexan¬ dria was one of the most famous cities of antiquity. It was founded by Alexander the Great in 332 B. C., and soon became the center of the world's commerce. It reached its highest splendor under the Ptolemies, when it was second only to Rome, and was the principal seat of Greek culture, which spread from here to all parts of the world (3rd century B. C.-4th century A. D.). It contained the famous Alexandrian library, the largest of the ancient world. One of the so-called Cleopatra's Needles, two obelisks of the 16th century B. C. which stood at Alexandria, was presented in 1881 by the Khedive of Egypt to the United States, and was placed in (Central Park in New York; the other stands on the Thames Embankment in Lonaon. Alexandria, Virginia (Alexandria Co.), has nu¬ merous buildinf» oi historical interest including Christ Church, with tne pews 'n which George Washington and Robert E. Lee worshipped; the old Carlyle House, the headquarters of General Braddoek in 1755; and the so-called Lord Fairfax House, a fine example of Colonial architecture. Nearby is Mt. Vernon, the home of George Washington. Alexandropol, Russia (Erivan), is an important for¬ tress and town of Russian Armenia. Alexandrovsk, Russia (Ekaterinoslaf), has an ex¬ tensive grain trade and three annual fairs. Algiers, cap. Algeria (cap. Algiers), is a strongly fortified seaport and coaling station, which since the French occupation has been transformed from an oriental town to a place of even more modern aspect than many European cities. It has large open squares and gardens, and imposing public buildings, among which are the palaces of the government, the Roman Catholic Cathedral, the military academy, the astro¬ nomical observatory', etc It has became lately a favorite winter resort for Europeans. Algiers is the chief com¬ mercial center of the country and its principal exports are flour, esparto, wine, olive-oil, and fruit. Alicante, Spain (cap. Alicante), is a seaport with large exports ot lead, copper, almonds, licorice, aparto, and wine. Allgarb. India (United Provinces), is the seat of a Mohammedan college, and contains a historic fort. The native city is called Koil. Allahabad, India (United Provinces), is a fortified town, an important railroad center, and being situated on the great waterway between Calcutta and the North of India, is also a very active commercial center, market¬ ing the cotton, sugar, indigo, and other products of the district. The present city with* its great citadel was founded by Akbar in 1575. Allahabad is a sacred city of the Hindus and a much-frequented place of pil¬ grimage. It has a university. Allegheny, Pennsylvania. See Pittsburg. Allenstein, Germany (Prussia), has important iron- foundries and machine-shops. Allentown, Pennsylvania (c. h. I..), has large railroad car shops, cotton-mills, smelting-works, foundries, and machine-shops. It is the center of a prosperous farm¬ ing section. Aussig, Austria (Bohemia), has extensive coal¬ mines, chemical works, and shipbuilding yards. Austin, cap. Texas (c. h. Travis Co.), is a whole¬ sale supply center for an extensive district. The most prominent building is the Capitol, one of the largest structures of the kind in the United States; it is built of granite and cost $3,500,000. There are also the main building of the State University, which accom¬ modates the law and literary departments; State asy¬ lums for the blind, the insane, and deaf-mutes, with departments for colored patients of these classes ; the State Confeilerate Home, and numerous collegiate in¬ stitutions. Aux Cayes, Haiti, is a seaport with exports of coffee, cocoa, and logwood. Auzerre, í ranee (cap. Yonne), has manufactures of cloth and trade in wine and leather. It contains a fine Gothic cathedral dating from the 15th century. A7elllno, Italy (cap. Avellino), is situated amidst Çoves of hazel-nuts, which were famous even in an¬ tiquity. It is the seat of a bishop. Avignon, France (cap. Vaucfuse), is celebrated in church history as the temporary seat of the popes, who resided here continuously from 1309 to 1378. From 1378 to 1418 it was the seat of the French anti- popes. The most conspicuous buildings are the vast fiaiace of the popes, and the cathedral, which date rom the llth century. During the middle ages the surround'Dg district formed a county, which was in the possession of the popes until 1790, when it was united with France. Avignon is the seat of an archbishop. Garden produce, fruit, wine, and honey of good quality are proauced in the neighborhood. Ayr, Scotland (cap. Ayr), is a seaport with !arge docks, and manufactures of carpets, woollens, and chemicals. Ayuthla, Siam, was formerly the capital of the country. Azof, Russia (Don Cossacks), is a trade center, o which fish-curing is'the leading industry. Badajoz, Spain (cap. Badajoz), Is a bishop's see and has an interesting cathedral. It has extensive leather manufactures. It is a strongly fortifie.), Is a port and coaling station and the metropolis oi Mary¬ land. It has an excellent harbor, with good anchorage for vessels, and no bar. It exports wheat, flour, cotton, tobacco, oil, lu noer, and canned goods. Next to New York, it is the largest grain-mai^et on the Atlantic coast. It is the chief seat of the canning industry in the United States, its materials being the famous oys¬ ters from the waters of Chesapeake Bay and fruit from its shores. There are extensive manufactures of iron, steel, and copper, and the Bessemer Steel Works at Sparrow's Point (9 miles) have a daily capacity of 2,000 tons. The cotton-duck mills in and near Baltimore pro¬ duce three-fourths of the sail-duck made in the United States. Among its educational Institutions are the famous Johns Hopkins university, and its adjunct, the Johns Hopkins hospital and medical school. A Roman Catholic Cathearal, containing some inter¬ esting paintings, and the house of the Archbishop of Baltimore, who is a cardinal and primate of the United States, are located here. 1 BamberSi Gernany (Bavaria), is an ancient city with many notable buildings, chief among them being the cathedral built in the 13th century. Has manu¬ factories of cottons and woollens Baas^ofB, India (cap. Mysore), has manufactures of silk, cotton, cloth, carpet, etc., and is noted for its salubrious climate. Baigko'f, cap. Siam, is a port and coaling station on the Mena n, which exports rice, paddy, teak, ebony, sapan-wood. spices, gum, ivory, and hides. The in¬ ternal tradic is chiefly carried on by means of canals, there being only a few passable streets in the city. A large nu nber of the houses float on rafts moored to the banks of the river and its many canals; and the ordinary bouses of the city, which are almost wholly of bamboo or other wood, are raised upon piles. The temples are decorated in the most gorgeous style; the Siamese take great pride in lavishing their wealth on them. In the ne^hborhood are iron-mines and forests of teak-wood. Bangir, .Maine (c. h. Penobscot Co.), is a port of entry and the chief city of eastern Maine, and is at the head of navigation of the Penobscot River. Its chief industry is the sawing and shipping of timber. Baajern-isUTl, Borneo (cap. Dutch Borneo), is a fortifie 1 city with extensive trade. Barselona, Spain (cap. Barcelona), is a seaport and coaling station, and the principal industrial and com- merci^ city in Spain. It has extensive cotton-mills and iron manufactures, and exports cottons, woollens, paper, winej, fruits, and almonds. It is the seat of a Bishop, and has a splendid Gothic cathedral built 1298- 1448. It possesses a university, a naval institute, an academy of arts, and several largo libraries. During the last fifty years Barcelona has been the scene of several revolts against the Spanish government. There was serious rioting in 1909, when many churches and convents were attacked. Barellly, India (United Provinces), manufactures fine furniture, cutlery, embroidered silk, and perfumery. Barfrusll, Persia (Mazandaran), is one of the principal trade centers in the country. Bari, Italy (^cap. Bari delle Puglie), is a seaport on the Adriatic, wnich exports wine, olive-oil, lemons, figs, tartar, and soap. The chief buildings are the L#ombar- dic church of San Nicola (1087), the still older cathedral in Byzantine style, and the old Norman castle. It is the seat of an archbishop. BarUi, Philippine Islands (Cebu), has extensive fisheries and produces woven fabrics Barletta, Italy (Bari delle Puglie), is a seaport with a harbor which admits small vessels only, although larger ones find good anchorage ground in a roadstead. Trades in wine, olives, and other ajjricultural products. Bartnstl, Germany (Prussia), is the seat of the Rhenish Missionary Society, which has here a large seminary. It has extensive manufactures of textiles, and is the largest ribbon manufacturing town on the continent. Baraaul, Siberia (Tomsk), is a great mining and smelting center. There are here a mint for copper coins, a mining school, and an observatory. Barnsley, England (Yorkshire), has manufactures of linen, iron, steel, and glass, and bleaching and dyeing works. There are numerous collieries in the neigh¬ borhood. Baroda, India (Baroda), is a place of considerable trade and has numerous temples. Barquislmeto, Venezuela (c^. Lara), is a well- built town in the center of a coffee producing section. Among its prominent buildings are the government palace, barracks, market, and cathedral. It is the seat of a Catholic bishop. Barranqullla. Colombia (Bolivar), is a port at the head of navigation of the Magdalena River, 15 miles from the sea, and has a good harbor, dry dock, and two slipways. Exports gold, s Iver ore, hides, rubber, coffee, cattle, tobacco, and balsam. Barrow-in-Fumess, England (Lancashire), is a seaport with a good harbor, and has extensive ship¬ building yards, and large iron and steel works. Ex¬ ports iron ore, pig iron, and steel rails. Barrow owes much of its prosperity to the discovery of the Bessemer process of steel-making and to the fact that the hema¬ tite ores of this district are especially adapted to this process. Interesting ruins of Furness Abbey, which was founded in 1127, lie within two miles of the town. Basel, Switzerland (cap. Basel), is the second largest city of Switzerland and an important railway center. It has large plants for obtaining electric power from the Rhine and has extensive manufactories of metal wares and of textiles, especially silks and ribbons. It has a university. A great church council, the Council of Basel, was held here, lasting from 1431 to 1443. Basra, Turkey in Asia (Basra), is a port and coaling station on the Shat-el-Arab, 70 miles from its mouth into the Persian Gulf. Its trade is largely a transit one with Bagdad and its principal exports are dates and barley. Batangas, Philippine lands (cap. Batangas), has a spacious and well shelter d harbor It is an important center of industry and trade, and during February ^ri- cultural and industrial fairs are held. Exports coffee. Batavia, Java (cap. Batavia), is the capital of the Dutch East Indies and a seamrt amd coaling station, with anchorage for large vessels. It is the chief mart among the islands of th-i Asiatic archipelago for the products of the eastern seas and the manufactures of the west. It exports coffee, rice, sugar, spices, indigo, hides, teak, tin, and tamarinds. Batavia, New York (c. h. Genesee Co.), has ex¬ tensive manufactories of plows and harvesters, boots and shoes, and contains a otate institution for the blind. Bath, England (Somerset), is famous for its medi¬ cinal water, tour principal springs rendering no less than 184,000 gallons of water per day. They contain car¬ bonic acid, chlor de of sodium and magnesium, sul- Çhate of soda, carbonate and sulphate of lime, etc. he baths are both elegant and commodious. Bath, Maine (c. h. Sagadahoc Co.), has shipbuilding yards and manufactures of brass and iron goods. It bas a coastwise trade in ice and lumber and is a port of entry. Batlev, England (York), ttianufactures heavy wool¬ len cloths, and has large foundries and collieries. Baton Bouge, cap. Louisiana (c. h. East Baton Rouge Parish), is the seat of the Louisiana State Uni¬ versity, and contains a state institution for the deaf, dumb, and blind, a state agricultural and mechanical college, and an agricultural experimental station. Its manufactures include cotton-seed products, lumber, sugar, molasses and agricultural implements. Battle Creek, Michigan (Calhoun Co.), is an at¬ tractive industrial city and summer resort, with two large sanitariums and a college. Its manufactures include farm implements, cereals, etc. Batum, Russia (Kutais), is a fortified port and coaling station on the Black Sea. with a sheltered har¬ bor. Exports petroleum, manganese, walnut wood, licorice, wool, etc. Bauan. Philippine Islands (Batangas), has a brisk coast and river trade. Bautzen, Germany (Saxony), has manufactories of hosiery, gloves, and machinery. Here Napoleon won a barren victory over the allied Russians and Prussians on May 20-21, 1813. Bay City, Michigan (c. h. Bay Co.), is noted for its large shipbuilding (dants and extensive trade in lumber, ana has many lumber mills. Bayonne, France (Basses-Pyrén«^), is a fortified port on the Adour, 3 miles from the Bay of Biscay with a good harbor. It exports wood, rosin, turpentine, cast iron, zinc, and steel. It is the seat of a bishop, and has a fine cathedral dating from the 13th century. Bayonne, New Jersey (Hudson Co.), is a suburb of New York City. It has extensive petroleum refineries which are connected by pipe lines with the oil-fields of Pennsylvania, and several of the leading cities of the North Atlantic coast. Other industries are manufact¬ ures of chemicals, ammonia, and colors; coal is shipped here. Beaumont, Texas (c. h. Jefferson Co.), is a rail¬ road and trade center in a petroleum producing section. It has rice mills, car works, machine shops, and other in¬ dustries. It ships large quantities of lumber, and has an active trade in petroleum and general merchandise. Beaver Falls, Pennsylvania (Beaver Co.), is situ¬ ated in a region \^here coal and gas abound, and pro¬ duces iron, steel, wire, glassware, and pottery. Bedford, England (cap. Bedford), has extensive manu¬ factories of agricultural implements and straw-plaiting. It is the birthplace of John Bunyan (1628). Beirut, Turkey in Asia (Syria), is a seaport and coal¬ ing station on the Mediterranean, with a tideless harbor and no bar. Its trade is largely a distributing one, Beirut being the port for Damascus and other parts of Syria. Exports silk, oil, gums, and fruit. Much raw silk is produced from the silkworms in the imme¬ diate vicinity. It is the center of the Oriental book trade in Syria. Has several collegiate institutions, an observatory, and many relics of antiquity. It is the seat of a Greek Orthodox and of a Maronite bishop, and is the headquarters of several foreign missions. Bekes, Hungary, has a trade in cattle, corn, and honey. Belfast, Ireland (cap Antrim), is a seaport and coaling station with a safe and easily accessible harbor, and the chief commercial and manufacturing city of Ire- and. It is the center of the Irish linen trade, and has two large shipbuilding yards which have turned out some of the largest vessels afloat. It also has extensive breweries, dist lleries, flour-mills, rope works, etc.^ The country around is extremely beautiful and the city is, perhaps, more picturesque than any other large com¬ mercial and manufacturing town in the British Isles. Belfort, France (cap. Haut-Rhin), is a strongly fortified town, the center of the system of fortifications on the eastern frontier of France. It has steel and iron works and manufactures of textiles and hats. Beilade, cap Servia, is a fortified city, which was the scene of many historic sieges. There are no in¬ dustries of importance, but Belgrade is the chief em¬ porium of trade for Servia. Bellary, India (Madras), is a fortified city and military headquarters, witn two forts. It has an active trade in cotton. Belleville, Ontario, Canada, is a port on the north shore of the Bay of Quinte and has extensive flour mills, canning factories, cement wroks, etc. Belleville, Illinois (c. h. Saint Clair Co.), manufac¬ tures glass, stoves and machinery. It has one of the largest rolling-mills in the west, and there are also coal¬ mines. Belllngham, Washington (c. h. Whatcom Co.). is an important trade center and port on Bellingham Bay. It has extensive saw milts, canneries, and >ther industries. Bello Horizonte, Brazil (cap. Minas Geraes), is a modern city constructed by the government in 1894, and has some of the most beautiful public buildings in Brazil. There are gold mines in the vicinity. Belolt, Wisconsin (Rock Co.), is the seat of Beloit College, organized in 1847. It has an extensive wood¬ working machinery plant and manufactories of gas- engines, windmills, agricultural implements, and machi¬ nery. Benares, India (United Provinces), is the most sacred place of the Hindus and one of the principal towns of North India. It contains over 1,400 Hindu temples or shrines and 272 Mohammedan mosques, and draws immense revenues from thousands of pilgrims who visit it from all parts of India. Its brassware. gold cloth, and lacquered toys are famous. Bendery, Russia *Bessarabia), has manufactures of stoneware, paper, and leather. Bendigo, \ictoria, Australia, is the center of one of the largest gold-mining districts of Australia. It is also called, unoííicially, Sandhurst. Benevento, Italy (cap. Benevento), is an archiépis¬ copal city with some interesting buildings and anti¬ quities. The well-preserved magnificei.t triumphal arch of Trajan, built in 114 A.D., deserves particular mention. The cathedral (12th and 13th centuries) is a beautiful building in the Lombardo-Saracenic style. Berbera, British ^maliland, Africa, is a port on the Gulf of den a good bar! or and the chief town of British Somaliland. It has large exports of gum, rosin, skins, ostrich feathers, etc. Berdlansk, Russia (Taurida), is the best port on the 8ea of Azof, and exports grain, cil-seeds, and wool. In the neighborhood are salt-mines. Berditchef, Russia (Kief), has a considerable trade In agricultural products. Bergamo, Italy (cap. Bergamo), has large manu¬ factures of textiles and iron goods and trades in silk, grain, etc. Has an academy of painting and sculpture, a museum, and is the seat of a bishop. Bergen, Norway (cap. South Bergennus), is a forti¬ fied seaport and coaling station with a commodious harbor. Exports codfish, cod-oil, cod roes, herrings, bon^, and minerals. Manufactures earthenwaie, por¬ celain, and leather, and has distilleries and shipbuild¬ ing yards. Bergen is the native place of the poet Hol- berg. It is the seat of a bishop. Berkeley, California (Alameda Co.), is the seat of the University of California, founded in 18C8. an in¬ stitution which has played a very important part in the educational development of the Pacific slope: it is attended by over 3,000 students. Here are also located the state agricultural college, the state insti¬ tution for the deaf, dumb, and blind, and several pre¬ paratory schools. Berlad, Roumania (Moldavia), is the trade center of a grain-raising district and has many distilleries. Berlin, cap. Germany (cap. Prussia), is the third largest city of Europe and by far the laipest city in Germany. For the beauty and size of its, the regularity of its streets, the importance of its insti¬ tutions of science and art, and its activity in iidustry and trade, it is one of the most imposing of European cities. It is doubtless the greatest manufacti ring town on the continent, and is especially pronintnt in iti manufactures of porcelain, clothing,¿and n achinery. The city covers an area of about 40 square miles. The natural waterway of the Spree, which divides into several arms and receives the Panke coming from the north, determines the division of the city; the center consists of Old Berlin, Old Kölln and New Ivolln, and the F'riedrichswerder. In the heart of the city is the old royal palace, with nearly 700 apartments. Near this are the emperor's palace, the imperial residence; the royal library, which contains upwards of 1.400,000 volumes and 30,000 manuscripts; the old and new mu¬ seums, the national gallery, the arsenal, the royal theatre, the opera-house, the guard-house, and the university. These are all situated between the Spree and the east end of the street "Unter den Linden' (so called from its double avenue of linden-trees). The city is adorned throughout with numerous statues of national heroes, the Great Elector. Frederick the Great, and many others, while in the Thiergarten is the famous Siegesallee, or Avenue of Victory, lined with 32 marble groups of the rulers of Brandenburg and Prussia, erected y order of Emperor William II. The university, established in 1809, possesses four museums and a library of 300,000 volumes. Other public institutions are the Academy of Sciences, the Military Academy, the Academy of Architecture; the Academic High School (of art); the School of Mines; the School of Agriculture; the Artillery, Technical, and Engineering Colleges; the Industrial (1881), Ethnological (1886), and other museums; the Academy of Musicj and the Observatory. The Old Museum contains antiquarian specimens, a collection of 90,000 coins, a gallery of ancient sculpture, and a picture gallery with about 1,300 paintings. The New Museum contains six magnificent mural paintings by Kaulbach in the grand staircase, a very valuable collection of casts, the Egyptian museum, and 500,000 engravings. The National Galleryl inchides about 1,000 works by modern artists. The celebrated Branden¬ burg Gate leads from the "Unter den Linden" to the Thiergarten. To the southwest of this lies the Zoologi¬ cal Garden. The Botanical Garden (at Schöneberg) contains 25,000 species. Noteworthy also are the Ca¬ thedral (1894-1902), the city hall, the royal chateau of Monbijou, the Ruhmeshalle in the arsenal, the Ciothic monument on the Kreuzberg, the Ck>lumn of Peace in the Belle-Alliance-Platz, the Warriors' Monument, the column of Victory, the War Office, the new boilcimg for the Reichstag, the Exchange, and the Reichsbank. A great conçress of the principal European Powers took place here in 1878, after the Russo-Turkish war of 1877-8, and resulted in the conclusion of the Treaty of Berlin, which settled many important matters con¬ nected with the "Eastern Question". Berlin, Ontario, Canada, is a trade and manufactur¬ ing center in a içood agricultural district. Its indus¬ tries include furniture factories, tanneries, beet sugar works, etc. Bern, cap. Switzerland (cap. Bern), is one of the finest towns of Switzerland,, situated on a lofty sand¬ stone promontory formed by the winding Aar, which surrounds it on three sides. It offers a magnificent view of the loftv peaks of the Bernese Oberland. The principal buildings are the Gothic cathedral (1421- 1573), the magnificent Federal council hall (1857), the mint, and the university. It has an interesting museum and a valuable public library. Several important inter¬ national conventions were held here, ana Bern is the ÜAZKTTKKR CI'l'lKb 187 seat of several international bureaus, such as the Inter¬ national Postal Union, the International Telegraphic Union, the International Union for the Protection of Literary and Artistic Property, etc. Bernburg, Germany (Anhalt), manufactures machi¬ nery, sugar, spirits, porcelain, etc. BeSAncon, France (cap. Doubs), is a fortified city, with extensive manufactures of linen, cotton, woollen and silk goods, but its principal industry is watch¬ making in which about 15,000 workmen are employed. It has a university, and is the seat of an archbishop. Beuthen, Germany (Prussia), is an important center of mining and metallurgy, having iron-works, zinc- works, lead-works, coal-mines, ana various industrial establishments. Beverly, Massachusetts (Essex CJo.), is the seat of the New England Institute for the Deaf and Dumb. It manufactures boots and shoes, and has considerable shipping and fishing interests. It is a fashionable summer seaside resort. Béziers, France (Hérault), has manufactures of woollens, silks, hosiery, chemicals, and spirits. Its most conspicuous edifice is the cathedral, a Gothic structure, crowning the height on which the town stands, and possessing a fine semicircular choir sur¬ rounded by columns of red marble. Bhagalpur, India (Bengal), has some interesting Mohammedan shrines; several indigo-works are in the vicinity. Biiaunagar, India (Bombay), has a good harbor and a large trade in cotton. Bhopal, India (Bhopal), is a fortified town, and contains an arsenal and mint. Blalystok, Russia (cap. Grodno), manufactures woollen goods, leather, hats, etc. It has a palace which belongea to Count Braniski, and was once known as the Versailles of Poland. Biel, Switzerland (Bern), has manufactures of watches, leather, and cotton. It is superbly situated at the foot of the Jura, surrounded by ancient walls with watch towers at intervals. It contains, among other insti¬ tutions, the Wert Sw-ss Technical Institute, with its school fof railroad employees and a watchmakers' school. Bielefeld, Germany (Prussia), is an important linen trade center. It has extensive bleaching grounds, and its meerschaum pipes are celebrated. Biddalord, Maine (York Co.), has extensive manu¬ factures of cotton goods, lumber, boots and shoes, machinery, etc. ^ There are granite quarries near by. Blkaner, India (Rajputana), has manufactures of blankets, pottery, etc. Bilbao, Spain (cap. Vizcaya), is a port and coaling fitation on the Nervion River. Exports iron ore, pig iron, wine, fruit, etc. It has extensive manufactures of sail-cloth and ropes, large shipyards, and iron and steel works. BlUings, Montana (c. h. Yellowstone Co.), is an im¬ portant trade center in a region where agriculture has been extensively aided by irrigation. Its leading in¬ dustry is the manufacture of beet sugar. Wool and hides are extensively shipped. Blngliaixiton, New York (c. h. Broome Co.), has ex¬ tensive cigar factories and manufactories of scales, chemicals, sheet-metal work, glass, and refined oils. The state asylum for the insane, and the Commercial Travelers' Home are located here. BItahead, England (Cheshire), is a seaport situ¬ ated opposite Liverpiool. It has extensive docks, with complete railway communication for the shipment of foods, facilities for coaling steamers, and magnificent ock warehouses. Extensive ship-building yards are located here, and there are machine and engineering works, wagon factories, flour-mills, etc. It is connected with Liverpool by tunnel under the Mersey and by ferries. Blroilagham, Alabama (c. h. Jefferson Co.), is the largest city of Alabama, and is situated in the heart of the greatest coal, iron, and limestone district of the south. It has extensive blast-furnaces, coke-ovens, coal-mines, stone-quarries, and rolling-mills. Three huge coal-fields, aggregating over 9,000 square miles, witii some sixty seams, more than half of them workable, lie near the city, the nearest deposits being only 4 miles from the city. The city is built partly upon the slope of Red Mountain, named from its outcrop of hematite iron ore, which extends many miles in every direction in a vein from 6 to 26 ft. thick, with an indefinite depth. Blrminghazn, England (Warwick), is one of the greatest manufacturing cities in the world, and the commercial capital of the Midlands of England. Its manufactories of firearms, jewelry, glass, chemicals, hardware, steam-engines, railway material, electro¬ plates, electrical supplies are vast in extent. It is also the birthplace and the chief center of the brass trade. It has a university, numerous collegiate institutions, and a fine museum and art gallery. Considers itself the best governed city in the world. It is the seat of a Roman Catholic bishop. Bisbee, Arizona (Cochise Co.), has extensive copper mining and smelting industries. Bisceglle, Italy (Bari), is an episcopal see and has a 12th century catnedral. Bltlls, Turkey in Asia (cap. Bitlis), has extensive manufactures of cotton, firearms, etc. Bltonto, Italy (Bari), has extensive wine and oil interests. It has a fine cathedral and old walls. Blackburn, England (Lancashire), is one of the chief cities of cotton manufacture, and has also extensive works for making cotton machinery and steam-engines. Coal abounds in the vicinity. Blackpool, England (Lancashire), is a coast resort, with many amusement places, among which are a fine winter garden, aquarium, a great steel tower, etc. Blagovescbensk, Siberia (cap. Amur), was founded as a military post in 1856, and is now an important trading and gold-mining center. Bloemfonteln, cap. Orange Free State, Africa, has several fine buildings, including the Anglican cathedral, government building, and several palaces. Blois, France (Loir-et-Cher), has a botanical garden founded by Henry IV, and several collegiate institu¬ tions. The castle of Blois is rich in historical associa¬ tions. Gloves, porcelain, and cutlery are manufactured here. Bloomfield, New Jersey (Essex Co.), manufactures organs, woollen goods, rubber, and brass goods. Bloomington, Illinois (c. h. McLean Co.), is the seat of the Illinois Wesleyan University and has ex¬ tensive manufactories of stoves, farming implements, patent medicines, etc. The Illinois State Normal University and State Soldiers' Orphans* Home are lo¬ cated at Normal (2 miles). Blueñelds, Nicaragua, is a seaport with one of the best harbors in Central America. Bobruisk, Russia (Jlinsk), a fortified town with trade in cattle and agricultural products. Boch'im. Germany (Prussia), has extensive iron¬ works and carpet manufactories; large coal-mines are in the neifibborhood. Bogota, cap. Colombia, is situated on an elevated plain 8,630 ft. above the sea, and despite the fact that It is only 4® 44" north of the equator, it has a delightful climate resembling perpetual autumn. It has a uni¬ versity, a military academy, a mint, an observatory, and a botanical garden. Tnere are manufactures of cloth, cordage, porcelain, and glass. It is the seat of a Catholic archbishop. Boise, cap. Idaho (c. h. Ada Co.), is the largest city of the state and an important mining center. It has considerable trade in wool, hides, and fruit. A U. S. land-office, and a U. S. assay office are located here. Bokhara, Russia in Asia (cap. Bokhara), is a forti¬ fied city, and has long been famous as a seat of Moham¬ medan learning, possessing numerous colleges and several beautiful mosques. It is now an important commercial center. Bologna, Italy (cap. Bologna), is a strongly forti¬ fied town and an important railway center. It has an active trade and extensive manufactures of silks, vel¬ vet, cloth, and artificial flowers. Bologna is noted for macaroni, sausages, liqueurs, and preserved fruits. It is the site of a famous ancient university and has an Academy of Fine Arts, which contains paintings by most of the masters of the Bolognese school. It is the seat of an archbishop and possesses several palaces and churches, which contain numerous works of art. Bologna was the residence of the Roman Emperors during the later period of the Roman Empire. Bolton, England (Lancashire), contains some of the largest cotton-mills in the world, and has extensive manufactures of iron, paper, and chemicals. Its town hail in the Grecian style and its fine market hall are notable buildings. Bombay, India (cap. Bombay), is the second port of India—the first being Calcutta—and an important naval and coaling station. It has a commodius harbor and is provided with large docks, wharves, warehouses, and extensive railway facilities. It is the principal seat of the cotton industry in India, while its other indus¬ tries include dyeing, tanning and metal working. Prin¬ cipal exports are cotton, wheat, opium, coffee, seeds, gums, hides, and carpets. Bombay possesses a uni¬ versity, numerous colleges, a technical institute, and a famous botanical garden. It is the seat of an Anglican bishop. Bona, Algeria, is a fortified seaport and naval station, which exports iron, copper, lead, zinc, esparto, phos¬ phates, and tannin. There are iron mines in the vicinity. Bonn, Germany (Prussia), is famous for its university, which possesses a library of more than 275,000 volumes, an observatory, a botanical garden, etc. It has an acad¬ emy of arts, and several art museums. Its manufac¬ tures comprise carpets, machinery, chemicals, etc. Bootle, England (Lancashire), is a suburb of Liver¬ pool, and has large docks, jute works, etc. Bordeaux, France (cap. Gironde) is a port and coaling station on the Garonne River, which has admirable facili¬ ties for trade, and exports wines, brandies, fruits, sugar, coffee, gums, porcelain, and glass. The Bordeaux wines have had a great reputation for many centuries. There are manufactories of sugar, chocolate, glass, tobacco, as well as flour-mills, and iron and steel works. It is the seat of an archbishop, and the Gothic cathedral of St. André (13th-15th centuries) is remarkable for its beau¬ tiful towers, designed and built by English architects during the English occupation. Bordeaux has a uni¬ versity, an academy of arts and sciences, a naval school, an observatory, and an important art gallery. Borgerhout, Belgium (Antwerp), is a suburb of Ant¬ werp, with tapestry and bleaching works, and tobacco factories. Boston, cap. Massachusetts (c. h. Suffolk Co.), is the metropolis of New England and one of the most interesting cities in the United States. A seaport, coaling and naval station, it has an extensive harbor with good anchorage for vessels of any size, and a water¬ front lined with wharves and docks. It exports live cattle, provisions, cotton goods, leather goods, etc., but is also the center of higher education in many branches, thus attracting a large number of students. The Public Library, one of the most beautiful buildings in the coun¬ try, puts the means for scholarly attainments within the reach of all. Harvard University is close at hand at Cambridge and its Medical School is in Boston proper. Here are also the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Boston University, Boston Museum of Fine Arts, and the New England Conservatory of Music. Among its buildings of nistorieal interest are Faneuil Hall ("cradle of American Liberty"), the Old State House, dating from 1748 and restored as far as possible to its original appearance, and the Old South Meeting House, buiit in 1729. Trinity Church, designed by H. H. Richardson and completed 1877, is regarded as one of the finest buildings in America. The park system of Boston, with a total area of 2,400 acres and the Metropolitan system forming an outer line of parks with an area of 11,000 acres, are remarkable for beauty, accessibility, and actual benefit to the community. Botuchany, Roumania, is a trade center. Boulogne-sur-Mer, France (Pas-de-Calais), is a sea¬ port and the chief station of the French herring and cod fisheries. It exports dried fish, agricultural products, wines, watches, leather, and fancy goods. Has an active coastwise trade, and ranks with (Calais as one of the most freq^uented places of passage between France and Eng¬ land. It is a favorite seaside resort. Boulogne-sur-Selne, France (Seine et Oise), is a sub¬ urb of Paris, which adjoins the famous public park called Bois de Boulogne. Bourges, France (cap. Cher), is an ancient city with many interesting historical monuments, amongst which is the splendid Gothic cathedral (1220-1538), one of the finest specimens of Gothic architecture in France. It is the seat of an archbishop, and has been the meeting- place of numerous church councils. It has manufactures of clotj)., leather, as well as flour-mills and breweries, and a large trade in wool and agricultural products. Bournemouth, England (Hampshire), is a famous seaside resort on the South coast. It is situated in the midst of pine forests and enjoys a mild climate specially suited for persons suffering from lung diseases. Braddock, Pennsylvania (Allegheny Co.), is a suburb of Pittsburg and the scene of the memorable defeat of General Braddock on July 9, 1755, on his expedition against Fort Duque.sne. It was here that Washington, in rallying the defeated British forces, won his first military laurels. Bradford, England (Yorkshire), has extensive manu¬ factures of worsted yarn, silk, velvet, and cotton, as well as cotton factories. In the neighborhood are quarries and iron-works. Bradford, Pennsylvania (McKean Co.), is the center of an extensive coal, oil, and natural gas region, and is principally engaged in industries connected therewith. Braga, Portugal (cap. Braga), is the seat of an arch¬ bishop and contains an archiépiscopal palace, a richly ornamented Gothic cathedral of the 13th century, and a college. Braga is supposed to have been founded by the Carthaginians, and there are remains of a Roman temple, amphitheatre, and aqueduct. Braila, Roumania, is a port and coaling station on the Danube with large exports of grain, tallow, flour, and cattle. Brandenburg, Germany (Prussia), manufactures cloth, paper, and leather, and has boat-building yards. It has a castle and a cathedral of the 14th century, with a fine crypt. Brandon, Manitoba, Canada, is a railroad and trade center, with extensive wheat-shipping interests, and manufactories of machinery, pumps, ale, etc. It is the seat of an Indian industrial school and government experimental farm. Brantford, Ontario, Canada, is a trade and indus¬ trial center, with manufactories of brass, iron, tin, etc. A provincial asylum for the blind is located here. Breda, Netherlands (North Brabant), has manufac¬ tures of woollens, carpets, and hosiery. It was formerly a fortified city and played a prominent part in the mih- tary events of the country. Bremen, Germany (cap. Bremen), is a free city, port and coaling station on the Weser, which exports wool, linen, glass, iron, steelware, and wooden toys. Chief public buildings include a cathedral (1044), the old Gothic council-house, with the famous wine cellar below it, the modern town hall, and the old and the new ex¬ change. It is well supplied with educational institutions; has a library of 120,000 volumes, and an observatory. The industrial establishments include tobacco and cigar factories, sugar-refineries, rice-mills, iron-foundries, rope and sail works, and shipbuilding yards. It is from its commerce, however, that Bremen derives its importance, since next to Hamburg, it is the principal seat of the export and import trade of Germany, and the greater portion of the German trade with the United States passes through Bremen. It is one of the chief ports of emigration on the continent, and after Liverpool, Bremen is to-day the leading European cotton market. Brescia, Italy (cap. Brescia), is an ancient city with many interesting buildines, among which are two cathe¬ drals, one dating from the 7th century, and another of white marble, built 1604-1825. Many of the churches contain paintings by celebrated artists, and the picture- gallery also has a valuable collection of paintings, mostly by masters of the Brescian school (16th and 17th centu¬ ries). The city is the seat of a bishop. It has a cele¬ brated factory of firearms and manufactures of steel and iron wares, besides cottons, woollens, and silks. Breslau, Germany (cap. Prussian Silesia), is an im¬ portant industrial, commercial, and railroad center, with extensive manufactures of linen, cottons, woollens, silks, machinery, pottery, and chemicals. It has a university and among its interesting buildings are a fine cathedral from the 13th century, and a magnificent city hall from the 14th century. It is the seat of a bishop. Brest, France (Finistère), is a strongly fortified naval harbor, and the chief station of the French navy. It contains an extensive arsenal, large naval stores, and a naval academy. It has manufactures of rope, leather and soap, and trade in agricultural products. Brest-Litovsk, Russia (Grodno), is a fortified town with a large trade in cloth, leather, and soap. Bridgeport, Connecticut (c. h. Fairfield Co.), is the third city of the state and a port of entry with a safe har¬ bor which admits quite large vessels. It manufactures sewing machines, automobiles, brass castings and finish¬ ings, corsets, cartridges, cutlery, rubber goods, firearin-s, typewriters, musical instruments, etc. Bridgeton, New Jersey (c. h. Cumberland Co.), is a very old settlement, having been a place of considerable importance before the Revolutionary War. Manufac¬ tures glass, gas-pipe, nails, and machinery. Has nu¬ merous educational institutions. Bridgetown, West Indies (cap. Barbados), is a sea- gort with a spacious and safe open roadstead, but no arbor. It exports sugar, molasses, and mineral oil. It is the seat of an Anglican bishop. Brleg, Germany (Prussia), possesses an interesting old castle, and has manufactures of ironware, sugar, leather, tobacco, etc. Brighton, England (Sussex), is the favorite seaside resort on the south coast of England. Has a massive sea-wall and a promenade and drive over three miles in length, one of the finest in Europe. Brisbane, cap. Queensland, Australia, is a port and coaling station on the Brisbane River, 25 miles from its mouth. Exports gold, wool, tallow, cotton, frozen and preserved meats, and hides. Among the industrial es¬ tablishments are sugar-refineries, tobacco factories, flour- mills, etc. Bristol, England (Gloucester), is a port and coaling station on the Avon, with a harbor which can accommo¬ date the largest vessels. It is one of the leading British ports for foreign trade, and exports coal, which is exten¬ sively mined in the neighborhood, cottons, tin-plates, machinery, and chemicals. It has large manufactories of glass, potteries, and chocolate, and shipbuilding yards. Bristol is noted for its fine buildings, among which are the cathedral, the beautiful church of St. Mary Redcliff, the university college, and the museum and art gallery. It is the seat of a bishop. Broach, India (Bombay), is a trade center, with exports of raw cotton, grain, and seeds. Brockton, Massachusetts (Plymouth Co.), is one of the largest boot and shoe manufacturing places in the United States, and has ext nsive manufactories of rubber goods, shoe machinery, tools, etc. Brockvllle, Ontario, Canada, is a trade center in an agricultural district. It has manufactories of carriages, agricultural implements, etc. Broken Hill, New South Wales, Austral a, is a min¬ ing center with some of the most prod^ ctive silver mines in the world. Asbestos, gold, and copper are also found here. Bromberg, Germany (Prussia), has large manufacto¬ ries of machinery, paper, and leather, iron and steel works, flour-mills, and an active trade in agricultural products. Brookline, Massachusetts (Norfolk Co.), is a resi¬ dential suburb of Boston, with many handsome homes. Brooklyn, New York. See New York. Brownsville, Texas (c. h. Cameron Co.), is a port of entry, and a trade center and railroad terminus on the Rio Grande, 35 miles from its mouth. It is connected with the Mexican town of Matamoros by a bridge across the Rio Grande. Here was the site of Fort Brown, which the Mexicans attacked without success in May, 1846. Bruges, Belgium (cap. West Flanders), is a port eight miles inland from the North Sea, and connected by canals with Ostend and other cities. It is a medispval town with many ancient buildings, chief among them being the famous belfry, the cathedral, the city hall, anfl the hospital of St. John's, which contains fine paintings by Memling. Its museum and picture-gallery have many notable examples of masters of the Flemish school. Dur- 188 GAZETTEER OF CITIES ing the middie-ages anci until the close of the 15th cen¬ tury Bruges was the leading commercial center of Northern Europe. Its trade is now reviving again, and it has manufactures of lace, linen, and womlens. It is the seat of a bishop. Bruun, Austria (cap. Moravia), is one of the leading industrial towns in the country with extensive manu¬ factures of woollens, cottons, linen, machinery, chemi¬ cals, sugar, and leather, and a very active txade. It is the seat of a bishop. Brunswick, Germany (cap. Brunswick), manufac¬ tures machinery, sugar, jewelry, and woollens. It has a cathedral dating from the 12th century, and a ducal palace, which contains valuable collections of majolica, gems, and paintings. Brusa, Turkey in Asia, has important silk manufac¬ tures, and an active trade,' being connected by railroad with its port, Mudania, on the Sea of Marmora. Nearby are famous mineral springs. It is the seat of a Greek Orthodox and of an Armenian archbishop. Brussels, cap. Belgium (cap. Brabant), is the most important city of Belgium and is remarkable for the number and richness of its ancient buildings, group^ about the Grande Place, while, from the elegance of its new quarters, it ranks among the hnest cities of Europe. Among its principal buildings are the splendid Gothic cathedral dating from the 13th century, and the mag¬ nificent law-courts, (1818-1883), one of the finest build¬ ings in Europe. It is one of the greatest centers of Belgian industry, and is celebrated for its lace, consid¬ ered the finest in the world. It also manufactures fine linens, silk, woollen and cotton fabrics, gold .and silver embroidery, bronzes, leather, gloves, paper, jewelry, machinery, mathematical and musical instruments, and has many large printing and lithographing establish¬ ments. Only a few of the so-called Brussels carpets are manufactured here. Its manufactures and trade are greatly promoted by its numerous canals and railways. The scientific, literary, and artistic institutions of Brus¬ sels comprise a free university, founded in 1834; a school of geography founded in 1830, with an extensive museum one of the finest astronomical observatories in Europe: the Belgian Royal Academy of Sciences, Letters and Fine Arts; the Royal Academy of Fine Arts; the public library, containing 350,000 volumes and 30,000 vaiuable manuscripts; the picture-gallery, with the magnificent xamples of (Flemish art; and several otheq valuable museums. Bucaramanga, Colombia (cap. Santander), is the center of a region producing coffee and having mines of gold, copper, and iron. Budapest, cap. Hungary, consists of the united towns of Buda, or Ofen, and Pest, or Pesth, the one on the right and the other on the left of the Danube Among the chief buildings in Buda are the royal castle, several palaces, the arsenal, town hall, government offices, the Church of St. Matthew, dating from the 13th century, and the finest Jewish synagogue in Austria-Hungary. Pest, which is of modern growth, has a fine frontage on the Danube, and includes the new Houses of Parliament opened in 1896, the academy of science, with a library of 180,000 volumes, the custom-house, and other im¬ portant buildings. It has a university, an academy of arts and sciences, an art museum, an industrial museum, and numerous other eilucational institutions. It ranks next to Vienna in commerce and industry. Its chief manufactures are flour-mills, machinery, gold, silv^er, copper, and iron wares, chemicals, textile goods, brewing and distilling leather, etc., and it has extensive electrical works. It has a large trade in grain, wine, wool, and cattle. The Elizabetn suspension bridge over the Dan¬ ube River, completed in 1903, with a span of 951 feet, is notable, as are also the underground trolley lines of the city. The city contains several large parks, among which IS the Stadtwaldchen, with an area of about 1,000 acres. Several mineral springs are in the town and neighborhood. Budwels. Austria (Bohemia), has inanufactures of stoneware, lead pencils, and beer. It is the seat of a bishop. Buenos Aires, cap. Argentina (Buenos Aires), is one of the most extensive capitals of the worUl, covering an area of 34,829 acres, and the leading bouth American city. It is a port and coaling station on the Plata, and exports live-stoc , liides, horns, bones, tallow, wool, wheat, and corn. It has numerous educational and sci¬ entific institutions of a high order, among which are the university, national library, museum of natural history, zoological garden, and an observatory. On the Plaza de Mayo face the government palace. House of Congress, the exchange, catnedral, and municipal buildings. Its street railway system is remarkably in advance of other cities of its size. It has an extensive jjark system and is one of the cleanest and healthiest cities in the world. It ss the seat of a Catholic archbishop. Buer, Germany (Westphalia), has extensive coal min¬ ing interests. Buffalo, New York (c. h. Erie Co.), is the second city of the state and one of the most important ports of the great inland lakes, having a safe and capacious harbor, and several miles of water front. It has an extensive distributing trade in lumber, iron ore, grain, coal, liv^ stock, and meat, and is the western terminus of the Erie Canal and a great railroad center. It has extensive man¬ ufactures of iron and steel, metal goods, soap, starch, flour, railway cars, and elevators. It has numerous edu¬ cational institutions, and a public library containing over 300,000 volumes. Bukharest, cap. Ronmania, is, after Constantinople and Budapest, the most populous city of southeastern Europe and is spoken of by Roumanians as the "Paris of the East" It has a university, museum of natural history, and many antiquities, and among the public buildings the most conspicuous are the royal palace and the new palace of justice. It has magnificent public gardens. Its manufactures are not of importance, biit it has an active trade in grain, wool, and cattle. It is the seat of a Greek Orthodox archbishop. Bullfrog, Nevada (Nye Co.), is a gold-mining camp of recent growth Burgos, Spain (cap. Burgos), is a bishop's see. Its most remarkable structure is the cathedral, one of the finest buildings of the kind in Europe, begun in 1221 and not finished for several centuries, which is built of white marble in the form of a Latin cross, both exterior and interior being of great magnificence, adorned with fine carvings ana paintings; it contains numerous monu¬ ments. Burgos is a great wool market and has some woollen manufactories. Burlington Iowa (c. h. Des Moines Co.), has a con¬ siderable river trade and is a port of delivery. It manu¬ factures lumber, carriages, wagons, foundry and machine- ^lop p-oducts. Burlington, Vermont (c. h. Chittenden Co.), is the chief city of Vermont and one of the largest lumber marts in America, the lumber coming chiefly from Canada. It U the seat of the University of Vermont, and of the state agricultural and medical colleges. It is noted for its benevolent and educational institutions. Burnley, England (Lancashire), manufactures cotton goods, worsted, and machinery; there are collieries and quarries in the vicinity, Burslem, England (Stafford), has extensive manu¬ factures of china and earthen wares, and coal is mined. Burton-upon-Trent, England (Stafford), is cele¬ brated for its ale, of which vast quantities are made for home consumption and export. Its malting and brew¬ ing establishments employ over 10,000 men and boys. Bury, England (Jjuncashire), has large cotton and woollen factories, bleaching and printing works, dye- works, foundries, etc. In the vicinity are extensive coal¬ mines. Butler, Pennsylvania (c. h. Butler Co.), is the center of a region having oil and natural gas. It has manu¬ factures of glass, flour, and lumber. Butte, Montana (c. h. Silverbow Co.), is the largest mining town in the world, having extensive mines of copper, gold, and silver. It is the trade and jobbing center for southern and western Montana. Cadiz, Spain (cap. Cadiz), is a fortified seaport and naval station and one of the handsomest cities in Spain. It ranks as one of the first ports of the country, ancl was the center of the Spanish-American trade before the separation of the colonies. It exports sherry, salt, olives, fruit, cork, etc. It has a university. Caen, France (cap. Calvados), is a port situated on the river Orne, 7 miles from the sea, with which it is connected by a canal. It has manufactures of lace, cottons, and woollens, as well as ship-building yards, and a large trade in agricultural produce, cattle, and horses. Among its churches are St. Etienne and La Sainte Trinité, both founded in 1066 by William the Conqueror and his queen Matilda, and containing their tombs. It has a university. Cagliarl, Italy (cap. Cagliari), is a seaport and the principal town in tne island of Sardinia. It has manu¬ factures of woollens, cottons, scap, and a very active trade in salt and wine, which is produced in the neigh¬ borhood. Cagliari is an ancient town and contains many interesting Roman remains. It is the seat of an archbishop, and has a cathedral dating from the 14th century. It contains a university, and a museum with valuable collections of antiquities found in the island. Cairo, cap. Egypt, is the largest town in Africa, situ¬ ated on the Nile, about seven miles above the upper point of its delta. It consists practically of two towns, the modern European town, with its broad streets, hand¬ some buildings, and fashionable hotels and shops, and the native town. The latter presents a picturesque Ori¬ ental appearance with its narrow streets, crowded ba¬ zaars and numerous mosques. It has a Mohammedan university, founded 988, which is one of the leading seats of Mohammedan learning in the world, and a library which contains many valuable manuscripts of the Koran. One of its museums—the Bulak Museum—contains most of the antiquities of ancient Egypt, which have been excavated in various parts of the country. Cairo is the seat of a Roman Catholic and of a Greek Orthodox bishop, as well as of a bishop of the Coptic Church. It is now a great winter resort, and has famous mineral spring and baths in the neighborhood. The commerce of Cairo is large, the town being a great emporium of trade for Central Africa. Cairo, Illinois (c. h. Alexander Co.), is a port of entry and has a large trarate monument has been erected, enshrining the bodies of himself and his wife. Cape Coast Castle, Gold Coast Colony, Africa, is a port and naval coaling station and tlie mart for native trade. Exports gold-dust, palm-oil, pepper, rubber, skins, ivory, etc. Cape Haïtien, Haiti, is a port with a commodious harbor, and exports coffee, cocoa, logwood, honey, etc. It is the seat of a Catholic bishop. Cape Town, cap. Cape Colony, Africa, is a seaport, coaling-station, and the metropolis of South Africa. It has fine government buildings, a cathedral, the South African college, a museum, a library, botanic gardens, and the finest observatory in the southern hemisphere. Exports wool, diamonds, ostrich feathers, gold, ivory, hides, and copper ore. Caracas, cap. Venezuela (cap. Caracas), is the seat of a Roman Catholic archbishop and the chief city of the country. It is connected witn the fxirt of Ia Guayra by a railroad 24 miles long. The chief buildings are the federal palace, the university, the museum, the library, a cathedral, and the residence of the president. Carbondale, Pennsylvania (Lackawanna Co.), is a busy coal-mining city, with large deposits of anthracite. Carear, Philippine Islands (Cebu), is a port with ex¬ ports of sugar and extensive fisheries. Carcassonne, France (cap. Aude), is an ancient city and the seat of a bishop. It has manufactures of cloth, linen, paper, and soap. Cardenas, Cuba (Matanzas), is a seaport with large exports of sugar and molasses. Cardiff, Wales ((jlamorgan), is a seaport and coaling station with large dock accommodations, ranking as the third port in the United Kingdom. It exports lar^ quantities of coal and iron, and its industries include smelting, ship-building, engine-building, iron-founding, brewing, and the manufacturing of paper and chemicals. Here are located the university college of South Wales and other numerous collegiate institutions. The free libraries have a museum and art gallery connected with them. Carlisle, England (cap. Cumberland), is an ancient city, and has an interesting cathedral dating from the 12th century. It has manufactories of cottons and woollens, iron and steel works, and extensive railway shops. Carlisle, Pennsylvania (c. h. Cumberland Co.), has manufacture.s of shoes, silk, antl railroad cars. It is the seat of the Dickinson Methotiist Ctillege, foundetl in 1783, and of the United States Indian industrial training school. Carrara, Italy (Massa e Carrara), is a town which contains famous tiuarries of fine-grained marble, mostly white, but also black, yellow,, and green. About 600 GAZETTEER OF CITIES 189 separate quarries are worked, which yield from 150,000 to 180,000 tons annually, and employ between 6,000 and 7,000 workmen. It has an academy of fine arts, and also a school of sculpture. Cartag^ena, Colombia tcap. Bolivar), is a port with a fine harbor, and has a fair export trade in cotton, sugar, hides, coffee, etc. Cartagena,Spain (Murcia), is a fortified port,and the principal Spanish naval arsenal and dockyard. It has an extensive coastwise trade, and exports silver, lead, zinc, and iron ores, esparto, fruits, etc. Nearby are ex¬ tensive silver-lead mines. It is the seat of a bishop. Casale Italy (Alessandria), has a cathedral dating from 8th and 12th centuries, and other interesting churches, among which is San Domenico, begun in 1489. Caserta, Italy (cap. Caserta), has manufactures of silk. It is the seat of a bishop. Cassel, Germany (cap. Hesse-Nassau), is one of the handsomest towns of its size in Germany, the architec¬ tural and sculptural adornments of former ages being richly supplemented by the works of recent art. The principal square is flanked by the former palace of the electors (1769 and 1821), and a couple of museums, but the most imposing buildings are those of the administra¬ tion and the law courts (1876-80). Another fine new structure is the picture gallery. The palace in which Jerome, brother of Napoleon, lived when king of West¬ phalia, is now given up partly to the academy of fine arts, and partly to military offices. The Karl Park (Aue) contains the Orangery palace, with famous marble baths. About 3 miles west is the castle of Wilhelmshöhe. § laced on a terracé of the Habichtwald, and surrounded y woods and fine rardens. Here Napoleon III. was confined (1870-71). after the battle of Sedan, and here the Emperor William II. and his family frequently spent part of the summer. The industries include iron-works, engineering shops, and factories for railway carriages, mathematical instruments, tobacco, small metal fittings, paper, and pianofortes, also lithography and gardening. Ca^tellamare, Italy (Naples), is noted for sea¬ bathing and sulphur baths. Its industries include ship¬ building, fishing, macaroni, cotton, soap, needles, etc. It exports macaroni, fruit, cheese, and olive oil. Castellón, bpain (cap. Castellón de la Plana), is the center of a fruit-growing section, and has manufactories of flax goods of all sorts. Castres, France (Tarn), has manufactures of cottons, leather, soap, and paper. During the 16th century it was an im)x>rtant Huguenot stronghold, but was de¬ stroyed in 1629. Catania, Italy (cap. Catania), is a port at the foot of Mt. Aetna, with an extensive trade in sulphur, oranges, lemons, and dried fruit. Cotton, silk, bentwood furni¬ ture, hats, and soap are manufactured: olive-oil is distilled and sulphur refined. Catania has frequently been visited by earthquakes. It is a bishop's see, and the seat of a university, and a famous academy of natural sciences. Catanzaro, Italy (cap. Catanzaro), has silk and velvet manufacturing and olive-oil industries. It is a favorite place of residence for wealthy Calabriaos. Cawnpur, India (United Provinces), is a large mili¬ tary cantonment. The town was rendered infamous during the Sepoy mutiny by the treacherous massacre of European women and children which was ordered by Nana 8ahib. Has manufactories of boots, leather, and cottons. Cayenne, cap. French Guiana, is a seaport with exports of coffee, cocoa, pepper, rice, tobacco, indigo, and vanilla. It contains a college and museum. Ceara, Brazil (cap. Ceara), is a port and coaling sta¬ tion, sometimes called Fortaleza, and is regarded as one of the most beautiful cities of Brazil. It exports cotton, india-rubber, skins, hides, coffee, sugar, etc. Cebu, Philippine Islands (cap. Cebu), is the oldest town in the Philippines, and the chief commercial city of the island of the same name. It is the seat of a Roman Catholic bishop. It has an extensive trade in sugar, hemp, etc. Cedar Baplds, Iowa (Linn (Do.), is an important rail¬ road center, and has extensive manufactories of flour, machinery, agricultural implements, etc., as well as large pork-packing establishments. It is the seat of a college. CeLaya, Mexico (Guanajuato), has manufactures of cloth, carpets, and sweetmeats. It has several handsome churches, among which is Our Lady of Carmen, a mag¬ nificent structure. Central Falls, Rhode Island (Providence Co.), has cotton, woollen, silk, and haircloth mills, and manufac¬ tures leather, paper, boxes, and machinery. Cerlgnola, Italy (Foggia), is a bishop's see. Nearby the French, under Due de Nemours, were defeated by the Spaniards in 1503. Cesena, Italy (Forli), is famous for its wine and hemp, and the people spin silk and mine sulphur. Cette, France (Hérault), is a ^rtj with a good har¬ bor, and a large trade in wine. It has manufactures of liqueurs, beer, brandy, and wine, and there is a considera¬ ble fishing industry. It is a favorite seaside resort, and has several mineral springs. Chalon-sur-Saone, France (Saône-ct-Loire), manu¬ factures hats, gloves, iron goods, tiles, and glass. Its library, museum, bridge of 1415, and church of 8t. Vin¬ cent (1386) are of interest. ChandaXHagar, India (Bengal), belongs to France, and has only a moderate trade. Changchau, China (Fokienh is a seat of silk manu¬ facture, and has extensive iron-works. It has an active trade in tea and other products of the province. Changsha, China (Hunan), is a large depot for tim¬ ber p>oles and a place of considerable trade. A famous college. Yo-lo, is located here, and the silk industry flounshes. Chapra, India (Bengal), is a place of much wealth, but its trade has declined. Charlerol, Belgium (Hainaut), is one of the centers of the coal and iron industries of Belgium. Machinery, cutlery, and glass are extensively manufactured. Charleston, South Carolina (c. h. Charleston Ck>.), is the largest city of South Carolina and a port and coaling station, seven miles from the sea, with a fine harbor, which is a naval station for the South Atlantic. Exports cot¬ ton, rice, phosphates, and general merchandise. There are extensive beds oi excellent phosphates near by. It manufactures cotton, flour, carriages, and machinery. A medical college, and the South Carolina military academy are located here, and among its historic buildings of note is St. Michael's Church, originally built in 1752-61. Ft. Sumter, in which the first snot of the Civil War was fired, occupies a small island in the middle of the entrance to the harbor. An earthquake in 1886 destroyed property and lives in this city. Cliarleston, cap. West Virginia (c. h. Kanawha Cío.), is the center of an important bituminous coal region. There are in the vicinity deposits of salt, iron, oil, and natural gas, and it has lumber mills, distilleries, packing¬ houses. and many other industries. Cliarlott«), North Carolina (c. h. Mecklenburg (Do.), is an important railroad center and cotton manufacturing city, with various industries and numerous educational interests. A monument in front of the court house celebrates the signing of the Mecklenburg Declaration of Independence, May 21st, 1775, which, according to a strong tradition, substantially anticipated Jefferson's. Charlotte Amalle, Danish West Indies, St. Thomas Island, is a seaport and coaling-station with a good harbor. It has an extensive trade, mostly with the United States and England. Charlottenburg, Germany (Prussia), is a residential suburb of Berlin. It owes its name and its existence to the royal castle which was built in 1695-1707 for Sophia Charlotte, the wife of Frederick, first king of Prussia. In the park is the mausoleum of Frederick William HI. and his queen, Ixiuise, and of the Emperor William I. and his queen, Augusta. It also contains two palaces, the Emperor William memorial church (1891-5), and the Trinity church (1896-8). The Berlin water-works are in Charlotteuburg, and there is a very famous tech¬ nical high school. Ine chief manufactures are machin¬ ery, porcelain, pottery, paper, chemicals, and soap. Cbarlottetown, cap. Prince Edward Island. Canada, !s a port with an excellent harbor on the Hillsboro River. It pork-packing, condensed milk, and lumber prod¬ ucts industries. It has the parliament buildings, a provincial lunatic asylum, and the College of St. Dunstan. Chacnam, England (Kent), is one of the chief ship¬ building towns of England, and the naval and military establisiiments here, or in the immediate vicinity, are very extensive. The royal dockyard now extends for two miles along the river, and is most thoroughly.equipped for the building, fitting out, and repairing of war^vessels, while the largest ironclads are built here. The military establishments include infantry, royal marine, and naval barracks, Giiatham, Ontario, Canada, is a trade center in a good funning and fruit region. It has flour-mills, ma¬ chine shops, engine works, canneries, etc. Cnatianooga, Tennessee (c. h. Hamilton Ck>.), is the center of a district rich in iron, coal, and timber, and has extensive cotton-mills, iron-foundries, blast-furnaces, steel and rail works, tar-works, etc. It is the seat of the Grant University and the Chattanooga College. Near by is the National Military Park, which embraces the Chickamauga battlefield and the National Cemetery. Lookout Mountain, the scene of the dramatic "Battle above the (Clouds," gives fine views of the surrounding country. The city is surrounded by picturesque moun¬ tains. Chaux de Fonds, Switzerland (Neuchâtel), is one of the chief centers of watchmaking in Switzerland. Cbelu, China (Shantung), is a treaty port on an open bay at the entrance of the Gulf of Pechili. It expnirts straw-braid, beans, ground-nuts, bean-cake, silk, and vermicelli. This port became of considerable import¬ ance during the Russo-Japanese War. Chelsea, Massachusetts (Suffolk Cío.), is a suburb of Boston, with United States marine hospital, naval hos¬ pital, and a soldiers' home. Has art-tile works and other industries. Cheltenham, England (Gloucester), owes its im¬ portance to its mineral springs, accidentally discovered m 1716, and is a favorite residential town for Anglo- Indians. The parish church of St. Mary is an ancient cruciform structure. It is an educational center. The college ( 184U) is an important public school, and the la¬ dies' college (1854) ranks with the first educational insti¬ tutions for women in the country. There are also two training colleges for elementary teachers. Chemnitz, Germany (Saxony Kg.), is the chief manu¬ facturing town of Saxony and one of the principal manu¬ facturing towns of Germany. Its specialties are the manufacture of locomotives, agricultural implements, and tools, but it has also impiortant industries of cotton- spinning, hosiery, gloves, dveing and bleaching, ribbons, leather goods, stoneware, ciiemicals, and brewing. The town is surrounded by a close ring of industrial villages. Chengte, China (Chili), has manufactures of inlaid wares, and considerable trade. Cherbourg, France (Manche), is a port, and naval £md coaling-station on the English Channel. 'The naval.dock¬ yard has three great basins hewn out of the solid rock. The exports are chiefly dairy and agricultural products, Chernigof, Russia (cap. Chernigof), is the commercial center of a rich agricultural region. It is the seat of a Greek Orthodox archbishop. Cherson, Russia (capf Cherson), is a fortified town with an active trade. Chester, England (^Cheshire), is one of the most an¬ cient towns of England, an outgrowth of a Roman camp, famous for its frequently-discovered relics of Roman and Norman occupation, and for the examples of mediae¬ val architecture still existing. Its unique "Rows" on the principal streets, are continuotis galleries penetrating the fronts of the houses on the first floor above the ground, and roofed by the second stories projecting over them. They are reached by staircases, and are lined with shops. Ancient walla still encircle the town, the walk on the top forming an admirable promenade. The cathedral was originally the monastery church of St. Werburgh. The present edifice, erected in the 16th century and restored in the 19th, contains portions of the ancient abbey. Among the modern buildings is the Grosvenor museum, which contains Roman and other antiquities. Industries include the manufacture of pat¬ ent shot, paint, lead piping, leather, etc. Cheese fairs are held every month. Chester, Pennsylvania (Delaware Co.), is a port of delivery, and has ship-building works and manufactures of cotton, woollen, and worsted goods. It is the seat of the Pennsylvania Military College and the Crozier Theo¬ logical Seminary. Swarthmore College is near by. It was settled by the Swedes in 1643 under the name of Upland, and is the oldest town in the state. Cheyenne, cap. Wyoming (c. h. Laramie Co.), is one of "the chief centers of the cattle industry of the north¬ west, and an important railway center and shipping point. Fort Russell, a United States military post, lies four miles to the north of Cheyenne, and is connected with it by electric railroad. Elevation 6,075 ft. Chicago, Illinois (c. h. Cook Co.), is the second city and the largest railway center of the United States. Its position gives it a great share of the commerce by way of the Great Lakes, and its manufactures and trade have grown to enormous magnitude. The manufactures of iron and steel in South Chicago, the agricultural imple¬ ment works, and the beef and pork-packing establish¬ ments are among the largest. It is the greatest grain market and also the largest lumber mart m the world. The city covers an area of nearly 200 scjuare miles. Its ^rk system forms a girdle around the city, from Lincoln Park on the lake shore on the north to Jackson Park on the lake shore to the south; the total area of parks and boulevards is over 3,CK)0 acres. It is the seat of the University of Chicago, Rush Medical Ciollege, College of Physicians and Surgeons, and numerous other educa¬ tional institutions. The city library contains over 350,- 000 volumes, and there are, in addition, »he Newberry library on the north side, the John Crerar library on the south side, confined to branches of science, and numerous others. The Chicago Art Institute, an imposing building of semi-classical style, contains a valuable eoilection of paintings, sculpture, and other objects of art and is one of the largest and most comprehensive art schools in America. Chicopee, Massachusetts (Hampden Cío.), has manu¬ factories of cotton, artillery, bronze, rifles, swords, and automobiles, run by power furnished by the Chicopee River. Ciliengmal, Slam, is the chief trade center of northern Siam; it lias a large trade in tea. Cbleti, Italy (cap. Chieti), has manufactories of hats, woollens, soap, etc. It contains the ruins of a Roman amphitheatre and of a Roman castle. It is the seat of an archbishop, and has a cathedral dating from the 11th century. Chihuahua, Mexico (cap. Chihuahua), is the metropo¬ lis of the northwestern.'section of Mexico, and supplies outfits for the majority of mining camps and prospecting expeditions in this section. It manufactures cottons, carpets, blankets, machinery, and has large iron-found¬ ries. It has a magnificent cathedral, and its mint, estab¬ lished a few years ago, is now the third in the republic. Chilian, Chile (cap. Nuble), is frequented for the sul¬ phur waters in its neighborhood. It was long a mission center of the Jesuits. ChlUiCOthe, Ohio (c. h. Ross Cío.), was the first capi¬ tal of the state, and is the trade center for an agricultural and coal-mining region. Chlnandega, Nicaragua, has considerable trade in sugar, cotton, bananas, etc. In 1849, it was the capital of the united republics of Honduras, Nicaragua, and Salvador. Chlngtu, China (cap. Szechuan), is situated in one of the largest fertile plains in China, and is surrounded by mountains rich in various minerals. The walls that surround the city are twelve miles in extent. It has an arsenal with modern equipment, and goods of European manufacture are found in some shops. Chlnklang, China (Kiang Su), is a treaty port at the mouth of the Yangtze River. Vessels ofvthe largest ton¬ nage can enter at all states of the tide. It exports beans, bean-cake, peas, ground-nuts, silks, hides, dried flowers, etc., and its imports exceed those of any other Chinese port except Shanghai. Cholon, Cochin China, has a large trade in rice. Christchurch, New Zealand ^ap. Canterbury), is a railway and commercial center. The chief public build¬ ings are a fine cathedral, Canterbury Ciollege, with engi¬ neering school and observatory, a museum, a school of art, and Canterbury Hall. Its industries include iron- foundries, agricultural implement works, etc. It is the see of the primate of New Zealand. Christiania» cap. Norway (cap. Christiania), is a sea¬ port and coaling station on Christiania Fjord. The prin¬ cipal public building are the Houses of Parliament (the Storthing), where the national archives are also keph; the palace, built 1821-8; the university (with 1,40D students), built in 1841-51, the library of which contains 350.000 volumes; the national museum; the museum of antiquities; the museum of sculpture, including the na¬ tional gallery; the observatory; Akers Church, built in the Iltn century and restored in 1860; and the Ciathedral of Our Saviour. Its induätries include weaving, spin¬ ning, sailmaking, iron-foundries, paper-mills, some ship¬ building, and large manufactures of tobacco. The water¬ falls of the Akers provide the chief motive power. Ex¬ ports timber, wood-pulp, oil-cakes, fish, cod-liver oil, iron nails, etc. Chungking, China (Szechuan), is a treaty port on the Yangtze River and a great distributing center for the province. Its chief exports are opium, silks, wax, porcelain, and musk. Though 1,325 miles from the sea, It is accessible by steamer, but with difficulty on account of the rapids in the Ichang gorges. The river, about 900 yards wide, is subject to sudden rises; in 1892 it rose to 97 feet above low water mark. Valuable coal-mines are in the vicinity. Glenfuegos» Cuba (Santa Clara), is the second sea¬ port in Cuba with a magnificent landlocked harbor, and the center of the sugar trade of the south side of the Island. Cincinnati» Ohio (c. h. Hamilton Co.), is one of the most important manufacturing and commercial centers of the middle west, and has a frontage of 14 miles on the Ohio River. It has an extensive river trade in ore, coal, iron, lumber, siiit, etc., and an immense railroad business; not less than sixteen railroads enter the city. "The slaughtering and packing of meats has long been and still IS one of the leading industries of the city. It holds first position in this country in the sale of pig iron, and over 9.000 industrial establishments are engageil in a multiplicity of manufactures. It is especially promi¬ nent in iron-work, men's clothing, boots and shoes, to¬ bacco products, and malt liquors. Here are located the University of Cincinnati, the Ohio Mechanics' Institute, the Lane Theological Seminary, and numerous other educational institutions. The Cincinnati Society of Natural History has a museum of interesting relics, and the public library contains over 300,000 volumes. The art museum and art school have a valuable collection of paintings, sculpture, etc. The zoological garden con¬ tains a fine collection of animals and is a favorite resort. Ciudad Porârio Díaz» Mexico (Coahuila), is a frontier trade center on the Rio Grande, opposite Eagle Pass» Texas. Clertuont-Ferrand, France (cap. Puy-de-Dôme), is an ancient town and is the seat of a bishop. Its catheciral (1248-1346), built of lava from the surrounding district, was finished in the 19th century. The first crusade was preached by Peter the Hermit in its fine Notre Dame Church in 1096, after a great church council held here in the year preceding. It contains a university. It has manufactures of cottons, chemicals, rubber goods, and food preserves. Near by are famous mineral springs. Cleyeland, Ohio (c. h. Cuyahoga Cío.), is the largest city of the state and the second on the Great Lakes, one of the greatest ore markets in the world, and a leading coal port. It is one of the chief markets for grain and pe¬ troleum, and one of the greatest in the world for fresh¬ water fish. It is the second manufacturing place on the lakes and the second in the state; while, as regards the manufacture of iron and steel it is among the fore¬ most in the country; it is also tlie center of the malleable iron trade and steel shipbuilding yards. It has an end¬ less variety of other manufactures, such as bridge cast¬ ings, car-wheels» stoves, electrical apparatus, automobiles» etc. In the manufacture of cloth, malt liquors, paints» and CÎ ?;nicals, and in petroleum refining, it also ranks high, and it has, besides, extensive stock-yarda and meats packing establishments. The Western Reserve Univer¬ sity and numerous other educational institutions are located here. Cleveland has one of the finest park sys¬ tems in the country, covering upwards of 1.500 acres. 190 GAZETTEER OF CITIES Cllchy, France (Seine), is a suburb of Paris, and has Jtarch, oil, candle, and chemical works. Clinton, Iowa (c. h. Clinton Co.), is a trade center with a large radius of activity. Its industries include himber mills, iron bridge works, railroad machine- shorn, etc. (alnton, Massachusetts (Worcester Co.), has manu¬ factories of wire cloth, einghams, and carpets. Coatbridge, Scotland (Lanark), is the center of the nost important iron and coal district in Scotland, and has numerous blast-furnaces, tube works, rolling-mills, boiler- and tin-plate works. Fire-bricks, tiles, etc., are made in the immediate neighborhood. A mining college and technical school are located here. Cobalt, Ontario, Canada, is a mining center in a rich silver district. Coban, Guatemala, is the center of the finest coffee district of the republic. Chalk is mined here and made into crayons. Goblenz, Germany (Prussia), is a fortified city, an¬ ciently called Ad Confluentes, from its seat at the con¬ fluence of the Rhine and Moselle. It is connected by a pontoon bridge over the Rhine with the fortress of Ehrenbreitstein, which, with its other fortifications, renders Coblenz one of the strongest places in Germany and capable of accommodating 100,000 men. Its indus¬ tries embrace cigars, machinery, wines, and pianos. Cocanada, India (Madras), is a seaport, with exports of cotton, rice, sugar, and cigars. Cocbabamba, Bolivia (cap. Cochabamba), large manufactures of woollens, leather, and pottery, and an extensive trade in wheat. It is an ancient city, founded in 1563, and is the seat of a bishop. CoSeyVille, Kansas (Montgomery Co.), has varied manufacturing interests There are gas-wells in the vicinity. echoes, New York (Albany Co.), has manufactures of cotton, woollen and worsted knit goods, boots, shoes, etc. The Mohawk River has a fall of over 70 ft. at this point and supplies a large amount of power Colxnbatore, India (Madras), is the center of a sugar, cotton, tobacco, and rice producing section. It com¬ mands the Palghat Gap and the Gazalhatti pass. Colchester, England (Essex), is an ancient town with relics of a castle built in the reign of William Rufus. Ruins also remain of the 12th century Augustinian priory of St. Botolph, and a gateway represents the 11th century abbey of St. John. The church of St. James dates from before the Norman conrt, naval, and coaling station, and the largest city of Denmark. Its harbor is one of the best seaports on the Baltic, to which fact the prosperity of the city is largely due. Its public institutions include a university (1479), a royal palace, a royal library, a valuable national museum, a picture gallery, a polytechnic school, a cathe¬ dral (1811-29), ana the imposing Frederick, or Marble, Church. The chief industries are ship-building, brew¬ ing, distilling, sugar-refining, and the manufacture of soda, porcelain, machinery, and textile fabrics. Exports dairy products, pork, horses, cattle, sheep, yarn, paper, etc. Cordoba, Argentina (cap. CJordoba), is one of the most progressive inland cities of the republic, and has an ex¬ tensive trad in hides and wool. Four miles above the city is the San Roque dam, the largest work of the kind in South America, which supplies power for several in¬ dustries and for irrigation. It has a university, an astronomical observatory, and is the seat of a Roman Catholic bishop. Cordova, Spain (cap. Cordova), is an ancient city, famous as the capital of the Caliphate of Cordova (8tn- 11th century), which embraced the whole of Mohamme¬ dan Spain. During that time it was one of the chief commercial centers of the world, and an important seat of learning, containing a public library of 600,000 vol¬ umes. It retains but few marks of Moorish remains, except its world famous cathedral, which was formerly a mosque, and is one of the most beautiful examples of Moorish architecture in the world. It has manufactures of leather, cloth, silk, papier, and hats, besides the ancient silver filigree industry for which Cordova is famous. It is the seat of a bishop. Corlnto, Nicaragua, is the chief Pacific port of Nica¬ ragua. Exports coffee, hides, rubber, cedar, and hard¬ woods. Cork, Ireland (cap. Cork), is a port, naval and coaling station, and the third city of Ireland. It is situated on the river liCe, 15 miles from its mouth, and besides an upper harbor at the city itself, and quays extending over 4 miles in length, has a lower harbor at Queenstown, 11 miles below. 'The chief industries are tanning, distilling, brewing, iron-founding, and the manufacture of woollen goods. Exports grain, cattle, dairy produce, and pro¬ visions. The principal buildings are the Protestant and the Roman Catholic cathedrals, exchange, custom-house, chamber of commerce, and Queen's College. It is the seat of a Roman Catholic bishop. Corning, New York (Steuben Co.), has extensive foundries, glass factories, and railroad car works. Corrientes, Argentina (cap. Corrientes), is a trade center on the Parana River, with large expiorts of timber and oranges. Cortland, New York (c. h. Cortland Co.), is a farming and manufacturing trade center, and has extensive manu¬ factories of wire, carriages, steel ware, etc. A state normal school is located here. Coruna, Spain (cap. Coruna), is a fortified seaport, with a safe and commodious harbor, and was formerly the principal port of departure for England. The Great Armada sailed from here in 1588. It exports cattle, min¬ erals, and dairy produce, and has manufactures of cigars, paper, ropes, as well as large sardine fisheries. Council BluifS, Iowa (c. h. Pottawattamie Clo.), is located at the foot of the bluffs of the Missouri, nearly opposite Omaha, and is an important railroad center and terminus. Courbevoic, France (Seine), is an industrial suburb of Paris, with manufactures of chemicals, white lead, and carriages. It has numerous handsome villas, and exten¬ sive barracks. Courtral, Belgium (West Flanders), is famous for its lace, and linen bleacheries. One of its churches, adorned with a masterpiece of Van Dyck, was the burial-place of the counts of Flanders. Coventry, England (Warwick), is one of the oldest cities of England, and was formerly a w.-^lled town. A Benedictine monastery was founded here in 1044. It is now one of the greatest industrial centers of England, with manufactures of bicycles, ribbons, sewing-machines, and automobiles. Covington, Kentucky (c. h. Kenton Co.), has exten¬ sive distilleries, cotton and woollen mills, rolling-mills, and tobacco factories. It is a residence town for Cincin¬ nati business men, and is the see of a Roman Catholic bishop. Crajova, Roumania (Wallachia), is the most important town in the western portion of Roumania. Cranston, Rhode Island (Providence Co.), has manu¬ factures of cotton goods and other industries. Creield, Germany (Prussia), is the chief city of Ger¬ many for the manufacture of silks and velvets, and ex¬ ports these fabrics extensively It also has extensive railway car shops, engineering-works, and manufactories of sugar, and chemicals. Cremona, Italy (cap. Cremona), is an ancient town. Its chief ornament is its cathedral (1107-90), with fres¬ coes by masters of the Cremona school of painting, and the tall bell-tower. There are several other interesting churches and some old palaces. It has manufactures or silk, cotton, woollens, pottery, and stringed instruments. Was formerly famous for its violins, the chief makers of the Cremona school being Amati, Guarneri, and Stradi¬ varius. Crewe, England (Cheshire), has extensive railway works, and is an inmortant railway center. Cripple Creek, Colorado (c. h. Teller Co.), is a trade center for the Cripple Creek mining district, one of the chief gold-mining sections of the state. Here are located several cyanide mills, smelters, and other mining indus¬ tries. Cristobal, Panama (Canal Zone), is an American port of entry and post-office, adjoining the city of Colon, and situated near the northern entrance to the Panama Canal. Cronstadt, Russia (St. Petersburg), is a port, and a naval and coaling station. Has extensive fortifications protecting St. Petersburg, and naval works, arsenals, bar¬ racks, cannon foundries, and shipyards. Here are schools for naval instruction, a maritime hospital, a cathedral, and an interesting summer garden, originally planted by Peter the Great and attached to the small palace in which he lived. Exerts lumber, hemp, leather, and cordage, Croydon, England (Surrey), is a residential suburb of London, and has large clock factories, and some other industries. Csaba, Hungary, has flour mills and distilleries, and a trade in cattle, corn, hemp, and wine. Cuddalore, India (Madras), has an extensive trade in grain. Cuenca, Ecuador (cap. Azuay), is the center of a re¬ gion fertile in corn, cotton, sugar, and fruit. Interesting Aztec remains are in the neighborhood. Cumberland, Maryland (c. h. Allegheny Go.), is the shipping point for large quantities of semi-bituminous coal, mined in this section. Its manufactures include cement-works, flour-mills, tanneries, steel-works, iron- foundries, and numerous other industries. Here, more¬ over, are located large rolling-mills for the manufacture of rails, bars, and other materials of railway supply, as well as railway car and repair shops. Cimeo, Italy (cap. Cuneo), has manufactures of silk, cotton, and paper. It is the seat of a bishop, has a cathe¬ dral, a 12th century church, and many mediieval houses. Curitlba, Brazil (cap. Parana), is a modern and at¬ tractive city, with a large trade in corn, beef, fruit, to¬ bacco, and Paraguay tea. There are gold-mines in the neighborhood. Cuttack, India (Bengal), is an important trading cen¬ ter situated at the apex of the Mahanadi River, and is noted for its filigree work in gold and silver. Cuyaba, Brazil (cap. Matto Grosso), is an important trading center in a region formerly famous for its gold and diamond mines. Cuzco, Peru (cap. Cuzco), was formerly the capital of the Incas, and is the most ancient of the Peruvian cities, having been founded, according to tradition, about 1020 by Manco Capac, the first Inca of Peru. A municipal government was established here by Francisco Pizarro in 1534. It is the residence of a bishop, and the seat of a university (1692), and of a meteorological station erected by Harvard University. Cocoa leaves are exported. Czegled, Hungary, is an important market town in the center of a section producing large quantities of grain and wine. Czenstochowa, Russia (Poland), has important in¬ dustries of cotton, cloth, paper, etc. It contains a con¬ vent of St. Paul, visited yearly by about 400,000 pilgrims. Czernowitz, Austria (cap. Bukowina), is the seat of a Greek Orthodox archbishop, and has a university. It is an important trade center, and has machine-shops, saw¬ mills, and breweries. Dacca, India (Bengal), was selected about 1610 as the seat of the Mohammedan government of Bengal. In the 18th century its fine muslin was 'amous. Gold and silver utensils, and filigree work are made here. Dallas, Texas (c. h. Dallas Co.), is the leading manu¬ facturing and commercial city of northern Texas. It is situated in a fertile agricultural region, of which the chief products are cotton, wheat, corn, and fruits. It has ex¬ tensive lumber interests, and its principal manufacturing industries include saddlery, in which Dallas leads all other places in the United States, and cotton-gin machinery. Other prominent manufactories are iron and metal worlö, woollen mills, cottonseed-oil mills, and cotton com¬ presses. It has a large trade in agricultural implements. Numerous collegiate institutions are located here. Daman, India (Daman), is a seaport with important fisheries. DamanhuT, Egypt Behera), occupies the site of the ancient Hermopolis Parva, and has cotton factories. Damascus, Tu key in Asia reap. Syria), is one of the holy cities of the Mohammedans, and is regarded by the Arabs as one of their four terrestrial paradises. Its caravan trade is but a shadow of what it was in former days. Is noted for its gold and silver embroidered stuffs, confectionery, cotton and silk fabrics, saddlery, per¬ fumes, carpets, etc. One of the most interesting features of the city is the world-renowned Ommiad mosque, which figures in Arabic literature as one of the wonders of the world; it was built early in the 5th century, but was several times destroyed and rebuilt. Among other places of interest is the citadel built early in the 13th century. GAZETTEER OF CITIES 191 The city has in all about 250 mosques and Mohammedan schools. Daxuletta, Egypt, has manufactures of cotton and siHc fabrics, and pottery. Danbury» Connecticut^ (c. h. Fairfield Co.), is the greatest hat-making city in the United States. It has also extensive manufactures of iron, brass, and silver- plated ware. Danville, Illinois (c. h. Vermilion Co.), has large rail¬ road-car and machine-shops, iron-foundries, carriage and wagon facto ies, organ and furniture factories, etc. Coal¬ mining, which is the chief industry, is carried on exten¬ sively in the vicinity. Danville, Virginia (Pittsylvania Co.), is one of the oldest cities of the South, having been incorporated in 1792. Has cotton-mill j, flour-mills, foundries, etc. It is the largest loose tobacco market in the world. It has a Baptist woman's college, a Methodist institution for young ladies, and a military institute. Danzig, Germany (Prussia), is a naval and coaling station on the Vistula, 3 miles from the Baltic. It has ship-building, sugar-refining, and distilling industries, also iron-works, rolling-mills, and machine factories. It exports sugar, grain, timber, spirits, oils, oil-cakes, etc. The most interesting part of the city is the olal is found in the vicinity. Davenport, Iowa (c. h. Scott Co.), has many indus¬ trie an.), is a cattle-shipping place and trade center. Has manufactories of cotton, iron, machinery, etc. Denver, cap. Colorado c. h. Denver Ck).), is the metropolis of (Jolorado and the Rocky Mountain region, and is the principal smelting center of the world. It lies within sight of the mountains, at an altitude of one mile above the sea, and its climate is one of the most delightful and remarkable in the country. The mean annual temperature is 49®, and the annual rainfall about 15 inches. Its jobbing trade extends over a wide area of territory and is very extensive. The University of Denver, a coeducational institution, has departments here and in a suburb. University Park. Here are also located the (Jollege of the Sacred Heart, a Baptist woman's college, and numerous other educational insti¬ tutions. Its manufacturing industries include canning and packing, iron- and steel-works, glass-works, etc. It is the emporium of the rich gold and silver mining-dis¬ tricts of the state, and also the chief center of the coal trade. Derby, England (Derby), is rich in churches, and has manufactures of silk, cotton, and lace goods, porcelain, patent shot, and paper; also extensive railway shops, orass- and iron-foundries, etc. Des Moines, cap Iowa (c. h. Polk Co.). is the largest SÜr iw the state and the center of a rich coal-mining rcj^ion. It has an extensive jobbing trade, and the principal industries, besides coal-mining, include pork- packing, the manufacture of starch, pipe, cotton and machine products, and glass goods. Here are located Des Moines College, Drake University, and a normal college. Dessau, Germany (cap. Anhalt), has a ducal palace (1748) containing valuable pictures and interesting rel¬ ics, and several art galleries. Sugar, machinery, cloth, and carpets are the chief industrial products. Desterro, Brazil (cap. Santa Catharina), lies on an island about two miles from the mainland, and is a port with exports of coffee, sugar, rice, and dairy products. Detroit, Michigan (c. h. Wayne Co.), is the largest city of the state, and has one of the finest harbors on the Great Lakes. It is the terminus of a large number of lake steamer lines and a great railroad center. Its ex¬ tensive parks and boulevards make It a city remarkable for its beauty. It has a large trade in grain, wool, hides, and copper. The staple manufactures are iron and steel goods, boilers and engines, cars and car-wheels, automobiles, stoves, tobacco, and varnish. It has im¬ portant lumbering interests and large tanneries. Its educational institutions include a Jesuit college, three medical colleges, schools of pharmacy and dentistry, a college of law, etc. Deventer, Netherlands (Overyssel), has iron-found¬ ries and carpet factories, and is famous for a kind of gingerbread cake called "Deventer koek." Devonport, England (Devon), is one of the chief naval arsenals of Cireat Britain, with a dockyard cov¬ ering over 70 acres, and other works of importance. Here are located the Royal Naval Engineering (Jollege, and barracks. Diamantina, Brazil (Minas-Geraes), is the chief cen¬ ter of the diamond fíelas. It has iron-works, tobacco factories, and cotton-mills. Dlarbekr, Turkey in Asia (Kurdistan), is the seat of a Greek bishop, and has numerous mosques. Morocco leather, filigree-work, cotton, and silk are exported. Dijon, France ((Jôte-d'Or), is the center of the upper Burgundy wine trade, but mustard, black-currant liqueurs, oil, vinegar, candles, hats, and shoes are also manufactured. It is the seat of a bishop, and possesses a university, a museum, and a library. Among its no¬ table buildings are the cathedral Ste. Benigne (1271); Notre Dame, a fine example of the 13th-14th century architecture, with a clock from Courtrai (1383); St. Michel (1529): and the city hall, formerly the palace of the dukes of Burgundy. Dordrecht, Netherlands (South Holland), is a me¬ dioeval town, with a good picture-gallery, and has oil- mills, sugar-refineries, engineering shops, and ship¬ building yards. Dorpat, Russia (Livonia), has a university and is one of the principal seats of learning in Russia, with a library, an observatory, and a botanical garden. Has consid¬ erable trade and important fairs. Dortmund, Germany (Prussia), is one of the greatest industrial centers of Westphalia, and has coal-mines, iron- and steel-works, breweries, etc. It also produces machinery, hardware, zinc, and flour. It possesses the fine old churches of St. Reinold and St. Mary, both 13th century; and a town hall of the same date, rebuilt in 1899. Douai, France (Nord), has sugar-refineries, woollen, and paper-mills, leather factories, and glass-works. Dover, England (Kent), is one of the Cinque Ports, and a strongly fortified military station. It is the chief port of departure for the continent. The national har¬ bor encloses an area of nearly 700 acres. A large part of the Castle buildings date from the Norman period, and the keep from the time of Henry II. Dover, New Hampshire (c. h. Strafford Co.), has abundant water-power, and its industries include sev¬ eral large woollen-mills and extensive print-works, also the manufacture of boots and shoes, oilcloth, hats and caps, sand-paper and glue. It has also several tanneries, brass- and iron-foundries, and machine-shops. It is the oldest city in the state, having been settled in 1623. Drammen, Norway (Buskerud), is a port and one of the oldest towns in Norway. It is a great timber empo¬ rium, and has iron-foundries, breweries, and knitting- works. Dresden, Germany (cap. Kg. Saxony), was by reason of its situation and its art treasures called by Herder, the "German Florence." The handsomest part of the city is the portion on the south bank which faces the river, namely the Brühl Terrace and the square at its west end where are clustered together the Albertinura (1884-9), which contains a valuable archaeological mu¬ seum* statues of Semper (1891), Ludw>g, Richter (1898), and the Elector Maurice of Saxony (1895); the sumptu¬ ous Art Academy (1890-4); the court (Roman Catholic) church; the royal palace (first built in 1530-5, and rebuilt 1890-1902), with its "green vaults," which con¬ tain numerous gems of artistic work in enamel, crystal, gold, ivory, bronze, silver, wax, etc.; the handsome royal opera-house (1869-78); and the vast pile known as the Zwinger, in which is preserved a choice and very valuable gallery of old masters and other collections. Dresden also possesses the Johanneum museum, the national industrial art museum, a municipal museum, fine monuments of Carl Maria von Weber (who is buried in Dresden), Goethe and Schi 1er, Luther, King John, Körner, and other celebrities, by such artists as Riet- schel, Hähnel, Schilling, and Kircheisen. Also, on the south side, but more distant from the river, arc the law- courts, synagogue. Schi.ling museum, and the large royal garden, embracing within it confines two royal palaces, an exhibition hall, and zoological and botanical gardens. On the opposite bank—i. e. the r ght bank of the Elbe—there is another frontage of handsome edifices, including the Japanese Palace (1715), which shelters the royal library; the Körner museum, so named after Theodore Körner, who was born in Dresden; and the ministries of justice, war, and finance. Dresden's fame as a center of artistic and intellectual activity is sup¬ ported by its conservatory of music and by the poly- technical high chool. It has considerable industries, including tobacco machinery, cheonicals, paper, piano, and sugar works, etc. Dubl n, cap. Ireland (cap. Dublin), is a port and coaling-station, and the metropolis of Ireland. It is one of the handsomest capitals of Europe. The splendid Phoenix Park has an area of nearly 2,000 acres, and in¬ cludes a wel.-known zoological garden. Among the in¬ stitutions of note are Trinity College, ounded in 1591, a Roman Catholic university, the Royal College of Sur- feons and the Royal University of Ireland. Leinster [cuse, once the town mansion of the Dukes of Leinster, now the home of the Royal Dublin Society, has been enlarged by the erection of a national art gallery and a museum of natural history. New buildings for a science and art museum and a national librarv were opened in 1890. Among the other public edifices may be men¬ tioned the Bank of Ireland (formerly the Houses of Par¬ liament), the custom-house, and the Four Courts. The Castle (the Lord Lieutenant's official residence) h^ no pretensions to architectural beauty. The Chapel is in¬ teresting and contains some fine carved work of Grinling Gibbons. Dublin is remarkable in possessing two Prot¬ estant cathedrals. St. Patrick's, founded in 1190, was restored in 1865, and Christ Church, dating from 1038, but not raised to cathedral rank till 1541, is a smaller but more beautiful edifice. The chief manufacture is porter, of which nearly half a million hogsheads are annually exported, "Guinness" being, of course, the most important. Next in order is whiskey, and then the textile called poplin. Dubuque, Iowa (c. h. Dubuque Co.), is the principal business center of the lead and zinc region of the North¬ west, and has a large trade by river and rail. Its packing interests, lumber-mills, brewing, carriage and wagon fac¬ tories are important. It has several collegiate and scientific institutions, the Iowa Institute of Science and Art, and various theological seminaries. Dudley. England (Worcester), has workings of iron¬ stone, coal, and fire-clay; other industries are brass- founding, brick, tile, and cement making. In the vicinity are chalybeate springs. Duisburg, Germany (Prussia), is the seat of large iron-works and cotton-factories, and has manufactures of machinery, chemicals, and tobacco, as well as ship¬ building yards and coal shipping. Duluth, Minnesota (c. h. Saint Louis Co.), is the west¬ ern terminus of the marine traffic of the Great Lakes. It leads ail other ports on the Great Lakes in point of vessel tonnage enrolled, and is one of the greatest iron ore shipping ports of the world. It has an extensive trade in gram, its elevator storage capacity ranking high; transhipment trade in lumber and coal; and a large trade in iron and steel manufactures, being an outlet of the important mineral region of northeastern Minne¬ sota. It has extensive stock-yards, slaughtering and cold storage establishments, machine-shops, blast-fur¬ naces, flouring-mills, etc. It has a state normal school. Dumbarton, Scotland (cap. Dumbarton), has Dum¬ barton Castle, a fortress at least a thousand years old. Its iron and steel ship-building yards are among the most important on the Clyde. Other industries are engine and boiler-making, rope and sail-making, etc. Dunaburg, Russia (Vitebsk), is an important strat- egetical and commercial center of northwestern Russia. Has an important trade in linen, hemp, and wood. Dundee. Scotland (Forfar), is a port and coaling- station and the third largest city of Scotland. Among its institutions are the University College, affiliated with St. Andrew's University, and the Technical Institute, The Scottish Arctic and Antarctic seal and whale fishing fleet makes Dundee its headquarters. The staple indus¬ tries are the manufacture of jute, flax, canvas sails, sacks, ropes, and sheeting. Its fruit-preserves are famous, while ship-building, dyeing, brewing, and distilling are also carried on. Dunedln, New Zealand (Otago), is a port at the head of a lake-like harbor, and has a university with schools of medicine and mines. Here are woollen factories, rail¬ way workshops, meat-refrigerating works, and various other industries. Dunkirk, France (Nord), is a fortified seaport and coaling-station. It is a fortress of the first class and all its approaches can be submerged. Its harbor, recently enlarged and improved, is now a rival of that of Bor¬ deaux. Ship-building is carried on, and it has manu¬ factories of chemical manures, flax, hemp, and jute spinning. Expxirts sugar, phosphates, manures, rails, and agricultural products. Dunkirk, New York Chatauqua Co.), has extensive locomotive works and various other factories. It has a safe and commodious harbor, and close connection with the coal and oil fields of Pennsylvania. Dunmore, Pennsylvania (Lackawanna Co.), has rich mines of anthracite coal, ana manufactures of silk and iron. A state school for the deaf and dumb is located here. Durango, Mexico (cap. Durango), has manufac¬ tures of wool, cotton, sugar, etc. A fine cathedral, and a government assay office are among its public buildings. Durban, Natal, Africa, is a seaport and naval coaling- station on a land locked bay. Its gardens are especially beautiful, revealing the horticultural wealth of the "Gar¬ den CJolony" of South Africa. Exports sugar, gold, ivory, coffee, hides, tanning materials, feathers, tea, etc. Duren, Germany (Prussia), is the seat of various large industries, including the manufacture of cloth, iron, ma¬ chinery, paper, carpets, etc. Dusseldorf, Germany (Prussia), has been since 1819 the seat of one of the most influential of the German schools of art, the academy, founded in 1767. It also possesses two picture-galleries, the meeting-hall of the Khineland provincial estates, and the town hall dating from 1570-3. It has extensive manufactories of ma¬ chinery and explosives, cotton-spinning, book-printing, calico-printing, dyeing, and locomotive and car shops. It is an important banking center. Ealing, England (Middlesex), is a suburb of London. The Royal India Asylum is near by. Eastbourne, England (Sussex), is a fortifled town and fashionable watering-place. Handsome promenades, consisting in places of two and three tiers of broad walks, extend along the sea-front for about 3 miles, with a cliff drive above on the west side. East Ham, England (Essex), is an eastern suburb of London. East Liverpool, Ohio (Columbiana Co.). has exten¬ sive china, earthenware, terra-cotta, and glass works. Its pottery works are the largest in the United States. Natural gas is used for light and fuel. East London, Cape Colony, Africa, is a seapori which ranks third in importance in the colony. Ex¬ ports wool, mohair, hides, gold, etc. Easton, Pennsylvania (c. h. Northampton Co.), is the seat of Lafayette College, founded in 1826, and has manu¬ factures of mining implements, railroad supplies, boots, shoes, hosiery, etc. East Orange, New Jersey (Essex Co.), is a residential suburb of New York, with important pharmaceutical works. East Providence, Rhode Island (Providence Co.), is a suburb of Providence. Has chemical, electrical, and wire works, bleacheries, etc. East Saint Louis, Illinois (Saint Clair Co.), Is an important railroad terminus and center. Has extensive breweries, rolling-mills, locomotive works, glass facto¬ ries, and large coaling and coking industries. Its stock¬ yards are among the largest in the United States, and it has extensive packing-houses. Eau Claire, Wisconsin (c. h. Eau Claire Co.), is the outlet of the Chippewa lumber district, and has extensive water-power. It also has manufactures of iron, linen, furniture, machinery, and shoes. Eccles, England (Lancashire), is a residential suburb of Manchester. It has cotton, thread, silk, fustian, and gingham factories. 192 GAZETTEER OF CITIES Eclja, Spyju (i-eville), has manufactures of textiles, and an extensive shoe industry. Was an ancient Roman colony, and in 1220 was taken from the Moors by Ferdi¬ nand the Saint. Edinburgh, cap. Scotland (cap. Edinbtugh, is the second city of Scotland, and stands 2 miles) from the Firth of Forth on a series of ridges. It has many build¬ ings famous in history that are important for their architectural merit. Edinburgh has long been known for its educational institutions, which draw many to the city for the advantages they otfer At the head of these is the Edinburgh University, founded in 1582; it has six branches, arts, science, divinity, law, medicine, and music; its library contains over 200,000 volumes. The most remarkable public building in Edinburgh is the castle, a mediœval royal residence, surmounting an eminence 430 ft. high. The famous royal palace of Holyrood occupies tne site of Holyrood Abbey. St. Giles' Church, aating from the 15th century, the Episco¬ pal Cathedral of St. Mary's, which is one <'f the largest churches built in Great Britain since the Reformation, the Parliament House built in 1633 and now used as the "Outer House" of the Supreme Courts, and the hand¬ some building of Heriot's Hospital, erected in the 17th century and now the seat of a technological school, are of interest. Chief among the industries of Edinburgh are brewing, printing, and type-founding; paper and ink manufacture are conducted on a large scale. Its distil¬ leries and rubber works are also of importance. It derives a certain commercial distinction from being the headquarters of six Scottish banks, as well as of the law and the church. Edmonton, Alberta, Canada is a trading center of an immense region, which is rich agriculturally, and has valuable deposits of the precious metals. The neighbor¬ hood supplies coal, brick clay, timber, marble, asphaltum, graphite, and mica. The town was originally a settle¬ ment of the Hudson Bay Company, and one of the most important fur trading depots of the Far West. It is now a rapidly growing railroad, banking and outfitting center. It is the seat ot Alberta college with 400 students. Edmonton, England (Middlesex), is a residential sub¬ urb of London. Was for some time the residence of Cowper and Keats; Charles Lamb died here in 1834. Eger, Austria (Bohemia), has extensive breweries and manufactories of textiles, shoes, and machinery. The town hall, in which Wallenstein was assassinated (Feb. 25, 1634), is partly converted into a museum. The old imperial citadel, built by Frederick I. in 1157-9, is now in ruins. Eisenach, Germany (Saxony, Grandduchy of), is a famous summer resort, and has manufactories of woollen, pottery, leather, and colors. Its most conspicuous Building is the Wartburg, formerly the residence of the ancient landgraves of Tnuringia but now occupied by the grand duke of Weimar,—the scene of the legendary contest of the early German poets or Minnesingers, and of Luther's voluntary imprisonment. Ekaterinburg, Russia (Perm), has besides two cathe¬ drals, an old mint and the central assay for the gold of the Ural mines. The machinery for most of the Ural mining work is made here. The cutting, polishing, and engraving of precious atones is a prominent industry. Ekaterinodar, Russia (cap. Kuban), has a large trade in corn and flour, a cathedral, and a museum of natural history. Ekaterlnosiat, Russia (cap. Ekaterinoslaf), is one of the greatest iron-working centers '.n Russia; tobacco and beer are also manufactured. It has four colleges, in¬ cluding the orthodox seminary. Elbérteld, Germany (Prussia), is the seat of extensive manufactures of cotton, woollens, and silk. It also has iron- and steel-works, and various other industries. Elbing, Germany_ (Prussia), has one of the largest ship-building yards in Germany. It also has iron- and tin-works. Elche, Spain (Alicante), is a famous ancient city with Roman ruins. Its products are subtropical, including figs, dates, carobs, etc. The date-palm groves are with¬ out a rival in Europe; they supply the leaves for use on Palm Sunday to all of Spain. A large hemp industry also exists here. Elgin, Illinois (Kane Co.), is famous for its watches and dairy products, and has many other industries, including two large publishing houses. The Illinois Northern Hospital for the Insane, and several important educa¬ tional institutions are located here. Elizabeth, New Jersey (c. h. Union Co.), is a resi¬ dential suburb of New York, and near it is located the largest sewing-machine manufactory in the world. It also has large steel-works, a ship-yard, and many other industries. Elizabeth was settle in 1665, and was the capital of New Jersey from 1755 to 1757. Ellzavetgrad, Russia (Cherson), is an important trade center. Lignite is extensively v orked. Elizavetp'>l, Russia (cap. Elizavetpol), is noted for its grapes and other fruits. It has a citadel and mosque built about 1620. There are numerous remains of an¬ tiquity in the vicinity. Elkhart, Indiana (Elkhart Co.), is a railroad center and shipping point for a large agricultural region. Ex¬ tensive railroad shops and manufactories of brass, car¬ riages, automobiles, and paper are located here. Elmlra, New York (c. h. Chemung Co.), has railway- car construction and repair shops, steel-plate works, boot and shoe manufactories, glass-works, rolling-mills, fire-engine construction works, tobacco warehouses, bridge works, silk-mills, etc. Ston^miarries are in the vicinity. Elmira Reformatory, which takes the place of a State prison for male offenders, who have not become hardened in crime, is located here. El Paso, Texas (c. h. El Paso Co.), is a trade center of western Texas, an important gateway to Mexico, and has ore-smelters, iron-foundries, and ex'tensive cattle in¬ terests. A school of mines and several collegiate insti¬ tutions are located here. Elwood, India a (Madison Co.), is an important trade center and manufacturing place in a natural gas belt. Its industries are chiefly lumber, flour, and tin-plate mills, and it also has window plate glass and lamp chimney factories. Enfleld, England (Middlesex), is a residential suburb of London, and has a government manufactory of rifles swords, and machine guns. Enschede, Netherlands (Overyssel), is the center of the cotton trade of the Netherlands. Erfurt, Germany (Prussia), is famous for the growing of flower seeds, flowers and vegetables. Other indus¬ tries include the manufacture of dress goods, machinery, firearms, lamps, boots, malt, woollens, cottons, and silks. Its chief ornament is the cathedral dating from the 12th to the 15th centuries. In the monastery of St. Augus¬ tine, now an asylum, is the cell once occupied by Luther. Erie, Pennsylvania (c. h. Erie Co.), is a port of entry on Lake Erie, with a safe landlocked harbor and numerous Industrial establishments. It has oil-refineries, tanneries, breweries, and extensive manufactories of iron, steel, and lumber. The Pennsylvania Soldiers' and Sailors liome is located here. Erivan, Russia (Erivan), has extensive fruit-growing and gardening interests; its peaches are famous. There are several Armenian churches and mosques. Erzerum, Turkey in Asia (Armenia), was the bul¬ wark of the Armenians in Byzantine times, and was formerly an important trading center. The most im¬ portant industries now are iron and copper working. It exports cattle, sheep, and furs. Escanaba, Michigan (c. h. Delta Co.), is an important ore-shipping point, and has an active trade in lumber, and fish. It manufactures furniture and woodenware, and has large railroad machine-shops. Essen, Germany (Prussia), stands in the middle of the Uhr coal-field region, and is the seat of some of the largest iron- and steel-works (including the cannon-foundries and other workshops of Krupp) in Germany. It has besides large factories for machinery and tobacco. The minster church is one of the oldest in the empire, and presents several architectural features of singular interest. From 1275 to 1803 there was here a Benedictine monastery, the abbess of which ranked as a princess of the empire. Esslingen, Germany (Württemberg), manufactures machinery, cottons, lithographs, tin wares, wooden- wares, etc. The town is famous for its wine and fruit. It possesses several old churches, including the Church of Our Lady (1324-1420), a 16th century town hall, and an old citadel. Eureka, Californi • (c. h. Humboldt Co.), is a port of entry and trade center on Humboldt Bay. It is the largest coast city of northern California, and has an ex¬ tensive trade in lumber and lumber products. Evanston, Illinois (Cook Co.), is a residential suburb of Chicago, and the seat of the Northwestern University founded in 1854. Here are also located the Garrett Biblical Institute, and numerous other educational institutions. Eyansvllle, Indiana (c. h. Vanderburg Co.), is the second city in Indiana, and has an important wholesale and shipping trade. Has extensive manufactures of cigars, flour, woollen and cotton goods, furniture, stoves, machinery, saddlery, and farming implements. The Southern Indiana Hospital for the Insane is located here. Everett, Massachusetts (Middlesex Co.), is a residen¬ tial suburb of Boston, and has manufactures of steel and structural iron, automobiles, boots and shoes, varnishes, etc. Everett, Washington (c. h. Snohomish Co.), is a port on Puget Sound with large manufactories of flour, paper, and lumber. It is the center of an extensive mining region producing gold, silver, lead, and copper. Exeter, England (Devonshire), is one of the chief cities of western England which still retains to a great extent its antique appearance. Considerable fartions of the ancient walls remain, but the principal object of in¬ terest is the cathedral, begun in 1112 and dedicated in 1351. The other ancient buildings are the bishop's palace (14th century), and the Hall of the College of Vicars, incorporated in 1401. The chief manufactures are paper, iron and brass, tanneries and breweries. Fairbanks, Alaska is the largest city of Al^ka and an important mining center for a i> g on vast in extent and rich in precious metals. Faizabad India (United Provinces), is an important railway center, and occupies the site of an ancient city, Ajodhya. Falkirk. Scotland (Stirling), is famous for its cattle markets. In and near the town i:re several iron-works, and coal is mined extensively in the vicinity. Brew¬ ing, distilling, tanning, brick and tile making,^and the manufacture of chemicals are among the other indus¬ tries. It was the scene of the defeat of Wallade bv Ed¬ ward I. in 1298, and of the victory of Prince Charles Edward over General Hawley in 1746. Fall Blver, Massachusetts (c. h. Bristol Co.), is a port of entry, and one of the chief cotton-manufacturing places in New England. It has large manufactories of cotton, thread, woollens, bobbins, shuttles, rubber, rope, wire, machinery, etc. "The river, to which it owes its name, rises a little to the east, and falls about 140 feet within one half mile, affording admirable water-power for the mills. Granite is quarried in the vicinity. Fargo, North Dakota (c. h. Cass Co.), is the largest city in the state, and has a considerable jobbing trade. Has large railroad car-shops, flour- and planing-mills, grain elevators, and packing industries. It has an ex¬ tensive trade in agricultural implements. The state agricultural and mechanical college, and United States land-office are located her»^. Farukhabad, India (United Provinces), has a gov¬ ernment gun-carriage factory, and a large trade. Felegyhaza, Hungary, has fruit, wine, and tobacco industries. Femle. British Columbia, Canada, is an important trade and coal-mining center with extensive collieries and coke ovens. It is an outfitting point for hunters in the East Kootenai game reserve. It has large saw¬ mills, railway-shops and other industries. Ferrara, Italy (cap. Ferrara), as the capital of the powerful famdy of Este, was from the 14th to the 17th century a large and prosperous city. Now its wide deserted streets and decaying palaces give it an air of desolation. Nevertheless it possesses a fine Lom- bardesQue cathedral (12th and 13th centuries), the castle, or old ducal palace, a good picture-gallery, a University (founded in 1391), a famous library, and the houses of the poets Ariosto and G rrini. The last named was born her-^, a was also Savonarola. Ferrol, Spain (Coruna), is a fortified seaport and the chief naval arsenal of Spain, with extensive dockyards, and also a naval school. There are manufactures of leather, naval stores, and textiles. Ferrol was twice at¬ tacked by the English; unsuccessfully in 1799, and suc¬ cessfully in 1805. It fell before the French in 1809. Fez, cap. Morocco, is a holy city, the chief commercial center of the country, and one of the capitals of the sultan. Situated on a plateau, the city is surrounded by walls. Old Fez contains mosques, bazaars, and caravanserais, while New Fez is t'^e official district, containing the palace, and the "Mellah", or Jews' quar¬ ter. The most beautiful of the one hundred and thirty mosques is that of Bu Ainan; to the largest, which is also the largest in Africa, the Kairuin, is attached the Kairuin University. The Sanctuary of Mulai Idris. the most holy place in Morocco, contains the tomb of the founder of the city. The chief industries are leather work, and the manufacture of colored tiles, carpets, and saddlery. Raw silk, paper, weapons, drugs, and spices are also produced. In the 13th century Fez was the capital of an independent kingdom; three centuries later it was conquered and annexed by Morocco. Findlay, Ohio (c. h. Hancock Co.), is in the heart of the oil- and gas-fields of Ohio, and is widely known on account of its yield of natural gas. In the vicinity are rich beds clay. It has manufactures of glass, pressed brick, furniture, wooden implements, and nails, as well as oil-refiner'es, extensive potteries, and rolling-mills. Findlay College, a coeducational institution, is located here. Flrozpur, India (Punjab), contains the chief arsenal in the Punjab. Fltchburg, Massachusetts (c. h. Worcester Co.). has manufactures of firearms, cotton and woollen goods, pianos, paper, electrical apparatus, toi ls, etc. Quarries of granite are extensively worked. A state normal school is located here. The Walker Free Library, with its art collection, is notable. Flume, Hungary, is a free city, and the chief seaport and coaling-station of Hungary. Paper, torpecfoes, tobacco, and chemicals are manufactured. There are also rice-mills and petroleum refineries. The cathedral, the naval í cademy, and the governor's residence are the principal architectural features. Flensburg, Germany (Prussia), is a seaport, and has a large trade in agricultural and forest products. It has shipyards, breweries, distilleries, iron-foundries, and various other manufacturing establishments. Flint, Michigan (c. h. Genesee Co.), has a large num¬ ber of sawmills, carriage and wagon factories, woollen- mills, bicycle works, etc. A state institution for the deaf and dumb is located here. Florence, Italy (cap. Florence), ranks as the intel¬ lectual capital of Italy, a position which it owes not only to the natural gifts of its inhabitants,but also to the memory of its greatest citizen, Dante, and to the fact of its being the seat of the national Accademia della Crusca, and the vigorous Institute for Advanced Studies, which virtually fulfils the offices of a university. Flor¬ ence contains a _great number of magnificent edifices and squares, its principal architectural feature being the Duomo, a cathearal, one of the largest churches in Italy, erected mainly between 1296 and 1436. Its interior is adorned with several fine pieces of sculpture by Michael Angelo, Ghiberti, Sansovino, Della Robbia, and others, and it possesses two fine bronze doors. The trio of bronze doors closing the little octagonal Baptistery, near the cathedral, are however still more famous. The 13th century campanile is Giotto's masterpiece. Among the other famous churches should be named Santa Croce (1294—1442), the Pantheon of Florence, adorned with frescoes by Giotto, the Gaddis, and others: Santa Maria Novella (1278—1350), with frescoes by Ghirlandajo, and Orcagna; Santa Maria del Carmii e, which contains frescoes by Filippino Lippi, Masolino, and others. San Lorenzo, originally founded at the end of the 4th century, shelters the Laurentian Libra^', which contains many very valuable classic MSS. These, and many other edifices, testify to the prominence of Florence in the world of art, a pos^ion which is still further enhanced by the glorious canvases and sculptures of the Academy of Fine Arts; by the treasures of the Uffizi Palace (1560), which holds one of themost valuable collections of painting and sculptures in the world, as well as the national library with its rare printed books; and by tie even more valuable collection of the Pitti Gallery (1440). Among the remaining treasures of the city are the castle-like Palace of the Priors (1298—1314), for ages the seat of the city's goveinment; the cloistered hall of Dei I anzi (1637), with Benvenuto Cellini's Perseus, and other mas¬ terpieces of sculpture (it was here that Savonarola was burned in 1498); the archa?oIogical museum, exhibiting notable Etruscan collections; the national museum of the middle ages and the Renaissance, sheltered in the Bargello (13th century), the ancient chief law court of the repub¬ lic; and a number of interesting palaces, including the Riccardi (1430), Strozzi (14^9-1633), Pucellai (1450), and Corsini (with a good picture-gallery). Florence is an archiépiscopal see. The straw-plaiting industry of the vicinity is declining, but the manufacture of majolica flourishes. Otherwise Florence is a place of little indus¬ trial importan e. Foggla, Italy (cap. Foggia), is a bishop's see, and has a Norman cathedral; a famous fa r takes place in May. Folkestone» England (Kent), s a seaport and a fash¬ ionable resort. The parish church is an ancient cruci¬ form structure, and tne Leas is a beautiful promenade along the cliffs. In the 18th century and the early part of the 19th century, it suffered much from encroach¬ ments by the sea. Fond du Lac, Wisconsin (c. h. Fond du Lac Co.), has railroad shops, manufactories of automobiles, gas-engines, wagons, furniture, and chemicals, and wood-working industries. A state insane asylum is located here. Steamboats ascend from Green Bay to this place, via the Fox River and Lake Winnebago. Fori!» Italy (cap. Forli), is a bishop's see, and has several imposmg palaces. Its manufactures include silk, hats, and shoes. Forst, Germany (Prussia), has extensive manufac¬ tures of woollen cloth, and tanning industries. Fort-de-France, West Indies (cap. Martinique), is a fortified seaport, and has a naval arsenal. The govern¬ or-general of the French West Indies resides here. Fort Dodge, Iowa (c. h. Webtser Co.). is an impor¬ tant grain market and has quarries of building-stone and gypsum. Coal is also mined in the vicinity. It has railroad repair-shops, and manufactories of woodenware, cereals, etc. Fort Scott, Kansas (c. h. Bourbon Co.), is on*« r' me most prosperous towns in the southeastern part cf Kan¬ sas and an important market. The mining and shipping of bituminous coal isthe leading industry. Ithaspaper- and flour-mills, brick-works, railroad-shops, etc. The Kansas Normal College is located here. Fort Smith, Arkansas (c. h. Sebastian Co.), is the second city of the state, and has cotton and cottonseed-oil industries, manufactures of bricks, furniture, etc., as well as a considerable jobbing trade. Fort Wayne, I^ diana (c. h. Allen Co.), is a railroad center in a rich agricultural region. It has large manu¬ factories of car-wheels, engines, boilers, machinery, iron and steel bars, railway-cars, locomotives, electrical machinery, automobiles, furniture, etc. Concordia Col¬ lege, founded in 1850, is maintained here under the auspices of the Ger ^ an T utheran church, and there are numerous other educational institutions. It takes its name from the fort built on a part of the present site of the city by General Anthony Wayne in 1794. Fort William, Ontario, Canada, is a port and rail¬ road center on Thunder Bay, I ake Superior, with a large transhipment trade. Its industries include large eleva¬ tors, flour mills, iron foundries. Nearby are large blast furnaces, and silver and copper mines. Fort Worth, Texas (c. h. Tarrant Co.), is the second largest city of northern Texas and the center of the cattle trade of the state. It has extensive packing¬ houses, flour-mills, foundry a- d machine works, etc. Its stockyards at the suburb. North Fort Worth, are the largest in the United States south of Kansas City, Fort Worth Universtiy, with upwards of 1,000 students, Is located here. Framingh^m, Massachusetts (Middlesex Co.), has extensive woollen goods interests, and manufactories of boots and shoes, r-'bber and straw goods, etc. A state normal school is located here. GAZETTEER OF CITIES 193 Frankfort-on-Maln, Germany CPrus?ia), is an im¬ portant financial and commercial center. Among its most noteworthj edifices and institutions are the house in which Goethe was born, with a Goethe museum at¬ tached; the Römer, a group of ancient buiUlings that serve as town hall, and contain not only the hull in which the German emperors were formerly elected, but that in which they dined in state with the electors, as described in Gothe's "Wahrheit und Dichtung"; the cathedral, founded in 850, but mostly rebuilt at subsequent periods; theSaalhof, whifch stands on the site of the palace of the Carlovingian emperors; the Academy of Social Sciences, opened in 1901, with a university character; the house in which Schopenhauer lived; the ancestral house of the Rothschilds; the old Main bridge; and the Justilia fountain (1543). The Senckenberg Foundation (1763); the Thurn and Taxis palace (1731) now used by the post- office, but down to 1866 the meeting-place of the German Imperial Diet; two conservatories of music; the com¬ mercial high school; and, in the suburb of Sachsenhausen, on the opposite bank of the Main, the Stiulel Institute (which embraces a picture gallery, art collection, and an art school) all figure prominently. FranlEÍort-on-Oder, Germany (Prussia), has manu¬ factures of machinery, iron and steel goods, chemicals, tobacco, etc. The town hall (1607-10), the church of St. Mary (13th century), and the government buildings (1900) are the most notable features. Frankfort was famous for its three fairs, and as a center of the trade with Poland From 1506 to 1811 it was the seat of a university (now at Breslauh Frederlcton, cap. New Brunswick, Canada, is the seat of the University of New Brunswick, a normal school, an infantry school, and an Anglican cathedral. Its industries include lumber mills, boat factories, etc. Frederiksberg, Denmark, is a residential suburb of Copenhagen. It has a military college housed in the old palace. Freeport, Illinois (c. h. Stephenson Co.), is an impor¬ tant trade center in a rich agricultural section, and has railroad-shops, and manufactories of hardware, wind¬ mills, pumps, organs, wagons, leather, etc. Freetown, cap. Sierra Leone, Africa, is a fortified sea¬ port and a coaling-station of the British fleet, the largest town of the colony, and a Protestant missionary station. Furah Bay College is close by. India-rubber, palm-oil, and hides are exix>rted. Freiberg, Germany (Kg. of Saxony), is the center of the Saxon mining industry, and has a famous mining academy, founded in 1765. The cathedral U484) con¬ tains the burial vaults of the electors of Saxony from 1541 to 1694. Gold, silver, bismuth, zinc, nickel, cobalt, su^huric acid, and arsenic are prorcelain are manufactured. Fukul, Japan (cap. Fukui), is noted for its paper and tinned crabs. At the time of the renascence Fukui became an important educational and ecclesiastical center. Fukuoka, Japan (cap. Fukuoka), is chiefly famous for its silk and interwoven picture fabrics. Flinchal, cap. Madeira Islands, is a seaport, coaling- station, and health resort. Although it has only an open roadstead it has a large export trade in wine, embroidery, and fruits. It is much visited in winter by convalescents from pulmonary and other diseases. Fünfktictien, Hungary, has a fine 12th century cathedral. The name is derived from five Turkish mosques, three of which are now in ruins and two in use as churches. Manufactures leather, cloth, and pottery. Furth. Germany (Bavaria), has manufactures of mir¬ rors, gold-leaf, bronzes, toys, pencils, fancy ornaments, picture-books and chromo-litnographs, gold and silver wares, chicory, machinery, etc. Qalatz, Roumania (Moldavia), is a river port, with a large export trade in wheat, corn, lumber, and cattle. It is the seat of the Danube Commission. Here in 1789 the Turks defeated the Russians, and in 1828 were in turn defeated by them. It is the seat of a Greek Orthodox, bishop. Galesburg, Illinois (c. h. Knox (Ik>.), is the seat of Knox College, founded in 1837, where took place the famous Lincoln-Douglass debate in 1858. Lombard University (Universalist) was established here in 1852. The St. Joseph Academy and the Ryder Divinity School are also located here. The city has extensive railroad shops, stock-yards, brickmaking plants, boiler- and engine-works, farm machinery works, and carriage factories. Galle, Ceylon, is a port and coaling-station. Exports tea, coffee, and plumbago. Gallipoli, Turkey (Adrianople), is the see of a bishop of the Greek church. Here, in 1294, the Venetians were defeated by the Genoese, but in 1416 won a naval battle here over the Turks. Galveston, Texas (c. h. Galveston Co.), is a port of entry and the most important shipping point on the Gulf of Mexico west of New Orleans. It has a large export and coastwise trade. Its foreign exports are principally cotton, cottonseed-oil, oil-cake and meal, cattle, wheat, and provisions. It has a large jobbing trade. Among its industries are bagging mills, rope mills, cement and pipe works, cotton-presses, rice-mills, and breweries. On September 8, 1900, Galveston was almost entirely destroyed by a tidal wave, causing the death, direct or indirect, of 6,000 to 8,000 people; the loss of property was also immense, but tne city has rallied bravely from the blow, and is rapidly increasing in commercial importance. It claims to be the first port in the United States for cotton and grain shipping. Its sea-wall, made of crushed granite sand and cement, is 34 miles long, 17 ft. high, 16 ft. wide at its base, and 5 ft. wide at the top, curving from the top to the base. A walk 13 ft. wiile and a driveway 38 ft. wide are on the filled-in lands inside this wall. The school of medi¬ cine of the State University, a Roman Catholic univer¬ sity, and numerous other educational institutions are located here, tîalveston was the first city in the U. S. to inaugurate the commission form of government, Gardaia, Algeria, has a caravan trade in oil. dates, ostrich feathers, and pottery. Gardner, Massachusetts (Worcester (3o.), is the trade center of an agricultural region, and has a large chair- manufacturing industry, in which almost every known kind of chair is made. It also has manufactures of machinery, toys, etc. Gary, Indiana (Lake Co.), is an industrial suburb of Chicago, with a good harbor and the largest steel-mills in the world. Gateshead, England (Durham), mantifacturea loco¬ motives, anchors, chain-cables, etc. It also has large chemical and glass works. Excellent grindstone is quar¬ ried, and coal is mined. Among its notable ancient buildings are the Church of St. Mary, originally erected in the 12th century, but almost entirely rebuilt in 1854, and Trinity Chapel, which is supposed to occupy the site of an ancient monastery. Gaya, India (Bengal), is annually visited by many pilgrims. Six miles to the south is Buddha Gaya, the site of a temple dating from B. C. 543, and of a bo-tree sprung from that under which Buddha attained Nirvana. GeSe, Sweden (cap. Gefleborg), is a port on the Gulf of Bothnia, with a large export in bar iron, timber, tar, and cellulose. It has ship-building yards, and manu¬ factories of machinery, cotton, tobacco, and sail-cloth. Gelsenklrchen, Germany (Westphalia), has large coat-mines and iron-works. Geneva, New York (Ontario Co.), is the seat of Hobart College (1822) and its co-ordinate institution, the William Smith Hall for Women. The Delancey Divinity School is located here, also a state agricultural experiment station. It has extensive manufactories of cereals, stoves, steam-boilers, canned goods, etc. There are large nurseries and green-houses in the vicinity. Geneva, Switzerland (cap. Geneva), is an important educational center, and also an industrial city renowned for its clock, watch, music box, scientific instrument, and jewelry manufactures. Diamond-cutting and enamel¬ ing are also carried on. It affords fine views of Lake Geneva, and of the Alps, and of Mt. Blanc in particular. Its cathedral is Byzantine in character, and is said to have been built in 1124. Other places of interest are Calvin's house; the 16th century city hall; the botanic gardens and university, opposite the interesting Corra- terie, formerly one of the ramparts of the city; several museums, including the Musée Rath; and the He Jean Jacques llousseau. The historical fame of the city rests chiefly on the severe rule of John Calvin (1541-64), the reformer. In 1798 the republican army marched in and annexed it to France; but in 1815 the city joined the Swiss confederacy. Genoa, Italy (cap. Genoa), is a fortified port and coaling-station and an archiépiscopal city. It is the principal commercial port of Italy and one of its busiest industrial centers. Tlie chief branches of activity are ship-building, iron-founding, iron-works, sugar-refining, tanning, cement-making, the manufacture of cotton, macaroni, ornaments for personal wear, preserved fruits, etc. Of the palaces the moat famous are the former palace of the doges, now the meeting-place of the senate; and the Doria, nreaentewer is utilized by a number of manufactories, making flour, lumber, lime, cement, paper, etc. There are quarries of stone, limestone, and black marble. The island below the falls is the scene of some well-known incidents in Cooper's "Last of the Mohicans. " Gloucester, England (Gloucester), is a port on the Severn River, connected with the Bristol Channel by a canal. It contains a famous cathedral, built around a Norman core, with a stately tower, vast eastern window, and the canopied tomb of the murdered Edward II. Other public buildings are St. Mary le Crypt, the bishop's palace, shirehall and guildhall; the first prison built on Howard's plan; the public library and technical schools. Gloucester, Massachusetts (Essex Co.), is a port of entry with an extensive fishing trade. It is one of the most important fishing ports and fish-markets in the world; cod, haddock, halibut, herring, and mackerel are the principal catches. It also has large manufac¬ tories of machinery, oil, fish-glue, shoes, twine, etc. It is a great resort of artists, attracted partly by the picturesqueness of the town itself and partly by the fine scenery of Cape Ann. Gloversville, New York (Fulton Co.), is the greatest glove-manufacturing center in the United States and one of the larg<»t in the world. It also has manufac¬ tories of gauntlets, mittens, leather goods, etc. Goldâeld, Nevada (Esmeralda Co.), is the renter of a comparatively new and very productive gold-mining section. It has a large distributing trade, e3peci..íly in lumber and mining machinery. Gomel, Russia (Mohilef), has sugar-refineries and some ship-building. Goualves, Haiti, is a port on the Gulf of Gonaives, with exiKirts of cotton, coffee, and mahogany. Gorakhpur, India (United Provinces), contains a fine 17th century mosque, and carries on a river trade in grain and timber. Görlitz, Germany (Prussia), manufactures cloth, mixed woollen goods, machinery, glass, bricks, and other commodities. Tne town possesses some fine Gothic churches (especially St. Peter and St. Paul, built in 1423-97, one of the noblest churches in Eastern (iermany), and a 14th century town hall. Boehme, the mystic, lived and died in Görlitz. Gotha, (iermany (Saxe-Coburg-Gotha), is one of the busiest industrial towns in Thuringia, and produces sausages, toys, shoes, rubber tubes, sugar, etc. Here, too, is the geographical institute of Justus Perthes. The famous Almanach de ^ Gotha, and Petermann's Mitteilungen are published in the town. "The domi¬ nant feature is the ducal castle of Friedenstein (1643), crowning a hill south of the old town. Here also are the former ducal palace and the castle of Friedrichsthal. Gottenborg, Sweden (cap. Gottenborg och Bohus), is a port and the second largest city of Sweden, remark¬ able for its beautiful parks and pleasure-grounds. It is the seat of a bishop and has a cathedral built in 1815; a museum, founded in 1833, is housed in the old East India. Company's buildings. There is also a famous 194 GAZETTEER OF CITIES free technical school, itie city has ship-building and machinery factories, sugar-rehneries, breweries, tan¬ neries, weaving and spinning factories, etc. Owing to its excellent harbor, which is almost always free from ice, it has a large trade. The principal exports are iron, timber, wood-pulp, corn, butter, and fish. Ootlenborg was founded by Oustavus Adolphus in 1619. Oottlngen, Germany (Prussia), is the seat of a fa¬ mous university founded in 1737. Göttingen manufac¬ tures sausages and other eatables, mathematical and scientific instruments, cloth, chemicals, sugar, and beer. In 1626 the town was taken by Tilly. Göttingen is famous for its Academy of Sciences, founded by Kaller in 1751. Govan, Scotland (Lanark), has ship-building yards which are among the largest on the Clyde. It has also engineering-, railway locomotive-, and iron-works. Granada, Nicaragua (cap. Granada), is the seat of a considerable trade in dyewoods, indigo, hides, cacao, and has manufactories of gold wire chains. Granada, Spain (cap. Granada), is an ancient Moor¬ ish citv, the seat of the last Moslem kings, and was con¬ quered by Ferdinand and Isabella in 1492. It possesses the famous palace of the Alhambra, and other pictur¬ esque structures of Moorish character. It is the seat of an archbishop, and has a university and a richly decorated Renaissance cathedral (1529), containing the tombs of Ferdinand and Isabella, and of Philip 1., and his consort Juana. In the church of San Gerónimo is the cenotaph of Gonsalvo de Cordova. Liqueurs, textiles, paper, and soap are manufactured. Grand Forks, North Dakota (c. h. Grand Forks Co.), is an important railroad center and the second city of the state. It has large lumber-mills, fiour-mills, steam- boiler works, and a large trade in live-stock, grain, and agricultural produce. It is the seat of the State Uni¬ versity of N^orth Dakota and other educational insti¬ tutions. Grand Junction, Colorado (c. h. Mesa Co.), is the largest city of western Colorado, and an important rail¬ road and trade center in the famotia fruit producing valley of the Grand River. It has brass- and iron- foundries, planing-mills, etc. Grand Baplds, Michigan (c. h. Kent Co.), is a port of entry, the second city of the state, and the third city in the United States in the manufacture of furniture. The Grand River has here a fall of 18 feet, supplying excellent water-power. In addition to furniture, there are extensive manufactures of other lumber products, flour, plaster, carriages, wagons, bicycles, brass goods, automobiles, and agricultural implements. The gypsum quarries here have the largest output in the world. There are numerous educational institutions and a state soldiers' home. Gratz, Austria (cap. Styria), is an episcopal see and the favorite place of residence for retired Austrian officials. It is the seat of a university founded in 1586, which has some 1,500 students, and of a polytechnic school. Its manufactures are machinery, steel and iron wares, soap, chemicals, pottery, confectionery, beer, etc. In addition there are large railway-car works. The central feature is the Castle Hill, which was fortified until 1809. There is also a 15th century cathedral, Graudenz, Germany (Prussia), manufactures machi¬ nery, cigars, tapestry, flour, etc. About one mile north is the fortress, constructed by Frederick the Great in 1772-6, famous for its defence by the Prussians against the French in 1807, but