3 HAMBLETON, Pres. A. TOLMIE, Superintendent. C. H. LEAS, Sec'y and Treas. roller HAMILTON MILLING CO., Proprietors 'FdEcy [tl0 Gcid" NORTHWESTERN UNIVERSITY LIBRARY CHIEF Sat DOC BUN BRACl ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ubber Scroll EVANSTON ILLINOIS lir, Corn Meal ^DS. on receipt ER ST., hone lOih 'ump D2^ES, ííííífltg îoxes, Sawing. BVLClsets, CAN oií.-íiL.'rES, THE PRACTICAL WASHIR, Also All Kinds of Interior and Outside Finish, ^v£a,aa.-u.fe,ctia.re ► ► ► ► ► ► ¥ > h NARRLEY & WALSMITH, Established HS Years. AH kiiids Frosh Meats. Main St. Bet. 6tli i 7tli. Order* dtiiwred to any part of the City. J. KARLE. C. SCHULZ. * * ► ► * > > > * y y y ' ► ► ► ► y y y y y y I y ^Am. e€ Manufacturers and Dealers in FURNITURE, ► ► )► Show Cases, Folding Beds, Feathers, Picture Frames and Mouldings, 518 Main St. KEOKUK. IOWA. WILLIAM FULTON, ftfti Insurance^ Real Estate Agent. PROPERTY SOLD, RENTS COLLECTED, Taxes Paid, Deeds, Leases and Mort¬ gages Drawn and Loans Negotiated. No. 306 MAIN ST. SEC. P. ANTHES. Prop. CHAS. B ANTHES. Manager. H. E. ÇOOK. t p,.,.. CHAS. BUTLER,! ^etei Formerly Central Hotel, FT. MADISON, IOWA. 6 1^: i] < s. p. POND. President. WM. A. BROWNELL, Vice President. ED. F. BROWNELL, Cashier. KEOKUK NATIONAL BANK AMÈhQvlzeû Capital, $300,000» 31 s Street. IOT7;7-.A., liirî.EC'rorî.s. s. p. POND, J. 0. YOORHIES, ED. F. BROWNELL, W. A. PATTERSON, C. GARDER, LEE A. KAMILL, GEO. D. RAND, S. E. CAREY. WM. A. BROWNELL, Copifnefdal Bapk, 306 Maîtt etd, KEOKOT» Interest allowed on Time Deposits. General European Stearhship Agency. Oollectione axiaoLe at tlie Lowest 3Sates. c. F. DAVIS. President. EDWARD JOHNSTONE. Cashier. STEPHEN IRWIN, Vice-President. A. J. MATHIAS. Asst. Cashier. KeoM Savings Bank, Cor. Main and 5th Sts, KEOKUK. PaM-ttp Capital, $eoo,ooo. Suffpttts, - . $ 35,000, Interest allowed on time deposits. Particular atten- ; tion paid to Collections. Government, State and County Securities bought and sold. F"oreign exchange in sums to suit. aDir?,r:cTons. A. L. CONNABLE. STEPHEN-IRWIN. B. T. TABER. C. F. DAVIS. EDWARD JOHNSTONE. 7 -WM. LOGAN. President. J W. SUMMERS. Vice-President A. BRIDGËMAN, Jr.. Cashier. State Bapk of fCeokuk Successors to State National Bank, Keokuk, Iowa. CAPITAL, $200,000. SXEaECXO H s ; WM. LOGAN. A. B. CHITTENDEN. D. J. AYRES. J. W. SUMMERS. Keotuk Gas Liglit & Coke Co. Sells Gas Cheap FOR SUMMER FÜEL. Crushed Coke for Base Burners, and Round Oak Stoves at a LOW PRICE. /^rcl7ÍtectUráií ^l^eet M etal W orl^. HOW ë 4. ASBESTINE'î-STONE'î^WORKS! E. H, WickersMm,|i|f~|^^ Proprietor. STONE WORKS KEOKUK. 2ivi:.A.2:T"CrP'^C'X'"Criî,SIÎ, OI" Artificial Stope, AND DEALER IN Sewer Pipe, Drain Tile, Portland and Louisvillë Cement, Lime, Plaster, Hair, etc. 508, 510 and 512 Blondeau Street. Carson & Band Lumber Go. AND MANUFACTURERS OF Sash, Doofs, Blipds, MOULDINGS, BOXES, ETC. Wholesale Dealers in Window Glass and Building Paper. Commercial St., Cor. F, Lumber District, KEGKÜK, IOWA. 9 i:j [: :i Our New Policy :i ["i OF SELLING FURNITURE CONTINUES. *\ :< *i :< The prices, at one hall our former margin, have increased our business ^4 threefold. S Our experiment has given us faith that the decrease in price will be more ►< >4 than counterbalanced by the increase in fales. ^4 An new goods which we have placed in our show rooms this month are ^4 marked on the same low basis. ^4 In doing this we know we are offering first-class Furniture cheaper than it has ever been sold before. *i ► ^ The high reputation of our goods will be strictly maintained. I* Oaae I'rice to ^11 ! I* ► rj Duncan^Schell Furniture Co., Nos. 605 and 607 Main Street. a. e. Plato a foUlKes, aû Oroameiital Grainer and Paper Hanger. ->^Ad(I Dealer in Wall Papers anii DecoratioDS.4^ .Ajrtistic DecoratirLg" a Specialt3r. 801 MAIN STREET, KEOKUK. LeSl^ON. :i ■©iamond^, Watcl^e^, cJeWelry, fî 4 WM. REES & CO., Printers, í 21 and 23 South Fifth Street. I* 10 A. WEBER & CO. WHOLESALK HARDWARE ^ CUTLERY, Iron and Woodwork, MECHANIC'S TOOLS, Btillders' BüßplieSj Nails, Barbed Wire, Tin S=la,te, Slxeet Iron, etc. Agents for Howe Scales and Giidden Barbed Wire. S. E. Cor. Main and 6th Sis., KEOKUK IOWA. CARTER & MOODY, Hats, Caps, -î- Gloves, Fürs, straw goods, etc. 221 Main Street. KEOKUK, IOWA. NIcDEPIVIOTT & SOaS, . oomii. Scranton and Lehigh Hard Coal. Springfield Junction Soft Coal. Cannell Coal for Grates. Blossburg Coal for Smithing. Teleplrone 131. Xjevee, ITortlx Sid.e of I.^a,in St. 11 » w w w^^'fi^^ww'www^w I WRAPPING PAPERS 'ê Ice Cream and Oyster Palls. M@ñ Wrafipiiif ^«ft^r® WM« R£ES ^ S®. STEAM PRINTERS, Manufacturers of FINE PRINTED :Plain and Printed.^ IO*W.A. ^Cä-EiTl-a Hopking Roll Paper Holder and Cutter, The Best in the World. WM- l^£Eâ é ®0- 21 a..d 23 s. piflh St.. KEOKUK. IOWA. 12 m Manu'acturer and Dealer in BRASS. COPPER AND ZINC GOODS, Patentee and Manufacturer of Self-YentilatingandKeg Engine Repairing, testing Steam Gauges, &c Y6ntÍIatÍD¿ FaUCfitS. Br^ss, Copper and Zinc Castings made to order, unfinished for locomotives and Machine Shops. Speclail .i^tterLCloxa. Co Sxe^^ers' ^^oxlc. Models, Fumps awl Steam Fitting. t'OVSDRY, Main St. bet. 14th and 15th SHOP, Cor, fíth and Johnson. W. S. SAMPLE. H. W. SAMPLE. W. s; SAMPLE «fe SON, Real Estate and Loan Brokers, 24 NORTH FIFTH STREET. WM. REIMBOLD, 12 South 3d Street, Cigar Manufacturer, Manufactures the Celebrated Brands R. E. and First Rose. HENRY HIERSTEIN, Dealer in all Kinde of STOVES AND TINWARE, Sole Agents in Keokuk for the ^enlrLSTJLla^r StOTre TXToxilsis. Manufacturers of the Celebrated Peninsular Base Burner. The very best Tinware made in the City. All Kinds of Job Timvork Carefully Executed. 712è Main St., bet. 7th and 8th. Keokuk. -~13 Established 15 Years. Established 15 Years. HARRISON TUCKER, -^Real Estate and Insurance Agent Rooms 1,2 and 3,24 N. 5th St., KEOKUK, IOWA. N. B.—Special attention given to the care of property. Taxes paid and collections made in all parts of the United States. JACOB F. FOELKER, Veterinary Surgeon, Graduate of American Veterinary College, New York. Office at A. J. Hardin's Livery Stable, 18-20-22 N. 3d St. KEOKUK, IOWA. C. SCHAEFER, dbalbb ly i i 9 ^ ^^^9 Hardware, 1111 and 1113 Main St., bet. 11th and 12th. -Ä-lso Cord. T:^ood. a. Specia,lt37-. KEOKUK, IOWA. ^5 T. MONTAGUE. W- G WEYANO. MOMTAOTl A WEYAIfH, RBTAII' dealers in Groceries, Provisions HEADQUARTERS FOR FINE COFFEES AND TEAS. Also Everything New as fast as it appears in the Market ! The Best of California Canned Goods a Specialty! 0"Z'3TEIÄ3 IliT TUB SB.A.SOaiT. 1128 HIGH STREET. Manufacturers of SASH, DOORS, MOULDlNGS,ETC, Window and Door Screens a Specialty. Plaster Paris, Bull ding Paper Sewer ï=ipe. Fire Briefe» ete® 426''428 Johnson St Jlth St , bet. Main and Johnson, Keokuk. WM. RRES & QO.'B KEOKUK I fireíííiri, 1890-91. A COMPLETE INDEX TO THE RESIDENTS, STREET DIRECTORY, STREET DE¬ SCRIPTION, AND A CLASSIFIED BUSINESS DIRECTORY. -ALSO- AN APPENDIX OF USEFUL INFORMATION OF THE CHURCHES, SOCIETIES, BANKS, CITY, COUNTY, AND OTHER MISCELLANEOUS MATTER. KEOKUK, IOWA; WM. REES & CO., 1890. ni.ni / VT-J/-?/ ASK THE PEOPLE! THEY WILL SAY THE GATE CITY -IS tHE- LEADING PAPER OF KEOKUK. WHY? B«ea«8e Ü lias tibe ablest writers, Because it grives all the news, Because it has the largest circulatiim, Because it is the best advertisiugr medium, Becausè it is read by all classes of people. SUBSCRIPTION PRICE : DAILY^lS cents per week, delivered in Keokuk. " S7.00 per year by mail, postage prepaid. WEEKLY—Sl.OO per year, postage prepaid. ABTEBTIS1N« BATES FIJRMlSHED OK APPLICATION. « HOWELL & CLARK, Publishers. Office, 18 and 20 North Sixth Street. + + + -I- + H- + + + + + + + + + + BEST FACILITIES! ' À i—i i BEST WORKMEN V i LOWEST PRICES I ' i '"i í i FOR ALL KINOS OF AT THE GATE * CITY • JOB • ROOMS Before placing your Printing, get our Prices, and examine the superior quality of our work. 18 AND 20 NORTH SIXTH STREET. +_ + -|--|~-f-4' + + 'l~ + + + + + + -|~ SALUTATORY. In presenting this directory, we do so, feeling that it is as near complete, reliable and correct as a work of this character can well be, and that our patrons, using it as a reference, will appreciate our efforts. We have found our city prosperous and growing, the industries which add so much to our prosperity, have been largely increased in the last three years,—Huiskamps' Shoe Factory, the Keokuk Union Stock Yards, Hubinger's Starch Works, the U. S. Dry Docks, the Tri- State Can Works and the new rapid transit Electric Street Railway, being but a few of the many additions to Keokuk's great enterprises. Thé fact that there are 7145 names in the directory, an increase of 1051, since our last issue, shows an addition of nearly one-sixth to the population since 1887, and is the best evidence that the city is having a good healthy growth. Thanking our patrons and those who have given us valuable information, we remain. Yours, THE PUBLISHERS. INDICES GENERAL INDEX. Abbreviations 31 Appendix 359 Board of Education 364 Board of Health 360 Business Directory 313 Cemeteries 363 Churches 368 City Boundaries 362 City Government 359 Commercial Colleges 366 Council Room and City Offices.... 359 County Government 371 County Officials 371 Courts 372 Druid Societies 382 Educational 364 Fire Department 361 Fire Limits 363 General Directory of names 31 Hospitals 364 Incorporated Companies 373 Independent Order Odd Fellows... 380 Knights of Honor 383 Map of Keokuk Opposite Title page. Masonic Societies 378 Medical Colleges 366 Park Commissioners 360 Parks and Squares 370 Police Department 360 Post Office Department 370 Public Halls and Buildings 368 Public Schools and Teachers 364 Secret Societies 378 Secular Schools 366 Street Directory 267 Superior Court 360 Temperance Societies 383 Township Officers 371 United States Officers in Keokuk.. 371 Ward Boundaries 362 Index to Street Directory. A.... Ash. B.... 267 267 Bank 268 Blondeau 270 Bluff. 272 C 272 Carroll 272 Cedar 273 Concert 273 D 275 DesMoines 275 E 276 Eighth—North 277 Eighth—South 277 Eighteenth—South 277 Eleventh—North 277 Eleventh—South 277 Estes 277 Exchange 278 F 280 Fifth—Norih 280 Fifth—South 281 Fifteenth—Nor^ 282 Fifteenth—South 282 First—North 282 First—South....'. 282 Fourth—North 283 Fourth—South 284 Fourteenth—North, 285 Fourteenth—South 285 Franklin 285 Fulton 286 Grand Ave 288 High 288 Johnson 290 Leighton 292 Main 292 Morgan 297 Missouri Ave 299 Ninth—North 299 Ninth—South 300' Oak 300 Orleans 300 Park 301 Park Place 302 Palean 302 Reid 303 Ridge 304 Second—North 304 Second—South 304 Seventh—North 305 Seventh—South 305 Seventtenth—North 306 20 INDICES, Seventeenth—South 306 Sixth—North 306 Sixth—South 306 Sixteenth—North 307 Sixttenth—South 307 Tenth—North— 307 Tenth—South 307 Third—North 308 Third—South 308 Thirteenth—North 309 Thirteenth—South 309 Timea 309 Twelfth—North 311 Twelfth—South 311 Water—North 311 Water—South 312 Williams 312 Index to Business Headings. Abstracts of Titles 313 Accountants 313 Agricultural Implements 313 Agricultural Works 314 Architects 314 Artists 314 Attorneys—See Lawyers Artesian Well Contractors 314 Auction and Commission 314 Bag Manufacturers 314 Bakers 314 Bands 315 Banks 315 Barbed Wire Manufacturers 315 Barbers 315 Bath Houses 315 Bed Springs 31d Beer Agents 316 Bill Posters 616 Billiard Parlors 316 Blacksmiths 316 Boarding Houses 316 Boat Houses 316 Uoiler Makers 316 Bonnet Bleachers 317 Book Binders and Blank Book Manufacturers 317 Books and Stationery 317 Boots and Sooes 317 Bottling Works 317 Box Manufacturers 318 Brass Founderies 318 Breweries " 318 Brick Makers 318 Brick Press Manufacturers 318 Bridge Builders 318 Brokers—Merchandise 318 Broom Manufacturers 318 Building Material 318 Butter and Eggs 319 Cabinet Makers 319 Candy Manufacturers 319 Can Manufacturers 319 Canning Factories 319 Carpenters and Builders 319 Carpet Dealers 320 Carpet Weavers 319 Carriage and Wagon Manfrs 319 Carriage and Wagon Material 320 Chimney Sweepers 320 Cigar Box Manufacturers 320 Cigars and Tobacco 32(i Civil Engineers 320 Claim Agents 321 Clothing 321 Coal Dealers 321 Coke Dealers 321 Cold Storage House 321 Collar Makers 321 Coffee Pots 322 Collection Agencies 322 Commission 322 Confectioners 322 Contractors. 322 Coopers 322 Copper Smiths 322 Cracker Manufacturers 322 Crockery and Queensware 323 Cutlery Works 323 Dairies 323 Decorators 323 Dentists 323 Dental Supplies 323 Doors, Sash etc 323 Drain Tile 324 Draymen 324 Dressmakers 324 Druggists 224 Dye Houses 325 Dry Goods and Notions 325 Egg Packers 325 Electric Light Co 326 Engravers 325 Excursion and Moving Cars 326 Express Companies 326 Fancy Goods 326 Fast Freight 326 Feathers 326 Fence Manufacturers 326 Florists 327 I INDICES. 21 Telegraph and Telephone Go's 354 Flour and Feed 327 Flour Mills 327 Foundries 327 Fruits 327 Furniture 328 Furs 328 Galvanized Iron Works 328 Gas Light Companies 328 'Gas and Steam Fittine 328 Gents' Furnishing Goods 328 Grocers—Retail 328 Grocers—Wholesale 330 Gunsmiths 330 Hardware and Cutlery 330 Harness Manufacturers 330 Hats, Caps, etc 331 Hair Goods 430 Hay Gatherers 331 Hides, Furs, etc 331 Horseshoers 331 Horse and Mule Buyers 331 Hosiery—Manufacturers 332 álotels 331 House Raising and Moving 332 Ice Cream Parlors 332 Ice Dealers 332 lee Cream Peddlers 332 Insurance Agents 232 Insurance Companies—Accident.. 335 Insurance Companies—Fire 333 Insurance Go's—Guaranty Bonds. 336 Insurance Companies—Life 336 Insurance Companies- Plate Glass 336 Insurance Go's.—Steam Boilers... 336 Iron Merchants 337 Jewelry 337 Junk Dealers 337 Justices of the Peace 337 Laundries 337 Lawyers 337 Liquors 339 Livery and Boarding Stables 339 Loans 339 Lunch Counter 339 Lumber 339 Machine Shops 339 Mantles 340 Manufacturing Chemists 340 Marble Worki 340 Mattress Manufacturers 340 Meat Markets 340 Mercantile Agencies 340 Mid wives 340 Millinery 311 Mineral Waters 342 Music Teachers 342 Newspaper and Periodical Depots 342 Newspapers and Publishers 342 Notaries 342 Notions 343 Nurseries 344 Nurses 344 Oils 344 Oil Peddlers 344 Omnibus and Hack Lines 344 Painting and Paper Hanging 345 Paints and Oils 345 Proprietary Medicines 345 Patents—Solicitors of 345 Pension Agents 345 Photographers 345 Physicians 346 Pianos and Organs 346 Piano Tuners 347 Pickle Makers 347 Picture Frames 347 Pine Wood 347 Planing Mills 347 Plastering and Kalsomining 347 Plumbers 347 Pork Packers 348 Poultry Dealers 348 Portrait Painters—See Artists Powder 348 Printers 348 Provisions 348 Pump Manufacturers 348 Queensware 349 Railroads 349 Rakes and Stackers 349 Real Estate 349 Refrigerators 350 Restaurants 350 Roofers 350 Rubber Stamps 3.50 Saddlery and Leather 350 Saloons 350 Saw Mills 351 Seeds 352 Second Hand Stores 352 Sewing Machines 352 Show Cases... 352 Sheet Iron Works 352 Soap Manufacturers 352 Soda Water Manufacturers 352 Sporting Goods 352 Stair Builders 352 Stair Building and Turning Fac¬ tory 352 Starch Factory 352 Steamboat Lines 253 Steamship Agents 353 Stone Works 353 Stove Manufacturers 353 Stoves and Tinware 351 Surgical Instruments - 351 Tailors 353 Teas, Coffees and Spices 354 Wall Papers 356 22 INDICES. Ticket Brokers 354 Tinsmiths 355 Tin can Manufacturers^ 354 Transfer Lines 355 Trunks 355 Type Writing Supplies 355 Toy Manufacturers 355 Upholsterers 355 Undertakers \ 355 Variety Stores 356 Veterinary Surgeons 356 Vinegar Manufacturers 356 Wagons and Buggies 356 Washing Machines 356- Watchmakers and Jewelers 357 Water Works 357 Wind Engines 357 Window Glass 357 Window Shades 357 Wire Screens • 357 Wood 357 Wood Engravers 358 Wood Turning 358 Wrapping Paper 358 Yeast 358 Index to Advertisers. Asbestine Stone Works 8 Ayres Bros bottom lines. Becker, C. L 313 Brinkman & Co 325 Burlington, Cedar Rapids & North- tern Railway 395 Carson & Rand Lumber Co 8 Carter & Moody 10 Clark Bros bottom lines. Clark-Johnson Co., outside front cover Commercial Bank 6 Crotty, J. T 341 Baugherty, J. F. & Co 4 Dimond Jo Line Steamers 394 Duncan Schell Furniture Co 9 Enterprise 3 Feeley, Wm 94 Foelker, Jacob F 13 Foulkts, A. E 9 Fulton, William 5 Hambden Buel Insurance Agency top lines Hambleton .Vlilling Co., inside front cover Henderson, J. G. & Co., inside front cover "-Hesbacher, ^|^rtin 351 Hierstein, Henry 12 Hilton & Son 344 Horn & Co 7 Hotel Anthes 5 Howell & Son 338 Jones, Ed. II.. outside front cover Karle & Schulz 5 Kellogg Bros bottom lines Keokulc Gas Co 7-146 Keokuk National Bank 6 Keokuk Planing . Mill Co 14^ Keokuk Savings Bank 6 Keokuk & Western R. R. Co., 397 and side lines LeBron. Frank 9 Lowitz, Sam'l 160, 354 Mackey, T. D top lines Maxwell & Moorhead 346- McGrath Bros top lines McLeod, N. A. A R. A 314 McNamara, James 14 McQuade, James 327 Montague & Weyand 13 M-cDermott & Son 10' Narrley & Walsmith 5 Nunn, M. L 190 Perkins. W. J 196 Pflug, Ed 198 Price Bros top lines Red Shoe House bottom lines Rees, Wm. & Co.. 9, II, 358, 292, 393 395 and side lines Renwald. Jacob bottom lines Reimbold, Wm 12 Ribyn, Math 12. Sample, W. S. & Son 12 Schaefer, C 13 Schmidt, Henry & Son 14 Smith, Chas J 227 State Bank 7 Strickler, Henry, bottom lines Teller, Ralph R 240 Tucker, Harrison 13 AVarsaw Pilot side lines AA eber, A. & Co lO' Wilkinson & Co bottom lines Worley. S. T. & Son side lines mmis DIREgTORY. Additions, Alterations and Corrections. Too Late For Regular Insertion. Anthony, C. M., 11 south 4th. Central Savings Bank, J. C. Weaver, Cashier, 718 Main. Collier, Alex., (Collier, Robertson & Hambleton,) 108 High. Fegan, Thomas, 415 Franklin. Heckler Bros., (Louis A. and Fred,) butchers 722 Main. Horine, Edward M., president and general manager Keo¬ kuk Union Stock yards, r. 317 north 2d. King, R. B. & Son, Dry Goods, 604 Main. Law, Geo., Pianos and Organs, 803 Main. Murphy, Dennis, Pastor Chatham Square M. E. Church,. r. 619 Morgan. Strickler, J. M., Clothing 517 Main, r. 709 Grand Ave. McGRATH BROS. TOILET GOODS and 5th and 3Iain Sts. Perfumery WM. REES & CO. S KEOKUK CITY DIRECTORY, for 1890-91. abbreviations used in this book. Add addition agit agent ab above ass't assistant att'y attorney ave avenue bds boards bet between bld'g building elk clerk Co company CO county cor ....corner dept department drs doors E. or e east eng'r engineer exp express es east side ft foot h house hd i.head june .junction lab laborer mdse merchandise mnfg... .manufacturing mnfr manufacturer mnf'y manufactory mngr manager N or n north ne northeast nr near ns north side nw north west opp opposite opr operator P. O post office près president prin principal propr proprietor pub publishers r lesidence rd road Rev Reverend R. R railroad R'y railway se southeast sw southwest S or s south sec secretary ss southside st street supt superintendent trav traveling treas treasurer W or w west ws west side wid widow whol wholesale wks works CO I u » c Í (D CO Abbott, Emma, r. 22 N. Water. Abbott, Frank, laborer, r. 22 N. Water. Aberson, Miss Mary F., r. 117 S. 5th. Acheson, John H., telegraph operator C. R. I. & P. R'y Co., r. near 22 Grand ave. Ackerman, Mrs. Margaretta, r. 1003 Concert. Ackley, Georgie W., clerk gov't ofifice, r. 724 Palean. Ackley, Homer, trimmer Coey & Co., r. 1826 Park. Ackley, Isaac S., (Hawkes & Ackley,) r. 817^ Main. Ackley, Nellie E., r. nw. corner 8th and Ridge. The finest designs and best quality of QhAfi lÏAIIQfi lien's Congress and Ltiee Shoes at. livu ouuli ill/uüc £S Cid ^ - DDIPC DDÍIQ PAINTING and PAPER, HANGING, rnlUL UnUu. Cor, 6th and Ma¡n Sts. .2 36 REES' KEOKUK CITY DIRECTORY. è|) MJ SM Neis, lab. C. R. I. & P. round house, r. Rees'^ CQ ^ addition. rs O Anderson, Osburn, A., brick layer, r. 1416 Franklin. § Ö Anderson, Rosa E., r. 1707 Missouri avenue. n Anderson, Rev. Eurik, pastor Swedish Luth, church, r. •r t-î 720 N. 12th St. 3 Anderson, Miss Sarah B., music teacher, 316 S. 6th. ^ cö Anderson, Samuel W., r. 130 S. 9th. 2 Anderson, Walter C., lawyer Craig", McCrary & Craig, .2 IN r. 19 N. 5th. Ä Andressen, Bahne S., salesman Lye & King, r, 418 N. 9th. E Q Andrews, W. C., reporter Gate City, boards 418 N. 4th. s, Andrus Brick Press, H. O. Whitney, general agent, 213 ¿ to 229 S. 4th. Andrus, William, manager Globe Iron Works, r. 407Timea. Angborg Charles, laborer, r. 322 S. First. Angelí George, works Shoe Factory, r. Ridge, bet. 3d and O 4th, s. s. Angelí John W., teamster, bet, 3d and 4th on Ridge, s. s. Anglim, Mrs. Ellen, r. Canal road, bet. 13th and 14th. Anglim, Miss Josie. milliner, r. Canal road, bet. 10th & 11th. Qq Anglim, Miss Josephine T., r. Canal road, bet. 13th & 14th.. Anglim, Michael, S., conductor Northern Pacific, r. Canal road, bet. 13th and 14th. Anglim, Patrick M., conductor St. L. K. & N. W. R'y, r. Canal road, bet. 13th and 14th. ^ Anglim, Mrs. Susie, dressmaker Mrs. Ella Harts, r. bet, 9th and 10th, 3d street road. QX Anglim, Timothy, laborer, r. Canal rd., bet. 10th and 11th.. Angus, James, fireman Keokuk Water Works, r. 1513- Exchange. Annable, Daniel H., salesman S. J. Annable, 418 Main,. Ä r. 817 High. Annable, S. J., clothing merchant, 418 Main, r. 817 High, a Anschutz, Mrs. Augusta R.,r.Canalrd., 2d house Plow wies.. Anschutz, Mrs. Emma L., r. 826 Grand ave. Anschutz, Henry C., r. Canal rd., 2d house Plow Works. Anchutz, Herman M., photographer G. Hassall, r. Canal 2d h. of plow wks. Wholesale and Retail DRUGGISTS, Cor. 4th and Main Sts. WILKINSON & CO. 5 IMOIipC In the Hambden Buel Insurance âgency, 24 N. 5th St. 111 VlU 11 L Only heading Companieif Mepresented, • REES' KEOKUK CITY DIRECTORY. 37 Anschutz, Hugo, music teacher, r. 826 Grand ave. Anschutz, Miss Ida F., r. 826 Grand ave. Anschutz, Leo. B., photographer G. Hassali, r. Canal rd., 2d house of Plow Works. ■ Anschutz, Otto W., machinist lower lock, r. Canal rd., 2d h. of Plow Works. Anton, Mrs., r. 5th, bet. Exchange and Bank. Anton, Miss Fanny, r. 5th bet. Exchange and Bank. Antrobus, Thomas H., teamster, r. 1414 Concert. Apflebohm, Miss Kate, domestic, r. 1102 High. if% Apfel, Henry, harnessmaker L. F. Racine, bds. Union Hse. Armentrout, Dr. John C., physician, office 501 ä Main, r. 604 N. 4th. JfP Armitage, .George H., machinist Buck Eye Foundry, r. 1024 Morgan. O Armitage, Miss Grace, r. 1024 Morgan. Armitage, Perry P.,(McElroy & Armitage,) r. 1024 Morgan. Armitage, Seba S., machinist C.R.I.& P. R'y, r. 916 Palean ^ A.rnold, Casper. Undertaker, 1127 Main, r. 10th, ^ bet. Johnson and Exchange. bS Arnold, George, works Huiskamp Bros., r. Hamilton, 111. S Arnolds, Miles, laborer, r. 22 N. Water. g Armstrong, Albert, laborer, r. 218 N. 14th. ^ Armstrong, Daniel, wks.Wind Engine Fact., 120 N. 4th St. Armstrong, Miss Lucy, r. 218 N. 14th. -s 3 Armstrong, Miss Mary, r. 218 N. 14th. Armstrong, Samuel, machinist Cycloidal Engine & Pump tçS Co., boards 120 N. 4th. ^ i— Abestine Stone Works, E. H. Wickersham, ® S prop., 508-512 Blondeau, (See Adv. p. 8.) Ascott, William G., tankman C. R. I. & P. R. R., r. Fulton farm. Bü Ashby, James W., sorter Carson & Rand Lumber Co., r. 509. N. 4th. Ç 3 Ashbey, Mrs. Sarah, r. 920 Johnson. Ashing, John, laborer, r. 10^ Main, up stairs. * ^ Asst. U. S. Attorney, W. J. Howell, office Gov. Building, z 7th and Blondeau. Atkins, Miss Charlotte, M. G., r. 208 S. 9th. îin C9 ITolIndd RpntbAPQ Livery, Feed and Sale Stables. ACilUgg DlUlUoio, Excursion and Moving Cars. 120 S. 3d St. T. D. MACKEY, Surgeon Dentist • 34 REES' KEOKÙK CITY DIRECTORY. • W>H Allen, Miss Mary E, r. 1729 Concert, es Allen, Mrs. Mary, works Barrett House, r. Barrett Houge. Allen, Samuel, boards 320 High. Q Alley, Miss Amanda, r. 106 N. 9th. Oü Allison, Miss Anna, r. 206 N. 7th. ^ Allison, Mrs. M. T., r. 21"7 S lOth. Qhd Allison, Thomas, works shoe factory, r. 217 S. lOth. Allison, William G., teamster C. Stern, r. 219 S. lOth. 2 O Allthin. James, railroad engineer, r. 1206 Concert. Alton, Mrs Adelia, r. 926 Exchange. ^ Alton Bros., (Thomas and Henry,) Livery Stables, 825 Main. ppffi Alton, Charles, Moulder, r. 721 Exchange. Alton, Miss Emily, seamstress Miss Brerton, r. 729Timea. ^ Alton, Mrs. Elizabeth J., r. 212 S. 9th. ^ Alton, Henry, (Alton Bros.,) r. 1009 Exchange. Alton, James, blacksmith, r. 729 Timea. Alton, Miss Julia, music teacher, r. 729 Timea. Q Alton, Thomas, (Alton Bros.,) r. 13 S. Sth. Alton, Vincent, works Wm. Rees & Co., r. 729 Timea. American Express Company, Robert Sloan, Agent, 419 Main. Anderson, Miss Alice, school teacher, r. 1326 Fulton. Anderson, Miss Annie, r. 1407 Fulton. ^ Anderson, Alford, works Linquist's furniture store, r. 1429 Exchange. c6 Anderson, Andrew, (Keokuk Wind Engine Co.) r. Rees' addition. Anderson, Mrs. Annie M., r. 1408 Palean. -^Anderson, Mrs. Albertine, r. 1513 Morgan. Anderson, Barney, clerk Lye & King, r. 418 N. 9th. Anderson, Charles, laborer Carson & Rand Lumber Co., r. corner 1st and Exchange. Anderson Canning Factory, (F. M. Anderson & Collier, Robertson & Hambleton, 1008 to 1010^ Johnson. Oí Anderson, Miss Carrie, r. 130 S. 9th. Anderson, Mrs., Carl P., r. 1407 Fulton. h Anderson, Charles H., stock clerk Huiskamp Bros. Co.) r. 312 S. 11th. CLARK BROS. ™SlNDCAPr®' Collars JVLcGRATH BROS. FIFTH AND MAIN STS. Prescription Druggists REES' KEOKUK CITY DIRECTORY. 35 Anderson, Cliarles, worlds Carson & Rand Lumber Yards, r. 14th and Exchange. Anderson, Daniel W., jr., plasterer, r. 1111 Fulton. Anderson, Daniel, W., Sr., plasterer, r. 517 N. 15th. Anderson, David George, plasterer, r. 1707 Missouri ave. 30 Anderson, Mrs, Emily T., r. 307 Franklin. CO Anderson, Elmore D., brakeman K. & W. Ry., r. 508^— § Uj Anderson, Edwin G., lawStudent, r. 329 N. 4th. ^-0 Anderson, Edward, B., r.1008 Reid. «Tq. Anderson, Miss Ella, r. 1326 Fulton. ^ g Anderson, Frank, laborer, r. 1326 Fulton. ^5 Anderson, Frank M., manager Anderson Canning Co., r. 318 S. 11th. Anderson, George, mail carrier, r. 415 Timea. Anderson, Geo. C., traveling salesman Buck-Reiner Co., r. 116 N. 4th. Anderson, George, plasterer, r. 1204 Palean. C^! Anderson, Gustave, r. 712 Morgan. Anderson, Miss Hattie, r. 1326 Fulton. Oo Anderson, Henry, laborer, r. 110 S. 13th. Anderson, Mrs. Hannah B., r. 313 S. 6th. Anderson, Miss Ida, r. 1326 Fulton. ITH Anderson, Mrs. Ibra, r. 1117 Exchange. CO Anderson, Miss Ida, r. 130 S. 9th. | Anderson, Israel, r. 312 S. 11th. Anderson, John, laborer, r. 817, N. 13th. Anderson, James H.. Attorney, 20 N. 5th, r. 329 N. 4th. Anderson, James R., r. 227 S. 10th. Anderson, James, plasterer, r. 517 N. 15th. Anderson, John, driver Keokuk Fire Dept., r. 17 N. 6th. ■■ Anderson, John, teamster, Tucker Bros., r. 1626 Fulton, Anderson, Joseph, R., works Coey & Co.'s Pork House, r. 1117 Exchange. i i Anderson, John H., machinist St. L. K. & N. W. R'y " shops, r. 1407 Fulton. ^ w Anderson, Lawrence,driver A. Swanson.r. 1425 Blondeau. ^ ® Anderson, Mrs. Mary, r. 1407 Fulton. Anderson, Miss Mary, r. 227 S. 10th. (K ^ Ayres Bros. Music Store KEEPS EVERYTHING in the Music Business. PRïTiF The only Wholesale Wall Paper House, , ■HAvJj LlivvÜij Corner Sixth and Main Sts. ^ ^ 32 REES KEOKUK CITY DIRECTORY. Ackley, Nettie G., dressmaker, nw. cor. 8ih and Ridge. S Eh Ackley, Thomas, works Tucker Bros., r. 1106 Orleans. ^ ^Ackley, William C., works Carson & Rand Lumber Co., O ^ r. nw. corner 8th and Ridge. O o Ackley, William H., carpenter. Main, bet 2d and 3d, r. Ö ^ nw. corner 8th and Ridge. PQ S Adair, Miss Dora, r. 515 Blondeau. ^ Q Adair, Thomas J., wks. Coey & Co., Williams, bet. G & H. rJ i-j Adair, Washington A._, r. 515 Blondeau. Q Adair, William T., bricklayer, r. 519 N. 5th. ^ ^ Adam, Henry, shoemaker John Helwig, r. 1105 Exchange. ^ >^ Adv. p. 11.} Ayres, MissCloda, (Frankel, Frank & Co.,) r. 1200 Timea. Ayres, David J., (Ayres Bros, and T, R. J. Ayres & Sons,} 05^ r. 510 N. 4th. Ayres, Miss Ettie, r. 4 Park place. Ayres, Mrs. Florence ., r. 1200 Timea. Ayres, Horace H., storekeeper lower lock, r. 416 Concert. Ayers, Joseph J., (Ayres Brothers and T. R. J. Ayres & Sons,) r. 4 Park place. g ^ Ayers, Nathanial S., (Ayres Brothers,) 4 Park place. M4 Ayres, Peter, r. 1427 Johnson St.) a Ayres Samuel M., r. 416 Concert. Ayres, Thomas R., r. 4 Park place. Ht. R. J. Ayres & Sons, (David J. and Joseph J.,> jewelers, 509 Main. (See Adv. p. 11.) >»i G O S3 JDABB, Miss Tressa L., milliner, r. 1526 Bank. Babb, James, painter, r. 1526 Bank. . ^ (0 Babb, Miss Catherine, r. 1526 Bank. 9'.3 Bachman, Mark, traveling man T. R. J. Ayres & Sons, r. O 0 Hotel Keokuk. C > Backman, Morris, stenographer St. L. K. & N.W. Office,, r. 418 N. 4th. W ® Backus, Miss Florence, teacher Central school building, ,3 0- r. 528 Bank. Backus, Mrs. Sarah S., r. 528 Bank. 0 0 Backus, Walter G., conductor St. L. K. & N. W. R'y, r, u 0 528 Bank. O Pu 'íroceries. Provisions, Hardware, JACOB RENWALD, lírí; AND QUEENSWARE, and GARDEN IMPLEMENTS. X300 ST. McGRATH BROS, Perfnmery REES' KEOKUK CITY DIRECTORY. 39 Badger Electric Light Co., Charles J. Smith, manager, 116 to 119 S. 3d. Baff, John, works Coey & Co. Pork House, r. 709 Johnson. Bagg, Charles, wks. Shoe Factory, r. 824 Exchange. Baily, Dr. Benjamin F., physician, r. 9 S. 8th. — Bailey, Miss Emma, r. 9 S. 8th. CO Bailey, Jeremiah, laborer Coey & Co., r. 1318 Ash. z ^ Bailey, Miss Mattie, domestic, r. 1227 Timea. — q Baker, Alexander, r. 1517 Blondeau. p ^ Baker, Miss Clara E., r. 711 Franklin. , ^ ¿ Baker, Eugene S., elk. Dr. S. F. Baker & Co., r. 519 N. 4th. Ä ^ Baker, George A. works Shoe Factory, r. 1127 Leighton. ® Baker, S. F. & Co., (S. F, Baker & C. R. Joy,) pro- prietary medicines, 729 to 731 Main. ij" Baker, Silas F., (Dr. S. F. Baker & Co., r. 711 Franklin. Balback, Andrew, county jailor, r. 512 Concert. ^^5 Baldwin, Miss Carrie, r. 123 High. Baldwin, Mrs. Clara C., r. 107 Concert. Baldwin, Frank, fisherman, r. 1709 Blondeau. Oo Baldwin, James, works on government boats, r. Exchange ^ bet. Water and 1st. Baldwin, John, boarding house keeper, r. 28 S. 4th. * |™ti Baldwin, Mrs., Lida, r. 115 S. First. CO Baldwin, Miss Martha P., 123 High. | Baldwin, Theodore F"., (Taber & Co.) 123 High. Baldwin, William, riverman, r. 221 S. 1st. Balkae Albert, driver Union Brewery, r. 10th and Carroll. Ball Charles, steamboat engineer, 212 Exchange. 5Q Ballantyne, John, Coey & Co., r. 327 S. 6th. Ballentine, Albert, clerk K. & W. R'y Co., r. 927 High. Ballentine, C., clerk K. & W. R'y., Ballegoin, Albert L.,(Coyne & Ballegoin,)r. 821 Exchange. Ballegoin, Cornelia, r. 201 Main. Ballegoin, Miss Fannie, r. 1926 Main. * * Ballegoin, Miss Gertie, r. 1926 Main. Ballegoin, Miss*Helen, r. 1926 Main. ^ ^ Ballegoin, Henry, gardner, r. 1926 Main. ^ Ballegoin, Richard, commercial traveler S. Hamill & Co., ^ r. 1102 Franklin. (ß ^ The finest designs and best qnality of Men's Congress and Lace Shoes at Red Sboe House it M M . DDírp RPñ^ Wholesale Wall Paper House, 1 ili\JlJ UilVÜ.) Córner Sixth and Main Sis. 2 -40 REEs' KEOKUK CITY DIRECTORY. S ® w Ballegoin Tunis, gardner,-r. 1926 Main. Ballinger, Adams, (Sec. Tri-State Can Factory, r. 1212 I Orleans. ^ Ï Ballinger, Wm., lawyer, manager Keokuk Canning Co., r. 223 Morgan. O [2 Bancroft, Miss Helen C., r. 607 High. 5 c Bancroft, Miss Mary, r. 607 High. ^ Bancroft, Dr. Walton, Homeopathic physician, ^ c 516^ Main, r. 607 High. ^ > Banghart, George, engineer C. B. & Q. R'y, r. 525 Palean. (S ^ Banister, George C., barber J. E. Gillam, r. 1021 Morgan. ^ j Banister, Howard, laborer, r. 1008 Franklin. PC z Banister, Miss Mary, r. T008 Franklin. U Ô Banks, Miss Daisy B., r. 116 N 7ih. O Banks, George, plasterer, r. 604 S. 11th. " Banks, Robert, supply elk. St. L. K. & N. W. R'y shops, r. 116 Concert. Banks, Mrs. Sarah E., r. 116 N. 7th. Bank, Henry, Jr., judge Superior Court, r. 1316 Blondeau. Bank, Herman A. wks. j. M. Huiskamp, r. 1316 Blondeau. Bank, Miss Louise, r. 1316 Blondeau. Bank, Miss Mary, r. 1316 Blondeau. Bankson, Mrs. Mary .■\nn, r. se. cor. 4th and Ridge. Bannister, Samuel, entry elk.Irwin-Phillips Co., r. 128 S. 2d. Baptist Church, (colored,) Rev. .'\mos Johnson, Pastor, N. E. cor. 7th and Concert. Barbed Wire Manufact'rs, Decker Mnfg. Co.ll2 N.Water. Barger, Alonzo, express messenger U. S. Keokuk & Des Moines, r. 528 Morgan. Barker, Edward, (Hurley & Barker,) r. 2d and Carroll. Barker, Lawrence, carpenter, r. 1518 Bank. Barnard, Bernard, r. 513 Concert. Barnes, Albert R., stone mason, r. 422 Concert. Barnes, Charles, porter Hotel St. Claire, r. 621 S. 5th. Barnes, Chas. A., works Shoe Factory, r. 405 S. 4th. Barnes. Henry, chimney sweep, r. 18 N. 9th. Barnes, Joseph B., clerk, St. L. K. & N.W. R'y, r. 408 A. Barnes, Miss Lucy, f. 621 S. 5th. O 0) «8 >- 111 _l o h CÔ Wilkinson & Co. S'.r'"'It' Perfuinery m m 0) WnnH MnntpU wvMâN-rind cirpet co., ¥ ¥ VJ\JU p¥l Cl I I LO I O j ßo9 and 611 Main St. REES' KEOKUK CITY DIRECTORY. 41 Barnes, Mrs. Maggie, r. 117 N. 8th. Barnes, Michael, H., engineer Keokuk Planing Mill Co., r. 621 S". 5th. Barnesconi, Miss Clara, r. 217 Bank. Barnesconi, Louis, Restaurant, Johnson and Water, r. 217 hb Bank. Barnett, Charles, bill clerk Collier, Robertson & Hamble- ton, boards Elks. Barnett, Edward S., shipping clerk, Kellogg, Birge& Co., r. 927 Morgan. Barnett, Frank, works Rickard's Fence Factory, r. 927 Morgan. Barnett, Frank H., elk. H. L.Connable, r. 4th and Blondeau _ Barnett, Robert C., r. 927 Morgan. Qq Barnum, Mrs. Catherine, dressmaker, 909 High. ^ Barrett House, Samuel Ferris, prop., 407 IJlondeau. Barrett, Martin P., laborer Tabor & Co., r. Ridge, bet. Í J 3d and 4th. Barrett, William, blacksmith helper Canal, lower lock, r. ^ j ne. cor. 4th and Ridge. , Barrett, Wilson, boards 1002 Blondeau. Barrett William, lab. Taber & Co., r. Ridge bet. 3d & 4th. ^ ? Barth, Miss Annie, domestic, r. 108 High. 5" Bartlett, Mrs. Adell B., r. 806 N. 13th. — Bartlett, Mrs. Eliza, r. 322 Fulton. © ® Bartlett, Fannie G., elk. H. D. Bartlett, grocer, r. 222 S. 2d. S ^ Bartlett, H. D., (estate Henry D. Bartlett,) Miss Fannie G., Bartlett, manager. Groceries, 221 Johnson. ^ ^ Bartlett, Mrs. Sarah, r. 222 S. 2d. E" ^ Bartlett, William H., master mechanic St. L. K. & N. W. ^ ^ R'y Co., r. 525 Concert. S- Bartruff, Edwin T., clothier, 429 Main, r. 613 High. ^ =' Bartruff, John, clerks E. T. Bartruff, bds. Hotel St. Claire, tc Bartow, George M,, cashier U. S. & Pacific express co's., K boards Eagle House ^ c Bassett, Charleé, carpenter, r. 1501 Morgan. Bassett, George M., grocer,1228 Franklin, r.l224 Franklin. ^ E Bassett, Wm. M., elk. George M. Bassett, r.l224 Franklin. S Bastrome, Miss Christine, domestic, r. 1012 Exchange. "" © The "Popular" Dry Goods House, Fourth and Main Streets. Co Wy T. D. MACKEY, Snrgeon Dentist pi • 4'2 REES' KEOKUK CITY DIRECTORY. Bathen, Charles, driver C. Schaefer, r. 1602 Bank, Bathen, Edward, teamster F. T. F. Schmidt, r. 1602 Bank. Bathen, John, fireman Gas Factory, r. 1602 Bank. Q Bauer, Miss Augusta, dressmaker, r. 1110 Main. Oü Bauer, Miss Anna, r. 1110 Main. ^ Bauer, John E., foreman blacksmithshoD St. L. K. & N. W. R'y, r. 1503 Franklin. |0 Bauer, John G., grocer, 1110 Main. Bauer, Miss Pauline, r. 1110 Main. Baugh, Charles, laborer, r. 1802 Orleans. Baum, Moses, clerk Spiesberger Bros., bds. 626 Palean. H 2 Baumgarten, Miss Dena, domestic, 625 Orleans. PpW Baur, .August, shoemaker Shoe Factory r. 326 S. 9th. ^ Baur, August, cutter shoe factory, r. 627 Exchange. ^ Baur, George D., shoemaker Shoe Factory, r. 326 S. 9th. ^ Baur, Frederiçk, r. 326 S. 9th. Baur, Miss Theresa, r. 326 S. 9th. Bawden, Benjamin, marble cutter, r. se. cor. D and Estes. Q Bawden, Benjamin, Jr., stonecutter, r. se. cor. D and Estes. mmmm Bawden, George, bookbinder Braidwood & Stahl, r. 1012 Fulton. ^ Bawden, James, cooper Douglas Giffin, r. D and Estes. Bawden, John, stone cutter, r. D and Estes. Bawden, Miss Mary M.^ r. se. cor. D and Estes. Bawden, Richard, moulder, r. se. cor. D and Estes. Bawden, Wm. L., traveling salesman Keokuk Bag Co., r. Cd 1202 Reid. /^Baxter, James A., traveling salesman, J. C. Hubinger, r. ^ 126 N. 4th. w Baxter, Mrs. Rose M., r, 522 N. 3d. The ßazaar. Lye & King, prop's. Dry Goods and Notions, 604 Main. Bazett-Jones, Rev. E. A., rector Holy Cross, priest in charge of St. Mary, the Virgin, r. 1326 High. Bear, Paul, assistant clerk K. & VV. R'y, r 514 Exchange. CP Beard, Mrs. Mary, waiter Hotel St. Claire, bds. same. Bechtol, Frank K., trav. Hueston & Horn, r. 1517 Johnson. h Beck Charles W., moulder Keokuk Stove Works, r. 23d and Timea. CLARK BROS. Collars McGRATH BROS., FIFTH AND MAIN STS. Prescription Drnggists REES' KEOKUK CITY DIRECTORY. " 43 Beck, Miss Helena, r. 1627 Johnson. Beck, John, r. 1627 Johnson. Becker, Charles L., Hardware dealer, 524 Main, r. S17 }4 Fulton. Becker, Miss Gladdys M., r. 817^ Fulton. 30 Becker, Henry A., traveling salesman, r. 206 N. 7th. CO Becker, Miss Saddie M., r. 817^ Fulton. § ^ Beckman, August clerk Enterprise, bds. 1616 Morgan. Bedier, Miss Julie, r. 404 S. 6th. Beiler, John G., r. 303 Main, up stairs. Belknap, Miss Annie M., 511 N. 3d. Bell, Rice, H., attorney at law, secretary Business Men's ® Association, cor. 4th and Main, r. 129 N. 9th. Benbow, John E., conductor K. & W. R. R., r. 29 N. 4th. Bender, George, watchman Packet depot, r. 1st, bet. John¬ son and Exchange. Benjamin, Mrs. Mary, r. 1623 Morgan. Bennett, Miss Bessie B., r. 617 Orleans. Bennett, George, wks. A. J. Hardin, r. 1624 Concert. Bennett,'Grant, cooper Keokuk Cooperage Co. bds. 214 B. Bennett, M'ss Hester A., domestic, 1624 Concert. Bennett, James, Huckster, r. 2029 Exchange. Bennett, Dr. John B., dentist, 526^ Main, r. 617 Orleans. Bennett, John, book-keeper, r. 2029 Exchange. Bennett, John, boarding house, 214 B. Bennett, Miss Katie, wks. Shoe Factory, r. 214 B. Bennett, Miss Maggie, r. 214 B. Bennett, Miss Mary, wks. Shoe Factory, r. 214 B. Bennett, William, laborer Gov't Canal, r. 1624 Concert. Bennett, William M., lab., Coey & Co., r. 1202 Wiliams. Bennett, William R., laborer Coey & Co., r 214 B. Bennington, Chas., wks. C. B. & Q., r. rear 113 S. 1st. Bennington, Mrs. Muline, wks. Keokuk Canning Factory, r. 203 S. 4th. Benson, Charldfe L., carpenter, 27 N. 5th, r 816 Palean. ^ 02 Bently, Miss Elizabeth, r. Rees' addition. ^ Bentley, Miss Lizzie, dressmaker E. A. Parker, r. cor. 6th s: and Cedar. " orç Sí» >v Ayres Bros. Music Store KEEPS EVERYTHING in the Mu.sic Business. PRICE BROS. PAINTING and PAPER HANGING, Cor. 6th and Main Sts. 2 44 REES' KEOKUK CITY DIRECTORY. Bently, Mrs. Mary A., r. Rees' addition, CQ Bentham, Jacob, r. 1500 Franklin. o Bepler, Cynithia L., r. 1123 Des Moines. ® Ö Bepler, Miss Lillie, 1123 Des Moines. 02 Bera, Albert, fireman C. R. I. & P. R'y, r. 224 S. 2d. Chas. E., works Shoe Factory r. 1524 Bank, g Betg, John C., fireman C. R. I. & P. R'y, r. 22-1 S. 2d. d Berg, Joseph, Cooper, r. 1524 Bank, g Berg, Mrs. Phebe, 224 S. 2d. 3 Bergsten, Augusta, r. 719 Fulton. Ä Ph Berkley, Fredrich, w orks Keokuk Bag Co., r. 26 N. 9th.. Cu Q Bermingham, Miss Emily, r. 421 N. 9th. t, Bermingham, Mrs. Maria, r. 421 N. 9th. ¿ Berns, Mary T., r. 418 A. Berry, David, butcher, 17 S. 4th, r. 502 Des Moines. Berry, Miss Id:a, r. 813 Morgan. Berry, Miss Jessie, 813 Morgan. O Berry, Lewis, r. 212 N. 6th. Berry, Thomas, r. 813 Morgan. B.erryhill, J. Madison, (Cox & Berryhill,) chief Keokuk - fire department, r. 208 N. 12th. Qq Berryhill, Lewis A., mail carrier, r. 1110 Concert. Berryhill, Mrs. Mary A., r. 1116 Fulton. Bertram, Miss Pauline, physician, 1118 Concert. Bertram, Dr. William, physician, 616 Main, r. 1108 Concert. Bertsch, August, saloonkeeper, 25 S. 4th., r. cor. 14th and Cedar. Bertsch, Frank, wks. Shoe Factory, r. 14th and Cedar. Bertsch, Miss Minnie, r. sw, cor. 14th and Cedar. Bess, Miss Edia C., r. 929 Palean. Bess, Harry F., conductor C. R. I. & P., r. 929 Palean, Bess, Mrs. Martha A., 929 Palean. Besmaham, Michael, night porter, r. 422 Exchange, a Best, Christopher, clerk T. R. J. Ayres & Son, r. 4th, h bet. Main and Blondeau. Best, Peter J., salesman Brinkman & Co., r. 4th bet. Main ■ and Blondeau. Bettis, Mrs. Anna C., seamstress, r. 1521 Concert. 0) WILKINSON & CO., Cor. 11th and ßlain Sts. Prescription Druggists IMOIipF In the Hambden Buel Insurance Agency, 24 N. 5th St. I llV/U 11 L Only Leading Companies Represented. REES' KEOKUK CITY DIRECTORY. 45 Bettis, Miss Mary E., r. 1521 Concert. Betts, B. & S., (Benjamin & Sylvester,) horse and mule buyers, 1202 Main. Betts, Benjamin, (Betts Bros.,) Livery stable, 1202 Main, ■ r. 1127 Main. Betts, Sylvester, (Betts Bros.,) r. 14 N. 12th. Betz, Mrs Jennett, r. 1117 Franklin. hrt Bevering, Charles, cigar maker, r. 1101^ Fulton. Bevering, Edward, cigar manufacturer, r. 1101Fulton. Bevering, George, works. Wax Starch Factory, r. 1101^ fÄ Fulton. Bevering, Miss Grace, r. 1101^ Fulton. Bevering, Miss Minnie, r. 1101^ Fulton. Bevering, Mrs. Minnie, r. 1101^ Fulton. Bevans, John T., traveling salesman, boards 519 Concert. Bever, Nettie Bell, dressmaker Miss Ida St. Claire, r. 1224 Bluff. O Bias, James P., works Tin Can Factory, r. 26 N. 9th. Biddenstadt, Miss Anna, sales lady M. Stern, r. Johnson ^ St. road, north of Keokuk, 2 miles. g; Biddenstadt, Christ, barber, 14 S. 4th, r. 2025 Exchange. » Bierrnan, Wm. A., carpenter, r. 2d floor No. 1200 William. S Biggs, James, butcher, r. 202 S. '5th. Billingslea, James H., agent Adams Exp. Co., r.826 N.lSth, Bindel, Adam, trav. buyer S. Klein & Son, r. 1419 T-imea. p g Bindel, John, bricklayer, r. 1419 Timea. Bird, Ann, r. 24 N. 9th. Bird, Charles H., barber A. Hills, r. 24 N. 9th. ^1" Bird, Michael, laborer, bet. 4th and 5th, bet. Palean and 2 S Carroll. ^ Birge, Charles P., (Kellogg, Birge & Co.,) r. 222 S. 7th. Bisbee, Charles P., r. 517 N. 6th. Ëm Bisbee, Earnest F., Clerk C. B. & Q. R'y, r. 517 N. 6th. Bisbee, Miss Eva D., r. 517 N. 6th. ^ ^ Bisbee, John M., broker, 283 8d, r. 424 Orleans. S Bisbee, Miss Nellie F., r. 424 Orleans. Bisbee, Sumner T., shipping clerk S. Hamill & Co., r. 424 Orleans. Bishop, Daniel, Engineer, Taber & Co.'s Mill, r. 808 Park. ITallndd UrAthaPQ Livery, Feed and Sale Stables. AoiiUgg DiUlUulo, Excursion and Moving Cars. 120 S. 3d St. H T. D. MACKEY, Extracting Teeth 46 Rees' keokuk city directory. ^ Bishop, Edwin D., plumber and gasfitter Hesbacher, r. hM 1803 Park. NH Bishop, Joseph, printer Gate City, boards Barrett House. flL Bishop, Miss Oneita, r. 1803 Park. Bitton, Miss Cora, book-keeper Globe Iron Works, 407 Timea. Blum, Andrew, laborer Coey & Co. Black, Mrs. C., saloonkeeper, r. 24 S. 2d. Black, Zachariah, laborer Street Car Co., r. 17 N. 14th. Blackburn, Mrs. Mary J., r. 825 N. 10th. ifj Blackburn, Dr. Jacob C., justice of the peace, r. 1108 Franklin. Blair, Mrs. Lisna, washerwoman, r, 828 Johnson. Blacklage, Robert, engineer St. L. K. & N., W. R'y, r. •Qj 12Ó S. 9th. Blackwell, Arthur, printer Gate City, bds. Barret House. Bland, Austin A., bill poster, r. 1029 High. Bland & Bland, (M. B. & J. Bland) blacksmiths 819 Main. ^ Bland, Claud, works A. A. Bland, r. 1029 High. Lm Bland, Miss Ethel, r. 1029 High. Bland, French D.. porter E. R. Drake & Co., r. 1314 High. MH Bland, Miss Gertie, r. 513 north 16th. Bland, John, (Bland & Bland) r. 1310 Morgan. Bland, John S., blacksmith corner 13th and Main, r. 1119 >)i Exchange. Bland, Miss Lucy, r. 1319 High. Bland, Martin B., (Bland & Bland) r. 1319 High. O £3 Bland, Martin V., blacksmith 819 Main, r. 1319 High. ^ ^ Bland, Miss Naomie, r. 1319 High. ^ (0 Bland, William, r. 513 north 16th. §'■5 Blank, Barnabas, Steam Dye House 924 Main, Q 0 r. same. C > Blank, Joseph, works B. Blank, r. 924 Main. Blank, Miss Mary L., r. 924 Main. ® ® Blankenship, Harry, propr. St. Louis House, r. 19 Main, pti 0' Blink, Albert P., laborer paint shop C. R. I. & P. R'y, S'a corner 14th and Cedar. 0 0 Blink, Harry, wks. Pond's Egg Store, r. 13th bet. Cedar ^ ® and Charles. O 0^ H TA PAR Rí?NW ATA Orocerles, Provision.s, Hardware, Ü/iUvD Aljri UilLi/i T)N ANO QUEENSWARE, and GARDEN IMPLEMENTS. ' 0.300 2.£.â.ZXT ST. McGRATH BROS. ''"j.flT"!'"'' Perfnmery REES' KEOKUK CITY DIRECTORY. 47 Blink, Jacob, r. 13th bet. Cedar and Charles. Blink, James, dealer in poultry 912 Main, r. I7l9 Franklin. Blink, Oliver, wks. Pond's Egg Store, r. 13th bet. Cedar and Charles. Blink, Peter, lab rer, r. 13th bet. Cedar and Charles. Blixt, John A., driver Mrs. Nodier, r. 1705 Blondeau. Blom, Miss Emma, r. 611 Grand ave. Blom, Isaac, clerks Versteeg's shoe store,r. 505 Grand ave. Blom, John, r. 119 north 5th. Blom, Nicholas, r. ss. 16th bet. Carrol and Ridge. Blom, Peter, propr. Blom's soap factory r. 1418 Johnsoq. Blom's Soap Factory, Peter Blom, proprietor, 1318 Main. Blom, William, wholesale provisions 127 and 129 Main, r. 611 Grand ave. Blood, Harry B., Jr., collector K. & W., Wabash, and T. ^ P. & W. R'ys, r. 528 north 5th. Z 5* Blood, Henry B., Insurance agent 524 Main, f- 528 north 5th. ^ ^ Blood, John W. H., book-keeper Ayer Hardware Co., r. (-)'< 123 north 7th. 9t Blood, Wm. G., teacher Wells School, r. 528 north 5th. ^ S Blodgett, Henry H., r. 914 Des Moines. "• Blodgett, William, huckster, r. 914 Des Moines. h-j 3 Bluffuss, Miss Barbara, domestic, 219 north 6th, S- Bluff Park, bet. Bluff and Park and F. and I. O Boan Mrs. Rebecca J., r. rear 1524 Johnson. Board, Thomas R., clerk K. & W. R'y Ofhce, r. 319 Morgan. 113 3 Boatman, Mrs. Amanda M., r. 210 north 6th. ^ Bockman, John, cooper F. Hilpert, r. 202 north 10th. ;> til Bockman, Morris, stenographer K. & W. R'y, r. 418 n. 4th. H O Bode, Miss Barbara, works Schweer's box factory, r. 1110 Ç ^ Palean. h-. S Bode, Charles G., works Shoe Factory, r. 902 Main. q Bode, Charles, cigars and confectionery, r. 902 Main. ^ Bode, Charles, works Carson & Rand Lumber Co., r. 1120 " Exchange.* p ^ Bode, Henry, (Bode & Larson) r. 1528 Main. ^ ** Bode êc Larson, (Henry C. Bode and Alfred C. ^ ^ Larson,) boots and shoes 608 Main. ^ WELL-ScA^,' BOOTSAND ■ " ■ - . - > - - ^ STYLISH and QUAIJQ DURABLE OnUtlO at Hniskamp's Red Shoe House PRíPiF RRO^ Wholesale Wall Paper House, Í HlVJlJ UiivÜij Corrwr Sixth and Main Sts, 2 48 REES' KEOKUK CITY DIRECTORY. c ® m Bode, Miss Lizzie, works Elastic Starch factory, r. 1522 Bank. § Bode, Louis, driver N. Schouten & Co., r. 1110 Palean, e Bode, Louis drayman, r. 1110 Palean. M "c Pode, Miss Mary, works Schweer's box factory, r. 1110 Ü ^ Palean. 5 's Bode, Mrs. Mary, r. 1522 Bank. ^ Bode, Miss Rickey, wks. Schweer's box factory, r. 1110 's Palean. ^ > Bode, Miss Sophia, r. 902 Main. ^ X Bode, Theodore, cig^ar mnfr. 229 Johnson, r. 1507 Johnson, d) ^ Bodewine, Henry, elk. Iowa Dental Refining Co., r. Bank, = between 1st and 2d. J® Böhm, Andrew, laborer Coey & Co., r. 14th between O Ridge and Cedar. fe Boler, Orrie K., carrepairer C. B. & Q R'y, r. 203 Fulton. Bolte, Lewis, brush maker, r. 1829 Main. Bolten, Michael, laborer, r. Canal rd, bet. 13th and 14th. Bond, John P., carpenter, r. 701 north 13th. Bonham, Miss Alice, r. 1313 Franklin. Bonham, Charles N., painter Geo. Hill, r. 722 north 12th. Bonham, Carpenter and contractor, r. 1313 Franklin. Bonham, Harvey J., cigar mkr. J. Leezer, r. 600 north 13th. Bonicamp John, station keeper, r. 17 north 16th. Boone, John, boiler maker Buckeye Foundry, r. 801 Main. Boone, Marcus, laborer Coey & Co., r. Ford's Addition. Booth, Albert, clerks \Vm. Rees & Co., r. 628 north 15ih. Booth, Edwin C., carpenter W. H. Nichols, r. 1217 Timea. Boozel, Miss Jennie, r. 1012 Concert. Boring, Benjamin B.. r. 826 north 13th. Boring, Benjamin Walter, driver Adams' Express, r. 1207 Franklin. Boring, Miss Cinnata J,, r. 826 north 13th. Borland, Miss Margaret, r. 811 Franklin. Boston Store, (Thurber & Warner, proprs,) dry goods and notions, 329 Main. Botte, Paul, cigar maker Jno. Leezer, r. 1616 Carroll. Botte, Peter, shoemaker, 4th between Main and Johnson, r. 1616 Carroll. CO «8 >- UJ a: O h (fi Wilkinson & Co. Set'ÄS Perfumery Wood l\/lpintplci WYMAN-RAND CARPET CO., nit KJXJKA p¥lCl|l LO I O J 609 and 611 Main St. t REES' KEOKUK CITY DIRECTORY. 49 m m CO Boud, Edward L., mail carrier, r. 1222 Bank. Boudewyns, Frank, watchman Evans & Sheppard, r. 410 Des Moines. Boudewyns, Miss Fannie, wks. Shoe Factory, r. Ill Bank. Boudewyns, Harry, r. Ill Bank. mm Boudewyns, Miss Kate, r. Ill Bank. Boudewyns, Miss Matilda, wks. Shoe Factory, r. 111 Bank. Boudewyns, Miss Tillie, r. Ill Bank. Boudewyns, William, laborer Coey & Co., r. 412 Des Moines. Bouge, Miss Emma, clerks N. B. Bouge 715 Main, r. same. Bouge, Napoleon B., restaurant and lunch counter 715 Main, r. same. _ Bowden, Edwin, painter Geo. Hill, r. 624 C. Qq Bower, Meyer, peddler, r. 1101 Fulton. ^ Bowers, George W., lumber sorter Evans & Sheppard, r. 716 Palean. Q ^ Bowes, Miss Sadie, r. 106 north Water. Bowman & Boyer, (Wilmot H. Bowman and John M. ^ J Boyer) agricultural implements, 18 to 20 south 6th. , Bowman, Mrs. Rosa, washerwoman, r. 1427 Main. Bowman, William H., (Bowman & Boyer) bds. 1108 ^ ® Concert. =' ^ ÍYO Boyce, Henry, moulder Keokuk Stove works, bds. Clifton ' si House. © ® Boyde, James B., wks. C. F. Miller, r. cor 10th and Ridge. | ^ Boyde, Peter, teamster, r. 1611 Morgan. — Boyer, John M., (Bowman & Boyer) r. 614 Concert. ^ ^ Boyer, Miss Luella, r. 614 Concert. ^ ^ Boyle, Charles W., carpenter, r, nw. lOih and Ridge. ^ ^ Boyle, Miss Kate, r. 627 Timea. S- Boyle, Miss Mary E., r. nw. corner 10th and Ridge. ■ 5" Boyle, William S., teamster Carson & Rand Lumber Co., m ^ r. 1315 Reid. Boyles, Martin L., manager Carson & Rand Lumber Co., ^ ¡s r. 522 Orleans. w¡5 Bozeman, Miss Alice, r. 18 south 5th. 5® Bradford, Mrs. Cornelia, r. 123 Blondeau. S Bradford, Harry, painter Geo. Hill, r. 123 Blondeau. 2. The "Popular" Dry Goods House Fourth and } Main Streets. T. D. MACKEY, Surgeon Dentist 50 REES' KEOKUK CITY LiIRECTORV. ® Bradford, George C., check clerk K. & W. R'y, r. 721 ^ Timea. hÎ Bradley, Bert, wks. Keokuk Planing Mill Co., r. 123 n. 4th. « J Bradley, Mrs. Amanda, r. 128 south 4th. ^ ^ Brady, Miss Agnes, wks. Keokuk Pickle Co., r. 320 Bank. ^ ^ Brady, James, boiler maker C. R. L & P. R'y, bds. 28 s. 4th. Brady, James, Jr., works Shoe Factory, r. 320 Bank. 5* Brady, James T., janitor Wells school, r. 320 Bank. Brady, John, works Patterson Bros., r. 123 south 3d. ^ ÇC Brady, Miss Kate, works Shoe F"actory, r. 320 Bank, g Brady, Miss Mamie, wks. Keokuk Pickle Co., r. 320 Bank. ^ |> Brady, Miss Margaret, 4th between Palean and Carroll. « ^ Brady, William, laborer Carson & Rand Lumber Co., r. ^ 1412 Reid. Braidwood, James H., (Braidwood & Stahl) r. 1010 Fulton, œ Braidwood & Stahl, (J. H. Braidwood & S. B. ^ Stahl) bookbinders, 10 north 7th. :: Branch Drug Store, Wilkinson & Co., proprs., I 1028 Main. Brandenberger, Miss Paulina, domestic 710 Morgan. Brane, With., works Shoe Factory, bds. Winsor Hotel. Brasher, Harry, works Taber & Co., r. 1525 Blondeau. Brassil, John J., laborer Coey & Co., r. ne. corner 9th and Ridge. Braun, Miss Amelia, r. 216 Concert. Braun, Miss Helen, r. 216 Concert. Braunbaugh, Jacob N., fisherman, r. 306 Palean. Braunter, Miss Mary, domestic 309 Concert. Bregenzer, Miss Barbara, r. 116 south 15th. Bregenzer, Fritz, r. 116 south 16th. Bregenzer, John, butcher, r. 116 south 15th. Bregenzer, John F., laborer Carson & Rand Lumber Co., r. 116 south 15th. Bregenzer, John, Jr., clerk L. Barnisconi, r. 116 south 15th. Breheny, Miss Ella, r. 1102 Orleans. Breheny, James, works John Finigan's Sons, r. 1102 Orleans. ' Breheny, John, contractor, r. 1102 Orleans. Breheny, Miss Mary A., r. 1102 Orleans. CLARK BROS. Collars McGRATH BROS., FIFTH AND MAIN STS. Prescription Druggists _ REES' KEOKUK CITY DIRECTORY. 51 Breheny, Nicholas, contractor, r. 1102 Orleans. Breheny, Thomas, contractor, r. 1102 Orleans. Breitenstein, Miss Clara, r. 109 Bank. Breitenstein, Frederick, r. 1005 Bank. Breitenstein, George J., salesman Brinkman & Co., r. 1005 Bank. Breitenstein, Jacob, blacksmith Peter Wolf, bds. 26 S. 4th. Breitenstein, Julius P., machinist C. R. I. & P. R'y r. 109 Bank. Brelon, Frederick, r. ns. Ridge, bet. 10th and 11th. Brelon & Will, (Frederick Brelon and John Will,) butchers 824 Main Brenan, Miss Kate, laundry Hotel Keokuk, r. same. Brennan, Harry B., teamster Carson & Rand Lumber Co., r. corner 5th and Ridge. ^ O Brennan, Hugh, r. Carroll between 5th and 6th. Brennan, James, laborer Coey & Co., r. Carroll between Cffl) 5th and 6th. ^ Brennan, James, laborer Coey & Co;, r. 1322 William. Öq Brennan, Miss Lizzie A., r. Carroll between 5th and 6th. Brennan, Patrick, office boy Coey & Co., r. 1322 William. 0)^ Brennan, Patrick, r. Carroll between 5th and 6th. Brennan, Patrick M., laborer Coey 8z Co., r. Carroll be- tween 5th and 6th. Brennen, John, carpenter Coey & Co., r. 1225 Missouri Avenue. 0 Brennen, Miss Mary A., r. 1520 Reid. Brennen, Patrick T., laborer Coey & Co., r. 1520 Reid. Brennen, Richard, laborer, r. .1520 Reid. Brennen, William, laborer Coey & Co., r. 1520 Reid. Brerton, Miss Annie, dress maker 400y^ Main, r. 1308 • ^ Timea. O Brerton, Miss Bridget, dress maker, r. 1308 Timea. ^ Brerton, James, mail carrier, r. Palean bet. 10th and 11th. (D Bretron, Miss Mary, r. 1308 Timea. ^ Brerton, Richartl, laborer, r, 1308 Timea. ^ j/3 Brerton, Rudolph, gunsmith 1101 Main, r. 16th and Cedar. ^ ® Brewer, Miss Kate, domestic Eagle Hotel. i-d ^ Brewington, Mrs. B. M., boarding house, 26 south 4th. 'S ^ Ayres Bros. Music Store or? » KEKPS EVERYTHING ^ ^ in the 3Iusic Business. PRICE BROS. PAINTING and PAPER HANGING, Cor. 6th and Main Sts. i 52 REES' KEOKUK CITY DIRECTORY. ¡a ^Brewington, Charles, laborer, r. 403 south 4th. CQ ^ Brewington, Levi, laborer, r. 26 south 4th. -0 o Brice, Thomas W., agent Weem's laundry, r. 304 Main. SOT - ^ et fuj Brickey, John W., teamster, se. corner 13th and Carroll. 4^ K Bridgman, Arthur Jr., cashier State National Bank, r. 314 "5 Concert. g Bridgman, Arthur,Sr., Sec. K. & D. M. R'y, r. 314 Concert. d Bridgman, Mrs. Sarah E., dressmaker, r. 19th and Palean. ® x! Briear, Mrs. Amelia, r. 1209 Timea. S ï> Briear, Robert, harness maker L. F. Racine, r. 1209 Timea. s Briggs, Miss Ida, r., es. 10th between Carroll and Ridge. CÜ ^ Briggs, John, teamster P. H. Miller, r. 10th and Ridge. Brilliant Starch Co., (M. A. Runner &W. S. Phillips) 22& ¿ Exchange. Brinkman, Miss Alice, r. 413 Palean. Brinkman & Co.. (Estate F. Brinkman, G. A. Brink- man,) dry goods, 412 Main. O Brinkman, Edward, with A. Wpber & Co., r. 413 Palean. Brinkman,-Frederick'H.,(Burns, Hunt & Co.)r. 413 Palean- Brinkman, George A., (Brinkman & Co.) r. 623 Bank. Brinkman & Haubert, cigar store, 724 Main. Qq Brinkman, Mrs. Margaret, (Brinkman & Co.) r. 1005 Bank. Brinkman, Mrs. Rosa, r. 413 Palean. Brinkman, William, moulder Keokuk Stove Works, r. 1911 Johnson. Brinkman, William, (Brinkman & Haubert,) r. 413 Palean. Britton, Miss Sarah P., r. 212 High. Broadus, James, painter, r. 1314 Fulton. Broderick, Mrs. B., r. 920 Des Moines. Broderick, Mrs. Henrietta, r. 920 Des Moines. Brœsel. Chris., shoemaker 4133^ Johnson, r. 1213 High. Brombaugh, George, engineer, r. 1527 Bank. Brooks, Charles H., coachman J. C. Hubinger, r. 13th and Grand Ave. , Brooks, Grace, r. Rees' Addition. H Brooks, Henry, works Coey & Co., r. 1608 Bank. Brooks, John, teamster Taber & Co.. r. Rees' Additioh. Brooks, John A., river captian, r. Rees' Addition. Brooks, Miss Louise, domestic 205 Morgan. U 0) WILKINSON & CO., Cor. llth and Main Sts. Prescription Druggists 31 IMOIipC In the Hambden Buel Insurance Agency, 24 N. 5th St. I 11 o U 11 L. Onltß Leadinf/ Companies Represented. REES' KEOKUK CITY DIRECTORY. 53 Brooks, Mitchell, drayman, r. 1127 Orleans. Brow, James W., laborer Tabor & Co., r. 1223 south 7th. Brown, Aaron, laborer, r. 16th between Ridge and Cedar. Brown, Andrew, r. 117 Concert. ■ Brown, Mrs. Bessie, r. 1326 Blondeau. Brown, Charles, works Keokuk Electric Car Line, r. 715 High. Brown, Mrs. Elizabeth, r. 919 Carroll. Brown, Mrs. Ella B., r. 825 north 10th. Brown, Frank, driver Mrs. M. B. McNamara, r. 919 Carroll, f A Brown. Frank M., stationary engineer St. L. K. & N. W. R'y, r. 1303 Reid. Brown, George R., stone cutter, r. 513 south 17th. Brown, George W. S., teamster Shoe Factory, r. es. 14th between Carroll and Ridge. O Brown, Miss Ida A., bookkeeper E. A. Mirrielees, r. 827 Fulton. Brown, Ira G , carpenter, r. 421 north 9th. Brown, Israel L., auctioneer, 12 and 14 north 4th, r. 826 ^ High. S Brown, John R., stone cutter, r. 513 south 17th. » Brown, James W., millwright Taber & Co., r. 1223 Reid. g Brown, Jeremiah, painter, r. 827 Fulton. ^ Brown, Miss Jennie R., r. 117 Concert. Brown, Miss Lizzie A., r. 118 Concert. ss 3 Brown, Leon, sign writer Geo. Leming, r. 826 Main. Brown, Miss Mary, works Shoe Factory, r. 327 Blondeau. tc S Brown, Miss M., r. 1822 Park. Brown, Patrick, laborer St. L. K. & N. W. R'y, r. 527 g g Exchange. Brown, Richard M., r. 401 south 4th. 2"^ Brown, Mrs. Sarah A., r. 1328 Carroll. Bü Brown, Miss Susie V., r. 1829 Reid. 02^ Brown, Samuel, laborer, r. 1623 Timea. ^ Brown, William, works Shoe Factory, bds. Hotel Windsor. ^ Brown, William,* works Rickards' fence factory, r. 1115" ^ • Bank. S Brown, William H., laborer Coey & Co., r. ne. corner "" l7th and Ridge. ^ ■ 5 « ITpllntfCi RrnthAPQ Livery, Feed and Sale Stables. ACllUgg DlUlilGlD, Excursion and Moving Cars. 120 S. 3d St. . T. D. HACKEY, ÄÄ Extracting Teeth ^ ■ -■ 54 REES KEOKUK CITY DIRECTORY. «S3 ^ ij Brown, William H., telegraph operator St. L. K. & N. <91 ^ W. R'y, r. 718 north 7th. ^ Brown, William S., machinist J. G. Henderson & Co., r. •i« 1822 Park. Browne, Gibson, Jr., r. 417 High. O Browne, Gibson, lawyer 610 Main, r. 417 High. • p—i Browne, Miss Katie, r. 527 Exchange. 0- Brownell, Ed. P., cashier Keokuk Natipnal Bank, bds. 311 north 5th. ^^Brownell, Fillmore, teller Keokuk National Bank, r. 620' north 5th. Brownell, Hamilton, clerks Iowa State Insurance Co.. r. Í3 S'iT north 5th. O Brownell. Mrs. Lucy, r. 620 north 5th. Brownell, Miss Nettie, r. 620 north 5th. Brownell, William A., vice-president Keokuk National Bank, r. 311 north 5th. O Bruegger, Miss Dena, domestic 1310 Franklin. O Bruegger, Miss Katie, domestic 1318 Concert. O Bruegger, Miss Lydia, domestic 417 Franklin. Bruegger, Miss Sophia, domestic 1229 Franklin. • Brugman, Miss Annie, r. 922 Main. Brugman, Edward, traveling salesman Collier, Robertson & Hambleton, r. 220 south llth, ^ Brugman, Mrs. Johanna C., confectionery 922 Main, r» ^ same. Brugman, Robert A., cigarmaker, r. 922 Main. Brumbauh, William H., fisherman, r. 120 south 4th. Brunat, Ernest, Jr., jeweler C. Hornaday, r. 926 Exchange, c Brunat, Ernest, engraver W. H. Linebaugh, r. 926 Ex- o B change. ^Brunat, Henry, check clerk C. R. I. & P. R'y,r. 527 s. llth. .1 Brunat, Miss Hettie, r. 527 south llth. S ^ Brunat, Miss Justine, r. 527 south llth. Ä > Brunat, Miss Miliie, r. 926 Exchange. ® «5 Buchannan, James, laborer St. L. K. & N. W. R'y, r. 608 sj Palean. S g- Buck, Alfred F., r. 420 north 4th. Ç ¿ Buck, Arthur G., second-hand store 807 Main, r. same. JACOB RENWALD (iroceries, Provision.^, Hardware, , TIN AND QUEENSWARE, and GARDEN IMPLEMENTS. ' 1300 3T. McGRATH BROS. Perfninery REES' KEOKUK CITY DIRECTORY. 55 Buck, Asaph, president Buck-Reiner Co., r. 426 north 4th. Buck, Frank L., machinist Wind Engine Co., r. 807 Main. Buck, Hubert, shipping elk. Buck Reiner Co., r. 420 n. 4th. Buck-Reiner Co., Asaph Buck, pres., wholesale grocers, 126 to 128 Johnson. Buck, Walter R., salesman Brinkman & Co., r. 807 Main. Buck, William C., salesman Irwin-Phillips Co., r. 524. Morgan. Buckeye Foundry and Machine Shops, McElroy & Ar- mitage, proprietors, 19 to 27 south 9th. Buckley, Mrs. Hannah, r. 1111 William. Buckney, Wilson C., janitor First Ward School, r. 1009 High. Buckner, George, r. corner 18th and Morgan. ^ Buehser, Miss Julia, r. 1225 Concert. Buel, Miss Charlotte L., r. 206 Concert. Z 5* Buel, Hambden J., (Hambden Buel Agency,) 24 north 5th, ^ r. 206 Concert. ¡/¡ |^ Buel, Hillhouse, r. 206 Concert. Buel, Miss Louise E., (Hambden Buel Agency,) 24 north ^ 9-. 5th, r. 206 Concert. n Buel, Mrs. Maria, r. 522 north 3d. * « Buell, Mrs. Sarah M., 107 Blondeau. ^ 2 Buey, Phoebe, r. 617 Concert. S- Buey, William, laborer, r. 617 Concert. O ^ Bufifington, Miss Elizabeth, r. 301 south 4th. ^ ^ Buffington, Miss Irene, r. 221 south 6th. -o 3 Bufifington, Lukens M., division bag agent St. L. K. & N. h-. W. R'y, r. 221 south 6th. pj Buford, John, coachman Ed. Jaeger, r. 1525 Franklin. HO Buler, Miss Ada, domestic City Hotel, r. same. ^ Bunch, James A., teamster, r. corner 21st and Palean. Bunch, John W., inventor, r. 1518 Concert. q Bunch, Miss Sarah, r. corner 21st and Palean. ^ Bunner, Albert S., laborer, r. 1726 Williams. Bunner, Georg« R., apprentice boilermaker C. R. I. & ^ ^ P. round house, r. 1726 Williams. S- ^ Bunyan, Joseph M., feed store 19 south 5th, r. 1027 Palean. & Bunyan, William E., laborer, r. nw. corner 3d and Cedar, cr? % 1 ^ an FIRST-CLASS, gQQ-fg ¿JjJ) WEI.L-MADE, STYLISH ; DURABLE STYLISH and gJJQJ-g at Hnlskamp's Red Shoe House' PRÍfiF RR OS Wholesale Wall Paper House, ^ HAVjLi LfilvUt J Corner Sixth and Mam Sis. ^ 56 REES' KEOKUK CITY DIRECTORY. ® a Bunyan, William S., driver J. M. Bunyan, r. 1027 Palean, (jj Bunyan, William S., r. sw. corner 3d and Palean. ^ ^ Bung^ess. Anthony, carpenter, r. se. corner E and Elm e Burch, Job. clerk E.'A. Mirriellees, r. 1009 Morgan. ^ "3 Burch, Miss Mary E., book keeper Huiskamp Bros., r. Ü ^ 1009 Morgan. S 's Burch, Miss Minnie, r. corner 14th and Cedar. ¿ 2 Burger, Albert F., clerks Wilkinson & Co , r. 1210 Main. s Burger, Miss Bertha, r. 1210 Main. ^ > Burger, Mrs. Johanna, r. 1210 Main. ^ X Burgess, Annie H., r. 1202 Des Moiniis. qj ^ Burgess, Clifford, r. 1302 Des Moines. JrJ = Burgess, Frederick W., harness maker, r. 1716 Raid. J® Burgess, John A., check clerk C. B. & Q. R'y, r. 1202 O Des Moines. fa Burgess, Rev. John, Superanuated Iowa Annual Confer¬ ence. r. 1202 Des Moines. Burgess. Maud L., r. 1716 Raid. Burgess, Robert M.. wks. Wm. Rees & Co., r. 1716 Reid. Burgess, Mrs. Sarah E., r. 1112 Morgan. Burgess, William C., clerk Carter & Moody, r. 1300 Des Moines. Burk, Miss Annie, dressmaker, r. 1003 High. Burk, Daniel, works Globe Iron Works, r. 210 south 4th. Burk, Miss E. A., (J. Burk & Co.) Burk, J. & Co;, (Miss E. A. Burk, administratrix) mineral water manufacturers, 1011 to 1013 Main. Burk, Joseph C., clerk, r. 1116 Blondeau. Burk, Michael, laborer, public works, r. 611 Carroll. Burk, William, laborer Tabor & Co., r. corner E. and Bluff. Burke, Miss Catherine, r. 618 Carroll. Burke, Edward, laborer, r. 110 south 4th. Burke, Miss Isabella domestic, r. 618 south 7th. Burke, James, laborer Taber & Co., r. 620 south 7th. Burke, Miss Kate, r. 210 south 4th. Burke, Miss Katie, r. 618 south 7th. Burke, Miss Maggie A., domestic, r. 424 ^outh 7th. Burke, Miss Maggie A., r. 618 south 7th. Burke, Margaret, bds. 904 Morgan. CO «8 >- liJ a: CO Wilkinson & Co. Perfninery WnnH 1\/l;)ntplQ wyman-rand carpet CO., WH \J\J\À p¥lCl|l LO I O J 60.V and (ill Main St. REES' KEOKUK CITY DIRECTORY. 57 Burke, Miss Mary, r. 618 south 7th. Burke, Mrs. Mary, r. 210 south 4th. B-urke. Michael J., confectionery 409 Main, r. 326 S. 8th. Burke, Michael J., cupula tender Buckeye foundry, r. 618 south 7th» ■¡■■B Burke, Patrick, laborer Coey & Co., r. cor. 8th and Ridge. Burket, Miss Mary E., r. 123 north 7th. Burket, N. Keller, central agent A. R. T. Co., r. 123 n. 7th. Burkhart, Harry, r. Rees' Addition. Burkitt, Dr. William, r. 510 north 4th. Burklund, Klaus, r. 1007 Morgan. Burnell, Henry F., machinist St. L. K. & N. W. R'y, r. 1112 Bluff. Burnell, Miss Sadie EL, r. 1112 Bluff. Qq Burnett, Charles C., clerk St. L. K. & N. W. R'y, r. cor- ^ m m 0) ner od ana riign. Burns, Miss Clara R , r. 1105 Blondeau. Q ^ Burns, Charles R., works Keokuk Canning Factory, r. 1105 Blondeau. Burns, Miss Inez, r. rear 413 Palean. , Burns, James F., machinist St. L. K. & N. W. R'y, r. cor¬ ner D and Oak. ^ ® Burns, James, engineer K. & W. R'y, r. 712 Des Moines. =" ^ Burns, John. r. 1105 Blondeau. ^ Burns, John, laborer Coey & Co., bds. 418 A. o ® Burns, John, hostler K. & W. R'y, r. 511 Palean. S ^ Burns, John, moulder Globe Iron Works, r. 211 south 4th. «.Jl Burns, Joseph, foreman Coey & Co., r. 113 north 4th. Burns, Mrs. Josephine, f. rear 413 Palean. 5 » Burns, Miss Kittie, r, '722 Des Moines. ^ % Burns, Miss Maggie, works Keokuk Canning Factory, r. S- 722 Des Moines. ^ = Burns, Robert, carpenter and architect, r. 713 Blondeau to ^ Burns, Robert, starch maker, bds. Globe Hotel. ^ S Burns, Robert H., (German Starch Co.) r. 427 Palean. s Burnes, Miss M^ry, works Shoe Factor)-, r. 418 A. Burnes, Thomas, fireman Coey & Co., r. 418 A. Burrell, Miss Cora, r. 414 Des Moines. S -3 Burrell, Mrs. Mary, r. 414 Des Moines. " The "Popular" Dry Goods House Fourth and 5 Main Streets. T. D. MÄCKEY, Surgeon Dentist 58 REES' KEOKUK CITY DIRECTORY. C I^Bu ^ Burrows, John, groceries and feed 828 Main, r. 14 n. 9th. Burrows' Hall, Jos. Spaan, manager, 9th and Main. kÎ Burton, Miss Katie, r. 1012 Concert. « i-î Burton, James, laborer, bds. 1715 Blondeau. ^ ^ Busby, Miss Callie, r. 106 north Water. ^ Busch, Miss Anna E., r. sw. corner 13th and Cedar. {> Busch, Edward L., machinist St. L. K. & N. W. R'y, r. è sw. corner 13th and Cedar. «C/) Busch, Evalina M., works Shoe Factory, r. sw. corner P¿ 13th and Cedar. ^1^ Busch, Gustaf, coppersrpith, St. L. K. & N. W. R'y, r. 1326 Reid. sch, Jacob H., coppersmith St. L. K. & N. W. R'y, r. sw. corner 13th and Cedar. Busch, Mrs. Mary P., washerwoman, r. 1818 Morgan. Bush, Miss Elizabeth, r. 918 Des Moines. Bush, shoemaker A. N. Matheny, r. 918 Des Moines. Businger, William, laborer C. R. I. & P. R'y, r. 521 B. . Buss Bros., (G. Henry & John) tar roofing, 809 Morgan and 1313 Blondeau. Buss, Charles P., traveling salesman, r. 910 Concert. Buss, Cobus, mail agent St. L. K. & N. W. R'y, r. 918 Concert. Buss, Diedrich, roofer, r. 910 Concert. Buss, Garrett H., (Buss Bros.,) 809 Morgan. Buss, Henry, r. 910 Concert. Buss, John P., (Buss Bros.,) r. 1313 Blondeau. Buss, William M., tailor John Pranek, r. 809 Morgan. Butler, Miss Kate, r. 1705 Exchánge. Butler, Robert, laborer, r. 1705 Exchange. Butler; Miss Sarah, domestic 826 Franklin. Butter, Spencer, laborer, r. 20 north 9th. o; Cab us, GEORGE, barber, r. 224 Main. Cadwell, William C., teamster Carson & Rand Lumber Co., r. 824 south 9th. — I Cahalan, Miss Ella, seamstress, r. 428 south 8th. ! Cahalan, John, (J. & W. Cahalan) r. 428 Palean. ' CLARK BROS. Ind c™' CoUars McGRATH BROS., FIFTH AND MAIN STS. Prescription Druggists REES' KEOKUK CITY DIRECTORY. 59 Cahalan, John, Jr., wood molder, r. 428 south 8th. ■Cahalan, John, Sr., stone mason, r. 428 south 8th. Cahalan, J. & W., (John & William) grocery 428 Palean. Cahalan, Miss Margaret A., r. 428 south 8th. Cahalan, William, (J. & W. Cahalan,) r. 428 Palean. Cahalan, William J., r. 428 south 8th. Cahill, Edward P., clerk Frankel, Frank & Co., r. 926 Bank. Cahill, John W., clerk Superior court, r. 926 Bank. Cahill, Michael, saloon keeper, r. 926 Bank. Cahill, Patrick, wks. C. R. I. & P. R'y, r. 528 Des Moines. Cain, Joseph F., works Shoe Factory, bds. se. corner 5th and .Bank. Calaboose, rear 17 north 6th. Caldwell, Mrs. Annie, r. nw. corner 3d and Ridge. q O Caldwell, Miss Flla F., r. 509 Blondeau. Caldwell, Frank M., assistant porter Hotel Keokuk, r. tTCD 509 Blondeau. Caldwell, George W., Jr., barber Vick. Story, r. 509 Öq Blondeau. ' Caldwell, George O., Sr., porter Hotel Keokuk, r. 509 • Blondeau. Caldwell, William F., driver Wm. Sinton, r. 509 Blondeau. ^0 Callen, Phillip, laborer, r. 1427 High. Callihan, Andrew, labor er, r. 203 south 1st. ^ Callihan, Mrs Mollie, r. 624 Johnson. 0 Callihan, Simon P., constable, r. 1654 Johnson. Callihan, Ulysses S., moulder Keokuk Stove Works, r. 1624 Johnson. ' Cameron, James, wood yard, 19 south 7th, r. 122 south 7th. * ^ Cameron, Thomas, works James Cameron, r. 122 S. 7th. 0 Camp, Eli R., druggist 529 south 5th, r. 517 south 5th. ^ Campbell, Miss Annie, teacher. Wells school, r. 513 Fx- (D change. 0) Campbell, Mrs.*Ester, r. 513 Exchange. V (n Campbell, Frank P..works S. P. Pond & Co., r. 719 N. 12th. % S Campbell, Miss Mattie, teacher, r. 513 Exchange. ^ Campbell, George W.,works S. P. Pond & Co.,r.7l8n 12th (k ^ Ayres Bros. Music Store KEEPS EVERYTHING ^ in the Mu.sic Business. PRICE BROS. PAINTING and PAPER HANGING, Cor. 6th and Main Sts. 60 REES' KEOKUK CITY DIRECTORY. ^ m Campfield, George W., foreman carpenter shop St. L, K. S ^ & N. W. R'y, r. 502 south 2d. o Campfield, Miss Jennie, r. 502 south 2d. ® Ö Canby, Joseph L., book keeper C. R. I. & P. R'y, r. 219 02 south 6th. *2 1-5 Carey, Miss Helen C., r. Clinton Place. P Carey, Miss Jennie E.. r. Clinton Place. ^ CÔ Carey, John, laborer Coey & Co , r. 1207 Williams, g rd Carey, Mrs. M. H., r. 610 Morgan. Carey, Miss Rosa, r. 1207 Williams. 2 Carey, (S. E. & Co.,) r. Clinton Place. E Q Carey, S. E. & Co., (Samuel E. Carey,) china, glass and quéensware 307 Main. ^ Carey School, sw. corner 13th and Des Moine^. ^ Carleton, Charles, car repairer St. L. K. & N. W. R'y, r. 305 Bank. Carlin, Mrs. Catherine, r. 1308 Missouri ave. Carlin, William B., sorter S. C. & S. Carter, r. 1308 Mis- souri ave. Carlson, Mrs. Christina, 307 Morgan. Carlson, Charles,salesman Karle & Schulz, r. 805 N. 13th. Qq Carlson, Charles A., car repairer St. L. K. & N. W. R'y, r. 602 north l7th. Carlson, Charles J., works St. L. K. & N. W. R'y, r. 305 south 1st. Carlson, Charles W., yardman Hotel Keokuk, r. same. ^ Carlson, Mrs. Gustave, r. 429 Fulton. Carmichael, Mrs. Anna J., r. 722 High. Carmichael, George W., driver Rolla hose reel, r. 926 Main. Carmichael, William H., driver American express, r. 106 south 7th. Carnahan, William R., yard foreman St. L. K. & N. W. R'y, r. 618 Palean. , Carpenter, Adam, fireman steamer Patience, r. 602 S. 2d. H Carpenter, Frank, works S. C. & S. Carter, r. 1900 High. Carpenter, Isaac K., laborer Carson & Rand Lumber Co., ■ r. 1900 High. Carpenter, Mrs. Jennie, bds. 327 Blondeau. WILKINSON & CO., Cor. 11th and Main Sts. Prescription Druggists I MOI I DE In the Hambden Buel Insurance Agency, 24 N. 5th St. IIIwUIIIb Onit/ Lentlitif/ Companies Represented, Only Lendiiiff Companies Represented. REES' KEOKUK CITY DIRECTORY. 61 m m m Carpenter, John R., lock master lower lock, 802 High. Carpenter, William, fireman on river, r. rear 808 Johnson, Carr, Leroy H., Duncan-Shell Furniture Co., r. 206 n. 1st. Carrick, Miss Ida T., r. 116 Concert. ■ Carrick, Mrs. Mary J., r. 116 Concert. Carrick, William A., photographer 12 south 6th, r. 116 Concert. Carroll, Anthony L., stone cutter and contractor, r. 1200 Oak. PJ Carroll, James, r. 400 Palean. Carroll, Miss Jane, works Shoe Factory, r.-1200 Oak. Carroll, Michael, stone cutter,, r. 1200 Oak. Carroll, Miss Nora C., r. 1200 Oak. Carse, Mrs. Emma, r. north of Walcott's addition. Carse, James F., apprentice lower lock, r. Walcott's add. O Carse, John, laborer, r. River road near middle lock. Carsen, Peter, driller Keokuk Stove Works, r. one mile west of city. ^ Carson, August, elevator boy Hotel Keokuk. ^ Carson, John B., tinner Jacob Seither, r. 711 Main. g2 Carson & Rand Lumber Co., Commercial, cor- S ner F. (See ad. p. 8.) S Carss, John P., laborer, r. 1116 William. Carss, William, blacksmith 419 north 12th, r. 1124 Fulton. Carter, Miss Altha, domestic, r. 616 High. p g Carter, Anthony C., laborer, r. 1407 Palean. Carter, Miss Anna M., r. 1027 Concert. w™ Carter, Miss Anna, domestic, r. 829 Morgan. Carter & Carter, (Miss Mattie and Miss Nora,) dress- | g / makers, 124 south 2d. ^ m Carter, Ed. S., (Carter & Moody,) r. 1027 Concert. S"™ Carter, Frank P., r. 1027 Concert. Éü Carter, Hairy W., traveling salesman Carter & Moody, bds. 700 Johnson. 5" 3 Carter, Miss Irene, r. 504 north 8th. Carter, Miss Jenifie, r. 504 north 8th. " ^ Carter, Miss Mattie, (Carter & Carter,) r. 124 south 2d. S Carter & JVIoody, wholesale hats and caps, 221 Main. Ü2 RfftthOPQ r^ivery, Feed and Sale Stables. AUÍIU55 DlUlllGlo, Excursion and Moving Cars. 120 S. 3d St. T. D. MACKEY, Sl^Pxíracting Teeth •• . ^ 62 REES' KEOKUK CITY DIRECTORY. ^ ^ J Carter, Miss Nora, (Carter & Carter,) r. 124 south 2d. ' -ft! Carter, S. C. Sc S., (Samuel C. and Sylvester,) plan- ^ ing mill and lumber merchants, 419 to 429 south 4th. »».Carter, Samuel C., (S. C. & S. Carter.) r. 510 north 8th. ■4-^ Carter, Sylvester, (S. C. & S. Carter,) r. 504 north 8th. O Carter, Thomas, fireman St. L. K. & N. W. R'y, bds. ■ p— Windsor Hotel. Carter, William H., manager S. C. & S. Carter, r. 728 Fulton. ^^Carter, William S., clerk S. C. & S. Carter, r. 504 N. 8th. Carver, John W., proprietor The Fair 423 Main, r. 829 north 5th. ^ Carver Luther R., engineer St. L. K. & N. W. R'y, r. O 916 Bank. Carver, Miss Sallie, r. 327 north 5th. Casady, P. M., foreman Sinton's barn, r. 1123 Leighton. Case, Miss Mattie, domestic Clinton Place. O Case, Mrs. Mattie, nurse, r. 1123 Orleans. O Cassel, Major A., cigar manufacturer 1112 Main, r. 2024 O Timea. C~ Cassel. Ralph, works M. A. Cassel, r. 1018 Carroll. CO Catholic Cemetery, entrance ws. Carroll, bet. 18th and 19h. Catholic Knights of America, hall 625 Main. Cavanaugh, Hugh, works O. B. Sweet, r. 314 Exchange. ^ Cavanaugh, Mrs. Rachael, r. 314 Exchange. f— Cavanaugh, Miss Winifred, r. 314 Exchange. Cave, Hecter A., domestic J. S. Furgeson, r. national cemetery. Caywood, Fphiiam H., r. 219 south 10th. Caywc od, Mrs. Mattie, r. 314 Thnea. Cecil, James, (Markley & Cecil,) bds. 1115 Park. s Uj s © ^ Central Building Public School, 8th and Blondeau. .i Central Drug Store, E. E. Fuller & Sons, propr. 600 Main. § ^ Central House. William W. Hovey proprietor 18 Main. © > Central School Journal, O. W. Weyer, manager, 1311 ® ^ Concert. "o Central Stove Works, A. Hosmer, trustee, 17 north 1st. © ^ Central Union Telephone Co., Wm. H. Dolbear, mana- c ¿ Main. les. Provisions, Hardware, QUEENSWARE, and GARDEN IMPLEMENTS. 1300 ST. JACOB RENWALD. McGRATH BROS, Perfumery REES' KEOKUK CITY DIRECTORY. 63 _iü^ Chamberlain, Arthur, printer Constitution-Democrat, r. 1313 Fulton. Chambers, John W., driver U. S. Express, r. 508 Palean. Chandler, Miss Birdie, dressmaker Mrs. Parker, bds. E between Bluff and Park. Chandler, Elcina, laborer, r. 2029 Des Moines. Chandler, Ge'-rge W., teamster Sinton, r. 1301 Johnson. Chandler, Jonathan, r. 916 Des Moines. Chandler, John W., teamster T. C. Harrison, r. E betwen Bluff and Park. Chapman, Mrs. Artie, r. 1219 Concert. Chapman, Miss Jennie, r. 1219 Concert. Chapman, Miss Mary, r. 1219 Concert. Chapman, Orange J., secretary and general manager Keo- „ ^ kuk Elec. St. Railway and Power Co., r. 701 Orleans. ^ ^ Chappell, Alonzo B., billiard hall Main, between 3d and 2 S- 1th, r. 21st and Grand avenue. Chappell, Harry C., r. 21st and Grand avenue. rj~^° Chappell, Jessie M., works Irwin, Phillips & Co., r. 21st q'C and Grand avenue. 73 Charnier, George W., painter, r. 619 Exchange. S Charnier, Mrs. Henrietta, r. 619 Exchange. Chartier, Mrs. Eliza, r. 200 south 1th. g Chartier, Eugene, laborer Tabor & Co., r. 200 south 1th. g. Chat, D. R. Craig editor, published every Saturday, O ^ printed by Wm. Rees & Co., 21-23 S. 5th. [^3^ Chatham Square M. E. Church, Harvey V, Tull, pastor, i-q g northeast corner 7th and Morgan. ^ Cheek, James, engineer Badger Electric Light Co., r. ^ 518 south 8th. H O Chenoweth, Joseph H., mail clerk Keokuk and Des Ç Moines, r. 1206 High. 5 S Cherry, Miss Mary, r. 126 north 9th. ^ Cherry, James N., 426 north 9th. ^ 7^ Chevillon, Laurent, cabinet maker, r. 215 Johnson. Chevillon, Leon^ traveling salesman Bowman & Boyer, r. b ^ 421 north 6th. ^ ^ Chicago, Burlington & Quincy general offices nw. corner TP & Main and 2d, depot Water foot of High. (K The Red Shoe House, First-ciass sime work • ——————— at Lowest Prices. PRTfiF RRO^ The only Wholesale Wall Pai)ei' House, ^ AViv-lJ l/lvV/kJ^j Comer Sixth and Main Sts. ^ 64 REES' KEOKUK CTTY DIRECTORY. P « Chicago, Rock Island & Pacific Railway offices, Johnson ^ and south Water, J. F. Pollock, agent. § Childers, Frank, delivery clerk Bartlett's grocery, r. 602 ^ c south 2d. ^ Childers, Miss Kate, r. 209 Main Ü ^ Childress, Shelton, laborer, r. 117 south 5th. P s Childs, Lern. W., traveling salesman Kellogg, Birge & ^ Z Co , bds. Hotel Keokuk. c Chill, Miss Kate F., domestic, r. 222 south 7th. ^ > Chill, Miss Mary, domestic, r. 222 south 7th. jjj !ji Chilton, Mrs. S., r. 25^ north 4th. D .7- Chisholm, Daniel N., works Keokuk Wind Engine Co., = r. 316 south 11th. ^ Chittenden, Abram B., r. 507 north 4th. 0 Christfield, John D., trimmer Coey & Co., r. Blondeau fo between 4th and 5th. Chrisinger, William H., school teacher, r. 903 Franklin. Christy, Charles S., fireffian St. L. K. & N. W. R'y, r. 802 Fulton. Christy, Ira, musician, bds. 1411 High. Christy, John P., expert accountant, r. 802 Fulton. Church of the Holy Cross, Rev. E. A. Bazett-Jones, rec¬ tor, south west corner 13th and High. Church of St. Mary the Virgin, Rev. E. A. Bazett-Jones, Priest in charge, 1401 High. O ' <ü> City Assessor, John Menz, r. 1st and Johnson. City Attorney, D. F. Miller, Sr., r. 200 south 8th. City Clerk, Rollin Clark, r. 521 north 6th. City Collector, Joseph Spaan, r. 1702 Orleans. Cit}' Engineer, Thomas C. Tate, r. 119 north 9th. City Hall, 629 Main. City Hospital, in charge of sisters of St. Joseph, corner 14th and Exchange. City Hotel, Roger Loftus, propr., 2, 4. and north Water. City Marshall, W. C. Trimble, r. 715 Morgan. City Mayor, John E. Craig, 17 north 5th. City Offices, Odd Fellows' Building, 629 Main. City Scales, Water foot Main and Johnson, W. S. Kerr, CO >- Iii _l CÍ. CO weighmaster. Wilkinson & Perfninery m m 0) •WnoH IVIantpliî wímih-ríno mrpet oo., WH \J\J\A |wlCl|ILOIOj 6*0.9 and 611 31ain St. REES' KEOKUK CITY DIRECTORY. 65 City Treasurer, Alex. E. Johnstone, (Taber & Co.) Clack, Charles, bell boy Hotel Keokuk. Clack, Horace G., traveling salesman J. C. Hubinger, r. 22d and Exchange. ■ Clair, Benjamin, laborer, r. 518 south 6th. Clair, David, laborer, r. 518 south 6th. Clair, John, yardman St. L. K. & N. W. R'y, r. 518 S. 6th. Clair, Joseph W., works Shoe Eactory, r. 518 south 6th. Clair, Miss Myrtle, r. 518 south 6th. Clancy, William, works Shoe Eactory. bds. 1227 Concert Clark, Adrian J., propr. Grand Pacific Hotel, 8 and 9 Water. Clark, Albert R., harness maker L. F. Racine, r. 220 Timea. Clark Bros., (Rollin and Homer B.,) gents' furnish- ^ ing goods, 507 Main, (See add. bottom lines.) Clark, Charles, traveling salesman Irwin, Phillips Co., C J bds. Hotel Keokuk. Clark, Charles, r. corner 13th and Palean. ^ j Clark, Charles J., butcher, r. 1129 Bank. , Clark, Miss Clara, bookbinder, Braidwood & Stahl, r. 2129 Bank. ^ ® Clark, Clarence J., clerk H. R. Jacobs, r. 2129 Bank. s ^ Clark, Miss Ethel, saleslady M. King, r. 220 Timea. ^ Clark, Henry H., (D. A. Kerr & Co.) r. 202 Blondeau. ? ® Clark, Homer B., (Clark Bros.) r. 922 Concert. S ^ Clark, Hugh P., tailor Franek, r. 220 Timea. -.¡iç Clark, Miss Kate, milliner Speisberger & Son, r. 2129 ^ J Bank. ^ P5 Clark, Lewis, laborer, r. 13th and Palean. • ^ ^ Clark, Miss Maria, r, 2129 Bank. S- >t¡ Clark, Miss Nellie, saleslady Variety store, r. 220 Timea. * =' Clark, Bollin, (Clark, Bros.,) city clerk, r. 521 N. 6th. tc ^ Clark-JTohnson Co.. (S. M. Clark, Gust. C. John- ^ w son and Sidney Cox,) books and stationery "^615 Main. s (See add outside cover.) ww Clark, Samuel M., (Howell & Clark and Clark Johnson 5® Co.,) r. 414 Orleans. S Clark, Miss Sophie, r. 414 Orleans. ^ 2. The "Popular" Dry Goods Honse, /.Äel T. D. MACKEY, Surgeon Dentist 66 REES' KEOKUK CITY DIRECTORY. ^ Clark, Thomas, laborer, r. 1028 High. _ Clark, William, hostler A. J. Hardin, r. 11 south 3d hi] Clark, William M., porter Wm. Blom. r. 1811 Des Moines, g »-i Clark, Wilson M., tinner Jacob Seither, r. 225 south 2d. ¿ Clay, William, laborer, r. rear 215 south 4th. ^ Cleghorn, Mrs. Hannah, r. 207 Blondeau. Clemens, Mrs Jane r. 307 north 7th. t Clemens, Miss Laura, r. 410 north 3d. CS C/j Clemens, Orion, attorney, office 23 north 5th, r. 806 n. 7th. ÇC Clemens, Mrs Lizzie, r. 410 north 3d. Clemenson, Miss Jennie, domestic Clifton House. ^ ü> Clemenson, Miss Lizzie, domestic Clifton House. ^ ^ Cleveland, Miss Jennie, vest maker S. S. Lowitz, r. 1114 Timea. ¿ Click, Miss Effie, r. No. 6 Main. 03 Click, Frank, laborer McDermott & Sons, r. No. 6 Main. Click, George, laborer, r. No. 6 Main. P Clififer, Eugene, painter Price Bros., r. 1826 Blondeau. ClifiTord, Percy W., works Shoe Factory, r. 828 Blondeau. Clifton House, Miss May Rewald, proprietor, 1028 Main. Cline, Peter F., cooper Keokuk Cooperage Co., r. north east corner 3d and Cedar. Clink, George V , gunsmith 18 north 4th, r. 1416 Morgan. Cloidt, Joseph, blacksmith, r. 2d and Johnson. Cloonan, Miss Maggie, works Shoe Factory, r. 410 s. 5th. Cloonan, Miss Maria, works Shoe Factory, r. 410 s. 5th. Cloonan, Mrs. Ellen, r. 410 s. 5th. Clossin, Samuel, engineer, r. 202 s. 14th. C bb, Edgar C., contractor, r. 1828 Timea. Cobb, Miss Margaret, r. 113 Blondeau. Cobb, William, carpenter 228 Exchange, r. 209 Exchange. Cobelena, Louis, saloon keeper, 816 Johnson. Cochran, Mrs. Eliza, r. 519 north 4th. Code, Miss Ella, r. 818 Johnson. Cody, Miss Mabel, milliner, r. 1422 High. Cody, James M., lock master lower lock, r. 1422 High. Coey & Co., (limited) John Ballantyne, manager, 812 Johnson, packing house 5th and B. Coffee, Miss Anna, domestic, 310 Orleans. COLLARS. CUFFS. McGRATH BROS., FIFTH AND MAIX S TS. Prescription Druggists REF.S' KEOKUK CITY DIRECTORY. 67 Cole, John H , civil engineer and superintendent Keokuk and Hamilton bridge, r. 216 High. Collenbarger, George A., traveling salesman Constitution- Democrat, r. 1319 Franklin Coleman, Miss Ella F., dressmaker, r. 902 north 11th. Coleman, Mrs. Henrietta, r. 902 north 11th. Coleman, Peter, works S. Klein & Son, r. 800 Main. Colkitt, Mrs. Sarah, r. 1108 Williams. Colman, Miss Annie, works Iowa Dental Refining Co., r. Main, between 16th and 17th. Colmay, Mrs. Mary J., r. 823 north 13th. Colmay, Miss Rosa, r. 823 north 13th. College of Physicians and Surgeons, J. C. Hughes, Dean, 7th and Blondeau. Collier,Miss Annie E., r. 108 High. ^ O Collier, Charles C., clerk State National Bank,r. 108 High. ^ Collier, David, traveling salesman Collier, Robertson Hambleion, r. 222 Concert. Collier, George F , ass't book keeper Collier, Robertson & Hambleton, r. 108 High. Collier Robert R., r. 108 High. C/)^ Collier, Robertson & Hambleton, (Alexander Collier, Hugh Robertson, and B. Franklin Hambleton,)whole- ^0 sale grocers, 214 to 218 Johnson. Collier, Thomas, engineer K. & W. R'y, r. 916 Grand ave. Collins, Albert H., mail agent St. L. K. & N. W. R'y, i"- 216 north 12th. Collins, Miss Bridget, dressmaker, r. 604 Palean. Collins, Edward M., cigar niaker. Jno. Leezer, r. 1521 Des Moines. Collins, Miss Gertrude H., r. 610 Orleans. • Collins, Mrs. Harriet E , r. 216 north 12th. 0 Collins & Heaslip, (Joseph A. M. Collins and è Henry A. Heaslip,) real estate and insurance, 8 n. 5th. O Collins, James, works Buckeye Foundry, r. 1521 Des ^ Moines. • ^02 Collins, John, traveling salesman J, C. Hubinger, r. 1521 ^ » Des Moines. i-d Collins, John, laborer, r. 606 south 6th. ' Ayres Bros. Music Store 13 3 Conway, John, Jr., laborer Hubinger starch works, r. 629 south 5th ^ fT5 Conway, John, Sr., stone mason, r. 629 south 5th. H O Conway, Miss Rose, works Shoe Factory, r. 629 S. 5th. Ç ^ Conway, Thomas, laborer Coey & Co., r. corner 5th and A. _ S Cook, Miss Ada, r. 1222 Timea. ' q Cook, Allen, carpenter Carson & Rand Lumber Co., r. ^ ^ 804 north 13th. * ^ Cook, A. L. & Co., grocery 1212 Fulton. ^ ^ Cook, Andrew L., (A. L. Cook & Co.,) r. 1216 Fulton. ^ ^ Cook, Byron C.. agent Singer Sewing Machine Co., r. 5 ^ 420 south 15th. a? ^ J, » The Röd SIIO6 House Leader in First-CIass Shoe Work " ' at Lowest Prices. PRíriF RRO^ Wholesale Wall Paper House, ilAVJlj l/iVvÜ»^ 'corner sixth and Main Sts. 2 72 REES' KEOKUK CITY DIRECTORY. fi ® K Cook, Miss Cora, works Shoe Factory, r. 1222 Timea. ^ ^ Cook, Charles K., clerk McGrath Bros., r. 818 Carroll. = Cook, Charles M.., harness mnfr. 627 Main, r. ^ Ï Messengerville. ^ Cook, Eliza J., r. 1230 Bluff. 0 ^ Cook, Frank, teamster, r. 1230 Bluff, fi 's Cook, Fritz, r. 717 High. ¿ Z Cook, )ohn \V., foreman Carson & Rand Lumber Co., r. "g 80i north 13th. ^ > Cook, Mrs. Kate, r. 818 Carroll. ^ tXu Cook, Mrs. Libbie J., (A. L. Cook & Co.,) r. 1216 Fulton. 1) Cook, Lindley, plasterer, r. 1222 Timea. 5Í r Cook, Oscar H., (Worley & Cook) brickmason, r. 1522 ® Morg"an. 0 Cook, Mrs. Phoebe R., r. 718 Morgan. Cook. Thomas J , harness maker C. M. Cook, r. 1216 Franklin. Coombs, Elmer E., traveling salesman Irwin-Phillips Co., bds. Hotel Keokuk. Cooper, Miss Bell, r. 108 north 4th. Cooper, William, tinner, r. 108 north 4th. Copeland, Mrs. Elenora, bds. J. Hulls', Rees' Add. Copeland, ice dealer, r. 226 south 5th. Corlson, Miss Josephine, domestic 318 north 5th. Corlas, Larry, bartender 26 south 5th, r. 1114 Park. Cosgrove, (Á. Weber & Co.,) r. 712 Timea. Costello, Edward, laborer middle lock, r. 1112 Fulton. Costello, Lawrence, laborer middle lock, r. 1112 Fulton. Costello, Patrick, laborer, r. ns. 14th between Carroll and and Ridge. Costello, Peter W., moulder Keokuk Stove Works, r. nw. corner 13th and Carroll. Cottingham. Miss Lena, domestic 21st and Grand ave. Coulter, Albert ]., engineer C. R. I. & P. R'y, r. 1424 Main. Coulter, Miss Jessie, r. 1424 Main. County Attorney, D. F. Miller, Jr., 610i^ Main, r. 216 south 8th. County Clerk, J. M. McNamara, court house. O CO «8 >- UJ _l ûi CO Willdnson & Co. Per'"* Lt'Perfumery m m 0) •Wood ]Vlapte1s/gaMl?.°-' REES* KEOKUK CITY DIRECTORY. 73 County Court House 5th and Concert. County Officers, court house, corner 5th and Concert. County jail basement, court house corner 5th and Concert. County Recorder, Ed. Mumm, court house, r. 818 Orleans. County Superintendent of the Poor, Henry Van Ausdal, office county court house, r. 706 C. " County Sheriff, Wm. P. Marshall, office county court sw. corner 5th and Concert. County Sheriff, (deputy,) Albert T. Marshall, r. 730 Grand ave. County Treasurer, (deputy) Geo. Schaefer, court house Courtney, John, laborer, r. 320 Palean. Courttney, Mrs. Lizzie, r. 1815 Timea. _ Courtright, Archie L , (A. L. Courtright & Co.,) r. 1705 Qq Blondeau. ^ Courtright, Richard, teamster, 1829 Timea. Covington, Eli, farmer, r. 613 Orleans. Í J Covington, Miss Laura, r. 613 Orleans. Covington, Louis, collector Commercial Bank, r. 613 ^ J Orleans. , Covington, Miss Nellie R., r.' 1208 Franklin. Cowan, Mrs. Margaret, r. 1208 Franklin. ^ ^ Cowley, Charles W., clerks A. Hills, r. 819 south 6th. =' ^ Cowley, Mrs. Delinda A., r. 418 Bank. ^ Cowley, Mrs. Henry C., r. 2100 Johnson. o ® Cowley, Solomon T., r. 418 Bank. ^ ^ Cowley, William, bartender A. Hills, r. 6th between Ridge «-(jç and Cedar. X » Cox & Berryhill, (Lisbon A. Cox and J. Madison Berry- ^ -j hill,) plasterers, 503 Blondeau. ^ ^ Cox, Isaac, laborer, r. 20th and High. £. hçj Cox, James W., r. 922 Carroll. ^ S' Cox, Lisbon A.. (Cox & Berryhill,) r. 902 Palean. to ^ Cox, Mrs. Sidney, r. 309 Concert. 7* Coyle. Anthony D., quarryman, ne. corner 7th and Ridge. ^ c Coyle, Miss Cetfelia, stenographer Gate City, r. 324 B. Coyle, Henry, moulder, r. 324 B. Coyle, Michael, laborer, r. 324 B. Coyne, Mrs. A. M., millinery The Fair, r. 822 Main. »1 s; "0 The "Popular" Dry Goods House, Fourth and Main Streets. T. D. MACKEY, Snrgeon Dentist 74 REES' KEOKUK CITY DIRECTORY. O Coyne, Andy O., (Coyne & Ballegoin,) r. 822 Main. ^ Coyne & Ballegoin, (Andy O. Coyne and Albert L. Balle- "ü goin.) grocers 822 Main. § J Craig, Addison, proffessor High school, r. 208 Fulton. 5 ^ Craig, Miss Bertha, r. 503 north 3d. ® J."Craig, Daniel R., editor Chat. r. 503 north 3d. •2 Craig, Hugh H., clerk Robertson Tea Co., r. 503 north 3d. Craig, John C., laborer, r. 914 Fulton. ^(/) Craig, John E., (Craig, McCrary & Craig,) r. 208 Fulton. P!Í Craig, John H., (Craig, McCrary & Craig,) r. 503 N. 3d. Craig, Mrs. Lizzie B., music teacher, r. 1309 Orleans. ¡> Craig, Miss Mary, attendant, r. 307 north 7th. ® ^ Craig, McCrary Sc Craig, (John H. Craig, A. J. McCrary, and John E. Craig, lawyers, 19 north 5th. .2 Craig, Theodore A., r. 503 north 3d. ^ Craig, Thomas, law student, r. 208 Fulton. ^ Craig, Walter, E., clerk at W. B. Daniels, r. 1309 Orleans. Cramer, Benjamin, laborer, r. 1627 Concert. Cramer, Mrs. Elizabeth, r. 1627 Concert. Cramer, John, cooper, r. 1627 Concert. Cramer, Joseph, gardner, S. T. Worley, r. Plank Road near Boulevard. Crane, Charles M., bill clerk K. & W. Ry., r. 712 Des Moines. Crane, Frank E., firemen St, L. K. & N. W. Ry., r. 122 north 6th. Creel, John, r. 402 s. 7th. Creel, Joseph P., r. 402 s. 7th. Creel, Mildred, r. 402 s. 7th. Creel, Mrs R. P., r. 402 s. 7th. Crees, David F., carpenter, r. 1528 Carroll. Crees, Walter C., box maker, Carson & Rand Lumber Co. r. 1528 Carroll. Creighton, James, works Keokuk Wind Engine Co. r. 416 north 6th. Crenshaw, John T., laborer. Bowman & Boyer, r. w. s. 15th between Carroll and Ridge. Crenshaw, William D., teamster, r. w. s. 15th between Carroll and Ridge. COLLARS. 4-CUFFS. McGRATH BROS., FIFTH AND MAIN STS. Prescription Drnggists REES' KEOKUK CITY DIRECTORY. 75 Crimmins, John, Sr., laborer St. L. K. & N. W Round House r. 1128 Bluff. Crimmins, John J., Trimmer Coey & Co., r, 1128 Bluff Criswell, Miss LeoniaB., r. 1929 Park., CrisM ell, Robert, stone mason, r. 1929 Park. Crocker, Edward, driver Geo. J. Neyens, r. 15 Timea. Crocker, Dewin, butcher, r. 1422 Timea. Crocker, Miss Eva, r. 1422 Timea. Crocker, Miss Ida, r. 1422 Timea. Crocker Mrs. Malvina J., r.'1422 Timea. Crocker, Mervin L., painter Geo. Hill, r. 517 s. 17th. Crok, Mrs. Bridget, r. 120 s. 4th. Crok, Miss Mamie, work Hotel Keokuk, r. 120 s. 4th. Cronin, John D. grocer, 5th between Cedar and A., r. " south east cor. 6th and Carroll. O ^ Crooks, Chas. C., stenographer, r. 316 Main. Crooks, Mrs. Jennie, domestic, r. 316 Main. hî'O) Crooks, John W., traveling salesman M. Stern, r. 316 Main. Crooks. Robt. E. traveling salesman Spiesberger & Son, r. 316 Main. Crooks, Thomas A., r. 316 Main. Croskery. Alexander, diaryman, r. Cedar between 6th ^0 and 7th. go Croskery, Miss Alice, r. Cedar between 6th and 7th. Croskery, Miss Celia, r. Cedar between 6th and 7th. q Crossan, Edwin, carpenter, Taber & Co., r. 506 Des Moimes. Crossan, Granville F., laborer Carson & Rand Lumber Co., r.506 Des Moines. ►jj'i Cross, David, farmer, r. corner 20th and Johnson. * Crossman, Joseph, works shoe factory, boards s. e. corner 0 5th and Bank. ^ Crotty. John T., Marble and Granite Monuments, 14 (D s. 5th, r. 621 Bank. (See Adv. Business Directory?) ^ Croughan, NelUe, r. 311 south 1st. ^ x/i Croughan, Owen, flagman foot Johnson r. 311 south 1st. ^ » Croughan, William, blacksmith T. Myers, r. 311 south 1st. ^¡0. Crow Benjamin P., barber H. H. Crow, r. 115 south 10th. cr| ^ Ayres Bros. Music Store KEEPS EVERYTHING in the Aliisic Business. PRICE BROS. PAINTING and PAPER HANGING. Cor. 6th and Main Sts. 2 76 REES' KEOKUK CITY DIRECTORY. Crow, Hannbile H. barber shop 704 Main, r. 925 Main. c5 ^ Crow, Miss Jessie, works shoe factory, r. bet. Exchange o and Johnson. ö Crow, Lee A , works shoe factory, bds. Madison Hotel. 01 'g Crow, Lemuel, laborer, r. 115 south 10th. •r t-s Crowl, Benjamin, teamster, r. 1416 Palean. 5 Crowl, George, laborer, r. 1407 Carroll. ^ CÖ Crowl, Thomas W., laborer w. s. 14th between Ridge ^ ^ and Carroll. .S î> Crowley, Benjamen. teamster, r. 1110 Ridge. « Crowley, Dennis C., conductor K. & W. R'y., r. 217 S Q Morgan. i, Crowson. David, r. 1502 Franklin. Crowsen, Miss Elizabeth, r. 704 Grand Ave. ^ Cruder, Thomas M., clerk K. & W. R'y. boards. St. Claire Hotél. Cnize, Mrs. Clars, cook Hotel St. Claire, boards same. Cuff, Fredrick, works shoe factory, r. 120 north 4th. Culbertson, John, sr., carpenter. 420 Bondeau, r. 1218 Blondeau. Culbertson, John F., grocer 603 Main, r. 1100 Exchange. Culkin, Lawrence, salesman S. Hamill & Co., r. 809' High. Culkin, Miss Mary L., school teacher, r. 809 High. Cullen, Miss Annie, domestic, r. 317 Concert. Cummins, Mrs. Ann. r. 625, Cummings. Mrs. Jane, r. 1304 High. Cunnifif, James, laborer, r. Cedar between 5th and 6th. Cunniff, John, laborer, r. 617 Palean. Cunniff, Mrs. Mary, r. Cedar between 5th and 6th. Cunninghan, Miss Bertha, 1501 Morgan. Cunningham, Edward laborer r. 829 north 13th. Cunninghan, John, laborer, 1501 Morgan. Cunninghan, Patrick, commercial traveler, 216 south 11th. Curran, Mark F., helper blacksmith shop C. R. I, & P. R'y.. boards Young America Restaurant. Currier, Edmund S., clerk U. S. postoffice, r. 315 s. 12th. Currier. Fredrick, A., porter Hotel Keokuk, r. same. 0) u a' o 0) WILKINSON & CO Cor. 11th and Main Sts. Prescription Druggists (n 8» IMOIipC In the Hambden Buel Insurance Agency, 24 N. 5th St. I 11 11 L Onltf Lefidinff Companies Represented.j REES' KEOKUK CITY DIRECTORY. 77 Currier. John J. book-keeper, r. 315 south 12th. Currier, Miss Leo L., r. 315 south 12th. Curry Bros., (James F. & Peter J.,) tailors, 519 Main. Curry, John. P., r. 508 High. ■ Curry, James F., (Curry Bros.,) r. 508 High, Curry, Patrick P. Fireman C. R. I. & H. shops r. 521 B. Curry, Peter J., (Curry Bros.,) r. 508 High. •Curry, Patrick. W., tailor Curry Bros., r. 508 High. Curtis. Miss F-lla, r. Ridge between 8th and 9th. Curtis, Miss Elizabeth, r. Ridge between 8th and 9th. Curtis, Douglas, conductor, C. B, & Q. R'y., r. 307 Morgan. Curtis, George, teamster Jas. McNamara, bds. 7th bet. Johnson and Exchange. Curtis, John, carpenter, Ridge between 8th and 9th. Cusack, Miss Anna, dressmaker Mrs. Brown's r. 1302 Williams. Cusack, James, works Coey..& Co., r. 1302 William.s Cusack Miss Maggie, Milliner, Frankel, Frank & Co.. r. 1302 Williams. ^ Cusack, Robert L., Policeman, r. 621 Bank. £! Cushman, Elbridge S., Engineer, Keokuk & Hamilton S Bridge, r. 725 north 12th. g Cushman, Miss Jennie, r. 1215 Concert. ^ Cushman, Mrs. Virginia, r. 1215 Concert. Cycloidal Engine & Pump Co., Edward C. Johnson Man- fs g ager cor. 4th and Bank, office 26 s. 3d, uo stairs. E-™ wg OS r= Daily Constitution^Democr at Warwick & 2^ S Ranson props. 19 north 6th. ? pn Daily Gate City (Th e) Howell & Clark publishers, ^ ™ 17 and 19 north 5th. Bü Daley, Charles D. r. 1824 High. Daley, James C. tailor Vogel Bros. r. 912 Carroll. ? g Daley, William Albert, house moYer, r. 1828 High. S-" Daley, John N.,•laborer Coey & Co. r. 1013 Park " ^ Daley, Thomas, stone mason, r. 1013 Park. SE Dallam, Thomas M., (barber Hotel Keokuk) bds. 126 s. 7th. Dalton, John M., painter C. R. I. & P. boards Eagle Hotel ^ ITfillAtftf RfAÍhAPG Livery, Feed and Sale Stables. AGiil;g5 DlUliiCIö, Excursion and Moving Cars. 120 S. 3d St. . T. D. HMEÏ, S™EiWiBgT(i!tli ^ 78 REES" KEOKUK CITY DIRECTORY. •fjj . ú¿ j Dalton, Miss Susan, r. 106 north Water. Dalzell, Robert, fine poultry dealer, r. 719 Timea. ^ Damp, Jesse M. locomotive engineer C. R. I & P R'y., r. ■Pv 1110 Park. Danford, Lewis A., saloon keeper, 20 south 4th r. O same. • »— Daniel, Mrs. Ann M., r. 227 High. Daniel, Chas. C. traveling salesman Buck Reiner & Co., r. 227 High ^*>Daniel, Miss Emma S., r. 227 High. Daniel, Miss Florence G., teacher First Ward school r. 227 High. ^ Daniel, Miss Mary S., r. 227 High.. O Daniel, William B., commission merchant 210 Main, r. 213 Concert. Daniels, John C., Commission Lumber Dealer, r. Ill Hi^h. Daniels, Sylvester, laborer, r. 708 Johnson. O Daniels, Rodert W., operator W. U.T. Co., r. 1000 Bank. O Danielson, Miss Celia, dressmaker Mrs. Ella Harts, r. O 1412 Orleans. r" Danielson. Miss Ida, domestic, r. 1528 Fulton. ÇÇJ Danielson, John F., traveling Lutheran Minister, r. 1412^ Orleans. Darland, G. T., traveling salesman Irwin Phillips Co.,. Hotel Keokuk. Darwin, William P., manager Wyman & Rand, r. 307 Franklin. Daughters, George D., packer Coey & Co., r. 412 B. Daughters, Samuel, farmer r. Nassau Add. "s 1^ Daughters, William N., works Samuel Daughters, r.. © c Nassua Add. ^ Daugherty, Miss Emma, r. 502 north 7th. "o .1 Daugherty, Miss Grace, r. 426 north 6th. I ^ Daugherty, Jas. F & Co., wholesale liquor dealers 5 ^ 211 Johnson, ware house east end Keokuk and Ham- ® 5 ilton Bridge, Hamilton, 111. © © Daugherty, Jas. F. (Jas. F. Daugherty & Co.,) residence CS "" ä r r\ I .. t hr © Ä, 504 north 7th. ç ¿ Daugherty, Samuel, 426 north 6th JACOB RENWALD, î:: oceries. Provisions, Hardware, , Iin AND QUEENSWARE, and GARDEN IMPLEMENTS. ) iSOO 3T. McGRATH BROS, Perfnmery REES' KEOKUK CITY DIRECTORY. 79 Daugherty, Mrs. Sarah, 207 north 14th. Davem, Miss Kate, dress maker, r. 404 Des Moines. Davem, Miss Maggie, dress maker, r. 407 Des Moines. Davem, Mrs. Mary, r. 407 Des Moines. Davem, Miss Fannie, domestic, 713 n. 18th. Davidson, Alexander, druggist, bds Hotel Windsor. Davidson, Miss Clara, clerk Steele's Dry Goods Store, r. 1018 Fulton. Davidson, Charles, elk. trwin, Phillips & Co., 1018 Fulton. Davidson, Green, r. Grand avenue, north 19th. Davidson, Leonard D., agent Singer Sewing Machine Co., r. 800 Morgan. Davie, James, saloon keeper 24 south 5th, r. same. Davis, Miss Annie B., r. 806 north 2d. ^ ^ Davis, Miss Bell, domestic 1226 Orleans. ^ ^ Davis, Caleb F., U. S. land inspector,, r. 806 north 2d. Davis, Caleb F., Jr.,bill clerk Buck-Reiner Co., r. 806 n. 2d. ^ ^ Davis, Miss Carrie T., r. 806 north 2d. cn Davis, Charles, porter post office, r. 1118 Franklin. Davis, Mrs. Charlotte, r. 1815 Morgan. Bt Davis, Charles, sawyer Taber & Co., r. 1200 Williams. •-J rt- Davis, Mrs. Clara, r. 718 north 18th. " Davis, Frank W., teller Keokuk Savings Bank, r. 806 n. 2d. ^ in Ho Davis, Mrs. Isabella, r. 1117 Franklin. S- Davis, JaniGS C., lawyer, 80 north 4th r. 610 High. O Davis, Jessie J., cooper F. Brinkman, r. 202^ north 10th. ^ ^ Davis, Miss Lizzie F., r. 1008 Blondeau. ^ 3 Davis, Mrs. Mahala, r. 1819 Timea. W Davis, Mrs. M. Jane, r. 228 north 14th. > fr) Davis, Dr. Paschal, physician board of health, office 608 H O Main, r. 1008 Blondeau. ^ ^ Davis, Mrs. Sarah r. Palean, near 19th. i—i ^ Davis, Sophia, dressmaker, bds. 726 north 10th. q Davis, Dr. William H., r. 107 Main. 2! Davis, Willis H. & Co., (Willis H. Davis and Dr. John A. Gibbon?,) surgical instruments, 17 north 4th. m ^ Davis, Willis H., (Willis H. Davis & C o.,) r. 708 Bank. ^ ^ Davison, George E., wks. S. P. Pond & Co., r. 1714 Ridge. ^ & Day, Mrs. Mary, r. 427 north 10th. ^ - - ■ " ■ CC ^ The Red Shoe House, Offers Everybody Bargains in Foot Wear. JOHN M. HUISKAMJ^. PRiHF RRO^ The only Wholesale Wall Paper House, UliVÜtj Vomer Sixth and Main Sts. 2 80 REES* KEOKUK CITY DIRECTORY. ß 0 X Day, Thomas, laborer, r. 6 Main. Dean, Mrs. Emma, seamstress, r. 705 C. © D eane, Edmund A., machinist Cyclodial Engine and S Pump Co., r. 120 north 4th. jA "f Debouge. Eugene, silversmith T. R. J. Ayres & Sons, r. Q ^ 307 Main. 3 's Deck, Miss .Annie G., r. 616 Main. ¿ Z Deck, John L., laborer, r. 810 E. g Deck, Thomas, laborer, r. 810 E. ^ > Decker, Alexander C., (Decker Mnfg. Co.,) r. 1114 Timea. ^ !j: Decker, Delos, photographer, r. 1114 Timea.

- UJ _l ai CO Wilkinson & Co. L?' Perínmery wnnh 1\/l;:)ntplq wyman-rand carpet co., ¥ W V-FV^U |¥ia|ILOlOj 609 and 611 Main St. REES' KEOKUK CITY DIRECTORY. 81 m m CO Denney, Miss Mollie, r. corner 5th and Cedar. Denney, Rufus A., laborer, r. corner 5th and Cedar. Denney, Miss Teana, works Keokuk Pickle Co., r. cor¬ ner 5th and Cedar. ■ Dennon, Sylvester, clerks Irwin-Philips Co., bds. 126 s. 2d. Dermody, John W., stone mason, r. 1218 Bluff. Dermody, Lawrence, moulder,.r 1117 Franklin. Dermody, Lary, clerk Emil Pfaffe, r. 1417 Franklin. Dermody, William, stone mason, r. 1417 Franklin. Des Moines River Bridge, near west end of Keokuk. Derick, Alice, r. 812 Johnson. Derx, J., physician, basement, Davis building corner 4th and Blondeau. Desha, William, r. 212 south 4th. Qq Deuell, Mrs. Frank M,. r. 324 south 2d. ^ Deuell, Miss Nellie, works Shoe Factory, r. 324 south 2d. Deuell, Miss Viola, teacher First Ward school, r. 324 s. 2d. Q J Devine, Mrs. John C., dressmaker, r. 708 Exchange. De Witt, William, laborer Coey & Co., r. 324 Palean. Dick, Clarence F., (Keppel, Dick & Co.,) r. 216 Fulton. , Dickens, Charles E., r. 422 Concert. Dickens, Miss Nancy, washerwoman, r. 422 Concert. ^ ^ Dickey, Charles, superintendent Coey & Co., r. 627 Timea. 5' ^ Dickie, Charles J., carpenter, r. 211 north 6th. ^ Dickie, Mrs. Jane, r. 611 north 6th. o ® Dickie, Miss Jessie, teacher Torrence school, r. 611 n. 6th. ^ ^ Dickerson, William, hostler, r. rear 828 Johnson. Dickerhoof, Joseph B., teamster Carson & Rand Lumber Z- » Co , r. 629 Exchange. S » Dickinson, Curtis E., river fireman, r. 413 Des Moines. ^ ^ Dickinson, Don N., clerk St. L. K. & N. W. R'y, r. 526 g. ^ north 4th. • =" Dickson, Charles, wks. 8. C. & S. Carter, r. 412 Blondeau. to ^ Dickson, Joseph, cook, r. 26 north 3d. Dickson, Samuel, coachman Mrs. S. Cox, r. 318 Blondeau. s Diertrich, Miss Carrie, works Elastic starch factory, r. . 419 Johnson. ^ ^ Dietz, Charles L., engineer Keokuk Cooperage Co., r. S 1528 Reid. " The "Popular" Dry Goods House, T. D. MACKEY, -'»¿SkP' Snrgeon Dentist 82 Rees' keokuk city directory. © © Dietz, Edward, Jr., planing mill mechanic, r. 1703 Raid. ^ Dietz, Edward, Sr., farmer, r. Ford's add. 'S hÍ Dietz, Frank A., edgerman Taber & Co., r. 703 C. « »J Dietz, Harry, foreman T. C. Harrison, r. 323 F. Dietz, James, teamster Carson & Rand Lumber Co., r. Ford's add. Dil ou, Miss Anna T., r. 1004 south 5th. è Dillon, Mrs. Anna, r. 1319 Oak. Dillon, Mrs. Catherine, r. 1004 south 5th. PCj Dillon, John F., laborer Coey & Co., r. 1004 south 5th. Dillon, Miss K^tie, r. 1319 Oak. ^ Dillon, Mary, r. 515 Ridge. © ^ Dillon, Robert J., foreman cellar Coey & Co., r. 8th and Carroll. Dillon, Thomas J., laborer Carson & Rand Lumber Co., r. 1319 Oak. Dillon, William J., laborer Coey & Co., r. 1319 Oak. Dimond, Andy J., (Keokuk Milling Co ,) r. 626 Des Moines. Dimond. Charles, telegraph operator K. & W. R'y, r. 626 Des Moines. Dimond, Miss Ella, r. 618 Des Moines. Dimond, Harry C., works Keokuk Milling Co., r. 626 Des Moines. Dimond, James, (James Dimond & Son,) r. 614 Des Moines. Dimond, James H., clerk John R. Dimond, r. 605 S. 9th. Dimond, James & Son, (James & John W.,) grocers, 805 Main. Dimond, John, r, north east corner 9th and Carroll. Dimond, John R., grocer 813 Main, r. 605 south 9th. Dimond, John W., (James Dimond & Son,) r. 420 S 7th. Dimond, Miss Jennie, r. 618 Des Moines. Dimond, Miss Lulu. r. 420 south 7th. Dimond, Miss Nellie, r, 605 south 9th. Dingey, Osurie S., foreman Keokuk Canning Factory, r. 913 Blondeau. Dishmore. Miss Mary, r. 1408 Bank. Dismon, Henry J., works Shoe Factory, r. 128 south 2d. COLLARS. ^ CUFFS. Drnggists and Prescriptionist REES' KEOKUK CITY DIRECTORY. 83 Distill, Mrs. Kate, r. 304 Exchan_we. Ditton, Charles, machinist Cycloidal Engine and Pump Co.. r. 19th and Main. Diver, Miss Helen Curtis, r. 523 north 3d. Diver James B.. bridge contractor, office 308 Main, r. 523 north 3d. Dixon, Charles, teamster Taber & Co., r. 112 Blondeau. Dixon, James W., machinist Keokuk Wind Engine Co., r. 1110 Morgan. Dixon, Mrs. Sarah E., r. 1110 Morgan. Dixon, William, cook U. S. str. Lucia, bds. 1204 Concert. Dobb, Albert A.,car repairer C. R. I. & P. R'y.i"- 1627 Estes Dobb, Garrett A., laborer Taber & Co., r. Charles between 13th and 14th. ^ Dobson, George, laborer r. 5th bet. Palean and Carroll, o ^ Dobson, Mrs. Mary, r. 5th between Palean and Carroll. ^ < Dode, George, quarryman, r. 929 Des Moines. Dodge, Miss Edith, r. 1413 Bank. Dodge, Daniel C., shingle sawyer Taber & Co., r. 1413 Bank. t-iC Dofflemyer, Miss Ella, r. 817 Morgan. Wq ^ ^ 0! Dofflemyer, Franklin P., clerk D. G. Lowry, r. 817 Morgan. Ï ^ Dofflemyer, James J., professor First Ward school, r. 827 ^2. Franklin. So Dofflemyer, Miss Jessie, r. 817 Morgan.. 2 Dofflemyer, Joseph, Jr., fireman K. & W. R'y, r. 817 o Morgan. Dofflemyer, Joseph, Sr., carpenter, r. 817, Morgan. Doherty, Michael, laborer Coey & Co., bds. 420 A. Doig, David B., r. 601 Exchange. Dolan, Bernard A., (Parsons & Dolan,) r. 1128 Exchange. * ^ Dolan, John H., car repairer,C. R. I. & P. R'y, r. 1420 Oak. 0 Dolan, Mrs. Mary, r. 1128 Exchange. 2. Dolan, Mrs. Winnie, r. 1228 Bluff. (D Dolan, Thomas, porter S. Hamill & Co., r. 1128 Exchange. ® Dolbear, Cyrus A., cashier Western Union Telegraph Co., ^ ix¡ r. 200 Main. ^ » Dolbear, William H., manager Western Union Telegraph office, r. 405 Morgan. ci9 ^ KEEPS EVERYTHING ^ ^ in the Music Business. Ayres Bros, Music Store □ DIor DDñO í'AINTING and PAPER HANGING,. inluL UitUu. Cor. 6th and Main Sts. ® 84 REES' KEOKUK CITY DIRECTORY. Hd-m Dollery, Douglas J., machine hand S. C. & S. Carter, r. (g ^ 628 Palean. ^ o Dollery, Reuben A., carpenter S. C. & S. Carter, r. 1702: § Ö Carroll. 03 Dollery, Mrs. Susan, r. 1721 Carroll. •g Donahue, James, plasterer, r. 808 Johnson. ^ Donahue, John, laborer, r. 508 south 1st. ^ cô Donahue Mrs. Mary, works Wyman-Rand Carpet Co., r. ^ ,ÎH 619 Carroll. 3 Donahue, Miss Mamie, r. 808 Johnson. rt Donahue, William, section foreman St. L. K. & N. W. R'y,. ô; Q r. 502 Palean. ^ Donaldson, John, laborer, r. 1901 Franklin. ^ Donavan, James, works Shoe Factory, r. 323 Blondeau. DoniJson, Gust, works Shoe Factory, r. 13th and Franklin. Donnelly, Anthony, trimmer Coey & Co., r. 1114 Park. Donnelly, Mrs. Mollie, r. 13 Main. ODonovin, William J.,cigar maker Jno. Leezer,r. 1313 Bank. Dooley & Smith, (William Dooly and William Smith,)' ifj livery and boarding stable, 118 to 120 south 3d. ^ Dooley, William, (Dooley & Smith,) r. 18 south 3d. Qq Doran, James, sexton Catholic cemetery, r. 1208 Des Moines. Dotson, Martin V., proprietor Young America Hotel, r. 224 Johnson. Douch, Charles W., fireman Keokuk and Hamilton bridge, "I r. 816 north 11th. Douglas, James R., clerks Wm. Wilson, r. 116 Exchange. Douglas, Mrs. Marie, r. 116 Exchange. Douglas, Miss Sarah, works Keokuk Cracker & Candy Co., r. 116 Exchange. ^ D ove, William A., minister, r. 1604 Fulton. Dowen, Miss Mattie, r. 821 north 10th. Downey, Miss Nellie, dressmaker Miss Sheehan, sisters,, a r. Í201 Williams. H Downey, Miss Mary, domestic, r. 610 High. Downey, Miss Mary E., works Elastic Starch Co., r. 1201 ■ Williams. (fi Dow ney, Mrs. Mary, r. 1201 Williams. romnia T uwm p«» mu -.103 AdUlllJtf(l's8i|S!UJBA'S|!0'siU!Bd-oo ^ NOSMIHIIAA 1 MOI IDC In the Hambden Buel Insurance Agency, 24 N. 5th St. lliOUriC All Losses Prompt}ff Paid. REES' KEOKUK CITY DIRECTORY. 85 Downey, William J., teamster Carson & Rand Lumber Co., bds. 1201 Williams, Downey, William T., driver J. Patterson's bakery, r. 1313 Franklin. ■ Downing, Judson C., engraver Ayres Bros , r. 418 N. 4th. 1^^ Downing, Ulysses M., traveling salesman, r. 1528 Orleans. Draine, John, night watchman Wm. Sinton, r. 1520 Blondeau. Drake, Alber Edwin, (E. R. Drake & Co.,) r. 900 Morgan. Drake, E. R. & Co., (Erast us R. and Alber Edwin íA Drake,) carpets, 318 Main. {See adv. back of book.) Drake, Erastus R., (E. R. Drake & Co.,) r. 900 Morgan, Drake, Miss Julia R., r. 900 Morgan. Drake, Miss Nellie C., 900 Morgan. Driscoll, John A., engineer St. L. K. & N. W. R'y, r. 628 south 7th. Droa, Miss Katie, r. 1014 Timea. Dross, Albert, clerk Echbohn, Dross & Co., r. 415 N. 4th. ^ Dross, Miss Bina, domestic 211 Blondeau. ^ Dross, Fred, (Echbohn, Dross & Co.,) r. Warsaw, 111. S Dross, Henry, (Echbohn, Dross & Co.,) r. Warsaw, 111. » Drucke, Joseph, tailor Vogel Bros., r. 1317 Johnson. g Drucke, Lawrence,wks. C. R. I. & P. R'y,r. 1212 Exchange Drury, Edward, laborer, r. 404 Timea. Dufak, John, tailor S. S. Lowitz, r. 1412 Bank. ?s 3 Duff, Mrs. Margaret A., boarding house, 418 north 4th. Duffey, Miss Mary, dressmaker Mrs. Leonard, r. 320 s. 9th. Dumreway, James, bds. 116 north 9th. — Dumenil, Miss Fannie M., teacher Wells school, r. 1002 ® ^ Palean. Dumenil, Miss Jessie G., r. 1002 Palean. D umenil, John, cooper Keokuk Cooperage Co., r. 1002 g ^ Palean. 02^ Dun, R. G. & Co., Clarence C. Morrison, manager, 3 mercantile agency, 429 Main. n Dunagan, Mrs. ÉTnma, janitress Reid's add. school, r. 508 " ^ E. S Dunagan, George C., messinger, Western Union Tele¬ graph Co., r. 508 E. ^ ITollndd RvAthOPG Livery, Feed and Sale Stables. ACllUgg DlUlUClü, Excursion and Moving Cars. 120 S. 3d St. T. D. MACKEY, SSt Extracting Teeth ^ 86 REES' KEOKUK CITY DIRECTORY. < ^ J Dunn, Charles, machine hand, J. G. Henderson & Co,, ^ ^ r. 1402 Park. ^ Dunn, Delia T. r. 1402 Park. -s.Dunn. Miss Elizabeth A., works shoe factory, r. 1402 Park. O Dunn, Mrs. Ellen, r. 1508 Concert. -r— Dunn James E., laborer r. 1402 Park. O- Dunn, James T. car repairer, C. R. I. & P. R'y., boards 1402 Park. ^^Dunn, John, works Consolidated Tank Line Co. r. 1211 Johnson. ^~Dunn, John J., machine hand J. G. Henderson & Co., r> Í3 li02 Park. O Dunn, Mrs. Mary H., r. 527 Ridge. Dunn, Plinnir A., laborer, Carson & Rand Lumber Co., r. 16th between Exchange and Johnson. Dunn, Thomas, jr., fireman. 527 Ridge. O Dunn, Thos. J., steamboat clerk, r. 1402 Park. O Dunn, Wm., boiler maker St. L K. & N. W. R'y, r. 512" O north 11th. ^ Duncan. Alvin E., wks. Duncan Schell Co., r. 718 Morgan. CO Duncan, Charles M., works Duncan Schell & Co., r. 718 Morgan hL—-Duncan, Miss Hattie M., teacher, r. 718 Morgan. ^ Duncan, Plenry C., Duncan Schell & Co. r. 716 Morgan. ^ Duncan, Miss Ida, r. 718 Morgan. Duncan, Robert, contractor, 724 Concert. Duncan, Miss Sarah, r. 718 Morgan. Duncan-'Schell Furniture Co., (C. W. Rand president) 605 and 607 Main. See add. Duncan, Mrs. Sophia, r. 7l8 Morgan. Dunlap, Albert D., r. 117 High, unlap, Frank F. book keeper, Keppel Dick Provision § % Co., r. 117 High. s p o a O M « ^ ce c ' o -, p > Dunlap, John, clerks savings bank, r. 107 Concert. ® S Dunlap, Miss Lizzie, r. 107 Concert. 'Z iT Dunlap, William H., pres. Keppel-Dick Provision Co., r. S 1 1Í7 High. Ç Dunlavy, Anthony, works Shoe Factory, r. 1306 Orleans. Groceries, Provisions, Hardware, TIN AND QUEENSWARE, and GARDEN IMPLEMENTS, 1300 3ME.A.IÍT ST. JACOB RENWALD, McGRATH BROS, •'"irm""" Perfumery ^ REES' KEOKUK CITY DIRECTORY. 87 Dunlavy, Bernard, stone mason, r. 1306 Orleans. Dunlavy, Henry E., carpenter with Nichols, r. 1306 Orleans Dunlavy, Miss Maggie, 1311 Orleans. Durfee, Benjamin F., (B. F. Durfee & Co.,) Undertakers r. 717 Johnson. Durfee, Miss Maggie, r. 717 Johnson. Durfee, Marion F., carpenter, r. 717 Johnson. Durfee, Mrs. J. D. boarding house, 418 Blondeau. Dwyer, Frank, works Coey & Co., r. 522 Des Moines Dwyer Miss Lillie works Keokuk Pickle Co., r. 511 Des Moines. Dwyer, Miss Mary A., r. 815 north 12th, Dwyer, Miss Sarah V., r. 815 north 12th. hi Dwyer, Thomas L., clerk K. & W. office, r. 815 n. 12th. ;> ^ Dygraff, J. S., Insurance, Real Estate and Loan r. 2 ^ Concert between 13th and 14th. ^ ^ Dyke, Mrs. Anna, r. F. and Elm. in Dyke, Miss Maggie, r. cor. F. and Elm. Dyke, Miss Mary, r. Cherry between J. and F. ^ Dysart, Paul, book kepper, J. D. Hollingshead. r. 326 ^ Fulton. ¡yj " Dyke, Theodore, works Shoe Factory, r. Cherry between H© G. and F. ■ <_ S HiADS, Jacob, engineer, Cycloidal Engine & Pump Co., n3 3 r. 406 Palean. ^ Eads. Mrs. Mary A., r. 1204 Concert. > W Eagle Machine Works, A. D. Thomas propr. 17 S. 1st. H O Eagle Hotel, John Menz proprietor, 100-106 Johnson. Eastine, John, river man, r. 429 south 2d. i—. ^ Eaton, Alfonso, works Asbestine Stone Works, r. 412 q north 9 th. Eaton, Mrs. Amanda G. 412 north 9th. Eaton, Jesse passenger brakeman St. L. K. & N. W. » ^ R'y., r. 412 north 9th. ^ ^ Eaton, Miss Judith, r. 1206 Concert. ^ & Eaton, Miss Lydia M., r. 1127 Orleans. « The Red Shoe House, Offers Everybody Bargains in Foot Wear. • JOHN M. HUISKAMJ^. g - PRírF only Wholesale Wall Paper House, í jJlVv/üij Comer Sixth and Main Sts. ^ 88 REES' KEOKUK CITY DIRECTORY. ® M Easton, Milton F., r. 412 north 9th. ^ ^ Ebersole, Cyrus P., machinist C. R. I. & P. Shops, r, g 825 Exchange. ^ Ebersole, Mrs. Mariam, r. 1213 Bank. ^ "3 Ebner, Henry, blacksmith. Buckeye Foundry, r. 1518 0 ^ Eckard, Henry, watchman, r. Plank Road between 18th 3 t and 19th ^ ^ Eckbohn Dross & Co., (M. C. Eckbohn, H. and F. "3 Dross,) Farm Implements 623 Main. ^ % Eckbohn, Martin C., (Eckbohn, Dross & Co., Agricultu- ^ ^ ral Implements) r. Warsaw, 111, 0 Eckle, Yelverton W., tinner works Horn & Co., boards = Grand Pacific Hotel. , ® Eddy, James M., carriage trimmer S. T. Worley & Son, O r. 622 Johnson. Ederer, George, clerk in King's Grocery, r. 512 n. 11th. Ederer, Miss Maggie, domestic. 113 north 4th. Edered Miss Mamie, r. 512 north 11th. Edwards, Samuel, U. S. Engineer, r. 107 Concert. Edwards, Thomas,^ works shoe factory, r. 323 Blondeau. Edwards, William H. bill clerk C. B. & Q. R'y, r. 316 south 2d. Eek, Miss Clara, domestic, 819 north 11th. Finer, Charles V., laborer Tabor's Mill, r. 1830 Estes. Einer, Estella F., r. 1830 Estes. Einer Miss Leuella, domestic, 812 north 12th. Einer Miss Stella, r. Park and F. Egan, Miss Edith r. 622 Des Moines. Egan, Miss Katie, r. 1124 C. Egan Miss Maggie, teacher Reid's addition school, r. 1124 C. Egan, Miss Mary, r. 1124 C. Egen Miss Johanna, r. Canal road south Tin Can Factory. Egen, Edward, laborer, r. Canal road s. Tin Can Factory. Egner, Miss Bessie, clerk. Hotel Keokuk Stand r. 1108 Exchange. Egner, Miss MattieA., r. 1108 Exchange, j Egner, William, painter, r. 1108 Exchange. Egner, William L. works shoe factory, r. 1108 Exchange. O 05 «8 >- LJ _l ÙL 0) Wilkinson & Co. Perfamery •WnnH IV/l^íntplc; wymän-rand carpet CO., V V V/VJU IWI a I I LO I o J HOf) and (ill Main St. REES' KEOKUK CITY DIRECTORY. 89 m m Ehinger,George E. Physician, 404 Blondeau,r.524 Concert Ehingerg, Lawrence, rag picker, r. 1801 Timea. Eider, Mrs. Annie, r. 516 Exchange. Eisenhuth, Miss Alice, r. 24 south llth. Eisenhuth, John, Cigar Manufactory 618 Main, r. 24 south llth Eisenhuth, Miss Nellie, r. 24 south llth. Elastic Starcll Co., J. C. Hubinger Bros., office, 530 Blondeau, factory 124 to 128 South 4th. Electric Street Railway & Power Co.. O. J. Chapman, manager, office and power houst^ 1417-1419 IMain. Elder, Joshua F., Auditor K. & W. R'y., r. 522 n. 3d. V// Eley, George, Hborer, r" 403 south 2d. Elgin, Miss Cora B. r. 1310 Orleans, Qq Elgin, Henry C.. Grocer, 1128 Fulton r. 1310 Orleans. ^ Elgin, John, clerk T. R. J. Ayers & Son, r. 1310 Orleans. Elgin, Miss Marion, r. 1310 Orleans. Q ^ Elliott, Edward, hostler, r. 318 north 4th. Elliott, John, plasterer, r. 118 south 9th. Elliott, Richard, r. 24 north 9th. , Elm Tree Grocery, Jas. Martin prop, 29 south 5th, Elmore, Harry, Driver Reiner Bros-, r 919 Bank. Elmore, Miss Mamie domestic, r. 523 High. =' ^ Elmore, Mrs. Mary C., r. 919 Bank. "a ^ Elmore Miss Sarah, r. 919 Bank. o Elmore, William, head trimmer shoe factory, r. 919 Bank. » ^ Emerson, Arveno L. (Doc.),harness maker Chas. M. Cook, — r. 1108 Blondeau. Emerson, Chas H., Stocking factory, 27 n. 4th. Emerson, Mont, harness maker C. M. Cook 625 Main, r. ^ ^ 1123 Leighton. S- Emerson, Richard D. r. 1108 Blondeau. • 5' Emert, James M. travels Carter and Moody, boards Eagle to ^ House. ft Emmet, Richard S. Jr. clerk St. L. K. & N. W. R'y. Emery, J. M., tr&veling salesman Irwin Phillips Co. bds. Hotel Keokuk. ^ ^ Empire Manufacturing Co.,(The) Canal road between 16th S ^ and 17th. " 2. 5 The "Popniar" Dry Goods Honse Fourth and J Main Streets. T. D. MACKEY, Snrgeon Dentist 90 REES' KEOKUK CITY DIRECTORY. C c Emburg-, Richard A., laborer Carson & Rand Lumber Co., ^ r. 1st between Timea and Bank. ■« Engemen, Frank, works shoe factory, bds. 1419 Blondeau. « hJ Engelhardt, Charles P., clerk Wilkinson & Co., r. 1008 Ç; ►H o ' ' ' « Exchange. Engelhardt, George, & Co. (George and William) Black- {> smith 313 and 315 Johnson, t Main, up stairs. % Ewers, George, clerk Weil & Co., r. 1120-1122 Main, up r9 stairs. Ewers, Wm. J., (Wm. Ewers & Son,) r. 1120-1122 Main, ^ up .stairs. Ewers, William & Son, (Wm. Ewers, Sr., and Win. Ewers, Jr.,) 1122 Main. Ewers, "William, (Wm. Ewers & Son,) butchers, 1120-1122 Main. Ewers, Miss Waliska, r. 1120-1122 Main, up stairs, ifj Ewers, Miss Pauline, r. 1120-1122 Main, up stairs. Ewing, Miss Ida E., r. 1226 Park. Oq Ewing, James C., fireman St. L. K. & N. W. R'y, r. 1226 Park. Ewing, John B., teamster, r. 1028 south 6th, 2d floor. Excelsior Sheet JVIetal Vorks, (Wm. Horn & Co., proprs., 719 to 921 Johnson. {See adv. ^ Eymann, Miss Selma, domestic 527 Morgan. Eymann, Miss Theka, domestic 527 Morgan. OF H CI) ABER, ANTHONY, boiler maker, r. 421 B. Faber, Anthony B., helper boiler maker C. R. I. & P. R'y^ r. Cedar between 13th and 14th. Faber, Harvey J., stationery engineer, C. R. I. & P. R'y^ r. Cedar between 13th and 14th. Faber, Herman, foreman Carson & Rand planing mill, r. Palean, between 10th and 11th. Faber, Henry J., works Carson & Rand Lumber Co., r. 511 Carroll. WILKINSON & CO.,Paints,OiMarnishes, Cor. 11th and Main Sts. Toilet Goods and Pefumey IMOIipp In the Hambden Buel Insurance Agency, 24 N. 5th St. IM OU ri L All Losses Prompfltf Paid. REES' KEOKUK CITY DIRECTORY. 93 Fackler, Samuel R.. clerk Henry Hiersteln, r. 712^ Main. Fader, Mrs. Christian, r. 1409 Bank. Fader, George, janitor county court house, r. 1803 Main. Fagan, Miss Carrie, domestic, r. 320 north 15th. ■ Fairbank, Miss Amelia, r. 1307 High. Fairchild, John L.,sawyer St. L.K. &N.W. R'y,r. 209 s. 3d. Fairchild, Miss Orie F., works Keokuk Pickle Co., r. 209 hrt south 3d. Fairchild, William W., box maker Keokuk Planing Mill Co., r. 209 south 3d. Fales, Miss Orie, works Keokuk Pickle Co., r. 209 s. 3d. U-' Fallon, James, box maker S. C. & S. Carter, r. 517 Carroll. Fallon, Miss Kate H., r. 519 Ridge. Fallon, Timothy, delivery clerk J. Leach, bds. 517 Carroll. Fanning, Mrs. Bridget, r. 21 north 12. Fanning, Chas. E., clerk G. W. Fanning, r. 120 north 7th. Fanning, Miss Ella, saleslady Enterprise, r. 21 north 12th. Fanning. G. Will, wholesale and retail cigars, 302 ^ Main, r. 21 north 12th. ^ Farnworth, Miss Verdie, domestic 217 Morgan. £2 Farnum, Benjamin F., teamster f. W. Steiger, r. 1605 S Johnson, i* Farnum, Fred. T., wks. S. P. Pond & Co., r. 1605 Johnson. ^ Farnum, Mrs. Lettitia, r. 1605^4 Johnson. Farraher, Miss Ella,seamstress Miss Brerton,r. 523 Palean. g Farraher, Martin, collector H. Copeland, r. 428 south 5th. Farraher, Michael, laborer, r. 523 Palean. Farraher, Murtagh. stone mason, r. 428 south 5th. Farraher, Miss Nellie, dressmaker, r. 523 Palean. g g Farraher, Patrick, policeman, r. 523 Palean. Farrar, Hiram S., r. 414 Orleans. Farrell, James, teamster, r. 18th near Grand avenue. S = Farrell, Mrs. Mary, r. 824 south 9th. 02^ Farris, E. M., boatman, r. 209 Johnson, up stairs. Fassett, Miss Azubh, r. 129 north 1st. Fasthoff, James,'engineer Consolidated Tank Line Co., r. " ^ 19th and Palean. S Fattoosh, Joseph, wks. Shoe Factory, bds. Grand Pacific " Hotel. ÏIÏ FüllAdfi RrnthAPQ r^ivery, Feed and Sale Stables. ACliUgg DlUlliClö, Excursion and Moving Cars. 120 S, 3d St. . T. D. MACKEY, Är Ä Extracting Teeth 94 REES* KEOXUK CITY DIRECTORY. Oí j Favard, Miss Bertha, teacher Concert street school, r. 816 ^ ^ Exchange. •— Favard, Pierre J., tailor S. S. Lovvitz.- r. 816 Exchange. ■^Feeley, William, house mover, 1929 Johnson. o EEOEUE HOUSE MOVIE, ■ I'ropping Store Fronts arid Maising Roofs. f 1 I am prepared to remove structures of all sizes from their present locations to any ^mÊÊm spot desired, long or short distances. Have all the necessary appliances for the work. Removals made without the slightest damage to buildings. Careful work guaranteed w and prices low. Will do removing anj'where in country or surrounding towns. Alii orders given prompt attention. Apply to -f-» Twentieth and Johnson, Or DAVID G. LOVVRY, Newsdealer. KEOKUK, lOVVA. O Feeny, Miss Kate, r. Palean between 10th and 11th. Feeny, Mark, laborer, r. Palean, between 10th and 11th. Fegers, Charles H., works Wm. J. Perkins, r. 126 s, 7th. Fegers, Robert H., physician, r. 129 south 7th. O Felt, Mrs. Lillie, r. 524 Concert. O Ferguson, Mrs. P. W., r. 1802 Williams. ^ Ferguson, Miss Rosa E., r. 1802 Williams. C™ Ferree. George H., agent St. L. K. & N. W. R'y, r. 606 north 4th. Ferrell, Albert E., laborer Coey & Co., r. 1227 Williams. Ferrell, Bertie E., marker Coey & Co., bds. 1129 Williams. ^ Ferrell, Miss Fannie, r. 1129 Williams. Ferrell, Harvey, foreman ice house Coey & Co , r. 1129 Williams. Ferrell, Joseph H., trimmer Coey & Co., r. 626 Ridge. Ferrell, Walter H.,weighmaster Coey & Co., r. 1010 Reid. "c 1^ Ferris, printer Constitution-Democrat, r. Barrett house, o c Ferris, John, painter Geo. Hill, r. 729 south 14th. ^ Ferris, Miss Julia, r. Barret house. "o .i Ferris, Philo S., brakeman C. B. & Q. R'y, r. 522 S. 1st. § ^ Ferris, Samuel, proprietor Barrett house 407 Blondeau. Field, Frank C., watchmaker C. Hornaday, r. 107 Concert. ® 05 Fields, Albert, coachman C. Mooar, 616 High, "ü Fields, Bartley, r. 1421 Carroll. « ^ Fields, Fred. D., works Shoe Factory, r. 202 Concert. ^ Fields, Fredrick, works Shoe Factory, r. 202 north 10th. Groceries, Provisions, Hardware, , TIN AND QUEENSWARE, and GARDEN IMPLEMENTS. J 1300 a«iE.á.IiT SX- JACOB RENWALD McGRATH BROS. Perfumery REES' KEOKUK CITY DIRECTORY. 95 Fields, Miss Katie, milliner, r. 1421 Carroll. Fields, Miss Maggie, r. 1421 Carroll, Fields, Miss Mary, r. 1421 Carroll. Fields, Orange, carpenter C. L. Benson, r. 1125 Fulton. Fields, Vincent, driver truck wagon, r. 319 north 13th. Fields, Wilburt, driver Montague &. Weyand,r. 316 n. 13th. Files, Miss Lucy, r. 1304 Johnson. Filker, Anton, Jr.,moulder Buckeye Foundry,r. 1225 Bank. Filker, Anton, sr., machinist C.R. I. & P. R'y,r. 1225 Bank. Filker, Frank, boiler maker Buckeye Foundry, r. 1225 Bank. Filker, Joseph, machinist C. R. I. & P. R'y, r. 1225 Bank. Filker, Miss Mary, r. 1225 Bank. _ Finch, Fred, laborer, r. Central House. Finch, George, fireman steamer Patience, bds. Grand ^ Pacific Hotel. Z S* Finders, Charles, cooper F. Hilpert, bds. 202 Concert. ^ Finigan,Edward F.,(John Finigan's Sons,)r.ll03 Franklin. Finigan, Mrs. Ellen, r. 1103 Franklin. Finigan, George W., (John Finigan's Sons,) r. 1103 a. Franklin. kJ Finigan, James H.,(John Finigan's Sons,)r. 1103 Franklin. ^ Finigan, John Sons, (James H., John L., George W. and i-j g Edward F.,) grocers 701 Main. S- Finigan, John L., (John Finigan's Sons,) r. 1103 Franklin. O ^ Finley, John, blacksmith, r. 1320 Missouri avenue. [t] 3^ Finn, Bridget, works Shoe Factory, r. 327 south 4th. >-0 3 Finn, Mary, works Shoe Factory, r. 327 south 4th. ^ ^ Finnerty, George F., clerks L. F. Racine, r. 1024 Timea. ^ ¡ri Finnerty, John, clerks Mrs. T. Nodier, bds. Barrett house. H O Finnerty. John I., r. 1701 Grand avenue. Finnerty, Mrs. John, r. 1004 Timea. i—. ^ Finnerty, Joseph, clerk J. G. Härtel, r. 1004 Tiniea. q Finnerty, Miss Mary M., r. 1701 Grand avenue. Finnerty, Miss Nellie,saleslady Boston store,r. 1004 Timea. Finnerty, Patrick H., salesman Brinkman & Co., r. 1006 s ^ 1 imea. First M. E. Church, southeast corner 9th and Bank. ^ ^ First Ward school, 417 to 429 north 5th. ^ ^ M The Red Shoe Hoose, Offers Everybody Bargains in Foot Wear. ■ JOHN M. HUISKAMP. PRÍTF RRfm The only Wholesale Wall Paper House» A IVlVJAi UiivUij Comer Sixth and Main Sts, i£ 96 RKES' KEOKUK CITY DIRECTORY. G ^ — O M First African M. E. Church, ne. corner 14th and Blondeau. Firíit Baptist Church, se. corner 8th and Blondeau. § Fischer, Ernest, tinner Jacob Seither, bds. Union House. 5 Fisher, Mont Ross, painter, 313 north 6th. ^ ■§ Fisk, Calvin R., M. D., sec'y Keokuk Proprietory Med- 0 *2. icine Co., r. 424 north 15th. G 5 Fitz Henry James, r, 922 Bank. ^ Z Fitz Henry. Miss Minnie, r. 922 Bank. c Fitz Henry, Miss Nellie, r. 922 Bank. ^ > Fitzpatrick, James, works Iowa Dental Refining Co., r. ^ X 816 Carroll. O t Fitzpatrick, Miss Maggie, wks. Shoe Factory, r. 917 High. = Fitzpatrick, Patrick, laborer C. R. I. & P. freight depot, r. 816 Carroll. O Fitzpatrick, Miss Sallie, domestic 306 Concert, fc Fleming. Eliza, r. 1107 Park. Eleming, George, r. 904 Grand avenue. Fleming, Miss Georgie May, r. 904 Grand avenue. Fleming, John,watchman KeokukCanningCo.,r. 1107 Park. Fleming, Miss Mary E., r. 1107 Park. , Fleming, Miss Sadie, r. 1107 Park. ¡Fletcher, Mrs. Christian, r. 318 south 1st. ¡Fletcher, George, butcher 218 north 5th, r. 220 north 5th. I Fletcher, Grade, r. 318 south 1st. I Fletcher, Martin L., laborer St. L. K. & N. W. R'y, r. 5th between Ridge and Carroll. Fletcher, Miss Mary K., r. 812 Franklin. ¡Fletcher, Miss Rachel, r. 220 north 5th. ¡Fletcher, Thomas, stone cutter, r. 812 Franklin. Fliesbach, Charles H., toll collector Keokuk and Hamil¬ ton bridge, r. 415 Morgan. Fliesbach, Miss Lucy, r. 415 Morgan : Flood, Henry T., shipping clerk St. L. K. & N. W. R'y, r. 823 Exchange. Flore, Marsh, teamster, r. 318 north 15th. Flynn, Charles H., vetinary surgeon, r. 518 Fulton. F"lynn, James, works E. R. Wickersham, r. 209 south 4th. Foelker, Jacob E., vetinary surgeon 22 north 3d, r. Eagle house. (See adv. p. 73.) (0 «8 >- UJ q: CO Wilkinson & Co.S£^?l%!Ä2'.Perfuineiy Wnnrl MpintplQ wyman-rand carpet co., WWV/V/U pWlCHILOlO^ 609 and 611 Main St. REES' KEOKUK CITY DIRECTORY. 97 Fogeland, Charles, laborer, r. 1422 Orleans. Fogeland, Miss Clara, r. 1422 Orleans. Fogeland, John, laborer, r. 1422 Orleans. Fogeland, Peter, laborer, r. 1422 Orleans. ■ Foley, Miss Annie E., works Keokuk Cracker and Candy Co.. r. 515 Carroll. ^0 Foley, Mrs. Hannah, r. 6th between Carroll and Ridge. Foley, Miss Katie, works Shoe Factory, r. 1404 Estes. Foley, Miss Lizzie, r. 517 Carroll. Foley, Miss Lizzie, laundress Hotel St. Claire, bds. same. Foley, Miss Julia E., dressmaker, r. 6th between Carroll and Ridge. Foley, Martin, r. 725 Palean. Foley, Mrs. Mary, r. 1404 Estes. Oq Foley, Patrick, flagman C. R. 1. & P. R'y, r. 517 Carroll. ^ Foley, Thomas,wks. J. G. Henderson & Co.,r. 515 Carroll. Foley, Thomas, engineer lower lock, r. 515 Carroll. C J Foley, Thomas W.. teamster Carson & Rand Lumber Co., r. 517 Carroll. Foo, Sam, Chinese laundry, 311 Johnson. , Foote. William F., merchant tailor 3d between m m 0) Main and Johnson, r. 602 north 5th. œ Forbes, William, hostler 625 Grand avenue. 3' ^ Ford, George W.. carpenter, r. 420 south 4th. ^ Ford, Mrs. Isabell, r. 323^ Exchange. o ® Ford, James, laborer, r. nw. corner 6th and Ridge. S ^ Ford, John C., draughtsman Cycloidal Engine and Pump -.J, Co., r. 420 south 4th. ^ » Ford, Laura E.., r. 408 south 1st. ^ ^ Ford Thomas, r. nw. corner 6th and Ridge. , ^ *tí Ford, Timothy, gardner, r. 21st and Grand aYenue Ford, Miss Amanda, r. 313 Exchange. ^ ^ a ^ it -• Forman, Charles H.,wks.Kellogg,Birge & Co.,r. 312 n. 6th. m ^ Forman, Miss Jessie, r 312 north 6th. 'T ft Forquer, Miss Abbie E., book-keeper Singer Sewing Ma- 'T'c chine Co.fr. 1202 Bank. co|5* Forquer, Thomas J., engineer Keokuk Cracker & Candy ^ 2 Co., r. 1202 Bank. S ft Foster, Mrs. Elizabeth M., r. Canal road bet. 13th and 14th. 2. The "Popular" Dry Goods House, Fourth and Main Streets. T. D. MACREY, Surgeon Dentist ^ 98 REES' KEOKUK CITY DIRECTORY. S © F"oster, George D., r. 321 south 4th. Foster, Henry H., carpenter, r. 1630 Missouri avenue, "ü hÎ Poster, Rob.^rt T., r. Í630 Missouri aYenue. g Poulk.es, Albert E., painter and paper hanger A. E. ^ Maiii. {Sge adv. p. ç.) r. 1326 Des Moines. Foulkes, Albert, painter A.E. Foulkes,r. 1326 Des Moines. •- Foulkes, Arthur E.. painter and paper hanger 801 Main, è <¡ r. 1326 Des Moines. «"C/l Foulkes, John, painter A. E. Foulkes, r. 1326 Des Moines. PC Foulkes Joseph,painter A. E. Foulkes, r. 1326 Des Moines. Fouts, William H., wks. S. P. Pond & Co., r. 1509 Concert. ^ 5^ Fowler, Herbert E., coal oil dealer, r. 1119 Morgan. © ^ Fowler, John R., gardner, r. River road near rrj,iddle lock. © Fox, Augustus, cook government boats, r. 1228 Blondeau. Fox, Daniel, waiter, r. 1319 Morgan. Fox, Lewis A., cooper Keokuk Cooperage Co., r. 516 Exchange. Fox, Sike, carpenter, r. 1523 Concert. Fox, William M., laborer Carson & Rand Lumber Co., r. 1426 Park. Frakes, Miss Lizzie J., r. nw. corner 18th and Palean. Frakes, Nelson, laborer, r. nw. corner 18th and Palean. Frakes, Robert, teamster, r. nw. corner 18th and Palean. F'ranek, Miss Amelia K., r. 201 north 6th. Franek, John F., merchant tailor 26^ s. 3d, r. 201 n. 6th. Frank, Chárles D., (Loewenstein & Frank,) r. 208 s. 14th. Frank. Charles H., blacksmith St. L. K. & N. W. R'y, r. 324 south 2d. Frank,Charles H.,carpenter H. Schmidt &-Son,r.208 s.l4th Frank, J^cob, traveling salesman Carter & Moody, r. 1222 Concert. Frank, John H., painter and paper hanger Geo. Hill, r. Timea between 21st and 22d. Frank, Miss Katie, r. 208 south 14th. Frank, Miss Lizzie, r. 208 south 14th. Frank, Miss Maggie,wks. Keokuk Pickle Co.,r. 208 s.l4th. Frankel, Daniel, (Frankel, Frank & Co.,) bds. 401 n. 5th. Frankel, Frank & Co., (Daniel Frankel and Daniel Lyons) millinery 227-229 Main. COLLARS. ^ CUFFS. m'lf UlUv«rMty Jruggists and Prescriptionists"^"! REES* KEOKUK CITY DIRECTORY. 99 | Fraser, James M., (Fraser & Son,) r. 813 High. Fraser, Hugh, (Fraser & Son,) r. 802 Franklin. Fraser & Son, (Hugh and James M.,) tailors 19 north 4th. Frazer, Thomas S., book-keeper Smith Hamill & Co., r. 521 Concert. Frazier", Cata, laborer, r. Tl7 north 13th. Frauenstein, Henry M.,shoemaker 410 Johnston,r.421 s.2d. Frauenstein, Morris, shoemaker 410 Johnson, r. 421 s. 2d. Frederick, David, stone mason, r. 324 north 15th. Frederick, John, check clerk K. & W. R'y, r. 408 s. 1st. Freeman, Austin, r. 1611 Timea. Freeman, Herbert E., grocer 729 Main, r. 418 south 9th. French, Frank A., book-keeper T. R. }. Ayres & Son, r, 521 Morgan. French, Frederick B., r. 521 Morgan, ® m- French, John M., traveling salesman Huiskamp Bros., r. 1201 Blondeau. q French, Miss Mae C., r. 1201 Blondeau. Fricke, Mrs. Lutie, bds. 908 Main. ^2 Frier, Mrs. Mary, r. 400 B. ^ Frier, Miss Minnie, r. 400 B. Frier, Thomas J., chief clerk master mechanic's office, St. Oq L. K. & W. R'y, r. 400 A, Frier, William, machinist St. L. K. & N. W. R'y, r. 400 A. Î3O0 Fritch, Miss Lulu, r. 918 High. Fritch, William, propr. Wabash restaurant, r. 918 High. Fritsch, Carl, painter, r. 517 south 4th. Fruin, James, moulder Globe Iron Works, r. 1224 Fulton. ^0 Fruin, John, Jr., laborer Public Works, r. 1224 Fulton. 2^ Fruin, John, Sr., laborer Public Works, r. 1224 Fulton. Fruin, Miss Nellie, r. 1224 Fulton. 0 Fruin, Robert, laborer Public Works, r. 1224 Fulton. è Fry, George A., commercial traveler, r. 725 Morgan. Fry, Mrs. Kate, r. 926 Morgan. ® Fueker, James, Taborer, bds. Concert bet. I7th and 18th. ^ c/2 Fuller, Miss Anna C., r. 916 Main. g. « Fuller, Charles M.,(E. E. Fuller & Sons, )r. 1217 Blondeau. ^ Fuller, Constance G., teacher Carey school, r. 916 Main, or ^ KEEPS EVERYTHING ^ in the Music Business. Ayres Bros. Music Store ddipc dono painting and paI»ER hanging^ rnlUL DnUO. Cor. 6th and Slain Sts. .S 100 REES' KEOKUK CITY DIRECTORY. Fuller, E. E. & Sons, (Dr. ErastusE., Chas. M. and' PQ ^ Frank M.,) drugs 600 Main. o Fuller, Dr. Erastus E., (E. E. Fuller & Sons,) r. 1217 ee Ö Blondeau. ^ o Fuller, Frank M., (E. E. Fuller & Sons,) r. 1217 Blondeau.. S Fuller, George S., traveling salesman, r. 610 north 5th. ^ pj Fuller, Miss Ida, r. 1218 High. Fuller, Mrs. Louise J., r. 1218 High. S Fuller, Miss Mabel, r. 610 north 5th. .g l> ' ^ ^ Fuller, Martin, house man Hotel Keokuk, r. same. ¿ ® Fulton, Harry, deputy U. S. marshall, office 2d floor U.. ^ S. building, r. 626 Exchange. Fulton, James, r. 719 Timea. _ Fulton, Miss Lizzie, r. 719 Timea. Fulton, Miss Nannie, stenographer Wm. Fulton, r. 719' Timea. Fulton, Robert, collector Keokuk National Bank, r. 719 Timea. Fulton, AAT^illiam, attorney at law and real estate agent, 306 Main, r. 719 Timea. (See adv. p. 5.) Fulton, William J., attorney at law and real estate agent, r. 616 Concert. Furgeson, Charles, works Elastic Starch Co., r. Nationall Cemetery. ^ Furgeson, J. S., Supt. National Cemetery, r. same. Furlong, Miss Annie, operator Western Union telegraph, r. 1806 Fulton. O Furlong, Joseph, shipping clerk Carson & Rand Lumber Co., r. 1306 Fulton. Furlong, Miss Katie, r. 1306 Fulton. Furlong, Mrs. Margaret, r. 1306 Fulton. Furtenberry, Daniel, r. 820 Timea. Furtney, Harry, driver Geo. R. Smith, r. 213 north 14th.. Furtney, Melven, works Shoe Factory, r. 213 north 14th. Furtney, Mrs. Phoebe J., r. 213 north 14th. Furtnev, Miss Viola, works C. H. Emerson, r. 213 n. 14th. 0) WILKINSON & CO.,Paints,Oils,ïarnishas, Cor. 11th and Main sts. Toilet Goods anil Pefumey s I MOI I DC In the Hambden Buel Insurance Agency, 24 N. 5th St. Ill OD «IL All Losses Promptly Paid. REES' KEOKUK CITY DIRECTORY. 101 Gabler, charles, janitor, Torrance school,r. 322 n.lSth. Ljabriel, Miss Ella, dress maker, r. 824 Ridge. Gabriel, Hiram, cattle dealer, r. 824 Ridge. ■ Gabriel, Miss Mamie E., clerk S. E. Carey & Co. r. 824 hH Ridge. Gage, Miss Anna, r. 504 High. Gaghagen, William, r. 412 south 4th. ' Gaines, Mary J., r. 1005 Park. Gaines, Thomas, laborer, Taber & Co., r. 328 A. ífí Gaines, Thomas J., laborer Taber & Co., r. 1005 Park. Gallagher, Edward, engineer C. R. I. & P., r. 520 s. 7th. Gallagher, James, engineer, r. 1022 Carroll. Gallagher, Miss Nellie, dressmaker, r. 520 south 7th. Galloute, James, engineer Anderson Canning Co., r. 512^ Palean. Galloway, George Jr., school teacher, r. 1424 Blondeau. Galloway, George, tailor S. S. Lowitz, r. 1424 Blondeau. ^ Galloway, John, tinner Hesbacker, r. 1424 Blondeau. ^ Golloway, Miss Mattie. r. 1424 Blondeau. S Gamage, Nelson, book-keeper St. L. K. & N. W. R'y, S r. 112 north 10th. g Games. Mrs. Larinda, r. 1415 Carroll. Games, Miss Lutie, milliner, r. 1415 Carroll. Gampert, Mis Maime, r. 823 Franklin. p g Gampert, William G., sewing machine agent 724 Main, r. 823 Franklin. S Garmo, Matthias, (J. G. Henderson & Co.,)r. 416 s. 8th. ¡y^r— Garland, Ira H. engineer middle lock, r. south west cor- S S ner 2d and Carroll. m Garland, Miss Mamie, r. ne. corner 10th and Ridge. Garland, Nelson, north east corner 10th and Ridge. Sü Garretson, John G., lawyer 24 north 5th, r. 1108 Palean. Garrison, Clinton E., machinist Globe Iron Works, r. 210 ^ south 8th. ^ ^ Garrison, Daniel J., works box factory Carson & Rand ' ^ Lumber Co., r. 1207 Timea. S Garrison, Lewis, r. 1207 Timea. Garrity, Miss Mary, r. corner 5th and Ridge. ^ ITAllntftf RPAthûPC bivery, Feed and Sale Stables. AuilUgg DlUlllClD, Excursion and Moving Cars. 120 S. 3d St. T. D. MACKEY, Teeth ^ 102 REES' KEOKUK CITY DIRECTORY. ^ _q Garrity, Peter, laborer, r. corner 5th and Ridge. ■<3 Garthoff, Alexander, harnessmaker J. F. Racine, r. 1628- ^ Parle. V« Garthoff, William, machinist C. R. I. & P. R'y, r. 1628 Park. Garthoff, William, Jr., horse shoer Wm. Mullen, r. 1728 O Park. ¿p— Gate City Bag Co.. (Orion Worley,) 923 Main. 0- Gate City Marble Works,O. Irwin,manager, 422 Blondeau. Gate City, (daily and weekly,) republican, Howell & Clark,. publishers, 16 to 22 north 6th. Gavin, Miss Annie, domestic 326 north 4th. Gavin, Miss Celia, domestic 227 High. ^ Gavin, Mrs. Ellen, r. 619 Carroll. O Gavin, John, laborer Rankin's brick yard, r. north east J corner 4th and Cedar. Gavin, John G., boiler maker C. R. I. & P. R'y, r. 6th between Ridge and Cedar. O Gavin, John, Jr., laborer S. C. & S. Carter, r. north east O corner 4th and Cedar. O Gavin, Miss Katie, r. north east corner 4th and Cedar. ^ Gavin. Miss Maggie,-works Shoe Factory, r. 619 Carroll. Gavin, Miss Maria C., domestic 227 High. Gavin, Matthew, works" Coey & Co., r. 619 Carroll. Gavin, William C., boiler maker C. R. I. & P. R'y, r. 619' ^ Carroll. ^ Gearhtv, Mrs. Sabina, r. Cedar between 5th and 6th. Gearty, Anna E., r. corner Bluft and E. 'Gearty, Thomas, section hand St. L. K. & N. W. R'y, r. corner Bluff and E. "c S Gehrke, Rev. August, pastor St. Paul's German Evangel- § a ¡cal church, r. 1020 Exchange. ^ Geiger, August, (Geiger Bros.,) r. 1400 Bank, "o .2 Geiger Bros., (Louis W. and August, dry goods, 700 Main. S ^ Geiger, Louis W., (Geiger Bros.,) r. 1113 Blondeau. Geiger, Miss Rosa, r. 1400 Bank. ® «S Geiser, Fredrick, Jr., works Keokuk Stove Works, r. 1626 ÍÍ Johnson. « "a Geiser, Fredrick, Sr., moulder Keokuk Stove Works, r. 1626 Johnson. H Groceries, Provisions, Hardware, JACOB RENWALD, TIN AND QUEENSWARE, and GARDEN IMPLEMENTS. 1300 a, Gilett, George W., laborer, r. Rees' addition. ^ Gill, Nicholas, foreman planing mill C. R. I. & P. R'y, r. 0 Í. 1205 Des Moines. p[J = Gillespie, Charles, captain steamer Col. Patterson, r. 210 ^ ^ Exchange. O Gillespie, Charles, clerks Wabash restaurant, r. 29 Johnson. Gillespie, John, laborer, r. 1st and Johnson. Gillett, Mrs. Elizabeth S., r. 116 north 4th. Gillett, James, huckster, r. 1420 Reid. Gillet, Victor, bartender, r. 316 Johnson. Gillam, Arthur E., barber J. E. Gillam, bds. 1403 Fulton. Gillam, Jacob E., New York barber shop 618y^ Main, r. 1408 Fulton. Gilliam, John W., teamster Carson & Rand Lumber Co., r. Bluff corner E. Gilliam, Mrs Josephine, r. 1117 Fulton. Gilliam, Miss Mary, r. 403 south 4th. Gilmore, Miss Carrie B., r. 1224 Orleans. Gilmore, George F., stair builder Carson & Rand Lumber Co., r. 1224 Orleans. Gilmore, Miss Ida M., r. 1224 Orleans. OGinter, Frank, steam fitter P. R. Sutton, r. 1308 Exchange, íGinter, Frank, shoemaker rear 721 Johnson. ^ jGinter, Fritz, saloon keeper, r. 19 south 3d. Ginter, William, bartender, r. rear 721 Johnson." Ginyard, Moses, r. 1621 Timea. h Githens, Miss Helen, saleslady Henry Strickler, r. Ham¬ ilton, 111. Givens, William, city Porter, r. 113 south 12th. Givin, Mrs. Anna E., r. 519 north 5th. O (0 «8 >- UJ Oí CO Wilkinson & Co. Perlnmery Wood jVlaptels, ■aSS.SJ' REES' KEOKUK CITY DIRECTORY. 105 Givins, John, works A. J. Hardin, r. 9th between Main and Blondeau. Glad, Miss Hulda, chamber maid Hotel Keokuk, r. same. Glaser, Lena, midwife, r. 17 north 11th. Glass, John, barber Wm. Jones, r. 1612 Morgan. mb Glass, Samuel, painter and paper hanger Geo. Hill, bds. 4th between Main and Johnson. Glassford, John W., works Carson & Rand Lumber Co., r. 1008 Morgan. Glazebrook, Samuel P., laborer Coey & Co., r. 5th between Cedar and A. Gleason, Miss Allie, domestic, r. 1028 Palean. Gleckler, Charles A., traveling salesman Irwin-Phillips _ Co., bds. Hotel St. Claire. Qq Glespie, Albert, r. 103 south 1st. ^ Glewe, A., works Keokuk Stove works, r. 1219 Johnson. m m 0) o Glewe, Fritz, stove mounter, Keokuk Stove works r. 1221 Johnson. Globe Hotel, Niland Edward, prop., 318 Johnson. ^ j Globe Iron Works, Wm. Andrus prop., 213 to, 229 south 4th. Glynn, Thomas, packer Coey & Co., r. 316 B. Goddard, Mrs. Nancy, r. 916 Carroll. 5' Goegg, Frederick C. wiper K. & W. R'y r. 610 south 2d. ^ Goegg, Miss Lena, r. 610 south 2d. o ® Goegg, William A., engineer Keokuk Pickle Works r. S ^ S » a: 610 south 2d. Goegg, William H., mill hand C. R. I. & P. shops, r. 610 ^ ^ south 2d. ® ss Goetz Joseph, laborer, r. 1723 Johnson. ^ % Gohen, Miss Lena, r. 603 Fulton. S. Göhl, Karl, works Shoe Factory, r. 1219 Bank. ^ 5 Göll, William A., painter, r. se. corner 12th and Leighton. to ^ Good, John W., carpenter. 912 Orleans. Good, Mrs. Melinda, r. 1020 Johnson. Good. Willis E.* stenographer S. F. Baker & Co. r. 912 w;5 Orleans. , Goodrich, AlonzaC., Gen. Manager K. & W. R'y r. 723 S -o Orleans. •" 2. The "Popular" Dry Goods House, Fourth and Main Streets. T. D. MACKEY, —¿SP' Surgeon Dentist ^ 106 REES' KEOKUK CITY DIRECTORY. I Goodrich, William G., conductor, K. & W. R'y r. 729 0 Franklin. ^ Ji Goodrich, fohn H., store keeper, C. R. I. & P. shops, r. 1 ^ 1113 William. § Goodrich, Mrs. Sarah, r. 1102 Franklin. ¿ ' Goodwin, Alden F , foreman Wm. Sinton, r. 911 High. .S ^ Goodwin, Miss Hannah, r. 911 Higli. ^ Goodwin. Miss Jen'iie L , r. 911 High. ^(/} Goodwin, John M., rag buyer, r 130 south 1st. Oj Goodwin Louis E.^ drives Wm. Sinton, 911 High. Görden, Mrs. Mary E., r. 1204 Orleans. ^ Gordon, Armsted W., driver Keppel, Dick Provision Co. ^ r. 1506 Palean. Gordon, Benjamin H., laborer Buckeye Foundry, r. 1503 J Franklin. Gordon, Charles H., Principal Wells school, r. 217 n. 8th. ^ Gordon, Miss Ella J., dress maker, r. 617 north 6th. ^ Gordon, Eugene, machinist Keokuk Wind Engine Co,, r. t ~ 617 south 6th. Gordon, ¡oseph E., foreman Machine Shops C. R. I. & P. R'y r. 1708 Reid. Gordon, Âliss Lizzie M. dress maker, r. 617 south 6th. Gordon, Miss Maggie G., music teacher, r. 617 south 6th. Gordon, Mrs. Margaret, r. 617 south 6th. Gordon Miss Mary A., r. 617 south 6th. Gorgas, Miss Anne, r. 315 Morgan. Gorgas Mrs. William, dress maker, 102 north 5th. Gorgas, William, laborer r, 2021 Des Moines. Gorman, Daniel M., r. 211 south 3d, Gosewisch, Fred Z., Sergeant Signal Corps U. S, A. officce third floor U. S. building, r. 908 Franklin. Gowens, Charles E. laborer, r. 1519 Franklin. Gowens, Elisha, plasterer, 1519 Franklin. Gowens, Miss Lena, domestic, r. 1619 Franklin. Graham Miss Annie, r. 728 Timea. Graham, Charles, laborer, r. 325 Timea. Graham, Charles O., painter A. E. Foulkes, r. 1522^ Bank. COLLARS. ►í- CUFFS. lËl;. Jrnggists and Prescriptionists REKS' KEOKl'K CITY DIRECTORY. 107 Graham, George VV., tinner 811 Main r. 728 Timea. Graham, James M., night baggageman St. L. K. & N. W. R'y r. 106 north 4th. Graham, Miss Lizzie, r. 1126 Timea. Graham, Mrs. Sarah A., r. 713 Exchange. Graham, Thomas, works Coey & Co., r. 1126 Timea. Graham, Thomas H., correspondent State Bank of Iowa, r. 713 Exchange. Graham, Mrs. Virginia, r. 728 Timea. Graham, William, elk. St. L. K. & N. VV. R'y, r. 418 n. 4th. Graham, William, r. 1015 Bank. Graley, Miss Nellie, dressmaker, r. 628 Ridge. Graley, Mrs. Margaret, r. 628 Ridge. Graley, Miss Mary, dressmaker, r. 628 Ridge. ^ Gramm, Dr. Carl T., dentist, office 428 Main, r. ^ O 510 High. ^ <" Gramm, Rev. William, minister Evangelical church, r. 1120 |3'CD Concert. Grand Army Republic, (Torrence Post) hall over Henry Stricklers, 401-403 Main. Grand Pacific Hotel, Adrian j. Clark, propr., 8 and 9 Water. C/) ^ Grant, Mrs. Catherine r. 118 south 4th. Grant, George, laborer, r. 118 south 4th. ^0 Graves, J. Dentier, vice-president. and secretary Keokuk O Pickle Co., r. 600 Orleans. Gray, Miss Caroline, r. 1009 Bank. 0 Gray, Harry, carpenter, r. 1009 Bank. Gray, John A., trimmer Coey & Co., r. 1106 Bluff. Gray, Joseph H., mill hand Keokuk Planing Mill Co., r- hrtg 1009 Bank. Gray, Miss Louisa, r. 1009 Bank. • Gray, Patrick, laborer, r. 1106 Bluff. O Gray, Walter S., draughtsman, r. 1009 Bank. ^ Greaves, Joseph, fireman C. R. I. & P. R'y, r. 708 s. 14th. Green, Wayland, hack driver, r. 23^ south 3d. ee Greene, Benjamin F.,waiter Hotel Keokuk,r. 1316 Morgan^ Cu Q Greene, Mrs'Eliza, washwoman, r. 1316 Morgan. sh Greene, Miss Fannie, music teacher, r. 214 Concert. Greene, Miss Katie C., domestic. 1316 Morgan. ^Greene, Miss Maggie, r. 1316 Morgan. Greene, Miss Sarah M., r. 1316 Morgan. Greenhow, Miss Emma, 1124 Fulton. Greenleaf, Albert B., painter," boards Grand Pacific Hotel.. Greenslaugh, Charles, works Shoe Factory, r. 724 Palean, if} Greenslaugh, Louis, moulder Keokuk Stove Works, r. ^ 812 north 13th. Cq Greenslaugh, Theodore, driver Reiner & Stollt,, boards 12th and 13th High. Greenwald, Frank, r. se. corner 18th and Carroll. ^ Greenwood, James B. cooper Keokuk Cooperage Co. r.. svv. corner 9th and Ridge. ^ Gregg, Mrs. Mary; r. 724 Exchange. Gregory, Albert E. lineman, J. C. Hubinger, r. 627 Bank. Gregory, Alonza, white washer 1018 Johnson. Gregory, Joseph, carpenter Geo. R. Nunn. r. 628 Bank.. Gregory, Miss Sarah, r. 1513 Ridge. Grennell, Mrs. Eunie, r. 312 Fulton. ^1^ Greminger, Miss Felice r. 1514 Main. Greminger. Felix, r. 1514 Main, a Grice, Miss Emma L.. r. 214 Concert. hGrice, Mrs. Mary A., r. 214 Concert. Gridley, Chas. A., laborer Tabor's Mill r. 1524 Reid. m Gridley, Clarence, box maker Henderson's Mill, Ridge ID_ between F, and G. Wilkinson & ¿o 8» |MO||pC In the Hambden Buel Insurance Agency, 24 N. 5th St. I l«OU ïl L All Losups Promptli/ I'aUl, REES' KEOKUK CITY DIRECTORY. 109 Gridley, Clarence H., laborer Tabor's Mill, r. 1524 Reid. Gridley, Wallace, Real Estate and Stock dealer, r. 1524 Reid. Griebsch, Charles bridge carpenter St. L. K. & N. W. R'y r. 1512 Bank. Griebsch, Helene, r. 1512 Bank. Griffey, Frank, contractor, 1015 Main r. 1520 Concert, Griffey, Gustave W., travelingf salesman Irwin Phillips Co. V . 14th High. M Griffey, John T., carpenter,.r. 1327 High. Griffey, John W., carpenter, r. 707 Main. Griffey, Jonathan C, harness maker Main betweeen 8th and 9th, r. 1220 Franklin. Griffin, Arthur, laborer Taber & Co., boards 214 B. Griffin, Miss Celia, r. 419 B. O Griffin, Jones, stone cutter r. Il03 Reid. Griffin, John P., printer. Gate City, r. 424 A. Griffin, John N. teamster Tabor's Mill, boards 426 B. ^ Griffin, Malachi, laborer Tabor's mill r. 1703 Reid. Griffin, Malachi, flagman C. R, I. & P. R'y r. 424 A. Griffin, Mary A., Shoe Factory, r. 424 A. » Griffin, Miss Mary F., apprentice dressmaking, r. 1703. ^ Reid. ' ^ Griffin, Miss Mary T., shoe Factory, r. 426 B. Griffin, Michael, laborer C. R. I. & P. shops, r. 426 B. »3 Griffin, Patrick S., laborer Carson & Rand Planing mill, r. l703Reid. tog Griffin, Patrick, laborer, r. 419 B. ixi^ Griffin, Thomas M., cooper, L. A. Fox, r. 426 B. s S Griffin, Henry, laborer, r. 22 north Water. Griffith, Albert W. clerk St. L. K. &N. W., r. 725 Bank. 3-=® Griffith, Andrew W., constable, r. 725 Bank. 2™ Griffith, Mrs. Cassie, 400 north 5th. Griffith, Charles J,, carpenter, r. 1129 Carroll. Griffith Miss Converse C., r. 725 Bank. S-"' Griffith. Miss Hettie M. r. 1129 Carroll. ' ^ Griffith, John, wks Carson Rand Lumber Co., r. 719 Ridge. S Griffith John A. laborer Carson & Rand Lumber Co., r. 719 Ridge g ITûllAdd ßrnthüPQ Civery, Feed and Sale Stables. AuilUgg DiUlllGlo, Excursion and Moving Cars. 120 S. 3d St. Q. O . T. D. MACKEY, Extracting Teeth 110 REES' KEOXUK CITY DIRECTORY. ^ ^ j Griffith, John P., carpenter, 1129 Carroll. ^ Griffith, John W. engineer G. R. I. & P. R'yr. 213 s. 6th. ^ Griffith, Mark, quarryman, 224 soute 4th. »».Griffith, Martin E., saloon keeper, 80 s. 4th, r. sw. cor. 8th and Ridge. O Griffith, Patrick, lab. Coey & Co. sw. cor. 8th and Ridge. Griffith, William H., deÜYery clerk B. Rotchford, boards 919 Des Moines. Griggs, Theophilus V., carpenter, r. 228 Bank. ^^Grill, William saloon keeper, r. 120 south 6th. ^ Grimsley. Mrs. Lucy, r. 410 north 7th. ^"Grogan, Mrs. Catherine, r. se. corner 5th and Carroll. ^ Grogan, James J., laborer Coey & Co., se. corner 5th and O Carroll. Gross, Walter, hack driver Alton Bros. r. 323 Exchange. Gross, William, works Tin Can Factory, 26 north 9th. ^ Grover, Joseph M., laborer Taber & Co., r. 1104 Reid O Grover, Miss Minnie, r. 1104 Reid. O Grunberg, Samuel, rag buyer, r. 814 Johnson. O Guestson, .Annie, domestic, 223 Johnson. C" Guinn. Miss Jennie, r. 218 Exchange. CO Guinn, Mrs. Rebecca, r. 218 exchance. Guinn, William, laborer Taber & Co., bds 1614 Carroll. Guiynnn, Samuel, laborer, boards nw. cor. 3d and Cedar. ^ Gulihur, Miss Addie, r. 1003 Fulton. Gulihur. Charles, laborer, 1003 Fulton. Gulihur, John, engineer Henderson's Mill, r. 1003 Fulton. Gulihur, Miss Lilly, r. 1003 Fulton. Gumble, Albert, work P. R. Sutton, bds Union Home, c ^ Gunnarson, Miss Augusta, r. 727 Concert, o a Gunnarson, Miss Emma wks Shoe Factory, r. 727 Concert. ^ Gunnarson, Miss Gusta, dress maker, r. 727 Concert. .2 Gunnarson, Peter, tailor S. Lowitz, 727 Concert. § « Gunnarson, August, teamster, r. 307 n, 15th. a ^ Gutlob, Fritz, tailor Vogel Bros. r. 212 3d. ® « Guttmann, Joseph, r. 218 Main. 'S iS Guy, Mrs. C. C., r. 208 south 8th. S Guy, Charles H., glazier Carson & Rand Lumber Co., r. ^ 208 South 8th. ^ les. Pi ovisions, Hardware, JACOB RENWALD, ;í:r7, , un Hnu QUEENSWARE, and GARDEN IMPLEMENTS. ) Í300 M.Ó.I3ÍT 3T. McGRATH BROS. Perfumery REES' KEOKUK CITY DIRECTORY. Ill Guy, George, moving and express cars, 516 north 13th. Guy, Joseph S., painter Hawkeye Carriage factory, r. 208 south 8th. Guyer, Miss Blanch H.. r. 922 Morgan. Guyer, Hezekiah, traveling salesman Rickard's Fence Co. r. 922 Morgan. Guyer, Miss Maude G., r. 922 Morgan. Guyer, Warren B. B., r. 922 Morgan. Guymore, Walter C., traveling salesman, Kellogg Birge & Co., r. 121 Blondeau. HaAGE, Miss Carrie, domestic, r. 216 south 8th. Haage, David P., Grocer 708 Main r. same, ^ _ Haga, Mrs. Rosa, r. 27 south 3d. ^ Hackberry, Charles, laborer Car Shop, r. 108 south 16th. Z 5* Hackett, Mrs. Georgia A., nurse 1119 Blondeau. Hackett, Miachel J., butcher 625 Main, r. 1011 Fulton, Haessig, Frederick, marble cutter, J. T. Crotty, r. 1620 Johnson. ^ 9-, Hafman, Miss Lena, domestic C. J. Hickey, r. 619 Main, kii ?? Hagander, Mrs. Elizabeth A., r. 1303 Orleans. Hageman, Theodore, tailor W. F. Foote, r. 1323 Fulton, i-j 5 Hageman, William, tailor, W. F. Footer. 1423 Ridge, S Hagens, Felix, gardener, r. 1829 Johnson. O Hägens, Miss Katie, r. 822 north 13th. ^ ^ Hägens, Mrs. Margaret, 822 north 13th. 3 Haggerty. Dennis N., commission agent, 1519 Carroll. Haggerty, John, r. 1519 Carroll. > frl Haggerty, Thomas J., laborer, D. W. Haggerty, r. 1519 HO Carroll. Û ^ Haggerty, Wm., laborer, r. 1119^ Fulton. W Hagerman, Benjamin F, r. 812 Timea. q Hagerman, George, r. 812 Timea, Hagermon, John F. cutter S. S. Lowitz, r. 418 north 3d. Hagerman, Miss ¿innie stenographer, r. 812 Timea. as ^ Hagneier, Fred C., laborer, Taber & Co.. bds. 922 Des ^ ^ Moines. 1? Hagny, John C., clerk St. L. K. N. W. R'y r. 811 Franklin. | ^ They believe in the Quick, Rush, and Shoes Go The Red Shoe HOflSe, At Bottom, Brices, at HUISKAMP'S. sso MetUa. str«et. CO • PRîr.F RR os "ï '»® «»"'y wholesale Wall Paper House, i Llll\/Ü»j Corner Sixth and Main Sts. g 112 REES' KEOKUK CITY DIRECTORY. Hagny, Miss Madelaine B., r. 811 Franklin gj ^ Hagney, Simon L,, traveling salesman, r. 811 Franklin. g Hagny, Adam, Real Estate 524 Main. r. 529 north 5th. r c Hagny, Miss Nell W. 529 north 5th. ^ "c Haight, Miss Rosella, 129 north 1st. O Haines, Joseph E., Plumber, P. R. Sutton, r. 1220 Fulton. 3 c Haines, Robct, engineer Steamer Patience, r. 1116 Fulton. ^ - Haines, Phillip Q.. engineer, r. 1220 Fulton. 1 Haines, William R., St. L. K. & N. W., r. 807 north 14th. ^ > Haisch, Mrs. Frantricka, r. 110 south 16th, gj cc Haisch, William E. Shoe Factory, r. 110 south 16th. (D g Hale, Albert P., N Y. Mutual Life Insurance Co. boards = Hotel Keokuk. ^ ^ Hale, Mrs. Susan D., boards 227 High. O Hall, Albert, stripper, J. F. & R. E. Smith Jr., r. 18th between Palean and Carroll. Hall, Alfred H., works Tin Can Factory, r. 22 south 7th. Hall, Almond S., foreman. Dr. S. F. Baker & Co. r. 18th and Palean. Hall, Rev. Fred E., Pastor Frst M. E. church, r. 824 Bank. Hall James, works Dr: S. F. Baker & Co, r. ws. 18th between Palean and Carroll. Hall, William C., jeweler Ayres & Son. r. 303 Blondeau. Hambden Buel Agency., (Hambden Jr. & E, Louise) 24 north 5th. (^See add top mars;ins.) Hambleton, Arthur, book-keeper, Keokuk Roller mills, r. 721 Franklin. Hambleton, Clarence R., salesman. Collier, Robertson & H^i^bileton, r. 721 Franklin. Hambleton B. Franklin, Collier, Robertson & Hambletop, r. Riverview, Ills. Hambleton Milling Cp.. Chas. H. Leas Sec. 18 and 2o south Water see add page 1. Hamburger, Gulib, butcher Hubenthal & Kuebler, r. 1723 Concert. Hamblin, Mrs. Mary, r. 17Ó9 Blondeau. Hamal, Mrs. Catherine, r. 216 Bank. Hamel, Peter H, laborer, r. 1502 High. Hameley, Mrs. Gustina, r. Union Hotel. CO «8 >- liJ _l CO Wilkinson k Co. S Perfumery WonH 1\/l;)ntplq wyman-rano carpet go., W ¥ |¥l CI I I LO 1 O J (}09 and 611 Main St. REES' KEOKUK CITY DIRECTORY. 113 Hamill, Miss Carrice S., r. 610 Morg^an. Hamill, David B., (S. Hamill & Co.,) r. 603 Morgan. Hamill, Llewellyn A., (S. Hamill & Co.) r. 610 Morgan. Hamill, Miss Louisa, r. 603 Morgan. Hamill, Miss Mary Bell, r. 610 Morgan. Hamill Smith & Co„ (Smith, David B, Llewellyn A.,) Wholesale Grocers, 324 to 328 Johnson. Hamill, Smith, (S. Hamil & Co.) r. 610 Morgan. Hamilton, Edward T., work Keokuk Stove Works, r. 1729 Timea. Hamilton, Miss Ella, 628 Morgan. Hamilton, James G., bridge builder, r. 9th between Car¬ roll and Ridge. _ Hamilton, Mrs. Jesse, domestic, r. 623 High. Qq Hamilton, John r. 628 Morgan. ^ Hamilton, Martin B., engineer Keokuk Stove Works, r. 1324 Carroll Hamilton, Phillip F. carpenter, St. L. K. & N. W. R'y r. 1311 Reid. Hamilton, William, laborer Taber & Co., r. 1311 Reid. Hamilton, William J., laborer, r. 1706 Timea. Hamilton, William P., laborer Taber's mill, r. 1311 Reid. ^ ^ Hamlet, Edward J., fireman C. R. I. P. R'y, r. 625 Palean. 5' ^ Hampton, George, teamster Wm. Worley,r. 914 Main. 5. Hampton, John, laborer, r. 1525 Franklin. © ® Hampton, Miss Louise, r. 1517 Morgan. » ^ Hampton, Wm. M, city porter, r. 1116 Franklin. >—(i| Hammel, Edward C.,barber Chas. E. Harvey, r. 14thn. 1st. w Hammer, Miss Caddie V., r. 928 Palean. ^ ^ Hammer, Harry N., works Duncan-Schell Furniture Co., ^ ^ r. 928 Palean. S- Hammer, Lulu, r. 928 Palean. ^ 5' Hammer, Newton, blacksmith Keokuk Wind Engine Co., tc ^ sw. corner 10th and Palean. Hammes, Prof. John, Astronomer, r. 221 south 10th. ^ Hammes, John C., clerk Sullivan & Auwarda 22 s, 10th. w;5* Hammes, Miss Lena, saleslady M. Stern, r. 221 s. 10th. ^ ^ Hammes, Peter, book-keeper, r. 221 south 10th. S Hammond A, H., (Hammond & Braidwood)r. 910 Morgan. Henry Strickler,for DFV GOOdS, Thft "POTjlllar" Fourth and Main Sts. - 1 upuiai m m (f) o o p" -5 T. D. MACKEY, Snrgeon Dentist ^ 114 REES* KEOKUK CITY DIRECTORY. S © Hammond, Benjamin, foreman, S. P. Fond & Co., r, 909 ^ Blondeau. ^ Hammond & Braidwood, (Harley Hammond, Mrs Julia M. 8 (J Braidwood,) Dry Goods & Millinery 614 Main. Ä Hammond Fayett, Photographer, 908 Main. ® J.' Hammond. Fred B., works G. V. S. Rickard r, 909 •S ^ Blondeau. I; Hammond, Harley, Hammond & Braidwoodr.910 Morgan. ^(/) Hammond, Mrs. Mary A., book-keeper, James Cameron, ^ ÇC 128 south 8th. Hammond, Dr. Marshall, bath house. 30 south 5th. ^ ¡> Hammond, Miss Olive E. clerk Variety Store, r. 909 8 r Blondeau. ^ Hammond, Thomas F,, traveling salesman J. C. Hubin- .s ger, r. 909 Blondeau. ^ Hancock, Miss Ada, r. 2021 Des Moines. ^ Haney, John C., stone mason, r. 909 High. Haney, L., laborer, r. 1522 Blondeau. Haney, William H., farmer, r. near Des Moines bridge. Hank, Herman, elk J. M. Huiskamp, r. Blondeau between 13th and 14th. Hank, John, polisher Keokuk Stove Works, r. 1719 Ex¬ change. Hannah, Wilbert, elk. Hodge Hawkes r. Concert, between 14th and 15th. Hans, Mrs., Eliza midwife, r. 1620 Johnson. Hansing, Fredrick J., teamster, r. 215 south 1st. Hanson, Andrew, steam and gas fitter, Keokuk Gas Light and Coke Co., r. Missouri Ave. between F. and G. Hanson, Andrew C., painter Hawkeye Carriage works, r. 1800 Exchange. Hanson, Andrew P., brick yard, r. 1900 Blondeau. Hanson, Mrs. Bridget, r. 1520 Missouri Ave. Hanson, Charles J., Meat Market 1330 Main r. 1226 Blondeau. Hanson, Enos, r. 1800 Exchange. Hanson, George E. plumber.and gas fitter, r. 1520 Mis¬ souri Ave. Hanson, Henry, laborer, r. 709 Grand Ave. COLLARS. CUFFS. McGRATH BROS., '"■eiÄJJ""" Waters REES' KEOKUK CITY DIRECTORY. 115 Hanson, Henry, clerk Henry Strickler, r. 1800 Exchange. Hanson, John, works Hanson brickyard, r. 1927 Blondeau. Hanson, Joseph A., plumber and gas fitter r. 1520 Mis¬ souri Ave. Hanson, Mary A. r. 1520 Missouri Ave. Hanson, Nellie G., r. 1520 Missouri Ave. Hanson Ralph A., plumber and gas fitter r. 1520 Missouri Ave. Hanson, Miss Sophie, r. 1900 Blondeau. Happs, Mrs. Catherine, r. 512 Palean. Happs. Charles, wks. Tin Can Factory r. High between 19 and 20. Happs, George, laborer, r. High between 19 and 20. Happs, John, laborer, Carson & Rand Lumber Co.r. 512 Palean. O Happs, John J., brick moulder H. Rankin, r. bet. 19 and ^4. 20 High. IT® Happs, Robert E., driver Ed. McManus, r. High between 19 and 20. Hardesty, George, brick layer, r. 922 Blondeau. Hardesty, Ida B., r, 716 north 7th. C/Î Hardesty, John, laborer, r. 119 Bank. Hardesty, Laura L., r. 716 north 7th. O O Hardesty, Nellie M., r, 716 north 7th. So* Hardesty, Miss Olive, saleslady Henry Strickler, r. 922 Blondeau. q Hardesty, Thomas J., brickmason, r. 716 north 7th. Hardin, Andrew J., livery stable 18 to 20 north 3d, r. 26 north 10th. Hardin, Harrison B., collar maker, r. 1126 Franklin. Hardin, John L., foreman A. J. Hardin's stable, r. 1126 • ^ Franklin. O Hardin, Mrs. Mary E., boarding house, 26 north 9th. C Harkin, James J., machinist St. L. K. & N. W. R'y, bds. ® Hotel St. Claire. ® Harmon, Miss Altâ A., r. 1406 Orleans. ^ j/j Harmon, Charles E., teamster Keokuk Stove Works, r. S.® ns. Ridge bet. 9th and 10th. ^ ^ Harmon, Miss Delia M., r. 1406 Orleans. (r ^ Ayres Sc Sons, niAMflMnQ OUR OWN ^ 509 MAIN STREET, UI MIf I Uli UÛ. IMPORTATION PRICE BROS. PAINTING and PAPER HANGING^ Cor. 6th and Main Sts. £ 116 REE.S' KEOKUK CITY DIRECTORY. > Harmon, John, farmer, r. 1719 Raid. PQ ^ Harmon, John L., freight checker K. & W. R'y. r. 1516 n- o Ridge. ® Ö Harmon, John W., teamster Keokuk Stove works, r. 1318 w Carroll. S Harmon, Josiah, fruit tree agent, r. 1406 Orleans, s Harmon, Leroy, teamster, r. corner 20th and Des Moines.. ^ CÔ Harmon, Miss Mary L., r. 1406 Orleans, gHarmon, Miss Olive, r. corner 20th and Des Moines. S î> Harmon, William, r. ns. Ridge, between 9th and 10th. Ä ^ Harmon, William B., marble cutter J. T. Grotty, r. 1501 pLi Q Johnson. p., Harrar, Charles F., wks. Cycloidal Pump Works,109 n.7th. Harrar, Ed., works Shoe Factory, r. 109 north 7th, ^Harrington, Daniel, Canal road 3d house n. Plow Works- Harrington, Daniel D., r. 126 south 1st. Harrington, Dennis, laborer lower lock, r. Canal road 3d) house north Plow Works. Harrington, Mrs. Ellen, r. Canal road s. Tin Can Factory. Harrington, Eugene,Jr.,laborer Tabor & Co.,r. 917 Carroll. ^ Harrington, Eugene, Sr., lab. Public Works, r. 917 Carroll.. Cq Harrington, Hugh, laborer Tabor & Co., r. 917 Carroll. Harrington, James, traveling salesman, r. 126 south 1st- Harrington, Jeremiah S., contractor, r. 126 south 1st. Harrington, Joseph A. M., wks. Shoe Factory, r. 126 s. 1st. Harrington, Miss Marilla M., r. 1728 Bank. Harrington, Mrs. Mary, r. 126 south 1st. Harrington, Orgrove B., r. 725 north 12th. Harrington, Patrick, laborer, r. se. corner 8th and Ridge- Harris, Alfred J., mail carrier, r. 1217 Morgan. Harris, Benjamin, laborer, r. 1012 Fulton. ' Harris, Miss Carrie, r. 1215 Morgan. Harris, Darrel, hostler, r. 903 north 9th. Harris, Frank,paper hanger Clark & Johnson,r. 109 n. 7th.." Harris, George, carpenter W. H. Nichols, r. 109 north 7th. Harris, Mrs. H., works Shoe Factory, r. -301 south 4th. Harris, Howard, supt. wall paper dept Clark & Johnson^ ■ bds. Ill north 7th, 0) Harris, John, city porter, r. 1215 Morgan. Wilkinson & Co. bi IMOIIpC In the Hambden Buel Insurance Agency, 24 N. 5th St. lilOUnL All Losses Promptly Faid. REES' KEOKUK CITY DIRECTORY. 117 Harris, Joseph, milk dairy, r. 316 C. Harris, Mrs. Louisa, r. 1215 Fulton. Harris, Moses, saloon keeper, r. 12 north 1st. Harris, Mrs. Nancy, r. 12 north 1st. ■ Harris, Spencer C., cupalo tender Keokuk Stove Works, HH r. 719 north 12th. Harrison, William, laborer Coey & Co., r. 507 E. HH Harrison, Cephas A., r. 328 F. Harrison, Miss Elizabeth, r. 1718 Carroll. PJ Harrison, Frank A., store keeper Hotel Keokuk, r. same, f A •Harrison, Harris, expressman, r. 1719 Carroll. Harrison, Louisa, r. 323 F. Harrison, Miss Magq^ie F., r. 905 Blondeau. Harrison, Mrs. Maria C., r. 220 north 4th. Harris, Thomas, r. 905 Blondeau. O Harrison, Thomas C., lumber merchant, r. 323 F. Harshman, Frank, r. 210 Concert. Harshman, Miss Hulda, teacher Concert street school, r. ^ 210 Concert. ^ Harshman, John D., horseman, r. 1422 Concert. Harte, Mrs. B. Bess, r. 313 Main. S Harte, Miss Ella, dressmaker, r. 313 Main. g Härtel, John G,, seedsman 624 Main, r. 609 Morgan. ^ HarteL Mrs. Lena, r. 1420 Johnson. Härtel, Louis, clerk H. W. Upham, r. 1324 Timea. p g Härtel, Miss Madaline, r. 1420 Johnson. Hartigan, Miss Mary, pantry girl Hotel St. Claire, r. same, tog Hartigan, Miss Nora, r. 526 Des Moines. Hartrick, Conrad, carpenter St. L. K. & N. W. R'y, r. S ^ 1722 Carroll. Harvey, Charles E., barber 4 s. Water, r. 14 n. 1st. Harvey, Mrs. Hilda L., r. 14 north 1st. Harwood, Edgarter F., painter 24 north 5th, r. 719 Exchange. ^ S Harwood, Miss Ella J.,elk. E. F. Harwood, 719 Exchange. Harwood, Miss Lfbbie, r. 1220 Exchange. ' ^ Haskins, Miss Cora B., r. 2121 High. SE Haskins, Miss Lena U., r. 1121 High. " Haskins, WiHard H., painter, r. 1121 High. ^ ITollndd RrAthoVQ Livery, Feed and Sale Stables. AuliUgg DlUlUolo, Excursion and Moving Cars. 120 S. 3d St. T. D. MACKEY, Extracting Teeth ^ 118 REES' KEOKUK CITY DIRECTORY. j 1 r~! ^ j Haskins, William P., laborer Tabor & Co., r. 2d between Carroll and Ridg^e. ^ Hassall, George, photographer 302 Main, r. 310 south 5th. •H Hassall, Rev. Robert, minister, r. ns. Grand ave., near 22d. ' Hatting, James B., moulder, r. 823 Morgan. O Hatton, Mrs. May, r. 1003 Main. «F— Haubert, Miss Birdie, r. Union House. 0- Haubert Bros., butchers Vio Main. Haubert, Miss Carrie, r. Union House. ^^Haubert, Charles, tailor, r. Union House. Haubert, Henry, clerk H. L. Connable, r. 29 south 2d. Haubert, John, (Bonham & Haubert,) bds. 29 south 2d. Haubert, Joseph, (Haubert Bros.,) bds. 29 south 2d. O Haubert, Peter, proprietor Union House, 129 Johnson. Haubert, Peter, Jr., butcher 1124 Main, r. same. Hauptmann, John W.. traveling salesman J. F. Racine, r. ^ 1112 Main. O Hawkes & Ackley, (Ed. E. Hawkes and Isaac S. Ackley,) O undertakers, 817 Main. O Hawkes, Edward E., (Hawkes & Ackley,) r. 612 n. 13th. Hawkes, Miss Jennie P., r. 612 north 13th. CO Hawkes, John L., (Hodge & Hawkes) r. 1429 Concert. Hawkes, Miss Nellie M,, clerks Hodge & Hawkes, r. 1429' Concert. Hawkes, Seth W., shoemaker Hodge & Hawkes, r. 1429 f Concert. "Hawkeye Carriage "Works, (Wright, Wus- trow & Guy,) 9-11-13-15 south 1st. Hawkins, Miss Emily, domestic 510 north 4th. 'S S Hawkins, John W., brick moulder, r. 11 south 8th. © c Hawkins, Louis S., farmer, Blondeau bet. 24th and 25th. ^ ^ Hayden, Miss Emma, r. 1218 Reid. "ü .2 Hayden, Garard, laborer, r. 1609 Morgan. § ^ Hayden, Jefilerson C., laborer C. R. I. & P. R'y, r. 523 B. « ^ Hayden, Rosie, works Shoe Factory, r. 600 Johnson. Hayden, Miss Statia, domestic, r, 1124 High. *© jS Hayden, William, laborer, r. 16th and Morgan. ® §" Hayden, William C., laborer Coey & Co., r. 1218 s. 7th. ® ¿ Hayden, William S., laborer Coey & Co., r. 1420 Reid. I'oceries, Provision.s, Hardware,. JACOB RENWALD, íí: ANO QUEENSWARE, and GARDEN IMPLEMENTS. X300 ST. McGRATH BROS. Perfumery REES' KEOKUK CITY DIRECTORY. 119 Hayes, Miss Mary, domestic 726 Orleans. Haymier, Herman, r. 922 Des Moi.nes. Hayner, Frank H., saw filer Taber & Co., r. 1224 Park. Hayner, Joseph E., foreman saw mill Taber & Co.,r. 429 Des Moines. Haynie, Charles E., barber J. H. Haynie, r. 1129 Main. Haynie, John H , barber shop 1120 Main. Hays, Andrew J., carpenter, r. 319 south 18th. Hays, Edward, laborer, bds. Central House. Hays, Levi, r. 816 north 13th. Hays, Miss Linne, r. 816 north 13th. Heacock, Dr. Alfred, r. 814 Fulton. Healy, James, laborer, r. 207 north 15th. Healy, William, hostler D. L Hughes, r. 207 north 15th. ^ Heashp, Henry A., (Collins & Heaslip) r. 420 north 7th. ^ Heaslip, Mrs. Susanna, r. 420 north 7th. 2 ^ Heckerman, John F., cutter S. S. Lowitz. r. 418 north 3d. ^ Heckler, Louis A., butcher, r. 902 High ^ § Heckler. Fred, night watchman Des Moines river bridge, r. Chas. Ward's. ' o. Heckler, Miss Lizzie,house keeper Windsor Hotel, r. same. Hedberg, Miss Annie, r. 812 Timea. S Hedrick, Miss Lizzie, domestic 1202 High. g Hegeman, Miss Hannah, clerk Voorvaart's grocery, r. c 1423 Ridge. O ^ Hegeman, Miss Ida, r. 1423 Ridge. ^ ^ Hegeman, Joseph, clerk Reiner Bros., r. 1323 Fulton. i-q g Hegeman, Theodore P., tailor W. F. Foote, r. 1423 Ridge. TC « Hegeman, William, tailor W. F. Foote, r. 1323 Fulton. Heine, Edward, works Shoe Factory, r. 1513 Bank. H O Heine, Miss Rose, domestic, r. 1016 Fulton. Heineman, John, Jr., carpenter, r. 1203 Timea. ' W Heineman, John, Sr., tailor S. S. Lowitz, r. 1203 Timea. ^ Heineman, Miss Mary, r. 1203 Timea. Heintz, Edward, bell boy Hotel Keokuk, r. 616 Exchange. ' Heintz, George J., barber L. Weiler, r. 616 Exchange. ^ ^ Heintz, Jacob, Jr., works Shoe Factory, r. 616 Exchange. ^ ® Heintz, Jacob, Sr.. teamster Sinton, r. 616 Exchange. ^ ^ Heinz, Christian, tailor 709 Main, r. 709 Exchange. ^ It !\n1id Satisfaction that we guarantee at the Red Shoe House, ^ ' 11 iü üullU Qjj every pair of Shoes Sold. PRirF RRftS Wholesale Wall Paper House, Í HlVJlJ UllVÜ. j Corner Sixth and Main Sts. 2 120 Rees' keokuk city directory. S O D3 93 Heinz, George W., clerk Freeman, r. 709 Exhange. (¡g ^ Heinz Miss Lena, r. 709 Exchange. § Heiser, Miss Emma, r. 1826 Main. ^ n Heiser, John P., commercial traveler, r. 720 Fulton. ^ Heiser, Rudolph, drug store 900 Main, r. 1826 Main. 0 [2 Helgeson, Miss Callie, r. 722 Fra,nklin. S s Helgeson, Harry T.,ticket agt. Wabash R'y,r. 722 Franklin. ^ Z Helgeson, Miss Kittie, r. 722 Franklin. c Hellenthall, Amelia, works Shoe Factory, r. 204 n. 10th. ^ > Hellenthall, John, cooper F. Hilpert, r. 204 north 10th. ^ X Hellenthall, Miss Kate, domestic, r. 204 north 10th.. 0 ^ Heller, William G., Flour & Feed Store 804 Main, r. same. ^ = Helman, Adrian, r. 1330 Estes. ^ Helman, Annie K., r. 1330 Estes. O Helman, Bernard, laborer city, r. 1330 Estes. Helman, Henrietta, r. 1330 Estes. Helman, Henry, r. 1422 Carroll. Helman, Irena, r. 1330 Estes. Helman, Miss Jennie E., r. 1330 Estes. Helman, Theodore, laborer, r. 1330 Estes. iHelwig, Arthur C., 613 Fulton. Helwig, Miss Bertha, clerk Steele Dry Goods Store,, r. 613 Fulton. Helwig Mrs. Elizabeth, r. 627 Bank. Helwig, John, shoe dealer 11 south 3d, r. 613 Fulton. Helwig, John, commercial traveler, r. 613 Fulton. Helwig, Miss Louisa A., teacher Wells School, r. 613 Fulton. Hemmy, Herman, sexton Oakland Cemetery r.l525 Timea. Hernpsted, Miss Eugena, domestic, r, 726 Orleans. Henderson, Mrs. Clara, washerwoman, 103 south 12th. Henderson, Duvall W., r. 1230 Park. Henderson, Fred H., machine hand J. G. Henderson & Co., r. 818 Bank. Henderson, Henry T., Prop. Keokuk Planing Mill r. 1230 Park. See adv. page ip Henderson J. G. & Co., (J. G. Henderson, M. Garmo,)Planing Mill, M and Railroad. i^See adv. p. 2.) Henderson, John, laborer, r. 1525 Concert. (0 «8 ÜJ _l a: CO Wilkinson & Co. LÎ' Perfumery WYMAN-RAND CARPET CO., (¡Oí) and Oil Main St, m m 0) Rees' keokuk city directory. 121 Henderson, John G.,(J. G. Henderson & Co,,)r. 818 Bank. Henderson, John W. laborer, r. Palean bet. 13th and 14th. Henderson, Miss Viola, r. 818 Bank. Hendricks, David, clerk James A. Hirst, r. 1709 Johnson, Hendricks, Hector, Grocer 1323 Exchang-e r. same. Hendricks Henry, clerk James Hirst, r. 1709 Johnson. Hendricks, Norbury T., Wooldridge & Co. r. 702 Main. Hendrixmyer, Miss Annie, domestic, r. 728 Fulton. Henike, Miss Katie, domestic, 327 north 5th. Henke, Herman C., blacksmith C. R. I. & P. R'y shops, r. 1420 Concert, Henke, John, polisher Keokuk Stove Works, r. 1719 Exchange. Henke. William, help Keokuk Stove Works, r. 1719 Qp Exchange. ^ Hennemann, Miss Adeline M., r. 1200 Main, second floor. Hennemann, Albert J., clerk State Bank of Keokuk, f- C J 1200 Main; Hennemann, Charles, Jr., policeman, r. 1200 Main. • J Henneman, Mrs. Elizabeth, confectionery 1200 Main, r. , same. Hennesy, Ella, works Shoe Factory, r. 123 south 4th. ^ ^ Henry, Mrs. Christian, r. 1315 Exchange. 5" ^ Henry, George, clerk steam boat, r. 1307 Exchange. ^ Henry, William, glazier H. Schmidt & Son, r. 1315 © Exchange. S ^ Henzel Bros., (John A. and George,) publishers Keokuk Post, r. 521 Fulton. ^ » Hepler, Miss Eugenie L , r. 1111 Exchange. p Hepler, Mrs. Mary S., r. 1111 Exchange. Herbert, George,machinist Buckeye Foundry,r. 927 High. S. hcj Herbert, Gavin, book-keeper Collier, Robertson & Ham- * 5' bleton, r. Summitville. t© ^ Herbner, John, saloon 1102 Main. J Herold. Annie, wks. Shoe Factory, r. cor. 16th and Cedar. Herold, George, printer Wm. Rees & Co., r. corner 16th and Cedar. Herrol, Miss Minnie, domestic 303 High. S? -q. Hertlein, George C., porter Buck-Reiner Co., r. 26 s. 12th. ^ 5. Henry Strickler,For DfY GOOdS, Tllft "PODlllar" Fourth and Main Sis. —J ^ upuiai T. D. MACKEY, Snrgeon Dentist 122 REES' KEOKUK CITY DIRECTORY. e Hesbacher, JVlartin, stoYes and tinware 421 Main, ^ r. 1311 Hioh. J Hesbecher, Mrs Rosa, r. IHth bet. Cedar and Charles. 2 J H esse, Herman, bartender John Herbner, r. 1528 Johnson, cs ^ Hesse, Lewis, salesman Jacob Seither, r. 1528 Johnson. ® Hesse, Miss Lulu R., r. 1528 Johnson. •S Hetrick. Theodore, carpenter Ackley & Co., bds. Grand ^ Pacific Hotel. ^(/j Heule, William H., machinist St. L. K. & N. W. R'y, r. 1213 Franklin. Heward, Charles, engineer St. L. K. & N. W. R'y, bds. Hotel St. Claire. Heward, Edward, engineer St. L. K. & N. W. R'y, bds. Hotel St. Claire. .a Hewitt, Benjamin P., i. 1417 Fulton. ^ Hewitt, Benton H., r. 22d and Des Moines. Hewitt, Don A. r. corner 22d and Des Moines. Hewitt, John, machinist St. L. K. & N. W. R'y, r. 21 s. 3d. t Hewitt, Jonathan, r. 1108 Concert. Hewitt, Miss Oliie E., r. 22d and Des Moines. Hewitt, Thomas M. lab. Electric St. R'y, r .1417 Fulton. Hiatt, Mrs. Emma T., r. 903 Fulton. Hickey, Andrew, edgerman, Taber & Co., r 523 Ridge. Hickey, Miss Annie, clerk M. J. Burke, r. 1003 High. Hickey, Miss Annie, dress maker Mrs. Leonard r. 528 s.6th, Hickey, Christopher J., baker, r. 619 Main. Hickey, Cornelius, laborer Coey & Co., r. 523 Ridge. Hickey, Miss Grace A., r. 1003 High. Hickey, James, stone cutter, r. 528 Palean. Hickey, James, r. 1003 High. Hickey, James Jr., moulder, r. 605 Palean. Hickey, James, Sr., stone mason, r. 528 south 6th. Hickey, Miss Josephine, r. 528 south 6th. Hickey, Miss Kate, r. 528 south 6th. Hickey, Miss Maria R., dress maker, r. 1003 High. Hickey, Miles, stone mason, 1003 High. Hickey. Timothy, laborer public roads. 523 Ridge. Hickey, Timothy J,, laborer Taber & Co., 523 Ridge. Hickey, William L., t, 1003 High. COLLARS. ^ CUFFS. McGRAT-H BROS., Waters REKS' KEOKUK CITY DIRECTORY. 123 Hickox, Edward VV., cook Hotel Keokuk, r. same. ' Hickox, Elbert W. head cook Hotel Keokuk, r. 323 s. 2d. Hicks, Frank M. carriag'e maker S. T. Worley & Son, r. 116 exchangee. Hicks, James \V. laborer Keokuk Cooperage, r. 1120 Williams. Hicks, John D., teamster Taber's mill r. 1809 Williams. Hicks, Mrs. Sarah M , r. 1120 Williams. Hierstein Henry, Stove Store 712^ Main. (See adv. p. /.?.) r. same. Higham, Mrs. Annie, 1212 Concert. Higham, Miss Annie E. 1709 Franklin. Higham, Caleb L., 1212 Concert. Higham, George O., clerk, r. 1609 Orleans. ^ Higham, Miss Hattie C. 1709 Franklin. ^ Higham, James T., works S. P. Pond, r. 1709 Franklin. Higham, William P., bartender, r. 24 south 2d. Higgins, Miss Cora B., teacher Torrence school, r. 316 north 14th. Öq Higgins, Edward J. r. 107 north 7th. Higgins, George T. Jr., chief clerk K. & W. R'y Freight W House, boards 120 north 7th. Hildebrand, Henry, fireman St. L. K. & N. W. R'y boards Oq St. Louis House. So' Hilden, Miss Bertha, r. 1322 Johnson. ^(D Hilden, Geo;, works Shoe Factory, r. 1419 Exchange. q Hilker, Miss Emma domestic, r. 1020 Blondeau. JOmj Hill, Andrew J. tailor 218 north 6th. Hill, Miss Annie, r. 218 north 6th. Hill, Miss Amanda, domestic, 214 Fulton. Hill, Mrs. B. F., millinery 8 south 5th, r. 1018 Blondeau. • ^ Hill, Benjamin F., Keokuk Milling Co., r. 1018 Blondeau. o Hill, Miss Ella R., r. 101 north 2d. C Hill, Mrs. Eliza, boards 1310 Morgan. ® Hill, Ephriam, teamster, r. 412 Blondeau. W Hill, Miss Fannie A., book-keeper Geo. Hill, r.908 Orleans. ^ j/j Hill George, Painting and Paper Hanging 401 » » Blondeau, r. 903 Orleans. i-Ö Hill, George, clerk Hotel Windsor, boards same. ^ Ayres & Sons, niAMílMIlQ OUR OWN ^ - 509 MAIN STREET, UIHIflUllUÖ.IMPORTATION PRICE BROS. PAINTING and PAPER HANGING, Cor. 6th and Main Sts. ^ 124 REES' KEOKUK CITY DIRECTORY. ^ Hill, George C.,book-keeper Keokuk PickIeCo.,r. 101 n.2d> M ^ Hill, James, manager Keokuk Pickle Co., r. 101 north 2d., ns o Hill, Mrs. Jennie, r. 116 north 9th. ® ^ Hill, John, printer, r. 218 north 6th. 35 .Hill, Miss Katie, r. 412 Blondeau. Hill, Miss Maggie, r. 218 north 6th. ^ Hill, Miss Mayme A,, r. 101 north 2d. ^ CÔ Hill, William A., driver Wm. Sinton, r. 717 Concert. ® ^ Hill, William, r. 903 north 9th. s +J ' ' S l> Hilleary, Orvill, works Shoe Factory, bds. Hotel Windsor. U u Killis, Dr. David B., office 316 Blondeau, r. 311 ¿ Blondeau. ^ Hills, Andrew, saloon keeper 16 south 3d, r. 1507 Timea. ^ Hills, Christian, wholesale liquor dealer, r. 92T ^ Blondeau. {Ste adv. outside cover.) Hills, Miss Mary,domestic 2 miles n. of city,old fair grounds. Hilpert, Chris., cooper F. Hilpert, r. 1012 High. O Hilpert, Fred., cooper, r. 1019 Concert. Hilpert, Fred., Jr., works F. Hilpert, r. 1019 Concert. ífí Hilpert, Miss Katie, r. 1019 Concert. ^ Hilpert, Miss Louise D , r. 1012 High. Qq Hilton, Miss Birdie, r. Hilton road ^ mile sw. of city, Hilton, George O., proprietor Mississippi Valley Nursery, r. Hilton road ^ mile sw. of city. Hilton, Miss Libbie, r. Hilton road ^ mile sw. of city. Hinch, George, teamster Taber & Co., r. 423 north lOth. ^ Hine, Miss .Allie,saleslady Sulivan & Auwerda,r. 119 n.lst. Hine, Miss Grace, r. 119 north 1st. Q^Hine, Mrs. Margaret F., r. 119 north 1st. Hiñes, John, r 1213 Concert. Hines, Miss Mary, dressmaker, r. 420 A. Hines, Timothy, laborer, r. 1213 Concert. Hinkley, Enoch, r. 317 north 2d. Hinkley, Ina W., r. 317 north 2d. a Hinkley, Otto F.,clk. Badger Electric Light Co.,r. 327 n.2d. HHinman, Bosford B.. r. 727 Morgan. Hinman, Miss Ella, r. 727 Morgan. ■ Hinman, Miss Ida, r. 727 Morgan. (fi Hinson, John, pensioner, r. 1729 W^illiams. 1 MOI I DC In the Hambden Buel Insurance Agency, 24 N. 5th St. iliOU nL All Losses paid promptly. Only leading gos. Represeijted, REES' KEOKUK CITY DIRECTORY. 125 Hiron, Frank, clerk Keokuk Proprietory Medicine Co., r. 418 Blondeau. Hirons, Mrs. Catherine, bds. corner Bluff and E. Hirons, Edward, carpenter Carson & Rand Lumber Co., ■ bds. corner Bluff and E. NN Hirsch, Adolph, clerks Weil & Co., r. 812 Fulton. Hirsch, Barbara, r. 812 Fulton. Nrt Hirsch, Benedict, butcher Wm. Ewers, r. 812 Fulton. Hirsch, Eli, clerks Weil & Co., r 812 Fulton. Hirsch, Isaac, clerks M. Younker, r. 812 Fulton. fÄ Hirst, James A., grocer 26 south 12th, r. same. Hirst, James Sr., r. 400 south l7th. Hirt, Charles, book binder, r. 423 Palean. jÄ Hiteman, Miss Annie E., works shingle mills Taber & Co., r. 416 Bank. Hiteman, Miss Helen Z., works shingle mills Taber & Co., r. 416 Bank. Hiteman, Olie, r. 416 Bank. Hiteman, Mrs. Sarah E., r. 416 Bank. Hites, Thomas L.,wks. Keokuk Canning Co.,r. 1215 Reid. g2 Hittner, Valentine, florist Rand Park, r. 1807 High. S Hixon, Abraham L., blacksmith St. L. K. & N. W. R'y, S r. 1506 Franklin. ^ Hixon, Miss Alice, tailoress, r. 1506 Franklin. Hixon, Edward C., Stripper Bonham & Haubert, r. 1322 g High. 1=» Hixon, George W., stair builder, r. 1322 High. to S Hixon, Miss Mhry, tailoress, r 1506 Franklin. cß^ Hixon, Mrs. Mary, r. 1506 Franklin. g g Hoagland, Abraham V., contractor and carpenter, r. 1315 Orleans. Hoagland, John A., machine hand Carson & Rand Lum- g^ ber Co., r. 1422 Orleans. Hobbs, Beverly B., r. 204 north 2d. Hobbs, Miss Hattje, r. 204 north 2d. ^ Hobbs, John W., secretary and treasurer Keokuk Stove ' ^ Works, r. 204 north 2d. z Hobbs, John P., clerk St. L. K. & N. W. R'y, r. 204 n. 2d. " Hobbs, Miss Jessie, r. 204 north 2d. Ch ITpllntftf RrntharQ Livery, Feed and Sale Stables. JiGllUgg DlUlUGlo, Excursion and Moving Cars. 120 S, 3d St. T. D. MACKEY, Extracting Teeth — 126 Rees' keokuk city directory. ^ Hodge, James V., (Hodge & Sons,) r. ll02 High. Hodge Sc Hawkes, (H. C. Hodge, Jr., and J. L. ^ Hawkes,) boots and shoes 406 Main. Hodge, Hugh C., Jr., (Hodge & Hawkes,) r. 1102 High. Hodge, Hugh C. Sr., Hodge & Sons, r. 1102 High. O Hodge & Sons, (Hugh C., James V. & William K Hodge) 1 r— 417 Main. Hodge, William K., Hodge & Sons r. 1102 High. Hoffeditz, George, stableman Alton Bros., r. 1010 Des Moines. Hoffman, Mrs. Bridget, r. 121 south 5th. Hoffman, Celia, works Shoe Factory, r. 121 south 5th. ^ Hoffmam, John, works Keokuk Stove Works, boards 1723' O Concert. Hoffman, Miss Mary, domestic, r. 618 Morgan. Hoffman. William, r. 1207 Exchange. Hoffstatter. Robert W., laborer, r. 1527 Franklin. O Hogan, James, section foreman C. R. I. & P. R'y, r. 1016 O south 5th. O Hogan, Jennie, works Shoe Factory, 1016 south 5th. Hogan. Martin J., works Shoe Factory boards 1016 s. 5th. Hogan, Mrs. Mary A., r. 6th between Ridge and Cedar. Hogan, Mary C., works Hubinger's Starch Factory, r. 1016 south 5th. ^ Holden, Miss Delia, clerks Mrs. C. Keppel, r. 905 Main. f— Holden, Joseph, tie inspector, r. 905 Main. Holdorf, Miss Clara, r. corner 12th and Bank. ^^^Holdorf, John, tinner P. R. Suttons, r. 1127 Bank. Holdorf, Martin coppersmith C. R. I. & P. shops r. 1127 Bank. S o c Holland, John, farmer, r. 1804 High. ^ ^ Holliday, Miss Nellie, works Keokuk Pickle Co. r. 711 *« .£ Johnson. S ^ Hollida)', Theodore, r. 812 Johnson. «e Holliday. Warren, H., horse trimmer, r. 419 Johnson. ® Holliday, William D., teamster Taber & Co., boards John-^ 'S jS son between 8th and 9th. g §-H'llingshead, Jesse D. wholesale shipper barrel hoops, c ^26 Fulton. H JACOB RENWALD Groceries, Provisions, Hardware, , TIN AND QUEENSWARE, and GARDEN IMPLEMENTS.. J iSOO 3'T. McGRATH BROS, Perfumery REES' KEOKUK CITY DIRECTORY. 127 Hollingsworth, Lillie, r. 505 south 9th. Hollingsworth, Thomas, fireman Keokuk & Hamilton Bridge, r. 505 south 9th. Holme, Belle R., r. 1219 Bank. Holme, Charles, laborer, r. 1219 Bank. Holmes, Jerry S., laborer, r. 909 High. Holmes, John R., works Shoe Factory r. 919 High. Holmes, Miss Lydia, works John Leezer, r. 909 High. Holt,'Edward, delivery boy Enterprise, 711 Main. Holt, Henry T., works Pattersons, r. 506 north 10th. Holt, Isaac C., porter Ayres Music Store, r. 1312 Morgan. Holt, James, cistern builder, r. 412 north 14th. Holt, Jason, city porter, r. 410 south l7th. ^ Holt, Miss Jennie, r. 721 Main. 7^ IT Holt, Mrs. Sarah, r. 412 north 14th. zS' Holt, Tylor, driver Patterson Bros. r. 826 south 7th. ^ ^ Holt, William, miller Keokuk Roller Mills 711 Main. >o C/) ^ Homan, Charles, laborer Coey & Co., r. 309 Exchange, Homes, Charles E., printer Gate City, r. 1104 Blondeau. q. Homes, Evert, teamster, r. 1604 Blondeau. ^ Homes, Mrs. Gooley E. r. 1104 Blondeau. " 5- Honce, William barber 1024 Main, r. 1229 Main. li] g c Hood, Charles M. carpenter Geo. R. Nunn, r. 628 Bank. ^ ^ Hook & Ladder Truck Co. No. 3, 19 north 6th. Hoots, Miss Etta, domestic, r. 611 Grand Ave. M o Hopkins, Edward, laborer Tabor's mill, bds 1416 Bluff. ^ Hopkins Henry laborer Tabor's mill, boards 1416 Bluff. " ^ Hopkins, John, laborer Tabor's mill, boards 1416 Bluff. ^ q, Hopkins, Miss Mary, r. 1416 Bluff. D Hopkins, Mrs. Mary, r. 1416 Bluff. ^ G Hopkins, Thomas, H., baggageman C. R. I. & P. R'y, r. in ^ 411 north 11th. 7 Hopson, George T. traveling salesman M. Stern, r. Hotel ^ Keokuk. • ^ ^ Horn, Miss Bertha, r. 326 south 6th. ^ Horn's Hall, corner 8th and Main. ^ ^ Horn, Miss Lucy, r. 326 south 6th. oi? ^ 1 g çc Kjc QaIíH Satisfaction that we guarantee at the Red Shoe House, ' 10 üuliU Qjj every pair of Shoes Sold. PRíPiF only Wholesale Wall Paper House, * Llil.V/Ü«j Corner Sixth and Main Sts. 2 128 REES' KEOKUK CtTY DIRECTORY. c — ® ¿Horn, 'W^illiamác Co., (William Sr. &WilliamJr.) proprietors Excelsior Sheet Iron Works, 719 and 721 ^ Johnson. (See adv. pay.) e Horn, William Jr., (Wm. Horn & Co.,) r. 326 south 6th. ^ Horn, William Sr. (Wm. Horn & Co.,) r. 326 south 6th. Ü [13 Hornaday, Calvin, jeweler 514 Main, r. 328 Orleans. 3 s Home & Hueston, (Robert G. Home and John N. Hues- ^ ton,) vinegar manufacturers 108 north Water. ^ Home, Robert G., (Home «& Hueston,) r. 123 Morgan. ^ > Hornish, Elliott K., book-keeper, r. 407 Morgan. ^ cß Hornish, George P., box maker Wm. Schweer, r. 407 0 i- Morgan. pCj r Hornish, John P., lawyer 20 north 5th, r. 407 Morgan. ^ ^ Hornish, Mrs. Martha C., r. 407 Morgan. 0 Hornish, Miss Mattie, r. 407 Morgan, fa Hornish, Phillip F., clerk St. L. K. & N. W. R'y, r. 407 Morgan. Hornish Walter A., r. 407 Morgan, Hornung, Charles, clerks J. N. Whetstone, r. 1517 Timea. Hornung, John, rags and iron 1218 Main, bds. 1220 Fulton. iHorsburg, Robert B., book-keeper Iowa State Insurance I Co., r. 323 Blondeau. ¡Horton, Charles D., paymaster St. L. K. & N. W. R'y, I r. 107 Blondeau. Hoskins, Hugh, laborer, r, 1221 Morgan, Hoskins, John, porter C. R. I. S: P. R'y, r. 1221 Morgan. 'Hosselton, IMiss Blanche, teacher, r. 616 Fulton. Hosmer, Arthur, retired banker, r. 326 north 4th. Hosmer, Miss Katie, r. 326 north 4th. Hotel Keokuk., Murry Hutchinson, manager, corner I 3d and Johnson. Hotel Windsor, Mrs. Mary Wiley, proprietor, 12.-14 s. 2d. Houchens, James W,, works Badger Electric Light Co., r. 921 Timea. Houchens, Walter O., r. 921 Timea. Hough, Charles R., box maker Wm. Schweer,r. 117 s.7th. Hough, IMiss Clara, works Keokuk Canning Co., r. 711 CO >- LiJ Ù1 CO Johnson. Hough, Hiram, laborer, r. 711 Johnson. Wilkinson à Co, iSerc" 2'PerfDmeiy WYMAN-RAND CARPET CO., 60f) and 611 Main St, t REES' KEOKUK CITY DIRECTORY. 129 Hough, John, conductor Wabash R'y, r. 218 south 5th. Hough, Martha E., r. 711 Johnson. House, Mrs. Carrie, boarding house 22 south 7th. House, Frank, laborer, r. 1429 Main. ■ House, James, teamster, r. 22 south 7th. House, Mrs. Miram, r. 1316 Reid. ^0 House, Thomas J., laborer Carson & Rand Lumber Co , r. 1316 Reid. Houseman, Frank L., engineer St. L. K. & N. W. R'y, r. 211 south 9th. Hovey, Edward, clerk Post Office, r. 223 south 2d. Hovey, Levi, painter, r, 1712 Carroll. Hovey, V\rilliam T., stationery engineer Keokuk Roller Mills, r. 223 south 2d. Howard, Herbert D., express messenger Pacific Co., r. ^ m m (f> 928 Concert, /ard, L High. Howard, Lewis E , express messenger Pacific Co., r. 919 O nigu. /-V Howard, Miss Mary, r. 1024 south 5th. J Howard, Rubert R., r. 312 north 5th. , Howard, Mrs. Sabina, r. 1022 south 5th. Howard, Miss Sarah, seamstress Miss Brerton,r. 1022 s.5th. ^ ^ Howard. William, hotel waiter, r. 923 Blondeau. 5" ^ How-e, Charles L., vinegar business, r. 319 south 2d. ^ Howe, Walter, city side walk repairer, r. 1503 Concert. o Howell, Armanda, box maker Carson & Rand Lumber S ^ Co., r. 1718 Park. —¡Jç Howell & Clark, (Jesse B. Howell and Samuel M. Clark,) ^ ^ printers and publishers Daily Gate City, 16-22 n. 6th. p, Howell, H. Scott, (Howell & Son) r. 605 Grand ave. ^ ^ Howell, Mrs. J. B., r. 3l9 Franklin. S- • S' It, Howell, Jesse B., (Howell & Clark,) r. 319 Fulton. Howell, Mannir R., boxmaker Carson & Rand Lumber lo ^ Co., r. 1718 Park. Howell,H. Scott Sc Son., (Scott H. and William C., ^ g Lawyers, rooms 2 and 3 Estes House block. (See adv. business directory.^ 5^ Howell, William C., (Howell & Son,) r. 605 Grand Ave. S ^ Howell, William j., farmer, r. Main n. of Boulevard. ■" 2. S Henry Strickler.FoF Dry GOOdS, Thfi "PODlllaF" Fourth and Main Sts. —^ VJ/UIUI T. D. MACKEY, —Surgeon Dentist 130 REES' KEOKUK CITY DIRECTORY. © Hoxworth, Miss Sarah, r. 826 Franklin. ^ _ Hoyt. Mrs. Martha A., r. 219 north 6th. "v »-Í Hoyt, Miss Mary O., r. 219 north 6th. V Hubble, Silas, peddler, r. 10 north 8d. ^ Hubenthal, Miss Amelia, Messen^erville. Hubenthal, Charles, (Hubenthal &Kuebler) r. Messenger- •S ville. è Hubenthal's Grove, 25th to 27th, Main. ^(/) Hubenthal & Kuebler, (Charles Hubenthal and Christ Kubier) Butchers, 1206 Main. Huber, Charles P., salesman Enterprise, r. 1117 Bank. c ^ ¡> Huber, Miss Maggie, r. 1117 Bank. © ^ Hubert, Miss Emma, dressmaker, r. 723 Morgan. Hubert, Mrs. Eva, r. 723 Morgan. ^ Hubert, George, book-keeper O. B. Sweet, r. 723 Morgan. ^ Hubert, James H., fireman C. R. I. & P., r. 723 Morgan. Hubert Miss Minnie, r. 723 Morgan, r; Hubert, William J., traveling salesman S. Hamill & Co., r. 723 Morgan. Hubinger, J. C., Bros., Co., Manufacturers of Starch, office 6th and Blondeau. Hubinger, J C„ manager Wax Starch Co., Keokuk Electric Light & Power Co., Saltine Co.,Keokuk Ad. Newspaper Ag'y., and Pres., Fair Ass't., r. 13th and Grand Ave. Hubingcr, John P., foremam Elastic Starch Works, r. 822 Blondeau. Hueston, John N., (Home & Hueston,) r. 307 Franklin, Hueston, Mrs. John, r. 307 Franklin. Huff, Joseph S., laborer St. L. K. & N. W. R'y, r. 1614 Carroll. Huggins, Edward, cook Hotel Keokuk, r. same Huggins, Mrs. Louis A., chambermaid Hotel Keokuk, r. same. Hughes. David L., manager Keokuk Opera House, r. 205 Morgan. Hughes, Miss Ella E., r. 205 Morgan. Hughes, Felix T., Attorney and Pres. and General Counselor K, & W. R'y, r. 312 north 5th. COLLARS, CUFFS. McGRATH BROS., Waters ' REES' KEOKUK CITY DIRECTORY. 131 Hughes, Howard R., car accountant K. & W. R'y Co., r. 312 north 5th. Hughes, Dr. Joseph C., Dean College physicians and surgeons, r. 109 north 7th. Hughes, Mrs. J. C., Sr. r. 205 Morgan. ' Hughes, Miss Julia M., r. 1300 Oak. Hughes, Miss Katie L., r. 1300 Oak. Hughes, Miss Maggie M., r. 1300 Oak. Hughes, Patrick, laborer r. 1300 Oak. Hugill, Enoch, Stock keeper J. O. Voorhies, r. 12 s. 10th. Huiskamp Bros. Co., H. C. Huiskamp, Pres., Manufacturers and Wholesale dealers boots and shoes, 200 to 216 Johnson. Huiskamp, Gerard L., manager Huiskamp Bros. Co. bds. " Hotel Keokuk. O ^ Huiskamp, Herman J., Vice Pres. Huiskamp Bros. Co. < r. Chicago, Ills. Huiskamp, Henry C.,(Huiskamp Bros, Co.,) r. 726 n. 8th. Huiskamp, Henry W., buyer Huiskamp Bros. Co. r. 310 Orleans. Huiskamp, Miss Hulda, r. 329 north 2d. Huiskamp. JohnM.., Boots and Shoes 520 Main, QpT r. 329 north 2d. See bottom lines. ^2- Huiskamp, Miss Lucretia, 726 north 8th. ÜO Huiskamp, Luke, (Huiskamp Bros. Co.,) r. 1102 Fulton. Huiskamp, Miss Maude L., 726 8th. ^0 Huiskamp, William J., clkRedShoe Store bds. 119 n. 1st. Hulberthouse. Mrs. Anna, domestic, r. 1701 Grand Ave. Hull, Miss Rebecca, r. Rees' Addition. Hull, John, works Hugh Copeland Ice Dealer, r. Rees' - Addition. * ».j Hultman, Chas T., butcher 516 north 15th, r. 19 O north 3d. ^ Hultz, Theordore, ice cream wagon, r. 402 Des Moines. (D Hultz, Rudolph, r.^402 Des Moines. ^ Humes, George D. lumber sorter Evans & Shepherd, r. ^ c» 2d between Carroll and Ridge. S- ® Hummer, Fredrick C. hostler C. M. Teeters, r. 217 n. 5th. ^ \n- Humner, Fredrick, laborer, boards Grand Pacific Hotel. or? ^ Ayres & Sons, niAMflMflQ OUR OWN ^ ^ 509 MAIN STREET, UlrtlYIUIlUO.IMPORTATION nnipr nnno painting and paper hanging, r nlUL DllLlu. Cor. 6th and Main Sts. Ï 132 REES' KEOKUK CITY DIRECTORY. • . 6£) ^ Humphrey Miss Lucy A. r. 504 High. M ^ Humphrey, Oliver A., laborer, 1019 High. ^ o Hundt, Rev. Charles F., Pastor St. Mary's Catholic church,. § Ö r. 1406 Johnson. KHunt, Charles H., (German Starch Co..) bds. 119 n. 5th. Hunt, Miss Mamie, domestic, 815 High. S Hunt, R., wks, Keokuk Wind Engine Co., r. 2011 Ex- change. c 'S Hunter, Arthur P., clerk Bazaar, r. 616 south 14th. ^ Hunter, Miss Belle, r. 423 north 10th. S ^ Hunter, Jessie L. works Shoe Factory, r 616 s. 14th. ^ Q Hunter, John R., r. 425 south 12th. g Hunter, Mrs, Maria L., r. 616 south 14th. Hu nter, Robinson, carpenter C. R. i. & P. shops, r. 425 south 12th. Hurlbart, Elisha C. drayman Wilkinson & Co., r. 1126 II t-1 0 n c Concert. Wilkinson St 1 MOI IDE In the Hainbden Buel Insurance Agency, 24 N. 5th St. I 11 O U n L All Losses paid promptly. Oply leading Eos. Represented, REES' KEOKUK CITY DIRECTORY. 133 Hutchinson, Miss Effie, r. 126 Concert. Hutchinson, James W., (Hutchinson & Abell) Hotel Keo- kuk, r. same Hutchinson, J. Bard, Sect. Mississippi Coal and Ice Co., ■ r. 126 Concert. Hutchinson, Murry W.', manaq^er Hotel Keokuk, r. same. Hutchinson, Mrs, Sarah J.,«r. 126 Concert. Hutter, Miss Minnie r. 323 Exchange. Huxley, Will H. commercial traveler S. Hamill & Co., r. pj 512 north 3d. Hynes, Dennis, r. 420 A. Hynes, Miss Dora, r. 420 A. Hynes, Martin, section foreman, C. R. I. & P. R'y r. 420 A. Hynes, Mary A. dress maker Miss Mary Gray, r. 420 A. O Immegart, George w., (immegart & Phillips,) r. 916 Johnson. ^ Immegart, John, r. 916 Johnson. Immegart Sc Philips, (George W. Immegart and g; W. ü. Phillips,) r. 706 Main. » Ikerd, Miss Emma, r. 404 south 6th. ^ Inden, Miss Elizabeth, corner G and Elm. Inden, Miss Lena, r. corner G and Elm. Inden, Miss Mamie, domestic 922 Concert. . ^ g Inden, Otto, lab. Carson & Rand Lumber Co., r. Charles and Elm. to ^ Independent Order of Odd Fellow's Hall, ne. corner 7th ^r— and Main. g ^ Ingersoll, Edgar L., r. 1725 Main. S- Ingersoll, Ephriam M., real estate agent, r. 1725 Main. Ingersoll, Ida M., r. 1725 Main. Ingeisoll, Lucy L., r. 1725 Main. Ingersoll, Luman C., dentist 17^ north 4th, r. 710 n. 7th. Inuersoll, Mamie, works Keokuk Cracker and Candy Co., Í? ♦ r. 1725 Main. ♦ ^ Inglish, Charles A., clerk K. & W. R'y, r. 526 north 4th. S Ingles, Andrew N., brakeman K. & W. R'y, r. 717 Palean. " Ingles, Mrs. Eliza J., r. 626 north 13th. d| era FoIIaíÍÍÍ RrAÍhpPQ bivery. Feed and Sale Stables. ACliUgg DlULllCl Ö, Excursion and Moving Cars. 120 S. 3d St, O- T. D. MACKEY, Si™ Extracting Teeth ^ 134 REES' KEOKUK CITY DIRECTORY. *(J ^ _3 Inman, Miss Addle M., r. 19th bet. Franklin and Orleans- ■ Jacobs, Miss Clara, clerk M. Younker, r. 1206 Exchange. ^ Jacobs, Miss Emma, bds. 221 north 10th. CD ^ Jacobs, Henry R., grocer 1229 Main,r. 1502 Timea. Jacobs, Jerry, coachman 610 Morgan. 9^ Jacobs, Jerry H., r. 1206 Exchange. ►<; r? Jacobs, Nicholas, laborer, r. Cedar between 15th and 16th. " Jacobs, Perry H., r. 1502 Timea. ^2 Jacobs, Saba, r. Cedar between 15th and 16th. G_ S Jacobs, Miss Sadie, r. 1206 Timea. O Jaeger, Edmund J., Jr., teller Commercial Bank, r. 704 Grand avenue. ' na 3 Jaeger, Edmund, Sr,, cashier Commercial Bank, r. 704 Grand avenue. ;> fri James, Alonzo, r. 1324 Des Moines. H O James, John A, operator Western Union Telegraph Co., G bds. 116 Concert. i S James, Mary E., r. 1818 Exchange. q James, Samuel, r. 1818 Exchange. ÎZ! n James, William E., real estate and loan agent, 24 north 5th, r. 1^18 Exchange. p ^ Jamieson, William W., supt. city schools, r. 802 Blondeau. ^ Jamieson, William S., book-keeper Carson & Rand Lum- ^ ^ ber Co., r. 802 Blondeau. 99 ^ » ÇC The Best Shoes that Money can Buy HllSikainp'S Red Shoe House, ' Are Kept in Large Quantities AT sso Main street. PRÍPiF The only Wholesale Wall Paper House, L/lvl/üt j Corner Sixth and Main Sis. í2 136 Rees' keokuk city directory. C ^^ 0 X Janney, Frank L., r. 317 north 4th. Jefterson, Thomas S., driver S. P. Pond & Co., r. 921 Ç Blondeau. g Jefferys, Charles, r. 113 north 3d. M-§ Jenkins, Dr. George F., (Jenkins & Scroggs,) Ü physician, r. 629 High. 3 "a Jenkins, John A., bridge builder C. R. I. & P. R'y, r. ¿ 2 1528 Park Jenkins, Ralph, stenographer St. L. K. & N. W. R'y, r. ^ ^ 418 north 4th. ^ Jenkins, Miss Marcia L., r. 629 High. 0 J-Jenkins & Scroggs,(George F.Jenkins and Joseph ^ = A. Scroggs,) physicians, office 18 north 5th. ^ Jenner, John W., printer Gate City, bds. Hotel St. Claire. O Jester, Eugene W., carpenter Wind Engine Co., r. 307 D. U* Jester, Nora F., r. 307 D. Jester, Thomas, laborer Coey & Co., r. 1317 Williams. Jewell, Benjamin B., book-keeper, r. 315 High. Jewell, John, book-keeper, r. 315 High. Jewell, Miss Sallie E., r. 315 High. Jewell, William J., r. 315 High. Jewett, Miss Ada, r. 517 north 5th. Jewett, Robert C., r. 517 north 5th. Jewett, Milford, r. 517 north 5th. Jewett, Miss Viola, r. 517 north 5th. Jewish Synagogue, B'Nai Israel, se. cor. 8th and Blondeau. Johns, Daniel, delivery clerk James Dimond & Son, r. 1402 Estes. Johns, Daniel, blacksmith C. R. I. & P. R'y, r. 1402 Estes. Johns, Gomer. porter Shoe Factory, r. 1402 Estes. Johns, Miss Katie, r. 1402 Estes. Johns, Thomas, assistant book-keeper Buck-Reiner Co., r. 1402 Estes. Johnson, Aaron, butcher John Anderson, r. 15th between Franklin and Fulton. Johnson, Albert, car repairer St. L. K. & N. W. R'y, r. 511 south 9th. Johnson, Albert, laundryman Hotel Keokuk,r. 802 Morgan. Z 0 w «8 >- Ul _l 01 o CO Wilkinson & Co. "fPerfiimery WYMAN-RAND CARPET CO., 6*0.9 and (ill Main St. m m 0) REES' KEOKUK CITY DIRECTORY. 137 Johnson, Rev. Amos, pastor 7th street Baptist church, r. 808 Morgan. Johnson, Andrew, laborer, r. Ridge between 8th and 9th. Johnson, Andrew U., r. 1302 Concert. ■ Johnson, Miss Annie, r. 410 south 14th. Johnson, Miss Annie, wks. Keokuk Pickle Co., r. 200 s. 5th. Johnson, Augusta, domestic, r. 1018 Blondeau. Johnson, Miss Bertha, r. 417 Morgan. Johnson. Charles, barber Main bet. 9th and 10th. r. 1314 Reid. Johnson, Charles, traveling salesman J. O. V^orhies, bds. Hotel Keokuk. Johnson, Charles, laborer, r. 913 Main. Johnson, Charles, lab rer, r. 24^ north 9th. Qq Johnson, Charles, laborer, bds. 427 south 9th. ^ Johnson, Charles J., fireman C R. I. & P. R'y, r. 1622 Fulton. r J Johnson, Christopher, laborer St. L. K. & N. W. R'y, r. 427 south 9th. Q 3 Johnson, Miss Clara, bds. 924 Concert. , Johnson, David, r. 1514 Ridge. Johnson, Edward, machinist St. L. K. & N. W. R'y, r. ^ ^ 219 south 1st. 5' • (TfÄ Johnson, Edward C., manager Cycloidal Engine & Pump ^ Co., bds. Hotel Keokuk. . o ® Johnson, Mrs. Ellen, washerwoman, r. 826 Johnson. ^ ^ Johnson, Elmer, driver Karle & Schulz, r. 416 south 11th. Johnson, Elmer, carpenter, r. 802 Morgan. J Johnson, Miss Ereka, domestic 414 Orleans. 5 a Johnson, Mrs. Gertrude, domestic, r. 119 north 5th. ^ ^ Johnson, Gustaf, stone mason, r. 1622 Fulton. S- Johnson, Gustav., laborer 804 Morgan. ■ 5" Johnson, Gustave C., (Clark-Johnson Co.,) r. 719 Fulton, to Johnson, Gustave, carpenter H. Schmidt & Son,r. 504 ^ S' north 13th. • s Johnson, Mrs. Hannah, r. 511 south 9th. w;;5, Johnson, Harry S., r. 808 Morgan. 2^ Johnson, Henry, drayman, r. 1519 Bank. S ^ Johnson, Isaac, works S. P. Pond & Co., r. 421 north 10th. 2. Henry Strickler,For DFV GOOdS, Thfi "PODlllRr" Foui'th and Main Sts. ——-jl-—^ ^ vpuiUl T. D. MACKEY No. 12 South Sixth. NITBOCS OXIDE GAS ) AdminiHÍered. Surgeon Dentist ff © V S-í ffi . è <¡ ff c/j QJ 138 REES KEOKUK CITY DIRECTORY. m ohnson, Jolin, laborer, r. 16th bet. Franklin and Orleans, ohnson, John, shoemaker S. Trott, r. 1st and Bank, ohnson, John H., ass't supt. Coey & Co., r. 428 n. 7th. ohnson, John W., stock claim agent St. L. K. & N. W. R'y, r. 304 north 5th. ohnson. Miss Katie, r. 16th bet. Franklin and Orleans, ohnson. Miss Laura M., stenographer, r. 1216 Morgan, ohnson, Lawrence A., machinist Keokuk Wind Engine Co., r. 1622 Fulton, ohnson, Miss Lena, r. 1616 Morgan, ohnson, Miss Levia, domestic 603 Morgan, ohnson. Miss Lottie, r. 802 Morgan, ohnson, Louis, laborer, r. 1622 Fulton, ohnson. Miss Maggie, r. 706 Franklin, ohnson, Mark, teamster, r. 1625 Main, ohnson, Monroe, laborer Coey & Co., r. 15th and Charles, ohnson. Miss Myra, r. 200 south 5th. ohnson, Ned, laborer, r, 1623 Main, ohnson. Neis, works S. P. Pond & Co., r. 1622 Fulton, ohnson. Nelson G., coachman, r. 1013 Orleans, ohnson. Otto F., laborer, r. 1628 Exchange, ohnson. Perry, r. 416 south 11th. ol^nson, Peter G., tailor Vogel Bro.s., r. 820 Fulton, ohnson, Robert, r. 410 south 14th. ohnson, Robert, r. 1422 Franklin, ohnson, Robert H., works Taber & Co., r. 219 n. 7th. ohnson. Miss Sallie, r. 804 Morgan. ohnson, Selby, engineer Carson & Rand Lumber Co. planing mill, r. 1403 Fulton, ohnson, Swan, works Carson & Rand Lumber Co., r. 1616 Morgan, ohnson, Dr. T. W., physician, r, 21j^ north 4th. ohnson. Wells E. prop. Troy Steam Laundry 28 south 4th, r, same, ohnson. Miss Lomena, domestic r. 626 Exchange, ohnson, William, baker Keokuk Cracker & Candy Co., r. 120 south 13th. Johnson, William E., elevator boy Hotel Keokuk, r. 1302 Concert. COLLARS, CUFFS. McGRATH BROS, Waters REES' KEOKUK CITY DIRECTORY. 139 Johnssn, William F., r. 808 Morgan. Johnson, William K., r. 417 Morgan. Johnson, William R., blacksmith lower lock, bds. City Hotel No. 1 Main. Johnson, William W., wood yard, r. 410 south 14th. Johnston, Miss Amy E., r. 1501 Concert. Johnston, Anna E., book-keeper S. E. Carey & Co., r. 717 Blondeau. Johnston, Mrs. Anna E., r. 222 Exchange. Johnston, Frank M., clerk St. L. K. & N. W. R'y, r. 1501 Concert. Johnston, Miss Jennie, r. 7l7 Blondeau. Johnston, Lewis, works Shoe Factory, r. 222 Exchange. Johnston, Stephen H., lawyer, r. 1501 Concert. ~ Johnston, Walter L., sec'y and trcas. Buck-Reiner Co., r, n ^ 417 Franklin. Johnstone, Alexander E.. (Taber & Co.,) r. 302 High. Í5'(D Johnstone, Hon. Edward, cashier Keokuk Sav- ings Bank, r. 317 Concert. Johnstone, Edward R., r. 317 Concert. Johnstone, Hugo R., r. 317 Concert. Johnstone, Miss Mary M., r. 317 Concert. Jolly, James W.,foreman Tin Can Factory,r. 916 Grand ave. V O Jones, Albert F., barber, r. 1509 Timea. S O Jones, Arthur S., works Carson & Rand Lumber Co., r. 1121 Concert. O Jones, Mrs. Bell J., r. 1610 Concert. Jones, Calvitte L., clerks Ed. H. Jones, r. 606 Orleans. Jones, Miss Celia, r. 811 Orleans. Jones, Charles H., painter Geo. Hill, r. 1610 Concert. Jones, Charles L. plumber, se. corner 14th and Ridge. * Jones, Edward H., clothing 400 Main, r. 606 Or- O leans. (^See adv. outside cover.^ ^ Jones, Ed. H., Jr., r. 606 Orleans. (D Jones, Mrs. Eliza W., r. 625 Franklin. ^ Jones, Mrs. Ester A., 9th between Carroll and Ridge. ^ c/3 Jones, Frank H., hats and caps 402 Main, r. 527 Morgan. % » Jones, Frank W., commercial traveler, r. 526 north 4th. ' ^ Jones, George W., painter, r. 1714 Carroll. or? ^ Ayres & Sons, niAMOMílQ ÖÜRÖW ^ - 509 3IAIN STREET, UIMIfIU11UO.IMPORTATION PRICE BROS. PAINTING and PAPER HANGING, Cor, 6th and Main Sts. .2 140 ■REES' KEOKUK CITY DIRECTORY. xh ~ i ^ T George W., janitor post office, r. 8th between Main M and Johnson. o Jones, Harry, draughtsman J. Diver & Co., r. 301 s. 4th. ce tí Jones, Isaac N., laborer, r. 9th bet. Carroll and Ridge. «'o Jones, James M., r. 26^ south Water. S Jones, James N., ticket broker 26^ s. Water, r. 216 s. 6th- J® Ö Jones, Miss Lottie Lee, r. 913 Leighton. Jones, Mrs. Margaret, r. 1709 Bank. § ^ Jones, Miss Norah, domestic, r. 19 Main. ^ ^ Jones, Mrs. Saliie, r. 10th between Ridge and Carroll. ¿ o Jones, Samuel W., machinist, r. 200 south 5th. ^ Jones, Mrs. Sarah B., r. 301 south 4th. ^ Jones, Sumner, wks. Carson & Rand planing mill, r. 1121 Concert Jones, Thomas, chicken picker Moseley & Blom, bds. Grand Pacific hotel. Jones, Walter B., carriage painter S. T. Worley & Son, r. Timea between 15th and 16th. Jones, William, clerks Frank H. 'Jones, r. 527 Morgan. Jones, William H., barber 22 south 3d, r. 1121 Concert. Jones, William S., clerk Frank H. Jones, r. 527 Morgan. Jones, William T., r. 625 Franklin. Jones, William W., express messenger Adams Express Co., r. 811 Orleans. Jorgas, Jacob, traveling salesman Collier, Robertson & Hambleton, r. 316 south 8th. Jorgas, Mrs. Sarah, r. 316 south 8th. Joseph, Mother Mary, matron St. Joseph's hospital, cor¬ ner 14th and Exchange. Joy, Clyde R., (Dr. S. F. Baker & Co.,) r. 27 north 4th.. Joyce, James, driver, r. 510 south 6th. Joyce, John, laborer, r. 510 south 6th. Joyce, Patrick, saloon keeper, bds. Globe Hotel. Joyce, Patrick, laborer, r. 510 south 6th. Joyce, Patsey, bartender D. Ryan, r. Great Eastern House, Joyce, Thomas, bartender, bds. 1110 Williams. Judge of the Superior Court, Henry Bank, Jr., ne. corner 7th and Main. . 0) u OS' o & (Í) Wilkinson & IM Ol I DC In the Hambden Bue! Insurance Agency, 24 N. 5th St IM 0 U n L All Losses paid proipptl?. Oply leading Sos. Represented. paid promptly. Only leading Sos. Represented. REES' KEOKUK CITY DIRECTORY. 141 Judge of the United States Circuit and District Courts, Hon. lames M. Love, office Gov't building. Justice, Melven E., city ticket agent St. L. K. & N. W. R'y r. 603 Exchange. Kaiser, Mrs. Christine, r. 1328 Blondeau. Kaiser, Edward G., moulder Keokuk Stove Works, r. ..w 1702 BanE ' ' Kaldenberg, David, porter Shoe Eactory, r. 117 Exchange, tfk Kaldenburg, Hubert, white washer, r. 117 Exchange. Kaldenburg, Miss Lida, r. 117 Exchange. Kaldenburg, Miss Maggie, works Shoe Factory, r. 117 VÄ Exchange. Kaltwasser, Miss Jennie, r. 1706 Palean. Kaltwasser, Mrs. Katherine G., r. 1706 Palean. Kammer, Mrs. Nancy, r. 623 High. Kammerer, John, carpenter, boards 1718 Williams. ^ Kamul, Miss Emma, domestic, r. 217 south 3d. Kamul, Miss Maggie, domestic, r. 705 Main. g; Kanight, Arthur, moulder, Buckeye Foundry, r. 713 Des ^ Moines » Kapp, Mrs, Barbara, r. 1426 Exchange. Kapp, Theodore, carpenter Wm. Coff r. 1426 Exchange, ^ Karl, Miss Dora. r. 1427 Johnson. ^3 Karl, Lambert, works Carson & Rand Mill, r. rear 1327 ^ = Johnson. wg Karl, Mrs. Rosa, r. rear 1327 Johnson. Karle, Miss Ida, r. 1211 Exchange. § S Karle, John, (Karle & Shultz) 1211 Exchange. im Karle, John, works Western Union Telegraph Office, r. 1211 Exchange pü Karle Shultz, (John Karle and Charles Shultz,) Furniture 518 Main. See adiK p. ß. j 3 Karns, Caroline, box maker Wm. Schweer, r. 1429 Timea. Kasdorf, Frank J., operator Western Union TelegraphCo,. ' ^ boards 116 Concert. S Kasdorf, Fred, operator. Western Union Telegraph Co., r. 116 Concert. ^ YollAdd RrAthAPQ Livery. Feed and Sale Stables. AullUgg DI ULllCl Ü, Excursion and Moving Cars. 120 S. 3d St. •s m iJ T. D. MACKEY, 142 REES' KEOKUK CITY DIRECTORY. ^ j Kastner, Mrs. Max r. 413 Fulton. •<5 Kauffman, Daniel P.. laborer Coey & Co., r. ne. corner ^ 8th and Carroll. »»Kavanaugh, Daniel, laborer Coey & Co., r. 1500 Estes. Kay, Alonzo, cook Andrew Masterson, r. alley bet. Main» O and Johnson and 6th and 7th. •»— Kay, Miss Ellen, nurse, r. 419 north 10th. Û_ Kayser, George W., r. 214 Exchange. Kayser, John P., tinner, W. Horn & Son, r. 214 Exchange.. ^^Kayser, Miss Minnie, r. 214 Exchange. Kayser, Robert A., mail carrier, r. 214 Exchange. ^^Keaslev, William, works Coey & Co., r. 14 B. ^ Kearney, Miss Emma L,, r. 911 Franklin. O Kearney & McCoy, (Miss Mary J. Kearney and Miss- Winnie McCoy,) Millinery, 404 Main. Kearney, Miss Mary J., (Kearney & McCoy,) r. 911 Franklin. O Kearney, Michael D., r. 911 Franklin. O Kebo, George, boards 1009 High. O Kebo, George shoemaker, r. 22 north 9th. (T" Rf-pfp David Jr., r. Canal road south Plow Works. CO Keefe, David, r. canal road, south Plow Works. Keefe, Edward C., Machinist Cycloidal Co., r. 414 s. 1st.. Keefe, James Jr., laborer, Coey & Co., bds. 1204 Park. Keefe, James Sr., r. 1204 Park. f— Keefe, John, sorter Coey &Co., boards 1204 Park. Keefe, Miss Julia, r. Canal road south Plow Works. Keefe, Miss Maggie, r. Canal road south Plow Works. Keefe, Miss Mary, domestic r. 638 Grand Ave. c S Keefe, Patrick laborer dry dock, r. Canal rd. s. Plow Works.. ® c Keif, machinist Cycodical Pump Co., r. 414 south 1st. ^ ^ Keifer, Valentine, shoemaker Trots, r. 1503 Johnson, "o .2 Keith, Mrs. Elizabeth, r. 825 High. I ^ Keith, James M., painter, George Hill, bds 112 s. 9th. ^ Keith, Miss Josephine, r. 825 High. Keith, Mason, painter Geo. Hill, r. 9th and Exchange. 'S Keith, William E., r. 825 High, g Kelleher, Mrs. Catherine, r. 407 Des Moines, Ç ¿ Kelleher, Daniel, works Shoe Factory, r. 915 Palean. H JACOB RENWALD Groceries. Provision.^. Hardware,. , TIN AND QUEENSWARE, and GARDEN IMPLEMENTS.. J 1300 avilÄllT ST. McGRATH BROS. Perfnmery ^ REES' KEOKUK CITY DIRECTORY. 143 t=3r' —^ CO Kelleher, John, r. 915 Palean, Kelleher, Miss Kate, works Shoe Factory, r, 915 Palean, g Kelleher, Martin, shoemaker, r. 915 Palean. Kellerman, Frank W., carpenter Du Pont Powder Works, r. 616 south 12th. Keiles, George N. coachman Dr. Baker, r. 217 n. 7th. Kelley, Miss Annie, r, 708 south 14th. Kelley, Mrs. Bridget, r. 1011 Park. co Kelley, Elizabeth, r. 1224 Bluff. Kelley, Felix, teamster, r. 708 south 14th. •—s Kelley, Horace, moulder Keokuk Stove Works, r. 1808 ^ Timea. pö Kelley, Miss Katie, seamstress, r. 1011 Park. Kelley, John, laborer S. C. & S. Carter, r. 708 s. 14th. •—s Kelley, Lorenzo W., carpenter, r. Des Moines between pa 20 and 21. Kelley, Patrick, laborer C. R. I. & P. R'y. r. 307 s. 1st. ^ Kelley, Peter, teamster, 708 south 14th. 5-3 Kelley, Richard, laborer C. R. I. & P. shops, r. 519 Ridge. ^ Kelley, Robert, r. 708 south 14th. ^ Kelley, Robert, Jr., teamster, r 708 south 14th. h Kellmer, August, mail carrier, r 1516 Main. 5 ^ Kellmer, Miss Amelia, dressmaker, r. 18 north 12th. o 5' Kellmer, Miss Carrie, saleslady Geiger Bros. r. 18 n. 12th. ^ ^ Kellogg, Bird (Kellogg Bros.,) stable foreman Carson & g. Rand Lumber Co., r. 529 Exchange. Kellogg Birge & Co., (W. E. Kellogg and C. B. g Birge,) Wholesale Grocers, 212 and 214 Main. Kellogg Bros., (Fred H. and C. Bird,) Livery Stable 120 o south 3d. Kellogg, Calvin J., stone mason, r. 1906 Williams. Kellogg, Charles, teamster, r. 1524 Ash. Kellogg, Charles A., r. 222 south 7th. Kellogg, Fred H., (Kellogg Bros.,) r. 215 Exchange. Kellogg, Grant, work Carson Rand Mill, r. 529 Exchange Kellogg Mrs. Luty F., r. 222 south 7th. Kellogg, William E., (Kellogg, Birge & Co.,) r. 326 High. » Kelly, Miss Annie, r. 706 Palean. ít»- Kelly, Mrs. Ann, r. 318 south 9th. ^ ^ Hnsikamp's Red Shoe House, Savfi '"•y first-cuss ^ ^ kJUiu Custoi-Made Shoes. 2v£a.lx^ Street. PßlfiF RR OS Wholesale Wall Paper House, * lllv-lJ l/lVV/Üij Corner Sixth and Slain Sts. ï 144 Rees' keokuk city directory. C ® K Kelly, Charles R., Grocer, r. 1001 Johnson. ^ KelK', Edward J., hostler C. R. I. & P. R'y, r. 519 Ridge. = Kelly, Horace W., moulder Keokuk Stove Works, r. 1804 Ï Timea. ^ Kelly, John, laborer, r. 706 Palean. ü ^ Kelly, John, machine hand S. C. & S. Carter, r. 708 Ridge. 3 s Kelly, Martin E., coppersmith St. L. K. & N. W. R'y, r. ¿ ^ 307 south 1st. Kelly, Patrick, laborer C. R. I. & P. R'y, r. 807 south 1st. ^ > Kelly, Richard, wiper C. R. I. & P. R'y, r. 519 Ridge. ^ cß Kembel, John H., watchmaker Geo. Reinhart, r. corner D ^ 3d and Carroll. r Kemmler, Miss Carrie, domestic 302 High. ^ ^ Kemmler, Jacob, r. 1712 Johnson. O Kemper, Mrs. .Barbara, nurse r. 512 north 3d. Kendall, Shelton B., waiter Hotel Keokuk, r. same. Kendrick, E. E., traveling salesman Irwin-Phillips Co., ! bds. Hotel Keokuk. Kendrick, George T., barber Prof. Jones,r. 508 north 10th. Kendrick. Rollen U., local editor Constitution-Democrat, r. 107 Concert. Keniston, Frank, works Carson & Rand Lumber Co., r. I 928 Des Moines. Keniston, Isaac, grocer 926 Des Moines. Kennedy, Miss Anna L., elk. D. G. Lowry, r. 1112 Orleans. Kennedy, Mrs. Elizabeth, r. 1212 Bank. .Kennedy, Miss Ella F., r, 1112 Orleans. I Kennedy, George, works O. B. Sweet, r. 519 Johnson. Kennedy, Mrs. Hannah, r. 610 Palean. Kennedy, Harry R., cigar maker, r. 1112 Orleans. Kennedy, James, r. 722 Franklin. Kennedy, James E., teamster, r. 1112 Orleans. Kennedy, James M., messenger U. S. Engineer's office, I r. 913 High. Kennedy, John L., grocery 1129 High, r. same. Kennedy, John M., r. 1129 High. Kennedy. Miss Maggie, domestic 302 High. Kennedy, Miss Maggie, elk. D. G. Lowry, r. 1112 Orleans. Kennedy, Miss Mary, seamstress, r. 1209 Fulton. O CO >- 111 _l a: O F CO lllkmson & Co. Perfamery WYMAN-RAND CARPET CO., 60Í) and (ill Main St. REEs' KEOKUK CITY DIRECTORY. 145 Kennedy, Mrs. Mary A , r. 1112 Orleans. Kennedy, Miss Mary B., r. 1112 Orleans. Kennedy, Patrick, stone mason, r. 418 south 6th. Kennedy, Peter, foreman Gas Works, r. 1005 Johnson. Kennett, Joseph E., works Decker Mfg. Co., r. 916 High. Kennett, Philip H., machinist Buckeye foundry, r. 810 Blondeau. Kenney, Mrs. Catherine, r. 1312 Timea. Kenney, David, carpenter, r. 1180 Johnson. Kenney, James, moulder Globe Iron Works,r. 1812 Timea Kenney, John L., city Deputy Marshal, r. 618 Ridge. Kenney, John, moulder Globe Iron Works, r. 1812 Timea Kenney, Miss Katie, seamstress, r. 1812 Timea. Kenney, Mrs. Margaret, r. 1812 Timea. Qq Kenney, Michael, moulder Globe Iron Works r. 426 s. 6th. ^ Kennev, William P., machinist C. R. I. & P. round house, r. 1717 Reid. Kenniston, Clay L., boiler maker St. L. K. & N. W. R'y, r. Ridge between 8th and 9th. ^ j Kenniston, Charles, box maker S. C. & S. Carter, r. 928 ^ Des Moines. Kenniston, Frank W., machine hand Carson & Rand Lum her Co.,' r. 928 Des Moines. s • riÄ Kentz, Fred., cigar maker Jno. Leezer, r. 519 north 10th. Keohler, Lewis, Agt. Singer Sewing Machine, r. 1218 o ® Timea. ^ ^ Keokuk Bag Co., M. White, pres., Charles E. White, sec. and treas., 25 south 5th. rt- » Keokuk Bar Association Library, P. T. Lomax, librarian, ^ pj Gov't building. ^ ^ Keokuk Bath House, Dr. M. Hammond and wife props., S- 508 Johnson. ^ 3' Keokuk Bottling Works, J. Burk & Co., props. 1011 Main, to ^ Keokuk Brass Works, P. R. Sutton, 529 Blondeau. Keokuk Bowling Alley, for members only, Rollin Clark ¡s sec., 220 Ma'n. w|g' Keokuk Brewery, Pechstein & Nagel props., 18 n. 14th. ^ Keokuk Business Men's Association, Rice H. Bell, sec., S 1-0 401 Main over Henry Strickler. " Henry Strickler.For Dry GOOdS, Thft "PODlllar" Fourth and Main Sts. m m 0) o » 1 T. D. MACKEY, Surgeon Dentist 146 REES' KEOKUK CITY DIRECTORY. c Keokuk Canning Co., O. S. Dingee, supt., Johnson bet. 7th and 8th. ü i-í Keókuk Cooperage Co., L. A. Fox, manager, 3d between « Cedar and A. SS ^ Keokuk Cracker and Candy Co., A. H. McCoj', supt. and ^ manager. 21 to 25 south 2d. •S Keokuk Carriage Factory, Schlotter & Robbins props., t 1019 Main. «(/■j Keokuk Constitution, Daily and weekly, War- ÇC wick and Ranson, publishers, 21 north 6th. 2 Keokuk Electric Light and Power Co., J. C. Hubinger, ^ ¡> manager, office 6th and Blondeau. ^ r Keokuk Electric Street Railway and Power Co., O. J. Chapman, manager, Main between 13th and 14th. J Keokuk Gas Light and Coke Co., Henry R. Miller pres. and manager, office 18 south 4th. Keokuk Gas Light Si Coke Go. Sells Gas Cheap FOR SUMMER FÜEL. Crushed Coke for Base Burners, and Round Oak Stoves at a LOW PRICE. Keokuk and Hamilton Bridge, f. H. Cole, supt., foot of Blondeau. Keokuk Library, Mrs. Sarah Welsh, librarian, se. corner 3d and Main. Keokuk Livery Stable, A. J. Hardin, prop., 18 and 22 n. 3d. Keokuk Loan & Building Association, J. A. M. Collins, secretary, 8 north 5th. Keokuk Medical College, 16 and 22 north 6th. Keokuk Medical College Museum, Blondeau corner 7th. HATS AMD^(^ps, pnrnisiiiii^ GOQ^S McGRATH BROS., Waters REES' KEOKUK CITY DIRECTORY. 147 Keokuk Milling Co., (Andy J. Dimond, Benjamin F. Hill and Henry C. Dimond,) 18 to 22 south 12th. Keokuk National Bank,E. F. Brownell, cashier, 315 Main. {See adv. paf[e6 ) Keokuk National Cemetery, J. S. Furgeson Supt., Cedar corner l7th. Keokuk Opera House, D. L. Hughes manager, 24 to 30 north 6th. Keokuk Pickle Co.. James Hill manager, 16 to 28 south 1st. Keokuk Planing Mill Co., H. T. Henderson manager, corner Commercial and F. I Keokuk Post, Henzel Bros., German Weekly, 515 ' 'J Main. " Keokuk Proprietory Medicine Co., J. M. Boyer Pres., 11 ^ O north 4th. ^ Keokuk Post Office, R. Root, postmaster. Government Building. Blondeau corner 7th. Keokuk Roller IVLills., Hambleton Milling Co., B. F. Hambleton, pres., C. H. Leas sec. and treas., A. Tolmie manager. {See adv. /..?.) Keokuk Savings Bank, Edward Johnstone cashier, 501 Main. {See adv. p, 6^ Keokuk Stove Works, J. W. Hobbs, sec., 12 ne. corner, Johnson. ^0 Keokuk Typographical Union No. 68, Wm. E. Pringle, q Pres., meets over Savings Bank. • HH Keokuk Union Stock Yard Co., Edward M. Horine, pres. and general manager, 3d and Cedar. Keokuk "Water Works, David W. Swartz, supt. office 100 north 5th. * Keokuk & Western. Wabash & Toleda, Peoria & West- O ern Ry's Freight and Ticket office, H. T. Helgeson, ^ agent, 228 Johnson. Keokuk & V\(J'estern R'y. Offices, A. C. ^ Goodrich, gen. manager, general office 28 s. 3d Pass- ^ xji enger depot foot of Johnson Freight depot foot of ^ ^ Bank. {See adv. on right hand margin and last p.) ^-d Keokuk Wind Engine Factory, 3d near R. R. Shops. ¡j? ^ JOIN ÄYRES & SONS' WATCH CLUB, ® ^ t Onlv 81.00 Per Week For Any Goods. ddioe ddhq painting and paper hanging, rnluL DriUu. Cor. Cth and Main Sts. « 148 REES' KEOKUK CITY DIRECTORY. • ^ . Keppel, Mrs. C., dry goods and notions, 1129 Fulton. M ^ Keppel, Cornelius, Grocer 809 Main, r. same. -Ö o Keppel-Dick Provision Co., W. H. Dunlap Ä Ö pres., 202 Main, Pork House 5th and Cedar. 03 Keppel, Frank, vice pres. Keppel-Dick Prov. Co., r. 5th 2 ^ and Cedar. g Keppel, Miss Nellie, clerk Mrs. C. Keppel, r. 809 Main. ^ CÔ Kern, Miss Mary, domestic, 226 High. ^Kernney, John M., foreman Globe Iron Works, r. 1312 S ^ Timea. g Kerns, Bernard blacksmith, r. 1522 Exchange. S; ^ Kerr, David A., (D. A. Kerr & Co.,) r. 322 Fulton. sh K©rr, D, Ä., ¿C. Co., (David A. Kerr and Henry H. Clark) druggists, 613 Main. Kerr, Harry F., engineer Water Works, r. 626 Timea. Kerr, James, r. 16th between Ridge and Cedar. Kerr, John, painter Geo, Hill, r. 212 south 9th. Kerr, Miss Lyda, r. 322 Fulton. Kerr, Mrs. Mary, r. 729 Bank. Kerr, William S., city weigher, r. 1013 Morgan. Kessler, George, r. 1512 Exchange. Kesselring, Miss B., domestic, r. 829 Blondeau. Kesselring, Henry, carpenter Chas. Scherer, boards 1403 Concert. Ketterer, Miss Bertha, r. 313 north 6th. Ketterer, Frank J., works Hambleton Milling Co., r. 512 Franklin. Ketterer. John, Main, n. Boulevard. Kettering. Jacob, hostler, H. H. Trimble, r. 205 north 2d. Kiedaisch, Fredrick Sr.,(Willkins,on & Co..) r. 227 s. 6th.. Kiedaisch, J. Fred Jr., Pres, Druggists Wilkinson & Co., r. 1010 Bank. Kiedaisch, Mrs. Mary, r. 914 Timea. Kiefer, Valentine, shoemaker S. Trott. 1501 Johnson. Kiefner, Albert, printer Keokuk Post, r. 1503 Johnson. Kiel, George, W., cigar maker John Leezer, r. 12th bet. Main and Blondeau. Kielvach, Miss Catherine, domestic r. 1326 High. Kiesley, William, Machine hand Coey & Co., bds. 215 B. Wilkinson & z o (/) u a' o ■ H ■ 0) 3 ¿O (fi IMOII DE In the Hambden Bue! Insurance Agency, 24 N. 5th St. 1110 U n L AU Losses paid promptly. Oqly leading Bos. Represented. REES* KEOKUK CITY DIRECTORY. 149 Kilbourne, Albert W,, r. 303 High. Kilbourne, Mrs. Augusta W., 303 High. Kilbourne, Miss Ella L. H., 303 High. Kilbourne, Miss Georgia W., r. 303 High. Kilboune Park, 19 to 21 between Bank and Timea. Kilden, Hiram, plasterer, r. 822 Fulton. Killie, J. C., railroad builder,bds. St. Claire Hotel. Kilroy, Mrs. Barbara, r. 14 north Water. Kilroy, William H., saloon keeper, r. 14 north Water. Kime, Mrs. Mary E., 110 north 4th. Kime, William H., driver American Express, r. 110 n. 4th. King, Miss Allice A., saleslady Lye & King 816 Franklin, King, Miss Armia L., r. 816 Franklin. jÄ King, O. Elmer, clerk R. B. Kings, r. 816 Franklin. King, Miss Ida, r. 816 Franklin. King, Miss Eva, r. 816 Franklin. King, Miss lona, r. 600 Orleans. King, John J., carpenter Wm. Nichols, r. 1216 High. King, John R., plumber P. R. Sutton, 808 north 12th. ^ King, Miss Lizzie, domestic, r. 123 High. gj King, Miss Maggie, Retail Milliner 322 Main r. same » King, Miss Mary, r. 908 Main. S King, Orrin F., book-keeper Lye & King, r. 816 Franklin. King, Robert B., (Lye & King,)r. 816 Franklin. King, William, planing mill hand Carson & Rand Lumber «j 3 Co., r. 1216 High. King, Wm. Union Switchman foot ofMain r, 1021 Fulton, teg King. Wm; B., works Carson Rand Lumber Co., r. 1216 High. ® 5 King, Willard L., Grocer 610 Main r. 1125 Concert. í rS Kinnaman, Clarence, clerk W. Parrott, r. 621 Fulton. Kinnaman, Dr. Horace A., ofhce Estes House r.621 Fulton. ^ ^ Kinney, James, engineer, K. & W. R'y, r. 917 Bank. Kinney, John, hostler C. M. Teeters, r. 217 north 5th. Kinney, Michael, moulder Globe Iron Works, r. 426 s. 6th. ^ Kintigh, F. W., works Shoe Factory, r. 21 south gd. Kirchner, Andrew, carpenter John T. Griffet, r. .1314 Kirchner, Edward F.,traveling salesman Kellogg Birge & Co., r, 1314 Concert. Brothers staMes. «2 : Excursion and ffloYlng Cars. 120 S. 3d St. . T. D. MACKEY, ÄÄ Extracting Teeth 150 REES' KEOKUK CITY DIRECTORY, < J- J Kirchner George C,, carpenter J. F. Griffey, r. 1314 Concert. ^ Kirchner, William P., r. 1314 Concert. Kirkpatrick, James W., jeweler, Frank LeBron, r. 326- Main. 0 Kirlin, Clark, teamster St. L. K. & N. W. R'y. r. 1014 •»— Des Moines. Û. Kirlin, Frank, works Evans & Sheppard, r. 1014 Des- Moines. ^^Kite, James, farmer, r. 1428 Main. Klein, Miss Carrie R., r. 1020 Blondeau. Klein, Joseph, collector Gale City office, r. 1020 Blondeau^ ^ Klein, Louis W., (S. Klein & Son,) r. 1020 Main. O Klein, Morris, salesman Irwin Phillips Co., r. 1020 Blon- ü,, deau. Klein, Sam'l & Son, (Samuel and Louis W.) General Hide Business, 800, 802 and 804 Main. O Klein, Sam'l, (S. Klein & Son) r. 1020 Blondeau. O Kleppler, Miss Bulah, operator K. & W. R'y, r. 604 High. O Kleppler, Mrs. Mary E., r. 604 High. JUL. Klingble, William, baker and agt. for Popel & Giller CO Warsaw, 111. r. 22 south 4th. Kloss, Gustave, pastry cook Hotel Keokuk r. 311 s. 5th. Klyn, Miss Katie, school teacher, r. 407 n. 10th. Klyn. Mrs. Mena, r. 407 north 10th. (— Knight, Arthur, moulder Buckeye Foundry, r. 713 Des Moines. Knight, Frank, r. 713 Des Moines. Knight, Michael brakeman, St. L. K. & N. W. R'y, bds. 's W Easjle Hotel. © s Knights of Honor Hall, Humbolt, Lodge cor. 8th and Main. ^ ^ Knights of Honor, Keokuk Lodge, No. 544, hall over "o .2 Savings Bank. 1 ^ Knocke, John, baker Charles Off. r. 818 Main. Knox, John, driver of wagon A. E. Mirrielees, r. Blon- ^ deau between 13 and 14. 'S _© Koch, Mrs. Lena M., r. 323 Blondeau. S f- Koechling, Fredrick A., Cigar Maker 521 Main, Ç ¿ r. 211 Bank. — "■ ' ' — ■ ■ ■■ ■ , - oceries. Provision.«», Hardware, JACOB RENWALD, i::': AND QUEENSWARE, and GARDEN IMPLEMENTS. 3.30Q 3*7. CO McGRATH BROS. Perfumery REES' KEOKUK CITY DIRECTORY. Koeff, Christian, tailor Vogel Bros. 906 Johnson. Kolas, Mrs. Nellie, boards 926 Morgan. ^ Kollmyer, Albert, machinist Cycloidal Engine & Pump Co., r. 120 north 5th. Koncel. Charles, engineer C. B. & Q. R'y, r. 203 Fulton. Korn Rev. Joseph, Rabbi B' Nai Israel bds. 810 Blondeau. Kort, Jacob, painter St. L. K, & N.W.R'y. r. 108 Exchange. ^ Kortz, Jacob, moulder Stove Works, r. 1612 Johnson. cc> Kraft, George, cigar maker S. Seibert, r. 224 Bank. Kraft, Mrs. Kate, r. 914 Timea. Kraft, Lewis G., cigar maker, r. 214 south 8d. ^ Krause, Andrew, watchman Shoe Factory, r. 1429 Timea PÖ Krause Runie works Shoe Faetory, r. 1429 Timea. Krause, Miss Elizabeth, r. 1429 Timea. ^ Krauge, George, works Shoe Factory, r. 1429 Timea. pö ^Krause, Miss Kate, dressmaker r. 1429 Timea. Krause, Katherine, works Shoe Factory, 1429 Timea. Kretschmer, Miss Carrie, Retail Poultry 620y¿ Main, r. 5-3 614 Main. ^ ^ Kretschmer, Miss Emma, dressmaker, bds. 1522 Morgan. ^ o Kretschmer, William, teamster, boards 1522 Morgan. 3" ■H Kriel, John G., teamster Carson & Rand, r. 1405 Reid. 5 p Krueger, Henry, janitor Carey's school house, r, 1221 Des g" 5 Moines. ^ ^ Kruskoff, Earnest manager Wilkinson & Co's., branch store, r. 1014 Timea. 2.c;< Kubik, Robert, tinner Henry Hierstein, r. 8d, between ^ Kuebler Miss Annie M., r. 1728 Concert. Kuebler, Miss Christina C., r. 1728 Concert. cd ^ Kuebeler, Christ, (Hubenthal & Kuebler) r. 1728 Concert. ^ ^ Kuebler. Louis, clerk Fred Zuefle, r. 716 Main. Kummer, Miss Annie, Milliner Frankel Frank & Co., r. ^ ^ 1017 Bank. J Kummer, Edward W., carpenter C. R. I. & P. shops, r. œ 5" 1017 Bank. Kummer, Henry tü., foreman C, R. I. & P. car shops, r. ¡yj 1017 Bank. » S Kummer, William C., carpenter C. R. I. & P. shops, r. 1106 Blondeau. ^ Hasikamp's Red Shoe Hoase, Savp. "'"'i' '"i fikSlliLiSS ^ I . ' kill I U riicfnn -Moria 620 2v£a.i3a. Street. Custoru-Made Shoes. PRíTiF RRfi^ Wholesale Wall Paper House, * HlVJlJ jJlvUÜ»^ Cortwr Sixth and Main Sts. g 152 REES' KEOKUK CITY DIRECTORY. ^ ¿ Kuntz, Miss Anna, r, B. between Reíd and Estes. ^ Kuntz, August,wks. Shoe Factory,r.B bet. Reid and Estes. § Kuntz, Charles, night clerk Hotel St. Claire, bds. same. ^ = Kuntz, Harry, laborer, r. B. between Reid and Estes. ^ Kuntz, Miss Paulina, B between Reid and Estes. O 2 3 = u !L ACH ANC F, Charles, fisherman, r. 16 Main. 2 Lachance, Miss Hattie, r. 16 Main. ^ ^ Lachance, Miss Lida, r. 16 Main. ^ La Fayette, John L., foreman A. J. Hardin's livery stable, 0 ^ r. 1126 Franklin. {Ij = Laffey, John, steamboat engineer, r. 121 Bank. ^ ^ Laffey, Joseph, conductor, r. 121 Bank. O Laffey, Joseph J., switchman Wabash, r. 121 Bank. pc< Laffey, Thomas P., larborer, r. 511^ Palean. Laffey, Mrs. Mary, r. 511^ Palean. ¡Lagerpusch, Miss Annie A,, r. 413 Johnson. I Lagerpusch, Herman, clerk D. A. Kerr, r. 413 Johnson. , Lagerpusch, Ludwig, coppersmith, r. 413 Johnson. ¡Lahrmann, Rev. Henry, pastor German M. E. Church, r. i 1405 Johnson. jLaisle, Christian, florist 25 north 5th, r. Messengerville. I Laisle, Miss Clara E., r. IMessengerville. jLaisle, Miss Julia, r. Messengerville. I Laisle, William, gardner. r. Messengerville. Lake, Louis, teamster Daugherty & Co.,r. 6th and Palean. Lalley IMartin, laborer, boards Grand Pacific Hotel Lallev Michael, temster Taber & Co. r. 1822 Park, Lalley Michael J. teamster, Taber & Co., res. Park ,bet. I and J. Lamb, Charles, E. foreman Locomotive Power, St. L. K ^ I & N. W. Ry., r. 417 s. 6th. Lamb, Charles W. Jr., fireman C. R. I. & P. R'y, r. 712 I Palean. Lamb, Charles, N. Sr. engineer, C. R. I. & P. R'y, r. 712 ' Palean. Lamb, Frank, r. 1718 Orleans. Lamb, Mrs. Sarah J., r. 1718 Orleans. 0 CO «8 >- U _l 01 o I- <6 Wilkinson & Co, WYMAN-RANO CARPET CO., G09 and 611 Main St. REEs' KEOKUK CITY DIRECTORY. 153 m m O) Lambert, Edward R. laborer, Taber & Co., r. 400 B. Lambert, Joseph, Sr., teamster and contractor, r. 400 B. Lambert, William H. locomotive fireman, St. L. K. & N. Ry. bds 400 B. Lame, Lida Mrs. r. 610 A. • Landbeck, Georg'e, r. 1419 Johnson. Landis, Henry G. gardener, r. Boulevard and Grand ave. Landman, Henry W. collar maker, 14th bet. Cedar and Ridge. Landman, John, laborer, Tabers & Co.'s mill, r. 729 C. Landman. Peter, night watchman, Taber & Co. r. 1419 Ridge. Landman, Timothy, gardener, r. Nassau addition. Lane, Mrs. Belle works Keokuk Bag Co. r. cor. 18th and Qp Palean. ^ Lane, Clarance E. stationery engineer, r. 810 Palean. Langley, Joseph, carpenter, r. 919 Des Moines. C J Larkins, Thomas, cigarmaker, 1103 Morgan. Larimore, Miss Jessie, r. 1326 Franklin. ^ J Larrison, Frank C. machinist, St. L. K. & N. W. bds 200 , Bank. Larson, Alex. F., laborer Taber & Co. 805 Bank. ^ ? Larson, Albert, carpenter St. L. K. & N. W. r. 427 s. 9th. =* ^ Larson, Alfred C., (Bode & Larson,) r. 212 s. 6th. ^ Larson, Miss Amanda L., r. 1202 Morgan. © Larson, Andrew, helper St. Louis shops, r. sw. corner S ^ Iowa and Oregon Avenue, Rees' addition. —al Larson, Andrew, sexton Presbyterian church, r. 212 s. 6th. J Larson, Annie, works shoe factory, r. 1st and Exchange. ^ ^ Larson, Mrs. Annie, carpet weaver, r. 1202 Morgan. ^ Larson, Axel, works Taber & Co. r. 819 Bank., S. hpf Larson, Bartel, car repairer, St. L. K. & N. W. railway, * Rees' addition. tc ^ Larson, Mrs. Christine, r. 14 Exchange. ^ W Larson, Miss Dora C,, r. sw. corner Iowa and Oregon Ave., Rees' Addition. Larson. Edward A., laborer Keokuk Wind Engine Co. ^ 2 1202 Morgan. S ^ Larson, Miss Emma, r. 212 s. 6th. ~ — >-5 Henry Fourth The''Popular'' T. D. MACKEY, Surgeon Dentist ^ 154 REES' KEOKUK CITY DIRECTORY, C e Larson, Frank, works at S. E. Carey's, r. 1515 Blondeau, ^ _ Larson, John H., works at shoe factory, 1202 Morgan. Larson, John Jr., r. 1515 Blondeau. 8 Larson, John, Sr., carpenter Robt. Burns, r.l515 Blondeau. ® ' Larson, Lawrence B., r. sw. corner Iowa and Oregon Ä Larson, Joseph, printer, r. 1515 Blondeau. •S ^ Avenue, Rees' addition, è <1 Larson, Leva, works shoe factory, r 1st and Exchange. Larson, Miss Venia, domestic, r. 1513 Concert. ÇC Lattner, Miss Anna, r. 1506 Concert. Lattner, Frank, Jr., stove mounter, Keokuk Stove works. a; O) r. 1506 Concert. Lattner, Frank, Sr., watchman Keokuk Stove Works, r. 1506 Concert. Lattner^ Henry, watchman, Keokuk Stove Works, 1506 Concert. Laubersheimer, Miss Carrie, milliner M. King,r. 607 Bank. Laubersheimer, Charles, clerk Geo. Voller's grocery, r. 607 Bank. Laubersheimer, cigar maker Jos. Moeller, r. 607 Bank. Laubersheimer, Miss Minnie, r. 607 Bank. Laughlin, Miss Hallie, works Keokuk Bag Co., r. 1010 Fulton. Law Library, 3d floor U. S. building, cor. 7th and Blondeau. Lawler, Martin, laborer, r. 1619 Johnson. Lawler, Miss Mary, r. 1619 Johnson. Lawrence, Miss Minnie, ns. Ridge between 9th and 10th. Laws, Rev. William J., pastor A. M. E. Church corner 14th and Blondeau, r. 1327 Blondeau. Lawson, Mrs.Caroline,(Tucker& Lawson,)r.810 Blondeau. Lawton, John, laborer Du Pont Powder Works,r. 622 Ridge. Lawton, Michael, laborer, r. 622 Ridge. Laxman, Miss Annie, r. rear 413 Palean. Laxman, Henry, works Anderson Canning Co., r. rear 413 Palean. Leach, James, butcher 516 Palean, r. 407 Des Moines. Leach, Lorenzo D., steamboat engineer, r. 1420 Bank. Leach, Miss Maggie T,., r. 416 D. Leach, Martin, laborer Taber & Co., r. 416 D. Mens'Furnishing Goods McGRATH BROS., Waters REES' KEOKUK CITY DIRECTORY. 155 Leach, Mary L., works Shoe Factory, r. 416 D. Leach, Patrick, laborer Taber & Co., r. 1129 Park. Leach, Thomas J., clerk John T. Cronan, r. 416 D. Leake, Andrew printer R. B. Ogden, r. 706 C. Leas, John A., check clerk St. K. K. & N. W. R'y, r. 821 Orleans. Leas, Charles H., secretary and treasurer Keokuk Roller Mills, r. 619 Fulton. LeBron, Frank, jeweler 326 Main, r. 214 Fulton, SQ (See adv. p. ç.) ' * LeBron. Leo. P., clerk Frank LeBron, r. 214 Fulton. i Lee County Loan and Building Association, J. A. M. Col- "H lins secretary, 8 north 5th. Lee, George F., works Carson & Rand Lumber Co., r. 1223 Blondeau. ' ^ Lee, James, bartender Lewis Danford, r. 20 south 4th. e* <* Lee, James A., r. 1223 Blondeau. tJ'd) Lee, John C., r. corner William and I. Lee, Joseph, laundry 10 south 5th. Öq Lee, William F., roadmaster C. R. I. & P. R'y, r. 206 s. 9th. Leech, Dr. Clifton A., U. S. commissioner, office 2d floor W C/) O Gov't building, r. 1310 Franklin. XS' Leech, Erie J., deputy clerk U. S. courts, office 2d floor VO Gov't building, r. 1310 Franklin. 2^' Leeper, Oswell, r. 1102 Blondeau. Leezer, John, cigar mnfr. 418 Main, r. 1206 Blondeau. q LeFever, Miss Christian, r. 1020 Timea. LeFever, Fred V.. laborer Carson & Rand planing mill, r. t A4.\^ 3 14th and Cedar. LeFever, John, laborer Coey & Co., r. 616 south 5th. LeFever, Phillip, carpenter C. R. I. & P R'y, r. Ill Bank. • ^ LeFever, Wm. J., Jr., firemanC. R. I.&P. R'y, r. 616s. 5th. 0 LeFever, William, Sr., saloon keeper 616 south 5th,r. same. ^ LeFevre, Miss Fannie, saleslady C.J. Hickey,r. Bank be- Leiser, Miss Catherine, r. Messeng^erville. rt fn Leiser, George Fred, gardener, r. Messengerville. Leiser, Jacob, gardener, r. Messengerville. Leiser, John, gardener, r. Messengerville. ¿ Leiser, Leabold, gardener, r. Messengerville. ^Leiser, Michael, gardener, r. Messengerville. Leissy, John, manager Union Brewery, r. 1327 Jçhnson. Leivenguth, Samuel, carpenter, r. 1605 Blondeau. OLeMaster, Albert, laborer Coey & Co., r. 916 Carroll. LeMaster, Bert, laborer Coey & Co., r. 916 Carroll. • ^ LeMaster, Charles, brick layer, r. 916 Carroll. ^ LeMaster, Peter, brick layer, r. 916 Carroll. Oq Leming, Arthur, painter, r. 820 Exchange. Leming, George, painter, 320 Exchange. Lemon, William D. works S. P. Pond & Co., 1616 Bank. Leonard, Mrs. A., 511^ Exchange. Leonard, Charles, barber W. H. Jones, r. Young America. ^ Leonard, Mrs. Elizabeth B., hair dresser, r. 25 n. 4th. Leonard, Gustavia iaborer, r. St. Joseph Hospital. Leonard Mrs. Mary, r. 1317 Bank. 'Trj Leonard, William, works Shoe Factory, r. 1317 Bank. Leonard, Nellie, works Shoe Factory, r. 511 Exchange. Leopold, Mrs. Emily H., r. 717 Blondeau. Levings, John, fireman C. B. & Q. R'y. r. ne. corner 2d and Carroll. ■ Levey, Charles, M., Supt., St. L. K. & N. W. R'y and he. B. and K. C. R'y, r. 310 Concert. Lewis, Mrs. Anna, r. 1008 Franklin, ■ Lewis, Mrs. Elizabeth, washerwoman, r. 20 north 9th. (/) Lewis, Henry, coachman, r. 826 Johnson. WilUn^inil Í& r.n Paints,Oils, Varnishes, Toilet Goods, Perfumery,, 11 lililUOUU VX VJU., Cor. llth and Main Sts. IMOIipp In the Hambden Buei Insurance Agency, 24 N. 5th St. IM 0 U n L Ml Losses paid promptly. Qgly leading Sos. Represented, REES' KEOKUK CITY DIRECTORY. 157 Lewis, Mrs. Lucy P., r. 108 south 13th. Lewis, Ralph D., clerks Keokuk & Western general office, r. 1224 Concert. Lewis, Miss Richie, r. 1008 Franklin. ■ Lewis, Mrs. Rosa, r. 920 Johnson. Lewis, Mrs. Lucy, r. 1803 Timea. Limburg, Mrs. Catherine, r. 927 High. Lind, Swan, carpenter, r. 1800 Park. Lindstrand, Albert, 1626 Fulton. Lindstrand, Emil, carpenter, r. 817 north 14th. fÄ Lindstrand, Miss Emma, r. 1626 Fulton. V#-* Lindstrand, Frank A. janitor High school, r. 1626 Fulton. Lindstrom, Louis J., laborer St. L. K. & JM. W. R'y, r. lÄ 209 3d. Lindstrum, August, laborer Carson & Rand Lumber Co., r. 1626 Exchange; Linehan, Mrs. Jennie, Confectionery and Ice O Cream 616 Main. ^ Linebaugh Henry W. jeweler, 414, Main, r. 529 Fulton. Linebaugh, James H., jeweler r. 529 Fulton. g¡ Lingo, David, engineer, K. & W. R'y, r. 1720 Park. » Linkemann, Miss Mary, domestic 312 Fulton. S Linn, Miss Marinee, cook, r. 318 north 5th. ^ Linn, Mrs. Minnie, bakery, r. 219 Main. ^ cS Linquest, Charles, laborer, r. 217 south 1st. p g Linquest, Charles, laborer, r. 1508 Blondeau. Linquist, Miss Lillie, r. 806 Blondeau. S Linquist, Louis F., r. 806 Blondeau. Linquist, Albert F., wood turner, planing mill, r. 806 o ^ Blondeau. List, Ida C., works Shoe Factory, r. 400 south 4th. List, Phillip, Blacksmith 412 south 4th, r. 400 south 4th. a ^ Little. James A., traveling salesman A. Weber & Co., boards St. Claire Hotel. ^7 = Livezey, Miss Laura, r. 2100 Timea. a Livezey, William 5. carpenter, r. 2100 Timea. " ^ Livezey, Miss Mary, r. 2100 Timea. 5E Lloyd, James, r. 508 north 5th. Lloyd, Miss Helen, stenographer, 508 north 5th. Lh I Yol]Add RvnthoPQ blvery, Feed and Sale Stables. ACllUgg DlUlUClöj Excursion and ffloYing Cars. 120 S. 3d St. . T. D. HACKEY, S™ Extracting Teetii ^ , 158 REES' KEOKUK CITY DIRECTORY. hi ^ j Look, Christopher, contractor, r, 519 Palean. Lockhead, Miss Bell, domestic, r. 220 north 4th ^ Lockwood, Charles, harness maker C. M. Cook, r. 107 Bank Lockwood, Levi C., foreman S. C. & S. Carter mill r. 225 south lOth. • p— Lockwood, Miss Nellie, Stenographer, r. 225 south lOth. 0- Loeffler, Miss Amelia, r. 210 Bank. Loeffler, Constantine, machinist. Globe Iron Works, r. 619' south 9th. Loeffler Mrs. Ellen, r. 210 Bank. Loeffler, George, carpenter Gov. Canal, r. I7l7 Main. ^ Loeffler, Miss Lena, r. 210 Bank. O Loeffler, William, book-keeper Cyclodiol Engine and Pump Co., r. 210 Bank. Loewenstein, Christ, clerk A.Weber & Co.,r.l325Johnson., Loewenstein, Barbara, works Shoe Factory, r. 1327 John- O son. O Loewenstein, Edward, porter. Collier Roberston & Ham- O bleton, r. 1422 Bank. ÇZ. Loewenstein & Frank, (Wm. Loewenstein and Chas. D. CO Frank.) Wagonmaker and Blacksmith 1224 Main. Lowenstein, George W. cigar maker Jno. Leezer, r. 1708 Johnson, Loewenstein, Miss Lizzie, dressmaker Miss Brown 1324 - Johnson. Loewenstein, William, (Lowenstein & Frank) 1326 John¬ son. Loewenstein, William Jr.. porter Collier, Robertson & c ^ Hambleton, r. 1508 High S5 © Lofquist, Ben, works Shoe Factory, r. 1428 Orleans. ^ ^ Lofquist, Eddie, works Shoe Factory, r. 1428 Orleans. "o -J Lofquist, Peter, laborer, r. 1428 Orleans. « ^ Lofquist, Samuel, cabinet maker Duncan-Shell Co., r. Ä > 1428 Orleans. Lofton, B. R. & Son, (Benjamin R. Lofton and Edwin S. 'S jS off on,) grocery, 222 B. g §" Lofton, Benjamin R., (B. R. Lofton & Son,) r. 1224 Bluff. ® Lofton, Edwin S., (B. R. Lofton & Son,) r. 1224 Bluff. ^ H—" — Groceries, Provisions, Hardware, JACOB RENWALD , TIN AND QUEENSWARE, and GARDEN IMPLEMENTS.. J 3.300 ST. McGRATH BROS, Perfumery REES' KEOKUK CITY DIRECTORY. 159 Ct> Lofton, Thomas, bds. 214 B. Loftis, Martin J., bartender City Hotel, r. same. ^ Loftis, Roger, proprietor City Hotel, r. 1 north Water. Logan, Caleb C., carpenter, r. 1521 Blondeau. ^. Logan, Robert B., locomotive engineer, r. 1727 Williams. Logan, William, president State National Bank, r. 625 Grand avenue. Logan, William, night watchman C. R. I. & P. round house, cte r. 1727 Williams. Ä Logue, William, laborer, r. 18th and Concert. ^ Lohmer. Fred W., traveling salesman W. B. Daniel, bds. ™ 16th between Johnson and Exchange. SXÍ Lomax, P. T., master in chancery U. S. circuit court, office 3d floor Gov't building, r. 1028 High. ^5* Lomax, Miss Sallie W., r. 1028 High. ^ Long, Mrs. Ellen, r. 606 Carroll. Long, Gay, laundry, r, 215 Main. o w Long, Dr. George, r. 119 north 5th. 35'3 Long, Frederick, milk dairy, r. 1623 Exchange. ^ ^ Long, James T., driver United States Express Co., r. 700 ^ ¿ Carroll. ^ Long, Miss Lotta, r. 1623 Exchange. ^ ^ Long & Mackley, (William Long and George Mackley,) g" 5' milk dairy. Main street road north of Boulevard. ^ ^ Long, Ralph, tailor S. S. Lowitz, r. 1722 Exchange. Long, Rudolph, tailor S. S. Lowitz, r. 1722 Exchange. 2.<^ Long, William,(Long & Mackley)r. Main street road north ^ ® of Boulevard. Longely, Mrs. Jane, r. 209 Johnson, up stairs. Longfellow, Thomas, works Alton Bros., r. 715. Loomis, Mrs. Katherine, r. ne. corner 4th and Carroll. Lorden, John, grocer, r. 1621 Bank. Lorden, William, huckster, r. 1621 Bank. Loring, August, r. 1303 Des Moines. Loring, Henry, carpenter, r. 1309 Des Moines. Lougher}', Miss Belle, milliner Mrs. J. Loughery, r. 626 ^ ixi High. » » Loughery, Mrs. Jane, millinery 301 Main, r. 626 High. >■ Louis, David C., laborer Coey & Co., r. 507 B. ¡Íí ^ HüSikamp'S Red Shoe House, Savfi Money and buy FIRST-CLASS ... _ Ulliu Custon.-Made Shoes. (Ï5 ^ c» W ' 52o Ivfarlzs. street. PRiHF RRfl^ only Wholesale Wall Paper House, Í 'corner Sixth and Main Sts, ^ 160 Rees' keokuk city directory. O ^ Louis, Klark H., stenographer with S. J. Smith, 116 s. 3d, r. Hamilton, II!., ^ = Lourie, Miss Anna E,, asst, book-keeper Wind Engine Ï Factory, r. 1221 Franklin. ^ Lourie, Mrs. Catherine, r. 1221 Franklin, ü Lourie, Hurbert M., manager Wind Engine Co., r. 607 ^ 's Franklin. ¿ 2 Louderbach, Hueston clerk C. L.Becker,r. 1122 Exchange. ^ Louterbuch, Mrs. Kate, r. 1722 Exchange. ^ ^ Love, Miss Elizabeth J., r. 721 north 8th, ^ jjj Love, James M., U. S. Judge southern dist, of Iowa, r. Qj ^ 721 north 8th. = Love, Sidney Cox, r. 721 north 8th. ^ ^ Loving, Albert, teamster S. P. Pond & Co., r. 1729 Bank. O Low, Louis, laborer. 1718 Carroll. U-i Lowe, Miss Florence, r. nw. cor. Cedar and 15th. Lower Lock foot of Fulton. Lowery, James, carpenter, bds. Grand Pacific Hotel. LowitZ, Sam'l S., Merchant Tailor 24 south 3d. r. O CO «8 >- U1 _l CÍ. o m h co 1008 High. O SAM'La S. uowittz, "THE TAILOR," Well known to the Trade throughonf, established on Third Street, since 1878. For the Largest Assortment to select from, none the equal in this State. Elegant Workmanship, at reasonable prices. «^Wedding Suits a Specialty."^ A call extended to all. LOWITZ, The Tailor, Third Street. LowitZ, Simon, tailor, S. S. Lowitz, r. 1004 F"ulton. LowitZ, William clerk S. S. Lowitz, r. 1Q08 High. Lowrey, Rev. Clement J. G., pastor St. Francis DeSales church 4th and High, r. 317 High. Yillklnson & Co. Lî' Perfumery WYMAN-RAND CARPET CO., ßOf) and ßll Main St. REES' KEOKUK CITY DIRECTORY. 161 m m Lowry, Albert, E., cooper Keokuk Cooperage Co., r. 1700 Park. Lowry, David G, Bookseller and Stationery, 523 Main r. 829 Morgan. ■ Lowry, John W.^ cooper, r. 1408 Timea. Lowry, Robert, r. 1623 Palean. Lowry, William cooper Keokuk Cooperage Co., r. 1700 Park. Lucas, William, Cooper Coey & Co., r. 1318 Williams. Luckedo, William, laborer, r. 115 north Main. Luder, Dorathia, wks Shoe Factory, r. 14th and Timea. Luder, Henry J., shoe maker Jacob, Ludwig, r. 1428 Des Moines. f\_ Luder, John M., teamster, r. 1428 Des Moines. Luder, Miss Retta, domestic, r. 306 Concert. Ludington, George, clerk J. F. Culbertson, r. 603 Main. Ludwig, Jabob, Boots and shoes 718 Main r. 1313 Blon- ^ deau. Luedke. August, Tailor 1212 Main, r. 1208 Main. Lundburg, Edward G., truck repairer, St. L. K, & N. W. " R'y, r. 1705 Blondeau. S Lutz, Mrs. Anna T., Confectionery 705 Main, r. same. Lutz, Joseph F., printer, foreman Constitution-Democrat ® r. 28 south 11th. 03^ • - O Luxman, Henry, works Canning Factory, r. 416 Palean, a t- Lydon, Miss Mary A., domestic, r. 704 Orleans. ® ^ Lye, Charles F., (Lye & King,) 1205 Fulton. S Lye Sc King, (Charles, F. Lye and Robert B. King,) ^ ^ Dry Goods and Notions, 604 Main. O) ^ Lynch, Miss Bridget, domestic, 625 Grand Ave. » ^ Lynch, Eugene P. conductor, St. L. K. & N. W. R')'^, r. ? 3* Canal road south of Plow Works. S ïc £. W:3 Lyons, Julius traveling salesman Frankel Frank & Co.. 5®^ r. 401 north 5th, g ^ Lyons, Miss Linda, 401 north 5th. Henry Strickler Fourth and Main Sts Lynch, Frank T., stone contractor, r. 1524 Concert. Lynch, Mrs. Virginia, nurse, r. 1119 Blondeau. Lyons, Daniel, (Fi^nkel Frank & Co.,) r. 401 north 5th. & a- ^ a* a ■•■For Dry Goods, The "Popnlar" T. D. MACKEY, Surgeon Dentist -M 162 REES KEOKUK CITY DIRECTORY. C c Lyons, Louis, traveline salesman Frankel Frank & Co., ^ ^ r. 401 north 5th. hI Lyons, Solomon, (Frankel Frank & Co.,(r. 401 north 5th. ® jC- Maas, Mrs. Anna, r. 1720 Main. J> Maas, Miss Anna J., saleslady J. M. Wilson, r. 1720 Main, è Maas, lohn V. D., (Buck-Reiner Co.,) r. corner 15th and J oh nson. ÇC Maas, Peter, works Buck-Reiner Co , r. 1720 Main. Mace, Miss Clara A., r. 912 Palean. ^ Mace, John M., carpenter C. R. I. & P. R'y, r. 912 Palean. S r Mack, Mrs. Ann, r. 726 Palean. Mack, Joseph, blacksmith helper C. R I. & P. R'y, r. 726 M Palean. 95 Mack, Miss Sallie, clerk Wyman-Rand Carpet Co., r 726 ^ Palean. P IVLackey, Dr. Thomas D., dentist, office 12 south 6th, r. 1001 Morgan. (See adv. top lines.) Mackey, Mrs. Phoebe A., r. 1417 Fulton. Mackey, Edwin R., works Shoe Factory, r. 524 Morgan. Mackey, Dr. Alonzo H., physician,office 600 Main, r. 923 High. Mackie, Edward, laborer Taber & Co., r. Rees' Addition. Mackie, Edward J., boilerwasher St. L. K. & N. W. R'y, r. Park between F and G. Mackie, James E., laborer Taber & Co., r. Rees' Add. Mackie Miss Mary E., r. Rees' Addition. Mackie, William, broom maker, r. Rees' Addition. Mackley, George, (Long & Mackley.) r. Main street road north of Boulevard. Maddock, Samuel, carpenter, r. 1228 Timea. Maddock, William A., works Taber & Co.,r. 1228 Timea. Magerle. Mrs. Emma, r. 418 north 14th. Magin, Miss Julie, domestic, r. 913 Leighton. Magner, James E., r. Canal road, south of Plow Works. Magner, John H., conductor Northern Pacific, r. Canal ■ ' road south of Plow Works. Magner, Mrs. Margaret, r. Canal road south Plow Works. ^^îà^:S^S: Mens' Fnrnlslilng Goods McGRATH BROS., Waters REES' KEOKUK CITY DIRECTORY. 163 Magner, Miss Mary Ann, r. Canal road south Plow Works. Magoun, Mrs. M. S., r. 217 south 3d. Mahin, Miss Laura, r. 107 south 10th. Mahin, William H., traveling salesman, r. 107 south 10th. Mahin, William D., printer Constitution-Democrat, r. 107 south 10th. Mahoney, Mrs. Ann, r. Carroll between 4th and 5th. Mahoney, James, cook on Steamer Lumbernian, r. corner 4th and Carroll. Mahoney, Miss Mary, r. Carroll between 4th and 5th. Mahoney, Timothy, section foreman St. L. K. & N. W. R'y. ns. Ridge between 8th and 9th. Mahoney, William, delivery clerk J. & W. Cahalan, r. Carroll between 4th and 5th. " Mahl, Miss Louise, r. 220 north 5th. 0^^ Main, John, stone mason, r. 327 Timea, «-t- Malm, Peter, r. 708 Exchange. t^(D Malmsadt, Miss Amanda, domestic, r. 220 south Hth. Malone, Charles, Main north of Boulevard. 52 o Malone, David, porter on River, r. 321 south 4th. Malone, Miss Josephine, r. 912 north 12th. (/)_ Malone, Miss Lizzie, r. 912 north 12th. Malone, Patrick, laborer, r. 912 north 12th. O O Malone, Zita, domestic, r. 912 north 12th. Mallory, William, trimmer Coey & Co., r. Reid's Add. ^0 Maloy, Mrs. Bridget, r. 1200 Park. q Maloy, Kate, works Elastic .Starch Eactory, r. 1200 Park. Maloy, Miss Mary, r. 1016 Williams. Maloy, Michael, foreman boiler shop C. R. I. & P. R'y, r. fijS 1016 Williams. Maloy, Thomas, machinist, r. 1200 Park. • ^ Mang, Gustav, teamster J. F. Daugherty & Co., r. 3d be- O tween Exchange and Bank. ^ Manley, Dennis, laborer Coey & Co., r. 714 south 7th. (D Mann, George, florist, r. 725 north 8th. ® Mann, Mrs. Marv, bds. 1029 High. ^ Mann, Moses, laoorer, r. 1021 High. ^ ® Manners, Mrs. Sophia, r. 202 Exchange. i-d ^ Manning, Miss Blanche, r. 604 north 5th. (K ^ ÇB OB JOm AYRES & SONS WATCH CLUB, Only tJl.OO Per Week For Any Goods. nnipr nnriQ painting and paper hanging, rnlUL DnUu. Cop. 6th and Main Sts. S 164 REES' KEOKÚK CITY DIRECTORY. • Manning,Miss Chattie E., r. 604 north 5th. M ^ Manning, Miss Grace, crayon artist, r. 604 north 5th. FÖ o Manning, Miss Maud, U. S. Claim Agent, r. 604 n. 5th. § pH Manogue, Eddie,wks. Shoe Factory,r. 7th and Des Moines. rti Maple, Rev. Joseph C., pastor First Baptist church, r. 1006 2 ""s Concert. § Marble Hall Clothing House, Vogel Bros, proprietors, 300 ^ CÔ Main. g A Mark, Charles, laborer, r. 16th between Cedar and Charles» ^ ^ Marks, John, r. 103 south 12th. ÎH Markley, Benjamin S., fireman C. R. I & P. R'y, bds. tg 1106 Bluff, p Markley, Emma P., r. 1516 Ash. ^ Markley, Grace V., r. 1516 Missouri avenue. Markley, John, works Coey & Co., r. 1516 Missouri ave. Markley, John W., (Markley & Cecil,) r. 1115 Park, Marline, Joseph W., laborer Coey & Co., r. 817 Carroll. O Marline, William J., laborer Coey & Co., r. 819 Carroll. Marchbanks, Mrs. H. E., bds, 1321 High. Marshall, Albert Thomas, (S. T. Marshall & Sons,)r. 730 , Grand avenue. Cq Marshall, Chapin Hall, r. 730 Grand avenue. Marshall, Prof. George E., principal High School, r. 107 Concert. Marshall, Henry, laborer, r. 1812 Orleans. Marshall, Miss Maud M., r. 730 Grand avenue. 1 Marshall, Robert M., (S. T. Marshall & Sons,) r. 730' Grand avenue. Marshall S. T., & Sons,(Samuel T., Robt. M.,and A. Thomas,) Lawyers, 12 north 5th. Marshall, Sabert T., r. 730 Grand Ave. Marshall, Samuel T. (S, T. Marshall & Sons) r. 730 Grand .^ve. Marshall, William P., Sheriff Lee Co., office County a Court House, r. 720 Grand Ave. HMarshick, Louis, r. 927 High. Martens, John F,, carpenter, r. 1427 Fulton. Marten, Miss Annie, dining room girl Windsor Hotel, bds. same 0) WilkiriQAn r.n Paints,Oils, Varnishes, Toilet Goods, Perfumery, 11 iiliiUuUiJ ÜL VJU,, Cor. 11th and Main Sts. (/) IM o 11 p C In the Hambden Buel insurance Agency, 24 N. 5th St. 1110 U n L All Losses paid prottiptly, Ooly leading Sos. Represeijted. REES' KEOKUK CITY DIRECTORY, 165 Martin, Benjamin F., plasterer, r, 325 south 12th. Martin, Miss Ellen J., school teacher r. 108 Exchange. Martin, Mrs. Eliza M., r. 108 Exchange. Martin, Miss Fannie E., teacher, r. 723 Blondeau. ■ Martin, Frank J., printer Gate City, r. 722 north 12th. Martin, Miss Grace, r. 428 Bank. Martin, Hans, carpenter foreman U. S. dry dock, r. 903 north 11th. Martin, Miss Irene, r. 29 south 5th. Martin, James, grocer 29 south 5th, r. same Martin, Miss Jennie, clerks Gramm's dental parlors, r. 525 north 3d. Martin, John C., bridge carpenter St. L. K. & N. W. R'y, r. 522 Palean. Martin. Miss Katie C., r. 723 Blondeau. Martin, Mrs. Mary A., r. 723 Blondeau. Martin, Miss Mollie, domestic 508 High. Martin, Miss Nancy, r. 1026 Timea. ^ Martin, Miss Nettie E., teacher Concert street school, r. 723 Blondeau. Martin, Robert, teamster Carson & Rand Lumber Co., r. S 428 Bank. S Martin, Robert H., clerk Sr. L. K. & N. W. R'y, r. 723 ^ Blondeau. ^ Martin, William J., clerk St. L. K. & N. W. R'y, r. 29 s.5th. p 3 Mason, Miss Cora E., dressmaker, r. 1216 Morgan. Mason, Jasper K., r. 1110 Bluff. tog Mason, Mrs. Matilda, r. 1216 Morgan. Mason, Sylvester, carpenter H. Schmidt & Son, r. 601 ® gg Exchange. Masonic Hall, sw. corner 4th and Johnson. Master in Chancery, P. T. Lomax, office 3d floor Gov't ^ building. .5^ Masterson, Andy, saloon 8 south 3d, r. 301 Main, up stairs. ^ 3 Masterson, Robert, laborer, r. Central House. ^ » == Matheney, Andrew M., boots and shoes 712 Main, r. 1200 ^ Bank. S Matheney, Andrew, moulder Keokuk Stove Works, r. 1602 Ridge. g Kcllo^^ Brothers stables. Excursion and Moving Cars. 120 S. 3d St. T. D. MACKEY, Extracting Teetb ^ 166 REES' KEOKUK CITY DIRECTORY. < ,• : i_3 Matheney, Miss Elizabeth S., saleslady A. M. Matheney^ r. 1200 Bank. ^ Matheney, James R., laborer, r. ss. Carroll between 16th -s and l7th. Matheney, John T., clerk American Express Co., r. 6th O between Carroll and Ridge. • p— Matheney, J W. & Son, (John W., Sr., and John W.> 0-, Jr.,) 1200 to 1202 Johnson. Mathepey, John W., Jr., (J. W. Matheney & Son,) r. 1521 Ridge. Matheney, John W., Sr., (J. W. Matheney & Son,) r.l521 ^ Ridge. ^ Matheney, Miss Lucretia, elk. Wm. Gampert, r. 1200 Bank. O Matheney, Miss Mary, domestic 107 Concert. Matheney, Mrs. Mary, r. 1513 Ridge. Matheney, Miss Minnie, r. 1200 Bank. Matheney, Thomas P., laborer, r. ss. Carroll between 16tb O and l7th. O Matheney, Thomas R , laborer, r. ss. Carroll between 16tb O and l7th. r* Matheney Thomas W., works Oertel Bros.,r. 1523 Ridge. CO Mathes, Albert, laborer, bds. 524 south 1st. Mathes, William, laborer, r. 524 south 1st. Mathias, Abram J., ass't cashier Savings Bank, r. 1017 Blondeau. <— Mathias, Miss Florence A .school teacher,r.lOl7 Blondeau. Mathias, Miss Lillian E., r. 1017 Blondeau. Matless, Alf. L., (Huiskamp Bros. Co.,) r. 212. north 5th. Matless, Leonard, Jr., book-keeper Huiskamp Bros. Co., "c r. 212 north 5th. © c Mattern, Miss Kate, r. 323 Blondeau. ^ ^ Matthews, George, laborer Taber & Co., r. 1105 Reid. "© .2 Matthews, Miss Mary L., r. 814 Fulton. o ^ Mattkins, Mrs. Maggie, r. 1022 Des Moines. ^ Mattox, Benjamin F., r. 316 Park. ® ^ Mattox, Jacob, carpenter, r. 1902 Williams. 'S ^ Mattox, Malen, night foreman St. L. K. & N. W.R'y shops, r. 606 south 5th. Ç ¿ Maxwell, Albert, r. 608 Concert. JACOB RENWALD Groceries, Provisions, Hardware, , TIN AND QUEENSWARE, and GARDEN IMPLEMENTS. I a.300 st. McGRATH BROS. Pertoery REES' KEOKUK CITY DIRECTORY. 167 Maxwell, Andrew, saddler, r. 623 south 5th. Maxwell, Cert., editor Constitution-Democrat, r. Warsaw. ^ Maxwell, Miss Helen, r. 608 Concert. Maxwell, James B., printer Gate City, r. 608 Concert Maxwell, John, r. 311 north 6th. Maxwell, John, tie contractor, r. 608 Concert. Maxwell, John R., r. 727 north 9th. Maxwell, Miss Lyda, r. 608 Concert. gg Maxwell, Miss Mabel C., r. 727 north 9th. Maxwell & Moorhead, (T. J. Maxwell and S. W. Moor- "--s head,) physicians, office front room 2.d floor Pond building'. Maxwell, Dr. Thomas J., (Maxwell & Moor- ~ head,) r. 727 north 9th. ^ Maxwell. William C., general agt. St. L. K. & N. W. R'y, p» r. 608 Concert. Mayer, Miss Emma, r. 1808 Exchange. ^ ^ Mayer, Mrs. Ellen, restaurant, 21 south 3d. o'3 Mayer, George, stone mason, r 1808 Exchange. ^ ^ Mayer, George, Jr., works Keokuk Wind Engine Co., r. ^ o 1808 Exchange. h Mayer, William, foreman Shoe Factory, r. 612 Exchange, œ g, Mayhew, Miss Rose, domestic 315 Morgan. . o" ^ McAdams, Thomas, laborer, nw. corner 3d and Cedar. ^ McAndrew, Michael, driver fire depaitment, r. 304 B. B. McAndrew, William, laborer Taber & Co., r. 304 B. McBain, Alexander, laborer, r. 605 south 2d. ^ g McBain, Frederick, clerk Variety Store, r. 605 south 2d. ^ McBain, John,vinegar maker Keokuk Pickle Co.,r.605 s. 2d. ^ ^ McBain, Thomas., works Shoe Factory, r. 605 south 2d. sS p McBain, William W., vinegar maker Keokuk Pickle Co., r. 2d between Carroll and Ridge. ^ S McBride, Anna M., teacher First Ward school, r. 829 s.5th. ^ ^ McBride, Miss Atha, milliner M. Stern, r. 1102 Blondeau. McBride, Charles,A., laborer St. L. K. & N. W. R'y, r. 1102 Blondeau. ^ O! McBride, Miss Fannie, r. 1102 Blondeau. S. ® McBride, Stephen, blacksmith Globe Iron Works, r. 1102 1-0 ^ Blondeau. cîq < Immense Line of Mens' and Ladles' FINE Shoes Dn/i Qfinp HniQP ^ For Fall and Winter, at Prices never beaten at the OUUO Hi UDO. PRTPiF RRO^ only Wholesale Wall Paper House, Í H'AvIJ lIlVv/Uij Comer Sixth and Main Sts. 52 168 REEs' KEOKUK CITY DIRECTORY. c Ox McCaffrey, Mrs. Bridget, r. Cedar between 5th and 6th. McCaffrey, Frank, lock master lower lock. r. 419 Timea. g McCaffrey, John, laborer Taber & Co., r 1624 Park. Ï McCaffrey, Patrick C , laborer, r. Carroll near 6th. ^ McCahan, James, engineer K. & \V. R'y, r. Barrett House. 0 ^ McCallion, Miss Mary, r. 1512 Orleans. 3 c McCame, Mrs. Hattie, r. 19th and Grand avenue. ¿ Z McCampble, Anderson, quarryman, bds. 1707 Exchange. c McCampbell, James, laborer, r. 1313 Ash. 4^ > McCampbell, John, teamster VVorley, r. 1809 Timea. ^ McCampbell, Lemuel, teamster, r. 1313 .Ash. 0 ^ McCandless, George, teamster, r. 1411 Timea. = McCandless. Lon, works Shoe Factory, r. 108 south 10th. , ¿ McCann, Charles, teamster Keokuk Cracker & Candy Co., O r. 117 south 7th. McCann, James, engineer K.&VV. R'y,bds Barrett House. McCann, Miss Minnie, domestic 212 north 5th. McCarten, Daniel, laborer, r. 513 Des Moines. McCarten, James Jr., laborer, r. 513 Des Moines. McCarten, James, Sr., laborer r. 513 Des Moines. McCarten, John, r. 513 Des Moines. McCarten, John, clerk A. Webe-r & Co., r. 120 n. 4th. I McCarten, Miss Lizzie, r. 513 Des Meines. McCarthy, Mrs. Alice, r. 700 Main, up stairs. ' McCarthy, Miss Annie, organist St. Peter's church, r. 125 I south 5th. I McCarthy, Daniel J., machinist St. L. K. & N. W. R'y, r. 125 south 5th. McCarthy, Daniel J., mill hand Henderson's mill, r. 5th and A. McCarthy, Miss Johanna, wks. Keokuk Cracker & Candy Co., r. 700 Main, up stairs. McCarthy, Julia J., boarding house, 924 south 5th. ^ jMcCarthy, Mrs. Julia, r. 5th near A. McCarthy, Miss Mary M., dressmaker, r. 924 south 5th. McCarthy, Miss Mamie, wks. Shoe Factory, r. 5th near A. McCarthy, Mrs. Mary, r. 125 south 5th. McCarthy, Mrs. Mary, r. 4th between Palean and Carroll. McCarthy, Patrick, laborer, r. 315 south 4th. O 0) «8 >■ 111 _l O h (0 Wilkinson & Co.Perfnmery WYMAN-RAND CARPET CO., (i09 and 611 Main St. REEs' KEOKUK CITY DIRECTORY. 169 McCarthy, William, wks. Shoe Factory, r. 128 Des Moines McCarty, Mrs. Annie, r. 728 Des Moines. McCarty, Charles L., room 24 Estes House. McCarty, L. A., traveling salesman, r. 528 Concert. McCarty, Mrs. L. H., boarders and furnished rooms, Estes House. McCarty, Patrick, laborer r. 315 south 4th. McCarty, Mrs. Susan, r. 109 Main. McCarty. William, bridge carpenter St. L. K. & N. W. R'y, bds. Eagle Hotel. McClaugry, Frank, laborer H. Schmidt & Son, bds. Philips House. McCleary, Thomas, real estate agent, r. 2013 Exchange. McClellan, William A., laborer, r. 625 south 4th. OIq McClintock, Miss Sarah, bds. 211 south 6th. ^ McCluey, John, blacksmith, r. 1713 Bank. McCluey, Robert, gardener, r. ss. Boulevard, 2d h. w. 22d. Í J McConkey, John, painter E. A. Harwood, r. 1616 Bank. McConkey, Robert, bridge carpenter St. L. K. & N. W. 3 R'y, bds. Eagle Hotel. , McCormick, Miss Esther, teacher Concert Street school, r. 1304 Concert. ^ ^ McCormick, George, r. 1304 Concert. s* ^ m m O) Qt? McCormick, Miss Jennie, r. 1304 Concert. _ McCormick, John, traveling salesman, r. 206 north 12th. o ® McCormick, Miss Mary, r. 1304 Concert. S ^ McCormick, William, meat inspector Coey & Co., r. 1218 Park. ^ McCoy, Adrian H., pres. Keokuk Cra^cker & Candy Co., ^ r. 315 Blondeau. ^ ^ McCoy, Charles, bds. Globe Hotel. S. McCoy, John S., carpenter W. H. Nichols, r. 929 Fulton. ^ 5' McCoy, Jordon W., painter Price Bros., r. 1326 Blondeau. to ^ McCoy, Mortimer W., sec. and treas. Keokuk Cracker & ^ Candy Co., r. 315 Blondeau. McCoy, Winifred M., (Kearney & McCoy,) r. ne. corner 7th and Ridge. ^ ^ McCoy, William B., clerk Hackett's meat market, r. 922 ®¡í ^ Fulton. "* 2. H. Strlckier, The "Popnlar." T. D. MACKEY, Surgeon Dentist 170 REES' KEOKUK CITY DIRECTORY. c McCrackèn, Mrs. Menerve, r. 1009 Hig^h ^ _ McCrary, Alvin Jasper, (Craig-, McCrary & Craig",) r. 312 ^ Morgan. S tJ McCrary, Miss Grace, r. 312 Morgan. ¿ ^ McCraw, MarjVry, r. 802 Franklin. ^"McCrea, chief clerk K. & W. R'\', r 29 north 4th. McCuilough, Miss Georgiana, r. 12 south lOth. ^ McGarry, Richard, moulder Keokuk Stove Works, r. 1217 Ä Des Moines. ¿ Q McGarry, Miss Rose L., r. 1327 Exchange. McGavic, Edwin J., (E. J. McGavic & Co.,) r. 26 and ¿ Morgan. ^McGavic, Frank L., clerks W. B. Daniel, r. 905 Bank. McGavic, Fredrick O., traveling salesman Carson & Rand Lumber Co., r. 905 Bank. O McGavic, George S., cook, r. 26th and Morgan. McGavic, Miss La Rue, r. 905 Bank, if} McGavic, Miss Phœbe B.,music teacher,r.26th and Morgan ^ McGavic, William L., medical student, r. 26th and Morgan. Qq McGavic, William J., cattle dealer Montana, r. 905 Bank. McGee, Charles, cooper F. Hilpert, r. 303 High. McGee, Benjamin W., cooper F. Hilpert, r. 1207 High. McGee, James, works dry docks, r. 1207 High. McGee, John, r. 1207 High. ^ McGee, John F.,wks. Kellogg, Birge & Co., r. 1207 High. McGee, Miss Katie, r. 1207 High. McGee, Robert, driver F. Hilpert, r. 1207 High. McGinnis, Albert, laborer, r. 1403 Palean. McGinnis, Henry, laborer, r. 1403 Palean. McGinty, Mrs. Elizabeth, r. 1112 Williams. McGinty, Martin, bartender 30 south 5th, r. 1112 Williams. McGinty, Michael F.,trimmer Coey & Co.,r.lllO Williams. ■ McGovern, Mrs. Anna, r. 1218 Bluff. McGovern, John, trimmer Coey & Co., r. 521 Ridge. ^ McGovern, Mary, works Shoe Factory, r. 1218 Bluff. ■ McGovern, William, r. 1218 Bluff. ID McGowan, William, cashier Coey & Co., r. 611 north 4th. Wilkinson & 2 IMOII DE In the Hambden Buel Insurance Agency, 24 N. 5th St. 1110 U n L All Losses paid proinptly. Ocly leading 60s. Represented, REES' KEOKUK CITY DIRECTORY. 173 McGrath, Mrs, Bridget, r. 613 Exchange. JVLcGrath Bros., (Thomas J. and John T.)Drug gists 500 Main. (See adv. top lines.) McGrath, John F., (McGrath Bros.,) solicitor Daily and Weekly Gate City, r. 528 Concert. |>j^ McGrath, Michael E, Buck-Reiner Co., r. Exchange^' between 6th and 7th. McGrath. Thomas J., (McGrath Bros ,) r. 512 north 5th. McGrath, William, clerk E. T. Bartruff r. Exchange be- pj tween 6th and 7th. McGruder, Henry, carpenter, r. 1411 Blondeau, McGugin, Mrs. Eleanor, r. 205 Morgan, Mcllwain, Rev, R. C., Rector St. Johns Episcopal church, lÄ r. 407 Concert. Mcintosh, Miss Birdie, r. 417 Fulton. Mcintosh, James M., poultry packer for Moseley & Blom, r. 417 Fulton. Mcintosh, Ottis, teamster for Moseley & Blom, r. 4l7 Fulton. Mcintosh, Thomas R., wks. S. P. Pond & Co., r. 106 n.9th. jg Mclntyre, Benjamin F., carpenter W. Nichols,r. 1013 High. » Mclntyre, Miss Emma B., r. 1013 High. S McMIntyre, Miss Kate M. r. 1013 High. ^ McKee, Albert F., wiper St. L. K. & N. W. R'y, r. cor- ner 2d and Carroll. gs g McKee, Frank, boards Cedar between 9th and 10th. McKee, John H., laborer, r. Cedar between 9th and 10th. tc™ McKee, Mrs. Julia, clerk Brinkman & Co., r. 112 n. 4th. McKenney, Miss Emma. r. 920 Blondeau. g g McKenney, Charles H., city messenger U. S. Express, r. 920 Blondeau. McKenney, Edward, cigar maker, r. 920 Blondeau. BH McKenny. Miss Ella, works Keokuk Bag Co., r. 920 ^^ Blondeau. McKenney Miss May, dressmaker r. 920 Blondeau. McKenney, Miss* Marguerite, saleslady Hammond &' ^ Braidwood, r. 920 Blondeau. S McKenzie, Miss Emma, works Shoe Factory, boards 2200 Timea. Üh es ITallnfld RPAthorC Livery, Feed and Sale Stables. JVGllUgg DlUlilClo, Excursion aiid Moving Cars. 120 S. 3(1 St. , T. D. MACKEY, Extracting Teetb ^ 174 REES' KEOKUK CITY DIRECTORY. < . p¿ j McKenzie, Frank, clerk Burns Hunt & Co., r. 518 Palean, McKenzie, Hugh T., pilot Steamer Lucia, r. 518 Palean. ^ McKenzie, John, cigar maker Ward Bros., r. 518 Palean. -s. McKenzie, Nicholas, lock master Middle Lock, r. 518 Des Moines. O McKenzie, Miss Rose A., dress maker, r. 518 Palean. McKeone, Miss Jennie, r. 526 Des Moines. 0- McKeone, John, stone mason C. R. I. & P., r. 526 Des Moines. ^^McKeone, Mrs. Mary, r. 526 Des Moines. McKeone, Patrick, stone mason C, R. I & P., r. 526 Des Moines. ^ McKeone, Thomas, stone mason C. R. I. & P., r. 526 O Des Moines. J McKiernam, Isaac, bridge foreman St. L. K. & N. W., r. 1117 Timea. McKinn, Miss Eola L , r. 320 north 8th. O McKinn, Mrs. Mattie, r. 320 north 8th. O McKinn, Mortin, Dentist, r. 320 north 8th. O McKittrick, Joseph, works artesian well Hubinger, bds. Grand Pacific Hotel. CO McLane, John, harness Maker H. Scharfeneburg, r. 1610 Morgan. McLarning, Thomas B., watch maker H. W. "Linebaugh ^ r. 229 Fulton. (— McLaughlin, Joseph, engineer Globe Iron Works, r. 315 south 4th. McLaughin, Leonard, works Coey & Co., r. 415 Des Moines. B McLaughlin Miss Mary, r. 115 south 4th. o B McLeod, Henry M., boards 726 north 10th. ^ ^ McLeod, Miss Kattie M., r. 726 north 10th. .2 IVLcLeod, N. J. & R. A., (Norman J. and Reuben S 5- A.) Artesian Well Contractors, 726 r. north 10th. B (See adv. Business Directory.) ® ^ McLeod, Norman J., (N. J. and R. A. McLeod) r. 726 'S iS north 10th. g §" McLeod, Rory, r. 726 north 10th. Ç ¿ McLeod, Reuban A.,(N.J. & R. A. McLeod,) r.726 n. 10th. ^ Groceries, Provisions, Hardware, , TIN AND QUEENSWARE, and GARDEN IMPLEMENTS, J 1300 ST. JACOB RENWALD McGRATH BROS, Perfnmery REES' KEOKUK CITY DIRECTORY. 175 CO McMahill, James L., laborer St. L. K. & N. W. R'y, r. corner 15th and Bank. g McMahoii, James,wiper St. L.K.& N. W.R'y,bds.606 s. 2d. McMahon, Mrs. Mary, r. nw. corner 4th and Carroll. S- McMahon, Oliver B., wiper St. L. K. & N. W. R'y, bds. 606 south 2d. McMahoney, Mrs. Ann, r. 212 south 3d. McManus, Miss Annie, milliner Kearney & McCoy, r. co 1002 Morgan. McManus, Charles R., cooper, r. 810 south l7th. ■—s McManus, Miss. Ella, r. 1108 Morgan. ^ McManus. Ed. P., city street supervisor, r. 1009 Fulton. î-^ between 7th and 8th. McManus, Frank H., elk. John Cronin's grocery, r. Ridge, ^ McManus, Miss Mary C., r. 1002 Morgan. po McManus, Patrick, r. 1002 Morgan. McManus, Thomas F., contractor, r. 1016 Morgan. ^'c McMillen, Mrs. Louise E., r. 903 Concert. 5* McNally, James, laborer, r. Missouri avenue corner D. ^ ^ McNamara, Miss Ada F., r. 1108 Bank. ^ o McNamara, Miss Beatrice, r. 1026 Bank. ? McNamara, Charles E., traveling salesman A. Weber & cd p Co., r. 812 Bank. •o' ^ McNamara,Cornelius A.,elk. James McNamara,r.812 Bank McNamara, Daniel, clerk St. L. K. & N. W. R'y, r. 1026 p. Bank. 2.«^ McNamara, Frank, clerk James McNamara, r. 812 Bank. ^ ® McNamara, George H., elk.Patrick McNamara, r. 80 s.4th. ^ g. McNamara, James, wks. Coey & Co., r. 416 Des Moines, g iVIcNamara, James, coal, building material, etc., p 426 to 428 Johnson. Coal yard. Water ft. Main. r. 812 Bank. (See adv. p. ip) S- S McNamara, John, works Coey & Co., r. 416 Des Moines. ^ ^ McNamara, John, clerk James McNamara, r. 812 Bank. ® 3 McNamara, John B., county clerk, r. 1026 Bank. TT— McNamara, fohrf f.,.book-keeper J. O. Voorhies, r. 1026 ui T) 1 ^ ^ Bank. ^ » McNamara, John P., pressman Wm. Rees & Co., r. 916 >■ High. I Immense Line of Mens' and Ladies' FINE Shoes For Fall and Winter, at Prices never beaten at the Red Shoe House. ^ PRITiF V/holesale Wall Paper House ^ Llll.\/k).j Corner Sixth and Main Sts. ® 176 REES' KEOKUK CITY DIRECTORY. C o o5 McNamara, Joseph M., clerk Mrs. M. B. McNamara, r 1108 Bank. = McNamara, Miss Kate, r. 30 south 4th. Ï McNamara, Lewis, ass't county clerk, r. 1026 Bank. ^ "3 McNamara, Miss Maggie, r. 120 north 4th. Ü ^ McNamara, Miss Maggie, milliner, r. 30 south 4th. 3 s McNamara, Miss Mary, boarding house 120 north 4th. ¿ Z McNamara, Mrs. Margaret B., groceries 928 Main, r. 1108 i . Bank. ^ > McNamara, Miss Mary, r. 30 south 4th. ^ cß McNamara, Miss Mary E., r. 1108 Bank, d) ^ McNamara, Michael, r. 120 north 4th. JlJ = McNamara, Patrick, laborer, r. 416 Des Moines. ^ McNamara, Patrick, grocer 30 south 4th, r. same. O McNamara, Mrs. Timothy, r. 829 north 13th. fe McNamara, Thomas M., clerk Mrs. M. B. McNamara, r. 1108 Bank. McNamara, Thomas M., clerk James McNamara, r. 812 Bank. ¡McNamara, William, lab. Coey & Co., r. 418 Des Moines. McNearney, Miss Jennie, wks. Shoe Factory, r.l016s. 5th. McNearny, Michael, trimmer Coey & Co., bds. 1016 s. 5th. McNearny, Thomas, laborer Taber & Co., r. 1016 s. 5th. McNefif, Agnes, r. 503 south 2d. McNeff, Daniel, sec. foremanK.&W. R'y,r. 208 Exchange. McNeff, John, Jr., laborer K. & W. R'y,r. 512 Des Moines. McNefif, John, Sr., lab. K. & W. R'y, r. 512 Des Moines. McNefï, Miss Katie, r. 512 Des Moines. McNefif, Lawrence, fireman K. & W. R'y, r. 503 south 2d. jMcNicholas, Miss Helen, domestic 619 High. O 'McPheeters, Arthur, works Alton Bros., r. 715 Main. iMcPherson, Alexandria, laborer Coey & Co., r. 401 A. McQuade, Charles, laborer Taber & Co., r. Nassau Add. ^ I McQuade, James, Jr., laborer Coey & Co., r. Nassau Add. ¡iVIcQuade, James, Sr., fruit grower, r. Nassau hj Addition, (See adv. general directory^ ; McQuade, John S., wks. James McQuade, r. Nassau Add. McQuade, Samuel E., lab. Taber & Co., r. Nassau Add. McQueen, Mrs. Martha, r. 719 Timea. (0 >- UJ _l (Si Wilkinson k Co. S Perfnineiy WYMAN-RAND CARPET CO., 609 and 611 Main St. m m REES' KEOKUK CITY DIRECTORY. 177 McShane, Frank, r. 1701 Grand avenue. Mead, Mrs. Ann R., r. 1116 Exchanije. Meade, Charles, elk. Iowa State Ins. Co., r. 418 n. 4th.^ Mears, Charles H., laborer Taber & Co., r. 1429 Ridge. Mears, Frank, works Shoe Factory, r. 1429 Ridge. mb Mears, Thomas, yard master C. R. I. & P. R'y> 1429 Ridge. Meek, Miss Percy, milliner M. King, r. 322 Main. Mefford, Miss Celia, r. 10% Main. Meftord, Jacob, hack driver, r. 310 south 4th. Mefford, James, r. 603 Main, up stairs. Mefford, Capt. Jesse D., river capt. and pilot, r. 415 n. 2d. Mefford, Rufus, laborer, r., 1509 Concert. Mefford, William C., laborer, r. 16 Johnson. Cv^ Megchelsen, Miss Charlotte, teacher Valley school house, r. 712 Exchange. Megchelsen, Miss Cornelia, r. 712 Exchange. \ J Megchelsen, Miss Gertrude, dry goods and notions 620 Main, r. 712 Exchange. Megchelsen, Miss Lizzie, r. 712 Exchange. Megchelsen, Miss Mary C., clerk Gertrude Megchelsen, r. 712 Exchange. ^ » Megchelsen, Miss Mertle, r. 712 Exchange. « Megchelsen, Miss Nannie, clerks Gertrude Megchelsen, r. aj ? O 712 Exchange. o S r Megchelsen, Mrs. Nancy, r. 712 Exchange. « Meigs, Montgomery, U. S. civil engineer lower lock. Gov't S 'il building, r. 526 n. 6th. ^ S- Mehl, Miss Emma, domestic 1217 Blondeau. 5 Mehl, Miss Louise, chamber maid Hotel Keokuk, r. same. » Meinberg,. Frank, traveling salesman, r. 212 south 8th. ? 5- Meinberg, Herman, salesman Wyman-Rand, r. 212 s. 8th. J Mellen, Charles H., r. 704 Morgan. ^ j— Mellen, Miss Clara, r. 704 Morgan. Mellerup, Hanse C., traveling ins. agt., r. 813 Exchange, Melligan, Miss Bell, domestic 1000 Blondeau. ^ ^ Meng, Gutsiva, driver J. F. Daugherty & Co., r. 214 s. 3d. S ^ Menk, George,switchman C.R.I.&P.R'y,r. 1527 Blondeau. " 2. H. Strickler, »lüLÄIr- The "Popular, J) T. D. MACKEY, Surgeon Dentist 178 REES' KEOKUK CITY DIRECTORY. © Menk, George, laborer Carson & Rand Lumber Co., r. ^ _ 1527 Blondeau. '« K-i Menz, Miss Llla, r. Eagle Hotel. « >-3 Menz, Miss Ida, r. Eagle House. ^ IVICllZ, John, city and county assessor and proprietor Eagle House, 100 to 106 Johnson. •S |> Menz, Robert J., stenographer Carson & Rand Lumber è ^ Montgomery, Miss Cora, dress maker, r. 27 north 5th. Montgomery, Mrs. Juialett, dress maker, r. 27 north 5th. Montgomery, Will, works Shoe Factory, r. 15th between w Carroll and Ridge. Mooar, Miss Alice B., r. 616 High. O Mooar, Hon. Daniel, Lawyer, office 4th and Bloudeau O- r. 616 High. O Mooar, Miss Lyda B., r 616 High. Moody Mrs. Anna M.. r. 1027 Concert ^^Moody, Arthur H., (Carter & Moody) r. 404 south 6th. ^ Moon, Hiram, cooper Keokuk Cooperage Co., bds. 214B. Moore,,Miss Ada, Keokuk Pickle Factory, r. 313s. 4th. ^ Moore, Miss Alice, r.l302 Bank. O Moore, Arthur E., works Shoe Factory r. 700 Johnson. Moore, Charles E., works Shoe Factory, r. 700 Johnson. Moore, Charles E., laborer Taber & Co., r. 318 Johnson., ^ Moore, Dániel M., r. 1120 Orleans. O Moore, Edward, Harness maker C. M. Cook, r.700 Johnson.. O Moore, Edward, tinner W. S. Moore, r. 130-2 Bank. O Moore, Edward,engineer Canal Lower Lock,r.810 Morgan. ^^Moore, Edward F., r. 1120 Orleans. CO Moore, Henry T., elks. J. F. Culbertson, r. 1120 Orleans. ^ Moore, James, section hand St. L. K, & N. W. r.- Canal, road south Tin Can Factory. Moore, John, engineer, r. 405 south 4th. (— Moore, John J., painter C. R. I. & P. shops, 1120 Orleans. Moore, John S., Musical Instruments, r. 119 north 4th. Moore, John W., teamster Carson & Rand Lumber Co.^ r. 1107 Exchange. Moore, Joseph, machinist St. L. K. & N. W. shops, r. 801 Morgan. Moore, Miss Kate M., r. 1120 Orleans, o .22 Moore, Miss Katie, domestic, r. 523 north 3d. s c O c Ü ^ Moore, Lewis F., dry goods merchant Kahoka, Mo., r. c Ä ^ 700 Johnson. Ö3 5 Moore, Livingston, elk. VV. S. Moore, r. 804 Bank. H _£ Moore. Samuel, laborer, r. 313 south 4th. S ^ Moore, Timothy, watchman C. R. I. & P. shops, r. 1120 Ç ¿ Orleans. JACOB RENWALD Groceries, Provisions, Hardw.are, TIN AND QUEENSWARE, and GÖRDEN IMPLEMENTS. 1300 M-A.I3ÍT ST- McGRATH BROS. Perfnmery REES' KEOKUK CITY DIRECTORY. 183 Moore, William S.. Tinware 407 Main, r. 804 Bank. Moorhead. McDill, r. 1228 High. ^ Moorhead, Dr. Samuel W.. (Maxwell & Moor- ^ head.) office Pond Building, r. 1228 High. Moran, Michael, wks. Shoe Factory, bds. 323 Blondeau. Morgan,Frank L.,salesman Wyman-Rand Co.,r.908l ¡mea. Morgan, Kate, r. 306 south 4th. Morgan, John, railroad engineer, r. 1216 Reid. Morgan. John, laborer Coey & Co., r. 403 Exchange. Morgan, John M.. driver O. B. Sweet r. 403 south 4th. a Morgan, Joseph, elk. D. Ryan, r. 112 north 13th. Morgan, Miss Mary. r. 1216 Reid. Morgan, Patrick, laborer, 112 north 13th. Morgan, William, laborer Coey & Co., r. 306 south 4th. Morgan, William, r. 220 south 4th. Morgan. William, wks. U. S. Dredge boat, r. 112 n. 13th. Moriarty, Miss Julia, domestic, r. 629 High. Moriarty, Julia, works Shoe Factory, r. 512 A. o* Moriarty, Mrs. Mary, Ridge between 5th and 6th. ^ ^ Morrill, George W., elk. Geiger Bros., r. 1113 Blondeau. Morrill, Phin, K., law student, r. 1113 Blondeau. —j Morris, Mrs. Elizabeth, r. 802 Des Moines. œ Morris, Frederick, (J. and F. Morris) boards 1500 Palean, o ^ Morris Mrs. Hattie, r. 220 Timea. ^ ^ Morris, James (J. & F. Morris,) r. 427 Palean. g. Morris, James N., carpenter, r. 420 Des Moines. 2.«!^ Morris, Miss Jennie, r. Rees' addition. St ^ Morris, John, (J. Morris Bros.,) r. 1500 Palean. ^ Morris, J. Bros., (James and Fred,) grocers, 29 south 4th. g ^ Morris, Miss Katie, r. Rees' addition. Morris, Miss Martha, domestic, 527 north 6th. Morris, Michael.helper St. Louis round house,r. Rees'Add. & S Morris, Miss Minnie, r. 802 Des Moines. ^ ^ Morris,-Thomas, laborer, r. 713 north 13th. g 3 Morrison, Albert Sidney, book-keeper Coey & Co., r. 323 T7— Blondeau. Morrison, Clarence C., mngr. R. G. Dun Mercantile Co., ^ » r. 416 High. >■ Morrison, Joseph, farmer, works John A. O'Blennis. ^ Fashionable, Reasonable, Seasonable, Perfect Dn^ C)iaa Uaiiqa ^ ^ Fitting, Wear Resisting Footwear, at the ^ nuUoC. PRÍPiF RRÍ)^ ^ ' 'líolesale Wali Paper House, ^ l-'ll.vÜtj Corner Sixth and Main Sts. Î2 184 REES' KEOKUK CITY DIRECTORY. S o m Morrison, W^illiam H., lawyer, 14 north 5th, r. 1307 Morgan, g Morrisy, Mrs. Julia, r 518 Dos Moines. |> g Morrisy, Michael, butcher Coey & Co., r. 518 Des Moines. ^ "% Morrisy. Richard, teamster Coey & Cp ,r. 11th and Cedar. O Morrisy, Richard, driver, r. 518 Des Moines. 3 's Morton, Albert M., barber 28 south 5th, r. same. ¿ ^ Morton, Miss Maud M., r. 309 Blondeau. c Morton, Miss Nellie G., r. 309 Concert. ^ ^ Morton, Thomas B., restaurant 28 South Water, r. 309 ^ do Blondeau. 0 Moseley & Blom, (William G. Moseley and William Blom,) JlJ r poultry dealers 124 north Water. , ^ Moseley, William G., (Moseley & Blom) r. 419 Fulton. O Moses, David, switchman St. L. K. & N. W. R'y, bds. fo Globe Hotel. Moss, Perry E., traveling salesman Kellogg, Birge & Co., I bds. Hotel Keokuk. ¡Mott, Charles H., laborer, r. 216 north 14th. Mott, Gabrial, laborer, 216 High. Mott, George, works Rankin's brick yard, r. 216 n. 14th. Mott, Robert, line repairer St. L. K. & N. W. R'y, bds. Hotel Windsor. Mott, William G., r. 216 north 14th. Mottes, Mrs. Anna, r. 1618 Concert. Moyers, Miss Bell, milli.aer, r. 922 Blondeau. Much, Miss Amelia, seamstress,r. sw. cor. 16th and Cedar. Much, Miss Emma, domestic, r. 628 Franklin. Much, Miss Hattie, r. sw. corner 16th and Cedar. Much, Frank, boiler maker St. L. K. & N. W. K'y, r. 1322 Johnson. Much, Frank J., boiler maker, r. 1322 Johnson. Much, Mrs. Mary, r. sw. corner 16th and Cedar. Much, Miss Mary, r. sw. corner 16th and Cedar. Mudd, Sherman, harness maker L. F. Racine, bds. Miles' boarding house. Muehler, Adolph, baker Fred Zuefle, r. 716 Main. Muldoon, Patrick, laborer, r. 307 south 4th. Mulhearn, James, brakeman, ne. corner 4th and Cedar. O CO «8 >- UJ _l Oí. o h cô Wilkinson & Co.íSeSI^cSSSPeríum^^ WYMAN-RANO CARPET CO., 609 and (ill Main St. REEs' KEOKUK CITY DIRECTORY. 185 m m 0) Mulhearn, John, laborer, r. ne. corner 4th and Cedar. Mulhearn, Michael, laborer, r. ne. corner 4th and Cedar. Mullaskey, Miss Nellie, r. 317 High. Mullen, Celia A., works Shoe Factory, r. 4''í7 Timea. Mullen, Frank, r. 429 Timea. Mullen, John, driver fire department, r. 427 Timea. Mullen, Ida D., works Shoe Factory, r. 429 Timea. Mullen, Lida, works Shoe Factory, r. 427 Timea. Mullen, Patrick J., shipping and hauling Keokuk Roller Mills, r. 429 Timea. Mullen, Peter, blacksmith, r. 427 Timea. Mullen, William, blacksmith, r. 310 Exchange. Mulligan, James, laborer, r. 1710 Palean. _ Mulligan, James,saloon-keeper 1326 Main,r. 1Ô02 Franklin. Qq Mulligan, Miss Mary, r. 1710 Palean. ^ Mulligan, Robert, r. 1320 Fulton. Mulqueen, Miss Mary, r. 512 A. Q ^ Mumm. Bernard J., clerks Clark Bros., r. 813 Orleans. Mumm, Miss Cecelia, r. 813 Orleans. ^ J Mumm, Edward, Deputy County Recorder, office Court , house, r. 813 Orleans. Mumm, Edward J., book-keeper Frankel, Frank & Co., ^ r. 322 High. 5" < Mumm, Frank J., elk. St. L. K.& N. W. R'y.r- 813 Orleans. ^ Mumm, Miss Gussie, r. 813 Orleans. © » Mumm, Miss Mary, r. 813 Orleans. S ^ Munder, August, laborer, bds. Green Tree House. — Mundy, John W., stationery engineer,r. Reid bet. H. and I. ^ » Mundy, Lawrence, wks. Shoe Factory,r. Reid bet.H and I. ^ ^ Mundy, Willis, fireman Keokuk Wind Engine Co., r. Reid ^ ^ between H and I. S. hrj Munson, Miss Kate, r. 311 Exchange. ^ 5' Murphy, Miss Bridget, house keeper Father O'Reilly, r. to ^ 913 Exchange. ^ Murphy, Henry M., teamster, canal rd. bet. 12th and 13th. Murphy, James, porter St.L. K. & N. W. shops, r. 300 s.4th co|5' Murphy, John, delivery clerk John Rovane, r. 1030 s. 5th. ^ Murphy, John, brakeman St. L. K. & N. W. R'y, r. canal S road between 12th and 13th. ~ 2. H. Strickler, "IS.SIr- The "Popular." T. D. MACKEY, Surgeon Dentist ^ 186 Rees" keokuk city directory. © Murphy, Joseph P., clerk Geiger Bros., r. 805 High. s O) ^ Murphy, Martin, driver transfer wagon A. Weber & Co., ■© hI r. 300 south 4th. S J Murphy, Mrs. Mary, r. 1927 Johnson, ee ^ Murphy, Mrs. Mary, r. Canal road between 13th and 14th. ® kC" Murphy, Michael, laborer Oakland Cemetery, r. sw cor- •S ner 14th and Carroll. ^ KjJ Murphy, Patrick, teamster, r. 424 south 1st. Murphy, Rose, works Shoe Factory, r. 512 south 5th. Murphy, Thomas, lab. r. Canal road bet. 12th and 13th. Murphy. Thomas, r. ss. Ridge, second house from 8th. Murphy, William, teamster A. Weber S¿ Co., r. 400 s. 1st. Murphy, William P., machinist St. L. K. & N. W. R'y, r. 300 south 4th. Murray, James H., trimmer Coey & Co., r. 1405 Reid. Murrv, Mrs. Ann, r. 319 south 12th. Murry, Charles, moulder Keokuk StoveWorks,r. 319 s.12th Murry, Miss Clara, r. 319 south 12th. Murry. Miss Josie, stenographer, r. 319 south 12th. Murry, Thomas, mounter Globe Iron Works, r. 319 s. 12th. Murry, Warren,mounter KeokukStoveWorks.r. 319 s.l2th Muzzy, Linus, B., r. 1414 Concert. Myers, Henry, grocer 25 south 4th, r. 203 south 6th. Myers, James H., bds. 126 south 7th. Myers, Miss Mary, domestic 721 Franklin. Myers, Theophilus, carriage mnfr. 727 to 729 Johnson, r. 814 Timea. Myers, Samuel H., stone cutter, r. 1604 Morgan. 03 Nagel, charles,(Pcchsteln & Nageljr. 1416 Blondeau. Nagel, Mrs. Cornelia, r. High between 19th and 20th. Nagel, Miss Eliza, domestic. 111 High. Nagel, John (Pechstein & Nagel) 1416 Blondeau. Nagel, Mrs. Mary, r. 1416 Blondeau. Nagel, William, porter Collier, Robertson & Hambleton, r. 816 Johnson. Nagle, Charles, wks. Ponds Egg Store, r. 1127 Fulton. hats ANDj^AP^s, ingps' FarnisiilDg Goods McGRATH BROS., Waters REES' KEOKUK CITY DIRECTORY. 187 Nance, J. H., candy maker Keckuk Cracker & Candy Co., r. 202 Exchange. Narrley, Miss Agnes M., r. 513 Concert. Narrley, Charles S , book-keeper Keokuk Stove Works, r. 221 Timea.' Narrley, Mrs. Dora, r. 221 Timea. Narrley, John, butcher Narrley & Walsmith,r.513 Concert. Narrley, Miss Mary, r. 704 Morgan. Narrley, Edward W., shipping clerk Keokuk Stove Works r. 513 Concert. Narrley, Miss Kate, r. 221 Timea. Narrley & Walsmith, (William G. Narrley, and Edward Walsmith)Butchers 612 Main. (^Seeadv.p.^.) Narrley, William G., (Narley & Walsmith,) r. 221 Timea. Neal, Miss Mary E., employee Dr. S. F. Baker &Co., r. q"O 610 A. Neator, George, laborer, r. 313 south 4th. tS'CD Neil, William, carpenter Robt. Burns, 408 north 12th. Nelson, Miss Ada, r. 317 south 12th. öq Nelson, Miss Annie E., r. 406 Exchange. Nelson, Alexander H., foreman Evans & Sheppard, r. 206 Bank. Oog. Nelson, August, engineer St. L. K. & N. W. shops, r. 1607 Franklin. Nelson, Charles A., machinist St. L. K. & N. W. R'y, r. 1607 Franklin. O Nelson, Charles G., car repairer K. & W. R'y, r. 1511 Blondeau. Nelson, Edward A., works S. E. Carey, r. 1511 Blondeau. Nelson, Frank, laborer, 1607 Franklin. Nelson, Henry, laborer, r. 1607 Franklin. • Nelson, James, fireman St.L. K. & N.W. R'y, r. 204 s. 5th. O Nelson, Mrs. Jane, r. 206 Bank. ^ Nelson, John, carpenter H.Schmidt & Son, r.l607Franklin. (D Nelson, John, pine wood hauler r. 523 High. » Nelson. Laurits,«blacksmith St. L. K. & N. W. R'y, r. ^ ix 1800 Park. ^ S Nelson, Miss Lenora, r. 206 Bank. »-d Nelson, Miss Mary, domestic r. 13 Grand Ave. a? 5 t • KRABE PIANOS AT AYRES BROS." 511 Ivlstin. xatreet. -«1 ÇB » nnmr DDflQ painting and paper hanging rnlUL DnUu* Cor. Otli and 3Ia¡ii Sts. cc •i 188 REEs' KEOKUK CITY DIRECTORY. 6JD 05 ; Nelson, Neis, medical student, r, 222 Exchange. M pH Nelson, Neis A., laborer 607 Franklin. Ö Nelson Peter, Painter and Paper Hanger Geo. Hill, p¡ r. 317 south 12th. K Nelson, Ole, r. 115 south 15th. S ^ Nelson, Ole, works J, Burk & Co., 1424 Bank, sNelson, Will E., operator and clerk St. L. K. & N. W. ^ <0 R'y, boards Eagle Hotel. s Nelson, William H,, hostler A. J. Hardin, r. 406 Exchange- 3 Neltner, Miss Carrie, domestic, 5 Park Place. ^ Neltner, Miss Maggie, domestic r. 723 Orleans, On q Neuer, George M., gardner, r. Messengerville b Neuer, Charles H., gardner, r. Messengerville. fn Neuer, Mrs. Louise, r. Messengerville. ^ Neuer, Miss Theresa C., r. Messengerville. Nevans, Mrs. Dora, domestic, 502 north 7th. New York Barber Shop, Jacob E. Gillam, GlSyi Main. Newberry, Anna R. dress maker, r. 208 south 6th. g. Newhouse, John R., laborer 1218 Franklin. (Jj Newton, Mrs Mary, r. 1220 Exchange. Neyens, Miss Anna, r. 14th between Cedar and Charles- ^0 Neyens, Miss Ellen, r. 14th between Cedar and Charles- Neyens, George, teamster, r. 14th bet. Cedar and Charles. Neyens, George J., Butcher 912 Main, r.l401 Des Moines- Neyens, John Jr., teamster, 14th bet. Cedar and Charles. Neyens, John Sr., gardner r. 14th bet. Cedar and Charles- Neyens, Miss Maggie r. corner 14th and Cedar. Nichols, William H., Carpenter Shop 19 south 7th, r. ^ 1022 High. Nichols, John W. Inspector Central Union Telephone Co.,. r. 713 Palean. Nichols, Joseph, r. 1022 High. Nichols, William H,, carpenter and contractor r. 1022 High- ■ Nichols, William J., architect, r. 1022 High. Nicholson, Frank J..Novelty Store 1304 Main, r.l306 Main. Nickowash, Mrs. Fannie, r. 820 Carroll. ■ Nickowash. John F., works Central Stove Works r. 820- Carroll. Wilkinson & I MOI I DC In the Hambden Bus! insurance Agency, 24 N. 5th St. ill0U nL All Losses paid pronjptly. Ocly leading Sos. Represented. REES* KEOKUK CITY DIRECTORY, 189 Nickowash, Miss Katie A., wks. Brilliant Starch Works r. 820 Carroll, ^ Niland, Edward, prop. Globe Hotel, 318 Johnson. Noah, Harry, bell boy Hotel Keokuk. ■ Nodier, Charles M., clerk Mrs. T. Nodier, r. 525 n. 4th. Nodier, Edward S., clerk Mrs. T. Nodier, r. 913 Concert.^' Nodier, John J., clerk Mrs. Nodier, r. 525 north 4th. Nodier, Louis }., clerk St. L. K. & N. W. R'y, office, r. 525 north 4th. PJ Nodier, Mrs. Theresa, Grocer 413 Main, r. cor. 4th and Franklin. Noelcke, Adolph, salesman Enterprise, r. 907 Concert. jk Noelcke, Miss Bertha, boards 1216 Concert. Noelcke, Edward C., book-keeper S. C. & S. Carter, r, 907 Concert. O Ncetzh, Herman, machinist McElroy & Armitage, r. 1409 Johnson. Nœtzli, Henry, r. 1409 Johnson. Noetzli, Miss Minnie r. 1409 Johnson. ' ^ Nolan, James J., laborer Taber & Co., boards 414 Palean. 532 Nolan, Lizzie, works Shoe Factory, r. cor. 5th and Bank. S Nolkemper, Felix, butcher Wm. Ewers, r. 17 north 12th. g Nolkemper, Henry, sadler, r. 17 north 12th, ^ Nolkemper, Miss Lizzie, r. 17 north 12th. Nolkemper. Lulu, saleslady Enterprise, r. 17 north 12th. -s 3 Nolkemper, Mrs. Mary. r. 17 north 12th. Nolkemper, William, moulder Keokuk Stove Works, r. to q 17 north 12th. ^ !— Noorene, Alma, works Shoe Factory, r. 1st. between g g Exchange and Bank. Noorene, August, laborer C. R. I. & P. shops, r. 1st bet- »5^- ween Exchange and Bank. Norder, Miss Mary, domestic, r. 610 Orleans. Notney, Miss Lizzie, domestic, 510 north 8th. Notney Miss Victoria, dress maker Mrs. Leonard, r. 1110 ^ ^ Concert. * " ^ Nunn, Miss Eliza J., r. 828 Franklin. S Nunn, George R., stair builder and turner 314 south 4th, r. 700 Timea. ^ — ^ C3 ITollndd RrntharQ I^ivery, Feed and Sale Stables. JVullUgg piUlUulo, Excursion and MoïingCars. 120 S. 3d St. T. D. MACKEY Extractípg Teeth ^ 190 Rees' keoxuk city directory. ^ ^ Nunn, Iowa, r. 700 Bank. ^ Nunn, Miss Madaline, r. 700 Bank. ^ Nunn, M. L., real estate collection and loan agent,^ 26 north 4th. 0 M. La. NUNÑ; g^Real Estate, Collection and Loan Agent, Buys and Sells Property on Commission, Collects Rents Promptly, and acts as Agent for City and Non-residents. 26 NORTH FOURTH STRRRT. ^"Nygreen, Swan, porter C. B. & Q, R'y, r. 1st and Bank. OaTES, Mrs. Catherine, r. 823 Morgan. Oatman, Mrs. Annie, r. 902 Carroll. Oatman, Miss Nellie, dressmaker, r. 902 Carroll. O Obertop, Mrs. Mary J., toys and fancy goods 226 Main. O O'Blenness, John A., farmer, r. near Des Moines bridge. O O'Blenness, John W., farmer, works John A. O'Blenness. O'Brien, Mrs. Ann, r. 724 Exchange. CO O'Brien, Miss Bartha, r. 312 Exchange. O'Brien, Mrs. Bridget, r. 715 Carroll. 'O'Brien, Mrs. Catherine, r. 618 south 9th. O O'Brien, Charles E., laborer Carson & Rand Lumber Co.,. r~ bds. St. Louis House. O'Brien, Cornelius, trimmer Coey & Co., r. 613 Palean. O'Brien. David, r. 312 Exchange. O'Brien, Edward, tanker Coey & Co., r. 1114 Bluff. ^ S O'Brien, Edward, teamster, r. 520 Palean. © c O'Brien, Edward F., ass't engineer Coey & Co., r. Bluff ^ between B and C. ■« .2 O'Brien, Edward V., delivery clerk P. & J. O'Brien, r. 1 1 1226 Reid. O'Brien, Miss Fannie, works Shoe Factory, r. 327 Main. O'Brien, Miss Grace, milliner Frankel, Frank & Co, r. Ü ^ 312 Exchange. ® §" O'Brien, John, engineer Coey & Co., r. Bluffbet. B and C. © O'Brien, John, laborer, r. 613 Palean. ^ Groceries, Provisions, Hardware, JACOB REHWALD , TIN AND QUEENSWARE. and GARDEN IMPLEMENTS. I X300 2.C.â.Z3T &T, co CC) PO McGRATH BROS, Perfumer? ^ Rees' keokuk city directory. 191 t=r O'Brien, John, tanker Coey & Co., r. 1114 Bluff. pR:¡j O'Brien, Joseph, (P. & J. O'Brien,) r. 1226 Reid. O'Brien, Miss Lizzie, r. 312 Exchange. O'Brien, Miss Maggie, r. 812 Exchange. O'Brien, Miss Maggie, dress maker, r. 520 Palean. O'Brien, Miss Maggie A., wks. Shoe Factory, r. 618 s. 9th. O'Brien, Mrs. Mary, r. 520 Palean. ^ O'Brien, Matthew, laborer, r. 516 south 1st. çç O'Brien, Miss Maud, r. 724 Exchange. O'Brien, P. & J., (Patrick & Joseph,) grocery 700 Palean. O'Brien, Patrick, (P. & J. O'Brien,) r. 1226 Reid. O'Brien, William S., boiler maker St. L. K. & N. W. R'y, r. 616 Palean. O'Brien, William, printer Gate City, r. 618 Palean. ^ Ochiltree, Miss Ida, r. 812 Fulton. pD Ochiltree, Dr. Victor B., (Payne & Ochiltree,) r. 818 n. 4th. O'Connell, Anthony, trimmer Coey & Co., r. 1018 Park. ® O'Connor, Miss Mary, domestic 8th and Des Moines. q 3 Oeltzer, Miss Ida, domestic 908 north 9th. ^ ^ Oertel Bros., (William H. and Frank,) butchers 722 Main. ^ o Oerrel, Miss Elizabeth,r. I7th, sw. cor. National Cemetery Oertel, Frank, (Oertel Bros.) r. 1724 Johnson. o g Oertel, John, Sr., r. I7th, sw. corner National Cemetery. ^ 3 Oertel, William H., (Oertel Bros.,) bds. 1724 Johnson. ^ Oeth,Lewis L.,printer Constitution-Democrat,bds. Phillips house. 2.«^ Off, Miss Caroline, domestic 816 Blondeau. gj- ® Off, Charles, bakery 818 Main, r. same. ^ Ogden, David, engineer Shoe Factory, r. Ill Exchange, g . Ogden, Jonathan B., r. 1415 High. p Ogden, Robt. B.,(R. B. Ogden & Son,) bds. 806 Conce/t. Ogden, R. B. & Son, (Robert B. and Robert M.Jprinting & S" office 515 Main. ^ ^ Oge, Miss Rosa, r. 1406 Johnson. g 3 Ogg, Charles, r. 18 south 3d. Oilar, Bert J., works Shoe Factory, bds. Elks restaurant. ^ cß Oilar, Frank E., mngr. The Fair, r. 210 Concert. ^ « O'Kiefe, James, elk. meat market Coey & Co.,r. 1204 Park, i-g !**■ Oil Inspector, (deputy) Charles F. Riffley, r.l804 Fulton. ^ • ' ^ ^ Fashionable, Reasonable, Seasonable, Perfect Da/I Qlina Rnnca ^ ' Fitting, Wear Resisting Footwear, at the ^ nuUoO. PRîriF RPOí^ (»IIIV \ '! olesale Wall Paper House, UlvV/kJij Corner Sixth and Main Sts. g 192 REES' KEOKUK CITY DIRECTORY. ^ K Oldenburgh, Wolliam, river engineer, r. 102 Concert. (J2 ^ O'Leavy, William, rail road fireman, r. 828 Grand Ave. = Oltzer, Miss Ida, r. 1308 Des Moines. ^ ï Oltzer, Miss Sophia, r. 1803 Des Moines. ^ Oison, Andrew, laborer, r. 1618 Franklin. Ü ^ Oison, Miss Christian, domestic 822 High. 3, ~ Olson, John, laborer, r. 1618 Franklin. H Dennis, car repairer C. R. I. & P. R'y, r. 132.5 Franklin. ^ ^ O'Neal, Miss Maggie, domestic 525 north 4th. ^ O'Neill, John, marker Coey & Co., r. 1223 Williams. 0 t. Opstetten, Mrs. Jennie, r. 2120 Exchange. = Opstetten, John, r. 2120 Exchange. ^ ^ Opstetten, Miss Lena, r. 2120 Exchange. O O'Reilly, James, book-keeper A. Weber & Co.,r. 120 n.4th. O'Reilly, IMiss Mary, seamstress Miss Brerton, r 512 A. O'Reilly, Thomas, watchman St. Louis round house,r.512 A. O'Reilly, Rev. Thomas,pastorSt.Peter's church,r.310 s.9th. I O'Reilly, William F., pharmacist McGrath Bros.,r. 512 A. I Orr, William H., Jr., mattress factory 713 Main, r. same. , Orth & Biggs, (John Orth and James Biggs,) butchers, 129 south 5th. I Orth, Rev. James, r. 118 south 14th. Orth, John, (Orth & Biggs) r. 127 south 5th, jOsborn, John W., pension attornej', r. 908 High. Osborn, Mrs. Nancy D., 219 north 6th. ¡Osburn, Julius, barber 9 north 6th, r. 1129 Main. jOsburn, Mrs. Mattie, r. 1129 Main. ¡Osburn, Riley, barber L. Weiler, r. 621 Main, j Osburn, Mrs. Riley, r. 621 Main. Owens, Charles G., laborer, r.Carroll between 4th and 5th. Owens, Miss Hattie, r. 1228 Morgan. ¡Owens, Miss Katie dress maker, r. 1228 Morgan. ¡Owens, Miss Ollie, r. 1223 Morgan. Owens, Samuel, Pine Wood Dealer "Red Maria" r. 1223 Morgan Owitz, Solomen, manufactuer Stove Polish, r.514 Franklin. Osborn, Elisah G., edgerman Taber & Co., bds. nw. cor. O (0 >- UJ _l Od o I— CO 2d and Ridge. Wilkinson & Co. L!! Perfnmery WYMAN-RAND CARPET CO., 609 and 611 Main St. REES' KEOKUK CITY DIRECTORY. 193 CO Jr AARDEKOOPER, Miss Birdie, r. 14th and Carroll. Paardekooper, Gerhard, laborer Taber & Co., r. 14th and Elm. Paardekooper. Martin, plasterer, r. Elm between F and G. Paardekooper, Miss Nellie, r. Charles bet. 14th and 15th. ^0 Paggett, Harry, clerk Dun's Agency, r. 1027 Fulton. PTl Paggett, Thomas S., r. 1027 Fulton. | I | Paige, William M., tinner Henry Hierstein, r. 712^ Main, pv« Palmgren, Charles J., tailor W. F. Foote, r. 720 n. 13th. | ■ | Paraclice, John C., foreman job department Gate City, r. 623 High. Pardee, Miss Barbara, domestic, r. 119 north 9th. Parent, Edward, driver Wm. Sinton, r. 1614 Concert. Parker, Asa Z., (Parker & Son,) 23 Blondeau. Paiker, Eliza A., dressmaker, r. 29 north 4th. Parker, Mark A., (Parker & Son,) r. 23 Blondeau. ^ ^ Parker, Mrs. Mary M., r. 407 Concert. Parker, Thomas H., engineer, r. 1026 Des Moines. Parker, William N., census department Washington D. C.^^ r. 1408 Concert. Parnell, Miss Alice, r. Rees' Addition. ^ ® Parnell, Eli, carpenter, r. Rees' Addition. 5' < Parrott, Col. James C., Justice of Peace, 14 n. ^ 5th, r. 616 Fulton. ® » Parrott, John B., r. 1623 Morgan. S ^ Parrott, Miss Mollie, dressmaker, r. 210 south 4th. Parrott, William G., gent's furnishing goods, 10 ® ^ south 3d, r. 616 Fulton. Parsons, Alanson L., (Parsons & Dolan,) r. 1318 Concert. ^ ^ Parsons, Arthur, r. 714 Bank. g. Parsons, Miss Cora, r. 714 Bank. ® 5* Parsons & Dolan, (Alanson L. Parsons and.Ber- te» nard A. Dolan,) lawyers, room 4 Woolley Building, ^ 28 and 30 north 5th. ^ p Parsons, George R., book-keeper Consolidated Tank wS' Line, r. 714 Bank. Parsons, James, works Wind Engine Co., r. 120 n. 4th. S ^ Parsons, William, works Barrett House, bds. same. ^ 2. H. Strickler, '«lüíLttlr- The "Popular." T. D. MACKEY, Surgeon Dentist 194 REES' KEOKUK CITY DIRECTORY. ~ Patterson, Alonzo, works Shoe Factory, r. 1914 Reid. ^ Patterson, Anna M., r. 1703 Orleans. ^ Patterson Bros., (William A., Sabert T., and Thomas B.,) § h-l contractors, 10 south 2d. « ^ Patterson, Miss Belle, r. 1112 Franklin. , . ^ Patterson, David, milk dairy 1703 Orleans. •S > Patterson, Edward H., painter Price Bros., r. 1814 Reid. J Patterson, Miss Ellen, r. 326 south 7th. ^(/) Patterson, George, machinist Globe Iron Works, r. 1112 Franklin. Patterson, George S., laborer, r. 1703 Orleans. ^ Patterson, Miss Ida M., r. 518 Concert. Patterson, Miss Isabelle, r. 1112 Franklin. Patterson, James, r. 1112 Franklin. Patterson, James, baker 412 north 12th, r. 410 north 12th. ^ Patterson, James, painter, r. 1817 Reid. Patterson, John A., carpenter St. L. K, & N. W. R'y, r. i; 518 Concert. Patterson, John L., section hand St. L. K. & N. W. R'y, r. 1620 Park. Patterson, Lemuel H., teamster, r. 1620 Park. Patterson, Miss Mabel, r. 518 Concert. Patterson, Mrs. Mary C., r. nw. corner 18th and Carroll. Patterson, Sabert T., (Patterson Bros.,)r. 7th and Timea. Patterson, Miss Tenie, r. 1112 Franklin. Patterson, Thomas B., (Patterson Bros.,)r. 7th and Timea. Patterson, William A.»(Patterson Bros.,)bds. 7th and Timea Patterson, William B., laborer Oakland Cemetery, r. nw. corner 18th and Carroll. Patterson, William C., r. 1703 Orleans. Patterson, William D., lawyer 14 north 5th, r. 518 Concert. Paul, Allen T., book-keeper Taber & Co., r. 618 Morgan. Paul, Miss Annie W., r. 618 Morgan. Paul, James B., (Taber & Co.,) r. 618 Morgan. Paul, Thomas S., foreman Taber & Co., r. 624 Morgan. Paustian, Miss Margaret, r. 23d and Orleans. Pawson, Miss Jennie, r. lOj^ Main. Pawson. Thomas, laborer, r. 10^ Main.. Mens' Furnlsliing Goods McGRATH BROS, Waters Rees' keokuk city directory. 195 Pawson, William, Jr., laborer, r. 10^ Main. Pawson, William, Sr., r. 10^ Main. Payne, Miss Benjie O., r. 318 north 4th. Payne, Miss Dora, domestic 715 Morgan. Payne, Dr. Philander D., office 18 south 7th, r.818 n. 4th. Pearce, Miss Amanda, r. 618 Bank. Pearce, Miss Ella, teacher, r. 618 Bank. Pearce, Miss Isabella, book-keeper, r. 618 Bank. Pearce, Miss Lizzie, paper ruler, r. 618 Bank. Pearce, Mrs. Matilda, r. 618 Bank. Pechstein, Mrs. Catherine, r. 1322 Blondeau. Pechstein, George, agent Lemp's St. Louis beer, r. 1322 Blondeau. Pechstein, Henry, (Pechstein & Nagel,) r. 1417 Blondeau. Pschstein, Miss Lizzie, r. 322 Blondeau. 0 ^ Pechstein & Nagel, (Henry Pechstein and John Nagel,) Keokuk Brewery, 13 north 14th. P'® Peirce's Business College, Chandler H. Peirce, proprietor, corner 6th and Blondeau. ^0 Peirce, Chandler H., (Peirce's Business College,) r. 510 north 5th. Wq Pelgen, Benedick, candy maker Keokuk Cracker & Candy Co., r. 418 north 14th. 22 Pelgen, John, railroad roadmaster, r. 418 north 14th. 2 o Pelgen, Leonard, cooper F. Hilpert, r. 916 Concert. 2® Pelgen, Louis, cooper F. Hilpert, r. 916 Concert. o Pegen, Louis, laddie maker, r. 418 north 14th. 7^*^ Pelgen, Miss Mary, r. 916 Concert. Pelgen Miss Meno, r, 418 north 14th. Pelgen, Miss Mollie, r. 418 north 14th. Pelgen, Phillip, cooper, r. 418 north 14th. * Pemberton, Simon, brick maker Spaan's brick yard, r. 2015 0 Exchange. C Pence, William F., cashier K. & W. R'y freight line, r. 819 Q Franklin. ® Penix, Mrs Sarah N., r. 121 north 5th. is? Pennington, Mrs. E. Y., dressmaker 28 n. 4th, r. same. ^ « Pennington, Josiah, janitor G. A. R. Hall, r. 28}4 n. 4th. Pennington, Miss,Lizzie S., r. 28 north 4th. ^ KNABE PIANOS ' PRICE BROS Cor. 6th and Main Sts. cc .2 196 REES' KEOKUK CITY DIRECTORY. ^ j¿ ~~ " ' Peoples, James, contractor, bds. Globe Hotel. M jH Perdew, Miss Ida, r. 719 Morg^an. g Perdew, John H., bill elk. Irwin-Phillips Co.,r. 1422 Fulton. «S Ö Perdew, Mrs. Maria, r. 1422 Fulton. K o Perdew, William, printer Constitution-Democrat, r. 719 r >-3 S« Morgan. s ^ Perdue, Charles W., r. 208 south 6th. cö Perkins, Charles, machinist Globe Iron Works,r. 526 s. 5th. c Perkins, Miss Grace, r. 628 Franklin. -2 Perkins, Harry, driver Miller's feed store, r. 1325 Morgan. ^ Ú Perkins, Mrs. John T., r. 628 Franklin. Si Q Perkins, W'illiam J., undertaker 23 s. 3d, r. 800 ^ High. ^ W. a. PERKINS, "UNDERTAKER. • ^ 23 So-atiL Tliird. Street, O Or'EXT -A-3>TID XTX<3-IiT. ^ A Alway preptred to do everything in his line in first-class style and at 111 reasonable rates. Telephone No 57. 0^ Perrigo, Miss Clara, wks. Keokuk Pickle Co., r. 603 s. 13th. Perrigo, Miss Ella, wks. Keokuk Pickle Co., r. 603 s. 13th. Perrigo, George L., carpenter, bds. 603 south 13th. Psrrigo, William H., carpenter, r. 603 south 13th. Perry, Charles L.,wks. street railway Co., r. 408 Blondeau. ^ Perry, Charles, wks. street railway Co , r. 112 south 9th. Perry, Mrs. Martha, r. 16th between Ridge and Cedar. Perry, Miss Minnie, domestic 1528 Concert. Peter, Joseph, r. 1403 Morgan. Peterson, Albert, wiper St. L.K. & N. W.R'y.bds. 427 s. 9th Peterson, Andrew, laborer St. L. K. & N. R'y, r. 1008 ^1^ Des Moines. Peterson, August, car repairer St. L. K. & N. W. R'y, r. . 217 9th.'' Peterson. August G., r. 1023 Timea. Peterson, Miss Augusta, r. 1010 Des Moines. Peterson, Bengt A., blacksmith St. L. K. & N. W. R'y, r. 1713 Franklin. (D Wilkinson & s IMOIipC In the Hambden Bue! Insurance Agency, 24 N. 5th St. 1110 U n L ill Losses paid promptly. Only leading Kos. Represeijted. REES' KEOKUK CITY DIRECTORY. 197 Peterson, Benjamin M., laborer, r. 1418 Fulton. Peterson, Bernard, carpenter W. H. Nichols, r, 1413 Franklin. Peterson, Charles F., lab. Taber & Co.,r. 1Q13}4 Johnson. ■ Peterson, Christian M., carpenter St. L. K. & N. W. R'y, corner 3d and Ridg^e. o ^ Peterson, Miss Christina, r. 1117 Franklin. Peterson, Edward C., porter Shoe Factor}', r. 1023 Timea. u. Peterson, Eric ]., car repairer St. L. K. & N. \V. R'y, r.'PJ 19 north 3d. íA Peterson, Erance A., lab. Taber & Co., r. 1613J^ Johnson. Peterson, Mrs. Gertrude, r. 1927 Blondeau. Peterson, Henrietta, r. corner" 20th and Blondeau. Peterson, Miss Hilda, domestic 1128 Main, 2d floor. Peterson, John, stone mason, bds. 20th and H igh. O Peterson, John, carpenter, r. 1023 Timea. Peterson, John P., works Irwin-Phillips Co., r. 21st and Orleans. Peterson, John W., traveling salesman Carter & Moody, ^ r. 1023 Timea. 5 Peterson, Miss Josephine, domestic 213 Concert. S Peterson, Leonard A., tailor W. F. Foote, r. 202 Bank. g Peterson, Levine, car repairer St. L. K. & N. W. R'y, r. 1513 Morgan. ^ Peterson, Neis, works S. P. Pond & Co., r. 1513 Morgan. ^ g Peterson, Oscar F., traveling salesman Carter & Moody, r. 1023 Timea. Peterson, Otto, stone mason, r. 20th and High. . — Peterson, Peter, gardener, r. 21st and Orleans. | 5 Peterson, Swan, laborer, r. 1422 Orleans. ? S Peterson, Swan, car repairer C. B. & Q. R'y, r. 420 n. 9th. Peterson, Swan, carpenter St. L. K. & N. W. R'y, r. Reid ^ ^ between 8th and 9th. t/3 ^ Peterson, Tilda, works Shoe Factory, r. 730 north 13th. ^ ^ Petrie, Mrs. Delia, r. 1912 Franklin. E-"™ Petry, Andrew, moulder Keokuk Stove Works, r. 1310 ' ^ Johnson. z Pfaffe Bros., (Otto and Charles,) butchers 816 Main. " Piaffe, Charles, (Pfaffe Bros.,) r. 816 Main. ^ ^9 Fp11A(J(Í RrnthpPQ Livery, Feed and Sale Stables. J\C11U55 DlUlUClö, Excursion and Moving Cars. 120 S. 3d St. . T. D. MACKEY Extracting Teetli ^ 198 REES' KEOKUK CITY DIRECTORY. . ^ iJ Pfaffe, Miss Clara, r. 814 Main. ^ Pfaffe, Emil, saloon 8520 Main, r. same. Pfaffe, Otto, (Pfaffe Bros.,) r. 816 Main. ■^Pfau, Miss Kate, domestic, r. Messengerville. Pflug Bros., (Gus and Ernest,) billiard hall 529 Main. Q Pflug. Charles, tailor, wies. J. F. Franek,r. 1619 Exchange. Pflug, Ernest, (Pflug Bros.,) r. 1613 Exchange. Pflug, Edward, cigar mnfr. 1022 Main, r. 1022 Main. W EID- EEX-iXJO-, Manufacturer and Dealer in GIGARS, Chewing and Smoking Tobacco, Snuff, Pipes, etc, 10S22 aX/dTaiaa. Street, Pflug, Gustav, (Pflug Bros.,) r. 1613 Exchange. ^ Pflug, Miss Henrietta, box maker Wm. Schweer, r. 1613^ O Exchange. O Pflug, Miss Johannah, r. 1613 Exchange. ^ Pflug, John, tinner Jacob Seither, r. 1615 Exchange. Pflup-. Mrs. Kate, r. 1613 Exchange. Phelan, Mrs. Elizabeth, r. 911 Franklin. Phelan, Miss Elizabeth, works Shoe Factory, r. 1516 Reid. Phelan, Larry, laborer, r. 1516 Reid. ^ Phelan, Miss Mary, r. 1516 Reid. f— Phelan, Robert, saloon keeper 23 south 4th, r. same. Phelps, John, laborer, bds. 1013 Orleans. Phelps, Mrs. Rose, r. 1227 Concert. Philips, Theodore J., piano tuner 621 Main, r. 418 n. 7th.. 'S ^ Phillips, Andrew J., works Keppel-Dick Provision Co., r. o c 420 Johnson. ^ ^ Phillips, Miss Annie, wks.Keokuk Pickle Co ,r.420 Johnson. .2 Phillips, Charles W., horseman, r. Phillips House, o ^ Phillips, Clark, works Shoe Factory, bds. Hotel Windsor. Ä > Phillips, Cyrus E., vice-president Irwin-Phillips Co., r. 226' High. 'S ^ Phillips, Mrs. Deborah, propr. Phillips House, 801 Main. S g- Phillips, Frank R., moulder Keokuk Stove Works, r. 1001 c ¿ Palean. H JACOB RENWALD Groceries, Provisions, Hardware,. , TIN AND QUEENSWARE, and GARDEN IMPLEMENTS. J X300 2vrner=4iiœéhrand Meti» St9, -í- •» ' ' ' ' , . . I I W 200 REES' KEOKUK CITY DIRECTORY. C o M Polser, Mrs. Araminta, r. 420 south 15th. Polser, Miss Malvina, r. 1319 Des Moines. ^ § Pond, Miss Ada R,, r. 715 Grand Avenue. |> a Pond, Charles S., (S. P. Pond & Co.,) r. 325 Morgan. Pond, Miss Grace L., r. 715 Grand Avenue. O ^ Pond, S. P. & Co,, (Sanford S., Charles S., and Thomas 3 s H.,) 810-812 Main. ¿ ^ Pond, Sanford P., (S. P. Pond & Co.,) r. 715 Grand Ave. "a Pond, Thomas H., (S. P. Pond & Co.,) r. 715 Grand Ave. ^ > Poole, Charles, pressman Gate City, r. 404 north 5th. ^ Poole, Mrs. Emma P., r. 404 north 5th. 0 s- Porter, Miss Hattie, waitress Windsor Hotel, bds. same. = Powell, Mrs. Malinda A., r. 622 Des Moines. ^ ß Powelson, Anderson, works C. B. & Q. R'y, bds. Young O America Hotel. Power, Rev. George N., Presiding Elder Keokuk District, r. 206 High. Power. John H., farmer, r. 206 High. Powers, Charles, works S. C. & S. Carter, r. 1609 Timea. Powers, Clarence L., barber Chris. Biddenstadt, r. 418 Blondeau. Powers, Edward A., laborer, r. 1609 Johnson. Powers, Mrs. Jane, r. 1609 Timea. Powers, John, lab. Evans & Sheppard, r. 1609 Johnson. Powers, John J., r. 628 Palean. Powers, John T., teacher St. Peter's school, r. 628 Palean. Powers, Mrs. Mary, tailoress, r. 1101 Fulton. Poivers, Walter, cigar maker John Leezer, r. 1103 Morgan. Praeger, Harry J., machinist St. L. K. & N. W. R'y, bds. Globe Hotel. Praeger, William E., book-keeper Kellogg, Birge & Co., r. 3 Park Place. Prasse, Edward, works Shoe Factory, r. Exchange be¬ tween 15th and 16th. Prasse, Gustave, stove mounter Jacob Seither, r. Exchange between 15th and 16th. Prasse, Mrs. Margaret, r. 1605 Johnson, up stairs. Pratt, Henry K., book-keeper Keokuk State Bank, bds. 116 Concert. CO «8 >- UJ cn <0 Wilkinson & Co. Ster'cSSdLt'Perfnmeiy WYMAN-RâND CARPET CO.. 609 and 611 Main St. m m 0) REEs' KEOKUK CITY DIRECTORY. 201 Pratt, Henry W., car accountant St. L. K. & N. W, Ry Co., r. 417 High. Presbyterian Church, (Westminster,) Rev. J. B. Worrall, pastor, corner 7th and Blondeau. ■ Presbyterian Church, (United,) Rev. William C. William-^« son, pastor, corner 9th and Blondeau. Prescott,'William, proprietor St. Claire Hotel, r. same. Prescott, William, bds. 12 north 1st. Price Bros., (Charles A. and Frank H.,) painters and paper hangers, 529 Main. (See adv. top hnes.) Price, Charles A., (Price Bros.,) r. 913 Concert. Ptice, Clarence, works street railway Co., r. 408 Blondeau. Price, Mrs. E , boarding House 408 Blondeau. _ Price, Frank H., (Price Bros.,) r. 915 Concert. Qq Price, Harry, cashier and ticket agent C. R. I. & P. R'y, r.i 1203 Fulton. Price, Miss Lizzie F., operator Central Union Telephone^ y Co., r. 120.3 Fulton. Price, Miss Mabel, violin music teacher, r. 1203 Fulton. Í1 Price, Thomas F., painter Price Bros., r. 913 Concert. , Price, Thomas G., moulder Keokuk Stove Works, r. 502 north 13th. ^ ® Price, William M.. sign painter Price Bros., r. 913 Concert. 5" ^ Pringle, William F., foreman Gate City, r. 27 north 12th. ^ Proctor, Fmanuel, laborer, r. 1407 Blondeau. ? Pfoudly, George R., pressman Constitution-Democrat, r. » ^ 323 south 2d. —(jç Proudley, George W., r. 323 south 2d. Proudly, Harry W., feeder R.' B. Ogden, r. 323 south 2d. 5 ^ Proiixdly, Raymond, pressman Constitution-Democrat, r. ^ ^ 323 south 2d. ^ Proudly, Ward, feeder Gate City, r. 323 south 2d. ^ 5' 05 Prouty, James D., lumber sorter Taber & Co., r. 524 B. to Puder, Frank S., trimmer Coey & Co., r. 1208 Park. W Puder, John S.', laborer Coey & Co., r. 728 C. Purdey, Edmund, carpenter, r. 1118 Blondeau. Purviance, Alfred J., machinist, r. 823 north 14th. ^ ^ Purviance, Miss Caroline F., r. 823 north 14th. S Purviance, Miss Clara V., r. 823 north 14th. H. Strlckler, The "Popular." sr -5 T. D. MACKEY, Snrgeon Dentist 202 REEs' KEOKUK CITY DIRECTORY, S ^ Purviance, Miss May D., r. 823 «orth 14th. ^ Pyles, Barney, teamster, r. 1426 Bank. « Pyles, Leonard T.. traveling -SSilesman Huiskamp Bros, g »J Co., r. 1319 Des Moines. te . ^ QuICKSELL, Alonzo, works Keokuk Bag Co., r. 724 è i<î Palean. ^C/> Quicksell, James W., painter, r. 724 Palean. ^ ÇC Quinn, Frank, baker, r. 1206 Timea. a Quinn, John, laborer Coey & Co., r. 603 Carroll. ^ S Quinn, Miss Mary, music teacher Kimble Co., r. 1206 ^ ^ Timea. ^ - Quinn, Miss Mary A., r. 603 Carroll. Ä Quinn, Owen, laborer, r. 724 Morgan. Quinn, Timothy, laborer Coey & Co., bds. Central House. K lABER, Benedict,cooper 1408 Franklin,r. 1402 Franklin. Räber, Benedict, Jr., clerk M Younker, r. 1402 Franklin. Räber, John C., blacksmith C. R. I. & P. R'y. r- 1329 Franklin. Räber, William, cooper 1408 Franklin, r. 1402 Franklin. R.S1CÍ110, Louis F., wholesale saddlery 312 Main, r, 527 north 6th. Radasch, Charles E., bill elk. Huiskamp Bros. Co., r. 1109 Blondeau. Radasch, Edward J., clerk Weil & Co., r. 1109 Blondeau. Radasch, Ephriam, r. 1109 Blondeau. Radasch, George E., cigar mnfr. 505 Main, r.. 1106 Main. Radasch, Henry, r. 1109 Blondeau. Radasch, Miss Johanna M. A., r. 1109 Blondeau. Rafferty, Andrew, laborer, r. 426 A. Rahn, Miss Ada, domestic 306 north 7th. Railsback, Frank, stenographer K. & W. R'y Co., r. 927 High. Rains, John B., laborer street railway Co., r. Carroll, bet 5th and 6th. Ralston, Harry H.. elk. Wyman-Rand, r. 713 High. HATS AND CAPS Mens' Famishing Goods McCRATH BROS., Waters REES' KEOKUK CITY DIRECTORY. 20S Ralston, William W., merchant's police, r. 713 High. Ramsdale, Samuel J., glazier S. C. & S. Carter, r. 906 Palean. . Rand, George D., president Cyclodial Engine and Pump Co., r. 1008 Bank. Rcind Park., between Orleans and Grand Avenue and 14th and l7th. Rarid Park Hennery, Robert Dalzell, proprietor 15th and Seymour. Randolph, John, carpenter St. L. K. & N. W. R'y, r. 1614 Palean. Randolph, Mrs. Martha, bds. 217 north 7th. Randolph, Miss Sarah A., r. 1614 Palean. Rankin, Albert T., works Hubinger's starch factory, r. 827 ^ north 14th. q O Rankin, Miss Camilla, r. 425 Timea. ^ Rankin, Henry, (Rankin's brick yard,) r. 1317 pT® Blondeau ® ^ Rankin, Herman S., clerks Huiskamp Bros. Co., r. 1317 Blondeau. ^fí Rankin, John, brick maker, r. 1623 Morgan. Rankin, John W., salesman Irwin-Phillips Co., r. 116 n. 3d. Rankin, Miss Jessie M., r. 827 north 14th. O O Rankin, Miss/Lida, dressmaker, r. 425 Timea. S5' Rankin, Miss Lizzie W., r. 1317 Blondeau. 5® Rankin, Luther C., machine hand J. G. Henderson & Co., q r. 525 Timea. Rankin, Mrs. Sarah D. T., bds. 227 High. Ranson, Robert S., (Warwick & Ranson,) r. 525 n. 6th. Rapp, Casper F., machinist C. R. 1. & P. R'y, r. 415 s. 2d. Rapp, Maggie, works Shoe Factory, r. 415 south 2d. • ^ Rasbridge, Joseph, engineer St. L. K. & N. W. R'y, r. o 517 Palean. í Ray, Mrs. Ella, seamstress, r. 1012 Fulton. ® Ray, Wiley, boarding stable, 307 Morgan. ^ Rea, David, office boy Coey & Co., r. 1122 Williams. ^ ^ Rea, James, laborer Coey & Co., r. 1122 Williams. ^ ® Rea, Matthew, laborer Coey & Co., r. 725 F. Read, Edward W., carpenter, r. 612 Main. CK ^ KNABE PIANOS ' ddioc dono painting and paper hanging? I lllUll DnUü> Cor. 6th and Main Sts. 204 REES KEOKUK CITY DIRECTORY. ^-P. Real, John F., foreman press room Gate City, r. 1409 Des PQ Real, ,M,ichael,> moulder Keokuk Stove Works, r. 1409^ O' Des Moines. 1 § fi . Moines. i > t 05Real, Owen, policeman, r. 1409 Des Moines, 2 Real. Patrick, laborer, r, 1409 Des Moines, s Rearden, Miss Maggie, r. 508 south 8th. ^ d Reddie, 1 honias, traveling salesman Huiskamp Bros. Co.,. ® r. 400 north 5th. S 4-^ , • Reddy, Miss Bridget, works Keokuk Canning Co., r. sw. Ä Ú corner 8th and Ridge. f= o E Q Reddy, Edward, laborer, bds. se. corner 8th and Ridge. Reddy, Miss Ellen, works Shoe Factory, r. sw. corner Stb and Ridge. ^ Reddy, James, laborer, sw. corner 8th and Ridge. Reddy, Miss Mary, works Keokuk Pickle Co«, r. sw. cor- ner 8th and Ridge. O Reddy, Patrick, laborer St. L. K. & N. W. R'y, r. corner 8th and Ridge. Reed, Mrs. Mary A., r. 1110 Leighton. ^ Reed, Oliver W., tailor, r. 212 noith 6th. On Reed, Reuben, laborer, r. 1709 Exchange. Reed, Rufus C. 212 north 6th. Rees, Miss Jessie D., milliner Mrs. Hill, r. 1029 Blondeau. Rees, Robert, (Wm. Rees & Co.,) r. 1029 Blondeau. Rees, "William & Co., (William and Robert,) printers and paper dealers, 21-23 south 5th. (See adv. side lines. Rees, William, (Wm. Rees and Co ,) r, 522 north 3d. Reeves, Phillip, janitor Concert street school, r. 210 n. 8th Reeves, Westley, cook, r. 210 north 8th. Rerchman,Henry F.,cigar maker John Leezer.r.lOOl Main. Reid, Col. James M., Attorney and U. S. Pension Agent, ofifice north 5th, r. 1209 Blondeau, ' ■ Reid. Miss Nellie, domestic, r. 415 High. Lad Reid, Miss Efetell,A., stenographer Ayres Bros.,r.4l8n.4thi Reid, William G., salesman Ed. Jones, r. 726 Concert. ■ Reillev, Joseph A , conductor St. L. K. & N. W. R'y, r: (fí 216 Blondeau. ' Wilkinson & tí tí IM Ol IDC In the Hambden Bue! Insurance âgency, 24 N. 5th St. 11 rODxtC AU Losses paid promptly. Ooly leading Kos. Represaoted. Rees' keokuk city directory. 205 Reilley, Miss Mary, milliner Frankel, Frank & Co., r. 216 Blondeau. l^eimbold, "W^m., Cigar Manufacturer 12 s. 3d. r. 619 Bank, (See adv. page /^.) ■ Reimbold, Wm. H., cigar maker Wm. Reimbold, r. 619 ^^4 Bank. Reimers, Benedict, r. cor. .20th and Franklin. hrt Reimers, George, (Reimer& Stollt,)r. 1128 Main upstairs. Reimers, Joseph, clerk Reimers & Stollt, r. 1623 Palean, pj Reimers & Stollt, (George Reimers and John Stollt,) Grocers, 1128 Main. Rein, Henry, dairyman r. 529 E. Reiner Bros., (George L. and William J.) Grocers 1126 Main. Reiner, Mrs. Catherine, r. 1126 Main second floor. O Reiner, George L., (Reiner Bros.,) r. 1301 Concert. Reiner, Harry C., book-keeper Reiner Bros., r. 1126 Main. Reiner, Lawrence R., (Vice Pres. Buck-Reiner Co.,) r, 904 Timea. ^ Reiner, Miss Nellie, r. 1126 Main second floor. 22 Reiner, William J.,(Reiner Bros.)r.ll26 Main second floor. S Reinhart, Frank, r, 1419 Blondeau. gg Reinhart, George, Jeweler, 720 Main r. 1419 Biondeau. Reinhart,Miss Maria C.,elk. Jacob Ludwig r.l419 Blondeau. ™ Reiordan, Daniel, laborer C. R. I. & P, R'y, r. 520 A. p S Reit, Charles, cigar maker Jno. Leezer, r. 12th and Fulton. Rempe, Louis, traveling salesman John Leezer, r. 729 w g Concert. 02^ Renaldo, Nelson E., Shoemaker 1105^ Main r. same. | g Renaud. George, works gas house, r. 222 Bank. Renaud, Mrs. Julia, r. 1519 Johnson. Renaud, Emile, watchmaker Jules Renaud, r. 103 High. Renaud, George I., collector Keokuk Gas Light & Coke Co., r. 601 Franklin. - ^ Renaud, Jules, Jeweler 621 Main, r. 103 High. S." Renaud, Miss Mtiry A., r. 601 Franklin. ' ^ Renaud, Mrs. Pelagie, r. 601 Franklin. sE Renfro, Absalom, engineer Buckeye Foundry, r. 12 n. 9th. Renner, George, fireman Gas Works, r. 1601 Bank. in ir^llAtftf RrntharQ Blvery, Feed and Sale Stables* JiDllUgg DlUlllClo, Excursion and Moving Cars. 120 S. 3d St. T. D. HACKEY, Extracting Teeth ^ ^ 206 REES' KEOKUK CITY DIRECTORY. ^ Exchange. "«1 Reno, Mrs. Annie, domestic, r. Exchange bet. 3d and 4th. ^ Renwald, George W., clk. Jacob Renwald, r. 1300 Main. -^Renwaldl Jacob, Groceries and Hardware 130O Main, r. same, {^See adv. bottom pa^e?) O Renwald, John H., porter Buck-Reiner Go. r. 1300 Main. ■ »— Renwald, Miss M. Louise, r. 1300 Main. 0- Renwald, Miss May, prop. Clifton House, r. 1023 Main. Repp, Casper, machinist C. R. I. & P. R'y, r. 415 s. 2d. ^>Repps, Charlys, fireman C. R. I. & P. R'y. 622 Fulton. Repps, Miss Etta, teacher Concert street school r. 622 Fulton. ^ Repps, Mrs. Helen, r. 622 Fulton. Repps, Miss Julia, r. 622 Fulton. Ressler, Miss Jessie, r. 200 Bank. Ressler, Mrs. Mary A., r. 200 Bank. Rettenmayer, Lewis A., operator K. & W. R'y, r. corner O 4th and Blondeau. O Rettinger, Martin, cigar maker, r. 1508 Exchange. O Reuben, Sipo, laborer, r. 1619 Timea. (T- Revnders. Edward J., student with Dr. Armentrout r. CQ 504>^ High. Reynolds, Charles A. wks. S. P.Pond & Co. r.900 Johnson. Reynolds, Fred H. clerk St. L. K. & N. W. R'y,r.418 n.4th. ^ Reynolds, John, foreman Rickards Fence Factory, r. 1114 f Johnson. Reynolds, Miss Mary seamstress, 504 north 5th. Reynolds, Richard C., barber, r. 411 north 10th. Reynolds, Robt. J., wks S. P. Pond, r. 1712 Orleans, s Reynolds, Silas A., watchman Irwin-Phillips & Co., r. c c 1519 Fulton. ^ Reynolds, William L., printer Constitution-Democrat, r. -g .J 1519 Fulton. i Ï Rhoads, Thomas E., carpenter, r. 211 Johnson. « ^ Rhodes, Mrs. Jemica, r. 226 north 15th. ^ «S Rhode, Miss Mamie, domestic, r. 528 Morgan. 'S ^ Rhodes William, laborer, r. 313 south 4th. « & Ribyn, George, works M. Ribyn, r. 1418 Main. Ç ¿ Ribyn, Mathias Jr., engineer C. R. I. &. P. R'y.r. 1418 Main. Groceries. Provisions, Hardware, JACOB RENWALD, TIN AND QUEENSWARE, and GARDEN IMPLEMENTS. a.300 ST. McGRATH BROS. Perfnmery REES' KEOKUK CITY DIRECTORY. 207 C» Ribyn, IVIathias Sr., Machinist Brass Foundry 529 Johnson, r. 1418 Main. (^See adv. pa^e ^ Rice, Charles A., painter Carson & Rand Lumber Co., r. 1210 William. Rice, Frederick W., laborer Taber & Co., r. 327 s. 4th. Rice, Thomas J., machinist Globe Iron Works r.7l8 Timea. Richard, Henry, laborer Taber 8i Co., Cedar bet. 13th and 14th. Richards, Joseph, Machine Hand Planing Mill Carson & Rand Lumber Co., r. 1518 Carroll. s Richards, Mrs. Julia, r. 411 A. ^ Richards, Miss Nellie, r. 817 High. PÖ Richardson, Willard W., moulder, r. 1602 Carroll. Richmond, Loring J.,stove mounter Keokuk Stove Works ^ r. 1618 Ridge. ^ Rickabaugh, George W. conductor C. R. I. & P. R'v, r. 721 Bank. ' Rickard, Conrad P., laborer Coey & Co., r. Reid's Add. 5" 3 Rickard, Frank, lab. C. R. I. & P. R'y, r. 511 Exchange. ^ ^ Rickard, Mrs. Lizzie, r. 511 Exchange. ^ o Rickards, Everingham, (Rickards & Sons,) r. 604 Morgan. ^ Rickards Fence Co., (Garret V. S., Vincent F. and Ever- cd g, ingham,) between Front and 1st on Johnson. S" ^ Rickards, Garret V. S.,(Rickards & Sons,) r. 604 Morgan. ^ Rickards Thomas Frank, Variety store 408 Main, r. 1220 1-0 g. High. 2.0^ Rickards Vincent F., (Rickards & Sons,) r. 604 Morgan, Ricker, Conrad T., r. Rees' Addition. ^ g. Ricker, Miss Lizzie, domestic, r. 226 Fulton. ro Ricker, Miss Maggie, r. 1217 Bank. Äp Ricker, Miss Sophia, works Shoe Factory, r. 1217 Bank, Ricker, Miss Susie, works Shoe Factory, r. 1217 Bank. S- S Rickey, Miss Katie W., r. 625 Franklin. ^ ^ Rider, Miss_Mary A., domestic 715 Grand Avenue. Rider, Miss .Susie, domestic 714 Bank. W— Riddle, Albert ^I., mngr. C^ nsolidated Tank Line Co., r. m 212 High. ' Ï. ? Ridle)', Mrs. Kate, r. 1425 IMorgan. X ^ Ridout, George, works Taber & Co., r. 518 Morgan. ^ Fashionable, Reasonable, Seasonable, Perfect Fitting, Wear Resisting Footwear, at the Red Shoe House. ' PRÎTiF 1 olesîile Wjill Piiper House, * LUlV/U.j Corner Sixth and Main Sts. ^ ÍÍ08 RKES' KEOKUK CITY DIRECTORY. O y; Rident, Miss Géorgie, r. 518 Morgan. Rief, Mrs. Elizabeth, r. 16th bet. Ridge and Cedar. ^ = Riffley, Charles F., State oil inspector, r. 1304 Fulton. > = Riga's, George P., sawyer Keokuk Planing Mill Co., r. ^ -r 624 south 9th. Ü ^ Rigney, James M., stove mounter Keokuk Stove Works, 3= ' r. 1518 Ridge. Z Riley, John, fireman lower lock, r. 328 Timea. c Riley, John W., cooper, r. 1111 Park. ^ ^ Riley, Miss Nellie, r. 328 south 1st. ^ Riley, Thomas P., conductor C. R. I. & P. R'y, r. 815 0 s- Exchange. {3^ = Riley, William ,A., cooper L. A. Pox, r. 1111 Park. ^ ^ Ringland, Miss Anna M., r. 129 north 7th. O Ringland, Mrs. Jane B , r. 129 north 7th. Ringstrom, Miss Jennie, r. 1509 Blondeau. Ringstrom, John, finisher Eckerson & Ringstrom, r. 1509 Blondeau. Ringstrom, Harvey, (Eckerson & Ringstrom,) r. 1509 Blondeau. Riordan, Miss Maggie, seamstress Miss Mary Grady, r. 520' A. Riordan, Miss Mary, r. 520 A. Riordan, Miss Nellie, works Shoe Factory, r. 520 A. Ritter, George, barber Wm. Jones, bds. 1009 High. Rivers, Miss Carrie, r. 20 north 9th. Rix, George, capitalist, r. 609 Orleans. Roach, Edward, r 400 A. Roach, Thomas, laborer Coey & Co., r. 1430 Estes. Roan, Daniel, lab. r. Canal road south Tin Can Factory. O Rom, James, watchman lower lock, r. Canal road south Tin Can Factory. Roan, John P., fireman }. C. Hubinger, r. Canal road south ! Tin Can Factory, Roan, Michael, lab , r. Canal road south Tin Can Factory. I Roan, Mrs. Nora, r. Canal ixjad south Tin Can Factory, i" Roawn, Michael, laborer, r. bet. 8th and 9th, 3d street rd. Robb, William W., car repairer St. L. K. & N. W. R'y, ; r. 401 Timea. Wilkinson & Co. Períumeiy CO «8 >- LU _l Cd WYMAN-RAND CARPET CO., ßOi) and 611 Main St. m REES* KEOKUK CITY DIRECTORY. 209 Robbins, Charles C., (Schlotter & Robbins,) r. 1015 Main. Robbins, James H., works A. F. Stroble, r. 1528 Concert. Robbins, William, laborer, r. 1528 Timea. Roberts, Joseph R., traveling advertiser J. C. Hubinger, r. 517 Blondeau. Roberts, James R., engineer St. L. K. & N. W. R'y, r. 824 south 11th. 1^ Roberts, James W., printer, r. 816 Orleans. I I Roberts, Edward E., laborer Carson & Rand Lumber Co., r. 1216 Williams. Roberts, Miss Lulu J., r. 517 Blondeau. Roberts, Solomon H., car inspector K. & W. R'y, r. 517 ^ Blondeau. Roberts, William J., lawyer Davis building, r. 819 north 11th. Robertson, Allen, works S. Klein & Son, r. 207 north 7th. Robertson, Mrs. Elizabeth, dressmaker, r. 816 Morgan. ^ ^ Robertson, Fredrick H., porter C. B. & Q. Depot, r. 2130 Exchange. Robertson, Fred. D., mail clerk St. L. K & N. W. R'y, " bds. 905 High. B Robertson, George, r. 2200 Timea. 2' < Robertson, George, baggageman C. R. 1. & R. R'y, bds. ® Globe Hotei. ® ^ Robertson, Gilbert, steamboat cook, r. 221 north 10th. a c- Robertson, Hugh, (Collier, Robertson & Hambleton,) r. 328 north 2d. ^ Robertson, J. Ross, civil engineer St. L. K. & N. W. R'y, g" ^ r. 212 south 9th. ^ Robertson, Mrs. Lydia E.. r. 221 north 10th. a ^ Robertson, Miss Maggie, r. 2200 Timea. ^ a* Robertson, Miss Mollie, r. 2200 Timea. » Robertson, Robert S., clerk St. L. K. & N. W., r. 2200 ^ Timea. Robertsorf Tea Store, (Mrs. Clara Ruddick and William S. Robertson,) 327 Main. ^ Robertson, William S., (Robertson Tea Co ,) r. 328 n, 2d. S ^ Robins, Mrs. Mahalie, r. Concert between 17th and 18th. " 2. H. Strlckler, »lüiSIr- The "Popular." T. D. MACKEY, SüFgeon Dentist ». 210 REES KEOKUK CITY bIRECTORY. c Robinson, Andrew J., cooper F. Hilpert, r. 7th between ^ _ Blondeau and Concert. hÍ] Robinson, Anna, cook Mrs. E. Mayer, r. 321 south 4th. « »J Robinson, Georue B., switchman C. R. I. & P. R'v, r. S ^ 1321 Hicrh. ^ hA Robinson, Miss Hannah, r. 1325 Morsj^an. |> Robinson, Harry M., r. 1321 Hi^h. t Rosser, Josian, pattern maker St. L. K. & N. W. R'y,r> Ä 126 north 7th. £ Q Rosser, William J., clerk general ofifice St. L. K. & N. ^ W. R'y, r. 126 north 7ih. ¿ Rost, Peter, painter St. L. K. & N. W. R'y, bds. Elks. ^ restaurant. Roster, Isaac, r 1015 Des Moines. Roster, Mrs. Hattie, r. 1015 Des Moines. Rotchford. Anthony, r. 625 south 5th. _ Rotchford, B., grocery 500 Palean, r. same. Ijj Rotchford, James, Sr., laborer, r. sw. cor. 4th and Carroll. ^ Rotchford, James, Jr., laborer, r. sw. cor. 4th and Carroll.. On Rotchford, John, clerk B. Rotchford, r. 500 Palean. Rotchford, Miss Lizzie, r. sw. corner 4th and Carroll. Rotchford, Martin, grocery 619 south 5th, r. same. Rotchford, Michael H., clerk B. Rotchford, r. 500 Palean. Rotchford, Miss Sarah J., works Keokuk Pickle Co., r. ^ sw. corner 4th and Carroll. Rotchford, William, r. 500 Palean. Rotchford, Thomas, r. 4th and Carroll. Roth, Miss Carrie, r. 1716 Johnson. Roth, George, shipping elk. Wilkinson & Co.,r. 300 n. 11th. Roth, Miss Katie, r. 1716 Johnson. ^1^ Roth, Lewis, porter Keokuk Cracker & Candy Co., r. 1716 Johnson. ■ Roth, Miss Louise, r. 1716 Johnson, Roth, William, laborer, r. 1716 Johnson. Rothenstein, Miss Annie, domestic 205 north 2d. ■ Rouse, Mrs. C,, r, 718 High. (A Rouse, Celia, wks, Wyman-Rand Carpet Co,, r. 718 High. IM o 11 p C In the Hambden Buel Insurance Agency, 24 N. 5th St. 1110 U n L All Losses paid promptly. Oply leading 60s. Represented, REES' KEOKUK CITY DIRECTORY. 213 fiÇ Rouse, Miss Maud, r. 718 High. Rouse, Miss Katie, r. 718 High. Royane, John W., grocer corner B and Bluff, r. same. Rovane, Thomas, teamster, r. 917 Des Moines. ■ Row, Miss Mary, r. 1512 Franklin. hjH Rowe, Samuel, carpenter Carson & Rand Lumber Co., r. 1303 Missouri Ave. Rowley, Edward A., machinist Cycloidal Engine & Pump Co., PI Roybar, Frank, traveling salesman Irwin-Phillips Co., bds. Hotel Keokuk. Rube, Miss Francis, domestic 812 Bank. Rube, Miss Rose, domestic 309 Concert. Ruby, Morton C., postal clerk C. R. I. & P R'y, r. 1329 Morgan. Ruck, Miss Clara, milliner Kearney & McCoy, r. 306 Exchange. Ruck, Miss Julia, r. 306 Exchange. ^ Ruckman, James W., conductor K. & W. R'y, bds. Eagle ^ Hotel. Rudd, Nathanial, car repairer K. & W. R'y, r. Exchange S Rudd, Nachanial, work K. & W. R'y, r. 123 Bank. S between 3d and 4th. ^ Ruddick, Mrs. Clara. (Robertson Tea Co.,) r. 328 n. 2d. J;®©? Ruddick, William, farmer, bds. Hotel St. Claire. ps g Runner, Clarence E., lumber buyer, r. 125 north 4th. Runner, Milton A., works Irwin-Phillips Co., r. 125 n. 4th. to S Ruse, John, engineer middle lock, r. 904 Concert. c/o*" Ruse, John, Jr., works middle lock, r. 904 Concert. g g Ruse, Miss Josie, seamstress, r. 904 Concert. ^ Rush, Miss Nora, r. 915 Franklin. l!?™ Rush, Thomas, grader, r. 915 Franklin. ^ 39 Rush, William F., cashier Hotel Keokuk, r. same. Russ, Andrew, r, 1124 Timea. Russell, Miss Arvilla, domestic, r. 1026 Timea. a Russell, Hugh, bakêr N. Schouten & Co., r. 1114 Bank. ^ Russell, Richard, clerks M. Younker, r. 218 south 5th. S Russell, Thomas, driver H. Copeland, r. 226 south 5th. Rutledge, Andrew J., carpenter, r. 922 Timea. Üh Yallndtf Rrnthûl>Q '^»very, Feed and Sale Stables. ACiiUgg D1 UlUCl Ö, Excursion and Movlng Cars. 120 S. 3d St. T. D. MACKEY, S™ Extracting Teeth ' ; ' 214 REES KEOKUK CITY DIRECTORY. < ^ ^ j Rutledge, George W., foreman sash and door factory,. Carson & Rand Lumber Co., r. 922 Bank. ^ Rutledge, Miss Mary F., r. 922 Timea. ■^.Rutledge, Sherman, wood finisher Carson & Rand planing mill, r. 922 Timea. O Ryan. Andrew, boiler maker Buckeye Foundry, r. 1613 • »— Bank. 0- Ryan, Mrs. Anastasia, r. 1225 Missouri Avenue. Ryan, Miss Annie, r. 1618 Bank. ^^Ryan, Bridget, r. 1613 Bank. Ryan, Daniel, stable boss Taber & Co., r. ws. 14th bet> Carroll and Ridge. ^ Ryan, Dennis, saloon 827 Main, r. 1513 Concert. O Ryan, Jere T., works Shoe Factory, bds. 5th and Bank. Ryan, John, trimmer Coey & Co., r. 1013 Park. Ryan, Mrs. Josephine, r. 26 south 5th, up stairs. FÄ Ryan, Mrs, Mary, r. corner 5th and A. O Ryan, Thomas, laborer, r. 425 Palean. O o 03 S AGE, Eli, mail carrier, r. 617 Bank. St- Clair, Miss Ida, dressmaker, r. 123 south 4th. St. Francis De'-'aies Church, Rev. Clement J. G. Lowrey, ^ priest, 4th between Morgan and High. r— St. John's Episcopal Church, Rev. R C. Mclllwain, rector, Howard Tucker and H. R. Miller, wardens. St. Louis House, Harry Blankenship, propr., 19 Main. Keokuk & Northwestern Railway Co., ticket c S office 201 Main, freight and passenger depot, north o _c Water, foot of High. ^ St. Louis, St. Paul & Minneapolis Packet Co., Charles A. ■« Hutchinson, agent, foot of Johnson. « r St. Mary's Roman Catholic Church, (German,)Rev. Chas. Hundt, pastor, sw. corner 14th and Johnson. ~ St. Mary's School, Domician Sisters in charge, 14th and ^ Johnson. ^ o" St. Paul's Evangelical Church, (German,) Rev. August c Gehrke, pastor, sw. corner 11th and Exchange. (Groceries. Provisions. Hardware, , TIN AND QUEENSWARE, and GARDEN IMPLEMENTS. } a.3CO 2s4:-Ä.IiT 3X'- JACOB RENWALD McGRATH BROS, Perfnmery REES' KEOKUK CITY DIRECTORY. 215 St. Paul's Evangelical Church School, (German and En- pi^ gllsh,) Rev. August Gehrke, teacher. ^ St. Peter's Roman Catholic Church, Rev.Thomas O'Reilly, pastor, sw. corner 9th and Bank. St. Peter's Roman Catholic School, Exchange between 9th and 10th, under charge Rev. Thomas O'Reilly. St. Joseph's Hospital, (City Hospital,) corner 14th and Exchange, Mother Mary Joseph, matron. ^ St. Vincent's School, sw. corner 7th and Timea, Sister Loretto, directress. Sala, Anglas, r. 202 south 8th. Sala, Miss Ida N., r. 202 south 8th. Sala, Otto J., r. 202 south 8th. Saltine Co., J. C. Hubinger, mngr., office 6th and Blondeau. ^ Salvation Army Barracks, 527^ Johnson. ^ Salzer, Dora A., r. 1208 Park. Salzer, George J. D.. clerk J. F. Daugherty & Co., Ham- o w ilton, Illinois, r. 20 south 4th. § Salzer, John F., collector J. F. Daugherty, r. 908 n. 10th. ^ <7^ Sample, Hugh W., (W. S. Sample & Son,) r. 407 High. ^ ^ Sample, James L., r. 1511 Des ]\Ioines. Sample, Miss Sadie, r. 407 High. ^ p Sample, William S., (W. S. Sample & Son,) r. 407 High, g" 5" Sample, W. S„ & Son, (William S. & Hugh W„) p ^ real estate 25 north 5th. (See adv. p. 74.) ^ g. Samuels, Miss Adah, r. 1407 Concert. 2.«^ Samuels, Charles C., tinner P. R. Sutton, r. 918 Morgan, Samuels, Miss Hattie M., r. 1407 Concert. ^ Samuels, Joseph A., tinner P. R. Sutton, r. 1407 Concert. % Samuelson, Gust, driver A. Swansoii, r. 1425 Blondeau. § Sanborn, Miss Emma, milliner, r. 308 south 10th. Sanborn, John R., clerk L. C. Van Camp, r. 308 s. 10th. ^ S Sanborn, M. Douglas, wks. S. P. Pond & Co., r. 308 s.lOth. ^ ^ Sanborn, Dr. Matthew N., r. 308 south 10th. ® 3 Sandberg, Axel, 714 north 13th. —- Sandberg, Gust, laoorer, r. 716 north 13th. ^ en Sanders, Miss Amanda E., washerwoman, r. 1318 Morgan. ^ » Sanders, Mrs. Martha, domestic, r. 1725 Exchange. h- Sanders, Mrs. Millie A., washerwoman, r. 1318 Morgan. «s ^ g' ThP ßpd f\hnP HnildP Will give you better Shoes for Your - lUC ntJU DUUd nuubc Money than any shoe store in Keokuk. PRIfiF V/holesale Wall Paper House, Í HlVJlJ Lilivüij Comer Sixth and MainSts. 2 216 REES' KEOKUK CITY DIRECTORY. ß ' ® œ Sandsted, Charles W., carpenter, r. 705 north 13th. ^ Sandstrom, Miss Anna, domestic 223 Morg^an. g Sandstrom, Miss Laura, domestic 223 Morgan. ^ s Sanford, Mrs. Carrie, r. 700 Main, tip stairs. ^ "e Sanford, Edgar M., printer R. B. Ogden, r. 700 Main, up 0stairs. 3 c Sanschino, Matthew, tailor Curry Bros., r. 3d between ^ Z Bank and Exchange. c Sansone, Antone, clerk Joseph Sansone, r. 420 Main. ^ > Sansone, Joseph, fruit dealer 420 Main, r. same. ^ Santo, Miss Alice, r. 1622 Blondeau. d) ^ .Santo, Augustus, musician Miller's band, r. 1618 Blondeau. {Ij = Santo, Miss Carrie, r. 1618 Blondeau. ^ Santo, Charles, teamster, r. 1622 Blondeau. O Santo, David, butcher 28 south 12th, r. 1227 Johnson. Santo, Emma, r, 1227 Johnson. Sargent, George F., foreman paint shop St. L. K. & N. W. R'y, r. 717 Des Moines. Sargent, Miss Grace, r. 717 Des Moines. Sarhn, Willie, works Shoe Factory, r. 1412 Timea. Sauer, Charles, baker C. J. Hickey, r. Johnson between 13th and 14th. Sauer, George, baker, r. 1318 Johnson. Sauer, George J. H., teamster Taber& Co.,r.l318 Johnson Sauer, Miss Susie, r. 1318 Johnson. Sauer, Peter, cigar maker Fred Keochling,r. 1318 Johnson. Saunders, William, r. Rees' Addition. Sawyer, Hazen A., r. 5 Park Place. Sawyer, Iram A., (Irwin-Phillips Co.,) r. 5 Park Place. Sawyer, Miss Martha S., r. 604 Grand Avenue. Sawyer, Miss Nellie N., r. 5 Park Place. Sawyer, Miss Priscilla B., r. 604 Grand Avenue. Sawyer, Stephen I., entry clerk Irwin-Phillips Co., r. 5 Park Place. Sawyer, Thomas, farmer, 604 Grand Avenue. Scanlon, Mrs. Bridget, r. corner 6th and Cedar. Scahlon, Mrs. Bridget, r. 317 Johnson. Scanlon, Miss Jennie, domestic, r. 312 Morgan. Scanlon. John B., tailor Vogel Bros., r.-116 south 4th. (0 >- UJ 01 0) Wilkinson & Co. Perfumery WYMAN-RAND CARPET CO., aOf) and 611 Main St. REES' KEOKUK CITY DIRECTORY. 217 Scanlon, Michael, laborer Coey & Co., r. 515 Carroll. Scanlon, Patrick, stonemason, r. se. corner 4th and Carroll. Scanlon, Miss Rosa, dressmaker 315 Main, r. corner 4th and Carroll. ■ Schaefer, Albert J., porter S. Hamill & Co., r. 1412 Timea. mm Schaefer, Conrad, grocer llll-llis Main,r. same. (See adv pa^e 73.) Schaefer, Miss Emily, clerk county treasurer's office, r. 1412 Timea. Schaefer, George, deputy county treasurer, r. 1412 Timea. Schaefer, Herman, r. 1412 Timea. Schaefer, Jacob, r. 202 Exchange. Schaefer, Miss Louisa, domestic 420 north 4th. ^ Schaefer, Miss Minnie M., works Shoe Factory, r. 202 içO Exchange. Shamer, Henry, painter, r. 619 Exchange. Schanck, Peter C., teamster, r. 1502 Concert. Schard, Phillip, baker C. J. Hickey, r. 19 north 11th. m m CO p o ocnaro, rniiup, oaxer j. nicKey, r. norm ±im. Schard, Joseph, carpet layer Wyman-Rand, r. 16th bet. Ç 3 Ridge and Cedar. a Schard, Frank, gardener, r. corner 16th and Cedar. Schard, Mrs. Theresa, r. corner 16th and Cedar. Schardelman, Henry O.,furniture 606 Main,r. 1112 Concert. 5" ^ Schardelman, Mrs. Mary, r. 907 Concert. ^ ^ Scharfenberg, Miss Emma, r. 1113 Concert. o ^ Scharfenberg, Harry, clerk Henry Scharfenberg, r. 1113 » ^ Concert. --cJI Scharfenberg, Henry, harness dealer 721Main, r. 1113 ® Concert. ^ ss Scheabler, John, works Carson & Rand Lumber Co., r. ^ ^ 18 Concert. % ^ Scheerer, Adam, works John Hill's dairy, r. 1423 Bank. * 3* Scheerer, Charles, carpenter, r. 1830 Timea. ' to ^ Scheerer, Chris., cigar maker Theo. Bode, r. 1423 Bank. _ W Scheerer, William, cigar maker Ed. Pflug, r. 1423 Bank. ^ Scheffler, Miss Emma, domestic 605 Grand Avenue. Schell, George, (Duncan-Schell Furniture Co.,) r. 1310 5® Bank. S ^ Scheppach, Anna, works Shoe Factory, r. Hilton Road. ■" 2- H. Strickler, »lüü'.SIr- Thé "Popular." e s © T. D. MACKEY,- Snrgeon Dentist 218 Rees' keokuk city directory. Scheppach, Emma, works Shoe Factory, r. Hilton Road. Schenk, Annie, domestic 630 Grand Avenue, "o Schenk, Albert A., elk. F. J. Schenk, Sr., r. 1609 Exchange. I H-) Schenk, Charles A., elk. F. J. Schenk,Sr.,r.l609 Exchange. Schenk, Eugene, carpenter Carson & Rand Lumber Co., ® - r. 821 Exchange. •2^ © ^ © Schenk, Frank J., Sr., dry goods and notions 806 Main, i<¡ r. 1609 Exchange. « C/i Schenk, Frank J., Jr., elk. Thurber & Warner,r. 122 s. 12th. ÇC Schenk, Miss Katie T., clerk F. J. Schenk, Sr., r. 1609 Exchange. Scherer, Charles, carpenter, r. 1227 Fulton. Scherer, Charles, works James Cameron, r. 122 south 7th. Scherer, Charles H., carpenter W. H. Nichols, r. 19th and Timea. Scherer, Miss Clara, r. 1227 Fulton. Scherer, Miss Fannie, r. 1227 Fulton. Scherer, Frederick, carpenter, r. 1227 Fulton. Scherer, Miss Josephine, domestic 709 Grand Avenue. Scherer, Miss Lizzie, r. 1227 Fulton. Scherer, Robert, cooper Keokuk CooperageCo.,r. 28 n.3d. Scherer, William, carpenter, r. 1227 Fulton. Schevers, Miss Anna, domestic 521 north 6th. Schevers, Mrs. Anna, r. 1514 Carroll. Schevers, Daniel H., plasterer, r. 1314 Carroll. Schevers, Frank, tinner Martin Hesbacher, r. 620 C. Schevers, John, blacksmith St. T. Worley & Son, r. 1515 Ridge. Schevers, John H., apprentice blacksmith S. T. Worley & Son, r. 1515 Ridge. Schevers, Miss Josephine, dressmaker, r. 1514 Carroll. Schevers, Rudolph V., mail carrier, r. 1515 Ridge. Schiebel, Andrew C., laborer Carson & Rand Lumber Co., r. corner 24th and Main. Schiebel, Chris., laborer Carson & Rand Lumber Co., r. corner 24th and Main. Schiebel, John C., r. corner 19th and Plank Road. Schieble, Miss Louise, wks. Shoe Factory,r. 323 Blondeau. Schieble, Miss Sarah, wks. Shoe Factory, r. 323 Blondeau. Hats, Caps, Trunks and Valises. 507 Main St. CLARK BROS., McGRATH BROS., Waters REES' KEOKUK CITY DIRECTORY. 219 Schikan, Miss Dena, r. 119 Bank. Schikan, Miss Fannie, r. 119 Bank. Schikan, Phillip, foreman yards C. R. I. & P. R'y, r. 113 Bank. Schilsung, George, bar tender John Wolf, r.l222 Blondeau. Schima, Joseph, r. 503 A. Schlotter, Albert, clerk M. Younker. r. 1000 Blondeau. Schlotter, Andrew G., salesman Frankel, Frank & Co., r. 1000 Blondeau. Schlotter Miss Cora, dress maker, r. 1425 Timea. Schlotter, Edward, blacksmith r. 1425 Timea. Schlotter, Fredrick, night driver American Express r. 1425 Timea. Schlotter George, clerk Frankel Frank & Co., r. 1000 Blondeau. ^ Schlotter Miss Ida, teacher Torrence school, r.l425 Timea. Schlotter, Jacob, porter C. B. & Q. depot, r. 1425 Timea. tS'tD Schlotter, Joseph,(Schlotter & Robbins) r.l016 Exchange. .Schlotter, Mrs. Kate, r. 1000 Blondeau. .Schlotter & Robbins, (Joseph Schlotter and Chas. C. Robbins) Wagon Manf. 1019 Main. Schlotter, William J. stenographer James C. Davis, r 1000 Blondeau. Schmidt, Alfred J., (H. Schmidt & Son) r. 1001 ¡Timea. So' Schmidt, Miss Annie domestic, r. 802 Blondeau. ^0 Schmidt, Charles O., carpenter H. Schmidt & Son, r. 1102 q Johnson. Schmidt, Frank T. F. Feed Store 1129 Main r. 1518 John- Schmidt, George, painter C. R. I. & P. Shops, r. 1106 Johnson. * ^ Schmidt Henry, (H. Schmidt & Son) r. 1102 Johnson. o Schmidt, Henry E., Pres. clerk Wilkinson & Co., r. 110 2 ^ Johnson. 0 Schmidt. H., & Son, (Henry and Alfred J.) Sash, ^ Door and Screeii Co.,18 south 11th. (See adv.page /p) ^ ^ Schmidt, Mrs. Margaret, r, 621 Exchange. ^ » Schmidt, Oswell, clerk Lisey Bros. r. 1223 Johnson. i-g ^ Schmidt, Paul, 1518 Johnson. ta or? « 5,000 Pieces of Popular Music only 10 Cents a Copy, ^ i® ÄYRES BROS., 511 Main St. PRICE BROS. PAINTING and PAJ ER HANGING Cor. 6th and 3Iain Sts. ,2 220 REES' KEOKUK CITY DIRECTORY. 61) 02 ' s no Schmieg, Charles, butcher, r. 1422 Exchange. M pj Schneesoos, Miss Josie, laundress Hotel St. Claire, bds. Fö o same. § Ö Schneefeeh, Mrs. Annie, domestic, r. 719 Exchange. m Schneer, Fredrick, clerk E. T. Bartruff, r. High bet. 4th S ^ and 5th. s '3 Schneider Charles W. laborer St. L. K. & N. W. R'y, r. (á 518 south 6th. c Schneider, Miss Elizabeth, seamstress, r. 1113 Franklin.^ -2 I> Schnieder, Miss Emma, r. 1608 Timea. es Schneider. Frank, laborer Carson & Rand Lumber Co., r. S Q r. 1404 Johnson Schneider, George, saloon keeper, r. 8 north Water. ^ Schneider, George, Saloon 1822 Main r. same. ^ Schneider, George, rout agent north road, r.28^ north 4th. Schneider, John M. car repairer C. R. I. & P. R'y, r.Hil- ton Road. (Si m ÙÎ o H ■ m Schnider, Joseph, drives Leisy wagon r. 1507 Johnson. Schneider, Louis, car repairer C. R. I. P. R'y, r. 14th between Cedar and Ridge ws. Schneider, Miss Mollie saleslady M.Younker r. 6 n.Water.. Schneider, Nicholas, cooper, r. 1608 Timea. Schneider, Peter, works J. Patterson Bakery, r. n. 12th> Schneider. Miss Rosa, r. 1608 Timea. Schoell, Miss Louise, domestic r. 1416 Blondeau. Schoel, William, river engineer, r. 113 Concert Schonten, Henry, baker N. Shouten & Co., r. 11 and 12 Main. Schonten, Jacob, baker N. Schouten & Co. r. 609 Bank. Schonten, Martin, baker N. Shouten & Co.,r. 13 Blondeau. Schouten, Nicholas, (Shouten & Co.,) r. 1100 Main. Schouten &Co., (Nicholas and Emma E.) Bakery 1100 Main. Schouten, Richard, Baker, r. 1606 Main. Schowatter. John, engineer C. R. 1. & P. r. 1023 Bank. Schräder, Mrs. Elizabeth, bds. 1200 Main second floor. Schräder, George, coach washer C. R. I P. R'y r. 1110" Bluff. Schreiber, Christine, domestic, r. 28 south 4th. Wilkinson & 1M Ol I p C In the Hambden Buel Insurance Agency, 24 N. 5th St. 1M 0 U n L All Losses paid promptly. Only leadiog Bos. Represepted. REES' KEOKUK CITY DIRECTORY. 221 Schreier, Valentine, printer, boards Green Tree House. Schulz, Miss Annie, r. 1203 Exchange. Schueler, Prof. Aldebert, music Teacher r. 718 Grand Ave. Schulz, Charles, (Karle & Schulz,) r. 1203 Exchange. ■ Schulz, Charles J. Jr.works Shoe Factory.r. 1203 Exchange, hrt Schulz, Miss Emma, r. 1210 Timea. Schulz, Fredrick, butcher, r. 1210 Timea. Schulz, Herman, cigar maker John Leezer, 113 n, 3d. Schulz, Miss Julia, teacher, r. 1203 Exchange. PJ Schulz, Miss Lida r. 1210 Timea, f A Schulz Miss Susie, r. 1210 Timea. Schulz, William, r. 1210 Timea. Schwaner, Casper, r. 1608 Johnson. Schwarz, Albert, elk. M. Younker, r. 1013 Bank. Schwarz, Mrs. Christine, r. 1013 Bank. Schwarz, Edward, bar tender Geo. Schwarz, boards 1013 Bank. Schwarz. Miss Emma, r. 1013 Bank. J| Schwarz, George, Saloon 622 Main bds. 1013 Bank. ^ Schwarz, Henry, engineer C. R. I. & P. R'y, r. 1013 Bank. ^ Schwarz, Miss Mary, r. 1013 Bank. S Schwartz, Charles E., carpenter St. L. K. & N. W. R'y. g r. 608 north 13th. . Schwartz, John B., engineer, r. 608 north 13th. Schwartz, Miss Mary, r. 508 north 13th. p g Schwartz, Joseph, foreman Boiler Shop, S, L. K. & N. R'y, r. 6th between Carroll and Ridge w S Schweer, William, box maker 17 s. 5th, r. 619 Timea. Schwendinger, Jacob, Groceries 1605^ Blondeau. g S Sehweite, Charles, stone mason, r. 1420 High. Sehweite, Charles, laborer, r. 1422 Morgan. Schweite, Frederick, stonemason, r. 1422 Morgan. Bü Schv/eite, Fred W., wks. C. R. I. & P. R'y, r.l508 Morgan, Sehweite, George, r. 1422 Morgan. ^ ^ Sehweite, Joseph, r. 1420 High. Sehweite, Miss Sarah, 1422 Morgan. " ^ Sehweite, William, brick mason, r, 1422 Morgan. z Scmelocle, John, r, 1600 Blondeau. Scollen, Miss Maggie, works Shoe Factory, r. 113 n. 3d. ^ ITúllAtfd UPAthpPG bivery, Feed and Sale Stables. AoliUgg D1U111C1Ö, Excursion and Moïlng Cars. 120 S. 3d St, w . T. D. MACKEY, Extracting Teetb ^ 222 Rees' keokuk city directory. < ^ i_3 Scott, Mrs. Angeline, r. 118 north 6th. Scott, Charles, coachman T. F. Richards, r. 1220 High> ^ Scott, Edward, r. 118 north 6th. »»Scott, George, laborer 1204 Orleans. Scott, Miss Ida I., r. 1204 Orleans. Scott, James, painter r; 810 Johnson. • »— Scott, James P., barber A Hills, r. 1204 Orleans. Scott, Miss Jennie, r. 118 north 6th. Scott, Lorenzo, Tinner J. Seithers, 1510 High. ^>Scott. Noah, porter, r. 1204 Orleans. Scroggs, John W., retired Merchant, r. 522 north 3d. ^^Scroggs, Dr. Joseph A. (Jenkins & Scroggs)r. 227 n. 5th.. 5 Scroggs, Miss Lizzie L., r. 52'2 north 3d. Scudd Theodore, laborer Carson Rand Lumber Co, r. 512 Palean. Scully, Thomas, laborer Coey & Co.. bds. 527 Palean. Seaver, Mrs. Desire, r. 922 Morgan. O Seaman, Henry, cooper Keokuk Cooperage Co. r. 214 B.. O Seaman, Walter B., can maker Wm.Horn & Co.,r.l08s.7th. O Seft, August, carpenter, r. 1711 Bank. CZ-Segner Mrs. Belle, r. 924 Des Moines. CC S egner, Miss Loada, wks. Shoe Factory r.914 Des Moines. Segner, Miss Mary, r. 924 Des Moines. ^"^^Seibert, Miss Annie, r. 729 Exchange. Seibert, Mrs'^atherine, r. 800 Palean. f— Seibert, George B., cigar maker S. Seibert, 729 Exchange. ^^^Seibert, John, laborer r. 800 Palean. ^^^Seib'ert, Miss Lou, sales lady Enterprise, r. 915 Main. Seibert, Mrs.. Margaret T., r. 915 Main. "c ^ Seibert Stephen, cigar dealer 308 Main, r. 729 Exchange. © = Seibfaith, August, egg packer S. P. Pond & Co., r. 912 ^ ^ Timea. "o .ï Seidlitz George N.. Physician, room 3 Woolley « ^ building, r. 119 north 7th. si ^ Seither, Jacob, Stoves and Tinware 527 Main, r. ® =0 1118 Main up stairs. 'S Seitz, Mrs. Barbara, Grocery 1101 High. ^ g" Seitz, John, carpenter, r. 1208 Franklin. Selby, Hiram, r. 310 north 7th. JACOB RENWALD Groceries, Provisions, Hardware^ , TIN AND QUEENSWARE, and GARDEN IMPLEMENTS. 3 iSOO 2.- liJ _l ÚÍ <0 Wilkinson & Co.K,'e?c!!c!Ä2'Perfumery WYMAN-RAND CARPET CO., 609 and 611 Main St. m m 0) Rees' keokuk city directory. 225 Shelton, Louis, barber, r. 718 Concert. Shelton, Riley, work Pickle Co., r. 424 south 13th. Shelton, Mrs. Sarah J., r. 718 Concert. Shelton, Miss Sophia E., r. 718 Concert. Shepard, Joseph, work Coey & Co., r. 312 south 4th. Shepherd, John W., engineer, r. 1915 Johnson. Shepherd, john, laborer, r. 709 Johnson, Shepherd, Miss Martha, r. 709 Johnson. Shepherd, Mrs. Mary J., r. 709 Johnson. Shepherd, William, work Heller's Feed Store, r. 709 Johnson. Sheppard, Louis D., (Evans & Sheppard,)r. 712 Franklin. Sheppard, William R., laborer, r. 1608 Exchange Sherk, Joseph B., laborer, r. 2021 Des Moines. Sherman, Wm. A., commercial traveler r. 1326 Franklin. Shesson. John P., porter Hotel Keokuk r. same. Sherwood, Mrs. Mary Ann, r. 709^ Johnson. Í 1 Shields, James, grocer, r. 126 south 2d. Shields, [ohn D., clerk St. L. K. & N. W. office r. 126 s. Shields, Miss Sadie, r. 126 south 2d. Shillinger, Mrs. Clata, r. 526 north 13th. ^ ^ Shippey,,David D.,cooper Keokuk Cooperage Co.,r.415 B. 5* ^ Shippey, John, cooper Douglas Griffin r. corner G and m Williams. ^ ^ Shippey, William, cooper Keokuk Cooperage Co., r.415 B. ^ ^ Shippey, William H., teamster Henry Rein, r. corner G and Williams. Z. x Shoffer, Minnie, work Shoe Factory, r. 202 Exchange. % ^ Short, Thomas, teamste-r, se. cor. 7th and Carroll. . ^ % Shuler, John R., Guns & Sporting Goods 703 Main, r. S. >3^ 804 Grand Ave. ^ 5' Sick, George, laborer Taber & Co., r, 423 Des Moines, w ^ Sidney, Anderson, work Coey & Co. r. 1829 Timea. Sievers, Miss Gussie, sales lady F. Seivers, r. 325 Main. s Sievers Ferdinand^ Fancy Goods 325 Main, r. same. Sigler, Lavada, work Shoe Factory, r. 924 Des Moir.es. ^ 2. Siilett, Mrs, Prue r. 1216 Williams. S Silverthorn, Mrs. Anna, domestic r. 909 High. ^ H. Strlckier, The "Popular." T, D. MACKEY, Sargeon Dentist « 226 REEs' KEOKUK CITY DIRECTORY. C ® Signal, Office U. S. A. in charge of F. V. Gosewisch S. S. C., .Gov building cor. 7th and Blondeau. S ^ 4) 'S Simmer, Andrew ,cigar{maker S. Seibert r. 1713 Exchange. « tJ Simmer Mrs. Annie, r. 1713 Exchange, ^ Simmons, Charles E., traveling salesman Irwin-Phillips ^ Co., bds. Hotel Keokuk. —' |> Simmons, James, laborer Taber & Co., r. 410 Concert, è Simonson, Simon, shoemaker S. Trott, r. 8 Main. Simpson, Andrew J., r. 525 Johnson, pi Simpson, Mrs. Elizabeth J., r. 525 Johnson. Simpson, William C., traveling salesman Q. B. .Sweet, r. 525 Johnson. Sing, Joseph, works Joseph Sing, r. 10 south 5th. Singer Sewing Machine Co., B. C. Cook, Agt., 719 Main. Singleton, Mrs. Belle, r. 229 Exchange. ^ Singleton, Frank, teamster Carson & Rand Lumber Co., bds. 1320 Reid. ^ Singleton, Miss Ida M., r. 1320 Reid. Singleton, John, painter, bds. 209 south 3d. ' Singleton, John, painter, bds. 1326 Reid. ni Singleton, Miss Mollie, cook, r. 307 Johnson. Œa Singleton, Mrs. Nancy, r. 313 Exchange. Singleton, Thomas B., watchman Carson & Rand Lum- ber Co., r. 1320 Reid. Singley, Mrs. Amelia, r. 1418 Main. —J Singstock, Charles, laborer Coey & Co., r. 214 B. Sinton, 'William, transfer line, r. 2 Park Place. Sisson, Francis, assistant postmaster, r. 615 Morgan. Sisson, Miss Helen, r. 615 Morgan. Sisson, Miss Mattie, r. 615 Morgan. Sitter, Howard R., operator C. R. I. & P. R'vi bds. Eagle Hotel. Sjostrom, Eurik, laborer, r. 720 north 12th. Skelly, Miss Kate, laundry Hotel Keokuk, r. same. Skrogg, John, elk. Eckbrom. Dross & Co.,r. 1502 Blondeau. Slee, Charles, laborer, r. 1605J^ Blondeau. Slee, George, painter, r. 1605^ Blondeau. Sleeth, Mrs. Caroline S., r. 1009)^ Fulton. Sleeth, Miss Florence M., school teacher, r. 1009^ Fulton. Hats, Caps, Trunks and Valises. 507 Main St. GLARK BROS., McGRATH BROS., Waters REES' KEOKUK CITY DIRECTORY, 227 Sloan, Robert, agent American Express Co., r. 320 High. Small, Edward, laborer Coey & Co., r. 1219 Reid. Small, John G., carpenter Rock Island shops, r. 1229 Reid. Smallenburg, William, farmer, r. Boulevard and Main. Smith, Aaron, carpenter, r. 1725 Exchange. Smith, Miss Ada, domestic, r. Messengerville. Smith, Miss Ada Bell, r. 717 north 13th. Smith, Alexander, carpenter C. R. I. & P. R'y, r. 1225 Concert. Smith, Alexander, blacksmith St. L. K. & N. W. R'y, r. 102 Exchange. Smith, Mrs. Alice, works Keokuk Pickle Co., r. 414 s. 1st. Smith, Andy, painter and varnisher, r. 18 north 9th. Smith Miss Annie, box maker Wm. Schweer, r. 1225 " Concert. q O Smith, Miss Annie, domestic 606 Orleans. ^ Smith, Miss Annie K., r. 601 High. f'® Smith, Barney W., teamster Carson & Rand Lumber Co., ® r. 1627 Estes. Smith, Benjamin F., (Smith Bros, and Smith Hardware Co.,) r. 1008 Concert. C/3^ Smith Bros., (George W. and Benjamin F.,) grocers 316 Wjj, Main. Oo Smith, Charles C., carpenter St. L. K. & N. W. R'y, r. 2o' 1226 Oak. Í0® Smith, Charles, conductor C. R. I. & P. R'y, bds. Globe Hotel. Smith, C. F., works Shoe Factory, r. 1513 Bank. Smith, Charles H., driver Smith Bros., r. 221 Johnson. Smith, Charles J., stenographer and mngr. Electric Mhj Light Co., r. 1229 Franklin. • 0 Have you a Typewriter? ^ Then use Keokuk Typewriter Paper, (twenty ® kinds.) Keokuk Ribbons, (for all machines,) f rri and Keokuk Corbon Paper (all colors. ) —— i-d Drop me a card for samples. CHAS. J. SMITH. p- 5,000 Pieces of Popular Music ouly 10 Cents a Copy, AYRES BROS., 511 Main St. 5» cß DDIPC DDÍIO PAINTING and PAPER H ANGING? rnlUL DtiUu. Cor. 6th and Main Sts. Í o 228 REES' KEOKUK CITY DIRECTORY. Xfl 5)^ Smith, Chris., laborer Water Works, r. 412 Bank. 05)-: Smith, Cornelia, coachman 123 High. Smith, David, saddler, r. 1502 High. ^ ^ Smith, Miss Delia, dressmaker Sheehan Sisters, r. 412 Bank. Q) Smith, Dudley, huckster, r. 1715 Blondeau. ® è Smith, Edward, works O. B. Sweet, r. 229 Palean. •fh ^ Smith, Edward R., engineer Gate City building, r. 626- ^ Q Fulton. Smith, Eli, r. Plank Road. ^ Smith, Miss Emily, r, 1725 Exchange. Smith, Mrs. Eva, r. 729 C. Smith, Fannie, 1725 Exchange. Smith, Frank J.,(F. J. and R. E. Smith, }r.,)r. 601 High, O Smith, Frank M., laborer, 1513 Bank. Smith, George, painter C. R. I.& P.Shops,r. 1106 Johnson. Smith, George A., clerk M. Stern, r. 1225 Concert. Smith, George H., engineer St. L. K. & N. W. R'y, r. 723 Franklin. Smith, George H., chief clerk ticket department St. L. K. & N. W. R'y, r. 601 High. ^ Smith, George M., works Tabe.r & Co., r. nw. corner 2d and Ridge. I I Smith, George R.. grocer 321 Main, r. 123 north 3d. UJ Smith, George W., laborer, r. 1729 Exchange. Smith, George W., (Smith Bros.,) r. 1302 Concert. Smith, Green, laborer, r. 1603 Main. Smith Hardwire Co , (E. B. and B. F. Smith,) 317 Main. LJ^ Smith, Miss Hattie, J. 812 Johnson. O Smith, Mrs. Hattie, r. 303 Blondeau. Smith, Henry H., saloon keeper, r. 1003 Main. Smith, Henry J., car repairer C. R. I. & P. R'y, r. nw. corner 14th and Cedar. Smith, Homer, laborer, r. rear 307 Johnson. ■ Smith, Homer D., elk. J. W. Smith, r. 222 Main. h Smith, James, gardner, r. Messengerville. Smith, James E., clerk Smith Bros., r. 316 Main. ■ Smith, James T., Supt. Tin Can Factory, r. 916 Grand Ave. CO Smith, Jay J. commercial traveler, 503 north 3d. (/) IM o 11 p C in the Hambden Bus! Insurance Agency, 24 N. 5th St. I 11 O U n L ill Losses paid promptly. Oply leadiijg 60s. Represeijted, REES* KEOKUK CITY DIRECTORY. 229 Smith, J. F. and N. M., (J. Frank and Miss Nannie M,) Abstracts of Title, 26 north 5th. Smith, J. F. & R. E. Jr., (J. F. and R. E. Jr.,) Cigar ^ Manufactners 602 Main. ■ Smith, J. Frank, (J. F. and N. M. Smith) r. 624 n. 5th. Smith, John, boat builder, 1213 Morgan. Smith, John A., collector Savings Bank, r. 601 High. Smith, John J., hostler M. Meigs, r. 1502 High Smith, John W., lumber sorter, Taber & Co., r. 1221 William. Smith, john W.,r. 1527 Concert. Smith, lohn W., Feed Store, 222 Main r. same. Smith, Miss Julia A. r. 1225 Concert. Smith, Miss Lena, domestic, r. 618 High. Smith. Mrs. Lida, r. 26 north 9th. Smith, Miss Mamie, 1305 Morgan. Smith, Miss Maynie, dressmaker, r. 1213 Morgan. Smith, Miss Minnie M., book-keeper G. R. Smith, r. 123^ north 3d. ^ Smith Miss Nannie M., (J. F. & N. M. Smith) r. 3 miles S north of city. S Smith, Miss Nellie, r. 1213 Morgan. S Smith, Nicholas J,, painter C. R, I. & P. shops, r. llth ^ between Reid and Cedar. ^ oo Smith, Peter, laborer Coey & Co., Ridge bet, 13 and 14. ^ Smith, Peter H., works. Ayres & Decker, r. 1502 High. Smith, Peter W., laborer C. R. I. & P. shops, r. 727 C. S Smith, Richard E. Jr., (J. F. and R. E. Smith Jr.) r. 1000 Franklin, § S Smith, Richard E., carpenter and contractor, r. 601 High. Smith, Samuel, laborer, r. 1725 Exchange. Smith, Samuel, Grocer, r. 30 north 9th. S? ^ Smith, Samuel B., traveling salesman Wm. Blom r. 114 n. 13th. Smith, Stephen, sawyer Tabers Mill, bds. 1224 Park. ^ Smith Thomas G., wks Rankins brick yard, r. 1502 High. ' ^ Smith, Rev. Thomas L., Pastor Pilgrim Rest Baptist 5E church, r. 1305 Morgan. ^ Smith, Warren, r. 503 Carroll. Üh ÇS Ifollndíí RrAthAPG Livery, Feed and Sale Stables. JiCllUgg DlUlUClo, Excursion and Moving Cars. 120 S. 3(1 St. T. D. MACKEY, Extracting Teeth ^ 230 REES* KEOKUK CITY DIRECTORY. < ; ^ J Smith, William, junk dealer, r. 814 Johnson. ^ Smith, William, (Dooley & Smith) r. 20 south 3d. ^ Smith, William M., rag buyer, r. 130 south 1st. ■K Smith, William T. J., wks. Carter & Moody, r. 601 High. Smythe, George B., r. 107 Concert. O Smythe, Miss Sallie C., r. 107 Concert. i»— Snody, Edward, laborer, r. 1326 Orleans. 0-s nody, Miss Maggie, washing and ironing r. 1326 Orleans,. Snyder, Bert, laborer, r. 814 north 11th. ^^Snyder, Jacob S., blacksmith, r. 814 north 11th. Sodestrone, Rev. A. M. Swedish M. E. church 12th and Co,ncert, r. 618 Bank. ^ Solari, Victor, bar tender Chas. Miller, r. 121 north 5th. O Solomon, Miss Bella, teacher Wells school r.914 Blondeau. Solomon, Miss Hannah Milliner 726 Main, r. 914 Blondeau. Solomon, Miss Hattie, teacher Concert school, r. 1011 Timea. O Solomon, Miss Leale, clerk Miss H. Solomon, r. 914 O Blondeau. O Solomon, Lewis, traveling salesman, r. 914 Blondeau. Solomon. Mrs. Mary, r. 1011 Timea. CO Soinerville, James A., cashier St. L. K. & N. W. frieght house, r. 204 north 2d. H^^Sommer, Clemens, laborer, r. ne. corner 19th and Carroll. ^ Sonner, Robert L., Express messenger Pacific Co. r. 924 f— Concert. South, John W., laborer Coey & Co., r. 14th and Ridge. South, Robert J., laborer Coey & Co., r. 415 south 9th. South, Thomas, laborer, 1320 Exchange. South, Westly, laborer Coey & Co., Ridge bet. 13th and 14th. Spaan, Cornelius, brick maker, r. Ridge bet. 13th and 14th. o .22 Spaan, John, brick mnfr. r. 20th and Plank road. § ^ Spaan, Herman, brick maker, r. 1429 Johnson. St Spaan, Joseph C., city collector,, r 1702 Orleans. ® ^ Spangler, John H., barber Wm. Honce, r 1119 Concert. îT Sparks, Miss Mamie, domestic 510 north 5th. g §< Spearman, Miss Lizzie, r. 1009 Exchange. Ç Spears, Harry, works Shoe Factory, r. 421 south 7th. c Là © c © JACOB RENWALD (Iroceries, Provisions, Hardware, , TIN AND QUEENSWARE, and GARDEN IMPLEMENTS. J 1300 a.d:.Ä.I2;T 3T. McGRATH BROS. Perfumery REES' KEOKUK CITY DIRECTORY. 231 CO Spiesberger, Miss Rebecca, r. 1019 Blondeau. Spring, Mrs. Catherine, r. 226 south 12th. Spring, Clem, clerk Robertson Tea Co., r. 226 south 12th. Spring, clerk Boston Store, r. 226 south 12th. Spring, Frank C., clerk Frank H. Jones, r. 226 south 12th. Spears, Henry, collector Keokuk & Hamilton bridge, r. 421 south 7th. Spence, Charles, traveling salesman M. Spiesberger & ^ Son, bds. Hotel St. Claire. Spence, Hugh, painter E. Harwood, r. 716 High. ^ Spence, James, r. 716 High. Spencer, William H., hostler Dr. McDonald, r. 117 n. 8th. Sperry, Miss Effie, r. 504 south 9th. Sperry, Miss Nellie B., r. 504 south 9th. ^ Sperry, William H., baggageman C. R. I. & P. R'y. r. ^ 504 south 9th — Spicer, Julius S., watches and clocks, 719 Main, r. same, o Spicer, Mary, r. 719 Main. § Spicer, Sherman, painter Geo. Hill. bds. 719 Main. ^ ^ Spiegel, Joseph, shipping clerk M. Stern, r. 906 Morgan. Spiegel, Julius, traveling salesman, r. 906 Morgan. g Spiegel, Phillip,travelipg salesman M.Stern,r. 907 Morgan, g Spiesberger, Miss Bertha, saleslady S. E. Carey & Co., g" 5 r. 1019 Blondeau. ^ Spiesberger, Emanuel, dry goods and clothing 1104 Main, g, r. 1021 Blondeau. 2.«^ • y Spiesberger, Miss Francis, r. 1021 Blondeau. ^ œ Spiesberger, Miss Hattie, r. 716 Franklin. ^ Spiesberger, Isaac R., mngr. R. Spiesberger, clothing, r. ^ 1019 Blondeau. Spiesberger, Isidor, elk. E. Spiesberger, r. 1021 Blondeau. Spiesberger, Meyer, (Spiesberger & Son,)r. 716 Franklin. S- S Spiesberger, Miss Millie, r. 1021 Concert. ^51 Spiesberger, M. & Son,(M.&N. A. Spiesberger,)l7-19s. 2d. ^ 3 Spiesberger, Nathan A.. (Spiesberger & Son,) r. 716 Franklin. • • ^ cc Spiesberger, R., clothing and gent's furnishing goods 510 » ® Main, r. 1019 Blondeau. > Spiesberger, Miss Rebecca, r. 716 Franklin. ^ ^ ThP Rpd fshnp Hhikp Will give you better Shoes for Your ^ " 1UÜ neu DUUC nuubc |y|o„eJ thaiJ any 3tore in Keokuk. ■ PRÍPF RRfm o/ilv V'líolesale Wall Paper House, A UllVÜtj Córner Sixth and Main Sts. w 232 REES' KEOKUK CITY DIRECTORY. C O a5 Spring, Jacob, plumber M. Hesbacher, r. 1718 Bank. O)"' es Spring, Miss Josie, wks. Keokuk Cracker & Candy Co., = r. 226 south 12th. g Spring, Miss Mary M., forelady packing room Keok,uk ^ ~ Cracker & Candy Co., r. 1329 Main. Q Spring, Sebastian, meat market 1329 Main, r. same. ¡3 's Springer, Miss Anna Lee, r. 1120 Morgan. ¿ ® Springer, Lee D , traveling salesman J. O. Voorhies, r. ^ 1120 Morgan. ^ ^ Springer, Miss Mary, wks.KeokukCanningCo.,r.203 s.4th. ^ X Spurgeon, Jacob, teamster, r. 516 north 17th. (J) Stack, Miss Annie, r. 222 south 4th. = Stack, Garret, Jr., works Shoe Factory, r. 1st between ^ ^ Fulton and Franklin. Q Stack, Garret, Sr., laborer, r. 1st bet. Fulton and Franklin. ^ Stack, Jerry, works Shoe Factory, r. 1st between Fulton and Franklin. Stack, John, works Coey & Co., r. 222 south 4th. Stack, Morgan, laborer, r. 113 south 1st. Stackhouse, Frank B., r. 919 Blondeau. Stadler, John G., cigarmaker Ed Pflug, r. 1217 Franklin. Stadler, Joseph, moulder, r. 1217 Franklin. Stadler, Joseph F., butcher P. Haubert, r. 1217 Franklin. Stadler, Oliver L., works Shoe Factory, r. 1217 Franklin. Stafford, Miss Edna, chambermaid Hotel Keokuk,r. same. Stafford, George A., clerk St. L. K. & N. W. R'y, r. 107 Concert. Stafford, James, laborer Coey & Co., r. 1419 Reid. Stafford, Malcom, operator K. & W. R'y, bds. City Hotel. Stafford, Miss Mary V., r. 1409 Reid. Stafford, Miss Mary A., r. 113 Blondeau. Stafford, Miss Mary, milliner M. Spiesberger & Son, r. 206 > High. Stahl, Albert J., butcher Chas. Stahl, r. 1026 Main. Stahl, Charles, (Stahl & Son,) r. 1026 Main. I Stahl, George A., (Stahl & Son.) r. 1026 Main. ¡Stahl, John A., boots and shoes 1020 Main, r. 526 Fulton. Stahl, John,baker Keokuk Cracker & Candy Co.,r.5 s.lOth. Stahl, Miss Julia, music teacher, r. 427 north 6th. (0 <>8 >- liJ _l Oí CO Wilkinson & Co. Perfumery WYMAN-RAND CARPET CO., 60Í) and (ill Main St. m m 0) Rees' keokuk city directory. 233 Stahl, Samuel B., (Braidwood & Stahl,) r. 1012 Fulton. Stahl & Son, (Chas, and Geo. A.,) butchers 904 Main. Stamper, Mrs. Ann, r. 1427 High. Stamper, Isaac, works Buck2ye Foundry, r. 917 High. Stamper, Miss Sarah, bookbinder Gate City,r.729 Concert, hb Stanley, Mrs. Laura J., r, 308 south 10th. ^0 Stanley, Walter E., traveling salesman, r. 202 south 8th Stannus, Frank E., oil dealer, r. 1018 Concert. Stannus, Mrs. Rebecca E., bds. 1120 Morgan. Stanwood, Michael B., works Shoe Factory, bds. 327 Blondeau. Staples, Mrs. Bettie, r. Morgan between 18th and 19th. Stark, Dr. John W., dentist, office 501 Main, r. 621 n. 10th. _ Starkey, Richard L.,engineer C. R. I. & P. R'y, r. 623 s.2d. Oo Starkwather, Ezra, works Patterson Bros., r. 326 s. 7th. * Starkwather, Mrs. Margaret, r. 326 south 7th. State Bank, of Keokuk, A. Bridgman, Jr.,cashier, Q J 200 Main. (See adv. page 7.) Staub, Michael G., works Shoe Factory, r. se. corner 5th CJ and Bank. , Stauffer, William H., r. 326 Exchange. Steamer Nellie Bly, G. Sterne, mngr., office 1st and Main. ® Steamer Patience,Keokuk, Warsaw and Alexandria Packet, 5' ^ A. Wempner, master, landing foot of Main. ^ Stebbins, Hiram, fireman C. R. I. & P. R'y, r. 524 s. 2d. o ® Stebinger, Mrs. Barbara, r. 1119 Main. S ^ Stebinger, Fredrick, carpenter H. Schmidt .& Son, r. 1119 — Main. ^ ^ Stebinger, Louis, shoemaker 1125 Main, r. 1119 Main. 5 » Stebinger, Miss Louise, printer, r. 1119 Main. ^ ^ Steele, Miss Mary Elizabeth, r. 113 Blondeau. S- hcj Steele Miss Elizabeth K., r. 902 Orleans. ^ = Steele, Daniel, (Steele & Co.,) r. 902 Orleans. w g. Steele, William D., traveling salesman J. F. Daugherty, r. 113 Blondgau. Steele, Wm., stone mason, r. 822 Franklin. Steele, William M., (Steele & Co.) r. 902 Orleans. Steele & Co., Dry Goods, 319 Main. S >-0 Steely, David C., river pilot, r. 1427 Park. ST* 5 . 5' H. Strlckier, The "Popular." CP xn T. D.MACKEY,"^^SË^ Surgeon Dentist >> 234 REEs' KEOKUK CITY DIRECTORY. c ; ; § Steiger, Joseph VV., moving and express cars, r. 1327 ^ Fulton. Steinberger, Aaron, physician, r. 711 Exchange. % H-1 Steinberger Miss Jannie, r. 711 Exchange. § ^ Steinberger, Miss Minnie, milliner Miss B. F. Hill, r. 711 ® ' Exchange S ^ Steinmetz, Peter, tailor Vogel Bros. r. Johnson st. road. ^ 4¡ Steinmetz, Phillip, laborer Spaans brick yard r. Messen- «-(/) ger ville. Û- p;J Steinmiller, Miss Catherina, r. 1707 Johnson. Steinmiller, Daniel, watchman Keokuk Savings Bank, r. 1707 Johnson. ^ ^ Steltzner, Miss Emma, domestic, 1223 High. Stenenburg, William, r. Elm between F and G. Stepp, Miss Libbie, saleslady Thurber and Warner, r. 1004 Timea. Stepp, Mrs. Lizzie, r. 1508 Exchange., Stern, Ike, traveling salesman M. Stern, r. 706 High. Stern, Miss Lenora, book-keeper M. Stern, r. 706 High. Stern, M., Wholesale and Retail Millinery and Fancy Goods 320 Main, r. 706 High. Sterne, Germain, Hides, Wool, Furs and Tallow corner 1st and Main, r. 19 north 10th. Sterne, Joseph A., traveling agent G. Sterne, r. 19 n. lOth. Sterne, Louis, book-keeper G. Stern, r. 19 north 10th. Sterne, William H., with G. Sterne, r. 19 north 10th. Sterritt, James, artesian well borer, r. 1123 Blondeau. Stephens, Edward, carpenter, r. 1802 Bank. Stevens, Mrs. Eliza, r. 1802 Bank. Stevens, Miss Georgia, saleslady Steele & Co., r. 1110 Bank. Stevens, Miss Rose, r. 924 Concert. Stevens, William J., painter, r. 1110 Bank. Stevenson, Miss Ida, r. 521 Concert. Stevinger, Miss Katie, boards 1314 Concert. Stewart, Charles, traveling salesman, r. 1017 Morgan. Stewart Miss Dora, r. 1719 Reid. Stewart, John, laborer Coey & Co., r. 1126 Timea. Stewart, Miss Lillie, domestic, r. 1419 Morgan. Hats, Caps, Trunks and Valises. 507 Main St. CLARK BROS., McGRATH BROS., Waters REES' KEOKUK CITY DIRECTORY. 235 Stewart, Mrs. Louisa, r. 1319 Morgan. Stewart, Miss Nellie V., r. 1719 Reid. Stewart, William, carpenter, r. 1017 Morgan. Stewart, William, laborer, r. 409 Morgan. Stillwell, George, carpenter, 1129 Concert. Stillwell, Henry, cigar maker Brinkman & Haubert, r. 1129 Concert. Stillwell, Isaac A., driver Jas. Hirst, r. 1129 Concert. Stinson, Lyda, boards 1605^ Blondeau. Stipe, Miss Mary C., domestic r. 526 north 4th. Stobbart, George, boiler maker C. ' R. I. & P; Round House, r. 1615 Missouri Ave. Stobbart, Miss Hatrie D., r. 1615 Missouri Ave. Stobbart,Jonn W.,wks.Cycloidial Pump Worksr. 109 n.lst. Stobbart, Miss Rosa, r. 1615 Missouri Ave. 0^^ Stoddard, John, engineer C. R. I. & P. R'y, r. 1200 Bluff. Stoffer, Miss Hattie, wks. Keokuk Pickle Co., r. 512 s. 4th. tyo Stoffer, Daniel W., carpenter S. C. and S. Carter, r. 512 south 4th. Ö Q Stoke, Phillip, laborer, r. 14th Canal road. " Stoker, George W., engineer, r. 1200 Johnson up stairs. Stoker, William, works Rickard's Fence Factory, r. 1200 Johnson, up stairs. Oq Stellt, John, (Reiner & Stollt) r. 1128 Main second floor, Story, Victor, barber 12 north 5th, r. 119 south 4th. Stork, Mrs. Mary E. Boarding House 119 n. 5th, r. same. q Stout, Miss Lucy, waiter. Hotel St. Claire, boards same. Strahn,Albert,laborer Coey & Co., r. Williams bet.F and G. Strahn, Edward, laborer Coey & Co., r. 4th between Main and Johnson. Strahn, Mrs. Nancy, work Keokuk Canning factory r. ' Exchange between 3d and 4th. ® Street Supervisor, Edward P. McManus r. 1009 Fulton. r* Stretton, Miss Mar^, seamstress r. 314 Timea. a Strickler Henry, Dry Goods, 401 and 403 Main, f ^ r. 709 Grand Ave. (See adv. bottom lines.^ Strimback, William E., printer R. B. Ogden, 1216 Morgan, i-d ^ Stripe, Mrs. Eliza, r. 718 north 7th. ^ ^ ή CO 5,000 Pieces of Popular Blusic only 10 Cents a Copy, AYRES BROS., 511 Main St. PRICE BROS. PAINTING and FAF^ER HANGING Cor. 6th and Main Sts. ¥ © 236 REES' KEOKUK CITY DIRECTORY VU cc fi Qjx: Stripe, George M., engineer Keokuk Roller Mills, r. 718 north 7th. Stripe, Harry B., clerk St. L K. & N. W. R'y, r. 718 n. 7th. ^ ^ Strobel, Augustus Fred, Stove Store 311 Main, bds. 304: (¿■'S north 5th. 0) Strohmaier, John, stone mason, r. 2001 Main. ^ o Stuart, William, laborer, r. Burke street and Plank Road. •iH ^ Stuckert, Mrs. Fredereka, r. 1415 Concert. ^ Q Stuckert, William H. works S. P. Pond & Co., r. 1415 Concert. ^ Stults, Miss Annie L., r. 26th and Concert. _ Stults, Annie, work Barrett House, r. same. Stults, Mrs. Belinda J., r. 26th and Concert. Stults, George F., moulder Keokuk Stove Works, r. 1418^ O Concert. Stults, Miss Lillian M., r. 26th and Concert. Stults. Miss Rose B,, r. 26th and Concert. Cij Sturgeon, Henry, laborer, r. 503 Carroll. Sturges. John H., Auditor St. L. K. & N. W. R'y. r, 116 1«..^ Concert. ^0 Suhueber, Andrew, laborer, r. 24 Blondeau. ^ Sullivan, Miss Alice M.. r. 904 Morgan. Sullivan, Mrs. Ann, r. 708 Exchange. I I Sullivan, Miss Anna, domestic r. 208 Fulton. ^1 Sullivan Sc Äuwerda, (E. E. Sullivan & B. L. Auwerda,) Dry Goods, 410 Main. Sullivan, Mrs. Ellen, r. 118 Des Moines. Sullivan,Eugene E.,(Sulli.van & Auwerda,)r.708 Exchange. Sullivan, James, lock master Middle Lock, r. 1512 Orleans. O.Sullivan, Col. James, 904 Morgan Sullivan, Jeremiah, r. 519 Ridge. Sullivan Mrs. Julia, r. 613 Palean. Sullivan, 'hlrs. Julia, r. Canal road s. Tin Can Factory. Sullivan, Oscar H., carpenter C. Benson r. 904 Morgan. ■ Sullivan, Miss Lizzie P., r. 904 Morgan. h Sullivan, Michael J., lumber sorter Carson & Rand Lumber Co., r. 118 Des Moines. ■ Sullivan, William B.^ pattern maker, Cyclodial Pump Co., CO- r. 1106 Morgan. Wilkinson & IM Ol IDE In the Hainbden Bue! Insurance Agency, 24 N. Sth St. II 10UnL All Losses paid promptly. Qply leading 60s. Represeiîtei REES* KEOKUK CITY DIRECTORY. 237 Sumerholder, Mrs. Elizabeth, r. 513 Concert. Summers, Alonzo B., laborer, r. 1124 Exchange. Summers, James W., Vice Pres. State Bank of Keokuk, boards 227 north 5th. • Sumner, Albert A., Grocer, r. 513 High. N"! Sumner, Albert E., elk. A. A. Sumner, r. 513 High. Sumner, Charles O., r. 513 High. Sundbury, Albert, machinist Globe Iron Works, r. 21 s. 3d. Sundbye, Rufus, assistant hostler C. R. I. & P. shops, r. 817 Carroll. íA Sundein, Miss Josephine, domestic, r. 326 south 8th. Superintendent city schools, Wm. W. iamison, office 805 ^ Blondeau. ^0 Sustrom, Eric, car repairer St. L. K. & N. W. R'y., r. 12th and Leighton. Sutherland, Mrs. Clara, florist 17 north 4th, r. 2^ miles north of city. Sutherland, George, porter Kellogg Birge & Co., r. 402^ south 7th. ^ Sutherland, Robert, Jr., painter Geo. Hill, r. 717 Carroll. g Sutherland, Robert, Sr., bill clerk C. R. I. & P. R'y, r. » 402 south 7th. . S Sutherland, William, wks. Shoe Factory, r. 402 south 7th. Sutlive, Miss Elizabeth, r. 700 High, Sutlive, Miss Hattie B., clerk H. L. Sutlive, r. 700 High, gs g Sutlive, Harrison L., confectionery 504 Main, r. 700 High. tc g Sutlive, Miss Ida B., clerk H. L. Sutlive, r. 700 High. ^I~ Sutlive, James H., traveling salesman, r. 700 High. g 5 Sutlive, Mrs. Malinda C., r. 700 High. Sutton, Pierce R., steam plumbing and gas fitting 529 Blondeau, r. 924 Grand Avenue. Sutton, Stephin S., bds. 413 Blondeau. Sutton, Willie P., r. 924 Grand Avenue. Sutton, Miss Ollie M., f. 924 Grand Avenue. S." Suueedean, Edv/^d, laborer, r. cor. 21st and Palean. " ^ Surry, William W., druggist corner 8th and Main, r. 1125 äE Blondeau. Swan, Frank W., carpenter, r. 816^ Carroll. ^ IT oil Add RrntllArG Civery, Feed and Sale Stables. ACiiUgg DIUIIICI0, Excursion and Moving Cars. 120 S. 3d St. _ TJ. MACKEY, SSSExtractiDgTeeth 238 REEs' KEOKUK CITY DIRECTORY. < ^ J Swanson, Albert, driver Wm. Wilson, r. 1505 Blondeau. ■"I Swanson, Andrew, teamster, r. 1425 Blondeau. ^ Swanson, Miss Annie, domestic, r. 227 south 6th. -s Swanson, Miss Helga, r. 1505 Blondeau. Swanson, John, driver A. Swanson, r. 1425 Blondeau. O Swanson, Miss Josephine, domestic 619 Fulton. - p— Swanson, Lars P., carpenter, r 1505 Blondeau. 0- Swanson, Oxcel, carpenter Robt. Burns, r. 1505 Blondeau. Swanson, Miss Tillie, r. 1505 Blondeau. ^^Swanwick, William C., agent J. B. Diver, r. 308 Main, Swartz, David W., supt. Keokuk Water Works, r. 1012 Exchange. ^ Swartz, John, engineer Steamer Lumberman,r. 510 n.l3th. O Swartz, Oscar, stock keeper Irwin-Phillips Co., r. 1012 Exchange. Sweden, Edward, laborer C. B. & Q. depot, r. ne. corner 21st and Palean. O Swedish Lutheran Church, Rev. Eurik Anderson, pastor, O 12th and Morgan. O Swedish M. E. Church, Rev. A. M. Sodestrone, pastor, ^ 12th and Concert. CO Sweet, Oliver B., poultry dealer 19-23 s. 6th, r. 402 n. 4th. Swisher, Miss Eva, r. 1216 Timea. Swisher, Philander, policeman, r. 1216 Timea. Sylvester, Miss Mary, r. 424 north 6th. s © Î-) 1 TaBER, Benjamin C., shipping elk. Taber & Co., r. 318 ^ north 5th. e Taber, Ben P., (Taber & Co.,) r. 318 north 5th. 2 Taber Sc Co., (Benjamin P. Taber, Alexander E. o .22 Johnstone, James B. Paul, Theodore F. Baldwin,) Ö ^ saw mill, Commercial and M. § Taber, E. Carroll, r. 318 north 5th. ® Taggert, Miss Alice G., r. 707 Blondeau. 'S © Tao-gert, Mrs. Hannah IM., r. 707 Blondeau. ^ Talbort, William, steam fitter Völlers & Warttman, r. 26 o ¿ south 4th. tn ies. Provisions, Hardware, JACOB RENWALD, i::'!"; QUEENSWARE, and GARDEN IMPLEMENTS* a.300 M-A.I3ÍT ST- McGRATH BROS. Perfumery ^ REES' KEOKUK CITY DIRECTORY. 239 Cw Talbot, Percy W., clerk St. L. K. & N. W. R'y, r. 210 ^ Concert. ^ Talbot, William H., pattern maker Buckeye Foundry, r. 1121 Morg-an. Talbott, Daniel, r. 1208 Orleans. Talbott, Kenzie, car repairer St. L. K. & N. W. R'y, r. 512 south 1st. {^5 Talbott, Mrs. Rachael, r. 1208 Orleans. ^ Tallant, Thomas A., clerk T. R. J. Ayres & Sons, r. 1113 Morgan. ^ Talley, James T., r. 1424 Palean. . Talley, James W., saw filer Taber & Co., r. 1420 Palean. Talley, John W., teamster Taber's mil],r. Elm bet. F and G. Talley, William J., teamster Taber & Co., r. corner 14th ^ and St. Charles. Talion, Mrs. Matilda B., grocery 310 n. 10th, r. 1001 High. — Tally, Richard, bartender, r. 23 south 4th. oto Tasker, Mrs. Catherine, r. 506 Des Moines. 5-3 Tate, Daniel, janitor city offices, r 21st and Blondeau. ^ Tate, Dr. Francis M., office 522 Main, r. 119 north 9th. " q Tate. Fred F., civil engineer, r. 119 north 9th. g"- Tate, Thomas C., city engineer, r. 119 north 9th. g ^ Tattersall, John, r. 10th between Main and Johnson. o ^ Tausch, Leonard, barber Hotel Keokuk, r. 306 Exchange. ^ Taylor, Miss Addie, r. 1210 Bluff. ^ g, Taylor, Miss Carrie, nurse, r. 610 High. 2.«!^ Taylor, Charles W., mail carrier, r. 1016 Blondeau. Taylor, Daniel, laborer, r. 16 Exchange. Taylor, Edgar F , machine hand Keokuk Planing Mill Co., ^ r. 1210 Bluff. ^ $ Taylor, Frank M., machine hand Keokuk Planing Mill o'^ Co.. r. 1210 Blufi. S- g Taylor, Frank M., traveling salesman Keokuk Pickle Co., r. 1228 Concert. ^ 5 Taylor, Fred. H., foreman Consolidated Tank Line, r. 512 south 1st. ^ !X2 Taylor, George B., box maker Keokuk Planing Mill Co., ^ » r. 1210 Bluff. hp Taylor, James D. J., tailor S. S. Lowitz, r. 1412 Bank. ^ » ^ ThP ßpd fshOP HaikP S'VS you better Shoes for Your ^ ' m neu DUUC nuubc S|,pe store in Keokuk. PRíPiF RRO^ ^ W holesale Wall Paper Hoüse, ^ lllVJlJ Llivv/üi^ Corner Sixth and Main Sts. Í2 240 REES' KEOKUK CITY DIRECTORY. C ® ® Taylor, Mrs. Jane, r. 1015 Fulton. (jj ^ Taylor, John, laborer, r. 1319 Morgan. § Taylor, John D., tailor S. S. Lowitz, r. 1412 Bank. ^ c Taylor, John W., r. 1208 Palean. 'S Taylor, Jesse S., book-keeper Karle & Shultz, r. 1228 Ü Concert. S "c Taylor, Miss Lydia, domestic 202 High. ^ Z Taylor, Miss Maggie, r. 1016 Blondeau. "g Taylor, Miss Mattie, r. 106 north 18th. ^ > Taylor, Mrs. Mary, r. 212 south 4th. ^ Taylor, Mrs. Nancy A., bds. 1502 High. 0 Taylor, Robert, boiler maker, r. 820 Exchange. = Taylor, Samuel, teamster George Guy, r. 1015 Fulton. , Jr Taylor, Miss Susie, r. 1016 Blondeau. O ^ Taylor, Thomas, machinist St. L. K. & N. W. R'y, r. 820 fe Exchange. Taylor, Washington,* r. 1210 Bluff. Taylor, William, cook, r. 106 north 13th. Taylor, Zack, fireman U. S. Steamer Barnard,r.l06 n.13th. Tebo, Charles, diiver A. L. Cook & Co., r. 419 n. 10th. Tebo, Henry, teamster S. C. & S. Carter, r. 419 n. 10th. Teeters, Charles M., livery stable 727 Main, r. j 217 north 5th. [leeters. Miss Frank M., bds. 200 north 7th. I Teeters, Mrs. Nancy N., r. 200 north 7th. [Telephone Station above State National Bank, W. H. I Dolbear, manager. Teller, Ralph R., fruit grower, r. Nassau Add. O (/> >- ui Ù1 O CO RALPH R. TELLER, KRUIT" GROWRR. NASSAU ADDITION. Teller, William T., r. Nassau Addition. Teloff, Mrs. Annie M., r. 611 Grand Avenue. Temme, Frederick, moulder Keokuk Stove Works, r. 1618 Johnson. Temp, Ida, works Shoe Factory, r. 813 north 14th. Wilkinson & Co. ïï'er'cSLÎ'Perfnniery WYMAN-RAND CARPET CO., 609 and 611 Main St, REES' KEOKUK CITY DIRECTORY. '241 Temp, Louis, Jr., works Shoe Factory, r. 813 north 14th. Temp, Louis, Sr., works Shoe Factory, r. 818 north 14th. Temple B'Nai Israel, Rev. Joseph Korn, rabbi, se. corner 8th and Blondeau. ■ Templin, Mrs. Elizabeth B., r. 225 south 2d. íiíh| Templin, Miss Eunice, r. 225 south 2d. Templin, John, clerk St. L. K. & N. W. R'y, r. 504 n. 8th. Tennyson, Anthony, car repairer C. R. I. & P. R'y. i"- 417 Des Moines. Terry, Miss Ida, r. 1207 Timea. Terry, Isaac, plasterer, r. 1309 Des Moines. Terwilliger, John H., wood turner S C. & S. Carter, r. 524 A. ^ Terwilliger, Miss Mae, r. 524 A. The Central School Journal Co., J. C. Paradice, manager. m m (D 19 and 21 north 6th Enterprise Dry Got The Empire Manufacturing Co., formerly Morrison Plow The Enterprise Dry Goods Store, 628-630 Main. umpire jvianuiacturing i^o., lormeriy morrison now Works, Canal road between 16th andT7th. CJ Theresia, Sister, order of St. Dominican 1412 Johnson. , The Fair, 423 Main. . Therme, Benjamin C., insurance and real estate agent, 24 ^ north 5th, r. 721 Palean. = « ors Therme, John L., book-keeper Clark, Johnson & Co., r. ^ 1004 Fligh. o ® Thieme, August G., r. 23d and .Seymour. ® » Thieme. Charles F., r. 23d and Seymour. Thieme, Mrs. Christina, gardner, r. 23d and Seymour. ^ ^ Thieme, Henry W., gardner, r. 23d and Seymour. » » Thieme, Otto H., r. 23d and Seymour. ^ ^ Thomas, Albert D., propr. EaMe Machine Works, r. 1116 fee) Exchange. ' ^ Thomas, George, laborer, r. 217 south 14th. ic ^ Thomas, Henry W., machinist Eagle Machine Works, j. t?? r. 1116 Exchange. c Thomas, John, laborer, r. 207 north 15th. Thomas, Louis, laborer, r. 1320 High. ^ ^ Thomas, Mrs. Sarah, r. 1116 Estes. S Thompson, Rev. Aaron, r. 311 Blondeau. " 2. H. Strlclder, "lüiSIr- The "Popular." T. D. MACKEY, Surgeon Dentist ^ 242 REES' KEOKUK CITY DIRECTORY. C OP o Thompson, Miss Alice, r. 328 A. ^ Thompson, Miss .'\licp, wks. Shoe Factorv, r. 1005 Park, "o Thompson, Miss Carrie, r. 1401 Franklin. S Thompson, George F., r. 1401 Franklin, es ^ Thompson, Granville, carpenter, r. 1512 Franklin. ® Thoinuson, Ira A., clerk A. L. Cook & Co , bds. 1214 •S ^ Fulton. ^ Thompson, Joseph C., mail carrier, r. 1426 Concert. Thompson, Mrs. Mary, r. 1422 Franklin. Thompson, Mrs. Mary M., r. 1800 Park. ^ Thompson, William E., fireman, r. 829 south 5th. S ^ Thompson, William, farmer, works Charles Ward's. Thompson, William H., foreman sash and blind factory J. G. Henderson & Co., r. 1401 Franklin. Thompson, Mrs. W. L., botanic physician, r. 811 Main. Thompson, William L., carpenter, r. 811 Main. Thompson, William W., r. 1401 Franklin. Thompson, Samuel, laborer Co,ey & Co., r. 1104 Park. Thompson, Mrs. Sarah, r. 312 south 5th. Thomson, Mrs. Mary, r. 507 B. Thomson, William, stock receiver Coey & Co,, r. 507 B. Thordenburg, Bennie, clerk Hotel St. Claire, r. same. Thorington, Miss Lucia E., domestic 624 north 5th. Thorpe, Frank, fireman St. L. K. & N. W. R'y, r. 1220 Johnson. Thourson, Hurbert, tailor Vogel Bros., r. 212 Bank. Thurnburg, Ben. R , chief clerk passenger depot K. & N. W. R'y, r. 903 High. Thurber, Frank E., (Thurber & Warner,) bds. 411-413 High. Tichenor, Mrs. Celeste, r. 1127 Morgan. Tichenor, Miss Emma C., r. 1127 Morgan. Tichenor, Isaac N., lawyer 14 north 5th, r. 1109 Morgan. Tieke, Henry, r. 1014 Blondeau. Tigue, Miss Annie L., r. se. corner 4th and Carroll, ligue, Edward E., teamster P. Tigue, r. 621 south 7th. Tigue, John, contractor, r. 621 south 7th. Tigue, John, laborer Taber& Co., r. cor. 4th and Carroll. Hats, Caps, Trunks and Valises. 507 Main St. CLARK BROS., McGRATH BROS., Waters Rees' keokuk city directory. 243 Tigue, Martin, water boy Taber & Co., r. corner 4th and Carroll. Tigue, Patrick, Sr., contractor, r. 621 south 7th. Tigue, Patrick, Jr , teamster P. Tigue, r. 621 south 7th. Tigue, Patrick, laborer Carson & Rand Lumber Co., r. 600 Palean. Tigue, Miss Rosie, r. 621 south 7th. Tigue, Thomas, r 702 Des Moines. Tigue, Thomas, laborer Public Works, r. se. corner 4th and Carroll. Tilbe, Her.ry, machinist St. L. K. & N. W. R'y,r. 420 s. 4th. Timberman, Miss Mary, actress, r. 310 south 6th. Timberman, Mrs. Mary G., r. 310 south 6th. Timplin, William, r. 911 north 12th. Tinsman, John B., carpenter St. L. K. & N. W. R'y, r. ^ O 518 south 1st. ^ Tisdale, Daniel, r. 903 Fulton. Titus, Louis J., collector St. L. K. & N. W. R'y, r. 822 Morgan. öq Titus, Joseph v., r. 822 Morgan. . Titus, William H., traveling salesman, r. 822 Morgan. (/)_ Titus, William W., foreman O. B. Sweet, r. 21 south 3d. Tobin, Edward F.,lumber sorter Taber & Co.,r.Rees'Add. Oo Tobin, John, yard foreman Taber & Co., r. Rees' Add. ^o' Tolbard, William,plumber Völlers &W^arttman,bds.26s. 4th Toleda, Peoria & Western R'y Co., freight and passenger q agents'office 228 Johnson. Passenger depot 26 south Water. Freight depot. Water foot of Bank. H. T. Helgeson, agent. ^9 Tolmie, Alexander,mngr.Keokuk RollerMills,r.l20 n. 11th. Tolmie, Miss Katie, r. 120 north 11th. • ^ Tomenack, Yero J., wks S. F[amill& Co., r. 1309 Orleans. O Tomlinson, Mrs. Jane. r. se. corner 9th and Ridge. ^ Tompkins, Farris A., works P. R. Sutton, r. 812 n. 12th. (D Tompkins, Frank A., mate steamer Gen. Barnard, r. 812 ® north 12th. * ^ c/2 Tompkins, Daniel H., r. 812 north 12th. ^ » Tooke, Robert, bds. 116 north 7th. i-d Tooke. Miss Stranger, domestic 601 High. ^ ^ 5,000 Pieces of I'opiilar Music only 10 Cents a Copy, ÄYRES BROS., 511 Main St. -9» p- < DDIPC DDÍIO PAINTING and PAPER HANGING rnluL DnUu. Cor, 6th and Ma¡n Sts. 5 © 244 REEs' KEOKUK CITY DIRECTORY. U; X S3 Ö)xs Torpey, Miss Bridget C., dressmaker, Main between 3d 0)^ and 4th, r. Ridge between Yth and 8th. 5Torpey, James J., delivery clerk John Cronin, r. Ridge ^ between 7th and 8th. (¿■'S Torpey, John, teamster, r. 1209 Fulton. Torpey, Mr. Mary, r. Ridge between 7th and 8th. Torpey, Michael, works Shoe Factory, r. Ridge between 7th and 8th. Q Torpey, Patrick W., clerk Irwin-Phillips Co., r. Ridge between 7th and 8th. ^ Torrence, James W., traveling salesman Keokuk Stove Works, r. 721 Morgan. Torrence School, ne. corner 15th and High, E. J. Unger, principal. OTouhey, John, laborer Taber & Co., r. corner Walsh and Oregon, Rees' Addition. Touhey, Miss Lizzie, r. 209 south 4th. ^^^Touhey, Patrick, (Touhey & Ward,) bds. 616 Palean. . Touhey & Ward, (Patrick Touhey & John Ward,) saloon 519y^ Main. ^wTownsend, Barzillai, foreman 1st floor S. C. & S. Carter, ^ r. 304 south 12th. ^"Townsend, Edward O., mngr. circulation Constitution- I ■ Democrat, r. 304 south 'l2th. Tracy, Edward P., bds. Young America Hotel. Trac)', Miss Katie, r. 802 north 12th. Trac\', Miss Maggie F.,operator Central Union Telephone Co., r. 802 north 12th. Uli Tracy, Miss hlaria, r. 802 north 12th. O Tracy. Mark A!, carpenter C. R. I. & P. R'y, r. 1114 Illondeau. Tracy, Martin, r. 802 north 12th. Traiter, George C., teamster Wm. Sinton, r. alley rear 620 Main. ■ Trask, William S., works Shoe Factory, r. 218 Concert. h Treiber, David, traveling salesman, r. 506 south 8th. Trendel, Adam, works Keokuk Pickle Co., r. 1219 Fulton. ■ Trick, Miss Annie, r. 319 Morgan. CO Trick, William, r. 319 Morgan. Wilkinson & ¿o w M U) IM 011 p C In the Hambdan Bue! Insurance Agency, 24 N. 5th St. IM 0 U n L All Losses paid promptly, Oply leading 80s, fiepresected. REES' KEOKUK CITY DIRECTORY. 245 Trimble, Miss Clara, r. 715 Morgan. Trimble, Miss Hattie D., r. 205 north 2d. Trimble, Miss Helen, r. 205 north 2d. Trimble, Hon. H. H., solicitor St. L. K. & N. W. R'y, r. ■ 205 north 2d. Trimble, J. Henry, r. 829 Fulton. Trimble, Palmer, solicitor St. L. K. & N. W. R'y, r. 710 Morgan. Trimble, William M., city marshall, r. 715 Morgan. Triplett, Miss Florence, r. 421 north 10th. Tri-State Canning Co., Adam Ballinger, Sec'y, Canal road foot 15th. Tryon, George W., laborer steamer Gen. Barnard, r. nw. corner 15th and Carroll. Tryon, Joseph C., works Keokuk Canning Co., r. nw. O corner 15th and Carroll. Tryon, Mrs. Lydia A., r. nw. corner 15th and Carroll. Tryon, Miss Mary J., works Keokuk Canning Co., r. nw. ^ corner 15th and Carroll. Troester, John C., boiler maker Buckeye Foundry, r. 801 ^ Main. S Troné, John L., teacher Gate City Business College, r. s» room 28 Estes house. Trott, Miss Minnie, r. 821 High. Trott, Stephen, shoe store 8 Main, r. 821 High. gs g Troy Steam Laundry, W. E. Johnson, proprietor office 24 north 4th. ic ^ Tucker Bros., (George S. and De Lange,) ice dealers, ^^r— office 24 north 5th. g g Tucker, De Lange, (Tucker Bros,) and lock master mid- ^rn die lock, r. 618 Fulton. Tucker, Mrs. Eliza, boarding house 810 Blondeau. Tucker, Miss Eva, r. 810 Blondeau. Tucker, George S., (Tucker Bros.,) r. 603 Fulton. g" S Tucker, Harrison, real estate agent 24 north 5th, ^ r. 413 High. • (See adv. pa^e 73.) ' ^ Tucker, Henry, r. 718 Fulton. aS Tucker, Howard, Sec'y Iowa State Insurance Co., r. 316 Philton. IToIIaíÍÍÍ RPAthûPG Livery, Feed and Sale Stables. hCllUgg D1U111C1Ö, Excursjon and Moving Cars. 120 S. 3d St. n T. D. MACKEY, Sl^É^xtractíDg Teeth ^ 246 REES' KEOKUK CITY DIRECTORY. ^ ^ i_3 Tucker, Missjosie, r. 810 Blondeau. •«aj Tucker, Samuel W., book-keeper Iowa State Insurance ^ Co., r. 316 Fulton. Tucker, Miss Willia, r, 316 Fulton. 4-^ Tuite, Miss Mary, domestic 618 Morgan. ' O Tuite, Thomas, porter C. B. & Q. depot, r. 417 Palean. > p— Tull, Rev. Harvey V., pastor Chatham Square M. E. Q-„ Church, r. 619 Morgan. Tumehy, James, laborer, r. 902 north 12th. ^>Tumelty, John, clerk, r. 902 nprth 12th. Tumelty, Mrs. Mary E., r. 902 north 12th. ^~Tumelty, Miss May L., book-keeper Keokuk Canning Co., ^ r. 902 north 12th. O Tumelty, William, painter Hawkeye Carriage Works, r. 902 north 12th. Turner, Mrs. Fannie, r. 203 south 14th. Turner, Henry, laborer, r. 1517^ Morgan. O Turner, Miss Mary J., domestic 726 north 8th. O Turner, William, stableman C. W. Phillips, bds. Phillips O House. Ç^Tweston, August,wks. Chas, Hubeuthal, r. Messengerville. Tyler, Miss Elsie, domestic 202 High Tyrell, Miss Lula M., r. 106 north 9th. u, LLRICH, -August, carpenter C. R. I. & P. R'y, r. 1603 Bank. Ullrich, Charles H., r. 900 High. Ullrich, Miss Clara, works starch factory, r. 1603 Bank. 's ^ Ullrich, Emil C., grocer 900 High, r. same. © a Ullrich, Emil W., works Keokuk Cracker & Candy Co., ^ r. 900 High. ■© .2 Ullrich, Miss Helena, works starch factory, r. 1603 Bank. « j Ullrich, William, works Keokuk Cracker & Candy Co., r. § 1603 Bank. Union House, Peter Haubert, proprietor, 129 Johnson, "o Unitarian Church corner 4th and High. « §< United Presbyterian Church, Rev. W. C. Williamson, Ç pastor, corner 9th and Blondeau. (Groceries, Provisions, Hardware, , TIN AND QUEENSWARE, and GARDEN IMPLEMENTS. 1 3.300 ST. JACOB RENWALÜ McGRATH BROS. Perfumery REES' KEOKUK CITY DIRECTORY. 247 f CO Unger, Miss Carrie M., teacher First Ward school, r. 613 pi^ jiorth 5th. ^ Unger, Edgerton J., principal Torrence school, r. 908 Morgan. . ^ Unger, Miss Leona Mi, stenographer St. L. K. & N. W/ —. R'y, r. 613 north 6th. ^ Upham, Hervey W., boots and shoes 422 Main, r. 220 north 5th. ' ä Unger, Mrs. Elizabeth M., r. 618 north 5th. Uhler, Carroll, r. 804 south 7th. ^ Uhler, Miss Ida, milliner Mrs. Hill, r. 804 south 7th. United States Courts,(Circuit and District,)Gov't building, corner 7th and Blondeau. United States Express Co., Geo. A. Sheldon, ^ agent, 818 Main. Pö United States Civil Engineer, M. Meigs, office Gov't — buildinglower lock. o ro United States Signal Service, Fred Z. Gosewisch, Gov't £• § building. ^ «r«- Upp, George, artist 401^ Main, bds. 208 south 9th. Utley, James D , carpenter John T. Griffey, r 112 s. 16th. ^ Utley, Miss Kate, domestic 418 Blondeau. ^ ^ o S E» ö \J ^ S- V ADANIA, John, wiper C. R. I. & P. R'y, r. Rees' Add. 2.«:^ Vail, John G., engineer Taber & Co., r. 712 C. S- cd Vail, Miss Lou, r. 811 Carroll. o Van Ausdall, Frank M., works J. D. Harshman, r. 1422 ® ^ Concert. Van Ausdall, Miss Francis, domestic 407 Morgan. Van Ausdall, Henry, Superintendent of the Poor, r. 706 C. S- S Van Ausdall, John, wks. E. H. Wickersham, r. 1005 Main. Van Ausdall, John H., r. 1820 Estes". ® 5' Van Ausdall, John S., foreman blacksmith shop C. R. I. & P. R'y, r. 1^20 Estes. ^ c/2 Van Ausdall. Thomas, railroad man, r. 810 south 10th. ^ « Van Ausdall, Webster, works S. P. Pond & Co., r. 1819 w- it- Main. g ^ ~ ^ ^ Thp ßPi] f\hnP Haiicip Will give you better Shoes for Your ' 111c ñcU üUUc flUUûC jioney than any Shoe Store in Keokuk. PRÍPiF RPnf\ V/liolesale Wall Paper Honse, ^ AilvlJ JyiiVÜij Corner Sixth and Main Sts. , 2 248 REFS' KEOKUK CITY DIRECTORY. fi fi M Van Ausdall, William T., blacksmith St. L. K. & N. W. R'y^ r. 310 south lOth. ^ § Van Camp. Mrs. Abryan L,, r. 626 south 9th. {> % Van Camp, Mrs. L. C.,groceries 904^ Main.r. 922 Palean. Van Camp, Lemuel C., cone maker Buckeye Foundry, r. O 922 Palean. fi 's Van Camp, Miss Mattie, r. 626 south 9th. ^ Van Camp, Orland, artesian well borer, r. 1123 Blondea'u. c Van Camp, William A., works Shoe P'actory, r. 626 s. 9th. ^ ^ Vance, Mrs. Mary, carpet weaver, r. 13 south 16th. ^ cfc Vance, William, painter Geo. Hill. r. 2119 Timea. (p j Vancil. Miss Viola, r. 917 Bank. = Vander Hagen, Barnard, laborer. r. 819 Bank. ^ Vanderheyden Bros.,(Henry and Curtis,)grocers,15 s. 4th. O Vanderheyden, Cohns, janitor Baptist church.r.l06 n. 12th. fe Vanderdeyden, Curtis. (Vanderheyden Bros.,) r. 124 Exchange. Vanderheyden, Henry, Jr., (Vanderheyden Bros.,) r. 124 Exchange. Vanderheyden, Henry, grocer 328 south 12th. Vanderheyden, John, elk. S. C. Wescott, r. 124 Exchange. Vanderlaan, John, r. se. corner 14th and Charles. Vanderslot, Cornelius, lab. Taber & Co., r. 1521 Bank. Vanderslot, Harry, laborer Hanson's brick yard, r. 1712 Palean. Vanderslot, Mrs. Martha, r. 1712 Palean. Vanderspeck, Jacob, teamster, r. 1428 Des Moines. Vanderver, Miss Jennie, sch'-ol teacher, r. 1318 High. Van Doran, Mrs. Laura, r. 6 north 3d, up stairs. Van Doran, Oscar, carpenter, r. 6 north 3d, up stairs. Van Doren, Charles J., moulder Buckeye Foundry, r. 626 Palean. Van Doren, Edward. E., printer Constitution-Democrat, r. 626 Palean. Van Doren, Miss Etta M., r. 626 Palean. Van Doren, Miss Mamie, r. 626 Palean. Van Doren, Miss Rena F., r. 626 Palean. Van Etten, Miss Janey, r. 1326 High. Van Grieken, Miss Katie, r. 1123 Bank. O (0 «8 >- UJ a: CO Wilkinson & Co. Lt' Perfnmery WYMAN-RAND CARPET CO., 60.9 and (ill Main St. REES' KEOKUK CITY DIRECTORY. 249 Van Grieken, Samuel, photographer 306 Main, r. 1123 Bank. Van Hesley, Charles, machine hand Carson & Rand Lum¬ ber Co., bds. 200 Bank. ■ Van Hesley, Henry, car repairer C. R. I. & P. R'y,r. 1424 Park. ^0 Van Hesley, Henry J., car repairer C. R. I. & P. R'y. r- 828 Park. Van Orsdale, Arthur, farmer, r. Messengerville. Van Orsdale, Valencourt, gardener, r. Messengerville. Van Papplendam, Mrs. Alice, r. 2024 Timea. Van Papplendam, Edward, (J. B. & E. Van Papplendam,) r. 1116 Exchange. ^ Van Papplendam, J. B. & E., general insurance Oo agency, office Hubinger building, 6th and Blondeau. m m 0) Van Papplendam, John A., (J. B. & E. Van Papplendam,) r. 722 north 9th. y y Van Steenwyk, Miss Cora, dressmaker, r. 1508 Palean. Van Steenwyk, John, plasterer, r. 1508 Palean. fl Van Steenwyk, Williarn, Jr., clerk J. M. Huiskamp, r. . 1508 Palean. S » M Van Steenwyk, William, Sr., plasterer, r. 1508 Palean. Van Valkinburg, Mrs. Ella, r. 1328 Carroll. ~ íp Van Vucht, Miss Nellie, school teacher, r. 812 Exchange. Van Vucht, William, r. 812 Exchange. _ Van Werden, Garrett C., mailing clerk post office, r. 1118 S ^ Morgan. g-cü Van Werden, Garrett, r. 407 north 10th. e* » Vaughan, Mrs. A., r. 1211 Concert. a » Vaughan, Miss Brentha E., r. 1211 Concert. ^ ^ Vaughan, John W., clerk Wyman-Rand, r. 1211 Concert. ^ Vaughn, Edwin, r. 1912'Franklin. ' ® Vaughn, Erasmus G., cook, r. 1912 Franklin. tc Vaughn, Mrs. Martha, r. 1314 High. Veith, George, clerk Jacob Renwald, r. 1300 Main. 1^*0^ Veith, Stephen, ISborer, r. 1708 Exchange. Vermeulen, Mrs. Catherine, r. 1623 Johnson. ^ ^ Vermillion, Miss Alice V., r. 1124 Exchange. S Vermillion, Miss Armanda C., r. 1124 Exchange. " 2. H. Strlckler, The "Popular." T. D. MACKEY, Surgeon Dentist ^ ■« 250 REES' KEOKUK CITY DIRECTORY. S O Vermillion, Green N.. traveling salesman C. L. Becker, r. ^ 1124 Exchange. J Versteeg, Miss Annie, r. se. 16th bet. Ridge and Carroll. § ^ Versteeg Bros., (Harry and Walter B.,) boots and shoes, 5 ^ 502 Main. te • Versteeg, Miss Ella, teacher Carey school, r. se. 16th bet. •S ^ Ridge .and Carroll. t Versteeg. Harry, (Versteeg Bros.,) r. 6 Park Place. «"Vj Vesper, Jefferson, lab. St. L. K. & N. W. R'y, r. 19 Main. ^ ÇC Vest, Eugene W., ventilating and sanitary engineer, r. 216 ^1^ Blondeau. ^5 Vezina, Ed. Lewis, r. 1419 High. S ^ Vezina, Mrs. Irma, grocery 1419 High, r. same. Vezina, John B., carpenter, r. 226 north 14th. Viele, Frederick, farmer, r. Main and Boulevard. 35 Villannis, Ernest, teamster, r. 318 north 13th. ^ Villannis, Etchen, shoemaker 227 Johnson, r. 318 n. 13th. Villannis, Jewell, r. 318 north 13th. I" ' Vockrodt, Luedwig Wilhelm, tin shop 1220 Main, r. same. Vog©l Bros., (Maier, Simon and Henry,) Marble ¡ Hall Clothing House 300 Main. Vogel, Henry, (Vogel Bros.,) r. 914 Blondeau. Vogel, John, finisher Karle & Schulz, r. 212 south 16th. .Vogel, Maier, (Vogel Bros.,) r. 920 Concert. Vogel, Simon, (Vogel Bros.,) r. 920 Concert. Vogt, Miss Caarie, wks. Keokuk Pickle Co-, r. 524 Palean. Vogt, Miss Emma, r. 1600 Main. Vogt, Henry G., piasterer Vogt & Schevers, r. 1600 Main. Vogt, Jacob, piasterer, r. 1703 Exchange. Vogt, John, clerk Sullivan & Auwerda, r. 1703 Exchange. Vogt, Miss Lena, works Keokuk Pickle Co., r. 524 Palean. Vogt, Miss Mary, domestic 116 north 3d. Völlers, Albert, driver Geo. Völlers, r. 21st and Exchange. Völlers, Miss Annie, seamstress; r. 2101 Exchange. Völlers, Edward, r. 2101 Exchange. Völlers, Miss Emma^ r. 2101 Exchange. Völlers,Frank,(Vollers & Warttman,)r.21st and Exchange. ^ Völlers, Fredrick, gardner, r. 2101 Exchange. ^ PI A DI/ Dono Hats, Caps, Trunks and ULfttir DnUu., Valises. 507 Main St. McGRATH BROS., Waters. REES' KEOKUK CITY DIRECTORY. 251 Völlers, George, groceries 506 Main, r. 2101 Exchange. Völlers & AVerttman, (Frank Völlers and Samuel Warttman,) plumbers and gas fitters 27 south 5th. Voorvaart, Mrs. Ida, grocery, r. 1502 Carroll. Voorvaart, John H., painter C. R. I. & P. R'y, bds. 1422 Carroll. Voorvaart. William H., car repairer C. R. I. & P. R'y, r 1422 Carroll. Voorhies, Dan C., manager J. O. Voorhies, r. 724 Bank. Voorhies, Hugh E., traveling salesman, r. 724 Bank. Voorhies, Joseph O., wholesale hats and caps 210 Main, r. 754 Bank. Voss, Henry W.. carpenter Wm. Cobb, r. 1528 Johnson. " Voss', Miss Kate. r. 24 south 5th. O ^<1 WtrcD ABASH Railway, Freight and Passenger agents' office 228 Johnson. Passenger Depot 26 south Water, öq Freight Depot, Water foot of Bank,H. T.Helgesen,agt. Wadden, George W., fireman K. & W. R'y, r. 913 n. 13th. Wadden, Miss Katie E., r. 913 north 13th. Wadden, Miss Lizzie, r. 913 north 13th. Oq Wadden, Thomas F., Jr., lab. lower lock, r. foot 3d street rd. Wadden, Thomas, Sr., stationery engineer, r. 913 n. 13th. ^0 Wade, George, laborer, bds. Central House. O Wade, John, r. 318 south 17th. Wagoner, Mrs. Ann E., r. 21 Main. Wagoner, Miss Mary, domestic 226 High. Wagoner, Samuel S., carpenter, r. Central House. Wagner, Miss Anna M., domestic 226 north 4th. • Wagner, Andrew, carpenter C. R. I. & P. R'y, r. 1420 o • Blondeau. í Wagner, Edward, elk. S. E. Carey & Co.,r. 1420 Blondeau. (6 Wakefield, Miss Nellie J., r. 513 north 5th. ® Wakefield, Samuel W., master machanic C. R. I. & P. R'y, tr ^ r. 513 north 5th. ^ ® Walch, E., tailor 415 Johnson, r. same. Walch, John, works Taber & Co., r. 410 Concert. ^ ■ ^ ^ Pieces of Popular Music only 10 Cents a Copy, • i® 5,000 ÄYRES BROS., 511 Main St. nnipc DDÍIO painting and paper hanging I nlUL UntlÖ. Cor. 6th and Main Sts. 5 o 252 REEs' KEOKUK CITY DIRECTORY. (y 05 J Walker, Mrs. Emily J., r. 229 Exchange. Walker,-Mrs. Elizabeth, bds. 315 High. 5 '2 Walker, Miss Emma R., r. 217 Concert. ^ Walker, John E., gen'l freight agent K. & W. R'y, r. 217 (¿"5 Concert. 0) . Walker, J oseph, laborer, r. 1022 Des Moines. ^ c Walker, Thomas J., barber, r. 1306 High. ^Walker, Wesly, white washer, r. 229 Exchange. Q Walker, .William H., r. 217 Concêrt. (Sciy Walker, William W., barber A. Hills, r. 821 Blondeau. ^ Walker, William J., clerk Coyne & Ballegoin, r. 1022 Des Moines. Wallace, Mrs. Elizabeth, r. ne. corner 15th and Charles. Wallace, John, r. 1727 Bank. O Wallace, Hugh E , r. ne. corner 8th and Carroll. Waller, Mrs. Annie, r. 1122 Timea. Waller, Mrs. Carrie, r. rear ßlO Johnson. ffj Waller, Frank,carpenter Evans & Sheppard,114 Blondeau. CO- Works, r. 418 north 12th. Wilkinson & IMOIIPP In the Hambden Bue! insurance Agency, 24 N. Sth St. I il O U n L fill toses paid promptly. Oply leading Cos. Represected. REES* KEOKUK CITY DIRECTORY, 253 Walters, Miss Katie, r. 418 north 12th. Wappich, Miss Julia, r. 523 Exchange. Wappich, William, r. 523 Exchange. Ward, Mrs. Ann, r. 1111 Bank. ■ Ward Bros., (James & John Ward,) cigar mnfr. 525 Main. 1*1 Ward, Caleb G., brick mason, r. Ridge bet. 14th and 15th. .Ward, Charles, clerks Vogel Cros., r. 1111 Bank. Ward, Charles, farmer and fruit grower, r. nr. Des Moines river bridge. Ward, Miss E. Grace, r. 901 Franklin. Ward, James, (Ward Bros.,) r. 1111 Bank. Ward, John, (Ward Bros.,) r. 1111 Bank. Ward, John, (Touhey & Ward,) r. 7th and Palean. Ward, John, laborer, r. 524 south 7th. Ward, Miss Julia, dressmaker, r. 524 south 7th. Ward, Miss Marv, works Shoe Factory, r. 1111 Bank. Ward, Miss Mary, r. 524 south 7th. Ward, Mrs, Marsylvia M., M. D. r. 901 Franklin. Ward, Dr. Nelson, r. 901 Franklin. ^ Ward, William, r. 1111 Bank. S Ware, Daniel, janitor Savings Bank, r, 1617 Morgan. » Warner, Miss Belle, dressmaker r. 100 Blondeau. g Warner, Thomas J., boat house, r. 100 Blondeau. Warner, Thorenton A., (Thuber & Warrier)r.ll24 Concet. Warttman, Samuel, (Völlers & Warttman) bds. Barrett ^ g House. Warwick, Charles A., (Warwick & Ranson) r.1016 Fulton, to ^ Washburn, Arlvie, laborer St. L. K. & N. W. R'y,~ f. 1627 Carroll. § 2 Washburn Mrs. Minnie, r. 327 Blondeau. yrn Washington. Archie, teamster, r. 1319 Fulton. Washington, James, laborer, r. 1808 Orleans. Bü Washington, John, farmer, r. 1219 Concert. «2^ Washington, Louis, machine hand S. C. & S. Carter, r. g S 10th between Ridge and Cedar. ® =» Washington, Mis« Nora, r. 1319 F"ulton. Waterman, John G., (List & Waterman) r. 210 n. 11th. äE Waterman, Miss Pauline, r. 210 north 11th. Waterman, Miss Katie, r. 210 north 11th. Í3 CD Fallntftf RPAthOPG Livery, Feefl and Sale Stables. A0UU55 DlvlUClo, Excursion and Moving Cars. 120 S. 3d St. T. D. MÄCKEY, ÄÄ Extracting Teeth —■ 254 REEs' KEOKUK CITY DIRECTORY. < j ^ : Waters, Frank R., dairyman, r. 1722 Main. ^ Waters, Henry, carpenter C. R. I. &P. R'y, r. 1722 Main. ^ Waters, Mrs. Malinda, r, 810^E. street. ^Waters, Mrs. Rebecca, r. 722 Higli. Watters, Mrs. Belle, r. 502 south 5th. O Watters, George, moulder, r. 318 south 1st. rjZI Watters, Mrs. Elizabeth, r. 818 south 1st. 0- Watts, William H., wks. Wax Starch Factory, r. 804 High. Watson, Charles, saw filer Planing Mill Carson & Rand Lumber Co., r. 1218 Reid, 4—' Watson, John M., stationery' engineer Diamond & Hilt Flour Mills, r. 1808 Carroll. ^ Watson, Miss Maggie L., r. Rees' Addition. Q Watson, May, wks Shoe Factory, r. 108 south 7th. Watson, Miss Nellie E., r. Rees' Addition. Watson, Thomas, r. rear 810 Johnson. Watson, William E., Vetinary Surgeon, r. Rees' Addition. ^ Wax Starch Co., (J. C. Hubinger, prop.) office cor. 6th Q and Blondeau, factory ft. of Blondeau and Water, f s Webb, Miss Jessie, r. 606 Concert. ^ Webb, Jesse W., r. 606 Concert. ^ Webb, Miss Lizzie C., r. 606 Concert. Webb, Miss Sadie E., r 606 Concert. Weber, Alois, (A Weber & Co.,) r. 802 Orleans. - Weber, A. & Co.. (A. Weber, Jno. Cosgrove, C. ^ A. Weber,) Wholesale and Retail Hardware Iron and Wagon Material 526, 528 Main. {^See adv. page lo.) Weber, Carl A,, (A. Weber & Co.) r. 528 Orleans. Weber, Frank J., with A. Weber & Co., r. 802 Orleans. Weber, Joseph, driver Union Brewery, r. 1407 Johnson. Ö Weber, William, tailor S. S. Lovvitz r. 1407 Johnson. — Weams Laundry 804 Main, Thos. W. Brice agent, .lá ^ Weess, Miss Emma, salesladx* H. Strickler, r. 222 Morgan. g Weess, Frank J., r. 222 Morgan. ^ %. Weess, Miss Frankie, r. 222 Morgan. tCWeess, John C., elk. Iowa State ins, Co., r. 222 Morgan .s Weess, Miss Mamie J., r. 222 Morgan. g Wehrle, Frank J., foreman washing machine dept. Keo- ^ ? kuk Planing Mill Co., r. Messengerville. , c ^ TÄP^R RRWWÄin Brucrrie.s. Provisions, Hardware, UilVjvD ilijrl 11 ALI/, tin and queensware, and garden implements, i x300 st". McGRATH BROS. Perfamery REES' KEOKUK CITY DIRECTORY. 255 Weigner, Carl apprentice S. Vogel Bros. r. 1423 Johnson, Weigner, Henry, tailor S. Vogel Bros. r. 1428 Johnson. ^ Weil <&Co., (J. B. Weil) Clothing, Furnishing Goods Hats and Caps 426 Main. Weil, John, carpenter W. Nichols, r. 1425 Bank. Weil, J. B., (Weil & Co.,)r. Hotel Keokuk. Weil, Michael, dealer in Rags and Iron 100 and 102 Main r. 1026 Blondeau. ^ Weiler, Louis, Barber Shop 12 south 5th, r. 826 Exchange. Weir, Edward F., wrk. u^vans & Sheppard r. 24th and Blondeau. Weir, Miss Ida B., r. 24th and Blondeau Weir, Soloman H., teamster, r. 24th and Blondeau. ^ Weirather, Frank, gardner, r. Messengerville, ^ Weirather, John, mounter Keokuk Stove Works, r 1806 >- Johnson. O sd Weirather, Miss Lena, r, 1806 Johnson. S-§ Weirather, Michael, carpet weaver, r. 1806 Johnson. ^ c+- Weirather, William, gardner, r. Messsengeryille. ^ ^ Weisman, Adolph Jr.,salesman Enterprise r. 1106^ Main. _j Weisman, Adolph Sr., physician, r. 1117 Main. * o ^ Weisman, Charles F., (Wm. Weisman & Co.,) r. 822 g- 5' Blondeau. ^ Weisman, George W., elk. Ed. H. Jones r. 1216 Concert. Weisman, William & Co., (William W. and 2.«^ Charles F.,) Dry Goods and Notions 628 Main. (See ^ cc adv. pas:e j.) o Weisman, William W., (Wm. Weisman & Co.,) bds. 824 g Blondeau. ^ Weisner, Miss Mary, dressmaker Mrs. Harwood, r. 1112 Concert. S- S Welch, Henry, r. 6th bet. Carroll and Ridge. ^ ^ Welch, Mrs. John, r. 115 south 1st. ^ 5' Welch, Katie, domestic, r. 728 Orleans. . Welch, Miss K. Louise, r. 908 Concert. ^ rji Welch, Miss Mamie, r. 107 south 1st. ^ » Welch Mrs.Sarah, librarian Keokuk Library. r.908 Concert, i— !> Welch, Simon, stone mason, r. 1418 Ash. ^ » I i 1 lili.» I. . I . I ^ i I 0^ Thp Ppi] ShnP RniKP Will give you better Shoes for Your ^ ^ iUC neu ÛUUC nuubc thaj shoe Store in Keokuk. PRíPiF RRO^ Wellehan, Miss Nellie, dressmaker, r. 219 north 10th. ^ CK Wells, Edward C., engineer C. R. I. & P. R'y, r. 507 (p ^ north 5th. ^ = Wells, Fredrick P., grocer 529 south 15th r. same. ^ Wells Mission, United Presbyterian Sunday school, Wil- O liam between C. and D. fc Wells school, sw. corner 5th and Timea, C. H. Gordon principal. Welsh, James P., r. 1320 Ash. Welsh, John quarryman, r. 1320 Ash. Welsh John T. teamster Tabors' Mill, r. 1320 Ash. Welsh Joseph A., stone mason r. 1718 Ash. Welsh, Peter, quarryman, r. 1320 Ash. Wèltin, Edward J., painter, 1605^ Blondeau. Wempner, Albert, Captain Steamer Patiencer. 728 High. Wenburg, Charles F., box maker Carson & Rand Lumber Co., r. 928 Carroll. Wenchel, Benjamin H.,traveling salesman, r.211 Blondeau. Wende, Miss Emma C., saleslady, J. M. Huiskamp, r. 918 Timea. Wende, Miss Lizzie F., saleslady J. M. Huiskamp r. 918 Timea. Wemg, Charles, tinner, H. Hierstein, r. 1114 Palean. Wenstrand, Rev. John, Swedish Lutheran Mission church 14th and Morgan, r. 1619 Franklin. Weiden, Mrs. Rachel, r. rear 810 Johnson. West, Miss Charlotte, r. Rees' Addition. West, Fredrick, laborer, 1010 Morgan. West, George W., traveling salesman S. Hamill & Co., r. 1028 Fulton. CO «8 >- liJ _l CO Wilkinson & Co. Perfnmery WYMAN-RAND CARPET CO., 609 and 611 Main St. m m 0) REES* KEOKUK CITY DIRECTORY. 257 West, John, S., carpenter Taber & Co., 1714 Reid. West, Oratio, laborer, i. Rees' Addition. West, Miss Phenia, r. 1714 Reid. West, William, contractor, r. 1029 Morgan. AArestCOtt, Samuel C., Books and Stationery 324 mb Main, r. 1202 High. West Keokuk Fire Engine House, Bluff corner B. Westerfield, John, teamster, C. A. Hutchinson, r. 326 Palean. Westminster Presbyterian church, Rev. John B. Worrall Pastor Blondeau cor 7th. Westminster Presbyterian Mission, W. J. Fulton Supt. 1500 Bank Western Union Telegraph Ofifice, Wm. H. Dolbear mana-Qq ger, 2d and Main. * Weyand, Miss Carrie saleslady Strickler & Co., r. Hazel Hirst Place. y y Weyand, Henry, engineer C. R. I. & P. R'y, boards Bar¬ rett House. Weyand, Wm. G., (Montague & Weyand) r. 1124 High. Weyer, Oscar, Prof. Concert street school, r.l311 Concert. Whalen, Andrew, laborer, r. 1014 south 5th. ^ ® Whalen, Mrs. Bridget, r. 1201 Williams. 5' ^ Whalen, Edward, laborer, r. 1014 south 5th. a Whalen, Edward, laborer Coey & Co., r. 1205 Williams, o Whalen, Miss Julia, r. 209 south 4th. S ^ Whalen, Marie, works Shoe Factory, r. Bluff bet. E and D. --cJI Whalen, Michael, saloon keeper, 1014 south 5th, r. same, » Whalen, Thomas, r. Cedar between 6th and 7th. 5 p Whalen, Thomas J., laborer, r. 1014 south 5th. ^ % Whalen, Timothy, lab. Coey & Co., r. se. cor. E and Bluff. ^ ^ Whaley, Miss Anna, r. 1109 Fulton. ^ 3 Whaley, Miss Kittie, r. 1109 Fulton. to Whaley, Michael, plasterer, r. 1109 Fulton. Whaley, William, carpenter, r. 1721 Johnson. ^ Wheatley, Estras R., laborer, r. 1602 Concert. Wheatley, John, r. 1602 Concert. ^ Wheatley, William S., r. 1602 Concert. S ^ Wheeler, Miss Addie, r. ss. Ridge 2d house from 9th. " 2. H. Strlckler, - The "Popular," O) T. D. MACKEY, Surgeon Dentist «s 258 REEs' KEOKUK CITY DIRECTORY. S ^ Wheeler, Miss Agries, r. 1427 Reid. Wheeler, Mrs. Elmira, r. ne. corner 21st and Bank. * • > • « Wheeler, John W., brick maker Hanson's brick yard, r. ss. g J Ridge, 2d house from 9th. ^ Wheeler, Mrs. Margaret, r. ss. Ridge 2d house from 9th. ^'Wheeler, William T., laborer Coey & Co., r. 1427 Reid. Wheelock, Hiram N., r. 429 south 13th. è Whelan, Miss Julia, r. 525 north 4th. Ä C/j Whelan, Mrs. Margaret, r. nw. corner 5th and Ridge. PCj Whelan, Thomas, laborer, r. corner 6th and Cedar, g <1 Whetstone, Miss Ida M., r. 1421 Exchange. Whetstone, Jacob A.,wks.Shoe Factory,r. 1421 Exchange. Whetstone, Jasper N.,grocery 1402 Main,r.l427 Exchange Whiston, Lee F., moulder Keokuk Stove .Works, r. 1228 ^ Bank. aj White, Charles E., mngr. Keokuk Bag Co., r. 711 n. 7th. White, Mrs. Eliza, r. 1117 Exchange. White, Miss Florence E., r 825 High. White, John H., waiter Hotel Keokuk, r. 715 Concert. White, Josiah R., employee Keokuk Bag Co., r. 711 n. 7th. White, Louis D., bookbinder 17 north 4th, r. 15 south 8th. White, Mason, president Keokuk Bag Co., r. 711 n. 7th. White, Michael J., works middle lock, r. 1209 Fulton. White, Thomas E., laborer, r. 1123 Orleans. White, William, laborer, r. 101 south 1st. Whitfield, James works Taber & Co., bds. Union House. Whitley, Henry H., miller Keokuk Roller Mills, r. 411 Morgan. Whitley, Robert A., traveling salesman Keokuk Roller Mills, r. 4ll Morgan. Whitney, Mrs. Anganette J., r. 525 north 8th. Whitney, Miss Annie, domestic, r. 329 north 4th. Whitney, Carleton P., r. 625 north 8th. Whitney, Gus, works Shoe Factory, r. 1104 Reid. Whitney, Howard O., agent Andrus brick machine, r. 625 north 8th. Wiatt, Thomas, laborer Coey & Co., r. 523 B. Wickersham, Miss Annie R., teacher Carey school, r. 1026 Timea. CLARK BROS., Hats, Caps, Trunks and Valises. 507 Main St. McGRATH BROS., Waters REES' KEOKUK CITY DIRECTORY. 259 'Wick.ersham, £lias H., propr. Asbestine Stone Works 508, 510, 512 Blondeau, r. 1026 Timea. {See adv. page 8.) Wicksell, Neis, car repairer K. & W. R'y, r. 820 n. 12th. Widigen, Frederick, carriage trimmer S. T. Worley & Son, 622 Johnson. Wiederhold, Miss Lulie, r. 1012 Concert. ^Wiederhold, Theo. F. E., merchandise broker 24 north 5th, r. 1012 Concert. Wiegner, Henry, tailor Vogel Bros., r. 142,3 Johnson. Wieman. Louis, laborer Coey & Co., r. 1216 s. 7th. Wier, Edward F., laborer, r. corner 24th and Blondeau. Wier, Solomon H., teamster, r. corner 24th and Blondeau. ' 'J| Wiese, Mrs. Hannah, r. 608 south 6th. Wikig, Mrs. Caroline, r. 607 Carroll. q O Wilburt, John E., r. 808 Morgan. ^ Wilcox, Miss Nellie E., teacher High School, bds. 227 . H'g.''- ... ®«! Wile, Miss Lizzie, domestic 4 Park Place. öq W^iley, JVIrs. M.ary, proprietor Windsor Hotel, 12 and 14 south 2d. C/)^ Wilkins, Charles, plasterer, r. 1929 Williams. Wilkins, David A., plasterer, r. 1929 Williams, O O Wilkins, John W., porter Eagle Hotel. Wilkins, Paul, plasterer, r. 1929 Williams. Wilkinson, Andrew J., (Wilkinson & Co.,) r. 1228 High. q Wilkinson, Mrs. Charity, r. 20 north 9th. Wilkinson & Co., (A. J. Wilkinson and J. F. Kie- daisch,) wholesale druggists cor. 4th and Main. (See adv. bottom lines.^ Wilkinson & Co., (Branch Store,) Ernest Kruskoff", man- • ager, 1028 Main. . 0 Wilkinson, Harrison, laborer Taber & Co., r. 1417 Morgan. ^ Wilkinson, Miss Mary, domestic, r. 20 north.9th. (D Wilkinson, Miss Mary K., r. 1223 High. ^ Wilkinson, William, laborer, r. 20 north 9th. ^ c/j Wilkinson, William T., traveling salesman Wilkinson & ^ ® Co., r. 1223 High. ^ Wilkinson, Willie, hostler 1701 Grand Avenue. ^ I ■ I —, — ^ Pieces of Popular Ulusic only 10 Cents a Copy, î® AYRES BROS., 511 Main St. 5,000 PRICE BROS. PAINTING and PAPER HANGING Cor. 6th and Main Sts. 5 © 260 REEs' KEOKUK CITY DIRECTORY VU Xfi s Qjjs Will, John, (Brelon & Will) bds. Ridge bet. 10th and 11th. Wills, Miss C. Olive, r. 1127 Blondeau. Wills, Ira W., salesman Kellogg, Birge & Co., r. 1127 ^ ^ Blondeau. Wills, Mrs. Mary, r. 1127 Blondeau. (D Willeger, Charles, artesian well borer, r. 1123 Blondeau. ^ % Wilier, Henry A., r. 1217 Bank. •fh ^ Wilier, Herman, proprietor Green Tree House, 30 s. 2d. ^ Q Willey, Ogden S., chief clerk U. S. office, r. 318 n. 3d. Williams, Alexander, fruit tree dealer, r. 1109 High. ^ Williams, Charles, laborer Tabor & Co., r. 1325 Reid. _ Williams, Charles H., works Tin Can Factory, r. 26 n. 9th. Williams, Miss Ella V., student Peirce's college, r. 1226 Williams. O Williams, Frank M., lab. Carson & Rand, r. 1226 Williams. Williams, Gabriel, carpenter, r. 513 north 16th. Williams, George, horse trader, r. 1623 Main. ffj Williams, George,carriage painter,Myers' Carriage Works, r. se. corner 16th and Ridge. qO Williams, Horace B., blacksmith Hawkeye Carriage Works, r. se. corner 16th and Ridge. ^ Williams, Horace W., carpenter, r. se. corner 16th and Ridge. U Williams, Isaac C., traveling salesman Wind Mill Co., r. 1726 Johnson. Williams, James, driver James Cameron, r. 1702 Exchange. Williams, John, moulder Keokuk Stove Works, r. 1707 Main. Williams, John W., saw filer T. C. Harrison, r. 1226 Wil- Oliams. Williams, Miss Lizzie R., r. 1109 High. Williams, Miss Lizzie R., r. se. corner 16th and Ridge. Williams, Louis E., attorney at law and real estate agent, r. 413 Blondeau. ■ Williams, Miss Nellie S., r. 1707 Main. h Williams, Miss Nettie M., r. se. corner 16th and Ridge. Williams, Miss Rosa, domestic, r. 108 south 13th. Williams, Samuel B., painter A. E. Foulkes, r. 728 Des Moines. CO Wilkinson & Co, 1M o 11 p C In the Hambden Buel Insurance Agency, 24 N. 5th St. 1110 U n L All Losses paid pron;ptly, Ocly leading 60s, Represeijted. REES' KEOKUK CITY DIRECTORY. 261 (0 8» Williams, William L., clerk Mrs. T. Nodier, r. 1109 High. Williamson, Mrs. Catherine, domestic 206 High. Williamson, Frank M., machine foreman Keokuk Wind Engine Co., bds. Globe Hotel. ■ Williamson, Harry, r. 803 Franklin. Williamson, George, laborer, r. 910 Des Moines. Williamson, Rev. W. C., pastor United Presbyterian Church, r. 808 Franklin. Willis, Mrs. Catherine, r. 306 Palean. Willis, Edward A., switchman K. & W. R'y, r. 516 s. 2d. Willis, Emil, printer Gate City, bds. Hotel St. Claire. Wilmes, Mrs. Ella, r. 1306 Bank. Wilmes, Ewald, painter, r. 1518 Park. Wilsey, Miss Bell, r. 1008 Morgan. Wilsey, Edward, wks. S. P. Pond & Co., r. 1118 Exchange. Wilsey, Frank, wks. Duncan-Schell Co.,r. 1118 Exchange. Wilsey, George F., laborer, r. 1008 Morgan. Wilsey, Mrs. Rufus, r. 1118 Exchange. Wilsey, Thomas, works S. P. Pond & Co., r. 1509 Bank. ^ Willson, Miss Alcy, nurse, r. 821 north 10th. S Wilson, Charles W., machine hand C. R. I. & P. R'y, r. » 1802 Williams. S Wilson, Miss Cornelia, r. 1411 Blondeau. W^ilson, Eugene, runner Hotel St. Claire, bds. same. Wilson, Frank L.,wood worker Hawkeye Carriage Works, ^ g r. 22 south 7th. Wilson, George W., coachman Alex. Johnstone, 520 teg Morgan. Wilson, Miss Grace, r. 2 Park Place. g 2 Wilson, Henry, white washer, r. 125 south 3d. S-m Wilson, Mrs. James, washerwoman, r. corner Burke and *53™ Plank road. ^ Wilson, James L., engineer Keokuk & Hamilton bridge, r. 1117 Concert. Wilson, Miss Jessie, teacher Carey school, r. 1208 Bank. ® Wilson, John, wqrks Coey & Co., r. 402 Park. Wilson, John M., dry Goods 1118 Main, r. 1202 Franklin. S Wilson, Lemuel F., carpenter C. R. I. & P. R'y, r. 1322 Franklin. ^ « ITûlIntfd Rl'nthûî'Q Livery, Feed and Sale Stables. JiuiiUgg DiUlilulo, Excursion and Moïing Cars. 120 S. 3d St. . T. D. «ACKEï, "S.Sí EîtractiDg Mil >■ _ 262 REEs' KEOKUK CITY DIRECTORY. Wilson, Lewis, r. 1122 Timea. Wilson, Miss Loraine, r. 1218 Franklin. ^ Wilson, Miss Loraue, domestic, r. Messengerville. »V Wilson, Marcus H., laborer, r, 28 south 4th. Wilson, Mrs. Nancy A., domestic 916 Grand Avenue. O Wilson, Mrs. Nancy H., r, 1208 Bank. - »— Wilson, Robert, laborer, r. 1411 Blondeau. Wilson, Robert, laborer, r. 1807 Franklin. Wilson, Stephen, laborer, r. 811 Carroll. Wilson, William, laborer, r. 1411 Blondeau. Wilson, William, grocer 629 Main, r. 1002 Concert. Wilson, William C., porter Huiskamp Bros. Co., r. 1208 Bank. O Wilson, William H., clerk, r. 1228 Franklin. Windier, Ferdinand, blacksmith, r. 810 Johnson. Windier, Fredrick, cigar maker S. Seibert. r. 704 Johnson. Windier, Lebrick, cigar maker S.Seibert,r.l410 Exchange. O Windsor Hotel, Mrs. Mary Wiley, propr., 12-14 south 2d. O Winkey, Joseph, machinist St. L. K. & N. W. R"y, r. 6th O and Carroll. IT" Winbpy William, laborer J. G. Henderson & Co., r. 6th CÜ an d Carroll. Winkler, E., cigarmaker S. Seibert, r. 1410 Exchange. Wirt, Harry, laborer, r. 814 Johnson. Wirt, Harry, laborer, r. 403 south 4th. r~ Wirth, Henry H., laborer, corner 4th and Timea. Wirth, Nicholas, works Keokuk Cracker and Candy Co., r. 1607 Bank. Wirth, Nicholas, bridge foreman C. R. I. & P. R'y, r. 1607 "c S Bank. © a Wirth, Charles, tailor S. S. Lowitz, bds. 223 Johnson. ^ ^ Wise, Henry A., commercial traveler Keokuk Pickle Co., .2 r. 504 north 13th. « J Withered, IMiss Jane, r. 902 Orleans. Ä ^ Withereil, Arvin A., carpenter and contractor, r. 321 F. ® Wittich, Fredrick v., musician Wittich Band,r. 1724 Bank. 'Z Z Wittich, George bottler Burks Soda Works, r. 1411 High. ^ §" Wittich, Lewis E„ musician Wittich band, r. 1728 Bank, c ¿1 Wittich, William,A., musician, r. 1411 High. Provisions, Hardware, JACOB RENWALD, «'S; I ...1 QUEENSWARE, and GARDEN IMPLEMENTS, ) Í300 ST- McGRATH BROS. REES' KEOKUK CITY DIRECTORY. 263 Ö' CO Wolcott, Miss Bertha, r. 511 north 3d. pi^ Wolcott, Mrs. Clara, r. 511 north 3d. ^ Wolf, Charles teacher Reid's Addition, r. 1017 Timea. Wolfe, Edward J., (Courtwright & Wolf,)r. 828 Franklin. Wolfe, Emilie J., work Shoe Factory, r. 1325 Johnson. Wolf, Miss Emma, domestic, r. 1209 Blondeau. Wolf, James T., laborer, r. 108 south 7th. Wolf, Louis H., cigar maker Joe Moeller, r. 1020 Timea. Wolf Mrs. Minnie, r. 1325 Johnson. "Wolf, Peter, Blacksmith 515 Johnson, r. 1020 Timea. ^ Wolf, Samuel, work James Cameron r. 122 south 7th. Wolff, John H., lunch counter 1114 Main r. same. Woodard, Hampton, porter C. B.&Q. R'y,r.l603 Morgan. Woodbury James, foreman Keokuk Stove Works r., 1613 ^ Johnson. Wood, Chris L,, delivery clerk post office, r. 404 n. 9th. ^ Wood, Douglas, teamster, r. corner 5th and Cedar. o w Wood, Everett A., book-keeper Trimble & Hanft r. 128 S. § north 4th. ^ Wood, Richard B. B., publisher Iowa Chief, r. 404 n. 9th. ^ ^ Wood, Richard M., clerk Dun Mercantile Agency r. 404 S . north 9th. Woods, Miss Blanch r. 11 north Main. g-5' Woodsmall, James M., carpenter St. L. K. & N. W. R'y, ^ r. 210 south 5th. ^ ® Woodsmall, John M., works Wm. Schweer, r. 210 s. 5th. 2.<¿^ Wooley, Francis M., painter, r. Canal rd. 1st house north S- cd of Plow Works. ^ o Woolley, Edward, carpenter r. 1221 Reid. ® Woolley, William, builder and contractor corner 5th and ^ ^ Blondeau, r. 1221 Reid. Woolley, William B., carpenter Planing Mill Carson & S- S Rand Lumber Co., r. 1506 Main. Woolley, Miss Lotta A., r. 1221 Reid. ro 5' "W^ooldriege, JVL. A. &Co., City Drug Store 702 Main. • j/5 Wooldridge, Moses A., (Wooldridge & Co.,)r. 502 n. 3d. ^ » Woolworth, Albert J., bill clerk St. L. K. & W. freight hg >■ house, boards 107 Concert. ^ ThP Rpd Shop HniKP W'" S'*® W better Shoes for Your ^ ^ lUC RoU OUUtJ llUUoC iJgg 2„y 5|,gg 5jg,.g ¡g KggjjgJ PRíPiF The .only V/Iiolesale Wall Paper House, 1 lliljjj JJilVÜ. ) Comer Sixth and Main Sts. 2 264 REEs' KEOKUK CITY DIRECTORY. j3 Ox Worley, Alpha O., brick mason, r. 512 north 11th. Worley, Charles M., blacksmith S. T. Worley & Son, r. g 22d and Orleans. e Worley, Miss Emma E. book-keeper S. T. Worley & Son ^ "g r. 22d and Orleans. 0 Worley, Harry F., carriage trimmer S, T. Worley & Son 3 's r 22d and Orleans. ¿ Z Worley, Harry O., clerk Carson & Rand, r. 911 Blondeau. "s Worley, Miss Ida S., r. 22d and Orleans. ^ ^ Worley, James H., blacksmith S. T. Worley & Son, r. ^ 22d and Orleans. 0 ^ Worley, Miss Laura E., r. 22 and Orleans. = W orley, Miss Minnett O., book-keeper Strickler & Co., , « r. 911 Blondeau. O Worley, Norman D., 911 Blondeau. fe Worley, Orion, Gate City Bag Co., r. 11 north 10th. Worley, Samuel, brick laver r. Clifton House. Worley, S.- T. & Son, (Sylvester T. and William H.,) wagon and corriage mnfrs., 622 to 628 Johnson. (See adv. side margin.) Worley, Sylvester T., (S. T. Worley & Son) r. 22d and Orleans. Worley, Westly J., brick layer, 911 Blondeau. Worlev, William, r. 826y^ Main. Worley, William H., (S. T. Worley & Son,) r. 22d and Orlea ns. Worrall, Rev. John B., pastor Presbyterian church r. 712 Blondeau. Worster, John R., painter, r. 811 Carroll. Worster, Thomas, wks. S. P. Pond & Co., r. 1428 Palean. Worster, George, drug clerk Wilkinson & Co. branch store r. 914 Timea. Worster, Jefferson, teamster, r. 1121 De.s Moines. Worthen, Willis, jeweler Frank LeBron, r. 326 Main. Wright, Aristen, farmer, r. middle road near Boulevard. Wright, Charles, cigar maker John Leezer r. 426 n. 12th. Wright, Charles A., r. 1715 Ridge; Wright, Miss Clara L., r. middle road near Boulevard. O CO «8 >- liJ _l a. O CO Wilkinson & Co.S^rcÄS'PerfnMy WYMAN-RAND CARPET CO., 609 and 611 Main St. rees' keokuk city directory.. 265 m m CO Wright, Edward C., printer Gate City, boards 4th bet¬ ween Main and Johnson. Wright, Frank, (Wright, Wustrow & Guy) r. 117 Concert. Wright, Frank, painter F. F. Harwood, r. 1717 Ridge. Wright, Miss Hattie, r. 221 north 10th. Wright, John, carriage maker Theo. Myers, r. middle road near Boulevard. Wright, John D., foreman painter C. R. I. & P. R'y« i"- 27 north 4th. Wright, Miss Lulu, r. 117 Concert. Wright, Miss Mary F., r. middle road near Boulevard. Wright, Miss Nellie W., middle road near Boulevard. Wright, Miss Ollie, works Dn S. F. Baker & Co., r. l7th _ and Ridge. • Oq Wright, Thomas, r. 1821 Des Moines, ^ Wright, Wustrow & Guy, (Frank Wright, August Wus- trow and Joe S. Guy,) Hawkeye Carriage Works 9, Í J 11, 13, 15 south 1st. Wunderly, Miss Mary, domestic, r. 117 High. J Wurm, Charles, laborer, r. 1830 Exchange. , Wurster, George J., clerk Wilkinson & Co. Branch store r. 914 Timea. ^ ^ Wurster, John, book-keeper Wilkinson & Co., r. 727 5'^ Franklin. ^ Wustrow, August C., (Wright, Wustrow & Guy) r. 1321 © ® Blondeau. | ^ Wurstrow John C., tailor Vogel Bros. Messengerville. —(Jg Wurstrow, Margaret, r. Messengerville. ^ œ Wycofif, James F., conductor K. & W. R'y, r. 212^ n. 6th. ^ ^ Wycoff, Jonathan, steamboat carpenter, r. 519 Concert. ^ ^ Wykoff, Addison T., 517 Blondeau. ^ "Wyman^Rand Carpel Co., William P. Darwin, ^ 3* manager, 609 and 611 Main. (See adv. top lines.^ tc Yager, Louís, carpenter C. R. I. & P. R'y, r. 1403 Concert. ^ Yales, Francis, carpet weaver, r. 1306 Johnson. S ^ Yeiser, Abram, quarryman, r. 1512 Concert. 2. H. Strlckler, The "Popular." T. D. MACKEY, Snrgeon Dentist ^ 266 REES' KEOKUK CITY DIRECTORY. S ^ 92 © Yeiser, Thomas, works Keokuk Bag^ Co., r. 1105 Fulton. ^ Yenawine, Owen, hostler Dooley & Smith, r. 20 south 3d. ^ Yenawine, William H., milk dairy, r. 1902 Main. 8 Young America Hose Co. No. 1, 17 north 6th. « ^ Young, Miss Annie, domestic, r. 811 Blondeau. Young, Charles E., laborer St. L. K. & N. W. R'y, r. •S ^ 1619 Franklin. ^ Young, Duvall W., Jr., ass't book-keeper Consolidated ^(/j Tank Line, r. 212 High. ptj Young, Henry, paper hanger Clark-Johnson Co., r. 1601 ^<1 Main. Young, James, Jr., bill elk. S. Hamill & Co., r. 311 s. 12th. Young, James, Sr., book-keeper Wm. Rees & Co., r. 311 south 12th. Young, Miss Jennie, r. 311 south 12ch. Young, John H., blacksmith Schlotter & Robbins, r. 1018 Concert. Young, John W , carpenter W. H. Nichols,r. 1121 Franklin. Young, Miss Lizzie, domestic 317 Concert. Young, Miss Mary, r. 311 south 12th. Young, Phelix, carpenter, r. 1429 High. Youngberg. Andrew P., stone mason, r. 1007 Morgan, Youngberg, Mrs. Lottie, r. rear 1129 Fulton. Younker, Miss Amanda, r. 925 Concert. You.nk.er, JVL., dry goods, notions and carpets 428 Main, r. 925 Concert. Younker, Miss Nettie, r. 925 Concert. ZjERR, John, traveling salesman Irwin-Phillips Co., r. 1002 Exchange. Zimmer, Andrew, cigar maker S.Seibert,r.l7l3 Exchange. Zimmer, Frank, cigarmaker S. Seibert, r. 1622 Timea. Zimmer, John, laborer, r. 1622 Timea. ' Zimmer, Miss Lizzie, works Shoe Factory, r. 1622 Timea. Zimmer, Peter, drayman, r. 1713 Exchange. Zimmerman, Miss Katie, domestic 507 north 4th. Zimmerman, Miss Lizzie, domestic 311 north 5th. Zindel, Henry W., moulder, r. 14th bet. Ridge and Cedar. CLARK BROS., Hats, Caps, Trunks and Valises. 507 Main St llcGRATH BROS, Waters REES KEOKUK CITY DIRECTORY. 267 -Zindel, Leo Charles, carpenter, r. 1718 Williams. Zindel, Leopold W., carpenter and builder,r. 1718 Williams Zuefle, Fred, bakery and confectionery 716 Main, r. same. Zugg, George, teamster, r. 1615 Bank. WM. REES Sc CO:S Keokuk City Street Directory,^ For 1890-91. Ä GOMPLiRTR LIST -OF- ?2 ircD -i^HOUSES, NUMBERS AND RESIDENTS OF SAME.<- A. ■328 400 401 408 411 418 420 Thomas J. Gaines. Mrs Mary Frier. Alexander McPherson. Joseph B Barnes. Mrs. Julia Richard. Thomas Burns. Martin Hynes. 426 Andrew Raftery. 503 Joseph Schima. 512 Thomas O'Reilly. 520 Daniel Riordan. 521 Mrs Mary Mulqueen. 524 John H Terwilleger. ■610 Mrs Lida Lame. Ash. 1311 Riley Mickey. 1313 Mrs Harriet Erick. 1318 Jeremiah Bailey. 1320 John Welsh. 1400 Vacant. 1404 Vacant. 1418 Joseph A Welsh. 1524 Charles Kellogg. B. 204 John Concannon. 214 John B Bennett. 222 B R Lofton & Son. 316 Thomas Glynn. r n n n Pieces of Popular Music only 10 Cents a Copy, OjUUU AYRES BROS., 511 Main St. 8» SI M 50° MC ' ^ 0 c o 0) »? t-Ö fp. < î» M PRICE BROS. PAINTING and PAPER HANGING Cor. 6th and Main Sts. ® i - LlJ _J Od O ■ I- co 268 REES KEOKUK CITY DIRECTORY. B. CONTINUED. 319 Douglas Giffin. 824 Michael Coyle. 400 Joseph Lambert. 412 George D Daughters. 415 David Shippey. 419 Patrick Griffin. 421 Anthony Faber. 424 Malachi Griffin. 426 Michael Griffin. 507 John Fleming. 521 Patrick Curry. 523 Jefferson C Hayken. 524 James D Prouty. 525 James McGahey Bank. 13 John Johnson. 15 S P Nygran. 107 Charles Lockwood. 109 J F Breitenstein. 113 Phillip Schikan. 119 J Hardesty. 121 John Laffey. 123 N Rudd. 200 Mrs M. A Kessler 202 Vacant. 206 A H Nelson 210 Mrs Ellen Loeffler. 211 F. A. Koechling. 216 Mrs. Catherine Hamal. 217 L Barnesconi. 222 G Renaud. 224 George Kraft. 228 T V Griggs. 311 J W Erman. 320 J Brady. 412 C. Smith. Bank. CONTINUED. 416 Mrs s E Hiteman. 418 Mrs D A Cowley. 428 R Martin. 528 Mrs Sarah E Backus. 603 Vacant. 607 John Laubersheimer. 609 J Schouten. 617 E Sage. 618 Mrs M Pearce. 619 W Reimbold. 621 R. L. Cusack. 623 G A Brinkman. 626 Vacant. 627 Mrs E Helwig. 628 J Gregory. 700 George R Nunn. 708 H J Mills. , 714 G R Parsons. 721 G W Rickabaugh. 724 J O Voorhies. 725 A W Griffith. 729 John Kerr. 804 W S Moore. 812 J. McNamara. 818 J. G. Henderson. 819 B Vander Hägen. • 819 A Larson. 824 Rev. F. E. Hall. 827 R Loftis. 905 W J McGavic. 916 L R Carver. 917 James Kenney. 919 Mrs M C Elmore. 922 J Eitz Henry. 926 M Cahill. 1005 Mrs M Brinkman. Wilkinson ä Co, 1M o 11 p C In the Hambden Buel Insurance Agency, 24 N. 5th St. 1110 U n L All Losses paid promptlj. Ooly leadiog 60s. Represented. REES KEOKUK CITY DIRECTORY. 269 1212 Mrs E Kennedy. 1213 Mrs M Ebersol. 1216 G Getz. 1217 Miss M Ricker. 1219 C. Holme. 1222 E L Boud. 1225 T. Pelka. 1228 L F Whiston. ^ 1802 Ed Moore. 1306 Mrs Sarah Estes. 1310 George Schell. 1313 W Donnovin. 1317 Mrs Mary Leonard. 1402 A Geiger. 1408 Mrs Mary Dishmore. 1409 C Fader. 1412 J D Taylor. Bank. CONTINUED. 1008 Geo»D Rand. 1009 W S Gray. 1010 J F Keidaisch. 1013 Mrs C Schwartz. 1016 Mr Graham. 1017 H Kummer. 1023 J Schowlwater. 1026 J B McNamara. 1108 Mrs M B McNamara. 1110 W J Stevens. 1111 Mrs A Ward. 1114 H. Russell. 1115 W Brown, 1117 C P Huber. 1123 S Van Greiken. 1127 M Holdorf.« 1200 A M Matheny. 1202 T J Forquer. 1208 Mrs N H Wilson. Bank. CONTINUED. 1413 D C Dodge. 1420 L D Leach. 1422 E Loenstein. 1423 A Sheerer. 1424 O Nelson. 1425 J Weil. 1426 B Pyles. 1500 Westminster Presby terian Mission. 1501 Vacant. 1509 G Wilsey. 1512 Charles Griebsch. 1513 F M Smith. 1518 L Barker. 1519 H Johnson. 1521 C Vanderslot. • 1522 Mrs M Bode. I5225C O Graham. 1524 Joseph Berg. 1526 James Babb. 1527 G Brombaugh. 1601 George Renner. 1602 John Rathen. 1603 A Ullrich. H Brooks. N Wirth. Mrs B Ryan. S ¿0 w w (/) 8» o o 1608 1607 1613 1615 1616 G Zugg. W D Lamour. J McConkey. J Lorden. E G Kaiser. Mrs M Joner. A Seft. 1718 J Spring. 1724 F V Wittich. 1621 1702 1709 1711 9= 3 P' te S W r~ 02'- © S- ^ sr 1*1 ^ 1 © ' Kellogg Brothers, Livery, Feed and Sale Stables. Excursion and Moving Cars. 120 S. 3d St. T. D. MACKEY Surgeon Dentist , DENTAL ELECTRIC t VIBRATOR V8ED IN ; Extracting Teetli cc Pà JO i£ 4-» P O o o o o CO 270 REES KEOKUK CITY DIRECTORY. O 0 © S ô- © "C » R ^ - © © «S Oí Ä P O CO. Bank. CONTINUED, l725 J McCluey. 1727 J Wallace. 1728 L Wittich. 1729 A Loving. 1802 Mrs Eliza Stevens. 2129 C J Clark. Blondeau. 23 Asa Z Parker. 24 Andrew Suhueber. 100 T J Warner. 107 Mrs Sarah M Buell. 113 William D Steele. 114 Frank Waller. 119 Vacant. 123 Harry H Bradford. 129 James Hill. 202 H H Clark. 207 Mrs Hannah Cleghorn. 211 Benjamin H Wenchel. 216 Mrs Ann Sullivan. 217 Eugene W Vest. 303 Mrs Hattie Smith. 309 Thomas R Morton. 311 Dr David B Hillis. 312 Alfred Evans. 315 Adrian H McCoy. 316 Dr David B Hillis. 318 Sarhuel Dickson. 323 Mrs Lena M Koch. 327 Mrs Minnie Washburn. 401 George Hill. 404 Dr George E Ehinger. 407 Samuel Ferris. 410 Mrs J D Durfey. 412 Capt. Hill. Blondeau. CONTINUED. 413 Louis E Williams. 418 Mrs M A Price. 420 J Culbertson, Sr. 422 Gate City Marble Wks.. 504 Dr G N Seidlitz. 508-512 Asbestine Stone Works. 509 George W Caldwell. 511 Vacant. 513 Vacant. 515 Washington Adair. 517 Solomon H Roberts. 519 Wm Sinton. 529 Pierce R Sutton. 530 J C Hubinger. 621 David L Hughes. 625-629 Medical College. 610-628 U S Court House and Post Office. 702 Presbsterian church. 707 Mrs Hannah Taggert. 712 Rev J B Worrall. 713 Robert Burns. 717 Mrs Emily H Leopold. 723 Mrs Mary A Martin. 726 First Baptist Church. 727 Jewish Synagogue. 802 Wm W Jamieson. 805 Central School. 806 Louis F. Linquist. 810 Mrs Eliza Tucker. 816 Charles Weismann. 821 Wm W Walker. 822 John F Hubinger. ö - 'Jnited Presbyter'n Ch. 828 George Comstock. JACOB RENWALD Groceries. Provisions, Hardware, , TIN AND QUEENSWARE, and I Í300 iya:.0.iiT McGRATH BROS. TOILET GOODS and öth and Main Sts. Perfumery REES KEOKUK CITY DIRECTORY. 271 Blondeau. 900 Samuel Smith. 905 Thomas Harrison. 909 B Hammond. 911 Wésly Worley. 912 Dr O P McDonald. 913 Oswin S Dingey. 914 L Solomon. 919 Charles H McKenny. 920 Edward McKenney. 921 Thomas S Jefferson. 922 George Hardesty. 923 William Howard. 927 Chris Hills. 1000 Mrs Cate Schlotter. Otto Michaelis. Dr Paschal Davis. Henry Tieke. 1016 C W Taylor. 1017 Abram } Mathias. 1018 B F Hill. 1019 Isaac R Spiesberger. 1020 Samuel Klein. 1021 E Spiesberger. 1026 Michael Weil. 1029 Robert Rees. 1102 C Deeper. 1102 Miss Fannie McBride 1104 Mrs G E Holmes. 1105 John Burns. 1106 Wm Kummer. 1108 R D Emerson. 1109 Ephriam Radasch. 1113 uis Geiger. 1114 MA Tracy. 1116 J C Burk. • 1118 George Purdy. 1119 Mrs Georgie Hackett. 1123 James Sterritt. 1001 1003 1014 Blondeau. CONTINUED. 1125 1127 1201 1.206 1209 1212 1217 1218 1222 1223 1226 1226 1228 1302 1308 1312 1313 1313 1316 1317 1321 1326 1327 1328 1403 1407 1411 1412 1416 1419 1420 1424 1425 1502 1505 1508 William M Surrey. Mrs Mary Wills. John M French. John Leezen Col James M Reid. Vacant. Erastus E Fuller. John Culbertson, Sr. G Schilsung. James A Lee. Martin Schouten. Charles J Hanson. Gust Fox. Patrick Conroy. John Knox. T Waller. Jacob Ludwig. John F Buss. Judge Henry Bank,Jr. Henry Rankin. August C Wustrow. J W McCary. Rev. William J Laws. Mrs C Kaiser. AME Church. Emanuel Proctor. Robert Wilson. Henry Pechstein. Mrs Mary Nagel. , Frank Reinhart. Andrew Wagner. George Galloway. Andrew Swanson. John Skrogg. Lars P Swanson. Charles Linquist. CO o IXI c c o' ^ c C5 Z Ä = 272 REES KEOKUK CITY DIRECTORY. Blondeau. CONTINUED. 0 e 1509 1511 1515 1517 1520 1521 1522 1525 1527 1600 1604 O CD >- UJ _l Oí o ■ I- CD John Rin_^strom. Charles G Nelson. John Larson. Alexander Baker. John Drains. Caleb C Logan. L Haney. Harry Brasher. George Menk. John Scmilecle. Kveret Homes. 1605ijacob Schwending« 1611 Ham Inman. Harry Inman. Gus Santo. Charles Santo. John A Blixt. Mrs Mary Hamblin 1715 Dudley Smith. 1900 Andrew P Hanson. 1616 1618 1622 1705 1709 Bluff. 1100 1106 1110 1112 1114 1128 1200 1210 1218 1218 1224 1228 1230 1416 En- Reid's Addition gine House. Patrick Gray. Jasper K Mason. Henry F Burnell; John O'Brien. John Crimmins. John Stoddard. Washington Taylor. John W Dermody. Mrs Ann McGovern. Ben R Loftus. Mrs Winnie Dolan. Frank S Cook. Mrs. Mary Hopkins. c. 316 Joseph Harris. 620 Frank Schevers. 624 Edwin Bowden. 703 Frank A Deitz. 705 Mrs Sarah Esquilant. 706 Andrew J Leake. 712 John O Vail. 714 Wm H Rodgers. Wm Monemaker. Vacant. Peter W Smith. John S Puder. Mrs Eva Smith. 715 724 727 728 729 1124 Miss Mary Eagan. Carroll. 503 Warren Smith. 511 Henry J Faber. 515" Thomas Foley. 517 Patrick Foley. 603 John Quinn. 606 Mrs Ellen Long. 607 Mrs Caroline Wikig. 611 Michael Burk. 619 Mrs Ellen Gavin. 700 James T Long. 715 Mrs Bridget O'Brein. 717 Robert D Sutherland. 718 Andrew Moffit. 725 Mrs Bridget Delaney. 729 F Brüssel. 808 R Dillon. 811 John R Worster. 811 Stephen Wilson. 816 Patrick Fitzpatrick. 8162Frank W Swan. 817 Rufus Sundby. 818 Mrs Kate Cook. Wilkinson & Co, , Varnishes, Toilet Cor. 11th and Main Perfnmery A OOITTCL WYMAM-RAND CARPET CO., ' jC/ a ßOf) and Gil Main St. REEs' KEOKUK CITY DIRECTORY. 273 Carroll. CONTINUED. 819 William J Marline. 820 Mrs"Fannie Nickowash 821 J F Getz. 821 Simon E Walsh. 828 Samuel McDonald. 902 Mrs Annie Oatman. 912 James C Dailey. 916 keter LeMaster. 917 Eugene Harrington,Sr. 919 Mrs Elizabeth Brown. 922 James W Cox. 929 Charles F Wenburg. 1018 Ralph Cassel. 1022 James Gallagher. 1129 John P Griffith. 1308 John M Watson. 1311 Daniel H Schevers. 1318 John W Harmon. 1321 Martin B Hamilton. 1328 Mrs Ella Van Valken- burg. 1107 George Crowl. 1115 Mrs Larinda Games. 1121 Bartley Fields. 1122 Henry Helman. 1122 William H VoorYaart. 1 cno { Mrs Ida Voorvaart. loUz 3 1501 Josiah C Gibson. 1511 Mrs Annie Schevers. 1516 Fredrick Rockenbach. 1518 Joseph H Richard. 1519 Dennis W Haggerty. 1528 David F Crees. 1602 Willard W Richardson 1611 Joseph S Huff. Carroll. CONTINUED. 1616 Peter Batte. 1627 Alvie \\ ashburn. 1702 Reuben A Dollery. 1712 Levi Hovev. l7ll George W Jones. 1718 Louis Low. 1719 Harris Harrison. 1721 Mrs Susan Dollery. 1722 Conrad Hartrick Cedar. 303 Benjamin W McGee. Concert. 102 William Oldenburgh. 107 George B Smythe. 113 William Schoel. 116 Mrs Mary Carrick. 117 Andrew Brown. 126 Mrs Sarah Hutchinson. 206 Miss E Louise Buell. 210 Frank Harshman. 213 William B Daniels. 214 Mrs Mary A Grice. 216 Miss Helen Braun. 217 John E Walker. Albert L Connable. 218 William S Trask. 222 David Collier. 306 Henry R Miller. 809 Mrs Sidney Cox. 310 Charles M Levey. 314 Arthur Bridgman, Jr. 317 Hon Edward Johnstone 323 Vacant. 327 Vacant. H. Strlckier, "«LüiÄlr- The "Popular." T. D. MACKEY, yo. 12 SouthSixth. NITROUS OXIDE GAS Adminintered. Surgeon Dentist 274 REES KEOKUK CITY DIRECTORY. S S c o r rtC/i Û- a; Concert. CONTINUED. CP 407 410 416 422 512 513 518 519 521 524 525 526 528 606 608 614 616 617 619 627 707 715 717 718 724 726 727 729 810 902 904 907 910 913 915 916 Rev R C Mcllwain. Mrs Emma L Shaw. Horace H Ayres. Mrs Nancy Dickens. Andrew Balbach. John Narrley. John A Petterson. Jonathan Wycoff. Thomas S Frazer. Dr George E Ehinger. William H Bartlett. I John McGrath. Jesse W Webb. John Maxwell. John M Boyer. William J Fulton. Pœbe Buey. Morris Inman. Col'd Baptist Church. Uriah R McCutchen. John H White. William A Hill. Mrs Sarah J Shelton. Robert Duncan. William G Reid. Peter Gunneson. Louis Rempe. Concert Street School. Mrs Sarah Welch. John Ruse. Mrs Mary Schardelman Diedrich Buss. Wm M Price. Frank H Price. Louis Pelgen. Concert. CONTINUED. 918 Cobus Buss. 920 Maier Vogel. 922 Homer B Clark. 924 Robert L Sonner. 925 Manassa Younker. 928 Herbert D Howard. 1002 William Wilson. 1003 Mrs Margaretta Ack- erman. 1006 Rev Joseph C Maple. 1008 Benjamin F Smith. 1012 Theodore F E Wied¬ erhold. 1018 Frank E Stannus. 1019 Fred Hilpert. 1027 Mrs Anna M Moody. 1028 Harry Mitchell. 1108 Jonathan Hewitt. 1110 Louis A Berryhill. 1112 Henry Schardelman. 1113 Henry Scharfenberg. 1117 James L Wilson. 1118 Dr William Bertram. 1119 Arthur E Shappill. 1120 Rev William Gram. 1121 William H Jones. 1124 Thorenton A Warner. 1125 Willard L King. 1226 Swedish M E Church 1129 George Stillwell. 1204 Mrs Mary A Eads. 1206 Miss Judith Eaton. 1211 Mrs A Vaughan. 1212 Mrs Annie Higharn. 1213 Timothy Hines. 1215 MrsVirginia Cushman CLARK BROS., Hats, Caps, Trunks and Valises. 507 Main St. McGRATH BROS, Waters REES KEOKUK CITY DIRECTORY. 275 Concert. CONTINUED. 1216 George W Weismann 1219 John Washington. 1222 Jacob Frank. 1224 Ralph D Lewis. 1225 Alexander Smith. 1227 Ellery A Miller. 1228 Jesse S Taylor. 1301 George L Reiner. 1302 Frank J Smith. 1304 George McCormick. 1307 George Erdman. 1314 Andrew Kirchner. 1316 Prof Oscar Weyer. 1318 Alanson L Parson. 1319 Jacob S Dygraff. 1320 Mrs Louise Rollins. 1323 Sike Fox. 1403 Louis Yager. 1407 Joseph A. Samuels. 1408 William N Parker. 1414 Thomas H Antrobus, 1415 Mrs Fredereka Stuck¬ ert. 1418 George F. Stults. 1420 Herman C. Henke. 1422 John D Harshman. 1426 Joseph C Thompson. 1427 Seth M Hawkes. 1501 Stephen H Johnston. 1502 Peter C Schank. 1503 Walter Howe. 1506 Frank Latner. 1508 Mrs Ellen Dunn. 1509 Rufus S Mefïbrd. 1509 William H Fonts. 1512 Abner Yeiser. 1520 Frank L Griffey. • Concert. CONTINUED. 1513 1518 1521 1524 1525 1527 1528 1602 1606 1610 1614 1618 1624 1627 1723 1729 Dennis Ryan. John W Bunch. Mrs Anna C Bettis. Frank T Lynch. John Henneson. W Smith. James H Robbins. William S Wheatley. Mrs Anna Jackson. Mrs Bell J Jones. Edward Parent. Mrs Anna Mottes, William Bennett. Mrs Elizabeth Games. Christ Kuebler. Henry Allen. D Street. 307 W Jester. 416 Martin Leach. Des M-oines. 118 Mrs E Sullivan. 307 E A Miller. 402 RHultz. 407 Mrs Mary Davern. 410 F Boudewynes. 413 G E Dickenson. 414 Mrs Mary Burrell. 415 L McLaughlin. 416 P Mc Ñamara. 417 A Tennyson. 420 Vacant. 421 Vacant. 422 J M Morris. 423 G Sick. 5n n n Pieces of I'opular Music only 10 Cents a Copy, ,UUU ÄYRES BROS., 511 Main St. ?2 r^< cr® N B 2° So M pd® mc ■ ^ 0 c p* S' et ^et 9S ^ < PRICE BROS. PAINTING and PAPER HANGING Cor. 6th and Main Sts. (Q s 0 m •M 23 0>-s 03^ rs 2 76 REES KEOKUK CITY DIRECTORY. n 0 ^ csa •fH ^ h ö ü O (0 <=« >- Lil _! ÚÍ O ■ h co Des Moines. CONTINUED. 424 M Rogerson. 506 Ed Crossan. 908 W B Pickens. 512 J McNiff. 513 J McCarter. 518 Mrs J Morrisy. 522 F Dwyer. 526 Mrs Mary McKone. 528 P Cahill. 618 J Dimond. 622 Mrs M A Powell. 626 A J Dimond. 702 T Figue. 708 Vacant. 713 A Knighi. 716 Vacant. 717 G F Sargant. 722 J Burns. S B William. Mrs F Morris. R Walsmith. G Williamson. 914 W Blodgètt. 916 J Chandler. 917 T Rovan. 918 G M Bush. 919 J Langley. 920 Mrs B Broderich. 922 H Hagmeir. 924 Mrs B Segner. 925 Mrs H Fngrstum. 928 I Keniston. 929 G Dode. 1008 A Petterson. 1010 G Hoffektz. 1 014 G Kirlin. 728 802 828 910 Des Moines. CONTINUED. 1015 Mrs Hattie Roster. 1022 J Walker. 1026 T H Parker. 1121 y Worster. 1123 Mrs C L Bepler. 1126 Fd Narrley. 1202 Rev J Burgess. 1205 Mrs O Miller. 1208 J Dormán. 1217 R McGarey. 1221 H Krupger.' 1222 Carey School. 1302 J Reimers. 1302 C Burgess. * 1303 H Loring. 1309 I Terry. 1311 WM Clark. 1311 J L Sample. 1319 L T Pyles. 1322 Vacant. 1324 .A James. 1326 A F Foulkes. 1401 G Neyens. 1409 P Real. 1428 J Van Derspeck. 1521 P C Collins. 1821 Thomas Wright. 2021 J B Sherk. 2029 Flenia Chandler. E. 507 Wm J H Harris. 508 Mrs M English. Mrs Emma Dunagan. 520 I lenry Rein. 810 Mrs Malinda Waters. Wilkinson k T. D. MACKEY, 278 "m J 50 U « S" s s ce ^ 'S 3Í es -r g- o 4) e P-i 14 Charles Anderson. 16 Daniel Taylor. 108 Mrs E Martin. 111 David Ogden 116 Mrs M Douglas. 117 Hubert Kaldenberg. 122 Vacant. 124 H Vanderheyden. 202 Jacob Shaffer. 209 William Cobb. 210 C Gillespie. 212 C Bail. 213 F H Kellogg. 214 R Kayser, 216 J Heinte. 218 Mrs R Guinn. 222 Mrs Anna E Johnston. 226 Vacant. 229 W Cobb. 228 Westly Walker. 304 Mrs Kate Distill. 306 L Tausch. 309 Mrs Fannie Miller. 309ÍW C Renno. 310 Wm Millier. 311 Mrs Kate Munster. 312 D O O'Brien. 313 Mrs Nancy Singleton. 314 Mrs R Cavanaugh. Exchange. CONTINUED. 315 Pompi Pollard. 316 Vacant. 317 Vacant. 319 Vacant. 320 G J Leming. 323 W Gross. 323iMrs I Ford. 326 William H Stauffer. 328 Vacant. 406 W H Nelson. 422 G W Mondorff. 426 Vacant. 428 Vacant. 511 Mrs L Rickard. 511iMrs A Leonard. 512 J McDonald. 513 Mrs E Campbell. 514 P Bear. 516 L A Fox. 523 Wm Wappich. 527 P Brown. 529 Joe Dlckerhoof. • 601 S Mason. 603 M E Justice. 607 H Combs. 609 Vacant. 611 H W Green. 612 Wm Mayer. 613 Mrs Bridget McGrath. 619 Mrs Henriett Charnier. 621 Jacob Agne. 626 Harry Fulton. 627 August Baun 702 Vacant. 70S Mrs J C Devine. 709 C Heinz. JACOB REHWALD Groceries, Provisions, Hardware» , TIN AND QUEENSWARE, and GARDEN IMPLEMENTS J 3.300 3.4ÄIOT ST. IM o 11 p E In the Hambden Buel Insurance Agency, 24 N. 5th St. I 110U n L 'All Losses paid promptly. Only leading ßos. Represented. REES KEOKUK CITY DIRECTORY. 277 Eighth.—North. 117 Mrs Maggie Barnes. 210 Phillip Reeves. 216 Charles H Gordon. 320 Mrs Mattie McKin. 504 Sylvester Carter. 510 Samuel C Carter. 525 Mrs A J Whitney. 721 Geo D Mann. 726 Henry C Huiskamp. Eighth.—South. 9 Dr Benjamin F Bailey. 11 J W Hawkins. 13 Thomas Alton. 15 Louis D White. 14-28 S F Pond & Co. 17-19 German Starch Co. 21 John Wright. 128 Mrs M A Hammond. 200 D F Miller, Sr. 202 Walter E Stanley. 208 Mrs C C Guy. 210 C E Garrison 212 F Meinberg. 216 Daniel F Miller, Jr. 316 Sarah Gorgas. 326 M } Burke. 416 M Garmo. 528 John Cabalan, Sr. 506 D Trieber. 512 Vacant. 518 J Cheek. 526 John Rollins. 610 Louis Meyer. Eighteenth —South. 319 A J Hays. Eleventh.—N orth. 17 Lena Glaser. 19 Phillip Schard. 120 Alexander Tolmie. 210 John G Waterman. 300 George Roth. 411 Thomas H Hopkins. 413 Vacant. 510 Catherine Sharp. 512 Wm. Dunn. 814 Jacob S Snyder. 816 Charles W Douch. 819 William J Roberts. 902 Mrs Henrietta Coleman Eleventh.—South. 18 H Schmidt & Son. 24 John Eisenhuth. 28 Joseph Luttz. 216 P Cunningham. 220 Edward Brugmann. 312 I Anderson. 316 D. M. Chisholm. 318 F M Anderson. 324 James R Roberts. 326 H E Kerr. 328 H Vanderheyden. 416 P Johnson. 527 H Brunat. 604 George Banks 606 John G Getz. Estes. 1116 Mrs . Sarah Thomas. 1224 Vacant. 1320 John S VanAusdall. 1324 Vacant. 1330 Bernard Helman. ;o m m (0 o o EC CO IC ; Of I CO ' o • ff ■ m: rt- i » ; ÍD I Kellogg Brothers, Livery, Feed and Sale Stables. Excarsion and Moving Cars. 120 S. 3d St. McGRÄTH BROS. TOILET GOODS and 5t1i and 3Iain Sts- Perfumery REES KEOKUK CITY DIRECTORY. 279 719 721 727 811 Exchange. CONTINUED. 711 Dr A Steinberger. 712 Mrs C Megchelsen, 713 Mrs S A Graham. 718 Vacant. E F Harwood. Charles Alton. 722 C F Miller. 724 Mrs A O'Brien. S Seibert. Mrs C Gibbons. 812 Wm VanVucht. 813 Hanse C Mellerup. 815 T F Riley. 816 P J Favard. 819 Thomas W Agnew. 820 T Taylor. 821 Albert L Ballagoin. 823 Henry Flood. 824 C Bagg. 825 C P Ebersole. 826 L Weiler. 910 Christain church. St Peter's church. St Peter's school. E Brunat. 928 Mrs A Alton. 1002 John Zerr. 1008 G Engelhardt. 1009. H Alton. 1012 David W Swartz. 1016 Joe Schlotter. 1020 Rev A Gehrke. 1026 St Paul's EVangelical church. 1100 J F Culbertson. 1105 H Adams. 913 Parsonage 923 926 1107 1108 1111 1112 1116 1116 1117 1118 1119 1120 1122 1124 1128 1203 1206 1207 1209 1211 1213 1220 1227 1307 1308 1312 1315 1317 1320 1323 1327 1410 1419 1421 1422 1426 1427 1428 1429 Exchange. CONTINUED. John Moore. Wfn Egner. Henry Seymore. Benjamin F Smith. Albert D Thomas. E Van Papplendam. Mrs 1 Anderson. Edward Wilsey. J S Bland. C Bode. CO CO CO CO G N Vermillion. B Dolan. Charles Schulz. J H Jacobs. W Hoffman. Vacant. John Karle. Lawrence Drenke. Mrs M Newton. Wm McCutcheon. George Henry. F Ginter. P McGarry. Mrs Christian Henry. Barnard McGarry. Thomas South. H Hendricks. Mrs P" Miller. E W^enkler. William Getz. Jacob A. Whetstone. J Gesser. Mrs B Kapp. Jasper N VVhetstone. Victor Miller. Alfred Anderson. Thii PnH Qhnii tiniiQP Will give you better Shoes for Your lllo IiCu öUÜD nUUotJ n^gpgy tJan jgy si,Qg 3tQre ¡n Keokuk. o c c o' ^ 0 B. 2.0^ CD CO p CD S-s tr p ^ S CD a CL or? ^ M Vi • PRIPiF RRO^ V/holesale Wall Paper House, ^ HlvLl UivV/Üt^ Corner Sixth and Main Sts. (0 u 2.^ CS M o! Í3^ U R Ha >> ^ > ^ CS^^ s> 4^ 280 REES KEOKUK CITY DIRECTORY. 0) X I c O o CD «8 >- UJ _l ÛC o h <6 Exchange. CONTINUED. 1508 Martin Rettinger. J W Shaffer. 512 G Kessler. 514 Vacant. 517 Gustave Prasse. 518 H Ebner. 520 Vacant. 521 John Rockelnian. 522 B Kerns. 608 W R Sheppard. 609 Frank J Schenk, Sr. 613 Mrs Kate Pflug. Fredrick Long. 623 John Pflug. 626 A. Linstrum. 628 O F Johnson. 702 J Williams. 703 Jacob Vogt. 705 Robert Butler, 707 Mrs Harriet Mills. 708 S Veith. 709 R Reed. 713 Peter Zimmer. 718 F Ftte. 719 John Henke. 722 R Long. 725 Mrs F Smith. 729 George W Smith. 800 Fner Hanson. 808 George Mayer. 818 S James. 8.30 C Wurm. 2001 Lincoln Jackson. 2011 R Hunt. 2013 Thomas McCleary. 2015 Simon Pemberton. Exchange, CONTINUED. 2025 Chris Biddenstadt. 2029 James Bennett. 2101 Fredrick Völlers. 2108 F Völlers. 2120 Mrs J Opstetten. 2130 F Robertson. F. 317 William Phillips. 321 Arvin D Witherell. 323 Thomas C Harrison. 725 Matthew Rea. Fifth.—North. 8 Collins & Heaslip. 12 Victor Story. 14 I N Tichenor. 17 Craig, McCrary & Craig. 18 Jenkins & Scroggs. 19 Vacant. 18èDr Mills. 20 James H Anderson. 21 Miss M Graley. 22 H Tucker. 23 Orion Clemens. 24 T C Wiederhold. 25 Christian Laisle. 26 J F & N M Smith. 27 C L Benson. 28-30 Woolley Building. 29 F F Harwood. Mrs Kate A Ferris. 100 Office Keokuk Water Works. 102 Mrs William Gorgas. Wilkinson & Co. S: Oils, Yarnishes, Toilet Pnpfnniûnr etc., Cor. 11thand Main rOliUlUOlJ WYMâN-RAND CARPET CO., 609 and 611 Main St. REES KEOKUK CITY DIRECTORY. 281 119 121 126 128 210 212 217 220 226 227 300 302 303 304 311 312 317 318 327 329 400 401 404 417 429 504 507 506 508 509 510 512 513 517 519 528 Fifth.—North CONTINUED. Mrs Mary E Stork. Victor Solari. > I County Court House John W Scroggs. Alfred L Matless. Vacant. George Fletcher. Thomas J McEvoy. Dr Joseph A Scroggs. Vacant. Vacant. Vacant. John W Johnson. William A Brownell. Felix Huuhes. O Vacant. Ben F Taber. Hamilton Brownell. Mrs Elizabeth Leigh ton Thomas Reddie. Solomon Lyons. Mrs Emma F Foole. I First Ward School. Miss Mary Reynolds. Edward C Wells. Miss B Hosselton. James Lloyd. Wm Ashby. Chandler H Feirce. Thomas J McGrath. Samuel W* Wakefield. Robert C Jewett. Wm T Adair. Henry B Blood. Fifth.—North. CONTINUED. 529 Adam Hagny. 602 Wm F Foote. 604 Miss Maude Manning. 610 George S Fuller. 613 Mrs Elizabeth Unger. 620 Mrs Lucy Brownell. 624 J Frank Smith. Fifth.—South. 8 Mrs B F Hill. 10 Joseph Lee. 12 John T Crotty. 14 Louis Weiler. 17 William Schweer. 18 Charles F Miller. 19 J M Bunvan. 21 I 23 j 20 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 117 121 125 129 200 202 204 210 212 218 Wm Rees & Co. Vacant. James Davie. Keokuk Bag Co. Mrs F Ryan. Völlers & Warttman. A M Morton. James Martin. Martin Grififith. Shelton Childers. Mrs Bridget Hofifman. Mrs Mary McCarthy. Orth & Biggs. S W Jones. J Biggs. J Nelson. J Woodsmall. L Roseberry. John Hough. J) m m 0) o o X rt- Sí or? ® BS o ® % P » q 5* 99 ® (t ^ » sr ÍC ss œ ® r*. ^ ^ M S" í? ® s- to » ic s. cats ' Ou ^ C. Ä "O H. Strickier, The "Popular." T. D. MACKEY, iVo. 12 SouthSixth. N1TROÜS OXIDE OAS Adminitftered. Surgeon Dentist ^ 282 REES KEOKUK CITY DIRECTORY. C Ü i « hJ X . tí(/¡ 0- QC - Li! _J Od O ■ h co Fourth.—N Orth. CONTINUED. 329 James H Anderson. 402 Oliver B Sweet. 418 Mrs Margaret A Duff. 426 Asaph Buck. 507 Abram B Chittenden. 510 Dr Wm Burkitt. 519 Eugene S Baker. 525 Mrs T Nodier. 526 Col James M Shelley. 604 Dr John C Armentrout. 606 George H Farree. 611 Wm M McGowan. Fourth.—South. 11 C M Anthony. 12iDr Joshua M Shaffer. 13 Vanderheyden Bros. 14 Chris Biddenstadt. 17 D Berry. 18 Keokuk Gas Light and Coke Co. 19 Thomas Concannon. 20 Lewis Danford. 21 William Ewers. 22 William Klingble. 23 Robert Phelan. 24 Wilkinson & Co. 25 Aug Bertsch. H Myers. 26 Mrs B M Brewington. 27 Troy Steam Laundry. 28 John Baldwin. 29 J Morris Bros. 30 P McNamara. 100 Vacant. J I Smith Hamill & Co. Fourth.—South. 110 Miss Mollie Parrott. 116 John Scanlon, 118 Mrs Catherine Grant 119 Victor Storey. 120 Mrs Bridget Crok. 123 Mrs Amanda Bradney. 124 [ 128 ) 200 Mrs E Chartier. 209 J Flynn. 210 Mrs Mary Burke. 211 J Burns. 212 Mrs M Taylor. 213 S McBride. 217 Elastic Starch Wks. Globe Iron Works. 229 } 220 Wm Morgan. 222 John Stack. 224 Mark Griffith. 226 Mrs B McCune. 300 M Murphy. 301 Mrs S B Jones. 306 W Morgan. 307 Patrick Muldoon. 310 J Mefford. 311 Thomas Murry. 312 J Shepard. 313 G Neator. 314 Geo R Nunn. 315 P McCarty. 321 David Malone. 327 Mrs Mary Sheehan. 329 T Weldon. 400 P List. 401 Mrs H Shaw. 403 Harry West. 405 John Moore. 412 PList. WIlkiDSon & IMOIipC In the Hambden Buel Insurance Agency, 24 N. Sth St. 1110 U n L 'All Losses paid prcniptly. Oply leadiog Eos. Represepted. REES KEOKUK CITY DIRECTORY. 285 Fourth.—South, CONTINUED. 429 I S ^ ^ S Carter. 420 H Tilbe. 510 Mrs Lizzie Hurley. 512 D W Stoffer. 623 Joseph B Irelan. 625 Wm A McClellan. Fourteenth.—North. 17 Zach Black. 18 Pechstein & Nagel. 207 Mrs Sarah Daugherty, 213 Mrs Pheobe J Furtney. 218 Albert Armstrong. 224 Henry Israel. 226 John B Vezina. 228 Mrs M Jane Davis. -316 Miss M A Gilbreath. 412 James Hole. 418 Phillip Pelgen. 807 Wm R Haines. 813 Louis Temp. 823 Alfred J Purviance. 827 Miss Jessie Rankin. Fourteenth.—South. 118 Father James Orth. 201 Pilgrim Rest Baptist church. 203 Mrs L Mitchell. 208 Charles D Frank. 212 S Closin. 217 G Thomas. 410 R Johnson. 616 Mrs Marift L Hunter. 708 Robert Kelley. 725 John Ferris. 729 Joseph Bieldestein. Franklin. 307 Mrs Emily T Anderson 319 Jesse B Howell. 413 Thomas H Fegan. 417 Walter L Johnston. 512 Alexandria Getz. 514 Solomon Owitz. 601 Mrs Pelagie Renaud. 607 Hurbert M Lowrie. 625 Wm T Jones. 628 Mrs John T Perkins. 706 Cap't Amos H Evans. 711 Dr Silas F Baker. 712 Louis D Shegpard. 716 Meyer Spiesberger. 721 Clarence R Hambleton 722 Harry T Helgeson. 723 George H Smith. 727 John Wurster. 729 Wm G Goodrich. 802 Hugh Fraser. 803 Rev W C Williamson. 808 John F Pollock. 811 Simon L Hagny. 812 Thomas Fletcher. 816 Robert B King. 819 Wm E Pence. 822 Wm Steele. 823 Wm G Gampert. 826 Ebin T Albert, Jr. 827 Prof J J Dofflemyer. . 828 Edward J Wolfe. 901 Dr Nelson Ward. 903 Wm H Chrisinger. 908 Fred Z Gosewisch. 911 Michael D Kearney. 914 Wm H Albertson. 915 Thomas Rush. 1000 Richard E Smith, Jr. ¿d w m (0 8» o o re ^ ( s ; O- _ IND i CC J co' © ■ ■ 02: ; ® i © ' 00 Kellogg Brotiiers, Livery, Feed and Sale Stables Excarsion and Moving Gars. 120 S. 3d St. T. D. MACKEY, Surgeon Dentist, VENTAT. ELECTRIC VIBRATOR V8ED IN Extracting Teetb ■< j oá 5:^ ill o O o o o CO 286 REES KEOKUK CITY DIRECTORY. CO s Lä o a ü — cc> CO CO CO o 50 c c Q 3 œ VI < c-t- o 3 J CD P ^ M Ë: Ö -tí S. 2.cl< CD C/5 CD C/3 ^ ^ p S- s tr S» ^ s: CD 3 -cr<9 I - J2 O yt Thp fipil f\hnP Haikp Will give you tetter Shoes for Your lUC ROU ÜllUC nUUùC jp or? PRiriF RROÍs V/liolesale Wall Paper House. LlllV/üij Cor iter Sixth and Main Sta. CO C 5)" IS 288 REES KEOKUK CITY DIRECTORY. C» c c « B U s . S >> ^ > 0) r Ä = O O CO «8 >- üJ _l ûi o ■ I- CÔ Fulton. CONTINUED. 1319 Archie Washington. 1320 Robert Mulligan. 1323 Theodore P Hegeman 1326 Frank Anderson. 1327 [oseph W Steiger. 1403 Jacob Gillam. 140t John H Anderson. 1413 Benjamin M Peterson. 1417 Benjamin P Hewitt. 1422 Mrs Maria Perdew. 1427 John F Martens 1519 Silas A Reynolds. 1528 Granville W Pitman. 1604 William A Dove. 1622 L A Johnson. 1626 Frank A Lindstrand. Grand Avenue. 505 Isaac Blom. 604 Thomas Sawyer. 605 H Scott Howell. 611 Wm Blom. 612 Mrs Phoebe F Mills. 625 Wm Logan. 630 Wm B Collins. 633 John N Irwin. 704 Edmund Jaeger. 709 Henry W Strickler. 715 Sanford P Pond. 718 Prof Adalbert Schueler 730 Sam'l S Marshall. 804 John R Shuler. 826 Hugo Anschutz. 828 Wm O'Leary. 904 George Fleming. 916 Thomas Collier. 924 Pierce R Sutton. 1701 John I Finnerty. High. 103 Jules Renaud. 108 Alex Collier. Ill John C Daniels. 117 Wm H Dunlap. 123 Theodore F Baldwin. 206 Rev George N Power. 212 .\lbert M Riddle. 216 John H Cole. 226 Wm S Phillips. 227 Mrs Ann M Daniel. 320 A E Johnstone. 303 Mrs A W Kilbourn. 315 William J Jewell. 317 Rev C J G Lowrey. 320 Col Robert Sloan. 322 Edward J Mumm. 326 William E Kellogg. 407 William S .Sample. 415 Miss Lizzie Evans. 416 Dr Willis Davis. 417 Gibson Brown. 504 Miss L A'Humphrey. 5045Edward J Reynders. 508 James F Curry. 510 Dr Carl T Gramm. 513 Albert A Sumner. 514 Congregational Ch. 523 John Nelson. 601 Richard E Smith. 602 Col Richard Root. 604 Mrs Mary E Kleffler. 606 Mrs Catherine Green. 607 Dr Walton Bancroft. 610 James C Davis. 613 Edwin T Bartruff. 617 Hon Daniel Mooar. 619 David W McElroy. 623 John C Paradice. Wilkinson & Co. K' Goods, etc. , Yarnishes, Toilet Cor. 11th and Main. Perfumery WYMAN-RAND CARPET CO., 609 and 611 Main St. REES KEOKUK CITY DIRECTORY. 289 t High. CONTINUED. 626 Mrs Jane Loughry. 629 Dr G T Jenkins. 700 Harrison L Sutlive. 706 Moses Stern. 713 William M Ralston. 715 Charles Brown. 716 James Spence. 717 Fritz Cook. 718 Mrs C Rouse. 722 Mrs Rebecca Waters. 728 Capt Albert Wempner. 800 Mrs Nancy M Inman. 802 John R Carpenter. 804 William H Watts. 805 Joseph P Murphy. 806 Silas W Rogers. 809 Lawrence Culkin. 813 James M Fraser. 817 Dan H Annable. 821 Stephen Trott. 925 Irsael L Brown. 927 Phillip J Erhart. 929 Michael McDonald. 900 Emil C Ulrich, 902 Louis A Heckler. 903 Ben R Thornburg. 905 George W Alexander. 908 J W Osborn. 909 John C Haney. 910 William Deadman, 911 Alden F Goodwin. 913 Mrs Mary Ann Hurley. 916 Joseph E I^ennett 917 Isaac Stamper. 918 William Fritch. 919 Lewis E Howard. 923 Vacant. High. 927 Mrs C Limburg. 1001 Mrs Matilda B Talion. 1003 Myles Hickey. 1004 John L Therme. 1008 Samuel S Lowitz. 1009 Mrs M McCracken. 1012 Chris Hilpert. 1013 Benjamin F Mcintyre. 1016 Mrs Kate D Semple. 1019 Oliver A Humphrey. 1021 Moses Mann. 1022 William H Nichols. 1023 Thomas Clark. 1025 Thomas Mitchell. 1028 Hon P T Lomax. 1029 Auston A Bland. 1101 Mrs Barbara Seitz. 1102 Hugh C Hodge Jr. 1109 Alexander Williams. 1116 Mrs J Erhardt. 1120 Erhardt Bros. 1121 Willard H Haskins. 1124 William G Weyand. 1128 Montague & Weyand. 1129 John L Kennedv. 1202 Samuel C Westcott. 1206 J H D Chenoweth. 1207 lohn McGee. 1213 Christ Broesel. 1216 John J King. 1218 Mrs Louise J Füller. 1220 T Frank Rickard. 1223 Andrew J Wilkinson. 1228 Dr S W Mcorhead. 1304 Mrs Jane Cummings. 1306 Thomas Walker. 1307 George A Sheldon. 1311 Martin Hesbacher. 7) m m 0) o o a rt- S5 5' 3, « 33 s' o » ^ » r* » S' A as ^ M S- s s T wg. ^ M te S. W:3 a "0 H. Strickier, The "Popular. n T. D. MACKEY, JVo. 12 SouthSixth. NITROUS OXIDK GAS Adminiatere.d. Surgeon Dentist s c V s ShI s: , iî y û- n¿ 290 REES KEOKUK CITY UIRECTORV. High. CONTINUED. 2314 Mrs Martiia Vaughn. 1318 Mrs Eliza Rose. 1319 Martin V Bland. 1320 Louis Thomas. 1321 George B Robinson. 1322 George VV Hixon. 1326 Rev È A Bazett Jones. 1327 John T Griffey. 1411 William A Wittich. 1415 Jonathan B Ogden. 1416 Phillip Meyling. 1419 Mrs Irma Vezina. 1420 Charles Schweete. 1422 James M Cody. 1427 Mrs Ann Stamper. 1429 Phelix Young. 1502 David Smith. 1508 W J Loweiistien Jr. 1510 Lorenzo Scott. 1518 Henry Sells. 1807 Valentine Hittner. 1824 Charles E Daley. 1828 William A Daley. 1900 Isaac K Carpenter. Johnson. 16 William Mefford. 20 William Feeley. 30 A Inman. 100 ) ^ , 106 Í 103 A Glespie. j- Buck-Reiner Co 129 Union House. 209 Vacant. le House. 211 200 216 214 218 215 217 219 221 223 224 226 227 228 229 300 306 307 309 311 312 313 315 314 316 317 318 324 328 402 410 411 4131 415 417 Johnson. CONTINUED. J F Daugherty & Co. Huiskamp Bros Co. I Collier Robertson & ) Hambleton. L Chevillon. Vacant. Vacant. H D Bartlett. William Miles. I Martin V Dotson. I E Villannis. Keokuk & Western Ticket office. Theo Bode. I ^ Hotel Keokuk. I Vacant. Vacant. San Foo. Coey & Co office. )-G Engelhardt & Co. Louis Cobelena. Mrs Louis Cobelena. Mrs Bridget Scanlon. Globe Hotel. J-S Hamill &Co. 1 Vacant. Henry M Frauenstein. Ludwig Lagerpusch. C F Boesel. E Walch. Vacant. CLARK BROS., Hats, Caps, Trunks and Valises. 507 Main St. McGRATH BROS, Waters REES KEOKUK CITY DIRECTORY. 291 Johnson. CONTINUED. 419 W H Holliday. 420 Andrew J Phillips. 426 ) , 49g j" James McNamara. 509-511 Vacant. 515 Peter Wolf. 517 Vacant. 519 George Kennedy. 512 Vacant. 523 Vacant. 525 Mrs E J Simpson. 527iSalvation Army Bar- acks. 529 Mathias J Ribyn. ■600 Vacant. 602 Vacant 609 Bowman & Boyer. [ S T Worley & Son. 700 L F Moore. 709 John Boff. Mrs M J Shepherd. 709AMrs M A Sherwood. 711 S G Daniels. 711 Martha E Hough. 7l7 B F Durfee & Co. 719 } Excelsior Sheet Metal 721 j Works. 729 [ Myers. I S P Pond & Co. 808 James Donahue. 810 Ferdinand Windier. 812 Theodore Holiday. 814 Samuel Grunberg. 816 William Nagel. Johnson. CONTINUED. 826 Mrs Ellen J ohnson. 828 Mrs Sisna Blair. 900 C A Reynolds. 906 C Koepf. 910 W O Phillips. 914 John Irnmegart. 916 John Immegart. 918 Vacant. 920 Mrs Rosa Lewis. 924 Casper Arnold. 1001 C R Kelly. 1008 I Anderson Canning lOlOi ) Factory. 1018 Alonzo Gragery. 1020 Mrs Melinda Good. 1102 Henry Schmidt. 1106 George Smith. 1114 John Reynolds. 1118 JohnMcCluey. 1130 David Kenney. 1200 George Stoker. •1200 J W MathenV & 1202 f Son. 1211 John Dunn. 1215 Orlando Rose. 1219 A Glewe. 1220 Frank Thorpe. 1223 Oswell Schmidt. 1224 Jefferson Monical. 1227 D Santo. 1301 ! jT • T3 1317 ( Brewery. 1304 George W Chandler. 1306 Mrs Francis Yales. 1310 Andrew Petry. 1317 Mathew Deniser. 1318 Peter Saner. 5nnn popular Music only 10 Cents a Copy, ,UUU ÄYRES BROS., 511 Main St. ÔS tro) wg. So PO(D ►H HC 0 p r* (D 0) »? Î ¡f M PRICE BROS. PAINTING and PAPER HANGING Cor. 6th and Main Sts. (0 s (D cc M SS Öi-g Ö)^ 292 REES KEOKUK CITY DIRECTORY. m i 1322 1824 1325 ^ .1326 öl 1327 r 1401 o 1402 (D ^ Johnson. CONTINUED. Frank Much. William Loewenstein. Christ Loewenstein. William Loewenstein. George Lein decker. German M E Church. St Marys Catholic Ch. 1405 Rev Henry Lahrman. O CO >- ÜJ _l Ù1 o m h co 1406 Rev C F Hundt. 1407 Frank Schinder. 1409 Henry Noetzli. 1412 Sister Theresia. 1418 Peter Blom. 1419 Valentine Miller. 1420 Mrs Lena Härtel. 1423 Henry Wiegner. 1424 John Leindecker. 1427 Peter Ayres. 1429 Herman Spaan. 1501 William B Harmon. 1503 J ohn Maas. Valentine Kiefer. 1507 Theodore Bode. 1517 Frank K Bechtol. 1518 Frank T F Schmidt. 1528 Lewis Hesse. 1600 Phillip H Miller. 1602 Phillip H Miller. 1605 Peter Kennedy. lOOSlMrs Letitia Farnum. 1608 C Schwaner. 1612 Jacob Kortz. 1613 James Woodbury. 1613jCharIes Peterson. 1618 FredTemme. 1619 Julia Renard. 1620 Fred Haessig. Johnson. CONTINUED. 1623 1624 1626 ' 1627 1703 1707 1708 1708 1712 1713 1716 1717 1721 1723 1724 1726 1806 1829 1911 1915 1927 1929 2000 2100 Mrs C Vermeulen. Siman P Callihan. Fredrick Geiser. John Beck. Mrs C Molitor. Daniel Steinmiller. George Loewenstein. Henry Hendrick. jacob Kemmler. Thomas Adams. William Roth. Herman Leindecker. William Whaley. Joseph Getz. Frank Oertel. Isaac C Williams. Michael Weirather. Felix Hägens. William Brinkman. James W Shepherd. Mrs Mary Murphy. William Feeley. David Cross. Mrs H C Cowley. Leighton. 913 John A McElroy. 1110 Mary .A Reed. 1123 P M Casady. 1127 George A Baker. Main. 6 Frank Click. 9 Miss M Donley. lOiWilliam Pawson, II Miss B Woods. 13 Mrs Mollie Donnelly. Wilkinson Ä Co./*'WJffÄÄ 1M o 11P p In the Hambden Buel Insurance Agency, 24 N. 5th St. 1110 U n L All Losses paid proipptlv. Ooly leadlo? ßos. Represeoted. REES KEOKUK CITY DIRECTORY. 293 Main. CONTINUED. 16 Charles Lachance. 18 Central House. 19 Harry Blankenship. 21 Mrs E A Wagoner. 25 Rockford Cutlery Wks. 100 ) ,,. , , ., 102 f Michael Weil. 107 Dr Wm H Davis. 109 Mrs Susan McCarty. 112 St Claire Hotel. 112ÍB Betts. 115 Wm E Luckedo. 127 128 200 201 Wm Blom. Sta.te Bank of Keokuk. Offices St L K & N W and C B & K C R'ys. 202 Keppel-Dick Provision Co. 203 Vacant. 204 Vacant. 205 Vacant. 206 Vacant. 207 Vacant. 208 Vacant. 209 Kate Childers. 210 W Daniels. 214 } 213 V Schievers. 215 Gay Long. 216 Joseph Moeller. 217 Carter & JMoody. 218 Vacant. 219 Mrs Minnie Linn. 220 Bowling Alley. 221 Carter,& Moody. 222 223 224 225 226 226 228 227 229 300 301 302 303 304 305 306 307 308 309 310 311 312 314 313 315 316 317 318 319 320 321 322 323 324 325 Main. CONTINUED. John W Smith. Vacant. George Cabus. Vacant. Mrs Mary J Obertop. I Howard L Connable. I Frankel,Frank & Co. Vogel Bros. Mrs J Loughery. G W Fanning. John G Beiler. Office Weem's Laundry Vacant. sa Commercial Bank. ^ S E Carey & Co. S S Seibert. » John Schlegel. §5 Keokuk Queensware Co. A F Stroble. ¿0 W m w o o to CO I" Vacant. U S Pacific Express Co. Keokuk National Bank. Smith Bros. Smith Hardware Co. E R Drake & Co. Steele & Co. Moses Stern. George R Smith. Miss Maggie King. L F Racine. Sam'l C Westcott. F Seivers. ^ I 3 ' VC ; OS 1 CK' O ■ p 1 hçj- S I ce ' Kellogg Brothers, Livery, Feed and Sale Stables, Excarsion and Moving Cars. 120 S. 3d St. T, D. MACKEY, ÄÄ Extracting Teeth w 294 REES KEOKUK CITY DIRECTORY. Main. CONTINUED. 326 John S Moore. Frank LeBron. 327 Robertson Tea Co. 328 Wilkinson & Co. 329 Thurber & Warner. 400 Ed H Jones. 400ÍMÍSS Annie Brerton. 403 \ Strickler. 402 Frank H Jones. 402iGeorge Üpp. 405 A A Sumner. 406 Hodge & Hawkes. 407 W .S Moore. 408 T F Rickards. 409 M J Burke. 410 Sullivan & Auwerda. J A Essig. Brinkman & Co. 413 415 414 H W Linebaugh. Hodge & Sons. S J Aimable. 4l8iJohn Leezen 419 American Express Co. 420 Joseph Sansone. 421 Martin Hesbacher. C i ¿ .S Hervey W Upham. ^ 423 John Carver, g .2 425 Adams Express Co. g è ^26 Weil & Co. O- o O o o o CO 411 412 417 418 Mrs T Nodier. a ^ ^-7 ^ 428 E A Mirrielees. M Younker. eS I S 429 E T Bartruff. Dun's Mercantile Ag'cy McGrath Bros. t & C ¿ 500 J- Ayres Bros. Main. CONTINUED. 501 Keokuk Savings Bank. 502 W B Versteeg & Bro. 503 R Spiesberger. 504 H L Sutlive. 505 George E Radasch. 506 George Völlers. 507 Clark Bros. 508 Estes House. 509 ; 511 f 510 Vacant. 512 S C Westcott. 514 C Hornaday. 515 R B Ogden & Son. 516 Vacant. 516iDr Walton Bancroft. 517 Vacant. 518 Karle & Schulz. 519 Curry Bros. 5l9AToohey & Ward. 520 Red Shoe House. 521 Fred A Kcechling. 522 Dr F M Tate. 523 D G Lowry. 524 C L Becker. 525 Ward Bros. 526 528 526i Dr John B Bennett. 527 Jacob Seither. 529 Price Bros. 600 E E Fuller & Son. 601 Steele & Co. 602 J F & R E Smith. 603 |ohn F Culbertson. 604 Lye & King. A Weber & Co. JACOB RENWALD, Groceries, Provisions. Hardware. TIN AND QUEENSWARE, and G'RDEN IMPLEMENTS 3.300 IÍ^aXIíT 3X. McGRATH BROS. TOTLET GOODS and 5th and Main Sis. Perfumery REES KEOKUK CITY DIRECTORY. 295 Main. CONTINUED. 605 ' Duncan Shell Furni- 607 I ture Co. 606 Ayer Hardware Co. 608 Bode & Larson. 609 ! Wyman-Rand Carpet 611 Í Co. 610 W L King. 612 Narrley & Walsniith. 613 D A Kerr & Co. 614 Braidwood&Hammond 615 Clark-Johnson Co. 616 Mrs Jennie Linehan. 618 John Eisenhuth. 6l84Jacob E Gillam. 619 C J Hickey. 620 Miss G Megchelsen. 621 J Renaud. Theodore J Phillips. 622 George Schwarz. 623 Eckbrom, Dross & Co. 624 John G Härtel. 625 M J Hackett. 627 C M Cook. fios \ Weisman & Co. ojo ) 629 Wm Wilson. 700 Geiger Bros. 701 John Einigan's Sons. 702 M A Wooldridge & Co. 703 John'R Shuler. 704 Hannible H Crow. 705 Mrs A T Lutz. 706 Immegart & Phillips. 707 Vacant. , 708 David F Haage. 709 Vacant. 710 Haubert Bros. C M Teeters. Main. CONTINUED. 711 Wm Holt. 712 Andrew N Matheny. 712AHenry Hierstein. 713 Wm Orr. 715 N B Bouge. 716 Fred Zuefle. 718 Jacob Ludwig. 719 J S Spicer. Singer SewingMachine Co. 7l9iC Heinz. 720 George Reinhart. 721iHenry Scharfenberg. 722 Oertel Bros. 723 I 727 j 724 Brinkman & Haubert. 726 Wm Gampert. 726ÍMÍSS Hannah Solomon. 728 W W Surry. 729 H E Ereeman. 729 Dr S F Baker & Co. 800] 802 > Samuel Klein & Son. 804 ) 801 A E Eoulkes. 803 George Law. 804 G William Heller. 805 J Dimond & Son. 806 Erank J Schenk, Sr. 807 Arthur G Buck. 808 Adam Gernhardt. 809 Cornelius Kepple. 3^2 I S P Pond & Co. 811 Jonathan C Griiifey. 813 John R Dimmond. cc> CO Tha Qhno Hahqp Will give you better Shoes for Your 1116 11611 01106 nUllû6 jlioney than any Shoe Store in Keokuk. o 30 C C o" 3 CD ^ M < «r*- O c-»- 3 3 CD P. O S Ë: Ö ■to s. 2.c^ CD en p CD en ^ S- s rr î» ^ s: CD 3 ^cr¡3 QÍ9 < S ? PRÍPiF RRO^ ^''i olesale Wall Paper House, 4 l/ll.vÜ«j Córner Sixth and Main Sts. (fl S (S 296 REES KEOKUK CITY DIRECTORY. (/} p s ^ s >^1 > X CS ^ è Ä = o O 0) >- LlJ (Ü O h co 814 815 816 817 818 819 820 822 824 825 829 826 828 900 901 902 902 903 904 904 905 ,906 908 912 913 914 i914 915 916 917 922 923 924 ,925 926 ,928 Main. CONTINUED. Carl Pfaffe. Vacant. Pfaffe Brothers. Hawkes & Ackley. Charles Off. Bland 8z Bland. Emil Pfaffe. Coyne & Balleg'oin. Brelon & Will. I Alton Bros. George Leming. Dennis Ryan. John Burrows. Rudolph Heiser. Hurlhey & Baker. Charles Bode. iChas Rockenbach. Vacant. Stahl & Son. iMrs L C VanCamp. Joseph Holden. P H Miller. George J Neyens. Charles Johnson. George Hampton. èCharles Johnson. S P Caliihan. Constantino Fuller. Mitchell Albert. Mrs J C Brugmans. Gate City Bag Co. Barnev Blank H annible H Crow. Rolla Engine House. Mrs M B McNamara. 1000 1018 1001 1003 1005 1011 1013 1015 1015 1019 1020 1022 1023 1024 1026 1028 1100 1101 1102 1104 1105 1106 1107 1109 1110 1111 1113 1112 1114 1116 1117 1118 1119 1120 1122 1124 1125 Main. CONTINUED. MC Hubinger Build- j ing. Henry Reichman. H H Smith. John VanAusdal. I J Burk & Co. C C Robbins. iErank L Griffey. Schlotter & Robbins. John A Stahl. Edward Pflug. Clifton House. William Honce. Charles Stahl. V\'ilkinson & Co. N Schonten & Co. Breton & Schenk. John Herbner. E Spiesberger. íN E Renaldo. George S Merriam. T J Pollard. J A Pollard. J G Bauer 2d floor. C Schaefer. ) Í Major A Cassel. John H Wolff. Vacant. Dr A Weismann. John M Wilson. Arnold Rohr John H Haynie. Wm Ewers & Son. Peter Haubert, Jr. L Stebinger. Wilkinson & Co, Yarnishes, Toilet Goods, etc., Cor, 11th and Main Perfumery WYMAN-RAND CARPET CO., 600 and Gil Main St. REES KEOKUK CITY DIRECTORY. 297 Main. CONTINUED. 1126 Reimer Bros. 1127 Casper Arnold. 1128 Reimers & Stellt. 1129 FTP Schmidt 1200 Mrs E Hennemann. 1202 B & S Betts. 1206 Hubenthal & Kuebler. 1208 August Luedke. 1210 Mrs Johanna Burger. 1212 August Luedke. 1216 Breitenstein. 1218 John Hornung. 1220 L W Vockrodt. 1222 Vacant. 1224 Lowenstein & Frank. 1228 H Sell. 1229 R Jacobs. 1300 Jacob Renwald. 1304 Frank J Nicholson. 1306 Vacant. 1318 Peter Blom. 1322 George Schneider. 1324iRichard Scheuten. 1326 James j Mulligan. 1327 ) o c "• J 329 j- S Spring. 1328 Chas J Hanson. 1402 Jasper N Whetstone. 1418 Mathias Ribyn. 1424 Albert J Coulter. 1427 Mrs Rosa Bowman. 1428 James Kite. 1429 Frank House. 1506 William«B Wooley. 1508 John Sells. 1516 August Kellmer. 1520 Felix Greminger. Main. CONTINUED. 1528 Henry Bode. 1600 Henry J Vogt. 1601 Henry Young. 1603 G Smith. 1606 Richard Scheuten. 1608 ) Keokuk Gas Light 1628 f & Coke Co. 1623 Geo Williams. 1625 Mark Johnson. 1707 John Williams. 1717 George Loefler. 1720 Mrs Anna Maas. 1722 Henry Waters. l722iFrank R Waters. 1725 EM Ingersoll. 1803 Geo Fader. 1804 Mary Miller. 1819 Webster Vanausdall. 1821 Charles Rockenbach. 1822 Miss B Rockenbach. 1826 Rudolph Heiser. 1828 Lewis Bolte. 1902 Wm H Yenawine. 1926 T Ballegoin. 2001 John Strohmaier. Morgan. 123 Robert G Home. 205 Mrs J C Hughes, Sr. 217 Dennis C Crowley. 222 Frank J Weess. 223 Wm Ballinger. 307 Wiley Ray. 312 Alvin Jasper McCrary. 315 Mrs Charles Allen. 319 Wm Trick. 325 Charles S Pond. m m 0) R» o o s* % er, « -tí =• o ® M ^ = ^ r- ÇC =r ® SS ÍP —• M ^ te er :z. -o H. Strlckier, "lüiSIr- The "Popular." T. D. MÄCKEY, No. 12 SouthSixth. NITROUS OXIDE GAS Adminintered. Surgeon Dentist s o i V I-] ÍC . t c «a; »- ûi l=®■ ÜJ _l ùl O ■ j— CO 300 REES KEOKUK CITY DIRECTORY. Ninth.—North. CONTINUED. 412 Mrs Amanda G Eaton. 418 Barney Andressen. 420 Swan Peterson. 421 Mrs M Bermingham. 426 James N Cherry. 722 J B VanPapplendam. 727 Dr T J Maxwell. 903 George Hill. Ninth.—South. j- McElroy & Armitage. 112 Charles Perry. 116 . Edward Walsmith. 118 John Elliott. 120 Robert Blacklage. 130 S \V Anderson. 200 Mrs Mary E Condit. 206 Wm F Lee. 208 Mrs J Atkins. 211 F S Houseman. 212 Mrs E J Alton. 310 Rev Thomas O'Reiley. 318 Mrs A Kelley. 326 A Baur. 415 R South. 417 W Phoenix. 418 H E Freeman. 427 A Larson. 504 \V H Sperry. 505 T Hollingsworth. 511 Mrs H Johnson. 605 John R Dimond. 617 Cornelius T Sharp. 618 Mrs C O'Brien, 719 Constantine Loeffler. 621 John Dimond. Ninth.- South. CONTINUED. 624 George W Riggs. 626 Mrs A L VanCamp. 824 Wm C Cadwell. Oak. 1200 Michael Carroll. 1224 Charles C Smith. 1226 Charles C Smith. 1300 Patrick Hughes. 1319 Thomas Dillon. 1320 William J Dillon. 1406 John H Dolan. Orleans. 310 Henry W Huiskamp. 328 Calvin Hornaday. 414 Samuel M Clark. 424 John M Bisbee. 518 Lindsey Merrill. 522 M L Boyles. 528 Carl A Weber. 600 Jacob D Graves. 606 Ed H Jones. 609 George Rix. 610 Joseph A M Collins. 613 Eli Covington. 617 Dr John B Bennett. 704 Orange J Chapman. 712 Mrs Émily C Comstock 716 Wells M Irwin. 723 Alonzo C Goodrich. 726 Stephen Irwin. 802 Alois W^eber. 811 Wm W Jones. 812 Adam H Gernhardt. 813 Edward Mumm. 816 James W Roberts. Wilkinson & Co, 1M o 11 p p In the Hambden Buel Insurance Agency, 24 N. 5th St. lIlOUnL • All Losses paid promptly. Oolj leading 60s. Represented, REES KEOKUK CITY DIRECTORY. 301 Orleans. CONTINUED. 821 John A Leas. 902 Daniel Steele. 903 George Hill. 912 John W Good. 1013 Nelson G Johnson. 1102 John Breheny. 1106 Thomas Ackley. 1112 Mrs M A Kennedy. 1120 Timothy Moore. 1123 Thomas E White. 1126 Elisha C Hnrlbert. 1127 Mitchell Brooks. 1204 Mrs Mary E Görden. 1208 Mrs Rachael Talbott. 1212 Adam Ballinger. 1216 Clark C Sharp. 1224 George F Gilmore. 1303 Mrs É A Hag an der. 1306 Bernard Dnnlavy. 1309 Mrs Lizzie B Craig. 1310 Henry C Elgin. 1314 P J VanPapulendam. 1315 A V Hoagland. 1318 William A Green. 1323 John Gildard. 1326 Mrs Maggie Snyder. 1406 Josiah Harmon. 1412 John F Danielson. 1422 Peter Fogeland. 1428 Peter Lofquest. 1512 James Sullivan. 1528 Ulysses M Downing. 1702 Joseph C Spaan. 1703 David Patterson. 1712 Robert | Reynolds. 1718 Mrs Sarah J Lamb. 1802 Miss M Alexander. Orleans. CONTINUED. 1808 James Washington. 1812- Henry Marshall. Park. 1005 Thomas J Gaines. 1007 Mrs Kate Concannon. 1011 Mrs Bridget Kelley. John W Riley. 1013 Thomas Daly. 1104 Samuel Thompson. 1107 John Flemming. 1110 Jessie M Damp. 1111 Charles McDowell. 1112 Lawrence ' Corlas. 1113 Charles E McDowell. 1114 Anthony Donnelly. 1115 John W Markley. 1129 Patrick Leach. 1129 Samuel Ireland. 1200 Mrs Bridget Maloy. 1204 James Keefe. 1208 Frank S Puder. 1218 Wm McCormick. 1224 Harley F Hayner. 1226 James C Ewing. 1230 Henry T Henderson. 1402 James E Dunn. 1424 Henry VanHesley. 1426 William A Fox. 1427 David C Steely. 1512 E Mackey. 1518 Ewald Wilmes. 1528 John A Jenkins. 1620 Lemual H Patterson 1625 John McCaffrey. 1628 William Garthoff. 1700 William Lowry. S ¿0 w w in o o te CO w I c»' o • w : » n Kellogg Brothers, Livery, Feed and Sale Stables, Excursion and MoYing Cars. 120 S. 3d St. T. D. MACKEY, s m CÁ < Snrgeon Dentist, DENTAL ELECTRIC VIBRATOR USED IN Extracting Teeth 302 REES KEOKUK CITY DIRECTORY. m 0- O o o o o CO iW s Üi s M O) ü .2 e ü s- = ^ Cí > 'ü aT S "ë. ^ S c Cu Park. CONTINUED. 1718 Armanda Howell. 1720 David Lingo. 1728 Wm Garthoíif, Jr. 1800 L Nelson. 1808 Daniel Bishop. 1822 Michael Lalley. 1826 Homer Ackley. 1929 Bobert Criswell. Park Place. 2 William Sinton. 8 Wm E Praeger. 4 Thomas R Ayres. 5 Iram A Sawyer. 6 Harry Versteeg. Palean. 806 Jacob W Braunbaugh. 820 John Courtney. 824 Wm DeWitt. 826 John Westerfield. 400 James Carroll. 406 Jacob D Eads. 410 John Collins. 418 Mrs Rose Brinkman. 414 Michael Connell. 417 Michael Tuite. 419 J Phillips. 420 Martin Conners. 422 Mrs Mary Murphy. 423 C Hirt. 425 T Ryan. 426 Vacant. 427 J Morris. 428 J & W Cahalan. 500 B Rotchford. 502 Wm Donahue. Palean. 508 John W Chambers. ô08AElmore D Anderson. 511 J Burns. 511iMrs M Laffey. 512 Mrs Catherine Haps.. 512AJames K Gallope. 516 James Leach. 517 1 Rasbridge. 518 Nicholas McKenzie. 519 C Lock. 520 Mrs Mary O'Brien. 522 John C Martin. 528 M Farraher. 525 G Banghart. 526 Mrs Charles F Essig. 527 C W Conner. 600 Patrick Tigue. 602 Mrs Julia Conroy. 604 Miss Mary Collins. 605 J Hickey, Sr. 608 James Buchannan. 610 Mrs Hannah Kennedy. 618 J O'Brien. 616 Mrs Mary O'Brien. 617 John Cunniff. 618 Wm R Carnahan. 621 B C Therme. 625 Ed J Hamlet. 626 Charles Van Doren. 628 John J Powers. 700 P & J O'Brien. 706 John Kelley. 708 Thomas Conroy. 7l2 Charles W Lamb, Sr. 718 J W Nichols. 716 George W Bowers. 717 A N Ingles. 718 Dr Samuel Collins. JACOB RENWALD Groceries, Provisions, Hardware, , TIN ANO QUEENSWARE, and GARDEN IMPLEMENTS. 1 3.300 ST. McGRATH BROS. TOILET GOODS and 5th and Main Sts. Perfumery REES KEOKUK CITY DIRECTORY. 303 Palean. CONTINUED. 724 James W Quicksell. 725 M Foley. 726 Mrs Ann Mack. 727 J Connelly. 728 Doughs J Dollery. 800 Mrs Catherine Seibert. 810 Clarence E Lane. 816 Charles L Benson. . 902 Lisbon A Cox. 906 Samuel J Ramsdale. 912 John M Mace. 915 M Kelleher. 915 Seba Armitage. 917 Vacant. 922 Lemuel C Van Camp. 927 James Connoran. 928 Newton Hammer. 929 Mrs Martha A Bess. 1001 F R Phillips. 1002 J ohn Dumenil. 1005 T D Rogers. 1028 Joseph M Bunyan. 1108 John J Garretson. 1110 Louis Bode. 1114 Carl Wenig. 1204 George Anderson. 1208 John W Taylor. 1403 H McGinnis. 1407 A C Carter. 1408 Mrs Annie Anderson. 1411 B Crow). 1420 James W Talley. 1424 James T Talley. 1428 Thomas M Worster. 1500 John Morris. 1508 Wm Van Steenwyk.Sf Palean. CONTINUED. 1614 John Randolph. 1623 R Lowry. 1706 Mrs Katheren G Kalt¬ wasser. 1710 James Mulligan. 1712 Mrs M Van Derslot. Raid. 1004 John C Wellehan. 1006 Rob't K Adams. 1008 Edward B Anderson. 1010 Walter H Ferrell. 1104 Joseph M Grover. 1105 George Matthews. 1106 Vacant. 1202 Wm L Bawden. 1210 Daniel McFalls. 1215 Thomas L Hites. 1216 John Morgan. 1218 Charles A Watson. 1221 Wm Woolley. 1223 James Brown. 1224 Timothy Hurley. 1225 Vacant. 1226 Patrick O'Brien. 1229 John G Small. 1300 Henry W Meyers. 1303 Frank M Brown. 1311 Philip F Hamilton. 1314 Thomas J House. Charles Johnson. 1315 Wm Boyle. 1320 Thomas B Singleton. 1325 Charles Williams. 1326 Gust Busch. 1402 Wm F Evans. 1405 John G Kriel. CO CO CO CO CO o c: c 5' ^ CD ^ in < O CD P O S Ë; ö ^ S. ö c-^- CD CO ÇÛ CD ^ <á tr so ^ S CD 3 - rt Thû PiiH Qhni) Haiiqp Will give you better Shoes for Your 111c RcU uilUc nUUoc |^Q„gy than any Shoe Store in Keokuk. Of? CD % CA PRiriP RRO^ * I'olesale Wall Paper House, HAvlJ l/llvÜ.j Corner Sixth and Main Sts. (0 S S.- Ci M 3 = U s > t es ^ t ffil u ô 0 z o CO >- U _l et: O h" CO 30i REES KEOKUK CITY DIRECTORY. Reid. CONTINUED. 409 James J Stafford. 41i2 Robert A McDowell. 420 Wm S Hayden. 427 James Gille^tt. 500 Thomas George. 505 fflmos E Shappell. 516 Mrs Kate Phelan. 520 Richard Brennan. 524 Wallace Gridley. 528 Charles L Deitz. 630 Wm E Irby. 626 John W Mundy. 703 Edward Deitz. 707 Jonathan Merrick. 708 Joseph Gordon. 714 John West. 716 Frediick W Burgess. 717 Wm P Kenney. 719 John Harmon. 811 Richard McDonald. 814 James Patterson. 829 Wm S Brown. Ridge. ,515 Mary Dillon. 519 Edward J Kelly. 521 John McGovern. I 522 Daniel Sheehaç. 523 Timothy Hickey. 527 Mrs Mary H Dunn. 618 John L Kenney. 622 Mrs Bridget Lawton. 626 Joseph H Terrell. 628 Mrs Margaret Graley. .1419 Peter Landman. jl422 C G Ward. ,1423 Wm Hegerman. Ridge. CONTINUED. 1429 Thomas Mears. 1512 James R Adams. 1513 Mrs Mary Matheney. 1514 David Johnson. 1515 Rudolph V Schevers. 1516 John L Harmon. 1518 James M Rigney. 1521 John W Matheney. 1523 Thomas W Matheney 1714 George E Davison. 1715 Charles A Wright. Second.—North. 101 James Hill. 112 Mrs Virginia W Ivins. 115 / > Lawn Tennis Grounds 204 J W Hobbs. 205 Hon H H Trimble. 306 Caleb F Davis. 317 Enoch Hinkley. 328 Hugh Robertson. 329 John M Huiskamp. 415 Capt Jessie D Mefford. Second.—South. n 3 I 51 Q Irwin-Phillips Co. 11 ' 13. 6 Kepple-Dick Prov Co. 8 Patterson Bros. 17 ) . >• M Spiesberger & Son. 18 Vacant. Wilkinsons Co. S3 Yamishes, Toilet Goods, etc., Cor. 11th and Main Periumery WYMAN-RAND CARPET CO., GOO and Gil Main St. REES KEOKUK CITY DIRECTORY. 305 Second.—South. CONTINUED. 21 25 24 80 124 126 127 222 224 224 225 803 816 819 828 324 408 415 421 429 502 503 515 516 518 524 602 605 606 610 628 ) Keokuk Cracker ( Candy Co. Mrs C Black. Green Tree House. Carter & Carter, James Shields. R Evans. Mrs S Bartlett. VVm Hovey. Mrs P Berg. W M Clark. Mrs O S Conklin. VVm Edwards. C L Howe. E \V Hickox. Vacant. George Eley. C Repp. M Frauenstein. John Eastline. George W Campfield. Lawrence McNeff. Mrs Julia Rockwell. Edward A Willis. Henry Conn. Hiram Stebbins. Adam Carpenter. Alexander McBain. Malin Mattox. William A Goegg. Richard L Starkey. & S e vent h^N orth. 10 Braidwood & Stahl. 107 Dr Joseph C Hughes. 109 Joseph W Shearhod. Seventh —North. CONTINUED. Ill James A Evans. 118 116 Mrs Sarah E Bank. 117 Vacant. 119 Dr George N Seidlitz. 120 Charles È Fanning. 128 John W H Blood. 126 Josiah Rosser. 127 N K Burket. 129 Mrs Jane B Ringland. 200 Mrs Nancy N Teeters. 206 Henry A Becker. 217 George N Keiles. 219 Robert H Johnson. 306 Orion Clemonss. 410 Mrs Lucy Grimsley. 418 Theodore J Philips. 428 Mrs L Heaslip. 428 John H Johnson. 502 James F Daugherty. 708 D W Mills. 710 Dr L C Ingersoll 711 Mason White. 7l6 Thomas J Hardesty. 718 Mrs Eliza Stripe. 728 Dr John R Miller. 19 James Cameron. 21 W H Nichols. 22 Mrs Carrie House. 106 Wm H Carmichael. 108 fames T W^olf. 117 Charles Hough. 122 James Cameron. 129 Dr R H Fegers. 222 C Birge. J} m m (f) 9- o o p s' or? ® -Ü 3* O ® CT* 5-^ r*- CC cr ^ ® ps Seventh.—South. 025 S. hcj » -• w S. WS • Äj a ^ — ^ H, Strlckier, »lüiSIr- The "Popular." T. D. MACKEY. No. 12 SouthSixth: NITRO CS OXIDE GAS Administered. » Surgeon Dentist -M S i = M st t oc 826 402 403 409 420 421 512 520 524 618 621 624 628 Miss Ellen Patterson. R Sutherland. j- St Vincent's School. j W Dimond. H Soears. J \V Phillips. Ed Gallagher. J Ward. Michael Burke. Patrick Tigue, Sr. David Inman. John A Driscoll. Seventeenth.— North 516 J acob Spurgeon. 602 Charles Carlson. Seventeenth.^—South 310 C R McManus. 318 J Wade. 408 J Hirst, Sr. 410 J Holt. 513 J R Brown. 517 M L Crocker. Sixth.— North. 9 Julius Osburn. 13 S J Green. I Gate City Office. 18 Keokuk Med College. jg j" Engine House. 21 Constitution-Democrat office. Keokuk Opera House 24 30 Sixth.—North. CONTINUED. 25 Van Papplendam. 109 Wm Sinton. 119 Mrs Angeline Scott. 122 Frank É Crane. 200 G A Engelhardt. 201 John F Franek. 210 Mrs A M Boatman. 211 Mrs Jane Dickie 212 Mrs Isabella Adams. 2121 James T Wycoiif. 218 John Hill. 219 Mrs M A Hoyt. 311 John Maxwell. 312 Charles H Forman. 313 Mont Ross Fisher. 316 James Creighton. 424 Leon Chevillion. 426 Lemuel Daugherty. 427 John A Stahl. 517 Charles P Bisbee. 521 Rollin Clark. 525 Robert Ranson. 526 Major M Meigs. 527 Louis F Racine. Sixth.—South. 12 Dr T D Mackey. Jq j- Bowman & Boyer. 19 O B Sweet. 23 116 F M Hicks. 118 William Fvoy. 120 Wm Grill. 202 C W Perdue. 203 H Myers. 208 A R Newberry. CLABK BROS., Hats, Caps, Trunks and Valises. 507 Main St. McGRATH BROS.. Waters 5th and Main Sis. REES' KEOKUK CITY DIRECTORY. 307 Sixth.—South. CONTINUED. 211 Vacant. 212 A G Larson. 213 J W Griffith. 216 James N Jones. 219 J L Canby. 221 S M Buffington. 227 F Kiedaisch, Sr. 229 J F Kiedaisch. 310 Mrs M G Timberman. 313 Mrs H B Anderson. 326 VVm Horn. 327 J Ballantyne. 404 A Moody. 418 Charles E Lamb. 418 P Kennedy. 426 M Kinney. 510 P Joyce 516 P Collins. 518 D Clair. 528 J Hickey, Sr. 606 John Collins. 608 Mrs Hannah Wiese. 617 Mrs Margaret Gordon. 319 Charles W Cowley. Sixteenth.—North. 513 Gabriel Williams. 522 J T Higburn. 525 Pressley Ross. Sixteenth.—South. 13 Mrs Mary Vance. 108 Charles Hackberry. 110 Mrs Frentricka Haisch. llO^Andrew Oleson. 112 James D Utley. 122 Frank Schenk, Jr. Sixteenth.—North. CONTINUED. 210 F Donsbrook. 212 J Vogel. Tenth.— North. 11 Orion Worley. 19 Germain Stern. 20 L W Huston. 26 A J Hardin 108 John F Salzer. 112 Nelson Gamage. 202 John Bockman. 202ijessie J Davis. 204 John Hellenthall. 219 David J Wellehan. 221 Mrs L E Robertson, 407 Garrett Van Werden. 411 Richard C Reynolds. 419 Henry Tebo. 421 Isaac Johnson. 423 George Hinch. 427 Latham H Ayer. 504 Henry A Wise. 506 Henry T Holt. 508 George T Kendrick. 621 Dr J ohn W Stark. 726 Rory McLeod. 821 Miss Mattie Dowen. 825 Mrs M J Blackburn. Tenth.—South. 5 John Stahl. 12 Enoch Hugill. 14 John Tattersall. 106 Thara S Robinson. 107 William H Mahin. 115 Samuel Crow. 217 Wm G Allison. 5nnn Popular Music only 10 Cents a Copy, ,UUU ÄYRES BROS., 511 Main St. 0^^ ^ M- cr® N B wg. 2° ÏO® HH ÏÔ® HC 0 P rt ® % » '-d 95 ^ S ^ PRICE BROS. PAINTING ami PAPER HANGING, Cor. 6th and Main Sts, (0 308 REES KEOKUK CITY DIRECTORY. Tenth.—South. CONTINUED. [9 E H Caywood. 11 John Hammes. ¡5 L C Lockwood. !7 R J .\nderson. >8 M Douglas Sanborn. LO T VanAusdal. Third.—North. 6 Oscar L Van Doran. [Q Silas Hubble. L2 Vacant. ¡9 I" A J Hardin. .9 E J Peterson. Î3 R Scherer. Î9 Joseph Dickson. .3 Herman Schulz. .6 John W Rankin. Î3 George R Smith. !6 A E Johnston. L8 Ogden S Willey. :0 Mrs Lizzie Clemens. l6 Vacant. L8 John F Hagerman. )2 Moses A Wooldridge. )3 John H Craig. 11 Mrs Clara VVolcott. L2 Will H Huxley. 12 John W Scroggs. i4 James B Diver. Î5 Miss Jennie Martin. !7 Mrs B Kemper. Third —South. 6 Vogel Bros. Andrew Hills. Third.—South. CONTINUED. 8 Andy Masterson. 10 Wm G Parrott. 11 Keokuk Library. 12 William Reimbold. 13 John Helwig. 14) . . 15 William F Foote. 17 Michael Cahill. 20 j- Dooley & Smith. 19 Fritz Ginter. 21îMrs E Mayer. 22 W H Jones. 23 William J Perkins. 23iWayland Green. 24 S S Lowitz. 25 Vacant. 26iJ F Franek. 27 Mrs Rosa Haga. 28 Keokuk & Western R'y offices. 100 ] ^ , 108 f Hotel Keokuk. 229 [ Badger Electric Co. 120 Kellogg Bros. 122 Wm Mullen. 123 John Brady. 125 Henry Wilson. 127 Marshall Hammond. 209 John Fairchilds. 211, D M Goman. 212 Mrs A McMahoney. 214 G Meng. 217 Mrs M S Magoun. Wilkinson & 1M o 11 p p In the Hambden Buel Insurance Agency, 24 N. 5th St lllOUriL All Losses paid promptly. Ooly leading Kos. Repfesepted. REES KEOKUK CITY DIRECTORY. 309 Thirteenth.—N orth. 106 Zack Taylor. 112 Patrick Morgan. 114 Samuel B Smith. 220 Mission of Holy Cross. 318 Etchen Villannis. 319 Vincent Fields. 502 Thomas G Price. 508 Charles E Schwartz. 510 Frank Green. 516 George Guy. 526 Mrs Clara Shillinger. 600 Harvey J Bonham. 612 Edward E Hawkes. 628 Mrs Sarah P Pickens. 701 John P Bond. 705 Charles W Sandsted. 713 Mrs Clara Davis. 716 Gust Sandberg. 717 Cato Frazier. 720 Charles Palmgren. 801 W C Davis 804 John W Cook. 805 Charles Carson. 806 Mrs A B Bartlett. 812 Louis Greenslaugh. 816 Levi Hays. 817 John Erickson. 822 Mrs Margaret Hägens. 823 Mrs Mary J Colmay. 826 James H Billingslea. 829 Mrs T McNamara. 913 Thomas Wadden, Sr. Thirteenth.—South. 108 Mrs Lucy P*Lewis. 110 Henry Anderson. 112 Edward Metz. .120 William Johnson. Thirteenth—South. CONTINUED. 226 Latter Day Saints Ch. 429 J E Hayner. 603 William H Perrigo. Timea. 220 H P Clark. 221 Mrs Dora Narrley. 314 Mrs Mattie Caywood. 321 C Graham. 327 John Main. 404 Ed Druiy. 407 Wm Andrus. 415 G Anderson. 419 F McCaffery. 425 S C Rankin. 427 P Mullen. 429 Patrick J Mullen. 619 Wm Schweer. 627 J Auwerda. 7l2 J Cosgrove. 716 J M Allen. 718 T J Rice. 719 Wm Fulton. 721 G C Bradford. 728 G W Graham. 729 James Alton. 812 B F Hagerman. 814 T Myers. 820 Daniel Furtenberry. 904 L Reiner. 908 F Morgan. 912 George A Leibfarth. 914 Mrs K Kraft. 918 George S Merriam. 921 J W Houchens. 922 A J Rutledge. 1001 A J Schmidt. tc h— ^ I 3 ; cc; CO I en ' © ■ CO ^ ' a ; Kellogg Brothers, Livery, Feed and Sale Stables, Excursión and Moving Cars. 120 S. 3d St. T. D. MACKEY. Surgeon Dentist, DEXTAL ELECTRIC riBUAXOR VSED IX Extracting Teetli m cà Ka a. >> -M O <ù o o o as 31 0) Q Q¿ s ^ s: ¡;j .-M s»/ g t et ^ 'S- « ^ E- 310 REES KEOKUK CITY DIRECTORY. Timea. CONTINUED. 004 Mrs John Finnerty. 006 P Finnerty. Oil Mrs Mary Solomon. 014 E Kruskoff. 017 C Wolf. 020 F Wolf. 028 J Peterson. 026 E H Wickersham. 027 Mrs E C Green. 114 A C Decker. 117 I McKiernam. 122 Mrs .Annie Waller. 124 A Russ. 126 J Stewart. 200 Mrs Florence Ayres. 208 J Heineman. Sr. 206 F Quinn. 207 L Garrison. 209 A Briear. 210 F Schulz. 218 L Koehler. 216 P Swisher. 217 E C Booth. 222 L Cook. 227 B S Merriam. 228 S Maddock. 808 R Brerton. 812 Mrs C Kenney. 822 L Harte!. 828 E A Meyer. 408 J W Lowrv. 411 G McCandless. 412 Georo-e Schaefer. 415 Vacant. 419 A Binde). 422 Mrs M J Crocker. 425 J Schlotter. Timea. CONTINUED. 1426 B Pyles. 1429 A Kraus. 1502 H R Jacobs. 1507 A Hills. 1509 A F Jones. 1517 C Hornung. 1525 H Hemmy. 1526 H Mollers. 1527 A Mollers. 1601 Vacant. 1608 Vacant. 1605 Vacant. 1608 N Schneider. 1609 Mrs J Powers. 1611 A Freeman. 1619 S Reuben. 1621 M Ginyerd. 1622 J Zimmer. 1628 S Brown. 1701 Vacant. 1708 Vacant. 1706 W J Hamilton. 1727 Vacant. 1729 Ed T Hamilton. 1801 L Enginger. 1808 Mrs L Lewis. 1805 Vacant. 1808 H Kelley. 1809 J McCampbell. 1811 B McCutchen. 1818 Vacant. 1815 Mrs Lizzie Courtley. 1819 Mrs M Davis. 1828 Varant. 1827 Vacant. 1829 R Courtright. 1830 C Scheerer. JACOB RENWALD, S oceries. Provision.«. Hardware, AND QUEENSWARE, and GARDEN IMPLEMENTS. 1300 3w¿C-A.IÍT SX- McGRATH BROS. ' TOILET GOODS and 3th and Main Sts. Perfumery REÍ:S KEOKUK CITY DIRECTORY. 311 Timea. CONTINUED. 2024 2100 2119 2200 Mrs A M VanPap- plendam. W S Livezey. W Vance. Georg-e Robertson. Twelfth.—North. 14 Sylvester Betts. 16 George Kiel. 17 Mrs M Nolkemper. 18 Amelia Kelmer. 21 Mrs B Fanning. 27 Wm E Pringle. 106 Cabus Vanderhayden. 206 John McCormick. 208 Madison j Berryhill. 216 Mrs H F Collins. 408 William Wiek 410 James Patterson. 412 James Patterson. 418 Israel M Walters. 419 Wm Carss. 426 Charles Wright. 718 George W Campbell. 719 Spencer C Harris. 720 Rev Eurik Anderson. 722 Charles N Bonham. 125 Elbridge S Cushman. 728 James H McCutchen. 802 Martin Tracy. 808 John R King. 812 Frank A Thompkins. 815 Thomas L f)wyer. 824 J Frank McCutcheon. 828 Jones F McCutcheon. 902 Mrs M C Tumelty. Twelfth.—North. CONTINUED. 903 Hans B Martin. 911 John Timlin. 912 Patrick Malone. Twelfth.—South. j- Eagle Mills. 26 James A Hirst. 28 Dave Santo. 30 Vacant. 103 John Marks. Miss Clara Henderson. 113 William Givens. 226 Mrs C Spring. 304 B Townsend. 311 James Young. 315 John J Currier. 317 N P Nelson. 319 Mrs A Murry. 325 B F Martin. 423 Vacant. 616 Frank W Kellerman. Water.—North. 1 6 • 8 12 18 22 24 26 28 30 100 104 ^ City Hotel. George Schneider. Wm H Kilroy. Vacant. Mrs Emma Abbott. Consolidated Tank Line Co. Central Stove Wks. Wax Starch Co. CO CO Ä=> <:c> CO o c c o 3 s ^ o C-t- 3 ^ CD P JO O ►Ö S. 3 c-*- CD C/D ^ CD C/3 ^ rr £» CD 3 > a? i The Reh Shee Ho«» E.fiÂiaSi.ï.ir % (J1 PRTPiF RRO^ \''liolesale Wall Paper House, Í l-lll.\/Ü»j Corner sixth and Main Sts. (A 0 & CQ 312 REES KEOKUK CITY DIRECTORY. cc (/} ^ s 21 HrS > 03 (U U O o CO «8 >- ÜJ _l Oí O (f> W ater.—North. CONTINUED. 106 Miss Sue Dalton. 108 Horn & Hueston. 114 I ^^ 2' Co. 124 Moseley & Blom. 204 Keokuk Water Wks. >»2 Si m « t e i;-; South. J B Ague. Grand Pacific Hotel. Milling W ater. 2 4 8 8 I 9 f 1*8 ) Hambleton 20 f Co. 09 i I" Wabash Depot. 26 Wm F'ritch. '26-jJames N Jones. 28 ) T o gQ >■ L Barnesconi. Williams. 016 Michael Maloy. .100 George Giffin. 108 Mrs M J Gififin. 110 Michael F McGinty. 111 Mrs Hannah Buckley. 112 Mrs E McGinty. 113 John H Goodrick. 116 John R Carss. 118 Vacant. 1121 1122 1129 1200 1201 1202 1205 1207 1210 1212 1214 1216 1221 1223 1226 1302 1317 1318 1322 1519 1620 1718 1726 1727 1729 1730 1802 1809 1902 1906 1929 W^illiams. CONTINUED. Miss Sarah M Hicks. James Rea. Harvey Ferrell. Chas Davis. Mrs Mary Downey. Wm M Bennett. Edward Whalen. John Carey. Charles A Rice. Vacant. Vacant. Edward E Roberts. John W Smith. John O'Neill. John W Williams. James Cusack. Thomas A Jester. William H Lucas. James Brennen. A Strahn. William Robinson. L W Zindel. A S Bunner. William Logan. John Hinson. William A Miller. Charles W Wilson. John D Hicks. Jacob Mattox. Calvin J Kellogg. David A Wilkins. Wilkinson & Co.Äe?;!c!ÄS'Perfumery WYMAN-RAND CARPET CO., 6*0Í> and ßll Main St. REES* KEOKUK CITY DIRECTORY. 313 WM. REES & CO.'S ^ Keokuk Business Directory, m For 1890-91. CD (^For locations not given see general directory.^ Abstract of Titles. O O ■ Accountants. Christy, J. P., Meyling, Phillip. Agricultural Implements. Becker, C. L., 524 Main. Smith, J. F. & N. M., 26 north 5th. Tichenor, I N. X Carson Sc Rand Lumber Co., Commercial cor- H ner F. {See adv. pas;e S.) Carter, S. C. Sc S. 429 south 4th. ^"EMcNamara. James, 426 to 428 Johnson. {See ^8 adv. page 14. c Cu ^ _____ —_— (Groceries. Provisions, Hardware, , TIN AND QUEENSWARE, and GARDEN IMPLEMENTS. ) 1300 ST. JACOB RENWALD McGRATH BROS. Perfumery REES' KEOKUK CITY DIRECTORY. 319 CO Wholesale Butter and Eggs. Pond, S. P. & Co. Cabinet Makers. Chevillion, Laurent., Candy Manufacturers. Essig, J. A., Keokuk Cracker & Candy Co. Can Manufacturers. Tri'-State Canning Co., Canal road foot of I5th. Canning Factories. Anderson Canning Factory. Keokuk Canning Co. Carpenters and Builders. CO oa CO o 5d c c o 3 Ackley, William H., Griffey, John T., ^ ^ Benson, Charles L., Hoagland, A., Burns, Robert, Nicholas William H. 5' Cobb, William, Scherer, Chas Sr., ^ Culbertson, J., Scherer Chas. Jr., c S Griffey, Frank L., ^ o Schmidt, H. Sc Son, 18 s. 11. (See adv. page 14.)^ so Waller, Frank, Wooley, Wm. Sr. CD C/) ÇÛ Carriage and Wagon Manufacturers.^^ CD Hawkeye Carriage Works (Lowenstein Frank) 9 to 15 south 1st. Myers, Theophilus, Wright, John, C g Schlotter &Robbins, S' p Worley, S. T. Sc. Son, 622 to 625 Johnson. (See ^ g* adv. side margin.^ • Carpet W^eavers. 'ji s Larson, Mrs. Annie. Vance, Mrs Mary, ^ Yales, Francis, » 5' S. ^ ^ Thû PúH Qbnû líniiQí! Will give you better Shoes for Your ^ ' 1110 uOU öllüC nüuöO f¡oi|0y than any Shoe Store in Keokuk. T. D. MACKEY, Snrgeon Dentist ^ 320 REES' KEOKUK CITY DIRECTORY. C c ^ Carpet Dealers. *1 h-l Drake, E. R. Se Co, 318 Main. (See adv. back book.) = M Co., 609 and 611 Main. (See top 3 lines.) ^ Younker, M.., 428 Main, t <; Chimney Sweeper. Cm . ^ ¿ ^ Barnes, Henry. c Carriage and V^agon Material. « ^ Becker, C. L., 524 Main. (See adv.page 2,^3-) J 'Weber A. & Co., 528 Main. {See adv. page lo. S ¿ Cigar and Paper Box Manufacturers. Schweer, William. Cigars and Tobacco. Manufacturers and Dealers. Bevering, Edward, Bonham & Haubert. Bode, Theo., Cassel, Major A., Bode, Charles, Eisenhuth, John, Fanning, G. W., wholesale and retail, 302 Main. Koechling F. A., 521 Main. Leezer, John. Moeller Joseph. 216 Main. Pflugg, Edward, 1022 Main. (See adv.page iç8.) Radasch, George E., ReimlDold "William, 12 south 2d. (See adv. _ page 4 T.) Seibert, Stephen, Ward Bros , Smith, F. J. & R. E. Jr., Civil Engineers. Cole, John H., 216 High. Edwards, Samuel, Tate, T. C. Meigs, M., Jones, W. H., Hats, Caps, Trunks and Valises. 507 Main St. CLARK BROS., McGRATH BROS., J"" Waters REES' KEOKUK CITY DIRECTORY. 321 Claim Agents. Clark., S. IVI., Gate City Building. Manning Miss Maude, IVIorrison, W. H., office 14 north 5th up stairs. Osborn, J. W., Reid, James M., Clothing. Annable, S. J., E. T. Bartruff. Connable, Howard L., 226 and 228 Main. (See adv. on Cover. J^ones, Ed. H., 400 Main. (See adv. outside cover. Spiesberger, R., Spiesberger, E., VVeil & Co., 426 Main. ~ 0 ? Coal Dealers. Hamilton M.illing Co. 18-20 south Water. Keokuk Coal & Fuel Co. ^ JVIcDermott & Sons, Water north side foot of S 5 Main. (See adv. pa.oe /o.) ^ IVIcNamara, James, 426 and 428 Johnson, yard (y^O foot of Main. See adv. pa^e 41. Q? Mississippi Coal and Ice Co., Levee foot of (Hm. Johnson. pog Coal Oil Peddlers. pDi-b Fowler, Herbert Eli. Stannus, Frank E., Coke Dealers. M Ci Keokuk Gas Light êc Coke Co., 18 south 4th • Hj (See adv. page 146. 0 Cold Storage House. q w Pond, S. P. & Co. Collar Makers. ^ ® Racine, L, F., 323 Main. ^ it 5,000 Pieces of Popular Music only 10 Cents a Copy, ^ ® AYRES BROS., 511 Main St. T. D. MACKEY, S™ Extracting Teeth ^ 322 Rees' keokuk city directory. J % J Collecting Agencies. ^ Tucker Harrison, 24 n. 6th. {See adv. page 73.) ^ Coffee Pots. O Manufacturers. Keokuk Coffee Pot Co., ^ Commission. 4—* Blom, Wm. Daniels Wm., ^Keppel^Dick Provision Co., 202 Main. Q Confectioners. Brugman Mrs. J. C. Essig. John A. Burke, Michael J., Henneman, Mrs. Eliazbeth Linehan, Mrs. Jennie, 616 Main O Linn, Mrs Minnie, Schima, Joseph, O Lutz, Mrs. A. T., O Sutlive, H. L., 504 Main. ^ Contractors. Cameron, Jas., 19 south 7th. Diver, J. B. & Co.. 308 Main. M.cLeod, N. J. & R. A., 726 north 10th. C~~ Nichols, V/. H., Patterson Bros., Coopers. Hilpert, Fred, Keokuk Cooperage Co., ^ .c Räber, Benedict. ^ ®-Keokuk Barrel & Hoop Co., Hilton Road, o .2 11 Coppersmiths. iS > K % Lagerpusch, Ludwig, o S Cracker Manufacturers. ® o* ^ 4) Keokuk Cracker and Candy Co., JACOB RENWALD Groceries, Provisions, Hardware, , TIN AND QUEENSWARE, and GARDEN IMPLEMENTS. I 1300 M.Ä.I1T ST. WYMAN-RAND CARPET CO., 609 and (ill Main St. REES' KEOKUK CITY DIRECTORY. 323 Crockery and Queensware. Carey S. E. &Co., 307 Main. Keokuk Queensware Co., 310. Main. « utlery Works. Rockford Cultery Works. m Dairies. m Patterson, David, Wnght, Charles A., Walte, Joseph B., Yenawine, Wm. H., w/ Waters, Frank R., Decorators. Foulkes, A. E., 801 Main. Harwood, Ed. F., 29 north 5th. Hill, George, 401 Blondeau. Price Bros, 529 Main. (See adv. top lines. O o Dentists. ^ Gramm, Carl T., Ingersol, Dr. L. C., 5'^ JVIackey, Dr. T. D., 12 s. 6th. (See adv. top lines.^ ¡_h g Mills, Dr. David W., Stark, Dr. John W., © ® ^ CT' © q S-íM e*. 05 Dental Supplies. The Iowa Dental Refining Co., Doors, Sash, etc. ^ ^ Carter, S. C, &: S., 429 south 4th. ^ S' Carson & Rand Lumber Co., Commercial to» corner F. (See adv page 8.) ^ ^ Evans & Sheppard, Railroad corner B. Keokuk Planing Mill Co., Commercial corner ww' F. (See adv. page 14.^ Schmidt, H. & Son, 18 s. 11th. (See adv. p^r.) g! ^ Taber & Co , Railroad corner J. .^2, H. Strlckler,"i&SIr- The "Popnlar." PRÍPiF only VV'l olesale Wall Paper House, A HlvlJ l/llvüij Comer Sixth and Main Sts, 2 324 REEs' KEOKUK CITY DIRECTORY. C Draymen. ^ = Bode, Louis, Murphy, Martin, {> ^ Brooks, Mitchell, Zimmer Peter, . ^ Hurlbart, Elisha C., 0 3 p Drain Tile. Sh Ä ^ 5 Asbestine Stone Works, 508 to 512 Blondeau >i ^ rtß'z/ pa^e 8.) ^ IVIcNamara, Jas. 428 Johnson. {Seeadvpa^e d) !- ^ = Dressmakers. S Adair, Mrs. W. A., Leonard, Mrs. E. B., ® Brerton, Miss Annie, Newberrj/^, Anna R., Carter & Carter, Parker, Mrs. E. A., Graley, Miss Mary, Pennington, Mrs. E. G., Gorgas, Mrs. William, Rockenbach, Miss Bertha, Harte, Miss Ella, Sheehan Sisters. Druggists. Camp, Eli R., Fuller, E, E. & Son, 600 Main. Heiser, Rudolph, Kerr, D. A. & Co., 613 Main. McGrath Bros., 500 Main. {Seeadv. top lines.) W^ooldridge & Cp., 702 Main. VVilkinson & Co., Branch store 1028 Main. {See adv. bottom lines. Surry, Wm W. Drugs. Wholesale and Retail. Kerr, D. A. Co.. 613 Main. Wilkinson & Co., 4th and Main. {See adv. bottom lines. O CO «8 >- UJ _l q: O CO Wilkinson & Co. Ä^r'ÄdMfPerfnniery IM o 11 p p In the Hambden Buel Insurance Agency, 24 N. 5th St. IM O U n L All Losses paid promptly. Oply leadiog Bos. Represepted. REES' KEOKUK CITY DIRECTORY. 325 Dry Goods and Notions. Brinkman Sc Co., 412 Main. ~ BRnNJKMÁÑ~&~C0^^ BEST ASSORTMENT OF ^ Dry Goods, Silks, -Velvets, 2 Cloalss, Sls.awls, Teasis, Blaaalcets, etc., v ' IN THE. GITY. fj) Entorprise, (Wm. Weismann & Co., 628 Main (See adv. paoe j.) Geiger Bros., Hammond & Braidwood. Keppel, Mrs. C., King R. B. & Son, 604 Main. Q Sullivan Sc Auwerda, 410 Main. ■ Schenk, Frank J., Sr. Strickler, Henry, 401 and 403 Main. (See adv. ^ bottom lines. Jg Steele Sc Co., 319 Main. S Thurber Sc "Warner, 329 Main. 3 Weismann, Wm. & Co., 628 and 630Main. (See wS adv. page j. Wilson, John M., Younker, IVl-, 428 Main. ^ c s 3 P- W I" Wholesale Dry Goods, cc'" On Irwin^Phillips & Co., 2d and Main. Dye Houses. S"* Blank Barnabas, 924 Main. Egg Packers. 3| Pond, S. P. Si Co., -^3 Engravers.—Wood. = Brunat, Ernest, FûllAifrf ßfiAthürC L.ivery, Feed and Sale Stables, J\CilU55 Dlülllüld, Excursion and Moving Cars. 120 S. 3d St. PRICE BROS. PAINTING and PAPER HANGING, Cor, 6th and Main Sts. 5 © 326 REEs' KEOKUK CITY DIRECTORY. U/ cc C ÔÏ- Electric Light and Power. 3 Badger Electric Light Co., 116 to 119 south P S 3d. Keokuk Electric Light & Power Co., office 0 ^ corner 6th and Blondeau. Ö3 Keokuk Electric Street Railway and Power Co., eg c ^ Excursion and Moving Cars. U ci Guy, George, Miller, Ellery A., Harrison, Harris, Steiger, Joseph W., Sinton, H. C., 109 north 6th Express Companies. Ädams Express Co., J. H. Billingslea agent 425 O Main. American Express Co., Robt. Sloan agent 419 Main. Pacific Express Co., George Sheldon agent 316 Main. qO U. S. Express Co., George Sheldon agt. 313 Main. Lehigh Valley and Wabash Dispatch, H T Helgesen agt. ^ Fancy Goods. Sievers, Ferdinand, i^i Fast Freight Lines. Merchants Dispatch Transportation Co., Robt. Sloan agent 419 Main. Poman, H. O. Whitney agent. Traders Dispatch, J. L. Root, agent. o • Feathers. Karle Sc Schulz, 518 Main, (See adv. page g.) Fence Manufacturies. h Keokuk Planing Mill, Commercial corner F, (See adv page i/f) a Rickards Fence'Co., NA^olf, Peter, 513 Johnson. Wilkinson & McGRATB BROS, "if"'' Perfnmery REES' KEOKUK CITY DIRECTORY. 327 CO Flour and Feed Stores. » See also Groceries. Bunyan Joseph M., Heller, William G., Schaefer, Conrad, 1111 and 1113 Main. {Seeadv. Çèp pa^e 13-) ^ Smith, John W., Schmidt, T. F., CO Flour Mills. ^ Hambleton Milling Co., 18 and 20 south Water {See adv pa^e 2.) Keokuk Milling Co 19 to 22 south I2th. Florists. PO o 1X1 Laisle, Christian, Mann, Geo. D., c Sutherland, Mrs. Clara, ^ ^ <3 C/5 < Foundry and Machine Shops. 5' Eagle Machine Works. ® g Globe Iron Works, 217 to 229 south 4th. o §' McElroy & Armitage, 19 and 22 south 9th. ^ ^ Fruits. Daniels, W. B., So McQuade, James, C/3 JAMES McQUADE, GENERAL FRÜIT GROWER || AND SHIPPER. ^ East side 7th street road one mile south of city. r' c/i rf fV y¡ Sansone, Joseph, Sterne, C., ^ Teller, Ralph R., (See adv. page 240.) ? a ThP RPil ShnP Hhirp Will give you better Shoes for Your ^ ^ lUC RtJU OUUC nuubc g„y s,,gg jtoro in Keokuk. T. D. MACKEY, SnrgeoD Dentist ^ 328 REES' KEOKUK CITY DIRECTORY. C . Ç® Furniture Dealers. s Akerson, Peter, ■| J Duncan^Schell Co , 605 and 607 Main. (See adv. = hh page 9.) ^ »C Karle & Schulz, 518 Main. (See adv. page j.) y {> Schardelman, Henry A., Furs. PC Voorhies, J. O., 20 Main. ^ Gas and Steam Fitting. S ^ Hanson, Andrew, Hesbacher, Martin, 421 Main. ¿ Völlers Sc VVarttman, 27 south 5th. ^ Sutton, P. R., Gas Light Companies. p Keokuk Gas Light Sc Coke Co., 18 south 4th. ¿ n (See adv. page 746.) Zmf Galvanized Iron Works. Wm. Horn Sc. Co., 719 to 721 Johnson. (See adv. pi^ge 7- Gents' Furnishing Goods. ^ Bartrufif, E. T., Clark Bros., 507 Main. (See adv. bottom lines.^ Connable, H. L., 226 and 228 Main. (See adv. cover.) Jones, Ed. H.. 400 Main. (See adv. outside cover.) Jones, Frank H., Parrott AV. G., 10 south 3d. V/^eil Sc Co., 426 Main. Groceries. Retail. Bartlett, H. D., Cobelena, Louis, Bassett, George M., Cook, A. L. & Co., CLARK BROS., Hats, Caps, Trunks and Valises. 507 Main St. McGRATH BROS., '"gJAA."" Waters REES' KEOKUK CITY DIRECTORY. 329 Bauer, John G., Coyne & Ballégoin. Burrows, John., Cronin, John T., Cabalan, J. & W., CXilberlson, John F., 608 Main. Dimond. James & Son. Freeman, Herbert E., Dimond, John R., Haage, David P., Finigan, John Sons. Hesse, Mrs. Rosena, Hirst, James A., 26 south I2th. Hodge & Sons, Hendricks, H , Inman, Ham, Immegart & Phillips, V06 Main. Jacobs, Henry R„ 1229 Main. Kepple, C., Martin, James, Kelley, Charles R., Matheny, J. W., & Son. 0 Jl. Keniston, J., McNamara, Mrs M B., Kennedy, John L., McNamara, Patrick, ? King, W L., Miller Phillip H., Lofton, B. R. & Son. §0 Lorden, John, M.irrielees, E. A., 512 Main. (»0 JVIontague Sc Weyand, 1128 High. (See adv. Qg page fj.) (Hm. Morris, John, Reimers & Stollt, Morris, J. Bros., Reiner Bros., ^ Myers, H, Rotchford, B., bîodlar, T. Rotchford, Martin, .O'Brien, P. & J., Rovane, John W., Pollard, Thomas J., WC Ren."Walcl, Jacob, ISOO Main (See adv. bottom tznes.) pO Schsefer, Conrad, illi and iiis Main.(S'^^ adv. ^ page Ig.) J- Schivendinger, Jacob, Smith Bros., q Seitz, Mrs. Barbara, ' Smith, George R., OO Shields, Jamesf Sumner, A; A., t-i Sutlive, Harrison R., 70u High. % » Talion, Mrs. Matilda B., VanCamp, Mrs. L. C., ^ Ulrich, Emil C., Vezina, Mrs. Irma, ® pu 5,000 Pieces of Popular Music only 10 Cents a Copy, AYRES BROS., 511 Main St. oq a rt T. D. MACKEY, Extractípg Teeth ^ 330 REES' KEOKUK CITY DIRECTORY. ^ . Völlers, George, 506 Main, ^ Voorvaart, Mrs Ida, Whetstone, Jasper N., ^ Vanderheyden, Bros., Wilson, William. --Wells, F. P., 4-' ^ O Grocers. ■ F— Wholesale. 0- Buck-Reiner Co., ^^Collier, Robertson & Hambleton, Hamill, S. & Co., 324 to 328 Johnson. ^Kellogg, Birge & Co., 212 and 214 Main. 3 Q Gunsmiths. Breton, R., Clink, George V., ^ Guns and Sporting Goods. Q Shuler, John R., ^ Smith Hardware Co. & Hair Goods. CO Leonard, Mrs. E B., Hardware. O ^ Ayer Hardware Co.. 606 Main. ~lecker, C. L., 524 Main. {^Sie adv. page J/J.) Merriam, George S., Renwald, Jacoh, 1300 Main. (See adv. bottom S ^ lines. .S Smith Hardware Co. ^ AVeber A. & Co., 528 Main. (See adv.page /o.) ® Harness Manufacturers. X 1 Cook, Charles M., 627 Main, Ä Griftey, Johnathan C., I "E Racine, L. F.. 323 Main. ^ ® Scharfenberg, Henry, e ÖH fr- JACOB RENWALD, Í:r.í oceries. Provisions, Hardware, , III. AND QUEENSWARE, and GARDEN IMPLEMENTS. J 1300 ST- WYMAN-RAND CARPET CO., 609 arid 611 Main St. REES' KEOKUK CITY DIRECTORY. 331 7) Çh O o Hats, Caps, etc., See a ¿so Clothiets. Clârk Bros., 507 Main.(6V^ adv. bottom lines.) Jones, Frank H. Hats, Caps, etc., Wholesale. m Carter & Mocdy. 221 Main. (^See adv. page lo.) Voorhies, J. O., 210 Main. I ■ I Hay Gatherers. CO Manufacturers. Courtright, A L. & Co., Hides, Furs, Wool, etc. Kline, Samuel & Son. Sterne, G., l, 3 and 5 south 1st. Weil, Michael, ■ Horseshoers. Ä Bland & Bland, McCluey, John, ^ Bland, John S., Mullen, William, (K ® Englehardt, George & Co., Cí ^ Wolf Peter, 513 Johnson. a tr- » a Horse and Mule Buyers. s Betts, B. & S., ? ® ' ' ® ps Hotels. ^ Barrett House, Samuel Ferris prop. ^ 5* Central House, W. Hovey prop. 18 Main. » City Hotel, Loftus Roger, prop. ^ ^ Clifton House, Miss May Renwald prop. Faple Hotel, John Menz prop. cor. 1st and Johnson. Globe Hotel, Edward Niland prop. 318 Johnson. ^ ^ Grand Pacific, A. J. Clark prop. g» ^ Green Tree House, Herman Wilier, prop. r" 2. H. Strickler, The "Popular." PRÍPiF RRO^ oiilv V'l:olesale Wall Paper House, ^ AvlVJlJ lllivüij Comer Sixth and Main Sts. ^ 332 REEs' KEOKUK CITY DIRECTORY, ^,2 Hotel Keokuk, Hutchinson & Abel! prop's. 300 to 05 306 Johnson. o Hotel St. Claire, D. B. Prescott prop. ^ s 'Windsor Hotel, Mrs. Mary Wiley prop.12-14 s.2d. ^ ^ Young America, Martin V. Dotson, prop. Ö ^ Union House, P. Haubert prop. ^ s P ^ Hosiery. s Manufacturers. >> ^ > Emerson, C. H., 27 north 4th. C3 ^ ^ 'Z House Raising and Moving. c Daley, William A., O ^ Feeley William, {See adv. pa^e Ç4.) fe Ice Dealers. o (0 >- UJ _l a. O CO Tucker Bros., Copeland H., Ice Dealers. Wholesale Mississippi Coal and Ice Co, Levee foot of Johnson. Ice Cream Parlors. Burke, Michael J., Hickie, C. J., Linehan, Mrs. Jennie, 616 Main. Sutlive, H. L., 504 Main. Ice Cream Peddlar. Hultz, Theo R., Insurance Agents. Blood, Henry B., 524 Main. Collins & Heaslip, 8 north 5th. Dygraff, J. S., 600 Main. Fulton "Wm., 306 Main. Wilkinson & Co. "'dLt' Perfumery IMOII DC In the Hambden Buel insurance Agency, 24 N. 5th St. 1110 U n L • All Losses paid promptly. Only leadiiig Sos. Represented. REES' KEOKUK CITY DIRECTORY. 333 James, yv. E., 24 north 5th. ^ The Hambdeii'-Buel Agency, 24 north 5th. ^ (See adv. top lines.) JVLorrison, "W. H., 14 north 5th. ■ Parrott, J. C , 14 north 5th. Hrt Semple. Ed H., Rooms 2 and 3 Wooley building, >7^ 5ih and Blondeau. * ■ Therme, Benjamin C., Tucker, Harrison, 24 north 5th. (See adv. p /J.) rn VanPapplendam, J. B. & E., Hubingèr building ífí Young, J., Iowa State Ins. Co., ^ Insurance Companies. ^ Fire. Aetna, of Hlartford, H. B Blood, agt. O Agricultural, of N. Y., H. B. Blood, agt. American of Newark, N. J., CDllins & Heaslip agt. ■ American, of New York, Wm. Fulton, agt. ** American, of Philadelphia, H. B. Blood, agt. ^ American Central of St. Louis, Wm. Fulton, agt. ^ British America, Assurance, Harrison Tucker, agt. g Buffalo German, of New York, H. B, Blood, agt. ^ Capitol Ins. Co. of Des Moines Iowa, W. E. James, agt. to =3 Citizens Ins Co. of Pittsburg Pa. W. H.Morrison, agt. ^ Commercial Union, London, H. B. Blood, agt. s S Concordia, of Milwaukee, Wis., J. S. Dygraff, agt. tc^ Connecticut of Connecticut, Collins & Heaslip, agts. wp; Continental of New York, J. B. VanPapplendam, agt. Continental, of New York, Wm. Fulton, agt, S-^ Des Moines, of Des Moines, H. B. Blood, agt. ^ ™ Dubuque Fire and Marine, of Dubuque, J.S. Dygraff, agt. g Empire State, of Rochester, N. Y., B. C. Therme, agt. Farmers Ins. Co. of Cedar Rapids, la. E. VanPapplen- dam, agt. | g Farmers Fire fns Co., of York Penn., J. S. Dygraff agt. •'^—4 Fire Association, of Philadelphia; The Hambden Buel Ins. S Agency. Fireman's Fund, of San Francisco, Collins & Heaslip, agt. m ITallAtftf Rrnthnrc Liivery, Feed and Sale Stables, AüiiUgg DIUIUGID, Excursion and Moving Cars. 120 S. 3d St. DDIPC Dono PAINTING and PAPER HANGING, rnlUL DnUÖ. cor. 6th and Main Sts. Í © 334 REES' KEOKUK CITY DIRECTORY. vU ct ® . Ö)"§ Franklin, of Philadelphia, Collins & Heaslip, agts. German American, of New York H. B. Blood, agt. [Q 's German, of Freeport, 111. Hamden Buel Agency, ^ Girard, of Philadelphia, H. B. Blood, agt. (0 ^ Glen Falls, of New York, Wm. Fulton agt. ® . Hartford, of Hartford, Wm. Fulton, agt. ^ o Hanover, of New York, Coflins & Heaslip agt. ^ Hamburg-Breman,^of Germany, Collins & Heaslip, agts. U o Hawkeye of Des Moines W. H. Morrison Solicitors agt. Home, of New York, Wm. Fulton, agt. Iowa State Insurance Co.Howard Tucker, Sec. a Imperial, London, England, H. B. Blood, agent. Z Insurance Company, of North America, Philadelphia, Col¬ lins & Heaslip, agents. O Lancashire, Manchester,England, Collins & Heaslip, Agts. Liberty, N. Y., Collins & Heaslip, Agents. (ñ Liverpool, London and Globe of England, Wm. Fulton,. co_ hp, agents. Wilkinson & McGRATH BROS. Perfumery ^ REES' KEOKUK CITY DIRECTORY. 335 CST' et» Norwich Union of England, Wm. Fulton, agent. Oakland Home Insurance Company, Oakland, California, J. S. Dygraff, agent. Orient Insurance Company, of Hartford, Connecticut, p!^ Harrison Tucker, agent. Pennsylvania Fire,of Philadelphia, Collins & Heaslip, agt. Peoples of Manchester, N. H., Collins & Heaslip, agt, Pheonix, of Brooklyn N. Y., Collins & Heaslip, agts. ^ Phoenix, of Hartford, Conn., Wm. F'ulton, agt. Providence Washington Insurance Co. of Providence R. ^ I., J. C. Parrott, agt. Queen, of Liverpool, The Hamden Buel Agency. Rhode Island Underwriters of R. I., H. B. Blood, agt. Royal, of Liverpool, England, Collins & Heaslip. agts. ^ St. Paul of St. Paul, Minn,, Collins & Heaslip, agt. ^ Scottish Union and National of Edinburgh, The Hamden — Buel Agency. o W Security, of New Haven, Conn. E. VanPapplendam, agt. Security, of Davenport, Iowa, Collins & Heaslip, agts. ^ ^ Springfield Fire and Marine, of Springfield, Mass., Collins & Heaslip, agts. State, of Des Moines, H. B. Blood, agt. ^ p Sun, of London, Eng. H. B. Blood, agt. g* 5 Syndricate, of Minneapolis, J. S. Dygraff, agt. ^ The Guardian of London, The Hamden Buel agency. ^ ^ Traders, of Chicago, H. B. Blood, agt. Underwriters, of New York, H. B. Blood, agt. Union, of Philadelphia, Harrison Tucker, agt. United Firemans, of Philadelphia, J. S. Dygraff, agt. ® Western Assurance Co., of Toronto Canada, J. C. Par-^ ^ rot, agt. Westchester, of New York, H. B. Blood, agt. S-S Williamsburg City, of New York, Wm. Fulton, agt. ^ Insurance Companies. Accident. fs ^ The Preferred Mutual Accident Association, The Ham- h« den Buel agency. ^ œ CD a Ofo D ThP ßpd f\hPP HnilQP Will give you better Shoes for Your - lUC ñtJU OUUC nuubtj tijgj any Store in Keokuk. T. D. MÄCKEY, Snrgeon Dentist ; 336 REES KEOKUK CITY DIRECTORY. ^ The Preferred Mutual of New York, H. B. Blood, agt. ,A , The Pacific Mutual Life and Accident of San Francisco, I Cal., J. S. Dygraff, agt. ^ Travelers', of Hartford, Conn. Collins & Heaslip, agt. Travelers' of Hartford, Conn., Wm. Fulton, agt. ^ Union Mutual, of Chicago, III., Harrison Tucker, gen. agt. ^ Insurance Companies. C/J Gziaranty Bonds. American Surety Co., of New York, Phil Meyling. agt. American Surety, of New York, Collins & Heaslip, agt. I Insurance Companies. N ^ Plate Glass. ^ Fidelity and Casualty, Chicago, 111,, H. B. Blood, agent. Lloyd Insurance Company of New York, Collins & Heas- lip, agent. Lloyds Insurance Company of New York, Wm. Fulton, agent. Insurance Companies. Steam Boiler. Hartford, of Hartford, Connecticut., Collins & Heaslip, agent. Insurance Companies. Life. Connecticut Mutual Life, Hartford, Connecticut, H. B. Blood, agent. Mutual Life Insurance Company, of New York, J. B. & E. Van Papplendam, agents. Northwestern Mutual Life Insurance, Milwaukee, Collins & Heaslip, agents. Traveler's Life Insurance Company, Hartford,Connecticut, Collins & Heaslip, agents. Union Central Life Insurance Company, Cincinnati, Ohio, W. H. Morrison, agent. GLARK BROS., Hats, Caps, Trunks and Valises. 507 Main St. McfiRATH BROS., Waters REES' KEOKUK CITY DIRECTORY. • 337 Iron. ^W^cbGr & Co., 528 Main. (See adv. page lO.) Becker, C. L., 524 Main. (See adv. page g Jewelry. Wholesale and Retail. Ayres, T. B. J. & Sons, 509-511 Main. (See adv. pa^e II. Hornaday, C. LeBron, Frank, 326 Main. (See adv. page p.) Linebaugh, Henry W., Renaud, Jules, Reinhart, George, Spicer, Julius, Junk Dealers. h-q o M. Hornung, John, Sterne, German, 1 south 1st. V/eil, Michael, go Justices of Peace. Morrison, W. H., 14 north 5th. Parrott, Col. James Ç., 14 north 5th. 0« Laundries. m o 50(D Foo, San, Troy Steam Laundry, Lee, Joe, Weems Laundry, 50"^ Long, Gay, Lawyers. Anderson, James H., 20 north 5th. Bank, Judge Henry, Jr., Superior Court Room. ^ Ballinger 'W^m., at Keokuk Canning Factory. ^ Bell, Rice H., ^ Browne, Gibson, Oj Clemens, Orioij, ^ Collins, W. B., room 1 Woolley Building28-30 n.5th. ^ « Craig, McCrary & Craig, 19 north 5th. ^ Davis, James C., 30 north 5th. » ^ : ^ ■ ■ ■ Pieces of Popular Music only 10 Cents a Copy, ® í® AYRES BROS., 511 Main St. 5,000 _ T. D. MACKEY, Extracting Teeth 338 REEs' KEOKUK CITY DIRECTORY. < . Fulton, Wm., 306 Main. (See adv. page 5.^ ^ Garretson, John J., George, C. L., T^Hornish, John P., Howell & Son, room 2 and 3 Estes House. ■ H. SCOTT HOWELL. WM. 0. HOWELL. ^ HOWELL - liJ _l CC O Mantles. ^ [c Nunn, Geo. R. ^"W^yman-Rand Co., 609 and 611 Main. (See adv. ^ 5 top tifies.) Marble Works. >i I Crotty, John T., 14 south 5th. (See adv.) ^ Gate City Marble Works. ^ I Mattress Factories. è Orr, Wm. H., O ^ Meat Markets. Anderson, John, Brelon & Will, Berry, David, Erhardt Bros., Ewers & Son, 1122 Main. Ewers, Wm., 21 south 4th. Hackett, M. J., Hanson, Charles J., Haubert, Peter, Jr., 1124 Main. Haubert Bros,, 7io Main. Hultman, C. T., 516 north 15th. Heckler, Bros., Leach, James, Narrley & Walsmith, 612 Main. (See adv. p.8.) Orth & Biggs, Spring, S., Pfafife Bros., Stahl & Son, Santo, Dave, Stahl, Charles, Schlegel, John, Mercantile Agencies. Dun, R. G. Sc Co., 429 Main. Midwives. Glaser, Lena, Glewe, Mrs. A., - Hans, Mrs. Eliza, (0 Wilkinson & Co. L" Perfnmery 09 WM. REES & CO., Seoteh i Berree HEIDgUUTEIIS FOR ROLL PIPER. WRIPPINO TWINE, ETC. 21 and 23 South Fifth Street. ..öS S3 ca ^ ^ ör S O QQ S' O 5 ^ "^2 « S ^ CO CP ^ oo GRANITE -Ä. SI=EOI-A_XJT"2-! 'Sí.u9iunuo|^ te e C - o U ¿a >> u (D fi « •fH 'Vk •'S ^ c O C/5 ¿a ^ s nJ - £ .. "í C t« 5 u " 4/ 'S <1 .!_> Q. pL, (/) CO Jí » rt 0) C C C 03 rt Í2 « §•- S (/I (U t/) 0 (V C V- O s P bjo S c 3 o u o 'Ô V J C/T C/) « to c rt 00 (M ÍO 6 O o U . Scá b . (/) ^ >1 (ü 5 c _- rt ~ ^ M "pH DC 0 &jO . ^ Si'ß 'S xn a> . ^ CO CÖ rp*H CO Oí o Is^ Lß . C/2 friA fi « "ö S v S Ctj b-2 O) b2 S j w CO ■oo OD PRICE BROS. PAINTING and PAPER HANGINGr Cor. 6th and Main Sts. S © 342 REEs' KEOKUK CITY DIRECTORY. Ui/ Tf} fi Ôï-g IVLineral NA^aters. Ö)'-5 S-© Burk, J. & Co. Music Dealers. pq = Ayres Bros., 511 Main. {See adv. p. II.) ^ c Music Teachers. •H ^ ^ . Anderson, Miss Sarah B., Schueler, Prof. Adelbert, Anschutz, Hug-o., Sheetz, Wm. L., Ü Green, Miss Fannie, Stahl, Miss Julia. Pierce, Miss Mabel, Webb, Miss Lizzie. Quinn, Miss Mary, Newspapers and Publishers. O Central School Journal, (monthly,) educational. O. W. Weyer, manager, 1811 Concert. Constitution-^Democrat, (Daily and Weekly,) Democratic, Warwick & Ranson publishers 21 n. 6th. - Gate City, (Daily and Weekly,) Republican, Howell qM & Clark publishers, 16 to 22 north 6th. Keokuk Chief, (Weekly) democratic Richard B. B. Wood publisher, 702 Main. Keokuk Post, (German Weekly) democratic, Henzel JÎ I I Bros, publishers 515 Main. Newspaper and Periodical Depots. Clark'-Johnson Co., 615 Main. (See adv. outside 0^^ cover. ) UL Lowry David G.. 528 iMain. Notaries. Anderson, Jas H., 20 north 5th. Brownell, Fillmore. Craig, J. E., 19 north 5th. ^ Comstock, C., h Collins, W. B., room 1 Woolley building. Courtright, A. L., a Clark, Rollin, CO Davis, James C., 80 north 4th. Wilkinson & McGRATH BROS, Perfamery ^ REES' KEOKUK CITY DIRECTORY. 343 Cw Dolan, B. A., 28 north 5th. Elder, J. F., 28 south 3d. ^ Fulton, W. J., g' Garretson, J. G., George, C, L., ' Hornish, J. P. Hagermaii, L., Heaslip, H. A., 8 north 5th. ^ Howell, W.C., 2 and 3 Estes House. See adv. p. 338 Jaeger, E., 304 Main. Johns, Thomas, Johnson, S. H., iVLarshall. R. IVl., 12 north 5th. Marshall, A. T., 12 north 5th. S McCrary, A. J., 19 north 5th. ^ Mathias, A. J., ^ Meyling, P.. Morrison, W. H., 14 north 5th. 5-3 Mumm, Edward. ^ 2" Mills, Ida A., ^ i Patterson, W. D., 14 north 5th. 3 -H Parsons, A. L., room 4 Wooley. building. ^ 3 Parrott, J. C., 12 north 5th. S" 5' Roberts, W. J., corner 4th and Blondeau. ^ Renwald, Jacob, 1800 Main. ^ g. Reid, J. M., Sturgis, John H., Smith, J. P., 26 north 5th. g. Smith, Chas. J., ® Smith, Nannie M., Schlotter, Wm. J., Tichenor, I. N., & g Tucker, Harrison, 24 north 5th. ^ Tumelty, Mary, ^5' Warwick, C. A. • Notions. p ^ Enterprise Dry Goods Store, 628 and 630 ^ <¡¡^ Main (See adv. page j.) rë ^ ^ ^ Thii ßöH Qhna Haiiqp Will give you better Shoes for Your ^ ^ llltJ licU üllüö nüuoC f¡Q||Qy than any Shoe Store in Keokuk. T. D. MACKEY, Snrgeon Dentist ^ 344 REEs' KEOKUK CITY DIRECTORY. S • « Frankel, Frank & Co., Sievers, Ferdinand, . King^, Miss M., Speisberger, M. & Son. The Bëizaar, R B. King& Son, prop., 604 Main. I ¿ Steele & Co., 319 Main. CC Ä . Nurseries. -^Mississippi Valley Nursery, Hilton rd. ^ è mile of city, sw. limits. {See adv.) »•(/) J ^ t^jVlississippi Valley l^ufsery. JLM. m J. Jy cï- JLW0P»S» i;>*^CREAiVl ANO BÜTTER DAIRY,^ ^ Also Breeders of Jersey Stock. 2 ^ Nurses. cc • Hackett, Mrs. Georgia A., Shillinger, Mrs. Clara, Ii Kay, Miss Ellen, Taylor, Miss Carrie, Lynde, Mrs. Virginia, Willson, Miss Alcy. Oils. Wholesale. Consolidated Tank Line Co., 24 and 26 north Water. Kerr, D. A. & Co., 613 Main. Wilkinson & Co., cor. 4th and Main. {See adv. bottom lines.) Oils. Peddlers. Fowler, Herbert E., Stannus, Erank. Omnibus & Hack Line. Alton, Bros., Dooley & Smith. Hardin, A. J., 18 and 20 north 3d. Kellogg Bros., 120 south 3d. Teeters, Charles M., 723 to 727 Main. OIADI/ DDHQ Hats, Caps, Trunks and üLft!1^ DnUu., Valises. 507 Main St. McGRATH BROS., Waters REES' KEOKUK CITY DIRECTORY. 345 Painting and Paper Hanging. dark. <& Johnson, 615 Main. (See adv. outside cover. ) Foulkes, Albert E., 801 Main. Harwood E. F. 29 north 5th. Hill, George, 401 Blondeau. Leming, George, Price Bros. 529 Min. adv. top lines.) Paints and Oils. Fuller, E. E. &: Sons, 600 Main. Kerr D. A. & Co., 613 Main. McGrath, Bros., 500 Main. (See adv. top lines.) ^ JVLcNamara James, 426 and 428 Johnson. JQ adv page 74.) Wilkinson & Co., 328 and 1028 Main. (Se.adv.^f^ bottom lines.) 0^ Wooldridge & Co., 702 Main. öq Paper Dealers. sg w. Wholesale. Rees, "W^m. & O., 21 and 23 south 5th. Patents.—Solicitor. Roberts, W^. J., cor. 4th and Blondeau. Proprietary Medicines. Baker, S. F. & Co., 8th and Main. Keokuk Proprietary Medicine Co. Pension Agents. O See Claim Agents. J Photographers. ^ Carrick, William A., Hassall, George, ^ g DeKalb, John E., VanGrieken, Sam'l. Hammond, Fayett, Wales, T, L., ^ - 5,000 Pieces of Popular Music only 10 Cents a Copy, i® AYRES BROS., 511 Main St. . T. D. MACKEY, S™ Extracting Teeth —■ 346 REES' KEOKUK CITY DIRECTORY. < . ctí J Physicians. ^ Armentrout, Dr. John C., over Keokuk Savings ^ Bank. ■+—' Bailey, Benjamin F., O Bancroft, Walton, 516 Main. rTZ Bertram, W^illiam, 616 Main. O- Bertram, Miss Pauline, Derx, J., Collins, .Samuel, Ehinger, George E,, ^>Davis, W. H., Fegers, R. H., Davis, Paschal, Fisk, Calvin R., C^Hillis, David B., 316 Blondeau. ^ Hughes. J. C., 629 Blondeau. O Jenkins & Scroggs, 18 north 5th. Johnson, T. W. Kinnaman, Horace A., Maxwell Sc Moorhead, front room Elks build- ^ ing cor. 5th and Main. (See adv. pa^e) 0 - T. J. MAXWELL. M. D. S. W MOORHEAD. M. D. 8 MAXWELL & MOORHEAD, CI- Physlciaas and Sucgecifls, CO Office cor, 5th and 31aiii, over BartruflTs. Telephone 117. Dr. Maxwell—II(,urs at office. 10 to 12 a, in., 3 to .5 and 7:30 to 8 p. m. Res- ^J^^idence Ninth and Leiihton. Telephone 128. Dr. Moofhpud — Hours at office, 8 to 10 a. m., 2 to 4 and 'Sc30 to 8:30 p. m. O Residence 1228 lli^rh. Telephone 62. Mackey, Alonza H., 600 Main. McDonald,' Orrin P., Payne, P. J., . Miller, John R., Ringland, E. Bernard. Ochiltree, Victor B., 1 g Schaffer, Joshua M., 12^ south 4th. o - Siedlitz, G. N., room 3 Woolley building. 5^ Steinberger, Aaron, Thompson. Mrs. W. L., g Sanborn, Matthew, Weismann, Adolph, Sr., = U Tate. F. M., S ^ Pianos and Organs. g C, Ayers Bros., 511 Main. (See adv page //.) ® Law, George. ^ Groceries, Provisions, Hardware, , TIN AND QUEENSWARE, and GARDEN IMPLEMENTS. } 3.300 BT. JACOB REHWALD WYMAN-RAND CARPET CO., 609 and 611 Main St, REES' KEOKUK CITY DIRECTORY. 347 Moore, John S., Pfafte, Carl. . Piano Tuners. Moore, John S , Philips, Theodore J., " Pickle Works. ;d Keokuk Canning Co., Johnson bet. 7th and 8th. Keokuk Pickle Co., 16 to 28 south 1st. j" Picture Frames. m T. R. J, Ayres & Sons, 509 and 511 Main. {Seefl\ adv. page ri.^ Duncan'^Schell Co., 605 and 607 Main. See adv. f\_ pageç.) Karle & Schulz, 518 Main. {See adv. page 5.) Phillips, T. J., Schardleman, Henry A., Pine Wood. Owens, Samuel, "Red Maria" r. 1223 Morgan. Plastering and Kalsomining. " Anderson, D. W. Sr., VanSteenwyk, Wm. Sr., ^ ^ Cox & Berryhill, Vogt, Jacob, 5' Martin, B. F.. Vogt & Schevers, McDonald, M., Planing Mills. Í » Carter, S. C. & S., 429 south 4th. Carson êc Rand, Lumber Co., Railroad foot ? ^ of F.,{See adv. page 8.) ¡yj s Henderson, J. G., «& Co., Railroad and M. {Sie g ^ adv. pa£e 2.) ? g*' Keokuk Planing Mill Co, Commercial and F. ^ (See advpage 12.) ^ Plumbers, Steam and Gas Fitters. J S. • Wö' Hesbacher, Martin, 421 Main. (»"E Sutton, Pierce R. ©r Völlers & W^arttman, 27 south 5th. ? H. Strickler, The "Popular." PRÍPiF V/l olesale Wall Paper House, * lilll/Ütj Comer Sixth and Main Sis. a. 348 REES' KEOKUK CITY DIRECTORY. ß 2sí2 Pork Packers. s Kepple-Diok Provision Co., 202 Main. ^ I Coey & Co , (Limited) ^ Poultry Dealers. 3 's Dalzell, Robt., Moseley & Blom. ¿ ^ Blink, James, Sweet, O. B., ^ Kretschner, Miss Carrie, >>? > Portrait Painters. C3 ^ 0 See A rtisis. « = ^ 3 Powder. ^ ^ IV/iolesaie and Retail. O z o w »8 >- ÜJ A CL O (0 Buck-Reiner Co., Collier, Robertson & Hambleton, ÎHamill, S., & Co., 324 to 228 Johnson. Kellogg, Birge & Co., 212 and 214 Main. Shuler, John R., Printers. Constitutions-Democrat, Warwick & Ranson, 21 north 6th. Gate City, Howell & Clark, 16 to 22 north 6th. Ogden R. B. & Son. Rees, W^m. & Co., 21 and 23 south 5th have the largest and most complete office in the state. {See adv. side lines.) Provisions. Blom, William. Kepple-Dick Provision Co., 202 Main. Pump Manufacturers. Callihan, S. P., Henderson J. C. Sc. Go., Railroad corner M. {See adv. page 2.) Wilkinson & Co. Perfumery m (O IMOIipC |n the Hambden Buel Insurance Agency, 24 N. 5th St. 1110 U n L AU Losses paid proigptly. Ooly leadipg Eos. Represegted. REES' KEOKUK CITY DIRECTORY. 349 Keokuk Planing Mill Co. Commercial cor. F. {See adv. page 14.^ Keokuk Wind Engine Co., Queensware Dealers. ^ Carey, Samuel E. & Co., 307 Main. Gernhardt, Adam, hrt Keokuk Queensware Co., 808 Main. Railroads. Burlington, Cedar Rapids & Northern Ry., J. E. Hannegan gen'l. passenger and ticket agt. {See adv. end of book.) SÄ Chicago Rock Island and Pacific R'y, J. F. Pollock agt. Keokuk & Western R'y. Gen. offices corner 3d and Johnson, A. C. Goodrich gen'l manager, J. F. Elder Chief Clerk Passenger Dep't. {See adv. side lines and end of book.) ^ St, Louis, Keokuk & Northwestern R'y, W. C. Maxwell ^ general agt. o» ö Toledo, Peoria & Warsaw R'y, H. Helgeson, agt. « Wabash Railway, H. Helgeson, agt. ^ Rakes and Stackers. Courtright, A. L. & Co., p -n 3 S Real Estate. Collins & Heaslip, 8 north 5th. Dygraff, J. S., 600 Main. o-o Pulton, AA^m., 306 Main. (6"^^ adv. page 5.) Garretson, John G., Hagny, Adam, Ingersoll, E, M., James, Wm. E., 24 north 5th. ^3' McElroy, Wm., | Morrison, W. H., 14 north 5th. Nunn, M. L., 26 north 4th, Sample, W. S. & Son, 24 north 5th. Smith J. F. &: N. M., 26 north 5th. {Seeadv. p \/^.) RrnthpPQ f^hery, Feed and Sale Stables, D1 UlilCl Ö, Excursion and Moving Cars. 120 S. 3d St. D DIP C D D n 0 PAINTING and PA PER H ANGINGr rnlUL DnUu. Cor. 6th and Mam Sts. S o 350 Rees' keokuk city directory. SU 03 'Z2L ® &■§ Therme, Benjamin C., 0)^ Tucker,Harrison, 24 north 5th. (See adv.p /J.) Wiederhold jT. F. E., 24 north 5th. Williams, L. E., Refrigerators. ? c Ayer Hardware Co., 606 Main. ^ Hierstein H,, 712^ Main. (See adv. pa^e 824.) f * (jj S Karle & Schulz, 518 Main. adv. page 5.) Ü Weber, A. & Co.. 526 and 528 Main. (See adv. page 10. Resturants. Anthony, Charles, Holt. William, - OBarnesconi, Louis, Masterson, Andy, Bouge, N. B., Meyers, Mrs. E., Evans, R.,C. B. & Q.Depot. William, Miles, Fritch, William, Morton, Thomas R., ^ Harmon, Josiah, Roofers. Buss, John, Buss, Dietrich, Rubber Stamps. Härtel, John G., Klein, Jof eph A., Ogden, R. B., Saddlery and Leather. Wholesale avd Retail. Racine, Louis F., 312 Main. Saloons. ^ Bertsch, August, Concannon, John, h Black, Mrs. C., Concannon, Thomas, Cahill, Michael, Corlas, Larry, B Cobelena, Mrs. Louis, Danford, Lewis A., 20 south 4th. Wilkinson & McGRATH BROS. Perfnmery REES' KEOKUK CITY DIRECTORY. 351 CO Davie, James, Dotson, Martin V., Ginter, Fritz, 19 south 8d. ^ Green, Samuel J., 13 north 6th. ^ Griffith, Martin, Herbner, John, 1102 Main. Hurlhey & Barker. Masterson, Andy, JVLiller, Charles F., 18 south 5th. Mulligan, James J., Schneider, George, Phelan, Robert, Schilsung, George, ^ Pfaffe, Emil, Smith, Henry H., Dennis, Ryan, Whalen, Michael, Schwarz, George, Ö J— Stoves and Tinware. ^ Hesbacher, IVIartin, 121 Main. (Se^ adv.) MARTIN HESBACHER, DEALER IN ÎTBS ÎÎÔ TIN W ABB, o 1:0 í= c o' o »4^ Moore, W. S., ^ Seither, Jacob, 527 Main. o Stroble A., ^ Vookrodt, Ludwig W., q . Tailors. ^ Curry Bros., ^ Franek, J. P., 26^ south 3d. Fraser & Son, ^ & 5,000 Pieces of I'opiilar Music only 10 Cents a Copy, AYRES BROS., 511 Main St. ct? λ m T. D. MACKEY, Extracting Teeth ^ —— 354 REEs' KEOKUK CITY DIRECTORY. < ^ Pi J Feote, William F., ^ Heinz, Christain. Lowitz S. S., 24 south 8d. (See ae/v.) o SAM'L S. LOWITZ, "The Talloc,'* Q_ ■\7;7'ell I^no-wn. to tlie Tracie Tliro-a.g-lio'ULt. ^ Estahlished on Third Street since 1878. For the Largest Assortment to Select from, there is None Equal in this State. Elegant Workmanship at Reasonable Prices. '^i^Weädinq Suits a Specialty,-'^^ A Call is extended to all, ^ "Tlie rrailor." <ù Luedke, August, Vogel Bros., 300 Main. Walch, E., O Ferris, Mrs. Kate A., 0 o Teas, Coffee, Spices. ^Robertson Tea Company, 327 Main. Telegraph and Telephone Companies. Central Union Telephone Co., W. H. Dol- f— bear Manager, Main cprner 2d. Western Union Telegraph Co., W. H. Dol- bear agent. Main corner 2d. c s Ticket Broker. © c Jones, J. N. — -g J Tin Can Manufacturers. « 1 > Horn,NVm. &Co., 7 19 and 721 Johnson. (See adv. W "2 pa(ie 7.) X Moore, W. .S. ^ "E Tri State Can Factory, river road opposite Rand ^ % Park, o Cu E- JACOB RENWALD, (irocerics. Provisions, Hardware, TIN ANO QUEENSWARE, and GARDEN IMPLEMENTS. 1300 ST. WYMAN-RAND CARPET CO., 609 and 611 Main St. REES' KEOKUK CITY, DIRECTORY. 355 Tinsmiths. Hesbacher, Henry, 421 Main. Völlers Sc VVarttman, 27 south 5th. Toys and Fancy Goods. ;d Obertop, Mrs M. J., Richards, T. F., ■ ' ■ Sievers, F., Transfer Line. Sinton, William, 21, 23 and 25 Blondeau. Cameron Jas., 19 south 7th. Trunks. Carter Sc Moody, 221 Main. {See adv.page lo.^ Connable, Howard, 226 and 228 Main. {Seeadv. last page cover.^ Clark Bros., 507 Main. {See adv. bottom lines.) ■ Jones, Ed. H., 400 Main. {See adv. outside cover^ jq m 0) o o < a? ® Typewriting Supplies. Smith, Charles J., 116 to 119 south 3d. {See adv. ^ ® page 22J.) ■ I ^ Undertakers. ® » Durfee, B. F, & Co., ^ 99 02 5 Hawkes & Ackley, Perkins, "Wm. J., 23 south 3d., {See adv. page ^ iç6.) ' I Upholsterers, Orr, W. U., Jr., ^9- Rockenbach, Charles, w'% Wyman-Rand Co., 609-611 Main. {See adv. top g» ^ lines. ) H. Strlckier, «lüS'.SIr- The "Popular." s PRÍPiF \Vliolesale Wall Paper House, * HlVJlJ LliivÜ»^ Comer Sixth and Main Sts. g 356 REES' KEOKUK CITY DIRECTORY. Variety Stores. fi ^ c Nicholson, Frank J., » Rickards, G. Frank, . Ä The Fair Vetinary Surgeons. E ® ¿ ^ Foelker, Jacob F., 22 north 3d. See adv. page .a >i ^ Flynn, C. H., D. V. N. > ^ Watson, William E., 1^1 Vinegar Manufacturers. ^ Horn & Hueston, 0 Keokuk Fickle Co., 16 to 28 south 1st. W^ashing Machines. Keokuk Planing Mills, corner Commercial and F. {^See adv. page /^.) Wagon Material. Becker, C. L., 524 Main. {See adv.page 2,13,) W^eber, A. & Co., 528 Main. {See adv. page to.) Wagons and Buggies. Bowman & Boyer, Eckbohm, Dross & Co. Wall Papers. Wholesale and Retail. Clark-Johnson Co., 615 Main. {See adv. outside cover.) Foulkes, A. E., 801 Main. {See adv. page g.,) Harwood, Ed. F., 24 north 5th. Hill, George, 401 Blondeau. Lowry, D. G.. 522 Main. Price Bros., 529 Main. {See adv. top lines.) - Westcott, S. C., 324 Main. CO o CO >- UJ _l q: O Wilkinson & Co. ' Perfnmery IM o 11 p [ |n the Hambden Buel Insurance Agency, 24 N. 5th St. 1110 U n L All Losses paid proipptly. Oply leadipg Bos. Represeijted. REES' KEOKUK CITY DIRECTORY. 357 Watchmakers and Jewelers. ^ Ayres T. J. R. 6c Sons, 509 Main. (Se^ adv.p //) ^ Hornaday, C., ■ LeBron, Frank, 326 Main. See adv. page ç. ^ Linebaugh, Henry W., Renaud, Jules, Spicer, Julius S., W PI 0) W^ater Works. Keokuk Water Works, lOO north 5th. Wind Engines. ^ Keokuk Wind Engine Co. Window Glass. O O Carson & Rand Lumber Co., Commercial cor¬ ner F. (^See adv. pa,ge 8.^ Kerr, D. A. & Co., 613 Main, s AA^ilkinson & Co., 328 Main. {^See adv. bottom g lines.^ " "Window Shades. ^ d Drake, E. R. & Co., 218 Main. {^See adv. back of^^ book.) § g Foulkes, A. E. 801 Main. wg Price Bros., 529 Main. {See adv top lines.) Westcott. S. C., 324 Main. ® g Wyman-Rand Carpet Co., 609 and 6li Main. {See adv. top lines.) S ^ W^ire Screens. Schmidt, H. 6c Son., 18 south llth. {See adv. Í s page 14.) I.®® Wood. " 3 Becker, C. L., 524 Main. * Bunyan, J. M., m CD Foil Add UrAthaPQ livery, Feed and Sale Stables, huilUgg DiUlilGlo, Excursion and Moving Cars. 120 S. 3d St. PRICE BROS. PAINTING and PAPER HANGING, Cor. 6th and Main Sts, M S 0 m iï 0)^ m i ® S Bridg R r\ o f r1 e—Nichols, Rogerson and Anderson. . Board of Health—Evans, Schmied, Anderson and Kerr. Cemetery—Ewers and Nichols. (1^ ^ Finance—Kerr. Buck, Riffley and Ballinger. Fire—Kenny, Buck and Rogerson. .S Gas—Buck, Schmied, Evans and Riffley. p Judiciary—Kenney, Ballinger, Ewers and Buck. Manufactures—Rogerson, Ballinger, Schmied and Nichols. ^ Market—Evans, Anderson and Rogerson. Police—Riffley and Nichols Ä Railroad—Ballinger, Rovane, Evans and Ewers. >s Sidewalk—Riffley, Evans and Kerr, r Street—Rovane, Ballinger, Kenny and Nichols. i' % Water Works—Anderson, Rovane, Nichols and Kerr. ■ I Wharf—Ewers, Nichols and Rovane. Sewerage—Ewers, Evans and Rovane. Superior Court. Regular term every Monday. Judge—Henry Bank, Jr. Clerk— John W. Chaill. Marshal—Wm T. Trimble. Police Department. Marshal—Wm T. Trimble. Deputy—John L. Kenny. Police—Robt. McDowell, Robert L. Cusack, Patrick Farraher, Philander Swisher. Calaboose keeper John Bonicamp. Park Commissioners. George D. Rand, Jas. McNamara and Henry Tieke. GLÄBK BROS., Hats, Caps, Trunks and VaUses. 507 Main St. McGRATH BROS., Waters rees* keokuk citv directory. 361 Fire Department. •Chief Engineer—Madison Berryhill. Assistant Engineer—Jacob Schlotter. Young America Hose Reel No 1. Station—No. IT north 6th. Driver—John Anderson. Minute Men—Isaac Stamper foreman, John Reynolds, P. J. Mullen, John VanAausdal. Rolla Hose Reel No 2. Station—926 Main. ^ Driver—Geo. Carmichael. Relief Driver—Frank Conroy. rTO Minute Men—Wm. Evoy foreman, Phillip Ott, Charles ^ Reynolds. Engineer of Steamer—Perry Armitage. (D Hook and Ladder Truck No 3. Driver—John Mullen. (yj Minute Men—J. W. Nichols foreman; Henry Kesselring, 00^ Chas. F. Samuels, Oq cJ Reids' Addition Hose Station No. 4. Station—corner Bluff and B streets. Driver—Michael McAndrew. Minute Men—James Dunn, Thos. Glenn. Engineer of Steamer—Henry Burnell. ^0 MC Rules for Ringing Bells. Rules for ringing bells and signals for working hydrants ^ are as follows: j; " District No. 1, one tap. District No. 3, three taps. District No. 2, two taps. Districh No 4, four taps. u • Districts. ^ ^ TSi it No. 1, all north of Main and east of Ninth. . No. 2, all south of Main and east of Ninth. ^ cj 5,000 Pieces of Popular Music only 10 Cents a Copy, AYRES BROS., 511 Main St. » x T. D, lACm, 's—i EilractlPg Tetlb ^ 362 REEs' KEOKUK CITY DIRECTORY. «S3 . ^ 1-3 No. 3, ail north of Main and west of Ninth. No. 4, all south of Main and west of Ninth. ^ SIGNALS FOR HYDRANTS. Turning on water, swing lantern or hat to and fro, three ^ times. To slack up pressure, raise and lower lantern or hat in Qm. front of body, three times. City Boundaries. fm- The boundaries of the city of Keokuk are as follows^ to-wit: Commencing in the middle of the main channel ^ of the Mississippi river, runs north, west side of section ^ thirty-four to the northwest corner of same, thence east ÇO along section thirty-four and twenty-seven to the center of south line of twenty-six, from here north on half section line twenty-six—twenty-three to the north line of twenty- CP three, from here east to a point where the north line of O twenty-four and thirteen strikes Walcott's addition, and O from here along north side of Wolcott's addition to the PL middle of the main channel of the Mississippi river, and CO thence down the middle of the main channel of said river to the place of beginning. Ward Boundaries. First Ward, embraces all that part of the city lying north of the center line of Main street, between the main channel of the Mississippi river and the center of Seventh street. 58 Second Ward, includes all that part of the city lying O 'S south of Main street east of Seventh and Reid, to the ¿a ^ city limits. « '■« Third Ward, that part of the city lying south of Mfein c ^ and embraced by the center line of Main street and the ¿3'^ center lines of Seventh and Twelfth streets to the main Ä ^ channel of the Mississippi river. ^ "E, Fourth Ward, embraces that part of the city lying south ^ ® of Main, between Seventh and Reid on the east, and © Cli (groceries, Provisions, Hardware, , TIN AND QUEENSWARE, and GARDEN IMPLEMENTS. J X300 ST. JACOB RENWALD WYMAK-RâNiy CARPET CO., 60í> and 611 Main St. REES' KEOKUK CITY DIRECTORY. 363 Twelfth and Ash streets on the west, and K on the south. Fifth Ward, all that part of the city lying north of the center line of Main street, and west of the western boun- dries of the Third Ward. " Sixth Ward, that part of the city lying south of the center line of Main street and west of the western boun- dary of the Fourth Ward. Streets and Avenues. m m V) The plan of numbering houses is that known as the Philadelphia plan, commencing at the north east corner, of Water and all streets running from the river west, with number one for the first twenty feet, the opposite twenty feet being number two, each adjoining twenty feet having içO a separate number, the odd numbers on the north side, arid the even numbers on the south side advancing one hundrfed numbers on each square. V ^ All cross streets are numbered from Main street north and south, allowing one hundred numbers to the square the odd numbers being on the east side and the even ■ riumbers ori thé west side. cC Fire Limits. = | The fire limits of the city of Keokuk is bounded by the a; ^ ir fiVeV on the east, 14th street on the west, Blondeau on § the north and by Exchange from river to 7th and John- ® ^ son from 7th to 14th. Cemeteries. OAKLAND CEMETERY. » t» & 99 Entrance 18th and Carroll streets, Herman Hemme ? -• sexton, Rollin Clark issuer burial permits. ^ ^ CATMOLlC CEMETERY. ^ W Entrance near 20th and Carroll, James Dorari. sexton. U. S. NATIONAL MILITARY CEMETERY. ^ % Entrance near l7th and Cedar, John Furgeson Supt. ^ fi. StrlCkler, The "Popnlar." PRICE BROS., The on'y \"l!olesale Wall Paper H(mse, Cor. Sixth and Maiti Streets. 2 REES' KEOXUK CITY DIRECTORY. O Q;j ai HEBREW CEMETERY. ^ Located within and at the south corner of Oakland ® cemetery. S ^Hospital. O ^ St. Joseph's Hospital, (City Hospital) conducted by ^ = the Sisters of St. Francis. Mother Mary Joseph, Matron, ^ ^ 14th and Éxchanee. EDUCATIONAL. c3 ^ Public Schools. O t ^ r BOARD OF EDUCATION. ^ ^ .S. M. Clark, A. J. Wdlkinson, D. G. Lowry, Geo. F. O Jenkins, L. A. Cox, John ]•.. Craig^. Officers of School Board. —S. M. Clark, President; D. G. Lowry, Vice President; W. W, Jamieson, Secretary; W. A. Brownell, Treasurer. O (0 ■=« >- UJ _l QU O CO STANDING COMMITTEES OF SCHOOL BOARD. Buildings—Wilkinson, cliairman; Lowry, Jenkins, Cox. High School—Lowry, chairman; Craig, Wilkinson. Text Books—Jenkins, chairman; Craig, Lowry. Finance—Craig, chairman; Jenkins, Wilkinson. Teacher and Salaries—Lowry, chairman; Wilkinson, Craig. Insurance—Wilkinson, chairman; Craig, Cox. Course of Study—Craig, chairman; Jenkins, Cox. Supplies—Cox, chairman; Craig, Jenkins. Auditing—Jenkins, chairman; Lowry, Cox. Teachers and Schools. Superintendent—W. W. Jamieson. Instructor in Penmanship—C. H. Peirce. High School, corner 8th and Blondeau streets—George Edward Marshall, Principal. Florence Backus,Latin; Nellie E. Wilcox, German; Jessie Benjamin, Science; J. A. Craig, Mathematics; Bertha Craig, English. Wilkinson & Co. SSSS! Perfumery IM o 11D C In the Hambden Buel insurance Agency, 24 N. 5th St. 1110 U n L AU Losses paid proiDptly. Oply Leadipg 60s. Represented, REES' KEOKUK CITY DIRECTORY. 365 Concert Street school, corner 8th and Concert streets ^ O. W. Weyer, Principal. Room 9 Hattie Solomon, 8 Huldah Harshman, 7 Elma G. Sweney, 6 Nettie Martin, 5 Bertha Favard, 4 Mrs. Agnes Hammond 3 Etta McCormick, 2 Etta Repps, 1 Fannie Martin. PjH Wells School, corner 5th and Timea.—C. H. Wolfe, Principal. Room 8 Annie Campbell, 7 W. G. Blood, Pj 6 Fannie Dumenil, 5 Eva Stevens, 4 Viola Hender- son, 3 Louise Helwig, 2 Belle Solomon, 1 Ida Conk- lin. (0 First Ward School, corner 5th and Fulton streets.—J. J. _ Dofflmeyer, Principal. Room 6 Florence Daniel, 5 Lizzie Dunlap, 4 Mrs. Annie McBride and Viola Deuel, 3 Anna S. Weisman, 2 Anna J, Gage, Maude Unger. Torrence School, corner 15th and High streets.—E. J. U nger, Principal. Room 6 Mrs. W. E. Sheetz, 5j¡ Mrs. Clara Sheldon, 4 Ida Schlotter, 3 Jessie Dickie ^ 2 Cora Higgins, 1 Ida Duncan. 5 Carey School, corner 13th and Des Moines streets— œ Cora H. Fittman, Principal. Room 6 Ella Versteeg zx 5 Ella M. Pearce, 4 Katie VanGrieken and Florence A Mathias, 3 Jessie Wilson, 2 Constance Fuller, 1 ^ Emma Estes. s -Reids Addition School, Estes corner E street.—C. E. to Berry, Principal. Room 1 Maggie Egan. ^ Price's Creek School.—George Galloway, Principal. CO œ I © © : JANITORS. hcj High School—F. A Linstrand. ^ Concert—Phillip Reeves. ¿c First Ward^Wilson C. Buckney. ^ Wells—j€imes T. Brady. Carey—Henry Krueger. .Torrence—Charles Gaebler. Reids Addition—Mrs. Emma Donegan. IToil Ad cf RPAthOT'Q Livery, Feed and Sale Stables, J\011U55 DIUlUulO, Excursion and Moîing Cars. 120 S. 3d St. PRICE BROS. PAINTING and I'APER HANGING, Cor. 6th and Main Sts. 0 i 366 REEs' KEOKUK DIRECTORY. % S Secular Schools. 3 ^ St. Paul's Evang-elical Church School, (German and W % English) south Eleventh and Exchange, Rev, A. E. ^ Gehrke, teacher. 0 i> St. Vincent's Female Day School south corner of Seventh 05 ^ àndTimea streets, under charge of Sisters of Charity .2 ^ of St. Vincent de Paul, Mother superior. Sister . Loretta, assisted by seven Sisters. St. Mary's School, Dominican Sisters, west corner Four Ü teenth and Johnson, connected with St. Mary's Church. St. Peter's School for boys. Exchange between 9th and 10th, under charge of Rev. Thomas O'Rielly and connected with St. Peter's Roman Catholic Church. O CO V 111 J ÚÍ o ■ h co Commercial College. Peirce's Commercial College, corner Blondeau and Sixth streets, C. H. Peirce, principal. Medical Colleges, tîôilegè of Physicians and Surgèons, Seventti and Blondeau streets. FACULTY. J. C. Hughes, M. D., Professor of the Principles and Practicë of Surgery and Surgical Clinicá. D. B. Hillis, M. D., Professor of the Principles and Prac¬ tice of Medicine, Medical Clinics, and Physical Diag¬ nosis. J. J. M. Angear, A. M., M. D., Professor of Physiology, Histology, Nervous and Mental Diseases. Wm. L. Brosius, M. D., F. B. Dorsey, hï. D. Professors of Obstetrics, Gynaecology and t3iseases of Children. Thomas M., Mcllvaine, A. M., M. D., Professor of Materia Medica and Therapeutics. B G. Walter Barr, M. D., Professor of Public Hygiene and State Medicine. WilkinRPn Ñ fiO Paints,Oils,Varnislies,tolletGoods, Perfumery, II llUlllUtU McGRATH BROS. Perfamery Rees' keokuk city directory. 367 C=r* cc> W. T. Eckley, M. D., Professor of Anatomy. Reuben Woods, M. D., Professor of Opthalmology and ^ Otology. Charles H. Shamel, B. Sc., Professor of Chemistry, Toxi- oology and Microscopy. Robert, Stephenson, M. D., Professor oí Medical and Surgical Pathology. William Ballinger, Esq., (Of the Keokuk Bar) Professor of Medical Jurisprudence. Carl T. Gram, Professor of Dental Pathology and Oral Surgery. Joseph F. Perkins, M. D., Lecturer on Laryngology and Rhinology. Charles F. Wahrer, M. D., Lecturer on Dermatology ^ and Venereal Diseases. ^ Downing D. Nice, M. D., Demonstrator of Anatomy. — o 50 P c Keokuk JVIedical College, Sixth between Main ^ ^ and Blondeau. w ^ co »—s t=3 facultV. g ^ CD g Geo. F. Jenkins, A. M., M. D., Professor of the Principles g-5" and Practice of Medicine, Medical Clinics, Physicial ço Diagnosis and Diseases of Children. ^ J. A. Scroggs, M. D., Professor of Obstetrics and Dis- 2.<^ eases of Women. 2- cd S. W. Moorhead, M. D., Professor of Materia Medica, Therapeutics, Public Hygiene and State Medicine. ^ J. C. Armentrout, M. D., Professor of Physiology, Histo-^^ logy and Diseases of the Nervous System. T. J. Maxwell, M. D., Professor of the Princples and ^ g: Practice of Surgery and Surgical Clinics. G. O. Morgridge, M. D., Professor of Pathology, Opthal- œ 5* mology and Otology. S. M. Cldrk, Esq., (of the Keokuk Bar,) Professor of r' j/j Medical Jurisprudence. p. ® Geo. E. Marshall, A. M., Professor of Chemistry and ^ >• Toxicology. » ^ ThP ßpd f\hnP HniNP Wi" you better Shoes for Your ^ ^ m neu DUUC nuubc than any Shoe Store in Keokuk. T. D. MÄCKEY, Sargeon Dentist 368 REES' KEOKUK CITY DIRECTORY. ^ C. E. Ruth, M. D., Professor of Anatomy. ^ . Luman C. Ingersoll, A. M., D. D. S., Professor of Dental g Science. g ^ H. A. Kinnaman, M. D., Demonstrator of Anatomy. ^ R. H. Fegers, M. D., Lecturer on Dermatology. < Public Halls and Buildings. Burrow's Hall, 824 Main. «r P-._. ^ Colored Odd Fellows' Hall, south corner Main and 13th. ¿jpH Colored Masonic Hall, corner Main and 7th. K . Concordia Hall, 625 Main. 'k < County Court House west corner Concert and 5th. Flks' Hall corner Main and 5th. a; Flambeau Hall 800 Main. Gibbons' Opera House, ne. corner 6th and Main. Grand Army of the Republic, Estes House, corner Main ^ and 5th. Horn's Hall, Main south corner 8th. Keokuk Opera House, sw. corner 6th and Blondeau. Keokuk Public Library, Main sw. corner 3d. Masonic Hall, Johnson south corner 4th. Odd Fellow's Hall, Main east corner 7th. Post Office se. corner 7th and Blondeau Santo's Hall, corner Johnson and 12th. United States Court Rooms Government Buildingf. United States Government Building, cor. 7th and Blondeau. United States Signal Service, Government Building. Western Union Telegraph Office, Main corner 3d. Churches. St. Francis DeSaies Church, Rev. Clement Lowrey, pas¬ tor, 4th between High and Morgan. St. John's Episcopal Church, Rev. Robert C. Mcllwain, rector, Coiicert, ne. corner 4th. St. Mary's Roman Catholic Church, (German), Rev. Charles Hundt, pastor, Johnson sw. corner 14th. St. Paul's Evangelical Church, (German), Rev. August Gehrke, pastor, Exchange, sw. corner 11th. PIADl/ DDilQ Hats, Caps, Trunks and uLrtnïX DnUÖ., Valises. 507 Main St. McGRATH BROS., Waters REES' KEOKUK CITY DIRECTORY. 369 St. Peter's Roman Catholic Church, Rev. Thomas O'Reilly, pastor, 9th, sw. corner Bank. Baptist Church, (colored,) Rev. Amos Johnson, pastor. Concert se. corner 7th. Chatham Square Methodist Episcopal Church, Rev. D. Murphy, pastor, Morgan, ne. corner 7th. Church of the Holy Cross, Rev. E. A. Bazett-Jones, rec¬ tor, High, sw. corner 13th. Church of St. Mary, the Virgin, (colored,) Rev. E. A. Bazett-Jones. priest in charge, nw.cor. High and 14th. Church of Christ, Rev. James Connoran, pastor, 910 Ex¬ change. Congregational Church, pastor, ss. High, bet. 5th and ' 'J 6th. First African Methodist Episcopal Church, Rev. Wm. J. o ^ Laws, pastor, Blondeau, ne. corner 14th. p*. ^ First Baptist Church, Rev. J. C. Maple, pastor, Blondeau, se. corner 8th. First Methodist Episcopal Church, Rev. Fred E. Hall, ^ o pastor, Bank, sw. corner 9th. German M. E. Church, Rev. Henry Lahrmann, pastor, C/) 1401 Johnson. Latter Day Saints' Church, Samuel Ferris, Elder, Bank, Vo ne. corner 13th. So' Pilgrim's Rest Baptist Church, Rev. Thomas L. Smith, ^0 pastor, sw. corner Exchange and 14th. O Swedish Lutheran Church, Rev. Eurik Anderson, pastor, nw. corner 12th and Morgan. Swedish Methodist Episcopal Church, Rev. A. M. Sode- Wö strone, pastor. Concert, sw. corner 12th. Swedish Mission Church, Rev. J. Wenstrand, pastor. Mor- q gan, sw. corner 14th. P Temple B'nai Israel, Rev. rabbi, Blondeau, se, cor- (D ner ^th. ^ Unitarian Church, High nw. corner 4th. ^ ^ United Presbyterian Church, Rev. Wm. C. Williamson, pastor, Blondeau, .se. corner 9th. 5,000 Pieces of Popular Music only 10 Cents a Copy, ÄYRES BROS., 511 Main St. A. 1. Harris, carrier No. 10. ars ■' ce ^ ^ office hours: ^ 'S, For delivery of letters from 7:80 a. m. to 7:80 p. m., and *^8 on Sundays from 9 to 10 a. m. Money-order depart- 5-* — _ Groceries, Provisions, Hardware, , TIN AND QUEENSWARE, and GARDEN IMPLEMENTS. J ISOO ST. JACOB RENWALD WYMAN-RAND CARPET CO., 609 and 611 Main St. REES' KEOKUK CITY DIRECTORY. 37l ment open from 8:00 a. m. to 5:00 p. m Registery hours same as money-order. No money-order or registered letters business transacted on Sunday. Township Officers. Clerk, M. J., Burke. Assessor, J. T. Turner. Justices of the Peace, James C. Parrott and W. H. Mor¬ rison. Constables, S. P. Callihan and W. H. Griffith. United States Officers in Keokuk. (f) United States Board of Examining Surgeons, J. M. Shaf-^ fer. President, Keokuk; A. W. Hoffmeister, Treas. Qq l\/r/"l I r*• \\T ftr* T< ^ ^ t* O i-vi C r ^ m m Fort Madison; Wm. Bertram, Secretary, Keokuk. State Officers. Charles Riffiey, Oil Inspector, City Council rooms United States Commissioners. C. A. Leech, Estes House. O O íi; Master in v hancery. 99 ® P. T. Lomax, Government building. jh U. S. Signal Service. = t- Fred. Z. Gosewisch. Observer, Government buildinor. S'Og U. S. Engineer Corps. ^ S Chief Engineer, M. Meigs, office Lower Lock. IT ^ COUNTY GOVERNMENT. ^ 5* if Court House, west corner Concert and 5th. County Officials. tc =. ♦ WÖ Judge County Court, Hon. J. M. Casey, Ft. Madison. • ço ^ Clerk of Court, J. B. McNamara, Keokuk. g» Deputy Clerk, H. C. Stempel, Ft. Madison. H. Strlckler, "liiSIr- The "Popular." PRICE BROS, The oiilv \''liolesale Wall Paper House» Corner Sixth and Main Sts. 2 372 REEs' KEOKUK CITY DIRECTORY. 53 ^ SjiE County Attorney, D. F. Miller, jr. Keokuk, eg ^ Sheriff, W. P. Marshall, Keokuk. c Deputy Sheriff. A. E. Johns, Ft. Madison. ^ c Assessor, John Menz, Keokuk. ^ "c Auditor, John Schroeder, Ft Madison. O Deputy Auditor, A. T. Marshall, Keokuk. ^ § Coroner, I. Ackley, Keokuk. ^ js, Treasurer, C. J Montandon, Ft. Madison. . c Deputy Treasurer at Keokuk, George Schaefer. p ^ Superintendent of Schools, J. J. Rohrback, Keokuk, eg ^ Recorder. L. F. Gemmett, Ft. Madison. Oí Deputy Recorder, Edward Mumm, Keokuk. Ä £ Surveyor, Edwin Langwith, Big Mound. Ô Superintendent Poor of Keokuk, Henry Van Ausdall. O Superintendent Poor Farm, Fred Korchgen, Ft. Madison. ^ Supervisors, J. F. Daugherty, Keokuk; John Haffner, Donnellson, S. M. Lauther, Fort Madison. Justice of the Peace of lackson Township, W. H. Morri- son and J. C. Parrott. Constables of Jackson Township, S. P. Callihan and W. H. Griffith. Courts. U. S. DISTRICT AND CIRCUIT COURTS. The United States District and Circuit courts for the Southern District of Iowa, eastern division, meets in the United States court rooms. Gov't building, corner 7th and Blondeau, at Keokuk, on the third Tuesdays in January and June of each year. JUDGES. Hon. Samuel F. Miller, Associate Justice of Supreme Court. Hon. H. C. Caldwell, Judge of U. S. Circuit Court. Hon. James M. Love, Judge U. S. District Court. >- UJ _l O CO OFFICERS. Hon. Lewis Miles, U. S. District Attorney. D. B. Miller, U. S. Marshal. Wilkinson & Co. StPerfumery IMOII DC |n the Hambden Buel Insurance Agency, 24 N. 5th St. 1110 U n L All Losses paid proHiptly. Oply leading Bos. Represented. REES' KEOKUK CITY DIRECTORY. 373 S H. K. Love, Clerk U. S. District and Circuit Courts. Harry Fulton, Deputy U. S. Marshal. W. C. Howell, Assistant U. S. District Attorney. C. A. Leech, Deputy Clerk District and Circuit Courts. " j. C. Parrott, Jury Commissioner. Louis Weinstein, Internal Revenue Collector. C. A. Leech, U. S. Commissioner. OFFICERS OF THE DISTRICT COURT. J. M. Casey, Judge. íA D. F. Miller, Jr., County Attorney. ^ J. B. McNamara, Clerk. H. C. Stempel, Deputy Clerk. W. P. Marshall, Sheriff. A. E. Johns, Deputy Sheriff. O Reporter, Chas. J. Smith. Terms of holding Court at Keokuk, October 6th and De- cember 9th, 1890. vS • SUPERIOR COURT. ™ Superior court held in Odd Fellows' Building, east corner » 7th and Main. §5 OFFICERS. S3 H. Bank, Jr., Judge. W. T. Trimble, Marshal. s S Rollin Clark, Clerk. J. W. Cahill, Deputy Clerk. co^ INCORPORATED COMPANIES. | S BADGER ELECTRIC CO., S. S. Badger, Pres., C. J. Smith, Sec'y. 117-119 south 3d. BUCK-REINER CO., incorporated February 7th, 1888. Asaph Buck, Pres. L. R. Reiner, V. P., M. E. Mc- Grath, John V. D. Maas, W. L. Johnston, Sec. and g g Treas., Geo. D. Rand, Wm. Blom. CARSOÑ & RAND LUMBER CO., Wm. Carson, Pres., ^ T. G. Foster, Vice-Pres., E. D. Rand,Sec'y and Treas., ^ M. L. Boyles, Manager. Commercial corner F. r*i RvftthpPQ Livery, Feed and Sale Stables, Di UlUul 0, Excursion and Moving Cars. 120 S. 3d St. nninr DDÍIQ painting and paper hanging, I IiIUL DnUd. Cor. 6th and Main Sts. iß o 374 REES' KEOKUK CITY DIRECTORY. U; cc 05-^ CLARK-JOHNSON CO., incorporated Oct. 29, 1889. S. M. Clark, Pres., Gust C. Johnson, Sec'y and man- M 's ager, Sidney Cox. ^ ; COLLEGE OF PHYSICIANS AND SURGEONS, in- corporated 1849. Semi-annual meeting^s held in May ^ . and October. Officers of Incorporation: John H. Hjj S Craig, Pres., J. C. Hughes, Dean. Officers of the ^ Faculty: D. B, Hillis, Pres., J. J. M. Angear, Vice- ÍH ci Pres., J. C. Hughes, Sec'y and Treas. Corner 7th and Blondeau. ^ CYCLOIDAL ENGINE AND PUMP CO., incorpor- ^ ated July 26, 1889. Geo. D. Rand, J. T. Reiny, C. C. Johnson, Wm. Andrus, Chas. W. Rand. DUNCAN-SCHELL FURNITURE CO., J. H. Wy- Oman, C. W. Rand, Pres., W. P. Darwin, Sec'y, J. G. Schell, Treas., H. C. Duncan, Manager. ^EMPIRE MANUFACTURING CO., J. J. A. Zeller, \ßj L. E. Phelps, B. K. Swift, Stephen Irwin, F. M. Stafford, I. O. Voorhies, S. Hamill, H. B. Blood. HAMBLETÖN MILLING CO., B. F. Hambleton, Pres., C. H. Leas, Sec'y and Treas., Alex. Tolmie, mana¬ ger. 18-20 south Water. HOME BUILDING AND LOAN CO., incorporated April 4th, 1889. W. E. James, T.F. E. Wiederhold, T. H. McCleary, E. M. Ingersoll, James Cameron, J, P. Shelton, J. F. Culbertson, John T. Perkins. H TIRT i\rr^FR T P RRO.^ PO TVTarrK CO- Brownell, Hugh Robertson, S. E. Carey, A. L. Con- Wilkinson & McGRATH BROS. Perfumery REES' KEOKUK CITY DIRECTORY. 375 Ö' CO nable, John N. Irwin, C. D. Reinking^, Des Moines: D. N. Cooley, Dubuque; E. Manning, ''Keosauqua; Charles Hill, Davenport. IRWIN-PHILLIPS CO., incorporated January 19th, 1887. Stephen Irwin, C. E. Phillips, John N. Irwin. JEFFERSON DEMOCRATIC FLAMBEAU CLUB, incorporated February 25th, 1889. John Nagel, Wm. »^9 Ewers, D. J. Ayres. ^ KEOKUK BAR ASSOCIATION. Annual meeting sec- cc! ond Monday in January. H. H. Trimble, Pres., W. ^ C. Howeli, Vice-Pres., W. J. Roberts, Sec'y, P. T. Lomax, Librarian, Government building. KEOKUK BAG CO., M. White, Pres., Chas. E.White, Ä Sec'y and Treas. 25 south 5th. O KEOKUK CANNING CO., incorporated March 1880. ^ Annual meeting held 2d Thursday in January of each year. Wm. Ballinger, Pres., H. A. Heaslip, Sec'y, ® ^ Hon. Ed. Johnstone, Treas. o'3 KEOKUK CRACKER AND CANDY CO., A. H. ^ ^ McCoy, Pres., M. W. McCoy, Sec'y and Treas. 21, 23 and 2-5 south 2d. 5" H KEOKUK & DES MOINES RAILROAD CO. An- S g. nual meeting held first Wednesday in June, in Des o" ^ Moines, Iowa. Benjamin F. Brewster, New York, Pres., Jas. A. Cowing, Tres., A. Bridgman, Sr., Keo 'g ^ kuk, Sec'y. KEOKUK ELECTRIC STREET RAILWAY AND POWER CO., incorporated Feb. 1st, 1890. M. H. King, Pres., O. J. Chapman, Sec'y, Geo. W. Shope, ^ ^ K. Macomber, Wm. H. Merritt, Martin Ruttleand, W. H. McConaughy. § ~ KEOKUK HYDRAULIC AND ELECTRIC CO., A. 9? Collier, Pres., Chas. J. Wickersham, Vice-Pres., H. ^ g- Robertson, Sec'y, B. F. Hambleton, Treas., J. F. "oq Smith.» KEOKUK GAS LIGHT AND COKE CO. Organ- I g ized 1855. H. R. Miller, Pres. and Manager, L. B. ^ Miller, Sec'y, G. I. Renaud, Inspector, H. R. Miller, ^ ^ Thû Hùà Qhnû Hniicíi Will give you better Shoes for Your ^ * 106 tl6Q 0llU6 ílUllb6 |y|o„ef than any Shoe Store in Keokuk. T. D. MÄCKEY, Surgeon Dentist ^ 376 REEs' KEOKUK CITY DIRECTORY. SS S5 4J r íd çc x 5,000 Pieces of Popular Music only 10 Cents a Copy, • ÄYRES BROS., 511 Main St. T. D. MACKEY, 5 378 ' REES' KEOKUK CITY DIRECTORY. S J ODD FELLOWS'BUILDING ASSOCIATION. In- ^ corporated Dec. 28, 1889. J. W. Delaplaine, H. Tieke, George Englehardt, James Cameron, David ^ G. Lowry, James Dimond, E. H. Wickersham, B. s. Merriam, Henry Peckstein. ^ PAT MURPHY GOLD MINING CO. W. F. Warner Pres., Sam Goodin Assistant Sec. Q-.RICKARDS FENCE CO. G. V. S. Rickards, Pres., V. F. Rickards, Sec'y and Treas., E. Rickards, Supt. Johnson, nw. corner, Water. ■p STATE BANK OF KEOKUK. Wm. Logan Pres., J. _ W. Summers Vice Pres., A. Bridgeman, jr., cashier. Q TRI STATE CAN CO. Incorporated Dec. 20, 1889, .Vk R- Ryres Smith, Henry C. Huiskamp, Stephen Irwin, L. C. Ingersoll, Wm. Ballinger. WAX STARCH CO. Incorporated April 7, 1888. J. C. Hubinger, Manager, y WOMAN'S CHRISTIAN TEMPERANCE CO., of O West Keokuk. Incorporated Nov. 12 1888. Juliet ^ K. Hamilton, Sarah C. Dixon, Sarah Burgess, Mary J. Roberts, H. F Hayner, Ben. Bawden, Robt. CO Criswell. SECRET SOCIETIES. Masonic. Masonic Hall, located at the south east corner of Johnson '^th sts.; entrance at 111 south 4th. s: _ © c HARDIN LODGE. O — .tí âo Hardin Lodge No. 29 A. F. & A. M., Regular meetings "" Monday evening, on or before full moon of each month, in Masonic Hall. Henry R. Miller, W. M. K'% C. A. Hutchman, S. W.; Wm. B. Collins, J. W.; ^ David G. Lowry, treasurer; John F. Culbertson, S "ft secretary, George Stobbart, S. D.; Fred Goswisch, ® J. D.; William Lowry. tyler. c ffu § ^ «e ^ JACOB RENWALD, (îroceries, Provision.^, Hardware, TIN AND QUEENSWARE, and GARDEN IMPLEMENTS. X300 ST. WYMAN-RAND CARPET CO., 609 and 611 Main St. REEs' KEOKUK CITY DIRECTORY. 379 EAGLE LODGE. Eagle Lodge, No. 12. A. F. & A. M. Regular meetings Tuesday evenings, on or before full moon of each month, in Masonic Hall. . H. N elson, W. M.; L. ^ A. Cox, S. W.; B. F. Martin, J. W.; J. B. Weil, treasurer; C. A. Leech secretary; W. Lowry, tyler. GATE CITY CHAPTER. m Gate City Chapter, No. 7, Royal Arch Masons. Stated m Convocation first. Friday m each month. J, K. son, H. P., W. F. Foot, K.; Luke Huiskamp, S.; H. W. Upham, Treas.; J. F. Daugherty, Sec.; D. W. Swartz, C. H.; L. A. Cox, P. S.; Wilson Clark, E. A. C.; A. D. Thomas, 3d V.; Linsey Merrill, 2d V. C>^ C. A. Leach 1st V.; William Lowry, sentinal. DAMASCUS COMMANDERY. V ß Damascus Commandery No. 5, Knights Templar. Re- f ^ guiar conclaves third Thursday evening, in each month, in Masonic Hall. Jas. R. Carpenter, eminent commander; H. W, Upham, generallisimo; Frank ^ ® LeBron, captain general; Rev. Robert Mclllwain, 3*^ prelate; Howard Tucker treas.; J. K. Mason senior®' warden; Lindsey Merrill, junior warden; William ® Lowry, sentinel. ® ^ ® •? EASTERN STAR. 5-(I9 Order Eastern Star Lodge, No 40. Regular meeting ^ ^ first Tuesday after full moon, at Masonic Hall. Mrs. cc 5 R Mason, worthy matron; Walter Gray, worthy ^ patron; Miss Lulu Fritch, associate matron; Mrs. D. ? 3* G. Lowry, treasurer; George H. Feree secretary. ^ UNION LODGE. (COLORED.) ^ Union Lqdge No. 1. meets first Tuesday of each month «.5* at Masonic Hall sw. corner Main and seventh. A.J. Harris, M. W.; A.A. Bland, S. W.; R. Keys, J. W.; g J J. W. Drain, Treas.; J. W. Bland, Sec'y. r° 2. H. Strickler, "'¿"¿Sir- The "Popnlar." PRICE BROS, The only \V1 olesale Wall Paper House, Corner Sixth and Main Sts. ® 380 rees' keokuk city directory. O brent court, (colored.) ^ S Brent Court, No. 18, (colored,) meets first Tuesday after- J> X noon of each month, at Masonic Hall, corner Main . -= and 7th sts. o ^ margaret ann court, (colored.) 3 C ¿ ^ Margaret Ann Court, No. 1, (colored,) meets the first " 'S Tuesday of every month, at Union Hall, corner Main ^ ^ and 7th st<. Most Ancient Matron. Mrs. Caddie ^ Banister; Most worthy Joshua, J. E. Gillani; Court 0 J. Treas,]NIrs. R. A. Gillam; Court Sec., Mrs. A. C. ^ c Bettis; Inner Gate Keeper, Mrs. S. E. Bridgman; c First Court Director, Selby Johnson; Second Court Q ^ Director, Wm. H. Jones; Third Court Director, pt, Vincent Field; Outer Gate Keeper, Miss Louisa Hampton. O (O «8 >- IJ _l Qc: O CO Independent Order Odd Fellows. Odd Fellows Hall, third floor Odd Fellows' Building, east corner Main and 7th streets. herman Lodge. Herman lodge. No. 116. I. O. O. F. (German,) meets every Wednesday evening at 7.30 o'clock; Adam Bindel, N. G.; Gotf Gaiser, V. G. ; Chas. Frank, Jr., Cor. Sec.; J. F. Martens Fin Sec.; Chas. Schulz T reas. keokuk lodge. Keokuk Lodge, No. 13, I. O. G. F., meets every Mon¬ day evening at 7:30 o'clock in Hall cor. Main and Seventh sts. E. L. Boud, N. G. ; W. G. Kummer, R. S., puckechetuck lodge. Puckechetuck Lodge, No. 43, I. O. O. F., meets every Friday evening, at 7:30 o'clock. Sherman Rutledge N. G.; F. D. Griffey, R. S., Wilkinson & Co. Se^cÂl:!!' Perfnmery IMOI IpC In the Hambden Buel Insurance Agency, 24 N. Sth St. 1110 U n L All Losses paid proioptly, Oply leadio? ßos. Represepted. paid proniptly, Qply leading Kos. Represepted. REES' KEOKUK CITY DIRECTORY. 381 PUCKECHETUCK ENCAMPMENT. Puckechetuck Encampment No. 7, meets first and third Thursday evenings in each month. Allen Cook, C. P.; George F. Lee, Scribe. COLFAX LODGE, NO. 4. Degree of Daughters of Rebecca, meets regularly every second and fourth Tuesday of each month.. Miss w w Cora Mason, N. G ; Mrs. Harry Price, Sec'y. O ODD FELLOWS PROTECTIVE ASSOCIATION. Odd Fellows Protective Association. Annual meeting first Thursday in February. Henry Kummer, Pres; J. B. Tinsman, V. P.; E. H. Wickersham,Sec.; D. G. Lowry, Treas. Directors, B. F. Hill, John Linedeck- er, W. H. Nichols, J, B. Tinsman, A. J. Mathias, ■ D. H. Annable, H. Kummer, D. G. Lowry, E. H. Wickersham. ^ UNIFORM DEGREE. g Canton Leech No. 1, meets third Thursday in each month, m Geo. Immegart, Commander; Charles Narrley, Sec'y» Louis Weiler, Lieutenant; Geo. Engelhardt, Treas. g 3 RELIANCE LODGE, (COLORED.) Grand United Order Odd Fellows, Reliance Lodge, No. ^-o 1859. Meet at Hall sw. corner Main and 13th, sec- ^ ^ ond Thursday in each month. CATHOLIC SOCIETIES. ST. JAMES BRANCH. g. St. James Branch No. 9 Roman Catholic Mutual Protect- ^ ive Societv of Iowa meets first Wednesday of each r*i and every month at Catholic Union Hall, 625 Main. rn ça Füll Add UPAÍbúrC ï^ivery, Feed and Sale Stables, liGilUgg DIUIUCI0, Excursion and Moving Cars. 120 S. 3d St. PRICE BROS. PAINTING and PAPER HANGING^ Cor, 6th and Main Sts. Í © 382 REES' KEOKUK CITY DIRECTORY. (U cc c 05-3 Jas. Sullivan, Pres.; D. H. Schevers, Vice-Pres.^ J. J. Power, Sec'y; Jas. F. Curry, Treas. 3 'S W eg ROMAN CATHOLIC PROTECTIVE SOCIETY. ^ Roman Catholic Protective Society, of Iowa, Branch No. Q) j; 5, meets at Catholic Union Hall 625 Main. Jacob- CÖ ¿ Seither, Pres.; John Herbner, Vice-Pres.; Wm. Reim- U . bold, Sec'y; Jacob Renwald, Treas. CATHOLIC KNIGHTS OF AMERICA. Catholic Knights of America, St. John's Branch No. 59. John Cosgrove, Pres.; Chas. P. Huber, Vice-Pres.;; Wm. Relmbold, Recording Sec'y; L. Culkin, Finan¬ cial Sec'y; M. J. Burke, Treas.; J. P. Murphy, Ser¬ geant at Arms; Thos. Conroy, Sentinel. O CO >- LiJ Ù1 O Druids. FRANKLIN GROVE. Franklin Grove No. 2, United Ancient Order Druids,, meets first and third Tuesday of each month at Druids'" Hall, corner 8th and Main. J. Marten, N. A.; John Menz, V. A.; Dr. A. Weismann, Sec'y; Jas. Agne,. Treas.; John H. Wolff, Conductor; Knights of Honor. HUMBOLDT LODGE. Humboldt Lodge No. 1115 meets last Monday in the ,1 . T-\ !J »TT 11 JTV/T^*_ CC, CO- Guardian. Wilkinson & McGRATH BROS. Perfnmery REES' KEOKUK CITY DIRECTORY. 383 KEOKUK LODGE. A CO Keokuk Lodge No. 544, meets regularly on first and third Fridays of each month. ' W. H. Thompson, Dictator; George H. Comstock, Reporter. TEMPERANCE. W. T. C. U. Woman's Christian Temperance Union meets every two ^ weeks at members houses. Mrs. C. A. Fuller, Pres.; Miss Ella Martin, Sec'y; Mrs. Wm. Blom, Treas. Woman's Christian Temperance Co., of West Keokuk, ^ Juliet K. Hamilton, Sarah C. Dixon, Sarah Burgess, Mary J. Roberts, H. F. Hayner, Ben Bawden, Rob- o 50 ert Criswell. £. S o 3 Military Companies. IOWA NATIONAL GUARDS. P J« g- 3* Co. A.,Second Regiment Iowa National Guards. Armory ^ ^ at G. A. R. Hall. Regular drill every Monday even- ing. Henry A. Heaslip, Capt.; John A. Dunlap, Ist'o j^ Lieut.; Frank M. Fuller, 2d Lieut.; S. T, Bisbee, O. ^ ^ S.; Geo. C. Hill, 2d Sergeant; H. B. Blood, Q. M.; H. W. Sample, Color Sergeant; Ed. H. Jones, 5th ® Sergeant; Geo. L. Rollins, 1st Corporal; Paul Dy-^^ sart, 2d Corporal; C. A. Inglis, 3d Corporal; W. G. Parrott, 4th Corporal. C " Military Societies. Í S3 ^ s: CD 3 iS-Oq • GRAND ARMY OF THE REPUBLIC. - CO S- ® Torrence Post, No. 3. Regular meetings the second and ^ > fourth Thursday evenings of each month at G. A. R. ^ . ^2 w The Red Shoe House ' ' T. D. MÄCKEY, - Surgeon Dentist -g 384 rees' keokuk city directory. ¿ Hall, Estes House. L. D. Sheppard, P. C.; D. W. ^ . McElroy, Adjt. ^ , 3 j woman's relief corps. s ^ Torrence Post No. 100 meets every 2d and 4th Thursday J. ^ afternons of every month at G. A. R. Hall, in Estes House. Mrs. Mackey, Pres.; Mrs. Worley, Vice- Pres.; Mrs. Rollins, Treas.; Miss Lizzie Pennington, « Sec'y. sons of veterans. Curtis Camp, No. 35. Regular meetings first, second ^and third Friday evenings of each month at 7:30 ^ o'clock, at G. A. R. Hall. E. E. Hawkes, Capt.; 5 Joe Thompson, 1st Sergeant. OJ daughters of veterans. Daughters of Veterans meets second and fourth Thursday evening of each month at G. A. R. Hall. Miss Mollie Robertson, Pres.; Miss Mamie Neal, Sen. Vice-Pres.; Miss Minnette Worley, Jun. Vice-Pres.; Miss Katie Aiken, Sec'y; Miss Laura Poole. Treas.; Miss Jennie Wheeler, Guard; Miss Ida List, Inner Guard. MISCELLANEOUS. ancient order hibernians. Regular monthly meetings first and third Sunday in every month in Catholic Union Hall at 2:30 p. m. John Kenny, Pres.; James Long, Vice-Pres ; John McCar- ten, Ree. Sec'y; John B. Walsh, Financial Sec'y; John Grififith, Sec'y of Insurance; C. A. McNamara County Delegate; Dr. John A. Gibbons, Treas. ancient order united workmen. Gate City Lodge No. 186, meets first and third Thursdays of every month at Knights of Honor Hall corner 5th and Main. John Leezer, P. M. W. ; Simon Lowitz, CLARK BROS., Hats, Caps, Trunks and Valises. 507 Main St. McGRATH BROS., Waters REES' KEOKUK CITY DIRECTORY. 385 M. W.; John Heinemann, overseer; James Martin, guide; George Galloway, recorder; Geo. H. Com- stock, financier; Hugh Robertson, receiver. B. p. O. ELJCS. Keokuk Lodge No. 106. Meets every Thursday evening at Elks' Hall, corner 5th and Main at 7:30 o'clock. Harrison Tucker, Sec'y; John E. Craig, Exalted Ruler. b'nai b'rith. Keokuk Lodge No. 179, B'nai B'rith. Regular meeting ' ' — second bunday in every month at Jewish Temple ^ north east corner eighth and Blondeau. M. Weil, q 2 Pres., M. Stern, Treas. tS'O) BROTHERHOOD OF LOCOMOTIVE ENGINEERS. P tJ go No. 56, meets first and third Sundays of each tnonth ^ at their Hall cor. eighth and Main. D. Lingo, C. E. J. M. Damp, F. E., J. W. Griffith, F. A. E., John Scodard, S« A. E. ' C3S' ?0(D BROTHERHOOD LOCOMOTIVE FIREMEN. M Gate City Lodge No. 93 meets second and fourth Sun- days of each month at Engineer's hall corner eighth and Main. John Crimins, Master; Ed. J. Kelly, Sec'y and Treas.: John Burns, Collector. CONCORDIA MaeNNERCHOR. Q C Concordia Maennerchor. Re-organized 1868. Regular ^ meetings first Sunday in the month at Bakers Hall, a corner Main and 8th. Practice Tuesday and Friday evenings. F. A. Koechlin g. Pres., John Menz, V. ^ ® P., Wm. Brinkman, Treas., Dr. A. Weismann, Sec. ^ Prof. A. Schueler, Musicial Director. » p. X OB 5,000 Pieces of Popular 3Iusic only 10 Cents a Copy, ÄYRES BROS., 511 Main St. •«si j ce hJ T. D. MACKEY, Extracting Teeth 1 VIBRATOR USED IN 386 REES' KEOKUK CITY DIRECTORY. INTERNATIONAL CIGARMAKER S UNION. Cigarmakers Union No. 60 of Keokuk meets second Saturday of each month at Castle Hall corner Main Q and gth. H. Schulz. Pres., Ed. Kinney, Vice-Pres. ; »— Ed. Collins, Ree. Sec.; John Laubersheimer, Financial Sec.; Walter Powers Treas. ^ INTERNATIONAL TYPOGRAPHICAL UNION. Keokuk Typographical Union No. 68 meets last Sunday of each month at Knights of Honor Hall corner Main ÇD and 5th. Wm. E. Pringle," Pres.; W. E. Reynolds, O Vice-Pres. ; Ed. Van Doren, Ree. Sec'y; Wm. Per- de\Y, Treas.; C. P. Darling, Financial Sec'y. O o o CO IOWA LEGION OF HONOR. Lee Lodge No. 58, meets the fourth Monday of each month at Knights of Honor Hall, over Keokuk Sav¬ ing Bank, W. H. Dolbear, Pres., Ira W. DeMoss,. Ree. Sec. KEOKUK MEDICAL SOCIETY. Keokuk Medical Society organized September 26th, 1850 ^ Meets regularly first and third Monday in each month. S. W. Moorhead, Pres. A. Weismann Vice Pres., H. A. Kinnaman, Sec., and Treas. KNIGHTS OF LABOR. ^ Keokuk Assembly, No. 5396 meets the first and third ^ ^ Wednesday evenings in each month at G. A. R. Hall « .2 in Estes H ouse. c -w V Si s « SS > KNIGHTS OF PYTHIAS. K'% _ -c .. Morning Star Lodge No. 5, meets at Elks Hall, corner g " fifth and Main, every Tuesday of each month at 7:30 s F. W. Schnurr, C. C.: E. E. Hawkes, K. of R. S. c Cli JACOB RENWALD, ) 3.300 ision.s. Hardware, and GARDEN IMPLEMENTS. ST. WYMAN-RAND CARPET CO., ß09 and 611 Main St. REES' KEOKUK CITY DIRECTORY. 387 LADIES HEBREW BENEVOLENT SOCIETY. Ladies' Hebrew Benevolent Society meets in the vestry of the Congregation B'nai Israel, corner 8th and " Blondeau, once a month on called meetings. Mrs. M. Stern, Pres., Mrs. J. Spiegel Treas. MODERN WOODMEN OF AMERICA. m Keokuk Camp No. 622, meets every Wednesday evening m at Druids Hall, corner eighth and Main. A. L. Rol- lins, V. C. : A. Weismann, Clerk. PAINTERS AND DECORATORS OF AMERICA Painters and Decorators of America meets every first and third Tuesday evenings of each month at G. A. R. Hall. Chas. Bonham, Pres.: Henry Bradford, Vice- Pres.; James Quicksell, Treas.; Geo. Jones, Cor- O rres.; )ames ^uicKseii, treas.; oeo. jones, «^or- responding Sec'y; Wm. Vance, Conductor; John McConkey, Door keeper. Charles Graham, Alex. , Grill, John Ferris, Trustees. S ff SS RORAL ARCANUM. 5' < or, ® Keokuk Lodge, No. 528. Meats regularly on second ® Tuesday of each month. Geo. H. Comstock, Sec'y; c r* W. J. Roberts, Regent. ^ ^ 3-ar, STATIONARY ENGINEERS' ASSOCIATION. ? S- KeokuK Lodge No. 10, meets regularly on the Second ^ H. and fourth Saturday evenings of each month, at Hall ^ 5 10 north 5th. Wm. Oldenburg, Pres., F. M. William- ' ^ son, Ree. Sec., S- TRIPLE ALLIANCE. _ ff iw —. • OS'rs Iowa Camp No. 1, meets every Friday evening at 7:30 o'clock, at Druid's Hall, corner eighth and Main, J. A. Pollard, Patriarch, Ira W. DeMoss, Sec'y. r" 2. H. Strlckier, The "Popular." PRíPiP RRO^ oiilv V/i:olesaIe Wall Paper House, ^ 111VJIJ 1/llvü» j Corner Sixth and Main Sts. g 388 rees' keokuk city directory.' cc Ö5Ä! (o ^ v. a. s. fraternity. S V. A. S, Fraternity No. 54, meets on the fourth Tuesday « of each month. M. A. Runner, Ree. G. H. Com- ^ -s stock, Sec. 5 woman's benevolent union. • ? = ¿ ~ Mrs. S. C. Carter, Pres.; Mrs. E. H. Harrison, Vice Pres.; ^ Mrs. H. H. Clark, Treas. ; Mrs. W. H. Dolbear, Sec'y. Ö ê LOAN and BUILDING ASSOCIATIONS. ® 'Z hZj 2 Keokuk Loan and Building Association. John N. Irwin, Pres., S. E. Carey. Vice Pres., Ed. P. Brownell, O Treas., J A. M. Collins sec. Directors, J. O. Voor- hies, George Hill, B. S. Merriam, A. H. Evans, John M. Bisbee: W. C. Howell, Att'y. 8 north 5th. Lee County Loan and Building Association. Incorpora¬ ted Sept. 1st, 1885. Capital stock $2,000,000. Regular pay days, first Thursday of each month, at office No. 8 north 5th. Annual meetingfirst Monday in September of each year. John N. Irwin, Pres. S. E. Carey, Vice Pres., A. J. Mathias, Treas.. J. A. M. Collins Sec. Directors: J. O. Voorhies, A. H. Evans, John H Cole, Geo. Hill, J. M. Bisbee, B. S. Merriam and W. H. Dolbear; W. J. Roberts, Att'y. Odd Fellows Building Association. Jas. Dimond, Pres.; Jas. Cameron. V. P., J. W. Delaplaine, Sec'y; D. G. Lowry, Treas. Directors: Jas. Dimond, H. B. Mar¬ tens,J. W. Delaplaine. D. G. Lowry, Geo. Englehardt, Henry Tieke, Jas. Cameron, B. S. Merriam, E. H. Wickersham. Executive Com. E. H. Wickersham, Jas. Cameron, Henry Teike. Keokuk Division No. 56 Locomotive Engineers Loan and Building Association. Regular meeting first Monday in April of each year, P. O'Brien, Pres., J. W. Griffith, Sec., lohn Stodard, Treas. CO <0 «8 >- UJ C£. Wilkinson & Co. Perfninery 1M o 11 p C In the Hambden Buel insurance Agency, 24 N. 5th St. 1110 U n L All Losses paid promptly, Ooly leading 6o8, Represented. REES' KEOKUK CITY DIRECTORY. 389 Keokuk Hotel Co. Annual meeting second Monday in June. Wm. Ballinger, Pres.; J. A. M. Collins, Sec'y. ■ Keokuk District Fair Association. Fair Grounds adjoining Kilbourne's Addition West of City limits. Annual meeting first Tuesday in June. J. C. Hubinger. Pres.; J. Fitz wenry, Vice-Pres.; Thos. Ayres, Treas. ; W. S. Sample, Sec'y. W W (0 8» LIBRARIES. KEOKUK LIBRARY ASSOCIATION. Incorporated 1862. Annual meeting held first Monday in May. S. E. Carey, Pres., Wm Ballinger, V. P.,'W. J. Fulton, Sec., E. F. Brownell, Treas. Directors: S. È. Carey, S. M. Clark, Ben. B. Jewell, L. A. Hamill ■ H. C. Huiskamp. Wm. Ballinger, W. J. Fulton, H. ^ Robertson, John H. Sturges. Miss Sarah Welch ™ librarian. » I. O. O. F. LIBRARY. I. O. O. F. Library at Odd Fellows Hall. Open eYery tcS Saturday evening at 7:00 closes at 8:30 o'clock, ^-n Sherman Rutlidge, Harry Bonham and John Eisen- huth. Library Committe w ^ KEOKUK LAW LIBRARY. Keokuk Law Library, organized March 1883. Contains ^ ^ 7,500 volumes contributed by members of the Keokuk Bar. Located Gov. Building. P. T. Lomax, libra-SJ* nan. CO 15 KEOKUK CITY BIBLE SOCIETY. S? ^ n Annual meeting last Sabbath in March of each year. Re- , positcJVy at Clark-Johnson Co's. book store. D. B. ^ Hamil, Pres. J. F. Pollock Vice Pres., J. P. Hornish ^ Sec. and Treas. m ITallndd RrnthiiTC Livery, Feed and Sale Stables. UCIIU55 DIUIUOI0, Excursion and Moving Cars. 120 S. 3d St. CP 390 REES' KEOKUK CITY DIRECTORY. STREETS AND AVENUES. (®"Tbe first street which crosses Main at right angles at the river is Water^ the nest 1st, and the next 2d, and so on to 22d. All the other streets, as show]> on the map are located as follows: A Street is the tenth street south of Main, commencing at river and ending at- flight and Estes. Ash street commences at junction of Missouri Avenue and Eleventh street run¬ ning west to city limits. B street, eleventh street south of Main, commencing at tht river and ending at Cedar. Bank street is the third street south of and parallel with Main. Beaver street is the fourth street west of Oregon Avenue commercing at Walsh street and running south to Fairview Avenue. . Bench street is the first street north of Railroad, commencing at East street- and running east till it joins Prospect street. Blondeau street is the first street north of and parallel with Main. Bluff street is the third street north of the river and is a continuation of south 5th. Boulevard de Baldwin is the first street south of Walsh street commencing at- K street running west to Oregon Avenue. Burke street commences at Plank Bond or Twenty-second and Morgan and ex¬ tends due west. C street is the twelfth street south of Main, commencing at Railroad and ending at Ash street. California Avenue is the firtt street west of K, commencing at city limits and running south to Boulevard de Baldwin. Canal Road is a continuation of n. Third street comme' cing at Orleans street. Carrol street is the seventh south of and parallel with Main street. Cedar street is the ninth street scuth of and parallel with .Main street. Charles street is the tenth street south of Main commencing at Ash street. Cherry street is a continuation of south Thirteenth running west to city limits. Chester street is the second street west of Oregon Avenue commencing at Walsh street running south to Bench street. Clinton Place Avenue commences at a point on Twenty-second m'dway between Exchange and Bank streets and runs due west. Poncert street is the second street north of and parallel with Main. Conn street is parallel with Burke street, commencing at Plank Road. Commercial street is a continuation of south lourth street. D street is the thirteenth street south of Main, commencing at Railroad and) ending at junction of Ash Avenue and Charles street. Dfcatur street, is the third street east of and parallel with Essex, running south from Washington. Des Moines street is the fifth street south of and parallel with Main street. Division street is the third street south of northern boundary, commencing at Grand Avenue, crossing Hill street. E street IS the fourteenth stieet south of Main, commet.cing at Raihoad and ei ding at Charles street. East stieet lorms the western boundary of Fords addition and runs from Rail¬ road to city limits. Richer street is the fifth street i'l Messengerville. Elm street is a continuation of Fourteenth street from Charles street. REES' KEOKUK CITY DIRECTORY. 391 Essex street forms the Tvestern boundary of Messengerville. Estes street is the first street north of Reid, commencing at Cedar and running west to K. Exchange street is the second street south of and parallel with Main. F street is the fifteenth street south of Main, commencing at Commercial street and ending at Elm street. Fairview Avenue is the first street north of Bench street at the western end of Fords Addition. First street in Messengerville is known as the Middle road commencing at about Twenty-first and Morgan street. Fourth street in Messengerville commences at Eicher and runs south to Washing¬ ton street. Franklin street is the sixth street north of and parallel with Main. Fulton street is the fifth street north of and parallel with Main. 6 street is the sixteenth street south of Main commencing at junction of Seven¬ teenth and Locust. Grand Avenue is the last street north of Main on the bluff, commencing at Fifth street and extending to city limits. H street is the seventeenth street south of Main, commencing at Commercial street and ending at Keokuk Avenue. Hill street is the third street west of and parallel with Taylor. High street is the third street north of and par4.11el with Main Hornish street is the fourth street in Messengerville and parallel with Washington. I Street is the eighteenth street south of Main, commencing at Commercial street and ending at Keokuk Avenue. Iowa street is the second street south of city limits, and is a continuation of Williams street. J street is the nineteenth street south of Main, commencing at Commercial street and ending at junction of Missouri Avenue and K street. Johnson street is the first street south of and parallel with Main K street is the twentieth street fouth of Main, commencine at Railroad, and forms the W( stern boundary of the city from Oak street north. Keokuk Avenue forms the southern boundary of Oakland Cemetery, and is a continuation of south Seventeenth street from Cedar. Kilbourne Place Avenue runs due west commencing at a point where Twenty- second street intersects Johnson street. King street is the second street south of northern boundary, and extends from Grand Avenue to Hill street. Leighton is the Eight street north of and parallel with Main commencing at Eight. Levee same as Water street Locust street is a continuation of south Seventeenth street from G. Main street is the principal street in the city commencing at the river, extend¬ ing north-west to city limits. Mason street is the first street west of Third Street Road. Mercer street is the first street east of and parallel with Essex street in Messen¬ gerville, running south from Washington. Middle Road commences at about Twenty-first and Morgan streets and forms the first street in Messengerville. Missouri Avenue is a continuation of south Eleventh street from Cedar. Morgan street is the fourth street north of and parallel with Main. Oak street is the fourth street north of Estes commencing at Cedar street and running west. Oregon Avenue is the first street west of California Avenue commencing at North street, or city limits, and running south to Prospect Avenue. Orleans street is the seventh street north of and parallel with Main. Palean street is the sixth street south of and parallel with Main. Park street is the first street north of Bluff, commencing at a point on south Fifthmidway between Cedar and A. Plank Road commences at Fourteenth and Main and branches off to the right of Main. Pleasant street is the first street west of Oregon Avenue commencing at Walsh street and running south to Prospect. 392 Rees' keokuk city directory. Pope street comme ices at Third S.reet Road, crossing Mason to Taylor Railroad street is the first street north of the Mississippi river commencing at A street and runniog west to city limits. Reid street is a continuation of south Seventh street from Cedar. Ridge street is the eight street south of and parallel with Main. Samuel street is the second street in VYolcott Bluff Addition. Second street in Messengerville commences at Essex and extends south to Washington. Seymour street is the ninth street north of and paralell with Main commencing at Tenth street. Stripe street is the teath street north of and parallel with Main commencing at Thirteenth street. Taylor street is the first street west of and parallel with Mason. Third street in Messengerville commences at Eicher running south to Washington. Timea street is the fourth street south of.^and parallel with Main. Walnut street is the third street south of the northern honndary of Mason's Lower Addition commencing at G street, and running west to city limits. Walsh street forms the southern boundary of Rees Sub Division commencing at K street and running due west to East street. AYarren street is the third street west of Oregon Avenue, commencing at Walsh and runding south to railroad street. Washington street is the third street in Messengerville, parallel with Conn street. Water street is the first street from the river and extends from Concert to Exchange. Williams street is the first north of Park being a continuation of south Sixth, from near Cedar. WM. REES & CO. Prlflitecg» Papeg Deaíecg» Jobbers and Manufacturers' Agents. Headquarters for Printed Roll Paper. Roll Paper will save you 25 per cent, in your paper bills. It is more convenient, keeps cleaner, looks nicer on the counter and is better every way. 21 and 23 South 5th Street. 393 -í-LISTEN * TO » WHAT » WE » SAY!4> WM. REES & CO. Printers * and+Paper ■<■ Dealers, Printed^ MjSÍ'ifyt f/¿J 'm s¿_ I A Sheet Paper, Wooden Butter Plates, 1'"^:^IiT3SS, Writing Papers and Enveiopes, iSooK and cJob "j^rintin^, Quality Best, Prices Lowest. ~ ^ v^- _ |-0'Ö_p I 7Ä: # CD CD úk ■ ^ •WM. REES & CO. 21 AND 23 SOOTH FIFTH STREET, kboictje:, IO-W.A.. Patrons of the Secure all the elegance and comfort of a First-Class Hotel while seeing the everchanging and ^^MAGNIFICENT SCENERY^ Of tlie ^.Mississippi ^iT7-er. The Steamers of this line are provided with every known con¬ venience for SAFETY, COMFORT AND SPEED- Are commanded by able and experienced officers and their tables are supplied with EVERY OBTAINABLE LUXURY. Rates always as low and accommodations always better than any other line. Consult your own interest by getting our rates before purchasing tickets by any other route. Write for Route LUt, Bates, Etc, All inquiries cheerfully answered. iO REYNOLDS, President. FRED. A. BILL, E. M. DICKEY. Superintendent. Gen'l Passenger and Freight Agt. S-exiexakl Offie*, S^a.'b^a.q^a.e, Xcwa. ^ Local Agents at all River Points. J P. LVSK, Gen'l Agt., St Louis, Mo. •Wholesale papef Dealers. 395 OI'CRATINQ oven |HBgllOOú$|ile?iifi^06Í SOUTH DAKOTA Solid Trains BETWEEN Chicago, Minneapolis and St. Pau£ Via the Famous Albert Lea Koutc. St. Louis, Minneapolis and St. Paul Via St. Louis, Minneapolis Á St. Paul Short Line. AND Through Sleepers and Chair Oars BETWEEN KANSAS OUT, MINNEAPOLIS AND ST. PAUL, PEORIA, CEDAR RAPIDS AND SIOUX FALLS, DAK, CHICAGO AND CEDAR RAPIDS Via the Famous Albert Lea Heute- THE SHORT LINE TO ^ SPtRIT LAKE The Great Iowa Summer Resort. For Railway and Hotel Rates, Descriptiva Pamphlets and all information, address Gen'l Ticket and Passenger Agent. ''orCHEAP homes On lino of this road in Northwortcrn Iowa, Southeastern Minnesota and Central Dakota, where drought and crop failures are unknown. Thousands of choice acres of land yet unsold. Local Excursion rates given. For full infor¬ mation as to prices of land and rates of fare, address GenT Ticket and Passenger Agent. All of the Passenger Trams on all Divisions Of this Railway are heated by Steam from the engine, and the Main Line Day Passenger Trains are lighted with the Electric Light. Maps, Time Tables, Through Kates and all in¬ formation furnished on application to Agents. Tickets on sale over this route at all prominent points in the Union, and by its Agents, to aU parts of the United States and Canada. 4»"For announcements of Excursion Rates, and local matters of interest, please refer to the local columns of this paper. O. J. IVES, J. E. HANNECAN, I>rest & OenT Sup't. Gcn'l Tkt & Pass. Agt. CEDAR RAPIDS, IOWA. 917.77 K37r1890/91 3 5556 009 196 049 3 5556 009 196049