J-M/mn-âilfort/ie. Aíi/nni/jstsLibran : TWiR HAy:i/EAIjI¡S'2''S ïiIBlLâMÏ. !E371i'©aiÛlL£)^'^2'. Lante (^pper, Je Cv/nfnon Blue Butterflies edinburgh: w;h.liz.\ks. LONDON. SAMUEL HlOffirv 32 FLEET STREET DrBLlN.W.rURRY JUN« tc V. THE NATURALIST'S LIBRARY. E^ilED BV" SIR WILLIAM JARllINE, BART., F.R.S.E., F.US.j'^TC., ETC. VOL. XSES. ENTOMOLOGY. BRITISH BUTTERFLIES. BY JAMES DUNCAN, ETC. EDINBURaH: W. H. LIZAKS, 3, ST. JAMES' SQUARE. SAMUEL HIGHLEY, FLEET STREET, LONDON; AND ALL BOOKSELLERS. PhlXlKD i5Y . H. LIZAH-^. EKINBURuK. CONTENTS. P-^GE Memoir op Werner, i7 Account of the Wernerian Society of Edinburgh, 48 Introduction, 49 Plate I. elementary and anatomical figures, &c. Plate II. ditto, ditto. Plate III. Caterpillars, &c. Genus Papilio, 92 Swallow-tail Butterfly. Papilio Machaon. Plate IV. Fig. 1. . . 94 Scarce Swallow-tail Butterfly. Papilio Podaliriiis. Plate IV. Fig. 2. . 97 Brimstone Butterfly. Gonepteryw Rhamni. Plate V. Fig. 1. . 100 Clouded Yellow Butterfly. Colias Edusa. Plate V. Fig. 2. . . . 103 Pale Clouded Yellow Butterfly. ColiasHyale. Plate VI. Fig. 1. ... 106 Scarce Clouded Yellow Butterfly. Colías Europome. Plate VI. Fig. 2. . 108 Genus Pontia, 110 Common Cabbage Butterfly. Pontia Brassica. Plate VII. Figs. 1. and 2. 113 CONTENTS. r^\«E Early White Cabbage Butterfly. Pontia Charicïea. Plate VIII. Fig. 1.—Malt. 116 Small White Butterfly. Pontia Ra-pœ. Plate VII. Fig. 3. • 117 Howard's White Butterfly. Pontia Metra. Plate VIII, Fig. 2. 119 Green-veined White Butterfly. Pontia Napi- Plate IX. Fig. 1. . 121 Dusky-veined White Butterfly. Pontia Sabeîîicœ. Plate VIII. Fig. 3. . 123 Genus Mancipiubi, 1'24 Bath White Butterfly. Mancipium Dupîidice. Plate IX, Fig. 2. . 125 Orange-tip Butterfly. Pontia Cardamines. Plate X. Figs. 1. & 2. 1*27 Wood White Butterfly. Leucophasia Sinapis. Plate X. Fig. 3. . 128 Black-veined White, er Hawthorn Butterfly. Pieris Cratœgi. Plate XI. Fig. 2. . . 131 Apollo Butterfly. Pamassim Apollo. Plate XI. Fig. 1., . 134 Duke of Burgundy Fritillary. Nemeobins Lucina. Plate XTI. Fig. 1. . 137 Genus MelíTíEA, 139 Pearl-Bordered Likeness. Melitœa Athalia. Plate XII. Fig. 2., . . 140 Greasy Fritillary. Melitœa Artemis. Plate XIII. Fig. 2., . 142 Glanvilie Fritillary. Melitœa Cinœia. Plate XIV. Fig. 2. . . 144 Pearl-bordered Fritillary. Melitœa Euphrosyne. Plate XV. Fig. 2. . 145 Small Pearl-bordered Fritillary. Mdiiœa Silene. Plate XTII. Fig. 3., , . 148 CONTENTS. page Genus Argynnis. ... . . » 150 Queen of Spain Fritillary. Argynnis Lathonia, Plate XVL Fig. 2. . 152 High Brown Fritillar}', Argynnis Adippe. Plate XVI. Fig. 1. . 153 Dark Green Fritillary. Argynnis Aglaia. Plate XV. Fig. 1. . . 155 Silvei-Washed Fritillary. Argynnis Paphia. Plate XIV. Fig. 3. . 157 Genus Vanessa, 159 Comma Butterfly. Vanessa C—album, Plate XVJ. Fig. 1. . 160 Great Tortoise-Shell. Vanessa polychloros. Plate XVII. Fig. 2. . 162 Small Tortoise-Shell. Vanessa Urticœ. Plate XIX. Fig. 1. . 164 Peacock's Eye. Vanessa lo. Plate XVÏII. Fig. 1. . . 166 Camberwell Beauty. Vanessa Antiopa. Plate XVIIÍ. Fig. 2. . 168 Red Admiral. Vanessa Atalanta. Plate XX. Fig. 1. . 170 Painted Lady. Cynthia Cardui. Plate XIX. Fig. 2. . . 174 Purple Emperor. Apaturo Iris. Plate XXI 177 White Admiral. Limenitis Camilla. Plate XX. Fig. 2. . 181 Genus Hipfarchia. .... . . 184 Speckled Wood Butterfly. Hipparchia JEgeria. Plate XXIII. Fig. 4. 180 Wall Butterfly. Hipparchia Megœrn. Plate XXII. Fig, 3. 188 The Grayling. Hipparchia Semele. Plate XXII, Figs. 1. & 2. 190 CO.VTEXTS. page Marbled White Butterfly. Hipparchia Galathea, Plate XXIII. Fig. 1. 192 Large Heath. Hipparchia Tithonus. Plate XXIII. Figs. 2, and 3 194 Meadow-Brown Butterfly. Hipparchia Janira. Plate XXIV. Figs. J. & 2., 196 The Ringlet Butterfly. Hyparchia Hyperanihxts. Plate XXIV. Fig. 4. 198 Mountain Ringlet. Hipparchia Cassiope. Plate XXIV. Fig. 3. 199 Arran Brown Butterfly. Hipparchia Ligea. Plate XXV. Fig. 1. . 201 Scotch Argus Butterfly. Hipparchia Blandina. Plate XXV. Fig. 2. 202 Scarce Small Ringlet Butterfly. Hipparchia Davus. Plate XXVI. Fig. 1, . 204 Marsh Ringlet Butterfly. Hipparchia Polydama. Plate XXVI. Fig. 2. 203 Small Heath Butterfly. Hipparchia Pamphilus. Plate XXVI. Fig. 3., 207 Silver Ringlet Butterfly. Hipparchia Hero., 205 Hipparchia Arcanius^ 209 Brown Hair-Streak. Thecla Betula. Plate XXVII. Figs. 1. & 2. 211 Purple Hair-Streak. Thecla Querctts. Plate XXVII. Figs. 3. & 4., 212 Black Hair Streak. Thecla Pruni. Plate XXVIII. Fig. 1. . 214 White Letter Hair Streak. Phecla W~album, Plate XXVIII. Fig. 2. 215 Green Hair Streak. Thecla Rubi. Plate XXVIII. Fig. 3. . 217 Genus Lyc^n.\. 219 Large Copper. Lycœna dispar. Plate XXIX. Figs. 1. & 2., 22Ô \ \ CONTENTS. PAGE Scarce Copper. Lycasna Virgaureœ» Plate XXIX. Fig. 3. Purple-edged Copper. Lycoina Chryseis. Plate XXX. Fig. 1 Dark Under-winged Copper. Lycœna Hippotho'é. Plate XXX. Fig. 2. Common Copper. Lycœna Phleas. Plate XXX. Fig, 3. Genus Polvommatus Azure Blue Butterfly. Polyommatus Argiolus. Plate XXXI. Figs. and 2. Bedford Blue Butterfly. Polyommatus Alsus. Plate XXXI. Fig. 3. Mazarine Blue Butterfly. Polyommatus Acis. Plate XXXI, Fig. 4. Large Blue Butterfly. Polyommatus Avion. Plate XXXII. Fig. 1. Alcon Blue Butterfly. Polyommatus Alcon. Plate XXXII. Fig. 2. Chalk-Hill Blue Butterfly. Polyommatus Corydon. Plate XXXII. Fig. 3. 235 Clifden Blue Butterfly. Polyommatus Adonis. PI. XXXIII. Figs. I. & 2, 23" Common Blue Butterfly. Polyommatus Alexis. Vignette Title-page, 239 Silver Studded Blue Butterfly. Polyommatus Argus. Plate XXXIII. Fig. 3. 241 Brown Argus Butterfly. Polyommatus Agestis. Plate XXXIV, Fig. 1. 243 Durham Argus. Polyommatus Salmacis. Plate XXXIV. Figs. 2. and 3. 244 Artaxerxes Butterfly. Polyommatus Artaxerxes. PL XXXIV. Fig. 4. 24.5 Portrait op Werner, 2 Vignette Title-page. The Common Blue Butterfly, 3 In all Thirty-six Plates in this Volume. 222 224 225 22G 223 229 230 231 233 234 MEMOIR OF WERNER^ The close of the seventeeuth century witnessed the birth of a new science, which assumed, in its in¬ fancy, the pompous name of the Theory of the Eaith. Starting with a few ill-ascertained facts, and coimecting these together by fantastical assumptions, it pretended to go back to the origin of worlds, to sport, as it were, with them, and to create their his¬ tory. Its arbitrary methods, and pompous language, seemed to remove it to a distance from the other sciences ; and in fact, scientiBc men for a long pe¬ riod excluded it from the circle of their studies. At length, after an age of fruitless attempts, it has been brought within the range assigned to the hu- • Instead of writing anew the life of this distinguished individual, for which few materials could be procured that have not been already laid before the public, it has been thought that we should best consult the interest of our readers, and at the same time give an agreeable variety to our biographical notices, by introducing, in an English form, the Eloge of Baron Cuvier, pronounced before the Royal Institute of France. This sketch furnishes all that is in¬ teresting in a life remarkably free from incident, and pre¬ sents a view of Werner's opinions and discoveries, distin¬ guished by the analytical talent and philosophical discern¬ ment for which its author was so eminent. b 18 MEMOIR OP WERNER. man faculties, and, confining itself to the modest task of observing the globe as it actually exists, has pe¬ netrated into its bowels, and, in some degree, ex¬ plained its anatomy. It has henceforth taken its place among the subjects of positive knowledge, and, what is very remarkable, it has done so without losing any thing of its marvellous character. The objects which it has been enabled to see and to touch, — the truths which it has daily brought under our eyes,— are even more admirable and surprising than all that the most prolific imagination had ventured to con¬ ceive. This happy reformation was commenced by two celebrated men, Pallas and Saussure ; and it was completed by Werner. With him commences the most remarkable epoch of the science of the earth, — an epoch indeed which he himself may be said to have filled ; for he had the good fortune to witness, during his own lifetime, the universal prevalence of his ideas and views, although they were so novel in their character, and foreign to the previous notions of most naturalists. He has left as many inheritors of his methods and doctrine as there are observers in the world ; and wherever mines are wrought, or the history of minerals taught, some distinguished man is to be found, who accounts it an honour to have been his pupil. Entire academies * have been formed and distinguished by his name, as if they had • See Account of Wernerian Natural History Society at the end of this memoir. MEMOIR OF WERNER. 19 (Fished to invoke his genius, and make him their patron in a manner previously unknown. When hearing of such unusual success, who would not suppose that he was one of those men who are most ardent in propagating their doctrines, and who have acquired an ascendency over their cotempora- ries by numerous and eloquent writings, or who have procured adherents through the influence of wealth, or an elevated station in society ? But in his case there was nothing of all this. Confined to a small town in Saxony, without authority in the country, he could have no influence on the fortunes of his pu¬ pils. He formed no connexion with people in power ; and such was the singular timidity of his disposition, and aversion to writing, that not more than a few sheets of his composition have been committed to the press. Far from seeking to render himself im¬ portant, he was so little conscious of his own merit, that the most trifling honours conferred on him, even at a time when his reputation was spread throughout all quarters of the world, greatly surpassed all that he had ever hoped for or desired. But this man, though so little occupied with him¬ self, and so far from conceiving that he was in any degree called upon to write for the instruction of others, had an indefinable charm in his language and converaation. When once he had been heard — when once, over a few fragments of stones or rocks disposed almost by chance, he had developed, as if by inspiration, all those general ideas and innumer¬ able relations which his genius had perceived, no one 20 MEMOIR OF WERNER. could resist the force of his attractions. Feeling the ascendency of his talents, the pupils of Werner re¬ spected him as a great master, and, returning the regard he shewed for them, they soon loved him as a father. Wherever they went, they promulgated his doctiines, and spoke of his person with respect and affection. It was thus that, in a few years, the little school of Freyberg, originally designed only for the instruc¬ tion of a few miners fur Saxony, again presented the appearance of the earliest universities of the middle ages. Pupils flocked to it from every civilized coun¬ try ; and, even in the most remote places, aged in¬ dividuals, and men of science who had already at¬ tained the highest celebrity, hastened to acquire a knowledge of the German language, fur the sole pur¬ pose of being in a condition to hear and understand the great oracle of Geology. Abraham-Gottlob * Werner was bom on the 25th of September 1750, at Wehrau on the Queiss, in Upper Lusatia. From his earliest years, he was surrounded with the objects which were to form the occupation and the glory of his life. His father, who was the director of a forge, used to give him shining minerals for his playthings; and, before he could pro¬ nounce their names, the child was learning, by pHing them together, tossing them about, and breaking them in pieces, to group them, and recognise them by their must prominent characters. 'He always • Gottlob, Praise God. MEMOIR OF WERNER. 21 preserved a few of these pieces, and, when lie shew¬ ed his collection, which soon became one of the rich¬ est in Europe, he seldom failed to draw attention to these small beginnings of it, as if he wished to shew a kind of gratitude for the first sparks which proved the source of such abundant light. It was intended that he should engage in the bu¬ siness of mining, and as the laws of Saxony require that those who embrace this profession should be re¬ gularly licensed, he first attended the courses of me¬ tallurgy in the school of Freyberg, and subsequently those of jurisprudence in the University of Leipsic. Two prevailing tastes, or, it may be rather said, two passions, attended him through life — the love of minerals, and the love of method. He delighted in dividing and classifying things, like ideas. What¬ ever admitted of being arranged, gave him pleasure ; and when he began to purchase books, he seemed to do so rather for the purpose of arranging them me¬ thodically, than in order to read them. Both these propensities were conspicuous in his first work, the Treatise on the External Characters of Minerals, a pamphlet of a few sheets, which he published at Leipsic when he was twenty-four years of age. It comprises an analysis and minute subdivision of all the variations in the apparent properties of minerals. Each of these properties is designated by an appro¬ priate term, designed conjointly to form a definite language, by means of which all mineralogists may be readily understood. This was rendering to mineralogy a service simi- 22 MEMOIR OP WERNER. lar to that which Liunseus had conferred on botany ; but it was a service purchased at the same price. It cannot be denied, that this vocabulary has introduced into science more detail and precision ; that persons who accustom themselves to apply it, acquire a re¬ markable facility in distinguishing minerals at the first glance ; and that the attentive examination ne¬ cessary to draw up a description of these substances on the prescribed model, has been the means of dis¬ criminating many which might otherwise have con¬ tinued to be long confounded in the crowd. But it must be confessed, at the same time, that this idiom, necessarily somewhat pedantic, and restricted in its modes of expression as well as in its words, has given an affected air to the works in which it has been too servilely employed, together with a dryness and pro¬ lixity more frequently fatiguing than useful. These inconveniences seem, however, to have been but little felt. Technical and half-barbarous terminologies had long been the reigning fashion. For thirty years the amiable science of botany spoke no other language, and naturalists, already accus¬ tomed to so many chains, experienced no apprehen¬ sion at the prospect of submitting to another. In¬ deed, we may suppose, that if any one was alarmed at this new creation, it was Werner himself, and that if he wrote so little after his first trial, it was partly that he might escape from the trammels that he had imposed on others. Happily bis early work, adapted as it was to the taste of the nation, made MEMOIR OF WERNER. 23 bis name known, and procured him the means of transmitting his ideas in a more agreeable form. He was nominated in 1775 Professor and Inspec¬ tor of the Cabinets of Freyberg ; — an appointment bestowed on him that he might devote himself with¬ out restraint to his strongest inclination, and which retained him in a district the most calculated of any in Europe to satisfy it, since it is the most abundant in different kinds of minerals, and has, from a re¬ mote period, been pierced in all directions by the operations of miners. All his efforts, therefore, from this moment, were directed to mineralogy, and to it alone ; but this single science, fecundated by his ge¬ nius, became one of immense extent. His 6rst step had been to create for it a language : his second was to form a system ; but the latter, as it was much the most important, was also greatly the most difficult. Organized beings present two bases of classifica¬ tion, obviously giveu by nature ; the individual, re¬ sulting from the concourse of all the organs to a common action, and the species, resulting from the connexions which generation has established between individuals. More remote resemblances, however natural the relations on which they are founded may be, are al¬ ways more or less dependent on abstractions of the mind. In mineralogy, classificators have sought in vain for some principle corresponding in every respect to 24 MEMOIR OF WERNER. these primary bases. The mysterious force of crys- taillzatiou is the only one that presents any resem¬ blance to the generative power: it determines in like manner the composition ; but this is only within cer¬ tain limits. Recent experiments have evinced that there are substances whose crystalline virtue is such, that they constrain very considerable quantities of different substances to accommodate themselves to their form ; and it has been long observed in nature, that crystals, in all respects alike, those of sparry iron, for example, may contain more or less of iron or of lime, as there may be in two animals of the same species a greater or less quantity of fat, of ge¬ latine, or of the earth of the bones. In mineralogy, therefore, crystallization must be regarded as the fundamental principle of the species, as far as it addresses itself to our sight ; but in an immense majority of minerals, the crystalline form is not visible, and, in such cases, the composition is very far from enabling us to determine it ; for the latter is more variable than in the crystals, and im¬ pure intermixtures corrupt it more easily. No al¬ ternative, then, is left, but to have recourse to the properties which are most closely connected with the fundamental principle, viz. cleavage, which is only one of its phenomena, fracture, hardness, lustre, and the eíFect of the body on the touch, which are its more or less immediate consequences. This plan Werner has pursued, not perhaps proceed¬ ing exactly upon these reasonings, but led by that MEMOm OF WEBNER. 25 kind of delicate instinct which forined the peculiar character of his genius. He has the appearance of adopting the identical composition of the molecules as the principle of species, and as the point from which he sets out. Perhaps he really belieml him¬ self to have set out from thence ; but he never ac¬ tually applies the principle but when it is in perfect unison with the external properties, and, in all in¬ stances, it is on these properties that he has founded his distributions, leaving analysis to make itself har¬ monize with them as it best may. All unctuous stones, for example, are arranged in the magnesian genus, although many of them contain a greater pro¬ portion of argillaceous or siliceous matter than of magnesia. So rigorously did he act on this prin¬ ciple, that he always persisted m placing the dia¬ mond among the siliceous stones, although it had been incontestahly proved by experiment that this gem is a crystallization of carbon. Still more sin¬ gular is the fact, that, among all the external pro¬ perties, he paid least regard to the crystalline form, which is the most fundamental of the whole. It is true, that his investigations began ten years before Haiiy had commenced his labours, and, con¬ sequently, nearly thirty years before the doctrine of that great mineralogist had been developed in the admirable manner it afterwards attained ; and Wer¬ ner, on his part, had caused the science to make such remarkable progress, that he may easily be ex¬ cused for not entering fully into all the views of his 26 MEnwOIR OF WERNER. rivals. But the conduct of some of his followers admits of no excuse, who attempted, with an ill-di¬ rected zeal, which he took every opportunity of re¬ probating, to depreciate a series of truths with which he had made them too little acquainted. A con¬ trary proceeding would have been greatly more pro¬ per, for it is necessary to unite and combine the results of the two methods. Far from being opposed to each other, they are absolutely the same in spirit, being in reality but two branches from the same stem. Both of them, without denying that species depend, in some respects, on composition, are too ready to establish them without sufficiently consulting che¬ mistry. They assume for them, tacitly at least, a principle of individuality which is not inherent in the matter that composes them. But although che¬ mistry reproaches both with sometimes establishing species gratuitously, she is obliged at the same time to acknowledge, that they have often anticipated her, by indicating distinctions in substances which she was unable to detect by her analysis, till after the fact had been announced. The only difference is, that each of these two great mineralogists gives too exclusive a preponder¬ ance to the characters which have been most the ob¬ ject of his study. Haiiy, conceiving crystallization as alone worthy of being compared with analysis, has recourse to more rigorous and scientific methods, but, which per. mit many substances to escape notice. MEMOIR OF WERNER. 27 Werner, by admitting to the same privilege pro¬ perties of a subordinate kind, embraces more easily all sorts of minerals ; but, in so doing, he overlooks what is most profound and mysterious in their na¬ ture; and when, in the conflict of the two methods, he has opposed these subordinate qualities, not only to analysis, but to crystallization itself, he has almost always infringed that fundamental law, of which the properties he believed himself entitled to employ are only the corollaries. Werner had thus invented a language for de¬ scribing minerals, as well as a method of arranging them, and had assigned to each their distinctive cha¬ racters ; in this manner constituting a mineralogy, properly so called, or what he termed Oryctognosy, that is, a knowledge of fossils. The history of their arrangement on the globe, or what he named Geognosy—knowledge of the Earth —was the third point of view under which he re¬ garded them. The Earth is composed of mineral masses ; and modern observers have ascertained that these masses are not distributed at random. Pallas, in his la¬ borious journeys to the extremities of Asia, had re¬ marked that their superposition was capable of be¬ ing referred to fundamental laws ; and the same thing was confirmed by the observations of De Saussure and De Luc, while traversing, in numerous direc¬ tions, the most elevated mountain-ranges in Europe. Without quitting his small province, Werner ac- 28 MKMOIK OF WERNER. quired tlie most intimate acquaintance with these laws, and could read in them the history of all the revolutions from which they had resulted. Follow¬ ing each bed in the order of its continuity, without allowing himself to be bewildered by rents and shift- ings, or by the crests and other summits which rise above them, he in some measure determined their age, and the age, of all the accessory matters which intermingle with their principal substances. The different fluids which have surrounded the globe, the changes in composition which they have undergone, and the violent commotions by which each change has been accompanied, were all legible to his eyes on the monuments which they have left behind them. A universal and tranquil ocean deposites in large masses the jtrimitive rocks, which are strongly crys¬ tallized, and have silica for their predominating in- giedieni. Granite forms the base of the whole. To tliis succeeds gneiss, which is nothing more than granite beginning to assume a slaty structure. By degrees, argil begins to predominate. Schists of different kinds appear ; but in proportion as the pu¬ rity of the precipitations becomes changed, the dis¬ tinctness of the crystalline grain diminishes. Ser¬ pentines, porphyries, and traps succeed, in which the grain is less distinctly formed, although a sili¬ ceous nature begins to resume its purity. Internal agitation in the fluid destroys a portion of these pri¬ mary deposites ; and their debris forms new rocks. MEMOIR OF WERNER. 29 united by a cement. It is in the midst of these commotions that life first begins to appear. Carbon, the first of these products, now shews itself. Lime, which was associated with the primitive rocks, be¬ comes more and more abundant; and rich deposites of sea-salt, one day to be explored by man, fill large cavities. The waters, again becoming tranquil, but having their contents changed, deposit beds less thick, and more varied, in which the remains of living bodies are successively accumulated, in an order not less determinate than that of the rocks which con¬ tain them. At last, the final recession of the waters spreads over the continent immense alluvial collec¬ tions of moveable substances, which form the ear¬ liest seats of vegetation, of culture, and of social life. Metals, like rocks, have had their epochs and their successions. The last of the primitive, and the first of the secondary rocks, have received them abundantly. They become rare, however, in deposites of more recent formation. They are usually distributed in particular situations, in those veins which seem to he produced by rents in the rocky masses, and filled after their formation ; but they are by no means of equal age. The last formed are known by their veins intersecting those of older date, and not being themselves intersected. Tin is the oldest of the whole ; silver and copper the most modem. Gold and iron—those two masters of the world — seem to have been deposited in the bowels of the earth at all the periods of its formation ; but at each pe- 30 MEMOIR OF WERNER. riod iron appears under different forms, and we can assign the age of its different mines. The necessity of abridgment ohliges me thus to bring together, under one view, results which, as may easily be conceived, could not he obtained but by many thousand observations. All Werner's ob¬ servations, however, were made with so much care, and so scrupulously combined, that their accuracy htis been confirmed by all subsequent investigation ; and if we except his opinions regarding volcanic countries, none of his views met with any opposition which did not soon pass away. Such, then, is the nature of Geognosy, or of the position of minerals, viewed as lying above one an¬ other, or in a vertical direction. But in their hori¬ zontal position—that is, as they are placed by the sides of each other—there are likewise differences, of which it is important to take notice. These dif¬ ferences form the fourth point of view under which Werner regards minerals, and which he designates by the name of Geographical Mineralogy. Indeed, the rocks of most recent formation, and which lie above the others, are the least elevated ; the oldest penetrate through them, and form high mountains. From this we infer, that the fluid sunk in its level, in proportion as the solid substances in¬ creased. It divided itself into basins, the produc- tions of which became of a diversified character. The surface of different countries is therefore dissi- MEMOIR OF WERNER. 31 milar—a fact which beconies more manifest, the more attentively we examine their structin-e. But every mineral is capable of being turned to some useful purpose ; and, on the greater or less abundance of particular kinds in certain localities, and the ease or difficulty with which they are ob¬ tained, often depend the prosperity of a people, their advancement in civilisation, and all the details of their manners. In Lombardy, for example, we see only houses of brick ; while Liguria, which is contiguous to it, is covered with palaces of marble. Its quarries of travertin made Rome the most beautiful city of the ancient world ; those of coarse limestone and gyp¬ sum have rendered Paris one of the most agreeable of modern times. But Michael Angelo and Bra- manti could not have built at Paris in the same style as at Rome, because the same materials were a- wanting ; and this influence of local soil extends to things very remote and important. Under the shelter of those ridges of limestone which intersect Italy and Greece, varying in height, branching in numerous directions, and giving rise to abundance of rivulets ;—in those charming valleys, rich in all the products of animated nature, philoso¬ phy and the arts first sprung up. It was these that gave birth to minds of which the human race have most reason to be proud ; while, on the other hand, the vast sandy plains of Tartary and Africa have al¬ ways prevented their inhabitants from becoming any 32 MEMOIR OF WERNER. thing else than fierce and wandering sliepherds. In countries wliere the laws and even the language are alike, an experienced traveller can conjecture, from the habits of the people, and the appearance of their dwellings and clothing, what is the composition of the soil, in the same manner as a philosophical mi¬ neralogist can infer, from the same source, what are likely to be their manners, as well as their degrees of comfort and instruction. Our granitic districts produce very difièrent effects on all the habits of the people from those that are calcareous. The natives of Limousin, or of Lower Bretagne, are neither lodged nor fed like those of Champagne or of Nor¬ mandy ; and it may even be said that they do not think alike. Even the results of the conscription have been different, and the difference is conform¬ able to a uniform law in the different districts. Geographical mineralogy, then, assumes a high importance, when we connect it in this manner with what Werner called Economical Mineralogy, or the history of minerals as applied to the wants of man. The comprehensive mind of this great Professor seized with equal facility all these relations, and his auditors listened, with an ever new delight, to the exposition of such of them as the plan of his public prelections permitted him to embrace. But, in his private conversations, he followed up their application to a much greater length. The history of man and languages was connected, according to his views, with that of minerals ; and he never conceived that MEMOIR OP VPERNI«. 33 he was departing from his principal subject, by in¬ dulging in these other inquiries. He traced the mi¬ grations of difiFerent tribes by the inclinations and directions of countries, and in this way connect¬ ed their marches and stations with the structure of the globe. He grouped the yarious languages toge¬ ther, and, tracing each to a common source, origi¬ nating always in the highest central land of an ele¬ vated mountain-range, he regarded each dialect, as descending and subdividing, according to the di¬ rection of the valleys, becoming soft or harsh as it happened to become stationary in a level or a moun¬ tainous country, and, in process of time, departing in its character from the allied tongues, the more widely as the natural obstacles to communication became more insurmountable. Even the laws of the militaiy art Werner endea¬ voured to trace to those of geology ; and if his ac¬ count was to be received, every general should have commenced his career by studying for some time at Freyberg. In a word, he referred every thing to the object of his own passion, and, as Toumefort, the celebrated botanist, formerly imagined that even stones vegetated, Werner in like manner fancied that stones could speak, and he thought himself warranted confidently to demand of them the whole history of the world. Strangers who happened to visit Freyberg, and expected to enter into conversation with a minera¬ logist only, were surprised at his continual discus- C 34 MEMOIR OF WERNER. sions on tactics, politics, and medicine. They were sometimes tempted to regard them as allied to the reveries of a maniac. Indeed, we may admit that there must have been something of exaggeration in generalizing to such an extent the relations of a single object ; but it ought also to be kept in mind to what a degree those conceptions, of so varied and exciting a nature, presented in an attractive and of¬ ten eloquent form, must have warmed the imagina¬ tions of youth. At that age, when exceptions are so much disliked, and difficulties so easily surmount¬ ed, the disciples of Werner hurried with enthusiasm upon a field of inquiry which he described to them as so vast and fruitful. A mineralogy purely mine- ralogical would perhaps have disgusted many of them ; but they devoted themselves with ardour to a mineralogy which seemed to present them with the key of nature ; and even although, on a final analysis, there might only remain to them the foundation of the science, would they not still have reason to rejoice at the pleasing illusions which had been the means of leading them thither ? Some individuals who have since risen to the first rank among the mineralogists of Germany, had wish¬ ed to hear him, only for the purpose of obtaining a summary knowledge of mineralogy; hut having once listened to him, that science became the profession of their lives. It is to this irresistible influence that the scienti« fic world has been indebted for those laborious au« MBMOIE OF WEEXEE. 35 thors, who bave so carefully described the different states in which minerals exist ; and for those inde¬ fatigable observers who have removed from the globe the last veil that concealed her mysteries. Karsten and Wiedeman in the cabinet—Humboldt, Von Buch, Daubuisson, Hermann, and Freyensleben, on the summit of the Cordilleras, amidst the flames of Vesuvius and .®tna, in the deserts of Siberia, in the deepest recesses of the mines of Saxony, of Hun¬ gary, of Mexico, and of Potosi—have been led on by the spirit of their master. They always ascribed to him the honour that resulted from their labours ; and it might be said of him, what could formerly be said with truth of Linnaeus only, that Nature was every where interrogated in his name. Few masters have enjoyed in the same degree the pure and unreserved gratitude of their scholars ; but no one, perhaps, had ever so much deserved it by his paternal regard for them. There was no sacrifice which he would not make for his pupils. His time and strength were at their service ; and if he knew of any of them in temporary need, his purse was opened to supply their wants. When his audience became too numerous for each to see conveniently the ob¬ jects which he exhibited, he divided the students, and repeated the lecture. His door was at all times open to them : he took his meals usually with some of them in company, as if he had wished that no opportunity should be lost for their instruction. Such a master might well entrust the care of his 36 MEMOIR OF WERNER. reputation to his scholars ; and it is in fact by them that it has been established. In this point, also, re¬ sembling Socrates, to whom he has been compared in so many other respects, nothing can be known of Iiis views but from the notes that have been taken of his lectures. Whether it was that he was satisfied with the indisputable ascendency which he acquired by his powers of speaking, or that the vivacity of his imagination could not submit to the restraint and tediousness of writing, it was not without the great¬ est difficulty that he prevailed on himself to prepare for the press one or two pamphlets, and a few ar¬ ticles for the journals. But he engaged in oral dis¬ cussion as readily as could he wislied, and his con¬ versation was that of a man of genius, as well as of benevolent feeling. For hours together he would continue to utter the boldest and best connected ideas ; but nothing could make him take up a pen. He had an antipathy even for the mechanical act of writing, which was rendered amusing by its very excess. His letters are extremely few. The ten- derest friendship, the most profound esteem, could scarcely extort one from him ; and at last, that he might not reproach himself for this want of polite¬ ness, he ceased to open such letters as were sent to him. One author, who was desirous to have the opinion of many scientific men respecting a volumi¬ nous work, circulated his manuscript among them. During its progress the packet was lost. After a thousand researches, it was at last disinterred from MEMOIR OF WERNER. 37 under a hundred others in the house of Werner To carry this matter to tiie extremity, he did not even reply to this Academy when it placed him on the list of its eight foreign associates, which is adorn¬ ed with all the great names of which Europe can boast for more than a century ; and perhaps he did not even know that this honour had been conferred on him, unless he happened to learn it from some almanack. But we may well pardon him, when we learn, that, about this same period, an express sent to him by his sister from Dresden, was obliged to wait two months at an inn, and at his expense, before a simple signature could be obtained to a paper relating to some urgent family business. This insurmountable antipathy to writing seemed the more unaccountable, as it caused him lo infringe the laws of etiquette, which, next to his studies, was the subject that affected him most. In every thing else, he is said to bave observed the slightest cour¬ tesies of social life with as much punctuality as he attended to the varieties of minerals. This spirit of formality, which was preserved in Germany for a longer time than any where else, and in Saxony longer than in any other pait of Germany, was par¬ ticularly remarkable in him, apparently because it seemed in his eyes a kind of method. He delibe¬ rated about the arrangement of a dinner with as much gravity as about the airangemeut of his library or cabinet. 38 MEMOIR OF WERNER. There was still one other point, however, to which his observance of etiquette did not extend. What¬ ever might be the rank of any individual, if he handled his minerals awkwardly, he was put out of all temper. The least stain on their freshness or lustre, wounded him to the quirk, and he long pre¬ served a deep recollection of it. Of such indivi¬ duals, he was accustomed to say, with his usual good humour, that such a one was a great minister or a skilful general, but, he added with a sigh, he knows not how to handle minerals. These little eccentricities, at which he was the first to smile, were no way unpleasant when allied to whatever is most elevated in genius, and amiable in disposition. They had no influence on that affec¬ tionate veneration entertained for him by his youth¬ ful pupils, who were ever happy to be instructed, and warmed by his words and attentions. They studied his peculiarities only to accommodate them¬ selves to them—eager to shew their attachment even by attending to his foibles. But these peculiarities the public and posterity will have reason to lament, as they have been there¬ by deprived of valuable works, which no other per¬ son, for a long time, will be able to execute so well. It is said that the first sheet of his great work on mineralogy was sent to the press, hut that he could not undergo the fatigue of correcting the proofs. Mis whole life was thus spent either in the regions of lofty contemplation, or in the pleasures of philo- MEMOIR OF WERNER. 39 sophical and friendly conversation—ignorant of all that was going on at a distance, without reading the journals of literature, and without even ascertaining whether envy had occasionally made him the object of her attack. His life might have been expected to be prolonged for a considerable time ; for, of all the methods which he had studied, that of taking care of his own health had not occupied him least. Among his whims, his anxiety never to be placed between two cuiTents of air, was one of the most noticeable. But of all his precautions, the most ef¬ fectual was the tranquillity of a peaceful mind, which sought to avoid every thing that might excite in it malevolent feelings. The misfortunes of Saxony were the only cala¬ mities that escaped his foresight, and destroyed the peace which it had procured him. He tenderly loved that country with which he was identified in a thousand ways ; no offer could ever prevail on him to leave it. He loved a prince who protected the sciences, because he had studied them profoundly, and whom forty years of wise administration, and of affectionate devotion to his people, could not pre¬ serve from so many calamities. His courage could not stand the sight of the sufferings of his master and of his country, and his anxiety and distress pro¬ duced a complication of diseases, to which no care could administer a remedy. He died in the arms of bis sister, on the 30th of June 1817, at Dresden, 40 MEMOIR OF WERNER. whither he had gone in the hope of some aliénation of his sufferings. It seems as if fortune had brought him to this ca¬ pital, that he might there receive the most solemn honours. The most illustrious persons in the king¬ dom assisted at hie obsequies. M. Bœttiger, a dis¬ tinguished philosopher, publicly pronounced his fu¬ neral oration. The most celebrated academies of Germany have already paid him the same tribute which we this day render to him, and which will be decreed to him, under one form or other, in every quarter of the world where any branch of the science of the Earth is cultivated. ACCOUNT OF THE WERNERIAN NATURAL HISTORY SOCIETY OF EDINBURGH. [From Blackwood's Magazine for June 1817.] To determine the utility of Natural History, it is scarcely necessary to do more than to enumerate its various branches by which it will he seen in its most convincing form. In truth the correctness of this opinion requires no proof, since the general attention which has, within a few yeai's, been excited to the study of every department of natural knowledge, must have rendered every illustration that can be offered perfectly familiar to our readers. This be- THE WEKNEEIAN SOCIETY. 41 ing the admitted fact, the importance of all attempts to facilitate such studies, to excite ardour, and to sti¬ mulate exertion, will be fuUy appreciated. Under the influence of this conviction, we make no apology for submitting to the public the following sketch of the rise, progress, and present state of the Wemerian Natural History Society of Edinburgh, as well as a few general observations on that branch of natural history, to which some of its most distinguished mem¬ bers have hitherto devoted their talents. To this so¬ ciety, we, without hesitation, refer not only a large share of the enthusiasm that has been kindled, but some of the most interesting observations on the inter¬ nal structure of Great Britain that have yet been pre¬ sented to the world. In addition to this view, it will be well to illustrate its truth, and to trace the insen¬ sible though progressive influence that has been exer¬ cised on the minds of many, by one enlightened, zeal¬ ous, and persevering individual. On the Continent of Europe, the first steps to¬ wards improvement in mineralógica! knowledge were made; while, in our own country, though so rich in its mineral treasures, scarcely a work appeared, with the exception of Wñliams' Mineral Kingdom, and Price's Cornwall, that contained accurate ob¬ servations. Yet in the midst of this most deplorable ignorance of the worJcs of nature, her most secret mysteries were resolved with a boldness and teme¬ rity scarcely to be surpassed by the. flights of Para- 42 the wernerian society. celsus, or of Amoldus de Villa Nora. It would be a fruitless and unprofitable task to give even a sketch of these whimsical, though often ingenious, fancies. The individual to whom mineralogy is most deep¬ ly indebted, is the well-known Werner of Frey- berg. He has taught the vast importance of ac¬ curate observation, and patient investigation. He has shown, that in this science, as in every other, facts should not be made to bend to hypothesis ; but that every man who wishes to obtain accurate views, should begin his career unfettered by theory — and that the result must be a more accurate and exten¬ sive acquaintance with the materials of this globe. While this illustrious man was silently pursuing his useful career in Germany, other philosophers in this country, of high talent, boldly struck out gene¬ ral views, which, though not remarkable for accu¬ racy, entitled their authors to the character of ge¬ nius and of fancy. Dr Hutton of Edinburgh took a decided lead in this matter ; and, had he studied nature, and then theorized, his genius would, in all probability, have illustrated many difficult points ; but it is obvious, from his own works, that he has frequently reversed this order of proceeding. While these dazzling speculations allured the vo¬ taries of Hutton, the present Professor of Natural History in the University of Edinburgh first became known to the world as a scientific man, by his Mi¬ neralogy of Arran and Shetland, published in 1798, THE WERXERIAN SOCIETY. 43 and afterwards in 1801, by bis Mineralogy of the Scottish Isles. In these works, he gave a flattering earnest of his accurate views in the study of science, and of his indefatigable zeal in the attainment of it. About 1804, Mr Playfair's beautiful and eloquent Illustrations of the Huttonian Theory were first pub¬ lished. In this work, all that eloquence, fine taste, and infinite ingenuity, could do, were united to vin¬ dicate and establish the doctrines of which the author may be considered the most illustrious cham¬ pion. Public attention having been strongly excited on these topics by the impugning of Dr Hutton's creed by Professor Jameson, the contest became keen ; and the result has been, to establish, very universally, the important fact, that the science of mineralogy is only to be acquired by patient labour, and that theory is as useless as contemptible, unless supported by a " cloud of facts." In this state of general scientific excitement, those who felt anxious to render it beneficial, naturally sought for channels through which its influence might be judiciously directed. The most obvious was the establishment of societies, which, while protecting and encouraging every branch of natural history, would afford due support to mineralogical science in all its parts, whether regarded as furnishing ma¬ terials for the philosophic inquirer, or as directing the operations of the practical mineralogist. To rouse a certain interest in the neglected though highly interesting walks of science, was an object of 44 TIÍE WERS'ERIAN SOCIETY. importance to every one who had perceived and felt the inconveniences resulting from the old system. Professor Jameson (who maybe considered the found¬ er of mineralogical science in Great Britain) had con¬ templated the object of this sketch soon after his re¬ turn from Germany ; and as the public attention had been strongly solicited, by his valuable works, to one department of natural history, it was considered a favourable opportunity to bring together, in an or¬ ganized form, such individuals as were desirous of extending the bounds of our natural knowledge in general, without limiting the tendencies of its original founders. Accordingly, on the 12th January 1808, Professor Jameson, Doctors Wright, Macknight, Barclay, and Thomson, Colonel Fullerton, Messrs Anderson, Neill, and Walker (now Sir Patrick Walker) held their first meeting, and " resolved to associate themselves into a society for promoting the study of natural history ; and in honour of the il¬ lustrious Werner of Freyberg, to assume the name of the Wemerian Natural History Society." Pro¬ fessor Jameson was elected the first president ; Doc¬ tors Wright, Macknight, Barclay, and Thomson, the vice-presidents ; Mr Walker, the treasurer ; and Mr (now Dr) Neill, the secretary. Honorary and other members were elected—and among the first of the former, the society has the honour of enumerating the illustrious names of Werner, Sir Joseph Banks, Kirwan, and many other celebrated individuals. At the same time, it was resolved that a charter should THE WERNEKIAK SOCIETY. 45 be applied for ; and accordingly, this being done, the Lord Provost and Magistrates of Edinburgh, by virtue of authority vested in them, granted the charter on the 10th February 1808 ; thus solemnly incorporating the Society. The objects of this Society are simply the general promotion of every branch of natural science. Some, who are more disposed to cavil than to reflect, have objected to the distinctive title assumed by the founders of the Wemerian Society, as narrowing its scope. Werner, it is true, is chiefly, if not exclusively, known in Britain as a distinguished mineralogist. His know¬ ledge, however, extended to every branch of natural science, and is regarded, by those who have possessed the singular advantage of his instruction, as equally re¬ markable for its accuracy as for its extent. The honourable compliment paid to Werner's me¬ rits, as a man of science, ought to be considered, what it really is, as analogous to similar distinctions bestowed on Linnieus in this country, and on other eminent men on the Continent. The name implies no determination blindly to support Werner's pe¬ culiar views—as may be shown from the published memoirs, which contain undeniable proofs of free¬ dom of discussion. The Society has now existed upwards of twenty- seven years, during which period its records have been graced with the names of all the most distin- ^ guished philosophers of Europe and America; and 46 THE WERNERIAN SOCIETY. although unaided by the advantages of wealth, it has has silently pursued its useful career, and has, both directly and indirectly, contributed most essentially to the well-doing of science. Most of the active mem¬ bers of this society are professional men, whose daily engagements circumscribe the sphere of their scienti¬ fic utility; yet, notwithstanding this and other dis¬ advantages, they have explored a large portion of country — have contributed several valuable papers, which have been published, besides others of equal importance, which will, in due season, appear at the bar of the public. While the individual members are thus co-operating in their efibrts, the society, as a body, has not been negligent of its more imme¬ diate duties. Six volumes of memoirs, containing several very valuable papers, have heen already pub¬ lished ; and the merits of these volumes are suffi¬ ciently known to the scientific world; and as ana¬ lyses of these volumes have been formerly given elsewhere, it is unnecessary for us to enter into such details. The course hitherto adopted by the Wernerian Society has been unquestionably good ; and upon the whole, we are disposed to think that a quiet un¬ obtrusive career, in which solid foundations, for fu¬ ture distinction and lasting reputation, are laid, is to be preferred to that rapid course which dazzles for a while, but leaves no fixed and permanent impres¬ sion. When, indeed, we recall the circumstances under which it was first established — when we re- TUE WEKXEKIAN SOCIETY. 47 collect the odium which was attached to the very name—we cheerfully offer the tribute so merited by him, to whose intelligence, liberality, and unwearied diligence, we owe all that true spirit of mineralogi- cal inquiry now abroad, and which bids fair to place our country among the first where such studies have been successfully cultivated. While we thus bestow praise where it is due, we cannot refrain from teià- dering our mite to the Geological Society of Lon¬ don, which has done so much towards elucidating the internal structure of England. Sincerely must it be wished, by every true lover of science, that these two societies may cordially co-operate in their com¬ mon objects. Let this be the case, and we shall anxiously apply to them the spirit of the dying ad¬ dress of Father Paul to his country—" Estote per¬ petua." LEPIDOPTERA. INTRODUCTION. Child of the sun ! pursue thy rapturous flight, Mingling with her thou lov'st, in fields of light ; And where the flowers of paradise unfold, Quaff fragrant nectar from their cups of gold. There shall thy wings, rich as an evening sky. Expand and shut with silent ecstasy. Yet wert thou once a worm, a thing that crept On the bare earth, then wrought a tomb, and slept ! And such is man ; soon from his cell of clay To hurst a seraph in the blaze of day I Rogers. The primary division, or Order, of the Class of Insects, to the illustration of which the present vo¬ lume is devoted, acquires its name, like all the other Linnean orders, from the characters presented by the wings. These members have their entire surface covered with a thick coating of minute imbricated scales, which has caused the insects to be designated by the name Lepidoptera, from Aew/?, a scale, and wTijae, wings. This clothing, however, is not uni¬ versal in the group, as there are several genera par¬ tially denuded of scales, and others in which the wings are clear and transparent, without any traces of them. But these occasional deviations from the 11 50 INTRODUCTION. prevailing structure indicate no essential disagree¬ ment, nor do they disturb the regularity of the or¬ der, which is perhaps the most natural and best de¬ fined of the whole. The species which it includes are popularly known as Butterflies, Hawk-moths, and Moths ; terms which nearly correspond to the genera Papille, Sphinx, and Phalsena, as originally constituted by Linnseus, and to the sectional divisions of more recent writers, founded on the seasons of flight, Diurnal, Crepus¬ cular, and Nocturnal. Many of these are among our most common insects ; and the curious economy of some, and the remarkable beauty of others, have long attracted the notice of observers ; while their varied forms, and gorgeous colouring, have afforded subjects of the highest interest to the lovers of the pictorial art. Their amount is so considerable, that the Lepidopterous order ranks among the most ex¬ tensive with which we are acquainted. There is reason to believe, that it is surpassed only by the Coleóptera or Beetles ; and some authors are even inclined to assign it a precedence in this respect over that numerous order. In this country alone, al¬ though its variable and humid climate seems but little adapted to the welfare of creatures formed above all others for sunshine and calm, they fall very little short of 2000. From this we may infer that their numbers are very great in countries every way adapted to their increase. The diurnal Lepidoptera, or such as fly during INTRODUCTION. 51 the day, to which the present notice must be re¬ stricted, are the kinds which are known in this coun¬ try by the name of Butterfly. This term is a lite¬ ral translation of the Saxon word Buttor-fleoze, and is supposed to be applied because the insects first become prevalent in the beginning of the season for butter. They are distinguished from the other scaly- winged kinds, by possessing antennae with a knob or club at the summit, * and holding their wings, when in a state of repose, erect or very slightly inclined. They are the most generally and familiarly known of our insect tribes, and, by their conspicuous ap¬ pearance, seldom fail to attract the notice even of those whose perceptions are least alive to the beauty of natural objects. The graceful curves of their out¬ line—their gay and fitful flight — the splendour of their colouring and decorations, which present every variety of tint found in the different kingdoms of nature, distributed in markings and delineations of the most beautiful and diversified character, seem to confer on them a kind of superiority over other insects. Some naturalists have accordingly considered them as entitled to stand at the head of the Insect Class ; and if, as Mr Kirby remarks, beauty, and grace, and gaiety, and splendour of colours were the great requisite, and the law enjoined Detur pulchriori— * Certain foreign genera, however, such as Morpho and Urania, form an exception to this rule, as they have an¬ tennas either of equal thickness throughout, or tapering slightly to the summit. 52 INTRODUCTION'. they are doubtless deserving of tins preference. Their wings are augmented to a size that seems quite disproportioned to that of the body, as if na¬ ture had wished to enlarge the surface on which she was to employ her pencil, that it might admit of more varied and profuse decoration. Even the un¬ der face of the wings, contrary to what is observed in other flying animals, is usually as much adorned as the surface, and often in an entirely different man¬ ner. Each wing, therefore, presents what may be called two different pictures. No kind of ornament found among other insects is omitted in this favoured tribe; and so many new modes of embellishment are employed, that Nature seems to have made them the objects of her peculiar care, and designed them, as has been remarked by the learned and pious Ray, for the adornment of the universe, and to form de¬ lightful objects for the contemplation of man, bear¬ ing conspicuous marks of the hand of a Divine Art¬ ist. * The habits of these insects are well fitted to con¬ firm the preference we assign to their beauty. Un¬ like many others of this class, which delight to riot among substances most offensive to our senses, or • Usus Papilionum—ad ornatum universi, et ut homi- nibus spectaculo sint ; ad rura illustranda velut tot brat- teas inservientes. Quis enim eximiam earum pufchritudi- nem et varietatem contemplans mira voluptate non afficia- tur ? Quis tot colorum et scbematum elegantias naturae sius d ivinae artis vestigia eis im pressa non agnoscat et mi- retur ?—Raii, Hist. Insect. 109. INTRODUCTION. 53 «rliich destroy the property and lives of their less powerful companions, butterflies derive their suste¬ nance from the nectareous juices and secretions of fruits and flowers. Instead of grovelling on the " dungy earth," they are generally seen either sport¬ ing in the air, or resting on the disk of some expanded flower, and all their habits are such as beseem " pure creatures of the element." They are seldom noticed but in fine weather, and never in profusion but when the season is in its highest bloom, and their appear¬ ance thus becomes associated in our minds with the chai'ms of external nature, and is connected with those images of life and beauty which give rise to many of the genial influences of summer. Several species also contrive to outlive the winter, although their frail forms seem but ill adapted to resist the rigours of that inclement season, and issuing from their retreats in the first warm days of spring, are among the earliest and not least interesting heralds of the " purple year These circumstances, to¬ gether with tlie very striking manner in which they exhibit the phenomena of transformation, have long rendered them general favourites, and caused their history to be investigated with gi-eater attention than " In the sunny clime of Italy, where it may be said that nature never dies, and probably also in other southern countries of Europe, most of the species which with us re¬ tire on the approach of winter into the erevices of walls, and other sheltered situations, are seen upon the wing throughout even the colder months—at least we know that it is so with Van. cardai. Atalanta, and a few others. 54 IXTHOÜÜCTIOX. has been bestowed on insects of a less conspicuous and attractive kind. The diurnal Lepidoptera are very numerous in species, although but a limited number inhabit this country. Between 2000 and 3000 have been de¬ scribed, and it is probable that no inconsiderable number yet remain undiscovered. About 75 diffe¬ rent species are recorded as indigenous to Britain. A great proportion of the largest and most highly or¬ namented kinds are natives of the new world, espe¬ cially of Brazil ; but they abound in all tropical countries, and some of these exotics present the most sumptuous examples of insect beauty. " I should undertake an endless task," say Messrs Kir- by and Spence, or one or other of these authors, " did I attempt to specify all the modes of marking, clouding, and spotting, that variegate a wing, and all the shades of colour that paint it, among the lepi- dopterous tribes ; I shall therefore confine myself to a few of the principal, especially those that dis¬ tinguish particular tribes and families. Of whole coloured wings, I know none that dazzle the eye of the beholder so much as the upper surface of those of Morpho Menelaus and Telemachus. Linné just¬ ly observes, that there is scarcely any thing in na¬ ture that, for brightness and splendour, can be paral¬ leled with this colour ; it is a kind of rich ultra¬ marine, that vies with the deepest and purest azure of the sky ; and, what must cause a striking con¬ trast in flight, the prone surface of the wings is as INTRODUCTION. 55 dull and dark as the supine is brilliant, so that one can conceive this animal to appear like a planet in full radiance, and under eclipse, as its wings open and shut in the blaze of a tropical sun. Another butterfly (Papilio Ulysses), by its radiating ceru¬ lean disk, surrounded on every side by a margin in¬ tensely black, gives the idea of light firet emerging from primeval obscurity : it was probably this idea of light shining in darkness, that induced Linné to give it the name of the wisest of the Greeks in a dark and barbarous age. I know no insect upon which the sight rests with such untired pleasure as upon the lovely butterfly that bears the name of the unhappy Trojan king f P. Priamus) s the contrast of the rich green and black of the velvet of its wings with each other, and with the orange of its abdomen, is beyond expression regal and magnificent." * Although our British butterflies can in no way compete with the magnificent examples just referred to, we yet possess many of great beauty, whether as regards the brilliancy of their colour, or the har¬ monious manner in which these colours are distri¬ buted. The bluish-purple reflection that plays on the wings of the Emperor of the Woods, has a rich¬ ness and brilliancy of tint, which is not often sur¬ passed. The prevailing hue among the Lycœnce, is fulgid copper colour, of a high degree of resplenden¬ cy ; and the Polyommati, which are so abundant in our pastures, are remarkable for exhibiting, in great variety of shade, the most delicate and beautiful tints * Introduction to Entomology, iii. p. 651. PLATE 1- INTRODUCTION. 57 scales on both sides of the wings. When they are rubbed ofiF, the wing is found to consist of an elastic membrane, thin and transparent, and marked with slightly indented lines, forming a kind of groove for the insertion of the scales. The latter are so mi¬ nute that they appear to the naked eye like powder or dust, and as they are very closely placed, their numbers on a single insect are astonishingly great. Leeuwenhoek counted upwards of 400,000 on the wings of the silk moth, an insect not above one- fourth of the size of some of our native butterdies. But how much inferior must this number be to that necessary to form a covering to some foreign butter¬ flies, the wings of which expand upwards of half a foot; or certain species of Moths, some of which (such as the Atlas Moth of the east, or the Great Owl Moth of Brazil), sometimes measure nearly a foot across the wings ! A modern mosaic picture may contain 870 tesserulse, or separate pieces, in one square inch of surface; but the same extent of a hutteifly's wing sometimes consists of no fewer than 100,736 ! In common with several other extensive races of insects, butterflies derive their nourishment entirely from liquid substances, and the structure of the mouth is consequently very different from that of the masticating kinds. They are hence classed among the haustellated or suctorial tribes of insects. The most conspicuous and elaborately constructed organ, is the long flexible tube projecting from the mouth, 58 INTRODUCTION. which forms a canal through which the ailmentary juices are absorbed. This instrument, which is some¬ times of great length, is spirally convoluted when unemployed, but it can he unrolled with great ra¬ pidity, and is admirably fitted to explore the tubular corollas and deep-seated nectaries of flowers, for the purpose of extracting their sweet secretions. It is of a cartilaginous substance, and owes its great flexi¬ bility to its being composed of numerous rings or transverse fibres, bearing some resemblance to the annulose structure of earth-worms and some other animals. It is formed of two distinct pieces, which admit of being separated throughout their whole length. Each of these pieces is traversed longitu¬ dinally by a cylindrical tube, and being grooved on their inner side, they form when united another ca¬ nal in the centre, of a somewhat square form, and wider than either of the two lateral ones. The junc¬ tion of the two parts is so close that the enclosed tube is perfectly air-tight ; and this union is effected by means of an infinite number of filets, resembling the laminœ of a feather, which interlace and adhere to each other. Of these three tubes, the central one alone serves for the influx of the alimentary fluids, the two lateral ones being probably employed in transmitting air in aid of respiration, which, how¬ ever, is mainly carried on by means of stigmata or lateral pores. The outer extremity of the proboscis is frequently beset with many membranous papillse, resembling leaflets, which have been regarded by INTRODUCTION. 59 some authors as absorbents. From having observed them chiefly in long and slender trunks, Reaumur was led to conceive, that their only use is to render that organ more steady, by affording numerous points of support, and adhering in some degree to the sub¬ stances into which it is inserted ; — an explanation rendered highly probable by the fact, that the long and slender ovipositors of Ichneumons, and many other insects, are generally provided with some point¬ ed projections near the tip, evidently intended for this purpose.—Several of the figures on Plate I. are designed to illustrate the structure of the organ just described. Fig. 9, is a magnified view of the trunk, showing its general form, and the projecting points near the tip (a). Fig. 10, is a highly magnified sec¬ tion, exhibiting the two portions (a, b) of which it is composed, each of them tubular (d, d), and forming by their junction a central canal (e). Fig. 11, is another section, representing the under side. The two portions of which the proboscis is com¬ posed, seem to be analogous to the maxillte or un¬ der jaws of the mandibulated tribes, and to receive their great development at the expense of the other oral appendages, most of which are small and incon¬ spicuous. This is not the case, however, with the labial palpi, which ai'e generally of considerable size, and curved upwards in such a manner as to form two projecting points in front of the head. These or¬ gans are covered with hair-like scales, are usually of a somewhat conical shape, and consist, for the most part, of three articulations. (See Fl. 1. fig. 12 a 60 IN'TKODUCTION. They are attached to a triangular plate, which must be regarded as the labium or under lip, as it closes the ca- v;ty of the mouth, immediately below the insertion of the trunk. On each side of the latter, not far from the base, there is a minute tuberculiform projection, formed of two or three indistinct joints, which together seem to represent the maxillary palpi. The representative of the labrum or upper lip, is a minute membranous piece, usually approaching to a triangular shape ; and two other small projections, more or less ciliated in¬ ternally, and placed one on each side of the probos¬ cis at the base, are analogous to the mandibles of gnawing insects. Most of these parts, however, ex¬ ist in a very rudimentary condition, and afford an¬ other example, in addition to many already familiar to us, of nature adhering to a particular form of struc¬ ture, after it has ceased to be subservient to any es¬ sential function ; for, if some of these parts are de¬ signed for the same purpose which they serve so ef¬ fectively when fully developed, it is not easy to see how they could be employed by the insect, or in any way prove serviceable to its economy. Both the different kinds of eyes which occur among insects, are to be found in the diurnal Lepidoptera. The ordinary, or compound eyes, are large and he¬ mispherical, occupying greater part of the head, and no fewer than 17,325 lenses have been counted in one of them. As each of these crystalline lenses possesses all the properties of a perfect eye, some butterflies may therefore be said, if M. Puget's ob¬ servations are correct, to have no fewer than 34,660, INTRODUCTION. 61 The stemmatic, or simple eyes, in the form of pel¬ lucid spots, are usually two in number, and placed on the crown of the head. They are probably of¬ ten awanting, and, when present, are so indistinct, from being covered by the hairs and scales that clothe the surface, that their existence in any case among the diurnal Lepidoptera has been sometimes denied. The antennae are of moderate length, and consist of a great number of joints, which usually increase in thickness towards the extremity, where they form a club or knob. (PI. I. fig. 12, b). They are greatly more uniform in appearance and structure than in the coleopterous or most other tribes, or in the nocturnal species of the same order, which often have them beau¬ tifully branched, and plumose. The shape of the ter¬ minal knob, however, varies considerably, and as its diflPerent forms afiford useful characters for distin¬ guishing genera, they will be afterwards particularly indicated. The thorax—that portion of the body interme¬ diate between the head and abdomen — is composed of three segments, so closely united as apparently to form a single piece. Its most ordinary form ap¬ proaches to cubical, any apparent deviation from that shape being chiefly caused by the greater length and density of the hairs and scales with which it is co¬ vered. Befoie the insertion of the upper wings, two corneous scales may be observed, covered with tufts of hairs, so as to make them resemble an epau¬ let : these have received the name of patagia, or 62 IXTRODUCTION. tippets. The scutellum—a triangular piece in the hinder part of the thorax, which is very conspicuous in beetles and many other tribes — likewise exists in butterflies, but it is very minute, and has its point directed forwards. The thorax is always shorter than the abdomen, and generally more robust, as it supports all the organs of motion, and contains the muscles by which the latter are actuated. These important appendages are of course the wings and legs, of which it is necessary to give some account. The latter, as in all other genuine insects, are six in number, and composed of the same amount of pieces as in most of the class. They are inserted pretty close to each other, without any inequality in the size of the intervening spaces. The thigh is of¬ ten fringed with long hairs, and the tibia is frequent¬ ly armed with a spur near the middle, and two others at the tip. Tbe tarsi in all the perfect legs are five- jointed, and furnished with two claws at the extre¬ mity, which are often bifid. (PI. I. fig. 13.) Many of these insects, however, have the anterior pair of legs imperfect, or not adapted for walking, being too short to reach the plane of position, and usually drawn close to the sides of the thorax, the long hairs of which in a great measure conceal them from our view. These spurious legs have only one joint in the tarsus, which, in some cases (as in Vanessa, &c.), is without claws ; and the species so circumstanced are named tetrapod, or four-footed butterflies. The wings are of much greater extent, in proper- INTRODUCTION. 63 tl'on to the size of the body, than in any other tribe of insects. The forms which they assume are very various ; but the most ordinary shape of the upper pair is triangular, with the apex of the triangle to¬ wards the body, while the outline of the under wings approaches to circular, They are traversed by nume¬ rous nervures, which give a great degree of strength to the wing, and hold in tension the thin elastic membrane of which it is composed. These nervures are tubular, and are permeated by an aërial and aqueous fluid, the action of which expands the wing when in a moist and corrugated state after the in¬ sect has emerged from the pupa. The principal branches rise from the point where the wing is at¬ tached to the body, and they divide towards the other extremity into numerous ramifications. The spaces into which the wing is divided by these ner¬ vures, are denominated areolets byKirby and Spence ; and these authors regard the upper wings as divisible into three larger longitudinal sections, which they term areas. The costal area occupies the anterior margin : the anal area, a narrow space along the posterior margin ; and the intermediate area, all that part of the wing lying between the two others. The most conspicuous areolet in butteitlies is towards the centre of the wing, at the hase, and is usually closed on its outer side by transverse nervures. In many instances, however, there are no transverse nervures, and all the areolets are open towards the outer side. 64 INTRODUCTION'. With such an extent of " sail-broad vans," it is easy for butterflies to support themselves for a long time in the air ; but their mode of flight, at least in Reaumur's opinion, is generally not vei'y graceful. They seldom fly in a direct line, but advance by rising and falling alternately, in a succession of zig-zags, up and down, and from side to side. By flying in this manner, they are supposed to elude more easily the pursuit of the smaller birds, which often make them a prey. " I one day watched with pleasure," says Reaumur, " a sparrow pursuing a butterfly on the wing for a considerable time, without succeed¬ ing in catching it. The flight of the bird was not¬ withstanding much more rapid than that of the but¬ terfly, but the latter was always either above or be¬ low the point to which the bird directed its flight, and at which it expected to seize it." * Many of the species, however, differ so much from each other in their mode of flying, thât a practised eye can re¬ cognise them by this means alone. Such as are pro¬ vided with strong wings, exercise a more steady and continuous flight, nearly resembling that of a bird, ascending high into the air, and often making their way against a pretty strong cuiTent of wind. Of our British species, the White Admiral is the most celebrated for its manner of flying. " The graceful elegance displayed by this charming species," says Mr Haworth, " when sailing on the wing, is greater, " Reaumur, Mémoires pour servir à FHistoire des In¬ sectes, i. p. 203. INTBODDCTION. 65 perhaps, than can be found in any other we have in Britain. Here was an old Aurelian in London, so highly delighted at the inimitable flight of Camilla, that, Jong after he was unable to pursue her, he used to go to the woods, and sit down on a style, for the sole purpose of feasting his eyes with her fascinating evolutions !" The hinder section of the body is the abdomen, which presents nothing peculiar in its form or struc¬ ture. It consists of six or seven segments, and is attached to the posterior part of the thorax by a very small portion of its diameter. It is without any appendage at the extremity, there being nothing analogous to a sting or ovipositor among butter¬ flies. Before acquiring their perfect form, these crea¬ tures, as is well known, pass through several diffe¬ rent states of existence, in which they are distin¬ guished by organs and properties of a wholly dissi¬ milar kind. Of these a somewhat detailed account is necessary, in order to afford any thing like a com¬ plete view of their history. All these insects originate from eggs, which are carefully deposited on the leaves and other parts of plants, by the parent fly, after accomplishing which, she soon dies. These eggs are sometimes placed singly, at other times in gi'oups containing consider¬ able numbers. They are always covered by a coat¬ ing of varnish, which serves the double purpose oí E 66 INTRODUCTION. attaching them to the plant and defending them from the action of the weather. They differ essentially from the eggs of birds, as no lime enters into their composi¬ tion, and, instead of being covered with a crustaceous shell, they are merely enveloped by a thin membrane. They are also very unlike each other in different species, whether we regard them in respect to co¬ lour, form, or sculpture. Some of them are nearly orbicular or oval, others cylindrical, and not a few conical. The surface is often beautifully carved, as will be seen by the accompanying figures, which re¬ present several varieties, as they appear when highly magnified. Plate I. fig. 3, Egg of Vanessa urticœ, with several longitudinal ridges. Fig. 4, Subcorneal egg of Pontia brassicœ, with granulated longitudina. ribs, connected by elevated cross lines ; the colour bright yellow. Fig. 5, Egg of Hipparchia Tithonus. Fig. 6, Of Hipparchia Jurtina, crowned with a se¬ ries of imbricated scales. Fig. 7, Globulai" egg of Hipp. Hyperanthus, ornamented with regular rows of minute elevated points. Fig. 8, Egg of Hipp, eegeria, having the whole surface covered with hex¬ agonal meshes. After the fly has fixed her eggs on a plant, she takes no further care of them, but leaves them to be hatched by the beat of the atmosphere. This gene¬ rally takes place in the course of a few days, but the period varies according to the degree of warmth to which they are subjected, and tbe greater or less density of the shell or outer covering. Such, indeed. INTRODUCTION. 67 as are laid late in autumn, do not produce their cater¬ pillars till the ensuing spring. To facilitate the egress of the young larvae, the eggs of some species are furnished with a kind of lid at one end, which is pushed outwards by the pressure of the head. Guided by an instinct which must excite the ad¬ miration of every reflecting mind, the butterfly, how¬ ever herself regardless of such pasture, never fails to place her eggs either upon the plant which is to af¬ ford sustenance to her infant progeny, or in its im¬ mediate vicinity ; so that, upon their first exclusion, they are surrounded by their appropriate food. Up¬ on issuing from the egg, the young larvae appear as small cylindrical worms ; but their growth is ra¬ pid, and no very lengthened period elapses before they attain theb- full dimensions. It is in this state that they are termed caterpillars, a name which they probably owe to their voracious habits.* They are the most destructive of all the smaller animals to living vegetation, and their ravages are sometimes so extensive, as not only to occasion considerable loss to the gardener and agriculturist, but even to render * The origin of this word is not very obvious, but it no doubt refers to their destructive propensities. The most probable derivation is that which assigns it to the two old French words, acat, food or provisions, more recently writ¬ ten cates, as in Paradise Lost, alas ! how simple to these cates Was the crude apple that diverted Eve ! and piller, to rob or plunder, whence also we have the word pillage. PLATE 2. INTRODUCTION. 69 the thorax of the winged insect—and the others are attached to the sixth, seventh, eighth, ninth, and anal segments. The form of the anterior or thoracic legs is wholly unlike that of the others, and they seem to be the principal instruments of locomotion. They are of a horny substance, wide at the base, and gra¬ dually gi'owing narrower to the lower extremity, where they terminate in a strong claw. Each of them is divided into several segments, which corre¬ spond to the different parts that compose the leg of the future fly. (Plate II. fig. 1, represents a pair of these legs). The other legs, attached to the hinder or ab¬ dominal portion of the body, are soft and fleshy, and therefore have been called the membranous legs, or pro-legs. Their principal use is' to support the bo¬ dy, by adhering to the slender twigs and shoots which the animals frequent to procure their food. For this purpose they can be lengthened and short¬ ened at pleasure, and can even be drawn almost within the body, like the horns of a snail. Their general figure approaches to that of a truncated cone, which is terminated by a fleshy foot of a construction peculiarly fitted to cling to a smooth surface, or em¬ brace a slender twig. What may be called the sole of the foot, expands into a somewhat triangular plate, which is furnished on its inner edge with a row of small horny hooks or claws, consisting of a short and long one alternately, forming, as Reau¬ mur remarks, a kind of palisade round part of the circumference. When the disk, or central plate of 70 INTRODUCTION. the foot, is dilated, these claws are tunied outwards, and their small curved points find inequalities to which they can adhere even on a surface which might appear to the naked eye almost smooth. Several modifications of this curious prehensile foot occur among the larvm of various kinds of moths ; but of these it forms no part of our present puipose to give an account. (Plate II. fig. 2, Represents the pro- leg of the caterpillar of a butterfly, fi'om Reaumur. Fig. 3, A pair of pro-legs, shewing the manner in which they cling to a branch). The head of caterpillars is of a harder consistence than the rest of the body, and in most cases seems to be composed of two oval lobes united. In that of the Purple Highflier, these lobes are produced be¬ hind into two rather long occipital horns. (Plate III. fig. 6). The conformation of the mouth of lepidop- terous larvae in general, bears considerable resem¬ blance to that of several masticating insects in their perfect state. See Plate II. fig. 4, which represents the under side of the head of a caterpillar.) It con¬ sists of an upper lip, with a deep notch in the centre (¿) ; two strong mandibles divided at the tip into numerous sharp teeth, which cut the leaves that serve as food (c, c) ; two small and indistinct organs of a soft consistence, lying under the mandibles, which may be regarded as the maxillae ; and an un¬ der lip (d). Near the summit of the latter, which is usually of a pyramidal shape, is placed, according to Reaumur, a small conical protuberance,perforated introduction. 71 by a small hole, through which issues the silken thread which serves so many important purposes in the re¬ markable changes these creatures undergo. This organ has been named the spinneret. On each side of the under lip, and connected with it at the base, are two minute palpiform bodies (e, e), which may be regarded as the labial palpi. The efficiency of the organs just described, is well evinced by the address and rapidity with which these creatures consume the leaves which they select for their food. They invariably begin to gnaw the margin of the leaf, placing the body in such a position that a portion of the edge passes between the anterior legs, which support and keep it steady. Before ap¬ plying its mouth, the caterpillar stretches its body, and advances its head as far as possible, that it may command a larger extent of the leaf. The mandibles are moved with great rapidity, and every time they meet cut off a small piece, which is instantly swal¬ lowed. At every motion of the jaws, the head is drawn nearer the legs, and after it has been brought as far as possible, the body being contracted for the purpose, it is again extended to the point where it commenced to gnaw, and the same process repeated. In this maimer the mandibles describe a succession of arcs, and the leaf is cut in the segment of a circle, somewhat resembling the circular incision made by the leaf-cutting bees. It seems, also, that the notch in the middle of the upper lip, formerly alluded to, is of great service, as it is placed on a line with the 72 ÎKTKODCCTOON. place where the jaws unite, and serres as a gi'oove, both to give steadiness to the margin of the leaf, and to guide it in the direction most favourable for the jaws to act upon it. The only remaining organs to which it is neces¬ sary to allude, are the eyes and antennae. The former appear as small dark-coloured points, arranged in two circles, containing six each, on the anterior part of the head. These points vary in size, and seem to be of the same nature as the simple eyes of spiders, and the stemmata of various kinds of insects. The antennae, often the most conspicuous appendages of the head in perfect insects, are very minute in lepidopterous larvae, usually consisting of two or three short joints. They are almost always of a conical form, and many species have the power of drawing the joints within each other, like the tubes of a telescope, till they are wholly concealed. Many caterpillars of the day-flying Lepidoptera are smooth on the surface, or covered only with a very short matted pubescence ; but in some cases they are furnished with rigid hairs, and numerous long spines. These hairs are sometimes simple, but more commonly they have a series of small pointed pieces springing from each side, like leaves from a stem. They are seldom planted irregularly over the surface of the skin, but usually issue from a tubercle, and diverge in all directions. These tubercular ele¬ vations vary greatly in number, and are placed in a INTRODUCTION. 73 row across the middle of the segments. The spi¬ nous caterpillars indigenous to Britain are but little remarkable when compared with many exotic spe¬ cies, but we have several which afford good examples of this description of defensive armour ; such, for instance, as the very common kinds that feed on the nettle. In these, and most other instances, the spines are sufficiently strong and sharp as readily to pierce the skin of the hand. They are very often beset with hairs, and frequently divide towards the top into se¬ veral small branches. Even when so numerous as entirely to cover the body, they are not placed pro¬ miscuously, but arranged, like the tubercles formerly mentioned, in a certain order. Each segment, with the fi'equent exception of that next the head, is arm¬ ed with a transverse series, varying in number from four to eight. The accompanying figure represents a magnified section of the caterpillar of Cynthia Cardui, exhibiting the number, mode of arrangement, and structure of the spines. (Plate II. fig. 5.) These appendages, in many foreign caterpillars, are said to sting like a nettle ; and there can he no doubt, that, in all cases, they are a powerful means of defence, not only against the smaller birds, * hut even against more formidable enemies. * Few birds prey upon hairy caterpillars, although the Cuckoo which is extremely fond of the larvae of Arctia caja (called par excellence the hairy-worm) forms an exception to the rule. 74 INTRODUCTION. The history of insects, fruitful as it is in all its branches, in instances of nice adaptations and in¬ genious mechanism, presents few topics more de¬ serving of consideration than are afforded by the proceedings of these caterpillars when they change their skin, and when they prepare to enter upon that dormant state which precedes the development of the perfect fly. The proximate cause of the moulting or change of skin, is the internal growth of the body, which thus becomes too bulky for the envelope in which it is enclosed. The latter can scarcely be said to grow, but is merely capable of being dilated to a certain point, after which it offers so much re¬ sistance to the expansion of the enclosed animal, that it becomes necessary to throw it off entirely. It must be evident, however, that it is no easy task to withdraw the body from a shell in which every separate limb and articulation is closely encased, without any assistance being derived from without. This, however, the animal accomplishes so adroitly, that the cast-off skin appears almost entire, and even retains all the spines and other appendages with which it may have been furnished. The operation, which seems to be a painful one, and even at times attended with fatal consequences, is thus described by Reaumur :— A day or two before the critical moment arrives, the caterpillars cease to eat, and become very inac¬ tive, usually remaining stationary on a single spot. They select some place where they may be in greater INTRODUCTION. 75 security, and seldom leave it even though disturbed. Although weak and languid, they are continually giving various movements to the body, but without shifting their station. The back is sometimes bent outwards, and soon after resumes its natural position, and the head is elevated, and speedily drawn down again. At other times, the anterior part of the body makes two or three very rapid vibrations to the right or left ; while less perceptible motions are communi¬ cated to the different rings, some of which are consi¬ derably dilated, and others contracted. The effect of these alternate swellings and contractions soon be¬ comes apparent, for the outer skin, now rendered dry and rigid, by the subtraction of the juices by which it was previously nourished, begins to split on the back of the second or third segment, and discloses a por¬ tion of the new integument. The rent being once commenced, is easily extended by the dilatation of the body, from the first to the fourth segment, and thus leaves a considerable part of the back unco¬ vered. This part of the body is no sooner free than it is curved upwards, a movement by which the head is disengaged from its old envelope, and raised through the fissure. The head is then reclined on the case that formerly contained it, and nothing re¬ mains but to withdraw the hinder part of the body, ivhich is done by contracting the segments, and drawing them towards the head till they reach the opening. All these operations, apparently so laborious, are 76 INTRODUCTION. ar.coniplished iíi a very short time. As if exhausted by its efibrts, the caterpillar continues for a while in a state of inactivity, till the moisture evaporate from its akin, and the newly exposed parts become suffi¬ ciently consolidated. The colours which, before moulting, were pale and indistinct, soon become bright and well defined, and are often distributed in a manner diflferent from those which adorned the rejected covering. Its strength and activity are soon restored, and the renovated animal, Nunc posltis nevus exuviis, nitidusque juventa, returns to its wonted occupation with even greater voracity than before. These changes take place at least three difiFerent times before the caterpillar attains its full maturity ; and in many instances, it is probable that there are not fewer than five or six moults. After continuing in their reptile form for a longer or shorter period, according to the species, they prepare to enter upon a new state of existence, distinguished by attributes very dissimilar to those they previously possessed. This important and singular metamorphosis, by which a long cylindrical worm, possessing all the necessary organs of motion and nutrition, and em¬ ploying these with the utmost activity, is converted into an inert mass, without external organs, and in¬ capable of locomotion, or of receiving food, is pre¬ ceded by some preparations similar to those that at¬ tend a change of skin. As if foreseeing its ap- INTRODUCTION. 77 preaching incapacity either to defend itself or to flee from danger, the caterpillar, having now completed its full growth, generally abandons the plant on which it fed, and seeks a secure retreat, or some fixed and stable object to which it may adhere. It is in consequence of this precaution that we so of¬ ten find chrysalides in the holes of old buildings, in the fissures of timber, &c. or attached to walls, posts, and trees, as the latter afford more permanent secu¬ rity than the weak and pei ishable herbaceous plants which so many caterpillars frequent during their vo¬ racious days. Having selected a proper place, the animal commences its curious proceedings, which terminate in the ejection of its skin, the evolution of the chrysalis, and the suspension of the latter by means of a cord of silk. As chrysalides are sus- pended in two diflereiit ways, either perpendicularly by the tail, or horizontally by means of a band round the middle, the proceedings of the caterpillars ne¬ cessarily vary accordingly, and it will therefore be requisite to advert successively to each. When the chrysalis is to be suspended by the tail with the head downwards, the first operation of the caterpillar is to cover a portion of the surface to which it is to attach itself with a layer of silken threads, which readily adhere in consequence of their viscosity. £ach successive layer covers a smaller space than that which preceded it, so that they form, when completed, a little hillock of silk, approaching to the figure of a reversed cone. Into 78 INTRODUCTION. this the animal pushes its hinder pair of pro-legs, which immediately get entangled among the threads by the small hooks which project from a part of the outer edge of the foot. (Plate II. fig. 2.) The ante¬ rior part of the body is then permitted to fall down, and it therefore hangs in a vertical position, with the head lowest. Soon after, it begins to hend the head upwards, in such a manner that the convexity of the curve is formed by the back : it retains this position for a considerable time, then allows the head to fall down, and again bends itself, always taking care to do so in one direction. After this process has been continued for some time, occasionally not less than twenty-four hours, and in one instance mentioned by Reaumur, it lasted for two whole days, the skin rends in the back, and a portion of the chrysalis projects from the opening. The latter is gradually enlareed by the pressure and swelling of the chrysalis, which acts as a wedge, both in splitting the skin and in pushing it upwards to the tail. By alternate contrac¬ tions and expansions, the head, or lower portion of the chrysalis, becomes wholly disengaged ; and the skin of the caterpillar, now dry and shrivelled, is pressed toge¬ ther into a small bundle which surrounds the tail of the chrysalis. This, however, is still the only means of support, and the difficult task which yet remains for the chrysalis to perform, is to extricate itself from the skin, and suspend itself to the silken mooring, which is now considerably above it. In order to accomplish this, which seems to require an effort beyond the introduction. 79 pow«r of a creature unprovided with ai'ms or legs, it seizes on a portion of the skin between two seg¬ ments, holding it as with a pair of pincers, and thus supports itself till it withdraw the tail from its sheath. It then elongates the rings of its tail as much as possible, and seizes a higher portion of the skin, repeating the same manœuvi'e till the extremity touch the hillock of silk, to which it immediately ad¬ heres by means of a number of hooks with which it is provided for the purpose. " These operations of withdrawing the tail from its case," says Reaumur, to whom we have been chiefly indebted for the pre¬ ceding account, " climbing up the skin, and finally attaching the extremity to the silken web, are very delicate and perilous manœuvres. It is impossible not to wonder, that an insect which executes them but once in its life, should execute them so well. We must necessarily conclude that it has been in¬ structed by a Great Master ; for he who has ren¬ dered it necessaiy for the insect to undergo this change, has likewise given it all the requisite means for accomplishing it in safety." * In order to get quit of the slough, which is still suspended by its side, the chrysalis curves its tail in such a manner as partly to embrace it, and then, by whii'ling rapidly round, sometimes not fewer than twenty times, and jerking suddenly against it, it generally succeeds in disengaging it fi-om its fastenings, and throws it to the ground. * ßeaumur, vol. i. p. 4:13, 424. 80 IVTRODCCTION. VVhen the chrysalis is to be suspended horizon¬ tally, or in an inclined position, the caterpillar com¬ mences, as before, by fixing its hinder pro-legs to a button of silk spun for the purpose. But as some additional support is necessary in this case, it pre¬ pares a band of the same material for encircling its body near the middle. DiflFerent methods are prac¬ tised by caterpillars for fixing this cincture. The most simple, and least liable to accidents, is that adopted by the larva of the common Cabbage But¬ terfly, and other allied species. Availing themselves of the great flexibility of their bodies, they bend the head backwards to the point where the girdle is to ')e placed, and, after fixing the threads on one side, carry them over to the other, • merely by turning the head in the opposite direction. Other caterpil¬ lars, of which that of the Swallow-tail (P. Machaon, Pi. III. fig. I.) may serve as an example, spin their suspensory band, and fasten it at each end, allowing it to hang down in a loop, into which they insinuate their bodies after it is completed. But the threads not being agglutinated, or twisted into a compact cord, the creature could scarcely avoid being entangled among them in its passage, but for the dexterous use it makes of its fore-legs, which it employs to keep the band extended and in a proper position. Some time after the caterpillar has been thus at¬ tached to the under side of a branch, or some other object, the skin is cast nearly in the same manner as formerly described, being ruptured on the back INTRODUCTION. 81 by the contortions and annular contractions of the animal, while the band is too loosely girt to form any material hinderance to its being slipped down¬ wards to the tail, vvhere it is ultimately thrown off altogether. When the chrysalis is first disclosed it is soft and tender, and covered with a viscid transparent liquor, through which many portions of the future butterfly may be pretty distinctly discerned. As this liquor dries, it acquires the consistency of an opaque mem¬ brane, wbich envelopes all the parts, binding them more firmly together, and forming a protection from the weather. It so closely encases the different limbs and organs, that the disposition of many of them can be traced by the ridges and other promi¬ nences they form on the surface. This will be seen by the accompanying figures of the chiysalis of the larger Tortoise-shell Butterfly ( V. polychloros J, which may likewise serve to exemplify the general appearance of the diurnal Lepidoptera in their pupa state. Plate II. fig. 6, represents the natural size of the chrysalis, which is one of those distinguished by a kind of mask, in which some authors have had the ingenuity to discover a striking resemblance to the human countenance. Fig. 7, a magnified view of its under side : a, a, the wing-cases (Ptero-theca, Kirby) ; be, he, the antennae; de, the trunk or sucker ; J^J", two trigonal pieces, forming the eye- caises. In consequence of their being so completely enclosed by this rigid integument, Linné termed these F 82 INTRODUCTION. pupee obtected. In this state, they are of course in¬ capable of moving from the place to which they are 6xecl, and indeed of making a movement of any kind, save twisting the abdomen to one side, which they geneitilly do when disturbed. Scai'cely any other symptom of animation is perceptible, but during the continuance of this apparent torpor some important changes are taking place internally. The milky fluid which at first filled nearly the whole of the interior, is gradually absorbed and assimilated by the growing embryo, while the watery portions pass ofF by eva¬ poration. In this way the germ of the future fly is enlarged and matured, till it ultimately fill the whole cavity of the puparium or pupa-case. The process of respiration is likewise carried on, though to all appearance in a very languid manner, through the medium of a series of spiracles or air-holes placed on the sides of the abdominal segments. The greater number of butterfly chrysalides are of an angular figure, wide and obtuse at the head, and tapering to the tail in the form of a cone. Besides having various angular projections on diffe¬ rent parts of the surface, the head terminates in a conical projection, which is very frequently double. In a pretty extensive group, however, (comprising the genera Thecla, Lycœna, &c.) the chrysalides are without any protuberance, and of a conical shape, the anterior extremity being simply rounded. The prevailing colour is brown, often inclining to black ; but, in some instances, they are adorned with very INTRODUCTION. agreeable bues. Those of the Swallow-tail and Purple Emperor are of a fine green, resembling their respective caterpillars : the ground colour of that of the common Cabbage Butterfly is greenish-yellow, marked with small black points, somewhat arranged in lines ; while that of the Black-veined White (Plate III. fig. 4.) is yellow, streaked and spotted with black. But many chrysalides are decorated in a more sumptuous manner, some of them appearing entirely covered, and others spotted with golden- yellow of the highest metallic lustre. It is this co¬ lour which caused the Greek name Chrysalis, and the Latin one Aurelia, to be applied to the kinds so distinguished, although these terms are now used indiscriminately in relation to the whole. Among British chrysalides, the kinds that exhibit most of this metallic brilliancy, are those that produce flies belonging to the genera Argynnis and Vanessa. Tiiat it is not a superficial application, is proved by its disappearing as soon as the enclosed fly escapes. The observations of Reaumur have shewn that it i« owing to the transparency of the outer skin, which is of a yellow colour, and gives a golden tinge to a shining white membrane lying immediately be¬ neath it. A similar effect is sometimes produced by artificial means. The duration of the pupa state varies greatly in different species, and even in the same species, ac¬ cording to circumstances. Thus, the chrysalis of the Swallow-tail Butterfly f P. Machaon J, when the 84 INTRODUCTION. caterpillar enters upon that state in July, produces the butterfly in thirteen days ; but when the chry¬ salis is formed in the end of autumn, the perfect in¬ sect is not evolved till the succeeding June. Such variations were conjectured by Reaumur to depend on the temperature to which the chrysalides are ex¬ posed ; and he proved this to be the fact by a series of very simple and conclusive experiments. By placing a variety of chrysalides in an atmosphere artificially heated, he succeeded in bringing out several broods of butterflies in the very middle of winter, which, if left to natural influences, would not have appeared till the ensuing summer. He found that when the temperature was rather high, the chrysalides made as much progress to maturity in five or six days as they would have done in ordinary circumstances in an equal number of weeks. Having thus proved the influence of heat in hastening the exclusion of these insects, he next tried the effect of cold in re¬ tarding it ; and the result was equally satisfactory. He preserved several pupte ft'om heat, by keeping them during summer in an icehouse, in consequence of which the butterflies were not disclosed till a year after their ordinary and natural time. * When the butterfly is fully matured, it extiicates itself from the puparium, by bursting that portion of it which covers the thorax, an operation which is ea¬ sily accomplished, as the membrane has by that time become weak and friable. On its first exclusion, it • Reaumur, ii. 10. INTRODt'CTIOK. 85 is feeble and languid, and usually fixes itself on the exuviae from which it has just emerged, or on some neighhouring object, till it acquire some degree of strength. All the parts Me soft at first, and covered with moisture, but this speedily evaporates, the or¬ gans become firm, and every symptom of debility soon disappears. In this process, the development of the wings is not the least interesting object. Hi¬ therto compressed within a very narrow space, they at first appear as small crumpled packets, affording no indication of the extension and beauty which they ultimately acquire. But their folds and corrugations soon begin to give way to the pressure of the ner¬ vures, which are tubular vessels ramifying through the whole extent of the wing, and which are them¬ selves excited and dilated by having an aqueous fluid impelled into them from the trunk of the insect. As the nervures diverge, the inteijacent spaces gra¬ dually become tense, the animal assisting greatly in extricating the folds, hy frequently shaking its wings with a tremulous motion. The spots and other markings are by degrees unfolded, and after the ex¬ panded wings have been for a short time exposed to the sun, the new-born fly launches into the air with as much apparent ease and confidence as if it had been long familiar with such an exercise. The appearance of these creatures in their various states of caterpillar, pupa, and butterfly, is so strik¬ ingly dissimilar, that it was long a general belief that they underwent, at each successive stage, a complete 86 INTRODUCTION. transmutation, or change from one being to another Such an opinion presented no difficulties to those who, like Virgil, imagined that a swarm of honey¬ bees might be generated from a piece of putrid flesh ; or, like Kircher, that a crop of sei-pents might be reared from cut pieces of snakes, roasted, and sown in an " oleaginous soil and may even now seem not untenable by such as believe that a horse-hair placed in the water of a spring, will, in process of lime, be transformed into a hair-worm, or young eel ! The accurate investigations of Malpighi and Swammerdam were the first to show this subject in its true light, by demonstrating in what the trans¬ formations of butterflies essentially consist. By the dissection of caterpillars — an operation which they performed with astonishing skill and delicacy—they were able to discover the parts of the future butter¬ fly folded up within the body, in the same manner as an embryo flower may be detected in the interior of an unexpanded bud. " It is clearly and distinct¬ ly seen," says Swammerdam, " that within the skin of the caterpillar a perfect and real butterfly is hid¬ den, and therefore the skin of the caterpillar must he considered only as an outer garment, containing in it parts belonging to the nature of a butterfly, which have gi'own under its defence by slow degrees, in like manner as other sensitive bodies increase by accretion." * In every caterpillar, therefore, there exists, from the earliest period of its life, the germ • Book of Nature, ii. 26. rXTRODUCTlON. 87 of the future fly, which is gradually developed by the accretion of new matter; and its various enve¬ lopes are thrown oiF as they successively become su¬ perficial, till it is fully matured and perfected. When in the state of pupa, the embryo having then advanced another stage towards completion, the parts of the perfect insect are even more easily discerned than in the previous condition; and for some time.before the final change they may even be perceived through the membrane in which they are enclosed. Even when viewed in this light, as a series of de¬ velopments without any absolute change of identity, the metamorphoses of these creatures are sufficiently wonderful to be ranked among the most remarkable and interesting natural operations with which we are acquainted. So striking did they appear to the an¬ cients, that they regarded the butterfly as aflbrding a most lively and beautiful emblem of the soul ; and according to this idea, the Greeks often used the word Psyche, which properly means the human soul, to signify also a butterfly. With greatly more ac¬ curate notions of the real nature of these transfor¬ mations, few modern writers on the subject have failed to notice and dilate upon the general symbo¬ lical analogy which subsists between tbem and the changes which the human body is destined to un¬ dergo. The caterpillar—chiefly occupied in pro¬ viding for its bodily wants and appetites — is regard¬ ed as representing the ordinary condition of human life ; the chrysalis the intermediate state of death ; 88 INTRODUCTION'. and the perfect animal, the renovated body when- it rises from the tomb to enter upon a more exalted state of existence. " But although the analogy be¬ tween the different states of insects and those of the body of man is only general, yet it is much more com¬ plete with respect to his soul. He first appears in this frail body, a chiltTof the earth, a crawling worm, his soul being in a course of training and prepara¬ tion for a more perfect and glorious existence. When it has finished this course, it casts off this vile body, and goes into a hidden state of being in Hades, where it rests from its works, and is prepared for its final consummation. The time for this being ar¬ rived, it comes forth with a glorious body, not like its former, though germinating from it ; for thougb " it was sown an animal body, it shall be raised a spiritual body," endowed with augmented powers, faculties, and privileges, commensurate to its new and happy state. And here the parallel holds per¬ fectly true between the insect and the man. The butterfly, the representative of the soul, is prepared in the larva for its future state of glory ; and if it be not destroyed by the ichneumons, and other ene¬ mies to which it is exposed, symbolical of the vices that destroy the spiritual life of the soul, it will come to its state of repose in the pupa, which is its Hades ; and at length, when it assumes the imago, break forth with new powers and beauty to its final glory and reign of love. So that in this view of the sub¬ ject, well might the Italian poet exclaim, INTRODUCTION. 89 Non v' accorgete voi, che noi siam' vermi Nati a formar 1' angelica farfalla ?" " Lepidopterous insects, like most others of their class, are liable to be attacked by various parasitical assailants, which effect a lodgment in the interior of their bodies, the substance of which they speedily consume, and thereby destroy them in great num¬ bers. In none of their different stages are they ex¬ empt fi-om these attacks, excepting perhaps in their winged state ; but they are particularly exposed to them when caterpillars. The parasites are hyme- nopterous flies belonging to the genus Ichneumon of Lirmaeus ; and perhaps the most destructive are those minute kinds which compose the modern generic group named Microgaster. As an example of the latter, we have represented the species which de¬ stroys the caterpillar of the common Cabbage But¬ terfly : it is the Ichneumon glomeratus of Linn. (Plate II. fig. 8, greatly magnified.) The size is very diminutive, the largest specimen seldom ex¬ ceeding two lines in length. The general colour of the body is deep black, and the legs reddish-yellow. The wings are somewhat longer than the body, and pubescent, each of the upper pair having a triangular black spot near the middle of the anterior margin (the stigma), three discoidal cells, and a triangular areolet, rather imperfectly formed. The abdomen is furnished with an ovipositor, consisting of two flat valves, and a curved horny sheath, terminating in a point. The * Introd. to Entomology, i. p. 70'. 90 INTRODUCTION. use of this instrument is to pierce the skin of the caterpillar, and to form a conduit for conveying the eggs into the hole thus prepared for their reception. When the fly has selected a caterpillar fitted for her purpose, she alights upon its back, and plunges her weapon into its body, chiefly at the incisures of the segments, depositing an egg at every insertion. This operation is repeated till no fewer than thirty or forty eggs are sometimes laid in the body of a single ca¬ terpillar. These are soon hatched in their singular nidus, and the grubs which they produce imme¬ diately begin to feed on the substance of the living animal. They do not, however, devour every part indiscriminately, but are taught by a wonderful in¬ stinct to abstain from injuring any vital organ, as if aware that their own existence depended upon that of their unwilling foster-parent. In consequence of this, the caterpillars survive for a considerable time, and sometimes retain sufficient strength to assume the pupa state, in which, however, they invariably perish. But most frequently the gi'ubs arrive at maturity before that change takes place, and in that case they escape from the body of the caterpillar by gnawing a passage through its sides. Having in this way effected their liberation, they an-ange them¬ selves round the sides of the caterpillar, which is now so exhausted that it soon dies, and spin cocoons of a fine yellow colour, in which they ai-e transformed into pup». When the perfect fly is ready to emerge, it pushes open a small lid at one end of the cocoon, INTRODUCTION*. 91 and after it has been for a short time exposed to the air, it is ready for flight. Other minute ichneumons deposit their ofFspring in the eggs, or in the pupa of butterflies, and such numbers are destroyed in this way, that it is evident¬ ly one of the means employed by Providence to keep within due limits a tribe of creatures which, if left to propagate without restriction, would occasion in¬ calculable mischief, by destroying almost every kind of vegetable produce. Having thus attempted to sketch the general his¬ tory of Butterflies, a subject of sufficient extent to admit of much further detail, we now proceed to de¬ scribe the species which have been ascertained to inhabit Britain, reserving such additional historical notices as may be necessary for the full elucidation of the subject, till we come to treat of the genera and species to which they respectively refer. 92 Lo ! the bright train their radiant wings unfold. With silver fringed, and freckled o*er with gold. On the gay bosom of some fragrant flower, They idly fluttering live their little hour, Their life all pleasure, and their task all play. All spring their age, and sunshine all their day. Barbauld. Genus PAPILIO. The word Pafilio was used by Linnaeus in the comprehensive sense which he was accustomed to attach to such terms, to designate generically all the diurnal Lepidoptera. As the amount of known species increased, and their structural differences were more carefully noted, they were arranged in numerous generic groups, both for the purpose of affording a more accurate view of their affinities, and facilitating the identification of species. The origi¬ nal term thus became greatly restricted in its appli¬ cation, and is now confined to such butterflies as present the following characters : — Antennae rather long, with a slightly curved club, which is not com¬ pressed, and of an ovate form, terminating in a point : palpi short, not projecting beyond the head, the third or terminal joint minute and indistinct : legs all formed for walking, the hinder tibiae with two small PAPILIO. 93 spines at the apex, and the claws undivided : hinder wings scolloped, and furnished with a long narrow projecting lobe like a tail ; their interior edge con¬ cave or grooved, to receive the abdomen. The ca¬ terpillars are smooth and naked, and often ornament¬ ed with very beautiful colours. They have the power of protruding from the neck a soft fleshy horn, whicii divides near the middle into two branches, like the letter Y. This appendage might be supposed to serve the same end as the horns of the snail, to which it bears much resemblance, but, unlike that animal, the caterpillars are said to push it forth only when alarmed, and it has therefore been regarded as a means of defence, the more especially since it dif¬ fuses a penetrating and disagreeable odour. The caterpillar of P. Machaon, with the horns exserted, is represented on Plate III. fig. 1. The chrysalis is angular, and fixed by a silken band round the middle. These insects composed the section which Lin- naäus distinguished by the name of Equités. Nearly 200 species have been described, many of which are the largest papilionaceous insects known, and re¬ markable for the variety and richness of their colours. They abound in the tropical regions of both hemi¬ spheres, but occur very sparingly in temperate cli¬ mates. Besides the two which we have figured, only one other species is known to inhabit Europe, viz. P. Alexanor, which, though observed of late years more frequently than formerly, is still extremely rare. 94 swallow-tail butterfly. Papilio Machaon, plate iv. fig. 1. Hun. Donovan, \i. 75, pi. 211.—Lewings Injects oj fijcat Britain, pi. 34. This elesjant insect is the largest of our indige¬ nous butterflies, the female being sometimes found to measure upwards of three inches and a half be¬ tween the tips of the wings. The base of the up¬ per wings is black, powdered with yellow ; a large portion of the apex is of the same colour, and adorn¬ ed with a row of eight semicircular yellow spots, pa¬ rallel with the outer margin, which is naiTowly edged with yellow : the central portion of the wings is yel¬ low, spotted with black, the latter colour forming three large patches towards the anterior margin, and running in a broad line along the nervures. The basal half of the under wings is yellow, except the inner side, which is black, and covered with yellow hairs, and the curved nervure on the under side of the discoidal cell, which is defined by a black streak : the other nervures are dusky. Beyond the yellow portion there is a broad black band, ornamented with F I.ATE 4. SWALLOW-TAIL BCTTERPLY. 95 a series of imperfectly defined blue spots, and a row of six large yellow crescents externally ; the outer edge is also yellow, interrupted with black at the nervures. On the hinder angle of each of the un¬ der wings there is a large round spot of red, streaked with light blue anteriorly, and nearly surrounded by a black ring. The under side resembles the upper, the most considerable differences being in the yellow outer border of the upper wings, and the presence of two or three faint red spots behind the discoidal cell, and another on the outer edge of the under wings. The body is black above, and clothed with yellow hairs, the latter forming a line on each side of the thorax ; the under parts are chiefly yellow. The caterpillar is not of large size compared with the perfect insect. It is smooth, of a greenish co¬ lour, with t^ incisures and a band on each seg¬ ment deep black, spotted with red; the retractile organ on the neck of the latter colour.* (Plate III. fig. 1.) It is a solitary feeder, and usually fre¬ quents umbelliferous plants, preferring fennel, and the wild carrot. It also feeds on the latter plant in a cultivated state, and sometimes occasions consi¬ derable injury to it in France, where the insect is very common, and hence known in certain districts by the name of Grand Carottier. The chrysalis is green, with a streak of yellow along each side, and an inegnlar row of yellow spots on the back. • For an accurate and moro detailed description, re¬ ference may be made to Ray's Hist. Insect, p. 111. 1. 96 SWALLOW-TAIL BUTTERFLV. Although somewhat local in Britain, this species seems to be pretty widely distributed throughout the southern parts of England, and has been found as far north as Beverley in Yorkshire. It probably does not extend beyond that place, as it certainly has never been observed in Scotland ; nor have we heard of its occurrence in Ireland. The fenny dis¬ tricts of Cambridgeshire produce it in considerable abundance ; it has been often found in Norfolk, and occasionally in Hampshire and Middlesex. Ray ob¬ served it both in Sussex and Essex ; and in the days of Wilkes (who has given a good representation of the caterpillar), it was rather plentiful near Westram in Kent. It is generally diffused over the continent of Europe : it occurs plentifully in Egypt and Syria; and specimens are said to have been brought to this country from the Himalayan mountains. It appears in this country about the end of May, and sometimes continues till the middle of August. 97 SCARCE SWALLOW-TAIL BUTTERFLY. Papilio Podalirius. ' PLATE IV. Fig. 2. Linn.—Donovan, iv. 1, PI. 109.—Lewin, Pl. 35. The ground colour in this conspicuous insect is yellow ; the anterior edge and outer margin of the up¬ per wings are black, and there are six transverse tapering bands of the same colour on each, the third and fifth from the base scarcely reaching the middle, and the fourth and sixth not extending to the hinder margin. The under wings are likewise marked with several parallel black streaks ; a large portion of the hinder extremity, as well as the elongated tail, are of the same colour, and there is a series of large blue crescents near the margin, which is itself edged with yellow. The anal angle of each of the hinder wings is ornamented with a red spot, bounded in front by a black crescent, and behind by an oval black spot bearing a curved streak of blue. The markings on the under side do not differ materially from those of the surface, the principal difference consisting in a reddish line between the two largest bars on the under wings. The body is yellow, black on tlie c 98 SCARCE SWALLOW-TAIL BUTTERFLY. back, and having a row of black spots on each side of the abdomen. The caterpillar is widest at the head, and tapers considerably to the hinder extremity. It is smooth, of a bright green colour, with three longitudinal white lines, and indistinct oblique white streaks, spotted with red on each side of all the segments, except that next the head and tail. It feeds chiefly on the various species of the genus Prunus, seeming to be most partial to the sloe-thorn.* Numerous notices are on record of this species having occurred in Britain, but all of them have been found, on strict investigation, to be of so unsatisfac¬ tory a nature, as to leave it in some measure doubtful whether it is really indigenous. In some instances, the preceding insect appears to have been mistaken for it ; and in others, examples have been introduced into collections as British, without that fact having been fully ascertained. Mention is first made of it by Ray, who states that he found it during his tour in Italy ; and also, if he recollected rightly [ni male memini, is the expression) in England. Berkenhout has admitted it into his Synopsis ; and it is figured by Donovan, Lewin, and others, among our native species. In a list of rare British Insects, published in 1827, there is an announcement of its having been discovered in the New Forest ; but subsequent in- * Mr Stephens, following Fabricius, says that its food con¬ sists of the different kinds of brassica ; but this statement is at variance with recent and more accurate observation. SCARCE SWALLOW TAU- BUTTERiLV. 99 quiry has thrown saspicion on the authenticity of this account. The Rer. F. W. Hope informs Mr Stephens (Illus. of Brit. Ent. 145), that he pos¬ sesses a specimen of P. Podalirius which was taken at Netley, Salop. This statement has not, as far as we know, been controverted, and seems to form the only unexceptionable authority for regarding the insect as an inhabitant of this country. It is very common in some parts of France, where it is named Le Flambe, from a supposed resemblance in the pyramidal shape of the black stripes to the form of flames. 100 BRIMSTONE BUTTERFLY. Gonepteryx Rhamni. PLATE V. Fig. 1. Pap. Rhamni, Linn.—Donovan, v. ], PI, I4S. This insect, and a few otiiers, were first formed into a distinct genus by Dr Leach, on account of the peculiar shape of the wings, which are large and an- gulated.* The antennae are rather short and robust, thickening gradually near the summit into an obtuse club : the palpi project a little beyond the head, and are compressed, the radical joint longest and curved, the terminal one minute and conical : all the legs are perfect, and alike in both sexes ; the claws bifid (PI. I. fig. 13.). Under wings grooved to re¬ ceive the abdomen. The male is entirely bright sulphur-yellow above, and the female gi-eenish-white, both sexes with a small round orange spot near the middle of each wing, those on the upper wings being smallest, and a few minute rust-coloured dots along the outer edge. The under side is paler than the upper, and the central spots rust-brown round the margin, and * Named from yovtot an angle, and -rri^vs a wing. BRIMSTONE BUTTERFLY. 101 pale in the centre. The body is black above, and clothed with fine white silky hairs ; the under pans and the legs yellow. The antennae are reddish, and the anterior part of the head and thorax are faintly tinged with rose-colour. The caterpillar is elongated and naked, of a light green colour, with numerous black scaly dots on the back, and a pale line along each side of the belly. It is said to feed on the buckthorn (Rhamnus cath- articus), and the beiTy-bearing alder {R.frángula). It changes into a short angular chrysalis with a single conical beak, which is attached by the tail, and has a loose girth round the middle. This insect is generally distributed over the southern parts of England ; it likewise occurs pretty far to the north, as it is abundant at York, and has been observed by Mr Wailes on the magnesian lime¬ stone district near Newcastle, and by Mr Wilson on the banks of Windermere. It has not, however, been noticed in Scotland, a circumstance perhaps to be attributed to the rarity of the plants from which the larvte derive their sustenance. It very often sur¬ vives the winter ; and its early appearance (some¬ times before the middle of February), together with the gay tint of its colour, and the graceful outline of its wings, render it one of the most interesting he¬ ralds of the " grata vice veris et Favonii." " The very first butterfly," says Mr Knapp, " that will aloft repair, And sport and flutter in the fields of air, 10-2 BRIMSTONE BÜTTERFLY. is the sulphur butterfly, which, iu the bright sunny mumings of March, we so often see under the warm hedge, or by the side of some sheltered copse, undu¬ lating and vibrating like the petals of a primrose in the breeze."* There are two broods, the first ap¬ pearing in May and June, the last in autumn. It occurs in great profusion in all the continental coun¬ tries of Europe, and often in company with another species so closely resembling it, that the one might readily be taken for a variety of the other. The latter is named G. Cleopatra, and presents scarcely any other distinctive mark, but a suffusion of bright orange-red on the middle of the primary wings of the male. Mr Curtis has figured, with his usual ac¬ curacy and elegance, what he regards as a variety of G. Rhamni, taken many years since in the neigh¬ bourhood of London, and possessing characters al¬ most intermediate between the two species. * Journal of a Naturalist, PS. I'LATL 3 \ Ooneptervx lüuüruii. 2. Colías etúisa Snr/Li ùjrie B CloïuÏL'd yellow B. 103 CLOUDED YELLOW BUTTERFLY. Colias Edusa. PLATE V. Fig. 2. Colias edusa, Fab.—Donovan, vii. PI. 238, Fig. 2, female, and ii. PI. 43 (C. hyale), male Pap. Electra, Lewin, Pl. 32.—Clouded yellow or Saffron B., Harris^ Aur. C. He. lice, Haworth, Jermyn, var. In the form of the antennse, oral organs, and most other parts from which generic characters are usually drawn, Colias presents no very important difference from the preceding genus. The wings, however, are of a different shape, the primary pair being tri¬ angular, and the secondary ones rounded. The spe¬ cies are not very numerous, and none of them, even of the exotic kinds, are beyond the middle size. They are remarkable for the uniformity of their tints, the ground colour being some shade of yellow, often tinged with green, and a portion of the wings more or less marked with black. This general resemblance has led to some confusion in their synonymy. The male of C. edusa is fulvous above, or pale orange- yellow ; the upper wings with a wide black border at the extremity, which is waved on its inner edge, and a rounded spot of the same colour in the middle 104 CLOUDED YELLOW BUTTERFLY. of each. The hinder wings are likewise margined with black, the ground colour slightly mixed with green, and there is on each a round discoidal spot of deep yellow. On the under side, the upper wings are pale tawny on the disk, and greenish at the ex¬ tremity, with a central black spot, and an obsolete series of blackish spots parallel with the outer edge : the under wings greenish, with a central silvery ocel¬ lus, having another small one adjoining, and a curved row of faint rust-coloured dots posteriorly. The body is yellowish-green, dusky on the back : the antennsc reddish. The female is distinguished chiefly by hav¬ ing a few yellow spots on the black marginal band of the upper wings. Examples of this sex sometimes occur, in which the parts, usually yellow, are greenish- white, a circumstance which has led some authors to describe it as distinct, imder the name of C. helice. Varieties of both sexes have been found in Britain, of a considerably smaller size and paler colour than ordinary specimens, and presenting at the same time so many other minute points of difference, that they have been figured and described as examples of the species named chrysotheme by continental naturalists.* The caterpillar is deep green, with a white line along each side of the beUy, marked with yellow spots and minute bluish dots. On the Continent it is found chiefly on the Cytisus austriacus, but as, * See Stephen's Illas, of Entom. Haustellata, vol. 1. p. 11, PI. II.*, figs. 1, 2. CLOUDED YELLOW BUTTERFLY. 105 that plant is not indigenous to Britain, it probably feeds in this country on some diadelphous herb per¬ taining to the same natural order. The butterfly occurs in the south of England in considerable plenty in particular years, while in others scarcely an ex¬ ample is to be met with. It seems to prefer the vi¬ cinity of the sea, having been found more copiously than elsewhere along the south-east coast, particu¬ larly in the neighbourhood of Dover. It is likewise seen occasionally in the midland counties. Over foreign lands C. edusa is characterised by a very ex¬ tensive range. It is well known in most portions of the continent of Europe. Mr Burchell found it in the south of Africa, and Mr Swainson has seen specimens from the mountains of Nepaul. 106 PALE CLOUDED YELLOW BUTTERFLY. Colias Hyale. PLATE VI. Fig. 1. Pap. Hyale, Linn. Donovan, vii. 238, Fig. 1.—Curtis, Brit. Ent. vi. 242 Pale Clouded Yellow, Harris' Aurel. Lewin, Pl. 33. This fine species is generally somewhat larger than the preceding, the male of a fine sulphur-yel¬ low (sometimes, however, nearly white) ; the female white, faintly tinged with sulphur. The upper wings are greyish at the base, marked with a black spot near the middle anteriorly, and having at the extre¬ mity a broad black border, which is attenuated at the hinder angle, and almost divided by a series of nearly continuous spots down the middle. The under wings have a large orange spot on the disk, with a small one attached to it ; the margin next the upper wings is dusky, and there are a few dusky spots re¬ mote from the outer edge, and nearly parallel with it. Beneath, the upper wings are whitish-yellow, suffused with orange at the tip, having a discoidal black spot with a yellow centre, and a row of small dusky marks at some distance from the outer mar- PLATE ü. 1. CoUas HyaU. '¿. Coh'/is Et/roponu. rale cloiide^jyeHow. Scar ce clondeilyellcw ß PALE CLOUDED YELLOW BUTTERFLY. 107 gin : the under wings dull orange, with a large and small silvery spot in the centre, cinctured with rust- red, and a curved row of small black spots. The fringe of the wings and the antennae are rose-red. The caterpillar is green, with two white lines on the sides, each segment marked with two irregular transverse series of black spots. (Plate III. fig. 2.) Its appropriate food is said to be the Coronilla varia, but in this country it must often content itself with other fare, and probably has recourse to dififerent kinds of diadelphous plants. The butterfly is considerably rarer than C. edusa ; and, like that species, is found chiefly on the sea-coast in the south-east corner of the island, as in Kent, Sussex, and Sufiblk. There is a pale variety, nearly pure white, of which examples of both sexes have occurred, chiefly in the vicinity of Dover. Indeed, the insect may almost be said to be a maritime fly, so rarely has it been noticed at any distance from the sea-coast. 108 SCARCE CLOUDED YELLOW BUTTERFLY. Colias Enropome. PLATE VI. Fig. 2. Stephen's Illus. ii. PI. 1 *, Figs. 1,2, and 3.—Eurymus Euro- pome ; Clouded Sulphur, Swainson's Zool. Illus. 2d ser. No. 15 Haworth, Lep. Brit. 13. No. 12. " Both sexes of this fine insect are of a fine sul¬ phureous-yellow above ; the male has the hinder mar¬ gin of both wings deeply edged with black, an ovate spot of that colour on the disk of the anterior, and an obsolete fulvous spot on that of the posterior ; the border on the latter is irregularly sinuated within : beneath the anterior wings are paler, with the tips rather deeper, the discoidal spot is whiter, with a black or dusky iris, and parallel with the hinder mar¬ gin is a very obsolete row of dusky spots ; the pos¬ terior wings are of a deeper yellow, minutely irrorated with black, with a discoidal silvery ocellus, having a ful- vescent iris, and a secondary silver spot adjacent ; they have also an obsolete row of dusky spots parallel with the hinder margin, and forming a continuous series with those of the anterior wings, and a larger some¬ what triangular fulvescent spot on the upper edge. The female differs in having the black border of the SCARCE CLOUDED YELLOW BUTTERFLY. 109 hinder margin of the anterior wings, iiTsgularly spot¬ ted with yellow, and in wanting the border to the posterior wings, having in its place some obsolete triangular dusky spots. Both sexes have the extreme edge, both above and below, and the cilia, rose-co¬ lour." Having never seen authentic specimens of this in¬ sect, we have introduced the description of the au¬ thor by whom it was first made known to the public as British. Many doubts have been expressed as to its being strictly indigenous, and perhaps the evidence which at first led to its being regarded in that light, might not unjustly be considered somewhat incon¬ clusive. But since the means of identifying the spe¬ cies became accessible to all, several announcements have been published of its having been found in England. It has been observed near Ipswich, in Suffolk, and also in Sussex. " Has been noticed in the meadows near the confluence of the Avon and Severn, flying with great swiftness, in August, but it is a rare insect." no Genus PONTIA. This genus comprehends the white butterflies, which are so common in gardens, and which are so well known for the depredations they commit in their caterpillar state, on cabbages and other ole- raceous plants. The species are by no means nu¬ merous, but they are so prolific, that even in those seasons which are most unfavourable to the increase of insects, we seldom fail to see them flitting about in every transient gleam of sunshine. Till lately our native species were not thought to exceed three, but an indefatigable naturalist, who has laboured most successfully in elucidating the entomology of Bri¬ tain, has described four others, which he regards as distinct, and which he names P. Chariclea, Metra, Napaeœ, and Bryoniœ. " It yet remains to be seen, however," says the Rev. W. T. Bree, " whether, in the judgment of entomologists in general, these early whites (as they are termed), will eventually maintain their, place as genuine and distinct species. For my¬ self, I may say that I have not been unobservant of these insects for some years past, and have more par¬ ticularly attended to them during the spring and summer of the present year ; and as far as my obser¬ vations go, they lead me to the conclusion, that P. Chariclea and Metra are mere varieties respectively QENDS PONTIA. Ill of P. Brassicœ and Rapas. P. Rapœ is avowedly a very variable insect, and being too, as well as P. Brassicœ, a most abundant species, there is conse¬ quently the more scope,—there are so many more chances—for variation to take place in the individuals. It must be admitted, indeed, that when a small and perfectly immaculate specimen of P. Metra is com¬ pared with a full sized and strongly marked one of P. Rapœ, the prima facie diflference is so wide, that any one would at once pronounce them distinct. But then, on the other hand, we find that interme¬ diate specimens occur, which, presenting every pos¬ sible shade and gradation of diflference, appear natu¬ rally to connect and identify the two extremes ; and it would be next to impossible to decide, in many instances, to which of the two these intermediate links should with more propriety be referred. The same observations apply also to the kindred species P. Napi, the earliest spring specimens of which are smaller than those of the summer brood, paler in their markings above, and sometimes also entirely destitute of them ; and this species too, like P. Brassicœ and Rapœ, is subject to endless variations. No material diflference has yet been observed in the caterpillar or chiysalis of the early whites, to distinguish them from P. Brassicœ and Rapœ ; and the distinctions in the markings, &c. pointed out by Mr Stephens in proof of their being genuine species, seem scarcely sufficient to outweigh what maybe urged on the other side."* • Loudon's Mag. of Nat. History, ill. 242. 112 GENUS PONTIA. The judiciousness of the above observations, few vviio have had an opportunity of examining the insects to which they refer will, we think, hesitate to acknow¬ ledge ; and, taken in connexion with other points of agreement subsequently pointed out, they seem to leave little doubt about the propriety of regarding the reputed new species as mere varieties. Several competent observers, however, being still inclined to consider them distinct, it may be as well in tho meanwhile to regard them in that light, till it be seen whether further investigations tend to confirm or confute this opinion. With the view of aiding such inquiries, we have described P. Chariclea, Metra, and Sabellicce, and given figures of them from cha¬ racteristic examples procured from the cabinet of the eminent naturalist by whom they were first named and described as likely to prove genuine species. The true Pontia may be known by the following characters : Antennae long and slender, terminating in a somewhat abrupt, compressed, obconic club, consisting of seven or eight joints, and grooved on one side ; palpi clothed with scales, and fringed with hairs externally, the terminal joint longer than either of the preceding; anterior wings nearly three-cor¬ nered, the apical angle not very acute ; the posterior wings rounded and not variegated beneath : legs alike in both sexes, the claws slightly forked. The chi^'- salis terminates anteriorly in a single beak, and is attached by the tail, and has a loose band round the middle. 113 COMMON CABBAGE BUTTERFLY. Pontia Brassicœ PLATE VII. Figs. 1 and 2. Pap. Brasslcae, Linn Don. xiii. 29, 446.—Lewin, Pl. 25 Large Garden White, Harris. In this well known insect the wings are white above, with a large patch of black, somewhat indented on its inner edge, on the tip of the anterior pair : the male has no other mark on the upper surface, except a black spot near the middle of the anterior edge of the secondary wings ; but the female, besides the spot just mentioned, has two others on the disk of the upper wings, and an elongated patcli at their hinder margin. On the under side, both sexes are nearly alike; the colour inclines to yellow, especially on the hinder wings, which appear as if sprinkled with black, owing to an intermixture of dark-co¬ loured scales ; the upper wings hear two conspicuous black spots on each, and there is an indistinct dusky mark on the anterior margin of the hinder pair. The fringe of the wings is yellowish, slightly waved with black. The body and antennae are white beneath, II 114 COMMON CABBAGE BUTTERFLY. and black above, tbe former clotbed with boary pu¬ bescence on tbe thorax. Males sometimes occur spotted with black on tbe upper wings, somewhat in a similar manner to the female. The caterpillar is green, having a narrow line of yellow along the back, and another on each side of the belly ; tbe body pretty thickly covered with black tubercular points, each of them with a hair in tbe centre. Besides consuming the different varieties of the common cabbage (brocoli, cauliflower, &c.), this destructive caterpillar has been often found to attack the turnip, and its voracity is so great, that these useful vegetables would often be completely destroy¬ ed, were it not for the numerous enemies which prevent its superabundant increase. Of these, the most formidable are the parasitical ichneumons, es¬ pecially the minute species formerly described,* and others allied to it. The small birds likewise destroy great numbers. " I once observed a titmouse {Pa¬ rus major)" says Haworth, "take five or six large ones to its nest in a very few minutes. In inclosed gardens, sea-gulls, with their wings cut, are of infi¬ nite service. I had one eight years, which was killed by accident, that lived entirely all the while upon the insects, slugs, and worms he found in the garden. Poultry of any sort will soon clear a small piece of ground ; but unless they are of the web-footed kind they do much mischief, by scratching the earth.' But perhaps the most effectual method would he to * Page 89. COJIMON CABBAGE BDTTERFLY. 115 destroy the parent flies when they first begin to ap¬ pear in May, before they have had time to deposit their eggs. The butterfly is first seen on the wing about the middle of Mav. but in the south of England it often appears much earlier. It occurs abundantly in all parts of Britain, and seems to be equally plentiful throughout Europe. PLATE Ö. 1 CAí¿rú:/^a.J/a/^ 2 PontitiMtU'a.Malf o PonPaSnlwllir.h'.FfinT'''. Early U7ii/r Cahha^cB. Hownrdv Wlu'fa. Dnsh' v-'ú' f ''7r/' 117 SMALL WHITE BUTTERFLY. Pontia Rap