NOTICE This document is disseminated under the sponsorship of the Department of Trans¬ portation in the interest of information exchange. The United States Government assumes no liability for its contents or use thereof. 1. Raport No. D0T/RSPA/DPB-50/79/39 2. Government Accession No. 3. Recipient's Cotolog No. 4. Title and Subtitle "A Method for Understanding and Predicting Destination Choices" 5. Report Dote December 1979 6. Performing Organizotion Code 8. Performing Organization Report No. ! 7. Author's) Peter R. Stopher, Principal Investigator 9. Performing Organizotion Noma and Address Northwestern University Transportation Center 2001 Sheridan Rd - Evanston, 111 60201 10. Work Unit No. (TRAIS) 11. Contract or Grant No. DOT - OS - 40001 13. Type of Report and Period Covered Final Report May 1974 - May 1977 12. Sponsoring Agency Nome and Address IJ. S. Department of Transportation Research and Special Programs Administration Qffiçe of University Res dashinaton. D. C. 20690 earch 14. Sponsoring Agency Code 1 DPB-50 15. Supplementary Notas Technical Monitor: Edward Weiner, P-12 The principal goal of the research reported here is to develop a proto¬ type model of destination choice from the basis of individual-choice hypo¬ theses and the application of attitudinal enquiry. The secondary goal is to determine new kinds of measures of site attractiveness for destination-choice models, substituting for conventional measures of size, such as employment or floor area. The next task of the research was to develop a data base appropriate for testing the hypotheses of the research. A variety of models were constructed from the data and subjected to a number of tests. The re¬ sulting model structure consists of three integrated components. These de¬ scribe the individual perceptions of shopping locations; the individual ratings of shipping-location attractiveness, based on relative preferences for perceived characteristics of the location; and choice of shopping loca- tion based on attractiveness ratings and accessibility. Four methods were used to describe individual perceptions: fundamental attributes, non-metric scaling, factor analysis, and discriminant analysis. Similarly, four pref¬ erence models were also tested: preference regression, first-preference logit, expectancy value, and unit weights. The choice model tested was a multinomial-logit model, applied to reported choice data. Subject to con¬ firmation by further empirical studies, it is recommended that factor analy¬ sis be used to identify perceptions, preference regression or first-prefer¬ ence logit be used to identify importance weights, and that revealed prefer¬ ence and intermediate preference models be used to identify choice behavior. The resulting models indicate that attractiveness of alternative non-gro¬ cery shopping destinations is based on quality, variety, satisfaction, and parking. Quality is the most important attractiveness aspect of shopping destination choice. 17. Key Words transportation destination choices 18. Distribution Statement I Document is available to the U. S. Public through the National Technical Information Service, Springfield, Virginia 22161 19. Security Clossif. (of this report) Uhclassified 20. Security Clossif. (of this page) Unclassified 21» No. of Pages 22. Price Form DOT F 1700.7 (8—72) Reproduction of completed poge outhorized Approxiaoto Coovoitioai I» Mouic Moosmot « yabol Wkeu Y to Ksmv Multiply by Tc tin* Syaibal • — LENGTH la inchaa •2.1 cant ima tars cm h faal 30 cant ima tara cm * yards 0.» matara m al miles 14 kilometers km AREA in» square inchaa 6.6 aquara cantimatara cm2 n1 square faat 0.09 aquara matara at2 yd» square yards 0.1 aquara matara m2 1» aquara ailaa 2.1 aquara kilomstara km2 actus 0.4 hac taras ka MASS (wuight) M ouncaa 21 grama 0 lb . pounda 0.46 kilograms bg abort (ona 0.0 tonnas i (2000 lb) VOLUME tap taaapoona 6 millilitars ml Tba# tablaapooaa 16 millilitara ml ft OS fluid ouacaa 30 millilitars ml c cupa 0.24 litsrs 1 P* pinta 0.47 litara 1 4« quarts 0.96 litars 1 «al gallons 3.a litara 1 fi» cubic faal 0.03 Cubic matara m2 yd» cubic yards 0.76 cubic matara ai» TEMPERATURE (oxact) Fahrenheit 6/9 (attar Calaiua •c temperature subtracting tamparatura METRIC CONVERSION FACTORS - *c 'I Mi ' 2 A4 (eaaciiyl. Fu» oUmn «OCI convwimtu and mturn oaiiilad uUm, mm NftS Uk. Putol. 2M. Uium oI Mamma and Umwh. Pi»cm *2.26. SO Catalog Mo. CU.iO.2a4.- Approxiaolo Coovoixiooi liaai Manic Mi Multiply by Tu fiad Symbul LENGTH mi II ima tar a 0.04 inches u cantimatara 0.4 inchaa to matera 3.3 faat ft matara 1.1 yards H kilomstara 0.6 miles ml AREA aquara cantimatara 0.16 aquara inchaa to» aquara matara 14 aquara yarda aquara kilomstara 0.4 aquara milaa ml» kKUtu 110.000 m'| 2.6 icm MASS (weight) grama 0.036 ounces M kilograms 24 pounds to tonnas (1000 kg) 1.1 short lou VOLUME millilitara 0.03 fluid ouncaa flM litars 2.1 pints m litara 1.06 quarts litara 0.26 gal Ian a ®ï cubic matara 36 cubic last tt» cubic matara 1.3 cubic yarda vd» TEMPERATURE (oxocl) Cslaius 9/6 (thon Fahranhsit tsmparatura add 32) tamparatura •P -40 Hnf- -40 •C f»< 140 «0 I ' I ' l' 'I1 f 20 U •P SI ■» ' 1 *.»' I EXECUTIVE SUMMARY The principal goal of the research reported here,is to develop a prototype model of destination choice from the basis of individual-choice hypotheses and the application of attitudinal enquiry. The secondary goal is to determine new kinds of measures of site attractiveness for destina¬ tion-choice models, substituting for conventional measures of size, such as employment or floor area. For pragmatic reasons, the research effort was limited to a study of nongrocery shopping trips. Having made this decision, a wide-ranging literature search was undertaken in a number of disciplines to determine measures of store attractiveness and to review extant models of destination choice. This literature search is described in detail in chapter 2 of the report. It produced a number of appropriate measures of site attractiveness, but failed to produce any suitable models or data sets. Because of the lack of suitable, existing data, the next task of the research was to develop a data base appropriate for testing the hypotheses of the research. After substantial pilot testing, a survey instrument was developed for drawing a choice-based sample of nongrocery shoppers and deter¬ mining various facts about the shopping trip and the individual, together with extensive data on preferences and perceptions of shopping-center attri¬ butes. Questionnaires were returned by nearly 8,000 respondents, 7,362 being sufficiently complete to permit substantial analysis. The characteristics of the sample were found to be similar, in most respects, to those that would be expected from a random sample of households in the catchment area of the shopping locations used. Two further surveys were carried out subsequently. The first was designed to collect data on the choice of travel mode for non- grocery shopping trips and the second was an extension of the original survey on preferences and perceptions, designed to permit more extensive analyses and some limited policy tests of the prototype models. Unfortunately, within the contract terms for the final year's effort, it was not possible to make full use of these later two data sets. Full details of the survey processes and the samples obtained, together with some details of the responses, are provided in chapter 3 of the report. A variety of models were constructed from the data and subjected to a number of tests. The resulting model structure consists of three integrated components. These describe the individual perceptions of shopping locations; the individual ratings of shopping-location attractiveness, based on relative preferences for perceived characteristics of the location; and choice of shopping location based on attractiveness ratings and an accessibility measure (distance). Four methods were used to describe individual percep¬ tions, these being fundamental attributes, non-metric scaling, factor analysis, and discriminant analysis. Similarly, four preference models were also tested: preference regression, first-preference logit, expectancy value, and unit weights. Finally, the choice model tested was a multinomial-logit model, applied both to historical choice data and to the observed choices of the sample. Details of these various models are provided in chapter 6 of the report. Subject to confirmation by further empirical studies, it is recommended that factor analysis be used to identify perceptions, preference regression or first-preference logit be used to identify importance weights, and that E-2 revealed preference and intermediate preference models be used to identify choice behavior. Attempts were also made to identify market segments within the population as a means to improve both the goodness of fit of the various models and the predictive power of the models. Extensive efforts were made to segment the population by socioeconomic characteristics on various measures of preference, perception, and combined preferences and perceptions. These efforts are des¬ cribed in chapter 5 of the report. It was concluded that no satisfactory segmentation of the population could be achieved within the limitations of the data, methods for segmentation, and available statistical tests for determin¬ ing the usefulness of any particular segmentation scheme. Therefore, the perception, preference, and choice models were developed on an unsegmented sample, of nongrocery shoppers. Finally, it should be noted that the resulting prototype models of choice, which were based on four compound measures of attractiveness and distance, were found to be most sensitive to measures relating to service characteristics and least sensitive to measures of the transportation system. As a result, sensitivity tests on transportation-related policy issues were found to show evidence of only limited changes in choice behavior. This finding may well be indicative of the real short-term behavior of nongrocery shoppers and is not necessarily a shortcoming of the models. ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS A substantial number of people have contributed to this project over its life. The number of these seem too great to indicate them all as co-authors, and the principal investigator, Professor Peter R. Stopher, takes primary responsibility for the final report on the project. Acknowl¬ edgements are made to all of those who have assisted in the work on this project over the three years that it took. First, we would like to acknowl¬ edge the help of Professor Peter L. Watson, who was co-principal investigator for the first year of the project. We would also like to acknowledge the assistance of Professor Richard B. Westin, who worked on much of the early material in the development of theory and methods. Several segments of the work were contributed by Professors Jean Blin and George L. Peterson, both of whom assisted considerably in the first year of the project in helping to develop the directions in which the project would go and in developing the data collection efforts. We would like to acknowledge the assistance of Professor Frank S. Koppelman and Professor John R. Hauser, who took primary responsibility for the development of the preference and perception models and the final choice models reported in the later chapters of this report. In addition to these faculty members, a number of graduate students contributed to the project quite extensively. Major contributions were provided by Joseph N. Prashker and James Clark, and also by Tom Zlatoper and Bruce Bagamery. Without the very major contributions that these four students made to the project, it could not have been completed. We would also like to acknowledge the assistance of a number of students who assisted with the data collection efforts in each of the two summers that they were carried out. The students assisting are too numerous to number. The principal direction of the project was provided by Professor Peter R. Stopher, who also takes responsibility for any omissions and errors in this final report. Many of those listed above contributed to the writing of the final report, but it has not seemed practical to identify their in¬ dividual contributions at the specific parts of the report that would be appropriate. - i - TABLE OF CONTENTS flje 1. INTRODUCTION 1 2. LITERATURE REVIEW 5 2.1 Background 5 2.2 Economie and Psychological Choice Foundations for Predicting Travel Demand 6 2.3 Destination Choice Work in Marketing 11 2.3.1 Retail Location Choice Factors 12 2.3.2 Specification Problems 15 2.3.3 Predictive Models 16 2.4 Destination Choice Work in Geography 19 2.5 Hypotheses to be Tested 20 3. DATA COLLECTION AND DESCRIPTION 23 3.1 Introduction 23 3.2 The First Destination-Choice Survey 24 3.2.1 Development of the Attribute Set 24 3.2.2 Execution of the Primary Survey 28 3.2.3 Description of the Sample 37 3.3 The Second Destination-Choice Survey 52 3.3.1 Survey Design 52 3.3.2 Characteristics of the Second-Survey Sample 55 3.4 The Mode-Choice Survey 66 3.4.1 Survey Design and Execution 4. METHODOLOGY OF THE APPROACH 75 4.1 A Marketing Approach 75 4.1.1 Perceptual Models 77 4.1.2 Preference Models 81 4.1.3 Segmentation Analysis 84 4.1.4 Choice Models 86 4.2 Multidimensional Scaling Methods 87 4.2.1 Proximities Data 88 4.2.2 Dominance Data 90 4.2.3 Profile Data 92 4.2.4 Conjoint Measurement Data 92 4.3 Multidimensional Scaling of Perceived Attractiveness 93 4.3.1 Principles of Reduction 93 4.3.2 Theory of Multidimensional Scaling 95 4.3.3 The INDSCAL Model 103 4.3.4 Identification of Dimensions 107 4.4 The Factor-Analysis Model 109 - iii Table of Contents (Continued) Page MARKET SEGMENTATION 118 5.1 Introduction 118 5.2 Methods of Grouping 118 5.2.1 Prior Classification 120 5.2.2 Search for Classification 120 5.2.3 Tests for Similarity of Groups 122 5.3 Segmentation on Perceptions 122 5.3.1 General 122 5.3.2 Correlation Analysis 133 5.3.3 Cluster Analysis of Perceptions 139 5.4 Identification of an Attractiveness Space 144 5.5 Preference Segmentation 145 5.6 Preference and Perception Segmentation 157 5.7 Conclusions 170 MODELS OF PERCEPTIONS, PREFERENCE, AND CHOICE 175 6.1 Introduction 175 6.2 Objectives of the Research and Approach 176 6.2.1 Insight into Shopping Location Choice Behavior 178 6.2.2 Comparison of Model Structures 178 6.2.3 Modeling Consumer Perceptions 179 6.2.4 Modeling Consumer Preferences 181 6.2.5 Modeling Consumer-Choice Behavior 185 6.2.6 Linked Perception, Preference, and Choice Models 185 6.3 Empirical Setting and Experimental Design 187 6.4 Results of the Analysis 188 6.4.1 Perceptions Models 188 6.4.2 Preference Models 194 S 6.4.3 Choice Models 197 6.4.4 Linked Model Structure 199 6.4.5 Summary 200 6.5 Predictive Ability 200 6.5.1 Prediction Formation 200 6.5.2 Tests of Preference Prediction 202 6.5.3 Tests of Choice Prediction 202 6.5.4 Preference Prediction Results 202 6.5.5 Choice Prediction Results 204 6.5.6 Summary of Predictive Ability Analysis 204 6.6 Ease of Use and Cost 204 6.6.1 Ease of Use and Cost of Perception Model Development 204 6.6.2 Ease of Use and Cost of Preference Model Development 206 6.6.3 Ease of Use and Cost of Choice Model Development 206 6.6.4 Ease of Use and Cost of Model Sets 207 6.7 Reliability and Extendability 207 6.8 Sensitivity Tests 212 6.8.1 Description of the Tests 212 6.8.2 Results of the Sensitivity Tests 216 6.8.3 Conclusions 216 - iv - Table of Contents (Continued) Page 7. SUMMARY AND RECOMMENDATIONS FOR FUTURE RESEARCH 218 7.1 Summary 218 7.1 Future Research Directions 219 REFERENCES 221 APPENDIX A: PRETEST CROSSTABULATIONS A-l APPENDIX B: 1974 QUESTIONNAIRE 1975 QUESTIONNAIRE B-l APPENDIX C: ADDITIONAL TABULATIONS AND CROSS- TABULATIONS FOR THE FIRST OLD ORCHARD SURVEY C-l APPENDIX D: DERIVATION OF PSYCHOLOGICAL DISTANCES FOR MULTIDIMENSIONAL SCALING D-l APPENDIX E: CLASSIFICATION WITH RESPECT TO DIFFERENCES IN PERCEPTION OF DISSIMILARITIES E-l - v - LIST OF TABLES Page 3-1 38 Attractiveness Measures 25 3-2 Store and Shopping-Center Characteristics 27 3-3 Revised Store and Shopping Center Characteristics 29 3-4 Percentage Breakdown of Socioeconomic Characteristics for the Pretest Survey 34 3-5 Sample Income Distribution 40 3-6 Distribution of Income by Sex 41 3-7 Distribution of Length of Residence 41 3-8 Distribution of Length of Residence by Sex 42 3-9 Distribution of Length of Residence by Income 42 3-10 Distribution of Occupation 44 3-11 Age Distribution for the Sample 44 3-12 Distribution of Next Destination 45 3-13 Distribution of Previous Origin 45 3-14 Origin by Destination 46 3-15 Length of Residence by Age 47 3-16 Income by Age 48 3-17 Mode of Travel Used to the Shopping Center 50 3-18 Items Purchased 50 3-19 Familiarity Reported by Respondents to Centers Used in Psychological Scaling Questions 51 3-20 Income Distribution for Second-Survey Sample 56 3-21 Length of Residence Distribution for Second Sample 57 3-22 Distribution of Income by Sex for Second Sample 58 3-23 Distribution of Length of Residence by Sex for Second Sample 58 3-24 Occupation Distribution for Second Sample 59 3-25 Age Distribution for Second Sample 60 3-26 Educational Distribution for Old Orchard Sample 62 3-27 Life Cycle Distribution for Old Orchard Sample 62 3-28 Mode of Travel Used to Old Orchard 63 3-29 Distribution of Origin by Destination 63 3-30 Distribution of Previous Origin for Old Orchard Respondents 64 3-31 Distribution of Next Destination for Old Orchard Respondents 64 3-32 Main Items Shopped for by Old Orchard Respondents 65 3-33 Familiarity Information on Main Subject Set 65 3-34 Age Distribution for Evanston Survey 69 3-35 Stage in Family Life-Cycle 69 3-36 Distribution of Education Levels for the Evanston Survey 70 3-37 Distribution of Length of Residence for the Evanston Survey 70 3-38 Distribution of Family Income for the Evanston Survey 70 3-39 Cross-tabulation of Travel Mode and Shopping Day for the Evanston Survey 72 3-40 Cross-tabulation of Income and Shopping Day for the Evanston Survey 72 3-41 Distribution of Chosen and Alternative Modes for the Evanston Survey 73 3-42 Cross-tabulation of Chosen and Alternative Modes for the Evanston Survey 73 3-43 Cross-tabulation of Mode and Income for the Evanston Survey 74 - vii - List of Tables (continued) Page 4-1 Importance Weights for Reduced Dimensions 85 4-2 Weight and Height of 3 Stimuli 99 5-1 Socioeconomic Groups for First-Cut Analysis 119 5-2 Selected Dimensionalities for One-Way Groupings 132 5-3 Pearson Correlations Among Age Groups 134 5-4 Pearson Correlations Among Occupational Groups 134 5-5 Pearson Correlations Among Income Groups 135 5-6 Pearson Correlations By Length of Residence 135 5-7 Pearson Correlation Between the Sexes 136 5-8 Pearson Correlations Among Age Groups 136 5-9 Pearson Correlations Among Occupational Groups 137 5-10 Pearson Correlations Among Income Groups 137 5-11 Pearson Correlations by Length of Residence 138 5-12 Pearson Correlations for Income and Occupation Subgroups Having 2-Dirnensional Solutions 138 5-13 Clustering of Four-Dimensional Solutions Within Socioeconomic Variables 140 5-14 Clustering of Three-Dimensional Solutions Within Socio¬ economic Variables 141 5-15 Clustering of All Solutions in Three and Four Dimensions 143 5-16 Preference Rankings of Population Groupings According to Age 150 5-17 Preference Rankings of Population Groupings According to Occupation 151 5-18 Preference Rankings of Population Groupings According to Household Income • 152 5-19 Preference Rankings of Population Groupings According to Length of Residence 153 5-20 Preference Rankings of Population Groupings According to Sex 154 5-21 Results of Friedman Tests on Age Groupings 155 5-22 Results of Friedman Tests on Income Groupings 155 5-23 Results of Friedman Test on Sex 155 5-24 Results of Friedman Test on Length of Residence 156 5-25 Results of Friedman Tests on Occupation Groups 156 5-26 Preference Rankings of Population Groupings According to Distance to Chosen Shopping Center 158 5-27 Preference Rankings of Population Groupings According to Closest Shopping Center 159 5-28 Preference Rankings of Population Groupings According to Most Preferred Shopping Center 160 5-29 Preference Rankings of Population Groupings According to Shopping Center Choice 161 5-30 Preference Rankings of Population Groupings According to Methods of Survey Completion 162 5-31 Results of Friedman Test on Distance to Chosen Shopping Center 163 5-32 Results of Friedman Test on Distance to Closest Shopping Center 163 5-33 Results of Friedman Tests on Most Preferred Shopping Center 164 5-34 Results of Friedman Tests on Chosen Shopping Center 164 5-35 Results of Friedman Tests on Method of Survey Completion 164 viii - List of Tables (continued) Page 5-36 One Way ANOVA of Cluster Solutions 166 5-37 Test of the Differences of Cluster Means from Population Means for Each of the Four Variables 167 5-38 Cluster Means for All Cluster Solutions 168 5-39 Preference Rankings of the Population Grouped According to the Four Clusters Solution 169 5-40 Preference Rankings of the Population Grouped According to the Five Cluster Solution 169 5-41 Multivariate and Univariate Tests of Significance for Attribute-Importance Ratings for Clusters of 4 and 5 171 5-42 Contingency Tests on 4- and 5-Cluster Solutions 172 5-43 Summary of Market Segmentation Results 173 6-1 Theoretical Constructs Underlying Four Models of Consumer Perceptions 177 6-2 Theoretical Constructs Behind Five Models of Consumer Preferences 183 6-3 Structure Matrices for Three Dimensional Perception Models 190 6-4 Structure Matrices for Four Dimensional Perception Models 192 6-5 Normalized Importance Weights 195 6-6 Normalized Importances for Fundamental Attributes 196 6-7 Choice Analysis Importance Weights 198 6-8 Preference Prediction Tests 203 6-9 Choice Prediction Tests 205 6-10 Rankings of Models in Terms of Least Cost and Ease of Use 208 6-11 Cost Index for Developing Perception/Preference Structure and Choice Model Estimation 209 6-12 Stability of Importance Weights in Different Choice Situations 211 6-13 Basis of Sensitivity Tests on Choice Models 213 6-14 Changed Distribution of Free Parking in the Loop 214 6-15 Parking Fees at Old Orchard 214 6-16 Reduced Parking at Old Orchard 215 6-17 Pedestrian Mall in the Loop 215 6-18 Results of Sensitivity Tests on the Factor-Analysis, Revealed- Preference Model 217 6-19 Results of Sensitivity Tests on the Factor-Analysis, First- Preference Logit Model 218 6-20 Results of Sensitivity Tests on the Fundamental-Attributes Model 219 ix - LIST OF FIGURES Page 3-1 Uni dimensional Scale for Store Characteristics Based on Entire Sample _ 30 3-2 Unidimensional Scales for Store Characteristics Based on Sex 31 3-3 Unidimensional Scale for Shopping Center Characteristics Based on Entire Sample t 32 3-4 Unidimensional Scales for Shopping Center Characteristics Based on Lowest and Highest Income Groups 33 3-5 Locations of the Subject Shopping Centers for the First Survey 38 4-1 Integrated Marketing Approach to Transportation Service 76 4-2 Consumer Response Process 78 4-3 Average Ratings for Four Shopping Centers on the Underlying Perceptual Scales 79 4-4 Example Measurement of Ratings for Shopping Centers 80 4-5 Factor Loadings for Perception of Shopping Centers 82 4-6 Average Perceptions on Reduced Dimensions 83 4-7 Interval Scale of Preference for Five Stimuli 97 4-8 Scatter Diagram Displaying a Monotone Relation 101 4-9 Fitting of Attribute into Perceptual Space 108 4-10 Assumed Components of an Attribute 110 4-11 Rotation of the Common Factors 114 4-12 Factor loadings before and after rotation of a factor analytical solution. 116 5-1 Direct Similarity Measurement 124 5-2 Indirect Similarity Measurement 125 5-3 Two-Dimensional Space for Clerical Workers 126 5-4 Two-Dimensional Space for Incomes Over $50,000 127 5-5 Two-Dimensional Space for Incomes of $10,000-$15,000 128 5-6 Plot of Dimensionality against Stress for Two-, Three-, and Four-Dimensional Solutions 131 5-7 146 5-8 147 5-9 148 5-10 Preference-Ranking Question for the First Survey 149 5-11 Total Sum-of-Squares Within Clusters for Each Cluster Solution 165A 6-1 Linked Models of Choice Responses 186 6-2 Map of Fundamental Attributes Ratings for Seven Shipping Locations 189 6-3 Perceptual Maps for the Four Models of Consumer Perceptions 193 6-4 Prediction Process 201 - x - 1 . INTRODUCTION This report documents the work carried out during two-and-one-hal f years on project D0T-0S-40001 entitled "A Method for Assessing Pricing and Structural Changes on Transport Mode Use". The report is organized in the order of tasks undertaken during the project period. Chapter 2 provides a review of the current literature in travel demand and consumer behavior, including the disciplines of economics, marketing, psychology, and engineering. Chapter 3 describes the various data collection efforts undertaken to execute the research. Three surveys were undertaken: two choice-based samples of individuals making shopping trips to determine their perceptions and prefer¬ ences for alternative shopping sites and attributes, and a choice-based sample of shoppers' choice of travel mode. Chapter 4 describes the general approach and methods adopted in this research to develop procedures for predicting destination choices. An important way to understand any choice process is to determine whether or not different population segments have different choice processes or if they base their choices on substantially different perceptions or preferences. Some attempts to determine whether the population can be segmented are reported in chapter 5. Chapter 6 summarizes the results of the analysis that identifies choice processes and their structures. This chapter reports on perception models developed as inputs to the choice processes. These perception models attempt to determine what importance people attach to different attributes. This is accomplished by using data on individuals' reported preferences for alternative sites and their perceptions of the attributes possessed by those sites. Chapter 6 also details the resulting choice procedures and documents some sensitivity tests on the "best" models that were selected. Finally, chapter 7 provides a summary of the principal findings, and recommendations for future research and development of the processes developed in this study. The original purpose of this research was "... to fill the gap which exists in the set of tools available to urban and regional planners, notably the lack of a mechanism for assessing the complex effects of changes in transportation systems and policy. The objective of the research [is]... to develop a mechan¬ ism which is capable of examining a policy change, for example, a central busi¬ ness district parking surcharge, and of tracing out the effects of such a change, not only on the relative utilization of alternative modes, but also on the spatial distribution of travel. In other words, we will examine the shifts in the patterns of destinations which arise from changes in the transportation system as well as changes in modal usage. Such a development is extremely important, given current concerns over our urban structure. The basic approach [will be]... based on recent developments in disaggregate, behavioral, stochas¬ tic methods of travel-demand analysis. Econometric and psychometric techniques (e.g., logit analysis and psychological-sealing methods) will be used to develop, estimate and test the models developed. "[Abstract of the original proposal]. "In short, the objective of this research is to develop a mechanism which is capable of examining policy changes not only by tracing out the effect of a change on the relative utilization of alternative modes, but also on the spatial distribution of travel." [Statement of Work, September 19, 1973]. 1 In order to place the remainder of this report into perspective, it is useful to reproduce here the statements of tasks embodied in the contracts between the U.S. Department of Transportation and Northwestern University for this research. For the first contract period (May 1974 through September 1975), the work to be performed was stated as follows: "To successfully complete the project the contractor shall: 1. conceptualize a model 2. establish a choice set 3. develop attractiveness measures 4. estimate the models 5. develop and test the predictions "The output of this project shall be a prototypical planning tool, a model which shall concisely display the modal choice and destination decisions of the riding public. Also, the model shall have independent variables which are closely related to possible policy tools. The consumer's behavior shall be related to possible policy options. In the process of conceptualizing the model the contractor shall pay particular attention to the establishing of choice sets related to destination decisions. The decision as to the ultimate modeling method to be selected will be made after consultation with the contracting officer. "The contractor shall develop measures of attractiveness for various destinations. These measures shall be correlated with the various physical attributes which are of importance to transportation planners. This process shall permit a direct linkage between travelers perceptions of destinations and the physical attributes of destinations. "With the model formulated and measures of attractiveness determined the contractor shall then estimate the parameters of this model. The con¬ tractor shall use a multiple choice version of logit analysis if at all practical. The last step to be accomplished by the contractor is an anal¬ ysis of the predictive capabilities of the model in terms of the riders behavioral responses to various policy changes. Normal econometric testing procedures shall be used in addition to reverse prediction tests." To this state of work, the third-year contract added the following: "A prototype model was successfully structured and calibrated in the second year of this project. Due to limitations in the data attributed to the lack of variability regarding socioeconomic characteristics among respon¬ dents to the original survey it was necessary to augment the original data set. Thus, additional data was collected at the close of the second year of this project. 2 "B. Work Tasks Task 1 : The contractor shall recalibrate the prototype model by utilizing the initial and augmented data sets. In addition to utilizing more appropriate data, the contractor shall seek to improve upon the first model in the areas of definition of choice sets of destinations and definition of the travel and choice utility functions. Task 2: The contractor shall perform sensitivity testing of the model response to likely alternative development (shopping centers) situations." Given the multitude of alternative trip purposes requiring specific des¬ tination-attractiveness definitions, it is necessary to be restrictive on trip purpose. Thus, an early task of the research was to limit the trip purposes that would be considered. It became clear that the research would have to concentrate on what has been defined within the transportation-planning liter¬ ature as a single trip purpose. For this task, a number of trip purpose cate¬ gories can be considered. These include: 1) Work 2) School 3) Shopping soft goods 4) Shopping hard goods 5) Social 6) Recreational 7) Personal business 8) Employer's business 9) Eat meal These trip purposes represent the most common categories encountered in tradi¬ tional transportation-planning studies, although alternative trip purposes could be considered if this appeared desirable. It was not considered that a lengthy research effort into appropriate categorization of trip purposes should be a part of this research project. The work trip was rejected as an alternative purpose because it is a long-run product of the type and location of job, home location, choice of life-style, and other similar considerations. Hence, it does not represent a useful starting point for research into destination choices. Rather, it becomes an element of the total decision process that leads to a specific home choice, job choice, etc. Second, the standard purposes of social-recre¬ ational trips and personal-business trips contain too many and too varied sub-trip purposes. These may include such complex issues as temporal and seasonal instabilities that would exist in cases such as trips to cinemas, theaters, outdoor recreational facilities, etc. These problems render such trip purposes inappropriate for research into destination attractiveness. The employer's business trip is not one in which the individual's choice is generally exercised. Again, therefore, this would not appear to be an appropriate type of trip to consider. The problems encountered for trip to work apply also to trip to school. Little choice is exercised on a dynamic basis outside the decision on home location and life-style. Trips to eat a meal represent a relatively small proportion of all trips undertaken within 3 the urban area and, therefore, do not appear to be a main concern for an investigation of this type. The remaining trip types are the two categories of shopping trips. Most of the work that has been conducted in destination choice has examined shopping trips. However, this previous work has focused primarily on shopping trips for groceries and other perishable household iterns. The researchers on this project felt that regular shopping trips for groceries and other consumables could be considered, in many respects, a habitual trip. The trip is thus based upon an early decision on home location, and the habit patterns of shopping at a particular supermarket, or of a choice between one or two supermarkets, probably based upon the specials offered in any given week. Since one hypothesis of this research was that a choice must take place prior to each trip, a trip that entails so much habitual behavior as the regular shopping trip for consumables does not appear to be an appro¬ priate candidate for this research. Thus, the final trip purpose to be considered in this set — the trip for the purchase of consumer durables — becomes the logical trip purpose to consider for developing notions of destination attractiveness and a choice model for destination choices. This kind of trip includes all shopping trips for such items as clothing, shoes, furniture, appliances, luxury items and housewares that are not included in the regular consumables shopping. In total, shopping trips of all types (for perishables and consumer durables) comprise some 20% to 30% of vehicular trips within urban areas. The precise percentage that consumer durables shopping trips comprise is not well documented in the literature. However, it appears to represent some¬ where between 5% to 15% of total trip making. Since trips returning to home comprise about 45% of all trip making, and trips to work comprise another 20% or so, it is apparent that the shopping trip for consumer durables represents an important trip in the urban area. Thus, this trip purpose is a reasonably important one from a planning perspective as well as having characteristics which tend to be more responsive to the research aims of this project. It may also be noted that pragmatic concerns of soliciting attitudes and preferences for shopping locations support a restriction to trips that would be made more often than not to shopping centers, since these are more readily identified and are usually known over a wider geographic area than individual stores or local strip developments, catering primarily to the perishable commodities trip. For these reasons, the analysis was directed to the definition and measurement of attractiveness of destinations for non- grocery shopping trips, and the development of models of destination choice for this purpose. 4 2. LITERATURE REVIEW 2.1 Background The foundations for this research are to be found in the series of models of transport mode choice developed by Warner (1962), Quarmby (1967), Lisco (1967), Stopher (1969), Watson (1973), inter alia. These models represent the earliest-empirical statements of a new departure in travel-demand modeling, in which the models were constructed from the data on individual travelers instead of zonal averages or totals, and where the models expressed a probability of a specific mode choice being made by the individual. Subsequently, numerous statements have been made of the advantages, both realized and potential, of this approach (for example, Stopher and Lisco, (1970); Brand (1973); inter alia). The research into this approach has demonstrated that disaggregate, probabilistic models of mode-choice behavior can both explain and predict travel behavior and can do this, generally, more accurately and with greater policy-responsiveness than the more traditional aggregate, deterministic models. Indeed, models of this type are being used by planners in Chicago, New York State, Los Angeles, San Francisco, and Stockholm, Sweden, to name a few. However, the usefulness of the models is limited because the choice of travel mode is not the only element in the travel-decision process which is affected by changes in the transport and land-use systems. In fact, all aspects of the travel-decision process may be affected by such changes. Consider for example, the imposition of a downtown parking surcharge, aimed at shifting travelers from automobiles to public transport. Such a measure might equally well shift travelers to suburban destinations, and may reduce total trip-making in some instances. The first of these two alternative consequences would be a change in trip destination. Given the past research into mode choices, and under the assumption of separability of the travel-decision process (an assump¬ tion made for analytical convenience rather than on the basis of hypothesized reality), it appears to be appropriate to attempt to extend the disaggregate, behavioral approach to the destination-choice process. The research presented in this report is the first step in a program of research aimed at increasing the usefulness of this modeling approach by making that extension to destination choice. Using the separability assumption and assuming a sequential model set in the pattern of the standard urban-transportation planning process, the initial hypothesis can be stated in the form of equation (2.1) P(Dn |D], Dg, . . •» D^) = f(A-|, Fi ; A£, . . ., A^; F£, . . ., F^) (2.1) where P(D,|D, D ) is the conditional probability of choosing destination 1 from the set D1, . . ., Dn A, A are measures of the attractiveness of the destinations and F,, . . ., F are measures of the difficulty of reaching the destinations (i.e. the friction). The probability is conditional upon the decision to make the trip. 5 The traditional transportation-planning approach would be to consider that the friction measures relate to the automobile trip, but then follow this model with a modal-split model. Alternatively, an "average" friction measure might be used. Neither of these approaches is conceptually satisfying, however. A simul¬ taneous model of mode and destination choice would contain separate friction factors for all alternative modes for each destination, operating with the attractiveness measures to produce joint probabilities of choice. This, however, generates an extremely large set of alternatives, n, and results in a model that is cumbersome to use and difficult to calibrate as is discussed later in this chapter. Regardless of the postulated form of the model in terms of the inclusion of different travel modes, there has been extensive work on travel friction, whether couched in terms of distance, time, cost, generalized cost, or gener¬ alized time. Little, however, is known about what constitutes the attractive¬ ness of a destination. The traditional UTP procedure has been to use the numbers of produced and attracted trips (output from the trip-generation model) as a measure of attractiveness. This may be satisfactory for a trend analysis, but leaves much to be desired for forecasting and prediction. Some studies have used the number of employees in a zone as a measure of attractiveness of the non-home end of the trip. Again, although the exigencies of research with little data and the pressures under which most transportation studies are con¬ ducted may demand such a procedure, it is clearly inadequate. Destinations are highly heterogeneous, even within the same zone, and these definitions of attrac¬ tiveness do not address causality nor the fundamental mechanisms of destination choice. Thus, this study begins by approaching destination choice within the framework of the above hypothesis and in the face of considerable ignorance regarding perceptions of destination attractiveness. The first specific task was to review the literature on the topic of destin¬ ation choice and associated concerns. We have identified the existence of rele¬ vant work not only in the transportation literature, but also in the economics, literature, geography, and marketing, inter alia. 2.2 Economic and Psychological Choice Foundations for Predicting Travel Demand The past ten years have shown an intensive effort by transportation-demand analysts to clarify and put onto a rigorous basis the theoretical foundations of the models they use. This subsection sketches briefly the relevant work that has been done using economic theory and psychological choice theory to derive statistical models for the analysis of travel demand. This area has recently been surveyed in depth by two papers: "Travel Demand Forecasting: Some Founda¬ tions and a Review," by Daniel Brand, presented at the Williamsburg H.R.B./ U.S.D.O.T. Conference on Travel Demand Forecasting, December 1972, focusing on the economic and psychological foundations of travel demand; and "Quantal Choice Analysis: A Survey," by Daniel McFadden, presented to the NSF-NBER Conference on Decision Rules and Uncertainty, March 1974, focusing on extension of psycho¬ logical choice models and the statistical problems involved in their estimation. Given the extensive literature surveys contained in these papers and other docu¬ ments such as Domencich and McFadden (1975), Stopher and Meyburg (1975), etc., this chapter will contain only an introduction to this important field as it relates to the work undertaken by this project; readers interested in a treat¬ ment of more depth are referred to the documents cited above. 6 Travelers do make choices between transportation modes and destinations; moreover, different travelers who face similar choices do not necessarily make the same choice. This much is obvious; the difficulty arises when we must reconcile these facts with the requirement that some regularity in actions across travelers must exist if we are to have any confidence in our empirically determined models of choice behavior. Two reconciliations have been proposed. The first theory postulates that travelers make choices randomly but that times, costs, and attractiveness of destinations do influence the probabilities that they will make one choice or another. The second reconciliation, on the other hand, postulates that travelers do make deterministic choices based on the attri¬ butes of the alternatives, but that observed differences in choices between travelers facing similar choices must be assigned to factors unobservable to an outside investigator. The difference in the models is therefore in the interpre¬ tation of the selection probabilities of alternatives; in the first model, prob¬ abilities are intrinsic to travelers who decide their choices randomly, while in the second model, probabilities must be interpreted in a relative frequency sense across individuals, and the notion of random choice has no meaning for individual behavior. In both these models, the dependence or selection probabilities on the characteristics of alternatives and of travelers is summarized by postulating a utility function of the form of equation (2.2) U = V(s,x) + e(s,x), (2.2) where V is nonstochastic and represents the representative tastes of the indivi¬ dual as they depend on s, the personal characteristics of the traveler, and x, the characteristics of the alternatives being considered, and e is stochastic and represents the idiosyncratic tastes of the individual. Using this function, the first model discussed above can now be termed the strict utility model, as the s component of the utility function is assumed degenerate and choices are made randomly; while the second model discussed above can be termed the random utility model as the e component of utility is the result of a drawing from a random distribution across individuals, but individual's choice behavior is determined uniquely as that choice which maximizes utility once the e component is given. Both the models given above can be used to generate explicit functional relationships between s and x and the selection probabilities of alternatives. Although there is an endless number of alternative representations that can be generated, the most important statistically is the multinomial logit (conditional logit) model because of its attractive mathematical representation. If in the psychological derivation the V(s,x) component of the utility function is assumed to be written as an exponential function of a linear combination of the variables x and s, as shown in equation (2.3) V(s,x) = exp(sa + xji), (2.3) where a and l are vectors of unobservable constants, then the multinomial logit model can be derived by invoking Luce's Axiom of Independence of Irrelevant Alternatives (Stopher & Meyburg, 1974), to give equation (2.4) exp{sia|< + Xjj3} P.. = J (2.4) J E exp{s.a. + x. , k=l 1 K K_ 7 where P.. is the selection probability of the 1th individual for the jth alter- ' J native and J is the number of alternatives. On the other hand, if we accept the random utility model, the multinomial logit form results if we assume the e(s,x) component of utility is distributed as a stochastically independent Weibull dis¬ tribution across alternatives. McFadden (1974) has shown that this condition on the e(s,x) is both necessary and sufficient to yield the multinomial logit model. By now, the strong implications of the Axiom of Indepdendence of Irrelevant Alternatives (and correspondingly, the assumption of stochastic independence of e across alternatives for the random utility model) are well documented, e.g. Brand (1973); CRA (1976). Since in our research, the attitudes of travelers toward shopping centers in a confined geographic area are quite likely not to be stochastically independent, the use of a choice model that incorporates such a strong assumption must be questioned. On the other hand, the cost of giving up this assumption is also very high and possibly prohibitive. As Brand empha¬ sizes in his paper, the independence assumption implies a separabi1ity property on the selection probabilities, in that the relative odds of two alternatives are assumed to be determined independently of what other alternatives are avail¬ able. In our research, we have explicitly let travelers specify their own destination choice sets rather than determine these separately and impose them on the analysis. In particular, travelers were provided with an exhaustive list of shopping centers in the same urban area, and they were asked which other centers they would have gone to if the center at which they obtained the ques¬ tionnaire was not available. In addition, travelers were also queried about their familiarity and the number of times they have visited each shopping center in the exhaustive list so we can investigate the determinants of individual choice sets. With respect to the estimation of our choice models, however, since each traveler specifies his own choice set, we will have a great variety of choice sets with only limited overlapping between individuals. If we pursue models that do. not assume independence of the e terms and therefore do not have the separability property, we must specify an interaction principle that can handle many different choice sets. At the present time, a tractable model for handling this problem does not exist. Because travel is a choice problem, McFadden has emphasized that the rela¬ tive odds of choosing different alternatives should depend on differences in the attributes of the alternatives and not on the characteristics of the traveler. This criticism defines a major difference in McFadden's "conditional logit" model, where the coefficients of the model are defined without reference to specific alternatives (the 3. coefficients of our equation 2.3) while the independent vari¬ ables are measured specific to the alternatives (the Xj variables in equation 2-3), as this model is contrasted to the "multinomial logit" model of Nerlove and Press (1973), where model coefficients vary across alternatives (the .& coefficients of equation 2.4) while independent variables are measured specific to the traveler and not the alternatives (the s. variables of equation 2.4). In this sense, the multi¬ nomial logit model of Nerlove and Press is a generalization of multigroup dis¬ criminant analysis, while McFadden's model emphasizes the choice basis of travel decision. We have formulated equation 2 since our destination-choice model will involve a large number of unranked alter¬ natives, alternative-specific coefficients are difficult to interpret and esti¬ mate and will generally not be included. 8 Although the multinomial logit specification can be derived from either the strict utility or the random utility model, the interpretation of the selection probabilities depends on which model is used. These models are indistinguishable in cross-sectional analysis however, and they can be distinguished in time-series analysis only under strong assumptions. For example, if we regard the choice process in the strict utility model as stochastically independent over time, we should observe individual traveler's choosing alternatives with relative fre¬ quencies given by the selection probabilities; on the other hand, if we regard the stochastic portion of the utility function as fixed for individuals over time for the random utility model, we would observe that no traveler ever changes his original choice. These predictions rely heavily on the particular assumptions of stochastic independence for one model and a fixed distribution for individuals for the other model, however; and if we allow more flexible time-dependent sto¬ chastic processes for individuals, either model can give the same time-series predictions. In this sense, therefore, we must consider the strict and random utility hypotheses as indistinguishable representations of the marginal choice probabilities. The statistical properties of the multinomial logit model have been devel¬ oped by both McFadden and Nerlove and Press, and we will not survey these results here. Turning to the problem of destination choice, the multinomial logit model has been applied to this problem by Domencich and McFadden (1975) and by Ben- Akiva (1973). The Domencich and McFadden study included analysis of four trans¬ portation choices: mode, time of day, destination, and trip frequency. We will direct our review to the interrelations between the mode and destination-choice decisions. Because the number of possible combinations of mode and destination choices can become very large if we consider the choices simultaneously, Domencich and McFadden factored the demand model into its component decisions. In particular, they assume that for a given trip purpose, the marginal rates of substitution between modal attributes in determining choice behavior are the same regardless of the time of day of the trip, the trip destination, or the daily trip frequency. Similarly, they assume that the marginal rates of substitution between the attri¬ butes of destinations are independent of mode, time of trip, and trip frequency decisions. These assumptions allow the authors to 1) estimate separate models for mode and destination choices, and 2) to summarize the effects of transporta¬ tion characteristics of the other decisions by the use of a single measure called "the inclusive price of travel" that is an output of the mode-choice model. As an example, we consider a destination-choice model where the traveler's decision would depend on the time and cost of getting to each destination as well as the attributes of the destinations themselves. Entering the time and cost of reach¬ ing each destination by each mode would greatly expand the number of explanatory variables used, however, and would ignore the assumptions on marginal rates of substitution giyen earlier. Domencich and McFadden show that under these assump¬ tions it is valid to define the inclusive price of travel to a given destination for a given mode for a given purpose as equation (2.5) 9 Ôij = I Vijk' (2.5) where c.. is the inclusive price for a trip to destination j by mode i ^ J th g. is the parameter estimate from the mode-choice model for the k attribute of the mode, and x... is the value of the k^ attribute of mode i for a trip to 1J destination j. Now, for each destination, we define equation (2.6) c. EÊ-j P,J (2.6) th where c. is the inclusive price of travel to the j destination, J c.. is given above for each mode, and ' J P. • is the predicted probability that the traveler will choose mode J i to destination j obtained from the mode choice model. Under Domencich and McFadden's assumptions, this single inclusive price completely summarizes the effects of transportation characteristics on the destination-choice decision and is the only explanatory variable representing the transportation modes that need be entered into the destination-choice model. This result certainly allows a great reduction in the complexity of the separate models, and Domencich and McFadden argue that the required assumptions are not unreasonably severe on both intuitive and empirical grounds. Nevertheless, this aspect of their study requires further investigation before it can be generally accepted. Ben-Akiva's study basically criticized Domencich and McFadden's factoring of the demand model. Arguing that a simultaneous mode and destination-choice model was more attractive intuitively than the recursive structure, he estimates and compares models of each type with some alternative definitions of inclusive prices. His major result is that empirical results are sensitive to the model specification and he advocates the use of the simultaneous choice model. His findings, although indicative, cannot be considered conclusive, however, without further work on broader theoretical models linking the choices and on the empir¬ ical costs of the various required assumptions. The work of Domencich and McFadden and Ben-Akiva has been very useful in defining the theoretical issues involved in applying disaggregate choice models to destination choices, but the empirical work on destination choice in both studies must be deemed deficient. Both studies focus on the shopping trip, but neither has data on individual perceptions of the characteristics of destinations and individual perceived choice sets. Both studies define individual choice sets in an ad hoc fashion by dividing the urban area into zones; for travelers living in a given zone, destinations in another zone were regarded as being in their choice set if at least one traveler from the origin zone had gone to that desti¬ nation zone in their sampled trips. On the characteristics that determine the 10 i attractiveness of destinations, the only measure specific to the destination that either study used (besides a generalized price of travel variable) was an index of employment in the destination zone (Ben-Akiva also used a dummy vari¬ able for the CBD). The question of attractiveness of destinations is examined extensively in our research, and this should produce much more satisfactory models. In addition, Ben-Akiva's study was the only one that attempted to study empirically interrelated mode and destination choices; Domencich and McFadden used only auto-made trips in their destination-choice model. Finally, since both studies used small samples (63 for Domencich and McFadden, 123 for Ben- Akiva), it is fair to say that neither study has explored adequately the empir¬ ical structure of destination-choice models. The final topic we treat in this part of the literature survey is the problem of using the estimated models for predictions for travel demand. This problem has been studied for the logit model by Talvitie (1973), Westin (1974), and Koppelman (1974) and results obtained by Watson and Westin (1973) and Liou, Cohen, and Hartgen (1974) indicate that disaggregate models can give very good predictions, at least for aggregate modal splits, with data requirements far below those necessary for current aggregate models. Of the studies cited, only Talvitie and Koppelman consider the problems of predictions from a multinomial logit model, Westin's study is restricted to the binary logit case. The Taylor series approx¬ imation used by Talvitie can be shown to be non-robust, however, and Westin's method can be extended to the multinomial case easily. In summary, the theoretical development of disaggregate choice models has now defined the theoretical restrictions on these models and indicated the prob¬ lems that must be solved before they become a practical planning tool. The indi¬ cations from modal-choice applications are that these models are potentially very valuable in their precision, flexibility, and reduced data requirements. Work on the extension of these models to destination choice, however, has proceeded only to very limited empirical applications. The extensive information on destination choice collected in this research should go far toward defining these models as practical planning tools. 2.3 Destination Choice Work in Marketing Marketing literature has dealt with the consumer-patronage decision on three levels of retail aggregation: the city, the intraurban shopping center, and the individual store. Pioneering retail patronage studies such as those conducted by Reilly (1929) concerned themselves with the consumer choice among cities. More recently, attention has been focused on the choices among shopping centers and among individual stores. The intent of this subsection is threefold: first, to delineate some of the factors which authors in the fields of marketing and geo¬ graphy note as having an influence on consumer choice of shopping centers and stores; second, to outline some of the difficulties involved in attempting to specify the appropriate forms of these factors for use in predictive models; and third, to present some of the models which have been used to forecast consumer patronage decisions. 11 2.3.1 Retail Location Choice Factors Factors specified as influencing the consumer-patronage process fall into one of two categories: characteristics of the retail location or characteris¬ tics of the consumer. The former classification consists of features attribut¬ able to either shopping centers or stores which influence the consumer patronage choice. The literature suggests that many of these measures are common to both levels of retail aggregation. It is the interaction between the characteristics of the retail location and of the consumer which leads to the ultimate patronage decision. Retai1-Location Characteristics. Factors included in the category of retail- location characteristics can be conveniently classified according to five of the dimensions of image which the Wharton Studies found to be relevant to consumer patronage. These dimensions are locational convenience, merchandise suitability, value for price, sales efforts and store services, and congeniality of retail location. (Fisk, 1961-62). Characteristics of the retail location which comprise the dimension of loca¬ tional convenience include the factors of accessibility, parking availability and spatial parameters such as distance. Accessibility can be measured in terms of road networks and modes of transportation servicing retail locations. Little has been done to determine the impact of these measures on the consumer-patronage decision. Providing parking is an expensive undertaking. Still, most retail locations make sure of having an ample amount of it which suggests that parking is thought to have a signficant influence on retail destination choice. There are guidelines which recommend the number of parking spaces to allocate for different types of shopping areas, Kelley (1956). However, thus far few empirical studies have been undertaken to test the hypothesis that this factor does have a significant effect on retail-location choice. The importance of spatial parameters has been particularly noted. Yuill (1967) for instance, empirically verified the importance and usefulness of a distance or spatial parameter in approximating the resultant behavior of con¬ sumers. Articles specifically related to shopping center and store choice provided support to the hypothesis that spatial parameters bear a significant influence on the patronage decision. Employing the technique of discriminant analysis, Bucklin (1967) discovered distance factors to be dominant in deter¬ mining the choice of shopping centers. In a survey of marketing literature on consumer-patronage behavior, Forbes (1968) found distance to be one of the vari¬ ables exerting a significant influence on store choice. In addition, he noted that it is the only influencing factor which research has quantified to any considerable degree. The hypothesized distance effect is that consumers farther away from a retail location are less likely to patronize it than are consumers situated closer to it. Some attempts have been made to pinpoint the exact distance effect. Appelbaum (1966) reported empirical distance effects on store patron¬ age in supermarkets. He compared the percentage of customers to the distance from the store and found an inverse relationship to hold. 12 Contrary to the Nearest Center Hypothesis of Central Place Theory, distance is not the only factor influencing patronage choice. The hypothesis says that consumers purchase goods and services at the nearest center offering them. Clark (1968) in a study concerned with the orderliness of spatial behavior found that less than half of the sample of consumers he examined went to the nearest center. The fact is that in many instances consumers do travel farther than is essential to purchase goods and services. There is some debate as to whether or not pure distance is the spatial factor which most influences the patronage decision process. Brunner and Mason (1968) maintained that driving time rather than distance is the most significant spatial factor since the effort required to reach a shopping center is inversely associated with the driving time to reach the center. Aside from disagreement on their appropriate form, there is a general consensus that some spatial factors significantly influence the consumer patronage decision. Factors related to the goods and services offered at retail locations such as quality, type, and variety comprise the dimension of merchandise suitability. The literature has especially considered the effect of variety on the consumer- patronage choice. The effect appears to be significantly positive: as width and depth of product assortment increase so does the level of patronage. The variety associated with a retail outlet is not necessarily limited to the assortment of goods and services it offers. The outlet's variety may also encompass the goods selection of enterprises located in close proximity since even in cases when ownership of retailing units is diverse there is drawing power in product assortment (Forbes, 1968). Thus, the variety attributed to a store located in a shopping center is effectively greater than that associated with an isolated, identical store. The importance of variety in the retail location choice is related to shop¬ ping trip purpose. If the trip purpose is to purchase either a high-order good or a large number of commodities, the significance of the factor increases. Consumers spend more time, and travel further, in searching for high-order goods which are characterized by high price, considerable service needs, durability, and low replacement rates (Aspinwall, 1962). Given that consumers seek to mini¬ mize overall costs in the selection of a location at which to purchase high-order goods, variety will be a primary criterion, since wider selection allows greater comparison and thereby reduces search costs. Similarly, variety is important in shopping for many commodities at one time since it reduces travel costs by enabl¬ ing the combination of trips in a more compact area. Even in the selection of a site for the purchase of low-order convenience goods such as food and drugs, variety has an effect. Skinner (1969) found in his analysis of supermarket choice that nearness to other services is one of the most important determinants. Using a model which explained the variation in distance traveled for intra-urban grocery purchases, Bishop and Brown (1969) per¬ ceived a statistically significant positive association between distance travel¬ led for grocery purchases and the number of services available in close proximity to supermarkets. The value for price dimension consists of various price-related factors which influence retail destination choice. Absolute prices and the difference 13 in price at various retail locations for the same product or substitute products are examples of pertinent price considerations. That price factors significantly influence patronage decisions was verified in the study by Bucklin (1967). The importance of price has been noted, particularly with regard to the selection of a specific store. Thompson (1969) presented evidence that price is one of the primary determinants in the supermarket choice process. On the basis of his findings, Brown (1968) concluded that price consideration is the second most important patronage motive in supermarket selection. The sales efforts and store services dimension is made up of factors such as advertising, courtesy and helpfulness of clerks, credit arrangements, deli¬ very, and eating facilities. Advertising has been shown to have a statistically significant influence on consumer retail location decisions (Bucklin, 1967). The other factors have not been extensively tested so their importance is unde- termined. The dimension shown as congeniality of retail location consists of compo¬ nents such as size, layout, decor, class of customers, traffic within the loca¬ tion, and congestion. Of these factors only size has been treated in the liter¬ ature to any considerable degree. This factor is closely related to the notion of variety since scale economies necessitating large units for success are limited unless innovations in product offerings occur (Forbes, 1968). The influence of size on retail location choice is similar to that of variety as suggested by the results of a study of Cox and Cook (1970). In a regression analysis, they found size of shopping-center store area to have a significantly positive effect on the percentage of customers visiting various centers. Consumer Characteristics. Various consumer characteristics play a role in the ultimate retail destination choice. It appears that their influence on the decision stems from the manner in which they affect the significance consumers attach to the aforementioned destination characteristics. Demographic measures such as income, age, and education fall into the category of consumer character¬ istics which influence retail location decisions. They appear to affect strongly the importance consumers attach to the retail location characteristics of dis¬ tance and type of merchandise. The distance effect diminishes for those in certain demographic groupings. An analysis of shoppers by Herrmann and Beik (1968) concluded that the range of shopping movement within a metropolitan area increases with consumer's income and status. The psychographic results of Reynolds and Darden (1972) also sug¬ gested that shoppers who travel greater distances for purchases tend to be better educated and have a higher income level. That demographic factors influence the type of merchandise and hence the type of store chosen by a consumer is inferred by Simmons (1964) who postulated that higher income people are willing to pay for the increased services of specialty stores. Although it is generally agreed that demographic factors influence consumer patronage decisions, these variables apparently are not the only consumer char¬ acteristics having an effect on the choice. The results of the regression anal¬ ysis of Mason and Moore (1970-71) indicated that households comparable in socio¬ economic characteristics such as income, occupation and education do not neces¬ sarily display comparable shopping travel behavior. These writers suggested that additional consumer characteristics which can account for more of the dis¬ crepancy may fall into the domain of psychological or attitudinal differences. 14 Huff (1960) has indicated that psychological characteristics may indeed influence the retail location choice. He presented a model designating the elements affecting consumer space preference. Using the techniques of linear graph theory and matrix algebra, he found that elements exerting the most influ¬ ence in affecting space preference include demographic factors (e.g., age, sex, education, occupation and income) and psychological characteristics such as personality and mental synthesizing abilities. In summary, the ultimate patronage decision is influenced by a combination of characteristics of both retail locations and consumers. The intent of this section has been to outline some of these characteristics. It should be noted that these factors do not have the same influence in all cases. The weight of each element's effect varies among individuals and situations. 2.3.2 Specification Problems Although many retail location and consumer characteristics which influence retail destination choice have been identified in marketing and geographic lit¬ erature, appropriate forms for their use in predictive models have not been determined. Marble and Bowl by (1968) stated that, to use a model which predicts travel behavior, those attributes of establishments which travelers consider to be of importance in the selection of a destination must be specified and scaled. Hence, this matter of specification is one of the primary tasks researchers must perform if they wish to approximate consumer shopping behavior better. The endeavor appears to be formidable, however, since objective measurements of location characteristics do not appear to be sufficient and it is unclear on what basis consumers should be aggregated for the purposes of retail study. Objective measurements of easily quantified location characteristics such as distance, driving time and price are not entirely appropriate inputs for models designed to describe patterns of consumer patronage behavior. The find¬ ings of Thompson (1963) suggested that consumers tend to overestimate driving time and distance travelled to retail outlets. The approximations are also usually influenced by one's subjective feelings about the outlets. Brown (1969) found that consumers' perceptions of price do not necessarily coincide with actual price levels. Rather than attempt to observe actual price levels, con¬ sumers tend to estimate prices on the basis of certain indicators. For instance, they generally feel that large-volume operations have lower prices and that operations offering additional services (e.g. extra sales clerks) have higher prices. Thus, it is not the objective measurement of driving time, distance and price level which is the appropriate specification of these characteristics in the consumers' view. There is some question as to what criterion should be used in the grouping of consumers for the purposes of retail analysis. That large groupings are undesirable is suggested by the fact that the use of aggregate data averages in trading-area studies does not reveal possible internal dissimilarities within an area that may be of signficance in terms of marketing policy and investment decisions (Mason and Moore, 1970-71). The inadequacy of aggregating on a demo¬ graphic basis alone has already been noted. 15 The results of a factor-analytic study of women's apparel shoppers by Phi 1 pot, Reizenstein and Sweeney (1972) indicated that the determinants of a retail location choice are somewhat unique to stable groups of consumers. The task remains to determine what characterizes these stable groups of consumers. It appears that significant progress can be made in defining determinants of retail location choice if the analyst focuses on the interrelationships among a variety of different types of retail attributes and consumer characteristics variables, using analytical tools capable of reflecting the multiple dimensions of the consumer patronage decision process. 2.3.3 Predictive Models Various models have been used to predict consumer patronage choice. Models based on the conceptual properties of the retail gravity model have been employ¬ ed in the estimation of both shopping center and store patronage, while certain other formulations have been utilized specifically to predict store choice. It is the intent of this section to outline some of these models. Originally the retail gravity model as developed by Reilly (1929) was used to predict the point between two cities where trade between them would be divi¬ ded. More recently the form of the model has been modified to predict the probability that a customer would patronize one of two or more retail areas given various factors such as distance to and size of the areas. Bucklin (1967) provided a theoretical basis for the form of the retail gravity model currently employed for the purpose of predicting patronage behavior in his general model for the retail trade areas. This latter model consists of three factors: the shopping utility to the potential patron of the retail facility in question; the cost to that person of reaching the facility and the strength of competing retail centers. Mathematically, these elements are combined as shown in equa¬ tion (2.7) PfHAl*,) - r4- (2.7) E U./C. where P(HA|) = probability that = shopping utility = cost of reaching consumer X-| will of facility j facility j. choose facility A The numerator of the above probability statement represents the drawing-power of retail area a, while the denominator stands for the sum of the drawing powers of all g centers under consideration. In Bucklin's formulation (1967), the shopping utility of a retail area is derived from two sources: mass and image. The mass component which defines the range of goods and services available at the location provides utility by reduc¬ ing the time necessary for individual transactions. The image component depends upon consumer perception of factors such as the area's price level, physical plant and social-class orientation. The cost element of the model is contingent upon consumer expenditure in time, money, and the effort needed to reach the area. 16 As pointed out earlier in this chapter, the utility and cost that a consumer associates with a retail area are each based on a multitude of factors. However, for the purposes of prediction via the gravity model, a smaller number of rele¬ vant variables has been utilized as proxies for these two concepts. The attrac¬ tiveness of centers and distance from the consumers to the respective areas are sometimes used as proxies for utility and cost, respectively. Algebraically this model is shown in equation (2.8). Vik Pik = n >k,j--l n (2.8) z (A/D*) i=l J 1J J where Pik = the probability that a consumer located at point i will visit a retail area at point k, given a set of n competing markets of which k is a member. A. = the attractiveness of j, J D.j = the distance of j from i. A = a measure of the strength of the distance variable (Buck!in, 1971). Other researchers have been even more specific than those using the above formulation in their choice of variables to be used in the retail gravity models. Empirical evidence of Carrothers (1956) suggested that two variables exert such an influence on a consumer's choice of a retail area that they may be the only variables needed to predict behavior using the model. These variables are: (1) the number of items of the kind a consumer desires that are carried by var¬ ious retail areas and (2) the travel time involved in getting from a consumer's travel base to alternative retail areas. Huff (1963) approximated the number of items desired by using the square footage of selling space devoted to the sale of such items. He also measured actual travelling time. His model is shown in equation (2.9). Sk/TikX Pik - n \ (2'9> jî/W where P-k = probability of a consumer at a given point of origin i 1 travelling to a given shopping area k. S. = square footage of selling space devoted to the sale of J a particular class of goods by shopping area j. T.. = travel time involved in getting from a consumer's travel 1J base i to shopping area j; and A = a parameter which reflects the effect of travel time on various kinds of shopping trips. Although the retail gravity model has achieved a certain degree of predic¬ tive success, from both a theoretical and empirical perspective the model has major defects. Its conceptual foundations are not well conceived because they make implicit assumptions about what constitutes consumers' opportunity costs for travel. In particular, the comparison of distances to alternative centers 17 versus respective utilities in the form of the model which utilizes distance as a proxy for cost is insufficient evidence upon which to estimate consumer's des¬ tination choice since time is a major element in the cost of a shopping decision (Bucklin, 1971). Examples of behavioral models of store choice are the formulations of Baumol and I de (1956), Aaker and Jones (1971) and MacKay (1972). The first is a decision model; the second is a formulation which portrays store choice as an extension of grand choice; and the third is a spatially-defined model of store selection that accounts for multistop shopping trips. Baumol and I de (1956) presented a linear model which portrayed the decision to shop or not to shop at a given retail outlet as resulting from a weighing of the probability that the consumer finds some set of items in the store which makes his trip successful against the costs of shopping. They maintained that a consumer will not shop at a particular store unless equation (2.10) is satis¬ fied. f(N,D) = wp(n) - v(CdD + Cn N + Ci) > 0 (2.10) where f(N,D) = the net benefit from entering the store, N is the number of items offered for sale, D = the consumer's distance from the store, p(n) = the probability of successfully finding the desired item at the store, w and v = subjective weights assigned by the consumer, Cd = a constant, Cn = the cost of getting to where desired items are kept, C.j = fixed shopping costs. There are certain economic implications of the Baumol-Ide model. Increased variety is an advantage to a consumer only up to a point. The minimum number of items necessary to induce a consumer to shop at a store increases with his dis¬ tance from the store. Also, the optimum variety from the viewpoint of the con¬ sumer is independent of the distance from the retailer. The linear learning model has been employed by Aaker and Jones (1971) for estimating the probability of choosing a particular type of store for a parti¬ cular purchase at time n given previous probabilities and information concern¬ ing last period's store choice. The specific form of their model is shown in equation (2.11). p(t) = a + BD + Xp(t-l) (2.11) where p(t) = probability of choosing a particular type of store at time t p(t-l) = probability of choosing a particular type of store at timet-1 D = dummy variable with value 1 if the type of store being con¬ sidered was chosen in period t-1, value 0 otherwise 18 The model fitted relatively well when applied to data obtained from the Chicago Tribune on the purchase history of paper products, toothpaste and coffee although it fitted better with respect to a particular chain rather than type of store. MacKay (1972) criticized the two previous store-choice models for failing to take account of multistop shopping trips. He allowed for these shopping trips in spatially defining a model by means of discriminant analysis and Monte Carlo simulation. The framework for his formulation portrayed consumers as going through a three-stage, sequential process of store selection: (1) the decision of whether or not to go shopping, (2) the decision of how many stops to make, and (3) the decision of which establishment to visit on each stop. Good predictive results were acquired with this model which suggests that a sequential consumer-decision process may be more common than a holistic decision process. 2.4 Destination Choice Work in Geography Most of the research in geography has concentrated on shopping-center choices, where the trips are primarily concerned with non-grocery shopping and are therefore of considerable relevance to this research, the earliest work of this type, studied in this project, was that of Burnett (1973), who attempted to find out the parameters of shopping-center choices through multidimensional scaling (MDS). Burnett hypothesized that length of residence would affect the choice parameters. Consequently, she split the sample of housewives into two groups — short and long residence periods. The MDS analysis was then carried out separately for each group. In each case, dimensionality could be reduced to two, but one of the dimensions for each group was different and scores, rela¬ tive to the common axis were also different. For short-term residents, the axes were labelled "value for time, effort, and money" and "similarity to CBD shop¬ ping;" while for long-term residents the axes were labelled "value for time, effort, and money" and "ease and convenience of parking." It was concluded that the differences in the MDS results confirmed the hypothesis that a learning pro¬ cess is involved in shopping-center choices, which is temporally related to length of residence. Pursuing this idea further, Burnett (1974a) then investigated the effect of learning on the spatial distribution of user origins for a specific destin¬ ation. This was investigated by examining the patronage of a new Savings and Loan institution over a period of 5 years. She hypothesized that the distribu¬ tion of user origins should be circular normal* and should grow, in terms of numbers and distance as an inverse exponential. Based on the data, Burnett found that the ciruclar-normal distribution hypothesis was confirmed for each of the five years. However, she also found that growth was continuing at a rate which was not consonant with an asymptotic growth pattern after five years, thus concluding that the 5 year time period may be too short to establish the tena- bility of this hypothesis. * A circular-normal probability distribution is a 3-dimensional normal distribution on a circular plane, see Figure 1, Burnett (1974a). 19 Following this work, Burnett (1974a) attempted to construct a linear learn¬ ing model based upon a history of store visits to a grocery store. The model was based upon two postulates: that the probability of choosing a store in¬ creases as time goes by; and that the probability of a store choice increases more rapidly if the store is visited. Burnett obtained a satisfactory fit of the data to this model. However, it should be noted that the model becomes extremely complex when the number of visits exceeds three, and that the records on each individual were used in blocks of three visits as comprising separate choice histories. These limitations raise some question about the usefulness of these results. Building on this work, Burnett then hypothesized (Burnett 1974b) a three-states-of-1earning model, from which a Markov model could be constructed. The three states are based on an assumption that there are two units of learning. Initially an individual is in state . From here he may gain one unit of learning, or_may remain in the initial state. When he gains that unit, he moves to state S^. One further unit of learning may then be gain¬ ed, which will place the individual in the equilibrium state, S. A transition matrix can then be defined, in which the probabilities represent the probability i. t_ of being in any specified state at the end of the i time period. Probabilities of the choice of a specific destination can then be defined as a function of the learning state of the individual, using the model form put forward by Burnett (1973). The most recent research of Burnett (1974c) involved the testing of a null hypothesis concerning grocery store choices. The null hypothesis from the trans¬ portation planner's point-of-view, is that choices are totally random and are, therefore, not susceptible to modelling. Using data from Uppsala, Sweden, Burnett shows that grocery store choices are not random in the majority of cases. She does find, however, that for three subgroups of the population the null hypothesis of random choices cannot be rejected. The final piece of relevant work in this area is contained in a paper by Hanson (1974). In this paper, Hanson puts forward a hypothetical model of destination choice, which is developed in part from the findings of Burnett. However, Hanson postulates a model in which learning is introduced directly into the model, rather than using the two stage model process of Burnett (1974c). This approach requires the definition and evaluation of a "level of information" variable which is then assumed to be a multiplier of the satisfactions of a shopper with each destination. Hence, the satisfactions are modified, or weight¬ ed, by the level of learning the individual possesses for each destination con¬ sidered. Hanson then discusses the data needs for calibrating such a model, but no calibration is reported. 2.5 Hypotheses to be Tested Based upon the literature search and the general considerations of model structure and type, a set of specific hypotheses can be developed that form the backbone of this research project. From the initial theoretical and empirical research that was done on the project, and examined in the literature review, two candidate model structures were considered in broad terms. The first of these is a logit model (See McFad- den, 1972; Berkson, 1943; Stopher and Meyburg, 1974), which is shown in equation (2.12). 20 ,1t. .wlvl' J I (2.12) where P1^ = the probability of individual i choosing destination j J for a specific activity, t. A1^ = the attractiveness of destination j to individual i for J the activity t C1. = the cost for individual i to travel to destination j J A^'Ck = the attractiveness and cost of the other destinations available to individual i for activity t. The second candidate model structure is that of a Markov model, (See Peterson, et al. 1975). In particular, a version of the Markov model in which the trans¬ ition matrix of probabilities are exogenously defined through probabilistic models was considered relevant to examine as a potential model structure for this work. These model structures are discussed in greater detail elsewhere in this report. Regardless of model structure, it is necessary to define a choice set, from which it is assumed an individual chooses his destination. The definition of choice set is an important element in both the logit model and the Markov model, and will influence significantly the calibration of such models. Two hypotheses need to be set up here. First, it is necessary to define the way in which a des¬ tination is to be characterized. Second, it is necessary then to define the set of shopping destinations from which the choice is to be made. After considering a number of alternative hypotheses, it was decided to hypothesize that a choice of destination would focus upon a generic type of shopping destination, rather than upon a geographical location. This, unfortunately, means that the destin¬ ation-choice model will have to become a two-stage model, if the desired output is the geographical or spatial location of trip ends. The generic types that were considered as the basis of the choice process are determinants of the size and function of the shopping center. Thus, the following might comprise a choice set: a major regional shopping center, a medium-sized local shopping Center, a small neighborhood shopping center, an urban or suburban downtown area, a strip development, and a neighborhood shopping area. These definitions are by no means exhaustive nor necessarily the ideal ones for a choice set, but serve to illustrate the type of choice set hypothesized. Next, it is hypothesized that each individual chooses a shopping location from among this complete set. Having made his choice, the individual will then choose that specific location that is the least costly to access within the pre¬ scribed choice set. It is realized that this description of the choice process is somewhat unrealistic, but it is found to be necessary for the purposes of this study. The requirements for the development of a geographically specific model appeared to be too great to be surmountable in a prototypical study such as this. 21 As discussed in the preceding section, the next hypotheses relate to the attractiveness indices. Three hypotheses are to be tested in this respect. First, it is hypothesized that measures of attractiveness can be obtained by means of psychometric techniques, i.e. scaling methods. Second, it is hypothe¬ sized that these attractiveness measures can be formulated in terms of attributes of shopping centers, shopping locations, and the stores within them alone, and may be defined separately from ideas of accessibility. Third, it is hypothe¬ sized that these attractiveness indices can be input into a decision model of destination choice, together with measures of accessibility, and jointly used to predict the choices that will be made by individuals engaged in non-grocery shopping trips. The above paragraph has alluded to ideas of accessibility. It is therefore necessary to include within the model some measures of the utility of travel. The next hypotheses relate to this utility. It is hypothesized that the destin¬ ation-choice decision is based upon the same relative utilities of attributes of travel as would be found in a shopping-trip mode-choice study. It is hypoth¬ esized that these utilities will be constructed from attributes of travel, such as travel costs, travel times, convenience, and ability to carry packages. In constructing models of mode and destination choice, it is hypothesized that individuals will have varying utilities of both accessibility elements and attractiveness elements. As such, it is hypothesized that the population may be split into market segments, within which choice processes are relatively homo¬ geneous. It is further hypothesized that such market segments can be defined in terms of the social and economic status of the individuals within them. Thus, a further task of the research is to develop appropriate subgroups, based on socio¬ economic criteria, within which the destination-choice decision can be considered to take place in a relatively homogeneous fashion. Finally, all of this research presupposes that a clear link exists between attitudes and behavior. The scaling techniques referred to earlier are based upon measures of people's attitudes and preferences. These attitudes and pref¬ erences relate to specific detailed attributes of shopping locations and stores. In order to construct models of the type described in this chapter, it is neces¬ sary to assume that attitudes and preferences are, in part, determinants of behavior. It is a well-known fact that attitudes and preferences are formed, or modified, by experience and learning. Clearly, experience and learning come from the exercise of specific choices. As such, the link between behavior and attitudes may be somewhat weak. However, it is hypothesized here that the cog¬ nitive link, i.e. the link between behavior and attitudes, is strong enough to permit the construction of meaningful and plausible models of travel choices. These hypotheses form the basic set around which the research is structured. It is necessary to obtain relevant data sets, in order to test the various hypoth¬ eses. Only limited testing is possible in a prototypical sense, since resources do not exist to obtain extensive before-and-after-data, which would form the best tests of dynamic stability of these hypotheses. However, most of the hypotheses are susceptible to at least limited testing through the use of a single set of cross-sectional data. 22 3. DATA COLLECTION AND DESCRIPTION 3.1 Introduction The preceding chapter has alluded to the need for data as a means to test the various hypotheses advanced by this research project. It is apparent from these hypotheses that the data required for a rigorous testing of any of the hypotheses do not currently exist from any source. Indeed, an early part of the literature search of this project was aimed at attempting to determine whether any such data sets existed. None were found. In order to be able to test the various hypotheses, it is necessary to specify the details of the data that would be needed for adequate hypothesis testing. As was discussed in the last chapter, the primary hypotheses to be tested revolve around the attractiveness of shopping locations, and the structuring of a model that represents a trade-off between attractiveness and accessibility. As a subsidiary task, data were required on mode choices for shopping trips, in order to provide estimates of the travel utility for destination choices. In all, three surveys were undertaken: Two to obtain data on perceptions of shop¬ ping centers and other shopping opportunities and one to obtain data on mode choices for shopping trips. These three surveys are described in this chapter and details are provided on the profiles of the respondents. The research concentrated initially upon the definition of attractiveness, and on some limited testing of choice sets and on the pattern of shopping trip- making. In addition, it was felt necessary to develop a data base that would permit extensive testing of the market-segmentation ideas as a part of the initial definition of attractiveness. Therefore, the first survey was set up primarily to test the hypotheses relating to the image of attractiveness of alternative shopping centers, the variation of this image among individuals, and to provide enough data to make preliminary tests upon a model structure. Based upon the data from the first survey, attractiveness variables were analyzed for the seven shopping centers used in that survey. These shopping locations were the Chicago Loop, Edens Plaza, Golf Mill, Korvette City, Old Orchard, Plaza del Lago and Woodfield. Apart from the Chicago Loop, all of the shopping locations can be classified as shopping centers. That is, they are retail locations whose stores are compactly located within well-defined geo¬ graphic boundaries. For the second survey, it appeared to be desirable to determine how, in terms of attractiveness, individuals compare shopping centers with retail locations which are not shopping centers. The second survey was also viewed as a means of collecting data for the purpose of testing the predictive capability of the project's non-grocery shop¬ ping destination-choice model. There is a plan to convert the State Street shopping area in the Chicago CBD into a pedestrian mall. Given attitudinal data on the State Street shopping area, the destination-choice model could pre¬ dict changes in shopping behavior resulting from pedestrianization. The first survey collected data on shopping in the Chicago Loop, but this information is too gross to determine the specific attractiveness of State Street as a shopping area since it includes other major shopping areas, such as North Michigan Avenue. By including State Street as one of the shopping opportunities in the attitudinal ?3 questions, the second survey could collect the appropriate data for the testing procedure. Also, it was felt that the survey could be used to supplement the attitudinal, socioeconomic and shopping trip information gathered on shoppers in the first survey. The overall goal of this project was to develop a combination destination- choice and mode-choice model for shopping trips. In order to fulfill this goal, information on mode-choice behavior on shopping trips must be obtained to go with the data on destination-choice behavior previously gathered. The data gathered on mode-choice behavior included information on the modes chosen and not chosen by individual travelers on shopping trips, information on those characteristics of the modes that are hypothesized as being determinants of travel behavior, and information on those characteristics of individual trav¬ elers that are hypothesized as being determinants of travel behavior- As an early stage in the research, decisions had to be made about the way in which attractiveness would be measured and applied in a modeling context. After reviewing the existing literature, it was determined that the most promis¬ ing approach would be to use methods of attitude and preference scaling from psychology (Torgerson, 1958). This decision generated some extremely specific requirements for the collection of data. Primarily, it required that a number of potential attributes of attractiveness be defined by the researchers; that preferences for these attributes be determined, in relation to specific shopping opportunities; and that importances of these attributes be established through the survey procedure. Given the probable difficulty that people would have in responding to the types of detailed perception and attitude questions, it was also necessary to build in a reasonable set of checks and balances on the atti¬ tudinal information, so that similar results could be derived from at least two different and partially independent procedures. Such dual derivations would provide a check on the validity of the conclusions reached, irrespective of possible intransitivities and illogicalities among the respondents. Again, the desire to be able to check results from alternative measurement techniques and analytical procedures dictated a large proportion of the data collection effort. In summary, the research determined that no current data sets existed that would be adequate for the testing of the hypotheses proposed in this research, and therefore dictated that specific data sets be collected for testing those hypotheses. The testing of hypotheses relating to choice sets, the existence and measurement of attractiveness, market segmentation, and prototypical model structure for destination choice, required that data be collected upon the per¬ ceptions of individual shoppers and the characteristics of those shoppers them¬ selves, together with limited information on the trip to which those data relate. This information on the trip should include the types of commodities purchased, whether the trip is a part of a chain of trips, the mode of travel used, and the origin from which the trip was made. 3.2 The First Destination-Choice Survey 3.2.1 Development of the Attribute Set The literature search, particularly in the marketing literature, produced a list of candidate attributes that might comprise attractiveness. The initial list, derived from the marketing literature, is shown in Table 3-1. After 24 LOCATIONAL CONVENIENCE MERCHANDISE SUITABILITY Access Routes Traffic Barriers Traveling Time Parking—Availability and Cost Available Modes of Transport Proximity to Home Proximity to Other Stores Number of Brands Stocked Quality of Stock Breadth of Assortment Depth of Assortment Number of Outstanding Departments within Store PRICE CONSIDERATIONS Price of a Particular Item (Z) in a Particular Store Price of Item Z in Competing Store Price of Item Z in a Particular Store on Sale Day Prices of Substitute Products in Substitute Stores SALES EFFORTS AND STORE SERVICES Courtesy of Sales Clerks Helpfulness of Sales Clerks Advertising Billing Procedure Credit Arrangements Delivery Promptness Services Rendered Store Hours Style of Operation Eating Facilities CONGENIALITY OF STORE Layout Decor and Attractiveness of Merchandise Displays Store Traffic and Congestion Class of Customers Store Reputation Store Age Store Size POST-TRANSACTION SATISFACTION Satisfaction with Merchandise in Use Satisfaction with Returns and - Adjustments Satisfaction with Price Paid Satisfaction with Shopping Experience in Store Satisfaction with Accessibility to Store TABLE 3-1 38 Attractiveness Measures 25 excluding those attributes that describe transportation related accessibility attributes, an initial list of candidate attributes was compiled. This list was derived primarily from those sections of Table 3-1 labelled price consid¬ erations, congeniality of store, merchandise suitability, sales efforts and store services, and post-transaction satisfaction. The attributes under loca- tional convenience were considered to be attributes of accessibility. However, the attribute of parking was considered to be an attribute of the site rather than an attribute of accessibility. This assumption may be somewhat question¬ able. However, it is clear that the lack of parking at a shopping location would most probably deter those shoppers who have a preference for using their automobiles for a shopping trip. Likewise, a shopping location which has ade¬ quate free parking that is located close to stores would be likely to attract trips from those who prefer to use their automobiles. Thus, it appears that the parking attribute is a somewhat mixed attribute that may be considered as both an attribute of the site and an attribute of accessibility. For this research, it was assumed to be an attribute of attractiveness. The list of potential attributes was split into two sections, one section of attributes that describe a specific store and a second section of attributes that describe an entire shopping center. These attributes are shown in Table 3-2. This set of candidate attributes was set up in part on the basis of the original listing in Table 3-1, and in part by a consideration of the potential combinations of attributes from the original list into new compound attributes that may still be appropriate for consideration as elements of attractiveness. Since Table 3-2 still contains 21 attributes, and since these were generated from other sources, it was considered necessary to further refine the list of attributes. In terms of the size of the list, this was necessary in order to design a survey that would be small enough to encourage completion. In addi¬ tion, it was not considered that this set of attributes was sacrosanct. Some experimental work was deemed advisable to determine whether or not these attri¬ butes were seen by local shoppers to be of importance and to attempt to deter¬ mine whether any important attributes were missing. A small pilot survey was undertaken to refine and expand this candidate list of attributes, using an importance scaling of the attributes. In addition, respondents were asked to add any attributes that were important to them that had not been included, indicating their importance. Limited information was also collected on social and economic characteristics of the respondents as well as some data upon the shopping trip that they were undertaking. For any attitude data on importances to be meaningful, it is necessary that they be collected in relation to a specific trip that is currently in the mind of the respondent. Therefore, the survey device was designed to permit respondents to examine these attributes in relation to a current shopping trip for consumer durables. Given time and money limitations, a home interview process was ruled out as being impractical. Such a process would necessitate a prior contact to establish whether or not the individual had undertaken a shopping trip for con¬ sumer durables within the last 24 hours, with the rejection of any respondent who did not qualify in this way. Such a procedure would involve a very large number of home interview contacts with a relatively small return of usable responses. The alternative procedure is to select, as respondents, people actually engaged in a consumer-durable shopping trip. This could be done most 26 STORE CHARACTERISTICS CENTER CHARACTERISTICS Layout of Store After Sales Service Store Opening Hours Status of Store Value for Money Availability of Rest Rooms Variety of Range of Merchandise Availability of Store Credit Availability of Sale Items Courteous and Helpful Sales Assistants Freedom to use Major Credit Cards Store Atmosphere Free Parking Availability of Eating Facilities Covered Walkways between Stores Stores Located in Compact Area Availability, of a Specific Store Architecture and Design of Center Auto-free Mal 1 Ability to find Convenient Parking Number and Variety of Stores TABLE 3-2 Store and Shopping-Center Characteristics 27 easily by intercepting people in a shopping center, or other shopping location, and obtaining their responses at that time. The research team felt that an inter¬ view would still be impractical, since most shoppers would have too little time available to be willing to stop and answer a set of questions. The decision was, therefore, made to carry out this survey as a self-administered questionnaire that would be handed out at shopping centers to potential respondents. It was recognized that such a survey procedure has a number of inherent disadvantages, such as a lack of control on the sampling, the traditionally high nonresponse rate, and the pros¬ pects of bias in the responses that are obtained. However, the advantages of the procedure were seen to outweigh the disadvantages by a substantial margin and the pilot survey proceeded as a choice-based, self-administered survey. The survey achieved a 12% response rate, compared with the anticipated one of 10%, and from this a set of revised characteristics were developed. These characteristics comprised the deletion of some attributes from the original list, a change of the wording of some attributes, the combination of some attri¬ butes, and the addition of some attributes. A list of the revised characteris¬ tics is shown in Table 3-3 together with a comparison with the original set of attributes used in the survey. The survey procedure achieved a reduction in the number of attributes to 16. The mechanism by which these characteristics were developed may be seen most readily by examining the results of unidimen- sional scales developed from the importance rankings. These scales are shown in Figures 3-1, 3-2, 3-3, and 3-4, including a stratification by sex for each set of store and shopping center characteristics. It was also found that other stratifications of the data produced virtually identical results. The deleted attributes were found to be located consistently at the bottom of the scales for all socioeconomic stratifications. While this does not imply lack of impor¬ tance, it does imply that those attributes are always considered to be less important than any others. Similarly, the scales implied no value to separating store credit from major credit cards. The interpretation of this was that cre¬ dit availability may be important but it is unimportant whether it is made available through the store or a major credit card. It is also worthwhile to examine the distribution of social and economic characteristics across the population that responded. These characteristics are shown in Table 3-4. In addition, some cross tabulations of the population are shown in Appendix A of this report. 3.2.2 Execution of the Primary Survey The next step in the procedure was to develop a major survey to provide estimates of attractiveness indices, based upon the attributes that were devel¬ oped in the pilot survey. Once again, it was determined that the preferred survey method would be a repetition of the method used in the pilot survey, i.e., the use of respondents who were then engaged in a shopping trip, and who could be persuaded to accept a questionnaire to administer to themselves sub¬ sequently. In addition, however, it was decided that it would be worthwhile to attempt to monitor the effectiveness of the self-administered responses by carrying out limited in situ interviewing. Thus the major survey was designed around a dual strategy, in which most respondents were asked to accept the 28 Original Characteristics Revised Characteristics Al. Layout of Store CI. Layout of Store A2. After-sales Service C2. Ease of Returning or Servicing Merchandise A3. Store Opening Hours (deleted) A4. Status of Store C3. Prestige of Store A5. Value for Money C4. C5. Reasonable Price Quality of Merchandise A6. Availability of Rest Rooms (deleted) A7. Variety or Range of Merchandise C6. Variety or Range of Merchandise A8. Availability of Store Credit C7. Availability of Credit A9. Availability of Sale Items C8. Availability of Sale Items ("Specials") A10. Courteous and Helpful Sales Assistants C9. Courteous and Helpful Sales Assistants All. Freedom to Use Major Credit Cards (see C7) Al 2. Store Atmosphere CIO. Store Atmosphere (Heating, Cooling, noise, crowds, etc.) Bl. Free Parking Cll. Free Parking B2. Availability of Eating Facilities (deleted) B3. Covered Walkways between Stores CI 2. Shopping Center Atmosphere (pedestrian- only area, flowers and shrubs, covered walkways, etc.) B4. Stores Located in Compact Area C13. Stores Located in Compact Area B5. Availability of a Specific Store C14. Availability of a Specific Store B6. Architecture and Design of Center (see CI2) B7. Auto-free mall (see C12) B8. Ability to find convenient parking CI 5. Ability to Park where you want B9. Number and Variety of Stores CI 6. Number and Variety of Stores Table 3-3 Revised Store and Shopping Center Characteristics 29 1.00 Variety or Range .66 Value for Money .48 Specials .48 Sales Assistants .48 After-Sales Service .41 Status .41 Layout .36 Store Credit .35 Atmosphere .24 Opening Hours .04 Rest Rooms 0.00 Major Credit Cards FIGURE 3-1 Uni dimensional Scale for Store Characteristics Based on Entire Sample 30 Female Male Variety or Range 1.00 Value for Money After-Sales Service Specials Sales Assistants Sta tus Store Credit Layout Atmosphere Opening Hours Rest Rooms Major Credit Cards .66 .53 .53 .48 .46 .41 .38 .26 .20 .03 0.00 Variety or Range Value for Money Sales Assistants Status Layout Specials After-Sales Service Atmosphere Opening Hours Store Credit Rest Rooms Major Credit Cards FIGURE 3-2 Unidimensional Scales for Store Characteristics Based on Sex 31 1.00 .95 .94 .82 .81 .46 .30 .13 0.00 Variety of Stores Free Parking Compactness Convenient Parking Specific Store Pedestrian Mall Covered Walkways Architecture Eating Facilities FIGURE 3-3 Unidimensional Scale for Shopping Center Characteristics Based on Entire Sample 32 SlO.OOO-and-under Over $50,000 1.00 .93 ,77 ,68 .58 ,39 .34 .03 0.00 Free Parking Variety of Stores Convenient Parking Compactness Specific Store Pedestrian Mall Covered Walkways Architecture Eating Facilities 1.00 .92 .90 .88 .81 .37 .28 .20 0.00 Variety of Stores Free Parking Compactness Specific Store Convenient Parking Pedestrian Mall Covered Walkways Architecture Eating Facilities FIGURE 3-4 Unidimensional Scales for Shopping Center Characteristics Based on Lowest and Highest Income Groups 33 Socioeconomic Characteristics Percentage Male 14% Female 81 Unspecified 6 21 and under 17 22 - 29 18 30 - 39 15 40 - 49 22 50 - 59 14 60 and over 10 Unspecified 3 Salesman/Buyer 4 Professional/Technical/Managerial 8 Craftsman/Mechanic/Factory Worker 1 Clerical/Secretarial/Office Worker 6 Teacher/Professor 10 Student 17 Housewife 41 Governmental 1 Retired 6 Other 4 Unspecified 2 $10,000 and under 10 $10,001 - $15,000 15 $15,001 - $20,000 14 $20,001 - $25,000 14 $25,001 - $50,000 24 Over $50,000 14 Unspecified 8 TABLE 3-4 Percentage Breakdown of Socioeconomic Characteristics for the Pretest Survey 34 questionnaire, fill it out at home and mail it back, while a few were requested to fill out the questionnaire at the shopping center, with the assistance of an interviewer, and leave the questionnaire there. It was assumed that comparisons of the results of these two alternative procedures would provide a reasonably good control mechanism on the effectiveness and biases of the self-administered procedure. Clearly, however, the extent to which this process can provide a check is limited, in that both types of respondent are likely to be subject to the same inherent biases, in terms of cooperation in completing the question¬ naire. Nevertheless, some concern might be appropriate over the extent to which an individual can self-administer a questionnaire which is designed to determine a fairly complex set of preferences and attitudes and this mechanism permits the checking of this aspect. As discussed in chapter 2, the attractiveness measures were to be developed through the technique of multidimensional scaling. This technique, in part, dictates the form in which data are collected for subsequent analysis. In order to be able to develop an estimate of the dimensionality of the perceptual space, in which attractiveness is perceived, and to be able to label that space in terms of compound attributes, a number of questions are necessary. First, it is necessary to obtain data on the comparative importances that people associate with each of the candidate attributes for the concept of attractiveness. Second, it is necessary to obtain estimates of the location of a number of real or hypo¬ thetical shopping locations on scales describing a range of each of the attri¬ butes between common polar points. Third, it is necessary to determine, in some¬ what abstract terms, the proximity or distance between the shopping locations in the perception of the individual, relative to the concept of attractiveness. In other words, it is necessary to find out how similar or dissimilar shopping cen¬ ters are perceived to be in relation to some idea of the attractiveness, or appropriateness of those shopping locations for the specific shopping trip. These questions provide the basis for the development of psychological scales that can be analyzed to produce a representation of the perceptual space. They also provide some degree of validity checking, in the sense that similar results can be inferred from at least two different sets of questions. If these results are consistent with each other, it may be concluded that an individual has an¬ swered the questionnaire consistently and with reasonable understanding of the survey's requirements. In addition, data would be required on the choice set of shopping locations that the individual perceived was open to him. While this question provides interesting and important information relating to questions of the formulation of a choice set, it is also very important as a means of establishing whether or not respondents have familiarity with the set of shop¬ ping locations that are the subject of the attitude questions. Finally, a ques¬ tion on the rank order of preference for shopping at the subject shopping loca¬ tions was included to provide a simple check on the more complex attitude ques¬ tions and as a potential measure of choice. Inconsistencies between the response to the ranking question and the implied ranks derived from the more complex questions would suggest that the response in question be considered very circum¬ spectly for further analytical work, since it may contain either inconsistencies or intentional deception. The remaining questions on the questionnaire related either to specific aspects of the shopping trip, or to the individual responding to the survey. First, questions were asked about the commodities pur¬ chased, stores visited and mode of travel of the shopping trip, together 35 with details on the previous origin and next destination. Respondents were also asked to indicate what other shopping locations they had considered for this trip, or alternatively would consider were the location where they re¬ ceived the questionnaire unavailable for the shopping trip in question. In the second set, questions were asked on the home address of the shopper, occu¬ pation, income, age, and sex of the shopper. Respondents were also asked to indicate how long they had resided in the geographic area within which the survey was being undertaken. This question, in particular, was suggested by the work of Burnett (1973) in which the length of residence was found to be an important variable discriminating between perceptual spaces of shoppers. An extensive design process was then undertaken to refine the form of the questions in the survey. This design process included pilot testing and exten¬ sive group testing and criticism of the survey instrument. The result of this process was the development of a final questionnaire format that was selected for use. A detailed description of the design process is given in the interim report (Transportation Center, 1974) and is not repeated here. The questionnaire is shown in Appendix B. The final task that remained was to select the sites for the survey. The selection of survey sites is closely intertwined with the selection of a set of shopping locations, about which the attitudinal questions would be posed. It had already been decided that the set of shopping locations to be used should be drawn from the area in the north shore suburbs of Chicago. For this initial survey, it was decided to concentrate on shopping center locations, for two reasons. First, shopping centers can be identified more readily on a self- administered questionnaire by use of the shopping center's name. Other types of shopping developments generally are not responsive to such easy identifica¬ tion, and could result in serious ambiguities in the mind of the respondent. Second, it was considered, at this stage of the research, that the definition of an attractiveness concept for shopping centers would be likely to be an easier job than the definition of a similar concept for a less well-defined and well-oriented shopping location. The selection of shopping centers as the subjects of the first survey raised a new problem, that had not been anticipated originally. This problem was that of obtaining permission from a shopping center developer or agent to conduct the survey at the center. It was found that the majority of shopping centers in the Chicago area maintain a policy of discouraging any form of soli¬ citation of shoppers in the shopping center. The jurisdiction of the agents for the shopping center covers all areas outside the actual stores themselves. In the early pilot testing work, this problem had been circumvented by requesting permission from individual stores to undertake the survey within the store. These pilot surveys had been conducted, therefore, by handing out questionnaires to shoppers entering and leaving a store. For this, the survey team was sta¬ tioned at the doors of the store, and not in the shopping-center malls. However, this procedure was felt to be less than optimal for the full-scale survey. A long period of negotiations was therefore undertaken with the management of each of the shopping centers that were desired as survey sites. The result of these negotiations was the obtaining of permission to undertake the survey at the Plaza del Lago Shopping Center in Wilmette, Edens Plaza Shopping Center in Wilmette, and Old Orchard Shopping Center in Skokie. A fourth site, Golf Mill Shopping Center in Niles was also desired, but permission could not be gained from the shopping center management. In the end, it was decided to undertake the survey 36 at that site by obtaining permission from the major store owners in the shop¬ ping center to conduct the survey on their premises. This was duly done. Three additional sites were chosen for inclusion in the total set of shopping locations, the Chicago Loop, Korvette City Shopping Area in Morton Grove, Illinois, and Woodfield Shopping Center in Schaumburg, Illinois. There was no intent to undertake a survey at the Chicago Loop, and this was included pri¬ marily to provide a reference point that would be appropriate for any other follow-up surveys in the Chicago area, and also to provide specific informa¬ tion relating to the potential of pedestrianization in the downtown area. An attempt was made to gain permission from each of Korvette City and Wood- field, but without success. Under the circumstances, it was decided not to pursue these locations further as survey sites, but still to use them as additional locations for the attitude questions. The set of selected survey sites embraces a reasonably large range of size and type of shopping center. Old Orchard Shopping Center represents a large regional shopping center, Golf Mill is a moderate size shopping center while Edens Plaza is a small center, of more local significance, built around a single large department store. Plaza del Lago represents a local shopping center, comprising small specialty stores with no large department store. The other three sites represent the largest covered shopping center in the country (Woodfield), a large metropolitan central business district (Chicago Loop), and a small discount center containing a single department store and very few specialty stores (Korvette City). Thus, the survey embraced a very wide range of shopping opportunities, while yet restricting consideration to shopping centers. The approximate locations of these shopping centers is shown 1n Figure 3-5. The survey was undertaken for one week at each location. In total, about 37,000 questionnaires were distributed, with the expectation that the response rate would be in the region of 5%. This response rate was based upon experi¬ ence with the first survey where a 10% response rate was anticipated and a 12% rate achieved. The primary survey was much longer and more complex than the original pilot survey, and thus led the research team to lower their estimate of response rate. The survey took place during three weeks of late July and early August of 1974. 3.2.3 Description of the Sample The final response rate achieved from the distribution of questionnaires at the four shopping centers was a rate of approximately 22%, comprising 7,362 completed questionnaires and an additional 400 or so incomplete questionnaires. The incomplete questionnaires have not been subjected to analysis. A number of reasons may be put forward for the extraordinarily high response rate achieved by the survey. First, it seems plausible to suppose that the survey itself generated some degree of interest in the respondents, such that a larg¬ er number than might otherwise be expected completed the questionnaire and returned it. Second, the cooperation received at three of the four shopping centers in the form of sponsorship or permission to use the shopping center for the survey may have improved the perception of potential respondents of the worthwhileness and value of the survey itself. 37 © Northwestern university 1. CHICAGO LOOP 2. EDENS PLAZA 3. golf mia shopping center 4. corvette city 5. OLD ORCHARD SHOPPING CENTER 6. PLAZA DEL LAGO 7. WOODFI ELD SHOPPING C0-JTER T FIGURE 3-5 Locations of the Subject Shopping Centers for the First Survey 38 The form of the survey, i.e., a self-administered survey with no control on sampling or response, does not permit any form of a representative sample to be achieved. Given the exploratory nature of the research being under¬ taken, this lack of representation was not deemed to be a consideration in the design of the survey. Therefore, the profiles generated for the survey re¬ spondents cannot be considered to be representative, necessarily, of the north-shore residential areas of Chicago. However, if these profiles corres¬ pond reasonably with other known data, e.g., census data, it may be assumed that serious biases have not been introduced into the survey by the adminis¬ tration of it. The income of the suburbs from which the sample is most probably drawn is known to be relatively high. In fact, within the residential areas from which shoppers are drawn to the shopping centers, there are 13 contiguous census tracts with incomes, in the 1970 census, that are more than twice the median income of the Chicago area. This is a very significant group, and would suggest a high income bias in the area. Such a bias was indeed found in the survey results, as shown in Table 3-5. Thus, it would appear that the sample is reasonably typical of what might be expected in the north shore area of Chicago, but is clearly a highly biased sample for the generalization of survey findings to any metropolitan area. The other principal bias deter¬ mined in the survey is by sex. The breakdown was found to be 20% male and 76% female, with 4% respondents not answering the question. While this may not represent a bias in terms of shoppers, it clearly does represent a bias with respect to overall population. The distribution of income by sex is shown in Table 3-6. This table shows no significant difference in the incomes by sex. The length-of-residence distribution was found to be more skewed towards long periods of residence than was expected a priori. Given the mobility of the U.S. population, this seems a somewhat surprising result. Table 3-7 shows the distribution of length of residence. The table shows a surprising¬ ly large proportion (62%) that report being resident in the area for more than ten years. However, it should be noted that the residency question was asked in terms of residence within the suburban area covering the majority of the north and northwest suburbs of Chicago. Hence, it does not indicate the length of residence at a single address, but rather length of time settled in the area. This was intentional, since the length-of-residence question was designed to determine the degree of familiarity that a respondent would be likely to have with the shopping opportunities in the area. Given the biases in income, sex, and length of residence, it might be expected that some correlations would exist within these variables. Tables 3-8 and 3-9 show the distributions of length of residence by each of sex and income. In neither of these tables is it apparent that there is any strong correlation between the biased variables. Indeed, length of residence and sex appears to yield no significant variation, while the distribution of length of residence by income shows only the expected variations that are most probably correlated as much with age as with length of residence. For example, there is a higher proportion of people with incomes under $10,000 who have resided in the area less than one year than any other income group. In all of the higher income groups, the percentages increase with increasing length of residence. This is an expected result. In the lower income groups, there is a tendency for the distributions to peak initially in the short 39 Income Group Frequency (%) $10,000 and under 832 (11.3) $10,001 - $15,000 1150 (15.6) $15,001 - $20,000 1215 (16.5) $20,001 - $25,000 114'8 (15.6) $25,001 - $50,000 1479 (20.1) Over $50,000 517 (7.0) No Response 1021 (13.9) TABLE 3-5 Sample Income Distribution 40 Income SEX Under $10,000 $10,001-$15,000 $15,001-$20,000 $20,001-$25,000 $25,001-$50,000 Over $50,000 Female 13.5% 17.4% 19.0% 18.1% 23.5% 8.6% Male 12.4% 20.5% 19.6% 17.8% 23.2% 6.6% TABLE 3-6 Distribution of Income by Sex Length of Residence Frequency (%) Less than 1 year 215 (2.9) 1-3 years 690 (9.4) 4-6 years 674 (9.2) 7-10 years 777 (10.6) More than 10 years 4558 (61.9) No response 448 (6.1) TABLE 3-7 Distribution of Length of Residence Length of Residence SEX Less than 1 year 1 - 3 years 4-6 years 7-10 years Over 10 years Female 3.0% 9.7% 10.0% 11.2% 66.1% Male 3.7% 11.2% 8.9% 11.0% 65.3% TABLE 3-8 Distribution of Length of Residence by Sex INCOME Length of Residence Less than 1 year 1 - 3 years 4-6 years 7 - 10 years Over 10 years Under $10,000 6.1% 11.8% 6.9% 6.5% 68.8% $10,001-$15,000 4.2% 13.1% 9.1% 9.6% 64.0% $15,001-$20,000 2.9% 11.1% 10.4% 11.2% 64.4% $20,001-$25,000 2.9% 9.8% 11.6% 11.0% 64.7% $25,001-$50,000 2.2% 8.7% 9.7 % 13.1% 66.3% Over $50,000 2.0% 7.3% 8.8% 13o5% 68.4% TABLE 3-9 Distribution of Length of Residence by Income 42 lengths of residence and peak again in the longest residence category. This final peak, observed in all income groups, is in conformance with the length of residence distribution observed over the whole population. The other two variables used to describe respondents were occupation and age. The distribution of these over the sample population is shown in Tables 3-10 and 3-11. No conclusions can be drawn from the distribution of occupation with respect to the representativeness of the sample, since data of this type are not generally available from other sources. In terms of the age distribution, it may be noted that there is some skewing towards younger groups, with approximately half of the respondents being drawn from ages of 30 or under. This is not a very surprising result, given that the North- Shore area contains a relatively high number of students. However, it seems possible that some of the preponderance of lower age groups may be a specific bias generated by the survey itself. It is probable that a more uniform distribution should be expected from a totally representative sample, and the tailing off in the higher age groups may indicate a lower level of tolerance of the complexity of the questionnaire, together with a lesser inclination to respond to questionnaires of this type. Finally, it is interesting to examine the degree to which people reported that they were on a linked trip of some type. That is, the previous origin and the following destination would indicate whether an individual is in the process of a multiple purpose trip, or alternatively is making multiple shop¬ ping visits. The extent of such trips appears relatively low for this sample. On the basis of Table 3-12, it can be seen that only 11% of trips were des¬ tined for another shopping center, while 76% of trips were then going home. Similar figures are shown in Table 3-13 for the origins. Table 3-14 shows the last origin-first destination pattern for the sample. From this, it can be seen that over 64% of trips are between home and the shopping center only, while a further 5% are trips between home and work. Only 12.4% of trips are made between multiple shopping destinations and home, and these comprise the majority of the remaining trips. From this, it may be concluded that the occurrence of multiple destination trips for shopping is relatively low in the north shore area at this time. Two possible conclusions may be drawn from this. First, it may be postulated that the effects of the fuel short¬ ages of the winter of 1974 have receded sufficiently in the memories of the majority of residents of the area that little attempt is being made to con¬ serve energy on trips. Alternatively, it may be postulated that a shopping center represents an opportunity for a multiple-destination trip, without the attendant travel movement that would normally be associated with multiple- destination trips. Cross-tabulations of age and length of residence, and age and income are of interest. These are shown in Tables 3-15 and 3-16. As may be expected, the longest residence groups are associated with both the youngest and oldest age groups. These indicate the members of families that have matured in the area. Similarly, the shorter periods of residence are associated with the intermediate age groups, particularly in the 22-29 year-old age group. The cross-tabulation of sex and age does not indicate any very marked variation between these. 43 Occupation Number (%) Military 11 (.1) Salesman 305 (4.1) Teacher 641 (8.7) Professional 1182 (16.1) Craftsman 108 (1.5) Clerical 777 (10.6) Student 1700 (23.1) Housewife 1889 (25.7) Governmental 85 (.7) Retired 146 (2.0) Other 274 (3.7) No Response % 274 (3.7) TABLE 3-10 Distribution of Occupation Age Number (%) Under 16 years 357 (4.8) 16 - 21 years 1588 (21.6) 22-29 years 1647 (22.4) 30 - 39 years 1148 (15.6) 40 - 49 years 1122 (15.2) 50 - 59 years 840 (11.4) Over 59 years 404 (5.5) No Response 256 (3.5) TABLE 3-11 Age Distribution for the Sample 44 Next Destination Percentage Other shopping locations 11.1 Work 2.5 Home 75.7 Other 10.6 TABLE 3-12 Distribution of Next Destination Previous Origin Percentage Other shopping locations 6.9 Work 5.6 Home 80.8 Other 6.7 TABLE 3-13 Distribution of Previous Origin 45 —.^Ori gi n Desti natiofr,*,^^><><^ Other Shopping Work Home Other Other shopping 89(1.3) 15(.2) 628(9.2) 47(.7) Work 1(0) 84(1.2) 82(1.2) 4(0.1) Home 217(3.2) 275(4.0) 4,393(64.2) 283(4.1) Other 28(.4) 24(.4) 534(7.8) 136(2.0) TABLE 3-14 Origin by Destination 46 Length of ^«^Residence Age Less than 1 year 1-3 years 4-6 years 7-10 years Over 10 years Under 16 2.6 4.1 10.2 21.9 61.1 16 - 21 2.5 5.9 7.4 11.9 72.3 22 - 29 7.0 19.9 12.8 5.7 54.5 30 - 39 2.7 14.6 15.9 19.1 47.7 40 - 49 1.1 4.6 7.4 12.0 74.9 50 - 59 1.5 5.0 5.0 7.9 80.7 60 and Over 1.0 4.5 5.5 4.0 84.9 TABLE 3-15 Length of Residence by Age (All entries are percentages of row totals) 47 Age Less than $1 OK $10K- $15K $15K- $20K 1 O IT) ; CVI CM $25K- $50K Over $50K Under 16 12-7 15.8 19.7 14.9 23.2 13.6 16 - 21 19.5 14.6 17.1 16.0 21.4 11.5 22 - 29 21.8 27.1 22.4 15.2 10.8 2.7 30 - 39 3.5 17.2 21.1 21.5 29.1 7.6 40-49 3.8 10.9 16.7 22.1 36.0 10.5 50 - 59 7.7 14.1 18.4 20.0 30.3 9.5 60 and Over 20.4 24.8 14.7 15.0 16.9 8.2 TABLE 3-16 Income by Age (All entries are percentages of row totals) 48 The most prevalent occupation of the under 22 year-olds is student, as might be expected, accounting for 78.6% of that age group. The 22-29 year- olds are more scattered across the occupations, with 26.6% professionals, 19.2% housewives. For ages 30-59, the most frequently reported occupation is housewife. In the over-59 age group, 30.8% are retired and 33.3% are housewives. Expected biases appear in the cross-tabulation of sex and occupation. Housewife accounts for 33.6% of the females but only 0.6% of males. Most males report being professionals, with 42.9% in this category, followed by 20.2% who are students and 10.2% salesmen. Similarly, 25% of females are students, followed by 13.1% in secretarial and clerical occupations. Additional statistics are relevant, with relation to the trips under¬ taken, referring to the modes of travel, and the items purchased. Table 3-17 shows the distribution of modes used to get to and from the shopping centers used in the survey. Based upon these figures, average auto occupancy appears to be 1.32, which is close to the usual average auto occupancy reported for major metropolitan areas, such as Chicago. In total, 93.2% of the sample came by car, as either driver or passenger, and only 2% came by bus. Inter¬ estingly, almost the same number walked as came by bus, while most of the "other" category comprises bicycles, which also account for almost as many trips as bus. Table 3-18 indicates the items purchased. Clothing was the item purchased most frequently. On average, respondents reported 2.65 diff¬ erent items purchased, which is consistent with the relatively low proportion of multiple-destination trips. The actual average may be somewhat higher than this, since the questionnaire permitted only 5 responses on items pur¬ chased. However, it was noted that a rapidly decreasing number of people reported each of 4 and 5 separate items, suggesting that the number purchas¬ ing more than 5 was probably insignificant. Several other tables and cross- tabulations are to be found in Appendix c. Finally, questions were asked on the familiarity and frequency of use of a large selection of shopping locations in the North Shore suburbs. Of part¬ icular interest is the number of people who have never heard of those shop¬ ping centers used in subsequent questions on the attitudes and perceptions of people about specific shopping opportunities. The reported familiarity is shown in Table 3-19. From this, it appears that less than 5% of the popula¬ tion were unaware of five of the seven shopping centers. However, nearly 20% were unaware of one shopping opportunity and over 25% were unaware of the seventh center. These results suggest that substantially less than all of the responses will be usable for the psychological scaling analysis. These results serve to provide a profile of the sample achieved from the survey. In summary, a biased sample of a metropolitan area was obtained, in which the respondents were predominantly females from high income households, who have lived in the north shore area of Chicago for more than six years. The sample is also biased strongly towards younger people (under 30) and to students and housewives. In terms of attitude biases, there is no indication that this necessarily represents a poor sampling of shoppers. Little has been reported in the literature on the demographic characteristics of the average shopper, particularly for a suburban shopping center. 49 Mode Used Number in Sample (%) Auto driver 5064 (70.4) Auto passenger 1641 (22.8) Bus 144 (2.0) Taxi 10 (0.1) Walk 135 (1.9) Other 195 (2.7) TABLE 3-17 Mode of Travel Used to the Shopping Center Item Number in Purchased Sample (%) Clothing 5243 (26.8) Gifts 1854 (9.5) Books and Stationery 1512 (7.7) Window Shopping 1505 (7.7) Home Furnishings 1199 (6.1) Housewares 1145 (5.9) Drugs & Cosmetics 1120 (5.7) Eating Out 946 (4.8) Other 4998 (25.6) TABLE 3-18 Items Purchased 50 SHOPPING LOCATION FAMILIARITY EDENS PLAZA OLD ORCHARD GOLF MILL WOOD- FIELD CHICAGO LOOP KORVETTE CITY PLAZA DEL LAGO Never heard of 4.4 0.7 2.2 3.0 1.7 19.2 26.9 Heard of, not visited 18.0 2.5 7.7 16.8 5.5 36.7 42.8 TABLE 3-19 Familiarity Reported by Respondents to Centers Used in Psychological Scaling Questions 3.3 The Second Destination-Choice Survey 3.3.1 Survey Design As discussed at the beginning of this chapter, the principal goals of the second destination-choice survey were to extend the measurement techni¬ ques to retail locations that are not structured as a shopping center, and to provide a clearer distinction between the Chicago Loop shopping opportu¬ nities. In addition, several refinements were made to the questioning pro¬ cedures, based upon experience with the first survey. As before, the selected process for conducting the survey was to hand out questionnaires to shoppers, for them to self-administer the survey, and mail it back in a reply-paid envelope. It was determined that a minimum of 500 completed questionnaires was necessary for the type of analysis anticipated. Based on the mail back rate of the 1974 survey, it was projected that at least 500 responses could be received entirely by the self-administered questionnaire method if 5,000 questionnaires were distributed to shoppers. Design of the questionnaire was begun in mid-June and completed by mid- July, 1975. The questionnaire from the 1974 survey was used as the basis for the new questionnaire. The final form of the 1975 questionnaire resembles the 1974 questionnaire in many respects. Comparison of the two questionnaires, which can be found in Appendix B, bears this out. The list of retail locations included in the familiarity question of the 1974 questionnaire was altered for the 1975 survey. It was decided to drop from the list those locations never heard of by a significant proportion of the 1974 respondents and to add a few of the locations frequently written in by respondents. The subject set used in questions relating to multidimension¬ al scaling was also revised. This was done in order to gain the information necessary for placing more shopping opportunities in the attractiveness space already containing the subject set from the 1974 survey. The new subject set included four shopping locations from the 1974 sub¬ ject set: Edens Plaza, Golf Mill, Old Orchard and Woodfield. Results of the 1974 survey indicated that respondents were highly familiar with each of these locations (See Table 3-19). Because the four sites were well known, they served as reference points for the comparison of attractiveness information from the 1974 and 1975 surveys. The Chicago Loop was replaced in the new subject set by two locations: North Michigan Avenue and State Street. These are two separate shopping opportunities in downtown Chicago and their inclusion would give more detailed information on CBD shopping opportunities than would the general designation of Chicago Loop. Also, as was mentioned earlier, a pedestrian shopping mall has been proposed for the State Street area. Therefore, any information gathered on shoppers' current perceptions of the State Street shopping area would help in predicting what effect the construction of the proposed mall would have on shopping patterns. Three suburban shopping locations -- Dempster Street (at Skokie Swift), Downtown Skokie (Oakton Street and Niles Center Road) and Downtown Evanston -- were added to the new subject set. Their inclusion increased the variety 52 of shopping opportunities represented in the set. Unlike the four shopping locations maintained from the 1974 subject set, these three retail opportun¬ ities have neither well-defined geographic boundaries nor compact shopping areas. Dempster Street and Downtown Skokie both represent strip developments along major thoroughfares, while Downtown Evanston is a suburban CBD spread¬ ing over several blocks and is also the site of the mode-choice survey, des¬ cribed later in this chapter- The final subject set consisted of the following nine shopping locations: Dempster Street (at Skokie Swift): strip development Edens Plaza: small suburban plaza around one department store Downtown Evanston: vehicle-pedestrian suburban downtown area Golf Mill: large suburban cénter; two department stores North Michigan Avenue (Chicago): vehicle-pedestrian downtown area Old Orchard: large suburban center; two department stores Downtown Skokie (at Oakton Street and Niles Center Road): strip development State Street (Chicago): vehicle-pedestrian downtown area Woodfield: world's largest indoor center Although direct similarities questions were included in the first ques¬ tionnaire, these questions were deleted from the second survey. This decision was reached after it was determined that the benefits from omitting the ques¬ tions outweighed the costs in terms of lost information. The benefits includ¬ ed the higher quality of responses which could be expected on the remainder of the questionnaire. Expanding the number of shopping opportunities in the sub¬ ject set from seven to nine increased the number of direct similarities ques¬ tions from 21 to 36. This increase, almost double the number of questions, would place additional strain on respondents and might precipitate poor re¬ sponses on these questions and others. Besides, analysis of the 1974 data indicated that the information lost by omitting the direct similarities could be minimized. Results suggested that, given a good set of shopping location characteristics, almost the same information had been derived from indirect similarities as was obtained from direct similarities. Two new questions were included in the second questionnaire to determine satisfaction levels of the respondents. One question asked shoppers how satisfied they are with respect to shopping at the various locations in the subject set. In the other question they were asked how satisfied they are with respect to each of the 16 retail location characteristics at the shop¬ ping center where they received the questionnaire. Since elsewhere in the questionnaire shoppers were asked for preference and importance rankings, it was deemed informative to determine how satisfaction correlates with prefer¬ ence and importance. The second questionnaire elicited more information on the make-up of shoppers than did the first survey. In addition to the socioeconomic ques¬ tions of the first survey, the second questionnaire included questions which requested the last year of school completed, marital status, and the ages of all children living with the respondent. The latter two questions were asked to determine respondents' positions in the family life-cycle. 53 The questionnaire also requested more information on the trip shoppers made when they received their surveys. For example, it asked respondents to estimate the time at which they left the location from which they travelled directly to the shopping center and the time at which they arrived at the shopping center. Also, it requested that respondents estimate their trip cost. The responses to these questions would give an indication of how mem¬ bers of the sample perceived their shopping trip and would permit the use of the mode-choice utilities in a destination-choice model. Revisions were made in the answer categories of some of the questions carried over from the first questionnaire. The number of possible responses in the familiarity question was expanded from five to seven; the income cate- tory of $25,001 to $50,000 which was used in the first survey was broken up into five separate categories; the years of residence answer categories were further subdivided. These changes were made in order to acquire more precise information. In some cases, answer categories were deleted or combined with other categories. For instance, the military category was dropped from the list of occupations in the second survey because an insignificant number of respondents reported this category in the first survey. In the second ques¬ tionnaire the age categories of under 16 and 16 to 22 were combined into one category, because the 1974 survey indicated that respondents from the two categories were quite similar in terms of characteristics other than age. The second questionnaire used seven-point semantic scales instead of the five-point scales of the first survey. This change was prompted in part by the fact that with the new subject set nine instead of seven shopping opportunities had to be ranked. With respect to filling out the question¬ naire, respondents were asked to circle numbers corresponding to the appro¬ priate answers rather than place checks in boxes or on scales. This change was made primarily to facilitate coding. The second questionnaire was print¬ ed on light green paper to improve its readability. It was decided that, since only 5,000 questionnaires were to be distri¬ buted, one shopping site would be sufficient. It was hoped that one of the four distribution sites of the previous year could again be utilized since a sample similar in character to that of the first survey was desired. After negotiation, permission was obtained to use Old Orchard, in return for infor¬ mation acquired from the survey. All questionnaires were distributed on Thursday, July 31, 1975. A team of twelve people handed out 5,000 questionnaires throughout the mall area of Old Orchard Shopping Center. A one-month deadline was set for the return of questionnaires, by which time a total of 647 questionnaires had been returned, representing a response rate of 13%. Of this total, 602 were considered to be sufficiently complete to be satisfactory for analysis. Questionnaires were considered complete if they contained responses for all of the socio¬ economic questions and if they had at least an arbitrarily specified number of answers for the remaining questions. The information from the 602 accept¬ able questionnaires was keypunched onto computer cards and the SPSS package of computer programs used to compute frequency distributions and cross-tabu¬ lations of the data. The remainder of this section describes the salient socioeconomic and shopping trip characteristics of the sample. 54 3.3.2 Characteristics of the Second-Survey Sample The income distribution in the second sample is even more heavily skewed toward high incomes than is the distribution of the first survey. Table 3-20 shows that when nonresponses are deleted more than 60% of the sample list household incomes exceeding $20,000. In the first survey just under 50% of the sample reported incomes greater than $20,000. Higher reported incomes in the more recent survey may in part be accounted for by the nature of shopping opportunities at the distribution site. Old Orchard has department stores and specialty shops which are more prestigious and expensive than those of the other three distribution sites used in the first survey — Edens Plaza, Golf Mill and Plaza del Lago. Hence, it is likely that Old Orchard attracts a wealthier clientele. Similar to the first sample, the population of the second survey is heavily biased in terms of sex. The respondents are 84.2% female and 14.6% male (1.2% did not designate their sex). The female, male, no response per¬ centages in the 1974 sample are 76%, 20% and 4%, respectively. The length of residence information, shown in Table 3-21, indicates a highly stable sample population. Excluding nonresponses, more than 83% of those who answered the questionnaire have lived in the north suburban' Chicago area for over six years. In the first survey, just over 75% of the respon¬ dents reported having resided in the same area for more than six years. Thus, the population of the Old Orchard survey is even more stable than that of the earlier survey. Tables 3-22 and 3-23 demonstrate that sex has little correlation with either income or length of residence. In each table, entries are expressed as percentages of row totals and nonresponses have been omitted. The first survey data also indicated a lack of correlation among the biased variables of sex, income, and length of residence. The breakdown of the Old Orchard sample on the occupational variable is not entirely analogous to the job distribution of the 1974 sample. Table 3-24 shows that, in the second survey, housewife is the most prevalent occupation (31.6%) followed by professional (19.3%) and student (18.1%). In the first survey, housewife is the primary occupation of 25.7% of the sample; student and professional follow at 23.1% and 16.1%, respectively. The decline in per¬ centage of students in the second sample may be accounted for in part by the already-mentioned fact that Old Orchard is more expensive than the other dis¬ tribution sites used in the first survey. With respect to age, the second survey is skewed toward younger groups, though not quite as heavily as is the first survey. Table 3-25 shows that the largest age concentration is in the 22-29 year category. 43.7% of the total respondents are under 30 years of age compared with a figure of 50.5% for the first survey. The drop in percentage of younger respondents in the second survey relative to the earlier survey is consistent with the decline in the proportion of students noted earlier. 55 Income Group Frequency (%) $10,000 and under 43 (7.1) $10,001 - $15,000 73 (12.1) $15,001 - $20,000 87 (14.5) $20,001 - $25,000 83 (13.8) $25,001 - $30,000 71 (11.8) $30,001 - $35,000 42 (7.0) $35,001 - $40,000 32 (5.3) $40,001 - $45,000 21 (3.5) $45,001 - $50,000 12 (2.0) Over $50,000 79 (13.1) No Response 59 (9.8) TABLE 3-20 Income Distribution for Second-Survey Sample 56 LENGTH OF RESIDENCE FREQUENCY (%) Not a resident 11 (1.8) Less than 1 year 9 (1.5) 1 year 15 (2.5) 2 years 23 (3.8) 3 years 22 (3.7) 4 years 14 (2.3) 5 years 25 (4.2) 6 years 19 (3.2) 7 years 21 (3.5) 8 years 17 (2.8) 9 years 12 (2.0) 10 or more years 412 (58.4) TABLE 3-21 Length of Residence Distribution for Second Sample 57 INCOME SEX Under $10,000 $10,001- $15,000 $15,001- $20,000 $20,001- $25,000 $25,001- $30,000 $30,001- $35,000 $35,001- $40,000 $40,001- $45,000 $45,001- $50,000 Over $50,000 Female 7.7 12.8 15.2 14.8 13.9 8.4 6.6 3.5 2.4 14.6 Male 7.2 18.1 20.5 18.1 9.6 3.6 2.4 4.8 1.2 14.5 TABLE 3-22 Distribution of Income by Sex for Second Sample LENGTH OF RESIDENCE SEX Not a Resident Less than 1 year 1 year 2 years 3 years 4 | 5 years I years 6 years 7 years 8 years 9 years 10 years and over Female 1.6 1.2 2.4 3.6 3.6 2.4 j 4.6 2.2 3.2 2.4 2.2 70.9 Male 3.4 3.4 3.4 5.7 3.4 2.3 ! 2.3 I i... 8.0 4.5 5.7 1.1 56.8 TABLE 3-23 Distribution of Length of Residence by Sex for Second Sample OCCUPATION FREQUENCY (%) Salesman 18 (3.0) Teacher 71 (11.8) Professional 116 (19.3) Craftsman 2 ( .3) Clerical 46 (7.6) Student 109 (18.1) Housewife 190 (31.6) Governmental 2 ( .3) Retired 19 C3.2) Other 26 (4.3) No Response 3 ( .5) TABLE 3-24 Occupation Distribution for Second Sample 59 AGE FREQUENCY (%) Under 22 years 117 (19.4) 22 - 29 years 145 (24.1) 30 - 39 years 117 (19.4) 40 - 49 years 111 (18.4) 50 - 59 years 68 (11.3) 60 - 65 years 23 (3.8) Over 65 years 19 (3.2) No response 2 (.3) TABLE 3-25 Age Distribution for Second Sample 60 Cross-tabulations on the second-survey data show that 78.4% of those under 22 years of age are students. The most prevalent occupation among 22 to 29-year-olds is professional with 26.9% falling into this job category. For ages 30 through 65, housewife is the prominent occupation. Over 65 years the majority of respondents are retired. There appears to be a correlation between sex and occupation in the second sample. Housewife is the principal occupation of females with 37.7% of them falling into this category. With 52.3% of the male responses, pro¬ fessional ranks as the largest occupational category for men. Student is the second most frequent occupation designated by both females (18.8%) and males (15.9%). The second sample is well-educated. As shown in Table 3-26, more than 81% of the respondents have received schooling beyond the high school level. A breakdown of the sample in terms of stages of the life-cycle is given in Table 3-27. In this table the category young consists of all ages up to and including age 39, while old includes ages 40 and over. As shown, the highest percentage of respondents are in the life-cycle category of young and unmar¬ ried. All trip information gathered in this survey pertain to the particular shopping trip respondents made when they received their questionnaires at Old Orchard. As shown in Table 3-28, there is a heavy bias towards the use of the automobile. 93.3% of the sample made the trip to and from the shopping center by car (either as driver or passenger). This percentage is almost identical with the analogous figure — 93.2% -- for the first survey. The second most prevalent mode used to reach Old Orchard was bus. 3.5% of the sample used this means of travel compared to 2% bus usage in the previous year. As was the case with the first survey, the Old Orchard survey yielded little evidence of multiple-destination trips. As indicated in Table 3-29, 59.2% of the respondents traveled directly to the shopping center from home and returned immediately to home upon leaving the center. This is close to the figure of 64.2% for the previous survey. Table 3-30 shows that home was the immediate origin of the shopping trip in 76.7% of the cases in this sur¬ vey. This compares with a figure of 81% in the previous year. It can be seen in Table 3-31 that home was the immediate destination upon leaving the shopping center in 75% of the cases in 1975. The comparable figure for the previous year is 76%. The Old Orchard data lend support to the hypothesis that a shopping center serves as a multiple-destination opportunity. However, the support given by this data was not quite as strong as that coming from the first survey data. 42% of the Old Orchard shoppers purchased items from at least three categories, while almost 50% of the shoppers .did so in the previous year. As shown in Table 3-32, clothing was the most popular shopping item among the Old Orchard sample. More than 91% of the respondents listed it as one of the major items they came to purchase during their shopping trip. The next most popular items were window shopping and drugs-cosmetics which were sought by 22.9% and 16.6%, respectively, of the respondents. 61 Highest Level of Education Frequency {%) High School Degree or Less Some College College Degree Masters Degree Doctorate Other No Response 111 (18.6) 185 (30.9) 192 (32.1) 68 (11.4) 12 (2.0) 30 (5.0) 4 (.7) TABLE 3-26 Educational Distribution for Old Orchard Sample STAGE IN LIFE CYCLE FREQUENCY (35) Young Unmarried 195 (32.4) Old Unmarried 35 (5.8) Young Married, No Children 44 (7.3) Old Married, No Children 63 (10.5) Married, Oldest Child 0-5 Years 68 (11.3) Married, Oldest Child 6-11 Years 56 (9.3) Married, Oldest Child 12-18 Years 62 (10.3) Married, Oldest Child 19-22 Years 68 (11.3) No Response 11 (1.8) TABLE 3-27 Life Cycle Distribution for Old Orchard Sample 62 Mode Used Frequency (%) Auto Driver 469 (77.9) Auto Passenger 93 (15.4) Taxi 1 (-2) Bus 21 (3.5) Bicycle 4 (.7) Walking 14 (2.3) TABLE 3-28 Mode of Travel Used to Old Orchard Origin Des ti n at iofr*^-^.^ Other Shopping Work Home Other Other Shopping 3( • 5) 3 ( - 5) 41(6.9) 8(1.3) Work 0(0) 11(1.9) 9(1.5) 0(0) Home 32(5.4) 38(6.4) 351(59.2) 24(4.0) Other 4( .7) 4( .7) 54(9.1) 11(1.9) TABLE 3-29 Distribution of Origin by Destination (Figures in Parentheses are percentages) 63 Previous Origin Pecentage Other Shopping Locations 6.6 Work 9.6 Home 76.7 Other 7.1 TABLE 3-30 Distribution of Previous Origin for Old Orchard Respondents Next Destination Percentage Other Shopping Locations 9.3 Work 3.4 Home 75.0 Other 12.3 TABLE 3-31 Distribution of Next Destination for Old Orchard Respondents 64 Item Shopped For Frequency {%)* Clothing 550 (91.4) Window Shopping 138 (22.9) Drugs and Cosmetics 100 (16.6) Eating Out 85 (14.1) Books and Stationery 81 (13.4) Housewares 69 (11.5) Home Furnishings 68 (11.4) Jewelry, Clocks, Watches 57 (9.5) China, Glass, Flatware 50 (8.3) Other 129 (21.4) TABLE 3-32 Main Items Shopped For by Old Orchard Respondents ♦Percentages refer to the portion of the sample which shopped for the various items. SHOPPING LOCATIONS FAMILIARITY Edens Plaza Old Orchard Golf Mill Downtown Evans ton Wood- field No. Mich¬ igan Ave. State Street Downtown Skokie Dempster Street Never heard of 1.7 0 .5 .7 .7 2.0 0 5.2 11.6 Heard of, not visited 6.4 0 5.0 9.7 10.6 4.7 2.7 27.9 30.3 TABLE 3-33 Familiarity Information on Main Subject Set 65 Responses to the familiarity question indicate that members of the Old Orchard sample are well-acquainted with all of the shopping opportunities in the main subject set except for the two strip developments. For each of the nine locations in the subject set, Table 3-33 gives the percentage of the sample that never heard of the location and the percentage that never visited the location. The table shows that respondents are least familiar with the two strip developments. 27.9% of those responding to the familiarity query on Downtown Skokie have never visited that location; 30.3% of those who answered the question on Dempster Street never visited that location. Still, only 5.2% and 11.6% of the respondents never head of Downtown Skokie and Dempster Street, respectively. Thus, most of the sample had some basis on which to compare all of the shopping opportunities in the subject set. This suggests that the responses on the questions pertaining to multidimensional scaling are reasonably reliable. 3.4 The Mode-Choice Survey 3.4.1 Survey Design and Execution The location chosen for the mode-choice survey was downtown Evanston, Illinois. Evanston is a suburb of Chicago, located immediately north of the city on Lake Michigan, and has a population of approximately 80,000. The downtown area of about .75 square miles is typical of older American cities, with shop-lined streets rather than shopping malls. There are two large department stores and numerous specialty shops, along with several restaur¬ ants and office buildings. Downtown Evanston was chosen as the site of the mode-choice survey for several reasons. Unlike the large shopping mall where the destination-choice information was obtained, the downtown Evanston area is well served by many modes of transportation; the shopping malls are accessible principally by car alone. In addition to having convenient parking, Evanston is served by a number of bus routes, by the Chicago Transit Authority's elevated rapid tran¬ sit trains, and by the Chicago and Northwestern commuter railroad. Another reason for choosing downtown Evanston for the shopping mode- choice survey is that most pedestrians in the downtown Evanston area are shoppers, rather than workers; other than store employees, there are rela¬ tively few jobs in the shopping area of Evanston. An early candidate for the shopping mode-choice survey location, the downtown Chicago (Loop) area, was rejected because too many of the shoppers in that area also work there; it would not be possible to separate out shopping-trip mode-choice decisions from work-trip mode-choice decisions. Lastly, an additional reason for choosing downtown Evanston as the survey site was its proximity to Northwestern University; it is about a five minute walk from the Transportation Center to the survey area. This proximity greatly reduced the cost and complexity of the survey effort. The basic information needed from each respondent to the mode-choice survey is the identification of the transport mode used by the respondent for his shopping trip to Evanston, the identification of the mode the re¬ spondent would have used if he did not use the mode actually chosen, and the 66 characteristics for the chosen and alternative modes for the trip to downtown Evanston of time and cost. Both time and cost should be obtained in such a way as to make possible trip disaggregation into access, wait, in-vehicle and egress segments. Information on the respondent's individual characteristics, and information other than times and costs for the respondent's shopping trip were also requested in order to build more sophisticated models and to enable various hypotheses about shopping behavior to be tested. Much research has shown that travel behavior varies with the character¬ istics of the individual traveler. In order to test this hypothesis, socio¬ economic data such as sex, age, stage in family life cycle, educational level, and income are desirable. An additional variable that has been shown to be a significant determinant of travel behavior in some cases is the car competi¬ tion ratio which is determined from number of cars in household divided by number of licensed drivers in household. These two items of data were, therefore, also requested. It has been hypothesized that mode-choice behavior, especially for shop¬ ping trips, may be determined by modal factors other than times and costs. One factor that has been found to be significant is the ability to carry pur¬ chases home on various modes; if present, this factor would be expected to generate an increased preference for the automobile over public transit. Another factor likely to affect mode-choice behavior is the size of the group traveling together. It has been hypothesized that small groups traveling to¬ gether are more likely to choose the automobile, since the marginal cost of an additional occupant in an automobile is close to zero until capacity is reached. Information on the size and composition of the traveling group is needed to test this hypothesis. As with the previous surveys, it was decided to use a hand-out, mail-back questionnaire and administer it to a choice-based sample. The reasons for this choice are basically those described for the destination-choice surveys, together with the increasing familiarity and success achieved by the staff with this form of survey. The questionnaires were distributed in downtown Evanston on Saturday, June 28, 1975 and on Monday, June 30, 1975. A weekday and a weekend day were chosen to allow for the possibilities that the characteristics of the shopping population might differ between weekdays and weekends, or that the same shop¬ pers might behave differently on weekdays and weekends. Distribution was accomplished by having project employees approach shoppers on the street, describe briefly the aims of the questionnaire, and request that the shoppers take a questionnaire and fill it out at home. Approximately 2,500 question¬ naires were distributed each day. 67 All questionnaires distributed had a postpaid envelope attached. Returned questionnaires started arriving at the project office on the second working day following questionnaire distribution. The third and fourth working days follow¬ ing distribution saw the greatest number of returns; by a week after distribution the daily number of returned questionnaires was down to a trickle. When collec¬ tion was terminated two weeks after distribution, a total of 1,560 questionnaires had been returned (777 from the Saturday distribution and 783 from the Monday distribution), giving and overall response rate of 31.2%, considerably above our planning estimate of 15%. Returned questionnaires were required to meet certain criteria before any coding could begin. Questionnaires were rejected when the information given on the chosen mode was incomplete, unless the missing information was such as could be obtained from other sources such as fare tables or schedules. Questionnaires were also rejected when the information on the alternative mode was incomplete and unobtainable, unless the respondent gave an address from which a public transit alternative could be constructed. A total of 1,159 questionnaires (599 from Saturday and 560 from Monday) were coded and keypunched. Those questionnaires with incomplete but obtain¬ able mode information were coded and keypunched as received; no effort was made at this time to generate synthetic mode information. Of the 1,159 ques¬ tionnaires coded and punched, 840 (439 from Saturday and 401 from Monday) had complete information on chosen and alternative modes; this is the sample used in project work based upon the downtown Evanston survey. Of those responding, 33% were male and 67% were female. When cross-tab¬ ulated against the other socioeconomic variables, there were no noticeable differences between the characteristics of the male population and the char¬ acteristics of the female population. The distribution of ages in the sample is shown in Table 3-34. When cross-tabulated with income, age shows the expected positive correlation. When cross-tabulated with years of residence, length of residence shows a steady increase with age, with the exception of the youngest group, who show a relatively long length of residence. Again, this is an expected result. Eight possible stages are defined for the family life-cycle variable. These stages are listed in Table 3-35, along with the population distribu¬ tion . The distribution of the educational level within the sample is given in Table 3-36 and shows a similar distribution to that found in the second des¬ tination-choice survey. The distribution of the respondents' lengths of residence are given in Table 3-37 and show again a fairly stable population, with almost 70% of the residents reporting having lived in the area for more than four years. Table 3-38 summarizes the distribution of family incomes for the sample. This distribution is, as expected, rather different from that of the destination-choice surveys, with a much smaller bias towards higher income groups. 68 Age * Under 22 22 - 29 30 - 39 40 - 49 50 - 59 60 - 65 Over 65 Frequency 20.2% 34.3% 12.9% 12.1% 9.5% 5.6% 5.4% TABLE 3-34 Age Distribution for Evanston Survey Stage Young* Unmarried Old Unmarried Young, Married No children Old, Married No children Married, oldest** child 0-5 Married, oldest child 6-11 Married, oldest child 12-18 Married oldest child 19-22 Unknown Freq. 41.3% 11.9% 14.4% 8.6% 6.4% 4.3% 7.4% 4.4% 1.3% TABLE 3-35 Stage in Family Life-Cycle *The dividing line between young and old is set at 40 years. **"01dest child" refers to the oldest child currently living at home. Level Less than high school High School Some College BA/ BS MA/ | Ph.D. MS j Other degree Freq. 7.0% - 10.2% 25.1% 31.6% 18.0% j 6.7% 1 2.0% î ! TABLE 3-36 Distribution of Education Levels for the Evanston Survey Length of residence Less than 4 years 4-6 years More than 6 years . - T Non-resident Freq. 23.1% 12.6% 39.9% 24.7% I TABLE 3-37 Distribution of Length of Residence for the Evanston Survey Income Under $10,000 $10,000- $15,000 $15,000- $20,000 $20,000- $25,000 $25,000- $50,000 Over $50,000 No Answer Freq. 23.5% 18.0% 14.0% 12.6% 21.5% 4.0% 6.3% TABLE 3-38 Distribution of Family Income for the Evanston Survey 70 Contrary to the original hypothesis, there does not seem to be any sig¬ nificant difference between the population shopping on weekends and on week¬ days. Cross-tabulations of the day handed out with the chosen and alternative modes, and with the set of socioeconomic variables show a close match between the weekday and weekend sample characteristics. Examples are shown in Tables 3-39 and 3-40. Nine possible modes were defined for travel to downtown Evanston. Tables 3-41 and 3-42 show the distribution of the modes chosen and the alternative modes for the shopping trip to Evanston. Table 3-42 shows a cross-tabulation for the chosen mode against the alternative mode. To increase readability, the set of mode alternatives has been collapsed by grouping all public transit options together and grouping auto driver with auto passenger. The entries represent the number of observations in each element of the table. Cross-tabulations were also performed for the mode chosen against various socioeconomic variables as a prelude to the use of socioeconomic variables in the mode-choice modeling. When cross-tabulated against sex, mode use shows a rather uniform distribution, with the exception of auto users. About 50% of the males and 50% of the females used autos, but of these, only 6% of the males were passengers, while 30% of the female auto users were passengers and only 70% drivers. The cross-tabulation of mode used against stage in family life cycle shows a dichotomy between those with children at home and those without. Individuals without children at home were distributed rather evenly across all modes, while those with children at home were much more concentrated in the auto-user modes. This may be a result of the hypothesis on group behav¬ ior discussed above. Family income is one of the most frequently used socioeconomic variables in travel analysis. The cross-tabulation of income against mode used is given in Table 3-43. The entries represent the number of observations in each cell of the table, with the column percentage in parentheses below. 71 Mode Auto Driver Auto Passenger Taxi Walk Bicycle Bus El Railroad Mi xed Chosen mode- Saturday frequency 43% 13% 12% 23% 2% 11% 6% 0 1% Chosen mode- Monday frequency 38% 8% .7% 26% 3% 13% 6% 3% 2% Al ternative mode- Saturday frequency 22% 13% 4% 14% 1% 25% 15% 2% 4% Alternative mode- Monday 25% 15% 2% 11% 2% 25% 15% 2% 4% frequency TABLE 3-39 Cross-tabulation of Travel Mode and Shopping Day for the Evanston Survey Income under $10,000 $10,000- $15,000 $15,000- $20,000 $20,000- $25,000 $25,000- $50,000 Over $50,000 No Answer Saturday frequency 23% 18% 14% 13% 21% 4% 7% Monday . frequency 24% 18% 15% 12% 22% 4% 6% TABLE 3-40 Cross-tabulation of Income and Shopping Day for the Evanston Survey 72 Mode Auto Driver Auto Passenger Taxi Walk Bike Bus El Rail road Mi xed Mode* Chosen mode frequency 40.5% 10.7% .5% 24.5% 3.5% 12.2% 6.0% 1 .4% 1 .71 Alterna¬ tive mode frequency 23.6% 14.0% 2.9% 12.5% 1 .3% 25.2% 14.5% 1 .8% 4.0% TABLE 3-41 Distribution of Chosen and Alternative Modes for the Evanston Survey *Mixed-mode refers only to a combination of public transit modes, e.g. bus and el. >sAlternative mode Chosen mode Pub!ic Transit Auto Taxi Wal k Bike TOTAL Public transit 63 79 7 26 2 177 Auto 250 100 7 68 5 430 Taxi 3 1 0 0 0 4 Walk 62 125 10 6 4 207 Bike 5 11 0 5 0 21 Total 383 316 24 105 11 839 TABLE 3-42 Cross-tabulation of Chosen and Alternative Modes for the Evanston Survey 73 Income ModeV. Used Under $10,000 $10,000- $15,000 $15,000- $20,000 $20,000- $25,000 $25,000- $50,000 Over $50,000 No Answer Total Driver 41 (21%) 61 (40%) 62 (53%) 43 (41%) 93 (51%) 17 (50%) 23 i (43%) 340 Passenger 12 (6%) 17 (11%) 15 (13%) 16 (15%) 22 (12%) 5 (15%) 3 (6%) 90 Taxi 2 (1%) 0 0 0 (1%) 0 1 (2%) 4 Walk 82 (42%) 29 (19%) 23 • (20%) 22 (21%) 33 (18%) 8 (24%) 10 (19%) 207 Bicycle 6 (3%) 7 (5%) 2 (2%) 3 (3%) 3 (2%) 0 0 21 Bus 36 (18%) 21 (14%) 7 (6%) 12 (11%) 15 (8%) 3 (9%) 8 (15%) 102 El 12 (6%) 13 (9%) 5 (4%) 4 (4%) 10 (6%) 1 (3%) 5 (10%) 50 Railroad 4 (2%) (1%) 0 3 (3%) (1%) 0 2 (4%) 12 Mixed (1%) (il) 4 (3%) 3 (3%) 3 (2%) 0 1 (2%) 14 Total 197 151 118 106 181 34 53 840 TABLE 3-43 Cross-tabulation of Mode and Income for the Evanston Survey 74 4. METHODOLOGY OF THE APPROACH 4.1 A Marketing Approach Innovations in transportation services are meant to improve service, or reduce costs, or both. The success of such innovation depends upon how con¬ sumers respond by changing their travel habits. A successful innovation will attract and retain riders by providing them with options they view as superior. To insure success planners and managers must design new services based upon an understanding of consumer needs and desires, and must implement the service with an integrated marketing strategy. This paper presents a methodology for innovation in transportation services. This marketing approach for design, implementation, and monitoring of service draws upon state-of-the-art knowledge and experience in marketing and travel demand forecasting. The design phase uses measures and models of transportation consumer behavior to provide managers w.ith.(l) diagnostic information which suggests how best to improve the mix of transportation services and (2) predic¬ tions of consumer response needed to evaluate the suggested improvements. The implementation phase then sets the marketing mix (service strategy, service availability, fares, advertising, promotions, etc.) and evaluates the success of the implemented strategy in enhancing ridership or in meeting other objec¬ tives. This phase allows dynamic modification of the marketing and service strategies so that managerial goals can best be realized. Finally, the moni¬ toring phase identifies changes in travel needs and in the environment. This enables the transportation manager to react rapidly to the new developments in the social, political, economic, and cultural environments. The discussion in this paper is adapted from approaches that have been proven successful in the design of innovative health maintenance organizations, management education programs, financial services and banking services [22], in more than seven separate categories of new consumer products [51], and in both consumer products and durables [35]. This success is based on the con¬ sumer-oriented common sense approach which carefully considers all important effects influencing market acceptance. The approach is not one of simply selling the service, or of choosing appropriate advertising and promotion. These components are important in getting people to try a new service, but they cannot stand alone. Success requires repeat riders and this comes only through design of the service to meet the needs of consumers. The marketing approach complements both the standard planning approach [2, 9, 40, 45, 50, 51, 52] and recent developments in transportation attitu- dinal research [6, 7, 11, 33, 41]. The emphasis is not on particular models, but rather on the solution of managerial problems through the consumer orien¬ tation of marketing research. This paper presents a conceptual approach illustrated with particular models and some empirical experience. It draws on previous research in trans¬ portation and marketing and integrates these developments into a single pack¬ age. Although each component of the approach is illustrated with a single model, the technical references give many related models of varying complexity and accuracy. 75 4.1.1 Overview of the marketing approach If a community introduces a "better" public transportation service chances are the public will not immediately adopt it for much of their daily travel. First, they must become aware of the service, they must be convinced that it is a superior option for them, and they must deter¬ mine that it satisfies their particular trip needs. Only then will they try it. Once they use the new system, their perceptions of it may be altered and their future behavior (e.g. repeat or not) will depend upon their experience. That is, the consumer response process is not a simple one step process, but rather a complex series of stages. The better a manager or planner understands this process, the better they can design and imple¬ ment service changes. The consumer-oriented approach consists of three phases; design, implementation and monitoring; which represent chrono¬ logical steps in the evolution of a service strategy and fare structure based on analysis of consumer responses to alternative transportation services. See Figure 4-1. The design phase begins with qualitative studies which identify opportunities for service improvement, identify design characteristics which are important to the consumer, and give the manager and planner a basic understanding of the riding public. Qualitative studies are a necessary first step but innovation requires models and measures which can help the manager make specific decisions. Thus the design phase next provides quantified diagnostic information on market structure, consumer desires, and segmentation. This diagnostic information tells the manager which service attributes to concentrate on, what trade-offs to make in the design of service, and how to set varied service strategy for segments of the public. Even with the best design the manager must make an initial GO/NO GO decision on implementation. The final step in the design phase is to predict consumer response to the proposed changes. The design phase leads to the development of a superior service for the needs of the target population and a better estimate of expected performance. The next phase, implementation, establishes the advertising and promotion strategy and measures consumer reaction to the service innovation. The advertising and promotion strategy is designed to make consumers aware of the system and induce them to try it. Measures of consumer awareness, availability, initial trial, repeat usage, and satis¬ faction allow the manager to control the implementation and to immediately identify when consumer responses differ substantially from those predicted. This information enables the operator to respond quickly to improve his service or marketing mix. This process helps insure that innovations will meet their stated objectives. The final phase in the process is monitoring service operations and traveler responses on a continuing basis. Once ridership has fully responded to changes, the intensive consumer measurement of the implemen¬ tation phase is no longer necessary. This does not mean that the operator 76 DESIGN L [ Qualitative Measures Diagnostic Models Prediction/Evaluation Models & Idea Generation Potential Service Strategies Best initial service strategy ) I j 1 IMPLEMENTATION [ Ridership Growth Models M I Measure I Aval1abi1 Land Post- Awareness , n c ility, Trial Ratel P < t-purchase I 1 Behavior V Set initial service Strategy and Marketing Mix Modify Strategy and Marketing Mix 1f Necessary ] MONITORING 1 Periodic Consumer Measures V Improve System or ) f Marketing Mix if I V. Necessary / * FIGURE 4-1 Integrated Marketing Approach to Transportation Service 77 can ignore consumer behavior. The consumer-oriented marketing approach continues to monitor consumer behavior so that the transit manager can stay in touch with the changing needs and desires of the riding public. This will maintain a quality service with sufficient patronage. The remainder of the paper develops these basic concepts with discussions of the managerial issues. Simple examples are given to illustrate the con¬ cepts. Readers are directed to the technical references for details and more complete examples. 4.1.2 The Design Phase The purpose of the design phase is to develop transportation service innovations which satisfy community objectives such as increasing revenues by increasing ridership. In other cases, a wider range of objectives such as provision of service to special groups or reduction in road congestion, fuel consumption, and air pollution may be relevant. To design such service strategies, a transportation operator must have an understanding of how consumers respond to transportation service characteristics. Figure 4-2 adapted from models in marketing and in transportation [15, 19, 34], describes this consumer response process, the boxes represent elements of consumer response including, how they acquire information, form perceptions, evaluate service, make transportation choices, and acquire improved information by experience. The circles represent measurable characteristics of the transportation service, advertising, and promotion and public image of the transportation system. Other important measures include individual percep¬ tions of service, tastes, goodness ratings, service availability for trip needs, and choice. To better understand Figure 4-2, imagine that a community introduces a new bus route connecting your neighborhood to the downtown area. The transit company sets the system characteristics (circle 1) and advertising, promotion, etc. (circle 2). You hear about the service by radio, newspaper, brochure, or by word-of-mouth (box A). You now have information about the service (circle 3) and form perceptions (box B) of the attributes (comfort, travel time, safety, cost) of the service. You consider other alternatives such as auto or bicycle and evaluate them (box C) based on your personal tastes (circle 4). (For example, do you want a fast but expensive service or a slow inexpensive one.) Then if the route serves your particular trip needs (circle 6) you might choose it for your next trip downtown (box D). Finally, the experience improves your information about the system (box E) and feeds back to influence each aspect of your choice process. Each step is modeled separately because each step provides important information to the transportation manager, and because service and marketing strategies can be designed to influence each step. For example, it is impor¬ tant for a manager to know what dimensions, e.g. reliability, influence con¬ sumers' evaluations of transportation systems. Furthermore, it is important to measure how consumers perceive each existing or potential system relative to these dimensions and to know how these dimensions influence consumer behavior. Armed with this information a manager can select those system or marketing strategies that best serve consumers. Finally, predictions of 78 Consumer Response Process 79 consumer behavior coupled with cost considerations enable managers to eval¬ uate strategies and choose the strategy which best fulfills their managerial goals. Thus the design process is a set of consumer measurements and consumer models that give managers the marketing information to make strategic deci¬ sions. In particular, the design process gives outputs in the form of measures of public image, consumer perceptions, and preferences by consumer segment (circle 3, 4, 5, and 7) and predictions of consumer choice behavior (circle 6 and 8). 4.1.3 Public Image There are both quantifiable (survey) and qualitative measures of public image. The qualitative studies provide a necessary subjective input to iden¬ tify issues and to look at the service through the eyes of the consumer. Focus groups [24, 29] have proven particularly efficient and useful for qualitative studies. Focus groups are groups of 6-8 consumers brought together and encouraged by a moderator to discuss their attitudes toward existing transportation alternatives and to indicate how they now make choices. Group dynamics become important and skillful moderation is essen¬ tial. In addition to focus groups, questionnaires requiring open-ended responses, intercept interviews, citizens groups, and library research to uncover past studies are useful qualitative techniques. These techniques are limited only by time, cost, and imagination. In interpreting these studies, managers must recognize that these quali¬ tative measures are not from a representative sample and tend to favor the more outspoken and articulate consumers. The emphasis of the qualitative analysis is on breadth of ideas and identification of important attributes. These are then quantitatively analyzed in the next step of the design phase. An important output of the qualitative analysis is a set of questions which can be used to measure the attributes relevant to the consumers' choices. These attributes, or image measures, are then quantified through consumer surveys [37, 38]. For example Figure 4-3 is a comparative "map" of consumers' images of four shopping centers in the Chicago area. 4.1.4 Consumer Perceptions Image "maps" such as Figure 3 are useful to describe how consumers view detailed aspects of a transportation related service, but for designing systems it is hard to get clear insights from so much complex information. Thus to understand the true perceptual process, to gain managerial insight, and to enhance creative strategy development, the design phase uses models to identify the cognitive structure of consumer perceptions. These perceptual models either reduce the set of attributes through factor analysis [43], discriminant ability [23, 39], or they independently uncover the dimensions based on measures of dissimilarity [12]. Of these models, factor analysis seems to predict best and cost the least to use [17]. 80 1. Layout of store 2. Ease of returning or servicing merchandise 3. Prestige of store 4. Variety or range of merchandise 5. Quality of merchandise 6. Availability of credit 7. Reasonable price 8. Availability of sale items ("specials") 9. Free parking 10. Stores located in compact area 11. Store atmosphere (heating, cooling, noise, crowds, etc.) 12. Ability to park where you want 13. Shopping center atmosphere 14. Courteous helpful sales assistants 15. Availability of a specific store 16. Number and variety of stores £ • Woodfield O Chicago Loop □ Plaza del Lago X Korvette City FIGURE 4-3 Average Ratings for Four Shopping Centers on the Underlying Perceptual Scales 81 For example, the factor loadings matrix In Figure 4-4 Indicates that there are four basic factors underlying perceptions of shopping centers: variety, shopping satisfaction, price/value, and parking. Variety includes variety of stores, variety of merchandise, and the availability of specific stores. Shopping satisfaction Includes ease of purchasing (.layout, return and service, courteous sales assistants], atmosphere, quality of merchandise, and prestige of store. Price/value includes reasonable price, specials, credit, and to some extent ease of returning. Finally, parking includes availability, parking cost, and layout of the shopping center- The factor analysis also produces measures of how each consumer perceives each trans¬ portation alternative on the factors. Figure 4-5 gives average perceptions for the same four shopping centers mapped in Figure 4-3. Maps such as Figure 4-5 provide managers with insight on how their services are perceived relative to their competitors. Gaps in the market as well as their service's strengths and weaknesses can be readily identified from these maps. For example, Plaza del Lago is a North Shore prestige shopping center with Spanish architecture and exclusive stores. As expected, our map shows that it is enjoyable to shop there but variety and value are better at other locations. 4.1.5 Preference Models The perceptual maps identify market structure but they do not describe the relative importances of the perceptual factors in the consumer's eval¬ uation process. Joint analysis of preference rankings and perceptions (both collected in a mailed survey) identifies the effect that each perceptual factor has in the consumer's evaluation process. There are a number of methods available to accomplish this task including preference regression [46], expectancy value [10, 42], direct consumer utility assessment [20], trade-off analysis [22], conjoint analysis [13], and logit analysis [40]. These models share the common property that they represent the evaluation of an alternative as a function of the perceptions of the factors. They produce scalar goodness ratings (circle 7 in Figure 4-2), representing each consumer's evaluation of each transportation alternative. Many of these models identify weights which indicate to managers the relative importances of the perceptual dimensions. These weights indicate which attributes shoe be improved to obtain maximum consumer impact. For example, suppose the importance weight for reliability is significantly larger than the impor¬ tance weight for comfort. If the costs of improving reliability and comfort are equal, the manager should concentrate on improving reliability. Empirical tests [4, 17, 28] have shown many preference models to be robust in that they give comparable predictions or importance weights. For example, both preference regression and logit analysis select satisfaction as the most important perceptual dimension and parking as the least important dimension in Figure 4-5 [17]. (Actual normalized weights for logit are variety, .38, satisfaction, .54, parking, .01, and price/value, .07.) These weights partially explain why Woodfield has the major share of preference even though Korvette City is slightly superior in both parking and price/value. 82 In this question, we would like you to rate each of the shopping centers on these characteristics. We have provided a range from good to poor for each characteristics. We would like you to tell us where yew feel each shopping center fits on this range. For example: Good Q- O O O (O O •r— SZ o Eating Facilities Poor i- 2 s o CD to O) "O to N fO v' FIGURE 4-4 Example Measurement of Ratings for Shopping Centers 83 SHOPPING VARIETY SATISFACTION PARKING PRICE/VALUE Layout of store .267 .583 .200 .156 Return and service .095 .528 .255 .343 Prestige of store .338 .822 -.058 -.001 Variety of merchandise .665 .327 -.185 .309 Quality of merchandise .307 .810 o • i .037 Availability of credit .159 .337 .049 .487 Reasonable price .067 -.063 .113 .599 "Specials" .223 .074 .008 .739 Free parking -.150 .068 .811 .043 Center layout .030 .308 .560 .074 Store atmosphere .080 .658 .400 .034 Parking available .145 .105 .841 .108 Center atmosphere .244 .694 .404 -.040 Sales assistants .173 .560 .319 .147 Store availability .619 .320 .034 .204 Variety of stores .829 .288 -.173 .160 FIGURE 4-5 Factor Loadings for Perception of Shopping Centers 84 4.1.6 Segmentation Different individuals have different preferences for transportation attributes. Some people favor fast, reliable, premium service over low cost adequate service, while others favor the low cost service over the premium service. Merging these groups may lead to estimated importances which imply equal trade-offs between speed and reliability versus cost. A service designed to satisfy the "average" consumers may actually satisfy none of the consumers. Thus, we must identify market preference segments whenever they exist. Most classification schemes fbr mode preference have been based on socioeconomic characteristics, trip purpose, or prior trans¬ portation behavior [11, 49] or based on multiple dimensions including socioeconomic and travel characteristics [33]. Each of these schemes serves a valid purpose because each acts as a proxy for segmentation by preferences. For example, age is often suggested because most analysts feel that the young have different preferences from the elderly. An improved technique for segmentation is benefit segmentation [14, 19]. Benefit segmentation is operationalized by first searching for segments by prior beliefs [such as age) or by more sophisticated search procedures and then testing these segments to see if the segments really capture differences in preference. The criteria for the tests are (1) signif¬ icantly different importance weights between segments and (2) significantly better explanatory power when the segments are used. Alternatively, some models such as direct utility assessment, conjoint analysis, and expectancy value produce importance weights for each individual. In this case the best segmentation approach is to identify segments by these weights without regard to demographics or travel characteristics [6, 7, 19]. Identification of these preference groups is essential to the development of improved service strategies. This information is useful even if it is not possible to put demographic labels on the different groups. For example, in considering the adoption of a proposed dial-a-ride service, it is important to know that there are distinct groups in the population who cannot readily afford taxi fares but are prepared to pay a moderate premium over normal bus fares for door-to-door service. It is important to do this even if it is not possible to identify these groups in terms of their demographic or travel characteristics. Together the perceptual, preference, and segmentation models provide key diagnostic information to the manager. This information helps him iden¬ tify high potential opportunities and design consumer-oriented transportation service. But before he can select a best initial design, he needs to predict how many consumers will actually use the system he plans to implement. 4.1.7 Choice Models and Prediction Process Use of new transportation alternatives results from choice decisions by numerous consumers acting independently [25]. Each consumer decides whether or not to use the proposed service for a particular trip based on its avail¬ ability for that trip and its preference rating compared to other available 85 alternatives. If the indivldueil1 s. goodness ratings are known without error, his predicted choice is the available alternative with the highest prefer¬ ence rating. In practice, we do not know preference ratings with certainty. We can only predict the probability that the individual will choose each available alternative [5, 36]. These predictions differ from those used in the standard planning approach by the inclusion of individual perceptions of underlying cognitive factors in addition to or in place of objective measures of service characteristics. We evaluate a choice model in terms of its ability to explain observed choice behavior in the sample population. For example, on "saved data" the models discussed earlier could correctly predict 55% of consumer preferences and 32% of the "information" in choice behavior [16, 17, 28]. Although far from perfect these individual predic¬ tions aggregate to predict market shares within a few percentage points. These predictions are then sufficient to decide among alternative design strategies. To predict system usage we must link the sequence of models (public image, perceptions, preference, segmentation, and choice) together to obtain estimates of changes in ridership based on changes in service character¬ istics. Although the model structure is based on analysis of individual behavior, the system operator needs aggregate predictions of ridership. Aggregate predictions are made by simply adding together individual predic¬ tions within the sample and projecting these to the entire population [27]. But how are individual predictions made? Predictions of changes in behavior must be based on changes in design characteristics and their expected influence on consumer perceptions. Consumer perceptions of the underlying factors for a new alternative may be obtained by (1) remeasure- ment, (2) linkage from underlying attributes and (3) operator judgment. Remeasurement presents a sample of consumers with a description of the new service (ranging from written descriptions to trial usage) and obtaining ratings of the new service with respect to the same attributes used in developing the original perception models. Linkage to underlying attributes is based on estimating changes in individual attributes and calculating their effect on factor scores using factor score coefficients [43]. Finally, perception values may be obtained by judgmental 1 y comparing the proposed alternatives to existing alternatives. In this case, factor scores which apply to each new alternative are judgmentally estimated. Once factor scores have been estimated prediction follows by direct substitution in the prefer¬ ence, choice models, and aggregation models. Based on these predictions an initial design strategy is selected for implementation. This design strategy will be the one which most nearly meets the objectives of the operator. Parts of section 4.1 have appeared in J.R. Hauser and F. K. Koppelman, "Designing Transportation Services: A Marketing Approach" - Transportation Research Forum Proceedings, 1977, 638-652. 86 4.2 Multidimensional Scaling Methods In the past twenty to thirty years mathematical psychologists, economists and other social scientists have developed a number of models to represent psychological relations among stimulus objects as geometrical relations between points in a multidimensional space. These methods have come to be known as "multidimensional-scaling techniques". Also, researchers have attempted to examine the effect of several independent variables interacting according to some well specified mathematical function on a dependent variable and the ordering of its values. In the psychological area, however, it is often diff¬ icult to measure these independent variables, let alone the dependent variable. As a result researchers have sought to solve the measurement and interaction mode (i.e. the functional form involving the explanatory variables) jointly, by finding scales which closely follow the chosen functional form. These methods are usually referred to as "conjoint-measurement methods". Actually, as will be pointed out later, these two groups of techniques are closely rela¬ ted; specifically, Tversky (1967) and Young (1969) have shown how all so-called nonmetric-scaling methods can be interpreted as cases of conjoint measurement. Given the purpose of multidimensional scaling, namely to provide a geome¬ tric representation in a multidimensional space of the relationships between a set of stimulus objects under study, it seems natural to examine first the kinds of scaling data that can be used for such methods. Shepard (1972) pro¬ vides a very lucid and clear classification of the models and algorithms of multidimensional scaling (MDS). Specifically, he distinguishes four basic data classes: (1) Proximity data: they usually consist of an n x n square matrix in which each cell provides the measure of the dissimilarity, affin¬ ity, substitutability, correlation, congruence or interaction between a pair (i,j) among the n stimuli. If two sets of stimuli are being compared, the matrix is no longer necessarily square and the interpre¬ tation of each cell is that of a measure of dissimilarity, affinity (etc.) between two stimuli from two different sets. The within-sets relations are no longer directly observed. (2) Dominance data: they are normally given as an n x n square matrix of the "tournament" type (in mathematical terminology); i.e., the (i,j)th entry measures the extent to which the ith row stimulus is preferred (or chosen over, or "dominates" in some way) the jth column stimulus. These dominance matrices can be replicated over the same subject under different circumstances or over various subjects under similar circumstances. (3) Profile data: they are usually given in matrix form with n rows and m columns. The rows correspond to stimuli and each column corres¬ ponds to some attribute (variable) on which the stimuli are being judged. Thus, each row provides a stimulus profile over a given set of criteria. (4) Conjoint-measurement data: each entry of a p x q matrix measures the magnitude of an effect resulting from the simultaneous interaction of two explanatory variables taking on two specified values over their domain of variation. 87 It is clear that a given data matrix can be treated differently depending upon the goals of the researchers. For instance from a profile data matrix, one can compute some measure of pairwise interprofile similarity across the whole attribute set, and then derive a similarity matrix. The converse is also possible since a proximity matrix can be mapped into a profile matrix of n stimuli in k dimensions. It is also clear that many other such transformations from one data type to another are feasible. The nature and extent of the appli¬ cable transformations is primarily determined by the experimental design adopted in preparing the questionnaire, and the willingness of the researcher to take the raw data obtained from these questionnaires and pre-process through a number of preliminary steps. The models and algorithms are now discussed which have been developed to handle the various data formats listed above. 4.2.1 Proximities Data As explained previously the term proximities covers numerous measures of "association" between pairs of stimuli. In some context "association" is meant as a measure of similarity (or dissimilarity), distance, correlation, etc. between stimulus pairs drawn (i) from the same set, or (ii) from different sets. The measures used as input data for scaling purposes may have been derived directly from subjective judgments of similarity between stimuli indirectly from pairs of stimulus profiles pre-processed to obtain a single measure. From the standpoint of analyzing the joint mode-destination choice in transportation, we are primarily interested in finding the main perceptual dimension of the stimuli as perceived by the respondents, their relative salience and the general subjective processing effected by the respondents to make an overall similarity (or dissimilarity) judgment. Before discussing the available scaling models and their outputs for the processing of such data, various experimental designs are reviewed briefly, from which it would be con¬ ceivable to derive the data. (1) Alternative Experimental Designs: a. An obvious possibility is to ask the respondent to rank all distinct stimuli pairs according to their relative similarity (or dissimilarity). The drawback in this method is that it may involve too many pairs for effective processing by the respondents. Trying to force this design on them may result in data distorted by the confusion and fatigue of the subjects. b. A somewhat stronger set-up consists in having the subjects rate all distinct stimuli pairs on a similarity-dissimilarity semantic scale. One issue is to determine how fine the scale ought to be. If a 7-point scale, say, is used as opposed to a 5-point one, it may well be that the discrimination ability of the subjects is not so fine as to allow them to give reliable answers on the larger scale. As a result, itmightbe postulated that certain levels are clustered to¬ gether as indistinguishable and the choice of a rating in each cluster is purely random. The clusters may well be unevenly spaced over the scale which further distorts the data. The semantic-scale method may be applied globally, without specifying the attributes to be used by the respondents or locally, by considering a specific list of attri¬ butes considered likely as perceptual dimensions of the respondents answer. 88 c. A simple method also applicable globally or locally in the above sense, is to ask the subjects to group the stimuli in similar¬ ity (or dissimilarity) clusters. d. The "triples-method" considers all distinct triples of stimuli and requires that the subject states in each triple that pair which is most similar and that pair which is least similar. e. Choose each stimulus in turn as a reference point and ask the subject to rank the remaining (n-1) stimuli in order of increasing dissimilarity (decreasing dissimilarity). Again the method can be applied globally or locally. f. An alternative clustering method is to ask the subject to pick some subset of the stimuli (say h of them) most similar to some reference stimulus and do this for all stimuli, one at a time. The cluster size may or may not be prespecified by the experimenter. All of the above methods obtain direct similarity measures. Alternatively, indirect measures can be obtained from multiattributed ratings of the stimuli (or rankings) given by the subjects on a prespecified list of attributes. Such "profile data" can be processed via correlation coefficients calculations or distance calculations. An extensive review of many alternative data collec¬ tion procedures is given in Green and Rao (1972). (2) Scaling Proximities Data: Here, a basic distinction must be drawn between metric and nonmetric model s. a. Metric Models: Here, it is assumed that the input data is ratio or at least, interval-scaled. Also, the output of these algo¬ rithms is assumed to be metrically related to the input, i.e., pro¬ portional in the ratio-scale case, or linear in the interval-scale case. These "classical" scaling models are best explained in Tor- gerson (1952) and (1960). A two-stage procedure is followed: a functional form is just specified and used to compute distance esti¬ mates and its eigen-values and eigen-vectors are computed to determine the dimensionality of the space and obtain the coordinates of the points in that space. An alternative to these factor-analytic methods was devised by Kruskal and Carmone (1969) to allow the researcher to vary parametrically the functional form (in the class of polynomials up to the 4th degree). Optimization of fit is obtained through iterative gradient procedures. b. Non-metric Models: These differ from the metric ones in that they only use the ordinal properties of the input data. They specify a goodness-of-fit function (e.g. Kruskal's "stress" measure) to relate proximity data to distances between the points in a "to-be-recovered space". This function is monotone. In practice the solution involves an iterative coordinate adjustment of the points starting from an initial configuration in a space of pre-specified dimension. Examples are: Kruskal (1964), MDSCAL V; Young and Torgerson (1967) TORSCA; McGee (1968); Gleason (1969); Roskam (1968); de Leeuw (1969). These procedures are discussed at greater length later in this chapter. 89 Alternatively, Carroll (1972) has devised a model seeking to optimize a "smoothness" criterion (PARAMAP). A first group of models can be found to analyze individual differences. c. Models for disaggregate-level analysis: in this class, Carroll and Chang's INDSCAL model (1970), is the most representative. An important difference with the previous models is that the configur¬ ation of points can be differentially elongated along the axes. Also, the orientation of the axes is unique. Practically, coordinates are iteratively adjusted to minimize a "badness-of-fit" measure. Somewhat different in purpose but well suited for processing of proximity data, we might also mention hierarchical clustering procedures both metric (Ward, 1963) and nonmetric (Johnson, 1967; Sneath, 1957; Sorensen, 1947). In practice a tree is constructed by relating proximity data to "ultrametric" distances between its terminal modes; a monotonie function is used to effect this relation in the nonmetric case. These methods are useful when they are combined with the spatial representation models derived by the previous methods a, b, and c. 4.2.2 Dominance Data The data are usually in matrix form where the (i,j)th entry measures the extent of dominance (preference) of the ith stimulus over the jth stimulus. In the mathematical literature the class of such matrices characterizing a complete asymmetric, irreflexive (and possibly weighted) graph has been studied under the name of "tournament matrices" (tournament graphs or relations). If there are N respondents in a sample, there is a set of such matrices from which multidimensional scales are to be extracted in a (possibly joint) space of stimuli (and judges). If we wish to limit the study to the recovery of unidi- mensional scales a number of procedures are available. These methods are reviewed briefly before dealing with multidimensional scales. (1) Unidimensional Analysis: It is usually applied to a single dominance matrix (although Torgerson (1960) has developed several procedures to derive a single aggregate dominance scale from the data of N judges.) The Thurstonian model (1927) is metric and is based on relating dominance data with the signed differences between points on a uni¬ dimensional scale. The function effecting this relation is derived from the normal density function. A non-metric method has also been devised by Klemmer and Shrimpton (1963). It uses a function which is simply monotonie, and adjusts points iteratively to minimize non-monotonicity. (2) Multidimensional Analysis: following Carroll (1972) it seems useful to distinguish between two types of analyses, external and internal. (a) External analysis of preference data refers to the case where a stimulus configuration is available at the outset and has been obtained from another source besides the preference data, e.g., proximity data (see 4.2.1 above). 90 Carroll and Chang's PREFMAP model is one of the most versatile tools for this sort of analysis. The algorithm consists of 4 phases corresponding to four different models of increasing complexity. The vector model is the simplest. Carroll (1972) has shown how it is a special case of the "ideal point" model when the distance between the (externally determined) stim¬ ulus configuration and the ideal point becomes infinite. A "preferred direction" is determined in the multidimensional space obtained independently. Each subject preference order¬ ing is then represented by projections of the stimuli along that direction. The program finds the best-fitting representation for both the metric (Slater, 1960) and the nonmetric case. In the latter case the "preferred direction" is chosen so as to result in an ordering of the stimulus projections which is as monotonically related as possible to the original stim¬ ulus ranks. Also, an interpretation of the corner of the angles between this direction and the external reference axes is possible by viewing them as a measure of the relative impor¬ tance of the factors (corresponding to each axis) in the overall preference judgment. Phase IV of the algorithm deals with the vector model. The simple ideal-point model is applied in Phase III. In its nonmetric form, it finds the position of the subject's ideal point so that preferences for the actual stimuli repre¬ sent nonincreasing monotone functions of their squared distances from the (unknown) ideal point. Anti-ideal points can also be found, in which case preference increases with increasing squared distance from such points. The weighted ideal-point models are most complex inasmuch as they allow stretching of the axes of the stimulus space for some "extreme" individuals (Phase II) and even different ori¬ entation of the axes of the stimulus space for different indi¬ viduals (Phase I). (b) Internal Analysis of Preference Data is applied whenever the investigator lacks an "external" stimulus configuration at the outset. Typically, in such cases, the available data con¬ sists of N individual rankings (or ratings) of the stimuli. Here the researcher's goal is to use this preference data alone to find a joint multidimensional space to locate both stimuli and subjects. The same distinction, as in external analysis, is useful to classify models under this rubric. Vector model : Carroll and Chang's MDPREF is a well known algorithm to represent judges as vectors and stimuli as points in a common multidimensional space. The same interpretation applies here as in external analysis. Shepard and Kruskal (1964), Roskam (1968) and Lingoes and Guttman (1967) have developed nonmetric analogues to factor analysis; and thus they can be used to fit vector models. Ideal point model: Kruskal's MDSCAL V can be used to fit such a model. A variety of functions (non-metric or poly¬ nomial) can be specified for this purpose. 91 In the same category Lingoes (1965) "non-metric unfolding" method may be mentioned. ["Unfolding" consists of the simul¬ taneous determination of a space containing M ideal points and m stimulus points in such a way that the rank order of all stimuli from each ideal point preserves as closely as possible (for a given dimension) the original N rankings.] Finally, Carroll's PARAMAP algorithm can also be used for ideal point-type analyses. 4.2.3 Profile Data They are usually associated with classical factor analysis. In factor anal¬ ysis one usually starts from an n x m profile matrix where the (i,j)th entry represents the scores of the ith stimulus on the jth variable. (1) Metric Case: In R-type factor analysis a measure of asso¬ ciation product-moment correlation -- is then computed between the (^) pairs of variables and the resulting square correlation matrix is then factored. The variables are then referred to a common set of factor axes. Finally, one can calculate factor scores for each stim¬ ulus in factor space, as a linear combination of the original stimulus profiles in variables space. In Q-type factor analysis, correlation across pairs of stimuli are computed and summarized in an (^) x (£) matrix. There we try to find the variables as linear combinations of the factors. Both of these approaches are metric. (2) Nonmetric Cases: This has been studies by a number of authors especially Shepard and Kruskal (1964) and Roskam (1968). In these models, point positions for the stimuli and vector direc¬ tions for the attributes are simultaneously determined in such a way that the orders of the stimulus projections on each attribute vector in a (previously determined) reduced space best fits the original rank orders in the data matrix. Finally, Carroll and Chang's PARAMAP algorithm (see 4.2.1 above) also generalizes class¬ ical factor analysis. 4.2.4 Conjoint Measurement Data Under this heading are methods that seek to measure the joint effect of several (two or more) independent variables on the ordering of a dependent variable. They all posit a simple functional representation for this effect and try to fit it to the original data matrix via some algorithm. Usually these algorithms are similar to many used in MDS inasmuch as they use itera¬ tive adjustment procedures for the independent variables -- starting from some initial trial values — to minimize departures from the "theoretical" values derived from the functional form used to express the interaction between the independent variables. A general class of functional representations is the class of polynomial models. A very important subclass consists of the additive models. 92 (1) Additive Conjoint-Measurement Models This model implies that a respondent's total utility for a multiattributed stimulus is the sum of the stimulus "part-worths" (utilities on a given attribute scale). It determines the uni- dimensional utilities such that the ordering of the component sums preserves as nearly as possible the ordering of the depen¬ dent variable. The unidimensional utilities are interval-scaled with a common unit. Many algorithms belong to this class: Lingoes (1967), Pennell (1970), and Tversky and Zivian (1966). Kruskal's M0NAN0VA is probably the most well-known procedure for this kind of analysis. Also in cases where the respondents' responses are not ordinal but simply categorical, Carroll's categorical conjoint- measurement model (1969) is available for the same type of analysis. (2) Polynomial Conjoint-Measurement Models Here, the interaction mode between independent variables is extended to take account of combinations of sums, differences, products or subsets of them. In this class, we refer to Carroll and Chang's PREFMAP (see 4.2.2 above). By considering factorial design data as dummy predictor variables in a sort of monotone regression, this model can accommodate interaction and product terms in conjoint measurement. In conclusion, as pointed out by Shepard (1972) it should also be mentioned that, once a spatial representation of the data has been found in terms of one of the MDS models discussed above, a variety of methods are available to help in interpreting these spatial configurations. We mentioned earlier the use of Cluster Analysis to discover groupings of the data once imbedded in the appro¬ priate space. Hierarchical clustering in two-dimensional space lends itself to an easily interprétable graphic display as clusters are nested in each other. 4.3 Multidimensional Scaling of Perceived Attractiveness 4.3.1 Principles of Reduction The concern of this research is to identify and measure the performance measures (dimensions) of attractiveness of shopping centers. In this research, 16 attributes were chosen to represent the notion of attractiveness of shopping locations. It is assumed a priori that individuals evaluating attractiveness will not simultaneously and explicitly consider the 16 attributes in making a choice. Rather, they will evaluate attractiveness based on a few performance measures (dimensions), each of which consists of a group of the attributes. The identification of those underlying dimensions is the main concern of this section. This problem can be formulated as follows: Given a set of L attributes, Y, Y = {Yl9 Y2... Yl>, find the mapping Y into X, where X = {Xx XK> is the set of underlying performance measures, so that L > K. This process was called reduction by Hauser (1975). Following the above notation observe that the analysis starts with a full set of ratings made by the individuals in the sample. Let A be a set of J stimuli of interest so that A = {Ax, A2,...,A,} and let there be I individuals in the sample. Define a vector Y^j = (y^ji» y..2 y... ) to be the ratings of alternative j by individual i with respect I J I J L 93 to the L stated attributes. Observe, however, that there is one vector Y.. for ' \J each alternative. Thus, the basic information consists of a rectangular matrix of J x L ratings for each individual. This type of information is the profile data described in section 4.2. The reduction process as stated above has to be identified by a formal model mapping Y into X (i.e. R: Y -> X). Ideally, the resulting mapping process should be neither alternative- nor individual-specific. Define as a reduction process for an "individual iel and alternative jeJ. If a reduction process is the same for all alternatives for a given indi¬ vidual, then the alternatives can be assumed to be homogeneous for a given indi¬ vidual. If the reduction process is the same for all individuals for a given alternative, then the individuals are homogeneous with respect to that alter¬ native. However, in order to use the reduced set of performance measures in a choice model estimated across individuals and alternatives, as in the multi¬ nomial logit model, the reduction process should be homogeneous across indivi¬ duals and alternatives. This requirement of homogeneity raises a new dimension of the importance of segmentation of the population. Individuals who have the same reduction process with respect to the total set of alternatives define a homogeneous segment with respect to their perception of the performance measures. This definition of homogeneous groups with respect to perception does not mean that all the individuals in the group perceive the alternatives to be the same. It means that those individuals employ the same reduction process to identify the reduced set of performance measures. Formally stated, let S be a homogeneous group of individuals with respect to their perception of alternative j then if Y^-j = Xjj for i»leS then X^ = X-jj. This property was defined as encompassing characteristics of reduction (Hauser, 1975). The importance of these characteristics is twofold. First, if different individuals have different reduced performance measures, no efficiency in data handling can be gained by reducing the initial set of attributes and we might have been better off using the initial attribute set. At an extreme case, if there are I individuals, K individual- and alternative-specific reduced dimen¬ sions, and J alternatives we might end up with IxKxJ "reduced" performance measures compared with L original attributes. The second reason to require homogeneity is that the whole modeling process of reduction is geared towards an easier and more meaningful presentation of the perception process to the decision makers and investigators. Thus, instead of dealing with L attributes they can manipulate only K performance measures, where K < L, in an investiga¬ tion of changes in a system being designed. However, if we end up with a rather large set of performance measures, many of them being individual- or alternative- specific we might have complicated the process rather than simplified it. A crucial property of the reduction process is identification of the per¬ formance measures produced by the model. Not much insight is gained if the reduction process produces a set of performance measures which are not related to any physical variable of the system that can be influenced by the planner. Thus, two properties of the reduction process which are necessary for the model to be useful are: A simple identification of the reduced set of the performance measures and a clear association of the reduced set with defined variables of the system. Some models, such as factor analysis, assume 94 a priori a functional relation between the original set of attributes and the reduced set of performance measures. However, they do not assume the functional relation between the performance measures and the underlying causal variables of the system. Let V = {Vl5 ..., V^} be a set of causal variables of perfor¬ mance measures X-. The relation between the Y attributes and X performance J measures was defined as reduction R: Y -* X. Define another process F which maps the causal variables into the performance measures (i.e. F: V •* X). The identification of the reduced dimension is probably the most diffi¬ cult and least defined step of the reduction process. As mentioned earlier, the reduced dimensions are the end product of the process and thus the founda¬ tion for the modeling of choice behavior. Depending on the model used for the reduction process, the problems are somewhat different but in the two models that will be discussed later -- factor-analysis and INDSCAL -- the investiga¬ tor's intuition plays an important role in the identification of the dimen¬ sions. However, INDSCAL has a unique property compared to all the other re¬ duction methods inasmuch as the reduced performance measures are completely and uniquely defined. But the meanings of the dimensions defined by the model still need to be interpreted by the investigator. 4.3.2 Theory of Multidimensional Scaling In recent years, new methods of scaling perceptions and preferences emerged. In a general classification one should probably include factor- analysis in this group. However, for historical reasons, this group of scaling procedures known as Multidimensional Scaling (MDS) is treated in the literature as a separate family of scaling models. The discussion is limited to the scaling of perceptions, although a large body of the MDS liter¬ ature deals with preference modeling. Some investigations attempt to model simultaneously preference and perception, (see for example, the paper by Burnett (1973), where, in one model, the perceptual dimensions as well as the preferences for shopping alternatives were identified). In the general con¬ text of individual choice modeling, each alternative of the three mentioned above assumes a different underlying process of choice. However, since the objective of this research is to identify and measure the perceived attrac¬ tiveness of shopping locations, only the perceptual models are of interest. The basic input data for multidimensional-perceptual scaling are proximity data. As discussed earlier, each cell of the J x J matrix contains some mea¬ sure of the similarity, substitutability, affinity correlation, or interaction between the two objects corresponding to that row and column. The measure can be direct in the sense that it arises from the pair of objects immediately, or indirect in the sense that it is calculated on the basis of other data, such as a profile matrix. Formally stated, let A1 be a proximity matrix of a set of J stimuli for individual i. An entry in matrix A1, ô] » represents the proximity between stimulus j and stimulus r as J ' perceived by individual i. Proximity between stimuli j and r can be expressed as similarity s. or dissimilarity ds. . Assume, without loss of generality, J ' \J ■ that the proximity measure is mapped into the closed interval [a,b]. The similarity of a stimulus to itself s.. = b, while the dissimilarity ds.. = a. 95 The similarity between j and r is a decreasing function of the perceptual distance of the two stimuli while dissimilarity is an increasing function of the perceptual closeness. Intuitively, similarity is analogous to a correla¬ tion measure (disregarding the linearity assumption) and dissimilarity is analogous to distance. One can easily suggest several functional forms rela¬ ting similarity to dissimilarity. For example, assume that Se [a,b] then DS = b - s, also defined over [a,b]. Since some confusion can easily be caused by the above terms, proximity will be used as a general term and simi¬ larity or dissimilarity where it is appropriate. Up to this point, proximity data have been defined as a square matrix. Two remarks are appropriate with respect to these data. In most cases, proximity data form a symmetric square matrix, since it is assumed that pi = p^., (i.e. the perceptual distance be- J ' 'J tween stimulus j and stimulus r). Although the basic structure of the proxi¬ mity data is a square matrix, depending on the. specific model the input may be a rectangular matrix. If the model is applied across I individuals, the full input data for J stimuli will consist of a rectangular matrix of the order ((I x J) x J). As mentioned earlier, there are two basic types of proximity information -- direct and derived. A short discussion of these two types of data is appro¬ priate at this point. The direct proximity measure is collected by asking individuals to indicate in some way how they perceive the similarity between all the pairs of J stimuli. Usually this is done without specifying in the question what the investigators mean by the term similarity, so as not to in¬ fluence the respondent's answers. However, it should be emphasized that simi¬ larity is related to perception rather than to preference. An example will clarify this point. Assume that an individual has the following order of preference with respect to one characteristic of five stimuli: A>B>C>D>E. Assume further that the preference is expressed on an interval scale as shown in Figure 4-7. This individual if asked to rank all pairs of stimuli with respect to their similarity, starting from most similar to least similar pair, would list ten pairs and it would look as follows: CD, AB, DE, ... AE. Observe that this similarity information is not enough to construct his order of preference with respect to the five stimuli. Even if it is known that the phenomenon measured is unidimensional and the preference scale could be constructed, it would still not be known without further information, whether A>E or E>A. The great advantage of direct proximity is that the investigator does not influence the individual's rating through his perception of the stimulus space. Its disadvantage is that people are asked to rate a set of stimuli with respect to a vaguely defined term such as similarity. It is doubtful whether individuals can actually distinguish between perception and preference of stimuli. Thus, instead of recovering a perceptual space, we might be obtaining a mixture of perception and preference. The process of constructing derived proximity measures consists of mapping a profile matrix into a proximity matrix. The profile matrix of individual i for J stimuli consists of the ratings of those stimuli on L attributes. Thus, y^ represents the ratings of stimulus j on attribute 1 for individual i. The 96 FIGURE 4-7 Interval Scale of Preference for Five Stimuli 97 rhe standardization is needed to remove the influence of the measurement Dn the dissimilarity value. An example will clarify this point. Assume ie have three stimuli AH, A , A , and two attributes weight and height or J i 5 these attributes are rated. The dissimilarity between the stimuli is del as the Euclidian distance between the stimuli in the two-dimensional spac the attribute. Assume that the weight is expressed in pounds and the hei in feet as specified in table 4-2. The Euclidian distances are as follov J?r = 25.25, d?s = 10.00, d^r = 4.25. However, if height is measured in these distances become d?r = 50, d?s = 153, d£s = 53. Observe that the r jrder of the distances is not maintained when the measurement unit of hei vas changed. However, if the values are standardized before calculating distances, the ratio between the distances will be maintained and thus tt rank order will also be maintained. Since the units of measurement perce jy the respondents in the sample cannot be known a priori, standardizatic lecessary to offset the biases caused by the fact that different people n perceive the attribute scales differently. Two problems are encountered with the use of derived proximity date :irst, the investigator may not have picked all the relevant attributes 1 people might evoke in making overall proximity judgments. Second, there question of what weights to assign to each scale in computing the overall issociation measures. The way to overcome the first problem is to conduc preliminary survey to test whether the set of attributes is complete and jnderstood. As stated, this was one of the objectives of our first surve The second problem has no satisfactory solution, for lack of any better n it is customary to wpigh all attributes equally. A basic assumption underlying all the MDS models is that a set of C ili can be represented in a K dimensional space whose axes are the perfor neasures of these stimuli, where K1.0 (4.4) where d. = the perceptual distance between stimulus j and Jr stimulus r in the K-dimensional space x,k,x .= coordinates of stimuli j and r on performance J measure k of the K-dimensional space When p=2 the above equation defines a Euclidian distance which is invariant under orthogonal rotation or translation of orthogonal axes. For p=l the distance is the familiar "city block" distance. Observe, however, that for p^2 the distance is not generally invariant under an orthogonal rotation of the axes, although it is still invariant to the translation of the axes. The condition of p>_l is needed to maintain the triangular relations: Consider three stimuli j, r, and s. The following three conditions define the trian¬ gular property i) d.. = 0 and d. > 0, ii) d. = d . i.e. distance is symme- J J J' J ■ 'J trie, and iii) djr £ djs + d$r. The scaling model can be either nonmetric or metric, depending on the assumptions of the specific model. By far the greatest contribution to the MDS field was made by Shepard (1962) with the introduction of the concept of monotone regression, which is the basis of all the nonmetric MDS models. A monotone relation between two sets of numbers is defined as follows. Let A be a dissimilarity data matrix consisting of J x (J-l)/2 ratings. Assume no ties in this matrix. Let the j-th entry of the matrix be 6. . Assume that jr some scaling algorithm has been defined that estimates the location of the stimuli in k-dimensional space. Let the estimated distance matrix be D and its entry d. A monotone relation between D and A is defined by equation J * (4.5), illustrated in Figure 4-8. < d^ whenever <5. < 6 (4.5) jr — sr jr sr Observe that this relation is valid when the 6. are defined only on ordinal jr scales, so that all that is needed is a rank order of the proximity data for the set of stimuli, hence the name nonmetric is used. Kruskal (1964) opera- tionalized this concept and defined a full nonmetric scaling procedure. He introduced the measure of goodness of fit termed stress which the procedure tries to minimize subject to a mononicity constraint. Let djr be the distance between stimuli j and r in the k-dimensional space of the per- A formance measures and let d^ be a number as close as possible to djr, subject to the original monotonicity of the dissimilarities <5jr. Kruskal suggested minimizing equation (4.6) for stress. 100 Distance Measure d- jr. FIGURE 4-8 Scatter Diagram Displaying a Monotone Relation 101 J min. S = z (d, - d, )2/ z (d. - d)2 j 103 Substituting equation (4.8) into equation (4.7) yields equation (4.9) h djk = j, (v]k - "rk»2 (4.9) This expression defines a simple Euclidian distance between stimuli j and r as perceived by individual i. Equation (4.7) represents the relations between the individual coordinate and the common perceptual space. The scaling problem can be stated as follows: given the dissimilarity judgments, , for J stimuli by I individuals estimate the coordinates x.. , J r J K and individual weights w^ of J stimuli and I individuals in a space of dimensionality k. The procedure consists of the following steps: 1) For each individual the dissimilarity ratings are converted into distance values following a procedure suggested by Torgerson (1958). This procedure consists of finding the smallest possible additive a1 so that the dissimilarity ratings for every three stimuli in the set will satisfy the triangle inequality (i.e. ( V-j, r, s (4.10) This is used to define the estimated distance V. = a1 + 6. . jr jr 2) The distance estimates are converted into scalar products between the points represented as vectors issuing from an origin at the centroid of all points. The details of the step are described in Torgerson (1958) and Green and Wind (1972). 3) The scalar product matrix for each subject is standardized such that the sum of squares of entries of the matrix is equal to one and the mean equal to zero. Thus, this matrix can be looked upon as the variance of the standardized distances between the J stimuli of individual i. By standardizing this matrix we ensure that the influence of each individual on the final common configuration is equal. 4) The basic equation of the INDSCAL model is expressed in terms of the scalar product matrix B1 defined above. Let bjr be an entry in B1. Then equation (4.11) follows. 104 K K bjr * kE/jkvrk + ejr * ^"ikVrk + *jr (4'n) where e1. = a random error, jr Observe that only the values on the left-hand side of equation (4.11) are known, the values on the right-hand side are estimated in a least-squares iter¬ ative procedure. Let us rewrite equation (4.11) as equation (4.12). K zijr = kz, wik XL XR + eijr <4',2> where z1jr = bjr L,R = subscripts to distinguish between Xjk and xrk Let Z, W, X^, and XR be the corresponding matrices of the variables in equation (4.12). Observe that the dimension of those matrices is (I x K) for W and of XL, XR it is (J x K). In the final solution, XL = XR since both represent the coordinates of the J stimuli in K-dimensional space. Let s = J(j - 1) + r so that s varies from 1 to J2. Define gsk = Xjk • x^k and zijk where the hats indicate estimation of the appropriate values. Then, equation (4.12) can be written as equation (4.13). ^ a ~ ~-r zis = z wil ^sk or in matn'x notation, £ = (4.13) Knowing the values for G, this equation can be solved for W by a least-squares estimation ft = Z* £ (£T £)-1- Substituting the values of w^ back into equa¬ tion (4.12), one can solve in a similar fashion for XL and then for XR, (for more detail see the original paper by Carrol and Chang [1970]). Once W, X^, XR are estimated, a new iteration can start evaluating the three matrices again. This procedure continues until some goodness-of-fit measure is satis¬ fied. Observe that each iteration of the procedure consists of three least- squares solutions, each for a different matrix, while holding the other two constant. To start the process, initial values are needed for W, XL> and XR. Usually W is set to have all entries equal to unity and XL = XR is generated at random by the computer or set to some values specified by the user, hope¬ fully based on some good initial guess. Carrol and Chang (1970) state that this procedure will always converge to a local minimum and based on their experience and on simulation will "almost always" converge to a global minimum. However, since the global convergence is not assured, it is recommended (J.J. Chang - personal communication) to try at least two different starting con¬ figurations. 105 During the iterative process there is no constraint making XL = XR. However, due to the basic symmetry of the data z..jr = zirk for 15 J' anc' r at convergence so that the following rela¬ tion will hold X^ = CXp where C is any K x K diagonal matrix of non-zero elements. This is due to the fact that multiplying the columns of XL by any constant not equal to zero and dividing the corresponding row of XR by the same constant will not alter the result of the estimation process. Matrix C is not recovered in the solution process, since XR is the last matrix estimated and X^ is simply set equal to XR. The goodness-of-fit measure used by the INDSCAL procedure is based on simple correlation between the original z^r values and the pre¬ dicted ones z.jjr- Since the INDSCAL model is nonlinear, simple relations do not exist between the correlation value and the R2 measure, however (1-p2) is treated approximately as the amount of variance explained for individuals in the sample. As a byproduct the program also produces the correlation coefficients for each individual between z... and z.. as well as the average correlation I J K 1 J I coefficient for all the individuals in the sample. 5) The final step of the process is to scale the solution space, since the solution is defined up to an arbitrary positive constant. The solution space is standardized so that the variance of coordinates of the stimuli on each axis is equal to one. This standardization leads to certain interpretive niceties. It means that the square of the Euclidian distance of the individual's weights from the origin can be interpreted (approximately) as the total variance accounted K for, S., in his scalar-products matrix, (i.e. S. = Z w?.). If the 1 1 k=l 1K axes are uncorrelated, then Si will exactly represent the amount of variance explained, and it will be equal to unity if the total vari¬ ance for individual i was actually explained by the model. However, the converse is not true. When the dimensions are correlated, might be smaller than one, but all the variance for individual i may nonetheless be accounted for. The individual INDSCAL scores are not calculated by the program. However, they can be easily calculated as x^.^ = w..^ Xjk, i.e. the' performance measure k of stimulus j as perceived by individual i is equal to the square root of the individual weight along the k-th dimension times the coordinate of the j stimulus on the same dimen¬ sion. 106 4.3.4 Identification of Dimensions The INDSCAL procedure defines the spatial configuration of stimuli common to all individuals as well as the idiosyncratic perceptions of each individual in the group. The axes are uniquely defined since the estimated individual scalar product matrices are a function of the dimensions of the solution. Conceptually we may use the INDSCAL result as a set of indices for any further analysis without identifying the dimensions. However, iden¬ tification of the performance measures has a crucial managerial or engineer¬ ing importance. One approach to the identification of the dimensions is by examination of the configuration of the stimuli in the perceptual space. This examination identifies the important characteristics that differentiate stimuli along each dimension. This approach must be used if the only data collected are direct proximity data and thus there is no other basis for determining the characteristics of the dimensions in the perceptual space. Effective use of this approach depends on the researcher's knowledge of the characteristics of the stimuli included and obviously this type of interpre¬ tation is highly subjective. A much more objective method, although not free from subjective judgment, is used in most cases to identify the dimensions. Let yl-j be the rating of stimulus j on attribute 1 by individual i. By some averaging method we can construct a représentative_unidimensional scale of the J stimuli on each attribute. Let x-| = yi-|»y2]» be a vector, averaged across indivi¬ duals, of the ratings on attribute 1 for each stimulus j. Such a vector is constructed for each attribute 1. The actual construction method can simply be averaging the appropriate ratings across all individuals or, as it was done in this research, throuoh a Thurstonian unidimensional-scaling method. These vectors can be fitted one at a time into the perceptual space through the origin by a metric or nonmetric method. The "closeness" of the set of attributes to the axes of the space provides a clue to the underlying perfor¬ mance measures those axes represent. Figure 4-9 demonstrates this process graphically. Algebraically, the linear metric model PROFIT (Carroll and Chang [1970]) can be stated as follows: Let X] be a vector of stimulus ratings on attribute 1, X (J x K) a matrix of J stimuli on K dimensions. The origin of the K-dimensional space is assumed to be at the centroid of the N objects. Let T be a K-component vector of direction cosines of the fitted vector and Y a J-component vector of the value of projections of J stimuli on the fitted vector. The objective of the fitting procedure is to minimize the squared differences between the projection points of the stimuli and their ratings on the attribute vectors. Thus, we are trying to position the vector in the space so that (Y - Y)2 will be minimized. The relation between the original ratings Y and the stimulus space are shown by equation (4.14). Y=£[ + £ (4.14) From equation (4.14), an estimate of T can be obtained, as shown in equation (4.15). T = (XT X)"1 XT Y (4.15) 107 9 Bus *Auto Auto s Bus ■Taxi Taxi Train '< Train 2-D Perceptual, Space Attribute-Privacy Fitted Attribute- FIGURE 4-9 Fitting of Attribute into Perceptual Space 108 The stimuli ratings on the fitted vector are given by equation (4.16). Y = Il = X(IT I)"1 IT Y (4.16) A The vector of direction cosines is obtained by normalization of the T vector to unit length. A nonmetric procedure of fitting the attribute space is called PREFMAP (Green and Wind [1972]). This method consists basically of an iterative application of the above-mentioned linear procedure. The first iteration is a simple linear fit of the attribute vector, after which, the estimated pro- a/ \ jections Yu; are compared with the original ones, Y. If the monotone rela¬ tions are preserved, the procedure is terminated. Otherwise the Y are a / \ replaced with Y which are based on Yvw and a linear procedure is applied to obtain new estimates of the projections Y^. This iterative procedure con¬ tinues until the monotone relations between Y and Y^ are satisfied based on the stopping criterion for stress values. 4.4 The Factor-Analysis Model The basic input to the factor-analysis model is a data matrix Y of the value of the attributes on a number of alternatives. These profile data, y^ consist of ratings for each individual i in I, alternative j in J and attri¬ bute 1 in L. The reduction process of the attributes can be executed across alternatives for each individual or across alternatives and individuals or across individuals for each alternative. These three approaches are called R-type factor analysis, the first being individual-specific and the latter two are executed across individuals either for each alternative separately or for all the alternatives simultaneously. In all three cases, the process identifies a reduced set of performance measures. The reduction process can also be executed across individuals for the set of attributes, for each alter¬ native or across individuals for attributes and alternatives (stimuli), given a large enough number of attributes. This type of factor analysis is called Q-type analysis. Observe that the reduced set defines, in this case, a clus¬ ter of individuals who are similar with respect to their perception of the attributes. This type of analysis is a method of segmentation of the total sample population and is not of interest in this investigation. The R-type factor analysis assumes that there exists a common set of factors-reduced performance measures, X, in the initial profile data matrix Y. It further assumes that each attribute Y1 can be expressed as a linear combin¬ ation of the underlying factors X^, a specific component of the attribute U1, and a random error term e1. Schematically, the above assumptions are presented in Figure 4-10. Mathematically, the common factor model can be stated as equation (4.17) *n * rk fu xik+ si x*i+ eii (4-17) 109 Common Component -»• Unique ->• Linear combination of the identified factors Part of the attribute y | , j <- -f- -V Specific Random Error FIGURE 4-10 Assumed Components of an Attribute 110 where = loadings of factor scores on attribute = factor scores of factor k for individual i ★ x., = unique factor scores associated with attribute y, and individual i s-j = the loadings of the unique factor scores on attribute y-j e.i = random error It is assumed that f^ and s-j are the same for all the individuals in the sample and thus can be estimated across individuals. Observe that the mathe¬ matical problem as stated above seems similar to a linear-regression formula¬ tion. However, a fundamental difference exists between factor-analysis and linear regression. Unlike linear regression, in factor analysis, values of the factors on the right-hand side of equation (4.17) are not known. Thus, the loadings as well as the factor values, which are called factor scores in the factor-analysis terminology, are to be estimated. It is further assumed that the unique part of the attribute U-j, given by S.| + e-| » is uncorrelated with its common part or with the common or unique part of any other attribute. It is also assumed that the factor scores are orthogonal to each other. The attribute ratings Y, and the factors S. are standardized across individuals I i i K i i and alternatives so that = 0 and Var (Y^) = Var(Xk) = 1.0 for all 1 and k. I I Let Y, and Y be the standardized ratings on two attributes, then ill m Y, • Y = rn is the correlation coefficient between these two attribute I m. lm , i since Y, and Y are both standardized. The standardized profile matrix Y I m consists of L attribute (columns) and N=IxJ cases (individuals x alternatives) and is used to calculate the correlation matrix between all the attributes as shown in euqation (4.18). (4.18) Equation (4.17) can then be rewritten as equation (4.19). I = XL + I*U • (4.19) The sizes of the matrices are as follows: y' - [N x L], x" - [N x K], F - [K x L], X* - [N x L] & U - [L x L]. Premultiplying both sides of equation (4.19) by their transpose gives the result shown in equation (4.20). Ill x'T I = £TX TX £ + uVx'e + FTx'TX*ii + (4.20) Since we required the unique factor scores to be standardized and uncorrected with the other factors and further assumed that the factors are orthogonal to each other, the following relations hold, equations (4.21), (4.22), (4.23), and (4.24). T 1 I* I = 0 (4.21) 'T l 'x* = 0 (4.22) 'T 1 I I = N= (4.23) l*Tl* -NÏ (4.24) Thus, equation (4.20) can be simplified to equation (4.25). lJl = N£T£ + Nyju (4.25) Dividing both sides of the equation by N and rearranging the terms yields equation (4.26). R - LL2 = £T£ (4.26) Equation (4.26) is considered to be a fundamental theorem of factor analysis (Rummel, 1970). Observe that the left-hand side of this equation has an inter¬ esting interpretation. Since U2 is a diagonal matrix of the size (L x L) we can rewrite it as shown in equation (4.27). R - II2 = R - 1+H2 (4.27) H2 is called the "communality" matrix and is also a diagonal matrix of (L x L). The communality of attribute L is the proportion of the variable's total vari¬ ance that is accounted for by the factor. Equation (4.26) states that the factor loadings can be found by "factor¬ ing" the data correlation matrix with communalities h| replacing the unit values on the main diagonal of R. This problem can be solved by determining the eigenvalues and eigenvectors of the symmetric matrix R - U2- The eigen¬ values are real numbers and the eigenvectors span the common vector space. The characteristics equation |(R - JJ2) - Ai| = £L will yield the eigenvalues and the principle axes which span the vector space. Let the eigenvalues be arranged from large to small in a diagonal matrix A(L x L), and let the corre¬ sponding eigenvectors be E = {ej, §2, ..., e^}, then the factoring of the fundamental equation is given by equation (4.28). R - U2 = £A£ = (éA^HÀV) (4.28) Thus we have recovered the values of the factor since £ = £4*. The rank of R - U2 will be the number of eigenvalues greater than zero and the eigenvectors corresponding to the zero eigenvalues will be deleted to recover the principle- component solution. Thus if there are S zero eigenvalues the number of factors will be K = L - S. 112 However, equation (4.26) is not fully specified since the value of the matrix U2 (or the communalities) is not known. Thus, the number of eigen¬ vectors different from zero that are needed to determine the factors cannot be determined. Fortunately, there exist upper and lower limits for the communalities values. The upper limit is simply 1 and the lower limit was shown by Guttman (Rummel, 1970) to be the squared multiple correlation (r2 in linear-regression terminology) of an attribute with all the other attributes. Thus the usual procedure to estimate the factor values is an iterative one. The lower bound of the communality values is substituted in the diagonal of the correlation matrix. A predetermined number of factors are calculated (see Rummel [1970] for methods to determine the desired number of factors), and the communalities are recalculated from the factors according to equation (4.29). 1 ■ l Vik <4-2" The new communalities are substituted again into the diagonal of the correla¬ tion matrix and the iterative procedure continues until a satisfactory conver¬ gence is achieved. Observe that the trace of the original correlation matrix is simply equal to the number of attributes, L. However, the trace of the matrix R - U2 at the last iteration is smaller than L. Rummel (1970) has shown that equation (4.30) is true. tr (R - 1 + M2) = tr(R2) = tr(R2) = zh2 = ex. 1 ! 1 I (4.30) In other words, the sum of the eigenvalues is equal to the common variance and the ratio EA./L determine the percent of the common variance explained by the 1 1 underlying factors. The factor loadings identified in this process have a very useful descriptive interpretation. For orthogonal factors, these values represent the correlation between an attribute and a factor score. For exam¬ ple, the factor loading f^ represents the correlation between the attribute and the factor X^, f|k represents the proportion of the variance of attri¬ bute 1 accounted for by factor k. Now that the factors underlying the attributes have been defined, has any insight been gained into the data structure? Unless we are extremely lucky, which is r-arely the case (Murphy's Law states that if something can go wrong, it will), we started with L correlated but defined attributes and at this stage K unidentified factors have been defined, that are correlated with all the L attributes. Observe, however, that the identified underlying factors can still be rotated to a position in space that will reveal a simple and meaningful data structure (see Figure 4-11 for a geometrical representa¬ tion). This may be done becuase a similarity transform T can be applied to the fundamental factor-analysis equation without changing the eigenvalues (the eigenvector, of course, changes), as shown in equation (4.31). JL - gz = ITFT£I (4.31) Thurstone (Rummel, 1970) has identified a set of heuristic rules to recover the simple structure. The essence of these rules calls for rotation of the dimen¬ sions in such a way that each factor will be highly correlated with attributes 113 f? • \\ \ fix ^7/ V /// / / x\ fl b. After Rotation FIGURE 4-11 Rotation of the Common Factors 114 in one group and has a low correlation with attributes in other groups. A group of attributes might consist of only one attribute. Schematically, this is shown in Figure 4-12. Thurstone's rules did not require the rotated axes to be orthogonal to each other, however, all uniquely defined algebraic methods of rotation assume orthogonality of the dimensions. There are many rotation procedures but the one which comes closest to Thurstone's rules is called Varimax Rotation and was defined by Kaiser (Harman, 1967). The Varimax cri¬ terion of rotation is a function of the variance of the columns of factor loadings. As there are more high and low loadings on a factpr, the variance of the squared factor loadings is larger. The highest variance will be ob¬ tained when the loadings are either zero or one. Thus, an orthogonal rotation can be defined so as to maximize the variance of the squared loadings on all dimensions. Thus the expression of equation (4.32) is to be maximized. K L flk , K L flk V = L E S (t-^)1* -l ( E tj1^)2 (4.32) k=i l=i nl k=i l=i nj The solution of this maximization is algebraically rather complicated and is detailed in Harman (1967). At this stage of the factor-analysis procedure, a simple structure has been identified which constitutes the underlying performance measures (dimen¬ sions) of the attribute set. Let this factor matrix be F [K x L]. The prob¬ lem at hand now is to calculate the factor scores for each individual and alternative. These values are needed for the estimation phase of the choice model. However, the factor scores cannot be calculated directly from the fundamental theorem of factor analysis, equation (4.26) ,-|-since, due to the reduction process, F will not be a full-rank matrix and F F is singular. Thus, a linear-regression model is used to estimate the factor scores. Equation (4.33) is assumed to hold. xik * fkiyn + eik <4-33) I I In matrix notation X = X â + £ where B is the matrix of unknown coefficients and £ is an error matrix. Dividing both sides of the equation by /N yields equation (4-34). I , I , * v'N X = (^1) & + (4-34) The linear-regression estimate of B, is given by equation (4.35). £ = J- (l'T X')"1 ^X'T l (4.35) 1 'T 1 _1 _1 1 'T 1 T Observe that j^X X) =JL and n X i = E • Thus> the final equation to estimate the factor scores is equation (4.36). 115 Simple Structure Unrotated Si S2 Factors S3 After * Si Rotation * * s2 s3 Attribute 1 X X X Attribute 2 X X X X Attribute 3 X X X X X Attribute 4 V A X X Attribute 5 X X X Attribute 6 X X. X Attribute 7 X X X X FIGURE 4-12 Factor loadings before and after rotation of a factor analytical solution. The X indicates high factor loadings, thus high cor¬ relation between the attribute and the factor. 116 The factor-analysis procedure has two crucial steps. One is selecting the appropriate number of factors-performance measures and the second is the interpretation of the axes after rotation. Rummel (1970) suggests a set of guide rules for the selection of the number of factors. However, it seems that the best method for selecting the number of factors is to examine several factor-analytical solutions in different dimensions. The increase in the amount of variance explained as the number of factors increases provides a basis for choosing the appropriate solution. The trade off should be between the increase in the amount of variance explained against the complication caused by increasing the dimensionality of the solution. Another criterion for deciding on the appropriate dimensionality of the factor-analytic solution is the subjective interpretability of the factors. If too many factors are extracted, some of them will not be loaded by any attribute, indicating that they represent spurious correlation in the data rather than any underlying perceptual dimensions. If too few factors are extracted the interpretation of the dimensions will be difficult, since it is highly unlikely that a really simple structure can be found by the Varimax Rotation. Thus, the subjective ease of interpretation of the recovered dimensions is an important criterion for the determination of the number of dimensions. 117 5. MARKET SEGMENTATION 5.1 Introduction The phase of analysis reported in this chapter has several purposes. First, it is desired to segment the sample, derived from the first Old Orchard survey, into homogeneous groupings with respect to perceptions of an attrac¬ tiveness space. Second, it is intended to identify and label the dimensions of the attractiveness space and develop a quantitative measure for a shopping center located in the space. Third, an attempt is made to segment the same sample into homogeneous groups based upon preference rankings of the shopping centers and compare those groupings with the groups based on perceptions of the attractiveness space. Finally, the sample is segmented on the basis of combined perceptions and preferences by using the perceptual measures for the most preferred shopping location. The underlying hypothesis of this research is that the socioeconomic char¬ acteristics, determined in the survey, form a reasonable basis for grouping the population in order to understand better their choice behavior in selecting shopping locations. In other words, it is assumed that people within a given socioeconomic group are more likely to behave similarly to each other, than those in random, diverse groups. Given this basic assumption, the tasks of determining homogeneous groupings of the population require a determination of whether the finest level of groupings obtained in the survey are necessary to characterize homogeneity. The procedure adopted is, therefore, one of attempting to combine the smallest groupings into larger groupings that yet represent a level of homogeneity in perception. Clearly, questions can be raised as to whether or not the socioeconomic groupings are appropriate group¬ ings to begin with. These questions are not addressed directly within this research, although some attempt is made to determine whether or not within- group variances are significantly smaller than between-group variances. The available subgroupings of the population are shown in Table 5-1. The basis of the first grouping process is to attempt to obtain a perceptual space for each subgroup, and then to attempt to determine similarity of the spaces between groups. The analysis is concerned with a single-dimensioned grouping of the population. In other words, the analysis was carried out on the basis of one socioeconomic variable at a time, without examination of two- or three- way classifications of the population. The other two grouping processes are based upon the use of direct preference rankings from the data and upon the results of a factor analysis of the perceptual attributes. In both cases, the analysis is still carried out on one socioeconomic variable at a time. Multi¬ ple classifications were not attempted. 5.2 Methods of Grouping Increased understanding and improved modelling of travel behavior can generally be obtained if the assessment of travel behavior is based on an analysis of groups displaying similar behavior patterns. In this section, strategies for identifying similar groups with respect to shopping-center choice are identified. Socioeconomic characteristics are intended to provide the basis for identifying the homogeneous groups. Two basic approaches to 118 Socio-Economic Variable Sex: Female Male Age: Under 16 years 16-21 years 22 - 29 years 30 - 39 years 40 - 49 years 50 - 59 years Over 59 years Income: Under $10,000 $10,001 - $15,000 $15,001 - $20,000 $20,001 - $25,000 $25,001 - $50,000 Over $50,000 Occupation: Military Salesman Teacher Professional Craftsman Clerical Student Housewife Governmental Retired Other Length of Residence: Less than 4 years 4-6 years 7-10 years Over 10 years TABLE 5-1 Socioeconomic Groups for First-Cut Analysis 119 group identification are discussed: a prior classification and a search for classification. The adequacy of each grouping method is assessed through a number of tests measuring the similarity within and/or differences between the groups in terms of their choice functions, perceptions and preferences as related to shopping centers. 5.2.1 Prior Classification Prior classification methods identify similar groups directly according to socioeconomic characteristics of the individual. Possible classification characteristics include sex, age, income, occupation, and length of residence, as shown in Table 5-1. The commonality of groups created by division with respect to these characteristics can be tested with respect to shopping-center choice models, preferences and perceptions. It should be noted that this type of strategy would develop classifica¬ tions for variation within each socioeconomic variable individually. Such an analysis, however, does not account for the effects of intercorrelated or interacting socioeconomic factors which, if properly considered, could aid in identifying groupings of individuals of a more homogeneous nature. A statis¬ tical technique known as the automatic interaction detector (AID) is based on considering these factors in the grouping of observations. The basis of AID is a sequential identification of subgroupings within a data set according to explanatory variable variation with the aim of maximizing explained variation in the dependent variable relative to the number of identified groups. The technique has been applied successfully to a number of transportation problems including mode choice. However, its use in shopping-center choice problems would be difficult as a result of the number of alternative shopping-center choices which define the dependent variable. Another procedure for identifying similar groups is through a prior classification according to reported or revealed preferences. Classification according to reported preferences would use the ranked preference data collec¬ ted in the survey. Groupings could be developed according to the most prefer¬ red shopping center (< 7 groups), the two highest preferred shopping centers in order (<_ 30 groupsj, or the three highest preferred regardless of order (<^ 20 groups). Classification in terms of the shopping center chosen would result in an analysis based on four groups. It also has been suggested that the effect of distance of the shopping center used from home location be used as a method of classifying the population. An examination of the possible biases created by having two types of survey completion procedures -- mail- back and interviewer assisted — may also be useful. 5.2.2 Search for Classification The search for classification attempts to define common groups with respect to preferences and perceptions. The relationships between these groupings and socioeconomic categories is analyzed in an attempt to define homogeneous socioeconomic groups. Contingency tables have been suggested as a means of determining whether the common perception or preference groups are significantly related to socioeconomic groups. 120 The search for common groups uses clustering techniques to perform an aggregation of individuals according to similar preferences or perceptions. Preference can be measured in terms of individual preference rankings of the shopping centers of ideal-point location along relevant dimensions. Attribute importance ratings may also provide a basis for assessing similarity. Deter¬ mination of common perceptions among individuals could be based on INDSCAL weightings, factor scores, multidimensional-scaling distances between shopping centers, or raw direct or indirect similarity data. The technique suggested for use in performing the aggregation is cluster analysis. Cluster analysis is used in problems generally involving the aggre¬ gation of n individuals to m groups so that the individuals in each group are similar and are different from all other individuals not in the group. Simi¬ larity and difference in cluster analysis are defined in terms of a quantifi¬ able distance or similarity measure. The clustering process is usually hier¬ archical; that is, n clusters originally exist, which are then combined to form n-1, n-2, and so forth until the desired level of aggregation is reached. Many options exist with respect to the definition of distance and the hierar¬ chical clustering process. The options relevant to this study consist of those available in the cluster analysis program implemented at the Northwestern Univ¬ ersity computing center. The cluster analysis program, CLUSTAN 6000, has six basic clustering procedures including hierarchic fusion, monothetic division, iterative-relo¬ cation mode analysis, Calinski-Harabasy dendrite, and Jardine-Sibson K-parti- tion. In addition, 40 different distance/similarity measures can be used in the clustering procedures. Principally, as a result of anticipated problem size, hierarchic fusion and iterative relocation comprise the options available for the proposed analysis. Hierarchic fusion is a type of cluster analysis which when beginning with n objects (individuals or groups) joins the two which are most similar, and continues this fusion process until the desired level of aggregation is attain¬ ed. Similarity is defined by the similarity/distance measure. Iterative-re¬ location clustering differs from hierarchic fusion in that following each cluster formation, an attempt is made to relocate every individual object among existing clusters in order that the highest degree of similarity is achieved. Information on the expected cost of using various clustering procedures or similarity/distance options is not provided with the description of CLUSTAN. A run with a population of about 100 objects has been estimated to cost about $30. Populations of 200 and 500 will require from $70 to $200. It would seem, from a conceptual point of view, that a procedure -- such as Ward's method, which seeks to minimize within group (cluster) variation of distance measures would be the preferred option as it, unlike many other methods, accounts di¬ rectly for group structure in the clustering of individual objects. It should be noted that AID could also be used to identify groupings in the search process. But, as stated earlier, proper consideration of the dependent variable is not clear. 121 5.2.3 Tests for Similarity of Groups Testing the similarity of groups identified by direct methods of classi¬ fication, can include analysis of homogeneity of preferences and perceptions within groups, and determination of differences between groups. Testing of differences between groups in terms of revealed preferences can be conducted through a comparison of logit models of shopping-center choice estimated for each, group and for the entire population. The models can be compared for significant differences as a whole and by individual coefficients. Testing of differences between groups can also be conducted with reported preferences with a modifi¬ cation of the Friedman test or a test based on an analysis of variance. The difference tests of the modified Friedman statistic will indicate if the pref¬ erence rankings of shopping centers are different between groups. Analysis- of-variance procedures may also be used to test these hypotheses concerning ranking within and between groups, if problems concerning the ordinal nature of the data and distribution characteristics of test statistics are resolved. Groups identified as comprising homogeneous individuals by the two class¬ ification methods can also be analyzed with respect to their similarity of perception of shopping centers. One means of testing the perception differ¬ ences between groups consists of comparing multidimensional scaling (MDS) distances between shopping centers of various groups through correlation analysis. This approach, however, cannot identify statistically significant differences, but only provide an indication of variation among groups. Another method of testing the similarity within groups would use either form of similarity data which could be used in defining the MDS distance. This approach would allow measurement of the significance of differences between groups' perceptions of those distances. If the necessary normal distributional assumptions can be accepted, a Hotelling test of the signifi¬ cance of differences in groups' mean similarity ratings of shopping centers can be conducted. Another framework which can be utilized to test the signi¬ ficance of perception differences between groups with the similarity informa¬ tion is an analysis of variance. The proportion of total variance in those ratings which can be accounted for by separating the total population into the identified groups can then be established. These two tests, Hotelling and analysis of variance, can also be conducted with the MDS distances if the required normal distribution assumptions can be made. Similarity of MDS dis¬ tance can also be tested with the Friedman test when the distances are des¬ cribed by a rank order. Similarly, group differences in INDSCAL weightings for relevant dimensions and factor scores could be used to test for perceptual differences if distributional requirements can be assumed to be satisfied. 5.3 Segmentation on Perceptions 5.3.1 General In order to understand the problems of seeking homogeneity of perceptual spaces, some understanding is necessary of the multidimensional-sealing proce¬ dures and the results generated by these procedures. The perceptual spaces are, in this case, generated as aggregate spaces for a preselected group or subgroup of the population. In other words, for each socioeconomic group identified in Table 5-1, one aggregate perceptual space is developed. The 122 aggregate multidimensional-sealing procedure involves the selection of a dimensionality that is most efficient for representing the aggregate informa¬ tion obtained on perceived "distances" between the set of stimuli, (shopping centers in this case). These distances may be obtained by questions that request directly information on the similarity that people perceive between alternative shopping centers vis-a-vis some prespecified metric or quality, or may be derived by asking people to rate each of a set of shopping centers on a number of different attributes, postulated as making up the quality or metric to be used for judging similarity. The two types of questions from which multidimensional scales might be developed, used in the first Old Orchard surveys, are shown in Figures 5-1 and 5-2. If a set of n-stimuli are used in either of these two types of questions, then the distances between the stimuli may be represented uniquely in (n-1)-dimensioned space. For example, the first survey used seven shopping-center locations for the two types of questions. Thus, the interpoint distances may be represented uniquely in six-dimensional space. The procedures for developing perceptual distances between stimuli are detailed in Appendix D. In the method used, average distances are computed for each of the iden¬ tified subgroups in the population. These distances are distances between each of the seven shopping centers in the perceived space of attractiveness to shop. The first task of the analysis if to find the most efficient dimen¬ sionality in which to express the perceptual space for the attractiveness concept. Thus, with the seven shopping centers, the highest dimensionality possible is a six-dimensional space. However, one would like to reduce this space to as few dimensions as possible, without distorting the perceived dis¬ tances between the shopping centers. This is the procedure that the multi¬ dimensional-scaling program (MDSCAL) performs. In carrying out a collapsing of the dimensionality of the space, the procedure requires that a monotonie relationship be preserved between the original interpoint distances and those in each successive reduced-dimensionality space. The monotonicity requirement is placed upon the procedure, rather than a strict linear requirement, since the data from which the information is derived is only ordinal in nature. Thus, it would not be appropriate or correct to invest ratio properties in the base data, nor to require preservation of the sizes of the intervals between stimulus points in the space in the collapse process. In the process of devel¬ oping a perceptual space through the MDSCAL program, the orthogonal axes des¬ cribing the space are located arbitrarily. Thus, there is no ready mechanism for comparing the final resulting multidimensional spaces with each other from different socioeconomic subgroups of the population. The reasons such a com¬ parison is not possible is that the orientation of the spaces is completely arbitrary over the entire set. Thus, no two spaces are necessarily located in any common way. Both rotation and translation of the axes is possible from one space to another. Thus it becomes quite impossible for the analyst to be able to compare multidimensional solutions from alternative subgroups and derive any information of the comparative values or differences between the spaces. Fig¬ ures 5-3, 5-4, and 5-5 show three solutions from the multidimensional scaling process for different subgroups of the population. It is clear from these that conclusions cannot be drawn, given that axes may be rotated or translated at will from one to the next. 123 Again, if all the shopping centers were equally easy to get to, how similar do you think they are to each other? In answering this ques¬ tion, please think about your preference to shop at them for the goods you came to buy. Check the box which best describes how similar they are. Please be sure to do this for all pairs of shopping centers. 57 ^ "2.0 *0ld Orchard -1.5 "1.0 -0.5 XEdens Plaza . Loop „ * pla,za del lago. 1 1 ^— 1 1 -1.0 -0.5 0.5 X 1.0 Dim- 1 Korvettes - r *Golf Mill -0.5 -1.0 * Woodfield " -1.5 FIGURE 5-4 Two-Dimensional Space for Incomes Over $50,000 127 Dim, 2 i < * Old Orchard Edens Plaza * "0,5 -1.0 4- -0.5 * Plaza del Loop Lago X 1.0 x Korvettes 0,5 1.0 " -0.5 Golf Hill -1.0 woodfield -•-Dim. 1 FIGURE 5-5 Two-Dimensional Space for Incomes of $10,000-$15,000 128 In order to be able to draw comparisons between the spaces, it is necess¬ ary to find a means by which alternative spaces can be compared. Two such processes appeared as candidates for this from the multidimensional-scaling work. First, the multidimensional-scaling results in the production of a new set of interpoint distances for the most efficient space determined. These interpoint distances, which represent average distances for members of each subgroup in the most efficient dimensionality space, may be considered as a set of candidate values that describe each subgroup in terms of the perceptual space. Thus, one may compute either a rank or metric correlation between the sets of distances of one group with another. Since there are seven stimuli in the space, there are 21 interpoint distances that are necessary to describe each multidimensional solution. Thus one may obtain a correlation by taking the 21 distance measures for each of two subgroups and computing either a rank (Spearman) correlation or a linear (Pearson) correlation between them. Such a measure is computed irrespective of the rotation and translation of the re¬ presentation of the multidimensional space. All that one is looking for here is a correlation of the distances between each pair of points. Again, since the original data from which the spaces were derived was ordinal in nature, rather than cardinal, and since the procedure for developing the multidimen¬ sional space requires only the preservation of ordinal information, it may be more appropriate to consider a rank correlation than a linear correlation. In fact, both types of correlations were run for these data and comparisons made between the results obtained. In general, it was found that the rank correlations were higher than but consistent with the Pearson correlations. Therefore, only the latter are reported. A second procedure was devised within this research for determining the comparisons between alternative attractiveness spaces. This procedure involved the use of the average interpoint distances for each subgroup as an input to the individual-sealing analysis method (INDSCAL). The individual- scaling model is described in 4.3.3. For this research, it was proposed that one might substitute average inter- point distances, derived from MDSCAL, for the individual data that would nor¬ mally be the input to INDSCAL. In this manner, each of the multidimensional spaces found for the socioeconomic subgroups could be fitted to a common space, and the output weights on the various dimensions of the common space would pro¬ vide a metric that could be used in some type of correlation or cluster analysis. Naturally, it is clear that such a process loses the information of variance within each group. It is not clear how serious such a loss of information is in this instance. However, there is no way in which the information can be incorporated in the process. Subsequent analyses have attempted to develop alternative procedures for determining the appropriate market segments in the population. Having fitted each of the socioeconomic subgroups into a common space, and obtaining weights for each of the axes of that common space, the cluster anal¬ ysis is performed upon the weights, from which a hierarchy of groupings of the original subgroups can be determined. It is important to note, however, that neither of the methods proposed here have associated with them any statistical measures of goodness of fit. 129 At a number of points in the preceding discussion, the selection of a parsimonious space has been mentioned. So far, however, no discussion has been addressed to the question of how parsimony and efficiency are determined. As an aid to such selection, a statistic (Stress) has been developed by Kruskal (1964), which measures the degree of distortion introduced by each solution produced. Thus, as the dimensionality is reduced from the starting configura¬ tion of, say six dimensions, a value of Stress can be computed that can then be used to determine whether the lower dimensionality solution is acceptable or not. A set of empirical values have been determined for Stress, in terms of specifying degree of goodness of fit to the original data. These values are provided with descriptions, in the following form: perfect fit, excellent fit, good fit, fair fit, poor fit. Ideally, a plot of the value of Stress against the dimensionality will show a characteristic elbow, as shown in Figure 5-6. Conceptually, this figure indicates that reduction in dimensionality ini¬ tially causes no distortion in the interpoint distances. However, a point is reached at which a further reduction of one dimension causes significant dis¬ tortion. It may therefore be assumed that the dimensionality immediately pre¬ ceding the substantial increase in Stress indicates the most efficient and parsimonious multidimensional-scaling solution. The stress will not always behave in this precise fashion. It will, however, either remain approximately constant, exhibit a well-defined elbow, or will have a generally upward slop¬ ing curve for reducing dimensionality. In general, no other forms are possible. In this research, all subgroups were run for four-, three-, and two-dimen¬ sional solutions. In each case, a plot was obtained of the stress against the dimensionality and this was used to select the appropriate dimensionality for that particular subgroup. In most instances, it was found that the change of Stress with dimensionality followed the ideal plot shown in Figure 5-6. In these cases, the decision of the most efficient dimensionality was obvious. In some instances, however, the stress followed a more-or-less straight line increasing with decreasing dimensionality. In these cases, a solution was chosen that was based upon the interpretations of fit developed by Kruskal. Where possible, the lowest dimensionality was chosen that was consistent with the empirical range for good to excellent fit. In some instances, it was found that the change in Stress was such that two or more dimensionality solutions fell within the same region of fit as each other. In these instances, more than one dimensionality was selected as a solution. The selected solutions are shown in Table 5-2. 5.3.2 Correlation Analysis As indicated earlier, the first item of analysis undertaken was to deter¬ mine both Pearson and Spearman correlations among the interpoint distances from the MDS solutions for the entire survey sample of 7,362 observations. Correlations were determined for subsets of the subgroups, determined by the dimensionality of the solution selected. Thus, one set of correlations was determined for four-dimensional solutions, a second for three-dimensional solutions, and a third for two-dimensional solutions. It was not felt to be valid to compute correlations between groups whose representations were in different dimensionalities. The two types of correlations are distinguished 130 0.6 -■ 0.5 -- 0.4 + FIGURE 5-6 Plot of Dimensionality against Stress for 2, 3, and 4 Dimensional Solutions Socio-Fconomic Variable Dimensionality Sex: Female 3 Male 4, 3 Age: Under 16 years 4, 3 16 - 21 years 4, 3 22-29 years 4 30 - 39 years 3 40 - 49 years 3 50 - 59 years 4, 3 Over 59 years 4, 3 Income: Under $10,000 3 $10,001-$15,000 2, 3 $15,001-$20,000 3 $20,001-$25,000 4 $25,001-$50,000 4 Over $50,000 3, 2 Occupation: Military * Salesman 4 Teacher 3 Professional 4, 3 Craftsman 3 Clerical 3, 2 Student 4 Housewife 4, 3, 2 Governmental 4, 3 Retired 4, 3 Other 3 Length of Less than 4 years 4, 3 Residence: , , 4-6 years 4, 3 7-10 years 4, 5 Over 10 years 1 4, 5 TABLE 5-2 Selected Dimensionalities for One-Way Groupings 132 by the fact that the Spearman correlations are correlations only on the rank ordering of the interpoint distances, while the Pearson correlations are linear-regression type correlations that are determined by assuming the dis¬ tances to be metric distances. The only correlations of interest are those within a particular socioeconomic group. These are shown in Tables 5-3 through 5-6 for the four-dimensional solutions, Tables 5-7 through 5-11 for three-dimensional solutions and all two-dimensional solutions are shown in Table 5-12. In all cases, only the Pearson correlations are shown, since these were found to be consistently lower than the Spearman rank correlations. This is not completely surprising, since the Spearman rank correlations are based upon less information, and are therefore weaker than the Pearson corre¬ lations. Considering the tables, one may use as a rule of thumb that correlations below .5 indicate relatively little association between the variables, while those above .5 indicate a fairly substantial degree of correlation. On this basis, one may conclude that there are relatively high correlations between the sexes for the three-dimensional solutions, as shown by Table 5-7. On the basis of the four-dimensional solutions, one could potentially group the under 16 year olds with the 16-21 year olds, and the 16-21 year olds with the 22-29 year olds. Since, however, the correlation between the under 16 year olds and the 22-29 year olds is relatively low, one might conclude that an optimal combination would be under 22 rather than breaking at 16. Similarly, Table 5-3 shows a high degree of correlation between the 50-59 year-old group and the 60 and over group. Relatively high correlations seem to be demonstrated between the 60 and overs and all of the other age groups except the 16 to 21 year olds. It is not completely clear why this might be so, but may indicate that this particular age category is not a useful one for discriminating per¬ ceptions of shopping opportunities. In contrast, Table 5-8 shows a very low correlation between the under 16 year olds and 16 to 21 year olds in a three- dimensional solution, and the only high correlations are to be found between the age groups 40-49, 50-59, and 60 and over. In fact, the conclusion from Table 5-8 would probably be that one age group from 40 and over would be sufficient to describe age groups with respect to perception of shopping-center destinations. It does not appear to be very meaningful to look at major combinations of occupational categories. An examination of Tables 5-4 and 5-9 does tend to suggest that there are some quite strong correlations between certain occupa¬ tional categories, and very weak ones among others. For example there are high correlations between clerical-secretarial workers and teachers, between house¬ wives and clerical and secretarial workers, and between housewives and retired people. Precisely what conclusions can be drawn from this is not clear. Nevertheless, the correlations are reported for completeness of the analysis. Based upon the information on income, shown in Tables 5-5, 5-10 and 5-12, it does not appear as though income is a good discriminator of perceptions of shopping center destinations. Indeed there are no correlations in any of these tables below .5, and some of the highest correlations to be seen are found in these tables. Finally, Tables 5-6 and 5-11 indicate a very clear polarization on length of residence. There is a high correlation between those people who have lived in the area less than four years and those who have lived in the area four to six years, and a similarly high correlation between those having lived in the area seven to ten years and those over ten years. Both tables, which are for different dimensionalities, exhibit the 133 Aqe j Group <15 15-21 22-29 50-59 60 and over <16 ^679 .500 .528 .574 16-21 <555 .312 .451 | 22-29 .51-6 .671 J 50-59 .726 60 and over TABLE 5-3 Pearson Correlations Among Age Groups (4-dimensional solutions) TABLE 5-4 Pearson Correlations Among Occupational Groups (4-dimensional solutions) 134 Income $20-25,000 $25-50,000~] $20-25,000 .643 $26-50,000 TABLE 5-5 Pearson Correlations Among Income Groups (4-dimensional solutions) Lencsth of Residence <4 yrs. 4-6 yrs. 7-10 yrs. 1 over 10 yrs. <4 yrs. .870 .565 I .532 | 4-6 yrs. .449 I .383 j 7-10 yrs. .876 j over 10 yrs. | a 1 e ~ TABLE 5-6 Pearson Correlations By Length of Residence (4-dimensional solutions) 135 Sex Male Female Male .632 Female TABLE 5-7 Pearson Correlation Between the Sexes (3-dimensional solutions) Age <16 16-21 30-39 40-49 50-59 60+ <16 .23* .209 .187 .306 .149 16-21 .455 .368 .422 .613 30-39 .443 .342 .644 40-49 .577 .684 50-59 .793 60+ \ TABLE 5-8 Pearson Correlations Among Age Groups (3-dimensional solutions) 136 Occupation Teach Prof. Crafts CI er/ Sec Hsv/fe Govt. Ret'd Other Teacher .522 .608 .870 .852 .409 .755 .465 Professional .310 .422 .499 .122 .578 .433 Crafts. .636 .53 7 .318 .670 .483 Clér./Sec. .922 .496 .799 .577 Housewi fe .559 .816 .390 Government .358 .174 Retired .487 Other TABLE 5-9 Pearson Correlations Among Occupational Groups (3-dimensional solutions) Income A OT- O 7^ 10-15 K 15-20K >5 OK <$1 OK x^ .637 -0^ .901 .598 10-15K .586 . 794 15-20K .59Q >50l< TABLE 5-10 Pearson Correlations Among Income Groups (3-dimensional solutions) 137 Length of Residence <4 yrs. 4-6 7-10 Over 10 <4 yrs. .723 .490 .490 4-5 yrs. .447 .445 7-10 yrs. 1.00 Over 10 yrs. TABLE 5-11 Pearson Correlations by Length of Residence (3-dimensional solutions) Subgroup Cler. Hswfe $10-15K >S50K CI er. .835 / Hswfe y / $10-15K .784 >$50K X' TABLE 5-12 Pearson Correlations for Income and Occupation Subgroups Having 2-dimensional Solutions 138 identical pattern. Correlations between the other pairs of groups are nowhere near as high, and in Table 5-11 are all less than .5. One can conclude from this that a grouping of length of residence with a break point at six years would appear to be appropriate. This is by far the strongest result obtained in this analysis. 5.3.3 Cluster Analysis of Perceptions A cluster analysis was performed on the weights for each subgroup obtained from the INDSCAL analysis using the hierarchic-fusion process. The cluster analysis provided various hierarchical levels of clustering of the subgroups. Generally, only the lowest level of clustering was considered to be worthwhile examining. Results of the clustering of four-dimensional solutions are shown in Table 5-13, and those from the three-dimensional solutions are shown in Table 5-14. The two-dimensional solutions were not subjected to a separate cluster analysis. On the basis of these two tables, it is again evi¬ dent that length of residence may be divided at between six and seven years, based upon the original categorization in the questionnaire. This result appears for both three- and four-dimensional solutions, and is completely con¬ sistent with the results determined in the correlation analysis. Again, some groupings of occupations appear within the two tables, and these are generally rather similar to those found in the correlation analysis. For example, the correlation analysis found a high correlation between housewife and retired for the four-dimensional solutions, which again shows up in Table 5-13. Simi¬ larly, one could group clerical and secretarial workers with housewives and retired people in Table 5-9 and the same grouping appears in Table 5-14. How¬ ever, there is also one inconsistency in the occupational groupings, in that the cluster analysis groups the professional, craftsman, and governmental employees, while these are seen, in Table 5-9, to have very low correlations with each other. Both the correlation analysis and the cluster analysis on INDSCAL weights show a possible grouping, at four dimensions, of the under 16 year-olds and the 16-21 year-olds. The cluster analysis did not show a grouping of those in the age groups of 50-59 and over 59. The results from the three-dimensional solu¬ tions remain consistent in grouping the under 16 year-olds and the 16-21 year- olds, while this was not found so in the correlation analysis. The cluster analysis also groups the over 59 year-olds with the same group, a correlation that is again not exhibited in Table 5-8 under the correlation analyses. In the separate analyses, the cluster analysis shows no clustering of income groups, while the conclusion drawn from a correlation analysis was that income was a very weak determinant of perceptual differences within the population. Finally, both the correlation analysis and the cluster analyses indicate that sex is a poor discriminator of perceptual differences in the population. In the correlation analysis, it was not considered to be appropriate to run correlations across different dimensionality solutions. As a result, the correlation analysis has a number of gaps, where solutions are not always obtained in the same dimensionality for all subgroups. In contrast, it was felt to be reasonable to attempt a cluster analysis of INDSCAL results combined across all dimensionalities. In order to do this, the INDSCAL was run in a four-dimensional and a three-dimensional mode, and all MDS results were input. 139 Ox-.ig.inal Characteristics Cluster Residence: Over 10 years Over 6 years 7-10 years J 4-6 years \ Under 6 years under 4 years J Occupation: Salesman Salesman Px-ofessional Professional Student Student Housewife \ Housewife or Re- Retired J tired Governmental Governmental Age: Under 16 years ^ Under 22 ycai'S 16 - 21 years J 22 - 29 years 22 - 29 years 50 - 59 years 50 - 59 years Over 59 years Over 59 years Income: $20,001 - $25,000 $20,001 - $25,000 $25,001 - $50,000 $25,001 - $50,000 TABLE 5-13 Clustering of Four-Dimensional Solutions Within Socio-Economic Variables 140 Characteristics Cluster Sox: Female Male Age: Under 16 years 16-21 years 30 - 39 years 40 - 49 years 50 - 59 years Over 59 years Occupation: Teacher Professional Craftsman Clerical Housewife Governmental Retired Other Income: Residence: $10,000 and under $10,001 - $15,000 $15,001 - $20,000 Over $50,000 Less than 4 years 4-6 years 7-10 years Over 10 years } } } } } } Combine Sexes Under 22 years and over 59 years 30 - 39 40 - 49 50 - 59 (see above) Teacher Professional, Crafts¬ man and Governmen¬ tal Clerical, Housewife and Retired (see above) (see above) Other $10,000 and under $10,001 - $15,000 $15,001 - $20,000 Over $50,000 6 years and under Over 6 years TABLE 5-14 Clustering of Three-Dimensional Solutions Within Socio-Economic Variables 141 The MDS results used for INDSCAL comprise only the interpoint distances. The dimensionality of the solution does not, therefore, affect the number of inter- point distances that are determined in any space. The results of these com¬ bined runs for INDSCAL are shown in Table 5-15. In general, it may be noted that there are considerable consistencies across the three-dimensional and four-dimensional solutions for the combined results, and similarly consistency between these results and the ones for the separate dimensionality solutions in Tables 5-13 and 5-14. In general, the differences that may be observed between Table 5-15 and the results in Tables 5-13 and 5-14 are more consistent with the results from the correlation analysis. This may be due to the fact that the level of clustering is set arbitrarily in each instance, and the level at which clusters are formed and reported in Table 5-15 may be a higher level than that at which they are formed and reported in Tables 5-13 and 5-14. Unfor¬ tunately, as has been noted previously, there are no statistical measures that can be used to define or assess levels of clustering in this type of exercise. One or two of the notable results are that the results of Table 5-15 show a clustering of incomes from $20,000 to $50,000, which is becoming more consis¬ tent with the results for the correlation analysis, as reported in Table 5-5 and Table 5-10. Similarly, occupational grouping of teachers, housewives, clerical and secretarial workers, and the retired is also consistent with find¬ ings in Tables 5-4 and 5-9. The identification of student and other occupa¬ tional categories as having no strong grouping with any other group is also borne out in both Table 5-15 and the earlier results of the correlation analysis. Groupings of sex, ages, and length of residence are fairly consistent between Table 5-15 and Tables 5-13 and 5-14, and again with the correlation analyses. A further point of interest in Table 5-15 concerns the groupings of the solutions for different dimensionalities of the same attribute. In general, it may be concluded that where the two dimensionality solutions for the same subgroup are clustered, the selection of the lower-dimensionality solution would not introduce any biases into the process. In other words, one could in these cases consider the lower dimensionality as being appropriate. This would be the case, for example, for the age groups of under 16 and 16-21, 50-59 years, and over 59 years. Similarly, it would be appropriate for the income group from $10,000-$15,000 and for the occupational groups of teacher, professional, cler¬ ical, housewife, governmental, and retired. Likewise, it would be appropriate for the length-of-residence variable to be considered only at a three-dimen¬ sional solution, rather than four. Interestingly, there does not appear to be a close similarity between three-dimensional and four-dimensional solutions for males. This would tend to suggest that a significant bias is introduced by dropping from four dimensions to three dimensions and may, therefore, require further analysis of whether or not sex is a good discriminating variable of perception. 5.4 Identification of an Attractiveness Space The preceding section has indicated the process by which multidimensional scaling may be applied to the data obtained in order to develop representations of the perceptual space that describes the attractiveness of each of the shop¬ ping centers of concern in this research. In addition to determining the space, it is also desirable to be able to label the axes of the space. This is done by using the information on the attributes that have been postulated as making up the concept of attractiveness. The questions that provide the information 142 Original Characteristic 3D Cl us ter 40 Cluster Sex: Age: Income: Occupation: Residence: Female (3) Male (3) Male (4) Under 16 years (3) Under 16 years (4) 16 21 years (3) 16 - 21 years (4) 22 - 29 years (4) 30 - 39 years (3) 40 - 49 years (3) 50 59 years (3) 50 - 59 years (4) Over 59 years (3) Over 59 years (4) Under $10,000 (3) $10,001 $15,000 (2) $10,001 - $15,000 (3) $15,001 $20,000 (3) $20,001 - $25,000 (4) $25,001 - $50,000 (4) Over $50,000 (2) Over $50,000 (3) Salesman (4) Teacher (3) Professional (3) Professional (4) Craftsman Clerical (2) Clerical (3) Student (4) Housewife (2) Housewife (3) Housewife (4) Governmental (3) Governmental (4) Retired (3) Retired (4) Other (3) ess than 4 years (3) ess than 4 years (4) 6 years (3) 6 years (4) 10 years (3) 10 years (4) Over 10 years (3) Over 10 years (4) } } } > } } } } > } Male (3) and Female (3) Male (4) Under 16 (3) Under 22 (4) 16 - 21 years (3) Under 22 (4) 22 29 years (4) 30 - 39 years (3) 40 - 49 years (3) 50 - 59 years (3&4) Over 59 years (384) Under $10,000 (3) $10,001 $15,000 (2&3) $15,001 $20,000 (3) $20,001 $50,000 (4) Over $50,000 (2) Over $50,000 (3) Salesman Teacher (3), Housewife (2,3,4), Clerical (2,3), Retired (3,4) Professional (3&4), Craftsman (3), Govern¬ mental (384) (See Teacher) Student (4) (See Teacher) (See Craftsman) (See Teacher) Other (3) . 6 years and under (3 8 4) ■ Over 6 years (3 6 4) } Male (3) and Female (3) Male (4) Under 16 (3) Under 22 (4) 16 21 years (3) (See 16 21 (4)) 22 - 29 years (4) 30 39 years (3) 40 49 years (3) 50 59 years (384) Over 59 years (384) Under $10,000 (3) y $10,001 $15,000 (283) $15,001 $20,000 (3) J- $20,001 - $50,000 (4) Over $50,000 (283) Salesman (4) and Professional (3,4) Teacher (3), Housewife (2,3,4), Clerical (2,3), Retired (3,4) } See Salesman Craftsman (3), Government (384) (See Teacher) Student (4) ^(See Teacher) y (See Craftsman) ^•(See Teacher) Other (3) ►6 years and under (3 8 4) ►Over 6 years (3) 7 10 years (4) Over 10 years (4) TABLE 5-15 Clustering of All Solutions in Three and Four Dimensions 143 on this are shown in Figure 5-2. Each of the individual semantic scales on an attribute provide a mapping of the locations of shopping centers along that attribute. Having determined a multidimensional space that describes attrac¬ tiveness as parsimoniously as possible, one may determine the most appropriate projection in that space of each of the attributes with their positioning of shopping centers along them. In other words, the desire is to find that orien¬ tation of each of the attributes that correlates best with the positionings of the relevant shopping centers obtained for that attribute. This is determined by projecting the shopping center positions in the perceptual space onto a line representing each attribute. The process for fitting the properties into the space may be carried out through two alternative procedures — PROFIT or PREF¬ MAP. Primarily, the PROFIT program fits attributes into the space by using a linear regression between the projected positions of the stimuli in the space and their positioning along an attribute, where the positioning is assumed to have metric or ratio-scale properties. The PREFMAP procedure allows the pro¬ perties to be fitted through a monotonicity constraint only. In other words, in PREFMAP the procedure may be either a normal linear regression or a mono- tonic regression, where the latter preserves only the ordinal information and no metric information. While the project staff felt that the monotonie fitting of properties in the space was more appropriate for the available data, the PREFMAP program was not available to the research team at the time that this research was conducted. However, the PROFIT program was available and was therefore used to locate attributes in the multidimensional space. By examining the positions of the attributes in the space, by means of the correlations between each attribute and each of the axes of the selected space, together with the importances of each attribute, an interpretation can be obtained of the meaning of each axis used to describe the space. The pro¬ cedure is analogous to that used for identifying the meaning of factors in a metric factor-analysis procedure. In fact, as is reported in a subsequent chapter, these data can be subjected to a factor analysis, provided that the assumption that the data contain metric information is accepted. Again, since the axis locations for the multidimensional-scaling solutions are arbi¬ trary, rotation and translation of axes is possible to obtain a better explan¬ ation or identification of the meaning of axes. In this research, it was not felt to be relevant to attempt to identify the meanings of the axes for each of the individual subgroups from the multidimensional-scaling output. Rather, it was felt that the appropriate strategy would be to examine the common space developed from the INDSCAL procedure and identify axes in that space. One of the reasons for doing this is that the INDSCAL process has' already produced a common space for the representation of all of the solutions for all socioeco¬ nomic subgroups. Thus, the number of degrees of freedom for defining sets of axes is substantially reduced. As previously indicated, the interpoint distances from the selected multi¬ dimensional representations were then used as inputs to an individual-scaling (INDSCAL) procedure, from which weights were determined for each of the sub- groups. These weights were subjected to cluster analysis, as previously indi¬ cated. Finally, the overall space developed for INDSCAL in both three and four dimensions was identified by fitting the sixteen attributes into the space, using the program PROFIT (Carroll and Chang. 1970). A visual examination of the plots reveals that the first two dimensions of both the three- and four- dimensional solutions are virtually identical, while the third dimension of the three-dimensional space is significantly different from either the third or 144 fourth dimensions of the four-dimensional space, but where it appears that the four-dimensional space provides two new dimensions that replace the third dimen¬ sion of the three-dimensional solution. The three-dimensional solution is shown in Figures 5-7, 5-8, and 5-9, with the attribute vectors plotted in the space. In general terms, the dimensions can be interpreted as quality and convenience on dimension one, price on dimension two, and a measure of expedience on dimen¬ sion three. This last dimension appears to be a dimension that relates to the experience of an individual in undertaking a shopping trip. Two attributes, location of stores in a compact area and a number and variety of stores, did not load significantly on any one dimension and may, potentially, relate to a fourth dimension not defined in this solution. However, the use of this attractiveness space is not recommended, since full analysis of the clusters has not been completed. 5.5 Preference Segmentation In this element of the study, the data used were of the preference rankings on shopping centers, shown in Figure 5-10. As before, the purpose of the seg¬ mentation was to identify homogeneous groups on the basis of known socioeconomic characteristics. The classification characteristics were the same as for the previous segmentation exercise and are shown in Table 5-1. The values of these preference ranks are shown in Tables 5-16 through 5-20. The difference between this analysis and the one reported in section 5.3 needs to be emphasized. The earlier analysis was based upon stated perceptions of the shopping locations. Thus, the segmentation was carried out on the way in which people perceive the shopping locations without any information on how much they like various attri¬ butes. For example, an individual may rate a shopping location as offering considerable variety of stores. This is a perception measure. However, that same individual may find many stores to be confusing, so that he may prefer to shop at a smaller shopping center. This would be a measure of preference. In this analysis, commonality of preferences is being sought, rather than common¬ ality of perception. The procedure for determining the similarity of preference rankings was a modified Friedman Test (see Appendix E). In this test, the null hypothesis is that there are no meaningful groupings in the data. The Friedman T value is distributed like x2 for large samples, such that a large value of T will tend to lead to rejection of the null hypothesis, i.e., will support the assumption that there are market segments. Tests were run on various groupings of each socioeconomic variable and for adjacent pairs of groups to attempt to determine whether or not significant groups were present and how various groups should be combined. The results are shown in Tables 5-21 through 5-25. The only significant factors found in this analysis are age and income. In the age groupings, five subgroups were found to be optimal, consisting of: under 22, 22-29, 30-39, 40-59, and 60 and over. Similarly, income was found to be grouped optimally into the four subgroups: less than $10,000, $10,000- $24,999, $25,000-$50,000, and over $50,000. None of the other variables pro¬ duced T values that were significant at 95% or better. Examination of the preference rankings in Tables 5-17, 5-19, and 5-20 appear to be consistent with these findings. 145 3 DIM DLL GROUPS DIM 3 FIGURE 5-7 146 3 DIM fil.L GROUPS DIM 2 Figure 5-8 147 3 DIM DLL GROUPS DIM 3 Figure 5-9 148 If all the following shopping centers were equally easy to get to, which of them would you prefer to shop at for the goods you came to buy? ate yo numbe ence by placing a number beside each center. Start with number 1 for the most preferred shopping center, number 2 for the second most preferred, and so on down to the least preferred shopping center. Please rank all the shopping centers. Chicago Loop [ ] Edens Plaza (Wilmette) [ ] Golf Mill Shopping Center Korvette City (Dempeter & Waukegan) Plaza del Lago [ ] Old, Orchard [ ] Woodfield [ ] FIGURE 5-10 Preference-Ranking Question for the First Survey 149 Age Group Shopping Centers Less than 16 years 16-21 years 22-29 years 30-39 years 40-49 years 50-59 years 60 years and Over 1 3.5 3.7 4.2 4.4 4.1 4.0 5.0 2 4.2 4.5 4.3 4.4 4.0 4.0 3.4 3 4.2 3.8 3.7 3.1 3.6 3.4 3.1 4 6.4 6.3 6.1 5.9 6.1 6.0 5.9 5 2.3 2.2 2.2 2.1 1 .8 1 .8 1.4 6 5.4 5.1 4.9 5.1 5.1 5.5 5.7 7 2.1 2.5 2.5 2.9 3.2 3.3 3.5 Total Observations 19 107 143 89 83 46 11 TABLE 5-16 Preference Rankings of Population Groupings According to Age 150 Occupation Shopping Centers Sales Teacher Profes¬ sional Craftsman Clerical Student Housewife Government Retired Other 1 4.1 4.1 4.3 5.8 4.1 3.7 4.4 4.0 4.0 4.1 2 4.2 4.2 4.3 4.3 4.2 4.4 4.1 2.0 4.3 4.3 3 3.9 3.4 3.4 2.3 3.4 3.8 3.4 6.0 4.0 3.6 4 6.2 6.1 6.1 5.8 6.1 6.3 5.9 6.0 7.0 6.1 5 2.0 2.3 1.9 2.5 2.0 2.2 2.0 2.3 1.7 2.1 6 5.0 5.2 5.2 5.8 5.1 5.1 5.1 4.7 4.3 5.1 7 2.5 2.9 2.7 1.8 3.0 2.4 3.0 3.0 2.7 2.8 Total Observations 22 51 86 4 54 120 140 3 3 15 TABLE 5-17 Preference Rankings of Population Groupings According to Occupation Income Group Shopping Centers Less than $1 OK $10-15K $15-20K $20-25K $25-50K $50K Plus 1 4.3 4.2 4.7 4.2 3.8 2.8 i 2 4.4 4.2 4.2 4.4 4.2 4.3 3 3.2 3.4 3.4 3.5 3.9 4.3 4 5.8 5.9 6.0 6.0 6.3 6.6 5 2.6 2.2 2.0 1 .8 2.2 2.0 6 5.6 5.1 5.0 5.4 4.9 4.5 7 2.1 3.0 2.7 2.8 2.7 3.5 Total . Observations 44 84 108 90 137 35 TABLE 5-18 Preference Rankings of Population Groupings According to Household Income 152 Length of Residence Shopping Centers Less than 1 year 1-3 years 4-6 years 7-10 years 10 years Plus 1 4.6 4.0 3.9 3.9 4.2 2 4.5 4.6 4.1 4.3 4.2 3 3.9 3.4 3.4 3.6 3.6 4 6.1 6.1 6.3 6.3 6.1 5 1 .9 2.2 2.1 2.1 2.1 6 4.8 5.0 5.2 4.9 5.1 7 2.2 2.7 3.0 2.9 2.8 Total Observations 14 53 54 56 321 TABLE 5-19 Preference Rankings of Population Groupings According to Length of Residence 153 Sex Shopping Centers Female Male 1 4.1 4.1 2 4.2 4.4 3 3.7 3.2 4 6.2 5.8 5 , 2.1 2.2 6 5.0 5.3 7 2.7 2.9 Total Observations 408 90 TABLE 5-20 Preference Rankings of Population Groupings According to Sex 154 Grouping T d.f. Significance 7 Subgroups 48.4 36 >99% 5 Subgroups 44.3 24 >99% 3 Subgroups 34.8 12 >99.5% TABLE 5-21 Results of Friedman Tests on Age Groupings Grouping T d.f. Significance 6 Subgroups 60.8 30 99% 4 Subgroups 52.3 18 >99% TABLE 5 -22 Results of Friedman Tests on Income Groupings Grouping T d.f. Significance 2 Subgroups 6.9 6 <70% TABLE 5-23 Results of Friedman Test on Sex 155 Grouping T d.f. Significance 5 Subgroups 8.2 24 <0.5% TABLE 5- 24 Results of Friedman Test on Length of Residence Grouping T d.f. Significance 11 Subgroups 50.0 60 <25% 5 Subgroups 26.5 24 <70% 6 Subgroups 28.3 30 <50% TABLE 5-25 Results of Friedman Tests on Occupation Groups 156 The groupings reported here were based upon a subsample of 500 individuals drawn at random from a sample of 1600 persons who gave complete responses to all questions and indicated familiarity with all of the shopping centers. In contrast, the earlier segmentation work was done on the whole sample of 7,300 observations. It is apparent that the subsample of 500 is more heavily biased towards long residence as a result of the requirement that these people must be familiar with all shopping centers. .Hence, in this analysis, the strong segmentation on length of residence as a proxy for learning is not evident. In addition to these tests, segmentation was examined with respect to distances to closest and chosen shopping centers, the most preferred shopping center, the chosen shopping center, and the method of questionnaire completion (self-administered or interviewer-assisted). The preference rankings for these groupings are shown in Tables 5-26 through 5-30. An identical set of modified Friedman tests were run on these groupings with the results shown in Tables 5-31 through 5-35. As can be seen from these tables, the only significant results are achieved on most preferred shopping center and chosen shopping center. These results are not unexpected. In respect to the most preferred shopping center, the grouping may be expected to reveal significant differences based upon consistency of preference rankings. Similarly, the grouping on chosen shopping center is based upon consistency between preference and behav¬ ior, albeit limited by geographic location. It is encouraging to note that the method of survey completion does not show significant grouping, indicating that no bias has been introduced into the preference ranking by one or other methods of survey completion. 5.6 Preference and Perception Segmentation In the final effort on market segmentation, the procedure was based on the four factor-analysis, scores for each individual's most preferred shopping cen¬ ter. Each individual had provided ratings of seven shopping centers on sixteen attributes, where these ratings represent perceptions. These ratings were sub¬ jected to a factor-analysis procedure in an attempt to reduce the dimensional¬ ity from sixteen to a much lower number. Research showed (see chapter ) that four factors were generally optimal for this data set. Thus, the four factor scores represent information on perceptions. Such information was obtained on all seven shopping locations used in the first survey. -However, this segmen¬ tation process used only the four factor scores for the most preferred shopping location of each individual, thus attempting to incorporate a measure of pref¬ erence into the perceptual data. In this instance, posterior classification was used. That is, individuals were grouped on the basis of common factor scores and attempts were made subse¬ quently to determine whether or not these groups were identifiable with measured socioeconomic groupings. To group individuals in the first place, Ward's method of clustering was used (Evert, 1974). Initially, this method produced eight clusters, which were subsequently reduced by iterative relocation to two clusters. An important element of the cluster analysis is the determination of the solution that provides the best grouping of individuals, that is, the number of clusters which best represent a homogeneous grouping. A number of criteria were used to determine the best grouping. One consideration is the degree of similarity within each group. This can be measured by the total within groups 157 Distance to Chosen Shopping Center Shopping Center Less than 1 mile 1-2 miles 2-4 miles 4-8 miles 9 miles and more 1 4.4 4.3 4.1 4.3 3.4 2 4.2 4.2 4.1 4.3 4.6 3 3.4 3.4 3.5 3.7 3.8 4 6.1 5.9 6.2 6.0 6.3 5 2.2 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.4 6 5.0 5.3 5.2 5.0 4.9 7 2.7 2.8 2.9 2.7 2.7 Total Observations 72 73 122 143 88 TABLE 5-26 Preference Rankings of Population Groupings According to Distance to Chosen Shopping Center 158 Distance to Closest Shopping Center Shopping Centers Less than 1 mile 1-2 miles 2-4 miles 4-7 miles 7-10 miles 10 miles and more 1 4.4 4.3 4.1 3.8 3.2 4.2 2 4.2 4.3 4.1 4.4 4.8 3.8 3 3.4 3.3 3.5 4.0 4.0 4.0 4 6.1 5.9 6.3 6.0 6.4 6.7 5 2.1 2.1 2.0 2.1 2.4 2.0 6 5.1 5.2 5.3 4.9 5.0 4.3 7 2.7 3.0 2.8 2.8 2.3 3.0 Total Observations 138 103 122 93 36 6 TABLE 5-27 Preference Rankings of Population Groupings According to Closest Shopping Center 159 Shopping Center Most Preferred Shopping Center 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 1 1.0 5.2 5.4 7.0 4.9 4.2 4.5 2 4.9 1 .0 4.4 5.0 3.8 5.2 4.5 3 4.6 3.4 1.0 2.0 3.7 4.9 3.7 4 6.4 6.2 5.3 1.0 6.1 6.7 6.2 5 2.8 2.4 2.7 3.5 1.0 2.4 2.7 6 5.0 5.3 5.9 5.5 5.0 1 .0 5.3 7 3.2 4.6 3.4 4.0 3.6 3.7 1.0 Total Observations 94 12 51 2 181 11 147 TABLE 5-28 Preference Rankings of Population Groupings According to Most Preferred Shopping Center 160 Shopping-Center Choice Shopping Centers Golf Mill Plaza del Lago Edens Plaza Old Orchard 1 3.9 3.8 3.9 4.7 2 4.2 4.1 4.1 4.4 3 3.9 4.8 3.4 2.8 4 6.2 6.6 6.4 5.8 5 1.9 2.3 2.2 2.4 6 5.0 3.3 5.2 5.5 7 2.9 3.0 2.9 2.4 Total Observations 297 20 34 147 TABLE 5-29 Preference Rankings of Population Groupings According to Shopping Center Choice 161 Method of Completion Shopping Center Mail back At-Site 1 4.2 3.8 2 4.3 4.1 3 3.5 4.0 4 6.1 6.2 5 M 2.0 6 5.1 5.1 7 2.8 2.8 Total Observations 420 78 TABLE 5-30 Preference Rankings of Population Groupings According to Methods of Survey Completion 162 Grouping T d.f. Significance 16 Subgroups 56.8 90 <0.5% 5 Subgroups 27.0 24 <70% 6 Subgroups 28.0 30 <50% 6 Subgroups 24.1 30 <25% TABLE 5-31 Results of Friedman Test on Distance to Chosen Shopping Center Grouping T d.f. Significance 16 Subgroups 49.1 90 <0.5% 6 Subgroups 28.2 30 <50% 6 Subgroups 32.4 30 <70% TABLE 5-32 Results of Friedman Test on Distance to Closest Shopping Center 163 Grouping T d.f. Significance 7 Subgroups 685.8 36 »99.9% TABLE 5-33 Results of Friedman Tests on Most Preferred Shopping Center Grouping T d.f. Significance 4 Subgroups 82.4 18 >99.9% TABLE 5-34 Results of Friedman Tests on Chosen Shopping Center Grouping T d.f. Significance 2 Subgroups 5.7 6 60% TABLE 5-35 Results of Friedman Tests on Method of Survey Completion 164 sum of squares associated with the grouping of the population. As shown in Figure 5-11, the rate of increase in sum of squares becomes greater as the number of clusters in the solution decreases. The graphical presentation, however, does not provide a clear indication of what the optimal level of clustering is. Hence, alternative methods were also examined. Another possible measure of similarity within groups is a one-way analysis of variance of the cluster means. This test determines whether cluster means are different from each other. In other words, the null hypothesis is that cluster means are the same and, hence, that the clusters are not distinctive. Such a test would be conducted on the means of all four factor scores for each level of clustering. The results are shown in Table 5-36. From this table, it can be seen that the only times that the null hypothesis cannot be rejected at better than 95% confidence is for variable 2 and two or three clusters. A similar test is an analysis of whether the cluster means on each factor are significantly different from populations means. As can be seen in Table 5-37, only with 8 clusters are all cluster means significantly different from the population means. However, for all other levels of clustering, there is never more than one cluster mean that is not significantly different from the popula¬ tion mean for any factor. Thus, these analysis of variance tests only provide limited help in selecting the number of clusters for the analysis. A final criterion that can be used is the size of the cluster. If market segmentation is to be used to permit better models to be estimated, then there is a need to be concerned with the number of observations in each segment. Table 5-38 shows the individual cluster means and the number of observations in each cluster for all seven levels of clustering being studied. From this, it is apparent that there are likely to be small-sample problems for each of 6, 7, and 8 clusters. The analysis-of-variance tests and the graphical display of total within-cluster variance suggest that 2 or 3 clusters are too few and represent too heterogeneous groupings. Hence, the optimal appears to be 4 or 5 clusters. These groupings provide a high degree of homogeneity within and differences between groups. In addition, a sufficient number of observations were within each cluster. Moreover, a significant amount of variation within the population was no longer explained by the cluster means when the number of clusters was less than four. The next step in the process is to determine if the clusters demonstrate common preferences, perceptions, and attribute importances between groups. This testing involved the use of the modified Friedman test. As shown in Tables 5-39 and 5-40, preference rankings for each solution were different between clusters. In fact, for each solution differences greater than a one percent level of significance were observed (Four clusters: x2 = 251 and v = 18, five clusters: x2 = 256 and v = 24). However, it should be noted that reason¬ ably similar preference rankings were observed between some cluster pairs in each solution. Testing of differences between clusters with respect to both perception and attribute importance ratings was accomplished by a multivariate analysis of variance. This test is a multivariate extension of univariate analysis of variance which is a test of the equality of a number of group means. The multivariate analysis of variance is a test of the equality of vectors of group means. For both four and five cluster solutions, average attribute- 165 Within Clusters Sum of Squares 200 - i Number of Clusters FIGURE 5-11 Total Sum-of-Squares Within Clusters for Each Cluster Solution 165A Number of CIusters Significance for Factor 1 Significance for Factor 2 Significance for Factor 3 Significance for Factor 4 8 99.95% 99.95% 99.95% 99.95% 7 99.95% 99.95% 99.95% 99.95% 6 99.95% 99.95% 99.95% 99.95% 5 99.95% 99.95% 99.95% 99.95% 4 99.95% 99.95% 99.95% 99.95% 3 99.95% 65.7% 99.95% 99.95% 2 99.95% 91.2% 99.95% 99.9% TABLE 5-36 One Way ANOVA of Cluster Solutions 166 Number of Means Not Significantly Different at 95% Number of CI usters Factor 1 Factor 2 Factor 3 Factor 4 8 0 0 0 0 7 1 0 1 0 6 0 1 1 0 5 1 0 0 0 4 1 1 0 0 3 0 1 0 1 2 0 1 0 1 TABLE 5-37 Test of the Differences of Cluster Means from Population Means for Each of the Four Variables 167 Cluster Level Factor 1 Factor 2 Factor 3 Factor 4 N 2 clusters 1 .5 .7 .5 .2 388 2 -1.6 .6 .3 .4 110 3 clusters 1 .6 .7 .6 .6 226 2 .2 .7 .4 -.4 173 3 -1.7 .6 .3 .5 99 4 clusters 1 .6 .8 .6 .7 195 2 .1 -.2 .7 -.1 76 3 .4 1.0 .3 -.4 130 4 01.7 .6 .6 .5 97 5 clusters 1 .6 .8 .6 .7 191 2 .1 -.2 .7 -.1 75 3 .4 1.0 .3 -.4 128 4 -1.7 .5 .7 .8 61 5 -1 .5 .9 0 -.3 43 6 clusters 1 .6 .8 .6 .7 185 2 .2 -.3 .8 0 54 3 -.2 .7 .1 -.2 76 4 .6 1.0 .5 -.5 88 5 -1.7 .5 .7 .7 67 6 -1.7 1.0 -.5 .1 28 7 clusters 1 .7 .9 .6 .7 162 2 .4 -.1 .8 .4 61 3 -.3 -.1 .5 -.7 31 4 -.1 .9 0 0 66 5 .6 1.0 .5 -.5 84 6 -1.7 .5 .7 .8 62 7 -1.8 1.0 -.4 .1 32 8 clusters 1 .6 .8 .7 .8 124 2 .7 .9 .2 .3 73 3 .4 -.2 .8 .3 54 4 -.3 -.1 .5 -.7 31 5 -.2 .8 .1 -.1 56 6 .5 1 .0 .5 .5 66 7 -1.7 .5 .7 .8 62 8 -1.8 1.0 -.4 .1 32 TABLE 5-38 Cluster Means for All Cluster Solutions 168 Clusters Shopping Center 1 2 3 4 1 4.9 4.5 4.7 1.5 2 4.1 4.3 3.8 4.8 3 3.3 3.5 3.3 4.4 4 5.9 6.2 6.1 6.4 5 1.9 2.0 1.8 2.8 6 5.2 5.2 4.8 5.0 7 2.7 2.2 3.6 3.1 Total Observations 195 130 76 97 TABLE 5-39 Preference Rankings of the Population Grouped According to the Four Clusters Solution Shopping Center CIusters 1 2 3 4 5 1 4.9 4.6 4.6 1.4 1.9 2 4.1 3.8 4.3 4.8 4.8 3 3.3 3.3 3.5 4.6 4.1 4 5.9 6.1 6.2 6.5 6.2 5 1.9 1.8 2.0 2.6 3.2 6 5.2 4.8 5.2 5.1 4.9 7 2.7 3.6 2.2 3.1 2.9 Total Observations 191 75 128 61 43 TABLE 5-40 Preference Rankings of the Population Grouped According to the Five Cluster Solution 169 importance ratings of the clusters were observed to differ at levels of sig¬ nificance of less than one-tenth of one percent, as shown in Table 5-41. Univariate analyses of variance indicated that major differences between clusters in attribute importance ratings primarily occurred for the following attributes: availability of sale items, free parking, variety of merchandise, number and variety of stores, parking location selection, and compact area for stores. The perception of shopping centers was measured by interpoint distances between shopping centers. For each cluster solution the interpoint distances of the clusters were different at levels of significance of less than one- tenth of one percent. Thus, the analysis of the clusters obtained for both four- and five-cluster solutions indicated that preferences, perceptions, and attribute importance ratings were different between the clusters. Not tested were possible differences in utility functions between clusters because appro¬ priate logit model formulations have not been identified. The final element of this segmentation procedure is to determine whether the clusters can be identified with specific socioeconomic groupings of the population. This was determined by the use of contingency tables, utilizing a x2 test, with the results shown in Table 5-42. Only sex and occupation exhibit any significant relationship to the clusters. Age is significant only at 85% confidence, while all other variables are significant at much lower percentage levels. Again, the tests show no detectable variation between sur¬ veys completed by the respondent and those assisted by the interviewer. When age and occupation were controlled by variation in sex in the popu¬ lation, the clusters were no longer significantly related to either age or occupation. Therefore, it must be concluded that the significance, or near- significance of these two variables is primarily a result of interrelationships with sex. Hence, the clustering appears to be primarily a function of the one socioeconomic variable of sex. 5.7 Conclusions Taken together, the results of these various market-segmentation efforts must be considered to be inconclusive in identifying the best variables to use as a segmentation basis. The results are summarized in Table 5-43. The only socioeconomic variable that appears as a relevant segmentation variable is age, which also only appears in the perceptions of the most preferred location when the criterion of significance is relaxed to 85%. In turn, it disappears com¬ pletely when interactions with sex are taken into account. Apart from this, the results of the various procedures are frequently in direct conflict. The analysis of the perceptual data indicated length of residence as an important variable. The other two analyses, both of which were undertaken on a small subsample of the data used for the first analysis, indicated the reverse. As mentioned previously, it may be speculated that this result is caused, in part, by the restriction of the subsample to those who completed all questions on the questionnaire and who indicated knowledge, at least of the existence, of all shopping opportunities. Assuming that length of residence is a proxy for learning,, this is a consistent finding. 170 Univariate Level of Significance Attribute 4-Cluster Solution 5-Cluster Solution 1. Store Layout 80% 81% 2. Store Prestige 49% 59% 3. Merchandise Quality 95%* 78% 4. Reasonable Price 45% 77% 5. Ease of Returns 86% 93% 6. Credit Availability 99.9%** 99.96%** 7. Availability of Sale Items 99.999%** 99.998%** 8. Free Parking 97%* 93% 9. Stores in Compact Area 97% 94% 10. Store Atmosphere 86% 76% 11. Center Atmosphere 66% 86% 12. Specific Store Availability 61% 89% 13. Ability to Park 99%** 95%** 14. Courteous Sales Assistants 77% 70% 15. Number & Variety of Stores 99%** 97%* 16. Variety of Merchandise 99.97%** 99.3%** Multivariate Level of Significance 99.994%** 99.93%** TABLE 5-41 Multivariate and Univariate Tests of Significance for Attribute-Importance Ratings for Clusters of 4 and 5 171 Socioeconomic Variable Contingency Test x2 d.f. Sex (4)t 11 .7** 3 Sex (5)t 8.8* 4 Age (4) 17.1 12 Age (5) 21 .7 16 Occupation (4) 34.5* 18 Occupation (5) 34.3 24 Income (4) 11.3 9 Income (5) 11 .8 12 Length of Residence (4) 5.8 12 Length of Residence (5) 13.3 16 Method of Completion (4) 2.9 3 Method of Completion (5) 8.9 4 Chosen Shopping Center (4) 11 .8 9 Chosen Shopping Center (5) 16.0 12 TABLE 5-42 Contingency Tests on 4- and 5-Cluster Solutions * Significant at 95% ** Significant at 99% or better t Signifies the number of clusters 172 Segmentation Criterion Socioeconomic Variables Perceptions of Shopping Centers Preferences for Shopping Centers Perceptions of most Preferred Shopping Center Length of Residence Age Age Income Most Preferred Shopping Center Sex Occupation TABLE 5-43 Summary of Market Segmentation Results 173 In all other respects, however, the results are fairly inconsistent. Sex appears as a segmentation variable for perceptions in general and for percep¬ tions of the most preferred location. However, it was not found to be a use¬ ful segmentation variable for preferences. Income was significant for prefer¬ ences but showed very little evidence of being suitable as a segmentation variable for perceptions or the combined preference-perception analysis. In general, it appears to be appropriate to draw two principal conclusions from this research. First, it may be concluded that distinct segments do appear to exist with respect both to perceptions and preferences. However, it appears possible that the population is segmented differently for preferences than for perceptions. It also appears that socioeconomic variables are not proven to be useful segmentation variables. Second, it must be concluded that this research has provided an insufficient basis to segment the population with respect to any measured criterion variables. Hence, estimation of models must proceed on the total sample, rather than on a segmented sample. It is evident that testing must be undertaken on more than one-way cluster¬ ing of the population. Thus, it would be appropriate to examine the possibility that two or more socioeconomic variables are needed simultaneously to define market segments in the population. Some limited exploration of this was under¬ taken for the combined preference-perception analysis, the results of which confirm the need to undertake a more detailed analysis of this type. 174 6. MODELS OF PERCEPTION, PREFERENCE, AND CHOICE 6.1 Introduction The purpose of this section of the research is to develop models of the destination-choice process. This is done through the process of developing several models that provide a basis for understanding and modeling the deci¬ sion process of the individual. The primary objectives of these models are to identify the characteristics of alternatives which influence choice behav¬ ior and to evaluate the relative importance of the identified characteristics. Travel choice behavior is typically represented by a simple evaluation and selection process. Each individual evaluates each alternative which is known and available to him and chooses that alternative which he/she values most highly. The value of each alternative is an individually determined function of the characteristics of the alternative. Normally, the function takes on a relatively simple, usually linear, form. The alternatives are described by measured values of selected characteristics. The importance of the characteristics in forming the "value" of each alternative may be modified by measured characteristics of the individual. Because the value of an alter¬ native to an individual cannot be specified precisely, the choice process is represented by a probabilistic choice model in terms of those aspects of "value" which can be identified. That is, based on a partial valuation of each alternative, the model predicts the probability that the individual will select each of the available alternatives. When a large group of homogeneous individuals is faced with identical alternatives, the number of individuals choosing each alternative is expected to be proportional to the individual choice probabilities. The structure of the consumer-response process used in this study differs from the more conventional approach described above in two significant ways. First, the characteristics of the alternatives are described in terms perceived by the individual rather than engineering measures. This approach extends the range of attributes to include those which cannot be measured by direct engin¬ eering means and it accounts for differences of individual perceptions of iden¬ tical alternatives. Second, the substantive aspects of the destination-choice alternatives, the characteristics of shopping locations which determine their attractiveness, are treated separately from the situational aspects of the choice alternatives, the spatial aspects of shopping locations which influence their accessibility to individual residential locations (Hanson, 1974). The resultant model structure consists of three integrated components which describe (1) individual perceptions of shopping locations, (2) individual rat¬ ings of shopping location attractiveness based on relative preferences for per¬ ceived characteristics of shopping locations, and (3) choice of shopping loca¬ tion based on attractiveness ratings and accessibility measures. Perception models describe the choice alternatives in terms of their under¬ lying cognitive dimensions. These cognitive dimensions are identified by a variety of methods including non-metric scaling (Green and Wind [1972], Green and Rao [1972]), factor analysis (Urban [1975]), and discriminant analysis 175 (Johnson [1970], Pessimier [1976]). Preference models identify the relative importance of the cognitive dimensions in the formation of preference or attractiveness ratings. Importances may be estimated by statistical techni¬ ques such as preference regression (Hauser and Urban [1977]), preference logit (Luce and Suppes [1965])> and revealed preference choice logit (McFadden C1970])• Self-reported importance weights may be used also (Fishbein [1967], Rosenberg [1956], Wilkie and Pessimier [1973]). The choice models incorporate preference or attractiveness ratings for shopping locations and accessibility measures to form overall value ratings which determine choice behavior (McFadden [1970]). These models are linked together to provide a unified model of consumer-choice behavior based on individual perceptions and prefer¬ ences . 6.2 Objectives of the Research and Approach The objective of the research reported herein is two-fold. The primary objective is to develop increased understanding of the process by which indi¬ vidual consumers select locations for non-grocery shopping trips. This in¬ creased understanding provides a basis for improved insight into the general process of destination-choice behavior and for development of improved plan¬ ning models of destination-choice behavior. The secondary objective is to develop and evaluate critically alternative empirical models of the shopping location process. The results of this evaluation will provide guidance in the formulation of other models of consumer-choice behavior. These objectives are achieved by developing and interpreting alternative models of perception and preference and integrating them with a logit choice model. The alternative models provide different perspectives into the consumer process and contribute to an overall understanding of that process. The com¬ parison among models provides a basis for selecting those models which will be most useful in particular situations. The primary criteria for model evaluation, are their ability to (1) provide useful insights into consumer behavior and (2) predict accurately consumer preferences and choice behavior. These criteria are balanced by (3) ease of use, and (4) overall cost. The model structures examined include four models of perceptions and four models of consumer preference combined with the multimonial logit choice model. The models of perception are (1) fundamental attributes, (2) factor analysis, (3) non-metric scaling, and (4) discriminant analysis. Fundamental attributes represent perceptions in terms of an extensive list of attributes. The other perception models reduce this list to the underlying cognitive dimensions consumers use to evaluate products or services (Bruner et al [1956]). This reduced set of cognitive dimensions can be interpreted more readily. The primary characteristics of each of these perceptual models are summarized in Table 6.1. The four preference models considered are (1) preference regression, (2) first-preference logit, (3) expectancy value, and (4) unit weights.* Prefer¬ ence regression and first-preference logit select relative weights for attributes *This study deals with analytic models based on mailed questionnaires. Techniques such as conjoint analysis, trade-off analysis, and direct utility assessment which require personal interviews are not included. A limited comparison between statistical and personal interview tech¬ niques is discussed by Hauser and Urban [1 977]. 176 NON-METRIC SCALING • dissimilarity ^ distance • "position" stimuli to best recover distance • "fit" attribute ratings to explain stimuli positions FACTOR ANALYSIS • search for common component of scale rating • rating = common + specific + error • correlations identify dimensions DISCRIMINANT ANALYSIS • can identify stimuli by its ratings • search for dimensions that discriminate best • discriminant weights identify dimensions FUNDAMENTAL ATTRIBUTES • no reduction possible without loss of important information • individual can simultan¬ eously evaluate multiple attributes TABLE 6-1 Theoretical Constructs Underlying Four Models of Consumer Perceptions 177 which best explain rank order preferences or first preferences, respectively. Expectancy value, which can be used only with fundamental attributes, weights each attribute by self-reported importance ratings. Unit weights is a base model which weights all attributes equally. The choice model predicts behavior taking account of individual prefer¬ ences for alternatives and other measures which indicate the availability or relative availability of the different alternatives. The results of the anal¬ ysis are summarized below. 6.2.1 Insight into Shopping Location Choice Behavior The different perceptual models developed identify cognitive dimensions which consumers use to represent the characteristics of shopping locations. Although the cognitive dimensions identified are different for the different perception models they are all based on a common set of cognitive aspects. These aspects are variety, quality, satisfaction, value and parking. This result indicates that commonly used measures of destination size alone (Ben- Akiva 0973], Rushton [1969]) cannot represent the range of aspects which are meaningful to trip makers in distinguishing between alternative destinations. Preference analysis consistently identifies quality as the aspect which is most important in forming attractiveness or preference ratings and in in¬ fluencing choice behavior. This result further emphasizes the need to include other than size measures to represent alternàtive destinations." Not only do size measures provide an incomplete description of alternative destina¬ tions, they fail to include the most important aspects of these alternatives. The perceptions and preference ratings for shopping locations are con¬ sistently shown to be important relative to access measures in determining shopping-location choice behavior. These results indicate that models of shopping location choice, and gen¬ eral models of destination-choice behavior should include measures -- perceived or engineering -- which describe a range of major destination aspects. The practice of describing destinations in terms of spatial attributes alone or spatial attributes and engineering measures of size excludes important behav¬ ioral information. 6.2.2 Comparison of Model Structures The different perception models identify similar aspects of shopping loca¬ tions which consumers use to distinguish among them. Among these models, factor analysis is preferred because it provides the clearest insights into the rele¬ vant aspects of shopping-location choice behavior, predicts well and is easy and inexpensive to use. Fundamental attributes also predicts well and is easy and inexpensive to use with reported importance weights and it provides insights which augment those obtained by use of factor analysis. However, it does not provide useful information about the importance of the cognitive dimensions. Both fundamental attributes and factor analysis are superior to discriminant analysis and non-metric scaling which are difficult to interpret and predict less accurately. Non-metric scaling also is expensive and difficult to use and requires additional data for development. 178 The various statistical preference models (preference regression, first- preference logit, and revealed-preference logit) produce similar qualitative interpretations when applied to cognitive dimensions, but are unstable when applied to fundamental attributes. These models are superior to unit weights in interpretability and predictive ability. The expectancy value model, used only with fundamental attributes, provides useful interpretations and has good predictive ability. Choice models including perception/preference information are consistently superior to those which include distance alone in predicting choice behavior. Based on these results, subject to confirmation in other empirical studies, we recommend that statistical analyses of consumer-response behavior be based on (1) factor analysis to identify perception, (2) preference regression or first- preference logit to identify importance weights, (3) revealed preference and intermediate preference models to identify choice behavior, and (4) include both the appropriate attractiveness variables and the appropriate accessibility variables when predicting consumer choice. The results described above are documented in detail in the balance of this chapter. 6.2.3 Modeling Consumer Perceptions Consideration of consumer perceptions rather than direct (engineering) measures of alternatives makes it possible to include attributes or charac¬ teristics for which direct (engineering) measures do not exist and to account for differences between consumer perceptions of alternatives and engineering characterizations. The usefulness of incorporating non-engineering measures in travel choice behavior has been demonstrated in studies by Spear [1974], Nicolaidis [1975], and Dobson and Kehoe [1974]. Differences between percep¬ tions among individuals and/or differences between perceived and engineering measures have been identified by Burnett [1973]. Focus groups, open-ended surveys and other qualitative measurement tech¬ niques identify elemental or fundamental attributes which consumers use to describe a particular product or service. However, to understand the true consumer response process, it is necessary to identify the few basic dimen¬ sions consumers use to reduce the cognitive strain in evaluating the product or service (Bruner et al. [1956]). We examine four alternative perceptual models in this study. These include fundamental attributes, which assumes no reduction in the original list of attributes and factor analysis, non-metric scaling, and discriminant analysis, which identify a reduced set of cognitive dimensions. The primary characteristics of each of these perceptual models are described below and summarized in Table 6-1. Fundamental Attributes - The simplest and most obvious method of repre¬ senting consumer perceptions is by individual ratings for an exhaustive list of attributes. These scales provide a complete description of consumer per¬ ceptions and are easy to use because no further data collection or analysis is required. Use of the complete list assumes that no further reduction is possible without loss of important information and that the individual simul¬ taneously evaluates a long list of attributes in formulating preferences among 179 alternatives. A number of problems arise in the analysis of fundamental attri¬ butes. First, a complete list of attributes often includes a large number of partially redundant scales. Second, the sheer size of the list can provide too much information for a planner to process mentally and, perhaps, thus prevent insightful analysis. Finally, redundancy in attributes can lead to multicol- linearity which makes the estimated coefficients in preference and choice models unreliable and difficult to interpret. Finally, estimation cost for some preference and choice models increases dramatically when the number of attributes is large. Factor Analysis assumes that underlying cognitive dimensions exist and that consumer ratings of attributes include a common component attributable to these cognitive dimensions, an attribute specific component, and some measure¬ ment error. The common components or cognitive dimensions can be found by factor analysis of the attribute ratings across products and consumers (Rummel [1970]). The structure of consumer perceptions and the names of the common dimensions are determined by examining the correlations (factor loadings) be¬ tween the fundamental attributes and the common dimensions. The method is described in detail in chapter 4. The advantage of factor analysis relative to fundamental attributes is that it identifies a simpler perceptual structure which can provide clearer insight on how consumers perceive alternatives. Furthermore, since factor dimensions can be made orthogonal, multicol linearity can be reduced so that we can obtain stable coefficients in preference and choice models. Finally, since the number of factors is small, estimation cost is reduced. Since all of these advantages come at the cost of a reduction in information and predictability, we must exa¬ mine empirically the magnitude of these benefits and weight them against the loss in predictability. Discriminant analysis assumes that it is possible to identify a particular product or service by knowing how consumers rate that produce or service on the fundamental attributes. The model searches for the dimensions (combinations of attributes) which best discriminate between products. The discriminant weights are determined from this process and the relative weightings of the attributes in the discriminant function identify the name of each dimensions. The appeal of discriminant analysis is that the dimensions are specifically chosen to dis¬ criminate among products or services. Its drawbacks are that it implicitly assumes that the attribute ratings are interval-scaled and it confounds differ¬ ences between stimuli due to cognitive reduction with actual differences. Non-metrie Scaling identifies cognitive dimensions by analysis of perceived similarities between products or services. Non-metric scaling "positions" alter¬ natives in n-dimensional space so that the distance between pairs of alternatives corresponds as closely as possible to the reported similarity between them (Kruskal [1964], Torgerson [I960]) as was described in chapter 4. It would be desirable to estimate perceptual maps for each individual. However, limitations on the number of alternatives for which dissimilarity judgments can be collected for a single individual suggest the development of a common space representation. The INDSCAL procedure (Carrol and Chang [1970]) estimates such a common space (such that x.. = x. for all i) but estimates i j y* j K* 180 individual weights, w^r. Thus, the effective measure of an individual's per¬ ception of a stimulus along a selected dimension becomes w^x^. This con¬ struction creates problems in the development of preference and choice models because it implicitly assumes that all individuals have a common rank ordering of shopping locations along each dimension. It is necessary to use additional techniques to relate dimensional indices to the fundamental attributes in order to identify the cognitive dimensions. A regression technique conceptually similar to estimating factor loadings, PROFIT ( Chang and Carroll [ 1970 ] estimates "directional cosines" which indi¬ cate the relationship between the dimensions and the fundamental attributes. The directional cosines can be interpreted in the same way as the factor load¬ ings. Relative to the fundamental attributes non-metric scaling has the same advantages and disadvantages as factor analysis. The advantages of non-metric scaling relative to factor analysis and discriminant analysis are that (1) it does not assume the ratings scales are metric and (2) because scales are deter¬ mined independently of the attributes, they can uncover dimensions not repre¬ sented in the attributes. However, they do require additional, hard to collect data on similarity judgments and the scaling procedures are difficult and ex¬ pensive to use. Finally, the number of dimensions which can be identified is severely constrained by the number of stimuli. 6.2.4 Modeling Consumer Preferences We have chosen to describe the consumer-response process as one of per¬ ception, preference and choice. It is often tempting to skip the intermediate preference models and use the perception measures directly in a choice model. The purpose of separating these steps is to avoid compounding performance and attractiveness characteristics which influence both preference and choice, and availability, awareness, accessibility, and related characteristics which in¬ fluence choice but not preference. The determination to model preference as a distinct step is tested by comparing importance weights and predictive abil¬ ity of models including an intermediate preference step with similar models which exclude the intermediate preference step. While it is important to identify the underlying cognitive dimensions and to know product or service positions along these dimensions, it is necessary also to know the relative importance of these dimensions. The analysis of con¬ sumer preferences is directed toward finding a function which maps measures of consumer perceptions into a preference-rating index which ranks the alternatives consistently with consumer's preferences. The preference models considered in this study determine the relative importance of the fundamental attributes or cognitive dimensions by measuring or estimating a linear compensatory* model of the form shown in equation (6.1). * Non-linear models are not developed in this study. For a discussion of these models, see Green and Wind [1972], Hauser and Urban [1976], and Johnson [1974]. 181 This model states that consumer i's preference index for product j, P.., is ' J the weighted sum of his or her perceptions, of alternative j for attri¬ bute or dimension k. The specific models evaluated are the expectancy-value model which uses stated attribute importances, preference regression, and first-preference logit which statistically estimate importance weights using preference data, revealed-preference logit which statistically estimates impor¬ tance weights based on choice behavior, and unit weights which assumes equal importance for each fundamental attribute or cognitive dimension. The char¬ acteristics of these models are described below and summarized in Table 6-2. Expectancy-Value Model - Each respondent is asked to rate the importance of each fundamental attribute in reaching their choice decision. The expec¬ tancy-value model (Fishbein [1967], Rosenberg [1956]> Wilkie and Pessemier [1973]) then represents the preference function as a linear sum of importances times attribute ratings, as shown in equation (6.2). Pij = I wik dijk (6,2) where w.^ = individual i's importance rating for attribute k d. = individual i's rating (also called belief) of shopping J location j on attribute k (In this model P.. is often called i's attribute toward j.) ' J The appeal of the expectancy-val ue model is individual-specific weights. Its drawbacks are the scaling problems inherent in using self-explicated impor¬ tances and the often questioned ability of consumers to accureately provide these weights. Furthermore, because the self-explicated weights must be mea¬ sured in the original survey, expectancy value can only be used with funda¬ mental attributes. Preference regression statistically estimates the importance weights using rank order preference as the dependent variable and the consumers' per¬ ceptions as independent variables. The statistical techniques are either monotonie regression (Johnson [1974]) or ordinary least-squares (OLS) regres¬ sion. Because recent simulation (Cattin and Wittink [1976], Carmone, Green, and Jain [1976]) and empirical tests (Hauser and Urban 0976]) show that OLS performs as well as the more complex and expensive monotonie regression, OLS is used to estimate the preference-regression models in this study. In order to obtain sufficient degrees of freedom to estimate the importance weights, the analysis is made across individuals. This gives equation (6.3). Pij = £k wk dijk (6.3) where P^ and d^^ are defined as before. The importance weights, w^, estimated are average importance weights for the population. Preference regression uses full rank order information in the estimation of importance weights. Its drawbacks are the metric assumption and the inability to estimate individual importance weights. 182 PREFERENCE REGRESSION weighted attributes proportional to rank order preference statistically estimate "average" weights 1ST PREFERENCE LOGIT weighted attributes proportional to prob¬ ability of 1st preference maximum likelihood estimate of "average" weights REVEALED PREFERENCE preferences are "revealed" by observed choice behavior maximum likelihood estimate of "average" weights UNIT WEIGHTS either cannot distinguish differential weighting or all attributes have equal weight EXPECTANCY VALUE consumers can "self- explicate" importance weights individual specific importance weights TABLE 6-2 Theoretical Constructs Behind Five Models of Consumer Preferences 183 Preference logit assumes that the true preference, pl., is composed of ' J an observable part, P.. as in equation (6.3), plus an error term, e.., as I J • J shown in equation (6.4). pL = pij ♦ eij (6-4) Assuming an appropriate probability distribution for the error term* makes it possible to derive a functional form for the probability, L.., that consumer ' J i ranks product j as his or her first preference. This probability is given by equation (6.5). Lij = exp(Pij)/Z exp(Pil) (6.5) where the sum is over all products, 1. This is called the preference-!ogit model. The average importance weights are estimated by maximum-likelihood techniques (McFadden and Wills [1970]). The appeal of the logit model is that it models stochastic behavior explicitly (Bass [1974]), and it makes no metric assumptions about preference rankings. Its drawbacks are that it uses only first-preference information and that it estimates average importance weights to gain degrees of freedom. Revealed preference assumes that the underlying preference weights can be identified by observing choice behavior. It assumes that each individual selects an alternative which has the greatest utility to him or her. When the choice model directly incorporates the fundamental attributes or cognitive dimensions, the importance weights, w.., are estimated jointly with the impor- ' J tance of non-preference characteristics such as the time, effort, or cost of obtaining a selected alternative. The advantage of the revealed-preference model is that it does not rely on reported preference data but on observed choice behavior- When repeated choice decisions are observed or reported, it can use complete information in choice frequencies for all of the chosen alternatives. The drawbacks of revealed preferences are that it estimates average importance weights to gain degrees of freedom and that the estimates of importance weights may be biased if the nonpreference choice elements are not carefully specified. Unit weights - All of the above models assume that we can distinguish the relative importances that consumers place on different attributes. An alter¬ native hypothesis (Einhorn [1975], Sheth [1971]) is that the attributes are important, but we cannot distinguish relative importance. Such a model assigns unit or equal weights to each attribute in the perceptual structure, as shown in equation (6.6). PTj = l dijk <«-6> The unit weights model does not require any estimation effort, but it also does not provide the insights of the other models. *The error terms are independent and identically distributed Wei bull random variables (McFadden [1970]). 184 6.2.5 Modeling Consumer-Choice Behavior The consumer-response process is designed to explain and predict indivi¬ dual based on a model of perceptions and preferences. The choice model postulates that individual consumers associate a value or utility, v.., with J each available alternative and select that alternative which has the greatest utility. Our estimate of the individual utility, v.., is a linear combination ■ J of the preference index and situational variables influencing choice behavior, as shown in equation (6.7). A V.• = Bn P. • + E B x • • (6.7) ij 0 ij m mij v ' The true utility is equal to the estimated utility plus a random component which represents unobserved influence and specification errors. Using the same distributional assumption as for preference logit, we obtain the multi- nomial-logit model (McFadden [1970]) which describes the probability of indi¬ vidual i choosing alternative j, C.., on a single occasion by equation (6.8). ' J A exp(v.•) C, • = 4 (6.8) U z exp(v.,) 1 11 The parameters of the choice model are estimated by maximum-likelihood tech¬ niques McFadden and Wills [1970]). When the preference index has not been estimated the estimated utility can be formulated in terms of the fundamental attributes or cognitive dimensions, as shown in equation (6.9). = Ek "k dijk + I \ Xijm t6'9) The importance weights, w^, can be estimated simultaneously with the parameters of the choice model. These are the importance weights of the revealed-prefer- ence model described earlier. The choice models considered in this study are all based on the multinom- ial-logit formulation. The choice models will differ by inclusion of the pref¬ erence index based on different perception and preference models. 6.2.6 Linked Perception, Preference, and Choice Models The objective of this study is to develop an integrated model of consumer perception, preference, and choice. The individual models described in the preceding sections are linked together to represent the consumer-response pro¬ cess. The linked models considered in this study include all feasible combin¬ ations of perception and preference models combined with the multinomial choice model (see figure 6-1). The linked models exclude only the expectancy-value model with cognitive dimensions because stated importances are available only for fundamental attributes. 185 PERCEPTION MODELS oo en PREFERENCE MODELS Fundamental Attributes Factor Analysis Discriminant Analysis Non-metric Scaling Expectancy Val ue y Stated Importance Weights Available for Fundamental Attributes Only Preference Regression y y y y Preference Logit y y / y Revealed Preference y y y y Uni t Weights / / y y FIGURE 6-1 Linked Models of Choice Responses 6.3 Empirical Setting and Experimental Design The empirical problem is to model consumers' choice of shopping locations based on perceptions of and preferences for aspects of shopping location attrac¬ tiveness and accessibility. Historically, studies of destination-choice behav¬ ior and shopping-location market area emphasized the importance of accessibility or distance of the shopping location from the shopper's residence location. Some studies included measures of shopping-location size, usually retail floor space or number of retail employees. Although measures of accessibility influ¬ ence consumers' choice of where to shop, the variety of large-scale shopping areas within easy driving distance of most urban and suburban residences indi¬ cate that present and future behavior may be relatively more sensitive to char¬ acteristics of alternative shopping locations. Furthermore, from the perspec¬ tive of the managers of shopping centers or local officials concerned with the success of central business districts where location is fixed, the sensitivity of destination-choice behavior to the attractiveness of shopping locations pro¬ vides the only opportunity for developing strategies to attract shoppers. Although size of shopping locations, which also represents the range of oppor¬ tunities available to the shopper, is surely a relevant measure of attractive¬ ness, it is unlikely to capture all the aspects of attractiveness which influ¬ ence shopping-location choice behavior. In order to understand the construct of shopping location attractiveness from the perspective of consumers we must determine the cognitive dimensions of shopping locations attractiveness, their relative importances in forming preferences and their importance relative to accessibility in influencing choice behavior. This study develop models based on measures of seven shopping locations including downtown Chicago and six suburban shopping centers of widely differ¬ ing characteristics, as described in chapter 3. The locations represent the types of shopping opportunities available to residents in the suburbs north of Chucago. The data were obtained by sampling individual shoppers at four of these locations. The models estimated in this study use choice-based adjust¬ ments to eliminate estimation bias which would otherwise result from the use of choice-based samples (Lerman and Manski [1975]). The effectiveness of these adjustments was verified by performing two parallel analyses. The pri¬ mary analysis for the full set of seven shopping locations is reported in full. The parallel analysis for the four shopping locations at which the sample was collected is summarized and compared to the primary analysis. The comparison confirms that the estimation methods used produce models which are unbiased. This result is important for market research because it indicates that random samples may be replaced by more efficient data collection designs. The data used in this analysis include rank-order preference for each shopping location, similarity judgments for all pairs of shopping locations, direct ratings of each shopping location for sixteen attributes, self-expli¬ cated importances of those attributes and frequency of trips to each shopping locations. Five hundred of these respondents were randomly selected for analysis and an additional 500 respondents were selected for saved data testing, from those who provided fully completed surveys. 187 The data collected did riot include information on the costs (time, out- of-pocket cost, physical effort, etc.) of travelling to each of the shopping locations. Only the residential location of the shopper was obtained. For this reason accessibility is represented by the distance between each shopping location and the shopper's residence. The experimental design is a full factorial for all feasible combin¬ ations of perception and preference models linked with the multinomial choice model. These models are compared with each other and with selected base models in terms of interpretabi1ity, predictive ability, and ease of use and cost. These comparisons are described in the following sections. 6.4 Results of the Analysis 6.4.1 Perception Models The most straightforward procedure for describing perceptions of shopping locations is by the average ratings of each locations for the sixteen fundamen¬ tal attributes. These average ratings, illustrated in Figure 6-2, provide useful information about each shopping location. They provide a basis for assessing the relative strengths and weaknesses of each location and can be used to identify gaps in the market. For example, Figure 6-2 indicates that Chicago Loop is poorest in parking-related questions but does well in variety of stores and merchandise. Woodfield does uniformly well but has top ratings on only a few attributes. Korvette City is poor on most attributes but good on price and specials. Careful examination of this figure reveals a number of good insights into the existing pattern of perceptions. However, the complex¬ ity of the figure makes it difficult to focus on critical areas due to the excessive amount of information displayed. It is appropriate to develop and evaluate alternative, reduced representations of the public's perceptions of shopping locations. Such alternative perceptual maps are developed by use of factor analysis, discriminant analysis and non-metric scaling, described earlier. Although the methods of analysis differ, each of the perception models identifies cognitive dimensions by structure matrices which relate them to the sixteen fundamental attributes. The data were analyzed to develop three and more cognitive dimen¬ sions. The perceptual models developed by each model in three dimensions are shown in Table 6-3. Although the models have superficial similarities, they present striking differences in interpretation. The factor-analysis and non- metric-scaling models have strong attribute loadings on a single dimension indicating strong relationships within groups of attributes. The factor-anal¬ ysis model has strong loadings for fourteen of the sixteen attributes and mod¬ erate loadings for the remaining attributes (return and service, and availabil¬ ity of credit). The discriminant-analysis model has strong loadings for only seven of the sixteen fundamental attributes. The remaining attributes do not have strong loadings on any of the discriminant dimensions. The non-metric- scaling and discriminant models include mixed signs for some of the major loadings, that is, some attributes load positively and others negatively on the same dimensions. These mixed loadings preclude identification of a natural direction of goodness along the affected dimensions. The factor-analysis model does not include mixed signs for any of the major loadings. The factor loadings 188 1. LAYOUT OF STORE 2. RETURN AND SERVICE L 1 3. PRESTIGE OF STORE I 1.0 4. VARIETY OF MERCH. 5. QUALITY OF MERCH. 6. AVAIL OF CREDIT 7. REASONABLE PRICE 8. "SPECIALS" 9. FREE PARKING 10. CENTER LAYOUT IT. STORE ATMOS. 12. PARKING AVAIL. 13. CENTER ATMOS. 14. SALES ASSTS. 15. STORE AVAIL. 16. VARIETY OF STORES •Figure 6-2 Map of Fundamental Attributes Ratings for Seven Shopping Locations O Chicago Loop O Woodfield A Golf Mill A Edens E3 Old Orchard □ Plaza del Lago X Korvette City 189 FUNDAMENTAL ATTRIBUTES FACTOR ANALYSIS FACTOR LOADINGS DISCRIMINANT ANALYSIS DISCRIMINANT COEFFICIENTS NON-METRIC DIRECTIONAL 1 SCALING COSINES Variety. Quality, and Satisfaction Value Parking Variety Quaiity vs. Val ue Parking and Satisfaction Variety Quality vs. Val ue Parking and Satisfaction 1. Layout of store .619 .168 .256 .016 -.016 -.010 .217 .497 .840 2. Return and service .469 .290 .361 .047 -.019 .100 .318 .122 .940 3. Prestige of store .878 -.001 .042 .120 .493 -.138 .297 .804 .515 4. Variety of merchandise .614 .455 -.270 .372 -.290 .042 .929 .360 .084 5. Quality of merchandise .847 .026 .038 .032 .778 -.291 .295 .811 -.505 6. Availability of credit .342 .454 .121 .129 -.119 -.006 .880 -.085 -.468 7. Reasonable price -.057 .596 .121 .071 -.416 -.045 .485 -.853 .192 8. "Specials" .140 .747 .022 -.062 -.286 -.119 .786 -.594 .173 9. Free parking -.061 .028 .800 .063 -.032 1 .713 -.294 -.550 .782 10. Center layout .246 .071 .585 -.204 .057 .115 -.447 .035 .894 11. Store atmosphere .583 -.009 .505 -.149 .090 -.059 -.199 .452 .853 12. Parking available -.033 .088 .645 -.266 -.047 .165 -.463 -.473 .747 13. Center atmosphere .702 -.027 .460 -.070 .270 .322 -.099 .480 .872 14. Sales assistants .546 .137 .390 -.177 .116 -.077 -.052 .411 .910 15. Store availability ■ 573 .350 -.064 .114 -.026 -.070 .372 .429 -.236 16. Variety of stores .652 .364 -.311 1 .180 .017 .181 .921 .385 -.054 TABLE 6-3 Structure Matrices for Three Dimensional Perception Models in Table 6-3 represent (1) variety, quality, and satisfaction; (2) parking; and (3) value. The discriminant dimensions represent (1) variety, (2) quality versus value, and (3) parking. The non-metric-scaling dimensions represent (1) variety, (2) quality versus value, and (3) parking and satisfaction. The consistent grouping of fundamental attributes which describe variety, quality satisfaction, value and parking indicate that these five aspects represent the cognitive dimensions of shopping locations. Factor-analysis and discriminant-analysis models of higher dimensions are developed in an attempt to isolate these aspects (non-metric-scaling models of higher dimensionality cannot be developed due to the small number of stimuli -- shopping locations -- rated). The four-dimensional factor-analysis model separates the variety, quality, and satisfaction dimension into a variety dimension and a quality and satisfac¬ tion dimension (Table 6-4). The other dimensions are not affected. Increasing the number of dimensions to five or six retained the same dimensions shown in Table 6-4 and produced additional dimensions which were not strongly loaded by any of the attributes. The four-dimensional discriminant-analysis model separates the combined dimension of quality versus value into separate dimensions (Table 6-4). It also identifies the aspect of satisfaction which combines with value to pro1 duce a value versus satisfaction dimension . The four-dimensional model also incorporates two additional fundamental attributes. Increasing the number of dimensions to five or six retains the four dimensions shown in Table 6-4 and forms additional dimensions which have mixed loadings and which cannot be interpreted readily. Based on these results, the perception models selected for use in the balance of this study are (1) the four-dimensional factor-analysis model, (2) the four-dimensional discriminant-analysis model, and (3) the three-dimensional non-metric-scaling model. Each of these models identify cognitive dimensions composed of the aspects of variety, quality, satisfaction, value and parking. They provide a simpler intuitive interpretation than the fundamental attributes and the cognitive dimensions identified are consistent with results of prior studies (Singson [1975]). The factor-analysis model provides the clearest interpretation. These models can be used to develop perceptual maps of shopping locations based on the underlying cognitive dimensions. These maps, as well as the per¬ ceptual map based on fundamental attributes, are shown in Figure 6-3. Two things are immediately apparent from examination of these perception maps. First, and most obvious, analysis using cognitive dimensions is simpler than analysis of fundamental attributes. Second, there is general consistency among the various perception maps. For example, note the low scores of Korvette City and high scores of Old Orchard on quality (prestige, quality of merchandise, sales assistants for fundamental attributes), the low scores for Chicago Loop on parking (parking availability and free parking) and the high scores for Chicago Loop and Woodfield on variety (variety of merchandise, availability of a special store and variety of stores). These consistencies have strong face validity which support the use of the reduced perceptual structures. However, 191 FUNDAMENTAL ATTRIBUTES FACTOR ATTRIBUTES FACTOR LOADINGS DISCRIMINANT ANALYSIS DISCRIMINANT COEFFICIENTS VARIETY QUALITY AND SATISFACTION PARKING VALUE VARIETY QUALITY VALUE VS. SATISFACTION PARKING 1. Layout of store .267 .583 .200 .156 .067 -.110 -.086 -.023 2. Return and service .095 .528 .255 .343 -.094 .254 .287 .134 3. Prestige of store .388 .822 -.058 -.001 .156 .366 -.318 -.137 4. Variety of merchandise .665 .327 -.185 .309 .335 -.153 .295 .042 5. Quality of merchandise .307 .810 -.074 .037 -.196 1.114 .020 -.216 6. Availability of credit .159 .337 .049 .487 -.008 .170 .352 .025 7. Reasonable price .067 -.063 .113 .599 -.108 -.008 .586 -.009 8. "Specials" .223 .074 .008 .739 -.101 -.171 .225 -.115 9. Free parking -.150 .068 .811 .043 .066 -.066 -.007 1.714 10. Center layout .030 .308 .560 .074 -.066 -.233 -.335 .082 11 . Store atmosphere .080 .658 .400 .034 -.158 .087 -.056 -.053 12. Parking available .145 .105 .841 .108 oo oo CM -.020 .018 .171 13. Center atmosphere .244 .694 .404 -.040 .109 -.123 -.510 .284 14. Sales assistants .173 .560 .319 .147 -.138 .015 -.168 -.084 15. Store availability .619 .320 .034 .204 .089 .035 .084 -.065 16. Variety of stores .829 .288 .173 .160 1.291 -.123 -.022 .145 TABLE 6-4 Structure Matrices for Four Dimensional Perception Models VARIETY Variety vaux vs. satisfaction Duality vs. Value Variety Duality and Satisfaction Parkins pwwjhd b) Discriminant Analysis: group centroids Parkins and Satisfaction a) Non-metr1c Scaling: common space positions c) Factor Analysis: factor scores d) Fundamental Attributes: average ratings STIMULI SET: ° Chtca9° L°°P ° P1a2â ^ U9° • Woodfield B Old Orchard A Edens X Korvette City A Golf Mill 1. layout of si ore l v.o 2. return ai® service l. 3. prestige of store i 4. variety of mercii. ' 1.0 5. quality of merch. l 1.0 6. avail of credit 7. rca so! {able price ■— 1.0 8. "specials" 9. free parkinc 10. center layout .11. store a twos. 12. parking avail. 1.0 13. center amos. l_ 1.0 14. salfs ass7s. i— 1.0 10. store avail. i— 1.0 16. variety of siotxs i— 1.0 -ÙV, j Figure 6-3: Perceptual maps for the four models of consumer perceptions 193 there are important differences among the reduced perception maps. The non- metric-scaling map is difficult to interpret because it combines quality and value on a single dimension with opposite directionality. That is, the qual¬ ity versus value dimension implies that locations high in quality are also low in value. Analysis of the fundamental attributes and factor scores indi¬ cates that there is a wide spread of quality judgments across locations while all locations except Plaza del Lago (a small exclusive center with many spec¬ ialty stores) are rated closely for value. Similarly, the discriminant anal¬ ysis perception map has mixed loading for value and satisfaction. Thus, although all the perception models provide useful insight and over¬ all consistency of interpretation, factor analysis is superior because of the clearer loadings, absence of mixed loadings and the ability to identify four important dimensions. All of the reduced perceptual maps are easier to work with and understand than the fundamental attribute map which presents too much data to synthesize readily. They are also more likely to identify the small number of dimensions which people use in evaluating alternative shopping loca¬ tions. Final judgment on the importance of these differences include results of the predictive ability tests. 6.4.2 Preference Models The normalized importance weights for the direct preference models on the three perception structures are shown in Table 6-5. The most important dimen¬ sion for each perception structure includes quality as a component. The impor¬ tance weights estimated by preference regression and preference logit are similar for each of the perception structures. This robustness and the fact that the estimated weights are significantly different from equal indicates that the cognitive dimensions do have differential importances and that a unit- weighting model probably neglects important information. The interpretation of the importance weights for the discriminant and scaling dimensions is com¬ plicated by the mixed loadings described earlier and the negative importance of the discriminant value-versus-satisfaction dimensions. These model struc¬ tures imply that an increase in value rating for a selected location will reduce the preference for that location. This illogical result undermines the usability of both of these model structures. Normalized importance weights on fundamental attributes are shown in Table 6-6. The estimated preference-regression weights include six negative values. Furthermore, preference regression and first-preference logit models produced very different importance weights. The negative importance weights and the instability between estimated importance weights are due to the high degree of multicol1inearity among the fundamental attributes. The average reported importance weights shown in Table 6-6 provide useful insight into the importances of fundamental attributes but provide no informa¬ tion on the importance of cognitive dimensions. 194 CONSUMER MODEL Factor Analysis Variety Quality and Satisfaction Value Parking Preference Regression .39 .57 .03* .01* Preference Logit .30 .41 .23 .06* Unit Weights .25 .25 .25 .25 Discriminant Analysis Variety Quality Value vs Satisfaction Parking Preference Regression .34 .43 -.12 .12 Preference Logit .36 .45 -.03* .16 Unit Weights .25 .25 .25 .25 Non-Metric Scaling Variety Quality vs Value Parking am Satisfacti< Preference Regression .26 .43 .31 Preference Logit .26 .49 .26 Unit Weights .33 .33 .33 TABLE 6-5 Normalized Importance Weights (*-Non-significant at 5%) 195 NORMALIZED IMPORTANCE WEIGHTS ATTRIBUTE FIRST PREFERENCE LOGIT PREFERENCE REGRESSION EXPECTANCY VALUE EQUAL WEIGHTS 1. Layout of store .12 .13 .05 .06 2. Return and service .03 .03 .07 .06 3. Prestige of store .14 .17 .05 .06 4. Variety of merchandise .08 .10 .07 .06 5. Quality of merchandise .12 .06 .07 .06 6. Availability of credit .02 .03 .06 .06 7. Reasonable price .13 .01 .07 .06 8. "Specials" .07 -.03 .06 .06 9. Free parking .01 -.01 .07 .06 10. Center layout .04 -.07 .06 .06 11. Store atmosphere .03 -.04 .06 .06 12. Parking available .01 -.07 .06 .06 13. Center atmosphere .03 .10 .06 .06 14. Sales assistants .04 -.04 .07 .06 15. Store availability .08 .07 .07 .06 16. Variety of stores .06 .05 .06 .06 TABLE 6-6 Normalized Importances for Fundamental Attributes 196 6.4.3 Choice Models Choice-model estimation provides estimates of revealed preference impor¬ tances as well as the relative influence of attractiveness or preference mea¬ sures and accessibility measures in determining choice behavior. The results of the various estimations are summarized in terms of the normalized impor¬ tance weights and modified 3 coefficients. The choice model (equation 6.7) is formulated with distance as the only accessibility measure as in equation (6.10). v.j = 30 2 wk dijk + 3i Xx (6.10) k Normalization of the preference importance weights gives equations (6.11) and (6.12). = e« l \ ^ dijk+ 6° <6-1" - So • Î wj; djjk + 8, X, (6.12) Table 6-7 presents both the normalized importance weights, wk , and the ratio Bo /(3o + 3i)> which indicates the relative weights of the attractiveness index for each combined preference/perception model. The similarity of the importance weights between preference regression and preference logit for each perception model is partially retained in the revealed-preference model. The dimension in each perception model which includes quality continues to obtain the highest importance weights. However, the estimated importance weights and the rank order of importances for the other dimensions are different from those estimated with the direct preference models. For the factor-analysis and dis¬ criminant-analysis models, the importance of variety is lower while the impor¬ tance of both value and parking is higher. For the non-metric-scaling model, the importance of parking is lower. These results may be due to the confounding of the importance weights obtained by the revealed preference models with aspects of accessibility. The residential location of the sample is the North Shore suburbs of Chicago. Thus, for this data set, the accessibility characteristics which influence choice behavior are highly correlated with both variety, which is highest for Woodfield and Chicago Loop -- the two remotest shopping locations -- and with parking, which is lowest for Chicago which is the second most remote shopping location. These effects may be exaggerated by the use of distance as the sole accessibility measure in this analysis. We suggest, but are not able to test with this data set, that the normalized importance weights obtained by reveal¬ ed preference analysis would be closer to those obtained by direct preference analyses if a more complete specification of accessibility were used. The differences in importance weights may also be due to differences in preferences and choice behavior for different types of purchases. One plaus¬ ible hypothesis is that consumers make more frequent trips for smaller pur¬ chases to conveniently located centers and less frequent trips to more distant 197 NORMALIZED IMPORTANCE WEIGHTS CONSUMER MODEL Factor Scores Variety Quality and Satisfaction Value Parking Preference Regression .38 .54 .07* .01* .88 Preference Logit .30 .41 .23 .06* .90 Revealed Preference .05 .43 .29 .19 .91 Unit Weights .25 .25 .25 .25 .90 Discriminant Analysis Variety Quality Value vs. Satisfaction Parking Preference Regression .34 .43 -.12 .12 .90 Preference Logit .36 .45 -.03* .16 .90 Revealed Preference .06 .56 .08 .30 .90 Unit Weights .25 .25 .25 .25 .91 Non-Metric Scaling Variety Quality vs. Value Parking and Satisfaction Preference Regression .26 .43 .31 .97 Preference Logit .26 .49 .26 .97 Revealed Preference .22 .76 .03 .97 Unit Weights .33 .33 .33 .96 Choice Analysis Importance Weights Table 6-7 198 high variety centers to shop for major purchases. Both the preference ratings and reported frequencies merge these two types of shopping behavior. Based on this study we can posit, but not test, the hypothesis that trips for major purchases influence the formation of preference rankings to a greater degree than represented by the proportion of trips actually made for these purposes. Table 6-7 also reports the relative importance of attractiveness versus accessibility for the different perception and preference models. The attrac¬ tiveness ratio is stable across models within a perceptual technique but sys¬ tematically varies across perceptual techniques. This difference between per¬ ceptual models means that the variance in the scales for attractiveness is changing across perceptual technique. The apparent stability for each type of perception model is encouraging to the interpretability of the choice models. 6.4.4 Linked Model Structure The perception, preference and choice models are linked together in a unified structure. The interpretability of the linked model structure is determined by three characteristics. First, identification of the underlying aspects or cognitive dimensions of attraction provides a basis for identifying the dimensions which consumers use in discriminating among shopping locations. This is best accomplished by the factor-analysis models, which identify four cognitive dimensions that are readily interprétable in terms of the fundamen¬ tal attributes and provide an easy-to-understand representation of market structure. Second, the estimated importance weights for the cognitive dimensions provide a basis to infer the relative impact of changes in shopping location characteristics in preferences and choice behavior. Factor scores provide the most useful set of importance weights. The estimated importance weights for the non-metric-scaling and discriminant-analysis dimensions combined with the mixed loadings of attributes in dimensions produce unrealistic interpreta¬ tions of the effect of improving selected attributes. Multicollinearity of fundamental attributes produces some negative importance weights with corres¬ ponding unrealistic interpretations. Importance weights estimated for funda¬ mental attributes based on stated importances provide useful information about the effect of changes in fundamental attributes but do not provide any insight into the importance of cognitive dimensions. The range of estimated importance weights obtained by direct and revealed-preference models lead to differences in detailed interpretations which require further study. These differences suggest the need to consider the implications of the different models in inter¬ preting destination-choice behavior. Third, the relative importance of the attractiveness index versus the accessibility measure indicates the influence of these different elements in choice behavior. The sensitivity to the attractiveness and accessibility effects is not easily compared due to the absence of a common measure for attractiveness and accessibility. However, the stability of the relative values provides confidence in the consistency of the models developed. 199 6.4.5 Summary This analysis identifies factor analysis with either of two direct-preference models (preference regression or first-preference logit) as the best structure for representing perceptions of and preferences for shopping locations. In the absence of preference-ranking data, factor analysis with the revealed- preference model can be used to obtain importance weights. Fundamental attri¬ butes with expectancy-value importance weights provides an alternative and complementary set of interpretations. 6.5 Predictive Ability A good model provides useful insights into the behavioral process and also predicts well. The interpretive ability of alternative structures was evaluated in the previous section. This section evaluates the predictive ability of each of the alternative models. Each model is evaluated for its ability to predict individual and aggregate preference rankings and choice behavior. These predictions are made for both the "estimation data" sample and a "saved data" sample of equal size. The estimated models are compared amongst themselves and against a set of reference models. 6.5.1 Prediction Formation Individual predictions are made by applying the alternative model struc¬ tures to each individual's ratings on the fundamental attributes and distance for each shopping location. The prediction process, described in Figure 6-4, consists of the following sequence of steps. First, perception measures are obtained by applying perception models to the fundamental attribute ratings (non-metric-scaling models are developed using individual similarity measures rather than attribute ratings) to obtain perception scores for the cogni¬ tive dimensions, Fundamental-attributes models are formulated directly on the individual ratings. Factor-analysis models obtain factor scores by applying the factor-score coefficient matrix to the fundamental-attribute ratings. Discriminant-analysis models obtain discriminant measures by applying the discriminant-coefficients matrix to the fundamental-attribute ratings. Non-metric-scaling models use similarities measures to obtain individual weights for scale coordinates. Second, the perception scores formulated are combined with the estimated importance weights, w^, to obtain individual preference ratings for each shopping location. Third, the preference ratings are rank ordered to obtain individual preference ranks which are used in the analysis of preference prediction. Fourth, the preference ratings and accessibility measures are applied to the choice models to predict overall ratings and choice probabilities for each shopping location. These predictions are used in the analysis of choice prediction. 200 PERCEPTION MODEL STRUCTURE IMPORTANCE WEIGHTS FUNDAMENTAL ATTRIBUTE RATINGS OR SIMILARITIES DATA SCORES ON COGNITIVE DIMENSIONS ATTRACTIVENESS RATINGS CHOICE MODEL t COEFFICIENTS PREDICTED PREFERENCE RANKING ACCESSIBILITY MEASURES OVERALL CHOICE RATINGS FOR SHOPPING LOCATIONS PREDICTED CHOICE PROBABILITIES FIGURE 6-4 Prediction Process 201 Predictions are made with each of the fifteen perception/preference model combinations described earlier. These include fundamental attributes with preference regression, expectancy value and unit weights and factor analysis, discriminant analysis, and non-metric scaling each with preference regression, first-preference logit, revealed preference, and unit weights. 6.5.2 Tests of Preference Prediction The individual preference rankings are compared to reported preference rankings. These data are used to compute four measures of predictive accuracy: (1) the percent of times each model correctly predicts first preferences and (2) the percent of times each model correctly predicts the seven preferences. These measures emphasize individual preference recovery. The preference pre¬ dictions are compared to base models which assume (1) all shopping locations are equally likely to be preferred most, second most, etc., and (2) all shop¬ ping locations are likely to be most preferred in proportion to their market share of first preferences. 6.5.3 Tests of Choice Prediction The individual choice probabilities are compared to the actual choice frequencies. These data are used to compute four measures of predictive accuracy: (1) the percent of times the chosen alternative is predicted to have the greatest choice probability and (2) the information about choice behavior provided by the model relative to a model which predicts probabilities equal to individual choice frequencies. The choice predictions are compared to base models which assume (1) all shopping locations are equally likely to be chosen, (2) shopping locations are likely to be chosen in proportion to their market share of choices, and (3) accessibility or distance influences choice behavior but attractiveness ratings do not. The choice predictions are also compared to a model based on stated preferences. 6.5.4 Preference Prediction Results The preference prediction measures for each perception-preference model are reported in Table 6-8. The results presented include predictions with the estimation sample and the saved data sample. Factor analysis dominates both non-metric scaling and discriminant analysis in preference prediction. That is, all the factor-analysis models predict better than any of the dis¬ criminant or scaling models by both measures of predictive accuracy. The differences in predictive ability between the discriminant analysis and scal¬ ing models are small. The predictive ability of the fundamental-attributes model is similar to that of the factor-analysis models when used with unit weights or expectancy value, but much lower when used with preference regres¬ sion. The poor performance of preference regression on fundamental attributes is surprising. A priori, one would expect that fundamental attributes would contain more information than the reduced perception models, but in this case the data are colli near and it appears that the col linearity degrades prediction. Such multicollinearily also produces unreliable importance weights and thereby also degrades interpretability. All of the models provide better predictions than the base models described earlier. 202 ESTIMATION SAMPLE SAVED DATA SAMPLE CONSUMER MODEL Base Models Equally likely Market Share Factor Scores Preference Regression First Preference Logit Unit Weights Discriminant Analysis Preference Regression First Preference Logit Unit Weights Non-metric Scaling Preference Regression First Preference Logit Unit Weights Fundamental Attributes Preference Regression First Preference Logit Unit Weights Expectancy Value TABLE 6-8: PREFERENCE RECOVERY PREFERENCE RECOVERY First Rank First Rank 14.3 14.3 14.3 14.3 26.8 m """ 50.6 32.9 47.3 55.0 37.0 50.8 36.' 6 48.7 33.0 44.0 31.4 35.5 27.5 38.1 29.2 35.3 28.8 40.3 30.1 36.8 27.8 38.9 28.7 36.6 25.1 23.1 20.5 34.8 24.4 22.7 19.6 32.4 24.8 24:1 20.6 39.6 30.6 41.4 30.9 55.6 37.9 51.6 36.2 50.7 36.3 47.6 34.2 51.4 36.6 47.6 34.7 Preference Prediction Tests 203 6.5.5 Choice Prediction Results The results of choice prediction tests are presented in Table 6-9. The predictive ability of these models with respect to choice behavior is less differentiated than with respect to preference ranking. All of the models predict with similar accuracy and all predict much better than models based on the assumption of equally-likely choice or market-share likely choice. In addition, the models with perception/preference-based models predict sig¬ nificantly better than models based on accessibility or distance measures alone. Finally, the perception/preference-based models predict similarly to models based on stated preference rankings. 6.5.6 Summary of Predictive Ability Analysis Models based on factor analysis predict best among the cognitive models for preference and as well as other models for choice. Within each cognitive or perception model there is little differentiation in predictive ability. The fundamental-attributes model predicts well when combined with expectancy value or unit weights but less well when used with preference regression. These results support the conclusions based on interpretability. Factor- analysis models which rated best for interpretability also rate best for pre¬ dictive ability. 6.6 Ease of Use and Cost The primary objective of this research is to develop models of choice behavior which will enable planners and managers to identify improved product or service strategies. Expenditures for development and application of dif¬ ferent model structures should properly be evaluated relative to the benefits of the improved strategies. The problem of identifying and evaluating such benefits is both beyond the scope of this research and related to each appli¬ cation situation. Thus, we choose to focus on the lesser problem of comparing alternative model structures in terms of their ease of use and development cost. The ele¬ ments of ease of use and cost are (1) the data required to perform the required analysis, (2) the capability required to perform and interpret the analysis, and (3) the cost of computer utilization. 6.6.1 Ease of Use and Cost of Perception Model Development Factor-analysis, discriminant and fundamental-attribute models require information on attribute ratings for each shopping location. Non-metric scal¬ ing requires this information and measures of similarity-dissimilarity between pairs of shopping locations. The programs required to develop factor-analysis and discriminant-analysis models are readily available in many standard statistical packages, are well documented, simple to access and easy to use, and provide easily interprétable output. Both models are inexpensive to run with costs around $20* to develop *Cost estimates based on use of CDC 6400 computer billed at $510 per CPU hour. 204 58 CONSUMER MODEL Base Models Equally Likely Market Share Distance Only Individual Model Factor Analysis Preference Regression First Preference Logit Revealed Preference Unit Weights Discriminant Analysis Preference Regression First Preference Logit Revealed Preference Unit Weights Non-Metric Scaling Preference Regression First Preference Logit Revealed Preference Unit Weights Fundamental Attributes Preference Regression First Preference Logit Revealed Preference Unit Weights Expectancy Value ESTIMATION SAMPLE Per Cent Correctly Predicted Information 14.3 0.0 18.5 24.7 31.9 32.6 38.7 100.0 SAVED DATA SAMPLE Per Cent Correctly Predicted Information 14.3 0.0 18.2 24.0 30.4 32.8 37.4 100.0 32.7 36.4 31.0 37.1 32.9 37.3 31.2 38.1 32.6 38.5 31.4 38.8 32.5 36.7 31.2 37.5 32.4 34.3 30.8 34.7 32.5 34.5 30.9 34.8 32.4 35.5 30.5 35.8 32.8 34.1 30.7 33.9 31.8 31.8 32.2 31.9 33.5 33.7 34.1 33.3 24.7 30.9 23.4 26.1 0.4 -8.5 -36.7 10.0 32.7 32.8 32.7 32.9 32.8 35.8 37.8 39.2 37.8 37.7 31.2 31.3 31.3 31.1 31.2 28.9 39.2 39.7 38.7 39.1 TABLE 6-9 CHOICE PREDICTION TESTS perception structures at three or four different levels of dimensionality after initial preparation of data files. These models are transferable to new data sets by use of factor score or discriminant coefficients to compute scores along cognitive dimensions based on fundamental-attribute ratings. In contrast, non-metric scaling requires the use of specialized programs which are not readily available. A series of runs required to develop common perceptual spaces, estimated individual weights and compute directional cosines for attribute vectors (needed for interpretation) for three different levels of dimensionality costs about $200. Application of the non-metric-scaling model to new data requires reestimation of individual weights based on reported similarities data. Fundamental attributes requires no analytic effort or cost of use. How¬ ever, the retention of a large number of attributes increases the cost of estimating importance weights. 6.6.2 Ease of Use and Cost of Preference Model Development Direct preference models (preference regression and first-preference logit) require measures of fundamental attributes or cognitive dimensions and reported preference rankings. In addition, these models must be augmented by accessi- -bility and frequency-of-visits data in order to develop the final choice models. The revealed-preference models require the same data with the exception of preference-rankings data which are not required. Regression programs needed for estimation of the preference-regression model are readily available, widely documented and easy to use. Logit-esti- mation programs needed for estimation of first-preference logit and revealed- preference models are becoming more widely available, and are well documented but somewhat more difficult to use. Regression estimation is relatively inexpensive. A typical preference regression run costs between five and ten dollars for 500 observations with ten to twenty variables. Logit estimation is somewhat more expensive and costs increase rapidly with an increase in the number of variables. Logit estimations on cognitive dimensions which require 9 or 10 variables (3 or 4 cognitive dimensions and 6 sampling variables) cost about $30, while an esti¬ mation on fundamental attributes which requires 22 variables (16 attributes and 6 sampling variables) costs about $120. Unit weights and expectancy values have no estimation cost but expectancy values requires the collection of self-reported importance for the fundamental attributes. 6.6.3 Ease of Use and Cost of Choice Model Development All of the alternative perception/preference models are integrated with a logit-choice model. The choice models are estimated with cognitive scores or preference ratings developed using the perception and preference models, acces¬ sibility measures and reported frequency of trips to different shopping loca¬ tions. Each logit estimation costs between $25 and $30. 206 6.6.4 Ease of Use and Cost of Model Sets The overall ease of use and cost of sequences of perception/preference models is determined by the interaction of these model structures. The least expensive (in cost and effort) sequence of models is the combined model which includes the least expensive perception models, fundamental attributes, and the least expensive preference model, unit weights. However, other interactions are somewhat more complicated. Table 6-10 summarizes this information in terms of rankings for least cost and ease of use for perception models alone (part a), for preference models alone (part b), and for combined perception/preference models (part c). The combined model ranking shows that the high cost of non- metric scaling dominates preference model costs so that the four most expensive models are those using non-metric scaling. The fundamental attributes are least expensive when used with low- or no-estimation cost preference models such as preference regression or unit weights (and expectancy value not inclu¬ ded in the tables). However, the fundamental-attributes models are very ex¬ pensive when preference-importance weights are estimated by use of logit anal¬ ysis (first-preference logit and revealed-preference logit). The factor-anal¬ ysis and discriminant-analysis models have essentially identical costs for each preference model. The ease of use and cost differences vary widely over the range of rankings. In particular, there is a significant increase in cost between the two models tied for second rankings. A cost index for developing an integrated perception/preference model and using it to estimate a choice model is presented in Table 6-11. These numbers provide an estimate of the relative costs of estimation of alternative models rather than an estimate of actual total costs. Total costs will exceed the index costs to the extent that it is necessary to explore multiple specifications of the models developed. Overall, we see that fundamental attributes is easiest to use and least costly when combined with either preference regeression or unit weights. These models are followed closely by factor-analysis or discriminant-analysis models with all the preference models. The ratio between fundamental-attributes-with- unit-weights model costs and factor analysis or discriminant analysis with first-preference logit is three to one. This is a relatively small difference considering the magnitude of the costs involved and the peripheral costs of data preparation and manipulation. The inverse in cost to use fundamental attributes with first-preference logit or revealed-preference logit is a fac¬ tor of 5 to 6 over the least cost model. Finally, the non-metric-scaling models cost about 10 times the least cost model. These results indicate a need to make some tradeoff between the increased interpretability of factor-analysis models used with an estimation procedure to obtain importance weights and the additional costs of the increased analytic effort. a. PERCEPTION MODELS RANKINGS Model Rank Model Rank Factor Analysis Preference Regression Discriminant Analysis Non-Metric Scaling 2 4 PREFERENCE MODELS RANKINGS First Preference Logit Revealed Preference Logit Fundamental Attributes 1 Unit Weights 1 c. JOINT PERCEPTION/PREFERENCE MODELS RANKINGS Preference Regression First Preference Logit Revealed Preference Logi t Unit Weights Factor Analysis 5 9 7 3 Discriminant Analysis 5 9 7 3 Non-Metric Scaling 14 16 15 13 Fundamental Attributes 2 12 11 1 TABLE 6-TO Rankings of Models in Terms of Least Cost and Ease of Use 208 First Revealed Preference Preference Preference Unit Regression Logit Logit Weights Factor Analysis 50 75 60 45 Discriminant Analysis 50 75 60 45 Non-Metric Scaling 230 255 240 225 Fundamental Attributes 35 145 130 25 TABLE 6-11 Cost Index for Developing Perception/Preference Structure and Choice Model Estimation 209 6.8 Sensitivity Tests 6.8.1 Description of the Tests As a final test of the choice models developed, it was desirable to undertake some sensitivity tests on the models and determine whether the models exhibited differences in sensitivity on the attractiveness variables. Sensitivity tests for this type of model are somewhat different from those normally undertaken. In this case, the variables to be manipulated are the distributions of ratings of individuals on the various fundamental attributes. Without tying the perceptual measures to planning variables, the process be¬ comes one of guess work in terms of changes that would stem from specific transportation or planning actions. The generation of sensitivity tests was undertaken by setting new dis¬ tributions on selected attributes, where the distribution was drawn from information on other shopping locations. It proved to be too expensive to investigate more than one attribute change at a time. Five changes were selected, each one affecting one shopping location. These are described in Table 6-13. The selection of tests is somewhat limited, partly by the costs of running such tests and partly by the desire to make changes relevant to transportation or urban planning, rather than ones relevant to shopping-cen¬ ter managers. The basis of the attribute-distribution changes made are now described. For the first sensitivity test of Table 6-13, the distribution for the Loop was taken as the average for Korvette City, Plaza del Lago, and Edens Plaza. All three have free parking, but it is either insufficient or much is remote from the stores in the center. In this respect, these centers were seen to come closest to the situation anticipated in the Loop. The resulting distri¬ bution is shown in Table 6-14. For the second test, the Old Orchard distri¬ bution was adjusted to approximate the Chicago Loop, as shown in Table 6-15. The third test was approximated by changing the Old Orchard distribution to something close to that of Plaza del Lago, which is the one for which parking is least adequate, apart from the Loop. The distribution is shown in Table 6-16. The fourth and fifth tests utilized different distributions on shopping center atmosphere. Test four was based on an average of Old Orchard and Wood- field, while test five was based on Korvette City, and the distributions are shown in Table 6-17- To generate the data for testing, the distributions of Tables 6-14 through 6-17 were used to generate random ratings for each of the 500 indivi¬ duals used to calibrate the choice models. Thus, for each test, each indivi¬ dual received one changed rating in his set, all others being left unaltered. The ratings were then standardized as in the original analysis and new factor relationships for the factor-analysis models. Three models were subjected to tests in this analysis. These were the factor-analysis, revealed-preference regression model, the factor-analysis, first-preference logit model, and the fundamental-attributes model. The non- metric-scaling model was not tested. The principal reason for this is the expense of generating the new inputs. Unlike the factor-analysis models, it would be necessary to undertake a new fitting of the three-dimensional space for each changed attribute. 210 POLICY CHANGE SHOPPING LOCATION ATTRIBUTE AFFECTED 1. Free Parking Chicago Loop Free Parking 2. Parking Fees Imposed Old Orchard Free Parking 3. Reduce Available Parking Old Orchard Ability to park where desired 4. Pedestrian Mall Chicago Loop Center Atmosphere 5. Pedestrian Mall Chicago Loop Center Atmosphere TABLE 6-13 Basis of Sensitivity Tests on Choice Models 211 Rating Percentage Good - 1 60.7 2 18.4 3 15.3 4 4.0 Poor - 5 1 .6 TABLE 6-14 Changed Distribution of Free Parking in the Loop Rating Percentage Good - 1 1 .8 2 1.2 3 3.0 4 7.8 Poor - 5 86.3 TABLE 6-15 Parking Fees at Old Orchard 212 Rating Percentage Good - 1 30.0 2 24.0 3 24.0 4 14.0 Poor - 5 8.0 TABLE 6-16 Reduced Parking at Old Orchard Rating Percentage Test 4 Test 5 Good - 1 60.0 15.0 2 23.0 18.0 3 10.0 28.0 4 4.0 20.0 Poor - 5 3.0 19.0 TABLE 6-17 Pedestrian Mall in the Loop 213 6.8.2 Results of the Sensitivity Tests The results for the five tests are shown in Tables 6-18, 6-19, and 6-20. A general comment may be made about the tests. It appears that the selected changes have generally a rather small effect upon the market shares. At this point, this should be taken more as an indication of problems in generating significant changes in the input data than as an indication of a lack of sen¬ sitivity of the models. It is also worthwhile to point out that the most important attributes were found to be attributes relating to the shopping location, per se, rather than to attributes under the direct control of pub¬ lic policy makers. The only model to produce counter-intuitive results is the factor-anal¬ ysis, first-preference logit model. In this case, the majority of the respon¬ ses on the two subject shopping locations are counter-intuitive. All three improvements in the Chicago Loop (tests 1, 4 and 5) result in lower market shares for the Loop than in the base estimate. Similarly, Old Orchard exhi¬ bits lower market shares than the base for all tests, but with larger declines for changes in the Loop than for changes in itself. It appears, then, that this model has undergone a change in its base through manipulating the ratings. Apart from this, the model shows about the same range of sensitivity as the factor-analysis, revealed-preference model. As expected, the fundamental- attributes model shows the greatest sensitivity to parking changes than the other models. The two factor-analysis models both show the pedestrian mall (test 4) as having the greatest impact on improving the relative share of trips to the Loop, while the fundamental-attributes model shows free parking as having the greatest effect. 6.8.3 Conclusions All of the models exhibit a relative insensitivity to small changes in the distributions of the attribute ratings. The factor-analysis, first-pref¬ erence logit model shows a rather disquieting shift in all market shares on the basis of the adjusted data, suggesting a need to examine more carefully the process by which this model reacts to changes in the input variables. Apart from this, the two factor-analysis models are equally sensitive (in terms of range), while the fundamental-attributes model is the most sensitive. In general, however, it must be concluded that the models are not satis¬ factory in their present form for predicting market shares for changed circum¬ stances. This conclusion is drawn from the need to obtain a revised set of ratings on each attribute as the basis for prediction. Such values must either be obtainable directly from a knowledge of the mapping between planning para¬ meters and attribute perceptions, or reliance must be placed on the ability of individuals to react to a hypothetical situation to provide revised ratings. This latter process is not likely to be satisfactory. 214 Shopping Center Sensitivity Tests - Market Share (%) Base Estimate Test 1 - Free Parking in Loop Test 2 - Parking Fees at Old Orchard Test 3 - Reduced Parking at Old Orchard Test 4 - Pedestrian Mall in Loop Test 5 - Pedestrian Mall in Loop Loop 13.00 12.79 12.64 13.23 12.59 12.56 Edens 14.56 14.77 14.69 14.49 14.61 14.62 Golf Mill 20.10 20.39 20.28 20.01 20.16 20.18 Korvette City 6.71 6.81 6.77 6.65 6.73 6.74 Old Orchard 29.73 29.07 29.55 29.71 29.90 29.89 Plaza del Lago 6.38 6.52 6.47 6.40 6.45 6.45 Woodfield 9.52 9.66 9.60 9.51 9.56 9.56 TABLE 6-18 Results of Sensitivity Tests on the Factor-Analysis, Revealed-Preference Model Shopping Center Sensitivity Tests - Market Share (%) Base Estimate Test 1 Test 2 Test 3 Test 4 Test 5 Loop 12.53 12.55 12.58 13.12 12.60 13.28 Edens 14.62 14.60 14.63 14.51 14.61 13.96 Golf Mill 20.19 20.16 20.20 20.04 20.16 18.56 Korvette City 6.74 6.73 6.75 6.66 6.73 5.28 Old Orchard 29.91 29.96 29.82 29.74 29.90 31.34 Plaza del Lago 6.45 6.44 6.45 6.41 6.44 7.48 Woodfield 9.57 9.55 9.57 9.52 9.56 10.10 TABLE 6-19 Results of Sensitivity Tests on the Factor-Analysis, First-Preference Logit Model 216 Shopping Center Sensitivity Tests - Market Shares {%) Base Estimate Test 1 Test 2 Test 3 Test 4 Test 5 Loop 14.30 13.28 12.59 12.93 12.58 12.59 Edens Plaza 14.33 15.29 14.58 14.55 14.60 14.60 Golf Mill 19.77 21.09 20.13 20.08 20.16 20.15 Korvette City 6.51 7.12 6.73 6.68 6.72 6.72 Old Orchard 29.35 26.46 29.94 29.78 29.89 29.88 Plaza del Lago 6.31 6.78 6.45 6.43 6.46 6.46 Woodfield 9.43 10.02 9.59 9.59 9.60 9.60 TABLE 6-20 Results of Sensitivity Tests on the Fundamental-Attributes Model 217 7. SUMMARY AND RECOMMENDATIONS FOR FUTURE RESEARCH 7.1 Summary This research project has provided a number of valuable insights into extensions of individual-choice models to decisions other than choice of travel mode. These insights relate both to the structure of the models and to the methods for calibration and use. The most important conclusion of this research, from the viewpoint of the planner and decision maker, is that people select nongrocery shopping destinations on the basis of quality, variety, and value, rather than on attributes for which size might serve as a useful proxy. Thus, the research has shown that, for the population surveyed, conventional transportation planning models of trip distribution capture relatively little of the behav¬ ioral content of the destination-choice decision. A second important con¬ clusion is that it appears to be feasible to build destination-choice models using individual choice theories and attitudinal information. Moreover, by making appropriate corrections for choice-based sampling, consistent estimates of importance weights for the choice models can be obtained and these do not vary when the choice set is reduced. An important methodological conclusion is that it does not appear to be necessary or even particularly desirable to use the more complex and expensive psychological-scaling methods to analyze attitudinal data. Our research has shown that factor analysis provides results that are generally consistent with those from scaling techniques, but use less data, require less complex measurement devices and are cheaper to use. Factor-analysis results are also easier to use for prediction than are the scaling results. For this data set, factor analysis produced a satisfactory perceptual space, from which both preference regression and first-preference logit models were found to produce consistent preference weights. The direct use of funda¬ mental attributes was also found to perform well on all model tests, but poses a problem of providing too much information and, for certain modeling processes, generates a far too costly calibration and estimation phase. The prototype destination-choice model was a logit model of choice, using either fundamental attributes or factor scores (for 4 factors) with importance weights derived from either preference regression or first-preference logit. The project was not successful in determining the feasibility of segmenting the population on the basis of socioeconomic characteristics. In part, this may be due to our inexperience in identifying and measuring appropriate socioeconomic variables. However, it is also due to the relative lack of suitable techniques for identifying market segments by either prior or posterior classification. In the course of our research in this area, it was necessary to develop modifica¬ tions of various statistical procedures in order to obtain usable tests. Finally, it proved to be feasible to survey shoppers, using a self-adminis¬ tered survey that requested extensive attitudinal information. No difference was found between fully self-administered surveys and those filled out with interviewer assistance. Although extensive procedures were not utilized to achieve high response rates, the response was found to be much higher than is usually associated with a hand-out, mail-back survey. It must be noted, however, that complete returns were obtained for only about 6% of those given a question¬ naire, or about 23% of the returned questionnaires. 218 The models developed in this project are not suitable in their present form for application to planning problems. First, the models were calibrated on a very biased demographic sample, exhibiting a much higher than average income distribution and a higher than average level of education. Thus, the findings cannot be generalized across demographic groups. Second, the present form of the models requires that attitudinal data be available both for cali¬ bration and prediction. As previously stated, it is not generally possible to predict preferences and perceptions, hence the models are currently restricted to providing behavioral insights into the destination-choice process. 7.2 Future Research Directions On the basis of the research reported here, a number of future directions for research can be identified. A number of these research tasks can be pur¬ sued with the data already collected for this project. These will be identi¬ fied first. The first task is to extend the prototype models to include a better specification of site accessibility. Data from the second destination-choice survey and the mode-choice survey would permit such an extension. This speci¬ fication should replace the distance measure used in this research. Second, further validation checks are needed on the prototype models. Limited checks could be made by using the second destination-choice data set, which contains four of the seven shopping locations used in the prototype models, together with five new locations. The additional locations also include different types of shopping sites, namely strip developments and another downtown shop¬ ping location. Thus, this data set would also permit testing of whether the prototype model is valid for choices of shopping sites other than specific shopping centers. A third research direction is to seek a mapping between attitudinal measures (i.e. perceptions, preferences, saliences) and physical planning parameters. Since there are detailed records of a variety of physical char¬ acteristics in existence for the Chicago-area shopping locations, it is possible to explore this issue fairly readily. Measures have been obtained on sixteen perceptual variables in the two destination-choice surveys. The attribute groupings determined in the factor-analysis models could be used as a basis for seeking physical correlates. This is an essential step if the prototype model is to find practical implementation as a planning tool. A fourth research direction, that is enabled by the data already collected in this project, is to pursue certain issues of efficacy of attitude measurement. Between the two destination-choice surveys, a number of measurement changes were introduced. First, certain questions were structured on seven-point scales in the second survey, compared with five-point scales in the first survey. It is not generally known what the effect is of such variations. Second, perceptions were obtained on nine stimuli (shopping locations) against seven in the first survey. This should make a 3-dimensional nonmetric-scaling model more reliable and potentially more similar to the factor-analysis model. This should be tested, since it could potentially weaken or strengthen the conclusions of this research to recommend factor analysis as the reduction methodology. 219 Fifth, improved data were obtained in the second survey pertaining to socioeconomic variables. These data could be used to explore further the issue of market segmentation. In addition, attempts should be made to invest¬ igate multidimensional segmentation strategies, i.e., those in which two or more segmentation variables are used simultaneously. Additional research is also required here on statistical techniques that can assist in indicating whether a particular segmentation scheme is effective. A sixth issue relates to the logit choice model. While extensive research has now been undertaken on the effects of the Independence of Irrelevant Alternatives Axiom (11A) on mode choice, using the logit model, no extensions have been made to the area of destination choice. It would be desirable, particularly given the more complex issues of choice sets, to explore 11A properties and problems in the context of destination choice. At the very least, diagnostic tests proposed in recent research (CRA [1976]) should be applied to the models developed in this research. A more critical issue has been purposively ignored by this research project. This is the issue of choice set. Early im this research, the problem of identifying choice sets was recognized and assumptions made to bypass it. Specifically, the models developed are based on what is almost certainly a contrived choice set, comprising those shopping locations listed by the project personnel on the questionnaire that were indicated as being known to the respondents. The issue of choice-set definition was referred to briefly in chapter 2 (p. 21), but the hypotheses advanced there were not tested in this research. Within the limitations of the project, it was not found to be possible to collect data on the range of alternative shopping sites alluded to in chapter 2. Hence, further pursuit of this issue is likely to require the collection of additional data. The definition of choice sets may, in fact, require the pursuit of a different choice structure, based upon the definition of acceptable alternatives. Some preliminary notions in this direction were advanced in one of the working papers from this project (Peterson and de Bettencourt [1976]), together with some suggestions for appropriate data collection. Eighth, it has been stated in this report that the findings with respect to the salient, reduced attributes of destination attractiveness undermine the traditional use of measures of size (floor area, employment) in conventional travel-forecasting models. However, this finding needs to be verified in at least two directions. First, it is necessary to collect data from other locations and other socioeconomic groups in order to confirm the identification of salient, reduced attributes. Second, the models based on these measures should be compared in both descriptive and predictive power to models using more traditional measures, to test more directly the compar¬ ative advantages of the models developed in this research. Finally, as in most areas of travel-forecasting research, attempts have been made here to develop demand models from cross-sectional data, in which the dynamics of decision making and decision changing cannot be discerned. 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ILLINOIS 60201 July 24, 1974 Dear Shopper: The Transportation Center of Northwestern University is conducting a project which is aimed at helping to improve the planning of transportation for shopping trips. To assist in this work, we would like to ask for your help in spending a little of your time to answer this questionnaire. The purpose of the questionnaire is to find out what attracts people to different stores and shopping centers. Your answers to this questionaire will be kept strictly confidential and will only be used for scientific inquiry. Information about individuals will not be divulged and your response is anonymous, since we do not request your name. However, your response is most important to us to ensure the success of our project. If you have any questions about this project or the questionnaire, please feel free to ask one of the survey interviewers handing out the questionnaires, or telephone either Dr. Peter Watson at 492-5017 or Dr. Peter R. Stopher at 492-5183. In answering the questionnaire, if you have any comments or suggestions to offer, please feel free to add these on your couriered questionnaire. Thank you for your valuable help on this project. Peter Rf?tôpher We would like you to complete this questionnaire in connection with the shopping center visit you made when you received the questionnaire. We would like you to indicate hew familiar you are with each of the shopping centers in our list. For each center, please check the box which best describes your familiarity with that center. a* ° * £ a H # * ' -* * c • • s -4? 0} « 4* q, * Plaza del Logo Sdens Plaza Old Orchard Shopping Center Talisman Shopping Center Coif Mill Shopping Center Iaorenoe Wood Shopping Center Rorthpoint Shopping Center Randhurst Arlington Market Shopping Center Mount Prospect Plaza Market Place Shopping Center Doer,field Commons Shopping Center Deertrook Shopping Center Morthbrook Meadows llorthbrook Shopping Plaza Rolling Meadows Shopping Center loans ton Downtown hod field Chicago Loop torvette City Others (Please name) [ ] 3 E 3 t Si B-l If this shopping center were not available for the particular purchases that you came to make, which other shop¬ ping centers would you think about going to? Please check those that you would consider. Plaza del Logo [ ] Edens Plaza [ ] Old Orchard Shopping Center [ ] Talisman Shopping Center [ ] Golf Mill Shopping Center [ ] Laurence Wood Shopping Center [ ] tlorthpoint Shopping Center [ ] Randhuret Arlington Market Shopping Center Mount Prospect Plaza Market Place■ Shopping Center Deerfield Commons Shopping Center Deerbrook Shopping Center Northbrook Meadows Northbrook Shopping Plaza Rolling Meadows Shopping Center Evans ton Downtown Woodfield Chicago Loop Korvette City Other (Please name) If all the following shopping centers were equally easy to get to, which of them would you prefer to shop at for the goods you came to buy? Please indicate your order of prefer¬ ence by placing a number beside each center. Start with number 1 for the most preferred shopping center, number 2 for the second most preferred, and so on down to the least preferred shopping center. Please rank aU the shopping centers. Chicago Loop Edens Plaza (Wilmette) Coif Mill Shopping Center Korvette City (Dempster S Waukegan) Plaza del Logo Old Orchard Woodfield Again, if all the shopping centers were equally easy to get to, how similar do you think they are to each other? In answering this ques¬ tion, please think about your preference to shop at them for the goods you came to buy. Check the box which best describes how similar they are. Please be sure to do this for all pairs of shopping centers. ÔT le > J? / <9 Woodfield and Chicago Loop Edens Plaza and Coif Mill Woodfield and Plaza del Lago Cnicago Loop and Golf Mill Old Orchard and Wood fie Id Golf Mil I and Korvette City Chicago Loop and Old Orchard Plaza del Lago and Coif Mill Korvette City and Old Orchard Plaza del Lago and Edens Plaza Chicago Loop and Korvette City Woodfield and Coif Mill Edens Plaza and Korvette City Old Orchard and Golf Mill Edens Plaza and Woodfield B-2 0 ti * i" 5^ // ✓ f nerchandise Availability of credit ' good poor poor good Reasonable >rice Availability of sale items ("spéciale") ' "good poor poor B-4 a o j S a ■o •o 3 i »? A, ? £ «*4 3 2? 3 60 3 •o V è 3 o 3 Free parking good poor store good atmosphere (heating, cooling, noi3e, crouds, eta-> poor good Shopping center atmosphere poor good Availability of a specific store poor Stores located in a compact area good poor Ability to park uhere you want good poor Courteous S helpful sales assistants good poor Number and variety of stores good poor So that we can study your answers in the context of the type of shopping trip that you are making, we would like you to complete this part of the ques¬ tionnaire in connection with the shopping center visit you made when you received the questionnaire. Please name the stores you came to visit: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Hew did you travel to the shopping center? '• Automobile (driver) [ ] 2- Automobile (passenger) [ ] 3. Taxi [ ] Bus [ ] 5. Other public transport [ 1 Motorcycle f J ?• Bicycle 8. Walking [ J Please check the major items you- came to purchase. Clothing, including shoes S accessories Home furnishings Major appliances Small appliances Housewares Toys i ' Gifts Books, stationary Lawn or garden equipment Tard goods Sporting goods Window shopping Eating out Drugs and cosmetics Tools and hardware, paints Jewelry, clocks, watches China, glass, flatware Home entertainment Automotive accessories Groceries, specialty foods or candies Liquor Other (please specify) -5 Did you travel to the shopping center directly from: Home Work Another shopping center (Pleaee name) Other (Please specify). And where will you go to next? Home Work Another shopping center (Please name) Other (Please specify). So that we can determine how well served you are public transport, please add your address. Street I or block City, town, or village Zip code In order to help with the classification of results of this survey we would be very grateful if you would provide the information in this last section. We appreciate that you may feel hesitant about revealing some of this information, which is of a personal nature, but these factors are important to this study. We will use the information only for research purposes and it will not be divulged to anyone. In each case please check the appropriate boxes. emale [ ] [ ] Age: Under 16 years 16 - 21 22 - 29 30-39 Occupation: [ ] [ 3 [ ] [ 3 40 - 49 SO - S9 60 years or over t] [ 3 [ 3 Military Salesman/Buyer Teacher/Professor Professional/Technical/ManageriaI Craftsman/Mechanic/Factory Worker Clerical/Secretarial/Office Worker Student Housewife Governmental He tired Other What is your approximate family income before taxes? (Your income plus that of your husband or wife or the person on whom you are dependent.) $10,000 and under [ ] $10,00) - $15,000 [ ] $15,001 - $20,000 [ ] $20,001 - $25,000 t 3 $25,001 - $50,000 [ 3 Over $50,000 [ 3 How long have you lived in this area, that is, north-west Chicago and/or the north and north¬ west suburbs? If not a resident, please check [ ]. Less than 1 year [ ] 1-3 years [ ] 4-6 yeare [ ] 7-10 years [ 3 more than 10 years [ ] THANK YOU VERY MUCH FOR YOUR COOPERATION B-6 APPENDIX B 1975 QUESTIONNAIRE THE TRANSPORTATION CENTER • NORTHWESTERN UNIVERSITY LEVERONE HALL • 2001 SHERIDAN ROAD • EVANSTON, ILLINOIS 60201 July 1975 Dear Shopper: The Transportation Center of Northwestern University is conducting a project which is aimed at helping to improve the planning of transpor¬ tation for shopping trips. To assist in this work, we would like to ask you to help by spending a little of your time to answer this question¬ naire. The purpose of the questionnaire is to find out what attracts people to different stores and shopping centers. Your answers to this questionnaire will be kept strictly confidential and will only be used for scientific inquiry. Information about individuals will not be divulged and your response is anonymous, since we do not re¬ quest your name. However, your response is most important to us to ensure the success of our project. If you have any questions about this project or the questionnaire, please feel free to ask one of the survey interviewers handing out the questionnaires, or telephone Dr. Peter R. Stopher at 492-5183. In answer¬ ing the questionnaire, if you have any comments or suggestions to offer, please feel free to add these on your conpleted questionnaire. Thank you for your valuable help on this project. B-7 we would like you to complete this questionnaire in connection with the shopping center visit you made when you received the questionnaire. we would like you to indicate how frequently you have visited eûcu.of the skipping locations in our list. below each. location, please circle the number which best describes how frequently you have visited that location. m u X £ i. (U • *r *• OJ . X J «* . i. e i. J- i/t m c — «/» s„ d a "O r— ■^o r— r— ■£. S 3 8 -- *» a. o f o u cn a. -t- to se o 55 S î« <8 I have heard of it but I have never visited it 22222222222 i have been there but not in the past year 33333333333 During the past year I have been there on the average: less than once a month 1 or 2 times a month 3 or 4 times a month 'lore than 4 times a month 2 2 2 3 3 3 Suppose that all of the following shopping locations were equally easy to get to. we would like you to indicate your preference for shopping at each location for the goods you came to purchase when you received '.his questionnaire. we have provided a scale ranging from most preferred to least preferred. be1j0w the shopping location which you most prefer circle the num5er 'j below the location milch you least prefer circle the number 7; below fach of the remaining locations circle the nimber which indicates your preference for that location. m •#- 8 o IE tÉ ^ o 5 +J VI c 0> 3 C at S— J. • to -a o ce o O! to u < ' u <0 CI .* js u « cn jë c O CI ^ (_) in a a. g- -» x: o o cn L to « c. 2E o 5 in tii o •o 55 c 0» to 3 o 8 m 8 3 Host Preferred 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 S 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 Least Preferred 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 Please continue on next page - i I have never heard of it 11111111111 1 111 1 llllll 2 2 2 2 2 2 3 3 3 3 3 3 13-8 please circle the numbers next to the major items you came to purchase when you received this questionnaire 1 Clothing, Including shoes & accessories 13 Tools and hardware, paints 2 Furniture 14 Jewelry, clocks, watches 3 Home furnishings 15 China, glass, flatware 4 Major appliances 16 Home entertainment 5 Small appliances 17 Automotive accessories 6 Housewares 18 Groceries, specialty foods or candles 7 Toys 19 Liquor 8 Books, stationery 20 Window shopping 9 Lawn or garden equipment 21 Eating out 10 Yard goods 22 Other (please specify) 11 Sporting goods y 12 Drugs and cosmetics in deciding where to purchase the items you circled in the previous question, how important to tqu.were the following characteristics of shopping locations? we have provided a scale which ranges from extremely important to of no importance. below each characteristic please circle the number which you feel best indi¬ cates the importance of the characteristic, please be sire to tell us uqjl important the characteristics are to you and not how available they are. M p cu C ■O JC CJ i/t £ s a ° 1/1 i ** o *- o «. ° 2 07 07 C •*- •»- I £ fO Extremely Important Of No Importance U1 i u ra 07 en » c «/> T- "O ï •4-» ■M E O T3 07 07 « 07 U JC U O f- o M «4- o--. c 07 07 k M 07 •»- £ en c 4-> 1 1 1 i i 2 2 2 2 2 3 3 3 3 3 4 4 4 4 4 5 5 5 5 5 6 6 6 6 6 7 7 7 7 7 —- - >, r— to I 3 O >> > P- T- Û. U o •»- £• S T- *-» ï I a ° 07 O) t- o> 1 s îiiiiii i 222222 2 2 333333 3 3 444444 4 4 555555 5 5 666666 6 6 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 Please continue on next page(Inside) 1 1 2 2 1 1 2 2 B-9 In this question we would like you to rate each Of- we have provided a range frcm very good to very poor pc the shipping locations fit on this range by circling ON ar a t- at at g f 4-» CO CO a ï c g" -s Ï s C H— i 5 I/» f-*-* TJ -C o U. r— y Ol fl S SES « ■r- J- Br O p- X 5 § • s 4J — Very Good Layout of Store Very Poor Very Good 1 Prestige of Store Very Poor Very Good Quality of merchandise Very Poor Very Good Reasonable Price Very Poor to N Ul «3 r- e 0> Q. a C C §to gs g 1 2 Il§ a g- p- g i g !» aig Êl ? ï if ? * -SUT » sis S§- n p 3 3 2 ^ ^ '^gqQ a <3 ? s • s» ? * s» ? & O L M»Q. a < Z » 3* p ni pf g (l) {S _ __ W t?»V

2 h> o Dempster Street (at Skokle P J ^ S«1") op Edens Plaza ï j o Downtown Evanston Golf Mill Shopping Center c — " 5 O X g 9 North Hlchlgan Avenue (Chicago) g Q Old Orchard JS jj P d Downtown Skokle (Oakton St. £) & Nil es Center Rd.) State Street (Chicago) Hoodfield Woodfleld Reasonable price 3 g < to in in | I 3 | % g 3d i2! layout of store | Prestige of store q g o Quality of merchandise — 3 3 S> O O) > Ease of returning or -o Z! servicing merchandise S 0 x Availability of credit m S o m Availability of sale Items o S ("specials") S c Free parking S 3 Z 30 Stores located In a compact S S a rea 0 § y "> Store atmosphere (heating, x g cooling, noise, crowds, etc.) g 3> Shopping center atmosphere (pedes- § S trlan-only area, flowers & shrubs, p; q covered walk-ways, etc.) 5 Availability of a specific store ? 5 Ability to park where you want „ 0 K S ss Courteous S helpful sales assistants s; "n Number and variety of stores 0 Variety or range of merchandise |g S 3 3 < m rn 2. > ' « m 0 2 S | ! f lië Q !•. =» ">j Downtown Evans ton -w m oi « u ro — Golf Mill Shopping Center il Fn Q ™ % m fin 5 -4 O.': w ' 4. C4 ro - North Michigan Avenue (Chicago) i H £ 5 -J O. W 4» U) N. -4 Old Orchard _ 5 § 5 Downtown Skokle (Oakton St. 5 in 1 Ni les Center Rd.) jn g 30 State Street (Chicago) 2 5 £ ? Woodfleld ~ g TO i 3 N Ol OI m p 6 c a il q s| q q 1 •?" Please circle tie nlmber next to the MODE OF TRAVEL you used to reach the shopping center. 1 Automobile (driver) 3 Taxi 5 Other public transport 7 Bicycle 2 Automobile (Passenger) 4 Bus 6 Motorcycle 8 Walking From what location did you travel directly to the shopping center? (Please circle) 1 Home 3 Another shopping center (Please name) 2 Work 4 Other (Please specify) WAT TIME DID YOU LEAVE THAT LOCATION? : WHAT TIME DID YOU ARRIVE AT TIE SHOPPING CENTER? : HOW MUCH DO YOU THINK YOUR TRIP TO THE SHOPPING CENTER COST YOU? To WAT LOCATION WILL YOU GO TO AFTER LEAVING THE SHOPPING CENTER? (Please circle.) 1 Home 3 Another shopping center (Please name) 2 Work 4 Other (Please specify) WHAT IS YOUR HCME ADDRESS? Block Number Street City, town, or village Zip Code 10 16. Master 17. Doctorate 18. Other Occupation: 1 Salesman 2 Teacher/Professor 3 Professional/Technical/Managerial 11 12 13. College studies, no degree please specify 4 Craftsman/Mechanic/Factory Worker 5 Clerical/Secretarial/Office Worker 6 Student 7 Housewife 8 Governmental 9 RetT red 10 Other 23 . 1 1 27 28 1 32 1 1 33 36 1 . in order to help with the classification of results of this survey we would be very grateful if you would provide the information in this last section. we appreciate that you may feel hesitant about reveal¬ ing some of this information, which is of a personal nature, but these factors are important to this study. we will use the information only for research purposes and it will not be divulged to anyone, in each case please circle the number preceding the appropriate entry. SEX: 1 Female 2 Male Age: 1 Under 22 years 3 30-39 years 5 50-59 years 7 Over 65 years 2 22 - 29 years 4 40-49 years 6 60-65 years Last year of school completed. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 14. AA/AS 15. BA/BS please specify 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 Are you presently married? 1 Yes 2 No Please circle the AGES of all children living with you. less than 1 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 22 and over wat is your approximate family income before taxes? (tour income plus that of your husband or wife or the person on wiom you are dependent.) 1 $10,000 and under 5 $25,001 - $30,000 8 $40,001 - $45,000 2 $10,001 - $15,000 6 $30,001 - $35,000 9 $45,001 - $50,000 3 $15,001 - $20,000 7 $35,001 - $40,000 10 Over $50,000 6 $20,001 - $25,000 How many years have YOU lived in this area, THAT is, NORTH-WEST CHICAGO ANCHOR THE FORTH AND NORTH-WEST suburbs? Not a resident Less than 1 year 123456789 10 or more years thank you for your cooperation. B-13 Office Use Only 20 21 '22 39 37 38 I I I 42 43 TT 45 "46 4-7V 49 iii) 50 1 1 54 1 1 55 1 1 59 1 1 60 1 1 64 1 1 65 1 69 1 70 72 ÎÎ^Ti 4 80 APPENDIX C ADDITIONAL TABULATIONS AND CROSS-TABULATIONS FOR THE FIRST OLD ORCHARD SURVEY SHOPPING CENTER VISITED SEX FEMALE MALE PLAZA DEL LAGO 90.4% 9.6% EDENS PLAZA 78.7 21.3 OLD ORCHARD 82.1 17.9 GOLF MILL 75.5 24.5 TABLE B-l: Sex by Shopping Center SHOPPING CENTER AGE GROUP 60 AND VISITED UNDER 16 16-21 22 29 30 - 39 40 - 49 50 - 59 OVER PLAZA DEL LAGO 3.2% 14.4 22 9 22.9 14.1 14.1 8.5 EDENS PLAZA 4.0 19.3 19 8 18.0 18.7 14.2 6.1 OLD ORCHARD 3.8 22.5 22 8 15.3 16.0 12.4 7.2 GOLF MILL 7.3 23.6 24 3 16.4 15.1 10.3 3.0 TABLE B-2: Distribution by Age Groups by Shopping Center Visited C-l c~> I PO SHOPPING CENTER VISITED OCCUPATION Mil i- tary Sales Teacher Profes¬ sional Crafts Cleri¬ cal Student House¬ wife Govern¬ mental Retired Other PLAZA DEL LAGO 0.7 3.5 12.0 6.7 0.4 4.2 18.7 43.3 0.7 3.5 6.3 EDENS PLAZA 0 7.2 8.1 19.0 1.3 9.2 21.9 28.0 0.7 0.9 3.8 OLD ORCHARD 0.1 4.4 10.4 16.4 0.8 10.5 23.9 26,2 0.8 2.6 3.9 GOLF MILL 0.2 3.7 6.8 17.8 2.7 12.8 25.0 25.2 0.8 1.2 3.6 TABLE B-3: Distribution of Occupations by Shopping Center Visited SHOPPING CENTER INCOME GROUP VISITED $10,000 AND LESS $10,000- $14,999 $15,000- $19,999 $20,000- $24,999 $25,000- $50,000 OVER $50,000 PLAZA DEL LAGO 9.4 17.6 10.5 17.6 29.7 15.2 EDENS PLAZA 11.8 13.8 15.7 17.4 29.7 11.6 OLD ORCHARD 12.7 16.5 17.1 16.8 26.7 10.2 GOLF MILL 14.4 21.5 23.9 20.2 16.4 3.7 TABLE B-4: Distribution of Income Groups by Shopping Center Visited SHOPPING CENTER VISITED LENGTH OF RESIDENCE LESS THAN 1 YEAR 1 - 3 YEARS 4-6 YEARS 7 - 10 YEARS MORE THAN 10 YEARS PLAZA DEL LAGO 3.3 10.4 13.8 10.4 62.1 EDENS PLAZA 3.0 9.7 9.0 13.3 65.1 OLD ORCHARD 3.1 9.1 9.5 10.6 67.7 GOLF MILL 3.1 11.4 9.8 11.9 63.8 TABLE B-5: Distribution of Length of Residence by Shopping Center Visited C-3 OCCUPATION NUMBER (PERCENT) MILITARY 11 ( 0.2) SALESMAN 305 ( 4.3) TEACHER 641 ( 9.0) PROFESSIONAL 1182 (16.7) CRAFTSMAN 108 ( 1.5) CLERICAL 777 (11.0) STUDENT 1700 (24.0) HOUSEWIFE 1889 (26.7) GOVERNMENTAL 55 ( 0.8) RETIRED 146 ( 2.1) OTHER 274 ( 3.9) TABLE B-6: Distribution of Occupations for the Sample C-4 APPENDIX D DERIVATION OF PSYCHOLOGICAL DISTANCES FOR MULTIDIMENSIONAL SCALING As mentioned 1n the body of the report, there are two sources of Information for determining psychological distances between stimuli. Figure F-l of the report shows a d1rect-s1m1lar1ty question, while Figure F-2 shows an indirect-similarity question. These constitute the two sources of information for psychological-distance estimation. The principal for deriving the distances is rather simple in concept, being based on simple notions of dominance and implied dominance. Simply stated, the derivation of psychological distances from direct- similarity measurements is based upon a simple count of the number of times one stimulus is considered dissimilar from other stimuli. The larger the number of times that a stimulus is rated as dissimilar to other stimuli, the greater is its distance from any other stimulus. This is, however, almost an oversimplification. The goal of the dissimilarity analysis is to determine the distances between all pairs of points, i.e., to determine all interpoint distances. To do this, it becomes necessary not just to examine dominance of one stimulus over others, but rather the dominance of pairs of stimuli over other pairs. To illustrate the method by which these distances are computed, it is necessary to assume that data have been obtained in which pairs of stimuli have been rated in similarity to other pairs. It is important to note here that measurement techniques will normally mandate that only those pairs with a common stimulus can be compared. Thus, a respondent may be asked to say which of the following two pairs of shopping centers are more similar in terms of his or her preference to shop for a particular commodity: Old Orchard and Golf Mill or Old Orchard and Woodfield. D-l This question is answerable, since it simplifies to a question of whether Golf Mill is more similar to Old Orchard than is Woodfield. On the other hand, a respondent should never be asked to compare the similarity of two pairs, such as : Old Orchard and Golf Mill or Woodfield and the Loop. Although such a comparison obviously exists, it is nearly impossible to make the judgment. It could be likened to a request to say whether an orange and a plum are more similar to each other than an apple and a banana. This is clearly a most difficult, if not impossible, judgment to make. Assuming that there were 5 objects being judged, a matrix may be con¬ structed of the comparisons of each pair with other pairs. In the matrix, a * zero is entered if the row pair was considered to be more similar than the column pair- Otherwise, a one is entered. A zero is also entered for all cells where no comparison was made. The resulting matrix from a hypothetical response, is shown in Figure D-l. Next, the row sums are obtained, as shown in Figure D-l, and the matrix is permuted in order of decreasing row sums, as shown in Figure D-2. Where rows have the same sums, ordering is arbitrary. In the permuted matrix, intransitivities are identifiable as ones below the diagonal. However, some care is necessary here. Where such ones appear close to the diagonal for tied rows, they may be removed by reordering the tied rows. Thus, interchanging row (2,4) and row (4,5) in Figure D-2 will move one of the ones back above the diagonal. Attending to this yields a new matrix, Figure D-3. There now remains only one intransitivity, rather than the D-2 (1,2) (1,3) (1,4) (1,5) (2,3) (2,4) (2,5) (3,4) (3,5) (4,5) (1,2) 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 (1,3) 1 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 (1,4) 1 1 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 (1,5) 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 (2,3) 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 (2,4) 1 1 1 0 1 1 1 0 0 (2,5) 1 1 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 (3,4) 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 (3,5) 0 1 0 1 1 0 1 1 0 (4,5) 0 0 1 1 0 1 1 1 1 Figure D-l Matrix of Dissimilarities D-3 (2,4) (4,5) (3,5) (1,4) (2,5) (1,3) (2,3) (3,4) (1,2) (1,5) (2,4) 0 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 (4,5) 1 1 1 1 0 0 1 0 1 (3,5) 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 0 1 (1,4) 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 1 1 (2,5) 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 1 0 (1,3) 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 (2,3) 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 0 (3,4) 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 (1,2) 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 (1,5) 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 Figure D-2 Permuted Dissimilarities Matrix D-4 (4,5) (2,4) (3,5) (1 ,4) (2,5) (3,4) (2,3) (1,3) (1,2) (1,5) (4,5) 1 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 1 (2,4) 0 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 (3,5) 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 0 1 (1,4) 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 1 1 (2,5) 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 0 (3,4) 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 (2,3) 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 (1,3) 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 (1,2) 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 (1,5) 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 Figure D-3 Adjusted Permuted Dissimilarities Matrix D-5 apparent five of the preceding matrix. A number of strategies are possible with intransitivites. If there are few, they may be left alone, since their presence provides potential information and will not cause undue problems in the subsequent analysis steps. If many intransitivities are present, the individual may be dropped from-futher analysis, or all below-diagonal ones can be changed, arbitrarily to zeros (thus removing information on that comparison), or the analyst may assume that a genuine mistake was made and interchange the "incorrect" cells. (In this case, that would involve setting row (1,5), column (2,5) to zero and row (2,5), column (1,5) to a one.) For this example, the intransitivity will be left alone. If it is desired, the matrix of Figure D-3 can be powered to fill in some of the zeroes that result from no comparisons being made. This is equivalent to the use of a round-robin tournament for inferring results of dominance. Thus, a second-order matrix is made up of elements, c.-, which are the sum of ' J the cross multiples of the row (d^) and column (d^) in which the element lies. The powering of the matrix of Figure D-3 to the second order is shown in Figure D-4. Because an intransitivity was retained in the matrix of Figure D-3, some new intransitivities are generated in Figure D-4. These should be ignored, since they contribute further intransitivities that cannot be resolved by adjusting the permuted matrix. Apart from these values, a one is now entered in the matrix of Figure D-3 wherever a non-zero value occurs in the powered matrix, as shown in Figure D-5. Further powering may be undertaken until no new information can be obtained. For this exposition, no further powering is undertaken, although the remaining above-diagonal zeros could possibly be removed by doing so. D-6 (4,5) (2,4) (3,5) (1.4) (2,5) (3,4) (2,3) (1,3) (1,2) (1,5.) (4,5) 0 0 1 3 3 4 5 3 2 (2,4) 0 ' 0 0 0 0 2 4 4 3 (3,5) 0 0 0 1 0 2 3 3 1 (1,4) 0 0 0 1 0 1 1 1 2 (2,5) 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 2 2 (3,4) 0 0 0 ' 0 0 0 1 2 1 (2,3) 0 0 . 0 0 0 0 \ 0 1 2 (1,3) 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 (1,2) 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 (1,5) 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 Figure d-4 Second-Order Matrix From Figure D-3 0-7 (4,5) (2,4) (3,5) (1,4) (2,5) (3,4) (2,3) (1,3) (1,2) (1,5) (4,5) 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 (2,4) 0 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 (3,5) 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 (1,4) 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 1 (2,5) 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 (3,4) 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 (2,3) 0 0 0 0 0 0 X 1 1 1 (1,3) 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 (1,2) 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 (1,5) 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Figure D-5 Augmented Permuted Dissimilarities Matrix 9 7 6 5 4 4 3 2 1 0 D-8 It may also be noted that the powering has placed a one in row (2,5) and column (1,5). As a result, it may now be assumed that this intransitivity was a mistake in the judgments and the one below the diagonal may be changed to a zero, as has been done in Figure D-5. The row sums are next recomputed and the matrix is permuted again, if necessary. In this case, no further permuting is needed. Rank scores are next assigned, beginning with 1 for the row with a zero sum. If any rows are ties, they are assigned a value equal to the combined raw ranks divided by the number of ties. Thus, the two rows that are tied in Figure D-5 will be assign¬ ed a score of 5.5 each. These scores are now the estimated distances between the stimuli, as shown in Figure D-6. This completes the derivation of distances. Using indirect similarities data, the approach is basically very similar. In this case, it is assumed that individuals have rated the stimuli on a set of attribute scales, where the attributes are assumed to specify completely the perceptual space to be measured. In general, a Euclidean model is then applied to determine the set of distances between the stimuli. Thus, the dis¬ tance between stimulus j and stimulus k, d^, is given by equation (D.,1). where a^, a^ = ratings of stimuli j and k, respectively, on attribute m. A set of possible ratings of the same 5 stimuli on 6 attributes are shown in Figure D-7. These values are used in equation D.l to compute the derived distances as shown in Figure D-8. Thus, the interpoint distances are computed in a single step from the scale ratings. It may be noted that the distances in D-9 STIMULI 1 2 3 4 5 1 0 2.0 3.0 7.0 1.0 2 2.0 0 4.0 10.0 5.5 3 3.0 4.0 0 5.5 8.0 4 7.0 9.0 5.5 0 9.0 5 1.0 5.5 8.0 10.0 0 Figure D-6 Matrix of Direct Interpoint Distances SHOPPING CENTER ATTR [BUTE 1 2 3 4 5 6 1 2 1 3 2 1 2 2 3 4 2 4 2 3 3 1 2 1 2 1 2 4 1 3 1 3 7 6 5 5 2 5 2 1 4 Figure p-7 Ratings of Shopping Centers on 7-point Scales of 6 Attributes D-10 figure D-8 arè not monotonically related to those in Figure D-6. This would suggest that erroneous judgments have been made or that the set of 6 attri¬ butes is insufficient to specify the perceptual space derived from the similarity measures; However, such conslusions cannot be confirmed until the full MDS analysis is completed. 0-11 STIMULI 1 2 3 4 5 1 0 4.1 2.5 7.9 4.2 2 4.1 0 3.9 6.4 4.8 3 2.5 3.9 0 7.4 6.0 4 7.9 6.4 7.4 0 8.6 5 4.2 4.8 6.0 8.6 0 Figure D-8 Matrix of Derived Interpoint Distances D-12 APPENDIX E CLASSIFICATION WITH RESPECT TO DIFFERENCES IN PERCEPTION OF DISSIMILARITIES An Important element of data collected in the shopping destination choice study is the perceived dissimilarity between pairs of shopping centers. This information is used to determine the multidimensional space which describes the perception of shopping center attractiveness. The methods used to determine the space assume some degree of commonality of perception with respect to the attractiveness space. The project staff has hypothesized that different population groups, identified by their socio-economic characteristics, perceive attractiveness differently. The purpose of this note is to propose a procedure to test this hypothesis in addition to the within group hypothesis (that there is common¬ ality of agreement within an identifiable group) and the total population hypothesis (that there is commonality of agreement across the entire popula¬ tion). The proposed procedure is based on an extension of Friedman's two way analysis of variance by ranks (Friedman, 1937). Friedman's test is briefly described below. The application to the test of the population hypothesis and the within group hypothesis is shown. The extension to the test of differ¬ ences between groups is described next. A statistic is proposed to undertake statistical testing of the between group hypothesis. Friedman's Test The data consists of B sets of J stimuli (dissimilarity perceptions) ranked in order of increasing dissimilarity from 1 to J. The ranking of the j stimulus by the b individual is designated R^. Friedman's statistic is: E-l T - b-IU\) 5 ^(Rjb -R»2 * B*J(J+l) 5 [B(Rj " R)]2 J (1) where R = -y- That is, T measures the degree of agreement in ranking by the dispersion of average rank for stimuli across individuals from the average ranking across all dissimilarities. The null hypothesis is that there is no consistent agreement in rankings among individuals in the population. That is: Under this hypothesis, Friedman shows that for large values of B, T is dis¬ tributed approximately as a chi-square random variable with J-l degrees of freedom. The value of T can be compared to the chi-square distribution. Larger values of T tend to reject the null hypothesis and indicate that there is agreement in ranking structure in the population. Friedman's test may be applied to groups within the population by com¬ putation of a group specific value for T, that is: . = R. = R J (2) (3) E-2 where the subscript n indicates values for the n group. In this case the null hypothesis is: H0: Rln = R2n = • ' • RJn = R ^ Joint Group Test The proposed extension is to first create a new statistic which can be used to jointly test within group ranking structure for N groups. The pro¬ posed statistic for this purpose is simply the sum of group statistics taken over all groups: £Vônfrr £ Large values of ETn indicate that there is a systematic ranking structure in some or all of the subgroups. However, the value of ETn can not be used to determine if there are different ranking structures among groups. Large values of ETn may be obtained when there is rank agreement in the total population across all groups or when there is rank agreement solely within groups (but rank differences between groups). E-3 Disaggregation of ETn This can be seen by decomposition of ETn into its component parts: £T = tttttt £ b 2 (r- " R)2 n J(J+1) n . jn i J Jfilrrz Bn ^ [(Rjn - Rj>2 - (Ro -R'2] ' 1 Û TOÎTT „E Bn J 2 + TUTTT E (Rj " R)2 J 1 J J 12 E B E (R. - R.)2 + T. (7) J(J+1) _ n , jn j n J That is ETn is equal to T plus a term which measures the departure of average within group rankings, R\ , from average population rankings, R\. J Thus: ETn > T (8) The equality holds when agreement in rank structures is identical among groups. The inequality holds otherwise. Thus, the difference, ETn - T-j , is an appropriate measure of difference in rank structure between groups. Difference Test From equation 7, ET - T = (\2y, E B E (R. - R.)2, n J(J+1) n n j jn j E-4 When B 1s large 1s distributed normal with mean 1/2(J+1) and variance (J+l)(J-1)/l2 B. When Bn 1s large R^n is distributed normal with mean 1/2(J+1) and variance (J+l)(J-1)/12 B . The covarlance between Ff. and R. n J jn 1s (J+l)(J-l)/12 B. Thus, the difference, Rjn - Rj is normally distributed with mean zero and variance [(J+l )(J-l )/12](^- - h. Rewriting equation 9 n we obtain: ZTn ' T = V" I (~BJ1) Z. C(J+l)(J-l) , 1 1 1 > (*jn'*j)2] n J ^Bn " B ' where the term in braces 1s a squared unit normal variate. Adjusting equation 10 for structural dependencies we can show that ET - T is a chi square variable with degrees of freedom (N-l)(J-l). The ratios (J-l)/J and (B-Bn)/B take account of the dependencies in the squared unit normal variables. Thus, the difference measure which indicates the degree of difference in ranking among groups has statistical properties and can be used to test the null hypothesis. Hq: Rjn = R", V j,n (11) Conclusion The Index ETn - T defined in equation 9 provides an intuitive and statistical measure for the existence of differences in the ranks between a priori designated groups. The ease of computation of this index suggests its potential usefulness as a tool for screening market segments subject to tests which confirm its relationship to differences identified 1n model estimation. E-5 REQUEST FOR FEEDBACK TO The DOT Program Of University Research DOT/RSPA/DPB-50/79/39 - "A METHOD FOR UNDERSTANDING AND PREDICTING DESTINATION CHOICES" - D0T-0S-40001 YES NO CD CD Did you find the report useful for your particular needs? If so, how? CD CD Did you find the research to be of high quality? D □ Were the results of the research communicated effectively by this report? CD CD Do you think this report will be valuable to workers in the field of transportation represented by the subject area of the research? CD CD Are there one or more areas of the report which need strengthening? Which areas? □ CD Would you be interested in receiving further reports in this area of research? If so, fill out form on other side. 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