Corrections to C. 46. M. 23. 1928. IX, [C.P.D. 107.] Geneva, March 14th, 1928. LEAGUE OF NATIONS Preparatory Commission for the Disarmament Conference. CORRECTIONS TO THE DRAFT DISARMAMENT CONVENTION SUBMITTED BY THE DELEGATION OF THE UNION OF SOCIALIST SOVIET REPUBLICS At the request of the delegation of the Union of Socialist Soviet Republics, Article 41 of the Draft Convention submitted by that delegation should be replaced by the following text: Article 41. With a view to protection at sea, the waters of the globe shall be divided into sixteen zones, as enumerated below. List of Zones of Protection. Number of zone I. Name of zone Baltic Sea. 2. North Sea. Boundaries of zone The whole zone of the Baltic Sea, includ¬ ing the Cattegat and the Skager Rack. The zone is bounded on the west by Longitude 8° E. of Greenwich. This zone (beginning with the north) is bounded by: Latitude 70o N. from Longitude 40 W. of Greenwich to the west coast of Norway; The west and south coast of Norway as far as Longitude 8° E. of Greenwich; Meridian as far as its intersection with the German coast; The German, Dutch, Belgian and French coasts as far as Cape St. Ma¬ thieu; The line joining this cape to the Lizard; The south and then the east coast of Great Britain as far as Longitude 40 W. of Greenwich; This meridian as far as Latitude 70o N. States responsible for protection in a given zone S.d.N. 1.625 (F.) 1.200 (A.) 3/28. Imp. Kundig. Publications of the League of Nations IX. DISARMAMENT. 1928. IX. 5. Erratum. Number of zone 3. Name of zone Eastern Section of the Arctic Ocean. Boundaries of zone This zone is bounded (starting from the north) by: Longitude 170o W. of Greenwich from the North Pole as far as the intersection of that meridian with Latitude 66° 30' N.; This parallel as far as the coast of the Union of Socialist Soviet Republics; The coasts of the Union of Socialist Soviet Republics, Finland and Norway as far as Latitude 70o N; This parallel as far as Longitude 40 W. of Greenwich; This meridian as far as the North Pole. States responsible for protection in a gr zone 4. Western Section of This zone is bounded (starting from the the Arctic Ocean. north) by: Longitude 40 W. of Greenwich from the North Pole to the intersection of the meridian with Latitude 60o N.; That parallel to its intersection with the east coast of Canada; The east and north coasts of Canada and Alaska as far as Latitude 66° 30'; That parallel to its intersection with Longitude 170o W. of Greenwich; That meridian as far as the North Pole. 5. Mediterranean The whole zone of the Mediterranean; Sea. It is bounded on the north-east by the line Sed-El-Bahr - Kum-Kaleh; On the south-east by the north entrance of the Suez Canal; On the west by the line joining Cape Spart el and Cape Trafalgar. 6. North-East Section This zone is bounded (starting from of the Atlantic the north) by: Ocean. Latitude 60o N. from Longitude 30o W. of Greenwich to Longitude 40 W. of Greenwich : This meridian to its intersection with the north coast of Great Britain ; The north and west coasts of Great Britain as far as the Lizard; The line joining the Lizard and Cape St. Mathieu; The west coast of Europe as far as Cape Trafalgar; The line joining Cape Trafalgar and Cape Spartel; The west coast of Africa to the Equator ; The Equator to Longitude 30o W. of Greenwich; That meridian as far as Latitude 6o° N. Ó - Number of zone 7- Name of zone North-West Section of the Atlantic Ocean. Boundaries of zone This zone is bounded (starting from the north) by: Latitude 6o° N. from the east coast of Canada to Longitude 30o W. of Greenwich; This meridian as far as the Equator; The Equator as far as the east coast of South America ; The east coast of South America, Central America and North America as far as Latitude 60o N. for protection in a gf zone 8. South-East Section This zone is bounded (starting from the of the Atlantic north) by: Ocean. The Equator from Longitude 20o W. of Greenwich to the west coast of Africa; The west coast of Africa as far as Cape Agulhas (Longitude 20o E. of Green¬ wich) ; This meridian as far as the South Pole; Longitude 20o W. of Greenwich from the South Pole to the intersection of this meridian with the Equator. 9. South-West Section This zone is bounded (starting from the of the Atlantic north) by: Ocean. The Equator from the east coast of South America to Longitude 20o W. of Greenwich ; This meridian as far as the South Pole; Longitude 70o W. of Greenwich from the South Pole as far as the inter¬ section of this meridian with the south coast of Tierra del Fuego; The south and east coasts of Tierra del Fuego and South America as far as the Equator. 10. Black Sea. The whole zone of the Black Sea, including the Sea of Marmora. The zone is bounded on the south¬ west by the line Sed-el-Bahr - Kum- Kaleh. 11. Northern Section of The boundaries of this zone are (start- the Indian ing from the north-west) : Ocean. The South entrance of the Suez Canal; The west, south and east coast of Arabia and the south coast of Asia, as far as the north entrance of the Malacca Straits; The west coast of Sumatra and the south coasts of the islands of Java, Sumbawa, Flores and Timor as far as the eastern extremity of the island of Timor; A line drawn from the eastern extre¬ mity of the island of Timor to Cape Londonderry (Australia) as far as Latitude ii° S.;. Along this parallel as far as the east coast of Africa; The east coast of Africa as far as the south entrance of the Suez Canal. 4 — Number of zone 12. Name of zone Southern Section of the Indian Ocean. Boundaries of zone This zone is bounded (starting from the north) by: Latitude n° S. from the east coast of Africa to a line drawn from the eastern extremity of the islands of Timor to Cape Londonderry (Aus¬ tralia) ; This iine as far as Cape Londonderry (Australia) ; The west and south coasts of Austra¬ lia as far as Longitude 143o E. of Greenwich ; Along this meridian as far as the South Pole; Longitude 20o E. of Greenwich from the South Pole as far as the south coast of Africa (Cape Agulhas); The south and east coasts of Africa as far as Latitude n° S. States responsible for protection in a gi zone 13. North-West Section This zone is bounded (starting from the of the Pacific north) by: Ocean. Latitude 66° 30' N. between the coast of the Union of Socialist Soviet Republics and Longitude 170o W. of Greenwich ; This meridian as far as the Equator; The Equator as far as Longitude 155o E. of Greenwich; This meridian as far as Latitude ii° S.; This parallel as far as the east coast of Australia; The north coast of Australia as far as Cape Londonderry; A line drawn from Cape Londonderry to the eastern extremity of the island of Timor; The north coast of the Sunda islands; Timor, Flores, Sumbawa, Java, and the east coast of Sumatra as far as the north entrance of the Malacca Straits ; The west, south and east coasts of the Malay Peninsula and south and east coasts of Asia as far as Latitude 66° 30' N. 14 North-East Section This zone is bounded by (starting from of the Pacific the north) by: Ocean. Latitude 66° 3o7 N. from Longitude 170o W. of Greenwich to the west coast of Alaska; The west coast of North, Central and South America as far as the Equator; The Equator as far as Longitude 170o W. of Greenwich; This meridian as far as Latitude 66° 30' N. Number of zone 15- Name of zone South-West Section of the Pacific Ocean. Boundaries of zone This zone is bounded (starting from the north) by: The Equator from Longitude 155o E. of Greenwich to Longitude 135o W. of Greenwich ; Longitude 135o W. of Greenwich as far as the South Pole; Longitude 143o E. of Greenwich from the South Pole to the south coast of Australia; The south and east coasts of Aus¬ tralia as far as Latitude n° S.; This parallel as far as Longitude 155o E. of Greenwich; This meridian as far as the Equator. States responsible for protection in a given zone l6. South-East Section of the Pacific Ocean. This zone is bounded (starting from the north) by: The Equator from Longitude 135o W. of Greenwich to the west coast of South America; The west coast of South America and the west and south coasts of Tierra del Fuego as far as Longitude 70o W. of Greenwich ; This meridian as far as the South Pole; Longitude 135o W. of Greenwich from the South Pole to the Equator. Note. Protection on inland seas washing the coasts of two or more States shall be fixed by special agreement between States.