A X ACT to construct a railroad from Alton, ttf j)Iadi son force Ytb. «7: county, to Spring field, in Sa ngamon kioantyV, c f ^47 ' 1 ; ' - ; "v ' Section 1. Be it enacted by the people of the State of Illi¬ nois, represented in, the General Assembly, That Robert Fer¬ guson, Simeon Ryder, Benjamin Godfrey, Thomas Clifford, Pr^se™sincorpo Robert Dunlap and William Martin, and their associates, successors and assigns, are hereby created a body corporate and politic, under the name and style of "The Alton and Sangamon Railroad Company," for the term of thirty years, Nameand st>le and by that name he, and they are hereby made capable in law and in equity to sue and be sued, plead and be im- Powers, pleaded, defend and be defended, in any court of law and equity in this State, or in any other place; to make, have and use a common seal, and the same to renew and alter at pleasure, and shall be and are hereby, vested with all the powers, privileges and immunities which are or may be necessary to carry into effect the purposes and objects of this act as hereinafter set forth, and the said company are hereby authorized and empowered to locate, construct and finally complete a railroad from the city of Alton, 011 the Mississippi river, in Madison county, by the way of Carli 11-To finish road, ville, in Macoupin county, Aew Berlin, in Sangamon county, to the city of Springfield, in the county of Sangamon, and for this purpose said company are authorized, upon the most eligible and proper route, to lay out their said rail¬ road wide enough for a sinodo or double track through the o o o whole length, and for the purpose of cutting embankments, stone and gravel, may take as much more land as may be necessary for the proper construction of and security of said railroad. Sec. 2. The capital stock of said company shall consist capital stock, of five hundred thousand dollars, and mav be increased to one million of dollars, to be divided into shares of one 9 ' )Irectors. LJresi lient. hundred dollars cacli. Tlie immediate government and direction of said company shall he vested in live directors, who shall he chosen by the stockholders of said company in the .planner hereinafter provided, who shall hold their offices for oiie year after their election, and until others shall be . duly elected and qualified to take their places as directors; and'the said directors (a majority of whom shall form a quorum for the transaction of business), shall elect one of their number to be the president of the company. That said board/if directors shall have power to appoint all necessary clerks, secretary, and other officers necessary in the transaction of the business of said corporation. Alake survey, Proviso. Sec. -3. The said corporation is hereby authorized, by their agents, surveyors and engineers, to cause sucli examin¬ ation and surveys to be made of the ground and country between said city of Alton and Springfield as shall be nec¬ essary to determine the most advantageous route for the «/ O proper line or course whereon to construct their said rail¬ road, and it shall be lawful for said company to enter upon and take possession of, and use all such lands and real estate as may be necessary for the construction and main¬ tenance of their said railroad: Provided, that all lands or real estate entered upon and taken possession of, and used hy said corporation for the purposes and accommodations of said railroad, or upon which the site for said railroad shall have been located or determined by the said corporation, shall be paid for by said company in damages, if any be sustained by the owner or owners thereof by the use of the same for the purpose of said railroad, and all lands entered upon and taken for the use of said corporation, which are not donated to said company, shall be paid for by said cor¬ poration at such price as may he mutually agreed upon by the said corporation and the owner or owners of such land, and, in case of disagreement, the price shall be estimated, fixed and recovered in the manner provided for taking lands for the construction of public roads, canals, or other public works, as prescribed by the act concerning right of way, approved March 3, 1845. 3 Sec. 4. If any person shall wilfully, maliciously, or wan- . . *11 -'i /• (Obstructing nr tonly and contrary to law, obstruct the passage oi any car injUri)lg roaci, on said railroad, or any part thereof or anything belonging 7 1 *> CT1 O Co thereto, or shall damage, break or destroy any part of the said railroad, or implements, or buildings, he, she or they, or any person assissting, shall forfeit and pay to said com¬ pany for eyery such offense, treble the amount of damages that shall he proved before any competent court has been r ^ , sustained, and be sued for in the name and behalf of said company, and such offender or offenders shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor, and shall be liable to an indict- O «/ / nient, in the same manner as other indictments are found in anv county or counties where such offense shall have been committed, and upon conviction, eyery such offender shall be liable to a fine not exceeding five thousand dollars, for the use of the county where such indictments may be found. t/ %/ Sec. 5. The time of holding the annual meeting of said o O company, for the election of directors, shall be fixed and Amnril meclmg determined by the by-laws of said company; and at all meetings each stockholder shall be entitled to a vote in person or lawful proxy; one vote for each share of stock he, she or they may hold bona fi'dc in said company. Sec. 6. The persons named in the first section of this act are hereby appointed commissioners, who, or a majority C('nuniylcu,crs " x L 77 •' '' for subscrip- of whom, are hereby authorized to open subscription books turns, for said stock, at such places as they may deem proper, and shall give at least thirty days' notice of the time and place # '1 ime and places. when and where such books will be opened, in, some news¬ paper printed in the city of Springfield, Alton and Saint Louis, and shall keep said books open until the whole of said capital stock shall he taken. Said commissioners shall require each subscriber to pay live dollars on each share sub¬ scribed at the time of subscribing. The said commissioners Amuunt ,ld' shall call a meeting of the stockholders, by giving thirty days' notice in some newspaper printed in the county of Madison, and at such meeting it shall he lawful to elect the directors of said company, and when the directors of said company are chosen, the said commissioners shall deliver said sub¬ scription books, with all sums of money received by them P •J-Xf jy, {■ r f"V?\ y--. rv,.— ' £ J fl A ! 35-0(1 4 jim commissioners, to said directors. Xo person shall he a director in said company unless lie shall own at least ten shares of the capital stock. Sec. 7. That the right of way, and the real estate pur-. Kighto way. for tho right of way hy said company, whether by mutual agreement or otherwise, or which shall become the property of the company by operation of law, as in this act provided, shall, upon the payment of the amount of money belonging to the owner or owners of said lands, as a com¬ pensation for the same, become the property of said com¬ pany in fee simple. Sec. 8. The said corporation may take and transport upon said railroad, any person or persons, merchandise or other property, by the force and power of steam or animals, or any combination of them, and may fix, establish, take and Toils. receive such rates of toll for all passengers and property trans¬ ported upon the same, as the directors shall, from time to time, establish; and the directors are hereby authorized and 7 7 «/ empowered to make all necessary rules, by-laws, regulations and ordinances that they may deem necessary and expedient, to accomplish the designs and purposes, and to carry into effect the provisions of this act, and for the transfer and assignment of its stock, which is hereby declared personal property, and transferable in such manner as shall be pro-1 vided by the by-laws and ordinances of said corporation. .. , Sec. 9. The directors of said company, after the same is r urthcr powers. l ' organized, shall have power to open books, in the manner prescribed in the sixth section of this act, to fill up the additional five hundred thousand dollars of stock, or anv 7 %j part thereof, at such times as they may deem it for the interest of said company, and all the installments required to be paid on the stock originally to be taken, and what may be taken to increase said capital, shall be paid at such times and in such sums as said directors may prescribe. death of officers; Sec. 10. In ease of the death, resignation, or removal to fiii vacancy. ()p pq0 president, vice president, or any director, at any time between the annual elections, such vacancy may be filled, for the remainder of the year, whenever they may happen, by the board of directors; and in case of absence of the 5 president and vice president, the hoard of directors shall have power to appoint a president pro tempore, who shall have and exercise such powers and functions as the by-laws of the said corporation may provide. In case it should at any time happen that an election shall not he made on any day on which, in pursuance of this act, it ought to be made, the said corporation shall not for that cause he deemed dis¬ solved, hut such election shall he held at anv other time 7 f directed bv the bv-laws of said corporation. V v 1 Reg. 11. That when the lands of any femes covert, persons Lands ofinfaius under age, von compos mentis, or out of this State, shall he &c- taken in the construction of said railroad, as is provided by this act, the said corporation shall pay the amount that shall be awarded as due to the said last mentioned owners, respectively, whenever the same shall he lawfully demanded, together with six per cent, per annum. That to ascertain the amount to he paid to the persons named in this section for lands taken for the use of said corporation, it shall he the duty of the Governor of this State, upon notice given to him by the said corporation, to appoint three com¬ missioners, to he persons not interested in the matter to he determined by them, to determine the damages which the owner or owners of the land or real estate, so entered upon by the said corporation, has or have sustained by the occu¬ pation of the same, and it shall he the duty of said com¬ missioners, or a majority of them, to deliver to said corporation a written statement of the award or awards they shall make, with a description of the land or real estate appraised, to he recorded by the said corporation in the clerk's office of the countv in which the land or real # estate so appraised shall he, and then the said corporation shall he deemed to he seized and possessed of the fee simple of all such lands or real, estate as shall have been approved by the said commissioners. Sec. 12 That whenever it shall he necessary for the con- Crossing roads •/ struction of said railroad to intersect or cross anv water andbndses- course, or any road or highway, lying between the points aforesaid, it shall be lawful for the corporation to construct their railroad across or upon the same: Provided that the 6 corporation shall restore the water course, or road, or high¬ way, thus intersected, to its former state, or in a sufficient manner not to have impaired its usefulness. •t , t ,k . Sec. 13. That the capital stock of said company mav be crease 1. increased from five hundred thousand dollars to one million of dollars, from time to time, by new subscriptions, if such increase shall be found necessary to fulfill the intention of this act, upon the directors for the time being, giving the notice, as herein required, previous to opening the subscrip¬ tion books for the original stock herein, and that all stock of said corporation shall be deemed personal property, and transferable in such manner as the said corporation shall, by its by-laws, prescribe. Money paid. Sec. 14. That it shall be lawful for the directors to require payment of the sums subscribed to the capital stock at such times, and in such proportions, and on such con¬ ditions as they shall deem fit, under the penalty of the forfeiture of all previous payments thereon, and shall give Notice. notice of the payments thus required, and of the place and time when and where the same are to be paid, at least ninety days previous to the payment of the same, in some public newspaper of this State, published in someone of the cities where the notice for the opening the books for sub¬ scription to the capital stock may have been published. Width' of road. Sec. 15. The width of said railroad is to be determined by the said corporation, within the limits prescribed by the tirst section of this act. To use other ^ec. 1(1. That said corporation shall be, and they are works of State, hereby, authorized, if they should deem it proper, to take and right ofamj appr0priate iu the construction of said railroad, the work and materials, or so much of the western division of the Alton and Mt. Carniel railroad as extends from the public landing in the city of Alton, to the junction of said railroad with the Alton and Slielbvville Railroad, and so much of the work and labor as has been done by the State upon the said Alton and Slielbvville Kailroad, as extends from the junction aforesaid, toward its contemplated inter¬ section with the Central Railroad, so far as they may deem proper, and also to use the right of way now owned by the k i State on the lines of the said Alton and Mt. Carmel, and the Alton and Shelbyville Railroads, so far as said company may deem it advisable to use said right of way. That if said fight of way, and said labor and materials, shall he nsed by said corporation, the same shall be valued by two persons, one to he selected by the Governor, and the other Tobe valued by by the said corporation, and the price thereof paid to the State in State indebtedness. Upon said payment being Paid for made in State indebtedness, the said right of way, and the said work and labor, shall be vested in said corporation as fully and completely as said right of way and said work and labor is now vested in the State. Seg. 17. The said corporation may also connect the said To connect with railroad, contemplated by this charter, with the Xortliern other roads. Cross Railroad, at Xew Berlin, in Sangamon county, and use so much of said Cross Railroad, between Jacksonville and Springfield, as they shall deem necessary. Said corporation paying to the State, or any company that may purchase said Cross Railroad, such sum for the use of said Cross Rail¬ road as may he used, such sum as the parties in interest, for the time being, may agree upon; the corporation and the said company who may purchase said Cross Railroad paying a proportional amount for repairs on said Cross Railroad, Pay for repairs- and in case of disagreement as to the price to be paid by this company for the use of said Cross Railroad, or for the repairs thereon, the Judge of the Circuit Court of Sangamon county, sitting as chancellor, shall decide upon the judge of Circuit amount to be paid, on petition to be tiled bv either party in L'ourt „to be 1 7 *■ «/ j. t/ chancellor. interest, which petition shall he proceeded in according to the rules and practice that govern chancery proceedings. Sec. 18. That in using the west end of said Alton and ri i ri *i i i i • ■ *in i Provisionally Alt. Carmel Railroad by this corporation, it shall not be so ciaiise. used by said corporation as to deprive the proprietors of the Alton and Mount Carmel Railroad, in the event of the State relinquishing said Alton and Mount Carmel Railroad to the ' original company, from the free use thereof, by paying to this corporation such sum therefor as may be agreed upon ; and in case of disagreement as to price, the matter shall he referred to the Judge of the Madison Circuit Court, in the 8 same manner as is provided for referring a similar matter to the Judge of the Sangamon Circuit Court, as provided for in section seventeen of this act. Privilegeofstate Sec. 19. Tliat the State of Illinois, when it may here¬ to purchase road ^fter wish to use any part of the State works that may he appropriated to this corporation by this act, it may do so by allowing said corporation a fair compensation for the use of said public works, and in case of disagreement, the matter shall be referred to the Judge of the Sangamon Circuit Court, to be proceeded in the same manner as provided in section seventeen of this act. Sec. 20. This act shall be in force for the period of forty years, and said company shall commence said work within three years, and complete the same within ten years from the passage of this act. Approved Februarv 27, 1847. «j 1 ^1AT ACT to amend the vhavter of the Alton and Sanyatnon liaitroad Company. Section 1. Be it enacted by the 'people of the State of aIllinois, represented in the (fen oral Assembly, That the president and directors of the Alton and Sangamon Railroad Com- pany are hereby authorized to change the route of their railroad, so as to construct their road on the most direct and eligible route from Carlinville to Springfield, anything in their charter to the contrary notwithstanding: Provided,' the subscribers residing west of the line adopted by the company, between the point of divergence from the old line and Springfield, may be released from their subscription to stock in said company, and the refunding by said company the amount paid by such subscribers. Sec. 2. This act to take effect from and after its pas¬ sage. Approved Jan. 29, 1851. J ii force Jan. ?9, 1851. 9 AN ACT entitled an act to extend the Alton and Sang a- In force Feb. ir, mon Hailroad Company9 incorporated February 27, l851' 1S47. Section 1. Be it enacted by the people of the State of Ill¬ inois, represented in the General Assembly, That the Alton and Sangamon Railroad Company, incorporated by an act entitled "An act to construct a railroad from Alton, in ... ,, Extension of Madison county, to Springfield, in Sangamon county," road authorized approved February 27, 1847, be and are hereby authorized to extend their said railroad, and to construct an extension of the same from Springfield, in Sangamon county (upon the most eligible route), to Rloomington, in McLean county, and for the purposes of such extension said Alton and Sangamon Railroad Company shall be and are hereby declared to possess all the powers, and be subjet to all the powers, restrictions contained in the original act of incorporation, and the acts amendatory of the same. Sec. 2. The said Alton and Sangamon Railroad Com-1 ncrease of capi- pany, for the purposes of carrying into effect the provisions tal stock' of the foregoing section, shall have power to increase their capital stock not exceeding one million of dollars. Sec. 3. Unless said extension shall be commenced within Commencement of extension. two years and completed within six years from the passage of this act, the benefits and provisions of this amendatory act shall be forfeited. Approved February 11, 1851. AN ACT to provide for the construction of the Veoria and r , v , 1 ' In force Feb. 17, Fch'in branch of the Alton and Sangamon Failroad. i85I Section 1. Be it enacted by the people of the State of Illi¬ nois, represented in the General Assembly, That the Alton and Sangamon Railroad Company, incorporated by an act enti-Branch-' tied "An act to construct a railroad from Alton, in Madison county, to Springfield, in Sangamon county," approved February 27, 1847, be and are hereby authorized to lay out and construct a branch of their said railroad, from the most eligible point in the extension of said Alton and Sangamon & 10 Kail road from Springfield to Bloomington, through Pekin, in Tazewell county, to Peoria, in Peoria county, and for the purposes of such extension said Alton and Sangamon Rail¬ road Company shall he and are hereby declared to possess all the powers, and he subject to all the restrictions, con¬ tained in their-original act of incorporation and the acts amendatory of the same. Sec. 2. The said Alton and Sangamon Railroad Com- Increase of capi- . e , tai stock. pany, tor the purpose of carrying into ettect the provisions of the foregoing section, shall have the power to increase their capital stock, not exceeding live hundred thousand dollars; also, to increase the number of their directors, not exceeding four, in addition to those already provided for. Sec. 3. Previous to the commencement of the construc¬ tion of said branch, there shall be elected two additional directors, one of whom shall be a citizen of Pekin, in Taze¬ well county, and one of whom shall be a citizen of Peoria, in Peoria county. «y Sec. 4. Unless said branch shall be commenced within ami completion, two years and completed within four years from the passage of this act, or in case the Alton and Sangamon Railroad Company fail to commence and complete the construction of the extension of their railroad from Springfield to Bloomington within three years, the powers conferred by Forfeiture. this act shall become forfeited. Aim*roved February 17, 1851. Additional directors. Commencement jn force June to ^ ^ ACT to change the name and further amend the 1852. charter of the Alton and Sanf/a rnon Ha it road Compani/. Section 1. Be it enacted by the people of the Nate, of Illi¬ nois, represented in the General Assembly, That the Alton Authority to and Sangamon Railroad Company, incorporated by an act entitled "An act to construct a railroad from Alton, in Madison county, toi Springfield, in Sangamon county, approved February 27, 1847, be and are hereby authorized to extend their said railroad from the termination of the extend. I 11 extension of the said Alton and Sangamon railroad from Springfield to Blooniington, in McLean county, from Blooniington, by the most eligible route, to connect with the Chicago and Rock Island Railroad at a point upon said Chicago and Rock Island Railroad, not west of Ottawa, in LaSalle county, nor east of Joliet, in AVill county; and for *. J » * * the purpose of such extension, said Alton and Sangamon Railroad Company shall be and are hereby declared to pos¬ sess all the powers and be subject to all restrictions, con¬ tained in the original act of incorporation, and acts amend¬ atory of the same. The said company shall have the option to extend their said railroad from said town of Blooming- tou to the citv of Chicago, by way of Joliet, in AVill county, O * •/ #' / %■ ' upon the most direct and practicable route, if said company •shall so desire; but if said company construct said railroad to Chicago, it shall not connect with any railroad running O 7 « O east, to the State of Indiana, north of Ottawa, until after said road shall touch the limits of said city of Chicago. Said company are hereby expressly prohibited from con¬ necting with any road running east, out of this State, or any branch running east out of the State, from any point north of Ottawa, except and only through Chicago, and all right to any such eastward connection or branch leading 'east from any point north of Ottawa, except through Chi¬ cago, is withheld from and expressly denied to said com¬ pany: Prodded ^ hoincrer, the prohibition above named shall Proviso, not prevent said company crossing any railroad between Blooniington and Chicago. Sec. 2. The name of said company is hereby changed Namc chal , and declared henceforth to he "The Chicago and Missis- C1 sippi Railroad Company," and by and under that name said corporation shall be henceforth known and have its corpo¬ rate existence, and hold and be possessed of all the rights, 1 lowers and privileges granted to the Alton and Sangamon Railroad Company, in the original charter of said company, as also under the amendments made to said charter, and shall he and become vested with all the property and estate of every kind whatsoever vested in the name of said Alton and Sangamon Railroad Company, aiid become liable to all 12 the restrictions, contracts and obligations made or incurred in their original name; and all suits now pending' or liabil¬ ities accrued, or agreements made in said original name, shall proceed or continue to be enforced without any delav -L y %) • on account of said alteration, upon tlie suggestion of the change of name being entered of record, in any court where any such agreements, liability or right may be now pending or hereafter sought to be enforced. The capital stock of Increase of stuck S aid company may be increased to such sum of money as may be deemed necessary to construct, finish and maintain Proviso. said extension: Prodded, however, that the entire capital stock of said company shall not exceed three millions five hundred thousand dollars; and said company shall have authority to increase the number of their directors, not exceeding four, in addition to those already provided for. Union with other Sec. 3. It shall be lawful for the said company to unite roads. with any other railroad company which may have been, or may hereafter be incorporated by this State, and to grant to any such company the right to construct and use any portion of the road authorized to be constructed by any of the amendments of the original charter of the Alton and Sangamon Railroad Company, thereto made or to be made, upon such terms as may he mutually agreed upon between the said companies, and the said Chicago and Mississippi Railroad Company shall have power to take, use and make arrangements for the transportation of freight and passen- Construction of gers, carried or to be carried upon said railroad, or other- wts wise, from Alton to St. Louis, Missouri, and for* this purpose to construct, own and use such boat or boats as may be necessary. Sec. 4. That previous to any application beiim made to Notice of pro- L , . ceedings to con- the. Governor for the appointment of commissioners, as demn lands. provided in the eleventhSection of the original charter to which this is an amendment, it shall be the duty of the commissioners to ffive notice to those interested in the land O over which the said railroad company desires to obtain the right of way; which notice shall be in writing, specifying the time when such application is to be made to the Gov- 1 JO ernor, and shall he served upon the owners and those inter- r ested in said land, hy the commissioners of said company, or by any sheriff or constable of the county in which said «y «/ «■ persons reside, in the same way as service of process in chancery: Prodded, said owners, or those'interested, are prov;50. residents of the State of Illinois, or in case said owners, or those interested, shall be non-residents of the State of Illi¬ nois, then sncli notice may be given by publication in a p ublii ation newspaper published in the county where said lands lie, or' in case there is no newspaper published in the county, then in the nearest newspaper published in this State. Said pub¬ lication shall contain the names of the parties interested in said lands, the description of the lands, and the time when application is to be made to the Governor for the appoint¬ ment of commissioners, as aforesaid, and shall be made for four successive weeks, the first of whieli shall be made at least thirty days before said application is to be made. Sec. 5. That copies of all papers, books or proceedings whatsoever, or parts thereof, appertaining to the t ran sac- cr"c C°Pe* tions of said railroad company, or to the proceedings heretofore had in connection with the organization of the original company by the commissioners, or since had by said railroad.company, certified to be true copies by the clerk or keeper of the same, under the seal of said corporation, the said clerk or keeper also certifying that he is entrusted with the safe keeping of the originals of which he gives certified copies, shall be received as priaia facie evidence of the facts so certified, in all the courts of this iState, in any suit or proceedings pending before them, without any proof of the identity of said clerk or keeper of the original papers, books or proceedings, as aforesaid. 18ec. 6. For the purpose of facilitating the construction of the railroad authorized by this act, the said corporation is and shall be permitted to negotiate a loan or loans of, x ~ Loans. money to the amount of its capital stock, and to pledge all of its property, real and personal, and all of its rights, credits and franchises, for the payment thereof. Approved June If), 1852, * 14 A X A CT to ihci'cff se the capital stock and farther amend Tn f r<< let), ii, ijt(, r/(((rfrt. of Chicayo ait(f Mississippi lidit road Company, Section 1. Be it enacted by the people of the State of Illi¬ nois, represented, in the General Assembly, That the Chicago increase capitalMississippi Railroad Company, incorporated by an act stuck. entitled "An act to construct a railroad from Alton, in Madison county, to Springfield, in Sangamon county,1' a])proved February 27, 1847, and the acts amendatory, approved January 20, and February 11, 1851, and June 10, 1852, be and arc hereby authorized to increase their capital stock to such sum, not exceeding eight million dollars, as inav be deemed necessary to carry out, maintain and exe- « i » ' cute the duties and powers contained in their original act of incorporation, and the acts amendatory of the same. Sec. 2. This act to take effect and he in force from and after its passage. Approved February 11, 1855. In force Feb s 4 J A CT ftf rther to amend the charter of the Chicayo and 1854. JMississi jtpi Hail road Company. Section 1. Be it enacted by the people, of the State of Illinois, Dorrow money represented in the General Assembly, That the Chicago and Mississippi Railroad Company is hereby empowered to bor¬ row money, not exceeding in amount its capital stock, as authorized by law, for the purpose of completing its rail¬ road, and for laving down a double track oil the whole or 1 •/ iw1 a part thereof, and for completing' its buildings, fixtures and machinery, and supplying equipments for the road, or for paying any debts or liabilities heretofore incurred, or here¬ after to be incurred by said company, in the construction, completion or equipment of its road, or laying down a double track thereon, or otherwise incurred, or to be incur¬ red; and, for the purpose of borrowing such money, said Boius company may issue its corporate bonds or obligations, pay¬ able to order or bearer, on time, at any place within or without this State, bearing an interest not exceeding ten ' s 15 per cent, per annum, payable annually or semi-annually, and with or without authority therein to the holders respect¬ ively, at any time or times therein to be specified, to con¬ vert such bonds or obligations into the capital stock of said company at par; and said company is hereby authorized, to secure the payment of such bonds or obligations, or any part thereof, by one or more mortgages upon the property, real and personal, rights, credits and franchises of said com¬ pany, and to sell, dispose of or negotiate such bonds or obligations, either within or without this State, at such rates, for such prices, and on such terms as said company may determine, and all such sales or other negotiations of such bonds or obligations, or any of them, for a less amount than their par or nominal value, shall be as legal, valid and effectual, and as binding upon said company, as if they bad been sold or otherwise negotiated at their full par or nom¬ inal value. Sec. 2. The said company is hereby further authorized, guarantee stock for any of the purposes specified in the first section of this act, to 'create and issue shares of guaranteed stock, to be denominated "preferred stock," which, together with the other stock of the company, shall not exceed the amount of capital stock authorized by law, and which preferred stock shall be entitled to such rates of dividend or of interest, not exceeding ten per cent, per annum, payable out of the net earnings of said road, and to such preference or priority in the payment of dividends or of interest, not exceeding the rate aforesaid, out of the net earnings over the original or 7 o o other stock of said company, as the board of directors shall determine and prescribe, and as shall be approved by a majority in interest of the owners of the original or other stock of the company, represented at any annual meeting, or by the written consent of the owners of a majority in interest of such stock, filed in the office of the company, and all such guarantees, and any contracts in respect to * the dividends or interest to .be paid upon such "preferred stock," not exceeding the rate aforesaid, shall be legal and binding upon said company: Prodded, hoteceer, that tllisPl.ovis(J act, and nothing therein contained, shall be so construed as id to impair or affect tlie validity of any corporate bonds or obligations heretofore issued by said company, or the validity or lien of any mortgage or mortgages heretofore made or executed by said company, to secure the payment of such bonds or obligations; nor shall this act, nor any¬ thing therein contained, be so construed as to allow or permit said company to issue or have outstanding, at any time, its corporate bonds or obligations exceeding in amount the capital stock of said company, as authorized by law. Sec. 3. This act shall take effect and be in force from and after its passage. Approved Februarv 28, 1854. AN ACT to change the name and to amend the charter of in force Feb. 14, the Chicago and Mississippi Railroad Company, and l855, to authorize said com pant/, and the Relleville and llfi- noistown Railroad Company, and the Terre Hante and Alton Railroad Company, to make contracts and running arrangements with each other9 or to lease or buy the road of the said Roll evil I e and Illinoi storm Railroad Company, Section 1. Be it, enacted In/ the people of the State of Illi¬ nois, represented in the (fe.neral Assembly, That the name of th c said Chicago and Mississippi Railroad Company be and Namechnnge.i. is hereby changed and declared henceforth to be the "The Chicago, Alton and St. Louis Railroad Company;" and by and under that name said corporation shall be henceforth known and have its corporate existence, and hold and be possessed of all the rights, powers and privileges granted to "The Alton and Sangamon Railroad Company," in the original charter of said company, as also under all the amendments made to said charter, and shall be and become vested with all the property and estate of every kind wliat- * ever vested in the name of "The Alton and Sangamon Railroad Company," or in the name of "The Chicago and Mississippi Railroad Company," and become liable to all restrictions, contracts, bonds, mortgages and obligations made or incurred in their original name, or in the name of 1 "The Chicago and Mississippi Railroad Company f and all suits now pending or liabilities incurred, or agreements made in said original name, or in the name of "The Chi¬ cago and Mississippi Railroad Company," shall proceed and continue to be enforced without any delay 011 account of *J 1/ % said alteration, upon the suggestion of the change of name being entered of record in any court where any such suits, agreements, liabilities or rights may be pending or hereafter sought to be enforced. Sec. 2. The said company shall haye power and are power to extent! hereby authorized to extend their road from its present r°ad TVT ** x the road of the terminus in the city of Alton to the present terminus of th e Terre Haute Terre Haute and Alton Railroad in said city, and to unite anc,^UonRrul- •/ 7 road Company. with the, road of said last mentioned company, and to contract with and use the road of said Terre Haute and Alton Railroad Company from such point of union to the inter¬ section of said last mentioned road,with the road of the Belleville and Illinoistown Railroad Company, near Wood river, in Madison county, upon such terms and conditions as shall mutually be agreed upon by the said Terre Haute and Alton Railroad Company and the said Chicago, Alton and St. Louis Railroad Company ; or in case said companies shall not agree, then upon such terms as shall be fixed by in case of dn- disinterestcd persons, skilled and experienced in the man- agement of railroads, one to be named by each compan yg ested persons, and the two, in case of disagreement, to choose a third, whose decision shall be final, but neither company shall select a person objectionable to the other. Before said last mentioned extension shall be allowed, the said Chicago, Alton and St. Louis Railroad Company and the Terre Haute and Alton Railroad Company shall locate and establish a general union depot in said city of Alton, and keep and maintain the same. In case the said Terre Haute and Alton Railroad Coin-,, _ 'lerre Haute and pany shall not, within sixty days after being requested so Alton Railroad to do by the said Chicago, Alton and St. Louis Railroad Con,p™y- Co ' Company, execute and deliver to said last mentioned com¬ pany their consent in writing to the terms of this act, and also a contract authorizing them to use that part of the / 3 r* road of the said Terre Ilaute and Alton Railroad Company, between its present terminus in Alton and the said inter¬ section with the Belleville and Illinoistown Railroad, upon the terms contemplated by this act, then the said Chicago, Alton and St. Louis Railroad Company shall have the power and are hereby authorized to extend their said road and unite with the road of the said Belleville and Illinois- town Railroad Company, at or near Wood river, and at the y most convenient point, not exceeding four miles from the city of Alton. The said Belleville and Illinoistown Rail¬ road Company are hereby authorized to make running arrangements and contracts with the said Chicago, Alton and St. Louis Railroad Company and the Terre Haute and Alton Railroad Company, or either of them, and also to lease or sell to said last mentioned companies, or either of them, the whole or any part of their road, and the said last mentioned companies, or either of them, are authorized to make such contracts, lease or purchase of said Belleville and Illinoistown Railroad; but no such contract, lease or sale shall affect any contract heretofore made by either of said companies with the other. Sec. 3. The said Belleville and Illinoistown Railroad neiieviiie and in-Company shall have the right and are hereby authorized to inoistown Rail- _ n _ • i rn tt i roadcbmpany. contract with and use the road of the said lerre Haute and Alton Railroad Company from the intersection of said road, near Wood river, to the junction of the said Terre Ilaute and Alton Railroad Company with the road of the Chicago, Alton and St. Louis Railroad Company in Alton, and also to contract with and use the extension of the road of the Chicago, Alton and St. Louis Railroad Company,, from Alton to or near Wood river, or any part of the said exten¬ sion, if the same shall be built, as provided in the last sec¬ tion, upon such terms and conditions as shall mutually be agreed upon by said companies respectively, or in case said companies shall not agree, then upon such terms and con¬ ditions as shall, be fixed by disinterested persons, skilled and experienced in the management of railroads, one to be named by each company, and the two, in case of disagree- 19 merit, to select a third, whose decision shall he final; hut neither company shall select a person objectionable to the other. Sec. 4. The said Chicago, Alton and St. Louis Ihiilroad r>illsofexchange Company shall have power, for the purpose of paying its bonds, or the interest thereon, or anv debts due bv said company without the State, to purchase bills of exchange for remittance. This act shall take effect and he in force from and after its passage. Approved Feb. 14, 1855. A .Y ACT to incorporate the St. Louis9 Alton and Chicago in force Jan. 21, liailroad Company. 1857 Section 1. Be it enacted by the people of the State of Illi¬ nois, represented in the General Assembly, That Joel A. Mat- Purchasers, teson and Elislia C. Litchfield, and their associates, the purchasers of the property and franchises of the Chicago, Alton and St. Louis liailroad Company, embraced in the mortgage made by said company, 011 the 29th day of Janu¬ ary, 1856, to William Fullerton, Henry J. Brown and Edward Keating, trustees, he and they are hereby created a corporation, by the name of the St. Louis, Alton and Chi¬ cago Railroad Company, and as such shall possess the rights, powers and franchises usually possessed by such corporations, and also all the privileges, powers, rights and franchises at any time heretofore possessed by the Chicago, Alton and St Louis Railroad Company. Sec. 2. The business of the said corporation shall be managed by nine directors, and Joel A. Matteson, Hamilton minted.1™ Spencer, Samuel A. Buckmaster, Lorenzo P. Sanger, II. Eaton Goodell, John Wilkinson, John Stryker, Elisha C. Litchfield and Ezekiel Morrison shall be the first directors Directors, thereof, and shall so continue for the term of three years, and until others are duly chosen in their place. In case at any time within said term of three years, any of the five 20 persons firstly above mimed as directors, sball die, become in case of va- incapacitated, or resign, tben tbe remainder of said five persons sball nominate a person who sball be the successor of the one so dying, becoming incapacitated, or resigning. In case any of the four persons lastly above named should within that time in like manner die or cease to act, then the remainder of sneli four persons shall nominate a person who shall be the successor of the one so dying, becoming incapacitated, or resigning. Thereafter the directors of said company shall be elected annually, by the stockholders, at such time and place as shall be fixed by the by-laws of the company. Sec. 8. The said corporation shall have power to issue Issue certificates . . certificates ot shares in the capital stock tnereot to an amount not exceeding the sum of three million live hun¬ dred thousand dollars, and to take and operate the railroad lately owned by the Chicago, Alton and St. Louis Railroad Surrender of Company, and also to accept a surrender of the lease of the said railroad, heretofore made to Hamilton Spencer, and now held by him or his assigns, upon such terms as may be agreed upon. To make valid Sec. 4. The said company shall have power to recognize, llcns- assume and make valid, the liens upon the said railroad, its property, real estate, franchises, rolling stock, fixtures and machinery and obligations, by way of mortgage made by said Chicago, Alton and St. Louis Railroad Company, prior to January 29, 1856; and all liens, bonds and mortgages, so assumed, shall thereby become and be in all respects legal and binding obligations upon the said Chi¬ cago, Alton and St. Louis Railroad Company, according to their respective tenor and effect, anything in the inception or circulation thereof to the contrary notwithstanding. J o Mortgages valid And all mortgages made or assumed by said company, upon licns- its rolling stock or personal property, shall be valid liens thereon, although not acknowledged, as is required by the statute touching the execution and recording of chattel o o mortgages. 21 Sec. 5. The said company shall have power to make, power to mort- deliver and secure by mortgage of its real and personal sage us real and v ~ ~ 1 personal estate. estate, and franchises, such bonds as it liiav deem necessary to capitalize, pay or discharge the floating debt, or such portion of the obligations of the Chicago, Alton and St. Louis Railroad Company as it may assume, and also to dis¬ pose of and sell such bonds for the nse of said company. Sec. 6. This act shall take effect and be in full force from and after its passage. Approved Jan. 21, 1857. AN ACT to incorporate the Chicago and Alton Railroad. . T. . , J '' In force Feb. i8, Company. lS6l Section 1. Be it enacted by the people of the State of Illi¬ nois, represented in the General Assembly, That James Robb, corporator*. Charles Moran, Adrian Iselin, fSTathan Peck, Louis Yon Hoffman, Lewis II. Meyer, Septimus Crookes, William B. Ogden, Jacob Bunn, J. J. Mitchell, Joseph P. White and E. M. Gilbert, be and are hereby constituted commissioners, with power to organize a corporation, to be styled " The Chicago and Alton Railroad Company," subject to all the conditions, franchises, rights and privileges conferred by this act. Sec. 2 That the commissioners named in this act, or a majority of them, shall, have power to acquire, for them- ^X^aLoad selves and their associates, by purchase, transfer or convex - property, ance, all and singular the railroad and all its property, real and personal, with the corporate rights, franchises, rights, privileges and effects, now or hereafter belonging to, or owned, or vested in the Alton and Sangamon Railroad Company, afterwards called the Chicago and Mississippi Railroad Company, and also the Chicago, Alton and St. Louis Railroad Company. 1 V Sec. 3. That whenever the commissioners named in this . Organization act shall have filed in the office of the Secretary of State and name. i I \ 00 evidence of their being in legal possession of tlie railroad and property described in tlie foregoing section of this act, together with aeertitieate of the Judge of the United States Circuit Court for the Northern District of Illinois, that the liens secured and pavments ordered to he made bv the i . X) decree or order of said court, entered of record on the thir¬ tieth /lay of November, a. d. 1859, and orders heretofore entered amendatory of, and supplemental to said decree, have been fully paid or otherwise settled, to the satisfaction of the parties interested therein, they, their successors, asso¬ ciates and assigns shall he and are hereby created a corpora¬ tion and body politic, by the name, style and title of " The Chicago and Alton Railroad Company;" and by that name and style shall have perpetual succession; and shall be capable in law of suing and being sued, to plead and be impleaded; to make and use a common seal, to alter and renew the same at pleasure; and to do and perform all such acts, and to make all such contracts, proper and necessary for the successful operation of the railroad referred to in this act; and such commissioners shall act as the first board of directors of said corporation, and shall elect from their body a president, who, with themselves, shall serve until their successors are appointed, as hereinafter provided. Sec. 4. That the chief office of said corporation shall be in the city of Chicago; and the board of directors named in this act shall serve until the first Monday in April, 1802, when an election of their successors shall be held in the city of Chicago, at the office of the corporation, under the control of three commissioners, appointed by the directors named in this act; and said election shall be preceded by thirty days' notice, published in one or more newspapers, printed in the cities of Chicago and New York. The said board shall be composed of seven directors, a majority of whom shall be citizens of the State of Illinois; each director shall be a bona fide stockholder and the owner of at least one hundred shares of the stock of the corporation. A failure to elect directors shall not dissolve the corporation, but the directors in office shall continue the exercise of their functions until a new board is duly elected; and any vacancy occurring", otherwise than by the limitation provided in this act, may he filled by a vote of members of said board continuing to act as such. Sec. 5. That the president and directors of said corpora- issuing of bonds, tion shall have power and are hereby authorized, in virtue of an agreement made, had and concluded, 011 the tenth day of January, a. d. 1860, in the city and State of Xew York, by and between the bondholders of the Chicago and Mississippi Railroad Company, and the Chicago, Alton and St. Louis Railroad Company, to issue first mortgage bonds, income bonds, preferred stock, and common stock; and a majority of the bondholders of the aforesaid corporations, who are parties to said agreement, may amend and alter its stipulations in any manner, not inconsistent with the pro¬ visions of this act: Provided, nevertheless, a certified copy of said agreement shall be recorded in the office of the Sec- retary of State of this State, previous to the issue of said first mortgage bonds, income bonds, preference stock and common stock. Sec. 6. That the president and directors of said corpo- Adjustment of ration shall have power to assume, compromise or adjust debts' any debts or liabilities of the corporations which held or controlled said railroad prior to its sale and purchase by the commissioners named in this act. 1 Sec. 7. That the president and directors of said corpo-First mortJ:acc. ration shall have power and are hereby authorized to create a first mortgage or lien upon its entire property, real and personal, and its franchises, rights and privileges, to secure the payment of its first mortgage bonds; and, the more effectually to secure said bonds, any purchaser or purchasers under said first mortgage or the railroad of said corporation and of its property, real, and personal, shall, in virtue of such purchase, and from the date thereof, shall be vested with al] the franchises, rights and privileges conferred by this act, with power to use, enjoy and maintain the same, as the successor or successors in office of the board of directors authorized and provided for in this act, and as fu ny as said board could do. >'f;e. 8. That the president and directors shall not have power to make or execute any mortgage, lien or deed of trust, except for the purposes authorized in section seven of this act; nor shall they issue or create any income bonds, preferred stock, or conpnon stock, except for the purposes as provided for in an agreement by and between the bond¬ holders of the Chicago and Mississippi Railroad Company and the Chicago, Alton and St. Louis Railroad Company, a duly certified copy of which shall be recorded in the ofHce of the Secretary of State of this State. stoci.. Sec. 9. That the capital stock of said corporation shall be represented by the preferred stock and common stock, as provided for in section eight of this act; but the same may be increased by the president and directors of said corporation, by and with the consent, in writing, of three- fourths of its stockholders. Debts and Habii- ^KC- ^"hat the president and directors of said corpo- nies. ration shall not have power to create any debts or liabilities, without the consent, in writing, of three-fourths of its stockholders, except those incurred for necessary supplies in operating said road, and as provided in the fifth section of this act. ~ leasing of other Sec. 11. That the president and directors of said cor- nuh-oad Pr°p-p0mtion, by and with the written consent of a majority of its stockholders, shall have power to acquire, by lease, pur¬ chase, or otherwise, any extension of its road necessary and proper to its .business; and all the property so acquired shall become part of the property of said corporation, and shall be as fully [subject] to the provisions of this act as if the same constituted part of the original purchase by said commissioners, hereinbefore named; and said corporation, hereby created, shall renew the Tease now subsisting between the Joliet and Chicago Railroad Company and James Robb and Charles Congdon, receivers of the St. Louis, Alton and Chicago Railroad, and upon such terms and conditions as may be agreed upon by and between the proper officers of said companies; and in case such officers shall bo unable to agree 011 such terms, then each of said 25 companies sliall appoint an arbitrator or referee, who shall bo disinterested persons; and in ease siieh arbitrators or referees shall be unable to agree, they shall appoint an umpire, whose award shall be final. Sec. 12. That at all meetings of stockholders of said,., . , . # _ ]'. lection by corporation, convened for the election of its directors, or stockholders. for other purposes, each holder or holders of its first mort- o-a^e and income bonds shall be entitled to votes corre- spending to the number of said bonds which he, she or they may hold at the time of holding said meetings: And, it is farther provided, that each and every share of stock of the corporation shall be entitled to one vote, at all meetings of its stockholders, and shall be voted in person or by proxy. Sec. 13. That the president and directors of said cor- L . Rates of trans- poration shall have power to do everything necessary to portatk-n. preserve and maintain its railroad property and effects, not inconsistent with the provisions of this act, and may pre¬ scribe by-laws for the government of its officers, fix the rates of toll in the transportation of freight and passengers over its railroad, and ordain rules and regulations for the division of its profits, and the mode and manner of keeping- books for the transfer of its stock. Sec. 14. That the president and directors of said cor¬ poration shall submit to a meeting of stockholders, to beAj™' statc" convened in the cities of Xew York or Chicago, one month \ before an election of directors, a complete statement of its operations for the preceding year; which shall be examined, with the accounts of said corporation, by a committee of three stockholders, appointed at said meeting, and who shall report, in writing, on the accounts and affairs of the corporation at the meeting convened to elect its directors. Sec. 15. That the filing or recording in the office of the Secretary of State of the State of Illinois, by the commis¬ sioners named in this act, or the survivors of them, of the certificates described and designated in the third section of this act, shall be construed as the assent of the parties in 4- 2(3 interest to tlieir act of incorporation, which shall take effect from and after the films* of said certificate. & Existing debts. Sec. 16. Xothing contained in this act shall alter or impair the existing rights of any creditor or creditors of the several corporations heretofore known as the Chicago and Mississippi Railroad Company, the Alton and Sangamon Railroad Company, the Chicago and St. Louis Railroad Company, and the St. Louis, Alton and Chicago Railroad Company, to prosecute and enforce against such corpora¬ tions any claim or demand whatever, either in law or equity, against such companies. Approved Februarv 18, 1861. •j 7 AN ACT to amend an act entitled "An act to incorporate in force Feb. 16, (jtiCago and Alt on liailroa d Companyapproved 1863 February IS, IS til. Time and place SECTION 1. Be it CMU'teil b]f the pCOplc of the State of llll- of annual meet - nois, represented in the General Assembly, That an annual meeting of the stockholders and of the bondholders of said corporation, entitled to vote under the provisions of the act- to which this is an amendment, shall be held in the city of Chicago, 011 the first Monday in April, in each and every year, after the passage of this act. Such meetingt shall be held in pursuance of such notice, and conducted in such manner, as the by-laws of said corporation may from tinifc to time prescribe. Sec. 2. That at the first annual meeting of the share Number of di- ^ . rectors. and bondholders of said corporation, held in pursuance of the provisions of this act, there shall be elected by the stockholders and voting bondholders of said corporation, so many directors of said corporation as shall, with the directors then in office, make the entire number of directors nine in all. Each director, so elected, shall be a bona fide stockholder in said corporation; and a plurality of the vote cast at such election shall be sufficient to elect. At least t 27 five of the nine directors of said corporation shall be citi¬ zens of the State of Illinois. Sec. 3. The board of directors of said corporation, at the three classes of lirst meeting thereof held after the election of the directors direLtu,b- provided for in section two of this act, shall be divided into three classes, in the manner following, that is to say: The names of three directors shall be drawn bv lot from the t/ whole number of directors; and the three directors whose names are so drawn, in manner aforesaid, shall be and con¬ tinue to serve as directors of the said company, for the term i>m of office, of three years from the date of the first annual meeting of the stockholders hereinbefore provided for. Trom the six directors remaining after the selection of the first three directors, whose names have been selected in the manner last aforesaid, shall, in like manner, be drawn by lot the "names of three of such remaining directors; and these three, so drawn, shall be and continue to serve as directors of said company, for the term of two years from the time of holding the first annual meeting of the stockholders hereinbefore provided for; and-the three directors then remaining, after the selection of the six directors, in man¬ ner aforesaid, shall be-and continue to serve as directors of said company, for the term of one year from the time of holding the first annual meeting of the stockholders here¬ inbefore provided for. Sec. 4. At each and every annual meeting succeeding annual elections t- o o the first, held in pursuance of the provisions of this act, there shall be elected bv the stockholders and voting bond- holders of the said corporation, three persons, each of whom shall be a bona fide stockholder in said company, who shall serve as directors of said corporation for the term of three years from the date of their election, in the room and stead of the three directors whose term of office shall have then expired, as provided by this act; and the directors so elected shall continue to serve as such until their successors are elected, chosen and qualified, in the manner aforesaid. Sec. 5. All vacancies occurring, from whatever cause, ° Vacancy. . m the board of directors, during the current year, between 28 Elections. Piesidcnt. (lie annual meetings for tlie election of directors, as herein¬ before provided, shall and may he tilled by and upon the vote and selection of a majority of the remaining or eon- tinning directors; and the person or persons so selected to till such vacancy or vacancies, so occurring, as aforesaid, shall he and continue to act as director or directors of said company, until the next annual meeting of the stockholders of said company, held as hereinbefore provided; but in no case shall any person he elected a director in said company, in pursuance of the provisions of this section, unless and until the name of such person shall have been submitted, in writing, to the hoard of directors, at least one week previous to the voting for and election of such person to be director, as aforesaid. Sec. e lield at its general office in the city of Chicago, as prescribed by the charter of the company, 011 the first Monday of April in each year. A notice of said meetings shall be signed bvtbe secretary, and published in one daily paper in the cities of Chicago and Xew York, at least ten davs before said day. ' t ARTICLE 1J. The president and board of directors may call special meetings of the stockholders and voting bondholders of the O O com])anv, which shall lie held at its general office in the city of Chicago, at such times as may be designated in the call ; and, in such case, it shall be the duty of the secretary of the company, at least ten days before the time fixed for holding said meeting, to mail to each stockholder and bond¬ holder entitled to vote, whose address he knows, a notice specifying the time and place of holding said special meet¬ ing, and, briefly, the subjects which will come before the meeting, if the same have been mentioned in the call ; and the secretary shall, also, cause to be published in one daily paper each, in the cities of Chicago and Xew York, at least ten days before the time of holding the meeting, a notice of like effect. 81 ARTICLE TIL ]>1 RECTORS' MEETIXOS. The board of directors of this company shall hold their regular meetings at its general office in the city of Chicago, on the second "Wednesdays of eachof the months of Feb- ruary, May, August, and Xovemher, in each year; and notice shall he given of all meetings, to members of the hoard, by mailing the same at least ten days prior to the time of holding such meetings; but in the case of a regular meeting, it shall not he necessary to specify the business to he transacted. A majority of the hoard shall constitute a quorum for the transaction of all business, and, in case there he no quorum present on the day fixed for the regular meeting, the members present shall have power to' adjourn the meeting from time to time, until a quorum he obtained, or to adjourn said meeting slve die. ARTICLE IV. The president of this company shall have power to call special meetings of the hoard whenever he deems it expe¬ dient so to do; and it shall he his duty to call special meetings of the hoard, whenever three Directors of the company shall request him in writing so to do, and shall state the object of such meeting. The secretary of the company shall mail to the address of each director, at least ten days before the time of holding any special meeting, a notice of the time and place of holding the same, and shall specify, briefly, the subjects which will come before such meeting. ARTICLE V. The president of this company shall preside over all meet¬ ings of the board at which he may be present, lie shall preserve order and regulate discussion according to parlia¬ mentary rules. In the absence of the president, the board of directors may elect one of their own number president ]>ro fan., to preside over their meetings, who, in such event, shall, for the purposes of that meeting-, lia've tlie same power herein granted to the president. AUTICLE VI. The order of business, at all meetings of the board of directors, shall be as follows: 1. Leading minutes of last meeting. O cw 2. Consideration of communications to the hoard. 3. Reports of officers of the board. 4. Reports-of standing or special committees. 5. Unfinished business. (j. Original resolutions and new business. ARTICLE Vir. POWERS AND DUTIES OF TIIE PRESIDENT. It shall be the duty of the president to exercise a general * supervision over the entire business of the company. The management of every department, and all the property of the company shall be under his control. The several offi¬ cers of the company will be responsible to him for the proper and faithful discharge of their several duties, and shall make such reports to him, touching the business of the company under their charge, as he may, from time to time, reopiire. lie shall have power to dismiss or suspend, for cause, any officer, agent, or employe of the company, whether appointed by the board of directors or otherwise, lie shall execute all bonds, contracts (except as hereinafter provided for), and promissory notes made by the company, which shall, also, be countersigned by the treasurer; and it shall be his duty to present to the board of directors, at each regular meeting, a report, briefly setting forth the nature of each contract signed and approved by him, since the last regular meeting of the board. O V / ARTICLE VIII. GENERAL SUPERINTENDENT AND HIS DUTIES. The business of conducting the transportation of freight and passengers, the charge of the property of the company, both real and personal, recpiired for the operation of its railway, shall be entrusted, subject to the approval of the president, to a general superintendent, who shall be elected bv the board of directors. He shall make all needful rules ij and regulations for the safe and speedy transaction of the business and traffic of the company, and for insuring the safe and efficient condition of the railway, its rolling stock and other appurtenances. lie shall have authority to exe¬ cute, in behalf of the company, all contracts for supplies and material, tools for shops and for all material necessary for the repair or renewal of the railway, structures, and rolling stock of the company, lie shall have power to modify and alter the rates of transportation for freights and passengers, from time to time, with the approval of the president, and shall appoint and remove all station agents, and ticket agents along the line of the railway, and such other officers and employes as may be necessary for the efficient conduct of the business entrusted to his care. ARTICLE IX. THE GENERAL FREIGHT AGENT. The general freight agent of the company shall receive Lis appointment from the general superintendent (subject to the approval of the president), and shall be subject to his orders and control. lie shall make, subject to the approval of the general superintendent, all special engagements and contracts for the transportation of freight, and shall adjust and fix tariffs and rates therefor, subject to the approval of the general superintendent. Station agents shall address to him all propositions for the transportation of freight at special rates, and shall make reports to him as often as he u may require, touching matters properly belonging to his department of the business of the company; and, in all questions in regard to the transportation of freight, shall be governed by.his instructions. ARTICLE X. THE CHIEF ENGINEER. * The chief engineer of the company shall be appointed b}T the general superintendent, subject to the approval of the president. lie shall have charge of, and be responsible for, the construction of all new work done, and shall superin¬ tend the maintenance of the roadway and all repairs and renewals done thereto, and the erection of all new struc¬ tures of every kind whatsoever. lie shall have charge ol the maps, profiles and plans belonging to the company, and shall make all needful surveys, plans and specifications which may be required from time to time. lie may, with the approval of the general superintendent, appoint such assistants as he shall require to perform the duties of his office; and shall keep an account of all expenditures for such objects, and of all materials used in the accomplishing the same. ARTICLE XI. SECRETARY AND TREASURER. The duties of secretary and treasurer of this company shall be performed by one and the same person, who shall receive his appointment from the board of directors. ARTICLE XII. THE SECRETARY AND HIS DUTY. The secretary shall attend all meetings of the board, whether regular or called. lie shall keep in a book pre¬ pared for that purpose, a true and fair record of the pro- o5 ceedings of said meetings, and shall have charge of all hooks, documents and papers which properly belong to his office, lie shall have the custody of the corporation seal, and shall attach the said seal to all documents which shall require sealing, and which have been approved by the president of the company. ARTICLE XIII. THE TREASURER AND HIS DUTY. The treasurer shall act as financial agent of the company, for the receipt and disbursement of its funds. He shall keep the moneys of the corporation with such banks or bankers as may be prescribed by the board of directors or the president. He will receipt for all moneys paid into said banks or bankers, or to him, for or on account of the com¬ pany. lie shall, unless prevented by sickness or disability, sign all checks drawn upon the banks or bankers for account of the company. lie shall have a general supervi¬ sion of the accounts of the corporation, and, with the approval of the president, the appointment of the necessary clerks in the accounting department; shall see that the books of account are kept in proper form and correctly, and will, in all cases, at once, upon discovering any delin¬ quencies in the account of any officer of the company, report the same, in writing, with the name of the delin¬ quent, to the president. He shall pay all vouchers which have received the approval of the president or general superintendent, or of any person duly authorized by the president to approve such vouchers; and he shall pay no vouchers which have not received such approval. He shall cause all vouchers which have been paid by him to be prop¬ erly distributed and duly filed away and preserved. lie shall furnish to the president, 011 or before the 25th of each month, a detailed statement of the receipts and expendi¬ tures of the corporation for the preceding month, and his books and papers shall at all times be open to the inspection of the president and of the hoard of directors. AKTICLE XIV THE PAYMASTER. The paymaster shall he appointed by the treasurer, sub¬ ject to the approval of the president. It shall be bis duty, on receiving the proper pay rolls, approved by the proper officer, to make his requisition upon the treasurer for the necessary funds to pay the same, which requisition shall be accompanied by the exhibition of the vouchers if required by the treasurer; and to make payment of the wages due to all employes of the company in such order as may be required by the treasurer. ITc shall take good and sufficient receipts for all moneys disbursed by him, and shall transmit all pay rolls paid by him to the treasurer of the company, accompanied bv accounts current dulv certified bv his sffi- 1 t/ V V V 1 nature. AKTICLE XV. THE GENERAL TICKET AGENT. The general ticket agent shall be appointed by the gen¬ eral superintendent, subject to the approval of the president, and his department will be conducted by rules and regula¬ tions prescribed by the general superintendent. AKTICLE XVI. THE DUTY OF THE AUDITOR. The auditor shall receive his appointment from the treasurer, subject to the approval of the president. lie shall examine and check the accounts of all the agents of the company along its line of railway, at least, as often as once in two 'months, and whenever he may be required to do so by the treasurer or the president, and shall, at once, report any deficiency or delinquency therein discovered to the treasurer; and he shall be governed, in his maimer of 37 i conducting such examinations, hv rules prescribed hv the o / * 1 treasurer, and shall carefully observe all instructions given him upon the subject by the treasurer. ARTICLE XVII. THE ATTORNEY AND HIS DUTIES. The attorney of the company shall receive his appoint¬ ment from the board of directors. lie shall be a member of the bar of the State of Illinois, in good and regular standing, and shall keep his office in the general office of the company in the city of Chicago. lie shall have charge of, and be responsible for, the legal business of the com¬ pany, and shall represent the corporation, whenever prac¬ ticable, in all suits at law or in equity to which the corpo¬ ration may be a party. lie shall, whenever requested so to do, give to any officer of the corporation his opinion upon any question affecting the interests of the company, and, in cases of accident, claim, or liability of any sort, shall inves¬ tigate the facts connected therewith, and determine the legal rights or responsibilities of the company. He shall advise tlffi proper officers of the corporation, in regard to all contracts to be executed, and, .whenever requested so to do, shall prepare such contracts and see that the same arc- properly executed. He shall conduct all proceedings for condemnation of right of way or additional depot grounds, and shall take steps to perfect all deficiencies in title by such proceedings as he may deem necessary, lie shall have all deeds and title papers duly recorded and briefly entered in a book kept for that purpose, and shall have the same, and all other muniments of title, placed safely among the archives of the company. lie shall have all contracts exe¬ cuted by the company duly recorded at large, in a book kept for the purpose, and shall see that the originals are safely preserved and kept among the archives of the com¬ pany. He shall have power, with the approval of the pres¬ ident, to employ associate counsel for the corporation, whenever important principles or great liabilities are the 38 subject of litigation; and, in cases in which it is impossible for him to he present at the trial of any cause, he may appoint local attorneys to represent the corporation, lie shall keep a docket containing a record of all suits in which the corporation are interested, which docket shall contain, in brief, all necessary information in regard to each case, and the same shall always he open to the inspection of the president. ARTICLE XVIII. OF THE EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE. The board of directors shall appoint annually an executive committee, consisting of three members of the board, of whom the president shall be one, and, cx officio, chairman. This committee shall possess and exercise all the duties and [towers of the board of directors during the intervals between the meetings of the board, subject, however, to the approval of the board of directors, upon report of their proceedings to the next meeting of the board. ARTICLE XIX. OF THE TRANSFER OF STOCK AND BONDS. Round books of certificates of stock, of the form and tenor of those now in use, signed in blank by the president and secretary, shall be placed in the custody of the regis¬ trar appointed by the board of directors of this company. The transfer agents appointed by the board of directors shall keep the books for the transfer of the stock and regis¬ tered bonds of this company, upon which all transfers of such stock and bonds must be made by the holder or hold¬ ers thereof, in person, or by his or their attorney duly con¬ stituted, in writing, in the following manner: The grantors or sellers of the stock shall, in person or by attorney, surrender their certificates to the transfer agents, and execute a proper form of transfer thereof to the grantee 39 or buyer. The transfer agents shall close the transfer hooks at two o'clock p. m., each day, cancel the surrendered certificates hy erasing the signatures of the president, sec¬ retary and transfer agents, only, and deliver said certificates to the registrar, and report to him the names of the grantees or buyers, and the number of shares transferred to each. The registrar, upon receiving such certificates and report, shall complete the cancellation of the surrendered certificates bv erasing the signature of the registrar, and shall then t/ O O O 7 register such transfer, and issue, in the names of the grantees or buyers, from the book of certificates in his eustodv, new certificates for a like number of shares, which %J ' 7 shall be countersigned by the registrar. The new certifi¬ cates, so issued, shall be returned to the transfer agents on the following morning, who shall also countersign and deliver them to the grantees, and take their receipts for the same. The transfer of registered bonds shall be made by the transfer agents, and entered upon bond registers kept by them, at the request of the holder, in the usual manner. The transfer agents shall make monthly reports to the secretary, or oftener if required by him, of all transfers of stock made by them, giving the dates of transfer, numbers of the certificates, numbers of shares and grantors' names of the surrendered certificates; and the numbers of the certificates, number of shares, dates, and grantees' names of the new certificates issued. The reports of bonds trans¬ ferred shall be made monthly, or oftener if required, giving the dates of transfer, number and denomination, and the grantors' and grantees' names. O O The registrar shall make similar monthly reports of the stock transferred and registered, to the secretary, and trans¬ mit therewith the surrendered and cancelled certificates therein described, as vouchers for the amount of stock transferred. 40 ARTICLE XX. MISCELLANEOUS. I Xo officer, agent or employe of the corporation shall engage in any other occupation, service, or husines of any kind whatsoever, unless by express permission of the president. ARTICLE XXI. i Every officer, agent, or employe of the company, whose duty it is to receive or disburse moneys of the company, shall enter into a bond, in an amount prescribed by the president, and with such sureties as he may approve, for thy faithful discharge of the duties of his office. Such bonds, when executed and approved, shall be placed in the keeping and charge of the treasurer, to be by him retained as security for the faithful discharge of the duty of said officer, except the treasurer, whose bond shall be lodged with the president. ARTICLE XXII. It shall be the duty of the president, secretary and treasurer, and general superintendent, to make to the board of directors, full reports of all matters pertaining to their respective offices, annually, at the first regular meeting of said board, in February of each year; and the board of directors may require of any officer of the corporation, at any time, to make such reports, touching the business ol his office, as it may deem expedient. ARTICLE XXIII. AMENDMENTS. These bv-laws, or anv of them, may be altered, amended t i ' %t ' v ' or annulled at any regular meeting of the board of direc¬ tors, by a vote of a majority of the board. 41 AN ACT'to construct a railroad from Jolict to Chicago,In force Feb' i855- Section 1. Be it enacted by the people of the State of » Illinois, represented, in the Gencrcd Assembly, That Hiram Norton, Robert Milne, George Barnet, William Goodingarporatols- and Joel Manning and their associates, successors and assignees are hereby created a body corporate and politic, - under the name and style of u The Joliet and Chicago Rail-Name and style, road Company," for the term of thirty years, and by that , name be and they are hereby made capable, in law and in equity, to sue and be sued, plead and be impleaded, defend General power, and be defended in any court of law and equity in this State or in any other place; to make, have and use a com¬ mon seal, and the same to renew and alter at pleasure, and shall be and are hereby vested with all the powers, privi¬ leges and immunities which are or may be necessary to carry into effect the purposes and objects of this act, as hereinafter set forth; and the said company are hereby authorized and empowered to locate, construct and finally complete a railroad from the depot of the Chicago and Mis¬ sissippi Railroad Company, at the city of Joliet, in Will county, through the incorporated village of Lockport, in the same county, to the city of Chicago, in the county of Cook, or to any railroad leading out of Chicago and north of Lockport, and for this purpose the said company are authorized, upon the most eligible and proper route, and as above directed, to lay out their said railroad, wide enough for a single or double track, through the whole length, and for the purpose of cuttings, embankments, stone and gravel, may take as much land as may be necessary for the proper construction of and security of said railroad. Sec. 2. The capital stock of said company shall consist c ital stock of one million of dollars, and may be increased to fifteen hundred thousand dollars, to be divided into shares of one hundred dollars each. The immediate government and direction of said company shall be vested in five directors, who shall be chosen by the stockholders of said company in the planner hereinafter provided, who shall hold their offices for one year after their election, and until others 42 shall he duly elected and qualified to take their places as directors, and the said directors, a majority of whom shall form a quorum for the transaction of business, shall elect one of their number to be president of the company. That said board of directors shall have power to appoint all necessary clerks, secretaries, and other officers necessary in the transaction of the business of said corporation. Sec. 3. The said corporation is hereby authorized, by Make examina- . . tions and sur- their agents, surveyors and engineers, to cause such exannn- vcys- ations and surveys to be made of the ground and country between said city of Joliet, through the said village of Lockport and Chicago as shall be necessary to deter- R'ghtof way. mine the most advantageous route for the proper line or course whereon to construct their railroad; and it shall be lawful for said company to enter upon and take possession of, and use all such lands and real estate as may be necessary for the construction of and mainten- Proviso. ance of tlieir said railroad: Prodded, that all lands or real estate entered upon and taken possession of, and used by said corporation for the purposes and accommodation of said railroad, or upon which the site for said railroad shall have been located and determined by the said corporation, shall be paid for by the said company in damages, if any be sustained by the owner or owners thereof by the use of the same for the purposes of said railroad; and all lands taken and entered upon for the use of said corporation, which are not donated to said company, shall be paid for by said cor¬ poration at such prices as may be mutually agreed upon by said corporation and the owner or owners of such land; and in case of disagreement, the price shall be estimated, fixed and recovered in the manner provided for taking lands for the construction of public roads, canals, or other public works, as prescribed by the act concerning right of way, approved March 3, 1845. Damages. Penalties. Sec. 4. If any person shall wilfully, maliciously, or wan¬ tonly and contrary to law, obstruct the passage of any car on said railroad, or any part thereof, or anything belonging thereto, or shall damage, break, or destroy any part of the 43 said railroad, or any implements or buildings, he, she, or they, or any person assisting, shall forfeit and pay to the said com¬ pany for every such offense, treble the amount of damages that shall he proved before any competent court has been sustained, and he sued for in the name and behalf of said company, and such offender or offenders shall he deemed guilty of a misdemeanor, and shall he liable to an indict¬ ment, in the same manner as other indictments are found in any county or counties where such offense shall have been committed; and upon conviction, every such offender shall he liable to a fine not exceeding five thousand dollars, for the use of the county where such indictment may he found. Sec. 5. The time of holding the annual meeting of said Amm?j meeting, company, for the election of directors, shall he fixed and determined by the by-laws of said company; and at all meetings each stockholder shall he entitled to a vote in per¬ son or lawful proxy; one vote for each share of stock he, she, or they may hold bona fide in said company. Sec. 6. The persons named in the first section of this act „ . . I Commissioners are hereby appointed commissioners, who, or a majority to obtain sub- of whom, are hereby authorized to open subscription hooks •scnptIons- for said stock, at such places as they may deem proper, and shall give at least thirty days' notice of the time and place when and where such hooks will he opened, in some news¬ paper having a general circulation and printed in the cities of Chicago and Joliet, and shall keep said hooks open until the whole of said capital stock shall he taken. Said com¬ missioners shall require each subscriber to pay five dollars on each share subscribed at the time of subscribing. The said commissioners shall call a meeting of stockholders, by giv¬ ing thirty days' notice in newspapers having a general circulation in the cities of Chicago and Joliet, and at such nieetinPosi"cnt>s- by this act, the said corporation shall pay the amount that shall he awarded as due to the said last mentioned owners, respectively, whenever the same shall he lawfully demanded, together with six per cent, per annum-. That to ascertain the amount to he paid to the persons named in this section for lands taken for the use of said corporation, it shall he the duty of the Governor of this State, upon notice given to him by the said corporation, to appoint three commis¬ sioners, to he persons not interested in the matter, to he determined by them, to determine the damages which the owner or owners of the land or real estate, so entered upon by said corporation, has or have sustained by the occupa¬ tion of the same, and it shall he the duty of the said commissioners, or a majority of them, to deliver to said corporation a written statement of the award or awards they shall make, with a description of the land or real estate appraised, to he recorded by the said corporation in the clerk's office of the conntv in which, the land or real •' estate so appraised shall be, and then the said corporation shall be deemed to be seized and possessed of the fee simple of all such lands or real estate as shall have been approved by the said commissioners. Sec. 13. That whenever it shall be necessary for the con- intersection. struction of said railroad to intersect or cross any water course, or railroad, or highway, it shall be lawful for the corporation to construct their railroad across or upon the same: Provided, that the corporation shall restore the water course, railroad, or highway, thus intersected, to its former state, or in a sufficient manner not to have impaired its usefnlness. Sec. 14. That the capital stock of said company shall be ^deemed st'ptr-deemed personal property and transferable in such manner soma property as the said corporation shall by its by-laws prescribe. Sec. 15. That it shall be lawful for the directors to Payment of eapi-rerpii re payment of the sums subscribed to the capital stock at such times, and in snch proportions, and on such conditions as they shall deem tit, under the penalty of forfeiture of all previous payments thereon, and shall give notice of the payments thus required, and of the time and place, when and where the same are to be paid, at least ninety days previous to the payment of the same, in some public newspaper having a general circulation in the cities of Chicago and Joliet. O Sec. 16. The width of said railroad is to be determined width of road. |3y the said corporation, within the limits prescribed by the first section of this act. Sec. IT. It shall be lawful for the company created by Uroads°f °therthis a°f f° unite with any other railroad company which may have been, or hereafter shall be incorporated by this State under any law thereof, and to grant to any such com¬ pany the right to construct and use any portion of the road 47 hereby authorized to be constructed upon such terms as may be mutually agreed upon between said companies. Sec. 18. This act shall be deemed and taken as a public pubiic act. act, and shall be construed beneficially for all purposes herein specified or intended; and the said company shall - commence the said work within two years and complete the same within five years from the passage of this act. Approved Feb. 15,1855. AN ACT to amend an act entitled ie An act to con struct « in force febru- rallroa-d from Joliet to Chicagoapproved February ary zo, 1861. ir>, isr>r>. Section 1. Be it enacted by the -people of the State of Illi¬ nois, represented, in the General Assembly, That so much of the act entitled "An act to construct a railroad from JolietTimeofcomple- ' . . tion of road. to Chicago, approved February 15, 1855, as limits the dura¬ tion of the corporation thereby created to the term of thirty (30) years, and the time for the completion of the railroad therein mentioned and its appendages to the term of five (5) years, be and the same is hereby repealed. Sec. 2. The capital stock of said company may beCapital stock increased, from time to time, by a vote of stockholders representing a majority of stock, to an amount equal to the cost of the railroad in said act mentioned, its appendages and property, purchased or acquired, or that may hereafter be purchased or acquired; and the said company shall have power to borrow such sums of money, from time to time, as may, in the opinion of the directors, or a majority of them, be deemed expedient; and may issue and dispose of . , -i , i t j* p ,i p •! , issuing of bonds. its bonds or obligations, for the purposes aforesaid; and may mortgage all or any portion of its property and fran¬ chises, now acquired or that hereafter may be acquired, to secure the payment of any debt contracted by said com¬ pany, by such form of deed or deeds and with such powers of sale therein contained as the said directors or a majority . ' . 48 of them may think fit and proper; and such company may sell its bonds or obligations, either within or without this State, at such rates and prices as the said directors or a ma¬ jority of them may sanction and determine ; and said sales shall be as valid and obligatory upon the company, for the full amount of the bonds or obligations sold, as if such bonds or obligations were sold at par value. Sec. 3. The said company may, from time to time, pur- ^ndpropertyndSc^iase? occupy and hold such depot grounds or any other proporty that its directors or a majority of them may deem expedient for extending its railroad business and traffic; and all the rights and privileges of said company are hereby extended to the property which may be thus acquired, with power to exercise the same. Sec. 4. The said company may change its corporate change °f name name anq style to sucli name and style as its directors, by resolution, may order and direct, upon filing in the office of the Secretary of State a copy of sucli resolution, within thirty days after the passage of the same, and publishing a like copy in one or more newspapers published in the cities of Joliet and Chicago. Approved February 20, 1801. LEASE of the Joliet and Chicago Eailroad Company to the Chicago and Alton Eailroad Company. This Indenture, made and entered into this first day of January, in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hun¬ dred and sixty-four, by and between the Joliet and Chicago Railroad company, the proprietor and owner of thirty-seven miles of railroad between the cities of Joliet and Chicago, in the State of Illinois, party of the first part, and the Chicago and Alton Railroad Company, the proprietor and owner of two hundred and twenty miles of railroad between the cities of Joliet and Alton, in the State of Illinois, party of the second part, Witnesseth : That the said party of the first part, for and in considera¬ tion of the rents, covenants and agreements hereinafter contained and set forth on behalf of the said party of the second part, its successors and assigns, to be paid, kept and performed, hath granted, demised and leased, and by these presents doth grant, demise and lease unto the said party of the second part, and its successors and assigns, all and singular the railroad, railroad track, station houses, water stations, depots, depot grounds, engine houses and structures of every kind whatsoever, belonging to the said party of the first part, together with all and singular the locomotive engines and cars of every description whatsoever, of which the said party of the first part may now be possessed. To knee and to hold the said above demised and leased premises, together with all the appurtenances thereof, with¬ out reservation, unto the said party of the second part and to its successors and assigns, from and after the first day of January, in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hun¬ dred and sixty-four, Forever, upon the terms and conditions hereinafter contained and set forth. o 50 And the said party of the second part, for itself, its suc¬ cessors and assigns, lierehv covenants and agrees, to and with the said party of the first part, that if, the said party of the second part, will forever use and operate the said demised and leased premises as a part of the main line of the Chicago and Alton Railroad. And the said party of the second part, for itself, its suc¬ cessors and assigns, hereby further covenants and agrees, to and with the said party of the first part, that it, the said party of the second part, will at all times hereafter, at its own proper cost and expense, keep in good and sufficient repair and in good working order, the railroad belonging to the said party of the first part, together with the railroad track, bridges, fences, stations, depots, water tanks and appurtenances thereof, and that it, the said party of the second part, will, at its own proper cost, maintain the same in such condition as it, the said party of the second part, shall deem necessary to insure the efficiency thereof, and for the convenient and speedy dispatch of the ordinary railway traffic over the same, and that for this purpose the said party of the second part will make all needful and proper repairs thereto, including the renewal of the track of said railroad, and all repairs and renewals of every kind whatsoever, which mav from time to time be rendered ' %j necessary by reason of the wear and tear of said railroad and its appurtenances, and which may be necessary to secure the prompt and efficient dispatch of the ordinary business which mav at anv time hereafter be transacted upon said railroad. And the said party of the first part, as a further consid¬ eration to the said party of the second part for the execution of this lease, hereby covenants and agrees that it, the said party of the first part, on or before the first day of January, a. d. 1864, will pay to the said party of the second part the sum of five hundred thousand dollars, which said sum of five hundred thousand dollars may be paid to said party of the second part by the delivery to the said party of the second part, on or before the said first day of January, a. d. 1864, of five thousand new shares of the capital stock of 51 the said party of the first part, of the par value of one hitndred dollars each, issued by said party of the first part, in accordance with the terms and provisions of its act of incorporation. And the said party of the first part hereby further agrees, to and with the said party of the second part, that it, the said party of the first part, will not at any time hereafter make any further issue of its capital stock than the issue hereinbefore provided to be made, and that the said party of the first part will not at any time hereafter execute any mortgage or trust deed upon the property hereinbefore demised and leased to the said party of the second part, and that it, the said party of the first part, will not at any time hereafter issue any bonds, secured in any manner by any pledge or mortgage upon the said demised premises. And the said party of the second part, for the considera¬ tions aforesaid, for itself, its successors and assigns, hereby further covenants and agrees, to and with said party of the first part, that it, the said party of the second part, will assume and pay the annual interest upon the bonds hereto¬ fore issued by the said party of the first part, and which may be at this time outstanding uncanceled, the said bonds being five hundred in number, each for the sum of one thousand dollars,, bearing interest, payable semi-annually, at the rate of eight per centum per annum, at the Conti¬ nental Bank, in Xew York City, and secured by a deed of trust, executed on the first day of July, a. d. 1857, by the party of the first part to Luther C. Clark. And the said party of the second part hereby further agrees, to and with said party of the first, part, that it, the said party of the second part, will assume and pay the principal of the bonds of the party of the first part, hereinbefore specified, when - the same shall become due and payable, and that it, the said party of the second part, will, at all times hereafter, carefully observe and keep the conditions and agreements contained in the trust deed hereinbefore mentioned, on behalf of the party of the first part, so far as the said con¬ ditions arc designed and intended to secure the payment of the principal and interest of said bonds. And tlie said party of the second part hereby further covenants and agrees, to and with the said party of the first part, that it, the said party of the second part, will guaran¬ tee and pay unto the holders of the shares of all the capital stock of the party of the first part, whether new or old, amounting to fifteen thousand shares, an annual dividend of seven per centum upon the par value of said shares of capital stock, and the said party of the second part further covenants and agrees that it will pay said dividend quar¬ terly, in equal installments, on the first Monday in April, July, October and January, hereafter. And the said party of the second part hereby further covenants and agrees, to and with the said party of the first part, that for the purpose of paying the dividend hereinbe¬ fore agreed to be paid by said party of the second part, upon the capital stock of the party of the first part, it, the said party of the second part, will, on the first day of Feb¬ ruary, a. d. 1864, and 011 the first day of each and every month thereafter, deposit in the custody of the United States Trust Company of the city and State of Yew York, the sum of eight thousand seven hundred and fifty dollars in funds bankable and current in said city of Yew York. Each and all of which deposits so made shall be placed, by the United States Trust Company, to the credit of the stockholders of the party of the first part,- as a fund for the purpose of paying to said stockholders, or to their legal representatives or assigns, the dividends hereinbefore pro¬ vided to be paid quarterly to them in accordance with the covenants hereinbefore set forth and contained. And it is hereby mutually agreed between the parties hereto, that if, at any time hereafter, the said United States Trust Company shall cease to exist, or shall become an unsafe depository of the funds hereinbefore agreed to be deposited with it, or shall refuse to receive the said deposits, then in either of said cases the board of directors of the party of the first part, and the board of directors of the party of the second part, acting together, shall select and designate a depository of said funds, and the said funds shall be paid into the depository so selected and designated. And the said party of the second part further covenants and agrees, to and with the said party of the first part, that the said sums of money, to he monthly deposited as afore¬ said with the United States Trust Company or other deposi¬ tory in Yew York City, shall be free of all Federal taxes which are now or may hereafter he levied by the Govern¬ ment of the United States, upon the payment of dividends declared or made upon the capital stock of incorporated companies, and that the dividend hereinbefore provided to be paid by the said party of the second part upon the capi¬ tal stock of the party of the first part, shall be paid in full and without auv deduction therefrom for anv Federal tax whatsoever upon the payment of said dividend, and that all taxes which may at any time hereafter be due to the United States Government on account of said dividends so paid from time to time, shall be paid by the said party of the second part to the United States Government. Provided, nevertheless, and it is distinctly understood and agreed between the parties hereto, that any and all sums of money which may from time to time be allowed and paid by the depository hereinbefore mentioned for and on account of interest allowed upon the sums of money deposited with it as aforesaid, shall be the property of and subject to the control and disposal of the said party of the second part. And the said party of the second part, for the considera¬ tion aforesaid, hereby further agrees to and with the said 7 %j O party of the first part, that it, the said party of the second part, will at all times hereafter pay all taxes, whether Fed¬ eral, State, county or municipal, which are or may hereafter be assessed against the premises hereinbefore demised and leased, at the time when said taxes may be due and payable. And the said party of the second part, for the considera¬ tion aforesaid, and for the purpose of further securing and guaranteeing to the said party of the first part the faithful performance of all and singular the covenants and agree¬ ments herein contained on the part and behalf of the said party of the second part to be performed and kept, hereby expressly pledges to the said party of the first part, thirty- seven parts out of two hundred and fifty-seven parts of the 54 gross receipts of tlio line of railroad between tlic cities of Alton and Chicago, which is formed by the two lines of railroad hereinbefore mentioned. And the said party of the second part, for the purpose of ascertaining the said thirty-seven two hundred and fifty- sevenths of the gross receipts so pledged, as aforesaid, and for the purpose of further securing to the party of the first part the performance of the covenants and agreements herein contained, to he performed and kept on the part and behalf of said party of the second part, hereby covenants and agrees to and with the said first party, that it, the said party of the second part, will keep a true and accurate account of the gross receipts of the line of railroad between the cities of Chicago and Alton, and that it will, at the end of each and every month hereafter, and within twenty days thereafter, make up and exhibit to the proper officers of the said party of the first part a true and correct statement of said gross receipts for that month. And the said party of the second part hereby further covenants and agrees, to and with the said party of the first part, that at the end of each and every month in the year, and within twenty days thereafter, it, the said party of the second part, will divide the amount of the gross receipts for that month, as shown by the statement hereinbefore provided for, into two hundred and fifty-seven equal shares, equaling the number of miles of railroad to be operated by the said party of the second part, under this agreement, and that it, the said party of the second part, will cause thirty-seven parts of the two-hundred and fifty-seven parts so ascertained, to be placed to the credit of the said party of the first part upon the books of account of the party of the second part, and that these thirty-seven equal parts shall be by said party of the second part specially retained and reserved as a fund pledged for the purpose of securing and guaranteeing to the said party of the first part the per¬ formance of the covenants and agreements herein contained vl? on behalf of the party of the second part, so far as the same shall relate to the maintenance and repair of its railroad and appurtenances, the payment of the semi-annual interest 55 upon the outstanding honds of the party of the first part, and the monthly deposits of the sums of monev hereinbe- t/ l «> fore provided, to be made by the party of the second part for the purpose of paying the quarterly dividends upon the share of the capital stock of the party of the first part. And the said party of the second part further agrees, to and with the said party of the first part, that in case the amount herein provided, to be placed monthly to the credit of the said party of the first part upon the books of account of the party of the second part, shall, at the end of any month hereafter, be insufficient to pay to said party of the first part the full amount herein agreed to be paid or secured by said party of the second part during that month, as also the proportionate part for that month of the quarterly divi¬ dend herein agreed to be paid by said party of the second part, and the proportionate part for that month of the semi¬ annual interest to be paid by said party of- the second part, upon the outstanding bonds of said party of the first part, then and in that case any deficiency which may so arise by reason of thirty-seven two hundred and fifty-sevenths of the gross receipts of the line of railroad between Chicago and Alton being insufficient to secure and cover the monthly O «y proportion of all the payments hereinbefore provided to be paid by the party of the second part, shall be made up and supplied by the further assignment and credit to the said party of the first part, upon the books of account of said party of the second part, of so much of its receipts, in addition to that already assigned and credited, as may be necessary to supply the deficiency. And it is hereby mutually agreed between the parties hereto, that at the end of each and every six months here¬ after, or as soon as the same can be reasonably done, an account shall be taken of the amounts paid by said party of the second part during said six months, in accordance with the covenants and agreements herein contained, and the amount of said payment shall be ascertained, and an account shall also at the same time be taken of the amounts credited at the end of each and every month during said six months, 56 to tlio parly of tin1 lirst part, in accordance with the pro¬ visions hereof, and the amount of said credits shall he computed and ascertained, and if, at the time of making said computations, it shall he found that the amounts of the credits so made during* said six months, shall exceed the amount of the payments made or to he made by said party of the second part during said period of six months, then the excess so ascertained shall be restored to the said party of the second part upon its books of account, the proper entries being made therein for that purpose, and as to said excess, the lien of the party of the lirst part upon the same, hereinbefore provided for, shall be satisfied and discharged. And the said party of the second part hereby further covenants and agrees, to and with said party of the first part, that the said party of the first part, for the purpose of verifying the accounts herein provided, to be rendered by said party of the second part, shall at all proper times, by its president, or any person appointed by him for that purpose, have access to the books of account and vouchers of the said party of the second part, and the said party of the sec¬ ond part hereby further covenants and agrees to and with the said party of the first part, that it, the said party of the second part, will, at all times hereafter, guarantee' and indemnify the said party of the first part against all claims for damage growing out of the operation of said line of railroad between the cities of Chicago and Alton, and that it, the said party of the second part, will pay and satisfy all damages which may be assessed against either of the parties hereto, growing out of the operation of said line of rail¬ road, whether the same be founded upon claims for non¬ performance of duty as common carriers of passengers or freight, injuries to cattle or other animals along the line of said railroad, losses arising from fires communicated along said line of railroad, from the locomotive engines used thereon, or from any other cause occurring hereafter by the negligence or dereliction of duty of the party of the second part, in the conduct of the business and traffic of said line of railroad. And the said party of the second part hereby agrees, to and with the said party of the first part, that it, the said party of the second part, will hereafter pay the salaries of the following officers of the party of the first part, namely: The president of the said Joliet and Chicago Ihiilroad Com¬ pany, the secretary thereof, and the transfer agent of said company in New York City : Provided, that the aggregate amount of the annual salaries of said officers shall not exceed the sum of two thousand dollars, and that it, the said party of the second part, will also pay to the United States Trust Company, or other depository in the city of Xew York, the annual charge made by such depository for the registration of the shares of the capital stock of the said party of the first part, and the payment of the quarterly dividends thereon, hereinbefore provided to be paid. And it is mutually agreed between the parties hereto, that if, at any time hereafter, any disagreement shall arise between the parties hereto as to the construction of any of the articles of this agreement, and which said disagreement cannot be adjusted and settled between the respective officers of the two corporations, parties hereto, or in case any question should hereafter arise between the parties hereto as to the non-fulfillment of any of the agreements «./ o and covenants herein contained, then in all such cases the questions so arising shall be submitted to the arbitration of two disinterested persons, skilled in the business of con¬ ducting and managing railroads, one of whom shall be cT» O O ' chosen by each of the parties hereto, and the said arbitrators so chosen shall have authority and power to make a final decision and adjustment "of such questions, and their decision, when so made, shall be final and conclusive of the matters and things so determined. And it is further mutually agreed between the parties hereto, that, in case the arbitrators so chosen as aforesaid, shall fail to agree upon the adjustment of the question or questions so submitted to them as aforesaid, then, in such case, the two arbitrators shall choose an umpire, who shall be a disinterested person skilled in the conduct of 5K rail roads, and the award of tlic umpire so chosen, when made, shall he conclusive as to the questions decided by him. And it is further mutually agreed between the parties hereto, that, in case the arbitrators chosen by the parties hereto as aforesaid, shall, within ten days after any disa¬ greement upon a question submitted to them, in pursuance of this agreement, fail to select an umpire, as herein pro¬ vided, then and in that case each of the parties hereto shall name a person, and from the two persons so named an umpire shall he selected by drawing lots, who shall have like power and authority, and whose decision shall he equally binding upon the parties hereto, as though he had been selected by the arbitrators in the manner hereinbefore provided for. And it is further mutually agreed between the parties hereto, that if, at any time, either of said parties, after ten davs' notice in writing so to do, shall fail to name an umpire, to be selected by lot, in the manner hereinbefore provided for, then and in that case, the person selected by the other party shall be authorized and empowered to act as umpire, and his decision of the question submitted to him shall be final and conclusive between the parties hereto. In Wduexs Whereof, the parties have caused these pres¬ ents to be sealed with their respective corporate seals, and to be signed by their respective presidents and secretaries, on this first day of January, in the year of our Lord eigh¬ teen hundred and sixtv-four. [Signed] The Joliet and Chicago It abroad Company, by T. B. BLACKSTOXE, President. JOSEPH PRICE, Sec'y Juliet and Chicayo P. P. Co. The Chicago and Alton Railroad Company, by JAMES ROBE, President. JOSEPH PRICE, Sedy Chic-ayo and Alton P. P. Co. 1 N A CT to -incorporate the Alton and St, Louis Railroad in force Feb. 4, Company. l859 Section 1. Be it enacted by the people of the State of Illi¬ nois, represented in the General Assembly, That Samuel A. Buckmaster, John J. Mitchell and others, who have Corporators, purchased or may hereafter purchase of the Sangamon and Xorthwest Railroad Company so much of the branch of said railroad of said company as lies between Alton, in Madison county, and Bloody Island, opposite^the city of St. Louis, Missouri, and their associates, successors and assigns, are hereby created a body politic and corporate, under the name and style of "The Alton and St. Louis Railroad Company ;" and by that name be and they are hereby made capable, in law and in equity, to sue and be sued, plead and be impleaded, defend and be defended, in any court of law and equity in this State or elsewhere; to make, have and use a common seal, and the same to renew and alter at pleasure; and shall be and are hereby vested with all powers, privileges and immunities which are or may be necessary to construct, complete and operate a railroad, with double or singl.e track, from Alton to any point opposite the city of St. Louis, Missouri, and for that purpose to enter upon and take possession of so much land as may be necessary to construct, complete and operate said railroad and its appendages. And if said company can not agree with the owner or owners of said land, taken as aforesaid, it may be lawful for them to proceed in the manner now provided by the laws of this State for the condemnation of lands by incorporated companies. GO Capital stock TllC Cilpl till Stock of Sill111]_»SI 11 V sllilll llC fi VC 11uiidred thousand dollars, and wliicli mav he increased hv / t/ said company to any sum, not exceeding one million ot dollars, which may he divided into shares of one hundred dollars each, which shall he deemed personal property, and may he issued and transferred in such manner as the hoard of directors may prescribe. Directors. Sec. 8. The affairs of said company shall lie managed hy a board of three directors, which may he increased to nine, and Samuel A. Buekmaster, John J. Mitchell and William II. Mitchell are hereby appointed the first hoard, who shall hold their offices until their successors he elected and qualified, in such manner as may he prescribed hy the by-laws of said company. Said hoard shall have the power of electing one of their number president, and such other officers as may he prescribed hy the by-laws; and said cor¬ poration shall he and is hereby vested with all the powers conferred upon railroad incorporations by the general rail¬ road laws of the State of Illinois or any amendment now made or hereafter to he made thereto. Sec. 4. Said Alton and St. Louis Railroad Company Power to pur- , n i -■ t t • i c* chase railroad, shall have the power to purchase and receive, by transfer, from the Sangamon and Northwest "Hailroad Company, the branch road aforesaid; and after such transfer, the said corporation, hereby created, shall he the owners of said branch road, and all of the acts done hv said Sangamon and 7 «> O Northwest Railroad Company, their agents or contractors, toward establishing or constructing the aforesaid branch O o road, or acquiring the right of way or any other real estate, for the use of said branch road, he and the same are hereby sanctioned and declared legal and valid, and the title to so much of the said branch road as is now constructed, in whole or in part, and to all the right of way and other real estate acquired for the purposes aforesaid shall he thereafter vested in the said Alton and St. Louis Railroad Company; and said company shall have the power to enter upon and take possession of the said branch road and to complete the same to its present termination, 011 Bloody Island, or con- 61 tinue or construct tlie same to any other point on the Mis¬ sissippi river, opposite to the city of St. Louis, in the State of Missouri. Sec. 5. Said corporation shall have power to unite its Power to unite railroad with any other railroad, now constructed or which with other raii- shall hereafter he constructed, upon such terms as may he mutually agreed upon between the companies so connecting; and, also, shall have the power to lease its railroad, with the benefit of all the rights, privileges and franchises hereby conferred, to any other corporation, or person or persons; and, for the purposes aforesaid, full power is hereby given, to the said company to make, execute and deliver all such contracts and instruments of writing as shall be necessaiy for said purposes. Said company is also hereby authorized, from time to time, to borrow such sums of money as may be necessary for the purposes of said company, and at any rate of interest not exceeding ten per cent, per annum, and to issue and dispose of their bonds, in denominations of not less than one hundred dollars, for any amount so borrowed, and to mortgage their corporate property, real or personal, and their franchise, or convey the same, by deed of trust, to secure the payment of any money so borrowed, or any other debt of said company. And all mortgages or deeds of trust of said company, 011 any personal property of said company, shall be valid liens thereon, although not acknowledged, as is required by the statute touching the execution and recording of chattel mortfra^es, and the o o o ' provisions of said statute shall not be held to apply to any mortmmes or deeds of trust which shall be made bv said o o «/ company. Sec. 6. This act shall be a public act, and shall take effect and be in force from and after its passage. Approved February 4, 1859. LEASE of the Alton and St, Louis to the Chieaf/o and Alton Iiailroad, in Perpetuity. This Indenture, made and entered into tliis sixteenth day of April, in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hun¬ dred and sixty-four, by and between the Alton and St. Louis Railroad Company, a corporation duly incorporated and organized under the laws of the State of Illinois, the owner and proprietor of the unfinished railroad between the city of Alton and Bloody Island, in the State of Illinois, said railroad being twenty-two and one-half miles in length, party of the first part, and the Chicago and Alton Railroad Company, the proprietor and owner of two hun¬ dred and twenty miles of railroad between the cities of Alton and Joliet, in the State of Illinois, party of the sec¬ ond part, Witnesseth: That the said party of the first part, for and in consider¬ ation of the rents, covenants and agreements hereinafter contained and set forth 011 the part and behalf of the said ]tarty of the second part, its successors and assigns, to be paid, kept and performed, hath granted, demised and leased, and by these presents doth grant, demise and lease unto the said party of the second part, and its successors and assigns, all and singular the right of way, with the unfinished rail¬ road, railroad track, bridges, fences, water stations, depots, depot grounds, engines and structures of every kind now belonging to said party of the first part, and, also, all and singular the railroad track, bridges, fences, water stations, depots, depot grounds, lands, engine houses, and structures of every kind whatsoever, to be hereafter acquired, con¬ structed and completed, by said party of the second part for the said party of the first part, in accordance with the 63 covenants and agreements hereinafter contained on the part and behalf of the said party of the second pai;t, its succes¬ sors and assigns. To have and to hold the said above demised and leased premises, together with all the appurtenances thereof, with¬ out reservation, unto the said party of the second part and to its successors and assigns, from and after the second dav of April, in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hun¬ dred and sixty-four, Forever, upon the terms and conditions hereinafter contained and set forth. And the said party of the second part, for itself, its successors and assigns, hereby covenants and agrees, to and with the said party of the first part, that it, the said party of the second part, will forever use and operate the said demised and leased prem¬ ises as a part of the main line of the Chicago and Alton Kail road. And the said party of the second part, for itself, its suc¬ cessors and assigns, hereby further covenants and agrees, to and with the said party of the first part, that it, the said party of the second part, will at all times hereafter, at its own proper cost and expense, keep in good and sufficient repair, and in good working order, the railroad belonging to the said party of the first part, hereinbefore demised, together with the railroad track, bridges, fences, stations, depots, water tanks and appurtenances thereof, and that it, the said party of the second part, will, at its own proper cost, maintain the same in such condition as it, the said party of the second part, shall deem necessary to insure the effi¬ ciency thereof, and for the convenient and speedy dispatch of the ordinary railway traffic over the same, and that for this purpose the said party of the second part will make all needful and proper repairs thereto, including the renewal of the tracks of the said railroad and all repairs and renewal of every kind whatsoever, which may from time to time be rendered necessary by reason of the wear and tear of said railroad and its appurtenances, and which may be necessary to secure the prompt and efficient dispatch of the ordinary business which mav at anv time hereafter be transacted %- t/ upon said railroad. 64 And the said party of the second part, for the considera¬ tion aforesaid, hereby covenants and agrees, to and with the said party of the first part, that it, the said party of the second part, will, at its own expense, complete the railroad, railroad track, bridges, fences, water stations, depots and structures necessary and proper to completely finish the railroad over the right of way now belonging to the party of the first part, between its termini at the city of Alton and Bloody Island, opposite to the city of St. Louis, in such a manner as will unite the said railroad with the railroad of said party of the second part as a continuous line, and will have the same completed within a reasonable time and with all convenient dispatch, for the transaction of business over the same, and that the said railroad, with its bridges, fenc¬ ings, stations, water tanks, turnouts, engine houses and switching tracks, shall be finished in a permanent and sub¬ stantial manner, and so as to insure the prompt and effi¬ cient dispatch of all business required to be done upon it, and in all respects equal to a first-class railroad in Illinois. And the said party of the first part, in consideration of the agreement by said second party so to complete, construct and finish said railroad, further agrees hereby, to and with the said party of the second part, that it, the said party of the first part, will, 011 or before the first day of June, a. d. one thousand eight hundred and sixty-four, pay to the said party of the second part the sum of seven hundred thousand dollars, which said sum of seven hundred thousand dollars may be paid to said party of the second part by the delivery to said second party, 011 or before the said first day of June, A. D. 1864, of seven thousand shares of the capital stock of the party of the first part, of the par value of one hundred dollars each, issued by the said party of the first part in accordance with the terms and provisions of its act of incorporation. And the said party of the first part further covenants and agrees, to and with the said party of the second part, that it, the said party of the first part, will not at any time here¬ after make any issue of its capital stock over and above the • «*+-' m> number of eight thousand shares thereof, ancl that said party of the first part will not at any time hereafter execute any mortgage or trust deed upon the property hereinbefore demised and leased to the said party of the second part, and that it, the said party of the first part, will not at any time hereafter issue any bonds secured in any manner by any pledge or mortgage upon the said demised premises, or in any manner encumber the same. And the said party of the first part hereby further agrees and covenants, to and with the said party of the second part, that it, the said party of the first part, will at no time here¬ after do, cause, or permit to he done, any act which will incur a forfeiture of its franchises as a corporation, and that it will at all times hereafter keep up and maintain its organ¬ ization as an incorporated company under the laws of the State of Illinois, and that for such purpose it will do all acts necessary therefor, and it will omit none required to be done by its act of incorporation, or which may be requisite for that purpose under any of the laws of the State of Illinois regulating railroad companies. And the said party of the second part hereby further covenants and, agrees, to and with the said party of the first part, that it, the said party of the second part, will guar¬ antee and pay unto the holders of the shares, of all the capi¬ tal stock of the party of the first part, whether new or old, amounting to eight thousand shares, an annual dividend of seven per centum upon the par value of said shares of capital stock, and the said party of the second part further covenants and agrees that it will pay said dividend quarterly, in equal installments, on the first Monday in July, October, .January and April hereafter. And the said party of the second part hereby further covenants and agrees, to and with the said party of the first part, that, for the purpose of paying the dividend herein¬ before agreed to be paid by said party of the second part, upon the capital stock of the party of the first part, it, the said party of the second part, will, on the first dag of Mag, A. Ik 18(14, and on the first dav of each and everv month thereafter, deposit in the custody of the United States Trust Company of the city and State of Yew York, the sum of four thousand eiyht hundred and thirty-three, dollars and thirty- three and, one-tlurd cents, in funds bankable and current in said city of Yew York, each and all of which deposits so made shall be placed by the said United States Trust Com¬ pany to the credit of the stockholders of the party of the first part, as a fund for the purpose of paying to said stockholders, or their legal representatives or assigns, the dividends hereinbefore provided to be paid 'quarterly to them, in accordance with the covenants hereinbefore set forth and contained. And it is hereby mat unity ay reed between the parties hereto, that if at any time hereafter the said United States Trust Company shall cease to exist, or shall become an unsafe depository of the funds hereinbefore agreed to be deposited with it, or shall refuse to receive the said deposits, then, in either of said cases, the board of directors of the party of the first part, and the board of directors of the party of the second part, acting together, shall select and designate a depository of said funds, and the said funds shall be paid into the depository so selected and designated. And the said party of the second part further covenants and, ar/rees, to and with the said party of the first part, that the said sums of money, to be monthly deposited, as afore¬ said, with the United States Trust Company, or other depository in Yew York City, shall he free of all Federal taxes which are now or may hereafter be levied by the Government of the United States, upon the payment of dividends declared or made upon the capital stock of incorporated companies, and that the dividend hereinbefore provided to be paid by the said party of the second part upon the capital stock of the party of the first part shall be paid in full, and without any deduction therefrom for any Federal tax whatsoever, upon the payment of said dividend, and that all taxes which may at any time hereafter be due to the United States Government on account of said dividends so paid, from time to time, shall be paid by the said party of the second part, to the United States Govern- 67 mcnt: Provided, nevertheless, aticl it is distinctly understood and agreed between the parties hereto, that any and all sums of money which may from time to time be allowed and paid by the depository hereinbefore mentioned, for and on account of interest allowed upon the sums of money deposited with it, as aforesaid, shall be the property of, and subject to the control and disposal of the said party of the second part. And the said party of the second part, for the considera¬ tion aforesaid, hereby further agrees, to and with the said party of the first part, that it, the said party of the second part, will, at all times hereafter pay all taxes, whether Fed¬ eral, State, county or municipal, which are or may hereafter be assessed against the premises hereinbefore demised and leased at the time when said taxes may be due and payable. And it is further agreed, between the parties hereto, that the sums hereinbefore agreed to be paid by the said party of the second part, in accordance with the terms of this agreement, shall be a first Hen upon the gross earnings of the said railroad of the party of the first part, and the said gross earnings are hereby expressly pledged to secure and satisfy the same. And the said party of the second part hereby further covenants and agrees, to and with the said party of the first part, that it, the said party of the second part, will at all times hereafter guarantee and indemnify the said party -of the first part against all claims for damage growing out of the operation of said line of railroad between the city of Alton and Bloody Island, and that it, the said party of the second part, will pay and satisfy all damages which may be assessed against either of the parties hereto growing out of the operation of said line of railroad, whether the same be founded upon claims for non-performance of duty as com¬ mon carriers of passengers or freight, injuries to cattle or other animals along the line of said railroad, losses arising o 7 O from fires communicated along said line of railroad from the locomotive engines used thereon, or from anv other cause occurring hereafter by the negligence or dereliction O O O of duty of the party of the second part, in the conduct of the business and traffic of said line of railroad. And the said party of the second part hereby agrees, to and with' the said party of the first part, that it, the said party of the second part, will hereafter pay the salaries of the following officers'of the party of the first part, namely: the president of the Alton and St. Louis Railroad Company, the secretary thereof, and the transfer agent of said company in Xew York City: Provided, that the aggregate amounts of the annual salaries of said officers shall not exceed the sum of one than,sand, dollars, and that it, the said party of the second part, will also pay to the United States Trust Com¬ pany or other depository in the city of Xew York, the annual charge made by such depository for the registration of the shares of the capital stock of the said party of the first part, and the payment of the quarterly dividends thereon hereinbefore provided to be paid. And it is further understood and agreed between the parties hereto, that if the sums of money to be paid in accordance with the terms of this agreement by said party of the second part, or any or either of them, or any part thereof, shall be behind or unpaid on the day of payment whereon the same are provided to be paid, as aforesaid, it shall and may be lawful for the said party of the first part at its election, and upon sixty days' notice being given in writing to the said party of the second part, of such elec¬ tion, to declare said term ended, and into the said demised premises or any part thereof, either with or without pro¬ cess of law, to re-enter, and the said party of the second part, or any person or persons occupying the same, to expel, remove, and put out, using such force as may be necessary in so doing, and the said premises again to repos¬ sess and enjoy in its first and former estate, and if at any time said term shall be ended at such election of said party of the first part, or in any other way, the said party of the second part doth hereby covenant and agree to surrender and deliver up said above described property and premises peaceably to said party of the first part, immediately upon the determination of said term as aforesaid. m And it is nmtmdhj a (freed between the parties hereto, that if, at anv time hereafter, anv disagreement shall arise between the parties hereto, as to the construction of any of the articles of this agreement, and which said disagree¬ ment cannot be adjusted and settled between the respective officers of the two corporations, parties hereto, or in case any question should hereafter arise between the parties hereto as to the non-fulfillment of any of the agreements «/ O and covenants herein contained, then, in all such cases, the question so arising shall be submitted to the arbitration of two disinterested persons, skilled in the business of con¬ ducting and managing railroads, one of whom shall be chosen by each of the parties hereto, and the said arbitra¬ tors so chosen shall have authority and power to make a final decision and adjustment of such questions, and their decision, when so made, shall be final and conclusive of the matters and things so determined. And it is further mutually agreed between the parties hereto, that, in case the arbitrators so chosen, as aforesaid, shall fail to agree upon the adjustment of the question or questions so submitted to them, as aforesaid, then, in such case, the two arbitrators shall choose an umpire, who shall be a disinterested person, skilled in the conduct of railroads, and the award of the umpire so chosen, when made* shall be conclusive as to the questions decided by him. And it is further mutually agreed between the parties «/ O J- hereto, that, in case the arbitrators chosen by the parties hereto, as aforesaid, shall, within ten days after any dis¬ agreement upon a question submitted to them, in pursuance of this agreement, fail to select an umpire as herein provi¬ ded, then, and in that case, each of the parties hereto shall name a person, and from the two persons so named an umpire shall be selected by drawing lots, who shall have like power and authority, and whose decision shall be equally binding upon the parties hereto, as though he had been selected by the arbitrators in the manner hereinbefore provided for. 70 And if is further mutually agreed between the parties hereto, that if at any time either of said parties, after ten days' notice in writing so to do, shall fail to name an umpire, to be selected by lot in the manner hereinbefore provided for, then, and in that case, the person selected by the other party shall be authorized and empowered to act as umpire, and his decision of the question submitted to him shall be tinal and conclusive between the parties hereto. In u 'itness ich.ereof, the parties have caused these presents to be sealed with their respective corporate seals, and to be signed by their respective presidents and secretaries, on this sixteenth day of April, in the year of our Lord eighteen hundred and sixty-four. JOIIX J. MITCHELL. President Alton and St. Louis R. R. Co. WM. II. REID, Secretary Alton and St. Louis R. R. Co. T. B. BLACKSTOXE, President C. and A. R. R. Co. JOSEPH PRICE, See ret a r if C. and A. R. R. Co. STATE OF ILLIX01S, 1 ^ Madison County. f I>e it known, on this sixteenth day of April, a. d. 18(34, before me, the undersigned, a notary public in and for the city of Alton, in said county, in the State aforesaid, appeared before me John J. Mitchell and Win. II. Reid, both to me personally known, the first as president, and the latter as secretary of the Alton and St. Louis Railroad Company at the date of the execution of the above instrument, and to me known to be the real persons who executed the foregoing agreement in their said severa capacities of president and secretary as aforesaid, and each of them severally and for himself alone acknowledged that he had executed and delivered said agreement freely and voluntarily for the uses and purposes therein expressed, and the said John J. Mitchell, having been by uie duly sworn, did depose I 71 and say that the seal affixed to said agreement hs the corporate seal of said Alton and St. Louis Bailroad Com¬ pany, that he, said "Win. II. Beid, was secretarv of said «/ company at the time of the execution of the foregoing agreement, and that lie affixed said seal to said agreement hy authority of said company for sncli purpose, and that said agreement was executed and delivered as the act. of said company for the said purposes in said agreement expressed, which said acknowledgment and deposition are to me satis¬ factory evidence of the due execution and delivery of said agreement. O 9 Witness my hand and notarial seal the day and year aforesaid. C. A. CALDWELL, Notary Public. STATE OF ILLINOIS, 1 Cook County, V ss. City of Chicago. j Be it known, that on the twenty-first day of April, a. d. 1864, before me, the undersigned, a notary public for the city of Chicago, in and for said county, in the State afore¬ said, appeared before me TV B. Blackstone and Joseph Pi •ice, both to me personally known, the first as president and the latter as secretary of the Chicago and Alton Bail- road Company at the date of the execution of the above instrument, and to me known to be the real persons who executed the foregoing agreement in their said several capacities of president and secretary as aforesaid, and each of them severally and for himself alone acknowledged that he had executed and delivered said agreement freely and voluntarily for the uses and purposes therein expressed, and the said Joseph Price having been by me duly sworn, did depose and say, that the seal affixed to said agreement is the corporate seal of the said Chicago and AltoU llailroad Company, and that he, said Joseph Price, was secretary of said company at the time of the execution of the foregoing agreement, and that lie affixed said seal to said agreement by authority of said company for such purposes? and that said agreement was executed and delivered as the act. of said company, for the purposes in said agreement expressed, which said acknowledgment and deposition are to me satisfactory evidence of the due execution and delivery of said agreement. o Witness my hand and notarial seal the day and year aforesaid. JOIIX 15. KICK, Notni')) J>n.b/ir, Citjj of Cldrarjo, Illinois. STATE OF ILLTXOJS,)^ Madison Couxty. /'"* I herehv certifv that this deed of agreement was this dav */ I. » duly recorded in said county, in hook 82, pages 1, 2, 8, 4 and 5. (liven under my hand this 27th day of April, a. d. 18(>4. THUS. 0. SJLTvIXGEU, Clerk and ex officio liecordcr. / 3 An ACT to construct u railroad from Jacksonville9 in Morf/ait Count tj, to Alton, in Madison Count ij. Section 1. Be it enacted by the people of the State of Illi¬ nois, represented in the General Assembly, That Philip Coffman, David A. Smith, David M. Woodson, Alfred W. Cavarly, Alexander B. Morean, William B. Warren, A. 0. Dickson, Samuel M. Prosser, W. S. IIurst, Murray McConnel, James Dunlop, Thomas Carlin, and Edward Keating, and their associates, successors and assigns, arc hereby created a body corporate and politic, under the name and style of the "Jacksonville and Carrollton lbiilroad Company," and In that name be and tliey are hereby made capable inlaw and equity to sue and be sued, plead and he impleaded, defend and be defended, in any court of law and equity in this State, or in any other place; to make, have and use a com¬ mon seal, and the same to renew and alter at pleasure, and shall be and are hereby vested with all the powers, privi¬ leges and immunities which are or may be necessary to carry into effect the purposes and objects of this act, as hereinafter set forth; and the said company are hereby authorized and empowered to locate and construct and finally complete a railroad from the town of Jacksonville, in Morgan county, by the way of Manchester, in Scott county, Whitehall and Carrollton, in Greene county, pass¬ ing through Jerseyville, Jersey county, to Alton, in Madison county; and for this purpose, said company are authorized, upon the most clgible and proper route, to lay out their said railroad, wide enough for a single or double track, through the whole length, and may enter upon and take a strip of land not exceeding one hundred feet in width; and for the purpose of cutting embankments, stone and gravel, 74 mav take as much more land as mav be uecossarv for the « •/ proper construction of and security of said railroad : Pro¬ dded, that nothing' in this act shall he so construed as to prevent the corporation created by this act from uniting their road with the Alton and Sangamon Railroad, at or near .Brighton, in Macoupin county, upon such terms as 'may he agreed on between said companies; and if an ar¬ rangement be entered into by and between said companies, for the company hereby created, to run upon and use the Alton and Sangamon Railroad, from and near Brighton, the said company shall not be required to construct their road to Alton : And prodded,.further, that said company shall not he fully organized and he capable of constructing their said railroad, until one thousand dollars per mile of the stock of said company shall, in good faith, he subscribed, and ten per cent, thereof be paid, agreeable to the provisions of the act entitled "An act to provide for a general system of railroad incorporations," passed Xovember 5, 1849. Sec. 2. The capital stock of said company shall consist of tive hundred thousand dollars, and may be increased to one million of dollars, to be divided into shares of one hundred dollars each. The immediate government and direction of said company shall be vested in five directors, who shall be chosen by the stockholders of said company, in the manner hereinafter provided, who shall hold their office for one vear after their election, and until others shall be duly elected and qualified to take their places as directors; and the said directors, a majority of whom shall form a quorum for the transaction of business, shall elect one of their number to be president of the company; that said board of directors shall have power to appoint all necessary clerks, secretary, and other officers necessary in the transaction of the business of said corporation. Sec. 8. The said corporation is hereby authorized, by their agents, surveyors and engineers, to cause such exam¬ ination and surveys to be made of the ground and eountrv */ , i8r>i. Section 1. Be it enacted by the people of the State of Illi¬ nois, represented in the General Assembly, That the ntinie of the Jacksonville and Carrollton Railroad Company be and is hereby changed and declared to be the "Jacksonville, Alton and St. Louis Railroad Company, and by and under that name said corporation shall be henceforth known, and have its corporate existence, and hold and he possessed of all the rights, powers and privileges granted to the Jack¬ sonville and Carrollton Railroad Company, in the original charter of said company and the several amendments thereto, and shall be and become vested with all property and estate, and rights of every kind whatever, vested in the name of "The Jacksonville and Carrollton Railroad S3 Company," as fully as if said name had not been changed. Sec. 2. The said corporation, in addition to the pro¬ visions granted by the act to which this is an amendment, as well as the amendments approved Feb. 11, 1853, and and Feb. 27, 1854, are hereby authorized to purchase and hold any tract or tracts of land along the line of said road, for passing over which the owner or owners thereof may claim damages, and fail or refuse to relinquish to the said corporation the right of way over the same, and release said company from the payment of said damages, and the said corporation shall have power so purchase and hold other real estate for said road, for the purpose of procuring timber or other materials for the construction of the same, and for such other purposes as may be required for the use of said road. Sec. 3. The said company may also receive voluntary grants or donations of land or other property for the use of said road, and also enter upon and take possession of and use all and singular, any lands, streams and materials of every kind for the location of depots and stopping stages, for the purpose of constructing bridges, dams,' embankments, excavations, station grounds, spoil-banks, turn-outs, engine houses, shops, and other buildings neces¬ sary for the construction, completing, altering, maintaining, preserving, and complete operation of said road. All such lands, materials and privileges belonging to the State are hereby granted to said corporation for said purposes; but when owned or belonging to any person, company, or corporation, and cannot be obtained by voluntary grant or release, the same may be taken and paid for in the manner provided for in the third section of the act to which this is an amendment. Sec. 4. The said corporation is hereby authorized to receive subscriptions to the stock of said road, payable at any time thereafter, with such a rate of interest thereon as may be agreed on, and for securing the payment of said stock and interest, said corporation may receive the bond of said subscriber, with a mortgage or deed of trust upon real estate, and the said corporation, on a failure or refusal 84 of said subscriber, his heirs, executors or administrators, to pay the said sum of money and interest when payable, may proceed, by suit in any court having competent jurisdiction, to foreclose said mortgage or sell said real estate, agreeably to the provisions contained in the deed of trust. The said corporation may assign said note and mortgage or deed of trust, and sucli vest in the assignee, the legal title thereto. Sec. 5. The said corporation shall never be allowed to issue certificates for stock in said company, unless ordered by a majority of the directors, and for a valuable consider¬ ation to be given therefor, and when such certificates shall be issued they shall be signed by the president and coun¬ tersigned by the secretary of said company, and attested by the seal of said corporation Sec. 6. The said corporation may hereafter construct their said railroad along the most eligible and practicable route to Illinoistown, or any point opposite St. Louis, and for that purpose shall possess and exercise all the privi¬ leges, immunities and franchises, and enjoy all the rights granted by this act, and the act to which this is an amend¬ ment, and the several amendments thereto. Sec. 7. The said corporation, at any time before the construction of the said road, as provided in the foregoing section, may contract with any railroad company now operating between the city of Alton and St. Louis, or which may hereafter do so, for the consolidation of said corpora¬ tion, or for the use of said road, depot buildings, engine bouse, and all other appurtenances connected therewith, for such time and on such terms as may be agreed on. Sec. 8. The number of the directors of the said corpo¬ ration shall hereafter be increased to seven, who shall be elected at such time and place as may be provided by the by-laws of said company, and it shall be lawful for the directors of said company to alter said by-laws, and change the time and place for the annual election of directors, whenever in their judgment it may be deemed advisable. Sec. 9. The counties of Morgan, Green and Jersey may issue bonds for the full amount respectively subscribed by 85 tliem, or which they may hereafter subscribe in behalf of said counties, to the capital stock of the Jacksonville and Carroll ton Railroad, when requested to do so, by the order of the directors of said corporation; and the clerks of the county courts of said counties shall transmit to the auditor of State the amounts respectively subscribed by said counties, together with the accruing interest, also the amount of bonds issued to said corporation; and it shall be the duty of the auditor, in making out the forms for each county, to prepare a column for the amount of interest required to be raised annually to meet the accruing interest on such bonds, which shall he collected at the same time and manner of collecting the state revenue, and paid into the county treasury; and the collectors of said county shall be allowed the same compen¬ sation for collecting said interest as tliev receive for collect- O «y ing a like amount of the state revenue, to be paid by said counties; and for the faithful discharge of their duties shall severally be required to give bond and security, to be approved by the clerks of said counties respectively. Sec. 10. This act is hereby declared to be a public act, and shall be in force and take effect from and after its passage. Approved Feb. 7, 1857. AN A CT to amend an act entitled "An act to construct a railroad from Jacksonville, in More/an county, to Alton, in Madison countf/,99 approved February 15,1851, and other acts amendatory thereto. Section 1. Be it enacted by the people of the State of Illinois, represented in the General Assembly, That the Jacksonville, Alton'and St. Louis Railroad Company, in addition to the powers granted by the act to which this is an amendment, as well as the amendments approved February 11, 1853, February 27, 1854, and February 7, 1857,' are hereby authorized to unite or consolidate their railroad, for running 86 purposes, operation or business, with any railroad con¬ structed, or to 1)0 constructed, 011 such terms as may be mutually agreed. Sec. 2. The said corporation is hereby authorized to contract with any railroad corporation now operating or chartered, or which may hereafter be operating or chartered, between Alton and Illinoistown, for the running of trains over and use of their road, depots, buildings, and all other appurtenances connected therewith, or for the purchase, in whole or in part, or may subscribe or purchase stock, or become otherwise interested in any such railroad corpora¬ tion, as aforesaid, or make such other arrangements and contracts, for the use and occupancy of such railroads and appurtenances, as may be deemed necessary for the opera¬ ting and business of the said corporation. Sec. 3. The said corporation is hereby authorized to unite and connect its railroad with the St. Louis, Alton and Chicago Railroad, at any point, within ten miles of the city of Alton, upon such terms as may be mutually agreed upon; and if any such connection be made, the said cor¬ poration shall not be obliged to construct its road to either Alton or Illinoistown, or they may, by mutual agreement or contract with the said St. Louis, Alton and Chicago Railroad Company, build and maintain a separate trackway alongside of said road from the point of intersection into the city of Alton, or may make such other contracts or arrangements for the joint occupancy and use of said St. Louis, Alton and Chicago Railroad, depot, switches and appurtenances, as may be mutually agreed upon. Sec. 4. The said corporation may construct their road 011 or across any stream of water, water course, road or highway, railroad or canal, or street, levee or alley, in any city or town, which the route of its road shall intersect; but the corporation shall restore the stream 01* water course, road or highway, railroad or canal, street, levee or alley, thus intersected, to its former state, or in a sufficient man¬ ner not to have materially impaired its usefulness. ^ When¬ ever the route of said railroad shall intersect any road or 87 highway, railroad, street, levee or alley, the said corpora¬ tion shall have power to change the line or grade of same, if such change be desirable, and shall not impair their use¬ ful ness; and said corporation may take such additional lands or real estate, for the construction of such road, high¬ way, railroad, street, levee or alley, or water course, as may be deemed requisite by said corporation. Unless the land so taken shall be voluntarily given, compensation therefor shall be ascertained in the manner as provided in the original charter, the several amendments thereto, and also this amendment, as nearly as may be, and duly made by the said corporation to the owner or persons interested in such lands, the same, when so taken, to become part of such intersecting road, highway, railroad, canal, street or alley, or water course, in such manner and by such time as the adjacent parts of the same highway, railroad, road, street or alley, may be held for highway or other purposes. Sec. 5. That in all proceedings had or hereafter to be had for right of way or condemnation of real estate, for any purpose, to the use of said railroad corporation, after any assessment or non-assessment of damages in the premises, by commissioners or appraisers, and any appeal, or other proceedings in the premises, by either party, the said com¬ pany may proceed with their enterprise, if they will give bond and security, in a sufficient amount, to be approved by the clerk of the circuit court of the proper county, con¬ ditioned to pay to the owner or owners of such real estate all costs and damages that may thereafter be legally taxed and assessed in the premises against said corporation. Sec. 6. Whenever any real estate or securities of any kind shall or may be mortgaged or pledged to said corpo¬ ration, to secure the payment of any debt due or to become due to them,, they shall be and are hereby authorized to purchase, take and hold the said real estate or securities, and to acquire the same by contract, or purchase or sale, made in pursuance of any judgment at law or any decree of a court of equity, or otherwise, and also to purchase and hold such other real estate as may be deemed necessary for 88 the interest of said corporation, and shall, also, he author¬ ized to sell and convey, by deed, in fee simple, all lands, town lots or other.real estate belonging to or accpiired by said corporation, or which may hereafter be acquired by purchase, donation or otherwise, which, in the judgment of its board of directors, is not needed for the purposes of said corporation. And in all sales, deeds of trust, or mort¬ gages of real estate by said corporation, the conveyances shall be made in the corporate name thereof, signed and acknowledged by the president, under the seal of the cor¬ poration, and attested by the secretary thereof. Sec. 7. The provisions of an act entitled an "Act sup¬ plemental to an act entitled 4 an act to provide for a general system of railroad incorporations,'" approved ^November 6th, 1849, and also of 44 An act to facilitate the construction of railroads," approved March 1, 1854, are hereby declared and made applicable to each and every town now incorporated, or that may hereafter be incorpo¬ rated, situated at either end or on the line of the Jackson¬ ville, Alton and St. Louis Railroad, or within two miles thereof, as the same has been heretofore surveyed or may hereafter be surveyed and located; and the corporate authorities of any such town may order an election or elections to be held in such town, by the legal voters thereof, upon the question, whether the town, in its corporate capacity, will or will not subscribe to the capital stock of 44 The Jacksonville, Alton and St. Louis Railroad Company," any sum not exceeding twenty live thousand dollars. And in case any such election shall be held the same shall, be conducted as the town elections. And if at any such election a majority of the voters voting shall be in favor of making such subscription, the provisions of the two acts recited in this section, and also of all other general laws relating to subscriptions by counties or cities to the capital stock of railroad companies, shall apply to and govern the corporate authorities of such town in making such supscriptions, so far as the same is applicable, and in all the subsequent proceedings relating thereto, and the rights of such town against said company shall be the 89 same, with the like remedies to enforce such rights, as the rights and remedies of counties in cases of county sub¬ scriptions. Sec. 8. The said corporation are hereby authorized'to make and issue preferred stock, guaranteeing such a rate of interest, not exceeding eight per cent, per annum, or with such priority over the remaining stock of such corporation, in the payment of dividends, as the directors of said corporation may determine. And the said hoard of directors may make such by-laws and regulations, necessary to give and secure to each original stockholder in said corporation a free pass over the said road, when completed, so long as such person may continue the bona fide owner of such original stock: Provided', that no free pass shall be issued to any such stockholder unless he is the owner of at least live shares of said capital stock. Sec. 9. Said corporation may maintain suits against stockholders for non-payment of capital stock, or for any other demands or claims against other persons, in any county through which their road passes; and no stockholder or other person interested in the affairs of said corporation shall be incompetent to testify as a witness, or act in any ministerial capacity in any proceeding, legal or otherwise, where the said corporation may be a party. Sec. 10. The said corporation is hereby authorized, from time to time, to borrow such sum or sums of monev, 7 */ ' on the credit of the corporation, as may be necessary for completing, furnishing or operating their said railroad, or for any other purpose connected therewith, at a rate of interest not exceeding ten per cent, per annum, payable semi-annually or annually, and may execute bonds there¬ for, with interest coupons thereto annexed, and secure the payment of the same, by mortgage or deed of trust on the whole or any part of their said railroad and corporate property, franchises and income of said corporation, then existing, or thereafter to be acquired, and may annex to said mortgage bonds the privilege of converting the same into the capital stock of the corporation, at par, at the option 90 of the holders, if such election he signified, in writing, to the corporation, at any time not exceeding five years from the date hereof. The said bonds and interest may he made payable, either "within or without this State; and if the payment of the moneys thereby secured shall he afterwards enforced by a sale of the property thus conveyed by mort¬ gage or deed of trust, such sale shall convey to the pur¬ chaser or purchasers the right to hold and exercise the said franchises as fully as the same right was possessed by said corporation ; and in any case where the rolling stock, equip¬ ments or other personal property of said corporation, or any part thereof shall be included in any mortgage or deed of trust, as aforesaid, the said mortgage or deed of trust shall be acknowledged by the said corporation in the same manner, and recorded, as provided bylaw, shall be as bind¬ ing upon the said corporation and have the same force and etfect, in every respect, as if the same were upon real estate alone, any law of this State to the contrary notwithstanding. Sec. 11. That the directors of said corporation be and they are hereby authorized to negotiate and sell the bonds of the said corporation at such time and in such places, either within or without this State, and at such rates and for such prices as, in their opinion, will best advance the /interest of the corporation; and if such bonds are thus negotiated or sold at a discount below their par value, such sale shall be as valid and binding on the company, in every respect, as if they were sold or deposited at their par value. Sec. 12. That the said corporation, in securing the pay¬ ment of said bonds, by a mortgage or deed of trust on the road, property, franchises and income of the corporation, shall have power to execute a mortgage or deed of trust aforesaid, to secure the payment of the full amount of bonds which the corporation may at the time of said mort¬ gage or deed of trust bears date, or at any time thereafter, desire to sell and dispose of, and may execute and sell, from time to time, such amounts of said bonds and of such dates and payable to such persons as the directors of said corpo¬ ration may deem advisable, till the whole amount of bonds 91 mentioned in sucli mortgage or deed of trust is executed and sold; and the said mortgage or deed of trust shall he as valid and effectual to secure the payment of the bonds so executed and sold and every part' thereof, as if the same and every part thereof had been executed of even date with the said mortgage or deed of trust. Sec. 13. That in all cases where subscriptions of stock and the bonds for same have been issued and delivered to said corporation by any county of this State, in pursuance of a vote of such county thereof—all of which said sub¬ scriptions, bonds and all other proceedings therein, are hereby declared legal and valid; and in such subscriptions by counties, incorporated cities or towns, past or prospect¬ ive, it shall he the duty of the county court of each county and the corporate authorities of each city or town, respect¬ ively, and they are hereby directed and authorized to levy a sufficient tax to pay promptly the interest and principal, as the same matures and becomes due, on all the bonds which may have been heretofore issued, or may be hereafter, for said stock; which tax shall he collected in the same manner and at the same time as the taxes are collected for other purposes, and shall remain in force until said bonds are all paid off and discharged; and said tax may, from time to time, he increased 01* diminished so as to produce sufficient funds for the payment of said interest and prin¬ cipal of said bonds. And the said county, city or town authorities shall also be empowered to purchase and cancel any of said bonds at any time when there may be funds in the treasury, not otherwise appropriated, at such prices as they deem consistent with the best interests of the coun¬ ties, cities and towns, respectively. And all the counties through which the survey and location of the railroad of said corporation passes, are hereby authorized and empow¬ ered, in their corporate capacity, to subscribe and take such additional stock, not exceeding one hundred thousand dol¬ lars, in the capital stock of the Jacksonville, Alton and St. Louis Railroad Company, as a majority of the legal voters voting may determine at any election or elections which may be held for that purpose, as provided b}- law. 92 Sec. 14. In everv case where an election shall he held by or in any county, city or incorporated town, situated on or near the route of said railroad, as the same has been or may hereafter be surveyed and located, in whole or in part, between Jacksonville and Illinoistown, upon the question whether such county, city or town shall subscribe for any specified amount in shares of the capital stock of said company, said election shall be legal and binding upon such county, city or town, if notices thereof are given and the election is conducted in the mode prescribed in an act enti¬ tled "An act supplemental to an act entitled ' an act to provide for a general system of railroad corporations,'" approved November 6, 1849, or in the mode prescribed in any general law of this State, relating to the same subject, or in the mode prescribed in any of the acts amendatory of the charter of said company; and if a majority of the votes cast at any such election shall be "for subscription," it shall be the duty of the county court, or the corporate authorities of such city or town, to subscribe, without unnecessary delay, upon request of said company, for shares of said capital stock to the amount so voted, and to issue and deliver to said company the same amount as the stock so subscribed of the bonds of such city, county or town, as the case may be, payable at any time specified, in not exceeding twenty years from their date, with annual or semi-annual coupons, for not exceeding ten per cent, interest per annum, thereto attached, which bonds and coupons may be made payable, either within or without this State, as said company may request; and all the provisions of the above mentioned act, approved November 6, 1849, which are not inconsistent with the provisions of this act and of the other acts amendatory of the charter of said company, shall apply to and govern every election referred to in this section, and the subscribing for stock and issuing of bonds, by virtue of such election, and all other matters relating to such elections and the proceedings thereunder or by virtue thereof. Sec. 15. The said company shall carry and transport the mails of the United States on such terms as may be 93 agreed upon, and all such freights and passengers as may¬ be offered, if required so to do, ou the terms usual with like railroad companies. Sec. 16. In all cases where the principal or interest of any county bond, issued to said company, by virtue of a vote of the legal voters of such county, is made payable in the city of Yew York, such bond shall not 011 that account be deemed invalid, but the principal and interest shall be deemed payable in such bond as specified. Sec. 17. This*act shall be deemed a public act, and shall be so received and taken notice of in all courts and places, and shall take effect and be in force from and after its passage. Approved February 14, 1859. AN ACT snrrenderinf/ title and interest of State in the track of a certain railroad to certain 2)ersons, for railroad purjwscs, therein named. Section 1. Be it enacted by the people of the State of Illi¬ nois, represented in the General Assembly, That the State of Illinois hereby surrenders to William Shepherd, Castle It. Harrison and George I\. Stockcr, for the use of the Jack¬ sonville, Alton and St. Louis Railroad Company, to be used for the purpose of said railroad, and for 110 other purpose, all the right, title or interest she has in the track, grade, right of way, or other privileges or appurtenances of, in or belonging to, so much of the Alton and Springfield Railroad as lies between the St. Louis, Alton and Chicago Railroad, in township five north, range ten west of the third principal meridian, extending through the town of Upper Alton, to the eastern limits of the city of Alton, in Madison county; and the said William Shepherd,' Castle R. Harrison antfGeorge R. Stocker, for the use aforesaid, and for the purposes aforesaid, are hereby authorized to take, use and enjoy all such rights, interests, claim or 94 demand of this State in the work or material of that part of the road above described, as is now belonging1 or apper¬ taining to the State. Sec. 2. This act sliall be in force from and after its passage. Approved February 21, 1850. \ *< 7 ACT to amend an act entitled "An act to construct a railroad from Jacksonville■, in Morgan count}), to Alton, in Madison county," approved February 18, 18819 and other acts amendatory thereto. Section 1. Be it enacted by the 'people of the State of Illi¬ nois, represented in the General Assembly, That the Jackson¬ ville, Alton and St. Lonis Railroad Company, in addition to the powers granted by the act to which this is an amend¬ ment, as well as the amendments, approved February 11, 1853, February 27, 1854, February 7, 1857, and February 14, 1859, is hereby authorized and empowered to take and receive in payment, from the subscribers to the capital stock of said company (either for subscriptions heretofore made or which may be hereafter), money, labor, materials, cars, locomotives or other property, either real or personal, for the use of said railroad, or which, in the opinion of the board of directors, may be sold, exchanged or converted to such use; and the said railroad company is hereby vested with full authority to sell, convey, exchange or dispose of any such property so received; and all such transactions and payments of stock, heretofore made to said company, are hereby declared legal and valid. Sec. 2. The said company is hereby authorized to receive subscriptions to its capital stock, payable in either real or personal property; and all such subscriptions, here¬ tofore made, are hereby declared legal and valid; and on a failure, neglect or refusal of any subscriber, his heirs, executors or administrators, to make such payment or comply with the condition thereof, the said company may proceed by suit, in any court having competent jurisdiction thereof, and recover the amount or value thereof in money; and the said company is hereby authorized and empowered to receive subscriptions to its capital stock, payable at any time hereafter, either when the entire road is in operation or any part of it, or at any time thereafter, and may receive notes or bonds for the same, and also such security, either real or personal, with or without interest, as may be agreed upon. The notes, bonds or other security, as hereby pro¬ vided for, may be assigned or transferred by said company; and such assignment or transfer shall vest in the assignee or assigns the legal title thereto. Sec. 3. The said railroad company shall have power to extend and unite its railroad with any other railroad now constructed or which may hereafter be constructed in this State; and, for that purpose, full power is hereby given to said company to make and execute such contracts with any other company as will secure the objects of such connec¬ tion; and, for the foregoing purposes, of extension, shall possess and exercise all the privileges, immunities and franchises, and enjoy all the rights granted by this act and the act to which this is an amendment and the several amendments thereto. » Sec. 4. All thd provisions in this act, also the act to which this is an amendment, and the several amendments thereto, relating to county courts, shall apply to and govern the board of supervisors in any county where township organization may exist or hereafter be adopted; and in all cases, when bv the terms of the act to which this is an amendment and the several acts amendatory thereto, it is made the duty of the county courts to do and perform any act or acts, the same shall be binding upon any such board of supervisors, and shall be done and performed by them to the same extent and in like manner, so far as practicable, as the said county courts are required to do. Sec. 5. This act shalbbe deemed a public act, and shall be so received and taken notice of in all courts and places, and shall take effect and be in force from and after its passage. Approved February 20, 18G1. AN ACT to incorporate the Tonica and Petershart/ Ilail- road Com pa a p. Section 1. Be it eroded by the people of the State of Ill¬ inois, represented in the General Assembly, That Albert Reynolds, Elijah A. Earnsworth, Jesse Hammers, Henry B. Green, John Bennett, "William G. Green, William Crow, Josiah Sawyer, and Richard Yates, and their associates, successors and assigns, are hereby created a body politic and corporate, under and by the name and style of "The Tonica and Petersburg Railroad Company," with perpetual succession, and by that name and style shall be and are hereby made capable, in law and in equity, to sue and be sued, plead and be impleaded, defend and be defended, in all courts of law and equity in this State or elsewhere, to make, have and use a common seal, and alter the same at pleasure; and by that name and style shall be capable in law of taking, holding, purchasing, leasing, selling and conveying estate and property, real, personal and mixed, so far as the same may be necessary for the purposes herein¬ after named, and not further; and shall be and are hereby vested with all the powers, privileges and immtmities which may be necessary to carry into effect the objects and purposes of this act. Sec. 2. The said company shall have power and authority to locate, and from time to time to alter, change, relocate, construct, reconstruct, finish, maintain and operate a railroad, with one or more tracks, commencing at a point at or near Tonica, on the Illinois Central Railroad, running thence through Magnolia, in Putnam county, Lyons and Mantua, in Marshall county, Metamora, in Woodford county, Tremont and Delevan, in Tazewell county, Peters¬ burg, in Menard county, at or near Crow's Point, in Cass county, and terminating at Jacksonville, in the county of Morgan, upon the most eligible route to be by said company selected; and for the purpose of constructing the said rail¬ road, said company shall have power to lay out and 97 establish their said road in width not exceeding one hundred feet through the entire length thereof; and for the purpose of constructing bridges, dams, embankments, excavations, spile-banks, engine houses, depots, stations, grounds, machine shops, turn-tables, turn-outs, and all other buildings and fixtures necessary and suitable for the construction, altering, maintaining and operating said road, and also for obtaining necessary stone, gravel and sand, the said company may take, use and occupy all necessary lands upon either side of said road. Sec. 3. The said company shall have power to take and hold all such voluntary grants and donations of lands and real estate as may be made to said,company, to aid in the construction, maintenance and accommodation of said road, and to take and receive grants and conveyances of any and all estate therein to said company and their successors in office, or assigns in fee or otherwise; and that the right of way and the real estate purchased for the right of way for said company, whether by mutual agreement or otherwise, or which shall become the property of the company by operation of law, as in this act provided, shall, upon the payment of the amount of money belonging to the owner or owners of said lands as a compensation for the same, become the property of said corporation in fee simple. Sec. 4. The said company are hereby authorized by their engineers, agents and surveyors to enter upon any lands for the purpose of making the necessary surveys and examinations of said road, and to enter upon and take and hold all lands necessary for the construction of said road; and all such lands as may be required in the construction of bridges, dams, embankments, excavations, spile-banks, turn-outs, depots, engine houses, shops, turn-tables, and other necessary improvements or buildings, first making just compensation to the owners or occupiers of said lands for damages that may arise to them from the appropriation thereof to the uses aforesaid; and in case said company shall not be able to obtain the title to the lands required for .such uses by purchase or voluntary cession, the said o i 98 i • company arc hereby authorized to proceed to ascertain and determine the damages sustained by such owners or occupiers, and obtain right and title to said lands in the manner and upon the principles provided in "An act to amend the law condemning right of way for purposes of internal improvement," approved June 22, 1852; or, in the manner and upon the principles provided by any other act that may have been or may hereafter he passed by the General Assembly of the State of Illinois, to enable railroad companies to appropriate lands for the purposes aforesaid. Sec. 5. The said board of directors shall have power and authority to provide, in their by-laws, if they in their discretion shall think proper to do so, for the construction of said road by divisions; and in such case, it may be lawful for the subscription of the stock to be taken and subscribed for either of the said divisions, or for the whole of the said road, as those taking and subscribing for the same may deem proper; and in the event that the whole or any portion of said stock be taken and subscribed for, by divisions, the amount yf stock so taken and subscribed shall be applied and expended in the construction of that particular division for which the same v a* taken: Provided, That should the amount raised for any division be a surplus, or more than will be required for the construction of said division, such surplus shall go to the whole road as an entire road, and may be appropriated in such manner and at such places on the road as the company may decide. Sec. 6. That all the rights acquired by, and all the obligations incurred by an association heretofore formed and organized for the purpose of constructing and operat- . ing a railroad from a point at or near Tonica, on the Illinois Central Railroad, to Petersburg, in Menard county, State of Illinois, and known by the name of the Tonica and Peters¬ burg Railroad Company, are hereby made and declared of legal effect, as though the said corporation had been consti¬ tuted a body politic and corporate1 by legal enactment and organization thereunder, and that the said corporation shall succeed to all the rights and obligations of the said asso- I 99 ciation; and that the officers or directors of said association, or person or persons claiming or having a rig]it to the same, shall transfer, convey and deliver to said corporation all moneys or property acquired by, or held to the nse of said association; also all hooks, maps, profiles, and all papers of every description pertaining to the same, to he held and used hy the said corporation in carrying out the provisions of this act. That all bonds, notes, contracts and promises of every kind made with said association or its officers or agents, in respect to said railroad, or its con¬ struction, shall inure to the benefit, of the said corporation, and shall he binding: and effectual as if made with said corporation; and all debts which may be due from the said association, and all contracts or obligations to be performed by it, shall be binding upon the said corporation as if such debts, contracts and obligations had been made originally bv the same: Provided, that all the subscribers who have «y 7 subscribed to the capital stock of the said association, shall be deemed to be stockholders in the said corporation, to the extent and in proportion to the amount so subscribed, and shall be entitled to all the rights, and subject to all the liabilities with other stockholders who shall hereafter sub¬ scribe to the capital stock of said corporation under and in pursuance of the provisions of this act. Sec. 7. The capital stock of said corporation shall con¬ sist of two millions of dollars, and may be increased by the directors of said company to any sum necessary to com¬ plete and equip said road; and the same shall be subscribed for, and taken under the direction of the board of directors, at such times and places, and in such manner as the direct¬ ors shall from time to time direct. The said capital stock shall be divided into shares of one hundred dollars each, shall be deemed personal property, shall be liable to be sold under execution, and shall be transferable in such manner and at such places as shall be ordered by the board of directors. Sec. 8. All the corporate powers of said company shall be vested in and exercised bv a board of directors of not *7 i more than nine or less than five, to be determined by the TOO stockholders, and to he chosen annual]}' by the stockhold¬ ers from among themselves; who shall hold their offices for one year after their election, or until their successors are tj ' elected and qualified. The time and manner of holding the annual election for the election of directors shall he fixed and determined by the by-laws of the company, and at all such elections of directors each stockholder shall he entitled to one vote for each share of stock bona fide held by him, and may vote in person or by proxy. The said direct¬ ors shall have power to appoint all necessary clerks, secre¬ tary, and other officers or agents necessary in the transac¬ tion of the business of the hoard. The said directors, a majority of whom shall constitute a quorum, shall elect one of their own number to he the president of the company. Sec. 9. In case of the death, resignation or removal of 7 o the president or any director at any time between the an¬ nual elections, such vacancy may he filled for the remainder of the year, whenever it may happen, by the hoard of directors; and in case of absence of .the president, the hoard of directors shall have power to appoint a presi¬ dent pro tear., who shall have and exercise all the powers of the legal president of the company. And in case it shall at any time happen that an election of directors shall not have been made on the day on which it ought to have been made, in pursuance of the provisions of this act, the said corporation shall not, for that cause, be dissolved, but such election shall be holden at such other time as shall be directed by the by-laws of said corporation. Sec. 10. The first board of directors of said company shall consist of Albert Reynolds, Elijah N. Farnsworth, .Jesse Hammers, Josiah Sawyer, Ilenry R. Green, John Bennett, William G. Green, Wm. Crow and Richard Yates, who shall hold their offices until the next annual election of directors, or until their successors are elected and quali¬ fied. Said board of directors shall cause books to be opened for subscription to the capital stock of said corporation at such time and in such manner as they shall by' their by¬ laws direct. 101 Sec. 11. It shall be lawful for tlie directors to make calls upon the sums subscribed to the capital stock of said corporation, at sucli times and in such amounts as they shall deem tit, giving at least thirty days' notice of each of s'aid calls, in at least two newspapers published in the vicinity of said road; and in case of any failure on the part of any stockholder to make payment of any call made as aforesaid hv the said directors, for sixtv davs after the same shall have been made, the said board of directors are herein* authorized to declare said stock so in arrears; and all sums paid thereon shall he forfeited to the company, and said company shall have the power and authority to institute suit in any competent court, and recover judgment against any such defaulting subscriber or subscribers for such amount of said stock as he or she or they may be so in arrears as aforesaid. Sec. 12. The said company may transport upon said railroad persons, merchandise and property, by the power of steam, or of animals, or of any other power or combi¬ nation of powers, and may regulate the time and manner in which goods, effects and persons may be transported on the same, and may prescribe the manner in which said railroad may be used, and the rate of toll for the transpor¬ tation of persons and property thereon, and for the storage of merchandise and other property under their charge, and shall have power to provide all necessary stock and mate¬ rials for the operation of said road, and to erect and main¬ tain all necessary depots and other buildings, and machinery, for the accommodation, management and operation of said road. The said directors shall have power to make all necessary rules, regulations, ordinances and by-laws, which they may deem necessary and expedient, to accomplish the designs and purposes, and to carry into effect the provi¬ sions of this act. Sec. 1-3. If any person shall maliciously, wilfully, or wantonly, or shall negligently obstruct the passage of any car, on said railroad, or upon any part thereof, or anything belonging thereto, or shall damage, break or destroy any 102 part, of the said railroad, or implements, or buildings belonging to the same, lie, she or they, or any person assist¬ ing, shall forfeit and pay said company, for every sneli offense, treble the amount of damages that shall be proved before a competent court has been sustained, and be sued for in the name and behalf of said company; and such offender or offenders shall be deemed guilty of a misde¬ meanor and shall be liable to indictment in the same manner (as) other indictments are found in any county or counties where such offense shall have been committed, and upon conviction, every such offender shall be liable to a fine not exceeding one thousand dollars, for the use of tlfe eountv Co - %, where such indictment maybe found, or shall be imprisoned in the penitentiary not exceeding five years, or both, in the discretion of the court before whom the same shall be tried. Sec. 14. Said company is hereby authorized from time to time to borrow such sum or sums of money as may be necessary for completing and operating their said road, and to issue and dispose of their bonds in denominations of not less than five hundred dollars, for any amount so borrowed, f / and to mortgage their corporate property and franchise, and convey the same by deed of trust, to secure the pay¬ ment of any debt contracted by the said company for the purpose aforesaid; and directors of said company may confer on any bondholders of any bonds issued for money •borrowed, as aforesaid, the right to convert the principle due or owing thereon into the stock of said company, at any time not exceeding ten years from the date of the bond, O *y J under such regulations as the directors of said company may see fit to adopt, and all sales of bonds for less than their par value shall be good and valid and as binding upon said corporation as if the same were sold for the lull amount thereof; and said corporation may loan any surplus funds, at such rate of interest as is now allowed upon any money loaned by the laws of this State: Prodded, nothing herein contained shall be so construed as to confer banking privileges. Sec. 15. The certificate of the secretary of said company, under the corporate seal thereof, shall be received in all 108 courts of justice and elsewhere as evidence of the regular organization of said company under its charter, and ot any act or order of the hoard of directors of said company. Sec. 16. That whenever it shall he necessarv for the construction of said railroad to intersect or cross anv water * course, or any road or highway lying "between the points aforesaid, it shall he lawful for the corporation to construct their railroad across or upon the same: Pruritic!, that the corporation shall restore the water course, or road, or high¬ way, thus intersected, to its former state, or in a sufficient manner not to have impaired its usefulness. It shall he lawful for the said company to unite with any other railroad company which may have been, or hereafter may he, incor¬ porated by this State, and to grant to any company or companies the right to construct and use all or any portion of the road lierebv authorized to he constructed; also, the %/ ' ' right to sell, lease or convey the same to said company or companies, or consolidate its stock therewith, and place the management and control of the, same under such hoard of directors upon "such terms as may he mutually agreed upon by the said railroad companies. Sec. 17. The said corporation shall have power to con¬ struct a northern extension of said road to Ottawa, and in the event of the extension of said road to Ottawa, the said corporation shall not he compelled to construct that part of the road provided for in the second section of this act, which lies between Tonica and Magnolia, unless said corpo¬ ration shall, in their discretion, see proper so to do, hut shall have power to run said road on the most eligible route between Magnolia and Ottawa, crossing the Illinois Central ' 7 O Kail road either at Tonica or at apoint on said Illinois Central Kailroad south of Tonica, as said company may deem most for the interest of said road; said corporation shall also have the power to construct a branch of said road from Petersburg to Xew Berlin, on the Great AVestern road, and also a southern extension of said road from Jacksonville in the direction of Waverly and Carlinville to such point on the said Illinois Central Kailroad, as the said corporation 104 may hereafter determine; said extension and branches to be constructed in every respect according1 to the provisions, requirements and limitations of this act. Sue. 18. This act is hereby declared to be a public act, and shall be in force from and after its passage; and said com¬ pany shall commence its work in live years and complete the same in ten years after the passage of this act. Approved Jan. 15, 1857. AN ACT supplemental to an act to incorporate the Tonica and Petersburg Railroad Company. * Section 1. Be it enacted by the people of the State of Illinois, represented in the General Assembly, That in all cases where subscriptions have been or shall he made to said company by any county of this State in pursuance of a vote of the county, all which are hereby declared legal and valid, it shall be the duty of the county court of each county, respectively, to levy a sufficient tax to pay the interest on the bonds to be issued for said stock, which tax shall remain in force until said bonds are paid off and dis¬ charged, and said tax may from time to time be increased or diminished so as to produce sufficient funds for payment of said interest. That the votes given at the last general election holden on the 4th day of November, a. d. 1856, bv c/ J J *J the counties of Morgan and Menard, in favor of subscrip¬ tions to the capital stock of said company, he and the same are hereby declared of legal effect, and that the clerks of the county courts of such counties be authorized and required to issue their bonds to said company, in the manner and upon the terms set forth in the election notices and other proceedings of said county courts in relation thereto. Sec. 2. That if the citizens of "Washington, in Tazewell county, shall, on or before the first day of March, a. d. 1857, subscribe, within said town of Washington, not less 105 than the sum of fifteen thousand dollars in good responsible subscription to the capital stock of said company, and secure free of expense to said company the right of way through said town of "Washington, and also ground for a passenger house at such point as the said road shall cross the Peoria and Oquawka Eastern Extension Railroad, free of.expense to said company, and also depot grounds, within three-eighths of a mile of said crossing, free of expense to said company, then the said road shall be located through the said town of Washington. Sec. 3. That the county court of each county which may, by a vote of said county, have subscribed, or may hereafter subscribe, to the capital stock of said company, is hereby authorized to make the interest 011 the bonds of sub¬ scription aforesaid payable at such place or places as the said county courts, respectively, may order and determine. Sec. 4. The said corporation shall have the power to construct a branch of said railroad from some point thereon between Magnolia and Ottawa to some point in the town of Morris, in the county of Grundy, said points to be fixed by said corporation, with spurs to said branch running to the coal beds on the Vermillion river, which said branch and spurs shall be constructed under the provisions of the original act to which this is a supplement; and said corpo¬ ration shall have all the powers, privileges and advantages (and be liable to all the regulations, liabilities and disabili¬ ties), in constructing and managing said branch and spurs as are imposed upon and granted said company by said charter in constructing the main trunk of said railroad. Approved Feb. 1(3, 1857. A X A CT to amend "An act to incorporate the Ton tea and Petersburg ltailroad Company," approved January 1A, lSe>7, and also to amend " An act supplemental to an act to incorporate the Tonica and Petersburg Pail- road Com pang, approved February Hi, 1857. Section 1. Be it enacted by the 'people of the State of Illinois, represented, in the General Assembly, That said corpo- 106 ration is authorized to receive subscriptions to its capital, stock, payable at any time and in any manner, and at any / l •' « «' * « rate of interest, not exceeding ten per cent, per annum, which may he agreed upon by said corporation and the subscribers to the capital stock thereof. Sec. 2. The provisions of "An act supplemental to an act entitled 4 an act to provide for a general system of railroad incorporations,'" approved Xov. 6, 1840, and also of " An act to facilitate the construction of railroads," approved March 1, 1854, are hereby declared and made applicable to each and every town now incorporated, or that may hereafter he incorporated, situated on or near the line of "The.Tonica and Petersburg Railroad," and the corpo- rate authorities of any sucli incorporated town may order an election or elections to be held in such town, bv the legal voters thereof, upon the question whether the town, in its corporate capacity, will or will not subscribe to the capital stock of "The Tonica and Petersburg Railroad" any sum not exceeding fifty thousand dollars. And in case said election shall be held, the same shall be conducted as other town elections; and if [at] any such elections, a majority of the voters voting shall be in favor of making such subscription, all the provisions of the two acts recited in this section, and also of all other general laws relating to / Cu eg* subscriptions by counties to the capital stock of railroad companies, shall apply to and govern the corporate authori¬ ties of such town in making such subscription, and in all the subsequent proceedings relating thereto; and the rights of such town against said corporation shall be the same, with the like remedies to enforce such rights, as the rights and remedies of counties in cases of county subscription. Sec. 3. That any township now or hereafter organized under the township organization laws of this State, which may be situated on or near the route of the Tonica and Petersburg Railroad, or of any branch of said road, is hereby authorized to subscribe to the capital stock of said company, in any sum not exceeding fifty thousand dollars for each township. 107 Sec. 4. Xo such subscription shall be made until tbe question lias been submitted to tbe legal voters of tbe township in which the subscription is proposed to be made, and the clerk of each of said towns (in which the subscrip¬ tion is proposed to be made) is hereby required, upon the presentation to him of a petition signed by at least twenty citizens, who. are legal voters and tax payers of the town of which he is clerk (in which petition shall be specified the amount proposed to be subscribed, the time which the bonds proposed to be issued are to run, and the interest which said bonds are to bear), to post up notices in at least three of the most public places of said town, which notices shall be posted at least thirty days before the dav of holding such election, notifying the *j O 7 %J O legal voters to meet at the usual place of voting, or some other convenient place in said town, for the purpose of voting for or against subscription ; but no such vote shall be taken except at a regular election for town or county officers. Sec. 5. If it shall appear that a majority of all the- voters voting at such election have voted for subscription, it shall be the duty of the supervisor of each of said towns that shall vote for such subscription to subscribe to the capital stock of said railroad corporation, in the name of the town for which he is supervisor, the amount so voted to be subscribed, and to receive from said corporation the proper certificates therefor. lie shall also execute to said corporation, in the name of said town, bonds in con¬ formity with said vote, which bonds shall specify the place of payment, and shall in no case bear interest at a higher rate than ten per cent, per annum, and shall run for a term of not less nor more than twenty years, and the interest on the same shall be made payable annually or semi-annually, ami which said bonds shall be accepted by said corporation at their par value. Said bonds shall be signed by the super¬ visor and attested by the clerk of the town in whose name the bonds are issued, and it shall be the duty of said clerk to make a record of the issuing such bonds. Said bonds 108 shall 1)0 delivered to tlio president or secretary of said corporation, for the use of said corporation. Sec. 6. It shall be the duty of the clerk of each of said «v towns in which a vote is given for subscription, within ten davs thereafter, to transmit to the county clerk of the «' V county in which said town is situated a transcript or statement of the vote given and the amount voted to be subscribed, and the rate of interest named in the bonds, and the times of payment of said interest. Sec. 7. It shall be the duty of said countv clerk, annually U 1/ 7 #/ thereafter, to compute and assess upon all the taxable property returned by the assessor of each of said towns which have voted to subscribe, a sufficient sum to pay the interest on all bonds issued by the respective towns, which taxes shall be extended on the collectors' books, as other taxes are, and shall be collected in the same manner that other taxes are collected, and, when collected, shall be paid into the treasury as county taxes are paid. Sec. 8. It shall be the duty of said treasurer of the county in which said town is situated, to pay out, on the presentation to him of the bonds issued by any town, as aforesaid, the amount due on each of said bonds as interest, out of any money in his hands for that purpose, and receive the interest coupons then due and paid by liini, or other sufficient vouchers; he shall also keep an account with each town of all money received by him and paid out on account of said town, which account shall at all times be open to the inspection of all persons wishing to examine the same. Sec. 9. At all elections for officers or other questions voted upon by the stockholders of said corporation, the supervisor of each town making such subscription shall represent and east the vote which said stock is entitled to. Sec. 10. The supervisor of each town voting for sub¬ scription, as aforesaid, is hereby authorized to issue and deliver to said corporation the whole of the bonds payable on its subscription, whether the assessments on the other stockholders of said company have been regularly assessed and made payable or not, and said bonds, both principal and I to# interest, may be made payable at any place within or without this State, in conformity with the vote that shall have been taken. Sec. 11. That in all cases where subscriptions of stock have been made to the said corporation by any county of this State, or shall hereafter be made to said corporation by any county, city or incorporated town, it shall be the duty of the county court of each county and of the corporate authorities of each city and incorporated town, respectively, and they are hereby directed and authorized to lew a t/ sufficient tax to pay the interest and principal as the same matures and becomes due on all the bonds which mav have been heretofore issued or may be hereafter issued for said stock, which tax shall be collected at the same time and in the same manner as the taxes are collected for other purposes, and shall remain in force until said bonds are paid off and discharged. And sad tax may, from time to time, be increased or diminished so as to produce sufficient funds for payment of said interest and principal of said bonds. And the said county, city or town authorities shall also be empowered to purchase and cancel any of said bonds at any time when there mav be funds in the treasury not other- wise appropriated, at such prices as they deem consistent with the best interests of the county, city or town, respectively. Sec. 12. In everv case where an election shall be held by or in any county, city or incorporated town, situated on or near the route of said railroad, as the same has been or may hereafter be surveyed and located in whole or in part, upon the question whether such county, city or town shall subscribe for any specified amount in shares of the capital stock of said corporation, said election shall be legal and binding upon such county, city or town, if nofices thereof are given and the election is conducted in the mode pre¬ scribed in an act entitled "An act supplemental to an act entitled 'an act to provide for a general system of railroad incorporations,"' approved November 6, 1849, or in the mode prescribed in any general law of this state relating to 110 the same subject. And if a majority of the votes cast at any such election shall be for subscription, it shall be the duty of the county court or the corporate authorities of such city or town to subscribe, without unnecessary delay, upon the request of the president of said corporation, for shares of said capital stock to the amount so voted, and to issue and deliver to said company the same amount as the stock so subscribed of the bonds of said county, city or town (as the case may be), payable at any time specified, not exceed¬ ing twenty years from their date, with annual or semi¬ annual coupons for not exceeding ten per cent, interest per annum thereto attached, which bonds and coupons may be made payable either within or without this State, as said corporation may request; and all the provisions of the above mentioned act, approved Xovcmber 6, 1849, which are not inconsistent with the provisions of this act, shall apply to and govern every election referred to in this section, and the subscribing for stock and issuing of bonds by virtue of such election, and all other matters relating to such election and the proceedings thereunder or by virtue thereof. Sec. 13. The said company shall carry and transport the mails of the United States on such terms as may be agreed upon, and all such freights and passengers as may be offered, if required so to do, on the terms usual [with] like railroad corporations. Sec. 14. The said corporation is hereby authorized to sell and convey, by deed, in fee simple, all lands, town lots, or other real estate belonging to or acquired by said corpo¬ ration, or which may hereafter be acquired by purchase, donation or otherwise, which, in the judgment of its board of directors, is not needed for the purposes of said corpora¬ tion. And in all sales, convevances, deeds of trust or mortgages of real estate by said corporation, the conveyances shall be made in the corporate name thereof, and acknowl¬ edged by the president, under the seal of the corporation, and attested by the secretary thereof. Sec. 15. The said corporation arc hereby authorized to make and issue a preferred stock, guaranteeing such a rate Ill of interest, not exceeding ten per cent, per annum, and with such priority over the remaining stock of such corporation as may he directed by the board of directors of said corpo¬ ration. And the said directors may cause subscription books for same to be opened at such times and places as they may direct, which shall be governed by the same rules, regula¬ tions and liabilities as provided heretofore in the original charter of said corporation, and the several amendments thereto, or by any by-laws or regulations which may be adopted or directed by the said directors. And the said board of directors may make such by-laws and regulations necessary to give and secure to each original stockholder in said corporation a free pass over the said railroad, when completed, so long as such person may continue the bona fide owner of such original stock : Prowled, that 110 free pass shall be issued to any such stockholder, unless he is the owner of at least live shares of said capital stock. Sec. 10. The said corporation is hereby authorized to borrow such sums of money on the credit of the corporation which may be necessary for constructing, finishing or oper¬ ating their said railroad, or for any other purpose connected therewith, at a rate of interest not exceeding ten per cent, per annum, payable semi-annually or annually, and may execute bonds therefor with interest coupons annexed, and secure the payment of the same by mortgage or deed of trust 011 the whole or any part, or any division, of said railroad and corporate property, franchises and income of said corporation, then existing or thereafter to be acquired; the said bonds and interest may be made payable either within or without this state; and if the payment of the moneys thereby secured shall be afterwards enforced by a sale of the property thus conveyed by mortgage or deed of trust, such sale shall convey to the purchaser the right to hold and exercise the said franchises as fully as the same right was possessed by said corporation. Sec. 17. That said corporation shall have the power to execute a deed of trust or mortgage on the property, road and income of the company, or upon any division or part 112 thereof, to secnre the payment of such amount of bonds as may be deemed necessary to be issued by the board of directors of said corporation, for the purposes of the road, and said corporation shall have power to execute and sell and dispose of said bonds, at the time said deed of trust or mortgage bears date, or shall have power to execute said bonds and sell the same, in whole or in part, from time to time, and of such dates subsequent to said deed of trust or mortgage, and payable to such person or persons as to said corporation shall seem advisable, till the whole amount ot bonds mentioned in such deed of trust is executed and sold; and the said mortgage and deed of trust shall be as valid and efficient to secure the payment of the bonds so executed and sold, and of every thereof, as if the same and every part thereof had been executed and sold with even date with the said deed of trust or mortgage. o o Sec. 18. That whenever the said railroad shall intersect any .road, railroad, highway, street or alley, the said cor¬ poration shall have power to change the line or grade of the said road, railroad, highway, street or alley, so inter¬ sected, if such change be desirable, and shall not impair the usefulness of such road, railroad, highway, street or alley thus intersected, and said corporation may take such additional lands as may be necessary for the change of said road, highway, street or railroad, making compensation therefor as in other cases: Provided, that in case of intersection with any railroad now incorporated, no change of line of such railroad, so intersected, shall be had, except with the con¬ sent of the company so intersected, or in case of disagree¬ ment, by the direction and award of arbitrators mutually chosen, one of whom shall be selected by each company, and the third chosen by the two thus chosen. Sec. 19. That in all proceedings had or hereafter to be be had for right of way or condemnation of real estate, for any purpose of said railroad, after any assessment or non- assessment of damages in the premises, by commissioners, and any appeal or other proceedings in the premises by either party, the said corporation may proceed in the con¬ struction of the said railroad over and upon said real estate, 113 upon giving bond and security in a sufficient amount, to be be approved by the clerk of the circuit court of the proper county, conditioned to'pay to the owner or owners of such real estate all costs and damages that mav hereafter be C? legally taxable and assessed in the premises against said corporation. Sec. 20. Said corporation may maintain suits against stockholders for non-payment of capital stock in any county through which said road passes, and no stockholder or other person interested in the affairs of said corporation shall be incompetent to testify as a witness or serve in any material capacity in any proceedings, legal or otherwise, where said corporation may be a party. Sec. 21. This act shall be deemed a public act, and in force from and after its passage. Approved February 14, 1859. AX ACT to amend an act entitled (i An act to -incorporate the Petersburg and Tonica Hail road Company Section 1. Be it enacted by the people of the State of Illi¬ nois, represented, in the General Assembly, That said company is hereby authorized to receive subscriptions to its capital stock, payable in either real or personal property; and such subscriptions, heretofore made, are hereby declared legal and binding; and, on a failure, neglect, or refusal of any such subscriber, his heirs, executors and administrators, to make such payment, or comply with the conditions thereof, the said company may proceed, by suit, in any court hav¬ ing competent jurisdiction thereof, and recover the amount in value so subscribed. Sec. 2. And the said company is hereby authorized and empowered to receive subscriptions to its capital stock, pay¬ able m money, work, labor, materials, equipments, or any other kind of property, real or personal, at any time there¬ after, either when the entire road is in operation or any JO 114 part of it, or at any time thereafter, and may receive notes or bonds for the same, and such security, either real or per¬ sonal, and with or without interest, as may be agreed upon. The notes, bonds, with all securities, may be assigned or transferred by said company; and such assignment or trans¬ fer shall vest in the assignee or assignees the le ro vi ded. Art. 2. The first election for the directors of said com¬ pany, shall he held at Jacksonville on the tenth day of December next, between the hours of noon and five o'clock ]). m. The following stockholders, in one or other of said companies, are hereby appointed inspectors or judges of said election to perform the usual duties required by law in such eases, to-wit: Matthew Stacy, John Mathers, Cor¬ nelius Rouke, and A\rilliani P. l>arr. The inspector or inspectors attending at the time and place fixed for the election, shall have power to fill any vacancy occasioned by the non-attendance of any one or more of their number. tj Any person so appointed to fill a vacancy must be a stock¬ holder in one or other of the companies, parties hereto. Should neither of the inspectors attend at the time and place appointed for the election, the stockholders present at the time fixed for the opening of the polk, shall have power by the vote of a majority in number of those present, to choose three persons, being stockholders in one or other of said companies, who, or any two of whom, shall have power to act as the judges of the said election. All stock¬ holders in the respective companies, entitled to vote at any election of directors in the respective companies, parties to this agreement, shall have the right to vote at the said election, in person, or by proxy, and sball be severally- entitled to one vote for each share of stock (being one hundred dollars at par), held by such stockholder in either of said companies. Eleven directors shall be voted for at said election, of whom at least four shall reside north of Morgan county, and be stockholders of the Tonica and O KJ ' 119 Petersburg Pailroad Company, and at least four shall reside south of Morgan county, and be stockholders of the Jack- O 7 sonville, Alton and St. Louis Pailroad Company, and at least two of them shall reside within the county of Morgan «/ O and be stockholders in one or other of the original compa¬ nies. The eleven persons, so qualified, receiving the highest number of votes at the said election, shall be the first directors of the St. Louis, 'Jacksonville and Chicago Pailroad Company, and shall hold their office for one year, and until their successors are chosen according to law. Art. 3. The said directors shall, at the first meeting 7 o after their election, elect a president from their own num¬ ber, and shall also then, or as soon as conveniently niav ' ' t/ « be thereafter, elect or appoint a secretary and treasurer of said company, and such other officers, engineers, super¬ intendents, clerks, agents, assistants, and other employes, as they shall from time to time find to be necessary for the proper transaction of the business of said company. Art. 4. After tbe consolidation herein provided for is perfected, and after said first election, stockholders in said consolidated company, by surrender or exchange of their certificates in their respective companies, or otherwise, shall be entitled to vote, in person, or by proxy, at any meeting of the stockholders of said consolidated company. Art. 5. The capital stock of the said St. Louis, Jack¬ sonville and Chicago Pailroad Company shall be two mill¬ ions of dollars, to be divided into twenty thousand shares ' v of one hundred dollars each, and the directors may increase the capital stock of said company when necessary, to an amount not exceeding the cost of the roads and works constructed and equipped. All the stock which shall have been issued at the time this consolidation takes effect, by either of the said companies, parties hereto, which shall then be outstanding and held by bona fide holders, shall be surrendered, and in place thereof, there shall be issued to the holder or holders of such stock, or his or her or their assigns, an equal number of the shares of the stock in said consolidated company. And every subscriber to the capital 120 stock of either of the said original companies, who, before tiiis consolidation takes effect, shall have fully paid and performed his subscription or contract for sncli stock, with¬ out having received a certificate therefor, shall be entitled to receive a certificate of stock in the consolidated company for the number of shares to which lie would be entitled in the original company. Art. 6.' In all cases in which subscriptions or agree¬ ments with either of said companies, parties hereto, for the stock of either of said companies, have been heretofore made by any person or persons, and said subscriptions or contracts for stock yet remain unpaid or unperformed, either in whole or in part, the stock of said consolidated company may, upon payment of said subscriptions, or per¬ formance of said contracts, be issued to the subscriber or subscribers in the same manner as the respective companies, parties hereto, would have been bound to issue their stock respectively, had not this consolidation taken effect. And the directors of the consolidated company shall have full power against any defaulting subscriber or subscribers to the stock of either of said original companies, to declare such stock forfeited for non-payment, after due notice of arrears of subscription. Art. 7. No certificate of stock in the consolidated com¬ pany shall be delivered to any stockholder except on terms of payment, by such stockholder, of the taxes lawfully imposed thereon bv national or State authoritv. i %j tj Art. 8. All and singular the rights, franchises, privi¬ leges, real estate, depot grounds, rights of way, road-beds, railroads, iron rails, superstructures, engines, cars, machinery, rolling stock, debts, dues, demands, ehoses in action, and property of every description, name and nature, in which the said Tonica and Petersburg Railroad Com¬ pany, and Jacksonville, Alton and St. Louis Railroad Company, have respectively any right, title or interest, whether in possession, reversion or remainder, with the appurtenances, upon tlie ratification of these articles, and the election of the first board of directors of the St. Louis, 121 Jacksonville and Chicago Railroad Company, shall he held, owned and controlled hv the said St. Louis, Jacksonville and Chicago Railroad Company, their successors and assigns, as fully and completely, to all intents and purposes, as said separate companies do or can now hold, own, use or control the same: and no further conveyance or assuranco 7 «/ shall he required for the full and complete vesting thereof, in the said St. Louis, Jacksonville and Chicago Railroad / O Company. Art. 9. All just debts, guarantees and liabilities exist¬ ing against the said original companies, parties hereto, at the time of the taking effect of this consolidation, shall be, and are hereby assumed, and the same shall be provided for, paid and discharged by the said St. Louis, Jacksonville and Chicago Railroad Company. Art. 10. All the books, vouchers, records, muniments of title, and other documents, pertaining to the business or property of the said original companies, parties hereto, shall be placed in the office of the secretary of said consoli¬ dated company, and said books records, vouchers and papers, shall be deemed and taken, so far as necessary, as the records, vouchers, papers, and books of said consoli¬ dated company; and said books, records, vouchers and papers, shall be subject to the proper examination and inspection of all persons interested therein, who shall have the same access thereto as if the same had remained in the offices of the original companies. Art. 11. It is agreed that these articles of consolidation shall be submitted to the stockholders of each of the said companies, parties hereto, at a meeting thereof called separately, for the purpose of taking the same into con¬ sideration. Due notice of the time and place of such meeting, and of the object thereof, shall be given. The time of such meeting shall be the ninth day of December next, and all the proceedings for the consideration and ratification of these articles, shall be as prescribed by law. Art. 12. All elections for directors of said consolidated company, after the first election of directors hereinbefore 122 provided for, shall take place at such time and place, and in such manner as may be prescribed by the by-laws of the hoard of directors of the consolidated company. The number of directors to he elected after the first election hereinbefore provided for, shall consist of not more than eleven, nor less than live, to be determined by the stock¬ holders, and to be chosen with such qualifications respecting residence, as may be determined by the stockholders. Art. 13. It is agreed, as an express condition of the consolidation, that the iron rails and spikes, estimated to be sufficient for eight miles of road, now lying and being on the wharf at Peoria, and in the town of Washington, shall, so soon as the said consolidation takes effect, be trans¬ ferred and placed upon the line of the consolidated road between Manchester and Whitehall, without prejudice, however, to the just lien thereon of C. D. Hubbard & Co., under and by virtue of the arrangement by them made with Geo. Straut, acting for the Toniea and Petersburg Kail road Company, on tlx 3 26 th day of September, 1862, as recorded in the journal of the board of directors of the said Tonica and Petersburg Kailroad Company. In Witness Whereof, The corporate seals of the respective companies, parties to this agreement, have been affixed hereto, 011 the day and year first above written, by the order, and in the presence of, the directors of said respective companies respectively, duly convened, a quorum of each of said boards of directors being so present and assenting thereto, and is attested by their respec¬ tive signatures hereto, 011 behalf and by order of the said boards of directors, and the presidents of each of the said companies have also, at the same time, and in behalf of the said respective companies, hereto affixed their names in virtue of resolutions of the said boards of directors, passed at respective meetings thereof. WILLIAM SHEPIIARD, Prast Jacksonville, Alton and St. Louis R. R. Company. 123 [l. s.] A. McDonald, Joseph G. Scott, Hou't McCrackex, Sen., George Wright, L. E. Worcester, M. P. A vers, Directors of the Jcudesonci/Je, Alton and St. Louis P. 7?. f'o. Attest: Charles D. Hodges, See../., A. St. L. 7?. 7?. Co. W. G. GEE EX President of T. ^ P. P. P. Compani/. [l. s.] S. Duxlap, Josiaii Sawyer, William T. Beekmax, George Straut, John J. Perry, Xathaniel W. Greex, Directors of Tardea and Petersburg Pailroad Compani/. Attest: James Berdax, Sec. of T. J P. P. P. Co. * STATE OF ILLINOIS, \ ,, Morgan County,. / bs" —— I, Charles I). Hodges, Secretary j Revenue 1 of tlie Jacksonville, Alton and St. Louis liail- —t—' road Company, do hereby certify, that in pursu¬ ance of notices published for four successive weeks in the Jacksonville Sentinel, a public newspaper, published in Jacksonville, in Morgan countv, and in the Carrollton ' O t/ ' Gazette, a public newspaper, published in Carrollton, in Green county, and also in the Democratic Union, a public newspaper, published in Jerseyville, in Jersey county, and in the Jacksonville Journal, a public newspaper, published in Jacksonville, in Morgan county, the stockholders of said company met at said company's office, in the town of Jacksonville, on Tuesday the 9th day of December, 1862, to take into consideration the foregoing agreement, and they then and there proceeded to vote for the adoption or rejection of said agreement. That at said meeting three thousand one hundred and seventeen (3,117) votes were cast, each vote representing one share of stock; that three thousand one hundred and seventeen of said votes were cast in favor of the adoption of said agreement, and none against the same, and that the entire number of shares of stock of said company is about four thousand eight hundred 124 and forty-four (4,844), and flint, therefore, the stock so voted, as aforesaid, is more than a majority of the entire capital stock of said company. . In Witness Whereof, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed the corporate seal of said company, [l. s.] tllis ninth day of December, A. D. 1802. CHARLES ]>. HODGES, Secretary. STATE OF ILLINOIS, ) ^ Morgan County. j bb' —■— I, James Berdan, Secretary (" 1 nternal j ^ s Revenue > of the Toiiica and Petersburg Railroad Coni- ( Stamp. ) "~'m —-—' pany, do hereby certify that in pursuance to notices published for thirty previous days in the Jacksonville Journal, and also in the Jacksonville Sentinel, public newspapers published in Jacksonville, in Morgan county, and also in the Menard County Axis, and in the Menard f ' Index, public newspapers published in Petersburg, in Menard county, and in the Illinois State Journal, a public newspaper published in the city of Springfield, in Sangamon county, and also in the Chicago Tribune, a public newspaper published in the city of Chicago, in Cook county, the -L O ' v ■ stockholders of said company met at the company's office in Jacksonville, on the ninth day of December, 1862, to take into consideration the foregoing agreement, and then O Co O ? and there proceed to vote by ballot for the adoption or rejection of said agreement; that at said meeting five thousand and twenty-six and a half (5,0201) votes were cast, each vote representing one share of stock; that all of said votes were cast in favor of the adoption of said agreement, and that the entire number of shares of stock O ' in said company is about six thousand three hundred and seventy-eight (6,378), and that, therefore, the stock so voted, as aforesaid, is more than a majority of the entire capital stock of said company. In Witness Whereof, I have hereunto set my hand [l. s.] and affixed the corporate seal of said company this ninth day of December, 1862. JAMES BERDAN, Secretary. UNITED STATES OF AMERICA,] State of Illinois. j " ,—-— I, 0. M. Hatch, Secretary of | Revenue | State of the State of Illinois, hereby certify that —v— I have this clay received and tiled 'in my office, the articles of consolidation made and entered into on the 27th day of October a. d. 1862, between the Jacksonville, Alton and St. Lonis Railroad Company and the Tonica and Petersburg Railroad Company, and duly attested by the proper officers of said roads respectively, in accordance with the provisions of the act of the General Assemblv of i x t/ the State of Illinois, approved February 28,1854. In Testimony Whereof, I hereunto set my hand and affix the seal of State, at mv office in the citv J «y [l. s.] of Springfield, on this 30th day of December, a. d. 1862. O. M. HATCH, Secretary of State. 120 ) A N ACT in aid of the St. Louis, Jacksonville and Chicago llailroad Company. Section 1. Be it enacted by the people of the State of Illi¬ nois, represented in the General Assembly, That whereas the Jacksonville, Alton and St. Louis Railroad Company and the Tonica and Petersburg Railroad Company have, hy articles of consolidation, and a large majority vote of the stockholders of each of said companies, consolidated and united their property and stock under the name and style of the "St. Louis, Jacksonville and Chicago Railroad Com¬ pany," under and hy virtue of the general law of this State authorizing the consolidation of railroad companies, &c., approved February 28, a. d. 1854, which said articles of consolidation, and all the proceedings with respect to the adoption and ratification of the same hy the directors and stockholders of the respective constituent companies afore¬ said, and to the election of the first board of directors of the said consolidated company, are hereby declared legal and valid; now, therefore^the said consolidated company, under the name of the St. touis, Jacksonville and Chicago Railroad Company, shall enjoy, possess and exercise all the privileges, immunities and franchises which were possessed, enjoyed, or granted hy or to either and both of the constit¬ uent companies aforesaid, and all notes, bonds, contracts, agreements and promises of every kind made with either of the aforesaid late railroad companies, or their duly author¬ ized agents, shall inure to the benefit of the said consoli¬ dated railroad company: Prodded., that all subscribers who have subscribed to the capital stock of either of the afore¬ said late railroad companies shall be deemed stockholders in the said new consolidated railroad company to the extent, and in proportion to fhe amount so subscribed, and shall be entitled to all the rights and subject to all the liabilities thereof as provided in the articles of consolidation aforesaid. Sec. 2. That full authority is hereby given to the cor¬ porate authorities of the several counties, townships, cities, villages or other municipal corporations owning or holding stock in either of the said late Jacksonville, Alton and St. Louis, and Tonica and Petersburg Railroad Companies, and to all'persons holding the same in any fiduciary capacity or otherwise, to transfer, assign or surrender the same, and to accept and receive from the said consolidated company such portion of the new stock as may be apportioned to the stock so owned and held. Sec. 3. The said new consolidated company shall have power to extend and construct to and unite its railroad with any other railroad now constructed, or which may hereafter be constructed, in this State, and shall also have power to build, construct and maintain its said railroad from Jack¬ sonville north to the city of Chicago, via Ottawa, or other¬ wise, with a branch road to any point on the Illinois river south of the city of Peru, and for the purposes aforesaid, shall possess and exercise all the privileges, immunities, and franchises, and shall enjoy over and along the line or lines of railroad so to he built and extended, as aforesaid, the same privileges, immunities, franchises and rights which were granted to the said late Jacksonville, Alton and St. Louis, and Tonica and Petersburg Railroad Companies by their respective charters and the several amendments thereto. Sec. 4. The board of directors of the said consolidated railroad company shall have power and authority to provide in their by-laws, if in their discretion they shall think proper to do so, for the construction of said railroad by divisions, hut all subscriptions heretofore made to either of the said late railroad companies may he appropriated and expended in such manner and at such places on the line or lines of road as the board of direct¬ ors of the said consolidated railroad company may determine, and all real, mixed, or personal property, bonds, notes, contracts, or clioses in action, owned or pos¬ sessed by either of the aforesaid late railroad companies, to- wit: the Jacksonville, Alton and St. Lonis, and Tonica and Petersburg Kail road Companies, shall, according to the articles of said consolidation, be vested in the new consoli¬ dated company, with full power to its hoard of directors and duly authorized agents, to sell, lease, transfer, or con- vey by mortgage or deed of trust, or otherwise, as may be deemed for the interest of said company, any part or all of said railroad property, and all such sales, transfers, convey¬ ances, mortgages pr deeds of trust, shall be binding and valid, and of full effect in law and equity, and the directors may in their discretion incorporate a condition in the mort¬ gage bonds, which they are authorized to issue, by which the holder or holders of such bonds shall have the right to vote at all elections of directors for said company upon such conditions as may be deemed expedient by said directors. Sec. 5. T1 le said new consolidated company may increase its capital stock to any amount necessary to com¬ plete and equip said road, not exceeding the amount neces¬ sary therefor, and books of subscription for said stock shall be opened at the treasurer's office in the town of Jackson¬ ville, or elsewhere, as may be directed by the board of directors, which new subscription shall be under the same rules, restrictions and penalties as provided for in the charters and amendments of the aforesaid late railroad companies. Sec. 6. The certificate of the secretary of the said new consolidated company, under the corporate seal thereof, shall be received in all courts of justice and elsewhere as evidence of the regular organization of said consolidated O O company, under its consolidated charter, and of any act or order of the board of directors of said company, and all the acts and doings of the said constituent companies and of the said consolidated company in the consolidation and organization of the St. Louis, Jacksonville and Chicago Kailroa cv and sixty-eight, forever, upon the terms, conditions, and covenants hereinafter contained and set forth. 1 :>2 Article 1. And the said party of the second part, for itself, its successors and assigns, hereby covenants and agrees, to and with the said party of the first part, that it, the said party of the second part, will, at all times hereafter, at its own proper cost and expense, keep in good and suffi¬ cient repair, and in good working order, the railroad so demised as aforesaid, together with the railroad track, bridges, fences, stations, depots, water tanks, machine shops, and all other appurtenances thereof, and that it, the said party of the second part, will, at its own proper cost and expense, maintain the same in such condition as shall be necessary to insure the efficient working thereof, and the convenient and speedy dispatch of ordinary railway traffic over the same, and that, for this purpose, it, the said party of the second part, will make all needful and proper repairs and additions thereto, including the renewal of the track of said railroad, and all repairs and renewals of every kind whatsoever, which may from time to time be rendered necessary by reason of the wear and tear of said railroad, and its appurtenances, and all additions thereto which may be necessary and proper to secure the prompt and efficient dispatch of the ordinary business which may at any time hereafter be transacted upon said railroad. Art. 2. And the said party of the second part, for itself its successors and assigns, as a further consideration for the execution of this indenture, hereby covenants, to and with the said first party, that it, the said second party, will purchase from the party of the first part, or their trustees, all the locomotives, passenger cars, freight cars, baggage and express cars, and rolling stock of every description whatsoever, which may be owned by the said party of the first part, and also all fuel, tools, and supplies of every do scriptiou whatsoever, which may be owned by the said party of the first part, at the date of this indenture, at a price which shall be determined and fixed in the manner following, that is to say: Each of the parties to this agree¬ ment shall nominate one appraiser, and these two appraisers so appointed shall select a third. The three appraisers so appointed shall at once appraise the rolling stock, supplies, 133 and other articles hereinbefore enumerated, and provided to be purchased by the second party as aforesaid, at the cash value thereof, and the valuation thereof, so made by the appraisers aforesaid, or a majority of them, shall he accepted and received by the parties hereto as the price to he paid by the party of the second part to the party of the first part, in pursuance of this covenant. Art. -3. And the party of the first part hereby further agrees, to and with the party of the second part, that it, the party of the first part, will pay off and discharge all liens which may have been created by said party of the first part, upon the rolling stock so to be purchased by the second party, whether in the nature of chattel mortgages or trust deeds; and the said party of the first part further agrees, to and with said second party, that it, the said second party, may apply the price fixed by the appraisers, aforesaid, upon the rolling stock and supplies, provided hereinbefore, to be purchased by said second party, in extinguishment of any debt of the said party of the first part, secured by a lien upon said rolling stock and supplies, and that any payment or payments, made by the second party, to parties or persons holding debts secured by chattel mortgage, deed of trust, or other lien on said rolling stock, tools, and supplies, shall be taken and accepted by the party of the first part, as satisfaction, pro tanto, of the price of said rolling stock and supplies, so fixed and determined by the appraisers aforesaid. Art. 4. And the said second party, for itself, its suc¬ cessors and assigns, hereby further covenants and agrees, to and with the said party of the first part, that it, the said party of the second part, will pay to the said party of the first part, as a consideration for the execution of this lease, a rental, which shall be fixed and determined as follows, that is to say: The rental to be paid by the second party to the party of the first part, shall, in no event, be less than the sum of two hundred and forty thousand dollars per annum, which said sum of two hundred and forty thousand dollars per annum, shall, in all events, be paid by said second party to the first party, as a rental for the property 134 and promises hereby demised. In ease the annual gross earnings of tlie said railroad shall, at any time, exceed the sum of six hundred thousand dollars, the said party of the second part hereby agrees to pay to the party of the first part, forty percentum of said gross earnings upon any amount, not exceeding the sum of seven hundred thousand dollars. And in case the annual gross earnings of said rail¬ road, at any time hereafter, shall exceed the sum of seven hundred thousand dollars, the portion of the gross earnings in excess of seven hundred thousand dollars, to he paid by the party of the second part as rental, shall he determined as follows, that is to sav: In case the gross earnings in anv 7 v O C one year shall exceed the sum of seven hundred thousand dollars, and shall not exceed the sum of eight hundred thousand dollars, the party of the second part shall pay as rental, in addition to the sum of forty per centum on the sum of seven hundred thousand dollars, thirty-nine per centum 011 the excess over seven hundred thousand dollars. In case the gross earnings for any one year shall exceed in V-1 Co «/ %> amount eight hundred thousand dollars, and shall not exceed in amount the sum of nine hundred thousand dollars, the said party of the second part shall pay, in addition to the forty per centum on seven hundred thousand dollars, thirty-eight per centum on the excess over seven hundred thousand dollars: Provided, however, that in such case the rent to he paid shall not he less in amount than the sum of three hundred and nineteen thousand dollars. In case the gross earnings of said railroad, in any one year, shall exceed in amount the sum of nine hundred thousand dollars, and shall not exceed the sum of one million dollars, the said party of the second part shall pay, in addition to the forty per centum on seven hundred thousand dollars, thirty-seven per centum on the excess over seven hundred thousand dollars: Provided, however, that in such case the entire annual rent to he paid by the second party shall not he less in amount than the sum of three hundred and fifty- «/' six thousand dollars. In case the gross earnings of said railroad, in any one year, shall exceed the sum of one million dollars, and shall not exceed the sum of one million one hundred thousand dollars, the said party of the second part shall pay, in addition to the forty per centum on seven hundred thousand dollars, thirty-six per centum on the excess over seven hundred thousand dollars: Provided, however, that in such case the entire annual rent to he paid by the second party shall not be less than the sum of three hundred and ninetv-one thousand dollars. In case the «y gross earnings of said railroad, in any one year, shall exceed the sum of one million one hundred thousand dollars, and shall not exceed the sum of one million two hundred thousand dollars, the said party of the second part shall pay, in addition to the forty per centum on the sum of seven hundred thousand dollars, thirty-five per centum on the excess over and above seven hundred thousand dollars: Provided[, however, that in such case, the entire annual rent to be paid by the second party shall not be less than the sum of four hundred and twenty-four thousand dollars. In case the gross earnings of said railroad, in any one year, shall exceed the sum of one million two hundred thousand dollars, and shall not exceed the sum of one million three hundred thousand dollars, the said party of the second part shall pay, in addition to the forty per centum on the seven hundred thousand dollars, thirty-four per centum 011 the excess over and above seven hundred thousand dollars: Provided,, however, that in such case the entire annual rent to be paid by the second party shall not be less than the sum of four hundred and fifty-five thousand dollars. In case the gross earnings of said railroad, in any one year, shall exceed the sum of one million three hundred thousand dollars, and shall not exceed the sum of one million four hundred thousand dollars, the said party of the second part shall pay, in addition to the forty per centum 011 seven hundred thousand dollars, thirty-three per centum 011 the excess over and above seven hundred thousand dollars: Provided, however, that in such case the entire annual rent to be paid by the second party shall not be less than the sum of four hundred and eighty-four thousand dollars. In case the gross earnings of said railroad, in any one year, shall exceed the sum of one million four hundred thousand 136 dollars, and shall not exceed the snm of one million five hundred thousand dollars, the said party of the second part shall pay, in addition to the forty per centum on seven hundred thousand dollars, thirty-two per centum on the excess over and ahove seven hundred thousand dollars': Provided, however, that in such case the entire annual rent to he paid hy the second party shall not he less than the sum of five hundred and eleven thousand dollars. In case the cross earnings of said railroad, in any one year, shall o o 7 t J v ' exceed the sum of one million five hundred thousand dollars, and shall not exceed the snm of one million six hundred thousand dollars, the said party of the second part shall pay, in addition to the forty per centum on seven hundred thousand dollars, thirty per centum on the excess over and ahove the sum of seven hundred thousand dollars: Provided, however, that in sucli case the entire annual rent to he paid hy the second party shall not he less than the sum of five hundred and thirty-six thousand dollars. And in case the gross earnings in any one year shall exceed the sum of one million six hundred thousand dollars, the said party of the second part shall pay, in addition to the forty per centum 011 seven hundred thousand dollars, thirty per centum on all excess over and ahove the sum of seven hundred thousand dollars, which said thirty per centum shall be paid hy said second party in addition to the forty per centum on seven hundred thousand dollars, 011 all excess over and ahove seven hundred thousand dollars whenever the annual gross earn¬ ings of said railroad shall exceed in amount the sum of one million six hundred thousand dollars—it being distinctly understood and agreed, between the parties hereto, that the party of the second part shall pay to the party of the first part, forty per centum 011 all gross earnings of said rail¬ road until the sum of seven hundred thousand dollars has hecii reached, and upon all excess over and above the suni- of seven hundred thousand dollars, the percentage set forth and indicated in this article of this agreement. Art. 5. And it is mutually agreed and understood between the parties hereto, tliat the rents provided herein 137 to be paid by the party of the second part, shall be paid "quarterly, 011 the first days of January, April, July and October respectively, of each and every year hereafter, and that at the end of each and every quarter an approximate estimate shall be made by the party of the second part of the amount of rent due to the party of the first, part for that quarter, and the approximate amount so estimated shall be, by the said second party, paid to the party of the first part; and at the end of each and every year an adjust¬ ment shall be made of the rent to be paid for that year in accordance with the terms and conditions of this agreement; and the amount of rent for that year shall be definitely and exactly ascertained, and if, upon such adjustment, it shall be found that the rent already paid by the first party is in excess of the rent found to be due, then, in that case, the proper deduction shall be made from the next payment to be made thereafter to the party of the first part, 011 account of the rent herein provided for, and if upon such adjust¬ ment, it shall be found that the rent already paid by the second party is not equal in amount to the rent found to be due for that year, then, and in that case, the said second party shall pay whatever deficiency may exist, to the party of the hrst part. Art. 6. And it is mutually agreed and covenanted between the parties hereto, that the said party of the second part shall pay off and discharge the coupons upon the bonds of the said first party, now issued and hereafter to be issued and secured by mortgages upon its railroad, as the same shall become due and payable, to an amount not exceeding in the aggregate the sum qf two hundred and forty thousand dollars per annum; and that all payments so made by the said second party, on account of the coupon interest of the said party of the first part, shall be accepted and received by the said party of the first part in satis¬ faction pro tavio of the rent agreed to be paid by the second party, under the terms and conditions of the agree¬ ment. Art. 7. And the said second party, for itself, its successors and assigns, hereby covenants and agrees, to and 1.38 with the party of the first part, that it, the said second party, will maintain, keep and operate the said line of railroad, between the said citv of Bloomington and said / %J O village of Godfrey, sometimes called Monticello, and any second party, and of the railroad hereinbefore demised, will so arrange its tariff of rates to be charged on all transpor¬ tation of passengers and freights to and from all points on the railroads aforesaid, and of all through passengers and freights within the control of said second party, whether the point of shipment or destination be on the line of either of the said railroads, or otherwise; that no rates shall be charged to any point which will tend to create a competition for business between said two lines of railroad by discrimin- atins: in favor of the line of railroad now owned bv the O party of the second part, and for this purpose the said party of the second part hereby covenants and agrees, to and with said party of the first part, that the rates to be charged by the said second party to and from all points, whether on the lines of railroad aforesaid, or otherwise, shall at all times hereafter not be greater from the stations on the road of the first party, hereinafter named, than those charged by the second party for similar service at the corresponding stations on its railroad, hereinafter named, viz.: Brighton, on the road of said second party, and Delhi, on road of first, party. Shipman, on the road of said second party, and Jerscy- ville, 011 road of first party. Plainvicw, on the road of said second party, and Kane, on road of first party. 140 Macoupin, on tlie road of said second party, and Carroll- ton, on road of lirst party. Carlinville, on the road of said second party, and Berdan, on road of first party, Girard, 011 the road of said second party, and Whitehall, on road of first party. Virden, 011 the road of said second party, and Roodhouse, on road of first party. Sherman, 011 the road of said second party, and Ashland, 011 road of first party. Williamsville, 011 the road of said second party, and Tallula, 011 road of first party. Elkhart, 011 the road of said second party, and Petersburg, 011 road of first party. Broad well, 011 the road of said second party, and Green- view, 011 road of first party. Lincoln, on the road of said second party, and Mason City, 011 road of first party. Lawndale,on the road of said second party, and Natrona, on road of first party. Atlanta, 011 the road of said second party, and St. Jose and Delevan, 011 road of first party. McLean, 011 the road of said second party, and Ilopedale and Minier, 011 road of first party. Funk's Grove, 011 the road of said second party, and Allen, 011 the road of first party. Shirley, 011 the road of said second party, and Covel, 011 road of first party. And if, at any time hereafter, new stations shall he estab¬ lished at points between the stations above named, 011 the road of either party to this agreement, the rates fixed for the transportation of freights and passengers from said new stations shall be in accordance with the provisions of this article of this agreement. Art. 10. All freights and passengers, whether origina¬ ting 011 the railroads of either of the parties hereto, or coming upon either road, from other railroads, shall in the absence of any special agreement to the contrary between the parties hereto, be carried to their destination by the 141 shortest route between said points, measured on the lines of the railroads aforesaid, and in the absence of any special agreement between the parties to the contrary, tickets shall be issued to passengers by the shortest route to the point of their destination, unless the passenger himself shall make request to the contrary: Provided, howeyer, and it is expressly understood between the parties hereto, that tickets shall be issued at all stations 011 the line of railroad now owned or operated by said second party, from Bloomington, north, and from Montieello Junction, south, including both of said stations, to passengers who may specially request tickets hy way of the railroad of the tirst party (and to 110 others) to any point 011 the line of railroad of the second party, to and beyond either terminus mentioned above, at the same rates as are charged by said second party for tickets between the same points on its railroad, and in every such case the money received for the transportation of all passengers carried under the terms of this proviso, shall be divided between the two railroads, and considered to have been earned by them, respectively, in the following manner, that is to say: The distance between the points traveled shall be measured 011 the line of the railroad of the second party, and the said second party shall be entitled to credit its earnings with such part of the money received as shall bear the same ratio to the whole amount of said money that the number of miles actually traveled by the passenger 011 the railroad of the second party bears to the number of miles between the beginning and terminus of his journey so measured 011 the line of said second party's railroad, and the balance of said money shall he credited to the earnings of the railroad of the first party. Art. 11. And it is hereby mutually understood and agreed between the parties hereto, that the rule for com¬ puting the earnings of the two railroads, under the terms and provisions of this agreement, shall, in all cases, except that mentioned in the proviso contained in the tenth arti¬ cle of this agreement, be as follows: The earnings shall he computed and estimated strictly according to the number of miles which the freight or passenger lias traveled, in each 142 case, on the respective railroads of the parties hereto, and the amount to be credited to the road of either party shall, in cverv case, bear the same ratio to the entire amount of freight earned, that the number of miles passed over 011 the road of [either party bears to the entire number of miles traveled in earning the same. Art. 12. And the said party of the second part hereby further agrees, to and with the said party of the first part, that it, the said party of the second part, will keep an accurate and just account of the gross receipts of the rail¬ road hereinbefore demised, and that it, the said second party, will, at the end of each and every month hereafter, or within twenty days thereafter, make up and exhibit to the proper officers of the said party of the first part, a true and correct statement of the gross earnings of said railroad for that month. And the said second party hereby further agrees, to and with the said party of the first part, that it, the said party of the first part, for the purpose of verifying the accounts of the gross earnings herein provided to be rendered by said second party, shall at all proper times hereafter, by its president, or any person appointed by him for that purpose, have access to the books of account and vouchers of the party of the second part, and that the offi¬ cers of said second party shall and will, at all times here¬ after, give to the said first party, its proper agents and officers, all needful information in respect thereto. Art. 13. And the said party of the second part further covenants and agrees, to and with said first party, that it, the said second party, shall and will, at all times hereafter, pay off and discharge all taxes and assessments of every kind and nature whatsoever, whether Federal, State, county or municipal, which are, or may be hereafter, assessed against the premises hereinbefore demised, and all taxes assessed under the internal revenue laws of the United States, except taxes upon coupons and dividends, at the times when the said taxes shall be due and payable; and that it, the said party of the second part, will, at all times hereafter, guarantee and indemnify the said party of the first part against all claims for damage growing out of the 143 operation of the line of railroad herein demised; and that it, the said party of the second part, will pay off and satisfy all damages which may be assessed against either of the parties hereto, growing out of the operation of said line of railroad, whether the same be founded on claims for non¬ performance of duty as common carriers of passengers or freight, injuries to cattle or other animals, along the line of said demised railroad, losses arising from fires communi¬ cated along said line of railroad from the locomotive engines used thereon, or from any other cause occurring hereafter, through the negligence or dereliction of duty of the party of the second part in the conduct of the business and traffic of said line of railroad. Art. 14. And the said party of the first part hereby covenants and agrees, to and with the said party of the second part, that it, the said party of the first part, will pay off and discharge all the floating debt of said first party, of every kind and description whatever, including the notes issued by the said first party, for the purchase of locomotives and rolling stock, and secured by an instru¬ ment in the nature of a deed of trust, executed bv said first party, to Robert Hale and George W. Weld, trustees, and also all notes, accounts, judgments, and other indebtedness of every kind, now outstanding against said first party; and that it, the said first party, will so manage its affairs, and so arrange for the prompt payment of all bonds now issued, or hereafter to be issued by said first party, and the interest thereon as the same shall fall due, that 110 liens, judgments, or executions, shall be suffered or permitted to attach to any of the property of the first party, their fran¬ chises or privileges, so far as said first party can in any manner control the same. And it is distinctly understood and agreed, between the parties hereto, that if, at any time hereafter, the said first party shall be in default, as regards this covenant, either by the non-payment of any debt due by said first party, or by permitting judgment obtained against it, the said first party, to remain unpaid, and shall remain in default in said regard for the space of ninety days after it, the said first party, has been notified, in 144 writing, by the said second party, that such default exists, then, and in such case, it shall be the right of the said second party, at its option, to declare this lease at an end, in which case said second party shall not thereby forfeit any right to claim damage of the first party for the breach of any covenant of this lease, or the said second party may, if it elect so to do, pay off and discharge the debt of said ffrst party so remaining unpaid, as aforesaid, and may retain the amount or amounts so paid out of any rents due or to become due, to said ffrst party, under the terms and pro¬ visions of this agreement, and, in every such case, the second party shall be entitled to receive, from said first party, interest, at the rate of seven per centum per annum, on all advances so made by it. Art. 15. And the said party of the first part hereby further covenants and agrees, to and with the s'aid party of the second part, that it, the said party of the first part, will, as soon as the same can be done, perfect the title to the right of way of the railroad herein demised, and at this time in possession of said first party, and that it, the said first party, will, from time to time, hereafter, as occasion shall rccpiirc, make all payments necessary to be made on account of right of way, or depot grounds, now held by it, the said first party, and which may be still unpaid and due, to any person or persons whomsoever, and that the maps, plans, profiles, deeds, and other muniments of title, and all contracts in reference to the title of lands owned or occupied by the first party, for railroad purposes, shall be delivered to said party of the second part on or before the first day of July next ensuing, or as soon thereafter as may be practicable. Art. 16. And the said party of the first part covenants and agrees, to and with the said party of the second part, that it, the said party of the first part, will assign, transfer, and make over, to the party of the second part, all contracts vhich it, the said first party, has with any company or corporation, association or individual, relating in anywise to the operation or use of the said railroad of the first party, so demised, as aforesaid, and that, upon the execution 145 of this agreement, the said first party will deliver to the said second party, all such contracts, duly assigned and transferred, as herein covenanted; and the said second party hereby covenants and agrees, to and with said first, party, that it, the said second party, will fulfill and perform all the covenants and agreements in the said contracts so assigned, as aforesaid, contained on the part and behalf of the said first party, to be kept and performed, and which remain unexecuted or unfulfilled, at the time of executing this lease: Provided, that no bills receivable or other evidences of indebtedness, of any kind or nature what¬ soever, shall be considered to be embraced within the meaning ef this article, or be transferred to the second party in pursuance thereof. Art. 17. And the said party of the first part hereby further agrees, to and with said second party, that it, the said party of the first part, will, at no time hereafter, do, cause, or permit to be done, any act which will incur a forfeiture of its franchises as a corporation, and that it, the said party of the first part, will, at all times hereafter, maintain and keep up its organization as an incorporated company, under the laws of the State of Illinois, and that, toR such purpose, it will do all acts necessary therefor, and that it will omit 110 act required to be done by its act of incorporation, 01* which may be requisite for that purpose, under any of the laws of the State of Illinois regulating- railroad companies. Art. 18. And it is hereby mutually understood and agreed, between the parties hereto, that the party of the second part shall have the right, at any time within one year from the date of this agreement, if it shall elect so to do, to build a branch line, from any convenient point on the main line of the railroad of the party of the first part, to the city of Peoria, in the State of Illinois, and, for that purpose, the said party of the first part hereby agrees, at the request of the said second party, made for such purpose, to exercise all powers of condemnation given to said first party, by its act of incorporation, for the purpose of acquiring right of way, and to do all other corporate 12 14(5 acts necessary and proper to be done for tlie purpose of constructing said branch line. And it is further mutually agreed, between the parties hereto, that in case the said second party shall exercise the right hereby given, and shall build said branch line to the said city of Peoria, at its own cost and charge, then, in such case, the said branch line, so built, shall not be subject to the payment of rent, under the provisions of this agreement. And in case, at any time hereafter, this lease is terminated, in any manner, and from any cause whatever, the said second party shall retain possession and control of the branch so built to the city of Peoria, aforesaid, until the cost and expense of building the same shall have been repaid to said party of the second part, by the party of the first part. Art. 19. And it is furtliur mutually understood and agreed between the parties hereto, that in case the said second party shall not elect to build the said branch line to Peoria within one year from the date of this agreement, or shall not complete the'same within two years from the date hereof, then, and in such case, the said party of the tirst shall have the right, at its own proper cost and expense, to build said branch line to the city of Peoria; and and the said branch line, when so built by the said first party, as aforesaid, shall be kept up, maintained, and operated by the party of the second part, upon the same terms and conditions contained in this lease with reference to the main line of railroad hereinbefore demised, and shall be treated in all respects as though the said branch line had been embraced in and formed a part of said main line so leased, as aforesaid: Provided, that nothing herein contained shall be deemed or taken to increase or diminish the. minimum rental of two hundred and forty thousand dollars, provided hereinbefore, to be paid by the said second party, except in the manner provided in Article 5 of this agreement. Art. 20. And the party of the tirst part hereby cove¬ nants and agrees, to and with the said second party, that it, the said party of the tirst part, is well and truly seized of the premises herein and hereby demised, and that it has full power to convey and lease the same, according to the true 147 intent and meaning of these presents, and the same in the qniet and peaceable possession and enjoyment of said party of the second part, shall and will warrant, and by these presents forever defend. Art. 21. And said party of the first part hereby further covenants to and with said second party, that it, the said first party, will, at any time hereafter, give and make such other and further conveyances and assurances as may he «j « necessary and proper to carry into full effect all the objects and purposes of this indenture. Art. 22. And the said party of the first part hereby further covenants and agrees, to and with said party of the second part, that it, the said party of the first part, will not, at any time hereafter, execute or make any mortgage, or create any lien upon the railroad and premises herein leased and demised, in addition to the mortgage thereon, which shall, together with the mortgage now existing, exceed, in the aggregate, the sum of twenty thousand dollars per mile. Art. 23. And it is further covenanted and agreed between the parties hereto, that if the party of the second part shall, at any time hereafter, lose its corporate powers by forfeiture of its charter, or if it shall at any time, or in any manner, he divested of the title or control of their cor¬ porate property and interests, or if said second party shall fail, for the space of ninety days after the same shall he due, to pay the rental hereinbefore specified and provided to he paid, or if it, said second party, shall neglect or omit the performance of any one or more of the covenants herein contained, on its part to he performed, materially affecting or jeopardizing the rights or interests of the parties of the first part, and if it, said second party, shall continue and he guilty of such neglect or omission, for the term of ninety days after the service of written notice, specifying the particular covenant or covenants, in respect to which a breech shall he complained of by said first party, the said first, party may, at its option, declare this indenture termi¬ nated, and may take such means of redress, or for the 14S recovery of the possession of the demised premises, in any court of record having equitable jurisdiction, as it may he advised, and which shall be agreeable to equity and justice; audit is hereby stipulated, at the special request of said second party, that it, the said second party, shall have, in any suit or proceeding which may he instituted in any court under these provisions, full right to deny the violation or breach of covenant, the breach of which is complained of, and such issue shall, in all cases, be submitted to the court for its decision. Art. 24. And it is mutually agreed between the parties hereto, that if, at any time hereafter, any disagreement shall arise between the parties hereto, as to the proper con¬ struction of any of the articles of this agreement, and which said disagreement cannot be adjusted and settled between the respective officers of the two corporations, parties hereto, or in case any difference should hereafter exist between the parties hereto, as to the fulfillment or non-ful¬ fillment of any of the agreements and covenants herein contained, or in regard to any other matter or thing con¬ nected with the occupation or operation by the party of the second part, of the railroad hereby demised, then, and in every such case, the question or questions so arising shall be submitted to the arbitration of two disinterested persons, skilled in the business of conducting and managing rail- o o roads, one of whom si 1 all be chosen by each of the parties hereto, and the arbitrators so chosen shall have authority and power to make a final decision and adjustment of such questions of difference or disagreement between the parties hereto; and their award, when so made, shall be final and conclusive between the parties hereto, of the matters and things by them so determined. Art. 25. And it is further mutually agreed between the parties hereto, that in case the arbitrators so chosen, as aforesaid, shall fail to agree upon the adjustment of the question or questions so submitted to them, as aforesaid, then, and in such case, the two arbitrators so selected, as aforesaid, shall choose an umpire, who shall be a d'sinter- 149 ested person, skilled in the conduct of railroads; and the award of the umpire so chosen, when made, shall he tinal and conclusive as to the questions decided by him. Art. 26. And it is further agreed between the parties hereto, that in case either of the parties hereto shall fail to nominate and appoint an arbitrator, in accordance with the foregoing articles of this agreement, for the space of ten days after notification, in writing, from the other party, of the breach of covenant or disagreement complained of, and requisition upon it to appoint an arbitrator in accordance with the provisions of this agreement, then, in that case it shall be lawful for the party seeking the arbitration, to apply to the Judge of the United States District Court, for the time being, of the Northern District of the State of Illinois, and the said Judge of the United States District Court aforesaid, upon such application, shall and may appoint an arbitrator on the part and behalf of the party so failing or refusing to appoint as aforesaid, and the arbi¬ trator so appointed by the district judge, as aforesaid, and the arbitrator so nominated by the party making such application, shall have power to finally determine all ques¬ tions of controversy arising between the parties hereto, under the terms and provisions of this lease, and the award of said arbitrators, when so made, shall be final and con¬ clusive between the parties hereto, touching the matters decided therebv. Art. 27. And it is hereby mutually agreed between the parties hereto, that if the said arbitrators so appointed by the parties aforesaid, or by the Judge of the United States District Court aforesaid, shall fail to select an umpire, as herein provided, in case of a disagreement between such arbitrators, either of the parties hereto shall and maybe at liberty, and have the right, to apply to the Judge of the said United States District Court, for the time being, to appoint an umpire, and such judge shall thereupon be authorized to, and may appoint such umpire; and the umpire so appointed bv him shall have the same power to make, and his award touching all matters of controversy between the c' v 150 said parties shall be as final and conclusive of the questions disposed of thereby, to all intents and purposes, as if he, the said umpire, had been appointed, in the manner herein provided, by the arbitrators chosen by the parties hereto. In Witness Whereof, the parties aforesaid have caused these presents to be sealed witli their res¬ pective corporate seals, and to be signed by their respective presidents and secretaries, 011 this thir¬ tieth day of April, in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and sixty-eight. Revenue stamps of the United States, of the value of six hundred dollars, having been affixed thereto before signing the same. [Signed] The St. Louis, Jacksonville and Chicago Railroad Company, by GEORGE STRAUT, President. The Chicago and Alton Railroad Company, by T. B. BLACKSTONE, President. 151. LEASE of the St. Louis, Jacksonville and Chicaf/o Kail- road Compan y to the Chicago and Alton liailroad Com pan y. Whereas, The St. Louis, Jacksonville and Chicago Kail- road Company are empowered, by the terms of their act of incorporation, to build a branch, or branches, from their main line to any other railroad with which it may be able to make connection, so as with such other railroad to form a continuous line, and in respect to such branch or branches, to have all the power, rights and privileges, which they now have in regard to their main line, or any part thereof. And whereas, also, the said the St. Louis, Jacksonville and Chicago Kail road Company, is authorized by its act of incorporation, and the several acts of the General Assembly of the State of Illinois, amendatory thereof, and supple¬ mental thereto, to grant to any other railroad company the right to construct and use any portion of the road or branches thereof, which they are, by said acts of the General Assembly of the State of Illinois, authorized to construct, and are also empowered, by said acts, to lease the same when constructed, to the company so constructing the same. And whereas, also, the said the St. Louis, Jacksonville and Chi cago Kailroad Company, deeming it advisable for the interests of their main line, that a branch of said line should be constructed from some point on the main line of their railroad, at or south of Jacksonville, to a point 011 the Mississippi river, to be thereafter selected by its executive committee, did, by a resolution duly passed, at a regular meeting of their board of directors, held on the ninth day O ' * of June, a. n. 1s70, authorize their executive committee to enter into a contract for the construction and completion of said branch; and for such purpose, if necessary, to issue die bonds of the said company, not exceeding the amount 152 per mile limited l>y their charter and prior obligations, and to lease the said branch, so to he completed, in perpetuity to the Chicago and Alton Railroad Company, upon sucli terms and conditions as said committee miglit deem advan¬ tageous for the interests of said company. And whereas, also, the Chicago and Alton Railroad Company is, by the general laws of the State of Illinois, and by its act of incorporation, by and with the consent,' in writing, of a majority of its stockholders, authorized to acquire by lease, purchase, or otherwise, any extension of its road necessary and proper to its business. And whereas, also, the consent in writing of a large majority of the stockholders of said last named company has been obtained to the execution of such contracts of lease as may be necessary to connect the line of railroad now operated by it, with the system of railways in the State of Missouri. Xow, therefore, this agreement, made and entered into this 12th day of Xovember, in the year 1870, in pursuance of the powers above recited, and to carry into effect the object and purposes expressed in the resolutions and action of the stockholders, aforesaid, by and between the St. Louis, Jacksonville and Chicago Railroad Company, party of the first part, and the Chicago and Alton Railroad Company, party of the second part, witnesseth, as follows: 1. The said party of the first part, for and in consid¬ eration of the covenants and agreements hereinafter contained on the part and behalf of the party of the second part, to be kept and performed, hereby covenants and agrees to and with said party of the second part, its successors and assigns, that it, said party of the first part, will at any and all times hereafter, upon request of the party of the second part, for such purpose exercise all and every of the corporate rights and franchises conferred upon it, the said first party, by its act of incorporation and the several acts of the General Assembly of the State of Illinois, amendatory thereof, and supplemental thereto, which may at any time be necessary for the purpose of constructing, maintaining and successfully operating a branch railroad from a point in 153 the main line of the railroad of the party of the first part, at or near Roodhouse, in the State of Illinois, to a point 011 the Mississippi river, opposite the city of Louisiana, in the State of Missouri. And the said party of the first part hereby covenants, to and with said party of the second part, its successors and assigns, that it, the said party of the first part, shall and will from time to time hereafter, upon the requisition of said party of the second part (the said party of the second part paying all purchase money, damages awarded in condemnation proceedings, costs and expenses thereby incurred), procure all right of way, depot grounds and other real estate which may be necessary and proper for the construction, maintenance and successful operation of the said branch railroad to be constructed, as hereinafter provided, and the said party of the first part", hereby further covenants and agrees, to and with said party of the second part, that all real estate and other property so accpiired for the use of said branch road shall be as fully subject to the terms of the lease hereinafter provided, as though the same were owned by and in possession of said party of the first part, at the time of executing this instrument and fully and particularly designated therein. 2. And the said party of the first part hereby, for itself, its successors and assigns, further covenants, to and with the said party of the second part, its successors and assigns, that for the purpose of constructing said branch railroad, and equipping the same when constructed, it, the said party of the first part will, upon requisition of the party of the second part for such purpose, issue and deliver to said party of the second part, its first mortgage bonds to the amount $15,000 per mile for every mile of main track of said branch road built, or to be built, by said party of the second part, as hereinafter provided, the said first mortgage bonds to be issued under and secured by the provisions of a mortgage executed by said party of the first part, 011 the 16th day of March, in the year 1864, to Morris Iv. Jesup and J. P. Giraud Foster, trustees, and to be numbered from 2,366 consecutively. And the said party of the first part hereby further covenants, to and with said party of the second 154 part, its successors and assigns, that it, the said party of the first part will, upon requisition made by the said party of the second part, for such purpose, issue and deliver to said party of the second part its second mortgage bonds to the amount of $5,000 per mile for every mile of main track of said branch railroad built, or to be built, as hereinafter provided, by said party of the second part, the said second mortgage bonds to be issued under and secured by the provisions of a mortgage executed by the party of the first part, on the 1st day of May, 1868, to Morris K. Jesup and John Crerar, trustees, and that said second mortgage bonds shall be numbered from Xo. 361 consecutivelv; and the said party of the first part hereby further covenants and agrees, to and with said party of the second part, its successors and assigns, that it,' the said party of the first part, will not at any time hereafter make any other issue of bonds than the bonds provided to be issued under the terms of the two mortgages executed by the party of the first part, hereinbe¬ fore mentioned and specified. 3. And the said party of the second part, for itself, its successors and assigns, hereby further covenants and agrees, to and with said party of the first part, its succes¬ sors and assigns, that it, the said party of the second part, shall and will guarantee the payment of the principal and interest of all of the bonds delivered by the said party of the first part to said party of the second part, for the construc¬ tion and equipment of said branch railroad, as hereinbefore provided, and that it, the said party of the second part, will, at all times hereafter, pay to the holders of the said bonds, at the time and place when and where the same shall become due, according to the tenor and effect of the said bonds, all coupons or interest warrants attached thereto and issued therewith, and that it, the said party of the sec¬ ond part, shall and will pay to the persons holding said bonds so issued to said second party, as aforesaid, the prin¬ cipal of each and every one thereof, at the time when the said bonds shall become due and payable, according to their tenor and effect. And it is hereby mutually covenanted and agreed between the parties hereto, that none of the 155 bonds so delivered to said second party, as aforesaid, shall be by said second party issued or put in circulation by said second party without an endorsement thereon, duly execu¬ ted by said second party, guaranteeing the payment of both principal and interest thereof at the time when the same shall severally become due, and with a provision to be inserted in said endorsement that the holder of said bond or bonds, in consideration of the guarantee aforesaid, shall waive the right provided in said bonds to convert the same into the capital stock of the said party of the hirst part. And the said party of the second part hereby further cov¬ enants and agrees, to and with the said party of the first part, its successors and assigns, that it, the said party of the second part, shall and will employ the said bonds so issued, and the proceeds of any and all sales thereof, in and about constructing and equipping the said branch railroad, as herein provided. 4. And the said party of the second part hereby further covenants, to and with said party of the first part, its suc¬ cessors and assigns, that upon the delivery to it, said second party, by the party of the first part, of the bonds aforesaid, it, the said party of the second part, will pay for all right of way, depot grounds, and other real estate which may have, necessarily, been purchased- or condemned by the party of the first part for the construction of said branch railroad, under this agreement, and that it will pay for all other real estate which may at any time hereafter be pro¬ cured for the purposes of said branch railroad. And the said party of the second part, for itself, its successors and assigns, hereby covenants and agrees with said first party, its successors and assigns, that it, the said party of the sec¬ ond part, will, within a reasonable time after procuring the right of way necessary and proper for such purpose, and using all diligence therefor, construct, complete and have ready for operation the branch railroad aforesaid, and that tlie branch railroad so constructed shall be, in every respect, equal to the main line of the said party of the first part, now leased and operated by the said party of the second part. 156 5. And the said party of the first part, for and in con¬ sideration of the premises, and of the covenants and agree¬ ments herein contained, on the part and behalf of the party of the second part, its successors and assigns, to he kept and performed, and the sum of one dollar to it in hand paid by the said party of the second part, hereby grants, demises and leases, unto the said party of the second part, its suc¬ cessors and assigns, all and singular the railroad Ivinur between a point on the main line of the railroad of said first party, at or near the town of lioodhouse, in the State of Illinois, and a point 011 the Mississippi river opposite to the city of Louisiana, in the State of Missouri, so to be constructed and completed as aforesaid, together with all the appurtenances thereof, and all real estate now or here¬ after acquired by the said party of the first part for the use of said branch railroad so demised. To have and to hold the said premises unto the said party of the second part, its successors and assigns, forever, subject, however, to the covenants, agreements and conditions in this instrument contained, 011 the part and behalf of the said party of the second part, its successors and assigns, to be kept and performed. 6. And it is mutually covenanted, agreed and under¬ stood, between the parties hereto, that the consideration for the demise aforsaid is the construction and completion, by the said party of the second part, of the branch railroad hereinbefore provided to be built, the.equipment and opera¬ tion thereof, when completed, by the party of the second part, as hereinafter provided, the traffic hereinafter provided to be given to the main line of the railroad of the first party from the road herein provided to be built, and the payment, by the said party of the second part, of the prin¬ cipal and interest of the bonds delivered to it, the party of the second part, by the party of the first part, as herein¬ before provided. And it is further distinctly understood and agreed, that the said party of the second part shall not be bound, at any time to pay to said party of the first part any other or further rental for the branch road so demised, «/< as aforesaid. 4 157 7. And it is further mutually understood and agreed between the parties hereto, that upon the payment of the principal and all interest of the bonds aforesaid, by the said party of the second part, as hereinbefore provided, the said party of the second part shall have the right to forever con¬ tinue in possession of and to operate said branch railroad so constructed, without payment of any rental whatever therefor, to the party of the first part, its successors or assigns. 8. And the said party of the second part, for the con¬ siderations aforesaid, hereby, for itself, its successors and assigns, covenants and agrees to and with the said party of the first part, is successors and assigns, that it will, at all times hereafter, guarantee and save harmless the said party of the first part, its successors and assigns, of and from all claims for damage of any nature and kind whatever, which may arise or grow out of the construction of said branch railroad. And the said party of the second part hereby further covenants and agrees, to and with said party of the first part, that it, the said party of the second part, shall and will equip, maintain and operate said branch railroad so constructed, forever, in connection with the main line of the party of the first part, now leased and operated by the party of the second part. 9. And the said party of the second part hereby further covenants and agrees, to and with the said party of the first part, that it, the said party of the second part, shall and and will, at all time, hereafter, pay off and discharge all taxes and assessments of everv kind and nature whatever, whether «/ J * Federal, State, county or municipal, which are, or may hereafter be assessed against said branch railroad, herein¬ before demised, or any part thereof, and all taxes assessed against it under the revenue laws of the United States, at the time when the said taxes shall be due and payable, and that it, the said party of the second part, will, at all times hereafter, guarantee and indemnify the party of the first part against all claims for damage growing out of the oper¬ ation of said branch railroad herein demised, and that it, the said party of the second part, will pay off and satisfy 158 all damages which may be assessed against either of the par¬ ties hereto, growing out of the operation of said branch railroad, whether the same be founded 011 claims for non¬ performance of duty as common carriers of passengers or freight, injuries to cattle 01* other animals along the line of said demised railroad, losses arising from fires communi¬ cated along said line of railroad from the locomotive engines used thereon, or from any other cause whatever, which may hereafter occur in the conduct of the business and traffic of said line of railroad. And the said party of the second part, as a further consideration for the execu¬ tion of this lease, hereby further covenants, to and with said party of the first part, its successors and assigns, that all freights and passengers which may, at anytime, be brought upon the line of railroad herein provided to be built, from points west of the junction of the said railroad with the main line of the road of said first party, now leased and operated by the party of the second part, shall be carried to their destination over said main line of said first party's railroad, and that all freights and passengers destined for points reached by the line herein provided for, or its con¬ nections, shall be brought to said road over the main line of the railroad of the party of the first part, and that the main line of the railroad of the party of the first part shall receive and have the benefit and advantage of all traffic,of any kind which shall be transacted upon the rail¬ road herein provided to be built." 1 10. And it is lierby mutually covenanted and agreed, between the parties hereto, that all freights and passengers, whether originating on the railroads which are now or may hereafter be operated by either of the parties hereto, or coming upon either of said roads from other railroads, shall, in the absence of any special agreement between the parties to the contrary, be carried to their destination by the shortest route between said points measured on the lines of the railroads of the parties hereto, and all tickets shall be issued to passengers by the shortest route measured, as aforesaid, to their destination, unless the passenger him¬ self .make request to the contrary, and in cases where 1.39 freight or passengers have been carried over the branch railroad so built, as herein provided, and over the road of the party of the first part, now leased and operated by said party of the second part, the earnings shall be estimated strictly according to the number of miles which the said freight or passengers shall have traveled in each case, on the respective railroads of the parties hereto, and the amount to be credited to the road of either party shall, in every case, bear the same ratio to the freight earned that the number of miles passed over on the road or roads of either party in earning the same bears, to the entire number of miles traveled in earning the same. 11. And the said party of the first part hereby further agrees, to and with said party of the second part, that it, the said party of the first part, will at no time hereafter, do, cause or permit to be done, any act which will incur a forfeiture of its franchises as a corporation, and that it, the said party of the first part, will at all times hereafter, main¬ tain and keep in existence its organization as an incorpora¬ ted company, under the laws of the State of Illinois, and that for such purpose it will do all acts necessary therefor, and that it will omit 110 act required to be done by its act of incorporation, or which may be requisite for such purpose under any law of the State of Illinois regulating railroad companies. 12. And the said party of the first part hereby further covenants, to and with said party of the second part, that it, the said party of the first part, will, at any time here¬ after, give and make such further and other conveyances and assurances as may be necessary and proper to carry into full effect all the objects and purposes of this agreement. 13. And it is hereby further mutually agreed and under¬ stood, between the parties hereto, that in case the party of the second part shall, at any time hereafter, from any cause, lose its corporate powers by the forfeiture of its charter, or if the said party of the second part shall, at any time, in any manner, be divested of the title or control of its cor¬ porate property and interests, or if the said second party 11)0 shall fail, for the space of sixty days after the same shall become due and payable, to pay to the holders of the bonds of the party of the first, part, issued, as hereinbefore pro¬ vided, the principal or any interest upon the said bonds, as the same shall fall due, or if it, the said party of the second part, shall neglect or omit the performance of any one or more of the covenants contained on its part to be performed, materially affecting or jeopardizing the rights or interests of the party of the first part, and if it, the said party of the second part, shall continue in, and be guilty of, such neglect and omission, for the term of sixty days after the service of written notice, specifying the particular covenant or covenants, in respect to which a breach shall be- com¬ plained of, by the said first party, the said party of the first part may, at its option, declare this indenture at an end, and into and upon said demised premises, or any part thereof, either with or without process of law, re-enter, and the said party of the second part, or any person or persons occupying the same, expel, remove and dispossess, using such force as may be necessary in so doing, and the said demised premises, and every part thereof, again repossess and re-enjoy, in which case the said party of the second part doth hereby covenant and agree to surrender and deliver up the said demised premises, and every part thereof, peaceably to the party of the first part, its succes¬ sors or assigns, or the said party of the first part may take such means of redress by suit, brought to enforce the specific performance of this agreement, or such, other remedy, in any court of record having equitable jurisdiction, as it may be advised, and which shall be agreeable to equity and justice. - 14. And it is mutually agreed, between the parties hereto, that if, at any time hereafter, any disagreement shall arise between them, as to the proper construction of any of the articles of this agreement, and which said dis¬ agreement cannot be adjusted and settled by the respective officers of the two corporative parties hereto, or, in case any difference shall hereafter exist between the parties hereto, as to the fulfillment or non-fulfillment of any of the 101 agreements or covenants herein contained, or in regard to any other matter or thing connected with the occupation or operation, by the party of the second part, of the branch railroad hereby demised, then, and in every such case, the question or questions, so arising, shall be submitted to the arbitration of two disinterested persons, skilled in the business of conductiim and managing railroads, one of o O O / whom shall be chosen by each of the parties hereto, and the arbitrators, so chosen, shall have power and authority to make a final adjustment and decision of such questions of difference or disagreement, between the parties hereto, and their award, when made, shall be final and conclusive, between the parties hereto, of the matters and things by them so determined. 15. And it is further mutually agreed, between the parties hereto, that in case the arbitrators so chosen, as aforesaid, shall fail to agree upon the adjustment of the question or questions so submitted to them, as aforesaid, then, and in such case, the two arbitrators so selected, as aforesaid, shall choose an umpire, who shall be a disin¬ terested person, skilled in the conduct of railways, and the award of the umpire so chosen, when made, shall be final and conclusive as to the questions decided by him. 16. And it is further agreed between the parties hereto, that in case either of the parties hereto shall fail to nomi¬ nate and appoint an arbitrator, in accordance with the fore¬ going articles of this agreement, for the space of ten days after notification, in writing, from the other party, of the breach of covenant or disagreement complained of, and requisition upon it to appoint an arbitrator, in accordance with the provisions of this agreement, then, in such case, it shall be lawful for the party seeking the arbitration to apply to the Judge of the United States Court, for the time being, of the Northern District of Illinois, and the said judge of said court, upon such application, shall and may appoint an arbitrator on the part and behalf of the party so failing or refusing to appoint, as aforesaid, and the arbitrator so appointed by the said judge, and the arbitrator nominated by the party making the application, siiall have 13 ID -2 power to finally determine all questions of controversy arising between the parties hereto, under the terms and provisions of this lease, and the award of said arbitrators, when so made, shall be final and conclusive between the parties hereto, touching the matters decided thereby. 17. And it is hereby mutually agreed, between the parties hereto, that if the arbitrators so appointed by the parties aforesaid, or by the Judge of the United States District Court aforesaid, shall fail to select an umpire, as herein pro¬ vided, in case of disagreement between such arbitrators, then, in such case, either of the parties hereto may be at liberty and shall have the right to apply to the Judge of said United States District Court, for the time being, to appoint an umpire, and said judge shall thereupon be authorized to and may appoint such umpire, and the umpire so appointed by him shall have the same power to make, and his award, when made, touching all matters of contro¬ versy between said parties, shall be as final and conclusive of the questions disposed of thereby, to all intents and pur¬ poses, as if he, the said umpire, had been appointed by the arbitrators themselves in the manner hereinbefore provided. In Witness Whereof, the said parties have caused their respective corporate seals to be attached hereto, and their respective presidents to subscribe this instrument, this twelfth day of November, a. d. 1870. The St. Louis, Jacksonville and Chicago Railroad Company, by GEORGE STRAUT, President [Seal St. L., J. & C. R. R, Co.] Attest: D. B. HOWARD, Secretary. The Chicago and Alton Railroad Company, by T. B. BLACKS TONE, President. [Seal C. & A. R. R. Co.] Attest: W. M. LARRABEE, Secretary. V i m Duly acknowledged by president and secretary St. Louis, Jacksonville and Chicago Railroad Com¬ pany, the 11th February, 1871, before VM. S. HOOK, X. P. pulv acknowledged by president and secretary of K O V i « the Chicago and Alton Railroad Company, the 18th January, 1871, before CHARLES II. FOSTER, X. P. t ] 04 Corporators. AN ACT to -incorporate the Hamilton, La con and East- In fore. March " lUlUlOCoMJHttlf/. 1 > 1867. Section 1. Be it enacted by the people 0/ the State of Illinois, represented in, the General Assembly, That 11. W. McLawrie, B. T. 0. Hubbard, Henry Gr. Hardin, James St. C. Boal, James F. Callen, Xinian M. Laws, Aaron X. Hart, Paul Cornell, and Nehemiah Edson, their associates, succes¬ sors and assigns, be and they are hereby constituted a body politic and corporate, by the name and style of " The Ham¬ ilton, Lacon and Eastern Railroad Company," and by that corporate name name shall have perpetual succession, with power to con- ancl powers. tract and be contracted with, sue and be sued, plead and be impleaded in all courts and places; to adopt a common seal, and alter the same at pleasure; to adopt such by-laws, rules and regulations as they may deem expedient, and to have and exercise all other rights and powers necessary to carry out the provisions and intentions of this act. Sec. 2. Said company is hereby authorized and empow- „ . ered to locate, build, construct, maintain, equip, operate, Business Powers 7 7 7 7 1 1 ' i ' and continue to operate a railroad from Hamilton, in Han¬ cock county, Illinois, by the most eligible and practicable route, through or near Lacon, in Marshall county, to or near Monee, in Will county, Illinois. Said company, in laying out, locating, building, constructing and operating said railroad, may cross any railroad or railroad line now laid out, or hereafter laid out in this State, and may con¬ struct said railroad across any stream of water, water course, road or highway, street, alley or canal, in such manner as not materially to obstruct the same; and may unite, intersect or connect said railroad at or near Monee, with any railroad running in an eastern or northeastern direction, or with any railroad it may cross on its route, or at its termination, running in the direction of Chicago: Pi -orided, however, and it is herein forbidden to said com- / 165 pany to consolidate said railroad with any other railroad of a competing1 direction, or for the purpose of preventing competition. Said company shall have the right to pur¬ chase, hold, lease, sell and convey real estate and personal property, so far as the same may he necessary to carry out the provisions and intentions of this act; and they may Bell and dispose of the same whenever not required for the purposes of their business. Sec. 3. Said company shall have the right to lay out Posscssion and and establish their railroad, not exceeding; one hundred feet of lands, in width, through the entire line thereof, and may take and appropriate to their own use all land necessary for the line and construction of - said railroad, by first paying therefor such amount of damages as shall be agreed upon between said company and the owner or owners of said land, and in case of disagreement, their paying, or tendering therefor, such damages as shall have been settled by appraisal, in the manner hereinafter provided, on all such lands as may be taken by said company; and for the purpose of cutting and making embankments, obtaining stone, sand, gravel or other material, said company may take and appropriate so much more land as may be necessary for the proper con¬ struction, maintenance and security of said railroad; and for the purpose of constructing shops, depots, side tracks and other conveniences and suitable fixtures, in connection with appurtenances to said railroad, may take, have, use and occupy any lands on either side of said railroad, not exceeding two hundred feet in width—said company taking all such lands by gift or purchase, or making satisfaction for the same in the manner hereinafter provided. And it shall be lawful for said company, at any time or times hereafter, to project and extend, from any point or points of their said road, branches or sidetracks thereof, to any coal or mineral bed or beds, or mines, in the respective vicinity, with the necessary appendages, which shall be laid out, built and governed, and rights of way and other ground obtained therefor, under and according to the pro¬ visions of this act; and the same shall be treated in all respects as a part of the main line. 166 Lands taken. kSEC• 4. ^ said company can not agree with the owner or owners of land which it may he necessary to take, for ♦. *<■ the purposes aforesaid, so as to procure the same by deed or the voluntary act or gift of such owners of land, or if the • C ' owner or occupier, or either of them be femme covert, infant, non compos mentis, unknown, or out of the county in which the land wanted may be situated, then the same may be taken and paid for, if any damages be awarded, in the manner provided for in "An act to provide for a general system of railroad incorporations," approved November 5, Property in the 1849, and the amendments thereto. The right of way and other real estate purchased by or donated to said company, for any of the purposes aforesaid, shall be held by them in fee simple; and any rights of way or real estate taken, con- * t> o •• ' d em lied, or appropriated, as aforesaid, upon the payment or tender of the amount of damages awarded, shall also be held by said company in fee simple. , . , , Sec. 5. The capital stock in said company shall be two Capital stock. # _ 1 . millions of dollars, which may be increased to any extent considered necessary, by said company, to complete, con¬ struct and operate said railroad; and shall be divided into shares of one hundred dollars each. And the said company uf is hereby authorized to receive, in payment for stock, any land lying within ten miles of their said railroad line; and whensoever the directors of said company may deem it expedient to sell and convey said lands, the corporators named in the first section of this act, or a majority of them, Subscription to shal 1, at: theiv option, cause books to be opened for sub- stock. scription to the capital stock of said corporation, divided into shares of one hundred dollars each, at such times and places as they determine; and it shall be lawful for any person, of lawful age, to subscribe any amount to the capi¬ tal stock of said company. pavmcms Sec. (>. The corporators of said company may require such-subscriber to pay such an amount, at the time of sub¬ scribing, not exceeding five dollars 011 each share subscribed, as thev or a majority of them mav determine. Sec. 7. As soon as one hundred thousand dollars of the Directors, capital stock shall be subscribed, the corporators herein 167 named, or a majority of them, shall call a meeting of the stockholders for the election of live directors, who shall he stockholders, of which meeting twenty days' notice shall NotHlcat,uns- ' O «/ «, he given, by publication in one or more papers, published in Marshall county; and said election shall be conducted by t. 7 and under the direction of two judges, appointed by the judges of. stockholders who may be present; and the persons having a plurality of votes shall be declared elected such directors. Each stockholder shall be entitled to one vote for every share he or she may hold, and every person entitled to vote, may vote by written proxy. Whenever the sum of one hundred thousand dollars shall be subscribed, the said cor-,. . . ' Construction of poration may commence to construct and complete their road, said railroad. Sec. 8. As soon as the said five directors shall be elected, officers, they shall immediatly, from their number, choose a presi¬ dent, secretary and treasurer, who shall hold their offices for the period of one year, and till their successors are duly elected and qualified. It shall be the duty of the secretary, whenever required by the president, to call meet- Directors, ings of the board of directors; and notice thereof shall be given in the manner prescribed by the president. The sec¬ retary shall keep the books of said company, and shall keep a correct record of all the acts and doings of said cor¬ poration. Sec. 9. All elections, after the first, for officers of said Eleclions corporation shall be held on the first Monday of April, annually, under the direction of two stockholders, not directors at the time, to be appointed by an order of the board, at a previous meeting: Pro tided, that the said board of directors may cause elections to be held on any other day, should there be no election on that day; and all elec¬ tions shall be held at the office of said company, which may office, be established wherever the board of directors may deter¬ mine, and which said board may remove at pleasure. The directors elected, as aforesaid, shall continue in office for one year, and until their successors are elected and qualified, and a majority shall form a quorum to do business. 168 indebtedness. Sec. "10. The said board of directors is hereby author¬ ized, from time to time, to borrow such sum or sums of money as may be necessary for completing, equipping, fur¬ nishing, maintaining, operating, or altering their said rail¬ road, arid to issue and dispose of their bonds, at any rate of interest not exceeding ten per cent, per annum, and at such discount as mav be thought for the benefit of the com- pany, and to mortgage their corporate property and fran¬ chises, or execute deeds of trust 011 the same, or any part thereof, or any other property or effects, rights or credits of the said company, to secure the payment of any debt con¬ tracted by said company for the purposes aforesaid, or any of them; and the directors of said company may, at any time, confer on the holder of any such bonds the right to convert the amount due or owing thereon into stock of said company, and any such bonds that may be sold or disposed of at a less rate than par, shall be valid and binding upon said company as if the same were sold for the par value stock transfer-thereof. And the capital stock and shares of said company able, etc;. shall be deemed and held to be personal property; and may be sold and transferred upon the books of said company in the manner and form prescribed by the by-laws. ... Sec. 11. Said comnanv shall have the right to erect a bridge privileges it, o suitable bridge for the passage of its cars across or over the Illinois river, or other navigable stream, so as not mate¬ rially to obstruct the navigation thereof. Construction of ^Kc- 12. This act shall be deemed and taken to be a «t. public act, and shall be construed beneficially for all pur¬ poses herein specified or intended, and shall take effect and he in force from and after its passage. Approved March 7, 1867. 169 AX ACT to-a uthorize the counties of Woodford, La Salle and Jjiviuf/ston, and the townships, cities, incorpo- forc> March rated towns and corporations in said counties, to sub- 6 l86- scribe to the capital stock of any railroad company that note is or hereafter may be incorporated in the State of Illinois. Section 1. Be it evaded by the people of the State of Illi¬ nois, 'represented in the General Assembly, That the counties of Woodford, LaSalle and Livingston, and the townships, cities, incorporated towns and corporations in said coun¬ ties, that now are or hereafter may be organized in said Corporation counties, may become subscribers to the capital stock of subscription, any railroad that now is or hereafter may be incorporated in this State, and may issue bonds for the amount of such stock so subscribed, with coupons for interest thereto attached, under such limitations and restrictions and on such conditions as to them may seem right for the best interest of said counties, townships, cities, incorporated town or other incorporation, any, all or either of them, and the directors of said railroad company may approve of the proposition for any such subscription, the same having first been submitted to the legal voters of such county, town¬ ship, city, incorporated town or other corporation, as afore¬ said, and approved by a majority of said legal voters, whoSubmitted to may vote upon the question, and upon the application of legalvoSerh- twenty legal voters and tax payers of any county, town¬ ship, city, Incorporated town, or of three members of any corporation as aforesaid, specifying the amount to be sub¬ scribed, said amount not to exceed the sum of oue hundred Amount of sub- thousand dollars, for any one such county, township, city, scnptlon" incorporated town or other corporation, to be subscribed for any one railroad company (and the amount that any corporation may vdte to subscribe shall be left to said cor¬ poration, and the railroad company in which said corpora¬ tion takes stock); and the condition of said subscription shall be set forth in said application, and it shall be the 170 Duties of clerks, duty of tlic clerk of nliy such county, township, city, incor¬ porated town, or other corporation, immediately to call an election hy posting up notices at least twenty days, in each township or voting place, in said county, if the vote is to he taken by a county, or if by a township, then by the clerk of said township, in three of the most public places in said township, or if by a city, at three of the most public places in said city, or if by an incorporated town, at three of the most public places in said incorporated town, or if by a corporation, then at the usual places of holding elec¬ tions in the State for the election of their corporation officers. Said election shall be held for the purpose of determining whether said county, township, city, incorpo¬ rated town or corporation, shall subscribe to the stock of the railroad company, named in said call and notices; and . if a majority of said voters, voting at said election, shall be for subscription, then the county court or board of super- Dutics of super-visors, having jurisdiction over the county matters of said visors. county, or the corporate authorities of such city, incorpo¬ rated town, or supervision of such township, or the presi¬ dent of such corporation shall make or cause to be made, said subscription to said capital stock of said railroad company, and upon said subscription so voted being accepted or received by the directors of said railroad com- Bonds to be pany, shall cause bonds to be issued in compliance with .ssued—rateofvote, which bonds shall, in 110 case, bear a higher rate interest. " ' ' © of interest than ten per cent, per annum, and said interest shall be paid out of the treasury of the county in which any of the said townships, city, incorporated towns or corpora¬ tion shall be located, and said bonds shall not be for a less amount than one hundred dollars, each of which said bonds may run for a term of years not exceeding twenty: Proviso Provided, each county, township, city, incorporated town or corporation, may, by their votes determine on what part of said railroad their stock, so bv them voted and sub- ' t.; scribed, shall be expended, and said bonds shall be accepted by said railroad company, at their face or at par value. Sec. 2. It shall be the duty of the clerk of any town¬ ship, city, incorporated town or other incorporation, to 171 return the poll book of said election, so held in such Return Df poii township, city, or incorporated town, or other corporation, book- together with a certificate of the result of said election, to the county clerk of the county or counties, in which said township, city, or incorporated town, or other corporation may be located, within ten davs after said election. And 7 t if a majority of the legal voters of such county, township, city or incorporated town, shall have voted for said sub¬ scription, then it shall be the duty of the county clerk of each county in which any such town, city or incorporated town has voted such stock, to annually thereafter cause to he computed and extended on the taxable property, bothTaxable p^p- real and personal, returned by the assessor of each county, cxt"' e township, city, incorporated town, or other corporation which have voted to subscribe for anv such stock, a sum sufficient to pay the interest 011 all such amounts so voted and named in the bonds so issued by the respective coun¬ ties, townships, cities, incorporated towns or other corporations, which tax shall be collected as other taxes, and when collected, shall be paid into the county treasury as other county taxes. Bec. 8. It shall be the dutv of said county treasurer to, " . ^ 1 reasurer's dutj pay out the same, on the presentation to him, of the bonds or bond so issued by any county, township, city, incorpo¬ rated town or corporation, as aforesaid, the amount due on each of said bonds, as interest, out of any money or moneys in his hands for that purpose, and receive the interest coupons then due, as vouchers for the same. He shall also keep a separate account with each county, township, city, incorporated town or corporation, which account shall, at all times, be subject to inspection of all persons interested. Sec. 4. At all elections for officers, or other questions . A Elections and to be voted upon, by the stockholders of said railroad cor- voting, porations, in which said stock is taken, the chairman of the board of supervisors, the supervisors of said town, the mayor of said city, the president of said incorporated town, and the president of said corporation, or by proxy of either of the aforesaid, shall represent and cast the votes which said stock, so subscribed, is entitled to. Mistakes. 172 Sec. f>. Tt is further enacted tlifit no mistake in the giving of the notice, or in tl 1 e canvass, or return of votes, or in tlie issuing of the bonds, shall not in anv wav inval- idate the said bonds, so issued: Prodded, that there is a majority of the voters at such election in favor of such subscription. Sec. 0. This act shall he deemed a public act, and shall take effect from and after its passage. Approved March. 6, 1867. AN ACT to authorize the incorporated towns and town¬ ships in the counties of Livingston9 La Salle and f°869 M rePresetiled in the General Assembly, That any incorpo¬ rated town or township of any county, through or near which the Hamilton, Lacon and Eastern Railroad Company may he located or about to he located, is hereby authorized and empowered, by a vote of the people of the same, to subscribe to the capital stock of said company any sum hot to exceed one hundred thousand dollars each; which vote of the people shall he ascertained by an election held in the manner prescribed by and in conformity with the pro¬ visions of an act entitled "An act to authorize the counties of Woodford, LaSalle and Livingston, and the townships, cities and incorporated towns and corporations, in said counties, to subscribe to the capital stock of any railroad company that now is or hereafter may be incorporated in the State of Illinois," approved March 6, 1867. Duty of county ^EC- -• It shall he the duty of the clerk of each town- dok. ship which may have or may hereafter subscribe to the capital stock of said railroad company, to keep, in dupli¬ cate, a complete register of the bonds issued, showing their numbers, amount, date and rate of interest, and deliver one copy of the same to the county clerk of his county. 173 i Sec. 3. Collectors shall he allowed not to exceed one compensation, per cent, on all taxes collected, to pay the interest and principal of said bonds, and treasurers not to exceed one- half of one per cent, for receiving and paying out the same. Sec. 4. This act shall be deemed a public act, and be in force from and after its passage. Approved March 5, 1869. \ 174 DIGEST of the General Hail road Laws of Illinois, I. Actions Against. Sec. 1. Actions Brought Against. _ o # o 44 6. Lien Allowed Against. IT. Connections—Transfers. Sec. 8. Contracts and Transfers. " 9. Leasing of Roads, Lands, etc. 44 10. Of Making Connections. 44 11. Connections at Bridges. 44 12. Crossings and Intersections. " 13. Transfer of Freight and Grain. 44 14. Penalty Imposed. III. Consolidations. Sec. 15. Of Railroads and Plankroads. 44 17. Increase of New Stock. 44 23. With Roads Beyond this State. " 24. Conditions of Consolidation. IV. Fencing. Sec. 25. Company Required to Fence. 44 26. Owner to Fence. 44 27. Penalties Imposed. " 28. Notice by the Owner. " 29. Road Failing to Build. 44 30. Time of the Notice. V. Injuries—Obstructions. • Sec. 31. Penalties for Obstructions. " 32. Displacing Switch or Signal. 44 34. Other Penalties Imposed. VI. Organizations. Sec. 39. Formation of Companies. " 42. Their Corporate Powers. 44 44. The Choice of Directors. " 46. Annual Meeting of Stockholders. 44 47. Annual Statement Made. 44 49. Payments on Stock. 44 * 51. Transfer of Stock. 44 52. Liability of Stockholders. 44 53. Stock Being Paid up. 44 54. Concerning the Dividends. 44 56. Stock Held by Executors. 44 57. Voting by Executors. 44 58. Map and Profile. 44 59. List of Corporate Powers, 175 u ti u u u a a Sec. 60. Petition to the Legislature. Condemnation of Lands. Duty of the Commissioners. The Rule of the Court. 61. Infants and Unknown Owners. " 62. Relocation of the Line. 63. Crossing Road or Highway. 64. State Lands Required. 65. Badges of Officers. 66. The Annual Report. 68. Taxation of Property. " 69. Lien of the State. Lien of Individuals. " 70. Rates of Fare and Freight. " 71. United States Mail. u 72. Refusing to Pay Fare. " 73. Time Tables and Accommodations. 74. Company Refusing to Transport. 75. Of Making up Trains. u 76. Bells and Whistles on Engines. " 78. Sign Boards at the Crossings. " 79. Train Officer Intoxicated. " 84. Application of this Act. VII. Rates Uniform. Sec. 85. Rates to be Reasonable. " 87. Same to be Posted. " 88. Rates to he Fixed. " 89. Loading and Unloading. 90. Penalties Imposed. 92. Including Illinois Central. VIII. Subscriptions—Loans. Sec. 93. Subscriptions in Aid. 97. Issue of Bonds. 98. Of Borrowing Money. 99. Speed of Trains. 102. Classification of Directors. 103. Fires Caused by Engines. 104. Taxation of Property. IX. State Taxes. Sec. 105. To be Set Apart. " 106. Registration of Bonds. " 107. Certificate Made Out. " 108. Interest on the Bonds. 109. Application of Taxes. 110. In Case of Surplus. 111. Conditions of Registration. 112. County Directors Appointed. u u u a u « 176 Sec. 113. Duties of the Auditor. " 114. Payment, hy the Auditor. " 115. Act to Cease. " 116. Collector's Bonds—Fees. X. Crossings. Sec. 117. Railroads to Maintain. " 118. Duty of Surveyors. " 119. Xotices to he Binding. " 120. After Xotice Received. " 121. In Case of Disagreement. " 122. Report to be Made. " 123. If the Company Xeglect. " 124. Flagman and his Duties. " 126. Penalties Against Surveyor. XI. Railroad and Warehouse Commission. Sec. 127. Appointment of Commissioners. " 128. Who May he Commissioners. " 129. Oath and Bond Required. " 130. Compensation of Commissioners. " 131. Allowed to Pass. " 132. Annual Report of Each Company. " 133. Additional Interrogatories. " 134. Scope of the Act. " 135. Statement by Warehousemen. " 136. The Commissioners' Annual Report. " 137. Further Duties of Commissioners. " 138. Warehouse Licenses Canceled. " 139. Power in Making Examinations. " 140. Power as to Witnesses. " 141. Witness not Obeying Suhpena. " 142. Penalties Against Railroad Companies. " 143. Duty of the Attorney General. Duty of State's Attorneys. " 144. Concerning all such Prosecutions. " 145. Private Damages. XII. Transportation of Freight. Sec. 146. Freights to he Uniform. " 147. "Railroad Corporation" Defined. " 148. Rates of 1870 the Standard. u 149. Penalty for a Violation. " 150. Forfeiture of Franchises. XIII. Transportation of Passengers. Sec. 151. Rates of Fare Limited. " 152. Classification of Railroads. " 153. Lawful Rates of Fare. " 154. Act to be Posted Up. 4C 155. Penalty for Violation. ITT Sec. 156. Forfeiture of Franchises. " 15T. Street Railroads Excepted. XIY. State Taxes—Duty of Auditor. Sec. 158. Apportionment of the Surplus. u 159. Tax on Railroad Property. Such Tax to be Deducted. I. ACTIOXS AGAIXST. Laws 1858, 65. 12 Feb. Sec. 1. P. 146. S. 148. 1. Ac¬ tions Brought Against.] Actions at law or in chancery may be brought against any railroad company in any cir¬ cuit court in any county in this State, through which any railroad of such company may be located. J bid. Sec 2. 2.] In all cases at law or in chancery any person may commence an action or actions against any rail¬ road company by filing in the clerk's office of the circuit court in which such action or actions shall be instituted, a declaration or bill in chancery, as the case may be, and by giving notice to said company of the filing of said declara¬ tion or bill in chancery, by at least four successive publica¬ tions of said notice in a weekly newspaper published in the county (or, if no newspaper be published in the county, then in the newspaper published in the nearest county) where said action shall be brought, the first of which pub¬ lications shall be at least sixty days previous to the first day of the next succeeding term of said court.' Ibid. Sec 3. 3.] In all cases instituted under the provi¬ sions of this act, the said circuit court shall have the same power and authority to hear and determine the same, as in other cases at law or in chancery; and the filing of a dec¬ laration or bill in chancery, and the publication of notice as in Sec. 2 of this act named, shall be deemed and taken as sufficient notice to said company of the pendency of said action. Ibid. Sec. 4. 4.] All judgments and decrees recovered against any railroad company, as aforesaid, shall have the same force and effect as other judgments at law, or decrees in chancery. v 1A ITS Ibid. See. (j. 5.] All actions instituted under the pro¬ visions of this act shall he commenced and prosecuted in the counties where the cause of action accrued, and not otherwise. Laws 18G1, 142. 22 Feb. Sec. 1. 6. Lien Allowed Against.] All persons who may have furnished, or who shall hereafter furnish to any railroad corporation, existing under the laws of this State, any fuel, ties, materials, sup¬ plies, or any other article or thing*, necessary for the construction, maintenance, operation or repair of such roads, by contract with said corporation, or who shall have done and performed, or shall hereafter do and perform, any work or labor for such construction, maintenance, opera¬ tion or repair, by like contract, shall be entitled to be paid for the same, as part of the current expenses of said road, and, in order to secure the same, shall have a lien for three months after the right of action accrues upon all the prop¬ erty, real, personal and mixed, of said railroad corporation, as against all mortgages,-or other liens which accrued after the commencement of the delivery of said articles, or the commencement of said work or labor. Ibid. Sec. 2. 7.] In case within the three months, heretofore limited, the party furnishing* such article or tiling, or performing such work or labor, shall commence suit for the recovery of such debt, in any court of record, then the lien hereby created shall continue until the same has been decided by said court; and, if the judgment be against said corporation, until an execution thereupon issued shall he satisfied or released by the plaintiff. II. COXXECTIOXS—TRAXSEERS. Laws 1858, 222. 12 Feb. [15 Apr.] Sec. 1. P. 1075. S.051. 8. Companies Contracting for the Pse of Cars—Trans¬ fer of Passengers, Etc.] All railroad companies incorpo¬ rated, or which may be hereafter incorporated, under the authority of this State, the lines or routes of winch railroads mav connect with or cross each other, 170 shall have power to make contracts or arrangements with each other, for the use of each other's engines, machinery, or cars, as also for the mutual transportation of materials, merchandise and passengers upon and along the lines of each other's roads, upon such terms as may he mutually agreed upon between any such corporations. Pr. Laws 1855, 304. 12 Feb. [1(5 Apr.] Sec. 1. Par. 1078. 9. Leasing of Loads, Lands and Buildings.] All railroad companies incorporated or organized under, or which may be incorporated or organized under the authority of the laws of this State, shall have power to make such contracts and arrangements with each other, and with railroad cor¬ porations of other States, for leasing or running their roads, or any part thereof; and also to contract for and hold in fee simple, or otherwise, lands or buildings in this or other States for depot purposes; and also to purchase and hold such personal property as shall be necessary and conven¬ ient for carrying into effect the object of this act. Ibid. Sec. 2. 10. Of Connections.] All railroad com¬ panies incorporated or organized, or which may be incorporated or organized, as aforesaid, shall have the right of connecting with each other and with the rail¬ roads of other States on such terms as shall be mutuallv agreed upon by the companies interested in such compa¬ nies [connection]. Laws 1867, 174. 25 Feb. Sec. 1. 11. Connections at Bridges.] Railroads terminating, or to terminate at any point, on any line of continuous railroad thoroughfare, where there now is or shall he a railroad bridge for cross- ing of passengers and freight in cars over the same as part of such thoroughfare, shall make convenient connections of such railroads, by rail, with the rail of such bridge; and such bridge shall permit and cause such connections of the rail of the same with the rail of such railroads, so that by reason of such railroads and bridge there shall be uninter- ruptcd communication over such railroads and bridge as public thorough tares. But by such connections no corpo¬ rate rights shall be impaired. ISO Lai os 1807, 144. 5 JLir. See. 1. 12. Of Crossings and Fntersections.] "Whenever the lines of any railroads in this State shall cross or intersect, it shall he the duty of the companies or persons controlling- or managing such rail¬ roads, to make just and equitable contracts for the inter¬ change of business, and for the accommodation of such business as it may be desirable to transact over all or a portion of each of said intersecting lines, to both lines; and in case the officers of said companies cannot agree as to the manner and terms upon which such joint business shall be interchanged, the said companies shall each choose an impartial person, familiar with the management of rail¬ roads, and the two thus chosen shall select a third person to act with them; and the award of the persons thus selected, or a majority of them, as to the terms and manner for transacting said joint business, shall be conclusive and binding upon both parties. In case either of said roads shall refuse to select such referee, then the county court may select such referee, upon application of either party. Lams 18(39, 407. 11 Mar. Sec 1. 13. Of the Delivery and Transfer of Freight.] At any point where two or more railroads meet or cross, it shall be the duty of any such railroad companies, or either of them, to render all the facilities necessary for the speedy transfer of grain, produce or merchandise to its destination, and it shall be the duty of all such railroad companies to deliver to any warehouse as directed, any and all cars which may he consigned thereto, and to remove from such warehouse O 7 such cars as may be laden thereat for transportation from such warehouse, on the request of the owner or warehouse¬ man, to be shipped within a reasonable time thereafter, and any railroad company shall run the cars of connecting roads over their track, but may charge therefor a reason- 7 *' O ahle track service, not exceeding the price per mile of the transportation of like articles from local points on the line of such road. Jhid. Sec. '1. 14. Penalty.] Any railroad company which shall refuse or neglect to deliver grain, merchandise or produce to, or carry it from said warehouse, in such case 181 made and provided, shall be liable to a penalty of twice the value of such grain, produce or merchandise, to be recov¬ ered bv the owner or agent of such consignments, in any v. f action of debt in any court of competent jurisdiction. III. CONSOLIDATIONS. Dim 1851, 9. 28 Feb. Sec. 1. P. 1075, S. 951. 15. Consolidation of Railroads and Plankroads.] All rail¬ road companies and plankroad companies now organized or hereafter to be organized, which now have, or hereafter mav have their termini fixed bv law, whenever their said «/ •/ ' road or roads intersect bv continuous lines, * * are herebv •J ' «/' authorized and empowered to consolidate their property and stock with each other, and to consolidate with compa¬ nies out of this State whenever their lines connect with the lines of such companies out of this State. Ibid. Sec. 2. 16.] Such consolidation may take place whenever the said companies shall respectively agree upon the terms and conditions of the same; and the said companies, when so consolidated, shall be authorized to agree upon the name or names of such consolidated com¬ pany, and by such name or names the said consolidated company shall be a body corporate and politic, shall have a common seal or seals, and bv such name or names shall be ' «/ respectively contracted with and make contracts, shall sue and be sued, implead and be impleaded with, and shall have all the powers, franchises and immunities which the said respective companies shall have by virtue of their respec¬ tive charters before such consolidation passed within the State of Illinois: Provided, that each consolidated company shall tile for record, in the office of the Secretary of State, a 7 %.> " copy of their said articles of consolidation, evidenced by the signature of the presiding officer of each of the said com¬ panies, and the corporate seal thereof. _ Ibid. Sec. 8. 17. Increase of Consolidated Stock.] The corporation or corporations formed by virtue of the provi¬ sions of this act shall have power to increase their capital stock 182 to any amount required by resolution of tlieir respective boards of directors, not exceeding the amount of the cost of ' 4.. the roads and works constructed and equipped by them, to borrow money and fix the rate of interest therefor, to issue «/ / bonds, and the same to sell at such price as they may deem expedient, such sales being hereby authorized and con¬ firmed, and to make any other contracts authorized by the by-laws of the said corporation or corporations, within the purview of their said charters. Ibid. Sec. 4. 18.] Such corporation or corporations, when so formed, shall have the same power to consolidate with other companies when their lines connect, upon such terms as may be agreed upon by them respectively. Ibid. Sec. 5. 19.] Xo company in this State shall be authorized under the provisions of this act, to consoli¬ date with anv companv bevond the limits of the State, i. X » v until the termini of such company in this State shall first have been fixed bv the laws of this State, at the boundarv «, * t. line thereof. Ibid. Sec. (>. 20.] This act shall not be so construed as to authorize any plankroad, not having power to build a railroad, to consolidate with any railroad so as to lay a rail¬ road upon any plankroad track until the termini of such railroad shall have been expressly fixed by law, nor shall any plankroad so consolidate with any railroad unless authorized bv law to lav a railroad track. Ibid. Sec. 7. 21.] All proceedings for the purpose of con¬ solidation, as above provided, shall be fixed and regulated by the by-laws of the respective companies desiring such consolidation: Provided, that such consolidation shall not take place until the terms of such consolidation shall have been approved by a majority of the stockholders in interest, in person or by proxy, at an annual or called meeting, of which due notice shall be given by publication or in writ¬ ing to all stockholders interested, or the same be approved by the written consent of a majority of the stockholders in interest, filed in fhe office of their company. 183 Ibid. See. 8. 22.] "When it shall he necessary for the construction of any railroad, to cross the track of anv other « ' t. railroad, stream of water, water course, road or highway, which it mav intersect or cross hv reason of such extension */ «' into or through any adjoining State, or by reason of its consolidation with any other road or roads, company or companies, as provided in this act, it shall he lawful for said company teg construct their road across or over the same hv such track or tracks, bridge or bridges, viaduct • / O O 7 or viaducts, as mav he necessary to the convenience of ^ C- t. the extension or consolidation of said road: Prodded, said company shall restore the railroad, stream of water, water course, road or highway, thus intersected or crossed, to its former state, or in a sufficient manner not materially to interfere with its usefulness. Lairs 18(15, 102. 13 Feb. Sec. 1. 23. Consolidation with Railroads out of this State.] It shall not he lawful for any railroad company of Illinois, or for the directors of any railroad company of Illinois to consolidate their road with any railroad company out of the State of Illinois, or to lease their road to anv railroad out of the State of 11 li- nois, or to lease anv railroad out of the State of Illinois, without having first obtained the written consent of all of the stockholders of said roads resident in the State of Illinois, and anv contract for such consolidation or lease which mav • he made without having first obtained said written consent s'gned by the resident stockholders in Illinois, shall he null and void.—[Re-enacted by next section, which added other provisions.] Laics 1805, 102. 10 Feb. Sec. 1. 24. Conditions.] * * It shall he lawful for the directors of any railroad company, created hv the laws of this State, to contract for the use «' 7 and operation of any railroad connecting with their line beyond the limits of the State; and in all contracts for the use and operation of any railroad by another corporation, it shall he lawful for the parties to provide for the use of any of the powers and privileges of either or both of the corporations, parties thereto: And prodded, farther, that 184 nothing in this act shall he so construed as to authorize the consolidation of anv of said railroads with railroads out of the State of Illinois: Prorirfed, that nothing contained in the tirst proviso to this act, shall, in any wise apply to or he taken advantage of bv the Great "Western Railroad O « Company (of 1850), a corporation of the State of Illinois. IV. FEXCIXG. Laws 1855, 174/14 Feb. [Id Apr.] Sec, 1. P. 1077, S. 053. 25. Of the Fencing of Railroads.] Every railroad corporation, whose line of road, or any part thereof, is open for use, shall, within six months after the passage of this act, and every railroad company formed or to be formed, but whose lines are not now open for use, shall, within six months after the lines of such railroad, or any part thereof, are opened, erect and thereafter maintain fences on the sides of their road, or the part thereof so open for use, suit¬ able and /sufficient to prevent cattle, horses, sheep and hogs from getting on to such railroad, except at the crossing of public roads and highways, and within the limits of towns, cities and villages, with openings, or gates or bars at the farm crossings of such railroad, for the nse of the proprie¬ tors of the lauds adjoining such railroads, and shall also construct, where the same has not already been done, and hereafter maintain, at all road crossings now existing or hereafter established, cattle guards, suitable and sufficient, to prevent cattle, horses, sheep and hogs from getting on to such railroad; and so long as such fences and cattle guards 7 O O shall not be made after the time hereinbefore prescribed for making the same shall have elapsed, and when such fences and cattle guards are not in good repair, such rail¬ road corporation and its agents shall be liable for all dam¬ ages which shall be done bv the agents or engines of anv O « O O t. such corporation to any cattle, horses, sheep or hogs thereon; and when such fences and guards shall have been 7 o duly made, and shall be kept in good repair, such railroad corporation shall not be liable for any such damages, unless negligently or wilfully done. Xo railroad corporation 185 shall he required to fence the sides of its roads, except when such fence is necessary to prevent horses, cattle, sheep and hogs from getting on to the track of the rail¬ road from the lands adjoining the same, nor shall they he he required to construct said fences on the sides of their railroads where the same runs through unenclosed lands lying at a greater distance than five miles from anv settle- » o o v ment. Xor shall the said companies he required to erect and maintain said fences through lands where the proprie¬ tors of said lands have already erected fences or agreed # o with said companies so to do. Ibid. Sec. 2. 26. Owner to Fence.] But it shall he the duty of every owner of land adjoining any railroad, who has received a specific sum as compensation for fencing along the line of land taken for the purpose of said rail¬ road, and has agreed to huild and maintain a lawful fence on the line of said road, to huild and maintain such fence; and it shall also he the duty of every owner of land adjoin¬ ing every railroad, who has received compensation for building and maintaining a lawful fence on the line of said o o road, by way of damages, in the condemnation of land taken for the purposes of said road, under the laws of this State, to huild and maintain such fence; and if said owner, his heirs or assigns, shall not huild said fence within six months after lie has been notified to do so bv the said rail- road corporation, or shall neglect to maintain said fences, if built, said corporations shall build and thereafter main¬ tain such fence, and may maintain a civil action against the person so neglecting to huild or maintain said fence, to recover the expense thereof; and such railroad corporation shall not he liable to such owner or owners, their heirs and assigns, for any damages which shall he done by the agents or engines, locomotives or cars of any such corporation to any cattle, horses, sheep or hogs, of said owner or owners, their heirs, assigns, or lessees, coming upon said road by reason or on account of the failure of such owner or own¬ ers, their heirs or assigns, to construct or maintain said fences. 186 / Ibid. Sec. 3. 27. Penalties.] If any person sluill ride, lead or drive any horse or other animal upon such road and within such fences and guards, other than at farm or road crossings, without the consent of the corporation, or who shall pull down, tear down, or otherwise render insufficient to exclude stock, any part of said fencing, he shall be liable to a penalty of not less than 810, nor more than §100, to be recovered in action of debt, before anv court having 7 t ~ jurisdiction in such cases, in the name of the company or corporation owning such road, and for its use, and also shall pay all damages which shall be sustained thereby to the party aggrieved. Laivs 1869, -315. 5 A/>r. Sec. 1. 23. Xotice by Owner to IvAiLROAi).] "Whenever a railroad corporation is required by law to fence its track or railroad, or to maintain or keep in repair any such fence, and shall neglect or refuse to build or repair such fence, as the case maybe, the owner or occu¬ pant of the land adjoining such railroad, or over or through which the said railroad track shall or mav be laid, mav give notice in writing to such corporation, or the lessee thereof, or the persons using such railroad, to build within sixty days said fence, or repair within thirty days said fence, as the case may be, after the service of such notice. Such notice shall describe the land on which such fence is required to be built or repaired, and reference given to this act in said notice for the information of said railroad agent, to whom the notice is given by the provisions of this act. Service of such notice mav be made bv delivering the same */ V C to any station agent of said corporation or railroad com¬ pany. Ibid. Sec. 2. 29. Kailroad Failing to Build.] In case the party so notified shall refuse or neglect to build or repair the fences on the land described in such notice, in accordance with Sec. 1 of this act, then it shall be lawful for the owner or occupant of such land required to be fenced, to build or repair the same (as the case may be), and the person so building or repairing such fence shall be entitled to the value thereof, from such corporation or party actu¬ ally occupying or using such railroad, to he recovered with 187 interest at one per cent, per month from the time such fence shall have been built or repaired (as the case may he), in any proper action, together with costs, fees, and disburse¬ ments to he taxed. Ibid. Sec. 8. 30. Time of Xotlce.] Such notice must he given on some dav between the lirst dav of March and C »' i the first dav of October in anv vear. t t • Ah IXJUIUKS—0 BSTR DCTIOXS. Laics 1858, 217. 11 Feb. [15 Aprd\ Sec. 1. P. 871. S. 417. 31. Injuries and Obstructions.] If any person or persons shall wilfully and maliciously displace or remove any switch, signal or rail of any railroad, or shall break down, rip up, injure or destroy any railroad track or railroad bridge, or any portion thereof, or place any obstruction whatever on any such rail or railroad track, or bridge, or switch, or place any false signal upon or along the line of any railroad track, with intent that any person or property being or passing on and over said railroad should be injured thereby, every such person so offending, upon conviction thereof, shall be punished by imprisonment in the State peniten¬ tiary not less than one year, and not exceeding five years. Ibid. Sec 2. 32. Displacing Switch or Signal.] If any person or persons shall wilfully and maliciously dis¬ place or remove any switch, signal or rail of any railroad, or shall break down, rip up, injure or destroy any railroad track or railroad bridge, or any portion thereof, or place anv obstruction whatever on anv such rail, railroad track, «/ / 7 or bridge, or switch, or place any false signal upon or along the line of any railroad track, with intent that any person or property, being or passing on and over said railroad, should be injured thereby, and in consequence of any such act, done with the intent aforesaid, any person being or passing on and over said railroad shall actuallv suffer anv bodily harm, or any property shall be injured, every such person so offending shall, upon conviction thereof, be pun¬ ished by imprisonment in the State penitentiary for a term not less [than] three years, nor exceeding ten years. 188 Ibid. Sec. 3. 33.] If any person sliall "wilfully and maliciously displace or remove any railway switch, signal or rail of any railroad, or shall break down, rip up, injure or destroy any railroad track or railroad bridge, or fence, or any portion thereof, or place any obstruction whatever on any such rail, switch, railroad track or bridge, or shall do or cause to be done anv act or acts whatever, wlierebv anv engine, machine or structure, or any matter or thing thereto appertaining, shall be stopped, obstructed, impaired, weakened, injured or destroyed, with intent that any person or property passing on and over said railroad should be injured thereby, and if, in consequence of such act, done with intent aforesaid, any person is killed, or the life of any person is lost, every person so offending shall be deemed guilty of murder, and upon conviction thereof, shall he- punished acco rdi ngl y. 2 La a:a 1861, 8. 1 May. Sec. 1. 34. Other Provisions and Penalties.] If any two or more persons shall conspire or combine to break down, take up, injure or destroy any railroad track or railroad bridge, or to burn or destrov anv O 7 « engine, engine house, car house, machine shop, or any other building or machinerv necessary to the free use of anv cd \j «' *> railroad, everv such person shall be guilty of a high 7 %j 1 cd • cd misdemeanor, and shall, on conviction, be punished by imprisonment in the penitentiary not less than two nor more than five vears. Ibid. Sec. 2. 35.] If any two or more persons shall attempt to prevent the passage of any railroad train, carrying any provisions, troops, or munitions of war for the use or in the employment of this State or of the United States, bv anv violence or offer of violence, or shall assemble 7 v i/ 7 themselves together, for that purpose, or if any person shall induce, entice or persuade, or attempt to induce, entice or, persuade any other person to do so, such persons, and each of them, shall, on conviction, be liable to be confined in the penitentiary for a period not less than one nor more than ten years. 189 Ibid. Sec. 3. 36.] Any person or persons who shall make any attempt, although the same may not succeed, to place obstructions on any railroad track, to burn, blow up or destroy any railroad bridge, or in any other way prevent the free and safe passage of trains on any railroad, such person or persons, on conviction thereof, shall be confined in the penitentiary of this State not less than six months nor more than five vears. Ibid. Sec. 4. 37.] Any person who shall hire, persuade or induce, attempt to hire, induce or persuade any person or persons to burn or in any way injure or destroy any railroad bridge, to take up, injure or destroy any railroad track, or any machine shop, engine house, car house, engine or car, or other machinery or property necessary for the operation of any railroad, shall, on conviction thereof, be punished by confinement in the penitentiary not less than six months nor more than two years. Ibid. Sec. 5. 38.] It shall be the duty of all officers, civil and military, of this State, and of all residents of this State, to arrest all persons avIio shall commit, or attempt to commit ain^ of the foregoing offenses; and tliey are authorized to use whatever force or violence may be neces- c sary to prevent the commission of any such offense, or to arrest the offender or prevent his escape. VI. ORG AXJ Z ATIOX. 2 Law# 1841), 18. 5 Nov. Sec. 1. P. 1000. S. 937. 39. Of the Organization of Railroad Companies.] Any number of persons, not less than twenty-five, being subscribers to the stock of any contemplated railroad, may be formed into a corporation for the purpose of constructing, owning and maintaining such railroad, by complying with the following requirements: When stock to the amount of at least $1,000 for every mile of said road so intended to be built, shall be in good faith subscribed, and 10 per cent, paid thereon, as herein required, then the said subscribers may elect directors for the said company. Thereupon they 19 0 \ shall severally subscribe articles of association, in which shall be set forth the name of the corporation; the number of years the same is to continue, which shall not exceed ' fifty years; the amount of the capital stock of the company, which shall be the actual cost of constructing the road, together with the cost for the right of way, motive power, and every other appurtenance for the completion and running of said road, as nearly as can be estimated by competent engineers; the number of shares of which said stock shall consist; the number of directors, and their names, to manage the concerns of the company, who shall not be one-half in the number of the stockholders, and shall hold their offices until others are elected; the place from and to which the proposed road is to be constructed, and each county into or through which it is intended to pass, and its length, as near as may be, and the names of live commissioners to open books of subscription to the stock. Each subscriber to such article-of association shall subscribe thereto his name, place of residence, and the number of shares of stock taken by him in such company. The said articles of association may, 011 complying with the next section, be filed in the office of the Secretary of State, and thereupon the persons who have subscribed, and all persons who shall from time to time, become stockholders in such company, shall be a body corporate, by the name specified in such articles. Ibid. Sec. 2. 40.] Such articles of association shall not he filed in the office of the Secretary of State until ten per cent, on the amount of the stock subscribed thereto shall have been actually and in good faith paid, in cash, to the directors named in such articles, nor until there is endorsed thereon, or annexed thereto, an affidavit, made by at least three of the directors named in such articles, that the amount of stock required by the first section has been sub¬ scribed, and that ten per cent, on the amount has actually been paid in. 1 bid. Sec. 3. 41.] A copy of any articles of association, iiled 111 pursuance of this act, with a copy of the affidavit 101 aforesaid indorsed thereon, or annexed thereto, and certi- lied to be a copy by the secretary of this State, or his deputy, shall, in all courts and places, be presumptive evidence of the incorporation of such company, and of the facts therein stated. 1 bid. Sec. 4. 42. Corporate Powers.] When the certifi¬ cate shall have been tiled, as aforesaid, the persons who shall have signed and acknowledged the same, and their successors, shall be a body politic and corporate, by the name stated in such certificate, and shall be capable of suing and being sued, and mav have a common seal, and o o 7 ns ' may make and alter the same at pleasure, and be capable in law of purchasing, holding and conveying any real estate and personal property whatever, necessary for the con¬ struction of such road, and for the erection of all necessarv 7 tJ buildings, yards and appurtenances for the use of the same. Ibid. Sec. 5. 43.] The commissioners for opening books of subscription, named in the act of incorporation, shall, from time to time, after the company shall be incor¬ porated, open books of subscription to the capital stock of the company, in such places, and after giving such notice as a majority of them shall direct, which books of subscrip¬ tion shall be kept open until all the capital stock shall be subscribed, if the corporation shall so long exist; and in case a greater amount of stock shall be subscribed than the whole capital of said company, the commissioners shall dis¬ tribute such capital stock as equally as possible among the subscribers; but no share thereof shall be divided in making such distribution, nor shall a greater number of shares be allotted to anv subscriber than such subscriber shall have «> subscribed for. Ibid. Sec. <). 44. The Directors.] As soon as practic¬ able, after such capital stock shall have been subscribed and distributed, as aforesaid, the commissioners to receive subscriptions thereto, shall appoint a time and place for the meeting of the stockholders to choose directors; such meeting to he held in one of the counties In or through which such railroad is proposed to be con- 192 structed", and notice thereof si mil be given by said commis¬ sioners, by public notice, to be published not less than twenty days previous thereto, in the State paper, and a newspaper published in each county through which the said road shall be intended to run, in which a newspaper shall be published. Thirteen directors shall be chosen at such meeting, by ballot, and by a majority of the votes of the stockholders, being present in person or by proxy, and every such stockholder being so present at such elec¬ tion, or at any subsequent election of directors, shall be entitled to give one vote for every share of stock which he shall have owned for the thirty days next preceding such election; but no stockholder shall vote at any such election upon any stock, except such as he shall have owned for such thirty days. No person shall be a director unless he shall be a stockholder, owning stock absolutely and in his own right, and qualified to vote for directors at the election at which he shall be chosen; and at least seven of the directors shall, at the time of their election, be residents of the counties in or through which the route of such rail- road shall run. The directors shall be directors for one year, and until others are elected in their places. J bid. Sec. 7. 45.] The commissioners named in the last preceding section shall be inspectors of the first election of directors, shall openly count the votes and declare the result, and shall, within ten days thereafter, file a certifi¬ cate thereof, subscribed by them or a majority of them, in the office of the Secretary of State, and in the office of the clerk of each county, or with the clerk of the county coiii- missioners' court (as the case may be), of each county in or through which such railroad shall be proposed to be con¬ structed, and shall also deliver to the treasurer of such com¬ pany all moneys [received] by such commissioners on subscriptions to such capital stock, and all books and papers in their possession, relative to such subscriptions. All subsequent elections shall be held at such time and place in one of these counties through which such railroad shall pass, as shall be directed by the by-laws of the company. 393 Ibid. Sec. 8. 46. Annual Meeting of Stockholders.] A general meeting of the stockholders of any corporation formed under this act shall be lioldcn annually, at the time and place appointed for the election of directors, and a meeting may be called at any time during the interval between such annual meetings, by the directors or by the stockholders owning not less than one-fourth of the stock, by giving thirty days' public notice of the time and place of the meeting, in the State paper, and a newspaper pub¬ lished in each county through which the said road shall be run or be intended to run, in which a newspaper shall be published; and when any such meeting is called by the stockholders, the particular object of such call sliall be stated; and if at any such meeting thus called, a majority in value of the stockholders are not represented in person or by proxy, such meeting shall be adjourned from day to day, not exceeding three days, without transacting am business, and if, within said three days, stockliolders hav¬ ing a majority of the stock do not attend such meeting, then the said meeting shall be dissolved. 1 bid. Sec. 9. 47. Annual Statement.] At the regular annual meeting of the stockholders of any corporation, it shall be the duty of the president and directors in office for the preceding year, to exhibit a clear and distinct state¬ ment of the affairs of the said company, and at any meet¬ ing of the stockholders, a majority of those present, in person or by proxy, may require similar statements from the directors, whose duty it shall be to furnish them when thus required; and at all general meetings of the stock¬ holders, a majority in value of the stockholders in said company may fix the rate of interest which shall be paid by the company, for loans for the construction of said road and its appendages, may remove any president or any director of said company, and elect others in their stead: Provided,, notice of such intended removal has been given as required by the last preceding section. 1 bid. Sec. 10. 48.] In case it shall happen at any time that an election of directors shall not be made on the day designated by the by-laws of the company, when it ought 15 104 to have been made, the company, for that reason, shall not he dissolved, if within ninety days thereafter, they shall hold an election for directors in such manner as shall he provided by the by-laws of the company. There shall he a president of the company, who shall he chosen by and from the directors, and also such subordinate officers as the company, by its by-laws, may designate, who may he elected or appointed, and required to give such security for the faithful performance of the duties of their office, as the company, by its by-laws may require. 1 bid. Sec. 11. 49. Payments on Stock.] It shall he lawful for the directors to call in and demand from the stockholders, respectively, all sums of money by them sub¬ scribed, at such time and in such payments or installments as the directors shall deem proper, under the penalty of for¬ feiting the shares of stock subscribed for, and all previous payments made thereon, if payments shall not be made by the stockholders within sixty days after personal demand, or notice requiring such payment shall have been made in each county through which said road shall be laid out, in which a newspaper shall be published. Ibid. Sec. 12. 50.] The directors of such company shall have power to make by-laws for the management and disposition of stock, property and business affairs of such company, not inconsistent with the laws of this State, and prescribing the duties of officers, artificers and servants that may be employed, for the appointment of all officers for carrying on all the business within the object and purposes of such company. Ibid. Sec. 13. 51. Transfer of Stock.] The stock of such company shall be deemed personal estate, and shall be transferable in the manner prescribed by the by-laws of the company; but no shares shall be transferable till all pre¬ vious calls thereon shall have been fully paid in, or the said shares shall have been forfeited for the non-payment of calls thereon; and it shall not be lawful for such company to use any of their funds in the purchase of any stock in their own or in any other corporation. 105 1 hid. Sec. 14. 52. Liability of Stockholders.] All the stockholders of any such company that shall be here¬ after incorporated under this act, shall he severally individ¬ ually liable to the creditors of such company to an amount equal to the amount of stock held by them, respectively, for all debts and contracts made by such company, until the whole amount of capital stock fixed and limited by the company, in manner aforesaid, shall have been paid in, and a certificate thereof shall have been made and recorded, as prescribed in the following section; and shall be jointly and severally liable for all debts that may be due and owing to all their laborers, servants and apprentices for services performed for such corporation, but not be liable to an action therefor before an execution shall be returned satis¬ fied in whole or in part against the corporation, and then the amount due on said execution shall be the amount recoverable, with costs, against said stockholders. Laics 1857, 54. 18 Feb. Sec. 1. Provided, that none of the provisions of this section shall hereafter be applicable to such railroad companies as have organized under this law, until the same provision shall be applied to the Cen¬ tral Railroad Company and to all other railroad companies incorporated under this act. 2 Laws 1849, 22. 5 Nov. Sec. 15. P. 1063. S. 940. 53. Stock Being Paid Up.] The president and a majority of the directors, within thirty days after the payment of the last installment of the capital stock, so fixed and limited by the company, shall make a certificate, stating the amount of the capital stock so fixed and paid in; which certificate shall be signed by the president and a majority of the directors, and sworn to by the president and secre¬ tary, and they shall, within the said thirty days, file and record the same in the office of the Secretary of State. Ibid. Sec. 16. 54. Dividends.] If the directors of any such company shall declare and pay any dividend when the company is insolvent, or any dividend, the payment of which would render it insolvent, they shall be jointly and severally liable for all the debts of the company then exist- 196 ing, and for all that shall thereafter be contracted, so long as they shall respectively remain in office: Provided, that if any of the directors shall he absent at the time of making the dividend, or shall object thereto, and shall, within thirty days thereafter, or after his return, if absent, file a certificate of their absence or objection with the clerk of the company, and with the clerk of the county, or with the clerk of the county commissioners' court of the county in which the principal office of said company is located, they shall be exempt from the said liability. Ibid. Sec. 17. 55.] If any certificate or report made, or public notice given by the officers of any such company, in pursuance of the provisions of this act, shall be false in any material representation, all the officers who shall have signed the same shall be jointly and severally liable for all the debts of the company contracted while they are stock¬ holders or officers thereof. Ibid. Sec. 18. 56. Stock IIeld by Executors, Etc.] Xo person holding stock in any such company, as executor, administrator, guardian, or trustee, and no person holding such stock as collateral security, shall be personally subject to any liability as stockholders of such company; but the person pledging the stock shall be considered as holding the same, and shall be liable as a stockholder accordingly, and the estates and funds in the hands of such executor, administrator, guardian or trustee, shall be liable in like manner, and to the same extent as the testator or intestate, or the ward or persons interested in such trust fund would have been if he had been living and competent to act, and held the same stock in his own name. Ibid. Sec. 19. 57. Voting by Executor, Etc.] Every such administrator, executor, guardian, or trustee shall rep¬ resent the shares of stock in his hands at all meetings of the company, and may vote accordingly as a stockholder. Ibid. Sec. 20. 53. Map and Profile.] Every such com¬ pany, before proceeding to construct a part of their road through any county named in their certificate of associa¬ tion, shall make a map and profile of the route intended to 107 be adopted by such company, which shall be certified by a majority of the directors, and tiled in the ofiiee of the county clerk of such county, or with the clerk of the county commissioners' court of such county, for the inspec¬ tion and examination of all parties interested therein. 1 bid. Sec. 21. 59. Corporate Powers.] Every such corporation shall possess the general powers, and be subject to the general liabilities and restrictions expressed in the special powers following, that is to say: 1. To cause such examination and surveys for the pro¬ posed railroad to be made as may be necessary to the selec¬ tion of the most advantageous route for the railroad, and for such purpose, by their officers, agents and servants, to enter upon lands or waters of any person, but subject to responsibility for all damages which they shall do thereto. 2. To receive, hold, and take such voluntary grants and donations of real estate and other property, as shall be made to it, to aid in the construction, maintenance and accommodation of such railroad; but the real estate thus received by voluntary grants shall be held and used for the purposes of such grants only. 3. To purchase, and by voluntary grants and donations receive and take, and by its officers, engineers, and survey¬ ors, and agents, enter upon and take possession of and hold, and use all such lands and real estate and other property as may be necessary for the construction and maintenance of its railroad and stations, depots and other accommoda¬ tions necessary to accomplish the object for which the cor¬ poration is created; but not until the compensation to be made therefor, as agreed upon by the parties, or ascertained as hereinafter prescribed, be paid to the owner or owners thereof, or deposited as hereinafter directed, unless the con¬ sent of such owner be given to enter into possession. 4. To lay out its road, not exceeding six rods wide, and to construct the same, and for the purposes of cuttings, embankments, and procuring stone and gravel, may take as much more land within the limits of its charter, in the manner provided hereinafter, as may be necessary for the proper construction and security of the road. 108 5. To construct tlicir road upon or across any stream of water, water course, road, highway, railroad, or canal, which the route of its road shall intersect; but the corpo¬ ration shall restore the stream or water course, road or highway, thus intersected, to its former state, or in a suffi¬ cient manner not to have impaired its usefulness. 6. To cross, intersect, join and unite its railroad with any other railroad before constructed, at any point on its route, and upon the grounds of such other railroad com¬ pany with the necessary turnouts, sidings, and switches, and other conveniences, in furtherance of the objects of its connections; and every company whose railroad is or shall be hereafter intersected by any new railroad, shall unite with the owners of such new railroad in forming sucli inter¬ sections and connections, and grant the facilities aforesaid; and if the two corporations cannot agree upon the amount of compensation to be made therefor, or the points or man¬ ner of such crossings and connections, the same shall be ascertained and determined by commissioners to be appointed by the court, as is provided hereinafter in respect to the taking of lands. 7. To purchase lands or take tliem, may change the line of its road whenever a majority of the directors shall so determine, as is hereinafter provided, but no such change shall vary the original route of such road to exceed one mile laterally. 8. To take, transport, carry and convey persons and property on their railroad, by the force and power of steam, of animals, or any mechanical powers, or by any combina¬ tions of them, and receive tolls or compensation therefor. 9. To erect and maintain all necessary and convenient buildings, stations, depots and fixtures, and machinery for the accommodation and use of their passengers, freight and business, and obtain and hold the lands necessary there¬ for. 10. To regulate the time and manner in which passen¬ gers and property shall be transported, and the tolls and compensation to be paid therefor; but such compensation for any passenger and his ordinary baggage shall not 190 exceed three cents a mile, unless by special act of the legis¬ lature, and shall be subject to alteration as hereinafter provided. 11. To borrow money, to be applied to the construction of their railroad and fixtures, and purchase of engines and cars, at such rates of interest as is hereinafter provided. Ibid. Sec. 22. 60. Petition to the Legislature.] Any number of persons, not less than thirteen, intending to organize a corporation under the provisions of this act, and every company that may hereafter organize under this act, may present a petition to the legislature, stating the place from and to which they propose to construct their road, and its location and route, with reasonable certainty, or that they intend to run the said road on the most direct and eligible route between the points of terminus, and praying the legislature to determine whether the construction of the said proposed road will be of sufficient public use to justify the taking of private property for the construction of the same. And if the legislature shall determine and decide by law that such proposed road will be of sufficient public utility to justify the taking of private property for constructing and maintaining said road, under the provi¬ sions of this act, then such company, when organized, may enter upon, take possession of and use all such lands, real estate, as may be recpiired for the construction and main¬ tenance of their railroad, and the convenient accommoda¬ tions appertaining to the same; making compensation, in the manner hereinafter provided, for all lands, real estate, thus taken possession of and used, except such as may be voluntarily given to or purchased at an agreed price by the said corporation. [Condemnation of Lands.] Whenever the said corpora¬ tion shall not have acquired by gift or purchase any land, real estate, so recpiired, as aforesaid, or which may be affected by any operation connected by such construction and maintenance, the said corporation may present to the circuit court of the district where said lands or real estate shall lie, a petition, signed by its attorney or agent, descril> 200 ing with convenient accuracy and certainty, hv map or otherwise, the lands or real estate so required to be taken or affected, as aforesaid, setting forth the name and resi¬ dence of each owner or other person interested therein as owner, lessee, incumbrancer, as far as known to such attor¬ ney or agent, or appearing of record, and praying the appointment of commissioners to ascertain the compensa¬ tion to be made to such owners and persons interested, for the taking or injuriously affecting such land or real estate, as aforesaid. The court shall have satisfactory evidence that notice of an intended application, and the time and place thereof, for the appointment of commissioners of appraisement between said corporation and the owners and persons interested in such lands and real estate, had been given at least ten days previously, to such owners person¬ ally, or to some person of suitable age, at their residence, or on the premises, or by the publication thereof in a news¬ paper printed in the county in which such lands or real estate may lie. Such publication to be allowed only in respect to owners who shall appear by affidavit to have no residence in the county, known to such agent or attorney, whereat such notice could be delivered, as aforesaid. The court may adjourn the proceedings from time to time; shall direct any future notice thereof to be given that may seem proper; shall have .proofs and allegations of all parties interested, touching the regularity of the proceedings; and shall, by an entry in it minutes, appoint five competent and disinterested persons commissioners to ascertain such com¬ pensation, as aforesaid, specifying in such entry a time and place for the first meeting of such commissioners. [Duty of the Commissioners.] The said commissioners, before entering upon the duties of their office, shall take the oath required by the laws and constitution of this State, and any one of them may administer oaths to witnesses produced before them; and may adjourn, and may hold meetings for that purpose. Whenever they shall meet to hear proofs and allegations, unless by appointment of the court or pursuant to adjournment, they shall cause reason¬ able previous notice of such meetings to be given to the 201 % said owners or parties interested, or their attorney or agent, and may each, of them issue snbpenas and compel witnesses to appear and testify; they shall hear the proofs and allega¬ tions of the parties, and any three or more of them, after reviewing the premises, without fear or favor or partiality, ascertain and certify the compensation proper to he made to the said owners and parties interested, for the lands or real estate to he taken, as well as all damages accruing to 7 O o the owner of the lands and leal estate, aforesaid, taken in consequence of the condemnation of the same, or injuri¬ ously affected, as aforesaid, making such deduction or allowance for real benefit or advantages which such owners or parties interested may derive from the construction of said road, and may in their discretion assess a separate rea¬ sonable sum in favor of such owner and parties interested, or of any person appointed by the court to appear as attor¬ ney for them, for costs, expenses and reasonable counsel fees. They, or a majority of them, shall make, subscribe, and with the clerk of the county, or with the clerk of the county commissioners' court, in which such lands or real estate shall lie, a certificate of their said ascertainment and assessment, in which such lands or real estate shall be described by map or otherwise, with convenient accuracy and certainty. [Of the Rule of the Court and its Effect.] The court, upon such certificate and due proof that such compensation and separate sums, if any be certified, have been paid to the parties entitled to the same, or have been deposited to the credit of such parties in the State treasury, or other place for that purpose approved by the court, shall make and cause to be entered in its minutes a rule describing such lands or real estate, in manner aforesaid, such ascertain¬ ment of compensation, with the mode of making it, and such payment or deposit of the same compensation, as afore¬ said; a certificate copy of which rule shall be recorded and indexed in the proper recorder's office, in like manner and with the like effect as if it were a deed of conveyance from the said owners and parties interested, to the said corpora¬ tion. Upon the entry of such rule, the said corporation 202 Hindi become seized in fee of all the lands and real estate described in said rule, as required to be taken, as aforesaid, during the continuance of the corporation, by this or any subsequent act, and may take possession of and bold and use the same for the purposes of said road, and shall there¬ upon be discharged from all claim for any damages by reason of any matter specified in said petition, certificate, or rule of said court. If at any time after an attempted or actual ascertainment of compensation under this or any other act, or any purchase by, or donation to said corpora¬ tion, of any lands for the purposes aforesaid, it shall appear that the title acquired thereby to all or any part of such lands for the use of said road, or if said corporation shall fail or be deemed defective, the said corporation may pro¬ ceed anew to perfect such title, by procuring an ascertain¬ ment of the compensation proper to be made to any person or persons whose title, claim, or interest in, or lien upon such lands, and by making payment thereof in the manner hereinafter provided, as near as may be, and at any stage of such new proceedings, or of any proceedings under this act, the court may, by a rule in that behalf made, authorize the said corporation, if already in possession, and if not in possession, to take possession of and use such premises during the pendency, and until the final conclusion of such proceedings, and may stay all actions and proceedings against such corporation 011 account thereof: Provided, such corporation shall pay a sufficient sum into court, or give approved security to pay the compensation in that behalf, when ascertained; and in every case where posses¬ sion shall be so authorized, it shall be lawful for the owners to conduct the proceedings to a conclusion, if the same shall be delayed by the company. The said commissioners shall be entitled to receive from said corporation a compen¬ sation not exceeding §2 for each day actually employed by them in the discharge of their duties. Such compensation to be taxed and allowed by the court. If any commissioner so appointed shall die, be unable, or fail to serve, the court may appoint another in his place, 011 reasonable notice of the application, to be approved by the court, The pro* 203 ceedings hereby authorized may be had in the circuit, court, in a county where the lands lie, and all motions to the circuit court shall be made at a general or special term thereof in said countv. The said commissioners shall tile the said certificate in the county where the lands to he affected may lie, or in any adjacent county, and any clerk may transfer the same and the proceedings connected therewith to the clerk of the county in which the lands to be affected may lie, or of any county adjacent thereto, whenever such commissioner or clerk shall be so required by said corporation, its agents or attorney. And the legis¬ lature hereby reserves [the right] to itself to indicate the routes and termini of said roads, and the same shall not be constructed or commenced without the expressed sanction of the legislature of this State, by a law to be passed hereafter. Ibid. Sec. 23. 61. Infants and Unknown Owners.] In case any infant, idiot or insane person, or any unknown owner or owners, not personally notified to appear, and who shall not appear after such notice, on the appointment of commissioners, shall be interested in any such lands, real estate and property, the court shall appoint some proper person to appear before the said commissioners and act as attorney for and in behalf of such infant, idiot, insane person, unknown owner, or non-appearing owner, not personally served with notice. Ibid. Sec. 21. 62. Re-location of Line.] If at any time after the location of the track of the said road in whole or in part, and the filing of the map thereof, it shall appear to the directors of said company that the line, in some parts thereof, may be improved, it shall be lawful for the said directors from time to time, to alter the line and cause a new map to be filed in the office where the map showing the first location is or shall be filed, and may thereupon proceed to take possession of the lands embraced in such new location that may be required for the con¬ struction and maintenance of said road on such new line, and the convenient accommodations appertaining to the same, either by agreement with the owner or owners, or by 204 such proceedings as near as may be, as are authorized under the preceding section of this act, and use the same in place of the line for which the new is substituted. Nothing in this act contained shall authorize the said com¬ pany to make a location of their track within any city without the consent of the common council of said city. Ibid. Sec. 25. 63. Crossing Road or Highway.] When¬ ever the track of said railroad shall cross a road or highway, such road or highway may be carried under or over the track, as may be found most expedient; and in cases where an embankment or cutting shall make a change in the line of such road or highway desirable, with a view to a more easy ascent or descent, the said company may take such additional lands for the construction of such road or high¬ way, or such new line, as may be deemed requisite by said directors. Unless the lands so taken shall be purchased or voluntarily given for the purposes aforesaid, compensation therefor shall be ascertained in the manner in this act provided, as nearly as may be, and duly made by said cor¬ poration to the owners and persons interested in such lands; the same when so taken or compensation made to become part of such intersecting road or highway, in such manner and by such tenure as the adjacent parts of the same highway, may be held for highway purposes. Ibid. Sec. 26. 64. State Lands Required.] If any such corporation shall for its purpose aforesaid, require any land belonging to the people of this State, or to any of the counties or towns, the General Assembly of the State and the county or town officers, respectively, having charge of such lands, may grant such lands to such corpo¬ ration for a compensation which shall be agreed upon between them; and if they shall not agree upon a sale and price, the same may be taken by the corporation as is before provided in respect to other cases.—[But consult, also, Cli. 92, Sec. 28.] Ibid. Sec. 27. 65. Badges of Officers.] Every con¬ ductor, baggage-master, engineer, brakeman, or other ser¬ vant of any such railroad corporation, employed in a 205 passenger train, or at stations for passengers, shall wear upon his hat or cap a haclge which shall indicate his office, and the initial letters of the style of the corporation bv 1 */ which he is employed. Eo conductor or collector without such badge shall demand or be entitled to receive from any passenger any fare, toll or ticket, or exercise any of the powers of his office; and no other of said officers or ser¬ vants, without such badge, shall have any authority to meddle or interfere with any passenger, his baggage, or property. Ibid. Sec. 28. 66. Annual Report.] Every such cor¬ poration shall make an annual report to the Secretary of this State, of the operations of the year ending on the first day of January; which report shall be verified by the oaths of the treasurer and acting superintendent of operations, and filed in his office by the 20th day of January in each year, and shall state: 1. The capital stock, and the amount actually paid in. 2. The amount expended for the purchase of lands for the construction of the road, for buildings, and for engines and for cars, respectively. 3. The amount and nature of its indebtedness, and the amounts due the corporation. 4. The amount received for the transportation of passen¬ gers, of property, of the mails, and from other sources. 5. The amount of freight, specifying the quantity in tons, of the products of the forests, of animals, of vegeta¬ ble food, other agricultural products, manufactures, mer¬ chandise, and other articles. 6. The amount paid for repairs, engines, cars, buildings, and salaries. 7. The number and amount of dividends, and when paid. 8. The number of engine houses and shops, of engines and cars, and their character. 9. The number of miles run by passenger, freight, and other trains, respectively. 10. The number of men employed, and their occupation. 11. The number of persons injured in life or limb, and the causes of such injury. 206 12. Whether any accidents have arisen from carelessness or negligence of any person in the employment of the cor¬ poration, and whether such person is retained in the ser¬ vice of the corporation. 1 bid. Sec. 29. 67.] Any such corporation which shall neglect to make such report, shall he liable to a penalty of $250, to be sued for in the name of the people of this State. Ibid. Sec. 80. 68. T axation.] The property belonging to any company organized under the provisions of this act, shall be listed by the resident secretary or other proper offi¬ cer, with the Auditor of State, which shall be subject to the same rate of taxation as other similar property of indi¬ viduals, and the revenue arising therefrom shall be paid into the State treasury, until the entire extinction of the internal improvement debt of the State, after which the said property shall be subject to taxation, and the revenue arising therefrom paid as in the case of all other property in the State. The revenue derived under this section to be applied to the payment of the public debt of the State. —[But see Ch. 89, "Revenue."] Ibid. Sec. 31. 69. Lien of the State.] The State shall have a lien upon all railroads of said corporations and their appurtenances and stock therein, for all penalties, taxes and dues which may accrue to the State from said corporations; which lien of the State shall take precedence of all demands, judgments or decrees against said corpora¬ tions. [Lien of Individuals.—See, also, Sees. 6 and 7.] And the citizens of this State shall have a lien upon all personal property of said corporation to the amount of $100, orig¬ inally contracted within this State, which, after said lien of the State, shall take precedence of all other debts, demands, judgments or decrees, liens or mortgages, against said cor¬ poration. Ibid. Sec. 32. 70. Rates of Fare and Freight] The legislature may when any such railroad shall be opened for use, from time to time, alter or reduce the rates of toll, fare, 207 freight, or other profits upon such road; but the same shall not, without the consent of the corporation, be so reduced as to produce with said profits less than 15 per cent, per annum on the capital actually paid in; nor, unless 011 an examination of the amounts received and expended to be made by the Secretary of State, he shall ascertain that the net income divided by the company from all sources for the year then last past, shall have exceeded an annual income of 15 per cent, upon the capital of the corporation actually paid in. Ibid. Sec. 33. 71. U. S. Mail.] Any such corporation shall, when applied to by the postmaster general, convey the mail of the United States on their road or roads, respectively; and in case such corporation shall not agree as to the rates of transportation thereof, and as to time, rate of speed, manner, and condition of carrying the same, it shall be lawful for the Governor of this State to appoint three commissioners, who, or a majority of them, after fifteen days' notice, in writing, of the time and place of meeting, to the corporation, shall determine and fix the prices, times and condition, aforesaid; but such prices shall not be less for carrying said mails in the regular passenger trains than the amount which such corporation would receive as freight on a like weight of merchandise trans¬ ported in their merchandise trains, and a fair compensation for the postoflice car. And in case the postmaster general shall require the mail to be carried at other hours, and at a higher speed than the passenger trains be run at, the cor¬ poration shall furnish an extra train for the mail, and be allowed an extra compensation for the expenses and wear and tear thereof, and for the services to be fixed, aforesaid. Ibid. Sec. 34. 72. Refusal to Pay Fare.] If any pas¬ senger shall refuse to pay his fare or toll, it shall be lawful for the conductor of the train and the servants of the cor¬ poration to put him out of the cars at any usual stopping place the conductor shall select. Ibid. Sec. 35. 73. Of Time Tables and Accommoda¬ tions.] Every such corporation shall start and run their cars 208 for the transportation of passengers and property at regular times, to he fixed hy public notice, and shall furnish suffic¬ ient accommodations for the transportation of all such passengers and property as shall, within a reasonable time previous thereto, offer or he offered for transportation at the place of starting, and the junctions of other railroads, and at sidings and stopping places established for receiving and discharging way passengers and freight, and shall take, transport and discharge such passengers and property at, from, and to such places on the due payment of tolls, freight or fare legally authorized therefor. Ibid. Sec. 36. 74. Company Refusing to Transport.] In case of the refusal by such corporation, or their agents, so [to] take and transport any passengers or property, or to deliver the same or either of them at the regular or appointed time, such corporation shall pay to the party aggrieved all damages which shall be sustained thereby, with costs of suits. Ibid. Sec. 37. 75. Of Making up Trains.] In form¬ ing a passenger train, baggage or freight, or merchandise or lumber cars shall not be placed in rear of passenger cars, and if they or any of them shall be so placed, and any accident shall happen to life or limb, the officer or agent who so directed or knowingly suffered such arrangement, and the conductor or engineer of the train shall each and all be held guilty of intentionally causing the injury, and be punished accordingly. Laws 1869, 308. 27 Feb. Sec. 1. 76. Bells and Whis¬ tles on Engines.] Section 38 of * . * [the foregoing act of Nov. 5, 1849], and any similar provision in any special railroad charter heretofore passed * * is hereby amended so as to read as follows, viz.: A bell of at least thirty pounds' weight, or a steam whistle, shall be placed on each locomo¬ tive engine, which shall be rung or whistled by the engineer or fireman, at the distance of at least eighty rods from the place where the railroad crosses any public street or high- way, and be kept ringing or whistling until such street or highway is reached, under a penalty of not exceeding $100 209 for each neglect; one half of which penalty to go to the prosecuting witness, and the other half to go to the State; and the corporation owning the railroad shall be liable to any party injured for all damages sustained, by reason ot such neglect: Provided, that, such penalty shall be sued for within three months from the time the cause of action accrues, and not thereafter. Ibid. Sec. 2. 77.] This act shall not apply to suits now pending under the section hereby amended, except that the penalty recoverable in such suits shall be, not exceeding $100, instead of $50, as therein provided. 2 Laws 1849, 32. 5 Nov. Sec. 39. P. 1071. S. 948. 78. Boards to be Erected.] Every such corporation shall cause boards to be placed, well supported by posts or other¬ wise, and constantly maintained across each public road or street where the same is crossed by the railroad on the same level. Said boards shall be elevated so as not to obstruct the travel and to be easily seen by travelers; and on each side of said boards shall be painted in capital letters of at least the size of nine inches each, the words, " Railroad crossing—look out for the cars while the bell rings or the whistle sounds." But this section shall not apply to streets in cities or villages, unless the corporation be required to put up such boards by the officers having charge of such streets. 1 bid. Sec. 40. 79. Intoxication oe Engineers and Con¬ ductors.] If any person shall, while in charge of a loco¬ motive engine running upon the railroad of any such cor¬ poration, or while acting as the conductor of any car or train of cars on any such railroad, be intoxicated, he shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor. Ibid. Sec. 41. 80.] If any person shall wilfully do or cause to be done any act or acts whatever, whereby any building, construction, or work of any such corporation, or any engines, machine or structures, or any matter or thing appertaining to the same, shall be stopped, obstructed, impaired, weakened, injured, or destroyed, the person or persons offending shall be guilty of a misdemeanor, and i« 210 shall forfeit and pay to the said corporation treble the amount of- damages sustained by means of such offense. Ibid. Sec. 42. 81.] All penalties imposed by this act may be sued for by the district attorney, and in the name of the people of the State of Illinois; and if such penalty be for a sum not exceeding $100, then each suit may be brought before a justice of the peace. Ibid. Sec. 43. 82.] Every such corporation shall, within a reasonable time after the road shall be located, cause to be made: 1. A map and profile thereof, and of the land taken or obtained for the use thereof, and file the same in the office of the Secretary of State; and also like maps of the parts thereof, located in different counties, and file same in the office for recording deeds in the county in which said parts of said road shall lie, there to remain as of record for¬ ever. 2. A certificate, specifying the line upon which it is proposed to construct the railroad, and the grades and curves. Ibid. Sec. 44. 83.] If any such corporation shall not, within five years after its incorporation, begin the construc¬ tion of its road, and expend thereon 10 per cent, on the amount of its capital, and finish the road and put it in full operation in ten years thereafter, its act of incorporation shall beome void. Ibid. Sec. 45. 84. Companies to which this Act is Applicable.] All existing railroad corporations within this State shall'respectively have and possess all the powers and privileges, and be subject to all the duties and liabilties and provisions contained in this act, so far as they shall be applicable to their present conditions, and not inconsistent with their several charters; and all railroad companies that are now constructing their roads may acquire title to lands necessary for that purpose under the provisions of this act. VII. RATES UNIFORM. Laws 18G9, 309. 10 Mar. Sec 1. 85. Uniform, Just and Reasonable Rates,] All railroad corporations, organ- 211 ized or doing business in this State, under any act of incor¬ poration or general law of this State now in force, or which may hereafter be enacted, shall be and are hereby respect¬ ively limited to a just, reasonable and uniform rate, fare, toll and compensation for the conveyance or transportation of passengers and freight, and no more. And all such rules, regulations or by-laws of any such railroad corpora¬ tion as fix, prescribe, or establish any greater or different rate, fare, toll or compensation than is hereinbefore pre¬ scribed, are hereby declared to be utterly null and void. Ibid. Sec. 2. 88. Definition.] The term "Railroad corporation," contained in this act, shall be deemed and taken to mean all corporations, companies or individuals now owning or operating, or which may hereafter own or operate, any railroad in this State. Ibid. Sec. 3. 87. Rates to be Posted.] It is hereby declared to be the duty of every such railroad corporation, on or before the the 25tli day of April next [1869], to fix and publish, by posting and keeping up in some public place in each station house and place where the business of such corporation shall be transacted, a printed tariff of such rates charged for the transportation of passengers and freight' from and to every station on its road in this State, so that such rates may be easily ascertained, together with the name and residence of the officer or officers, agent or employe of such railroad corporation by whom and by whose authority the rates therein specified were fixed and established, and the name and residence of the person by whom the same was published. And in case any changes shall thereafter, or from time to time, be made in their said tariff of rates, the same shall be distinctly noted and pub¬ lished in the same manner, as is above in this section pro¬ vided. And any railroad corporation which shall, after the 25th day of April next, take or receive any toll or compen¬ sation for the transportation of any person or property, without having first published a tariff of their rates, as required by this section, shall forfeit and pay double the amount of toll or compensation so received, to be recovered 212 in an action of debt in any court having jurisdiction thereof, by the person paying the same, and all contracts for the transportation of persons or property made after the 25th day of April next and before the publication of such tariff of rates, as required by this act, shall be void, and all contracts for a greater rate of toll or compensation for the transporta¬ tion of persons and property than is herein permitted and specified by their tariff of rates, shall be null and void, and all moneys paid in pursuance of such contract may be recovered back by the person or persons paying the same. bid. Sec. 4. 88. Rates to be Fixed.] Every such railroad corporation shall respectively on or before the 25th day of April next, fix and establish, and thereafter receive, for the transportation of persons and property a reasonable and uniform toll or compensation, according to the service actually rendered, so that upon each railroad now operated or which may hereafter be operated in this State, the charge or compensation for carrying thereon freight and passengers in this State shall be reasonable and uniform, and in pro¬ portion to the services rendered: Provided,, that this section shall not be construed to mean that the rate or compensation for transportation of persons or property on one of said roads shall be the same as charged on any other road; nor shall any railroad corporation be required to charge the same rates for the transportation of different classes or quantities of freight, nor shall any such corporation be required by this act to fix the same rates for the trans¬ portation of property in opposite directions on the same road: And "provided farther, that no railroad corporation shall at any time by rebatement, drawback, or otherwise, with the intent to evade the provisions of this act, directly or indirectly receive or charge for the transportation of per¬ sons or property, any different rate than the rate fixed by such rules, regulations or by-laws : Provided farther, that this act shall not be construed to prevent said corporations from issuing passes, commutation and excursion tickets on their roads at less than the established rates for transporti ng passengers over such roads, nor from transporting at 213 reduced rates freight and merchandise to and from agricul¬ tural and other fairs, or for the construction of public buildings, or public works of whatsoever kind: Provided farther, that in computing distance, the owners or operators of any railroad may in their discretion calculate the charges from any station by the shortest line of railroads by which such freights or passengers could be transported with the same effect as though the same were transported only such shorter distance on their road. Ibid. Sec. 5. 89. Loading and Unloading.] Any such railroad corporation may, in addition to the rates for the transportation of property permitted by this act, charge and collect a reasonable price or rate for attaching and detaching loaded and empty freight cars, and for the use of such cars during the loading and unloading thereof: Pro¬ vided, that such price or rate shall be uniform at all stations and places on any such railroad: And -provided further, that such rates shall be published and kept posted up in each station house and place in the same manner as provided in Sec. 3 of this act. Ibid. Sec. 6. 90. Penalties.] Any railroad corporation which shall fix, demand, take or receive from any person or persons any greater toll, fare or payment for the trans¬ portation of persons or property than is authorized by this act, shall forfeit and pay for every such offense any sum not exceeding $1,000 and costs of suit, including a reason¬ able attorney's fee, to be ascertained on the trial; to be recovered in an action of debt by the party aggrieved, in any court having jurisdiction thereof. Ibid. Sec. 7. 91.] Any officer, agent or employe of any such railroad corporation, who shall, knowingly or wilfully, by any rule, regulation, by-law, or order, fix or demand from any person or persons for the transportation of any person or property, any greater toll, fare or payment than is heretofore prescribed in this act, shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor, and shall be liable to indictment in any court of competent jurisdiction, and on conviction thereof shall be punished for each offense by a fine of not. 214 less than .$100 nor more than $1,000, or by imprisonment not less than thirty (lavs nor more than one year, or both, «y c/ ' ' in the discretion of the court before which such conviction shall be had. And any agent, servant, or employe of such railroad corporation who shall demand or receive a greater or different rate of compensation for the transportation of persons or property than shall be specified in the tariff of rates, as required to be published by this act, shall be liable to the penalties prescribed in this section. Ibid. Sec. 8. 92. Of the Illinois Central Railroad.] This act shall not be construed nor have the effect to release the Illinois Central Railroad Company from the payment into the treasury of the State of Illinois, of the per centum on the gross or total proceeds, receipts or income derived' from said road and branches, stipulated in the charter of said company. VIII. SUBSCRIPTIONS—LOANS. « 2 Laws 1849, 33. 6 Nov. Sec. 1. P. 1072. S. 950. 93. Subscriptions in Aid of Railroads.] Whenever the citi¬ zens of any city or county in this State are desirous that said city or county should subscribe for stock in any rail¬ road company already organized or incorporated, or here¬ after to be organized or incorporated under any law of this State, such city or county may, and are hereby authorized to purchase or subscribe for shares of the capital stock in any such company, in any sum not exceeding $100,000 for each of said cities or counties; and the stock so subscribed for or purchased shall be under the control of the county court of the county, or common council of the city, making such subscription or purchase, in all respects, as stock owned by individuals. Ibid. Sec. 2. 94.] For the payment of said stock, the judges of the county court of the county, or the common council of the city, making such subscrip¬ tion or purchase, are hereby authorized to borrow money, at a rate not exceeding ten per cent, per 215 annum, and to pledge the faitli of the county or city for the annual payment of the interest, and the ultimate redemption of the principal, or if the said judges or com¬ mon council should deem it most advisable, they are hereby authorized to pay for such subscription or purchase in bonds of the city or county making such subscription, to be drawn for that purchase in sums not less that $50, bear¬ ing interest not exceeding ten per cent, per annum: Provided, that no bond shall be paid out at a rate less than par value. Ibid. Sec. 3. 95.] The railroad companies already organized or incorporated, or hereafter to be organized or incorporated, under the laws of this State, are hereby authorized to receive the bonds of any county or city becoming subscribers to the capital stock of such company, at par, and in lieu of cash, and to issue their bonds, bearing interest not exceeding ten per. cent, per annum for any moneys by them borrowed for the construction of their railroad and fixtures, or for the purchase of engines and cars, and for such purpose may dispose of any bonds by them received, as aforesaid. 1 hid. Sec. 4. 96.] No subscription shall be made, or purchase, or bond issued by any county or city under the provisions of this act, whereby any debt shall be created by said judges of the county court of any county, or by the common council of any city, to pay any such subscription, unless a majority of the qualified voters of such county or city (taking as a standard the number of votes thrown at the last general election previous to the vote had upon the question of subscription, under this act, for county officers), shall vote for the same; and the judges of the county court of any county, or the common council of any city, desiring to take stock as aforesaid, shall give at least thirty days' notice, in the same manner as notices are given for the elec¬ tion of State or county officers in said counties, requiring •said electors of said counties or said cities to vote upon the day named in such notices, at their usual place of voting, for or against the subscription for said capital stock which they may propose to make, and said notices shall specify tb$ 216 company in which stock is proposed to he subscribed, the amount which it is proposed to take, and the time which the bonds proposed to be issued are to run, and the interest which said bonds are to bear; or in case it is proposed to borrow money to pay such subscription, then the notices shall state the terms upon which such loan is to be effected ; and the opinion of the electors shall he expressed upon their ballots "For subscription," or "Against subscription," and counted and returned by the judges and clerks of elec¬ tions, as in other cases; and if a majority of the voters of said county or city, assuming the standard aforesaid, shall he in favor of the same, such authorized subscription or purchase, or any part thereof, shall then be made by said judges or common council. In case any election had under this act is held upon a day of a general election, then the number of votes thrown at such general election for county officers shall be the standard of the number of qual¬ ified voters, as aforesaid. Xo bonds shall be issued under the provisions of this act by any county or city, excepting for the amounts required to be paid at the time of subscrip¬ tion, and for the amounts of and at the time when assess¬ ments upon all the stockholders of said company shall be regularly assessed and made payable. Laws 1854, 11. 1 Mar. Sec. 1. P. 1076. S. 953. 97. Issue of Bonds.] In any city or county in this State, which, under the provisions of * * [the foregoing act] has heretofore subscribed, or may hereafter subscribe for stock in any railroad company, payable in the bonds of said city or county, it shall be lawful for the city council of such city, or the judges of such county, and they are hereby authorized and empowered to issue and deliver to such railroad company the whole or any portion of the bonds of such city or county, payable on such subscription at any time hereafter, when, in their opinion, the interest of such city or county will be promoted thereby, whether the assessments upon the stockholders of said company have been regularly assessed and made payable or not. Pr. Laws 1855, 304. 12 Feb. [13 Apr.] Sec. 3. Par. 1078. 98. Of Borrowing Money.] Every railroad company, 217 incorporated or organized, or which may hereafter he incorporated or organized under the authority of the laws of this State, shall have power to borrow such sums of money, from time to time, as may, in the opinion of the directors, or a majority of them, he necessary for con¬ structing, completing or operating their railroad, or for aiding in the construction, or operating any connecting railroad, whether within or without this State, and may issue and dispose of their bonds or obligations for any amount so borrowed, and may mortgage all or any portion of their property and franchises, to secure the payment of any debt contracted by the company for the purpose aforesaid; and such company may sell their bonds or obligations, either within or without the State, at such rates and prices as the directors of the company, or a majority of them, may sanction and determine, and said sales shall be as valid and obligatory upon the company for the full amount of the bonds or obligations sold, as if such bonds or obligations were sold at par value; and all such bonds and obligations may be made convertible into stock at such times and upon such terms as the directors may determine.—[See, also, Laws 1852, 192, Sec. 16.] Laws 1865, 103. 16 Feb. Sec. 1. 99. Speed oe Trains.] Whenever any railroad company, who shall, by them¬ selves or agents, run or put their trains or engines to be run at a greater rate of speed through the incorporated limits of any city or town in this State, than is permitted by the city or town ordinances respecting said railroad company, [said railroad company] so violating said ordin¬ ances either by themselves or agents, as aforesaid, shall be liable to each individual sustaining damage done by said train or engine, to the full extent of such damage. Ibid. Sec. 2. 100.] Should any live stock be killed by any of the railroad companies or their agents, in manner set forth in section one of this act, the same shall be pre¬ sumed to have been done by the negligence of said company or their agents. 218 Ihitl. See. 3. 101.] The dam ages provided for in sec¬ tion one of this act may he recovered by action of debt or assumpsit before any justice of the peace where the amount of damage does not exceed $100, or by suit in the circuit court, as the party may elect, where the amount of damages does exceed $20. Laws 1869, 308. 22 Mar. Sec. 1. 102. Classification of Directors.] It shall he lawful for any railroad company, organized and doing business, or which shall hereafter he organized under any law or laws of this State, by resolution of its board of directors or executive committee, to divide its board of directors into three classes, numbered consec¬ utively, the term of office of the first class to expire on the day of the annual election of said company then next ensu¬ ing, the second class one year thereafter, and the third class two years thereafter. At each annual election after such classification, the stockholders of such company shall elect, for a term of three years, a number of directors equal to the number in the class, whose term expires on the day of such election, all other vacancies to be filled in accordance with the by-laws of said company. Laws 1869, 312. 29 Mar. Sec. 1. 103. hi res Caused by Locomotives.] In all actions against any person, or incor¬ porated company, for the recovery of damages on account of any injury to any property, whether real or personal, occasioned by fire, communicated by any locomotive engine while upon, or passing along any railroad in this State, the / fact that such fire was so communicated shall be taken as full prima facie evidence to charge with negligence the corporation, or person or persons, who shall at the time of such injury by fire, be in the use and occupation of such railroad, either as owners, lessees or mortgagees, and also those who shall at such time have the care and management of such engine; and it shall not, in any case, be considered as negligence on the part of the owner or occupant of the property injured, that he has used the same in the manner, or permitted the same to be used or remain in the condi¬ tion it would have been used or remained, Lad no railroad 210 passed through or near the property so injured, except in cases of injury to personal property, which shall he at the time upon the property occupied by such railroad. This act shall not apply to injuries already committed. Laws 1869, 322. 9 Apr. Bee. 1. 104. Taxation—'Roll¬ ing Stock and Personal Property.] Whenever any rail¬ road, or any part thereof, shall be used or operated under any lease, contract or arrangement, by any railroad com¬ pany or other corporation, person or persons, the com¬ pany, corporation, person or persons so using or opera¬ ting such road shall list, in the manner now provided by law in case of railroads, the rolling stock and personal property which may be used upon such road, in the coun¬ ties, towns and cities through which such road may run, whether such rolling stock belongs to such road, or to the company, corporation, person or persons using and opera¬ ting such road; and all such rolling stock and personal property shall be listed and taxed in the several counties, towns and cities, pro rata, in proportion to the length of the main track of such road in such county, town or city, shall bear to the whole length of such road; Provided, that in all cases where the rolling stock of any company, corpo¬ ration, person or persons, shall be used indiscriminately upon the road used and operated, as aforesaid, and by and upon its, his, or their roads, in connection therewith, the same shall be listed and taxed in the proportion which the combined length of the main tracks of said roads in the county, town and city, through which said line or lines pass, bear to the entire combined length of said road. IX. STATE TAXES. Laws 1869, '316. 16 Apr. Sec. 1. 105. Refunding of State Taxes.] Whenever any county, township, incorpo¬ rated city or town, shall have created a debt which still remains unpaid, or shall create a debt under the provisions of any law of this State, to aid in the construction of any railway or railways, that shall be completed wTitliin ten 220 years after the passage of this act, whose line shall run near to, into or through said county, township, city or town, it shall he lawful for the State treasurer, and he is hereby recpiired, immediately upon receiving the revenue for each year, to place to the credit of such county, town¬ ship, city or town so having incurred such indebtedness, in the State treasury, annually, for and during the term often years, all the State taxes collected and paid into the State treasury on the increased valuation of the taxable property of said county, township, city or town, as shown by the annual assessment rolls over and above the amount of the assessment roll of the year 1868, excepting the State school tax, and the two mill tax provided for by the constitution of this State for the navment of the State debt. And when- X v ever any county, township, city or town shall have created a debt, as aforesaid, it shall also be lawful for the collector of taxes, and he is hereby recpiired, annually, for and during a term of ten years, to pay into the State treasury all the taxes collected for any purpose whatever, 011 the assessment of the railroad or railroads for whose aid the said debt was incurred, including the road-bed and super¬ structure, and all fixtures and appurtenances thereof, the locomotives, cars, machinery and machine shops, depots, and all other property, real and personal, of said railway com¬ pany within such county, township, city or town; and immediately upon receiving the same the State treasurer shall place to the credit of such county, township, city or town, in the State treasury the whole amount so received, except the State school tax, and the two mill tax provided by the constitution of this State for the payment of the State debt; and it shall be the duty of the said collector of taxes to furnish the State auditor a separate and detailed account of the amount of taxes collected from said railwav or railwavs, at the time of his annual settlement with the State auditor. And the State treasurer shall give to said collector separate receipts for the respective amounts paid into the State treasury to the credit of said county, and said receipts shall be taken and received by the county court, or other legal authorities, as vouchers for the amount / • o • / * * - - • -' * 221 collected 011 account of the county and local assessments on said railroad property in the annual settlement with such collector, and the several amounts of money in this section provided and ordered to be placed to the credit of such county, township, city or town, shall be applied by the State treasurer to the payment of the bonded railroad debt of such county, township, city or town, as hereinafter provided. 1 bid. Sec. 2. 106. Registration of Bonds.] And the county clerk or other proper officer, upon the issuing of the bonds in payment of said railroad debt, shall make a registration thereof in a book to be kept for that purpose iu his office, showing the date, amount, number, maturity, and rate of interest of such bonds, and upon the subscrip¬ tion or donation to what railroad the same was given. And the said bonds, and bonds heretofore issued and still unpaid, in order to receive the benefits of this act, shall be regis¬ tered by the holder thereof at the office of the auditor of public accounts, who shall cause the same to be registered in a book kept for that purpose. Such registration shall show the date, amount, number, maturity, and rate of interest of such bond, under what act, and by what county, township, city or town issued; and the auditor shall, under his seal of office, certify upon such bond the fact of such registration, for which registration and certificate the audi¬ tor shall be entitled to a fee of $1 from the holder of each bond. Ibid. Sec. 3. 107. Certificate Made Out.] I11 all cases when any county, township, incorporated city 01* town shall issue bonds under the provisions of law, and be entitled to the benefits of this act, it shall be the duty of the county clerk of such county, or of the officer to whom or to whose office the assessment rolls for State taxation are or shall be returnable, within five days after such return, to make out and transmit to the State auditor, to be filed in his office, a certificate stating the total value of all prop¬ erty, real and personal, within such county, township, city or town, as exhibited by such assessment. 1 bid. Sec. 4. 108. Interest on the Bonds.] When the bonds of any county, township, city or town shall be so registered, the State auditor shall annually ascertain the amount of interest for the current year due, and accrued, and to accrue upon such bonds, and from the amount so ascer¬ tained he shall deduct the amount in the State treasury placed to the credit of such county, township, city or town, as herein provided and directed, and from the basis of the certificate of valuation of property heretofore provided to be transmitted to him, or in case no such certificate shall be filed in his office, then upon the basis of the total assess¬ ment of such county, township, city or town, for the year next preceding, he shall estimate and determine the rate per centum on the valuation of property within such county, township, city or town, requisite to meet and satsify the amount of interest unprovided for, together with the ordi¬ nary cost to the State of collection and disbursement of the same, to be estimated by the auditor and treasurer, and shall make and transmit to the county clerk of such county, or to the proper officer or authority whose duty it is or shall be to prepare the estimates and books for the collec¬ tion of State taxes in such county, township, city or town, a certificate stating such estimated requisite per centum for such purpose, to be filed in his office, and the same per cen¬ tum shall thereupon be deemed added to and a part of the per centum which is or may be levied or provided by law for purposes of State revenue, and shall be so treated by such clerk, officer or authority in making such estimates and books for the collection of taxes, and the said tax shall be collected with the State revenue, and all laws relating to the State revenue shall apply thereto, except as herein otherwise provided. Ibid. Sec. 5. 109. Application of Taxes.] The State shall be deemed the custodian only of the several taxes so collected and credited to such county, township, city or town, and shall not be deemed in any manner liable on account of anv such bonds, but the tax and funds so col- «j y lected shall be deemed pledged and appropriated to the payment of the interest and principal of the registered 902 \J bonds herein provided for, until fully satisfied. The State shall annually collect and apply all the said taxes and funds placed to the credit of such county, township, city or town, for and during the term of eight years, to the payment of the annual interest on such registered bonds of such county, township, city or town, in the same manner as interest 011 the bonds of the State is or may be collected and paid, but in like moneys as shall be receivable in payment of State taxes; and for and during the remainder of the term of years during which said registered bonds shall remain unpaid, the funds provided in Sec. 1 of this act accruing from taxes collected 011 the property of said railroad or railroads, and the surplus, if any, of the other funds, in this act provided, remaining after the payment of the interest 011 the bonds, shall be applied to the payment of the prin¬ cipal of said registered bonds 011 presentation at the State treasury; or the treasurer shall purchase the same in open market at not more than par; and upon such payment or purchase of the said bonds, the amount paid upon the principal of said bonds shall be indorsed thereon, and receipts therefor shall be taken and filed in the office of the State treasurer; and the interest-coupons or bonds, when fully paid, shall be returned to the office of the State treas¬ urer, and shall be canceled and destroyed in the same man¬ ner as those appertaining to the State debt; and the fund derived from the taxes collected 011 the increased assessment over the year 1868, and the tax levied to meet the interest on said registered bonds, shall continue to be annually applied to the interest of said bonds; and the said taxes and funds required in this act to be placed to the credit of counties, townships, cities and towns, shall be applied by the State treasurer to the payment of the registered railroad bonds of such county, township, cities or towns, equally and without discrimination. Ibid. Sec. 6. 110. In Case of Surplus.] The State may, out of such funds, first retain or satisfy the ordinary costs of the State of the collection and disbursement thereof ; and in case of non-presentment of any such bonds or inter¬ est-coupons for payment at the time and place, when and 224 where the interest on the State debt is or may be paid, then, 011 the beginning of the next year, the money by reason thereof undisbursed, together with any surplus for any cause remaining, shall be carried to the fund of such county, township, city, or town of the current or ensuing year, and be considered by the auditor in making his next estimate for taxation therein for such year under this act, and shall V ' be applied accordingly during the first eight years of the operation of this act. All laws relating to the payment of interest on the State debt, or the cancellation of evidences thereof, not inconsistent with this act, shall apply to the receipt, custody, and disbursement of the taxes and funds provided by this act. 1 bid. Sec. 7. 111. Conditions of Registration.] And it shall not be lawful to register any bonds under the pro¬ visions of this act, or to receive any of the benefits or advantages to be derived from this act, until after the rail¬ road in aid of the construction of which the debt was incurred, shall have been completed near to, or in such county, township, city or town, and cars shall have run thereon; and none of the benefits, advantages, or provi¬ sions of this act shall apply to any debt unless the subscrip¬ tion or donation creating such debt was first submitted to an election of the legal voters of said county, township, city or town, under the provisions of the laws of this State, and a majority of the legal voters living in said county, township, city or town, were in favor of such aid, subscrip¬ tion or donation, and any county, township, city or town shall have the right, upon making any subscription or donation to any railroad company to prescribe the condi¬ tions upon which such bonds, subscriptions, or donations shall be made, and such bonds, subscriptions, or donotions shall not be valid and binding, until such conditions prece¬ dent shall have been complied with, and the presiding judge of the county court, or the supervisor of the town¬ ship, or the chief executive officer of the city or town that shall have issued bonds to any railway or railways, imme¬ diately upon the completion of the same near to, into, or through such county, township, city or town, as may have 223 been agreed upon, and the running of the ears thereon, shall certify, under oath, that all the preliminary conditions in this act required to be done to authorize the registration of such bonds, and to entitle them to the benefits of this act, have been complied with, and shall transmit the same to the State auditor, with a statement of the date, amount, number, maturity, and rate of interest of such bonds, and to what company, and under what law issued, and there¬ upon the said bonds shall be subject to registration by the State auditor, as hereinbefore provided. Ibid. Sec. 8. 112. County Directors Appointed.] And each railway company, in aid of which any bonds shall hereafter be issued by any county, township, incorporated city or town, to pay for any subscription to the capital stock of such company, or for any donation made to such company, shall, give to such counties, townships, cities and towns, collectively, a representation in the board of directors of such company of one-fourth of the num¬ ber of such board of directors, until after the said rail¬ way shall have been completed, and the cars shall have run thereon, and until all the conditions of the subscrip¬ tions and donations to such railway company by such counties, townships, cities and towns, shall have been fully settled and complied with by said railway company; ami thereafter the said counties, townships, cities and towns, shall be represented in said boards of directors only in the manner and in the proportion that other stockholders are represented; and the Governor of the State is hereby authorized and empowered to appoint the directors herein provided to represent the interests of said counties, town¬ ships, cities and towns, in the boards of directors of such railways as shall receive bonds, to be entitled to the benefits of this act. 1 bid. Sec. 9. 113, Duties of the Auditor.] And the State auditor, from the total value of all the property in the State, after the same shall have been equalized in accordance with the provisions of "An act to amend the revenue laws, and to establish a State board of equalization 226 of assessments," approved March 8, 1867, shall deduct the amount of the said increased valuation of the taxable prop¬ erty above the valuation of the year 1868, in such counties, townships, incorporated cities and towns as may be entitled to the benefits of this act, and the taxes upon which are herein directed to be credited to counties, townships, cities and towns, and upon the amount remaining, he shall cause to be collected such a per cent, as shall be sufficient to pay the appropriations and other demands upon the treasury due to the end of each fiscal year, and the same per cent, shall also be collected on the said increased valuation above the valuation of the year 1868, and applied as herein pro¬ vided. Ibid. Sec. 10. 114. Payment.] Upon the payment of any such registered bond or interest-coupons by the county, township, city or town issuing the same, and presentation thereof to the State, auditor, he shall cause due entry thereof to be made in his office. Ibid. Sec. II. 115. Act to Cease.] And if the prin¬ cipal and interest of the bonds registered under the provi¬ sions of this act shall be fully paid and canceled at any time before the expiration of the full term of ten years, during which the funds provided in Sec. 1 of this act, are to be applied to the credit of such county, township, city or town, then the provisions of this act in respect thereto shall cease and determine, and no further money derived from said taxes shall be so applied. 1 bid. Sec. 12. 116, Collectors's Bonds—Fees.] The collector's bonds in counties, townships, cities and towns where collections shall be made under the provisions of this act, shall be increased 50 per centum, and collectors in counties not under township organization, shall pay into the State treasury a sufficient amount of the taxes collected in such county to meet the interest to be annually paid on such registered bonds, on or before the 20th day of June in each year; and there shall be allowed and paid to county, township, city and town collectors, for collecting and pay¬ ing over the taxes levied by virtue of this act, the folio whig' 227 rates of commissions, to be ascertained and computed in in the same manner that commissions for collecting and paying over the State taxes are ascertained and computed, and paid from the taxes so collected, to-wit: To township, city or town collectors, at the rate of two per centum 011 all sums collected, and to county collectors at the rate of one per cent. 011 all sums received by them from township, city and town collectors, which shall be in full for receiving the same and paying it into the State treasury, and for adjusting the accounts of and settling with the township, city and town collectors for their collections of said tax, and a commission of three per cent, on all sums by them¬ selves collected and paid over into the State treasury. X. CROSSIXGS. Laics 1869, 812. 31 Mar. Sec. 1. 117. Crossings Main¬ tained.] At all the railroad crossings of the public high¬ ways of this State, outside the corporate limits of the cities and villages, the several railroad companies of this State shall erect, construct and maintain the same, and the approaches thereto, within their respective rights of way, so that, at all times, they shall be safe as to lives of persons and property. J bid. Sec. 2. 118. Duty of Surveyors.] It shall be the duty of the county surveyors of each county in tins State, at least once in each year, after the passage of this act, to notify any and all railroad companies within their respective counties, by leaving a written notice with any superintendent or any station agent of the company resident of such county, twenty days prior to a certain day named when he will proceed to view and examine any and all rail¬ road crossings of tlie public highways in that county, upon such railroad, naming the same, for the purpose of deter¬ mining what, if anything, shall be done to make any or all of the [them] safe as to the lives of persons and property. J bid. See. 3. 119. Xotices Binding.] Any such rail¬ road agent 111 this State that shall receive such notice, shall immediately transmit tlie to tliesame nearest superintend¬ ent of sncli road, whose duty it shall he to transmit the same to the general superintendent; and the receiving any such notice by any such superintendent or agent, from any county surveyor, shall be deemed a sufficient notice, and binding 011 such railroad company. 1 bid. Sec. 4. 120. After Notice Received.] When any railroad company shall have received a notice, as pro¬ vided in Sec. 3 of this act, it shall be the duty of said rail¬ road company to direct its chief engineer, or any other civil engineer, to meet such county surveyor at the time and place named in said notice, and the county surveyor and such engineer shall, without unreasonable delay, pro¬ ceed to view and examine all the railroad crossings of such railroad over the public highways in that county, to then and there determine what shall be done at any and all crossings 011 such highways, by the railroad company, within their rights of way, in order to make them safe to life and property. Ibid. Sec. 5. 121. Disagreement.] I11 all cases, when the county surveyor and railroad engineer cannot agree, they shall call in any civil engineer they may choose, not in the employ of any railroad company, and in all cases the decision of a majority of them shall be binding 011 both parties. Ibid. Sec. 6. 122. Report Made.] The county sur¬ veyor and railroad engineer, acting under the provisions of this act, after viewing and determining what shall be done at the various railroad crossings, and by whom, shall make a report in writing, a copy of which report shall be filed with the county clerk of such county, and be by him placed upon record and laid before the board of supervisors, in counties adopting township organization, and the county court in counties not adopting township organization, and also with such railroad company, for their information. Ibid. Sec. 7. 123. Company Neglecting.] In case any railroad company, notified as provided for in Sec. 2 of this 229 act, neglect or refuse to appear by an engineer, as provided for in this act, sucli county surveyor shall proceed to per¬ form the duties required by Sec. 4 of this act, and tile a written report, as required by such section; and any rail¬ road company that shall refuse or neglect, for the space of sixty days after receipt of sucli notice, to alter, construct or maintain any or all railroad crossings of the public high¬ ways, as required of tliem in such report, the board of supervisors or county court, as the case maybe, shall,with¬ out unreasonable delay, cause to be made all such altera¬ tions, repairs, and to have constructed and maintained such improvements upon the railroad crossings with the public highways as may be designated in the report of the county surveyor, at the cost of the railroad company, including the services of the county surveyor, at the rate of $10 per day for each day so employed. Ibid. Sec. 8. 124. Flagman and His Duties.] In all cases, when the parties named in Sec. 4 of this act shall recommend that a flagman be placed at any crossing, it shall be the duty of such railroad company, within sixty days thereafter, to place and retain a flagman at such cross¬ ing, who shall perform the duties usually required of flag¬ men ; and such flagmen are hereby empowered to stop any and all persons from crossing a railroad track when, in his opinion, there is danger from approaching trains; and any railroad company refusing or neglecting to place flagmen, as required by this section, shall be liable to a fine of $100 per day for every day they shall neglect or refuse so to do; such tine, when collected by due process of law, shall be paid to the proper officer of and for the benefit of the school district within which such railroad crossing is situ¬ ated. It is hereby made the duty of the board of supervi¬ sors, or county court, as the case may be, to enforce the payment of such fines and forfeitures before any court of record in the county, and the prosecuting attorney shall attend to the prosecution of all such suits, as directed by said boards of supervisors or county courts; all moneys collected under the provisions of this act shall be paid into the county treasury, subject to the order of the school 230 directors of tlio district in which any such crossing is situated. 1 bid. Sec. 9. 125. Surveyor's Record.] The county surveyor shall keep a record of the duties performed, and copies of notices served under the provisions of this act, and which shall become a part of the records of his office, and shall he paid by the county a reasonable amount for any services rendered under the provisions of this act, the payment for which is not herein designated. Ibid. Sec. 10. 12S. Penalties Against the Surveyor.] Any county surveyor refusing or neglecting to perform in good faith the duties required of him by this act, shall be liable to a fine of not less than $100, nor more than $1,000, for every year he refuses or neglects to perform such duties; which lines may be collected by action in any court of rec¬ ord having jurisdiction; and it is hereby made the duty of the prosecuting attorney to enforce the provisions of this section, before any court of record in such county; in case of neglect or refusal of the county surveyor to perform such duties, the board of supervisors, or county court, as the case may be, shall, at their first session thereafter, employ some competent civil engineer to perform such duties as are herein required of the county surveyor, and who shall receive the same compensation, and be liable to the same penalties, after accepting the appointment, as herein provided. XI. RAILROAD AXD WAREHOUSE COMMISSION. An act to establish a board of railroad and warehouse comm issioners, and pre¬ scribe their powers and duties. Approved April 13, 1871. In force July I, 1871. 127. Appointment of Commissioners.] Sec. 1. A com¬ mission, which shall be styled "Railroad and "Warehouse Commission," shall be appointed, as follows: Within twenty days after this act shall take effect, the Governor shall appoint three persons as such commissioners, who shall hold their office until the next meeting of the General Assembly, and until their successors are appointed and qualified. At the next meeting of tlie General Assembly, and every two years thereafter, the Governor, by and with the advice and consent of the senate, shall appoint three persons as such commissioners, who shall hold their offices for the term of two years from the first day of January, in the year of their appointment, and until their successors are appointed and qualified. 123. Who may be Commissioners.] Sec. 2. Ao person shall be appointed as such commissioner who is, at the time of his appointment, in any way connected with any rail¬ road company or warehouse, or who is directly or indirectly interested in any stock, bond or other property of, or is in the employment of any railroad company or warehouse¬ man. And 110 person appointed as such commissioner shall, during the term of his office, become interested in any stock, bond, or other property of any railroad com¬ pany or warehouse, or in any manner be employed by or connected with any railroad company or warehouse. The Governor shall have power to remove any such commis¬ sioner, at any time, in his discretion. 129. Oath and Bond Required.] Sec. 3. Before enter¬ ing upon the duties of his office, each of the said commis¬ sioners shall make and subscribe and file with the Secretary of State an affidavit, in the following form: " I do solemnly swear (or affirm, as the case may be) that I will support the constitution of the United States and the constitution of the State of Illinois, and that I will faithfully discharge the duties of the office of commissioner of railroads and warehouses, according to the best of my ability." And shall enter into bonds, with security to be approved by the Governor, in the sum of $20,000, conditioned for the faithful performance of his duty as such commissioner. 130. Compensation of Commissioners.] Sec. 4. Each of said commissioners shall receive for his services a sum not exceeding $3,500 per annum, payable quarterly. They shall be furnished with an office, office furniture, and sta¬ tionery at the expense of the State, and shall have power to appoint a secretary, to perform such duties as they shall assign to him. Said secretary shall receive for his services 2-32 a sum not exceeding1 $1,500 per annum. The office of the said commissioners shall he kept at Springfield, and all sums authorized to he paid by this act shall he paid out of the State treasury, and only on the order of the Governor: Providedr, that the total sum to be expended by said com¬ missioners for office rent and furniture and stationery shall in no case exceed the total sum of $800 per annum. 131. Allowed to Pass.] Sec. 5. The said commission¬ ers have the right of passing, in the performance of their duties concerning railroads, on all railroads and railroad trains in this State. 132. Annual Peport of Each Company.] Sec. 6. Every railroad company incorporated or doing business in this State, or which shall hereafter become incorporated, or do business under any general or special law of this Stale, shall, on or before the first day of September, a. d. 1871, and on or before the same day in each year thereafter, make and transmit to the commissioners appointed by vir¬ tue of this act, at their office in Springfield, a full and true statement, under oath of the proper officers of said corpo¬ ration, of the affairs of their said corporation as the same existed on the first day of the preceding July, specifying: 1. The amount of capital stock subscribed, and by whom. 2. The names of the owners of its stock, and the amounts owned by them respectively, and the residence of each stockholder, as far as known. 3. The amount of stock paid in, and by whom. 4. The amount of its assets and liabilities. 5. The names and place of residence of its officers. 6. The amount of cash paid to the company on account of the original capital stock. 7. The amount of funded debt. 8. The amount of floating debt. 9. The estimated value of the road-bed, including iron and bridges. 10. The estimated value of rolling stock. 11. The estimated value of stations, buildings and fix¬ tures. 233 12. The estimated value of other property. 13. The length of single main track. 14. The length of double main track. 15. The length of branches, stating whether they have O * O single or double track. 16. The aggregate length of siding and other tracks not above enumerated. 17. The number of miles run by passenger trains during the year preceding the making of the report. 18. The number of miles run by freight trains during the same period. 19. The number of tons of through freight carried during the same time. 20. The number of tons of local freight carried during O O the same time. 21. Its monthly earnings for the transportation of pas¬ sengers during the same time. 22. Its monthly earnings for the transportation of freight during the same time. 23. Its monthly earnings from all other sources respect¬ ively. 24. The amount of expense incurred in the running and management of passenger trains during the same time. 25. The amount of expense incurred in the running and management of freight trains during the same time; also, the amount of expense incurred in the running and man¬ agement of mixed trains during the same time. O o 26. All other expenses incurred in the running and man¬ agement of the road during the same time, including the salaries of officers, which shall be reported separately. 27. The amount expended for repairs of road and main¬ tenance of way, including repairs and renewal of bridges and renewal of iron. 28. The amount[s] expended for improvement, and whether the same are estimated as a part of the expenses of operating or repairing the road, and, if either, which. 29. The amount expended for motive power and cars. 30. The amount expended for station houses, buildings, and fixtures. 234 31. All other expenses for tlie maintenance of way. 32. All other expenditures, either for management of road, maintenance of way, motive power and cars, or for other purposes. 33. The rate of fare for passengers for each month during the same time, through and way passengers separately. 34. The tariff of freights, showing each change of o 7 o o tariff during the same time. 35. A copy of each published rate of fare for passengers and tariff of freight in force, or issued for the government of its agents during the same time. o o 36. Whether the rate of fare and tariff of freights in such published lists are the same as those actually received by the company during the same time; if not, what were received. 37. What express companies run on its roads, and on what terms, and on what conditions; the kind of business done by them, and whether they take their freights at the depots or at the office of such express companies. 38. What freight and transportation companies run on its road, and on what terms. 39. Whether such freight and transportation companies use the cars of the railroad or the cars furnished by them¬ selves. 40. Whether the freight or cars of such companies are given any preference in speed or order of transportation, and if so, in what particular. 41. What running arrangements it has with other rail¬ road companies, setting forth the contracts for the same. 133. Other Interrogatories.] Sec. 7. The said com¬ missioners may make and propound to such railroad companies any additional interrogatories, which shall be answered by such companies in the same manner as those specified in the foregoing section. 134. Scope of the Act.] Sec. 8. Sections 6 and 7 of this act shall apply to the president, directors, and officers of every railroad company now existing, or which shall be incorporated or organized in this State, and to every lessee, manager, and operator of any railroad within this State. 235 135. Statement by Warehouseman.] Sec. 0. It shall be the duty of every owner, lessee, and manager of every public warehouse in this State, to furnish in writing, under oath, at such times as such railroad and warehouse com¬ missioners shall require and prescribe, a statement concern¬ ing the condition and management of his business as such warehouseman. 136. Annual Report by Commissioners.] Sec. 10. Such commissioners shall, on or before the first day of December in each year, and oftener, if required by the Governor so to do, make a report to the Governor of their doings for the preceding year, containing such facts, statements, and explanations as will disclose the actual workings of the system of railroad transportation and warehouse business in their bearings upon the business and prosperity of the people of this State, and such suggestions in relation thereto, as to them may seem appropriate, and particularly: 1. Whether, in their judgment, the railroads can be classi¬ fied in regard to the rate of fare and freight to be charged upon them, and, if so, in what manner. 2. Whether a classification of freight can also be made, and, if so, in what manner. They shall also, at su'ch times as the Governor shall direct, examine any particular subject connected with the condition and management of such railroads and ware- houses, and report to him, in writing, their opinion thereon, with their reasons therefor. 137. Further Duties of Commissioners.] Sec. 11. Said commissioners shall examine into the condition and man¬ agement, and all other matters concerning the business of railroads and warehouses in this State, so far as the same pertain to the relation of such roads and warehouses to the nublic and to the accommodation and security of persons doing business therewith; and whether such railroad com¬ panies and warehouses, their officers, directors, managers, lessees, agents, and employes comply with the laws of this State now in force, or which shall hereafter be in force concerning them. Commissioners Shall Prosecute.] And whenever it shall come to their knowledge, either upon complaint or 23G otherwise, or thov shall have reason to believe that anv sueli law or laws have been or are being violated, tliev O 1 t shall prosecute or cause to he prosecuted all corporations or persons guilty of such violation. In order to enable said commissioners efficiently to perform their duties under this act, it is hereby made their duty to cause one of their mini- her, at least once in six months, to visit each county in the State in which is or shall he located a railroad station, and personally inquire into the management of such railroad and warehouse business. ' 138. Cancellation of Warehouse Licenses.] Sec. 12. Said commissioners are hereby authorized to hear and determine all applications for the cancellation of warehouse licences in this State, which may be issued in pursuance of any laws of this State, and for that purpose to make and adopt such rules and regulations concerning such hearing and determination as may from time to time by them be deemed proper. And if, upon such hearing, it shall appear that any public warehouseman has been guilty of violating any law of this State concerning the business of public warehousemen, said commissioners mav cancel and revoke the license of said public warehouseman, and immediately notify the officer who issued such license of such revocation and cancellation. And no person whose license as a public warehouseman shall be canceled or revoked, shall be enti¬ tled to another license, or to carry on the business in this State of such public warehouseman, until the expiration of six months from the date of such revocation and cancella¬ tion, and until he shall have again been licensed: Provided, that this section shall not be so construed as to prevent any such warehouseman from delivering any grain on hand at the time of such revocation or cancellation of his said license. And all licenses issued in violation of the provi¬ sions of this section shall be deemed null and void.—[As to revocation of licenses, see, also, Cli. 106, Sec. 27.] 139. Commissioners May Examine Fully.] Sec. 1-3. The property, books, records, accounts, papers and pro¬ ceedings of all such railroad companies, and all public \ warehousemen, shall at all times, during business hours, be subject to the examination and inspection of such commis¬ sioners, and they shall have power to examine, under oath or affirmation, any and all directors, officers, managers, agents and employes of any such railroad corporation, and any and all owners, managers, lessees, agents and employes of such public warehouses, and other persons, concerning any matter relating to the condition and management of such business. 140. Power as to Witnesses.] Sec. 14. In making any examination as contemplated in this act, or for the pur¬ pose of obtaining information pursuant to this act, said commissioners shall have the power to issue subpenas for the attendance of witnesses, and may administer oaths, In case any person shall wilfully fail or refuse to obey such subpena, it shall be the duty of the circuit court of any county, upon application of the said commissioners, to issue an attachment for such witness, and compel such wit¬ ness to attend before the commissioners and give his testi¬ mony upon such matters as shall be lawfully required by such commissioners, and the said court shall have power to punish for contempt, as in other cases of refusal to obey the process and order of such court. 141. Witness Xot Obeying Subpena.] Sec. 15. Any person who shall wilfully neglect or refuse to obey the pro¬ cess of subpena issued by said commissioners, and appear and testify as therein required, shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor, and shall be liable to an indictment in any court of competent jurisdiction, and, on conviction thereof, shall be punished for each offense by a line of not less than $25 nor more than $500, or by imprisonment of not more than thirty days, or both, in the discretion of the court, before which such conviction shall be had. 142. Penalties Against Railroad Companies, their Officers and Agents.] Sec. 16. Every railroad company, and every officer, agent, or employe of any railroad com¬ pany, and every owner, lessee, manager or employe of any warehouse who shall wilfully neglect to make and furnish 288 any report required in this act, at the time herein required, or who shall wilfully and unlawfully hinder, delay or obstruct said commissioners in the discharge of the duties hereby imposed upon them, shall forfeit and pay a sum of not less than $100 nor more than $5,000 for each offense, to be recovered in an action of debt in the name and for the use of the people of the State of Illinois; and every railroad company, and every officer, agent or employe of any such railroad company, and every owner, lessee, man¬ ager, or agent or employe of any public warehouse shall be liable to a like penalty for every period of ten days it or he shall wilfully neglect or refuse to make such report. 143. Duty of Attorney General and State's Attor¬ neys.] Sec. 17. It shall be the duty of the attorney gen¬ eral, and the State's attorney, in every circuit or county, on the request of said commissioners, to institute and prosecute any and all suits and proceedings which they, or either of them, shall be directed by said commissioners to institute and prosecute for a violation of this act, or any law of this State concerning railroad companies or ware¬ houses, or the officers, employes, owners, operators or agents of any such companies or warehouses. 144. Concerning Prosecutions.] Sec. 18. All such prosecutions shall be in the name of the people of the State of Illinois, and all moneys arising therefrom shall be paid into the State treasury by the sheriff or other officer col¬ lecting the same, and the State's attorney shall be entitled to receive for his compensation from the State treasury, on bills to be approved by the Governor, a sum not exceeding 10 per cent, of the amount received and paid into the State treasury, as aforesaid: Provided, this act shall not be con¬ strued so as to prevent any person from prosecuting any qui tam action as authorized by law, and of receiving such part of the amount recovered in such action, as is or may be provided under any law of this State. 145. Private Damages.] Sec. 19. This act shall not be construed as to waive or affect the right of any person injured by the violation of any law in regard to railroad 239 companies or warehouses from prosecuting for his private damages in any manner allowed by law. XII. TRANSPORTATION OF FREIGHT. An act to prevent unjust discriminations and extortions in the rates to he charged by the different railroads in this State for the tranportation of freight on said roads. Approved April 7, 1871. In force July I, 1871. 146. Freights to be Uniform.] Sec. 1. No railroad corporation organized or doing business in this State under, any act of incorporation or general law of this State, now in force, or which may be hereafter enacted, shall charge or collect for the transportation of goods,-merchandise or property, 011 its said road, for any distance, the same nor any larger or greater amount, as toll or compensation, than is, at the same time, charged or collected for the transpor¬ tation of similar quantities of the same class of goods, merchandise 01* property over a greater distance upon the same road, nor shall such corporation charge different rates for receiving, handling or delivering freight, at different points on its road or roads connected therewith which it has a right to use. Nor shall any such railroad corporation charge or collect for the transportation of goods, merchan¬ dise or property, over any portion of its road, a greater amount as toll or compensation, than shall be charged or collected by it for the transportation of similar quantities of the same class of goods, merchandise or property, over any other portion of its road of equal distance. And all such rules, regulations or by-laws of any such railroad cor¬ poration as fix, prescribe or establish any greater toll or compensation than is hereinbefore prescribed, are hereby declared to be void. 147. "Railroad Corporation" Defined.] Sec. 2. The the term "railroad corporation" contained in this act, shall be deemed and taken to mean all corporations, companies or individuals, now owning or operating, or which may hereafter own or operate any railroad in this State. 148. Rates of 1870 Standard.] Sec. 3. No railroad corporation shall increase its rates of toll or compensation 240 to be charged for the transportation, receipt, handling or delivery of any property from any point on its line of road, to any other point on its line of road, by reason of any decrease in its rates which may he required to he made under See. 1 of this act; nor shall the rate of toll or com¬ pensation 011 any day hereafter, charged or collected for the transportation, receipt, handling or delivery of any property from any point on its line of road, to any other point on its line of road, he greater or more than that charged or collected on the same day and month in the year 1870, for the transportation, receipt, handling or delivery of similar quantities of the same class of prop¬ erty over the same part or portion of said road. Whenever any railroad corporation, as lessee or otherwise, operates any other railroad, in connection with its own road, the provisions of this act as to charges for carrying freight, shall apply to such other road, so operated, in like manner as if the same were a part of the line of road owned by the corporation operating the same; and for such purpose, all lines of railroad operated by the same company, shall be considered as one and the same road. 149. Penalty for Violation.] Sec. 4. Any railroad corporation which shall fix, demand, take or receive from any person or persons, any greater toll or compensation for the transportation, receipt, handling or delivery of goods or merchandise, in violation of the provisions of this act, shall forfeit and pay for any such offense, any sum not exceding $1,000,and costs of suit, including a reasonable attorney's fee, to be taxed by any court where the same is heard by appeal or otherwise; to be recovered in an action of debt by the party aggrieved, in any court having jurisdiction thereof. And any officer, agent or employe of any such railroad corporation, who shall knowingly and wilfully violate the provisions of this act, shall be liable to the penalties pre¬ scribed in this section. 150. Forfeiture of Franchises.] Sec. 5. Any wilful violation of any of the provisions of this act, on the part of an}r railroad corporation, shall be deemed and taken a 241 forfeiture of its franchises; and such corporation so offend¬ ing may he proceeded against by the State's attorney in any circuit or county through or into which its road may run, by scire facias, or upon information in the nature of a quo warranto, to judgment of ouster and final execution. XIII. TRANSPORTATION OF PASSENGERS. ' An act to establish a reasonable maximum rate of charges for the transportation of passengers on railroads in this State. Approved April 15, 1871'. In force July I, 1871. 151. Rates op Fare Limited.] Sec. 1. All railroad corporations organized or doing business in this State, under the laws or authority thereof, shall be limited to the rates of compensation for the transportation of passengers which are herein prescribed. - ,152. Classification of Railroads.] Sec. 2. All rail¬ roads in this State shall be classified according to the gross amount of their respective annual earnings per mile, as follows: Class A shall include all railroads whose gross annual earnings per mile shall be $10,000 or more. Class B shall include all railroads whose gross annual earnings per mile shall be $8,000, or any sum in excess thereof less than $10,000. CI ass C shall include all railroads whose gross annual earnings per mile shall be $4,000, or any sum in excess thereof less than $8,000. Class 1) shall include all railroads whose gross annual earnings per mile shall be any sum less than $4,000. 153. L awful Rates of Fare.] Sec. 3. All railroad corporations, according to their classification as herein pre¬ scribed, shall be limited to compensation per mile for the transportation of any person, with ordinary baggage, not exceeding 100 pounds in weight, as follows: Class A, two and one-lialf cents. Class B, three cents. Class C, four cents. Class D, five and one-half cents: Provided, that no such corporation shall charge, demand, or receive any greater compensation per mile, for the transportation of children 12 years of age, or under, than half the rates above is prescribed: And provided, also, a charge of 10 cents may be added to the fare of any passenger when the same is paid upon the cars, if a ticket might have been procured within a reasonable time before the departure of the train. 154. Act to be Posted Up.] Sec. 4. All railroad cor¬ porations shall keep posted in a conspicuous place in their depots a printed copy of this act, with a table of distances between each and every station of their- road, and a state¬ ment showing the class to which its road belongs. 155. Penalty for a Violation.] Sec. 5. Any railroad corporation which shall charge, demand, or receive any greater compensation for the transportation of any passen¬ ger than is authorized by this act, shall be liable to the party aggrieved in the sum of $500, and the same may be recovered, together with all costs of suit and a reasonable attorney's fee, to be taxed by the court, in an action of debt in any court having competent jurisdiction. 156. Forfeiture of Franchises.] Sec. 6. If any final judgment shall be recovered against any such corporation, under the provisions of Sec. 5 of this act, a fifth time, such corporation shall be deemed to have forfeited all its rights, privileges and franchises ; and it shall be the duty of the State's attorney in any circuit or county through or into which its road may run, to proceed against such railroad corporation so violating any provision of this act, upon information, in the nature of quo warranto to judgment of ouster and final execution. And in addition to the pro¬ cedure herein provided, such corporation may be pro¬ ceeded against in such other manner as may be provided by law. 157. Street Railroads Excepted.] Sec. 7. This act shall not be held to apply to any city or street railroad. 243: XIV. STATE TAXES. An act defining the duties of the Auditor of Public Accounts under Sec. i, of "An act to fund and provide for paying railroad debts of counties, town¬ ships, cities and towns," in force April 16, 1869. See Sections 106-116 of this Chapter. Became a law April 28, 1871. In force July I, 1871. 158. Apportionment of the Surplus.] Sec. 1. When¬ ever the valuations of property, as shown by the assessment returns of two or more corporations, embrace the same surplus valuation, the auditor of public accounts, in deter¬ mining the amount due by virtue of said act of April 16, 1869, to the county, the township, the city or town, shall distribute the tax on such surplus valuation, in equal pro¬ portions, between such corporations; that is to say, should the valuation of the county show a surplus of $3,000, the township a surplus of $3,000, the town or city a surplus of $3,000, each shall be entitled to the proportion of $1,000. Any excess of such surplus valuation, in either of said cor¬ porations, and not embraced in the surplus valuation of either of the other, shall be apportioned to such corpora¬ tion; or, if in either two of such corporations, and none in the third, such amount shall he equally divided between such two corporations. 159. Tax on Kailroad Property.] Sec. 2t The tax on the property of railroads aided, appropriated in Sec. 1 of said act of April 16, 1869, shall be apportioned by the auditor, between counties, townships, cities and towns, in similar cases, in the same manner as the surplus tax is required to be apportioned by Sec. 1 of this act: Provided, that the amount of surplus tax shall be deducted from the amount of State tax on the railroads aided, in each corpo¬ ration, so that no county, township, city or town shall receive both the surplus and railroad tax; or when the amount of surplus tax exceeds the amount of State tax on railroads aided, in any corporation, then, in such case, no State tax on railroads aided shall be placed to the credit of such county, township, city or town. 244 From the Constitution of IS70 of the Organic Laws of Illinois, ARTICLE XI. railroads. Section. 9. Every railroad corporation organized or doing business in this State, under the laws or authority thereof, shall have and maintain a public office or place in this State for the transaction of its business, where transfers of stock shall be made and in which shall be kept, for public in¬ spection, books, in which shall be recorded the amount of capital stock subscribed, and by whom; the names of the owners of its stock, and the amounts owned by them respectively; the amount of stock paid in, and by whom; the transfers of said stock; the amount of its assets and liabilities, and the names and place of residence of its offi¬ cers. The directors of every railroad corporation shall annually make a report, under oath, to the auditor of pub¬ lic accounts, or some officer to be designated by law, of all their acts and doings, which report shall include such mat¬ ters relating to railroads as may be prescribed by law. And the General Assembly shall pass laws enforcing by suitable penalties the provisions of this section. Sec. 10. The rolling stock and all other movable prop¬ erty belonging to any railroad company or corporation in this State shall be considered personal property, and shall be liable to execution and sale in the same manner as the per¬ sonal property of individuals, and the General Assembly shall pass no law exempting any such property from exe¬ cution and sale. Sec. 11. Xo railroad corporation shall consolidate its stock, property or franchises with any other railroad cor¬ poration owning a parallel or competing line; and in no case shall any consolidation take place except upon public 245 notice given, of at least sixty days, to all stockholders, in such manner as may he provided by law. A majority of the directors of any railroad corporation, now incorporated or hereafter to be incorporated by the laws of this State, shall be citizens and residents of this State. Sec. 12. Railways heretofore constructed or that may hereafter be constructed in this State, are hereby declared public highways, and shall be free to all persons, for the trans¬ portation of their persons and property thereon, under such regulations as may be prescribed by law. And the General Assemby shall, from time to time, pass laws establishing reasonable maximum rates of charges for the transporta¬ tion of passengers and freight on the different railroads in this State. Sec. 13. Ao railroad corporation shall issue any stock or bonds, except for money, labor or property, actually received, and applied to the purposes for which such corpo¬ ration was created; and all stock dividends, and other fictitious increase of the capital stock or indebtedness of any such corporation, shall be void. The capital stock of no railroad corporation shall be increased for any purpose, except upon giving sixty days' public notice, in such man¬ ner as may be provided by law. Sec. 14. The exercise of the power, and the right of emi¬ nent domain shall never be so construed or abridged as to prevent the taking by the General Assembly, of the prop¬ erty and franchises of incorporated companies already organized, and subjecting them to the public necessity the same as of individuals. The "right of trial by jury shall be held inviolate in all trials of claims for compensation, when, in the exercise of said right of eminent domain, anv J o 7 v incorporated company shall be interested either for or against the exercise of said right. Sec. 15. The General Assembly shall pass laws to cor¬ rect abuses and prevent unjust discrimination and extortion in the rates of freight and passenger tariffs on the different 246 railroads in this State, and enforce such laws, by adequate penalties, to the extent, if necessary for that purpose, of forfeiture of their property and franchises. ARTICLE XIII. warehouses. Section. 1. All elevators or storehouses, where grain or other property is stored for a compensation, whether the property stored be kept separate or not, are declared to be public warehouses. Sec. 2. The owner, lessee or manager of each and every public warehouse situated in any town or city of not less than 100,000 inhabitants, shall make weekly statements under oath, before some officer to be designated by law, and keep the same posted in some conspicuous place in the office of such warehouse, and shall also file a copy for pub¬ lic examination in such place as shall be designated by law, which statement shall correctly set forth the amount and grade of each and every kind of grain in such warehouse, together with such other property as may be stored therein, and what warehouse receipts have been issued, and are, at the time of making such statement, outstanding therefor; and shall, on the copy posted in the warehouse, note daily such changes as may be made in the quantity and grade of grain in such warehouse; and the different grades of grain shipped in separate lots, shall not be mixed with inferior or superior grades, without the consent of the owner or consignee thereof. Sec. 3. The owners of property stored in any ware¬ house, or holder of a receipt for the same, shall always be at liberty to examine such property stored, and all the books and records of the warehouse in regard to such property. Sec. 4. All railroad companies and other common car¬ riers on railroads shall weigh or measure grain at points 247 where it is shipped, and receipt for the full amount, and shall he responsible for the delivery of such amount to the owner or consignee thereof, at the place of destination. Sec. 5. All railroad companies receiving and transport¬ ing grain in bulk or otherwise, shall deliver the same to any consignee thereof, or any elevator or public warehouse to which it may be consigned, provided such consignee or the elevator or public warehouse can be reached by any track owned, leased or used, or which can be used, by such railroad companies; and all railroad companies shall per¬ mit connections to be made with their track, so that any such consignee, and any public warehouse, coal bank or coal yard may be reached by the cars on said railroad. Sec. 6. It shall be the duty of the General Assembly to pass all necessary laws to prevent the issue of false and fraudulent warehouse receipts, and to give full effect to this article of the Constitution, which shall be liberally construed so as protect producers and shippers. And the enumeration of the remedies herein named shall not be construed to deny to the General Assembly the power to prescribe by law such other and further remedies as may be found expedient, or to deprive any person of existing common law remedies. Sec. 7. The General Assembly shall pass laws for the inspection of grain, for the protection of producers, ship¬ pers and receivers of grain and produce. 248 From the Constitution of the State of Missouri. ARTICLE VIII. banks and corporations. Section 2. No law shall he passed, reviving or re-enact¬ ing any act heretofore passed, creating any private corpora¬ tion, where such corporation shall not have been organized and commenced the transaction of its business within one year from the time such act took effect, or within such «/ 7 other time as may have been prescribed in such act for such organization and commencement of business. ' Sec. 4. Corporations may he formed under general laws, but shall not be created by special acts, except for munici¬ pal purposes. All general laws, and special acts passed pursuant to this section may he altered, amended, or repealed. Sec. 5. No municipal corporation, except cities, shall he created by special act; and no city shall he incorporated with less than five thousand permanent inhabitants, nor unless the people thereof by a direct vote upon the question shall have decided in favor of such incorporation. Sec. 6. Dues from private corporations shall he secured by such means, as may he prescribed by law; hut in all cases each stockholder shall be indi vidually liable, over and above the stock by him or her owned, and any amount unpaid thereon, in a further sum at least equal in amount to such stock. ARTICLE XI. miscellaneous provisions. Section 13. The credit of the State shall not be given or loaned in aid of any person, association or corporation; nor shall the State hereafter become a stockholder in any 249 corporation or association, except for the purpose of secur¬ ing loans heretofore extended to certain railroad corpora¬ tions by the State. Sec. 14. The General Assembly shall not authorize any county, city, or town to become a stockholder in, or to loan its credit to any company, association or corporation, unless two-thirds of the qualified voters of such county, city, or town, at a regular or special election to be held therein, shall assent thereto. Sec. 15. The General Assembly shall have no power, for any purpose whatever, to release the lien held by the State upon any railroad. Sec. '16. No property, real or personal, shall be exempt from taxation, except such as may be used exclusively for public schools, and such as may belong to the United States, to this State, to counties, or to municipal corpora¬ tions within this State. 250 From the Statutes of the State of Missouri. CHAPTER 37. ARTICLE I. CORPORATIONS PRIVATE—GENERAL POWERS AND LIABILITIES. (jr. ch. 62. Section 1. I.1] Every corporation, as such, has power: First, to have succession by its corporate name, for the period limited in its charter, and when no period is limited, for twenty years; Second, to sue and he sued, com¬ plain and defend, in any court of law or equity; Third, to make and use a common seal, and alter the same at pleasure; Fourth, to hold, mortgage or otherwise convey such real and personal estate as the purposes of the corporation shall require, not exceeding the amount limited in its charter or the law creating it, and also to take, hold and convey such © 7 ? other property, real, personal or mixed, as shall he necessary or requisite for such corporation to acquire in order to retain or secure the payment of any indebtedness or liability belonging to the corporation; Fifth, to appoint such sub¬ ordinate officers and agents as the business of the corpora¬ tion shall require, and allow them a suitable compensation; Sixth, to make by-laws, .not inconsistent with existing law, for the management of its property, the regulation of its affairs and for the transfer of its stock; Seventh, to increase or diminish (by a vote of its stockholders, cast as its by¬ laws may direct) the number of its directors or trustees to not less than three nor more than thirteen, and may, in like manner, change its corporate name without in any (1) In the General Statutes of I860, insurance companies formed the 67th chapter, and was inserted in the general law relating to corporations. But the Legislature, at its session in 1869, passed a general law in regard to insurance and created an Insurance Department, and for con¬ venience I have placed everything concerning insurance together under one head. 251 wise affecting its rights, privileges or liabilities; such changes of name or number of directors or trustees shall take effect and he in force from the date at which the president or secretary of such corporation shall file with the Secretary of State an affidavit setting forth the name adopted or the number of directors or trustees fixed, together with the date at which such change in name or number of directors or trustees was voted by the stock¬ holders of such corporation. Acts 1868, p. 28. 2.] That so much of the first section of the sixty-second chapter of the revised statutes, as authorizes every private corporation to increase or diminish the number of its directors or trustees, and to change its corporate name, and all the provisions of said section as to the mode and manner of exercising such authority, shall be holden to extend to, and the same are hereby made appli¬ cable to all such private corporations within this State as, by the provisions of their charter, are exempt from the general laws in relation to corporations. Ibid. p. 29. 3.] By-laws to direct the manner of tak¬ ing the votes of the stockholders on the question of increas¬ ing or diminishing the number of directors or trustees, or of changing the corporate name, may be made by the directors of the corporation for the time being. (ji. S., ch. 62. Sec. 2. 4.] Whene ver any corporation shall be organized under the laws of this State, it shall be the duty of the officer of said corporation to file with the Secretary of State a copy of the articles of association or incorporation, and the corporate existence of such corpo¬ ration shall date from the time of filing said copy of such articles; and a certificate by the Secretary of State, under the seal of the State, that said corporation has be¬ come duly organized, shall be taken by all courts of this State as evidence of the corporate existence of such cor¬ poration. Any private or public corporation may increase its capital stock to any amount, not exceeding double the amount of their authorized capital, by holding an election of the stockholders, in conformity with the by-laws thereof; 252 and if at such election a majority of the stockholders shall vote for the increase of stock, the same may he increased by a vote of the board of directors, trustees or other busi¬ ness managers of such corporation ; and upon such increase of stock being made, in accordance with the by-laws, the date, amount and subscriptions for such new stock shall be returned to the office of Secretary of State, and from the time the same is tiled the increase of stock shall become a part of the capital thereof. Ibid. Sec. 3. 5.] The powers enumerated in the preced¬ ing sections shall vest in every corporation that shall here¬ after be created or organized. Ibid. Sec. 4. 6.] In addition to the powers enumerated in the first section of this chapter, and to those expressly given in its charter, or in the act under which it is incorpo¬ rated, no corporation shall possess or exercise any corporate powers, except such as shall be necessary to the exercise of the powers enumerated or given. Ibid. See. 5. 7.] When the corporate powers of any cor¬ poration are directed by its charter or the provisions of this law, to be exercised by any particular body or number of persons, a majority of such body or persons, if it be not otherwise provided in the charter or law creating it, shall be a sufficient number to form a board for the transaction of business; and every decision of a majority of the per¬ sons duly assembled as a board shall be valid as a corporate act. Ibid. Sec. 6. 8.] Parol contracts may be binding upon aggregate corporations, if made by an agent duly author¬ ized by a corporate vote, or under the general regulations of the corporation, and contracts may be implied on the part of such corporations from their corporate acts, or those of an agent whose powers are of a general character. Ibid. Sec. 7. 9.] The first meeting of all corporations shall, unless otherwise provided for in their acts of incor¬ poration, be called by a notice, signed by some one or more of the persons named as corporators in the act of incorpo- 253 ration, and setting forth the time, place and purposes of the meeting; and such notice shall, seven days at least before the meeting, be delivered to each member, or pub¬ lished in some newspaper of the county where the corpora¬ tion may be established, or if there be 110 such newpaper, then in the nearest newspaper. 1 bid. Sec. 8. 10.] Whenever, for want of sufficient by-laws for the purpose, or of officers duly authorized, or from the neglect or refusal of such officers, or from other legal impediments, a legal meeting of any cor¬ poration cannot otherwise be called, any justice of the peace in the county where it is desirable to hold such meeting, or where such corporation is established, if it be local, may, 011 a written application of two or more members thereof, issue a warrant to either of said members, directing him to call a meeting of such corporation by giving such notice as is required in the preceding section. Ibid. Sec. 9. 11.] Whenever any meeting of any cor¬ poration shall be called by warrant from a justice of the peace, the person to whom such warrant is directed may call such meeting to order, and preside therein until a pre¬ siding officer is chosen and qualitied, if there be 110 officer present whose duty it may be to preside. Ibid. Sec. 10. 12.] When all the members of a corpo¬ ration shall be present at any meeting, however called or notitied, and shall sign a written consent thereto on the record of such meeting, the acts of such meeting shall be as valid as if legally called and notitied. Ibid. Sec. 11. 13.] If any execution shall have been issued against the property or effects of a corporation, and if there cannot be found whereon to levy such execution, then such execution may be issued against any of the stockholders to an extent equal in amount to the amount of stock by him or her owned, together with any amount unpaid thereon: Prodded, always, that no execution shall issue against any stockholder except upon an order of the court in which the action, suit or other proceeding shall have 254 been brought or instituted, made upon motion in open court, after sufficient notice in writing to the persons sought to be charged; and upon such motion, such court may order execution to issue according! v.1 o Ibid. Sec. 12. 14.] The clerk or other officer having charge of the books of any corporation, on demand of any officer holding any execution against the same, shall furnish the officer with the names, places of residence (so far as to him known), and the amount of liability of every person liable, as aforesaid. 1 bid. Sec. 13. 15.] The board of directors, trustees, or other body of persons lawfully exercising the corporate powers of any corporation, may require the subscribers of the capital stock of the company to pay the amount by them respectively subscribed, in such manner and in such installments as may be required by the by-laws. If any stockholder shall neglect to pay any installment, as required by a resolution of the board of directors, or persons exer¬ cising the corporate powers of such corporation, the directors, or other persons exercising such corporate powers, may declare his stock and all pervious pay- ments forfeited to the use of the company; but no stock shall be forfeited until they shall have caused a notice in writing to be served on him personally, or by depositing the same in the post-office (properly directed to him, at the postoffice nearest his usual place of residence), stating that he is required to make such payment, at the time and place specified in said notice, and that, if he fails to make the same, his stock, and all previous payments thereon, will be forfeited for the use of the company; which notice may be served as aforesaid, at least sixty days previous to the day on which such payment is required to be made. 1 bid. Sec. 14. 16.] The stock of every company formed under this act shall, be deemed personal estate, and shall (1) Under this section it has been held that the shareholder who owns the stock at the issuance of the execution is liable, and not the person who owned it at the time the debt was contracted. McLaren Franciscus, 43 Mo., 452. 255 be transferable in tbe manner prescribed by tlie laws of the company; but 110 shares sliall be transferred until all previous calls thereon sliall have been fully paid in. 1 bid. Sec. 15. 17.] All bodies corporate, by any suit at law, in any court in this State, may sue for, recover and receive from their respective members all arrears or other debts, dues and other demands which now are or hereafter may be owing to them, in like mode, manner and form as they might sue for, recover and receive the same from any person who might not be one of their body, any law, usage or custom to the contrary thereof notwithstanding. Ibid. Sec. 16. 18.] If the directors of any corporation shall knowingly declare and pay any dividend when the corporation is insolvent, or any dividend, the payment of which would render it insolvent, they shall be jointly and severally liable for all the debts of the corporation then existing, and for all that shall be thereafter contracted, as long as they shall, respectively continue in office : Provided, that the amount for which they shall all be so liable shall not exceed the amount of such dividend; and that if any of the directors shall be absent at. the time of making tbe dividend, or shall object thereto, and shall tile their objection in writing with the clerk, or other officer of the corporation having charge of the books, they shall be exempted from the said liability. Ibid. Sec. 17. 19.] Any corporation incorporated by any other State or country, and having property in this State, shall be liable to be sued, and the property of the same shall be subject to attachment, in the same manner as individuals, residents of other States or countries, and hav¬ ing property are now liable to be sued, and their property subject to be attached: Provided, that all railroad compan¬ ies who own and operate roads terminating opposite to the city of St. Louis, and whose chief office or place of business is in the city of St. Louis, shall be sued in the same man¬ ner, and no other, that railroad companies chartered by the laws of this State are now sued. 256 Ibid, Sec. 18. 20.] It shall be lawful for any corpora¬ tion to convey lands by deed, sealed with the common seal of said corporation, and signed by the president or the presiding member or trustee of said corporation ; and such deed, when acknowledged by such officer to be the act of the corporation, or proved in the usual form prescribed for other conveyances for lands, shall be recorded in the record¬ er's office of the county where the land lies, in like man¬ ner with other deeds.1 Ibid, Sec. 19. 21.] Upon the dissolution of any corpo¬ ration already created, or which may hereafter be created by the laws of this State, the president and directors, or managers of the affairs of the corporation at the time of its dissolution, by whatever name they may be known in law, shall be trustees of such corporation, with full power to settle the affairs, collect the outstanding debts, and divide the moneys and other property among the stockholders, after paying the debts due and owing by such corporation at the time of its dissolution, as far as such money and property will enable them; to sue for and recover such debts and property, by the name of the trustees of such corporation, describing it by its corporate name, and may be sued by the same ; and such trustees shall be jointly and severally responsible to the creditors and stockholders of such corporation to the extent of its property and effects that shall have come into their hands. Ibid. Sec. 20. 22.] If any company formed under this act dissolve, leaving debts unpaid, suits may be brought against any person or persons who were stockholders at the time of such dissolution, without joining the company in such suit; and if judgment be rendered and execution satisfied, the defendant or defendants may sue all who were stock¬ holders at the time of dissolution for the recovery of the portion of such debt for which they were liable, and the execution upon the judgment shall direct the collection to (1) Where an instrument purporting to be the act of the corporation has the common seal of the corporation attached to it, and the signatures of the proper officers are proved, it will be presumed that such officers had authority from the corporation to execute the same. Public Schools 7>s. Risley, 28 Mo., 415. See conveyances: ante. be made from property of each stockholder, respectively; and if any number of stockholders (defendants in the case) shall not have property enough to satisfy his or their por¬ tion of the execution, then the amount of deficiency shall be divided equally amongst all the remaining stockholders, and collections made accordingly deducting from the © %i 7 © amount a sum in proportion to the amount of stock owned by the plaintiff at the time the company dissolved. Ibid. Sec. 21. 23.] No charter of any corporation granted by the Legislature of this State shall be altered, suspended or repealed by such Legislature, unless proof be made satisfactory to the- Legislature that liotice of such proposed alteration, suspension or repeal has been given to the president and secretary of such corporation, for at least one month before the time at which such alteration, suspension or repeal will be proposed. Ibid. Sec. 22. 24.] A failure to elect directors on the day designated in the by-laws of any company incorpo¬ rated under the laws of this State, shall not have the effect of dissolving such incorporated company. Ibid. Sec. 2-3. 25.] In all actions which may be insti¬ tuted against any corporation or incorporated company, it shall be sufficient to issue a summons commanding the cor¬ poration, by their corporate name, to appear and answer1 the action; which summons shall be directed, as provided by this chapter, and returnable in like manner, and subject to the same rules and regulations as the like process in the case of individuals. Ibid. Sec. 24. 26.] When any such summons shall be issued against any banking or other incorporated company, service on the president or other chief officer of such company, or, in his absence, by leaving a copy thereof at any business office of said company with the person having charge thereof shall be deemed a sufficient service; and if the corporation have no business office in the county where suit is brought, or if no person shall be found in charge thereof, and the president or chief officer cannot be found in such county, a summons shall be issued directed to the 1!J 258 sheriff of any county in this State where the president or chief officer of such company may reside or be found, or where any officer or place of business may be kept of such company, and the service thereof shall he the same as above. Ibid. Sec. 25. 27.] On the return of such summons, served as aforesaid, the officer serving the same shall express in his return on whom, how and when the same had been executed; and if not on the chief officer, he shall express the absence of such officer, or that he cannot be found. Ibid. Sec. 26. 28.] Suits against corporations shall be commenced either in the county where the cause of action accrued, or in the county where such corporations have or usually keep an office or agent for transaction of their usual and customary business.1 Ibid. Sec. 27. 29.] All notices, orders and rules required to be served in the progress of any cause, shall be served in like manner as in other civil cases. Ibid. Sec. 28. 30.] In case the sheriff or other officer shall return any summons not served, and it shall be made to appear to the court that process cannot be served, the court or clerk thereof, in vacation, shall make an order directing the defendant to be notified of the commence¬ ment of the suit by publication, in the same manner as is provided by law for the notifying of non-resident defend¬ ants in civil actions. Ibid. Sec. 29. 31.] The process upon a judgment against any corporation shall be fieri facias, which the sheriff or other officer shall levy on the moneys, goods and chattels, lands and tenements of such corporation, and proceed thereon as in civil cases. I bid. Sec. 30. 32.] Proceedings against garnishees, under the provisions of this act, shall be the same as against the garnishee summoned in the case of an original (1) Process may be served on a railroad company in any county where there is any office or place of business of the company, although the president or chief officer may not be .found in the county, or reside therein. Dixon vs. H. & St J. R. R. Co., 31 Mo., 409. 259 attachment; but no judgment shall be rendered against him for any debt to become due at a future day, until after the same shall become due. Ibid. Sec. 31. 33.] For all moneys paid by any gar¬ nishee under this act be shall have credit against the cor¬ poration to whom it was due. Ibid. Sec. 32. 34.] If a sufficient sum be not made to satisfy such judgment and costs, other writs of execution may be issued, as aforesaid, from time to time, until the whole is satisfied. Ibid. Sec. 33. 35.] If any moneys remain in the hands of the officer after satisfying the judgment and all costs, he shall pay the same to the corporation or its order. Ibid. Sec. 34. 36.] Nothing contained in this chapter shall be construed to extend to any county or township, or to any public university, academy, seminary or school incorporated by the laws of this State. Ibid. Sec. 35. 37.] The records of any company incor¬ porated under the provisions of this law, or copies thereof, duly authenticated by the signature of the president and secretary of such company, under the corporate seal thereof, shall be competent evidence in any suit to which such com¬ pany may he a party. >'J" * ARTICLE II. RAILROAD COMPANIES. Gr. S. ch. 63. Sec. 1. 1.] Any number of persons, not less than five, may form a company for the purpose of con¬ structing, maintaining and operating a railroad for public use, in the conveyance of persons and property; and for that purpose may make and sign articles of association, in which shall he stated the name of the company; the num¬ ber of years the same is to continue; the places from and to which the road is to he constructed or maintained or operated; the length of such road, as near as may be, and the name of each county in the State through or into which 260 it is made or intended to be made; the amount of the cap¬ ital stock of the company, which shall not be less than ten thousand dollars for every mile of road constructed, or pro¬ posed to be constructed, and the number of shares of which said capital stock shall consist, and the names and places of residence of the directors of the company, not less than five nor over thirteen in number, who shall manage its affairs for the first year, and until others are chosen in their places. Each subscriber to such articles of association shall subscribe- thereto his name, place of residence, and the number of shares of stock he agrees to take in said company. On compliance with the provisions of the third section of this chapter, such articles of association may be filed in the office of the Secretary of State, who shall endorse thereon the day they are filed, and record the same in a book to be provided by him for that purpose; and thereupon the persons who have so subscribed to such articles of association, and all persons who shall become stockholders in such company, shall be a corporation by the name specified in such articles of association, and shall pos¬ sess the powers and privileges granted to corporations, and be subject to the provisions relating thereto, herein con¬ tained. ]hid. Sec. 2. 2.] Every corporation.formed under this chapter shall, in addition to the powers hereinbefore con¬ ferred, have power: 1. To cause such examination and survey for its pro¬ posed railroad to be made as may be necessary to the selec- lection of the most advantageous route; and for such pur¬ pose, by its officers, agents or servants, to enter upon the lands or waters of any person; but subject to responsibility for all damages which shall be done thereto. 2. To take and hold such voluntary grants of real estate . and other property as shall be made to it to aid in the con¬ struction, maintenance and accommodation of its railroads ; but the real estate received by voluntary grant shall be held and used for the purpose of such grant only. 3. To lay out its road, not exceeding one hundred feet 261 in width, aiuhto construct the same; and for the purposes of cuttings and embankments, to take as mucli more land as may be necessary for the proper construction and security of the road, and to cut down any standing trees that may be in danger of falling 011 the road, making com¬ pensation therefor, as provided in this act for lands taken for the use of the company. 4. To construct its road across, along or upon any stream of water, water course, street, highway, plank road, turnpike, or canal, which the route of its road shall inter¬ sect or touch ; but the company shall restore the stream, water course, street, highway, plank road, and turnpike, thus intersected or touched, to its former state, or to such state as not unnecessarily to have impaired its usefulness. Nothing herein contained-shall be construed to authorize the erection of any bridge or other obstruction across or over any stream navigated by steamboats, at the place where any bridge or other obstruction may be proposed to be placed, so as to prevent the navigation of such stream, nor to authorize the construction of any railroad not already located in, upon, or across any street in city, or road of any county, without the assent of the corporate authorities of said city, or the county court of such county. 5. To cross, intersect, join and unite its railroad with any other railroad before constructed, at any point in its route, and upon the grounds of such other railroad com¬ pany, with the necessary turnouts, sidings and switches, and other conveniences, in furtherance of the objects of its connections ; and every company whose railroad is or shall be hereafter intersected by any new railroad, shall unite with the owners of such new railroad in forming such intersections and connections, and grant the facilities afore¬ said ; and if the two corporations cannot agree upon the amount of compensation to be made therefor, or the points and manimr of such crossings and connections, the same shall be ascertained and determined by commissioners to be appointed by the court, as is provided in the chapter in respect to'acquiring title to real estate. 262 6. To take and convey persons and property on their railroad, by the power or force of steam or of animals, or by any mechanical power, and to receive compensation therefor. 7. To erect and maintain all necessary and convenient buildings, stations, fixtures and machinery for the accom¬ modation and use of their passengers, freights and business. 8. To regulate the time and manner in which passengers and property shall be transported, and the compensation to be paid therefor. 9. From time to time to borrow such sums of money as may be necessary for completing and finishing or operating their railroad, and to issue and dispose of their bonds for any amount so borrowed, and to mortgage their corporate property and franchises to secure the payment of any debt contracted by the company for the purposes aforesaid ; and the directors of the company may confer on any holder of any bond issued for money borrowed, as aforesaid, the right to convert the principal due or owing thereon into stock of said company, at any time not exceeding ten years from the date of the bond, under such regulations as the directors may see fit to adopt. Ibid. Sec. 3. 3.] Such articles of association shall not be filed and recorded in the office of the Secretary of State until at least one thousand dollars of stock for every mile of railroad proposed to be "made is subscribed thereto, and five per cent, paid thereon, in good faith and in cash, to the directors named in said articles of association; nor until there is indorsed thereon or annexed thereto an affi¬ davit, made by at least three of the directors named in said articles, that the amount of stock required by this section has been, in good faith, subscribed, and five per cent, paid in cash thereon, as aforesaid, and that it is intended, in good faith, to construct or maintain and operate the road mentioned in such articles of association; which affidavit shall be recorded with the articles of association, as afore¬ said. Ibid. Sec. 4. 4.] A copy of any articles of association filed and recorded in pursuance of this act, or of the record 263 thereof, with a copy of the affidavit aforesaid indorsed thereon or annexed thereto, and certified to he a copy by the Secretary of this State, shall be presumptive evidence of the incorporation of such company and of the facts therein stated. Ibid. Sec. 5. 5.] AVlien such articles of association and affidavit are tiled and recorded in the office of the Secretary of State, the directors named in such articles of association may, in case the whole of the capital stock is not before subscribed, open books of subscription to till up the capital stock of the company, in such places and after giving such notice as they may deem expedient, and may continue to receive subscriptions until the whole capital stock is sub¬ scribed. At the time of subscribing, every subscriber shall pay to the directors five per cent, on the whole amount subscribed by him in money, and no subscription shall be received or taken without such payment. 1 bid. Sec. 6. 6.] There shall be a board of not less than five nor over thirteen directors, of every corporation formed under this chapter, to manage its affairs. Said directors shall be chosen annually by a majority of the votes of the stockholders, at an annual election, which is hereby ordered to take place at the office of the company, on the first Tuesday of March in each and every year, in such manner as may be prescribed in the by-laws of the corporation; and they may and shall continue to be direct¬ ors until others are elected in their places. In the election of directors each stockholder shall be entitled to one vote for each share of stock held by him. Vacancies in the board of directors shall be filled in such manner as shall be prescribed by the by-laws of the corporation. The inspectors of the first election of directors shall be appointed by the board of directors named in the articles of associa¬ tion. Xo person shall be director unless he is a stock¬ holder, owning stock absolutely in his own right, and qual¬ ified to vote for directors at the election of which he shall be chosen. Every corporation formed under this chapter shall be subject to the following regulations concerning the election of directors, viz; 264 1. At every election for directors, three persons shall he chosen by the persons entitled to vote for directors, as inspectors of election, whose duty it shall be to act as such, and any two of whom shall be competent to act; and no person who has been a director of any railroad within twelve months last preceding, or any person holding any office under, or being in the employment of any board of directors, shall act as proxy for any stockholder at any election of directors. Each acting inspector shall be enti¬ tled to a reasonable compensation for his services, to be paid by the corporation for which he is chosen. 2. Ho person shall be chosen or appointed an inspector of an election of directors in a corporation of which he shall be a director or officer. 3. Every such inspector, before he shall enter on the duties of his office, shall take and subscribe the following oath, before any officer authorized by law to administer oaths : " I do solemnly swear that I will execute the duties of an inspector of the election now to be held,.with strict impartiality, and according to the best of my ability." 4. At every election of directors, the transfer books of the corporation shall be produced to test the qualifications of the voters; and no person shall be admitted to vote, directly or by proxy, except those in whose names the shares of the stock of the corporation shall stand on such books, and shall have so stood for at least thirty days pre¬ vious to the election. 5. Ho person shall be admitted to vote on any shares of stock belonging or hypothecated to the corporation in which the election is held. 6. If any election for directors in any such corporation shall not be held on the day appointed, it shall be the duty of the directors to notify and cause such election to be held within sixty days after the day so appointed; and on the day so notified, no person shall be admitted to vote except those who would have been entitled had the election taken place on the day when it ought to have been held. 7. Ho by-laws of any such corporation, regulating the 265 election of its directors, shall he valid, unless it shall he made at least sixty days before the day appointed for the election to be held. 8. Every such corporation shall keep a hook, in which the transfer of shares of its stock shall he registered; and another hook containing the names of its stockholders, which hook shall, at all times during the usual hours of business, for thirty days previous to an election of directors, he open to the examination of the stockholders. 9. If any officer having charge of such hooks shall, upon the demand of a stockholder, refuse or neglect to exhibit and submit them to examination, he shall for each offense, forfeit the sum of two hundred and fifty dollars. 10. If any person shall conceive himself aggrieved by an election, or any proceedings concerning an election of directors or officers in any such corporation, he may apply to the circuit court for redress, giving a reasonable notice of his intended application to the party to he affected thereby. 11. It shall be the duty of the circuit court, upon such application, to proceed forthwith, in a summary way, to hear the proofs and allegations of the parties, or otherwise to inquire into the causes of complaint, and thereupon to make such order and grant such relief as the circumstances and justice of the case shall seem to require. If the elec¬ tion complained of shall be set aside, the court may order a new election at such time and place as they shall appoint. 12. The circuit court, if thev cannot otherwise arrive at ' «j a satisfactory result, may order an issue between the parties to be made up, in such manner and form, and to be tried in such court as they shall select; or may permit or direct the attorney general to file an information, in the nature of a quo warranto, if the case be one in which that proceeding would be competent and effectual. 13. If any such issue shall be ordered, or information permitted or directed to be filed, it shall be the duty of the circuit court to make such further orders in relation to the time and mode of pleading, the examination of witnesses 2fH> i or the parties, the production of books and papers, and place of trial or hearing, as shall, in their judgment, he effectual for expediting the proceedings, saving expense to the parties, and causing a final determination to be had with as little delay as the nature of the controversy will permit; and the court may adjudge the costs according to equity. Ibid. Sec. 7. 7.] The directors shall appoint one of their number president; they may also appoint a treasurer and secretary, and such other officers and agents as shall he prescribed by the by-laws of the company. Ibid. Sec. 8. 8.] In case the capital stock of the com¬ pany formed under this chapter is found to be insufficient for constructing and operating its road, such company may with the concurrence of two-thirds, in amount of stock, of all its stockholders, increase its capital stock from time to time, to any amount required for the purposes aforesaid. Such increase must be sanctioned by a vote, in person or by proxy, of two-thirds in amount of stock, of all the stockholders of the company, at a meeting of such stock¬ holders called by the directors of the company for that purpose, by a notice in writing to each stockholder, to be served personally or by depositing the same (properly folded, and directed to him at the post office nearest his usual place of residence) in the postoffice, at least twenty days prior to such meeting. Such notice must state the time and place of the meeting and its object, and the amount to which it is proposed to increase the capital stock. The proceedings of such meeting must be entered on the minutes of the proceedings of the company, and thereupon the capital stock of the company may be increased to the amount sanctioned bv a vote of two- thirds in amount of stock of all the stockholders of the company, as aforesaid. 1 bid. Sec. 9. 9.] No person holding stock in any such company, or executor, administrator, guardian or trustee, and no person holding such stock as collateral security, shall be personally subject to any liability as stockholder of 267 such company; but the person pledging such stock shall he considered as holding the same, and shall he liable as a stockholder accordingly; and the estates and funds in the hands of such executor, administrator, guardian or trustee shall be liable, in like manner and to the same extent as the testator or intestate or the ward or person interested in such fund would have been if he had been living and com- petent to act and held the same stock in his own name. Ibid. Sec. 10. 10.] As often as any contractor for the construction of any part of a railroad, which is in progress of construction, shall be indebted to any laborer, for thirty or any less number of days' labor performed in construct¬ ing said road, such laborer may give notice of such indebt¬ edness to said company in the manner herein provided, and said company shall thereupon become liable to pay such laborer the amount so due him for such labor, and action may be maintained against said company therefor. Such notice shall be given by said laborer to said company within twenty days after the performance of the number of days' labor for which the claim is made. Such notice shall be in writing, and shall state the amount and number of days' labor, and the time when the said labor was performed for which the claim is made, and the name of the contractor from whom due, and shall be signed by such laborer or his attorney, and shall be served on an engineer, agent or superintendent employed by said company, having charge of the section of the road on which such labor was per¬ formed, personally, or by leaving the same in the office or usual place of business of such engineer, agent or superin¬ tendent, with some person of suitable age; but no action shall be maintained against any company under the provis¬ ions of this section, unless the same is commenced within thirty days after notice is given to the company by such laborer, as above provided.1 Ibid. Sec. 11. 11.] Any company shall have power, by themselves or agents, to enter and take from any land in (1) Peters vs. Iron Mountain Railroad Co., 23 Mo., 107; S. C. 24 Ibid. 586; Mooney vs. H. & St Jo. Railroad Co., 28 Mo., 570; Granuban vs. H. & St. Jo. Railroad Co., 30 Mo., 546. \ 268 the neighborhood of the line of their railroad, earth gravel, stone, wood, water, or other material necessary for the con¬ struction and operation of said road, and also for the pur¬ pose of depositing thereon earth, stone, gravel, &c.; and, for the purpose of procuring water for their uses, may lay pipes, erect pumps, dams and reservoirs, and maintain and keep the same in repair, paying, if the owner of said lands and the said company can agree, the damages they shall do to said land or its appurtenances; or, if they cannot agree, the damages shall be ascertained by any three impartial and disinterested householders, who, being appointed for that purpose by any justice of the peace, thereto required by either of the parties, shall be sworn by him impartially and faithfully to discharge the duties devolving on them; and shall then ascertain the compensation, upon their own view of the grounds, and of the wood, earth, stone or gravel, which may have been taken therefrom, or the earth, stone, gravel, &c., that may have been deposited thereon, and the injury done in taking them, or depositing thereon : Provided, that it shall be the duty of the party making the application to show to the justice of the peace that ten days' previous notice of the time of making the same has been given to the .other party or to some one of them; and no award which maybe given under any appointment, without such notice, shall be oblig¬ atory or binding on the other party; and either party not satisfied with the award, may appeal to the circuit court of the county in which said land may be, which may, at its discretion, confirm the said award and enter it of record ; or, as often as they may deem it necessary, may supercede the said viewers, or any of them, appoint others in their stead, and direct another view and award to be made, in the manner aforesaid. If any justice of the peace, or any freeholder, shall refuse or neglect to perform the duties assigned to them, respectively, or prescribed in this section upon being thereto required by either party, as aforesaid, such justice or freeholder shall forfeit and pay to the party making the application a sum not exceeding twenty-five dollars to be recovered before any justice of the peace-of I 269 the county of which he is an inhabitant, and shall, more¬ over be liable to the party aggrieved: Prodded, that the provisions of this section shall not apply to any action now pending, or to any cause of action now existing. *Ibid. Sec. 12. 12.] Every company formed under this chapter, before constructing any part of their road into or through any county named in their articles of association, and shall make a map and profile of the route intended to be adopted by such company in such county, which shall he certified by the president and engineer of the company or a majority of the directors, and filed in the office of the clerk of the county in which the road is to he made. The company shall give written notice to all actual occupants of the land over which the route of the road is so desig¬ nated, and which has not been purchased by or given to the company. Acts 1869, p. 74. 13 .] That the directors of any com¬ pany organized under the provisions of this chapter, may, by a vote of two-thirds of their whole number, at any time change their road-bed, or road-line, or any part thereof, for the purpose of shortening the line, or to overcome natural objections thereto, or to secure economy in its construction, and when the capital stock of such company, subscribed, and the amount paid thereon, shall he equal to or exceed the amount per mile, including the proposed extension, which by the third section of this chapter is required to he subscribed and paid before filing the original articles of asso¬ ciation, then such company may, by a like vote of its direct¬ ors, at any time, extend their line or road-bed from either terminus named in their original charter, to such other point as shall be named in such proceedings of such company. Such proceedings in relation to the extension of their road, shall be entered on the records of the company, and a copy of such proceedings, with an affidavit as required by the third section of said chapter, endorsed thereon, shall be filed in the office of the Secretary of State, and by him recorded and certified as the original articles of association. But ^Section 12 Repealed March 24, 1870. 270 nothing contained in this act shall be so construed as to authorize such company to change the general route of their line or road-bed, or to avoid running their road through any point named in the original articles of associa¬ tion, or either terminus named therein, or to change the last established terminus, except by extension of their road, as aforesaid. G. S., ch. 63. Sec. 14. 14.] The right of way is hereby, granted to any railroad company through any unimproved land belonging to this State, through which their railroad may pass; and in case any more land belonging to this State shall be required for the purpose of any railroad cor¬ poration than is needed for the track of the road, and in case any improved land belonging to the State shall be necessary for the purpose of any railroad corporation, the Secretary of State shall have power to grant to any rail¬ road company any land belonging to this State,which may be required for the purposes of their road, on such terms as may be agreed on between said Secretary of State and said company; or such company may acquire title thereto by appraisal, as in the case of land owned by individuals; and if any land belonging to a county, city or town is required by any company for the purposes of their road, the county, or city or town officers having charge of such land, may grant to such company, on such terms as may be agreed upon, or the land may be appraised in the manner aforesaid. Ibid. Sec. 15. 15.] In case any title or interest in real estate required by any company formed under this chapter for the purpose of its incorporation, shall be vested in any trustee not authorized to sell, release and convey the same, or in any infant, idiot or person of unsound mind, the circuit court shall have power, by a summary proceeding on petition, to authorize and empower such trustee, or the court having probate jurisdiction, or the special guardian of such infant, idiot, or person of unsound mind, to sell and convey the same to such company, for the purposes of its incorporation, on such terms-as maybe just; and in case any such infant, idiot, or person of unsound mind, is not 111 charge of said court or guardian, the said court may appoint a special guardian for the purpose of making such sale, release or conveyance, and may require such security from such special guardian as said court may deem proper. But before any conveyance or release authorized by this section shall he executed, the terms on which the same is to be executed shall be reported to the court on oath; and if the court is satisfied that such terms are just to the parties interested in such real estate, the court shall confirm the report and direct the proper conveyance or release to he executed, which shall have the same effect as if executed by an owner of said land, having legal power to sell and convey the same. Ibid. Sec. 16. 16.] In all cases when it becomes neces¬ sary for any railroad company to acquire title to any unsold sixteenth section, or other school lands required for the- purposes of the incorporation, it shall he lawful in pro¬ ceedings instituted by such railroad company to acquire title thereto, to notify the county school commissioner of the county in which such land, or the greater part thereof, is situate, or if there be no such commissioner qualified to act, then such notice may be served upon the presiding justice of the county court of the county in which such land, or the greater part thereof, is situate; and like pro¬ ceedings shall be had as in other cases. Ibid, Sec. 17. 17.] It shall be lawful for the county court of any county, the city council of any city, or the trustees of any incorporated town, to take stock for such county, city or town, in or loan the credit thereof to any railroad company duly organized under this or any other law of the State : Prodded, that two-thirds of the qualified voters of such county, city or town, at a regular or special election to be held therein, shall assent to such subscription. Ibid, Sec. 18. 18-] Upon the making of such subscrip¬ tion by any county court, city or town, as provided for in the previous section, such county, city or town, shall thereupon become, like other subscribers to such stock, entitled to the privileges granted, and subject to the liabil- 272 ities imposed by this chapter, or by the charter of the com¬ pany in which such subscriptions shall be made; and in order to raise funds to pay the installments which may be called for from time to time by the board of directors of such railroad, it shall be the duty of the county court or city council, or trustees of such town, making such subscription, to issue their bonds, or levy a special tax upon all property made taxable by law for county purposes, and upon the actual capital that all merchants and grocers and other business men may have invested in business in the county, city or town, to pay such installments, to be kept apart from other funds, and appropriated to no other purpose than the payment of such subscription; but the total amount of tax levied for railroad purposes in any one year, in any county, city or town, shall not exeed thirty per centum of the sub¬ scription made by such county, city or town. 1870, March 24. 19.] For all such taxes levied and col¬ lected for railroad purposes, the county court, or the city council, or town trustees, as the case may be, shall cause to be issued and delivered to the persons paying such special tax a certificate for the amounts thereof paid; and such cer¬ tificate shall state the county, city or town in which, and the railroad for which the tax was collected, and shall be transferable by the holders thereof, and convertible into stock of such railroad, and shall authorize the secretary of said company to transfer an equal amount of stock therein belonging to the county, city or town, whenever presented in amounts equal to one or more entire shares of the stock of such railroad. And when such transfer is made, said company shall issue a certificate of stock to the person entitled thereto, or his legal representatives, for the number of full shares thus transferred: Provided, that no such certificate of stock shall issue upon such transfer unless the full amount of the par value thereon shall have first been paid to the railroad company by the county court, or city council, or trustees: And provided, further, that the total amount of stock certificates, so to be issued, shall not exceed the amount of the subscription made by such county, city or town, and in case any of the tax payers in 27-3 any county, city, or town, in wliicli a railroad tax shall he levied shall have subscribed to the capital stock of any railroad to which the countv, citv, or town shall have sub- •j 7 %> 1 scribed, the same shall be entitled to have credited on the back of their certificates of stock by the collector of said county, city, or town, the amount of the taxes levied and assessed against them on account of said railroad, until the aggregate amount of such credits shall be ecpial to the amount of their subscriptions respectively, but thereafter such subscribers shall be liable to the tax aforesaid, as other persons, and the collector of such tax shall take the receipt of the party receiving such credit, which shall be a voucher in the hands of such collector, and the amount be credited to him on his settlements. The assessment, collection and payment of the taxes authorized by this section shall be provided for and enforced as any other taxes for county or highway purposes, and the county court, city council, or town trustees may require additional security from the collector; and for any of the objects contemplated by this section, the county court of any county, or the city council, or trustees of any town, of any city or town interested, may appoint and empower an agent to represent the county, city or town, subscribe or transfer its stock, give its vote and receive its dividend, if any, and such agent to change at pleasure: prorfi/fd, however, that such agent shall be entitled to vote the entire amount of the paid up shares of such county, city, or town and no more. G. S., ch. 03. Sec. 20. 20.] Any county subscribing for railroad stock, which shall have internal improvement funds, or overflowed or swamp lands, granted to it by the State, may apply such funds or mortgage or sell such over¬ flowed or swamp lands to pay such subscription, or any part thereof, and provide for the remainder, if any, by the tax as aforesaid; and any county, city or town subscribing as aforesaid, may (if so required by the railroad company, to raise funds to pay the installments in anticipation of the collection and payment of its railroad tax) issue the bonds of such city, county or town, of denominations not exceed¬ ing one thousand dollars, and bearing interest at a rate not exceeding seven per cent, per annum. ao 274 Ibid. Sec. 21. 21.] Ally county court, city or town wlikh lias heretofore subscribed to the capital stock of any railroad in this State, shall be entitled to the privileges and subject to the liabilities of other stockholders in such com¬ pany, and the county court, or city or town council shall have all the rights and powers to provide funds to pay such subscription as are granted to county courts and cities by this chapter, and may levy a special tax to pay the interest on their bonds, or to provide a sinking fund to pay the principal. Acts 1870, March 24. 22.] Any county, court, city council or trustees of any town, refusing to perform any of the duties required of them by this chapter, may be pro¬ ceeded against by writ of mandamus, to be sued out of the circuit court of the count v. t/ N G. S. ch. 63. Sec. 23. 23.] E very conductor, baggage- master, engineer, brakeman, or other servant of any railroad corporation, employed in a passenger train, or at stations for passengers, shall wear upon his hat or cap a badge which shall indicate his office, and the initial letters of the style of the corporation by which he is employed. Xo conductor or collector without such badge shall be entitled to demand or receive from any passenger any fare or ticket, or to exercise any of the powers of his office; and no officer or servant without such badge shall have authority to meddle or interfere with any passenger, his baggage or property. Ibid. Sec. 24. 24.] If any agent, treasurer, paymaster, conductor or other person to whose possession or custody any of the moneys of any railroad company may come, shall convert any of such moneys to his own use, he shall be deemed guilty of embezzlement, and shall be punished in the same manner and to the same extent as if he had stolen the amount so embezzled; and a neglect or refusal to pay over such moneys, upon demand, shall be deemed prima facie evidence of his having embezzled the same. Ibid. Sec. 25. 25-] Every railroad corporation, formed under this chapter, shall annually report to tbe Secretary 275 of State the number of miles of roacl completed, and the number unfinished; the cost per mile of that finished, and other estimated costs of the projected portion; the amount of rolling stock, the gross and net receipts, the amount of stock subscribed, and amount paid, and such other items as may be necessary to show the condition of the company. Ibid. Sec. 26. 26.] Any such corporation which shall neglect to make the report, as is provided in the preceding section, shall be liable to a penalty of two hundred and fifty dollars, to be recovered by indictment, before any court having competent jurisdiction. Ibid. Sec. 27. 27.] Any railroad company may open and keep an interest account with their stockholders, from the dates of their payments on their subscription, respect¬ ively; and in order to place all their stockholders on an equal footing, may allow interest from the dates of such payments, payable in stock, for such time and under such regulations as the board of directors may prescribe. Ibid. Sec. 28. 28.] If any member passenger shall refuse to pay his fare, or shall behave in an offensive manner, or by repeated violations of the rules of the company, it shall be lawful for the conductor of the train and the servants of the corporation to put him and his baggage out of the cars, using no unnecessary force, at any usual stopping place or near any dwelling house, as the conductors shall elect, on stopping the train. Ibid. Sec. 29. 29.] Every railroad corporation in this State, which now is or may hereafter be engaged in the transportation of passengers or property, shall give public notice of the regular time of starting and running its cars, and shall furnish sufficient accommodations for the trans¬ portation of all such passengers, baggage, mails and express freight as shall, within a reasonable time previous thereto, be offered for transportation at the place of starting, at the junction of other railroads and at the several stopping places; and they are hereby required to stop all trains carrying passengers at the junction or inter¬ section of other railroads, a sufficient length of time to 276 allow the transfer of. passengers, personal baggage, mails and express freight, from the trains of railroads so connecting or intersecting, or tliey may mutually arrange for the transportation of such persons and property over both roads without change of cars, and they shall be compelled to receive all passengers and freight from such connecting or intersecting roads, whenever the same shall be delivered to them. Ibid. Sec. 30. 30.] such railroad corporation shall charge exceeding six cents per mile for passage money, except when the amount is a fraction of five cents, in which case the fraction may be added. This section shall not be construed to prevent an additional charge as provided by the act of Congress to meet the Congressional tax imposed on all passenger receipts, and also to meet the special tax required by the constitution of this State. Ibid. Sec. 31. 31.] E very such railroad corporation shall arrange and classify all property usually carried by them over their roads, and shall affix thereto the rates respectively at which the same shall be transported between the several stations or points of connection or intersection of other roads, which rate shall be per one hundred pounds, and shall not exceed, for distance less than fifty miles, twenty cents per ton per mile for first class, fifteen cents per ton per mile for second class, and ten cents per ton per mile for third class articles; for distances of fifty miles and over, but less than one hundred miles, fifteen cents per ton per mile for first class, ten cents per ton per mile for second class, and seven cents per ton per mile for third class articles; for distances of one hundred miles or more, ten cents per ton per mile for first class, eight, cents per ton per mile for second class, and five cenfs per ton per mile for third or other classes: Provided, that this shall'not be deemed to apply to articles usually considered extra hazardous, like acids and gunpowder, or especially liable to damage, like looking-glasses and furniture, or of great bulk in proportion to weight, like baskets and feathers, or difficult to handle, like heavy machinery and large safes: And. 'provided, that the same shall not apply to transportation 277 of live stock and lumber, which may he a rate per car; and that they shall he entitled to charge not less than fifty cents for each single package or lot of freight; and such classifica¬ tion, rates and rules governing transportation shall he posted in all the offices or stations of such companies for the receiving of freight, and shall at all times he open for the examination of the public, and no such corporation shall he entitled to charge more than such published rates; hut nothing in this section shall prevent railroad companies from contracting with shippers for transporting freight by express or passenger trains at such rates as the parties may agree upon. Ibid. Sec. -32. 32.] All railroad corporations may con¬ tract with each other, or with other corporations, in any manner not inconsistent with the scope, object and purpose of their creation and mangement. Ibid. Sec. 33. 33.] Every such railroad corporation is hereby required to receive all freight or live stock which may be offered for transportation at the place of starting, at the junction of other roads, and at usual stopping places, and shall take, transport and deliver the same, without unnecessary delay, according to contract. Ibid. Sec. 34. 34.] Whenever such railroad corpora¬ tion may wish to change the time of running its passenger trains, due notice shall be given to the proper officer-of other connecting railroads of the time when trains will arrive and depart at such points of intersection or connection, to enable such other railroad companies to conform the running of their trains thereto. Ibid. Sec. 35. 35.] If any such railroad corporation shall have transported any freight which shall not be called for within six months, or on which the charges shall not have been paid for twenty days, they may sell the same, after giving not less than ten days' notice, by posting where such articles are stored, and also by publishing the same in the nearest local paper; and any sums of money received from the proceeds of such sale, after paying ail charges and expenses of sale, shall be paid into the county treasury for 278 the benefit of tlie owner, if lie shall thereafter appear; bat if such money he not claimed within one year, it shall go into the school fund of the county. Ibid. Sec. 36. 36.] All baggage, when taken for trans¬ portation, shall he checked, if there is a handle, loop or fixture, so that the same can he attached, and a duplicate thereof given to the passenger or person delivering the same; and if such check he refused on demand, the corporation shall pay to such passenger the sum of ten dollars, to he recovered in a civil action; and further, no fare or toll shall he collected or received from such passenger, and if such passenger shall have paid his fare, the same shall he refunded; and on producing such check, or if he have no check, on demanding his baggage, it it he y o co o y not delivered to him, he shall recover the value thereof. Ibid. Bee. 37. 37.} In forming a passenger train, hag- gage, freight, merchandise or lumber cars shall not be placed in rear of passenger cars; and if they, or any of them, shall he so placed, the officer or agent who so directed or knowingly suffered such an arrangement, and the con¬ ductor of the train, shall he deemed guilty of a misde¬ meanor, and he punished accordingly. Ibid. Sec. 38. 38.] A hell shall he placed on each locomotive engine, and be rung at a distance of at least eighty rods from the place where the railroad shall cross any traveled public road or street, and he kept ringing until it shall have crossed such road or street; or a steam whistle shall he attached to each locomotive engine, and be sounded at least eighty rods from the place where the rail¬ road shall cross any such road or street, except in cities, and he sounded at intervals until it shall have crossed such road or street, under a penalty of twenty dollars for every neg¬ lect of the provisions of this section, to he paid by the cor¬ poration owning the railroad, to he sued for by the circuit attorney of the proper circuit, within ten days after such penalty was incurred, one-half thereof to go to the informer, and the other half to the county; and said cor- \ V 279 poration shall also T>e liable for all damages which shall he sustained by any person by reason of sncli neglect.1 Ibid. Sec. 39. 39.] Every such corporation shall cause boards to be placed, well supported by posts or otherwise, and constantly maintained across each traveled public road or street, where the same is crossed bv the railroad on the ' «/ same level. Said boards shall be elevated, so as not to obstruct the travel and to be easily seen by the travelers; and on each side of such boards shall be painted, in capital letters, of at least the size of nine inches each, the words, "Kailroad crossing; look out for the cars." But this section shall not apply to streets in cities or villages, unless the corporation shall be required to put up such boards by the officers having1 charge of such streets. O O I bid. Sec. 40. 40 .] If any person shall, while in charge of a locomotive engine running upon the railroad of any such corporation, or while acting as the conductor of a car, or train of cars, on any such railroad, be intoxicated, he shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor. Ibid. Sec. 41. 41 .] If any person or persons shall wil¬ fully do, or cause to be done, any act or acts whatever, whereby any building, construction or work of any railroad corporation, or any engine, machine or structure, or any matter or thing appertaining to the same, shall be stopped, obstructed, impaired, weakened or destroyed, the person or persons so often ding shall be guilty of a misdemeanor, and shall forfeit and pay to said corporation treble the amount of damages sustained by means of such offense. Ibid. Sec. 42. 42.] All penalties imposed upon railroad companies by this chapter may be sued for in the name of the State of Missouri; and if such penalty be for a sum not exceeding one hundred dollars, then such suit may be brought before a justice of the peace, and may be com¬ menced by serving a summons on any director of such company. (1) Rohback vs. Pacific Railroad Co., 43 Mo., 1S7. 280 Ibid. Sec. 48. 43.] Every railroad corporation formed or to be formed in tliis State, and every corporation formed or to be formed under this chapter, shall erect and main¬ tain good and substantial fences on the sides of the road where the same passes through, along or adjoining inclosed or cultivated fields, or uninclosed prairie lands, of the height of at least five feet, with openings and gates or bars therein, and farm crossings of the road, for the use of the proprie¬ tors or owners of the lands adjoining such railroads; and also to construct and maintain cattle guards at all railroad crossings where fences are required, as aforesaid, suitable and sufficient to prevent horses, cattle, mules and all other animals from getting on the railroad. Until such fences, openings, and gates or bars, farm crossings or cattle guards shall be duly made and maintained, such corporation shall be liable in double the amount for all damages which shall be done by its agents,-engines or cars to horses, cattle, mules or other animals on said road, or by reason of any horses, cattle, mules, or other animals escaping from or coming upon said lands, fields or enclosures, occasioned in either case by the failure to construct or maintain such fences or cattle guards. After such fences, gates or bars, farm cross¬ ings and cattle guards shall be duly made and maintained, said corporation shall not be liable for any such damages, unless negligently or wilf'ullj done. If any corporation afore¬ said, shall fail, neglect or refuse, for and during the period of three months after the completion of its road through or along the lands, fields or enclosures hereinbefore named, to erect or maintain any fence, opening, gates or bars, or farm crossings or cattle guards, as herein required, then the owner or proprietors of the said lands, fields or enclosures, may erect and maintain such fences, openings, gates or bars, or farm crossings or cattle guards, and shall there¬ upon have a right to sue and recover from such corporation, in any court of competent jurisdiction, the full value of such fences, openings or gates, bars, cattle guards or farm crossings; and if any person shall ride, lead or drive any horse or other animal upon such road, and within such fences and guards other than a farm crossing, without 281 the consent of the corporation, he shall, for every such offense, forfeit and pay a sum not exceeding* ten dollars, and shall also pay all damages which shall he sustained thereby to the party aggrieved. It shall not be lawful for any person, other than those connected with or employed upon the railroad, to walk along the track or tracks of any railroad, except where the same shall be laid along public roads or streets.1 Ibid. Sec. 41. 44 .] Every corporation shall, within a reasonable time after their"road shall be constructed, cause to be made a map and profile thereof, located in different counties, and file the same in the office for recording deeds in the county in which such parts of said roads shall be. Every such,map shall be drawn on a scale and on paper to be designated by the Secretary of State, and certified and signed by the president or engineer of such corporation. Ibid. Sec. 45. 45.] In case any passenger on any rail¬ road shall be injured while on the platform of a car, or in any baggage, wood or freight car, in violation of the printed regulations of the company, posted up at the time, in a conspicuous place inside of its passenger cars, then in the train, said company shall not be liable for the injury: Pro¬ vided, such company, at the time, furnished room inside the passenger cars sufficient for the proper accommodation of the passengers. Acts 1869, p. 73. 46.] If any corporation formed under this chapter, shall not, within two years after its articles of association arc filed and recorded in the office of the Secre¬ tary of State, begin the construction of its road, and shall not, with one year thereafter, expend thereon not less than ten per cent, on the amount of its capital, or shall not finish its road and put it in operation in ten years from the time of filing its articles of association, as aforesaid, its cor¬ porate existence and powers shall cease: Provided', that if a (1) Gorman 7>s. Pacific Railroad Co., 26 Mo., 441; Burton <>s. North Missouri Railroad Co., 150 Mo., 672; Brown vs. Hannibal & St. Jo. Railroad Co., 36 Mo., 609; Quck vs. H. & St. Jo. Railroad Co., 61 Mo., 699; Dyer vs. Pacific Railroad Co., 34 Mo., 127; Ibid, 177; Ibid, 242; Price vs. H. & St. Jo. Railroad Co., 35 Mo., 188; Powell vs. H. & St. Jo. Railroad Co., 35 Mo., 457; Calvert vs. Hannibal & Joseph Railroad Co., 38 Mo., 467. 282 portion of their road shall he finished and in operation, they shall continue their corporate existence, with power to hold and manage the portion of their road so constructed, and for no other purpose. (Jr. ('h. 68. Sec. 47. 47.] The Legislature may, at any time alter or amend this chapter, hut such alteration or amendment shall not impair the rights of companies previ¬ ously organized, or take away or impair any remedy given against any such corporation, its stockholders or officers, for any liability which shall have been previously incurred. Ibid. Sec. 48. 48.] All existing railroad corporations within this State, and such as may be hereafter chartered or formed, shall, respectively, have and possess all the pow¬ ers and privileges contained in this chapter; and they shall be subject to all the duties, liabilities and provisions not inconsistent with the provisions of their charter herein con¬ tained. Ibid. Sec. 49. 49.] All railroads being operated in this State, under general or special laws, shall keep correct accounts of the time at which any freight is received for shipment, and shall transport the same in its proper time; and when in the trial of any cause in any court, a party shall be entitled to have produced at such trial the books and papers of the company, including the receipt and freight books, as well as the account of the shipments of such company, he shall have such access to such books and papers as may be necessary, when authorized by an order of court, as is now provided in other civil cases. Ibid. Sec. 50. 50.] All street or horse railroads that have heretofore been organized under "An act to authorize the formation of railroad associations, and to regulate the same," approved December 13, 1855, and whose right of wav has been assented by the common council of the citv in which they are located, be and the same are hereby con¬ firmed in all their rights and franchises, as set forth in their articles of association, and amendments to the same, on file in the office of the Secretary of State. 2.83 SUPPLEMENT. Arts 1888, p. 02. 51.] "Whenever twenty-live persons, tax-payers and residents in any mnnieipal township, for election purposes, in any county in this State, shall petition the countv court, of such county, setting forth their desire, «y « 1 C? ' as a township, to subscribe to the capital stock of any rail¬ road company in this State, building or proposing to build a railroad into, through or near such township, and stating the amount of such subscription, and the terms and condi¬ tions on which they desire such subscription shall be made, it shall be the duty of the county court, as soon as may be thereafter, to order an election to be held in such township to determine if such subscription shall be made; which election shall be conducted and returns made in accordance with the law controling general and special elections; and if it shall appear, from the returns of such election, that not less than two-thirds of the cpialified voters of such township voting at such election are in favor of such sub¬ scription, it shall be the duty of the county court to make such subscription in behalf of such township, according to the terms and conditions thereof, and if such conditions provide for the issue of bonds in payment of such subscrip¬ tion, the county court shall issue such bonds'in the name of the county, with coupons for interest attached; but the rate of interest shall not exceed ten per cent, per annum; and the same shall be delivered to the railroad company. Ibid, p. 03. 52.] In order to meet the payments on account of the subscription to the stock, according to its terms, or to pay the interest and principal on any bond which may be issued on account of such subscription, the county court shall, from time to time, levy and cause to he collected in the same manner as county taxes, a special tax, which shall be levied on all the real estate lying within the township making the subscription in accordance with the valuation then last made by the county assessor for county purposes. Ibid. p. 93. 53.] The county treasurer shall be author¬ ized and required to receive and collect of the sheriff of 284 the county the income from the tax provided in the pre¬ vious section, and to apply the same to the payment of the stock subscription according to its terms, or to the pay¬ ments of interest and principal on the bonds, should any be issued in payment of such subscription; he shall pay all interest on such bonds out of any money in the treasury collected for this purpose, by the tax so levied, as the same becomes due, and also the bonds as they mature, which shall be canceled by the county court, and this service sliall be considered a part of his duty as county treasurer. Ibid. p. 94. 54.] Persons paying taxes to pay the stock subscription, made in accordance with the provisions of this act, or the bonds issued in payment of such subscription, shall receive from the collector a certificate, setting forth, in a definite manner, the facts, ;md such certificates, in sums of one hundred dollars, shall be convertible into the stock of the railroad company receiving the subscription, and the county court shall hold the stock subscribed in behalf of any township, in trust for such tax payers, to be transferred as they become entitled to it; and all persons residing in said township, or owning property subject to taxation therein, if they shall have in good faith subscribed to the capital stock of the railroad company receiving the subscription of such township, and paid assessments on the same, as they have been made by the company, shall, to the extent of such subscription, receive credit on their tax, levied in such township, to pay such railroad sub¬ scription. Ibid. p. 94. 55.] In all cases hereafter where a rail¬ road or branch railroad in this State shall be built in whole or in part by subscriptions to its stock by counties, cities or townships, the proceeds of all State and county taxes, levied upon such railroad company or branch so built, or the prop¬ erty thereof, shall be paid into the treasury of the counties where collected, and the county treasurers shall apportion the same, according to their several subscriptions, to such counties, cities or townships so subscribing stock, until the whole amount of such subscription is refunded to them ; and such sums so apportioned shall be paid over to the county or city treasurer, and applied to the payment of the interest and principal of the bonds issued by such county or city 011 account of tlieir subscription stock, as aforesaid, if any are outstanding', and if not, it shall by them be placed to the credit of the school fund in such county, city or township. Acts 1870, March 24. 56.] Any two or more railroad companies in this State existing under either general or special laws, and owning railroads, constructed wholly or in part, which, when completed and connected, will form in the whole or in the main, one continuous line of railroad, are hereby authorized to consolidate, in the whole or in the main, and form one compaii}*, owning and coutroling such continu¬ ous line of road, with all the powers, rights, privileges, and immunities and subject to all the obligations and liabilities to the State, or otherwise, which belonged to or rested upon either of the companies making such consolidation. I11 order to accomplish such consolidation, the companies interested may enter into contract, fixing the terms and condition thereof, which shall first be ratified and approved by a majority in interest of all the stock held in each com¬ pany or road proposing to consolidate, at a meeting of the stockholders, regularly called for the purpose; or by the approval in writing of the persons, or parties, holding and representing a majority of such stocks. A certified copy of such articles of agreement, with the corporate name to be assumed by the new company, shall be filed with the Secretary of State, when the consolidation shall be considered duly consummated ; and a certified copy from the office of Sec¬ retary of State, shall be deemed conclusive evidence thereof. T1 ic board of directors of the several companies, may then proceed to carry out such contract according to its provis¬ ions, calling in the certificates of stock then outstanding, • in the several companies', or roads, and issuing certificates of stock, in the new consolidated company, under such corporate name as may have been adopted: Provided, however, that the foregoing provisions of this section, shall not be construed to authorize the consolidation of any rail¬ road companies or roads, except when by such consolida- 286 tion, a continuous line of road is secured, running in the whole, or in the main, in the same general direction: And, provided, it shall not he lawful for said roads to consolidate in the whole or in part, when by so doing, it will deprive the public of the benefit of competition between said roads ; and in case any such railroad companies shall consolidate, .or attempt to consolidate their roads contrary to the pro¬ visions of this act, such consolidation shall he void, and any person or party aggrieved, whether stockholders or not, may bring action against them in the circuit court of any county through which such road may pass, which court shall have jurisdiction in the case, and power to restrain by injunction, or otherwise; and in case any railroad in this State shall hereafter intersect any such consolidated road, said road or roads shall have the riclit to run their freight cars, without breaking bulk, upon said consolidated road, and such consolidated road, shall transact the business of said intersecting or connecting road or roads, on fair and reasonable terms, and the same may he enforced by appro¬ priate legislation. Before any railroad company shall con¬ solidate their roads, under the provisions of this act, they shall each tile with the Secretary of State a resolution accepting the provisions thereof, to he signed by their respective presidents, and attested by their respective secre¬ taries, under the seal of their respective companies, which resolution shall ha\yc been passed by a majority vote of the stock of each, at a meeting of the stockholders thereof, to he called for the purpose of considering the same. Ibid. 57.] Any railroad company heretofore incorpo¬ rated or hereafter organized in pursuance of law, may at any time, by means of subscription to the capital stock of any other railroad company, or otherwise, aid such company in the construction of its railroad, within or without the State, for the purpose of forming a connection of the last. mentioned road, with the road owned by the company fur¬ nishing such aid; or any such railroad company which may have built its road to the boundry line of the State, may extend into the adjoining State, and for that purpose may buihl or buy, or lease a railroad in such adjoining State, 287 and operate the same, and may own such real estate and other property, in such adjoining State, as may be conven¬ ient in operating such road; or any railroad company organized in pursuance of the laws of this or any other State, or of the United States, may lease or purchase all or any part of a railroad with all of its privileges, rights, franchises, real estate, and other property, the whole or a part of which is in this State, and constructed, owned or leased by any other company, if the lines of the road or roads of said companies are continuous or connected at a point either within or without this State, upon such terms as may be agreed upon between said companies respect¬ ively, or any railroad company, duly incorporated, and existing under the laws of an adjoining State, or of the United States, may extend, construct, maintain, and operate its railroad into and through this State, and for that purpose shall possess and exercise all the rights, pow¬ ers and privileges, conferred by the general laws of this State, upon railroad corporations, organized thereunder, and shall be subject to all the duties, liabilities and provis¬ ions of the laws of this State, concerning railroad corpora¬ tions, as fully as if incorporated in this State: Provided, that no such aid shall be furnished, nor any purchase, lease, sublcting, or arrangements perfected until a meeting of the stockholders of the said company or companies of this State, party or parties to such agreement, whereby a rail¬ road in this State may be aided, purchased, leased, sublet or affected by such arrangement, shall have been called by the directors thereof, at such time and place, and in such manner, as they shall designate, and the holders of a majority of the stock of such company, in person or by proxy, shall have assented thereto, or until the holders of a majority of the stock of such company shall have assented thereto in writing, and a certificate thereof signed by the president and secretary of said company or companies, shall have been filed in the office of the Secre¬ tary of State: Aral provided further, that if a railroad company of another State shall lease a railroad, the whole or a part of which is in this State, or make arrangements 288 for operating the same, as provided in this act, or shall extend its railroad into this State, or through this State, such part of said railroad as is within this State, shall be subject to taxation, and shall be subject to all regula¬ tions and provisions of law, governing railroads in this State; and a corporation in this State, leasing its road to a corporation of another State shall remain liable, as if it operated the road itself, and the corporation of another State, being the lessee of a railroad in this State, shall like¬ wise be held liable for the violation of any of the laws of this State, and may sue and be sued in all cases, and for the same causes, and in the same manner as a corporation of this State might sue or be sued, if operating its own road; but a satisfaction of any claim or judgment by either of said corporations, shall discharge the other, and a corporation of another State being the lessee, as aforesaid, or extending its railroad, as aforesaid, into or through this State, shall establish and maintain an office or offices, in this State, at some point or points on the line of the road so leased, or constructed and operated, at which legal pro¬ cess and notice may be served, as upon railroad corpora¬ tions of this State. Ibid. 58.] Any railroad company in this State shall have the right to take and hold all necessary grounds for depots and sidetracks, and if the title thereto cannot be secured by agreement with the owners thereof, or if from any other cause the title cannot be secured, such company may proceed to condemn the same in the same manner and with the same effect, as is now provided by chapter sixty-six of the general statutes of the State of Missouri, entitled "Of the appropriation and valuation of lands taken for tele¬ graph, macademizcd, graded, plank and railroad purposes," and of any act amendatory thereof. Ibid. 59.] Section twelve of the chapter aforesaid, is hereby repealed. Acts 1870, March 24. 60 .] In all cases whereby the pro¬ visions of the charter of any railroad company organized under the laws of this State, the taxable inhabitants of a r 289 portion of a municipal township of any county in this State have voted, or may hereafter vote, to take stock in such railroad company, they are hereby declared entitled to and shall have all the privileges, rights and benefits in said act, conferred upon counties or townships, and the county court of such county shall exercise the same powers and perform the same duties in issuing bonds, levying, collecting and paying over the taxes which it is required to do in the case of a county or township under the provisions of said act: Provided, however, that no part of such township, outside the limits of the district voting, shall be taxed to pay any of the bonds or coupons so issued by the county court. This act shall take effect from its passage. ARTICLE V. APPROPRIATION AND VALUATION OF LANDS TAKEN FOR TELEGRAPH,, MACADEMIZED, GRADED, PLANK OR RAILROAD PURPOSES. G. S., ch. 66. Section 1. 1.] In case lands sought to be appropriated by any road, railroad or telegraph corporation,, created under the laws of this State, belong to private per¬ sons, and such corporation and the owners cannot agree upon the proper compensation to be paid, or in case the owner is incapable of contracting, be unknown, or be a non-resident of the State, such corporation may apply to the circuit court of the county where said land or any part thereof lies, or the judge thereof, in vacation, by petition, setting forth the general directions in which it is desired to construct their road, railroad or telegraph line over such lands, a description of the real estate which the company seeks to acquire, the names of the owners of the several parcels of land, if known, or if unknown, a perti¬ nent description of the parcels whose owners are unknown, and praying the appointment of three disinterested comis- sioners to assess the damages which such owners may sev¬ erally sustain in consequence of the establishment, erection 21 290 and maintenance of such road, railroad or telegraph line over such lands; to which petition the owners of all such parcels as lie within the county or circuit shall he made parties defendant, by name, if the names are known, and by the description of the unknown owners of the lands therein described, if their names are unknown. If the pro¬ ceedings seek to affect the lands of persons under guardian¬ ship, the guardians must he made parties defendant; if the land of married women, their husbands must be made parties defendant. If the present owner of any land to be affected has a less estate than a fee, the person having the next vested estate in remainder may, at the option of the petitioners, be made parties defendant; hut if such remain¬ der men are not made parties, their interest shall not be hound by the proceeding. It shall not be necessary to make any persons party defendant in respect to their own¬ ership, unless they are either in actual possession of the premises to be affected, claiming title, or have a title to the premises, appearing of record upon the proper records of the county. Ibid. Sec. 2. 2.] Upon the filing of the petition, a summons shall he issued, giving such owner at least ten days' notice of the time when said petition will be heard, which summons shall be served by the sheriff of the county, in the same manner as writs of summons are or may be, by law, required to be served. If the name or residence of the owner be unknown, or if the owners, or any of them, do not reside within the State, notice of the time of hearing the petition, reciting the substance of the petition and the day fixed for the hearing thereof, shall be given by publica¬ tion for three weeks consecutively, prior to the time of hear¬ ing the petition, in a newspaper published in the county, or if no newspaper is published in the county, or the pub¬ lisher shall refuse to publish the same on tender of his usual charges for advertising, then by posting up said notice for three consecutive weeks at the door of the court house of the county wherein the lands, or any portion of them, lie. Ibid. Sec. 3. 3.] The court, or judge thereof, in vaca- 291 tion, on being satisfied that due notice of the pend¬ ing of the petition has been given, shall appoint three disinterested commissioners, resident of the county in which the real estate, or part thereof, is situated, to assess the damages, which the owners of the land may sev¬ erally sustain by reason of such appropriation, who, after having viewed the land, shall forthwith return under oath, such assessment of damages, to the clerk of such court, set¬ ting forth the amount of damages; and should more than one owner be included in the petition, then the damages allowed each shall be stated separately, and the clerk shall file said report, and record the same in the order book of the court; and thereupon such company shall pay to the said clerk the amount thus assessed, for the party in whose favor such damages have been assessed; and on making such payment it shall he lawful for such company to hold the interest in said land so appropriated, for the uses afore¬ said ; and upon failure to pay the assessment aforesaid, the court may, upon motion and notice by the party entitled to such damages, enforce, the payment of the same by execution, unless the said company shall, within ten days from the return of such assessment, elect to abandon the proposed appropriation of any parcel of land by an instrument in writing to that effect, to he filed with the clerk of said court, and entered on the minutes of the court, and as to so much as is thus abandoned the assess¬ ment of damages shall be void.1 Ibid. Sec. 4. 4.] The report of said commissioners may be reviewed by the court in which the proceedings are had, on written exceptions filed by either party in the clerk's office within ten days after the filing of such report, and the court shall make such order therein as right and justice may require, and may order a new appraisement upon good cause shown; but, notwithstanding such excep¬ tions, such company may proceed to erect said telegraph line, or construct said road or railroad, and any subsequent (1) See North Missouri Railroad Co. vs. Golt, 25 Mo., 540; Ibid, 515; Ibid,-211; Ibid, 258; Lackland vs. North Missouri Railroad Co., 31 Mo., 181; S. C., 34 Mo., 259. 292 proceedings shall only affect the amount of compensation to be allowed. 1 bid. Sec. 5. 5.] Any number of owners, residents in the same county or circuit, may be joined in one petition, and the damages to each shall be separately assessed by the same commissioners. Ibid. Sec. 6. 6.] The cost of the proceeding to appro¬ priate the right of way shall he paid by the company seek¬ ing the appropriation, up to and including the filing and copying of the report of the commissioners; and the court, as to any costs made by subsequent litigation, may make such order as in its discretion may be deemed just. The court shall allow the commissioners a reasonable compen¬ sation for their services, which shall be taxed as costs in the proceeding. Ibid. Sec. 7. 7.] No telegraph company shall, by virtue of this'chapter, be authorized to enter or appropriate any dwelling, barn, store, warehouse or similar building erected for any agricultural, commercial, or manufacturing pur¬ poses, or to erect poles so near thereto as materially to inconvenience the owner in their use, or to occasion injury thereto. Ibid. Sec. 8. 8.] In case the lands sought to be appro¬ priated are held by any corporation, the right to appropri¬ ate the same by a railroad or telegraph company shall be limited to such use as shall not materially interfere with the uses to which, by law, the corporation holding the same are authorized to put said lines. Where no agreement can be made between the parties, the mode of assessing the damages provided heretofore as to private persons, shall be adopted; and it the lands to be appropriated lie in more than one county, an application may be made in any one county in which any of the lands lie, and the damages shall he assessed as to all the lands of the defendant corporation along the whole line, in one proceeding. Acts 1870, Jan. 13. 9.] In case lands sought to be appropriated by any railroad company in this State, for depot purposes, belong to private persons, and such com- 293 pany and the owner cannot agree on the compensation to be paid, or in case the owner is incapable of contracting, be unknown, or a non-resident of the State, such company may have such lands condemned in the manner that is pro¬ vided in this act for assessing damages, which the owners of lands may severally sustain in consequence of the erec¬ tion, establishment and maintenance of railroads over such lands: - Provided, that in no case shall more than ten acres of land in the country, or more than six blocks in a town, village or city, be condemned under this act, at any one place, or for any one depot: And provided further, that any other railroad company shall have the right to use said depot grounds for depot purposes, with the necessary build¬ ings, turn-outs, sidings, switches and other conveniences, in furtherance of said purpose ; and if the said two companies cannot agree upon the amount of compensation to be made therefor, or the points or manner of such use, the same shall be ascertained and determined by commissioners, as pro¬ vided by the act of which this is amendatory, for the con¬ demnation of lands for depot purposes in the first place. 294 CHAPTER 42. ARTICLE III. OFFENSES AGAINST PUBLIC AND PRIVATE PROPERTY. G. S.y ch. 301. Sec. 60. 60.] Every person who shall wilfully and maliciously place an obstruction, by stones, logs or any other thing, on the track of a railroad, or the works of a railroad, or shall tear up or remove any part or portion of a railroad, or the works thereof, with intent to obstruct the passage of a car or cars thereon, or to throw them off the track, shall, upon conviction, be imprisoned in the pen¬ itentiary, not exceeding twenty years. Ibid. Sec. 61. 61.] Every person who shall by any of the unlawful acts enumerated in the last preceding section, cause the life of any person or persons to he put in imme¬ diate peril, or shall cause any locomotive or any car to be actually thrown off the track of any part or portion of a railroad, or the works thereof, shall, upon conviction, be punished by imprisonment in the penitentiary, not less than five nor more than twenty years. ARTICLE VII. OFFENSES AGAINST THE PUBLIC PEACE, OR AFFECTING THE SECURITY OF PERSONS AND PROPERTY, NOT BEFORE ENUMER¬ ATED. G. S., ch. 205. Sec. 32. 33.] Every person who, whilst actually employed in discharging the duties of a pilot or engineer on any steamboat, or of a conductor or engineer on railroad cars, shall be intoxicated to such degree as to endanger the safety of such steamboat or cars, or of any person or passenger therein, shall, upon conviction, be punished by imprisonment in the penitentiary, not exceed¬ ing three years, or in the county jail not exceeding one jear, or by fine not exceeding one thousand dollars. 295 CHAPTER 43. DAMAGES AND ' CONTRIBUTIONS IN ACTIONS OF TORT. G. S., ch. 147. Sec. 2. 2.] Whenever any person shall die from an injury, resulting from or occasioned by the negligence, unskillfulness or criminal intent of any officer, agent, servant or employe, whilst running, conducting or managing any locomotive, car or train of cars; or of any master, pilot, engineer, agent or employe, whilst running, conducting or managing any steamboat or any of the machinery thereof; or of any driver of any stage coach, or other public conveyance, whilst in charge of the same as a driver; and when any passenger shall die from any injury resulting from or occasioned by any defect or insuffi¬ ciency in any railroad, or any part thereof; or in any loco¬ motive or car, or in any steamboat or the machinery thereof, or in any stage coach or other public conveyance, the cor¬ poration, individual or individuals, in whose employ any such officer, agent, servant, employe, master, pilot, engineer or driver, shall be at the time such injury is committed, or who owns any such railroad, locomotive, car, stage coach, or other public conveyance at the time any injury is received, resulting from or occasioned by any defect or insuffiiciency above declared, shall forfeit and pay for every person or passenger so dying, the sum of five thou¬ sand dollars, which may be sued for and recovered: First, by the husband or wife of the deceased; or second, if there he no husband or wife, or he or she fails to sue within six months after such death, then by the minor child or chil¬ dren of the deceased; or third, if such deceased be a minor and unmarried, then by the father and mother, who may join in the suit, and each shall have an equal interest in the judgment; or if either of them be dead, then by the survivor. In suits instituted under this section, it shall be 296 'competent for the defendant, for his defense, to show that t the defect or insufficiency named in this section was not of a negligent defect or insufficiency.1 Ibid. Sec. 3. 3.] Whenever the death of a person shall be caused by a wrongful act, neglect or default of another, and the act, neglect or default is such as would (if death had not ensued) have ,entitled the party injured to maintain an action and recover damages in respect thereof, then, and in every such case, the person who or the corpo¬ ration which would have been liable if death had not ensued, shall be liable to an action for damages, notwith¬ standing the death of the person injured. 1 bid. Sec. 4. 4.] All damages accruing under the last preceding section shall be sued for and recovered by the same parties and in the same manner as provided in the second section of this chapter, and in every such action, the jury may give such damages as they may deem fair and just, not exceeding five thousand dollars, with reference to the necessary injury resulting from such death, to the sur¬ viving parties who may be entitled to sue, and, also having regard to the mitigating or aggravating circumstances attending such wrongful act, neglect or default. Ibid. Sec. 5. 5.] When any animal or aniinials shall be killed or injured by the cars, locomotive or other carri¬ age used on any railroad in this State, the owner of such animal or animals may recover the value thereof, in an action against the company or corporation running such rail¬ road, without any proof of negligence, unskillfulness or mis¬ conduct, on the part of the officers, servants or agents of such company; but this section shall not apply to any acci¬ dent occurring on any portion of such road that may (1) Under this section the representatives of a servant