1 % i'-l George M. and Mary LeCron Foster Endowed Fund The Melville J. Herskovits Library of African Studies Northwestern University : m • SEr w sa ' '' " \ V *'. > Y f Three MifcriesofBa V y TYU 4 » , of the death (^Maha- mei late Emperour: and a brief e feport of rfic now prefent V/ars betwccnc the three Biothets# " \ Primedt by W. I. for Henry Goffon, and are to be fold in Patct aoflci tont at (be (d tbt Stmob §5iS»' I I To the Right Woe fhipfuli the whole Company of the Barbary Mcr- thoftu, Auing dr^wn certaine Cof- ledions together of (bmc» the be(f and maine occur* rents which haue now late* ly ( and not many yeares paft) hapned in Barharj} 8c they being digefted into a Volume (although little for quantity,yet delight* full to be perulcd for the raiitye,) I thought they could not better be beftowed, than vpon foch as holde commerce with that Countrey, and know the ftate and condition ofthe people. Amongeft which number I make bolde to prefent thefo my labors to you onely, becaufe you are all Brothers j and men that moft wprthily can iudge of the Re- lation,and the truth thereof. The chiefe and far- arriuc at ia o «• o - V . 0 .i -o- • o'-« -V-X-Vk e, this, is to defcribc the horrour and vn-hcard-of niifcry that hath falne vpon that Kingdome by a plague; to the intent that by comparing our fins with theirs (being altogether as greet if not grea- ter) and the hand of mercy which Heauen hath ftretchtfoithouerour Nation, aboue theirs, wc may be allured tolooke into ourfoules betimes, Icaft the like Viols of Wrath bee powred downc vppon vs. It is my loue that bcftowesthis vppon you, which I pray receiue with fijch good accep- | ^tion, as with my beft affedion it comes vnto ^ you. And thus referring my felfe to your cenfiirc ' I tahc my leaue. j Deuotedj*Hrs, Geo* W3kia& C^^onicle^ conteinmg bavtouis: anb mucb matter in fetx) lineb: 3ft but a Uttle bottom of^pme, bDbttb I'ou mapbolbeanb _bibem pour banb, pet bemgbntollcb (to tbe length) it reacbetb to the beginning otma^ up pcarejs; pall ^ 31 boo^b nobo mud llanb beare (ajat tna^ap) fo^ aCittp, anba febo Ibeeteis fo^ tba jCbart of a fpactouoi Sttngbome^ ^nbecllanb tberefoje tbat Abdelatbt^Ciwpttoi being beab ♦ Muly Mahamet bij! ©3W)tb^ fucceebebs' anb iba$ etotnneb l^tng of 25arbarp ♦ 0o fbonei bjaistbi^bignitp tonfetreb bpponbim, but be res uengeb bunteife on tbofe tbat in Abdelacs rafom to* iicb biuittot, anb tberefojie bp tbeir counfel? bib bjbat mtbemiapjtobjiabj biii^^otberio (tbeiCm= peroj-si adectson)frombun,pea fo far tbat tbepper= finabebeitber tobaue bi^iepejs ptttouf,ojbeefent tobeatbiof tbtfe counfellouriei, tbefetbiee boere ebiefe, Aicade Azns, Alcade Muli^jattb AlcadeBarduj fcom tbDo of bobKb be commaunbebtbetrliueieabur becaufe bijS dateneebeb tbe be JbiS of i©ife=men tb bolb it bp, anb fo j ^ be baajai not generallp beloueb •f f i^obiUtp anti fome of tbe bloub IJlopaUbe aue Alcadr Alcide Azus atrD of a p^tConet dn!) % fti0if9race>a0u^ce0 ^tml)p to t)onout;e; ti^enOefo^stecemttig^im euetpltate mto]^i;eiOo= tomefo^^tjscounfeu: to^tc^^eOtO t^e rat^etOc^ caiiCie^eltneOi t^atAzus)»oulo beep^outOentanO tatefuUto tticceaCct!|exSmpeto^i3f ^tttelimll(ti}at i0 to tap) tteaCutp» ano ofttn taag; ii0 mfitopetplejteo loitlftljoug^tis about ;0mptte> ^{0 cogttattonof fought tol^enfomettinejefi^eebooulO (tni^t^ obone p^puate 3[u0gmcnt) mabe fuci^ a man fit to be of fecret anb cfitefefi counfel^sf, anOfomettmeo: anotl)et:tbto^ tooulb^libe to bap, ano to mo^tobo bttcrip bifiaO: im ^ttlengtl^^e refoluebto tmfinonc ofi^tje^oipne Counttp«men,butlap bto'battmtbe b^efiofoneof jSlfecsf,(^ tiSto CapjaCbj^fifian turmb #ooje) pet (bponCounbet contemplation) bitn bte tetecteb too:bet)ooulb puttfie ^ealtl^ of fo gceat.a ^mg- bome into no fttcb bangeroujs ?^^pfittauo banbia: top bellUetCb t^at Mahamet (1)10 <5 © 1^) bDoulb t^be all fauo)^ from bun if be Iboulb bee fo: befibe.0 ^ tbat bab fo^faben bi0 omne U^abD anbreltgion, coulb not baue tbe tempct of conftancp, to fetue one euetmout= of a conteacp teltgion: nap :matb ftcbj,tbefeiSlbe0 op lilegaboe^ (qiiotb bee)feeme J&atnt0, anb bolp one0, to me tbep map p^ouc 5^t= tiel0,anbbolbitnoconfcience to betrapmpbioub anbiifngbomc» Azustbctefoiie tea0 tbemancul^^ Ifbbut from tbe tefi^>t^ tbe )(0mpetop (i0 t^e gteated: oS p^eHeteOb^^: t^e tlmti ^utte^ of Clioeete peace^tootie aioar t^e foute^ mlfe of anp ix>am(ett]^er fo^tcn o^ Domed tcl^e) tD^tDoaiSfetueDm^gamdDtnt: Dt^fubtectja; tjom itiSmte^DtiS^Cittte^ fiilebbottD i^atton;^ l^eDabmo^e ii^tuejOtDcn anp ofDto' fo^a? tDeeD:Dt0^ncubtn$ mere fatm anb mo^ mnumbets D^ma^ajSDwi!' a$ etue boajs a= n?>litng in Barbary, m t^e ^uetOnng multt= tabeis; of peopU $ anb < ao tnfo^tunate a^ t- nee anpbefo^ bun, in bebolbmg tbete miCetp# ^o^tune ttnice bab b^t pleafuee bpon btm,d^ mlfftmgbunbppebpgbm^n; loue, lafflipm pmfumg btm anb bt^ fubiecte^ bottb b^v tpe= #imf Bobleanb notable occuerenteji,pje= femeb tbemfelueb totbe epe anb eaeeof boojlbjbutmgbisf lilaigne: of tobicb to bmte a^^ tbep bcfmie, iwetc to abbe a large t^olumc to tbe Cbtomcleji of tbat Countrep^ Jbjill tbei^o^ (agf one bautng been at a ropall ban= Quet ) reftm Come of it to mp f elfe, anb bedoto Comebppon otberjS, fucb 3 tbinfeebjillbe fboeetedin going botbnetof tnbdbtabetbi^ a^part« 3(t toajS in bii^ time,b)bctt tbat great Arma- tia,(tbatbiougbt tcrroj m bft i®ombefrom |&patn$)bQab beltuerebof it, in tbtnarroboe jfeeajSoftSnglanb* Uttbebirtb (butinbeeb tb^buriail) of ipbdb inuincible i^aup, tbe Spaniaci Spaniards t^at la? IttBarbary attBatlen^ DeB ont^e ^pantft lEmbalfaDouv, t^suUms t^emCclue)3ftoit^ a falCetamo^tliattbt^ i^no ixiajS tonqucteti,p^epateB ftt^tnmpi^^, a^ (if tijeir top l^aH bin tamelp begot) t^ep l^abtea= Con one i^atHee Arnold t omfon(an eng= #atc]^ant) certifping to t^t ^mpeeoue tbtttuti^anb cettame bmatnteof t^e^pa^ nito f leetett^e0ngUtomcn tljat tomtljere, ^abbe UfeetoiCeleauc of Mahamet,to cjtpjcfle tbeit iop in ©one^ffreis, anb otl?er trtum^eoi 5 fo^ti^elting bib eueeloueti^e illation of out Counttep, anb bib manp fauo^^ to out ^at= 'Ci^e ^Bngliflb lEmbaffabout Iping in tl^c CameOteetebobete tbt ^panitoiSmba^abo^ lap,anb out^atcbant^ gatbeting togitbet, betetminingto tibeinto ^e nelbe> anbt bauingputtbetnCelueiO into Come gallant 0 bet, to come bacbe intotbe Cittp,mattium:: Pbant anb ciuill mannet, to boe bonout to tbeit Connttp fo^ Co bappp anb bn=:beatb=of a bo^gi gate (bp bobicbout ^^obnttp=mcnbetep= minebon bo^Cebaebeto ito^e) boobacompa^ np of ^pantatbeo;, (boitb Come iSl^oojejs; bobom ^epbab biteb) atmebtoitb pibe anb ^ottofioppt tbeirpadbge ; betboeene tobotn lobatbappenebjtbofeengli® ^atcbanteji# i^enbi)etebutt,(of bobicb maiftet ArnoldTom- ton bpiagi one) cim if tbtp be pet lining tellifiei Isetetl^en fla^neout^gl^r^t^ ^gmperouip(mui5i9:nation)ft»oje notonclp t^at i»l|0rtiio cjcccutc tljijS trecl^erp Ijppon Itftj if^attotr, ftfCulD i^auc Jroti gmen ti^m (tim i^tofap, ftoul5 i^aue ti)ck t^joatcji cut) buti^ tuoulb alCo certiScti^emtng of )&paineof tl^t^ a? bufc: fo mtllmg boajj ^ec toboe ^ufticc cum to lltaiigctg?» notbet acctbent(bccaufe it tjsi boo^tbP tetigion,fo^toobc Cbjift to follobj Mahomet J llub ftom a jifltta« tutneb:S^oojCf 3[t ijsf tbc culfome of tbat Countrcp l»bm anp #an boil bo fo>to obCCtue (amongft otbctoi) tbtft cetemonie-ai: Jt ioi (igniflfeb to tbofc Cb Jiftiang; # ate in tbc Cittp, 'Cobonc, ac* tbot fucb a one bom be an iBlbe, o? tutne ^oojie, % ccttaine cgu^ numbet tbciefo^caCboel Barbarians ajs Cb3^i^fian|0!) ate affemblcb in a place fit fo^^fucb putpofc^j one patt fitting (libe lubges;) on f one fibe, tbe ctbet,. oppofitebttcctlp againfi tbtmitbt ^utne=coatc iuft in tbe mibble of tbe toome bctboeene tbcm,anb in pjtfence of botb 3 ¥ iotbetetbcnbcmaunbeb, bobt= n toill Xienj^ t^e latjo of ototie religion nn'o emDjacetljeirg^ ojno: It is! offereO into ^tm ^ijSfreeiibertptotafee t^e one o^t^e otl^ertnapit iii;iatx)fttU fojtliofc t^at (it tl^erc on t^e contrary part (being iCtj^rifttans!) to bfe allt^e potoer of Kir= gttmen«-*o boinne i^im from t]^i$ Oelmguifbrmnn Cliuo nibterue ti^ isi man: tl)us! teas: be tbree (euerall times;, coniienteb before tbem: anbtbree pioft Ififlp befenb mbat br b^b nn ^bpKcbe of ^pirttuall eounfeUboinggoobbppon bim-, tbepgaaebimo== uer* ©tttnotetbeiubgmentoftbatCatrtainc(tbe ;io^b of boaOs;) tobofe colours; of faluatton be bub fojfaben,t()itbinafl^jt time (after tbis; 3(lpoftafp a rebellion of biO foule)tbis! Crapto j to (Bob, bap® peneb to bill a ^an: top tobicb fact bre toas; ab- iubgeb bp tbe ^tables; of tbat Countrp, not to loofe bis; Itfej but (bobirb boasi boo jfe) to line > 23ut botn to liuef^s; tbe firll ^urberer tbat euer bjebJ bloub sf : as; Cay nc Iitteb,b3anbering bp anb boi»n, toitb none(on paine of beatb)to beep bim companp, butbisiobcine tbougbtes; bJbid) boeretennetbou^ fanb ejrcatrtoners; ^ none to giue bim b^ieab, fo tbat befebbponbefpatre: none to auencb boStbirO^sft* tbat be b^unbe tbe poifon of an infecteb confcienee, bebnebobebabbilleb a #an, anbtberefo^ecuen jnftbels;abbo^reb bim t be bnetc be bab fo^faben bis; ll^igion, anb tberefo^e iDt4i(^iatt^boettlb not pittpbim: 3lntbi^ bjj^etebebdatebe mentbpanb bo'^me,intbis( miferpbe ppneb, till bee bpeb i let tbat beatb of bis; tea^ otbets» babo to liue« ar I5ut leauitig tjjs agame our cpeis l)p« on Mahamet t^f^mpero^ixj^o (t^mfeing ittwoulU be ao great a glo^p to create ot^erje(,%mgof, a^ to be a Ciing ^uuf?If e) bib (pv ti^e abuice of counMl, but mod of all out of tlje boojblng anb beigbtotblfi!ob)ne fpirit)betermtneto bmibebi| large mib fruitful ^empire amongft ^Ije? ^onnejS» €>f all tbe i©iuegf anb Concublns tbat tbiiE^^5m= pero J bab, tb^e onelp, (aboue tl^ reft) bab afbuca ralgtttp ouer bls^ amojouoJ affection^;, anb of tljofe tlj^ceji^ bib ftill prefer one befo^ tbeotber ♦ Lilia 1 ra bjaji tbe faireft, anb \)tt bib lout beareft t (bee b!Wi^ emp^elTe ouer tbr reft, pet toere f reft iBueenejs cmerotljerjBijfibeebab tbe fupjeame commaunb of t^e iiingeb boufe, anb none commaunb tlje^ittg* Lilia Agedaboa^J a Ncgro^petbab ftiea leconb place in bv art ♦ Lilia Myricm bab tbc tljirb t of Lilia Myriem (bfitig a blftcbe i©omati libeboife) bib bee beget a ^ou, calleb Muiy-Shcm i being one erf tbe faireft iCbilbjen tbat euer bebab, but tlji^^ Muiy- Shem offf iug foiue ofteucc to a poutb tbat attenbeb on bin*? b)a;sibp buu ftaine* 'Cbe poung^man afterbaarb (bnoboing tbe ^Bntperours? tojatb) billing bimfelfe* Lilia Agedeboaisfmotber to' Muly-Befcrris, aub Muly-Sheck, (tbe pOUngeft 25?.otb^ 0li^ :^otber to Muly-Sidan (tbeel«= beft ♦ )t5etbDeene tbefe tb?ee bjerc tbefe late ciueft tuarregi in Barbary^ If nbtbttgi bib Mahamet mabe biuifton of bis? Utingbome, bobicb afterboarbe b^b biuifton ttp tnot^bi^ people, anbf^t all in a Combuftion to MulyfidanCtb^lija^ gium to3ttmeji anDtolottt a^oulDier)gaue fft ti^e itingijome Taduia, atiu Taphalet:tO Mulibcfarris (COUlCluKClI aftct: ttot^mg but ftttCuaU pleafut?) gaue ti^e &ittg= i)atue of Sus : to Muiy-Sheckj ^ttigDoiue: of Fez: appoputing Muftapbacti^attjoas^ bo^tu a fittan>anti tuvneo :^oo^e,buta ^oulbtet, ano a Barbary=pictUte,\»it!| ais muc'b life anb beligbtftiU coloutjs a^ J coulb) to fet boionc a pjettp combat bftbjeene tbjo of tbe^Smpctouto' t©(uej^,pla?>b before tbt 0mpe= Toutbubfelfc^ It baasf: Mahamet fitting one moaning boltb Liiia Ageda (tbe Ncgm) bp'blnt, t^femg mcatllp (fo? tooH^leafUte m btc fpeecbjbecaufelbee boajJiotfc:) 3)ncomes! ira(i)i^ falteft bebfellobu ) anb feeing tbt 23lacbc=one fo jiecre fiec beloueb, (be blulbeb anb fijeboeb angec cuenlnbet epejj, (fo?. tobat iBoman tooulbe not be angtp to fee anotber tobbe bet of tbe loue of an^mpetout <•) 3it lengtb bobolngtotbe eattb? (be fell at tbe^lng^J feete, anb bJltb a p?cttpfmlle beganne to tell a tale of tbeJlatbe anb tbe Ctoio: tbe fbuttlng bppeof bet mo^tall being, tbattbe Xatfee teas: tbe ^Itb of tbe moj^nlng, anb of tbe bap, anb tbetefoje mlgbt be bolb to cballenge tbe ino3tmng0btte,anb alllljteefoftbebap; ©uttbe Crbb)b)as:tbe^ltb of tbe nlgbt,anbbab notblug empecoj bn^ctHanUing (l»eete !>ittetncflfe, t^atbp JUrbcui^c mentipetfelff, aubbpt^e£iroi3oXiiia Agcda (becaufci)C]^0tbiacV neCfe) boajS Co beUgljteli tomparifo% ti^at^ecgaue cl^arge none ii>ouW) eueip after pje* fume to gtue t\)t ^mperouv l)t$i goob mo^rotxie^ ttilLiiia ifai^ati btnUotti^^imyanbti^ereupontoajSi ifacallebti^c empcrojsf ?lai*be5 0^^iSiJ5ttb of tl^e moaning* Mt W loofe one popnt mo^e of our compaSTey anb faple a little out of our intenbeb tnap to finbo out in tai^at feate anb abifulreuerence ti^efubiectj$ of tbiO ^femgbome bolb tbc^anger of tbeir ifeouc® raigne Jtobnberftanb babic^, receiuetbisJonlpa^t atiHt* ^neoftbeemperourofofftcerst of f)isi£v^ Uome (b)bofe name toajs! Ciddc Abdeia Crcmc) be^ ingan olbe #an, babone ^onne onelPyCcalleb Enhamet) bobom l^teub^tb a«f bijS life,being tbo bopeanbbealtb of bi5J age: bim bab tbe fatbec put into biiEi obone place: tbe poung man comming ^namoJt^lingbetime^( to t^be Cuftome=boufe,but tbereft of tbe offtcer;g being not p^efent, be coulb not enter (foj eutrpone batb a feuerallltep^anb bnletfe all be tbere together, not one can ger in) bcbetermineb ioitbin bimfelfe to fpenbanboare (til ti^ refl: met) in reuebjing tbe empero^iS pallacc (bobere bi;^ CotKubinjg liueb) becaufe be tttajO tolb^ ittbaioarareanbiscb place, anb tbat it boajeinot labofuHboiibout great meanett to cntcr» 'Cbat po^t mo^e indameb btel beQre, tnComucb tbatin tbe enb (tuatcb^g bl^ time)!^ ilealtb b^ got in» bemg, miD ftarmg hip anD Dotimej it c^at^ ceD tijatone of ti^e t^omen rat» ]^tm,t]o^o IsCcteef^eDout, ant)tannecrptng,1lman, aman: fou muft nott> t^t if an^ one of t^cm fp? a :^anj(eji;ceptt^c0unuc]^ejat$at attcnfi tl^)atto Doe not call fo^ ^elpe,ittof Deat^to)^:anDD)Dat ^anCoeuee tuDelpp^eCumeto ^aueaifgotoft^, itiiet Deat^ to ^im^ ItDjag; fenoionc Dp inquit^, (Dponl^ernopfe) t^atit toajei Enhamet t^e ^nfto- ntetgi^onne, Do^oiyaD t^ug: oflfenDcDti^elatoeia?; ^^mpteo^ being giuen to DnDcrdanD fO itiuc^» maDeanoat^ ^e 6oulD Dpefo^it * JmmeDiateip liponti|i^(bpoecafilon$ffomebu{tne$) comeo^ d^e olDci^an (Enhatncts jfat^et) to ti^e ^mgjbai^o Cuppobng it ^aDDe Deene about ^ornitje; patDon^ anD i^io^ inbtgnation being nobo a little coolet) fuDDainelp DemaunDeD ofj^unio^at tbat #an DefetueD, tbat DutS bj^eabe into tbe place tobtt^ bis! JiSmpetouriS Concubinjs toete: Cidde Abdda (not fufpecting tbe ofifenDer) anCtoereDjtbat bee D^crueDtbe IbatpeU fentence of Deatb,fojfa tbe 3tat)o twoulD abiubge bati^Be tbou tben (quotb tbe .€mpetot) tbiticolxine ^onnejSconDemnatis on tbou baft iuDgeDbini,Co let it De»23ut tbe iting bcbolDtng Deatb fitting m tbe olDe ^aniS face at tbat Doome, gtebj pittifull, anb (fojt lone be bare tbe father) fo jgaue tbe ^onne, tobieb nter- tpnottoitbftanDmg, Abdda Crcmcnotttuelp la|fe mg bnlDeotbut tUiiftatting tbel^oble fpirit of a 0 jtnce, anD imagfiitng tbat tbisi fauo^ fo ftrange* Ip ejttenDeb loa^ '^ta mre to intmpbil! r I berauC^ oGfence$: of tbat nature boete iteuet be* fo^e parboneb in anp: borne bee corner; botcb fo^* rob) tn bte^ af^tcteb loobj5i,anb bti8> beatteuen muF bcreb iwitbm biw? bp tbe crueltp of bii5 otxme tbousbte.e(:btjs ^onne bemaunbeb tbe caufeof tbi^s^foflrangeanb fubbatne btdemperatute, but bijs^atbetgiumg noandoet, (enbsti fo> cojbe^, tbem oneip mfteabe of fpeecb, anb to mabe tbt$ bumb ^ragebp fall in tbe enb, be tau« tetb btat before bii^ otone epe^ to bee Utangleb t gccat toete tbe lamentations! of tbe ^onne, anlj abounbant boete tbe tcatesi be let Ml to foften bii$ atbeto^beatt: a migbfp confUct loao? tbeteintbe poo^e olbmano^bofome, bettxiecne natutallpietp to a iCbilb:,anb natutall feate of a ^ouetaigne : but tbe laftof tbe ttoo pjeuaileb: anb bautngbc= ^oboebbpontbebeab bobp tbe cefcmonies! of tbe gtaue,acco^bingto tbe tudomeof tbe Counttep, bee cauCeb tbe 3^ct'to bee regidteb botone fo^ bi;^ obmefafetp, ailebging tbat boiofoeuer tbe i6m- pero J (b)ben be beatb tbiiS blacfee anb bimaturall beeb tepo^teb) tooulb bappilp bee moneb bnto bDtatbjPetinboatblpbe tooulb bebigbl? content tebtoitbit* Mahamet being tbu0 feareb anbloueb of bi'iSful^ tectof, toanteb nothing tbat (accojbiugto bumane 3[ubgemcnt) coulb mabe a l&jince bappptplea- Cute toao: biie^ daue anb toaigbteb on bim tobenfo^ euet be Ittdebfo J bet companpt Eicbeg!flotoebin= to bio! bottfes! odreatute in large ^ full ofallt^mge^ that maintaine men* 3ft feemeh tl)U t!^ f atbet loa muti) of liijaimperiallftateattOhlgnitie, the beamegt of mateHie that came ftom thm^tght (tfhehahpleafeO)hauebeeneCentfoo^th from the centtehglo}? of^ie( ol»ne heah> hut eutn thl$ ho^ totueh mejttong: of thettg(,mahe ht)S h^tghtneg; the gceatet x anh W Connej^ peelhmg aehnoholehge- tnent of aHthetv topaltie to flotxt from htm^hth (Ithe Etuer!$ papmg tribute to the ^ea) Ceeme not a hohit the lelfefo^ (uch homage anh fealtte* jro^tunehauitigturtth thehuheelc of thi3SjSmpe=i roura fate along timemithifehhte hanh, hah ttoho hiought it about to the bppermoft point $ higheft, on luhith fbe meant he Iboulb 0tte: he Qioulb be no mojcher batling, anh therefore Ibeetoofee her fa= uourg( from hinu to fpeahe of a poboer that cd^ troUjS :ffojtune, anhbohote berp finger thjohjegf botune bingbomgs to bttcr coufufion,oi^ h oV>e0 bp in their greatnefre,)uhether the generall finnegt Dfthetuhole 0ation beCerueb it> op b)he^er the beople mere punifht fo;^ the particular faultgt of the binganb higffCiottttierjSf, a$ manp timeg: it fallgt out, anb aiO it hapneb to the (^rectaniS, top Quicquid delirantReges picftantur Achini: OJ' fOJ^ b^hat Othet Mregi foeuer^hetobbeof bengeance bpag? mabe VWOVlfc. - o W o it tinman to nottocjtatnme, ^(Uteitiji^, t^atOjafuSte totr^ tng; ^olO at fitft Oat of fomt tneaoe cottage,in tome one enO cornet of aC!ttie> ]^at^ oftemime^Cete ti^futte of it coulO Oee tmtout) DoailoioeO Op in flameo, t^e gooOUeif anO moilOeauttfuUOuii* Bingo tOat nooOe euen fatOeif oitt of teacO, fo BiO tlje cloB)Beo of infection but® open tOeit bamcO> anB let fall tOe popfon of tOew, on tBiO BingBom of Barbary. Jf euet tBe i^lague in anp place got Bis? tme name, tBei e Be Bab tt» 3t tBe beginning it ^oobe (libe an lltttobee) on tBe BeaB but of one jCittp, but m a IBo^t time after, it fietoe from Cittie to ^ttp, anb in tBeenBihicbe in tBebetp Bart oftBeOoBole bingBome« JnfomucB, tBat ^atB came (libea tpjannottOBCUtpec) to tBe Court gatesr,?i tBjeat= neBtoBepofetBeCmpetotttBimfelfe* ^ , tBat before fate in BiOtB^one of maieftic^ greatlp feateb of otBer jl^ationo tounB about Bim, anB (fconglp gatBeB bp Bis? ooone, ioontBeCulK BaineBaunteB, anB(beeing accounteB one of tBe migBtiell amongS tBe Itingo of tBe eactB) iO teabp to fttbinit to Bim, t»itB Bjbom euen Jnfanto Boe ec uetp Bob3^e figBt BanB to BanB^ tBe 8UfBojttie> fante anB tetto^ of tBat uaBet (SeatB) Bee lleoobe but bp an IfUatum in tBiOCttipecouo Wallace, anB tBe Cmperout BBn= feife frembleB tBjtougB feate tBeteof: Bio conceited tBattlooB before Itbc fo ntanp ageB 0abeo,boi»eB mttrttlp to ttfc eattii Iftg a tita^T"'" Y : i>et £ittw$ (booHe at tt^e tu) i'ce> no Icffe t^cn if It i^aO bcene at an j0attb=(inafee* 3nU fo^artiij'lnO tl^e peftilence pntfiic Mahamct^r^at Ourft not ^ep f it in one place ttoice toge^ce: cucrpnigi^tlnajaf bt compeileO (fo^fafetp) toflpc bnto a conttatp looging^ S^biiS ^uet temoueO Co biO tbe plague tnobec- foeuertb^owneptbio ftanbingboufe, tbete tbe otbet pitcb^bbp bi^ l^auilion a^ a p^oub anOba^^ ting iCballenget; to all commet^^ 3InComucb tbat Hcluielfe in tbe enb (tbougb tneabe of biwfelfe) tora^ebboitbComanp tbatbdeeeneereanb about tbe jincest petfon, anb fttll got tbe bettct oftbc> tbat Mahomet bab uotttiento remoue tboCe tmti^ tobicb^eboaoi ittfojceb to eatrp bp anb betone tmtbbuttfoj W otone bouibolb tolreintfouec- Cco^ Birbarians (being all attcnbaut^f anb^fftVr cets! in Court) Mingeuetp nigbt, in tbiiS mortal anb pefttf eroua maffacte* ^o tbat tbe Cmpetout fo^b»antof^emanto> tna^fglabto taltecbaineb fiauejEi from tbe €)ate (out of tbeitgalliejs:) anb to mafeetbembfeguatb. . UDbat a iltange alteration tisf bere of aCoutt f i^etbat bab Ceene tbiiS prince Co ropallp attenbeb, Co maiefticallp attpt^bj toitb Cucbm fo manp, t^at a far off t^ep migibt be taf^en foj , t'ea to immberlefle boeret^epjt^at it fcmteo a^ if all ti^e j|^atlon^bp«: t^on eatti^ Ijab feat t^ir DeaB t^et:]^er,and t^at Bar* barie ijaD beene t^e coinmott C^urci^sparbt t^l^en Vefpafian beficgeb icrufaiem, aiuitie feU tpon t^e £ittit anb inartebdit^outpet bib tbe Jebuebcl^ooferatber to&ealefo^ti^, aabtmff botibtf uU mercp of an iSnetnte, tben to pert iii bnbertbe crueltieoftbete obone counttpmen* Hfc iengti^jCucI? multitube^! of t^em got bail? ttji^ougl^ tlje gates?, t^at Ty tus (to be ribbe of tbeni> ^ frigbt tbemfrom comming) crucifieb t^emall, anbSjtt bobies? Co put to beatl?, rounb about tlje Cittie, befojet^eirt»alls?,as?aterrOj toti^ofe tottbintfa tbat in tbe enb,^ep p^eOtug fo^tb fo^ all ti^is? con^ tinuallie bppon^im) tbece eoulbe befounb tteit^er Inoob enougi^ fo^ CroHesi to naple tbem bpoujtio^ grouttb enough bj^ereonto fet Crofifes?* libc miferie fell bpon t^i^ ropaU buigbom of Barbaric, fo J ti^t pcople itt it bJetc Iftoobe botoue fo fa® bp tbe ^e®ilente, t^at tbe Uuing bjere not able to inter tbe beab, neither coulb t^ere be founb grounbCu®i«ent enougb C about tbep^Citties?) to a®bo^b tbem biiriall, fo tljattpe eartb bib not (as? _ in oti^fr Countries?) couct anb burie ti^em,but t^ep burieb anb coueteb ti^eartb» ^t bomtUler tbe beab together, anb talie abietb Morocco theehe^t^ of this? bifojbereb ^rmie< jCittieof Baibarie, ^tettuoneFemCcauml^UnDjiel^ ti^oufanB anli (fatten t^oufanD Ceattea ^unD^e]) Jeijoejei, bp HWsi tiatlp Cent to ti)e petour OiO appeatc* ni^^at^ation in n^o^ltie looulD not i^aue ttemoleD> ideating of fuci^ antnbinSbie^od map^ c^tng againft ti^ent, pet Beat^ lotti^one^tto^e fleioaUt^efc* Fai,X)ieii (t^e fame pcetefliue|}unO^Ot^oufant)> OeftXie ti^ofr ti^tfeii mtijeCotttttcp* ^ca (0 tetrible ant fiercebuas^S^eatl^ e)te« cation of tl^oCein Morocco, t^at in ti^e fpace of one Dap anO a nigl)t, ^ee fietoe t^eretoit^^i^ obmie I^ant>eo[;,fouretfioufanti5feauen fiunb^ti nnfi obbr» SmecctlefieanOtragicaU conqucfi, antnglo)iou)g Picto^^ie, fojpe maOetfiem aPoap intpeir Pelll^e^f♦ €> Popat a number of gtaueje( mull paue beene o^ peneb, if aiU^tetbouCanbjei C^ulb ^aue ^abt^eir rieei9fofburiaU?'l^ob5e manptatberjofojt cWj^s boiueigfo^buCbanbo^, fonne anb binffoibe^' fo^ frienbiO, tboulb ^eere ^ue boeptyif tbebeab l^ab beene paib t^eirbuelas= mentation;^ v 23ut Mourning beere bab fo toafieb it felfe, tbat it guite fojigot tri^ |ob)e to moume* ^icbneei $ gr iefe greb) fO familiar boitb men, tbai to beribbe of fueblotbfome companp, tbep fougbt oat J^eatbs Pob^ti bnePoe nott»b^e to fin& a (!5rane« 0 tbou beautiful $emgbome,j^ob) cotUbefitbon cbuCe butloobe bttlottclp,bnning fo manp cbilb^^ bcab fit tbP boombe < bob? coulb tbP bobp be otbeiN bntDi^olefomc, i^aumgfo mortal! a eafemtmtngljppont^ee, pea^afi ouct ti)u (euen ?eatjStogct^et I3nti 0 ?our pjerct^c faireft 32>attg]^tera to fo ii^obie a ^ot^er j t©^at ant) Coule^affltcting paffionatitl) not pou ijjcat^ fojtl)jCceing all font ^atc!)ant;^(ti^at^0 l»ont to court j>ou bee pour loueaj anb fojfalimg poutoCeepour builbtngeo; ftanb in tbeir toonteo ^igbtj but robbcb of t^eif boontcb ojnamfntcjs.» to fee f Ojcea anb imlbe 25eafteo! (in fteab of i^en) Inbabitingm pout gooblieftftreeteja anb meeting bailpbponpounSjtcbangea 13(lmo?e tbent©ib= botx)=Ufeelamentatton muft pou neebe^put one, to ie^ibpourfelueabtterlp bereaueb oftbofe txjere pout beft=beloueb : u^bat ^ingbome btartj bearing tb^e fab fto jiea of pour fo^robj i ^Quis talia fandoj Mirmydonum, DolopumiiCj aut Diiri miles Vlifii Tempcrct alachrimis ? I^our enimtejs; cannot bee fo barbarouo^ ajsi not to peelb to pour conbolement ♦ u^e toill therefore no longer let outpour tearejef boitbincboojCjB:, noj no mo^Hanb inonb^ing to fee all pour builbinge^ Ibeb) Ube fo manp bearfeji j but toill CUruap pour fllbji ab?oab, atrp if ^epcan alfo^banpbetter cd^ eolation ^ 3laite tbep cannot: calamitp tbere tea* ueloibpanbbobone in tbe fame tb^etcbebbabil;^ tnentei,tbat (be b)eare^ boitbin tbt boalleb Cittie^ people fip in numberjE? bp to tbe ^onntaine^ijto bea^jaii a t^drittl^erttdncettl^erfltet^Wng ^Deatl^lsaould not follotn ^etn» but Ube a pouttcbe toi^o not manp bateiei befo^ecanne tntotbeit Caueir a^beeins aCtatb of t^em^ tnliat a mtCetle toaa it > to Cee bigl|=b)apei^ ffcebieb bittbbeal) anb tnfecteb catbave^, ab tf t^e tol^ole btnsbome ^ab beene Cacbeb, anb tbe eneinie l^abbabaUt^epeopletnejtecutton/ ^ricbanba^ bunbant^atueff couetebt^efaceoftbe eattb> but tbe l^iiCbanbmen in ffeabe of UUing tbtit ^aenejEf, toete buCieb in filling bp gtaue^: t^eftuite^ babtcb tl|e gtounb brought fo^t|, fiiee ^etCelfe bib agatne beuoute* Id fitange bacuefi;b)a;ait,fo^iCo}netoa]el l^ab in bcKtbout i^eapetb, tt toa;0 gatb^eb $ foboeb agatne all at one time, fot tbe iSattb bib nolo plap tbegoob l^uCbitfe, (bee CauebaU to betCelfe, anb peteuentnCauing it,bibtbeCpiUan: tbevebocretiot banbejeienougb to gathertbe foobe. bobicb (be out of btr plenteouio lappe bcfiotoeb amongfi b ^r cbil-' b^n, no^ moutbeo enough to eate it ^be Countrp=)tafie Cate not nobte finging bp ber^ilbing=paple,foj tbepoo^fccafic!^ canbcl^^ lobDing bp anb bobme tnitb dbolne bbber;e;, mour^ ning before their ^aifferoi bootejs, becaufe tbep coulb not be ealtb of their burbcno^ .. 'Ehe ^^eftilencehauing thtisJ (Me# mercilefie 3Inuabcr) befieopeb both Citticgi ^ SiUagesi, anb hauing oftentimes maht the gteateff )lo^bs in the bing^ i^mpometloope ta commaunt)^ aiiH tjetermis= iimg to cottcluoe conque§,i»ii| tafeing ttjc nccall ouec f o great a l^ation pjtfonct ^ Dili at t^e lallfctPpon t^eiSinpcrour Mahamet ,i};m(elfe,anB l)et Penemottisi breath feilO Jjim ♦ glos ¥10110 PictQ^iebeemg gottcn^Sdeat^ an!) ^t0)!Uefe« tenant (^itfene^)begaunetofounO arctra te, to matc]^ ftom ti^eir Sx)aU0, anb to let t^etn Uue m Qiuet/ |^ofooneria)eretijeirbacfec0 tumb, butagam in multitube0 came tbr people bobpne ftom t^z #oimtame0, anb a0 all llmer^ (b3ben)lanb=b)a» ' ter0 baue opp jefi: t^e) file to tbr bofome of tbr ^ea fo J fafetp, Co bib tbe Ration of tbi0 great ^empirje, fro all part0 thereof come marcbmg lopfullp, (atib pet^earrfullp) to fill bp a mabc goob againetbep?^ birtnbabiteb boufe0* iiabat fto^le^ate nobotolbe of lamentable f tttterall0 / bobat frlenbg anb binf- folbe^aremidmg f bobat fo^roboe tbereig fojfo mttcb^cqiiamtancelofte bobat glabttc0 tomeete Jbitbanp, bobom tbep bearb oj boubtebbjerc m tbelr graue0 e 'Cbeir Cittie^ boe nob) loobe b)ltb cbeerefullcountenaunce^, flreete^ are ftlleb boitb " mm,boofe0b)itb families: euerp one applies bmt= felfe to bi^ fo,tmer labour, euerp :^etcbant to bl0 tr afficbc* 23iit bebolb^m tbe beate of all tbi0 fl)itie,b)ben no bo^mble coulb be feene in tbe b^oboe of#caiien, bPben allboao calme, anb tbat men lap fafelp fno^tmg on tbefe fecute plllotoe^j a feconbe ftojme burSout of tb^^ clob)be0, a feconb aa mo?e fearefullt<5ob pourcb anotber bengcance on tbe b^ab0 of people^ fje fent iammc to bjeat!) bp* on tbemjOttO to fueli tbc life=t)ioob out of tbfP?^ bo* fom^j fo tbat tbfP tbat before burd not come necre oneanotber, fo^ feate of beemginfectebboitbtb^ ^^'eftftence, ace nob) ceabp to lap bolb eacb of otber, anbtd tucne tpeic obanebobieo: into noimlbment*^ 'Cbt l^lague bjasf meccifull to tbem, In tsifpattb=' tngtbcmqiucfelp out of tbcboojlOj buttbidtj'j^ant put tbe to Ungecmgbeatbd* Cb?P b^b once nioje meate tben moutbedjuobo tbep bob manp moutbeof anb no meate* €) i^ungec! bob) pttttlelTe act tbou/ amonftec tbou act of a mofi Hcangc conbition, fo j, bob) fmall a tbing toill appeafe tbee, anb pet b)bot ioUttbounotbetfcopto fatifft'e tbp tauenoujsJ ap* petite;' tbou act molt ccueU to tbcm tbatmoft feebe to celieue tbee,anb baben tbou baft notbmg to feebe bpon,tbouplaiefttbemttcbecec, anbeatcftbp tbP felfe* l^obE) ticannouo; boft tboii Ibelueb tbp felfe to tbiO'qceatiBtation/tbouboftbtacb cbilbjenccp^ tug fo J bteab to tbetc l^atentOi, pet tooulbeft not itlieiietbem, bobUft tbe Idacentbboent mournmg anb ppnmg bp atib bobjne tbat tbep boauteb foobe tbemt^lue^* i^entbatioocceftcon^ofbobp, bib^ „ ^ - tboubptbPfotceneb^miiCo lo'a'e,l;battbepfOu!b fcarce ftanb oti tbeic leg?i: tBeomen tbat bab frclb bloob m tbepjt cbcelted, atib boece lourip to be loobt bppott, bibft tboumabe leane, anb tunicbft tbcm into Inatomie^* £D f amine, tbou ccttclldf ececutlontc of ' ij)^atb,tbou bilboneftgueff:, foj into tobat bouCe foeuec tbou commeft, tbou beftroieft all tbot id let : ti^ou mfto% to idlmtte» enuioujS ^ meOtcioujS Maue^te b^at^ blaftet^toi^oUSelbe^ofiCo^ne: atbap, getteti^ee gone, t^e l^anO of l^eauen beepe tljet &om Uttbmg bpon t^e loo^e, ^tbe ^eab fox tane,in geauejaf olti^oCebofiommottmtnmimUte t^oti fiaft flaug^tmb, bee bucieb t^eve fo^cueet fo^it t^ou ftoulbelt fee footmg bpon ti^i0 little 31e,t^on tooulOelf quicblp tuene it into a gteat }ianO of mi= Cetie, a3ut boaif t^ temble Jubge of t^e ^iti,fati(^ fieb b)itb puniQring t|^ije( people ttoice in man^ netjbobtbeitoffenceis totoatbe^buntiefettteb no mo^bloboejo;^ Jtfeemtjaftbep b^titunintoamoft moube tebellion, anb tbat bee bab ttoo^ne in bi)9i inbignationto beteuengeb bppontbemfo}it: lo^ loe, tbefpintofbif( vagetome)8nob>e in a confix tning See, it bai to^apt bp in dotobeii of ligbtning, anb tbe tbunbetof it b^blteo into ^Ciuill tbatte# Cb^tb^eefonneobffo gveat an^mpetour, ibitle nobolibe tb^ #eteo9j$ in ^e firtnament, all in fieele, tbeit Couttisf nob)ate Campe]3r,anb none ate CouttietjOimt^ottlbietO* l^b^ee aa^otbet^ bee» ittg all tb?ee itingftatebp iii^rmejefy onlp to malte oftb^but0ne,mifetiebponmiretie*^ Cbtptbat ef capeb tbe iltipeo of tbe ^eOilcnce, tnete eaten to beat!) hp famine, tbep tbat faueb tbeinieittejEf out of tbe 3ab)es; of famine, ate nolo in banger to pe» rilbontbe^toDjb^ I© noble France, if 3f^oulb bibtbee onelpto tell tbebo?to?ytbe tetto^, tbebnbounbeb mifcbiefe ar ti •tiYi cdlamitp tW come matc^ng in initi^ ihtia ftiuean^OFte^jt^oumetieft to tapnotliingibutto o« pmt^ tioCome, ano Qkid t^oP?DeepeCca(jaEt»^ic^ t^int (mme Con^ l^aue Cet t^ete* ^^et:e ate teatejS pet tnt^tnee?ejif,lo^ t^ott CaD funeeaUiattia^tc^t]^ £iutU t^o^tie p^epateD* l^^e Low-Counc^s i^aue beene tnlabout a long time, anli aeenotpet wnne> ten of t^t#on(lei; ;(f t^ep cdulO notejtp^eOie t^e papnejS anO pang0 t^at follotne t^tis mtoatnuipB cafe of al(tngnome,t]dijs^ gelefeaboutt^ef^eattof a ^anOytdljabeep tSaet^quab^tdatl^a^ polnecto iiuet=tutne ^obone^ianO'Coboetei, tneei^ane too manp leaned in one obon Cb^ntelejS, fpottrO inuenomeO Jntb of iCiutll Otfco^bt ^oo nmnp of out Ittngd ^aue beetle toofamoujS bp t^at mtfe= tie: too manp of outnobleft^ainatejEt^^anegtabeti tdeit ancient l^otifeio bp tl^at tidnnbet^ ^^ijS flveof l^ifcentton bat^ nobo taben^olbe of Barbaric, abtngbome full Of people, abunbantiti ttcbejEf,floboingb3ttb ^ttisi anb teafficbe toitb^all ^ationa t bob) bappp tbctefo^e ate b}e, tbat bane . peace in out £ittie;a, anb plentie in out nelbea ^ pet boubtleOe, out finnea ate in number infinite, in na^ tute abbominable, toee befetue aa little patboning aatbeprpetijrotttixjicliebneis ajS blacbe anbbete:' ftable aieitbeba* ]iet bjo tbetfo^edtap aftbe ab^ile, anb bp compating tbe beaup af Sictiond bobicb tbe limine 3iu{ficet batb lapb bpon otbet Counttiejel tntimeiapad, acbnobolebge an incommenfutablt lone anbmercp of bid> to tbid Ulanb of onto, nobot in tbefe pjefent bapejaf^ fo} m tbe petfe of »!• . anb anil in ?ecce 188, of ti^e ^^efti'lence Ixia^foftrong^anD fo contagtoujs^^t^atin Rome ti^mB rail plague ouer tl)cboi^olebi3ojlli,bE)^icil contmueib 5 o peerejs; toitl) ^ot biolence* jnt^epeece4359.To mojtallablobuliib giue to Italy bp Infection, t^at t^ere boas! fcarce left tenne of at^oafanli*1^nbtoRome (mtljcpece 1521) ti^at fbeemabe graues! foj a l^imb^eb ti^oufanb# MillanllbCbOlfe, Paduaanb Venice, inti^epereg! 157^ anb 77, openeb tbe ^Bartbto receiue into ber boomb a bunb jeb tboufanb beab carfealfe^, tbat boere left b^eatbleffe in eacb of tljofe jCittieg, bp tbe tp^antue oftbisipeMerousfbifcafe* 3nbm Bohemia (bcctng but a fmall bingbome) tbere bicb tbjee bunb^eb tboufanb tbe fame time* Jntbepeere i5^^,fclfucb a plaguein Go;iftantinopie, tbat It itaoobe bobone in ftrcmonetba! fpace,feaiim bunbieb'tboufanb per® fotts!* 31nb tbi2! miferp boag fcconbeb bp fo terrible a f aminCjtbatapennploafcof bjieabe of igngUib jnonp, boas! u;o^v^b a crobone in golbbpreafon of tnbitb' tb^^P-toplebocreboo^feconCamebtb^ before -bptbe^^eUilencc* ' i^eboillnobofet fo^tbfomeofourobonebomes bo^nc tragetJiejS ^sjjoug^t tv ^lagur^of . taliet^is^aiS^B^ologiie to t|e teft^ Jn t^etaigne otj^. Edward t|jetl)icD, tl)e Jnfcction fpjtUitfelfg in tl)C Eaft Indies, smOttgfi: T artars, Saracens anH Turks, i^al) a i^ano ouer tljitm bp fpace of ^ ypecueo^ anO bengeance boa?! pouteD OoOjne from l^eauen b ;on tlji^ people, ftcoobc t^eit fouled into fuel) amazement anO temj^^t^at manp oft^ei^eat^en (bjit^t^eberpfeate ti^eteof) offreb to be conuetteb anb tutne Cijjiftiansff ^^oj^tUe after5 bp reafon of ^ affengetjg from one ^^j^oumce toanot^er,t^cfamemo|^taUplagueb3asfbifperfeb inmanpC^jiftianbingbomijj^i (amongft otl^erjBJ) bjottgljt into j^nglanb, tol^ere it toaioXo forcible allouer t^e TLanb, t^at not onelpmen, but alfo beaft)El,birbegfanb fifkjgibDere fmitten t^ere=l»lt^, anb foiinb beab boit^ botcljejei bpb ti^em* pea,fuci^ amaflTacre bib it mabe amongft t^e liutng, tbat tijepboerefcarceable to burte ti^ebeab* 3tti»bit'& tittte,(bi)itb t^e rett^attbenbieb of ^e plague,) Henry i^Utle of Lancalier, Blanch ^UtCbeffeof Lan. carter, anb tbe igarle of w ar wick enbeb tljeir buejj^ ^0 ^at in one peere,m a little plot of grounb of 13 3creo compaSTe (tben caileb Spittie-croft, anb nob3f tbe Gharrcr-houfe) buere bttrieb 5000P. perfonO, be= flbeo all tbem tbat mere tben budeb in tbe Cbwtcb parbiS ^binero otbetplacejaf* Muriatecalamitiejs inrticeb bpon bO foji our finneo arc freflb in memojip, tbe epciSofmanppeopfearepftmetmitbmourmng at feudal^, tbe rob ijgftb belb oucr bo, tbe ifripeo of it aire euen noboe to bee feene fticbing in our flelb^ ^et ary., fmt fatWefaatiMg, Wiije«,^0ttoj^^tnttoo oftttt, and to®S? ffs »««» f ftto ''i0^':~^- ■■'r ■■' '-y^- '- ■■ -■•■?;• V :'' .V':^i.. ■- v ' *-T^,-Vr-;^. .iiitt.. • . AwsS •r i'¥5 Si -.' ■ ^ H V W ~ W U W W Mf • From George H, "^dford, Chifwick Houfe, IDitton Hill, Surhiton, ■ .y V ^ Jrdud th/€ AU^fSi^'S ^ of J^^t^frtrrytx^ - TT^ Fs \ 6^^/ ^ ihA la-he (6>o8, Crlx p^l th^ Zrv^pje^riruet " rs ^' »- •--" . jpy^yvx. eeVt.dXet<^^ Jthye>M cUres ruArUA^ik^ihmK f^S 7iU(Jt-a iK- loM-trfi' -rtA-akx^. Whc^ Ckt- (XkUnAJt- tv^ - ctlunT- of N odiAn^^ -56'tf\' J- -M^#' -^c^-