FuO 4- 14• F5I1 /sec. f/z* // * :7 v., - INVENTORY of f£D£X/\L /\KCHJV£S in the STATES S E KltS V THE DEPARTMENT Of JUSTICE N ° 23. MISSIS sippi SURVEY OF FEDERAL ARCHIVES WORKS PROGRESS ADMINISTRATION Division of Women's & Professional Projects New Orleans, Louisiana INVENTORY OP FEDERAL ARCHIVES IN THE STATES Prepared by The Survey of Federal Archives Division of Professional and Service Projects Works Progress Administration The National Archives Cooperating Sponsor SERIES V. THE DEPARTMENT OF .JUSTICE NO. 23. MISSISSIPPI New Orleans, Louisiana The Survey of Federal Archives i&3y The Survey of Federal Archives Philip M. Hamor, National Direotor Stanley C. Arthur, Regional Director for Louisiana, Arkansas, Mississippi and. Tennessee Division of Professional and Service Projects Florenoe Kerr, Assistant Administrator Ethel Payne, State Direotor WCSRK PROJECTS ADMINISTRATION F, C. Harrington, Administrator Roland B, Wall, Deputy Administrator in Charge iii PREFACE The Inventory of Federal Archives In the States is one of the products of the work of the Survey of Federal Archives, which operated as a nation¬ wide project of the *7orks Progress Administration from January 1, 1956 to June 30, 1937, and has been continued in Mississippi since that date as a state project of that Administration. The plan for the organization of the Inventory is as follows: Series I consists of reports on the administration of the Survey acknowledg¬ ments and general discussions of the location, condition, and contents of federal archives in the states. Succeeding series contain the detailed information secured by workers of the Survey, in inventory form, a separ¬ ate series number being assigned to each of the executive departments (except the Department of State) and other major units of the Federal Government, '"ithin each series Ho. 1 is a general introduction to the field organization and records of the governmental agency concerned; the succeeding numbers contain the inventory proper, separate numbers being assigned to each state in alphabetical order. Thus, in each series, the inventory for Alabama is Ho. 2, that for Arizona No. 3, that for Arkansas No. 4, etc, For each local office information regarding each series, or unit of related records, is presented in the following order: title, inclusive dates ("to date" indicating an open file at the time the information was secured), general description of informational content, description of the system of filing or indexing (if any), a statement of frequency and purpose of use, form of the record Itself (bound volumes, sheets in folders, etc.), linear footage, description of the containers, physical condition of the records (not stated if satisfactory), location by room number or other identifying information, and finally, the number of the Form 58 SA on which this information was originally recorded by a Survey worker and from which it was abstracted for the Inventory. This form is on file in The National Archives, '"hen it contains substantial information on addenda sheets which has not been included in the mimeographed abstracts, indication of this is given by use of the reference "See addenda." In Mississippi the work of the Survey was under the direction of Mr. Stanley C, Arthur, regional director for Arkansas, Louisiana, and Missis¬ sippi, :.ith Mr. George L. Schilling as state supervisor, until June 50, 1S37. Since that time Mr. Schilling has been in charge of the state proj¬ ect. This Inventory of the records of the Department of Justice in Missi¬ ssippi was prepared, in the New Orleans office of the Survey under the di¬ rection of Mrs. Norris Fazekas, editor-in-chief and assistant state super¬ visor, and was edited before final typing by Dr. Richard R. Stenberg of the Washington office, Stanley C. Arthur, State Supervisor Hew Orleans, Louisiana Survey of Federal Archives Sept 30, 1939 in Louisiana iv CONTENTS Page ADMINISTRATIVE ASSISTANT TO THE ATTORNEY GENERAL Aberdeen, Deputy United States Marshal,, 1 Biloxi, Assistant United States Attorney 1 Biloxi, Deputy United States Marshal 2 Clarksdale, Assistant United States Attorney. 2 Clarksdale, Deputy United States Marshal (not surveyed) 5 Jackson, Assistant United States Attorney, 5 Jackson, United States Marshal.... 8 Meridian, United States Attorney 10 Meridian, Deputy United States Marshal... 10 Oxford, United States Attorney 11 Cbcford, United States Marshal 11 Vicksburg, Assistant United States Attorney,. 12 Vicksburg, Deputy United States Marshal (not surveyed) 12 BUREAU OF MR RISK LITIGATION Jackson, Field Service Attorney 13 ADMINISTRATIVE ASSISTANT TO THE ATTORNEY GENERAL 1 ABERDEEN DEPUTY UNITED STATES MARSHAL Post Office and Courthouse Hickory and Commerce Sts. The office of United States Marshal for the Northern District of Mississippi, was created by the Act of June 18, 1835, which divided the state into two districts. The Deputy Marshal has maintained offices in Aberdeen since the creation of the Eastern Division in October 1882, He has had quarters in the Post Office and Courthouse since 1888, Previously his office was located in what was known as the Sykes Building, practi¬ cally all of the files of the Deputy Marshal are kept in the Oxford offi¬ ces. 1. CAPIAS DOCKETS AND CjiPIASES, Nov. 1S82; May 1886 - Oct. 1895. Re¬ ports and records of capiases, summons, and subpoenas. Indexed. (Rarely, official.) 13 x 18 vols. (?), 1 ft. 2 in., on wooden shelf. R. E09. (E7) BILOXI ASSISTANT UNITED STATES ATTORNEY Post Office and Courthouse 240 Lameuse St, The office of United States Attorney for the Southern District of Mississippi, successor to the United States Attorney for the District of Mississippi, was created by the Act of June 18, 1835, which divided the state into two districts. The Assistant United States Attorney has main¬ tained offices in the Southern Division of the district since this divi¬ sion was established in April 1888. The office presently occupied by the Assistant Attorney is in the Post Office and Courthouse. Prior to 1918 the office was located in Biloxi City Hall. The majority of the files of the Assistant Attorney are kept in the Jackson office. E, EXPENSE ACCOUNTS, Jan. 1 - Sept. 30, 1894. Quarterly expense aocounts submitted to Department of Justice by U.S. attorney. (Never.) 10 x 15 bundle, 3 in., on open wooden shelf. Damaged by careless handling and faulty containers, dirty, torn, R. 301. (151) 3. RECORDS ON TIMBER DEPREDATIONS, Sept. 1911. Information furnished the U.S. attorney in cases in which no action was taken. (Never.) 5 x 11 bundle, 6 in., in wooden cabinet. Si. 210. (65) Assistant United States Attorney, Clarksdale 2 DEPUTY UNITED STATES MARSHAL Post Office and Courthouse 2.40 Lameuse St. The office of the United States Marshal for the Southern District of Mississippi, successor to the United States Marshal for the District of Mississippi, was created by the Act of June 18, 1855, which divided the state into two districts. The deputy Marshal has maintained offices in the Southern Division of the district sinCe the division was established in April 1808. The office presently occupied by the Deputy Marshal is in the Post Office and Courthouse. Prior to 1918 the office was located in the Biloxi oity Hall. The majority of the records of the Deputy Marshal are kept in the Jackson office. 4. RETURNS ON TRITS EXECUTED BY DEPUTY MARSHAL, 1917 - 1922. Copies of returns made to marshal on all writs executed by deputy marshal, (Never.) 10 x 15 bundles (2), 9 in., on open wooden shelf. R. 301, (149) 5. CORRESPONDENCE AND PROCESS nECORDS, July 10, 1935 to date. D. C. Form 8, individual process record, giving docket number, nature of writ, by whom issued, date and data as to execution of process, correspondence between U. S. marshal at Jackson, Miss., and deputy marshal. Arranged chronologically. (Daily, official.) 10 x 12 folders and 10 x 11 l/2 loose-leaf books, 2 in., in drawer of wooden desk. R. 217. (148) CLARKSDALE ASSISTANT UNITED STATES ATTORNEY Post Office and Courthouse 2d and Issaquena Sts. The office of United States Attorney for the Northern District of Mississippi, was created by the Act of 1638, which established the Distriot Court for the distriot. The Assistant United States Attorney presently maintains an office for the Delta Division of the court in Clarksdale, This office has been located in the Post Office and Courthouse since the division was established in 1912. Records of the Assistant Attorney filed in this office date from 1920, Combined Divisions 6. COURT DOCKETS, 1928 to date. Dockets for Clarksdale, Aberdeen, and Oxford Divisions, giving case number, style of case, violation, and witnesses. Entered chronologically. Indexed. (Frequently, official.) 10 l/4 x 11 1/4 vols. (3), 6 in., on shelf of wooden sectional bookcase, R. 502, (18) 7. TITNESS DOCKET, 192S to date. Listing witnesses in criminal and civil cases, dates of summons to appear, report, and discharge, and record of time for which witnesses should be paid. Entered chronologically. (Semi-annually, official.) 10 1/4 x 11 1/4 vol., 4 in., on shelf of wooden sectional bookcase. R. 302. (25) Assistant United States Attorney, Clarksdale 3 8. GRAND JURY DOCKETS, 1930 to date. Style of case, charge, wit¬ nesses, and action by grand jury. Entered chronologically. Indexed. (Frequently, official.) 10 l/4 x 11 l/4 vols. (2), 4 in., on shelf of wooden sectional bookcase. R. 302. (24) 9. CGKPLAINT DOCKETS, 1932 to date, hecords of complaints filed and actions taken. Entered chronologically. Indexed. (Frequently,official.) 10 1/4 x 11 1/4 vols., 3 in., on shelf of wooden sectional bookcase, R. 302. (26) 10. CASLS PENDING, CORRESPONDENCE, AND REPORTS, June 1921 to date. Correspondence, reports, and miscellaneous doouments covering criminal cases. Filed alphabetically. Index. (Seldom, official.) 9 l/2 x 15 folders and 3 x 5 cards, 8 ft. 7 in., in 7 drawers of steel filing cases, Rs. 300-302. (27) ABERDEEN DIVISION 11. OASES, ABERDEEN DIVISION, Sept. 1922 to date. Cases handled, prosecuted, and kept by district attorney, Nos. 5783 - 9716, and 200 other cases not numbered or dated, liled numerically. Card index and index vol. (Frequently, official.) S l/2 x 15 folders and 4x6 cards, 18 ft. 4 in., in 11 drawers of steel filing cases. Dirty, scattered. R. 302. (19) 12. CLOSED LA"* CASLS, ABERDEEN DIVISION, Dec. 1926 - Dec. 1934. Cases disposed of, Nos. 169 - 555, ^iled numerically, Index, (Occasion¬ ally, official.) 9 l/2 x 15 folders, 1 ft. b in., in drawer of steel fil¬ ing case. Dirty. R. 300. (25) 13. CIVIL DOCKET, INACTIVE, j>.3EEDEEN DIVISION, Aug, 1929 - Nov. 1934. Civil cases disposed of, Nos. 63 - 556. Mitered numerically, indexed. (Rarely, official.) 10 1/4 x 11 l/2 vol., 4 in,, on shelf of wooden sectional bookcase, R, 302. (20) 14. CIVIL DOCKET, ACTIVE, ABERDEEN DIVISION, July 1931 to date, Civil cases pending, Nos. 288 - 591. entered numerically, Indexed. (Frequently, official.) 10 1/4 x 11 l/2 vol., 4 in., on shelf of wooden sectional bookcase, n, 302. (20) 15. CLOSED EQUITY CASES, ABERDEEN DIVISION, Feb, 1926 - tor. 1932. Cases disposed of, Nos. 41 - 61. Filed numerically. Index. (Rarely, official.) 9 l/2 x 15 folders, 1 ft. 8 in., in drawer of steel filing case. Dirty, scattered. R. 300, (22) 16. CRIMINAL DOCKETS, INACTIVE, ABERDEEN DIVISION, VOLS. 1-5, Aug. 1928 to date. Cases filed and disposed of, Nos. 7613 - 9484. Entered numerically. Indexed, (narely, official.) 10 3/4 x 11 l/2 vols. (5), 1 ft. 3 in., on shelves of wooden seotional bookcase. R. 302. (21) 17. CRIMINAL DOCKET, ACTIVE, ABERDEEN DIVISION, Apr. 1934 to date. Criminal cases pending, Nos. 9354 - 9716, Entered numerically. Indexed. Assistant United States Attorney, Clerksdale 4 (Frequently, official.) 10 3/4 x 11 l/2 vol., 6 in., on shelf of wooden sectional bookcase. R. 302. (21) CLARKSDALE DIVISION 18. CASE FILLS, GLABXSDALE DIVISION, Oct. 1920 to date. Complaints and files of cases handled, prosecuted, and kept by district attorney, Nos. 1 - 2798, and 200 other cases not numbered or dated. Filed numer¬ ically. Card index and index vol. (Frequently, official.) 9 l/2 x 15 folders and 4x6 cards, 18 ft. 4 in., in 11 drawers of steel filing cases. Dirty, scattered. E. 302. (19) 19. CLOSED LA"' CASES, CLARKSDALE DIVISION, Oct. 1928 to date. Cases disposed of, Nos. 176 - 439. Filed numerically. Index. (Occasionally, official.) 9 l/2 x 15 folders, 1 ft. G in., in drawer of steel filing case. Dirty. E. 300. (23) 20. CIVIL DOCKET, INACTIVE, CLAHKSDALL DIVISION, June 1928 - Dec. 1935. Civil cases disposed of, Nos. 128 - 439. Entered numerically. Indexed. (Barely, official.) 10 l/4 x 11 l/2 vol., 4 in., on shelf of wooden sectional bookcase. R. 302. (20) 21. CIVIL DOCKET, ACTIVE, CLARKSDALE DIVISION, Aug. 1932 to date. Civil cases pending, Nos. 209 - 444, Entered numerically. Indexed. (Frequently, official.) 10 l/4 x 11 1/2 vol., 4 in., on shelf of wooden sectional bookcase, R. 302. (20) 22. CLOSED EQUITY CASES, CLARKSDALE DIVISION, Dec. 1926 - June 1935. Cases disposed of, Nos. 27 - 251. Filed numerically. Index. (Rarely, official.) 9 l/2 x 15 folders, 1 ft. 8 in., in drawer of steel filing case. Dirty, scattered. R. 300, (22) 23. CRIMINAL DOCKETS, INACTIVE, CLARKSDALE DIVISION, July 1928 to date, Criminal cases disposed of, Nos. 1270 -2780. Entered numerically. Indexed, (Rarely, official.) 10 3/4 x 11 l/2 vols. (4), 1 ft., on shelves of wooden sectional bookcase, n. 302, (21) 24. CRIMINAL DOCKET, ACTIVE, CLARKSDALE DIVISION, Oct, 1934 to date. Criminal cases pending, Nos. 2627 - 2798. Entered numerically. In¬ dexed. (Frequently, official.) 10 3/4 x 11 l/2 vol., 6 in., on shelf of wooden sectional bookcase. R. 302. (21) OXFORD DIVISION 25. CASES, OXFORD DIVISION, July 1914 to date. Cases handled, prosecuted, and kept by district attorney, Nos. 5517 - 7270, and 200 other cases not numbered or dated. Filed numerically. Card index and index vol. (Frequently, official.) 9 l/s x 15 folders and 4x6 cards, 14 ft, 7 in., in 8 drawers of steel filing cases. Dirty, scattered, R. 302. (19) Assistant United States Attorney, Clarksdale 5 26. CLOSED LA"? CASES, OXFORD DIVISION, July 1923 to date. Cases disposed of. Filed numerically. Index,- (Occasionally, official.) 9 l/2 x 15 folders, 1 ft. 8 in,, in drawer of steel filing case. Dirty. 3. 300. (23) 27. CIVIL DOCKET, INACTIVE, OXFORD DIVISION, June 1929 to date. Civil cases disposed of, Nos. 4013 - 4229. Entered numerically. Indexed. (Rarely, official.) 10 1/4 x 11 l/2 vol., 4 in., on shelf of wooden sectional bookcase. R. 302. (20) 28. CIVIL DOCKET, ACTIVE, OXFORD DIVISION, Dec. 1930 to date. Civil cases pending, Nos. 4029 - 4250. Entered numerically. Indexed, (Fre¬ quently, official.) 10 l/4 x 11 l/2 vol., 4 in., on shelf of wooded sectional bookcaee. It. 302. (20) 29. CLOSED EQUITY CASES, OXFORD DIVISION, May 1926 - Feb. 1933. Records of equity cases disposed of, Nos, 30 - 60. Filed numerically. Index. (Rarely, official.) 9 l/2 x 15 folders, 1 ft. 8 in., in drawer of steel filing case. Dirty, scattered. R. 300. (22) 30. CRIMINAL DOCKETS, INACTIVE, OXFORD DIVISION, VOLS. 1-3, Sept, 1928 to date. Criminal cases disposed of, Nos. 6434 - 7269. Entered numerically. Indexed. (Rarely, official.) 10 3/4 x 11 l/2 vols. (3), 1 ft,, on shelves of wooden sectional bookcase. R. 302. (21) 31. CRIMINAL DOCKET, ACTIVE, OXFORD DIVISION, Apr. 1934 to date. Criminal dases pending, Nos. 7146 - 7270. Entered numerically. Indexed. (Frequently, official.) 10 3/4 x 11 1/2 vol., 6 in., on shelf of wooden sectional bookcase. E. 302. (21) DEPUTY UNITED STATES mARSHAL Post Office and Courthouse 2d and Issaquena sts, (not surveyed) JACKSON ASSISTANT UNITED STATES ATTORNEY Post Office and Courthouse Capitol and Southwest Sts. The offioe of United States Attorney for the Southern District of Mississippi, successor to the United States Attorney for the District of Mississippi, was created by the Act of June 10, 1835. The Assistant United States Attorney has maintained an office in Jackson since the head¬ quarters of the court were removed from Natchez in 1835. The office has been located in the Post Office and Courthouse since May 1935; previously the Assistant Attorney had space in the various buildings occupied by the Assistant United States Attorney, Jackson 6 court. Since this survey was made the office of United States Attorney has been moved from Meridian to Jackson. 32. U.S. ATTORNEY*S DOCICETS, Jan. 1871 - May 1861; n. d. Record of cases Nos. 3 - 1392. Entered numerically. Indexed. (Rarely, official.) 14 x 19 vols., 2 ft., on table, Damaged by careless handling, torn, bindings broken. Basement 1. (1) 33. LAND CONDEMNATION CASES, 1933 to date. Records in cases for the acquisition of land for forest service and Mississippi River flood control projects. Arranged numerically. (Frequently, official.) 10 x 14 folders, 9 ft. 4 in., in 6 drawers of steel filing cases. R. 407. (286) 34. ^AR RISK INSURANCE CASES, 1933 to date. Correspondence and plead¬ ings in war risk litigation. Arranged numerically. (Frequently, offi¬ cial.) 10 x 14 folders, 4 ft,, in 2 drawers of steel filing case. R, 407. (285) 35. ABSTRACTS OF TITLE, 1934 to date. Abstracts of title of lands being acquired by the United States for national forests or flood control purposes. (Frequently, official.) 9 x 11 loose-leaf books (147), 6 ft., on tables. R, 405. (284) 36. MISCELLANEOUS CORRESPONDENCE, 1922 - 1929, Old correspondence relative to war contracts, indictments, violations, and reports to prohibition office. (Never.) 10 x 14 folders, 10 ft, 4 in., in 6 paste¬ board boxes. Scattered, R. 409. (287) 37. RAILROAD THEFT, VIOLATIONS OF SAFETY APPLIANCE ACT, AID STRIKES, 1918 - 1927. Correspondence with Interstate Commerce Commission, Bureau of Investigation, railroad officials, individuals, and attorneys concern¬ ing theft by railroad employees and others of property in transit from railway express and baggage cars, suits regarding the working of employees longer than law permits; railroed strikes, and violations of the Safety Appliance Act, (Never.) 10 x 12 and 10 x 15 envelopes, 1 ft., in paste¬ board box. E. 1. (1105) 38. VIOLATIONS OF POSTAL LATS AND REGULATIONS, 1920 - 1927. Corres¬ pondence with post office inspectors, laymen and their attorneys concern¬ ing such offenses as failure of postmasters to remit charges on parcels, embezzled money order funds, postmaster's violation of Civil Service Act by securing advance information on papers sent for clerk-carrier examina- - tion, shortage of postmasters' funds at regular inspections, unlawful use of postage stamps, burning of franked letters, theft of mail from locked boxes and rural boxes, objectionable letters mailed, opening and theft of official letters by postmasters, end wrong payment of money orders; also indictments and supporting papers. (Never.) 10 x 12 and 10 x 15 folders, 1 ft.3 in., in pasteboard box. R. 1. (1097) 39. TAR RISK INSURANCE, 1920 - 1928. Correspondence with individual attorneys, Veterans' Bureau, and special agent concerning veterans' fees for legal service, false statements by veterans, and draft deserters; also photostatic copies of cancelled checks, receipts, correspondence, Assistant United States Attorney, Jackson 7 and affidavits. (Never.) 10 x 12 folders, 7 in., in pasteboard box. R. 1. (1095) 40. LANE TRANSACTIONS, 1921 - 1927. Correspondence and supporting papers between the U. S. attorney and others concerning rules governing Indian property, claims to occupy and possess lands, sale of land to Federal government, timber trespass law, and abstracts. (Never.) 10 x 12 folders, 4 in., in pasteboard box. R. 1. (1103) 41. MISCELLANEOUS VIOLATIONS, 1521 - 1927. Correspondence and support¬ ing papers concerning first proceedings in such matters as railroad theft, prohibition, war risk insurance, violations of Motor Vehicle Act, claims against the U. S., U. S. claims against individuals, concealment of bank¬ rupt assets, bank robbery, forgery, naturalization, perjury, white slavery, and assault and battery, (Never.) 10 x 15 folders, 1 ft. 7 in., in paste¬ board box. R. 1. (1108) 42. REPORTS, 1921 - 1928. Of Assistant U. S. Attorney to U. S.Attorney and from U. S. Attorney to Attorney General concerning various cases on docket, showing disposition of each, uncollected fin6s, judgments, and costs; reports and correspondence concerning appointments, resignations, and salaries of government officials; and reports of official business with Telephone and Telegraph Co., including vouchers, paid bills, etc. (Never.) 10 x 12 folders, 1 ft., in pasteboard box. R. 1, (1109) 43. PEONAGE AND VIOLATIONS OF '7HITE SLAVE ACT, 1922 - 1927. Correspond¬ ence with attorneys, individuals, and agents in charge concerning false imprisonment of persons and families by detaining them against their will for labor or debts due; correspondence with attorneys and individuals concerning transportation of female persons across state lines; and U. S. commissioner's final report of proceedings. (Never.) 10 x 12 and 10 x 15 folders, 6 in., in pasteboard box. R. 1. (1106) 44. PROHIBITION RLCGRDS AND REPORTS, 1922 - 1927. Correspondence, records, and reports in regard to alleged violations of prohibition amendment, with copies of indictments, commissioner's report of proceedings, appraisement of seized property, other supporting, papers,and final report. (Never.) 10 x 15 folders and 9 x 13 bundle, 4 ft. 9 in., in 3 paste¬ board boxes. R. 1. (1100) 45. REVENUE TAX, CVERPANIENT, 1922 - 1927. Correspondence with Attorney General and individual attorneys relative to claims for refund on account of alleged overpayment of estate taxes to the government; and photostatic copies of tax returns, correspondence, and abatement of estate tax. (Never*) 10 x 15 folders, 1 ft. 2 in., in pasteboard box. R. 1. (1104) 46. TAX EVASIONS, 1922 - 1927. Correspondence with Deputy Collector of Internal Revenue concerning failure to pay tax on automobiles used for hire, ball games, and motor-boats, failure to have tonnage and numbers marked on boats, tax for motor-boat passengers and freight transportation claims for income tax against insolvents, and failure to pay tax on picture shows. (Never.) 10 x 12 folders^ 5 in., in pasteboard box. R, l* (1102) Assistant United States Attorney, Jackson 8 47. TICK ERADICATION, 1922 - 1927. Correspondence with veterinary inspector, Bureau of Animal Industry, inspector in charge of various territories, and sheriffs of different counties concerning contagious and infectious diseases of cattle* violation of state of Federal quarantine law, and cases against U. S. because of injury to cattle at dipping. (Never.) 10 x 12 and 10 x 15 folders, 8 in., in pasteboard box, R. 1, (1093) 48. VIOLATIONS OF PURE FOOD ACT, 1922 - 1927. Correspondence with Department of Agriculture and individual attorneys concerning misbranded foods, misstatements of ingredients and weights of canned foods, and commissioner's report. (Never.) 10 x 15 folders, 4 in., in pasteboard box. R. 1. (1107) 49. SEIZED BOATS, 1925. Correspondence with Assistant Attorney General and individual attorneys concerning vessels committing offenses against U. S. laws, seizure of foreign vessels, and seizure and sale of motor-boats. (Never.) 10 x 15 folders, 8 in,, in pasteboard box. R. 1. (1101) 50. VIOLATIONS OF HARRISON NARCOTIC ACT, 1925 - 1953, Correspondence with inspectors, doctors, druggists, and individuals concerning violations of the narcotic act, such as failure to keep proper dispensing records; also evidence; pictures and fingerprint records of drug addicts who are fugitives from justice; prescriptions; order forms issued to doctors and druggists; Form 100, narcotic case reports; Form 117, reports of prop¬ erty seized; Form 121, action on case; Form 65, reports of individual violations of narcotic law; Form 678, applications for reregistry and special opium tax stamps; Form 136, sub-vouchers for advance of funds for purchase of evidence; and Form 713, inventory of opium. (Never.) 10 x 12 and 10 x 15 folders, 15 ft,, in 4 pasteboard boxes, R. 1, (1096) UNITED STATES MARSHAL Post Office and Courthouse Capitol and Southwest Sts. The office of United States Marshal for the Southern District of Mississippi, was created by the Act of March 3, 1835, which created the district, The Marshal has been located in the Post Office and Court¬ house since May 1935; he previously occupied offices in the various other buildings which provided quarters for the court. 51. COURT DOCKET, Feb. 1686 - June 1896. Record of cases filed. (Seldom, official.) 14 x 19 vol., 1 3/4 in,, on table. Basement 1. (1) 52. CIVIL AND CRIMINAL^DOCKETS, 1902 to date. Record of cases filed in district court, entered chronologically. Indexed. (Frequently, official.) 13 x 17 vols. (63), 12 ft,, on cabinet and in steel cabinet.' Storage room and R. 406. (273, 276) 53. CIVIL DOCKET, Apr. 1881 - Feb. 1886. Record of civil cases filed in district court, and summons and subpoenas issued in same. Entered chronologically. (Seldom, official.) 9 1/2 x 15 vol., 3 in., on table. Damaged by faulty containers, bindings broken. Basement 1.(2) United States Marshal, Jackson 9 54. BANKRUPTCY DOCKET, May 1871 - Sept. 1874. Marshal's record of filed cases. (Frequently, official.) 14 x 19 vol., 1 3/4 in., on table. Basement 1. (1) 55. CASti BOOKS, July 1873 - July 1897. Showing cash receipts Mid disbursements. Entered chronologically. (Seldom, official.) 9 1/2 x 15 vols. (8), 6 in., on table. Damaged by faulty containers, bindings broken. Basement 1. (2) 56. FINANCIAL RECORD BOOKS, 1888; 1902 to date. Ledgers and cash books. Entered chronologically. Ledgers indexed. (Older records, rarely; recent records, frequently, official.) 13 x 17 vols. (13), 2 ft. 8 in., on cabinet and in steel cabinet. Storage room and R. 406. (272, 274) 57. U, S. HJNDS, July 1896 - June 1605. Marshal's record of funds in his custody. Entered chronologically. (Seldom, official.) 9 l/2 x 15 vol., 3 in., on table. Damaged by faulty containers, bindings broken. Basement 1. (2) 58. FEES AND EXPENSE RECORDS, July 1896 - Sept. 1919; Jan. 1920 - July 1923. Record of fees received and expenses incurred and paid by the marshal. Entered chronologically, (Seldom, official.) 9 l/2 x 15 vols. (2), 6 in., on table. Damaged by faulty containers, bindings broken. Basement 1. (2) 59. QUARTERLY REPORTS AND VOUCHERS, 1924 to date. Copies of reports ;to Department of Justice on expenditures and collections, with vouchers. Arranged chronologically, (Occasionally, official.) 9 x 15 loose sheets clamped together and 9 1/2 x 15 l/2 bundles (50), 18 ft. 2 in., in open cabinet and in steel cabinet. Storage room and R. 406. (265, 275) 60. FINGERPRINT RECORDS, 1930 to date. Circulars and correspondence concerning fingerprint cases. (Occasionally, official.) 8 l/2 x 11 and 10 x 12 folders, 1 ft., in drawer of wooden filing case. R, 406. (269) 61. JAIL RECORD OF PRISONERS, 1932 to date. Card record of commit¬ ments and releases. Arranged alphabetically, by jails. (Frequently,, official.) 3x5 cards, 33 ft., in 12 drawers of steel card cabinets. R. 406. (268) 62. SUMMONS AND JURY LISTS, 1935 to date. Filed by terms and divisions of court. (Occasionally, official.) 10 x 14 envelopes, 1 ft. 6 in., in drawer of wooden filing case. R. 406. (267) 63. MISCELLANEOUS CORRESPONDENCE, 1930 to date. Correspondence with deputies, jailers, physicians, prison, and department officials. Filed alphabetically. (Occasionally, official.) 10 x 12 folders, 7 ft. 10 in., in 5 drawers of wooden filing cases. R. 406. (266) 64. GENERAL CORRESPONDENCE, 1932 to date. Correspondence with depu¬ ties, jailers, physicians, and prison officials. (Frequently, official.) 10 x 12 folders, 1 ft. 4 in,, in 4 drawers of wooden filing case. R. 404. (271) United States Attorney, Meridian 10 65. SPECIAL COttxtLSPONDUJCE, 1932 to date. Correspondence with depu¬ ties, physicians, jailers, and prison officials. Filed by groups of corres¬ pondents. (Frequently, official*) 10 x 12 folders, 3 ft., in 30 flat draw¬ ers. a, 404. (270) MERIDIAN UNITED STATES ATTORNEY Post Office and Courthouse 9th and 10th Sts,, 21st and 22nd Aves. The office of United States Attorney for the Southern District of Mississippi, successor to the United States Attorney for the District of Mississippi, was created by the Act of June 18, 1835. The Attorney has maintained an office for the Eastern Division of the district at Meridian since the division was established in July 1894. The office was located in the old Post Office and Courthouse until the completion in 1932 of the new Post Office and Courthouse, where the Attorney now has his offioe. Since this survey was made the office of Attorney has been moved to Jackson, and the Assistant Attorney is now located in Meridian* 66. CRIMINAL DOCUMENTS, 1910 - 1927. Indictments, capiases, writs of mittimus, bonds, orders, decrees of court, etc., for Biloxi, Jackaon, Meridian, and Vicksburg divisions. Arranged alphabetically. (Never.) 14 x 16 folders, 14 ft., in 10 wooden boxes and 1 pasteboard box. Dirty, damaged by careless handling and faulty containers. R. 4. (18) 67. DOCUlviENTE, 1229 to date. Miscellaneous forms, bulletins, supreme court decisions, etc, (Daily, official.) Variously sized vols,, folders, and envelopes, 18 ft., in drawers of 2 filing cases. R» 204. (20) 68. DOCUMENTS AND RECORD BOOKS, 1929 to date. Closed and pending criminal and civil cases in Biloxi, Hattiesburg, Jackson, Meridian, and Vicksburg divisions. (Frequently, official.) 3 x 11 and 9 x 15 vols* (25) and folders, 65 ft., in 14 filing cases and on shelf. R. 202, (19) DEPUTY UNITED STATES MARSHAL U. S. Post Office and Courthouse Sth and 10th Sts., 21st and 22nd Aves. Records of the Deputy Marshal are in the custody of the United State Marshal at Jackson. United States Attorney, Oxford 11 OXFORD UNITLL STATES ATTORNEY U.S.Post Office and Courthouse N. Lamar and Jackson Ave. The office of United States Attorney for the Northern District of Mississippi was created by the Act of 1838, which.created the district. The Attorney has maintained an office for the Western Division of the district in Oxford since 1866 when the court was moved there from Pontotoc. The office has been located in the Post Office and Courthouse since 1884, Previously the Attorney was located in the various buildings occupied by the oourt. 69. TERM DOCKETS, ABERDEEN, Apr. - Oct. 1891; Apr. 18S8 - Oct. 1895. (Never.) 10 x 15 vols. (3), 6 in., on open wooden shelves. R. 302. (38) 70. TERM DOCKETS, June 1891 - June 1896. (Never.) 10 x 15 vols.(3), 6 in., on open wooden shelves. R. 302. (38) 71. CRIMINAL DOCKETS, Apr. 1893 - Oct, 1908. Indexed. (Never.) 16 x 18 vols. (3), 9 in., on open wooden shelves. R. 302. (38) 72. CRIMINAL DOCKET, ABERDEEN, Oct. 1893 - Apr. 1903. Indexed. (Never.) 16 x 18 vol., 3 in., on open wooden shelf. R. 302. (38) 73. GRAND JURY DOCKET, Apr. 1898 » June 1899. Indexed. (Never.) 12 x 17 vol,, 2 in., on open wooden shelf. R. 302. (38) UNITED STATES MARSHAL U.S.Post Office and Courthouse N. Lamar and Jackson Ave. 74. EXECUTION DOCKETS, June 1867 - June 1870; June 1878 - Ded. 1896. Indexed. (Never.) Variously sized vols. (4), 1 ft., on open wooden shelves. R. 302. (32) 75. EXECUTION DOCKET NO. 2, ABERDEEN, JUNE 1888 - Apr. 1893. Indexed, (Never.) 12 x 17 vol., 2 in., on open wooden shelf. R. 302. (32) 76. CIVIL EXECUTION DOCKET, Jan. 1871 - Feb. 1879. Indexed. (Never.) 14 x 19 vol., 3 in., on open wooden shelf. R. 302, (32) 77. BANKRUPTCY DOCKETS, Aug. 1667 - Dec. 1671; Nov. 1874 - Mar. 1881. Indexed. (Never.) Variously sized vole, (4), 1 ft,, on open wooden shelves. R. 302. (32) 78. CRIMINAL DOCKETS, July 1896 - Nov. 1900. Indexed. (Never.) 19 x 21 and 20 x 21 vols. (3), 1 ft., on open wooden shelves. R, 302.(32) 79. CASH BOOK, July, 1886 - June 1890. (Never.) 13 x 17 vol 2 in on open wooden shelf, R. 302. (35) "' '' Assistant United States Attorney, Vicksburg 12 80. VOUCHERS OP MARSHAL* S PEES AND EXPENSES, 1869 - 1894; 1896 - 1899. (Never.) 4x9 bundle, 5 in., in open pigeonhole. Damaged by vermin and faulty container, brittle, dirty, torn, ink faded, R. 302, (61) 81. EMOLUMENT EITOENS OF MARSHAL, 1885 - 1895, (Never.) 4x9 bundle, 4 in., in open pigeonhole. Damaged by faulty container, brittle, dirty, A. 502. (62) 82. MISCELLANEOUS EXPENSES OF MARSHAL, 1885 - 1896. (Never.) 4x9 bundle, 5 in., in open pigeonhole. Damaged by faulty container, brittle, dirty, ink faded, n. 302. (60) 83. FEES AND EXPENSES OF MARSHAL, 1885 - 1097. (Never.) 4x 9 bundles, 9 ft. 10 in., in 17 open pigeonholes. Damaged by vermin and faulty containers, brittle, dirty, torn, ink faded. R, 302. (59) 84. FEE AND EXPENSE RECORD, July 1896 - Jan. 1904. Indexed. fNever.) 16 x 19 vol., 3 in,, on open wooden shelf, R. 302. (37) 85. JOURNALS, Oct. 1382 - Apr. 1397. (Never.) 10 x 15 and 13 x 17 vols. (2), 4 in., on open wooden shelves. R. 302. (35) 86. LEDGERS, July 1885; Sept, 1696 - May 1908. Indexed. (Never.) 13 x 19 and 17 x 20 vols. (2), 6 in., on open wooden shelves. R» 302. (34) 87. RECORD BOOK, May 1875 - Jan. 1881, Record of witnesses' court attendance, (Never.) 13 x 17 vol., 3 in., on open wooden shelf. R. 302. (36) VICKSBURO ASSISTANT UNITED STATES ATTORNEY U. S, Post Office and Courthouse Crawford and Walnut Sts, 88. INACTIVE RECORDS, 1867 - 1911. Miscellaneous papers including correspondence with private individuals, business firms, government offi¬ cers and agents, on a variety of subjects; local papers Including deeds to property, contracts, attorney's reports, pension declarations, u» S. Conmissioner's papers and others; Form la, transcript certificates, from the Register's Office, Treasury Department, Washington, certifying that true copies of the originals are on file and signed by the Secretary of the Treasury. (Never,) 8 l/2 x 15 sheets, 2 ft., in pasteboard box. Damaged by careless handling and faulty containers, brittle, dirty,torn, scattered, ink faded. R. 205, (945) DEPUTY UNITED STATES MARSHAL U. S. Post Office and Courthouse Crawford and Walnut Sta. (not surveyed) BUREAU OF UAR RISK LITIGATION 13 JACKSON FIELD SERVICE ATTORNEY Post Office and Courthouse Capitol and Southwest Sts. The office of the Field Service Attorney, Bureau of War Risk Litiga¬ tion, was transferred from the Veterans Administration to the Department of Justice in 1903. The Attorney now has an office in the Post Office and Courthouse at Jackson. He had previously occupied offices in the Mississippi Fire insurance Building, Tower Building, Edwards Hotel, Daniel Hotel, and McRae Building. 89. DOCKETS, 1930 to date. Record of cases filed in war risk litigation. Arranged chronologically. (Frequently, official.) 10x11 loose-leaf hooks (2), 6 in., on desk. R, 238. (251) 90. TRIAL FILES, CLOSED, 1930 to date. Information in war risk cases tried end disposed of. Arranged alphabetically, 3x5 card index; see abstract No. 246. (Seldom, official.) 10 x 15 folders, 18 ft. 4 in., in 11 drawers of steel filing cases. R. 238. (248) 91. TBIAL FILES, PENDING, 1930 to date. Information in war risk cases not yet settled. Filed alphabetically. 3x5 card index; see abstract No. 246, (Frequently, official.) 10 x 15 folders, 61.ft. 2 in., in 39 drawers of steel filing cases. E. 238. (247,249) 92. MISCELLANEOUS CORRESPONDENCE, 1930 to date. Correspondence relative to claims in war risk litigation. Filed alphabetically. 3x5 card index; see abstract No. 246, (Frequently, official.) 10 x 12 folders, 1 ft, 10 in., in drawer of steel filing case. R. 238. (250) S3. INDEX TO CLAIMANTS, 1930 to date. Names and addresses of claimants in war risk litigation. Arranged alphabetically. This is an index to records reported on in abstracts Nos, 247 - 250. (Frequently, official.) 3x5 cards, 4 ft., in 3 drawers of wooden card cabinet. R. 238. (246)