THIS WORK PAYS YOUR COMMUNITY This month there are approximately 14,300 persons earning a living in the various activities conducted by the Work Projects Administration in the state of Oregon. At the end of this month this group will have received in wages about $879,000, which sum is expended through the ordinary channels of the state's businesses. Every county in the state benefits both financially and, culturally from WP,A industries. "This Work Pays Your Community" week has been set aside so that any citizen of the state may acquaint himself first hand with the actual workings of these various projects which cover a diversified field and assist persons in every walk of life to earn a living. This brochure is designed to describe briefly some of the accomplish¬ ments of the Professional and Service Divisions Community Service Projects, Research and Records Projects and Production Projects. ART PROJECT Sponsor: State Board of Control State headquarters at 15 S. W. First Avenue employs 95 artisans. Its most widely publicized achievement to date is the complete furnishing of Timberline Lodge. This project embraces such activities as mural painting, manufacturing and designing of furniture, sculpturing, weaving, rug hooking, ornamental iron working and making of ceramics for tax supported institutions in cooperation with community sponsored organizations. Art centers are .main¬ tained in Salem, Gold Beach, and La Grande to instruct organizations and in¬ dividuals in all the mediums of the arts. The Portland Center will be open this week from 10 A.M. to 4:30 P.M. daily. MUSIC PROJECT Sponsor: City of Portland Outstanding feature of this project is participation with the Philhar¬ monic Orchestra in the winter season concerts. Eight concerts were given last season and 12 are planned for the 1940-41 season. The symphonic band presents free concerts during the summer months in various parks throughout Portland. In addition, trained musicians teach piano, violin and vocal choruses in Port¬ land to those of limited income. RECREATION PROJECT Sponsor: State Department of Education This project is concerned with the physical welfare of the various com¬ munities. This includes supervision of indoor and outdoor physical activities for persons of all ages, including gymnastics and all sports. Leadership also is provided for all forms of crafts as well as plays, dramatics and pageantry. ADULT EDUCATION Sponsor: State Department of Education This has proved one of the most popular of the WPA projects. In the record class of 1500 foreign-born persons who received citizenship papers in Portland last February 22, 96% received help from this project in preparing - 2 - for the examination. Free instruction is given in arts and crafts. Other subjects taught include astronony, instruction to advanced students in ac¬ counting, bookkeeping, business arithmetic, spelling, English composition, effective English, vocabulary building, literature, parliamentary law, pub¬ lic speaking, poetry, short story writing, French, Italian, German, Spanish and Swedish. NURSERY SCHOOL Sponsor: State Department of Education This project provides nurseries in various cities and towns for a total of 377 children between the ages of 2 and 4, inclusive. The work is confined to the children of relief families and similar low-income groups. The children are taught order, self-reliance and initiative. Records are kept on each child's health and health inspections are made each day. There are 17 nurseries in Oregon, five being in Portland at Marysville, Lents, Portsmouth, Vestal and Sellwood schools. Upstate nurseries are at Salem, Newport, Milwaukie, Oregon City, Albany, Corvallis, Eugene, Garibaldi, North Bend, Klamath Falls, Pendle¬ ton and La Grande. HISTORICAL RECORDS SURVEY Sponsor: University of Oregon A great research foundation, the "HRS" investigates the source materials of Oregon history and publishes the results. Main fields of research are gov¬ ernmental archives: state, county, and city offices. The project also inven¬ tories church records, lists imprints and manuscript resources of libraries and museums. Aim of the project is to discover, catalogue and preserve facts regarding the vast body of Oregon historical material never before catalogued. WRITERS' PROJECT Sponsor: State Board of Control Oregon: End of the Trail, the state's first complete guide book, has been placed on sale in various book stores. It is one of the American Guide Series, each of the 48 states compiling a similar book. This profusely illustrated volume, written by the Oregon Writers' Project, contains essays, tour informa¬ tion and maps, which give a comprehensive picture of Oregon. The Jit, Hood Guide, which contains recreational information, maps and photographs of the Mt. Hood area, and also written by the Writers' Project, went on sale at the same time. The writers are now engaged in the preliminary production of the Salem Centennial Pageant depicting the founding of Salem. Other sponsored publica¬ tions will include a Dictionary of Oregon History, History of Milwaukie, and Oregon City Territorial Days. The last two books are sponsored by the Milwau¬ kie Historical Society and Oregon City Territorial Days Association. The Dic¬ tionary, sponsored by the Oregon State Library Association, will be a topically listed handbook of the Oregon country. LIBRARY PROJECT Sponsor: Oregon State Library The Library Project assists in organizing and operating library service in public libraries, public school libraries, state-supported university, col¬ lege and normal school libraries throughout the state. Two "Bookmobiles" are operated to serve rural areas in Union and Clackamas Counties. - 3 - HOUSEHOLD SERVICE TRAINING PROJECT Sponsor: School District No. 1. Designed to give a three-months' training course in cleaning, cooking, table-setting, and other phases of household service for the purpose of plac¬ ing young women in private homes. There is a great demand for private employ¬ ment of well-trained maids. Location - 829 N. W. 19th Avenue, Portland. HOUSEKEEPING AIDE PROJECT Sponsor: State Board of Health Needy homes where the homemaker is temporarily incapacitated may receive housekeeping service for a limited time. In this center housekeeping aides are given instruction in low-cost menu planning, home improvement, etc. Portland headquarters - 527 N. E. Cook Street. SEWING PROJECT Sponsor: State Public Welfare Commission Garments and articles for indigent persons and charitable institutions are made on this project and are distributed through Commodity Distribution depots, by the local relief agency. Portland unit, located at 614 S. W. 11th Avenue, is one of 13 operating in the State. SHOE REPAIR PROJECT Sponsor: Multnomah County Welfare Commission The Multnomah County Public Welfare Commission furnishes materials and WPA furnishers cobblers to renovate and repair old shoes for those unable to pay. Location - 726 N. W. 14th Avenue, Portland. COMMODITY DISTRIBUTION PROJECT Sponsor: State Public Welfare Commission Foodstuffs declared surplus by the Federal Surplus Commodities Corporation and clothing made by WEA sewing rooms are distributed by WPA personnel throughout the State. Beneficiaries are those designated by public welfare commissions. The Portland depot is located at 726 N. W. 14th Avenue. SCHOOL LUNCH & CANNING PROJECT Sponsor: State Department of Education This project operates in about 160 schools in Oregon. A WPA cook in each school prepares food donated by schools or community groups so that mal¬ nourished children and those from low-income groups may receive a free hot meal. Portland headquarters - 614 S. V/. 11th Avenue. READERS' SERVICE Sponsor: Library Association of Portland Reading i3 done by WPA workers in tax-supported institutions a.ud homes caring for the needy blind and ill. Headquarters - 614 S. W. 11 Ave., Portland. OTHER WELFARE PROJECTS Matrons' Service in Public Schools, Sponsor: State Department of Education; Assistance in the Multnomah County Hospital, Sponsor: Multnomah County; Dental Clinic Service in the Portland Public Schools, Sponsor: School District No. 1.; Clerical and Readers' Service in State Institutions, Sponsor: State Board of Control. CITY INVENTORY. Sponsor: City of Portland Inventory non-expendable properties owned by the City of Portland - 108-A City Hall, Portland. - 4 - FEDERAL ARCHIVES# Sponsors National Archives Collect, compile, tabulate and edit data fo: the Federal Archives - 518 Elks Temple, Portland. CODIFYING ORDINANCES# Sponsor: City of Portland Classify, revise, codify and type ordinances of Oregon Cities. Suggest repeal of obsolete and conflicting ordinances. Room 15, Failing School, Portland. CITY-OWNED VACANT PROPERTY. Sponsor: City of Portland Tabulate and map data on city-owned property - 527 S. W. Jefferson Street, Portland. CITY RECORDS. Sponsor: City of Portland Sort, index and file old records for the City of Portland - First Floor, City Hall, Portland. TAX DELINQUENCY DATA. Sponsor: Oregon Agricultural Experiment Station Tabulate data on rural land use, and inventory lands reverted to counties through foreclosure - Fourth Street Entrance, County Court Eouse, Portland. PREPARE MAPS. Sponsor: U. S. Forest Service Preparation of maps and blueprinting for the U. S. Forest Service - 212 Fioneer Post Office, Portland. REED COLLEGE. Sponsor: Library Association of Portland Work on Simeon G. Reed papers - Reed College, Portland. SCHOOL HOUSING ADEQUACY. Sponsor: State Department of Education Preparation of maps and reports on schoolhousing adequacy - Third Floor, State Library Building, Salem. FOOD PRESERVATION. Sponsor: Oregon Agricultural Experiment Station Study and develop methods of food preservation - Agriculture Hall, Oregon State College, Corvallis. LAND USE SURVEY. Sponsor: Oregon Agricultural Experiment Station Preparation of maps, etc. regarding land use - Agriculture Hall, Oregon "...State College, Corvallis. SOIL AND PLANT RESEARCH. Sponsor: Oregon Agricultural Experiment Station Breeding, nutritional, and disease study of vegetables and fruit and nut orchards - Agrioulture Hall, Oregon State College, Corvallis. OTHER PROJECTS IN PORTLAND INCLUDE: PUBLIC UTILITIES - 615 Electric Building; AGRICULTURE PRICES - 306 U. S. Court House; CROP ESTIMATES - 306 U. S. Court House; NATURALIZATION RECORDS - 706 U. S. Court House; TREE HISTORY RECORDS - 424 U. S. Court House; ADMINISTRATIVE LAW - Room 15, Failing School; PENSION STUDY - Room 15, Failing School; STATE AGENCIES - Room 15, Failing School; ROADSIDE BSAUTIFICATION - Room 9, Failing School; OREGON HISTORICAL SOCIETY - Second Floor, City Auditorium, Clay Street Entrance. NEWSPAPER INDEX - 512 Kraemer Building. SALEM INDIAN SCHOOL - Chemawa, Ore.; COUNTY JOURNALS - Courthouse, Oregon City; COUNTY CLERK*S RECORDS - Courthouse, Salem. "BUILDERS OF TOMORROW" - Highlights of Oregon history, accomplishments and events dramatized in a radio series every Saturday 6:30 P.M. over KEX.