A1 39 PlO / PEDEKAL WORKS AGENCY WORK PROJECTS ADM IiJI S TFAII Oil « GENERAL ORDER NO. 1 ' N . r* ■* By virtue of ana pursuant to the authority vested in me By the provisions of subsection (a) of Section 15 of the Emergency F.eliot Appropriation Act of 1900, approved June 30, 1939, (Public Resolution Ho. 24-76th Congress) I hereby establish the following schedule of monthly earnings. The schedule of monthly earnings applicable to any-county shall be based upon the 1930 population of the largest municipality within the county, in accordance with the following schedule: except that the schedule of monthly earnings applicable to counties in which the 1930 population of the largest municipality was 100,000 or more shall, be applicable to the entire area included within the fol¬ lowing metropolitan districts as such districts are defined by the fifteenth Census of the United States - 1S30: Baltimore; Boston; Buffalo-Niagara; Chicago; Cincinnati; Cleveland; Detroit; Kansas City, Kansas-Kansas City, Missouri; Los Angelec; NiLvaukec; Ninreapoiis- St. Paul; Hew York City-Northeastern Hew Jersey; PMlr.d.lpnia; Pittsburgh Providence, Rhode Island-Pali River-Hew Bedford, Massachusetts; St. Louis San Prancisco-OnkLnnd; Scranton-Uilkes Barre; Washington, D. C. SCHEDULE OP MONTHLY EARN!HIS Area Wave Class Coun t i cs in r.rhich the 1930 popula¬ tion of tne largest muni.e.ipr 11 ty was: _ Unskilled Unskilled Inter- " "A" iriediatf 100,000 and. over $o2.00 25,000 to 100,000 48.10 5,00^ to 25,000 42.90 Under 5,000 39.00 100,000 and over $52.00 25,000 to 100,000 48.10 5,000 to 25,000 46.80 Under 5,000 44.20 100,000 and over $46.80 25,000 to 100,000 42.90 5,000 to 25,000 36.40 Undor 5,000 31.20 Wage Region I $57.20 52.00 4 8.10 42. yO Wage Region I $57.20 -52.00 50.70 4 9.40 .70 48.10 48.30 35.10 $68.90 62.40 57.20 52.00 $63.90 62.40 61.10 59. CO Wage Region III $61.10 57.2,0 48.10 42.90 Profession,■ and Skilled Technical $89.70 si; 90 74.10 6 7.60 $89.70 31.90 79.30 76.70 $7Q.35> 74.10 62.4-0 54.60 9 c a .j ±. 54.50 76.70 68.90 $94.90 34,50 51.90 73.00 $81.90 75.40 65.00 55.90 A1S9 Wage Region I includes: Connecticut, Delaware, District of Columbia, Illinois, xndiana, Iowa, Maine, Maryland, Kansas, Massachusetts, MicMgon, Minnesota, Missouri, Nebraska, Hew Hampshire, K:w Jersey, How "fork, forth Dakota, Ohio, Pennsylvania., Rhode Island, South Dakota, Vermont, 'Vest Virginia, Wisconsin. Wage Region II includes: Arizona, California, Colorado, Idaho, Montana, Nevada, New Mexico, Oregon, Utah, Washington, Wyoming, Wage Region III includes: Alabama, Arkansas, Plorida, Georgia, Kentucky, Louisiana, Mississippi, North Carolina, Oklahoma, South Carolina, Tennessee,* Toms, Virginia. Certified Trainees Assigned to Hnusohol.tl Workers Training Projects. The monthly earnings annlic.oble to this class of work shall be fifty per cent (50)0 of the scho&uio of mbnthly earnings applicable to the Unskilled VB" wage class in the locality in which the Household Workers Training Project is being operated. Territories and Island ?osse-ssions Professional Unskilled Unskilled Inter- and "3" "A" mediate Skilled Technical Alaska $52.00 $57.2,0 $68.90 $69.70 $94.90 Puerto Rico 19.50 22.10 27.30 35.10 26.40 Virgin Islands 19,50 22.10 27.30 35.10 26.40 Hawaii All Islands exccnt Oahu 36.40 40.30 48.10 62.40 65.00 Ieland of Oohu 42.90 43.10 57.20 74.10 75.40 Except as otherwise provided by regulations of the Work Projects Administration the earnings of all persons engaged upon projects financed in whole or in part from funds appropriated by the Emergency Relief Appro¬ priation Act of 1939 to the Work Projects Administration or prior Emergency Relief Appropriation Acts shall be on a monthly basis in accordance with the Schedule uf Monthly Earnings established by this general- order. The earnings of persons engaged upon such orojocts shall differ according to tab various classes of work, namely, Unskilled "3!!^ Unskilled."A", Intermediate, Skilled, and Professional and Tochnioal, as prescribed in the Schedule of Monthly Era':.dry 17 c-f i Tnc Schedule of Monthly Earnings prescribed herein shall become effective September 1, 1939, Payment for work performed prior to Septem¬ ber 1, 1939, shall bo paid in accordance with the Schedule of Monthly Earnings in effect prior to that date. Payment for work performed subse¬ quent to August 31, 1939, shall be in accordance with the Schedule of Monthly Earnings sot forth heroin. * VY M v I L . li A189 rt - o ~ This General Order shall supersede and rescind Administrative Order No, 67 of the Works Progress Administration dated April 11, 1939, and shall rescind on the effective date of this General Order .all adjust¬ ments to the Schedule of Monthly Earnings which have "been authorised on the basis of contiguity, redefinition of regions, adjustments v/ithin the range of ten per cent, and specific adjustments for individual projects. Work Projects Approved August 15, 1939 Effective Date September 1, 1939 Northwestern Univ. Libr 35556038285367 GOVT FU 4 16 1