fiRT 1759.060741 129 C K»--* I'CES t|F THE CLEVELAND SCI i J . v-a t'^ i_' L s^) Kg ARX ''' f .-i. > - : - r KINNEY & LEVAN BUIIKING MCMXIII »1 I'iSfe f'r ■ \k' Lady Mary Anne Beaumont Sir Thomas Lawrence. P. R. A. DECORATIVE ARTS GALLERY Japanese Imperial Embroidered Hanging Lent by Mrs. J. Livingstone Taylor CASE No. 1 Persian Art : Indo-Persian Painting Two Sultanabad Pottery Bowls Lent by Dr. and Mrs. Dudley P. Allen \ViNE JAR Lent by Mr. Samuel Mather Two Persian Placoues Three Pieces of Pottery Lent anonymously CASE No. 3 In addition to the objects lent by Mrs. Stevenson Burke are the following : Four Painted Fans Lent by Mrs. Lyman H. Treadway One Gilded Fan Lent by Mrs. W. C. Downs French Enameled Watch, 17th Centi'ry Lent by Miss Brenda Francklyn CASE No. 4 Instead of the bronzes listed, contains Chinese Mandarin's Coat Lent by Mrs. Peter Hitchcock Art Books Lent by Cleveland Public Lilirary CASE No. 9 In addition to laces lent by Mrs. John Huntington, contains Two Bas-Reltef Portraits in Wax by Ethel Mundy Lent by Mrs. Price McKinney CASE No. 19 The porcelains belonging to Mr. E. S. Burke, Jr.. are shown on a Chinese Embroidered Shawl Lent by Aliss Georgie Leighton Norton CASE No. 27 Spanish Brocade Shawl Lent by Mrs. Peter Hitchcock CASE No. 28 In Exhibit of the Cleveland Public Schools Art Books of Special Interest to Art Pupils Lent hy the Cleveland Public Lilirary ^ BRONZES The following bronzes listed as in Case No. 4 are shown elsewhere on pedestals : John Elanagan, Portrait Bust Augustus St. Gaudens. The Puritan Lent by Dr. W. T. Corlett Frederick William MacMonnies. Nathan Hale Lent by Dr. and Mrs. Daniel A. Huebsch ADDENDA Loan Exhibition of Paintings RERNARDUS JOHANNES BLOMMERS 188 D The Morning Meal Lent l^y Mr. F. E. Drury (Dutch 1845-) KENYON 189 A 190 A , N.A. The Satyr Lent by Mr. J. D. Cox Surprise d'Amour Lent l)y Mr. J. D. Cox (American 1856-) BRUCE CRANE, N.A. 191 A French Landscape Lent hy Mr. Howard Parmelee Eells (American 1857-) A. A. CROCHEPIERRE 192 C Old WYman Knitting (French Contemporary) Lent l)y Mr. James H. Hoyt JEAN-BAPTISTE EDOUARD DETAILLE 193 C The Vice-Admiral Lent hy Mr. J. H. Wade RUDOLPH ERNST 194 D In Danger Lent hy Mr. Ambrose Swasey CHARLES WEP>STER HAWTHORNE, N.A. 195 A The Song Lent Anonymously (French 1848-) (German 1854-) (American 1872-) ROBERT C MINOR, N.A. 196 A The Willow (Water Color) Lent by Mrs. Jeanette Agnew Lyon CLAUDE MONET 197 C Rocky Belle Isle Lent by Mr. Ralph M. Coe (American 1840-1904) (French 1840-) WILLLUM T. RICHARDS 198 A Off Guernsey Lent by Mr. S. T. Wellman WILLIAM SARTAIN, A.N.A. 199 A Places Which Pale Passion Loves Lent by Mr. George E. Gage LOUIS DAVID VAILLANT (American 1833-1905) (American 1843-) (American 1875-) 200 A The Watchers Lent l)y Mr. J. D Cox ENCTJSH SCHOOL 201 B Portrait of a Girl Lent Anonymously ILLUSTRATED CATALOGUE OF THE = C LE^^E LAN D ART LOAN EXPOSITION UNDER THE AUSPICES OF THE CLEVELAND SCHOOL OF ART » KINNEY & LEVAN BUILDING NOVE'MBER TWENTY-FIFTH TO DECEMBER SEVENTEENTH M C M X I I I room hung with pictures is room hung with thoughts. —Sir Joshua Reynolds. THE CLEVELAND SCHOOL OF ART was founded in 1883. To commemorate its thirtieth anniversary, to impress its mission and accomplish¬ ments, and to stimulate interest in art in Cleveland, this loan exposition was planned. Other exhibitions of a similar nature have pre¬ ceded it, the earliest in 1878, but it is believed that the present display is a gratifying evidence of our city's growth and artistic progress. The development of the project was undertaken by a committee composed of seven members of the Board of Trustees of the Cleveland School of Art. An organization was effected, and substantial co-operation immediately fol¬ lowed. The responsive spirit displayed throughout the time of preparation was characteristic of Cleveland's loyalty to local institutions. It is the hope of those who have the project in charge that its purposes will be understood and fulfilled and that the Exposition will be remembered as a fitting observance of the Thirtieth Anniversary of the Cleveland School of Art. Imperial Chinese Porcelain Early 18th Century AC KNOWLEDGM ENTS The Board of Directors desires to express its appreciation of the valued co-operation given by all who have been associated with the develop¬ ment of the Exposition. The directors acknowledge their indebted¬ ness to Mr. F. Allen Whiting, Director of the Cleveland Museum of Art, and Mr. H. W. Kent, Secretary of the Metropolitan Museum of Art, for assistance in the selection and arrangement of the exhibit; To the owners of works of art who so generously lent their treasures, especially to Mr. Arthur N. McGeoch, Milwaukee, Henry Reinhardt, New York City, Mr. Maurice I. Flagg, Minneapolis, Scott and Fowles Company, New York City, M. Knoedler & Company, New York City, C. S. Kraushaar, New York City, William Macbeth, New York City, and the Tiffany Studios, New York City, who sent their exhibits from points outside of the city; To The Kinney & Levan Company for donating the use of the commodious rooms occupied by the Exposition; To the National Lamp Works of the General Electric Company for the success of the lighting system; To the Cleveland Advertising Club for enthusiastically furthering the publicity campaign; To the Cleveland Electrical League which gave its skilled service in directing the installation of the lighting equipment. Acknowledgment for practical co-operation is also made to the Crowell & Sherman Company, The Cleveland Tele¬ phone Company, The Sterling & Welch Company, The Cleve¬ land Desk Company, The Fireproof Storage Company, The Miller Chemical Engine Company, The National Safe & Lock Company, John Boddy, City Forester, The Riester & Thes¬ macher Company and the newspapers of Cleveland. Ancient Bronze ^'en Prince Kune Collection THE ORGANIZATION BOARD OF DIRECTORS Worcester R. Warner Chairman F. F. Prentiss Vice-Chairman Chas. F. Brush Fi. P. Eells E. S. Burke, Jr H. H. Johnson Ralph King DIRECTORS OF ART F. Allen Whiting, Director of Cleveland Museum of Art H. W. Kent, Sec'y Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York MANAG E R William Ganson Rose G U A R A N T O R S W. D. B. Alexander Dr. Dudley P. Allen A. A. Augustus Charles C. Bolton C. F. Brush E. S. Burke, Jr. Mrs. Stevenson Burke Harry Coulby J. D. Cox H. G. Dalton H. P. Eells H. R. Hatch Mariett Jy. Huntington H. H. Johnson Hermon A. Kelley Fanny T. King Ralph King Samuel Mather Wm. G. Mather F. F. Prentiss John D. Rockefeller John L. Severance Mr. & Mrs. Andrew Squire Ambrose Swasey Mr. & Mrs. L. H. Treadway W. S. Tyler J. H. Wade Worcester R. Warner Geo. H. Worthington PATRONS Mr. and Mrs. W. D. B. Alexander Dr. and Mrs. Dudley P. Allen ¥ Judge and Mrs. W. E. Ambler Mr. and Mrs. Horace Andrews Mr. and Mrs. Matthew Andrews Mrs. E. A. Angelí Mr. Frank A. Arter Mrs. P. M. Arthur Mr. and Mrs. A. A. Augustus Mrs. G. W. Avery Mrs. Brenton D. Babcock Mr. Sidney R. Badgley Miss Adelaide C. Baker Hon. and Mrs. Newton D. Baker Mr, and Mrs. A. D. Baldwin Mrs. Chas. C. Baldwin Mr. and Mrs. Claire Baldwin Miss Mary E. Baldwin Mrs. Mary H. Barrett Mr. and Mrs. C. H. Beardslee Mr. and Mrs. W. D. Benes Dr. and Mrs. H. F. Biggar Miss C. H. Bingham Mr. C. W. Bingham Mr. and Mrs. B. P. Bole Mr. and Mrs. C. C. Bolton Mr. and Mrs. B. F. Bourne Mrs. Mary S. Bradford Mr. and Mrs. M. A. Bradley Mr. and Mrs. C. S. Britton Mr. and Mrs. O. K. Brooks Mr. and Mrs. T. H. Brooks The Misses Brown Mr. and Mrs. Harvey H. Brown Mr. Chas. F. Brush Miss Anna Burgess Mrs. Edmund S. Burke Mr. and Mrs. E. S. Burke, jr. Mrs. Stevenson Burke Mr. T. W. Burnham Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Wm. Burrows Mrs. Geo. W. Cady The Misses Calkins Mr. and Mrs. Nathaniel D. Chapin Mr. and Mrs. Henry A. Chisholm Mrs. Wm. Chisholm,- Sr. Mrs. William Chisholm Mr. and Mrs. Wilson B. Chisholm Mr. and Mrs. W. M. Clapp Mr. and Mrs. Frank H. Clark Airs. Henry F. Clark Mr. Ralph M. Coe Mrs. Henry D. Coffinberry Air. and Airs. G. E. Collings Airs. E. F. Colwell Airs. Edward A. Conger Dr. and Mrs. Wm. Thos. Corlett Air. and Airs. H. B. Corner Air. and Mrs. W. H. Cottingham Air. and Airs. Harry Coulby Air. and Airs. J. D. Cox Airs. William Crowell Air. and Airs. R. H. Crowell Air. and Airs. Loftus Cuddy Airs. Estelle G. Cunnea Airs. Stiles H. Curtiss Air. and Airs. William Cushing Air. and Airs. George L. Dake Air. and Airs. H. G. Dalton Air. and Airs. Frank W. Douglas Air. and Airs. Oscar Dreher Air. and Airs. F. E. Drury Air. A. C. Dustin Air. and Airs. Howard P. Eells PATRONS Continued Mr. and Mrs. F. A. Emmerton Mr. and Mrs. H. A. Everett Miss Everett Rt. Rev. John P. Farrelly Mr. and Mrs. Julius Feiss Mr. and Mrs. Paul L. Feiss Mr. and Mrs. Wm. B. Fish Mrs. Imcgene T. Fisher Miss Helen M. Fliedner Dr. and Mrs. Geo. Edw. Follansbee Prof. Harold N. Fowler Mr. and Mrs. J. M. H. Frederick Mr. and Mrs. George E. Gage Hon. and Mrs. James R. Garfield Gen. and Mrs. G. A. Garretson Mr. and Mrs. Frank H. Ginn Mr. and Mrs. I. C. Goff Mr. and Mrs. G. W. Grandin Mr. and Mrs. Frederick Green Mr. and Mrs. E. B. Greene Mr. and Mrs. Joshua Gregg Mr. Orlando Hall Mr. and Mrs. Salmon P. Halle Dr. and Mrs. Cari A. Hamann Miss Florence A. Hamilton Mr. and Mrs. R. A. Harman Mr. and Mrs. H. R. Hatch Mr. and Mrs. W. S. Hayden Mr. and Mrs. W. W. Hazzard Mrs. I. N. Himes Mrs. Peter M. Hitchcock M rs. L. Dean Holden Mr. and Mrs. John H. Hord Mr. and Mrs. James H. Hoyt Mr. and Mrs. Benjamin S. Hubbell Dr. and Mrs. Daniel A. Huebsch Mr. and Mrs. Wm. H. Hunt Mrs. John Huntington Miss ^lice L. Hussey Mr. and Mrs. R. L. Ireland Mr. and Mrs. Jno. G. Jennings Mr. and Mrs. Homer H. Johnson Mr. and Mrs. M. B. Johnson Mr. and Mrs. Thos. L. Johnson The Misses Jones Mr. Benjamin Karr Mr. and Mrs. Herm.on A. Kelley Mrs. Clara T. Kelsey Mrs. F. A. Kendall Mr. and Mrs. Charles E. Kennedy Mr. H. W. Kent Mr. and Mrs. Ralph King Mr. and Mrs. Geo. W. Kinney Mrs. Luke Lascelles Mr. and Mrs. James Lawrence Rt. Rev. and Mrs. W. A. Leonard Mrs. H. H. Little Dr. and Mrs. John H. Lowman Mr. and Mrs. George C. Lucas Mr. and Mrs. H. F. Lyman Mrs. Sarah E. Lvman Mrs. Lee McBride Mr. and Mrs. H. P. Mcintosh Mr. and Mrs. William McLauchlan iMr. and Mrs. Amos B. McNairy Prof, and Mrs. C. F. Mabery Mrs. J. D. Maclennan Mr. and Mrs. M. J. Mandelbaum Miss K. L. Mather Mr. Samuel Mather Mr. William G. Mather Mr. and Mrs. Edward A. Merritt IVIr. and Mrs. G. E. Merryweather Mrs. E. C. T. Miller Mr. and Mrs. Edgar P. Mitchell Mrs. J. H. Morley Mrs. Jay C. Morse Mr. and Mrs. H. E. Myers Mr. and Mrs. Christian Narten Mr. and Mrs. John E. Newell Mr. and Mrs. F. IVI. Nicholas Mr. and Mrs. D. Z. Norton Miss Géorgie L. Norton PATRONS Concluded Mr. and Mrs. E. W. Oglebay Mrs. Helen B. Olmsted Mr. and Mrs. Henry G. Oppmann Miss Beatrice Owens Dr. and Mrs. J. R. Owens Mr. and Mrs. Ed. S. Page Mr. and Mrs. William P. Palmer Mr. Douglas Perkins Mr. and Mrs. E. R. Perkins Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Perkins Mr. and Mrs. H. S. Pickands Mr. and Mrs. Stephen L. Pierce Mr. and Mrs. Henry F. Pope Dr. Hunter H. Powell Mr. F. F. Prentiss Mr. and Mrs. C. H. Prescott Mr. and Mrs, W. H. Prescott Mr. F. A. Quail Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Quinby Miss Mary C. Quintrell Mrs. John R. Ranney Mr. and Mrs. S. A. Raymond Mrs. W. D. Rees Mr. R. R. Rhodes Mr. and Mrs. F. B. Richards Miss Alice Blair Ring Mr. and Mrs. John D. Rockefeller Mr. and Mrs. S. L. Rolfe Mr. and Mrs. Louis Rorheimer Mr. and Mrs. W. R. Rose Mr. and Mrs. G. S. Russell Mr. H. Q. Sargent Judge and Mrs. W. B. Sanders Mrs. Arnold C. Saunders Mr. C. A. Selzer Mr. Allen D. Severance Mr. and Mrs. John L. Severance Mr. and Mrs. S. L. Severance Mr. and Mrs. Charles Shackleton Judge and Mrs. J. M. Shallenberger Miss Clara Prentis Sherwin Mr. and Mrs. H. A. Sherwin Mrs. Charles Sheffield Mr. and Mrs. L. M. Sigler Mrs, W. H. Silverthorn Mrs. Nathaniel Schneider Mr. and Mrs. C. F. Schweinfurth Mr. and Mrs. Francis P. Smith Mr. and Mrs. James A. Smith Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Lewis Smith Mr. and Mrs. Otis Southworth Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Squire Mr. and Mrs. O. M. Stafford Miss Lily V. Stanley Mr. and Mrs. F. W. Stecher Dr. and Mrs. J. F. Stephan Mr. and Mrs. F. A. Sterling Mr. Harold A. Streator Mr. and Mrs. J. J. Sullivan Mr. Ambrose Swasey Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Talmage Mrs. J. Livingstone Taylor Mr. V. C. Taylor Mrs. John Teagle Dr. and Mrs. Charles F. Thwing Mr. and Mrs. Francis W. Treadway Mr. and Mrs. Lyman H. Treadway Mr. and Mrs. W. S. Tyler Mrs. George L Vail IVIr. and Mrs. Harry L. Vail Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Wade Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Walton Mr. and Mrs. Harry J. Wamelink Mr. and Mrs. F. W. Wardwell Mr. and Mrs. Worcester R. Warner Mr. and Mrs. Chas. W. Wason Mrs. Curtis Webster Mr. and Mrs. H. P. Weddell Mr. Geo. P. Welch Mr. and Mrs. S. T. Wellman Mr. and Mrs. Henry W. White Mr. and Mrs. Windsor T. White Mr. and Mrs. F. Allen Whiting Mr. and Mrs. E. M. Williams Rev. and Mrs. J. D. Williamson ATr. and Mrs. Sidnev S. Wilson Mr. and Mrs. W. G. Wilson Airs. Q. T. Winsor Air. and Airs. Geo. H.Worthington Air. and Airs. J. V. N. Yates Airs. B. U. York. CLEVELAND SCHOOL OF ART officers of the board Mrs. Stevenson Burke - Mr. J. H. Wade Mr. C. F. Brush Mr. Homer H. Johnson - Mr. F. F. Prentiss Mrs. Ralph A. Harman Miss Georgie L. Norton Mr. M. N. Fowler - Mr. D. Z. Norton Mrs. Mary S. Bradford President Vice-President - Vice-President Vice-President - Vice-President - Treasurer Assistant Treasurer Secretary - Auditor Vice-President, Emeritus T R U Mrs. Matthew Andrews Mrs. Mary S. Bradford Mr. Charles F. Brush Mrs. E. S. Burke, Jr. Mrs. Stevenson Burke IVIrs. Francis E. Drury Mr. Howard P. Eells Mrs. Henry A. Everett Dr. H. N. Fowler Rabbi M. J. Gries Mrs. Ralph A. Harman Miss Laura Hilliard Mrs. Peter M. Hitchcock Mrs. L. E. Holden Mrs. John Huntington s IT E E S Mr. H. H. Johnson Mr. Ralph King Prof. C. F. Mabery Mr. Price McKinney Mr. D. Z. Norton Mr. F. F. Prentiss Mrs. John Ranney Mrs. F. P. Smith Mrs. Andrew Squire Mrs. Lyman Treadway Mr. J, H. Wade Mrs. F. W. Wardwell Mr. Worcester R. Warner Mr. Thomas H. White r r Q C lev. h PUDLl C SCHOOLS O Ö 5 o DECORAT 1 VE ö 3 3 O ARTS O O \ L CLEVELAND SCHOOL • OF ART • > O CLEVELAND •ARTISTS ; Ü 1 t etev ' ^ SECOND FLOOR THE CATALOGUE It has been the aim of the Committee to secure an harmonious exhibition comprised in the main of representative art works from the homes of the lovers of art in Cleveland. It will be interesting to note the number of examples by Such leading American artists as George Inness Tripod Jar 'J' "W. Dewiog, while the collection of can¬ vases by painters of the Barbison school is remarkable. All information as to art objects and attributions as to painters are those furnished to the Committee by owners. Bronze Sacrificial ABBREVIATIONS R.A. Member of Roj'al Academy of England. P.R.A. President of Royal Academy of England. N.A. Member of National Academy of Design. A.N.A. Associate of National Academy of Design. The pictures are oil paintings unless otherwise stated. The letter following each number indicates the gallery in which the picture will be found: A, American; B, English; C, French; D, Italian, Spanish, German, Dutch, Belgian, Flemish. Paintings marked (*) are for sale. Information regarding them may be obtained at the office. SIR WILLIAM BEECHEY, R.A. (English 1753-1839) I B Portrait of Patrick Heatley Lent bv Mr. Howard Parmelee Eells ^2 B Portrait Group of a Nobleman's Family with a dog Lent by M. Knoedler & Company, New York FRANK WESTON BENSON, N.A. (American 1852-) 3 A My Daughters Lent anonymously ALBERT BIERSTADT, N.A. (American 1830-19®^) 4 A The Rainbow Lent by Mrs. Lyman H. Treadway BERNARDUS JOHANNES BLOMMERS (Dutch 184S-) * 5D Mother and Child Lent by Mrs. H. E. Hayes EUGENE LOUIS BOUDIN 6 C The Mistral—at Antibes Lent by Mr. Samuel Mather (French 1824-1898) GEORGE H. BOUGHTON, N.A. (American 1834-1905) 7 A Motherhood Lent by Mr. C. A. Nicola ADRIAN BROUWER *8D Boors Lent by Mrs. H. E. Hayes J. APPLETON BROWN, A.N.A. (Dutch 1606-1638) (American r844") 9 A Spring Lent by Mr. J. H. Wade HOWARD RUSSELL BUTLER, N.A. (American 1856 ) 10 A Sunrise in Connecticut Lent by Mr. J. D. Cox D. Y. CAMERON (English 1865-) II B Landscape Lent anonymously 12 ß Sunset on the ^Mountains of Arran Lent by Mr. Howard Parmelee Eells GIOVANNI BUSI CARIANI (Italian—i6th Century) 13 D I wo Life Size Figures Lent by Mr. William G. Mather The Marchioness Wellesley with Her Two Sons, Richard and Henry Wellesley John Hoppner, R. A. EMIL CARLSON, N.A. (American iSSS") 14 A Niagara Lent anonymously 15 A Holland Canal Lent by Mrs. H. A. Everett JEAN CHARLES CAZIN (French 1840-19°0 16 C Twilight in Holland 17 C Downs, near Boulogne Lent by Mr. Samuel Mather WILLIAM MERRITT CHASE, N.A. (American i853-) 19 A East River Lent by Mr. Homer H. Johnson FREDERICK STUART CHURCH, N.A. (American 1842-) 20 A Fantasie Lent anonymously PAUL JEAN CLAYS (Belgian 1819-1900) 21 D Sailing Boats in Harbor Lent by ]\Ir. Howard Parmelee Eells THOMAS COLE, N.A. (American 1801-1848) 22 A View of Boston Lent by Mr. George E. Gage CHARLOTTE B. COMAN, A.N.A. (American 1834-) 23 A The Hillside Village Lent by IVIrs. H. A. Everett JEAN JOSEPH BENJAMIN CONSTANT (French 1845-1902) 24 C Fort at Algiers Lent bv Mr. Charles F. Brush JOHN CONSTABLE, R.A. (English 1776-1837) 25 B Landscape Lent Anonymously 26 B Hampstead with Harrow-on-Hill in Distance Lent by Mr. J. H. Wade JOHN SINGLETON COPLEY, R.A. (American 1737-1815) *27 A Portrait of Captain Larrabee Lent by Mr. William Macbeth, New York JEAN BAPTISTE CAMILLE COROT (French 179Ó-1875) 28 c Orpheus and Eurydice Lent by Mr. E. S. Burke, Jr. 29 c Beaume la Rolande Lent by Mr. Samuel Mather 30 c L'Etang a L'Entree du Bois Lent by Mr. William G. Mather 31 c The Big Tree Lent by Mr. William G. Mather 32 c Girl with Tambourine Lent by Mr. Charles W. Norton JOHN SELL COTMAN (English 1782-1842) 33 B A Castle in Wales Lent by Mr. Samuel Mather GUSTAVE COURBET (French 1819-1877) 34 C Sea and Rocks at Entretat Lent by Mr. Charles F. Brush EANGER IRVING COUSE, N.A. (American 1866-) 35 A The Sacred Bird Lent by Mr. F. E. Drury KENYON COX, N.A. (American 1856-) 36 A Hope and Memory Lent by Mr. J. D. Cox LOUISE COX, A.N.A. (American 1865-) 37 A The Readers Lent by Mr. J. D. Cox LUCAS CRANACH, the Elder (German 1472-1553) ^38 D Portrait of Sybil Van Cleeve Lent by Mr. Henry Reinhardt, New York LUCAS CRANACH, the Younger (German 1515-1586) 39 D Portrait of a Man Lent by Mr. Howard Parmelee Eells BRUCE CRANE, N.A. (American 1857-) 40 A Frosted Fields Lent by Mr. Homer H. Johnson CHARLES FRANCOIS DAUBIGNY (French 1817-1878) 41 C The Sandbanks of Valmandois Lent by ]\Ir. F. S. Burke, Jr. 42 C Coast at Villerville Lent by Mr. William G. Mather THEOPHILE DeBOCK (Dutch 1852-1904) 43 D Evening in Holland Lent by Mr. Samuel Mather ALEXANDER GABRIEL DECAMPS (French 1803-1860) 44 C Landscape Lent by Mr. Samuel Mather HILAIRE GERMAINE EDGARD DEGAS (French i834') 45 C Three Ballet Girls Lent by Mr. J. H. Wade HIPPOLYTE CAMILLE DELPY (French 1841-1910) *46 C On the Seine Lent by Mrs. H. F. Hayes Gobelin Tapestry King Louis XIII Receiving Absolution JEAN BAPTISTE EDOUARD DETAILLE (French 1848-) 47 C The Fight for the Standard Lent by Mr. J. H. Wade THOMAS WILIVIER DEWING, N.A. (American 1851-) 48 A Woman in Purple and Green Anonymously 49 A Lady Seated Lent by Mrs. James R. Garfield 50 A Sketch (Pastel) Lent by Mr. Samuel Mather 51 A Green and Rose 52 A Lady Reading 53 A Head (Drawing in Silver Point) Lent by Mr. William G. Mather NARCISSE VIRGILLE DIAZ DE LA PENA (French 1809-1860) 54 C The Bathers Lent by Mr. E. S. Burke, Jr. 55 C Le Mare Sous Bois Lent by Mr. William G. IVIather 56 C Repose after the Bath Lent by Mr. J. H. Wade WILLIAM DIDIER-PUGET (French 1864-) 57 C Heather in Bloom—Early Morning Lent by Mr. C. A. Selzer JULES DUPRE (French 1811-1889) 58 C Landscape Lent by Mr. Charles F. Brush 59 C Homeward Bound Lent by Mr. Howard Parmelee Eells *60 C The Edge of Fontainebleau Lent by Mrs. H. E. Hayes 1. HENRI J. T. FANTIN-LATOUR (French 1836-1905) 61 C Scene from Tannhauser Lent by ]\Ir. J. H. Wade BEN FOSTER, N.A. (American 1852-) ^62 A Landscape Lent by Mrs. H. E. Hayes LILLIAN MATILDE GENTH, A.N.A. (American 1876-) 63 A The Flower of the Glen Lent by Mrs. H. A. Everett JEAN LEON GEROME (French 1824-1904) 64 C Lion on the Prowl 65 C Bathers Lent by Mr. Charles F. Brush FRANCISCO JOSE DE GOYA Y LUCIENTES (Spanish 1746-1828) ^66 D Portrait of a Man Lent by Mr. Henry Reinhardt, New York HENRI HARPIGNIES (French 1819-) *67 C Landscape Lent by Mrs. H. E. Hayes SIR GEORGE HAYTER (English 1792-1872) 68 B Queen Victoria at About the Age of Eighteen Lent Anonymously CHARLES WEBSTER HAWTHORNE, N.A. (American 1872-) 69 A The Boy with the Shad Lent Anonymously GEORGE PETER ALEXANDER HEALET (American 1813-1895) 70 A Portrait of Senator Nathaniel Silsbee Lent by Mrs. Benjamin P. Moore JEAN JACQUES RENNER (French 1824-1905) 71 C Twilight Lent by Mr. Charles W. Bingham ROBERT HENRI, N.A. (American 1865-) 72 A Jobie Lent by Dr. W. T. Corlett GEORGE HITCHCOCK (American 1850-) 73 A Goose Girl Lent by Mr. James H. Hoyt J. M. HEINRICH HOFMANN (German 1824-1911) 74 D Christ in the Garden of Gethsemane Lent by Mr. L. A. McCreary JOHN HOPPNER, R.A. (English 1758-1810) *75 B The Marchioness Wellesley with Her Two Sons, Richard and Henry Wellesley Lent by M. Knoedler & Company, New York FRANCES C. HOUSTON (American 1751-1819) 76 A Autumn Lent by Mrs. H. A. Everett THOMAS HUDSON (English 1701-1779) *77 B Portrait of Mrs. John Periam Lent by Scott & Fowles Company, New York WILLIAM MORRIS HUNT (American 1824-) 78 A Pearl, the Blind Girl Lent Anonymously GEORGE INNESS, N.A. (American 1825-1894) 79 A Landscape Lent Anonymously 80 A Landscape Lent by Mr. Charles F. Brush 81 A Italian Landscape Lent by Mr. Ralph M. Coe 82 A Solitude Lent by Mr. J. D. Cox Portrait of James Dashwood George Romney *83 A Eventide at Tarpon Springs, Florida Lent by Mrs. H. E. Hayes 84 A Landscape Lent by Mr. Samuel Mather 85 A The Coming Storm Lent by Mr. E. W. Moore 86 A Borghese Palace Lent by Mr. D. Z. Norton ADRIAN ISENBRANT (Flemish, died 1551) *87 D St. John and the Donators Lent by Mr. Henry Reinhardt, New York JOSEF ISRAELS (Dutch 1824-1911) 88 D The Blessing at Evening Meal Lent by Mr. Samuel Mather 89 D Making Cakes Lent by Mr. J. H. Wade CHARLES EMILE JACQUE (French 1813-1894) 90 C Under the Oak Trees Lent by Mr. Howard Parmelee Eells 91 C Sheep in the Woods Lent by Mrs. Lyman H. Treadway H. BOLTON JONES, N.A. (American 1848-) 92 A Cape Anne Lent by Mr. J. D. Cox JOHANN BARTHOLD JONGKIND (Dutch 1829-1891) 93 D Moonlight on a Dutch Canal Lent by Mr. Ralph M. Coe F. VON KAULBACH (German 1846-) 94 D Portrait of a Child Lent by Mr, Howard Parmelee Eells WILLIAM KEITH (American 1839-1911 ) 95 A Landscape Lent by Mrs. H. A. Everett JOHANN SIMON KENDRICK KEVER (Dutch 1854-) *96 D Mother and Child Lent by Mrs. H. E. Hayes THOMAS DE KEYSER (Dutch 1596-1667) *97 D Portrait of Gertrude Van Limborch, Nee Bischoff Lent by Scott and Fowles Company, New York LUDWIG KNAUS (German 1829-1910) 98 D The Grocery Store Lent by J. H. Wade LOUIS KRONBERG (American 1871-) 99 A A Ballet Girl Lent Anonymously SIR THOMAS LAWRENCE, P.R.A. (English 1769-1830) ICO B Portrait of Lady Mary Anne Beaumont Lent by Mr. Howard Parmelee Eells GASTON LaTOUCHE (French Contemporary) ICI C The Goddess of Fortune in Distress Lent by Mr. Ralph King SIR PETER LELY (English 1617-1680) 102 B Portrait of Lady Amelia Wetherby Lent by Mr. Howard Parmelee Eells 103 B Portrait of Anne Hyde, Duchess of York Lent by Mr. Samuel Mather FRANZ VON LENBACH (German 1838-1904) 104 D Portrait of Frau Roth Lent by Mr. Howard Parmelee Eells JEANETTE AGNEW LYON (American Contemporary) 105 A The Close of Day- Lent by Mrs. Lyon W. S. MacGEORGE, R.S.A. (English) 106 B A June Woodland Lent by Mr. Frank H. Clark EDOUARD MANET (French 1832-1883) 107 C In the Studio Lent Anonymously WILLEM MARIS (Dutch 1844-1910) 108 D View in Holland Lent by Mr. Ambrose Swasey GIAMBATTISTA MORONI (Italian 1520-1578) 109 D Portrait of Vincent Guarinon Lent by Mr. Howard Parmelee Eells JOHAN HENDRICK VAN MASTENBROEK (Dutch 1875-) *110 D Just Before the Storm Lent by Mrs. H. E. Hayes ANTON MAUVE (Dutch 1838-1888) III D Sheep on the Heath Lent by Mr. Howard Parmelee Eells *112 D The Belated Traveller Lent by Mrs. H. E. Hayes WILLARD LEROY METCALF (American 1858-) 113 A Spring Lent by Mr. Samuel Mather HENDRIK WILHELM MESDAG (Dutch 1831-) *114 D Low Tide at Schevingin Lent by Mrs. H. E. Hayes Hope and Memory Kenyon Cox (By permission of the artist and of Curtis and Cameron. Boston, from a Copley Print) GEORGES MICHEL (French 1763-1843) 115 C * 116 c Road Near Monitmartre Lent by Mr. Ralph M. Coe The Gathering Storm Lent by Mrs. H. E. Hayes JEAN FRANCOIS MILLET (French 1814-1875) 117 C 118 C 119 c 120 c 121 C 122 C The Sick Child Close of Day The Sheep Shearing The Pig Killers Laborer Resting The Shepherdess Lent by Mr. E. S. Burke, Jr ROBERT C. MINOR, N.A. (American 1840-1904) 123 A Landscape Lent Anonymously CLAUDE MONET 124 C Spring Scene Lent by Mr. J. H. Wade ADOLPH MONTICELLI (French 1840-) (French 1824-1886) 125 C 126 c The Reception Lent by Mr. Ralph M. Coe The Stairs Lent by Mr. Samuel IVIather F. LUIS MORA, N.A. 127 A Mercedes Lent by Mr. Frank H. Clark 128 A The Morning News Lent by Mrs. H. A. Everett THOMAS MORAN, N.A. 129 A Moonrise in Chioggia—Venice Lent Anonymously HENRY MORET (American i874") (American 1837") (French 1836-1913) 130 C Shore and Sea Lent Anonymously GEORGE MORLAND (English 1763-1804) 131 C Rustic Scene in Surrey- Lent by Mr. Samuel Mather ERSKINE NICOL (English 1825-1904) 132 B The Disputed Boundary Lent by Mr. John D. Rockefeller SIR JOHN OPIE, R.A. (English 1721-1807) » 133 B Street Singer and Child Lent by Mr. J. H. Wade WALTER LAUNT PALMER, N.A. (American 1854-) 134 A The First Snow Lent by Mrs. H. A. Everett JEAN BAPTISTE JOSEPH PATER (French 1695-1736) 135 C Concert in the Park Lent by Mr. William G. Mather GIOVANNI PISANO (Italian, died 1329) 135 D Ecce Homo Lent by Mrs. William C. Fitzsimmons CAMILLE PISSARRO (French 1831-1903) 136 C Charing Cross Bridge, London Lent by Mr. Ralph M. Coe SIR HENRY RAEBURN, R.A. (English 1756-1823) 137 B Portrait of Mrs. Simpson 138 B Portrait of Mrs. Dillon Lent by Mr. Howard Parmelee Eells *139 B Portrait of George Joseph Bell Lent by M. Knoedler & Company, New York JEAN FRANCOIS RAFFAELLI (French 1850-) *140 C Notre Dame, Paris Lent by Mrs. H. E. Hayes REMBRANDT VAN RIJN (Dutch 1606-1699) 141 D The Rabbi Lent by Mr. Arthur N. McGeoch, Milwaukee *142 D Portrait of Rembrandt's Sister Lent by Mr. Henry Reinhardt, New York SIR JOSHUA REYNOLDS, P.R.A. (English 1723-1792) 143 B Miss Crewe Lent Anonymously 144 B Portrait of a Lady Lent by Mr. Howard Parmelee Eells 145 B Portrait of Mrs. Collyear—as Lesbia and her dead bird Lent by Mr. J. H. Wade WILLIAM T. RICHARDS (American 1833-1905) 146 A Marine Lent by Mrs. H, A. Everett GEORGE ROMNEY (English 1734-1802) 147 B Portrait of a Lady Lent by Mr. Samuel Mather 148 B Portrait by Lady Read—Wife of Sir John Read Lent by Mr. J. H. Wade *149 B Portrait of James Dashwood Lent by Scott & Fowles Company, New York PIERRE ETIENNE THEODORE ROUSSEAU (French 1812-1867) 150 C Paysage du Berry 151 C Les Marais Lent by Mr. E. S. Burke, Jr. 152 C Summer Landscape Lent by Mr. J. H. Wade PETER PAUL RUBENS (Flemish 1577-1640) 153 D The Triumph of Religion Lent by Mr. J. H. Wade ADOLF SCHREYER (German 1828-1899) 154 D Arab Horsemen Lent by Mr. D. Z. Norton JOAQUIN SOROLLA Y BASTIDA (Spanish 1863-) 155 D Child on Beach Lent by Mr. Howard Parmelee Eells SPANISH SCHOOL—17TH CENTURY (Spanish) 156 D Madonna and Child with Saints Lent by Mrs. J. S. Pritchard GEORGE HENRY STORY, A.NA. (American 1835-) 157 A The Motherly Sister Lent by Mrs. John Huntington GILBERT STUART (American 1755-1828) 159 A Portrait of Jared Sparks Lent by Mrs. Benjamin P. Moore 160 A Portrait of William Meeker Lent by Mr. D. Z. Norton THOMAS SULLY (American 1783-1872) 161 A Portrait of Mrs. Williams Lent by Mrs, E. B. Ellinwood DAVID TENIERS, the Younger (Flemish 1610-1690) 162 D Scene in an Inn Lent by Mrs. L. E. Holden 163 D The Delight of the Dutch Lent by Mr. J. H. Wade GIOVANNI BATTISTA TIEPOLO (Italian 1696-1770) 164 D Magdalene Lent by Miss Georgie L. Norton 165 D St. Augustine in the Desert Lent by Mr. William G. Mather FRANK HECTOR TOMPKINS (American i847-) 166 A Hauling Wood Lent by Mr. S. T. Wellman CON STANT TROYON ( French 1816-1865) 167 C The Drinking Place Lent by Mr, E. S. Burke, Jr. JOSEPH MALLORD WILLIAM TURNER, R.A. (English 1775-1850) 168 B Vevey, Lake of Geneva (water color) Lent Anonymously 169 B Carthage 170 B Queen Mab's Grotto Lent by Mr. J. H. Wade JOHN H. TWACHTMAN (American 1853-1902) 171 A Landscape Lent Anonymously SIR ANTHONY VAN DYCK (Flemish 1599-1641) 172 D Charles the First Lent by Mr. J. H. Wade EMILE VON MARCKE (French 1827-1890) 173 C Harbor in Normandy Lent by Mr. Samuel Mather DOUGLAS VOLK, N.A. (American 1856-) 174 A Girl and Turtle Lent Anonymously PETER VON BLOOMEN (Dutch) 175 D Market Scene at Antwerp at Dawn Lent by Mr. Henry P. Edwards HORATIO WALKER, N.A. (American 1858-) 176 A Returning from the Fields Lent by Mr. J. D. Cox FREDERICK J. WAUGH, N.A. (American 1861-) 177 A Mid-Atlantic Lent by Mrs. Lyman H. Treadway EDWIN LORD WEEKS (American 1849-1903) 178 A The Caravan Lent by Mr. Charles W. Norton JAMES ABBOTT McNEIL WHISTLER (American 1834-1903) *179 A Portrait of Miss Lillian Woakes Lent by Mr. Henry Reinhardt, New York *180 A The Coast of Brittany Lent by Mr. E. W. Kraushaar, New York CARLETON WIGGINS, N.A. (American 1848-) 181 A Massachusetts Hills Lent by Mrs. H. A. Everett BALLARD WILLIAMS (American Contemporary) 181 A A Three Graces Lent Anonymously RICHARD WILSON, R.A. (English 1713-1782) 182 B English Landscape Lent by Mr. Samuel Mather F. WUCHERER (German Contemporary) 183 D Snow Scene in Taunus Mountains, near Wiesbaden Lent by Dr. and Mrs. Dudley P. Allen. ALEXANDER H. WYANT, N.A. (American 1836-1892) 184 A County Kerry Lent Anonymously 185 A Keene Valley Lent by Mrs. James R. Garfield FELIX ZIEM (French 1821-1905) • 186 C Landscape Lent by Mr. Charles F. Brush 187 C LeGrande Canal Lent by Mr. D. Z. Norton SKETCHES 1 E John Constable, R.A. 2 E Charles Emil Jacque 3 E Sir Hubert Von Herkomer Lent by Mr. Howard Parmelee Eells 4 E Michel Angelo 5 E J. B. C. Corot 6E Charles Francois Daubigny 7 E Donati Donatello 8 E Willy Geiger 9 E Francesco Guardi loE W. Hervier 11 E Sir Edwin Landseer 12 E Sir Edwin Landseer 13 E Jean Francois Millet 14 E Emile von Marcke 15 E Barend von Orley 16 E Sir Joshua Reynolds, P.R.A. 17 E Auguste Rodin 18 E Auguste Rodin 19 E John L. Sargent 20 E Diego Velasquez Lent by Dr. Daniel A. Huebsch 21 E Rosa Bonheur Lent by Mrs. Peter Hitchcock 22 E Rosa Bonheur (Lions) Lent by Mr. Homer H. Johnson 23 E Rosa Bonheur (Crouching Lions) 24 E Rosa Bonheur (Diligence) 25 E Rosa Bonheur (Horse) 26 E Rosa Bonheur (Horse Fair) 27 E Rosa Bonheur (Horsehead) 28 E Rosa Bonheur (Ox) Lent by Mr. Ambrose Swasey DECORATIVE ARTS In selecting the objects shown in the decorative arts gallery the purpose has been to display forms of art other than paint¬ ings in which Cleveland collectors have become interested. The committee has not attempted to secure expert advice, but has chosen the exhibits for their beauty and interest. All attributions are those of the owners. TAPESTRIES 1 Mortlake Tapestry, "October and November" 2 French Tapestry Lent by Mrs. E. S. Burke, Jr. 3 Gobelin Tapestry, King Louis XIII Receiving Absolution Lent by Mr. Howard Parmelee Eells 4 Flemish Tapestry Lent by Mr. J. H. Wade 5 Flemish Tapestry, The Prodigal Son Lent by Mrs. Peter Hitchcock 6 Antique Flemish Tapestry, Italian Garden and Landscape Lent by Mr. Samuel Mather 7 Old Flemish Tapestry, Coronation of Clovis Lent by Mr. C. A. Selzer RUGS Collection of Oriental and Persian Rugs Lent by The Sterling & Welch Company Hispano—Moresque Silk Rug Lent by Mr. Samuel Mather EXHIBIT OF TIFFANY STUDIOS, NEW YORK CHINESE RUGS KIEN-LUNG RUG Seven lions appear on a flower strewn field of soft, rich ivory. The medallion with the grotesque lions forming the circle is a typical handling of this motif, and always interesting. GRAIN OF RICE RUG The entire tawny golden brown field of this old Aling piece is covered with cuboid forms outlined in light and dark blues, and decorated with crudely drawn Grains of Rice. KIEN-LUNG RUG The unusual feature of this superb specimen is in the field design, in which seventeen lions are in various positions, some guarding the Sacred Pearl. PO-KU RUG This is an early Kien-Lung product, decorated with carefully rendered objects on a rich peach-colored field. There are several cartouches containing emblems of the Eight Immortals, of the Literati, and Buddhist emblems. FIVE MEDALLION RUG The Fung-hwang and Ki-lin create a most effective centre medallion; the four corner medallions being composed of the peony tree with the blossoms in full bloom. RUG OF THE HUNDRED ANTIQUES The objects which fill the field are copies of old bronzes, porcelains, and various other articles precious to the Chinese; many of these are outlines in contrasting colors and bear decorations of significance. THE MIRROR-BACK RUG The color of this early K*ang-hsi rug is monotone in effect, although the imperial yellow field is chequered faintly with brownish apricot, and light blue bands outline the central medallion and appear in the borders. CASE No. I Persian Art Lent by Dr. and Mrs. Dudley P. Allen CASE No. 2 Laces, Embroideries, Jewelry and Fans Lent by Mrs. W. C. Downs CASE No. 3 Laces, Embroideries and Art Objects Lent by Mrs. Stevenson Burke CASE No. 4 American Bronzes Lent by Dr. and Mrs. Daniel A. Huebsch and Dr. W. T. Corlett Orpheus and Eurydice Jean Baptiste Camille Corot CASE No. 5 Fine Books Lent by Cleveland Free Public Library CASE No. 6 American Bronzes CASE No. 7 American Bronzes Lent by Mr. George E. Gage CASE No. 8 Bronzes Lent by Mr. C. A. Selzer CASE No. 9 Laces Lent by Mrs. John Huntington CASES Nos. IG and ii Fans, Vinaigrettes and Snuff Boxes Lent by Mrs. J. H. Wade CASE No. 12 Laces Lent by Mr. Maurice 1. Flagg, Minneapolis, Minn. CASES Nos. 13 and 14 Chinese Porcelain CASES Nos. 15, 16, 17 Chinese Porcelain Lent by Dr. and Mrs. Dudley P. Allen CASE No. 18 Japanese Porcelain Lent by Dr. and Mrs. Dudley P. Allen CASE No. 19 Chinese Porcelain Lent by Mr. E. S. Burke, Jr. CASE No. 20 Oriental Arms Lent by Mr. J. H. Wade CASE No. 21 Chinese Bronzes, from the Prince Kung Collection Lent by Mr. Howard Parmelee Eells CASE No. 22 Chinese and Japanese Paintings Lent by Dr. and Mrs. Dudley P. Allen CASE No. 23 Chinese Bronzes, from the Prince Kung Collection Lent by Mr. Howard Parmelee Eells CASE No. 24 Oriental Arms Lent by Mr. J. H. Wade CASE No. 25 Chinese Porcelain and Jade, from the Prince Kung Collection Lent by Mr. Howard Parmelee Eells CASES No. 26 and 27 Fine Books Lent by Cleveland Free Public Library BRONZES F. McMonnies, "Pan" Fountain Lent by Mr. H. G. Dalton Enid Yondell, Fountain Lent Anonymously Augustus St. Gaudens, Diana of the Tower Lent Anonymously CATALOGUE BY OWNERS DR. AND MRS. DUDLEY P. ALLEN 183 D F. Wucherer Snow Scene Three Cases of Chinese Porcelain One Case of Japanese Porcelain Persian Art One Case of Chinese and Japanese Paintings MR. CHARLES W. BINGHAM 71C Jean Jacques Henner Twilight MR. CHARLES F. BRUSH 24 C Benj. Constant Fort at Algiers 34 C Gustave Courbet Sea and Rocks at Entretat 58 C Jules Dupre Landscape 64 C Jean Leon Gerome Lion on the Prowl 65 c Jean Leon Gerome Bathers 80 A George Inness, N.A. Landscape 186 C Felix Ziem Landscape MR. E. S. BURKE, JR. 28 C Jean Baptiste Camille Corot Orpheus and Eurydice 41 C C. F. Daubigny The Sandbanks of Valmandois 54 C Narcisse Virgille de la Pena The Bathers 117 C Jean Francois Millet The Sick Child 118C Jean François Millet Close of Day 119 C Jean Francois Millet Sheep Shearing 120 c Jean Francois Millet The Pig-Killers 121 C Jean Francois Millet Laborer Resting 122 C Jean Francois Millet Shepherdess 150 C P. E. Th. Rousseau Paysage du Berry 151 c P. E. Th. Rousseau Les Marais 167 c Constant Trot^on The Drinking Place One Case of Chinese Porcelain MRS. E. S. BURKE, JR. Mortlake Tapestry ''October and November" French Tapestry MRS. STEVENSON BURKE Lace, Embroidery and Art Objects MR. FRANK H. CLARK 106 B W. S. MacGeorge A June Woodland 127 A F. Louis Mora Mercedes CLEVELAND PUBLIC LIBRARY Fine Books Portrait of Gertrude Van Limborch Thomas De Keyser MR. RALPH M. COE 8i A 93 D H5 C 125 C 136 C George Inness, N.A J. B. Jongkind George Michel Adolph Monticelli Camille Pissarro DR. WM. THOS. CORLETT 72 A Robert Henri American Bronzes MR. J. D. COX 10 A Howard Butler, N.A. 36 A Kenyon Cox, N.A. 37 A Louise Cox, A.N.A, 82 A George Inness, N.A. 92 A H. Bolton Jones, N.A. 176 A Horatio Walker, N.A. MR. H. G. DALTON F. Macmonnies Italian Landscape Moonlight on a Dutch Canal Road near Montmartre The Reception Charing Cross Bridge, London Tobie Sunrise in Connecticut Hope and Memory The Readers Solitude Cape Ann Returning from the Fields 'Tan" Fountain MRS. W. C. DOWNS Fans, Lace, Embroideries, Jewelry MR. F. E. DRURY 35 A E. Irving Couse, N.A MR. HENRY P. EDWARDS 175 D Peter Von Bloomen MR. H. P. EELLS The Sacred Bird Market Scene at Antwerp I B 12 B 21 D 39 D 59 C 90 C 94 D 100 B 102 B 104 D 109 D III D Sir William Beechey, R.A. D. Y. Cameron Paul Jean Clays Lucas Cranach, the Younger Jules Dupre Charles Emile Jacque F. von Kaulbach Sir Thomas Lawrence, P.R.A. Sir Peter Lely Franz von Lenbach Giambattista Moroni Anton Mauve Portrait of Patrick Heatley Sunset on the Mountains of Arran Sailing Boats in Harbor Portrait of a Man Homew^ard Bound Under the Oak Trees Child's Portrait Portrait of Lady Mary Anne Beau¬ mont Portrait of Lady Amelia Wetherby Portrait of Frau Roth Portrait of Vincent Guarinon Sheep on the Heath 137 ß Sir Henry Raeburn, R.A. Portrait of Mrs. Simpson 138 B Sir Henry Raeburn, R.A. Portrait of Mrs. Dillon 144B Sir Joshua Reynolds, P.R.A. Portrait of a Lady Ï55 E) J. Sorolla Y. Batisda Child on Beach Sketches 1 E John Constable, R.A. 2 E Charles Emil Jacque 3 E Sir Hubert von Herkomer Gobelin Tapestry, King Louis XIII Receiving Absolution Two Cases of Chinese Bronzes, from the Prince Kung Collection One Case of Chinese Porcelain and Jade, from the Prince Kung Collection MRS. E. B. ELLINWOOD 161 A Thomas Sully Portrait of Mrs. Williams MRS. H. A. EVERETT 15 A Emil Carlson, N.A. Holland Canal 23 A Charlotte B. Coman, A.N.A. The Hillside Village 63 A Lillian Matilde Genth, A.N.A. Flower of the Glen 76 A Frances C. Houston Autumn 95 A William Keith Landscape 128 A F. Luis Mora, N.A. The Morning News 134 A Walter Launt Palmer, N.A. The First Snow 146 A William T. Richards Marine 181 A Carleton Wiggins, N.A. Massachusetts Hills MRS. WILLIAM C. FITZSIMMONS 135 D Giovanni Pisano Ecce Homo MR. MAURICE 1. FLAGG, Minneapolis, Minn. One Case of Laces MR. GEORGE E. GAGE 22 A Thomas Cole, N.A. View of Boston American Bronzes MRS. JAMES R. GARFIELD 49 A Thomas Wilmer Dewing, N.A. Lady Seated 185 A Alexander H. Wyant, N.A. Keene Valley MRS. PETER HITCHCOCK ^i E Rosa Bonheur Sketch Flemish Tapestry, Sixteenth Century The Prodigal Son Textiles MRS. H. E. HAYES 5D B. J. Blommers Mother and Child 8D Adrian Brouwer Boors 46 C H. C. Delpy On the Seine 60 C Jules Dupre The Edge of Fontainebleau 62 A Ben Foster, N.A. Landscape 67 C Henri Harpignies Landscape 83 A George Inness, N.A. Eventide at Tarpon Springs, Florida 96 D J. S. K. Kever Mother and Child no D J. H. Van Mastenbrock Just Before the Storm 112 D Anton Mauve The Belated Traveler 114 D H. W. Mesdag Low Tide at Schevingin 116C George Michel The Gathering Storm 140 C J. F. Raffaelli Notre Dame, Paris MRS. L. E. HOLDEN 162 D David Teniers, the Younger, Scene in an Inn MR. JAMES H. HOYT 73 A George Hitchcock The Goose Girl DR. DANIEL HUEBSCH Sketches : 4 E Michel Angelo 5 E J. B. C. Corot 6 E Charles Francois Daubigny 7 E Donati Donatello 8 E Willy Geiger 9E Francesco Guardi 10 E W. Hervier 11 E Sir Edwin Landseer 12 E Sir Edwin Landseer 13 E Jean Francois Millet 14 E Emile von IMarcke 15 E Barend von Orley 16 E Sir Joshua Reynolds, P.R.A. 17 E Auguste Rodin 18 E Auguste Rodin 19 E John L. Sargent 20 E Diego Velasquez IVIacmonnies' Bronze Nathan Hale MRS. JOHN HUNTINGTON 157 A George Henry Story, A.N.A. The IMotherly Sister Case of Laces sheep Shearing Jean Francois Millet MR. HOMER H. JOHNSON 19 A Wm. M. Chase, N.A. East River 40 A Bruce Crane, N.A. Frosted Fields Sketch 22 E Rosa Bonheur Lions MR. RALPH KING loi C Gaston La Touche The Goddess of Fortune in Distress M. KNOEDLER & COMPANY, New York City 2 B Sir William Beechey, R.A. Portrait Group of a Nobleman*s Family 75 B John Hoppner, R.A. The Marchioness Wellesley with her two sons 139 B Sir Henry Raeburn, R.A. Portrait of George Joseph Bell E. W. KRAUSHAAR. New York City 180 A James A. McNeil Whistler The Coast of Brittany MRS. JEANNETTE AGNEW LYON 105 A Jeannette Agnew Lyon Close of Day MR. L. A. McCREARY 74 D J. M. Heinrich Hofmann Christ in the Garden of Gethsemane MR. ARTHUR N. McGEOCH, Milwaukee, Wis. 141 D Rembrandt The Rabbi MR. WILLIAM MACBETH, New York City 27 A John Singleton Copley, R.A. Portrait of Captain Larrabee MR. SAMUEL MATHER 6 C Eugene Louis Boudin The Mistral at Antibes 16 C Jean Charles Cazin Twilight in Holland 17 C Jean Charles Cazin Downs, near Boulogne 29 C Jean Baptiste Camille Corot Beaume la Rolande 33 B John Sell Cotman A Castle in Wales 43 D Théophile De Bock Evening in Holland 44 C Alexander Gabriel Decamps Landscape 50 A Thomas Wilmer Dewing Sketch (Pastel) 84 A George Inness, N.A. Landscape 88 D Josef Israels The Blessing at Evening Meal 103 B Sir Peter Lely Portrait of Anne Hyde, Duchess of York 113 A Willard Leroy Metcalf Spring 126 C Adolph Monticelli The Stairs 131 C 147 B 173 c 182 B George Morland George Romney Emile Van Marcke Richard Wilson, R.A. Antique Flemish Tapestry Hispano-Moresque Silk Rug Persian Wine Jar MR. WILLIAM G. MATHER Rustic Scene in Surrey Portrait of a Lady Harbor in Normandy F^nglish Landscape Italian Garden and Landscape 13 D 30 C 31 c 42 c 51 A 52 A 53 A 55 C 135 c 165 D Giovanni Busi Cariani Jean Baptiste Camille Corot Jean Baptiste Camille Corot Charles Francois Daubigny Thomas Wilmer Dewing, N.A. Thomas Wilmer Dewing, N.A. Thomas Wilmer Dewing, N.A. Narcisse Virgille Diaz de la Pena Jean Baptiste Joseph Pater Giovanni Battista Tiepolo Two Life Size Figures L'Etang a L'Entrée du Bois The Big Tree Coast at Villerville Green and Rose Lady Reading Head, Drawing in Silver Point Le Mare Sous Bois Concert in the Park St. Augustine in the Desert MR. E. W. MOORE 85 A George Inness, N.A. MRS. BENJAMIN P. MOORE 70 A George Peter Alexander Healey 159 A Gilbert Stuart MR. CHARLES A. NICOLA The Coming Storm Portrait of Senator Nathaniel Silsbee Portrait of Jared Sparks 7 A George H. Boughton, N.A. Motherhood MR. CHARLES W. NORTON 32 C Jean Baptiste Camille Corot 178 A Edwin Lord Weeks MR. D. Z. NORTON Girl with Tambourine The Caravan 86 A 154D 160 A Í87 C George Inness, N.A Adolf Schrever «r Gilbert Stuart Felix Ziem Borghese Palace Arab Horseman Portrait of William Meeker Le Grande Canal MISS GEORGIE LEIGHTON NORTON 164 D Giovanni Battista Tiepolo Magdalene MRS. J. S. PRITCHARD 156 D Spanish School, Seventeenth Century Madonna and Child with Saints MR. HENRY REINHARDT, New York City 38 D Lucas Cranach, the Elder Portrait of Sibyl Van Cleeve 66 D P'rancisco Jose de Goya Y. Lucientes Portrait of a Man 87 D Adrian Isenbrant St. John and the Donators 142 D Rembrandt Portrait of Rembrandt's Sister 179 A James A. McNeil Whistler Portrait of Miss Lillian Woakes MR. JOHN D. ROCKEFELLER 132 B Erskine Nicol The Disputed Boundary SCOTT AND FOWLES COMPANY, New York City 77 B Thomas Hudson Portrait of Mrs. John Periam 97 D Thomas DeKeyser Portrait of Gertrude Van Limborch 149 B George Romney Portrait of James Dashwood MR. C. A. SELZER 57 C William Didier-Puget Heather in Bloom, Early Morning Old Flemish Tapestry Coronation of Clovis Bronzes THE STERLING & WELCH COMPANY Collection of Oriental Rugs MR. AMBROSE SWASEY 108 D 23 E 24 E 25 E 26 E 27 E 28 E Willem Maris Sketches Rosa Bonheur Rosa Bonheur Rosa Bonheur Rosa Bonheur Rosa Bonheur Rosa Bonheur View in Holland Crouching Lions Diligence Horse Horse Fair Horse Head Ox TIFFANY STUDIOS, New York City Collection of Chinese Rugs MRS. LYMAN H. TREADWAY 4A 91 C 177 A Albert Bierstadt, N.A. Charles Emile Jacque Frederick J. Waugh, N.A Fans The Rainbow Sheep in the Woods Mid-Atlantic Under the Oak Tree Charles Emile Jacque IMR. J. H. WADE 9 A J. Appleton Brown, A.N.A. Spring 26 B John Constable, R.A. Hampstead with Harrow-on-Hill in Distance 45 C Hilaire Germaine Edgard Degas Three Ballet Girls 47 C Jean Baptiste Edouard Détaillé The Fight for the Standard 56 C Narcisse Virgille Diaz de la Pena Repose after the Bath 61 C L Henri J. T. Fantin-Latour Scene from Tannhauser 89 D Josef Israels Making Cakes 98 D Ludwig Knaus The Grocery Shop 124 C Claude Monet Spring Scene 133 B Sir John Opie, RA. Street Singer and Child 145 B Sir Joshua Reynolds, P.RA. Portrait of Mrs. Collyear as Lesbia and her Dead Bird 148 B George Romney Portrait of Lady Read 152 C Peter Etienne Theodore Rousseau Summer Landscape 153 D Peter Paul Rubens The Triumph of Religion 163 D David Teniers,'the Younger The Delight of the Dutch 169 B Joseph Mallord William Turner, R.A. Carthage 170 B Joseph Alallord William Turner, R.A. Oueen Mab's Grotto 172 D Sir Anthony Van Dyck Charles the First Flemish Tapestry Two Cases of Oriental Arms MRS. J. H. WADE Two Cases of Fans, Vinaigrettes and Snuff Boxes MR. S. T. WELLMAN 166 A Frank Hector Tompkins Hauling Wood CLEVELAND SCHOOL OE ART The exhibition of the Cleveland School of Art consists entirely of the work of its students. Its object is to show the lines of study followed in the various departments of the school in train¬ ing young men and women for successful work as artists, advertising designers, art metal workers, china decorators, cartoonists, decorative designers, White Jade Wine Ewer iHustrators, sculptors, supervisors and teachers. Many of the drawings are by students in the first, second, third or fourth year of the regular course; others are by special students in shorter courses. SECTION A Interior and Object Drawings, Instrumental Perspectives, Free-hand Perspectives, Cartoons, Anatomical Drawings, Drawings from Antique. SECTION B Theory and Practice in Design. SECTION C Drawings and Sketches from Life. SECTION D Studies in Water-color. SECTION E Decorative Illustrations. SECTION F Modeling from Life. Decorative Modeling. SECTION G Photographs The Cleveland School of Art SECTION H Crafts, SECTION I Ceramics. SECTION J Fountain, designed and modeled by Mrs. Max McMurray, Terra-cotta executed by Mr. R. Cowan. Cleveland Scliool of Art, Juniper Road and Magnolia Drive ART IN THE PUBLIC SCHOOLS An exhibit planned to show the artistic development of the child from the first grade through the high schools, and also advance work done by normal school pupils. The examples exhibited are chosen to show the variety and scope of the work done by chil¬ dren at different ages. Drawing is taught from the Kindergarten through the Normal School. The course is so planned as to meet the requirements of the pupil at the different stages of develop¬ ment. In the early stages it deals with illustrative drawing, which cultivates the imaginative power. This is correlated with different subjects in the curriculum in the portrayal of the life of the different peoples,—in games and holidays. It deals with nature through the pupils' sketches of land¬ scape and plant life. The result of this study should be the quickening of the pupils' perceptions, a stimulating sense of the beautiful, and a love for nature. The power given by this study of objects is a sense of form, proportion and direction. This power is of inestimable value to the boy or girl in any walk in life. » The advantage in the study of design is in the training of the taste in its culture and industrial use, since its application to the arts and industries is very wide, and combined with constructive work it reveals to the worker his own power and ability. CLEVELAND ARTISTS' EXHIBIT (OIL PAINTINGS UNLESS OTHERWISE SPECIFIED) GEO. G. ADOMEIT 1. A Catskill Valley 2. A Gates Mill Garden 3. Zoar Willows 4. The Veranda MAY AMES 5. Landscape 6. Shadows Across the Stacks 7. My First View of Gibraltar 8. The Harvest Morning PHILIPP ARNETH 9. Church (Water Color) FRANK C. BAKER 10. An August Day (Water Color) WIL^IA IRENE BALL 11. Morning in Brecksville H. M. BEINHOFF 12. Autumn 13. Mrs. F. B. A. E. BOHNARD 14. A H ouse on a Hill 15. A Hillside in Winter 16. Public Square in Winter HERBERT BOHNERT 17. Portrait GEO. P. BRADLEY 18. Autumn (Water Color) 19. Winter Landscape (Water Color) 20. Landscape (Study in Chalks) 21. Landscape (Study in Chalks) ARTHUR D. BROOKS 22. The Hermit Club (Water Color) 23. Inn of William the Conqueror (Water Color) SHELDON CLARK 24. The Spring 25. A Summer Day 26. The Vegetable Boat THOMAS J. CLOUGH 27. Winter Day 28. Winter Evening CAROLINE E. COIT 29. Street in Assisi (Water Color) MARY SUSAN COLLINS 30. The House with Blue Blinds 31. Old Wharves 32- Sketching ORA COLTÍVIAN 33. In England 34. The School Boy 35. The Author of "And the Other one was Booth" 36. The Path LENA L. CONE 37. Edge of the Woods (Water Color) 38. Wheat Field (Water Color) THOS. H. COOPER 39. Winter Sunlight MAURICE CORNELL 40. Study LYDA M. COX 41. Frost Flowers on our Hillside 42. Early Morning 43. Hilltops STANLEY DALE 44. Reflections 45. The View from the Wood (Water Color) 46. Old Blacksmith Shop (Water Color) CLARA L. DEIKE 47. The Cotton-wood Tree (Water Color) 48. Summer Quiet (Water Color) 49. After the Shower (Water Color) C. F. DeKLYN 50. Chautauqua HERMAN DERCUM 51. Early Morning, Gloucester 52. Night, Gloucester 53. Afternoon, Gloucester 54. Harbor Scene, Gloucester H. R. DRURY 55. In the Park (Lent by F. E. Drury) WILLIAM J. EASTMAN 56. Among the Foot Hills of the Berkshires 57. Wild Grape Vines WM. J. EDMONDSON 58. Portrait of Mrs. Harrison W. Ewing 59. Portrait of Mrs. Geo. H. Eichelberger 60. The Glass Door 61. Portrait of Dr. E. D. Burton (Lent by Society for Savings) F. C. GOTTWALD 62. Piazza Agostino Taormina, Sicily (Lent by A. A. Augustus) 63. Fort Mackinac 64. Mission Point IMackinac Island 65. On Mackinac Island HUGH HUNTINGTON HOWARD 66. Sunset Parkman Pond 67. Indian Summer Lake Erie 68. Late Autumn GUSTAVE HUGGER 69. Spring 70. October Days 71. In the Land of the Wood-nymphs 72. Circus in Town (Water Color) THOMAS LORAINE HUNT 73. Bit of Beach, Lake Erie, near Leamington, Ont. MAURICE INGRES 74. Portrait (Lent hy Wm. Boehmke) JESSIE B. JONES 75. Clouds—^Vale of Lebanon (Water Color) 76. The Shaker Village (Water Color) H. G. KELLER 77. Anna's Garden (Lent hy H. G. Oppman) 78. Disturbed (Lent hy Korner & Wood) 79. Turkeys in the Straw 80. Wisdom and Destiny GRACE V. KELLY $ 81. The House hy the Road 82. The Old House and the Larch Trees 83. The South Wind 84. Huron River (Water Color) ANDREW DWIGHT KENNEDY 85. The Green Book 86. Wayside Pool ERNEST G. KLEIN 87. The Sheep Lane (Opaque Water Color) ADAM LEHR 88. Landscape 89. Still Life 90. Landscape CARL LORENZ 91. A Narrow Path MARY W. IVIACLEOD A 92. Summer Breeze (Water Color) 93. Midsummer (Water Color) 94. Beyond the Waves (Water Color) 95. Sunlight (Water Color) LOUISE MALONEY 96. Woods E. K. NOBLE 97. An October Day WILBUR L. OAKES 98. Morning Shadows 99. Headlands—Cape Ann 100. Gloucester Harbor 101. A Day in Summer ANNA P. OVIATT 102. Shadow and Sun (Water Color) 103. Midsummer (Water Color) EMMA LANE PAYNE 105. IMorning WILHELAI GEORG REINDEL 106. Winter 107. Sugar Camp (Lent by Richard Sankhuff) ALICE BLAIR RING Î08. Morning Sunshine (Paris Salon 1907) T09. Away to the Pastures CARRIE B. ROBINSON 110. Early Autumn JAMES L. SANGSTER 111. Light and Shade 112. Landscape 113. Autumn JOHN SEMON 114. Approaching Storm 115. The Ravine in Autumn CHARLES SHACKLETON 116. Cypress Trees, Lake Garda 117. A Glimpse of Provincetown 118. Villa IVIonestero, Lake Como WILLIAM SOMMER 119. The Bridge CAROLINE SOWERS 120. Thorborn Hall, Bermuda ETHEL M. STILSON 121. Canal Volendam, Holland 122. The Arch of Titus, Forum, Rome 123. Norman Porch, Canterbury GEORGIANA STOW 124. Interior of Old Manse near Garrettsville ABRAHAM G. WARSHAWSKY 127. Reflections in the Seine 128. A Field of Brittany 129. A Village on the Seine ALEXANDER WARSHAWSKY 130. Early Spring, New York WILLIAM P. WELSH 131. Portrait Sketch (Lent by Mrs. Max McMurray) FRANK N. WILCOX 132. Tree-Tops 133- Jone Evening 134. River Bank A. M. WILLARD 135. The Cows 136. The Brook 137. The Woodland Gate CAROLINE GREENE WILLIAMS 138. Trees (Water Color) 139. Rainy Day (Water Color) 140. Evening (Water Color) ERNEST ZARSKY 141. The White Church 142. October Day 143. Provincetown (Many of these paintings are for sale. Prices may be obtained by inquiring at the Exposition office.) Because the paintings, "The Spirit of '76" by A. M. Willard, and "Perry's Victory" by O. V. Schubert, were too large to be shown in the Cleveland Artists' Gallery, they are displayed elsewhere in the Exposition. SCULPTURE J. H. DONAHEY Portrait Study of an Immortal MAX KALISH Portrait Bust MRS. MAX McMURRAY Fountain H. N. MATZEN Portrait of Mr. H. MRS. JESSE H. NEAL Statuette, "The Little Mother" CLIFFORD E. PARKHURST Model of Concealed Lighting Design ANNA PFENNINGER Portrait of Henry Pfenninger STEPHEN REBECK Portrait Study LUELLA VARNEY SERRAO Portrait of Andrew J. Rickoff WALTER A. SINZ Portrait of Tom L. Johnson MAX WORTH Independence MISCELLANEOUS CERAMIC WORKSHOP (Cleveland School of Art) Weaver Ware COWAN POTTERY Faience and Pottery BRENDA FRANCKLYN Miniatures on Ivory MRS. MINNIE LUCE HATCH Carved Leather GRACE L. NEIBERGER Miniatures on Ivory THE POTTER STUDIO Handwrought Jewelry and Silverware STELLA J. RAUSCH Decorative Wall Pieces (Tiles) GERTRUDE STILES Hand-bound Books MILDRED WATKINS Handvvrought Jewelry and Silverware MARTHA OLMSTED WINSOR IMiniatures on Ivory (Water Color) PHOTOGRAPHS F. C. BAKER H. A. GROESBECK CLIFFORD NORTON NORRIS RAHMING CARLE SEMON