CHAPTER OF THE Louisville & Hash ville Railroad Co. WITH AMENDMENTS TO 1869, CHARTER OF THE LOUISVILLE & NASHVILLE R.R. CO. WITH AMENDMENTS TO 1800. TOGETHER WITH THE GENERAL RAILROAD LAWS OE STATES OF KENTUCKY AND TENNESSEE. AND THE CHARTER OF THE MEMPHIS & OHIO R. R. CO. LOUT S VILLE, K Y. : PRINTED BY JOHN P. MOUTON à COMPANY, 15»; & 158 WEST MAIN ST It E ET 1869. INDEX TO CHARTER L. & N. R. R. CO. IlItANCH BOADS. Power to build, same as given to main road section 2, page 18 Routes for, to be surveyed same as main road ». 3, p. I'd Right, of way for, procured as for main road s. 3, p. I'd Counties may subscribe to stock of the company for s. 0, p. 21; ss. 1, 2, p. 23 Construction of, paid for in bonds of the company g. 22, p. 30 May be mortgaged 3, p. 32 Proceeds of sale of mortgage bonds not to be used to build s. 1, pp. 33, 34 May be permitted to connect with main line s. 13, p. 39 Rights of, and of main stem 13, p. 39 May be extended 3, p. 41 Provision for completing Lebanon & Memphis 3, p. 44 freight on 6, p. 44 Cost of, and main stem may be equal to capital stock s. 1, p. 47 Provision for extending Lebanon branch s. 1, p. 47 Holders of stock in, and main line, to bo re-issued in L. & N. R. R. Co s. 2, p. 48 CAPITAL STOCK. Original s. 2, p. 7 Equalization of 3, p. 7 May be increased $1,000,000 13, p. 12 May be increased to equal cost of road and branches s. 1, p. 32; s. 1, p. 47 The holder of, issued on tax receipts entitled Jo all rights of stockholders...8. 4, p. 42 Fractional shares of s. 1, p. 47 No difference between, in mainline and branches s. 1, p. 48 Holders of, in main line and branches to be re-issued in L. & N. R. R. Co...s. 2, p. 48 Liable to execution in Tennessee s. 14, p. 08 Purchaser of, to get certificate of, from company s. 10, p. 08 CITY OF LOUISVILLE. May subscribe for stock s. 22, p. 17 Mayor or other appointee to cast vote of s. 2, p. 32 Profits on stock of, subject to control of board with consent of general council 3, p. 35 May retire bonds by the issue of stock s. 4, p. 35 IV INDEX. May subscribe for slock upon conditions s. 6, p. 37 May make additional subscription and pay in bonds 7, pp. 44, 45 May sell stock to pay its bonds r. 2, p. 49 COMMISSION KKS. Appointment of s. 1, p. 5 Powers of s. 6, p. 9 CONNECTING ItOAIJS. State may authorize to cross or connect with L. & N. R. R s. 18, p. 16 Contracts to unite with, authorized s. 4, p. 32 COUNTY. May subscribe for stock s. '22, p. 17 May subscribe stock for Foad and branches s. 0, p. 21 May subscribe absolute or conditional s. 2, p. 23; s. 19, p. 29; s. 6, p. 37 May issue bonds and levy taxes to pay interest and principal ss. 4, 5, 7, pp. 24, 26 Profits on stock of, subject to control of board with consent of county court..,s. 3, p. 35 May retire bonds by transfer of county stock s. 4, p. 35 May invest surplus levies in purchase of bonds s. 5, p. 44 May sell stock to redeem its bonds s. 2, p. 49 IJIRECTOKS. Election of s. 6, 7, p. 9 May elect any stockholder president, fix his salary, and fill 6, 7, pp. 9, 10 Powers of s. 7, pp. 9, 10; ss. 12, 14, p. 12 May call meeting of stockholders s. 8, p. 10 To make annual reports s. 9, p. 11 Oath of s. 10, p. 11; s. 7, p. 37 Certificate of oath to be recorded on minutes s. 7, p. 37 Penalty for violation of oath s. 8, p. 38 Of Tennessee s. 14, p. 40 May elect vice-president s. 5, p. 63 DIVIDENDS. To be declared s. 19, p. 16 Set apart to pay bonds and interest s. 12, p. 28 Not sufficient to redeem bonds, tax to bS levied s. 13, p. 28 FREIGHTS. Power to charge for s. 18, p. 15 Discrimination in favor of through freight and travel s. 2. p. 41; s. 1, p. 46 May charge same as Lex. & F. and Lou. & F. R. R. Co s. 6, p. 44 May agree with other companies for through s. 2, p. 47 Not to exceed legal rates s. 3, p. 47 Passenger fare for three miles and under s. 2, p. 52 Produce and merchandise, under five miles s. 2, p. 52 On Lex. & F. and Lou. & F. R. R s. 2, p. 54 Incorporation s. 2, p. 7 INDEX. V Injury to s. 20, p. 17 Internai, improvement law ok Tennessee pp. 09, 81 I.AND. Company may hold 10,000 acres, etc s. 2, p. 7 For turnouts and depots s. 4, p. 20 For stone quarries s. 1, pp. 48, 49 LIMITATION. Right to plead statute of, same as Lex. & F. and Lou. & F. R. R s. fi, p 44 Suit for killing stock or injuring property barred in six months... „....s. 7, p. 55 MORTGAGE. May execute s. 1, p. 33; ss. 1, 2, p. 43; s. 3, p. 50; s. 3, p. 04 Foreclosure of s. 2, p. 34; s. 4, p. 51; s. 5, p. 66 OFFICERS. Appointment of s. 12, p. 12 Embezzlement by .....s. 5, p. 42 POWERS OF COMPANY. May extend road and build branches ss. 2, 3, pp. 18, 19 May pay for construction of road in bonds s. 8, p. 21 ; s. 22, p. 30 May make line to Mississippi river s. 1, p. 22 May redeem bonds with stock at par or under s. 2, p. 32 May issue bonds and make second mortgage s. 3, p. 32; ss. 2, 3, pp. 50, 51 May unite with other roads s. 4, p. 32 May decimate its stock and issue fractional certificates s. 5, p. 33 May issue bonds and execute mortgage...s. 1, p. 33; ss. 1, 2, p. 43; s. 3, p. 50; s. 2, p. 64 May guarantee payment of county bonds s. 4, p. 35 May build bridge over Cumberland river at Nashville s. 9, p. 38 May build road in common with E. & Ky. R. R. ten miles s. 12, p. 39 May agree with county courts to redeem county stock s. 15, p. 40 May make any contract with Tenn. company to run road from Memphis to Louisville s. 2, p. 41 May extend any branch or buy other roads s. 3, p. 41 May agree with other companies for through freights s. 2, p. 47 May purchase and sell fractional shares s. 1, p. 47 May issue preferred stock to liquidate mortgage and other debts s. 1, p. 47 May increase rate of charges twenty-five per cent s. 1, p. 49 May consolidate with companies of other states s. 1, pp. 49, 50 May charge for storage, receiving and forwarding s. 4, p. 55; s. 29, p. 60 Required to extend road into Nashville s. 2, p. 61 May acquire lands in Nashville for depots, etc s. 9, p. 67 REPEAL Of act of 1855 of Tennessee, and 1656 of Kentucky, for separation of credit, rights, and profits of main stem and branches s. 1, p. 48 VI INDEX. RIGHT OF WAY. Crossing highways and passing through lands ss. 15, 16, 17, pp. 13, 14, 15 For road and branches, turnouts and depots s- 4, pp- If, ^0 Secured in Tennessee s- '> P- How to acquire, in Tennessee ss. 23, 24, 25, pp. 57, 58, 59 SINKING FUND. For counties ss. 8, 11, pp 26, 27 For the redemption of mortgage bonds -...». 3, pp. 34, 35; s. 5, p. 51 ; s ', P- 65 SINKING FUND COMMISSIONERS. Power and duty of .' 8, 11, pp. 26, 27 To cast vote of county s. 11, p. 27 To keep record and make report s- 1 6 P- May authorize one member to cast vote of county 8. 2, p 32 STOCKHOLDERS. Allowed one vote for each share of stock and may vote by pro.xy s. 6, p. 9 May call meeting of stockholders s. 8, p. 10 May require reports from president and directors s. 9, p 11 May appoint treasurer 8. 10, p. 11 Interest allowed on stock until first dividend a. 5, p. 21 In Tennessee to be represented by Tennessee directors s. 4, p. 57 Taxation s. 18, pp. 15, 16 TAX PAYERS. Issuance of county stock to s. 7, p. 21 Eutitled to stock for taxes levied to redeem bonds ss. 14, 16, pp. 28, 29 Entitled to stock after first dividend s. 15, p. 28 Of Davidson county entitled to stock for tax receipts s. 5, p 36 Of Sumner county entitled to stock for tax receipts s. 16, p. 41 Stock to be issued to, in Louisville s. 4, p. 42 Stock to be issued to, in counties s. 4, p. 42 TAX RECEIPTS. Holders of, entitled to stock ss 14, 15, 16, pp. 28, 29 Negotiable by endorsement ss. 14, 15, 16, pp. 28, 29 Holders of, in Davidson county, Tennessee s. 5, p. 36 Holders of, in Sumner county, Tennessee s. 16, p. 41 Holders of, in city of Louisville and counties, entitled to stock s. 4, p. 42 Holders of stock issued on, entitled to all rights of stockholders s. 4, p. 42 INDEX. VII INDEX TO GENERAL ACTS OF KENTUCKY. Railroad companies may subscribe for stock in Lou. Bridge Co s. G, p. 82 Tax receipts may be duplicated s. 1, p. 82 Tax receipts may be converted into stock or sold by administrators s. 3, p. 82 Company may adjust claims of counties and tax payers s. 1, p. 83 Tax receipts to be presented to railroad company or sinking fund com¬ missioners in three years s. 2, p. 83 Tax payers in Marion county to present receipts s. 1, p. 84 Duty of common carriers on receipt of property for transportation,' when may sell to pay charges, how to dispose of proceeds (Act of Feb¬ ruary 15, 1867,) pp. 84, 85, 86 Common carriers to keep tariff of local and way freights posted s. 1, p. 86 Railroad company to keep ticket office open s. 1, p. 88 Obstructing and tearing up railroads, and penalty s. 4, p. 88 Redress for death resulting from negligence of railroad company (Act of March 10th, 1854) pp. 88, 89 Damages for killing or injuring stock '....s. 2, p. 89 Contracts may be made hy railroads with each other for certain pur¬ poses ss. 1, 2, pp 89, 90 How railroad companies are assessed and taxed (Act of 20th February, 1864) pp. 90, 91 Railroad companies to carry coal at certain rates s. 1, p. 91 Penalty on railroad companies for charging illegal rates s. 1, p. 91 Where railroad companies may be sued p. 92 INDEX TO GENERAL ACTS OF TENNESSEE. Railroad companies of other states sued, by service of process on depot agents s. 7, p. 93 How stock of counties in railroad companies may be sold s. 1165, p. 93 Precautions necessary to prevent accidents on railroads ss. 1166-1171, pp. 93, 94 Lease of railroads in Tennessee s. 1424, 1425, p. 95 Obstructing railroad track and penalty ss. 4638-4648, pp. 95, 96 Penalty on railroads for illegal charges for freight or passengers s. 1, pp. 96, 97 Certain railroad companies not to discriminate in freight or fare and penalty s. 10, p. 98 Railroad company to keep ticket office open, water in cars, and con¬ ductor to announce stations, etc., (Act of January 23, 1866) p. 99 Railroad companies not to lease their roads wiihout consent of stockholders p. 100 CHARTER OF THE LOUISVILLE & NASHVILLE R. R. CO. KENTUCKY. AN ACT to Charter the Louisville and Nashville Railroad Company. Section 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of the Commonwealth of Kentucky, That Colonel Thomas An- erCtT'op°nn derson, James S. Speed, James Guthrie, Levin L. Shreve, oive 8ubscrip- and William F. Bullock, of the city of Louisville ;tlon8' Robert N. Miller, Joshua F. Speed, David Meriwether, Thomas S. Camp, and Edward D. Hobbs, of the county of Jefferson ; J. G. Guthrie, C. D. Shean, Daniel K. Haycraft,. S. B. Thomas, John Cofer, John L. Helm, and George L. Miles, of the county of Hardin ; George T. Wood, David Highbaugh, Thomas Lafferty, William Lewis, J, B. Cobb, 0. G. Waggener, W. II. Powell, Aden Combs, and George Garland House, of the county of Hart ; Israel A. Cook, Wm. Ford, Ambrose Kirtley, W. C. Lucas, and A. M. Barret, of the county of Edmonson ; Sam'l Murrell, Henry Grider, John B. Helm, Warner L. Underwood, Thomas Quigley, and Benjamin C. Smith, of the county of War¬ ren ; John Hoy, Noah Hampton, Stanford Duncan, W. H. McGoodwin, L. Finn, and William II. Wooten, of the county of Simpson ; R. F. Samuels, R. H. Field, H. F. Kalfus, H. C. Thomas, N. C. Summers, W. R. Thompson, N. P. Sanders, and W. B. Hamilton, of the county of Bullitt ; C. Nourse, Joseph Brown, D. S. Howell, C. P. Mattingly, J. M. Doom, E. B. Smith, G. W. Ilite, James G CHARTER OF THE M. Brown, S. Johnson, John H. Talhott, T. W. Riley, and T. P. Linthicum, of the county of Nelson ; S. W. D. Stone, J. II. Rodman, John Duncan, W. P. Read, AV L. Morris, AV. Howell, and J. P. Hamilton, of the county of Larue; A. AVatkins, J. G. Hardy, P. J. Kirtley, G. AV. Trabue, F. Gorin, A. Trigg, R. Murrell, John T. Rogers, James Page, AV. E. Munford, J. P. Bate's, and AV. J. AVood, jr., of the county of Barren; John IT. Page, AV. F. Evans, A. A. Harvey, Samuel Carpenter, W. Thomas, R. J. Foster, James C. Mulligan, and James Stark, of the county of Allen; Josiah Brummall, John Barret, AV. B. Allen, AVoodson Williams, and Peter Anderson, of the county of Green ; A. Hoskins, R. Calvin, Alfred Hazle- wood, A. F. Gowdy, Ignatius Abell, and W. N. Marshall, of the county of Taylor ; be and they are hereby appointed commissioners, under the direction of whom, or any three of them, in each of said counties and city aforesaid, subscrip¬ tions may he received to the capital stock of the Louisville and Nashville Railroad Company, hereby incorporated ; and they may cause hooks to be opened at such times and places as they may direct, for the purpose of receiving subscriptions to the capital stock of said company, after having given such notice of the times and places of open¬ ing the same as they may deem proper ; and after the first opening of said books they may continue them open for such time, and may adjourn to such places, as they may deem expedient ; and if such a subscription to the capital stock of said company as is necessary to its incor¬ poration shall not have been obtained, said commissioners, or a majority of them, may cause the said hooks to be opened and kept open, from time to time, and at such places as may seem expedient, for the space of two years thereafter, or until the sum necessary for the incorporation shall he subscribed : Provided, that any subscription, tendered at any time or place other than that advertised by said commissioners, if accepted by them, shall be as valid against the party subscribing as if received at the time or place advertised ; and if any of said commissioners shall die, resign, or refuse to act, during the continuance of the duties devolved 011 them by this act, another may louisville and nashville railroad co. 7 be appointed in his stead by the remaining commissioners, or a majority of them, of the county for which the said commissioner, so not acting, was appointed a commissioner. Sec. 2. That the capital stock of said Louisville and Capita, stock Nashville Railroad Company shall be three millions of Î3,0UU'<"J"- dollars, in shares of one hundred dollars each, which may be subscribed for by anjT individual or corporation; and as soon as three thousand shares of said capital stock shall be subscribed, the subscribers of said stock, their successors and assigns, shall be and they are hereby declared to be incorporated into a company, by the name of the Louisville and Nashville Railroad Company, and by that name shall be capable of purchasing, holding, selling, leasing, and conveying real estate not exceed¬ ing ten thousand acres, and personal and mixed estate, wi^n incor- so far as the same shall be necessary for the purposes hold ten thoV- r- • i pi li n i sand acres of ot their incorporation, and no further; and shall have neces- . , s a r y persoDal perpetual succession, and by said corporate name shall **• A x f %j 1 tate, and have sue and be sued, and may have and use a common PerP.etual su<- 7 J cession. seal, which they shall have power to alter or renew at pleasure ; and shall have, enjoy, and exercise all the powers, rights, and privileges which other corporate bodies may lawfully do. Sec. 3. That if more than thirty thousand shares shall be subscribed to the capital stock of said company, the Stock eqinil- • -\ .. «'iPii iiit izcd if too much said commissioners, or a majority oi them, shall reduce subscribed, by striking off in succession from the largest number of shares subscribed by single individuals or corporations, until the subscriptions shall be reduced to thirty thousand shares, so as to equalize the stockholders as far as may be. Sec. 4. That at every subscription of stock there shall be paid, at the time of subscribing, to the said commis¬ sioners, or their agents appointed to receive such sub¬ scriptions, either in money or a note negotiable and payable at some bank in the state, as said commissioners may elect, at sixty days date or longer, at the option of the commissioners or their agents, the sum of one dollar on every share subscribed, and the residue thereof shall be paid in such installments and at such times as may be required by the board of directors of said company : 8 charter of the Provided, that no payment shall be demanded until at i5ub6crîption r provided for. least thirty days' public notice of such demand shall have been given by said board of directors, by a publication in one or more of the newspapers published in Louis¬ ville, Bardstown, Glasgow, Elizabetbtown and Bowling Green ; nor shall more than twenty-five per cent, of each share of stock be called for in any one year; but if the exigencies of the company should require the payments of the stock to be made more rapidly than is provided for herein, or should the board of directors, or a majority-of the whole number elected, consider it expedient, it shall he lawful for them to borrow, on the credit of said com¬ pany, a sum of money not exceeding five hundred thousand dollars; and if any subscriber shall fail or neglect to pay any installment or part of said subscription demanded according to the provisions of this section, the same may be recovered by action, in the name of said corporation, against such defaulting subscriber, before any tribunal having jurisdiction of such cases; and in all such actions publication as directed in this section shall be the only demand necessary to be proved ; or, in case such failure or neglect to pay any installment or part of said subscrip¬ tion, demanded according to the provisions of this section, shall continue for the space of sixty days next after the time the same shall be due and payable, the board of directors may, in their discretion, order that the same shall he forfeited to the company, and they may also sell it for the benefit of the company if they think proper ; but the said board of directors, by a majority of the whole hoard, may remit any such forfeiture on such terms as they may think proper : and provided further, that it shall be lawful to l'eceive subscriptions to the capital stock of this company, payable in contracts, well secured, to build such parts of the road, or to perform such work in the construction thereof, as may he accepted by the company. Sec. 5. That if the subscription herein made necessary stock not ob. the incorporation of said company shall not be ob- scriptfons vo^idi tained within ten years after the first opening of the hooks by the commissioners under this act, then this louisville and nashville railroad co. 9 act, and all the subscriptions under it, shall be null and void ; and said commissioners shall, after discharging the expenses of opening the books, return the residue of the money paid in upon the subscriptions to the several subscribers, in proportion to the sums respectively paid by each. Sec. 6. That at the expiration of the period for which the books are first opened, if two thousand shares of the capital stock shall have been subscribed, or, if not, as soon thereafter as the same shall be 'subscribed, if within ten years after the first opening of said books, said commissioners, or a majority of them, shall call a commissioners general meeting of the subscribers, at such time and 1?,^ ™t?on''or place as they may appoint, and shall give at least dir<"ctor8- twenty days' public notice thereof in some one or more of the newspapers published in Louisville, Bardstown, Glasgow, Elizabethtown and Bowling Green ; and at such meeting said commissioners shall lay the subscription books before the subscribers then and there present, and thereupon the said subscribers, or a majority of them, then present, shall have the power to elect from among the stockholders seven directors by ballot, to manage the affairs of said company ; and these seven directors, or a majority of them, shall have the power to elect a president of said company, either from among the directors or any other stockholder, and of allowing such compensation for his services as they may think proper ; and in such elec¬ tion, and on all other occasions wherein a vote of the stockholders of said company is to be taken, each stock¬ holder shall be allowed one vote for every share owned by it, him, or her ; and every stockholder may, in writing, depute any other person to vote and act as its, his, or her proxy; and the commissioners aforesaid, or any three or more of them, shall be the judges of said first election of directors. Sec. 7. That, to continue the succession of the presi¬ dent and directors of said company, seven directors shall proTi8[0n for be chosen annually on the first Monday in June, every tden'tand dnecl year, by the stockholders of said company, at such place powers!"1 tlieir as the president and directors may designate : Provided, 10 charter of the After first that after the first election the said president and direct- president0 and ors may change the time and place of holding all sub- chrangerthe?ime sequent elections, upon publishing such change not less «Iquent"e\"c- than thirty days prior to the election in the papers tions ; directors n -, e j may elect a aforesaid ; and that the directors ot said company, or fixais compen- a majority of them, shall have the power to appoint au vacancy, 4c. judges of all elections, and to elect a president of said company, either from among the directors or any other stockholder, and to allow him such compensation for his services as they may deem proper ; and if any vacancy shall occur, by death, resignation, or refusal to act of any president or director, before the year for which he was elected has expired, a person to fill such vacancy for the year shall be appointed by the president and directors of said company, or a majority of them; and that the president and directors of the company shall hold and exercise their offices until a new election of president and directors ; and that all elections which are by this act or by the by-laws of said company to be made at a particular time, if not made at such time, may be made in thirty days thereafter, upon notice publicly given. Sec. 8. That a general meeting of the stockholders of iDgaofeds tockl said company may be called, at any time during the idl'ntatuourec- interval between the annual meetings, by the president by stockhold- and directors, or a majority of them, or by the stockhold¬ ers owning at least one fourth of the whole stock sub¬ scribed, upon giving thirty days' notice of the time and place of holding the same, in one or more newspapers published in Louisville, Bardstown, Glasgow, Elizabeth- town, and Bowling Green; and when any such meetings are called by the stockholders, such notice shall specify the object of the call; and if, at any such called meetings, a majority, in value, of the stockholders are not present, in person or by proxy, the same shall be adjourned, from day to day, without transacting any business, for any time not exceeding live days; and if, within said five days, stockholders having a majority, in value, of the stock sub¬ scribed, do not attend, such meeting shall be dissolved. louisville and nashville railroad co. 11 Sec. 9. That at the regular annual meeting of the poVôfUapresn stockholders of said company it shall be the duty of the oïs^Tda^clu' president and directors in office, for the preceding year, ^aJ"ôernf 0af to exhibit a clear and distinct account of the affairs of ma°yC require the company; that at any called meeting of the stock- an"'1" geSêr'ai holders, a majority, in value, of the holders of the stock "em'ôve "the subscribed being present, may demand and require similar any "dirlcto0? statements from the president and directors, whose duty vacancy, it shall be to furnish them, when thus required; and that,, all general meetings of the stockholders in said company, a majority of them, in value, may remove from office the president or any of the directors, and fill up the vacancies, thus made, in the same manner that they could do at their stated annual meetings. Sec. 10. That the president and directors of said com- oathofprcs- I r* l , i , liii (V ident and dircc- pany, before he or they act as such, shall swear or affirm, 0r8, and power as the case maybe, that they will well and truly discharge surer and re- the duties of their respective offices, to the best of their qu'rt skill and judgment, and the said president and directors, or a majority of them, or a majority, in value, of the of0rtfthelaitorcky- 8tockholders in said company, at any of the stated or ^ldeo®* called meetings of said stockholders, shall have power tr™fta/_ to elect or appoint a treasurer of said company, and to» ba0nndd. rt" require, and take of him such bond, in such penalty, and with such securities, as they may prescribe, payable to said company, and conditioned to the faithful keeping . and disbursing of all such moneys as may come to his hands, and with such other conditions as may be pre¬ scribed; upon which said bond, recovery may be had, for a breach of the conditions thereof, by suit, in the name of said company, in any court having jurisdiction thereof. Sec 11. That if any of the stock created by this act stock not •i -ip l* taken to be dis- shall remain unsubscribed, until alter the election o-t posed of. the president and directors, as provided for in the sixth section of this act, the said president and directors, or a majority of them, shall have power to open books and receive subscriptions to any of the capital stock which may remain untaken or unsubscribed for, or to sell or dispose of such untaken stock, for the benefit of the company, not under its par value; and the subscribers or 12 charter of the purchasers of said stock shall have all the rights of orig¬ inal subscribers, and subject to the same regulations. Power of preB- Sec. 12. That the said president and directors, or a recto'rfl""^ a p"- majority of them, may appoint all such officers, agents, or et°c° an®CreguB; servants, as they may deem expedient for the business 8tÔck!raD8f" °f of the company, and they may remove any of them at pleasure; that they or a majority of them may determine, by contract, the pay of such officers, agents, and servants, and regulate by by-laws the manner of adjusting all accounts against the company; that they shall have power to erect warehouses, work-shops, depots, and all other buildings necessary for the transaction of the business by a»""to pas0 ^'e company; that they shall have power to direct and regulate in what manner, and by what evidence, stock in said company maybe transferred; and to pass all by-laws which they may deem necessary or proper for exercising the powers hereby vested in said company, and for carrying into effect this act: Provided, the same shall not be contrary to the laws of the United States or of tliis state. stock maybe Sec. 1^. That if the capital stock of said company shall exceeding si",- deemed insufficient for the purposes of this act, it shall and may be lawful for the president and directors of said company, or a, majority of them, to increase the same, by the addition of as many shares as they may deem necessary, not exceeding one million of dollars, giving notice as herein before prescribed. Power t o Sec. 14. That the president and directors of said com- iaUnd] etc.d' e pany are hereby vested with all powers and rights neces¬ sary to the construction of a railroad from the city of Louisville to the Tennessee line, in the direction of Nash¬ ville ; the route to be by them selected and determined, not exceeding sixty-six feet wide, with as many sets of tracks as they may deem necessary; and that they may cause to be made contracts with others for mak¬ ing said railroad, or any parts of it; and that they, their agents, engineers, etc., or those with whom they may contract for surveying or making the same, or any part thereof, may enter upon, use, and excavate any land which may be wanted for the site of said road, or the erection of louisville and nashville railroad co. 13 warehouses or other structures or works necessary to said road and its use, or for any other purpose necessary or useful in the construction or repair of said road, or its works and appurtenances; and they may build bridges and construct tunnels: Provided, the same do not obstruct the navigation on navigable streams; may fix scales and weights, lay rails, take and use any earth, timber, gravel, stone, or other material, which may he useful or necessary for the proper construction, completion, or repair of said road. Sec. 15. That the president and directors of said com- Eightofway pany, or a majority of them, or their authorized agents, may agree with the owner of any land, earth, timber, or stone, or any other materials, or any improvements, which may be wanted for the construction or repair of any of said roads, or an-y of their works, for the purchase or the use and occupation of the same, and if they can not agree, and if the owner or owners, or any of them, be a feme-covert, under age, non compos mentis, or out of the county in which the property wanted may lie, where such land and materials may be wanted, application may be made to any justice of the peace of such county, who shall, thereupon, issue his warrant, under his hand, directed to the sheriff of such county, requiring him to summon a jury of twenty inhabitants, not related, or in anywise interested, to meet on the land, or near the prop¬ erty or materials to be valued, on a day named in said warrant, not less than ten nor more than twenty days after the issuing of the same; and if, at the time and place, any of said jurors do not attend, said sheriff shall forthwith summon as many jurors as may be necessary with the jurors in attendance, and from them each party, or, if not present by agent or otherwise, the sheriff then, for the party absent, may strike off four jurors, and the remaining twelve shall act as the jury of inquest of damages; and, before they act as such, the said sheriff shall administer to each of them an oath or affirmation, that he will justly and impartially fix the damages which the owner or owners shall sustain by the use and occu¬ pation of the said property, required by the company; 14 charter of the and the said jury, in estimating such damages, shall take into consideration the benefits resulting to the owner, from conducting said road by, through, or near, the property of said owners, but only in extinguishment of damages ; and said jury shall reduce their verdict to writing, and shall sign the same, and it shall be returned by the sheriff to the clerk of his county, and by such clerk shall he filed in his office, and shall be confirmed by the court of said county, at its next session, if no sufficient cause to the contrary be shown; and, when so confirmed, shall be recorded by said clerk, at the expense of said company; but, if set aside, the court may direct another inquisition to be taken, in the same manner above prescribed; and such inquisition shall describe the property taken, or the bounds of the land condemned, and the duration of interest in the same, valued for the company; and such valuation, when tendered or paid to the owner or owners of said property, or his, her, or their legal rep¬ resentatives, or to the clerk of the county in which said inquest is held, for their use, when said owners, etc., do not reside in said county, shall entitle said company to the estate, and interest in the "same, thus valued, as fully as if it had been conveyed to it by the owner or owners of the same ; and the valuation of the same, if not received when tendered, may at any time thereafter, be received from the company, without costs, by the owner or owners, his or their legal representatives or heirs. . .. v Sec. 16. That whenever, in the construction of said road cross ing. high- way and pass- or rGads, it shall be necessary to intersect any other estab- ing t hvr ougli 7 «/ lands. lished road or way, it shall be the duty of said president and directors so to construct said road across such road or way as not to impede the passage of persons or prop¬ erty along the same; or where it shall be necessary to pass through the land of any person, it shall also be their duty to provide for such person proper wagon ways across said railroad, from one part of the land to the other; and if said company shall fail to provide proper wagon ways across said road, as provided in this sec¬ tion, it shall be lawful for any person to sue said com- louisville and nashville railroad co. 15 pany, and be entitled to such damage as a jury may think him or her entitled to, for such neglect. Sec. 17. That whenever it shall he necessary for said Land and ma- , i l « • l terial for con- compauy to have, use, or occupy any land, materials, or struct ion of qther property, in order to the construction or repair of any part of said road or roads, or their works or necessary buildings, the president and directors of said company, or their agents, or those contracting with them for working or repairing the same, may immediately take and use the same, they having first caused the property wanted to he viewed by a jury, (formed in the manner herein before prescribed in those cases where the property is to he changed or altered by admixture with other sub¬ stances, before such alteration is made), and that it shall not be necessary, after such view, in order to the use and occupation of the same, to wait the issue of the proceed¬ ings upon such view; and the inquest of the jury, after the payment or tender of such valuation, shall be a bar to all actions for taking and using such property, whether begun before or after such confirmation, or the payment of said valuation. Sec. 18. That the president and directors shall have Machinery, power to purchase, with the funds of said company, and et°" place on any railroads constructed by them, under this act, all machines, wagons, vehicles, or carriages of any kind, which they may deem proper, for the purposes of transportation on said road ; and that they shall have power to charge for tolls, and the transportation of per- Tolla sons, merchandise, and property of any kind whatever, transported along said railway, any sum not exceeding the following rates, to-wit: on all goods, merchandise, or property, for every one hundred pounds transported over twenty miles and under fifty miles, three and a half mills for each mile; and for persons, and every species of live stock, and every other description of freight and property, they shall charge no greater rate than is authorized to be charged on the railway from Lexington to Frankfort; that it shall not be lawful for any other company, or any other person or persons, to travel upon or use any of the roads of said company, or to transport 16 CHARTER OF THE persons or property thereon, without the license and permission of the president and directors thereof; and that the said road or roads, with all their works, improve¬ ments, or profits, and all the carriages, vehicles, and ma- Rate of taxa-chinery for transportation used therein, and all other tion on proper- J A pan°yf the com* sPec^es °f property thereunto belonging, are hereby vested in said company incorporated by this act and their suc¬ cessors forever; and shall never he taxed beyond the rate- of tax imposed upon real estate, estimated upon the prime cost of the proposed works; nor will the legislature of this commonwealth, for the space of thirty years, author¬ ize any other railroad to he laid down on a parallel line with the one located by this company, extending from Louisville to the Tennessee line, approaching nearer than ten miles : Provided, full power is hereby reserved to this state to incorporate, hereafter, a company or companies to build a railroad or railroads, and that any and all such railroad or railroads, hereafter constructed, may connect and join with the road hereby contemplated; and full maythcroes0aor "ght and privilege is hereby reserved to the state, or connect. individuals, or any company heretofore or hereafter incor¬ porated by law of this state, to cross this road, provided any other railroad connecting with the road hereby pro¬ vided for shall lead from the main route and diverge therefrom at an angle of twenty degrees or more: Pro¬ vided, that in forming such connection, or in crossing said road, no injury be done to the works of the company hereby incorporated; and that nothing in this act shall be so construed as to deprive any subsequent legislature of the power to authorize the " Kentucky and Mississippi Railroad Company" to extend their said road from Hop- kinsville to Louisville, or of the power at any time here¬ after of incorporating a company to construct a railroad from Louisville to some point upon the Mississippi River i-n this state. Dividends to Sec. 19. That the said president and directors shall, declared. annually or semi-annually, declare and make such divi¬ dend as they may deem proper, of the net profits arising from the resources of said company after deducting the necessary current and probable contingent expenses; and LOUISVILLE AND NASHVILLE RAILROAD CO. 17 that they shall divide the same among the stockholders of said company, in proportion to their respective shares. Sec. 20. That if anv person or persons shall willfully, Penalty for .... injuring road. by any means whatsoever, injure, impair, or destroy any part of any railroads, or road, constructed for said com¬ pany, under this act, or any of their works, buildings, carriages, vehicles, or machinery, such person or persons shall, for every such offense, forfeit and pay to the said company a sum not exceeding five hundred dollars, recoverable in the name of said company, by an action of debt in the circuit court of the county wherein such offense shall be committed; and shall also be subject to indictment by the grand jury of said county, in said court, and upon conviction of such offense, be imprisoned in the jail thereof, and in the penitentiary, not less than six months nor more than four years, in the discretion of a jury. Sec. 21. That, so soon as the company shall have com- commence- pleted five miles of their route, they may commence and aess. prosecute their business upon the terms and upon the stipulations herein provided, as though the whole work was completed. Sec. 22. That the corporation of the city of Louisville, Clty and and the county courts of the counties of Jefferson, Bui- subscribe m?or litt, Nelson, Larue, Barren, Allen, Green, Taylor, Hardin,8tock' Hart, Edmonson, Warren, and Simpson, and of any other counties through which this road may pass, a majority of all the members of the board of councilmen of said city, and of the county courts of said counties, concurring therein, be and they are hereby authorized to subscribe for and on behalf of said city and counties, as many shares in the capital stock of said railroad as to them may seem expedient, and to levy the sum so subscribed on the taxable property of said city or coun¬ ties; and the better to ascertain the public sentiment of said city and counties in reference to the propriety of said subscriptions of stock herein authorized, said board of councilmen and county courts are hereby authorized, if by them deemed expedient, in such manner as they may 18 charter of the direct and prescribe, to submit the same to a vote of the qualified voters of said city and counties, respectively. Approved March 5, 1850. AN ACT to amend an act, entitled, An Act to Charter the Louisville and Nashville Railroad Company, Approved March \5, 1850. Sec. 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of the Commonwealth of Kentucky, that the act recited in the title shall be so amended as to authorize any three or more of the persons named in the first section thereof to open books of subscription to the stock of said company, at such time and place as they may prescribe by an adver¬ tisement in one or more public newspapers printed in this stock for ïioo,. state ; and whenever one hundred thousand dollars, or more, shall have been subscribed, they may publish the fact in like manner, and call a meeting of the stockholders, at such time and place as said publication shall designate, Election of di- for the election of directors for said company, as author- rectors. lzed by the charter. Sec. 2. That said company shall have power and authority to construct their road from the city7 of Louis¬ ville to any point or place in the direction of Nashville, Tennessee, and to connect the same with any railroad extending to Nashville, on such terms and conditions as the two companies may, from time to time, agree on, for the through transportation and travel of freight and passengers ; and said company shall have the same power Extend the and authority to construct a branch of said road to the road and build branches. Mississippi river, and any other branch said company may desire, that the charter gives them to construct the main line, and with the same rights and privileges, and with the same duties and restrictions; and may, for the main line and branches, acquire, as provided in the charter and by this amendment, the right of way one hundred and fifty feet wide, or more, if necessary ; and the quantity of acres of land which they are authorized by the charter to acquire and hold, shall be exclusive of the right of way of the road and branches. Sec. 3. That after said company shall be organized, by the election of directors and choice of a president and other officers, they may cause one or more routes for the louisville and nashville railroad co. 19 main road, and any desired branch or branches, to be sur- survey of veyed and estimated preparatory to location and the and branches. letting the work. But before proceeding to let the work, in whole or in part, the president and directors shall call Called meet. a meeting of the stockholders, and lay before them the costin6' of the road, as far as estimated, together with the amount of subscription obtained, and the right of way obtained, and the expenses incurred ; and a majority of the stock, in value, shall have the right to order the expenses to be paid, and the subscriptions canceled, and the company'to be dissolved ; but they shall have no power to cancel the subscriptions and dissolve the company if two-thirds of the estimated costs, within this state, of the main line to Nashville shall have been subscribed to the stock of the company. Sec. 4. That it shall be lawful for said company to apply to any circuit or county court of any county through which it may be proposed said road or any branch thereof shall pass, and for said court to appoint a competent engineer and two disinterested commissioners, any two of whom may act, to examine the proposed route of said road or branch and to take from the proprietors of the land over which it is to pass a grant of the right of way, of ^ f such width as may be desired, and which may include the tor load an d ^ i • • branches, and right to take stone, earth, gravel, or timber for the con- ukm to take ° 7 . . stone, earth, struction of said road; and they, jointly or severally, shall ^'fo^'con have the power and authority to take and certify, under "ruction. their hands and seals, the acknowledgment of such grants in fee or right of way, and the separate acknowledgment. of married women, that the clerks of the several county courts have ; and on the presentation of the grant and acknowledgment to the clerk of the county court where the land lies, it shall be the duty of the clerk to record the same as other deeds ; and they shall be effectual against all persons according to their tenor : Provided, that when the parties are infants, or absent, or refuse to make the infantsorab- -L 7 ' sentees. grant, they shall hear any proof that may be adduced, and, upon their own view, proceed to value any land required for the right of way, taking into consideration the advan¬ tages and disadvantages the proposed road will be to the 20 CHARTER OP THE Lands re- adjoining lands of sucli proprietor or lands required for quired for turn- . r ~ outs or depots, turnouts aud depot stations tor said road, and also ot earth, stone, gravel, or timber, for the construction of said road ; and report the value they shall have affixed, to¬ gether with the evidence adduced, to the court appointing them, with a map or profile of the required ground ; and said report may be filed with the clerk of such court, and a summons issued to the proprietors to show cause against the confirmation of said report ; but if the proprietor shall he out of the commonwealth, the summons may be ex¬ ecuted upon a known agent, if there be one in the county ; and if there he no known agent in the county, then the court may order the appearance of the party at a named day and appoint the clerk to give the proprietor notice by letter ; and in case of there being infant proprietors, the court shall appoint guardians ad litem for them, and cause the guardian to appear and act for them ; and in case an absent defendant does not appear, the court shall appoint an attorney of the court to act for them. It shall he law¬ ful for the company, or any proprietor, or for both, to traverse the report, and for the court to have the traverse tried in open court by a competent jui-y, on which trial the report and evidence, returned as aforesaid, shall be heard, together with such other proof as either party may produce. A new trial to the finding of the jury may be granted, as in other cases. The report shall stand for hearing, as to any proprietor, when the process has been executed ten days, or after the appearance of a proprietor 011 the day fixed for his appearance ; and the court shall have jurisdiction to confirm the report, if no traverse is filed ; and in case a traverse is filed, to have the same tried by jury, and to give judgment upon the report or finding of the jury, and order the payment of the money, and the execution of the grant in accordance with the report, and to have the grant executed by a commissioner appointed by the court, and order them to be recorded in the county clerk's office of the county ; and either party may have an appeal or writ of error to the proceedings, but no appeal or writ of error by the proprietor shall stop the company from proceeding with the construction of the road. louisville and nashville railroad co. 21 Sec. 5. Said company shall allow to all subscribers and lo^"d"o8t8tock-" holders of stock under the company, interest on the î°0'ck "ntn'decî same from the time of paying for said stock up to the d"wlnd°f "the time of making the first dividend, and issue to the holder pnatidrîntetÔ? stock therefor ; and when stock shall be subscribed for a branch they may provide that said stock shall not be entitled to draw dividends until said branch is completed, but may allow interest on the payments up to the com¬ pletion thereof, and pay it in stock. Sec. 6. That the 22d section of the charter shall be'so amended as to authorize the county court of any county through which the road or any branch thereof may pass, to subscribe to the stock of said company, in the name of counties .may subscribe the county, and also to pay the sum so subscribed, as in for rood or ^ % # branches upon said section provided; but no such subscription shall be i"".itio° °fa r 7 ... majority of the made until after such court shall have been petitioned, in ™j®r,8y of the writing, to make the same, by a majority of the consti¬ tutionally qualified voters of such county, or until after said court shall have submitted the question of such subscription to all the constitutionally qualified voters of such county, and the proposition shall have received, in favor of it, a majority of all the votes cast. Sec. 7. The 6th section of an act, entitled, " An act to amend the charter of the Frankfort and Louisville Rail¬ road Company," approved the 29th day of February, 1848, shall be in force as to all stock subscribed by any county court in this company, and shall be and is hereby made applicable to such court, and to the persons paying such| tax, except that the interest shall only be drawn from the Provision in ' 1 ^ _ regardto time of obtaining the certificate of stock, and which shall ^'jntflieB be issued to the tax payer or his assigns in such manner ePayeîs°f t0 as such county court and said company may agree. Sec. 8. Said company shall have the power in contract¬ ing for the construction of said road, or any part thereof, to pay one-third of the contract price in the bonds of the company, having not less than ten years to run, and bearing not more than six per cent, per annum interest, payable half-yearly, and interest and principal payable in May pay for , .. , -, construction in some of the eastern cities, and to secure the same by deed bonds and may • t i make deed of of trust on said road, in all respects, as the Louisville and 3 22 charter of the Frankfort Railroad Company are authorized to issue the bonds of the said company, and secure the same by a deed of trust on said road, under the acts to amend the charter of the Louisville and Frankfort Railroad Company, ap¬ proved the 23d day of February, 1849, and 4tli of March, 1850 ; said company shall have full power and authority to issue the bonds of said company to an amount not exceeding eight hundred thousand dollars, in sums not exceeding one thousand dollars, and bearing an interest not exceeding six per cent, per annum, payable half-yearly in some of the eastern cities, and secure the same by a deed of trust upon said road, as provided in the above recited amendments to the Louisville and Frankfort Rail¬ road Company, and to sell said bonds as the Louisville and Frankfort Railroad Company is authorized to sell the bonds of said company, and apply the proceeds to the completion of said road or any of its branches. Approved March 20, 1851. AN ACT to amend an act to Charter the Louisville and Nashville Railroad Company, approved March 5, 1850. Sec. 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of the Com¬ monwealth of Kentucky, That the act recited in the title of this act shall be so amended that it shall be lawful for the Louisville and Nashville Railroad Company to construct the main line of their road to the Mississippi river or the May m*ke line Ohio river below the Tennessee river, or to connect with t o Mississippi # 7 ri*er. a railroad from Memphis to the State line of Kentucky, in the direction of Louisville, or with the Mobile and Ohio Railroad, through such of the counties of this State as they may elect ; and said company shall not be bound, under their charter, to construct their road to the State line of Tennessee, in the direction of Nashville, unless the state of Tennessee shall grant said company an acceptable charter to construct the same to Nashville. Sec. 2. That in case the Louisville and Nashville Rail¬ road Company shall elect to construct a railroad from Louisville to a point on the Mississippi river, or to a con¬ nection with a railroad from Memphis, Tennessee, or the Mobile and Ohio Railroad, within the state of Kentucky, or the Ohio river below the Tennessee river, it shall be louisville and nashville railroad co. 23 lawful for the general council of the city of Louisville to The city of direct that the subscriptions made and authorized to be mâkeV1trausfcr made to the capital stock of the Louisville and Nashville of "ckVgVÔ'f Railroad Company, to the amount of one million of dollars, rou shall be transferred and made to the capital stock of said company under this amendment. Sec. 3. That in the event of the acceptance of this amendment by the Louisville and Nashville Railroad Name of com- pany may be Company, that the name and style of said company may °h*ncfadng"01"r be changed to that of the Louisville and Southwestern rou,e- Railroad Company. Sec. 4. Before the stock subscribed by the city of Louis¬ ville shall be transferred, and made a part of the capital stock of the Southwestern Railroad Company, as provided for in this act, the general council of the city shall, by ordinance, provide for submitting the question to the qualified voters of the city, and if a majority of votes polled should be cast for the transfer, it shall be made, otherwise it shall not be done. Approved December 15, 1851. AN ACT to amend an act, entitled, An Act to Charter the Louisville and Nashville Railroad Company, approved March 5, 1850, and the act amending same, approved March 20, 1851. Sec. 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of the Com¬ monwealth of Kentucky, That the act recited in the title shall be so amended that it shall be lawful for any county through which said Louisville and Nashville Railroad or its branches may pass, or any county contiguous to the line of said railroad and its branches, to subscribe for and County con_ take as many shares in the capital stock of said company as may seem expedient to the voters of said counties, as ^tock^nVhe provided for in section 22 of said Louisville and Nashville comPany- Railroad Charter, approved March 5, 1850, and section 6 of the amendment thereto, approved March 20, 1851. Sec. 2. That whenever the said Louisville and Nashville Railroad Company shall request the county court of any county courts r ** A . may subscribe county through which they propose to construct said rail- stockabsoiuteiy road, or any of its branches, to subscribe either absolutely fled conditions, or upon specified conditions, or a specified amount to the capital stock of the said company, the county court so 24 charter of the requested shall, within sixty days thereafter, on a day to be appointed by said court, cause a vote of the people of the said county to he taken at the several election precincts in the county, and shall appoint the judges and R. turn of the 1 J ' 11 . "J ® , vote. other ofhcers necessary to conduct the election, and the return thereof shall be made to the clerk of the county court within ten days after the said election shall he had. Sec. 3. That at its next term after the return of the vote as aforesaid to the clerk of the county, the court After return shall order the vote for and against the subscription to be orihT^tue"Bub- entered upon its record, and if a majority of the votes cast shall appear to be in favor of the subscription, the court shall order its clerk to make it forthwith in the name of the county and in accordance with the vote. Sec. 4. That when any such subscription shall be made the county court shall have power to issue the bonds of the county in payment thereof, with coupons attached 8ue°bond8t0and unc^er the seal of the county court, signed by the presiding i"nfe'resWnd juc^ge thereof, and countersigned by the clerk for the full bonds amount of such subscription. The bonds shall be nego¬ tiable and payable to the said Louisville and Nashville Railroad Company in the city of New York, at not more than sixty years from the date of the issue, and shall bear interest from the date thereof at the rate of six per cent, per annum, payable semi-annually in the city of New York: Provided, that the county court of any county, having voted and subscribed as aforesaid, shall have power to levy a direct tax in each county sufficient to pay in four years or longer, as to the county court may seem most expedient, from the time of subscribing the whole of said subscription; and provided further, that the county court of any county as aforesaid shall have power, if by them deemed most expedient, to levy a direct tax sufficient to pay in four years from the time of subscription, the one half of the amount subscribed by such county to the capital stock of said railroad, and shall also have power to issue to said Louisville and Nashville Railroad Com¬ pany the bonds of the county as aforesaid for the remain¬ ing one half of said subscription, which said bonds shall louisville and nashville railroad co. 25 be issued to said railroad to an amount not exceeding one half of the total amount in any one year; and it shall be the duty of the county court to pay the subscription of the county by some one of the modes recited in this section, as to the county court may seem most expedient. Sec. 5. That in any case where the voters of any county through which it is proposed that the said Louisville and Nashville Railroad or any of its branches shall pass, have court to pro- ~ m vide for p a y - voted in favor of subscribing to the capital stock of the ment of sub- . . scription. said railroad company in conformity to any previous act authorizing the same, it shall be lawful for the county court of any such county to provide for the payment of said subscription as provided for in section 4 of this act. Sec. 6. That after any such subscription shall be made the commissioners of tax for the county shall distinguish Ta!"'5' in their tax lists between the property and slaves listed, which are most usually kept in said county, and those which are most usually kept in any other county. Sec. 7. That in any case where any county subscribing to the capital stock of said Louisville and Nashville Rail¬ road as above provided, shall issue bonds for the whole or any part of said subscription as provided for in section 4 of this act, and until the dividends on the stock sub¬ scribed, for which the county bonds may be issued, shall be sufficient to pay the interest on said bonds, the county court shall levy a tax on the property, both real and per- t0 sonal as listed for state purposes, which shall lie or be are sufficient to most usually kept in said county, sufficient after making pHy ,he sai"e' a reasonable allowance for delinquencies to pay said in¬ terest, or such part thereof, as such dividends shall be at any time insufficient to pay, and said levy shall include the amount given in under the equalization law. Sec. 8. That within twenty days after any tax shall have been levied, in any county as provided above, to pay either the whole of the subscription or any part thereof of any county to the capital stock of the said Louisville and Nashville Railroad Company, or to pay the interest upon any bonds given by any county to said company for such subscription, as provided for in section 4 of this act, the presiding judge of the county court shall summons the 26 charter of the justices of the peace of the county to meet tog-ether on a day to be by him appointed, at not more than sixty days from the time such levy shall be made, to elect three .r8C°o7™ink?ng persons who shall be called the "commissioners of the sinking-fund" of such county as may subscribe as afore¬ said to the capital stock of said Louisville and Nashville Railroad Company. One of said commissioners shall hold his office for one year, another for two years, and another for three years, the term of each to be divided by lot, and annually after the first election the justices of the peace shall re-assemble and elect a commissioner to fill the place of the one whose term shall then expire, and such com¬ missioner shall serve three years. Said commissioners shall annually appoint one of their number treasurer, and such treasurer, before he receives any moneys under the provisions of this act, shall execute bond, with security to be approved by the county court, in double the sum which shall be expected to be collected during the year then to ensue, under the provisions of this act, payable to said county and conditioned to account for and pay over on the order of said commissioners all funds which shall come into his hands under the provisions of this act; and said treasurer shall be allowed for his services not exceed¬ ing one per cent, for all moneys which he shall receive and pay over. In case of any vacancy by death, resig¬ nation, or from any other cause in said board of commis¬ sioners, such vacancy shall be tilled for the unexpired term by the county court. Sec. 9. That the sheriff of any county subscribing as above provided shall collect all taxes levied under the <■ h tin of authority this act, and for that purpose he shall have taxe». the same powers of distraining, advertising, and selling personal estate and slaves, which he has in the collection of the state revenue; and when he shall be unable to find any personal estate or slaves liable to the tax of any indi¬ vidual, he may levy on the real estate of such individual and sell the same under the rules and regulations pre- Lanj sold to scribed for the sale of real estate under execution. But SeJmu'bie!8 re" the owner of any real estate so sold who shall not have consented to the said sale in writing, shall have five years lotjisvtlle and nashville railroad co. 27 to redeem the same, upon payment of the purchase money and ten per cent, interest per annum, with all taxes and levies which shall have accrued subsequent to the sale. Sec. 10. That the sheriff of any county, as above pro¬ vided for, subscribing to the capital stock of the Louisville ecutebônd? IX and Nashville Railroad Company, shall execute bond, with security to be approved by the county court, in double the sum which shall be expected to be collected during the year then to ensue under the provisions of this act, payable to the county subscribing under this act, and conditioned to account for and pay over from time to time to the said commissioners of the sinking fund, upon their order, all funds which shall come into his hands under this act ; and said sheriff shall be allowed for his services not to exceed ten per cent, of all moneys thus received and paid over. Sec. 11. That the commissioners of the sinking fund of any county subscribing to the capital stock of the said Louisville and Nashville Railroad as aforesaid, shall Power and • n» i t duty of Com- see that the sherm collects and pays over according missioned of , Sinking Fund to law the taxes herein provided to be levied, and shall institute legal proceedings against him in case of failure. They shall appropriate such taxes to the payment, at the office of the said Louisville and Nashville Railroad Com¬ pany, of the amount to be paid by said county in cash as specified in said terms of subscription, and shall also appropriate such taxes as shall be levied to pay interest on the bonds given by any county so subscribing for said subscription to the payment, at the city of New York or elsewhere, as the bonds may be made payable, of the interest on the bonds herein permitted to be issued ; they shall cast the votes to which their county shall be entitled, on the annual or other elections of said railroad company, by reason of said subscription of stock; they shall receive the dividends upon all such stock as is held in the name of the county, and apply them first to the payment of the interest upon the county bonds, and when a surplus shall accrue after the payment of such interest they shall apply such surplus to the purchase of their county bonds, if they can be purchased at par or under; and if that can 28 charter of the not be done, they shall invest such surplus in some safe and profitable manner, and in such manner that when it shall at any time he wanted for purchase or payment of the bonds it can he speedily and readily converted into cash for that purpose. Sec. 12. That all dividends which shall he received upon the stock held and owned by any county under this act, shall he and are hereby sacredly set apart as a sinking apart to pay fund to be only used as above provided, for the payment bonds and in- . . , . P -, 1*11111 terest. of the principal and interest of the bonds which shall be issued by any county under this act. Sec. 13. That in case the dividends upon the stock held by the county, and for which the bonds of the county shall have been given, shall not be sufficient to enable sufficient to re- such county to redeem said bonds at maturity by means deem bonds at • i • r-i * î î r* • i* x • ill maturity,tax to of the sinking1 fund, as provided for in this shall be levied. 0 . . be the duty of the commissioners of said fund to report such deficiency to the county court, and upon such report being received by the county court, it shall be the duty of said court to levy a direct tax as provided for in this act, sufficient to redeem the bonds when they arrive at maturity. Sec. 14. That in case of a direct tax being levied to redeem the bonds at maturity, as provided for in section thirteen of this act, it shall be the duty of the commis- red?em '"bonds" sioners of the sinking fund to cause to be transferred to trail's furred" "to the order of the tax payers the stock held by said county tax payer. UpQn the delivery to the said commissioners of the receipts by the holders thereof; said tax receipts shall be negotia¬ ble by indorsement, and no stock shall be transferred for a less amount than one share. Sec. 15. That the said Louisville and Nashville Railroad Company shall, upon the date of the first dividend and thereafter, upon presentation and surrender at the office 8tockl8t9oUthe0ta°xf the company, of tax receipts for taxes paid to defray dUidrnd^upon interest upon bonds given by any county under this act, ?"ce?pnts!10ftax i8sue to the holders thereof stock for the same; said tax receipts shall be negotiable by indorsement, and no stock shall be issued for a less amount than one share. Sec. 16. That in case any county shall elect to pay the whole or any part of their subscription in cash by means louisville and nashville railroad co. 29 of a direct levy, it shall be the duty of the commissioners Tux levied to of the sinking fund of said county to cause to be trans- pnyer°to9~h»vo ferred to the tax payers stock for the tax thus paid, upon Jîîuuty?k °f the the presentation and surrender to the said commissioners of the tax receipts which are hereby made negotiable by indorsement, but no stock shall be transferred by said commissioners for a less amount than one share; and it shall be the duty of the said Louisville and Nashville Railroad Company to place in possession of said commis¬ sioners stock of the company to an amount equal to the amount of moneys received or to be received by the com¬ pany in the year said tax is to he levied to pay the yearly proportion of such subscription as is to he paid to said company in cash. Sec. 17. That said commissioners of the sinking fund shall keep a record of all their proceedings and doings, er8^omk?.'pior°! and their treasurer shall keep strict account of all moneys r°portttnd make which shall be received or paid over by him, and shall annually, before the expiration of his term, settle the same in his county court; and it shall he the duty of the said county court to cause to be published annually in a newspaper published in their county, or in some newspaper published in the city of Louisville, a certified statement of the condition of the sinking fund ; also of the moneys received and paid out by the commissioners during the year, and also from its commencement. Sec. 18. That in case the name and style of said Louis¬ ville and Nashville Railroad Company shall he changed to that of the Louisville and Southwestern Railroad Com¬ pany, this act shall be of the same force and effect to that company as to the said Louisville and Nashville Railroad Company. Sec. 19. That the county court of any county through . # J ° Counties may which it is probable that said railroad will pass, and before subscribe upon L 1 7 conditions. the same is located, may propose to subscribe stock in the capital of said company in the name and for the benefit of said county, upon conditions to be specified and prescribed by the order of record in the county court. The order prescribing the conditions and specifying the amount of stock to be subscribed, shall be entered of record at any 30 charter of the term of the court when presented, by and at the request of twelve citizens and tax payers of such county. to regulate gEC 20. After the order is entered it shall be the duty votiug in coun- J tjfsubsïXe8'"6 °f the county court to order a vote to be taken by the officers of the election, and at the places of voting in the county, to ascertain the opinion of the qualified voters of the county upon the propriety of making the subscription of stock in said road upon the conditions prescribed in the county court order. Elections held under such order shall be governed and conducted as required by the laws regulating elections. The votes shall be taken for and against the subscription of stock; and if, according to the provisions of the third section of this act, it shall appear that the proposed subscription of stock is approved, it shall be the duty of the county court to make the sub¬ scription upon the condition prescribed, and if the subscription he accepted by the directory of said company, then the other provisions of this act shall apply to said county, to enable her to meet the payment of the subscrip¬ tion, the principal and interest of the same, in any ot the modes provided. The vote not Sec. 21. The day fixed by the county court to take the to interfere with J J -i ii the regular eiec- vote under the nineteenth section shall not interfere with tion. any regular election appointed by law. The sheriff con¬ ducting the election shall, after the poll-books are certified by the clerk and judges, on the second day after the elec¬ tion, return them to the clerk of the county court, whose duty it shall be to report to the next term of the county court the result of the vote, which shall be entered upon the record of said court. Construction Sec. 22. That the amendatory act, approved March 20, branches m ay te 1851, and referred to in the title of this act, is hereby so paid for in the , , . . J bonds of com- amended as to authorize said company to pay any part of the cost of constructing said road or any branch thereof, and depots, engines, and passenger and freight cars, with the bonds of said company, as provided in the eighth sec¬ tion of said amendatory act. Sec. 23. That no tax shall be levied in the counties of Nelson or Grayson, or subscription of stock made by the county court of said counties under this act, unless at the louisville and nashville railroad co. 31 August election a majority of all the voters of said counties shall vote in favor of said tax, and the number of voters shall be ascertained by the commissioners' books for the same year that the election shall take place. Approved January 9, 1852. AN ACT to amend the Charter of the Louisville and Nashville Railroad Company. Sec. 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of the Com¬ monwealth of Kentucky, That all the lands in counties which have taken stock in the Louisville and Nashville Railroad Company held or owned by persons who are non- Lands of non- residents of such counties, shall be subject to the same Ject' to railroad taxation for the purpose of paying off such subscription of stock, or for the purpose of paying interest on any county bonds issued in discharge of such subscription, as the lands of residents of such counties are now subject to for a like purpose. That the assessors are directed to report all such lands, their quality, location, and value, who are the owners and where they reside, and may obtain infor¬ mation thereof from the auditor of public accounts, and such other sources as he may be able. The sheriff shall levy and collect the same taxes of such lands as from lands held by the residents of said counties ; and in order to do so, shall address each one a letter, to his residence or post- office, of the amount to be paid by the first day of Octo¬ ber. He shall publish a list of the lands, their location, quantity, value, owners' names and residences, and the amount of taxation to be collected, in the newspaper of the public printer, for ten weekly insertions previously to the March term of the county court for such county, and shall advertise in such publication that if the taxes are not paid on or before the said term of such county court, so much of the land as may be necessary to pay said taxes will be sold on the said county court day, at the court¬ house door of the county in which the land lies, for cash in hand. The owner shall have five years in which to redeem the land sold, by paying the amount for which it was so sold, and ten per centum interest per year to the purchaser ; and if it is not so redeemed then the sheriff' shall make a deed to the purchaser conveying all the interest of the 32 charter of the owner in whose name the land was sold. If the owner is a married woman, infant, lunatic, or idiot, he or she or the heirs shall have three years to redeem after the disa¬ bility is removed or ceases. Sec. 2. In all elections of said Louisville and Nashville Vote of Lou- Railroad Company, the general council of the city of Lou- eiectione o f isville may appoint some person, in the absence of the company pro- J ^ „ , -, -, . vided for. mayor, to cast the vote of the city, and the commissioners of the sinking fund of each county may authorize one of their number to cast the vote of the county of which they are commissioners; and such votes shall be received in such elections. Approved February 24, 1854. AN ACT for the benefit of the Louisville and Nashville Railroad Com¬ pany. Sec 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of the Com¬ monwealth of Kentucky, That it shall be lawful for the capital Btock Louisville and Nashville Railroad Company to increase ™dftytobeanCam'i their capital stock to any amount desired by the president the road and and board of directors of said company : Provided, that the full amount of capital stock to be issued by said com¬ pany shall not in any event exceed the entire cost of said road and its branches. Bonds may be ®EC- That it shall be lawful for said company to re- Iuoeof1<9dtock \n deem their bonds already issued (the issue whereof is Pthe hereby confirmed) by giving in lieu thereof the stock of the company : Provided, that said company shall not redeem their bonds except at par or under, and that they shall not issue in lieu of their bonds as aforesaid, capital stock, at less than par. May issue Sec. 3. That it shall be lawful for said company to issue second mon - bonds under a second mortgage of the road and branches gage of road and - , c . branches. to any amount deemed necessary by said president and directors': Provided, that the full amount of said second mortgage bonds shall not exceed one third the cost of said road and branches. May unite ®EC- That it shall be lawful for said Louisville and 7oadb other Nashville Railroad Company to unite their road with any other road connecting therewith upon such terms and conditions as may be agreed upon between the said Louis- lieu at value of bonds. LOUISVILLE AND NASHVILLE RAILROAD CO. 33 ville and Nashville Railroad Company and such other company as they may desire to unite their said road with. Sec. 5. That it shall be lawful for said company to decimate their stock and to issue fractional certificates de®î^te^ay be from one to nine-tenths of a share : Provided, that all fractional shares thus issued shall be aggregated into full shares within one year after the first dividend is declared by said company ; and after that period no fractional shares shall he entitled to dividend. Approved March 7, 1854. AN ACT to amend the Charter of the Louisville and Nashville Railroad Company. Sec. 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of the Com¬ monwealth of Kentucky, That an act passed by the legis¬ lature of Tennessee, at the session of 1855, entitled, An act to charter the Louisville and Nashville Railroad Company, nessee act of Do- and the several acts amendatory of said act passed by the legislatures of Kentucky and Tennessee, be and the same is re-enacted in the state of Kentucky, in the following sections and words : " Sec. 1. That the Louisville and Nashville Railroad „ Power to issue Company are hereby vested with the right to issue and to cu^mortgag^" sell and deliver by the president, or any regularly con- p°y8^celàrte their stituted agent by the president, within the United States or elsewhere, the bonds of the said company, signed by the president and countersigned by the secretary of said com¬ pany, with the seal of the corporation affixed, to an amount not exceeding three millions of dollars, bearing interest at a rate per annum not exceeding seven per cent., payable semi-annually, with coupons attached signed by the sec¬ retary of the company, to be made payable as said company may direct, in any city in the United States or elsewhere, within thirty years from their respective dates. To secure the prompt payment of the interest and principal of the bonds issued by authority of this act, said company may execute a mortgage or deed of trust, appointing a trustee or trustees, and from time to time fill vacancies that may occur, for the use and to secure all the holders of such bonds, with such covenants and stipulations as may be necessary to efiect the purpose and object of its execution : 34 CHARTER OF THE Provided, however, If said company shall receive the aid of Lien of Ten- 8tate of Tennessee to purchase iron, etc., the lien nessee. created by the act extending such aid shall be superior and paramount to any lien created by the company on that part of the road lying within the state of Tennessee. And no part of the money, hereby authorized to be raised by the issuance of its bonds shall be used by said company in PrQCOçd s • of bonds not to the construction of any branch road, nor for any other branches. purpose than that of the construction and equipment of the main stem of said road, connecting the city of Louis¬ ville with the city of Nashville: Provided, however, That the bonds and mortgage hereby authorized shall not be enforced in Tennessee at a greater rate of interest than six per cent, per annum, unless a rate equal to seven per cent, at the time of enforcement is allowed by the law of Ten¬ nessee ; but may be enforced to the full extent of the road, property, franchises, equipments, and property and profits, within the state of Kentucky, at seven per cent. " Sec. 2. That if the mortgage or deed of trust shall be foreclosed, according to its terms or by local proceeding, Foreclosure of such foreclosure shall be for the benefit of all the holders of bonds issued and secured by its provisions. Upon such foreclosure, the president shall make a perfect list of all bonds issued and secured by it, verified by his affidavit, and placed on record and on file in the chancery court, in the city of Louisville, where only such proceeding is authorized to be had. Nor shall such foreclosure take place sooner than ninety days after publication in one or more newspapers printed and published in the cities of Nashville, Louisville, and New York. The person or per¬ sons, firm or firms, corporation or corporations, that may become the owners or lessees for the time by reason of any sale or leasing to satisfy the demands of the bond¬ holders, shall and are hereby vested with all the rights, privileges, franchises and immunities of the corporation. " Sec. 3. That to create and secure a fund for the final redemption of the bonds authorized by this act, the bonds of the state of Tennessee, if delivered to the company, and the bonds of the several counties which have or may be received in payment of capital stock subscribed LOUISVILLE AND NASHVILLE RAILROAD CO. 35 by the counties, a sinking fund shall be created by said company. All dividends over six and inclusive of eight per cent, shall be set apart and passed to the credit of the sinking fund and held sacred for the purpose afore- sinking ruDd- said, together with any other sum which may, by order of the board, pass into the sinking fund, and any other funds the company may have from time to time on hand. Said company may establish offices, or create agencies to use and employ the same, by loaning and re-loaning the same : Provided, however, That the profit declared on the stock of the city of Louisville and the respective counties shall only be held subject to the order of the board by consent of the profltson city general council of the city and the respective county siod eubjicVto courts. Said railroad shall also have the right to retire with consent of their mortgage bonds by issuing stock in said company to court.nd co,,nty the holders of bonds at par at any time. The holders of bonds at their election may demand, and on such demand bonds m«y re- in • ' i t* r* i i -i n ceive stock in shall receive evidences of stock in lieu of bonds, at dollar "m or bonds, for dollar, at any time within seven years after there is a through run of the cars from Louisville to a point within Nashville. The mortgage bonds issued by authority of this act, whether delivered in the United States or else¬ where, shall not be avoided in whole or in part by pleas of usury, by reason of the rate of interest, place of delivery, or a sale at less than their nominal value. " Sec. 4. That the railroad company may guarantee the payment of the interest and principal of all or pa"/- any part of the bonds of the several counties which paYîJnd'iutèrest have been or may be delivered in payment of stock, by ofconntïbond8- an indorsement on each bond so guaranteed, the follow¬ ing words: 'The Louisville and Nashville Railroad Company guarantee the payment of the interest and principal of the within bond,' to be signed by the president and countersigned by the secretary, and the seal of the corporation affixed. Counties, towns, cities, and other . i Counties, cit- corporation8 that have or may subscribe for stock and pay etc., may 1 ^ # . retire bonds is- the same in bonds, may, under the provisions of laws in 8Ued,for 8tock> ' J 7 x by transfer of their respective states, retire the bonds issued by them cp°0"°'jy0D0TBtc°crk and delivered in payment of stock, by the transfer of the ™tdLoru/r°'"'r county or corporation stock made by the proper authority; 36 CHARTER OF THE or may by indorsement in these words, 'convertible into stock at the election of the holder in five years after a through run of the cars from Louisville to a point within the city of Nashville,' to he signed by the mayor of cities On such trans- J ® _ far (he compa- and clerks of county courts. On such transfer being made, ny shall cancel J ° county or city the railroad company shall cancel so much of the stock 01 stock and trans- 1 ^ fertobondhoid- county, or city, or corporation, and issue the same to the holders of such transfers or convertible bonds. The bonds when surrendered shall he canceled. Tex payers " ^ec• That the tax payers in the county of Davidson, °I,D,rid80n in the state of Tennessee, shall be entitled to stock counry, f in said company for sums paid by them to liquidate the interest 011 the bonds of said county paid in discharge of stock subscribed, up to the time the company shall declare dividends, and not after (unless the county court of said county, or the person having charge by law of such dividend, shall consent and apply said divi¬ dends to the payment of the interest 011 said bonds). The separate tax receipt of the collecting officer, exhibiting the amount so paid, shall be transferable by indorsement ; and the amount of one hundred dollars shall entitle the holder to one share of stock ; but such stock shall not bear interest. The county court shall from time to time appoint a lit and competent person, and enter the same of record, to whom all tax receipts and transfers shall be exhibited and surrendered ; and upon their surrender the taining stock person so appointed shall issue to the holder a printed tor tax receipts . n r» i • i in Davidson co. certificate ot the number ot shares ot stock to which the holder is entitled, and a certificate of any amount over an even share, which may also pass by indorsement, and be added to tax receipts to entitle the holder to a certificate of stock. The holders of certificates of stock shall, after one month from their date, 011 presentation at the office of the company in Louisville, receive a certificate of stock. It shall be the duty of the person appointed by the county court, to keep a list of all persons to whom they issued certificates, and at the end of each month transmit a copy to the secretary of the company at Louisville. He shall also file all receipts so surrendered, and deliver them to the agent of the company to be kept on file in the office of LOUISVILLE AND NASHVILLE RAILROAD CO. 37 the company. The compensation of the person granting certificates of stock shall be fixed by the county court and paid by the county or person asking the certificate of stock. He shall, before entering on the discharge of his duties, take an oath faithfully to perform the duties de¬ volved on him by such appointment. "Sec. 6. That said railroad company may at any time cities, com.- r ties, or other and place in the United States or elsewhere, without the corP°r?tio;,s A ✓ 7 may subscribe formality of opening books for public subscriptions, or payftuc hi'mo".- appoiutiug commissioners for that purpose, receive sub- ^ j°nrg a° ' J scriptions of stock to their company by individuals, towns, ^ah/n°d e*°c cities, counties, or other corporations, whether payable in , haUte Va" utd"" money or other things ; with such terms and time of pay¬ ment, conditions annexed, and kind of payment, that may be set forth in the subscription; and when the stock so subscribed is earned or paid for, certificates thereof shall be issued to those entitled to it. Said company may also contract to pay in the capital stock of the company, for anything necessary to carry on the work of construction, or to pay any detyt of the company; and may sell, convey, and deliver any property received for stock, or mortgage or pledge the same. Said company may purchase and hold or hire slaves for use in the construction or manage¬ ment of the road, but not for traffic. When no longer wanted for the purposes aforesaid, they may be sold or hired in the states of Tennessee or Kentucky. "Sec. 7. That it shall be the duty of the president and President, each director of the said company, and each engineer or gineers, and . . agents to take other agent engaged in the service ot the company, each oatu not to be- . , . OO _ J » come interested tor himself, to swear that he is not and will not, during his '■> contracts tor . _ • t construction. continuance in office, become mterested, directly or indi¬ rectly, in any contract for the construction of said road, which has or may be made by the company with any other person. The engineers shall also swear, that they will well and truly, to the best of their skill and judg¬ ment, make a fair and impartial estimate of work done and material furnished according to contract, and other- oa^rtt'„Cbt0e r°.f wise faithfully perform the duties of engineer so long as min" they continue in the service of the company. A certifi¬ cate of such oath, taken before an officer authorized by 4 38 CHARTER OF THE law to administer oaths, shall be recorded on the minute book of the company. viout°nItyoatîir " $ec. 8. That if, on judicial proceeding and judgment of any court of competent jurisdiction, it shall be adjudged that any engineer or any of the officers or agents afore¬ said shall, at any time after taking such oath, have been interested with any contractor in any contract for the construction of said road or any part thereof, or for equip¬ ping said road, no recovery in law shall be had on such contract; and said interested engineer or officer shall be deemed guilty of the crime of perjury. Cumberland u Sec. 9. That full and complete powers are herebv given river bridge at # # Na8hviiie may to the Louisville and Nashville Railroad Company, to the be built by L. & r J ~ other raifroad's^ Edgfield and Kentucky Railroad Company, and to any and eha9emrigi,t>Uofrailroad companies now chartered or which may be way, etc. hereafter chartered by the state of Tennessee, to unite in the purchase of the necessary grounds, right of way, or other privileges necessary for, and to unite upon such terms as may be agreed on in the construction of a com¬ mon bridge across the Cumberland river, and in the erection of any buildings and fixtures useful for the con¬ venient transfer of passengers and freight from one road to another. " Sec. 10. That within the space of two years from and after the passage of this act, the said Louisville and Nash¬ ville Railroad shall have completed, equipped, and in operation, not less than thirty miles of its road next to the city of Nashville, including the bridge across the Cumberland river, unless prevented or obstructed by Bridge to be unavoidable occurrence or hindrance : Provided, that none built by U16&D8 1 I • j • 1 raised for that ot the tunds or resources belonging to said road, raised, purpose only. ^ raige,^ for the building of the road proper, shall be applied to the building of said bridge, but that said bridge is to be built exclusively from the use of means appropriated or to be appropriated to that object; and that the thirty miles on this section mentioned is to include said bridge only on the condition of adequate means being furnished for that object. u Sec. 11. That the Edgfield and Kentucky Railroad and the Louisville and Nashville Railroad are entitled to the louisville and nashville railroad co. 39 sum of one hundred thousand dollars each, to construct a 9200,000 i„ bridge across the Cumberland river at Nashville, and that at"dby theefatê they are hereby consolidated for that purpose, and shall buiidbudge.' be entitled, upon application, to the sum of two hundred thousand dollars, for which the governor shall issue cou¬ pon bonds of the state at six per cent, at thirty years, to be issued as twenty thousand dollars of the work shall be done from time to time. " Sec. 12. The power is hereby vested in the Louisville Joint road by and Nashville Railroad Company, and the Edgfield and k'.'r. 'r., from ___ , . junction. Kentucky Railroad Company, to enter into an agreement to construct a road to be held and used in common, with single or double track, from the city of Nashville to a point to be agreed upon, not to exceed ten miles ; and said companies shall each be entitled to state aid under the provisions of the act passed 11th February, 1852, entitled an act to establish a system of internal improvement in this state, and an act passed 8th February, 1854, entitled^ an act to amend an act passed 11th February, 1852, enti¬ tled, an act to establish a system of internal improvement in this state, in as full and complete a manner as if each road had been separately constructed. But it shall be the duty of said companies to construct a double track for the distance they run together within five years from the time the cars commence running on said roads, and may agree on terms of separating their interests. "Sec. 13. That this act shall take effect from and after Branch roads, its passage: Provided, Nothing herein contained shall be construed to prevent the Louisville and Nashville Rail¬ road Company from admitting branch roads to connect with it at any point or points to be agreed upon between said company and those who have or may subscribe stock for the construction of any branch road. The stock subscribed, and the means created to construct each sepa¬ rate branch, shall be faithfully applied to that purpose; and said company is hereby vested with the power and B|gl ts of right to issue its bonds, under the provisions of this act, bra'nncb9etsem and to obtain means to construct and equip any branch road; the bonds to express on their face the purpose for which they were executed; and to secure their payment may 40 CHARTER OF THE execute a deed of trust or mortgage, for the payment of which the rights, credits, profits, property, and franchise, procured for said branch by the use of its means, shall alone be made liable. The credit, rights, or profits of the main stem shall not he used to create means to construct, or made liable for any debt or liability created to construct branch roads; nor shall the rights, credit, property and profits of any branch road be used to create means to construct, or made liable for any debt or liability created to build the main stem ; and with a view to such liabilities and profits, said company 6liall keep separate accounts, exhibiting the stock, property and debts of the main road and each separate branch. Tenn-wc ai- " Sec. 14. That upon the acceptance of said company of the benefit of the act of Tennessee, extending to said company aid in the purchase of iron, etc., two additional directors shall be added to the number allowed by the original charter, who shall be in office from the time of their appointment by the governor, and remain in office for one year, and until their successors are appointed and qualified. The directors so appointed shall represent the state of Tennessee to an amount in shares equal to a subscription of five hundred and forty-five thousand dol¬ lars, at all meetings of the stockholders, and, in the sit¬ tings of the board of directors, either may vote for the other, and both or either may in writing vote by proxy ; and in like manner may any other director residing in Tennessee vote in person or by proxy: Provided, how¬ ever., if any thing should occur to prevent the company from receiving the state aid, said state directors shall only represent the state to the extent the company may realize state aid. Agreement to "Sec. 15. That the Louisville and Nashville Railroad stock. Company be, and they are hereby authorized and vested with the power to make an agreement with any of the county courts of counties which have subscribed stock in said road, payable in bonds, whereby such counties may, through the county courts, acting under authority of law conferring the power to contract, agree to reduce the amount of their stock and covenant to pay the same in louisville and nashville railroad co. 41 money at a shorter period, and secure the same by the execution of bonds maturing at an earlier date, and of less denomination, and transfer the stock of said county courts to the tax payers of the respective counties. " Sec. 16. That upon presentation of tax receipts for tu* paye™ in taxes paid in Sumner county, to an amount equal to one 8un"'er C0'm,J' or more shares, countersigned by the clerk of the county court of Sumner county, as now required by law, said company shall issue certificates of stock in said company to said tax payers or their assignees ; but such stock shall not bear interest." Sec. 2. That in addition to the foregoing sections, Ma* c> o " agreement with enacted by the state of Tennessee, and hereby enacted by t,?,messiey t" the state of Kentucky, the following rights are vested and 18frotnô powers created, to be held and exercised by-said company LouisviUc- within the state of Kentucky: The said Louisville and Nashville Railroad Company are hereby vested with the power and authority to make agreements with any com¬ pany or corporations incorporated by the laws of the state of Tennessee, to construct a railroad in part or in whole of the distance between Louisville and Memphis, and running in the direction of Louisville, whereby to secure mutual and reciprocal rights to the contracting parties, to run their respective roads through from point to point cr1mfn«tîondôSn with or without change of cars or other machinery, and and travel from any other agreement which the parties may mutually mem. t°o lo!!.' make to facilitate trade and travel between the said cities of Louisville and Memphis. And the said Louisville and Nashville Railroad Company may, in arranging a taritf of tolls, make discrimination on such freight and travel as may run through from Louisville to Memphis and from Memphis to Louisville, and such as may run in part on their road, and transhipped to another. Sec. 3. That said company may, under the provisions n . . -, ° the company branch of said road to Danville, Mount Vernon, or Mon- ™ùhythê0city0of ticello, or some place in the direction of either oftLh7ioInof86oor- said places; or upon said railroad company determining ^a« one thou7 to extend a branch west of the main stem into the coal p" cenuJond!? 48 charter of the regions, that it shall be lawful for said company to con¬ tract with the city of Louisville to lend to the company not exceeding six hundred thousand dollars, in thirty years one thousand dollar bonds, hearing six per cent, interest per annum, payable semi-annually in Louisville, and secure the interest and principal on the branch or extension for which they may be loaned. Such contracts Sec. 2. That all contracts between the Louisville and !°i>bel,lcnomn[mD? Nashville Railroad Company and the city of Louisville, ' e '"> under the provisions of the preceding section, shall be lawful and binding 011 said company and the city of Louis¬ ville. Approved February 26, 1863. AN ACT to Amend the Charter of the Louisville and Nashville Railroad Company. The 13th aDd Sec. 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of the Com- the act of Dec. monwealth of Kentucky, That when the Louisville and nessed, ' and ofNashville Railroad Company shall have taken up the or ' Kentucky,' bonds loaned said company bv the state of Tennessee, for repealed except . , . . seven lines oi the construction of that part of said road that is within 13th section,and # A no difference to the said state of Tennessee, the whole of the 13th and 14th exist between 7 stock and debts sections of an act entitled, " An Act to amend the Charter of main line and 7 aîâte books'noi °f the Louisville and Nashville Railroad Company," ap- andbaenksetock«nto proved January 17th, 1856, except the first seven lines of &eN.'K.0Kthco^' 9ai(l 13th section of said act, shall stand repealed ; and thereafter there shall be no difference between the stock and debts of the main line and branches, nor shall separate books be required to be kept, and all stock issued shall be that of the " Louisville and Nashville Railroad Company." byTumbajoHty'of however, that this act shall first be accepted by stockholders. £pe stockholders at some annual meeting. Holders of Sec. 2- The holders of certificates of stock of the main u'neand branch- hne and branches may surrender the same and have them dormacyeruflcatê re-issued as above directed. ren-usucd° ",cr lands, which may be necessary ior the use 01 the road and lands, its business. Sec. 2. The city of Louisville and the several counties CityofLoui8. holding stock in said road, paid in bonds, may sell to said *"0d, "g road or to others their stock for the redemption of their ab'j^s a'[| bonds; however, no sale shall be made by the justices of o°'otUrTEpSu , , n . .1 • , r the vote of the the peace or county court of any county, or the city of city or counties. Louisville, without the question of sale or no sale shall first be submitted to the legal voters of the county or city desiring to sell ; said election to be held after sixty days notice in the manner elections are held for members of the legislature ; a majority of the voters, voting for the sale, shall authorize the sale to be made. Sec. 3. This act shall take effect from its passage. Approved February 10, 1864, AN ACT for the benefit of the Louisville and Nashville Railroad Com¬ pany. Sec. 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of the Com¬ monwealth of Kentucky, That the charter of the Louisville rate of charges and Nashville Railroad Company be and the same is cent.on through hereby amended so as to authorize said company to in- sengers,"butpûot crease their rate of charges twenty-five per cent, upon the or passengers, amount they are now allowed by law to charge upon freight and passengers transported from Louisville to Nashville, or vice versa: Provided, Nothing in this section shall authorize the company to increase their rate of charges upon way freight and passengers. Sec. 2. This act shall take effect from its passage and To contlnm. continue in force five years. five yettrB Approved March 2, 1865. AN ACT to Amend the Charter of the Louisville and Nashville Railroad Company, Approved March 5, 1850. Sec. 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of the Com¬ monwealth of Kentucky, That the charter of the Louisville and Nashville Railroad Company, approved March 5th, 1850, be, and is hereby, so amended as to authorize said company, by a vote of a majority of the board of directors thereof, by legal means to acquire an interest in or to 50 charter of the May coneoii. unite or consolidate with any railroad company or com- with companies panies chartered by the laws of any other state or states, other states, whose railroad may connect with the Louisville and Nash¬ ville Railroad, or with which the Louisville and Nashville Railroad Company may now have a contract for a con¬ solidation of their companies, so as to make the same one company, with a consolidated stock and property, with one board of directors to manage and control the affairs of said company, and with power in the Louisville and Nashville Railroad Company to form such consolidation May purchase by the purchase of the railroad or railroads, other property such roads. • -i . /> i • i • *i i rights, franchises, and privileges of such other company or companies, or by any other legal mode they may select : upon vote of Provided, A majority in interest of the stockholders shall stockholders. ° accept this amendment and authorize the board of direct¬ ors to act therein. May issueand Sec. 2. That in order to enable the Louisville and Nash- sell bonds. ville Railroad Company to.effect the purposes specified in the preceding section of this act, the said company is hereby authorized to issue and sell, either before or after such consolidation, the bonds of the company, signed by the president and countersigned by the secretary thereof, with the seal of the company affixed, and coupons for interest attached, and signed by said secretary, to an amount not exceeding eight millions of dollars, bearing interest at a rate not exceeding seven per cent, per annum, payable semi-annually, and the bonds and coupons to be payable at such place or places as the company may select, and the bonds to be payable at a period not exceeding thirty years from their respective dates. may execute Sec. 3. That in order to secure the prompt payment of mortgage. # , . the interest and principal of the bonds issued by virtue of this act, said company shall have power to execute a mortgage or a deed of trust, to a trustee or trustees, and to fill any vacancy that may occur by reason of the death, resignation, or removal of such trustee, upon the main line of railroad, the branches, and other property, rights, privileges, and franchises of said company, including any railroad and property, rights, franchises, and privileges louisville and nashville railroad co. 51 that they may acquire by such consolidation as aforesaid, whether such railroad and property, rights, franchises, and privileges he within the state of Kentucky or in any other state or states ; and said mortgage or deed of trust shall contain such stipulations as may be deemed necessary, and the most effectual in securing the payment of the interest and principal of said bonds at the maturity of the same. Sec. 4. That said mortgage or deed of trust, and any Foreci09Ureof foreclosure of the same, shall be for the benefit of all the mortea8>-- holders of said bonds; and the Louisville chancery court, in the state of Kentucky, or any other court of similar jurisdiction in the city of Louisville, shall have exclusive jurisdiction over all proceedings instituted for such fore¬ closure, by proper decree in a proper case made in such court ; and upon the institution of proceedings for a fore¬ closure, it shall he the duty of the president of the company to file in the cause a perfect list of the bonds issued by authority of this act, verified by his affidavit; and no decree of foreclosure by a sale of the property, rights, fran¬ chises, and privileges, conveyed by the mortgage or deed of trust, shall be executed until ninety days' notice of the time and place of sale shall have been published in one or more of the newspapers published in the cities of New York, Louisville, Nashville and Memphis; and any pur¬ chaser at such sale shall, upon the payment of the purchase money, be vested with the property, rights, franchises, and privileges conveyed in the mortgage or deed of trust pur¬ chased by him under such decree. Sec. 5. That it shall be the duty of said company to create and secure an ample sinking fund for the payment of the interest as it falls due, and for the redemption of the bonds at maturity. Sec. 6. That should the Louisville and Nashville Rail- „ Consolidation road Company form such consolidation as specified in ™a^; rB£® the first section of this act, with any railroad company chansed- chartered by any other states as aforesaid, they shall have power to adopt such corporate name as they may select ; and in such name shall have all the powers and privileges 52 charter of the heretofore conferred upon said company by the laws of the states of Kentucky and Tennessee. Sec. 7. This act shall take effect and he in force from its passage. Approved February 21, 1868. LAWS REFERRED TO IN CHARTER AND AMENDMENTS. AN ACT to amend the act incorporating the Lexington and Ohio Rail¬ road Company. Sec. 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of the Com- three miles and monwealth of Kentucky, That it shall be lawful for the flve^miies^and Lexington and Ohio Railroad Company to commence the business of transportation on their railroad whenever any part is completed ; anything in their act of incorporation to the contrary notwithstanding. Sec. 2. That they shall be, and are hereby permitted to charge for transportation of passengers, a distance of three miles and under, twelve and a half cents for each passenger ; and for the transportation of produce and merchandise, and other articles paying by weight, when the distance is under five miles, they may charge the same compensation as though they transported five miles. Approved December 22, 1831. AN ACT to amend the Charter of the Frankfort and Louisville Railroad Company. Sec. 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of the Com¬ monwealth of Kentucky, That if the improvements that are to be valued by the commissioners under the 52nd section of the act to which this is an amendment, shall be on lands to which the Lexington and Ohio Railroad Com¬ pany had not acquired the right of way, and the owner or owners thereof shall refuse to surrender the right of way to the president and directors of the Frankfort and Louisville Railroad Company, said President and directors louisville and nashville railroad co. 53 of the Frankfort and Louisville Railroad Company may acquire the right of way as directed by the 39th section of the act to which this is an amendment, and if the damages agreed upon or assessed, shall exceed or he equal to the value of the improvements, then said company shall not be charged with the improvements, as said com¬ pany shall not have acquired the right of way. If the damages agreed upon or assessed be less than the improve¬ ments, then the excess only shall be charged to the company and included in their bond to the state. Sec. 2. All the rights, privileges, and restrictions of the Lexington and Ohio Railroad Company as they existed under the charter of said company from St. Clair street in Frankfort to the city of Louisville, except so far as they conflict with the charter of the Frankfort and Louis¬ ville Railroad Company, shall be and they are hereby revived and continued in full force, and transferred and covered, together with all the fee and right of way acquired and held by said company to the president and directors of the Frankfort and Louisville Railroad Company—pro¬ vided that this section shall not prohibit or interfere in any way with the right of the state of Kentucky, or her lessees to extend the railroad now in use, or any other she may by law construct from Lexington to Frankfort through Broadway street in said town to the river, or in any manner interfere with the rights and privileges granted by the state of Kentucky to the present lessees of the Lex¬ ington and Ohio Railroad, unless the written consent of the said lessees shall be first obtained. Approved February 29, 1848. AN ACT to Amend the Charter of the Frankfort and Louisville Railroad Company. Sec. 6. Whereas, the city of Louisville has, under the pro- preami,ie. visions of the charter of said company, subscribed stock to the amount of $500,000, the said company and the citizens of Louisville have petitioned, and at a public meeting of the citizens, passed resolutions in favor of raising said sub¬ scription of $500,000 by a tax on the real and personal estate of the city, collectable in four years. Be it further enacted, That it shall be lawful for the mayor and council 5 54 charter of the Mayor and of the city of Louisville, and they are hereby vested with council to cause /» n -i j.i *j_ j_ ,1 i i rvai and per- iull power and authority to cause the real and personal beDa8sessedLan° estate within the city to be assessed annually for four years, 'and levy years, at a fair cash value, and to levy and collect a and collect a v _ . tax of one per tax of one per cent, on such valuations, tor each of the cent., and tax A how applied, four years, as taxes of the city are now collected, and apply said tax as collected to the payment of said $500,000 Persons pay- of stock in said company, and each and every person who ing tax entitled , . ' J . to pro rnt« share pays any part of said tax shall be entitled to his pro rata of stock, and 1 J « . . may demand a share of said stock, and shall be entitled to demand and certificate. ^ 7 receive a certificate so soon as he shall have paid for a full, a half, or a quarter share, or shall produce transfers from those who have paid portions, so as to entitle him to a full, a half, or a quarter share. Approved February 29, 1848. THE 2d section of an Act to Amend the Charter of the Lexington and Frankfort Railroad Company, and Louisville and Frankfort Railroad Company. Sec. 2. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of the Com¬ monwealth of Kentucky, That so much of the twentieth section of the aforesaid recited act as limits the freight to be charged by said company for the transportation of goods, produce, merchandise, or property, on their rail¬ way, be, and the same is hereby repealed; and said company shall have power to charge for tolls and the transportation of goods, merchandise, produce, or prop¬ erty of any kind whatsoever, transported by them along said railway, any sum not exceeding the following rates, Freight. viz : for transporting single packages any distance, weigh¬ ing less than one hundred pounds, twenty-five cents, and at that rate if such package weighs more than one hundred pounds; for transporting goods, merchandise, produce, or property of any description, weighing over sixty-five pounds to the cubic foot, not more than four mills per hundred pounds per mile; for transporting any goods, merchandise, or property, weighing more than forty-five pounds and less than sixty-five to the cubic foot, not exceeding fifteen per cent, over the rates allowed to be charged for heavy merchandise; for transporting any goods weighing more than twenty and less than forty-five louisville and nashville railroad co. 55 pounds to the cubic foot, not exceeding thirty per cent, over the same rates; and that in the transportation of goods, merchandise, or property weighing less than twenty pounds to the cubic foot, said company shall have the right to estimate each cubic foot as weighing twenty pounds, and to charge for the transportation of the same at the rates hereby fixed. Silver and gold bullion, money of all descriptions, and mails are excepted from the rates herein established, and the board of directors or their agents, shall be and they are hereby authorized to contract especially for their transportation upon such terms as the parties interested therein may agree upon. Approved December 21, 1850. THE 4th, 6th, and 7th sections of an Act to Amend the Charter of the Lou¬ isville and Frankfort Railroad Company, approved 23d February, 1850. Sec. 4. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of the Com- ,, «7 ° J May cbargf monwealth of Kentucky, That said company shall have the same authority to charge for receiving, forwarding, and ®tg°^lDg re¬ storing packages consigned to them or their agents, or deposited in their warehouse or depots, or with their agents for safe keeping, to be forwarded, as the Lexing¬ ton and Frankfort Railroad Company has under the 20th section of an act approved 28th February, 1848. Sec. 6. That said company shall be liable for all dam- Liable for kin. ages done to stock or other property injured or killed by 1Dg9t0Ck their locomotives or trains of cars, running on the road, when the same is done by their carelessness or the care¬ lessness of their agents or employees, but shall not be liable to pay damages for any such killing or injury done by unavoidable accident : Provided, That nothing in this act contained shall be so construed as to interfere with the liabilities of said company as common carriers. Sec. 7. All suits brought against said company, for Lim t ation six stock or other property injured or killed on aforesaid m0Dths' road, must he brought within six months next after such injury or killing is done. Approved February 23, 1856. 56 CHARTER OF THE TENNESSEE. AN ACT to Incorporate the Louisville and Nashville Railroad Company. Right of way Sec. 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of the State of Tennessee, That the right of way for the construction of a railroad from the line between the states of Kentucky and Tennessee, so as to connect the cities of Louisville and Nashville by railroad communication, be, and is hereby granted to the Louisville and Nashville Railroad Company, incorporated by the legislature of Kentucky with all the rights, powers and privileges, and subject to all the restrictions and liabilities set forth and prescribed in a charter granted to said company by the legislature of Kentucky, and approved March the 5th, 1850, and the amendments thereto, passed by said legislature and approved March the 20th, 1851, for the term of nine hun¬ dred and ninety-nine years, except as further provided in this act. where to be Sec. 2. That said company shall construct said railroad built and how 1 • , ineans to be from the boundary line between said states, beginning at said line, where it shall be intersected by that part of said railroad which is to be within the state of Kentucky, to a point within or convenient to the city of Nashville: Provided,' That in the construction of said railroad, said company shall commence at each end of the line at the same time and continue the work from each end until said railroad is completed : Provided, further, That said company shall not be compelled to use the capital stock subscribed and paid in by the citizens, companies, cor¬ porations, or counties in the state of Kentucky, in the construction of that part of said railroad lying in the state of Tennessee, until the part thereof lying in Kentucky is completed. when a right Sec. 3. That so soon as said company shall have com- nes8besin bUB1" pleted five miles of said railroad from Nashville, they shall commence and prosecute their business as provided louisville and nashville railroad co. 57 in the 21st section of said charter; that the tariff of charges for the transportation of passengers and for goods, wares, merchandise, and other articles and commodities shall be equal on all parts of said railroad in proportion to distance, and that equal facilities for the transportation of the same in either direction shall be furnished. Sec. 4. That the stockholders in the state of Tennessee t stockholders shall be entitled to be represented in said company bv edl)yTenneBeee ,. # r . . directors. directors residing in Tennessee in proportion to their stock, to be chosen by the stockholders of the company in the manner and at the time the other directors are chosen. Sec. 5. That nothing in this act or in said charter or Parallel roads amendments thereto shall be so construed as to prohibit Tennessee, the legislature of Tennessee from passing any law author¬ izing the construction of said roads within this state, parallel to, crossing, or to unite with said railroad from Louisville to Nashville, and the state of Tennessee reserves the right so to do. Sec. 6. That the 20th section of said charter and the 4th section of the amendments thereto shall be void and of no force or effect within this state. Sec. 7. That the 23d, 24th, 25th, and 29th sections of the act of the 11th December, 1845, incorporating the Nashville and Chattanooga Railroad Company be and are hereby made a part of the said charter of the Louisville and Nashville Railroad Company, to be in force within this state, and that this act shall take effect from and after its passage. SECTIONS 23, 24, 25 and 29th of the Nashville and Chattanooga Railroad Company, forming part of the Act of Incorporation of the Eouisvllle and Nashville Railroad in the state of Tennessee. Sec. 23. That said company may purchase, have, and may hold hold any bridge or turnpike road over which it may be p!kege or tnrn" necessary to carry the said railroad ; and when such pur¬ chase is made, to hold the said bridge or turnpike road on the same terms and with all rights which belong to the individual, individuals, or corporation from which such purchase may be made : Provided, That the said company 58 CHARTER OF THE shall not obstruct any public road without constructing another convenient as may be. Kishtof way Sec. 24. Where any lands or rights of way may be in Tenneseee. # J ° j *> required by the said company for the purpose of construct¬ ing their road, and for want of agreement as to the value thereof, or from any other cause, the same can not be pur¬ chased from the owner or owners, the same may be taken at a valuation to be made by five commissioners or a majority of three, to be appointed by the circuit court of the county where some part of the land or right of way is situated, and the said commissioners, before they act, shall severally take an oath, before some justice of the peace, faithfully and impartially to discharge the duties assigned them. In making the said valuation, the com¬ missioners shall take into consideration the loss or damage which may occur to the owner or owners in consequence of the land being taken or the right of way surrendered, and also the benefit and advantages he, she, or they may receive from the erection or establishment of the railfoad or works, and shall state particularly the nature and amount of each, and the excess of loss and damage over aud above the benefit and advantage shall form the measure of valuation of the said land or right of way. The proceedings of said commissioners, accompanied with a full description of the said land or right of way, shall be returned, under the hands and seal of a majority of the commissioners to the court from which the commis¬ sion issued, there to remain of record. In case either party to the proceedings shall appeal from the valuation to the next session of the court granting the commission, and give reasonable notice to the opposite party of such appeal, the court shall order a new valuation to be made by a jury, who shall be charged therewith in the same term or as soon as practicable, and their verdict shall be final and conclusive between the parties, unless a new trial shall be granted ; and the lands or right of way so valued by the commissioners or jury shall vest in said company in fee simple so soon as the valuation may be paid, or when refused, may be tendered. When there may be an appeal, as aforesaid, from the valuation of commissioners louisville and nashville railroad co. 59 by either of the parties, the same shall not prevent the works intending to be constructed from proceeding; but where the appeal is from the company requiring the surrender, they shall be at liberty to proceed with their work, only on condition of giving a bond, with good security, to be approved of by the clerk of the court where the valuation is returned, in a penalty equal to double the said valuation, conditioned for the payment of said valuation and interest, in case the same be sustained ; and in case it be reversed, for the payment of a valuation thereafter, to be made by the jury and confirmed by the court : Provided, That where the land can not be had by gift or purchase, the operations of the work are not to be hindered or delayed during the pending of any proceeding to assess its value, as aforesaid; nor shall any injunction or supersedeas be awarded by any judge or court to delay the progress of said work. Sec. 25. In the absence of any contract with the said Rsgi't of way. company in relation to lands through which the said road may pass, signed by the owner thereof, or by his agent, or any claimant, or person in possession thereof, which may be confirmed by the owner, it shall be presumed that the land upon which the said road may be constructed, together with a space of one hundred feet on each side of the center of said road, has been granted to the com¬ pany by the owner thereof, and the said company shall have good right and title thereto, and shall have, hold, and enjoy the same as long as the same be used only for the purposes of the road, and no longer, unless the person or persons owning the said land at the time that part of the road which may be on said land was finished, or those claiming under him, her, or them, shall apply for an assessment for the value of the said lands, as hereinbefore directed, within five years next after that part of said road was finished. And in case the said owner or owners, or those claiming under him, her, or them, shall not apply for such assessment within five years next after the said part was finished, he, she, or they shall be forever barred from recovering the said land, or having an assessment or compensation therefor: Provided, Nothing herein 60 charter of the contained shall effect the right of femmes couverte, or infants, until two years after the removal of their respec¬ tive disabilities. charge for™tory- ®EC" comPany shall have the right to take, age- at the store houses they may establish or annex to their railroad, all goods, wares, merchandise, and produce intended for transportation, prescribe the rules of priority, and charge and receive such just and reasonable compen¬ sation for storage as they, by rules, may establish, (which they shall cause to be published) or as may be affixed by the owner, which may be distinct from the rates of trans¬ portation : Provided, That the said company shall not charge or receive storage on goods, wares, merchandise, or produce which may be delivered to them at their regular depositories for immediate transportation, and which the company may have the power of transporting immediately. AN ACT to Amend the Charter of the Louisville and Nashville Railroad Company, passed the 4th of December, 1851. May begin Sec. 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of the State road at any , . -% point. of Tennessee, That the first proviso to the second section of an act, passed the 4th day of December, 1851, entitled, "An act to incorporate the Louisville and Nashville Rail¬ road Company" be so amended, that said company shall not be required to commence and prosecute the work upon each end of the line of said road at the same time, but may begin the work at any point upon said line which they may think will best promote the interest of the stockholders. Sec. 2. That the proviso to the seventh section of said act be and the same is hereby repealed. Sec. 3. That the eighth section of said act be and the same is hereby repealed. Passed January 10, 1852. AN ACT to extend the time for Receiving State Aid by the Louisville and Nashville Railroad Company. Time giveu to ®EC- h Be it enacted by the General Assembly of the State t e rn a m m pro v e - °f Tennessee, That the additional time of eighteen months ment act. from tpe passage 0f this act be and the same is hereby louisville and nashville railroad co. 61 granted to the Louisville and Nashville Railroad Company to comply with the provisions of an act entitled, "An act to establish a system of internal improvements in this state," passed February 11, 1852, and the amendments thereto, under the conditions and restrictions in said act specified : Provided, That the entire line of road, from Nashville to Bowling Green, in Kentucky, shall, in like manner, he completed and put in operation in three years from the passage hereof. Sec. 2. That said company is hereby required to extend To exteud tUe said road to some point in the city of Nashville, and that ™ne 'by°bHdge" for this purpose said company shall, within two years, build and prepare for use, a good and substantial bridge across the Cumberland river : Provided, The subscriptions, state aid, or other means in the state of* Tennessee, shall be sufficient for that purpose. That said company will, within three months after an estimate shall have been made of cost of said bridge, cause the same to be let to contract, and proceed, if means appropriated or created by amalgamation of the means of companies, or by sub¬ scriptions of stock by individuals or corporations, be sufficient to the erection and construction of said bridge. When the contract of construction has been made, a copy provision for shall be filed in the office of the secretary of state, and it th"b'ridge''n8 shall then be the duty of the governor to execute to said company the bonds of the state of Tennessee, under the provisions of the act or acts authorizing the same, to an amount, from time to time, not exceeding one hundred thousand dollars, which may he necessary to meet the estimates of work done on said bridge when the same shall amount to a sum not less than twenty thousand dollars : Provided, That the contract for construction shall not extend the time for completion of said bridge beyond two years. Two directors on the part of the state of Ten¬ nessee, on said company's accepting the provisions of this act, shall forthwith be appointed, who shall, from the time of their appointment in office, and at all meetings of the board, represent stock to the amount of five hundred thousand dollars and represent the interest of the state at meetings of the stockholders ; and either may cast the 62 charter of the vote of both, or in writing create a proxy to vote for the state. To entitle said company to the provisions of this act, said company shall, within sixty days after its ap¬ proval, consent hy a resolution of the board to accept the same, and forward a copy of such acceptance to the secretary of state, signed by the president and directors composing the board, and countersigned by the secretary, with the seal of the corporation affixed. Sec. 3. That this act shall take effect and be in force from and after its passage : Provided, That the lien of the state of Tennessee shall not extend beyond the state line. Passed November 27, 1855. AN ACT of Tenneggec, passed December 15, 1857. Whereas, The Louisville and Nashville Railroad Com¬ pany have expended ou forty-five and one-half miles in the state of Tennessee, besides the bridge at Nashville across the Cumberland river, the sum of $ , and the work on the first thirty miles of said road has so far progressed as to give satisfactory evidence that on the 10th day of January, 1858, there will not remain more than fractional parts of three miles unfinished for track, and those parts completed by the first day of March, 1858, and said company have finished, ready for the iron rails, a number of miles, though not consecutive, equal to thirty, and have worked one tunnel through and another half through ; therefore, Sec. 2. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of the State of Tennessee, That upon the report of the railroad com¬ missioner to the governor that the Louisville and Nashville Railroad have graded and bridged, ready for the track, thirty miles of road, though not consecutive, and that said company have done work on that part of the road beyond the thirty miles equal in value to five times the amount of the work then to be done on the first thirty miles, not counting work on any mile, above the said first thirty, which has been calculated in the aforesaid BoDdaofTen- thirty miles, then the governor shall issue, on demand of 1168806 tO b6 is* t t sued. the president of said road, coupon bonds of the state of Tennessee to the amount of ten thousand dollars per mile. LOUISVILLE AND NASHVILLE RAILROAD CO. 63 Sec. 3. That the benefits and provisions of an act passed February 11,1852, entitled, "An act to establish a system of internal improvements in this state," and the acts amenda¬ tory thereto, be extended to the Louisville and Nashville Railroad Company until the first day of June, 1858. Sec. 4. That the said road is hereby allowed until the time given, first day of June, 1859, to comply with the provisions of said act of February 11, 1852, and the act amendatory thereto, on that part of said road lying from the end of the first thirty miles to the Kentucky line. Sec. 5. That the board of directors of the Louisville Powcrtoelcct and Nashville Railroad Company be, and they are hereby vlce-pr(,8ident- vested with the power to elect one or more vice-presi¬ dents, one of whom shall reside in the state of Tennessee, who, together with the directors residing in the state of Tennessee, may be constituted a local board, and to whose management may be submitted the construction of that part of the road which lies in the state of Tennessee, subject to the control of the president and directors of the Louisville and Nashville Railroad Company, and exercise such other and further power as the board may from time to time confer. The board of directors of the Louisville and Nashville Railroad Company shall prescribe the duties and define the powers of the vice-president. The board of directors of the Louisville and Nashville Railroad Company shall have powrer to fix the salary of the vice- president in Tennessee, and the vice-president in Tennessee may be elected from or outside the local board. Sec. 6. That the iron for said two roads shall be shipped to the order of the railroad commissioner, who shall deliver it to them as above provided for. Sec. 7. That this act shall take effect from and after its passage. Passed December 15, 1867. AN ACT to Amend the Charter and geveral acts amendatory thereto, passed by the Legislatures of Tennessee and Kentucky, incorporating a com¬ pany to construct a railroad from the city of Louisville to the city of Nashville. Sec. 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of the State of Tennessee, That the several acts of the general assem- 64 charter of the bly of the states of Tennessee and Kentucky, be, and are hereby amended by the additional sections. in com i bonds Sec. 2. That the Louisville and Nashville Railroad Corn- may e .ssne . pany jg perepy authorized to issue, from time to time, income bonds, pledging the receipts of said road, in amount not to exceed one million five hundred thousand dollars in the aggregate. Said bonds to be made payable at such time and place as the president and directors of said company may direct, and hear a rate of interest not exceeding eight per cent, per annum, with interest cou¬ pons attached ; they shall bear the signature of the president, and be countersigned by the secretary, the coupons to he signed by the secretary, the seal of the corporation to be affixed: Provided, however, Said bonds, nor any mortgage made to secure them, shall be enforced in the state of Tennessee at a higher rate of interest than six per cent, per annum, unless at the time of enforcement the laws of Tennessee allow a higher rate; then for such rate as allowed by law, but may be enforced in Kentucky. The bonds hereby authorized to contain on their face a pledge of the income of said company from the main road, after the payment of charges for running and the necessary repairs, they or the proceeds of sales shall be used in the purchase of iron, chairs, spikes, cross-ties, the laying of track and equipment for business, and for the purpose of construction as herein¬ after prescribed on the main road, and no other. It shall be deemed malfeasance in office in such members of the board as shall authorize any other use, and any stock¬ holder or bondholder shall have the right to arrest by petition or affidavit such improper application. The bonds hereby authorized shall not be held to be cumu¬ lative, but as a part of the sum authorized under an act which passed the legislatures of Tennessee and Kentucky at their sessions of 1855. May execute Sec. 3. That the bonds hereby authorized to be issued shall be made payable to the bearer, and pass by delivery; and to secure the prompt payment of the interest and principal, said company, by their president, may make and execute a mortgage to two trustees, to be named louisville and nashville railroad co. 65 therein, for the benefit of the holders of said bonds, and provide for a succession of trustees in case of death, removal, or refusal to act. It shall to all intents and purposes pass the property recited, and privileges and fran¬ chises to the trustees, for the use of the holders of bonds, herein provided to be issued, and such others as it purports to secure, together with the earnings of said road, after the payment of the expenses of running and repairs. This act shall not be construed to affect, nor shall any mortgage executed by its provisions impair, or in any way affect, change, or weaken the lien of Tennessee on that part lying within that state, created by the statutes of the state on the conferring and accepting state aid by said company. But it shall be the duty of the president and trustees to make a faithful application of the earnings of said road to pay the interest, as the same falls due, on the bonds of the state received by said company. Sec. 4. That it shall be the duty of the president and sinking fund, directors of said company to cause to be set apart and held sacred as a sinking fund, such per cent, of the earn¬ ings of said road, after paying charges for running, repairs, and incidental expenses in the operations of said road, a per cent, equal to the payment of interest on the bonds, and be sufficient to redeem each class of bonds as they respectively fall due ; the setting apart of such fund shall, however, in no event have preference over the rights of the state, as given by former legislation in reference to the income of said road. When any of said bonds shall fall due, said company may make proclamation through one or more of the newspapers published in the cities of Lou¬ isville, Nashville and Bowling Green, of its readiness to pay on a day, and at the place of payment, and if the bonds so advertised and designated are not presented for payment, the interest shall cease from that time until pre¬ sented and payment refused. Sec. 5. If said company shall fail to make payment-of the interest as the same shall fall due, the holders of said bonds may proceed by petition, filed on affidavit, in the chancery court, in the city of Louisville, Nashville, or Bowling Green, after notice to the president; and on 66 CHARTER OF THE hearing, the court shall make such order or decree in the premises as may be deemed necessary and sufficient to enforce and secure the performance of the trust, which order shall be for the benefit of the bondholders to whom said company may be in default. That the holders of bonds due and unpaid, with accumulated interest in the aggregate amount of fifty thousand dollars, shall have the right to file their bill or petition, and ask a foreclosure of mortgage"™ auc^ 8a^e mortgaged property. Upon the filing of such proceeding, it shall be the duty of the president to cause a perfect list of all bonds secured by said mortgage, and place them on file in said suit; when it shall be the duty of the court to make publication of the fact of the filing of said bill, in papers published in New York, Lou¬ isville, and Nashville, ninety days by successive weekly insertions, before rendering a decree, and on hearing, such decree shall be rendered, as will be equitable among all the holders of the bonds on sale or purchase, or order of lease, the person or persons, corporation or corporations, that may become the owners or lessees under such decree or order, shall and are hereby declared to be substituted to, and vested with, all the rights, privileges, franchises and immunities of said corporation, in the property sold or leased, as well that part in Tennessee as in Kentucky, but the right in Tennessee shall only attach and be con¬ tinuous on the payment, at the proper time and place, the interest on the bonds of the state of Tennessee, received by said company, the sinking fund, and the bonds them¬ selves as they fall due. That the holders of the bonds issued under this or any other act authorizing the issuance of bonds, shall at their option, have the right, at any time, to convert said bonds into the stock of the company at dollar for dollar. The company is vested with the power, by the consent of the holders of the bonds, to agree on terms by which the stock of the company may be issued to bondholders in payment thereof. That the issue of the bonds herein authorized, shall be conclusive evidence of the acceptance of the company of this as an amendment of their charter, and as evidence that all the requirements of the act have been complied with. louisville and nashville railroad co. 67 Sec. 6. That, whereas, the funds necessary for ironing and equipping the line of the Louisville and Nashville Railroad, in the state of Tennessee, are furnished by the state aid heretofore granted and accepted by said com¬ pany ; and, whereas, it is but just and right that the line of the road in Tennessee shall receive its fair proportion of the proceeds of the income bonds raised by virtue of this act; the authority hereby conferred is subject to this provision, that so much at least of the proceeds of said income bonds shall be applied to the construction of the road-bed and cross-ties in the state of Tennessee, as will give the line of the road in fair proportion as above, if the same should be needed to prepare such for the iron. Sec. 7. That to carry out the preceding section, that p^eds of the amount so appropriated to the line of the road in this pu"d8'ho,v state, shall be in proportion to the entire amount at any one time raised by said income bonds, as the length of the line of the road in Tennessee is to the length of the entire road. That it shall be deemed malfeasance in office, as provided in section second of this act, in such members of the board of directors of the Louisville and Nashville Railroad Company as shall authorize any use of the proceeds of such bonds inconsistent with the foregoing provisions. Sec. 8. That the time for the construction of the bridge T|me t0 buiid across the Cumberland river, as specified in the act of the road eïten,Jed- general assembly, passed the 15th December, 1855, be extended to the Louisville and Nashville Railroad Com¬ pany for twelve months, from and after the passage of this act ; and that said company is hereby vested with the higin to coo- right to contract with the general government for the g™0.' for trans'? transportation of the mails, and is hereby declared capable in law to receive and hold any grant or appropriation made by Congress as compensation for public service. Sec. 9. That the power to acquire land for railway track depot grounds ... , ... . etc-> i" nneli- and necessary side tracks, and the requisite quantity tor *"'<>• depot, freight and passenger houses, within the corporate limits of the city of Nashville, which by law are conferred on the Nashville and Chattanooga Railroad Company, be and is hereby vested in the Louisville and Nashville Rail- 68 charter of the to execution. road Company, and the Edgfield and Kentucky Railroad Company, and may be enforced by said companies, jointly or separately for their joint or several use. No banking Sec. 10. That nothing in this act shall be so construed as to give banking privileges to the company of any character whatever, or so as to increase the liability of the state to said company. That this act take effect from and after its passage. when Tennee- Sec. 12. That so soon as the Louisville and Nashville issued. Railroad Company shall have graded their said road from the termination of the first thirty miles from Nashville to the Kentucky line, prepared to receive the iron rails, then the governor of the state shall issue the bonds of the state to said company, agreeably to the act of 1852, and acts amendatory thereto, stock iiabie Sec. 14. That it shall be lawful for any sheriff, coroner, or constable to levy upon and sell, as other personal prop¬ erty, any share or shares in any railroad or turnpike company in this state, belonging to any execution, debtor or corporation, against whom they hold an execution. how to pro- ®EC- 15. That the officer making the levy, shall, at the ceed to sell. time of such levy, or as soon thereafter as practicable, notify the secretary or other officer entrusted with the books of the turnpike or railroad company of the fact of such levy; the notice to be given personally or in writing, left at the office of the secretary, or other officer aforesaid. Purchaser to Sec. 16. That upon the sale of such turnpike or railroad from The com' stocks in shares, by execution, the officer, on receiving from the purchaser the amount of his bid, shall execute and deliver to him a certificate of the shares sold, and his return of the sale, on the back of the execution, shall be notice to all the world of the fact of sale; and on pre¬ senting to the proper officer of the company said certifi¬ cate, said officer shall transfer said shares on the proper books to the purchaser or his assigns. Passed March 20, 1858. louisville and nashville railroad co. 69 AN ACT to incorporate the Gay Street Railroad Company of the City of Knoxville, and for other purposes. Sec. 9. That the third section of an act, entitled an act Di9crimiDa. to incorporate the Louisville and Nashville Railroad Com- tt°r"ffres1 g■ ti pany, passed 4th December, 1851, shall be so amended as J Hd.118"8 to authorize the tariff of charges for freights and passen¬ gers, to be less on through business, and through business coming from other railroads and transportation lines, than on freight and passengers to intermediate points between Louisville aud Nashville: Provided, That the tariff rates to and from intermediate points between Louisville and Nashville shall be equal and pro rata in proportion to mileage whether going north or south. AN ACT to establish a system of Internal Improvements in this State. Sec. 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of the State condition. J J ^ upon which of Tennessee, That whenever the East Tennessee and Vir- stap bond, a™ J " to be issued to ginia Railroad Company shall have procured bona fide c°mPany- subscriptions for the capital stock in said company to an amount sufficient to grade, bridge, and prepare for the iron rails the whole extent of the main trunk line proposed to be constructed by said company, and it shall be shown by said company to the governor of the state that said subscriptions are good and solvent, and whenever said company shall have graded, bridged, and shall have ready to put down the necessary timbers for the reception -of rails, and fully prepared a section of thirty miles of said road at either terminus, in a good and substantial manner, with good materials, for putting on the iron rails and equipments, and the governor shall be notified of these facts, and that said section, or any part thereof, is not subject to any lien whatever, other than those created in favor of the state by the acts of 1851-2, by the written affidavit of the chief engineers and president of said com¬ pany, together with the written affidavit of a competent engineer, by him appointed, at the cost of the company, to examine said section, then said governor shall issue to said company coupon bonds of the state of Tennessee to an amount not exceeding eight thousand dollars per mile on said section, and on no other condition, which bonds shall be payable at such place in the United States as the 70 charter of the president of the company may designate, bearing an interest of six per centum per annum, payable semi¬ annually, and not having more than forty nor less than thirty years to mature. art. f0°bc-u«d.d8 Sec. 2. That the bonds before specified shall not be used by said company for any other purpose than for procuring the iron rails, chairs, spikes, and equipments for said section of said road and for putting down said iron rails, and the governor shall not issue the same unless upon the affidavit of said president and a resolution of a majority of the board of directors for the time being, that said bonds shall not be used for any other purpose than for procuring the said iron rails, chairs, spikes, and equip¬ ments for said section, and for putting down said iron rails, and the governor shall have power to appoint a commissioner to act under oath in conjunction with said president in negotiating said bonds for the purposes afore¬ said, and to act in any other matters pertaining to said company where the interest of the state, in the opinion of the governor, may require it. bonds to be a Sec. 3. That so soon as the bonds of the state shall have been issued for the first section of the road as aforesaid, they shall constitute a lien upon said section so prepared as aforesaid, including the road-bed, right of way, grading, bridges, and masonry, upon all the stock subscribed for in said company, and upon said iron rails, chairs, spikes and equipments, when purchased and delivered, and the state of Tennessee, upon the issuance of said bonds and by virtue of the same, shall be invested with said lien or mortgage without a deed from the company for the payment by said company of said bonds, with the interest thereon as the same becomes due. boods for ad- Sec. 4. That when said company shall have prepared as tion°8nii 8ec" aforesaid a second section, or any additional number of sections of twenty miles each of said road, connecting with a section already completed for the iron rails, chairs, spikes, and equipments, as provided in the first section-of this act, and the governor shall be notified of the facts as before provided, he shall in like manner issue to said company like bonds of the state of Tennessee to an equal louisville and nashville railroad co. 71 amount with that before issued under the first section of this act, for each and every section of twenty miles of said road so prepared as aforesaid, but upon the terms and conditions herein before provided, and upon the issuance of the said bonds the state of Tennessee shall be invested with a like mortgage or lien without a deed from said L)en of the company upon said stock and upon said first and ad- enure9roadP»°nd ditional section or sections of said road so prepared, upon Completion7 °n the rails and equipments put or to be put upon the same for the payment of said bonds and the accruing interest thereon : Provided, That if the last section of said road shall be less than twenty miles, or if the railroad proposed to be constructed by any company hereinafter specified shall be less than thirty miles in extent, bonds of the state shall be issued for such sectiou or such railroad as may be less than thirty miles in extent for an amount in pro¬ portion to the distance as provided in this act, but upon the same terms and conditions, in all respects, as required in regard to the bonds to be issued for other sections of said road ; and when the whole of said road shall be com¬ pleted the state of Tennessee shall be invested with a lien, without a deed from the company, upon the entire road, including the stock, right of way, grading, bridges, masonry, iron rails, spikes, chairs, and the whole super¬ structure and equipments, and all the property owned by the company as incident to or necessary for its business, and all depots and depot stations, for the payment of all of said bonds issued to the company as provided in this act, and for the interest accruing on said bonds ; and after the governor shall have issued bonds for the first section of the road it shall not be lawful for said company to give, create or convey to any person or persons, or body corporate whatever, any lien, incumbrance, or mortgage of any kind which shall have priority over or come in conflict with the lien of the state herein secured ; and any such lien, incumbrance, or mortgage shall be null and void as against said lien or mortgage of the state ; and the said lien or mortgage of the state shall have priority over all other claims existing or to exist against said company. Sec. 5. That it shall be the duty of said company to 72 CHARTER OF THE company to deposit in the Bank of Tennessee, at Nashville, at least pay Interest on ^ 77 i,onis. fifteen days before the interest becomes due, from time to time, upon said bonds issued as aforesaid, an amount sufficient to pay such interest, including exchange and the necessary commission, or satisfactory evidence that said interest has been paid or provided for, and if said company fail to deposit said interest as aforesaid, or furnish the evidence aforesaid, it shall be the duty of the comptroller to report that fact to the governor, and the governor shall immediately appoint some suitable person or persons, at upon failure the expense of the company, to take possession and control receiver ap- r A ^ 7 A pointed. 0f railroad, and all the assets thereof, and manage the same and receive the rents, issues, profits and dividends thereof, whose duty it shall be to give bond and security to the state of Tennessee, in such penalty as the governor may require, for the faithful discharge of his or their duty as receiver or receivers, to receive said rents, issues, profits and dividends, and pay over the same under the direction of the governor toward the liquidation of such unpaid interest. And if said company fail or refuse to deliv# up said road to the person or persons so appointed by the governor, the said person so appointed shall report that fact to the governor, who shall forthwith issue his warrant, directed to the sheriffs of the counties through which said road shall run, commanding them to take possession of said road, fixtures and equipments, and everything per¬ taining thereto, and place the said receiver in full and complete possession of the same ; and said receiver so appointed shall continue in possession of said road, fixtures and equipments, and run the same and manage the entire road until a sufficient sum shall be realized, exclusive of the costs and expenses, incident to said pro¬ ceedings, to pay off and discharge the interest as aforesaid, due on said bonds, which being done the receiver shall surrender said road and fixtures and equipments to said comptroller company. The comptroller shall from time to time settle to settle ftcc'ts , • i i with receiver, the accounts with the receiver and the balance shall be deposited in the treasury of this state. The comptroller is authorized, and it is made his duty, upon his warrant to draw from the treasury any sum of money necessary to louisville and nashville railroad co. 73 meet the interest on such bonds as may not be provided for by the company, as provided for in this act, and the comptroller shall report thereof to the general assembly from time to time. Sec. 6. That if said company shall fail or refuse to pay failure tu pay r ^ — bonds at ma- any of said bonds when they fall due, it shall be the duty bi111"ob,e " •> ' J filed to sell road. of the governor to notify the attorney general of the district in which is situated the place of business of said company of the fact, and thereupon said attorney general shall forthwith file a bill against said company in the name of the state of Tennessee, in the chancery or circuit court of the county in which is situated said place of business, setting forth the facts, and thereupon said court shall make all such orders and decrees in said cause as may be deemed necessary by the court to receive the payment of said bonds, with the interest thereon, and to indemnify the state of Tennessee against any loss on account of the issuance of said bonds, by ordering the said railroad to be placed in the hands of a receiver, ordering the sale of said roa?t, and all the property and assets attached thereto or belonging to said company, or in such other manner as the court may deem best for the interest of the state. Sec. 7. That at the end of five years after the completion of said road said company shall set apart one per centum per annum upon the amount of bonds issued to the com¬ pany, and shall use the same in the purchase of bonds of the state of Tennessee, which bonds the company shall pay into the treasury of the state after assigning them to the governor, and for which the governor shall give said company a receipt, and as between the state and said company the bonds so paid in shall be a credit on the bonds issued to the company. And bonds so paid in, and the interest accruing thereon from time to time, shall be held and used by the state as a sinking fund for the pay¬ ment of the bonds issued to the company, and should said slnking fuml company repurchase any of the bonds issued to it under the provisions of this act, they shall be a credit as aforesaid and canceled. And should said company fail to comply with the provisions of this section, it shall be proceeded against as provided in the fifth section of this act. 74 charter of the semi-annual Sec. 8. That the president of the company shall make dentrtun°tiiProad semi-annual reports, under oath, to the governor, until the completion of said road, setting forth fully the condition of the road and the company, and after its completion he shall report to the governor annually, showing the financial condition of the company, giving a statement of the trade and travel upon the road, the receipts and expenditures, net earnings and dividends, and what per cent, is paid on the stock to the stockholders. And said reports shall be consolidated every two years after the completion of the road, and the governor shall lay said report before the legislature for its action at the next meeting thereof after said report is made, officers of com- Sec. 9. That it shall not be lawful for any officer of said pany prohibited # -it • from spéculât- company to engage in any speculation or dealing, either ing in property r j oo J r o ? on une of road, directly or indirectly, in any real estate on or along the line, at any of the depots or depot stations, or at either terminus of said road, until after the road is completed, and every officer of the company, before entering upon the duties of his office, shall take an oath in writing before any jffdge or justice of the peace in this state that he will not knowingly violate the provisions of this act, and that he will faithfully perform the duties of his office, and if any such officer of the company, or other person taking an oath as herein provided, knowingly swear falsely, he shall be deemed guilty of perjury and subject to all the pains and penalties thereof, and every affidavit required under this act may be sworn to before any judge or justice of the peace in this state. Provisions of Sec. 10. That the provisions of this act shall extend to certain conipu- and embrace the Chattanooga, Harrison, Georgetown, and Charlestown Railroad Company, the Nashville and North¬ western Railroad Company, the Louisville and Nashville Railroad Company, the Southwestern Railroad Company, the McMinnville and Manchester Railroad Company, the Memphis and Charleston Railroad Company, the Nash¬ ville and Southern Railroad Company, the Mobile and Ohio Railroad Company, the Nashville and Memphis Railroad Company, the Nashville and Cincinnati Railroad Company, the East Tennessee and Georgia Railroad Com- LOUISVILLE AND NASHVILLE RAILROAD CO. 75 pany, the Memphis, Clarksville and Louisville Railroad Company, and the Winchester and Alabama Railroad Company, so far as the main trunk roads to be constructed by said companies lie within the limits of this state, and not otherwise; and said companies shall have all the powers and privileges, and be subject to all the restrictions and liabilities contained in this act : Provided, That this act shall not extend to or embrace more of the road proposed to be built by the Memphis, Clarksville and Louisville Railroad Company than that part which lies between the Kentucky line and the Nashville and North¬ western Railroad or the Nashville and Memphis Railroad. And provided, f urther, That this act shall not extend to or embrace the East Tennessee and Georgia Railroad Com¬ pany, unless said company shall extend their road so as to form a junction with the East Tennessee and Virginia Railroad at Knoxville : and in the event said company fail or refuse so to extend their said railroad to make said junction, then all the rights, powers and privileges, with the restrictions and liabilities of this act, shall extend to any company that may be hereafter chartered for the purpose of building a railroad to make said connection ; and in no event shall the provisions of this act extend to or embrace more of the East Tennessee and Georgia Rail¬ road than that part which lies between Blair's Ferry and the city of Knoxville. And provided, That any lien now existing on the East Tennessee and Georgia Railroad shall not prevent the issuance of bonds for its benefit as herein provided, but the affidavits required in the first section of this act shall be deemed sufficient as applicable to said company, if it is stated in said affidavits that no lien has been created on said road since the passage of this act. Sec. 11. That the guage of all of said railroads (unless Guage of roads, connecting with roads in other states of a different guage) shall be the same as that of the Nashville and Chatta¬ nooga Railroad, and not otherwise—and the iron rails to be put upon said road shall not be lees than eighty tons raWeisht of to the mile, if the U rail is used, and not less than one hundred tons to the mile, if the T rail is used. 76 charter of the tect^Tnterest'of SEC- That the state of Tennessee expressly reserves further^egisia^ fhe right to enact by the legislature thereof, hereafter, all such laws as may be deemed necessary to protect the inter¬ est of the state, and to secure the state against any loss, in consequence of the issuance of bonds, under the pro¬ visions of this act. But in such manner as not to impair the vested rights of the stockholders of the companies. Penalty for Sec. 13. That it shall be the duty of the governor, from obtaining bonds # . fraudulently, time to time, when there shall be reliable information given to him, that any railroad company shall have fraud¬ ulently obtained the issuance of the bonds of the state, or shall have obtained any of said bonds contrary to the pro¬ visions of this act, he shall notify the attorney general of this state, whose duty it shall be forthwith to institute in the name of the state, a suit in the circuit or chancery court of the county of the place of business of the com¬ pany, setting forth the facts, and when the fact shall satisfactorily appear to the court that any of said bonds shall have been fraudulently obtained, or obtained con¬ trary to the true intent, meaning, and provisions of this act, then and in such case the court shall order, adjudge, and decree that said road lying in the state, with all the property and assets of said company, or a sufficiency thereof, shall be sold, and the proceeds shall be paid into the treasury, and it shall be the duty of the comptroller immediately to vest the same in stocks, creating a sinking fund, as provided for in the 7th section of this act. And said company shall forfeit all rights and privileges under iiaueCkholders provisions of this act. And the stockholders thereof shall be individually liable for the payment of the bonds so fraudulently obtained by such company, and for all other losses that may fall upon the state, in consequence of the commission of any other fraud by such company, excepting such stockholders as may show to the said court that they were ignorant of or opposed the perpetration of such frauds by the company, roads°8tate mTy ^EC- That in the event any of the roads, fixtures, or itl8yinteropsrtotect property belonging to any of said roads, shall be sold under the provisions of this act, it shall be the duty of the gov¬ ernor to appoint an agent for the state, who shall attend louisville and nashville railroad co. 77 said sale and protect the interest of the state, and shall, if necessary to protect said interest, buy in said road or prop¬ erty, in the name of the state, and in case said agent shall purchase said road for the state, the governor shall appoint a receiver, who shall take possession of said road and property, and use the same as provided for in the 5th sec¬ tion of this act, and said receiver shall settle with the comptroller semi-annually, until the next meeting of the general assembly. Sec. 15. That this act shall be deemed and taken a public act. to be a public act as to all purposes of notice : Pro¬ vided, That should any of the companies hereinbefore enumerated, have bona fide, and before the passage of this act, purchased or otherwise contracted for, upon their own credit, the necessary iron, rails, spikes, equipments, etc.* for their road or roads, or any section or sections thereof, the bonds of the state shall be issued to said company or companies, as hereinbefore prescribed : Provided, further, That no company shall receive more than the amount per mile, hereinbefore prescribed : And provided, That the provisions of this act shall only extend to one of the lines of railroad proposed to be constructed by the Nashville and Northwestern Railroad Company, and the Nashville and Memphis Railroad Company, between Nashville and Teunessee river, and the company first obtaining bona fide subscriptions, as provided in the first section of this act, made known to the governor as therein prescribed, shall be entitled to the provisions of this act for the whole dis¬ tance from Nashville to its terminus on the Mississippi river, and may cross the Tennessee river at any point between Ross' Ferry and a point one mile below White Oak Island. And the other company shall have power to connect their road with the one thus entitling itself to the provisions of this act for its whole distance, at any point they may select, and shall only be entitled to the pro¬ visions of this act from the point of connection to its terminus on the Mississippi river : Provided, also, That if Louisviiie and the Louisville and Nashville Railroad Company locate company, their road through Sumner county, by way of Gallatin, then the provisions of this act shall not extend to or 78 CHARTER OF THE embrace the Nashville and Cincinnati Railroad Company, and the charter granted to the last named company shall, in that event, be void. But should said road not be so located, and both companies desire to run their roads to Nashville, then the provisions of this act shall extend to the company first obtaining bona fide subscriptions, as provided in the first section of this act, made known to the governor as therein prescribed, and the other company shall unite their road to the one so provided for, at some suitable point, at least ten miles north of Nashville, and the provisions of this act shall extend to said road only from the point of connection to the Kentucky state line : Provided, further, That the bonds of the state shall not issue to the Louisville and Nashville Railroad Company, or to the Nashville Railroad Company, or to the Nashville and Cincinnati Railroad Company, as provided in this act, unless one of said companies shall agree to locate and extend its road across Cumberland river, at or convenient to Nashville, or South Nashville, within ten years from the date of the passage of this act. to c«fssor unite Sec. 16. That the railroad companies specified in this with each other ac^ an(j 0ther railroad companies hereafter incor¬ porated in this state, shall have power to construct their roads so as to cross each other if necessary, by the main trunks or branches, or to unite with each other, or with the branches thereof, and it shall be the duty of said companies, when required, to receive on their roads and branches, the full loaded freight cars from each other and the branches thereof, and transport the same to their des¬ tination, and return them without charging for transpor¬ tation of the goods, wares, merchandise, and produce therein, any greater rate of freight than they charge for similar goods, wares, merchandise, and produce in their Dnty to re- own cars : Provided, That said companies shall not be ceive freight . ?oadBfrom other comPe"er be recov- pany, on the track of said road, adjoining the landsered- belonging to or in the occupation of the owner of such cattle or stock, and where the owner of said land has not received compensation for fencing said land along said road, the loss shall be divided between the railroad com¬ pany and the owner of such cattle or stock, unless the killing or injury arose from the wilful act, or careless¬ ness, or negligence of the agents or servants of such companj', in which case the whole loss shall be paid by such company. Sec. 3. That if the life of any person is lost or destroyed „ provisions of ^ x ^ first section ap- by the wilful neglect of another person or persons, com- pj'ned ^mpanleè pany or companies, corporation or corporations, their a£'j18corpora~ agents or servants, then the personal representative of the deceased shall have the right to sue such person or persons, company or companies, corporation or corpora¬ tions, and recover punitive damages for the loss or destruc¬ tion of the life aforesaid. Sec. 4. The actions under this act shall be commenced limitations, within one year from the time of such death. Approved March 10, 1854. AN ACT to Authorize Railroad Companies to make certain Contracts-with each other.—(From 2d vol. Revised Statutes of Kentucky, p. 548.) Sec. 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of the Com- contracts may monwealth of Kentucky, That all railroad companies in this roads with each i it i -ii - otlier for C*T- commonwealth shall have power and authority to make, tai» purposes. with each other, contracts of the following character: 1. For the consolidation of either the management, profits, or stock of any two or more companies, the roads of which are or shall be so connected as to form a continuous road, either temporarily or permanently. 2. For the leasing of the road of one company to another, provided the roads so leased shall be so connected as to form a continuous line. 3. For the completion, in whole or in part, of the unfinished road of any company. 4. For giving a com- 90 charter of the mon name and style to any continuous road belonging to two or more companies : Provided, however, That all such contracts shall he approved by a majority, in interest, of all the stockholders of each of the contracting companies, at some stated or called meeting of the same. 1»^ of°8ftocki ®EC- That the called meetings of stockholders, pro- ad'vmued0 be vi(lod for in the first section, shall he called by the pres¬ ident and directors of the company, and notice of the time and place thereof, and of the purpose of such meeting, shall be advertised in one or more newspapers of general circulation in the county where the principal office of such company is then kept, for at least two weeks before such meeting. Approved January 22, 1858. SECTIONS 1st, 4th, 8th, 9th, and 11th, to tax Railroads, Turnpike Roads, and other Corporations, in aid of the Sinking Fund—(From Supple¬ ment to Revised Statutes of Kentucky, pp. 480, 481, 482.) se^sedlnd^ax'd ®EC- T That the several railroads in this common- $2n ooo per mii°! wealth, their depot grounds and improvements, with the right of way, engines, rolling stock, and other investments for the uses and purposes of the roads, are hereby assessed len jr t u o f f°r taxation at the rate of twenty thousand dollars per ches to^ te™"- mile. The president and directors of each road shall, uati^toauditor annually, on or before the 10th day of July, return, under treasurer. ° oath, to the auditor of public accounts, a statement of the length of the road, and branches belonging to them, and pay to the treasurer the same rate of tax on the assess¬ ment as is levied by law on real estate, stock in such Sec. 4. The stock in the corporations paying taxes on corporation ex- A . "■"p'- the corporate property shall be exempt in the hands of the holders. Taxes imposed Sec. 8. That all laws or parts of laws in conflict or by this act in . . # . taxes0f 0 ther lucoraPa^1ble with the provisions of this act, are hereby repealed, and no other taxes than those herein imposed, whether provided for in the charters or otherwise, shall be collectable from the several corporations herein enu¬ merated, by this commonwealth. Taxes hereto- Sec. 9. That nothing in this act shall be construed as said property to exempt any of the property, the tax upon which is specifically provided'for by the provisions of this act, from louisville and nashville railroad co. 91 the payment of any taxes which may not have been paid heretofore—this act being intended to more particularly specify how the taxes shall be paid. Sec. 11. When said money is collected it shall become edT^™"^J; a part of the sinking fund of this commonwealth. ofs,nkln«funi>- Approved February 20, 1864. AN ACT to encourage the development of the Mineral Lands in the State of Kentucky—(From Supplement of Revised Statutes of Kentucky, pp. 743.) Whereas, Owing to the rapid destruction of timber Preamblp- within the past few years, and to the largely increased demand for fuel for domestic and manufacturing purposes, and in order more fully and effectually to develop the uatural mineral resources of the state ; therefore, Sec. 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of the Com- railroads monwealth of Kentucky, That from and after the passage of mined"in thîs state at certain this act, all railroad companies heretofore, or that may be rates Axed i.y hereafter, chartered by the state of Kentucky, shall carry and transport all coal mined within the state at not exceeding the rate of two and a half cents per ton of two thousand pounds per mile, in cars of the company, and in cars of the shippers at the rate of one and three fourths „r 4, , r# Vested rights cents per ton of two thousand pounds per mile ; Provided, °oft tocob™p^f always, That nothing herein contained shall be construed ed- to affect any vested rights of any company heretofore incorporated. Approved February 14, 1866. AN ACT to prevent the Railroad* of this Commonwealth from charging more than the rates allowed by law—(From Supplement Revised Stat¬ utes of Kentucky, pp. 743.) Sec. 1. That if any railroad company in this common- penalty for wealth shall charge more than the rates allowed by their frhogh'tng'"e8al charters for the conveying of freight, the said company shall forfeit and pay to the person so charged double the amount of the freight bill, and the party shall have his action therefor in any court of competent jurisdiction against the company. Approved February 17, 1866. 92 charter of the Sections 101 and 102 from '* Preliminary Provisions " Kentucky Code of Practice, p. 33. Action against Sec. 101. An action, other than those mentioned in sec- corporati on, _ where brought, tioiis ninety-three and ninety-four, against a corporation created by the laws of this state, may be brought in the county in which it is situated or has its principal office or place of business, or in which its chief officer resides ; but if such corporation is a bank or insurance company, the action may be brought in the county in which there is a branch of the bank or agency of the company, where it arises out of a transaction of such branch or agency. Against ran- Sec. 102. An action against a railroad company, or an owners" 8tast owner of a line of mail stages or other coaches for trans¬ porting a slave as a passenger, or for an injury to person or property, upon the road or line of stages or coaches of the defendant, or upon a liability as a carrier, may be brought in any county through or into which the road or line of stages or coaches of the defendant, upon which the cause of action arose, passes. louisville and nashville railroad co. 93 GENERAL ACTS OE TENNESSEE. EXTRACT from Act to Charter the Chattanooga, Blue Spring and Cleve¬ land Railroad Company, and for other purposes. Sec. 7. That when any railroad extends into this state, r. r. compa. ** # ny of other lrom an adjoining state, and the president or head officer of states extend- ° % ° 7 A # ing its road said road resides beyond the limits of Tennessee, a right into this s ta te J 7 O may be sued by of action, for the redress of any injury caused by, or for any claim or demand against the corporation, company, podtln^ge1i;it proprietor, or railroad, shall exist in this state, in any court ^pr^denT" or judicial tribunal having jurisdiction thereof, against such road, proprietor or company, and process may be served upon any depot agent of such road residing in this state, in the absence of the president or head officer of said road. And the judgment which may he rendered in favor of any claimant, shall be rendered against the company or road, in the name by which it transacts its business, and the property, real and personal, belonging to such company or road, within the limits of this state, shall be liable to the satisfaction of said judgment. Passed February 26, 1852. EXTRACT from Codeof Tennessee—(Article Railroads, pr- 274, 275, 276.) 1165. The county court of any county having stock in sale of coun- any railroad may sell the same, by the consent of the ty 8tock' people of the county, signified in the manner prescribed for authorizing county subscriptions. 1166. In order to prevent accidents upon railroads, the Accidents on , , , railroads, pre- following precautions shall be observed: cautions to pre- 1. Railroad companies shall employ white men only as engineers on their roads. 2. The overseers of every public road, crossed by a rail¬ road, shall place at each crossing a sign, marked : " Look out for the cars when you hear the whistle or bell and the county court shall appropriate money to defray the expenses of said signs ; and no engine-driver shall he 94 CHARTER OF THE compelled to blow the whistle or ring the bell at any crossing unless it is so designated. 3. On approaching every crossing, so distinguished, the whistle or bell of the locomotive shall be sounded at the distance of one fourth of a mile from the crossing, and at short intervals till the train has passed the crossing. 4. On approaching a city or town the bell or whistle shall be sounded when the train is at the distance of one mile, and at short intervals till it has reached its depot or station ; and on leaving a town or city the bell or whistle shall be sounded when the train starts and at intervals till it has left the corporate limits. 5. Every railroad company shall keep the engineer, lire- man, or some other person upon the locomotive, always upon the lookout ahead; and when any person, animal, or other obstruction appears upon the road, the alarm-whistle shall be sounded, the brakes put down, and every possible means employed to stop the train and prevent an accident. servô'p^eca0^ 1167. Every railroad company that fails to observe these precautions, or cause them to be observed by its agents and servants, shall be responsible for all damages to persons or property, occasioned by or resulting from any accident or collision that may occur. co°mpâ"yn"oft 1168. No railroad company that observes or causes to be observed these precautions shall be responsible for any damages done to persons or property on its road. The proof that it has observed said precautions shall be upon the company. of 1169. Where a railroad company is sued for killing or injuring stock, the burden of proof that the accident was unavoidable shall be upon the company; and the engineer, agent, or employee of the company shall in no case be a witness for it. f°rf 1170. All trains on any railroad shall stop at least fifteen minutes at the point of intersection with any other rail¬ road, so that baggage and freight may be transferred from one train to another. for 1171. A failure to comply with the foregoing provision subjects the railroad company to a penalty of one hundred Burden proof. Witness. Stopping transfer freight. Penalty failing. LOUISVILLE AND NASHVILLE RAILROAD CO. 95 dollars, to be recovered by the party aggrieved before any tribunal having jurisdiction. Extract from Code of Tennessee—(Private Corporations, p. 312.) 1424. The several railroad companies may lease any Leases of otu- er roads. other railroad connected therewith, and upon such terms and conditions as may be agreed upon between the presi¬ dent and directors of the contracting companies. 1425. All railroad companies availing themselves of the provisions of the preceding section, shall be liable to all liens in favor of the state, and to all liabilities imposed by their charters or the general law of the land, in the same manner as the company making the lease would have been bad no lease been made. Extract from Code of Tennessee—(Crimes, pp. 834, 835.) 4638. Whoever wilfully and maliciously puts upon the obstructing track of any railroad in this state any kind of obstruction ; rallroad track- or loosens or removes any of the rails or timbers ; or loosens, destroys, or injures any of the machinery, gear, or apparatus of the locomotive or cars ; or removes or changes any signal, so as to endanger the safe running of the locomotive and cars, or either or any of them, is guilty of a felony, and, upon conviction of either offence, shall be imprisoned in the penitentiary not less than two nor more than fifteen years. 4639. If any person is killed by any accident occasioned if death ensue, by either of the offences enumerated in the foregoing sec¬ tion, the offender is guilty of murder in the second degree, and shall be punished accordingly. 4640. If any person is injured by such accident, the if only per- offender is guilty of a felony, and shall be punished, on 80Dal ,njurj- conviction, by imprisonment in the penitentiary not less than three nor more than fifteen years. 4641. Whenever any person is killed upon any railroad neg,'Jtuoy g0^v in this state, by an accident occasioned by the wrongful £aj;dupon ral1' act, negligence, or omission of the engineer, conductor, or other manager, such engineer, conductor, or manager is guilty of a felony, and shall, on conviction, be confined in the penitentiary not less than two nor more than ten years. 96 CHARTER OF THE wounding in 4642. If any person is wounded or crippled by such such case. # . • r» accident, without being killed, the offender is guilty of a misdemeanor, and shall, on conviction, be confined in the common jail not less than six months nor more than three years. omitting to 4643. No engine-driver, or other person connected with observe precau- .7 t-ons prescrib- the running of a locomotive or train upon any railroad, that dea. h ~ . . ensue. shall omit to observe the precautions prescribed for the prevention of accidents, whereby an accident shall occur, and any person shall be killed. Punishment. 4644. The punishment of this offence shall be confine¬ ment in the penitentiary not less than three nor more than twenty-one years, if any person 4645. No engine-driver, or other person intrusted with is wounded. # ° 7 r the running of a locomotive or train on any railroad, shall omit to observe said precautions, whereby an accident shall occur, and any person be wounded or crippled. The punishment of this offence shall be confinement in the penitentiary not less than one nor more than ten years, a?crossing8ign 4646. No person shall wantonly knock down or destroy any sign-board placed at the crossing of any public road by a railroad, requiring the sounding of the bell or whistle by passing locomotives. The punishment of this offence shall be fine or imprisonment at the discretion of the court. other maii- 4647. All other wilful and malicious acts, whereby the cloua acte. ^ 7 ^ cars or locomotives upon any railroad in this state, or any part thereof, or the apparatus or fixtures upon such road, shall be injured or damaged, are declared misdemeanors. Throwing 4648. If any person throw against or into any railway against cars. . 7 m J engine or car any wood, stone, or other thing, with intent to injure any person being in or upon the same, he is guilty of a misdemeanor. AN ACT to compel Railroad Companies to keep within the rates of freights as set forth In their Charters. Railroad'(Jom- ®EC- Be it enacted by the General Assembly of the State hîgherC?aategfo? °f Tennessee, That from aud after the passage of this act, senger^thauln should any Railroad Company in this state by their offi- îowed by char- cers cparge a piger raqe of freight than allowed by their LOUISVILLE AND NASHVILLE RAILROAD CO. 97 charter, or more for conveying passengers than allowed, the same be and is hereby declared a misdemeanor, and on prosecution and conviction, they shall be fined for the first offence not less than one hundred nor more than five hundred dollars, for the second offence not less than five hundred nor more than one thousand dollars. Sec. 2. That the president or agents of any road vio¬ lating their charters may be prosecuted and dealt with as contained in section 1st. Passed February 26, 1860. AN ACT "To Regulate the Stock of the County of Snmner In the Nash¬ ville and Louisville Railroad, and for other purposes." Sec. 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of the State connty judge. of Tennessee, That the county judge of Sumner county shall have the power, and it is hereby made his duty to advertise in some one of the papers published in the city of Nashville and Louisville, requesting the holders of the bonds of Sumner county to file in his office their amount, date and number, and to open a negotiation with said holders for the payment of said bonds in the stock of said county in the Louisville and Nashville Railroad, at par; and in all cases where the holders of any of said bonds to exchange shall agree to take said stock, or a regular transfer thereof, °tock forbonds- dollar for dollar, then the said county judge shall make said exchange, and by power of attorney acknowledge before the clerk of the county court, or in person transfer said stock upon the books of the company to such holder, or his, her, or their order; and receive in lieu of said stock such bond or bonds so paid ; and he shall report to the next term of the county court all of the bonds so taken up. As he shall so receive a bond, he shall write in legible letters across its face, cancelled, with the date and his official signature; and it shall be his duty in the presence of the clerk thereof, and such justices of the peace as may be present, to cancel said bonds, and record shall be made upon the minutes of said court of said can¬ cellation. Sec. 2. That to meet any interest due on said bonds, the county judge of Sumner county is authorized and required to ascertain from said company what is the amount of 98 charter of the Dividends, dividends due the county on said stock, and after giving three months notice to holders of coupons, in the papers aforesaid, he will pro rata the same among said holders, who shall present the same as notified, and give such par¬ ties delivering up their coupons authority to draw their portion of said dividends, and as coupons shall be thus taken up, they shall be cancelled in like manner provided for the cancellation of the bonds: Provided, however, That in case any holder of a bond with interest due thereon from the 1st of January, 1861, shall be willing to exchange his bond and interest for the like amount of stock and such dividends as may he due, then said county judge shall make said exchange and deliver the necessary transfers; all of which shall be reported as aforesaid. Passed June 7, 1865. AN ACT to amend an Act entitled ** An Act to establish a System of Inter¬ nal Improvement in the State," passed the 11th of February, 1852. Not to aïs- Sec. 10. That any railroad company receiving aid criminate. .... .. . under this act or the act this is intended to amend, or any amendment thereto, who shall discriminate in their freight or passenger tariff against the business of any city or town or place in this state, or carry freight lower in one direction than another, or refuse to give the citizens of this state equal facilities for transporting their freight to or from any point they may desire to ship to or from, with the citizens of any other state, whether the act be committed within the limits of this state- or not, shall, upon conviction, be lined in the sum of not less than one Punishment. thousand dollars nor over live thousand dollars for each and every offense, the same to be collected as other fines and forfeitures are collected, one half of the same to go to the state, and the other half to the party aggrieved. Notice. Sec. 11. That when the principal officers of the com¬ pany do not reside in and have a permanent office in this state, it shall be competent and lawful to serve notice on any agent of said company who does reside in the state, in any suit brought under the provisions of this act. Passed November 23, 1865. louisville and nashville railroad co. 99 AN ACT to compel Ticket Agents of Railroad Companies to do their duty » and for other purposes. Sec. 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of the State ticket office of Tennessee, That from and after the passage of this act, Ônè'houf' it shall he the dut}' of every person who shall sell or he authorized to sell tickets to passengers to travel on any railroad in this state, at any station or depot within this state, shall open his office for the sale of said tickets, at least one hour before the time for the departure of each passenger train from said station or depot, and keep the same open during said space of one hour, and until the departure of each passenger train, and be always ready during said time to sell tickets to passengers as they may, during said hour, apply for them. Any failure to comply strictly with the provisions of this act, shall subject the delinquent to indictment or presentment, and upon con¬ viction, to be fined not less than twenty nor more than fifty dollars. Sec. 2. That it shall he the duty of each conductor or conductor' other employee on any railroad in this state, to announce rtuty' in loud, distinct words, for each passenger car, the stop¬ ping place, station, or depot, or town at which each car or passenger train stops, or shall be detained for any pur¬ pose, and also the time such car or passenger train will stop or be detained. Sec. 3. That every railroad company shall cause such PenaIty. passenger car to be well supplied with pure and whole¬ some water, and in cool weather, have each passenger car provided with comfortable fires, and at night, furnished with sufficient light for the use, comfort and convenience of the passengers. Sec. 4. That upon the failure of any railroad company, w during any trip of the passenger cars, to comply strictly with any of the provisions of the two preceeding sections of this act, then such railroad company shall forfeit and pay the sum of one hundred dollars, recoverable before any court having jurisdiction thereof, one half to be paid to the person suing, and the other half to go to common school fund of the state. Passed January 23, 1866. 100 CHARTER OF THE AN ACT Concerning the Teasing and Consolidating of Railroads in the State of Tennessee. ehaV"notat* Sec. I- e ^ enacted by the General Assembly of the State Loaidftte°dr «Tu,." °f Tennessee, That it shall not be lawful for the receiver, ter.'stockhoîdl president, or president and directors, or superintendent, "Ânnuaî'meet. or other officer, or agent, of any of the railroads in this state, to lease to, or consolidate, the railroads controlled by them, or either of them, with any railroad, without the consent of the stockholders of the road, proposed to be thus leased or consolidated ; which consent shall be manifested by a vote of three-fourths of the stock present, or represented at such annual meeting, in favor of such leasing or consolidation. Sec. 2. That at the annual meeting of the stockholders, when a vote is taken on a proposition to lease or consoli¬ date any railroad in this state, each share held by a stock¬ holder, shall entitle him to one vote. Passed March 13, 1868. MEMPHIS AND OHIO RAILROAD CO. 101 CHARTER OF MEMPHIS & OHIO R. R. COMPANY. AN ACT to Incorporate the Nashville and Memphis Railroad Company. Sec. 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of the State Perpetual pow of Tennessee, That for the purpose of completing a com- e"' munication by railroad, from one end of the state to the other, the formation of a company for the construction of a railroad from Nashville to Memphis, pursuing the near¬ est and most eligible route from the one city to the other, crossing the Tennessee river between Ross' Ferry and one mile below White Oak Island, said route to be ascertained and defined by survey, is hereby authorized, which, when formed, in pursuance of the provisions hereinafter pre¬ scribed, shall be a body corporate by the name and style of the Nashville and Memphis Railroad Company. They shall have perpetual succession, and by said corporate name shall sue and be sued, and have all the powers, rights, and privileges, and be subject to all the restraints so far as such provisions may be applicable, which are contained in the acts incorporating the Nashville and Chattanooga and the Memphis and Charleston Railroad Companies, together with the acts amendatory of the same as fully as if herein set forth at length, and the same are hereby declared to form and constitute a part of the charter hereby granted to the Nashville and Memphis Railroad Company : Provided, That the prohibition herein con¬ tained against granting a charter for the construction of any lateral or parallel road or roads, shall not be appli¬ cable to this charter nor to the charter of any other road or roads to be constructed from Nashville to the Mississippi river, or to or through any other part of the state of Ten¬ nessee lying west of the Tennessee river : And provided further, That nothing in this act shall be so constructed as 7 charter of the to authorize the governor to indorse the bonds of said company. Sec. 2. That the capital stock of said company shall amount to the sum of three millions of dollars, with power to open books and increase the same to an amount suf¬ ficient to insure the completion of said road. Books for the subscription of the capital stock of said company, in simres?25each, shares of twenty-five dollars each, shall be opened, &c. Sec. 6. That said railroad company shall have powrer to re-open books for subscription of stock sufficient to insure the completion of said road, in the manner and on the terms hereinbefore required, and they may designate com¬ missioners for that purpose, either within the state or without it, they shall have power to purchase and select their depots along the line of the road, and at Memphis, east side of the Bayou Gayoso, and they may cross the Cara may enter 47 47 ' , limits°of*Mrm- we8t 8^e °f the bayou, and may locate a line of railway p,'k within the limits of the corporation : Provided, The mayor and aldermen of Memphis assent thereto, and the cars are drawn within the corporate limits of said city with horses, and instead of extending their western terminus to Mem¬ phis, they may connect themselves with the line of the Memphis and Charleston Railroad Company, at such points towards the western terminus of the road, and on such terms and conditions as may be agreed upon by said railroad companies, and the Tennessee Central Railroad Company under the same terms and conditions may con struct their road from Fulton, and may connect with the Nashville and Memphis Railroad at such point as they may elect. Passed February 4, 1852. CHARTER of Nashville & Chattanooga R.R. Co., and Memphis &, Charles¬ ton R. R. Co. made part of the Charter of Nashville & Memphis B. R.Co. incorporation. Sec. 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of the State of Tennessee, That for the purpose of establishing a com¬ munication by railroad between Memphis, Tennessee, and Charleston, South Carolina, the formation of a company is hereby authorized, which when formed shall be a body corporate by the name and style of the " Memphis and Charleston Railroad Company;" and by said corporate 102 Capital. memphis and ohio kailkoad co. 103 name shall be capable in law to buy, receive by gift, bold, sell and convey real and personal estate, as hereinafter provided ; make contracts, sue and be sued, to make by¬ laws, and to do all lawful acts properly incident to a corporation and necessary and proper to the transaction of the business for which it is incorporated ; and to have and use a common seal, and the same to alter and destroy at its pleasure ; and shall have perpetual succession. Sec. 8. The affairs of said company shall be managed by Board of di- a board of directors, to consist of nine, five of whom shall rector8- constitute a quorum, and who shall be chosen by the stock¬ holders from their own body, and a president of the company shall be elected by the directors from among their own number, in such manner as the regulations of the corporation shall prescribe. Sec. 9. As soon as the said sum shall have been sub- M 31 e e 11 n g of scribed, it shall be the duty of the commissioners appointed stockholder, to declare the same, to appoint a time for the stockholders to meet in Memphis, and give notice thereof by publica¬ tion in some newspaper in Memphis and Somerville, at which time the said stockholders, in person or by proxy, shall proceed to elect the directors of the compauy and to enact all such regulations, rules, and by-laws as may be necessary for the government of the corporation and the transaction of its business. The persons elected directors at this meeting shall serve for such period, not exceeding one year, as the stockholders may direct; and at this meet¬ ing the stockholders shall fix on the day and place or places when the subsequent elections of directors shall be held, and such elections shall thenceforth be annually made ; but if the day of annual elections should pass with¬ out any election of directors, the corporation shall not be thereby dissolved ; but it shall be lawful on any other day to hold and make such elections in such manner as may be prescribed by a by-law of the corporation. Sec. 10. The board of directors may fill all vacancies vacant which may occur in it during the period for which their board shall have been elected, and in the absence of the president may fill his place by electing a president pro tempore. 104 charter of the coDtracts. Sec. 11. All contracts and agreements authenticated by the president of the board shall be binding on the com¬ pany without seal, or such other mode of authentication may he used as the company by their by-laws may adopt. board of di- Sec. 12. The board of directors shall not exceed in their rectors not to . . exceed in their contracts the amount of the capital of the corporation and contracts nm't A A an'done'1*!' °*' the funds which the company may have borrowed and personally' r^ placed at the disposal of the board ; and in case they should sponsible. (Jq g0 president and directors who may be present at the meeting at which such contractor contracts so exceed¬ ing the amount aforesaid shall be made, shall be jointly and severally liable for the excess, both to the contractor Restrictions, or contractors and the corporation : Provided, That any one may discharge himself from such liability by voting against such contract or contracts, and causing such vote to be recorded on the minutes of the board, and giving notice thereof to the next general meeting of the stock¬ holders. No road to Sec. 13. After the route of said railroad shall have wi'th tbis!"R"y been accurately surveyed and adopted, and a plat thereof deposited in the office of the secretary of state, it shall not be lawful for any other railroad to be built, cut or constructed in any way or manner, or by any authority whatsoever, running latterly within twenty miles of the route so adopted, unless by said company or with the con¬ sent of the board of directors for the time being. exclusive Sec. 14. The said company shall have the exclusive right right of trans- />,,.• r. , portation. ot transportation or conveyance ot persons, goods, mer¬ chandise, and produce over the said railroad by them to be constructed : Provided, That the charge of transportation and conveyance shall not exceed thirty five cents per hun¬ dred pounds on heavy articles, and ten cents per cubic foot on articles of measurement, for every hundred miles, and five cents a mile for every passenger : And provided also, That the said company may, when they see fit, farm out their rights of transportation on said road, subject to the rates above mentioned. transfer of Sec. 16. The stock of said company may be transferred in such manner and form as may be directed by the by¬ laws of said corporation. MEMPHIS AND OHIO RAILROAD CO. 105 Sec. 17. The said company may at any time increase its CttII)int°1rf,ft8<' of capital to a sum sufficient to complete the said road and stock it with everything necessary to give it full operation and effect, either by opening books for new stock, or by selling such new stock, or by borrowing money on the credit of the company and on the mortgage of its charter and works; and the manner in wliich the same shall be done in either case shall be prescribed by the stockholders at a general meeting; and any state or any citizen, corpo¬ ration or company of this or any other state or country, may subscribe for and hold stock in said company, with all the rights and subject to all the liabilities of any other étockholder. Sec. 18. The board of directors shall once in every year R,.p0rt of di- at least make a full report on the state of the company rector" and its affairs to a general meeting of the stockholders, and oftener if directed by law, and shall have power to call a general meeting of the stockholders when the board may deem it expedient. Sec. 19. No person but a citizen of the United States, Eligibility, and being a bona fide stockholder iu his own right, which he shall have held at least three months previous to his election (except the first), who shall not have held in his own right the share or shares on which he offers to vote at least three months previous to such election. Sec. 20. Stockholders may vote in person or by proxy, Proxy. and in the election of directors and in voting on all ques¬ tions which come before a meeting of the stockholders, or which may be submitted to the decision of the stockhold¬ ers in any other manner, the owner of one or more shares shall be entitled to one vote for each and every share he, she, or they may own, as aforesaid. Sec. 21. The said company may purchase, have and Property of hold in fee, or for a term of years, any lands, tenements pany' or hereditaments, which may be necessary for said road or appurtenances thereof ; or for the erection of deposi¬ tories, store-houses, houses for the officers, servants or agents of the company; or for workshops or founderies to be used for said company; or for procuring timber, stones or other materials necessary for the construction of 106 CHARTER OF THE the road, or its appurtenances; or for effecting transpor¬ tation thereon. obstructions Sec. 22. The said company shall have the right, when necessary, to construct the said road, or any branch thereof, across or along any public road or water course : Provided, That the said road and the navigation of such water course, shall not thereby be obstructed: And provided fur¬ ther, That such railroad shall not be located so near any turnpike road as to injure or prejudice the interests of the stockholders in such turnpike road, except upon such terms as may be agreed upon by the president and directors of the same, on behalf of the stockholders. purchase of Sec. 23. The said company may purchase, have and bridge or turn- # ... pike. hold any bridge or turnpike road over which it may be necessary to carry the said railroad, and when such pur¬ chase is made, to hold the said bridge or turnpike road on the same terms, and with all the rights which belong to the individual, individuals or corporation from which such purchase may be made : Provided, That the said company shall not obstruct any public road without con¬ structing another as convenient as may be. Absence of Sec. 25. In the absence of any contract with the com- rjgbt of way. pany in relation to the lands through which the said road may pass, signed by the owner thereof, or by his agent or any claimant or person in possession thereof, which may be confirmed by the owner, it shall be presumed that the land upon which the said road may be constructed, together with a space of one hundred feet on each side of the center of said road, has been granted to the com¬ pany shall have good right and title thereto, and shall have, hold and enjoy the same as long as the same be used only for the purposes of the road and no longer, unless the person or persons owning the said land at the time that part of the road which may be on said land was finished, or those claiming under him, her or them, shall apply for an assessment for the value of the said lands as hereinbefore directed, within five years next after that part of said road was finished ; and in case the said owner or owners, or those claiming under him, her or them, shall not apply for such assessment within five years next memphis and ohio railroad co. 107 after the said part was finished, he, she, or they shall be forever barred from recovering the said land or having any assessment or compensation therefor : Provided, Noth¬ ing herein contained shall effect the right of femmes couverte or infants until two years after the removal of their respective disabilities. Sec. 26. If any person shall intrude upon the said rail- forfeiture n.r road or any part thereof, by any manner of use thereof road, of the rights and privileges connected therewith, without the permission, or contrary to the will of said company, he, she, or they shall forthwith forfeit to the said company all the vehicles that may be so intruded 011 said road, and the same may be recovered by suit at law ; and the person or persons so intruding may also be indicted for misde¬ meanor, and, upon conviction, fined and imprisoned by any court of competent jurisdiction. Sec. 27. If any person shall wilfully and maliciously punishment destroy, or in any manner hurt, damage or obstruct the £oad. dttinag",g said railroad, or any bridge or vehicle used for, or in the transportation therein, such person or persons so offending shall be liable to be indicted therefor, and on conviction shall be imprisoned not more than six nor less than one month, and pay a fine of not less than twenty dollars, and shall be further liable to pay all the expenses of repairing the same; and it shall not be competent for any person so offending against the provisions of this clause, to defend himself by pleading or giving in evidence that he was the owner or agent, or servant of the owner of the land where such destruction, hurt, damage, injury or obstruction was done or caused, at the time the same was caused or done. Sec. 28. Every obstruction to the safe and free passage NuUanc(, of vehicles on the said road shall be deemed a public nuisance, and may be abated as such by an officer, agent or servant of the company; and the person causing such obstruction may be indicted and punished for erecting a public nuisance. Sec. 29. The said company shall have the right to take itat-aof 8t,.r- at the store-houses they may establish or annex to theirRSU" road, all goods, wares, merchandise and produce intended for transportation; prescribe the rules of priority, and 108 charter of the charge and receive such just and reasonable compensation for storage as they, by rules, may establish, (which they shall cause to be published) or as may be fixed by agree¬ ment with the owner, which may be distinct from the rates of transportation : Provided, That the said company shall not charge or receive storage on goods, wares, mer¬ chandise or produce, which may be delivered to them at their regular depositories for immediate transportation, and which the company may have the power of transport¬ ing immediately. nivid-uds. Sec. 30. The profits of the company, or so much thereof as the board of directors may deem advisable shall, when the affairs of the company will permit, be semi-annually divided among the stockholders, in proportion to the stock each may hold. Banking and Sec. 31. The said company is hereby expressly prohib¬ ited from carrying on any banking operations ; but may effect insurances on lives and property transported on the road. Powers. Sec. 33. The said company shall possess such additional powers as may be convenient for the due and successful execution of the powers granted in this charter, and for the successful construction and management of the work. Amendment Sec. 34. This charter shall be amendable from time of charter. . _ 1 to time by the legislature, whenever the president and directors shall unanimously petition for amendments, specifying in the petition the nature of such amendments and when such amendments shall be adopted by the legis¬ lature and submitted to the directory, and be accepted and adopted unanimously by the president and directors, they shall he obligatory on the stockholders, and not otherwise. o(Exemptionof Sec. 35. The president, directors, clerks, agents, officers and servants of said company shall be exempt from mili¬ tary duty, except in cases of invasion and insurrection ; and shall also be exempt from serving on juries and work¬ ing on public roads. Exemption Sec. 38. The capital stock of said company shall be from taxatiou. A r %/ forever exempt from taxation, and the road with all its fixtures and appurtenances, including workshops, ware- MEMPHIS AND OHIO RAILROAD CO. 109 houses and vehicles of transportation, shall be exempt from taxation for the period of twenty years from the completion of the road, and no longer. Sec. 40. Any individual or individuals, company or Branch roads, body corporate, with the permission of the legislature of this state, may hereafter construct branches to unite with the said Memphis and Charleston Railroad; and it shall be the duty of said company, when required, to receive on their road the full loaded freight cars from such branches, and transport the same to their destination, and to return them, without changing the loads thereof or charging for transportation of the goods, wares, merchan¬ dise and produce therein any greater rate of freight than they charge for similar goods, wares, merchandise and produce in their own cars: Provided, That the company shall not be compelled to receive such cars on their road, unless they are constructed in the same manner and are of equal strength with their own cars, of which the engi¬ neer of the main road shall be the judge: And provided, That the company shall not be required to receive any car from such branches without receiving payment for at least twenty miles transportation : And provided also, That the said company shall be entitled in all respects to similar and equal privileges on any branches constructed to unite with their road, subject to the same restraints. Passed 2d February, 1846. AN ACT to Amend an Act entitled An Act to egtabllsh a System of Inter¬ nal Improvements for the State, and for other purposes. Sec. 3. The charter of the Nashville and Memphis Fifteeil direc. Railroad company shall he so amended that in all future tore' elections by the stockholders they shall elect fifteen directors, a majority of whom shall reside in Shelby county, and the present hoard may increase their number to that extent, who shall act until the next general elec¬ tion, on the first Monday in October, 1854, and annually thereafter, provided they shall deem it necessary ; and hereafter the president shall be elected by the directory from one of their board. Sec. 7. Said railroad company shall have power to issue rowers, and sell the bonds of said company to raise money upon 110 charter of the the means of the company, by proper and suitable con¬ veyance; to build one or more branches; to establish such guage as will enable them to connect with railroads in other states ; to change the name of the company to that of Memphis and Louisville Railroad Company, or any other name they may desire ; but the change of name shall not deprive said company of any rights, powers and privileges vested in them by their original amended char¬ ter, or by the general law of the state establishing internal improvements, passed February 11, 1852, or any amend¬ ment of the same, but the same shall exist in full force and virtue, and in all respects as obligatory as though the name of the company had not been changed. Passed December 16, 1863. AN ACT to amend an Act, entitled an Act to Incorporate the Nashville and Memphis Railroad Company, and for other purposes. Power?. Sec. 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of the State of Tennessee, That the Nashville and Memphis Railroad Company are hereby authorized to increase the capital stock of said company, to an amount sufficient to cover the cost of construction and equipment of said road, and they shall have all the rights, powers and privileges, so far as the same are applicable, conferred upon the Memphis, Clarksville and Louisville Railroad Company, either by their original charter, or by any amendment of the same, which have been or may hereafter be passed, as fully as if herein inserted and fully set forth at length, change or Sec. 10. In the event the Nashville and Memphis Rail- operate^a a"re^ roa(l Company shall change the name of said company, IfoTd e°r B8ttfo*r or shall consolidate wTith any other company, said change scribed. ub" of name or consolidation, provided it is agreed to by the president and directors of said company, shall not operate to release said counties from any liabilities for stock sub¬ scribed to the Nashville and Memphis Railroad Company, but all subscriptions made to said company shall he as obligatory and binding as though said company had not changed its name, or consolidated with any other company. Passed February 28, 1854. MEMPHIS AND OHIO RAILROAD CO. Ill AN ACT to Charter the Memphis, Clarksville & Louisville Railroad Com¬ pany made part of the Charter of the Nashville & Memphis Railroad Company. Sec. 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of the State powers. of Tennessee, That Robert M. House, Edmund Howard, Newton Hollingsworth, John S. Hart, J. Anderson, Robt. H. McClure, N. H. Allen, Robt. G. Johnson, William Dudley, Geo. W. Hampton, Jas. E. Bailey, and their asso¬ ciates, who shall be stockholders in a railroad company, and their successors, under the name and style of the Memphis, Clarksville and Louisville Railroad Company, are hereby declared to be a body corporate and politic, under the laws of Tennessee, with succession for ninety- nine years, and a common seal, with capacity to sue and be sued, receive and enjoy to them and their successors, property and estate of whatever nature and quantity, and the same to alien, transfer and dispose of, so far as may be necessary to carry into effect the main object of this charter, which is hereby declared to be the construction, use and maintenance of a railroad from Memphis in Tennessee, through Clarksville to Louisville, or to some suitable point where said railroad shall intersect the Nash¬ ville and Louisville Railroad in the state of Kentucky. Sec. 2. That said company shall have power to unite May C0nB0li. with any company that may be chartered by the legisla- ?08M"niphhi8road ture of the state of Kentucky, for the construction of a railroad from Louisville, or some suitable point on the line of the Nashville and Louisville Railroad, to the boundary line of the state of Tennessee, to unite with the railroad from Memphis as aforesaid, and to consolidate said two railroads, and the stock of the two companies, so as to make one railroad and one company, in such manner and upon such terms as said company may deem best. Sec. 5. That said company shall have the right, when necessary to construct said road across or along any public road or water course : Provided, That said company shall not obstruct such public road or water course, and should said company run said road upon the line of any turnpike road, it shall and may be lawful for said company to make such contract or arrangement with said turnpike com¬ pany, as may be deemed best by the parties, by permitting 112 charter of the said turnpike company to subscribe for such amount of stock in said railroad company as may be agreed upon by the parties in lieu of the value of or damages to said turn¬ pike company : Provided, That the 22d section of the charter of the Nashville and Chattanooga Railroad Com¬ pany shall not be binding upon, extend to, or be any part of the charter of the Memphis, Clarksville and Louisville Railroad Company, nlc"with0Ken'- Sec. 6. That said company shall have power to extend tucky road. ga^ rajiroa(j across the Tennessee and Kentucky line so as to connect with any railroad that may be built by the state of Kentucky or her citizens, from any point on the Nashville and Louisville Railroad, so as to form one con¬ nected and continued road from Memphis by Clarksville, to the point of intersection with the Nashville and Louis¬ ville Railroad, in the direction towards Russellville and Bowling Green, Kentucky, or beyond these towns if necessary, to the point of junction with the Nashville and Louisville Railroad. Sec. 8. That whenever said company shall have com¬ pleted that part of said road from the town of Clarksville to the state line or junction with the Louisville and Nash¬ ville railroad, or to the city of Louisville, they shall have all the rights and privileges conferred by this charter for the period of ninety-nine years. Sec. 10. That said company shall be, and they are hereby vested with all the rights, powers and privileges, and subject to all the restrictions and liabilities of the Nashville and Chattanooga Railroad Company, except otherwise provided in this charter. Sec. 11. That said company shall have the right, should they deem it necessary to exercise it, to intersect and unite with the Northwestern Railroad, or the Nashville and Memphis Railroad, or both of them, at any point or points between Clarksville and the city of Memphis. Passed January 28, 1852. memphis and ohio railroad co. 113 RESOLUTION of Directory Changing Name to Memphis and Ohio Rail¬ road Company. Memphis, January 20, 1854. The board met pursuant to adjournment. The presi¬ dent submitted to the directory the amendments obtained by him to the charter of the company, at the present session of the legislature, when Mr. Miller ottered the fol¬ lowing resolution : Whereas, On the 3d day of October, A. D., 1853, the president and directors of the Nashville and Memphis Railroad Company made a written application to the general assembly of the state of Tennessee, for certain amendments to their charter passed February 4th, 1852 ; and for certain amendments to the general internal im¬ provement bill, passed February 11th, 1853: And whereas, On the 16th day of December, 1853, the general assembly of the state of Tennesse passed an act granting such amendments to the charter of the said Nashville and Memphis Railroad Company, as were asked for in said application, and said amendments having been duly con¬ sidered by the undersigned, constituting the-entire board of president and directors of said company, we hereby ratify, confirm, adopt, and accept said amendments, and hereby instruct the secretary of the company to spread the said amendments on record with a copy of this origi¬ nal act of the directory, and this original act, signed by the entire board of directors, be filed among the archives of the company. The board then proceeded to the selection of another name for the company, when the president suggested that it be called the " Memphis and Ohio Railroad Company," which name was unanimously adopted by the board. Extract from an Act to Incorporate the Columbia, Centreville and Pine Kiver ltaiiroad, and for other purpoaea. Sec. 22. That the president and directors of the Mem- MemPi.i. and phis and Ohio Railroad Company shall have the power to ?0h '.jmu""have issue income bonds of the company for an amount not income bonds, exceeding six hundred thousand dollars, having not more than ten years to run to maturity, from 1st of April, 1860, with coupons for interest attached, payable semi-annually, 114 CHARTER OF THE which shall not exceed ten percent, per annum; the prin¬ cipal and interest of said bonds may be made payable at Memphis, Charleston, South Carolina, or in the city of New York, as said president and directors may deem best. Mortgage to Sec. 23. To secure the payment of said principal and interest, the president and directors of said company shall have the power to execute deed of trust or mortgage on the receipts of the road, upon the rolling stock, real estate, franchises, right of way, and other property of the com¬ pany, real, personal, or mixed; but nothing herein con¬ tained shall be so construed as to interfere in any shape or form with the prior or statutory lien in favor of the state of Tennessee, which shall remain at all times para¬ mount to all other claims or liens whatever : Provided, also, That before the president and directors shall issue said income bonds the stockholders shall be called together and a majority of them shall consent thereto. Former laws Sec. 25. Any law or provision in either the original company nouo charter, or any amendment of the same, or any law what- engagfin bank- eyer comjng jn conflict with the foregoing provisions, are hereby repealed : but nothing herein contained shall be so construed as to authorize said company to engage in banking or dealing in bills of exchange, either directly or indirectly. May condemn Sec. 28. It shall be lawful for the president and direct- fight of way ors of the Memphis and Ohio Railroad Company to con- front Main et. r . . . . , , to Navy Yard demii grounds tor right 01 way irom their original depot, on Main street, to present depot, in the navy yard, in the same manner and under the same rules and regulations as are prescribed in their charter for condemning right of way on the main stem of their road. Passed February 29, 1860. AN ACT to amend the Charter of the Memphis and Ohio Railroad Com¬ pany, and to Authorize a Consolidation of the Mississippi and Tennessee Railroad Company with the Memphis and Ohio Railroad Company. Memphis »n.i Sec. 12. That the Memphis and Ohio Railroad Com- coh may extfod pany be, and they are hereby authorized to extend their mus! an"Tenm lien of road from the terminus fixed by the act passed February 4th, 1852, incorporating said company, to the terminus of the Mississippi and Tennessee Railroad Com- memphis and ohio railroad co. 115 pany, upon the same terms and conditions as provided by their charter. Sec. 13. That the Memphis and Ohio and the Mississippi Memphi» and and Tennessee Railroad Companies be, and they are hereby eipPia#ud Ten- , _ • -i «i nessee Railroad fully authorized to make a consolidation of the said rail- companies may " ^ , consolidate. road companies, upon the same terms and conditions as are prescribed in the act of the 5th of February, 1858, entitled, An act to consolidate the Memphis and Ohio and the Memphis, Clarksville, and Louisville Railroad Com¬ panies, as amended by this act : Provided, That no state aid to said connection and the extension shall be granted. Passed March 21, 1860. This book is a preservation facsimile produced for the Northwestern University Library. It is made in compliance with copvright law and produced on acid-free archival 60# book weight paper which meets the requirements of ANSI/NISO Z39.48-1992 (permanence of paper) Preservation facsimile printing and binding by Acme Bookbinding Charlestown, Massachusetts 2012