I June 1st, 1876. Detailed Statement, giving* its History, Locution and the Consolida¬ tions which have resulted'in the formation of the present Corporation : cdso Statement showing the present . Financial condition of the Consolidated Company. c FITCHBURG : MIINTKI) AT THE OFFICE OF GEO.. 11. KELLOGG. 1876. (TRE.AI BANGOR S L John! , Memphrc^iagog Kendalls Mills) jJawlSt-Albans I L. Char/ipjJjirX Z I .Essex .jMöcl S t.John s, v H£>Pto,'y Modlpelki-v »¡nNlrthfieldA Ii utKindVwhite LiU Ogdensburg Kingston, 'ORTLAND .Concord \«¡j Syracuse lorkct ichester' k\-mchí^j&ta¿<.tücc don ) ÊoncorV „.BOSTON FITCHBufíW, I Clintoi I /(providence^ \ Vjjemuifrg JTartford i r 7 M®) i IT* * I/- / ' / ^ÊÉi i Xc»- ¿g-My?.-* ~ Elm ira ÑANTuÓ'KEl .TV ill iain sport /^PENN. Altoona Harrisburt Pittsburg HILADEIáPHIA íington. rnÜ3®daware City IALTI MORE WASHINGTON" Alexandria*; in connection with RICHMOND^. Cityim." Peters^irg CLYDE'S LINE. STEAMSHIPS AND SEW BIBFQEB & I. T. SÎBâMSSIFS. Danville Raad Avtety;¿fe Co. Bos toa BOSTON, CLINTON, FITCHBURG AND NEW BEDFORD RAILROAD company. J une 1st, 1 8 7 6. Detailed statement, giving its History, Location and the Consolida¬ tions which have resulted in the formation of tho present Corporation ; also statement showing the present Finan¬ cial condition of the Consolidated Company. FITCHBURG: PKINTED AT TOE OFFICE OF G. II. KELLOGG. 1 8 7 C , Tlie Boston, Clinton & Fitchburg Railroad Company was incorporated, April 26, 1847, nnder the name of the "Agricultural Branch Railroad," with authority to build a road from Northboro to some convenient point in Framingham, which road was accordingly built and completed in 1855, and opened for public travel between Northboro and South Framingham December 1, 1855. In 18C4 and 18G5 this road was extended- and built from Northboro to Pratt's Junction and opened for public, travel between these points July 'J, 1866. It was operated for three years in conjunction with the Fitcliburg & Worcester Railroad — with which it had a connection at Pratt's Junction—thereby forming a through line between Fitchburg, South Framingham and Boston. By. act of Legislature, passed April 17, 1807, and approved by the stockholders, May 30, 1807, the name was changed to the Boston, Clinton & Fitchburg Railroad Company, and by pur¬ chase and consolidation with the Fitchburg & Worcester Railroad, June 30, 18G9, the latter corporation—chartered April IG, 184G, and owning fourteen miles of road between Fitchbûrg and Sterling Junction, which was opened to the public in February 1850 — ceased to exist as a separate corporation, and all its real estate and personal property became the property of this corporation, whose line at this time comprised 44.339 miles, including the branch from Pratts Junction to Sterling Junction. The Mansfield & Framingham Railroad was chartered March 18, 1867, and built in 1869 and 1870, under the superintendence of parties largely interested in this road, and was opened for business February 1, 1870. In accordance with special act of Legislature of March 17, 1870, and concurrent action of both corporations, the Mansfield & Framingham Railroad Company was consolidated with and became a part of this corporation, from and after June 1, 1875, extending the road of the present corporation to Mansfield, and adding, thereby, twenty-one miles to our line, and making with other small additions, 70.033 miles in all. The New Bedford and Taunton Railroad was incorporated March '26, 1839, and the road opened foi- public travel July 1, 1840. The Fairhaven Branch Railroad Com¬ pany was incorporated May 1,1849, and the road between Fair- haven and Tremont was opened for public travel, and afterwards sold to the New Bedford and Taunton Railroad Company. 4 By act of Legislature approved February 11, 1874, the New Bedford and Taunton Railroad was sold to the New Bedford Railroad Company, and the same year its tracks were extended to tide water in New Bedford and additional wharf property pur¬ chased. The Taunton Branch Railroad Company was incorporated April 7, 183"), and the road between Mansfield and Taunton was opened for public travel in August, 1880, and in accordance with an act of the Legislature approved February 11, 1H73, was con¬ solidated with the New Bedford Railroad February 2, 1871. This included the Attleboro Branch Railroad, a branch of the Taunton Branch Railroad, which was incorporated March 19, 1870, and opened for travel between Taunton and Attleboro in August, 1871, making in all, 57,299 miles, including the "Weir Branch Railroad which was incorporated April 10, 1847, and became the property of the New Bedford & Taunton Railroad. In accordance with authority by act of Legislature approved February 11, 1873, the New Bedford Railroad Company, by con¬ current action with the Boston, Clinton & Fitchburg Railroad Company united and formed one corporation on the first day of June, A. 1)., 1870, under the title of The Boston, Clinton, Fitchburg & New Bedford Railroad Company. Thus it will be seen that the present corporation comprising to-day, one hundred and twenty-seven miles of Railroad, has been formed of the fol¬ lowing Corporations and Properties : Fitchburg & Worcester, originally, 13.903 Agricultural Branch, " 28.909 Marlboro " 1.407 Boston, Clinton & Fitchburg, originally, 44.339 Lancaster Mills Branch built, 1.629 Framiugham Prison " " .815 F. & L. Extension at Framingham, 2,000 Mansfield and Framingham united, 21.250 Boston, Clinton & Fitchburg, May 31, 1870, 70.033 New Bedford & Taunton, originally, 20.130 Fairhaven Branch purchased, 15.170 Acushnet Branch, built, .353 Weir Branch, built, .006 New Bedford R. R. originally, 36.259 Carried over, 5 Brought over, New Bedford Extension, Taunton Branch, including Attleboro Branch consolidated, 19.700 30,253 1.340 New Bedford R. R. May 31, 1876, 57.299 Boston, Clinton, Fitchburg & New Bedford lt. E. June 1, 1876, 127.332. The above figures represent only the earning track, • over which trains are run at regularly established tariff prices. There are in ad¬ dition, 32^3$^ miles of track, 30^32^ of wkick.is used for sidings, storage and turnouts, and the balance, say 210sa0, is double track in the main line, the whole recapitulating as follows : Earning track, main line and branches, 127.332 Anxilliary tracks, sidings, turnout, double and storage, 32.038 Total number of miles of Eailroad belonging to the new Corporation, 159,370 There is in addition to this, a very large amount of Ileal Estate whieh for convenience sake, we classify in two lists, including in the one, all lands and buildings upon the line, which are in use for rail¬ road purposes, or used in connection with the road. The other, comprises the property- whieh has come into the possession of the Corporation, and.is held for control, or in view of possible prosper tive wants, and in some cases, for sale. We give a detailed state¬ ment below, with valuations carefully made by experienced experts, care being bad to keep within -the price at which similar real estate could be purchased, even at the present time. REAL ESTATE IN- USE FOE EAILROAD PURPOSES. MAIN LINE. ' NEW BEDFORD. One Half Almy Wharf, Beetle's Steamboat Repair Commercial CS §3,000 6,000 10-,000 2,600 25,000 820 Rods land, Pearl to Logan, on Ray St., 12 Rods, Rodman's Crossing, East side, 1 1-2 Acres at Acushnet Station, 28,700 400 240 $75*940 Commercial Wharf Freight Station, Carried over* 15*000 (i Drought over, §10,000 1'carl Street Station, 2,BOO Stone Round House, * 1,800 Stone Freight " 2,200 Logan St., Engine llouse, 2,300 Carpenter Shop, 3,500 Blacksmith " COO Paint " COO Store House for Lumber, I,BOO " " " Small Supplies, 180 Gato IIousc, Rodman's Crossing, 1,000 Station House, Acushnet, 1,000 Track Scales, 1,200 Turn Table, 1,500 $35,-1801 FREETOWN AND EAST FREETOWN. 1) Acres, 18 Rods Laud, liraley's, 150 1 « " •• 50 Station at Rralcy's, 1,000 " " East Freetown, 1,200 200 2,200 LAKEVILLE. Station at Howland's, 150 TAUNTON. 4 Acres, 10 Rods Land, Weir's, G,500 5 " Engine House Lot, 30,000 2 " 50 Rods Wales, High and Oak Sts., 37,000 1 " 88 " Freight House Lot, 18,COO I " at Crane's, 100 One-Half Station at Myriek's, 1,000 Freight House at Weirs, 800 Passenger Station, Taunton, 28,000 Freight " " 43,000 Old Stone Freight House, 1,000 Carpenter Shop, 4,500 Machine Shop, 8,300 Round House and Chimney, 17,200 Paint Shop, 3,500 Station at Crane's, 200 Station at Whittenton, . 300 Freight House at Crane's, 500 92,200 108,300 7 NORTON. I Acre Land, Passenger Station, Freight " MANSFIELD. 17 Acres 106 Rods Land, north B. & P. R. R., \ " " south " One-Half Station, Turn Table, One-IIalf Stone Engine House and Table, Brick Water Station, Engine and Pump, Wood and Coal Shed, Hand-Car House, FOXBORO. 7 Acres 8 Rods Land, Passenger Station, Freight " SOUTH WALPOLE. 2 Acres 4 Rods Land, Passenger Station, Freight " 7 Acres 1 Rod Land, Passenger Station, Freight " Car House, 1 Acre 157 Rods Land, Passenger Station, Freight " Hamd Car House, 1 Acre 3 Rods Land, Passenger Station, Freight " WALPOLE. MEDFIELD. SHERBORN. 3,'000 400 17,700 1,600 5,000 100 15,000 3,750 500 75 3,500 2,200 600 500 35 600 100 1,500 . 750 150 600 500 §100 3,400 19,300 24,425 7,050 5,700 GOO 1,100 2,100 735 1,000 2,400 200 1,100 8 SOUTH FRAMING HAM. II Acres 17 Rods Land, south B. & A. R. Ii., 8.33,900 Il " 01 " north " 11,400 30 " 48 " " in Fond unfilled, 1 " 20 " " Camp Meeting Station, 110 Engine House, 3,000 Freight Ollice, 500 Small Freight House, 250 Carpenter Shop, 1,200 Railroad Scales, 1,000 Turn Table, 2,000 Hand Car House, 100 "Woodshed, 300 Conlshcd, 200 FRAMINGHAM. 4 Acres 47 Roils Land, at Station, 8,G00 !)1 Rods, " CO -■ 815,410 Passenger and Freight Station, 900 Camp Meeting Passenger Station, 2,000 SOUTHBORO. Passenger and Freight Station, 900 Hand Car House, 7.3 88,550 8,GG0 2,900 FAYVILLE. 82 Rods Land at Station, 100 Passenger and Freight Station, 900 Car House, 75 975 975 SOUTH MARLBORO. 2 Acres 128 rods Land, • • 1,400 Water Station, Tank and Pipes, 3,400 Woodshed, ' 300 3,700 MARLBORO. 1 Acre 25 rods Land at Station, 12,GOO Passenger Station, ' * 4,000 Freight " 1,000 Engine House, .1,200 Woodshed, 300 Blacksmith Shop, 100 G,G0O NORTHBORO. 2 Acres 6 rods Land, Passenger Station, Freight " _ BERLIN, 1 Acre Land, Passenger and Freight Station, WEST BERLIN. Passenger Station, Freight " Water " Tank and Pipes, BOLTON. Passenger Station, Freight " CLINTON. 1 Acre 17 rods Land, Bolton Station, 3 « 37 •» » "Maj-na:-d Farm," 15 Rods " 96 " " One-Half Passenger Station, Freight ■" Hand Car House, PRATTS. 1 Acre Land, Passenger Station,- Water Station and Tank, Woodshed, LEOMINSTER. 2 Acres 121 rods Land, Passenger Station and Shed, Freight " Hand Cor House, Store « SOUTH FITCIl BURG. 13 Rods Land, Small Passenger and Freight Station," 10 FITCHBURG. 1 Acre 05 rods Land, Engine-house lot, $G,100 3 " 90 " " 107,000 Freight Station, 20,000 Covered Coal Dump, 15,000 Engine-house and Turn-table, 4,000 Machine Shop, 0,000 Round House, 1,500 3 Carpenter Shops, 1,500 Blacksmith " 500 Faint " 750 Coal-sheds, 400 Track Scales, 1,200 Hand Car House, 100 STERLING BRANCH—STERLING. 1 Acre 107 rods Land, 850 j it 57 h il 275 Passenger Station, 450 Freight " 450 STERLING JUNCTION. 0 Acres 97 rods Land, Woodshed, ' 300 Engine-house, Table and Tank, 2,200 Car House, 200 ATTLEBORO BRANCH—BARROWSVILLE. Passenger Station, ATTLEBORO. One-Half Depot Land, 1 acre 3 rods in all, " Passenger Station, 9,800 " Turn-table and Pit, 500 FAIRHAVEN BRANCH—FAIRHAVEN. 219.4 Rods Land, 2,190 Wharf, 5,000 Passenger Station, 3,000 Engine-house, 1,500 Carpenter Shop, 1,000 $113,100 50,950 025 900 1,325 2,700 200 3,350 10,300 7,190 5,500 11 MATTAPOISETT. Station Land, 82,000 Passenger Station, 81,300 Freight " 300 1,600 MARION. I Acre Land, 300 Station Building, 1,200 TREMONT. Land at Station, lf 000 One-Half " 800 Switch and Hand-Car Houses on line below Mansfield, 1,600 REAL ESTATE NOT IN USE FOR RAILROAD PURPOSES. NEW BEDFORD. Commercial block and land, $10,000 Office block and land, 100 rods, 8,000 Hewin's house and land, • 2,500 Godfrey house, barn and land, 5,400 House and land on Merrimac street, 2,500 T. S. Hathaway, land, 1,000 Hazard wharf, 9,000 Hastings wharf, 5,000 Rodman, land, 1,800 Hillman ship yard, 4,000 B. Rodman, 82J rods land, 2,000 40£ rods land, Wamsutta mills, 1 500 P. Howland lot, 100 acres, 800 P. M. Lund lot, 14 acres, 200 Nye & Hammett, 37 acres, 200 — $52,900 EAST FREETOWN. 9 acres gravel pit, 180 TAUNTON. II acres Picnic grounds and buildings, Myricks, 3,065 Gravel pit, Myricks, 20 House, barn and 106 rods land at Weirs, 2,200 -14 acres Attleboro Junction, 280 20 acres Leonard lot, 150 House and land Weir street crossing, 1,250 Office building and land, 7,500 14,465 12 NORTON. 8 acres on Attlcboro Branch, 7 u a it Dwelling house and land, BARRO WSVILLE. House and land, FAIHIIAVEN. 2 dwelling houses and land, 10 rods land, CLINTON. Dwelling house and land, G2,G50 feet Iloiisc lots, FRATTS. Dwelling house, (on location) LEOMINSTEIt. Dwelling House, (on location) FITCIIBURG. ' Building and land, Main Street, STERLING. Dwelling house and land, Dwelling house and land, MATTAPOÍSETT. Gravel pit* MARION; 17 acres woodland, 1 acre woodland, RECAPITULATION. MAIN LINE. New Bedford, Freetown, Lakeville, Taunton, Norton, Mansfield, Foxboro, South Walpole, Walpole,. Medfield, Sherborn, South Framingham, Framingham, Fayville, Southboro, South Marlboro, Marlboro, Northboro, Berlin, West Berlin, Bolton, Clinton, Pratts, Leominster, South Fitcliburg, Fitchburg, STERLING BRANCH. Sterling Junction, Sterling, ATTLEBORO BRANCH. Barrowsville, Attleboro, FAIRHAVEN BRANCH. Fairhaven, Mattapoisctt, ' Marion, Tremont, On Whole Line, AGGREGATES.' Main Line, Sterling Branch, Attleboro Branch, Fairhaven Branch, Telegraph Line and Fixtures, REAL ESTATE In use for R.R. purposes. LAND. BUILDINGS. Real Estale ndt used for R'd Purposes. $75,940 200 92,200 100 19,300 7,050 C00 2,100 1,000 200 45,410 8,6G0 100 1,400 12,000 1,000 200 17,770 200 24,000 300 113,100 423,430 625 1,325 1,950 3,350 3,350 7,190 2,000 300 1,000 10,490 423,430 1,950 3,350 10,490 $439,220 $35,480 2,200 150 108,300 3,400 24,425 5,700 1,100 735 2,400 1,100 8,550 2,900 975 975 3,700 6,600 1,900 600 3,850 1,200 5,325 4,400 3,500 200 50,950 280,615 900 . 2,700 3,600 200 10,300 10,500 5,500 1,600 1,200 800 1,600 10,700 280,615 3,600 10,500 10,700 5,198 $310,613 14 The Personal property of the line, has been carefully appraised arid a valiration made, which represents its> value upon the basis of present prices* A list in detail is as follows í 39 Locomotives, average $0,738 $262,800 54 Passenger Cars, « 2208 157,050 11 Smoking, Baggage and Express Cars, " 2.768 30,450 16 Baggage, Express and Mail a 1,812 29,000 254 Long Box Freight u 601 153,450 64 Short Box *4 " 332 21,275 10 Machinery « " 655 6,550 16 Cattle « « 508 8,125 3 Milk « 1250 3,150 274 Long Platform (A « 474 130,565 16 Short « it « 211 3,375 2 Wrecking and Derrick U « 525 1,050 6 Caboose (5 GOO 3,600 446 Dump M> " 352 157,025 4 Snow Plows, 1,312 5,250 Stoves and Furniture^ 1,200 Baggage Checks, 1,600 $975,515 MACHINERT AND TOOLS,. At New Bedford, 81,603 47 Fairhaven. 1,942 50 Taunton, 10,394 84 Fitchburg, 17,393 07 Along the line, 2,295 94 033,629 82 LUMBER, IRON AND MATERIALS. At New Bedford, $4,415 07 Fairhaven, 3,248 21 Taunton, 17,625 98 Fitchburg, 48,675 99 Along the Ene, 12,845 15 $86,810 40 Iron and steel rails, 22,303 00 Fuel, " 7,259 50 Office Furniture and fixture» 2,781 30 Horses and- harnesses, 700 00 15 255 Shares N. B & F. Street Railway Stock, $5,000 00 13 " Oak Bluffs Land and Wharf " 10,400 00 RECAPITULATION.—PERSONAL PROPERTY. Rolling stock, §975,515 00 Machinery and tools, • 33,629 82 Lumber, iron and material, 86,810 40 Iron and steel rails, 22,303 00 Fuel, 7,259 50 Office furniture and fixtures, 2,781 30 Stocks, 15,400 00 Horses and harnesses, 700 00 $1,144,399 02 Upon the basis of the Consolidation as effected, the entire property of the New Corporation, real and personal, will stand at a cost of $5,568,152.27 to the stockholders, as follows : 16,785 Shares N. B. R. R. Stock, 11,156 " B.C. & F.R.R. " 570 '• A. B. R. R. " B. C. & F. Funded debt, New Bedford " " B. C. & F. Floating " New Bedford " " Unsettled land damages estimated, $110 $1,846,400 00 75 836,700 00 35 19,950 00 2,069,000 00 571,500 00 (net) 189,602 27 30,000 00 5,000 00 $5,568,152 27 $43,843 72 Total Cost, Cost per earning mile of road, The average cost of all the Massachusetts roads, according to the annual report of the Railroad Commissioners, was $65,082.11 per mile. This includes single and double track alike. . In order to make the comparison with our own property more accurate, it would be proper to reduce the double to single track,—that is, call each mile of double track, equal to two miles of road. Computed upon this basis, the average cost of each mile of single track of all the Massa- chusett roads, including all their real and personal property, is $55,630; being §11,786 per mile higher than ours. The earnings of the roads just united, were $1,011,049.71, for the year ending Septem¬ ber 30th, 1875 ; equal to $7,961 per mile. In conclusion, the information herein contained, may be properly summarized, as follows : Length of Earning Track, 127.332 miles. Cost of property on basis of consolidation, $5,568.152 27 Cost per mile, including all property. 43,843 72 ltf Appraised value of land used for railroad purposes, in connection with its operation, 5110,220 00 Appraised value of station buildings and other structures used for railroad purposes, 309,413 00 749,033 00 Appraised value of land and buildings not used at pres¬ ent for railroad purposes, 93,505 00 Total Real Estate and Buildings, 843,188 00 Personal property per appraisal. 1,144,399 02 Total Personal Property, Real Estate and Build¬ ings outside Location, per appraisal, 1,987,587 02 Cost of all Corporate Property on basis of consolida¬ tion as shown on page 15, $5,508,152 27 Balance representing the road, 3,580,505 25 This balance of $3,580,505.25, represents the property lying within the location, viz: right of way, grading, masonry, superstruc-, ture and fencing. There being 159 miles of track, including the sidings, the cost per mile is thus shown to be $22,519 per mile of track. To any one familiar with railroad construction, this cost will seem sulticiently low, even in these days of "low prices." The question of probable dividends, is one of interest. Upon the basis of the net earnings of last year, as reported by the Directors of the Boston, Clinton & Fitchburg Railroad Company, to the Railroad Commissioners, the result is as follows : Net Earnings, as reported, $401,202 74 F. & L. Rent deducted, $32,540 01 Interest on present Debt of United Roads, 190,000 00 222,540 01 Available for Dividends, $178,002 13 There being 20,830 shares of Stock, this would be equal to $G.G5 per share. The.above statement, estimate and appraisal was prepared by the following committee so far as it relates to the several departments, and the appraisal of real estate and personal property was made by the whole committee. WM. F. ELLIS, Engineer. S. AV. HUNTLEY, Treas. B.C.&F.R.R. L. GRINNELL, " N. B. R. R. S. A. 4VEBBER, Sup't B. C. & F. R. R. AA'ARREN LADD, " N. B. R. R. CHARLES BRIGHAM, Gex'i. Agent. Respectfully submitted to the Directors and Stockholders, H. A. BLOOD, Manager.