H. W. BENNETT & CO., Bankers, hohça-. o«-- Dealers in High-Grade Securities, v 'AShin0 ¡ ON, 85 Wall St., NEW YORK. Cuba Eastern Terminals Co. First Mortgage 6% Thirty-Year Sinking Fund Gold Bonds DUE AUGUST 1, 1935. These Bonds are subject to redemption at the option of the Terminals Company at the rate of 105 and accrued interest. PRINCIPAL AND INTEREST GUARANTEED BY THE Cuba Eastern Railroad Company. interest payable february 1st and august 1st in new york city. Knickerbocker Trust Company, Trustee, New York City. BONDS $1,000 EACH. TOTAL ISSUE, $200,000 REGISTERED IF DESIRED. Both principal and interest payable in gold coin of the United States of America of present standard of weight and fineness, without deduction for any tax which the Trustee or the Terminals Company may be required to pay or retain therefrom under any present or future law of the United States or Cuba or of any State, County or Municipality therein. PRICE OF BONDS PAR AND ACCRUED INTEREST. Subject to withdrawal or change without notice. Cuba Eastern Terminals Company. BOND ISSUE, - - $200,000. CAPITAL STOCK, - $200,000. The Cuba Eastern Terminals Company is incorporated under the laws of the State of Maine with a Capital Stock of $200,000 in shares of $100 each and an authorized bond issue of $200,000, for the following purposes : First.—To supply the Cuba Eastern Railroad with additional facilities for properly handling its rapidly increasing freight and passenger business in the City of Guantanamo, Cuba ( 18 miles inland from the Bay), comprising an iron bridge on concrete piers crossing the Guaso River, tracks from the present station on the outskirts of Guantanamo to new freight and passenger stations located near the center of the city, where the Company has purchased a large tract of land, providing ample room for track storage, and yards for trucking and switching; all owned by the Terminals Company. Second.—To further increase its local freight and passenger business, the Cuba Eastern Terminals Com¬ pany recently purchased and now has in operation the large, modern, high speed, steel steamship " Oteri." This steamer is equipped with first-class passenger accommodations, including social hall, dining saloon, promenade decks, bath room, electric lights, also sleeping accommodations for over ico third class passengers. The steamer will make several trips a week each way between Boquerón (Guantanamo Bay Terminal) and the City of Santiago, and weekly trips to Jamaica, touching at Port Antonio and Kingston, and two trips each month from Santiago to Manzanillo and return. There is a large and constantly growing freight and passen¬ ger business between Guantanamo and Santiago, a heavy passenger traffic between Santiago and Jamaica during the winter season, and the full capacity of the vessel will probably be required for the bi-monthly Sunday excursions between Santiago and Manzanillo, cities of 60,000 and 25,000 population respectively. Third.—To provide at the docks of the ocean terminal of the railroad at Boquerón suitable passenger and freight depots for the business of this and other passenger steamships, separate and distinct from the present warehouses of the railroad for heavy export and import freight. The incoming freight of the railroad for Guantanamo during the past nine months shows an increase of approximately 50 per cent., as compared with the same period in 1904, and the outgrowing freight an increase or approximately 250 per cent. The General Manager of the railroad, in a report earnestly recommending the above improvements, states that the new terminal facilities in the City of Guantanamo and the operation of the steamer will assure the doubling within one year of the present local freight traffic, and an increase in passenger traffic of more than 300 per cent., to say nothing of the steady increase in business which may be relied upon as a natural result of the extension of the railroad now under construction into the interior and the consequent development of the territory tributary to it. It is estimated that the receipts of the Termi¬ nals Company, over and above all fixed charges, including sinking fund and interest on bonds, will, after the first year, permit the payment of dividends on the stock. The Terminals Company will be operated as a subsidiary corporation of the Railroad Company. The Railroad Company contracting for the use of the property of the Terminals Company for a period of thirty years, paying therefor mileage, bridge tolls, switching, storage charges, and marine freight and passenger tariffs at the regular rates as established by the Government Railroad Commission of Cuba, or otherwise agreed upon, but guaranteeing to the Terminals Company sufficient earnings to meet all fixed charges, operating expenses, insurance, taxes and maintenance. The Cuba Eastern Railroad Company guarantees the payment of the bonds of the Terminals Company, both principal and interest. There is now offered for subscription, subject to prior sale, the remaining $100,000 of a total issue of ÍÜ2oo,ooo First Mortgage Six Per Cent. (6%) Thirty (30) Year Sinking Fund Gold Bonds. These are in denominations of $1,000 each, secured by a mortgage which is a lien on all the real and other property of the Terminals Company. Interest payable semi-annually. Both principal and interest payable in gold coin in the City of New York. Bonds are subject to redemption at the Terminals Company's option at the rate of 105 and accrued interest. The mortgage contains provision for a sinking fund of 3^ per cent, per annum for thirty years. H. W. BENNETT & CO., 85 Wall Street, New York. November, 1905. The Cuba Eastern Railroad Co. Copy. New York, October 15, 1905. Messrs. H. W. Bennett & Co., New York. Dear Sirs: Regarding the Bonds of the Cuba Eastern Terminals Co., we consider them a first class investment aside from the guarantee by this Company of both principal and interest. The net earnings of the Cuba Eastern Railroad Co. for the past nine months from all sources are approximately 100% in excess of the interest for that period on the total bond issue. Yours very truly, THE CUBA EASTERN RAILROAD COMPANY, M. H. Lewis, Vice-President. CAYO Jl/TiAí ifueiro 'Petot LCbtlUnW P.dtl Manyl, istr of deMuLati P.d, MaeurlJ*» PorUlU) MAP Showing Lines owned and operated — by— THE CUBA EASTERN RAILROAD CO iLasPciiub IN OPERATION UNDER CONSTRUCTION EXTENTIONS CONTEMPLATED QjsiKto Ve-redsia TaUerfi/o" , friads.nt •Arpón idaiv Cue*I LI»« Ol u>tyyirtford, Ct. International Silver Co. riden, Conn. Mfgr. Clocks, Bristol, Conn. Pres., New Britain National Ban. , New Britain, Ct. Rockville, Conn. Capitalist, Bankers & Jobbers, Pres., Troy Trust Co., Pittsburg, Pa. Santiago de Cuba. Troy, N. Y. John G. Hawley, Secy. & Treas., John T. Christie, Walter P. Warren, red'k E. Draper, mis Herman, owee and Baxter, í. E. Starks, 'zra H. Stevens, H. G. Young, Geo. P. Hilton, Geo. C. Van Tuyl, Grange S. Sard, S. M. Hammill, Judge Jas. L. Scott, General Maxwell Woodhull, Nicholas P. Bond, Pres., Ludlow Valve Co. " Capitalist & Manufacturer, " Jobber, " »! Jobbers, " Vice-Pres., Nat'1 State Bank of Troy, " Capitalist, Albany, N. Y. President, Albany Trust Co. " Vice-Pres., " " " Treas., " " " Pres., Union Trust Co., " " Schenectady Trust Co., Schenectady, N. Y. Saratoga, '' Washington, D. C. Baltimore, Md. Il II II III HI 3 555 3 342 142257