A s / This Indenture, 7nade the twentieth day of Angnst in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and 7iinety-six^betzveen the dubuque and sloux city rail¬ road Company, a corporation duly organized under and in accordance zvith the laws of the State of lowa^ party of the first part, and the united States Trust Company of New York, a corporation duly organized under and in accordance zvith the laws of the State of Nezv York, party of the second part, witnesseth : Whereas, The party of the first part, by indenture bear¬ ing date the first day of February, A. D. 1895, and recorded in the office of the Recorder of Deeds of Blackhawk County, in the State of Iowa, on the second day of March, 1895, in Book 34 of Land Mortgages, at page 213, conveyed to the party of the second part, its successors and assigns, that |)art or section of its railroad, situated in the State of Iowa, com¬ mencing at the City of Dubuque, in the County of Dubuque, and extending therefrom westerly to the east bank of the Iowa River at or near Iowa Falls, in the County of Hardin, together with all the appurtenances thereto belonging, and the corporate rights, privileges and franchises of the party of the first part appertaining to that part or section of the said railroad, also all engines, tenders, cars and other rolling stock and equipment then owned or which might be thereafter acquired by the said party of the first part for use upon the said railroad or in connection therewith, which said convey¬ ance was made to secure the payment of three thousand five 2 hundred and fifty (3550) negotiable coupon bonds of the Illinois Central Railroad Company, for the sum of one thou¬ sand dollars each, and numbered consecutively from No. i to No. 3550, both inclusive, all bearing date the first day of February A. D. 1895, and made payable in'the City of New York on the first day of August, 195 i, in gold coin of the United States of America of the present standard of weight and fineness, and bearing interest at the rate of four per cent, per annum payable in like gold coin on the first days of February and August in each year, until the principal sum should be paid — as by the said indenture, reference being had thereto, will more fully and at large appear. And whereas, In and by Articles numbered II, III and IV of the aforesaid indenture of February i, 1895, provision is made as follows : II. It is further understood and agreed that this inden- " ture and the property and premises herein and hereby mortgaged are to stand as security for the payment of "additional negotiable coupon bonds of the said Illinois " Central Railroad Company, to be numbered consecutively "from No. 3551 to No. 8125, both inclusive, to the further " amount, at their par or face value, of not exceeding four " million five hundred and seventy-five thousand dollars I " ($4,575.000), in addition to the three thousand five hundred "and fifty (3550) bonds for the sum of three million five " hundred and fifty thousand dollars ($3,550,000), hereinbe- " fore mentioned, if at any time hereafter the issue of such " additional bonds shall be deemed necessary and proper by " the said party of the first part and the said Illinois Central " Railroad Company, to aid in refunding or securing the " means to pay the indebtedness of the party of the first 3 ''part, or to improve, extend or develop its railways ; " vided^ the property described in and covered by the here- " inbefore recited mortgage of May i, 1869, made by the Iowa Falls & Sioux City Railroad Company to Oakes "Ames and John I. Blair, to wit, that part of the main line " of railway of the party of the first part, which extends from "the east bank of the Iowa River at or near Iowa Falls, in " the County of Hardin and State of Iowa, to Sioux City, in " the County of Woodbury, in the same State, together with "the franchises appertaining thereto, and the engines, cars " and other rolling stock and equipment belonging to the " said party of the first part, then owned or which may be " thereafter acquired by it for use upon the said railway or " in connection therewith, and which are not covered by the " present indenture, shall be conveyed in trust or by mort- " gage to the said party of the second part, or its successor " in trust, free from all prior liens or incumbrances other " than the aforesaid mortgage of May i, 1869, as a further " security for the payment of all bonds issued or that' may " be issued by the said Illinois Central Railroad Company as " contemplated or provided in this indenture ; and provided^ " also^ that all the outstanding bonds issued under and "secured by the said last mentioned mortgage of May i, "1869, shall be delivered to the trustee hereunder to be can- " celed. On compliance with these conditions, the addi- " tional bonds referred to or provided for in this article, or " so many of them as may at any time, or from time to time, "be presented for that purpose, shall be authenticated and " certified by the said trustee and delivered to the party of " the first part. And if, in consequence of the loss or disap- "pearance of some , of the bonds secured by the said mort- 4 gage of May, i, 1869, or the neglect of holders to present the same for redemption, it shall be found impracticable to ^^pay off and satisfy all the indebtedness secured by that mortgage, when the same shall have matured, the certifi- " cation, issue and use of the said additional bonds above referred to shall not be thereby postponed or prevented ; "'provided, a sufficient amount in cash shall be advanced to the party of the second part or its successor in trust, to pay off and discharge the balance of the said mortgage indebt- edness then remaining unpaid, to be used and applied by the said trustee for that purpose. If this condition shall be complied with, the effect shall be the same as if all the outstanding bonds secured by the said mortgage of May i, 1869, had been redeemed and canceled. All bonds issued under or secured by the said mortgage of May i, 1869, now " outstanding, which shall be delivered to the said trustee in compliance with the above condition, shall be forthwith canceled, and be preserved in such canceled condition in testimony of the fact ; and the party of tht first part shall, *'as soon as practicable, cause the above mentioned mort- gage of May i, 1869, to be released and discharged of " record. " III. It is also hereby mutually agreed and understood "that this indenture and the property and premises herein " and hereby mortgaged are to stand as security for the pay- " ment of additional coupon bonds of the said Illinois Cen- "tral Railroad Company, to be numbered consecutively "from No. 8,126 to No. 10,000, both inclusive, to the further " amount at their par or face value of not exceeding one " million eight hundred and seventy-five thousand dollars "($1,875,000), if at any time hereafter the issue of such 5 additional bonds shall be deemed necessary and proper by ^ the party of the first part and the said Illinois Central Railroad Company, for the purposes mentioned in the pre- ceding article ; provided^ that the corporation, person or " persons, then owning the railroad hereinbefore described, now belonging to the Cedar Falls & Minnesota Railroad ^'Company, extending from the junction of the same with the main line of railway of the party of the first part, near Cedar Falls, in the County of Blackhawk and State of Iowa, to the south line of the State of Minnesota, shall convey the same, with all its appurtenances, by a valid mortgage " or deed of trust, to the said party of the second part, or its successor in trust, free from all prior liens and incum- brances, as a further security for the payment of the bonds issued or that may be issued by the said Illinois Central Railroad Company as contemplated or provided in this indenture. On compliance with this condition, the addi- tional bonds referred to or provided for in this article, or so many of them as may at any time, or from time to time, be presented for that purpose, shall be authenticated and certified by the said trustee and delivered to the party of the first part. lY. In case of the issue of additional bonds by the said Illinois Central Railroad Company pursuant to the provi- " sions of the two preceding articles of this indenture, or either of them, it is understood and agreed that each of such additional bonds shall be for the same amount and of the same tenor as the three thousand five hundred ^nd fifty ''(3550) bonds hereinbefore particularly described; and all the bonds issued and authenticated pursuant to the pro- visions of this instrument are to be deemed and treated as 6 equally secured by any future mortgage or deed of trust which may be at any time made in compliance with or in conformity to the conditions or provisions hereinbefore " contained, as well as by this present indenture, without regard to the time or times when the said bonds or any of " them shall have been actually issued, and without any dis- crimination or preference of one over another." And whereas, The party of the first part has'acquired title to the railroad referred to in the said Article III of the aforesaid indenture, formerly belonging to the Cedar Falls and Minnesota Railroad Company, extending from the junc¬ tion of the same with the main line of railway of the party of the first part near Cedar Falls, in the County of Black- hawk and State of Iowa to the south line of the State of Minnesota, and is now lawfully seized and possessed of the said railroad and its appurtenances, as of a. good, sure, per¬ fect and indefeasible estate in law in fee simple, free from all adverse claims and encumbrances. And whereas. The said Illinois Central Railroad Com¬ pany has, at the request of the party of the first part, and in accordance with the terms of the aforesaid indenture of Feb¬ ruary i, 1895, and for the purposes therein mentioned, made and executed its one thousand eight hundred and seventy- five (1875) additional negotiable coupon bonds for the sum of one thousand dollars each, and numbered consecutively from No. 8,126 to No. 10,000, both inclusive, all of the same tenor as the three thousand five hundred and fifty (3550) bonds heretofore issued under and secured by the aforesaid indenture of February i, 1895, and hereinbefore particularly described. Now, therefore, for the purpose of further securing 7 the payment of the principal and interest of all the bonds issued or that may be issued by the said Illinois Central Railroad Company as contemplated or provided in the afore¬ said indenture of February first, A. D. 1895, hereinbefore referred to (including the said three thousand five hundred and fifty gold bonds, numbered consecutively from No. i to No. 3550, both inclusive, for the sum of three million five hundred and fifty thousand dollars, above mentioned, and also the said one thousand eight hundred and seventy-five additional negotiable coupon bonds, of the new or later issue herein above particularly referred to, numbered from No, 8,126 to No. 1O5OOO, both inclusive, for the sum of one million eight hundred and seventy-five thousand dollars, as well as all the other bonds, to the further amount of not exceeding four million five hundred and seventy-five thou¬ sand dollars, that may be hereafter issued by the said Illinois Central Railroad Company and authenticated pursuant to the provisions of the said indenture of February first, 1895), as the same shall become payable, according to their tenor and effect, all of which bonds are to be deemed equally secured by these presents, without preference of one over the other, the party of the first part, in consideration of the premises and of one dollar to it in hand paid by the party of the second part, the receipt of which is hereby acknowledged, has granted, bargained, sold and conveyed, and by these presents does grant, bargain, sell and convey unto the said party of the second part, its successors and assigns, and to its successors in said trust, and their successors and assigns, all and singular that part of the railroad of the party of the first part, situated in the State of Iowa, described as follows, to-wit: The railroad lately belonging to the Cedar Falls and 8 Minnesota Railroad Company, extending from the junction of the same with the main line of the party of the first part near Cedar Falls, in the County of Blackhawk and State of Iowa, through the counties of Blackhawk, Bremer, Chickasaw, Floyd and Mitchell, in the same State, to the south line of the State of Minnesota, the same being about seventy-five miles in length, together with the roadbed, superstructure, right of way, and all the side-tracks, bridges, viaducts, station-houses, car-houses, engine-houses, shops, warehouses, turn-tables, water stations, fences, and other buildings and structures now owned or which may be hereafter acquired or provided for use upon the said railroad above described, and all and singular the easements, hereditaments and appurtenances thereto belonging, and the corporate rights, privileges and franchises of the party of the first part apper¬ taining to the said railroad, or the maintenance and use thereof, including the franchise to use, enjoy and operate the same and demand and receive tolls and compensation there¬ for. To have and to hold all and singular the premises hereby granted or conveyed, with the privileges and appurtenances thereto belonging or in anywise appertaining, unto the said party of the second part, its successors and assigns, forever : ht trusty nevertheless, to and for the uses and purposes, and upon the conditions, with the rights and powers, and subject to the provisions, agreements, covenants and stipulations hereinafter set forth and declared ; that is to say: 1. No bond shall be deemed to be secured by this mortgage until a certificate authenticating the same and endorsed thereon, in the following form, shall have been signed by the trustee: 9 The within bond is issued under the mortgage or deed of trust made by the Dubuque and Sioux City Railroad Company to the United States Trust Corppany of New York, as trustee, dated February i, 1895." IL All bonds secured by this indenture and the proceeds thereof shall be used for and appropriated to the objects and purposes contemplated and expressed in the aforesaid indenture of February first, 1895, hereinbefore referred to. It is understood, however, that no purchaser of said bonds shall be required to see to the application of any of said bonds or their proceeds, and that the certificate of the party of the second part endorsed on said bonds shall be conclusive in favor of every holder thereof that such bonds are bonds issued pursuant to the provisions of the aforesaid indenture of February i, 1895, and are secured hereby. III. The party of the first part shall in due season pay off and discharge, or cause to be paid off and discharged, alt taxes and assessments, general or special, which may from time to time be levied or imposed by competent authority upon the property and premises covered by this mortgage, or upon any part thereof, the lien whereof might or could be held superior to the lien of the said mortgage, so that the priority of this mortgage shall at all times be duly maintained and preserved, until all the indebtedness secured hereby shall be fully paid and satisfied. IV. Until default shall be made in the payment of the principal or interest of the bonds secured or intended to be secured by this indenture, or some of them, or until default shall be made in respect of something herein required or agreed to be done, kept or performed by the party of the first part, the said party of the first part, its successors 10 and assigns, shall be permitted to retain possession of the said railroad and other property hereinbefore described, and its appurtenances, and to use, manage, operate and enjoy the same, and to take, receive and dispose of all the receipts, earnings, revenues, profits and tolls thereof, in the same manner as if this indenture had not been made. V. In case default shall be made in the payment of the principal of any of the bonds secured or intended to be secured by this indenture according to their tenor, or in the payment of any interest accruing thereon, or any interest warrant or coupon issued for the payment thereof, at the time the same shall become due, or in case default shall be made in the performance or observance of any con¬ dition, stipulation or requirement binding upon the said party of the first part by the terms of this indenture, and such default shall continue for the period of four calendar months, then, upon the requisition in writing by the holders of one-fourth in amount of the said bonds unpaid and out- «I standing, it shall be lawful for the said party of the second part, its successor or successors in trust (the same default continuing) personally, or by its or their authorized attor¬ neys or agents, to enter upon and take possesssion of all and singular the premises hereby conveyed, and, as attor¬ neys in fact and agents of said party of the first part, to use, operate and manage the same in such manner as it or they shall judge the interests of said bondholders may require; and in such case, the party of the first part doth hereby covenant that it will, on request, peaceably surrender to said trustee or trustees, or its or their agents, the possession of the premises, and all the property and effects which are intended to pass by this grant, with all books, papers, con- 11 tracts, deeds, charters and other documents pertaining to the railroad hereby conveyed; and the said trustee or trustees are hereby authorized to receive the revenues of the said railroad, and to expend the same in payment of the repairs made and expenses incurred in the management and operation thereof, and in the execution of this trust, apply ing the surplus, if any there be, to the payment of the inter¬ est which shall become or shall fall due upon any of the bonds aforesaid, ratably, in the order in which it shall have accrued, without discrimination or preference. VL In case default shall be made as aforesaid, and con¬ tinue as aforesaid, the said party of the second part, its suc¬ cessor or successors in trust, are hereby authorized and empowered^if the laws of Iowa then in force shall not forbid the exercise of this power—upon such requisition in writing as is hereinbefore specified, after entry as aforesaid, or without entry, to sell and dispose of all and singular the premises hereby granted to the highest It bidder, at public auction, in the City of Dubuque, in the State of Iowa, at such place in said city, and at such time as it or they may designate and appoint, having first given notice of the place and time of such sale by advertisement, published not less than three times a week for six consecu¬ tive weeks in one or more daily newspapers published in the cities of Dubuque and New York, and to adjourn the said sale from time to time in their discretion ; and, if so adjourn¬ ing, to make the sale at the time and place to which the same may be so adjourned ; and to make and deliver to the purchaser or purchasers thereof a good and sufficient deed or deeds of conveyance in the law for the same, in fee sim¬ ple ; which sale and conveyance shall be a perpetual bar. 12 both in law and equity, against the said party of the. first part, and all other persons lawfully claiming or to claim the said premises or any part thereof, by, from, through or under said party of the first part ; and, after deducting from the proceeds of such sale the cost and expense thereof, and enough to indemnify themselves for all advances which may have been made, and against all liabilities which may have been incurred in the execution of this trust, as well as a reasonable compensation for their own services, the said trustee or trustees shall apply the residue of the said pro¬ ceeds, or so much thereof as may be necessary, to the pay¬ ment, first, of the interest which shall be due upon any of the aforesaid bonds, in the order in which it shall have accrued ; and next, to the payment of the principal of the said bonds then outstanding and remaining unpaid, whether the said bonds shall then have become due or not, such pay¬ ments to be made ratably, without discrimination or prefer¬ ence; and if there shall remain any surplus after the pay- 9 ment of all the said bonds in full, both principal and interest, the same shall be paid over to the said party of the first part, or its successors or assigns; and it is hereby declared that the purchaser or purchasers of the said premises shall not be answerable for the application of the purchase money. VII. In case default shall be made as aforesaid, and shall continue as aforesaid, it shall be lawful for the said trustee or trustees, upon such requisition as is hereinbefore specified, if they should deem it more safe or advantageous to bring the premises to a judicial sale, or, if the laws of Iowa-then in force should not permit the exercise of the foregoing power, to take appropriate legal proceedings to foreclose the equity of redemption of the party of the first part and of all persons 13 having any legal or equitable rights or interest in and to the premises hereby granted, and to enforce the rights of the bondholders under this deed of trust ; and, should the said trustee or trustees resort to such judicial proceedings, it shall likewise be lawful for them, in the event aforesaid, to declare the principal of all the said bonds then unpaid and outstanding immediately due and payable, and the party of the first part agrees that it will thereupon and in such case immediately pay the whole amount of such principal and the interest then accrued and unpaid to the holders of such bonds and the coupons for such interest, upon surrender thereof to the party of the first part, anything contained in the said bonds to the contrary notwithstanding. The proceeds of sale, in the event of such foreclosure, shall, after such deduc¬ tion as may be necessary for the expenses of the trust and the cost of the proceedings and sale, and for indemnity to the trustee or trustees as provided in the preceding para¬ graph, be appropriated and applied in the manner in that paragraph directed in the case of a sale pursuant to the power thereby conferred. VIII. It is further understood and agreed that the party of the second part, its successor or successors in trust, may, in their discretion, on the request of the party of the first part, consent to any change in the location of the roadway or tracks of the railroad hereby mortgaged, or the sale or exchange for other property of any part of the railroad prop¬ erty hereby mortgaged which may not be necessary for the uses and purposes of the said railroad, and execute all nec¬ essary releases for that purpose. But the proceeds of any sale so made shall be invested by the party of the first part either in the improvement of the remaining part of the railroad 14 or railroad property hereby mortgaged, or in the purchase of other real property for the uses of said railroad, which prop¬ erty so purchased, as also any acquired in exchange as afore¬ said, shall be subject to all the trusts created or declared in this indenture. IX. And the said party of the first part further covenants and agrees with the said party of the second part, its suc¬ cessor or successors in'trust, that it will at any and all times hereafter, at its or their request, make, execute, acknowledge and deliver all such further deeds, conveyances and 'assur¬ ances in the law for the better assuring unto the said party of the second part, and its successor or successors in the trust hereby created, upon the trusts herein expressed, the railroad, railroad property and appurtenances hereinbefore granted or intended to be granted, as by the said party of the second part, or its or their successors in trhst, or by its or their or his counsel learned in the law, shall be reason¬ ably advised, devised or required. And it is hereby further declared and agreed that nothing in this indenture contained shall in any manner limit or affect any right or remedy, of the holders of the bonds hereby secured against the Illinois Central Railroad Company. X. Any costs, charges and expenses incurred in, or in respect of, or in connection with the execution of this trust by or on behalf of the said party of the second part, its suc¬ cessor or successors in trust, or for which the said party of the second part, its successor or successors in trust, shall be or become in any wise liable or responsible, shall be borne and defrayed by the said party of the first part, its suc¬ cessors or assigns, and said party of the first part undertakes, covenants and agrees for itself and its successors and assigns, 15 that it and they will upon demand, pay all such costs, charges and expenses, including therein just and reasonable compensation to said party of the second part, its successor or successors in trust, for such services as it or they may be called upon to render in, or about, or in respect of, t the trust hereby created. XL The party of the second part accepts the trust here¬ by created, and covenants with the party of the first part that it will execute the same, and certify the said one thou sand, eight hundred and seventy-five additional negotiable coupon bonds of the said Illinois Central Railroad Company, for the sum of one thousand dollars each, numbered con secutively from No. 8,126 to No. 10,000, both inclusive, hereinbefore particularly provided for and intended to be hereby secured, and deliver the same to the party of the first part, to be by it used and applied in accordance with the provisions of this indenture. But it is hereby expressly understood and agreed that neither the said party of the second part nor any successor in the trust hereby crehted shall incur any responsibility or liability, save for the willful or intentional breaches by such trustee of the trust herein expressed or contained; that the party of the second part or any successor hereunder may on thirty days' notice in writ¬ ing addressed to the party of the first part, at its office in the City of New York, resign, and thereupon be finally dis¬ charged as such trustee ; and that neither the said party of the second part nor any successor in this trust shall at any time be bound or required to act or to undertake any pro¬ ceeding at law or in equity, or otherwise, for the protection of the bondholders, or at the request of the party of the first part, involving expense or liability, unless, if it shall see fit 16 to require it, adequate indemnity against such outlay or lia¬ bility shall be furnished by the bondholders or the party of the first part asking such action or proceeding. And it is hereby further provided and agreed that the certificate or opinion of the counsel or attorney of the party of the second part, or its successor in trust, to the facts entitling the party of the first part to the authentication of any of the addi¬ tional bonds provided for in Articles II and III of the aforesaid indenture of February i, 1895, or to the facts au¬ thorizing the consent of the party of the second part to a release of any portion of the mortgaged premises as pro¬ vided in Article VIII hereof shall be sufficient evidence of such facts, and shall fully protect the said party of the sec¬ ond part and its successors in respect to the authentication, certification and delivery of said bonds, or the execution and the delivery of the instrument or instruments evidencing such release. But the certificate or opinion of such counsel or attorney shall in no case be necessary or insisted upon by the party of the second part or its successors, provided reasonable evidence or assurance of such facts shall be furnished by the party of the first part. XIL In case of the resignation, neglect, refusal or in¬ capacity of the trustee herein named to act as trustee, or in case of the death, resignation, refusal or incapacity to act of any successor of said trustee, then upon the application of any person interested, and notice to the said party of the first part, some suitable person, persons or corporation may be appointed by any Circuit Court of the United States of competent jurisdiction, to become the successor of such trustee, and thereupon the person, persons or corporation so appointed shall be and are hereby vested with all the estate, 17 rights, privileges and authority, and subject to all the duties by this instrument granted, conferred or imposed upon the party of the second part, to the same extent as if such per¬ son, persons or corporation were herein named. XIII. If the principal and interest upon the bonds issued and authenticated under the aforesaid indenture of February I, 1895, and intended to be secured hereby, shall be paid to the holders thereof, when and as the said principal and inter¬ est shall become due, according to the tenor and effect of the said bonds, then and from thenceforth this present indenture and the estate hereby granted and conveyed shall cease, determine and be void ; and the party of the second part or the trustee for the time being shall, upon the request of the party of the first part, its successor or assigns, duly execute and deliver the proper release or satisfaction of this mortgage deed of trust. In witness whereof, the said Dubuque and Sioux City Railroad Company, pursuant to the resolutions passed by its 'Board of Directors and approved by its stockholders at a special» meeting duly convened for that purpose within the State of Iowa, has caused its corporate name to be sub¬ scribed to this indenture by its Vice-President, and its cor¬ porate seal, attested by its Secretary, to be hereunto affixed; and the said United States Trust Company of New York has caused these presents to be signed by its 18 President, and its corporate seal attested by its Secretary, to be affixed hereto, all on the day and year first above written. DUBUQUE & SIOUX CITY RAILROAD COMPANY, corporate ; By john C. welling, ; Vice-President. Attest : A. G. Hackstaff, Secfy. UNITED STATES TRUST COMPANY OF NEW YORK, corporate ; By J. S. Clark, seal. : Second Vice-President. Attest : H. L. Thornell, Secty, State of Illinois, | County of Cook, j Be it remembered that on this 20th day of August, in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and ninety- six, before me, Julius L. Rinne, a Notary Public in and for said County of Cook, personally appeared John C. Welling, who is personally well known to me to be the Vice-President of the Dubuque and Sioux City Railroad Company, and the identical person whose name is subscribed to the foregoing instrument as Vice-President of the said company, and acknowledged the said instrument to be the voluntary act 19 and deed of the said Dubuque and Sioux City Railroad Company, and that he executed the same freely and volun¬ tarily as Vice-President of said company. In witness whereof, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed my notarial seal this 20th day of August, A. D. 1896. I Julius L. Rinne, [notarial seal] Notary Public. State of New York, ) City and County of New York, f Be it remembered that on this twentieth day of August, in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and ninety-six, before me, Thomas B. Clifford, a Commissioner of Deeds of the State of Iowa in and for the State of New York, and Notary Public for New York County aforesaid, personally appeared Alexander G. Hackstaff, who is person¬ ally well known to me to be the Secretary of the Dubuque and Sioux City Railroad Corripany, and the identical person whose name is subscribed to the foregoing instrument as Secretary of the said company, and acknowledged the said instrument to be the voluntary act and deed of the said Dubuque and Sioux City Railroad Company, and that he executed the same freely and voluntarily as Secretary of said company. In witness whereof, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed my official seals this twentieth day of August, A. D. 1896. Thomas B. Clifford, 206 Broadway, N. Y., Commissioner for the State of Iowa in New York., and Notary Public for New [official seals] York County^ N. Y. 20 State of New York, ) City and County of New York. ( Be it remembered that on this 2ist day of August, in the year of our .Lord one thousand eight hundred and ninety-six, before mê, George H. Corey, a Commissioner of Deeds of the State of Iowa in and foi* the State of New York, and Notary Public for New York County aforesaid, personally appeared James S. Clark, who is personally well known to me to be the Second Vice-President of the J > United States Trust Company of New York, and the identical person whosp name is subscribed to the foregoing instrument as Second|Vice-President of the said Company, and Henry L. Thorr|ell, who is personally well known to me to be the Secretary of tbe said United States Trust Compiiiy of iNew York, a:nd the identical person whose name is subscrrl^ed tbithe foregoing instrument as Secretary of the said Company, and severally acknowledged the said instrument to be the voluntary act and deed of the said United States Trust Company of New York, and that they » severally executed the same freely and voluntarily as Sec¬ ond Vice-President and Secretary of the said Company. In witness whereof, I have hereto set my hand and affixed my official s^ls this twenty-first day of August, A. D. 1896. f Geo. H. Corey, CofHinismgner for tJie State of lozva itt New York, and Notary Public for Nezv [official seals] York County^ N. Y. 5556 042 153445 This book is a preservation facsimile produced for the Northwestern University Library. It is made in compliance with copyright law and produced on acid-free archival 60# book weight paper which meets the requirements of ANSI/NISO Z39.48-1992 (permanence of paper) Preservation facsimile printing and binding by Acme Bookbinding Charlestown, Massachusetts 2012