Bondholders' Agreements OF CHICAGO, ALTON AND ST. LOUIS RAILROAD COMPANY AND Mortgage OF CHICAGO AND ALTON RAILROAD COMPANY. Jßonbbolbers' Höreement of CHICAGO, ALTON AND ST. LOUIS RAILROAD COMPANY, (Late Chicago and Mississippi/) Made ioth January, i860, Altered 9TH July, 1862, Modified 23d July, 1862, And Finally Amended 25th October, 1862. RECORDED IN THE OFFICE OF THE SECRETARY OF STATE OF THE STATE OF ILLINOIS, IN CONFORMITY WITH THE CHARTER OF THE CHICAGO AND ALTON R. R. CO., Approved February i8th, 1861. AN AGREEMENT, Made this 10th day of January, A. D. 1860, WITNESSETH, That whereas, The Chicago, Alton and St. Louis Railroad Company, by its former corporate name of The Chicago and Mississippi Railroad Company, on the first of Oc¬ tober, 1852, made & first mortgage to Flagg, Hoad- ley and Williams, trustees, to secure the payment of $2,000,000 of seven per cent, bonds, all of which are outstanding ; and on the first of June, 1853, made a second mortgage to Flagg, Hoadley and Williams, trustees, to secure the payment of $2,000,000 of seven per cent, bonds, of which not more than $1,535,000 are now outstanding ; and on the 12th of May, 1854, made a third mortgage to Williams and Titus, trustees, to secure the pay¬ ment of $1,000,000 of ten per cent, bonds, bearing date March 1st, 1854 ; And whereas, each of said mortgages constitutes, and is in fact, a valid lien upon the property and fran¬ chises therein described, and in the order of priority as as above stated ; And ivhereas, in 1857, a Company called the St. Louis, Alton and Chicago Railroad Company, issued mortgage bonds, bearing eight per cent, interest, and induced holders of about $358,500 of said ten per cent, bonds to exchange the same for about $482,600 of said eight per cent, bonds ; but that such exchange was made under such circumstances as to give the parties receiving them the right, upon cancelling said eight per cent, bonds, to repossess themselves of said ten per cent, bonds, so surrendered, but not, in fact, can¬ celled ; thus making the whole original issue of $1,000,000 of ten per cent, bonds now outstanding and unpaid, and the mortgage debt of said Railroad Cor¬ poration, exclusive of all arrears of interest, about $4,535,000 ; 2 And whereas, suits for the foreclosure of said three mortgages are now pending in the Courts of Illinois, wherein divers defences have been interposed by divers defendants ; And whereas, James Robb and Charles Congdon, Es¬ quires, have been appointed receivers of said Railroad Corporation, under and by virtue of an order or decree, of which a copy is hereunto annexed : Noiv, this Agreement, Made by and between the un¬ dersigned, as holders of said first, second, third, and eight per cent, mortgage bonds, and other claims, set opposite their respective signatures hereto, WITNESS¬ ETH, that for and in consideration of the foregoing premises, and of one dollar to each of them in hand paid, and of the several agreements of each of the others as hereinafter contained, they do hereby severally agree as follows : First.—The undersigned severally hereby state and declare, that they own or represent the owners of the number, amount, and kinds of mortgage bonds and other claims set opposite their respective signatures hereto. Second.—The undersigned holders of said first, second, third, and eight per cent, mortgage bonds, and other claims, for and in consideration of one dollar to each paid by said receivers, hereby severally agree to pay to James Robb and Charles Congdon, Esquires, or their successors, in money, an amount not exceeding five per cent, upon the whole amount of the principal sum of the mortgage bonds or other claims set opposite to their respective signatures hereto, two and a half per cent, of which shall be paid at the time of signing this agreement, and the balance whenever called for bv said receivers or their successors. And all moneys thus paid to said receivers or their successors shall be recognized by them as loans, having a first lien on the entire road and property in their hands, according to the terms of the decree appointing said receivers, and said receivers or their successors shall give proper vouchers or evidences for said loans, and shall repay them with interest, out of the first net 3 earnings of the road, after paying the employees. All moneys advanced to said Robb and Congdon, as re¬ ceivers, by any of the undersigned, before subscribing hereto, shall be credited or allowed on the present sub¬ scriptions. Third.—At a meeting to be called for that purpose ou a notice of at least ten days, published in two daily newspapers of the city of New York, or by notice given to them personally or through the post-office, the undersigned will nominate and appoint six compe¬ tent persons as their several and respective trustees and attorneys in fact, to act for them severally, and to represent their respective interests as bondholders as aforesaid, under the provisions of this agreement, and especially to exercise the powers and perform the duties hereinafter specified. At the said proposed meeting, and at all other meetings of the subscribers hereto, each subscriber shall be entitled to one vote for each $1,000 of the principal of the bonds and other claims represented by their subscriptions. The first meeting may be called by the first three subscribers hereto, who are hereby appointed a committee for that purpose. All subsequent meetings shall be called by the trustees elected at the first meeting, or their suc¬ cessors, or a majority of them, who shall give the same notice as above provided for the first meeting. Neither the said trustees nor their successors in the trust, nor any person under them, shall have power or authority to do any act or thing whereby any subscriber shall become liable to pay any money, unless the sub¬ scriber shall hereafter give his written assent. Nor shall they have power to sell, hypothecate, or in any manner incumber the bonds, coupons or other evidences of debt which may come into their possession, or in any manner be under their control by virtue of this agreement. Fourth.—It is hereby agreed by all the undersigned that said trustees or attorneys shall, if possible, obtain a special charter creating said new corporation, with the following provisions : (1.) That the name of said new corporation shall be "The Chicago and St. 4 Louis Railroad Company." (2.) That said Company shall have power to issue a mortgage bonds of $2,000,000 upon the entire road, property, rolling stock, and franchises of the Company, and may issue income bonds for the amount of interest on the present first mortgage bonds, which may be funded or exchanged for said income bonds—and that except said first mortgage of $2,000,000, and said income bonds for funded interest, said Company shall not create any mortgage on their property, nor any bonded debt of any kind. (3. ¡ That said Company shall have power to issue preferred seven per cent, stock limited to the amount of the second mortgage bonds and interest thereon, to the date of organization of the new Com¬ pany, and other claims proposed to be exchanged for said preferred stock by this agreement. (4.) That said Company shall have power to issue common stock to the amount of the present third mortgage bonds, and accrued interest to the date of organization of the new Company. (5.) That said Company shall not create any debt unless the assent in writing of a majority in interest of the owners or holders of all shares of capital stock issued by said Company, and of a majority in interest of all the holders or owners of the first mortgage bonds, shall be first liad and obtained, authorizing the same, and (6.) Such other provisions and restrictions as in the judgment of said trustees and attorneys may be proper or expedient in order to carry into effect, as well as to guard and protect the respective interests of all parties to this agreement, according to its true spirit and intent. Fifth.—That said trustees and attorneys, hereafter to be appointed as aforesaid, and their successors are hereby authorized and empowered to purchase said Railroad and corporate property at any sale thereof which shall be hereafter made under any decree of foreclosure of either of said mortgages. Such sale and purchase to be made subject to all liens, rights, and claims of the holders of any prior mortgage ; and that the said Railroad and property so purchased, shall be 5 held subject to the conditions and agreements, and upon the trusts herein contained and declared. Sixth.—The undersigned hereby agree to surrender the bonds, together with all coupons thereon, and the other claims set opposite to their signatures hereto, to said trustees or attorneys, whenever they shall be¬ come purchasers, as aforesaid, of said Railroad and corporate property, and shall have duly organized a new corporation under a general or special act of the State of Illinois, as contemplated in section 4th of this agreement. Seventh.—And whenever said trustees or attorneys shall be prepared to cause to be lawfully issued, in the name of said new corporation, two thousand bonds for $1,000 each, bearing an interest of seven per cent., payable in the city of New York, semi-annually, and the principal redeemable in the year 1885 ; such bonds to be secured by a valid first mortgage or deed of trust upon the franchises, real and personal property, roll¬ ing stock, and effects of said new corporation, and to embrace the entire corporate property and franchises so to be purchased by said trustees or attorneys as aforesaid, such of the undersigned as own or represent owners of said existing first mortgage bonds, hereby agree, that they will severally take and receive in lieu and in payment of the principal sum of each and all of said first mortgage bonds now held by them, first mortgage bonds of said new corporation, at par ; and for the interest which shall, up to and including the first daj' of , 186 , accrue upon said first mortgage bonds now held by them, they hereby agree to take and receive full payment thereof in the income bonds of said new corporation, at par, bearing seven per cent, interest, payable semi-annually in the city of New York, redeemable' in not less than fifteen years from the date of their issue. Eighth.—Such of the undersigned as own or repre¬ sent owners of said second mortgage bonds, hereby agree to receive from said trustees, in lieu thereof, an amount in the preferred shares of the capital stock of said new corporation, at par, equal to the principal and 6 interest then due and unpaid, upon the said second mortgage bonds. The said preferred shares to be en¬ titled to a dividend out of the net earnings of the new Company, for each fiscal year, of not exceeding seven per cent, before any dividend shall be paid upon the common stock, and to share pro rata with the common stock, in any dividend exceeding seven per cent, on the whole stock of the Company. The whole amount of preferred stock to be issued by the new com¬ pany shall not exceed the amount of the second mortgage bonds and interest thereon, and such other claims as are provided to be exchanged for preferred stock by the present agreement. The holders of said preferred stock shall be entitled to vote at all stockholders' meetings and elections of the new Com¬ pany in the same manner as the common stockholders, and shall have the same pro rata voice and rights in the management of said new corporation as the common stockholders. And it is hereby further agreed that the City and Merchants' Banks, of New Haven, and the New Haven County Bank, or their assigns—if they be¬ come parties to this agreement, upon a surrender by them of a chattel mortgage, upon the rolling stock of said Railroad, made to secure the payment of about 155,000, shall be entitled to receive in exchange there¬ for, an equal amount at par to said $55,000 and interest thereon, in the preferred stock of the new Company proposed to be formed. Provided, said Banks or their assigns shall pay and advance to said Robb and Congdon, receivers, like sums or percentages, in money, upon said sum of $55,000, as is required of holders of mortgage bonds under this agreement, and on the same conditions. Ninth.— Such of the undersigned as own or repre¬ sent owners of said third mortgage bonds, hereby agree to receive from said trustees in lieu thereof, an amount in common shares of the capital stock of said new corporation, at par, equal to the principal, and interest thereon ; and such of the undersigned as hold or represent owners of said eight per cent, bonds hereby agree to cancel the same, at the same time they 7 surrender their third or ten per cent, mortgage bonds received back in lieu thereof, as aforesaid. Tenth.—Sucli of the undersigned as hold or repre¬ sent detached mortgage coupons being a valid lieu on the road and property, shall surrender the same to the said trustees or attorneys, and receive in exchange therefor : For 1st mortgage coupons, an equal amount of income bonds of the new corporation. For 2d mortgage coupons, an equal amount of pre¬ ferred stock of the new corporation. For 3d mortgage coupons, an equal amount of com¬ mon stock of the new corporation. Upon condition, however, that they shall respect¬ ively pay and advance to said llobb and Congdon, receivers, like sums, or percentages in money, upon the amount of said coupons, as is required of the holders of mortgage bonds under this agreement, and on the same conditions. Eleventh.—It is agreed by all the undersigned that said Railroad and corporate property when purchased in manner aforesaid, shall be held by said trustees or attorneys in trust, for the exclusive benefit of the undersigned. Should any funds be hereafter required to purchase said road and property, it is hereby agreed that only sucli of the subscribers as shall contribute to said funds shall share in the profits and advantages accruing from said purchase ; but all subscribers hereto shall retain their rights acquired under the seventh, eighth, ninth, and tenth heads or sections of this agreement. Iwelfth.—It is agreed by all the undersigned that the time within which the above-described mortgage bondholders, and others, can become parties to this agreement shall be limited to and including the twen¬ tieth day of March, A. D. 18G0 ; and that notice shall be given, by advertisement or otherwise, of the general object or purpose of this agreement, and the time within which bondholders can become parties thereto. Thirteenth.—It is farther understood and agreed, that either or all of the trustees or attorneys, ap- 8 pointed under this agreement, may resign tlieir trust and position at any time, and in case of any resigna¬ tion or vacancy, caused by death or removal, or other inability or incapacity to act, the survivors shall at once call a meeting of the subscribers, for the purpose of appointing new trustees or attorneys, to fill vacan¬ cies ; and a vote of two-thirds in interest of the sub¬ scribers hereto, shall be necessary to elect any new trustee or attorney. Fourteenth.—The said trustees or attorneys shall keep a true record of all their acts and doings, under this agreement, which shall, at all reasonable times, be open to the inspection of any subscriber, or his legal representatives, having one thousand dollars of claims. Fifteenth.— Annual meetings of the subscribers hereto shall be held in the city of New York, in the month of December, in each year, which meetings called by said trustees or attorneys, who shall specify the time and place of holding the same ; and at such meeting, or at any special meeting duly called, they shall submit a full and specific statement of all their acts and proceedings, under this agreement. Sixteenth.—It is further understood and agreed, that at any regular and special meeting of the subscribers, duly called, at which a majority in interest (as the same may be) of each class of bondholders or their assigns or legal representatives shall be present and voting, in the affirmative, it shall be competent for said meeting to alter or modify this agreement, or any part thereof ; and, therefore, this agreement shall have the same effect in law and equity as if the said alterations or modifications had been duly incorporated herein—but no subscriber hereto, or his legal representatives, shall become liable to pay any money (except at his option), by anv such action, unless lie shall have voted therefor or assented thereto. Seventeenth.—It is hereby agreed by all the under¬ signed, that, in carrying out any of the provisions of this agreement, said trustees or attorneys are hereby authorized, in relation to all matters, exigencies, and things not herein specifically provided for, to exercise 9 a liberal discretion in the premises ; and further, that a 'majority of said trustees or attorneys shall have power to act in all cases under this agreement. IN WITESS WHEREOF, the undersigned have hereunto subscribed their names, and set opposite thereto the number, amount, and kind of mort¬ gage bonds, and other claims held by each of them. NAMES. NUMBER. 1st. : 2d. : 3d. CLASS OF SECURITY. WHOLE AMOUNT. 10 Alterations and modifications of this agreement made by a majority of each class of bondholders, July 9th, 1862. Resolved, That the agreement made the 10th day of January, 1860, between the holders of the First, Second, Third, and Eight per cent, mortgage bonds of the Chicago and Mississippi Railroad Company, and of other claims against the Chicago, Alton, and St. Louis Railroad Company, be, and the same is hereby, " altered and modified," in pursuance of the sixteenth section of the said agreement, in the manner following, viz. : 1st. The first mortgage provided by Article Fourth of the said agreement shall be increased from two millions—to which the same is therein limited—to the amount of two millions and seven hundred thousand dollars, for the purpose of satisfying the liens created by the decree in Groo lees et al. vs. The Chicago, Alton, and Si. Louis Railroad Company el al., in the Circuit Court of the United States for the Northern District of Illi¬ nois, and for the purpose of settling the claims of Brown Brothers & Company ; and six hundred thou¬ sand dollars of such increased issue shall be in prefer¬ ential bonds, with provisions for the application of $72,000 per annum, for interest, and sinking fund for the redemption of the said bonds. 2d. That the claims of Brown Brothers & Company in respect to the coupons held by them, and of every other name and nature, except their lien under the said decree, be settled by the delivery to them of bonds and stock of the issues provided in the said agreement, as follows : 75,000 of First mortgage bonds, 25,000 Income, 50,000 Preferred stock, 50,000 Common stock ; And that, upon such delivery, the said Brown Brothers & Company assign to such parties as may be designated for such purpose all the securities, claims, 11 and demands of tlie said firm against the Chicago, Alton, and St. Louis Railroad Company. 3d. That the amounts advanced by the bondholders to the receiver, and required by Article Second of said agreement to be paid out of the first net earnings of the road after paying the employees, be paid in the preferential bonds ; or out of the proceeds of the sale, of a sufficient number of said bonds above allowed, as holders may elect ; and that R. T. Merrick, Esq., be authorized, in behalf of the bondholders, to file a copy of these Resolutions in the Circuit Court of the United States for the Northern District of Illinois ; and thereupon to obtain the proper certificate that the lien created in favor of said bondholders on account of said advances under said decree in said First Resolu¬ tion mentioned is satisfied and discharged. Resolved, That the reorganization be consummated under the act of February 18th, 1861, and that S. J. Tilden, and R. T. Merrick, Esqs., be and they are hereby requested to proceed forthwith to take the necessary legal steps to perfect the title in the new Corporation. Resolved, That the Chairman of the Trustees be, and he is hereby requested to call in the bonds of the first and second mortgages, together with the receiver's receipts for advanced money and hold the same to purchase under any decree hereafter directing the sale of said road, as may be deemed ex¬ pedient by the Counsel named in the foregoing resolu¬ tion, and that said chairman, upon receiving said bonds, issue certificates therefor to the holders, accord¬ ing to the class to which the bonds so surrendered may belong. Resolved, That mortgage bond or coupon holders of the Chicago, Alton, and St. Louis Railroad Com¬ pany who have not heretofore assented to our agree¬ ment, and loaned the Receiver 5 per cent., may be¬ come parties thereto on such terms and within such time as shall be fixed by the trustees elected by us. 12 Alterations and modifications of this agreement made by a majority of each class of bondholders, July 23d, 1862. ' ' Resolved, That for the purpose of enabling the trust¬ ees to carry iuto effect the resolutions adopted at the meeting of July 9, 1862, and in order more clearly to define their powers in certain respects, the agreement made the 10th day of January, 1860, between the holders of the First, Second, Third, and Eight per cent. Mortgage Bonds of the Chicago and Mississippi Railroad Company, and of other claims against the Chicago, Alton, and St. Louis Railroad Company be, and the same is hereby " altered and modified," in pur¬ suance of the sixteenth section of the said agreement in the manner following, viz. : 1. The holders of bonds or coupons being parties to this agreement, for the purpose of enabling the trust¬ ees to use the same in the purchase of the railroad at any sale or sales thereof which may be made, shall deposit such bonds and coupons, subject to the order of the trustees, with such persons, at such time and place as may be prescribed by the trustees ; and, upon the delivery of the bonds and preferred and common stock of the new corporation to be issued in exchange therefor, shall assign the same to such persons and in sucli manner as may be required by the trustees for the better assuring of the title of the new corporation. 2. The trustees shall have power to purchase the railroad and other property in the names of such persons as they shall deem most expedient; to cause the same to be duly conveyed to the new corporation to be organized under the act of February 18tli, 1861, subject to such conditions, restrictions, and stipulations as they may deem proper for the general objects of this agreement ; to do all acts and things for the due organization of the said corporation, and for investing it with the title of the said railroad and property ; to decide all questions which may arise in respect to the form of the new securities or preferred or common stock ; to declare in respect to any party to this agree- 13 ment who shall fail to comply with each and all the conditions and provisions thereof, to be by him done or kept, that such party is remitted to his rights to his distributive share of the proceeds of sale, and that all other and further rights which he might have by virtue of this agreement have ceased ; whereupon such other and further rights shall cease ; and generally to do all acts and things fit to carry out the objects of this agreement. 3. While any vacancies exist, the surviving or continuing trustees may exercise the powers of the whole number. S. M. Blatchford, Chairman. N. A. cowdrey, Secretary. Alterations and modifications of this agreement, made by a majority of each class of Bondholders, October ¿5th, 1862. Resolved, That the agreement made the 10th day of January, 1860, between the holders of the first, second, third, and eight per cent, mortgage bonds of the Chicago and Mississippi Railroad Company, and of other claims against the Chicago, Alton and St. Louis Railroad Company, be, and the same is hereby, " altered and modified," in pursuance of the sixteenth section of the said agreement, in the manner follow¬ ing, viz.: 1. The issue of preferred first mortgage bonds, pro¬ vided for in said agreement, shall be denominated Preferred First Mortgage Sinking Fund Bonds, and shall consist of six hundred bonds of one thousand dollars each, bearing date on the first day of Novem¬ ber, 1862, and payable at the office or agency of the company in the city of New York, on the first clay of November, 1877, with interest thereon at the rate of seven per centum per annum, payable semi-annually, 14 at the said office or agency. And the said bonds shall be entitled to the benefits of the special preferred lien to be created in their favor. 2. The issue of first mortgage bonds of the said Chicago and Alton Railroad Company, provided for in the said agreement, shall consist of two thousand and one hundred bonds of one thousand dollars each, bear¬ ing date on the first day of November, 1862, and pay¬ able at the said office or agency of the company, in the city of New York, on the first day of January, 1893, with interest from the first day of January, 1863, at the rate of seven per centum per annum, payable semi-annually at the said office or agency, with provision in the deed or mortgage by which the said bonds shall be secured for an increase of the said issue to the aggregate amount of three millions of dollars including the $600,000 of pre¬ ferred bonds ; such increase to be applied, or the proceeds thereof applied to the improvement of the road, its equipments, appurtenances, and other neces¬ sary purposes of the re-organization, under the ap¬ proval of the said trustees. 3. The issue of income bonds of the said Chicago and Alton Railroad Company, provided for in the said agreement, shall consist of bonds of each, amounting in the aggregate to a sum sufficient to comply with the provisions of the said agreement, and bearing date on the first day of November, 1862, payable at the office or agency of the said company in the city of New York on the first day of January, 1883, with interest thereon from the first day of January, 1863, at the rate of seven per centum per annum, payable semi-annually at the said office or agency, on the first days of April and October in each year. 4. That the amount of Common Stock to be issued for the third mortgage bonds shall be computed at the rate of interest provided in the bonds, up to January 1, 1863. 5. That the amount of Common Stock to be issued for eight per cent, bonds be computed on the principal 15 of tlie said bonds, with interest at the rate provided in the said bonds, up to January 1st, 1863. 6. That the expenses incurred under the bond¬ holders' agreement as modified and altered to carry same out, and for the purposes of reorganization, shall be paid by the Chicago and Alton Railroad Co., on vouchers approved by the trustees. 7. That the trustees be authorized to redeem the receiver's certificates at par, and interest at the rate of ten per cent., until the time limited and notification for payment, from the proceeds of the preferred bonds, or to give preferred bonds for such certificates, so far as can be done with bonds of the denomination of $1,000, paying less sums or fractions in cash, according to the discretion of the trustees for the convenient execution of their trusts. 8. That the trustees be authorized to make the ag¬ gregate issue of the Common Stock, the Preferred Stock, and the income Bonds, each a round sum, such as will be sufficient to meet the exigencies of the bondholders' agreement, and to make any adjustments which the trustees and the Chicago and Alton Railroad Company shall agree to be necessary for the reorganization ; and having fixed such aggregate amounts, to execute under the signatures of a majority of the trustees, a certifi¬ cate of said amounts, and to file such certificate in the office of the Secretary of State of the State of Illinois : and that upon such filing the said certificate shall take effect as a part of the bondholders' agreement, so far as to operate as a limitation upon the aggregate issue of such Common Stock, and Preferred Stock, and income bonds, and upon the powers of the Chicago and Alton Railroad Company, under its act of incorporation, in the same manner as if such limitations had been ascer¬ tained and certified in the original agreement. 9. That the trustees may, in their discretion, cause to be inserted in (lie deed of trust or mortgage, or other instrument, whereby the payment of the first mortgage bonds is to be secured, such lawful provis¬ ions as they shall de em expedient to secure the payment 16 of the income bonds, in the order of priority now estab¬ lished by the bondholders' agreement ; and to prevent the Chicago and Alton Railroad Company from creating or suffering to arise any lien against its railroad or prop¬ erty in priority to the payment of interest and principal of the said income bonds, or of dividends upon the Preferred Stock. 10. That in respect to any and all other things not specifically and adequately provided for by the bondholders' agreement as "altered and modi¬ fied," the trustees are hereby vested with full powers and authorities for the complete execution of their trust, in such manner as in their judgment shall be necessary to such execution. Resolved, That the agreement made the 10th day of January, 1860, between the holders of the First, Second, Third, and Eight per cent. Mortgage Bonds of the Chicago and Mississippi Railroad Company, and of other claims against the Chicago, Alton, and St. Louis Railroad Company, be, and the same is hereby " altered and modified " in pursuance of the sixteenth section of the said agreement, in the manner following, viz. : Whereas, Samuel J. Tilden and Louis H. Meyer have, at the request of the trustees under the said agreement, as "altered and modified," purchased the railroad, franchises, property, and things mentioned in the said agreement, at a sale held at Joliet, in the State of Illinois, on the 27th day of September, 1862, under and pursuant to a decree of the Circuit Court of the United States for the Northern District of Illinois, in a cause therein depending, in which Septimus Crookes and others are complainants, and the Chicago, Alton, and St. Louis Railroad Company and others are defendants ; and such sale to the said purchasers has been duly confirmed by the said Court. And whereas, the said Samuel J. Tilden and Louis H. Meyer have been duly designated as the trustees under the deed, whereby the First Mortgage Bonds to be given as part of the consideration for the said rail - 17 road, franchises, property, and things, hy the Chicago and Alton Railroad Company, are to be secured. And whereas, the said Chicago and Alton Railroad Company has been duly organized in conformity to an act of the General Assembly of the State of Illi¬ nois, entitled " An Act to incorporate the Chicago and Alton Railroad Company," approved February 18th, 1861. And whereas, it is necessary for the purpose of com¬ pletely executing the trusts created in and by the said bondholders' agreement, that a deed or deeds to the said purchasers, trustees, and corporation, respect¬ ively, conveying all the right, title, and interest here¬ tofore acquired, or hereafter to be acquired, for or upon the trusts created by the said bondholders' agree¬ ment, should be duly executed and delivered by the trustees under the said agreement, whether original or new, and all and every of such trustees, of, in, and to the aforesaid railroad, franchises, property, and things. And whereas, the said original agreement provides as follows : Fifth.—That said trustees or attorneys hereafter to be appointed as aforesaid, and their successors, are hereby authorized and empowered to purchase said railroad and corporate property, at any sale thereof which shall be hereafter made under any decree of foreclosure of either of said mortgages. Buch sale and purchase to be made subject to all the liens, rights, and claims of the holders of any prior mortgage ; and that the said railroad and property so purchased, shall be held subject to the conditions and agreements, and upon the trusts herein contained and declared. Sixteenth.—It is further understood and agreed, that at any regular or special meeting of the sub¬ scribers, duly called, at which a majority in interest (as the same may then be) of each class of bond¬ holders or their assigns or legal representatives, shall be present and voting in the affirmative, it shall be competent for said meeting to alter or modify this agreement or any part thereof ; and there- 18 after this agreement shall liave the same effect in law and equity as if the said alterations or modifications had been duly incorporated herein—but 110 subscriber hereto, or his legal representatives, shall become liable to pay any money (except at Iiis option) by any such action, unless lie shall have voted therefor or assented thereto. Seventeenth.—It is hereby agreed by all the under¬ signed that, in carrying out any of the provisions of this agreement, said trustees or attorneys are hereby authorized, in relation to all matters, exigencies, and things, not herein specifically provided for, to exercise a liberal discretion in the premises ; and further, that a majority of said trustees or attorneys, shall have power to act in all cases under this agreement. And whereas, in and by a certain indenture, bearing date the eighteenth day of September, A. D. 1861, duly executed and delivered between James Robb of the first part, and Charles Moran, Adrian Iselin, Septimus Crookes, William Höge, Nathan Peck, and Ezra C. Read of the second part, the said James Robb granted, bargained, and sold unto the said parties of the second part to the said indenture, all the railroad, franchises, property, and things therein mentioned. In trust, nevertheless, for the objects and purposes specified in the agreement of January 10th, A. D. 1860. Now, therefore, it is hereby agreed and declared, at this special meeting of the subscribers to the said agreement duly called in pursuance of the provisions thereof, and at which a majority in interest of each class of bondholders are now present, and by such majority voting for this alteration and modification of the said agreement, that the true intent, meaning, and effect of the said agreement is, to grant to and confer upon the majority of the trustees under the said agreement, full power to act as well in the execution and delivery of all conveyances and other instruments which such majority may deem nec¬ essary for the complete execution of the trusts con¬ ferred upon the said trustees by the said agreement as originally made, or as " altered and modified " ; and 19 that such conveyances, when duly executed by a ma¬ jority of such trustees, shall and will operate to divest all right, title, and interest of all and every of the trust¬ ees who became parties to the said agreement, which was acquired upon, or subject to, the trusts therein declared. And further resolved, that the said trustees under the said bondholders' agreement for the purpose of completely executing their trusts, are hereby instructed to forthwith make and deliver, by a majority of them and such others of them as may join therein, to Sam¬ uel J. Tilden and Louis H. Meyer, a release of all the right, title, and interest of them, and of every of them, in the property sold under the decree of the Circuit Court of Macoupin county, Illinois, in a cause in which John Earl Williams and George N. Titus were com¬ plainants, and James Brown and others were defend¬ ants. Resolved, That William F. Havemeyer, Chairman, and H. E. Taintor, Secretary of this meeting; be, and they are hereby authorized to prepare a true copy of the original agreement, made, had, and concluded on the 10th day of January, 1860, in the city and State of New York, by and between the bondholders of the Chicago and Mississippi Bailroad Company, and the Chicago, Alton, and St. Louis Bailroad Company ; and of the alterations and modifications in such agreement, made July, 9th, 1862, and made July 23d, 1862, and made this 25th day of October, 1862, as such original and alter¬ ations and modifications are now to-day submitted for verification and ratification, are hereby verified and ratified ; and to certify the same under their signatures, as constituting the said agreement of the said bondholders, as altered and modified, and to file or record the same in the office of the Secretary of State of Illinois, in the manner required in the Act of the General Assembly of the State of Illinois, entitled An Act to incorporate the Chicago and Alton Bail- road Company," approved February 18th, 1861. 20 (CERTIFICATE.) We, William F. Havemeïer, Chairman, and H. F. Taintor, Secretary, of the special meeting of the sub¬ scribers to the agreement hereinafter mentioned, held at room number nine, number '25 William street, in the city of New York, on the 25tli day of October, 1862, hereby certify that the foregoing is a true copy of the original agreement made, had, and concluded on the 10th day of January, 1860, in the city and State of New York, by and between the Bondholders of the Chicago and Mississippi Railroad Company, and the Chicago, Alton, and St. Louis Railroad Company ; and of the alterations and modifications in such agreement, made July 9th, 1862, and made July '23d, 1862, and made the 25th day of October, 1862, as such original, and alterations and modifications were, on the said 25tli day of October, 1862, submitted for verification and ratification, and were at the said meeting verified and ratified ; and that the same constitutes the said agreement of the said Bondholders as altered and mod¬ ified. New York, October 31st, 1862. (Signed) W. F. HAYEMEYER, Chairman. H. F. TAINTOR, Secretary. STATE OF NEW YORK, ) gs . City and County of New York, \ k' " Be it remembered, that on this first day of November, in the year one thousand eight hundred and sixty-two, before me, Charles Nettleton, a commissioner of the State of Illinois, in and for the State and city of New York, residing in said city of New York, duly com¬ missioned and sworn, and duly qualified under and by virtue of the laws of the State of Illinois to take affi¬ davits to be used therein, personally appeared Win. F. Havemeyer and H. F. Taintor, who severally sub¬ scribed the annexed certificate in my presence, and 2 L each made solemn oatli before me that the same is true. In witness whereof, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed my official seal at (SEAL.) my office in said city of New York, 011 this 1st dav of November, A. D. 1862. (Signed) CHARLES NETTLETON, Commissioner of the State of Illinois for the city of New York. ílftortgage. SAMUEL J. TILDEN AND LOUIS H. MEYER AND CHICAGO AND ALTON RAILROAD COMPANY. Dated November i, 1862. 22 THIS INDENTURE, made the first day of Novem¬ ber, in the year one thousand eight hundred and sixty- two, between Samuel J. Tilden and Louis H. Meyeb, of the city and State of New York, of the first part, and the Chicago and Alton Railroad Company, a cor¬ poration of the State of Illinois, of the second part : Whereas, the parties of the first part hereto became the purchasers of the railroad, equipments, appur¬ tenances, and property hereinafter mentioned and de¬ scribed, at a sale thereof held at Joliet, in the State of Illinois, on the 27th day of September, A. D. 1862, under and pursuant to a decree of the Circuit Court of the United States for the Northern District of Illinois, in a cause in Chancery therein depending, wherein Septimus Ckookes and others were complain¬ ants, and the Chicago, Alton and St. Louis Railroad Company and others were defendants, which suit was brought to enforce the rights of the holders of the first and second mortgage bonds of the Chicago and Mis¬ sissippi Railroad Company, under the deeds of trust or mortgage by which the same were respectively secured. And whereas, on or about the 9th day of October, 1862, by a deed bearing date on that day, Azabiah C. Flagg, David Hoadley, and John Earl Williams, grantees in trust of the said first and second deeds of trust or mortgage of the Chicago and Mississippi Rail¬ road Company, and special master commissioners, in the said decree mentioned, by whom the aforesaid sale had been made, granted, and conveyed to the said parties of the first part hereto, all and singular the said railroad, equipments, appurtenances, and property purchased as aforesaid. And whereas, the Chicago and Alton Railroad Com¬ pany is vested with the franchise to be a corporation granted to the said Company by the State of Illinois, and has become duly organized as a corporation, in 23 conformity to the provisions of said grant, with capac¬ ity in its corporate character to take, hold, and exercise other franchises, and particularly with capacity to ac¬ quire, hold, maintain, and operate the continuous rail¬ road extending from its terminus in the city of Alton and State of Illinois, to its terminus in Joliet, also in the State of Illinois, and formerly known as the Chicago and Mississippi Railroad, and afterwards as the Chicago, Alton and St. Louis Railroad, and subse¬ quently as the St. Louis, Alton and Chicago Railroad, together with its equipments and appurtenances. And whereas, the said Company has agreed with the parties of the first part, to purchase the aforesaid rail¬ road, equipments, appurtenances, and property, and, in evidence of a portion of the purchase money thereof, has made and delivered to the parties of the first part an issue of its bonds, designated as Preferred First Mortgage Sinking Fund Bonds, amounting in the ag¬ gregate to the sum of six hundred thousand dollars ; all of which bonds bear date on the first day of No¬ vember, in the year one thousand eight hundred and sixty-two ; are payable at the office or agency of the said Company in the city of New York, on the first day of November, in the year one thousand eight hun¬ dred and seventy-seven ; are redeemable in the manner hereinafter specified ; bear interest from the first day of November, 18(12, at the rate of seven per centum per annum, payable semi-annually, at the said office or agency, in the city of New York, on the first days of May, and November in each year ; and are all of like tenor, and in the form following : No. $1,000. UNITED STATES OF AMERICA, State of Illinois. Chicago and Alton Railroad Company. Preferred First Mortgage Sinking Fond Bond. Know all men by these presents, that the Chicago and Alton Railroad Company, is indebted to Samuel 24 J. Tilden and Louis H. Meyer, of the city of New York, or bearer, in the sum of one thousand dollars, lawful money of the United States of America, which the said Company promises to pay to the said Samuel J. Tilden and Louis H. Meyer, or to the bearer hereof, on the first day of November, in the year one thousand eight hundred and seventy-seven, at the office or agency of the said Company, in the city of New York, with interest thereon from the first day of November, 1862, at the rate of seven per centum per annum, pay¬ able semi-annually, at the said office or agency in the city of New York, on the first days of May and Novem¬ ber, in each year, on the presentation and surrender of the annexed coupons as they severally become due ; and in case of the non-payment of any half yearly in¬ stalment of interest which shall have become payable, and shall have been demanded, if such default shall continue for six months after the maturity of the said instalment, the principal of this bond shall become due in the manner, and with the effect provided in the deed hereinafter mentioned. This bond is one of a series amounting in the aggregate to six hundred thousand dollars, and consisting of six hundred bonds, numbered from 1 to 600, inclusive, each of which is for $1,000, and all of which are of like tenor and date, and the payment of which is secured by the trusts and powers created in hand by a deed bearing date the first day of November, 1862, duly executed and de¬ livered between Samuel J. Tilden and Louis H. Meyer, and the Chicago and Alton Railroad Company, and conveying the Chicago and Alton Railroad, and the equipments, appurtenances, franchises, and things therein described. The holder of this bond is entitled to the benefits of the special preferred lien, created by the said deed, upon all the property and things therein embraced, and also to the benefits of the Sinking Fund by the said deed provided ; and this bond is redeemable by such Sinking Fund in the manner in the said deed declared. The person appearing on the Voting Bond Register of the said Company as the holder of this bond, at the 25 time of any meeting of the stockholders of the said Company, will be entitled to one vote at such meeting. The right to vote upon this bond is transferable-upon the written order of the person last registered as its holder, or on tire production of the bond by the holder. It is agreed by the said Company with each suc¬ cessive holder of this bond that, in case of any default in the payment thereof, the said Company will waive, and hereby waives, the benefit of any extension, stay or appraisement laws now existing, or which may here¬ after exist. This bond shall pass by delivery, or by transfer on the books of the Company in the city of New York, and at any other place which the Company may determine. After a registration of ownership, certified hereon by the transfer agent of the Company, no transfer, except upon the books of the Company, shall be valid, unless the last transfer be to bearer, which shall re¬ store transferability by delivery. But this bond shall continue subject to successive registrations and trans¬ fers to bearer as aforesaid, at the option of each holder. This bond shall not become obligatory until it shall have been authenticated by a certificate endorsed hereon, and duly signed by the trustees. In witness wheueof, the said Company has caused its corporate seal to be hereto affixed, and the same to be attested by the signatures of its President and Secretary, and has also caused the coupons hereto an¬ nexed, to be signed by its Secretary, on this first day of November, in the year one thousand eight hundred and sixty-two. President. Secretary. And whereas, the said Company lias also, in like evidence of a portion of the consideration for the said railroad, equipments, appurtenances and property made and delivered to the parties of the first part, a f urther 26 issue of its bonds, designated as First Mortgage Bonds, amounting in the aggregate to the sum of two millions and one hundred thousand dollars, and consisting of two thousand and one hundred bonds, numbered con¬ secutively from 1 to 2,100 inclusively, each for one thousand dollars, with provision, as hereinafter made, for an increase of the said issue to the aggregate amount of $2,400,000 ; all of which bonds bear date on the first day of November, in the year one thousand eight hundred and sixty-two ; are payable on the first day of January, in the year one thousand eight hundred and ninety-three, at the office or agency of the said Company in the city of New York ; bear interest from the first day of January, in the year one thousand eight hundred and sixty-three, at the rate of seven per centum per annum, payable semi-annually, on the first days of January and July in each year, at the office or agency of the said Company, in the city of New York, and are all of like tenor and in the form following : No. $1,000. UNITED STATES OF AMEBICA. State of Illinois. Chicago and Alton Railroad Company. First Mortgage Bond. Know all men by these presents, that the Chicago and Alton Railroad Company is indebted to Samuel J. Tilden and Louis H. Meyer, of the city of New York, or bearer, in the sum of one thousand dollars, lawful money of the United States of America, which the said Company promises to pay to the said Samuel J. Tilden and Louis H. Meyer, or to the bearer hereof, on the first day of January, in the year one thousand eight hundred and ninety-three, at the office or agency of the said Company, in the city of New York, with interest thereon, from the first day of January, 1863, at the rate of seven per centum per annum, payable semi-annually, at the said office or agency in the city of New York, on the first days of January and July in each year, on the 27 presentation and surrender of the annexed coupons as they severally become due ; and in case of the non¬ payment of any half-yearly installment of interest, which shall have become payable, and shall have been demanded, if such default shall continue for six months after the maturity of the said installment, the principal of this bond shall become due in the manner and with the effect provided in the deed hereinafter mentioned. This bond is one of a series, consisting of two thou¬ sand and one hundred bonds, each for $1,000, which are numbered from 1 to 2,100 inclusive, which series may be enlarged to an aggregate not exceeding $2,400,000, by the issue of three hundred bonds, each for $1,000, numbered consecutively from 2,101 to 2,400, as provided in the deed hereinafter mentioned ; the in¬ terest on which bonds is payable on the first days of January and July, in each year ; and all of which bonds are of the same tenor and date ; and the pay¬ ment of wdiich is secured by the trusts and powers created in and by a deed bearing date the first day of November, in the year 1862, duly executed and delivered between Samuel J. Tilden and Louis H. Meyer, and the Chicago and Alton Railroad Company, and conveying the Chicago and Alton Rail¬ road, and the equipments, appirrtenances, fran¬ chises, and things therein described ; subject, however, to the prior lien created by the said deed in favor of $600,000 of Preferred First Mortgage Sinking Fund Bonds of said Company. The person appearing on the Yoting Bond Register of the said Company, as the holder of this bond, at the time of any meeting of the stockholders of the said Company, will be entitled to one vote at such meeting. The right to vote upon this bond is transferable, upon the written order of the person last registered as its holder, or on the production of the bond by the holder. It is agreed by the said Company with each successive holder of this bond, that in case of any default in the payment thereof, the said Company will waive, and hereby waives, the benefit of any extension, stay, or 28 appraisement laws now existing, or which may here¬ after exist. This bond shall pass by delivery or by transfer on the books of the Company, in the city of New York, and at any other place which the Company may de¬ termine. After a registration of ownership certified hereon by the transfer agent of the Company, no transfer, ex¬ cept upon the books of the Company, shall be valid, unless the last transfer be to bearer which shall re¬ store transferability by delivery. But this bond shall continue subject to successive registrations and trans¬ fers to bearer, as aforesaid, at the option of each holder. This bond shall not become obligatory until it shall have been authenticated by a certificate endorsed hereon and duly signed by the trustees. In witness whereof, the said Company has caused its corporate seal to be hereto affixed, and the same to be attested by the signatures of its President and Secre¬ tary, and has also caused the coupons hereto annexed to be signed by its Secretary, on this first day of November, in the year one thousand eight hundred and sixty-two. President. Secretary. And whereas, the said Company lias also, in like evidence of a portion of the consideration for the said railroad, equipments, appurtenances and property, made and delivered to the parties of the first part, a further issue of its bonds, designated as Income Bonds, amounting, in the aggregate, to the sum of one million and one hundred thousand dollars, and consisting of one thousand five hundred bonds, numbered consecu¬ tively from 1 to 1500 inclusively ; of which bonds seven hundred, numbered from 1 to 700, inclusively, are each for 81,000 ; and eight hundred, numbered from 701 to 1500 inclusively, are each for $500 ; all of which bonds bear date on the first day of November, 29 in the year one thousand eight hundred and sixty-two ; are payable on the first day of January, in the year one thousand eight hundred and eighty-three, at the office or agency of the said Company in the city of New York; bear interest from the first day of January, in the year one thousand eight hundred and sixty- three, at the rate of seven per centum per annum, payable semi-annually on the first days of April and October in each year, at the said office or agency ; and are all of like tenor and in the form following : " No. UNITED STATES OF AMERICA. $ State of Illinois. Chicago and Alton Railroad Company Income Bond. Know all men by these presents, that the Chicago and Alton Railroad Company is indebted to Samuel J. Tilden, and Louis H. Meyer, of the city of New York, or bearer in the sum of dollars, lawful money of the United States of America, which the said Company promises to pay to the said Samuel J. Tilden, and Louis H. Meyer, or to the bearer hereof, on the first day of January, in the year one thousand eight hundred and eighty-three, at the office or agency of the said Company in the city of New York, with interest thereon, from the first day of January, 1863, at the rate of seven per centum per annum, payable semi-annually, at the said office or agency in the city of New York, on the first days of April and October, in each year, on the presentation and surrender of the annexed coupons as they severally become due. This bond is one of an issue of one thousand and five hundred bonds, of which seven hundred, numbered from 1 to 700, inclusive, are each for $1,000, and eight hundred, numbered from 701 to 1,500, inclusive, are each for $500, and which amount in the aggregate to one million and one hundred thousand dollars, and the interest on which is payable on the first days of April 30 and October in each year ; all of which bonds are of like tenor and date. The person appearing on the Voting Bond Register of the said company as the holder of this bond, at the time of any meeting of the stockholders of the said company, will be entitled to one vote at such meeting. The right to vote upon this bond is transferable upon the written order of the person last registered as its holder, or on the production of the bond by the holder. It is agreed by the said company with each successive holder of this bond, that in case of any default in the payment thereof, the said company will waive, and hereby waives the benefit of any extension, stay, or appraisement laws now existing or which may hereafter exist. This bond shall pass by delivery, or by transfer on the books of the company, in the city of New York, and at any other place which the company may de¬ termine. After a registration of ownership, certified hereon by the transfer agent of the company, no transfer, ex¬ cept upon the books of the company, shall be valid, unless the last transfer be to bearer, which shall re¬ store transferability by delivery. But this bond shall continue subject to successive registrations and trans¬ fers to bearer as aforesaid, at the option of each holder. This bond shall not become obligatory until it shall have been authenticated by a certificate endorsed hereon and duly signed by the trustees. In witness whereof, the said company has caused its corporate seal to be hereto affixed, and the same to be attested by the signatures of its President and Secre¬ tar}', and has also caused the coupons hereto annexed to be signed by its Secretary, on this first day of November, in the year one thousand eight hundred and sixty-two. President. Secretary. 31 Now, therefore, /his indenture witnesseth : That the said parties of the first part hereto, for and in con¬ sideration of the premises, and of the sum of one dol¬ lar to them in hand duly paid, at or before the ensealing and delivery of these presents, the receipt whereof is hereby acknowledged, have granted, bargained and sold, and do by these presents grant, bargain, sell and convey unto the said party of the second part, and its assigns, all and singular the continuous railroad, extending from its terminus in the city of Alton and State of Illinois, to its ter¬ minus in Joliet, also in the state of Illinois, and formerly known as the Chicago and Mississippi Rail¬ road, and afterwards as The Chicago, Alton and St. Louis Railroad, and subsequently as The St. Louis, Alton and Chicago Railroad together with all its equipments, appurtenances and franchises ; including all "the railways, ways, rights of way, depot grounds, and other lands ; all tracks, bridges, viaducts, culverts, fences, and other structures ; all depots, station-houses, engine-houses, car-houses, freight houses, wood-houses, and other buildings ; and all machine shops, and other shops ; held or acquired for use in connection with the said railroad or the business thereof ; and including, also, all locomotives, tenders, cars, and other rolling stock or equipments ; and all machinery, tools, imple¬ ments, fuel and materials, for the constructing, oper¬ ating, repairing or replacing the said railroad, or any part thereof, or any of its equipments or appurte¬ nances ; and including, also, all franchises connected with or relating to the said railroad, or the construc¬ tion, maintenance, or use thereof ; being the same rail¬ road, equipments, appurtenances, and property which were conveyed to the parties of the first part hereto by the aforesaid deed from Azariah C. Flagg, David Hoadley and John Earl Williams, grantees in trust, and Special Master Commissioners, as in said deed men¬ tioned : subject nevertheless, to the payment of the principal and interest of and upon all and every of the bonds aforesaid, issued or to be issued, as such princi¬ pal and interest, respectively, shall become due, 32 according to the tenor of such bonds, and of the cou¬ pons thereto belonging, respectively; and subject, also, to alb and every of the provisos, conditions, limitations, trusts, powers, covenants, agreements and provisions, reserved or contained in this indenture, or granted, de¬ clared, or created thereby, and to the due performance, operation and execution thereof, according to the true intent and meaning of these presents : Provided, always, and these presents are upon condition, that if the said party of the second part, or its assigns, shall not well and truly pay, or cause to be paid, the principal and interest of and upon all and every of the bonds afore¬ said, issued or to be issued, when such principal and interest, respectively, shall become due and be de¬ manded, according to the tenor of such bonds and coupons, respectively, or shall not duly observe, keep and perform all and every of the covenants and agree¬ ments in this indenture mentioned, contained or ex¬ pressed, to be by the said party of the second part ob¬ served, kept or performed, that then, and in either of such cases, and immediately from thenceforth, all the use, estate, right title and interest of the said party of the second part of, in and to the railroad, equipments, appurtenances and property aforesaid, and every part thereof, shall absolutely cease, determine and become utterly void. And if it shall so happen that the said party of the second part, or its successors or assigns, shall make default in the payment of the principal or interest of or upon anj' of the bonds aforesaid, issued or to be issued, or shall not duly observe, keep and perform all and every of the covenants and agreements hereinafter contained, or expressed, to be by the said party of the second part observed, kept or performed, then, and in either of such cases, the parties to these presents, in consideration of the premises, and in order to secure the payment of the bonds aforesaid, with all interest to accrue thereon, grant, and con¬ vey the railroad, equipments and appurtenances, and property aforesaid, unto such person or per¬ sons, now in being, as may then be trustee or trustees of or for the holders of the bonds aforesaid, 33 under the trusts, by these presents declared or created, and from thenceforth the premises aforesaid, and every part thereof, shall be held to the use of such trustees, upon and subject to the trusts and powers herein reserved, declared or created; and, provided further, and it is the true intent and meaning of these presents that nothing herein contained shall be con¬ strued to express or imply any covenant of title by the parties of the first part, or either of them, but that this instrument shall operate to convey, subject as afore¬ said, in behalf of the said parties, all the estates and interests in the railroad, equipments, appurtenances, and property aforesaid, which the said parties of the first part, or either of them, may hold, by virtue of the conveyances aforesaid, and which the said parties, each for himself, and not one for the other, can law¬ fully convev', and no more. Together with all and singular the tenements, hered¬ itaments and appurtenances thereunto belonging, or in anywise appertaining, and the reversions, remainders, tolls, incomes, rents, issues and profits thereof ; and also all the estate, right, title, interest, property, pos¬ session, claim, and demand whatsoever, as well in law as in equity, of the said parties of the first part, of, in, and to the same, and any and every part thereof, with the appurtenances. To have and to hold the said railroad, equipments, appurtenances and property, ¡¡abject to the payment of the principal and interest of and upon all and every of the bonds aforesaid, issued or to be issued, as such principal and interest, respectively, shall become due, according to the tenor of the said bonds, issued or to be issued, and of the coupons thereto belonging, respectively, and subject also to all and every of the provisos, conditions, limitations, trusts, powers, cove¬ nants, agreements and provisions, reserved and con¬ tained in this indenture, or granted, declared or created thereby, and to the due performance, operation and execution thereof, according to the true intent and meaning of these presents,—to the only proper use, benefit, and behoof of the said party of the 34 second part, its successors and assigns, so long as the said party of the second part, its successors or assigns, shall well and truly pay, or cause to be paid, the prin¬ cipal and interest of and upon all and every of the bonds aforesaid, issued or to be issued, according to the tenor of the said bonds, and of the coupons thereto belonging, respectively, and shall well and truly ob¬ serve, keep, and perform, all and every of the covenants and agreements in this indenture contained, to be by them observed, kept or performed, according to the true intent and meaning of these presents, and until default shall have been made therein ; and upon the happening of any default in respect to such payment, or in respect to the covenants and agreements afore¬ said, or any of them, then, and from thenceforth, to have and to hold, to the only proper use, benefit and behoof, of such person or persons, now in being, as may then be trustees as aforesaid ; but nevertheless subject to and upon the trusts and powers hereinafter expressed, to wit : Article First.—In case, first, default shall be made in the payment of any interest on any of the aforesaid Preferred First Mortgage Sinking Fund Bonds, ac¬ cording to the tenor thereof, or of the coupons thereto annexed, or in the payment of any principal of any of the said bonds, when the same shall become due, and if any such default shall continue for the period of three months ; or, secondly, in case of default in any payment herein required to be made into the Sinking Fund provided by these presents, and if such default shall continue for the period of three months ; or, thirdly, in case default shall be made in the payment of any interest on any of the aforesaid First Mortgage Bonds, issued, or to be issued, according to the tenor thereof, or of the coupons thereto annexed, or in the payment of any principal of any of the said bonds when the same shall become due, and if any such default shall continue for the period of six mouths ; or, fourthly, in case of default in any requirement hereof to be done 35 oi- kept by the said Chicago & Alton Railroad Com¬ pany, and if any such default shall continue for the period of six months, then, and in either of such cases, the said Samuel J. Tilden and Louis H. Meyer, or the survivor of them, or their or his successors in the trusts created or declared by this indenture, personally, or by their or his attorneys or agents, may, or, upon re¬ quisition as hereinafter provided, shall enter into and upon all and singular the premises hereby conveyed, or intended so to be, and each and every part thereof, and have, hold, and use the same, operating by their or his superintendents, managers, receivers, or servants or other attorneys or agents, the said railroad, and conducting the business thereof, and exercising the franchises pertaining thereto, and making, from time to time, all repairs, and replacements, and such useful alterations, additions, and improvements thereto, as may seem to them or him to be judicious ; and collect¬ ing and receiving all tolls, freights, incomes, rents, issues, and profits of the same, and of every part thereof ; and after deducting the expenses of operat¬ ing the said railroad, and conducting its business, and of all the said repairs, replacements, alterations, addi¬ tions and improvements, and all payments which may be made for taxes, assessments, charges, or liens prior to the lien of these presents, upon the said premises, or any part thereof, as well as just compensation for their or his own services, and for the services of such attorneys and counsel as may have been by them or him employed, apply the moneys arising as aforesaid, to the payment of interest on such of the bonds secured hereby as are designated as Preferred First Mort¬ gage Sinking Fund Bonds, in the order in which such interest shall have become, or shall become due, rateably, to the persons holding the coupons evidencing the right to such interest, and thereafter to the pay¬ ments required to be made into the Sinking Fund herein provided, and thereafter to the payment of in¬ terest on such of the bonds secured hereby as are desig¬ nated as First Mortgage Bonds, in the order in which such interest shall have become, or shall become due, rateably, to the persons holding the coupons evidencing 36 the right to such interest, and thereafter to the pay¬ ment of interest on such of the bonds secured hereby as are designated as Income Bonds, in the order in which such interest shall have become, or shall become due, rateably, to the persons holding the coupons evidencing the right to such interest ; and after paying all interest which shall have become due, apply the surplus to the purchase in open market of the afore¬ said Preferred First Mortgage Sinking Fund Bonds which may be at that time unpaid; and after satisfac¬ tion thereof, apply the surplus to the like purchase of the said First Mortgage Bonds, which may be at that time unpaid ; and after satisfaction thereof, apply the surplus to the like purchase of the said Income Bonds which may be at that time unpaid ; and if, after satis¬ faction thereof, a surplus shall still remain, pay over such surplus to the said Company, or render the same as any court of competent jurisdiction may order. Article Second.—In case any default shall be made as hereinbefore defined, and shall continue as hereinbefore specified, then, and in any such case, the said Samuel J. Tilden and Louis H. Meyer, or the survivor of them, or their or his successor or successors in the trust created or declared by this indenture, may, or, upon requisition as herein¬ after provided, shall, after entry as aforesaid, or other entry, or without entry, personally, or by their or his attorneys or ageuts, sell and dispose "of all and singular the premises hereby conveyed or intended so to be, at public auction, in the city of New York, or at such place within the State of Illinois as the said trustees, or the survivor of them may designate, and at such time as they or he may appoint, having first given notice of the place and the time of such sale by advertisement, published not less than three times a week for six weeks, in one or more newspapers in each of the cities of New York, Alton, and Chicago ; or to adjourn the said sale, from time to time, in their or his discretion, -and if so adjourning, to make the same without further notice, at the time and place, to which 37 the same may be so adjourned, and to make such sale subject to the lien created by these presents in favor of such of the aforesaid bonds as are herein designated as Preferred First Mortgage Sinking Fund Bonds, or discharged of such lien, and to make and deliver to the purchaser or purchasers thereof, good and sufficient deed or deeds in the law for the same in fee simple, and make the said deed or deeds subject to the said lien or otherwise ; which sale made as aforesaid, and whether subject to the said lien or otherwise, shall be a perpetual bar both in law and equity, against the parties to these presents, and all other persons law¬ fully claiming or to claim the said premises, or any part thereof, by, from, through, or under them, or any or either of them, and after deducting from the pro¬ ceeds of such sale, just allowances for all expenses thereof, including, attorneys and counsel fees, and all other expenses, advances, or liabilities which may have been made or incurred by the said trustees, in operating or maintaining the said railroad, or in managing its business, while in their or his posses¬ sion, and in arranging for and completing the sale thereof, and all payments which may have been made by them or him for taxes or assessments, and for charges and liens prior to the lien of these presents, on the said premises,, or any part thereof, as well as compensation for their or his own services, apply the said proceeds in the manner follow¬ ing: If the said sale shall have been made subject to the lien created by this indenture in favor of such of the aforesaid bonds as are designated as Preferred First Mortgage Sinking Fund Bonds,—to the payment of the principal of such of the aforesaid First Mortgage Bonds as may be at that time unpaid, whether or not the same shall have previously become due, and the in¬ terest which shall at that time have accrued on the said principal, and be unpaid, without discrimination or preference, but rateably to the aggregate amount of such unpaid principal and accrued and unpaid interest ; and if, after the satisfaction thereof, a surplus of the 38 said proceeds shall remain, apply the said surplus to the payment of such of the aforesaid Income Bonds as may be at that time unpaid, whether or not the same shall have previously become due, and of the interest which shall at that time have accrued on the said prin¬ cipal and be unpaid ; and if, after the satisfaction thereof, a surplus shall remain, apply such surplus to reimburse the principal of the preferred stock of the said Chicago and Alton Railroad Company, rateably to the holders thereof, except so far as the holders of the said preferred stock shall have consented in the manner herein provided, to the creation of liens in priority to the said preferred stock ; and if after reim¬ bursing the same a surplus shall remain, pay over such surplus to the said company, or render the same as any court of competent jurisdiction may order. If the said sale shall have been made, so as to dis¬ charge the prior lien created by these presents in favor of such of the aforesaid bonds, as are herein designated as Preferred First Mortgage Sinking Fund Bonds, the said trustees shall apply the said proceeds to the payment of the principal of such of the aforesaid Preferred First Mortgage Sinking Fund Bonds, as may be at that time unpaid, whether or not the same shall have previously become due, and of the interest which shall, at that time, have accrued on the said principal and be unpaid, without discrimi¬ nation or preference, but rateably to the aggregate amount of such unpaid principal, and accrued and un¬ paid interest ; and if, after the satisfaction thereof, a surplus of the said proceeds shall remain, apply the said surplus to the payment of the principal of such of the aforesaid First Mortgage Bonds as m ay'be at that time unpaid, whether or not the same shall have pre¬ viously become due, and of the interest which shall at that time have accrued on the said principal and be unpaid, without discrimination or preference, but rate¬ ably, to the aggregate amount of such unpaid principal, and accrued and unpaid interest ; and if after the satis¬ faction thereof, a surplus of the said proceeds shall re¬ main, apply the said surplus to the payment of the 39 principal of such of the aforesaid Income Bonds, as may be at that time unpaid, whether or not the same shall have previously become due, and of the interest which shall at that time have accrued on the said principal, as herein provided, and be unpaid, without discrimination or preference, but rateably to the aggre¬ gate amount of such unpaid principal, and accrued and unpaid interest ; and if, after the satisfaction thereof, a surplus shall still remain, apply such surplus to re¬ fund the principal of the aforesaid preferred stock, rateably to the holders thereof, except so far as the holder of the said preferred stock shall have consented, in the manner herein provided, to the creations of liens in priority to the said preferred stock ; and if, after reimbursing the same, a surplus shall remain, pay over said surplus to the said Company, or render the same as any court of competent jurisdiction may order. And it is hereby declared that the payments of inter¬ est provided as aforesaid shall be made to the persons holding the coupons representing such interest. And it is hereby declared that the receipt or receipts of the said trustees shall be a sufficient discharge to the purchaser or purchasers of the premises for his or their purchase money, and that such purchaser or pur¬ chasers, his or their heirs, executors or administrators, shall not after payment thereof, and having such re¬ ceipts, be liable to see to its being applied upon or for the trusts and purposes of these presents, or in any manner however be answerable for any loss, misappli¬ cation or non-application of such purchase money, or any part thereof, or be obliged to inquire into the necessity, expediency or authority of or for any such sale. Article Thier.—At any sale of the aforesaid prop¬ erty, or any part thereof, made to enforce any lien created by these presents pursuant to the power here¬ in granted, or by judicial authority, if such sale be in discharge of the lien created by these presents in favor of the bonds herein designated as Preferred First Mort¬ gage Sinking Fund Bonds, the trustees may bid for 40 and purchase, or cause to be bidden for and purchased, the property so sold, in behalf of all the holders of the said Preferred Bonds, then outstanding, in the pro¬ portion of the respective interests of such holders ; or if such sale be subject to the aforesaid lien, the trastees may bid for and purchase, or cause to be bidden for and purchased, the property so sold, in behalf of all the holders of the bonds herein designated as First Mortgage Bonds, . then outstanding in the proportion of the respective in¬ terests of such holders ; •provided, that if all the property hereby conveyed be sold as afore¬ said, the price at which the purchase herein authorized may be made, shall not exceed the whole amount of the bonds then outstanding, with the interest accrued thereon, in behalf of which the said purchase shall be made ; and if but a portion of said property shall be sold, such price shall be, in the judgment of the trustees, reasonable. Article Fourth. In case default shall be made, in the payment of any half year's interest, on any of the aforesaid Preferred First Mortgage Sinking Fund Bonds, at the time and in the manner, in the coupon issued therewith provided, the said coupon having been presented, and the payment of the interest therein specified having been demanded ; and if such default shall continue for the period of six months after the said coupon shall have become due and payable, then and thereupon, the principal of all the said Preferred Bonds, shall, at the election of the trustees, become immediately due and payable, unless such interest be advanced or paid to the trustees as provided in these presents ; but a majority in interest of the holders of the said bonds, may in writing, or by vote of a meeting duly held before the interest in arrear shall be paid, instruct the trustees to declare the said principal to be due, or to waive the right so to declare, on such terms and conditions as such majority shall deem proper, or may annul or reverse the election of the trustees : pro¬ vided, that no action of the trustees or bondholders 41 sliall extend to, or be taken to affect any subsequent default, or to impair the rights resulting therefrom. And in case default shall be made in the payment of interest upon the First Mortgage Bonds, and by reason of such default, a sale of the premises hereby con¬ veyed shall be had, or in case a sale of said premises shall be liad by reason of a default in respect to the payment of interest or principal of the said Preferred Bonds, or in case a sale of the said premises shall be had by reason of any other default, then, and in either of such cases, the principal of all the First Mortgage Bonds secured hereby, and then outstanding, shall be deemed and taken to be due and payable at the time of such sale. Article Fifth.—On or before every first day of Feb¬ ruary and August in each year, beginning on the first day of August, 1863, until the principal of the bonds herein designated as Preferred First Mortgage Sinking Fund Bonds, shall be fully redeemed, the said Com¬ pany shall pay to the trustees a sum which, with the semi-annual instalment of interest upon the said Pre¬ ferred Bonds then outstanding, falling due on the next interest day, shall make thirty-six thousand dollars, as a Sinking Fund for the redemption of the said preferred bonds. The moneys so paid to the trustees shall be deposited in some depository in the city of New York, which shall, in the judgment of the trustees, be safe, and shall be from time to time applied by the trustees to the redemption of the said preferred bonds in the manner following : The trustees shall designate by lot so many of the bonds as they may have money to pay ; and shall give notice of the numbers designated, personally, to any owner or holder of bonds so designated known to them, and by advertisement in one or more daily news¬ papers in the city of New York, once a week, until the date of the next interest payment, if any owner or holder of such bonds be unknown to them ; and on presentation and delivery of any such bonds, shall apply the money so received by them to the payment 42 thereof. And all future interest on any of the bonds so designated, not presented and delivered on or be¬ fore the date of the said next interest payment, shall cease from and after such date ; and the Company shall be no longer liable for the said interest. The trustees shall, without unreasonable delay, cancel the bonds so redeemed by them, and return such bonds to the Company ; and the trustees and the Com¬ pany shall keep separate registries of all the bonds so redeemed or so designated for redemption ; and the registry of the Company shall be at all reasonable times open to the inspection of each of the bondholders and stockholders of the Company ; and the numbers and amounts of the bonds so redeemed, or designated for redemption, shall be reported by the Company in each annual statement made to the stockholders ; and the canceled bonds shall, on the request of the meeting of the stockholders, be produced and exhibited. Article Sixth.—The Chicago and Alton Iiailroad Company may increase the issue of First Mortgage Bonds hereinbefore mentioned to an amount not ex¬ ceeding in the aggregate two millions and four hun¬ dred thousand dollars, by the execution of three hun¬ dred bonds of one thousand dollars each, numbered consecutively from 2101 to 2400, inclusively ; and may sell or dispose of the same and apply the proceeds thereof to the replacement or improvement of the said railroad, equipments and appurtenances, and to such other purposes as the parties of the first part shall, in writing, approve ; but such application shall be made in such general manner as the said parties of the first part shall, in writing, approve, and not otherwise. Article Seventh.—In case the Chicago and Alton Railroad Company shall, in pursuance of Section Eleven of its Charter, by and with the written consent of a majority of its stockholders, acquire au extension of its road from its terminus at Joliet to some point in the city of Chicago, by purchase, by construction, or 43 otherwise ; and shall raise means therefor, by its bonds secured by a lien upon the said extension, the lien upon such extension whereby the said bonds shall be se¬ cured, and the lien created by these presents, whereby the bonds herein designated as First Mortgage Bonds are secured, may be consolidated, so that both of the said classes of bonds shall be secured by the same lien upon the en¬ tire line of road from Alton to Chicago, and that all the trusts, powers, and provisions of these presents shall apply to both of the said classes of bonds in the same manner and with the same effect as if they had originally constituted but one issue ; provided, that such consolidation shall not take place without the written consent of the holders of a majority in interest of the said bonds designated herein as First Mortgage Bonds. Article Eighth. The trustees shall have full power in their discretion, upon the written request of the Chicago and Alton Railroad Company, to convey, by way of release or otherwise, to the persons designated by the said Company, any lands acquired or held for the purposes of stations, depots, shops, or other build¬ ings ; and shall also have power to convey as afore¬ said, on like request, any lands or property which, in the judgment of the trustees, shall not be necessary for use in connection with the said railroad, or which may have been held for a supply of fuel, gravel, or other material ; and also to convey as aforesaid, on like re¬ quest, any lands not occupied by the track, which may become disused by reason of a change of the location of any station-house, depot, shop, or other building, con¬ nected with the said railroad, and such lands occupied by the track and adjacent to such station-house, depot, shop, or other buildings, as the said Company may deem it expedient to disuse or abandon by reason of such change ; and to consent to any such change, and to such other changes in the location of the track, or depot, or other buildings, as in their judgment shall have become expedient; and to make and deliver the 44 conveyances necessary to carry the same into effect ; but any lands which may be acquired for permanent use, in substitution for any so released, shall be conveyed to the trustees, upon the trusts of these presents ; and the proceeds of all lands re¬ leased as aforesaid, which shall not be applied in purchase . of others in substitution, shall be paid over to the trustees, to be by tliem applied to the purchase of bonds of the said Company, in open market ; and the trustees shall also have full power to allow the said Company, from time to time, to dispose of, according to their discretion, such portions of the equipments, machinery, and implements, at any time held or acquired for the use of the said railroad, as may have become unfit for such use, replacing the same by new, which shall be conveyed to the trustees, or be otherwise made subject to the provisos, condi¬ tions, limitations, trusts, powers, covenants, agree¬ ments, and provisions, reserved or contained in this indenture, or granted, declared, or created thereby. Aeticle Ninth.—The Chicago and Alton Railroad Company shall not at any time create Preferred Capital Stock-beyond the amount of the original issue, and shall not reissue any part of the said amount which may be at any time cancelled, nor any equivalent to the part so cancelled, unless three-fourths in interest of the holders thereof, shall have expressly consented in writing to such creation or re-issue ; and shall not at any time create Common Capital Stock, beyond the amount originally issued, nor re-issue any part of such amount which may be at any time cancelled, nor any equivalent to the part so cancelled, unless three-fourths in interest of the holders thereof shall have expressly consented thereto in writing : and shall not at any time execute or deliver any deed of trust or mortgage, creating a lien upon the property hereinbe¬ fore described, in priority to the rights of the holders of the said Preferred Capital Stock, unless three- fourths iu interest of the holders of the,said Preferred Capital Stock shall have expressly consented thereto in 45 writing ; and the net earnings, of the said property, subject to the payment of interest and principal, including payments to the sinking fund, of the bonds hereinbefore recited and described, is hereby de¬ clared and agreed to be inviolably pledged to the pay¬ ment of dividends on the said Preferred Stock, in pri¬ ority to any deed of trust or mortgage, and any other lien which may be created by the said company or which may by them be suffered to arise, unless such deed or lieu shall have been consented to by the hold¬ ers, of the said Preferred Stock as aforesaid ; Provided, nevertheless, that the restrictions upon the amount of the Preferred and Common Stock shall not apply to any issue of either, which may be made for the purposes of acquiring by purchase, construction, or otherwise, an extension from Joliet to Chicago of the railroad of the said Company. Article Tenth. The said Chicago and Alton Rail¬ road Company, shall at all times hereafter keep a book at its office or agency in the City of New York, which shall serve as a Voting Register of the First Mortgage Bondholders. The registry therein contained of the two classes of First Mortgage Bonds secured by these presents, shall be kept separately. Any holder of any of the said bonds shall be entitled to have his name and address, and the class, and denomination, and number of every of the said bonds held by him, en¬ tered in such registry, on presenting at the aforesaid office or agency, a written statement of the said par¬ ticulars, signed by himself, and, duly verifying his title thereto, by producing the bonds ; or upon filing with the company the written order of the person last registered as the holder ; or by verifying such title in such other mode as may be prescribed by the regula¬ tions for such verification. The trustees may, in the first instance, prescribe the said regulations relative to said voting registry, subject to the power, hereby declared, of the bondholders of each class, acting by a majority in interest, to adopt, alter, or repeal, from time to time, the said regulations, 46 ami generally to establish such as may seem to them expedient. Such registration shall authenticate the right of the holder of every bond so registered, to vote ou the said bond, as provided therein, at every general and special meeting of the stockholders of the said company ; and shall also entitle the said holder to the same notice of such meetings as shall be given to the stockholders, and also to notice, in such mode and form as may be fixed by regulations prescribed or estab¬ lished as aforesaid, of all meetings of his class of the First Mortgage Bondholders. The trustees, and each of them, shall at all times have free access to such book of registry, and shall from time to time, and at all times, on the request in writing of either of them, be furnished with a copy thereof by the said company ; and shall have the right to require, at their option, that any act or resolution of the said bondholders, of either class, affecting their duties or the interest of the trust hereby created, shall he authenticated by the signa¬ tures of all the persons assenting thereto, as well as by a minute of the proceedings of the meeting. Meetings of either or both of the said classes of the First Mort¬ gage Bondholders may be called by the Trustees, or in such other mode as may be fixed by regulations pre¬ scribed or established as aforesaid, and the bond¬ holders may vote thereat in person or by proxy ; and the quorum may be defined and such other regulations or by-laws in respect to such meetings may be from time to time established, altered, or repealed by the bondholders of each class, acting by the majority in interest, as to them shall seem expedient ; and until the bondholders shall act, such powers may be tem¬ porarily exercised by the trustees. Article Eleventh. It is hereby declared and agreed, that it shall be the duty of the trustees to exercise the power of entry hereby granted, or the power of sale hereby granted, or both, or to proceed by suit or suits in equity or at law to enforce the rights of the bond¬ holders, in the several cases of default herein specified, in the manner and subject to the qualifications herein 47 expressed, upon the requisition of bondholders herein required, as follows : 1. If the default be as to interest or principal of any of the Preferred First Mortgage Bonds, or as to any payment into the Sinking Fund established by these presents, upon a requisition in writing, signed by a holder or holders of any fifty of the said bonds, and a proper indemnification by the said holders to the trustees, against the costs and expenses to be by tliem incurred, it shall be the duty of the trustees to enforce the rights of the bondholders under these presents by entry, sale, or suit or suits in equity or at law, as they, being advised by counsel learned in the law, shall deem most expedient for the interest of all the holders of the said bonds ; subject to the power hereby declared of a majority in interest of the holders of the said bonds, by a requisition in writing, or by a vote at a meeting duly held, to instruct the said trustees to waive such default, upon the actual payment of the interest in arrear, with interest thereon, and the expenses incurred by reason thereof ; or upon adequate indemnity as aforesaid, to enforce the rights of the bondholders by reason of such default ; provided that no action of the said trustees or bondholders, or both, in waiving such default or otherwise shall extend to, or be taken to affect any subsequent default, or to impair the rights resulting therefrom. 2. If the default be as to interest or principal of any of the First Mortgage Bonds, upon a requisition in writing, signed by holders of not less than one hundred thousand dollars in amount of the said bonds, and on proper indemnification as aforesaid, the duty of the trustee shall be tlie same as in the preceding subdivis¬ ion of this article is declared for the contingencies therein mentioned, and subject to a like authority on the part of the holders of a majority in interest of the First Mortgage Bonds. 3. If the default be in the application of the net earnings of the said railroad, as such net earnings are herein defined, to the payment of interest or principal of the aforesaid bonds, herein designated as Income 48 Bonds, the trustees may, and upon a requisition in writing, signed by the holders of a majority in interest of the said Income Bonds, and proper indemnification by the persons so signing against the costs and ex¬ penses to be by them incurred, it shall be their duty to proceed by suit or suits in equity or at law to enforce the rights of the holders of the said Income Bonds, and, in the discretion of the trustees, to apply in such suit or suits for the appointment of a Beceiyer, as aforesaid. And it is hereby declared and agreed that the words " net earnings," as used in these presents, shall be con¬ strued to mean such surplus of the earnings of the said railroad as shall remain after paying all the expenses of operating the said railroad, and carrying on its business, including all taxes, and assessments, and pay¬ ments, on incumbrances prior in lien to these presents, upon the property hereby conveyed, or any part thereof, and all expenses of repairing or replacing the said railroad, its equipment and appurtenances, or any part thereof. 4. If the default be in issuing an excess of Preferred or Common Stock, or in making or delivering any deed of trust or mortgage, in violation of Article Ninth of these presents, the trustees may, and on the requisition of any holder of bonds of either class, or of any holder of such Preferred Stock, it shall be their duty, on proper indemnification as aforesaid bv the persons making such requisition, to proceed by suit or suits in equity, to restrain or enjoin the said Company from such violation, or to obtain such other equitable remedy or relief in respect thereto, as being advised by counsel learned in the law, the trustees shall deem to be most expedient. 5. If the default be in the omission of any act or thing required by these presents for the further assur¬ ing the title of the trustees to any property or fran¬ chises now possessed or hereafter acquired, or in the omission to comply with each and all the provisions of these presents, to be observed, performed or kept by the said Company, then and in either of such cases, 49 tlie trustees may, in their discretion, or upon the requisition as aforesaid of a majority in amount of the holders of each class of the bonds secured by these presents, it shall be their duty to enforce the rights of the bondholders bv reason of such default, subject to the power hereby declared, of a majority in interest of t-lie holders of each class of the said bonds, by requisition in writing, or by a vote at a meeting duly held, to instruct the said trustees to waive such de¬ fault, or, upon adequate indemnity as aforesaid, to en¬ force the rights of the bondholders by reason thereof ; provided that no action of the said trustees or bond¬ holders, or both, iu waiving such default, or otherwise, shall extend to or be taken to affect any subsequent default, or to impair the rights resulting therefrom. ti. If the default be as to interest ou the First Mort¬ gage Bonds, but there be no default in respect to inter¬ est or principal of tlie Preferred First Mortgage Bonds, then, and in that case, or if at any time not less than thirty days before the time notified for the sale of the premises, hereby conveyed, the payments so in default in respect to the Freferred First Mortgage Bonds shall be advanced or paid to the trustees, under the written authority or sanction of holders of a majority in amount of the First Mortgage Bonds, or of a resolution adopted at a meeting, duly held, of such holders, or if the de¬ fault be other than those specified in the First clause of this Article, then, and in either of such cases, the sale of the premises aforesaid shall be made subject to the prior lien created by these presents in favor of the Preferred First Mortgage Bonds, and if the sale be made, subject as aforesaid, and if, by reason of the de¬ fault in the payment of interest on the said Preferred First Mortgage Bonds, the principal thereof would have become due, the provision of these presents, whereby the said bonds would become due, shall be suspended by tlie trustees until another default shall happen. Article Twelfth. It is mutually agreed, by and be¬ tween tlie parties hereto, that the word " trustees," as used in these presents, shall be construed to mean the 50 trust™ s for the time being, whether both or either be original or new ; and whenever a vacancy shall exist, to mean the surviving or continuing trustee ; and such trustee shall, during such vacancy, be competent to exercise all the powers by these presents reserved or granted to the parties of the first part. And it is mutually agreed by and between the parties hereto, that neither of the said trustees shall be in any manner responsible for any default or misconduct of the other ; that the said trustees shall be entitled to just compen¬ sation for all services which they may hereafter render in their trust, to he paid by the said Company, or out of the income of the property ; and for that purpose may at any time apply to the Courts without notice to any person but the said Chicago and Alton Railroad Company ; that either of said trustees, or any successor, may resign and discharge himself of the trust created by these presents, by notice in writing to the said Com¬ pany, and to the existing trustee, if there be such, three months before such resignation shall take effect, or such shorter time as they may accept as adequate notice, and upon the due execution of the conveyances hereinafter required ; that the said trustees, or either of them, may be removed by a vote of a majority in in¬ terest of the holders of each class of the aforesaid bonds, the said vote being had at meetings duly held of each class of the said bondholders, and attested by an instrument under the hands of the persons so vot¬ ing ; that in case at any time hereafter, either of the said trustees, or any trustee hereafter appointed, shall die, or resign, or be removed as herein provided, or by a court of competent jurisdiction, or shall become in¬ capable or unlit to act in the said trust, a successor to such trustee shall be appointed by the surviving or continuing trustee, with the consent of the holders for the time being of a majority in interest of each class of the said bonds, then outstanding, or the con¬ sent at meetings duly held, of the holders of each class of the said bonds ; and the trustee so appointed, with the trustee so surviving or continuing, shall thereupon become vested with all the powers, authorities, and 51 estates, reserved by, granted to, or conferred upon the parties of the first part, by these presents, and all the rights and interests requisite to enable them to execute the purposes of this trust, without any further assur¬ ance or conveyance, so far as sucli effect may be law¬ ful ; but the surviving or continuing trustee shall immediately execute all such conveyances and other instruments as may be fit or expedient for the purpose of assuring the legal estate in the premises, jointly with himself, to the trustee so appointed ; and upon the death, resignation, or removal of any trustee, or any appointment in his place in pursu¬ ance of these presents, all his powers and authorities by virtue hereof shall cease ; and all the estate, right, title and interest in the said premises, of any trustee so dying, resigning, or being removed, shall, if there be a co-trustee surviving or continning in office, wholly cease and determine ; but the said trustee, so resigning or being removed, shall, on the written request of the new trustee who may be ap¬ pointed, immediately execute a deed or deeds of. con¬ veyance to vest in such new trustee, jointly with the continuing trustee, and upon the trusts herein ex¬ pressed, all the property, rights and franchises, which may be at that time held upon the said trusts. Provided, nevertheless, and it is hereby declared and agreed, that in case it shall at any time hereafter prove impracticable, after resasonable exertions, to appoint, in the manner hereinbefore provided, a successor in any vacancy which may have happened in said trust, application, in behalf of all the holders of the bonds secured hereby, may be made by the surviving or con¬ tinuing trustee ; or, if the trust be wholly vacant, by holders of the bonds secured hereby to the aggregate amount of one hundred thousand dollars, to any Circuit Court of the United States, or to any other court of competent jurisdiction, for any Judical District in which any part of the aforesaid railroad may be situate, for the appointment of a new trustee or new trustees. And this indenture farther wilnesseth : That the said 52 party of tlie second part, for and in consideration of the premises, and for the purpose of securing the payment of the principal and interest of and upon the bonds aforesaid, issued or to issue, according to the tenor of the said and of the bonds, coupons thereto belonging, respectively, has given, granted and con¬ firmed, and does by these presents give, grant and con¬ firm unto the said parties of the first part hereto, as joint tenants and not as tenants in common, and to the survivor of them, his heirs and assigns, all and singular the franchises, rights and privileges granted to, vested in, or conferred upon the said party of the second part by a certain act of the Legislature of the State of Illinois, entitled, " An Act to Incorporate the Chicago and Alton Railroad Company," approved, February 18th, 1861; and all other property and things of whatsoever name or nature it, the said party of the second part, may at any time or times hereafter acquire for use upon or in connection with the said railroad, its equipments or appurtenances, or any part thereof. Provided, nevertheless, and upon condition, that this grant shall not take effect unless the party of the second part shall at some time hereafter make de¬ fault in the payment of principal or interest of or upon some one of the bonds aforesaid, or fail, or omit, to observe, keep and perform some of the matters or things which by these presents it is required, or which it hereby covenants or agrees, to observe, keep or per¬ form. To have and to hold to the said parties of the first part, as joint tenants and not as tenants in common, and to the survivor of them, his heirs and assigns, to their and his only proper use, benefit and behoof, but upon and subject to the trusts and powers by this in¬ denture granted, reserved, created or declared. And the said Samuel J. Tilden and Louis H. Meyer, the parties of the first part hereto, do by these pres¬ ents, for themselves, their heirs, executors, adminis¬ trators, and assigns, acknowledge, testify, and declare, that they, the said parties of the first part, purchased the railroad, equipments, appurtenances, and property 53 aforesaid, in trust, to reserve, grant, declare, and create the trusts, powers, conditions, and limitations herein¬ before reserved, granted, declared, and created, for the purpose of securing the payment of the principal and interest of and upon the bonds aforesaid, and the rights of such persons as might became holders thereof ; and to convey the railroad and property so purchased, subject to the payment of the principal and interest of, and upon, all and every op the bonds aforesaid, issued or to be issued as afore¬ said, as such principal and interest respectively shall become due, according to the tenor of the said bonds, issued or to be issued, and of the coupons thereto, be¬ longing respectively ; and subject also to all and every of the provisos, conditions, limitations, trusts, powers, covenants, agreements, and provisions, reserved or contained in this indenture, or granted, declared, or created thereby, and to the due performance, operation, and execution thereof as aforesaid ; and the said par¬ ties of the first part further acknowledge, testify, and declare, that they are now the trustees of and for the persons who are, and may hereafter be holders of, or entitled to the bonds aforesaid ; and that in case the said party of the second part, or its assigns, shall make default as aforesaid, they, the said parties of the first part, and the survivor of them, shall and will in equity and good conscience be bound, and it shall and will be their and his duty to hold the railroad, property, fran¬ chises, and things aforesaid, subject to and upon the trusts aforesaid, and to exercise the powers herein reserved, granted, or contained, at the times, in the manner, and upon the contingencies aforesaid : provided, however, that nothing herein contained shall be construed to prevent them, or either of them, from resigning and discharging themselves or himself from the trusts aforesaid, in the manner hereinbefore specified. And the said party of the second part, for itself and its successors, in consideration of the premises and of one dollar to it in hand paid by the said parties of the first part to these presents, the receipt whereof is hereby 54 acknowledged, hereby covenants and agrees to and with the said parties of the first part to these presents, and the survivor of them, and the persons who shall or may be trustees for the time being under or by virtue of these presents, that it, the said party of the second part, and its successors shall and will at all times hereafter per¬ form and keep all and every the conditions, covenants, agreements and provisions herein contained, to be by the said party of the second part observed, performed or kept ; and that if any default shall be made in the covenants, agreements, or provisions herein contained, or in any or either of them, a decree for specific per¬ formance may be obtained, and pending the applica¬ tion therefor one or more receivers shall, in the dis¬ cretion of the trustees, be appointed, and such other or further equitable relief may be had as shall be proper and adequate in the premises. And the said party of the second part, for itself and its successors, in consideration of the premises, and of one dollar to it duly paid by the said parties of the first part, the receipt whereof is hereby acknowledged, further covenants and agrees to and with the said parties of the first part, and the survivor of them, and the executors, administrators, and assigns of such sur¬ vivor, that whenever, and as often as the said party of the second part, or its successors, shall hereafter acquire any lands, or any equipment, or any other property or things, ' of whatever name or nature, for use in connection with the railroad hereinbefore men¬ tioned, or any part thereof, or of any of its equipments or appurtenances, or shall acquire any franchises, in¬ cluding any franchise to be a corporation, which may be hereafter granted to the said company, the said party of the second part and its successors shall and will acquire, possess, and hold the same, and each and every thereof, upon and subject to the trusts and powers by these presents reserved, granted, de¬ clared, or created, until conveyances thereof, in pursuance of the covenant next hereinafter contained,, shall be duly made and delivered to said trustees. 55 And the said party of the second part, for itself, and its successors, in consideration of the premises, and of one dollar to it duly paid by the said parties of the first part, the receipt whereof is hereby acknowledged, hereby further covenants and agrees to and with the said parties of the first part, and the survivor of tliern, and the executors, administrators and assigns of such survivor, that the said party of the second part and its successors shall and will, from time to time, and at all times hereafter, and as often as thereunto requested by the trustees, or by the surviving or continuing trustee, or their or his successors or successor, execute, deliver, and acknowledge all such further deeds, conveyances, and assurances in the law, for the better assuring unto the said trustees, or to the surviving or continuing trustee, or their or his successors or successor, the railroad, its equipments and appurtenances, hereinbe¬ fore mentioned or intended so to be, and all other property and things whatsoever which may be here¬ after acquired for use in connection with the same, or any part thereof, and all franchises now held or here¬ after acquired, including any franchise to be a corpora¬ tion, as by the said trustees, or by the surviving or con¬ tinuing trustee, or their or his successor, or by their or his counsel learned in the law, shall be reasonably advised, devised, or required. And the said party of the second part, for itself and its sircessors, in consideration of the premises, coven¬ ants, and agrees to and/with the parties of the first part, and the survivor of them, and to and with their and his successors and successor in the trust hereby created or declared that it, the said party of the second part, and its successors, shall and will, at all times hereafter, keep open an office or agency in the city of New York ; for the payment of the principal and iuterest of and upon the bonds hereinbefore recited and described, as the same shall become payable ; for the transfer of the capital stock of the said Company, preferred and com¬ mon ; and for the transfer and voting registration of the bonds ; and that any and every default in the due 56 performance of this covenant shall be deemed and taken to be a waiver of jnescmhnent and demand of payment of all and every of the bonds and coupons aforesaid, which may become payable during the con¬ tinuance of such default. In witness whereof, the parties of the first part have hereunto set their hands and seals, and the said party of the second part has caused its common and cor¬ porate seal to be hereto affixed, and the same to be attested by the signatures of its President and Secre¬ tary, the day and year first above written. Sam'l J. Tilden, [ seal.J Louis H. Meyeií. [seal.] Signed, sealed and delivered ^ in presence of ^ John Rankin, Jr., M, L. Drummond. State of New York, ? City and County of New York, <¡ Be it remembered that on this day of February, in the year one thousand eight hundred and sixty-three, before me, the subscriber Charles Net- tleton, a Notary Public for the State of New York, residing in the city of New York, duly commissioned and sworn, personally appeared in said city of New York, Samuel J. Tilden, and Louis H. Meyer, whose signatures appear to the foregoing deed, and who are personally known to me to be the real and same persons described in and who executed the foreging indenture, and whose names are subscribed to said deed, as having executed the same, and severally acknowledged the same to be their free act and deed, and that they exe¬ cuted the same. In witness whereof, I have hereunto set my hand, and affixed my official seal, the day and year aforesaid. 57 State of New York, } _ City and County of New York, kh' ' I, Henry W. Genet, Clerk of the City and County of New York, and also Clerk of tlie Supreme Court, for the said city and county, the same being a Court of Record, do hereby certify, that Charles Nettleton, whose name is subscribed to tlie certificate of the proof or acknowledgment of the foregoing instrument, and thereon written, was, at the time of taking such proof or acknowledgment, a Notary Public in and for the State of New York, dwelling in the said city, com¬ missioned and sworn, and duly authorized to take the same. And further, that I am well acquainted with the handwriting of such Notary Public, and verily be¬ lieve that the signature to the said certificate of proof or acknowledgment is genuine. / further certify, that said instrument is executed and achioiuledged according to the Laws of tlie State of New York. In testimony whereof, I have hereunto set my hand, and affixed the seal of the said Court and County, the day of 1862., Clerk. 3 5556 042 154708 r131651 113148 J