BURE AU OF RA, L WAV I' ' ^ Wfc' C.'íC- ''I (. $30,000,000 Paris-Lyons-Mediterranean R^dlroad Company 6% External Sinking Fund Gold Bonds Due August 15, 1958 (Part of an authorized issue of $40,000,000) Coupon bearer bonds in denominations of $1,000 and $500. Not subject to redemption before February 15, 1932, except for the Sinking Fund as stated below. The entire issue outstanding, but not any part, will be redeemable at 103% and accrued interest, at the option of the Company on February IS, 1932, or on any interest date thereafter. The Bonds are to have the benefit of a Cumulative Sinking Fund calculated to redeem the entire issue by August 15, 1958. This Sinking Fund will begin August 15, 1929, and is to operate by purchases of the bonds at or below 100% and interest or by the redemption on August 15, 1929, and any August 15 thereafter, at 100% and interest of bonds to be drawn by lot. For further information regarding this issue of bonds reference is made to the accompany¬ ing letter from the Paris-Lyons-Mediterranean Railroad Company. The undersigned will receive subscriptions for the above bonds, subject to allotment, at 83% and accrued interest to date of delivery. At the offering price the Bonds yield about 7.35% to maturity. In case of earlier redemp¬ tion of the entire issue at 103%, the yield increases gradually to a maximum of 8.78% if called on February 15, 1932, the earliest date on which the entire issue may be redeemed, and in case of any bonds redeemed at 100% by the sinking fund, to a maximum of 9.22% as to any bonds re¬ deemed on August 15, 1929. The undersigned reserve the right to close the subscription at any time without notice, to reject any application, to allot a smaller amount than applied for and to make allotments in their uncontrolled discretion. Payment for bonds allotted is to be made in New York funds, against delivery of tempo¬ rary certificates, deliverable if, when and as issued and received by the undersigned and subject to the completion of our purchase and to approval of our counsel. The temporary certificates will be issued by The National City Bank of New York who will act as Bond Registrar. KUHN, LOEB & CO. THE NATIONAL CITY COMPANY New York, March 17, 1922. Paris, March 16, 1922. Messrs. Kuhn, Loeb & Co., and The National City Company, New York, N. Y. Dear Sirs: Referring to the issue of $30,000,000 6% External Sinking Fund Gold Bonds of this Company, due August 15, 1958, which form part of an authorized total loan of $40,000,000, I beg to give you the following information : The Compagnie des Chemins de Fer de Paris à Lyon et à la Méditerranée (Paris-Lyons-Mediterranean Railroad Company) was organized in 1857. It is by far the largest railroad enterprise in France, owning nearly 25% of the French broad gauge lines. The Company's concession expires December 31, 1958. Its system in France, comprising about 6,121 miles of road, consists of a main trunk line from Paris to Lyons, the chief industrial center of Southern France, and from Lyons to Marseilles, the most important French port on the Mediterranean, with branches and extensions throughout the part of France southeast of Paris, through the French Riviera and to the Swiss and Italian frontiers. In addition, the Company operates 641 miles in Algeria, of which 412 miles are under lease. The Company has outstanding debenture bonds to the amount of Fes. 8,065,800,500 and £5,000,- 000. None of these bonds carries any special security, nor is any part of the system or its rolling stock mortgaged in any way. The capital stock of the Company, originally amounting to Fes. 400,000,000 has, through amortization to date, been reduced to Fes. 345,161,000. Under the Convention of 1883, between the Govern¬ ment of the French Republic and the Company, the Government guaranteed a divi¬ dend of 11% to the holders of the capital stock of the Company. Before the war the Company was so successfully operated, however, that dividends in excess of the guaranty were paid out of earnings. At the outbreak of the war, the government took control of all the French railroads in order to insure efficient coordination for military purposes. A new Convention was entered into on June 28, 1921, between the French Government and the larger railroad systems, including this Company, approved by the "Law Regulating the Great Railroad Systems," dated October 29, 1921, re¬ vising the status of the railroads. Under this Convention and Law there is estab¬ lished a "common fund" for the purpose of creating financial solidarity of the large Companies and to provide for the balancing of the receipts and expenditures and, in case of need during any fiscal year, to provide the Companies with funds for their current treasury needs. The railroad companies shall turn over to the "common fund" any balance of their gross receipts available after providing for their operating expenses, interest and amortization of their loans, a variable "prime de gestion" (operating premium) intended to encourage efficient and economic operation, the guaranteed dividends to the stockholders and other charges as estab¬ lished by the Convention. If, at any time, the gross receipts of a railroad should be insufficient to meet the charges mentioned above, there will be paid to the rail¬ road out of the "common fund" any sums necessary to make up the deficiency. The Government of the French Republic has undertaken to provide the "com¬ mon fund" with any sums by which the receipts of the common fund may fall short of its requirements; provided, however, that if the Minister of Public Works so requires, the railroads will issue bonds for such purposes, the Government of the French Republic guaranteeing the interest, amortization and actual expenses of the service of such bonds until paid. The Convention further provides for an adjust¬ ment of tariffs, if necessary, in order to provide the railroads with sufficient revenue to meet expenditures. In regard to Fes. 1,673,000,000 of bonds issued by the Com¬ pany under special Law of December 26, 1914, to cover its deficiencies of Fes. 1,229,- 000,000 since the beginning of the war, the Convention provides that the Govern¬ ment will reimburse the Company therefor by the payment to the Company of annuities to cover the service for interest and amortization of these bonds. The Paris-Lyons-Mediterranean Railroad Company covenants, and the bonds will so state, that it will not, while any of the bonds of this loan are outstanding, be instrumental in, or give its consent to, any change in the Convention with the Gov¬ ernment of the French Republic, approved by the Law dated October 29,1921, which would curtail any security, guaranty, benefit or advantage accruing to the Company in respect of the bonds of this loan, or through the Company to the holders of the bonds of this loan under said Convention or said Law of October 29, 1921. The Railroad Company also covenants, and the bonds will so state, that, so long as any of the bonds of this issue shall be outstanding, it will not create any mort¬ gage, lien or other charge on any of its properties or revenues, or on any of the rights, benefits or advantages accruing to it under the Convention dated June 28, 1921, with the Government of the French Republic, and the Law of October 29,1921, approving the said Convention, unless such mortgage, lien or charge shall expressly provide that the bonds of this issue outstanding shall, ratably with any other indebt¬ edness which such mortgage, lien or charge may be given to secure, be entitled to the security afforded by and be secured by such mortgage, lien or charge. In case of repurchase of the concession of the Paris-Lyons-Mediterranean Railroad Company by the Government of the French Republic before the termina¬ tion of said concession, said Government has undertaken to indemnify the Com¬ pany by the payment of annuities, which will be sufficient to provide for the service of interest and amortization in respect to the bonds of this loan then out¬ standing. The Railroad Company has obtained assurance from the Government of the French Republic that, while any of the bonds of this issue are outstanding, no obstacle will be placed in the way of the Railroad Company regarding the pur¬ chase and remittance of the necessary funds to enable the Railroad Company to fulfill its obligations in respect thereof. The 6% External Sinking Fund Gold Bonds have been duly authorized by the Budget Law of the French Republic dated December 31, 1921, in accordance with Article 2 of the "Law Regulating the Great Railroad Systems," dated October 29, 1921, pursuant to the provisions of Title II of the Convention of June 28, 1921, entered into between the Government of the French Republic and the great French railroad systems, approved by said law. The proceeds of this issue will be utilized for purchases of rolling stock, for the electrification of certain lines and for other improvements. The present loan and £5,000,000 6% Sterling Bonds, of the same t3i^e as the present Dollar issue, quite recently issued in London with marked success at 86%, and now selling at 90f^%> form the only outstanding external long term debt of the Company. The bonds of this loan will be issued in coupon bearer form, in denominations of $1,000 and $500, will be dated February 15,1922, will mature on August 15,1958, and will bear interest from February 15, 1922, payable semi-annually on February 15 and August 15 in each year. Principal and interest and premium in case of anticipated redemption will be payable in gold coin of the United States of America of or equal to the standard of weight and fineness existing March 1, 1922, at the office of Kuhn, Loeb & Co., or at the office of The National City Bank of New York, in the City of New York, without deduction for any French governmental taxes or any other French taxes, present or future. Beginning August 15, 1929, the loan will be redeemed through a cumulative Sinking Fund by repurchases if bonds are obtainable at or below par, or by annual drawings at par if not so obtainable, in amounts sufficient to retire the whole issue by August 15, 1958. In case of drawings, the numbers of the bonds to be redeemed shall be deter¬ mined by lot and notice of redemption, specifying the numbers of the bonds desig¬ nated for redemption, shall be published twice a week for at least three weeks pre¬ ceding the redemption date, in two newspapers of general circulation in the City of New York by Kuhn, Loeb & Co., the fiscal agents for the loan. On February 15, 1932, or on any interest payment date thereafter, the Com¬ pany "may at its option redeem all the bonds of this loan then outstanding, but not a part thereof, at 103% of the principal amount thereof and accrued interest, pro¬ vided notice of such redemption be published twice a month for at least three months preceding the redemption date, in two newspapers of general circulation in the City of New York. Application will be made to list the 6% External Sinking Fund Gold Bonds on the New York Stock Exchange. Yours very truly, (Signed) STÉPHANE DERVILLÉ, President, Board of Directors. The above letter, having been received by cable, is subject to correction. 3 5556 042 158436 This book is a preservation facsimile produced for the Northwestern University Library. It is made in compliance with copyright law and produced on acid-free archival 60# book weight paper which meets the requirements of ANSI/NISO Z39.48-1992 (permanence of paper) Preservation facsimile printing and binding by Acme Bookbinding Charlestown, Massachusetts 2012